Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism
In the Interests of the Jewish People
Knlen'd IIB Si-»oml-C"ia» Mall & | l e r on Jauunry 5T7. UKU. at ger the Act of March 3. 1878 I'oslollire ;it Umnhn. NehrnE
ts About 'nai Biith
Open Me
g Tuesday
Five Brilliant Lecturers on Forum Series One of Most Outstanding Programs Offered by Community Forum
Joseph F. Grossman to Be Speaker; Din- A quintet of outstanding personalities known the country over will ner in His Honor appear here for the Community Forum series. The Forum is under the direction of the educational commitPlanned r tee of the Jewish Community Cen-
In Memory of Mildred L. Holzman Mr. Max Holzman has made the following contributions in loving memory of his mother, Mrs. William L. Holzman, who passed away September 11: Community Center Mortgage Reduction Fnnd, $500.00. Temple I s r a e l Sisterhood, $100.00. Jewish Women's Welfare Organization, $100.00. ' Council of Jewish Women of Omaha, $50.00. -\ Mrs. Holzman, who was prominent in Jewish communal, charitable and organizational work, was particularly active in the work of the JVC. C, the* Sisterhood, the Jewish Women's Welfare Organization, and the ;.-;Council "of Jewish Women. She was chairman of the relief committee of the Sisterhood; .- a member o | the execu-. tive board of the Couiieil and head of the Americaiuzatiok work, and corresponding secretary of the: J.
Vol. IX—No. 36
Erect Bust of Harry La\ at Jewish Community Center • — • • •
ADDITIONS MADE Qeneral Public Welcomed TO PERSONNEL OF to View This Tribute to GYM DEPARTMENT
Departed Leader
Morris H. Sogolow, director of the physical education department of the ter, of which William Grodinsky is • Some startling facts about GerThe bust of Harry H. Lapidus, of the Center, between the~"trophy J. C»~ C, announcss the addition to chairman. i'1 inahyr hitherto not released to the which serve as- a permanent case and the stairway. > ' the J." C. C. athletic staff of Lee tribute will The complete Forum lists: • general public will be divulged at the to the memory of the departed At the bottom of the bust is a Dorothy Thompson (Mrs. Sinclair \'. open"meeting to be sponsored by the Grossman of Lincoln, Nebraska. civic, communal and philanthropic plaque on which is inscribed in Lewis)—Monday evening, Decent ': Omaha Lodge No. 354 of B'nai Brith Lee- is a former Lincoln High leader, was completed this week. bronze: at the Jewish Community Center ber 4. School star athlete. He graduated The general public is invited to IN LOVING MEMORY Norman Thomas—Monday evening, : Tuesday evening, October 10, at 8:15 last spring from the Kansas State view the bust at the Jewish Comp. m.January 8. Teachers of Pittsburgh. While there munity Center, where it is encased OF The speaker will be Joseph F. Bishop Francis J. McConnell—Wedhe played football and basket ball inside a beautifully constructed niche HARRY H. LAPIDUS i Grossman of Chicago, president of nesday evening, February 14. ' — was on the track team. He will in the north wall of the main lobby 1882-1931 District' Grand Lodge No. 6 of B'nai Oswald Garrison Villard—Wedhave charge of junior athletics, gym BY A GRATEFUL COMMUNITY w. w. o. Brith. He has been in constant classes and all swimming groups. He nesday evening, March 14. touch with the B'nai Brith sources of will also take the junior boys on trips [ Maurice Samuel—Wednesday eveThe bust, which is of bronze, is information concerning the situation to various points of interest in and ning, April 11. the work of Porfessor Enrico Glicenof the German Jews under Hitleraround Omaha. stein, world-famous Jewish sculptor. These five make up one of the ism'and has. documental information Another recent addition is Miss It was erected by the Jewish ormost brilliant Forum series ever concerning the propaganda activities Selma Lottman of Lincoln, a gradganizations of Omaha. brought to the local rostrum. in Naziland and in other countries uate of the University of Nebraska, The Jewish Community Center was Dorothy Thompson will open the as well as their cells and plans of department of physical education. At chosen as the permanent site for the series with. a lecture . on Germany. organization in the United States. the University she was a member of bust, because Harry Lapidus was She is a journalist and authoress of A banquet will be given in honor the Women's Athletic Association, An announcement just received one of the founders of the Center note, having written a number of of - Grossman preceding the open specializing in swimming, hiking, volbrilliant articles on Russia and more Moscow, - (J.T.A:)—Synagogues in ley ball, hockey, basket ball, track from John A. Farber, president of and was its first president, serving meeting. The banquet as well as the the Service Life Insurance Company as head of the institution for three recently on Germany. open meeting is opsn to the general the Soviet - capital were unusually and field events. years. She is a penetrating observer and crowded and even overcrowded • with public, for both men and women. She is a skilled dancer, being a mem- of Omaha, states that this organizathe committee in charge of Reservations at seventy-five cents after her personal investigation into worshippers .who ' carijU to observe ber of the Orchesis National Danc- tion has just purchased the Hawkeye theAlso, permanent memorial felt that Life Insurance Company of Des Joseph F. Grossman per plate may be made with Dr. A. Hitleriied Germany and ner articles Yom Kippur, the Day-of Atonement. ing Society. She is trained to teach the Jewish Community Center, repGreenberg, Jackson 3409, or at the about the Nazi government, she has In part, this was due to the fact that the popular types of dancing, tap, Moines, la. resenting as it does the efforts of Jewish Community Center, Jackson Upon approval of a reinsurance become recognized today as one or the general rest day coincided-with interpretive, character, clog and ball the entire community and being the 1366. All reservations must be made I the best authorities on Hitler's Ger- Yom Kippur, enabling many wor- room. She specialized in women's contract between the Service Life In- hub of the Jewish communal activiby Monday noon. I many. shippers to attend .the services, who gymnastics and slenderizing and re- surance Company of Omaha and the ties, would be the proper place for The meeting will be held immedNorman Thomas is noted for his otherwise would have been to work. ducing work. She will teach the ma-Hawkeye Life Insurance Company of the bust. iately following the dinner, which oratory and his great mind. He was The Moscow Jews who crowded the tron gym and swim classes, and, Des Moines, Iowa, by the insurance It is recalled that Harry Lapidus will start at 6:30 p.m. There will departments of Iowa and Nebraska, was active in every worthwhile cause the socialist candidate for president synagogues were noticeably of the later, dancing. be absolutely no solicitation of funds in the last election. older generation. Few young • peo- Sogolow started his basket ball the Service Life Insurance Company in the interest of education or of the at either the banquet or the meeting. class of instruction last Tuesday eve- will become Nebraska's second larg- needy. He was the friend, counselHis book, "America's Way Out,' ple were present There is no admission charge to the ning. This class will meet all sea- est legal reseive stock life insurance lor, adviser and personal benefactor is ranked as one of the best. His In one synagogue, the part formermeeting, and all are welcome. being taught the fundamentals company. of countless men and women in the rings true, and he always ly used to house overflow services, son, and basic team play. "For a long while you have wanted London, (J.T.A.) — P o g r o m s sincerity Mr. Farber states: "With the ac- community, and his profound charattracts a huge audience. was occupied by a Jewish workers' to hear what the Swastika rowans to against the Jews in Berlin are foreA basket ball managers meeting quisition of the Hawkeye Life In- acter, integrity and sincerity and the Jew in Germany," stated Rabbi cast in the Manchester. Guardian, Bishop McConnell is one of the club, which this year, as in the past, will be held Monday evening at 7:30 surance business the total of the in- limitless capacity for leadership were D. A. Goldstein, president of the noted liberal paper, by a correspoon- leaders-of Protestant Christianity in organized" an anti-religious drive p. m. to arrange for the pre-season surance in force in the Service Life known the country wide. local B'nai Brith Lodge, who will dent of "authority and detachment," America." As president of the Fed- on Yom" Kippur with the loudest league. When he died in December, 1931, a eral Council of Churches of Christ brass band they coould procure, in Sogolow is highly pleased with the Insurance Company will- be in excess mournful preside at the meeting. "You will communitty—grateful fo? . following a private inquiry as .to of Thirty Million Dollars, with reorder to annoy aad disturb the v in -America, he has exerted his inbe astounded" to learn" of the efforts way the new fall schedule has been his unselfish efforts on their behalf . present conditions in Gezmanyymade neighboring worshippers. y'They made sources of over Five Million Five fluence toward the-attainments of a that are directed against world Jewenthusiastically received. Prospects —took steps to perpetuate his-memhigher social order. -"In the pulpit so much noise .thattc was «•—'•--—•- are promising," he states, : with such Hundred Thousand Dollars." ry as f-wdl. Mr. Grossman, in-= his by the paper; ._ ory, one means being the bust. official capacity, lias been kept in "Hitler became moderate in all and on the lecture platform he has to hear the cantor conduct the ser- good attendance and such peppy en- John A. Farber is president of the A memorial mestingj attended, by" vices. Service Life Insurance Company; an overflow crowd, was held on his intimate contact with the situation. things except the Jews* about whom always raised his voice as a chamthusiasm. Harold P. Farber, secretary; Walter Yahrzeit, thousands coming to pay This is a rare opportunity to get in- he still speaks with foaming mouth," pion of tolerance and human broth- ~The Kol Nidre services on the eve •*• formation that all Jews should have." the correspondent declares. "Per- erhood. Duda, treasurer; W. H. Pate, direc- their respects to his memory. of Yom Kippur were attended mostMr. Grossman will aso explain how, haps with the throwing of the Jews Villard, the fourth speaker, as ed- ly by women, who filled the women's Consecration Service tor; Lloyd Dort, vice president, and Another permanent tribute to him the Hitlerite program is being com-! to the wolves, Hitler will tide over itor of the "Nation," is a leader of gallery and even occupied the men's at Temple Wednesday Irvin Stalmaster, counsel. is the Harry Lapidus Community; The Service Life Insurance Com- Trust fund, which is already functile rough winter." American Liberalism. He is one of section. batted. Dr. A. Greenberg, who is in charge Speculating" upon what will happen the most trenchent critics of Amer- The poverty of many of the wor- The following nineteen children pany has in the past year acquired tioning as a revolving, perpetual shippers was tragically illustrated by were blessed by Rabbi Frederick the business of the Union Pacific trust "for educational, charitable, reof arrangements for the dinner, is if pogroms upon the T --'•—'lv ican life. being assisted by a committee which ^CUT, the correspondent discar His last book, "The Germany the unprecedented number of beg- Colin at a special consecration service Assurance Company of America and ligious or benevolent uses or pur* the correspondent discards includes Sam Green, Beber> pessimistic that the Phoenix," is an authoritative work. gc • who surrounded f• Crr~t Syn- Wednesday night, tha eve of Succoth: that of the Equity Life Insurance poses of Jewish character. v j e w current Kabbi Goldstein, PhilipSam will not 2—.L intervene as He is now abroad and will return in agogue on Spaglenitchev street Jimmy Bialac, Harvey Dean Ferer, Company. The acquisition of the T?r»W»i /!ir\l/lo4-01Tl ^KlllTk TCltltZTllCK. ' world . 1 1 powers _ MI __.*. and William Grodinsky. The beggars filled both sides of the Stuart Lewin Ferer, Bobby Gilinsky, Hawkeye increases the company's acthey did not intervene when the Ar- the fall. menians were massacred by the The series will be closed by that street and benic~sd the worshippers Maurice Greenspan, Rose Elaine tivities so as to require an increase Gross, Anna Jane Kulakofsky, Rich- of Home Office personnel and enTurks, but maintains that the posi- remarkable novelist, publicist and for alms. ard Levensky, Leone Betsy Parker, larging headquarters. Mr. Farber tion in Germany is different. Ger- traveler, Maurice Samuel. Those who Beverly Jean Pessen, Janice Elaine states: "The company plans to conmany is not in Asia, but in Central hezrd him when he Sv-s in Omaha Leo Berman Elected Pills, Joan Rosenstock, Stanley Ru- tinue its headquarters in Omaha and Europe, the Jewish co-religionists last remember his spell-binding adA memorial meeting for the late bin, Lorraine Stoller, Morton Allen I forsee a steady and rapid growth to Head Psi Mu Club Trachtenbarg, abroad -will protest, and the powers dress, one of the most briiiiant lecMrs. William L. Holzman was held by Audrey Wolf, Billy Leo Berman was chosen president The executive committee of the will be forced to intervene, the tures ever given here. that will make Service Life Insur- the Jewish Women's Welfare OrganPepper, Lois Shirley Pepper, Bobby Guardian correspondent states. of the Psi Mu for the ensuing term Jewish Community Center and Welance Company one of the leading in- ization at the J. C. C. Tuesday afterHe has a surprising memory for fare Federation recently voted to Negotiations between the Jewish books, men and countries, scenes and at an election of officers Monday. Newman. surance companies in Omaha." noon. This memorial meeting took the Other officers elected are: Sam This is the first time that such a ask the Conservative Synagogue to leaders and the Nazi chiefs have as incidents, and an equally amazing Mr. A. R. Ingleman, formerly pres- place of the regular meeting and anservice was held here, consecrating Epstein, vice-president; Henry Ginsassume responsibility for support of yet not. occurred, the Guardian cor- ability • to evoke all these in clear, ident of the Hawkeye Life Insur- nual luncheon cf the organization the J. C. C. Sunday School. The] respondent states, but some Jews be- fluent and dazzling lectures. His ex- burg, secretary; Max Stoller, treas- the new children upon their entering ance Company of Des Moines, be- scheduled for that day. Conservative Synagogue gladly com-j l i e v e s u c h a conference is unavqid- periences range from diplomatic ne- urer; Jay Stoler, publicity director; Sunday School. . affiliated with the Service In addition to her many other comMorris Falk, parliamentarian; Iz A large crowd of parents and chil- comes plied. The Sunday School, therefore,' a b l f i - n t h e l o n g r u n > Life Insurance Company of Omaha munal activities, Mrs. Holzman was is now altogether under the auspices i D e 3 c r i b i n g the Jewish isolation, the gotiations and soldiering to editorial Tretiak and Morris Giller, sergeant- dren attended. Rabbi Cohn spoke on and will have charge of the com- very active in the work of the J. W. work and bricklaying. "Spiritual Harvest." at-arms. of the Conservative Synagogue. J f e a r o f the Jews to appear in the pany's interests in the state of Iowa. W. O. and served as secretary of the The Conservative Synagogue will streets after ten in the evening, and The Service Life Insurance Company organization for many years. continue the policy established by the fact' that they never go to theaof Omaha is now operating in Ne- Mrs. L. Neveleff, president of the the J. C. C, i.e., all children are wel-ters or lectures, the correspondent braska, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Mis- Jewish Women's Welfare Organizac<--lie whether their parents are mem- tells of the trag-edy of the Jewish tion, presided. She gave a short talk souri and California. bers of the synagogue or not eulogizing Mrs. Holzman. children in Germany, revealing that Rabbi Goldstein is superintendent at the beginning of this month, Mrs. Nate Mantel, who was a of the Sunday School, asJ s t * d b / * i s entered Jewish religious classes schoolmate of Mrs. Holzman, read capable staff of teachers, most of ___, v _ , . „ •„„„*,„,. OTW, ,n™,,,i „„_ resolutions honoring the memory of whom have had teachers' training and beat a teacher and several puMrs. Holzman. Mrs. Mantel also read pils. Later one of the pupils died tion to the Dutch resolution " and and teaching experience. a poem appropriate for the occasion, as a result of the beatings. will not fight its acceptance. , This The teachers are: Ida Tennenwhich she herself composed. She resolution, introduced in. the AsRabbi Frederick Cohn will again baum. Pearl Dansky, Grace Dansky, headed a resolutions committee, which sembly Friday by Jonkheer de Grarff, conduct the lecture course Sponsored Dora Dolgoff, Hyman Finkelstein, "Hatikvoh" Shows included Mrs. Frederick Cohn and Dutch Minister of Foreign Affairs, by the Sisterhood of Temple Israel Jeannette Levinson, Sophie RosenMrs. I. Rosenthal. demands international collaboration this year. The meetings are to be held stein, Rosaline Pizer, Esther Faier, Philanthropic ; Cantor Joseph Malek rendered two for a solution of the many and varat the Blackstone Hotel the second Julius Bisno, and Bess Berntein, Geneva, (J;T.A.)—A resolution ied problems to which the existence plans and take steps to bring about and fourth Tuesdays of each month Hebrew songs, accompanied by Mrs. who is secretary. • Ruth Cohen is Spirit proposing a world convention be es- of a large body of refugees from a practical solution to the refugee at 10:30 a. m. Henry Monsky. The entire organizasubstitute teacher. tablished' \ guaranteeing the human Nazi Germany has given birth, and question. A philanthropically-minded organiRabbi Cohn's subjects will be tion stood in silence for a minute in Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky, president and political rights of minorities ev- requests the League to consider respect to the memory of Mrs. Holzzation of young women, the Hatikvph^ The resolution, it is expected, will chosen from events of present-day in- man. of the Conservative Auxiliary, has erywhere and the organization of an Club, is finding that much pleasure be referred to the League's second terest. The first of the series will be appointed a Sunday School committee emigration '• agency to facilitate the commission for the study of the tech- held October 24. under the chairmanship of Mrs. Ber- can be derived from doing good for emigration of minorities, was of- Plan to Strengthen - , nical details involved. With German Mrs. Samuel Gilinsky, Harney 7088, During the coming year the Jewish nice Natelson. The other members others. This group has decided to concen- fered at the fourteenth League of opposition withdrawn, and strong is in charge and tickets may be se- Women's Welfare Organization will will be announced later. Junior Organizations Nations Assembly in session here. support for the resolution assured cured from her. trate its organization work on helptry a new plan, holding only three Sunday School Succoth Celebration from countries bordering on Geras many local needy Jewish fam- The resolution was presented by meetings a year. The plans for these This Sunday morning the children ing Dr. Frangulies, Greek jurist and Plans for an intensive Jewish club many which have most strongly felt ilies as they can by supplying necare being arranged by a program of the school will be entertained in essaries for this winter, working in general secretary' of the Internation- program embracing all of the Jew- the economic burdens imposed by the Succoth Celebration committee headed by Mrs. Herman the succah. Children of the primary «*>*>«*ri«» •» al Diplomatic Academy in Paris, ish junior organizations in the city presence of numbers of refugees, it for Religious School Jahr. grades will enter the succah at 10 co-operation with the Federation. who is acting as representative of are being promulgated. appeared certain today that internaAll proceeds of the hard-time cosRepublic. o'cock. Miss Ida Tennenbaum will| tional action in behalf of the refuItume dance to be given by the Ha- theDr.Haitian A Succoth celebration for the chil- Brotherhood Stag J Frangulies' resolution, if adop- At an enthusiastic meeting of the gees would be taken. be in charge. tikvoh November 12 at the J. C. C. various clubs and organizations last At eleven o'clock the children x>f will be used for this purpose. ted, would guarantee Jewish rights dren of the Religious School of the The question remaining to be solv- Vaad Ha'Ihr will be held next Sun- Honoring New the junior and senior grades will Mrs. L. Neveleff is sponsor of this in all cduntriea now threatened by Monday at the J. C. C, reorganization of the Senior Council of Clubs ed is what form of action the League day morning at the B'nai Israel synenter the succah for their celebrapolitical anti-Semitism. It proposes Rabbi organization. tion. that all countries, including Ger- was discussed, so that the young peo- of Nations can take beside provid- agogue at 10 a. m. The Brotherhood of Temple Israel ple's groups meeting outside of the ing passports for the refugees. Senmany, undertake to guarantee eleCenter would participate in the Coun- timent is strong among many of the All Jewish children are welcome. will give a stag honoring Rabbi Damentary human and political rights, Post-Confirmation delegates for appointment of a The members of the Ladies Auxil- vid H. Wice, who was recently named English School particularly equality before the law, cil program. iary of the Vaad will entertain for irrespective of > xace and religion, Another step in the unification of League high commissioner or com- the children of the Junior congrega- associate Eabbi at the Temple, on Group at Temple Tuesday evening, October 10, at the mission to supervise the work in all the Jewish youth in the city is the and protection of life and freedom. An Engish School for the foreign tion Sunday afternoon. Blackstone. A card party will be born is being held at the local Y. M. Rabbi David H. Wice has issued The resolution would4extend to all plan to organize a Junior Council of its aspects. Germany's position would held in conjunction therewith. C A. Tuesday and Thursday eve- a call at Temple Irael for post-con- the countries of the world the pro-Clubs, under the direction of the be a strong factor I nthe wort since Reservations may be phoned to the German export of currency and EVANSTON, HI.—Ceremonies dednings at 7:30 p. m. These classes firmation men and women up to 18 tection for national minorities now Senior Council. Julius Bisno is ' president of the property regulations create t i e chief icating the ninth Hillel Foundation of Louis Somberg, Atlantic 0470, or to provide free instruction in English years of age. . ••"'.: guaranteed in only a few countries Senior Council. The next meeting will problem and are responsible for the the national B'nai Brith organization David R. Cohen, Atlantic 7168. Plans to all who desire it. This is the • Last Sunday over thirty were pre- in Europe by special treaties. of many of the-"victims will be held on the campus of North- are being made for a large attendtwenty-fifth year of such classes at sent, and Rabbi Wice expects this The German delegation, it was be held at the J., C. C Thursday destitution from persecution, ance. , , western University this month. learned, is ' • withdrawing its • opposi•evening, .October 19. ' class to grow even larger. the Y.
Pogroms in Berlin Likely This Winter London Paper Says
Memorial Meeting for Mrs. Holzman
Conservative Sunday School Functioning
Qudrantee of Minority Rights for All Nations Proposed at Geneva Sisterhood Lecture League of Nations Is Considering Minorities
Holland Brings to Is- Course by Dr. Cohn sue Jewish Exiles
" in
The followinff article appears in '"Das Neue T a g e b u c f published in Paris by German refugees. It is reprinted here by courtesy of The American Jewish Congress. —The Editor.
Of the concentration camps in Germany, Oranienburg is not the worst Those at Sonnenburg, Kislau and elsewhere are still more frightful. Perhaps the nearness of Berlin has a "humanising" effect. • • The Oranienburg camp is at the disused Schoring-Kahlbaum works. The dilapidated machine rooms have been converted into dormitories for the prisoners. They sleep on straw scattered on the stone floors and rotten from the rain that pours in through the holes in the roof. A large courtyard and a meadow, enclosed by barbed wire, surround the buildings. During the night S. A. guards are posted in the dormitories and on the roofs. Searchlights illuminate the whole place. Flight is impossible. Whoever is shot at Oranienburg "while trying to escape" has been murdered. Various articles of . "gymnastic equipment" are erected in the court at the back, among them a ditch five yards by seven filled with refuse. This must be clambered over by means of a thin, slipper pole. Whenever an S. A. man finds time hanging heavily on his bands he orders the prisoners to "drill." S. A. men stand in front of the obstacles and help the prisoners across with blows and kicks. A part of the court is set aside for Jews who are forbidden to speak to Christians. Shut Up in Lavatories
Near the lavatories, which are visited daily by 2,500 men, there are five "bunkers," that is, confinement cells. These consist of W. C.'s which have been boarded up, and are in total darkness. Prisoners charged with "obstinacy" are condemned to days or weeks in the "bunkers." Some prisoners have been. condemned to fourteen days in these pestiferous dens, without light, and only allowed a few minutes freedom for meals. Up to June 1 there were only ahout 170 prisoners in Oranienburg. After that new batches came almost every day, until in August there were 2,400. A. special group consists of the Jewish, students from the agricultural training college at Wolzig. They •were raided last-May. There are forty of them, aged fourteen to eighteen/There are also many professional workers— Ludwig Levy, a lawyer from Potisr dam; Hans Rosenthal, ex-mayor of
Luckenwalde; a rabbi of Eathenow happens there. The camp is run by S. .A troop 208 of Berlin. It provides and many more. the commander and the guard and What "Physical Culture" Means At 5:30 a. m. a trumpet call gives raises the expenses. Prisoners with the signal for rising. The prisoners means are systematically compelled have to get -water for -washing. At to pay for their stay. The command6 an hour's "drill." At 7 breakfast— er presents the bill to his dependents a cup of bad coffee and a piece of —4 marks a day. For those without dry bread. At 7:30 the work is given means the authorities of the last place out. Some are set to clean the boots they stayed at pay 1.50 marks, but of the S. A. guard, clean out their only for prisoners interned by order rooms and wash their dirty crockery. of the police. In the camps are thouBy 9:30 everything must be spot- sands arrested without any order, oftless. A few prisoners are ordered to en wit? % ;t the knowledge of the powait on the officers, and another doz- lice. In August there were 700 such en are set to peel. potatoes. Another prisoners in Oranienburg. Their "upgroup does work in the camp, pulling keep" is provided by the Berlin S. A. np grass from between the stones of Fund. the court, removing all stones from "Shot While Trying to Escape" the meadow, cleaning the lavatories, No official or lawyer appears even and so on. Beyond that there is no when someone "commits suicide" or other sort of work to do. The pris- is "shot while trying to escape." On oners who do not work stay in the the night of June 28th four persons meadow until it occurs to an S. A. from Bornburg—Hans Kramer, Wilman to summon them to "drill." Be- helm Munck, Leopold Moses and Emil sides the method already described, Graupner—were shot. The other pristhere are two sorts of "physical cul- oners heard the rattle of the machine ture" in favor at Oranienburg. One gun fire between 1 a. m. and 2 a. m. is "standing at attention." The pris- Next morning, at roll-call, they were oners must form up and "stand at at- informed that the four men had been tention" for one, two or three hours. "discharged." Towards mid-day the If anyone moves or does not stand commander decided to revise this verstraight enough or collapses through sion and informed the police briefly weakness, he is kicked or clouted. An- that they had been "shot while trying other type of "physical culture" has been introduced by Storm-Leader Pege, who came here -on June 1 as World second-in-command. Pege gets the Football is in the air! 80,000 people prisoners to "knees bend" in four grone mad! The World Theatre offers movements, of two minutes each. If as its first feature starting -Friday they collapse or fail to raise their the greatest gridiron classic of the heels there are more kicks. This oft- year, "Saturday's Millions," from the en goes on for two hours. widely read serial story now running in the Saturday Evening Post. Starlightly Torture At 12 there is dinner, pea soup and ring Robert Young, Leila Hyams, lentil soup alternately, with potatoes. Johnny Mack Brown and Andy Dethe picture reveals the drama We never had meat. Fortunately— vine, otherwise prisoners would die of un- of inside football—played as a racket. dernourishment — those who have You'll have a seat on the 50-yard means are able to get a little extra line to witness the most exciting footfood. A common form of punishment hall game ever filmed. As a second complete feature the is to forbid prisoners to buy food for a certain number of days. After din- World is offering "Ladies Must ner comes a rest until 2:30. . Then Love," with a brilliant cast, including more -work is distributed. Those un- June Knight, Neil Hamilton, Sally occupied must go to the courtyard or CNeil, Dorothy Burgess and Mary meadow and stay there until an S. A Carlisle. The picture is filled with man orders them to "drill" or "knees lilting songs, most of which are sung bend" again. "Supper" comes at 7, by June Knight, and who introduces consisting of bread and dripping. the melodies with a zest which has Then comes a roll-call, and at 9 a made her a favorite of the New York tattoo and bed. t Every night prisoners stage. are taken ;away for "examination"; In the story, the three girls are. that is, torture. A prisoner who goes seen as out-and-out gold diggers, lovfor examination returns to his straw- ing 'em and leaving Tem as they run bed moaning with pain. out of money. "Ladies Must Love" is The concentration camp is the S. A. said to be the ultimate in gay, wisedomain. No authority bothers about cracking, intensely modern screen enit, no official ever tabes note of what tertainment.
to escape." The police, without further investigation, removed the bodies. At the evening roll-call all prisoners were informed that visits would be banned for seven weeks, in order not to spread false rumors, and that they had only the would-be "fugitives" to thank. . "i The commander at Oranienburg is Storm-Leader Kruger, who has supreme authority. He is an ex-student who failed in his examination and was unemployed until he succeeded in making his way in the S. A. Now he rules 2,400 prisoners. Next comes Pege. Then, nearly as powerful, is the "adjutant," Hans Hugo Daniels. Until the victory of the Nazis, Daniels was one of the best known figures in tha Berlin homosexual underworld and a constant visitor at the "Kleist Casino," the favorite rendezvous of male prostitutes in West Berlin. When the Casino was closed down Daniels consoled himself with Oranienburg. When he comes horns drunk at night he orders his men to wake up a young prisoner and bring him along. Anyone who refuses is "examined." • The "Humane" HUB Three hundred S. A. men, nearly all young unskilled workers, for years
unemployed, form the leader's guard. Most of them enjoy their power. All they have to do is to stand on duty and maltreat the prisoners. There is hardly a prisoner who does not bear traces of kicks and blows. One needs much strength to endure a few weeks of Oranienburg. On the night of August 5 a young man named Erich Koh bled to death, after opening a vein with a needle—some S. A. men had "jokingly" threatened him with, sterilization. Walter Klausch, of Potsdam, hanged himself in a "bunker" with his braces. Since then prisoners condemned to a "bunker" have their braces removed. In Oranienburg, you see, they are more humane than elsewhere.
SCHMIDT AGAIN ORDERS CESSATIONS OF BOYCOTT BERLIN (J. T. A.)—Clear-cut and strongly-worded instructions prohibiting the boycott against Jewish firms were again issued by the Minister of Economics, Dr. Kurt Schmitt. The instructions were part of an official circular to all authorities in Germany not to distinguish between Aryan and non-Aryan enterprises. "Such distinctions aiming to boycott non-Aryans must eventually leaJ to difficulties in our economic system," the circular declares. Emphasis is also placed upon the fact that it will unavoidably lead to an increase in unemployment and the destruction of industry. The circular concludes with the assertion that Paul Joseph Goebbels, Nazi Minister of Propaganda and Public Enlightenment, also has agreed not to practice discrimination against any firm as long as it conducts its affairs in conformity with the existing laws.
man. The sports committee reported that teams would be organized in various sports. The highlight of the recent activity of this group was the aiding1 in the construction of the "succah" next Sigma Kappa Chi to the J. C. C. Goldye Fish was elected president An outing will be held October 8 of the Sigma Kappa Chi sorority at at Valley to honor new pledges. a regular meeting held Tuesday eveThe organization will also present ning at the J. C. C. a pageant, "One for All," on the Other officers: Rose Weiner, viceninetieth anniversary of B'nai Brith, president; Miriam Rubin, secretary; under the direction of Ralph Nogg. Ruth Goldstein, treasurer; Sylvia Plans are progressing for the Sab- Parilman, reporter. bath services to be conducted at the The new Senior Council representBeth Hamedrosh synagogue on No- ative is Libby Dolgoff. vember 3. This is under the direction Mrs. Irvin C. Levin is again sponof Iz Mittleman and Rabbi Uri Mil- sor of this group. ( ler.
A. Z. A. 100
Habonim Election -of officers will feature the next meeting of th Habonim, to be held at the B'nai Israel synagogue, ,18th and Chicago, Monday evening, October 9, at 8 p. m. The membership is limited to 86, and there are almost that many members already- Those wishing to. join should do so now. At the last meeting, held September 28, the boys were entertained by Ernie Priesman and Albert Rimmer-
Avenue The opening program of the week at the Avenue theater, October 8 and 9, presents a fine twin feature bill, "Rustler's Roundup" and "Midnight Mary." Loretta Young-Ricardo Cortez in "Midnight MaryV is a poignant story of a beautiful girl who lied and cheated to obtain luxury and riches. Tuesday and Wednesday, October 10 and 11, another good double feature program is offered. The first, "Warrior's Husband" with Elissa Landi and David Manners, Is the laugh hit of the season. The second portion is "Mary Stevens, M. D." with Kay Francis playing the lead. The final double program of the week for Thursday, Friday and Saturday, October 12, 13 and 14, presents in the first feature the famous "love birds," Slim Summerville and Zazu Pitts in "Her First Mate." The second feature Is "Another Language" with Helen Hayes and Robert Montgomery. Also the fourth thrilling chapter of "Gordon of Ghost City" with Buck Jones is included on this week-end program. ;
Prussia Bans "Black Hundred"
BERLIN.—The Czarist-Nazi organization, Rond, made up of former reactionary, anti-Semitic Russians, was officially declared illegal in Prussia. One of the German states, Bavaria, had previously prohibited the activities of the Rond. ^^^
TORGSIN Drders enable your relatives in Soviet Russia to purchase all sorts of domestic or imported articles at low prices. For orders on Torgsin apply to yonr local bank, companies listed below, or their authorized agents.
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JERUSALEM (J. T. A.)—A second memorandum asking that Jewish immigration be restricted has been submitted to the High Commissioner by the Supreme Moslem Council. Emmissaries 2 re being sent to various centers in Palestine's capital by the Arab Youth's Congress. Their expressed intention is to agitate against what they call "the stream of Zionists" that is coming into the land. Meetings of protest have been held at the Nebi Rubin festival and at Beisan.
In Soviet Russia there are Torgsin stores in over 1,000 localities. Torgsin orders may be sent to anyone, in any quantity. To cities that have no TORGSIX stores, Torgsin mails your orders by parcel post. PRICES REDUCED Albont
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Hitlerites to Punish All Intermarrying
the season with a talk on current events.
are: Herman Meyerson, president; S. Saul Suvalsky returned hou'c "WedShyken, vice president; O. Hochman, resday from Chicago, -where he atsecretary; Sam Rosenthal, treasurer; tended the National American Legion At a meeting of the Junior Vaad He also visiled the Messrs. Dave Fox, J. Rodin, Louis H. C'.i.vention. Auxiliary Monday evening, the presBERLIN (J. T. A.)—Intermarriage Katelman, and Morris Hoffman, di- Vi-rld's Fair -whili in Chicaso. with Jews will be severely punished, At a board meeting of the Daugh- ident appointed several new commitBY F. S. rectors for two years; and Dr. Isaac JJiss Helen Brown of Seattle, Washaccording to new regulations an- ters of Zion held at the J. C. C.tee chairmen. Sternhill, A. Diamond, and Sam Sacks, nounced by the Prussian ministry of Tuesday afternoon, plans for the The .meeting light of the organi- Joseph P. Grossman of Chicago, directors for one year. The organiza- iiisron, left Sund?.j night for her zation has "been changed to Tuesday tion was incorporated when articles home following a rion"ii"s visit Lore justice. The regulations provide dras- year were outlined. The first event on the season's j evening. The Young Men's Vaad will president of the District Grand Lodge u£ incorporation were filed this week. sit the home of her uncle and aunt, Regular Sabbatli services .will- be tic penalties for those found guilty of No. 6 of the B'nai Brith, Brith, will be calendar will be a card party later] t the same evening, and their mee Mr. and Mrs. Ma\ Steinberg. Numerheld this evening at Temple Israel, intermarriage with Jews for "destroythis month. The group is also plan-J meetings will be followed by joint the guest speaker at an open meeting ous affairs were fi'vn coniplimentuiy starting at 8 p. m. of the Council Bluffs Lodge No. 688 ing the German race" and for "de- ning a moving picture, a bazaar, and ; Mr. and Mrs. Keith Peltz of Manncultural programs. The two groups of the Independent Order of the B'nai to Miss Brown during her visit. Rabbi Frederick Conn will conduct grading marriages," according to the a rummage sale. ng, la., announce the birth of a will also join in sponsoring a Jewish Brith next Monday evening, October the services. Rabbi David H. Wice announcement daughter, born Sunday, October 1, at The next meeting will be held at forum series. 9, at S o'clock at the Clievra B'nai the Jennie Edmundson hospital. Mrs. wil speak on "What Is a Sin?" Mr. and Mrs. Ben E. Kubby reThe chief of police in Dortmund of- the J. C. C. Tuesday, October 17. . The Junior V a a d Auxiliary is Yisroel Synagogue at 618 Mynster Peltz is the former Miss Dorothy turned home Sunday from Chicago, Rabbi "Wice will conduct the Satur- ficially announced that all Aryan planning a fund-raising bridge in No- street. " . where they spoilt the past •week visitday morning sen-ice starting at 10:30 girls mingling with Jews or German vember. Hebrew classes will be start- Mr. Grossman, assistant corporation altzman of Council Bluffs. ing relatives. While there, they visa. m. Rabbi Conn •will speak on boys courting Jewish girls, will be ed soon, and those interested are ited the World's Fair. "Creation." arrested. The Pioneer Women announce that asked to communicate with Rabbi counsel for the City ot Chicago, will Mrs. Sam J. Steinberg and Mrs. Max Kaddish will be recited this Sabspeak on "What Price Liberty.** The Steinberg Mrs. Goldie Meyerson national secre- Miller. were co-hostesses at a Sam Steinberg left Sunday for Chibath for S-lly Ziegler and Eva B'nai Brith will observe the ninetary, will be in Omaha November The weiner roast of the group will tieth anniversary of its founding. A beautifully appointed luncheon at the cago to attend the National American Kirschbratm. 30, December 1 and 2. The program be held Saturday night. All those Hotel in Omaha last Wednes- Legion Convention, stopping en route -The Ladies Labor Lyceum Club to be carried out will be announced class of eighteen new members will 'afton day afternoon. Honor guests at this at Cedar Rapids. He will also go to wishing to make reservations should be initiated. will give an interesting Succoth later. iffair were Mrs. Joe Kaduzin.-r, a reget in touch with Ida Minkhoff. gathering for members and their A banquet will precede the open ieut bride, and Miss Helen Brown of Washington, D. C, lor a short visit The organization will hold a rumfamilies next Sunday evening, Oc- mage sale after the holidays. They mesting, commencing at 6:30 o'clock ierJUe,' Wash. Covers were laid for before returning home next week. The Conservative Synagogue in- tober 8, at 8 p. m. at the Labor LyMonday evening at the synagogue, in .venty-five guests. A pink and blue ask that anyone having old bundles augurated' the celebration of Suc- ceum, 22nd and Clark streets. honor of Mr. and Mrs. Grossman of olor schema was effectively carried of clothes please call Mrs. Sam Nitz, coth at services last "Wednesday eveA very entertaining program will Webster 4986, or Mrs. S. Okun, WebChicago. Approximately one hundred >uU Bridge was tne afternocii's diLatest New York PIANO ning at 8 p. m. After the services at be presented, followed by refreshreservations have been made for the erf-ion. Methods 9 o'clock • the congregation entered ments. There will be no admission ster 1642. . Mrs. 1<. Neveleff was installed as which will be open for both in Classical and Modernistic the beautifully-decorated succah for charge, and members. are urged to A benefit card party will be given sponsor of the Hatikvoh club at the "banquet, Tuesday, October 17, at 2 p. m. at last meeting held September 27 at the men and women. Additional • reservaMusic Kiddush. . attend with their families. Mr. and Mrs. Samael H. Katelntan tions may still be made with any the J. C. C. Mrs. J. Hahn is chairAL FINKEL J. C. C. The nsst meeting will be On Thursday evening the Young Studio—Lyric Bldg^ man, assisted by Mrs. Sam Nitz and held next Monday at the J. C. C. at member of the following committee :ntertained th<* numbers nt tLeir ; People's congregation conducted the who are in charge of the arrange- Sunday Night Brkgi e'ub at i i ; t Mrs. S. Okun. 19th and Famara Ja. 4023 8:15 p. m. New members are in- ments: Louis H. Katelman, Dr. Julius orio Sunday ni^'ar. services. Leo Bernstein and Earl vited. Lapidus led the services, while Ju- The Bikur Cholim society will hold Moskovitz, O. Htochman, Ben Seldin, lius Bisno delivered the address. At its annual Succoth meeting on.MonThe committee to take charge of and M. Bernstein. . 9 o'clock all entered the succah day, October 9, at the J. C. C. a t the social work of the group, to aid 2:30 p. m. again for Kiddush. Members of A. the needy, will be appointed next The Festival of Succoth is being obZ. A. 100 aided in the construction Rabbi N. Feldman and Rabbi Uri All members and prospective mem- week. of the succah. Miller will speak. Dr." I. Dansky will bers of Junior Hadassah please note The group will hold a hard-time served this week, and services for the two .day holiday will 'begin Tonight services will begin prompt- give a reading. Mrs. M. Belmont will that Junior Hadassah will hold a spe-. dance Sunday evening, November 12, concluding Wednesday, evening at 6 o'clock. ly at 6. There will be no late ser- sing, accompanied by Miss Lillyan cial meeting Monday night, October at the J. C. C. Prizes will be award- next 8:00 p. m. in the .lodge room ed for the best costumes. The ball- This will he preceded b y a "Hoshaha vice at 8 o'clock. Chudacoff. There will also be the an- ofj at the Jewish Community Canter. room wil be decorated in the fall Kabba" services at the . synagogue Next Week nual reports of the organization's acnext Wednesday morning at 7 o'clock. It is important that all members mode. The congregation will celebrate tivities and finances. On Thursday morning, October 12, turn out for this special mesting as Mrs. A. Brookstein is in charge of the last days of Succoth as follows: Following the meeting tea will be Wednesday evening—Sh'mini Azer- served. Members and their friends everyone will be given the opportu- tickets. Further information may be services will Degin at 8:30 ^o'clock, nity to vote on the findings of the had by calling Mrs. M. Goldberg, and Yiscor, the memorial Bervices, eth—services will begin at 8 p. m. are urged to attend. will be held at 10 o'clock. ""Simach Thanksgiving D a n c e Committee, Walnut 8438. Rabbi Goldstein will speak on "Who Torah*' -will be celebrated "beginning which will include the place, enterGets the Most Out of Life?" After Thursday at 5 p.m. on Friday at 8:30 tainment, and orchestra to be used the services members of the congreo'clock. in connection with this affair. This gation and their friends, will again Mrs. Mose Yousem is to be chair- meeting will mark the initial start go into the succah for Kiddush. "Night Flight," the M-G-M multithe dance campaign. Those who star picture, is now playing at the The Council Bluffs Senior Hadassah Thursday morning services begin man of the tickets for the lecture of are interested in earning their pins will hold their first meeting of the series consisting of eight evening Paramount Theatre, featuring John at 9 a. m., with Yizkor between pearls and getting Junior Ha- B a r r y m o r e , Helen Hayes, Clark season next Wednesday afternoon, 10:15 and. 10:30. Thursday evening book reviews, to be given by Rabbi and dassah credit and who wish to par- Gable, Lionel Barrymore, Robert October 11, at 2:20 o'clock at the Hois Simchas Torah. Services will be- David A. Goldstein, i t was annouced ticipate in the Annual Junior Ha- Montgomery, and Myrna Loy. tel Chieftain. An election of officers at a board meeting of th Conservagin at 7:15 p. m. The children espeThanksgiving Dance . should The story is a terrifically powerful will take place. All members are cially "are urged to attend. Gifts and tive Auxiliary at the J. C. C. Mon- dassah make it a point to be present at this tale of flying the mail by night in urged to attend as plans will be flags will be given the children for day. Tickets will go on sale shortly, meeting as names for ads and pa- South America, depicting the thrills made for the year's activities. the procession around the synagogue. _...-..of air mail pilots, and the very huCantor E. Sellz and the choir will with the dates and books to be an- trons will-be distributed. nounced soon. • • * . " : -•; All prospective . members are . in- man fears of their wives and sweetThe Chevra B'nai Yisroel • Society lead the service. .. Members of the Conservative Syn.vited. . •••"-, will hold an. important meeting next hearts. • . . Friday morning, services begin at In the makicg'of the picture there Sunday afternoon, October 8, at 3 oV 9 a. m. and Friday evening at 6agogue may purchase tickets for one dollar for the series, - and . non-memwere associated plenty of expert clock at the synagogue at 618 Mynsbers for §1.50. Singe admissions will fliers. - It was directed by Clarence tar street. "An election of officers be-fifty cents. . Brown, who holds a transport pilot's will take place and all members are •..-.;•• V a a d :•";••••• A;i meeting ot the Young Men's license. . I t is from the :pen of An- urged to attend as plans will be made The Conservative Synagogue Aux- Vaad will be held next Tuesday eve- toine de Saint-Exupery, a pilot on for the year's activities. Friday evening services will be iiary will open its season next Mon- ning, October 10, at 8 o^clock at the the very line he writes about. iield at the B'nai Israel synagogue day, October 9, with its annual Suc- B'nai. Israel synagogue. Plans will be A strong musical accompaniment Tlie Council Bluffs Talmud Torah this evening. Rabbi Uri Miller's ser- coth tea. The members of all Jew- discussed for a Jewish forum series accentuates the dramatic values. Society held an election of officers at mon subject will be "Eat, Drink and ish women's organizations have been- tinder the sponsorship of. the Young Featured shorts are shown on the a meeting Monday evening a t the Be. Merry," comments on the Book invited-and are welcome. synagogue. The new officers chosen Men's, Vaad.. •. ^ . , same bilL -*•/: Mrs. Sarah Berman, who' is visito£ Ecclessiastes" which is ; reaa"~6h ing her daughter, Mrs. David A. the Sabbath of Succoth. The Succoth celebration for the Goldstein, will speak on her trip to •children of the Religious School will Palestine and Russia. A musical program will be prebe given Sunday morning at 10 a. m. at the" B'nai Israel synagogue. All sented by Al Finkel, pianist, and Victor Froemel, violinist. Jewish children are welcome. The members of the Women's Auxiliary Mrs. Bernice Natelson has been A Statement to the Public by L. W. Baldwin. of the Vaad will entertain for the appointed chairman of the Sunday ' President of the Missouri PaciSc Lines 'children of the Junior congregation School committee. Sunday afternoon. Special Sh'mini Atzereth services The first Oneg Shabbos of the AMERICA never has been prosperous -when oar will be held next Wednesday evening year will be held on Saturday, Ocat 8 o'clock, with Rabbi Miller de- tober 14, at the home of Mrs. J. M. , * * railroads -were suffering and the nation always livering the sermon. has prospered when the railroads did. Railroads Malashock, 5616 Emile street^ a t On Thursday evening there will be 2:30 p. m. Mrs. Harry'Malashock have suffered terribly in the last three years, losing held the annual Simchas Torah cele- will be co-hostess. enormous volumes of traffic and revenues as a result bration for children. Rabbi David A. Godstein will open of having to combat, simultaneously, both the economic depression and unregulated, subsidized competition.
Religious Services
Jr. Vaad Auxiliary
Daughters of Zion
Council Bluffs News
Pioneer Women
Ladies' Labor Lyceum
Bikur Cholim
Junior Hadassah
Conservative Auxiliary
. ' • • ' . • • • - . •
• . - . - '
Young Men's Vaad
American Railroads Can Be Great Influence In Restoring Normal Conditions
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Hardships, to which railroads have been subjected have resulted in their being compelled to contribute, unwillingly, to prevailing distress. Great numbers of employes have been deprived o£ work because of the decreases in traffic volume, and purchases of the railroads have had to be curtailed drastically because of lack of funds, resulting from decreased revenues. ft
These conditions enn be improved mezsmzbly it the entire transportation situation is stabilized. In other words, if railroads and other forms of transportation are placed on an equality with regard to • regulation and opportunity, the railroads can be depended upon to provide America -with the character of transportation service the country must have, at reasonable rates, and the railroads will find it possible to re-employ thousands of workers and again go into the markets for millions of dollars worth of iron and steel products, fuel—both coal nnd oil—lumber and forest products, and miscellaneous manufactured articles of every character. © - The restoration of the purchasing power, of Amer- . ican railroads czn be made the balancing factor in bringing about a turn in' present conditions snd eventual restoration of normal conditions. Q The time has come, and it is essential, that all forms of transportation be treated equally, fcirly and justly, in the public interest. ' This will be done when the American people want it done and make their wishes known. . . . .. I solicit your co-operation and assistance.
TermstoSuit Purchase 154.50
"A Service Insititufion:T::l
PAGE 4—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1933 on the mind of a man: melody, change
sion for learning, historic-consciousFreemasons, and the very few foreign leaders who, according to ness, etc., similar in many respects to of scenery, and a pleasant odor. t» are not Jews, are in almost all cases either in one or the other that which prevailed in Palestine dur- Three things help to develop the mind of a man: a fine home, a beauthese classifications. And of course the three are in league j The Human ing my sojourn . . But more about tiful-looking wife, and elegant furninew American with each other, and their aim is, and always has been, the de-I Panorama the emergence of a Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by . psyche and intensity of living next ture. struction of Germany. At the conference of Versailles, for exTHE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Eabbi Juda said: "Hospitality is a | By Harry Mendelson week. ample, no less than 90 per cent of all the delegates (according to $2.50 greater virtue than receiving the Subscription Price, one year • " " - * . " ? " the "Volkwart") were either Jews, Jesuits or Freemasons. Advertising rates furnished on application Schechina." . Ea^bi Poppa said: "At the height It is difficult to imagine that even the most violent hotheads A number of months ago one of GEMS of the BIBLE our local Jewish pulpiteers pleaded Editorial Office: 490 Braindeis Theater Building. of success you have many friends, but of the Nazi movement should really believe such rubbish. It is in for a greater intensity of living, deand TALMUD Print Shop'Address: 1307 Howard Street -: at the gates of disgrace all your truth such rubbish that it is extremely difficult to treat it ser- claring that we need more passion of By O. O. DASHER friends are gone." Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center ously. Its very absurdity would, indeed, make it harmless, were convictions and fervor of belief and Eabbi Abba said: "To loan money DAVID BLACKER - - - - Business and Managing Editor i understanding. "I don't care to what P R AN T C 7 ? A G K E R M A N • • - • . • • • • • • HiUltOT ;t not for the fact that the paper at he same time publishes a sec t, organizatioa or cause one be- The heart of the wise teacheth his to the needy is more worthy than to FANNIE K.ATELMAN - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent give charity, and to guarantee for a omplete list of the German Pro-Palestine Committee, and asks longs as long as one lias passion for mouth, and addeth learning to his poor ANN PILL . . - . - - - . Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent man is the greatest philanit." te readers "to send it all the details they can discover about these lips. thropy." . Frequently I have meditated upon A forward man soweth strife, and At home my name gives me the ersonages." That it should be possible to incite the mob against the words, and every time they called Economic Breakdown? whisperer separateth f a m i 1 iar judged # proper by position, but abroad I am my clothes. group of people, to a list of whose names a whole page of the before the mind's eye sections friends. Pat McGrady who recently returned from an investigatory paper is devoted, and to end up with such an obvious incitement, forth of the life I had experienced and obtour of Germany for the J. T. A., brings back some very vital in- hrows a remarkable light on the "moral background of the -«azi served in Palestine — the intensity, A man of violence enticeth his Budapest.—An order issued by the fervor, devotion to a cause, idealism, neighbor, and leadeth him into away Minister of the Interior, Franz K. formation concerning what is happening in Deutchland. movement. aspirations, and passionate longings that is not good. Fischer, strictly prohibits the use of Probably the most important revealings are along the econand yearnings of the Palestinian An evil-doer giveth heed to wicked the swastika emblem in any form on omic line. Our entire lives are centered about the economic, the Yishub, especially during the height lips, and a liar giveth ear to a mis- the ground that the swastika is the of immigration between '24 and '27.chievous tongue. A Problem for the Entire World emblem of an alien state. ever-pressing problem of making a livelihood. No government can The ancient Jew used to speak of It is stated however that the real The only hope for moderation in the anti-Semitic policies of the glory of Jerusalem and the TemTALMUD stand too much economic pressure, and from the first we have reason for the order is the growing Rabbi Juda said: "A person is not "been relying upon the economic forces to bring about the fall of the Nazis lies in international pressure from without Germany, ple in the typically oriental exagger- allowed to eat before he feeds his swastika propaganda in Hungary was the statement made by Stanley High, noted Gentile publicist, ations: "He, who has not seen the cattle," which aims to supplant the present the Hitlerite regime in Germany. glory of Jerusalem, has not seen a government of Premier Goemboes. Three things have a great influence The facts in Germany are, therefore, particularly interesting upon his return from Germany where he studied conditions in pre- beautiful city; and he who has not seen the Temple, has not seen a beauin the face of ballyhoo headlines in the German papers concerning paration for a series of articles for the Literary Digest. tiful building." The fate of the Jews in Germany has been sealed, he declares. "remarkable recovery" and great strides toward relieving unemI may appear to be exaggerating "So long as Hitler or any National Socialist successor to Hitler THE ployment. You, too, have probably read the widely advertised when. I make the following statement: figures that since January 31 the number of employed in Germany holds sway in Germany there is nothing for the German Jew butNo one has known the true signifihad risen from 11,487,000 to 13,500,000. But, the Nazi press has darkness and, in the end, extermination. If Hitler gets away with cance, or rather appreciation of the of living and creating un"carelessly" neglected to explain that these figures are taken it it will be tragic for the Jews. But if the world allows Hitler to intensity less he has lived the pioneering life get away with it, it will be more tragic in the long run for the principally from dole statistics. When a man goes off the dole, of the chaluzixn and the newcomers, of Nebraska Women he is immediately put down as one of the unemployed—and many, structure of free institutions which, with the Jews bearing the or at least has been on the spot for length of time. He, who has not Try a Bag Today all too many, Jews and political opponents of the Nazis are today brunt of it, Hitler is threatening. What is a stake in Germany is some seen the dances of the chaluzim, has jobless- yet have been stricken from the dole and therefore added the whole system of elemental, human rights, which have been not seen dances permeated with rapto the "reemployed." Again, consider many of the Nazis who won at a vast cost, and are the lif eblood of America and the world, ture. He, who has not heard their songs, can have no idea what songs have been reemployed. About 300,000 of these have been put to and which are now placed in peril." either of joy or sorrow, exaltation or These are not new words. We have heard them before, from despair, thanksgiving or bitter diswork in state labor camps at salaries of less than $3 per month. Also, consider the glaring headlines in the German press announc- both Jews and non-Jews. But we repeat them here to impress by appointment emanating from the MARVELOUS ing that Koenigsberg and other districts are "free from unem- constant repetition the necessity for recognizing that this is not depth of the soul can be. He, who has not worked alone with, or observed the fight of German Jewry—this is the fight of Jews throughout BAKING ployment!" But these districts and areas are always free from the newcomers at the reclaiming of the world, of Gentiles throughout the world, of all lovers of peace the land from the century-old neglect unemployment at harvest time. The German Statistical Office has sought to impress the Ger- and liberty and progress and civilization. In those now famous and backwardness, cannot truly apto what heights work can elman masses with reports of gain in exports, an increase in August words, the Jews can stand the Nazi persecution, but civilization preciate evate men and "women when permeof seven per cent over those of July and, substantially, in both im- can't. ated with idealism and strength of A special correspondent of the Manchester Guardian as well convictions. He, who has not felt the ports and exports, over those of the previous August. But they passion and hunger of the Yishub for do not accompany their figures with an analysis. They do not as Jacob Landau this past week both pointed out—In corrobora- knowledge and information, be it such tell that of eight great powers Germany's exports decreased in tion of what had been written by others before—that pogroms as deals with the improved breeding chickens or cows, or August 16.1 per cent below those of last year, despite the conces- against the Jews in Germany may occur this winter. That by this high-producing be it such as deals with the recent sions being made by the government through cheap block marks means Hitler may appease his followers over a trying period. That excavations which shed light on the and depreciated dollar bonds purchased abroad. This, further, fictitious attack by the Jews upon Hitler, diabolically engin- Bible, the folk-lore of the Arabs or the legends of the Talmud, knows not despite the fact that much of the export goods were sent out by eered, will be used to incite the masses to pogrom. the rapture and adventure of learnIt is hard to put such atrocious- blood-curdling situations in ing, German Jews and other Germans who are opposed to the Nazis experimentation and achievement. who intend to leave Germany and ordered that payment should be print, but we must awake to the danger lurking in Nazidom. We He, who has not experienced the exthat comes from having unmade to banks abroad. Also, that the August record contains an must come to the realization that the world-in general must take altation der one's care and seeing chicks deaccumulation of previous exports to Russia, and that thirty per action to quell the damage to humanity which Hitler gangsters velop into egg-laying hens, tending seedlings and then reaping the fruits II .cent less passengers have travelled on German ships this year. may perpetrate. of toil from the fruit-bearing trees, ' Mr. McGrady tells us that with government and Nazi Party heifers growing into milk - giving funds bewilderingly confused, with joblessness and want a cer- ^olutnbus Day on Succoth cows, seeds transformed into goldenI eared grain, how can he truly appretainty during the coming winter in Germany, with Germany's Columbus Day is celebrated in America this year on next ciate the ecstatic poetry and the joy banks and especially the Reichsbank too terrified to reject Nazi that comes from living with and seeThursday, October 12. That day will also mark the conclusion of demands for money, with the Berlin boerse on the verge of col- Succoth, the Feast of Tabernacles. ; ing things growing up from the soil? ; Where almost every hill and dale, lapse because of the reluctance of banks to support stock and bond It was 541 years ago, the day after over 300,000 Jews were mound and ravine, village and city is issues- with millions of "dollars being spent on uniforms, parades driven from their homes in Spain, that Columbus set forth for his bound up with numerous memories, and propaganda while many Germans go hungry, with the trade perilous trip which ended in the discovery of America. And it was legends, events, legendary and historand debt future of Germany exceedingly bleak—the Nazis face a on the seventh day of Succoth that Christopher Columbus sighted ic personalities going back centuries and millenia, history comes to have a real economic crisis thjis mid-winter. These conditions, he be-shore. pungency and pulsating reality that • lieves, will make the German people aware of the Nazi deceptions. the average person even in Paris, Historians have since written that "where the history of the New York or London seldom experiAnd, despite Nazi strong-arm measures, we know that in the last ences . . . Jews in Spain ends, that of the Jews in America begins." Columelection with the Nazis conceded to win, 53 per cent of the population voted anti-Nazi—it is not too far fetched to hope that econ- bus, unaware of the future history had in store, made this entry And believe it or not, this intensity toiling, singing, dancing and learnomic forces may bring about a collapse of the Nazi rule. All thein his journal—dated August 3, 1492: "On this day Their Maj- of ing was exhibited not by men and esties ordered the Jews to leave their lands, on the same day they more reason, therefore, to follow a suggestion made by the correwomen, old and young, enjoying the spondent that this fall and winter more and more energy be con- provided the means for me to set out on my search of new lands." greatest of prosperity, but rather by There are some who go so far as to say that Columbus was people the bottom of whose lives in centrated into a full boycott of goods made in Nazi Germany. A a Jew, his original name being Cristobal Colon. Some evidence the various European countries dursudden, decisive thrust at the opportune moment can possibly a nd after the world upheaval had has been adduced, but only circumstantial and none enough to ing been torn away from under their feet. achieve the desired end. make us really believe that he was Jewish. But plenty of real It may be that this intensity of livWise Men Are Buying came as a result of the pouring evidence has been found to prove that many of his crew were ing out of 2,000 years of accumulated "Morals" of Nazism Jewish and that it was Jewish money that financed the trip, not dreams, longings and national aspiraIt has. long been the custom of the Nazis to dub all persons the fabled jewels of Isabella. And far mor$ interesting to us than tions of their forefathers in thankswhom, for one reason or another, they dislike "Jews," But this either of these is the knowledge that the*,actual scientific basis giving for the renewed contact with sacred soil. It may also have been habit has reached its reduction to the absurd as a special corre for Columbus' exploraion was laid at the famous naval academy the due to the tremendous creative enerspondent of the J. T. A. tells of the articles written in this week's at Sagres, headed by Jehuda Cresques, the most famous map- gies released after throwing off from at The Nebraska ''Volkwart," a Berlin weekly, which calmly asserts that Herriot, maker of the 14th and 15th centuries. "Jacob's staff," a sea their backs and souls the heavy DiPoincare, Gandhi, Tardieu, Mosley, Lloyd George, de Valera and quadrant devised by Levi ben Gerson and applied to navigation aspora dust, liberation from the Gosuppressions, inhibitions and disDo your part for NRA. Wear a Colonel House are all Jews. Not content with so ridiculous a state- by Abraham Zacuto, was the first device for observing the stars. luth criminations, thus producing a tonic new fall hat and watch the newment, however, the "Volkwart" goes on to give the "real" name And Columbus found Zacuto's perpetual almanac and astronomi- effect, a heightening of the psyche, that is rather rare, and an exaltafall hat do something for you. of these "Jews"; Poincare's name in Viereggl, and he is a Galician cal tables invaluable on his voyage across the Atlantic. Another tion en masse of the spirit to an alJew. Tardieu's name is Lang-Lony; the real name of Sir Oswal device immeasurably useful to Columbus was the astrolabe, most mystic, chassidic ecstasy. Watch it light up your face with Mosley, the leader of the British Fascists, is Moses, and Colone an instrument for measuring the distance of a ship from the equa- It is more than a decade since a a smile that says: "America, you writer reacted to American House, of course, is nothing but an alias for Mandelhouse. and I go forward today!" tor by means of the position of the sun . . . helped developed by foreign in these words: "Sad indeed is a The "Volkwart" continues, in this spirit, to publish "sensa- Joseph Vechino, Abraham Ibn Ezra, Jacob ben Machir and Jacob life people whose chief recreation is Coney tional exposures." It gives a complete explanation of recent fi- Carsoni, all Jews. When Columbus discovered a new land, he Island." And it is almost five years New Stetsons—New Kxiox ti» since I beheld the majestic waternancial events in the United States. What actually happened was brought truth to the utterances three centuries before of Moses front of New York on my way to the — New Mallorys. All this: the Jew Baruch, "the secret President of the U. S. A.", rede Leon, author of the Zohar, that "the earth revolves like a states from that intense life and as quired money for a world-wide Jewish conspiracy against Ger- ball," so that "when it is day on one-half of the globe, night I stood on board ship, marvelled and that's new in Fall Hats dee ly a w e d a t t h e lorious ac ev many. Arid so he.ordered the "freemason" Roosevelt to call in on the othpr half " P S f T all gold coin and bullion in the hands of the citizens and force on t n e Otner.nalt. m g n t s o f m o d e r n tec hnolcgy and sciBorsalino Hats, $8.50 them to accept paper dollars in exchange. Once this had been ence, there came forth, to my own great astonishment, from the depth done, the dollar was deliberately inflated. The gold, however, was They Say.... of my subconscious mind an expresOther Smart Hats, $3.50 paid into the Federal Reserve Bank, "a private bank under Jewish "I assume that the League of Nations will indeed take up thesion upon which I meditated for a control." "In this way the whole fortune of the American nation matter of the German Jews who have been deprived of their long time: "Neelmah simchath Ha'chaveem of livhas m'America." disappeared The from joy America. was handed over to a group of Jewish bankers" who immediately rights. The Jewish problem in Germany cannot be considered as ing CAPS FOR AUTUMN WEAR Uttered more than six months handed it over to Mr. Baruch, for the purposes of the Jewish Con- a purely internal question."—Prof. Thomas G. Masaryk, founder before the *29 debacle! Your golf game, your motor trip, your hike and president of the Czechoslovakia Republic. spiracy! That may have been truer of Amerin the woods or windy days in town call out "Nationalism or the idolatry of the nation is one of the great ica of the" B. C. (before the crash) Next, the IVolkwart" publishes some very interesting facts the new Fall caps. about the Zionist Organization- which is apparently merely a sub- dangers of the day. It is common enough/and takes various forms. period than it is now. The sad comof that time are no longer $ division of the "Bnei Moshe." Zionism, however, is merely a mask Sometimes it consists chiefly in bragging about the greatness of mentaries as applicable, I believe, as they were for their real aim, which is Jewish World Domination. It is in your country which excites ridicule rather than anger. Unfortun- then. When I hear more and more Hat Sections—Main Floor furtherance of this aim, according to the "Volkwart," that there ately it seldom stops there. When Dr. Johnson said that patriot- people, many of whom have suffered from the economic cataclysm, say it has recently been a secret meeting in Royat, a small spa near ism was the last refuge of a scoundrel, he may have been thinking is indeed a privilege to be alive in Paris Here met the leaders of the conspiracy, the Jews Trotzky, of some nationalist acquaintance."—Viscount Cecil. sush a colorful, challenging, quickly"The campaign against Jews and foreigners is assuming shifting, historic-making epoch (tragLitvinoff, Baruch and Suritz. And it Js in connection with this, ic as it is), I become more and more too, that the two Jews, Herriot and Alphand, have recently gone rather an aggressive character in Belgium, influenced to some ex- confirmed in my belief that the events tent by the growing economic crisis at home."—J. Fuss, Belgian of the last three or four years have to Moscow. produced an intensity of living, pas; _: :: . The "Volkwart" is equally opposed to the Jesuits and to the correspondent.- — I
Omar ^ ^ - wonder
New Fall Hats
, t
• '!
!-•' K
i to 2I
Jewish Women Active in Community Chest Campaign
GOLDSTEIN-LUTZ ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. B. Lutz of Des Moines, la., announce the engagement and approaching' marriage of their daughter, Miss Edith Lutz, to Paul M. Goldstein, son of Mr. and Mrs. I. Goldstein of this city. The marriage •will be an event of early November. Following a short "wedding trip, the couple will reside in Omaha. ANNOUNCE BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Jack Turek announce the birth of a daughter on October 3 at the Methodist hospital. Mrs. Turek was formerly Miss Alice Stern. Mr. and Mrs. Max Moskowitz announce the birth of a daughter, September 29, at the Clarkson hospital.
The Jewish women in Omaha are playing an active part in the Omaha Community Chest campaign, which will be held October 31 to November 9. Three Jewish women's organizations have already made donations in advance of the drive, i with others proposing to do the same at their next meetings. The three are the Pioneer "Women, the Conservative Synagogue Auxiliary, and the Jewish Women's Welfare Organization. now the women are engaged Dr. Meyer Beber,, who has been in Right a "crusade," to inform the public associated with the Nebraska Unithe true facts about the Chest versity College of Medicine for the of last ten years as assistant professor and the spirit of its •work. Mrs. Reuben Kulakofsky is one of in Bio-Chemistry, is leaving Sunday the five women on the executive comfor Washington, D. C. where he has been appointed to St. Elizabeth's hos- mittee of the Chest's Women's Division, headed by Mrs. Myles Standpital. ish. Dr. Beber received his Ph.D. and Mrs. David Feder is chairman of M.D. at the University of Nebraska. Division "E" of the women workers. He is a member of Sigma Xi, A.O.A., Mrs. Bernice Natelson is secretary and is a Phi Beta Kappa. to Mrs. Feder. Mrs. Meyer Beber and children, Included hi the workers in this diCharles and Bernard, are accomvision are: panying him.
Given Appointment to Washington Hospital
FAREWELL PARTY A farewell party was given last Sunday by Miss Rose Levin in honor of Miss Esther Jacobsen, who is leaving this Saturday for Washington, D. C, for an indefinite stay. Twelve couples attended. An outof-town guest was Miss Lillian Stein of Sioux City, la. HOME FROM EXTENDED VISIT Mrs. Henry Pollack has returned from a two-month visit in Chicago and Cleveland.' Her daughter, Miss Ruth Pollack, is now visiting in Cleveland. From there she will go to Pittsburgh before returning to Omaha in two weeks. ENTERTAINS AT SMOKER Fifty rushees were entertained at a smoker by Phi Beta Epsilon, Creighton social fraternity, at the home of Hyman Goodbinder, Sunday evening.
Orpheum Stage shows return to Omaha the week of Saturday, October; 7, with, the opening of Jay C. Flippen and his World's Fair Follies at the Orpheum Theatre, along with Slim Summerville and Zasu Pitts in their newest laugh riot, "Love, Honor and Oh, Baby." The World's Fair Follies comes to the Orpheum-Theatre^directHErom-a triumphant run .at the Century of Progress. A host of celebrities, including Claire Carter, Broadway's most famous stage beauty; Elinor Ames sensational fan dancer of Texas Guinan's Chicago night club; Barney Dean comedian; Burns Twins, premiere tap dancers; Mahon and Eucker, terpsichorean artists; Dalton and Rose; dare-devil stuntsters and twenty of the World Fair's most charming dancing beauties; Jay C. Flip?.«ui, Broadway's king of jesters. Slim Summerville and Zasu Pitts in "Love, Honor and Oh, Baby," wil be the screen feature for the week, a comedy feature that ranks well with the best laugh offerings this famous comic team has ever contributed to the screen.
Silvermaa, Hymie Milder, Harry Rubenstein, Robert Glazer. Captain—Mrs. Irvin Stalmaster; Lieutenants—Mesdames H. A. Newman, A. A. Greenberg, Lester Lapidus, M. Bercoyici, David Greenberg. Captain—Mrs. M. F. Leyenson; Lieutenants—Mesdames J. J. Friedman, I. Dansky, J. M. Erman, Dave Stein, J. J. Frieden. Captain—Mrs. Dave Sherman; Lieutenants—Mesdames R. H. Brown, Sam Berkowitz, Sam Friedman, Mollie Rosenblatt, Leo Milder. Captain—Mrs. Maurice Micklin; Lieutenants—Mesdames Lester Simon, David Greenberg, Sidney Morris, Joe Jacobs, and Miss Grace Dansky. District 5 Major—Mrs. H. S. Novitsky. Captain—Mrs. Sam Green; Lieutenants!— Mesdames Harry Green, Howard Milder, Hyman Greenberg, Maynard Greenberg, Irvin Rubinow. Captain—Mrs. I. W. Rosenblatt; Lieutenants—Mesdames Phil Rosenblatt, Sam Rosenblatt, John Faier, Ernest Reuben, Horace Rosenblum. Captain—Mrs. Jack Bramson; Lieutenants—Mesdames Oscar Xystrom, F. Brown, Ruth Hardy. H. Evans, J. L. Beecroft. Captain—Mrs. Julius Stein; Lieutenants —Mesdames B. A. Simon, Joe Bloch, Jack Kaufman, I. Abrahamson, Karl Lesser. Captain—Mrs. D. R. Cohen; Lieutenants —Mesdames Joe Jacobs, Sam Zlotcky, M. Grodinsky, Max Davis, Allen Kohan.
District 1 ,Major—Mrs. Irvin C. Levin. Captain—Mrs. J. S. Peurlstien; lieutenSTOPS OFF HERE ants—Mesdames O. Belzer, Nathan Green, Jahr, Phil Schwartz, Sam Stern. Mrs. Louis Richards of San Jose, Herman Captain—Mrs. J. Goldware; Lieutenants !al., arrived here Tuesday for1 a —Mesdames M. Pox, T. A, Tolly, A. Kips, Kaplan, M. Woblner. short stay. She is on her way to M.Captain—Miss Blanche Zimman; lieuIhicago and New York. In Chicago, tenants—Mesdames B T. Friedman, Leo I. Sokolof, Sam Berwitz, A. E. Mrs. Richards, who is president of Abramson, Solomon. the Hadassah chapter in San Jose, Captain—Mrs. L. Nevelett; Lieutenants David Goldstein, M. M. Bnrwill attend the national Hadassah —Mesdames ish, H. A. Wolf, Herman E. Rosenblatt, convention. D. Crounse. Captain—Mrs. L. Mendelson; LientcnEn route home, Mrs. Richards will nts—Mesdames Frank Brookstein, Phinalso stop off in Omaha for a short eas Wintroub, Charles Fellman, Frapk .ckerman, S. Rochman. v i s i t . '' • • .. • .-.'• - • " • . : '.'-•• .;.'.•••••District S Major—Mrs. PhiUp Levey. GUEST HERE Captain—Mrs. Arthur Colin; Lieutenants Harry Braviroff, Harry TrnsMr. Leonard Klein of V Cleveland, —Mesdames tlnn, Ben Stiefler, Sam Theodore, Morris Ohio, is here for an indefinite stay Sogolow, Howard Milder. Captain—Mrs. Nate Mantel; Lieutenants as the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. —Mesdames Sam Robinson, Sam AppelHenry Pollack. man, Harry Malashock, I. Rosenthal, William Milder. Captain-^Mrs. Ernest A. Nogg; LieutenJayy Malashock. Albert aants—Mesdames ntsMesd VISITORS • Newman, Mrs. August Badanes of Woodside, Steinberg. Morris Jacobs, A. K. Milder, AJ Captain—Mrs. Julius V. Newman; LienC t i L. I., and Mrs. J. Spitzer of New tenants—Mesrtames Morris Milder, A. GoldYork, have been visiting here. stein, M. I. Gordon, H. Shumow, H. Chapman. Captain—Mrs. Clarence Berpman; Lieutenants—Mesdames Archie Jacobs, Joe BETUBN FROM YISET Rosenfield, M. Handler, Jeanette Arnstein, Mrs. Irvin H. Stein and daughter, S. Saltzman. District S Rona Joan, have returned. from a Major—Mrs. Sam GUinsky. Captain—Mrs. Max- Holzman; Lieuten"visit with Mrs. Stem's parents, Mr. ants—Mesdames A. H. Brodkey, William and Mrs. Joe Shapiro, in Lincoln, i Feiler, Gabe Wertheimer, B. Wessel,, L. Sogolow. over the holidays. Captain—Mrs. Louis Kulakofsky; Lientenants—Mesdames Sander Steinhaeli, Al •Wohlner, Morris Levey, Sam Josephson, and Miss Adele Wilinsty. ON INSPECTION TOUR Captain—Mrs. Bert Hene: Lieutenants— Mr. Louis J. Platt of New York Mesdames Louis Hiller, S. Wertheimer Jr., spent two days in Omaha this week Xilton Livingston, Loyal Cohn, Ben Danon his inspection tour of the chap- banm. Bonoff: Lieutenants CaptainMrs. Joe Booff: u Captain—Mrs. ters of Pi Lambda Phi, national so- —Mesdames Sam Bialae, Morris Ferer, Bi Mi F Md S Ferer, Harry Perimeter, Dave cial fraternity. The Creighton Uni- Hyman Conn. versity chapter of the fraternity Captain—Mrs. Sam Wertneimer; Iiieu~ Henry ttosenthal. Joe feted "him while he was their guest teflanfs—MeSdameB Weinberg, Morton Hiller, Hairy Rosenhere at a dinner and a smoker. feld, Fred Rosenstock. District 4 Major—Mrs. A. D. Frank. Captain—Mrs. J. J. Greenberg. LieutenUT RUSH PARTY ants—Mesdames William Boasberg, Harry
The UT club of Central high school held a rush party last Sunday at the home of Miss Fann Sommers. Miss Selma Berkowitz is president of the group. ' The rushees were Helen Lincoln Rosalie Alberts, R e n e Greenwald; Ethelyn Kulakofsky, Sara Miriam Blank, Frances Rosenblatt, Jane Rosenstock, and Zella Cherniss.
J. C. C. Sunday evening, October 8. Critics have acclaimed Anna Jack•ubowitz as one of the outstanding Yiddish actresses. She played all over the globe, including Warsaw, Berlin, Vienna etc. Eight years ago she played in Omaha in "The Polish Wedding."
Two first run feature pictures are presented Sunday and Monday, October 8 and 9, at the Town theater. The first is John Wayne in "Somewhere in Sonora." The second presents Hal Skelly and Rose Hobart in "The Shadow Laughs." Tuesday and Wednesday, October BACK HOME 10 and 11, the Town theater provides Mr. Jake Rosen has arrived home after spending a month visiting his a twin feature bill of magnificent sister in El Paso, Texas, and his entertainment. The first offers Robert Montgomery, Sally Eilers and brothers in Mexico City, Mex. Madge Evans in "Made on Broadway." The closing feature on the Tuesday, Wednesday, program is a full length screamie set to music, gay with romance, "The Devil's Brother" with Laurel and Hardy. The final double program of the week for Thursday, Friday and Saturday, October 12, 13 and 14, presents in the first feature the famous "love birds," Slim Summerville and Brandeis Theater Bldg. Telephone AT. 4333 Zazu Pitts in "Her First Mate." The other feature on this bill is Formerly Wright-David Beauty Parlor exceptional. Loretta Young, Ricardo Cortez in "Midnight Mary."
Addition In the list of officers of the Bikur Cholim society in the Rosh HashoTmh edition, the name of Mrs. M. .T, Cohen, recording secretary of the organization, was inadvertently omitted.
Malek in Concert
Cantor Joseph Malek will present a concert on Sunday, October 15. He may be assisted by the Conservative Synagogue choir. Rabbi David A. Goldstein and Rabbi Uri Miller will also be present. The details of the concert will be aranged by next week, and according to Cantor Malek it will be "outstanding." Any women wishing to join the Cantor Malek was retained by popranks of workers may communicate ular request at the Beth Hamedrosh with Mrs. Feder or with the Com- Hagodol synagogue for the Succoth holiday. munity Chest headquarters. The Jewish Community Center and Welfare Federation is a constituent agency of the Community Chest, and Anna and Hyman Jackubowitz will the J. C. C. and family welfare and present their own company in a Yidchildren's care budgets are met by dish drama, "Storm of Life," at the the Chest.
Jackubowitz to Play
RUSH BRIDGE1 The rushees of the Iota Tau sorority were presented with their pledge pins Wednesday at a meeting at the home of Miss Annette Bender, advisor. A formal initiation will be held the latter part of this month. A bridge for the rushees was given at Ye Korner Kupboard on September 23. Mrs. Harold Barish, president, and Miss Bender, gave short talks welcoming the guests. First prize at bridge was won by Miss Sara Forman.
It is Patriotic to Patronize Y o u r Laundry now.
Fine Coals $59.75
Herzberg coats at these prices are done in the "grand manner" . . . stamped with the genius of Parisian designers . . . furred with the finest of Fox, Beaver, Caracul, Marten, Kolinsky, etc.! Fourth Floor
AT 2815
HOWARD *t 16th.
MADE... NOT BORN Appetites are made . . .'not born.
The delicious menus at the Jack and Jill . . .served unexcelled in a most quaint and soothing atmosphere . . . will add zest to anyone's appetite.
Town Theater
FRATERNITY SMOKER A smoker this evening by the Creighton chapter of Phi Delta Epsilon, national medical fraternity, will celebrate the group's moving into the chapter's new house, located at 112 South 44th street, and will also serve as an official welcome to the fraternity's freshment. The guests of honor include Dr. Victor E. L e v i n e, Dr. Maynard Greenberg, Dr. Abe Greenberg, Dr. Isaac Sternhill, and Dr. Abe Steinberg. The new men to be honored are Stanley Sakin, Robert Fox, Fred Meinhard, Ben Jacobson, and Joseph Davis. Samuel Reiter is chairman of the committee in charge, assisted by Frank Lipp and Isadore Silverman. Morris Lev is president.
Build up a "whale of an appetite'* . . . make the Jack and Jill your eating headquarters •". . . morning, noon, night . . . after the show* Dresses designed with well bred simplicity . . . dresses of unmistakable quality that will do more than just clothe you . . . they'll maks you exclusive . . . charming! New Crepes, Woolens and Combinations. Sizih Floor
A Suggestion for Any Night
Jack & Jill Sizzling Steak
Served wtriU In Ihe t>iw ol cocking PI pine hot.
Announces the Opening of
Idaho (Mttrd potato. aUrrd (omatn. hrmd ttntler ffrlnk.
SUN., H0.X, OCT. 8-9
T U E S , W E D , OCT. 10-11
"THE "SHADOW LAUGHS" Hal Skelly—Rose Hobart —PLUS—
"SOMEWHERE IS SOXOBA" With JOHN WATSE Theatrical SCOOP of All Omaha Week Starting
NOW!! The picture of the year . . . Enough stars for six pictures make this picture six times as good!
John and Lionel
BARRYMORE Helen Hayes Clark Gable Robert
Montgomery Myrna Loy Plus HUKEL and HARDY In "Jlldnlcht Patrol"
Also— Double Crossing of Columbus
SAT., OCT. 7 Mammoth stage show featuring that stage, screen and radio star
~ and His WORLD'S FAIB $ FOLLIES 0 Direct from the Century of -" Progress with a Host of
40-Artists on Stage-40
In the original show that shocked—and rocked Chicago frith laughter—featuring EL1X0E AMES in Her SENSATIONAL FAN DANCE —
the Laugh Panic! SLIM SUMMERVILLE ZASU PITTS in "Love,- Honor, and . Oh, Baby!" Extra! Gigantic! SHOW Sat., Oct. 7 RPC. popular prices
FREE Candy to the
TWO BIG FEATURES The Year's Big Football Romance
Every Sat. and Sunday
AVENUE S U N , MON, OCT. 8-9 Loretta Young— icardo Cortess "MIDNIGHT MARY" —PLUS— TOS1 MIX in "RUSTLERS ROUNDUP
From taft Saturday Post's Sensational Story —WITH—
All American Football Stars June Knight, Neil Hamilton 'j
"LADIES MUST LOVE" Four Gay Girls Go Gold Digging'(Jood
25c Any
m"**" Omaha's Popular Family Theater
T h n r s , F r i , S a t , Oct. 12-13-14 Slim Snmmerrille—Zasn Pitts "HER FIRST MATE" —PLUS—
Hayes and Montgomery in "ANOTHER LANGUAGE" Also Chapter 4 of Back Jones in "GORDON OF GHOST CITY" This Ad and 30c Admits Two
"The Theatre Cinque"
29th and I<eaven\rorth | S U N , MON, OCT. S-9 Richard Baxthelme^s in "CENTRAL AIRPORT" Pins Added Short Snfcjects The Above Ad and 30c Admits Two
Tnes, Wed, Thnr, Oct. 10-11-12 The Superb German Talking and Singing Feature "ONE NIGHT IN PARADISE"
Plos E^^lisU Titles
Produced by and for GermanJews Adults 33c—Children 15c FRL, S A T , OCT. 13-14 JANET GAYNOR in "TESS OF THE STORM COUNTRY"
m m mm "THE RED SHADOW" The Above Ad and 23e Admits Twt m —PI.CS—
'\ want to tel! you how glad I am tliat I was here lacl'night wh«A little Jimmy was so ill and had to have the doctor at o n c e . . . "Mr. G _ used to say, T h e telephone's a necessity alt right' hut fast night 1 heard him say. That one call was worth more then we've paid for telephone service in several years. 4 "
tfour telephone
BALLOONISTS GET TROPHY—Captain Franciszek Hynck, left, and Lieutenant Zbigniew Burayinsky, of Poland, winners of the international balloon race, are pictured at the Chicago world's fair as they received the Gordon Bennett trophy from Colonel Frank Knox.
OBSERVATORY NEARLY FINISHED—Here is the new Griffiths Observatory and Hall of Science which is nearing completion on a mountain top overlooking Hollywood, Cal. The equipment of the observatory, which was constructed in Germany, will rank
P R E T T Y BEACHCOMBER— Eighteen-year-old Pauline Camp"bell earns enough to pay her way through high school by combing the bathing beach at Venice, Cal., frequently receiving substantial rewards for lost money, pocketbooks, watches and jewelry.
FELONS GO TO EXILE—This unusual photograph shows French felons, sentenced to imprisonment or. the penal islands off the coast of South America, being transported from the wharf at Marseilles to Ihe convict ship. La Rochelle, for the voyage. More than 200 convicts were included in the shipment, the first made to the penal colony in two years.
"LITTLE AMERICA" STAMPS RUN OFF—Postmaster General James Farley, right, shows Admiral , . " ' l u » ittiiicu cApiurer, me nrsr run oi tne Little America stamp, at the bureau of engraving ^xAiAvin^ in »T*iaiiiiigxon. 1 ne stamp commemorates tne nymg explorers first discoveries in the Ant" arctic regions. Byrd now is starting on a new Antarctic expedition.
FREED BY BANDITS—These three Englishmen, officers of the iteamer Newchwang, are pictured in Tokio following their release captives for 163 days in bandits.
» ft
MARCONIS VISIT CARDINAL—Guglielmo Marconi, famed inventor, and his wife, are photographed SM they paid their - respects to Cardinal Mundelein while on a visit to Chicago/, IM
CHOO," CHOO, CHOOING TO CHICAGO—The American Legion contingent from Rochester. N. Y. is pictured • route to Chicago to attend the national convention. Their auto-train attracted considerable attention along the routel
PAGE 7—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1933 MOJTSKY. GKODIVSKT and then proceed to the Holy Land by SHOTWELJUVAXCE, —Shop from cur Service Guide— Attorneys the "Polonia" from Constanza direct ?£7 Omaha National 2£ank Bids. "With this -new service the Gdynia NOTICE O F ADMINISTRATION America Line has again demonstrat- In the County Court of Douglas County, ed its keen interest in the comfort ol InNebraska. the Matter of the Estate of EALPII American Jews who, in the past, old countries as long as they wish BERLIN (J. T. A.)—An official OWENS, Deceased. announcement was issued stating were desirous of visiting Eastern Eu- its large Jewish clientele. All persons interested in said estate aro hereby notified that a petition has been A plea that Jews the world over Hitler has the right tto assert that that the Nazi cahinet had decided rope and then travel to Palestine, had filed in said Court alleging ttuit said detmite as a means of warding off. his ideals of race, blood and war- to extend the law forbidding Jews many difficulties in finding good conceased died leaving no lust will and prjiySHOXWELI4, HO>'SKT, GSODINSET & worship are indeed the German naing for administraton upon his estnte. nml persecution was sounded by Emil to own land, which is now applic- nections from Eastern Europe to ErVASTCE that a hearing will be had on said petitional ideals. The working class and Ludwig, eminent German Jewish auetz Israel. To eliminate these diffiable only to Prussia, to all Gertion before said Court on the 21st <lnj" of ' 537 Omaha Xatfl Bank JOOg. October, 1933, and that if they fail to »pthor, who has arrived in this coun- the other .Eurgpean-minded Germans many. culties, the Gdynia America Line has pear at said Court on the said 21st day are defeated. The middle class, led try. KOTICK O F TROBATE OF WTIX started a regular fast passenger serIn the future Jtws will he deof October. 1933. at 9 o'clock A. M.. to runAsked to discuss the political sit- by the barons of big industry, rules barred from owning land anywhere vice between Constanza and Haifa In the County Court of Douglas County, test said petition, the Court may crni't the same and grant administration ol SM:<1 uation in Germany, where his books while the professors supply the in Germany. •with, its flagship, the large and lux-InNebraska. the Matter of the Estate of Mildred estate to Sam Jospphson or some otlmr suitable person nud proceed to a settlehave been publicly burned and where music." urious "Polonia." lievy Holiman, Deceased. The only hope which Herr Ludwig All persons interested in Bald estate are ment thereof. he himself has been ostracized, Mr. '•• BRYCE CHAWFOUP, In ihe presence of Polish and Ru-hereby notified that a petition has been Ludwig declined to go into the sub-said he sees for the Jews in Ger-cellent talkie, directed toy the great County J u d g e . in said Court, praying for the pro-&-2S-33-3t. many, where he believes Jewish per- German-Jewish director, Carl Lamac, manian officials the "Polonia" made filed bate of a certain instrument, now on file ject, repeating with emphasis: said Court, purporting to b e t h e last "I don't know Hitler. I don't want secution is extremely popular, is in will be shown Tuesday, Wednesday her first trip on September 27 to Hai- in and testament of said deceased, and ' and Thursday, October 10, 11, andfa., starting a new chapter in the mar- will that a hearing will be hml on Raid petition to know him. No, I will not: talk union. before said Court on the 50th day of Octoitime history of the Mediterranean. A. Diamond 12about him." .; ber, 1933, and that if they fail to appear Also present was Mr. Roman KutyOn Friday and Saturday, October at Baid Court on the said s#th d a y of But in a statement which he had Recognized as October, 193S, at D o'clofk A. M., t o contest 13 and 14, Janet Gaynor will star lowski, president of the Gdynia Am- the previously prepared for publication, Uptown Theater probate of said will, the Court may PRACTICAL MOHEL 12C6-5 Another week of superb offerings in :"Tess of the Storm Country." On erica Line "who made a special trip allo-w and probate said •will and jrrant adthe writer said in part: Phone 1059 ministration of said estate t o Max L. "Hitler suits the German charac- features the program offered at thethe same bill will be shown "The Red for the event from New York. Holznum or some other suitable person COUNCIL BLUFFS AT. 2524 ter as it has developed for sixty Uptown Theatre, 29th and Leaven- Shadow." These will be coupon Passengers can now go direct from and. proceed t o a settlement thereof. BRYCE CRAWFORD. nights, too. years far better than we do, whoworth, the week starting Sunday. New York to Gdynia, travel in their 10-G-2t County Judge. On Sunday and Monday, October tried unsuccessfully for a decade to 8 and 9, Richard Barthelmess will have western European ideas take root in Germany, but who at the be featured in "Central Airport." most represented only a small min- These nights will be coupon nights. "One Night' in Paradise," an exority. , "Now the Germans are, so to speak, at ease with themselves, as FKADENTJCRG, STAXMASTER & BECEK their present leaders •proclaim. And Attorneys
EmU Ludwig Makes New Plea for Unity in Israel
New Service Between Jews CannotOwn Constanza, Palestine Land in Germany
*Cmaka Repair Werk$
650 Omaha National Bank PROBATE NOTICE In the Matter of the Estate of HAItKT B. MILDER, deceased. NOTICE I S HEREBY GIVEN: That the creditors of said deceased will the executor of said estate, before me. Mayme Krasne, operator of Krasne meet County Judge of Douglas County, NebrasBeauty Salon, has taken over the ka, at the County Court Itoom, iu said County, on the 20tli day of November, Wright-David beauty parlor at 716 1933, and on the 20th day of January, 1934, Brandeis Theater building. . She at 9 o'clock A, 11., each day. for the purpose of their claims for examretaining the same staff. Mrs. W.ination, presenting adjustment and allowance. Three E. Lemon specializes exclusively in months are nllo-wed for the rrediiors to their claims, (Mm the 20th Cay of manicuring. Miss Beulah Gresham present has been with this parlor for seven October, 1933. BRYCE CRAWFORD, County Judge. years. Mr. Franco, haircutter arid 9-29-33-3t
Krasne Beauty Salon
expert in all lines of beauty work, has been added to the staff.
CAKI> KATXEMAX. Attorney Omaha, ?«ebr. PROBATE NOTICE I n the Hatter of the Estate of Jacob KatJJEOS & "WHITE, Attorneys lemaa, Deceased. City National Bank Building Notice is hereby given that the creditors of said deceased will meet the administraNOTICE OF rSCOISPORATION O F tor of said estate, before me. County "AKCHEK ELECTRIC CO." . Notice i s hereby priTen thnt a. corpora- Judge of Douglas County. Nebraska, at tion has been formed under the laws of the the County Court Room, in said County, on the 27th day of November, 1932, and Stnte of Kebraska. . on the 27th day of January, 1934, at 9 The name of the corporation is "Archer o'clock A. M.. each day, for the purpose of Electric Co." and the principal place for presenting claims for examination, the transaction of its business i s the City adjustment their and allowance. Three months of Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska. are allowed for the creditors to present The general nature of the business to be claims, from the 27th day of October. transacted by the corporation is to buy, their purchase, own, hold, lease, exchange, as- 1033. BRTCE CRAWFORD, sign, mortgage and transfer real estate County Judge. and personal property wherever situated; 10-C-33-3t to buy, sell, own. hold, assign, mortgage and transfer bonds, securities, debentures and stock in other corporations; to draw, make, execute, accept, endorse ard issue NATIONAL promissory notes, mortgages, drafts, bills j of exchange and other negotiable instruACCESSORIES, Inc. ments; to borrow money; to buy, sell, trade, repair, install, alter, deal in and EVERYTHING manufacture electric machinery and appliances of all kinds and descriptions, inenn-.-i For the Auto descent and arc-lamps, wireless and g e n - j eral electric supplies: and transacting all 2031 Farnam s AT. 5524 other business necessary or convenient in connection therewith. The total authorized capital stock of this corporation shall be ?2T>.000.00 divided into two hundred and fifty (2."0) shares of the par value of $100 each. Of said stock, one WHEAT, CORN, OATS hundred (100) shares shall be common stock and one hundred and fifty (13)) For Information Call or Write shares preferred stock.. The ...preferred stock may be issued as and When the TAYLOR <!RAfN-e8r board of directors shall determine and 721-732 Omaha JJrnHi Kxrhancr Rids. shall entitle the holders thereof t o reJA 3403—AT ZOOS ceive out of the net earnings on Baid corPrivate Wire Connrrflons With poration a dividend at the rate of C per JAS. E. DENNETT CO. cent per annum before any dividend shall t e set iipart or paid on the common stock. Said dividend shall be cumulative. The holders of the preferred stock shall in case of liquidation or dissolution of the corporation, before any amount shall be aid to the holders of the common stock, e entitled to be paid the par amount of their shnrcs plus the unpaid accumulated dividends thernon. but shall not participate in any fnriher distribution of the surplus assets of the company. Said preferred stock at the discretion of the corporation shall bp snbjeef. to redemption at par on any dividend day after its issne. Said capital stock shall be fully paid for and non-assessible when issued. Said capital stock shall be paid for in cash, notes or pronerty, real or personal, tangible or intnncible. at the reasonable value thereof. Ten (101 shares of the capital stock of this corporation shall be paid for before the co-rnoration shall commence business. The corporation shall commence business on the filing of a copy of its articles of incorporation with the County Clerk of Douglas County. XebraRkn. and shall continue for a period of fifty (50) years from the date thereof. The hichest amount of indebtedness to •which this corporation shall at any time subject itself shall not exceed two-thirds of its capital stock. The affairs of the corporation shall be conducted by a board of directors conBlstinr of not less than two nor more than five members. HARRIET J. ARCHER, JAMES O. WHALES, I B Presence of: S. J. LEON. 10-G-M
2004 Lake St. Mrs. Lou Farber. Prop.
Abramson . Audit Co.
Rug and Curtain Cleaners Upholstered Furniture
The New Dnart Velio* Doable Carlrr Permanent Wave
Certified Public Arrta.
852 Brandeis Theater Bldg. J A. 4811
New and Used Cars
Best Workmanship
Band Box Cleaners
9 Tears Present Location
AT. 4111, tiSi Farnam St.
Hospital Remedy for Gas, Heartburn. Indigestion, Constipation We Sell nnd Guarantee This Kemcdy !" W E nt:i,ivKK :: Quality and Service
Golden Spike Pale Ujfy Gingerale Ideal,-Lime Rickey IdealgSodt Waters
Where Price, Quality, and Service Meet
Drug Company
and Distributed by
Ideal Bottling Co.
STUDEBAKER SALES'and SERVICE 3141 Farnam, HA. 2260
N. E. Corner 20th and Lake
WE. 80*8 1H08 North 20th St.
AT. K21
helps bmld strong bones and teeth.
BODY t FENDER Auto Rod./ and fender K«T>uirins. I'alntins Complete llphoisterinc and tilass Kervire
Ken and Used Repair Parts and Aerensories for • Cars and Trucks a t a Havinc
Star Auto
S. Ml CLAYMAN, Mgr. AT. 93G9 n t h and. Chicago St.
Roberts Dairy Co.
XXOH & T7HITE, Attorneys City National Bank Building NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF "KRASNE, INC." Notice Is hereby given that a corporation has l>een formed under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The name of the corporation is "Krasne. Inc." and the principal place for the transnction of its business is the City of Omaha, Donglas County. Nebraska. The general nature of the bnsiness to be transacted by the corporation Is t o buy, purchase, own. hold, lease, exchange, assign, mortifage and transfer real estate and personal property -wherever situated: to bny, cell, own. hold, assign, mortgage and transfer bonds, securities, debentures and stockin other corporations; to draw, make, execute, accept, endorse and issue promissory notes, mortgages, drafts.' bills of exchange and other negotiable instruments; to borrow money: to carry on the business of Operating shops known as beauty pnrlors and to do any and all things incidental to or necessary for the carrying on of said bnsiness. The authorised capital stock of this corporation shall be $10,000.00 divided into one hundred (100) shares of the par value of J100.00 each t o be fully paid for and non-assessible when Issued. Said capital stock Rhall be paid for in cash, notes or property, real or personal, tangible or intangible at the reasonable value thereof. Five (5) shares of the capital stock shall be paid for before this corporation shall commence business. • The corporation shall commence business on the filing of a copy of its articlps of incorporation with the County Clerk of Donglas County, Nebraska, nnd shall continue for a period of fifty (50) years from the date thereof. The hichest amount of indebtedness to •which this corporation shall a t any time snbfecl itself shall not exceed "two-thirds of its. capital stock. The affairs of the corporation shall be conducted by n board of directors con fsisting of not less than two nor more than five members. MAYME •KRARNE. BELLE HORWICH. In Presence of: S. J. LEON. 10-6-33-tt
The Sign of ; Good Workmanship J A. 1614
Wicker Furniture Painted and Repaired
Merchandise Guaranteed -
2118-22 Cuming AT. 6208 Since 1922 Soliciting Quality Work
Special until Sept. 1 Reduced price of $1.50 for full treatment in ladies department.
Round Trip $7.95 Denver 7.50 Round Trip 11.00 Los Angeles_ 20.00 Round Trip 35.00
Re-Nu-Health Baths AT. 3911 Elks Bldg., 3rd Floor
The materials they use come from the looms 01 the world's greatest waol markets of E n g l a n d , Scotland, and Ireland. All suits are designed to fit the individual's taste, and they have all af the latest styles and fashions for men. Suits are tailor-made from $65 to $100. "Ask the man who wears a Volz-fashioned suit." Volz urges you to buy now b e f o r e the rise, since suit material is going up in price.
Thone Qt.4626
Large Bottle 10c
Whistle Vess;. •:
GRANT BATTERY And Guarantee AH Sales Batteries Serviced
National Tire Shop 17th and Capitol AT. 6427
Corey-McKenzie Printing Co. 1406 Dodge St.
TAJLORVRC Volz Will Keep You Nattily Attired
Standard Hat Works FRANK
Knows How to Clean Hats Work Done While Yon Wait FREE DELIVER? DOWNTOWN 1619 Farnam, AT. 8481
BUS DEPOT Edwards Hotel Bid?. 306 N. 16th HA. 5000
Stop in for dinner, after the theater, or after the party for t h a t snack irith dancing in our party room. Open all night.
We are doing oar part by complying with the NRA code. Yon do your part by helping us.
Capitol Snow-White Laundry
HAMILTON CAFE Margaret Berman, Prop. 2406 Farnam. JA. 8278
JA. 48S3
WE. 2131
Farnam at Thirty-third
KE. G0S1-62
G.A. Steinheimer Company
i ••:-
1518 Cass
Contracting Painters 113 No. 40th Ha. 6369 Painting and Decorating Residences, Churches and Public Bldgs.
BATTERY SERVICE We Are Distributors for. the Well Known Omaha Manufactured
We Solicit Tour Printing and Office Supply NreU»
We Take Time Co Do It Right by Iteing Slow and Careful
Offices Brandeis Theatre Bldg OMAHA
VESS Beverages
t OfTlfiHA *
"PmaijaJsiyibslBeautiful Home for Funerals" Ci: 'uVFuherais To Fit Any.Purse; „ Phone HArney 1226
Volz has moved into larger quarters recently, "being now located at 305 South 19th Street.
Chicago $5.09
If you wish to look smartly dressed, Volz will Treep you nattily attired. Theodore Yolz & San are fashion tailors •who have heen an that business since 1887. John . Volz is the designer and has been designing fashion clothing for men for the past t w e n t y - one years. The Volz company is well known to many of our prominent citizens, having made suits for many.
GetYbt* Cuts and
Paul Brodrick
Get Acquainted
The Best Portrait Requires the
Best Photographer
Cleveland Studio 1612 Douglsu. St. Phone JA. 3366
BLUE LINE Transfer Co. 314 S. 10th
AT. 6405
j?AGE 8—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1933 spoke *on" "Succoth," at the holiday
Budapest.'—Only six Jewish stu- FRADENBCKG, STAUIASTEB * BE BE II G50 Omaha National Bank nidg. dents have been allowed- to-enter the NOTICE'OF AMENDMENT TO ARTI• Sunday school sessions will begin medical faculty of the University of CLES OF INCORPOBATIOS OF "C. H. 8OBOTKER * SON. INC." at 9:30 Sunday morning and conclude Budapest, this year. Sixty Jewish Notice is hereby given that on the 11th at* 12. The session includes a half- students applied, and ' 155 non-Jews day of September, 1933, at 10 A M. in the offices of Irvln Stalmnster nt C50 Omaha hour assembly. gained admission. National Bank Building, Omaha, Nebraska, Next Wednesday evening, October This is proof that the numerus at a special meeting of the stockholders, I of the Articles of Incorporation 18, Simchath Tprah services will be clausus restricting the number' of Article was amended to read ns follows: held in the Temple, and Eabbi Lewis Jewish students in the universities, is " A R T I C I J K 1. The name of t he corporawill speak on the meaning of the still ' being applied with greates* tion_ shall be "DODGI..AS SALES COMFestival. . «...>.... ; ' MORRIS MILDER, President. strictness. ; C. MILDEK, Secretary A succah has been erected on the pulpit and the symbolic fruits adorn SHOTWEtL, MONSKT. GUOOINSKT & it. SHOTWEL1, SIONSKr, CRODIXSK1T & VANCE, Attorneys s e r v i c e ^
ANNA PILL, Correspondent
-- • ; , . • : ;
•, •• • ' .
•. • -
7S7 Omaha Nutionul Hank Bid?. NOTICE OF INCOKrOKATION OF SIOUX UEAI/T1' COMPANY is hereby given that the undersigned have formed a corporation under the laws of the Stnte of Nehrnska. The agogue will hold their annual SucThe following students were among name of. the corporation is SIODX REALjcoth celebration in the social hall of those at Central High School, who TY COSIPANY and the principal plncc of ' The B'nai Brith lodge will officially 'the synagogue, transacting its business is tile City of were chosen to participate in the va-Omaha, Uouglas County, Nebraska. The open its season with a large meeting, j Featured on the program will be an general nature of the business to be transrious musical groups this year: So- acted Wednesday evening, O c t o b e r 11, address by Mrs. Sarah Berman is to maintain and operate n real estate company nnd to purchase, lease, and which will feature as principal speak- Sacramento, California, who ha i phie Slutsky, Rebecca Stillman, Jean otherwise acquire real estate and personal er, Mr. Joseph Grossman of Chicago,' returned from a six month Montrose, Eva Dyorkin, Pearl Olen- property of every kind and description and to sell, convey, lease, mortgage or who is the president of B'nai Brith through • Europe and Palestine. Mrs. sky, Nathan Dvorkin, Joe Janowitz, otherwise encumber any and all such proDistrict No. 6. ' Berman will teU of her travels and Jack Merlin and Melvin Rosenfeld— perty and to manage, operate, develop and in general deal iu said property, either choir. Lester Lazriowich, Newton Mr. Leon Dobrofsky will open the s p e a k wiih r e l a t i o n to Jewish life in directly or through ownership of stock In -meeting, and Mrs. E. E . Baron will the!various countries she visited. Mrs. Sacks, and Lloyd Kronick—band. any other corporation or association. The corporation shall have power to borrow or introduce the speaker. In addition to Berman is the mother of Mrs. David raise money, to issue bonds, mortgages, the address a musical program will Goldstein ci Omaha, debentures, stock or other obligations for that purpose and'in payment for property be presented, and the evening will be M r s Barney Baron, president of purchased or acquired by it, or for any concluded with refreshments; the Auxiliary, will preside < at the other object in or about its businrss. The amount of capital stock authorized is $2-V Members of the lodge, their friends m e e ting. Miss Ida Heshelow will sing At the Succoth/services this morn- 000.00 divided into 2.T0 shares of the par and families are invited to attend the | a g r o u p o f s o n f r S j a c c o m p a n j e d by her ing, Rabbi Rabipowitz will speak on value of $100.00, all of which when issued be fully paid nnd non-assessable. meeting, which will be held in the i S i s t e r . t Bertha Heshelow. Miss Jennie the subject "The Tree and Its Fruits." shall The stock may be paid for in cash, proJewish Community Center. During •;S h i n d I e r vdn o f f e r a v i o l i n s o l 0 j ac _ At the Memorial services next perty or other thing of value as deterthe day of the 11th, Mr. and Mrs. Ic o m p a n i e d a t the piano by Miss Hesh- Thursday evening, Rabbi Rabinowitz mined by the Board of Directors. The time of commencement of the corporation Grossman wDl be entertained by the • ee j ]o ow >w will speak on "The Blessing of Chil- is the time of filing the articles of incorporation in the office of the County Clerk officers of the lodge. Refreshments will conclude the eve- dren." At the Simchath Torah ser- of Douglas County. Nebraska, and the date vices, the children will participate in of termination is January 1st, 1033. unless ning's entertainment. No children will the is sooner dissolved as probe admitted to the meeting. Mrs. A.a flag processional around the syn-videdcorporation by law. The highest amount of inagogue, with men following, carrying debtedness or liability to which the corB. Friedman is in charge of the dinporation is at any lime to subject itself _ , „ ,, ing room and Mrs. Max Herzoff is in the Torahs. AH children are invited to shall not exceed two-thirds of its capital stock, provided this restriction shall not Featured on the Succoth program ; c h o f the refreshments. The meet- participate in the processional. apply to indebtedness represented by obliicVwill open l i e seasons a e t m - ; ^ ^ b i n a t 8 . O . d o c k ; All Jewish children will be excused gations secured liy liens on property of ties of the Poale Zion branch of the from school during Succoth and Sim-the value exceeding the amount of the indebtedness nt least 2."i%, nor to National Workers Alliance, Sunday chath Torah, according to word re- secured any guarantee made by the corporation for evening, October 8, will be a play, ceived by Rabbi Rabinowitz from Mr. the payment of any.obligations transferred it where the same nre secured by prowritten by Mr. Abe Stillman, local L. W. Feik, superintendent of schools. by perty as nbove indicated. The affairs of Zionist and Hebrew scholar. The play, The first Sisterhood meeting of the Over 100 children are enrolled in the corporation shall lie conducted by a
AM W17fWI7€!IYAV '.T^day evening, October 10, the U N - W H l l n J l 5 l / i l I Ladies' Auxiliary of Shaare Zion;Syny
In Music Groups
Shaare Zion
Poale Zion
VANCE, Attorneys Omaha National Bank Bids.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEX:That the undersigned have formed n corporation. The name of the corporation is "JOHN VOLZ, INC.," and its principal place of business shall be in the City of Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska. "The corporation is authorized to establish and maintain a merchant tailoring business and to buy and sell all items handled in connection wtih such business, and to buy, seli. acquire, lease, dispose of. alienate and/or encumber any and all kinds of real nnd personal property: the corporation shall have authority to borrow money nnd to issue its notes, mortgages, stock, or other obligations for that purpose. The authorized capital stock is $5,000.00, divided into HO shares of the par value of $100.00 each, all of which shall be common and fully paid nnd non-assessable when issued. The corporation shall commence business upon the filing of the Articles of Incorporation with the County Clerk of Douglas County, Nebraska, nnd shall continue until January 1st, Jti-IS. The highest amount of indebtedness shall not exceed two-thirds of its capital stock. The affairs of the corporation shall be innunistered by a Uonrd of not less Ihiiu two. nor more than five directors, who shall elect a President, Vicepresident, Secretary, nml Treasurer, from their number. The Arlie)f-fc mav be amended. Tlie ccrporation n a y have n seal. Dated at Omnhn, Nebraska, this 20th day of September, 1933. A. GUEEXBERG H. B. COHEN. 9-29-33-4t.
Inion State Bank Building Omaha, Neb.
IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF DOUGLAS COUNTY. NEBRASKA. BERNARD JOHNSON, 1'iaintiff, o n e SOT vs. No. 2W ELLA JOHXSOX, NOTICE Defendant. ) To ELLA JOHNSON", whose place of residence is unknown ,and upon whom personal service of summons cannot be bad, defendant: Toil are hereby notifiedtihnt on the n t h day of September, 1U33, lSeruard Johnson as plaintiff filed his petition against you in the District Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. Doc. ^97, No. 24N. the object and prayer of which petition is to obtain a divorce from you on the grounds of extreme cruelty. You are required to answer said petition on or before the (ith day of November. 1033, or said petition ngainst you will be taken as true. BERNARD JOHNSON. 9-22-33-3t. Plaintiff.
Chicago _$ 6.00 Los Angeles 23.00 New York ......... 19.00 Denver - . 9 00 Lincoln - 1.00 Sioux City 2.35
CRANDIC-NEVIN UNES Redick Tower Bus Depot 15th and Hamey, HA. 6100
Instinct is intelligence incapable of self-consciousness.—Sterling. PJPPIPEipngraiWlniiritnMa^^
HARDING'S QUALITY BUTTER Harding's is one of the highest scored butters sold in or about Omaha, yet it costs no more than the average butter.
fionrd of Directors consisting of not less entitled "Insured Father," „ , . » • .deals , , . » witht season will be held this noon,, at the religious school of Shaare Zion, than two nor more than five ns may lip a section of American Jewish life of M o u n t S m a i T e m p l e < following a one and comprise eight classes. Two newrixed by the by-laws. The Hoard of Direcshall elect a President. Vice-President. the lower cultural strata, with an e n - ; o , c I o c k ] u n c h e o n i n t h e T e m p I e a n n e x . instructors are Julia Bereskin and tors Secretary and Treasurer, any two of joyable bit of humor injected in it. | M i s s G l a d y s Y e aman, young Sioux Bertha Heshelow, who will be in which offices, except those of President and Vice-Presldent, may be held by the Those appearing in the play will be c ; t a t t o will be the principal charge of the assemblies. name person. Mr. Stillman, Mr. and Mrs. N. Elkin. i a k e r o f t*' v v Current Miss Ida Heshelow is in charge of he H. MARQHAUDT b e iv _ the Post Graduate class, which inMr. S. Ratner, and Mr. M. Mason. !| e yv e n tt<g o f J e w i s h i n t e r e s t E. G. MAGNEY A second short play, "On N e w ; e n fe" M r g A H cludes all the members of last year's 9-15-33-4t Iiioorporstors. Roads," will be presented by Mr, and ^ t h e s i s t e ' r h o o d Convention c u l . . c u u u u in „, „,,.«Oma-graduating class. The classes meet Mrs. J. Reznik of Omaha Mr. and ^ w i n fee e l e c t e d a t t h e m e e t i from 10:30 until 12 o'clock on Sunday. and Mrs. Rezmk have pined wide repute uf ft >s a c t i v i t i e s w i l , Rabbi Rabinowitz has been invited in Omaha Jewish circles for their por- b e a n n o u n c e d to address the Peace Meeting to be trayals in Yiddish plays, and Mrs. j Mrs. I. Miller and Mrs. M. Mushkin held Sunday, October 15 under the Reznik for her ability to interpret | are in charge of the luncheon ar- auspices of the Ministerial AssociaYiddish folk sonfs. rangements. Mrs. L. Goldberg will in- tion. Mr. Herman Mirowitz will lead an ^ ^ ^ ^ aand n d Mrs. M r s Lou5g A succah has been donated to the improvisation of the "Chassidic Ta- A ^_ synagogue by Mr. and 3Irs. Ben Sheroff a ide & ] g him will be Mr. I. Lub- * ble." Assisting man, which will be a permanent fix" man, Mr. N. Maisel, Mrs. L. ShindIer, ture and will accommodate 75 people. Mrs. A. Stillman, Mr. N. Elkin and Mr.. M. Mason. Mr. Mirowitz in addition will sing a group of Yiddish folk Births g Mr. Aaron Tabaix will p evenng, Rabbi ;Lewis will songs. present j Thiss evening, Mri and Mrs. Frank Fine, 2620 ssveral solos on the concertina, and k on the h subject bj '''An A Amazing Pierce" street announce the. birth of i d speak a violin and piano background will-be, Book-'* .Services' will begin at S o'clock, a Son on September 28, a t the LuChassldic songs.-;,* songs-;* - ' : \ Wednesday •, nigh^ -;' Rabbi Lewis theran hospital. given the Chassidic ^—i '— The program will start promptlv.atj 8:15 and will be open to theipublic;
Be Sure That the Butter You Buy Is
Announcing OurAnnual
Mount Sinai
ANNOUNCE COMMITTEES FOR LADIES'AUXOARY At the first meeting of the Ladies' Auxiliary: of Shaare Zion Synagogue; the -following committee••" chairmen were appointed for the coming season: Mrs. David Mazor. membership; Mrs. J. Kauffman. visiting; Mrs. Max Herzoff, menus; Mrs. A. B. Friedman, dining room; Mrs..Ben Baron, finances; Mrs. J. N. Krueger, Mrs. Sam Weiner, house: Mrs. H. R. Rabinowitz, Sunday School; Mrs. Morey Lipshutz, publicitv; Mrs. J. H. Mosowj purchasss; Mrs. Rueben Miller, entertainment; Mrs. S. H. Shulkin, cultural. The appointments were made by Mrs. Barney Baron, president of the Auxiliary. The outline of activities for the group for: the coming season includes the following events: Annual Show, November 8; Appreciation Luncheon and Meeting, November 21; Auxiliary Banquet and Birthday Party. December -13; Kadima party, January; Luncheon fnd Patriotic program, February 20; Purim entertainment and Card Party, March; Passover projyram and-meeting, Anril; Mother and Daughter Banquet, May 2; Closing meeting of season, May 15. The announcement was made at the meeting that this year, in place of holding a rummage sale, old clothes would be collected and distributed between the^ Jewish Community Center and the Court House. Anyone having donations of clothing for this project Is asked to call Mrs. A. Slntsky.
Students Enroll A ;number of Sioux Cityans are amohflr those registered at Mornmgside Colleee this year. Among them are Inez Leaff, Archie Kantor, Sam Janowitz, Paul Haffits, Mrs. L. S. Goldberg, Mrs. D. L. Rodin, Dorothy Merlin, Saretta Krigsten, Ida Edelman, Sulamith Bereskin, N a o m i Sacks, Dorothy M. Gelson, Gisela Pill, Marvin Klass, and Martin Kronick.
Correct lighting -will help the children do homework correctly! Empty sockets make no light. Keep every socket filled . . . plenty of light for every member of the family. Eyestrain is expensive. It means doctor's bills and glasses. For a few cents' an evening you can burn enough lamps to make good light for the whole family.
Lamps . . onHand!
BUY AT THE DOOR1 Buy your winter's supply of lamps from the Lamp Man who will slop at your door. H e wears a red and white arm band. He is one of 40 of Omaha's unemployed who are now canvassing the city with Mazda Lamps. Help him out by baying a carton of lamps . . . something, you really need.
Buy Before Prices Go Higher ! !
OW—"Swap" your oldj fcattereS, winter-worn tires for handsome, rugged new MOHAWKS. "Swap" danger ior safety. Swap scuffed, threadbare "underpinnings" for the clean-cut, good looks of these 1933 Mohawks.
Mohawk Heavy Duty
Mohawk De Luxe
4,50-20.. %%M.. $ 7.60 4.50-21.. 6.20.. 7.90 4.75-£9.. 6.70.. &25-I8.. 3.10.. 5.50-C9.. 9.40.. 11.50
Our Annual "Tire-Swap" is ike buying opportunity of the season! We mean business! We want you to know just how good Mohawk Tires are—-and we're ready to take in your old casings at figures that will astound you! Never before have genuinej world-famous Mohawks been so easy to own!
These prices are subject to change without notice—so if you are needing new tires before •winter—better act at once.
But don't take our word for it. Make us "say it with dollars!" Drive your car in and get our amaring of* fer during our Annual "Tire-Swap."
7 am ike Lamp Man!" Remember that M O H A W K Tires are backed by • Company with a 19-year record for quality I
Cast Chosien for !•• "OvertheHiir The cast for the Annual Revue, to" be; • presented under the , auspices of the Ladies' Auxiliary of SHaarerZiori Synagogue, was chosen this week and include? th& following: Mrs. S. H. Shhlkin/Mrs.-Jack Kozberg, Alfred Albert, Joe Levin, Morris Borshevsky, Frank'Margolin,"and Art Bergen. '.' The play, which is entitled "Over the Hill," will be given at the Orpheum Theatre, Wednesday evening, November 8. Mrs. Rueben Miller isin t-harge ,' of the arrangements, - with Mrs. ,Mike Mushkin ana Mrs. A. B. Frie&iian assisting her. ' '
Carton of 6 for $1.20 25—40—50—60—75 WATT These lamps will be purchased through your neighborhood dealer and charged on your Electric Service Bill frcrn t!i« . Nebraska Power Company.
Road Service 7 A. M.—10:30 P. M. GOOD USED TIRES, $ 1
Corner 17thandCapitol Ave.
Phone AT 6 4 2 7
r-v •„-••••&•