/n t/ie Interests of the Jewish People ttiiten d IUS Kv I'OBI office nt Umnhn.<
Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism
Mallei on Jununrjr -27, liTil, at u uder the Act of Matcb 3. 1879
Report La Lupescu NeedjPlpthiiig1 for Being Made Ready Destitute in Omaha for Title, Church
VOL. IX—No. 32
8, 1933
Sokolow Re-elected As World Zionist President
J. J. Greenberg, chairman London, (J.T.A.)—Magda Lupes- of Mis. the clothing committee of the icu, titian-haired mistress of King Federation's Family Welfare deCarol of Roumania, is to be accepted partment, is asking Omaha Jewry into the Greek Orthodox Church, clothing far Omaha's destitute adopted as his daughter by a Rou- for manian prince and will then become families. Anyone having wearable, clothing the bride of the Roumanian ruler, the London -Express sensationally re- to donate—men's, women's or children's—is urged to call the J. C. C, ports. .-..._-..• . 1366, or Mrs, Greenberg, The plans, the Express reports, Jackson Walnut 4371. have been prepared with the utmost Arrangements will be made to secrecy for fear that the Iron Guard and other Roumanian anti-Semitic pick, the clothing up, <-~if it cannot ' organizations will utilize the oppor- be delivered. tunity -to incite the populace to pogrom-measures. Mme. Lupescu, a PRAGUE—The venerable seventy- adopted a resolution to send a com•Protests from every part of- the the Jews and by its "violent, tone and Jewess, is strongly disliked by. the two year old Nahum Sokolow was re- mission to Palestine to investigate the \f6ild~came youring—in-upon- release language, effectually smashed any Roumanian population and several elected president of the World Zion- alleged use of violence anu terrorof the report to the Jewish Telegra- illusions that the Jews in Germany attempts have "been made on her life. would find the chancellora refuge ist Congress, following Dr. Chaim istic methods by a certain Revisionist phic Agency in Berlin by the Deutsche With anti-Semitism increasing in Weizmann's refusal to accept re-elec- group." Landhandlesbund, the Nazi" depart- from extremist Nazis such as Goeb- Roumania, the Express declares, it tion. The evidence at the Jaffa trial coninent for agrarian trade and industry, bels, G o e r i n g , Rosenberg and is feared that disclosure of this plan Weizmann's followers had made cerning the death of Dr. Chaim Arwill -have far-Teaching results. that negotiations "for the import into Streicher, the boycott organizer. The proclamation did not refer to strong efforts to induce the forme! losoroff was used by the Laborites to The church, according to the ExGermany of Palestine oranges and for Zionist head to again assume the heln- renew their drive on the Revisionists, the export of German goods in Ger- foreign affairs as expected, but after press, has been induced to accept t u t he placed certain conditions as holding that the data uncovered there man vessels to Palestine are being a recapitulation of the e v i l s of Mme, Lirpescn as a member. After necessary before he 'would accept. incriminated the Revisionist party. conducted between the Reich's minis- "roarxist rule, characterized the Jews her conversion, a. member of the Among these were that he would be The Democratic Revisionists, headtry, for food and the foreign. depart- with the quotation from the German Roumanian nobility, whose identity historian Mommsen, that Jews are is not disclosed by the Express, will Expanded Educational Commitgiven the power to name the execu- ed by Grossman, who seceded from the ment of the Palestine government. "the ferment of decomposition in a adopt her. Thus Carol will be able tive and that the status of Zionists Jabotinsky Revisionists, will hereafter The agreement, as announced in,the nation's tee at J. C C. Planning life." to surmount the obstacles of- Mme. and non-Zionists should remain un- be known as the Jewish State Party. Berlin press, has not been concluded Forum Series changed. The former proved an insurDr. Stephen S. Wise, in a long adbut this is likely within a few days. In view of the international affi- Lupescu's birth as a commoner and of the Jews and the particu- Jewess. mountable obstacle. Dr. Weizmann, dress, attacked the Laborites, who by The alleged agreement provides for liations William Grodinsky has been apdanger to Germany from this," who was close by, did not come to virtue of their forty-four per cent of the import from Palestine of oranges lar pointed chairman of the educational stated his proclamation, "we must Prague for the congress. In reply to the delegates, now control the Zionto the value of eight to ten-million more, than committee of the Jewish Community eliminate this spirit a last minute wire by his adherents ist affairs. Rabbi Wise also launched marks' and the purchase-in Palestine of disbelief,ever, Center and Welfare; Federation. .Inincarnate the Jews, he stated that he had no intention of into an attack trpon Weizmann and of double that amount in German from among our people.in The cluded .under the jurisdiction of this Nazis committee is the Community Forum Fifth Annual Mid-West Confer- changing his mind and wants to do his policies. In return, several noted products, all shipping to be done in are determined to continue the bitter only work for the relief of German Zionists, including Katzenelson of series. The announcement of the apGerman bottoms. fight against the poisoners of the ence Held in Sioux Palestine and Fishman of New York Jewspointment was made by Jack Marer, first German people until they are enWhen the Nazi of authorities City One of the most vexing problems bitterly condemned liabbi Wise. chairman of the Center Committee, made announcement this a storm of tirely destroyed." before the Congress was disposed of at a luncheon meeting of the educaprotest was provoked at the World Despite the great dissatisfaction tional group at the Hill hotel, Wed- The fifth annual midwest confer- when, in a stormy session, amid the among Zionists over the composition Zionist Congress meeting in Prague. ence of the Workmen's Circle was loud protests of the Revisionists, it of the Jewish Ajrency, the same pro• Zionist leaders denied the truth of National Union of German Jews nesday. portion of half Zionists and half nonreports that they were involved in the According to plans discussed Wed- held in the Elks Club, Sioux City, Ia^ and "Rundschan" Both on Sunday and Monday. Zionists will be retained. The Jewish negotiations, and the British Colonial nesday, the Forum series will inAttack "Interference" The newly elected officers are all Agency is the body recognized by the Office and the Palestine government clnde lectures by five outstanding League of Nations and by Great officials declared that they knew nothspeakers, one a month beginning in from Omaha, They are: N- Martin, Warsaw, (J.T.A.)—A number of BERLIN (J. T. A)—Holding that December and ending in ApriL chairman; L. Witkin, treasurer, and Britain, the mandatory power, as the ing of the reported deals. Jewish hisotrians will take an active S. Lipp, secretary. representative of Jewry in all PalesHerr Kintz, director of the fruit de- part in the deliberations of the In- the German Zionists and friends of Chairman Grodinsky has appointed tine questions. partment of the Nazi commercial or- ternational History Congress which Zionism are responsible for the pres- Mrs. A. D. Frank and Eugene Blazer The delegates were: In an address to the congress Morganization, countered by stating that opened here, with 900 historians rep- ent situation of /the Jews, The Nation- to serve with him on the committee, Omaha Branch 173: A. Forman, I*. ris of New York, presiGeorge Halperin, well known' Zionist resenting various countries in the al Union of German Jews, the organ- which will work with Jacub S- Peari- Witkin. M. Selicow, and S. lipp. Sooth Africa dentEothenberg. ization headed by Dr. Max Naumann, of the Zionist Organization of Omaha Branch 258: N. Martin and (J.JOHANNESBURG, leader and a director of the Anglo- world present. stien, executive secretary, in obtain. T. A.)—Resentment at the action which recently endorsed the Hitler America, urged an international loan S. Lerner. Paiestine Bank, conducted the negoAmong them were Dr. Moses Scliof Premier Hertzog in appealing- to through and attempted to find means ing the speakers for the Forum sethe Lincoln. Branch 399: N. Hill and the ll s t I l e League of Nations, with tiations with: the Nazi Land Tra-Je prr, Dr. Meyer Balaban and Dr. program ries. Jews of South Africa not to pros" T T ••' • V enlisting German nationalist Jews t"h e " " " A- Polsky. League. He further stated that the Isaac. Shipper, xepresenting Poland; for « + „ w ™ + f o ^ w r.r,TTr,»r,-r w nations of the world participatmi o Due to the cancellation of ihe Lew- Lincoln' Branch 399B: Miss Belle ccute a boycott against Germany has ing, Jto finance in the Hitler movement, in a declarthe settlement of negotiations will be continued in Tel Dr. Halevi, of Roumanian Drs. Sim- ation published here, protests against is E. Lawes lecture last season bestirred the South African Jewish com- German Jews in Palestine. Gordon and Mrs. Goldberg. Aviv with the representatives of the eon Dubnbw, .Wischnitzer, Tscherithe "attempt to influence; government cause of illness, all Who.bought tick- : Des Moiries Branch 4.06: Ed Mason, munity and drew much criticism to Trade League who are; now on1 their kower and Jacob - L'eschtschinsTa of measures Mr- Rothenberg proposed that the the premier from -non-Jewish as well ets last year jdll be-*grrai ibis year's S. Asarch, and by-foreign pressure." way to .Palestine-: - i--- -- Germany; Drs. Jacob Schatzki arid loan be modeled after that floated by as from Jewish citizens. Indignation tickets for $2.50, a reduction" of 50 Sioux City Branch 664: I. Singer, was expressed at the premier's atti- the League of Nations for the reHowever,-in Prague, S. "Hoofien, SI Zeitlin of the United States; Dr. The Union declares that German Cents.. Single admissions will be one A. Rozmofsky, ancf Max Dervin. of Greeks. American Zionmanager of.the Anglo-Palestine Bank, Levy of Italy; France i s represented Zionists, though officially not partici- dollar. that South Africans had no basis lpatriation s t s }ie Des Moines Branch 1004: M. Eos- tude denied' repbtts' that Halperin had ne- by Drs. Lion Kohn, Lewi Eisenman, pating in the World Zionist Congress The educational committee has been for protesting over the way "a state ' declared, had reason to believe t h a t t h e United States gotiated the deal with Germany and Gustav Gleitz, Mark Bloch, Arirlre at Prague, nevertheless doubtlessly in- expanded to care for the many activ- enfeld and M. Hamberger. treats its own nationals." " ! povernthe Congress to adopt a resOmaha fraternal organizations were mellt asserted that the bank had nothing Blum, Jacques Weisel, Kalischer and fluenced "The premier must always receive ! *'°v]d find a means to co-operities which come under its jurisdicolution urging foreign powers to into do with it. Chalfan. The Hebrew University terfere in the internal affairs of the tion and includes Eugene Blazer, represented by the following dele- the rescectful attention of the citi-i a t e i n aT1^ practical measures undergates: Omaha Labor Lyceum—S. Zustaken. It is believed in London that the re- is being represented by Drs. Schorr Harry. Cohen, Mrs. Max _ Fromkin, | m ^ ; Ladies' Labor Lyceum Club— zens," Morris Kentridge, a member of The reported agreements with Gerports* may have some basis in the pos- and Balaban who also speak for Reich. parliament, told the Jewish TelegraMrs. Max Holzman, William Holz"Trusting to the sound sense of Mrs. JElkin. many came in for considerable dissible .attempt of some individual or- Poland. phic Agency. "At the same time it the German people," the declaration man, Aaron Katz, Jack Marer, Rabbi The conference gave a vote of cannot be regarded as unreasonable or cussion. The orange deal was particThe Jewish savants are scheduled states, ange grower to obtain a German marUri Miller, Mrs. Henry Monsky, Louis thanks "the Union expects a solution to the officers who served the harmful for South Africa if the Jew- ularly criticized, but S. Hoofien, manto address the conference on various from inside Germany, without foreign Iipp, Ben Kazlowsky, Yale Kroloff, ket. However, Jewish leaders through- historical subjects especially on Jew- interference, will be found shortly Dr. Leo Fellman, Edward Shafton, past term. They were: Max Crounse, ish people are impelled with justifiable ager of the Anglo-Palestine Bank, chairman; L. Witkin, treasurer, and denied reports that a director of that out the world in criticizing any such ish themes. permitting really German-feeling Jews William Grodinsky, Arthur Cohn, Mil- S. lipp, secretary. Votes of thanks resentment and ordinary self-respect, bank had been negotiating with Gernegotiations, freely expressed the to refuse to have commercial relations to co-operate in the National German ton Abrahams, Frank Ackerman, Mrs. were also voted to Irving Hill for his opinion that this was a publicity stunt Harry Weinberg Heads State." Louis Neveleff, Mrs. Sam Green, Mr?. excellent address and to Branch 664 with a country which refuses to have many. It was pointed out at the congress which the Nazis hope to use as a The Eighteenth World Zionist Con- Alexander D- Frank, Dr. David C. and the Ladies' Auxiliary for their anvthing to do with Jews." that while the three-million-mark weapon with which to break the boy- Young People Synagog gress Profound dissent from the views Platt, Miss Madeline Cohn, Miss Ruth at Prague misconceived the Gerhospitality to delegates and guests. cott of German-made goods. registered by Premier Hertzog was deal may have some justification, in situation when it demand- Pollack, Sam Zachaiia, Al Mayer, RabHarry Weinberg was elected pres- man-Jewish expressed by Tielman Eoos, leading j that it enables emigrants to take Frederick Cohr, Rabbi David A. Berlin, (J.T.A.)—The Ministry o* ident of the Young Peoples Syna- ed the restoration of Jewish rights in bi money out of Germany, the agreeSouth African statesman. Goldstein, Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky, Dr. cc 'Economy published the full text of gogue at the first organization meet- the Reich, the Juedische Rundschau, Morris Margolin, Mrs. Jeannette Arn- Buffalo Girl Head ment on the shipment of oranges to lt must always remain the duty of the decree for the transfer of Jewish ing of this group which was organ- official organ of the German Zionist stein, Abner Kaiman, Justin Wolf, in return for the purchase of Junior Hadassah civilization to protest against meth- Germany Federation declared editorially. The property to Palestine. of German goods, is positively harmized by a group of young men and suspension ods of cruelty and oppression," he deMiss Rose G_rodinsky, and Dr. Oscar of the Rundschau by the and against the interests of the The decree stated that the agree- women who "felt the need for reli- secret police, CHICAGO (J. T. A.)—The tenth clared. He attacked the South African ful because it replied to an Belzer. Jewish world. ment was concluded with the "con- gious services of appeal to the young article by Alfred government for its stand and conconvention of the Junior Hadassah, Rosenberg, Hitler cerned Jewish bodies" in order to Jewish people." closed here after adopting a number cluded that "the interests of the op- The orange agreement was given adviser and editor of the Voelkischer further the' emigration of German Other officers are Gertrude Roth- Beobachter, criticizing the Zionist parand brought stateof resolutions on the German Jewish pressed and of Germany itself, neces- ont by the Jews to Palestine, through allotting kop, vice-president and reporter; Is- ley, was lifted last week. situation and electing officers for the sitate condemnation of the present ments from the Zionist offices, Palestine government and British govthe necessary sums without exces- rael Bercovici, secretary; Erwin Wez- The resolution of the Congress on attitude against minorities." coming year. ernment officials to the effect that sive pressure upon the foreign cur- elman, treasurer. Besides these offi- the German situation,- the "Rundschau Among the resolutions adopted by none of them knew anything about it rency reserves of the Reichsbank, cers the executive committee consists points out, mistakenly, aims at the rethe convention was one demanding the Boycott in Toronto nor had they heard anything about it. and also to increase German exports of George Geffen, William Wolfe, Joe establishment of Jewish rights when creation of a^nified public opinion, TORONTO—Representatives of over Solomonow, Anne Silverman, and Ed- Jews should ask at present, not for to Palestine. through propaganda or otherwise, sixty Jewish women organizations Services will be ushered in at Temward RosenbaumRabbi David AThe Reichsbank opened two special against the conditions now existing in here proclaimed an official boycott of Dole Denied to the re-establishment but for the creaccounts with the Bank of the Tem- Goldstein is helping, the group in an ating of a basis for Jewish life and ple Israel next Friday evening, Sep Germany. German-made goods in Ontario. tember 15, at 8 p. m. Rabbi FredJewish Jobless ple Society (a small German bank in advisory capacity./ existence. . Palestine) in favor of the Anglo- The development of the synagogue The Rundschau further expresses erick Cohen will speak on "Reno- An increase in the budget from by German Nazis $50,000 to $62,000 was voted by the Codify Immigration Rules is proceeding apace. The leaders'ex- displeasure at the reference to reli- vated Religion." Palestine bank. conference. JERUSALEM—The Palestine AdTie first special account, which is press the hope that they will be able gious discrimination in the Congress The services will be preceded by a BERLIN (J. T. A)—A government supper under the auspices of the Celia Slohm of Buffalo was elected ministration has promulgated an or- decree limited to three million marks, pro- to have services attractive and in- resolution, prohibiting unemployed Jews explaining that it probably national president of the Junior Hadinance codifying existing immigraTemple Israel Sisterhood, with Mrs. spiring and in accordance with the vides that investment funds which from drawing unemployment doles is was in reference to the ban on sehetion regulations and practices. Mollie Cohen, chairman. exceed fifteen thousand marks should spirit of Jewish tradition. contemplated by the authorities, it Jewish ritual slaughtering. The be paid for buying German goods George Geffen is in charge of mem- chita, was reliably learned. The number destresses the point that Nazi dis- The supper is x>pen to the publicwhile the same amount-will be credit- bership enrollment. All interested are paper Reservations, which may be , made pendent on the doles, swelled in recent crimination is not directed against the ed to emigrants in Palestinian asked to attend the next meeting on Jewish religion but against the Jew- with Mrs. Cohen, Walnut 7144, must months by the overwhelming dismisspounds by the Anglo-Palestine Bank. Wednesday, September 13, at the J. ish race. be in by Thursday noon. als of Jews from their occupations in ' The second special account is de- C. C. or communicate with Geffen or all classes, is estimated to exceed a The paper ascribes this reference to The temple, has been redecorated, signed for the payments by German Weinberg. and new carpeting has been put in. hundred thousand. religious persecution by the orthodox Jews "who-Wish to invest in Palestine Despite the withdrawal of the dole elements represented there. The Temple Sunday School will now but plan to emigrate later. Any-, NEW YORK—The Independent Orfrom the Jewish unemployed, effected open Sunday morning, September 17. • London. (J.T.A.)—The National proceeding toward Hollywood in an already one may pay up to fifty thousand der Brith Abraham has joined the boyin innumerable cases, without BASLE—The Swiss Federation of The annual congregational meeting Socialist movement in Germany is efforts to persuade Aryan stars to legal sanction, marks into this account, which is cott movement, according to an anJews still working will also utilized ior buying German nouncement issued by Max Silyerstein, Labor has gone on record favoring a will be held Sunday afternoon, Sep- prepared to spend millions of dollars act in pictures impregnated with the be compelled to contribute to the untember 17, at the Temple, starting at boycott of German-made goods. for the purchase of cinema theatres Nazi spirit in an effort to counter- employment insurance goods and the amount being credited national grand master of the order. funds from 3:30 p. m. outside Germany to fascflitate the act what they consider "the Jewish which they will never benefit in Palestine. after Rabbi Cohn is looking forward to spread of Nazi propaganda. The decree; explicitly stated that spirit" in films. their dismissal from their jobs. a year of renewed activities and accounts cannot be used for any The extent and direction of this The purchase of moving picture Withdrawal of the dole will result greater spiritual achievement. other purpose than for investing in move were revealed in the current istheatres outside Germany is regarded in no alternative but starvation for Palestine. A special trustee corporasue of The Cinema Magazine, which as an essential preliminary to the thousands of unemployed Jews, since tion for advising prospective immistates that Nazi advance agents have Colony of Converted it is quite impossible for them to obgrants to'Palestine was founded. been visiting the leading European exhibition on an international scale tain work and the Jewish communiof Nazi propaganda films, the proHitler at Nuremberg Jews in Palestine capitals intending to purchase chains duction of which has been proceeding ties, which in the past supported the Montreal, (J.T.A.)—An act worth constable learned that the applicant Berlin.—The savage attack upon recording is that of an aged German had come to Canada from a little "of movie houses in important towns, Jewish poor, are now unable to conthe Jews made by Adolf Hitler in Ms who this week walked up to the village on the banks of the Rhine JERUSALEM (J. T. A.)—A He- preferably industrial centers, the at a feverish pace. tinue doing so due to the general improclamation read to the convention desk of the constable at the local forty years ago. Since that time, brew-Christian colony is soon to be Nazi Film Bureau being prepared to poverishment of the Jewish communiof the "National Socialist {Nazi) Royal Canadian Mounted Police including the years of the Great established in Palestine. A tract of pay up to five million pounds for a ty and the abolition of compulsory party in Nuremberg, came'as a great; headquarters and explained that he War, when Germans /were not popu- land for this purpose has already specific number of moving picture At Frankfort Uni taxation for the community's needs shock to the Jew! of Germany who wanted to get his naturalization pa- lar in this country, he had clung been acquired with funds supplied houses. BERLIN—The total number of Jews for this purpose. had cherished the hope that In Hitler pers. steadfastly to his allegiance to the from London. The settlement will be Already, according1 to the British dismissed from the faculty and staff lay the solution -of - the Jewish issue "Your name?" the policeman asked, Fatherland. Now, however, Ms faith located near Gaza. film periodical, the Nazis have ob- of the University of Frankfort, it was BINGHAMTTON, N. Y. — A. E. on the basis''-pirthe chancellor's ab- beginning to fill out the required in Germany has been shaken, Orange groves are being planted tained the circuit of movie houses in revealed, is 88. Gold, prominent Binghampton attorstention from anti-Semitic remarks preliminary form. The applicant told "Why are you giving up your Ger- and houses constructed for the col- France, the leading theatre of which This includes professors and lectur- ney, active in Jewish communal afin all of his public speeches: since lie him- "Your age;?" was the next man citizenship?" the constable asked onists. A church, the only church is the Aubert Palace; other houses ers and other members of the staff fairs, was announced as the choice of came to power. *juery. "Seventy,", responded the curiosly. built exclusively for converted Jews involved are the Gaumont-I'Eanco- but does not include the Jewish stu- the Democratic organization for the His declaration, however, made up would-be Canadian. "It's that Hitler," -was the old man's in the -world, "will be built in the Aubert chain. dents who have been compelled to office of district attorney of Broome for his lone silence on the subject of Nazi envoys are reported to be abandon their studies there. During the farther questioning the simple but very significant reply. 1 county. }
Weizmann Refuses Return to Leadership When His Conditions Rejected
Denials Made of Nazi Report of "Orange" Trade Arrangement
Temple Services Will Start Next Friday Evening
Nazis Buying Up Movie Chains for Propaganda
"That Hitler" Causes German to Seek Canadian Citizenship
PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1933 ducted with the co-ojieration of thetours over the country with RosenblattCity Talmud TorahThe religious school of the Vaad "Cantor Malek needs no introducwill start,in the school rooms of thetion to Omaha Jewry," stated Mr. B'nai Israel synagogue on Sunday, Harris, "as he is one of the leading September 10. The teachers are un-cantors in the country. He not only der the supervision of Rabbi Miller possesses a fine, sweet voice, but also Temple Israel and Mr. I. Morganstern. the power to interpret the prayers The Hebrew class will meet Mon- touchingly. There will be no admitServices at Temple Israel will be- day evening at 7:30 at the B'nai Is- tance without tickets." gin next Friday evening, September rael synagogue. At 8 p. m. that eveTickets, which are being sold at 15, starting at 8 p. m. Rabbi Fred- ning a meeting of* the Supreme Ad- reasonable prices, may be obtained at erick Cohn's sermon will be on "Ren- visory Council of the Vaad will be the shule from 7 to 10 p. m. eveovated Religion." held. nings, or else by calling Atlantic September 10, at 10 o'clock at the 7669. synagogue at 18 Mynster street. Also, The services will be preceded by a supper under the auspices of the Sisregistrations will begin Sunday mornBeth Hamedrosh ing and continue throughout the week terhood, with Mrs. MoIIia Cohen, for the Hebrew School classes. Every chairman. Reservaticas XB&J lie made Hagodol child is urged to register during next by calling Mrs- Cotwira, .Wains* 7144, and musD »a iin by Thursday noon. week. Announces the Opening of to announcement by Mr. The Sunday school. will .open Sep- L.According Offices of Harris, president, Cantor Joseph tember 17. .'••'•' ••"•' Malek will conduct services during Mrs. Louis H. Katelman and small Chiropody and Foot the High Holydays at the Beth Hamson, Avrum, are spending- ten days in St. Louis, Missouri, where they are -Conservative Synagog" edrosh Hagodol synagogue, 19th and Orthopedics Burt. visiting Mrs. Katelman's parents, Mr. at and Mrs. Sol Gross. : Cantor Malek formerly conducted This Friday evening marks the be- services Tel Aviv has been graced with a achievements have been in the face participation in State disbursements in Omaha. He has sung in 824 World-Herald Building number of names, depending upon of. severe financial odds, ^s -placed, upon population, requirements. Mr. and Mrs. J. Z. Stadlan and fam- ginning of the series of Friday eve- many of the leading synagogues in Phone AT. 7501 the nationality of the" nomenclator. in the" anomalousi" position"of- being (Copyright "1933 by"the' Jewish Tele- ily have returned home following a ning services for the year. the country, and succeeded the great graphic Agency, Inc.) In association with Some call the "Jewish wonder city" watcher by the Jewish people as two weeks' visit in Chicago and at Rabbi David A. Goldstein will speak Cantor Josef Rosenblatt as chazan of DR. ADAM GARTNER, JR. the "Rivera of the Eastern Mediter- never before, but with insufficient Miller's "Beachr at 'Lake Michigan; on "The Blessing and the Curse." the Ohab Zedek synagogue in New ranean"; others call it "the Miami of funds to rise to the emergency. While in Chicago tfcyey. attended thie Arrangetoerife v have already been .York. He also made many concert tiftj Levant"; there are those who, remade for the HigH Holyday services. Century of Progress exposition. Hundreds of applications'from dismembering the distractions of their missed professors, lecturers and proIf there be anyone who would like to youth in England, delight in nick- fessional meii are received weekly at i Sam Steiman of Winnipeg, Canada, worship with the Conservative SynaTHE naming it "the Bournemouth of Pa-the University offices; its student left Saturday night for his home, fol- gogue and yet Cannot afford a memlestine". But whatever the visions body for the" next academic year will BY F. B. K. lowing a three weeks' visit here at bership, let him communicate with evoked, none will deny that Tel Aviv certainly be almost doubled; people home of his uncle and aunt, Mr. Rabbi Goldstein, who will arrange for The engagement of Miss Louise the is'the "Pride of the East." tickets of admission. and Mrs. Ben Telpnsr. already in the country or those Herzoff, daughter of Mrs. Anna Her•Next year promises to mark an planning to get here are bombarding epoch in the history of a city that, it with requests, some almost plead- zoff of Sioux City, to Mr. Nathan E. Mrs. Leo Blank and son, Lane Burof Nebraska Women YaadH'Ihr twenty-five years ago, was a mere ing for the chance to^reach its re-Gilinsky of Council Bluffs, was an-ton, of Minneapolis, Minn., arrived nounced during the past week. Mrs. handful of houses. The Levant Fair, fuge. And yet nothing can be done here last week to spend several weeks Try a Bag Today now an established institution in Pa-because of the difficulties to main- Herzoff entertained at a reception in visiting Mrs. Blank's father, Barney Thtf season of activities for the honor of her daughter and her fiance Gilinsky. Mrs. Blank, accompanied by Vaad HThr, United Orthodox Synalestine, intends staging an • Exposi- tain even the present structure. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gilinsky accom- her sister, Miss Adah Gilinsky, left gogue, will begin tonight with the tion that will cover a hundred thouspanied their son to Sioux City Sunday Monday for Chicago.. ,to spend a week opening of Friday evening services, and r^uare metres of space. The 1934 Levant Fair, coinciding with the* A noteworthy feature "of the Pa-to attend "the reception, returning at the World's Fair,; and are expected to be held at the B'nai Israel synasemi-jubilee anniversary of Tel Aviv's lestine Government's financial ac- home the following day,' ". gogue at 8 "prrfirKabbi'TJri Miller's here Sunday. J ^ establishment, will create that same counts for 1932-33 is a surplus of Mr Gilinsky is a" graduate of Creighsermon subject is "A Code for Judapanorama of earnest and unremit- half a million pounds, or no less ton law school in Omaha, and is now ism." Cantor A. Schwaczkin and his Mr. and Mrs. jy&odin returned ting development that the "Century than $2,500,000 clear profit upon an engaged in law practice in Council home Sunday • from.*' Sioux* City, la., male choir will assist in - conducting Income of fifteen million dollars. Just of Progress" Exposition has achieved Bluffs. . ••...• ••:-. where they spent a week visiting rel- the services. in Chicago. A picturesque site has where the Jewish population has asatives.>--•:»>,.:•' :•.:...••' .•••-:'•' The Junior Congregation will hold been chosen, on the huge triangle of sisted in enriching the State coffers its opening service Saturday '• mornPlans have been completed for the land formed by the confluence of the is no mystery: the major part of the Yarkon river and the Mediterranean revenues have come from customs NRA Dance to be'given Sunday night, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Raduziner return- ing at 10 o'clock at the B'nai Israel o<;ean. It was here that, in the dues, license fees, and tax collections. September 10, at the Hotel Chieftain. ed home Sunday from a two weeks' synagogue. These services are conspring of 1932, the Maceabiade was The rapid utilization of the country's This _ is the annual fall dance spon- honeymoon trip in Denver, Colo. Mrs. held, attracting international inter- long dormant resources, the influx sored by the Council Bluffs Chapter Raduziner was, before her marriage, Miss Lyl Steinberg. The young couple est. of vast amounts of capital and Gov- No. 7 of the A. Z. A., and the dance will make their -home at 102 North this year is called for the New Deal, .At the outbreak of the War, Tel ernment levies upon land and other '•No. Evensay Recovery Anceday." Joe 36th street in Council Bluffs. Aviv had about 150 houses and 1,500 transactions, increased productivity, Solomonow is in charge of this affair inhabitants; today there are more higher yields of lucrative crops (parMr. and Mrs. Abe H. Marcus and many novelty stunts are being arthan seven million square meters of ticularly oranges),—all these are and family left Tuesday for Fairbury, ranged. Art Randall and his orchestra traceable to Jewish enterprise. It area and more than 130,000 inhabit.the .music for dancing, and Neb., where they will make their fuants. I t has nowadays nearly a hun- seems strange, in the face of those will-furnish a good time is assured' all who make ture home, -v\ -, facts, that most of the $12,500,000 dred schools and "kindergartens, inOMAHA'S STYLE CENTER . . . UTH AND HARNEY their plans to attend this affair. Adr cluding several secondary educational expended not only has been spent "upHenry Mendelson is expected home mission will be one dollar per couple. on Arab needs, but Jews have had institutions. Against this figure there Saturday from Chicago, where he is are 320 elementary and secondary less than their share upon popula- Tickets can be purchased from any spending the week visiting the Censchools which the Palestine Govern- tion-ratio standards in police admin- member of the A. Z. A. or at the tury of Progress exposition. nfent maintains for the Arab popu- istration, public works, educational Chieftain hotel Sunday night. lation. „< ;i ,-*... •;/_; . ' and health services. Joseph Solomonow spent the past No amount of suave \ diplomatic The Council Bluffs Independent Or week-end visiting^ifr Kansas City, Mo., 1 The recent departure", for Europe language can explain away the great der of the B'nai Brith', Lodge No. 688, where he"attendifeflie'-A. Z. A; tennis of Dr. Judah Magnes, Chancellor of difference between Jewish contribu- will hold a meeting next Monday, Sep- tournament. - ., llt , the Hebrew University, must be tak- tions to State revenues and Jewish tember 11, at the Eagles Hall. Mrs. George Wright of Des Moines, en as the augury for the coming new la., arrived here last week for a. visit era in Jewish contributions to science Films, Too Mr. and Mrs. Harry Che,rniss and at the home of' fcer' son-in-law and and scholarship. It is now no secret BERLIN—A warning against any son, .Edward, returned home Tuesday daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Abe Markothat Chancellor Magnes went abroad attempt to exhibit foreign-made films from Chicago, where they spent the vitz. • ' T ..•..--.. to further University plans for thein which "fremdrassige" (alien race past month visiting relatives and also absorption of distinguished Jewish people, particularly designating Jews) attended the Century of Progress exMr. and Mrs. Phil Trochtenberg and members of the learned professions. participate position. was made by the presidaughter, Davida, who have been In these plans he has had the active dent of the film exhibitors conferspending tb.3 past* three. months here co-operation of Dr. Chaim Weizmann, ence. The Council Bluffs Sunday School visiting Mr. Troehtenberjs^s mother, President of the Board of Governors The German public, he declared, classes will begin on Sunday morning, Mrs. H. Trochtenberg, left' Thursday of the University. "will know how to differentiate in September 17. However, registrations for Oklahoma City, Okla.-, where they .The Chancellor has drawn up antheir choice." will take place this Sunday morning, will make their future home. ambitious plan of expansion. If world Jewry would provide that million dollars for which he appealed in a recent address, and of which Mrs. Felix Warburg's donation of ?100;00Q in memory of her parents, Jacob and Theresa Schiff, was the first and illustrious response, then the anxieties and struggles of the University would have. been easily overcome. But the University, great though its
Building Up a Home in Land of Palestine
Religious Services
From JewishHomeland Encouraging and Constructive
Dr. Bernard A. Plotkm
Council Bluffs News
mar wonder our
Whatever the School Theres Only One Rule and That's Carman's
National Shoe
The National Shoe Repair has opened a second location in the-Hotel Hfll building at 509 So. 16. William Miller is the manager. They are also retaining their old location in the Faidley building.
World Theater One week Starting Friday, September 8th. "Shanghai Madness," s t a r r i n g Spencer Tracy, Fay Wray, Ralph Morgan, Eugene Pallette and Herbert Mundin comes to the World Theatre Friday for one week. Colored with China's life's blood, the "picture is the culmination of all the romance that films have tried to drag out of Shanghai and failed. The 'story revolves around the exploits of an American naval. officer who has been forced to resign his command and live in the midst of a vibrant coil of slink-eyed Mongols and disgraced whites. Replete with the thrills of a thousand narrow escapes, it is shot through with gunrunners, Communist uprisings, fights on the" water-front and a multiplir city of feverish episodes calculated to make this production, one of the mcst thrilling-ever, told about, the East. The picture is a romance of •white people against an'eyer-changing background of modern China. As a second complete feature the World is offering Helen Twelvetrees, Bruce Cabot and Adrienne Ames in "Disgraced", the story of a girl who, in the modern-manner,- gives everything fox love, only to find that the man she trusted has .betrayed her heartlessly, and is about to marry another woman. The picture reveals the modern girl as a courageous miss, ontbinking; p e r h a p s , but with strength, stamina and the power to demand • respect.
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Kosher Komments ~ in Hollywood I By "Ab" Kaiman
-Hollywood . . . •where the genius in a person is created . . . where relatives of film producers are elevated . . . and where hopeful souls from every city and hamlet, from • everywhere and anywhere . . . come to this, the most publicized city in America . . . and have their hopes and ambitions destroyed . . . a n d then again there are some who by dint of their own effort obtain an opportunity to reveal" their talent . . . rise to great heights in the most astonishing manner. For example: Boleslavsky, the great Russian director under contract to M.G.M. . . . he sat a t our table while we were luncheoning with a group at the studio . . . an intelligent conversationalist, very democratic in nature and of engaging interest, what with his broad Kussian accent . . . according to his friends he came to Hollywood penniless and broke . . . seeking a job as an extra in a Russian picture... . . . . He was of inestimable service in the recent picture "Rasputin" . . . his military training and travel has of course been a great aid' in his technical direction . . . Give It to Givot Had a real "closeup" of the premiere of "Dinner at Eight" at the Chinese theater . . . a galaxy of film stars and theater celebrities paraded Before a curious and admiring throng of thousands who lined the streets to get a glimpse of their favorite . . . the style display brought audible sighs and gasps from the women . Among the film folk, Harlow, Velez, Tfcressler, Berry and the Barrymores brought cheers from the crowd . . . theater stars now film favorites included Jimmy Durante, Jack Pearl, Jack Benny, the Marx Brothers, Ed .Wynn . . . and do my eyes deceive me! «-. . yes sir, George Givot . . . and believe it .or not, our own George . . . who has- become a tremendous favorite with radio audiences with his Greek dialect . . . shared honors with Ed "Wynn during the broadcast which was carried on the NBC network . . . this I judge from the comments I heard from many at the studio and other places . . . His "Hello Spor-r-t" and "What do you think of that" are becoming as popular"as"the"BarbnV expression "Vas you defe Sharlie"... I was present at a broadcast of the Columbia network from the local station KHJ the other evening . . . when the program included Jimmy Durante, Lupe Velez, Fifi D'Orsay, Polly Moran, Frank Morgan, Alice Brady, and several other stars and "so help me Hahsha," Givot while delivering his "Greek Ambassador" monologue had the crowd in "stitches" . . . and they were "belly" laughs, too . . . He has been signed by MGM to appear in three pictures . . . he will have a prominent part in the' musical "Hollywood Party" which is now in the process of being filmed and which includes Durante and Jack Pearl . . . if the scenes already "shot" are a criterion of what the picture will represent . . . then you can prepare to witness one of the funniest and most entertaining musicals of the season
home . . . he is now a merchant on Vine street.in Hollywood . . . Mr. and Mrs. Al DenelK . . H e is a Des Moines native and Mrs. Denell formerly the sprightly Flo Shames . V . Commis| sioner Dan Butler, please note! . . . And so on, ad infinitum . . . More next week of O m a h a n s . . . . .
LLOYD GEORGE ON WEIZMANN In his Memoirs, which Lloyd George has recently completed writing,. and which have already appeared in book form in England, the former. British premier tells of the .much discussed incident of Weizmann's. original entrance into British government* circles, which later was partly responsible for the issue of the Balfour Declaration. According to extracts from"~ this chapter, which I" have seen, Lloyd George in 1916 and the British government as a whole was much concerned over the supply of wood alcohol, which, it appears, is a necessary ingredient for the manufacture -of powder. . . " • " " * The demands of the war had raised the prices of wood alcohol exorbitantly. Contractors who had agreed to supply large quantities were unable to keep their agreements. A perilous situation confronted the British government and one day Lloyd George meeting the late C. P. Scott, editor of the Liberal Manchester Guardian, confided the difficulties to him.
and their King, Feisal, was recently received in London by His Majesty and the other big-wigs, with a parade that smacked of the best royal receptions. And what does Jewry get ? Five thousand immigration certificates a year, and a British loan of ten million dollars to help the Arabs in Palestine. And the loan is to -be paid for by taxes on Jewish industry. Smart people we are, eh?
ZAMENHOFF A POLISH JEW . I have received the following letter from that intrepid champion of Polish Jews, Mr. Z. Tygel, Executive Director of the Federation of Polish Jews. "May I call your attention to a little error in your column of August 25 in which you state that Dr. Ludwig Lazarus Zamenhdff, creator of Esperanto, was a Lithuanian .Jew. "The fact is that lir. Zamenhoff was a Polish Jew. He was born in Bialystok, which was never a part of
"There, is a chemist at the.TJniverT sity of Manchester who might help," said Scott to Lloyd George. — Weizmann was"introduced to Lloyd George, and the latter outlined the problem to the Jewish chemist. "Do -you think you can do - anything?" asked Lloyd George." "I don't know. I will try." ..'*'.. "The situation ' is"" "urgent," said. Lloyd George. "We" must find a solution quickly."" J - - ' - • . -•''.-' -j-;; "I -will' work day and night," said Weizmann. ' • • ".'•'•'"i".
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It is a noteworthy fact that Jewish chemists played a decisive part in the military activities of both sides of the .war. It is a matter of common knowledge that the supreme chemical achievement of the German side was Professor Fritz Haber's discovery of a process of isolating nitrogen from the air, without which it is admitted, Germany would have had to shout "Kamerad" long before she did. Wekmann got the Balfour Dedara-N tion. Haber today is without a post' in Germany because he is a Jew.
And by the way, here is a hint to the feminine admirers of the "Greek Ambassador" . . . he is. escorting a vivacious and most charming young lady . . . a social registerite from "New York. . . . Hello, Omaha . . . a frequent greeting here . . . whether strolling along the brilliantly lighted Hollywood boulevard or while in the midst of the noon hour rush on 7th and Broadway . . . which rivals the State and Madison and the Times Square sections ..'. .invariably meet some one from the old home town. . , . bless me, here SMART? O MY, YES And yet smart a people as we seem is_ Arthur Marowitz and his smiling "frau," the former Esther Epstein..; to be,' we must be pretty dumb after he is now a prominent attorney and all, for despite our Balfour JDedaraa very earnest and faithful worker in tions, despite our smart chemists and B'nai Brith and other organizations what not, even the little land of Pal. . . . an achievement worthy of men- estine is far from ours yet. The tion is his aid in the arrangement of Czechs have Czecho-SIovaMa and their one of the most notable gatherings in chemists didn't help the allies; Poland the history of the city . . . "Interna- got its independence, and Paderewski tional Relations Day" which brought was no chemist, but a piano player. together at a luncheon representatives The Arabs got Iraq and other parts, from all parts of the globe . ..Marowitz was chairman of the day.'.'.'. . and right around the corner, we meet Arthur Ro'senblum . . . active in Omaha in B'nai 'Brith,-Masonic- and AkTwo bedrooms with kitchen. Sar-Ben . . . now occupying imporBeautifully furnished. tant positions in B'nai Brith and other WE. 3527 civic and charitable activities here :'.. has a host of friends among whom are the leading characters -in every walk of life . . . and Mrs. Rosenbloom, a "Rose" that perpetually blooms with smiles . . . We stroll out of the Chinese theater and we-find Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kavich .V ; the Mrs. formerly known as Jeannette Shames .". . and sincerely delighted to meet their townspeople . . -. Kavich is prominent Large Bottie in ; the civic activity of the Hollywood ; ' 10c Merchants-. .. Mr. "and Mrs.; Max Xevin, she was Stella Bessell informer years . . . Incidentally Mai flew to Omaha "to-attend; the golden wedding anniversary of his parents, Mr. and •', • • ; ~ y e s s ..'•••• •'•;••; Mrs. A. Levin, Sunday . . .andnearby Mr. and Mrs. Louis Nathan '.'.'• . do you remember • Rose WhitebookJ . . . another charming couple who possess WE. 2131 fond -remembrances of "their;, former
BMg. :
852 Brandeis Theater .--.•-
The New Dnart Velzer Deuble Curler Permanent
Certified Public Acctm.
Withdraw "Hitler as Frankenstein
Weizmann sweated in his laboratory—day and night—and Eureka! he found a solution. ' ' '" "You have rendered a great service," said Lloyd George. " W h a t compensation do you want?" "I want nothing for myself. I want something for my"'people." j England at the time was anxious to obtain Jewish support through the world for the allied cause. The Balfour Declaration killed two birds with one stone—it provided this bait for Jewish support, and at the same time it provided the reward to Weizmann for a service, without which the prosecution of the war by the allies might have been seriously crippled.
which appears in the current Ameri- not be done. By that test—by the Lithuania. When Zamenhoff was a.HEBREW INSTEAD OF can Spectator, I note that Ernest appeal to the relative productivity of child, his family moved to Warsaw ENGLISH Boyd dishes out the old argument that Jews in the world of art today—Jewwhere he was brought up and where This idea of making Hebrew the he became a well-known eye specialist universal language, while obviously Jews are not artistic by citing the in- ry will come off as well as any other with an office on Dzika street. The fantastic, yet has a certain amount junction against the making of graven people, probably a wee bit better. name of the street was recently of plausibility when one considers the images. changed to Zamenhoff in his honor." part that the Bible has played in modIs it not a little absurd to use this as an argument without considering ern civilization. TYGEL'S BOOK Those 'who have read Mencken's the circumstances that brought it This department stands corrected "American Language" will recall that about. One might as well argue that and willingly accords the honor to he tells, of the advocacy among some the Greeks had no sense of petry bePolish Jewry. ' Some of our best of the early Americans after the Rev- cause Plato in his Republic urged the .friends are Polish Jews. olution of 1776 of a plan to establish banishment of all poets. London, (J.T.A.)—The publishers The Jews forbade graven images, Further Mr. Tygel sends me a copy Hebrew as the American tongue. for the good reason that to the anc- of "Hitler as Frankenstein," has anof his book in Yiddish "Gestalten" in at no time in the history ient, the first reaction to an image nounced that all traceable copies of which Mr. Tygel, who knew Zamen- of Probably the country was there proportion- was to set it up and worship it. The the book will be withdrawn and the hoff personally, sketches the founder ately so much Hebrew studied as dur- very reason in fact that the Bible is following insertion made in the book: of the international language. ing those early days. Hebrew then "The publishers are informed by We are especially interested in was regarded much as Latin as an so full of the warnings against idolareading Tygel's sketch of some of the essential of a liberal education. Cot- try may be evidence indeed that the J. P. Morgan and Company, that the activities of Zamenhoff before his Es- ton Mather in one of his writings la- ancient Hebrews suffered from an ir- statement that the firm contributed peranto days. Thus, for instance, at ments that so many people could repressible propensity to make them. funds to the Nazis i? without foundaone time he had hopes of Hebrew be- learn Hebrew in half the time that The one way for Boyd to prove that tion. In fact, neither Mr. Morgan coming' the universal language. At they waste in smoking. the Jews are -without artistic sense is ! nor the firm, nor any individual another time, he tried to establish to prove that their standing in con- partner, made any contributions to Yiddish on a more scientific basis, and JEWS AND ART temporary art is lower than that of Hitler or to any other German orwrote a Yiddish grammar. In that symposium on the Jews, the rest of the world. And that can- ganization."
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JRw* «*s»*lr Cm. KHAUS, ^
THE JEWISH PRESS Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by
THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY 'Subscription Price, o n e y e a r > - - - - - - « • « Advertising r a t e s furnished on application
Reich, but the Zionists supposedly represent a large percentage of world Jewry and had the opportunity to speak up strongly, even advocating a boycott. The time for mincing words is surely past; instead of throttling debate on any phase of the German situation, the congress should have let the Nazis have a full blast of condemnation. But thus endeth another World Zionist Congress. Above are some musings from the reports of the sessions. Somehow, th reports leave one unsatisfied, feeling something is missing. Somehow, the spirit, the fight, the fire we would like to see there has not been kindled.
The Human Panorama.... By Harry Mendelson
guidance of their lives. They can't help but respect strength in their governors, but seldom if the power and discipline in the hands of the adults are flaunted. It is their right to have the support which parents and teachers can give to prevent the precious spirit of their lives from being scattered, wasted and lost forever. But coercion, the insistence upon blind obedience, these instruments are seen to prove ineffective and harmful and they are nearly always unnecessary. Not infrequently have I seen where successful parents surrender their will almost as often as the children surrender theirs- Gradually a plan of life is agreed upon where it becomes a matter of give and take, a compromise in which there is a faith in the given word of each, a binding contract which both parties respect as a matter of honor. There is success and success, but one that stands out in my mind is that one achieved by successful parents and teachers — the love, admiration, respect and most intimate confidings of their young charges, gained only by tact, sincerity, comradeship, operi-mindedness and humility. Perhaps the highest compliment that may be paid to a teacher or even to a parent is the characterization that she or he is "human" or more suggestively, "a regular fellow" without the airs and pomposities that go with officiousness.
The light of the eyes rejoiceth the heart, and a good report maketh a person fat.
School days are here again! Much has transpired since most of us first entered public school. New invenA wise son maketh a father happy, Editorial Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building. ; tions, new social, economic and polbut a foolish man despiseth his moPrint Shop Address: 1307 Howard Street itical conditions and relations have put ther. Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center new demands and challenges to teachDAVID BLACKER - - - - Business and Managing Editor ers and school administrators. Much He that refuseth correction deFRANK R. ACKERMAN - - - - - - \ " " * "^Editor ink, passions and efforts have been spiseth his own soul, but he that A Martyr FANNIE KATELMAN - •• Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent consumed in attuning the present curhearkeneth to reproof getteth underANN PILL - - - - - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent The assassination of Professor Theodor Lessing, famous Ger- riculum to the new demands and needs standing. man Jewish philosopher, in Czechoslovakia where he was a refugee of contemporary life as well as in incorporating more enlightened and All the days of the poor are evil, from Nazi Germany, can be chalked up as another score for Hitler- more Palestine Oranges and Germany humane methods of handling but he who is of a merry heart hath and sadism. youngsters. a continual feast. A storm of protest was heard 'round the world when alleged ite bloodthirstiness Professor Lessing was known throughout Germany for his As I look back at my own early negotiations between Germany and the Zionists were revealed by pacifist views, and came into continual conflict with the authori schooling in the "cheder" in the old Talmud which German Zionists would be allowed to take three million ties and with the militant student youth through his attacks on country or that of native parents Rabbi Elazar said in the name of Rabbi Jochanan: "It is permissable marks out of Germany in the form of an equivalent amount of all reactionary forces in German life and his lectures against mili- •whose children are now in the high on the day of the Sabbath to decide schools with its regimentation, semiGerman goods. But that storm of protest turned out to be even tarism. A martyr to his cause, he showed more courage in pro- military discipline, emotionally-strainupon the amount of charity to be disless than a gust of wind compared to the tornado of objections mulgating his views against strong hostility than the cowards who ed atmosphere, lack of adventure of tributed among the poor." which came from all sides with the announcement this week of wanted.his death. learning and discovering, its vague, abstract, entirely bookish and unRabbi Samuel in the name of Rabbi alleged negotiations for the importation into Germany of Palesromantic presentation of subject-matJochanan said: "One is allowed to tine oranges and for the export of German goods in German vester as well as its complete absorption visit the theatres, circuses and stock Boycott? sels to Palestine. in the subject-matter to the pathetic exchanges on the day of Sabbath if it is to protect the welfare of the In a symposium entitled "Shall We Boycott Germany ?" which neglect of the human element and The Nazis gave out ambiguous statements concerning this talents and urges in the pupils, community." latter pact, claiming that the negotiations are being carried on be- appears in the September issue of "Opinion," important leaders in Ihidden can't help but be impressed by the tween George Halperin, well-known Zionist leader and a director American and Jewish life urge an organized boycott of German vast differences between the old Rabbi Eliezer said: "Repent one schools and the new schools, and es- HIAS Aids 10,000 of the Anglo-Palestine bank", and the Reich's ministry of food. goods both here and abroad, by Gentiles and Jews. day before thy death." His disciples the experimental schools, According to the Nazis, the agreement calls for ten million marks ^ Dr. John Haynes Holmes, Chairman of the City Affairs Com- pecially asked him: "Does a man know on German Emigres which though as yet limited to the what day will die (in order to rein Palestinian oranges being sold in Germany and twice that mittee and Minister of the Community Church, writes: walls of universities, normal schools NEW YORK (J. T- A.)—More than pent beforehethat day?)" Wherefore "The Boycott is a terrible weapon—so terrible as not and a few communities, have become ten thousand victims of the Hitler re- Rabbi Eliezer said amount of German goods to be sold in Palestine, with all shipping "So much the of considerable influence and inspirato be used, perhaps, except as a last resort. But surely gime have been helped either to emi- more let him repent to-day, lest he to be done by German concerns. tion to the educational world at large. grate to various countries or to se- die tomorrow. Doing 'hus it will be we are driven to the last resort in such a case as Hitler. There may be some justification to the agreement to export The statement, made a number of cure employment there. ; The worst we ever feared, or even dared to imagine, of found that he will repent every day years ago by John Watson, one of part of German Jewry's capital in the form of German goods, as this Swastika horror, is now stark truth. We must fight This statement was made by the of his life." America's leading psychologists and HIAS (Hebrew Sheltering and Aid it as we would fight the plague. Not by violence, for vioit enabled emigrants to take money out of Germany, but there is founder of the Behavioristic school of Society) which, in conjunction with lence is Hitler's weapon. But by non-cooperation (boycertainly no basis for even considering such a pact as the one of psychology, has lost, I believe, a con- European organizations, the Jewish A Farce cott), which is Gandhi's weapon. siderable part of its force with the Colonization Association and the UnitBERLIN — As it had previously Palestine oranges. The Zionist officials, the Palestine govern"I would boycott Germany today as a mere matter introduction of many revisions in ed- ed Jewish Emigration Committee, is threatened to do, the Hessen Volksment officials, and the British government officials had all denied ucational methods and procedures. His rendering service to Jewish refugees warte published a list of thirty conof personal conscience—thus, I could not, as I would not, knowing anything about any such "orange" negotiations, and we challenge at that time was: "While from Germany in all countries to cerns in that city which had been repsail upon a German ship! I would gladly, also, join any men of science have studied with which they have fled. are of the opinion that it is only another one of those malicious resented in court actions by Jewish concerted boycott movement against the Reich, not as a great care the behavior of nearly The report further states that the attorneyspropaganda stories so savorily cooked up by Nazi publicity exgesture for dramatic display, but as a stern and detereverything in the world, they have "work among the Jewish refugees is The Frankurter Zeitung, drawing mined action for the salvaging of all interests of humanperts. To begin with, it would be extraordinarily bad business. If been kept from a scientific study of increasing daily and is being contin- the attention of the government to ity and culture in the hour of their most dire peril." human infants, for the following rea- ued vigorously on an ever larger this, points out that the readmission any agreement between the two countries were contemplated, why sons: 1. Most men consider the study scale. Similarly, Will Durant, author of "The Story of Philosophy," of Jewish lawyers who are veterans •would it read that twice as much would be bought from Germany of children as women's work. 2. Hardexpresses readiness to join in a boycot movement "whenever the of the war, to the bar is meaningless as from Palestine, and all shipping concessions to German vessels? ly any man of science has time to obif such lists as this are to be published Jews think it advisable." And Bernard S. Deutsch, President of Then, too, if there were any authoritativeness to the report, why the American Jewish Congress, states: serve his own infants. 3. He can get "Utterly Hopeless" without discrimination. NEW YORK — Rabbi Maurice N. a grant from a university to study the would the Zionist, Palestine and British officials completely deny "Fully cognizant of the great responsibility which it Papuans or any other primitive peo- Eisendrath of Toronto has just rehaving heard anything about it? ple, but if he said he wanted to study turned from Germany with. the decassumes, the American Jewish Congress nevertheless NATIONAL his own child, he would be laughed laration that the situation of the Jews urges the organization of a publicly proclaimed boycott Such an arrangement is unspeakable. Its report lends credACCESSORIES, Inc. in Germany was utterly hopeless and at." While it is to be regretted very against German manufactures in the belief that this may ence to the claim of many that the original agreement for export that -worst of all was the plight of much that a great deal of educational save the Jews and bring about a repudiation of Hitlerism EVERYTHING of German Jewry's capital to Palestine in German goods was theory and thoroughly tested psycho- the German Jewish children. by the German nation. s* For the Auto logical and educational findings have merely an adroit move on the part of the Hitlerites to break the "A duty to humanity/to justice, progress, demands not as yet been incorporated into most AT. 5524 Mention the Jewish Press to our 2051 Farnatn Jewish boycott of German goods. This boycott though not yet that Germany be told now in the only language which of the schools, nevertheless the inves- advertisers. apparently she understands—the language,of economics fully organized had wreaked havoc with Germany's foreign trade tigations, experiments, writings and -—that the nations of the world will have 4 ^ traffic with endowments for child study .as well and there was a strong possibility that through these economic a country that defies the fundamental tenets of civilizaas the profound discoveries in child means the downfall of the Hitler regime could be effected. Using tion." and adult psychology in the last dethe Palestine capital agreement as an entering wedge, the Nazis Irwin Edman, Professor of Philosophy at Columbia Univers- cade make the statement apcear as though it -were uttered decades ago. have'evidently broadcast the report about Palestine oranges being ity, holds that the While babies and children are still reimported into Germany and German goods imported into Palestine "power of the Hitler regime depends on its economic sucgarded by some parents as darlings, in order to discredit the Jewish boycott movement. cess, and I shall do all I can and think every decent hubv others as nuisances: nevertheless. there is already a erowin<? number of man being should, to make its economic success impossiif such a report were true, every Jew who entered Palestine •narents and educators who are comble. I cannot do much, but everyone can do a little by would become an importer of German goods. At a time when the ing: to look upon them as facts to be refusing to buy anything German. This will include, of rest of world Jewry, with strong support from the non-Jewish studied impartially. course, many things I should ordinarily like to buy. Gercircles, are fighting Nazism tooth and nail, we would have the As a result of the scientific apman books and gramophone records, German beer, Gerproach, students of children's impulses, anomalous situation of the Palestine Jews helping Germany along man reproductions of pictures. But it is a small denial— desires and interests have been unby importing German goods. Palestine Jewry was built iip to its big in significance and in possibilities. If enough people covering deeper-lying strains and can come to share this attitude. I do not think a regime present status through the combined efforts of the Jewish people streams of personality—talents, creTHE nourished on hate and climaxed by economic depression ative powers, originality and sponthroughout the world. Now, when world Jewry combines to battle taneity "of whose existence we were can long endure. It is a tragic world where one must rea common enemy, and the Jewish people are confronted with a awhile ago ignorant, just as geolosort to such pressures, but it is a tragic world that Hitler problem vastly more important than selling oranges, it is unthinkgists have discovered hidden strata of has made more tragic and I willingly write a word in supthe earth's crust. The enlisrhtened able that Palestine Jewry would victimize the Jews of the rest of port of the only possible pressure that may help destroy teachers recognize that the creative the world for a few crates of citrus products. Rather, it is" up to. the infamous present government of Germany." impulse is born in almost every child, Differing from the viewpoint of those in favor of the boycott, but that it mav be smothered through Palestinian leaders to show the Nazi report as a case of audacious Rabbi Leo M. Franklin of Detroit opposes the pi-oposed "organ- gnorance, indifference, lack of commendacity and "cram a denial down the Hitlerite throats." sassion and tactfulness or encouraged ized" boycott on both practical and ethical grounds: and made remarkably and surprising"(1) Any organized movement of this kind is likely ly fruitful throug-h understanding and to react to the hurt of the very people whom we wish to Congress at Prague nurture. help. * * * * As the reports of the Eighteenth World Zionist Congress held • "(2) We sink to the ethical level of the persecutor About three years ago Hughes in Prague, Czechoslovakia, filter in, we cannot help but have a when we adopt his methods. That which makes him desMearns, at that time head of the defeeling*jof- disappointment. picable in the eyes of thinking men, will make them partment of creative education at New This was to be the historic congress, a turning at the crossequally despise us, 'Eye for eye and tooth for tooth" was York university, and well known author of "Creative Youth" and "Crearoads upon which the very future of Zionism was staked. Yet, - dictated neither by a high morality nor a wise statestive Power" and one of few teachers manship." the cold print telling the story of the sessions is unimpressive. worthy of the name "artist-teacher," His view is shared by the Reverend Everett R. Clinchy, Di- published Weizmann, we predicted, would be restored to the presidency of a very stimulating and highly challenging article, "Discipline and the organization. Instead, Nahum Sokolow was re-elected after rector of the National Conference of Jews and Christians: the Free Spirit," in the Journal of "If the porters in charge of my luggage have a difWeizmann, who could easily have had the office, refused to conProgressive Education, in which he ference with me I must choose my weapons wisely. mentions the following fact which is sider a return to the presidency unless certain conditions of his Should I resort to violence I descend to their level, and a sad reflection upon the old discipwere met. The one condition which was a stumbling block making they can whip me. If I refuse to fight, and if I keep my linarians in the schools. E. K- Wickparticipation in the conflict on a higher level, they canaccession impossible was the demand that Weizmann be empowman in his remarkable little study, not defeat me. "Children's Behavior and Teachers' ered to name the executive body of the organization. Thus, the Attitudes," invited hundreds of teach."The weapons of the Nazis today are hatred, hostilLabor principles, dominating the Congress, do not have their true jrs to analyze what they consider ity, and organized boycott. I refuse to employ these inleader at the helm. The venerable Sokolow made his strong bid good behavior and bad behavior in pustruments." . ^ I'1 pils. (This might just as well apply for Laborite support by an address which leaned strongly in the to parents' attitudes in relation to direction desired by the Laborites. They Say..... ; their children.) Good behavior, it Naturally, a World Zionist congress could not be held without "World Jewry will not tolerate dealings with Germany and turns out, is silence, immobility, unProvided All Present Stocks Are Not minor riots. This congress was no exception, the Revisionists and will denounce anybody that dares thus to sell our birthright for thinking obedience: it is solely what to the teacher's comfort. Sold Out Before Monday, Sept. 18th the other Zionists haying many a clash. The Labor elements a mess "of pottage."—Samuel Untermeyer, leader of the boycott contributes A good disciplinarian, according to the quashed any Revisionist maneuverings, and for all practical pur- movement against German-made goods. ;eachers themselves, is one who suc; NOTE—This new price is the result of NRA :eeded in having a maximum of perposes the Revisionists might just as well not have been present. replacement costs . . . the positive advance in sonal comfort out of the volatile young American Jew, like the great mass of Americans, is de- lives For their efforts, all they obtained was an investigation into terthe cost of everything that goes into Pathin her classroom. Wickman finder clothes. Furthermore, from all inforroristic methods allegedly employed by certain Revisionist groups. voted to'the principles of the Constitution of the United States jaught them off guard; his book is a mation and quotations, the price of The PathThe murder of Ariosoroff completed the picture of discrediting and yields to it his loyal support. In it, and in his State Constitu- compilation of unwitting confessions finder will be still higher than $31 on subsethat, under the name of discipline, the Revisionists, and it will be some time—if ever—before they tion and Bill of Rights, he finds the source of his greatest security jhild-life is suppressed in the schoolquent reorders. and protection in the pursuit of-life, liberty and happiness."— room not for the sake of the child, stand high in Zionist parleys. : but solely for the peace and contentBitter opposition was; arraigned against a continuance of a Judge Eli Frank, of the Supreme Bench, Baltimdre City. Buy—Buy Now and Save—We're Anxment of the adult." fifty-fifty' proportion between Zionists and non-Zionists in the Of course, there must at times be ious to Serve Alt at Before"The Houghton Mif flin Company, which is to publish an joercion, Jewish Agency Council, but in the end a serious breach was avertbut it is usually to be the the-Rise Prices ed by continuing the structure on the old basis. Thus another English translation of Hitler's autobiographical, 'success' story, last step; and one must be aware that its use is a confession of failure. 'My Struggle," has been in the publishing business a good numweakening of Zionism through compromise. Children in most cases not only recThe resolution adopted by the-Zionist Congress about Ger- ber of years and its members are known as clever and wide-awake ognize their limitations and -weakmany drew sharp rebuke from the Nazis and also from German bookmen; They realize that the one thing that will assure the nesses and very often will, not only themselves to intelligent and Jewish organs. Yet in our opinion it was strongly diluted, with- success of the book in this country is loud opposition on the part submit iympathetic guidance, but demand freCOBKSCT APPAREL FOR MEN ANU WOtoJSJN: of Jews and Jewish organizations."—George Joel, writing "Among out any strength, without any fire. The Nazis may call the resquently of parents and teachers that hey take a controlling share hi the olution an unwarranted intrusion upon the internal affairs of the ihe Literati."
Important Notice
Pathfinder Suits, Topcoats and Overcoats Which Are Now Priced at $
Will Be Priced Monday, Sept 18 at $
PAGE 5—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1933 TO RECEIVE FOR GUEST Mrs. Herbert Neveleff and Miss Bluma Neveleff -will be at home Sunday afternoon, September 10, from 3 to 6 p. m. in honor of Miss Mildred Linsey, of San Francisco, California. Miss Linsey is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Louis Linsey, former Omahans. Those assisting at the tea include the Misses Sophie Handler, Jeannette Levinson, Evelyn Epstein, and Ruth Rubin. Seventy-five invitations have been issued.
C, the couple; will reside in Cleve- HIGHLAND SEASON ENDS land, Ohio.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel H. Davis announce the marriage of their sister, Miss Ann Freeman, to Mr. Arthur H. Friedman of Chicago, HI., on Sunday, September 3, at the home of Rabbi Frederick Cohn. A reception -was held Sunday evening at the Davis home in honor of the couple. They left Monday for Chicago. From there the couple will leave on September 15 for an eastern wedding trip. They will be at home after October 1 at 5541 Kenmore Avenue, Chicago, EL
ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kramer of Des Moices, Iowa, announce the engagement of their daughter, Ethelyn, to Jay Bercovici, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mayer Bercovici of Omaha. GOLDEN WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Levin celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary Sunday. They were "at home" Sunday af ternoon at the home of their son-in-law ard daughter, Mr. and Mrs. William Boasberg. A son, Max Levin, of Hollywood, left Tuesday by airplane for California, and another son, Dr. H. M. Levin of Sioux City, Ia_, accompanied by Mrs. Levin also left Tuesday for home. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Podrofski of Chicago, son-in-law and daughter of the Levins, left late Monday for home. Another son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Marks, reside in Omaha. "Rose Levin, a daughter of the Levins, came from Hollywood to attend the golden wedding anniversary celebration and will visit here for two pr three weeks before returning home.
GOODWIN-LUSTGARTEN Miss Ida Lustgarten, daughter of . Mr. and Mrs. Ben Lustgarten, became the bride of Mr. John A. Goodwin of Chicago, Tuesday, in Chicago. .The ceremony was held at the home of Rabbi Moses Cohn, who officiated, bride has been sudying piano in Chicago for the past two years.
ANNOUNCE WEDDING Announcement "was made this week of the marriage of Miss Lucial Goldenberg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Goldenberg, to Albert Steinberg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan ANNOUNCE BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Blotcky Steinberg. The ceremony took place in Sioux City on July 8, Rabbi Rab- announce the birth of a daughter on September 1 at the Immanuel hosinowitz officiating. pital. WALDORF-StUTSKY Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Chaikin anAnnouncement has been made of the marriage of Miss Ruth Slutsky, nounce the birth of a son on August formerly of Omaha, to Lou Waldorf 29 at the Clarkson hospital. of Steubenville, Ohio. The ceremony took place in Pittsburgh, Pa., on WEEK-END HERE Wednesday, August 30. Following a Mrs. A. Mazie of Sioux City, honeymoon trip to Washington, D. spent the week-end in Omaha.-
HOWARD *t!6th.
MADE:;:, NOT BORN Appetites are m a d e . . . not, born. The delicious menus at the Jack and Jill . . . served unexcelled in a most quaint and soothing atmosphere '. . . will add zest to anyone's appetite. Build up a "whale of an appetite" . . . make, the Jack and Jill your eating headquarters . . . morning, noon, night . . . after the show. A Suggestion for Any Night
Jack & Jill Sizzling Steak
Inaugurating the new season, the ionservative Synagogue will hold an informal gathering and dinner at the J. C. C next Wednesday at 6:30 p. mCommissioner Harry Trustin will serve as chairman for the evening, and there will be short addresses by officers of the congregation and by Rabbi David A. Goldstein. A feature will be an account by Milton Mayper of his experiences during his extensive visit in Lithuania. He will be able to tell first-hand of what is happening to the Jewry in ermany, Poland and Lithuania. The feature entertainment of the evening will be a reading of Edwin Sheldon's play, "Romance," a recent Broadway success. It is to be given by Miss Ruth Cohn, of Chicago, a graduate of the Chicago School of Expression, who is here visiting at the L. Graetz home. Miss Cohn will appear in costume. She is the daughter of Mrs. Joseph Cohn, who is also visiting here at this time-
FAMILY DINNER Mr. and Mrs- Frank Marks were honor guests at a family dinner given by Mr. and Mrs. Harry Turkle at their home last Wednesday evening, the occasion being their twenty-fifth FROM ESTES PARK wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Marer and Miss Bess Stalmaster returned last week TO MOTOR TO WORLD'S FAIR Mr. and Mrs. Abe Goldstein and from a two-week stay in Estes Park, son, Herman, are motoring to Chi- Colo. cago to attend the World's Fair. Herman will motor on to Philadelphia RETURNS FROM CHICAGO where he enters his sophomore year Miss Goldie Zusman has returned at the Wharton School of Commerce from a two-weeks visit in Chicago, and Finance. Before the opening of staying with her cousins, the Misses school, Herman will go to camp with Edith, Hose and Alice Schwartz. the University of Pennsylvania Var- While there she attended the Censity football squad for - early fall tury of Progress exposition. practice. ATTENDS WORLD'S FAIR RETURNS FROM KANSAS CITY Miss Cecelia Martin returned TuesMiss Evelyn Rimerman, daughter day from a two-weeks stay in Chiof Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Rimerman, cago, where she was the guest of has arrived from Kansas City, where friends and relatives while attending she was the guest of Miss Geraldine the World's Fair. Mazlish, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mazlish. VISITING IN LOS ANGELES Miss Mina Freedman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. Freedman, is visiting VISIT HERE Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kneeter and with relatives and friends in Los Anson, Donald, of Des Moines, Iowa, geles, *Calif., for an indefinite stay. spent the week-end and Labor Day in Omaha with Mr. Kneeter's moth- RETURNS FROM ST. JOSEPH Miss Betty Burstein, daughter of er, Mrs. Mamie Kneeter. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Burstein, returned last week from a two-month visit with VISITOR
Junior Hadassah
Jr. Vaad Auxiliary
BETA RHO Miss Elizabeth Dolgoff was elected A regular meeting of the Junior president of the Beta Rho sorority at Vaad Auxiliary will be held at the a meeting at the Dolgoff home August B'nai Israel synagogue Monday eveSO. Alice Goldberg was named treas- ning at 8 p m. urer and Nancy Soiref reporterProspective members are being rushed by the sorority. Over three hundred attended a highly successful picnic of the Vaad HThr and its affiliates at Fontenelle Park, Monday. Games and contests were featured Mrs. David M. Newman on the afternoon's program. Mrs. Harry Marcus was the winner of the round-trip ticket to Chicago. Sandwiches Tartlet" Sandwich:—Cut one piece of white bread with a cookie cotter, and another piece with a doughnut The members of the Girl Scouts cutter. Spread the first piece lightly Troop No. 4 of the J. C C. had a with butter. Place the second piece week's vacation at camp this sumon top and fill the cavity with jam mer, as a result of the successful or sandwich filling. sale of tickets for the drawing on a * • * radio. The radio was won by Mr. Rolled Sandwiches Nick Albers. Little Bayla Mae GroCut fresh white bread very thin from dinsky, daughter ©f Dr. and Mrs. M. the bottom of the loaf. Spread with Grodinsky, drew the numbers. Philadelphia cream cheese tuiimed out with cream. Roll up like s jelly roll, then wrap' in a napkin. An outstanding double feature When ready to serve, cut into half screen show will be seen at the inch slices. Orpheum theatre for the week starting Saturday. "The Man Who Egg Salad Sandwiches Four hard c o o k e d eggs, i cup Dared," a gripping picture based on chopped celery, 2 tablespoons mayon- the life career of Chicago's martyred naise, 1 tablespoon French dressing, mayor, Anton Cermak, •will share 1 tablespoon lemon juice, i teaspoon feature honors along with the rollickprepared mustard, salt and pepper. ing farce comedy, "Goodbye Again" Coarsely chop the eggs and add re- which brings Joan Blondell, Warren maining ingredients with salt and William, Genevieve Tobin and a host pepper to taste; spread between slices of other notables. "Goodbye Again" deals with the of white bread toasted. author of snappy love stories who
Idaho baked potato, sllrrd tomato, bread lintlcr. drink.
RETURNS FROM VACATION Miss Martha Lippett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lippett, has returned home from a ten-week vacation in Eastern cities. She will resume her studies at Creighton university, where she is completing her senior year. . Miss.- Lippett. made- a three-weekstay in Chicago attending the World Fair. She spent the other seven weeks in New Jersey visiting the Bograd family. Mr. Bograd is the brother of Mrs. Lippett.
Paramount "Torch Singer" is the featured picture now showing at the Paramount Theatre, giving Claudette Colbert one of the best opportunities she has had to show her skill as an actress. In this picture she is the "worst woman in New York" and yet the most loved woman in America. Her one creed in life is "Give them everything . . . but love, baby!" Miss Colbert sings the songs of the picture herself. She has a strong supporting cast in Ricardo Cortez, David Manners, Lyda Roberti, and Baby Le Roy." Short features include Zasu Pitts and Thelma Todd in "Maids a la Mode," and "The O1& Timers," with Louis Sobol.
Bikur Cholim
as a heroine of one of his best sellers comes into being in the person of a A regular meeting of the Bikur former sweetheart who believes that Cholim Society will be held on Mon- he was inspired by her to create day afternoon at 2:30 p. m. at the her prototype in fiction. VISITOR • Jewish Community Center. Mr. Stanley S. Marks of Pittsburg, All members are urged to be presKansas, is visiting here en route to ent. the Fair in Chicago.
her grandmother and other relatives in St. Joseph, Mo. She was extensively entertained while there.
Vaad Picnic
Kitchen Chats
Girl Scouts
A dancing party will be held by the Junior Hadassah next Thursday evening, September 14, at Peony Park, for members and their friends. Miss Anna Hahn, chairman, is being assisted by the Misses Rose Abramson, Dora Freshman, Lorraine King, Gertrude Lewis, Sara Ann Noddle, Jeannette Resnick, and Ruth Swengil. OTTAWA (J. T. A.)—Commenting on the receipt by the federal government immigration department of resolutions from a number of Quebec municipalities against permission for the immigration of German Jewish refugees to Canada, a spokesman for the department declared there would be no change in the present restrictive immigration policy of the government. A campaign to build up public sentiment against the admission of refugees from the Hitler regime is being: vigorously waged throughout the province of Quebec and v-as climaxed recently by passage of a resolution to this effect by the council of the city of Quebec.
It is Patriotic to Patronize Y o u r Laundry now. •IKWIHIt
Kl 2E!£
Opens Office Dr. Bernard A. Plotkin, a graduate of the Illinois College of Chiropody, has announced the opening of offices for chiropody and orthopedics at 824 World-Herald building. As foot specialist and chiropodist, Dr. Plotkin will be associated with Dr. Adam Gartner, Jr.
Mrs. Joseph Horwich of Chicago has been visiting in Omaha.
Served wbllr In Ibe prm"f*» of rooking . Piping hot.
The final party of the Highland Country Club season was a formal dinner-dance held Saturday evening and attended by over 150 members and guests. Randall's orchestra played. The club will remain open informally, however, until the end of September.
Conservative Synagog Dinner on Wednesday
y a first in everything—end in the Fashion World "Finis" are foremost in importance . . . From now on we're going to feature "the outstanding styles in the outstanding style trends" •— af prices to suit your budget and yovr taste . . . So, keep looking for "Fashion Firsts" end yorfU be "First m Fashion1'.
€0L DSTHNC HAPMAN5 Sixteenth and Farnam
We Think It's Our Duty . . . to Tell You How Much Higher
Prices Are Today Than When We Made These Early Purchases—On Which You Will
SAVE 35% TO 75
A Fashion First for Wear Right Now
$16.75 $25.00
Franchon Frocks
These exclusive frocks are still offered at the old prices . . . though •we cannot guarantee the replacement of similar qualities J C at this price Third Floor
i #, /-
Now Showing!!
Always a Superb Double Feature Screen Show * 25c Till 6:30 Daily Hilarious Farce Comedy
in Enthralling Drama I
• -
W i t h
'Torch Snger" •with
"(Goodbye Again"
Her Ups had kissed more men than she could remember . . . sang lullabies that none could forget . . . called Broadway's worst woman • • .
PRESTON FOSTER ZTTA JOHANN {Based on the life of Chicago's Martyred Slay or) : EXTBA ' — Kiaaiegl Attend the First
Sat. 19 A. JL—Admission 10c Priwal Sweets! 1*011! .
\ TMU1- '
Lyda Roberti David Manners Baby Le Roy
HaHl'-Size Dresses
The same fine fabrics and perfect fitting qualities you expect in Goldstein-Chapman's H a l t - size tiress at this low <£ II £L rj C price *4>1IJ* | J Third Floor
SPENCER TRACY FAY WRAY ALSO Virtue in Her Soul . Lore on Her l i p s
AMUSEMENT!! Zosu Pitts—Thdma Todd -
~^fe ^ ^ ^
O a r f a s h i o n i s t s are playing swanky tricks with satin this season—contrasting this rich, lustrous fabric with corded crepes and wool to achieve die smartest and most unusual effects of the new season , . • And the three frocks illustrated are the most charming styles typifying this happy combination. In lovely Browns and jet Blades.
Sizes 14-20.
Cloth Coafe The 1933 Tersion of the 1890 period, wider at the shoulder and moulded at the hip. Beautiful smooth and B o n c l e fabrics, adorned with line fl»CQ r 7 C furs ; KP~jy* i *J
QuaMty Pur Coats Bonded Northern Seal . , , The eoat supreme for all occasions. Trimmed with contrasting fure . . . We bought many more than usual at the old prices, which advantage is passed on C j i l Q n C
to you
*E>0"» / D
Third Floor
. PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT, Generalissimo ~of the great recov ' ery drive.
WILUAM.'L. GREEN President. American Federation of Labor
HAROLD L. ICKES Secretary of the Interior
HUGH 5.. JOHNSON Director of the. NRA FRANCES PERKINS Secretary of Labor
f t f & S ^ ^ ••-• j E F ° B ESTATTON—Part of the army of 300.000 young men who comprise the Citizens1 Conservation corps engaseo 'in forestry work at various camp3 t h r o u g h o u t the • united States.
U N E M PLOYED "WOMEN AT C A M P — Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt, the president's wife, visits one of the unemp l o y e d women's camps at Bear Mountain, N. Y.
TEffi THUNDERBIRD—Symbol of the NRA. While rising commodity prices aid the farmer, and steel and automobile manufacturing plants manifest greater activity than any time* in three years, the NRA . forces give impetus to more concentrated effort in the troublesome coal and oil fields. ~ ^
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employed in the.construction BREWING INDUSTRY BOOMS—A c ]-'•• H . J., turnsoat barrels by the thousands - •-•:•' .-'to_keep" breweia busy throog^iont-the'countey
CZECHOSLOVAKS Berlin Decree JEWS ML FOUND Barring Jews LESSING ISTmJTE From Courts Professor Who Was Assassinat- BERLIN (J. T. JL)—The jjruiciple ed Is Considered a of a decision handed down bj? the-LaMartyr bor Court and featured in the current
issue of the Juristische Wochenschrift, under no circumstances is' a Marienbad, (J.T.A.)—-The Jewish is that, allowed to plead in court, indecommunity here has resolved to raise Jew of whether he is appearing a fund with which to establish a Les- pendently as a lawyer or as representative of a sing Institute for Scientists, in mem- particular trade or vocation. ory of Professor Theodor Lessing, the The. o'ecasioh for this decision was murdered scholar. : The proposed inappearance of the Jewish secrestitute is to include all scholars who the tary union before the Labor fled from Germany,; irrespective of Court,of.slabbr to plead for one of the unior. their religious or political beliefs. members in a dispute between emMrs. Ada Lessing, the noted schol- ployers and employe. ar's widow, presented to Professor The lawyers present publicly deThomas Murphy,- president of the manded of the jndge that he refuse Czechoslovakia!! Kepublic, the Scho- the Jewish representative the right Jo penhauer walking stick which her appear, which, he did. The judge dehusband had inherited as-the most clared that although the government prominent philosopher of the day. The regulations in regard to the inadmisstick has been handed down from gen- sability of Jews referred only to Jeweration to generation, from one great philosopher to another. IKTTN" C. IJEYUf, Attorney 301 Electric BaUdins The Czech police : are continuing their hunt for the assassins who killed NOTICE OF IXCOKrOKATIOW OF the noted German Jewish philosopher. OMAHA rAKLOll F1JAME CO5LPAJTS: Kotice is hereby given that the underThe gun with which Professor Lessing signed have associated themselves together was killed has been found and the and have organized a corporation .under the laws of the state of .Nebraska. The police definitely established the fact name of this corporation is OMAHA PARthat it was of German make. LOR FRAME COMPANY. The principal place of business shall be at Omalia, NeEleven suspects are under arrest, braska, and the general nature of the busness to be transacted shall be lo own and alleged to have been the accomplices operate one or more miuiufacturiiis plants of Max Eckert, notorious poacher, and to manufacture, sell, and deal generally in wholesale and retail of all who is supposed to have fired the Eorins of the lumber, furniture frames, etc, also shots that killed Professor Lessing. n like manner to manufacture and deal generally in arid with all kinds of The Czech government continues to materials, tools, machinery, accessories, manifest the greatest interest in the appliances and equipment in connecwith said business and to manumurder. Dr. Jan Czerny, Minister of tion acture, purchase or otherwise acquire and the Interior in the present cabinet, is deal in and with goods, wares and merand personal property st every taking an active personal interest in chandise class and description and to deal in'land to the same extent as natural persons the investigation of the murder. or could do, to borrow money, to The entire population of Czechoslo- might issue bonds, debentures, and to hoM and stock of this and other corporations vakia is enraged over the murder and sell and to do anything insofar as the same continues to express its indignation may be useful or necessary in connection the conduct of the business aid to do through a series of anti-German dem- with any and all things to the same exi°nt as onstrations. As a result of the bitter natural persons might or could do and he foregoing specific powers shall not be anti-German feeling, the German em- held to limit or restrict in any manner bassy in Prague is surrounded by. a the powers of this corporation. The authorized capital stock is $10,000.00 divided into heavy guard of police. 100 shares of the par value of §100.00 each. NOTICE OF SAXE
ish lawyers and Jewish notaries, He nevertheless must act in the spirit, not the letter of the government regulations and .forbade, the Jewish representative to appear. A court at Cologne resolved in a decision that a Jewish executor for a non-Jewish will was inadmissable. The Jewish executorship, which was cancelled, Lad originally been granted under the will of a Christian womanwho died recently. The will was made in 1929, the >eourt explained and although the woman died in February, 1933, she couldn't have known how conditions in Germany would be now; Otherwise, the court stated, he felt sure that she would have changed the will of her own accord, substituting an Aryan for the Jewish executor. ;
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1933 FEADESBURG, STAUIASTEB ft BEBKB, FBADEJfBtTtG, 8TAUKASTEK * BEBEB, Atterneys Attorneys 650 Omaha National Bank Bids. NOTICE OF PROBATE OF W i l l . In the County Court of Douglas County, KOTICE OF AUTICIiES OF Nebraska. INCOlirOBATIOJf OF j In the Matter of the Estate of HAEEI B. SMITH. CONCESSIONS, INC. MILDEK. Deceased. Notice is hereby giveii thnt the tmderAll persons interested in said estate are Signed have formed a corporation pursu- hereby notified that a petition hns been ant to the laws of the state of Nebraska, filed in said Court, praying for the prounder the name of SMITH CONCUSSIONS, nate of a certain instrument now on file INC., with its principal place of business in said Court, purporting to be tlie last at Om;ih:i, Nebraska. The general nature will and testament of snid deceased, and of the "business to be the acquisition ant! thnt a heariiiR will be fand on Enid petioperation of concessions and restaurants tion before said Court on the Ifith <Jny of and to Co any and all things incidental to September, 1S)33. and that if tliey fail to the carrying on of said business, including appear jit s?ml Court on the said lCJh flay the right to own and hold real estate. The of September. 1933. at 9 o'clock A. N... to authorized capital stock Ehall be ?10.000.(K) contest the prolmte of s.iid will, the Court and all of said Efock shall be common nnd mny nllow and probate said will and crnnt of the" pnr yalne of 5100.00 per share and ndministration of said estate to William all of said stock shall be fully paid for Milder or some other Ktiitnltle person nnd when issued nnd non-KSsessatile. The cor- proceed to a settlement thereof. poration shall commence doing business B1UCE CRAWFOHD. upon the filing of its articles •with the Comity Jnflge. County Clerk of Douglas County. Nebras- S-25-33-3L ka, and shall vmitiuoe for a period of 50 years from said date. The highest amount of inde'»<ednpss to wlaieh the corporation may subject, itself shall not exceed twofhiro's of its capital stock. ThP affaire of this corporation, shall be managed by a Board of not less than two Directors. The annual meeting of the corporation shall be held on tlie second Tuesday, of January of each war. at which time the Board of Directors stall hold its nmmnl meeting nnfl elect n "President, a Vice-President, a Secretary and B Treasurer. Any two of said offices may be held by one nnd the same person. These articles itiny be nmpiuletl at smy regular or special meeting of the stockholders upon the stffirmntive vote of twoThe Sign of thirris of all of the oxitBtirading stock. IN WITNESS WHEItEOF. the parties Good Workmanship hereto have hereunto set their hands this ?3ra uny of August. KO J A. 1614
Maccabiade PRAGUE—The lilaccabiade, international Jewish sports festival ,opened here with the participating of Jewish teams from fourteen countries. The German team of one hundred was refused permission at the last moment by the Nazi authorities to make the trip. to coal or building material; to engage In anything reasonably incident, to the carrying out of the powers herein enumerated: to make and perform com met s of every, kind and description, and in carrying on Its business or for the purpose ot attaining or furthering any of its objects, to do any and all other acts and things nnd to exercise any and nil other powers which n co-nartnefBhip or natural person could <3o and. exercise and wbieh now or heieaftcr may he authorized by law. The authorized capitnl stock shall he J10.000.TO divided into 1CX) shares of.the par rnlne of SlflO.01! each, to be fnlly paid for and non-assessable when Issued. Fifty shares of the capital sto^k of this corporation shall be T"u<l for before the corporation shall commence business The corporation shall commencp business upon the filing of (he Ar(i<-los of Incorporation in the office of the County Clerk of Douglas Comity. Nebraska, nnd Eh nil continue TiTrtil Jannnry 1. 10K-", unless sooner dissolved by a majority vole of the outstiinding capital stock. The hijrheRt nmouut of indebtedness to which this corporation shall nt. nny time snliject itself ehall nor exceed two-thirds of its cnpit.il stock. The affairs -of the corporation shrill be administered by n Board of THrertors. consisting of not less than two nor more than five members.
XEO ABRASISOIf, Attorney -853 Brandeis Theatre Boildins NOTICE OF IKCORTOBATIOX OF STAK1)AKI> COAL COMrANI . Notice is hereby given tint'the undersigoed have associated themselves-together to form a corporation under tbe laws of the state of Nebraska. TJie name of the corporation shall be "STANnAllD COAI^ Company." The principal pla<-e of transactiujr bDEJoesB BhnU be in the city of Omaha, Douglas county. Nebraska, but business may be transacted in nny other city, county, or state. The genejal nature or -the business to be transacted by this corporation shall be: To maintain irad operate a general con] and building material business and in connection therewith buy. ^ell and deal generally nt wholesale Jind retail in any and all materials pertaining 8-2T>-33-4t.
DAVID SMITH Incorporators.
In the •presence of: WII,I.JAM STAIJMASTE11. /
One-half of the world must sweat and groan that the other half may dream.—Longfellow.
WHEAT, CORN, OATS For Information Can or Write
TAYLOR GRAIN CO. 721-722 Omnhn Ornln Eschnnpr BUl JA 840if—AT 8008 Private Wire C«mni><-tloni« With JA8. E. BENNETT CO.
Rev. A. Diamond Recognized as FRACT1CAL MOHEL Phone 1059 COUNCIL BLUFFS
For Carefulness and Efficiency l o u r Mohel Specialist Call
Rabbi Barbakow 1552 No. 20th
Offices Brandeis Theatre Bldg OMAHA
The corporation shall commence business on the 25th day of August. 1933, -md shr.il terminate on the 20th day of August; 19S8. unless its life bo extended beyond that. date by an amendment to these articles. The highest amonnt of any indebtedness or lability to which this corporation is at any time to subject itself is not to exceed twothirds of its capital stock. The affairs of this corporation shall be conducted by a board of directors of-not less than two nor more than five, and the following officers: n president, a Tice-president. a secretary and a treasurer, any two of ~whicb offices may be held by one nnd -the unme person. SAM KRATT PATTTi KATZMAN ISRAET, KATZHASr; In'corporators.
Kotiee is hereby pi ven thnt on the lGtti Bay of September, 1033, at 10 o'clock A.M., »t 1301 Cumins Street, Omaha. Nebraska, the FERKIN VAN & STORAGE COMPANY. \rill sell for cash to the highest bidder, the following described articles to latisfy its lien for storage and other iharges against those -persons named kerein: I". K. KEEGAN—Box bedding, box toys, fled. - • : TV. I". DUJfStEIEE—Two mattresses, roll THEE. 5 -rockers. 11 carious,-0 chairs, ironhiK board, ice-box, dininc table, center table, 4 boxes, dresser., library table. "Vietrola, kitchen cabinet base, iron bed and i n the -presence of' gprinjr. 2 carper sweepers, YJnst niops.enr- IRYIN C. LEVIN. tain rods, clothes rack, step Jadaer. 6 wnsh S l 3 tnbs, 2 -wash boilers." 2 crips, Morris chair, kettle, davenport.TCheeJljaireH4x2PK33t£X dock, pictures, wringer, shovel, iron-cot. Carton lump shades. • . - -. -•-."" ~*-•".:.JEWISH N E W YEAR MKS. MART FT/KTCHEIt—Buffet, desk. I -wash stands. 5 dressers. 4-mattresses, ^~> ' , : ; v :, CARDS ':::,-^ chairs. 2 folding chairs. 4 t>,->d springs. A "With*Tour Name. Address, City beds, 4 boxes household goods, bundle, of and State Printed. curtain shades. 2 bundles rods, medicine cabinet, end table, enrpet sweeper, floor Inmp. card tablp. 2 barrels, and contents, library table, cabinet top. 4-:rollR linoleum. I p!etnres. large carton and contents, flinInjr tnble. a.ivennort. davenport tnhle^ day bed. piano bench. 2 chiffoniers. 2 Kiddie WE. 4861 20th and Charles KarR. suitcase, ironing . board, mirror. 2 trunks 2 rockers, rnrtnn bnoVs. 2 cabinet bases, ens stove, upholstered chair, sewing machine, hat rnck. 3 rolls rugs, basket. ANTJKEW C. BT»<1 I.AURA EASTOJp. Vanity dresser, snnitary couch, smoking Itand. mnpnzine rack, gas trtove. bmn. oclasional table, wood bed. spring. mnttresR. pnd. chest drawers, telephone Rfnnd nntj ihnlr. rng. Controleum rng. Ire box. flrop*nf tnhlp. child's rocker. 2fi>gh rlxiirR. jhild's table, end table, child's chair, 3 Ihairs. V n X M M M. M1TK12AY—library table', mink, carton clotlilnir. ' . H LOUTS GABDKVIA—Three enrtonn .an«l lontpnts. bnrrel of dishes, hnx of hMiReholr? {oodR. Bowing machine, Vlctroln, picture, •niton chin FF.TIRTW VAN S- KTOKAGK W. C Tcrrln, President; M-33-2t.
25 Cards—75c Smith Bros. Printing Co.
Through ihk Columns of the
-: : \ I:
" I
WANTED — Jewish couple who desires rooms in attractive, private home. 2776 -Webster St' Phone Atlantic 4946."
WEbster S527
helps bnild strong bones and teeth.
, ' " V * ^-v-"""i? r'V't-
Roberts Dairy Go.
2429 Dccatur St.
lYour greeting: problem is solved by this convenient method of wishing your relatives and friends a Happy New Year . . . no danger of tfye embarrassment of forgetting someone . . . no trouble • • • time and money saved.
TVe want to call to>the attention of the Jewish public that we are getting in now a new supply of the Reasonable religious articles. Machzeirim with Jewish and English translations, prayer books, Toleosim, silk and wool of the best kind, etc
A Full Line of New Years Cards in Jewish and English Remember our famous Kosher Soap. On the demand of a few customers 1 ordered the following articles of pure silver and plate silver candle sticks. Kidush cups, Hadeses, etc. Everyone who is interested in buying one of them should be so kind and let me know ahead of "time, so I -can have it ready lor them. . . I have just received direct from Palestine a very nice stock of most .bean-/ tlful Esrogim and Lulovim for Succoth . . .Anyone desiring to buy one will please let me know BO that I can have it ready for him for Xontif.
In Soviet Russia orders enable T N T relative* In Soviet Kussi» to pnrchaaeall sorts al domestic or Imported articles nt low prices. For orders on Torgsln apply to your local bank, companies listed below, or their anthoxixea agent*.
. Amalgamated Bank, New York Am-Derutra Transport Corp. American Express Co. Gdynia-America Lin* ffias Manufacturers Trust Co^ Public Nati Bank & Trust Co. R. C. A. Communications, Inc. Union Tours, Inc. * Hudson Co. Nail Bank, Bayonne, N. J. . The Pennsylvania Co^ Phfla. Union Savings Bank, Pittsburgh Amalgamated Trust & Savings ' : Bank, Chicago
there are Torgsin stores in over 1,000 localities. Torgsin orders inay be sent to anyone, in any quantity. To dties ttjat have no TORGSIN stores, Toxgsin maila your orders by parcel post.
and -Mrs. L« their friends both far and near A Happy and Prosperous New Year. .. f _ Mr. and Mrs. and «• family extend to their friends' sincere wishes for A Happy New Year. -and Mr. and Mrs.t» family wish their, friends health, happiness and prosperity in tihe coming year. Mr. and Mrs.-take r« this means of extending greetings and hearty- good -wishes for A Happy and Prosperous Year to their friends far! and near.
These greetings will be published inour Rosh Hashonah edition, Septembr 20. The charge will be $2.00 for each Greeting—mail any of these forms, or phone your Greeting to the—
Jewish Press r
ATlantic 1450
490 Brandeis Theatre Bldg.
WE. 5450
15 Irani Experience to Europe and
I' PAGE 8^-THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1933 g | Bluffs, .'Iowa Were' guests last wee I in t i e home of Mrf .and Mrs. J Jacobson. During their visit here they were feted a t a number of social events.' •
dresses published in thiJ newspapers. ; Strictest control against buying from Jewish shops has ben introduced, Nazi headquarters stated, explaining that the party is particularly incensed against Nazis who buy from Jews and
Ndss^Warn Again to Keep Up Boycott
Is This Libfel?
PORTO ALEGRE, Brazil — The Austrian ambassador has brought a suit for libel against Dap Dritte Reich, German Hitlerite paper published here, luoucu ncj-e, on uii the cue grounds Kiuiuius that mat, it JI regards them as persons who are s a - | h a s p u b i i s h e d material libelous of Dr. botaging the Tegime. |Engelbert Dollfuss, Austrian ChancelUp to now, the Nazis have always lor. The passage in question stated that protested that the anti-Jewish boycott was only for one day and that Jewish shopkeepers were free to carry on. KAZLOWSK1" & CARNAZZO, Attorneys 424 Insurance Iiuilding But the orders issued by various Nazi headquarters indicate that the anti- In the Mntter of the iistiite of LUCIA Jewish boycott has been continually ALIANO, Deceased. NOTICE IS HKUEIsr GIVEN: in operation. Thiit the creditors of sniil deceased will
Miss Sandra Woskoff visited last Berlin, (J,T.A.)—Strict orders.were week end with her brother-in-law issued by the Nazi headquarters at and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ai Plptkin Magdeburg to all Nazis that they in Omaha. must obey the orders not to buy from or have'any dealings with Jews. Nazi headquarters pointed but that £ Beatrice Pill returned home Sunday from St. Paul and White while the Nazis were apparently obeyBear Lake, .where she spent the sum ing the earlier orders not to buy from Jews, nevertheless they were secretly mer months. . continuing to trade with Jews. Offenders were warned that if reMiss Ida Cohen returned home ported or discovered breaking the anSaturday from an eastern trip, which ABRAHAMS & O'COSTN'OR, Attorney*. 400 Brandeis Theater Bldf. included stops in New York City. ti-Jewish boycott they would be exBoston, Washington, D. C , Chicago pelled from the party. At the same time the order warns NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF CENand other points of interest. all Nazis that those who buy from TRAL l>AHtl PRODUCTS, Inc. Notice is hereby given that the underJews would have their names and ad- signed have associated themselves together
Dr. DollTuss had been bought ont by the Jews to protect them from the "national will" of the German and Austrian peoples. CAUL C. KATLKMAN, Attorney Omaha, Nebraska NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION" In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. In the Mutter of the Estnte Of JACOB KATLEMAX. Hecensed. All persons interested in snid estnte are hereby notified tunt n i>eti(ioii has been filed in s»id Court iilletfing tlmt snid deceased died leaving no last will nnd praying for administration upon his estnte, and ill be be hud p Unit n heiirns will hud oa oa s snidd peti23rd d dny of tion before ti b f id Court on the h 23d f September. Wi.'!, nnd that if they fnil to ftpponr at snid Court on the snid 23r<l dny of September. m;>3, ot 0 o'clock A. M.. to contest snid petition, the Court m;ty grant the snme nnd grant ndminisfration of snid pstnte to Michael Kntleinnn or Borne other suitable person nnd proceed to a settlement thereof. BU1CE CRAWFORD, County Judge. 0-l-33-3t.
The: Senior Hadassah board of' diDelegates from Lincoln, Omaha, rectors-Will meet next Tuesday afterDesMpines and Sioux City attended noon in the home of Mrs. William the. Annual Conference/ of the Work- Lazere, to make plans for the commeet the ndministmtor of said estnte. bemen's Circle Lodge 664 held in Sioux ing season. '- . . : fore me. County Judge of Douglas County, Nebraska., at the County Court lloom, in City last week end. During the same Mrs. R.' H. Enilein, president of said County, on the 23rd day of October. days,, the Auxiliary of the Workmen's 'Hadassah, will preside at the meet1D33. <ind on the 23rd day of December, 1933. nt 9 o'clock A. M.. each day, for the Circle held their, conference meetings, ing. The first general meeting will be purpose of presenting their claims for exwith delegates from these cities. amination, adjustment and nllownnre. held; in October. Committees and Three months are allowed for the creditMeetings were held in' the Elks committee chairmen -will be named ors to present their einims, from the 23rd Club, with a large banquet, attended at that time. to form a corporation under the laws of day of September, 1033. BKYCE CRAWFORD, by .over 150 people, climaxing• the the State of Nebraska. The name of the County Judge. corporation shall be CENTKAL DAIKY 0-l-33-3t. convention on Monday evening. The BAVMOKD S. HILL, Attorney PKODUCTS, INC. The principal place of 438 Frances Bldr. principal speaker of the banquet was transacting the business of this corporaSioux City, Iowa. tion shall be tbe City of •iinihn, Douglas Irving Hill, a student at the UniverCounty, Nebraska, I.ut busiitss may be sity of Nebraska. Mr. Hill spoke on transact",! in any otht-r city, county, or • :'•• A staggering blow to a faltering NOTICE Or INCOKFOltATIOX. state. Xu.» general nniutn of the bnsiness conditions in Germany and urged the A quiet wedding ceremony will take would-be columnist, '' No column iast TO WUOit IT MAX CONCKKN: be transact*! by this eorirorjjHon shall Notice is hereby giveu that there has to members of the Workmen's Circle place next Sunday afternoon when week and no complaints at its ab- beeu incorporated under aud by virtue.ot be: To ouy, sell, own io;l, 6'orv, bundle and their auxiliary to voice their pro- Miss Jessie Shiloff, daughter of Mr. sence. Not- one reader, even after "he laws of the state of Nebraska, a cor- nnd generally -tlenl iu aud with (.utter, tggs, cliwse, iik'lk, ere-ini, ice rre.im, ices, as follows: test by r advocating- the -boycott of and Mrs. Meyer Shiloff, will become pointed bints on our part, made men- >oration products of all kimls.Miui] ant other uame of the corporation shall be the dairy frodnctii. or coqinioclities whii-U ii:ay IKGerman goods. .'•••• the bride of Harry Lavine, son of tion of the fact that, they missed the Th ONAlj AMUSlSMiJJ.NV COilvAN *. fiC'iivenieniiy c:>.ii;t«tiop with The • principal place of transacting its *cvh l>tisii'.-s.<,haudliHK'in Daring-the- meetings, reportsiof the Mr. and Mrs. J . Lavine of ;Lincoln, column. To have acknowledged its >asiuess and :iny :ii.il .-ill ki'ils of shah be at Umaha, Douglas C'ouumaterials, piipiiii-is, or ciiuipmunt v.s<d or year were -given by the; committeesi Nebraska; absence would have been enough and y, .Nebraska. useful in co iii<H.licit willi M!.'li business; plans-were made, to hold;-:the next A pre-nuptial dinner will be served to have admitted that they missed it, The general nature of the business to be to acciuiri-. hold. M-II, r.liciiate or eiu-amlier by it, shall be the operation of and personal property of every kind conference in Omaha, and the work in the Shiloff home a t one; o'clock, would have renewed our fast failing ransacted ny anil nil kinds of iimusemeiits, contests, real and description wheresoever simnltd, inof the organizations done, both in and be followed by the: wedding cer- faith in mankind, but not one word ntertsiinmeuts, races, aud whatever wise cluding the stocks, notes, bonds, delicube classified as relating to the show tures, or other evidenrx-s «f indrbttMlness America and Russia, was discussedemony at 3. Habbi Rabinowitz will did we hear, not one gesture of pre- nay usiuess. This corporation has the right to and obligations of any corporation, and to Delegates representing the local read the marriage lines, and the orrow money, and acquire, purchase, ron* issue in payment or exehaiiRe ..Iwrrlor its tended interest. What a complete ey, lease, sub-let, contract for nnd deal own ; stock, notes, bonds, debentures, or lodge and auxiliary were- Mr. L Sing- ceremony 'will be witnessed by the shattering of all the illusions that u leases for real property necessary for other obligations; to acquire the good er, Mr. Max Dervin, Mr. A. Rosmof- members of the immediate family of we so secretly cherished. But such ts business. will, rights and property of all tiwds, mid The amount of capital stock authorized to take over the whole or any van of the sky, and Mrs. J. Zeligson. the bride and groom; is life. (Pardon while we yawn.) s Ten Thousand JJollars ($10,000.00) di- assets and liabilities of nuy pt-r^on, firm, Miss Sophie Raskin entertained the vided into One Hundred (100) shares of or corporation »n;;»S'-d In a The only bright spot in an other- One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) each. Noiissocintion similar line of business, and to pay for the m. nbers of the Achus club Thursday tock shall be issued until the corporation same in rash, stock, notes, bonds, debenevening, honoring Miss Shiloff. Fol- wise dull week end, Labor Day not- ias received payment in full therefor at tures, or other obligations of this corporain cash or property; provided, how- tion; to borrow moijey and to secure the lowing Bunco, refreshments were withstanding, was the "open house" par that when stock is Issued for auy- payment thereof in any lawful manner, to party in honor of Nate G. and Louise )ver, served. ' '• hing else than money it must meet np- make nnd perform contracts of every kind H. at the home of the latter, and roval with the laws of the state of Ne- and description, nnd to do uny mid ml Mr. Lavine and his fiancee will Members of the Junior - Hadassah other things for the purposes of the corraska. make their home in Lincoln, after many came, some to offer congratu- This corporation commenced business poration which a natural person could do. chapter will be hostesses to all the lateions, and some to eat three helpimmediately upon the issuance of the^cer- and may now or hereafter be authorized Jewish young women of the city, 18 a weeks visit in Chicago. by law. The authorized capital stock of ings of the tasty delicacies that ificate of incorporation by the Secretary the corporation is V0.000.00 divided iuto years and older, at* a tea, Sunday >f State and aft°'r the amount of capital graced the beautifully set table, and lock in the sum of Three Hundred l>ol- 100 shares of the par value of 100.00 each, afternoon, September 17, at 3 o'clock. . Mrs. Leonard Cherniss and chilA Steck Grand Piano nil of which Is common stock and when ars ($300.00) had been issued and paid for. A program will be presented at 3 dren of Omaha, Mrs. Ben Abraham- our 10 year old cousin, Bobby, mo- vliieh was on the 22ml day of August, issued shall be fully paid and non-assesswill be a delightful addidestly asked us to print the fact able. The corporation shall commence 933, nnd continue for the period of tweno'clock, after which refreshments will son and children of Council Bluffs, tion to any home. This y years with the right of renewal, unless business npon the filing of these Articles that his birthday was last •—-w, end be served. Miss . Cheryl Sandier of and Mrs. I. Rosinsky and daughter ooner dissolved by a two-thirds vote of in the office of the County Clerk and shall great international piano, not to print that some oi •*. gifts terminate upon the first day of August, 11 capital stock: subscribed nt a stockDes Moines will be the principal Sally of Auburn, Nebraska, were re1083, unless sooner dissolved by a majormeeling. famed for its fine tone ity vote of the outstanding capital stock. speaker, and a group of musical num- cent "guests in the home of. their mo- were better, left ungiven, uut that olders" The highest amount of indebtedness to The highest amount of indebtedness to some were most satisfactory, .and hich and exceptional durabers will round out the program. Miss ther, Mrs. A. Mazie. this corporation may at any time which this corporation shall nt any time didn't we think that the ice cream we subject itself shall not exceed two-thirds subject bility. ; Sadie Shulkins is general chairman itself shall not exceed two-thirds Mrs. Mazie entertained thirty were eating was better than most, of its capital stock, except as authorized of its capital stock. The affairs of this for the arrangements. or hereafter authorized or permitted corporation shall be conducted by n Board guests at a luncheon, honoring her and ended up by asking if I had a now law. of Directors of not less Ihnn two nor more guests. The afternoon hoars were girl, which reminds us of the little, byThe affairs of this corporation are to be than five, the number to be fixed by the conducted by a board of directors consist- By-Lnws. The officers shall be chosen by spent at bridge. . Brand New Steck Grands, Complete With Bench six year old who interrupted her j of not less than two nor more than the directors and shall be President, Vice Mrs. Mazie is visiting with rela- mother"s club meeting to ask," Mo- ing Remember, OUT Supply Is Limited! five, who shall elect a President, Vice- President, and Secretary-Treasurer, nny Secretary and Treasurer, and the two of which offices may be held by one Easy Terms! . . . Trade In Year Old Piano! ther, what was that cute thing that president. Mr. E- N. Grueskin, who has been tives this week in Omaha. officers to be as follows: President, Casler person. These Articles may be nmemWKl Stein ; rostoffice, Sioux City. Iowa: Vice- at any annual meeting of the stockholders, . I said yesterday?" active in the local NRA committee^ Small Cash Payment—Years to Pay the Balance I'resident, John Weinstein, Postoffice, or nt nny special meeting of the stockThe Debra club will meet next Jeannette L. in town and if O. O.Omaha. has been appointed chairman of the Nebraska; Secretary. Casler Stein, holders called for that purpose by a majorStock Yards division of the NIRA Monday with Miss Rosabelle Wigod- Mclntyre were to give a one word Postoffice. Sioux City. Iowa; Treasurer ity vote in amount, of the stock then outSwartz, Postoffice, Omaha, Ne- standing. The corporation shall have a work. Mr. Grueskin is a member of sky. The regular meeting will be description of her, we are sure that Samuel braska. seal." the Chamber of Commerce, and one followed by. a social hour. Dated at Nebraska, this 22nd day it would be the word "bubbley". Al of August, Omaha. A. D. 1033. of the leaders in activities in the J. HARKT KUI.AKOFSKY, Fox of Council Bluffs looks exactly By CASLER STEIN. t514-Ifo-18 Do<&e Live Stock Exchange building, here. IX1UIS KULAKOFSKY. President Miss Eva "Wolf of Fremont, Neb- like Morris G. of S. C. Sonny B. MILTON It. ABRAHAMS. CASLER STEIN. raska, was a guest this week in the looks like Eddie Cantor, when he j>-l-33-4t 8-18-33-4t : incorpnrntorH. Secretary. ! home of Miss- Inez Leaf. opens his eyes, and there's a.horse named Bill* Seff, also one named Max Zelingson returned Sunday Yonkel, -who is a consistent winner . A hew club has been organized for boys 12 to 14 years" old. The next, from Minneapolis, where he visited . . . People with Hay Fever seem to be bound by a common bond similar meeting to which all boys of these with, friends and relatives. to that which makes all Americans ages have been invited to attend, will; be held next Monday, evening at Miss Freda Albert returned home friendly to each other when they meet Abe S. on his way 7:15 in the Shaare Zion synagogue. Sunday evening from Los Angeles, in Europe The d u b has been named the Amoi- where she spent the summer months. home from New York, and whether intentionally or not, sent us a picture ans, V( with friendly feelings). Joe Maron is president of the group; Mrs. J . L. Levitt, accompanied by post card of the New York State inDavid Tilevitz, vice president; David David and Lois Levitt returned to sane asylum . . . a n d that's all. Olensky, secretary; Bernard Rosen- the city, Sunday, from St. Paul, thai, treasurer; Philip Zeligson, ser- where- they spent the summer months. Kindness in us is the honey that geant-at-arms, and Harold Lefkovich, blunts the sting of unkindness in anreporter. ' Mr. and Mrs. J. Rodin of Council other.—Landor.
Society News
Hokka Chynik
While Our
You Can Buy
at Remarkable Savings
Junior Hadassah Tea September 17
Buy Now Before Prices Advance!
N. R. A. Chairman
Sdtntolkr &iBttdler Ftano Co
Mount Sinai Seats for Rosh Hashonah and Yom Kippur may be reserved at Mount Sinai Temple, every evening, in the Temple office until the Holy Days. The reservations will be open from 7 until 9 o'clock each evening, and can be made by calling at the Temple in person during these hours-
Shaare Zion The ticket committee for seats during the High Holy Days, will be at the Shaare Zion synagogue next Sunday morning from 10 to 12. - - Shaare Zion members may reserve '.* their seats at that time.
Series of Addresses •;. Rabbi Lewis gave the principal ad} dress in Onawa, Iowa, at the NIRA - meeting there, last Monday after; noon. The meeting followed a NIRA i parade. :r Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock, he gave the invocation at-the meeting ; ; of all Sioux City public school teachers, in North Junior High. :i-I;. Wednesday, Rabbi Lewis addressed i; the r - student body of East High ;i .'school, speaking on the NRA. ;• .-Thursday morning, he gave the.tn•• vocation-before the Policemen's Convention in the Martin. Hotel. :
FBADENBtTKO. 8TALMASTEK £ BEBEB, Attornejrs : " 650 Omaha National Bank Bide. NOTICE BX PUBLICATION ON PETITION FOB BETTLEMENT OF FINAL ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT • I n the County Court of Douglas County, •'•••'• N e b r a s k a ' .
In the Matter of the Estate of HAJtBY FREEMAN, Deceased. : An persons interested in Bald matter are hereby notified thnt on the 30th day of August, 1933, David A- Freeman filed .a ; petition in said County Court; praying that ' his final ndministratiori account filed here- In be settled nnd allowed, and that he be • cHscbnrBea from bis.trusfns administrator 'and that a hearing-will be had on said petition .before said Court, on the JSrd day of September. 1933, and that If you fail to appear before snid Court on the -said 23ra day of September,. 1033, at 9 o'clock A. M., snid petition, the Conrt may ;' ai»a contest jrrant;the prayer of said petition, enter a deeiw of heirship. and make such 'other ! anct- further, orders, allowances and • de• creeSi as'to this Court may seem proper. t » the <>na that all matters pertaining to • s a i d eslnte may be finally settled ana de^^'n^C BKTCE CRAWFORD, ' S»^.-33-3fc' ' ';:'"•• Couaty Jud<~.»
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