October 20, 1933

Page 1

Dedicated to the Ideab of Judaiwn '

In the Interests of the Jewish People «M MOUIMM

Entered ns SJ»-coii<l-C<Qt^a'r-.r';,£.-}5>t«er ° " January Si. llCti. a t I'osloilire nt Omahn. Kp^>%,J^;%%ler the Act, of March 3. 1S79




Vol. IX—No. 38

Fear Germany's Exit From League Seals Doom of Reich Jews

Tickets for Community Forum Lecture Series

The Community Forum series at The library at the J. C. C, man- the Jewish Community Center has Moslems Had Planned Demonaged jointly by the ; Jewish Com- gained an enviable reputation for munity Center and the Council of its high cultural and intellectual stration Because Resent Jewish Women, re-opened last weei I level, bringing to Omaha outstandJewish Immigration for the 1933-34 season. The lib-] ing personalities for an open dis- i rary—embodying the .Center's public: cussion upon pressing problems of Jerusalem, (J.T.A.)—The contemBy Abner Kaiman reference library on Judaica and the day. plated Moslem demonstration and other subject matter, and the library The general public is urged by march to the government offices arof modern rental books—is a public William Grodinsky, chairman of "Truth is stranger than fiction." ranged by the Arab Executive as aMany years ago Horatio Alger*s one, for the use of all, whether mem- the educational c o m m i ttee in protest against continued Jewish im- books stirred the imagination, hopes bers of the Center pr Council or not. charge of the Forjim, to buy tickmigration to Palestine and the sale and ambitions of its young readers The library was very popular last ets for this season's brilliant lecof lands" to Jews, failed to material- with a vivid and alluring account of year, its most popular feature being ture series immediately. AMSTERDAM (J. T. A.)—The regarding the fate of the Jews in ize last Friday as a result of ener- the rise and success of lads who exthe rental department consisting of withdrawal of Germany from the Germany in the immediate future. The speakers to appear: getic intervention of the Palestine hibited p l u c k and determination about 275 popular bpoks of the past Dorothy Thompsm (Mrs. Sin- League of Nations is expected to withdrawal of Germany from police. through their many vicissitudes and season and about 200 of the previous clair Lewis) — Monday evening, have immediate repercussions on the theTheLeague is expected here to be who later became captains of inyear. New books are constantly add- December 4. As soon as the Moslems, including situation of the Jews in Germany, accompanied by an intensification of ed. The rental is "three cents per hundreds of Arabs who i a d come to dustry. Norman Thomas—Monday eve- j which will make it more critical than rearmament activities in Germany. day with a teh-cent^minimum. Jerusalem for the demonstration, Our subject perhaps did not begin ' at any time since Adolf Hitler and Rearmament in Germany, it is an ning, January 8. A goodly share of|4he receipts goes poured out of the Mosque of Omar as a tattered urchin, such as the Bishop Francis J. McComtell— !his brown-shirt cohorts seized su- open secret, has been proceeding with toward the mainlining of loan! Wednesday evening, February 14. jpreme power in the Eeich. after mid-day prayers, they were majority of the heroes were depicted the utmost haste ever since Hitler scholarships for deserving girls by' immediately surrounded by strong in the books aforementioned, but his An immediate effect will be the came into power. Oswald Garrison Villard—Wedthe local Council of Jewish Women. police detachments .who finally suc- rise is sensational and provides ini complete collapse of whatever mod- It is hardly likely that France and nesday evening, March 14. Phil Goldsfone teresting reading material. The library is being kept open at ceeded -in dispersing the crowd. ierating influences foreign public . the other nations bordering on the Maurice Samuel — Wednasday present on Wednesday evenings and evening, April 11. Eight Arab demonstrators and twc When we entered the unpretentious j opinion, as expressed especially at |R e i c h w i l l p e r m i t t h i s t o continue policemen were injured when some office of Mr. Phil Goldstone, at the ray production at the Goldwyn stu- on Sunday afternoon. Plans are unSeason tickets arc $3. j Geneva, has had on Nazi Jewish Pol- | without an attempt to enforce on of the Arabs tried to break through Universal studios in Hollywood, Cal.. dio and probably cost many times der way by which the rental library jicies. Only the almost unanimous con- | fe t h e disarmament clauses of may be kept open on weekday afterwhere his pictures are now being more than the entire Goldstone prothe police lines outside the Mosque. jdemnation of the world beyond the jt h e Versailles Treaty. A conflict and made, known our desire duction. This picture with Madge Bel- noons, and, if possible, on mornings I Reich has checked, up to now, the jw h k h ^ ^ e y e n l e a d t ow a r h a s Not a single shot was fired by the . 3 - j lamy, Buster Collier, Alice Lake and also. complete extinction of Jewish life in jb e e n b r o u g h t m u c h n e a r e r a s a r e . an police nor was military help called An interesting assortment of readWalter Hiers cost him but $16,000 to and almost convinced us Germany and induced the Nazi lead- sult of the German withdrawal. for, although troops had been kept emently ing matter ranging from the popular folly of obtaining a story con- produce. ers to modify their policies. in readiness for immediate service. the Germany's reiteration of her willcerning: his activities. He is con- Phil discovered one of his first rental sections to sgecial sections of With Germany out of the League ingness to disarm providing the othAll the police wore steel helmets, scientiously modest, as his appear- male stars behind a necktie counter Judaica and Hebraica in three lanand in a position where she can ex- er nations also do so, is scouted by but only the British police were ance and demeanor clearly note. . . in Hollywood. He named him Dick guages—English, Yiddish and Hebj pect no further favcrs from the pow-the Dutch press as being merely camarmed. The local constables carried rew—cmd including miscellaneous He yielded slightly when we ad- Talmadge (the Talmadge sisters were Leo Abramson, secretary of the ^ ^ ^ e m a i ^ J^ a r L t e S ^ f o r e i g n d i s a p p r o v a l of t h e sticks. vised him that our readers were par- famous then). The first picture in general reference, and literature, ma- Board of County Commissioners, was anti-Jewish program, it is pointed > tQ sitU ation in For forty-eight hours, the Pales- ticularly anxious to know (1) wheth_ ^ .._„ starred. . cost . . gazines and newspapers, are all in- elected this week to the chairman- out here, will no longer carry weight |G e rdm a an rVmj vThhi pc heconh aolllic &_ was P become more tine government had been feverishly er he was a Litvak or a Shimska; j a ^ s t o nTalmadge ship of the Douglas County Old Ageand the Jews of Germany may be ,a n d m o r e s e r i o u s < i ti s believed, may e $3,800, and grossed over cluded in the library. engaged in taking measures to fore- (2) if he preferred "gehakte leber $40,000. He was far in the lead as Mrs. Bert Hene, library commitea Pension Commission. sacrificed to the virulent anti-Semit- ih a y e i n f l u e n c e d t h e decision to withstall any trouble that might result to "maneerta herring"; (3) if he had the best seller in the foreign market. chairman of the Council, is in charge The County Board appointed five ism created _ by fourteen years of un- jd r a w f r o m t h e L e i n o n l e r t 0 from the contemplated demonstra- an aversion to sleeping in pajamas; Many of his directors at that time of book and magazine subscriptions. members to the Commission and ceasing anti-Jewish propaganda car-; ^^^^ r o m t h e ^o. tion. (4) if he would fall in loye with have since graduated to positions Ben Gershater is library clerk. these five in turn elected the Com-ried on by the National Socialist jsnho; mf t k t oUt ihce p o l i t i c a , fsituation. It is Despite the fact that the Arab Ex- serious intentions. With these ques- with the major studios. mission's officers. p party j i d ecutive threatened to blacklist any of tions answered but partially, we conUnder the law passed by the last j generally considered that Hitler and / . C. C. and Welfare The greatest expense to Poverty New Reichstag Election. its members who did not take part tinued with great difficulty obtainNebraska legislature, aged depend- The calling of new Reichstag elec- Ij moderate elements in the party were opposed to the move, with Premier Row were extras. While the big pro- Federation Booth in the demonstration, the moderates ing information. ents of 65 years and upwards are tc idons at this time, when the nation- jj Goering of Prussia and Dr. Goebbels, ducing companies were employing among the Arabs, supported by the In Omaha. and chauvinist. spirit is bound ! },e propaganda minister, chiefly rehundreds of e x t r a s because they Planned Mayor of Jerusalem, Ragheb Bey per month. To obtain the funds to to be aroused to its most feverish tsponsible. We remember that Phil Goldstone could afford to do so, Goldstone purThe Jewish Commpnity Center and Nashashibi, took no part in the dem-began his film experience with a make this possible, all people resid- pitch, constitutes a nsw element of worst misgivings in case of onstration and sent agents all over "shoe string" film exchange in Oma- chased ballroom and theater audience Welfare Federation frill have a booth rng in the county who are between d&ngeT t o t h e J e w i s h p o p a l a t i o n s i n c e | w a rThe a r e f d t here f o r t h e Jewg of the agencief which will be d&ngeT t o t h e J e w i s h pio pi a l ait i o n i s i ntc eh ' Palestine to induce the Moslems in- ha about 17 years ago. A mere_ lad, "shots" from the large companies for among the ages of 21 and o O are to bej j g d activities, as in the represented in the ekhibit at the city the ages of - 21 and oO are to b e j NN aa zz ii pp rr oo pp aa g 22 nn d aa activities, as in the Germany. Deprived of the protection cited by the Arab Executive not to but possessing a shrewd business a few nickels a foot. Portions of auditorium Ab- •p a s t ; ^ m undoubtedly stir the popu- of foreign opinion from which Geron October 29, prepara- taxed taxed fiftyfifty cents cent each each per per year. year Ab news reels were also used as crowd come to Jerusalem and to take no sense that magnified his youthful ramscn estimates that a revenue of |l a c e a g . a i n s t t h e j e w s a s the root of many no longer expects to'gain anytory to the opening of the annual atmosphere. • * . part in the demonstrations. about S50000 be raised for the the j ib S50.000 will business sagacity and revealed him And while the "big shots" were Omaha Community Chest campaign , ,, . • —* o~f~ Germany's — .- ~ evils and ascribe thing, the Jews may easily become" A very strong" guard "was placed at at that time as a young man with a building expensive sets, especially Omaha Community Chest campaign . ., . the victims of the hysteria and exfor §603,136 Omaha's needv and in distribution of the old-age pensions;i Germany's action been in quitting the citement of war fever and the unthe Jaffa Gate, as the* police had or- desire to reach greater heights in where foreign atmosphere was /re-for this county. League as having necessitated character for buildiig institutions. Other members of the commission, i b y . J e T r i s b manipulations abroad. The leashed anti-Ssmitic passions stirred iginally intended to allow the demon- what was destined to be a major in- quired, Poverty Row used makeshift Jacob S. Pearlsti&a, executive diwhich will serve for three years, are j g r a r e s t fears are therefore enter- up by propagandists. President von strators to proceed by way of King dustry. sets that • didn't cost a dime. The Tector of the J. C. C. and Welfare State Senator Paul Halpine, secre- • t a L n e d a m o n g Jewish leaders here Hindenburg will no longer be in ft David Street and the Holy Sepulchre, Federation, is in charge of the booth. Contraryy to ag general belief that , but not to allow the procession to go he originated here, Goldstone was J position, as he was seven months (Continued on Page 2) Plans are being completed to present tary; Eepresentative E. J. Dugan. \ _ Eobert Hall, and C. W. Britt. j beyond the Jaffa Gate. ago, to resist Hitler's plea for "a the activities of the Center through born in Buffalo, N. Y., receiving a night of the long knives" and a However, today the Jewish popula- meagre education - there before his boardi-will this booth. , This,old . age , pension ,-, -.•,-.be j C o n t i n u e e so]e o l e ^ d s e s, aa ss .;° t o tt hh ee ? h g l ^ l t y faked attempt on Hitler's life—a tion of Jerusalem breathes more arrival in Omaha. He operated the The Jewish Community Center and th f* • f^',' a n r - " of hose J en & tl d the e n seligibility l e danger which German Jews have had freely. The alarm left by the Jews, Sterling Film Exchange with offices Welfare Federation is a constituent will .,? promulgate _ * ! *l _^ °^ ™ J 111 L l t l Z e n S l l l p the rules and reg-! to fear for months—would be the especially those of the old city over the Drexel Shoe Store building agency of the Community Chest, and among the Arabs, has been dissipat- at 1421 Farnam street in 1917—the the J. C. C. and familv welfare bud- alations governing this commission ed. Hundreds who had left their sign still remains—but answered the gets are set by the Chest. homes to take shelter elsewhere have call to arms during that year. ImCO " & L»L o f *. co^s,™ « £ iL^Uo^™n-£! A»o«S°r^ ili; e e«ect of a. mediately upon his discharge from returned home. rs ih f Center Players Under serve without compensation. The Acting High Commissioner, the army he resumed his operation izens to take out first papers and German withdrawa. from the League r*n H. w. -Rail police, of the film exchange, subsequently to become citizens. 'will concern the Jews in the plebisDirection of Mrs, Jahr John Hall, PnrvfUpH conferred with with police, to Los Angeles. Conservative Bucharest, Roumania, (J.T.A.)— The committee emphasizes that \ cite area of Upper Silesia, which J. C. C. Basketball military and air force chiefs and moving The Center Players of the Jewish his youth and during his business The government of Roumania decided they are anxious to be of whatever] Germany administers under the Gerstrategic positions were carefully in Community Canter will soon inauguoperations here, Phil arrived in the 1922. GerThe J. C. C. pre-basket ball league, i assistance they may to the general.1: ' man-Polish convention cf 1922 studied. The authorities announced of cinema" in not exactly a to reintrcduce martial law in the rate another season of outstanding with six quintets competing for the [public on this project .Special guid-lmany - | many was reluctantly forced to acthat they were capable of dealing "land country beginning in November. This plays under the direction of Mrs. title, will start on November 3. condition. I ance may be obtained by application ! cede to League dc manchs last spring with any situation that might have poverty Herman Jahr. In the early days the "silents" The Junior loop, consisting of four! to the Jewish Community Center,, to remove anti-Jewish restrictions in arisen, since they felt that they had cost next to nothing in comparison decision was taken in view of the Qn this season's program will b£ sufficient forces to meet any emer- with today's lavishness, and but aresumed unrest in Roumania and the a series of three productions, two teams, will start play on October 29.1 and all work of the citizenship group ! Upper Silesia and to accord the Jewpopulation there full minority i ; s -vrithcut charge. gency. vrithut c g j small investment was required to growing anti-Semitic agitation, now plays and one operetta. Abner Kai„_,_.,. . _ . , . ! The committee in charpe of the rights. Hundreds of Jews living in ex- produce pictures. Frequently they assuming more menacing forms. T T T man is chairman of the dramatic BERLIN.—The Jewish sport, asso- j!c i t i z e n s h i d r i v e i n c i u d e s Dr. Philip! With Germany out of the League posed sections, left their homes and brought large returns. During 1919 An anti-Semitic disturbance at committee of the Center. datum, "Hagibor, ' h a s been declared ,g h Frederick ! and no longer feeling itself bound to chairman, R a b bi the shops both of Jews and Arabs and 1920 all big producers had lab-Braila resulted in Police President ^ m « f , m -^oe _ observe , , L e a f f u e ' s decisions, decisions the Further announcements concerning ,n—i the n^A; , t h e League's illegal. -rt» The norganization was r.i closed ' mRon A b r a h H a r r y H ay-i •jpcre closed in anticipation of trou- oratories in their studios and the in-Michailescu being beaten unconscious the Center Players will be made in removal of the few rights and its property confiscated, accordbbi Uri M m Eabb- Dayid ,speedy ble. Tension hung over the city as dependent (the man with no studio) by Iron Guardists, Roumanian anti- the next issue. ing to an official order. A. Goldstein, Edward Shafton, Hy- j still held by Upper Silesian Jews is everyone waited to see what Friday, had to deal with a private concern. Semites, when he atempted to preman Shrier, Joe Stern, Donald Brod- ! anticipated. Profound misgivings are the day of the demonstration, would This concern, housing the "lab" forvent their Jew-baiting activities. The key, Harry B. Cohen, and Jacob S.' felt in Jewish circles generally at bring. . ;• the independents, burned down. This Iron Guardists thereupon marched the fate of the Upper Silesian Jews Pearlstien marked the first epoch in Gold- through the streets of the town at the hands of the Nazis there who stone's meteoric career. With the shouting anti-Semitic abuse and i have had to chafe under League reloss of their • "home" the "Indies" breaking windows in the homes of j straint while their colleagues in the turned to a Bill Morsley, who oper- Jews. This continued until the polTVTT-.mi+c W p f l n P B f l a v » R e i c h proper were able to do alated a plant near film row in Holly- ice, heavily reinforced, finally disi r j - o u t s v» eqtnebOLd\ most a s t h e y pleaged with a n d t o t h p wood. To this man came Phil Gold- persed the demonstration, arresting . . of. the • Conservative _ .. Syn_ |Jews among them.^ ^ _ NEW YORK (J. T. A.)—Action by graphs from section 304, Tariff Act j stone, offering financial aid. Studios several.of the participants. the federal government on three of 1930, prohibiting the removal of \agogue choir flans are being made for the an- and a laboratory soon sprang up and w i l l b e reorganized and dividimal father and son banquet held the independents had a real home. The Roumanian press reports counts hr'*arresting the Nazi propa- labels from imported products: . |e d i n t o t w o sections—one. a double j Handball Tourneys each year at the J. C. C. under the Included among them at the time growing incitement against the Jews, ganda campaign in America, inves"Every article imported into the ;q u a r t e t , a n d the other a chorus. To Be Held at J. C. C. auspices of the Social Service Com- were the Cohn brothers, owners of particularly in Bucharest, where anti- tigating charges of custom officials United States, and its immediate j T h e d o u b l e QUar tet and the chorus mittee. A discussion of the details of the Columbia studiosj now considered Semitic students have developed a that German-made products are be-container, and the package in which ' will alternate in participating in the Playing handball has been steadily the program was held at a special as a major film concern. fierce agitation against the Jews. ing imported under trade names of such article is imported, shall be Friday evening services. meeting Thursday noon. They are distributing leaflets and other nations and providing protec- marked, labeled, stamped, or branded, Tryouts for both will take place at increasing in popularity among the of Poverty Row." books attacking the Jews freely all tion for American citizens in Ger- in legible English words, in a con-the J. C. C. nest Wednesday evening. gym devotees at the J. C. C. As a Dr. Philip Sher is chairman of the If a "King result, a series of handball tournaproducer had anything to offer spicuous place, in such a manner as October 25, at 8 p. m. Teachers of ments committee. The members include Isa- in the way of production, a good over the city and are marching night- many, crystallized here. being planned. Assistant U. S. Attorney Joseph E. to indicate the country of origin of voice in Omaha will conduct the try- The are dore Abramson, Mrs. Jeannette Arn- story, but not enough money to put ly through Bucharest singing antipre-season doubles tournaBrill was engaged in organizing an Jewish songs and shouting, "Unmask such article, in accordance with such outs. stein, Max Barish, Eugene Blazer, over, this Morsley with Goldstone Zidane" (unmask the Jews). intensive investigation of firms which regulations as the Secretary of the The choir committee: Mrs. Henry ment will start the series on October Mrs. Jack Alberts, Rabbi Frederick it 29. The singles will get tinder way funds, would "carry" him. And beMr. „Harrv Braviroff, Mr. and >,on *"'" XT """^T"fo'Vo Cohn, Eabbi David Goldstein, Mrs. A. cause these producers would wait for The Cuzist agitation, led by the are alleged to be importing Nazi Treasury may, by regulations pre- Monskv, • _ • _ , _ _ , November 12. merchandise from which the trade scribed hereunder . . . " Greenberg, Abner Kaiman, Mrs. L.the returns of their product to lift notorious Jew-baiter, Professor Alex_, the Neveleff, Mrs. Irvin Levin, Mrs. J. ander Cuza, is Deing particularly sign "Made in Germany" has been The penalty for violation of the them "out of thered" the name obliterated. . . . , . . , . | ™ the four-court artists are pracM. Malashock, Blanche Zimman, Mrs. Poverty Row sprang into existence. concentrated in connection "with the regulation is a fine of $5,000, a year Eepresentative Samuel Dickstein, in prison, or both. B. A. Simon, Mrs. Dave Sherman, And then and there Goldstone be- trial on November 18, of the peaswishing to try out is asked t i j a r e - i n c l a d e d the inter-club toAnyone call Rabbi Goldstein. J. M. Malashock, Eabbi TJri Miller, came known as "King of Poverty ant Eniil Siancu, who is accused of chairman of the House immigration Mr. Brill said that principal ofmatches, the x. M. C. A.-J. C C committee, declared in a statement Eabbi David Wice, Philip Klutznick, Row." Interesting is the description murdering the Jewish merchant Morfenders were importers of chemicals, meet, regular singles and doubles, issued exclusively to the Jewish TelLeo Eosenthalj and William L. Holz- of the manner in which the stars i|z Tischler, two months ago. gloves, bric-a-brac, clothing and jew-Class About Jewish and ladder and dub handball touregraphic Agency that • word from man. . neys. were employed by the "P. R/s." Tischler brought action against a President Eoosevelt with regard to elry. He said that arrests may be Customs at Temple They were secured for one day's group of peasants including Siancu the whole German situation as it re- expected soon. Business Girls Class The feeling against Germany which work merely to register various close- for trespassing on Ms fields. And lates to Americans can be expected The Origin and Development of is manifesting itself in the wideIs Popular at Center Annual Meeting of nps. The "doubles" were used for while the trial was being heard in this week. Jewish Customs will be studied by boycott which now has the an adult class to meet Monday evethe remainder of the picture. But it court, Siancu fired at Tischler, killEepresentative Dickstein declared spread support of about four million mem- nings at Temple Israel starting next ing him. ' • • • . . Conservative Synagogue brought results. M. H. Sogolow, physical education that "the government is fed up" with bers American Federation of Monday night. The Cuzists have formed a. comdirector at the J. C. C, reports a the Nazis. He said that he will co- Labor,ofinthe Phil produced "Poverty Row's" addition to numerous Jewof two hundred lawyers • and operate with labor officials in proseThe class is being sponsored by phenomenal interest in the Business The annual meeting of the Con-first all-star feature in 1920 with the mittee ish and non-Jewish organizations, has have invited two hundred political .Girls* gym class. Forty regular atservative Synagogue will take place t h r e e leading characters of the witnesses, including the Roumanian cuting the boycott against German resulted in subterfuge on the part cf a committee consisting of Sam J tendants are now enrolled, as comLeon, Milton B, Abrahams, and goods and services. screen, Noah Beery, Pauline Stark Wednesday evening, November 1. '•' importers who deal with German Patriarch, to show that Siancu actea pared with only 14 at this time last Eugene Blazer. Eabbi David H. Assistant U. S. Atotroey Brill will A special dinner will be served at and Gladys Brockwell, all employed merchandisers'. The latest method, he year. 6:30 p. m. by the women of the for one day. This picture cost §12,000 under provocation of the Jews who launch an investigation into illegal said, of marking goods, is by at- Wice will conduct the class. Auxiliary. The new members will be to produce and grossed over $200,000. ar& exploiting the bleeding peasan- importation of German products. At taching removable labels or tags- The class 'will delve into the The program: 6-6:45, reducing . sources of Jewish history and Jewish classes; 6:45 to 7:15, tap class. Mon. his offices in the Federal building be introduced to the congregation, after Writing pictures around sets already try. These are removed when they are lore and will trace the evolution of 7:15 to 8 p. m., volleyball class, folThe antd?Semitic press in Roumanerected was another Poverty Row announced that three customs house which officers will be elected for the placed in retail shops, lie sud. Oth-Jewish customs. Included will be lowed by volleyball league. Wed. coming year. All •members are urged stunt, a striking example being the ia has presented Siancu as a glori- officials, including Peter Sullivan, H. ers stamp their products /with the the reading of translations from the 7:15 to 8 p. m., Dasket ball,class, to reserve that df te, :Wednesday. eve- picture, "The Virgin." These sets fied victim of. Jewish exploitation E. Wagner and Frank Large, are to legend "Made in the United States.'" Talmud. followed by basket ball league. were originally from, the Mae Murassist Mm. He quoted the pararather than as a murderer. nins, November li ? !

pectacular Rise in Filmdom of Phil Goldstone

I Moral Pressure Exerted By the League of Nations Will No Longer Hamper Nazis

Leo Abramson Heads Old Age Pension Group



Plans for Father and Son Banquet


Three United States Inquiries About Nazis

! .




i 4.-.T,



f!- rwa





ing contributed that.will be sufficient perhaps to administer the current needs. . The outstanding quality of this young king of "Poverty Row" is his devotion to his mother, Mrs. Rae , By. Aliner Kaiman Goldstone, with whom he resides. ' XContinued from Page 1) While discussing what he terms "just a good break," he replied that it At services at Temple Israel this courthouse^ tunnel on upper Main '"was his mother who furnished all street had served everything from the inspiration1 and ambition to en- evening Rabbi David H. Wice will the sewers of Paris to the entrance able him to reach his present posi- deliver the sermon on "Hitler—His Nineteenth and Twentieth Century of an ancient castle. " tion." . Background." Another profitable venture was the Goldstone is intensely Jewish, beAt the children's service Saturday so-called "re-issue."" Phil re-issued ing a member of Temple Israel, and feature pictures of many of the big affiliated with all important Jewish morning Rabbi Wice will preach a etars. They brought in many times lodges in the city. He is vice pres- children's sermon. Some of the chilthe amount of money as .when orig- ident of a bank, a, trustee of an or- dren of the Religious School will inally shown. The Bill Hart, Charlie phan home, and an active member of participate in the service. Sunday evening the Temple Israel Chaplin and Fatty Arbuckle. pictures the Welfare Federation committee. were the most profitable. This also And our answer to the many in- Sunday School committee, with Mrs. led to the; old two-reelers being quiries of the women folk is that Louis Kulakofsky chairman, •will sponsor a 5 o'clock get-to-gether supstretched to five-reelers, which was Phil is as yet a bachelor. per for all interested in the Sunday done by a process of shooting-additional material, or tossing three twoSchool. For reservations call Mrs. xeelers to a film cutter and title Kulakofsky, Walnut 5342. •writer and thus condensing six reels Monday evening there will be held of action into one new five-reel at the Temple the first of the adult story. classes, dealing with the Origin and Development of Jewish Customs. Personality Personified. ! Rabbi Wice will, conduct the class, "Personalities are required for the success of a picture today," said the Accusations Against Jews Made in | which is sponsored by a committee i consisting of Sam J. Leon, Milton R. "Moloch" of Poverty Kow. He added Cuba as Turmoil Rules. | Abrahams,, and Eugene Blazer. The "that the public wants big names in casts and is not so particular as to HAVANA, Cuba (J. T. A.)—Gov- j class will delve into the sources of the theme of tha story, however, it I Jewish history and Jewish lore and is important that the personality fits ernment parties and press are spread- ! trace the evolution of Jewish cusing agitation among the people of the character of the story. As to profj toms through the ages. Translation? its today, Goldstone stated that pro- Havana and the military forces are from the Talmud will be included in i blaming the Jews for carrying on duction costs have increased about the course, which is independent of 400 per cent and returns have in- Communist propaganda throughout the history classes inaugurated last Cuba. According to the conservative creased about 100 per cent. He is of year. the belief that the independent has press, the Jews are responsible for all the ills that have afflicted Cuba. one advantage .over the "big producer," in that he is the real boss The morning paper La -Manana reand every step in the making of a ports on the authority of the HaAt services tonight Rabbi Goldpicture is under his personal control, vana chief of police that the Jews stein will speak on "What Movies Do whereas in the big studios, things are disturbing the life of Cuba and To Our Children." He will base his are divided, with many elements that the Jews in Cuba are leading sermon on the investigation of the causing interference in production. immoral lives. movies made by the Motion Picture House-to-house searches are being Research Council which has just isOn one side, the director or star is endeavoring to build up his or her carried out on the pretext that arms sued a book on the movies by 1-7. J. prestige. On the other side the bank- and Communist literature have been Forme n. ers insist on running the business secreted in them. Next Friday evening Rabbi GoldHavana Jewish institutions have stein has chosen for his topic, "Why like that of a steel plant or auto factory. The result is that the big called a special meeting and created Change Your Name?" producer is penalized for the bad pic- a Jewish committee to clear the Jews tures while the director and the play- of Cuba of the accusations made ers are the gainers when the pictures against them. •. are good. In independent productions, Unrest pervades the Jewish colcn> Regular Friday evening services everyone works for the production in Cuba. Business is completely paT- under the auspices of the Vaad Ha'and supervision is concentrated. alyzed. It is thought that Hitlerism Ihr will be held this evening a t the is to be partially blamed for the One of the outstanding successes propaganda against the Jews. The B'nai Israel synagogue, 18th and Chicago. Rabbi U r i Miller will speak of his career was the picture, "Journey's End." This picture rated on a Germans resident in Cuba are thought on "The NRA versus Hitler." Canpar with those produced by the ma- to be the instigators of the anti- tor A. . Schwaczkin and choir will aid in the service. . jor studios. "Wild Geese," from the Jewish propaganda. Junior services will be held as famous novel of that name, also usual a t ten o'clock Saturday mornbrought gcod returns. ing: ••.•'.- ' Goldstone is an inveterate reader The Religious School meets every of good books, and his picture proThe Fall Electrical Festival,' spongram for the current year includes sored by the Omaha Electrical Re- Sunday morning a t the B'nai Israel the dramatization of some of the frigeration Bureau, will.be held four synagogue. The Hebrew Class for both beoutstanding novels of the year. His days next week. The novel plan of a ginners and advanced pupils meets current production includes a musical show entitled "Husband Hunters," "traveling Fall, Festival" has been a t 8 P. m. Monday evening at the which is now* being filmed at th° devised by the Bureau instead of B'hai Israel • synagogue.; All interestUniversal Studios. He releases pic- sponsoring one, big show down town ed in Hebrew are invited to attend. tures now in the name of the Ma- which has been the practice in past jestic Film corporation. His ; Iowa years. Entertainment which promises and Nebraska distributors are Max to be exceedingly novel has been-arand Phineas Wintroub, operating as ranged for. The first of the four shows will be the Security Picture Exchange. An unusual Bar Mitzvah will be held at the Florence Community held tomorrow morning, October 21, What with his multiple duties as building for Florence residents, Tueswhen Harold H. Kaplan, son of Mr. a busy film magnate and operations of various real estate yenturies, Gold- day, October 24. Benson will have and Mrs. G. Kaplan, becomes constona has a hobby that is outstand- the next show on "Wednesday at the firmed at the B'nti Jacob synagogue. ing among all film magnates with Benson Community building. On Harold will conduct the whole Satthe possible exception of the Warner Thursday the show will move to urday morning service as cantor, Brothers. His Jewish heart pulsates West Leavenworth to the Nebraska and it is believed that he will be one and teems with a desire to aid suf- Power Company's service building of the few, if not the first boy to fering humanity. His pet institution auditorium, 43rd and Leavenworth chant the entire service in a local is the Los Angeles Sanitarium and streets. South Omaha will have the synagogue upon becoming Bar MitzEx-Patients' Home. I was .advised by fourth and last show in the Butcher vah. Rabbi H. Grodzinsky -will deliver the executive secretary of ;the . hos- Workmen's Auditorium, 25th and M pital that Goldstone is in-a great streetsa talk on the occasion. The public is Talkies will be a feature of the invited. measure responsible for the continuation of this "life-saving" institution: program. Interesting talks for the homemakers have been arranged for. Rambling. ' Dramatics and music will also take Our readers will paidon- our di- part of the program time. A cooking gression while we relate- our^ visit to school will be held each afternoon Reports by the chairmen of each this fine and worthy, institution. the show is staged. The school will committee were given at a regular Through the courtesy of Samuel bol- be conducted by a nationally-known meeting, of the Women's Auxiliary ter, the genial-executivei director, we home economist and will begin of the Vaad Ha'Ihr Monday after•were escorted and shown: the ^various promptly at 2 P- ni. Recipes and noon, October 16, at the B'nai Israel buildings. Complete medical service, prizes will be given to those attend- synagogue. an X-ray department,' a commisary ing. ' •• " A discussion was held concerning that provides kosher food for all patients, various clinics conducted by volunteer physicians from Los Angeles, and a poultry and dairy farm, are the features. At the Ex-Patients* Home a workshop department for work-capacity tests is maintained toprovide them with earning opportunities. Like other institutions of a, similar nature, the sources of income arc-' derived by voluntary contributions from all parts of the United States. Approximately four hundred victims of the white plague are cared for by the sanitarium. While rambling through the hospital we observed a plaque in the infirmary building dedicated to the It's just like walking on air when you wear an memory of the deceased Louis GoldArch Preserver Shoe! stone, father of Phil, money for which was donated " by him in the name of his mother, Mrs. Itae GoldEliminate your arch ailments forever by wearing stone. He also built a modern launArch Preserver Shoes! dry building as a memory to his departed sister, Mrs. Bessie Mosher, Here is all the smartness of the most modern shoe who passed away a year ago. The furnishings in the homes;: of. the staff fashions combined with Arch Preserver's exclusive physicians were also'donated by .Mr. patented arch and level innersole. Goldstone. In. addition, he basT made: i a number of .qt^w^iffi^a»J--cffin^- . buttons at various times;-"---—^. \Z<, When the executive;-secretary^ adSizes 4 to 11 vised the Directors of KJie^institutton AAAAA that a crisis was near and that a Narrow to • 207 thousand dollar deficit had been EEE Wide created in a period of three years, Goldstone, as one of the directors, , w a | prevailed upon to accept the chairmanship of a special committee ' to t k s e funds to enable the-hospital to Continue. His committee, with such film notables as Samuel Goldwyn, Louis B. Mayer, the-.Warner Brothers, Joseph Schenck/CarKLaemmle, Jr Sid Grauman, Harry-' Kapfy and 310 SOUTH BLDG. many ofhers/are now in the midst BV>* 40 Years the Foot Comfort Store for Men ana WamatJ , S r a i s i S funds. At this writing it £• reported that; large sums are be-

Religious Services Temple




Electrical Festival

Unusual Bar MitzVah

plans for the Auxiliary card party to be given November 8, and also concerning details for the kitchen equipment to be purchased. An interesting talk was given by Rabbi Uri Miller on "The Modern Woman."

Junior Vaad A meeting of the Junior Vaad Auxiliary and the Young Men's Vaad will be held Tuesday at 8 o'clock at the B'nai Israel synagogue. The business meetings of the two groups are held separately, and the program is held at a joint meeting following the business meetings. The Junior Vaad Auxiliary has charge of the program to be presented at Tuesday's meeting.

Young Men's Vaad The Young Men's Vaad has scheduled their father and son dinner for November 12 at the B'nai Israel synagogue. Haskell Cohen is in charge and reservations may be made with him. An interesting program is being arranged.

Books of Heinrich Heine Confiscated BERLIN (J. T. A.)—The works of Heinrich Heine were confiscated by authorities who were searching a privately owned Hamburg library recently. It was declared that Heine's works are "un-German." The Nazi press in Bavaria declared that the folksong "Lorelei" will be prohibited in the future because the words were written by Heine, who is said to have been "one of the meanest Jews Germany ever saw."

Birmingham Rejects Municipal Ownership The people of Birmingham, Ala., rejected municipal ownership of electric utilities October 9 by a substantial majority. The returns showed a vote of 6,923 for municipal ownership of electric light and power facilities and 9,696 votes against. Four proposals were submitted to the voters. (1) to own and operate the electric utilities; (2) to acquire the domestic water supply system; (3) for municipal ownership of the street car system; (4) for the central steam heating plant. AH four proposals lost by a great majority. The plan of the proponents of municipal ownership of the electric utilities was to obtain electric energy from Muscle Shoals. The citizens opposing municipal ownership of the electric utilities encountered claims of cheaper electric rates with arguments that there was no guarantee from municipal ownership promoters that electric rates would ever be reduced. If the municipal ownership plan had carried, the city would have had to vote 50 million dollars in bonds, thereby increasing taxes.

Eat Pork? |356 "Honored" Upon ALLIANCE PROTEST Won'tShall Have Beef! Thuringia Blacklist TO CHURCH SYNODS IN LAND OF NAZIS Representing Thirty-seven National Councils, Protest Putting Jews in 'Inferior' Places. NEW YORK (J. T. A.)—Representing the 37 national councils of the World Alliance for International Friendship throughout the civilized world, the International Executive Committee of the Alliance has sent to the Protestant General Synod and other s y n o d s representing the churches of Germany a formal protest against Germany's ban against ministers and other church officers of non-Aryan birth. The resolution follows: "The International Executive Committee of the World Alliance, meeting at Sofia (September 14 to 21, 1933) taking note of the fact that racial discrimination in any part of the 'World, whether because of color or on any other grounds, constitutes a great danger to peace and the welfare of humanity, considers necessary an emphatic declaration, in which the super-racial character of the Gospel is avowed. "As members of many churches representing cultures and c o m i n g from many lands, but all united in a common allegiance to our Lord Jesus Christ, we confess with shame our - m a n y sins of transgression against our brothers of other races and color. In a feeling of brotherhood and responsibility with all the churches of the world, the Alliance, while recognizing the right of every country to safeguard the integrity of its own national life, is nevertheless deeply concerned by the treatment inflicted upon persons of Jewish origin and connection in Germany. "We especially p r o t e s t against those measures taken by the state which bear so heavily upon large numbers of the German citizens, and put the Jews into an inferior class of society. "We deplore the fact that the 'Aryan Paragraph' has been indorsed and re-enacted by vote of the Prussian General Synod and other synods representing the churches of Germany, and thus by this means serious disabilities have been put upon ministers and church officers, who by chance of birth are non-Aryan. "Against these actions and measures we earnestly protest, believing them to be, in their conception of race and race relations, contrary to the explicit spirit and teaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ."

sif •

To Mark 25th Anniversary NEW YORK. — Roumanian Jewry in the United States will celebrate the twenty-fifth anniversary of their activities here, this coming January, according to Leo Wolfson, president of the United Roumanian Jews of America.


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NEW YORK.—The Palestine Economic Corporation announces that it has been advised by Enaanuel N. Mohl that he intends to tender his resignation and go into retirement on the occasion of his 50th birthday, which falls this month. •


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Electrical Festival


Big Neighborhood Shows FLORENCE


Tuesday, Oct. 24

Wednesda3> Oct. 25



West Leavenworth


Thursday, Oct. 26

Retired Furnace Tender

BERLIN (J. T. A.)—Re-examination of all public libraries was ordered by the Ministry of Education of Thuringia here in order to assure elimination of all belles lettres which are the creations of "disintegrated Jewish spirits," and scientific works by Jewish authors. Publication of such works is prohibited in the future. A list of prohibited writers, the majority of whom are Jews, has been published. The list includes 206 novelists and poets, 12 literary and art critics, 138 historians and political writers. Simultaneously, E d w i n Loewe, Berlin publisher, announced that during the winter he will publish a series of works written exclusively by famous Jewish writers, biographers and historians. The first volume of the series is to appear before Hanukah, December IS to December 20.

Be Sure to Attend

To Resign

Vaad Auxiliary

Prices Start at

NEW YORK (J. T. A.)—Needy Jews in New York City dependent on the city for food this winter will not have to eat any of the 5,0000,000 pounds of pork which Secretary of Agriculture Wallace allotted for consumption here. Major Fiorella La Guardia, Fusion mayoralty candidate, pointed out to Secretary Wallace that pork does not form part of the Jewish diet and advised him that beef would be an appreciated substitute. He has been advised that an amount of beef in proportion to the number of Jews applying for the government - supplied p r o v e n d e r , would be made available in the New York meat allotment.

NEBRASKA POWER CO. SERVICE BLDG. (Auditorium) 43 and LeaTemvoifh Sts.

Friday, Oct. 27 BUTCHER-WORKMEN AUDITORIUM 25 and M Sts.


lively entertainment all evening

Some of Omaha's liveliest talent will appear at these shows. Music, dramatics, interesting talks, talkies, and many other features. Come and learn everything that's new for the strictly modern home and kitchen.

Show Starts 7:30 p. m. ALL


COOKING SCHOOL Every Afternoon—2 p. m. FOR THE HOUSEWIVES OF OMAHA. This Coofcing School has been planned by a nationally-known home economist. She •will be in Omaha and conduct all classes. Watch your neighborhood newspaper for details. Recipes -will be givon away.

PRIZES! PRIZES! See allthat's new in ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION and COOKING Learn the comforts, saving and conveniences of an electric refrigerator. You. will soon find out that you have been losing money every day that an electric refrigerator has not been in your home*

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Due to the limited seating capacity children will be admitted only when accompanied by adults.


on :n




done and did the same thing. Thia achroriistic. They felt they were asgrew and spread until Mr. Carnegie similated and assured of their. sitwas compelled to employ several peruation by the tradition of a centurysons to look after the investment of of liberalism. funds coming to him in this way and But no matter how true these the disposition of the interest therefacts are, we must also admit the on. No charge was made for the idea admitted by sdl others that, in handling of this money. It was purethe modern sense, there is a minority ly a philanthropic deal which was as soon as there is legal discrimination. A Jewish minority could not By the Service Life Insurance most commendable. have existed as such in Germany, One day someone called Mr. CarCompany. Omaha but this minority is created when disnegie's attention to the Life Income criminations are made against GerAnother question we are frequent- policy and asked him why lie did not man Jews. There is an unescapable ly asked is, "What is Life Income advise thes3 widows to leave their money with the life insurance comBy WILLIAM ORMSBY-GORE ancy of one element therein—I pre- from Spanish J e w s driven . from always remain the glory of the dilemma for us all, and once we are in it you should understand that we Insurance and why is it a better plan panies to be paid to them in installv and HENRY BERENGER sume it would be Scotch—quite frank- Spain: in the time of Ferdinand and League. • in the debate which you your- than lump sum insurance?" ments and thus save himself a great ly, it would be the end. Isabella. He was a nationally deAfter the powerful speeches madd cannot selves have raised, fail t o : accord TJift most outspoken condemnation of amount- of work that he .was doing voted and patriotic Englishman and Perhaps the best way to explain here yesterday and today, notably by The empire does not conceive of tho Xazl racial philosophy and treatment the Jewish -minority some sentiments the advantages of Life Income In- without charge. Mr. Carnegie had not of the Jews was-voiced by the represen- itself in terms of racial solidarity in religion . was a baptized and con-Mr.- Ormsby-Gore/ whose eloquent of solidarity and justice that surance ever lump sum payment in- been previously acquainted with the tatives of Knglnml anil France before the forming member of the Church of analysis of a nation in its relations youhuman assembly of th« League of Nations. The but in terms of free association of ask in favor of other national surance is to cite the case of the Life Income Insurance Plan. He exfollowing is the complete text of the un- free peoples encouraged to develop England and was buried with Chris- with the races that might compose equlTornl and. straightforward declaratian- rites in his. own parish church in it was applauded, I think it oppor- minorities outside Germany. late J. Pierpont - Morgan -who, as- amined it extensively and wrote a tions m:i-Je by Mr. Ormsby-Goro and Sir. national consciousness within a greatYou have done us the pleasure, everyone knows, left a very large letter highly commending the plan of HenTy Berenser dnrinj; the- leaeiie de- er unity, and, above all, bound to-,' Buckinghamshire. N e v e r t h e less, tune to cover again' the ground albate on- whether Jens are a minority. gether by what is the real guaran- throughout his life in public and in ready covered so wittily and decisive- Honorable Delegate of Germany, of estate. He -had very carefully- dis- Life Income Insurance or the guarTHIS EDITOR. tee for all minorities throughout the private he proclaimed himself the ly. Moreover, we are riot a congress invoking here the name of Aristide posed of . this ; estate ' by will. The anteeing of a definite monthly inthat, will did not re- come for li Co. world — free, . self-governing institu- proudest of Jews, a Hebrew of the of anthropologists, and I d o u b t Briand and I feel I am continuing legatees under, : THE BRITISH VIEW Hebrews, as did St. Paul. His books here his tradition . . . That is why, whether any of us regret that we As a proof of his conviction,- we ceive ;aU of the property at* once. tions. I must say something about the are full of tributes to the race to need not go back to prehistoric Ne- in the name of the French Republic, Each bequest was left in trust foi find his will leaves the os'.tte in inWe have always said, "Eather selfbig issue which was raised before which he was proud to belong for the anderthal man. inheritors of the principles of the the person and he'or.she. was to re- comes. Mr. Carnegie had experience this committee' by the German dele- government than even good govern- culture, religion, a r t and science they revolution that proclaimed the rights ceive the interest from the principal in handling large .sums of money That great British statesman who gate, namely, the conception of the ment." We believe firmly in the par-had given humanity. of man and of citizens without dis- for a certain period of years before possessed by few men of his generawas also a great man of letters arid liamentary system, whereby minorState based on racial homogeneity tion. • He knew that if he left to I say definitely there is among the who was of Jewish origin, Lord Bea- tinction of race, religion or origin, the principal should go to them. and the consequent international re- ities can be heard and bring their the French delegation moves this reseach legatee a cash sum, the life inconsfield, wrote in his "Endymion" Jews a sense of their historic concase to the government, and in a -Even in his high position, and the lations' which he opened by saying olution. certain things one -may still recall tinuity throughout their dispersal and free press. • Parliamentary institutions splendid situation of his family, Mr. come that-he wished them, to possess that quite apart from- a State being usefully. they do form a-racial minority which are the cement of the British EmMorgan realized that it was to their would depend entirely upon their ethnical a State having ethnical hodeserves the same treatment everypire. I have talked about obsolete libbest interests that his large estate be ability to invest the money properly. There Disraeli said:' mogeneity had the 'right and the The Life Income Insurance Policy where as all other minorities in all invested for them.so that it could not "One cannot lightly treat the prinduty to concern itself with the citi- erties in England based upon parfrom the date of the death of the incountries. What is that treatment ? liamentary government. It is an inbe frittered _ away in a short while. ciple of race; it is the key to hiszens of another State who belonged A four-act comedy, "Shpass Geht," When the newspapers carried the sured without the loss of interest to the ethnical compost of the State stitution that has survived in our Above all, equal rights of citizen- tory. . . . Whether it be in a na- •will be given as a benefit for the country unbroken for 650 years, and ship and fair treatment as loyal cit- tion or an individual you know its report of his estate and his will, peo- and there is no chance at all taken in .question. neither in the name of democracy or izens of the nation to which they influence and you must always take Labor Lyceum Building fund on Sun- ple thought that it was splendid with the character of investments . I tremble to think of the respon- anything else are we going to aban- have been attached. Wherever Jews day evening, November 19, a t 8 p. m., made. It does not depend upon insibility of my government respecting don our free parliamentary system, have been well and liberally treated the qualities of race into account." with the same talented cast which judgment on his part and they vestments. It does not depend upon thought he was a very wise man to Listening to Mr. Ormsby - Gore presented a mock wedding last every citizen of the United States whereby no government can intro- they have been the most loyal and dispose of his estate in this manner. stocks and bonds. It is the legal obwhile ho recalled the traditions of Purim. who claims descent from those who duce a law or decree until it has helpful members of the nation. • England and the diversity of the ele- This will be under the auspices of Another <:ase illustrating the ad- ligation of the company itself and went over on the Mayflower—and been discussed in the face of minorIn view of the attention this quesments composing it that co-exists vantages Monthly. Income Insur- all of the funds of the company are there are millions—if this idea were ities and opposition and gene through the Labor Lyceum Association and ance over of tion is attracting throughout the with that sentiment of unity that has lump sum insurance is the back of the .promises of that policy. put into operation. We reject abso- clause by clause and line by line. the Ladies Labor Lyceum Club. AdLife insurance, in effect, INSURES world, the people of England are continued through the centuries and mission will be thirty-five cents per case of Andrew Carnegie. M a n y lutely this conception advanced by YOUR INSURANCE. reading what Chancellor Hitler has constitutes the strength of the Brityears ago in the east, a man died I pass from the general subject to the German delegate regarding raperson. leaving his wife a life insurance polcial homogeneity of political units the particular subject" brought for- written on the subject in his famous ish Empire, I could not help thinkicy of ten thousand dollars. The and States. How could we do other- ward by the German delegate. I book and are trying to understand ing of all those ancient or new .nawidow was advanced in years. She would not have alluded to it now hadthe German viewpoint. What we read tions composed of several races such Exclusive Tennis Club wise? knew Andrew Carnegie. She went to At the Conservative Synagogue not the German delegate queried in quite frankly makes us nervous and as the Swiss republic, whose nationLook at the British Empire with his speech whether we ought to re- I think it is necessary we should al strength appears as solid, as just in Berlin Bars Jews him and asked him to take her ten services on Simchas Torah someone BERLIN.—The most exclusive tenpeople of every race, color and creed. gard the Jews as a minority in any solemnly reaffirm the resolution pass- and as human as that of other nathousand dollars and invest it for her Even in our little island of Britain country. He said quite truly that in ed by the third assembly in 1922.tions which flatter themselves, per- nis club of Berlin, the Rotweiss, on and pay her the interest so that she by mistake took a top coat belonging we have a population of most mixed Germany they do not form a lin- That is the main thing that we have haps, with some presumption as be- whose grounds most of ' the inter- would be sure of having something to Herman Babich and left his own coat. Will the person who made the national matches have been played, stock. Ever since Neolithic times guistic or national minority and in to do. long to a single race. has introduced the Aryan clause in to live on the rest of her life. He mistake please call Mr. Babich at there has been an infiltration into the exercise of religion they have not Are the Jews a minority or are its by-laws excluding all Jews from did this without any charge to her. Webster 3294, or else call R a b b i Britain of various races and strains been subject to any interference Other widows heard of what she had Goldstein. they not a minority is the question membership. THE FRENCH VIEW from throughout the world, and in-there, but we must regard the Jews Dr. von Keller (the German dele- that has been argued. I believe the side our own unit of Britain we have not merely in Germany but elsethree quite conscious nationalities: where .quite definitely as a racial gate) seemed surprised that the Jews themselves do not agree on the French delegate should raise in the answer. If you ask French Jews you English, Scotch and Welsh •— each minority. Sixth Commission minorities- debate will find hardly any to declare themagain subdivided into many races— If the German delegate in connec- questions which seemed to him op-selves a minority. They call themdark-haired Welshmen, red-haired tion "with" the Germans in Czecho- portune and inopportune. . . May I selves French citizens like the othWelshmen, Pict and Scot. say with equal courtesy that his sur-ers. I . am as convinced as Dr. von This Aryan doctrine and; the doc- slovakia- . and- other neighboring coun- prise surprises me?.! Keller that. if a few years ago one J tries . emphasizes the ethnical basis trine of homogeneity, quite) frankly had put the same question to the The Reich Chancellor _ has emphacannot apply to the • British Empire, of .racial consciousness and the raGerman Jews .they would not havo sized in several speeches the fact cial homogeneity of the_ German for the danger of attempting to base wished to call themselves anything our political system and national people he cannot hav-a it both ways. that the German people" remains at- but Germans. . . . government on a purely racial basis If racialism of the Aryan German is tached to its own ethnical nationality Had it been otherwise, it is only Offering You an and racial conceptions involves in- emphasized it must be admitted tha* and that it is conscious of intimate evitably the conception of the as- the Jew has a racial identity and is bonds attaching it to Germans every- too clear that in 1910 the Jewish delegation that drew up the first bound by the same ties of blood, kin- where throughout the world. cendancy of the majority race. Opportunity to This debate was necessary -and it draft text to inspire the peace conIt has always been a cardinal prin- ship and history to all Jews of the has been - worthy of the international ference in establishing^ m i n o r i t y ciple of the British Empire' that no world. Save from $12 to would have asked .because it person shall be debarred from hold- '•' Let me give an example of how mission of justice and tolerance treaties seemed to them unnecessary and aning any post under the Crown or •we must regard the matter in our which has always been and should 16.50! Saturday! . occupying posts in any profession or own country. I belong to what is the like, in the famous words of called the "Tory" party of the Right. Queen Victoria's proclamation as Em-Every 19th- of April, Primrose Day. press of India, "by reason of race, I r and others of my party go on a color or creed." The fundamental and pilgrimage and lay primroses on t h e only thing that holds the empire to- statue of one who led my party for gether is equality-of status and-free- a whole, generation—I refer to Disdom. If we were to substitute for raeli, the Earl^of Beaconsfield, thrice our present conceptions in the em- Prime Minister. pire this conception of race ascendLord Beaconsfield was descended

Labor Lyceum Ass'n.

Took Wrong Coat

Special Selling of




. : •'"•••





for Fur-Trimmed


HE United States has made great forward strides in the last 40 years in national wealth, in population, in industrial de- -j velopment and in. business generally, including imports and e x - - • ports. Railway investment, earnings, expenses and traffic also have grown rapidly in that period, but railway taxes have grown faster than any of the other factors. The tax bill .of the American railroads in 1890 was §31,000,000. In 1929 it was ~ $396,682,634, an increase of 1180 per cent. y, This!means that nearly one-fourth of the net operating..-rev- . enues of the American railroads" was paid to various federal, state and local governments. In other words it means that nearly one-fourth of the total effort of railroads now is devoted to -producing net operating revenue sufficient to pay the. taxes '• on railway property as a whole. . 1i Every industry has felt the increasing burden of taxation and every industry is devoting attention to its own tax troubles. The public as a whole recognizes the grave problem that has resulted from the fact that taxes are rising steadily and growing progressively more burdensome, but something, must be done about it. • . ....... , ., V In considering the t a x problems of this countryyhowever, it should be remembered that while railroad tax; period 1890 to .. 1929, increased 1180 per cent, taxes other than those paid by the railways increased only 952 per cent. ; The railway t a x growth was one-fourth greater than that of the tax'bill of othe? industries and individuals combined. ' 1! At the end of 1929 railway taxes had mounted to a larger" .,•; annual total than ever before. Railway taxes were greater last year than in any corresponding period in history and they ab- ; sorbed' 6.32 cents of each gross dollar received by the railway^. ' * II The rise in railway taxes in the last 40 years therefore i s ; 13 times the growth in. population and three times the gain ift national wealth in this country and this is a problem Which demands and deserves the most careful consideration of every citizen. • I solicit your.co-operation and assistance .


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JEWISH PRESS Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by


THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY >•: Subscription Price, one year - - - - - - " " . ••Advertising rates furnished on application


Editorial Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building. Print Shop Address: 1307 Howard Street Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center ' DAVID BLACKER - - • - Business and Managing Editor F R A N K R. ACKERMAN - - - . - - % • • • „ " " 1™1 F A N N I E KATELMAN * • Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent A N N PILL . - . - • • « • - • Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent

Hitlers Latest Move


.'I , - • .

everybody knew that they were Jews; they worked under the handicap of their unpopularity (which always attached to their race in that part of Europe where they lived, though it does not yet attach to their race in this happier society to which we belong) As it seems to me, particular and flagrant injustice of this kind affects not only the individual who suffers from it, not only the unhappy men who perpetrate the outrage, but also those who are silent in the presence of it. They themselves will be poisoned if they do not protest, for it is their duty to protest. Archbishop of York: Racial persecution is a blot on any civilization or culture. It is our duty to try to understand the causes and character of the Nazi revolution in Germany, which has secured the support of many of the best elements in that nation. But even if understanding leads to sympathy in general, that sympathy must be marred by such acts of persecution against Jews, pacifists and others as have sullied the record of the revolution hitherto. Dr. S. Parkes Cadman, former president of the Federal Council of Churches of Christ in America: The present movement, as all anti-Semitic agitation in the past, can hardly be judged by intelligent and sympathetic critics as other than a shame and a disgrace to Germany, a blot on German culture, a danger to German unity, and a flagrant injustice to the Jews themselves.


Colonial Trust was in part created heareth, it is folly and confusion unto him. to assist in this very thijig.


Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and they who indulge Dr. Melamed and Mussolini. Why shall eat the fruit thereof. do I put these two names together, you ask me. I answer, I don't know, By DAVID SCHWARTZ but that it sounds alright and who TALMUD knows but that in the ultimate esJoseph, who honored the Sabbath, sence of things, sound may be a just had a very rich neighbor. This neighcriterion. THE LEAGUE AND bor was told by the Chaldeans (soothBut really, I suppose, I put these sayers) that all his wealth will evenPALESTINE It seems to me that the decision two names together, because I can tually become the property of Joseph. of the League of Nations to appoint never think of Dr. Melamed without The old man, the neighbor, therefore a commission to take care of thethinking at the same time of some sold his estate and with the promatter of the refugees from Ger- one else. And the reason for that is ceeds bought a large diamond which many marks a turning point not only because of the Influence of Dr. Mel- he fixed in his turban. One day, in the history of Jewry, but in the amed himself. while crossing a bridge, a gust of Do you recall the old Reflex which wind blew his turban into the water, history of Palestine. All along we have been asking Melamed edited. Never did Melamed and a fish swallowed it. The fish that the League of Nations assist in write of one person without at the (being caught) was brought to the market on Friday. "Who wants to the work of settling Jews in Pales(Continued on Page 7) buy fish today?" they inquired. They tine, just as it did in the matter of were told to go to Joseph, who honrepatriating the Greeks from Turkey. ors the Sabbath and usually buys Dealing with the Jewish refugees that day. So they brought the GEMS of the BIBLE fish from Germany, the League will now fish to him and he bought it. When have to take up the Palestine quesand TALMUD the fish was cut up the diamond tion. First, only as it affects the was found and Joseph sold it for By O. O. DASHEB German refugees, but once it has thirteen thousand dinarim. When that put its hand in the Palestine matter, old man met Joseph, he said to him, it is not at all unlikely that it will He who hath a forward heart find- "He that honors the Sabbath (incurfollow -with Polish Jews, etc eth no good, and he who hath a per- ring additional expenses), the SabI am beginning to believe that Sir verse tongue falleth into evil. bath will repay." Herbert Samuel was right in his prediction that within thirty years, Even a fool when he holdeth his the Jewish population of Palestine peace is counted wise. And he who Mar Bov Rabbi Ashi said: "I feel will be about three millions or about shutteth his lips is esteemed as a that I am unfitted to judge a learned the same as that when King David man of understanding. man because I love him as much as reigned. I do myself, and no man, of course, He who giveth answer before he can see himself unjust." THE GERMAN AGREEMENT Jacob De Haas furnishes some interesting light on the so-called agreement of Germany with regard to the withdrawal of money in the shape of goods or in exchange for German goods. He points out that the deal was first started long before Hitler assumed power—and that it yas realHOWARD * ly an effort to get over the prohibi« tion of taking money out of the «ountry which prevails and prevailed not only in Germany, but in many other European countries. The way it started was this: Several thousand German Jews, when Bruening was Chancellor, had regisIs your appetite run down and tered with the Palestine Bureau in lifeless? Have you got a "sarGermany for emigration to Palestine, but they were prevented from godine" of an appetite or a "whale" ing by the fact that the law esof an appetite? topped the taking of money out of the country. Establish the Jack and Jill as your regular eating headquarters It is not a Hitler agreement at all, at least, was not originally. and you will find a new zest whetAnd, personally, I am entirely in ting your appetite . . . you will soon favor of it. In fact, something like build up a "whale of an appetite." this will have to be done in various other European countries, which forOur delicious menus are most bid the removal of money from the palatable . . . served unexcelled in country. a" quaint and soothing atmosphere. It does not seem to me to be any violation of the boycott The German Jews are merely withdrawing their A Suggestion for Any Night own money in the form of goods. It is merely a form of liquidation of Jack & Jill Sizzling Steak their own property. Idaho tutkrd Served while potato, altrrd in the pro«*e»t Mr. Lipsky has pointed out that tomntn. brend of rooklne . indeed Herzl in his Judenstaat had liutter. drink. Plplne hot. devoted some space to this question of "liquidation" and that the Jewish

The straightjacket is being tightened in Nazi Germany. When Hitler created his latest melodramatic scene and walked out on the League of Nations and the disarmament parley, he proved to the world in general what was already known about Herr Hitler and his government. He let it be openly known that he spread honeyed words of peace while his actions bristled of war. He let it be known that what had been said of his government and his belligerent intentions for the future had in no way been exaggerated. He removed the last vestige of doubt that To Prospective Tillers the Hitler menace beclouded the entire European sky. Many far-seeing individuals have been advocating a back-toWhat effect did the German resignation from the League the-farm movement as a partial solution to the Jewish problem and the summoning of a new Reichstag election for November 12 in the Diaspora. Less numbers in the profession and more in have upon the suffering Jewish people in Germany? According to the analysis to date, it struck a death blow to the Jewish inter- the trades and farming has been the sensible suggestion proposed ests in the Reich, since it eliminated the moral pressure which the from many quarters. Hence, it is of interest to note what Herbert D. Allman, presiLeague has thus far exercised in modifying the anti-Semitic polident of the National Farm School in Pennsylvania, had to say in cies put into effect by the Nazi regime. It must be remembered that the League on every possible occasion publicly reprimanded his annual message to.the thirty-sixth annual meeting of the inGermany for her anti-Jewish program, and foreign circles in stitution. " . . . the terms "Jew" and "farming" still sounds like an Berlin point out that the decision of the German government to anachronism to those who believe that farming among Jews ceased quit the League is due not only to the disagreement over disarmament but also to the recent discussions of the Jewish question with the dispersion of ancient Israel from its ancestral home, regarding which the German delegation to Geneva felt very bitter. nineteen hundred years ago. Oppressive and restrictive laws In Berlin the withdrawal from the League came as no surprise to closed the doors of agriculture to Jews who dwelt in those bethe public since it had been forecast on the grounds of the Jewish nighted countries. The ownership of land was barred to them. question in the German press for several days prior to the actual Nevertheless, an urge to return to the calling of their fathers was ever present. withdrawal. "In America, where no face barriers exist, Jews were enWhatever the attitude of the German government toward the gaged in farming from the dawn of our country's history. Luis German Jews, it is clear that the resignation from the League makes it necessary for the Jews abroad to change their tactics de Torres, Columbus' Jewish interpreter, settled in the West Inin battling for the restoration of Jewish rights. No longer can dies and became perhaps the first white planter in America. As early as 1825, Major Mordecai M. Noah unsuccessfully attempted they seek League intervention as a modifying influence. In the meantime, the election of November 12 is looked upon to establish a colony on an island in the Niagara River. Though in European countries as amounting to Hitler receiving a blank many Jewish farm colonization projects met with failure, nevercheck from the German people. From the internal viewpoint the theless, Jews-settled on farms as individuals. Following the outNazi regime has been unpopular in Germany lately, and Hitler break of persecution in Russia in 1881, Jewish colonization was hopes to regain the national confidence on the issue of disarma- active The Baron de Hirsch Fund, founded in 1891, promoted ment, the only one which will be\ decided at this election. "And it rural activities among Jews in this country. This was but one is freely predicted that on this issue he will win an overwhelming item of a ramified program leading to the founding of the Jewish Agricultural Society in 1900, which encourages and directs victory. . !• Thus, the Hitler regime, which was in danger of collapse agriculture among Jews of the United States, guides the farm owing to its Tinpopular domestic policy, will now. receive a'new buyer, protects him" against fraud, finds enjoyment, extends loans and makes available information on matters pertaining to lease on life. business and farming. Beginning with the present century, through this worthy society, plus opportunities offered by the Palestine—To New Heights National Farm School, the Jewish agricultural movement experiA news letter from Hadassah gives addtiional weight to the enced a real growth . . . since the depression, the migration of growing conviction that out of the Hitlerite persecution of the Jews towards the land has steadily increased . . . Farming to be Jews in Germany will come great benefit to Palestine. The item profitable must be along scientific lines . . . practical knowledge is that Professor Ludwig Halberstadter, famed cancer specialist s of equal importance . . ." formerly connected with the University of Berlin and now living Mr. Allman further cautions against hastily conceived plans in Palestine, has been appointed director of a radiology institute in Jerusalem, the -first in the Near East, established by the Ha- for transfer of groups of unemployed, from city to farm. He commends the back-to-the-farm movement heartily—but stresses that dassah Medical Organization. Professor Halberstadter brought with him to Palestine 200 those returning to tilling the soil should be trained and fitted for miligrams of radium for the treatment of cancer, the first^Jarge it to be successful and not merely eke out a bare existence. That other national Jewish farm leaders recognize this same supply of radium to enter Palestine for use by any institution. necessity for training is shown by the experimental schools on The German specialist also transported his own X-ray machines farming set up in eastern cities preparatory to a group of Jewfrom Germany, one of which, known as a short wave machine for radiation treatment, is a new type of apparatus and was the ish city people starting agricultural colonies. only one of its kind in Berlin. The result of such news is obvious—it is certain to raise the Financing Palestine medical profession in Palestine to new heights. As has been A prominent New Yorker who has just returned from an expreviously pointed out, the influx of great specialists make it pos- tensive trip abroad where he closely examined the economic consible for the Jews to capitalize on their invaluable ability and ditions of Palestine, has this to say: "Already leading financiers make the Jewish Homeland a medical research center and labora- and industrialists in several European countries as well as. in tory. Thus, in this case, Professor Halberstadter had drawn to Egypt and South Africa, realizing the need for investment capital Germany cancer specialists from every part of the world to study in Palestine and evidently satisfied with the safety of the investunder him and had made the Radium Institute of the University ment and the adequacy of the returns, have organized a financial of Berlin a center of research in cancer. By his transfer to Pales- company to finance and develop sound Palestinian enterprises. tine, that country can now assume new significance in battling The" company proposes to act as a house of issue for approved baffling disease. Palestine securities which will be listed on various exchanges throughout the world, thus affording to Jews of limited means the opportunity of making an investment in Palestine. Final orVoice of Religion Editorials from the religious press of over 15 Christian de- ganization plans are now being completed in London and a public nominations and statements by lay and religious leaders of Chris- announcement of the founders and officials of the company may tian opinion on the persecutions of Jews in Germany have been soon T)e expected." From one standpoint this is gratifying news. It shows that gathered in a booklet published by the American Jewish Committee under the title, "The Voice of Religion." Herein are listed Palestine is being recognized by the financial world as a country a few quotations from those who have spoken for the religious worthy of investment. It is recognition of the stability of Palestconscience of America and England on the oppression of hun- tine, of its progress and its vast potentialities under Jewish in.dreds of thousands of Germans who have worshipped or whose dustry and labor. Palestine is in the pioneer state, and if the thousands seeking admission are to be absorbed into the Holy ancestors have worshipped in the Jewish faith. Bishop William T. Manning of the diocese of New York: The Land, then business and industry must be developed. This takes Christian religion calls upon men not only for justice but for capital. But, the danger in such announcements as above lies in brotherliness toward all, and in these days of world crisis we see its suggestion of future expansion along speculative lines. Proclearly that we must sweep out the spirit of hate and fear and ductive capital in Palestine, we believe, is needed. Jewish effort banish war arid draw all nations together in brotherhood and should be concentrated along the lines of a huge loan for econfellowship if civilization is to be saved. Race prejudice, oppres- omic upbuilding in'Palestine, the benefits of that upbuilding to sion, religious persecution, have no right to exist anywhere in go to the Jewish people and not to a few interested in heavy pro. . ;•.{• :-:•:: this world, and we have no right to condone or countenance them. fits. • Hilaire Belloc, noted Catholic: I am not speaking of the atrocities committed.—But I am here speaking of what has ad- InBassarabia mittedly been done and that, it seems to me, is definitely opposed Did you know that the beneficence of American Jewry—alto ggptf; ntorals. Men who have passed their lives earning their ready doing such noble work—is saving over 2,000 school children S living bjr; their professions in a particular trade have been re- in Bessarabia from the pangs of huger, through the efforts of the duced, through no fault of their own and merely by the accident Joint Distribution Committee ? of birth, to penury at .a moment's notice. Kcw can that possibly These child-feeding activities stand out as a monument to our be excused? What excuse is it to say. that in such and such a unselfishness. The mere thought of these kiddies gaining sustenprofession such and such a majority was Jewish? The Jews ance through the contributions of Americans is sufficient to repay attainecUtheir position in that profession -in open competition; us for any and all efforts-werhave expended inline phHan^hrbpies





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Council President President of the National Council of Jewish Women, Mrs. Arthur Brin of Minneapolis, Minn., arrives in Omaha Wednesday morning from SL Louis, to attend the first meeting of the Omaha section of the Coun-

3, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1933

JUNIOR SOCIETY BENEFIT BRIDGE Those wishing to make reservations for a table at the benefit bridge to be given by the Junior Society of the Conservative Synagogue Wednesday evening, October 25, at the Blackstone Hotel, may call Ida Tennenbaum, Harney 5740, or Jeannette Levinson, Harney 3129. Admission will be thirty-five cents per person.

Sisterhood Further arrangements are being made for the convention of District 20 or the National Federation of Temple Sisterhood. The convention will be held in Omaha, November 14 and 15 with headquarters at the Blackstone Hotel. According to word received by Mrs. Harry Z. Rosenfield, the following district officers will attend: Mrs. Myron Meyer, St. Joseph, Missouri, President; Mrs. Bernard Littman, St. Louis, Missouri, 1st Vice-President; Mrs. Moe Ettenson, Leavenworth, Kansas, 2nd Vice-President; Mrs. Sam Abramson, Des Moines, Iowa, Secretary; Mrs. Victor Friend, Lincoln, Nebraska, Treasurer; Mrs. Cadi Klein, Joplin, Missouri, Auditor.

Hadassah The local Hadassah chapter will hold a rummage sale the week of October 23, according to plans of Mrs. I. Grossman, chairman of the nunmage sale committee. Those wishing to donate clothing for the rummage sale are asked to call the chairman, Harney 7153. Bundles will be picked up.

Freshman, general c h a i r m a n in charge of this affair. The Cultural Class of the Junior Hadassah will hold their first class of the season next Thursday evening, October 26, at eight o'clock at the J. C. C. Rabbi Uri Miller is in charge of this group.

A. Z. A.100

Plans for the A. Z. A. 100 banquet were laid at an important business meeting held Wednesday night. PHI BETA EPSILON A smoker was held October 8 at Junior Hadassah PLEDGES the home of Louis Canar wilh about Twelve men were pledged by Phi GROSS-KRASNE WEDDING thirty members and pledges present. Beta Epsilon, Creighton social fratMiss Lucile Krasne, daughter of Highland Country Club at the PaxThe Junior Hadassah held a meetThe chapter has entered a basket ernity, last Thursday evening at a Mr. and Mrs. Frank Krasne of ton Hotel Saturday evening. The ing Thursday evening at the J. C. C. ball team in the pre-season J. C. C. smoker held at the home of Henry Cotmcil Bluffs, became the bride of mart styles of fall fashion wear was Plans were made for the Southwest- basket ball league. Weiner. Those pledged are Harold ern" Regional Convention which will The Sam Bcber chapter will sponMr. Lawrence Gordon Gross of Oma- the main feature, with the following Bloch, Bernard Fox, Herbert Marks, be held at Sioux City, Iowa, Novem- sor Friday evening services at the ha, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Gross, acting as models: the Misses Jane Julius Hornstein, Ernest Priesman, ber 11 and 12. About thirty girls i Beth Hamedrosh synagogue on NoSaturday evening, October 14, at the Rosenstock, Bemice Sherman, FranHarold Stern, Al Rimmerman, So! from the local chapter expect to at-' vember 3. The sen-ices are under the home of Rabbi David A. Goldstein, ces Bergman, Bernice Yousem, Irene Weiner, and Robert Schneider, all of Morris, Marjorie • Hiller, Sylvia Zetend the convention. The Hotel War- guidance of Rabbi Uri Miller. Loyal -who performed the ceremony. Omaha; Jack Slutsky and Nathan rior has been chosen as the head- Kaplan, Iz Mittleman, Edward RoPresent at the ceremony -were the vin, and Flora Marks, and the MesThe first meeting of the Current Levitch of Sioux City, and Maurice quarters for this conference and a senbaum. and Joe Blumenthal wil! groom's brother and sister-in-law, dames Bert Hene, Maurice Micklin, Topics course, conducted by Rabbi busy Nathanson of Estherville, Iowa. and entertaining week-end is take part in the program. The pubJulius Newman and Leo Krasne. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Gross; his cousMax Resnick and Leo Diamond Frederick Cohn -will be held Tuesday being arranged for all visitors, ac- lic is invited. in, Lazar Kaplan, and the bride's The women's committee in charge morning at 10:30 at the Blackstone have been elected secretary and sercording to advance reports. of arrangements included Mrs. Philip cousin, Miss Hermine Hirschman. geant-at-arms, respectively, to suc- HoteL Doctor Cohn has chosen for Further plans were also made for Mr. Gross and his bride left that Levey, chairman, Mrs. David Cohn, his subject "Luther.and Hitter." ceed Aaron Perlis and William Resthe a n n u a l Thanksgiving Dance with new car trill furnish night for Chicago, for a two-weeks' Mrs. A. Herzberg, and Mrs. M. S. The 450th anniversary of Luther's which -will be held at the Hotel Fon- Lady nick, who are now attending the Unifree transportation to yonng mnn honeymoon trip. After November 1, Livingston. The men's committee inbirth is now being observed. This versity of Nebraska medical school. tenelle on November SO. All mem- to Thoenix, Arizona, in return for MRS. ARTHUR BRENT they will be at home at the Glen cluded Sam J. Leon, chairman, Al fact and the daily news stories con- bers -who wish to earn their credits assistance The fraternity recently moved its in driving car., leaving President, National Council of JewMayer, Leslie Burkenroad, Jerome Arlo apartments in Omaha. headquarters from the Knights of cerning Hitler should create a spec- toward their honor pins should start October SO. Phone Council Bluffs, ish Women. Heyn, and A. Herzberg. ial interest for Doctor Cohn's lecture. Columbus club to the Melrose apartat once on the advertising part, and 3712 J. Leslie Burkenroad was master of ments. should get in touch with Miss Doraj LINTZMAN-PERLMUTTER cil of Jewish Women at the Jewish ceremonies. WEDDING Community Center the same day. Daughters of Israel An all-day program has been plan- PHI DELTA EPSILON The marriage of Miss Bess Perl"AT HOME" ned for the visitor. She will be met PLEDGES mutter of Council Bluffs, daughter TOMr.BEand Sam Faier will he on her arrival by the board of manA regular meeting of the Daughof Mr. and Mrs. W. Perlmutter of "at home" Mrs. afternoon, Oc- agers of the Omaha section, and will Five freshmen were pledged to the ters of Israel Aid Society wSl be Council Bluffs, to Mr. Dan Lintz- tober 22, fromSunday 3 to 6 p. m. in honor breakfast with them. Later, she will Creighton chapter of Phi Delta Ep- held Tuesday, October 24, at the OU •man, son of Mr. and Mrs. J, Lintz- of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. attend the board meeting at 10:30 silon, national medical fraternity, Peoples Home, 2504 Charles street. FAILLE, man of Omaha, will take place Sun- and Mrs. Abner Preisman, of San a. m., at the Community Center, and Tuesday evening at formal cere- Please attend. day afternoon, October 22, at 4 Francisco, CaL monies held at the chapter house. at 1 o'clock a luncheon will be given o'clock at the home of the groom's The new men are Robert Fox, Joparents, in the presence of only mem- No invitations have been issued. in honor of Mrs. Brin. seph Davis, Ben Jacobson, Fred Daughters of Zion bers of the immediate families. RabMrs. Irvin Stalmaster and Mrs. Meinhard, and Stanley Sackin. bi David A, Goldstein will perform RECEPTION FOR David Goldman \rill take reservations Leonard Jagoda was chairman of The Daughters of' Zion -will give STRIPES YOU SLIM PHILIP STEIN the ceremony. for the luncheon, which is open to the committee in charge of arrange- a large card party the latter part of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Batt will reA reception will be held Sunday all Council members. An open meetassisted by Maurice Steinberg November, it was decided a t an inIN THIS NEW evening between the hours of 7 and c e l v e at their home on Sunday, Oc- ing follows, when Mrs, Brin will dis- ments, and Abraham Riemer. teresting meeting held at the J. C. r m 10 o'clock at the Lintzman home at ot fo ?M"r —> 11*1 ° S t e2l ntoo 5 p. m., in honor cuss activities and problems of the C. Tuesday afternoon. f Loa 3647 California street, for all rela- w h o 1S - P* ! ? Angeles, Council with local leaders of the orRabbi David Goldstein delivered an tives and friends of the young couple. visiting here with his rela- ganization. All Talking Jewish excellent address on the condition of No invitations are being issued. *"«* and friends.. No invitations are Nationally known for her -work to today, laying particular bemg issued. Picture at Uptown Palestine bring about world peace and disarmstress upon the phenomenal developament, Mrs. Brin served as national The all-talking Jewish picture, ments of Tel-Aviv, the all-Jewish ANNOUNCE BIRTH DINNER-DANCE Mr. and Mrs. George Laviiie an-; Miss Sarah Cohen entertained 12 chairman for the Department of "His Wife's Lover," with superimpos- city. nounce the birth of a son on Thurs- couples at a dinner-dance at Paul Peace and Disarmament for the Coun- ed titles in English, will be featured day, October 12, at the Methodist SPOT'S club Sunday night, honoring cil from 1924 to 1930. In her own at the Uptown Theatre, 29th and hospital.. Miss Lillian Nachschoen, a bride-to- community she is active in many Leavenworth streets, on Tuesday, civic .movements, having acted as a Wednesday and Thursday, October be. member of the State Commission on 24, 25, and 26. There will also be BAR MITZVAH Criminal Apprehension; state chair- short subject. Mr. and Mrs. G. Kaplan announce VISIT WITH PARENTS the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Har- Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Richards of man of Peace for the National Com- On Sunday and Monday, October old H. Kaplan, on Saturday morning, San Jose, Cal., are spending two mittee on the Cause and Cure of 22 and 23, the Uptown will show A. complete jewelry service. Lowest October 21, at the B*nai Jacob syn- weeks in Omaha, visiting with their War, and chairman of the Joint "Gold Diggers of 1932." in. price and highest in quality. agogue, 24th and Nicholas streets. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Ku- Peace Committee of Women's Organ- Friday and Saturday, October 27 He will conduct the whole Saturday lakofsky, before returning to their izations of Minneapolis. and 28, will be presented "King of morning service as cantor. Rabbi H. home. They are returning from an She is also a member of Hadas- the Arena," with Ken Maynard, and Grodzinsky. will give a short talk. extended trip to the east. sah, of Temple Israel of Minneapolis, added shorts. I Successors to Albert Edhelm All friends are invited to attend of the Woncens' League of the Adath Yeshurun, of the College Women's Patronize the Jewish Press Adver- S ?nd Floor City 3fatT Bank Bids. the service. RETURNS FROM FAIR ; ; Mr. Philip Stein, of Los Angeles, Club, League-of Women Voters, Wo- tisers. HIGHLAND FASHION who is the guest of his,^is!teES, Mrs. men's International League f-or Peace REVUE AND FROLIC J. Batt and Mrs."H. Franklin, re- and Freedom, and the Women's Club Over four hundred attended the turned Friday from Chicago where of Minneapolis. fashion show and frolic given by the he spent the past week at the Century of Progress. Pearl Freedman, vice-president; Toby Poster, secretary; Naomi Kovitz, World Theatre TO CHICAGO treasurer. 16TH AT FARNAM Mae West in "I'm No Angel" made Mrs. Louis Richards of San Jose, The group is planning a Hallosuch a tremendous hit at the Para- Cal., who had been visiting friends we'en masquerade party at the home mount that it has been moved over and relatives in Omaha, left last Fri- of Miss Florence Greenstone, Octoto the World Theatre for the coining day for Chicago, accompanied, by ber 28. -week. Miss Blanche Zimman. Miss West picked three virtually Mrs. Richards will leave shortly RETURNS FROM HOLLYWOOD unknown song -writers to write the for a trip to Europe. Miss Gertrude Orueh, daughter of words and music for her latest starMr. and Mrs. Hyman Orach, has rering picture — but, as she stated, VISITORS HERE "they won't be unknown long." Mrs. D. H. Fertdl and son, Rich- turned from an extensive stay in They are Gladys Dubois, Ben Elli- ard Harvey, and Miss Louise Traib- Hollywood, CaL, as the guest of Miss son and Harvey Brooks. man, of Lynn, Mass., are visiting at Ethel Brookstein, formerly of Oma\ The picture tells the story of Tira, the home of Mrs. Fertil's parents, ha. million dollar carnival beauty, who Mr. and Mrs. S. Flax. Mrs. Fertil "shimmies" her way into the minds is the former Minne Flax of this PATRONIZE THE JEWISH PRESS ADVERTISERS. and hearts of the boys of the small city. towns. She turns lion-tamer, becomes a sensation, gets offers from the big IN CHICAGO city show and breaks hearts among Mrs. Dollie El gutter is in Chicago, RA THRIFTY— society playboys just as she did un- where she attended the World's Fair. der the big tent in the "sticks." 7c per1b. In her exposition of the constant TWO-WEEK TRIP Shirts, inc. sinner, Miss West has created a rev- Mrs. Maurice Katleman returned olutionary screen type. Saturday evening from a two-week trip to Chicago, St. Louis and Kansas City. Town Theatre An ej:cellent week's entertainment Then yon know it's is in store for Town Theatre patrons BUNCO CLUB Once again The "666" club, a bunco club, was smart and in perfect fo-- the week starting Oct. 22. . . . just at ZBIS FARHAM AX2B15 at the home of Mrs. Evalyn taste. This one of The opening program starting Sun- formed in deys of Abrams, with the following officers day for three days presents, Marie elected: Liberty Cooper, president; silk faille has flatteryor. . . Dressier and Wallace Beery in "TugNelly D e n ing capelets and a boat Annie." fat h i c m cunning epic and This program is rounded out with BABE EKTEKTAUOTEKT Priced sleek little FOB THEATBE-GOEBS Tip-Tap-Tog, a choice comedy, plus span Testee. Try it f r o c k s of "King Salmon", a short subject. on and n o t e the from flattering Wednesday and Thursday, October magic fit and fine deS • t e e nl 25 and 26, are offered "Another LanThis on* H guage", with Helen Hayes and Robtailing . . . they're ert Montgomery; and "Arizona to itriped . . . NELLY DON feaBroadway", with James Dunn and fitting yeu tures always. And it's Joan Bennett. and f I i m The final double feature program just one of our excitmmg yeul to for the week, Friday and Saturday, ing NeHy Dons at T h e n with October 27 and 28, offers first Buddy artful dash, Rogers and Marion Nixon in "Best Nelty Den of Enemies", and the second, Bob trims H with gay «loti . . . And Steele in "Trailing North".

of course Above ail, a

j McDonald & Co.


.DRESSES .GOWNS for the Women with a True

Flair for Smartness




U P TOW N 29th and leavenworth

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Adults 35c—Children 15e

the price? Well, ti't really tometkHig to cheer about.


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With a Star Cast of I'ldtlisb Players



Paramount Comedy

fashions combining youthfoiness and poise

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ures NEW DEVIL'S ISLAND—This is a new view of Alcatraz island in San Francisco bay, recently selected by the U. S. federal government as a place of confinement for the nation's most desperate criminals.. In all its long history as a military prison not one inmate has escaped.

MAKING-UP ON THE BEACH—How to enjoy the rays of the sun on the beach without impairing one's beauty is the lesson these young, women are learning on the sands of Venice, Cal. They are being' taught how to apply cosmetics to gain an even tan and how to avoid freckles.

.' i


ALFONSO HUNTS—Thi,s is how an ex-king whiles away his idle moments. He is Alfonso of Spain, snapped at a shooting party at Salisbury. England. The former monarch is shown with his hostess, Lady Bailey.



NINE INJURED IN AIR COLLISION—Nine people were injured when two planes, piloted by Roy "Speed" Hunt, 34, of Norman, Okla., and Leonard Povey, 29, of Boston, Mass*, collided over Wilmington, Del.," during a charity air benefit. Most of those injured" suffered serious burns when the ships broke out in flames after crashing. This picture shows where one of the planes went through the roof of a house to the cellar.

ROYALTY OF FAIR—Selected from thousands of entries among high school students as the most typical American boy and girl pass-^ ing 100 per cent in intelligence and other tests, Edmund Lindblom' and Ever Louise Conner have won the titles of prince and princess" of the Chicago world's fair. Awarded $1,000 each and a trip around the world, the winners are pictured in San Francisco as they started their world cruise.


'J- '

DINNER PAILS DANGLE—This photo shows some of the thousands of~ employes returning from a day's work at the Illinois steel ^^a -where „ . . mills a third blast furnace has been placed into operation, giving the mills their highest operating rate since tha start of the J '— era. — -depression &"'"

EAGLE EYE WITH RIFLE—Mrs. Robert F. Welsh of Philadelphia, Pa., while spending her.lioneymoon in Seward, Alaska, joined her husband on a hunt." It was her first hunt, and the first time that she ever had a rifle in her hands, yet she bagged a moose and also brought down a large black bear. Mrs. Welsh shot the moose from a distance of 200 yards, and the bear at 150 yards..

INSPECTS WINTER CAMP—Robert Fechntr, of Washington, national director of the Civilian Conservation corp^, is pictured us he inspects one of the winter camps of the Adirondack area at barnum Pond, N. Y. The photo shows, left to right, Captain William Carter, camp commander; Colonel Charles Smalley, chief of the Adirondack area. Director Fechnert and Captain Charles Eckhart.


By the Way By DAVID SCHWARTZ (Continued from Page 4)

elect such and suches. Now when it would put ft—which knew not Joseph glish. The razor I will throw out and Eight Evening Book comes »to .Jews who are appointed to and did not even want to know of I will grow the beardiest of beards. office, such as some of the men sur-him. I will be everything that you hate. Reviews Are Planned rounding Roosevelt, we .can make a This coldness grew -until one day,I will be that 'sheeny,* and everyone better showing. But, by and large, the son came home and openly pro- will say* see—that 'sheeny' is yonr Books and dates for the series of our elected officials are nothing that claimed his complete separation and father. Ha, ha, ha. I will smile, as eight evening book re-views, to be you want to .write home about. independence of things Yiddish. He you will be eaten up by the dis- given by Rabbi David A. Goldstein

didn't like the language, he said. He grace." And so now for years, the beard would have no commerce and no same time contrasting' him with anhas grown into the beardiest beard Some men wear beards, because dealings with it. other. There was S t Paul and Trotof the beardy East Side. the Bible says you should /wear one. "A filthy jargon," the son exzky, for instance. ' Some men wear beards, the better to And the poet patiently carries his claimed, "a language for the unpolAnd- now we have a new book by hide a . weak chin. Some men ;wear martyrdom. Melamed and it continues in the beards just for ordinary ornamenta- ished, unkempt. I hate everything same tradition. It is a book of Spin- tion. I once knew an old queer fig- Yiddish." I need not go into all the details oza bat it is called Spinoza and ure at the library of Congress—a Another Condemnation Buddha. non-Jew who wore a, beard because he of the heated conversation that enNEW YORK. — "The persecutions So I say, Melamed and Mussolini, said it was the masculine thing to sued except to say that it wound up of the Jews by the Church forms the and though I myself see no points do and moreover, it was healthy. He as follows. The father said: "You can't stand Yiddish. You blackest page in the whole history of in common between the two names, wrote an article trying to prove that cant stand the Yiddish language. Christianity," states Henry A. AtkinI am quite sure, if I were him andbeards keep pneumonia germs You have dared even as the very son, general secretary of the Church he were me, he would. There are beards and beards—bat scum of the streets to call it a Peace Union and a member of the the strangest beard of all I came 'sheeny* tongue. • Til tell you what I executive committee of the Universal LENIN AND SPINOZA Dr. Melamed is always an inter- across the other day at the Cafe will do. The more you go away from Christian Council for life and Work, I saw the man—and I saw it, the closer I will get to i t I will in a report of the committee's acesting writer, and this book is no Koyal. the beard and Jacob Fishman, edi- take in no English paper in my tivities at a conference held in Noviexception.. Lenin, Melamed writes, tor of the Jewish Morning Journal was more a follower of Spinoza than recounted to me the story of that house. I will speak no word of En- Sad, near Budapest. of Karl Marx. St. Paul, he describes beard. And the story was of a beard as a sickly, epileptic levantine Jew, —not of hygiene, not of aesthetics the greatest organizer in history; and not of religion. It was "a beard Jesus, a simple villager, a dreamer of revenge. of the ghetto. . "Judaism is the spirit of the des- We shall call the man Goodldnd, ert where man was alone, felt more because that is not his name. If you intensely his own personality and thehave ever been to the Cafe Eoyal you have seen Goodkind, and you will to live." The University of Chicago Press couldn't help but notice him. He has black gleaming eyes, and generally is publishing the book. he is without a hat and there is something about him that makes you RESIGNED FROM THE think that either he is an anarchist RACE I heard this one the other day. or a Yiddish poet. A negro applied for aid to the Jew- And the fact is that he is a Yiddish poet. But let us go back to his ish charities. "I am very sorry ,but we .must beard, for that is the first thing yea help our own. Why don't you apply will notice about him. It is the kind to the charities for the aid of col- of beard that you would expect to develop in a contest for the growing ored people?' ' : BEAUTY PARLORS "I have resigned from the negro of the most generous beards. ACCOUNTANTS I have said that this beard was a race," said the black fellow. "Has your resignation been ac- beard of revenge, but i t was also a LAKE STREET AUDITS cepted?" asked the Jewish charity beard of sacrifice and a beard ;of BEAUTY SHOPPE martyrdom. worker. SYSTEMS 2004-Lake St. The story is equally good for the And the story is this. Goodkind is INCOME TAX Mrs. Lon Farber, Prop. Jew. It appears that Mr. Hitler re- a Yiddish poet and a staunch 100 • fuses to accept the resignation of per cent Yiddishist. And loving Yiddish, he hoped to many Jews who have resigned from The New Dnart raise his only begotten son to treasthe Jewish race. Denble Carter Permanent ure it even as he does. When the MORE BOOKS boy was five or six, he read to him Certified Public Acets. $3,00 Speaking of books, as I was a some of the gems of Yiddish liter832 Brandeis Theater Best Workmanship couple of paragraphs back, may I ature. He read to him of his own Bldg. mention that Jacob De Haas's one Yiddish poems—and he looked forvolume Jewish encyclopedia will soon ward to the day, when as he grew 9 Tears Present Location JA. 4811 be out. Some seven hundred pages old, his son would rise and raise I believe. high the Yiddish banner even as he Also out soon: History of Jews did. but written from a different slant, T h e son grew older and little by BEVERAGES AUTOMOBILES For adolescents, by Leo Schwartz, little, the father began to see that Former young Judea leader. a new generation.had arisen,' which knew not" Joseph," as the Scriptures"


Abramson Audit Co.

New and Used Cars


I met the other day, Barnett Janner, the English Jewish representative in the House of Commons of the London Whitechapel, corresponding to the New York East Side^^_ And a sad thought came over me. I compared him with some of our awn elected Jewish officials and it seems to me, he stands head and shoulders above them. More genuine, more cultured, better in .every way.


. ...- y


Why is it that we American Jews


Where Price, Quality, • and Service Meet

. _ , iEXERYTHING •\)' For the Auto 2051 Farnam AT. 5524


Avenue The widely - h e r a l d e d musical, "Moonlight and Pretzels," will be featured at the Avenue Sunday and Monday, October 22 and 23. The sec-, ond feature will be "The Narrow Corner," with Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. On Tuesday and Wednesday, the 24th and 25th, another double feature will be shown—Ralph Morgan and Boots Mallory in "Humanity," and Raul Roulien, Gloria Stuart, and Edna May Oliver in "It's Great to Be Alive." The final bill of the week on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, will be "Tugboat Annie," with Marie Dressier and Wallace Beery, and also "Gordon of Ghost City." ••-.

AUTO PARTS New and Cseti Repair Parts and Accessories foi

Cars and Trucks at • Savins Merchandise Guaranteed

Star Auto I Parts Co. helps build strong bones and teeth.

S. M- CLAYMAN, Mgr. AT. 93C9 nth and Chicago St.

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BODY tTENDER Auto Roils and Fendei Repairing:, fainting Complete Cpholsterine and Glass Service Wicker Furniture Painted and Itepairod

Paul Brodrick 2118-22 Cuming AT- 6208 Since 1922 Soliciting Quality Work


A. Z. A. 1

The A. Z. A. chapter No. 1 will They are: "Anthony Adverse,", by give their first annual Halloween

Hervey Allen, Dec. 1 1 ; "Little Man, party Saturday night, October 28, at What Now?" by Hans Fallada, Dec. the Roosevelt Inn Night Club, 67th 27; "Return of the Native," by and Military avenue. This will be in the nature of a Thomas Hardy, Jan. 15; "Hear Ye, Sons!" by Irving FiBcman, Jan. 29;hard-time party, and all attending "Of Human Bondage," by Somerset are urged to dress accordingly. A Maugham, Feb. 12. Books for the prize will be awarded for the worst reviews of Feb. 26, March 12, andhard-time costume. Couples only will be admitted. March 26, will be selected later. All A. Z. A. alumni wishing to atTickets -will go on sale within a week to both members and non-mem- tend should get in touch with Louis bers of the Conservative.* Members J. Riklin, chairman of the committee, may secure tickets at one dollar for or Art Weiner or Ernie Nogg. Reserthe series, and they will be on sale vations should be made by next Tuesto non-members for $1^50. Proceeds day.


\ *

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A T . 2524

Get Acquainted CLEANERS • • • ©

CLEANERS DYERS HATTERS TAILORS Rue and Curtain Cleaners Upholstered • Furniture

Band Box Cleaners AT. 4111, S42S rarnam St.



Bespital Krinedy for Gas, Hcartbarn. Indigestion, Constipation We Sell and Guarantee This Krmc*iy WTE ni2I.lT«K Quality nnd^Scrric* ,v

Kozak's Drug Company N. EL Ckirner 20th and Lake AT. sre?



Get You* Cuts and JlWri

The Blae Line Transfer Company is equipped to do your local or long distance hauling. The company is operated by Mr. Benjamin Lsrw, -who has been in this line of work for fifteen years. He has been at bis present location for the past five years. Mr. Law reports that the transfer business has shown a decided improvement during the past three months, making a far more favorable showing than during that period in 1932. "This is encouraging in general,** Mr. Law points out, ""since the transfer business is a criterion in respect to other lines of business—as the transfer business goes, so goes other business." 'The company is equipped to do all kinds ^f hauling, and has built up a large number of steady and satisfied customers. They haul for several railroads, as the Union Pacific and Rock Island. Also, they hauled the material for the new Federal building, as well as many others. For hauling—whether local or long distance— call the Bine line—Atlantic 6405. They are located at 314 South 10th Street.

PRINTERS We Solicit Tour Printing and Office Supply Needs


Corey-McKenzie Printing Co. 1406 Dodge St.

TAILORING Volz Will Keen You Nattily Attired



SARATOGA LAUNDRY We Take Time l« Do It Kig-ht by IMn and Careful


"Phone Qt.4626



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We'll say t<A They All Eat Nelson's Delicious

Re-Nu-Health Baths


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We Are Distributors for the WeU Known Omaha Manufactured

GRANT BATTERY And Guarantee All Sales Batteries Serviced

National Tire Shop 17th and Capitol AT. 6427

The Sign of Good Workmanship ' JA. 1614 Offices Brandeis Theatre jBldg: . • • . . . ; . ,


Farnam at Thirty-third


Chicago Round Trip $7.95 Denver 7.50 Round Trip 11.00 Los Angeles_ 20.00 Round Trip 35.00

BUS DEPOT Edwards Hotel Bldg. 306 N. 16th HA. 5000

CAFE Stop in for dinner, after the theater, or after the party for t h a t snack with dancing in onr parry room. Open all night

HAMILTON CAFE Margaret Berman, Prop. 2406 Farnam. J A. 827S

H/VTTERS Standard Hat Works

KE. 0061-62



Knows How to Clean Hats Work Done While Yon Wait FREE DELIVERY DOWNTOWN 1619 Farnam, AT. 8481


G.A. Steinheimer Company


Contracting Painters 113 No. 40th Ha. 6369 Painting and Decorating Residences, Churches and Public Bldgs.

BLUE LINE Transfer Co. 314 S. 10th

LAUNPRM We are doing our part by complying with the NRA code. You do your part by helping us.

Capitol Snow-White Laundry JA. 48S3

1518 Cass

The Best Portrait Requires the

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Cleveland Studio 1612 DougliL. St. Phone JA%3366






Roberts Dairy Co.

^'brnaha's Most Beautiful -Hdj^fpr Funerals^ Funerals To Fit Any Purse' . Phone HArney 1226

Golden Spike Pale Dry? Gingerale Ideal lisie Rickey Jdgal j^^t^Waters^^


Orpheum Theatre "Steve Brodie could take it—so can I!" Every-part of George Raft's body writhed in agony as he stood on the set of "The Bowery," in which he is co-starred with Wallace -Beery and Jackie Cooper and which comes to the Orpheum" Theatre for the week starting Saturday .along with Lew Cody and Aileen Pringle in "By Appointment Only." Raft was made up to portray Steve Brodie, the famous jumper of the Brooklyn Bridge in this story of the hey-dey of New York's once-noted tenderloin. "Listen to this," he said. He moved his foot and a loud squeak issued from his shoes. He moved his hip and there came a creak. He hunched his shoulder and it brought forth a shreik. "These shoes are a whole size too Envill and have two inch heels," Raft explained, protruding a foot encased in a pair cT knobby-toed button shoes such as were worn in the gay 90's. "That's to give me the swagger walk of a 'dese and dose' guy. "This," slapping his sides, "is a steel corset. It's to give me a Bowery shape. And these .shoulders are padded inside my shirt instead of the coat It's to make me pose like an old-time fighter, but actually it keeps me from raising my arms high enough to defend my chin."


for the Conservative Synagogue auxiliary during the winter, have been announced by Mrs. Mose Yousem,

will go toward the Conservative Syn- —Shop from our Service Guide— agogue Sunday school. Assisting Mrs. Yousem will be Mrs. Irvin Levin, co-chairman, and a com••I mittee of board members. The Auxiliary is also planning c Purim Ball.

AT. 6405

x-AGE 8—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20,1933 Registrations are still being taken the synagogue at 618 Mynster street for- the Council Bluffs Hebrew school next Sunday morning at 10 o'olock. and any child who wisheffto attend the Talmud Torah should register with BIONSKY, GKODINSKY & and Mrs. B. Saltzman. They were Mr, J. Z. Stadlan immediately. Also, VANCE 737 Omaha >"at'l Bank Bldgr. accompanied .there by Mrs. Saltzman, registrations are still open for Sunday who will spend a week there. School, and new pupils are urged to OF PllOBATE OF WILL attend the Sunday School classes at In NOTICE the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. Mrs. Charles Endelman, -who has In the Matter of the Estate of Mildred been ill • at the Jennie Edmundson CARL KATUSMAN, Attorney Levy Holzman, Deceased. Omaha, Xcbr. All persons interested in said estate are hospital for the past- month, came hereby notified that u petition hi\s been home last Friday and is now convalfiled in said Court, praying for the proPKOBATE NOTICE bate of a certain instrument now on file escing. •. ' In the Matter of the Estate of Jacob Kat-

- Mrs. Keith Peltz; and her infant Assurance to Jews daughter, Lorraine, left for their home in Manning, Ia.» Sunday, following a By Cuban President visit at the home of her parents, Mr.




Sisterhood Dinner Is Well Attended

wa3 affiliated with the Shaare Zion synagogue, Ladies Auxiliary of Shaare Zion, Hebrew Mother's association and Senior Hadassah. Survivors include the widower, three sons, Louis, Morris and Sidney, and a daughter, Jessie. Funeral services were; from the family residence at 2407 Jackson, with Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz officiating.

Over 150 attended the plate dinner and card party given "^Wednesday evening at Mount Sinai Temple under the auspices of the Temple ' Sisterhood. The dinner was the first of a series of social events to be given monthly by the Sisterhood. Mrs. Sam Greenstone and Mrs. Ben Funeral services for Mrs. Helen Rosenblum were in charge of the Holdowsky were held Tuesday aftei> dinner with Mrs. E. N. Grueskin in noon from the residence of a daughcharge of the card party. ter, Mrs. Rose Sternovsky, 1117 Tenth street. Mrs. Holdowsky died in a local hospital following an operation. Rabbis Address She was 75 years old. A native of Mrs. Holdowsky came to Peace Meetings Scotland, Sioux City in 1920 where she had reRabbi H. R. Rabinowitz and Rabbi sided since then. Theodore N. Lewis were''two of five Surviving Mrs. Holdowsky are a ministers who addressed peace meet- on Harry, three daughters, Mrs. ings last Sunday, held in the various Lillian Sherr,.Mrs. Bluma Lazinger, local churches. and Mrs. Sternovsky, all of Sioux Rabbi Rabinowitz spoke before the ity. congregation , of the First Presbyterian church and Rabbi Lewis delivered the address before the Riverside Ivre Party Methodist Community church. Plans were made at the Ivre meeting Monday night, for a Halloween party to be given Monday evening, Senior Hadassah October 30. Jack Goldsmith is in charge of the affair which will be Luncheon Tuesday given at the West hotel in the Marble The Senior Hadassah chapter will room. open its season Tuesday noon, October 24, with a luncheon and open meeting, to which all Jewish women of the city are invited. The principal speaker will be Rabbi Rabinowitz, who will tell of the need At a dinner last Sunday evening, atfor Hadassah work in view of present ended by over 100 guests, Mr. and world conditions. Mrs. L. Dvorkin, 208 West Sixteenth Piano selections will be offered by .treat, announced the engagement of their daughter Eva to Raymond FriedMiss Frances Emlein. ' man, son of Mr. H. Friedman, 916 Iowa street. The dinner was given in B'nai Brith Meeting: the social hall of the Tiphereth Israel to Be Held Tuesday synagogue. Tha hall was decorated n blue and gold with similar table The regular B'nai Brith meeting ippointments enhanced by centerwill be frald next Tuesday evening in ieces of yellow roses. the J. C. C. Mr. Leon Dobrofsky, Out of town guests included Mr. president of the lodge, urges every rnd Mrs. M. Levy and son of Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. John Abrahams and member to attend. :hildren of Danbury, la., and Mr. and Mrs. H. Feinberg of Jefferson, S. D.

Society News

Mount Sinai

The newly organized choir composed of volunteer members was received with enthusiasm at the services in Mount Sinai Temple last Friday evening. The choir of young people is an innovation at the Temple and includes the following members: Sarah and Marion Rocklin, Stanley Herzoff, Sidney Kalin, Alice Pill, Margaret Kozberg and Helen Gillerstein and is under the direction of Mr. Harry Horwitz. This evening at the Temple service Rabbi Lewis will speak on the subject "A New Age." The choir will sing. "• ' Wednesday noon, Rabbi L e w i s spoke before the Rotary club in Om. aha. Tuesday noon, he addressed the Junior Chamber of Commerce members, speaking on the condition of the Jews in Germany. : Thursday noon, Rabbi Lewis addressed the state convention of the Visiting Nurses association. This morning he was tha speaker at the' assembly of the National Business Training, school. On Wednesday, October 25, he will address the P. T. A. of the Bryant school.

; Shaare Zion The first Friday evening service of the.season at Shaare Zion Synagogue tonight/will be presented by members of the Shaare Zion choir. Special music will be sung by the choir which will be under the direction of Miss Ruth Wigodsky. Soloists will be Miss Wigodsky, Sam Janowitz, and Paul Haffits. Hcrry Shulman will act as cantor, and Miss Ida Heshelow will deliver the sermon. The first service of the Junior Congregation will be held tomorrow morning at 10:45. The annual Congregational meeting will be held Wednesday evening, October 25. Fifteen new members to the Board of Directors will be elected. Reports of the year's activities and the financial standing will be made by Mr. John Lansberg, and Mr. Eli Robinow. The ^meeting -will be preceded by a dinner at 6:30, catered by the members of the Ladies Auxiliary.

The.Alpha Chi Gamma sorority met Saturday evening in the home of Miss iarriet Rosenblum. Mi^sAnn^Lipton ras elected president; Annette Baker, ice president, and Sarah Rocklin, ecretary-treasurer. Plans were made for future meetings during the winter months. Miss Bernice; Liberman was hostess o members ;of:. the Iota Tau sorority it their meeting < Monday evening, 'lans were made for a rush party to e given next Monday, evening in the Jeville cafe. • Sirs. Meyer Levy and son Robert lien of Omaha are guests this week n the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. Dvorin and Mr. and Mrs. S. Levitan. Miss Kate Kaplan was hostess to a ;roup of friends at a luncheon Tuesay afternoon, complimenting Mrs. -evy. Wednesday afternoon Mrs. S. Levian was her hostess at a theater party, which was followed by dinner for a group of her. intimate friends, rlrs. Levy will spend a day In Danbury before returning to her home in Omaha.

Cathedral Chimes Play Jewish Anthem ANTWERP, Belgium (J. T. A.)— On the occasion of Simcath Torah (the' Rejoicing in the Law), the Antwerp Cathedral chimes played the Jewish anthem "Hatikvah." The chimes were heard all over Antwerp, increasing the festive atmosphere and gratifying the Jewish population.

Dismissed Jews Shorn of Legal Right

BERLIN. —The existing employment law does not aim to protect Jewish employees; therefore, dismissed Jewish employees, bringing; action against employers, cannot claim protection under the law, the Juristisches Wochenblatt, published by Minister of Justice Prank, declares. "'.'.'

HAVANA, Cuba (J. T. A.)—President Grau San Martin received the Jewish delegation that visited him to protest against the anti-Jewish agitation current in Cuba. The president assured the delegation,' which represented the Cuban Jews, that" he and the. regime which he headed was friendly to the Jews and acknowledged the usefulness of the Cuban Jewish population. President Grau declared that his government was in no way responsible for the propaganda against the Jews and pointed out that Cuba was going through an abnormal period. The Cuban chief executive asked the Jewish delegation to come directly to him. in case of any danger to the Jews and declared that he would always be willing to help. At the same time the adjutant to the President promised that lie would see to it that the arrested Jews were freed quickly.

7T"! Council Bluffs News BY F . R- K.

The Council Bluffs Lodge No. 688 of the Independent Order of the B'nai Brith will hold a meeting next Monday evening, October 23, at 8 o'clock at the Eagles hall. All new members are especially urged to attend this meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Richards announce the birth of a son, born October 11, at the Jennie Edmundson hospital. The baby was named Sam Stanley, at the "Brith" which was held at the hospital Wednesday noon. Rev. A. Diamond officiated as "Mohel." Mrs. George Roffman entertained twenty-five guests at a 1 o'clock luncheon last Thursday afternoon in honor of her niece, Miss Goldie Schonbron of Omaha, whose engagement to Mr. Ben Elkin was recently announced. The afternoon's diversion was bridge. Miss Ida Krasne is spending the week visiting in Chicago, 111., where she will attend the Century af Progress exposition. The Junior Congregation will hold a" "special children's services this Friday afternoon at 5 o'clock, and each succeeding Friday afternoon at the same hour. They will also have services on Saturday mornings commencing at 9 o'clock. All children interested are invited to attend these services. Cantor J. Cohen of Denver, Colo., left Wednesday for his home follow^ ing a week's visit here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Kutler. Miss Sarah Solomonow honored her brother, Joe Solomonow, at a surprise party at home last Saturday night, the occasion being his birthday anniversary. Covers were laid for sixteen guests. Bunco was the evening's diversion, followed^ by a midnight supper.


Notice is hereby given that n corporation has been formed under the laws of the State of Nehraskn. . The name of the corporation is "Archer Electric Co." and the principal place for the transaction of its business is the City of Omaha, Douclas County, Nebraska. The peneml nature of the business to be transacted by the corporation is to buy, purchase, own,, hold, lense, exchange, assign, mortgage nufl. transfer real eslate and personal property- wherever situated: to buy. Roll. own. hold, assign, mortgage and transfer bonds, securities, debentures mid stock in other corporations; to draw, make, execute, accept, endorse aid issue promissory notes, mortgages, drafts, bills of exchange and other negotiable instruments: to borrow money: to buy. sell, trade, rep.iir. install, alter, deal in and manufacture electric machinery and appliances of all kinds and descriptions, incandescent and arc-lamps, wireless and general electric supplies; nnd transacting all Other business necessary or convenient in connection therewith. The total authorized canital stock of this corporation shall be $2."i.OO().nn divided into two hundred and fifty <2."0) shares of the par value of $100 each. Of said stock, one hundred (100) shares shall be common stock and one hundred and fifty (I.VU shares preferred stock. The preferred stock may be issued as and when the board of directors shall determine and shall entitle the holders thereof to receive out of the net earnings on said corporation a dividend at the rate of f» p<T cent per annum before any dividend, shall f.e set apart or paid on the common stock. Said dividend -hall be cumulative. The holders of the preferred stock shall in case of liquidation or dissolution of the corporation, before any amount shall be paid to the holders of the common stock, be entitled to be paid the nar amount of their shares pins, (he unpaid' accumulated dividends therpon'. but shall not participate in any fnriher distribution of the surplus assets of the company. Said preferred stock at the discretion of the corporation shall b" subject to redemption nt par on any dividend day after its issue Said capital stock shall be fully nald for and unn-assessible when Issued. Said capital stock shall be pa'd for in cash, notes or pronerty. real or personal, tangible or intangible, at the reasonable value thereof Ten (10) shares of the capital stock of this corporation shall be paid for before the cc-noration shall commence business. The corporation shall commence business on the filing of a copv of its articles of incorporation -with the County Clerk of Douglas County,- Nebraska, and shall continue for a period of fifty (50) Tears from the date thereof. The highest nmomif of indebtedness to which this corporation shall at any time subject itself shall not exceed two-thirds of Its oanital stock. The affairs of the corporation shall be conducted by a board of directors consisting of not less than two nor more than five members. HARRIET .T. ARCHEU. JAMKS O. AVITAT/EN, In Presence of: S. ,T. I.EON. 10-fl-4t

Be Sure That the Butter You BuyIs


Be Lnxe

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cherniss entertained the members of their Sunday Night bridge club at their home Sunday night. SHOTWELL, MONSKY. GKODINSKY & VANCE, Attorneys Omaha National Bank Bids-

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That the undersigned have formed a corporation. The name of the corporation is "JOHN VOLZ. INC.." and Its principal place of business shall be in the City of Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska. The corporation is authorized to establish and maintain a merchant tailoring business and to buy nnd sell all Items handled in connection wtih such business, and to buy. sftti, acquire, lease, dispose of, alienate. and/or encumber any and all kinds of real and personal property; the corporation shall have authority to borrow money and to issue its notes, mortgages, stock, or other obligations for that purpose. The authorized capital stock is $5,000.00, divided into -ri0 shares of the par value of $100.00 each, all of which shall be common «nd fully paid nnd non-assessable when issued. The corporation shall commence business upon the filing of the Articles of Incorporation with the County Clerk of Douglas County. Nebraska, and shall continue until January 1st. lfiTiS. The highest amount of indebtedness shall not exceed two-thirds of its capital stock. The affairs of the corporation shall be 'irijninistered by a Board ot not less than two, nor more than five directors, who shall elect n President, VicePreslil'int, Secretary, nnd Treasurer, from their ntimber. The Article?, may be amended. The corporation mny have n seal. Dated nt Omaha. Nebraska, this 20th day of September, 1033. A. GREENBERG H. P.. COHEN. 0-29-33-4t.

After school the children will be hungry, let them have all the butter they Want.

H. MARQUARDT E. G. MAGNEY Incorporators.

4.50-20 4.50-21 4.75-19 5,25-18 5.59-19

7.60 7.90 8.40 10.00 11.50

Mohawk Heavy Duty

$6.00 6.30 6.70 8.10 9.40

Tire prices are on the up and up—prices advertised today may be history tomorrow. So if you are thrifty, and •wise—buy your tires now and BEAT THE RISE!

Expert Vulcanizing We employ only factory-trained men in our Tire Repair Department, making repairs and vulcanizing by the same methods employed by tire manufacturers. Tires vulcanized by us are guaranteed not to "blow out." We know how to vulcanize.

We Know Tires!


Drive in and let us check over your tires — It's dangerous to drive on worn casings. For the safety of yourself and your family, buy new tires today—and save money.



Corner 17th and Capitol Ave. OMAHA, NEBR.

Phone AT. 6427 floberman Bros., Proprietors DAVID HOBERMAN

I ( T-.«.II«

The name of the. corporation Js Krasue, Inc." and the principal place for the transaction of its business is the City oi Oinnlia, Douglas County. Nebraska. . . % The general nature of the business to be transacted by the corporation is to bur, purchase, own. liold, lease, exchange, assign, mortgage nnd transfer real estnte ami personal property wherever situated, to buy. soil. own. hold, assign, mortgage and transfer bonds, securities, debentures and stockiu other corporations; to draw, make, execute, accept, endorse and issue promissory notes, mortgages., drafts. Dins of exchange and other negotiable Hl8t.runi.-urs: to borrow money; to carry on rue

in said Court, purporting to be the last will aud testament of said deceased, and that R hearing will be had on said petition before said Court on the 301 h day of October, 1D33. and that if they fail to appear at said Court on the said ROth day ot October, 1933, nt 9 o'clock A. M., to coniest business of operating shops known »« the probate of said •will, the Court may beauty pnrlors nnd to do any nnrt nil allow and probnte said will nnd gmnt nd- things incidental to or necessary for the tninistration of said estnte to Max L. carrying on of said business. Holzman or some other suitable person Tile authorized capital stock of this corand proceed to a settlement thereof. poration shall be $10,000.00 divided into one hundred <1(K>) shares of the par value BKYCE CRAWFORD. of $100.00 each to be fully paid for nnd 10-l5-3t County Judge. non-nssessible when issued. Saul capltnl stock shall be paid for in cash, notes or property, real or personal, tangible or inJOSEPH LINTZMAN, Attorney tangible nt the reasonable value thereof. 534 Insurance Building Five <.")) shan-s of the capital stock shall be paid for before this corporation shall commence business. PKOBATE NOTICE The corporation shall commence business In the Matter of the Estate of MAX on the filing of a copy of its articles of HARTZ, Deceased. Incorporation with the County Clerk of NOTICE IS HKUK15Y GIVEN: shall conThat the creditors of mild deceased will Douglas County. Nebraska, nnd r meet the jidminintnilor of Mild estate, be- tinue for a period of fifty (. i0) years from fore me, County Jiidin- of Doturla* Counfv, tlie date thereof. The highest amount of indebtedness to Nebraska, nt the County Court Boom, iu said County, on fUe 13tb day ot Dmmiln-r. which this corporation shall nt any time 1033, and on the 13th day of tVtinuiry. mibject itself shall not exceed two-thirds 1931, at i) o'clock A. SI., neU day. for !»«• of its capital stock. The nffairs of the corporation shall be purpose of pri>M>nt*iiig their rlaliim for examination, adjimtmi'tit DTirt allowance. fondiicted by a board of directors conThree months are ntlowed for tbe cwdftor* sisting of not less than two nor more than to present their ilulms, from tbe 13th day five members. MAYME KIIASNE. of November, 1933. I5KM-E HORWICH. BltYCE CnAWFOUI). In Presence of: S. J. LEON. 10-6-33-4t 10-20-33-3t. County Judge.

which offices, except those of President and Vice-President, may l>e held by the same person.


the State of Nebraska.



'Mrs. Sonia Slutsky. 51, passed awaj October--ll, following an-, illness oi several weeks. She had been a resi dent in Sioux City since; J926.J Mrs. Slutsky was a native of .Russia, but lived in the. United States most of her life. She was a resident of Cedar Rapids and Storm Lake before comtbg to Sioux, City. - She -was active in the Jewish community and

SHOTWELL, MONSKY. GKODINSKY £ VANCE, Attorney* 737 Omaha National Bank Bid?. NOTICE OF INCOUPOHATION OF SIOFX KEALTY COMPANY Notice is hereby given that the undersigned have formed a corporation under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The name of the corporation is SIOUX REALTY COMPANY and the principal place of transacting its business is the City of Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska. The general nature of the biisiness to be transacted is to maintain and operate a real estate company and to purchase, lease, and otherwise acquire real estate and personal property of every k i n j and description and to sell, convey, lease, mortgage or otherwise <>ncumber any and all such property and to manage, operate, develop and in general deal in said property, cither directly or through ownership of stock In any other corporation or association. The corporation shall have power to borrow or raise money, to issue bonds, mortgages, debentures, stock or other obligations for that purpose and in payment for property purchased or acquired by it. or for any other object in or about its business. The amount of capital stock authorized is $2">.1)00.00 iliv:<]:Ml into 2."iO shares of the par value of $100 00, all of which when issued shall l.e fully paid and non-assessable. The stork may be paid for in cash, property or other thing of value as determined by the Hoard of Directors. The time of commencement of the corporation is the time of filing the articles of incorporation in the office of the County Clerk of Douglas County. Nebraska, am' the dale of termination is January 1st. 19S3, unless the corporation is sooner dissolved as provided by law. The highest amount of indebtedness or liability to which the corporation is nt any time to subject itself shall not exceed two-thirds of its capital stock, provided this restriction shall not apply to indebtedness represented by obligations secured liy liens on property of the value exceeding the amount of the secured indebtedness at least 2."i%. nor to any guarantee made by the corporation for the payment of any obligations transferred by it where the same are secured by property as above indicated. The affairs of •.he corporation shall be conducted by a fio.ird of Directors consisting of not less than two nor more than five ns may 1K> fixed by the by-laws. The Hoard of Directors shall elect a President, Vice-1'resident, Secretary and Treasurer, any two of

Notice is hereby given that a corporation has been formed under the laws ot


Junior Hadassah The second cultural meeting of the Junior Hadassah organization will be held Sunday afternoon, October 22, In the J. C. C. Phases of the work on the Hadassah Fellowship on Biblica History and Customs and Ceremonies will be featured at the meeting. The regular Hadassah meeting wil take place Tuesday evening, Octobei 24, at the J. C. C. - V ;;•

leman. Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the" creditors of said deceased •will meet the administrator of said estate, before me. County Judge of Douglas County, Nebraska, at the County Court Room, in said County, on the 27th day of November, 1933, and on the 27th day of Jnnnary, 1034, nt U o'clock A. M., each day, for the purpose of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment and allowance. Three months are allowed for the creditors to present their claims, from the 27th day of October, 1033. BRYCE CRAWFORD, 10C-33-3t County Judge.

t E O S * WHITE, Attorneys City National Bonk Building • NOTICE OF "INCORPORATION OF • "KHASNE, INC."


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