September 29, 1933

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In the Interests of the Jewish People

Dedicated to the

iL.uien.-tl Ml*

I'nufoffice ill Uniahii, StU

tie* «n Ja.iunry Zl. «srj|. of i lbe An ui Mauii -'!. 1S7U



JER 29,1933

Vol. IX—No. 35

f Memorial Meeting B'NAIBRITH PLANS Kol Nidre" This Evening 'Qerman M.asses Kept Of Hebrew Club Held Wednesday OPEN DISCUSSION To Usher in Services InIgnorance'*NewbYanch For Day of Atonement ON NAH SITUATION

A memorial meeting for deceased members was held by the Omaha Hebrew Club Wednesday evening at.the -•• • "The masses in Germany do not it is "almost as tough on a nonknow what is going on in their own conformist as on a German Jew." Dinner and Meeting, Both Open Jewish Community Center. During the "Kol Nidre" at sunset this evening J streets, and his sermon title -will be forty-two years of the organization's •will usher in Yom Kippur, the Day of "Religion—Fad or Faith?" country," commented H a r v e y E. to Public, on The Jewish boycott of Nazi-made existence, 139 members have passed Atonement, the most solemn holy day Cantor Abraham Schwaczkin and Dorothy Thompson, Norman Newbranch, editor - in - chief of the goods October 9 seems to be having an effect, away. "World-Herald, who recently returned in the Jewish calendar. The holyday his choir will chant the Bervices at Thomas and Bishop Mc- from Germany, in an "interview on Newbranch pointed out, since the A dinner followed By. an .open Of the charter members, only three will continue through till sundown the B'nai Israel synagogue. German, export figures have been Connell Obtained the Nazi situation with the editor cf plunging lower and lower. However, meeting devoted td a discussion of are alive today. They are Esau Fleish- Saturday. At the Beth Hamedrosb. Hagodol the Jewish Press. "Everything on he declared that several Jewish in- the German situation •will inaugurate man of Los Angeles, find Arnold Le- It is a day of rest, of fasting, of synagogue Cantor Joseph Malek will A trio of outstandingly brilliant the surface is unusually orderly and dividuals in Germany had personally the B'nai Brith season for Omaha vin and Mandel Blank of Omaha. prayer, of penitence, and spiritual i chant the services. Admission will be lecturers has already been engaged peaceful, and to the casual observer told him that the effect of the Jew- lodge No. 354 on OfSober 9.. The principal address of the meet- quickening. Its principal and imme- by ticket only. for the Community Forum series, j n o ripple stirs the prevailing calm." ish boycott was bad on them in Ger- Both the dinner: and the open ing was given by Henry Monsky, diate purpose is to arouse the conSuccoth Services thus insuring an unusually attract Nor is this surprising Mr. New- jm a n V j t h a t p 0 3 s i W y i n t h e I o n meeting to follow will be open to thewhose father, Abraham Monsky, was sciousness of sin and to stimulate the Succoth, the festival of Tabernacles, ive program this season from the branch s r ^ h pointed rn" out, nnt. in in lieu M#^n of nT the thf* Ijit -J. would I J work _T_ to X - advantage, _i *_ •but * that general public. The dinner will be one of the founders of the organiza- desire for atonement and for recon- will be observed commencing WedJewish Community Center rostrum. fact that the newspapers are ciliation with God. at present it only served to make the held in the lodge Twnn of the Jewish tion. nesdaj- evening, October 4, at 8 o'The three speakers already sched- ged," the radio is governmer.t-coii- situation of the German Jew more Community Center starting at 6:30 He told of the club's accomplish- The traditional "Kol Nidre" is an clock. Services will be held at the uled, as announced by William Gro- • trolled, and freedom of speech is precarious. p. m. Immediately following, the ments during its 42 years of exist- absolution of vows made unwillingly B'nai Israel synagogue under the ausdinsky, chairman of the educational barred. meeting will be held in the audit- ence. He said during that time $68,- at moments of excessive zeal. Taking pices of the Vaad. Despite the harsh treatment of the committee of the Canter, are: But Mr. Newbranch in his wealth Jews orium of the Center. 895 has been paid to widows of mem- into consideration the human weakRabbi Miller will speak on "Sucby the Nazis, Newbranch could Monday evening, December" 4— 4—• of newspaper experience lias learned see no evidence cf the government Every effort is bjping made to se-bers, $31,750 for sick persons. $24,960 ness of vowing, at certain moments, coth—Its Significance Today." Dorothy Thompson (Mrs. inclair Sin- i to be discerning. And while in HitThursday morning Rabbi Miller will anyone — Gentile or Jew— cure the presence oifJoseph F . Gross- in donations for other purposes, ?3,£55 more than one can fulfill, the Torah ler's domain, he delved below the letting Lewis.) man, president of th© District Lodge direct relief, and $3,550 for the con-authorizes the rabbis to absolve such preach the sermon at the B'nai Israel starve. Monday evening, January S—Nor- surface. of B'nai Brith, for fhe occasion. He struction and furnishing of the newobligations, when all parties involved Synagogue, 18th and Chicago streets. man Thomas. Accordingly, he corroborates the re- j "Thank God," he stated, "that in has an intimate knowledge of recent community center building. agree. The starting of the first serthe Friday morning services he Wednesdayy evening, February 14l pO rts that the situation of the Jews ! this country we do not suffer or tol- occurrences in Germany and has been Monsky eulogized Harry Lapidus, vice of the Day of Atonement with ,At will preach at the Beth Hamedrosh -Bishop Francis L-ancis J. McConndi. jin Germany is "hopeless." "Their | erate racial or religious discrimina- in constant communication •with B'nai who was murdered in December, 1931, this prayer may be viewed as an ap- Ilagodel, 19th and Burt streets. Brith sources. as one of the "foremost leaders of the propriate introduction to supplica- A Succoth celebration is planned tions for forgiveness. Documents and communications will club." for the children of the Religious not only center the discussion on the A fine musical program was also Memorial services will be held Sat- School, Sunday, October 8. The Junatrocities in Germany but also on the ior Synagogue will also hold a Suc| reflect tbe temper of the great propaganda activities" of the Nazis in given. Lee Green sang, accompanied urday. closed as soon as final arraiigemei;t31 ness. coth celebration on that day. at the piano by Margaret Hurwitz. American people." other countries and their location Cantors E. Sellz and Joseph Malek are made. "The philosophy of the ralevs of Temple Israel Young Peoples Synagogue The three lecturers already en-i priest-day Germany insists that inand plans of organization in this also rendered several songs. The Yom Kippur services will begin at Nidre will open the Yom Kipgaged are known the country over.: teliigence "does not count. No mass country. opening prayer was given by Rabbi Temple Israel this evening at 8 p.m. purKolservices of the Young Peoples Dorothy Thompson lias earned en-j movement discriminates, and as a reRabbi David A. Goldstein, presi- D. A. Goldstein and the closing prayRabbi David H. Wice, who has been synagogue this evening at 5:45 p.m. comium as a writer in her ovni jsu jt all German Jews are treated dent of the local lodge, will preside er by Rabbi Uri Miller. appointed associate rabbi at the Tem- in the lodge room of the J. C. C. right, being veil knov.-n as an au-; alike. • over the meeting. Dr. A. Greenberg thoroess. Following the outbreak, ci; "The masses believe ivhnt they is in charge of the \ dinner, and all N. S. Yaffe is president of the Oma-pie, will be in charge and will deliver i Harry Weinbcrg will act as cantor the sermon, speaking on "What May : this evening, chanting in Hebrew. The atrocities in Germany under the Nn-j rC ad and read only what the Nazis reservations should ibe made with ha Hebrew Club. We Expect?" | English will be read by Ernest Prieszi regime, she made a trip to Ger-i w a n t them to read. They have been him. 5 The morning service Saturday will 1m; a n . iT\in Stalmaster will deliver many to investigate the situation. \ taught that the- Jews in. Germany Those assisting Dr. Greenberg in begin at B:30 a. m. This will he- r~n- the sermon. She wrote a series of outspoken, di^jsr/A expansible for the country's ill?, arrangements include Sam Green, ducted by Ratbi Frederick Cohn, who ; Saturday morning services will cerning articles on the treatment of that they hid ohtairiocl a monopoly Sam Beber, Rabbi Goldstein, Philip the Jews by ths Nazis for the Jew- o n the business, professional, and cul- Berlin, (J.T.A.)—The first Rosh Klutzhick, and "William Grodinsky. •will speak on "Peace and Prosperity." ; start at 10 a. ra. Erwin Wezelman ish Telegraphic Agency, covering the j tural life of the nation and were Hashonah since the Hitlerite persecuAt I o'clock there will be a chil- j and Israel Bercovici will act as the dren's service conducted by William Hebrew cantors. German situation thoroughly. strangling Germany. tions began passed quietly in Berlin. J.W.W.O.toHold Norman Thomas, socialist caniii- "Under such leadership, the Jew-Services in the regular synagogues L. Holzman. Ernest Priesman and Hyman GoodThe Saturday afternoon service, in- binder will conduct the English serMemorial Meetingdate for president in the last elec-ijsh people in Germany have been The regular semi-annual meeting the Memorial Service, will be ; vices. In tlio morning a sermon will tion, is n o t e d for his brilliant completely driven 'cut of the pic-and the numerous temporary places for Mrst Holzman of the United Orthodox Synagogues jcluding conducted by Rabbi Wice. be delivered by Julius Bisno. speeches and powerful oratory. He tare'—in law, in medicine, in em- of service wera overcrowded with held Sunday, September 24, at Snccoth Admission will be by ticket only. gained particular prominence and ployment, in business, in fine arts, worshippers. In many synagogues Instead of the lejrajar meeting and was the B'nai Israel synagogue, 18th and Succoth services will be held at the popularity during the last campaign in mu?ic, in the theatre, in every there were two shifts of services. annual luncheon srl|eu.uled for next Chicago streets. Temple Wednesday evening, Dctober All the synagogues and temporary Tuesday, the Jewish ^V/omen's Organand has drawn overflowing crowds field of endeavor." The following were elected on the 4, starting at 8 p. m. Mr. ISTevrbranch, during his sojourn synagogues were strictly guarded by ization will hold a memorial meeting •wherever he has-spoken. • for tlie late Mrs. William I . Holzman of Governors for the ensuing In conjunction with the Succoth j Bishop Francis'j. McConnell will in Garmanv, had many discussions Jews chosen by the Berlin Jewish on that date, October 3, at 2:30 p. m.Board year: H. Osoff, Joe Morgan, Dr. A.service, there will be the harvest fesbe recalled as one of the speakers at with friends in the Reich. He learned community, without any assistance .it th* Jewish. Comnuaiiv Center. Steinberg, J. Shyken, M. Burstein, tival and the consecration of new the monster anti-Hitler mass meet- that many in sympathy -with Hitler from the regular, police. In-addition to her "ferny other civic Max J. I. Chait, Max Gold- children in the Sunday School. ing in Madison Square Garden, New and his major projects^ deplore the "Several large jfirms, on the" main nd communal aci.'^Jb'cs, Mrs. Holz- stein, Chasen; Dave Crounse, Sam Epstein, Thursday morning, October 5, Suctreatment accorded the Jewish, 'pop-' York, last spring. His address was n •Bras itFanUusa^tSw the aKalrs of and.-JLesn Mendelson,.,._ •eoth service? will begin at 10: SO r.. m. ;Klatioiu---TJb££JfeaUtljat.-tI>e.'-TO%asar es ; braa<3ca=i_£v.e£: .a^naricnal -radio- Jewi^li Women's Welfare Organi•work. A Methodist, he is former taken are over-severe, lower the in- thus proclaiming their Jewishness, ation and. served as secretary of the I.. Morgenstern was chairman of A full season of activities in the the meeting. Reports of the various president of the Council of Feder- tellectual and cultural standard of but most firms kept their places of •ganization lor many years. Conservative Synagogue physical education department of the the country, and are injurious to activities of the Vaad and affiliated ated Churches of America. As n mark of respect to the mem- groups were given by Mrs. L. Nev- [ The Conservative business open. Synagogue will J. C. C. will get under way Monday, hold Y o m Ki P p u r services "as follows: An advance ticket sale for the German self-respect. ry of r'.rs. Holzmau, the organization In view of the many previous ateleff, Ephraim Marks, Harry Marcus, j Kol Xidre—this evening starting October 2. Community Forum series will be in- Such individuals, however, do not tacks on Jews in cafes during Rosh ias also indefinitely postponed its and Physical Director Mcfrris H. SogoN. Levinson. Addresses were dare to raise their voices. r at 6 p. m. Rabbi Goldstein's low expects a banner season. augurated scon. Season tickets for nnual ball. Hashonah, there were no Jews in bv Rabbi Uri Miller and Ben j sermon topic will be "On Making Yom the five lectures will he three dol- Mr. Newbranch explained the op-evidence at these places. An outstanding feature will again portunity for a Hitler to gain conELazlovrsky. I Kigpur's Influence Permanent." lars, with single admissions one dol-trol The sermons preached by the rabbe the Health Club for business and as due to "trying to swallow too Berlin.—Jewish organizations will At the conclusion of the meeting, lar. bis to their crowded congregations 10 longer be permitted to conduct , . . „ „ „ „„ services ., ,-orofessional men, inaugurated last much democracy in one gulp." DeMemorial Services were held for the The educational committee of the work in government was intro- were primarily devoted to the hope otteries for the purpose of raising "Chofetz Chaim," Rabbi Israel Maier ^ ^ ^ " f - ^ T ^ r r T l y e a r . Sogolow Kives specialized p J. C. C, which has charge of the mocracy the Jews of Germany might •elief funds, the Prussian Ministry duced "to Germany only since the HaCahen, saintly Polish rabbi who Rabbx Goldstein will speak on 'Lest Community Forum lecture series, in- war, and the changes in government have a normal future, those who ihave only thirty minn l h e g y m _T h ep r o . died recentlv. utes We Forget. cludes: William Grodinsky, chairman; were not made slowly enough, he A novel feature of the celebration if the Interior has announced. a g h ; g h ]j. succeS sful last year. Eugene Blazer, Harry Cohen, Mrs. opined. hnceoth of Rosh Hashonah under the Nazi j T h e H c a ! t h ' Club» s t a t e s S o g o . Max Fromkin, Mrs. Max Holzman, regime vras the abolition of the usAs in previous years, the Conserv- , „fe. t h e business a n d profe8. William Holzman, Aaron Katz, Jack Also, the ground was very fertile. ual half rate payment for cabled alive will of again build its j rf ^ man a n rtunitv t o condi. Marer, Rabbi Uri Miller, Mrs. Hen-Youths were being turned out by the New Year greetings. Despite this, succah.Synagogue The women the Auxiliary tion his body and to make himself ry Monsky, Louis Lipp, Ben Kazlow- thousands without any prospects _ of the Voelkischer Beobachter, leading will decorate and beautify it. more efficient, so as to be a __ , more efficient, so as to be a greater greater sky, Yale' Kroloff, Dr. Leo Fellman, employment, resentment was running Nazi newspaper, reported that numhigh because of foreign domination The congregation Edward Shafton, Arthur Cohn, Milinvitation to Omahaextends Jewry atocordial enter ja s g e t t o h i m s a l f a n d h i s w o r k > e s P eerous greetings were filed in Yidton Abrahams, Frank Ackerman, under the Versailles treaty, exactions dish with Latin characters, for which the succah- with them for the first cially during the winter months when Mrs. Louis Neveleff, Mrs. Sam Green, time after services Wednesday night. there is no golf or outdoor activithe senders paid the full rates.• "I believe that the Temple should Sirs. Alexander D. Frank, Dr. David tion was rife. Thus, stated Mr. New- A word of encouragement was is- be a forum of social justice ideals.," Succoth services will be held as fol- ties.' The program which will be followC. Platt, Miss Madeline Cohn, Miss branch, the masses, particularly the sued to German Jews- here by the stressed Rabbi David H. Wice durlows: ed will include calisthenics, setting youth, grabbed at Hitler's promises Ruth Pollack, Sam Zacharia.Al MayWednesday evening, October 4— up drills, medicine ball work, reducRabbinical Association of Germany ing an interview following his aper, Rabbi Frederick Cohn, Rabbi Da- of something new and applauded hia on the eve of the High Holy days. pointment this -week as associate Services start at 8 p. m. At 9 p. m. • e x e r c i p e s , s w i m m ing, massages, rid A. Goldstein, Mrs. J. H. Kulak- defiance at foreign meddling. The message called upon the Jews rabbi of Temple Israel, with Rabbi the congregation will enter the sue- j v o l l e y b a l l t b a s i c e t ball, group games He is of the opinion that whether cah ofeky, Dr. Morris Margolin, Mrs. proudly "to maintain their self-re- Frederick Cohn. jI and sports. Jeannerte Arnstein, Abner Kaiman, or not the Hitlerite regime will re- spect in this trying period." The Thursday evening, October 5 9 j A new feature on the program will "My philosophy of Judaism," he main in power depends entirely on Justin Wolf, Miss Rose Grodinsky, adds that nothing "can de- continued, "is centered in America, a. m. 'be basket ball coaching classes for •whether or not it can make an eco-message and Dr. Oscar Belzer. prive us of this self-respect," and Thursday evening, October 5—S |t h e a t h l e t e s _ T h e s e w ;n be held Tuesand our chief concern should be a nomic success. pleads for 'unity of one for all, andhealthy, vigorous Jewish life in this p.m. days and Thursdays, 6 to 7:30 p. m., On his visit, Mr. Newbranch saw all for one." Friday morning, October G—S a. m. and Sunday afternoons. Sogolow plans country." no physical violences. However, he An end was put to the rift among Rabbi "Wice speaks -with the very Friday evening, October 6—G p. m. to coach the players of all teams beNight School . stated that while he was there a Germr-n Jews when four of the largvigor he seeks to inject into Jewish fore league play is started. An opening meeting for night number of cases of such excesses est Jewish organizations, the Cen-life, and as he outlined his plans— The pre-season basket ball league Vaad Ha'Ihr school classes for foreigners will be were officially reported. Union of German Citizens of which will be given in detail later— will start about November 1, with He learned that in the concentra- tral h£in at Central High school Tuesday The Day of Atonement called Yom the Jewish Faith, the German Zionist he seemed fully capable of carrying Kippur in Hebrew, is ushered in this j pames played Thursday evenings and evening:, October 3, at 7:30 p. m. Thetion camps, the Jewish prisoners Federation, the German-Jewish War them to fruition. He has a charming evening at sunet. It is the most sac-1 Sunday afterncons. classes will teach those attending how formed only a small minority. The Veterans and the Jewish Liberals, personality and a pleasant, friendly red of -4ays en the Jewish calendar The same leagues as last year will to read, write and speak English. Mr. majority w e r e political offenders, agreed in concentrating leadership in smile. A conversation with him imand is marked by complete absence, play during the recular season. William Ziegler is organizing direc- communists, pacifists, and internal a few outstanding members. Rabb mediately discloses that he is very from food and drink, and devotion in There will, however, be no varsity opponents. In the concentration camps, Leo Baeck was named president of learned in his general education and tor. the synagogue to prayer and spiritual team. the affiliated societies. in things Jewish. meditation. It is the day of confes- The girls will have a league of A special conference was ordered '"A continuouous, unbroken Jewish sion and forgiveness and marks a re- four teams, playing once a week. by, Heinrich Stahl, president of thi educational program from early birth in the spiritual life of the Jew. A meeting of basket hall managBerlin Jewish community, to consider childhood into the lives of mature Services will be held in the various ers for the pre-season league will be participation in the activities of t h men and •women," believes Rabbi Orthodox Synagogues at 5:45. Theheld Monday evening, October 9, at federated organisations. Wice, is necessary for American opening service is the "Kol Nidre" 8 p. m. Babbi Da-rid H. Wice Large organizations as well as Jewry. He mil shortly launch an with its well known plaintive chant. Following is the schedule: New York, (J.T.A.)—Adoption of he pointed out, "wil have, as always, provincial communities are electing intensive educational program here Gym Classes. Rabbi TTri Miller will speak tonight for the Union of American Hebrew the anti-Nazi boycott by the Ameri- the complete right of free expres- a presidium to the Reichvertretung which will carry out this idea. .Tnnior Rirls—Motulny find Wednesday, at 6 o'clock at the Beth Hamedrosh to 4:4--> p. m. can Federation of Labor was fore- sion and while I cannot forecast Juedischer Landesverbande DeutschRabbi Wice is also highly, in ac- congregations in organization and Hagodol synagogue, 19th and Burt 4 Business Business ivompnMomlnr ivompn—Momlnr anfl T\ cHl cast in a statement by ; William their final action, I think I know lands, Federal Representation o: cord with the workings of the social chaplaincy work. ( l i l dnv, 8 to 7 p. m. (mlueiJisr classes); 7 streets. The subject of his sermon In making the announcement of to'8 ii. m. (vollej- bnll); S to 0 p. m. (1msGreen, president of the organization. the temper of American labor and Jewish Provincial Organizations o: justice committee of the Central Conis "Kol Nidre^—Living and Dying for ha in. Mr.- Green declared that evidence of their passionate devotion to the Germany, to which representatives ference of American Rabbis, which the appointment, Abe Goldstein, pres- One's Faith." Saturday morning at ketMatron women— Monday nmi Wednesday. torture and complete crushing of the ideals of human freedom. Through- of the four federated organizations has taken a firm stand on social ident of the Temple congregation, 11 o'clock he •will speak at the B'nai 10 to 10:4r, n. m. (reducing classes).; 10:45 noon (volley hall). German labor movement by the Hit- out our history our movement has pledged their support. Rabbi Baeck problems of the day. He is of the stated that the appointment of Rabbi Israel synagogue, 18th and Chicago to Men's Ilenlfli club—Tuesday nnd Frliiny, ler dictatorship will be presented to sought to assist oppressed peoples is to work with executives of all six opinion that the temple, synagogue Wice is a reward to Dr. Cohn for V-10 to 12:30 p. m. (cnlisthortios): 12:Sfl io 1 p. m. {roller l>all): Pnnflny. 11 to 11 :30 the A. F. of L. convention opening elsewhere and our desire to help is units. and church should be the champions his years of faithful service. Rabbi n. m. (calisthenics); 11:30 to noon (volley Wice "will relieve Dr. Cohn of many here October 2, and predicted that not diminished. On the contrary, I German Jewry is meeting the New of social progress hnll). Tel Aviv Votes for Senior men — Tuesdnr nnd Thursday, the American organization would fol- think it is stronger today than ever, Year with the hope that : Jews Omaha's new rabbi is also a strong heavy^-duties so that he may be free 7:30 to S:30 p. m.; .Sunday, 31 a. m. to Improvements Loan low the example of the International because of our own American Te- America and other nations will al- believer in positive action, for, as to devote ttime to community acnoon.' tivities. Hiph school l>oyK—Tnesdnv nnd ThorsTrade Unions in adopting boycott vival of idealism. There will need leviate the distress of Jew here with he points out, generalities and negadnv, fi to 7:30 p. m.: Knndnr, 1 to 'J p. m. measures against the Nazi regime. be no surprise in Germany or else- economic relief, Herr Stahl declared tives do not produce results. TEL AVIV {J. T. A.)—The munijunior boys—Tuesday nnd Thursday, i Rabbi Cohn will complete thirty Friday, 4 in f> p. m. "The executive council may make where, if American labor turns to in an appeal for relief issued. Rabbi Wice is from Petersburg, years of continuous service at Tem-cipality of Tel Aviv has voted a Io 4:45 p. tn.; Swimming Classes. recommendations, but whether the the boycott as a weapon in the age- The appeal says that members of Va. He is a graduate of the Hebrew ple Israel next March. On the oc-floating loan of 350,000 pounds, ma- Junior crirls—Mondny and Wednesday, turing in twenty-five years, from pri- 4:45 to 5:30 p. m. the Jewish faith are facing extreme Union College, Cincinnati, O, the council decides to do that or leave old cause of liberty." EnsineSR pirls nnd senior women—Monthe question without recommendaDescribing Hiilerism as a menace poverty during the coming year an same institution from which Rabbi casion of his twenty-fifth anniver- vate banks. Consent from the Pales- day find Wednesday, C> to 0 p. m. sary as rabbi of Temple Israel, Dr. tine government sanctioned the loan. in spite of the numbers who hav Business scirls mid senior women-Mondtion, it may be taken for granted to the labor movement which AmerCohn obtained his rabbinical degree. dny and Wednesday, fi to 9 p. m. that there will be resolutions de- icans are now watching •with in- succeeded in escaping to -Palestin Rabbi Wice had previously been Cohn was elected rabbi for life. All It is estimated that about 180,000 Matron women—iloadny and Wednesday, manding a boycott such as labor in creasing concern, Mr. Green said that and /other countries, the majoritj awarded a bachelor of arts and mas- but seven of his 37 years in the pounds will be used in improving the 10:45 to 11:4't a. m. .Tunlor hoys Tuesday nnd Thnrsrlny, i several other nations has declared,' extraordinary measures have been who remain will be driven to seekin ter of arts degree and a graduate rabbinate have been at Temple Is- water drainage system in Tel Aviv 4:45 to r>:30 p. — m. and 80,000 pounds will be expended FTlph school hoye—Tuesday kMr. Green stated. made necessary. He denounced the charity for themselves and their chfl- fellowship from Washington and Lee and Thurs(1 Io S p. m. . 1 ; ' rael, •• the first seven having been on school buildings •which are badly day. He Knows Labor's Temper persecutory tactics of the Nazis as] dren. Help from abroad is sorely university. Senior men—Tuesday and Thursday, 9 in need of repair. "The; delegates to the convention." "medieval, revolting and sickening." needed, the appeal states. lie has served as Iraivelingr rabbi spent at Fort Wayne, Ind. to ft D. TO.



Rabbi D* £L Wice Named Associate at the Temple

Anti'NaziBoycottby American Labor Forecast by Win* Green

Page 2—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1933 I like as a German or a Frenchman, a Christian or a Jew, a Negro or a White man. But the idiots and the scoundrels who run the world seem determined to force all of us to do so. It is the chief aim of all professional politicians to keep such differences alive, and here the professional Jews are in the forefront of the fray." *

as it probably will be—may be a quiet boycott of Jewish goods, or, at all events, of Jewish stores. I doubt the efficacy of all such measures. The Germans are not going to be dissuaded from their present course by threats and reprisals. What will fetch them, if they are ever fetched, is -the slow realisation that the civI have asked Mencken a few per- iiized minority in the world regards tinent questions pertaining to a sub- them as ridiculous, just as it would ject upon which has been focussed regard them as ridiculous if they the spotlight of popular opinion. took to burning witches." Question: In exiling such men as Whether or no you agree with him is'not the issue. Gentlemen, I give j Einstein, Emil Ludwig-, FeuchtwangJer, Erich Maria Remarque, Max you Henry L. Mencken: Question: To what do you attrib- Eeinhardt, etc., has not Hitler shown ute Hitler's sudden rise to power in himself to be more interested in his ]hjs_ tremendous fol-jjpolitical aitajrsJthan in the advancement of Germany's culture? Is it lowing 1 Answer: "Hitler's rise was not not to be expected, therefore, that sudden. It began the day the Treaty j the world should rise against his of Versailles was signed. One of policies ? Answer: "Your qustion is rather the deliberate purposes of the treaty, as of the war. was to weaken Ger- hard to.answer. It seems to involve many by forcing a democratic form the assumption that 'the world' is of government upon it. The effects interested in 'the advancement of of that great moral enterprise were Germany's culture.' This is plainly soon apparent. Practicaliy all men not true. Only 16 years ago a . of any decency were driven out of large part of the world was trying public life, and German politics, like to destroy it. I doubt that Hitler American politics, became a sordid has done himself any substantial struggle for profit and. advantage harm by exiling the men you menbetween unconscionable gangs of tion. All of them save Einstein 'are demagogues. For a while the Ger- obviously third-raters. As for Einman masses inclined to succumb to stein, he is a "dubious" character, the Socialist outfit, manifestly in the politically speaking, and the 100 per hope (encouraged by ics tall prom- cent Americans have already pubises) that it could come to terms lished demands that he be forbidden with similar outfits in England and to settle in the United States." elsewhere, and so obtain some ame-l Question: Do you think that Hitlioration of the treaty. When this{ler's autobiography, "My, Battle/" hope, at long last, was discovered soon to be published, should be isto be in vain there was a despairing sued at this time? Answer: "I see no reason why Hitflight in two directions—toward Communism on the one hand, and ler's book shouldn't be printed. To towards Fascism on the other. The deprive him of his light to be heard Fascists won simply because they would be to do him precisely what -had, in Hitler, a vastly better rabble- he is denounced for doing to others. rouser than the Communists could I believe in free speech, absolutely The book, produce. He never made the mistake without qualification. of talking sense, even for an instant. judging by the extracts from it that He confined himself to blah, wheth- I have read, is sorry stuff, but if er his theme was historical, econom- the publishers want to print it, they ic, ethical, aesthetic or ethnological. have a clear right to do so. Any The poor Communists, ranged beside effort to interfere with that right can only do damage to those who him, looked like children." •""It is, of course, a mistake to as- undertake it, and to whatever cause Bjtme that; there is- no "opposition'to they profess to represent." him at home. I know a great many Question: Do you think that ArtGermans, all of them of the upper uro Toscanini was justified in refusintellectual brackets and among them ing to conduct the Wagner festival I-am aware of none who favors him at Bayreuth because of "the discrimunreservedly. They go with him— ination shown against artists in Gerif- you choose to call it going with many? him—for two reasons. The first is Answer: "I know nothing about that the alternative would be much Signor Toscanini's motives save as •worse—that if he went out tomorrow they have been represented in the Communism would come in, and un- newspapers. If he acted as he did der Communism the stupidities and for the reasons publicly stated it brutalities of his followers would be seems to me that he carried himself magnified a thousand times. The like a self-respecting artist and an second reason is that opposing such honorable man." a demagogue is always hopeless until Question: How long do you think the first popular enthusiasm for him :he present situation will exist in dies down. While he is on his hon- Germany? eymoon there is nothing to do save Answer: "God • knows. Personally, grin and bear it. How long it will am in hopes that there will be a take the Germans to get back any quick end to it, and that the monmeasure' of free speech remains to archy will be restored, but hopes are he seen. Let us be patient. It took only hopes. Mussolini has lasted American press nearly three nearly eleven years in Italy, and the years to throw off the censorship Bolsheviki more than sixteen years imposed on it in 1917. In Italy the in Russia. At least seven Italians out press has been helpless since 1922 of eight, I believe, support Mussoaad in Russia since 1917." lini today, and even the Bolsheviki Question: Do you think that the probably have a substantial majority American boycott against German behind them, though they have made made goods is an effective method a dreadful mess of governing Russia. of fighting the situation? What If Hitler manages to reduce unemployment in Germany, or if it is reofeer method would you suggest? duced in any other agency, he will Answer: "I doubt that it will be probably hang on for a long time. effective. If it is confined to Jews will it will not reduce the sales of Ger- "Naturally, his program man goods sufficiently to make any change as • time passes, just as the impression, for relatively few Jews programs of Mussolini and the Bolbuy them anyhow. And if any at- sheviki have changed. He may even tempt is made to extend it to Chris- abandon his anti-Semitism. But I tians, it will probably develop as doubt it, for anti-Semitism is as much opposition as support, for peo- useful to a German office-seeker as ple do not like to be told what they the Negro bugaboo is to a Southern should buy or not buy. The net re- office-seeker in this country. Hitler sult, if the thing is badly managed— differs from the rest only because he is bolder than they are, and has a greater talent for mob oratory. Think of an amalgam of Vardaman, Enough stars, featured players and Hoko Smith, Tom Watson, Cole Hollywood beauties to make up inter- Blease and Tom Heflin, with Billy esting casts for at least six other feature films, went into the making of "Gold Diggers of 1933," which comes to the Avenue Theatre for five days starting Sunday, October 1st to 5th. The names of Warren William WONBSH • Joan Blondell, Ruby Keeler (Mrs. Al FLOUR Jolson) who sprang to film fame over night in "42nd Street"; Dick Powell Aline MacMahon, Guy Kibbee, Ginger Rogers, and Ned Sparks head the superlative cast ensembled by Warner Brothers for "Gold Diggers of 1933.' Mervyn Le Roy directed. ,The last two days of the week, Friday and Saturday, October. 6 and 7 the following fine program has been arranged: The first feature offers Lionel Barrymore and Miriam HopMARVELOUS kins in "Strangers Return." . BAKING . ,Tbe second feature on the same program is "Made on Broadway," a picture crammed full of high speed In this exclusive, interview, H. L. Mencken reveals for the first time his views of the situation in ;•' Germany and makes some characteristic _ and trenchant observations which are sure to arouse wide comment and extensive controversy.—The Editor.

Avenue Theater

Sunday and the Imperial Wizard of the Ku Klux Xlan thrown in, and you have pretty well imagined him. "The Jews are easy marks for such professional patriots simply because they are always so obviously foreign. To be sure, there are plenty of Jews who try to get rid of this foreignness, and who honestly think of themselves as Germans, Americans, Englishmen or what not, but they are seldom heard of by the populace. The Jews who make all the noise are forever harping on their Jewishness. If they are not taking up a collection for Jews at home they are demanding that something be done about the troubles of Jews abroad. Thus the public is encouraged to think of them as Jews first, and Germans or Americans or what not only afterward, and in times of public turmoil, when demagogues are loose and the common people are all set to be saved from hobgoblins, it is perhaps nos unnatural that they should be early victims. "In brief, one of the cliief causes of anti-Semitism is the professional Jew. He lived by exaggerating,, not only his own Jewishness, but also that of other. Jews, ••'. and he has - a magnificent talent for being- offensive to Goyim. At the moment he is having one of* Ms recurrent nigh oldtimes in the United States for Hitler is unpopular among journalists, and so it is easy to get space in the newspapers by denouncing him. But I have some doubt that this- rhetoric will really have any effect in the long run, either in Germany or in the United States. "It is an ancient principle of eqnity that a plaintiff must come into court with clean hands. Very few of the professional Jews of America will seem to the Germans (or indeed to anyone else) to be doing so. They were, during .the war,, among ihe

"Beauty for Sale," the first feature at the World starting Friday, is a daring picturization • of the sensational Faith Baldwin novel,. "Beauty." It is a drama, of modern city life, with a particularly intimate locale behind the scenes in; a fashionable beauty salon. In the glamorous story, a triangular romantic, situation is developed between the characters played by Alice Brady, Madge Evans and Una Merkel. The cast is rounded. out with Otto Kruger, Phillips Holmes and May Robson. "Beauty for Sale" has everything in the way of popular ap^peal. It packs a human, dramatic punch, as well as racy, swift comedy. The movies were quick to realize the cinematic potentialities of the recent Southern California earthquake and have built a tremendously powerful film drama based on the cataclysm, called "The Wrecker," the other complete feature at the World Theatre. Starring Jack Holt and Genevieve Tobin, the story has for its central figure a man who is in the business of demolishing houses and office buildings as they outlive their usefulness.

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entertainment featuring Robert Montgomery, plus Madge Evans and Sally Eilers.

most violent of the German-eaters, and most of them have been raucously anti-German ever since. Nor are they likely to make much impression upon the general body of Americans, who are not greatly interested in the troubles of other peoples. If, indeed, they press their crusade too hard they will simply stir up anti-Semitism at home. "What the remedy is I don't know. I have discussed the disease with Jewish friends for many years, bat they seem to be as much in the dark about its cure as I am. To me, personally, race prejudice is one cf the most preposterous of all the imbecilities of mankind^ There are so few people on eartTi ^worth<" "knowing thaE I hate to have to think of any man

"Soviets on Parade" is one of the V&ad RellgiOUS S c h o o l

m;st impressive stories of contain_ v,.fl porary Russia ever screened, photoThe Religions School of the W graphed with stark clear-cut power Ha'Ihr meets at the B'nai Israel synand- dynamic that - xorcefulness - . . . h2s 'agogue, ISth and Chicago, every Sunmade the Soviet dramatic films so dis- day morr.iug at 10 o'clock. Parents tinguished. are urged to sond their children. "Potemkin", the other Russian film Those horn the ages 5 to 14 are elion the same program is a gigantic A Suoc-oth p.u-ty is being planned drama swirling with the forces of mutiny and passion. One of the high- iox October S. Thus does the sage of Baltimore lights of the picture shows a city's population murdered in the op^n speak of Hitler and Germany. Latest New York PIANO street—humans shot down like cattle. (Copyright, 1933, by Seven Arts It is a chapter from "the life of a Methods Feature Syndicate) depraved kingdom." in Classical and Modernistic The closing screen fare for the Music week, Friday and Saturday, October AL FINKEL 6 and 7, is "Gold Diggers of 1933," Studio—Lyric Bid?., been captioned, "the 19th and Farnam Ja. 4023 wbich h a s Omaha is to have an opportunity' of seeing notable European fihss pro- jshow of shows. duced in Russia, France and Italy.! ^ Also outstanding Yiddish films, screen ! 2429 WEbster Decatur St. attractions of a character not present- j 3327 ed elsewhere in the middle west. j TVe want to call to the attention of the Jewish public Hint we nre getting These unusual film offerings are to • In now a new supply of the seasonable religious articles. Muclizeirim with Jewbe shown exclusively at the Uptown! ish a:sd English translations, prayer books, Toleosim, silk and wool of the best Jdiiil, etc. Theatre, 29th arid Leavemvorth, which ! is now under new managemejit.. ! Kemcmber our famous Kosher Soap. Ou the demand of a few customers I The theatre has been extensively re-'j ordered the following articles of pure silver PJVI plaJe silver candle sticks, KW^sb enps, Hayeses, e t a Everyone who is interested in buying one of them modelled, and sound equipment of •un-'j ehor.ld be so kind and let me know ahead of tiir.e, so I can have it ready for usual clarity.has,been installed. \ then:. The first program of the notable; I hare Just received direct from rnieGtinc a very niee stock of most beauEuropean film offerings is to be pre--, tiful ESrCjjlra and T.ji loving for SllfWltli •_ Anvnnp .Ijciriag ^o July nun wrill sen ted October 3 4 4 and 5, when "Soy-I pie::**; let me know so that I can have H ready for him for Tontif. iets on Parade" and "Potemkin" wilij be shown. •


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Page 3-^THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1933 Harold Michnick, and Simon Mich- Mrs. Joe Raduziner, a recent bride., features Esther. Ralston and Alexannick, all of Chicago; Mrs. Leo Blank and Miss Helen Brown of Seattle, der Kirkland. Citizenship Drive . • and son, Lane Burton, and Mrs. C. Wash., her house guest Tuesday and Wednesday, October Wold of Minneapolis, Minn.; Mr. and 3 and 4, the first of the two features Being Conducted Mrs. Julius Barron and son, Herman, Stanley Passer, who recently un- offers Lionel Barrymore, supported and Mr. and Mrs. Leland Goldberg, of by Miriam Hopkins, in "Strangers


—Shop from our Service Guide

Arkansas Jewry Votes

Little Rock, Ark.—An endorsement of the anti-Nazi boycott was unanimously approved by the board of directors of the Arkansas Jewish Asderwent an operation for appendicitis An intensive club program is be-sembly, at a meeting held here. A Shenandoah, la.; Mr. and Mrs. Henry A systematic campaign among nonat the Mercy Hospital, is now con- j Return." ing planned at the Jewish Commun- telegram to this effect was sent to citizens to take out first papers and Maduff and family of Anita, la.; Mr. valescing at his home. The second portion of the Tuesday ity Center for the coming season. Samuel Untermyer, leader of the to become citizens is being conducted and Mrs. Corpal Cohen and son, DaThe contemplated program will not boycott movement - in the United | The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Tal- and Wednesday double bill is "Mary by a special -committee, under the vid, of Gretna, Neb.; Mr. and Mrs. Abe mud Stevens, M. D." with Ivsy Francis only strengthen and further develop States. Torah have postponed their regguidance of the Social Service com- Marcus and family of Fairbury, Neb.; ular October meeting, scheduled for playing the lending role as a woman ] the Senior Council of Clubs but will Mr. and Mrs. Ben Cohen and family mittee. also embrace organised activities for next Wednesday, due to the Holidays. j doctor. A citizenship bureau is being es- of Harlan, la.; Mr. and Mrs. Keith ! The balance of the wrek, Thursday, boys -and girles under 16, according tablished at the Jewish .Community Peltz of Manning, la.; Mr. and Mrs. Friday and Saturday, October 5, 6, to Jack Marer, Center committee Center. This bureau will assist all Herman Solzman of Hamburg, la.; and 7, is filled out with another chairman. •who wish to take the steps toward Mr. and Mrs. Harry Trochtenberg of Town Theater double feature program. The first, Miss Selma Lottraan, a recent Avoca, la.; and Mr. and Mrs. A. L. 4002 Dodge St. citizenship, "without, any charge. Tim McCoy, starring in "Whirlwind." graduate of the University of NebThe first program of ths week to Cohen of Tarkio, Mo. The committee in charge of this The last feature on the program is be presented at the Town Theatre, raska, •will •work with the •women's Barbecued Ribs, citizenship campaign includes Dr. Sunday and Monday, October 1 and 2, Fay Wray and Gene Raymond in organizations in an effort to aid Sandwiches Philip Slier, chairman; Rabbi Fred- A number of prenuptial affairs have is "Rustlers' Roundup" and "Black "Ann Carver's Profession." them in thcix program and develop Soft Drinks erick Colin, Milton Abrahams. Harry been given complimentary to Miss Lu- Beauty." functional contacts with the Center and Ice Cream Haykru, Rabbi Uri Miller, Rabbi Pa- cille Krasne, whose marriage to Mr. When you see "Rustlers' Roundup", Berlin.—The municipality of Er- program. . . " vid Goldstein, Edward Shafton, Hy- Lawrence Gross of Omaha will take a Universal picture starring Tom Mix, langen has resolved to destroy the An informal meeting of the presBarbecued Ribs, 1b. . 35c man Shrier, Joe Stem, Donald Brod- place October 17. Among her host- you will be witnessing, during part of statue erected in 1S75, on the Luip- idents of the junior organizations key, Harry E. Cohen, and J. S. esses were Mrs. Jack Marer and Miss the picture, scenes from an actual ro- oldplatz, in honor of the popular and the Senior Council delegates will Free Delh'ery Service Pearlstien. Phone J A. 8006 Jewish doctor and teacher, Professor be held Monday eveninng to discuss Marian Scharf, who entertained at a! deo held at Ventura, CaL Hymsn Shrier is in charge of theluncheon for twelve guests at the ; "Black Beauty," the second picture, Jacob Herz. this program. speaking campaign. The need of this home of Miss Scharf. Mrs. J. A. Gross drive was emphasized from the vari- of Omaha entertained eighteen.guests ous pulpits during Hosh Hashonah at a dinner party at home Tuesday services, and a speaker will address evening in honor of her son and bis each of the . organizations among fiancee. Miss Hermine Hirschmann of •whose membership there are likely Omaha entertained at a luncheonto be non-citizens. bridge at her home Thursday afternoon in honor of Miss Krasne. Covers were laid for twelve guests. Numerous other affairs are being planned Tor this popular bride-to-be.

Council Bluffs News BY F. R. K.

beips build strong bones and teeth.

Roberts Daisf Oo.


Mrs. Max Steinberg entertained twenty-five guests at a luncheohDridge party at the Hotel Paxton, Wednesday .afternoon, in honor of

HOLIDAY SERVICES Yom Kir-pur Services will ba held at the Clievra B'nai Yisroel synagogue beginning at six o'clock this evening, Orpheum when, tlie Kol Nidre .services will be Warner Baxter and Myrna Loy in charted. On Saturday morning, ser- the romantic mystery,. "Penthouse," vices will begin «tt. s-evon o'clock. The holds the screen at the Orpheum thememorial services, or Yiscor, will atre for the week starting Saturday take plare at eleven o'clock Saturday along with Mary Brian in "One Year morning. Later," in which Donald Dillaway is Succoth will commence next Wed- in support. nesday evening, October 4, and appro"Penthouse" is from the story by priate se-viees will be held at theArthur Somers Roche, which was feasynagogue on Wednesday evening at tured in Cosmopolitan magazine and six o'ciock. On Thursday, Hie morn- includes a brilliant supporting cast, ing services will begin at 8*0? o'clock, headed by M a r t h a Sleeper, Mae and The evening services will begin at Clarke, Phillips Holmes and George six o'clock. Sarvlcea for the s-acond E. Stone. day ot Succoth wiil comutnee at 8:30 It deals with a New York lawyer o'clock Friday morning. who is ostracized by his social group because he won't quit bis practice of criminal cases. He also loses his fiJTSM BKITH TO HOI.O ancee who eventually falls in love BA>~()IET OCTOBER 9 The Council Bluffs Lodge No. C&8 of with his best friend. The friend is acthe Independent Order •-•! ibe B'nai cused of murdering the girl friend of ISrith hold a meeting Monday evening a gangland leader .and the lawyer, at the Eagles hall. Plans wore made thinking he has been framed, defends . • • • • ' . _ for a banquet to be held at the.syn- him. agogue at 61S Mynster street on Mon- "Penthouse" reveals much action, day evening, October 9, at 6:30 o'clock, romance an intrigue and is breathin honor of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. taking to its last minute. Grossman of Chicago, 111. Mr. Gross- "One Year Later" deals with a" man is the president of the District. newspaper reporter who sacrifices Grand Lodge No./G of the Independent his life to save that of a man whom ' Order of the B'nai Brith. An open lie was responsible for sending to the meeting and initiation of new mem- electric chair. bers will take place at the synagogue that evening, commencing at 8:30 o'clock, and an interesting and enterRev. A. Diamond taining program is being arranged. Recognized as Reservations for the banquet should PRACTICAL MOHEL be made as soon as possible with any Phone 1059 member of the following committee: Messrs. Louis H. Katelman, O. HochCOUNCIL BLUFFS man, Ben Seldin, Mose Bernstein, and Dr. Julius Moskovitz. The banquet will be open to the entire community and will be for both men and women. Among the out-oMown visitors who came to Council Bluffs to spend the Hjgh Holidays with relatives were Mr. and Mrs. Dave . Mendelson.. and family, and Messrs. Sam. Michnick,

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committee raising funds to alleviate the suffering of German Jewry, but that was without avail. They demanded a public apology and admittance of wrong. And Yankelevitch complied. He wrote a most humble apology, admitting his guilt and mistake and saying Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by that he was unaware of the anti-Semitic propensities of Herr RosTHE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY By Harry Mendelson enberg. This was printed in the Buenos Aires press and later $2.50 read by Yankelevitch himself over his radio. Subscription Price, one year - - - - - - - Advertising rates furnished on application The Jews of Buenos Aires acted rightly. When Yankelevitch Breathes there a man with a soul dead that never to himself hath had committed a direct insult to his people, the Jewish people re- so said: "I have no conscience; never Editorial Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building. fused to be bought off by his money, offered in the cause of the have I felt the torture nor the chalPrint Shop Address: 1307 Howard Street German Jewry. They demonstrated that money cannot assuage lenge of the accusing finger of the Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center voice within? "Whose sins, ereverything. They made Yankelevitch, instead, humble himself in little DAVID BLACKER - - - •- Business and Managing Editor ors, mistakes, aberrations, wrongs, public. The Jewish people throughout the world must learn that and even anti-social acts, though unFANNIE KATELMAN - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent they should ostracize every member of their people who betrays perceived and unsuspected by his ANN PILL - - Sioux City, Iowa,'Correspondent faith to them and "sells out" to anti-Semites. We must cleanse fellowmen, have completely escaped ruthlessly examining inner monourselves of any traitors who for monetary gain are willing to play the itor?" An Appreciated Service '.... . ... into the hands of the enemies of the Jewish people, as the Nazis. That such a man or woman exists Newspapers are today vital source-springs from which public However, in this connection, nothing but the highest praise or existed is as inconceivable as the opinion is molded. The intellect and the idealism of those^who can be given to Yankelevitch. Any man of wealth and position, existence of dragons. For what norperson can be entirely indifferdirect the policies of our great news-dispensing agencies are pillars like him, who can easily stay independent of the Jewish commun- mal ent and immune to the voice of the of progress in the enlightenment of the general masses. ity, yet who is willing to publicly acknowledge that he was griev- >eople if not to the voice of God, to Hence, it is particularly gratifying in these days of trial and ously wrong and beg forgiveness is truly a real man. He evidently the living present if not to the past, stress to read how liberally William Randolph Hearst has raised has no false pride, and he should be welcomed back to the Jewish ;o the times if not to history, to the conglomeration of attitudes, his voice through his far-flung newspapers in a spirit of generous community of Buenos Aires . . . a man who hurt his people and whole which are expressed in any one era, sympathy and true humanitarianism. knows it to his sincere sorrow can do much toward helping that the new conventions, the new contrivances, the thousand and one curMr. Hearst's message to American Jewry on the occasion of same people later. rents of thought? One may claim Rosh Hashonah—first obtained by the Jewish Press of Omaha that he is free from the voice of the and printed on page two of our Jewish New Year edition last past, which in most cases is also an Recognize Religious Marriages illusion, for the present is deeply w e ek— w a s later sent to the various Anglo-Jewish weeklies, and American Consuls abroad have received instructions from the rooted in the past, but certainly no on Rosh Hashonah eve was printed in large type in the Hearst one can pot claim to being immune Department of State at Washington to recognize religious marpapers throughout the country. To quote from that message: emotions :rom immersion in the "The duty of America should be to keep our part of the riages in applications for visas to enter the United States. An- ideas, and patterns of behavior of nouncement to this effect has been made by the Hebrew Shelterworld bright with the light of liberty, cleansed of the black hahis age? treds and evil antagonisms which breed like bats in the dark of ing and Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS). This order puts an end Religion may be on the decline; to the difficulties which wives and children, who desired to join the force and grip which, such conignorance and intolerance. ceptions as sin and virtue, right and "Education and understanding will make us a race of brothers heads of families already residing in this country, experienced. wrong, purity and sensualism had Hitherto the consuls refused to consider such marriages as living in mutual affection and mutual appreciation. upon former generations may be on "Thus may America become an example to the rest of the legal. In many cases men who had married only according to the the wane, but still the force of conscience in the life of man continues world, back to the light and showing it not only the Jewish-law and had already grown up children had to return to for good or bad as ever—notwiththe old country and go through another marriage ceremony bemoral but the material benefit of tolerance and freedom." standing the complaint of the elders fore visas were granted to their families. Under the circum- that contemporary youth is constances the children wereregarded as "illegal." scienceless, moralless, emphasizing That same spirit of liberality of thought and sympathy of For many years HLA.S fought for the recognition of the legal- the material and practical above the understanding was shown the week previous when Mr. Hearst on ity of these religious marriages and in individual cases its efforts spiritual, and sunk in hedonism bethe front page of his papers in large type printed the following proved successful. The instruction now issued fully establishes yond redemption. editorial (in reply to a communication from the Zionist Organiza- the legality of all, such religious marriages contracted in good Nevertheless, the whole history of man, of every nation, tribe, creed, tion of America expressing thanks for the sympathetic support faith. caste, class and condition, through of the Hearst newspapers), captioned "Persecuted Peoples Have all the ages, is a striking commenBuilt America": tary on the alertness of .the personality, conscience, soul, or whatever TotheSoil Morris Margulies, Secretary, please to call it, to pass judgMore and more are the Jewish people coming to the realiza- you Zionist Organization of America, ment upon its own planned or untion of a truth which has been constantly preached in these col- planned, conscious or unconscious acNew York City. Thanks for your kind telegram. We are glad to co-operate umns, that the Jewish trend of the future must be away from the tivity in the realm of morals. Conscience is the ghost of every feast. in any movement which your organization in its wisdom and ex- professions toward the farmland the trades. In the ice-bound Arctic region and Another experiment along this line is being conducted in the the burning torrid jungles, amid the perience thinks beneficial to your people. east, with the hope of it spreading nationally, according to a dense ignorance and superstition of I know, of course, that you do not propose to settle all Jews news item this week. Farm settlements for Jewish families are the Orient and the crowded Christian in Palestine. . countries of the Occident, men evbeing initiated under the auspices of the American Jewish Con- erywhere If you did, I could not support such a proposal. seek to appease the wrath I personally think that the Jews whom we have in this coun- gress. These are proposed as co-operative enterprises, with fifty of an offended God in expiatory try have rendered and are rendering great service to the country; to one hundred families of unemployed in each farm settlement. atonement for wrongs self-committed Farming may mean hardships and be difficult, but there is and self-condemned. Nor is the soand I think that we should welcome here a due proportion of those phisticated, jazz-ridden, pleasurea measure of security in "living off the soil." who are being driven but of Germany. chasing apparently conscienceless ani religionless youth in Paris or New It has always been the experience of this free country that York entirely free the mark of Cain, the people who have been politically persecuted in foreign lands They Say the prick of conscience, introspection, have become, when received here, some of our most devoted and Of Germany ruthless self-criticism or gnawing remost valuable citizens. "There would seem to be almost as much, of a risk in being grets at its mistakes, defects, limitaPerhaps their experience in other countries had made them the spectator of a Nazi demonstration as in being the object of tions, aberrations and misdeeds even though its scale of values and creappreciate the benefits of this more liberal land; and perhaps, too, one."—New York Times. does may differ very much, from that it was the very progressiveness of these persecuted peoples which "What the world needs today is not a Germanized humanity of the elders. made them unpopular abroad and useful and welcome here. but a humanized Germany."—Stephen S. Wise. Many may deny that conscience is the voice of God, as have claimed "Add similes: As scarce as a best mind in Germany." the great religious thinkers through At any rate, we have built up our nation to be the greatest in —H. I. Phillips. out the ages, and may insist that it the world out of those people who have had the imagination and is but the voice of the people, that courage, and the devotion to ideals, to make them dissatisfied it is identical and co-extensive with Of Hitler the human mind, heart and spirit, with reactionary conditions abroad, and eager to become a part "Herr Hitler is a cut-rate Nero. He is trying to get by with and resident in the human brain an< of our more progressive and more liberal and more libery loving circuses and leaving out the bread."—Heywood Broun. that this complete intellectual, emocitizenry. "In six months Hitler has done more harm to his people than tional, volitional life of man has unOur country has been a blessing to them, and they have been the armies of German's enemies could have done."—Pat McGrady. dergone like evolutionary change with the physical body, from the very a boon to us. lowest phases of organic life, And I hope the day will never come when we will close our throughout the vast cycles of ages Be of them that are persecuted, not of-them that persecute. doors to the peoples whose courage and idealism and progressivpast, up to the present stage of existence. ism have marked them for persecution under the reactionary govNevertheless the reality of the Hey, Hey... Fever ernments of other and alien lands. conscience in determining and changWho said there was nothing new under the sun ? The Jewish ing patterns of behavior in the infiWILLIAM RANDOLPH HEARST. addicts of hay fever may take note of this—in Petoskey, Michigan, del, sceptic, scoffer, libertine, ascetii .' • ; * * * a Jewish hay fever colony is being formed, with the intention of or hedonist. Mr. Hearst's public appreciation of the role played by immiConscience is a court, complete an grants fleeing political oppression merits the utmost praise. His building a club house and aiding needy hay fever victims. entire. In a very real sense anal So, our "breathers of the pollen" can rest assured that they ogously true to form, conscience statement not only shows a deep sympathy with the efforts of are not without company . . . and probably good company, too. judge, jury, witness for the plaintiff the Jewish people to meet the problems of their homeless and Who knows . . . this may blossom out so well, that those who witness for the defendant, the achopeless but it also forcibly calls attention to what so many seemcused in the dock, the attorney fo: ingly forget or purposely overlook—the notable contribution of do not suffer from hay fever will look with envy upon the advan- the prosecution, the attorney for th fugitives from political oppression in the upbuilding of this great tages of those so "blessed" and will seek ways and means of defense, the sheriff, the executioner of the mandates of the couit. I: country. The Hearst newspapers are read by some six million joining their ranks. other words, conscience, my conAmericans and more. His timely interest in problems of momenscience, acts in the capacity of all man of his day, let him marry tin these various elements of the court, tous concern to us will do much toward fortifying American good of one of the chiefs of th< and I myself, as conscience, punis! wishes toward sufferers of the Nazi regime, besides creating in GEMS of the BIBLE daughter congregation. If he cannot get thi myself to the full extent of the law, the minds of many a new understanding and appreciation of the daughter of one of the chiefs of thi from which there is no escape. and TALMUD Jewish struggle for the right to live. congregation, let him marry thi By O. O. DASHER














' . ' .

" • ; '

The Case of Chaim Yankelevitch


The case of Chaim Yankelevitch is worthy of consideration. "Chaim Yankelevitch" may sound like some facetious Yiddishist's wisecrack, but actually it is the name of an outstanding Jew in Argentina. ; Just recently Yankelevitch, who is quite wealthy and owns and operates a radio station, went to Germany to buy needed materials. To add further to arouse the indignation of his fellow-Jewish citizens, he made the trip in a Nazi ship. And to cap the climax, he broadcast over his radio station a hook-up speech from Germany by the notorious anti-Semite, Alfred Rosenberg. His fellow-Jews in his home town more than expressed their indignation. They ousted Yankelevitch and his entire family from all Jewish organizations. They made it quite clear that they wanted nothing further to do with the Yankelevitch family. It seems that this action made quite an impression upon the family of Yankelevitch and also upon the radio entrepeneur himself Upon his return from Germany. He offered 25.000 pesos to the


The Human Panorama....

A soothing tongue is a tree of life. But perverseness therein is a -wound to the spirit. The heart of him who hath discernment seeketh knowledge. But the mouth of fools feedeth en folly.

daughter of a manager of a charity organization. If he cannot get the daughter of a manager of a charit1 organization, then let him marry th< daughter of a school teacher. But hi shall not marry the daughter of "Am Ha'aretz" (ignoramus) (because heredity will have a great influence on his children).

Rabbi Joseph once became sick and The ear that hearkeneth to the reproof of life abideth among the wise. fell in a trance, and upon awakening, he, was asked by his father what he Better it is to be of a lowly spiit*. had seen (while in his apparently with the humble than to divide the lifeless state), and he answered: "T saw the world reversed—the people spoil with the proud. who were above here are below there, and the people who were below here TALMUD are above there." Our Rabbis were taught: "A man shall always."sell'all that he possesses "My son," said his father, "thou in order to marry the daughter of a hast seen a rightly conducted world! learned man. If he cannot get thp But how do we scholars appear daughter of a learned man, let him there?" marry the daughter of one of, the "Just as we are esteemed here, so prominent men of his day. If he can- are we esteemed there," answered not get the daughter of a prominent Rabbi Josuh.

That the conscience is one of th most profound and powerful force: behind human behavior and personality can be seen from the following examples: Men have traveled over a continent to reach the scene of a murder and walk into the sheriff's office and give themselves up to the strong arm of the law, impelled by an irresistible impulse to surrender and confess and take the niedicint commensurate with the terrible trag edy of which they were guilty. Lis ten to Macbeth: "Whence is that knocking? How is it with me when every noise appalls me? What hands are here? Ha, they pluck out mine eyes, Will all great Neptune's ocear wash this blood Clean from my hand? No. And how about the innumerable reports of cases where the mind has (Continued on Paee 71


Correct Formal Wear for

Ak-Sar-Ben Ball Nebraska Clothing Co. is equipped to serve all loyal Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben with correct apparel for THE event of the season.

Full Silk-Lined Full Dress Suits $25 and Better Tuxedo Suits Correct Models $20 and Better And Complete Selections of Correct Dress Accessories

CORRECT DRESS CHART FORMAL WEAR AFTER 6 P.M. Tailcoat with sMc FULL lapels, Bone or silk DRESS SUIT covered buttons — Trousers to match coat. WAISTCOAT Single or d o u b l e breasted white material, V-front. Two stud stiff bosSHIRT om white pique in s i m p l e design or plain linen — single cuffs—poke or bold wing collar. White pique materiNECKTIE al — long effect — p o i n t e d ends or square ends—semibutterfly. S o l i d black silk, HOSE plain or clocked. Patent leather ties. SHOES High silk—or high HAT collapsible opera. White kid — button GLOVES through. Black or oxford sinTOPCOAT gle b r e a s t e d fly front or b u t t o n through — or black double b r e a s t e d overcoat. JEWELRY MUFFLER HANDKERCHIEFS WATCH

Full Dress Coat and Trousers $25.00 and better $3.50 and better Shirts $2.50 to $3.50 Collars 25c and 35c

$1.00 50c and 75c $5 to $7.50 $12.00 $3.00 $25.00 and beuer

Full Dress jewelry $1 to $5.00 sets. White silk or white $2.50 to $5 crepe. White linen pocket 35c to $1.00 handkerchief. Pocket Watch.

There's an economic, be--sides a social reason, for buying- a complete new Full Dress outfit this season. Prices for real quality formal wear were never so low—v.iU not be so low again after present stocks are g-one.



JER 29, 1933

as instructor of dramatics at the uni- • sah, has announced the following man; Frimette Goldberg, Florence Ladies Free Loan versity in favor of the directorship committees who will serve for theLohrman, Anne Green, Sarah Levine, of the Resident Theater in Kansas The Ladies Free Lean Society will ensuing year: Mildred Whitman, Ethel Stoller, and not hold a regular meeting this month Rose Sacks. In the Eosh Hashonah edition City, Mo. Publicity: Fannie Katelman, chairMorris H. Gordon, June graduate, because of the Holydays. of the Jewish. Press, the printer man. Program: Rose Dolgoff, chairman; by mistake put a "line slug" of has been appointed graduate instruc- There will, however, be an execuJunior-Senior Relationship: Lillian Lillian Nachsehoen, Mina Freedman, tive committee meeting Monday, Oc"Miss Eona Lincoln and "Mr. Phil tor in the architectural department Lillian Epstein, Fannie Katelman, Epstein, chairman. Officers of the chapter for the en-tober 16, at the home of Mrs. S. BarSmith" into the bos marked "ConJewish National Fund: Ruth Slob- Betty Tuchman, and Ruth Silver. suing year are: Jack G. Epstein, pri- son, 21st and Burdette. gratulations." odinsky, chairman; Goldie Seidmsn, Membership: Anna Hahn, chairThis -was an inadvertent error, jor; Harry R. Rosenstein, exchequer; Etta Tatelman, Sarah Taub, Ethel Ep- man; Sarah Baum, Bess Bernstein, as the line should have been plac- I Sam Fleishman, assistant exchequer; Vaad Auxiliary stein, Mildred Falk, Gertrude Guss, Sadie Tatelman, Sara Ann Noddle, ed in the box giving the mar-j Gerald P. Cohn, recorder, and William Plans for the season were outlined and Bertha "Slutzky. Estelle Gilbert, Evelyn Glazer, LorFlax, historian. riages of the past year, extending at a meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary Social: Sarah Solomonow, chair- raine King, Jeannette Kesnick, Ruth felicitations to Miss Eona Lincoln of the Vaad Ha'Ihr September 19 at man; Sarah German, Anne Gnrelick, Swengil, and Gertrude Lewis. and Mr. Phil Smith on their marthe B'nai Israel synagogue. Anne Xuznit, and Sopliie Oland. Cultural: Minnie Frnhm, chairman; Chesed Shel Ernes HIGHLAItD STAG riage, which took place September The group has tentatively schedCourtesy: lobby Abramson, chair- Marie Gilbert, Rose Katleman, MirThe opening fall stag of the High- RETURNS FROM CHICAGO 10. iam Greenberger, Rose Abramson, An open meeting of the Chesed Shel uled the following annual events: man, and Lillian Koom. land Country Club will be held next Miss Lillian. Jonisch returned last The Jewish Press, regretting Ernes card party, October; dance, Decemand Marian Monovitz. Financial:. Dora Freshman, chairweek from Chicago after spending be held at the Chesed Shel Tuesday evening, October 3, at 6 p. in. this error, wishes the young cou- Times will ber; dinner, February; theater party, several days with friends and relabuilding Monday afternoon a t at the Paxton Hotel. The affair is ple the best of luck and success 2:30 p. m. Rabbi Uri Miller will de- April; picnic, June. • for members and out-of-town guests tives. and a happy wedded life. Starting this last week, a memberliver an address upon a subject of only. ship drive was launched. great importance. YISITHERE Harry Mellman and son, Mor- Tau Mother's Club was held at the All members are urged to attend The Highland is also planning a Mrs.Bernard of Columbus, Ohio, are home of Mrs. S. Berkowitz on Septem- and to bring their friends. Young Men's Vaad frolic and fashion revue to be held at ton visiting here with Mrs. Mellman's par- ber 19. This organization was inaugAbout 50 attended the "Get-Acthe Paxton Saturday, October 14. Mr. ents. . . . . • -' ' .'•:.'•• \ '.:"•-. quainted Smoker" given by the urated four years ago by Mrs. Louis Sam Leon is chairman, assisted by Hadassah HOWARD * Young Metfs Vaad on Tuesday, SepSommer for the purpose of caring for Mrs. Philip Levey, chairman of theRECEPTION TEA A combined meeting of the Book tember 26, at the B'nai Israel club * ladies' entertainment committee. The The Junior Society of the Conserv- the fraternity house in Lincoln. Review groups of Hadassah will take rooms, 18th and Chicago streets. following officers were elected public is invited to this affair. "Wednesday afternoon, October Entertainment was furnished by ative Synagogue will' open its pro-forThe the ensuing year: Mrs. Sam Ber- place 4, a t the J. C. C. at 2 p. m. gram for the coming season with a kowitz, Herbert Fischer,magician; Margaret president; Mrs. Louis SomBIRTHDAY PASTY reception tea to be given in the Suc- mer, vice-president; Mrs. Sam FriedMrs. David A- Goldstein, who was Horwitz, pianist, and ""Doc" Dansky, Mrs. Nathan Belzer entertained 20 cah at the Community Center Sunday, man, recording secretary; Mrs. S. J. so generous with her talent last monologist. David Slobodinsky sang children and sixteen mothers at her October 8, at 3:30 p. m., honoring the Leon, secretary; Mrs. year, will open the season with a re- and acted as master of ceremonies. home September 16 on the occasion subsidiary groups that have been or- Simon corresponding Pizer, treasurer; Mrs. J. Stein, view of "Germany Turns the Clock Talks were given by Rabbi Uri Milof the sixth birthday anniversary of ganized in the past year. Back," by Edgar A. Mohrer. The ler, sponsor of the dub, and by Ephpublicity chairman. Appetites are made . . . not born. her daughter, Shirley Faye. author was recently forced to leave raim Marks, president, who outlined Mrs. Sarah Berman, mother of Mrs. Germany because of his book and his David Goldstein, will be the principal the year's activities. Sid Epstein and frank reports of Nazi atrocities. The delicious menus at the Jack HOLTDAIS Iff LDfCOMT speaker. Henry Magzamin dispensed the "•eats" 1 The Misses Anne and Sarah TretFollowing the review, tea will be and 3.2 beer. and JIB" . . . served unexcelled in a Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Rubinow spent At a meeting held last Monday evethe Holydays in Lincoln with Mr. ning at the home of Bess Horwieh, iak, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph served. Mrs. O. S. Belzer, chairman most quaint and soothing atmosThe next regular business meeting plans for the entire season were out- Tretiak, are continuing their stndies of the educational committee, will be win be held Tuesday, October 3, at 8 Rubinow's parents. phere . . . will add zest to anyone's away from home. Anne has resumed in charge assisted by the Mesdames lined. p. m. at 18th and Chicago. Appointappetite. her studies at Northwestern UniverA. Romm, Maurice Brandeis, Joseph BRIDGE CLUB MEETS sity at Evanston, 111.; while Sarah has Rosenberg, Simon Pizer, Sol Novit- ment of committees for the year will be made at that meeting, and an inThe first meeting of the Hi-De-Hi AK-SAB-BEff PROCESS the University of Iowa at sky, David E. Cohen. Build up a "whale of an appetite" Miss Louise Ziegler, daughter of entered teresting program has been arranged. Bridge club was held Saturday eveIowa City, la. . . . make the Jack and Jill your The book review groups were startning at the home of Miss Lucille Batt Mr. and Mrs. Isidor Ziegler, was ed last year by Mrs. M. F . Leveneating headquarters . . . morning, The officers elected a r e Lucille Batt, named one of the sixteen princesses son, president of Hadassah, and funcnoon, night . . . after the show. Jr. Vaad Auxiliary president; Clara Margultz, secretary- of Ak-Sar-Ben this week, to serve at WEEK-EKD HERE Dr. I. J. Weiss and his fiancee, Miss tioned very successfully. The groups A special meeting of the Junior treasurer; and Hannah Baum, re- the coronation ball, next Friday evening, the most important single social Alice N. Belzer of Minneapolis, Minn., met at the homes of its members. Vaad Auxiliary has been called for porter. spent the week-end with Dr. Weiss's Among those giving book refiews this Monday evening at 8 o'clock. An event in Nebraska. . were Mrs. D. A. Goldstein, Mrs. 'Rob- interesting holiday program has been A Saegestion for Any Night She was graduated in June from parents, Mr. and Mrs. Myer Weiss. ert Glazer, Mrs. A. D. Frank, Mrs. arranged and important business matWellesley college at Wellesley, ilass., Sisterhood Jack & Jill Sizzling Steak Joseph Rosenberg, Miss Rosalind Pi- ters are to be settled. Refreshments Served whilr • • Idaho baked Temple Israel Sisterhood will hold where she majored in psychology. She S. A. SL PLEDGING zer, Miss Martha Lippett, Miss Madin a he prcH-rM- J t\(\ potato, sliced its opening luncheon Monday, October plans to continue her studies this fall Sigma Omicron chapter of Sigma eline Cohn, Miss Grace Dansky, Mrs. will be served at this meeting and of rooking . j i l l / tomntn. bread Sara Malashock, at the University of Chicago. hosteses include: Alpha Mu at the University of NebrasPipinc Hot. iMitler. drink. 2, 1933, at 1 o'clock at the Temple. Jeannette Arnstein, Mrs. Max From- Elsie Lazarus, Lillian Poster, Bess ka announces the official pledging of Irin, Mrs. Mollie Conn's circle is in Rabbi Uri Miller, and Mr. Judah Kirshenbaum, Ida Minkoff and Fran-. the following men: Arnold Levine, Wolfson. charge of the luncheon, and reserva- RUSH PARTY ces Kort AH members of_ the AuxilRosalie, Nebr.; Sidney Bergen, Sioux tions should be made with Mrs. Cohn, The Kappa Tau club of Central iary and their friends are urged to be City; Sam Goldberg and Harry WeinHigh School gave their semi-annual -Walnut 7144, not later than Friday rush party on September 23 at. th< stein, both of New York City; Harry Conservatiye Auxiliary present. night" final arrangements for the welner Ye Korner Kupboard with eighi Altsuler, Henry Riekes, Sam Turkel, A board meeting at 12 O'clock will rushees present Members of all the Jewish women's roast to be held October 7 "Will be Sidney Chait, David Goldware, and precede the' luncheon. Keno will be The new officers of the^gronp are Oscar Carp, all of Omaha. organizations in the city have been made and the year's calendar of acplayed in the afternoon. Mrs. SamShirley Fiedler, president;- Bernice ATI official report issued by the Uni- invited to be guests at the Succoth tivities will be presented. Herzberg is in charge of the games. Bordy, vice-president; Jane Beber, versity of Nebraska shows that Sigma tea on Monday, October 9, when the Auxiliary will formally secretary; and Phyllis Rhody, treas Alpha Mu ranked first in scholarship Conservative open the fall and winter season. The A.Z.A.1 urer. last semester. S. A. IS. also ranked The Sisterhood's annual rummage affair will be held in the specially- The annual "Achar Hataunis" (aftfirst in scholarship for the first sem- constructed succah. Bale will be held early in October. er the fast) dance of the Mother chapester last year. Mrs. T. Hosenthal will pick up contri- Z. B. T. MOTHERS' CLUB The principal address will be .given ter of A. Z. A. will be held at the Tmtions for the sale if notified. Mr. W. Zolley Lerner has resigned The first meeting of the Zeta Beta by Mrs. Sarah Berman, mother of J. C. C Saturday evening, September Mrs. David A. Goldstein. Mrs. Her- 30, from 10 p. m. to 1 a. m. man will speak about her recent Ernie Priesman's all-professional *OU ARE ALWAYS SURE OF A GOOD SHOW! travels, she having just returned orchestra will furnish the music AT THE PARAMOUNT, ORPHEUM, WORLD from six "months'abroad. She spent two months in Palestine and the remaining time in Soviet Russia. A. Z. A. 100 A feature will be a musical proThe A..Z. A. chapter loo's "New" gram, presented by Al FinkeL t a t Deal" was inaugurated with the first ented pianist who has returned to meeting of the New Year, a comA Cheerful . ExceDent ALWAYS TWO Omaha after several years study in bined cultural and business meeting BIG FEATURES Features earful . . . and a New York; and Victor Froemel, vio- on September 24. .The guest speaker I S ONE SHOW: linist. Both have studios in the Lyric was Harry Mendelson, who spoke on Three Foot-Loose . big eyeful Daughters of a Modem Building. Palestine as he saw it when he lived 25c DAILY TILL 6:30 Skin Game! TEASING TUSES . . . All Jewish women are welcome to there. ROMANCE! INTRIGUE! attend. TANTALIZING GIBLS . Working Girls By Day The new chairmen of committees MXSTEKY! Under the sponsorship of the Aux- are: Edward Rosenoaum, social; MyGRAND COMEDY . . . . Play Girls By Night! Forty Stories Above iliary, Rabbi Goldstein will give a ron Tarnoff, cultural; Isadore MitA GAY SHOW ALL LJf Broadway Madge Evans series of eight book lectures. De- tleman, religious; George Dolgoff, sotails of the series will be announced «ial service; Al Monovitz, property; Alice Brady Warner Baxter later. Meyer Kosenbaum, membership; Nain The Oneg Shabbos series will be- than Crounse, athletic Dan Linsman, in gin Saturday, October 14. The year's parliamentarian. "PENTHOUSE" program will be centered around curA smoker for pledges is to be held with rent affairs and new books. Rabbi October 8. The committee in charge irith Goldstein will sound the keynote is Ed Eosenbaum, chairman, Harold Bing Crosby MYRNA LOY opening the year. Civin, and Nathan Crounse. -alsoJack Oakie PHILLIPS HOLMES HE—A Wrecker of Building's The chapter's senior advisory SHE—A Wrecker of Hearts MAE CLARKE board includes Rabbi Uri Miller, Dr. j Skeets Gallagher Will Open Season at also O. Belzer, and Julius Bisno. Jack Holt Judith Allen The chapter will hold its own serAchar Hataunis Dance GeneTieve Tofoin vices a t the B'nai Israel synagogue Harry Green Mary Brian in on November 3, under the guidance And 200 Moonkhst "THE An all-professional orchestra under of Eabbi Uri Miller. Those taking Beauties the direction of Ernie Priesman, tal- part will include Edward Rosenbaum, WRECKER" ented Omaha pianist, will inaugurate Abe Goldberg, Loyal Kaplan, Joe the fall season playing at the Achar Blumenthal, Sol Dolgoff. PLUS with Hataunis dance of A. Z. A. 1 SaturDonald Dillaway Mickey Monsel •World's Good Seats day evening, September 30, at the J. and Fair C. C. j Name Committees Zasn Pitts Stage Show 25c Thelma Todd Heading this group of vaudeville Week or . for Junior Hadassah Any Time Comedy Oct. 7 and radio artists is Max Yaffe, violinist, who recently completed a fourMiss Ida Fine, president of the thousand-mile tour with Henry Hal- Omaha Chapter of the Junior Hadasstead's orchestra playing in the leadOMAHA'S ing hotels of the south and east coast. BIGGEST Yaffe received the honor of playing as SHOW guest violinist -with the famous Ted It is Patriotic to XOCALLT 0W5ED-A3TD OPERATED f VALUES! Tiorito orchestra. He is also a memPatronize Y o a r ber of the Omaha Symphony orchestra. Laundry now. Other Jewish members of the band wtte ovtrutt OMAHA'S POPULAR FAMILY. are Julius Hornstein, trumpeter, who "THE THEATEB UNIQUE" THEATRE has just completed an engagement with Hy Gandar, famous Hindu orCOUP05chestra leader; and Jack Frieden, enThis A3 and 30c Admits 2 Adults—Eiddies 10c tertainer and vocalist who has been 39th and Leayenworth 29th and Leavemrorth SUNDAY to THURSDAY a member of the Orpheum and other "Come DOTTO to the Town" .. OCT. i-g OCT. 1-5 INCLUSIVE 2SI5 FARNAM AX2S15 theater circuits as well as being well SDN.-MOX OCT. 1-2 THE SHOW OF SHOWS! Will Eogers—Janet Gaynor known to radio listeners throughout WITH MORE THAN A the middle west IN "BLACK BEAUTY" DOZEN STARS I ESTHER KAl^STON "STATE FAIE" ALES. KIKKXAXD






For the Queens of Fashion

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R. D. GOLDBERG Theatre Corp. I

UPTOWN Added Short Subjects


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THUKS, FIU.-SAT., Oct. a. 6,7 •ANN CARVER'S PROFESSION* Fay Wray—Gene Raymond Pins— TIM MrCOY In "WHIRLWIND" Saturday* and Sundays Free Candy to Kiddies


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Admission for This Attraction Only Adults 30c—Kiddies 10c

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Goldstein-Chapman's present a collection of Gowns for the lovely ladies who attend the Ak-Sar-Ben ball . . . gowns that are simple in design and feature the more elegant fabrics.

to $79.75 THIRD FLOOB




OPERA STAR'S DAUGHTER WEDS- This photo show? Kdward Pyke and his bride, the former Gwendolyn McCormack, daughter of Count John McCormack. famous operatic tenor, as thi-y left thi> Brompton Oratory in London following their marriage Count Mr Cormack sang at the ceremony as hundreds crowded the nhureh and the streets outside

HANDS ACROSS THE SEA- Marion Davids, well-known screen star, extends a greeting to Capt. W Walker of the British cruiser H M S Dragon following its arrival in Los Angeles harbor At left is Louis R Mayer, film producer, who also represented the screen colony.

DIPLOMAT ON HONEYMOON—Preparatory to leaving for Paraguay to assume his new duties as American minister, Meredith Nich* olas, well-known author, spends his honeymoon with his bride, the former Mrs. Dorothy Lannan, in Washington. They are pictured in their hotel suite in the capital.


PRINCE GOES VISITING—Louis Ferdinand, left, prince of Prussia and grandson of former Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany, is photographed with former Governor Walter .1 Kohler of Wisconsin, center, and W E. Simons, of Milwaukee, as he visited Kohler. Wis.. during his tour of inspection of Wisconsin industrial plants, as a representative of ;i Detroit automo'hile concern

PLEASURE FLEET This picturesque scene from the top of Catalina Island, California, looking into the below, shows the various yachts from other California cities following their arrival at Catalina for the annual commodore's cruise.

RAJLPLANfr This "kHllplaiiu". desnjfned by the Pullman inrporation of Chicag«., provides MimethiHK new In hiKh railroad coach construction, combining aircraft architecture with railroad necessities. The puwet plant cunsista ot . v iiue uii>tur» mounted on tht forward trucks.

YOUNG ITALY IN REVIEW -Some of the 60,000 young Fascists taking part in the annual parade at Rome are pictured marching in review before Premier Bemto Mussolini in front of the Exhibition ' on the Revolution in National street.

WORLDS LARGEST I.INKR Here is the S S Nonnandie ,,f the I-Vmh , «l M Hpucial drjdock at St Nature,

luie which u, w,n


conairu ted



STALMASTBK & BEBKR comes from the Hebrew "Shore" and and the Christian merchants of HamJewish masses suffering in the diasAtlornrys the Shores are descendants of Rashi. burg were aroused to fury. They pora (d5sperions). In referring to the G50 Omaha TVatiorml Hunk protested that without the Jews, FKOBATE XITICL situation of the Germany Jews, the (Continued from Page 4) THE SECRET IS OUT In the Matter of the Esuue of IIAKUT executive declares that the lasting Well, if this, is true, it at least Hamburg would sink into a village. salvation of the German Jews is brought about almost unbelievable NO'TICK is' iii;iu;r.v IJIVF.X : makes one thing clear. Hitherto, we THE DUTCH AND creditors of suit! deceased will possible only with large settlement transformations in the body to the Thntthethe i'xecujnr of said o^inle. before me, have thought that our economic trou- CROMWELL Jiuljre of lioimlas County. Nt'lirnsin Palestine, to which they will bring misery of t h e individual, whereas in County •nsbles were due to overproduction or a And that recalls the little incident Court llmnn, in siiid their possessions ' and their cultural other cases, a chance conversation, a Ir">nniJj. u 11 Cmmty the "i>;li (!:iy "f Xovoinlicr, non-elastic currency or what have that took place when Menasseh ben abilities. By DAVID SCHWARTZ new outlook on life, some unantici- ' l!i&l. mul (>n the 120ih »lny of J a m i n r y , 19H4 you. But now it is quite plain what Israel went to England to plead with Concern at British Acts in Pal;it !> o'i'look A. M.. c:ich (lay. for the l>nrThe executive also declared that in pated shock, loss of dear ones cr I>os'» of present in;: I heir flninis for oxninthe matter is. Oliver Cromwell for the admission of accordance with the decision of the material goods, some crushing defeat in.'ition. iidjtistiiK'\:t and allowance. Thr«c estine Is Expressed liiontlis fire allowed fur tin e n d i t o r s tn The matter is simply that the deJews into England.' RASHTS BIG FAMILY Eighteenth Congress to establish a or disappointment, or gnawing infer- prcsi'iit their claims, from the 20th tiny of. When the Dutch government learn- LONDON (J. T. A.)—The outline special offics for settling German iority feelings may so transform the October, m>s. How beautiful upon the mountains scendants of Rashi have monopolized EKVCE ed of the mission of Menasseh ben of the policy of the new executive of Jews in Palestine, headed by Dr.personality as to change the coward o-2t)-S3-ot. are the feet of him that bring good all the good jobs. County Judge. tidings! So it is writ in Holy Writ. HE COULDN'T WAIT Israel, it became excited and directed t h e W o r l d ' Z i0 n j s t Organization, Chaim Weizmann, former president into a hero, the puny and weak into And today this department is like & €ARN.A77O, Attorneys According to L. M. Glassman, the its London ambassador to exert him- chosen at the Eighteenth World Zi- of the World Zionist Organization, in the strong, the bashful and shy into KAZLOWSKV 424 iTIStfTHIIIT P.lrtC unto that mountainous beauty. For latest one they are telling in Russia self against the step, fearful that onist Congress at Prague, which was unison with the executive, > "the ex- the aggressive, the inarticulate into M O B A T E NO TICK what Manassah had in mind was theissued under the signature of all tenecutive rejoices that in this way, the the articulate, the seclusive into the In the Matter of the Kstnte. of Mo«e« it brings good tidings to many thou- is the following: also known us M. E. Jacobson, sands—that is, provided they have Chayim was racing a mile a min- migration of the Jews of Holland to members of the executive, while great creative powers of Dr. Weiz- sociable, the reticent into the talka- Jacobson, lJeeeased. Jsotiee is hereby piven: Thnt the credithe right names. Is your last name ute down Nevsky Pros pekt. He England. Neupbrt, the Dutch minis- stressing1 the fact that the policy will mann will ajrain become directly tive and so on. of said deceased will meet the adminone of the following—Auerbach, Hor- bumped into a big office building of ter, had a talk with Manasseh ben be based on co-operation with the available for the work of organiza- "The unknown wonders of the phys- tors istratrix of s;ud estate, before mo, County Judge of ]>oup;!ns County. Nebraska, at owitz, Margulis, Halperin, Hilder- the Five Year Plan on the way, and Israel and reported to Holland that mandatory power, Great Britain, de- tion." ical universe can no longer stimulate the Comity Court Room, in said Comity, Inquiry Commission. sheimer, Lurie, Katz, Katznellenbo- smashed his nose, but still he con-the fears were unfounded, that Man- clares that many features of the on I he UtU day of November. 11KJ3, mid on imagination as formerly, now that the In a reference to the murder of fith day of January, IV'M, at SI o'cloefc gen, Epstein, Mintz, lifshitz, Frank- tinued on and on. Then he bumped asseh was only seeking to provide a British policy in Palestine h a v e the world has grown familiar from A. M., each day. for the purpose of preDr. Charm Arlosoroff, noted Zionist el, Landau, Rothenberg, Shore, Rap- into six of the new theaters they refuge for Jews from the Inquisition caused grave concern. senting their claims for examination, adlast Jnne^ for whose the tropics to the poles, now that its justment nnd allowance. Three, months nre The renewed attempts to place ob--}-*™*_ paport, Hell or? for the creditors to present their have erected in Russia lately, but lands. Eensaonists, members fauna and its flora are everyday ob- nlloweii stacks in the path of Palestinian! o f claims, from the f'h day of Ortober, 1933. Examine your last name closely still Chayim's legs continued to do a HEGEL AND HITLER jects of contemplation, even the disEKYCE CUAWI'OUn, colonization; legislation which canj the extreme right wing Zionist and if it is one of these, pat yourself marathon. County Judge. • tant stars and the minute world of 9-l5-33-3t I have always had a prejudice injure the entire country, espe-< ™™****., « * ' ™»^** }*™J? . on the back, get up on your tiptoes All of a sudden, Yankel sees him against the German philosopher Keg-| only ci a n y Jewish colonization; proposed Palestine, the executive declared, the atom and the electron. More and SHOTWE1X, MOXSKV, CiROIUNSKY * and stretch, for you are elected. You and calls out: ,^ naiie „„+• «m,!,TriTO__-wi1ere are ; el, and had it long before Hitler em- j changes in the . constitution contrary "the Eighteenth Congress was forced •more, therefore, must the spirit, imVANCE, Attorneys are a member of Jewish aristocracy. you running "Chayi Oi.uJm National Hank JiU\g. our j braced the idea of "the totalitarian 1| to to the • obligations assumed by theto deal with this problem, hut thepelled by ihe undying- urge for and what's your You are—at least the chances are— hurry?" lirKKBY GIVKX: state." To me .the idea of the state i mandatoryy ppower, on the erection of Congress overcame the difficulty and knowledge, look inward, to probe Its NOTKTGtheISniHU'i'sipiiftl that you are a descendant of none forntod n oopn own enigmas. The internum aetur- ivoration. Thf nawe of have "I can't stop," replied Chayim, "I being the -whole show and always - T—"-'- -national " — ' *•*>-••--"--emerged with increased vigor. The the corporation is home in Palestine, other than the greatest of Bible com- am running to the river to <?ommit Tight is as absurd as to make the mun, the spiritual universe, still of"JOHN VOL.Z. INC.." nnd its iirincipnl and holding back of the Jewish work commission of" inquiry decided upon plaee of Imsiiicss sliall l>t> in the City <>? mentators—Rabbi Solomon Rashi— S u i c i d e . " . •'•'. ";.. : : ; . , > ; : ;: same statements about individuals. in the Transjorten despite the fact by the Congress has already been fers an inexhaustible domain. Man, Omahn, Doncrlas Coonty, Neliraskn. The •who lived in France some 900 years is n\itliorizt><l 10 cstnblish nn<l "But wait, Chayim—what's i your I aim not -quite sure" which has done that many of the Transjordanian appointed by the Actions Committee as his knowledge widens, as he grows corporation maim a in a merchant iriilorinjr btiBineRS ago—•who has been one of the great- hurry about committing suicide. Wait more and the executive is confident that more fully conscious, will devote Hiul to l>uy and (st-Jl all items handled ill wrong, states run rampant or Arabs desire the work to be carried est influences on the Jewish religion, a while—just because conditions hap-, individuals run loose. "For instance, out, are listed by the new Zionist | all sections of the _Zionist movement himself ever more boldly to the dis-connection vtih such business, ami to buy, acquire, lease, dispose of. alienate and whose commentaries on the Bible pen to be bad now, -who knows may- it Is generally, '•' some fool idea of executive, as acts causing gTsat con- will ppatiently -await the results of covery of his own soul, to the pur-Eeli. and/or encnniber any and all kinds of rpol also exerted a profound influence on be there'll be a silver lining yet to"Stateism" which has generally been cern. ana personal property: the corporation . •; - . . - • . . suit of self-knowledge. the inquiry." Shall have anthorhy to iiorrow monoy anil the thought of the Christian church. the cloud. Anyway, you can commit responsible for the holocausts of war. German Jews in Palestine to issue its notes. luortfrajios. slock, of other oblipationK for that purpose. Tlie The executive,, accordingg to the Easing suicide next year as good as this. But let us go hack to this fellow authorized onpital stork is S."i.fKK).OO. divldARE YOU ROYAL? —Shop from our Service Guide d l its political Berlin.—The Ministry of Economj ed into HO shav.'s of I he par valne of $10*1.00 the other day statement, will develop I have this from none other than "Wait a year— Chayim—maybe at the Hegel. I was speaking : each, nil of vliich shall be common »\*A work with the mandatory power and ics ordered an end to the system of J. L.-. Horowitz, vice-president of the end of the year, the Five Year Plaii to a teacher of science, and waswith STALBASnSB * OEBEK I fully paid and non-assessable when the League of Nations in order investigation conducted here by dif-FEADEXBIKG, The corporation shall commence b have talking of things astronomical and 650 Omaha National Bank Bide. Descendants of Rashi Association, will make it possible for you to \ipon the filing of the Articles of Incorpo-: •' • ' , he casually remarked that Hegel had to insure a rate. of progress in theferent chambers of commerce to dewho has spent years in tracing the plenty to eat." ration with the I'ounfy Clerk of Duuplas rebuilding of Palestine commensurate JfOTICE OF ABDEXnjlESrT TO ARTIKebraska. nud shall continue ui:"No," replied Chayim, " I can't written that no more than seven with the immediate needs of. thetermine which firms are Aryan and CUBS OF INCORPORATION OF "C. H. | til January Eashi pedigree. 1st, i'.C>K The hichest amount which are Jewish. SOBOTKEU & SON, INC." You, are a descendant of Eashi, if •wait. In another year, there m a y planets would ever be discovered, and Of indebtedness sluil! not. exceed two-thirds The investigations were ordered Notice is hereby plren thnt on the 11th; of itfs capital stock. The affairs of the cora few years later, a chap named you bear one of these charmed not be a river to jump in." of September, 1933, at 10 A H. in the poration shall be •i!:iinnistered by n HonTd discontinued and the Ministry stated dny Wolff, by himself, discovered thirty offices of Irvin Stnlmaster nt 6Tif) Omaha j of not less limn two. nor more than five names, but that is not all. You can National Bank Building, Omahn, Neliraska. j directors, who shall elect n President, Vlcewhile preference should be given at a special new planets. stretch another inch, if you want to r r s WORTH IT 'Too Much Harmony," sensational that -meeting of the stockholderB, president. tSecn»t:iry. nvt\ Treasurt-r. from Aryan firms in placing orders for Ernest Barbarisb. sends me the folArticle I of the Articles erf Incorporation I their Ti.uuiber. The Artules mnv be amendI have a suspicion that Herr Hegel musical comedy extravaganza, is now —for Mr. Horowitz has traced Ra•was amended read as follows: cd. The corporation ri:'.y have n seal. shi's own pedigree backwards, and lowing which I relay for your edi- made mistakes rather than in the playing at the Paramount Theatre, public institutions, discriminations "ARTICLE -to 1. The name of the corporaDated at Omaha, Nebraska, this 20th tiny against Jewish firms should not be fication: t tion shall be "DOUGLAS SALES COM- of September, 1033. realms of astronomical speculation. with a cast of favorite screen stars he finds that Rashi was a descenA. r.REKNBEHG "A wealthy Jew in Poland seeing including Bing Crosby, Jack Oakie, practiced and they too may receive PANY."MORRIS MILDER. President. dant of David, King of Israel. So H.I*. COH KN. TOLD TALES B. MILDEK. Secretary »-29-33-4t. Skeets Gallagher, Judith Allen, Harry orders. you are of royal blood, and as such a poor stranger in the synagogue on TWICE This being the Yom Xippur sea- Green, Lilyan Tashman, and Ned privileged to consort and marry into Friday evening, invited him as an son, before TF. P. A. disinters it, let Sparks. the families of Prince Edward, Al- aurach to his home. me repeat the one about the fellow The firm reveals the top-notch "On the table was to be found fonso, etc., etc. who was asked if he haS lasted. black tread and fine baked chalah. songster of America as a musical The names I have mentioned are "No," he replied, "I ate oysters." comedy star who is engaged to the not all—but I have given enough to After the host and his guest had "What! Oysters on Yom Kippur?" wrong girl. He falls in love with ancover quite a bit of territory. For duly washed their hands and made 'TTes, hasn't oysters an "E" in i t ? " other girl, and how he wins her makes the blessing, the latter "stuck in" those desiring further details and a highly interesting story. with full vigor into the white bread suspecting that they may belong to Interspersed in the action as the of which he continued to consume Ann Arbor, Mich.—Dr. Eeuben L. novel the same royal lineage, I would sugplot unravels are eight brand large chunks, to the dismay of the Kahn, director of the bacteriology gest that they communicate: with Mr. new hit tunes and several lavish prohost. Finally, the host exploded: laboratories a t the "University of Horowitz direct. "My dear friend, don't you know Michigan hospital, will present two duction numbers, staged by the famous dance director, LeEoy Prinz, that white bread is very expensive?" papers dealing with immunity to dis-with THEY ARE COUSINS a huge chorus of Hollywood's If Mr. Horowitz's thesis 3s true, "Yes," replied the stranger en- ease and blood tests before the in-foremost beauties. then we are presented With spnie thusiastically, "but it's worth it." ternational meeting of the Royal In addition, there are featured striking facts. For instance, "Babbl IN OLD HAMBURG Academy of Jtaly. shorts. Meyer Berlin, the Mizrachi leader, The Jewish Rundschau of GerAdolph Ochs, publisher of ;the' New many-^that militant Zionist paper, York Times, Jafi^Ig^ay^my-gym chief, Morris Rothenberg, 'president which seems to be one of •' the ifew to of the Zionist organization, and Mor- dare occasionally to criticizes Herr ris Margulies, Secretary of the Zion- Hitler,- recalls an interesting fact ist organization, all are cousins, .be- about the Hamburg Jewry of the lieve it or not -•- , early part-of the 18th century. At that time, it was - proposed to Mr. Ochs belongs, because Ochs expel all the Jews from Hamburg,






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there'll be Many



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Every MAZDA lamp salesman may be identified by his armband, uhick reads, "I am the lampaum." Ben's your chance to help Omaha's unemployed.

BranHeis French Room—Second Floor

These lamps will be purchased through your neighborhood dealer and charged on your next Electric Service bill from .-._- the Nebraska Power Co. *


Black Lyons velvet with stiff shoulder wings md collar—39,75,



Society News

SH0TWEL1, 31ONSKY. GUODINSKY & VANCE, Attorneys . W7 Oniaha National Bank Bids.

FUAUESUUKG, STAT.HASTEK & IHiBKU. Attorneys 0o0 Omaha National Bank I!Ids.

VOTAVA * HcGROAKTV, Attorney* I'nion Mate Bank JJiUli Omalia, N'cb.





vrvrrri' HV ri'BLICATION OX PETITION OF FIKAI, AOM1.NISTBATION NOTICE OF ARTICLES OF IN THK DISTRICT COURT OF DOfCI-AS ISCOUPORATION OF Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bass announce Notice is hereby given thnt-the underInAthu0CouT»ly Court of Douglas County, COUNT!', NEBKASKA. BS11TH CONCESSIONS, INC. have formed a corporation under the marriage of their son, Abe, to signed the laws of the State of Nebraska. The IJnbthe':Matter of the Kstate of Mollle Notice is hereby given that the iindor) Miss. Shirley Russman, daughter of name of the corporation Is SIOUX KUAI>- signyd hiive. formed a corporation pursu- BERNARD JOHNSON, I'laintiff, ) I>io. 307 Kicker Maroncy, Di-crHRed. COMPANY and the-principal place of ant tu the laws of the stale of Nelmtskji. vs. ) No. 218 All persons interested in said matter nre nre Mr. and Mrs. Julius Russman of Ce-TY transacting its business is the City of under the name of SMITH CONCKSKIOXS, ELLA JOHNSON, ) NOTICE hereby notified thnt on the 8th ^f ot dar Rapids, Iowa. The ceremony took Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska. The INC.. with its principal plate of businessGripp JJofendant. ) : .September. VXX\, Thelma J utlock nature of the business to be trans- at oinaiin, Nebraska. The general nature •CM S-tVOEBMM u petition in said <<-0'inty 0 i y Court, place in Cedar Rapids at the home of general acted is to maintain and- operate a real of the business to be the ac<iuisitiou mid To ELLA JOHNSON, whose place of res- filed ht h her final ndministrallon itl acidence is unknown and upon whom per- pravinp tthnt the bride's parent's. The immediate estate company, nnd to purchase, lease, nml operation of concessions mid ' restaurant*, sonal service of summons cannot be had, count filed herein be settled and allowed, otherwise" acquire real estate and personal and to do any and nil things incidental to family of the bride and bridegroom property of every kind and description the carrying on of said business, including and that she he .•pcharRed from her trustdefendant: administratrix and thnt a heanug will witnessed the ceremony with Dr. and to sell, convey, lease, mortgage or the right to own and hold real estate. The You are hereby notified that on the 11th as otherwise encumber any and nil such pro- authorized capital stock shall be JflU.OWMM) day of September, 1033, Bernard Johnson be had on snid petition before said Court Moses Jung, of the School of Religion perty and to manage, operate, develop and nnd nil of said stock Khali tie common and as plaintiff filed his petition against you on the 7th ilny of October, 1033, nua thnt if you fail to appear before said Court on at the University of Iowa, officiating. in general deal in said properly, either Of Ihe par value of JKKJ.OO per share and in the District Court of Douglas County, the said Tth day of October. 1933. nt 9 directly or through ownership of stock in of said stock shall be fully paid for Nebraska. Doc. 297, No. 24S, the object and o"clock A. M., and contest said petition the Jack Reznick was elected president Following the reception at the Roose- any other, corporation or association. The all prayer of which petition is to obtain n diwhen issued and tion-assi-ssablc. The corshall have power to borrow or poration slmll commence doing business vorce from you on the grounds of extreme Court m.-'y grant the prayer of said pen-, of the Shaare Zion Choir at their velt hotel, Mr. and Mrs. Bass departed corporation tion, enter a decree of heirship, nnd make raise money, to issue bonds, mortgages, upon the filing of its articles with the cruelty. An outline of the year's program opening meeting held Monday eve- for Washington, D. C. and points east debentures, stock or other obligations for County Clerk of Douglas County, Nebrassuch other nnd further orders, allowance!, You are required to answer said petition and decrees, us to this Court inny seem purpose and in payment for property ka, and shall continue for :i pvriod of fiO was made at the Senior Hadassah ning in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Bass is a graduate of Washing- that on or before the Cth day of Novemlmr, 1033, purchased or acquired by it, or for any years from said date. The highest amount or said petition against you will be taken proper, to the end that all mntters perBoard meeting held this week. Morey Lipschutz, patrons of the ton High School in Cedar Rapids, and other object in or about its business. The of tnininB to Bnid estate may be finally setindebtedness to which the corporation amount of capital stock authorized is $25,- The season "will be officially "opened choir. tled nnd determined. until recently has been employed by 000.00 divided into 2uO shares of the par may subject itself cS.-ill not exeved two- as true. BEUNAltD JOHNSON. of its capital stock. The affairs ot BKl'CE CKAWFORD, on October 24th, with a luncheon Ruth Wigodsky was elected vice- the Board of Education. Mr. Bass value of $100.00, all of which when issued thirds Plaintiff. his corporation shall be managed by n 9-22-33-3t. D-15-33-3t County Judge. anid meeting. An outside speaker will president; Paul Haffits, secretary is a graduate of Central High School shall be fully paid and non-assessable, Board of not less than two Directors. The stock may be paid for in cash, proannual meeting of the corporation shall be be: heard on this program. and treasurer and Sonia Rich, lib- and the University of Iowa law school, ] of value as deter- held on the second Tuesday of January of I perty -or . Mrs. Abe Pill and Mrs. Sam Green- rarian. of Directors. The each year, nt which time the Itonnl of 1Mwhere he was a member of -the . mined by the Boar.. stone were named chairmen of the • The choir will make its initial pub- Beta Delta Fraternity. H e is n o w e n - ' time of commencement of the corporation rcctors shall hold its minimi meeting nnd elect a President, n Vlce-1'resMeiit, n Seco c u v Clua November card party. ^V* " , , Z r»aZr l i s t h « t l m e o f « » " « t b e •••rtldes of in.or- retary nuil IL Treasurer. Any two of said lic appearance at the synagogue on gaged" i n the practice of l a w i n c e a a r p o r ation in the office of the County Clerk offices be held by one nnd tho Banir Mrs. Joe Levin was appointed pro- Friday evening, October 20, when the RaDldS Mr and Mrs. B a s s Will make [of l>ouglas County, Nebraska, anil the date person. may v These articles may l>e jnnendml nt ' ' , ,, of termination is January Jst, 1933, unless any regular n gram chairman; Mrs. J. N. Krueger members of the choir will conduct or special meeting of the stockj' -the as pro- holders upon the their home in Cedar Rapids. - corporation • is sooner' -dissolved affirmative vote of twoand Mrs. Sam Baron were appointed the entire service. j vlded by law. The highest amount of iti- thirds of all of the outstanding stock. i debtedness or liability to which the cor:hairmen of the Jewish National The membership of the choir inMr. and Mrs. M. Silver announce poration is at any time to subject itself IN WITNRSS WllKUHOl'. the parties Fund; Mrs. A. Slutsky and Mrs. M. cludes the Misses Lillian Cohen, Ida the engagement of their daughter, De-! shall not not exceed two-thirds of of its its capital hereto have hereunto set their hands this stock, provided this restriction shall not 23rd Leyitan, Milk Fund and Penny Heshelow, Sarah Kuntz, Elsie Shul- borah, to Hy Levy, son of Mr and Mrs. day of August. 1033. to indebtedness represented by obliHAKRV SMITH Lunches; Mrs. Charles Raskin and man, Rose Shiloff, Jessie Slotsky, S. Levy of Tracy, Minn. Mr. Levy apply gations secured by on property of --., liens — ,---•t„ DAVin SMITH ••u e value • " amount of the Mrs. Marcus Silverberg, Purim Ba- tillie Shindler, Sonia Rich, Ruth . . . . . . -T . . . exceeding the t >«! n ^«cMo Incorporators. the University of Minnesota s e c u r e d <11(]t.btednesl at least 23%, nor to zaar; Mrs. Max Brodkey and Mrs.Wigodsky, and the Messrs. Sam Jan- attended In the presence of: for WILLIAM for t w o years and i s now a Student any any guarantee guarantee made made by by the the corporation corpora STALMASTEH. Abe Silverberg, Linen Shower; Mrs. owitz, Joe Janowitz, Al Herzoff, Paul . .. T i + +u TTnVnrotfw t n e payment of any obligations transferred n u







J. N. Krueger and Mrs. A. Goodsite, Haffits, Harry Kanofsky, Jack Rez- in the Law School a t the University | ft ^ y beie t l l e s*me n J e s e c u r e U ,, y p r o . MAX FKOMKIJf, Attorney chairmen of the Give or Get Lun-nick, Harry Shulman, Norman Satin, of South Dakota'. N o definite date •bperty as above indicated. The affairs of C28 Insurance Bide. " ^~ . i .. ... the corporation shall be conducted by a cheon; Mrs. E. N. Grueskin, mem- and Morris Rifkin. has been set for the wedding. | f,oaril Of Directors consisting of not less bership ; Mrs. Grueskin and Mrs. The choir was feted at a social NOTICE OF PROBATE OF 1VILI, . than two nor more than five as may be Louis Agranoff, will be in charge of hour at the Lipshutz home. Others •»«• J HT o T •„*„„ . n n />ni,™^ fixed by the by-laws. The Hoard of Direc- In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. the Regional Convention to be held in who were present were Rabbi and Mr. and Mrs, S. Lipton announced , o r s shfxll elec{IX VTVS:aeTH. Vice-I'resident, the Matter of the Estate of MOLLY the engagement Oftheir daughter, Eva, ! Secretary and Treasurer, any two of InDOBNOFF, Sioux City in May. Deceased. Mrs. Rabinowitz, Cantor and Mrs.. T,,. ° . , 4. r o i , - . TY.ex an i which offices, except those of President All persons Interested in said estate are Mrs. Sam Mosow will be in charge Abraham Pliskin, Mr. Hal Buntley notified that a petition has l>een to Eli N. Alpert, of Chicago. The en- an(1 vice-President, may be held by the hereby of the menus during the year; Mrs. and Mr. John Lansberg. filed in said Court, praying for the probate of a certain instriiment now on file gagement was announced at a dinner i same person. Max Haligman, dining room chairin said Court, purporting to be the last given by Mr. Alperfs family in Chi-| .'. £• t^jj^uXE? 1 man; Mrs. M. Iazriowich, Sunshine will and testament of said deceased, and that a hearing will be had on said petiCommittee, and Mrs. R. H. Emlien, cago, during Miss Lipton's visit there.; 0-l5-33-4t S34 ; Insurance Bids* incorporators. tion before said Court on the 21st day of will be in charge of the dance October, ]933, and that if they fail to apMiss Lipton is a graduate of Central : NOTICE OF AD3UN1STKATION pear at said Court on the said 21st day of planned for June. Mrs. W. C. SlotCounty I.INTZMAJJ. Court, of Douglas County, October, 1033, at 9 o'clock A. SI., to conHigh School, and Mr. Alpert received!I In the JOSEPH Attorney I Nebraska. sky was elected secretary to succeed test the probate of said will, the Court not been set. The Ladies Auxiliary of Shaare his degree from Northwestern Uni- j In the Matter of the Estate of Max may -allow and probate said will nnd grant Mrs. Harry Wigodsky, who has left Zion synagogue will sponsor he pro- versity. The date for the wedding has Ilartz. Deceased. administration of said estate to Herbert All persons intere-sted in said estate are Dubnoff or some other suitable person and Sioux City to make her home in duction of "Over the Hill" as their Dena Sudow, of Aberdeen, South. hereby notified that a petition has been proceed to a settlement thereof. Dakota, visited with her grandmother Yankton, S. D. Court alleging that said deannual theatrical offering. The play, Mrs. Sam Baron, enroute to Ann ArBltYCE CIIAWFOUD. died leaving no last will and pray- 0-29-33-3t. County Judge. this year, "which will be given on bor, Michigan, where Miss Siidaw has ing for administration npou his estate, nud Wednesday evening, November 8, will enrolled at the University of Michi- that u bearing will'be had on said petition before mud court on the "th day of Octobe given at the Orpheum Theater. ber, 1033, nud that If they fail to appear gan. nt Bald Court on the said 7th day of OctoMrs. Reuben Miller is the general ber, 1933, at 0 o'clock A. M., to contest chairman for the arrangements, and A group of Sioux- City's young wo- said petition, the Court may grant the Mr. Hal Buntley will direct the pro•u ' *i j j i.~~i +nn.n*v.n*. same and grant administration of said esPlans for the Junior Hadassah duction. men in have attended schoolwhere together, iiartz or some suita t e ,person o Manuel and proceed to a other settlement met Chicago last week they table Regional Convention to be held in Tryoats were held this week, and visited the world Fair, before going thereof. BRXCE CRAWFORD. Sioux City during November, were the announcement of the cast will County Judge. discussed and voted upon at the first be made in a forthcoming issue of to their respective schools. Among 8-15-33-3t them were Bluma Olensky, Charlotte Junior Hadassah meeting of the sea- the Jewish Press. and Doris Eosenstocfe. and Dena Ba-' SHOTWELL, MONSKY, OKODINSKT son, held Tuesday evening in the VANCE, Attorneys Community Center. 731 Omaha National Bank B i d e ron. Reports of* the various chairmen NOTICE OF ADMINISTKATION for the Convention were heard. Ann Irving Lunin departed recently for In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. A Cohen reported on the Hotel accomoFinest Quality Iowa City, where he is matriculated I n ?hf Matter of the Estate of RALPH The annual Bnai Brith dance, at the University of White. dations Sadie Shulkin, Hospitality; OWEN'S, Deceased. Ail persons interested in said estate arc Margaret Shulkin, credentials; So- sponsored by the Bnai Brith lodge, hereby notified that a. petition has been phie Rasking, dating; Syble Merlin, will be held Saturday evening, Sep- :Mr. Sain A. Wine i s spending two"'*»<*i i n , ? a , i a . C n ? r t alleging that said de.• ... » . • _ ... ceased died leaving no last will and praySaturday night event; Ruth Wigod- tember 30, following the Yom Kip- weeKS <TlSltmg and . relatives • tjnnag for administraton upon his estate, and pur fast. The dance will be held in St. Louis andfriends sky, Sunday night dance. Chicago. t a hearing will be had on said peti'tion before said Court on the 21st day of Miss Sadie Shulkin spoke on thein the Bellevue Ball Room, with • • • - •: . - • ! — | October, 1933, and that if they fail to npNational Convention in Chicago, Bush's colored orchestra supplying Mic= Pnoo TToro>ific.1<1 nt Qihiov Ti i Pear at, said Court on. the said 21st day the music and entertainment. Miss Rose Hers&fleid or. Sibley, la., o f OctO ber, 1033, jit 0 oclock A. M., to conwhich she attended; Miss An Coarriced in Sioux City, to Study at ' test said petition, the Court may grant Milton Bolstein is in charge of has same and hen spoke on plans for the moneyT\rnrninp-<!irlA rV>llf>s>--> i>ne She IS 1= a n reslrp<ji-'ethe grant administration of said Mohawks have won an enviable reputation for 3iornmgsiae College. s f a t c t 0 S a m JoS ephson or some other arrangements assisted by Abe Pill making affairs; and a report oil the QUALITY. Tcday more care and more research are dent of the Women's Dormitory a t the suitable person and proceed to a settleFellowship program for the year was and Abe Sadoff. A. Z. A. boys will being employed to make them better than ever—and ment thereof. at today's prices your dollar buys more miles than be in charge of the check room and school. BRTCE CRAWFORD, made by Ann Pill. ever—when you buy Mohawks. 19-29-33-3t. County Judge. The new officers and chairmen refreshments. The committee is making arrangeMr. and Mrs. Lewis Mandelstam, of i were introduced to the members of 'iolrt <! Tl i n n m m w t h o hirfh STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP, MANments to care for a capacity crowd, the chapter. AGEMEXT, riRrni.ATiox. ETC, OF ieia. u., announce A R B M ETHE NT and many out of town people who of a son, ont». September 25, atine the Dirtn LuJEWISH TRESS will be in the. city for the Holidays theran Hospital in Sioux City. Published weekly at Omahn, Nebraska, will attend. required by the Act of August 24, 1912, for October 1st, 1933: Jiusiiiess Manager, Mr. and Mrs..Nate Sterling of Car- David Blacker, Omaha, Nebraska. Known

Harding's is one of the highest scored butters sold in or about Omaha, yet it costs no more than the average butter.

"Over the Hill" to Be Presented by Auxiliary

Be Sure That the Butter You Buy Is


Junior Hadassah to Plan for Convention

"BUY in


Annual Yom Kippur Dance on Saturday



at these LOW PRICES

'District President Night' for B'nai Brith

Plans for an open meeting, honoring the District President of the Bnai Brith District No. 6, were made at the first meeting of the year, held last Tuesday evening in the Jewish Comunity Center. The meeting will be an event of October 11, when Mr. Joseph Grossman, president of the district will speak. The meeting will be open to the members and their families and friends. Mr. Leon Dobrofsky presided over the meeting Tuesday evening.

i-Poale Zion Plans Succoth Celebration

Six Directors Are Elected by Temple

rol, Nebraska, annouace the birth Of stockholders, mortgagees and other secur' ity holders, holding one percent or more a


of bonds, mortgages, and other securities —none. Sworn to and subscribed before me this

Miss Frances Jacobson has return- 20tlTday of September 1933 Six directors were elected to the ed to the city, after visiting with rel-J FKANK K. ACKERMAN, Notary Public Mount Sinai Board at the annual jitirpQ in in P W P Q f n * Chicago. (Commission expires July 9, 1937.) Congregational meeting held Tuesday evening, in the Temple Annex. They are Herman Miller, William Gilinsky, Hyman Fishgall, J. Kalin, Jack Robinson and A. M. Davis. Mr. Mose Weinberg gave a financial report of the .year. Rabbi Lewis also spoke briefly. Refreshments and a social hour concluded the evening. '•'••'


Mount Sinai

Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis will speak this evening on the subject of "The Scapegoat". The Yom Kippur SerThe Poale Zion Branch of the Na-vices will begin at 8 o'clock with the tional Workers Alliance is making el- Kol Nidrei. Saturday morning the Yom Kippur aborate plans for the Succoth Celebration, which is scheduled for Sun- service will begin at 10 o'clock. Rabbi Lewis will speak on! the subject "Is evening, October 8. ! The program will consist of mu-God in Our Midst". The afternoon service will begin at 2:30 and be folsical numbers, recitations, improvisations, and will feature 2 one act plays. lowed bjr the .Memorial service. Religious school sessions will begin The first "Insured Father" has been written by A. Stillman. The cast will at 9:30; ^Sunday- morning. include Mr. and Mrs. N. Elkin, S. Ratner, M. Mason, and Mr. Stillman. Mr. and Mrs. J. Reznick of Omana will present the second, which is en- Yom , Kippur services at Shaare this evetitled "The Two Roads". They will Zion synagogue will begin 1 ning at 6 o'clock. The synagogue ; also be heard in a group of songs and doors will be closed during the chantrecitations. = ing of Kol Nidrei. Rabbi Rabinowitz An improvisation of "The Chassidic Table" will be led by Mr. Herman Mi- will speak on the subject "Mind the rowitz. Mr. Mirowitz will act as theLight". The service will conclude at Chief Chassidic Rabbi. The improvi- 9 o'clock. Saturday morning, the service will sation w 111 represent the Chassidic begin at 8 o'clock. The first portion Cult in Poland. It will consist of songs of meditation t y p i c a l of the read by Rabbi J. Levin. Cantor, group. Mrs. N. Maisel will assist with Pliskin will chant the major portion the presentation. Mr. Aaron Tabei of the ritual, The Memorial service will present several concertina num- will be held at 10 o'clock. Rabbi bers, and Mr. Mirowitz will be heard Rabinowitz will speak on the subject "An Uncatalogued Sin". in a; group of sonnga. Recesg will be held from 2:20 to 4 o'clock in the afternoon, and. the concluding service will last from 4 to 6:15 p. m. The. shofar, which will conclude the service, will: be blown by Dr. S. Kline. 'Observing the appioach of Yom The Religious School- will resume Kippur, members of the Sioux City. its. sessions Sunday morning,^ An inIndependent Farane conducted mem- novation in "the curriculum is the Post orial services Sunday morning, at Graduate class,, to which last year's their plot in Graceland. Park Ceme- graduates will return. The faculty includes Ida Heshelow, tery. • V. Gelson, Ida Edelman, Evelyn Various members of the^ organiza- Dorothy tipn gave brief talks during the cere- Kuntz,- Roma Wigodsky, Jessie Slotraonies., About 30 members tattended. sky, Julia Bereskln, and Bertha Hesh' B. I, Stein,president, was In charge. elow.


Shaare Zion



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