October 27, 1933

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Dedicated to the Ideals of Juda'ism



In the Interests of the Jewish People

Kutt-n-d »» Smrail-Dniw Mull Mailer ou Jimunry 21,. IU21. at ' . i'DBiolHre «» Omnhfl. Nehrnskit^JTyer the Act of Mdrcb 3. 1KT»




Roumanian Prosecutor Acts Against Boycott

Vol. IX—No. 39

No Jewish Attorney in 47 German Cities

Czernowitz, Roumania, (J.T.A.) — he legality of the Jewish "boycott fc?V gainst German goods is to be. conST'\',ted by the public prosecutor here. „ „ :— . _ . . \'"'-'" \>rder was issued to place under p Generous Response in Tickel- , - ^ Dr. Bruno Markus, Jewish on -the charge that he Selling Campaign for Lee•journalist, printed leaflets calling on the public ture Program to refrain from patronizing a GerThe success of the forthcoming Omaha Community Chest campaign The generous response by the non- man film now on exhibition in a will be greatly benefitted by an enthusiastic rally at the mass meeting Jewish public to the ticket sale. of,f local m o y i e the Community Forum program gives Sunday afternoon, October 29. j Court action is also to be instiadded proof of the prestige the series tuted against Deputy Max Diamond This mass meeting for the community-at-large is being sponsored by has gained in Omaha, William Gro- and Dr. Markus Kremer who, are the Community Chest at the City auditorium starting at 2 p. m. Every dinsky, chairman, states in announc- members of the Jewish boycott comagency of the Chest—including our own—will have an exposition booth, ing that the ticket-selling campaign mittee. . •will be continued with greater intendemonstrating its functions and activities. sity. . As president of the Jewish Community Center and Welfare I'ederaThe Forum is sponsored by the tion, I strongly urge everyone to attend the exposition, which promises to educational committee of the Jewbe interesting, instructive and entertaining. ish Community Center and Welfare Federation. Annually, it brings to Being present in large numbers w p lend inspiration to the deep huOmaha outstanding personalities to manities which move us in a time of such dire need,-and will help infuse deliver- lectures on topics of vital imothers with the spirit of generous contribution toward the alleviation of portance. Each lecture is followed the stark misery and sunken despair <£;- our needy fellow-citizens. by an open forum. "This year's series: Elaborate Program Being ArLM L. HOLZMLAN, Dorothy Thompson (Mrs. Sinclair ranged for Annual OutPresided Jewish Community Center Lewis)—Monday evening, December standing Affair . tujjri Welfare Federation. 4th. Norman Thomas—Monday evening, Reservations are now being made January 8. for the twelfth annual Father and -Bishop Francis J. McConnell — Son banquet which will be held in Wednesday evening, February 14. the auditorium of the Jewish ComOswald Garrison Villard — Wed- munity- Center Sunday, November 12, nesday evening, March 14. at 6 p. m. One of the largest crowds Maurice Samuel—Wednesday eve- ever attending this annual event is ning, April 11. expected by Dr. Philip Sher, chair•A season's ticket admitting to five man of the Father and Son banquet lectures is three dollars. Individual committee. tickets are one dollar each. The. banquet is being given this Mr. Grodinsky is stressing the year under the joint auspices of the fact that as many tickets as possi- Social Service Committee of the ble must be sold before the series Jewish Community Center and Welactually begins. He urges that every- fare Federation and the B'nai B'rith. one buy his ticket now. The Jewish Women's Welfare OrganAll those who bought lecture tick- ization will as usual prepare and sn-. ets last year are allowed a refund of pervise the dinner. fifty cents upon purchasing this The toastmaster this year-will be year's ticket, due to the cancellation Rabbi Uri Miller, rabbi of the Vaad of the talk by Warden Lewis E. Ha'Ihr, the association of orthodox By Oswald Garrison Villard Lawes last year because of illness. synagogues. Speaker for the fathers This interesting article about two severer the attacks upon him, the to apply ethics, pure and unabridged, Anyone wishing additional infor- will be J. J. Greenberg, president of mation about the tickets or series is the Conservative Synagogue. The re- outstanding Jewish, personalities now calmer he became. I am happy to to every problem of life, to create a asked to call the Jewish Community sponse on behalf of the sons will be departed and the issues for which think that he rounded out Ms last religion of duty and of the brotherCenter. . . given by Irvin Sherman, son of Mr. their lives stood is reprinted from political campaign |jrith a record- hood of man, which should flourish and Mrs. David Sherman. The invo- The Nation." It is from the famed breaking vote of nearly 250,000— without the myths, the miracles, the cation will be given by Rabbi Fred- pen of Oswald Garrison Villard.— he got 150,000 when the patrioteers, rituals, the dogmas, and the idoland especially the recreant Sons and worship of the established religions. erick Conn of Temple Israel, the Editor. Daughters of the Revolution, were Naturally the movement was atbenediction by Rabbi Nathan Feldroan.of the Adass Yeshuren syna- I mourn the loss of Morris Hill- denouncing this pacifist revolution- tacked, but it grew steadily. .Not by gogue. Rabbi David Wice, associate quit,, lawyer, author, and Socialist ist because he could visualize a bet- any means as it should have. It set rabbi of Temple Israel, will "deliver leader, whose death at sixty-four ter and nobler America than they. standards too high for most people, took place-onrthBfiighthof; .October. T have, read the tiflia^es to him in who -wish, if they, go to* ^church at the main, address. newspapers," notably all, to have their panoplied bishops Dr. Sher promises entertainment He' was much" too young to die. In- the conservative New York Times, with a great and caVdinals, their chants, their inof the same high standard which has deed, as - I get older I more and the deal of sardonic amusement. That their genuflections. It was, of Berlin, (J.T.A.)—A further'order' brought so many * congratulations to more recognize the wisdom of that cowardly and compromising sheet, cense, not an atheistic movement; against boycotting Jews has been is- the Father and Son Banquet com- passage in Bernard Shaw's "Methu- owned by a fellow-Jew, would have course, on the contrary, it recognized the selah" in which he points out that mittees of previous years. The ensued, this time by the Ministries of gladly seen him torn limb from Jimb presence of a divine force. It was, men pass from the scene at three £conomics and Labor. The joint or- tertainment committee for this year's in 1917. and is, a movement to establish a rader prohibits: . '. , banquet is composed of J. M. Mala- score and ten, or even later, just Still another great American Jew tional view of life, especially in its shock, chairman; Eugene Blazer and when they have really learned some1. The compilation of blacklists. thing, when they possess great stores passed from the scene last April, relation to the unknown. One reason 2. Eefusal to accept Jewish adver- Ahner" Kaiman. it did not grow faster, I supThe Father and Son Banquet Com- of knowledge and have profited by and I take this belated opportunity why tisements. pose, was that it lacked warmth, and to put on record my high regard for long experience. If we could prolong 3. Refusal to register Jewish firms mittee is composed of the following: perhaps emotion, in its Sunday deFelix Adler for his achievements. He human life to the century mark it Dr. Philip Sher, chairman; Isadore in official directories. be that we should advance too was born abroad—Hillquist came votional services. Yftt there have been 4. The intimidation of people pat- Abramson, Mrs. J. Arnstein, Max might faster, provided, however, that in- from Latvia. He too was of the race times when I have sat in Felix AdBarish, Eugene Blazer, Mrs. F. J. ronizing Jewish shops. creased age would not make for ul- which, in Germany, is once more ler's audience and been more deeply 5. Posting pickets on Jewish prem- Alberts, Rabbi Frederick Cohn, Rab- tra-conservatism. Morris Hillquit ma- being crucified. Though educated and stirred by him than by any other bi David Goldstein, Rabbi Uri Milises. tured early and he had still a great cultured, both were the immigrants preacher that I ever listened to. ler, Rabbi David Wice, Rabbi Nathan 6. The display of leaflets and pladeal to give us and much to teach that p r o s p e r o u s and aristocratic It was a source of deep regret to cards calling for a boycott of Jews. Feldman, Mrs. Abe Greenberg, Ab- us. From my first contact with him Americans and our stupid labor lead- me that I had to break my ties with ner Kaiman, Mrs. L. Neveleff, Mrs. 7. Photographing customers enterers say should be rigidly excluded the Ethical Culture Society when the I was deeply impressed by ing Jewish shops or the publishing Irvin Levin, Mrs. J. M. Malashock, man-like quality in him whicha Istateschar- from the United States. Well, I do war came and it refused to take any of such photographs, displaying Miss Blanche Zimman, Mrs. B. A. acterized as European. It pleased not happen to recall a single memthem in pillories with names and ad- Simon, Mrs. Dave Sherman, J. M him, not because he—or I— was ber of the Sons of the American Rev- position on that greatest tragedy of Malashock, Philip Klutznick, Jacob mankind. It was explained to me by dresses. olution who has made any such con- some of the members that to do so The order emphasizes again that S. Pearlstien, Wm. L. Holzman, Ber- snobbishly inclined toward Europeans tribution to the ethical and moral would disrupt the society. I objected European methods, but because Jewish firms be given a chance to! nard Rosenthal, and Miss Selma Lot- and men in public life in England and on development of the United States as that that was the very argument exist, otherwise, Christian employees | man. the Continent usually stand on a Felix Adler made. He was a pro- made by all the churches, which and workers will suffer through the "If you plan to attend, make your broader basis, with a greater under- found philosopher, a man with a were turning their backs upon the reservations either when you are resulting unemployment. standing of the rest of the world, splendid mind, which busied itself Prince of Peace and amending a cerAlthough the Nazi party as such called by the telephone committee or than do our public men. One felt in from beginning to end with the tre- tain Commandment to read: "Thou has not issued any instructions clip the reservations blank below this Hillquit a breadth of vision, an abil- mendous problems of human rela- Shalt Kill." My objection met with article and send it to the Jewish against the boycott of Jews, neverity to study our problems not from tionships, and always from the point few approvals. In the face of the theless the order points out that it Community Center," Dr. Sher urges the valley but from the hilltop, and of view of pure ethics. He had with- greatest ethical disaster of modern is in the interests of the country to Reservations will be closed as soon one felt that he did not express himin him the making of a stoic. One times, the Ethical Culture Society reas three hundred are made. In no abstain from the boycott. felt of him that he could have drunk self without careful consideration. I On the other hand, the municipal- case will reservations be made after alwcys had the feeling when I met the hemlock with the equanimity of mained silent. I thought it ought to speak out, and if necessary perish, in Thursday noon, November 9. ity, of Arschwang, unanimously rehim that I vras going to learn some- Socrates, and could have sat in judg- protest at the crucifixion of mansolved that Jewish peddlers and cat- Dr. Philip Sher, chairman thing from him and I was never ment on his own children with com- kind. Had its leaders spoken out, I tle dealers be prohibited from enter- Father and Son Banquet Committee. disappointed. plete impartiality. In a sense his believe that the movement would be ing or trading in the town and that Jewish Community Center. mind like a superbly oper- far, far sti-onger today than it is, As to his role in his party, I must ating functioned plates at the 12th official signs to this effect be dis- Please reserve machine. There were no miss- just as I think that the Quakers, leave that to_ others to appraise, for Annual Father and Son Banquet to played outside the town. ing spark plugs here, no grit in the - The German industrial press ad- be held at the Jewish Community I have never been a member of his gears, no backfiring. He went weak in numbers as they are, are visee the introduction of the Aryan Center, Sunday, November 12, 1933. party and therefore know little or straight to the nub, and he never dis- stronger because of their policy durnothing of what went on at its coun- cussed an issue or a problem until ing the war than they would otherprinciple, urging that only Aryans Enclosed please find wise have been. I would have had cils. But I can well understand that be. appointed as the representatives plates at 65c per plate. had viewed it from every angle. Felix Adler and his fellow-leaders his idealism made him hold rigidly he of German firms in Palestine and Name —; One felt in him the strength which to orthodox Marxism and look with comes from quiet meditation, from imitate Wendell Phillips in his dethat no Jews be given such appoint- Address _. suspicion upon those who sought to the ability to divest himself not only mand that if he died before emanciments. Tel. No. . dilute the genuine brand of socialism of considerations of creature com- pation of the American Negro it and to adjust party policy to exist- fort and of the flesh, but of any in- should be recorded on his tombstone ing conditions. However much the fluences which might hamper a calm that he refused to remain loyal to a party may have been split along this and detached survey of the problem. church that was silent in the presence of a nation's sin, and that he line, it was extremely fortunate to have a man like Morris Hffiquit to Perhaps it was because of this ri- was "recreant to a country which fall back upon. His two campaigns gid control of his emotions that those was a magnificent conspiracy against When an unsuspecting reporter hoped would fit the myriad of dolls for the mayoralty were dignified, ex- who did not know him -well thought justice." But my feeling on this matnonchalantly 'strolled into the Jewish surrounding them. And stranger tremely able, and altogether states- him cold and lifeless, lacking in feel- ter never for a moment affected my manlike. He knew the city, knew ing. They felt that his face was a tremendous admiration for Felix AdCommunity Center the other day, he yet, some of them did fit. came face to face with such an array The needle wielders were Ann what it needed, and he neither com- mask, and so it was in that it hid ler. Nor does it prevent me now of dolls that he thought he had en- Weiner, May Tucker, Zelda Safer- promised nor trimmed. Particularly on the public stage the profound from stating my honest belief that tered the wrong portals and almost stein, Selma Lotman and Ida Berco- was this true of him in his war-time emotions in those depths of his spiri- few men have made such contribucampaign for Mayor. We were still tual nature which far too few had tions to the ethical welfare of the about-faced out- of the building. vici. States as did he; few men But reportorial curiosity won out, The secret of the "doll house" was at war; the ruthless spirit which the privilege of plumbing. None the Unitedmore generously and completeand lo and behold, the dolls belonged soon out—they will be part of the characterized all our authorities from less, he brought comfort and con- have ly served their adopted country. Woodrow Wilson down was rampant. solation to innumerable people. The there. clever booth of the Jewish Commun Police cars were driven into any members of his Ethical Culture con- And still there are multitudes There were dolls clad in gingham, ity Center and Welfare Federation crowd of people, however legal and gregation turned to him as the great among us who woul i put up the bars dolls in silk, satin, and probably cal- part of the exhibit of the Omaha if Mayor Mitchel did not rock of their salvation. They ap- against any future Morris Hillquits ico rags. There were dolls immod- Community Chest to bp fcdd at th lawabiding, like their point of view or attitude. pealed to him first of all when some .and Felix Adlers. They forget that estly unclad, dolls in long dresses, m City auditorium Sunday, October 29 It made no difference to him, or to cruel stroke of fortune put them on the greatest leader of mankind was short dresses, in short, dolls of all starting at 2 p. m. our otLer rulers, that the Constitu- the rack, made them question the a Jew who was bom in a stable. I kinds. There is no admission charge and was ground under foot by them. justice of life a-I every belief that never hear people saying that we But the strongest sight of all was the public is invited. If you want to tion But nothing deterred or frightened they held. ought to shut out these ignorant, illan erstwhile clerical staff suddenly Morris Hillquit. His slogan was, "I At twenty-four years of age, in bred South Europeans and Jews, and transformed into a sewing circle. meet the cute dolls in person—mean will not kOL" He was quite willing 1876, he founded ^he Ethical Culture These ambitious seamstresses were ing celluloid dolls—don't miss the ex to face arrest and prosecution. The movement in America,-a movement (Continued on Page Four) adioitly making dresses that they hibit Sunday.



Two Americans ~* MiUxtuit and Adler



Dolls to Brighten J.C. C. Booth at Community Chest Exhibition

Berlin, (J.T.A.)—Not a single Jewish lawyer is left in 47 German cities, data published by the German authorities revealed. The figures which summarized the ousting of Jewish lawyers in different states showed that the state of Thuringia especially goes on record as having gone further than any other German state in ousting Jewish lawyers. Recently the German press boasted that the city of Marburg was completely "Judenrein" (free of Jews) despite the promise of the Minister of Economics that there would be no more dismissals of Jews.

COMMUNITY CHEST EXPOSITION TO BE HELD THIS SUNDAY Jewish Groups Active in City Campaign to Raise $603,136

The community at large is preparing for a concerted, determined campaign for £603,136 to finance the welfare and relief needs of Omaha for the coming year, when the eleventh annual Community Chest campaign swings into action next Tuesday. Preliminary to the opening of the drive a free rally and social work exposition will be held in the city auditorium next Sunday, October 29. The doors will open at 1:30 p. m., with the progTam starting at 2 p. m. The public is invited and urged to attend. Represented at the exposition, the Jewish Community Center and WelAdvertisement for Boycott Re- fare Federation •will have a booth depicting the major activities of the jected By Metropolitan Center and Federation. Jacob S. Press Pearlstien, executive director, is in charge. New York.—As a protest against The Jewish Community Center and the refusal of the metropolitan press Welfare is a constituent to print an advertisement offered agency ofFederation the Community Chest, and them by Samuel Untermyer, president of the American League for the the J. C. C. and famfty welfare budDefense of Jewish Rights, The Na- gets are set by the Chest. tion, noted liberal weekly, published | Women's Tea. the rejected advertisement, deeming This afternoon, October 27, at 2 it, "a matter of such public inter- p. m. there will be a meeting and est, that we here give space to Mr. tea for the women workers in SecUntermyer's suppressed advertise- tion E, of which Mrs. David Feder ment" is chairman, at the Jewish ComMr. Untermyer's rejected adver- munity Center. A feature will be the presentation tisement was an answer to a full page advertisement in the New York of a skit by the Omaha Community morning newspapers, including the Playhouse. Those in the cast include: Yiddish dailies, in which Percy S. Miss Virginia Crofoot, Mrs. Bernard Straus, president of R. H. Macy and Szold, and Mrs. A. H. Richardson. Rabbi David A. Goldstein will adCompany, states the position of his firm on the boycott of German goods. dress the group. Mrs. Myles Standhead of the women's division, In introducing the full text of Mr. ish, Mrs. Reuben Kulakofsky, one of Untermyer's reply as well as a por- and the five on the executive tion of the correspondence contained board of women women's divison, will in the Macy advertisement, the Na- give short the talks. tion declares: This division's list of Jewish wo"The boycott against the Nazis men workers in the drive, published which has grown spontaneously in in the Jewish Press recently, is very. many parts of the world attracted large. All are invited to attend the unprecedented public notice in New tea and meeting this afternoon. York City recently when R. H. Macy Active in Work. and Company, the city's largest department store, decided to state its On the board of; directors - of ."lite position in a full page advertise- Omaha Community Chest are Henry ment published on October 2 in the Monsky and William L. Holzman. New York daily press. This adver- Mr. Monsky is a past president of tisement was apparently the result the Chest, having served two terms. of many criticisms of Macy's policy Mr. Holzman is now second vice-presof buying in Nazi Germany, and of ident. Included on the Chest Initial Gifts the consequent withdrawal of patronage by customers. The episode takes committee ai-e Harry Zimman, Abe on its special interest because of the Goldstein, William Holzman, Henry rejection by the leading New York Monsky, Henry Rosenthal, H. A. morning papers of an advertisement Wolf and J. Harry Kulakofsky. offered in answer by Samuel Unter- Jacob S. Pearlstien is head of the myer, as president of the American radio division, handling radio pubLeague for the Defense of Jewish licity for the campaign. Jack W. Rights, to statements contained inj Marer is major of one of the divisions of workers. Included among the Macy's advertisement." In the Macy advertisement Mr. naptains are Irvin Stalmaster and Straus answered several of the let- Ed Kraus. Among the lieutenants in ters he had received objecting to the the army of workers are Sam Beber, sale of German goods. The presi- Ben Civin, Harry Cohen, David dent of Mac3r's declared that as a Greenberg, Philip Klutznick, William loyal Jew, he resented the treatment Stalmaster. of the Jews in Germany, but deSunday's Mass Meeting. clared that in order to help the The Right Reverend Charles H. German Jews, Macy's in buyfng Ger- LeBlond of S t Joseph, Mo., will be man goods was buying them, wher- the principal speaker at the rally at ever possible, only from Jewish man- the city auditorium Sunday afterufacturers, and that to boycott such noon. The invocation will be delivfirms would merely make their plight ered by the Rev. Charles Durden, worse. pastor of the First Baptist church, In his reply, entitled "An Open and the benediction by Rabbi FredLetter in Reply to the Advertise- erick Cohn. Chairman of the meetment of R. H. Macy and Company," ing will be E. S. Waterbury, presiaddressed to Mr. Straus, Mr. Unter- dent of the Ad Sell League, under myer taking up the points raised by whose auspices the meeting will be Mr. Straus, accused Mr. Straus of held. Dr. Frank G. Smith, pastor not having been frank with his an- of the First Congregational Church, onymous customer, declared that Mr. will present Bishop LeBlond. A colorful feature Sunday will he Straus had no right to speak for the department stores in the United "Omaha, the Melting Pot," a livingStates and accused Macy's of having tableaux, showing 150 persons in nabought "blocked marks" and of us- tional costumes, with Boy Scouts, ing them to purchase goods in Ger- Girl Scouts and Campfire girls in the foreground. many.


Free Bureau for Citizenship and 'Naturalization Problems Are you perplexed with naturalization problems? Have you neglected to take out your first papers towards obtaining citizenship? A citizenship bureau free of charge has been established at the Jewish Community Center to be at your service in working out any naturalization or citizenship question you may have and to directly aid you in obtaining your necessary papers. Mrs. Jack Kaufman, who for many years was associated with the United States Naturalization Bureau and is an expert in this field, has volunteered her services. Arrangements have been made for her to be at the Jewish Community Center every Tuesday evening from 7 to 9 p. m. to meet with those seeking advice or help in connection with their citizenship problems. If a sufficient number apply, the

J C. C. is prepared to form a citizenship class. Those interested are asked to telephone their names tn the Jewish Community Center. This is but one feature of ths work being done by the Citizenship Bureau, which is under the guidance of the Citizenship Committee of the Social Service group. A systematic, determined campaign is to be waged among non-citizens to take out first papers and to become citizens. The committee in charge includes Dr. Philip Sher, chairman; Rabbi Frederick Cohn, Milton Abrahams, Harry Haykin, Rabbi Uri Miller, Rabbi David A. Goldstein, Edward Shafton, Hyman Shrier, Joe Stern, Donald Brodkey, Harry B. Cohen arid Jacob S. Pearlstien. All work of the citizenship committee and bureau is without charge.









Jewish Problems Nearest

ANNUAL CONSERVATIVE Formal Installation of JEWISH LECTURE Rabhi Wice Tonight SYNAGOGUE MEETING SERIES WILL BE ON NEXT WEDNESDAY PRESENTED HERE installed Ralibi David Wice will be formally BS associate rabbi of Tem-

The annual meeting of the ConA Jewish lecture series Is being ple Israel with llabbi Frederick Cohn servative Synagogue will take place ftt 8 special service this evening, planned under the auspices of the on Wednesday evening, November 1, Young Men's Vaad and Junior Vaad starting at a p, »», auxiliary. Ab Abe QoUhieit}, president of Temple in the auditorium of the Jewish i will mp\w the introductory re- Community Center. There will be five numbers in the A special dinner will be served series. Three have a l r e a d y been marks, Jiftbbi Cohn will preach the engaged, and the others will b§ ttfl« Installation sermon, K&bln Wice will promptly at G:P,0 p. m. by the women of the Auxiliary. nounced shortly. his inaugural tier man. Following the dinner the business Annual Bazaar Todros Geller, famous Jewish artmeeting will be held. A feature of ist, will be here the latter part ©f the meeting will be the welcoming of of Bikur Cholim November. At the time of nil A& the more than fifty new members dress he will also exhibit a collecFunds for buying medicine for the tion of his prints. He ia one of the who have recently joined the synaneedy will be raised at the annual outstanding Jewish artists, and ii gogue. A special ceremony of inbazaar of the Bikur Cholim, to be reputed to be an excellent speaker. duction of new members has been held December 10 at the Labor Ly- In December the forum will fenThe Omaha ffeferew Club will fcoWprepared. Welcoming addresses will ceum. ture a symposium on Reform, Con> open house t« tli« ammunity ihia be delivered by J. J. Greenberg, presThe public has been urged to do- servative and Orthodox Judaism. Sunday afternoon, October g#, A i4ent of tine congregation; "Harry nate liberally for the bazaar. Those Rabbi David Graubert of Des MolnoB feature wilt \xt an aMrmn by Hwyvr SilvermMn, chairman of membership; having bundles to give are asked to will partake in the symposium, and Roy N. Tewl. / *n<i Bflbbi David A. Goldstein. call Atlantic 9054 or Webster 5257. the names of the others will be an' A review of the vital qmttUmn ©f After the inetallation, a report of The Bikur Cholim raffle will be held nounced later. the day including the nation*! as- the year's activities for the synaat the same time, and a soft arm- In January Marvin Lowenthal, pect UK the «amti affect* Omaha will gogue will be rendered by A. D. chair will fce given to the holder of lecturer and author, will be brought be the nubjcct of hi* talJk, The Frank, secretary. Among the high.' Professor Albert Einstein believes; of their positions. "What we expect will be absorbed in non-European the lucky number. here. He is already known to Omaha housing plan for the improvement Ughto of his report will be the that the reconstruction of Palestine from the world is a worthy solution countries -without the necessity of audiences and has a large following. of certain district*, the F a r n a x n growth of the synagogue, the unas a Jewish National Home is one of the problems arising out of the changing their respective occupaAccording to present plans, the Street Bridge are some ot the topic* usually large crowd at regular servof the; most important problems fac- changes of citizenship forced on the tions," he declared. other two numbers will be an out- that Mayor Towl will touch upon, ices, and the progress of the Consering the Jews of the world today. The refugees by the circumstances. The Reverting to his topic of Palesstanding Yiddish speaker and a dra- A Hebrew and Jewish folk song vative Sunday School, which now noted scientist who is now at Prince- bulk of the problems will, however, tine, Professor Einstein discussed the program will be sung by Margaret has 260 children. matic artist or musical concert. ton, N. J., where he will lecture in have Ur be dealt with by Jewish Hebrew University at Jerusalem, a Belmont and Lawrence Finkle who Among the matters to be discussed Season tickets will be $1.50. Indisubject which has always been- of the Institute for Advanced Study, is self-help." will be accompanied by Margaret will be the proposition to change the vidual tickets will be fifty cents. concerned, however, that too great a He expressed the hope that it particular interest to him and which Hurwitz. name of the Conservative Synagogue All tickets will be transferable. stream of immigration may lead to would eventually be possible to ab- has held much of his attention. Florence Whitebook will play sev- to some Hebrew name more approIt is intended that the lectures be an economic crisis. He therefore sorb a number of refugees in non- "The University," he said, "now priate for the congregation. held at the B'nai Israel synagogue eral violin selections. urges that other suitable areas of European countries where they could has a different and much larger task The meeting is open to the general There will be an interesting proLOS1 ANGELES, Cal. (J. T. A.)— colonization be taken into considera- continue to work at their occupa- than at the time it was founded. It public and commences promptly at gram of music and entertainment. must not only seek to become a full- Charging that an attempt is being tion for settlement by Jewish refu- tions. Junior Hadassah 4 in the afternoon. A large crowd is expected. "We may hope that once the un- fledged academic institution to sat- made to stop.the production of the Junior Hadassah wil hold an imgees from Germany. Reservations for the dinner may In an exclusive interview with the employment resulting from the pres- isfy the steadily growing demands cinema, "The Mad Dog of Europe" portant meeting Thursday, November be . made with Mrs. Harold Farber, Mrs. Kuntze Kutler Atlantic 6686, until Monday, OctoJewish Telegraphic Agency on the ent world crisis has been overcome, of Palestine itself, as well as an ed- by intimidating the Hays organiza- 2, at 8 o'clock at the J. C. C. occasion of his departure for this considerable numbers of refugees ucational center for the neighboring tion and other producers, AI Rose, a All members who expect to attend Mrs. Kuntze Kutler, 61, passed ber 30. The price is 65c for adults Orient, but it must also become a Hollywood arts representative and the annual Southwestern Regional away Tuesday evening, after an and 40c for children. country from England, Professor spokesman for the March of Time center of Jewish intellectual work Einstein discussed the" refugee probConvention are especially urged to at- eleven-week illness. Funeral services The committee in charge' of the and research in place of the centers Productions, in an interview with a tend. lem and expressed his gratitude to were held on Wednesday afternoon, dinner is Mrs. B. A. Simon, chairrepresentative of the Jewish Telegraof research of which we have been the countries which have given these Progress of the annual Thanksgiv- with burial in the Golden Hill cem- man, assisted by Mrs. I. Rosenblatt deprived in Europe. For this pur- phic Agency, said ha bitterly resents ing Dance will also be announced. etery. Rabbi TJri Miller and Rabbi and the following members: Mespeople shelter. pose a complete remodeling of the the interference of Reich officials. The dance will be given, at the Fon- N. Feldman officiated. "The problems of Jewry," Profesdames H. Hirschmann, I. Berkowitz, University is essential. For this, "I have it on good authority," said tenelle Hotel on November 30. Miss sor Einstein said, "concern me most, Maurice Micklin, Gail Margolin, WilShe is survived by two sons, Louis thanks to the large number of aca- Mr. Ross, "that the Hays organiza- Dora Freshman is general chairman Knlter and Sam Kutler, of Omaha; liam Boasberg, J. J. Greenberg, because, as a Jew, they are nearest demic workers now available, an op- tion was approached by representa- in charge of this affair; Miss Jean- and five daughters, Mrs. Sam d a y - Arthur Cohen, M. H. Fox, Harry to my heart. Viewed in the long portunity is now given such as will tives of Dr. Luther and of Dr! Gys- nette Resnick is ticket chairman," and man, Mrs. H. Glicken, Mrs. M. Tu- Silverman, Leon Graetz, I. Dansky, - run, the reconstruction of Palestine sling of Los Angeles to use its in- Miss Fannie Katelman is publicity ritz, Mrs. J. Fleischman, and Miss Jack Luttbeg, N. S. Yaffe, and A. L is the most important factor for the BERLIN (J. T. A.)—A new policy never occur again. whole of Jewry. It is therefore im- by which the German press will ab- "The speedy and thorough solu- fluence with the producers in Holly- chairman. Lillian Kutler. Kulakofsky. portant that Palestine should absorb stain from publishing any news that tion of this problem is a matter of wood to make me stop the producas many as possible of the Jews who could possibly be used for Jewish the utmost importance not only for tion of T h e Mad Dog of Europe.' leave Germany in so far as they can propaganda abroad was ordered by the numerous scientists whose work But I shall go ahead nevertheless." be of use in this reconstruction." the German authorities. This will put and existence are now threatened, T h e German officials have inti"On the other hand, however," he an end to the occasional stories in but also for Jewry as a whole, and mated that the property of the large warned, "great. care must be taken the Berlin and provincial papers for Jewish esteem in the world," he Hollywood producers in Germany would be confiscated and further lest a too great and too sudden about anti-Jewish events and dis- concluded. stream of immigration lead to an criminations. At the close of the Institute's sem- American pictures would not be imeconomic crisis, .as; was the case with The new policy is due to a desire ester, Dr. Einstein declared, he in- ported into Germany," continued Mr. the forced immigration of ' Polish en the part of the German govern- tends to go to Paris for two months Rose, "unless they uss their influJews a few years ago. It seems to ment to create the favorable Impres- and there wall take np his appoint- ence and pressure upon me to make me, therefore, "to j be- absolutely>; es- sion abroad that, despite the fact ment to lecture at the College de me withdraw this film- Most of these large producers, ,are Jewish firms, sential under.. * the present circum- that Germany left the,League of Na- France. and they call themselves Jews. stances, to take other areas of col- tions, there are nevertheless no fur"This picture, with the shots of aconization into consideration in addi- ther discriminations against the Jews tual scenes taken/jin Germany on the and that Germany is well disciplined tion to Palestine. ' day of the ~ boycott, and with "Such , areas would have to have internally._ authenticated' ^•authoritative repa sufficiently wide"-_ agricultural basis The Illustrierter Beobachter, sup'the oppression and and be capable of absorbing consid- plement to the Voelkischer Beobach- NEWARK, N. J. (J. T. A.)—pie resentation erable numbers of new immigrants. ter, leading Nazi paper, attempts to police have brought charges against cruelty of ;the Nafcis against the Jews I am thinking, in the first place, of substantiate this illusion for foreign three Nazis who were arrested as a and other minority races, and unpopareas in the neighborhood of Pales- consumption, devoting five pages of result of the riot that broke out here ular political parties and religions, tine, such, as Syria and the Turkish pictures of unmolested Jewish life in during- a speech made by . Heinz will visualize to • the world what is the cafes, restaurants and resorts. Spanknoebel, leader of the Nazi ele- actually bsing done. districts to the north." Referring to the position of the' The policy of muzzling the press, ment in the United States, to - his "They say that if my picture is produced, the Jews in Germany will Jewish refugees froin Germany, the the omission of Jewish news and the followers. 1 celebrated scientist, himself a refu- misrepresentation of Jewish life in The meeting, at the Schwaben- be harmed. Any normally informed gee, voiced his appreciation of thz Germany through false photographs halle, under the auspices of- the American knows" that the Jews in assistance given by the nations of does not, however, prevent the gov- Friends of the New Germany, head- Germany have suffered exile, imprisernment from carrying on its anti- ed by Spanknoebel, was the target onment, brutality, denial of the privEurope. "We are greatly indebted to the Jewish policy; no longer publicly, it for stones and stench bombs thrown ilege of earning their living, and are countries bordering on Germany for is true, but the new policy is far by the anti-Nazis in the crowd of not infrequently executed. Could a the readiness with which they gave stricter in nature. The Jewish war about one thousand who waited out- race thus outraged be inflicted with newer or greater outrages? The provisional refuge to a large number veterans, for whom exceptions were side the hall. One of the Nazis arrested was one press is full of the stories of Nazi of Jewish political refugees, and for made up to now, are the victims of Spanknoebel's personal guard. He brutality. Have these organs created the great help they offered, at con- wholesale dismissals. This week Jews found carrying a piece of loaded any greater outrage upon the German siderable sacrifice to themselves, ish war veterans who were employed the courts were unlawfully dis- ead pipe. As Spanknoebel emerged Jews by printing these stories? Then when faced with the suffering and in missed despite their war decorations. rom the meeting surrounded by his why should they object when we are One-of-a-Kind the need of the refugees. The excuse given was that the govFashions at "I need only mention the magnan- ernment machinery must now cut ex- >ody guards, the crowd made a dash going to visualize the actual scenes imous help given by France. But penses and the Jews must therefore 'or him. He escaped in his car, how- before the American public? more particularly, we must never for- be the first to be dismissed. Accord- ver, leaving his guards to the mer-r "Without having seen the manuget what England has done for the ing to the government order, the dis- cies of the anti-Nazi crowd. Spank- script; without, indeed, having asked Jewish intellectuals who were robbed missals are necessary because, "after oebel himself was unharmed. to see it, friends and adherents of Hitler have accused me of vicious inall, Aryans are more entitled to retentions. it strikes me that main than Jews." Labor Lyceum Ass'n the loyal However, Orpheum Hitlerites insult their leadJack Pearl, Jimmy Durante and The Thuringian Minister of Educa- A four-act comedy, "Shpass Gelit," er by their objections to the picture. Zasu Pitts are the principal laugh tion has issued an order that the will be given as a benefit for the By their objections they acknowledge trio in*an all-comedian cast of "Meet books of foreign Jewish authors Labor Lyceum Building fund on Sun- that a filmed record of the German the Baron," which Metro-Goldwyn- which have been translated into Ger- day evening, November 19, at 8 p. m., •Chancellor's career is a record of Mayer presents at the Orpheum for man must not be sold any longer. with the same talented cast which shame. That is their insistence, not the week, starting Saturday. • Similarly, books by German Aryans presented a mock wedding last mine. The new picture is a hilarious written in the "Jewish spirit" are Purim. "Biographies ajre lived, not written, comedy in which Pearl, as "The also banned. This will be under the auspices of and if the Chancellor's followers in Baron," and Durante, as his "man- A long list of foreign authors now- the Labor Lyceum Association and America do not .like our story, let ager" come to lecture at a girls' banned was sent out on the order of the Ladies Labor Lyceum Club. Ad- them address their protests to Adolf college. Love affairs, comical trials the Minister of Education, stressing mission will be 35 cents per person. Hitler. He is the'author." and tribulations and a thread of ro- that no matter what the value of the mance are woven together with bril- books named, they must be prohibliant musical and dancing numbers ited. The order also instructs the staged by the "students." prohibition and sale of all scientific OOK first at the rich fabrics -The second feature for the week books written by "liberals and paciwill be Adolphe Menjou and Benita fists and containing democratic Jew. . . the impeccable ForstHume in "The Worst Woman In ish tendencies." mann Hoffmann woolens . . . Paris." An elaborate radio display the lovely Lorellos . . . and kashof various 1934 models will be on display for the week in the grand World . . Slip one on and see foyer of the theatre. Thrilling in its broad scope with how exciting you look with your two rousing love stories and many face framed in the luxurious spectacular scenes of farmers' strikes Safety Winners depths of blue fox . . . Persian and hectic activity in the Chicago Word was received today by J. E. Wheat Pit, "Golden Harvest" opens Iamb . . . kolinsky or caracul . . . Davidson, president of the Nebraska at the World Theatre Friday. Rich Notice how slim this new silhouPower Company, that the drivers of ard Arlen and Chester Morris are the .fleet of trucks and cars operated cast as the two modern sons of oni ette makes you look. You'll go by the company has been awarded American fanner. Genevieve Tobin i ecstatic, too, over these new Forslmtmn Hofffirst place for the first, two months splendid as the daughter of a Chimann tcoclen in shades of green . . . red . . . of a no-accident- contest staged b-j cago trader and Morris' sweetheart black « . . . upper brown . . . and of course, black. the National Safety Council. The A drama that packs emotional tleevet and Russek tie collar of Hack company is under the division uf punches into every scene is offered kid caracul . . . .$98 "Large Units of Public Utilities." in "Stage Mother," the other fea This is the second recognition _ the ture at the World. Starring Alia local power company has received Brady, Maureen O'Sullivan am BRANDETS from the National Safety Council Franchot Tone, the picture, filme Second Floor during the past few weeks. The from an original story by the author company has gone more than two of "42nd Street." years without a lost time accident It is said that Alice Brady outin- all of its departments. The safety does all of her previous portrayal! IMMUM campaign of the Nebraska Power in this new picture, as the domin Company has been recognized by eering mother who forces her child'; other companies. They have great career on the stage througl many difficulties that create powerful h followed the plan set out by Mr. man interest. Davidson and his associates.

Noted SavantSuggests Other Colonization Areas for Jewry

Mayor Will Address Hebrew Club Sunday



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Annual Talmud Torah Meeting November 7


for the "best" company. A big price S. Niger, Literary to pay. The strength of the strongest comCritic, to Lecture pany, the lowest net cost of the lowest net cost coirtpany, mean nothing S. Niger, noted literary critic of to the wife and family of the manNew York, will lecture in Yiddish on who is so intent on buying insurance "German Jewry in Jewish History in the "best" .company that he fails j and Their Present Life" at the Labor Lyceum on Tuesday evening, Octo buy in any company. tober 31. The lecture is under the auspices of Branches 173 and 258 of the Psi Mu Dance Frolic Ciicle. Admission is 25 at J. C. C. October 29 Workmen's cents. Niger will also lecture Sunday, OcThe Psi Mu will open its fall social tober 29, in Des Moines; Monday, season with the Halloween Dance October SO, in Sioux City; Thursday, Frolic to be given at the Jewish j November 2, in Lincoln, at the Community Center ballroom on Sun-1 Knights of Columbus hall. day evening, October 29. On Wednesday, November 1, a Lee Sanderson and his ten music- banquet will be given in honor of ians will- supply the rhythms. The Mr. Niger's fiftieth birthday, at the committee in charge, Leo Brown, Labor Lyceum, at 8 p. m. Sam Epstein and Iz Tretiak, have worked out a unique entertainment to be presented. Admission will be Latest New York PIANO one dollar per couple.

The annual meeting of the Talmud Torah will be held Tuesday, November 7, at 8:30 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center auditorium. . - Seven members to the new Talmud By the Service Life Insurance Torah board are to be elected at this Company, Omaha meeting. All contributors to the PhilanthroIn discussing the purchase of life pies are urged to attend. insurance with a company representative, have you ever stated that you would like to investigate other companies? Perhaps you have with this thought in mind—to find the "best" life insurance company. Finding the "best" life insurance Temple company is like trying to solve a p Rabbi David H. Wice will be for-puzzle. It looks so easy to begin with, mally installed as associats rabbi but an hour later you throw the puzwith Rabbi Frederick .Cohn at Tem- zle out of the window, and in exasple Israel this evening at 8 p. m. atperation- declare, " I give up." You start on the theory that if special installation services. Methods Mr. Abe Goldstein, president of you find a company paying high in Classical and Modernistic VTLNO, Poland.—Responsible Jewdividends, your search will be ended. <That a nationwide Nazi propa- at 309 East 92nd street was thedomination ? That is the tenor of Temple Israel, will make introducMusic ish citizens of the village of Drisganda organization has for months "business" office. his- ranting: All the nasty things tory remarks. Rabbi Frederick Cohn Then' someone suggests that you had zowa, have complained to the auAL FINKEL will preach the installation sermon. better find out whether the dividends been operating through the length The Hotel George Washington to- said about the Germans are pure inStudio—Lyric Bldg., horities against the formation of a and breadth of the United States, day is more important than the Ger- ventions-of the malicious Jews who Rabbi Wice will preach his inaugural are being paid out of actual earn- Nazi 19th and Farnam Ja. 4023 organization in their' town. and is now wider-fung than, ever, man Embassy in Washington or theare conducting a colossal campaign sermon. There will. be special music; ings. Then you start to find the lowest net cost company, and someone Rabbi Wice will conduct the Satmay be a startling disclosure to theConsulate General in New York. of: "atrocity propaganda" against urday morning children's services, suggests that you find out if the low people of America. But it is a fact. a decent and clean Germany. net cost is offered at the expense of Nazi "cells" in many cities; Nazi Spanknoebel reigns as a dictator, The language which Wiegand uses starting at .10:30 a. m. a constant decrease in the safety and woe to the German official in "storm troops" in training on Amervaries according to the audience. If Conservative margin. Then you. start to find the ican soil; newspapers fed with ma- this country who does not obey his only Germans are present, he does with the lowest mortality, terial from Berlin; paid agents trav- orders! When the Nazi party was not practice any restraint. His anti- At services tonight Rabbi David company and someone suggests that perhaps A. Goldstein will speak on "Why formally established in the United eling to and fro to "coordinate" Nazi Jewish diatribes match the language Change Your Name?" low mortality is offset by high exStates, about September -15, 1932, activities; the radio subsidized, for used in the Voelkischer Beobachter . Next week Rabbi Golstein will pense ratios. Then you find a comNazi "air raids" upon the credulity Spanknoebel, at that time in Detroit, in its constant vilification of Jews. speak on "How Overcome an Infer- pany with a rate five cents lower oE the America public;.. "German was made commander-in-chief of the When there is a propaganda meeting iority Complex." than the company of your second coast-to-coast spider-web network of Day", celebrations ostensibly to pay with Americans in the audience, and choice and are. about to buy when American Nazi branches. Early in honor to men like Carl Schurz, Steuthe chance of some outside listenei suddenly you discover a clause in the May, after the American Nazis had ben, and other American patriots; Vaad being present, Wiegand puts on the second choice company which is been disguised as the "Friends of mail from Germany protected by condamper. At those meetings he prin"In Praise of Prejudice" will be worth five cents more. So you start the New Germany," Spanknoebel resular pouch addressed to paid Nazi cipally glorifies the Nazi regime and the subject of Rabbi Uri Miller's ser- all over again to find the "best" agitators here—a perfect replica of turned to Germany. During.the lull pleads with his audience to sympa- mon at the regular Friday' evening company and end a t the same bafthe Hitler tactics and organization of the summer months affairs were thize with and support it. His ut-services tonight at the B'nai Israel fling conclusion. imported to America. Herein is an taken care of by one Paulsen. Im- terances against the Jews are more synagogue. Cantor" A. Schwaczkin expose from the American Hebrew mediately upon the return of Spank- carefully worded, so as not to pre-and his choir will assist with the The answer is that unless you find noebel at the beginning of July, sent any grounds for action on theservices. The services will be fol- a good life insurance man and be•and Jewish Tribune.—Editor.) things began to hum. The nest of part of the American authorities. lowed by an open forum discussion lieve him, you'll pursue your phanspies and conspirators worked night Still, of course, he gets his haran- group sponsored by the Young Men's tom search for the "best" company New York City is the nerve center and day hatching schemes for the gues across. Vaad and the Junior Vaad Auxiliary. until it is too late. Finding such a and the place where the Nazi pro- perversion of American public opinThe Junior Congregation will man among the thousands of good paganda purse-strings are concen- ion. Wiegand preaches his gospel of meet at 10 a. m. for regular services life insurance men, honest servants trated. Let us, therefore, start with hate incessantly. - One day he speaks Saturday of honorable institutions, who sell Afraid of the surveillance of fedmorning. New York City and later branch out to in New York, the next day in PhilaOn Sunday morning the Religious good insurance at fair rates, should show how the tentacles of this propa- eral, and New York City authorities, delphia, or in Newark, or in Brooknot be a difficult taskganda octopus stretch to all parts of Spanknoebel ordered the men belong- lyn, etc." In between, ' he devotes School will meet as usual. The Hebrew Class meets at the Time flies, rates increase, insurthe United States. For, after all, we ing "to the notorious S. A. (Storm hours at a.time to the task of conare interested in the United States Troops) to do their drilling in the verting Americans who have been B'nai Israel synagogue Monday eve- ability lessens, the age of retirement comparative quiet of the Jersey at 8. p. m. Anyone interested is postponed, and the family is deprimarily in this expose. directed to him by the American aux- nings nied the protection while men search countryside at Union City, N. J. The in Hebrew is invited to attend. As this story is being written, the were soon apparent. At oneiliary, called "Society of Friends.of Hotel George Washington, 23 Lex-results of the regular weekly Nazi meetings Germany" as suitable objects for ington Avenue, New York, is the at Hall on-East 86th street, Nazi, propaganda. central propaganda office in the oneKreutzer of the assailed the Another of his secret agent tasks United States. Within a few days Jews in most speakers -abusive language. A is to instruct the many members of after this first installment appears, German in the audience, who was New York branch of the . Nazi their headquarters ' will undoubtedly neither Jew, Socialist, nor Commun- the party their propaganda work. Rebe moved to some other nearby ad- ist, arose to protest. That was thecently,inone them has even gone dress—since Nazi propagandists shun signal for the Storm Troopers to get on the air,of and in the form of a the light. into flying-wedge formation, with debate, spread poisonous Hitler 'proHere at the Hotel George Wash- lightning speed, and with precisely paganda via the radio. Thus, the ington,1' Heinz Spanknoebel, ruddy; the same methods used by the Nazis poison continues to be spread. arrogant, powerful emissary from in German political meetings, to asGoebbel's retinue in Berlin, and Com- sault about twenty people in the . . . comes in niigbty handy mander-in-chief of all Nazi organi- audience whom they suspected of beClasses at Temple zations in the United States, has hising unfriendly to the Nazi cause. these changeable days. Its The class in Jewish Laws and general headquarters. They moved Here in the very heart of America warm glow takes the chill off Customs at Temple Israel-will meet into this hotel a little ever a month the whole thing was carried out with Tuesday evening at 8 p. m. This of a room . . . no need of startago, and here the "brains" of the such typical strongarm efficiency Nazi propaganda organization have that the bleeding victims were on theclass alternates with the Jewish Hising the furnace. Every membeen coming and going, holding street before the police arrived. The 7tory class,, on: Tuesday evenings. ber of the family will get comThe class in laws and customs is meetings, and discussing what next same thing happened at a Nazi meetfort from it. See the new Air sponsored by a_ committee consisting to do. ing in Brooklyn, where harmless of Sam J. Leon, Milton R. AbraCirculating models. Several of the arch conspirators, German-Americans, who tried to proEugene Blazer. Rabbi Dalike W. Haag, second in command, test against anti-Jewish agitation on hams,-and vid Wice will conduct the class. Heatere Priced $4.35 Up and Walter Schellenberg, member of the part of rabid Nazi speakers were New Air The Jewish History class, which the Nazi secret service, who is par-. rudely assaulted and thrown out ofwas so successful last year, will hold Circulating ticularly noted for his violent anti- the meeting. Heater, $7.95 its initial • meeting Tuesday evening, Jewish attitude and utterances, live November 7. Eugene Blazer is presthere. A host of Nazi propagandists "Who are tht men who make these ident of the history class and will Another FRIEND! and hirelings of the Nazi secret ser- anti-Jewish speeches, and not only the first meeting. The class vice stop at the hotel when they ar- incite their audiences to a veritable conduct are open to the public and rive from abroad, in order to get frenzy,, but constantly endeavor to meetings This little 3-lh. Sunbeam is cordially invited to attheir final instructions from Nazi convert - disinterested German-Amer- everyone iron irons clothes better tend. A discussion will be led by ican citizens—most of whom do notRabbi Frederick Cohn. headquarters there. than a heavy iron. Makes even habitually speak German—to Before the present office was active ironing a pleasure. anti-Semitism? opened, the Nazi subversive activiErich "Wiegand, typically blond ties emanated from 152 East 83rd IotaTau street, which is now being used for German, unbelievably impudent, is ^ regular jneeting of the Iota the .lid at, a auil u££ fllJ can out-talk ~ any heckler. All hissorority was held on Sunday, Octoheadquarters for the Yorkville sec- addresses are along the same pat- ber 22, at the home of Sophie Jacobtion. Prior to May 1, when the tern: Hitler saved the world from son, with Dorothy Kaplan, president, . Nazis still operated on a compara- Bolshevism; Hitler brought order out presiding. It was decided that the formal inof chaos; the Jews have suppressed tively modest scale, a converted loft the German people; why can't the itiation of new pledges will be heM people understand that Germany had the first part of November. The afto rid. herself of •• this undesirable fair will be held at a local hotel.

United States Bared

Hitlerite Activities in This Country Exposed

Religious Services j

A Warm FR of the ft








Merchant Receives Death Threat for Boycotting Nazis

New York, (J.T.A.)—Warned in an anonymous letter that he was on a Nazi death list and his store would be burned and he would be killed if he did not revoke a boycott against candies made" in Germany, H. Richman, wholesale confectioner- of 145 East Houston street, appealed to Julius Hochfelder, counsel of the Jewish War Veterans, and notified the police. • • Early in September, Mr. Richman Tefused to handle German-made goods in protest against the Nazi treatment of the Jews. Since then he said, several men have visited him urging him to sell German candy. He refused, and last. Tuesday a brick was thrown through his window with a ' swastika sign a t tached to it. The letter he received had a swastika sign drawn on the bottom and said: "You have been warned a few times to buy and sell German candy. We broke your window to show youwe mean business. If you still refuse •we will burn your store and later kill you take this as a final warning to hell with the police we can take care of that your appeals to th police will not wipe you off our death list your days are numbered sell German goods or aie."



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THE JEWISH PRESS Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by



Subscription Price, one year - - - - • - - - Advertising rates furnished on application

Editorial Office: 490 Brandeis T h e a t e r Building. P r i n t Shop A d d r e s s : 1307 Howard Street Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center^ DAVID BLACKER . . . - Business and Managing Editor F R A N K R. ACKERMAN • • • - • - - • - • • Uiuitor F A N N I E KATELMAN - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent ANN P I L L - - - - - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent

Unity—Local and National The disease of dissension—gnawing at the very heart of Israel daring our two thousand years in the Diaspora—is once again keeping: world Jewry prostrate in an hour of dire need. As the malignant spread of poisonous Nazi and anti-Semitic propaganda becomes world-wide in its menace, it grows absolutely necessary—and indispensable—for the Jewish people to achieve unity within their ranks. We must learn from the catastrophe in Germany . . . we must courageously face the fact that a Brown Internationale has been set up, reaching out into Austria, Holland, Belgium, England, Ireland, Canada, Latvia, Finland, Esthonia, Hungary, Roumania, Norway, Sweden, Africa, South and Central America . . . we must gird ourselves with the*knowledge that even this land of freedom is not immune, as evidenced by ten Nazi centers in the United States. It is imperative that we take up the cudgels of battle. These anti-Semites are boldly manufacturing malicious libels about our people, spewing forth their slanders with the deliberate intention of poisoning the wells of public opinion. •










It would surely seem that in a time of such storm and stress the forces of our people would hot be disunited. The current anti-Semitic danger, portending the possible birth-pangs of a new era of medieval barbarism and ignorance—should obviously supply a common denominator for united action. To our great lamentation, however, this is not the case. Here in America we should take the lead in effecting Jewish unity, since we are the largest and in a relatively more secure position. Yet for years we have had three supposedly outstanding and representative bodies constituted "to protect and defend Jewish rights"—the B'nai Brith, the American Jewish Committee, and the American Jewish Congress. As they are all interested in Jewish welfare, they could, it would seem, find a platform upon which to unite when the bloody tragedy befell the German Jewry. The clarion call of "AH Israel is one" should have been heard everywhere. But, sad to relate, the bewildered masses saw their so-called leadership expending their energies fighting one another instead of battling the common foe. And, not only did dissension weaken the Jewish forces already existing, but to add to the confusion a new champion of the Jewish people sprang into existence—the American League for the Defense of Jewish Rights. The clamor of the press and the Jewish masses for unity grew more insistent. The result was an appointment of a joint commission of the B'nai Brith, Jewish Committee, and Jewish Congress to work together on the German question. But this move for cooperation and unity was a mere camouflage—all three did not work together despite that commission . . ••••• behind the curtains was that deadly recurring lack of unity in Israel.. Such "statesmanship" is not leadership—by it these "leaders" are martyring their own followers. Three bodies—nor four bodies—cannot in this country claim *'a mandate from the Jewish people." If it is deemed impractical to have an elected "Jewish Parliament," then let us organize nationally alons the lines of the World Jewish Agency, or else a praesidium from the various Jewish organizations according to their bona-fide numerical strength. But the thing we must ~ave it all costs is a unified group of men who can be called the authoritative spokesman of our Jewry. ••









What has been said herein concerning organizations is simdarly true of individuals. If Jewish rights are to be properly defended, no man or woman or institution has the right to take it upon himself, herself or itself to speak in the name of the Jewish people . . . no individual has the right to constitute himself the spokesman of Jewry by deciding what action should be taken to counter an adverse incident. Incalculable harm may be done to Jewish causes by individuals not letting an anti-Jewish matter be taken care of by the proper authorities. Thus, a certain influential Jewish magazine bitterly and sincerely attacked the publication of Hitler's "Mein Kampf" (My Struggle), just recently published in this country in an abridged English translation. Later, the magazine proudly declared that "Mein Kampf" capitulated "by expurgation"—by certain passages being deleted. However, it took two Gentiles—both powerful defenders of Jewish rights, Rev. John Haynes Holmes and Former Ambassador James W. Gerard, to point out the error of having the book "expurgated" ....for the stupidities, bigotries and gross ignorance which were patent in the original would clearly demonstrate that the founder of Germany's hate-cult was a knowledgeless, demagogical barbarian. As it was, the book was published anyway, with the idiotic statements eliminated.

he says of them tersely: "Some of them spoke French, and some of GEMS of the BIBLE them did not speak French: some and TALMUD drank more and some drank less, but all amounted to absolutely nothing." By O. O. DASHER I imagine that the same statement could be applied to most generals, and I note that Lloyd George in his Many will entreat the favour of newly published Memoirs seems to the liberal man, and every man is a think about the same thing about friend to him that giveth gifts. some of the leading Allied generals, notably Kitchener, of whom such a All the brethren of the poor do great ado was made. hate him. How much more do his friends keep far away from him. ing of nudism, how the Jewish re- IN THE MAIL BOX ligion stands on this question. Low Criminality In answered that I didn't know, Rabbi Graubert of Des Moines of- The lust of a man is his shame, the suggestion, anent the decis- and it is better to be a poor man The Jewish Statistical Bureau of New York has recently re- but that I supposed, if you keep fers ion of the German Nazis to elimin- than a liar. your hat on, it is alright. You can leased some interesting figures, depicting a low rate of crimi- take your other clothes off. ate "Hallelujah"' from the prayer nality among the Jews of the United States. I should like the rabbis to inform books as being too Hebraic a word, Cease my son to hear the instrucHitler retain one Hallelujah tion that causeth to err from thfr According to figures based on official statistics published by me on this point. As far as my own that only, namely, "Hallelujah, I'm a words of knowledge. knowledge is concerned, I do not rethe New York State Commission of Correction, the Jews commit- call the issue of clothes to have been bum." ted to all the state prisons of New York during last year formed raised, though it probably must have Louis Minsky, correspondent of the Talmud London Jewish Chronicle begs to in- We are taught in the Mishnah: but 4.9 per cent of the total although the Jewish people constitute been. form that the London Jewish Chron- "These are the things of which a over fifeen per cent of the total population of the state of New ADAM AND EVE icle has now opened a New York man enjoys the interest for his reYork. And as in the state, so also in the city of New York, the Of course, indirectly, it is raised office. Good for the Chronicle and ward in this world, while the printhe very first chapter of Genesis. Louis. cipal remaineth for the world to number of Jews committed to prison was proportionately much in When Adam and Eve eat of the for- Louis Resnik,' major general of come—honoring his father and mothless than the percentage of Jews to the total population of the bidden fruit, and get wisdom, Mid at publicity of the Charities of New er, the practice of loving kindness, city. The Jews committed to the city prisons of New York was the same time a sense of sin, the York, writes to announce that the making peace between man and his thing they do is to tailor them- Jewish charities can use volunteer associates, and, above all, the study 19.5 per cent of the whole, while the Jewish population forms first selves fig leaf shorts. workers in social welfare. Large op- of the Torah." nearly 30 per cent of the total population of the city. So from this, it would seem that portunity to be; helpful, but no pay. Also, in other states of the Union, criminality among Jews., we could infer that clothes may be Thanks, Louis, but we have several Our Rabbis taught: "He who judged by the number of persons committed to the prisons, was either the product of wisdom or the jobs like that. However, if anybody judges his associates (in questionof sin. else is interested, communicate with able acts) with an inclination in his less than among the total population, the Statistical Bureau product Personally my own feeling about Mr. Resnick. favor, will be judged with favor points out. In Illinois, for instance, the Jewish prisoners consti- this clothes business, is that, if man(from above). tuted 1.4 per cent of the total number committed to the state kind should ever decide to go permanently nudist, that the burlesque prisons, while the Jewish population of the state formed 4.7 per shows We are taught that Rabbi Gamawould begin to show clothed Jewishness of Judge liel the great said: "What is meant cent of the total population. Similarly, in Connecticut, Maryland, women, and the minds of the audNo Excuse for Nazis by the passage (Deu. 13.18)—And Michigan, New Jersey, Ohio and Pennsylvania—these states being iences would be corrupted. He •will grant thee mercy, and will the ones most populously settled by the Jewish people. have mercy upon thee. It means to GANGSTERS AND NAZIS Munich, Germany, (J.T.A.)—Nazis Criminality among Jewish women appears to be proportion- As a person, professing to possess are not entitled to refuse to appear imply that whoever has mercy upon the elementary attributes of civiliza- before a Jewish judge, the Munich creatures will be granted mercy ately even lower than among Jewish men. from Heaven but whoever has not tion, I suppose I should not approve mercy upon creatures will not be high court ruled in the case of a of any gangsterism. Nevertheless, I confess, that I had Nazi party member who refused to granted mercy from Heaven." New Year in Tel Aviv of satisfaction the other present his case to the court because "L'Shonah Haboh B' Yerushalayim"—"May we be in Jerus- aday,feeling when I read in the papers that a Jewish judge happened to be pre- Rabbi Jochanam said: "The hearts alem next year"—is a frequently-heard phrase among the Jewish a number of Jewish gangsters had of the first sages were as broad as the grate of the Ulam, and that of broken up a Nazi meeting in New- siding that day. people. The verdict of the high court de- the later sages were as broad as the ark. T h a t phrase, "Next year in Jerusalem," might well be nar- Maybe I am a barbarian, eh what? clares that "non-Aryan descent is in- gate cf the Heichal, but our hearts rowed down at the moment to "Next year in Tel Aviv" to stimusufficient ground for showing disre- are as narrow as the eye of a very fine needle." late Jewish inspiration. For in the all-Jewish wonder city of Pal- IT HAPPENED IN CHICAGO spect to a Jewish judge." I was told recently the following estine, Tel Aviv, the Levant Fair will be held in 1934. And this story of a similar incident in Chipromises to be a sight meaning a great deal to the Jewish people. cago. In the words of the High Commissioner of Palestine, "No one A Jewish gangster in Chicago was in the habit of j passing a certain who watches this expansion can fail to be impressed—impressed section of Chicago every day. not so much with the mere fact of its expansion as with the spirit One day, he passed and noted a sign standing in front of some place with which it is animated." Jews and referring to them "Next year in Tel-Aviv" augurs a wonderful experience for barring in the odious manner of Nazidom. many visitors from abroad who will see the constructive role of He stopped his car, took down the their brethren in the Land of Israel unfolded before their eyes in sign and carrying it under his arm, went into the office, and handed it the twin events of the Levant Fair and the "silver anniversary" to the manager. of the Jewish city. . ^ "I want you to tear up this sign right now—here in front of..; me," said gangster. •.'„;... "Our long period of fexile has robbed our Jewish civilization Tbethe manager looked into the gangaf many elements whichtare common to all "civilizations. It has ster's eyes and saw there a look impoverished whatever of Jewish civilization is left. But there is which made his immediately agree to the suggestion of the gangster. still enough left with which to create a full civilization." And now, said the gangster, after —Dr. Samuel Dinin. the manager had torn up the sign, 'let me tell you that I never want to see another sign like that in front Talmudic Wisdom of your place. I pass by here every day and the next time it appears I What the child says out of doors he has learnt in doors. won't ask you any more. I l l use that machine gun." Who is strong? He who subdues his passion. The sign has since not appeared.

are discussed coolly; every viewpoint is presented and thrashed out.~ The resulting action is after a clearing of heart and head brought about by deliberations co-operatively undertaken. Such co-operation is the first step toward destroying that damnable monument of disunity and confusion. Such local unity will, we hope, point the way for national and international Jewish By DAVID SCHWARTZ unity. The fruit of this concerted effort will be a healing of Israel's wounds and a renewed strength in combatting the false, cowardly SPEAKING OF NUDISM demagogical attacks of anti-Semites. X asked me the other day, speak-


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When the righteous die, they live; for their, example lives.

I saw Maurice Schwartz's "Yoshe Kalb" tbe other night—for the secMisery and remorse are the children of revenge. ond time. It is very seldom that one can sit through with satisfaction a second seeing of a show, but There is hope for a man who is capable of being ashamed. I did this very easily in this instance. The Chassidic atmosphere of the Wait not to honor the physician till thou fallest sick. play provoked much musing on Chassidism on my part. Above all, it left me with the Hebrew Calendar : thought that Chassidism had done a Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan Saturday, Oct. 21 phenomenal thing in this, namely, 1st Day Chanukah—___„„__—;.___„ __.____..Wednesday, Dec. 13 that while it had made joy the suRosh Chodesh Tebeth — ,— •..., _.__:_. _...Tuesday, Dec. 19preme good and end of life, it had tied religion with joy.

Fast of Tebeth -~--.-_™-_-_-.__.™.u____™_lJThursday[ Dec! 28

Two Americans— Hilquist and Adler (Continued from Page 1.)

Ironically, Jewish Singer, Movie Star Win Nazis Plaudits

cling to the Nordic stock, without my gorge rising. I hate the ingratijtude of it; I abhor the selfishness of BERLIN (J. T. A—Rosa Raisa, it; I despise the folly of it, its readi- well-known Jewish opera singer, once ness to shut the door on men and of Bialystok, Poland, who is singing women seeking liberty and our way this week in the Berlin Opera House, of life,, among whom are to be found has been highly praised by the Geragain and again individuals of pur- man newspapers. Even the ferociousest gold whose contributions to our ly anti-Semitic Nazi papers, the American life are priceless. My fath- Voelkischer Beobachter and Der Aner, too, was an immigrant, but I hope griff, edited by Paul Joseph Goebthat if he had been a native-born bels, have joined in the chorus of American I should still have suffi- praise for the Jewish opera singer. cient justice to give every man his Madam Raisa is appearing in Berlin due, and to recognize such high ideal- as a member of an Italian troupe. ism, such unselfish efforts for the However, despite the praise that is betterment of their times, as dis- being lavished upon Madam Raisa, tinguished Morris Hillquit and Felix not a single German paper has found Thus, in Israel today we must remedy a situation wherein Adler, and will, beyond all question, it necessary to inform its readers many others of their that the much-praised opera singer is there is "a unity of mood and sentiment, but not a unity of asso- distinguish race in the years to come. That fine- a Jewess. The impression is given ciation and plan." hearted English Tory, Ormsby-Gore, that she is Italian. Here in Omaha the remedy is very simple. We have an au- told the Hitlerites to their faces in Madam Raisa is well known in the Geneva the other day that where United States, having been a memthoritative spokesman for our Jewry. An anti-defamation com- Jews were: decently treated they beof the Chicago Civic Opera mittee, with representatives from every school of Jewish thought came the most loyal and patriotic ber Company for many years, and havand every branch of Judaism, is already functioning locally. Wil of citizens. I know that he was right. ing made many concert tours of the as never before I think it is in- country. liam L. Holzman is chairman. Whenever an anti-Jewish incident Now cumbent upon us who have no Jew- At the same time that Madam comes to your attention, you are duty-bound to forego your anx- ish blood in our veins, and who know is arousing the admiration of iety to personally avenge the wrong to your people or to have what the facts are, to bear our tes- Raisa the Hitlerites, Sylvia Sidney, Newyour r organization assume responsibility for righting the matter. timony. York Jewish screen star, is enjoying a tremendous popularity in the cinInstead, if the greatest good is to be achieved and unity in emas of Berlin.' Six movie houses our endeavors accomplished, you should immediately, report the To New Post are featuring films -in which she MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. (J. T. A.) plays the star roles. They are meetincident to Mr. Holzman or to the Jewish Press . . . and it will b —Jacob Mirvis has been appointed ing with the-greatest success, surreferred to the anti-defamation committee. executive director of the Emmanuel that of any German-made In the councils of the anti-defamation committee the matters Cohen-Center of Minneapolis, -Minn. fpassing ilms.-—-••-•--•••-'--



SANCTIFYING "WHOOPEE' Ordinarily, there is a vulgarizing note about joy, but Chassidism had learned how to sanctify "whoopee." And I know of no greater accomplishment than that. Generally, when men get in the festive moods, the songs that they sing are likely to be ballads of the barroom and gutter type. But here when they get in that festive mood, they sing "An Kalohanu," a song about God. The Chassidic idea is fascinating, and some day, some smart fellow is going to take some of its rudiments and palm it off as a new religion, and I venture to think, make a great success of it.

HE COULD CHANGE IT They are telling this story about the famous legitimate and now Hollywood actor, Joseph Schildkraut. Schildkraut was at a party in Los Angeles the other day, and a young debutante there aroused his great Interest, and Schildkraut to use the expressive vernacular, "made a great play" for her. While talking to her, the young woman remarked to Schildkraut that he was rather attractive and suggested that he go into pictures. Schildkraut drew himself up to his full height and said: "My name is Joseph Schildkraut-." "Oh, that's nothing," answered the girl, "you could change your name."


Leon Trotsky makes a very interesting comment about the Russian generals of the Czar. As the leader of the Soviet army which upset these generals, he came to know them and

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PAGE ^—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27,1933 bi David A. Goldstein, were the prin- every woman in making this a suc- the exchequer, and Morton Adler to SISTERHOOD CONVENTION cipal speakers. "What American cess," Mrs. Kulakofsky stated. Wom- fraternity correspondent. Women Can Do for Palestine" was en may select the group in which pledged five men rt DELEGATES ANNOUNCED the subject of Mrs. Berman's ad- they want to assist if they prefer theTheclosechapter of the rushing season. They

agogue, 18th and Chicago. Members will participate and Boy Scouts of Troop 69 will usher.

dress. Rabbi Goldstein's theme was another to the one in which they are: Morris Dansky, Abe Katz, David Word has been received by Mrs. "Hadassah a Necessity for Every | have been placed, according to Mrs. Keiss, and Louis Singer, all of OmaHarry Z. Rosenfeld, c o n v e n t i o n Loyal Jewish Woman." At the meeting of the Vaad chapKulakofsky. ha; and Abe Sekt, of Sioux City. chairman, that the following deleter of Habonim, October 19, the last A musical program by Mrs. B. The annual costume house party gates will attend the National Fed- Belman and Mrs. Henry Monsky was A discussion of "Movies and Our given in honor of the new pledges call for new members was issued. eration of Temple Sisterhoods Con- delightfully received. Tea was served Children," the subject of Rabbi Gold- will be held Friday evening, Novem- The group has thirty members alvention, to be held in Omaha, No- by Mrs. T. A. Tully and her com- stein's sermon last Friday evening, ready, and the membership limit is ber 3. vember 14 and 15: only six more so those wishing to mittee. will be held at the next Oneg ShabMrs. Louis Toffler, Leavenworth, bos, October 28 at the home of Mrs. At a recent meeting of the Omaha join are urged to do so immediately. A library committee was appointed Kansas; Mrs. Moe Ettinson, LeavenThe chapter has started its annual Mose Yousem at the Ambassador worth, Kansas; Mrs. A. Q. Schim- membership drive, with Mrs. Sol No- Apartments. Mrs. Robert Glazer will Alumni association of Pi Lamhda consisting of Paul Green, Nate WolfPhi, national social fraternity, the son, and Morris Shapiro. An initiaSILVER-COHN ENGAGEMENT mel, Lincoln, Nebraska and Mrs. Vic- vitsky and her committee in charge. be co-hostess. following officers were elected: Sam Rabbi and Mrs. Frederick Cohn WEEK'S STAY tor Friend; Mrs. Myron Meyer, St. A luncheon in honor of the new The second feature of the after- Zacharia, president; Ben Kazlowsky, tion committee was named of HerMiss Irene* Pishberg has just reannounce the engagement of their man Weinstein, Herschel Magzamin, Joseph, Missouri; Mrs. B. Hassen- members will be held at the J. C. C. noon will be a review of Vera Britvice-president; Sam Greenberg, sec- Morton Soref and Charles Stern. daughter, Madeleine Isabel, to Mr. turned from a -week's stay in Sioax busch, St. Joseph, Missouri; Mrs. J. November 28. tain's "Testament of Youth." Tea retary; and Dr. Samuel Morgan, Ben D. Silver of Omaha, son of Mr. City, where she "was extensively en- Heiten, St. Joseph, Missouri; Mrs. Judah Wolfson addressed the boys. will be served. treasurer. ••''.';•• C. Rosenblat, St. Joseph, Missauri; and Mrs. Meyer Silver of Sioux City. tertained. An original playlet was presented by several of the members. Mrs. Arthur Scharff, St. Louis, MisMiss Cohn, a graduate of Central RETURN FROM TRIP The next meoting will be held souri; Mrs. M. H. Biederman, St. High school and the University of The Pioneer Women's Saturday Mesdames Harry A. Green and Louis, Missouri; Mrs. Charles WilThursday, November 2, at 8 p. m. Chicago, has been teaching at North The Senior Council of Clubs is Samuel H. Green have returned from son, St. Louis, Missouri; Mrs. I. Hal- afternoon get-together will be held The first Tegular meeting of the at the B'nai Israel synagogue, 18t> High school. a three-week visit in Milwaukee and pern, St. Louis, Missouri; Mrs. J. tomorrow afternoon at the home of planning a banquet to which all Fa-Hon for the season was held on and Chicago. Mr. Silver is identified with a Chicago. While in Milwaukee Mrs. groups, members and non-members Mrs. Sam Altshuler. prominent local chain of grocery bus- Harry Green underwent an appendec- Oelsner, Kansas City, Missouri; Mrs. The secrtary will read the official •of the Senior Council, will be in- Monday evening, October 23, at the H. H. Mayer, Kansas City, Missouri; inesses. report on the 18th Zionist congress. vited. A committee consisting of Bill J. C. C. Plans were discussed for tomy. She is recuperating at her Mrs. M. Shane, Kansas City, MisWolfe, Lou Riklin, and Sara Baum the cominjr months, including dances, home. An intensive campaign for new souri; Mrs. A. H. Silverman, Kansas All members are urged to be present. is in charge of arrangements for tournaments, parties, etc. . ANNOUNCE BIRTHS Mrs. S. Okim, chairman of the members has been started by the City, Missouri; Mrs. Ed Gilbert, Election of officers will be held the banquet. Mr. and Mrs. Irving Rubin a n - IN CHICAGO Young Men's Vaad. The goal, at a Kansas City, Missouri; Mrs. Phil rummage sale, asks that all having Monday, October 30. Julius Bisno and Selma Lotman liounce the birth of a son Friday, Dorothy White and Irving White, Lipper, Kansas City, Missouri; Mrs. old clothes to contribute call her meeting last Tuesday night, was set October 20, at the St. Joseph's hos- children of Mr. and Mrs. Joe White, L. Agranoff, Sioux City, Iowa; Mrs. at Webster 1642, and the bundles will contact the organizations which at one hundred men. More are welare not members of the Council. pital. Mrs. Rubin was formerly Miss are in Chicago, where they attended Eugene Mannheimer, ' Des Moines, will be picked up. The rummage sale come. The dubs represented at the meatis going on at 1S04 No. 24. Sara Marcus. the World's Fair. Due to the fact that the Father Iowa. An important business meeting was The Pioneer Women reports that ing October 19 and their representaand Son banquet of the Social Servheld October 22 at the J. C. C. Plans Omaha delegates to the convention BENEFIT BRIDGE the card party held recently was a tives: X. L. r Ralph Nogg; A. Z. A. 1, ice Committee of the J. C. C. and Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Jacobs of ChiThe Ladies Auxiliary of the Vaail will be: Mesdames Frederick Cohn, success both financially and socially. Massie Baum and Irving Chueaeoff; were laid for International A. Z. A. the B'nai B'rith is scheduled for cago announce the birth of a daugh- Ha'Ihr is sponsoring a benefit bridge I. Rosenthal, Carl Furth, Max Holz- Mrs. J. Hahn was chairman. Mrs. A. Z. A. 100, Lou Ricklin; Junior Day. A banquet is also being November 12, the Father and Son ter, Joan Edith, on\ October 15. Mrs. on Wednesday, November 8. Mrs. man and Sam Wertheimer, Sr. S. Nitz was hostess, assisted by Mrs. Hadassah, Minnie Frohm; Henrietta planned. banquet of the Young Men's Vaad Jacobs was formerly Miss Ruth D. B. Epstein is chairman, and the Headquarters for the out-of-town M. G. Cohen, Mrs. I. Raznick and Mrs. Szold, Sarah Baum and Shirley Eehearsals for the play, "One for has been changed to November 19. It Brodkey. All" are being held regularly. Pirsch; Junior S y n a g o g u e , Bill public is invited, Tickets are 35 delegates and visitors will be at the S. Okun. The chapter's basketball team is will be held in the B'nai Israel synBlackstone Hotel. Wolfe; Young Men's Vaad, Dave SIocents. already in. practice for the hoop sea- agogue. boinsky. INF0K3IAL RECEPTION son. Dr. Sidney A. Portis, professor of MOTHERS' CLUB ... The chapter's representatives toths clinical medicine at 3the Loyola UniThe S. A. M. Mothers' club held Jointly sponsored by the ConservaSenior Council are Louis Canar and versity School of Medicine and at- their monthly meeting at the home A regular meeting of the Ladies tive synagogue and the women's auxtending physician at Michael Reese of Mrs. S. Canar October 25. New Golden Hill Society will be held on iliary, a dinner honoring new mem- The Creigihton University chapter Myron Tarnoff. On Friday evening, and Cook County hospitals, was feted members were Mrs. L. Turkel, Mrs. Tuesday, October 31, at the home or bers of the congregation is to be of Pi Lambda Phi, national social November 3, the group will sponsor J at an informal reception by Phi Del- S. Altshuler, Mrs. H. Carp, and Mrs. M ^ - Milder, 2860Capitol avenue. given Wednesday night, Nov. 1, at fraternity, moved into its new home tile services at the B'nai Israel syna t 319 North 31st street Monday. Important business will- bs discussed. the Jewish Community Center. ta Epsilon, national medical frater- B. Chait. nity on October 19 at the chapter Election of officers will be held. A program of entertainment is Is Liberman was formally initiated FOR RENT house. planned, and several short talks will Sunday following a dinner held at DANCE .. be made by officers of the congrega- the chapter house. He has been apBeautiful 5 - room apartment, Dr. Portis was here for an address An informal party and dance will: tion. Mrs. B. A. Simon and her pointed chairman of the house and before the Council Bluffs Medic.il be tendered to the recently-pledged j heat furnished. Near Creighton The Daughters of Zion will give a committee will be in charge. Res- meals committee. Other recent apsociety. freshmen of the Creighton University University. pointments include Morris Wintrcxib chapter of Phi Delta Epsilon, na- benefit card party on Tuesday after- ervations will be taken at 65 cents to keeper of the exchequer, Joe Gold2SI5 FARMAM AT. 2815 2534 Cass St. AT. 6933 tional medical fraternity, on Satur- noon, November 21, .at the J. C. C. for adults, 40 cents for children. RETURNS HOME ware to assistant pledge master, MelThe proceeds will be sent to the Mrs. B. JJitner left Monday, eve- day evening, October 28, at the new J. N. F . to "buy more land in Pales- Annonnced this week also Is the Yin Sommer to assistant keeper of plan of the Ways and Means comning^-for her home in Philadelphia chapter house. tine. mittee which met this week at the The men to-be honored are Fred after an extended visit with relatives At the affair, prizes will be given Meinhard, Joseph Davis, Ben Jacob- to the high scorers. Mrs. A. Shafton home of the chairman, Mrs. Reuben here. son, Stanley Sackin, and Robert Fox- is in charge, assisted by Mrs. L. Kulakofsky. There will be five maMusic and entertainment will be fur- Cohen. Tickets are thirty-five cents. jor projects it -was decided. Opening the series will be a bake nished by Ernest Preisman and his : sale under the Erection of Mrs. Plans- are now being formulated orchestra. Dave Sherman at the Brandeis Samuel Reiter is chairman of the for the third annual bridge to be store, Nov. 22. Mrs. Dave GreenThe national Hadassah convention given by the Sigma Kappa Chi sor- committee in charge, assisted by was held in Chicago the first part berg's group will again sponsor the ority at the J. C. C. Wednesday Frank Lipp and Isadore Silverman. sale of Folger's coffee, and the ValOMAHA'S STYLE CENTER . . . . UTH AND HARNEY of this week. evening, December 6, at 8 o'clock. The following local delegates were • entine dance sponsored last year by This is one of the group's outstand- CHAXUKAH DANCE Mrs. Sol Novitsky, will be repeated. ing affairs of the year and many The Misses Sophie Handler, Lyl selected at the opening meeting of Other projects include the sale of the season for the local chapter Ocsuprises are being arranged. Chudacoff and libbie Blacker are in At the next regular- meeting of charge of arrangements for the Chan- tobr 18: Mrs. M. F. Levenson, Mrs. box lunches by Mrs. J. Blank, and the sorority the newly elected offi- ukah dance of the Junior Society of Max Fromkin, Mrs. Abraham Romm, a social event planned by Mrs. B. A. Simon. cers.will be installed, and^imgortant^j£ e Conservative synagogue, ojt De- and Mrs. Irvin Levin. Others who "The entire' membership has been signified their interitio'ri of attending matters discussed. All "me'mbers are) cember 24. were the Mesdames I. Kulakofsky, J. divided into five groups under the urged to be present. J. Frieden, L. Margolin, Gail Mar- leadership of these' women, and we A. Z. A. PARTY Forty-five couples have made res- golin, Morris Fox, Joe Block, T. A. ask and expect the co-operation of ervations for the first annual Hara- Tully, and J. M. Erman. Mrs. Joseph Rosenberg, Regional Preparations for the Hatikvoh time Halloween party to be given by hard-time dance are progressing and the mother chapter of A. Z. A. for president and a member of the namembers this Saturday tional board of Hadassah, is a delethe "ticket sale. is meeting with a. ^ ^ _ splendid response, s t a t e d Mrs. e v e n m g a t the Roosevelt Inn Night gate by virtue of her office. The opening meeting of Omaha Charles Hermanson. ! club at 67th and Military avenue. Prizes will be awarded to the per-j Th& c o m r n jttee in charge includes Hadassah was attended by more than sons having the best hard-time cos-: L o u i s j ^Mint chairman; Art Wein- two hundred and fifty. A complete jewelry service. Lowest j Mrs. M. F. Levenson, president, intumes. Mrs. D. A. Goldstein, Mrs. L., e r a n d E r n i e N Several stunts in price and highest in quality. | troduced the organization's chairmen Neyeleff Kazlowsky and Rabbi bfien a r r a d and a rize will Styles That Boast All the Wizardry y MillerEen Ur. will be the judges [ of the various committees, a number [^ ^ ^ d t i iven worst Ur. Miller will be the judges « , , . of Fashion's Cleverest Tricks st hard time of the chairmen outlining their comA special feature will be; the. s o - | c o s t a imvee.n A b u f f e t w o rW , be mittee plans for the coming year. cial wedding, which will take place served. c on the dance floor at 10:30 p. m. Mrs. Sarah, Berman, mother of Any alumnus wishing to attend but Successors to Albert Edholm '4 Ernie Priesman's orchestra will'[has not yet made reservations may Mrs. David A. Goldstein, who recent2nd Floor City Xat'l Bank B i d e | also be dressed in hard-time ~ s - j d o M w i t i l ly returned from Palestine, and Rabof the committee. tumes. Proceeds from this dance will go I to buy food and groceries for local Jewfeh needy. . Contributions to the Book of Life, dedicated to the City Talmud Torah, have been announced as follows for the month of October: Reuben Bordy, In last week's issue of the Press, in memory of his father-in-law, Isaac it was incorrectly stated by mistake Predmitzky; Mr. and Mrs. A. Levin, that the Jewish Community Center on the occasion of their golden wedlibrary is open only on Wednesday ding anniversary; and Mr. M. D. evenings and Sunday afternoons. Brodkey for the birth of a daughThis library ia open every evening ter to his daughter, Mrs. M. Jacobs. For more particulars about the in the week .except Friday and on Book of Life, which is showing proSunday afternoons. Lee Sanderson's MiEic $1.00 Per Couple The rental department is conducted gress, the public is asked to call the jointly by the J.'C. C. and the Coun- chairman, Dr. Philip Sher. cil of Jewish Women.


Pioneer Women

Senior Council


Young Men's Vaad

A. Z. A. 100

Conservative Synagog

Golden Hill

Pi Lambda Phi

IRA THRIFTY— 7c per lb. Shirts, inc. 8c

Daughters of Zion

Sigma Kappa Chi


• Special Selling of 400 Stunning Fall


McDonald & Co.j

Book of Life

J. C. C. Library

"Save the Last Dance for Me" Next Sunday Night, Oct. 29th J. C. C. BALLROOM

Psi Mil Halloween Daace Frolic Spooks!



Jimmy Durante (SCH>*OZZI,E)


Richard Arlen Chester Morris Genevieve Tohih :




- A L S O -


' .


"StageJotter" Starring:

Alice'Brady Maureen O'Sullivan Franchot Tone

• • • •


Ribbed Crepes Bibber Sheers New Woolens Smart Satins

HOWARD «? 16th.

Jack Pearl








Zasu Pitts Edna May Oliver Ted Healy and Bis Two Stooges • ALSO-

"The Worst Woman raParisf

SARD1M ...OR WHALE Is your appetite run down and lifeless? Have you got a "sardine" of an appetite or a "whale" of an appetite? Establish the Jack and Jill as your regular eating headquarters and you will find a new zest whetting your appetite . . . you will soon build up a "whale of an appetite." Our delicious menus are most palatable . . . served unexcelled in a quaint and soothing atmosphere!


Adolphe Menjou Benita Hume -EXTKA•

1934 Radio Display in grand -foyer:

A Suggestion for An; Night

Jack & Jill Sizzling Steak SrrrrtJ whn* V B ol poakinc I fit/ ~ " ban

Idaho nakrd tamato. brrad hnUrr. ilrtnk.

Starring the Netv Widn Shoulder* . . . New High Necklines . . . Rich. Autumn Colors or Black -Exciting new fashions that seem almost incredible at this thrift-price. Brighten up for Thanksgiying with one of these fascinating frocks without putting a crimp in the budget. Carman's Second Floor *•*.?

GARDEN IN THE SKY—The first unit of the elaborate landscaping to be used in the decoration of the building? of Rockefeller Center. New York City, is completed on the roof of the British Empire building where trees and hedges have been planted around a pool.


SHE'LL S H E D 'EM—Pretty Vivienne P o r t e r Smith, b l o n d e member of the chorus of Constance Bennett's next picture, is the newest addition to the growing nudist movement in California. Vivi e n n e, shown on a set in Hollywood, is going to join a nudist colony, she says.

MERELY A WINE COTTLE—This huge wine bottle, said to be the largest in the United States, is on exhibition at the Italian-Swiss colony at Asti, Cal. The bottle is made of glass with a straw covering.



! r

GRANDMA GOES HUNTING-With a record of seven deer to her "AIR MAIL" BY TUBE—Miss Jacqueline Foster, employe of the credit. Grandma Margaret McKenna, 73. of Saranac. N. Y.. takes her department of agriculture, at Washington, is pictured as she tests U raodera neumat * * • "-iling "-iling system systemwhich whichwill willstart startoperating operating S 5 ^ n ^ r a M « M«S3[;™ S 3 [ ; ™ t ^ " hhoorr^^r ^r1^1 " a t r i C nnr TTV V " t he raodera 'PPneumat** **• Mrs. McKenna is shown with the same nuc she has in the department next February. The tubes will carry mail to each game Mrs McKenna is shown with the same nuc she has i th d t Fb T been using for the past 20 years. • of the 23 bureaus in the building.

MOTORING THROUGH INDIA—Mrs. Armand Denis, left, a niece of President Roosevelt, and her traveling companion, a Miss Olmstead, are photographed upon their arrival in Calcutta lndi* on their motor trip from Antwerp, Belgium, to Singapore. Mrs. Dems Tilans to dirpct a motion tiirtnr* at Singapore.

NOBEL WINNER AUTOGRAPHS-Dr. Thomas Hunt Morgan, noted American zoologist, and member of the California Institute of Technology who was awarded the 1933 Nobel prize, is shown autographing hooks for children of Pasadena, Cal.

COUNTING PRISONERS—Cuban t o W r T i n Havana'count prtoonerY captured after the fall of the National hotel, where a garrison of rebelling army and navy officers made a one-day stand against government troops, as families of the men leave Cabanaa fortress. It marked, the first Tinting period s n e t *he officers, now awaiting trial, were taken prisoner!.

ANOTHER AUTOGRAPH—Captain LaBorte, regarded as the "Lindbergh of Cuba", now recovering in a Havana hospital from wound* he received during the siege of the National hotel in the recent revolution, obligingly give* bis autograph to Margery Brown, Americas aviatrix. V


PAGE 7—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27,1933 dorf, Wollersdorf or Beitsauraehjiear Nuremberg, according to special signs displayed outside these towns.

| !


Body of Israel Rokeaeh to Be Interred in Palestine

Nuremberg, under the leadership of Julius Streiclier, notorious antiSemite and editor of the Jew-baiting newspaper, Der Stuermer, is one of the chief centers for legislation against the Jews.

Polish Street Won't Be Named After Bandit

LODZ, Poland.—The local governor cancelled the decision of the municipality to name a street in memory of the Bundist leader, Israel Lichtenstein. The Bund is the organization of Jewish Socialists which played a very prominent part in the early SocialJewish Children Fed at ist agitation against the Czarist govCommunity School ernment. Berlin.—Six hundred Jewish chilIt is very strong among the Podren of Berlin began today to receive lish Jewish workers.

New York.—The body of the late Israel Rokeaeh who died recently in Brooklyn at the age of 92, and that of his wife, who died many years ago, is being transported on the Cosulich liner Vulcania, to Palestine, for permanent burial there.

free meals at the Jewish community school as a result of the growing Remove starvation among the Jewish popula- Poster


London.—The poster displayed by the Nazi club in London, calling for Polish Consul Intercedes the killing of thirty-three German Brussels, Belgium. —The Polish refugees whose possessions were conConsul intervened with the munici- fiscated by the Nazi regime and pality to withdraw the recent can- whose citizenship was revoked, has. cellation of the permits of 96 market!.. .... ,. . traders since sixty, of those affected *>een .withdra^-n, according to a report in the London Daily Herald. are Polish citizens.


Weizmann Has Audience with King of Belgium Brussels.—Dr. Chaim Weizmann, noted Zionist leader who is directing Zionist endeavors in behalf of the German Jews, was received by King Albert of Belgium in a lengthy audience. Topical events were discussed and Dr. Weizmann acquainted the Belgian ruler with details of the work of reconstructing Palestine and the possibility of the country at the present time.

Pioneer Spirit

A Dog's Life':..,. For Canines of Naziland Leipzig, Germany, (J.T.A.)— The municipality of Leipzig imposed a heavy tax upon the owners of dogs of anixed breeds in order to force racial purity even among German dogs. The municipality was encouraged to do this by the recent government order against all inter-marriages between Aryans and non-Aryans.

'Abraham' Barred as

a Name for Aryans Berlin, (J.T.A.)—Aryan children will no longer be named Abraham, in the statss of Mecklenburg, Pomerania and Schleswig-Holstein, the local churches decided. Abraham was formerly a most popular name in these provinces, even in hundred per cent Aryan families, and was considered an honor. Among the old German' families in Lower Saxonia, at least one member of- every family carries this Biblical name. . ''. :

Vienna. — Chancellor Dollfass of Austria declared in an interview with the press here "that the Christian character of man is more important than his race. I look upon Austria as one unit. I think we must look to the soul of man and not to his race or nationality."

National Farm School Refugee Training Has Large Registration Center Established Easton, Pa., (J.T.A.)—The National Farm School at Doylestown opened its 36th annual session here with an unusually large registration. The school, which is supported by contributing Jews, trains boys for agricultural labor by alternative .sessions in the classroom and on the field. Herbert D. Allman, president, in his annual address, said in part: "To the unemployed, flight from the city to country offers no economic remedy for social ills unless they are equipped with labor saving machinery and know how to farm. Untrained in accurate knowledge, enthusiastic pioneers at best eke out a bare living besides aggravating over-production." Mr. Allman stres&ed the need for the school and said such institutions help solve unemployment in cities.

Berlin.—Children of unknown parents should not he considered of Jewish descent and they must be allowed; to retain government posts, it was announced here. : Many of the officials -who were dismissed because they were unable to pass the Aryan tests, have complained to the authorities, denying that they were of -Jewish origin and claiming that they cannot prove their Aryanism because they never knew their parents, being either legitimate

Pviga, Latvia.—The municipality of Riga rejected a motion 'presented by Fascisti urging seizure of Jewish property as a means of obtaining relief for the7 unemployed this vtln-' ter. . '-'--:•

Budapest Excesses


"Purging" Over

852 Brandeis Theater Bldg.

Best Workmanship

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STUDEBAKER SALES and SERVICE 3141 Farnam, HA. 2260

Rev. A. Diamond

Los Angeles,. CaL—Charles Kramer, Democratic Congressman, denounced Hitlerism in an address delivered before the employees of the Doyle Packing Company.

AUTO PARTS New and Cscd Repair Farts anil Accessories for Cars and Trucks at a Savins

Merchandise Guaranteed

Star Auto Parts Co.

EVERYTHING For the Auto 2051 Farnam AT. 5524

Rti2 and Curtain Cleaners Upholstered Furniture





Certified Public "Aects.

Where ^ and Service /Meet

Budapest, Hungary.—Three Jewish Berlin.—Jews must not enter or students were slightly injured and pass the free townships' of Bertholfour others slightly injured when serious anti-Semitic excesses broke out at the Polytechnic College. All the Jewish students were forced to flee from the college. Recognized as PRACTICAL 3I0HEL Now It's War Invalids Berlin.—Cancellation of the penPhone 1059 sions of Jewish war invalids going COUNCIL BLUFFS abroad unless they obtain permission to leave Germany from the. aiithbtities was announced in a communication to the Jewish Soldiers' AssociaNATIONAL tion. ' I

2004 Lake St. Mrs. Lon Farber, Prop.

• • • •

The New Dnart Tdzsr. Doable Curler Permanent

New and Used Gars

Jews Barred from Town



Abramson : Aiidit Co.


from Jewish or Negro blood as far back as January 1, 1800, according to a decree issued by the Hitler cabinet. :. Inability to prove that their .forefathers did not have Jewish or Negio,blooiLjn their veins^may, under the ruling,i cause -their disbarment from owning land.

A Denunciation

London, (J.T.A.)—The first agricultural center in England for the training of German youths in preparation for their settlement in Palestine has been established by the Jewish Refugee Committee in arrangement with a committee of agriculturists. A number of young German Jews have already begun to work at the center which has been functioning experimentally for the past six months.

WANTED TO RENT Rooms in private home. Suitable for young couple or college students. Near Creighton University. 2776 Webster St, Ph. AT. 4946

6maka tteve Siepair fitoffe 1206*8 AT. 2524

Get Acquainted

BERLIN.—The Official Gazette announced that the government considers the clearing of the German court system of Jewish lawyers as complete. All Jewish .lawyers who remain Ertdeks Arrested in Bomb after that date, the Gazette declares, Plot should be given equality and should Warsaw.—Seven members of the Endeks, the anti-Semitic, anti-Pil- not be hindered when they appear in • sudski organization which has been the courts. carrying on a reign of terror against Must Prove <4No Jewish the Jews of Poland, were arrested Blood" following the discovery of a bomb BERLIN. — Peasants wishing to in the plant of the Jewish newspa^ possess land under the laws promulper, Naszprseglad. The bomb failed gated by the Nazis, will have to to explode. • ; prove the freedom of their ancestors

Latvian Fascisti Urge Seizure of Jews' Properly

our Service Guide—


Foundlings Not to Be Considered Jewish

Montreal, Canada.—The departure of a group of six chalutzim for Palestine was turned into a Zionist demonstration when the crowd of a thousand Jews who came to see them off, sang Hebrew and Chalutzim songs and cheered the pioneers.

—Shop from

S.M.CLAYMAN, Ulgr. AT. 93G» VTth and Ch!r«r« St.

• Wave

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DRINK! Golden Spike Pale Dry Gingerale Ideal time Rickey

Ideal ik>d!. Waters llanafarttired and Distributed br

Ideal Bottling Co. WE. S043 1808 North 20th St.




Hospital Remedy for Gas, Heartburn, Indierstion. Constipation We Sell and Guarantee This Remedy WE IJEr.lVEK . Quality and Service

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Complete- Upholstering and Glass Service Wicker Furniture Fainted and Repaired

Paul Brodrick

Beit Result! Get\bupCutsand

"Shoe comfort" is the motto of the Standard Shoe Repair Company, located in the heart of Omaha, at 1619 Farnan street. John L. Krage, propristor of the Standard Shoe Repair, takes justifiable pride in his service to Ms customers with, repair •work of the highest quality. He has devoted his life to the shoe repairing' business and_is able :o offer the public the jenefit of his years of jxperience. Mr. Krage advi s e s that you keep your shoes in good shape and give them longer life by repairing them often. T h e Standard Shoe Repair uses only the finest leathers the marTret "can' 'offer. The company stands back of every piece of work put out and guarantees the work and material to be if the finestMr. Krage opened his "irst shoe repair shop at 1804 Farnam 27 years ago. He has been in his present location for tlic past dozen years. If you want shoe repair -work of the highest quality, use the Standard Shoe , Repair Company.

We Solicit Your PrintliiR and Office Supply Needs

Corey-McKenzie Printing Co. 1406 Dsdge St.

Volz Will Keep You Nattily Attired



JA. 0528


2118-22 Coming AT. 6208 Since 1922

e Take Time to Uo It Right by Ik-ing Slew and <;arrfnl

Soliciting Quality Work

KE. 0031-62

Vilno Jewry Protests Vilno, Poland.—The rabbinate of Vilno and the Jewish community have initiated a strong protest movement against the intention of the municipality to close down the only Jewish hospital in the city. The hospital is important not only because, in view of discriminations against Jews in medical institutions, it offers the only opportunity for training young Jewish doctors.



Arab Suit Dismissed Tul Kann, Palestine.—The plea of twenty-two Arabs of Mashwiki village, near Wadi Hawareth, who sought pasturage rights on a section near, the latter settlement in a suit against the Jewish National Fund, was dismissed by the court.

Refugee Relief Committee Continues on Full Schedule

Roberts Dairy Go.

Let as prepare yon for die cold weather by toning up your system.

Round Trip $7.95 Denver 7.50 Round Trip 11.00 Los Angeles. 20.00 Round Trip 35.00

BATTERY^ERVICE We Are Distributors for the Well Known Omaha Manufactured

GRANT BATTERY And Guarantee AH Sales, Batteries Serviced

Establish Prague Bureau

Prfone riArney 1226;

Chicago $5.00

AT. 3911 Elks Bids, 3rd Floor

Paris.—The Central Committee for the Assistance of German Refugees is continuing its work on a full schedule and is not planning to close its offices here. The London Jewish Chronicle had stated that the committee had discontinued its .work because of lack of funds. New York.—A news-gathering and distributing bureau has been established in Prague, Czechoslovakia, by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, according to an announcement from the main office of the news service here. The bureau will supply news to Central European newspapers receiving the Jewish Telegraphic Agency service.


Re-Nu-Health Baths helps build strong bones and teeth.

National Tire Shop T h e Sign of Good Workmanship JA. 1614 Offices Brandeis Theatre Bldg OMAHA




17th and Capitol AT. 6427

BUS DEPOT Edwards Hotel Bids. 306 N. 16th HA. 5000

GAF E Stop in for dinner, after the theater, or after the party for t h a t snack with dancing in onr party room. Open all night.

HAMILTON CAFE Margaret Berman, Prop. 2406 Farnam, JA. 8278

HATTEtfS Standard Hat Works FRANK MEARES Knows How to Clean Hats Work Done While You Wait FREE DELIVERY DOWNTOWN 1619 Faraam, AT. 8481


G.A. Steinheiiner Company Contracting Painters 113 No. 40th Ha. 6369 Fainting and Decorating Residences, Churches and Public BIdgs.

LAUNDBW We are doing our part by complying with the NBA code. Yon do your part by Tielping us.

Capitol Snow-White Laundry JA. 4883

1518 Cass


The Best Portrait Requires the

Best Photographer

Cleveland Studio 1612 Dongla. St. Phone JA. 3366

BLUE LINE Transfer Co. S14 S. 10th

AT. 6405


Sfoiix Gity News Miss ANNA




.Miss Helen Levitt of St. Paul, Minnesota, spent last week end in Sioux City, visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Levitt, C-4 Bellevue Apartments.

CouncilBluffs News

Berlin Left League Jewish Liberals in Because of Debate Reich Launch Drive On Jewish Problem to Check Zionism

group is taken as a sign that a strong anti-Zionist front is again being organized in view of the increased Zionist activities in the cour.try.

BT P. R. K. • •••-.•»••» Mr. and Mrs. M. Mason, 1010 14th Berlin, (J.T.A.)—Discussion by the Street, were surprised at their home Senior Hadassah to Give Luncheon League of Nations of the Jewish Offices Padlocked BERLIN (J. T. A.)—An organized and O^en Meeting IfOT. 8th Sunday evening by a group of 30 question, against the wishes of. the WARSAW, Pcland.—The anti-Semfriends, celebrating their tenth The Council Bluffs Chapter of the German delegation, was in large part campaign to discourage German-Jewitic boycott organization known as responsible for Germany's withdraw- ish youths from going to Palestine the "Rozwoj" was closed down by has been launched by the Jewish libal from the League of Nations, the the Polish authorities and their Wolff News Agency, semi-official or- eral party in view of the growing premises sealed on the ground that Zionist sympathies of Jews throughganization, reported. they were endangering the public out the Reich. The Wolff dispatch corroborates peace. The Judische Liberale Zeitung, unJewish Telegraphic Agency reports from Berlin and Geneva in which der the headline, "Storm Sign Over JOSEPH L1XTZMAX, Attorney Germany's withdrawal from, the Palestine," commenting on the abor334 Insurance Building tive Arab demonstration in JerusaLeague on the pretaxt of the Jewish lem, for the first time since the adquestion had been predicted. FollowPUOBATE NOTICE ing the Nazi announcement of this vent of the Nazi regime, warns Ger- In the Matter of the Estnte of MAX IIAUTZ, Licensed. action, the Jewish Telegraphic Agen- man Jews against going to Palestine. The fact that the Palestine gov- NOTICE IS UKltEBY GIVEN: cy reported that tha action had bean That (be creditors of siiid deceived will taken, not only because of the cold ernment took preventive measures meet the administrator of said estate, beshoulder given Germany's arms ds- against the demonstration should not fore me, County Judge of Douglas County, Nobrnskn, nt on thethe County Court Room, in Comity, isth'dny "of December, mands, but also on Nazi discussion make t h e J e w s of Germany believe snid 33 t h i f Pnlpstinp i<; <;afp thp nanpr I" , mid on the 13th <lny of February, of the position of the Jews of Gar- that raiesune is sale, tne paper 1j ^ n t 0 o , clo< . k A M en*.h ( , f o r ffe warns. It urges German Jewry not purpose of -* presenting their claims for - exmany •weve disregarded. nminntion. Adjustment and nllownnce. "The League of Nations lost its to put its hopes blindly in Palestine Three months are iillowed for the creditors right to represent the civilized world "because nothing will remain if this to present their claims, from the 13th day of November, 1033. because it had become an anti-Fas- last hope is lost" BItVCE CRAWFORD, The attack of the liberal party 10-20-33-3t. cist mass meeting and a forum for County Judge. Jews and Marxists," the Wolff disThe Ladies Auxiliary of the Talmud patch today charged. Torah Society will hold a regular meeting next Wednesday afternoon, I.EON * WHITE, Attorneys City National Rank Building; November 1, at 2:30 o'clock at the Cnevra B'nai Yisroel synagogue at 618 NOTICE OF INCORPORATION" OF "AKCHEK ELECTRIC CO." Mynster street All members are Notice is hereby given that n corporaurged to attend this meeting. tion has lx»en formed under the laws of the j

Wedding Anniversary. Senior Hadassah have made plans for The evening hours were spent at an open meeting to be held on Wedcards and refreshments were served nesday , afternoon, November 8th, at at the close of the evening. Mes- the Hotel Chieftain. A luncheon at sages of congratulation were re- 1 o'clock will preceed the meeting ceived from out of town friends and and will be open to both members and The local chapter of the WorkMr. Leon Dqbrofsky,. president of the" local Bnai Brith lodge appoint- men's Circle will sponsor the ap- relatives, and they were presented non-members of the Senior Hadassah. Rabbi David A. Goldstein of Omaha , ed the former local Bnai Brith Pres- pearance of S. Niger, nationally with a gift. will be the guest speaker on this proidents on the committee to campaign known lecturer and writer, next amongst" the Jewish' men of the city, Monday evening inr the J. C. C. at The Phi Deb Sorority met at the gram. Mrs. Saul Suvalsky is chairhome of Miss Ruth Rifkin last man in charge of this affair and is . ! to .renew Interest in the Bnai Brith 8:30 p. m. wort. Every Jewish man will he con- Mr. Niger will speak on "Hitler- Wednesday. Following the regular being assisted by the following comtacted- by this committee and reports ism and Jewish Nationalism." He is business meeting the drawing of the mittee: Mesdames Harry Cohen, Louis made at the next meeting Novem- from New York City and a contri- penny raffle was made and refresh- H. Katelman, Nathan Nogg, L. Chernbutor to Jewish newspapers. Mr. Ni- ments served. iack, and Max-Steinberg. Reservaber 7. ger is well known in' Sioux City, for the luncheon should be made At the meeting last Tuesday, Rabbi having appeared here in former The Debrah Club will hold its An-tions as soon as possible by calling 519 or Theodore. N. Lewis spoke on current years. nual Hallowe'en party tomorrow eve- season sponsored by the local Senior happenings amongst world Jewry, ning in the home of Gisela Pill. Dec- 1833. This is the first affair of the touching upon vital interests in the orations and entertainment will be Hadassah and a large crowd is exlife of the Jew. = in keeping with the season and re- pected from both Omaha and Council freshments will be served. Bluffs.


{Brotherhood Halloween Party Next Tuesday The Brotherhood of Mount Sinai Temple will hold a Halloween party Tuesday evening, October 31, in the Temple Annex for all Brotherhood members and their families. The affair promises to be an outstanding event in the Brotherhood's program. Music will be furnished by Bill Franklin's orchestra.' Special floor entertainment will be provided as well as various prizes. A lunch will be served during the evening. Special decorations and appointments will be appropriate for the season. In charge of arrangements for the party are Ben Kosenblum, chairmen, Si Krueger, Louis Agranoff, Sam Greenstone, Sam Pickus, and E. N. Grueskin.


Senior Hadassah Opens Season with Luncheon

Dorothy Gelson, Gisela Pill and Rose Albert are in charge of arThe Senior-Hadassah organization rangements. opened its season with a luncheon meeting, Tuesday afternoon in the Mr. Joe Cohen, 1720 Jones street visited with friends in Chicago and Jewish Community Centter. , ,, Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz was the Cleveland this week. principal speaker, using as his subject "The Healing of My People." Miss Ida Ivener is visiting with Miss Frances Emlein was heard in friends and relatives in New York a group of piano solos. City. Mrs. R. H. Emlein presided over the meeting. A financial report was given by Mrs. Charles Raskin, and pleas for the relief of the Jews in Germany were made.

Mount Sinai

Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis will speak this evening at Mount Sinai Temple on the subject "The Eternal Jew." The volunteer choir will offer the traditional Hebrew melodies and sing several of the responses during the reading of the ritual. The Sisterhood will hold its monthly meeting on Friday, November 3, following a one o'clock luncheon. Mrs. Louis S. Goldberg is. in charge Miss Sandra Woskoff and Miss of the program.


Material Already Gathered, He Says, Is Condemnation of Propaganda Here

Delegates to Junior Hadassah Convention

NEW YORK (J. T. A.)—An appeal that Americans support the investigation sponsored by Representative Samuel Dickstein, chairman of the House Committee on Immigration, is voiced in a statement issued .Rose Pill were elected delegates to by Mr. Dickstein. the Junior Hadassah Convention, Reassuring Americans that they which will be held in Sioux City durAmong the students of North Ju- "need not fear threats by Nazi proing November. Plans were made for the convention, and preparations are nior High School, whose names ap- pagandists or Nazi hoodlums," Mr. being made by the local chapter to pear on the Honor Roll for the past Dickstein declared that although the entertain 90 delegates from various six weeks, were the following: Syl- investigation is slow in getting under cities in the Midwest district during via Herzoff, Ruth Singer, Helen Gut- way, the committee is speedily gathleman, Sylvia Friedman, M a r v i n ering material and evidence which the convention; • ;. Miss. Sybil Merlin was elected to Kline, Milton Salzman, Bob Marx, amounts to an indictment of the wellthe board of. directors to fill a va- Arnold Rosenfeld, Marion Shiloff, organized propaganda campaign beLeah Rose Newman, Alvin Brodkey, ing carried on here. cancy on the board. The second bi-monthly Fellowship Lois Levitt, Belle Cohen, Blossom "The Department of State is in meeting was held last Sunday after- Kalin, Robert Cohen, Elaine Rosen- accord with the Congressional Comfeld, Paul Schwartj Harriet Levine, mittee on Immigration," said Mr. noon. . .. . Irving Friedman, and George Ga- Dickstein, "that aliens who come Iinsky. here as visitors must stay as visitors without-. attempting to spread propaganda literature or conduct themThe Business Girls club will hold! selves in such a manner as would their .first meeting of the season! next Wednesday evening' following a The Ivre Club vrill give its annual be disrespectful to our government. 6 o'clock dinner at the Center. Offi- Hallowe'en party next Monday eve- "This is exactly what aliens of cers for the year will be elected at ning in the Marble Room of the German birth have been doing, anil West Hotel. Jack Goldsmith is in that applies not only to aliens who that time. -~ charge of the arrangements. come here as visitors, but also to The Epsilon Phi sorority will have aliens who are here as students. a Hallowe'en party on Saturday eve"From figures discovered by the ning. committee, it appears that there are too many students entering this The schedule of meetings for the country from lermany who are orMr. and Mrs. I. Hurwitz, 1017 ganizing themselves into groups and week include the Boy Scouts, Saturday night; Maccabees, Thursday Tenth street, have announced the are aiding and assisting Nazi sympanight; and Phi Gamma's, Wednesr marriage of their daughter, Sophie, thy, and are conducting themselves day night. ' '. . ' to Dr. Sam Gendel of San Francisco, in such a manner that an investigason of Mr. and Mrs. M. Gendel of Los Angeles. The young couple sur- tion will have to be made in the prised their relatives and friends by schools to check up whether or not eloping to Reno where they were they are bona fide students under the Immigration law: married September 23. "From present evidence it appears Mrs. Gendel graduated from SteTickets are on sale now for the phen's Junior College for girls in that these students have been very presentation of "Qver the Hill,' to Columbia, Missouri, and during the active in colleges or seminaries, or Ibe given November 8, under the past year has been a student in the wherever they may be ; in the United ^auspices of the .'Shaare Zion Ladies University of Southern California in States, which would justify this govAuxiliary at the Orpheum for re- Los Angeles. Dr. Gendel • attended- the ernment determining their status and . served seats. Mrs. Mike Mushkin and University of Southern California, request their deportation." Mrs. A. B. Friedman are in charge graduating- from the medical school Mr. Dickstein announced tfet • Naof the ticket sales. " with the class of 1932. He is affil- zis were discovered in the city of Other members of the auxiliary, iated with the Phi Delta Epsilon na- Newark, N. J., concealing hlackjacks assisting with the preparations for tional medical fraternity. and other deadly instruments. The'y the play are Mrs. Rueben Miller and Dr. and Mrs. Gendel now are at illegally entered this country, and Mrs. : S. H. Shulkin, general co- home at 350 Judah street, San Fran- constitute a "menace." znairmen; Mrs. Eli Robinow, treas- cisco, after a honeymoon trip to Defying the German government urer; Mrs. I. H. Levin, secretary, Jacksonville, Florida.. to deny the allegation that it is fiand Mr. Milton Mushkin and Mrs. nancing the spread of Nazi propaMorey Lipshutz, properties. • Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Golder, 910 ganda, Mr. Dickstein asserts that the The play is under the direction of Sixteenth street, announce the mar- funds solicited from the membership Mr. Hal Buntley and will be pre- riage of their daughter Sara, to of the Nazi organization are for a sented by a local cast. Preceding the Samuel Engelhardt, son of Mr. and "fighting fund." show, a vaudeville bill will be: pre- Mrs. A. Englehardt of Milwaukee, "We have no room for foreign sented by Jackie Schwartz', Morton Wisconsin. The wedding took place propagandists who come to this counand Pauline Raskin, Bella Cohen, Thursday in Omaha with Rabbi Da- try and dictate to us our policy or and Mike Beckerman. vid Goldstein officiating. The cou- attempt to undermine our form of ple will make their home in Milwau- government." ; kee.

On School Honor Roll



Society News

Tickets on Sale for Auxiliary Show

Shaare Zion

Dr. J. N. Lande, local physician, who has recently returned from a trip through Europe and Palestine, will be the speaker at the services tonight at Shaare Zion Synagogue. He will speak of his travels in Europe and the condition of European



Miss • Sonia Broscow, daughter of Mrs. Rose Broscow became the bride of George Gelf and, at a simple wedding Saturday evening. -Rabbi EL R. Rabinowitz read the wedding lines in the presence of the immediate Salem, Oregon, (J.T.A.)—Govermembers of the family. nor Julius Meier was smilingly unJewry. \ /';•'• . Mr. and Mrs. Gelfand will make concerned when interviewed by a The synagogue choir will sing a their home in Battle Creek, Iowa. representative of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency on the filing of a new selection this evening, and CanMembers of the Iota Tau Sorority preliminary : recall petition against tor Pliskin will chant the ritual. Qver 300 attended the service last entertained prospective members at him. The petition was initiated by Friday when the Choir was in charge a Rush party Monday evening. Fol-' a country store keeper, F . W. Stevlowing a dinner at the Seville Cafe,' ens, and charges Governor Meier of the service. • The Junior Congregation will meet the members and their guests ad-i with incompetence. . Informed circles here discount the Saturday: morning a t 3:6:4& At the journed to bridge. . possibility of success for :the recall Junior Service, Rabbi Rabinowitz Mr. Morey Lipshutz spent this petition, since 80,000 signatures must will continue, the story he" told the week in Chicago and Cleveland. be obtained by the initiators before .children last week. 1, and the Governor's record f Tomorrow morning at the Senior Miss Ruth Wigodsky and Miss January as a tax reducer and business man's Congregation service, David. Tilevitz, Sonia Rich visited recently in Chi- Governor, will make it exceedingly son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Tilevitz, will cago with friends and attended the hard to obtain signatures. celebrate his Bar Mitzxah. Follow- Century of Progress. Before return- It is thought here that the real ing'the service, the Junior: Congreto Sioux City, Miss Rich visited reason for the recall is the fight now gation will be his guests in the social ing some on over the truck law. other eastern cities.

hall a t a reception, v


Meier Unconcerned Over Recall Petition

The Council Bluffs Chapter No. 7 of the A. Z. A. will hold a Rush party and weiner roast Saturday night at "The Dells." A number of prospective members will be honored guests at this affair. A regular meeting of the local A. Z. A. will be held Sunday afternoon, October 29, at 1:30 o'clock at the synagogue at 618 Mynster street. Tryouts for everyone who wishes to join the newly organized local Jewish orchestra, which has been named "Tizmoreth," will be held Sunday morning, October 29, at 11 o'clock at the synagogue at 618 Mynster street. All who are interested in this orchestra should call 75 for further information. Names of all members of the orchestra will be announced next week. Mrs. Jack Steinberg and son, Donald, left Saturday of Kansas City, Mo., for a visit with relatives. Mrs. Sol Gross of St. Louis, Mo., arrived here Tuesday for a visit at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Louis H. Katelman. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cherniss entertained the members of thoir evening bridge club at Jheir home Tuesday evening. ." ,_ f% Miss Frances Sternhill of New York City, who spent the past month here visiting at the home of her cousins. Dr. and Mrs. Isaac Sternhill, is leaving today for her home. Mrs. Herman Marowitz is spending the week in Chicago where she attended the National Senior Hadassah Convention and also visited at the World's Fair. Mrs. Marovritz is president of the local Senior Hadassah.

! State of Nebraska. The name of the corporation Is "Archer Electric Co." and the principal place for the transaction of its business is the City of Omaha, Douglas County. Nebraska. The general nature of the business to be transacted by the corporation is to buy, purchase, own, hold, lease, exchange, assign, mortgage and transfer real estate and personal property wherever situated; to buy. Rell. own. hold, assign, mortgage and transfer l>onds, securities, debentures i and stock in other corporations: to draw, j make, execute, accept, endorse nrd issue promissory notes, mortgages, drafts, bills of exchange nnd other negotiable instmments: to :>orrow money: to buy. sell. trade, repair, install, alter, deal in nnd manufacture electric machinery and appliances of all kinds and descriptions. Incandescent and arc-lamps, wireless and general electric supplies: and transacting nil other business necessary or convenient, in connection therewith. . The total authorized capital stocfc of this corporation shall be $2.".000.00 divided into two hundred nnd fifty (2riO) shares of the par value of S100 each. Of said stock, one hundred (100) shares shall be common stock and one hundred and fifty (I.TO) shares preferred stock. The preferred stock mny be issued as and when the hoard of directors shall determine nnd shall entitle the holders thereof to receive- out of the net earnings on said corporation n dividend nt the rate of G per rent, per nnmim before any dividend shall he set apart or paid on the common stock. Said dividend 'hall be cumulative. The holders of the preferred stock shall in case of liquidation or dissolution of the corporation, before any amount, shall be paid to the holders of the common stock. be entitled to be paid the nar nmonnt of their shares plus the unpaid accumulated dividends thereon, but shall not participate in any further distribution of the surplus assets of the company. Said preferred stock at the discretion of the corporation shall be subject to redemption nt par on any dividend day after its issne. Raid capital stock shall be fully paid for and non-nssessible when issued. Said capital stock shall he paid for in cash, notes •or property, real or personal, tangible r>r intangible, at the reasonable value thereof. Ten (101 shares of the enprtnl stock'of this corporation shall be paid for before the cornoration shall commence business.

The corporation shall commence business on the filing of a copv of its articles of Incorporation with the County Clerk of Ponglas County. Nebraska, and shall continue for a period of fifty (50) years from the date thereof. The highest .amount of indebtedness to which this corporation shall at any time subject itself shall not exceed two-thirds of its capital stock. The affairs of the corporation shall be conducted by a board of directors consisting of. not less tbnn two nor tnore than five members. HARRIET .T. ARCHKR. JAMES O. WHALES, In Presence of: S. J. I.EON. 10-6-4t

Donald Rosenfeld, son of Mr. and LEOS * WHITE. Attorneys Mrs. Joe Rosenfeld, was given special City N'a'.lonal Bank Building honors Monday at the Abraham LinNOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF coln High school as having the best "KRASXE. INC." original oration in an oratorical conNotice is hereby given that a corporatest. His subject was eulogizing Jos- tion hns been formed under the laws ot State of Nebraska. eph Stalin from the Asiatic standard. theThe name of the corporation is "Krnsne, The Council Bluffs Lodge No. 688 of the Independent Order of the B'nai Brith held a meeting Monday evening at the Eagles hall, which was attended by a large membership. Mr. Julius Rosenfeld, who recently returned from a trip in ^California, was the principal speaker. A guest at this meeting was Mr. Goldman of New York City, who is in charge of the HIAS work. Word has been received here that Edward Rosen, junior at the University of Minnesota at Minneapolis, was recently appointed a Captain of the R. O. T. C. at the University. He was also chosen on the dramatic committee of the Menoran society. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rosen. Harry Kubby returned home Tuesday from a business trip from Springfield, 111. The Council Bluffs Agudas Achim society will hold a regular meeting next Thursday evening, November 2, at 8:30 o'clock at the Eagles hall. All members are urged to attend this meeting.

Inc." nnd the princfp.nl place tor the transaction of its business is the City of Omaha, l>ouglns County. Nebraska. The general nature of the business to be transacted by the corporation is to buy. purchase, own. hold, lease, exchange, assign, mortgage nnd, transfer real estate nnd personal property wherever sit tinted: to buy, SPII, own. hold, assign, mortgage and transfer bonds, securities, debentures ami Etockin other corporations; to draw, make, execute, accept, endorse and issue promissory notes, mortgages, drafts, bills of exchange and other negotiable instruments; to borrow money: to carry on the business of operating shops known as beauty parlors nnd to do any and nil things incidental to or necessary for the carrying on of said business. The authorized capital stock of this corporation shall be SIO.000.00 divided into one hnndred (100) shares of the par value of $100.(10 each to be fully paid for nnrt non-nssessible when iss:ied. Said capital stock slinll be paid for in ensh. notes or property, real or personal, tangible or intangible nt the reasonable value thereof. Five (3) shares of the capital stock shall be paid for before this corporation shall commence business. The corporation shall commence business on the filing of a copy of its articles of incorporation with the County Clerk of Pouslfs County. Nebraska, and shall continue for a period of fifty (50) years from the date thereof. The highest amount of indebtedness to which this corporation shall nt any time subject itself shall not exceed two-thirds of its capital stock. The affairs of the corporation shall be conducted by ,1 board of directors consisting of not less than two nor more than five members. MATSIi: KRASNE, BET.LE HOUWICH. 10-G-33-4t In Presence of: S. J. LEON.

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