"Dedicated to the v Ideals of Judaism
/n Interests of the Jewish People
>tond-U>i8ji Mall Matter on January 27, 1921,.at haha. Nebraska, under tho Act at Marcn 3. 1S79
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Vol. IX—No. 33
Please Note! Rosh Hashonah begins Wednesday evening, September 20. All local items of every kind, therefore, must be in the Jewish Press office by 5 p. m. Monday, September 18, to appear in next •week's Rosh Hashonah issue.
Mrs. Wm. Holzman WORLD Died Monday After a Week's Illness
Mrs. William L. Holzman, 53, died at a local hospital Monday, following an Illness of one week. Private fun- Preliminary Conference in GenPresidential Order Gives Cue to Active Leadership p at eral services were held in Omaha era Adopts a Boycott l d in i N Anti-Semitic Papers Conference H Held New Wednesday. Interment will be in the Resolution in Uruguay York City family vault at New York City. Mrs. Holzman was prominent in Geneva—What the World Zionist Montevideo, (J.T.A.) —Five hunNew; York.—A conference of distinJewish communal, charitable, and Congress and the Jewish Agency for dred Jewish families which have been guished Jewish and non-Jewish civic organizational work. She was chair- Palestine are designed to be in reforced to flee from Germany on acWorkers, business leaders, industrialman of the relief committee of the lation to Zionism and the Jewish Nacount of the Hitler terror -will be ists, and professionals met under the Sisterhood of Temple Israel; chair- tional Home, the World Jewish Conadmitted into Uruguay as the result Chairmanship of Samuel TJntermyer in man of Americanization work of the j gress plans to be find to do in reof a special decree by Dr. Gabriel j Argentine J e w Who Translated texecutive session for th6 purpose of Council of Jewish Women and a lation to the common Jewish probTerra, President D f the Republic of j Message of Hitler's Aide Over formulating detailed plans for the inmember of the executive board o: lems of the Diaspora (dispersion), ' I Radio Begs Pardon tensification and extension ot the boythe Council; and corresponding- secre- Eabbi Stephen S. Wise declared in Dr. Terra's decree is significant m cott against German products and serthe light of the factthat Uruguay, Buenos Aires (J. T. A.)—Chaim tary of the Jewish Women's Welfare opening the conference preliminary vices in retaliation for the persecution to the call for the congress. like most of the Other American, na-1 Yankelvitch, the Argentinian radio Organization. Of the religious, racial and political The world conference has been tions, has, because of unemployment manufacturer and radio station own- A graduate of Omaha Central high minorities in Germany. a storm of protest by ;chool, Mrs. Holzman had lived in ] called for the next March, and will (By Irving Perimeter) NEW YORK (J. T. A)—Farm set- and the economic! crisis, very strict j er who created The conference met under the ausLincoln, Neb.*—Although applaud- tlements, for Jews which hark back to anti-immigration laws, and doubly so transmitting1 over his station a Span- Omaha virtually all her life. She be held in Geneva. The Geneva preliminary conference pices of the American League* for the ing some of Hitler's ideals, speakers the days of Brook-Farm will be estab- as a moral victory for South Am- j ish translation of a speech delivered was a daughter of the late Morris Defense of Jewish Eights, of whicli at the German day celebration at lished by a Provisional Commission erican Jewry. Hpwever, when the by Alfred Rosenberg, one of Hit- Levy, whose original contribution voted the following anti-German boyt&r. Samuel Untermyer is the presi- the Nebraska state fair here last working under the auspices of the Jewish Immigrant Aid Society of ler's most vindictive Jew-baiting as- made the erection of the Jewish Com- cott resolution: "The world J e w i s h conference dent and -which includes, among oth- week condemned the 'Nazi persecu- American Jewish Congress, within a Montevideo appealed to the govern- sistants, lias made a strong public munity Center building possible. notes •with deepest satisfaction that ers, former Ambassador James W. tion of Jews. ment for permission to bring into She is survived by her husband, few months. The purpose of the farms bid for forgiveness on the ground from the beginning of the Hitler Gerard, and other eminent Jewish and Dr. William Sternberg of Creigh- which are planned as co-operative en- the country a ntnnber of German- that at the time he was not aware William; a son, Max; her mother, regime its anti-Jewish laws and non-Jewish leaders. ton university said he approved of terprises, will be "to rehabilitate tech- Jewish families vwhom the society of Eosenberg's anti-Jewish senti- Mrs. Bertha Levy, all of Omaha; acts, theandJewish people instinctively . two sisters, Mrs. Daniel Korn and The following cities were represent- certain Hitler aims but deplored "ab- nologically displaced Jews" who are promised to establish, the govern- ments. ment's answer topk the form of the Mrs. Ealph Holzman, both of New and continuously resorted to the one ed by delegations: New York, N. Y., uses overshadowing fundamental fea- now unemployed. Yankelevitch, who went to Ger- York. immediately accessible weapon of Newark, N. J.; Jersey, N. Y.; Hart- tures." A national organization is to be president's decree! many on a German ship and to buy self-defense, the moral and economic A campaign tofraise 300,000 Urulord, Connn.; Chicago, 111.; Cleveland, The Omaha city council Tuesday "The national socialist system in created to direct the work of assignGerman supplies for his radio staguayan pesos, the* money to be used O.: Youngstown, O.; Detroit, Mich.; many respects is undemocratic and ing from 50 to 100 families to each adopted resolutions of regret upon boycott. "In the spirit of individual and Philadelphia, Pa.; Pittsburg, Pa.; Har- antagonistic to American ideals," he farm. Social and cultural programs in colonizing the- German refugees, tion, acted as translator to Eosen- the death of Mrs. Holzman. The J. C. tisburg, Pa.; Indianapolis, Innd.; Ho- declared. "Especially is this true in are to be worked out later. The pres- has been begun. However, since the berg at the Berlin Argentine em- C. "was closed Wednesday out of re- collective self-respect, the Jewish peochester, N. Y.; Syracuse, N. Y.; Buf- its attitude and persecution of the ent administrative committee, with Jewish population of Uruguay num- bassy on July 9, the Argentine na- spect to the memory of Mrs. Holzman. ple, through the boycott, affirm they cannot hold any economic or other falo, N. Y.; Albany N. Y.; Boston, Jews. Such actions may be ex- offices at 122 East 42nd Street, is bers only about 20,000, it is prob- tional holiday. The speech was rerelations with the Third Reich and Mass.; Washington, D. C ; Baltimore, plained, but they cannot be justified. headed by Dr. Chaim Zhitlovsky, dean able that the larger Jewish institu- layed to the Argentine over Yanbelieve the boycott must continue Md.; Annapolis, Md.; Winston-Salem, They have created much ill feeling of Jewish letters and veteran advo- tions will have to contribute most kelevitch's station. supported by the many non-Jews in of the sum. Most of the work of N. C. Charleston, S. C ; Atlanta, Ga.; toward Germany in other nations." The storm of protest which the cate of the "Back to the land moveall lands who understand and sympacolonization willbe carried on by the incident aroused was augmented by Savannah, Ga.; Tampa, Fla.; St ment of the Jews," honorary chairFred Brand of Louisville, who thize with the Jewish people's abJewish Immigrant Aid Society, which the fact that Yankelvitch's name Louis, Mo.; Kansas City, Mo.; Nash- came from Germany three years ago, man. horrence of Nazi anti-Jewish prefinanced by the ICA (Jewish Col- was widely featured in the Spanish Tille, Tenn.^- Jackson, Miss.; Mobile, explained the anti-Semitic attitude Chairman of the commission is Ben- is cepts and practices. Ala.; Montgomery, Ala.; Peterson, N. of the Nazis as due to the fact that jamin Brown, president of the Pro- onization Association). and led to his suspenu^duuu ^Muciauuu,. ^ newspapers and lea to ms suspen"When the German Jewish boyJ.; Providence, R. I.; Augusta, Ga.; "When one per cent of the country ducers Distributing Agency, an associBut evenanbefore the firstgrumbling refugee ^m f r o m s e v e r a i Jewish organizacott is to be ended entirely depends Knoxville, Tenn.; New Orleans, La.; occupies 62 per cent of the govern- ation of farm co-operatives in eight "has come, anti-Semitic tions here. This expression of the Rabbi Frederick Cohn and Mrs- J. not on the Jewish people but on the Galveston, Tex.; Houston, Tex;; Okla- ment offices, something is wrong. states. against the decree admitting him attitude of the community towards H. Kulakofsky were named on the Nazi government. This instrumenthoma City, La.; Galveston, Tex.; The same thing applies to the fiis beginning to be heard. Those Yenkelvitch greatly affected his Omaha library board by Mayor Roy ality of moral and economic pressure Houston, Tex.; Oklahoma City, Okla.; nancial system. The democratic-soprincipally guilty in this matter are wife and other members of his famN. Towl this week. The board con- the Jews have been compelled reTulsa, Okla.; Seattle, Wash.; Birm- cialist party "was composed mainly of El Imparcial and La Tribuna Popily, as well as the radio entrepeneur sists of nine members. luctantly to adopt, utilize and not lay Ington, Ala. ular, two influential newspapers. El Jews, and when Hitler came into Both have been appointed for a two- down until such time when the great himself upon his return from GerImparcial is a Catholic newspaper, The non-secretarian character of power, a clash was inevitable." year term. Dr. Cohn was on the board wrong inflicted on the German Jews virtually the official Hitlerite organ many. the conference was accentuated by the ends and the German Jews once, Yankelviteh's first step was to the previous term also. here. La Tribuna Popular is a genpresence of several distinguished nonThe terms of all members of the again are placed in the position erally reactionary paper unfriendly ask reinstatement into the groups Jews^ among whom was General John to foreigners and largely responsible which had suspended him, and to old board had expired. A new system which was rightly their own before V. Clinnin of Chicago. PEAGUE (J. T. A.)—Dr- Leo Motz- for.the anti-immigration laws. La offer to give as much as 25,000 pesos was now inaugurated by which the the accession of the Hitler governThe conference elected an Adminkin, veteran Zionist leader, was elect- Tribuna views the government's de- to the committee in charge of the board is divided into three groups, ment. istrative Committee under the chair"This conference solemnly calls the ed as chairman of the Administrative chee permitting the entry of five, fund to establish German Jews in one to serve for one year, one for manship of Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver two years and one for three years. Jewish people loyally to continue in Committee of the Jewish Agency for hundred German-Jewish families as Palestine. of Cleveland and a National Commit- Nazism Erect £4atuesu-Hon0xing Palestine,; the official b o d y - a n - a l l •an autonomous ii«t: abrogating the Thus a continuing; board is provided their legitimate, honorable and peaceHowever, the committee felt that for. tee headed'"Byline well-known "writer," able resistance against the war questions concerning Palestine. Nevanti-immigration laws. Slayers of Martyr, So Yankeleviteh's punishment would be l>r. A. Coralnik of New York, Mr. SamThe library is encouraging the gift waged by Hitlerism agair.st the Gerille Laski of England, was elected coThe campaign which both newsGroup Breaks Up greater if his gift were refused, and Tiel Untermyer ""who Is now the presichairman. BJlc\ aj\ the Jewish people." papers are carrying on is dema- demanded instead that he' publicly of as many new books as possible by | m&n jews dent of the American League for Dethe general public, since many willA i-esolution "was also adopted callgogical to an extreme and is, of Berlin, (J.T.A.)—The Eathenau The Administrative Committee confense of Jewish Rights has assumed acknowledge his guilt. As a result ingly donate books after having read ing- for League of Nations actions active leadership and at the conclu- Society, founded in memory of Wal-firmed the Executive of the Jewish course, having considerable effect Yankelevitch prepared a statement them. on the German question, demanding sion of the conference issued a state- ter Eathenau, first minister of for- Agency elected by the Eighteenth upon those who are subjected to it, which appeared in the local press They are also going to raise as that the League take over superfor most of the Uruguayan people eign affairs in the German Republic, World Zionist Congress and also conment to the press which-read as foland which, in a voice showing great much funds as possible by book re- vision and regulation of the emigraresolved to dissolve itself on Sep- firmed all the resolutions adopted by know little about Jews and Jewish emotion, lows: •-!•--..;.. he read over his station in views and other means, so that a cur- tion of Jews from Germany, as it tember 27. The property remaining the Congress. The committee com- affairs. "The answer of liberal and humane Spanish and Yiddish. The statement tailment of library service will not did in the case of the repatriated after the publication of the complete plained about the smallness of the A counteraction to the campaign American to the war of extermination created a deep impression be necessary. Greeks. works of Eathenau is to be used for budget adopted by the Congress and decreed by the madman, now in -conThe delegates protested Zionist helping the German distressed. recommended extraordinary efforts to begun by the Uruguay Day, Yiddish follows: trol of Germany, will express itself "To the President of the Commitagreement reached with Germany for increase the income of the World newspaper published in Montevideo. Walter Eathenau, statesman, inin an intensification and extension of export of German goods to Palestine, Zionist organization. The Congress Its editorials insisting that some- tee Against the Persecution of Jews the boycott activity under the aus- dustrialist, author, banker and nathad adopted a budget of 175,000 thing be done immediately led to the in Germany, Mr. N. Gesang: •narlist, became after the Eevolution pices of the World Jewish Economic "Sir: I have the honor to address pounds. founding of Vos Hebrea (The JewFederation. Hitler and his gang will of 1918, one of the chief figures ish Voice), a newspaper printed in you, and, through your efforts, the in Germany and the first minister of At the same time the committee soon perceive that he cannot with imMorris Friedel was re-elected pressuggested the appointment of a spe- Spanish to carry on a quiet but de- Jewish community of the Republic punity flout the opinion of enlightened foreign affairs. ident of the United Palestine Countermined rebuttal of the arguments He -was a descendant of an old es-cial commission for Palestine to regto declare that I recognize that I mankind. The day of reckoning is at cil of Omaha Monday evening. of the anti-Semitic press. JERUSALEM (J. T. A.>—The draft tablished Jewish family and "was have made a great mistake, unwilulate the amortization of the Jewish hand. We are happy that this conOther officers are: Sirs. J. kic^m, | of a p ro p Osec i municipalities ordinance lingly, in transmitting from Berlin, ference, in which Jews and non-Jews born in Berlin. After a career in Agency debts. Some 75,000 pounds of by a hook-up with my broadcasting and M. Venger, vice-presidents; and i i n c o ; r p o r a t i n g the recommendations of combined for the protection of the the commercial field that involved in- the budget adopted is to pay for the Mrs. M. F. Levenson secretary-treas- p u b I i c bodies that government control ternational banking and the founding accumulated debts. station, the speech of Rosenberg, Cherished ideals of twentieth century nrer. The executive committee m- he relaxed, was issued here lay the The next session of the Administracivilization against the brutal assaults of the AUgemeine Elektrizitat Geswho is—as I learned several days eludes M. D. Brodkey, M. F. Leven- p a i e s tine administration. Foreigners, selschaft, one of the largest trusts tive Committee is to be held next of bigots and fanatics, unanimously after the transmission—one of the son, and M. Minkm. i according to the communique, are dedecided to carry on intensive propa- in the world, he turned i» states- spring in Palestine, providing the Acworst persecutors of the Jewish naThe Palestine Council is two years J p r i v e d o f t h e i r v o t e Xlm\er the promanship. His brilliant efforts to tions Committee makes a similar deganda among all classes of the popultion. I formally declare that I was old. d. _.. It was formed to unite and co- posed e ( 1 o r ^i n a nce. This affects a numation calculated to reduce imports break the ring of. enemies around cision. unaware of the anti-Semitic tenden- ordinate the efforts of the local or- ber of Jews and officials. from Germany to the vanishing point Germany were acclaimed by all thinkcies of the individual, on which The bill is the first step in the diSpecial Memorial and Dedicatory ground I ask forgiveness of my ganizations doing work for the de• "An appeal -will be made for half of ing Germans but the bullets of a reactionary murder band ended his life .a million dollars with which to orservices at the Golden Hill cemetery brothers, and I assure them that I velopment and re-habilitation ol Pa- rection of local autonomy for ralestine communities' ganize thoroughly and efficiently not on June 24, 1922. of the B'nai Israel synagogue will be am a conscientious Jew and that I lestine as a Jewish homeland. Eathenau was hailed as a martyr only the consumers of the country, but held this coming Sunday, September am sorry for all that occurred in also the importers, storekeepers, man- of the German Eepublic and his 17, at 2:30 p. m. connection with that incident. ufacturers and: professionals. Trained memory honored. When the HitlerAnnually, according to Jewish traOwing to the death of Mrs. Wil"I beg of you, Mr. President, to • Vienna (J. T. A.)—A resolution economists and practical business men ites attained power they tore down ditions, it is customary to visit one's accept my true assertions, and take liam L. Holzman, the Sisterhood of j favoring the Christian Socialist polthe plaque commemorating the memT attack the problems of finding departed dear ones at the cemetery Temple Israel has cancelled the conAlternative sources of supply for mer- ory of Eathenau and erected statutes icies, wthout obvious anti-Semitic during the pre-High Holyday weeks. this opportunity to send you my gregational dinner which was to have most respectful greetings." slogans, was adopted by the leaderchandise, usually imported from Ger- to the murderers. GENEVA (J. T. A)—A sensational This Sunday a special ceremony been held this evening. "Chaim Yankelevitch." ship of the Austrian Catholics in many. Every effort will be made, and totally unexpected recantation o£ will be held. The cemetery, which connection with the sessions of the Wherever possible to substitute Amerj his anti-Semitism by Francois Coty, all-German Catholic conference meet- has been renovated with new walks ican products for German products. Paris parfumeur and newspaper puband a drive-way, will be re-dedicated ing here. "At least twelve regional headquarlisher, has been received by the Jewish to its holy purpose. This is taken to mean that Austers will be established through the community of Geneva. In a telegram Pra^ne (J. T. A.)—Nahum Soko- tria desires a • veiled, but not a bru- Addresses will be delivered by country for the promotion of the boy- low, president- of the World Zionist to the community, Coty asked that hie Eabbi Uri Miller, Irvin Stalmaster cott. Great stress" was laid upon the Organization and .president of the tal, anti-Semitism and quiet discrimimessage be read from the platform and Harry A. Wolf. The El Molay .enlistment of 'women and women's Jewish Agency for "Palestine, had a nations against .the Jews. of the conference in session here, pre~ will be chanted by Cantor A. SchGENEVA (J- T. A.)—Jewish self- German exports to Palestine, to pay paratory to the Jewish works conClubs, "Who naturally Tesent the rele- lengthy interview with Professor ' In addressing the conference at the for the old, immortal right of equalwaczlrin, of the B'nai Israel synarespect demands a refusal to buy any gation to the kitchen of their sis- Thomas G. Masaryk, President of opening, Cardinal Innitzer criticized gress. ity with German pianos, cooking-pots gogue. ters." the "false paths taken by the wild products of Nazi Germany, declared Coty, in his two Paris newspapers, Czechoslovakia, at the summer or victrolas. On the contrary, selfThe committee in charge of the Figaro and Ami du Peuple, has COTS.' Emil Ludwig, celebrated biographer capital, Topolcanky. The noted states- and noisy Nad revolution." respect demands of us that we not memorial and dedicatory services insistently attacked the Jews. Be re* men, in the course of their conver- He declared that he preferred that cludes William Milder, J. J. Green- and historian and refugee from Ger- patronize i thi G German. the Catholic intelligentzia capture I am glad j eently lost a libel suit in Paris brought sation, discussed current topics. many, in a plea to the Jews of the ^•VIPT, Jew- against teaching posts, the editorial of- berg, and N. H. Greenberg. to against him by Franco-Jewish war world for unity. After the interview, Dr. Solcolow the to note that it exists now when Jew- veterans and was fined and compelled fices, the political tribunes and the Mr. Ludwig, here to attend the Jew- ish leaders have come to realize that left for the resort town of Pistyan, economic life of the nation thus to publish the court verdict in the ish world conference which issued the there is no more question of Zionism to take a rest. case in a dozen newspapers. counteracting the realism and intelcall for a world congress in March. Berlin (J.' T. A.)—The Hakenor non-Zionism, but that Jews the Boycott lectuaHsm of an unbelieving generain a statement to the Jewish Tele- world over, are undertaking to rekreutz Banner, Nazi, newspaper of tion which was responsible for the The fall schedule of the physical graphic Agency, urged support of the double efforts for the upbuilding of Manneheim in the province of Hesse DALLAS, Texas—After joining: th«? collapse of "western civilization, and education department of the Jewish anti-Nazi boycott and the work of re- Palestine for a smaller portion of the published the photographs of two world-wide 'boycott against the Hithad prepared the ground for the Community Center will go into ef- building Palestine. He praised Eabbi Jews and, at the same time, are con Christian girls taken on the street ducting a strong fight for equality for jlente regime, the Texas louug JudNazi revolution. White Plains, N. Y. (J. T. A.)— •while walking with Jews and urged fect on October 2, according to an Stephen S. Wise, who presided at the ean Association at their annual conthe larger part of Jewry. its readers to identify the pictures. The Jews of the whole world were announcement by Morris H. Sogolow, conference. «S S 0 Jew in any "On this important occasion, I cony country has the tention here, issued an appeal to felThe girls had refused to leveal urged by Felix M. Warburg to unite director. 0 J ight now to abstain from gratulate the wise chairman, Stephen right now to abstain from taking taking part part low low Americans Americans to to "jom "jom m m this this r™* r™* their names and addresses to the in the fight against "Hitler, the The complete schedule will be pubWise," Mr. Ludwig declared. "The two in this task just because he is still I tical protest, aframst iNazi persecution* N a z i s . ' • • • • • - : • - • ' : _ • • ' . ' • • ''.•- • beastly foe, and his poisonous prejuThe Sunday School at the Jewish lished nest week. decisive words I heard at this confer- safe in the country where he lives, j and atrocities.' The same issue carries the; names dice." Community Center will be open for ence were 'self-respect' and 'unity*. Solidarity is the demand of this hisof ten other girls branded by Nazis Mr. Warburg spoke at a meeting registration on Sunday morning, SepTo Cleveland Pulpit Ashamed of Agreements toric moment. This is possible withwho saw them, walking with Jews. an the local Jewish Community Cen- tember 24, at 10 a. m. Eabbi David CLEVELAND HEIGHTS, 0.—Rab"Eegarding self-respect, I fee! out dictatorshipThe Nazi paper recommends-two al- -ter, to start the sale of tickets for A. Goldstein will supervise the Sunbi Rudolph Bosenthal was elected to ashamed of certain Jews who have The annual congregational meeting "It is possible for all Jews to be ternatives in dealing -with these a concert, the proceeds to be turned day School. united strongly and impressively in | the pulpit of the Temple on cases: "either the girlsm u s t leave for The staff will consM of the same of Temple Israel win be held Sun- concluded agreements with the Ger-
Confesses His Fault
Name Rabbi Colin, Mrs. Kulahofsky to Library Board
Rathenau Society to Dissolve Itself
Motzkin Chairman of Jewish Agency Administrative Body
Seek Palestine Local Autonomy
Special Memorial Services Will Be Held This Sunday
'Quiet' Anti-Semitism of Austria Catholics
Dinner Cancelled
Discussion Between _ Sokolow, Masaryfc
Coty Recants Error of Anti'Senutism in Telegram, to Geneva
Self-Respect Demands Boycott of Nazi Goods, Says Ludwij
Nazis Will Decide WhafsGopd Company
Fall Schedule to Start October 2
Warburg Urges Jews to Battle Hitlerism
Sunday School
Congregational Meet
over to the Joint Distribution Comone grreat, powerful, representative Heights to take the place of Rabbi Palestine at once, or they must sub-; mittee, for the relief of the German group of teachers who served last day afternoon, September 17f start- man government with a view to pay body. Jews of all lands, tmitel** jNowak. ing at 8:30 p. m. 'for the liberty of other Jews with year. The school is open to alL ^ Xnit.to sterilization.' Jews.
;;y..vX ;;:"?I:A. v!'^'--v:-^"-'^''''h>.\\?^
PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 19S3 Council Bluffs will be in charge of the services. Among the college set who are departing this week to - resume their studies at various colleges, are a numPublished every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by ber who will attend the University of THE JEWISH. PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Iowa at Iowa City, including Harold Saks, Leonard Krasne, Jack Gordon, $2.50 Subscription Pricej one year - - - - - Yaje Meyerson, Robert Rosenfeld, and; Regular services will be resumed at Collmah Yudelson. Advertising rates furnished on application Temple Israel this evening, Septem. Miss Gwendolyn Meyerson left for Lincoln, Neb., to resume her studies ber 15, at 8 p. m. . ; Editorial Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building. The volunteer choir will be under at the University of Nebraska. Print Shop Address: 1307 Howard Street' ,".'/i , Miss Carolyn Rosenfeld left for Los the direction of Mr. V. C. Bennett; Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center \ Angeles, Cal., where she will attend organist. Rabbi Frederick Cohn's DAVID BLACKER - - - - Business and Managingi Editor the ;University of California. ''•'• sermon will be ion "Renovated ReligFRANK R. ACKERMANT - - - - r - - - - - ^ . E d i t o r I'Miss Pauline Bernstein left Sunday' ion." FANNIE KATELMAN - "•- Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent for Chicago, to spend a few days vis- " The Temple has been redecorated ANN PILL •-- •-•'"-• - - - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent iting, the World's Fair^ en route to and/'recarpeted during the summer. There will also be a Saturday Madison, Wis., to enter her freshman year at the Universtiy of Wisconsin. ' ' morjiing service at 10:30 a. m. to-< ; Jack Rosenfeld left for' Lexington, morrow. Rabbi .Cohn will speak on Mo., to-resume his studies at Went- "Standing Before God." Shades of Henry (Ford's famous: public Apology for his Dear- worth Military Academy. Kaddish will be-recited for Mrs. born Independent broadside^ against the Jewish", people have re- The Council Bluffs } Talmud Torah William L. Holwnan, Joseph Rosencurred in the recantation by Francois Coty, Paris perfumer and Sunday School will open its fall sea- stien, Anna Weinberg. The Sunday school will open bunson next Sunday morning, September newspaper publisher, of his anti-Semitism. day morning at 10 o'clock when all 17, at 10 o'clock' at the synagogue at The sensational retraction came in the form of a telegram to 618 Mynster Street. Mr. J. Z. Stadlan, pupils are expected to be present for the Jewish community of Geneva, in which Coty asked that his principal .of the Sunday School, urges registration and enrollment.: : •_ message be read from the'platform at the Geneva conference. - • all parents to 'send pheir children, for :The annual congregational meeting! will be held.at.the Temple SunCoty, in his two Paris newspapers, Figaro and Ami du Peuple, the' opening class.' day, afternoon, September 17, startMr. and Mrs. George Steinberg enhas consistently attacked the Jewish people. Not long ago he. lost tertained about one hundred and fifty ing *at 3:30 p.-m. a libel suit brought against him by the Jewish war vets of France guests, at a reception Sunday after- Rtosh Hashonahi services will be and had to publish the court verdict in a dozen papers. noon and evening at 102 North 36th held Wednesday .evening, September We do not know what caused the sudden about-face of Mon- Street, in honor of their son-in-law 20*. at 8 o'clock. Rabbi Conn's subdaughter, Mr. and Mrs; Joe Rad- ject will be "The: Message of the sieur Coty. We do know that we have heard innumerable women and uziner> who were recently married. New Year." Thursday morning serin Omaha say they preferred certain powders and perfumes but Mrs. Raduziner was formerly Miss Lyl vices will start .at 10 o'clock. Dr. would under no circumstances use them because of the outspoken Steinberg. Cohn. will speak on "The Indomitanti-Semitism of the manufacturer. We have further heard that Mr. and Mrs. Max Sbostak have re- able Jew." turned home following a week's vacathis was true throughout the country. Perhaps .Coty decided that tion to Chicago, where they attended it did not pay financially to be a strong anti-Semite/ Perhaps he the: World's Fair. really has discovered-that his "premises" were falacious and Mr. and Mrs. Morris Grossman had At services tonight Rabbi David A. Goldstein will explain the signifiwishes to right a grave injustice. / . • as their guests the first part of the cance of the Rosh Hashonah and There are, however, no "perhapses" about this . . . that the week Mr. and,Mrs. Nathan Grossman Yom Kippur prayers, with special and family of Lincoln, who were en poison of perverted, unjust anti-Semitism has been spread, pollut- route to their home from Chicago, reference to Kol Nidre. ing the thoughts of the masses. After the seed is sown, some- where they attended the World's Fair, " He has chosen this theme in order and also, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hill and that people may better understand, what later the product sprouts forth. Ford apologized, yet today family and appreciate the High Holyday of Lincoln. the Nazis are making much of the exploded "Protocols of the services. Cantor E. Sellz will chant Mrs. M. L. Marks is confined at the the services. Elders of Zion" which Ford did so much to propagate. Retractions Immanuel hospital in Omaha, where Mr. J. J. Greenberg, president of will not root out the weeds of bigotry and hatred already planted. she is ill "with a throat infection. the organization, announces that Mr. and Mrs. Leo Meyerson have those who would like to attend sermoved to 116 Iowa Avenue, where they vices and yet cannot afford to pay will make their future home. for a membership may apply to The World Jewish Congress wilLbe convened in March, it was .Miss Ida Krasne entertained twelve Rabbi Goldstein for seats. decided at a preliminary meeting in Geneva. The American Jew- guests at a luncheon-bridge at her The schedule for Rosh Hashonah home Wednesday afternoon, in honor ish Congress is still the prime initiator in the movement. of her cousin. Miss Lucille Krasne, services: And, as was true before, so is it still true that there is no un- whose engagement to Mr. /Lawrence Wednesday night, Sept. 20—8 p. recently, .an- m. Rabbi Goldstein's sermon topic animity in the conyoking^i^f•, the conference.^ Certain groups Gross of Omaha . was. : : is "TheTragic Destiny of Israel." throughout the world are" stifi opposed, while others do not like the nounced-. ,_^~;Z'~'i' r' '~•'"' '7.'.J.;;'";.• "^-;. Thursday morning—8:3Q a. m., serThe Junior Congregation are resum- mon at 10:15 a. m. on "Necessary leadership of the congress^. \ ; ing their special children's-services Resolutions for the New Year." i However there is no question that a dire.need is felt for-a; this afternoon at-fiye"p'clockv;ait^the Thursday evening—6:15 p. m. Jewish body wMcbT will be a sort of "parliament" for world Jewish synag©jgua.at 4>i8 Mynster Stree^TJBey Friday mornihg-^-S-SO a. m., serwill hold services ever£ Friday iiitfter- mon at 10:15 a. m. on "How Shall affairs, a body capable of properly digesting^ cfliei^problems; facing noon at five o'clock aifd all children We Pass Judgment on Others." th©^ Jewish people in the Diaspora and coming to an agreement as are invited to attend. ; . ; ^ii!* : to how the problems should be met. The .continued horror of the Leonard krasrife;; and "Yale Sfeyerson Nazi terroristic methods against the Jews in 9ei*nany makes it left Sunday evening f o r . p h i c a ^ ^ i i i the World'a-Fair this w e e ^ b ^ imperative that such-a body be formed now. i The Jewishv Agency tend fore",;going to- Iow& City, whejjefthey Regular services; will be held this deals only "Withrthe National Homeland, Palestine. A similar body will attend the University of Iowa:-- Friday evening at 8:00 o'clock at the Registratibns are still. being taken B'nai Israel synagogue, 18th and Chimust be formed to be world-inclusive. this week for classes for "the Council cago Streets; tinder the auspices of i The leadership of world Jewry can prove their right to leader- Bluffs Hebrew School, and all ,begln- the Vaad Haihr. Rabbi Miller will ship by only, one way—by sinking personal animosities and pre- ners are urged to register as soon AS officiate, assisted by Cantor Schwaczjudiced beliefs-for the sake of the common cause, by uniting as possible with Mr. J.'^Z. Stadlan at the kin and the B'nai Israel choir. The • subject of Rabbi Miller's sermon will one for the good of Israel. Let a world Jewish body meet without synagogue. "5693 in Memoriam." This will Slichoth. services will be held Satany of our so-called "leaders," if necessary . / . let it consist of urday night, at midnight, at the Chev- be be a brief survey of the passing year truly, democratically-chosen representatives and with such an aus- ra B'nai Yisroel synagogue,:618 Myn-^ and its influence on Jewish life. These services are held every Friday evepicious beginning this type of congress would select the real ster Street. Everyone is invited. All news for next week must be ning and all members of the Jewish leaders. phoned to 650 before Monday for pub- community are welcome and urged to attend. lication in the Jfew Year edition. The Junior Congregation will hold
Religious Services Temple Israel
The Damage Pone
' r
Conservative Synagog
The World Congress
its regular Sabbath service Saturday morning at 10:00 o'clock at the B'nai Lsrael synagogue, 18th and Chicago Streets. At these services members of the Junior Congregation will officiate. All children are welcome to attend. ^ This Saturday evening at midnight, Slichoth services will be held at the various Orthodox synagogues- Members of the Jewish community are urged to be present at one of the synagogues in order to attend this pre-High Holyday service; Rabbi Miller will speak at the B'nai Israel synagogue at 11:30. The Religious School of the United Orthodox Synagogues will meet this Sunday morning at 10:00 a t the B'nai Israel synagogue. This school is free to all Jewish children and has a competent staff of teachers under the supervision of Rabbi Miller and Mr. I. Morganstern and bases its curriculum on traditional Judaism. A knowledge of Jewish history, customs, holidays, Jewish songs and similar subjects is given. The school meets regularly .Sunday mornings at 10:00 o'clock. '' -
Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol According to announcement by Mr. L. Harris, president, Cantor Joseph Malek will conduct services during the High Holydays at the Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol synagogue, 19th and Burt. Cantor Malek formerly conducted services in Omaha. He has sung in many of the leading synagogues in the country, and succeeded the great Cantor Josef Rosenblatt as chazan of the Ohab Zedek synagogue in New York. He also made many concert tours over the country with Rosenblatt. "Cantor Malek needs no introduction to Omaha Jewry," stated Mr. Harris, "as he is one of the? leading cantors in the country. He mot only possesses a fine, sweet voice, but also the power to interpret the prayers touchingly." Tickets, which are being sold at reasonable prices, may be obtained at the shule from 7 to 10 p. m. eve-
nings, or else by calling Atlantic 7669. Saturday at midnight Cantor Malek and his choir ^ill chant the Slichoth" services. . By O. O. DASHEB Rosh Hashonah services will begin Wednesday evening at 7 p. m. Thursday morning and Friday morning they The lips of the wise disperse will begin at-7 a. m. knowledge, but the heart of the All members and non-members must foolish is not steadfast. ,' have their, tickets with them to be admitted. 4 scoi-ner loveth not to be reproved; hf'will not go mit© the wise.
GEMS of the BIBLE andTALMlfo
Yoictng: Peojfles' Synagogue
• ; Folly is joy to him that lacketh The membership of the Young Peo- understanding, but a man of disples' Synagogue, which will hold cernment walketh straight forward. High Holyday services in' the lodge room of the J. C C'will be limited A mah hath joy in the answer'of to 180 so as to assure comfortable bis mouth, and a word in season, seating for those wishing to attend, how good is it! it was decided at an executive and membership meeting Monday. Talviud Admission will be by card .only. Four groups of people will never Those wishing cards are asked to call see the Gehenam (Hell). 1. Those George Geffen in the evening, Har- who suffer from stress of poverty. ney '22-13. 2. Those who suffer from cancer The Rosh Hashonah services, start- of the stomach. 3. Those who suffer ing Wednesday evening, September :from loan-shark creditors. 4, Those 20, will be' a traditional Hebrew and who are married to mean' wives. English service. Wednesday the (Because they have the Gehenam ' . Hebrew will be chanted by Harry (Hell) in this world.) ". •'' Weinberg and the English service will be conducted by Ralph Nogg and Rabbi Juda said: "The Torah enErnie Priesman: The sermon wiii be dured with the Judeans, who paid delivered by Joseph Solomonow, strict attention to the exact language speaking on "The Present Jewish which they received from their teachers. But the Galileans who paid no Scene." At the Thursday and Friday morn- attention to the exact language as ing services, the Hebrew will be they received it from their teachers, chanted by Erwin Wezelman and Is- therefore the Torah did not endure rael Barcovici, and the English ser- with them. vice "will be conducted by Ralph Nogg and Ernie Priesman. ThursNATIONAL day morning William Wolfe will delived the sermon, on "The Future ACCESSORIES, Inc. Hope of Youth." Friday morning EVERYTHING Philip Klutznick will deliver a serFor the Auto mon of interest. 2051 Farnam AT. 5524 Throughout the holydays the shofar will be handled by Massie Baum.
FAVORITE of Nebraska Women
Th ree times
Try a Bag Today
mar -.-. wonder
he had to get the doctor
"He Shall Return the Hearts of the Sons Unto Their Parents." . . ' Malachi 3:24. ; A peculiarly American significance pertinent, to the High Holidays is that of serving as a binding force in American Jewry. The Synagogue, as Jerusalem and the Temple of old, becomes a rallying point for all Israel. American life has made terrific inroads on Jewish religious solidarity. Estrangement of our youth has become the order of the day and it is the exceptional youth who has the character and training to remain faithful to the creed of his father. False gods created after the pattern of the peoples amongst whom we live and fostered by the ignorance of American Jewry have served to tempt Israels' youth from the paths of tradition. And the names of progress and modernism have been invoked to hallow the betrayal of Israels Torah-true oath of loyalty. It is as a last bulwark of unity that the High Holidays stand. On these days the straying son and daughter return unto the fold, or sit by. their parents, to be thrilled by the ancient meaningful chant, to hear the word of God expounded as it was to their ancestors. On these days the Jewish soul stripped of the artificialities of the day, is stirred; the Jewish heart beats in the rythm of Israel's life stream.;: And many a young man and woman, wayward in his religious life, finds a peculiar sympathy and a longing for the ancient well-trod way of Ufe that is of his people. -If the time comes-when Jewish life finds itself in this country; it wjll be the high Holidays that served as an Oasis in the days of spirituaL4rought. If iour youth is to be rewon, it will be by making of every day significance, the attachment of. the High Holid a y s U • the Synagolrtte,Is to reassert itself in American Jewish life, i t will be because;pui .youth fill intensify the spiritual bonds of Rosh' Hashpnah'a^Yaffle Kippur. To sever those bonds would constitute a tragedy^n^he^ggritual life of American Jewry.-^U. M. - ,t ...
at the Strand Theatre, Saturday afteri noon. . •. •-
B Y F.-.KL-;K;'>rir^;t?;. The Bar Mitzvafr of Me'yer^tilamond, son of Mr. and Mrs; A;l8aSridiid|"will take place Saturday marning,.J3Spfeinber 16, at the Chevra B'nai Yisroel synagogue at 618 Mynster Street. He will entertain about twenty of his young friends at a- tfieatre "paVty
'•j Appropriate services for Hosh liashonah will usher in the • hew year at the Chevra B'nai Yisroel synagogue at 618 Mynster Street next Wednesday evening, September 20, commencing at 6:30 o'clock. On Thursday morning, Septemher .21, morning, services will begin at seven o'clock, arid evening services will-begin at five o'clock. On, Friday morning,, services will 'commence at seven o'clock.- Revi -A." Gend~ ler of! Omaha- and A. .Diamond of
M. SOMIT 2429 Decatur Street
Dealer in Jewish Books and Other Religious Articles
v " i-'
Telephone WEbster 3527
I just received a supply of Chanuka articles: Chanuka candles and candlesticks, very beautiful brass and silver plate. Also, Chanukah greeting cards. Anyone buying any of tlie above-mentioned articles will get the story of Chanukah in English and Jewish with Benedictions and Hymns of Chanukah ABSOLUTELY FREE. I also want to call your attention to the fact that I handle the best Talaisim, silk and wool, at very moderate prices, and also the best and most beautiful Shabos candlesticks, both silver plate and the very best sterling silver. " • Don't forget about my own make Kosher Soap and all Rokeach Kosher articles of which I am the agent.
Standard Quality " I t took only a few days without a telephone to awaken us to the neccssity of having one," said the father of three small children. .~. "Three times I had to go for a doctor after midnight • -« « each' trip meant a loss of % '. vital minutes. We just $' eould not get along fe Without a telephone."
unan nam raw
JEWISH NEW YEAR GREETINGS By Postal Telegraph 1933
ROSH HASHONAH Sundown, September 20th
• 5694
Shirts and Shorts At a Great Saving Today
c 50
flTiey*re priced far below replacement cost for these quality Manhattan, Superior and Yassar shirts and shorts* {There's just one thing to do—buy now while you have the chance to save. Shirts in fine lisles—Shorts in fancy and solid color broadcloth and woven materials—made with side tie.
Y O M K I P P D R " .
f Sundown, September 29th Standard Cable Message Service for $1.00 only ($1.00 in display), . . Choice of nine languages. Domestic telegrams as low as 20 cents. Special colorful blank delivered in New Year's envelope, ;i • unsealed in accordance with tradition.
Until They're Gone . . . . "A single ctMmay he icorih more than tele' phone service costs in many years.
They're Yours at 50c per Garment
. A I V A H E I . F O R "L;:i
PAGE 3—"THE JEWISH PEESS, FRIDAY, • SEPTEMBER 15, 1S33 \DDRESSES PHYSICIANS Dr. Victor E. Levine of the medical faculty of Creighton- University addressed the- American Congress of Physical Therapy. In Chicago this week on "Recent Progress in the Field of Nutrition."
Bikur Cholim
zens . . . Brandon Bernstein, posses- . . . A young man who is risJng to sor of the Croix de Guerre for dis- prominence is Phil K:arnc . . . assotinguished service and the B'nai Brith ciated with McFarland and Sch<?;nTickets are being sold now by the leaders . . . who are doing excellent man, a well known firm of attorneys members of the Bikur Cholim for work in combating the Nazi evil in . . . his wife is the former Bernico their annual benefit raffle. The time j this vicinity • . . Local radio stations Ferer . . . Norman Haas, who left of the drawing will be announced By *<Ab" Kaiman I solicit Jewish programs which include Omaha in l'»21. is one of Hollywood's later. . sermons by various rabbis and also a best known c.tizens and is now servThe winning number will receive a Hollywood . • . where divorces pro- g-ood-will hour which is sponsored by ing as commander of the FIolly\voc:;( APPOINTMENT soft armchair,- donated by Mrs. S. Herman M. Levinson has been com- Riekes. Tickets are twenty-five vide gags for humorists . . . where i the Los Ang-eles B'nai Brith lodge . . . Legion Post . . . Joe Ari^lsxi, S. Sumen fall at women's feet . . . L'jit | Former Omahans who left their garman, IVIf.nny Finkrnstcin, Mow's missioned second lieutenant-in -the in- cents. they are only shoe clerks . . . wher? 1 home abode for what they term Amer- Leaf. Henry Fo:;. Joe Tliller, A. A. fantry, officers reserve corps of the 18 thousand extra film players hope I ica's most glorious spct . . . though Marie an:l wife, formerly Lena Bernarmy, i t was announced- this week in in vain to reach the top rung of the i they experience a "shaky" f eelinsr stein, Nathr.n and Maurice CastleWashington. " _ .ladder of success . . - the main ' when earth tremors occur . . . appear man, Harry Vrineherp, Jack Fisher The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Vaad "straase" (Hollywood boulevard) is to be thoroughly contented . . . how-and wife, the former Ruby Isaacksort, WINS SET PLEASE NOTE — The Rosh ON WAY EAST will have its regular monthly meeting rapidly replacing New York's Broad- ever, some are not without their eeo- and Paul Isaacson, r.re some of the Mr& J. I. Chait was the winner of Hashonah edition of the Jewish Mr.' and Mrs. Akron Biihards of this Monday afternoon at 2:30, at the way (Winchell, please note) as the Inoinic struggle for existence . . . the familiar faces of former Omahans Press goes to press next Tues- San Jose,' California, stopped off i n a silverware set which was .raffled B'nai. Israel synagogue, 18th and Chi- street that contains "a broken heart ..Nudist colony here can be termed as . . . Louis Babicr is a young attirday. Therefore, all items for next Omaha this week on a trip to theoff recently by Mrs. S. Bronstein at cago Streets. A t this meeting an out- for every light" . . . amusing is the the only people that are happy with ney who has an excellent practice week's issue must be in the Jew- east. They will also visit here en Elmwood. line' of plans fpr the coming year will. traffic officer of one of the busy sec- their "care" existence . . . Ycmkel. . . . Dr. Nathan Dr.nsky is one of ish Press office by 5 p. m. Mon- route'home,'-•be discussed and various committee tions, who delivers a discourse on traf- I please parre Benny the "haunter" . . . Hollywood's better known baby speday. . : '...-•-"• • : • '. chairmen v;ill be confirmed. A High fic rules, in which he employs pomp- j the mountains, the 'ocean front and an cialists . . . Holiday program will be given. AH ous phraseology (high-brow stuff). : occasional glimpse of your favorite TO MAKE HOME HERE An invitation to the Los Angeles film satellite are not sometimes sufSrilTH-LINGOLN ; members of the Auxiliary and their . Mrs; Elizabeth Neveleff has Teturnsuffer wealth to be an "»Miss Eona Lincoln, daughter o f l l r . ed-iome tfrom LOB'•-.Angeles and will • Ida Zoe Tenenbaum was electel friends, are urged,,to be present,.. . breakfast club by Max Straussburg ficient to attract a change of resi- cuse for inadequacy, nor ajre - and and Arthur Rosenblurh brought one of dence . . . Included r.morij former I.fame to be an excure for indole?<ce. and Mrs. D.Lincbin, became'the bride make her home .with her parents,' Mr. president of the Junior Society of the the most enjoyable experiences during 'Omahans is one who has achieved an I —Haydon. Conservative Synagogue at a mseting of Mr. Phil Smith,' Sunday afternoon, and Mrs. J . - E . Marks. . . v my entire visit . . . this is a "friend- I envious reputation as one of the leadheld on Monday, Sept 11 at the home September 10, at the Medical Arts .A legular meeting of the Ladies' ship" organization which has been in jinj Jewish citizens of the communitv •pi Anne Greenberg. ; ... tearooms. Rabbi Uri Miller' officiated. FROM EXCELSIOR SPRINGS Mr.-and Mrs, Reuben IKulakofsky VoT:Other officers elecied-were: Sophie Ljibor Lyceum' club will "be held Mon- existence' for a number of yecrs and j . . . Philip Stein left Omaha in 1006 f Eosenstetn, yicfrrpresidenti Bess. Bernr day, evening, September 18, at 8:30 which i s designed also to entertain land immediately upon his arrival bet is Patriotic lo ANNOUNCE BIRTH -Vreturned Saturday from a thJ visiting guests of prominence . . . %eln, itreasurer; .Anne ;Greenberg, p . m . ' at' the Labor Lyceum, 22nd Mr. and Mrs.. A; Sadofsky, 2421 N stay a t Excelsior-Springs. • j came identified with a number of JewPatronise Y o u r secretary, and Libby. Blacker, re- and Clark .streets. The meeting will many novel "features are Introduced i s h activities . . . an entire column Street, announce the birth of a daughbe Held'on Monday" instead of Tues- j to induce further acquaintances among j would be necessary to enumerate theporter. : ; : - - " •-.'•'." •"-. - ' : ter on September 4. ~' RETURNS TO KANSAS CITY Laundry now. those present • . . a program of en- ! number cf institutions in which he day because of the Holydays. Mrs. Mark M.'Marks and infant son, tertninmsnt including celebrated art.-.At a regular meeting on Tuesday, TO CELEBRATE Ronald Alan.jhave left for' their liome holds office . . . he was instrumental B/>R MITZVAH • September.-5> a report was given by ists wes pr-sented and the principal in the building of the finest Orthodox in":Ka'nsas City^iftsf r a 'short visit Mrs. J. Elkin, delegate to the Mid- speaker on this occasion was Rabbi i synagogue in the city and served a~ Ilr. and Mrs.' M. Kirshenbauni an- with Mrsr/Marks' parents.- • • . i1'• Magnin, whose subject "Our Presi- 1 nounce the Bar Mitzvah of their* son, The Henrietta Szold Club resinned West conference of the Workmen's dent and the NRA Program" brought its first president . . . he is approCircle held in Sioux City, September Jlcrris, Saturday morning', September LEAVE FOR SCHOOL jpriately siyled as the "Omaha "Am'"its activities' for the year, j with a a tremendous ovation at the close 3C, r.t 9 a. n£ at the Adass Yestiurim The Misses Bluma Neveleff and meeting last Sunday evening. Miss 3 and 4. bassador" . . . A Hollywood boule. . . incidentally, :this is a non-secZE!5 FARNAM AT. ZB15 synr.gogue, 25th and Seward Streets. Evelyn Epstein leave Saturday eve- Sarah Baum %vas elected the new sec; vard merchant is Abe Silverman . . . tarian organization . . . . At noon to They will receive in "his honor SUIIT ning f.or.;; lopa ..City,-'1st, ; wKerejthey retary-treasurer, .-* and representative the B'nai Brith luncheon club gather- ! his illustrious wife, Toby Steinberp; day, September 17, from 3, to 5 and will enroll at the University of Iowa. to the Senior Council. Miss Betty ing and thrilled by a vigorous and | Silverman, of the flaming tresses from 7 to 9 p. m. at the KIrshenbaum Tuchman v/as appointed to-the culA weiner' loast on October 7 and emphatic denunciation of the Nazi ef- I (blondes are dscidedly in the majorhome. • tural committee. . RETURNS FROM a benefit bridge in November will be forts in this city and elsewhere by !ity here) will be remembe ^ d for her Plans Av-are discussed lor a fund the first event sponsored by the A. P. Estanaza, a n on-Jew . . . An- ;participation in many organizations OKLAHOMA CITY RECEPTION Mrs. J. P. Batt has just returned raising project, and an active year; is Junior Vaad Auxiliary this season, other speaker was Homer Chaillfuz. j . . . Morris Katleman, son of the late Mrs. Herbert Neyeteff and Miss from Oklahoma. City, where she was being planned. it was decided at a meeting Monday state commander of the American Le- .••J- Katteitum . . . operates a number <r Blurna Neveleff received at home Sunvisiting her brother-in-law and sister, evening at the B'nai Israel syna- gi<fe, whose talk included sxi an- ! of parking stations known as the K" day afternoon, September 10, in honor {system . . . . . Mrs. Abe Levine (Dora Mr- and Mrs. M. L. Gaspen gogue. nouncement that "the State Legion of 'their guests,. Miss -Mildred Ldnsey The profrram for the year will also j convention recently held in Pasadena ;Goldstone> is prominently identified cf San F-^ncisco, CaL,-and Miss Beth LOOK * TO ARMS" IN FOR HOLYDAYS include debates, six book reviews, had adopted a resolution of condemna- .with the Hollywood Woman's organFriedman \tf- Chicago. The second fall meeting of the Iota guest speakers, a mother-daughter tion of foreign allegiance groups jization . . . Frank Spigle is a salesMrs. Harry-Schere and daughter of NEIiy DON WOOLS Those assisting at the tea included Tau sorority was held at tire home of man with a local clothing concern and the Misses Sophie Handler, Jeanhette Kansas City arrived Sunday to spend the president, Mrs. Harold Barish, on tea, the annual dance in May. Rab- which tend to influence or bring a'aout iD. Simon Finkenstein is in the wholeLevinson, Evelyn Epstein, and Ruth the Holydays with her parents, Mr. Sunday, September 10. Plans were bi Miller will give short talks on class dissension, intoleranes and big-! sale tobacco business . . . Jake and and Mrs. D. Hermanson, and her sisotry, such as the Hitler regime is doJewish history. Eubin. ter, Mrs. D. Beazman. Mrs. Sehere discussed for. the coming, season. Al Finkel, pianist, who just le- ing . - . which also alludes to such j Louis Sltaon reDresent the Copeland was formerly Miss Julia Hermanson. Bridge followed the meeting. turned from New York, and Mr. Vic- attempts at this time in Los Angeles ' refrigerstor in this county . . . Irvin VISITING PARENTS Miss Sophie Jacobsen was appoint- tor Froemel, violinist, entertained the and Pasadena . . . Salute to Mendel ! SteinberjT operates a. strinj? x>f downMiss Anne Lantzman is visiting her ed chairman of the bridge-tea to be organization. Mr. Henry Monsky ad- Silberber.fr, local attorney, regarded a=:itown parking stations . . . Sam Levey ON EUROPEAN TRIP prvrnts, Mr., and Mrs. J. Lintzman. Mr.. Harry Sommer sailed last Fri- held Sunday, September 24, at the dressed the group, speaking on Jew- one of L. A.'s most influential citi-" represents a life insurance company She will be here for one month, afYe Corner Cupboard tearooms. ish activities and the importance of ter vrhich she will leave here for Chi- day for Europe, where he will visit participating in such programs. cago to visit the World's Fair. She his mother in Czecho-Slovakia. He has will then—return, to St. -Lniiis, Mo.; not. seen. her. .for 26 -years. He will ; Dora Freshman was in charjre of vrhere she is'.director-of the -Rose. Bry also visit .with .relatives in Budapest" the program. Ida Bercovici predded. and witbrDsve Gross, la former. Omac a r r i p . :'.-. '•"•;•:••; , . — •••'.'. - - ; . " : . i : . - . . ' ' :." ; -- : ;-~ ;:-TCe^opening meeting of the,Young han, in Miskolz, Hungary.-: Men's Vaad will be held Tuesday evening, September 26, at the B'nai IFRETURNS FROM LANSING Tael. synagogue. This will be in the M E E T I N G •:•;.".:;-" : - : " • . -.:;••-. ; The following officers were elelcform of a stag and all members and HOWARD *t 16th. A well-attended and. enthusiastic ".- Mr. Max M. Barish has returned those interested are invited to ba ed at the first meeting of the newmeeting of : the Mizrachi was Iwld from Lansing, Mich./, where lie at-present. ly-organized Habonim; Norman WczWednesday evening; aJjtheBeth Ham- tended a meeting of Eeo - distributor?. •'At ia. recent executive; meeting, a elman, chairman, and Ji>seph Harris, earosh Hagodol synagogue, 19th and series of. important projects for tbe secretary. Bui t Streets- At this meeting plans TO OFFICE The by-laws committee includes Miss Ina jacobsen, violinist, has coming year were drawn up. These Robert Rirnmerman, Jake Teplitslry "were presented - concerning a Suchbth 6.95 will be discussed at the next meeting celebration to be held. next month at been elected treasurer of the Omaha and committees will be appointed to and Joseph Harris. The piogram which a guest speaker will be present. Little Symphony orchestra. committee consists of Irving BeiteL actualize them. . An interesting, program "was-held with All members of this group are, Buddy Wintroub, Alex Adler, and Appetites are m a d e . . •. not born. addresses by Mr. Aaron Katz . and therefore, asked to reserve this date. Morris Feldman. Ral?bi Miller and a reading by Mr. Another meeting was held yesterBloch. All members of the community The chapter held a business and The delicious menus a t t h e Jack day. . interested in the Mizrachi. are asked cultural meeting September 13 at the and Jill . . . served ^unexcelled in a to communicate with Mr. Bloch, Har- J. C. C. This was followed by an. most quaint and soothing atmosA veritable "Who's Who" Of the open~ discussion on the conditions in • ney 7084. phere . . . will add zest to anyone's stage and screen appears in "BroadPalestine. .:•".' . way- to Hollywood," ^dazzling pageant appetite. Herman Blumenthal, the chapter's of half-a-century in -'[the theater in Complete l i n e of Jewish Books, I entrant in the M. V. A. A. singles'•The Book of life, dedicated to tennis tournament, reached the fin-- which, the great names of Hollywood j Build up a "whale of an appetite" Talasim, and Xew Tear Cards. and Broadway unite, starting at the the City Talmud Torah, is succeeding als. . . . make the Jack and Jill your Also Lnllov and Esrogem. in gradually attracting the Jewish William Wolfe, Samuel Meyerson World theater Friday, September 15. eating headquarters . . . morning, Its brilliant aggregation of stars public to perpetuate in it family and Ealph Nogg were appointed as noon, night . . . after the show. Hfibtrevents cf joy or, God forbid, sorrow members of the chapter's junior ad- includes Alice Brady, Jackie Cooper, ione Knit Jimmy Durante, Frank Morgan, —thus identifying the given event visory board. " •-••-. . Button-on Madge Evans, Eddie Quillan, May with the greatest eternal ideal of Kobson and 500 of America's most Israel, the teaching of Torch to Jew25C0 Cuming S t A Suusestion for Any Night beautiful girls. ish children," stated Mr. Aaron Katz, Jack & Jill Sizzling Steak Phones AT. 6C20 and HA. 7010 The World theater is proud to ofprincipal cf the Talmud Torah, in "Paddy," the next best thing, is ltlntio Servfil wlillr p*M ldntio t>»Ur<l 8.95 stkrrd urging the public to give even great- now playing at the Paramount thea- fer as its other feature that four of rook in c | ( # V luiuntn. Omaha, Nebraska er consideration to the "Book of ter, starring Janet Gaynor and War- star picture " F . P. 1". The_ initials iMittrr. Ariok llOl. and number may be mystifying, but Life." ner Baxter. Included in the list of family Paddy is a curious mixture of re- they stand simply -for "Floating Platevents already perpetuated in the pressed younger sister, fiery tomboy, form One"—a gigantic steel structhoroughly ture, 450 feet wide, 1,500 feet long, Boc!; of Life during the six weeks and a magnetic and of its existence are: Bar Mitzvah, charming Irish colleen. She has the and weighing 400,000 tons—on an ar—Euv.-in Milder;. miscellaneous—Joe uncanny faculty of enslaving with tificial island in the mid-Atlantic. •Wolf, Sam Wolf, Mary Leon; mem- affection those -with whom she comes Science's dream of an ocean landerial—Ezra Sidman, Aaron Wolf, in contact. ing field come true. Jaccb Katlcman, Moses Kahn. Warner Baxter, giving his usual The Book of Life is made with the excellent performance, tames this purizcre of inscribing in it births, tempest of temperament in a most Her Mitzvahs and confirmations, interesting talkie. A strong supporting cast includes memorials, miscellaneous matters, Now Showing!! etc., r.nd its aim is to help maintain Walter Connolly, Harvey Stephens, Cbtckri Recognized as Loving with all the love in Margaret Lindsay, and Mary McCorthe Tj-Jmud Torah. her heart . . . hating with PRACTICAL MOHEL Two Superb Features in EXCELLENT ic For more detaied information, the all the intensity at her crocheted Phone 1059 One Show! FEATURES A Mickey Mouse cartoon and EdJewish public is requested to call the command fighting -with Trim COUNCIL BLUFFS a fiery temper . . . but 25c Daily Till 2 chairman of the Book of Life Com- die Garr in "Hollywood Premier" are lovable, irresistibly lovfeatured shorts. America's Greatest Hnmorist, The Surprise Hit of mittee, Dr. Philip Sher. able!
I Kosher Komments in Hollywood j
Vaad Auxiliary
Junior Society
Ladies' Labor Lyceum
Henrietta Szol(t
Jr. Vaad Auxiliary
A. Z. A. 100
World Theater
Talmud Torah
S. Katleman
Paramount Theater
Rev. A. Diamond
at His Best:
Orpheum Theater Will Rogers in "Doctor Bull," a comedy drama with a rural setting, •will be featured at the Orpheum theatre lor the week starting Saturday along with "I Have Laved," a drama of backstage life, featuring Anita. Page and Alan Dinehart. "Doctor Bull" gives Will Rogers unusual opportunity to display his unique and spontaneous style of humor. As the title of the picture implies, he is a small-town doctor and •as Kogers fans will surmise, he treats his patients with wisecracks- for their: ills instead of pills. • : Anita Page in "I Have Lived" is ref < vealed as an actress who, disillusion! €d in love, continues on her stage cav Teer anil rises to great heights only to t realize that a new and real love- has I come into her life. • J Parents should have their boys and 1 girls attend the Orpheum Theater \ JKiddle Club show next Saturday - ftoprning- at 10 a. m." It will be a spe-^ < cial juvenile show--featumng~Tim--Mc^ \ Coy," Mid^ev' Mouse- and ,a ftill- 6ytn>• phony. ~- -•---
New Year Greeting Cards As usual we have the CHOICEST SELECTION of Greeting Cards in the City—at POPULAR PRICES.
To all Vho may wish their greetings to be RE A t PERSONAL, we are equipped to supply the very latest in personal NE>f TEAE «REETIK« CARDS. We print your name and address at~ a very nominal cost. Permit us to say that the sending of KIW TEAR CARDS direct to frienas or felatives is the OMiT APPRECIATED WAT of expressing the SEASON'S 1SI0ST PLEASANT .GREETIN«S.:"v; :-;v.'-- ;'•••': .-•;-.- T . . ' • " Do as your friends are uoing—come to 3IETER COREN'S BOOK SHOP and select your supply of NEW TEAR GREETING CARDS. (For MEYER'S CARDS ARE SO DIFFERENT)
More S+ars Than There
Are in Heaven
" P AD D Y" with Walter Connolly Harvey Stephens Margaret Lindsay Mary McCormic
ORPHECM K1M1MK CL.VB : SHOW A -•" Sat. M m. »•—AdmUtion JOe On Screen: Tim MPCOT. Mickey Mease. SUlr PRIZES! SVTEKTS:
the Year—
Alice Brady, .Jackie Cooper, Jimmy I>«rante, Mnd^e Evans, Frank Marian, Jlay Eobson
A FOCR-STAK PICTURE! I>ike It On Earth! With
M Coiired • Teidt (-Floating Platform O»ew) 1
Sliclcey Mcu» Cartosn
Olden Days"
EDDIE GARR in H©Hjwood Premier Tcchnicelcr
I h
,* it
THE BEER DANCE—Barbara Blanc, featured dancer at a New York restaurant, offers this conception of a specially conceived "beer ballet" to salute the return of the amber liquid.
tare actress, goes in for desert archery at Pafm Springs, Cal.
SO THIS IS CIVILIZATION?—With shy, solemn little brown faces, four native Eskimo children, brought to Hollywood with their ciders to play in a picture based on the life of the Eskimo, get a glimpse of American civilization.
NEW LINER ON TRIAL RUN—Mr. Cameraman takes to wings to photograph the new transatlantic passenger liner, Washington, making its trial run down Delaware bay. Sister ship of the Manhattan, the Washington is equipped to carry 1,300 passengers. She sails May 10 on her maiden voyage.
MANY NOTABLES GRACED THIS SUITE—A Chicago hotel displays this hotel suite which'was graced by many notables including Presidents Grant, Garfield, McKinley, Cleveland and such authors as Mark Twain and Rudyard Kipling.
is ! r
CH4MPA.GNE ALSO READY FOR MARKET-Of course the beer bmdo^s not permit sale of; champagne, but champagne people seem OptJmiBtic-anyway.vilereis a part of 24,000 cases, 450,0 o es, of pre-prohibitioh champagne stored in a company's wine cellar at - - - Harbor. N.jJ.iMiss Emily Berninger is filling a glass.
SHOWING HIS WINGSr-An army'air corps pursuit plane shows his wings as the camera • nparhv Tiiano >ijgh above ^Detroit, ji . . f.-•* - .,"
' REIGNS OVER FESTIVAL OF STATES—Miss lona Beverly, in a 'slender dark-haired beauty from Tifton, Ga., was elected queen of _-.-, '.'.. the 1933 festival of states at St. Petersburg, Flaj
PAGE 5—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1933 a good reporter; an awakened re- than merely to- subject" him to a trails in education will write a new do," he declared, "which will lelp —Shop from our Service Guide— B'nai Sholont alization that the individual's growth course of sprouts." "and glorious chapter in the educa- most of all is to .persuade our govand development are the all importAnd a Boffins professor-wrote: tional and cultural life not only of ernment to allow some, of the Ger- The congregation B'nai Sholom will ant things—that to justify itself, "Instead of being on the defensive Omaha, but of the surrounding ter- man Jews to enter our own coun- hold services for the Holyaays at the every course, by its subject matter and of trying to escape •work, most ritory and serve as a model and try. I do not ask that we open Odd Fellows Hall, 19th and Dodge. and manner of being taught, must of my students are anxious for it. inspiration to other institutions of wide the doors of immigration while Tickets will be sold at the door. All deepen and broaden the students un- Instead of prodding them, all I need learning. All power to the men andwe have By Harry Mendelson so much unemployment unable to afford a ticket will be adderstanding of life. T to do is to help." •women who are participating in here. But if we admit only a few mitted without charge. This new educational deal will Another professor declared: "The transforming education for the youth that can be allowed within the un"No doubt many read with pleasure mark the passing of the evils of conference system has proved an in our community into an inspiring, filled quota, it will bring new life ROOMS FOR RENT the announcement that the Muni- the lecture and recitation systems. education in the way to educate." vitalizing, adventurous pursuit! and hope to all Jews in Germany." in private home. Ideal for young Under the lecture system students cipal University freshmen are to get Louis Stevenson once remarked "opcouple or college students. Home a new deal and were regarded as so many passive on Dooks in these brilliant words: In Favor of Entry privileges. Close to Creighton text books are to objects into •which a professor poured "Books are all right in themselves, KAZLOWSKY £ CARNAZZO, Attorneys UnL 2776 Webster St. Phone At. information and then asked for cer-. but they are a bloodless substitute 431 Insurance SnlMUng of German Refugees be out. It was tain amounts of it back in periodical 4946. a pleasure no less examinations. Under the recitation for life." And with the passing of In the Matter of the Estate of LTJCIA text books from the pedestral of AL1ANO, Deceased. intense than that system the teacher acted as inquisiWhite Plains, N. Y. (J. T. A.)— NOTICE IS HEREBY. GIVEN: experienced last tor and graded the student on his the educational rostrum, students, German Jews are gripped by a pow- That the creditors of said deceased irfll undoubtedly, will be given every opthe administrator of said estate, beyear when they ability to answer occassional ques- portunity to get at the source of in- erful psychology of fear and are meet fore me. County Judge of DouRlns County. For Carefnlness nnfl Efficiency In Nebraska, at the Comity Court Room, In Tour Mohel Specialist Cnll read in the local tions on material he had been as- formation themselves. Nothing will completely without hope, according said Connty. helps braltj streng bones on the 23rd day of Oerolier, papers that the signed to study by himself. ' 1933. and on the 23rd dny of Deeeml>er. be taken second-hand which may be to Rabbi Lawrence Schwartz, head 1933. and teeth. nt 9 o'clock A. M., each dny, for the Rabbi Barbakow | study of current •It wouldn't surprise me very much acquired first-hand, and no opportu- of the White Plains Jewish Com- purpose of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment and aHowanre. 1552 No. 20th WE. 5450 newspapers a n d if in the very near future a visitor nity lost to replace books with life munity ~.. Center, who is back fromThree months are allcwed for the creditGermany, where ne spent most of ors to present their claims, from the 23rd 15 learn Experience la . . magazines, i. e., to a typical classroom at the Muni- situations and problems. day of September, 3833. Europe and Omaha education by the current event, was cipal University will find the stu- One can't help but feel that the the summer "visiting relatives. BRYCE CRAWFORD. dents seated around a book-lined •to take the place of text books in Municipal University by blazing new "The .thing we in America can 0-l-33-3t. Connty Judge. the local high schools—the propo- room or gathered about a table. nents of the plan arguing that we The room may be silent with everywere living in such a swiftly chang- one' quietly reading or writing, or ing age that the text books could not there may be a buzz of conversation keep up with the multitude of his- as various groups discuss -some astoric-making events; that {the news- pect of „ the subject they are studypapers and magazines were a "better ing. He Will find the teacher seatand more effective mirror or baro- ed at his desk, neither lecturing nor meter of the quicklyshifting social hearing a recitation. His job is to answer questions, not to do the scene. . .• . ' -. .. work for the students but to guide - Dean Edgar j ^ l t , President W. and their work. He may Sealock and the faculty .are to. be even stimulate refuse to questions if congratulated upon their educational he feels that it answer will be more helpinnovation which has already proven ful for the students to work out the a tremendous success at Wisconsin, answers for themselves. Although Rollins, Chicago and a number of parts of some-periods, are given over. other universities. And I am sure talks by the teacher, assignments that many civic-minded and educa- to Get of work, even oldtionally-conscious men and women j n fashioned group-questioning, quizzes, the teacher's Work, the vicinity will greet their new the most part, is with individual Acquainted educational enterprize with applause for each ..of whom may be at and sincerest wishes for its success. astudents, BEAUTY PARLOR* CLEANERS different.stage of advancement. ACCOUNTANTS "A more realistic study with fewer Ttfor should it surprise any one required subjects, mastery of broader The test portrait reWe Solicit Tour Printing fields of knowledge, and no text as if responses—from .students and facLAKE STREET • CLEANERS quires the best photograand Office Supply Needs AUDITS such,"—that is the goal set up for ulty alike—will soon'be forthcoming pherBEAUTY SHOPPE • DYERS SYSTEMS the five hundred incoming fresh- in overwhelming favor of the con2004 Lake St. • HATTERS This is the slogan of INCOME TAX ference system, such as have come men. CALL Mrs. Lou Farber, Prop. the Cleveland Studio, and • TAILORS from universities and colleges where • upon tkaj theory they Through this innovation the old re- the same innovations have been made. Rug and Curtain AT. 4644 have built up a satisfied Cleaners lation between the student and theOne •under-graduate from Rollins colAbramson The Xen- Duart Veltor clientele. ASK FOR COREY instructor, between the student and lege wrote: "We feel here that the Upholstered Doable Curler Permanent Audit Co. Ware Furniture the text books and knowledge in college really wants to put itself Mr. Harold Cleveland. Certified Public Acets. general will be radically altered. at the disposal of the student rather proprietor, has been in $3.00 Corcy-McKenzie Under the code as outlined by the Band Box this business for fifteen 832 Brandeis Theater Best Workmanship Printing Co. faculty the freshmen will 'flive in" years. He has an able Bldg. Cleaners STAXSIASTEE & BEBEK, the libraries, xead required books FKADKNBCItG. assistant in Mr. Joe Ca: Attorneys 1406 Dodge St. AT. till, 1423 Farnam St. • Tears Present Location JA. 4811 and materials of their own choosing hilL NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WHLL as they have more time along/speciTheir portrait photog\ the County Court of .Douglas County; fied lines, discuss the subjects iff iJnNebraska. raphy is well-known in small classes, have regular confer- In the Matter oftlie Estnte of HARKX 11. this city. They give M1LUEU. Deceased. TAILORING ences with their instructors, so that AH persons interested in snid estate nre prompt and efficient serBEVERAGES DRUGGISTS AUTOMOBILES it may be assured that each one ishereby notified that a petilion has been vice, and guarantee all in said Court, prayiiijr foe the PTO"on the job", and pass comprehensive .filed >aie at a certain instrument now on file their work. Volz Will Keep You examinations at the end of each in said Court, purporting to be the l:ist DRINK! UREGO New and Used At present they are will anil testament of said deeensfid,-and semester with test "exams" to assure that a hearing will lie had on said petiHospital Remedy for Gas, Nattily Attired featuring many tempting Heartburn, Indication. Golden Spike continued application. This is i n my tion before' said "Court on the l(!th dny of Cars inducements for individCenstipatlnB Sepiemlier. 1933, and that if they fair to estimation a tremendous step in theappear Pale Ury Gingerale sit said Court, on the said ICfh day THEODORE We Sell and Guarantee ual or club pictures. direction of making the process of of September, 1033. at 9 o'clock A. 4L. t» Ideal i i m e Rickey This Remedy Thus, they are offerWhere Price, Quality, the probate-of-said will, the Conrt learning as vital to young •' people contest VOLZ & SON may allow and probate salfl will and tsrnnl. VEDELIVBR ing half a dozen pictures •:> idea]Jiod& Waters * " and Service Meet as the o j i e t f 6 t i t b fldminiefration of said estate • ttr- WHinm Quality ana Service with gold tone painting Milder or some other suit.-ililo person and Kanapactureil and FASHION TAILORS proceed to a.settlement thereof. at $2.98, with a coupon.' MORTON'S Eozak's Drug ' DUJKriboted by TKADEKTBT.TIG, STAIMAg<EER * TJEBEE IilVSCK OUA.WFOJID. JOHN VOLZ Another f e a t u r e is GARAGE 650 Omaha National B i n t Bide. Company Ideal Bottling Co. wedding pictures. JOSEPH XINTZMAN, Attorney STUDEBAKER NOTICE OF AMENDMENT TO AKTIN. E. Corner 20th and 534 Insurance. Bids. Mr. Cleveland suggests 305 Sa. 18th Cl^ES OF INCORPORATION OF "C. H. SALES and SERVICE PTK. 3043 SOBOTKEK i SON, INC." Lake the preservation not only 1808 North SOtb St. NOTICE OF ADBUNTSTKATIOir ' 3141 Farnam, HA. 2260 'Notice is hereby Riven that on the 11th In the County Court of Douglas County, AX. 2737 of the memory but of the day of September, 1033, nt 10 A M. in the Nebraska. • offices of Irvin Stalmaster at 650 Omaha actual being by leaving In the Matter of the Estate of Max National Bank Building, Omaha, Nebraska, Hartr, Deceased. •". '••'•.-.• photographsat a special meeting of the stockholders, All persons interested in said estate are Article I of the Articles of Incorporation hereby notified that a petition has been "Keep yottr home sur•was amended to read as follows: ENGRAVERS TOWEL SUPPLY BODY I FENDER in said Court alleging that snid de"AltTICLE 1. The name of the corpora- filed roundings bright 'with ceased died leaving no last will -and praytion^ shall be "DOUGLAS SALES COif- ing for administration upon his estate, and the cheerful faces of PAXY. that a hearing will be had on said petition Auto Body and Fender MORRIS MILDER, President. your family smiling at New and Used Kepalr OMAHA TOWEL -before said court on the 7th dav of OctoRepairing. Painting B. MILDElt, Secretary Farts and Accessories fox ber, 1933. and that if'they fail to "appear Complete Cpholsterinc the world" he suggests. SUPPLY Cars and Trucks at • at said Court on the said 7th day of Odoand Class Service i The phone number is Savins ' l>er,/1933, at 9 o'clock A. M., to contest CAKE. C. KATLEMAN, Attorney CLEAN LINENS Wicker Furniture said petition, the Court may grant the Jackson 3366. They are Omaha, Nebraska Merchandise Guaranteed Painted and Repaired same and giant administration of snid esat 1612 Douglas St. 209 S. 11th JA. 0528 tate to Manuel Hartz or some other suitNOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION
i The Human : Panorama....
Roberts Dairy Co.
able person and proceed to a settlement In the County Court of Douglas County. thereof.~ Nebraska. • . . . . ; BRTCE CRAWFORD, County Judge. In thy Matter of the Estate of JACOB fl-35-33-3t KATLEMAN. Deceased. All persons interested in said estate are nereby notified that a petition has been filed in said Court alleging that snid deWHEAT, CORN. OATS ceased died leaving no last will and praying for administration upon his estate, and For Information Call or Write that a hearng will be had on snid petition before said Court on the 23rd day of TAYLOR GRAIN CO. September. 1933, and that if they fail to TZl-TTS Omaha (arain Exchange Bids. appear at said Court on the said 23rd day JA 3403—AT 3008 of September, 1933, at 9 o'clock A. M.. to Private Wire Conn«rftons With contest said petition, the Court may grant JAS. E. BENNETT CO. the same and grant administration of said estate to Michael Kntleman or some other suitable person and proceed to a settlement thereof. BKY.CE CRAWFORD. 9-l-33-3t. County Judge. RaABEKBTJUG, STAtMASTEU tBEBER, Attorneys 650 Omnha National Bank B i d e NOTICE OF AKTICLES OF INCOUPO RATION OF SMITH. CONCESSIONS, INC. Notice is hereby given that the underBigned have formed a corporation pursuant to the laws of the statu of Nebraska, nnder the name of SMITH CONCESSIONS, INC.. with its principal place of business at Omaha. Nebraska. The general nature of the business to be the acquisition and operation of concessions and restaurants and to do nny aud all things incidental to the carrying on of Enid business, including the right to own and hold real estate. The authorized capital stock shall be $10,000.00 and all of said stock shall be common and of the par value o f $100.00 per share anil all of said stock shall be fully paid for •When issued nnd nou-nssessable. The corporation shall commence doing business upon the filing of its articles -with the County Clerk of Douglas County. Nebraska, and shall continne for a period of 00 years -from said date. The highest amount of indebtedness to which the corporation may subject itself shall not exceed twothirds of its capital stock. The affairs of this corporation shall be managed by n Board of not leas than two Directors. The annual meeting of the corporation shall be held on the second Tuesday of January of each year, nt which time the Board of Directors shnll hold its annual meeting and elect a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary and a Treasurer. Any two of said offices may be held by one nnd the same person. These articles may be amended at any regular or special meeting of ihe stock' holders upon the affirmative vote of twothirds of all of the out standing, stock. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties liervto have hereunto set their hands this 23rd day of August, 1933. HARRT SMITH DAVID SMITH Incorporators. In the presence of: WILLIAM. STALMASTER.
The Sign erf Good Workmanship JA.1614
Star Auto Parts Co. S.M.CLAYMAN, Mgr. AT. SKfl . 17th and Chicago St.
Whistle V ess Beverages
Chicago $5.00
Special until Sept. 1 Reduced price of $1.50 for foil treatment in ladies department.
Round Trip $7.95 Denver 7.50 Round Trip 1L00 Los Angeles_ 20.00 Round Trip 35.00
Re-Nu-Heaith v- Baths AT. 3911 Elks Bldg., 3rd Floor
Large Bottle 10c
2118-^22 Coining AT. 6208 Since 1922 Soliciting Quality Work
Offices Brandeis Theatre Bldg OMAHA
VESS Beverages
Paul Brodrick
We Are Distributors for the Well Known Omaha Manufactured
And Guarantee All Sales Batteries Serviced
National Tire Shop 17th and Capitol AT. 6427 '
BUS DEPOT Edwards H-^el Bldg. 306 N . 16th HA. 5000
C A FE We are happy to be tlie first to offer onehalf price on dinners and luncheons for children. We are doing our part.
HAMILTON CAFE Mrs. Margaret Berman, Prop. 2406 Farnam, JA. 8278
Get\bt*r Cuts ami
We Take Time to D» I t
by Selar Stow and Careful
KE. 0061-62
Standard Hat Works FRANK MEARES Knows How to Clean Hats Work Done While Ton Wait FfeEE DELIVERY DOWNTOWN 1619 Farnam, AT. 8481
LAUNDRY We are doing our part by complying with the NRA code. Yon do your part by helping us.
Capitol Snow-White Laundry JA. 4883
1518 Cass
G.A. Steinheimer Company
Contracting Painters 113 No. 40th Ha. 6369 Painting and Decorating Residences, Churches and Public Bldgs.
BLUE LINE Transfer Co. 314 S. 10th
AT. 6405
The Best Portrait Requires the
Best Photographer
Cleveland Studio 1612 Dougla. St. Phone J A . 3366
WE. 2131
HULSE &-'-W;&P;EN|l^J
"Omaha's Most Beautiful Home for Funerals" Funerals t o Fit Any PursePhone HArney 1226 Farnam at Thirty-third
PAGE 6—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRlDAy, SEPTEMBER 15, 1933 cobsen^Miss Jessie Slotsky and Miss HannahV Sperling. •
* CABNAZZO, Attorney! Thousand Dollars <J10,000.00) d i - KAZLOWSKY The following were installed as of-is Teninto 424 Insurance Blag. One Hundred (100) shares of ficers of the Ivre Club at a dinner vided One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) each. No TKOBATE NOTICE . meeting held Tuesday at the Martin stock shall be issued until the corporation In the Matter of the Estate of Mose* received payment in full therefor at Hotel: Lou Chesen, president; Jack has .Tacobson, also known as SI. E. Jawbsoilrf par in cash or property; provided, howDeceased. _,,.,, ,• •Goldsmith, vice-president; Leon Dob- ever, that when stock is issued for any- Notice is hereby given: Thnt the credielse than money it must meet aprofsky, secretary, and John Levin, thing proval with the laws of the state of Ne-tors of said deceased will meet the administratrix of said estate, before me, County treasurer. braska,
A. Z. A. Outing
The A. Z. A. chapter will hoia an outing next Sunday afternoon at RivMiss Bess .Zeligson was hostess to erside Park, for members and -prosthe Phi Deb sorority'Wednesday eve-* pective members. The program will ning, when they resumed their bi- include a baseball game between old weekly meetings. Bridge and re- and prospective members, of Douglas County, Nebraska, a6 This corporation commenced business Judge and a Miss ANNA PILL, Correspondent County Court Room, in SRid County, freshments followed the meeting. immediately upon the issuance of the cer-the on the Oth dny of November, 1D33, and ott treasure hunt in the park. Various SHOTWELt, MONSKT, GKODINSKT & tificate of incorporation by the Secretary the 6th day of January, 1034, at 0 CclocK of State and after the nmonnt of capital A. prizes will be awarded during the M., each day. for the purpose of preVANCE, Attorneys stock in the sum of. Three Hundred Dol- senting claims for examination, adafternoon. The program will also in- : 737 Omaha National Bank Bid?, lars ($300.00) had been issued and paid for, justmenttheir Student Exodus and allowance. Three months ar« which was on the 22n(i day of August, allowed for clude remarks by A. M. Davis, Leon crpdifors to present thelf 1933, and continue for the period of twen- claims, from the NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF the fiih clay of October, 1933* sky, and Stanley Herzoff. ty years with the right of renewal, unless to the Colleges Dobrof SIOUX KEA1TY COMPANY BUYCE CRAWFORD, At. the A. Z. A. meeting this week, Notice is hereby given that the under- sooner dissolved by a two-thirds vote of 9-l5-33-3t County Judge, all capital stock subscribed at a stockMr. and Mrs. J. L. Levitt, C4 signed have formed a corporation under Max tMaron was elected vice-presi- the laws of the State of Nebraska. The holders' meeiing. Sioux City's younger set have o s u c c e e d Bellevue apartments, •. departed this dent,! Sidney Bergen, who name of the corporation is SIOUX UEAL- The highest amount of indebtedness to FRADENBtKG, STAtMASTBR & BEBEB this corporation may nt any time Attorneys week, for Colorado for a two week started their annual exodus for var-has departed for Lincoln, and Rudy TX COMPANY and the principal place of which Services for the eve of KosB. Hash- stay. subject itself shall not exceed two-thirds ious colleges and universities, and Shindler was elected treasurer, to transacting its business is the City of of NOTICE BY PUBLICATION ON PETIThey accompanied David Levits capital stock, except as authorised Omaha. Douglas County, Nebraska. The onah will be held Wednesday evening TION OF FINAL ADMINISTBATIOlt now or hereafter authorized or permitted to Boulder, where he is enrolled next week will see the majority a t succeed Herman Wigodsky, who has general nature of the business to be trans- by ACCOUNT— law. in both Shaare Zion Synagogue and itt acted is to maintain and operate a real their schools, enrolled and ready for the County Court of Douglns CountJt the University. Before returning departed for Yankton, to make his estate company and to purchase, lease, and The affairs of this corporation are to be InNebraska. Mount Sinai Temple, as well as theat ... study*:. otherwise acquire real estate nnd personal conducted by a board of directors consistto the city they will visit at. MairU h o m e . ' • ' • . ' " In the Matter of the Estate 01 BIoUI» ing of not less than two nor more than orthodox synagogues in the city. property of every kind and description Last Sunday the group leaving for Blaroney, Deceased. tou Springs, Colo. . . • .^ The following committees were and to sell, convey, lease, mortgage or five, who shall elect a President, Vice- Bicker All persons interested in snid matter are Lincoln, Nebr., to matriculate at thealso appointed: Membership,, Max otherwise encumber any and all such pro- Vresident, Secretary and Treasurer, and the hereby At Shaare Zion, the*•• service on; notified thnt on the 8th dny of officers to be as follows: President, Casler perty and to manage, operate, develop and University of Nebraska, included Maron and Max Levin; program, Ru- in general deal in said property, either Stein, PostOffice, Sioux City, Iowa; Vice- •September. Wednesday, September 20, will be1»33, Thelmn Bullock Grtpp Mr. and Mrs* A; M. Davis; and filed a -petition in said County Court, Frances Kalin, Gerald Cohen, and dy Shindler, chairman, and Ernest directly or through ownership of stock in president, John Welnstein, Postoffice, praying that gin at 6:30 p. m. Rabbi. Eabinowitz her final administration a o Omnha. Nebraska; Secretnry. Canler Stein, children returned home this week any other corporation or association. The Sidney: Bergen. •will speak on the subject, "Ready and corporation shall have power to borrow or Postoffice, Sioux City. Iowa; Treasurer count filed herein be settled nnd allowed, Epstein and Milton Grueskin. from Charlevoix, Mich., where they and that she be dschnrgpd from her trust : Samuel Swartz, Postoffice, Omaha, Neraise money, to issue bonds, mortgages, Doris and Charlotte Rosenstock deThursday morning the service will as administratrix nnd thnt n hearing will debentures, stock or other obligations for braska. be had on said petition before snid Court begin at 7:30. The' Shofar will be were joined several weeks ago byparted last week for Madison, Wise, that purpose and in payment for property Dated at Omaha. Nebraska, this 22nd day on the 7th day of October, 1933, nnd that purchased or acquired by it, or for any ot August, A. D. 1933. heard at 9:45, and Rabbi Eabinqwitz Mr. Davis, after a stay of several where they will continue their studies Pliskin to Conduct if you fail to appear before snid Court on other object, in or about its business. The •-. \ • ' . _ . • •„ By CASLEK STEIN. the said « h day of October, 1933, at 9 at the, University of. Wisconsin. vrill use as his sermon subject, "Fail- months. of capital stock authorized is $25,President o'clock A. M., nnd contest said petition thB 000.00 divided into 250 shares of the par Cemetery Services amount CASLER STEIN. ing to See." On Friday morning he Abe Sadoff has returned to the Miss lillian Magaiiher has departCourt mi'.y grant the prnyor of said petivalue of ?100.00, all of which when issued Secretary. tion, enter a decree of heirship, and make Cantor A. Pliskin will conduct ser- Bhau be fully paid and non-assessable. 9-l-33-4t. •will speak on the subject "Deady and :ity after a stay of-several; weeks in ed for; Ann Arbor? to resume her such other and further orders, allowance* stock may be paid for in cash, pros t u d i e s a t t h e U n i v e r s i t y o f M i c h i - vices a t the Jewish cemetery Sunday The Willing." Thursday evening the serand decrees, as to this Court may seem perty or other thing of value as deterIBXtS C. IXY1V, Attmner York and other eastern cities; g a n . ' • ; - • . - ; ; • • ; •'•• .• - - • , proper, to the end thnt nil matters pe*« morning, September 17, between the mined by, the Board of Directors. The vice will begin at 6:30 and his sub-New SOI Electric B U d l taininfc to Bald estate may be finally Bet* he combined a business; trip time of commencement of the corporation hours of 10 and 12, and at any other Berenice Galinsky! will begin her ject will be "Do We Do Our Part?" where tied and determined. is the time of filing the articles of incor' ••'•': -• • '.' NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF poration in the office of the County Clerk studies this year at the University time1 until Rosh Hashonah, by special of Dr. Kline will sound the shofar both with his vacation. BRYCE CRAWFORD, Douglas Connty, Nebraska, and the date OMAHA PAKLOtt FRAMK COMPANT 8-15-33-3t County Judge, appointment with him. of Illinois, at Champaign. mornings. Notice is hereby given that the underof termination is January 1st, 1933, unless Miss Esther Kopilow of Sioux Falls signed have associated themselves together the corporation is sooner dissolved as proAnyone desiring to have the CanMorris Lefkovich left Tuesday eveSeats for Shaare Zion services may LEO ABRAMSO.V, Attorney vided by law. The highest amount of in- and have organized a corporation under 853 BrandeU Theatre Hnildinjbe; reserved Saturday night from 10 was a visitor over the week-end in ning for Evanston, 111., where he will tor conduct the service is asked to debtedness or liability to which the cor-the laws of the state of Nebraska. The NOTICE OP INCORPORATION OV poration is at any time tc subject itself name of this corporation is OMAHA PAUSioux City, recently. ; ; continue his studies at Northwestern get in touch with him in person or shall s to 12, before the Schlichos service; STANDARD COAL COMPANY not exceed two-thirds of its capital LOR FRAME COMPANY. The principal by phone. Notice is hereby given that the nnder> University. stock, provided this restriction shall not place of business shall be at Omaha, NeSunday morning, September 17, at apply to indebtedness represented by obli- braska, and the general nature of the bus- signed have associated themselves together Miss Sally Halpern visited with David Levitt will enroll at the Unthe synagogue between the hours of gations secured by liens on property of iness to be transacted shall be to own and to form a corporation under the laws Ot Elect Members the value exceeding the amount of the operate one or more manufacturing plants the state of Nebraska. The name of th» 10 and 12; and during the week at riends in Omaha, recently, for sev-iversity of Colorado, in Boulder, for indebtedness at least 25%, nor to and to manufacture, sell, and deal gener- corporation shall be "STANDARD COAI« his first year of college work. Amonian club elected two new secured Brodkey and Goodsite's Jewelry iral days. any guarantee made by the corporation for ally in the wholesale and retail of all Company." The prinoinnl pla«'e of transpayment of any obligations transferred forms of lumber, furniture frames, etc., also acting business shnll be in the city of Arnold Baron and Lawrence Sil- members into its ranks at their meet- the . Store, with Mr. Lester Heeger. by it where the same are secured by pro- in Jike manner to manufacture and Omnha, Douelns county. Nebraska, but At Mount Sinai Temple the service Misses Helen Shapiro arid Marian verberg will leave on the 24th of ing last week. They are Nathan Or- perty as above indicated. The affairs of deal generally in and with all kinds of business mny be trnnsnotcfl in nny other the corporation shall be conducted by a materials, tools, machinery, accessories, city, comity, or state. The general naturo. Wednesday evening, September 20, irookstein of Omaha "were guests in this month for the University of likoff and Sam Rivin. Board of Directors consisting of not less appliances and equipment in connec- of the business to be transacted by this Charles Shindler was chosen cap- than two nor more than five as may betion with said business aud to manu- corporation Bhnll be: To mnintnin and opMinnesota, in Minneapolis. will begin at 8 o'clock, and Rabbi Sioux City last week. by the by-laws. The Board of Direc- facture, purchase or otherwise acquire and erate a eciiernl con) nml building material Lewis Weinberg has entered Shat- tain of the football team, and a fixed Lewis will speak on the subject tors shall elect a President, Vice-President, deal in and with goods, wares and mer-business nnrt in connection therewith buy, Mrs. Fred Foreman has returned tuck Military School for the first schedule for a number of games this Secretary and Treasurer, any two of chandise and personal property of every sell nna deal penern'.ly nt wholesale ana "Spiritual Losses." offices, except those of President class and description and to deal in land rehiil in nny nnd all materials pertnining winter is being drawn up by thewhich Thursday morning, the services will ;o the city after a week's,--visit in year in high school. and Vice-President, may be held by the to the same extent as natural persons to com or l/iiilrtinj; material; to engage l a might or could do, to borrow money, to anything Tensonnbly incident to the carrysame person. Isadore Lasensky will leave next dub. begin at 10 o'clock and the subject >ioux Falls. issue bonds, debentures, and to hold and ing out of the powers herein enumerated! week for Ames, la., where he will Bell stock of this and other corporations to mnlte nnd perform contracts of every ; of his sermon will be "Appearance H. MAnQPARDT , STALSIASTEB * BEBEK, and to do anything insofar as the same kind «nf) description, nnd in carrying oa and Reality." Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wigodsky and take his senior work at the State E. G. MAGNEY may be useful or necessary in connection its business or for the purpose of attain650 Dn>~ ;-2-yr«»y ftn& BIO*.. 9-15-33-4t Incorporators. witn the conduct of the business and to do ing or furftirring nny of its objects, to d© Seats for the Temple services may ions departed this week for Yank- college. any and all things to the same extent ns any nnd nil other acts nnrt things nnd t o be reserved at the Temple next Sun- on, South Dakota, where they plan Jack Slutsky and Nathan Levich NOTICE BY PUBLICATION OX J?ETInatural persons might or could do nnci pxrrcise any nnd nil other powers which a RAYMOND 8. HILL. Attorney the foregoing specific powers shall not beco-partnorsbip or natural person could do are enrolled at the University of day morning from 9 to 12, and Mon- o make their future home. XION FOR SETTLEMENT OV flKAIi held to limit or restrict in any manner nnd exercise nnd which now or hereaftej 4S8 Frances Bldjc. Creighton, in Omaha. day and Tuesday evenings. AmilNISTKATiOS ACCOCXT the powers of this corporation. The author- may be authorized by l:iw. The Jinthorisea Sioux City, Iowa. ized capital stock is $10,000.00 divided into enpitnl stock shall be 510,000.00 divided inthe County Court of Douglas Connty, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Agranoff are David Albert will leave this month InNebraska. 100 shares of the par value of $100.00 each. to 100 shares of thp tinr vnlue of $100.00 The corporation shall comment business rncli, to be fully pfirl for nnd non-nssessvisiting in Chicago this week, with to complete his senior year of col- In the Matter of the Estate of HAltKT NOTICE O F INCORPORATION. on the 23th day of August. 1933, nnd elinll nble when Issued. Fifty Rhnres of the capFREEMAN. Deceased. WHOM I T MAT CONCERN: friends, and attending the Century lege work at the Wharton School of terminate on the 25th day of August, 10S3. ital stork of this corporation shall he pnia Alt persons interested in said matter are TONotice is hereby given that there has hereby notified that on the 30th day of been incorporated nnder and by virtue of unless its life be extended beyond that for before the corporation shnM ornnmenM of Progress. - Business in Philadelphia. by an amendment to these articles. business The corporation shnll commence August, 1933, David A. Freeman tiled a the laws of the state of Nebraska, a cor- date Herbert Baumstein has matriculat- petition The highest amount of any indebtedness or business upon ihe filing of (he Articles OI in said County Court, praying that poration as follows: liability to which this corporation is at any Incorporation in the office of the ConntT final administration account filed hcruMrs. Levich has returned to theed at the University of Mississippi. inUs be settled and allowed, and that he be The name of the corporation shall be thetime to subject itself is not to exceed two- Clerk of Douglas County. Nebraska, ano • Iowa -University, at Iowa City, as thirds of ils capital stock. The affairs of shnll continue until January 1. 1085. unles* from his trust as administrator NATIONAL AMUSEMENT COMPANY. The Junior Hadassah chapter .will city._ after visiting with .her * son-in- usual will claim a large' share of the discharged The principal place of transacting its this corporation shall be conducted by a sooner dissolved by a mnjority vote of the and that a hearing will be had on s.iid petition before said Court on the 23rd day business shall be at Omaha. Douglas Coun- board of directors of not less than two nor outstanding enpitnl stock. The highest open its.season next- Sunday after- law and daughter, Mr. arid Mrs. S.young people. Among them are Mr. of more than five, and the following officers: nmonnt of indebtedness to which this cor* September. 1033, and that if you fail to ty, Nebraska. noon,. September 17, with a member- Rosen, in Sioux Falls. She was ac- and Mrs. Lionel London, Morris Las- appear a president, a vice-president, a secretary porntion shall at nny time subject It sell before said Court on the said 23rd The general nature of the business to be dav of September. 1033, at 9 o'clock A. M.,transacted by it, Bh.aU be the operation of. awl a treasurer, any two of .which offices shall not exrcpfl two-thirds of Us capital snip tea jii the Martin hctel. Over :ompanied home by Mr.. Rosen and ensky; Bernard Skalovsky, George and contest said petition, the Court may any and all kinds of amusements, contests, may be held by one and the same person. stock. The affnirs of the corporation shall 125 young women are, expected to lis daughter Ethel... > SAM KRAFT be administered by n Board of Director*, grant prayer of said petitioi}, enter a races, and whatever else Kuntz, Loyal Kier, Eddie Miller, decree the consisting of not less than two nor mor* of heirship, and make such other entertainments, be classified as relating to the show attend t i e tea, which will be given than five members. „..,.and further orders, allowances and de-may Freda Rosmovsky and Dena Baron. This corporation has tne right to PATH. KATZMAN as a courtesy, to prospective mem- Mr. and Mrs. Rueben Miller have crees, as, to this Court may seem proper. business. borrow money, nnd acquire, purchase, conISRAEL. KATZMAN, to the end that all matters pertaining to lease, sub-let, contract for and deal DAVID B. K A T L E M A N •eturned home after a visit with bers of the chapter. Incorporators. said estate may be finally settled and de- vey, in leases for real property necessary for In the presence of; S. KATTyRMAN termined. The speaker of the afternoon will riends in Chicago. Religious School its business. M. KATI.KMAN IRVIN C. LEVIN. BUTCE CRAV/FOttP. 8-25-33-4U lncorporatorg. be Miss Cheryl Sandle, ,.o£ Des The amount of capital stock authorized 9-l-33-4t. County Judge. to Open Sunday 9-l-33-3t . Moines, Iowa. Miss Sandier is a Miss Bess Zeljgson has returned past president of the Des Moines lome after a three week stay with chapter, and well known in this re- 'riends in Minneapolis arid St. Paul. The first session of the" Sunday School at Mount Sinai Temple will gion for her activities in Hadassah Mr. Leon Steinberg of Minneapolis be held next Sunday morning, SepMiss Freda. Albert will open the is a guest this week in. the home of tember 17, at 9:30 o'clock. Children will be registered at that time, as1 , afternoon's program with the address Max Zeligson. signed to their class rooms, and regof welcome in behalf of the members. Miss Helen Sw.anson, pianist, will be Miss Mildred Potlrin has returned ular work will begin. The school heard in a group of solos, and Mrs.lome after visiting for several weeks will be divided into three departments, kindergarten, intermediate, Theodore N. Lewis, advisor .-of the at Omaha. . ... and confirmation. There will also Junior Hadassah Chapter will also speak. A group of readings "will be Recent, visitors in Chicago and thebe a high school department which presented by little Carolyn Raskin. Century of ProgTess have included will include the post' confirmation The tea" is scheduled for 3 o'clock Miss Eva lipton, Miss Frances Ja- class. on Sunday afternoon,: and. will be held in the Corn Room of the Martin. Miss Sadie Shulkin.is chairman Mohawk of the arrangements. She will be DeLnxe assisted by the following committees: Hospitality, Lottie • Feinberg; refreshments, Lillian Dobrofsky, Bertha Heshelow, Bess Lipshutz, and Ann Shulkin; program, Rose Pill; invitations, Mary Greenbaum, Margaret S&itlin and Roma Wigodsky;' public: ity, Ann Pill.
Society News
Schlichos Services ; SaturdayNight The initial services for the High Holydays will be held next Saturday night, when Schlichos services wilL be held at Shaare Zion Synagogue fcad the Tiphereth Israel Synagogue. At Shaare Zion Synagogue the services will begin at 12 o'clock midnight. Cantor A. PUskin and a male choir will chant the service. The Choir will consist of the iollqwing members: Jack Reznick, Harry Kanofsky, Paul Hafits, Sam.. Janowitz, Harry Shulmari, . Bernard Passman, Sam Reznick, Morris Rifkin and Joe Janowitz. At the Tiphereth Israel Synagogue, a Schlichos service will'also be held at 12 o'clock midnight of. Saturday night. Cantor Richards of.^Omaha, Nebr., will conduct the service .there*.
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PoaleZion The formal opening of the winter activities for the Poale Zion branch of the National Workers' Alliance will be held during the week of Succoth, when a literary and musical program will.be given-££ Hie"Jewish. Community Center. The program will include a one-act comedy written by Mr;.5Abe Stillman and' entitled "Insured Father." The cast will include Mr. and Mrs. N.' Elkin, MTI MI Mason, Mr. S. Kateer, and Mr. A. Stillman. !The musical program will be presented by H. Mirowitz; Jtf. Maisel, and A. Tabai. Mr. and;-Mrs. $. Eezxdk of Omaha, will also appear on the program.
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