November 10, 1933

Page 1

Dedicated to the Ideals of Judavnn

Interests of the Je-cish People Mteouanut

uRx Miiil ftluuer on January 21. IU'^1. at Nelirnaba. tiuiler t b e Art oT March 3. 18TO


Homeland Promise of Britain Renewed JERUSALEM (J.T.A.)—The "plain words" which Sir Philip Cunliffeister, British Colonial Secretary, addressed to the people of Palestine on the occasion of the opening of the enlarged Haifa harbor, were received with satisfaction by the Jews of the Holy. Land who have been greatly perturbed in recent months by the policies of the British government, holder of the. Palestine mandate, in regard to Jewish immigration. Sir.Philip's positive statement that the British "government will discharge "without fear or favor" the "clear duties to the Jews and the Arabs" implicit in the mandate, may serve to reassure" the Jews of Palestine of the British government's intentions with regard to immigration.



VOL. IX—No. 41

Beef, Not Kosher, Is on Relief Menu

WASHINGTON, D. C. (J. T. A.) -—In its program of supplying beef j to the nation's jobless, the Federal i Emergency Belief Administration will j not provide kosher meat for those | Biennial Conclave to Be Held in One of Most Important -Jewish Jews who adhere to the dietary laws, Assemblies in Many Omaha November it was learned from the administraYears 14 and 15 tion. The meat which the administraLondon, (J.T.A.)—A comprehenWith Mrs. Harry Z. Rosenfeld as tion will supply for relief will be chairman, various committees have sive program of action for the relief (Reprinted From "Opinion" canned. It was stated that there are | planned an interesting program for of the Jews of Germany was adopted no funds available with which to se- the Biennial Conference of the'N&-» here" in the closing sessions of the cure kosher meat, and therefore no tional Federation of Temple Sister•world conference for the relief of "Silence is criminal,*' says draw from the struggle, or to leave state at the present nioiaaat with his possibility German Jews. Pierre ran Paassen, world-lamed our own weapons iinutilized? The entourage oi "Maedcben in Uniform" quirements. of meeting religious re- hoods which will be held in Omahfi, " A central allocations committee to November 14 and 15. Headquarters non-Jewish correspondent/in this German Jewish community is not go- will ultimately go -down in an unimUnder Harry L. Hopkins, Relief will be at the Blackstone Hotel. The "which "the committee in each counflaming challenge to liberals and ing to be freed of oppression "by pious aginable orgy of blood and mire. try shall be free to hand over all Before winter sets in the whole Administrator, and president of the program is the following: lovers of freedom to fight the bat- wishes or by mysticism or by being or part of their resources" and which surplus relief corporation, fiftle not so much of the Jews in silent. Have we no anas of our own? world will see the abject depths to j federal Tuesday, KoTcmber 14 •will" advise organizations in the varwhich the Hitler regime must, inevit- ! t e e n million pounds of domestic beef Germany, but of the ca~se which Are we spiritually so impoverished ious countries how best to direct Jh30 a. m.—Registration, Blackably descent. There is no other issue •will be bought for relief distribution. they purport to hold dear. Bethat we must stand, by with folded their expenditures was decided upon stone Hotel, convention headquarters, left for the Hitler Government but hind the pen of Pierre Tan Faasarms? 1 by the conference. 10:00 a. m.—Opening of convensen is a long record of service on What is the Kansfe Committee do- foreign complications and ultimately tion, Mrs. Myron Meyer, St. Joseph, No announcement was made as to war. Hitler has played all his cards. behalf of humanity and justice ing to mitigate the| sufferings of a presiding; opening prayer, Dr. Fredthe amount to be raised for German everywhere, oftlnies at the peril wholly innocent people of 600^000 He has sprung all his tricks. He has erick Cohn; greetings, Mrs. Carl relief, but it is reliably learned that imprisoned or assassinated the leadof his life.—The Editor. souls, upon whom be Hitler regime Furth, president Temple Israel Sisan appeal for two million pounds ers of the German working-class. He ] has passed sentenc of death? We terhood; response from convention, (approximately $10,000,000) will be This is not the first time in post-! are asking this Question not because j has stolen the life-savings of millions Mrs. Moe Ettenson, Leavenworth; made. war history that a wave of brutality j OUr hearts go out to'them, after hav- of workers. He has sacked the labor report of committee on credentials; Palestine Proportion Unsettled. ahd terror sweeps a part of the Eur- ing seen their sufferings and after halls. He has burnt books. He has minutes of preceding conference, What proportion of this fund will proscribed learning. His men have continent But it is the first having felt their anguish, in obediMrs. Sam Abramson, Des Moines; be allocated for purposes of settling Public Urged to Purchase Sea- ipean ime that the friends of humanity in ence to the common ^principles of our raided thousands of homes and looted Excellent Program Arranged for report of treasurer, Mrs. Victor Jews, in Palestine has not. been deAnnual Outstanding them. They have perpetrated and are son Tickets Before Openther lands have been unable to break humanity. "We are calling on the AmFriend, Lincoln; appointment of finitely settled. The central allocaEvent pathway through the red-tinted erican Red Cross, wjiich never failed perpetrating unprintable outrages on convention committees — Nomination, ing Lecture tions committee will probably bt of hatred and repression to- to step forward in an emergency. We Jews and liberals, on men and women. A capacity crowd has made reser- revision, next conference city, resoauthorized to decide this point. The With the date of the opening lec- mists The Fuehrer has staged processions ards the innocent victims. Means call on our brothers nthe Quakers, who vations for the twelfth annual lutions; district president's message, proportion to be devoted to settle- ture on the Community Forum were found in the past to help did not fear to entertthe terrible fam- and torchlight parades. He has dec- { Father and Son banquet to be held Mrs. Myron Meyer, St. Joseph. ment of German Jews in Palestine, series rapidly approaching, favorable wherealways orated the landscape with the black h-slp was necessary. In the ine districts of the Volga in 1919, or this Sunday evening, November 12, 1:00 p. m.—Luncheon, at the however, is expected to be in the comment has been received from ourse' of the World War, and later in the typhus-ridden villages of the Uk- swastika. He has thrown the ruina- at 6 p. m. at the Jewish Community Temple neighborhood of fifty per cent. Israel Annex. Invocation, tion of the Jewish middle-class as a Chinese and Russian upheavals, raine after the Civil War. Center. . The conference also adopted, in a many sources as to the quality and the Mrs. Frederick Cohn; welcome, Mrs. sop to his own middle-class followers. the fate of millions who had no This is not only the hour of Jewry's modified form, the proposal of Dr, caliber of the speakers who will ap- when The banquet is sponsored by the Carl Furth; greetings, Mrs. Harry He has driven the elite of Germany irect share in the unchaining of Chaim Weizmann, noted Zionist lead- pear on the rostrum this year. sorrow. This is also the hour in into exile. But the well-being, the Social Service Committee of the Jew- Iiulakofsky, Conservative Auxiliary, devastating events hung in the which er and head of the Zionist drive for The opening lecture vrill be held those Christian charity, that is to say good times he has promised .to his ish Community Center and Welfare Mis. L. Neveleff, Vaad Auxiliary; alance, the conscience of the world German refugee relief, for a political on Monday evening, December 4, evolted and men sprang into action. the Christian principle of human followers have not materialized. There Federation and of Lodge No. 354 of response, Mrs. F. Oelsner Kansas bureau. As determined by the con- when Dorothy Thompson (Mrs. Sin- Americans, Hollanders, Scandinav- I brotherhood is confronted with an in- is no sign that they are on the way. the B'nai Brith. City. ference, the bureau, to be known as clair Lewis) will speak about Ger- ians, The toastmaster for the evening 2:30 p. m.—Temple Israel audichallenge. Now is the mo- Poverty, destitution, mass-misery are Swiss vied with each other in j the "liason office", will aim at co- many. be Rabbi Uri Miller. Rabbi torium. Organ prelude, Mrs. Joseph efforts to penetrate the forbid- j ment to begin a relief campaign. For on the increase in Germany. The cost will ordinating with the various organiza- William Grodinsky, chairman of their let us not forget that the Jewish vic- of living is mounting by leaps and David Wice will give the principal Kesenfield; greetings, Dr. Frederick ing walls of ruthlessness and terror, tions dealing with German problems. the educational committee of the tfen were deeply concerned over the tims of this new barbarism are with- bounds. The tension in the Reich is address. J. J. Greenberg will repre- Cohn. Symposium, The Jewish WomThe office will have purely advisory Jewish Community Center, which is ate of the innocent. They went out out guilt. It is naked, unadulterated speaking on "A an, Yesterday, Rabbi David GoldL s fathers, a x in charge of the Forum, states that duties but the hope is expressed it will facilitate the making of ar- f their way, they exerted themselves gruesomeness to which they "ate sub- now far more'acute than it was three \^F a"t h e r"V ^ " """' "rr""* The re- stein; Today, Rabbi Uri Miller; Tothat every organization concerned rangements for the Forum program o bring succor and consolation to jected. A demand for admission to months ago. The Hitler Government j s on * Responsibilities.' be made morrow, Rabbi David H. Wice. C»will cooperate with this office to the if the orders for season tickets would war prisoners, to civil prisoners, to the prison camps anfi to the dungeons cannot keep its promises to the mass- 1 by P Irvin se forSherman, the sonssonwillof Mr. and pella Choir of Central High School, must be made. That is the first comMrs. Dave Sherman, speaking on, Mrs. Pitts, directing. fullest extent. es of its humble followers. And the come in immediately. Tickets for olitical exiles, to tha women and 4:30 p. m.—Conducted visit to While not entirely satisfactory to the entire series of five lectures are children of the fallen and of the in- mon task of all who call themselves less the government is able to satisfy "As Your Sons See You." liberals and friends of humanity in its humble followers the more it is Rabbi Frederick Cohn will give Joslyn Art Memorial, Prof. Grunvmany of those interested in seeing being, sold for three dollars. arcerated. America. . a political bureau established, crealikely to intensify the repression of the invocation, and Rabbi N. Feld- rcann. The full program: It is true of course, that also in this 7:15 p. m.—Dinner, Blackstone tion of the liason off ice was felt to its opponents: partly to destroy the raan the benediction. Dorothy Thompson (Mrs. Sinxagic hour of Germany's humiliation, After crossing Gefanany .once more seeds of the future opposition, partly A varied program of entertain- hotel. Mr. A. Goldstein, president be the best compromise under the clair Lewis) — Monday evening, joth Jews and non-Jews alike," have and stopping over ffr several days in to satisfy the coarser appetites of its ment will be presented. J. M. of Temple Israel, presiding. In: circumstances. December 4. ' 'onnd asyium abroad. .And we are three widely.^ di&ias*,. cities, where I supporters since it cannot satisfy Malashock, chairman of the program vocation, Mrs. Sam Abramson, DPK ^"•Jftfmaii^Thomas-^Motiday e v e - thankful to the governments of those conversed with many.Jews. I want to their more committee, promises that the enter* MeiTies; welcome, Rabbi Frederick The liason office will also act in ning, January 8. ountries who are according a gener- say that the position of the German bitions. That is why I say that a new talnment will be of the same high Cohn; response, Mrs. Myron Meysr., relations with the League of Nations Bishop Francis J. McConnell—'>us hospitality to our persecuted Jews is getting worse every day. I "wave of terror against the Jews is in- quality which has featured previous St. Joseph; the Jewish woman te High Commissioner for German re- Wednesday evening,- February 14. brethren and to all those who, had have father and son banquets. Commun- Communal Life, Mr. Henry Monsky, information to the effect that a evitable. fugees. The proposal to have threi Oswald Garrison Villard—Wedthey stayed an hour longer in the regular pogrom may yet be launched. What then is to be done? Dr. Wise ity singing will be led by Abner Omaha. Jewish representatives appointed nesday evening, March 14. Hitlerite, house" of bondage, would have If our Jewish organizations in Amer- has suggested that 150,000 German Kaiman. the governing body set up by thi Wednesday, November IS Maurice Samuel — Wednesday been certain to undergo the bestial ica go on procrastinating and dilly- Jews be settled in Palestine in the Mrs. L. Neveleff is in charge of League has failed, but since man; evening, April 11. !>:30 a. m.—Invocation, Rabbi ndignities which the Nazi torturers dallying, and thereby giving the Hitler course of the next five or sis years. the preparation of the food for the delegates at the conference feel tha Following each lecture there will D.'tvid H. 'Wice; minutes of precedvisit upon every man who in the past It is an excellent plan. But it must banquet. regime the impression of weakness a larger Jewish representation on th< be an open forum discussion in which The committee making arrange- ing session; reports of district chaii> body is justified since the Jewish the lecturer will answer all questions has dared to express, in one form or and division of counsel, the German be carried out at once, within a year. another, his longing for and his faith Jews are going to feel the effect of Else there will be no 150,000 German ments for the banquet include: Dr. man of district committees: Peace, people will be asked to raise-a large n a better world. our hesitations on their own bodies. Jews left to be settled in Palestine. 1 Philip Sher, chairman; Rabbi David Mrs. Herman Brown, Des Moines; part of the funds for refugee work, rom the audience. it was agreed to approach the League Further information on the lec- On the other hand the Nazi concen- Hitler and Goering are playing a say this in all seriousness. What is A. Goldstein, Mrs. F. J. Alberts, Isa- Young Folks Temple League, Mrs. secretariat with a' view to having ture series may be had by calling ration camps are still full and the cruel, sadistic game. In this game the needed in the first place is interna- dore Abramson, Mrs. Jeanette Arn- N. Fleishman, St. Louis; Scholarmediaeval dungeons of Spandau and German Jewish community is the tional action to safeguard the lives of stein, Max Barish, Eugene Blazer, ships, Mrs. F. Oelsner, Kansas City; eight Jews named to the body. They the Jewish Community Center. Moabit and Rachau are crowded to helpless ball. Each time we in Amer- Jews in Hitler-Deutschland. One or Rabbi Frederick Cohn, Rabbi Nathan Ur.iongrams, Mrs. F. Adelman, Des would represent the American Jewish lUffocation. Nameless are the suffer- ica are on the verge of making a show more of the great powers must step Feldman, Mrs. A. Greenberg, J. J. Moines; Religion, Mrs. Harry RosenCommittee, the Ajnerican Jewish Conings of the prisoners of the fiends in of determined action—and then back into the arena on behalf of the Jews. Greenberg, Abner Kaiman, Philip feld, Omaha; Student Activities, Mrs. gress, the Jewish Agency for Palesbrown shirts. Unnumbered are the down—the murderous vise in which One of the great powers must find Klutznick, Mrs. Irvin Levin, J. M. James.. Potlitzer,.. St. Joseph;.. Cotine, the Joint Foreign Committee, homes in Germany to which the least German Jewry is held is tightened a the means somehow to express the Malashock, Mrs. J. M. Malashock, operation, Mrs. Laurence Stettthe Jewish Colonization Association, scrap of news of an imprisoned father little. One of these days it will be conscience of the world. It will be Rabbi Uri Miller, Leo Rosenthal, heimer, Wichita; Program, Mrs. the Alliance Israelite Universelle, the or of a son or other relative has been tightened so remorselessly that blood difficult to move our government to Mrs. Dave Sherman, Mrs. B. A. Philip Lipper Kansas City; Religions Committee of Jewish Delegations and take such a step, or even the British Simon, Rabbi David Wice and Miss Schools, Mrs. Arthur Scharff, St. cynically denied for months on end will gush forth in torrents. the Jews of Poland. Louis; Braille, Mrs. Joseph Mooney, Government or France. Yet if the Blanche Zimman. and where, through the protracted abAn organization similar to that of I have been advised time and again German Jewish community is to be Kansas City; Extension, Mrs. Cadi sence of the breadwinner, hunger and the World Zionist Organization, with in the course of the last few months saved from physical extinction, interKlein, Joplin; Calendars, Mrs. B. misery have joined their weight with a central executive body and a gen- Tentative Schedule for Program Hassenbusch, St. Joseph; The Probpersonal sorrow and anguish to swell not to prophesy, not to be a harbinger nation action is the only remedy now. eral advisory council will be formed of Speakers Is Anof evil tidings. There are apparently lems of the Smaller Sisterhood, Mrs, that sense of overwhelming hopelessas a result of the conference. Hitler has pronounced the Jews of nounced men left who believe that some mirL. Agranoff, Sioux City; unfinished ness which is becoming so prevalent The executive committee will conaculous intervention will prevent the Germany "bereft of civic rights." He business; report of convention comin Germany today. The forces of husist' of six persons representing the The Jewish Lecture series, which consummation of the greatest Jewish declares them aliens, l e t him then mittees, nomination; revision; nc*; Jewish Agency for Palestine, the will be presented under the auspices manity have not yet found their way tragedy in history. "Es geschehen be taken at his word. If the Jews are conference city; resolution; election into the concentration camps. NoJoint Foreign Committee, the Am- of the Junior Vaad, will be given at keine Wunder!" Goebbels y e 11 e d "aliens" in Germany, Hitler has no of officers. Seven members at large were body from abroad has probed the erican Jewish Committee, the Ameri- the Jewish Community Center, inthrough the microphone the other" day. further right over them. They have can Jewish Congress, the Alliance Is- stead of at the B'nai Israel syna- ;hastly conditions which drive dozens For once the man was right. Words, become the charges of international elected to the board of the City Tal- 1:00 p. m.—Luncheon, Jewish mud Torah at the annual meeting Community Center; invocation, Mrs, of prisoners to suicide each week. We raelite Universelle and the Commit- gogue as previously announced. phrases, pious sentiments, appeals to public opinion and of the civilized held at the Jewish Community Cen- Frank Loewe, St. Louis; the Jewknow that the explications of the epitee of Jewish Delegations. peoples of the world. They must at It was felt that this is a communal good-will and neighborliness, the Tuesday evening. ish woman, in the Home, Mrs. Eugene The advisory council will consist endeavor and of cultural value to demic of suicides which are offered "Shema Yisroel" itself will be no least be accorded the rights and priv- terThe seven are: Max M. Barish, Mannheimer, Des Moines; unfinished in the journals that print the Goering ileges of the Czarist emigres and the of one representative of each of the the entire" Jewish community, and dialect are false, even as all statistics shield and buckler in the storm that fugitives of Italian Fascism. They Nathan S. Yaffe, J. J. Greenberg, business; closing prayer, Mrs. Nathan 45 organizations represented at the therefore the change was made. on trade and finance and "Unemploy- is rising on the horizon. No merciful must be supplied with Nansen pass- Mrs. Max Fromkin, William Milder, Mantel, Omaha. •conference. The tentative schedule: supernatural hand will stop Nazism. Levinson, and Abe Goldstein. 2:30 p. m.—Sightseeing trip. Forty-five organizations and near- Tuesday evening, December 12— ment are systematically falsified in Our own hands, our own spirit, can ports so that they may leave the hell- N. Reports were submitted at the 3:30 p. m.—Informal reception Hitler-Deutschland. We have only ish compound that the Nazis have ly every country of Europe and the Dr. Jacob Singer, director of the and will halt the murderers in brown by Rabbi David A. Gold- and tea. .United States were represented by Northwestern U n i v e r s i t y Hille" the whispered words of terror-strick- shirts if all the liberals, all the forces made of Germany. An immediate con- meeting stein, chairman of the education com- The district officers are: Mrs, en individuals who have been released gress of Jewish jurists from -all counthe hundred delegates at the confer- Foundation and lecturer on syna of humanity, from right to left, from mittee; Rabbi Uri Miller, chairman Myron Meyer, St. Joseph, president; from the brown houses and the testience which Was characterized as one gogue music at Northwestern U n i Dreiser to Darrow, from Baruch to tries should be called forthwith to dethe enrollment committee; Dr. Mrs. Bernard Littman, St. Louis, of the- most important Jewish as- versity. He will speak on "Jewish mony of Nazi deserters in Austria, Michael Gold and Norman Thomas. fine the status of the German Jewish of Holland, and Czecho-Slovakia for community. This congress must make Philip Sher, honorary president of first vice-president; Mrs. Moe Etsemblies in many years. Wit and Humor." will but stand together in one solid the Talmud Torah and chairman of what is really going on in the brown Leavenworth, second viciv Wednesday evening, January 17— houses. front to bar the road to those mar- recommendations as to what interna- the Book of Life; Max Fromkin, tenson, ? president; Mrs. Sam Abramson, DPS tional action may be taken. Dr. Leo L. Honor, director of the auders of humanity who have made finance and auditing committee; Moines, secretary; Mrs. Victor We have not had a Barbusse to go Germany their headquarters and who College of Jewish Studies of Chi In 1930, Dr. Frick told me that Harry Marcus, nomination commit- Friend, Lincoln, treasurer; Mrs. in and "see with his own eyes" what are organizing branch butcheries all when -tie and his friends came to pow- tee; Aaron Katz, principal of the Cadi Klein, Joplin, auditor. cago. Sunday evening, February 18 — is happening behind the thick walls over the world. On the other hand if er they would make life impossible Talmud Torah, Conventions committees: Generu! William L. Holzman was the prin- Dr. Jung, professor at Iowa Uni of the latter-day inquisition chambers. we don't stand together, we will be for the Jews. "We will get rid of The meeting was presided over by chairman, Mrs. Harry Rosenfeld; cipal speaker at a dinner meeting of versity. He will speak on "Dynamii We have not yet had a denunciation swept away together. There is no them in one; way or another, he added. Max M. Barish, president of the executive committee, Mrs. Jeanettr the Senior Council of Clubs held last Judaism." as mordant as "Les Bourreaux" to other alternative. The Nazis are keeping their word. The Talmud Torah. Arnstein, Mrs, Max Holzman, Mrs, Thursday, to formulate plans for the Wednesday evening, March 21.— sear the conscience of the liberal Jews are being ground down as never Mayer L. Cohn, Mrs. Carl Furth; unification of the work of Jewish Eabbi I. L. Siegel, an associate pro- world. Half of our newspaper corre- There was an anti-Jewish riot in before. There have been protests, it reservations, Mrs. Dave Rosenstoch; Toronto the other day. That is the youth organizations in the city. fessor at the University of Chicago, spondents in the Reich are still writis true. Sir John Simon has spoken publicity, Mrs. Morris Jacobs; regisOther speakers were Jacob S. Pearl- He will speak on "The Poetry of th ing of "alleged Jewish persecutions." way it began in Berlin-Osten. The three times. But words pass; the tration, Mrs. Sam Gilinsky and Mis* stien, executive director of the J. C Bible." We ourselves are still busy apportion- Flemish Nationalists have put up a persecutions go on. By confiscation, Hazel Degen; transportation, Mrs, C. and Welfare Federation; William Wednesday evening, April 18.—A ing responsibility for the dire calam- sign: "Geen Joden en geen honden in by open and secret boycott, by underBERLIN (J. T. A.)—One hundred Sam Berkowitz; decorations, Mr*. het Vlaamsche land." (No Jews and Wolfe, president of the Senior Coun- symposium. Eabbi David Wice of ity which has crashed over the Jewmining every possibility of making a and seventeen Jewish professors and Louis Kulakofsky; social, Mrs. cil; Julius: Bisno, advisor ot the Sen- Temple Israel, on "Reform Juda ish community of Germany. We be- no dogs in the Flemish land). That living for Jewish workers and profes- instructors were dismissed from the diaries Schimmei, Mrs. Harry Wolf, ior Council, and Miss ' Selma Lotfr ism"; Eabbi David Graubart of Dei have as if the torture and murder of ia the way it began in Borkum and sional men, the Nazis are driving the University of Berlin alone, it was Mrs, Mollie Cohen, Mrs. A. GoldMunich. Nazi agitators are working man, secretary. .. . ' Moines, on "Conservative Judaism" socialists, pacifists and liberals is a' the Arab masses in Morocco. The Jews to perdition. There is not a officially announced. stein; reception, Mrs. Nathan Manphase of the Hitler terror that goes Plans were discussed regarding the Eabbi Uri Miller of the B'nai Israe moment to lose. Jews in all countries Among those dismissed were 64 tel, assisted by past presidents, offiof Algiers are seething with must sink their differences and unite members need for organizing the Jewish youth on "Orthodox Judaism." without saying. Our defense of the bazaars of the medical faculty and cers and board of Temple Israel hostility against the Jews. Cuza is clubs and using the Council of Cluas Tickets for the entire series are German Jewish community is hamto present a single-willed determined 49 teachers in the philosophy fac- Sisterhood. redoubling his activity in Rumania. front with a demand on Hitler: "If ulty. to create a closer relationship be- $1.50. They may be secured at th pered by the fear of a possible and The Anti-Semitic League in you will not let our brethren live, let B'nai Israel synagogue, at the J, quite probable accusation that we Paris,notorious tween them. - ; ; ' . ; A Berlin court has just ruled that which had been moribund since Jews cannot become executors * of The following committee has been C. C, or from members of the Jun- shall find ourselves in strange com- the Dreyfus Affair, moved the other them go!" pany if we taie a determined stand day to new sumptuous wills even in cases where the deappointed to contact all Jewish youth ior Vaad. Dr. Victor E. Levine of Creightois quarters. And * .* * against the Hitlerite barbarism. For in America? . ceased have stated so specifically. clubs for this purpose: William Wolfe University will address the members This also must be said: The fate of In Breslau, a court ruled thai RIGA, Latvia.—The Riga munici in the Reich itself only the Communchairman; Dora Dolgoffj Joe Solom the German Jewish community is not Christians of Jewish descent are not of the Independent Ladies Club and onow, Sarah B a u m , Abe Relmer. pality declined to open a bureau fo: ists nave not surrendered to the forc- There is not a moment to lose! their friends at the J. C. C on We know that the bloody imposler a matter that concerns the .Jewish entitled to display the sign "Chris- Wednesday evening, November 15, Frank Lipp, Leo Berman, Sal Mich collecting signatures for • the pro es of national resurgence. Bat is that a reason for us to with- who stands at the bead of the German tian store." posed anti-Jewish referendum. nick, and Selma Lottman. , (Continued on Page 2) at 9 p. m. The public is invited.

By Pierre van Paassen












Berlin University Alone Fired 117


PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10,19E3 be made for completing payments —and strike. Other fists are rising Ben. He has taken an active part before one has retired from his proto strike back. Must we then really in the civic life of Omaha. fession or business. Mr. Eppley's company operates sink back into primitive barbarism? The limited payment form of life In one land the forces of humanity Hotel Forrtenelle, Hotel Rome and insurance is the ideal policy for have been crushed and swept out of Hotel Logan in Omaha in addition many people, particularly the youngthe way. The Jews vrere the first to to a large chain of hotels in the { er ones. feel the impact of the terror. Where middlevrest and two hotels in Pitts- j burgh. : i will the next blow fall? In Austria? By the Service Life Insurance In Rumania? In America? If we, who call ourselves liberals Company, Omaha and pacifists in America, keep silent Due to the Sisterhood convention, in this critical hour, who then, are the regular meeting of the Class in LIMITED PAYMENT (Continued From Page 1) munity and the silencing of the Jew- fury against other nations. The Jews we?" Literature, Customs and Ceremonials were the victims of but an experimenPOLICIES German intellectuals. For they, will not be held at Temple Israel people exclusively. Infinitely more is ish German Jews were of that elite. tal test in hatred and enophobia. HetA glowing report of the nineteenth this coming Tuesday evening. at stake than the fortunes of a group theHitler's zing and Jew-baiting is a school of For almost seven centuries, men advent to power brings war annual convention of Hadassah held When the class resumes on Novemof German citizens. The first effect immeasurably nearer. Armaments to practice for more and bigger hatreds in Chicago recently was given byj strove to devise some plan whereby ber 21, it will be conducted for both of the Hitelr victory Is that the ene- stimulate industry to come. Already the Hitlerite jourtheir estates could be perpetuated and subsequently Mrs. M. F. Levenson, president of men and women. mies of political freedom and the ex- a war to create new markets are the nals are passing to the next item on the local chapter, upon her return and protection assured for their ploiters of racial hatred are encour- aims of the Hitlerite nationalist dic- the program—i. e., in describing the loved ones and dependents as they, A class meets at the Temple every Sunday from Chicago. aged everywhere to follow his "glor- tatorship, no matter how much he and French as another bastard race which the providers, had designated. They Tuesday evening, the History Class ious example." Let us not overlook his advisers may prattle of peace. is building a negroid empire from the j At the conference a campaign was found such a plan in the institution j alternating meetings with the Class on Literature, Customs and Cerethat Hitler struck at German Jewr] Their acts speak louder than their Sahara to the Rhine. launched to raise $200,000 in the known as "Life Insurance." monials. because he deemed the Jews "an ele- words. United States toward erection of a In the Nazi plan hatred must be question is often asked, "What ment inclined to be on the left wing i National Conference of Jews and hospital affiliated with the Hebrew is The the or.e best policy"? And the But even if Hitler succeeds in get- kept at the boiling point. The Ger-




Temple Class


in the art of politics." He accused ting his war, the huge stocks of arma- mans must be whipped up into fren- j Christians to Create Better University in Palestine. The prousual answer is, "There is no one A. Z. A.1 them of being a revolutionary fer- ment and chemical poisons which he zies of mass-hatred. And they will, if jected institution will function bot'i j best policy." Understanding ment. The accusation was utterly is now piling up will not guarantee cry of protest oa the part of "a vocifas a sanctuary for the German ex-j It can be affirmed safely that The A. Z. A. chapter No. 1 will false in the case of German Jewry. victory. In order to assure victory in erous Oriental group" against the pervoluntary and involuntary, andj there is no better policy than the Eugene C. Eppley of Omaha, pres- iles, hold a smoker on Sunday, November Yet be that as it may, the interna- the coming struggle Hitler requires a secution of its kindred in the Reich. as a center for medical research, j limited payment form. It serves tional status of the Jewish people in gigantic army of docile servants. He Aren't the Jews always clamoring and ident of the Eppley Hotels Company, Hadassah, which is the Women's! practically every purpose of protec- 19, a t the home of Ernie Nogg, 1819 has been appointed to the advisory Binney street, honoring eleven new general more than anything else needs millions of men who will B )t rending the air with their shouts? We Zionist Organization of America." and occupies the "middle pledges. served Hitler as an ideological justi- reason why, but who will only do and must rather stretch out the hand of board of the National Conference of scored a sweeping victory in reach- tion of public opinion. The Harry Weinberg, past Aleph Gofication for the murderous campaign die. Ic order to win Hitler needs a brotherhood and of friendship to theJews and Christians, an advisory ing a new agreement with the Zion- ground" policy that is most nearly ideal, is dol, was elected to represent the board that is beginning to have a which he unleashed against the Jews. completely subjugated popular nkind, Hitler succeeds in having the ten ist Organization of America. Comupon with greatest favor, and chapter at the District No. 6 formThe Nazis made it appear that the a wholly debased, servile, kritiklos, years of peace—ten years of Hitler wide influence in nearly every large promise resolutions were adopted to looked is, from every angle, probably the Jews were part and parcel of the ad- poisoned, and degenerated national peace!—which he says Germany rethe effect that Hadassah pay anmost satisfactory is the continuous j ation conference, which will be held vance guard of a new era of interna- spirit. The Manchester Guardian re- quires "to find her soul."affiliation tax of ?7,500 to the Zion- monthly income plan on some form! in Milwaukee, December 25, 26 and tional collaboration and peace. That marked on one occasion, in the beginist organi7Aticn. The latter had of limited payment. Strictly speak- j 27. is why they had to be crushed and deasked for 50 cents per capita. Ha- ing, all policies are limited in reof the Hitler terror, that the Certain American intellectuals are ,' fcrived of all semblance of influence ning dassah will now have a fixed num- spect to premium payments. Thej German working class knew nothing advising us to" stop meddling in the A. Z. A. 100 in German national life. ber of delegates a t large to the insured, under limited payment con-J of anti-Semitism and that they could home affairs of Germany. The Ger1 We have heard it proclaimed offi- only with difficulty be roused to any- mans, we are told, are a people who Zionist convention, designated by tract, who lives to see the payments The chapter held an important cially since the Nazis came to power thing resembling militant racial ha- require a strong hand of leadership, Hadassah, in place of the former completed has the satisfaction of business meeting November 5. Plans that "Krieg ist eine normale Lebens- tred. With difficulty! method. A joint conference commitknowing, definitely, the maximum an authoritarian regime that will exfonn der Voelker, die hoechste und tee consisting of representatives of cost of his insurance and the full! are being laid for the group to join tract the country from its economic Nevertheless, Hitler believes that it erhabenste Kraftaussarung eines VolHadassah and the Zionist Organiza- amount of the finally accumulated A. Z. A. 1 and A. Z. A. 3 of LinWe are advised to ignore the kes." And we have heard it said by can be done. He is straining every depths. tion of America is to be established reserve at tthe end of the limited coln to celebrate International A. Z. Germany which is waging a terA. Day. .Rosenberg, the chief of the Nazi For- ounce of energy to implant a furious new for the discussion of general Zion- payjment period. brand of xenophobia in the German rific battle to save Itself from disinteEdward Rosenbaum was elected eign Political Bureau: "We (the ist matters. Hadassah maintained One of the many advantages the delegate to the District No. 6 conNazis) are prepared to plunge back masses. Anti-Semitism served as angration and utter collapse. its autonomy by telling the Zionist And indeed, we have no desire to into the middle ages and wade instrument for the spiritual mobilizaOrganization of America that if it purchaser or investor in a limited vention to be held in Milwaukee the tion of the German people. The spiranswer chauvinism with chauvinism. through rivers of blood rather than wants to give information about the payment policy has, over other forms end of December. let the spirit of internationalism gain itual preparedness campaign pursued That would be playing Hitler's own World Zionist Organization, i t should of policies, is that the average man's A very successful Friday evening by the Nazi regime to stimulate in- game. But stretching the hand of further headway amongst the nado so through the national board of earning power will continue to rise service was held at the B'nai Israel 'tions." There, in these words, lies dustry is as indispensable as the ma- friendship to those who assassinate Hadassah and not directly to chap- or increase up to the age of 55 orsynagogue last Friday under the the real Nazi program. Already Hit- terial re-arming of Germany in Hit- liberty—that is another matter. And ters as the Zionist Organization had 60, and then this income rapidly auspices of the chapter. ler's program. He is bringing up a stretching the hand of friendship to lerism has thrown a dep shadow over asked. Hadassah is to be recognized diminishes in size until his retire- Regular rehearsals are being held the poace of Europe. The spirit of youth which instead of truth hears men who proscribe thought, who burn as the sole women's Zionist organ- ment. This is one of the strong for the play, "One for All." nothing but lies. History is being lebooks, who torture labor leaders, who reasons for the popularity of the International co-operation is crushed ization in America. limited payment policy especially to In Germany. The moral attempt to written to conform to the theories of spit on justice, who are hounding the Due to Hadassah work, it was re- persons of younger ages. The integrate Germany in the ranks of civ- men like Frick. The lie has a clear Jews to death, who indulge in such ported, the prevalence of trachoma twenty payment life policy concenright of way in Germany today. "Lies, loathsome barbarism as ordering pacilized peoples has been frustrated by in Palestine has decreased from 35 trates premium payments within the Hitler. After this security is not to distortion and falsehood are the guid- ifist prisoners in the concentration per cent in 1918 to 7 per cent in period of presumably greater earning principles in the Reich, even in camps to masturbate at the point of be sought in a pacific and spiritual 1932. School lunches, hospital work ing power and then becomes paid up the highest quarters since Hitler came revolvers, stretching out our Round Trip $7.95 approach of the peoples, but in armaand health work in Palestine by Ha- for life so that it constitutes an to power," said Dr. Schweyer, the Bathose men, and become accomplices of Denver 7.50 ments. Not an inner will to peace, but dassah were praised. estate which involves no burden durEUGENE C. EPPLEY. the number of tanks and airplanes varian Minister of the Interior, a day the gigantic conspiracy to plunge EuFifteen hundred delegates atRound Trip 11.00 ing the later, years when most men and poison-gas factories are to be de- before he was arrested. Hitler's rope into war, a conspiracy which tended the sessions, as well as hund- need to lighten their load a bit. friends in America who are attracted weaves its net tighter around us every Los Angeles. 20.00 cisive factors in Europe if Hitler has" city of the country for the creation reds of visitors. .. by his resounding declarations about day? That we cannot do. We are apLimited payment policies can be his way. Of what value are diplomatRound Trip 35.00 of a better understanding and friendThe Omaha delegates were Mrs. ic agreements, of what value is thelaw and order, respect for religion, pealing for a united front against ship among Catholics, Protestants M. F. Levenson, Mrs. A. Romm, Mrs. adapted to one's income—long terms inclusion of a diplomatic clause re- sacrcdness of the family and the iden- Nazi barbarism. We do not call for and Jews. BUS DEPOT Max Fromkin, and Mrs. J . J . Fried- to the young man who needs proferring to a desire for peace, when tity of .interests of capital and labor a chauvinist' action against the Ger- Newton D. Baker, Prof. Carlton man. Mrs. Joseph Rosenberg of tection for a growing family, and Edwards Hotel Bide. preparedness of the whole nation is will have a rude awakening. The man people. We protest against the J. H. Hayes anil Roger W. Straus Omaha was also an official delegate shorter terms to the man whose 306 N. 16th HA. 5000 journalists who have begun to hold Germany of today, the Hitler Gerchildren are grown and whose inheld up as the highest principle of the up Hitler In our papers as another many. We are going to fight It in are the three co-chairmen of the na- by virtue of her office as president come is greater. Arrangements can state? brillian example of the self-made man, the* name of the Germany of tomor- tional group. Its executive commit- of this region. ; By uprooting democracy, by itsas an essentially decent fellow, as an row, which will be a great, free Ger- tee and advisory board is represenAmong the Omaha visitors were "ruthless squelching of the voices of authoritative politician who has read many, the most glorious jewel in the tative of the finest type of Amer- Mrs. Reuben Kulakofsky, Mrs. J. J . humanity, by its enforced idolization the signs of the times in breaking crown of civilization. ican citizens In* every state of theFrieden, Mrs. Gail Margolin, Mrs. and deification of the nationalist frankly with the demo-liberal ideals Union. Louis Margolin, Mrs. Max Barish, state, by its insane emphasis on na- which. Europe inherited from the The conscience of the world is lull"It was a pleasure for me to ac-and Mrs. M. D. Brodkey. tional virtues and its vaunting of na- French Revolution, as a man of will- ed' by the sweet but harmful talk of cept membership in this organizational superiority, Nazism inevitably power and determination who rose our complaisant press and by the sil- tion in behalf of a broader tolerNEW YORK. — Orthodox Jewish SIXTEENTH AT FARNAM calls into being or awakens dormant from the humble position of house- ence of our intellectuals. They tell ance, mutual sympathy and forbear- organizations in the United States chauvinisms across the frontier. The painter to the chancellorship of theus to bide our time to wait till war ance," said Mr. Eppley. "The Na-were preparing to take steps in an motto of the Hitlerites: "Cherish ha- German Reich, are either consciously breaks out, till Hitler challenges the tional Conference will do much to effort to aid 16 religious Jews in tred, prepare for revenge. Next time or unconsciously misleading American universe. So far he has only beaten preserve and increase the spirit of Soviet Russia, now in the hands of up a few Jews. What does that mat- freedom and co-operation which is we shall conquer if we but eliminate public opinion. the GPU, Russian secret police. ter? the international poison from our naa part of the American tradition Th« aim of the Hitlerite ideology Is Our answer is: when war breaks without infringing upon one antional system" (the words are Hermann Gearing's), may be an effort to to numb the critical faculties of theout it will be too late. The fires of other's liberties or conscientious conprovide a new faith for a sceptically German masses, to becloud and mud- hatred have been lit now. This is the victions." The Menu Always resigned and an almost hopeless peo- dle their judgment, to steer them off beginning of the world-conflagration. The National' Conference has a ple, but these exhortations in the her- on side .tangents, to teach them ha- The moment to come: Into action is program of alertness with a definite Provides Good oic vein are noted and seriously con- tred, to. drive them into tantrums of now when Hitler inaugurates his pro- and practical program. gram,; when the brown shirt; strike at sidered in France and Poland. The Mr. Eppley was recently honored the innocent Jewish- community ol torch of revenge is thus passed from Foods of * by being crowned King of Ak-SarGermany. _ If the intellectuals 'will hand to hand until some day — aMunicipal Ownership ; their indifference and-cease frontier incident, an assassinated Groups Are Defeated abandon Unequaled Variety to think, ; opportunistically, of thefr archduke or ambassador—flings that torch into Europe's powder barrel.. Salt Lake •- City.—By an over- own welfare, a check may yet be adat Moderate Prices When that occurs—and it Is diffi- whelming vote, -which •wjll be ap- ministered • to the sinister advance' of darkest mediaevalism. .The working . - That Same cult to see how war can be avoided in proximately three to one, the citiEat at the the present growing tension in Eur- zens of this city Tuesday turned class of Germany is not yet perverted. Shoe Comfort has not yet had ope—it will be seen that the Jews of down a proposal for a municipally- The Hitler poison ; If you have your shoes • .- -.'-, | •" • : Germany and the liberals of that owned light'plant. The election bat- time to work. repaired at the Silence is criminal at • this critical tle was highly spirited, with much country were but our predecessors on STANDARD the road to ruin and suffering. The speech making and advertisements moment. There is infinitely more "at ee Repair Co. masses of the German people, separ- on both sides. Political observers stake than the economic ruination or L KRAGE. Prop. ated as they are today from the elite, said it was the most heated cam- even the physical annihilation of the 1010 paign in the entire history of the German Jews. This thing is going to frcoi the intellectual advance guard, Farnam 1511 Farnam St. come home to us in America. Miliare hastening down the path that city. St. The canvas3 of votes from 139 tant anti-Semitism is the first cloud leads to destruction. They will drag Europe with them into the abyss. This districts showed 27,700 opposed to that precedes the storm, which will ii the meaning of the Hitlerite dicta- the $18,000,000 revenue bonds with plunge America into cultural disastorship to the world. This Is thewhich the plant was to be built, and ter and the world into the cauldron of war. The logical, inevitable sereason of our protest against the 11,504 in favor the proposal. crushing of the Jewish German com- The overwhelming majority against quence of brute nationalism" enFor the woman municipal ownership here coupled throned in every land is war. . Can who has a flair with defeat of municipal ownership there be any doubt of this? In the World Theater of electric plants at Birmingham, present state of perfection of the infor real The World Theatre offers this Ala,, recently and a t Cincinnati, struments of destruction, war will smartness . .• week a perfectly balanced program, Youngstown, and Akron, Ohio, Tues- mean the end of European civilizahere are coats guaranteed to satisfy lovers of either day, the advocates of private owner- tion. The martyrdom of German Jewrollicking comedy, romance, l o v e , ship here said is an indication that ry is a sharp warning. Must we stand that will please drama, adventure, action or mystery. the people are opposed to the tak-by helplessly till the titanic evil of the most Clowning their way from China ing on of public debts for the build- war overwhelms humanity? Brown ing of unnecessary projects. fastidious. fists are poised to strike—:and strike and Alaska, missing sheriffs just by inches, getting out of "five-aces" gambling games by the mere skin of their teeth, W. C. Fields, Alison In Soviet Russia Skipworth and Baby Le Roy are seen in "Tillie and Gus." The story rethere are Torgsin stores in volves around a couple of so-called >rd*rs enable your relatives In Soviet over 1,000 idealities. Torgltussifl io purchnsu nil sons of domesmissionaries, Uncle Gus and Aunt sin orders may be sent to :Ic or Imported nrtlcles at low prices, Tillie. They're really crooked gamfor orders oil TorgHin apply to your anyone, in any quantity. .ociil bank. comp.inicH listed below, or bler and honky-tonk madam, respectheir nnlliorlzed agents. tively. To cities that have no TOKUSIN Amalgamated Hank, New York stores, Torgsin mails yonr ordUpon this story fabric is woven a Aiu-Denitra Transport Corp. ers by parcel post.; strong interest-holding comedy dra- American Express Co. ma; sparkling lines, hilarious situalidynfa-America Line Pricesi Reduced Hias , tions, love, romance, rugged; characIcor, IJiro-IMdjan Corp. terizations and uproarious burlesque. One of the most daring and un- Mnnufactiirer.s Trust Co. Public Nat'l Bank & Trnst Co. ,. usual of screen offerings this seaR. (,'. A. Communications, Inc. son is "Tfie Solitaire Man," startling Union Tours, Inc. COAT drama of Continental crookdom, feaWorld Tourists, Inc. ; SALOX 1 turing Herbert Marshal?, Mary BoHudson Co. ~Sat\ Bk4 Bayonne,"S. 3. Third Floor land, Lionel Atwill, Mae Robson and l'he Penns) iTania Co., I'hiln. Union SaviiiRH »ank, PittsbnrRh "Oriiaha's MoM B e a u ^ Elizabeth Allan. In no other picture since, the advent of sound on the AnialKiinialed Trust & Savings • : : :--• • :;;-':'Funerals f 6 F i t ^ h y Purse' :?,;;^/^"I OENEBAL BEPRESENTATJVEjn V.SJu Hank, Chicago screen has there been packed the Bank of America, California. . Phone HArWy 1226 Farnam at Thirty-third 861 fifth A e N Y b f c penetrating study of human emoi I tions-as in this new offenng. •




CMcago $5.00


Winter Coats Glorified With Precious Furs


After school the children will be hungry. Let them have all the lutter r V they want


Be Sure inai the Butter YouBuy Is

About 50%





Can a Jew Detach Self From Those Who Suffer Wrong By Jacob Wassermann

of what we call action stands on the border-line between good and evil. Perhaps that explains why the wisdom of Buddha is so profound and the Buddhist ideal the furthest removed from action. But I am not a Hindu; I am a European, full to the brim with European destiny, moulded by the European spirit. What race and blood make of us is unfathomable, but the inner influence of climate, landscape, language and environment is demonstrable and tangible. Some one might tell me to extricate myself [from the vicious circle and to stand alone in the future, to declare raysol f an exception and thus to become exceptional;. then I might be

V.'cp^crrnann who has tor- period of humaniaztion are too in- —that is, a; .man who will dedicate tured -his soul with endless queries significant. for consideration. The all his powers, his blood and his soul, las - to where he belongs, has finally fathomless hatred has never ceased his life and his future life, to the written his credo. It will appear in to smoulder; the Jew drew a deep reaching of a state of balance; so the concluding chapter (ofwhich this breath whenever it did not actually that it is not surprising that Jhe article is a part) of the American scorch him. The means of persecu- ictea of justice hangs over me likc• edition of "My. Life As German and tion have become more refined. The an empyreal flame. Jew" which Coward McCann is bring- charges no longer cite well-poisonOne may not insist on one's own ing out next week. The book brought ing and the crucifixion of the Sav. up-to-date by the famous novelist iour, but go much farther; they un- exception from the rule. To do so dermine life itself, human and civil would rouse the opposition of the will arouse world-wide attention. : — T h e Editor. rights as such, and, when they carry "mothers"; and declaration of mem• None can deny that justice—not the matter to its logical conclusion, bership in a community for which merely as an abstract idea, as the extend the anathema to the person one is held accountable is a point of incarnation of deity, but as a. moral of the Saviour Himself. A sycophan- honor as long as no reparation has command of supremely violent ur- tic science serves to perpetuate the been made for the wrong done that gency—constitutes the moral and lies which even without it were in- group. Some men hold their own legislative, political and religious eradicable. They are brought forward against the world by their spiritual fundament of Judaism. Can sixty in the exultation of military victory; power, others by their character, that to say, by the wholeness of their generations delete this mark so deep- they are brought forward when a is being. The spirit as defined and unwar is lost. For some one must bear ly branded in the heart and soul of derstood in the nineteenth . century a people? I think n o t And is it the guilt, and who can bear it better has today been deposed from its than the Jew? not - an" idea, operating" inthe dawn throne. Now it can assert itself only of history—grew out of a long memThe transgressions of individuals as an agent for the development of ory .of suffering, a tortured path are interpreted as indicating the de- individual character, with the tacit of suffering? More than the result generation of the grcup; their an- assumption that the individual is a .of 'past suffering, it represented a archistic stand, which goes back to link in the chain, a responsible and spiritual bulwark against pre-sensed their exclusion from the law; their sustaining part of a whole. future agonies beyond which stood consanguinity and solidarity, which Not that hearts are not stirred oche who would deliver them from all go back to the social barbed wire casionally, or grown contrite and cathat bars them off; their preponderwrong, the great equalizer who wbul.l biing them"compensation: the M e s - j ^ commercial and mercantile inter- pable of transfiguration. But the ests, which go back to the centuries course of the world is not changed siah. at all, nor the hatred, the falseLet us survey the last twenty of prohibitions and special measures hood, the misunderstanding, the madthat permitted them to act only as centuries of Jewish history. Or. we ness and the injustice. When, twelve could consider only ten, the last tei:; money lenders and as the bankers of years ago, I published Mein Weg als that would be enough. It is a road princes; their intellectualism, which Deutscher und Jude, wherein I in.u-ii^f^sorxow and t?ars .-unparalleled is the fruit of a. thousand-year-old dicated—all too feebly", as I gladly ™""snxce< Uuniaii- 'deeds"~and surferinys pressure, *bf their -total" spirituaTf iso- avow—the deleterious effects of this have been recorded. People forget lation among the nations, their sole universal historic disgrace on my 'this, erase it from their minds. How salvation . having lain in meditating own life, I received letters from evelse could they continue to live? upon the meaninglessness of life ery class of German society; women ' The individual .wants no share in the while facing death; their conspicu- and girls, ex-officers and teachers, ' misdeedsof his contemporaries, nor ousness, their industry and shrewd- professors and public officials wrote posterity in those of its ancestors. ness and that radicalism, translated that they had no idea of all these Whether a hundred or a thousand or into action by their ancient fear and things, that I had opened their eyes; thrice a hundred thousand men per- desperation, which runs the gamut and they gave their pledge-^some, ished at the stake or at the hands from petty impudence and insubor- indeed, very solemnly—that' in the of murderers instead of dying of Old dination to the destruction of the ex- future they would - do their utmost age in their beds may, possibly, make isting order; their alleged physical to change the situation. Those were no difference, five ecnturies later, cr cowardice, which, where it is not ac- empty words. Everything has - grown j rio difference even twenty years la- tual fear and trembling branded into much worse. ter. Some derive comfort from the their, hearts by the experience of In New York,, very often, when I consideration that mankind is beyond centuries, represents nothing more walked through the streets of the nor less than a libelous expression all cure and help. Yet every «c curence is preserved in the group of the fact that the Jew shuns vio- Bronx, I saw such glaring masses of and tribal memory and constitutes lence; and, finally, their' inability to Jewish misery - that - the sight was the experimental nucleus of history become assimilated in a larger com- hard to "bear. This immense" ghetto munity—as if an opportunity for this has a population of close to half a and mythology. had ever been offered them sincere- million, of whom about a thousand To this constant confrontation with ly, without intent to humiliate and become well-to-do each year and perthe past, the Jews were more ex- w i t h o u t ignominious stipulations. haps a hundred achieve wealth; this posed than any other -nation, for (Even in Napoieon's negotiations minority provides the tinder for the their entire spiritual life has always with the French Sanhedrin the re- furnace of anti-Semitism, where the had its sphere in the region between luctant Emancipation Edict was mo- millions are then consumed without law and legend. Now let us visualize tivated only by greed for power and further reason. The fire consumes these centuries of accumulated crim- ill-concealed self-interest.) No ex- them, whatever happens. If not acinal fury, ruthless massacre, spirit- ception is admitted hera. With every tually, then in effigy, which in thr ual and bedily ravishment, malicious other people on the globe a few no- eyes of God does not -improve mat-, slander, systematic blood-baiting mit- ble and outstanding individuals are tefs in the least. At the time of thr igated by no scruples whatsoever, taken as " indicative of the merit and First "Crusade, a single monk sucfanatical parsecution to the point of culture of the group; only in the ceeded in bringing about the mas utter exhaustion of the victims, or- case of the Jews are all judged by sacring or suicide of sixteen thougies of greed and cruelty under the the basest. This would not let me sand Jews in the Rhenish provinces cloak of religion and with the ulte- rest even if I were no Jewl I am Why can a single individual do sc rior motive of removal of business sure I would not be able to rid my- much evil, while one man alone can competition; truly, only a dullard can self of the sting, the reproach, the accomplish" almost no good? This" is live on without'. realizing that thi? call of conscience", the feeling of a true- in great things and in small Christian Europe represents a sham- festering wound in the body of the alike; it destroys our courage. Evil bles dripping with human blood. Of nation. But fate has made me a Jew is much more active by nature; this may be the reason.-Indeed, the most expiation and reparation, however, there is not and never was any sign; the miserable alms granted in a brief

Orpheum Theater


Ruth Chatterton will play a "new and unusual role in her latest .screen vehicle, "Female," which arrives at the Orpheum -Theatre.on Saturday. -This.; glair.-^ris star•_has had a long,: unique ami - varied list of» roles in 'her, stage 'and ^screen career— • ranging all the way from the touching, tearful " M a d a m e X " to t h e ultra-sophisticated, and -indolent heroine of "The Eich', AreAlways With Us," .and -from the picturesque but . hard-boiled "Frisco "Jenny"-to the helpless rich woman of "The Crash." But never before has she appeared : in the guise in. "whiclr ^'Female"; will present .'her; an efficient big business executive at the office and a woman who has her own 2 o V e code at night. A distinguished cast appears .with ;Miss Chatterton in "Female." With George. Brent "a~s~ leading" man;~and such Flayers as Ruth Donnelly, Lois Wilscri, Ferdinand. Gottschalk an;! Johnny Mack Brown • in important roles,- the star has splendid-supportThe second feature for the week will be Eichard Dix in " D a y of Reckoning" with Madge Evans, Stua r t Erwin arid -ia brilliant support ing


... ' ; "•''.•"• '•'•".'. - ^ _ . ; . " ? }

able to free many others from the same compulsion to conflict—for often only the formula is needed for a definite shaping of one's life, the necessary forces .being there." . . . This is~easily said, but to do it constitutes .one of tee most difficult of all tasks. What, in the final analysis, does the European spirit mean to the men of Europe ? A fiction grown untenable. Today one can hardly venture to think as a European; to write as a European is considered almost treason. Europe has given herself us. How can she sustain us? Not very long ago there was a moment when I felt I would be able to shake off that mysterious attachment which sometimes is more heedful of appeals from without than of the inner voice. Something in me resists any attempt to pin me down, to judge my work by the views it expresses; especially if the critics are my fellows, who frequently demean themselves in much more orthodox fashion than the enemy. I thought I would rise above all this into a realm I had conquered for my own, and for an instant reveled in the dream that I would thus set an example and a precedent, as would be natural in a rational and decent world. It proved impossible. Injustice welds one to those who suffer wrong, and the hatred that darkens the

world makes an inner obligation of the external.appeal. On one occasion I wrote: "I"feel that there is something like justice, perhaps as a binding force in the crystalline absolute, but never in human deeds which themselves become motive impulses. That crystalline element stands high above us; words can only grope for it awkwardly; if you would grasp it, it becomes error and falsehood; and if you would express it, you must grow as still as a lake of the plains that mirrors the heavens." Does not this say everything?

South Omaha to Start New Religious School The Congregation of Israel of South Omaha will start a religious school in their synagogue, 25th and J streets, under the auspices of the Vaad. Registration will be held Sunday morning, November 19. Candy and refreshments •will be given to all children. Parents of South Omaha are urged to send their children. The school will be under the supervision of Rabbi Uri Miller.

"Shpass GehV A four-act comedy, "Shpass Geht," will be. given as a benefit for the Labor Lyceum building fund on

Crowds - - Throngs Shared in the First Day's Phenomenal Values! Join Them Tomorrow

Sunday, November 19, at 8 p. m. «& the Labor Lyceum, 22nd and Clark streets. This will be presented under the auspices of the Labor Lyceum association and the Ladies Labor Lyceum club. Admission will be .".5 cents. No children will be admittc.-i.

Jewish Organizations Contribute to Chest The total reported in the Community Chest drive at the last report luncheon held Wednesday was S504,15C37, a little less than $100,000 short of the goal sought for Omaha's needy. The final report luncheon will bfi held this noon, when it is hoped that the goal will be approximated or passed. At Wednesday's report, the donations of various organizations were read. The Jewish organizations contributing included the Jewish Women's Welfare Organization, the Council of Jewish Women, Senior Hadassah, Junior Hadnssah, Pioneer Women, Daughters of Zion, Ladies Labor Lyceum, Bikur Cholim, Conservative Auxiliary, Junior Society of the Conservative Synagogue, Temple Israel Sisterhood, Vaad Auxiliary, Junior Vaad Attxilira-y, A. Z. A. 1.


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PAGE 4—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10,1933 ous writings, in some of which he points to the fact that whenever the German is faced by a problem he cannot meet, he at once begins to look for i» scapegoat, and WasserPublished every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by man shows from his early writings THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY that he had predicted many years ago just what is taking place in $2.50 Subscription Price, one y e a r - - - - - - - Germany today. By DAVID SCHWARTZ Advertising r a t e s furnished on application Now does not this tie up somewhat with the anger hypothesis ? The Editorial Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building. German needs a scapegoat. He's got GET HOT, SAYS PITKIN Print Shop Address: 1307 Howard Street Prof. Walter B. Pitkin, who never to get exercised about something. It Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center lets the sun go down without writing happens to be that the Jew can be DAVID BLACKER - - - - Business and Managing Editor at least half a book, has written a used conveniently for that purpose. PRANK R. ACKERMAN - - - - - - - - - - - Editor book called "More Power to You." FANNIE KATELMAN - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent It's a book of prescriptions for VACCINATION FOR ANN PILL - - - * . - - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent success, and among the topics, Dr. ANTI-SEMITISM Pitkin prescribes is anger. And it is here, it seems to me, Dr. Pitkin relates, how once when that the clue to the cure for antiThe Forum Series he ordered something from the drug Semitism may be indicated. The prestige which the years have brought to the Community store, they brought him something The anti-Semites' nasal passages, Forum series is one in which the Jewry of Omaha can well take else. He became infuriated and rush- as it were, need to be cleaned out. ed back to the drug store with the In fact, he is not really an antipride. Outstanding personalities have been brought to the local stuff which they had sent him. I Semite at all. He is merely pitiful rostrum to discuss vital problems of the day, followed by an open But he noticed, that for the first man suffering from catarrh. And forum in which the public could ask any questions desired. This time in a week, his nasal passages what is needed -Is something to cleared, and he was in an emotional change his blood pressure. annual program of lectures has been so effective and so successful The London Conference state of such exquisiteness that he that Jews and non-Jews of all walks of life have been drawn to the Good news for the Jewish people comes from London this could—well — perhaps have written It may be that they who shall finally succeed in solving the problem lectures, overflowing crowds being the.usual result. week. The world conference which met there to discuss German another book that very night. anti-Semitism, will not be the The high cultural and intellectual standard of previous years Jewish, needs accomplished almost unprecedented united Jewish And Dr. Pitkin concludes from all of Zionists, will not be the committees of this, that we do a wrong to our will be equalled, if not surpassed, this coming season, beginning co-operation on the part of the forty-five important Jewish organglands, when we make it a policy to on good will, will not even be the December 4. On this date Dorothy Thompson, who is Mrs. Sin- izations It may be that some in Europe and the United States which participated. This tame and suppress these moods of psycho-analysts. clair Lewis in private life, will talk on Germany. She has estab- is particularly heartening at a time when the cancer dissension temper. They have their physiolog- physician or chemist will develop some serum, by vhich the anti-Samlished an enviable reputation as an authoress and writer, and fol- has been causing so much trouble in the Jewish body politic. ical and emotional function. ite, when he feels that feeling comlowing the Nazi assumption of power in Germany made a trip ing on, will be vaccinated. MY OWN EXPERIENCE As a result of this conference an organization similar to that there to study the situation first-hand. In January Norman Personally, I have always found In other words, I hope that you Thomas will be presented. Thomas, the popular socialist candi- of the World Zionist Organization, with a central executive body outbursts of anger terribly exhaust- get my hypothesis, and I hereby subAs a general rule, after I have mit it to the Nobel committee as so date for president in the last election, is noted for his brilliant and a general advisory council, will be formed. The executive ing. indulged a few brief moments of to speak, a candidate for the prize „.,. , .. , j - i i. committee will consist of six persons, representing the Jewish it, I amingood for nothing for at in medical research, that the probthinking and powerful oratory and is always a huge success on i tine, the Joint Foreign Committee, the American least the balance the day. Per- lem of anti-Semitism is physiological, A P a e s the rostrum. His sincerity rings true, and his book, "America's Jewish Committee, the American Jewish Congress, the Alliance haps, it may have ofcleared my nasal and that the only cure for it is a Way Out," is ranked as one of the best. The February speaker, Israelite Universelle, and the Committee of Jewish Delegations. passages, but it seems to do some- shot in the arm. Anti-Semitism is Bishop Francis J. McConnell, is one of the leaders of Protestant The advisory council will consist of one representative of each of thing else to re> not quite so ben- really nothing but a form of the eficial. German influenza. Christianity in this country. As president of the Federal Council the 45 organizations represented at the conference. This may be because I don't know• of Churches of Christ in America, he has used his influence toto do i t There may be an art PUTTING IT TO At the conclusion of the sessions Jewish leaders freely ex- how ward the attainment of a higher social order and has been a in getting angry as there is in paint- MATHEMATICS ing' a landscape or boiling an egg. I staunch champion of human rights and brotherhood. Another pressed their satisfaction and strong optimism over the potential j know But casting levity to the side, I a young woman, I can see her should not be surprised if the ultipossibilities for united, determined action as a result of what was liberal, Oswald Garrison Villard, will come here in March. In fact boiling with fury three or four times mate solution of anti-Semitism shall Villard is a leader of American liberalism and as editor of the characterized as one of the most important Jewish assemblies in a day, and five minutes after each come from a biological or physical boil, she is as placid as a soft-boiled source. "Nation," he was one of the most trenchant critics of the day. many years. Though charity relief work was the major problem egg . ajid talking most benevolently The series will close with Maurice Samuel in April. Samuel, re- taken up at the conference, it is admitted that charity is not the with the person she has just been Henry Adams, you may recall, markable novelist, publicist and traveler, is well-known to Omaha solution to the Jewish, problem, and from this forerunner of Jew- flaying. I rather think that perhaps foresaw political history as being I fail is in my • reaction to written some day in the same terms audiences for his brilliant speaking ability and his complete grasp ish united organization will come a body which will be world Jew- wherein my fits. A conviction of sin seizes as physics. In terms of such things ry's authoritative spokesman, a spokesman who can and will speak of his subject. me, and it is perhaps this reaction, as energy, motion, direction. Names in the name of the Jewish people everywhere. rather than the indulgence of the an- and peoples will be superfluous. InThose who appreciate lectures of high merit by speakers who ger itself, which puts me in this deed it may, written as physics is can hold an audience should not miss this series, sponsored by the written in mathematical symbols. drear mood. Jewish Community Center. Season tickets are obtainable at re- 200 Million Consumers I shall have to experiment, for I And so when the real fundamental study of anti-Semitism is perfected, duced rates, and according to William Grodinsky, chairman of the must clear my nasal passages. Chancellor Hitler's boast in his Berlin speech last week that it will be stated in an equation in lecture series, it will facilitate arrangements if the season tickets the "boycott in the United States and England is abating" was •—AND THE JEWISH which the Jew will not even be menare bought now, before the series opens. * tioned. Greek, Englishman, or what characterized as "deliberately trying to hide from his countrymen PROBLEM the continually growing economic isolation of the Reich" in a But as a Jewish columnist, I must not, may be substituted. It will just of this, of course, from a Jewstatement issued by Samuel Untermyer, president of the World think ish point of view, and it seems to I Father and Son... Companions that it has a definite connection - This is the season for father and son get-torgethers, and next Jewish Economic Federation, the British Boycott Organization me, with the Jewish problem. .... .-'. arid the American League for Defense of Jewish Rights, the latter Sunday at the Jewish Community Center the annual father and May it not be, I ask, that of which is prosecuting the anti-German boycott m this country. whole matter of anti-Semitism this is son banquet for the entire Jewish community will be held. Mr. Untermyer declared that apart from the millions of Jews nothing but an urge of the physioWhile it is true that the relationship between son and dad logical system at certain intervals should be in our minds and hearts the year round without the need in the United States, Great Britain, South Africa, Canada, South toward increasing its blood pressure? of reminders, nevertheless these affairs do much toward sweeping America and in the various countries of Eastern and Central Eur- Jacob Wasserman has just written called "My Life as a Jew away the cobwebs of misunderstanding and cementing a founda- ope who are zealously refraining from purchasing German goods aandbook a German," and it consists of a or patronizing places where they are handled, or patronizing Gertion for better knowledge of one another. We cannot deny that good many of his earlier miscellane-


ideal of brotherhood among mankind, an ideal advanced centuries and centuries ago by the Hebraic people. But the forces of hate and evil in this world are colossal. The scars and wounds of the past debauch have not yet healed, and the world is sitting back for the "enjoyment" of another war. The peace movements sincerely do their utmost, yet their efforts are meagre in comparison with the militarists. The worker in the cause of peace should have no illusions as to the immensity of the task confronting him. He must be prepared—when warfare is imminent—to face the ammunition of a hostile public opinion, inflamed from rostrum and press. Yet he must not be deterred—he must do his utmost to mobilize public opinion against war. In the war that ended fifteen years ago, the Jewish soldiers of all countries hung up a most remarkable and most honorable record, both in participation and in casualties. They were among those trying "to fight the war to end war." The Jewish history, the Jewish mission, the Jewish philosophy aim toward the ultimate peace and good-will among all men, and toward that goal our people will continue their fight.



be some X's and Y's and pluses and minuses.

HITLERISM AND HEAT There are people, who when you ask them, will Hitlerism remain, who will begin to quote statistics about the fall of German export trade, etc. But I say that Hitlerism is doomed, because it has made it so difficult for Germany to get hot now. There was the Jew against whom a sweat in Germany could always be raised. This anti-Semitism in Germany is no new thing. It has existed there from the very inception of Jewish settlement. But how can they agitate much longer against the Jews there? The Germans have deprived themselves of a great solace. Then again, in Germany, Communists and Socialists provided issues over which Germany could get hot. But now, these like the Jews, have been eliminated as emotional outlets. Only one thing remains—and that is the bogey issue which Hitler is raising that the whole world is against Germany. At this very time, G-armany is carrying on a farcical election campaign over this matter. Hitler and his lieutenants are flying everywhere and making speeches ten times a day in advance of the election when the Germans shall decide whether Germany's withdrawal from the League of Nations shall be approved. The whole thing is obviously merely an attempt to get hot over nothing, for none but Nazis will be permitted to vote. But this problem of the world against Germany is the only thing left for Hitlerized Germany to get excited about, and they, we may be sure, will make the most of it—until it leads to war and the riddance of Hitler.

Seattle Jews to Start Boycott SEATTLE, Washington.—Plans foi launching of boycott activities against German-made goods in Seattle were being perfected this week by a Sons of Israel committee.

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all too frequently the father's emotions toward his son wane as man ships, shipping or other service's, "there are non-Jewish or.his interests are occupied elsewhere, while the son does nothing ganizations with a combined membership of nearly 65,000,000 men toward stopping the widening chasm between them. This is par- and women representing close to 200,000,000 consumers in 40 I GEMS of the BIBLE ticularly true among those whose parents are foreign bom and countries of the world whose members are conducting and vigorand TALMUD between whom there is a difference of language, customs, observ- ously prosecuting an ironclad boycott of German goods and serBy O. O. DASHEB The sharp curtailment of German imports in England and ance and outlooks. And here is where there is even more need vices. for understanding and appreciation. With the modes of expres-! * h e U n i t e d s t a t e s a s well as in other countries proves that not only sion different, there is grave danger that the inborn love and filial 1S ™e boycott not abating but that it is daily growing in intensity He who walketh in his integrity a n d as a just man, happy are bis chiland ua subordinated c n W ^ m a f ^ and QT,/I w f through tY>v™<rV> effectiveness and will continue to grow." and mtpvnsl paternal rWnfinr, devotion win will be lost mis-rmc_ dren after him. The list of non-Jewish organizations that have joined the understanding, until gradually both appreciation and respect anti-German boycott movement and their total membei'ship, as Bread of falsehood is sweet to a vanish. man, but afterwards his mouth shall The solution so as to avoid such a situation is companionship compiled by the American League for Defense*of Jewish Rights, be filled with graveL between father and son. If you will go a little out of the way in and made public by Mr. Untermyer, follows: British Labor Party, 8,000,000 members; International Trade An estate may be gotten hastily at order to try to understand the other's viewpoint, you will get along Union Federation, 10,000,000 members in 28 countries; Interna- the beginning, but the end thereof much better. Many of us are uncompromisingly harsh and intoltional Socialist Congress, 40,000,000 members in 37 countries; shall not be blessed. erant with our children . . . this should give way to kindness and sympathy. Take your son into your confidence, cultivate his friend- American Federation of Labor, 4,000,000 members; Dutch Feder- The glory of young men is their and the beauty of old men ship, learn his likes and dislikes and the reasons for his beliefs. ation of Labor, 750,000 members; Swedish Federation of Labor, strength, is the hoary head. 600,000 members; Belgian Federation of Labor, 500,000 members. You have accomplished much when your son will come to you to Mr. Untermyer stated that the action of these groups proves TALMUD talk over his difficulties. As the head of the house, the father that the "contention by the Nazi leaders that the anti-Nazi boyRabbi Joehanan said: "Whoever is can exert an immeasurable influence in molding his children's accustomed to share a part of his character; he should be the pattern his child will be proud to emu- cott is merely a futile gesture on the part of a small group of Jews profits with a scholar (thus enabling is ridiculous. the scholar to study the Torah) will late. • be awarded the privilege of sitting "The masses throughout the world have continuously demonThe son, on the other hand, owes a duty to his father he can in the Heavenly academy." never fully repay. However, he should at least do his best to re- strated their determined hatred of and opposition to the Nazi reEabbi Joehanan said: "Woe to compense in part for the agony and suffering and self-sacrifice gime's persecution of the Jews, suppression of free trade union or- (royal) authority, for it buries its ganization, brutal degradation of women, outlawry of liberals and undergone by his parents to rear him and give him the best they possessors, as there was not one pacifists, crushing of the free press and exiling of Germany's most could. The son should pay. more heed to the Biblical commandprophet whe did not outlive four ment to honor his parents. He should respect their wishes, should distinguished artists, writers, scientists and statesmen because of kings." live the life which would make his parents proud, should try to be their race and political opinions by using the economic boycott as The foJlor1*7?: three are loved by the man his father expects him to be. A father's advice is given the only effective weapon in a human and world-wide protest." the Lord: He who is never excited, Untermyer, "are the immed- he who is never drunk, and he. who with the best of motives and should be weighed most carefully, j terror in Germany, it is widely does not insist on retaliation. A father is in truth a son's best friend, and both father and son recognized that this is not primarily a Jewish question. It is a The following seven precepts did should be best friends, pals, comrades. question of world protest and determination to strike at the vitals Rabbi Akiba command his son, Rabbi If father and son banquets and meetings bring this message of this revival of medieval hatred, bigotry and fanaticism. Whilst Joshua, to observe: "When you study home—so that father and son can more fully appreciate their true this time it is the Jews who are the principal victims, next time it do not take a seat in the most poppart of the city (because the relationship—then they have served a worthy purpose. may be the Catholics or the Protestants, if such horrors are to be julated noise will i n t e r f e r e with your tolerated." [studies). Dwell not in a city where

Fifteen Years After

; Tomorrow the world celebrates the fifteenth anniversary of the Armistice, bringing to a close "the war to end war." It is in a strange setting that the "celebration" will take place—for at no time since the peace treaty was signed has there been so much talk about war. No longer do people ask whether there will be a war soon, but instead they merely argue as to the date of the outbreak. Fifteen years ago we thought the world had learned a lesson that was seared in its soul, a lesson which would never be forgotten. Fellow-men butchered, hatred and brutality rampant, human life eagerly sacrificed on the bloody altar of war .'; . these were undergone by many with the ideal that once and for all war would end *At its conclusion it seemed that there would tiiumnh the

its leaders are scholars (because they will devote their time in study and will neglect to protect the town). Irony of History Try to join the man on whom forOne of those anomalies that tug at the heart strings is con- tune smiles. Make thy Sabbath tained in the item from Berlin that the children of Dr. Max Nau- (meals) as plain as on a week-day ; rather than to depend on charity. mann have left Germany for Palestine. Rise early in the summer time and Dr. Naumann, president of the National German Jews, has eat before the heat comes and in the always been an extreme nationalist and bitter anti-Zionist. He winter eat your breakfast before you ! go out in the cold. Do not enter sudwas :. ever one of the. most vigorous.exponents of complete - .. assimila.. denly even into thine own house.



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tion of the Jews and was constantly denouncing Zionism. He has Have good, comfortable shoes on • • so • far - • as- to • endorse feet" (so you would not need a gone the Hitler program and expressed the [your chiropodist).

hope that the National Socialist party would see fit to incorporate in its rank Ms small group of extreme nationalists. Yet his children seek refuge in Palestine. «.

(The precept, "Dwell not in a city where its leaders are scholars," is jantiquated in most cities in this country today.)

•=joKKi:er AFPAHLX r u n




Needle Guild Will Meet Next Week the

MATINEE DANCE. The first matinee dance of fall season by the Fa-Hon sorority "will be given Sunday afternoon, from 3 to 6 p. m. at the J. C. C. Music "will be furnished by Sam Turner and his eight-piece colored orchestra. Admission will be twenty-fire cents per person. PEEEE-GILMAN NUPTIALS. The marriage of Miss Lee E. Gilman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Gilman, to Morton Ferer, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Ferer, took place at the home of the bride's parents on November 5 at high noon in the presence of the immediate families. Cantor A. Schwaczkin -officiated. The bride was dressed in a violet blue gown, with puffed elbow-length sleeves and touches of gold at the neck-line. With it she wore a matching turban with a draped gold veil and gold slippers. Her shoulder corsage was of white gardenias. Mr. and Mrs. Gilman and the bridal couple received their guests at a reception following the ceremony and also in the evening. The color scheme was carried out to pink and white, the center piece being a large wedding cake banked on each side by tall white tapers in candlebras tied with pink bows of tulle. Out-of-town guests included Miss Jeanette Baron of Kansas City, Mo.; Mr. and Mrs. M. Shapiro and son of Grand Island, Neb.; Mr. Herman Ferer, of Grand Island, Neb.; and Mr. and Mrs. M. Krasne of Fremont, Neb. Following a short trip, the young couple will make their home here. REITZEE-SIMON ENGAGEMENT. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Simon announce the engagement of their daughter, Sarah, to Mr. Ben Eeitzer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Eeitzer of Chicago. Miss Simon is a graduate of the Technical High school. Mr. Eeitzer *ras graduated from the Marshall school, and attended Northwestern University. No definite date has been set for the wedding.

Louis Harris to Be "At Home" Sunday Mr, Louis Harris will be "at home" on Sunday afternoon and evening, November 12, from 3 to 10 p. m., at his residence, 2859 California street, to welcome his friends and acquaintances prior to his departure for Los Angeles, Calif., where he will make his future home. Mr. Harris is one of the colorful personalities of the Omaha Jewish community. Born in New York City, he came to Omaha in 1881. He grew up with the city and with the community. For years he worked unceasingly for various charities in Omaha, always without pay. Never was anyone who came to him for help turned away empty-handed. He was especially active in the Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol synagogue. He organized the first "minyan" and served as president of the shule for a good number of years. He also helped organize the local B'nai Brith lodge and acted as secretary of the lodge for twelve years. Mr. Harris is leaving Omaha next Wednesday. In Los Angeles he will make his home with a daughter, Mrs. Joe Friedman. BIRTHDAY PARTY. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Pinkovitz will give a birthday party Sunday afternoon in honor of the eighth birthday of their daughter, Evelyn Gertrude. Sixteen boys and sixteen girls have been invited. A color scheme of green and pink will be carried out in decorations throughout the house. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Davidson and daughter, Norma Dorothy, of Lincoln, will come to Omaha for the affair.

ANNOUNCE BIRTH. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pollack announce the birth of a son November TO SIOUX CITY. 7 at the Methodist Hospital. Mrs. Mrs. Max Fromldn, senior advisor Pollack is the former Sylvia Chait. to the Omaha Junior Hadassah, will accompany the Omaha delegates to Sioux City to attend the conference VISITOR HERE. of Junior Hadassah to be held SatMrs. William Eitchner of Chicago urday and Sunday. is in Omaha visiting with her parChapters of seven states in this ents, Mr. aqd—Mrs^-flL^Irasfin, --..- •vicinity *wiH 'meet ia "Sioux "CitjF discuss Junior Hadassah problems and activities. Paramount Theatre With a cast headed by a dozen IN CHICAGO. popular screen favorites and includ- VISITING Me. and Mrs. J. Sherman are in ing 250 of the most beautiful girls Chicago visiting their children and in the world, "Footlight Parade," grandchildren, Mr. and Mrs. Nate Warner Bros, gigantic musical suc- Sherman and family and Mr. aird cessor to "42nd Street" and "Gold M K . Morris Sherman and family. Diggers of 1933," is the attraction on the Paramount theater screen. This new and mammoth spectacle RETURNS FROM CONCLAVE. is said to far surpass its predecesMrs. M. F. Levecson,'president of sors in the originality and beauty Omaha Hadassah, returned Sunday of its ensembles, in its hilarious from a two-week visit in Chicago, comedy drama plot, its songs and its where she went as one of the Omaha romantic love interest. The screen delegates to the national Hadassah play by Manuel Seff and James Sey- convention held in Chicago recently. mour is a story of back stage life, She also visited her aunt, Mrs. Alex but entirely different from anything Bolnick. before screened. The other Omaha delegates were It deals with a young musical Mrs. A. Romm, Mrs. Max Fromkin, comedy director who loses his job Mrs. J. J. Friedman, and Mrs. •when talking pictures supplant musi- Joseph Rosenberg. Visitors to the cals on the stage and turns to mak- convention includes Mrs. Kulaknig prologues for motion picture ofsky, Mrs. J. J. Frieden, Mrs. Louis theatres on a wholesale scale. Margolin, Mrs. Gail Margolin, Mrs. There is a definite and well knit Max Barish, and Mrs. M. D. Brodplot with riotously funny situations key. and. sparkling comedy. Two teams of players furnish the love interest played by James Cagney and Joan CARD PARTY. Blondell and Ruby Keeler and Dickj Mrs. Morris Cohn is chairman of Powell with Claire Dodd and Eeneej1 the card party to be sponsored by Whitney as the gold digging, dan- the Royal Elite Rebeccah lodge No. 400 on Monday evening, November gerras damsels. A quartet of famous comedians1 13, at the American Legion Auxfurnish a large part of the hilarity. iliary Hall, 315 So. 15th street. The

To Attend Junior Hadassah Conclave About thirty-five members of the Omaha Chapter of the Junior Hadassah are leaving today for Sioux City, Iowa, to attend the annual Southwestern Regional Convention of the Junior Hadassah, which will be held at the Hotel Warrior for over the week-end. Local officers of the region are Miss Ida Fine, who is second vicepresident of the region, and Mrs. Sidney Katleman, who is a board member. Miss Fine is president of the Omaha chapter and Mrs. Katieman is a past president. Among the other members who will attend the convention are the Misses Dora Freshman, Minnie Frohm, Gertrude Guss, Anna Hahn, Rose Abramson, Bess Bernstein, Elizabeth Dolgoff, Anne Green, Lorraine King, Fannie Katelman, Celia Martin, Jeanette Moskovitz, Anne Goldenberg, Sophie Oland, Anne Gitnick, Bess Kirshenbaum, Sybil Kooperman, Betty Kotler, Goldie Priesman, Jeanette Resnick, Rose Kief, Ruth Swengil, Sophie Roginsky, Isabel Rosenblatt, Goldie Seidman, liath Silver, Helen Stein, Betty Tuchman, Sarah Solomonow, Tibbie Wolfson, Rose Sacks, Mildred Falk, Bess Swartz, and Julia Zucker. The Omaha delegation will extend an invitation to the Sioux City guests to attend the Omaha Junior Hadassah Thanksgiving Dance which will be held at the Hotel Fontenelle on November 30. The unusually heavy report on ticket sales, in addition to the large crowd of out-oftown visitors who are expected for the dance, promises that this Thanksgiving Dance will be the outstanding fall event. A regular meeting of the Junior Hadassah will be held at the Jewish Community Center nest Thursday evening, November 16, at "which time a complete report of the convention will be given by the delegates.

Needy to Benefit From Dance Sunday Evening Elaborate plans have been made for the Hatikvoh hard-time dance, to be held this coming Sunday evening, November 12, 'a? the" J.'"C.VC Ernie Priesman's orchestra win play. One of the features will be a brilliant wedding to take place on the ballroom floor at 10:30 p. m. The couple to be married wish their names to be kept secret until the night of the dance. Several surprises are also promised. Valuable prizes will be given to those wearing the "worst" hardtime costumes, according to Mrs. M. Rosen, prize chairman. The jndges will be Mrs. D. A. Goldstein, Mrs. L. Neveleff, Ben Kazlowsky, and Eabbi Uri Miller. Mrs. Charles Hermanson, ticket chairman, reports a brisk sale of tickets. All proceeds from this dance will be used to help local Jewish needy.

Young" People's Congregation

The annual gathering of garments by the Needlework Guild for distribution to the needy is being held next week. The meetings will be held at the Jewish Community Center this coming Monday and Tuesday. Those who have not contributed yet may do so at this time. The Needlework Guild's meeting will be open on Monday night till 9 o'clock. Tuesday afternoon, at 2:30 p. m., there will be a tea to which all the women in the city are invited. Mrs. Reuben Kulakofsky is on the executive committee. Mrs. B. A. Simon is sectional president of the Jewish Women's Welfare section. Included among the directors of her section are the Mesdames L Abramson, J. Bramson, A. A. Cohn, S. Epstein, I. Fiedler, J. J. Greenberg, J. Goodbinder, A. Greenberg, J. Kaufman, A. I. Kulakofsky, L Levin, P. M. Klutznick, J. Luttbeg, G. Margolin, C. Nathan, J. Newman, L. Neveleff, S. Olander I. W. Rosenblatt, I. Rosenthal, J. Raduziner, W. A. Racusin, D. Sherman, L Stalmaster, J. Stein, T. Tully M. Lintzman and Miss Blanche Zimman.

Conservative Auxiliary A large crowd enjoyed an excellent program at the open meeting of the Conservative Synagogue Auxiliary, held at the J. C. C. Wednesday afternoon. ' , Mrs. Robert Glazer gave a peace talk, commemorating the fifteenth anniversary of the signing of the Armistice. A feature was the presentation of a dramatic sketch, entitled "The Message of Peace." This was given •under the direction of Mrs. Phineas Wintroub, who portrayed the part of "The Woman." The role of "The Soldier" was taken by Sal Michnick, while "The Leader of the People" was taken by Israel SternhnL Miss Lylyan Chudacoff entertained with a number of piano selections. Mrs. Phineas Wintroub, program chairman, announced that the December meeting will be held Wednesday, December 13, in the form of a Chan-nkah luncheon party. It was announced that 31 new members have joined since the beginning of the year, and they wiil be honored guests. Mrs. Irvin Levin, chairman of the student welfare committe, announced that the committee is planning a special service for students during ChanA board meeting preceded the reg( ular meeting. "Three Cities" byirShoIom Asch has been selected for the sixth review of a series of eight Iwok reviews to be given by Rabbi David A. Goldstein. This leaves two books as yet unannounced for the series. The series will start Monday, December 11, at 8 p. m. at the J. C. C, with a review of "Anthony Adverse." Mrs. Mose Yousem, chairman, reports a brisk ticket sale. She is being assisted by Mrs. Irvin Levin and sub-committee. Inasmuch as the series is for the benefit of the Sunday School, all members of the Conservative Synagogue are urged to participate in the series. Tickets are now on sale and may be secured by both members and non-members. The fee for members is $1.00 for the eight reviews, and for non-members, $l.~50. A representative list of books has been chosen for the reviews.

The Young People's Congregation The Oneg Shabbos of the Conwill meet Wednesday evening at 8:15 servative Auxiliary will be held this at the J. C. C.

Saturday at the home of l b s . Dave Sherman, Mrs. Phil Rosenblatt will be co-hostess. Rabbi David A. Goldstein will speak.

Bake Sale The Bake Sale sponsored by Mrs. David Sherman's circle of the Conservative Synagogue Auxiliary will be held Wednesday, November 22, all day at the Brandeis Store. Cakes, cookies, doughnuts, coffee cake home-made bread, and apple shtrudel by Mrs. Abe Somberg will be featured. Anyone wishing to place an order is asked to call Harney 2976 or Harney 7198.

Bikur Cholim A regular meeting of the Bikur Cholim Society will be held Monday afternoon, November 13, at the Jewish Community Center, starting at 2:30 p. m. Matters of great importance will be discussed, so all members and friends are •urged to attend.

Deborah A regular meeting of the Deborah Society will be held Wednesday, November 15, at 2:30 p . m . at the Jewish Community Center. This meeting has.been postponed from Tuesday, November 14, to Wednesday. Rabbi Uri Miller -will be the speaker. A social hour will follow the regular meeting.

Daughters of Zion


dress will he "Jewish Woman in Communal Life." The toastmaster of the evening will be Abe Goldstein, president of Temple Israel. The invocation -will be given by Mrs. Sam Abramson of Des Moines. The address of welcome will be given by Eabbi Frederick Cohn with the response by Mrs. Myron Meyer of St. Joseph. Mrs. Harry Z. Eosenfeld is chairman of the local Sisterhood.

A luncheon will be given by Hadassah at the Jewish Community Center on November 28. New members will be the guests of the chapter. A partial list of the new members includes the Mesdames Louis Adler, Louis Alberts, Henry Belmont, O. S. Belzer, David Brodker, Max Davis, Harold Farber, Morris Franklin, George Gasper, Morris Katieman, Abe Kushner, David Leskowitz, Elizabeth Neveleff, Ernie Jewish Cemetery in Rueben, Sam Stern, Dave Schwartz, Austria Desecrated VIENNA.—The devastation of the Charles Ross, and Rose Zacharia. Jewish cemetery at Hohenau and the explosion of a bomb in a Vienna are thought here to be Ladies Labor Lyceum synagogue the first steps in an extensive Nazi campaign of terror against Austrian The Ladies Labor Lyceum club Jewish institutions. Austrian police will hold their regular meetings acting on this theory are raiding vaevery other Tuesday afternoon in- rious Nazi centers. stead of every other Tuesday eve- Fifty-eight tombstones were dening as previously held. They meet stroyed at Hohenau, many cairns at the Labor Lyceum, 22nd and were removed, the cemetery hall was damaged, flowers were destroyed and Clark. The next meeting will he held on many trees uprooted. Tuesday, November 14, at 2 p. m. AB members are urged to attend.

R A THRIFTY— 7c per lb. Shirts, inc. 8c

Sisterhood Henry Monsky will make the! principal address at a banquet to be held Tuesday evening, November 14, at the Blackstone Hotel. The banquet will be the entertainment feature of the District Convention of the National Federation of Temple Sisterhoods which will be held in Omaha, November 14 and 15. The subject of Mr. Monsky's ad-

VIM Ml Min


The Daughters of Zion will hold a very important meeting Wednes day, November 15, at 2:30 p. m. at the J. C. C. Rabbi Uri Miller will be the speaker. Tea and xefreshments will be served. All members and their friends are cordially invited. Final plans are being made for the card party to be held at the J. C. C. Tuesday, November 21. All Jewish -women are urged to attend this benefit. Valuable prizes will be given and refreshments served. Mrs. A. Shafton is chairman assisted by Mrs. L. Cohen.

Two Perfectly Jialanced Features He's a One-tfan Crime Wave

. C. FIELDS With

Alisan Skipwoi th B b y Le Roy

Make a Hit in "June Moon" Abner Kaiman and Louise Pitch are making a hit in "June Moon,1 fte production presented at the Community Playhouse. Ab supplies the wisecracks and most of the laughter in. nis portrayr al of "Maxie Schwartz.* Miss Fitch, who is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Fitch of Council Bluffs, plays the role of "Edna Baker," the leading juvenile part. "June Moon," a laugh-fest which is a satire on Tin-Pan Alley, has been playing to capacity audiences. It will be presented tonight again. The play is under the direction of Bernard Szold.


TfLLfE am! «J$


A Lauph

«Day of Beckoning

Herbert Marshal] 3fo y land Lionel AtwiU Mar Eobson Elisabeth Ulan




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AWAY TO THE HUNT THEY GO-Mrs .fW1UiUUt ^ ^ lar society matron of New York and Warrenton, Va., is pictured . driving a group of friends to the fox hounds race meet in her tallyho, at Upperville, Va.

PIRATE TREASURES OF SOUTHERN FLOWERS-This beautiful floral piece which forms a pirate treasure chest, will be one of the many floral decorations to be seen in the annual Pasadena Tournament of Roses in Pasadena, CaL, this year. Olive-Pupis-and Rowena Cook, pirate girls, complete the setting.

DAISIES ARE BEWILDERED-Out-of-season weather existing this year m the middle south even has the pretty daisies all mixed up. Several fields near Asheville, N. C, are white with the nodding tops of the although the flowers generally bloom in the spring Miss Marion Sofley, Miss Louise Rogers and Miss Elwynne Moore are shown picking some of the blooms.

LINDBERGHS IN PARIS-Col. Charles A.-Lindbergh and his wife, Anne, are photographed at the new American embassy in Paris with J. Theodore Marriner, charge d'affaires. The Lindberghs' Plans for a quiet visit were thwarted when the air ace found his popularity had not waned at the scene of his initial air triumph.

BANDIT'S WIFE GUILTY OF KOBBERY—Burmah White, 19year-old bride of Tom White, known as the "rattlesnake bandit" and recently killed in a gun duel with police, is shown in Los Angeles, CaL, court while she listened to the jury convict her on eleven counts of robbery and shooting. Mrs. White, who is shown on the right of her mother, drove the bandit car which preyed on Los Angeles motorists.


FARM UNREST GROWS—Sheriff Ralph Rippey, center, of Plymouth county, Iowa, is shown as he ordered farm strike pickets to clear the highway for livestock shipments into Sioux City after 20 truckloads had been dumped.. -

WHAT'S THE LATEST, CHIEF ^-Newspaper reporters surround Albert Sarraut, center, with <ierby hat, in Paris aft» h . had called upon President Lebrun at the W e e palace to1nf 0 ™ the chief executive of the formation of a new French cabinL succeeded Edouard Daladkr who was defeated b v T ^ t T French senate — - ' •






Nazis Open Section on "Racial Origins"

ious Services

synagogue this evening. Cantor A. Schwaczkin and his choir will assist in the services. Saturday morning the Junior congTegation will meet for regular services. The Religious School will meet as usual Sunday morning.

Basketball is again heading the HANOVER, Germany (J. T. A.)— list of activities at the Jewish ComThe Hanover museum has opened a munity Center gymnasium. race section to enable the studying _ In last week's games the Pants of racial origins. This is the first inTemple Store defeated the Kant Knocks in stance of the kind in Germany. Jewish Representatives Out ofan overtime game, 20 to 10,; after the Rabbi Frederick Colin will speak losers had beaten theA. Z. JL 100,13 General Smuts' Appeal i^ and leading members of the The study of race has been made at services at Temple Israel this Harmony With Decisions to 10, in an earlier game. The sec- CAPETOWN, South Africa.—Gen- Jewish party, visited the Minister of compulsory in most of the schools in evening on "Miss Bishop" (Bess Charities Receive $605,000 at Conference ond-place Tuxis A. C. smothered A. eral Jan Smuts, famous South Afri- the Interior on behalf of the Jewish Germany. Pupils must pass examina- Streeter Aldrich's latest novel), or From Estate of Mrs. Schiff New York, (J.TJL) — Distinctly Z. A., 25 to 6. can statesman, has issued an earn- party, stressing the growing men- tions in the subject, and, it was an-"What Life DoestoUs." NEW YORK. — Seven charitable nounced that diplomas -would not be Saturday morning services -will be organizations dissatisfied with, the decision of the Basket shooters took advantage of est appeal to the people of South ace of anti-Semitic agitation. are bequeathed ?605,German-American . Conference, t i e these . contests to strengthen their Africa to discourage spread of the The delegation pointed out that granted to those who had not taken conducted by Rabbi David Wice, who 000 by the estate of the late Mrs. the examinations in racial science. will give a peace talk. The follow- Therese Schiff, widow of Jacob H. largest German organization in thescoring records. Garter of the Kant "sinister and dangerous anti-Semit- despite the fact that three different ing children will participate in theSchiff, banker and philanthropist. United States, whose inenibership is Knocks leads with 1& points, while ism" originating abroad and being Jewish delegations visited the govSaturday morning service: Halley Mrs. Schiff died last February at composed of 23 German federations, Gendler of the Tuxis is second with spread here. There has been much ernment recently describing the inBialac, William Shlaes, Joy Yousem, the age of seventy-eight. to raise funds for the suppression 15. Due to the senior teams playing agitation here in recent weeks by citements of the anti-Semites and reJoyce Ferer, Richard Josephson, of anti-German propaganda through- on Thursday evenings, practices are Nazi agents and a widespread, un- ceived assurances from the RoumanIncluded in the bequests are $250,Lawrence Klein, Ira Jackson. out the country, to fight the boy-held only on Tuesday nights. derground campaign against the Jews ian government, nothing as yet has 000 to the Federation for the Supcott of German goods ani^ take part by Nazi agents has been detected. been actually undertaken to check port of Jewish Philanthropic Sociein a German Day celebration, GerSouth Africa is trying to escape anti-Semitism. ties; S150,000 to the Jewish TheoJunior Vaad man-Jewish circles expressed anxiety the "unhappy radicalism which is a Conservative logical Seminary Library; $125,000 over a possible rift with adherents poisonous weed and not desired," Cuzists in New Disorders At services this evening Rabbi A. to the Solomon and Betty Loeb MemBERLIN (J. T. A-)—The ReichsA cultural program was presented of the resolutions adopted a t the General Smuts declared. He warned BUCHAREST, Roumania. — Anti- verband of Christian Citizens of non- Goldstein will speak on "A Second orial House for Convalescents and meeting of the conference last week. at a meeting of the Junior Vaad those taking part in engendering ra- Semitic disturbances broke out ml Aryan descent, which was officially World War—Can It Be Prevented?" $50,000 to the Henry Street SettleThe German-American'.Conference, field at the B'nai Israel synagogue cial hatreds that they would be toBucharest in connection with the formed Saturday, must submit a list For nest week Rabbi Goldstein has ment; Tuskegee Normal and IndusTuesday evening. meeting in the absence of the • Gerblame in the event of any trouble. meeting of the Cuzist congress, which of its members to the secret political chosen as his subject, "The Chris- trial Institution of Alabama, the man-Jewish Federation d e l e g a t e , ' Harry Slendelson spoke on "Home is composed of Roumanian National- police,' it was learned. tian^Jewish Tragedy." This sermon [Auxiliary of the Montefiore Home passed resolutions considered by and the Destruction of the Temple." ist, anti-Semitic groups headed by will be based upon the book written | and the Y. W. H. A. of New York ' The Verband was formed in the many to be a Counter-attack on Jew- This was followed by a discussion Relief Fund the notorious agitator, Professor Al- presence of government authorities, by a Christian professor of theology 'City, $10,000 each. ish protest against persecution in on whether the depression was a NEW YORK. — A i u n d totaling exander Cusa. $1,226,346 has been raised to date The Cuzists smashed windows in Nazi press representatives and rep-who calls upon Christiandom to make Germany. The conference, purport- blessing or a curse. for the relief of German Jewish ref- Jewish shops and molested Jewish resentatives of the Catholic and amends for its traditional anti-SemCantor E. Sellz sang several numing to represent all German-Ameriitism. ugees under the auspices of thepassersby on the streets of Buchar- Evangelical churches. can societies in its twenty-three fed- bers. The . newly formed organization American Jewish Joint Distribution Erations, voted to appoint a commitThe police intervened energeti- aims to speak for some 6,000,000 according to announce- est. tee of seven to lay plans for sup- The Father and Son banquet Committee, cally," but the anxiety of the Jewish Germans,' Christian by belief, but Vaad ment made by Rabbi Jonah B. Wise, population pression of the antirGennan boycott under the auspices of the Junior national continues, in view of the who have been declared non Gennan "How to Choose a Wife" will be chairman of the German Rer sharp rise of anti-Semitism in Rou- j measures to induce all Americans of Vaad will be held on Sunday, No- lief Fund. the sermon topic of Rabbi Uri Milgovernment because -one vember 19. Reservations must be mania in recent months. German descent to poin the conferof their parents or grandparents -was ler at services at the B'nai Israel ence, and the carrying out of plans made within the week. For reser- The sum will be used to provide The Roumanian government an- Jewish. aid to organizations engaged in findvations, call Harry Fellman, Harney for a German Day celebration at nounced the dismissal of several higt One of the leaders of the newly Madison Square-Garden on December 3753, Haskell Cohen, Webster 4018, ing a haven for the refugees, to officials, because they collaborated formed group, Herr Gunther Alexthe plight of the Jews \ Volz Will Keep Yon i 6, at which, the United German So- or Dave Himmelstein, Jackson 1389. ameliorate ander Katz, a decorated war veteran, J who have been deprived of livelihood with Nazi agitators. Nattily Attired ! cieties delegate insists, Ambassador I. Morgenstern will speak for the; declared that "something must be means in - Germany and for other Luther will speak. The committee fathers and Irving Beitel for tnepurposes Hair-Presser's done to make it possible for the milin the same connection. sons. Dr. I. Dansky will entertain.; will also decide upon funds to be Organization lions of non-Aryan Germans, who spent in fighting the boycott of Ger- The committee in charge promises CAPETOWN, Union of South Af- have been Germans for generations, an interesting and varied program.! man goods in a nation-wide cam-j rica, — Unanimous condemnation by to serve their deeply beloved fatherEviction From Latvia paign. | RIGA, Latvia.—Jacob Leschinsky, the press greeted the first anti-Sem- land. We are Germans and we want correspondent of The New YorkJew- itic Nazi meeting here. The meeting to remain Germans," he said. Robert Rosenbaum, delegate to the Fa-Hon FASHION TAILORS ish Daily Forward, has been ordered! was organized by a hair-dresser "We hold that besides the commuconference for the Federation of GerJOHU TOLZ man-Jewish Societies, did not receive Installation of officers of the Fa-expelled from Latvia for writing an- j named Weicherdt and voted to form nity of blood there is a community JACKSON 2706 an invitation to attend the meeting Hon sorority was held Monday eve- ti-Nazi articles, according to Thethe South African Gentile Nazi As- of German nationalism born of a common faith, a common experience '..,'. at which these resolutions were pass- ning at the home of Miss Eose Mos- Rigasche Rundschau, a p r o - N a z i sociation. 305 So. 19th AT. 2524 cowitz. After an interesting busi- newspaper. . . The South African government is and a common feeling." ed. Under the leadership of Victor ness meeting, refreshments were Leschinsky^ who is a Lithuanian being urged.. by Jewish leaders to Ridder, president of the German-Am- served and the remainder of the citizen and was expalled from Berlin step in to prohibit the influx of K.OVNO, Lithuania.—-A relief comerican Conference, and his brother, evening was spent in playing cards last spring by the Nazis, was order- propagandist pernicious literature mittee fear German Jewish refugees and dancing. Eose Levin was inibrought in on German ships. ed to leave the country immediately Bernard, publishers of the leading was formed here by Lithuanian Jews. German newspaper in New York, the tiated as a new member of the by the Minister of the Interior, says The object of the committee is to group. • " . "•.••;..•• the Rigasche Rundschau. SubsequentNew Yorker Staats Zeitung, the Gersettle as many German Jewish chilly, however, the order was modified, man-American Conference re-adopted dren as possible in Lithuania. plans of the United German Societies Gamma Delta Omicron postponing the expulsion for a fortnight. for celebration of German Day, a fete which was banned by Mayor The members of the newly-formed We Solicit Tour Printing and O'Brien in the interests of peace and Gamma Delta Omicron sorority are Warning Trade Invasion Office Snpply Seeds order when it was learned that Nazi formulating plans for a snappy sea- BERLIN.—Following the precedent NEW YORK (J. T. A.)—A pleu elements had taken over conduct of son of activities. recently set by the Reichs Ministries ; . .-"> for an official proclamation that the affair. CALL AT. 4644 Officers for this term are: Fannie of Economics and Labor, the Prus- should be issued by Catholicism and At the conclusion of the meeting, Witkin, president; Goldie Wolf son, sian Minister of the "Interior issued ASK FOR COREY representatives of the United Ger- secretary-treasurer; Ethel " Miroffj an order" warning that "the invasion Protestantism in defence of "persecuted Jewish brethren" in Germany man Societies, -which had recently educational director; Anne Witkin, into economics of individual firms was made by t i e Rev. Dr. S. Parkes come under control of the League of reporter.. ~; . , . ..•-."'''"'•'• will no longer be tolerated." How- Cadman, of tho Federal Churches of Fxiends of New Germany,, a-Hitlerever, the order does not mention the ite group, announced that-they"would ~ivn.sE*"5xrmsl as r was*"'3eme IS. -theChrist in- .America and pastoi Jjf-the-Uooklyn, if not f have permitted the sponsorship order issued jointly by the other two Congregational Church in Brooklyn, in an address- "at a meeting of the of the new German Day celebration ministries. 1406 Dofee St. Christian Ministers Federation of the at Madison Square Garden on DecMetropolitan Area. ember 6 to pass into the hands of Against Griebl "No amount of our enthusiasm for the Steuben Society if they were not NEW YORK—Representative Sam- the Jew will serve us unless we orsure that Hitler's ambassador to uel Dickstein, conductor of the House ganize for the purposes which are at Washington, Dr. Hans Luther, would for the investigation of Nazi activities in thestake," he said. "It is the duty of be a speaker on the program. The United States, declared that he is every Christian pastor, Catholic presence of the ambasador is- autodemanding the discharge of Dr. Ig-priest and Jewish rabbi to take civmatically conditioned on the display Berlin, (J.T.A.)—The official at- natz y SAVE \ T. Griebl from the United States ilization to heart in its deeper unity titude of the German Jewish leaders of the swastika emblem. y Yes, yon can Army Reserve Carps. the Reichstag elections to be in the realm of the holy spirit." J/ saTe on shoes, According to a resolution passed toward Dr. Griebl, host to Heinz Spank- Dr. Cadman said that anti-Jewish held on November 12, and which are / t©», very easy! by the Federation of German Jew- to be an expression of complete noebel, Hitlerite agent to the United '/ Jnst nse our -expert ish Societies a few weeks ago, mem-support for the foreign policy of theStates who is now a fugitive from atrocities are a negation of God. He Baked / shoe repair service bers of these organizations will take Nazi government, was expressed in justice, has been questioned by thecalled German churches "mere agen/ e x clnsivelj. T h i s cies of the State's political organisano part in celebrations at which the a proclamation, carefully worded, federal grand jury almost daily. / will make yosr neir Electrically swastika emblem is displayed. In which was issued by the Reichsver- Mr. Dickstein stated that he is tion." He said that unless persecu' shoes last twice as " • . " » ^ m *.«-"«* . " " " . " * . » t i o n o f minority peoples ceases, the the present instance, unless there is tretung der Deutschen Juden, the charging loner—and will gi\, using has title r e g u l ^ £m^ « laM a sudden and unexpected reversal of All- German Jewish Representative no TTmtpd Griebl with Nothing tastes better r r Ton many m o r e AntiT Reserve CapCandisposition on the part of the German Body. This recently-formed organiza- as United States Army months of wear disastrous." on a cold winter day l Jews, the celebration will be under- tion is considered the most represent- tain while being diametrically opv from shops ron posed to American doctrines. than delicious crisp are ready to n. taken purely by "Aryan"_ members of ative Jewish body in Germany today. \ discard. German-American organizations. waffles. Babe them The proclamation, as dignified a American Composer Refuses Mail orders on the new Proctor reply as the German Jews were able to Direct Berlin Orchestra returned prepaid. Library Notes to make under the present circum- BERLIN.—The refusal of Werner Waffle Iron. It's auOver 450 modern and popular stances in which the German Jews Janssen, American composer, to act tomatic . . . a little books are found in the public rental find themselves, declares, "in spite as guest leader of the Berlin Phillight tells when to put Waffle Iron library jointJy conducted by the of what the Jews are undergoing in harmonic orchestra in December on HA complete jewelry service. Lowest* Germany," those Jews who go to the the •waffle in and when Jewish Comma? Hy Center and the e in price and highest in quality. 8 account of the Nazi atrocity proOmaha Council of Jewish Wa.nen in polls should vote in the affirmative gram, has evoked warning from the it's done . . . no stickNATIONAL the JCC lijriiy rooms daily, i a v - on the question of approving the management of the orchestra that it ing. No failures! SHOE EEPAIR CO. orite authors, varieties of stories, foreign policy of the German govern- will "make trouble" for him. Sold on Easy Terms Atlantic 9200 popular books, n<»v and re?e-.t, are ment. 119 So. 16th St. 509 So. 18th St. On account of the recent refusal Successors to Albert Edholm However, the proclamation says on the part of other famous artists • all found in this list AH rent for 8c per day, and the privilege of bor- nothing of how Jews should vote on who have declined invitations to ap-3 ?nd Floor City Nat'l Bank Bide. rowing a book is always open to the list of candidates headed by Ad- pear in Germany, Mr. Janssen's aceveryone without !any fuss or "redolf Hitler or whether they are totion has caused consternation among tape." Proceeds • from the xental answer other questions. musicians here. library are used for supporting Among the questions to be anscholarships for Jewish girls in col-swered by the German voters is one lege, the work being in charge of theasking the voters whether they ap- In Roumania Council. The library is a modern prove the policy of the Hitler gov- BUCHAREST, Roumania. — DepuDne, situated in pleasant and quiet ernment. It is obviously imposible ties Meyer Ebner and. Michael Lanrooms at the' JCC, and is open for the Jewish citizens to answer dan, members of the Roumanian par-. \ evenings and Sundays at. present. It this in the affirmative because by so HOWARD «t 16th. earnestly urges you to visit it, anddoing they would voice approval of if you wish, to make use of it andthe government policies toward the support it. Jews which had reduced the Jews to To those that didn't read some second-class citizenship or -worse. of the following favorites last May, . On the other hand, for the Jews when they were reserved far in ad-to abstain from voting and. signifyvance, now is your chance to rent ing approval of the Nazi regime's them without having to wait at all.policies—since, in this election, the Have you read-these? Torch of Life, voters have no other course—spells Is your appetite run down and Anne Vickers, This. People, Job, danger, for them since refraining lifeless? Have you got a "sarProctor Iron Toaster Josephus, Stephen Escott Washing- from voting would label them as Stop in for dinner, after • dine" of an appetite or a "whale" A wonderful iron . . . weighs See this beautiful new toastton and More Merry-Go-Rbunds, enemies of the present government. 4% pounds. It's automatic of an appetite? er. It's automatic . . . you the theater, or after the This would be especially dangerous in South Moon Under, Unfinished Sym. . . a special heat for SILKS, can turn it on 'light," "mephony, Female, •' Cautious Armorlst, the provinces where failure to vote COTTONS, WOOLENS... party for that snack with Establish the Jack and Jill as dium" or "dark." No buman "ultra-modern" iron iin America as Americans See It, Eyes could be easily traced. ing. Toast made just the your regular; edting headquarters dancing in our party room. every way. o f Love, Three Sheeti Seventh Comway you like it. andyouTOUimdja new zest whetmandment, etc * You -can - rent them Open all night. . ting your appetite,- ,\ you will soon all anytime for only 3c per day a t Only Only ; build up a "whale of an appetite." the joint Center-Council public rental library in the JCC.: . ' •';.;




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Handball: Quarterfinal

The Jewish Community Center doubles handball tournament is nearing completion as two more ; teams have entered the semi-finals.Quarter-final results are: Ban and G ~man defeated Herman and Horwich, 21-16; Rosen and Goldberg defeated Adler and Schapiro, 21-15, 21-15.

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Sioux City News

Society News

Members of the Senior Hadassah Chapter are invited to attend an BERLIN (J.T.A.)—The first case afternoon tea, Sunday afternoon in of the reinstatement of a Jewish the Sioux Apartment Ball Room, be- professor by a German university Miss ANNA PILL, Correspondent tween the hours of 4 and 6, given occurred here when Professor Euby the chapter as a courtesy to the gene • Mitftvoch was invited to reJunior, Hadassah chapter and . their sume, the chdir of Central and Semguests who are to attend the conven- itic studies at the University of Bertion this week-end. No invitations lin. , : have been issued. Mrs. E. N. GruesIt is reported that Professor Mittkin is in charge of the afternoon's woch was asked to return because entertainment. The Board of DirecReal 'talent was displayed Wednesuniversity authorities were unable to day evening when the members'of the tors of the Senior Hadassah will be find a substitute. for him. Similarly, hostesses of the afternoon. Shaare Zion Synagogue appeared in the other universities and faculties the presentation of "Over the Hill." are experiencing difficulties of the Mr. and Mrs. Morris Levich, acTwo Days of Entertainment The play was'. given before a large companied by their daughter, Jeanaudience in the Ofpheum Theater, and Planned for Out-of-Town proved to be a worthwhile evening's nette Broches, left Saturday evening the regular Children's Sabbath Servfor a visit with friends in Madison, ices at five o'clock today at the synaentertainment. Delegates Wis. Before returning. home, they gogue at 618 Mynster street, and at Mrs. S. H. Shulkin was seen in the Rabbi Felix Levy of Temple Em role will , stop in, Chicago to. attend the nine o'clock on Saturday morning. of the old mother who is sent to All children are invited to attend anuel in Chicago will be the guest the poor Century of Progress. house by her son. Her actthese services. speaker at the Junior Hadassah lun- ing evidenced a real understanding of cheon this Sunday noon, which will- her;role and was ; Miss Mildred Plotkin and Mis3 most convincing. be'-a-highlight of the Southwest Re- Art Bergen as Joab Bess Zeligson spent last week end Miss Ruth Hoffman entertained Hoi den and Algional Convention. Over 100 dele- fred Albert as. Snappy McGuire;shared in: Omaha, visiting with friends. eight guests at a bridge party at her gates plan to attend the sessions the, comedy roles and added much to home last Sunday afternoon. here, and nine chapters will be rep- the evening's entertainment with,their Mr. Adolph Rosenfeld visted with resented. The luncheon Sunday will (lever acting, and display of unusual Summit Street, visited recently with Yale Meyerson, student at the Unibe held inithe Warrior Hotel. Rabbi talent. her sister, Mrs. E. Dasbrovsky, Li versity of Iowa at Iowa -• City, spent '.•'.-._-• Levy will speak on the subect "The Minneapolis. the week-end here at th-3 home of his Jew Views Nationalism". Rabbi Levy Mrs. Rueben Miller took the part of parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Meyerson. Joan Saunders and adapted herself to is vice-president of the Central ConMr. Adolph Rosenf eld visiitad wi'.li He was called here for the funeral of ference of American Rabbis, and has its difficult and unusual personality friends in Chicago this week. . his grandmother and served as one of in a splendid manner. Joe Levin as served as President of the Zionist the pallbearers. Dick Saunders, Morris B^rshevsky as Organization of the city-of .Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Abe Finkenstein anCharles Saunders, Mrs. Jack.Kozberg Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis will open the birth of a son, on Octhe luncheon with the invocation. as Nellie Tidway, and Elizabeth Pass- nounce ober 25. man in the role of Grace Billings Following the luncheon, two Hebrew Melodies will be offered by Gisela rounded out the cast and portrayed Mr. and Mrs. Sol Falfc, 808 Main Pill, cellist. Miss Elizabeth Raskin, their parts with understanding and street, announce the birth of a son., president of the region will welcome ability. the delegates. Officers who will bo Mr. Hal Buntley is to be commend- on November 5, in the Methodist ^elected during' the Sunday morning ed for his work in coaching tho pro- hospital. BERLIN (J. T. A.)—A direct refsession, will be installed by Mrs. duction and in substituting for the erence to the London conference for Mrs. Enchel Barish visited with Theodore N. Lewis, advisor of the Important role of Judge Billings at a the relief of German Jews, which friends in Chicago this week. last minutes notice. local chapter. closed last week, was made by Adolf The convention will open Friday Tb.3 evening's entertainment was + Hitler in addressing a mass meeting in Weimar. Hitler expressed joy over evening with services at Shaare Zion prefaced with novelty dance and song the report made by Neville Laski, Synagogue. Miss Dorothy Merlins numbers by Jackie Schwartz, Mike president of the Board of Deputies will act as chairman of the evening. Beckerman, Carolyn Raskin, Wendell of British Jews, that there are over Miss Mollye Granger, Miss Sadie Jrowther, Bella Cohen, Serene BarBY F. R. K. 60,000 German refugees in exile in Shulkin and Miss Rosalie Sacks will •ent and Goldeen Mead. (By A.G.P.) various countries. ppeak. The ritual will be read by Mrs. Etta Bail a Meyerson, 73 years Bara Kuntz, and Bluma Olensky. Book Review Club "It was a great relief for us to old, passed away last Saturday morn- learn about the large number of refUshers will be Ruth Jacobson, Gering at the Mercy hospital from pneu- ugees," said Hitler, declaring that he trude Reznik, Ann Raskin, and Ina This Afternoon monia. She is survived by one daugh- hoped that the number would soon Leah Kroloff. .er, Mrs. Morris Grossman, with be increased considerably. Saturday morning delegates will The Mount Sinai Sisterhood Book whom she had made her home; six The German Chancellor repeated register at the Warrior Hotel. Sat- Review Circle will meet at the home sons, Herman, Sam and Meyer, all of his oft-expressed condemnation of urday noon, the Board of. Directors if Mrs. Edward E. Baron this after- Council Bluffs; Goodman and Arthur the refugees, who, he said, were oi" the Region will meet for a lunch- loon. Mrs. Baron will review "Little of Omaha, and Ben of Clarinda; one criminals. He- pointed out that the eon and meting. During, the "after- Man, What Now?" and Mrs. E. N. brother, Albert Simon of Omaha; and Nazi party was not persecuting polinoon, the visitors and local members Grueskin will r e v i e w "Another twenty-one grandchildren. tical opponents of Nazi-ism, but on will attend the East-Central football pring". The group meets once a game. : - ••••^ ••-month at the various members' Funeral services were held Sunday the contrary, was - endeavoring to afternoon at two o'clock at the Chevra gain them, and political opponents, . "• '•':'•'" '•'.: . - • " - " ' •> v • Saturday evening a buffet' supper . o m e s . B'nai Yisroel synagogue which was therefore, had- no;.reasons for leaving end Monte Carlo party will be' the crowded with relatives and friends Germany.. . '.?'/•' diversion. who came to pay their final tribute Amolians Hitler, iowever, in lumping toThe business session will be held to- Mrs. Meyerson. Rabbi David A. gether opponents-of the Nazis and Sunday morning at & o'clock. Sunconducted the services. Mr. the Jews, ignored the fact that no day afternoon from 4 to 6, the Sen- Basketball equipment will be pur- Goldstein I. Morgenstern > of Omaha, Rev. A. possibility had ever been offered the chased for the Arr"~ club> from ior Hadassah. chapter will be hostess ;nsored by Diamond and L. Wolf son spoke in Jews to live, peacefully undrr the to the delegates and members at a roceeds of the re next. The Jewish; eulogizing her full life.' Bur- present regime. •.-•'• tea in the ball room of the Sioux he group this mont ial took place at the Beth Hamedrosh Apartments. Sunday evening, an in- inal drawing will be held December Hagodol cemetery in Omaha.•• - Six . A regular meeting was held last formal dance will be held at the grandchildren of Mrs. Meyerson servunday afternoon. . ':"'" Warrior Hotel. ed as her pallbearers. '-' A number of out of town guests besides the Hadassah members^are Mount Sinai The Council Bluffs No. 688 of the expected to attend the dance Sunday Independent Order of the B'nai Britfc night. • . . ••••• • • • ; :...-•:• •:••• Rabbi Lewis will speak this evening on the subject "Fifteen Year3 will hold a regular meeting on next After the Armistice". The volun- Monday evenin, November 31, at 8:30 eer choir, which has been augmented o'clock at the Eagles hall. y several new members, will sing BERLIN (J. T. A.)—Fearing that Maurice Gilinsky of Milwaukee, uring the service. the anti-Jewish discriminaWise, arrived here Sunday for a ten Next Friday evening, Rabbi Myron day visit with his parents, Mr. and tionscontinued in commercial fields will inThe sixth annual Father and Son rl. Myers of St. Joseph, Missouri banquet, sponsored by the Shaare vill be the guest speaker at the Mrs. Abe Gilinsky. He made the trip crease unemployment this winter, the ' • ' " " • ' . Minister of Economics, Dr. Kurt Zion Synagogue, will be held Mon- ;ervices. . He will speak under tha by motor. Schmitt, not only confirmed an orday evening, November 20. Mr. Macy auspices of the Hebrew Union ColThe Council Bluffs Agudas Achim der of non-interference with Jewish Lipschutz will act as Toastma&ter. ege. Talks will be given by representative This Sunday morning, Rabbi Felix Society will hold a meeting .- next SHOTWIStL, MONSKY", GKODINSKX & VANCE, Afrtornej-s fathers and sons. A feature of the Levy of Chicago,~who will be in the Thursday evening, November 16, at evening will be the Three Genera- :ity to address the Junior Hadassah the Eagles hall at 8:30 o'clock. All PROBATE NOTICE In the Matter of the Kstate of Sllldred tion Table, at which fathers,, sons, onvention, will speak to the chil- members are urged to be present I*vy Holimun, Deceased. and grandfathers will be seated. dren : of ±he Religious School during The Council Bluffs Senior Hadassah Notice is hereby given: That the creditors of said deceased will meet the execuSpecialty numbers will be offered the school assembly. tor of, before me. County Judge entertained sixty-five guests at a by members of the Shaare Zion choir, of Houglns County, Nebraska, at the Counluncheon at the Hotel Chieftain Wed- ty Court Koom, in" said County, on tho Jack Merlin, and Kelly Abdo. 27th day of December, 3033, and on the nesday afternoon, as the opening af- 27th Shaare Zion day of February, 1934, at 1) o'clock r , M r . Lester Heeger is in charjja fair of the season. Following the A. Mi,each day, for the purpose of preof the reservations, which'are sevsenting their claims for examination, adan open meeting and proenty-five cents. The Ladies Aux- The services this evening will bs luncheon justment and allowance. Three months gram was given. Rabbi David A. allowed, for the creditors _to present iliary will cater for the dinner. Over under the direction of the' Junior Goldstein of Omaha was the principal are their claim's froni the -27th day. of NovemHadassah organization. The syna250 are expected to attend. ber, 1933. '•-•:. speaker and honored guest. Mrs. •ogue choir and Cantor Pliskin will BUY.CE CKAWFOUD. Herman Marowitz, president of the 11-3-33-St . .. County Judge. chant the ritual. David Tilevltz will read the law local chapter, gave a report of the Senior Hadassah Convention for the first time, at the Junior National which she attended'in Chicago recent"Meet Your ongregation service, Saturday mornMrs. Saul Suvalsky was general ing, at 10:45. Over 75 children atT ly. chairman in charge of this affair. Sholem Schwartzbard, nationally tend this service every Saturday known figure who was tried and morning. Those who have served as newly organized Jewish orchesacquited for the assasination- of Pet- cantor for this service, so far' this traThe of Council Bluffs will meet next lura, Jew-baiter and pogrom leader, year include David Tilevitz, Robert Sunday; November 12, at 11 will speak in Sioux City," next Tues- Pliskih, and Charles Shindler. Mr. o'clock atmorning, the home of Mr. J. 7.) Stadday evening, November 14. Schwartz and Mrs. M. Satin, will serve" re- i a s 614 Mynster street,, who is the bard was acquitted in the courts o] freshments to the Jr. Congregation organizer of this orchestra. Members Paris, where the assassnation occured this week. Others who have done of the orchestra; are Florence SteinMr. arid Mrs. Jo-a The case was parallel to the Drej- so this year- are : ; berg, piano;.; Jane Hoffman, JJstber '.''•' foos case and was watched by Jewry ivot. Steinberg, Sam Kutler, Igal Stadlan, throughout the world. - His acquital and Herbert Rosenthal, violin; Shirley Douglas won the acclaim and applause c-f Maltz, viola; Arnold Hoffman, clarinBusiness Girls Jew and Christian alike, at that Miss Kate Kaplan was e l e c t e d et; Rose Mendelson, flute; Thelma time. . president of the Business Girls' Club Passer, Sylvia Ross and Irving Cohen, Mr. Schwartzbard will speak in at their election Wednesday evening, saxophone and Ruth Shyken, director. Sioux City at the Jewish Community following a dinner. Miss Bess Ep- Any others who wish to Join should Center, under the auspices of the Po- stein was elected vice-president; Misg attend the gathering Sunday morning. ale Zion Branch of the Nationa Bessie Sekt, treasurer; Margaret Workers Alliance. The lecture wil Saitlin, secretary, and Eva Ginsberg, Miss Gwendolyn Meyerson, student begin at 8:15 o'clock. at the University of Nebraska, spent shopper. of Meetings are held each Wednesday the past week-end here visiting her parents, Mr. arid Mrs. Herman Meyerevening, at the Jewish Community PioneerWomen son, as she was called here due to the Eight new members were admitted Center. death of her grandmother. to the Pioneer Women's organization Tuesday afternoon, following an B'nai Brith Dave Kubby is expected today from address by Mr, M. Kaplan, on the Dr. J . N. Lande spoke before Denver, Colo., where he spent the : work of, tbe Pioneer Women, their members of the B'nai Brith Lodge at past week. projects in Palestine, and the assist- their meeting Tuesday : evening. He ance • they Have givento the German fold of hia travels through- Europe Mrs. N. Solzman returned home on refugees who have entered Palestine. and Palestine, and described the ccn- Wednesday from Hamburg, ia., where The lecture preceded a card party dition of the Jew in Europe. she visited her son and daughter-ingiven at the Jewish Community Con A report was made during the law, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Solzman, ter. Mrs. Nathan Elkiii was in charge meeting of the committee on "Re- and their infant daughter, Muriel, who of the* afternooh'i program. T newed Interest in B'riai Brith''. This was born October 27. bed spread raffled off by the or cimmittee is composed of past presi1 gunization, was won by E. E. Baron dents of the lode* The Junior Congregation will hold

Score in JUNIOR HADMSAH Players"Over the Hill" COpmiONFOR THIS WEE-END


Germany. At the- same time, the peasants, particularly in the Helberg district, near Nuremberg, the richest hop district in Germany, were ordered to stop selling hops to Jews. In the order to the breweries, the same character. Students complain of the incompetence of the Aryan sub- League stresses the declaration that stitutes who took the place of the "an end must be put to Jewish domination of this trade, which must be experienced Jewish professors. entrusted only to German hands." The Jewish Telegraphic Agency was informed by very reliable sources that the Ministry of Education is considering inviting back those dismissed Jewish professors who are war veterans and therefore do not fall under the Aryan clause, which Amsterdam, (J.T.A.)—A vigorous prohibits the employment of a Jew or even a descendant of a Jew. War drive against Nazi organizations in Holand is expected to follow adopveterans are exempted. tion by the second chamber of the Dutch parliament of the bill against firms, but explicitly disapproved the the use of uniforms by political oradditional instructions of the cham- ganisations hostile to the present bers of commerce advising Christian government. The law was passed by firms to display signs that they are a large majority after - the activities German enterprises. of uniformed Nazi groups had creDeclaring that the interests of la- ated much uneasiness in various bor come before the Jewish discrim- parts of the country. inations, Dr. Schmitt prohibited the The parliament also empowered government offices from issuing such trade signs to German firms and ordered the cancellation of blacklists Rev. A. Diamond which the chambers of commerce and various industrial institutions had Recognized as compiled for anti-Jewish boycott PRACTICAL MOHELpurposes. Phone 1059 However, the changed attitude of COUNCIL BLUFFS _ the Economics Ministry did not prevent the German Land Trade League, which concluded the agreement with the Palestine orange growers, from coming out with instructions to eliminate the Jewish traders from - the hop trade. In an order issued-to the breweries, the League declared that they must not buy hops from Jews, because it is against the interests of

Unable to Find Substitute, Nazis Restore Post to Jewish Scholar


Council Bluffs News




SHOimSLL, MON-SKT, CRODIXSKT & VANCE. Atotrneys 737 Omaha National Bank B i d e PKOBATE NOTICE

matters pertaining to said estate mny be finally settled and'<letf-rminrd. BltTCE CRAWFORD. ll-10:33-3t. ' County J d


Sch war tzbar d to Speak Here

EUG15XE EI.ASEU, Att$\ SOI Electric l i l d c r B O B A T E NOTICE In the Matter of the Estate of William T. . Fry, l>PCOiist>d. Notice is herelty piven : That (he creditors of said deceased will meet the executor of said estate, before me, County Judge of Kouglns Comity. Nebraska, nt the County Court Koom, In said County, on I he 27th day of December, 103;i, and on the "7th day of February. 1034. at D o'clock A. M., pnch day, for the purpose of presenting their claims for examination, ndjustmont .in<l iillownnce. Three months lire (illowpd for the creditors to present their rinims, from the 27th day of November, 1033. BKYCB CRAWFORD, ll-3-33-3t County Judge.

The Sisrn of Good Workmanship JA. 1614 Offices Brandeis L'heatre Bldg OMAHA


In the Matter of the Estate of KALPI1 OWENS, Deceased: ^Notice is hereby given that the creditors of said deceased will meet the administrator of said estate, before me, County Judge of Douglas County, Nebraska, at the County Court Koom, in said County, on tho 2nd day of January, 1934, and on the 2r.d day of March, 1934, nt 9 o'clock A- M., each day, for the purpose of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment ami allowance. Three months are allowed for the creditors to present their claims, from the 2nd Cay of December, 1033. BKrCE CRAWFORD, ll-10-33-0t. . County Judge. SltVERMAIf & ZACHARIA, Attyg. 7R8 BrnndWs Th. Bide. XOTICi: BY PUBLICATION OX TETITIOX FOB SETTLEMENT OF FINAL ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. In the Matter of the Estate of THERESA IRENE CI-AltEY, Deceased. All persons interested in said matter are hereby notified that on the 3rd day of November, 1933, Harry B. Cohen filed a petition in said County Court, praying that his final administration account filed herein be settled and allowed, and that he l>e discharged from his trust us administrator and that a hearing •will be had on said petition before snid Court on the 2nd day of December. 1933. and that if you fail to appear before said Court on the said 2nd day of December, 19X1, at 9 o'clock A. M., and contest said peteition, the Court may grant the prayer of Said petition, enter a dorrre of heirship, and. mnke such other and further orders, allowances and decrees, as to this Court may seem proper, to the end that .ill

the Ministry of Education to introduce a numerus clusus in Dutch uni-. versities, restricting the number of forsign students on the basis of their race.

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