Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism
Interests of the Jewish People MMMIMW
Klili-n <i as Si-i I'nm o i l ! r e Ht ( I I
ForumProj •• Enthusiasi
Slnil Mallet oil J.liiu;ir> VT(.' at *ini*ku. miller ?he Art,tit Manh a. ISTa
Grossman Attacks i Propagandists
"There are Hitlers among all naTickets Being Sold for Series of tions—there are hungry and discour- counteract the cries of the hungry." He told how the Nazis in Germany Five Outstanding aged people ready to believe any discriminated against the Jewish peoLectures fraudulent, anti-Semitic charges, and ple, emphasizing that "never since
Fashion Revue and Highland Saturday Evening A gala Frolic and Fashion Revue will be given by the Highland Country Club this Saturday, October 14, at 8 p. m., at the Paxtcn Hotel ballroom. Sam Leon is chairman, assisted by Mrs. Philip Levey, Mrs. M. S. Livingston, Mrs. Abe Herzberg, and Mrs. David Cohen.^ Those who will *model include the Misses Jane Ro&enstock, Bernice Sherman, Frances i' Bergman, Bernice Yousem, Irene Morris, Marjorie Hiller, Sylvia Zevin, and Flora Marks, and Mesdames Bert Hene, Maurice Jt.cklin, Julius Newman and Leo Krasne. \ An elaborate floor show is being planned for the occasion. Leslie Burkenroad will be master of ceremonies. After the style kevue and floor show, there will be| a keno game. Non-members are cordially invited to attend. About seven hundred are expected to attendi
Vol. IX—No. 37
Commission to Care for Refugees from Germany Kerch Jews Get Right to Transport Property to Palestine in Advance
Nazis Finally Agree to High Coinniisioner Appointed By League
even this noble and great democracy days of the Spanish Inquisition The enthusiastic response to date of ours is not immune," Joseph F. the have the Jewish people suffered such of the general public to the list of Grossman, of Chicago, president of tortures as they have in Germany Community Forum series speakers District Grand Lodge No. 6 of the since Hitler's advent to power." demonstrates that the.choice of the B'nai Brith, pointed out to a capacity He told of the Nazi cells in the BERLIN (J. T. A.)—Permission to committee in charge meets with pop- audience at the J. C. C. auditorium United States. There are seven . in Tuesday evening. . Jews who are planning to leave for ular approval. Chicago alone. He also told of their Palestine but who find it impossible -The Forum series opens on Mon"We are living in an age of attempts to spread Nazi propaganda to go at the present time has been day evening, December 4, when Dor- strange paradoxes," the s p e a k e r in this country, anti-Semitic in charAn independent commission with granted by the government, to for- an international complexion will be the Philippines, and Herbert Hoover, • pthy Thompson (Mrs. Sinclair Lewis) stated. "The J e w i s h people are acter. ward property in the form of goods formed to care for and solve the former president of the U n i t e d speaks about Germany. charged with controlling the capital The anti-defamation league of the to the Holy Land. A guarantee that refugee problem of those fleeing1 the States. •Norman Thomas, socialist candi- wealth of the world, and yet they B'nai Brith, Mr. Grossman pointed The High Commissioner will be apthey will leave Germany is necessary Nazi regime in Germany. date forpresident in the last election are charged at the same time with out, does valuable work in battling pointed by the League of Nations. from the Palestine office in Berlin. ,d a silver-tongued orator, will speak the crime of communism and sabot- such propaganda. He cited several This was determined at the comThe Palestine office was empower- mittee sessions of the League of day evening, January 8. age to destroy the capitalistic sys- examples of effective work in comed to issue certificates enabling Jews Nations held in Geneva this week.' On Wednesday evening, February tem. They are charged with instigat- batting anti-Semitic efforts. GENEVA —At a session of the to transfer their property by Dr. External pressure from the delegates 14, Bishop Francis J. McConnell will ing all the wars, yet since the days He also stressed the necessity for Karl Schmitt," minister of economics. of the other countries forced Ger- subcommittee of the League of Nalecture. He is one of the leaders of of Isaiah they have continuously having such anti - defamation work The certificates will make it possible many to agree to this commission, tions, a resolution was adopted for Protestant Christianity in America preached peace. done by a responsible committee or for Jews to send their property and though her delegates strenuously op- submission lo the parent body by and is a past president of the Fed"These charges are the cries of body who after considering the probremain in. the Reich . indefinitely. A posed the light of the league to dis- which minority people will be afforderal Council of Churches of Christ in j demagogues, - - those. desiring to per- j lem carefully, would sneak in the ed tangible and substantial protecrider to the decree orders the Cur- cuss the matter. America. He is a great liberal. petuate their selfish ambitions or to n a m e o f t h e J e w i s } 1 peO ple. He illustion. rency Board not to bar shipping of Oswald Garrison Villard will come However, Germany made it a contrated how harmful it would be if goods by Jews possessing certifi- dition The atmosphere was charged with here for the night of March 14. Ediof her agreeing that the comeach individual undertook to right a cates. tense feeling. The German delegates tor of the "Nation," he is a trenchmission will not be under the aegis took a firm and implacable stand supposed wrong. ant critic of American life and one of the League. "In dealing with the German sitof the country's leading liberal thinkAccording to advance reports, a against iccognizing the Jews as a uation," Mr. Grossman stated, "the ers and writers. High Commissioner would administer minority and therefore disqualifying B'nai Brith did highly effective work BUDAPEST, Hungary (J. T. A.)— The series will be brought to a the project. He would be allowed the them from League intervention. This through diplomatic channels. We did The Austrian government will settle close on April 11 when Maurice "fullest freedom of action." Geneva front was broken through by the opnot publish what we were doing with the Jewish question when, it has Samuel appears here. Samuel is one newspapers mention for the post the posing opinions of the delegates of fanfare and a brass band, but we solved other, important state probof the best Jewish speakers to ever names of Colonel Theodore Roose- other nations. worked along sane, diplomatic lines." lems, ' the Austrian Vice-Chancellor The resolution answered this quesappear in Omaha and he gained wide Basket ball is getting off to a fly- velt, Jr., former governor general cf tion, over the German protest, as popularity and praising comment the New Wave of Violence, Arrests, He told how this type of action Emil Fey, declared in an interview ing start way ahead of season at the worked successfully. Tortures and Boycott with the Hungarian newpaper, Pesti follows: "Assembly considers forelast time he spoke in the city. J. C. C, as physical director M. H. B'nai Brith is now celebrating its Hirlap. Reported . going principles are applicable to all Grodinsky Urges Support. ninetieth birthday. In his address, ."I have never been an anti-Sem- Sogolow is tuning up the machinery categories of nationals who differ "The Community Forum is recogLONDON (J. T. A.)—From au- Mr. Grossman told of the origin of ite," said Major Fey, "neither in for the winter indoor sport. from the majority in race, languag* nized as being an invaluable cultural A meeting of managers will be the order and its changes to meet and religion.'" asset to Omaha," declared William thoritative sources, the Jewish Tel- changing conditions, defending Jew- principles nor in feelings, neverthe- held on Monday evening,. October 16, egraphic Agency learned that a new Despite the fact that to date the less, measures against the Jews are Grodinsky, chairman of the educaat 7:30 p. m., at the Center to diish institutions and the Jewish name, action taken has been favorable to tional committee of the Jewish Com- wave of anti-Semitism expressing it- perpetuating the Jewish faith through unavoidable as the result of the genthe Jewish people, it is the general eral situation. However, the Jewish munity Center, which has charge of self in physical violence, arrests and its work among the youth. feeling in Geneva that condemnation problem is not an immediate one. junior loops and to award contracts. the Forum, "and we are therefore a renewal of the economic boycott, At the last meeting held Monday Prior to his address, Mr. Gross- There are more important problems of Germany's repressive anti-Jewish hopeful that our present ticket-selling has broken out in Germany. ten teams applied for franchises in international bessions to He At- measures is being soft-pedalled. Even in Berlin Jews are again dis- man was honor guest at a dinner waiting for solution. campaign will be the most successful the two leagues for the pre-season at the J. C. C. At noon he was hontended by Many Jewish appearing under mysterious circumThe general resolution proposed by "It is necessary to solve the Jewexperienced. ored at a luncheon at the Hill Hotel ish problem on the basis of national play. The t e a m s and managers: stances. They are being taken from Dr. Frangulies, Greek jurist, does Representatives "The lecturers who have appeared Mother's Cookies, Abe Katz; Psi Mu, by the past presidents and officers not come up for discussion at the on the Forum rostrum in previous their homes, not by uniformed Nazis, of the local lodge of the B'nai Brith. minority recognition, -whereby the Iz Bogdanoff; Xi Lambda, O s c a r as has been the case previously, but LONDON (J. T. A.)—Representa- present assembly. T h i s resolution government will ..not tolerate the years fcave brought prestige to cur Mayerowich; A. Z. A. 1, Jack Temin; At the mass meeting, Harry MonCommunity Center, and this year the by the police. Many of those who sky, a member of the executive of rowdy anti-Semitism of the Nazis. A. Z. A. 100, Nate Crourise; Yaffe tives of Jewish institutions from all would guarantee Jewish rights in all over the world were invited to be countries now threatened with antiEven the Heimwe&r does not desire speakers obtained are outstanding have been placed under arrest have the international order, presided. to solve the Jewisl| problem with the Printers, Sol Yaffe; Up-to-Date Clo- represented at the London conference Semitism, and protect them on huas, if not more outstanding, than in not been seen since. The victims inthiers, Hy Giller; Tuxis A. C., Ray ; clude many aged men and-women. called to discuss the German-Jewish manitarian grounds. fist.. The best proof of that is that the past. T : the- Heimwehr entails as members, Shapiro; Pants Store, Morrie Ep- situation. The gathering is to be Beginning l i b i s ^ e k , a,_spedal' de-^ '-' -^^We are'''fraiibIsr;.protid of the arstein. At Sixth Session. known 'officially "as" the "=Go-nf.erenee respectable patrioticj. Jews." ray of brilliant lecturers who will partment has been established by the The incompatibility of the minorSix will be in the senior loop, and for the Belief of German Jewry and . speak ^ here.-and J. we jjrge the entire secret police headquarters for dealfour in the junior. The senior league will open on October 29 in the build- ity agreements with the treatment of ing solely with the cases of Jews. VIENNA (J. T. A.)—The press community to support the project to the Jews in Germany received etnLast week the School of Jewish here featured the Fey interview as starts play Thursday, October. 26, at ing of the Board of Deputies of phasis at last Tuesday's session of. the full by buying season tickets and 7 p. m., and the junior league on j ° B ;tish J e w s Youth, whose activities are under the an anti-Semitic sensation, and interattending each Forum number." the sixth commission of the League, direction : of the Youth Association preted the Vice-Chancellor's declar- Sunday, October 29, at 1:30 p m . i n v i t a t i o l i s t o t h e confe rence when a protracted debate developed Refunds. Followmg the pre-season league ' ation as an intention to introduce ^ The members of the educational and which is supported by the Jewon the Nazi treatment of their Jewp the numerus clausus against the Jews the regular season will get under committee are now engaged in sell- ish organizations, was raided. One o f ish population. way about December 1. B o a r d rf D e p u t i e s o f CINCINNATI, Ohio (J. T. A.)— in all branches of Austrian life, being the Forum tickets. A season's hundred students were arrested, takPleas for solving the minority All managers must be present at j Monten d the L e o nAnglo-Jewish ard All managers must be present at B r i t i s hp r e s i d e n t a of ticket for the five lectures is three en to the Elsasser Strasse police sta- ongratulations on the attainment of cause the national minority status is problem so as to protect minorities fc A f h ts 90th birthday and for its record tantamount to numerus clausus. Monday's meeting. An entrance fee Association, '£ . , „ of, the ., ,Joint . . without country or state were mads dollars. Single admissions will be one tion and subjected to an all-night mon behalf B and bond of good faith will be terrogation. The ages of-the arrested of achievement, were received here Major Fey promptly; denied the corForeign Committee of the Board of by delegates from France, Sweden, dollar. by B'nai Brith, Jewish world-wide rectness of the interpretations and quired from = each quintet. students range from 18 to 20. Deputies and the Anglo-Jewish As- Poland, and Spain. The references Due to the fact that last year the fraternal order with affiliated mem- stated that all he said was that the Physician Beaten. sociation, the Alliance Israelite Uni- made by the French and Spanish talk by Warden Lewis E. Lawes had A well-known Jewish physician of ership of 603 lodges throughout the Jewish problem does not exist in verselle, the American Jewish Com- delegates to the Jewish question were to be cancelled because of. the speakworld. Austria, but that if it should arise, mittee, the American Jewish Con- applauded by the assembly. er's illness, all those who had tickets Berlin was stopped by the Nazis President Roosevelt, writing to Al- his solution was national minority while driving on the Kurfuerstendam last year are allowed a refund of the C mmittee f At another s e s s i o n , particular Delegat: 50 cents on the purchase of a ticket without being given an explanation. fred M. Cohen, president, expressed status for the Jews, with all minorstress was laid on the necessity of his felicitations in a communication He was carried off to a Nazi cellar ity rights. . n The proposed committees, which in this year. increasing immigration to Palestine A memorial meeting for Morris the absence of an agenda, indicate in view of the German-Jewish sitThe Austrian Vice-Chancellor disAnyone wishing additional infor- and placed in adjoining cells. The which read as follows: "Celebration this"year of the nine- claimed any other pronouncements Hilquit, national socialist leader of the matters that are to be discussed, mation about the tickets or the se- physician was beaten and his friend's uation. anniversary of the founding of contained in the alleged interview. New York, who died, early this week, a r e : ries is asked to call the Jewish Com- wife was compelled to scrape off her tieth manicured nails with a knife which B'nai Brith should be the cause of will be held at the Labor Lyceum, 1. A Palestine committee. munity Genter.. the Nazis thrust into her hand. The rejoicing to all who cherish freedom, 22nd and Clark Streets, this eve2. An economic committee, subNazis painted her face with lipstick, justice and truth and who are interning, October 13, at 9 p. m., under divided into four committees, for shouting abuse at her. When they ested in the improvement of condithe auspices of the Workmen's Circle reconstruction work in Germany, were finally released they saw on tions of our fellowmen and Nation. Branch No. 173. emigration, relief outside of GerBERLIN (J. T. A.)—Approval ot "The people of the United States approaching their home, lights in the He was chairman of the executive many and finances. German Jews who are Zionists was windows. Suspecting a raid, they tel- have had an unusual opportunity to of the socialist party in the United 3. An academic committee for expressed by the powerful Hugenberg ephoned their house from the home know and to evaluate the services i Announcement wasr made today by States, having been a socialist leaddealing with the problems of chain of newspapers owned by Dr. of a neighbor and were told by a your order has performed, particular- Mrs. Harry -Z.- Rosenfeld, convention er for the past forty-five years. He refugee scholars and teachers. The invited organisations were re- Alfred Hugenberg, nationalist leads? > Jacob S. Pearlstien, executive di- stranger that the occupants were not ly in promoting international good chairman, that Omaha has be?n se- was also an active leader in the quested to send not only delegates, and deposed minister of economics. rector of the J. C. C. and Welfare at home. Their neighbor, an aged will, in aiding the poor and stricken lected as the convention center for trade unions. but also experts on the various sub- The papers ridiculed Jews who conP'yieration, has been placed in charge Jew, volunteered to enter the house and in uniting American Jewry in District No. 20 of the National Fedsider themselves Germans. but he never service to their .country and to hu- eration of Temple Sisterhoods. The jects to be discussed. of radio publicity for the annual and see who was there, 1 convention will be held Tuesday and manity. returned and there is no indication The papers indicate that German Omaha Community Chest drive, acgovernment circles are sympathetic to "To B'nai Brith I extend congrat- Wednesday, November 14 and 15, cording to an announcement made as to what happened to him. the Zionist movement, which need not thfc$ week by Walter F. Cozad, gen- Feeling responsible for the fate of ulations for past achievements and with headquarters at the Blackstone fear suppression. The Jewish Telethe old man, the husband and wife best wishes for continued future Hotel. eral chairman. District No. 20 is composed of Ne- : The annual card party of the Pio1 graphic Agency learns, however, tb*i": The campaign will be held October went to the police station to obtain success." braska, Iowa, Missouri. and Kansas. neer Women to raise funds for the Zionist headquarters in Berlin, espewhat information they could, but The order of B'nai Brith which 31 to November 9. The quota has Mesdames Jeane£te M. Arnstein, cially those branches assisting emithey too have since disappeared. was founded in New York City, Ocbeen set at $603,136. kvutzos in 'Palestine will be held A farewell concert will be given gration to Palestine, are CIORP!'" Outrages Are Unexplained. tober 13, 1843, has as its mission Max Holzman and M. L. Cohn are The Jewish Community Center and Tuesday afternoon, October 17, at 2 by Cantor Joseph Malek at the B'nai watched by agents of the political pomembers of Mrs. Rosenfeld's commitA Berlin Jew, who was taken from "uniting Israelites in their best interWelfare Federation is a constituent o'clock at the J. C. C. The proceeds Israel synagogue, 18th and Chicago lice to ascertain whether all activities agency of the Community Chest, and his home last week, was subsequent- ests and those of humanity." At the tee. Other chairmen are: Reception, Mrs.-If. Mantel; Dec- will also go toward making room in streets, this coming Sunday evening, going on are strictly. Zionist. the J. C. C. and family welfare and ly found, dead in prison. His family outset of its organization, the order children's care budgets are set by received" two death certificates, one functioned with secret ritual and im- orations, Mrs. Louis Kulakofsky; Mo- Palestine -for hundreds of Jewish October 15, at 8 p. m. Cantor Malek, stating that he had died of pneu- pressive ceremonials, all of which tor Corps, Mrs. Sam Berkowitz; Reg- girls forced to flee Germany because who has been in Omaha for the holythe Chest. day season, was cantor in a local In urging the utmost support for monia and the other that he died of were later eliminated. Its earliest istration, Miss H a z e l Degen and synagogue a few years back. achievement was the erection of the Mrs. Sam Gilinsky; Reservations, of Nazi persecutions. the coming drive, Pearlstien stated: hunger. Mrs. J. Hahn is chairman of the He has conducted the services in Cleveland Jewish Orphan Home in Mrs. David Rosenstock; Luncheons "The problem of the Jewish Federaand Dinners, Mesdames Harry Wolf, affair. The members of the other some of the largest synagogues in 1868 which was rebuilt in 1930. tion is inseparably interwoven with The date of the stag dinner br An important phase of its social Mollie C o h e n , Charles Schimmel; Jewish women's organizations are in- the country, succeeding Cantor Rosthe success or failure of the Omaha vited to attend. the Brotherhood of Temple Israel has Publicity, Mrs. Morris. E. Jacobs. enblatt at the Ohab Zedek synawork was the care of Jewish immiCommunity Chest. gogue. He also made several concert been changed to Tuesday, October gration in the 1880's. B'nai Brith "The most worthwhile Jewish intours with the late Cantor Rosen- 17, at 7 p. m., at the Blackstom founded and allocated large sums for stitution i n . O m a b a is the Jewish Hotel. blatt. The program of popular activities the support of the Erie Orphan Community Center, and the most imThe guest of honor will be Rabh; Cantor Malek will sing religious Home, the Atlanta Home for Orin the physical education department portant branch of our work is that songs as well as Hebrew and Yid- David H. Wice, who was recentlr of the'Family Welfare department, of the J. C. C. is under way, and is phans, the Memphis Home- for the dish folk songs. He will be accom- named associate rabbi at the Temple, rendering service to and caring for meeting with enthusiastic response Aged, the Yonkers Home for the An excellent program of enterpanied at the piano by Mrs. Henry Handball, volleyball, and calisthen Aged, the National Jewish Hospital over one hundred Jewish families. tainment has been arranged, and s. SAN FRANCISCO (J. T. A.)-r- speakable persecutions in Germany." Monsky. And these are supported by the Com- ics are the major diversions" of the of Denver, the Leo N. Levi MemoM senior men, though- the handball rial Hospital and the Touro In- The members of a Christian congre- . Dr. Sherman has designated the The various rabbis of the city will large number have already munity Chest. firmary; - . ; gation were asked to fast Sunday as occasion of bis church service as a also be present. Part of the pro- reservations. "Due to the increase in the de- courts are crowded. On October 18 the order will ded- penance for the crimes of Hitlerism "Christian Day of Atonement for ceeds from the concert will go to the The Health Club meets daily a mands for Chest funds to support Crimes Against Jews." Jewish National Fund. bur own and other community ac- noon. Volleyball is so popular with icate the ninth of its university cul- against the Jews of Germany. Cantor Malek promises that "this Elaborating on his novel plan, the Announcement of t h i s intention tivities, it is obvious that there ought them that plans are going forward tural centers at Northwestern. The Hillel Foundation will be supported was made at a recent mass meeting Rev. Mr. Sherman said: concert will be outstanding, one to to be a most generous response to the for a noon league. Reducing exercises and volleyball by the B'nai Brith Wider Scope fund. of San Franciscans by the Rev. WalChest campaign." "We can and will unite with Jew- be remembered." While here, he has The current year marks also the ter John Sherman, minister of the ish people everywhere in fullest col- sung before a large number of the The congregation of Adass Yasnare the favorite pastimes in the gym Hungarian Anti-Semites urim, 25th and Seward, adopted tfcf for the matron women and busines twentieth birthday of the Anti-De- First Methodist Episcopal church of laboration for the enrichment of the Jewish organizations. commission form of management *t girls. A basket ball loop for thi famation League and the tenth year Oakland. Sentenced life of man. The pity of this perseBERLIN.—All government officials the election held Snnday evening. "I know of no precedent for this cution is not finally the damage to BUDAPEST, H u n g a r y . -Three younger women will formed. of the Hillel foundations. The B'nai The seven commissioners electee Hungarian Nazi leaders, BoeszermenPhysical Director Morris H. Sogo- Brith sponsors as one of its chief in my denomination," he declared at be done the Jewish people in their were ordered to submit proof to the yi, Olah and Lengyel, were sentenced low urges everyone to "get in con- activities the Aleph Zadik Aleph, a the mass meeting, "but on next Sun- bodies or possessions. The pity of it authorities, previous to ttxeir mar- are G. Soref, Max Kirshenbaum, Joe to eleven weeks iimprisonment foriin- dition.'' He invites consultation on junior order for» youths between 16 day evening I shall \ ask ;my congrei will be seen in damage done to the riage, that their intended brides are Ban, Abe Kirshenbaum,. J. Shukert, and 21 years of age. M. Cohen, and Joseph Cohen citing against the Jewish religion. of Aryan descent. Otherwise. > physical education problems. gants to' fast in protest of the un- soul of Germany."
Minority Iftatiis f or JewstfJrged as Solution in Austria
Planning Pre-Season Basket Ball League
Memorial Meeting at . Labor Lyceum Tonight \Zll£L
Hugenberg Papers in Approval of Zionism
Sisterhood Conclave for Omaha Announced by Mrs. Rosenf eld
Community Chest Campaign to Begin r Here October 31
Pioneer Women Card Party Next Tuesday Farewell Concert by Cantor Malek on Sunday Evening
Stag for Rabbi Wice to Be Held Tuesday
Increased Popularity of Gym at Genter
Congregation Asked to Fast As Penance for Nazi Crimes
Adass Yeshurim Name Seven Commissioners
Ludwig Plea for to Unite! Is Famed Biographer Warns That Herein Lies the^Only Solution
With Service Life
and hig sister, Mrs. Jack Marer of Omaha, are expected home today from Jincinnati, Ohio, where they were called last week upon the death of their father, Mr. Aaron Gluckman, at the age of 55, due to injuries received in an automobile accident recently in Jincinnati.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel H. Katelman t-nteriained the members of their Evening Bridge club at their home Tuesday evening. Mrs. L. Cherniack returned home from Los Angeles, Cal., where she spent th-3 summer months.
Miss Gertrude Somit of Los AngeThe Chevra B"nal Yisroel society les, Cal., arrived here last Saturday held its semi-annual election of of- to spend a couple of weeks here visficers Sunday afternoon at the syna- iting relatives in Omaha and Council gogue. Mr. S. Shyken was elected Bluffs. president to succeed Mr. Sam Sacks. Other officers chosen were H. Saltzman, vice-president; O. Hochman, Mrs. Harry Bromberg entertained secretary; Dave Fox, treasurer; and sixteen children at her home last SatMessrs. Barney Gilinsky, Sam Gross, urday afternoon in celebration of llie second birthday of her daughter, Pegand Charles Saltzman, as trustees. gy Ann. An orange and black color Mrs. J. Mendelson returned home scheme was carried out. Monday following a visit in S t Louis, Mo., and Greenfield, III., where she The Council Bluffs Senior Hadasvisited her brother-in-law and sister, sah held its opening meeting of the Mr. and Mrs. William Greenstein. A season Wednesday afternoon at the son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Green- Hotel Chieftain. The same officers stein last Thursday. Mrs. Greenstein who were re-elected for the coming will be remembered here as Miss Reva year are: Mrs. Herman Marowitz, president; Mrs. Ben Kubby, vice-presNoddle. ident; Mrs. Franks Krasne, recording secretary; Mrs. Albert Krasne, fiDr. and Mrs. Isaac Sternhill have nancial secretary; and Mrs. Richard as their house guest for this month, Gordon, treasurer. Mrs. Marowitz their cousin, Miss Frances Sternhill was chosen as representative of the of New York City. local chapter to the National Senior
Council Bluffs News BY F- E. K.
One-,'hundred and fifty persons attended a banquet at the Chevra B'nai Ylsroel Synagogue Monday evening whjeh. was given by the Council Bluffs Lodge No. 688 of the Independent Order-of the B'nai Brith to honor Mr. John Beber. and Mrs. Joseph F. Grossman of Chicago, 111. Mr. Grossman is president John Beber has been -appointed of the District Grand Lodge No. 6 of manager of the monthly premium department for the state of Nebraska By EMIL LUDWIG the B'nai Brith. for the Service Life Insurance ComMr. Robert Lappen of Des Moines, The famous German-Jewish biogra- with personally told me that they as all fundamentals of humanity. pany, according to an announcement pher, now in this country, warns in did not relish the notion of being It was a gross mistake for some la., past president of the District made by John A. Farber, president. this resounding call, presented by classed as a "minority" element (be- of -the' German Jews to buy their Grand Lodge No. 6 of the B'nai Brith, He will build a city and state-wide special permission from the New ing Jewish), but rather that they freedom by exporting German goods was also a guest at the banquet, Can- organization. York Daily Mirror, that the solution preferred still to be Germans in the to Palestine and thus being permit- tor A. Schwaczkin of Omaha sang. Beber demonstrated that he was a THE of the Jewish problem can be found nationalistic sense, even though they ted to keep part of their money. Following the banquet, an open successful trainer of men while "workmeeting and program was held and This means that if I wished to avoid only in the union of all Jews as a were slaughtered, driven, plagued my torturers and attempted to leave several hundred persons attended the ing here for the Metropolitan and single nation.—THE EDITOR. ON D and insulted. I must buy my freedom in initial ion of new members. Mr. Louis Hancock companies. He was assisFLOUR This seeming lack of self-respect Germany terms of cooking-pots, pianos or H. Katelman was chairman of the eve- tant district manager of the Hancock If the Jews of Germany and theon the part of the subjects of the automobiles! ning's program. Mr. 0. Hochman gave firm for five and a half years and of Nebraska Women in the depression year of 1932 led •world do not learn of their own faults Hitler Hymn of Hate and banishment Such a situation cannot last. And the address of welcome. the country on production. through this bloody catastrophe of only serves to make the Nazi the only in the union of all Jews all TLe initiation of fifteen new memTry a Bag Today The agents now associated with the Hitler terror, then they are notmore triumphant. Today, when mi- over the world in a national unit ca- bers to the "Joseph F. Grossman norities are defended by the world •worth any more; than the Germans Mr. Beber are Arthur Lerner, Sam Class" of the B'nai Brith was conducpable of representing Jewry and sitthemselves who were also negligent and will soon receive the full status ting at Geneva along with the fifty- ted T>y Mr. Katelman, and assisted by Handler, Donald Stoft, supervisors; of respectable strength, banishing: in profiting by their own defeat. Jack Ban, J. J. Fink, and Morris even the term "minority" from the two nations—as the fifty-third na- Dr. Isaac Sternhill, Harry Cherniss, Fanger. The one outstanding mistake the language' Dr. Julius Moskovitz, and Ben Seldin. tion, in fact—can any solution be international council ulJews made in Germany was a tact- timate! ju of Beber's plans •call for the placing the Jews in G e r m a n y reached. THIS MUST AND WILL less blunder in permitting the shame- should of 30 additional men for the city of The marriage of. Miss Lucille KrasBE DONE. Then and then only will fight for their rights of repless forgery of the German accusa- resentation Jews find it unnecessary to resort to ne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Omaha within the next 30 days. at Geneva as a minority tions, at the time of the publication group and nation. begging as it did at the League Krasne of Council Bluffs, to Mr. Lawof the famous "The Wise Men of meeting when the Minister of Hol-rence Gordon Gross, son of Mr. and Zion," to go unchallenged. In this Take the Switzerland of today, in land spoke for them, as a human Mrs. J. A. Gross of Omaha, will take Malashock of Omaha entertained at fOR OtfLYA SPIIT-PENNY her home Thursday evening in honor fabrication the Jews of Germany, many ways the model for the newnecessity. place next Tuesday. October 17. s*t ihe of Miss Krasne and Mr. Gross. you will recall, were accused of plot- Europe. Here minorities as such are home of the bride's parents. Rabbi ting to capture the money markets unknown, in. spite of the fact, for ex- "When the Jews have thus united David A. Goldstein of Omaha will per-; as a nation, then only can they stand Martin Gluckman of Council Bluffs of the world. Subsequently, of course, ample, that one-third of the country form the ceremony in the presence, of this whole story was proved a gigan- (Tessin) speaks Italian, even though up with respect as one among the the immediate families. tic forgery, but it failed to put theItalians constitute not even five per nations of the world, along with oth- Miss Krasne has been extensively Jews on their guard. cent of the total population. Yet er minorities and smaller nationals. entertained prenuptially. Mrs. Sam Suddenly, with horror and despair, there are EQUAL RIGHTS for ALL For the Jews, with their sixteen Kaplan entertained last Thursday evethe Jews saw a land of culture risa Swiss! As the country's guest for million people, would thus bear more ning in honor'of "Miss Krasne and her up against them and tear away from over 25 years (and a- thankful and weight in the council of the smaller fiance, Mr. Gross. Miss Helen Cherthem those hard-fought rights which hopefully .grateful one, too) I was nations and in the world than their niacfc entertained at a luncheon at the took them a whole century of strife perfectly welcome and enjoyed the present scattered strength permits. Paxton Hotel Saturday complimentary to achieve. It was as though, the country's hospitality with full free- Next year the World Congress of to Miss Krasne. On Monday afterOMAHA'S STYLf tfMM . . . UTM AMD NARNEY Jewry will stabilise and unify the noon, Mrs. Elmer Gross of Omaha enAmerican Negro Vwere.- suddenly to bedom. pitiably scattered, vitality of 2,000 confronted with an. edict from Wash- A nation which violates the spirit tertained twenty guests at a luncheon ington depriving him of his liberty of liberty and right in its citizenry years of divided forces. bridge at the Paxton hotel. Mrs. Max once again, shattering the immortal and even in its guest-citizenry (if Simon was hostess to forty guests at figure of Lincoln.j(the most monu- you will) also violates the moral baMen's thoughts are much accord- a luncheon-bridge at the .. Chieftain mental spiritj in aU ' AnSerican his- sis of every religious precept as well ing to their inclinations;—Bacon. hotel Tuesday afternoon. ' Mrs. Harry tory) who burned -the essence and substance of human equality into the American Constitution with a brand of fire and blood. It was as though the untouchable holiness and singleness of meaning in that great document's purpose.were suddenly to be blotted out. Ever since the dawn of constitutional government, of the reflective impulse of law and order in civilized society, the civil rights of good citizens were never before so cruelly threatened and gnobly torn away as the Hitler atrocities have condoned. Therefore, I cannot understand how German Jews still remain loyal Germans. Many of the refugees I spoke
Omar ^•^
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Make Proposal for Huge Gas Savings A proposal to save the: Metropolitan Utilities District $100,000 next year, through the use of natural gas as an Ingredient, replacing gas oil in the manufacture of the gas now used in Om;iha, was made Wednesday afternoon by the Northern Gas and Pipe Line Company. The operating headquarters of the Natural Gas Company are in„Omaha;] witli Frank H. Brooks as president. "• The proposal of th&. Natural -Gas/ Company is for a one year trial period. The use of the natural gas would not be a "mixture" witli the manufactured gas, only an ingredient in the manufacture of gas. The'Aleiropolitan Utilities District will be-givei the option to continue the agreement after one year. The board referred the proposal to the district enginer for a report on practicability, and to its. attorney for. an opinion on its legality.
Three superb double feature programs are offered at the Avenue for the week of October 15th to 21st The first program Sunday and Monday, October 15 and 16, offers as the first feature James Cagney in "The Mayor of Hell". J ' The second feature "on the Sunday and Monday bill is Lew Ayrcs and Ginger Rogers in "Don't Bet on Love." :-.:" , ..:. ; "Storm at Daybreak" is the first of the two features: on the Tuesday; and Wednesday, October 17 and 18 program with an all star cast consisting of Kay Francis, .Nils As^ ther and Walter Huston, yv- 1 -. ;, • The last feature on the program is Fay Wray and Gene Raymond in "Ann Carver's Profession." ' The closing program for the week, Thursday, Friday and SatUlday^Oct. 19 20 and 21, offers as .the first future Barbara Stanwyck-jn "Baby Face." - . v . ;.„..- The closing feature xm- this week , -.ii is i_ Buck T> i, Jones 'TnTioa in in "Forbidden "Forbidden end, bill TraiL"
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IRST in authentic fashions . . . first in irreproachable quality . . . first in reasonable prices —The fact that this is the code under which this store operates has put Carman's FIRST in the minds of Omaha's fashion-conscious women.
AILWAY traffic—both freight and passenger—registered alarnling decline?' lft; 1930. The number of passengers carried by the railroad's was the smallest in ,25' years "and the passenger earnings of the railroads were less than any year since 1916. - ''. , ' | 1 Virtually unregulated highway competition—that is, in effect, government subsidized1— now is,making. seribus: inroads in the freight tonnage of the railroads. This does not mean tliat your railroads: ar4 in danger of being abandoned. Far from that. But, this new t'orm of unfair competition is seriously affecting the rail carriers. : £ 1 Faced with losses in passenger traffic, ranging from 30 to 50 per cent in the last ten years, and losses of freight tonnage that represents the "cream" skimmed from the business, the railroads, in addition,.are confronted with continually decreasing revenues as. a result of countless rate adjustments^"the final effect of which is an ever lower level of rates and revenues. •.--.'. The present situation is not comparable to that when the railroads supplanted the stage coaches and the river steamboats. Then, as now, the railroads were more than amply able to take care of all the traffic. But, if the unregulated, subsidized competition on highways and waterways should now destroy or cripple the railroads these other kinds of transportation could not begin to take care of the transportation requirements of this country. J £ For instance, in normal good times, the freight traffic of this country approximates 1,000,000 cars a week. Allowing three tons per truck it would require 10 million trucks, and allowing only 50 feet per truck it would take 100,000 miles of highways to line up enough trucks end to end to load this traffic. I t doesn't require much of an imagination to •picture what would happen if the railroads should cease to function. • ^ The railroads cannot adjust themselves and their service to meet the present unregulated competition. If the competition, especially that on the highways, is properly stabilized the railroads can be counted upon to continue to provide the best and cheapest transportation in the world. I solicit.; your co-operation and suggestions.
. President _
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Alliance With Italy Believed to Diminish Somewhat Danger of Semitism
Rabbi David H. Wice will speak on "Jewish Learning—Then and Now" at the Simchas Torah celebration services at Temple Israel this evening. • There will be a special ceremony symbolizing the p a s s i n g down of tradition, with the Torah being handed down - through three generations of one family. Rabbi Wice will hand the Torah to a grandfather who will hand it to his son who will in turn hand it to his son. Eabbi Frederick Cohn will deliver the sermon at the Saturday morning service. His subject will be "Greation." Leonard Kulakofsky, Ira Jackr son and Richard Josephson will par; ticipate in the service... .. Kaddish will be recited this Sabbath for Addie Gross. • ~."
Vienna, (J.T.A.)—The new Austrian cabinet of personalities, headed by Chancelor Engelbert Dollfuss, who will hold five portfolios himself,, will not change its policy of excluding • racial discrimination and anti-Semitic Nazi terror from its program. . The Austrian Jews, whether they like it or not, must be satisfied with the ' present semi-concealed antiJewish discriminations, in the hope that they may not become worse. Since the new . cabinet proclaims itself an authoritative, economic cabinet, the Jews of Austria hope for an economic revival that will help the Jews to emerge from the crisis, which has affected them' sharply. The new policy, indicating a closer co-operation with Italy, diminishes the danger of anti-Semitic Nazi influence, although on the other hand, the surprising exclusion of. General Kari Vaugoin, known as the chief Nazi opponent in Austria, and the fact that Emil Fey, well-known for his anti-Nazi attitude during his term as police president of Vienna, did not'receive' any executive power, being appointed as vice-chancellor, is noted with disquiet. These and other speculations occupy Jewish attention and have been causing a certain amount of anxiety among the Jewish population, in the midst of the' celebration of the advent of the Jewish new year. The Austrian Jews feel that the coming to power of the new cabinet does not exclude the possibility that Chancellor Dollfuss may seek a "modus Vivendi" with the Austrian Nazis and that they will be the chief sufferers if such a deal is consummated.
NEBRASKA POWERCO. ASSUMES FEDERAL TAX I Starting with this month, customers of the Nebraska Power Company will be rid of the federal tax on all electricity used for domestic and commercial purposes. No more will the additional charge of 3 per cent appear on electric^ service bills. This tax will be paid by the Nebraska Power Company, not the customer. Domestic and commercial users of electricity have been paying, the 3 per cent federal,.tax since June 20 1932.
Taking on of the federal tax by the Nebraska Power Company wil" cost the c o m p a n y approximately §1^0,000 a year, according to President J. E. Davidson. "The transfer of this tax to our company, plus the increase in city county and state taxes, plus the new federal capital tax, will bring our annual taxes to a total "of more than a million dollars, a year or. $2,700 a day," said President Davidson. "Thi means that seventeen cents out of every dollar we receive for electricity from all our custmoers will have to be paid out by us to the tax collecting agencies. Many of our customers do not realize this when they receive their electric service bills each month.
Conservative Synagogue celebrated he concluding days of Succoth as folows: On Wednesday evening, Shimni Atzereth, * the congregation assembled for services at 8 p. m. Rabbi Goldstein, spoke on "Who Gets the Most Out of Life." After the services the congregation entered the uccah for the last time this year. The women of the Auxiliary acted as hostesses. Services were also held on Thurslay morning. On - Thursday night Simchas Torah was celebrated. ..The children of the synagogue were present in large numbers and participated in the processions; around the auditorium. Services are also being held this morning. Tonight, Friday evening, there will be no late 8 o'clock service. The. congregation will gather for Sabbath eve services - at 6 o'clock. Next Week. • With the passing of the holyday season, the regular Friday evening services will be resumed next Friday evening.
On Mor'aay evening at 8 p. m. the Hebrew Class, sponsored by the Junior Vaad Auxiliary, will hold its first session. Anyone interested in Hebrew is urged to be present. On Wednesday evening the Che v a Sha'aa will meet at the Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol synagogue, at 8 p. m.
Senior Council The Senior Council opened its season at "a meeting held at the J. C. C. a week 'ago Monday. The presidents of the various clubs and Senior Council members: met with Julius Bisno, and Selma Lotman, who is the new-advisor to the Council... A plan for the future program was discussed. T h e constitution - w a s amended, extending the range of ages in .the- Council fronr 16 to 26 instead of 17 to 22 years as in the past". J . - S . Pearlstien, executive director of the Center, compared the program of the Omaha Council with that of other cities. He" also stressed the fac* that club work is an essential part of the Community Center program. ' . : " The need for more clubs, possibly some meeting outside the: Center, was discussed at the meetings I t was decided that it is advisable to organize a general committee to supervise club work, and that this com; mittee should sponsor * a training course for club leaders. \ ~ • The clubs represented were Henrietta Szold, A. Z. A; 1 > -'A.:Z.-A7 100, Psi Mu, Sigma Kappa Chi, Xi Lambda. " . . . ".'_ All member clubs have been sent a letter asking them to choose their Senior Council representatives. The next meeting will be held on Thursday evening, October 19, featured by an election of officers. Miss Lotman requests that any club news on points of interest be sent to her on or before Tuesday noon of each week.
Dr. Sam Greenberg
St., on Saturday evening, October 14. This meeting is open to the public. An excellent program has been ar- The new officers will be installed at ranged for the opening meeting of this time. the season of the Daughters of Zion, to be held at the J. C. C. on Tuesday afternoon, October 17, at 2 p. m. The principal address will be delivered by Rabbi David A. Goldstein. Eabbi Uri Miller reviewed "Hear The musical program will be presented by Cantor Joseph Malek, who Ye Songs," by Irving Fineman, at a will sing several folk songs, accom- joint meeting of the Young Men's panied at the piano by Miss Bess Vaad and the Junior Vaad Auxiliary held Tuesday evening. Goldware. David Slobodinsky vv a s elected At the conclusion of the meeting, vice-president of the Young Men's tea and refreshments will be served. Vaad, to succeed Dr. Irving Weiss, All .members and their friends are urged to be present at this meeting1. who is leaving town. The group has amended its constitution so that officers will be elected semi-annually, in May and in December. An intensive A committee meeting of the Wo- membership drive will be held. Several songs were rendered by men's Auxiliary of the Vaad Ha'Ihr was held Monday evening, October Cantor Joseph Malek, accompanied 10, at the B'nai Israel synagogue at the piano by Margaret Hurwitz. Refreshments were served in the to discuss plans for their annual dance to be held December 17 at the succah following the meeting. Paxton Hotel. Randall's Royal Orchestra will play, and the committee is planning to make it an outstanding social event. Mrs. Morris Franklin is chairman The Hazomir Choral club held its of the committee in charge. first rehearsal of the season last Members of the Vaad Auxiliary Monday evening at the J. C. C , with served refreshments to the Habonim boys, who met Monday evening. They practically all of the regular memalso served the Junior Congregation bers attending. Plans for the musiSunday afternoon, in the succah, as cal program for the year were diswell as serving at the Tuesday eve- cussed, and it was decided that adning meeting of the Young Men's mittance be given six new applicants for membership. Vaad and the Junior Auxiliary. Rehearsals for this organization A regular meeting of the Auxiliary will be held Monday afternoon, Octo- will be held regularly every Monday ber 16, a t 2:30 p. m. at the B'nai evening at 9 o'-clock. Isreal synagogue. ,r All members are urged to be present, as several imLatest New York PIANO portant, matters will be discussed.
Daughters of Zion
The first regular meeting of the year for Hadassah will take place Wednesday afternoon, October 18, at 2:30 p." m. at the J. C. C. Plans have been laid for a gala afternoon. Mrs. Sarah Berman, mother of Mrs. D. A. Goldstein, who recently returned from Palestine, will speak on "What American Women Can Do for Palestine." Rabbi Goldstein will address the meeting on "Hadassah—A Necessity for Every Loyal Jewish Woman." A fine musical program will be presented by Mrs. Margaret Bel man, vocalist, accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Henry Monsky. The meeting will be followed by- a tea, with Mrs. T. A. Tully in charge. The officers of the organization 'will form a receiving line during the tea, to meet all of the . members . and their friends. Accompanying the Omaha delegation to the national Hadassah convention in Chicago, October 22, 23, and 24, will be Mrs. Joseph Rosenberg, who as president of the Region, is a member of the national board of Hadassah.
Young Men's Vaad
Vaad Auxiliary
Dr. Sam Greenberg, a graduate of the Illinois College of Chiropody and Foot Surgery, has opened an office as chiropodist at 339 Medical Arts building. . Dr. Gresnberg is a graduate of the Central High School of Omaha. In Tickets will be on sale within 10 addition to attending the Illinois College of Chiropody, he attended the days for the series of eight evening University, of Omaha and the Uni- book reviews to be given by Rabbi D. A. Goldstein under the auspices of the versity of Nebraska. Auxiliary, it was announced by Mrs. Most Yousem, chairman. Mi's. Iryin C. Levin has been named Plans are progressing for a Hal- co-chairman. lowe'en party to be given by A. Z. • Tbe course is open to both members A. 1.. Lou • Riklin heads the commit- ani non-members of the Conservative synagogue. The charge is $1 to memtee in charge. The chapter will also give a smok- bers and $1.50 for non-members. er within the next two weeks. The The opening.Oneg Shabbos will be group's basket ball team has started practice, with Jack Temin as man- held Saturday a t the home of Mrs. The Pioneer Women's organization Jay Malashock, with Mrs. Harry Mal- will open their season of activities ager. Art Weiner is the new sergeant-at- ashock as co-chairman. Rabbi Gold- with a cultural meeting a t the home stein will speak. arms of the chapter. of Mrs. M. G. Cohen, 2116 No. 21 London.—A protest to the HomeOffice against the unrestricted admission to England of Jewish doctors from Germany has been • made acIgnorance never settles a question. cording to an • unconfirmed report in the London Daily Express. —DisTaeli.
Conservative Auxiliary
in Classical and Modernistic Music
Pioneer Women
AL FINKEL Studio—Lyric Bld^., 19th and Farnam Ja. 4023
Vaad Regular Friday evening services u n d e r -Ihe auspices of the Vaad Ha'Ihr will be held at the. B'nai Israel . synagogue, 18th and Chicago Streets, this evening. Rabbi TJri Miller will, deliver the sermon on "In the. Beginning—God." These services are open to all members of the Jewish' community. Saturday morning, the Junior Congregation will meet at 10 a. m , for regular services. On Sunday morning the Religious School will meet at the B^nai Israel synagogue as usual. JThis is a; free school open to "all members of the community. ' —. '•. ,/ "For example,if Mrs. Smith's electric bill averages $4 a month,; she naturally feels that she is paying the Nebraska Power Company $48 a year for electric service. She doesn't realize that-seventeen cents of each one of those dollars paid is redistributed to the tax collecting bodies to be used for police and fire protection, sanitation, schools, and for carrying on the other functions of city, state, county and federal .governments." Pleated skirt tcith a matching 4-button tuxedo cardigan sweater.
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T H E JEWISH PRESS Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by
THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Subscription Price, one year . - - - - - - • Advertising r a t e s furnished on application
Editorial Office: 490 Brandeis T h e a t e r Building. P r i n t Shop Address: 1307 Howard Street Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center DAVID BLACKER . . . . Business, and Managing Editor P R A N K R. ACKERMAN • - Editor F A N N I E KATELMAN - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent ANN P I L L - . - . - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent
The Week in Review At Geneva
until you have been one. "Nordics" of popular conception, tall, long-headed, fair-haired, and However, there does seem to be at GEMS of the BIBLE blue-eyed, were not the original Indo-Europeans, according to Dr. least something in what Nathan says. Great athletes seldom live long. Brown, nor does evidence show that there was any single, pure and TALMUD physical type which could constitute an Indo-European race. Race THE QUESTION OF By O. O. DASHER By DAVID SCHWARTZ EXERCISE mixture is prevalent everywhere even in Scandanavia, the strongI should like to see science make a hold today of the Nordics. PALESTINIAN The thoughtless come into possesthorough study of the whole question The term "Aryan" comes closest to having a homogeneous IMMIGRATION of exercise. For, obviously, there is . sion of folly, but the prudent are meaning when applied to culture, but even here it does not indi- What are the actual figures as to much that is really exercise, which j crowned with knowledge. immigration in Palestine? Everyone does not appear to be so. cate absolute uniformity, we are told. Variations in religion, art, has seen figures, but of their exactThe phlegmatic person, even when language, social organizations, political institutions, and other cul- ness who can vouch? It is obvious sitting, seems to be exercising less, The evil bow before the good, and the wicked at the gates of the rightthat because of the opposition to Jew- than the nervous type. tural phenomena have always prevailed. eous. immigration into Palestine among I imagine that all thinking and even Dr. Brown comments on the fact that in the United States, ish the demagogic circles of the Arabs, all worrying—which is but a pervertwhose people are a mixture of most diverse racial and cultural the tendency must be in Zionist cir- ed form of thinking—is physical ex- Whoso mocks the poor blasphemelements, we are Indo-Europeans, or Aryans—this, despite the cles to understate the actual figures. ercise of a nature. Try to think and eth his Maker, and who is glad at you will see that your body or parts calamity shall not be unpunished. fact of variations in pigmentation, in language, and in ancestry. I have heard one account that ac- of it acquire a set posture of a sort. tually 60,000 Jews settled in Palestine The bond of common culture, he says, and above all, our common last year, instead of the usual figures The question of exercise needs more A friend loveth at all times, and native language, makes us Indo-Europeans. A "pure" German which are given there place it bet- study. Perhaps Nathan is right. Per- a brother is born for adversity. haps future man will say—not: "conpeople, or a "pure" English people, does not exist, unless we recog- tween 12.000 and 20,000. the ant, thou sluggard" but— nize native language as constituting the criterion of national BETTER THE OTHER WAY sider rather: "Consider the sluggard, thou TALMUD They are telling this story of Dr. ant, and be wise." purity. Ema Sholam, the wife of Rabbi
By the Way
Another partial victory was won over Germany by Jewry A Powerful Voice this week, when the Nazi delegates to Geneva consented after The voice of America as expressed by two powerful and influgreat pressure to having the refugee problem cared for by an raised this last week in condemnation of Nazi independent commission. This commission will probably be em-ential bodies was ; ; t a c t i c s . " . y '-. \ . ; . . ; v : ' 7 \ •.; -w/:v-'••:••/'••^••••••:--: • < powered to exercise complete jurisdiction over the refugee probm Resolutions were brought before the Aerican Legion, meetlem, giving passports and practical relief and disbursing moneys contributed by the governments concerned and by private groups. ing in Chicago, and the American Federation of Labor, convening The German delegates at first presented an iron, impassable in Washington, together representing about seven or eight million front. They insisted that the Jews should not be recognized as a persons, assailing the present regime in Germany and also atminority and that therefore they could not be assisted by the tacking the unwarranted and utterly inhuman treatment of the League of Nations. The Legion's criticism of the Hitler regime, although conIt is heartening to know that the representatives of France, fined to its activities in the United States which have the obvious MR. B. FAINTS AWAY England, Holland, and several other countries represented on the Every now and then Mr. B of the sub-committee, were outspoken in their condemnation of the Ger- intention of winning support for the Naz movement and possibly Zionist Organization who supplies infor those desiring to settle man stand and the Nazi persecution of the Jews. They insisted organize an American Nazi party, has been established as veiling formation in. Palestine has fainting spells. unspoken condemnation of the Jewish persecutions. Their resolthat all minority peoples be accorded tangible and substantial proother day we came across him, ution is prefixed with a statement declaring that one of the basic asThe someone was fanning him and tection. principles that prompted entrance into the World War was to pro- spraying him with cold water. When In Germany the Nazi press was irate over the discussion, tect minority groups from tyranny and oppression. he came to, we asked him what had claiming unequivocally that the League did not have the right to happened, and it was the usual sort The Executive Council of the American Federation of Labor bring up the Jewish problem. They characterized the speech of recommended that boycott aginst German-made goods and Ger-of incident, but somehow Mr. B. can get used to it. It was like this, the French delegate as "impertinent and insulting in tone and man services be initiated as protest against "the repressive pol- never Mr. B. told us: contents." icies of persecution of the Jewish people." In a striking state- Chayim, a man of about forty-five, Our victory lies particularly in Germany being "put to shame ment contained in the annual report submitted to the convention^ had come to find out about going to and pilloried" before the eyes of the world. They have no com- the plight of the Jew in Germany was reviewed along with the Palestine. "Have you got any money?" asked punction to pillory and shame their Jews for no earthly cause, yet suppression of the labor movement. "Whatever the cause of the Mr. B. vehemently object when their acts are brought out in open dis- Hitler revolution," it declared, "there can be no justification for "Money," said Chayim, "is no object me. I have got plenty of money. cussion. The Nazis don't like it, yet they were thwarted in throt- the brutality and the.racial conflict interjected in the situation." Itoalways saved my money, when othtling the discussion. Thus, another chain is forged in the link of American public! ers were spending it on automobiles But still the action finally agreed upon is not a full victory- opinion, which, as a whole, has no place for the hatred and big-and good times, and I never specuin the stock exchange. But still due not to lack of desire on the part of the other nations but to otry and prevaricating and incredible brutality of Nazi gangsters. lated I want something to give me an inthe "blocking" and obstructing of the Nazis. It was only by pres- A movement like the Nazi can find no nourishment in a soil which come- in - Palestine." sure that they could make Germany accede to what she did—to was barren to the Kluxers and the Dearborn Independent . . . i t s "Fine." said Mr. B. "You're just the kind of man that Palestine is lookforce the issue further would have been impossible for practical fertility is for liberty, social justice, and enlightened progress. ing for. If we could only get more reasons. To obtain a complete victory, this commission would like you, Palestine would soon be a have been under the aegis of the League of Nations. To obtain second America—Haifa would be an| other Chicago, except that it would a full victory at Geneva we would have to have it irrevocably de- Re-creating Anew I t shall always remain a bitter irony of fate as iiahumSoko- pay its school teachers, tind Tel Aviv cided that the Jewish people as a minority group in these various would be another Philadelphia, but low put it, that in Germany of all countries the delusion of assim- not European countries are entitled to full protection of the League so sleepy. and that violation of their rights is violation of the solemn agree- ilation had the temerity to delete Zion and Jerusalem even from "I'll tell you what," continued Mr. B., "I would advise you to buy a 3 ments of the League covenants. We must continue to battle until the two-thousand-year-old prayer books. twenty dunam orange grove. On that It is indeed the irony of fate that in Palestine so many Ger- you Germany and no other country can no longer be able to say that could count on an income of $5,what we do to the Jews in our country is noone's concern but our man Jews are being reborn, with a fuller, more satisfying life 000 a year, live in the open country, your nostrils sniffing the orange blosown. The rights of civilization and humanity must triumph over unfolding for them. News from the Holy Land discloses that soms and you could even watch the Palestine Jewry is outdoing itself in trying to make the Jews from bees gathering the blindness of narrow sadism. the blossoms and make ; Germany feel entirely at home there. a living?" Many of the German Jewry who.were formerly professional "Well," said Mr. B., "I could go on There is a great deal of Nazi Claims Held Baseless men have thrown overboard the subject of their studies and have and on. going on. You can become Tracing back the origin of the Swastika, which the German become tillers of the soil—and like it! In many walks of life the building a builder. You might try to erect Nazis claim as a pure "Aryan" symbol, Dr. Norman W. Brown, German Jewry are adding a rich, new blood that is invigorating some apartment houses. Maybe, who Professor of Sanskrit at the University of Pennsylvania, finds it and creative. Particularly in the medical field, we are told, some knows, the time is ripe for a skyto be a symbol whose origins are lost in remote antiquity. His of the best representatives of German Jewry of international re- scraper. Don't build one like the EmState just this year. Forty storfindings in regard to the Swastika, as well as those regarding the nown have refused calls from outstanding universities the world pire ies -will be enough right now. But origins of the Aryan peoples, are published by Emerson Books, in over to voluntarily establish themselves in Palestine. seriously, if you want to, bu'*''ig ofgood profits in Palestine." a pamphlet entitled "The Swastika: A Study of the Nazi Claims Even more gratifying is the news that the wives of German fers "Better still." continued Mr. BJ, "If of Its Aryan Origin." Jews who were accustomed to a life of great luxury have cheer- you don't want to work at all, just "The present Nazi claims are untenable," declares Dr. Brown. fully adapted themselves to their new mode of living. Here is new put your money in first mortgages in "Just as their theory of Aryan racial purity is fanciful, so, too,life, Jewish life . . . building and re-creating anew (for a homeland Palestine, and you can live like a lord and do no work at all." their use of the Swastika as an Aryo-Christian symbol with as- of the Jewish people. "That is fine," muttered Chayim. pects of anti-Judaism, anti-pacifism and anti-Marxism, is entirely You could see that Chayim was allarbitrary. The term /Aryant' or Indo-European' signifies nothabsorbed. He became tense, as his mind drank in all the possibilities of ing of race integrity and only a relative degree of cultural uni- Some More Explaining Needed fortune making. Minister of Economics Schmitt of that noble and generous formity, while the Swastika is far too ancient and general a hu"By the way, how much money have regime of Nazis in Germany has reiterated with a great deal of you?" n?an property to bear their limited construction." asked Mr. B. The actual origin of the Swastika is lost in prehistoric obscur- emphasis his order, forbidding the boycotting of department "Thres hundred dollars," replied ity; at the beginning of the Christian era it was already thousands stores and other large business houses, even though they are Jew-Chayim.' Tt was then that I came upon the of years old, since it was known in India 2500 B. C. It existed ish-owned. Herr Schmitt explains quite blandly that continued people as they were fanning Mr. B. there before the. arrival • of the Aryans, or Indo-Europeans, who boycotting of Jewish firms "would unquestionably cause disturb- IF HE DIDN'T FAST, adopted it from the people they had vanquished, and gave it the ances in the progress of economic recovery." HE'D STARVE The Hitlerites have shown unexcelled talent in their ability Speaking about fasting, as we were name "Swastika" — a Sanskrit word meaning "object of wellbeing." It is as a good luck symbol that it appears to have passed to "explain away" or prevaricate out of difficult situations. It all doing last week, recalls the story of the Jewish rabbi in the little town. down through the ages, even before this name was applied to it. will nevertheless be quite a strain even on their prevaricating The rabbi was very scholarly and expowers to explain to the masses why the Jewish business men in tremely Many peoples in many diverse places have used it. devout. He not only fasted ;•; "To-day in Germany," writes Dr. Brown, "it is a symbol of Germany must now be protected, if there were truth to the bitter on Yom Kippur, but he maintained the Aryan struggle toward the light, but the oldest of the known preachments of the Hitlerites that the Jews were to blame for the old traditional practice of the of fasting on Mondays and interpretations may, like the youngest, be only a rationalization every ill suffered by Germany, including the economic life. Even pious Thursdays. (You may not know it, of an auspicious character which the symbol had acquired for the most gullible-will decide that "something is rotten in the state but some of your grandfathers used to fast every Monday and Thursday). some reason long since forgotten." India, Baluchistan, Asia Min- of Naziland." But though this small town rabbi or, generally, Greece, Germany, England, China, Japan, and was so scholarly and so devout, his Northern Africa, are some of- the places mentioned where the They wages were a pittance. Say.... "How do you, Rabbi, with your Swastika has long been common. A curious problem lies in the "Destiny has singled us out; to be the spear point in the at-family eight children, manage to presence of the Swastika in America before the time of Columbus. tack upon a new barbarism which has raised its ugly head in the live tin of that salary?" he was asked. It is frequent in Northern, Central and Southern America, ac- twentieth'century. Behind us are tens of millions of freedom- •'Well, you see," he said r "i fast two cording to the author. a week, so food doesn't cost me lovingLand peace-loving men and women all over the world, and days anything those <la?s. If it wasn't for The term "Aryan" itself has a meaning, he says, far different our strength is their strength, the strength of humanity." my fasting, I'd starve to death."' from the special one attributed to the German Nazis. The —Abba Hillel Silver. DOG OR TORTOISE Aryans, or Indo-Europeans, are, in fact, a group of many peoples, - George Jean Nathan is against exunited by a common culture, of which the outstanding feature is a "These Jewish working men and women have unfortunately ercise! The dog and the cat, he says, relationship of language. More than four thousand years ago, Dr.been unable, owing to" the hitherto prevailing economic conditions, 'always exercise and die young, wherethe tortoise doesn't bother and Brown tells us, the original Indo-Eurbpearis were a group of un- to observe the Sabbath and to attend synagogue worship. No as lives to one hundred and ten years. civilized tribes living in a comparatively small area. About 2000 doubt many of them will gladly return of their own accord but I suppose one might "object and say, B. C. they migrated to parts of Europe and Asia, clashing there f many, undoubtedly, have also been estranged from Jewish ob- but who wants to be a tortoise. Of course, one cannot tell. Just with some of the great civilizations of antiquity. Within a few servances. The Jewish Sabbath Alliance will strenuously endeav- glancing at a tortoise, one wonders centuries they became prominent in world affairs, and from then or to attract and regain those who have been estranged. It will how it can reconcile itself to living on they have steadily'increased in importance, until today they seek the cooperation of labor unions and the leaders of industry for a day, let alone a hundred years, the dog does seem to have a are the world's most powerful group of peoples. In respect to in general in this effort and is confident of finding cordial coopera- and pretty good time, but then you can't physical stock, however, the term affirms practically nothing. The tion therein."—Dr. Bernard Drachmae really tell what life is to a tortoise J e w s .
Luther, the German ambassador to the United States. On his way across the Atlantic, to take over the American embassy, he was talking about Germany's future. "Why, look at our resources," said the Ambassador. "Beneath, the soil of the Fatherland, we have coal, potash, minerals of all sorts. Above the soil, we have our Hitler, Goering and Goebels." The American thought a moment and then replied: "Mr. Ambassador, I think it would be better, if your treasures were distributed in reverse."
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Young People's Synagogue An important meeting of the Young Peoples Synagogue will be held. Wednesday evening, October 18, at 8 p. m . a t the J. C. C. New officers will be elected, and a permanent organization formed. Also, a' definite program for the year will be arangerd. All members are urged to attend. Only those who have paid their fifty-cent membership fee -will be allowed to vote. Those interested in carrying on the activities started by the Young Peoples Congregation are invited to attend.
Polish Jews Respond to Government Loan WARSAW (J.T.A.)—The attitude of the Polish government toward the Jewish question in Germany is receiving the warm commendation of Polish Jews among whom there is a speedy response to an internal loan floated by the administration. -Jewish organizations and Jewish officials issued an appeal to the Jewish public here and Polish Jews in foreign lands to support the government loan. Word received here from Palestine indicates that the Polish-Jewish population there has already pledged its support.
Eliezer, and sister of Rabbi Gamaliel, encountered in her neighborhood a jtidge who "was a philosopher, and had\ the reputation of not taking bribas»Jttabbi Gamaliel and his sister wanted to put him to test. So she brought the judge a golden lamp as a present and appeared before him. "I wish to inherit half of my father's wealth," she said to him. Whereupon he said: "111 order that thou be given half of it." But," she said, "in oar Torah it is written that when a son is left, a daughter does not inherit." The judge replied: "Since you of Israel were exiled from your land, the law which Moses gave you has been revoked, and new laws given to you instead. In these new laws it is stated that daughters inherit equally with sons." The next day Rabbi Gamaliel came and brought him a nice ass as a present and told him he didn't want to give his sister half of the inheritance. The j u d g e answered thus: "After thy sister left I consulted our law a little further and found that it says: 'I did not come to abolish or to add to the Mosaic law.'" So Ema Sholam reappeared and pleaded before the judge, saying: "May God make thy light as bright as the lamp (hinting at her bribe)." Whereupon Eabbi Gamaliel remarked to her (in the presence of the judge) "An ass came along and kicked the lamp, thus extinguishing the light."
Men Who Know the Absolute Scarcity oi Quality Shirts Are Buying Their Entire Season's Supply of
Manhattan and Eagle Yes—they are scarce. This message is addressed to you in all good faith. Fortunately The Nebraska is equipped with vast early purchases from fine shirt makers —this alone enables us to offer superb Manhattan and E a g l e Shirts at—
to We offer the cream of the new patterns and colors in smart shirts with 2 collars to match or collars attached. Also full r a n g e of WHITE. Other Nebraska Standard New Fall Shirts
M and * Positively this quality at t h i s price will not be available when these are gone. Buy and Buy Now!
—-j=r.r.ECT APPAREL FOI: Mn.-; ,\«.n \v<»
Badanes and Mrs. J . Spitzer' of iowe'en Frolic on Sunday evening, Woodside, Long Island, and Mrs. H. October 29. Herzberg of Chicago. Prizes were won by Mrs. Herzberg, Miss Grace Dansky, and Miss Harriet Greenblatt. The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Vaad ENTERTAINS FOR H'lhr will give their annual card COMMITTEE party on Wednesday evening, NoMrs. A. S. Rubnitz, chairman of vember 8, at the J. C. C. The prothe telephone committee of Hadas- ceeds from this affair will be used sah, will entertain at a tea at her toward furnishing the kitchen of the home this afternoon at 2:30 p.m. for B'nai Israel synagogue for the use the members of her committee last of the Vaad organization. year and this year. Mrs. D. B. Epstein is in charge. These include the Mesdames Mas Twenty door prizes will be awarded, SIRINSKY-RUBACK Arbitman, Abe Bolker, Simon Bordy, and the general public is invited. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Jack Selinsky an- Sam Davis, Morris Civin, Dave Ep- Admission will be thirty-five cents nounce the engagement of their sis- stein, Ben Fisher, Sam Frohm, Jack per person. ter, Miss Shirley Ruhack, formerly Kaufman, A. L Rulakofsky, Milton of Omaha but now of Chicago, to Mayper, Abe Maizel, Morris MargoMr. Harris Sirinsky, son of Mr. and lin, Hyman Osoff, Simon Pizer, Abe Batt Heads Sigma Mrs. Carl Sirinsky, formerly of Lin- Pradell, Horace Rosenbloom, Arthur Alpha Mu Alumni Theodore, Morris Burstein, and L. B. coln and now of Chicago. . Mr. Sirinsky attended the Univer- WoJfson. Batt was elected president This year Mrs. Rubnitz will be as- of-Albert sity of Nebraska. the Sigma Alpha Mu Alumni club sisted by Mrs. R. A, Schlaes as coNo date has been set for the wedof Omaha at a meeting held in the chairman. ding. office of the regional advisor, Harry B. Cohen. RETURNS FROM VISITOR FROM BUDAPEST Louis Cohen was named treasurer Mrs. Nancy Deutch of Budapest, EXTENDED TRIP and Alfred A. Fiedler secretary. Hungary, and her sister, Mrs. Lottie Mr. Abner Kaiman returned MonThe outgoing officers were Alfred Klein, of Chicago, are the guests of day from an extended trip on the A. Fiedler, president; Isadore Mann, Mr. and Mrs. Abe Somberg. Mrs. west coast. treasurer; and Sidney L. Epstein, Somberg is the niece of the two vissecretary. itors, who are also visiting other rel- TO VISIT HERE The Omaha alumni club is planMr. Arthur Rosenblum, prominent ning several functions for the coming atives while here. Mrs. Deutch came all the way Los Angeles attorney and a former season, and have secured a national from Budapest to visit the World's Omahan, is expected here for an ex- charter as an official alumni dub of Fair in Chicago. From there she tended visit during the latter part of S. A. M. There are twelve suen came with her sister to visit in Oma- the month. While here he will be the clubs in the country. guest of his brother, Horace Rosenha until Sunday. Mrs. M. H. Lipp of Sacramento, blum, editor of the Sovereign VisJunior Hadassah's •••.-.-; . ". •'• ;. " •. • • /. • •' Cal., formerly of Omaha, arrived itor. here Tuesday to see Mrs. Deutch and While here Arthur Rosenblum was Thanksgiving Dance Mrs. Klein, who are her aunts. She active in B'nai Brith. A t present he is the B'nai Brith deputy, for eleven will remain the rest of the week. Junior Hadassah at a special meetMrs. Deutch leaves for her native counties in California. ing held Monday, October 6, decided country the first of November. to hold its a n n u a l Thanksgiving ENTERTAIN NINE COUPLES dance, November 30, at the FontenThe P i Tan Phi sorority enter- elle hotel ballroom. This affair is BRIDGE PARTY tained nine couples a t a scavenger the outstanding affair to be sponsored Miss Cecelia Martin was hostess at a bridge party at her home, Thurs- hunt party Saturday evening, Octo- by Junior Hadsssah during the club day evening, honoring Mrs. August ber 7. Prizes were awarded to the year. It has always proven a finanwinning couples. The iJarty ended a t cial and social success in the past Murphy's Inn. and it is expected to be the most The Misses Sadie Wblk and Rose gala affair this year. William Wolfe Heads Phi Sigma Mu Frat Colick were in charge of this affair. Gene Cooper's orchestra will be
Auxiliary Card Party
WINER-MARGOLIN ENGAGEMENT Mr. % and Mrs. Louis J.- Margolin announce the engagement of their daughter, Bertha, to Mr. Abe Winer son of Mrs. M. Winer. ROITSTEIN-BERMAN ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Louis Berman announce the engagement of t h ei r daughter, Miss Ann Berman, to Morris Roitstein, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Roitstein. A reception will be given in their honor Sunday, October 15, at. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Berman, 2420 Hamilton street, from 2 to 5 and from 7 to 10. All friends and relatives are invited. No invitations have been issued. ANNOUNCE BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. William Greenstein of Greenville, 111., announce the birth of a son on October 5.
Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Ptrelman announce the birth of a son. Mr. and Mrs. I. Parilman announce the birth of a son on October 7 at the Nicholas Senn hospital. Mrs. Parilman was formerly Miss Bess Rodinsky.
SIGMA ALPHA MU HODSE PARTY Sigma Omicron of Sigma Alpha Mu at the University of Nebraska at Lincoln opened its formal social season last Saturday night with a house party at the chapter house. Approximately sixty couples attended. Among the out-of-town alumnae •who attended the affair were Abe Sadoff and Fred Sherman, Sioux City; Harry B, Cohen, Albert Batt, Sydney Epstein, Lou Azorin, Hy Osheroff, J a m e s Burroughs, and Iz Mann, all of Omaha.
Phi Delta Epilson The Creighton University chapter of Pni Delta Epsilon, national medical fraternity, -will sponsor its third annual series of biweekly seminars presenting topics of medical and cultural interest, it was recently announced by Morris Lev, president. It is planned to have Dr. B. C. Russum open the series with a discussion of "Nephritis" on October 27. Due to the increased popularity of the series, the seminars will be moved from l i e chapter house to one of
It is Patriotic to Patronize Y o a r Laundry now.
• ' • - . .
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nf ••aniline I'lpinc hoi.
BUSTER CRABBE Thrills! Adventure! Lore MURDER BY THE 3HKUTE Death Xurklnc in Every Clue
"MAYOR OF HELL" —PIXS I»ew Ayres—Grngfix Rogers In
j FREE I Candy to the t Kids
I I 1
THCRS., F R L , S A T , OCT. 19-20-21 THE SMASH StCSICAT. H I T !
"MOONLIGHT AND PRETZELS" With B i s Cast oX Screen, Slacp, Radio Stars
Every Sat. and Sunday
"We Pick the Best— Forego the Rest"
Omaha's Popular Family Theater
The Screen's Host Fascinating Actress
AVENUE 39th and Leavcnworth
JUOX., OCT. 15-lS
Lew Ayres—Ginger Rogers "DON'T BET OX LOYE" T C E S , WED., OCT. 1738
Fay Wray—Gene Raymond in •AIOT CARTER'S FROFESSIOX' T H C B S , F B I , S A T , OCT. 19-20-21 BARBARA STANWYCK in "BABY FACE" —FM7S
This Ad and SOc Admits Two
29 $ 75 39
naked tlii-rtl tirrad drink
Idaho potato tomato, t JO tier
IN ANY LANGUAGE — IT MEANS . . . that the Queen of Rare Entertainment Is Doing HER Part to Thrill the Men and Chill the Women.
Others $7.95 to $79.75
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A Suggestion for Any Night Jack & Jill Sizzling Steak
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Is your* apatite TUB^ downaiid lifeless? Have you got a "sardine" of an appetite or a "whale" of an appetite? Establish the Jack and Jill as your regular eating headquarters and you will find a new zest whetting your appetite you will soon build up a "whale of an appetite." Our delicious menus are most palatable . . . served unexcelled in a quaint and soothing atmosphere.
I McDonald & Co.
The Junior Society of the Conservative Synagogue -will sponsor a benefit card party at the Blackstone Hotel on Wednesday, October 25, at 8 p. nu. Admission is 35c Door prizts and table prizes will be awarded. Miss Jeanette Levinson, chairman, Bess Horwich and Dora Markovitz are in charge of arrangements. EA complete jewelry service. Lowest A meeting of the Junior Society of the Conservative Synagogue was held s in price and highest in quality. last Monday at the home of Rose and Sophie Rosenstein, at which time plans -were made for future activiSuccessors to Albert Edholm ties. The next meeting will be held H on October 23 at the home of Helen ~ "nd Floor Cits" Kat'l Bank Rids. Steinberg.
i... of Dull Crepes,Sheers, Velvets, Satins, Wools . . .Failles . . . HOWARD «f 16th.
Serrrd wbllr
New York.—Additional funds are being sought for the alleviation of the German Jews who are suffering at the hands of the Hitlerite persecution, according to an announcement made by Rabbi Jonah B. Wise, chairman of the $2,000,000 German Relief Fund of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee.
AX 2815
"My Weakness"
Junior Society
Rabbi Jonah Wise Makes Fund Plea for German Jews
Dinner at Eight? Shopping at Ten?
K and
the larger hotels. Abraham Riemer is chairman of the committee in charge of arrangements, assisted by Leonard Jagoda and Maurice Steinberg. Samuel Eeiter was elected secretary of the senior class of the medical school last Monday.
hy Goldstein-Chapman s Portray the Brilliance of Charm Where Smart Women Gather
Miss Sylvia Jonisch is president of the group.
William Wolfe was elected president of the Phi Sigma Mu, Omaha LINCOLN JUNIOR HADASSAH University Night Law School frat- The Lincoln (Neb.) chapter of the ernity. He succeeds Henry Magzamin. Ike Goldberg was elected secre- Junior Hadassah announces a Haltary-treasurer. This Jewish law fraternity was PsiMu Will Hold organized last year. Its sponsor is Stalmaster. Last year Judge Dance October 29 Irvin Stalmaster conducted a series of The Psi Mu Trtll hold a Halloween weekly lectures dealing with the hisfWO SUPEEB FEATURES T$ dance at the J. C. C. on Sunday eve- tory and background of the developOIJE SHOW! : ning, October 29. Entertainment in ment of the common law. keeping with the occasion will feat25c Daily Till 6:30 ure the dance frolic. Town Theater Leo Brown is.chairman .of" the cdnt T A~ '• scintillating' vsyr starr-in a mittee >in charge, assisted by Sain -Excepiaonal"entertainment is offer- gay, syncopated romance! ed at the Town Theatre for the week Epstein and Iz Tretiak. of October 15th to 21st. The opening program Sunday and Orpheum Monday, October 15 and 16, presents "My Weakness," the new Fox pro- a double feature. The first offering in duction that presents the popular is "The Fiddlin Buckaroo" with Ken Lillian Harvey in her first American Maynard. film play, comes to the Orpheum for "Storm at Daybreak" is the second the week starting Saturday. film, with a star cast consisting of Miss Harvey, Europe's most pop- Kay Francis, Nils Asther and Walter With ular picture star, who created a sen- Huston. sation on these shores with her per- -Two great features are offered on LEW AYRES formance in "Congress Dances," is the Tuesday and Wednesday, October and a galaxy of Hollywood one of the new array of stars now 17 and 18 program. Imagine what comics and gorgeous girls. appearing in films from the studios drama you're in for when you see of Fox. James Cagney in "The Mayor of ALSO For her initial appearance before Hell." Lust and Hanger Walk Along the American lens, Miss Harvey has The closing feature is Lew Ayres Wifli LoTe! one of the most popular stars of the and Ginger Rogers in "Don't Bet on screen as her leading man — Lew Love." Richard Barthelmess Ayres. The final program of the week at The cast boasts some of the- out- the Town to be shown Thursday, standing performers on the stage and Friday and Saturday, October 19-20screen, among whom are Charles But- 21, "Moonlight and Pretzels," a grand "Heroes for Sale" terworth and Harry Langdon, com- and glorious musical with a host of With edians; Sid Silvers, the world's most stars of stage, screen and radio. The second feature offers .Douglas famous "stooge"; Irene Bentley, filmLORETTA YOUNG dom's latest "find"; Henry Travers, Fairbanks, Jr. in "The Narrow Cor' popular veteran of the New York ner." stage; .Adrian Rosley, and Mary Howard, daughter of Will Rogers. Richard Barthelmess and Loretta Young in "Heroes For Sale," a dynamic drama of an ex-soldier who NOW returns home to suffer from unemSHOWING! ployment and the depression will be the second screen feature for the w e e k .
used with violin specialties by Philip GedanHn. A most entertaining floor show will be featured. Tickets will be at the usual price of $1.50 per couple. JThe money raised by this affair will be used for the further development of Palestinian institutions, in addition to the Community Chest, Jewish Philanthropies and other local emergency fur.ds. "I can think of no finer endeavorment at the present time than for a group of girls to unite in the attempt to raise funds for the ultimate salvation of the Jewish people —Palestine," stated Dora Freshman, general chairman of the dance. Anne Green, R u t h Slobodinsky, Rose Dolgoff, Betty Tuchman, Sara Ann Noddle, Anna Hahn, Mildred •Whitman, Fremette Goldberg, Ethel Adler comprise the dance committee. Miss Jeanette Resnick is ticket chair^ man.
"The Theatre Cnlqoe"
UPTOWN 29th and I*cavenworth S C N , MON", OCT. 15-16
Fins Selected Short Subjects The Above Ad and 25c Admits Two T C E S , WED., THCK, Oct. 17-18-13 THE ITALIAV AXX-TALKING FEATCKE
With superimposed titles tn English Floa Choice Short Subjects ADULTS S5c—CHILDREN' 15c FRT, S A T , OCT. 20-21
ITheeler and Woolsey in **S0 THIS IS AFRICA" —-FI.TJS
CAROLE LOMBARD in "]N'O MORE ORCHIDS" This Ad and 25e Admits Two
m m
For those informal "don't-dress" evenings . . . for bridge teas . . ; for "Tavern" wear . . . and, of course, for business and daytime wear-
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LAMSON IN PEN—Under sentence to die for the murder of his wife. David Lamson..left. former executive of the Stanford Un>ver«5tv Press, is ohotoitraphed upon his arrival at San Quentin prison,
from San Jose. Warden James B.
Holohan ip shown with" the"doomed'man.
NEW YORK'S FAIREST—Picked from a field of 1.000 of New York's fairest daughters, these six beauties are pictured in Chicago en route to Hollywood where they will seek laurels in the movies. The girls, selected on a basis of face, form and most expressive legs. are. left to right. Clair Augerot. Margie Murphy. Marie " Marks. Blanchie McDonald. Diana Bourget and Rickey Newell.
"i- \
11 '
.AFTER THE STORM—-This photo shows the remains of a home in the residential section of Miami. Fla.". following a freak twister which struck the city
FLEET PERFORMS—While members of the congressional naval committee look on, the Pacific fleet engages in the final phases of its defensive maneuvers off the coast of Los Angeles. The photo shows the aircraft carrier Saratoga which played a prominent part in the maneuvers.
PRINCES OF SCREENDOM—Sidney Earl, left, and Charles Spencer, Jr., right, sons of Charles Chaplin, famous movie comedian, and his divorced wife, Mrs. Lita Grey Chaplin, «re pictured at the YOUNG ROOSEVELTS ENTERTAIN—Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Roosevelt, second son of the president, and home of their mother in Hollywood. The boys' mother recently was his bride, entertain Jimmy Mattern. noted aviator, at the Cocoanut Grove, favorite night club of the film hailed into court to explain expenditures of $3S#i>4.92 for the pair in 22 months. colony, in Los Angeles.
HEADS VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY—Dr. John Lloyd Newcomb, left, who began, his career as a location engineer for a small tidewater railroad SO years ago, is the new president of the University oi Vir» ginia. He is pictured receiving congratulations from Dr. Frederic William Scott, rector of the university. -•••• -
PAGE 7—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRID&X, OCTOBER 13,1933 sscretary; David Hichards, treasurer; calities which have no Torgsin stores in toe "Trans-Jordan without British —>5hop frcm cur Service Guide Irving B e i t s ! , reporter; Charles have also been reduced. aid. The alternative to this would be Stein and Morton Steinberg, serto make Trans-Jordan a British, colThis is of great interest to persons -Plans for the -hard-time dance to geants-at-arms. ony, according' to The Standard. in the United States -who send Torghe given by the Hatikvoh Crab Novsin orders to their friends or relaAll boys between the ages of 13 ember 12 "were completed at a meetNazi Terrorist Group and 18 are urged to attend the next tives in the Soviet Union. in held October 9 at the Center. meeting, which will be held October Mrs. Charles Hermanscm, ticket Found by Czech Police LONDON (J. T. A.)—The British selling chairman, reported that the 19 at 8 p.m. at the Biiai Israel "No Doubts" 1 Prague, Czechoslovakia, (A.T.A.) POP? A.INi'V" \ "was urged to abandon —A secret Nazi terror organization, advance sale of tickets is brisk. The synagogue, 18th and Chicago. Berlin.—The German government .j^uwsmiHtiiit Frequently we of the life insurance decoration committee, composed of The membership will be limited to has no doubt that the anti-German her "mandate in the Trans-Jordan by the "Werewolf" was discovered in atemity are asked by "the layman, Mrs. H . Brown, Mrs. H . Lefkowitz, 36, and after this "number is reached Southern Czechoslovakia near the agitation abroad in connection ~wtfh The ^Evening Standard editorially. |-t*rWhy should I buy life insurance?" and Mrs. M. Goldberg, have worked a new chapter will be formed. In view of the considerable sums t German border, by Czech gendarmes. the treatment of tne Jews will soon die question is best answered by out norel .decorations for the danceThe boys are now "working en a down, Baron Constantine von Ksu-of money contributed annually by the | The members of this secret terrorthe layman, "Why do you gohall. Ernie Priesman's orchestra newspaper project. government to maintain the mandate organization whose emblem is a rafh, Minister for Foreign Affairs, and because the Trans-Jordan is re-ist |±o -work each morning?" The answer, members -will also be dressed in hard variation of the Swastika, worn soj of course, is, "To make rmoney!" times costumes. told representatives of the foregn tained solely as a buffer state to that terrorists could identify eaehj "When you ask the layman, "Why do press at a reception for them. Talestine, the government is asked to other, spent their time terrorizing; :you want to make money?" the an- The big surprise "Bras the anomxnce- Foreign Prices Are He admitted that the treatment of withdraw. the Jewish population and also i swer invariably is, "To have ready ment by "the publicity and stunt comJews in Germany meant hardships The suggestion is repudiated that watching the frontier for refugees; mittee that one of the most brilliant cash or a reserve on hand to proReduced by Half for some, but the minister justified Talestine is of extreme importance from Germany. ~vide shelter, food, clothing, and rec-weddings of the season will take place it on the ground of necessity, and as a strategic point in protecting the Manv Jews are believed to have reation for myself and family; to on. the ballroom floor, 10:30 p. m. The g e n e r a l representative of "in order to strengthen law and jus- Suez Canal. The Standard admits at i fallen victims to the campaign carin the TJ. S. A., has provide education for the children; The couple to be married wish their j Torgsin h g tice." the same time that this was the chief) ried on by the "Werewolf" including names to be kept secret until the and then, to save enongh ra-sli or nounced that prices for commodities He mantained that the question of reason that the Trans-Jordan was in- Dr. Lederer of Teplitz, Czechoslobuy enough income property of some night of November 12. in the Torgsin stores have just been the treatment of the Jews in Ger-corporated in British national policy. vakia, who died of a heart attack Four judges will give prizes to kind so that at the age of 65, "I can further reduced on the average by AT. 2524 enjoy financial independence." That, those wearing the most novel cos- fifty per cent. The charges for par-many was a German internal prob- The Standard admits that ~ Emir} afer receiving a threatening letter j Abdullah is unable to maintain order'from he group. ' of course, is a sensible answer to the tumes. The names of the judges Trill cel service to recipients living in lo-lem. be announced in the nest issue. All question, isnt it? -will go toward helping the And those are exactly the things Iproceeds Jewish needy locally. that life insurance will do for any- The next meeting vrill be held one. Every man should -understand Wednesday, October 25, at 8:15 at the double purpose of life insurance. the J. C. C. For information, call Its ability to care for the man himself in the event he reaches old age,'Mrs, Hermanson, Webster 4986. New and its ability to care for his wife members are invited. and children in the event of his premature death. It, of course, is true Haboxiim that when a man bnys life insurance, he is putting into action the The following offieers were elected greatest golden rule of personal fi- at the last meeting of the Vaad Hanance ever established. In seeking to bonim, held October 9: Robert Himprotect his family against the con-merman, president; Herschel Mag* tingency of his death, he automatic- zamin, vice-president; Morton Soref, ally protects himself against the contingency of living too long. It - is true, likewise, that in seeking' to pro- World Theater tect himself against penniless old Since-the Handy SerStarting today the World Theatre age, he automatically protects his vice Guide "was inangofamily against a penniless "aU-the- is presenting "Tarzan the Fearless," rated on Hay 19, "1933, ACCOUNTANTS featuring Buster Crabbe, sensational time." •TO have in this bos; giv^ young star . . . the screen's most We Solicit Vaiir Printing en our readers items of As a. matetr of fad:, the invest- perfect physique . . . . in an amazing and Office Supply Needs • CLEANERS LAKE STREET AUDITS interest concerning the ment plan cf life insurance makes characterization of Edgar Hice BuiMl BEAUTY SHOPI'E SYSTEMS • DYERS advertisers in this Guide. saving easy. First, because it enable? rough's famous ape-man . . . the V 2004 Lake St. INCOME TAX • HATTERS "We have thus endeavman to organize his saving effort most virile, glamorous fiction charCALL Mrs. Lon Farber, Prop. ored ±o iring the reader • TAILORS over a long period of time and on a ja c t e r o f modem times. Supported by AT. 4644 • of Ihe paper closer to most convenient and easy installment a brilliant cast of "feature names" Btt£ and Curtain ASK FOE COKEY the advertiser, giving basis. Second, it furnishes a plan . • . screen personalities of vivid Abramson Thr "JSew' Cleaners intimate details into the Doable Carter Prrmaneirt which unites the saving program with personalities who have appeared in Upholstered business lives of those family protection so that it instills leading Toles in outstanding feature Certined PnbUc Accts. Corey-McKenzie making "the Bandy SerFurniture within the thoughtful person the spir- productions. "Tarzan the Fearless" 53.00 vice Gnide possible. 852 Brandeis Theater it of stick-to-it-iveness in his saving? swings into hot action from the Best Workmanship Printing €0. Band Box The headings are alBid-. resolution. opening shot of the picture—and 1406 Dodge St. phabetically arranged, so Cleaners Life insurance has another impor- thunders on its blazing way, from •» X«8i» Location JA. 4811 that you -will find no tant function. It increases and main- j action to nerve tingling thrill. AX. -till. 8423 A r a m fit. difficulty in locating the tarns credit. "Wealth, accumulation from gripping: suspense to startling l e a ding desired. The depends vitally upon a sufficiency of presence of these advercommercial credit which is largely de^ the „ _ same program the "World TA1LOR1NC tisers in :this Handy SCTDRUGGISTS pendent for its security upon -the is On BEVERAGES AUTOMOBILES offering Warner - Oland and Heathvice Guide is iheir peaccharacter and ability of the "borrows er Angel in "Charlie Chan's Greats o a « l solicitation iof er. -Personal character and .ability est Case." This baffling murder mysVolz ^riD Keep YOB UREGO yuurpatroi^Lge and "their DRINK! are indefinite :in their lasting quali- tery story takes ; Charlie Chan over, New and Used Tlospitsl Keamly for Gas, . Nattily Attired -bid for a trial. ties and their .worth,-jif loans are tpthe most difficult fteril of crime and Heartburn, lndicestian. 'Golden Spike : I t is 'advertisers such Constipation be based on such ^personal facts, clues it has ever been his experience Tale Ury Gingerale as appear h e r e that We Sell and Guarantee : THEODORE ought a l w a y s t o be.-^guaranteed, t o make the publishing-of This Itfraedr : •: Ideal Lime Rickey ' against loss to thescreditor.: WE UKI.rVEK a paper possible. Hlhey VOLZMSON Where Price, Quality, lfi£al Sodi. "Waters Editor's Note: EaehJxreek s£s| " Quality and Bervire - -•ask" for and should ~be~ and Service -THOeet Uptown Theatre — article on "What life ; Insurance Iff FASHION TAiLDRS nannfatauxed ana given a trial, a chan« t Kozak's Drag and Does" will appear in this col- • The Uptown Theatre agam preMORTON'S DistHbutrf br ; to serve you. JOHN ¥OLZ umn. sents a -week of excellent features. GAKAGE I Company ; Y o u r dealing with / I d e a l battling Co. ..? On Sunday and Tflonday, October STUDEBAKEE them will be to mutual N. -E. Cornsr 2©th and 15 and 16, wUl be presented Paul 383 Se. 19th SALES and SERVICE advantage. "Whenever Lake "No Angel" Muni in "I am a Fugitive." There TB08 Siortll 2Mb St. you •vran.t any of the serAT. '2KJ .5141 Farnam, HA. 2260 -will be added short subjects. vices ^offered here, reMae "West soars to new popularity The p picture to be shown Tuesday, T member that you sav it No Angel," Wednesday andd Thursday, T h s d a y October October in the Handy Service 17 18 and 19, will be an Italian G u i d e of the Jewish TOWEL SUPPLY picture, "Brother and S i s t e r . " ENGRAVERS BODY .-t FENDER Tress. Make it a habit On Friday and Saturday, October to shop from the Handy 20 and -21, Wheeler and Woolsey A»to Ito^j and Fender OMAHA TOWEL Service Guide. New and Used Repair Repniriite, -Palntins be seen in "So This Is Africa." The Farts and Accessaries fax Complete Epholsterinc SUPPLY If you -wish any addibill also includes Carole Lombard Cars and Tracts at a and Glass Service tional information abou+ Savinr No More Orchids. CLEAN LINENS in W Furnitnre any of the advertisers Ilercbandise Guaranteed 209 S. 11th JA. 0528 Fainted and Repaired herein, just phone the GatYbuT Cuts and Jewish Press office. NATIONAL m
Ee losnrance— What It Is and What It Does.
Jrges Bntist to WitRraw From Trans-Jordan
Repair Werk
Best Result*
ACCESSORIES, Inc. EVERYTHING For the Auto 2051 Farnam AT. 5524
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Re-Nu-Health Baths
BHOTWELX, MONBK5T, GUOTUENSK'S: Si VANCE, Attorneys Omaha National .Dank
Phone HArne£il226
Let us nrepare yon for fhs cold vcealher by toning tip your system.
which is now showing, at the Paraaount Theatre. ^ in it she tames 'lions and men with equal facility.
KOTICE IS ITCREBT GIVEN: That ihv. undersigned tare formed a :cor-poratiou. Tlic name o l Uie corporation us "JOHN VOLZ, INC.," tind its, principal -place of business shall be In tlie City of Omaha. JlcmgloB County. Nebraska. The corporation is authorized to establish smu maintain a merchant tailoring business and to buy and sell all Item!! handled IB connection trtib such business, and «o buy, e^li. acquire, lease,, dispose of. aiienato and/or encumber any and all kinds of teal End personal property; the: corporation, shall hrive authority; to borrow money ana to issue Its notes, mortgages, £tocfc.or Other obligations foi that ;pnrpase. The anthoiiinl capital stock i s $5,O0Oil0.aiviaed into TO shares of the par value of $100.00 each, all at which shall lie common and; fully paid and non-assessable TBrhen issued. The corpOTation shall -commence .business upon the filins of the-Articles rof Ineorpor nation with the County Cleft of Dongias County, Nebraska, jind shall conttane irotil January 1st. JJS8. The highest ornoBnt of indebtedness shall not exceed iwo-thirfls at Its capital stoefc.:33ie attniis at the^ COTporaUon shall be arimaiiitterea hj n Bonrq of not less than two, «it?r mow,:;**™p.JP3^ directors, -who stall;elect -a ^President, vieePrestu^ait. Secretary, aftcV Treasurer, irom their number. The ArUeleajnuv be junenacd Tli« ccrpoTatlon m y ihaTC "a ^Beal. • Dated at Omaha, Ifebraska, thisSOth. day of September, 1933.
SlarAnto PartsCo.
helps bmld strong bone*
AT. 3911 Elks Bldgn 3rd Floor
Paul Brodrick 2118-22 Cnming AT. 6208 Since 1922 Soliciting Quality Work
Round Trip 57.95 Denver 7.50 Round Trip 11.00 Los Angeles. 20.00 Bound Trip 35.00
BUS DEPOT Edwards Hotel BIdg. 306 N. 16th HA. 5000
Tf« 7ake Tinw- to
UnoTFs How to Oean Hats Work Done While Ton Wait FREE DELIVERY DOWNTOWN 1619 Farnam, AT. 8481
G.A. Steinheimer Company
BATTERY5ERVKE We Are Distrifaatora far the WeD ^nown Omaha Msnnfactared
IIS No. 40th Ha. 6369 Painting and Decorating Residences, Churches sag Public Bldgs.
GRANT BATTERY And Guarantee All Saks Batteries Serviced
National Tire Shop The Si^n of Good Worltmanship JA. 1S14
Offices Brandeis rheatre B\Ag OMAHA
Funerals Fit'. A^y -Purse' Farnam at Th
17th and Capital *T. 6427 ;
mm Stop in for dinner, after the theater, or after t i e party, lor t h a t snack Xfftb. daneing in our party Toom. Open all night.
We are doms oar part by complying •with the NKA code. Yos do yoar part i y helping ns.
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and teeth.
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KE. 0OG1-62
Standard Hat Works
Riplit IIT ISchm Hlovt ami Careful
CMcago $5.06
The Best'Portrait Requires the
Best Phot0grapt i e r
1612 Bougie St. Phone JA. S3S6
BLUE LINE Transfer €0. S14 S. lOtfc
A T . 6405
PAGE 8—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13,1933 prayer of which petition is to obtain « <U-
U3OS * WHITE, Attorneys ? o w rrom you on tbe grounds of extreme CARL KATtEMAX, Attorney SHOTV7EIX, MONSKY, GBODINSKT & special music as part of the service; City National Bank Building Omaha, Kebr, L ••-•'••- V A X C E The junior Congregation will :b?"TouJ';<re required to answer said petiHon NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF 731 Omaha Karl Bank Bid*. on or before (he (ith day of November, 1UJ3, gin its regular Saturday; morning \ ••.••- PHOBATE NOTICE "KRASSJS, INC." or said petition against you will be taken services oh October 21, at 10:45 In the Matter of the Estate of Jacob KatNotice Is hereby given that a corporaNOTICE OF PBOBATK OF XV11.1. Ieman, Deceased. ' In the County Court of Douglas County, tion has been formed under the laws or a S t r U e ' BERNARD JOHNSON. o'clock. Notice is hereby given that the creditors the State of Nebraska.
Nebraska. r niDttft ' of said deceased will meet the administra- In the Matter of the Estate of Mildred The name of the corporation is "Krasne, 0-22-33-St. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tor of said estate, before me, County Inc " and the principal place for the transXeTjf Holzman, Deceased. S H O T W E i l . MONSKV, 4JKOIMN8KV * Judge of Douglas County, Nebraska, at All persons interested in said estate are action of its business is the City of Onisiha, the County Court Room, in said Couuty, hereby VANCE, Attorneys ANNA PILL, notified that a petition has been Douglas Countv. Nebraska. on the 27th day of Noyember, 1933, andfiled 737 Omaha National Bunk Bids. said. Court, praying for the pro- The general nature of the business to ou'the 27th day: of January, 1934, n t <j bate ~in OXh of. a certain instrument now on file be transacted" by the corporation is to NOTICE OF JNCORrOHAT-ION OF o'clock A. M., each day, for the purpose of in said Court, purporting to be the last buy, purchase, own. hold, lease, exchange, SIOUX r.E.VLTV COMPANY presenting their .claims for examination, will and testament of said decensed, and assign, mortgage and transfer real estate Notice' is hereby given thnt the and allo-wance. Three months that a heating will be had on said petition nnd personal property wherever situated; signed have formed a corporation . A newly organized choir of volun- adjustment are-allowed for the creditors to present said Court on the 30th day of Octo- to buy, sell, own, bold, assign, mortgage the laws of the State of Nol'iyrta. T teer members will sing at the ser- their claims, from the 27th day of October, before ber, 1933,and that if they fail to appear and transfer bonds, securities, debentures name of Hie corporation is _ SIOUX K ^ • at stiid Court on the said of and Btockin other corporations; to draw, TY. COJirANY and the principal Pc1/"* vices at Mount Sinai Temple this 1933. BBYCE CRAWFORD, October, 1938, nt 9 o'clock A. M., to contest make, execute, accept, endorse nnd issue transacting its business is the « y »f evening. The choir which is under the 106-33r3t County Judge. the probate of said will, the Court may promissory notes, mortgages, drafts, bills Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska. l n e allow and probate said will and grant adof exchange and other negotiable Instrugeneral nature of the business to be trans.;• Committees to take charge of the direction of Harry, Horwitz, will inministration of said estate to Max IJ: ments; to borrow money; to carry on the acted is to maintain nnd operate a renl Junior Hadassah Convention, which clude the .following members: Sidney Holzman or some other suitable person business of operating shops known ns estate company nnd to purchase, lense, ana : XEON ft WHITE, Attorneys Revealing- startling facts about is scheduled :tp be held in Sioux City Kalin, Margaret Kozbergv Stanley and proceed to a settlement thereof. beauty parlors nnd to do any and nil otherwise acquire renl estate ana personal City National Bank Building things incidental to or necessary for the property of every kind and description conditions of German Jewry, that on November, BUTCE CRAWFORD, . Herzoff, Helen Gillerstein, Sarah and 11 and 12, were apcarrying on of said business. and to sell, convey, lease, mortgage or 10-G-3t County Judge. NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF •were up to this time unknown to the pointed at a ;recent meeting of the Marion Rocklin, and Allice Pill. encumber any and all Biioh proMARCHER ELECTBIC CO." The outhoriRed capital stock of this cor- otherwise and to manage, operate, develop nnd average Jewish[individual, Joseph 1"' Board of Directors of the local chapporation shall l>e $10,000.00 divided into perty Rabbi Lewis will speak this eveSHOTWELL, SJOVSKY, GRODINSKT * Notice is hereby given that a corporain general deal in said property, either one hundred (100) shares of the par value directly or through Grossman addressed a large audience ter. ; : ' .:••: \:['.'. has been formed under the laws of the VAXCE, Attorneys ownership of sfock_Jn ••••;. •....;.'• ningonthe subject "A Year of Jewish tion of $100.00 each to be fully paid for and State of Nebraska. 737 Omaha National Bank Bids. other corporation or association, l n e at the open meeting sponsored by the Miss . Bess Lipschutz and Miss History." non-assessible when issued. Said capital any corporation shall have to borrow or The name of the corporation is "Archer stock shall be paid for in cash, notes or rnise money, to issue power B'nai Brith. Lodge, Wednesday eve- Sarah Woskoff head the general NOTICE OF AmiIXISTRATIOJS' bonds, mortgages, Electric Co." and the - principal place for property, real or personal, tangible or inthe transaction of its business is the City In the County Court of Douglas County, tangible at the reasonable value thereof. debentures, stock or other obligations for ning, at the Jewish Community Cen- committee:as co-chairmen. Miss Sadie Nebraska. purpose and in payment for property of Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska. (~>) shares of the capital stock shall that ter. . .-. • •- .' ••"";• : Shulkin is in charge of the hospitpurchased or acquired by it, or for iiny The general nature of the business to be In the Matter of the Estate of RALPH Five be paid for before this corporation shall OWKXS. Deceased. other object in or about its business. The transacted by the corporation is to buy, Mr. Grossman, who is the presi- ality committee. Assisting, her are All persons interested In snid estate are commence business. amount of capital stock authorized is $2T»,purchase, own, hold, lease, • exchange, asdent of District No. 6 of the B'nai Dorothy Epstein, Ida Cohen, Ida The corporation shall commence business 000 00 divided into 2">0 shares of the par sign, mortgage and transfer real estate hereby notified that a petition has been and personal property wherever situated: filed in said Court alleging that said de- on the filing of a copy of its articles of value of $100.00. all of which when issued Brith Lodge, has kept in constant Fish, Eudice Stillman, Rose Finsod, to buy. sell, own. hold, assign, mortgage ceased died •leaving no last will and pray- incorporation with the County Clerk of shall be fully pnid nnd non-assessable. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lipman, 812 touch with the B'nai Brith sources of Rose Lipman, Lillian Dobrofsky, Lotand transfer bonds, securities, debentures ing for administraton upon his. estate, and Douglas County. Nebraska, and shall con- The stock may l>e paid for in cash, pronnd stock in other corporations; to draw, thnt n hearing will be had on said peti- tinue for a period of fifty (."0) years from perty or other thing of value ns deterinformation concerning the situation tie Feinberg, Ida Heshelow, and Eva Twelfth Street, announce the engage- make, mined by the Hoard of Directors. The execute, necept, endorse nrd issue tion before said Court on the 21st day of the date thereof. ment of "their" daughter^ Rose," to" Mr. of the German Jews, and gave docu- Gordon. promissory notes, mortgages, drafts, bills October, 1033. and that if they fail to ap- The Inchest amount of indebtedness fo time of commencement of the corporation of exchange and other negotiable inslru- pear at said Court on the said 21st clay which this corporation shall nt any time is the time of filing the articles of incormental information concerning the Miss Margaret Shulkin is in charge Stanley Karl, son of Mr. and Mrs.menls; of the County Clerk to borrow money; to buy, sell, of October, 1033. at ft o'clock A. &!.. to con- siibject itsrlf shall not exceed two-thirds poration in the office Alexander Karl, of Jackson Heights, propaganda activities in German. of Douglas County.1 Nebraska, nnil the dale trade, repair, install, alter, deal in and test said petition, the Court may grant of its capffnl stock. of the credentials committee. She manufacture electric machinery and nppli- the same and grant administration of snirt The affairs of the corporation shall be of termination is January 1st, 1»S3, unless The speaker urged the audience will be assisted by Sara Golder, Ruth Long Island, New York. of all kinds nnd descriptions, incan- estate to Sum Josephson or some other conducted by a board of directors con- the corporation is sooner dissolved as proMiss- Lipman who is the Superin- nnees to share the responsibilities for Ger-Grueskin, Ida Cohen, and Sarah Wosdescent and arc-lamps, wireless and gen- suitable person nnd proceed to a settle- sisting of not less than two nor more than vided by law. The highest amount of intendent of the Federation of Jewish debtedness or liability to which the coreral electric supplies; and transacting nil meut thereof. five meml>ers. man Jewry that must be assumed by koff. '• . " . . . . . . ' • poration is at any time to subject itBelf other business necessary or convenient in BRTCE CRAWFORD, MAT ME KRASNE. Social Service and Jewish Commun- connection the Jews in America. shall not exceed two-thirds of Us capital therewith. 9-29-33-3t. _ County Judge. BE1.I.E HORWICH. The entertainment committee is ity Center, attended Morningside Colprovided this restriction shall not In Tresence of: S. J. LEON. 10-G-33-4t stock, Mr. Grossman was introduced by headed by the following young wo- lege and is a graduate of Central The total authorized capital stock of this apply to indebtedness represented by oblicorporation shall !«> S2ri.00O.lX) divided into FRAIIENBUKG. STAUIASTER & BEBEU Mr. E. E. Baron who presided at the men who are chairmen for the var-High gations secured b y liens on property of hundred nnd fifty <2.">0) shares of the School. Mr. Karl is a graduate two VOTAVA S McGKOARTY, Attorneys the value exceeding the amount of the Attorneys meeting, with Mr. Leon Dobrofsky, ious phases of this part of the con-of Syracuse par value of $100 each. Of said stock, one Union State Bank Buildlne secured indebtedness nt least 2<i%, nor to University and a memC50 Omaha National Bank (100) shares shall be common president of the Iccal chapter of vention : Sophie Raskin, Ruth Wigod- ber of the Omicron Alpha JTau frat- hundred Omaha. Nrb. any guarantee made by the corporation for PROBATE NOTICE stock and one hundred and fifty (1.T0) the payment of any obligations transferred B'nai Brith. preferred ' stock. The preferred In the Matter "of the Estate of HARRT IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF DOCGLAS by it where the same arc secured sky, Sybil Merlin, Mary Rozofsky. by proThe wedding will be an event shares B. 1I1M)ER. Decensed. stock may be issued as and when the Mr. Grossman was entertained by Assisting them are the Misses Ros- ernity. COUNTY. NEBRASKA. perty as above indicated. The nffairs of hoard of directors shall determine nnd .NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: of early spring. the corporation shall be conducted by a BERNARD JOHNSON, That* the creditors of said: deceased will the Board of Directors of the Lodge alie Sacks", Rose Berman, Delia Shishall entitle the - holders thereof to reDoc. 297 Board of Directors consisting of not less ceive out of the net earnings on said cor- meet the executor of said estate, before me. 1'laintiff, during his stay in the city. No. 2 » than two nor more than five as may be loff, Rose Pill, Roma Wigodsky, poration n dividend at the rate of G perCounty Judge of Douglas County. Nebras- ELLA JOHNSON, fixed by the by-laws. The Board of DirecNOTICE ka, at the County Court Room, in raid cent, per annum before any dividend shall Frances Jacobson and Saretta Krigtors shall elect a President. Vice-Prpsident, Miss Anne Woskoff was hostess l>e set apart or paid on the common stock. County, on the 20th day of November, Defendant. ) ELLA JOHNSON, whose place of res- Secretary and Treasurer, any two of sten. to the: Phi Deb Sorority club at the Said dividend "hall be cumulative. The 11)33. and on the COth day of January, 1034. To. idence offices, except those of President is unknown nnd upon whom perof the- preferred stork shall in at fl o'clock A. M.. each day. for the pur- sonal service of summons cannot be had, which and V'ice-President. may be held by the Miss Ann Cohen is in charge of meeting last Monday evening. Miss holders case of liquidation, or dissolution of the pose of presenting their claims for examsame person. defendant: adjustment nnd allowance. Three the hotel arrangements and accomo- Bess Zeligson was elected president corporation, before nuy amount, shall be ination, You are hereby notified tTiat on the 11th paid to the holders of the common stock, months are allowed for the creditors to dwy dations. All the chapters of the of the group. Tentative plans for the be of Septeml>er, 1933, Bernard Johnson entitled lo be paid the par amount of present their claims, from the 20th (lay of as plaintiff H. MARQUARDT filed his petition against you Midwest region will be represented year were outlined at the meeting, their shares plus the unpaid accumulated October. 1933. . E. .G.. MAGNET In the District Court of• Douglas County. BRTCE CRAWFORD, dividends thereon/ but' shall not particiat the convention, which will have which was followed by bridge and re9-22-33-4t Incorporators. Nebraska. Doc. 297, No. 24S, the object and ' County Judge. Telling a large and interested audpate in. any further distribution of the 9-20-33-3t. • surplus assets ;of the company. Said pre'•••'.ience of the conditions of European its headquarters in the Warrior Ho- freshments. ferred stock at the discretion of the corJewry, Mrs. Sarah Berman speaking tel. poration shall-bo subjwt to redemption at Last' Sunday afternoon, 30 mem- Miss Sarah Sclomonow and Mr, par. on nny dividend day-after its issue. before the Succoth program at Said "capital stock shall be fully paid for Shaare Zion . Synagogue, said that bers of thejJocal Hadassah Chapter Joe Solomonow of Council Bluffs andnon-assessible when'issued. Said capital stock shall be. pa-d^for in cash, notes European Jewry is suffering from met for their first Cultural meet- were visieors in Sioux City last week or pronerty. real <>r-perso?ial, tangible or great anti-Semitism, and that many ing. Work has been started by these end. intangible, at the reasonable valup thereof. Ten (10) shares of the capital stock of this girls on the Fellowship, offered by look forward to the day they can corporation shall be paid for before the the National Hadassah organization. reach Palestine. Miss Eva Orlikoff departed last corporation .shall commence business. Mrs. Berman who is the mother Phases of the Fellowship dealing week for a three week visit with The corporation shall. commence busion the filing of a copy of its articles of Mrs. David Goldstein of ^Omaha, with Biblical History and Jewish friends and relatives in California. ness of incorporation -with the County Clerk of recently returned from a six month customs and ceremonies were begun. Douglas County, Nebraska, and shall continue for a . period of fifty (50) years tour through Europe and Palestine. The next cultural meeting will be Miss Ann Cohen left Saturday eve- from the date thereof. In speaking of her experiences at held on Sunday afternoon, October The- highest amttnnt of indebtedness to the meeting Tuesday evening, Mrs. 22, at the Jewish Community Cen- ning for New York City, where she which ibis corporation shall at any time will make a brief visit with friends subject itself shall not exceed two-thirds Berman said that those'. Jews living, ter. of its capital Stock. and relatives. in Palestine have created a real The affairs of the corporation shall be conducted by n board of directors conhomeland for themselves. She conFinest Quality sisting not less than two nor more Evelyn and Sarah Kuntz visited than fiveof members. trasted the uneasiness and fear of HARRIET J. ARCHER. with friends in Omaha last week the, Jewsi in other European coun, JAMES O. WHAI-ES, end. . . . tries, with the; feeling of peace and In Presence of: &.' J. LEOX. 10-6-4t
Volunteer Choir to Singr at Temple
Society News
security that is the possession of the Palestinian' J e w . : ; ' , Hyman Fishgall was elected presMiss-Ethel Shindler. Was a. recent all things difficult, but During the' e V e n i n g program, ident of the Mount Sinai Temple visitor 3?ith friends in-Lincoln,- Neb ; Sloth riigkes ' ' ••- * industry "all1 things' easf.—Franklin. which was attended by over 200 peo-Congregation, • and E. N. Grueskin raska. ple, Miss Ida Heshelow offered a elected president of the Temple brogroup of vocal solos, accompanied by therhood at two meetings held reMiss Bertha ; Heshelow, and Miss cently of these two Temple organiJeannie Shindler was heard in a zations. Mr. Fishgall, former vice-president group of violin solos. Mrs. David Goldstein of Omaha of the Temple succeeds Mr. A. M. spoke; • briefly, urging her listeners Davis as president of the Temple, to keep an active interest in Jewish and Mr;'; Grueskin • succeeds Louis Goldberg who just completed his happenings of . Mrs. Barney Baron, president of term as" president of the Brotherthe Auxiliary of Shaare Zion,' pre- hood. Other Congregational o f f i c e r s sided at the meeting, and refreshr elected were Mike Skalovsky, vicemer.ts were served. president; Herman Miller, secretary; Jack Robinson, treasurer; and Jake Kalin, financial chairman. Rabbi to Address Mr. Ben Rosenblum was elected Hadassah Luncheon vice president of the Temple Brotherhood; Max Bergen, secretary; Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz will be and Louis Agranoff, treasurer. the principal speaker at the Senior Hadassah Luncheon and meeting PoaleZion. which is scheduled for October 24. Mrs. Emlein; president of the chapA large audience attended the Sucter will preside. The meeting will open the season coth celebration ] presented by the Poale Zion Branch of the National for the Hadassah. Workers Alliance last Sunday evening. Two one act plays and a group of musical selections made up the program.
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A. Z. A.
A. series for cultural programs will The first big event of the new A. be started, when members of the Mount Sinai Temple Sisterhood meet Z. A. administration this year will this afternoon in the home of Mrs. be a Stag party to be held in the E. N. Grueskin. The meetings will be Martin Hotel tomorrow night.; A held throughout the year and the unique and entertaining program has programs will include book reviews, been planned by the committee in papers, and current Jewish questions. charge, which is headed by Sam • At the regular Sisterhood meeting Sadoff. At the regular meeting of the A. held last Frid&y afternoon, in the Temple Annex, Mrs. Louis Agra- Z. A. this week, plans were-discussed uoff, president of the Sisterhood was for the first: Annual Thanksgiving elected as delegate to the Convention Dance, which will be given under their of Sisterhoods which will take place auspices this year. Marvin Klass heads the committee for this event. in Omaha next month. Morris Luebowitz was elected Plans were made for a plate dinner and entertainment for October treasurer to fill the vacancy caused 24, to be held in the Teinple unde by the departure of Rudy Shindler the auspices of the Sisterhood. Th for school at Iowa City. Committees for the year were namdinner will be followed by a social hour devoted to cards. Mrs. Samed at the meeting, and include the Pickus and Mrs. Sam Greenston< following: Co-operation -with B'nai were appointed chairmen of the af- Brith, Max Maron and Will Shindler. Religious: Morris Luebowitz and fair. "" r -' ;- •'•-. •,•'. Milton Grueskin; Social: SamWeiner and Marvin Klass; Cultural: NorSatin and Max Levin. ; New Term at Talmud man Ernest Epstein is the editor of Torah toBegin Monday the A. Z. A. paper which is published weekly for the members. The paper The new semester of the Sioux consists of four pages and carries City Talmud Torah. will begin on the current A. Z. A. news. Monday, October, October 16. --, Bud Waif son and Max Zeligson. Registration of new pupils will were re-instated as members of the take place at the, Talmud-Torah on •chapter. Sunday, October;; 15,'; from 20 to ,12 o'clock in the1 morning. : All parents Shaare Zion who wish to send- their- children to the Hebrew school are asked to reThe first regular Friday evening member the place and date of regservice at Shaare Zion will be held istration. ' The Board of Directors of the on October 20, when the Choir will Hebrew School are urging, all Jewish have complete charge of the service. parents not to neglect this supreme 'Members of the choir will read the r-itual, preach the sermon and sing Hnty to their children. -
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