November 17, 1933

Page 1

mtedtoAhe. deals of Judaism

'tuitrn'il »» I'hH nt tlmahn.

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In the Interests of the J€7viah People

let un J:tnu:<r>- 'Si, VJ21, sr ler tbe Act <if Marcb 8. tKiU


Newark Germans Disavow Hitlerites



VOL. IX—No. 42

Plan to Celebrate 88th Birthday of Harry Friedman


Omaha Lodge No. 354 of Bnai NEWARK, N. J. (J. T. A.)—DeBrith will celebrate Mr. Harry Frieding recent attempts by Nazi man's SStli birthday anniversary by pathizers "to disrupt the unity of Oerman-American elements here and honoring him at a gala stag mect|ing to be held on December 5 at Mussolini's Government First to Avenger of Ukrainian Pogroms elsewhere," the G e rm a ri-American JLeague of Essex Comity again unanii ^ ™^ j Give Institution Sura to Calls for Spirit of mously re-elected John C. Koerber, Maccabeans of; this city and South Orange, as its Mr. Friedman first came to Omaha | Extend Learning president. Koerber was emphatic in M in 1870 and after an absence of sev- j Jews have always been ready ; to Reprinted from" "Literary Digest* eral years returned a^ain in 1886 ' N E W "iORK (J. T. A.)—The Italshed their blood for all the nations of denouncing the "bombing" with Nazi and established his permanent resi- i l a n Government has made a grant to the world; today they must be willing literature of a German Day celebraStanley High was sent to Ger s co-Prussian war, 1870-1571, Germany Nazis preach that in all of this, the tion in Springfield last summer, and dence He hasin given much and o fii t h e Hebrew University in Palestine to make supreme sacrifices for their lifehere. and energy communal many*" to personally obtain accur- entered upon a period of "wild eco- Jews - were leaders. And the indivi- his for the life and energy in communal and own people," declared ' Sholom Sch- enerally has frowned upon Hitlerite ate and impartial information far nomic speculation. The result was a dual who is probably the most prom- his philanthropic work. During the year iIcchhaaiirr i n Purpose of establishing a overtures to his people. wartzbard in an address in Yiddish Languages anti in Germany-told «* 1890 he joined the old Nebraska ! Literature, Romance with special emphasisand on inent anti Semite Semite Germanytold That Koerber's attitude meets with the Literary Digest concerning the severe economic crisis for which inent me blandly t h a t ^in e would have no Lodge ofB'nai Brith and has served j Italian, according to an announcement before a large audience at the J. C. C. somebody had blamed. The Jews happenings under the Nazi regime. me, Dianaiy, tnar we would have no < = id h b th A i Frid Lodge m au Wednesday. "Jews throughout the the confidence of .the League mem- In this article, reprinted -from the ' were conveniently at hand, some of me blandly t h a t ^ e official posis. no^ ii-or th For meP lasi a q . received here bv the ouiciai o r me . American Friends Dianaiy, tnar we would have no hirtv <= years official of t h e •world, particularly, the J-ewry of Ger- bers was indicated by the fact that Literary Digest, this well-known them in important financial positions. me, he has served faithfully • Hebrew LDiversity, Dr. A. S. probably know"—it happened that I j tm a u ouiciai many, must protect their right to be the by-laws were suspended in order nbn-Jewish observer writes of the Responsibility, therefore, was pinned crime if we had no Jews. As y o u!i •> t hirtv years he jews, must fight for their liberty and, to permit his election for another . Nazi program of anti-Semitism, on them. if nscessary, even, give up their lives year. At the same time the members which he terms a major tragedy, In 1925 there were !S$4~,379 Jews in post ._. , For all this wholesale and ridicuaffirmed "the solidarity of the or:w a for their Jewishness." . s instrumental m securing the subganization with Koerber in his stand of modern times. Mr. High points Germany. Some of thesi, undoubtedly lous indictment the Jews, in the bsst | The committee in charge of ar- Schwarzbard became a hero of the against -uncalled-for activities of Nazi out that though practically all the had come into the coonfey from East, rangements, headed by Dr. Philip j sidy frommbach the. Itatlian tooth-: stated. Government, Dr. Heinz plan j Dr. Jewish people when in i926 in Paris propagandists." German nation's ills have been ern Europe during Jhd since the fashion, are to be made to pay. In Sher Sher and and Leo Leo Abramson, Abramson, are are planhe shot and killed General Simon PetPflaum,Languages formerly and instructor of Medblamed on the Jews, the ultimate war. The. overwhelin|ag majority, theory, of course, the Nazis propose ning- an entertaining musical pro-!jiaeval Literatures at lura, the instigator of the bloody antisource of Nazi hatred is to be however, were traditionally and cul- only to put the Jews in their proper gram. Refreshments will be served. the Hebrew University, will be in Semitic Ukrainian pogroms of 1918found in Hitler himself—The turally German, and aiad been for place. That is, since 1 per cent of the charge of the new subjects, which generationskThey had -no other home 20; Petlura and ;his band had killed total population of Germany is Jeweditor. will be supplemented by preparatory and they knew no other fatherland. ish, 1 per cent of the nation's opporSchwartzbard's kin before his very classes in Italian, under the charge Hitler came to power on a twenty- Their contributions to tjie life of the tunities will be left to Jews. That is eyes. A French jury acquitted of Dr. A. Verdi, it was announced. five plankplatform. There -was a nation, culturally, economically and Schwartzbard with honor, finding that the theory. The practice is something Dr. Rosenbach expressed the hope plank for everybody. Hitler has not politically, were significant. The different. In practice, the National- j he shot in self-defense in avenging that the example set by the Italian made good on all of them, but GerJews represent only 1 per cent of the his murdered people. Socialists are out to eliminate the Government -would be emulated by many has an unflagging faith that population and yet* of thirty Ger- Jews from the nation entirely and as _ Throughout his address Schwartzothers. He pointed out that the grant, he will. To be sure, he frequently mans who have won Nobel prizes in fast as it is economically safe to do bard decried Jewish negation. He Biennial Conclave Held in Oma- changes his emphasis and his methwhich is the first that any governvarious fields, eight have been Jews. so. If there are still unmolested Jews stressed the necessity of. asserting ment has ever made to the univerha on Tuesday and ods. But that is the privilege of dicIt is a common Nazr&ssertion that onself before one can expect to obtain tators, a privilege notably exercised the Jews of Germany (did less than in Germany—and I suppose there j Dorothy Thompson First Speak- sity, was in recognition of the high Wednesday the respect of others. academic standing of the Palestinian in the case of Mussolini and of Sta- their patriotic duty in 3he war. Such are some—the reason for their eser December 4 for Comcape is either mere chance or the "If we must die, let us die like institution, as well as an indication A full program, replete with in lin. Like those two antidemocratic a statement is born of prejudice. The fact that they happen to be in pomunity Forum of the good-will of the Italian Govbrave and courageous men," he stated. teresting events, made the biennial contemporaries, however, Hitler has facts prove quite the opposite. Of the ernment towards the Hebrew Uni"We-Jews, today must show that our conference of this district of the Na- convinced the German people that, total Jewish population, 17.3 per sitions where, for the time being, it spirit is equal to that of the Macca- tional Federation of Temple Sister- shift his tactics as he may, his fun- cent saw service in the Gsrman Army would be inexpedient for the Nazis to] When Dorothy Thompson, known versity. trouble them. In the end, unless there in private life as Mrs. Sinclair Lewis, beans of yore." Students at the Hebrew University hoods, held in Omaha Tuesday and damental objectives remain the same. and Navy. That compares favorably is an unlooked-for change in the Nazi opens the Community Forum series The speaker deplored the lack of Wednesday, November 14 and 15, a There are, however, three planks with the 18.73 per cent of non-Jew- purposes, they will all be eliminated. at the Jewish Community Center can now take courses in Hebrew, Arabic, Greek, Latin Languages and unity in Jewish ranks, emphasizing huge success. in the National-Socialist platform ish Germans who were in the servThey are being eliminated in Monday evening, December 4, she . Rosenbach pointed that their common purposes should The officers elected Wednesday* af- from which there has been no devi- ice. It is a particularly good show- wholesale fashion as it is. This is 1 will bring to the local rostrum a per- L i t e r a, t,u r e S f D r out T h e n e x t s t e p t o b e un( jertaken form a bond of unity. He also de- ternoon were: Mrs. Myron Meyer of ation. It is from those three planks ing in view of the fact that the Jewre particularly true in the professions, sonahty and charm which has — ~ 'j by the university in the field of Eunounced war. . . St. Joseph, re-elacted p r e s i d e n t ; that the Nazis have directed their ish birth-rate had been falling rapid- Many of Germany's finest doctors ceived highly favorable comment. ropean Languages and Literatures," He declared that today in Europe Mrs. Bernard Hassenbusch, St. Jo- drive against the Jews. In that drive ly during the years before the war— the Jewry is looking to America for seph, first vice-president; Mrs. Her- there has been no appreciable let-up. which probably moref than accounts are Jews. They are not forbidden to! Dorothy Thompson is a famous said Dr. Rosenbach, "will be in the practise. But the Government has | newspaper correspondent and is the of introducing; English as a protection, defense and salvation. man Brown, Des Moines, second vice- There- is not likely to be any let-up for this slight differjnce in service seen to it that their practises, in so! author of a number of brilliant ar- direction special department. There is an opuntil, as one party official put It to percentage. Moreovef,%f 96,000 Jews Schwartzbard is .physically a small president; Mrs. Morris E. Jacobs, man, with hair_ which, is rapidly turn- Omaha, secretary; Mrs. Herbert Ro- me, "the only-Jews to be found in in the service, 12,000 were killed and far as possible, are taken away. tides on Russia, and more recently jp o r t u n i t r n o w t 0 t a b e courses in Eu, jr o p e a n Languages and Literatures of 78 per cent saw service at the front. About 85 per cent, of German medi- on Germany. ing white. •. He is extremely modest senberg, St. Lcuis, treasurer; Mrs. Sermany are in our museums." cal income comes from membership She is a penetrating observer who ]t h e M i d d l e A g e S ; a s w e l l a S p r e p a r . The anti-Semitism of the Hitler and -will not talk about himself. He Julius Oelsner, Kansas City, auditor. A Ware of: Hate in the so-called panels of the health- knows her world, and today is recog- | a t o r y c o u r s e s i n S y r i a c a n d Latin, saw service with the French during Following the final luncheon arid platform is contained in those secThese facts are iirr|ortant historiinsurance offices. Jews have been] nize ^L £ f ?ne^°Lt}!e b e S t a u t h o n t i e s | b u t " i t is necessary to acquaint the the war. and.won the.highest medal meeting at the J. C C., an informal tions which have to do • with German cally.-They are of nof importance so practically eliminated from these i on Hitler's Germany. students on Mount Scopus with rood-. which the French, government be- reception and tea was given' at the citizenship. "Only a member of our far, as t h e , . p r e s e n t l y lot of the panels. While. I was in Berlin an anHer address here will deal with je m EnTopean : lit eratures. In addition own people,"says point four, "may .stpwed. He.;;-'is"l;a watcTimaker by. home of Mrs. A.^ Goldstein. V German Jew is concerned. His lot is ntrancement was published of a forth- Germany, and it is reputed that her jt o ^ I t a l i a n stu dies now introduced, trad©/ _and «n insurance salesman: by ~ Reports of; 12^ district committee h a citizen. Our own people /are only - the ^facts but coming.meeting of the Berlin Medical lectures are as vigorous as her lit- this would involve the establishment being g detemiBed profe'ssionl . ~" "' • "*'; chairmen featured the Wednesday tbsse^of "German blood- without referAssociation. The announcement car- erary productions. of teaching- in English, French and In addition, he is tile-president and morning session. Resolutions were ence to confession. Therefore, no by the anti-Semitic •fury which Hit- ried, in black-faced type, this line: The Omaha Press Club, consisting German." Jew may be a member of our peoler and his associates have -carefully founder of ihfe JewiBh Self-Defense adopted thanking Omahans for hos"Jews will not be admitted." Aryan of women writers of Omaha, will enCorps, having established branches. in pitality and approving plans'"to .in- ple." And points live and six go on, nourished through the last ten years doctors cannot call non-Aryan doc- tertatin Dorothy Thompson during: Agrarian Economics Chair. Although the University is located France, Holland, Roumania and Pal- stitute extension work for Jewish more specifically, to declare that and which, - with the advent of Na- tors into consultation or send their her stay here. non-citizens (that is, Jews) can- live tional-Socialism to power, has broon English mandated territory, there estine. people in small communities. Season Tickets. patients to them.- Aryans are likein Germany only as guests; that they ken out in full force. is as yet no chair in English at the Schwartzbard was brought -to OmaThe Tuesday afternoon session "was are subject to the laws governing The other lectures include Norman wise forbidden to have medical partThe.ultimate source of this unpreha under the auspices of the Arbeiter featured by a symposium on the JewThomas, Bishop Francis J. McCon- university, Dr. Rosenbach stated. foreigners; that "every public office, cedented wave of hate is, unquestion- nerships with non-Aryans. The establishment of a chair in Verband. ish, woman, • yesterday, today and to- no matter of what sort, "whether in ably, Adolf Hitler, himself. Antinell, Oswald Garrison Villard, and The same discriminations apply" to Agrarian Economics, sponsored by morrow, in which Rabbis David Gold- the Reich, the States or the Com- Semitism, with him, is a religion. He lawyers—many of the more success- Maurice Samuel. William Grodinskv, .chairman of j the Jewish National Fund, was also stein, Uri Miller and David Wice par- munes, shall be filled only by citi- can, if the occasion demands, speak ful of whom were Jews. Jewish the educational committee in charge announced by Dr. Rosenbach. The octicipated. and act moderately on almost any judges have been eliminated from the of the Forum lectures, states that cupant of the new post will be named Th-a conference was opened by an zens. subject. Moderation has never been nation's courts. Many Jewish lawA- Major Tragedy address by Mrs. Myron Meyer as presseason tickets are still available to ' after the meeting of the Board or known to characterize him in regard yers are forbidden even to enter the Governors of the Hebrew University, Germany's Jews have thus been to the Jews. This uncompromising court-room. They, like the doctors, the general public. ident. Delegates had registered from which is to take place for the first the states of Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas disfranchised. Season tickets for the five lecfanaticism is not something new in are forbidden to form partnerships This they could probably endure Hitler's character. He was an en- with Aryans. And more serious than tures are selling at three dollars. time in Jerusalem, during January. and Missouri. : To aid in devising plans for an exDes Moines was chosen for the 1935 and even be moderately'happy about thusiastic anti-Semite long before the this, few sensible Germans, with a Single admissions will be one dollar. pansion of the Hebrew University it, if disfranchisement were the Further information regarding the convention. :. Court case ahead of them, would war. Dr. Jacsb Singer of Chicago, naInterspersed ^imong the. business whole story. It is only the beginning. In Vienna where as a young man, dare to defy the prevailing prejudice lectures mav be obtained at the Jew- | activities, it was announced that a • special Survey Committee has been tionally known-authority on Jewish sessions were luncheons and varied The whole story reveals what is un- he went to make his fortune, the la- by risking their cases with Jews. ish Community Center. questionably, the sorriest aspect of bOT-unions were generally dominated The anti-Semitic bias of the Naziappointed, headed by Sir Philip Harmusic and Jewish wit and humor, is entertainments. ..:..'. tog, former Academic Registrar of announced as ~ the opening speaker Mrs. Harry Rosenfeld was general the Hitler regime and makes Ger- by Socialists. Some of the leading approved judges of Germany makes th3 University of London, and Viceon the Jewish Lecture Series, spon- chairman in .charge of arrangements many's Jews the victims of one of Socialists were Jewish. When, there- it too unlikely that a Jewish advoChancellor of the" University of Dacsored by the Junior Vaad organiza- for the conference. Mrs. Carl Furth the major tragedies of modern times. fore, Hitler found that he could not cate would receive fair treatment ca, India. The committee will proceed tions of Omaha. Dr. Singer will lec- is president of the Omaha Sisterhood. To tell it properly calls, first of all, get or keep a job without joining a at the hands of the court. for the recounting of a bit of history. labor-union he blamed his difficulto Jerusalem at once in order that ture on "Jewish Wit and Humor" in There has been a similar drive There have been Jewish settlements ties on the Jews. This animosity grew against this report may be presented at the Omaha on Tuesday, December 12, at Jewish professors and stuin the territory now comprising Ger- to a downright hatred during the dents. The meeting cf the' Board of Governors. the J. C. C. auditorium. National-Socialists are many from at least the year A. D. months in which he wandered, penni- taking no chances with the publicDr. Singer, present rabbi at Tem1000. As in the case of-the Jews in less, through the streets of Vienna. school system. The youth of the land ple Mizpah in Chicago, has received Europe generally, their lot varied It was developed and intensified with are to be brought up in the teachdegrees from the University of Cinwith the temper of the times. They the growth of his own pride in the cinnati, Hebrew Union College, and of "pure Aryanism." To the Berlin, (J.T.A.)—A Temondous achwere alternately welcomed, tolerated Teutonic race, his belief in its di- ings from Johns Hopkins' University. He Nazi mind Jewish instructors are ievement for Germany Jewry as well The men of the Conservative conhas taught at Northwestern UniverBUCHAREST, Roumania, (J.T.A.) or condemned as suited the purposes vine destiny ar.d his bitterness to- not qualified for the teaching of such as a clever move by the Nazi regime are forming a Men's ^ __<_i. . sity, and is the present director of —King Carol's disapproval of the of princes or fitted the mood of their ward anything, and in particular to- doctrine any more than Jewish stu- was seen in the official recognition by | =gregation the B'nai Brith Hillel Foundation at anti-Semitic policy of the Roumanian subjects. When persecution was the ward the Jews, which seemed to him dents are in a position to receive it. the German government of the Jew- j to promote greater sociability and students led by Professor Alexander order of the day, the excuse was usu- to stand in the way of its realiza- Jewish professors, therefore, have ish Youth Association of Gerrnany brotherhood among themselves. They Of special interest to Nebraskans Cuza, was openly demonstrated here ally religious. The Jew was outlawed tion. been almost completely ousted and "•he Reichs Commissar for youth af- •will hold their first meeting: this comAs National-Socialism grew in Jewish students so severely discrim- fairs announced that hereafter the ins Wednesday evening, beginnine is the fact that Dr. Singer formerly >y the Icing while attending the open- and attacked, not for racial reasons, but chiefly because his religion was strength in Germany, the Nazi case inated against as to make the busi- government would recognize the as- with a dinner at G:SO p.m. at the taught at the University of Nebras- ing of the University of Jassy. The king refused to visit the dor- alien and because, specifically, his against the Jews grew and expanded ness of getting an education intol- iciation as the official representative J. C. C. ka as associate professor of music. body for the Jewish youth movement He is also the composer of numer- mitory of the Cuzist students, where religious faith and its devotees were until, by the time the Brown Shirts erably difficult. The following- are active in tbo with whom the government v.ill nego- founding of the club: William Racous operettas and songs, and is an elaborate preparations for his recep- held to be responsible for the cruci- took over the country, everything There are still Jewish students. fixion of Christ. that they looked upon as evil was But their lot is a sorry one. They tiate any problems of tlie Jewish usin, Horace Rosenblum, Dr. Morris accomplished musician as well as an tion had been made. Margolin, Meredith Kcnyon, Arthur int^nseiv interesting public speaker. Speaking at the ceremonies, King But. with the nineteenth century, held to be of Jewish origin. The are often ignored by their teachers. youth that may arise. This recognition of the Jewish j Colin, J. Malashock. An intense ticket sale drive was Carol stressed the importance of the that reason for anti-Jewish hostility Germans—so the Nazi story runs— They are frequently segregated in launched at a meeting of the lecture students abstaining from politics. lost much of-its potency. A large part did not suffer military defeat in the a separate section of the classroom. Youth Association means the legaliza- j Membership in the club is open series committees cf the Junior Vaad "Your only duty is to concentrate of the Western world, then, was go- war. In the field "the German Army Their fellow students, particularly tion of the entire Jewish Youth move- only to those who are members and the Young Men's Vaad, held on your studies, in which your ing democratic One of the principles was never defeated." The Armistice in the universities, have no dealings, ment and opens possibilities for wide the* congregation. Reservations for of democracy—a principle first set was a result of a "stab-in-the-back," either academic or social, with them. Jewish cultural and sport youth ac- the first dinner meeting may be mart* Wednesday evening, November 15. strength lies," he told them. The Cuzist students were infuriat- forth in the American Constitution— that is, was the result of revolu- They are forbidden scholarships. In tivities. It will also entitle the execu- with one of the committee or by callMembers of the committee are Sam Finltel. Julius Froom, Dave Himel- ed and laid the blame at the door was religious, freedom. And religious tionary outbreaks behind the lines Berlin I was told that the tram-car tive of the association to issue special ing the J. C. C. stein, D a v i d Slobodinsky, Haskell of the rector of the university. They freedom, as those early democrats which brought about the overthrow company which sells student-tickets identification cards to local organizaCohen, David Fishman, Euddy Mittle- accused him of having been respon- prescribed it, covered the case of the of the monarchy. This stabbing say at reduced rates has refused to ex- tions of Jewish youth all over German, Bess Rubenstein, Sarah Mala- sible for the snub administered them Jews. Anti-Jewish hostility was not, the Nazis, was the work of Jews. tend that privilege to Jewish stu- many, which are to be recognized by the local authorities, thus protecting of course, destroyed. But a new exAll the miseries of the decade and dents. shock, Dora Freshman, Bess Kirsh- by the nation's ruler. enbaum, Martha Lippett, and Henry The anti-Semitic students stoned cuse had to be found for maintaining a half that followed find a similar This is no casual or temporary the local Jewish youth groups from A Youth Forum for young men Maezamin, who is general chairman. the home of the rector and broke it. For the Jew-baiters, therefore, explanation. The nation was "dis- policy. It has been carefully con- molestation by the local Nazis or and women over 18 years of age is honored" by the terms of the Peace sidered and, in my opinion, it will police. The entire Jewish community of the windows of his residence. The anti-Semitism" saved the day. Together with the announcement of being organized by Rabbi David H. Anti-Semitism makes out its case Treaty. Well, declare the Brown- continue. This fall, at the opening of Omaha will be canvassed during the rector was not intimidated and orWice. The first meeting of the drive. Season tickets, good for the dered a thorough investigation and against the Jews not so much on re- Shirts, the Jews forced its accept- the present academic year, Ger- the recognition by the government, group will be held at Temple Israei ance. Impossible peace terms were the executive body of the Jewish stern disciplinary measures against ligious as on Tacial grounds. The entire series of five events, are $1.50. many's universities published simulanti-Semite regards the Jew as a imposed. All right, the Jews dictated taneously, the following declaration: Youth Association issued a call over on Sunday afternoon, November li», Single admissions are priced at 50c. the anti-Semitic student group. starting at 4:30 p.m. member of an alien race, wholly un- them. Economic chaos overtook GerReservations may be made with Rab"Our most dangerous enemy is the the signature of the late Dr. Ludwig The group, it is planned, will stress many in the inflation-—a chaos which, Tietz, president of the association, assimilable, whose presence within bi Uri Miller, or at the Jewish Com- History of Sephardic Jews Jew and every one connected with social and cultural activities and will munity Center. SEATTLE.—A leader of the Seph- the structure of "white" civilization as the propaganda puts it, Jewish fi- him. The Jew can only think Jew- who died within a few hours after among other things study the latest nanciers engineered ar.d by which the recognition was announced, callis held to be a menace to its existish. If he writes German, he lies. ardic group here, Albert Levy, prinworks in economics, religion, science cipal of the Sephardic Talmud Torah, ence. This point of view is nowhere they profited. Economic chaos was The German who writes German but ing upon all Jewish youth organiza- and politics, and see whether these Prom Berlin to Ann Arbor followed by social and moral disintetions in Germany to intensify all more graphically stated than by Mr. thinks un-German is a traitor. We ANN , ARBOR, Mich.—Expelled will be the author of the first hisharmonize with their religious confrom Germany by the anti-Semitic tory of the-Sephardic Jews in Amer- Hitler himself, in the unexpurgated gration: German women went into censor Jewish works. We wish Ger- their activities and to make all efforts cepts. activities for which they were never to fit the young Jewish generation to edition of his autobiography. But man students to destroy Jewish inorders of the Nazi regime, Prof. ica. Mr. Levy has just returned from such; a doctrine had strong support intended, the German home was men- tellectualism. We demand that stu- the newly-created circumstances. Heinz Werner, famous psychologist, SPRINGFIELD, Mass. — Henry •will come to.the University of Mich- visits to Lbs^Angeles and Portland long before Hitler. It had. particu- aced, immorality was rife in the na- dents and professors should be cho- , The news will undoubtedly serve as tion's cities and corrupting motiona. strong stimulus for thousands of Martens, German-born Mayor-elect larly strong support in Germany dursen from Germans and that the Gerigan for a year's stay as special lec- to gather material for the book which Jewish youths, who- especially within of this city received a large plurality turer, according to Dr. Alexander is to include a survey of present ing the last three decades of the pictures and literature spread the the provinces, felt lost in the recent election. (Continued on Page 3) Ruthven, president of the University. Sephardic life in the TTnited States. nineteenth century. After the ~Fran- havoc through the countryside. The



By Stanley High






Conservative Synagog

Being Organized


Form Round Table VAAD FATHER, SON of Jewish Youth BANQUET ON SUNDAY

To Minority Rights Leo Motzkin Was Outstanding Figure in World Jewry By Jacob De Haas

er man. He was jealous of his pre- diction in his policy. "Don't telli I am rogatives. He gave his vice-chairmen Zionist first and last, but these peoa show, but at the critical • moment, ple will never understand us till they Motzkin was on the platform assert- have individually discovered the impossibility of their theories. Time, ing his authority. That he managed to preside over time is on our side." It was this atthe congress and the General Council titude that gave him. his superb tolfor eight years with increasing affec- erance in Zionist affairs. tion on the part of the delegates so When it came to a clash of printhat he was the one man on whom all ciples, Motzkin was always to be united without caucus or "trade," found four square but he had in later Junior Hadassah was evidence of some rare quality in years no objection to avoiding the isthe man, some faith that he inspired, sue, when it could be postponed. It Omaha chapter of the Junior Hathat took him wholly out of the nor- was therefore characteristic of him dassah sent the largest representamal rut. He loved endurance tests and that he chose to be schnorrer for tion of visitors to the Southwestern ended every congress at breakfast stranded delegates whatever their Regional Convention of the Junior time after an all night session. Spry viewpoints, and generally appealed Hadassah, which was held last weekand determined despite the serious for aid first to their opponents. end in Siuox City, Iowa. Mr. and heart malady from which he suffered, "They are our people" was his ex- Mrs. Max Fromkin chaperoned the he. could be found a few hours after planation. The Jewish national exist- Omaha delegation at the Convention Dance which was held Sunday night one of these gruelling tests ready to ence was a reality to him. preside at some committee meeting, Soldier,- captain of the Jewish na- at the Hotel Warrior. Besides the commenting audibly on a decadent tional cause. It i? part of that trag- forty members of the local chapter edy he so well understood that only a who attended the convention, approxgeneration that needed sleep. fraction of his life can be told and imately thirty young men from OmaBehind it all was the national movemotored to Sioux City on Sunday ment to which he had welded himself only a few leaves scattered over the ha to attend the dance. bier of the brave, honest, confident, The death of Leo Motzkin in his in his youth. To re-nationalize the self-reliant soul. ^At the business session of the conJews was his objective and he was as 66th year, leaves the world poorer by vention, Miss Ida Fine was re-elected the passing of cne of the men who keen about life in the Diaspora as in second vice president, ar.< Miss Dora literally made Jewish history in the Palestine. He came to the first conHadassah Freshman was chosen a board mempast half century. The Motzkin type gress as a leader of a youth moveof the region. Mrs. Max Fromkin, are little understood, and perhaps less ment that showered flowers on him A luncheon will be given at the ber sponsor of the Omaha Junior Haappreciated in the United S t a t e s when he proclaimed his views on cul- J. C. C. November 28 in honor of dassah chapter, also took a very where Judaism is essentially a rab- tural effort in the Diasporp in oppo- the new members, with a gala pro- active part at the convention and asbinic function, and Jewish^ secular and sition to the policies of Herzl. That gram planned. sisted the committee in the outlining national life a phrase rather than a incipient effort died but Motzkin The luncheon is being given by the resolutions that were adopted fact, to most Jews. In his youth, came to the second congress with a Mrs. Sol Novitsky, membership chair- of for the Junior Hadassah. counting by actual years, rather than nascent "Democratic faction" which man, and her committee,, the MesA report of the convention was mentality, Motzkin, Russian born, be- lived to 1901 and then it too dis- dames Julius Abrahamson, J. Blank, came a student in Berlin and there a p p e a r e d . He championed "lost J. J. Friedman, Joe Goldware, O. C. made at a meeting held Thursday unlearnt whatever tendencies he may causes" with alacrity. 'He knew Ahe Goldner, A. I. Kulakofsky, J a c k evening at the Jewish Community have had, in common with the intel- Jews could not win equality in Rus- Kaufman, Irvin Levin, M. Margolin, Center. Following this report, the ligentsia of his period, towards as- sia but he fought for it just the same. I. W. Rosenblatt, Phil Rosenblatt, Thanksgiving Dance plans were dissimilation. In Berlin in 1883 he was He took the long distance view. Julius Stein, B. A. Simon, and L. cussed, as now that the convention is over, every effort is being made to one of three students who organized All these failures were contributions Sogolow. a Jewish national academic society, to the molding of character, the re- A dance program by Gloria and have this annual dance, which is being held November 30 at the Hotel and the Gospel he preached in it col- making of Jewry, which concerned ored his whole life and fashioned his him greatly. When I asked him what Lois Novitsky will be given; also, a Fontenelle, a huge success. Tickets dramatic reading, "Forsaken and may be purchased from any member career. he had achieved in his two monumen- Others/' by Alice Duer Miller. of the organization, and a prize will A natural linguist, he had half a tal volumes on the Constitutional Reports will be given by delegates be given to the member who sells dozen languages ready on his lips, Riots in Russia, in 1905-06, he an-, to the recent national convention of the most tickets. and even in advanced years acquired swered me off-hand: "The organiza- Hadassah in Chicago. A floor show is being arranged a working knowledge of English on tions that contribute to the publicaand will be a feature attraction at tion of this work may sometime rea visit to the United States.- This The annual xummage sale of the the Thankegiving dance. Several door made "him a flexible force in that member-that'there were" riots; I'cul- Omaha chapter of Hadassah will be prizes will also be given free to the Jewish cause that knows no parish, tivated their memories." held at 1313 Farnam street, Tuesday holders of the lucky numbers. has 'no set boundaries, and at times His visit to America impressed him and November 21 and 22. sets" up new organizations over night with the American outlook. He rode The Wednesday, store will be open Monday to rewhen it lacks some visible instrument one night with me across Brooklyn ceive bundles. Those in have Conservative Auxiliary for its particular purpose. Bridge. The scene impressed him. bundles picked up, callwishing Mrs. I. Gross"This is a new kind of beauty. It is man, Harney 7153. A brisk ticket sale for the series Stubby Man, Scraggy Beard. in the books and will not be Physically he was not prepossess- not of eight book reviews is reported by ing, a stubborn type, a wiry mouth approved by the academic, but I am the chairman, Mrs. Mose Yousem, and Book Keview Group No. 2 of Saand a scraggy beard. He had no so- willing to borrow the whole setting dassah will meet at the home of Mrs. a capacity attendance is expected for cial graces, was indifferent to his for transference, from Bethlehem to A. D. Frank on Tuesday, November the first on the program, a review of wardrobe; he was Leo Motzkin, men- the Dead Sea." 21, at 1:30 p.m. Mrs. O. S. Belzer "Anthony Adverse" by Rabbi Goldstein tal free-lance and "elder of Zion" in The "Double-Faced" Leo. will review "This People," by Lud- on Monday, Dec. 11. tweeds or tuxedo. His dignity and He organized the Delegations Juive wig- Lewisohn. The series is open to the public. A worth, and both had full. expression, at the Paris Peace conference and season ticket for members is $1 and exposed themselves in his intellectual struggled for minority rights, and for non-members $1.50. ability to rise to great occasions; He maintained the organization through Hatikvoh possessed moral honasty and the abil-; the succeeding years. I noticed that ity to clothe in words serious aspira- when Motzkin entered a Zionist gath- A clever mock wedding "with all Appointed tions. No one would have set jdown ering the " minority rights cause did the trimmin's" featured the hardMotzkin as an orator. On the con- not exist for him—he was Palestine time dance of the Hatikvoh Club Jack Marer has been appointed as trary, sometimes in these later years, Centric, and. in the minority sessions Sunday evening at the J. C. C. About a member of the juvenile crime preafter his recovery from a stroke of he blocked Palestine from his vision. 250 attended. , - • vention committee of the United paralysis, he mumbled, and lost him- One day I commented on this mental The "bride" was Mr. "Hyman States Junior Chamber of Commerce. self in a stream of words. Then sud- feat, reproaching him that as a poli- Brown, who was fashionably dressed denly the spent frame would be con- tical Zionist there was some contra- in a white muslin gown. '.'Her" veil trolled and one listened to a man To Present Show was made of white netting, the wholly conscious cf responsibility, on crown of red crepe paper tied under The Jewish Operetta Company will whom the whols Jewish tragedy Pre-Season Loop the chin with a pink bow. "She" present a Yiddish play, "Mazel Tov weighed heavily, and who was chooscarried a withered bouquet of paper Yiddelech", at the J. C. C. Sunday ing :the fit word, the language of Ends First Round roses. The "groom" was Joe Nitz, evening, November 19, at 8:30 p.m. statecraft and determination. And who was in a full-dress suit, several The actors of this traveling comwith it, as he swung from German The first round of the Junior pre- sizes too short. "Bridesmaids" car- pany will be heard over radio stainto: ;.Hebrew, or interrupted himself season basketball league ended las* j ied bouquets of vegetables tied in tion KICK this evening, from 9:J5 in Russian, there was a quaint, even Sunday with the Pants Store in fir? j 11-colored ribbons. Betty Kuklin was 9:45, and on Sunday from 12:30 elfish, type of humor, for he looked place and the Tuxis A. C. close on .lower girl and Gertrude Bernstein to gleefully at the members of any com- their heels. The Kant Knocks are en- ring bearer. Mr. Phil Harris "bless- to 1 p.m. mittee when he had turned its tense- camped in third position and the A. ed" the couple. ness into a laugh. Z.;A. 100 is last. In. the last series Prizes for hard-time costumes were games the Tuxis trounced the won by Mr. and Mrs. Paul NerenIn these later years Motzkin was of Knocks, 19 to 9, and the A. berg, dressed as " M a m m y " and above all the chairman of the Zionist Kant Z. A. lost to the Pants Store, 16 to 6. "Sambo"; Mr. Phil Harris, as CharCongress. He did many other things, did .,-them perhaps better, but from Garber of the Kant Knocks re- lie Chaplin; Mrs. Sam Lebowitz as 1925;'he was the presiding officer over tained first place in the league scor- a Russian peasant. Judges were Mrs. a fractious assembly that he knew ing with 19 points, although he was L. Neveleff,- Ben Kazlowsky, and and) understood better than any oth- idle last week. Gendler of the Tuxis Rabbi Uri Miller. isj second with 17; Kutler, team-mate The next meeting of the Hatikvoh of Gendler, occupies third place with Club will be held at the J. C. C. Offer Shoe Comfort at 16. Wednesday evening, November 22.

As a keen and relentless champion of the rights of Jews, Dr. Leo Motzkin, who died at the age of 66 in Paris, Tuesday, was renowned for his efforts in behalf of his race, for which he sought recognition as a national minority. He was born in Russia and later pursued higher studies in Berlin. In the first year of the present century he headed the Democratic faction of Zionism and opposed the acceptance of a British offer to establish a national homeland for the Jews in Uganda, Africa. During the war he directed the Copenhagen bureau t the World Zionist organization and in 1920 he organized the first international conference for the relief of Jews who suffered as a result of the World War. He has been a representative o? world. Jewry at conferences of the League of Nations at Geneva, »and has always held the respect of every faction of Zionism, regardless of their views.


The first annual father and son banquet of the Vaad Ha'Ihr will be held Sunday, November 19, at 6:30 p.m. at the B'nai Israel synagogue, 18th and Chicago. Ephraim Marks will be toastmaster. The program: invocation. Cantor A. Schwaczkin; dinner, under supervision of Ladies' Auxiliary and Junior Vaad; benediction, Rabbi N. Feldman; community singing, led by David Slobodinsky; address, Rabbi Uri Miller; "The Sons," Irving Beitel; "The Fathers," Nathan H. Greenberg; violin selections, Max Yaffe; songs, David Slobodinsky, accompanied at the piano by Miss Margaret Hunvitz; sketches, Dr. I. Dansky; movie, by courtesy of Epstein Bros. The banquet committee consists of Haskell Cohen, chairman, David Himelstein, Harry Fellman, B La n eh e Rothenberg, Mrs. L. Neveleff, David Slobodinsky, tMarian Kirshenbaum, Sid Epstein, Bess Kirshenbaum, Mrs. A. Schwaczkin, Mrs. L. Mendelson, Marian Robinson. Reservations may be made by calling Harry Fellman, Harney 3753; Haskell Cohen, Webster 4018, or Dave Himelstein, Jackson 1389.

Standard Shoe Repair

Finkel Organizes Local Orchestra

SAN FRANCISCO.—The opening of the new Jewish Community Center "Shoe Comfort' for his many pahere has brought to fulfillment plans trons Is the pride of John .-L. Krage, to house together thirty-one Jewish proprietor of the standard Shoe Re- Al Finkel, well-known pianist who organizations. pair,'1619 Farnam street. • -.-.• out east was professionally known as Mr./ Krage has devoted his life to Austin Bevins, has organised a local the Bhpe repairing business and has orchestra under his professional i Mr. Marcus personally su« established a .reputation for work of name. • ' . . . . . . I pervises the dry cleaning the highest quality.-r'---•-.; ; ••• ' The orchestra has already con- i and pressing of all garAmong the clientele;of Mr. Krage tracted the annual Creighton Uni- i merits sent to his plant. are a>alrge{number- o£ Jewish indus- versity Pan-Hellenic dance, to De dividuals and Jewish-owned stores. held at the. Fontenelle-" on NovemHis company uses only the .finest ber 24.. An out-of-town orchestra leathers the market can offei, and the is ordinarily engaged-for this, dance. company stands back oi every piece In New York Austin Bevins ana his orchestra gained great popuof work. . Mr. Krage opened his first shoe re- larity, playing at most of the lead- ! H. MARCUS, Prop. pair phop at 1804 Farnam 27 years ing hotels there. It was managed JA. 1440 ago. He has been in his present loca- by Eddie Myers, manager of "The I 1941 Vinton Street Singer"? and .Vincent Lopez. tion for the past 12 >years. - >



The Round Table of Jewish Youth has been adopted as the name of what was formerly the Senior Council of Clubs at the J. C. C. Under the new plan of organization all Jewish youth organizations in the city, regarlcss of where they meet, will be invited to join bi order to unite and stimulate the Jewish youth activities, and promote Jewish causes. William Wolfe, president, has appointed the following committee to contact all groups not yet members of the Round Table of Jewish Youth: Frank Lipp, chairman; Dora Dolgoff, Moe Lev, and Jean Beber.

FRANK TUCHMAN, 47, CLAIMED BY DEATH Frank Tuchman, 47, prominent in local grocery circles, died last Friday at his home following a brief illness. . He is survived by his wife, Martha; five daughters, Helen, SaraH, Minnie, Dorothy, and Rosalie; two brothers, Mike and Joe, and a sister, Mrs. A. Rubin. Funeral services were held Sunday morning, with burial at Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol cemetery. Rabbi Uri Miller officiated. Born in Omaha, he entered the grocery business 28 years ago, establishing with his brother a chain of Tuchman Bros, stores.

Plan Full Program for Center Players Active preparations are under way for a season of full activity for the Center Players Guild. In the year's program will be included a musical show, probably with some - local color. Full announcement of the first play to be produced is expected by next week. Those interested in participating in this year's productions—whether as actors, stage hands, setting, makeup, or production—are asked to communicate with Mrs. Herman Jahr, director of the Center Players.

Vaad Auxiliary The first annual card party sponsored by the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Vaad held November 8 at the J. C C. was a huge success. Over 500 attended. Forty-two door prizes were awarded. Proceeds will be nsed to purchase equipment for a kitchen of the Vaad organizations at the B'nai Israel synagogue. Mrs. David Epstein was chairman of the committee in charge of the affair. A regular meeting of the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Vaad will be held Monday afternoon, November 20, at 2:30 p. m. at the B'nai Israel synagogue. A report of the standing committees will be made. Final plans will be discussed for the annual ball. Mrs. William Milder and Mrs. Nate Greenberg are chairmen of the program committee an.1 Mrs. S. Lagman is ticket chairman. A cultural program will be presented. Rabbi Uri Miller will speak on "The Next War and the Jew." Piano selections will be given by Goldie Silverman. Current events of the month will be discussed. Refreshments will be served with Mrs. David Epstein as hostess.

. Sigma Kappa Chi A regular meeting of the Sigma Kappa Chi sorority was held Tuesday, November 14, at the J. C. C. The sorority is giving its third annual bridge and keno social on Wednesday evening, December 6, at the J. C. C. A door prize .will be given, as well as prizes for each table. Refreshments will be served. Tickets are 25 cents. Plans are now under way for an initiation party to be given soon.

LIFE INSUMEEWi&T i f 1 AND By the Sarvice Life Insurance Company, Omaha Frequently we are asked concerning the financial condition of certain life insurance companies. In looking at the financial standing of life insurance, there are two angles to consider. First, in what manner, if any, might a decline in the quoted market value of the assets, affect the solvency of a company; and second. what embarrassment might grow out of an undue increase in the demand for loans and surrenders. The business of life insurance is to receive premiums, pay claims and expenses and to build up a reserve to be invested at compound interest at a rate which will provide for the payment of its contracts at maturity. The price at which securities sell in the meantime has no bearing on the situation, and if interest of at least the assumed rate is paid during the life of an investment, and if the principal is paid at maturity, that is all that is necessary to safeguard the first angle raised. As to the second angle, will a situation arise that necessitates disposing of securities in order to meet the demand for surrenders and loans. For instance, let us cite a case of a certain well-known company whose cash-surrenders amounted to $156,000,000 in one year and the net increase in policy loans amounted to $67,000,000 making a total of $223,000,000. The gross income of this particular company for that year was ?907,000,000. A f t e r deducting expenses and claim payments, a net of $443,000,000 remained. In round figures, this company had nearly $700,000,000 coming in or available which could have been applied to meet surrender and loan demands. There is no question but what life insurance is cafe. It always has been and always will remain so because the fundamental principal upon which life insurance companies base their calculations is to plan for the worst that can possibly happen and thus to have in all normal times, a very large margin of safety. When you, as a policyholder, pay your premium, you may know that it is based on an underestimate of your life expectancy, an underestimate of the amount t i e company expects to earn on its investments, and usually an overestimate of the cost of doing business. One great difference between an insurance company and a bank is

that the bank must be kept liquid, sinca it may be called upon for a lai-rjo part cr even all its deposits at short notice. From the very nature of life insurance, not only is the income from the steady flew of premiums and interest usually far ill excess of disbursements but the companies have investments constantly maturing which furnish an additional supply of cash which could be drawn upon if needed. Your life insurance policy is & most valuable asset. Kept in force, it provides safety, financial independence and happiness to your loved ones. Permitted to expire, it spella worry, hardships and often-times misery and financial dependence on the charity of others. Our advice to you is to keep your insurance in force. Regard with suspicion the efforts of anyone to tamper with your insurance protection. Don't listen to those "whispered stories" relative to the solvency of various companies. All are exaggerated. Have confidence and faith in life insurance. It will not fail you or your dependents.

New Religious School for South Omahans A new religious school is being formed by the Congregation of Israel of South Omaha, Twenty-fifth and J streets, this coming Sunday morning, November 19, under the auspices of the Vaad. Registration will be held at the synagogue Sunday morning. Candy and refreshments will be given to all children present. All parents of South Omaha are urged to send their pupils. The school will be under the supervision of Rabbi Uri Miller.

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PAGE 3—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1933 name and every other obligation im- thyself." These are enough to inspire posed on him by destiny with cour- us to work together for the common age, dignity and fidelity, which, good." And "there is much for us•' to whether or not they evoke the love do. The world is still afflicted with of others, justify him in his owngreat evils, war, tyranny, injustice, eyes and hallow him anew in the poverty and disease. Every effort to The annual November tour of the sight of the Eternal, to whom alone eliminate them should find us work- Union of American Hebrew Congrehe is ultimately accountable. ing hand in hand. Every movement gations will be discussed by Rabbi But even more to America than to to improve the condition of the David Wice this evening at Temple the Jew himself has it proved good ties in which we live and of our na-Israel, when he speaks on "Judaism for my people to preserve their in- tion should have our cjmmon sup- Next Year and the Year Afteiv' In his talk Rabbi Wice will refer dividuality. Jewish ideals h a v e port. I think pai'ticularly at this strengthened the Jew's American hour of the heroic attempt of the to some of the active work of the ideals, Just as a man's love for his President of the United States to Union, in which he participated as family will make him appreciate all bi-ing order out of chaos to substi- a student, both as an organizer in is true today. The finest gatherings tute justice for injustice, and to esin my city of Rochester, N. Y., arethe more the qualities of the city in tablish, if not love, at least enlight- small communities and as chaplains in various institutions in which there which he and they live. The very fact those held each Spring in the interest of the Community Chest Cam- that America is a sweet land of lib-ened self-interest in place of the law a r e • j e w i s ' n inmates, as asylums, vapaign. Year after year I see a thou- erty has evoked the best that is in of the jungle in our economic life. r i 0XIS types of penal institutions, insand ' men and women of every race us, and we have gladly contributed That effort to achieve social justice stitutions fcr the blind and -deaf, and creed assemble to secure the that best to every phase of American within the framework of democracy, etc. Each vea.r at this ceason, the Unfunds to care for the needy, to pro-life. Men like the honored Governor should have the united, support of all vide hospitalization for the sick, to of this State, Herbert Lehman, men of us, regardless of our differences ii o n s p o n s O r s these tours. Rabbis and take care of the fatherless and thelike Louis Brandeis and Benjamin about other things. In this as in prOmincnt laymen carry the message aged, to support the- institutions that Cardozo, distinguished members of every other effort to promote the of the Union and its work to all build the character of the community the Supreme Court of the United common good, let us smash down parts of the country. In this connection Eabbi Frederick and strengthen its moral backbone. States, leaders in the effort to hu- whatever walls of misunderstanding These people do not ask -whether the manitizo and socialize the law, areand prejudice separate us and useColin will spoak in Sioux Falls, S. D. recipient of the gifts is black or living testimony to the fact not only the stones thereof to build a road on on December 1 and in Lincoln, Nebr., white, Christian or Jewish, German, that Judaism and Americanism are which to march together toward December 8. Italian or Pole. They say: "Here is compatible, but that the free atmos- G o d > s kingdom Rabbi Wice will go to Des Moires By Rabbi Philip Bernstein a fellow being in need, let us stretch ph'ere of America is conducive to the! I.know that we will, for we have to address the congregation there on out the hand of friendly help tp him, November 26. This eloquent - article is a re- of land, more than'one hundred and are entitled to vrhataver government let us bring as much happiness into most valuable kind of Americanism in the past. The occasional strident on the part of the Jew. voice of the bigot has been drowned print of an address given over a twenty million people. and whatever ruling ideas they are his life as we possibly can." byof the chorusremains of goodthe will. The What is true of other aspects of out nation-wide radio network by Rab- "More than the magic scenery ready to accept. But as an American Statue Liberty crownask you, is there anything finer I American life is certainly true of re- ing symbol of cur democracy. May it bi Philip.-Bernstein of; Rochester, Washed by the sunrise and the sun- I do have a: right to ask whether the in IAmerican life than this? | ligion". There are differences in reli- be ever so. N. Y. It is an impressive restatepropagation of these ideas here, par- ' The best things 'set seas in America have gion. Why not? We differ in our "America, ment of the historic faith in the: More than the prairies dark with ticularly by paid foreign agents, is come because we have and other experiences, our loves and God shed America, compatibility of Americanism and the best thing for my country. Mind respected the different welcomed His grace on thee, herds, "• '. groups and hates, our joys and sorrows, our The Health Club volleyball league Judaism and the nobility of their Than land lakes of^-the Western you, I am not asking this as a Jew, traditions that make up this nation. hopes and disappointments, why not And crown thy good with brotherbut as an American. Of course, as a If we had attempted to suppress or of the J. O. C. will open next Wedhood mutual idealism.—The editor. grain; more than the in this, the most intimate and per- From sea to shining sea." Jew, I regard every form of race nesday with four teams entered. " Rudyard Kipling was once criti- Wonder cities, ivliite-towered and persecution with special horror, but crush individuality, we would have sonal of all human experiences? God Games will be played on every Wedthe smoky mills." prevented the most important conis the summit of creation, whom all cized for writing about England after it is as a citizen of the United States nesday and Friday noons. The four having lived away from it for so America is all of these and more. that I want to know: is this thing tributions these peoples were pre- of us are seeking. But some move groups with their respective cappared to make. I am told it is like swiftly with daring leaps of faith. Behind Hitler's long a time in India. He replied: It is the embodiment of an ideal, an good for America? tains are as follows: ideal first brought to this country the process of smelting and refining. Others walk more slowly but more "What should they know of England Cohen, captain; MarWave of Hate tinYankees—Joe by a small band of pilgrims, them- I look back over our history and They take various lead ores and min- firmly in timeworn paths. Still othwho only England know?" Falk, Paul Steinberg, Ben Shawhat do I find? Here is the pioneerselves fleeing from persecution and erals from all parts of the earth, ers push their" way painfully through I never fully realized the truth piro, S. H. Stern, Irvin Green, and (Continued fromPage 1.) ing tradition which has enabled us ./of this aphorism until Friday, the tyranny in European lands; an ideal to smash our way through trackless smelt them in a fur.-iace, refine them underbrush - and thick forests where Loyal Kaplan. affirmed in the brave words of the in a pot, and then cast bars of pig men have never trod before, but all first of September, when the great man spirit should be thus safeGiants—Iz Levenson, captain; Art to build skyscraping cities lead, each one identically the same toward the same high goal. trans-Atlantic liner on which I was Declaration of Independence that wilderness, guarded." Cohn, Abe Brodkey, Harry Trustin, on desolate plains, to span the conlife, liberty and the pursuit of hapas the other. • returning to this country steamed Why not, I ask again? Is it not During one week in mid-October, Rudy Anthony, George Shapiro. with railroads, telegraph and into the harbor of- New York. We piness are the inalienable rights of tinent In order to get this exact sameness, good that into the fabric of our comfour of the chief officials of the Athletics—Paul Ellis, captain, C. telephone, and to bind the nation •were: approaching the Statue of Li- all people, regardless of race, creed through the winged wireless into this uniformity, they have to remove mon life there be woven strands of Nazi regime, including the new head B. Schoppe, Dave Cohn, Joo Rice, or color; " an ideal confirmed' and berty. I have seen that statue many one large family to harness the wild all the gold and silver. They have to many colors? Is it not desirable that of the Germaif-Christian church, Abe Venger, Dr. Muskin, Thil Feldtimes from "the. decks of" incoming safeguarded in the Constitution of forces of nature, to warm our homes, get rid of all the really precious Catholics, Protestants and Jews made speeches in various places on man. governships, I have seen; in gleaming in these United States that the 1 light our buildings and turn our ma-metals. So would it be in America if should honor and respect one anoth- various subjects. Every speech con- Cardinals—Sam Gelinsky, Reuben ment shall make" no law respecting the morning, sunshine and I have chines. Whence came this dauntless we attempted to cast all people in er and treat one another in such a tained, in its course, a call to the na-Brown, Robert Koop-er, Dr. Margoseen it at night, a light: in the- dark- the establishment of religion nor pro-courage, this boundless the same mold. We would be com-way as to evoke that which is fin- tion to redouble its efforts to sup-lin, Leo Wilson, John Sterling. ness. Never have I gazed on it with- hibiting the free exercise thereof; or this rugged individualism?confidence, pelled to remove the most precious est in the religion of the other? Cer- press the Jews. Was it abridging the freedom of speech or of out ' a thrill, but this time I was so Despite this concentrated hostility, exclusive gift of any one people? elements in them, and then the nettainly, this is what I ask for myself profoundly moved as though I had the press or the right of the peo-the result would be mediocrity. Instead, as a Jew. Honor me not as I am in-Germany's Jews are loath to leave Patronize the Jewish Press AdverNo. Catholics from France and ple peaceably to assemble. never really, seen or_ appreciated-it Puritan and Cavalier and America has been like a symphony different but as I am true to the the country. Most of them have no tisers. Like all ideals, this too has not Spain, before. demi-slave from England, burgher orchestra with many members, not highest ideals of my faith. Certainly pface to go. And the German GovI was returning from a Summer been perfectly realized in existing in- from Holland, together gave it as all playing the same instruments, and that is how I would like to act to-ernment makes it almost impossible no one seriously believes that it is a spent in European lands that are un-stitutions. There may be people who their answer to the difficulties of yet under competent leadership and ward you, my Christian friends, not to take funds sufficient for them to likely one. inspired with the same high ideals seeking.for one moment to make you go with. Many of them, whom I met, As things stand, therefore,- it is der dictatorships. My. mind was still have not experienced as much" of early American life. obsessed by the .things I Jiad seen and freedom and .democracy as they have Here is the precious heritage of re- of beauty,-together producing a noble over into my likeness but honoring still "clung to the hope that interna- not enough merely to point out that heard in Germany, a ^country that I alright to. Nevertheless, it has re-ligious liberty. Who gave it to us? melody • that has been good for the you as you are most truly Christian, tional pressure might p.meliorate the future of the Jew in Germany is • as you are most 'faithful'to the life their lot or that Hitler, with the fe-dark. It would be more accurate to had come to honor and love in 'the mained as . James Truslow Adams If I were to single out those who soul of the nation. years since the war's hatreds had calls it: "The American dream,' the made the most important contribuCertainly this has been true of our and teaching of Him who said, "by ver of the revolution somewhat say that he has no future. He, like passed away. I could not forget the dream of a land in which life should tions, I should mention first a Bap-people. Now, it is good for the Jewthis shall men know ye are my dis-passed', might experience a change the kulaks of Soviet Russia, is being mother's crying "How empty are mybe better and richer and fuller for tist, Eoger Williams, who affirmed as a Jew to preserve his individual- ciples, if ye have love for one an-of heart. Undoubtedly international liquidated. The method of liquidation arms" for sons who had been killed very man, with • opportunity for the principle that the civil powers ity. In loyalty to his ancestral faiths other." pressure, through the boycotts now in Germany, as in Russia, is harsh because their political views,once dif- each, according to his ability or have in progress in many nations, has and frequently brutal. But harsh or in • the maintenance of his humane Separated though we are by difright to interfere in quesfered from those now in power; the achievement. It is^not a dream of tions no traditions and ideals,-ifPdevotion to ferences, we are united by our com-given the Nazis real cause for alarm. not, it will probably be carried of conscience, and who estabraw, lacerated bodies of men whomotor cars and high wages merely, lished the State of Rhode Island with his. people's welfare, will he find mon humanity, and by the basic prin- But that alarm has not, as yet, be-through to its tragic conclusion, unhad been beaten almost unto death but a dream of a social order in principle as its foundation. I peace and strength. In fact, I am ciples first enunciated by Judaism come sufficiently pronounced to find til Germany's' Jews are driven from for loving peace too well; the'strait- vhich, every man. and -every woman that should mention second a Catholic, convinced that true redemption can and then rc-affirmed by Christianity reflection in their policies. A change the country entirely or reduced to jacketing of the mind and the regi- ihall be able to attain to the fullest Lord Baltimore, established re- come to the Jew only if he bear his "Thou shalt love thy. neighbor as of heart is always a possibility. But the level of serfdom. mentation ; of the soul of a gifted itature of-which they are innately ligious liberty in who Maryland, which people; the crushing of the most apable, and be recognized by others he was then the proprietor. of I should ;or what they are regardless of the precious liberties the human race has mention third the Quaker, William achieved; the interference in reli- 'ortuitous circumstances of birth or Penn, whose golden motto was "We gious organization and observance, osition." must yield liberties we demand." and the cruelest exhibition of race • That ideal is facing a new threat Fourth, I the should mention Thomas hatred since the close of the fifteenth n the theory now coming out of Jefferson, freest of free thinkers, Germany that there are superior and who made it impossible century. for any nf erior peoples, and that those who Can you not understand, then, how regard themselves as superior have church to control his own State or —without any false emotionalism or he right, to suppress "and subjugate any of the States. And fifth, I should jingoistic patriotism, as we neared hose. whom they consider inferior, list Asser Levy, that interpid Althat statue—a great prayer welled [t is to no .purpose to discuss the bany settler, who in the year 1665 up in my heart: "Thank God for iasjs_qn^ which some_peop_le think j)f insisted on his right to stand guard Xiiuiciris, as. superior, for- obviously ~agarnstr ure reminded me that America was themselves, we are dealing here with something that any one who enjoyed the benemore than'three million square miles to which objective standards and or-fits of the new life was also entitled, dinary reason cannot be applied. If regardless of race or religion, to ome people consider themselves su- meet its obligations. Supreme Court Decides perior, they consider themselves su- So you see the best things in the Against Municipalities perior and that is all there is to it. American tradition have been the But I think we do have a right to common contribution of many races, xpect a superior person to act like religions and peoples. The same thing The Nebraska Supreme Court rea gentleman and not like a barbarcently denied municipalities the right to purchase electric light and power ian. If he kills people because their plants and pay for them out of fu- thoughts are different from his, if Because of the Maker's High Standards These Are Celled he throws people into prison because ture earnings. Irregulars, hut Are Perfect in Wear and Appearance! The opinion was rendered in the their grandmother's blood wasn't as decision assuring the Interstate Pow- blue as their • grandfather's, if he er Company an injunction against bums the world's best books in the GetYbtu* Cuts and the city of Ainsworth, which voted a attempt to. destroy ideas, even the contract for a municipal- light plant. most gullible person is tempted iAinsworth contracted w i t h the say "What a strange way of showFairbanks-Morse Construction Com- ng superiority." CO. That idea of a superior people has pany to construct an electric plant * oH* and distribution, system to be paid become the guiding principle of the German State. That need not conout of future earnings. 1>hone Qi.4626 . The contract supposedly was under cern us much for it is Germany's afterms of an initiative law. passed in fair, not ours. The German people 1930, but • the Supreme Court held the law, while permitting, such contrasts for improvement of and., addi-. In Soviet Russia tion to an existing plant, did, not confer express power. of municipal! there are Torgsin stores in ties to so acquire an entire : new >rders enable your relatives In Soviet over 1,000 localities. Torgllussin to purchase all sorts of domesplant. The' opinion of the! judges ^was sin orders may be sent to :1c or imported articles at. low prices. that new ; plants -may be acquired For orders on Torgsiii apply to. your anyone, in any quantity. ocnl bank, companies listed below, or only by direct taxation or by bond their nuthorized ngents. issue by vote of the-people. To._cities that have no TOKUSFN. Amalgamated l&arib, New York stores, Torgsin mails jour ordAni-Denitra Transport Corp. •••*; ers by parcel post. American Express Co. Udynia-Anierka Line

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PAGE 4—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17,1U3 Morris Margulies, secretary of the brew word "dog" means "fish" while jury in New York handed down an indictment against the fugitive Zionist organization, smokes exactly "he" means "she" and "who" means Hitlerite, who dropped from sight when it was learned a warrant one dozen cigars every day. Like H. 'he.' L. Mencken, he prefers the nickel had been drawn up by the authorities for his arrest. The case of Madison Grant, who professes to brand. his secret operations—brought to light—is typical of the underbe an historian, has just published a Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by handed, menacing Nazi methods. It also proved what has been Spinoza like Thomas Jefferson was THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY (Continued on Page 7) fond of wine. His daily "quota" was shown quite a number of times, namely, that the Nazi government $2.50 Subscription Price, one year - - - - — - 7 a minimum of a pint a clay. By DAVID SCHWARTZ will not hesitate a moment to prevaricate in order to save their Advertising rates furnished on application \ face. According: to the New York Sun, GEMS of the BIBLE Editorial Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building. it was the Jewish vote which was reThus, the moment some unfavorable charge is directed BREVITIES and TALMUD Print Shop Address: 1307 Howard Street for the election of LaGuaragainst the Nazis, they categorically "deny" it. "We deny" has Arnold Schoenberg, distinguished sponsible dia as mayor of New York. Nazi paBy O. O. DASHER Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center German composer, is one of the valbeen their answer to every authentic charge brought against them. uable DAVID BLACKER - - - - Business and Managing Editor exiles for whom America will pers please copy. FRANK R. ACKERMAN Editor Naturally, therefore, when Spanknoebel's unsavory conduct was have to thank Germany. The best or FANNIE KATELMAN - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent of the better known actresses The violence of the wicked shall brought out into the open, the Nazis again fell back on their chief some of the best blood America has, of Two ANN PILL •-' - - - - - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent the Yiddish stage in New York drag them away, because they refuse owe to the Nazi type of mind to do justly. weapon and "categorically denied" that Spanknoebel was an of- we are "shicksehs" (Aryans to y<su). from the very beginning. Consider ficial agent or that he was doing Nazi work in this country with the case of such a man for instance The way of a man is froward and Enroll Your Children The first work in English to plead as Dr. Priestley, the discoverer of their knowledge. oxygen, who was exiled from Eng- for Zionism was written by a Chris- strange, but as for the pure his work Jewish learning has been the weapon of the Jewish people for Here is one case in which it is simple to deduct that the Nazis land in the beginning of the 19th tian woman—a well known author- is right hundreds of years, a constructive weapon which has been tested are deliberately falsifying. A decree signed by Dr. H. Nieland, century because of his sympathies ess. Try and guess who. in the crucible of time and has proven stronger than pillage or The soul of the wicked desireth then chief of the Foreign .Division of the Department of Propa- with the French revolution. Jacob Fishman, editor of the Jew-evil, his neighbor findeth no favor in pogrom, a weapon influencing the entire world for good. ganda of the Nazi Party, clearly appointed Heinz Spanknoebel suMorning Journal, is probably the his eyes. - • • It is fitting for the Jewish parents of Omaha to well study preme head of the American Division of the Nationalsozialistische Schoenberg likes hissing. Used to ish handsomest scribe in the Yiddish the vital power and source for good in a thorough Jewish educa- Deutsche Arbeiterpartei. Copies are on file of the "Deutscher worry a great deal when he was field. Fishman is a bachelor. Whoso stoppeth. his ears at the cry hissed, but later came to the conof the poor, he also shall cry himself, tion. At the present time the City Talmud Torah is registering Beobachter," official organ of the American section of the Nazi clusion that unless a musical work No country in the world has ever but shall not Irs answered. .' pupils, and if you parents will only give the problem, some was hissed at its beginning, there had a class of immigrants who new Party, which appeared as part of the "Werbe Nummer" of "Amerwas something wrong with it. A serious, deep thought you will see to it that your children are enas much capital with them TAOtUD ika's Deutsche Post." This was confirmed later by Paul Manger, g r e a t musical composition always brought as Palestine. Raba, before he started his lecture, rolled. then head of the New York Nazi office. A translation of the of- shocks the people at first4 he argues. would preface his 1 emarks with someTo be sure, the reports at the annual meeting of the Talmud ficial appointment of Spanknoebel by Dr. Nieland read in part: Eliash, Jewish scribe of New York, thing humorous, causing the scholars Torah showed improvement. The total attending is now about 275 "Decree to establish a National Section of the Nazi Party in the Queen Esther of the Bible only set has seven nom de plumes. That is to be in good humor, and then proceed precedent, if you may believe Dr. why, he explains, he always says with sacredness in his course. pupils. This number is a distinct improvement over the previous United States:—In order to consolidate all local German groups aMelamed, f a m o u s Chicago editor. few months but it is far from sufficient. There should be four in America and to pave the way for the establishment of units to There is a Jewish lady behind King "we" instead of "I." Rabbi Jochanan said: "The chief ol "times that number enrolled in a city of our size, and there is no comprise an American section of the NSDAP (National Sozialis- •Carol—there is a Jewess around Mus- They do say that Dr. Goebbels, the a congregation should not be appointsolini—there is a Jewess around— so-called "brains" of Nazidom, who ed unless a heap of reptiles hang on plausible or reasonable excuse for the enrollment not being trebled tische Deutsche Arbeiter Partei), I hereby appoint Comrade Heinz but we can't remember all of them. anything else but the typical his back (to whose ancestry some or quadrupled. Housed in the Jewish Community Center, the Tal- Spanknoebel, of Detroit, National Confidential Agent of the Nazi Write to Dr. Melamed for the full looks "blood beast" of Aryanism—is trying blemish is attached) so that when be • : / . . • ; mud Torah is surrounded with a most favorable environment. The Party for the United States of North America. Local groups col- ist. to supplant Hitler. becomes overbearing we can say to him: Turn behind thee." classes are arranged at convenient tunes, busses call for and de-lectively, units, and individual members are subject to orders by Winchell is on the sick list Will Herbert Bayard Swope, who 1 liver the children safely home, children are welcomed whether the National Confidential Agent. They shall owe him absolute andWalter Paul Javitz, who was "fired himself unavailable for the Rabbi Jochanan said: "A righteous they can afford to pay tuition or not. What is particularly im- obedience. All complaints as regards instructions by the National from a St. Louis paper (the editor found post of minister to Germany because man does not depart from the world, portant is that the most modem pedagogical methods are em- Confidential Agent must be addressed to the Agent himself . . . telling him he Would never make of bis Jewish descent, be the first till another righteous man like him good in the newspaper game) is tak- ambassador to Russia? There is some has been born. ployed in the Talmud Torah, and the staff of teachers is most The National Confidential Agent of the United States of America ing Wincbell's place. talk to that effect, anyway. capable and able. An efficient administration is doing its utmost shall be responsible for his acts only to the Chief of the Foreign Rabbi Cbanina said: "As soon as a to promulgate the best of Jewish ideals at the Talmud Torah, and Division . . . " Every good columnist was at one Louis Lipsky's son is doing news- man is appointed chief of a community he becomes rich, for at first time told he would never make good paper work. the curriculum includes among other subjects prayers, Jewish (when King Saul counted Israel) it is The department of justice has been given considerable data as a newspaperman. If you don't bereligion, Bible, Talmudic literature, Hebrew language, history, concerning these aliens who are seeking to undermine noble Amer- lieve it, ask Louis Sobol, Hearst Jews entering Palestine are find- written he counted with fragments of Yiddish, Palestine and Jewish Contemporary Life, Singing. The ican institutions. Unquestionably, these agents from the Nazi columnist, who had the same experi- ing Hebrew a strange language. Con- pottery, and afterwards he counted sider some of the oddities. The He-them with sheep." entire course is mapped out for a five-year study period, and the government, .will from now on have to be a little more discreet in ence as Javitz. greatest handicap toward a more effective carrying out of the full their offenses. : program is the apathy of the parents. It is not fair to the child to withhold from him the beauty Further Recognition and charm of Israel's past. The Jewish education has always been The Italian government has made a grant to the Hebrew Unia well-spring of Jewish permanence and a source of Jewish inspir- versity in Palestine for the purpose of establishing a chair in Roation. Just as Jewish parents are zealous in theire desire to see mance Languages and Literature, with special emphasis on Italian. their children get food and shelter, so too should they be zealous This is the first grant that any government has ever made to the in seeing that their children should not enter communal life spir- University, and is a recognition which augurs well for the instiitually bankrupt. A Jewish education, aiding in building up the tution of learning on Mt. Scopus. Jewish mind and heart, has been handed down to us through 1he During its few years of existence, the Hebrew University has ages as the title-deed of our birthright and we are duty bound to made tremendous strides in bridging the difficulties attendant our children to hand down to them in turn the traditional learning uppn.a school ofhigher learningduring its-infancy. It has become which has been our refuge from tempest and storm. a center of research in the Near East and Hfs been hailed as the register your child in the Talmud Torah connecting link between the cultures of the|East and the West. Do not delay today! Then, with the Hitler traTe^v in Germ?nv, rnap^ no f ei nrofessors and professional men left the Naziland headed for Palestine and have added greatly to the prestige of the Palestine University. At Seventy-Seven The Italian grant is the next step in the development of the The clear thinking and impartial judgment of a man in an University and is a recognition of the high academic standing of important position in public Me can do more to strengthen the the Palestinian institution, as well as an indication of the goodsinews of a nation than a sheaf of laws. Particularly is this true in the United States, where the interpretation of law is as fun- will of the Italian Government toward the Hebrew University. We hope and trust that other governments will follow this splendid damental in our law-making as the actual legislation itself. example. Thus, the student of the Hebrew University will have It is for this reason that such high tribute is paid to Louis D. jmore "windows" at his disposal through which to view the learnBrandeis, associate justice of the Supreme Court, whose seventy- ing of the age. seventh birthday was celebrated this week. His is a reputation which solicits tribute from opponents and supporters alike, and his logic and wisdom are proverbial. As one metropolitan daily A Lesson in Theatricals remarked about Mr/Justice Brandeis: "In the long series of Judge Adolph Hitler and his lieutenants of brutality and bestiality Brandeis' decisions on matters of labor, of business, of public util- have a flair for the dramatic. The country-^ide elections in Gerities, there will be many who have to disagree with him here and many last Sunday were but another exhibition of the love and there. But his logic, his learning, the lucid order of his reason- power of the theatrical. • ing, the exactness of his intellectual energy, have long marked Six hundred and sixty-one men hand-picked by the Hitlerites him as one destined to be memorable in the front row of judges." were elected to the reichstag. No other party was allowed to put And, when Woodrow Wilson appointed Brandeis to the Supreme up any candidates and no other candidates were allowed to run. Court in the face of fierce disapproval, the president commented: You either had to vote for the Nazi candidates or for no one, and "I cannot speak too highly of his impartial, impersonal, orderly to vote for no one was dangerous to life and limb. Yet Hitler and and constructive mind, his rare analytical powers, his deep human sympathy, his profound acquaintance with the historical roots of his aides flew from one comer of Germany to the other urging our institutions and insight into their spirit, or of the many in- the people to vote for the slate forced down their throat, in order stances he has givenof being imbued to the very heart with our to show that Germany is united. Of course, the foreign policy Once youVe slipped into one of these remarkable suits issue was known beforehand to be one that would meet with the American ideal of justice and equality of opportunity." and experienced the ^mazing new feeling of comfort and Always a defender of the rights of the people, Brandeis has approval of the German people anyway, advertised as "peace with ease, you'll never go back to old fashioned clothing. shown his liberalism since his ascendency to the Supreme Court honor and equality with all. Today, they celebrate in Germany bench. He would "amend men's social and economic ideas" in- for what the Nazi party leaders hail as "the miracle of Germany • Tailored of woolens into which Lastex has been woven, stead of amending the constitution. He looks upon property as becoming one people." the whole fabric in DARSON Living CLOTHES has a startonly a means. He "would rather have clients than be somebody's However, from this election we can gather one source of conling, living quality—it yields gently to every movement, lawyers." He believes first in human rights and secondly in pro- solation—the fighting spirit indirectly displayed by the downperty rights. He avows repeatedly his view that "to stay exper- trodden Jewry in Germany. About ten per cent more voters parand whether you sit, stand, stretch or bend there is imentation within, the law in things social and economic is a grave ticipated in the plebiscite than in the ballot for the reichstag. This never a strain anywhere. It is almost as though you were responsibility," and that denial of the right of experimentation means that despite the heavy hand of the Nazis threatening them, free of clothing entirely @ Yet there is no difference in "may be fraught with serious consequences to the nation." The many Jews, agreeing with Hitler's foreign policy, refused to bring same justice and equality is reflected in his philosophy of Ziontheir fine lines or smart looks. In fact they fit better (usually ism. "We should so conduct our affairs in Palestine," he states themselves to indorse the reichstag, which will necessarilv be antirequire fewer alterations) — keep a press longer, and "that what we do will inure to the interest of all of the inhabi- Semitic. according to the results of rigid laboratory tests, tants of Palestine, Moslem and Christian as well as Jews." 1 "Our spokesmen and le?- --; should practice self-forgetfulwill wear better and give you more general satisfaction Justice Brandeis is one of ,th enoblest examples of American ness.. There can be no gre?' r without this necessary virtue. jurists. On his seventy-seventh birthday we wish him many more The continuous barrage bT than you have ever enjoyed from any other clothes. 'eaders in the public press frusyears of fruitful activity on behalf of his fellow-men. trates efficiency and stran .he. real efforts for favorable pubSINGLE AND DOUBLE BREASTED SUITS $45 lic response."—Sigmund Livingston, chairman of the Anti-Defamation League. Hoodwinking The American sense of justice and equality feels outraged "The Nazis who are masters of propaganda among their own and insulted by the activities *of the Nazis in America. The meth-. ods used by the exponents of the Hitler theory, are frowned upon people but poltroons when it comes to ati understanding of the in this country, their brutality and blpodthirstiness.'are foreign to psychology,of other peoples', have been dismayed by the rapidity ou -fpolitics,and their rapine and;plunder and racial explosions with which the boycot thas embraced not alone the entire Jewish world but untold millions of non-Jews."—-Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver. sully Aniericanidealism and honor. : : I •".. •'.,;.



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^ Heinz Spanknoebel, who for sometime was the head of Nazi ''• ' -^fivities''lnHhis:;c°«n-t^j: is now a fugitive from justice. After j - ^ ' L e t ; the ^Nazis talk, and they will talk themselves into the £ inreet^eeks of inquiry into the operations of Spankrioebel and his j neck of ^a noose."—William^ Hard^ noted correspondent and iec^Hjreatibnrthe League; of Friends of New Germany, a federal grand t u r e r r ;:


Opening Matinee Dance on Sunday

Daughters of Zion Benefit on Tuesday

at the J. C. C. on Tuesday, NovemT") f ? C n l l T l HV»2»fl« charge of special stunt arrangement*, WT • ™ •. \ One hundred couples will be th* ber 21. i a n ClUb party capacity. Valuable prizes will be given and refreshments will be served. AdmisThe first matinee dance of the sea- sion will be 35 cents per person. Dave B. Cohn was elected presiA card party for the benefit ot son will be sponsored by the iFa-Hon Mrs. A. Shafton and Mrs. L. Cohen the Jewish National Fund will be dent of the Thorpeian A c e t i c club sorority a t the Jewish Community are co-chairmen of the affair. given by the Daughters of Zion a? at a meeting held last week. Other Center, Sunday afternoon, November the J. C. C. on Tuesdav, November officers: Ben Ellis, vice-president; A regular meeting of the Daugh19. Morris Franklin, secretary; D a v e ters of Israel Aid Society will HP 21. FRATERNTY PARTY Sam Turner's eight-piece colored held Tuesday, November 21, at th« All the Jewish women in the city Finkel, treasurer. The Creighton University chapter orchestra will furnish the music The Old People's Home, 2504 Charles The organization will hold its anare invited to attend. Admission is of P i Lambda Phi is planning a general public is invited to attend. nual New Year affair a t the Black- street. All. members are urged to h-1 The matinee dance "will be from 3 party for Wednesday evening, No- thirty-five cents per person. Mrs. A. Shafton and Mrs. L. Co-stone Hotel. The ladies' auxiliary of present. to 6 p . m. Admission will be 25 cents vember 29. The group has inaugurated a pol-hen are chairmen. Valuable prizes the organization has taken over the per person. icy of holding a stag smoker every will be given, and refreshments will management of this annual celebra-; BARON-SCHWARTZ tion. ; WINS HONOR AT Friday evening, at the chapter house. be served. ENGAGEMENT ENTERTAIN UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Mrs. Leon Mendelson is general \ Mr. and Mrs. Joe Baron of CounAll proceeds are used toward buyMr. and Mrs. David R. Cohen, Word has been received here that ing land in Palestine and develop- chairman. Co-chairman is Mrs. D. B., cil Bluffs, la., announce the engageMessrs. Jack Bramson and Sam Zloting a water system there. At the Cohn. Co-workers include the Mes- • ment of their daughter, Miss Jean- Miss Bluma Neveleff has been elect- ky entertained November 8 at the present time there is a particular dames S. H. Stern, Irvin Levin, Harry nette Barcn, formerly of Council ed business and advertising manager Blackstone hotel, honoring Mr. and The C2 Club, newly organized Con- need for more funds t o buy land, Haykin, I . Sokolof, D. Finkel, and Bluffs, but now making her home in of "The Forum," the publication of Mrs. Sol Novitsky on the occasion of Kansas City, to Mr. Sam Schwartz, the Philo Club a t the University of their eleventh wedding anniversary. servative Synagogue group, held a since the large number of German- H. Neesman. meeting and rush party a t the home Jewish refugees must be taken care A publicity .committee is working, son of Mrs. B. Schwartz of Omaha. Iowa, Iowa City. The Philo Club emof Ann Gitnick last week. Twenty- of. in conjunction with this group and is No date has been set for the braces all the activities of the Jewish students on the University of ELABORATE BIRTHDAY one girls played bridge and listenea headed by Mrs. M. Franklin and wedding. PARTY Iowa campus. to a very interesting- program. Mrs. M. Feldman. Members of this Thirty-two children enjoyed themMiss Neveleff is majoring in fine The program included vocal nomcommittee include the Mesdames B. KEAEIS-HIMELBLOOil selves f.t an elaborate birthday par- jbers by Florence Whitebook, Adelaide arts and music. EHis, H . Z. Bernstein, S. Friedel, and ENGAGEMENT ty given Sunday afternoon b y Mr. J Goldman, Eose Sacs, and Sadie TatleThe Bazaar and raffle of jthe Bi- M. Rosen. Mrs. I . Elewitz is in Mrs. B. Himmelbloom announces the and Mrs. Leonard Pinkovitz in honman. A tap dance was presented by kur Cholim win be held on Decemengagement of her daughter, Betty BIRTHDAY PARTY or of the eighth birthday of their Helen Castleman. Master Edward ber 10 a t the Labor Lyceum, TwenA surprise birthday party honorKuth, to Raymond L. Kearis, son of daughter, Evelyn Gertrude. Gitnick, nine year old crooner, was ty-second and Clark streets. Mr. and Mrs. J . Kearis of Chicago. ing Miss Eose Levin was sponsored A color scheme of pink and green also on the program. Mrs. David by the Gamma Delta Omicron sorAnyone having a bundle to donate No definite date has been set for ority Sunday, November 12. Seven was carried out in the decorations j Goldstein gave a short speech en is asked to call Atlantic 9054 or the wedding. couples attended this affair. The sor- throughout the house. There were > the History of the Conservative Webster 5257, and it will be picked up. ority sisters presented Miss Levin eight cakes of graduated size, also Synagogue groups. HONOR MISS COHN trimmed in pink and green. with a beautiful gift Mrs. L. Morgan is chairman of t h e Officers of this group for the AND FIANCE Prizes were won by Elaine Lag- coming year are Ann Gitnick, Pres- affair, assisted by a committee of The last meeting of the sorority Numerous parties are being given was held a t the home of Pearl Ler- man, Ethelyn Lashinsky, Leonard ident; Ruth Shapiro, Vice-Presidenl; members and workers. Mrs. L. Nevin honor of Miss Madeleine Cohn: man. Following a s h o r t business Margulis, and Albert Lagman. Sadie Tatleman, Secretary-Treasurer; eleff is president of the Bikur Cholim. whose marriage to Mr. Ben D. Silver meeting, refreshments "were served. and Mollye W. Green, Reporter. will take place in December. FORMER OMAHAN Charter members are Sadie ana Among those who have entertained VISITING HERE Etta Tatleman, Dorothy Corenman, for the couple are included Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rosner of Brosklyn, Mrs. Ben Somberg, Mr. and "Mrs. J . A four-act comedy, "Shpaas Gent," N. Y., is visiting with her parents, Rose Sacs, Ann Gitnick, Mollye W. Green, Ruth Shapiro, Pearl Shapiro, will be presented as a benefit for t i e V. Rosenblum, Mr. and Mrs. Max Mr. and Mrs. Harry Steinberg. Burkenroad, Mr. and Mrs. Isidor Mrs. Rosner will be remembered Jeanette Resnick and Lorraine King. Labor Lyceum building fund on SunThe rushees were Helen Castleman, day, November 19, a t 8:30 p . XCL, a t Ziegler, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Gilinsky Home-made delicacies for -which as the former Tobye Steinberg. Her Belle Green, Lillian Sregal, Fremette the Labor Lyceum, Twenty - second Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hotnherg, Mr. marriage to Dr. Rosner took place j Goldberg, Ida Jacobsen, Sarah Baum, and Clark streets. Alfred Mayer and Mrs. Sadie Mayer, their makers a r e noted will be a last June. Ann Weiner, Florence Whitebook, and Miss Irma Gross. Many other feature of the Bake Sale to be given The s a m e talented cast which Adelaide Goldman, Freda Soffer, and played in a mock wedding last Purim affairs are being planned for the by Mrs. Dave Sherman's group ot VISITING HERE the Conservative Synagogue Aux^coming weeks. Sarah Levine. will participate. Admission is 35 cents. Miss Kate Adene Goldstein, foriliary, all day Wednesday, Novembsr merly of Omaha, who h a s made h e r 22, a t t h e Brandeis Stores. HIGHLAND STAG home in New York City for the past Orders for such tempting i Orde pg The Highland Country Club Midthree years, i s visiting i n Omaha. kipfel, hhome-made Winter Stag will be held Monday, as apple shtrudel,home-made 0 0 November 20, a t 6:30 p . m . a t t h e j ^ VISITED , c Blackstone HoteL The affair is for Mr. J . J . Newman of Paris and + members and out-of-town guests. For New York spent a few "days here dinner reservations call Harney 0945. man, Harney with his brother-in-law and sister, Harney 7198. The apple shtrudel is being pre- Mr. ana Mrs. Benjamin Somberg. RETURNS TO SIOUX CITY pared by Mrs. Abe Somberg. Mrs. Miss Mildred Ruth Baron, who was J. Sherman is baking the bread; NAME DAUGHTER the guest of Mrs. Martha Katskee, Mrs. A. Theodore will make t h e The infant daughter of Mr. and has returned to her home in Sioux noodles, and Mrs. I. Berkowitz the Mrs. Jack Turek h a s been named City. kipfel. Barbara Darlene. Members of the group who arw making the delicacies and who will j BENEFIT CARD PARTY sell them are the Mesdames William A benefit card party for the JewBinnia Barnes, a n English beauty, Alberts, Leo Abramson, Morris Ar- ish National Fund, open to all the once headed for Hollywood with a Idn, H. E . Belmont, I. Berkowitz, J . Fewish women in t h e city, will be NOW SHOWING! contract that took effect when she Block, A. H. Brodkey, M. Brodkey, sponsored by the Daughters of Zion, touched American soiL At the ship Reuben Brown, I . Dansky, N . Fox, she was met by: a publicity man who0 . Fox, Robert Glazer, M; Margolin, handed her att accumulation of let- S. Pizer, L. Graetz, Hyman Noddle, ters. 1. W. Rosenblatt, Phil Rosenblatt, A. She selected one of them to read Theodore, B, Kulakofsky, Sam Rice, first—read it, burst into tears and J. M. Resnick, R. Sterling, M a r t engaged return passage. She didn't Leon, Philip Greenberg, Talman want to travel another 3,000 miles in the opposite direction from her hus-Trilling, Horace Rosenblum. Mrs. I. Dansky and Mrs L W. band. Special Marie Earle Representative However, t h e scraen career of the Rosenblatt are co-chairmen. "All the delicaeies will be reasonbeautiful Binnie has progressed nicely on her native soil. She is seen play- ably priced," Sirs. Sherman stated, ing the role of Kathryn Howard op- and all are urged to support this posite Charles Laughton in "The Pri-project." vate Life of Henry VTII," a United Artists release showing a t the OrRETURNS TO HERZBERGS DIRECT FROM THE • pheum Theatre for the week starting MARIE EARLE NEW YORK SALON wifh Saturday. The second feature for the week will be "College Coach," a gripping 2 romance of the campus with Lyle Talbot, Ann Dvorak, P a t O'Brien and Dick Powell.

Daughters of Israel

! RA THRIFTY— 7c per lb. $%^£ Shirts, inc. 8c j

C2 Club

Bikur Cholim


Labor Lyceum Ass'n

Bake Sale to Be Held Wednesday

°v I





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\7HERE FOUR DIED—This photo shows the wreckage of a giant air, liner,which crashed into a fog:blanketed hill near Portland, Ore., killing four persons and injuring six others. The white sheet shown in the photo covers remains of A. W. (Al) Davis, pilot of the craft. •:r:,


FIRST GIN ARRIVES—A group of Los Angeles girls is snapped as they celebrated the arrival of the first boatload of legal gin in Los Angeles, by riding atop the cases while they are carted to a warehouse from a ship.

MOVIE WEDDING NEAR—Cary Grant, movie star, is pictured as - he bade bon voyage to Virginia Chevrill, film actress, aboard the S. S Champlain N York, Y k just jbt before bf h ksailed l for a vacation trip p r i New she ..',io Europe. Grant, who follows Miss Cherrill on a later boat, adf initted to reporters that they will be married, although no date has been set. f

politics taboo, * is **»« tendered ° a *-*luncheon « at :•!£Spt °G^rifit M^^;, i'7r.r""!?'5 !the£^University ° S ™ ?of™Southern ^ ! " TCalifornia ; President ? ^ ? at" Herbert -Los- • Angeles, > *Hoover, " *after - *with • which ?<•>«»•-* the party witnessed the Stanford-


U. S. C. football game which Stanford, Hoover's alma mater, won. Left to right are Mrs. William G. McAdoo, Hoover, Senator McAdoo and Mrs. Hoover.

PROUD NIECES—These three sisters, Marilyn, left, Jeannetto. center, and Patricia Wade, daughters of James Wade, actor and member of a socially-prominent Cleveland family, are pictured in Hollywood as they admire a photograph of their uncle, Alton Wade, geologist, who is a member of the Antarctic expedition headed by Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd. Marilyn and Patricia are fouryear-old twins, while Jeannette is three years of age.


9i FIRST LADY IS FIRST MEMBER—The first person to enroll as a man Of the national volunteer committee of the Red Cross, is pictured with Miss Mabel T. Boardman, secretary of the-organization, at Washington. 6 '

vana, the dented and nicked walls testifying to the accuracy of the fire of the loyal troops. The abandoned riflea are the weapons with which the foes of the San Martin government sought to hold off the besiejdiUE forces.

9, on the of the stick that controls 'n flight. little Virginia is an ardent Earhart fan.



Forbid Belgian Nazis 1 Marching in Public

will preach to Eabbi Jolt's congre- from Atlantic City, v>-ho has b«en majority leader in the Assembly this gation.

year, is favored for the ppeakership. Others elected •were Herman Blank of Nevark, Samuel Pesin of Jersey ANTWERP, Belgium, (J.T.A.)— City and Harry L. Schocn of PaterThe Belgian government has pro"How Much Is Religion Worth?" son. hibited the Belgian Nazi organizawill be the sermon topic «f "Rabbi tion "Nasso" from holding military Uri Miller at the services at the exercises in public However, the Rabbi David H. Wica will deliver B'nar Israel synagogue this evening. Exact Nature of Contemplated More Entries government has so far not taken the a sermon on "Judaism Next Year Cantor A. Schwaczkin and his choir Latvian Nazis Grow Bolder Program Not Yet step, generally demanded in Bel- and the Year After" at services r.t will assist in the services. A regular meeting of the Fa-Hon Four thousand RIGA, Latvia.—The student counJERUSALEM. giam, of altogether prohibiting the Temple " Israel this evening. This sorority was held Monday, NovemDisclosed The Junior congregation will meet and sixty-two immigrants settled in cil of the Latvia Music Academy Nazi organization in the country. ber IS, at the J. C. C. An interesttalk will be in connection with the on Saturday morning. Palestine during the month of Sep- adopted a resolution demanding the NEW YORK, (J.TJL)—While Jn- tember, according to official figures, introduction of numerus clausus in Recently the Belgian government November tour of the Union of AmS u n d a y morning the Religious ing program was presented. Five new members were pledged. lius Hochfelder, counsel for the Jew- Of this number, 3,903 were Jews. j the Academy violating Jewish civil prohibited the official opening of the erican Hebrew Congregations. School will meet at the B'nai Israel newly-built Nazi headquarters in ish. War Veterans, declared he inSaturday morning Rabbi Wice will synagogue. New members are in- Anyone wishing- to join is asked to The Jewish immigrants included 51 rights. get in touch with ihe Fa-Hon. tends withdrawing his protest against registered tourists, 450 immigrants j Nazi agitation in the Latvian Re- Antwerp and specifically forbade the conduct the children's service. vited. flying of the swastika flag over the the celebration of German Day on Sunday afternoon at 4:30 p.m. 3t who entered the country under the public has assumed serious propor- building. Belgian Nazis at first December 6 at Madison Square Gar- capitalist classification with capital tions in recent months. Only a togsr the Temple will be hald the first den, a note of resentment against of at least one thousand pounds weeks ago, Latvian Nazis introduced threatened to ignore the government meeting of the Youth Forum. All The Phi chapter of the Iota Tan the Steuben Society, sponsors trf the(about $4,900), 507 dependents of a referendum that would have de- prohibition, but submitted quietly in young men and women over 18 are sorority held its annual initiation paaffair, -was sounded from other immigrants in the capitalist classi-' prived the Jews of all their citizen- the end. invited to attend this group -which The Tiferes Bachurim, a congre- jama party at the Blackstone hotel sources. will engage in social and cultural gation composed of a minyan of fication, 1,254 workers and 1471 de-• ship rights and would have denied Saturday and Sunday, November I I activities. A member Of the German-Ameri- pendents of workers. Bar Mitzvah boys, announces that it and 12. The evening was spent in ithem trade-licenses, and hence the can Conference declared that the Tuesday evening at the Temple will begin its services Saturday, No- stunts and initiation followed by a Two hundred and twenty prospec-; right to earn a livelihood. The refSteuben Society is playing into the tive immigrants were refused admisthe class on Jewish Law and Cere- vember 18, at the B'nai Jacob syn- midnight lunch. A meeting was held erendum failed. hands of the League of Friends of sion into the country. monial will meet. This class is agogue at 24th and Nicholas streets. Sunday morning,. Guests were invited New Germany, the most influential A belief that business is definite- open to both men and women. Suicide for bridsre Sundav afternoon. Nazi group in the United States. The Scout Troop, which is being New Jersey Assembly ly on the upgrade was expressed by Landa, wellLONDON. —Max " T h e Steuben Society," he de- Hungary Honors known German Jewish film actor, Mr. Max M. Barish in announcing ;ponsored by the Brotherhood as TRENTON, N. J.—The election of clared, "refuses to listen to the dic- BUDAPE ST, Hungary. — Premier who left Germany some time ago, last week the openpart of its youth work, meets every four Jews as members of the New tation of other German-American Julius Goemboes, the presidium of was reported to have committed stri- ing of the Barish Thursday evening at 7 p.m. Jersey Legislature "was hailed by the groups in laying plans for the cele- the Hungarian Senate, diplomats staOil, Inc., at 2823 Jewish community here. Leadership n Yugoslavia. Herr Landa was tioned in Hungary and many Hungabration of German Day. We are at Dodge street. of the Assembly will probably be in variance with the sponsors of the rian and Jewish organizations joined * The gas station the hands of a Jewish Assemblyman. i in the German theater sinee 1899. celebration on a number of issues, in congratulating Josef Veszi, JewJoseph Altaian, veteran legislator i will. not interfere but we cannot make them known at ish editor of the well-known daily, Tonight Rabbi David A. Goldstein PHILADELPHIA,—Judge William with Mr. Barish's Peter Lloyd, on the occasion of hisM. Lewis, vice-president of the Zion- duties as head o£ present." will speak on "The Christian-Jewish seventy-fifth birthday. Tragedy." He will show how some of ist Organization of America and the Reo B a r i s h Jewish Groups to Confer editor of the the primary causes of anti-Semitism in Jewish communal activi- ' M o t or Company, In the meantime, Robert Rosen- Pester Lloyd since 1913, having been ^ are to be found in the teachings of baum, president of the Federation previously associated with other Hun- * i e s ' to the Municipal featuring the Reo the Christian churches. Basing his reof German-Jewish Societies, decided Court bench by an overwhelming ma- automobile. . jority. marks on the book by Dr. C. H. to call a meeting of his group, one garian newspapers. . Mr. Henry GraFrom 1899 to 1905, he was a memMoehlman, Christian professor of (Semi-tump) of the 23 federations composing the bois, who is expe;heology in Rochester, lie will relate German - American Conference, to ber of the Hungarian parliament. rienced in this line, how a false account of early Chrisdetermine the attitude to be taken Since 1930, he has been a member A r t i c l e s DV M e d i c a l ' is manager of the Max Barish tian history has produced the fifteentoward the Steuben Society fete. Del- of the Hungarian Senate. President hundred-year in the relations egates of various German-Jewish | "We are equipped to take care of etween Jewstragedy and Christians. vereins will assembly early this week Investigate Attacks eve Two members of Phi Delta EpsHon, • jy ^ n t of your automobile, into map out a course for action toNext week Rabbi Harry Jolt of BUDAPEST, {eludin d ward the proposed affair. __i Lincoln will occupy the pulpit while students in the dears JA. 0191 14th aud Pierce from the the univer- e ___ 1 2 m _ nt _ 1 rp(.<,aTcT,e= rt,PV W - P ^ v e r ccars Responding to assertions by Mr. pest were expelled elled from without without extra extra charge." „.«. _:x._i Jnmver-; l ti.i.'eiperuneniai ressarcnes xney have' nave, . _ charge." "^t5* Rabbi Goldstein at the same time ! Rosenbaum, delegate of the Feder- sity grounds after a pitched battle h a v e Their phone num. ^ t ^ | stu-1 ^ y _ ation of German-Jewish Societies to with a group of anti-Semitic stu-1 oer is J a c k s o n in the m laboratory h students succeeded! d d f*001, o f ^dicine articles of_the which the German - American Conference, dents. The Jewish 6860. for publication by lfla ve been en accepted a c = icine ep m articles which that he was not invited to attend in beating off their attackers until' ^ v . e+been ?* .accepted " fox-publieafaan by "Now is the time Abraham Appelthey were finally overwhelmed by a scientific journal the last meeting of the conference at to prepare y o u r sis had s . has h a d an article on '-'Iron in which that body's support was of- number exceeding their own twenty,5 ^ | ? 7"™J?\ A""""^ J car for winter driv..VA j t h e Human Blood" published in the fered the Steuben Society's plans for « „ „ H<: size. ing," Mr. Barish Archives of International Medicine a German Day celebration, Dr. Lud- The rector of the university or-;.' cautions. "Drive in September, 1933. wig Oberndorf, secretary of the con-dered an immediate investigation of; and let us put The Journal of American Physiference, informed the Jewish Daily the attack on the Jewish students. the right lubricant ology has accepted for-early publicaBulletin: and the right ration a treatise on the "Physiology^-of "Invitations to the meeting of the BUDAPEST, Hungary.—The andiator solution.' Gastric Acidity" written by Irwm German-American Conference were nual conference of Hungarian Nazis Barish Oil, Inc., Neigus. "••'•• ;'::--. sent to Mr. Rosenbaum as well as was raided by strong police detachfeatures D-X, a luto Dr. Fritz Schlesinger and Rabbi ments. Several Nazis were arrested bricating m o t o r Max Malina, former delegates of the and the police removed a quantity of Henry Grabois fuel, and the entire United German Societies. I t is true anti-Semitic literature which had line of Diamond Sec'y-Mgr. that Dr. Rosenbaum complained about Deen distributed by the Nazis on the Petroleum products. Outstanding in not having received the invitation, streets of Budapest. , , , _ , , . , _ , , these products is the "Fall-Grade" >T but this was certainly not intended. held Tuesday evening, November 21,.D . x ^ ^ ^ t o gasf d t h e ^ It may be due to the fact that Mr. starting at 8 p.m . - . . . • • " ' oline. I t starts quickest, increases Rosenbaum moved lately to another A a. business Business meeting will be oe held neia at at ^ ^ ^ h i g h ^i-knock, and it home." v't. w i . • ^ a S ° g ? . e ' , ? f t e r lubricates; yet it costs no more than Eo Jews Under Swastika^ ^ _ which both organizations will adjourn ' •* In many circles the attitude of the ^o~ffie SouffiTDmahs^congregation""oF"' Jewish groups is forecast as being Israel for an informal dance and decidedly unfavorable to taking part program. \ • ". . in any celebration at which the swasPlans are' being made for the anA jolly spirit of companionship/ are All members of both organizations g d 6 tika emblem is displayed. According and comraderie was. in evidence Sunnual dinner-dance given by the Xi to a decision reached some weeks ago ay evening as over three hundred Lambda fraternity New Year's. Bifls by the German Jewish groups; no fathers were hosts to their sons at vnR be issued to the affair, which member will attend ceremonies at the twelfth annual Father and Son will be held in the Seville room of which the Hitler insignia is flown. ^ A 7 A . ' the Knights of Columbus. The rorabanquet held under the joint auspices The Mother 3 The asserted intention of the Steuthe Social Service Committee of planning a smoker for ofSunday A. Z. A. mittee in charge consists of Erwln ben Society to invite German AmbasCommunity Center and ning, November 19, sador Hans Luther as piincipal Welfare Federation and the B'nai Ernie NoggT 1819 Binney street, in Ralph Nogg, and Al Weiner. spaker at the celebration makes man- Brith. | honor of eleven new pledges. I datory the display of the swastika. Rabbi David Wice delivered the) The chapter is also arranging for Unless he rejects the invitation, principal address of the evening. A an inter-chapter tourney ; with the iks which is considered unlikely inas- short address was given by Rabbi Lincoln A. Z. A. ; On Sunday, Decem-, much as the German Ambassador tra- Uri Miller, who was toastmaster. j ber 10, members of the local group ditionally has been the principal The invocation was given by Rabbi .will go to-Lincoln to -participate in speaker at these annual affairs, com- Frederick Cohn. i a basketball game, a joint meeting, ^ memorating the landing of the first t J. J. Greenberg represented the and a joint party. Germans in the United States, there fathers, speaking on "A Father's Re- j Plans are well under way to make will be a direct conflict between the sponsibilities." Irvin Sherman, 14- the celebration of international A. "Aryan" and Jewish German groups eaT-old son of Mr. and Mrs. David Z. A. Day on December 17 the most in New York. Sherman, responded on behalf of the ' outstanding in local history. The proCareful Selection sons, j gram will be given jointly by the Full plans for the celebration have F e a t ure entertainment included ' Mother chapter and the Sam Beber not yet been announced by the Steu- tricks of magic by "The Great Hunt- chapter 100. ' j : ben Society. Considerable attention ington" and a movie presented under ( : | is being paid the program, which has ;he direction of Phineas Wintroub. The Father and Son Banquet comNATIONAL helps build strong bones mittee, of which Dr. Philip Sher was ACCESSORIES, Inc. chairman, has expressed its appreciaand teeth. EVERYTHING The World Theatre offers two fea-tion to all who helped make the aftures this week which go to make an-iair successful. For the Auto other perfect program. What has 2031 Farnam AT. 5524 teen hailed in Hollywood as Barbara been completed only to the extent of Stanwyck's most emotional picture in entertainment numbers. The selection which her role is far remote from of speakers, it is generally agreed, anything she has ever done before on must be carefully made to avoid inthe screen, will be presented as the spiring popular and governmental World's first picture, "Ever in My protest against turning the celebraHeart" Tender romance and power- tion into a medium of Nazi propaful drama are laid first in a quaint ;anda. New England village, then sweeps to the American sector in France after America entered the world war. HOWARD *t 16th. The most mod-srn developments in detective technique add a freshness to Grey Iron* Alominum and the realism of the "Circus Queen MurBronze Castings der," the second feature at the World, Wood and STetal Patterns in which Adolphe Menjou is- in the 2C14 Martha St. HA; 5523 | role of Thatcher Colt, detective extraordinary. No strong-arm, third-degree methods are employed by Menjou in deterIs your appetite run down and mining the murder of the circus lifeless? Have you got a "sarqueen, stricken before the very eyes dine" of an appetite or a "whale" of thousands of horrified spectators of an appetite? . as she goes through ner act high np near the roof of the big top. ' FpRANY Establish the Jack and Jill as

Religious Services




Iota Tau

Tif eres Bachurim

Barish Announces Opening of Station



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your regular eating headquarters and you will find a new zest whetting your appetite. - . you will soon build up a "whale of an appetite." Our delicious menus are most palatable : . . served unexcelled in a quaint and soothing atmosphere.


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Monoxide gas cannot be seen. There is no odor... but it means certain death if enough of the gas is inhaled into the human system. Play safe! Always open the garage doors . • .and be certain that they will STAY OPEN BEFORE starting your car motor.


A Suggestion for Any Night

Jack & Jill Sizzling Steak , SerrHl while MTM Idabo baked in lhe p w n i | *%fl Potato, d of ranking . tamato. bread PlplBB b»t. butter, drink.

(Tack This Up in Ymr Garage)



PAGE 8—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1933 •1 FRADKSBURG, «TAX.MAST£R * B E B B » murderers by Mrs. Arlosoroff - was C50 Omaha Nnt'I Bank Bids'. legally not corroborative, according Physicians Trek Miss Helen Gillerstein was hostess to the defense. OF rKOBATE « ' I H » Out of Naziland In theNOTICE to the Alpha Chi'Gamma sorority County Court of Douglas County, In arguing for dismissal of charg-1 Nebraskn. Saturday evening. A business meetes against Achimeir, the defense de By DAVID SCHWARTZ BERLIN, (J.T.A.)— Forty per cent the Matter of the Estate of Esther R. ing was followed by bridge and reclared that not only was there no of the German Jewish physicians InMiller, Deceased. freshments. . evidence of incitement to murder by who left Germany have gone to Pal- AH persons interested in said estate are Plans were made at the Debra this defendant but that Achimeir, in estine, and about twenty are emi-hereby notified that a petition hns been Miss ANNA'.PILL. Correspondent in said Court, praying for the pro(Continued from Page 3.) meeting Monday evening for a dinhis beliefs, was strongly opposed to grating each week, according to thefiled bate of a certain instrument now ou m e O>Oner party next Monday evening at book on the racial strains composing individuals acts of violence and ter-Berliner Aertie Correspondenz. in Baid Court, purporting to be the last trill'and testament of Baid deceased,• nnrt the'Seville Cafe. ':'that a hearing will be hnd on said petition Mr. Grant belongs to therorism. Efforts are being made to facili- before The Iota Tau Sorority met Monday America. said Court on the Uth day of Decem100 per cent. Nordic \ school, who betate the settlement of the German ber, 10S3, and that if they fail to appear evening with- Miss Deborah; Silver. lieve, that no good whatsoever can at said Court on the said 9th day of I>ephysicians in the United States. The The meeting was concluded with come out oft Nazareth or : anywhere Greek Anti-Semites cember, 1833, nt 9 o'clock A. M. to contest : American consul in Berlin is being probate of said will, the Court mny bridge and refreshments. in Political Party requested to issue visas to physi- the else outside' of the Nordic strong- ! allow nnd prolmte sai<l will and grant adThe annual Father and Son Banministration of said estate to Dr. I'lulrp holds. Mr. Grant is particularly ancians desiring to move to America. and Julius Altmnn or some other quet, sponsored by: the Shaare Zion + tagonistic to Italians and-Jews*. The SALONICA, Greece, (J.T.A.)—The They will probably be required to Slier suitable person and proceed to a settleCongregation will take place next Greek organization, have sufficient means to live in thement thereof. Jews, he says, are non-European, anti-Semetic Monday evening, November 20, in the ERY.CE CRAWFORD, and moreover, he doubts whether known as -"EEE", which was dis-United' States for a year until AmerCounty Judge. they have any of the old Hebrew solved by the Greek government ican state examinations required of ll-24-33-3t Concluding a. successful three day social hall' of the Synagogue. Mr. blood. Not Europeans — not Ameri- some time ago, has now been formed foreign doctors who wish to practice convention, 150 members of theMorey Lipshutz, general chairman BY F . R, K. cans—not Hebrew. The Jews must into a political party, openly adopt- in that country are passed. Southwest region of Junior Hadas- of the affair will preside.•'[.'.. . • \ i Mr. Nathan Sadoff will speak :in not have been born. Like Topsy— ing the Nazi program, in order to sah, elected Miss Laura Lipshie of obtain the right to exist as a poliDes Moines, Iowa, president, to suc-behalf of the fathers. Morris Bern- The Council Bluffs Chapter No. 7just grew. SHOTWELI,, MONSKV, GRODINSKY' & tical organization. ceed Miss Elizabeth Raskin of Sioux stein and Charles Shindler \ will rep- of the A. Z. A. will hold a regular VANCE, Attorneys We hope Mr. Grant lives long. He City. The convention closed Sunday resent the sons. Male members of meeting next Sunday afternoon, Nov- will have to live long to learn any- Three thousand attended the first evening" with. a dance in the War-the choir will present several num- ember 19, at 2 o'clock at the syna- thing much. PKOBATE NOTICE "EEE" conference, which concluded In the Matter of the Instate of SlHdred bers. A novelty feature will be thegogue at 618 Mynster street. rior Hotel Ball Room. . with a shout of "Heil Hitler." I*evy- Holzman, Deceased. ' • -Other new officers for the district impersonation of . radio and- screen The government is showing its Notice is hereby given: That the crediThe Zionist organization is slowly tors of s:sitl deceased will meet the . . Jake Mendelson, who underwent an losing a large percentage of its work- determination to deal strictly with tor of said estate, before me. County execuare Freda Bernstein of Kansas City, stars. Judge Mr. Lester Heeger is in charge of Mo., first vice president; Ida Fine operation last Wednesday at theers to Palestine. Last to go was Miss the new anti-Semitic party. Greek of Douglas County. Nebraska, at the County Court Koom, in said County, on the of ; Omaha, second, vice president; reservations; Mrs. A. B. Friedman Mercy hospital, is now convalescing Ida Flaiou, who has been secretary police seized tens of thousands of 27th day of December, J033, and on the The Sign of Freda Albert' of Sioux City, third is in charge of the dining room, and there, and is expected home the early to all of the big guns of Zionism— anti-Semitic pamphlets, which have 27th day of February, VSM, nt !) o'clock A. M., each day, for the purpose of preGood Workmanship vice president; ;Rebecca Copafcen of Mrs. Max Herzoff, the menu. The part of next week. been distributed by the new party Weizmann, Brandeis, Lipsky, Rothsenting iheir claims for examination, adKansas City, recording secretary; dinner will be served at 6:45 and will among the Greek population. justment and allowance. Three months JA. 1614 enberg and Szold. are allowed for the creditors to present Mary ; Jacobson of Des Moines, cor- be catered by the Ladies Auxiliary Miss Jeannette Baron of Kansas their claims from the 27th day of NovemOffices Brandeis Theatre Bldg responding secretary; and Molly of Shaare Zion. OMAHA City, Mo., who has been spending the There is some talk in the Jewish Baltimore.—Sixty members of theber, 1933. Fishman of St. Joseph, Mo., treasUUXCE CRAWFORD, past two weeks here visiting at the jcircles in Cuba anent the erection of ', Shamre Mismeria Congregation, Lloydll-3-33-3t County Judge. urer. a monument to Luis de Torres, the j and Lombard streets, refused to halt home of her parents, Mr. anu Mrs. Joe The new directors include Alice Baron, will leave Sunday for her home first white man to step on Cuban their services when fire was discovCohen of Des Moines, Mary Ann : ered on the roof of the synagogue, in Kansas City. While here, the en- jsoil. He was the interpreter of CoWeiner of St. Louis, Jean Mitchell lumbus and later became the first I and police found it necessary to force gagement of Miss Baron to Mr. Sam! of Wichita, Ruth Sherman of Tulsa; governer of Cuba. He was a Jew. I them to abandon their prayers as a uel Schwartz of Omaha was anSibyl Merlin of Ssoux City; Dora matter of precaution. j nounced. Freshman of Omaha, Sarah Hill of In a stirring address before a large Lewis Browne, author, has made Lincoln, Ann Aronson of St. Joseph audience in the Community Center, HOXSKT, GRODINSKV and Rose. Bernstein of Kansas City. Sholom Schwarzbard, internationally Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lincoln enter- four trips to Palestine. He writes, SHOTffELI, & VAXCE, Atotrnejs afraid, if he makes another, he's <S7 Omaha National Bank Bldg. The conventions opened last Fri- renowned Jewish defender, challenged tained the members of their Sunday he's day evening with services at Shaare Jewry at large and German Jews in night Bridge club at their home Sun- liable to remain. rKOBATE NOTICE In the Matter of the Estate of Zion Synagogue. Miss Dorothy Mer- particular to protect their right to be d a y mstxt Will Durant of "Story of PhilosoOWENS, Deceased. lin presided and introduced the Jews, to fight for their liberty and Notice is hereby given that the credMr:;. Sol Gross of St. Louis, Mo., phy" fame is married to a Jewish itors speakers who included Miss Mollye if necessary to give up their lives. of said deceased will meet the adgirl who used to sell papers on" the ministrator of said estate. !>efore mo. Grunger of Lincoln, Nebraska; Miss The speaker was brought to Sioux returned to her home Sunday follow- East Side. County Judge of Douglas County, NebrasSadie Shulkin and Miss Rosalie Sacks City by the Poale Zion branch of ing a three weeks' visit here at the ka, at the County Court ltoom. In Baiil County, on the 2nd day of January, 1D34, of Sioux City. The ritual was read the National Workers Alliance. Mr. home of her son-in-law and daughter, The people of Palestine have ex- and oil the 2nd day of March. 1934, at 1) by Sulamith Bereskin, Ruth Orlikoff, Herman Mirowitz spoke on the pur-Mr. and Mrs. Louiu H. Katelman, and o'clock A. II., each day, for the purpose ceptionally good teeth, it- is said, due of presenting their claims for examinaSara Kuntz, and Bluma Olensky. pose of the Poale Zion and intro- their small son. to the ever present sunshine and tion, adjustment and allowance. Three Cantor A. Pliskin a:^ the choir also duced Mr. Schwarzbard. are allowed for the creditors to maybe the orange juice. Yet one ofmonths participated. present their claims, from the 2nd day Mr. and Mrs. Harry CohenenterMr. Abe Stillman spoke during the Delegates registered at the War-program. Mr. Schwarzbard is the tained the members of their Evening the leading false. teeth factories in of December, 10S3. 15RYCE CRAWFORD. County Judge. rior Hotel Saturday morning. A author of several books, the latest Bridge club at their home Tuesday the world is located there, but it11-10-33-St. sells mostly to Europe. luncheon meeting for the District of which will be released soon. evening. ECGENE BLAZEK, Atty. Board Members took place Saturday SOI Electric Bide. noon. The session included a treasThe "Cub Pack" will be organized rROBATE NOTICE urer's report by Ann Cohen of Des Tag Day Sunday with the local Jewish Boy Scout In the Matter of the Estate of William T. Moines; Organization1 report by Dor- The Ladies Auxiliary of the Work- Troop at an. important meeting to be F r y . Deceased. Notice Is hereby given: That the crediothy Marks of Kansas City; and men Circle No. 664 will hold their held next Thursday evening, Novemtors of said deceased will meet the execuQuestionaire by Sarah Woskoff of Annual Tag Day, next Sunday morn- ber 23. at the synagogue at 618 Myntor of said estate, before me. County Jndge Sioux City. Following the meeting ing and afternoon. Proceeds will be ster street at 7:30 o'clock. AH Jewof Douglas County. Nebraska, at the County Court Room, in said County, on the the .guests and local-members: at- given to the Los Angeles Consump27th day of December, 1933. and on the ish boys over ni.e years old .are intended the football-game. Saturday tive. Sanitorium.: . 2Tth day of February. 1934, nt 9 o'clock CAKES don't always ium out tho same, evan :: . vited to attend this gathering. This JAFFA, Palestine, (P.T.A.)—Aba A. M., each day, for the purpose of preevening they were:-entertained"••at- a The committee in charge of the senting their claims for examination, ndclub is being sponsored by the local Achimeir, one of the three men held Buffet Supper and Monte Carlo Tag Day has asked: all'Jewish : homes When the same recipe is f oftowed omd the sum© and allowance. Three months chapter of the A. Z. A. hi connection with the murder last jnstraent. ore allowed for the creditors to present party;' Skits were presented - by the to accept the committees who call on their claims, from the 27th day of Novemingredients used. June of Dr. Chafm Arlosoroff, noted ber, Sioux: City and Lincoln chapters. 1933. them, in view of the worthy cause Zionist labor leader, was cleared of BRXCE'CKAWFOUR Sunday morning -tae -business ses- or the collections. -. ., , Deutsch Wins High Consider, then, how nwch more difficult it is County Judge. charges of conspiracy to murder, as ll-3-33-3t sion was held in the,Warrior Hotel the magistrate^,investigation of the Of f ice in New York crime continued here. Achimeir, how- StLYEIiMAN & ZACHARIA, Attys. to make tires and have them afl excellent. There with Miss Dorothy Mendel of St. 7fiS Brandeis Th. BidsJoseph,-Mo., presiding. The program ever, is still heldi in connection with are more than 70 different raw materials, from included the invocation by Rabbi Ra., NEW YORK, (J.T.A.)—Bernard S. the murder: on fpo other counts. NOTICK B t PUBLICATION ON PETITION FOR SETTLEMENT OF FINAL binowitz; Welcome address by Freda Deutsch, president of the American aH parts of the world, used in the manufacture ADMINISTRATION ACCOCNT Mrs, Kala Epstein^ 1115 West. 6th Jewish Congress, was elected to the The conspiracy . charge was ruled Albert, local president; minutes of In the County Court of Douglas County, out after a spirited plea by defense street died last week following a sudthe last convention,; report of the aldermanic presidency by a heavy Nebraska. of tires. And these ingredients, like the ingreden heart attack; Funeral services majority in last week's New York counsel on the grounds that the In the Matter of the Estate of THERESA Oregional • president, and; communicaIRENE CLAllEY. Deceased. criminal code in force in Palestine All persons Interested in said -matter dients in cakes, can and do vary tremendously. tions;- Committee reports were' given were held,from the family residence. City elections. Running on the vicSurviving are the widower, 'two torious Fusion ticket, he defeated holds that a conspirator must neces- «re hereby notified that, on the 3rd day "by the following chairmen: Dorothy November, 1033, Harry B. Coheu filed So don't let am/one tell you that all tires are Mendel, St. Joseph, membership; Sen- daughters, Molly and Bess, and a Nathan Straus, Jr., Recovery Party saiily be present when the crime of a petition in said County Court, praying takes place. No evidence was pr&; son, Abe, all of Sioux City. thRt his final administration account filed ior and Junior Relationship, Ida candidate, and Milton Solomon, reguabout alike. Tires produced in vast number and sented during the course of the mag- herein be settled and allowed, nnd that Fine, Omaha; Fellowship, by Sylvia lar Democrat. he be discharged from his trust as adistrate's investigation to show that Evenen, Lincoln, Nebr.; Credentials, Mrs. Rose Victor, 56, died in a ministrator find that a hearing will be Samuel Levy was returned to ofby volume production methods must necessarily on said petition before said Court on Margaret Shulkin; General Resolu- local hospital Monday, after, a two fice as Borough President of Man-Achimeir was present when the mur- had the 2nd day of December. 1033, and that der took place, the prosecution stresstions, Rose Bernstein, and Nominat- weeks illness. Funeral services were hattan. Henry Hesterberg, in a startbe ordinary or average tires. if you fail to appear before said Court ing only that the defendant had insti- on the said 2nd day of Decemlxr. 1933, ing Committee by Freda Albert. ling election up-set, was defeated for held Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Victor gated and planned the assassination at 9 o'clock A. M., and contest said petei" The Luncheon Sunday noon took was born in Russia and came to Borough President of Brooklyn. tidn, the Court may grant the prayer of which was carried out by others. said petition, enter a decree of heirship. place in the Warrior Hotel and theSioux City when 26 years old. Sur- Justice Samuel I. Rosenman was and make such other nnd further orders, speaker - was Rabbi Felix Levy, of viving are her widower, three sons, returned to the Supreme Court bench. Following completion of the prose- allowances nnd decrees, as to this Court Temple Emanuel in Chicago. Rabbi Paul, Wilbur, and Harry of Sioux In Brooklyn, Aaron L. Jacoby was cution's presentation of evidence mny seem proper, to the end that nil are compounded and built with the infinite care matters pertaining to said estate taaj be against Achimeir, Abraham Stavsky Levy spoke on the subject "The Jew City, and a brother in Canada. elected Register. and Zvi Rosenblatt, all of whom are finally settled ^ y ^ ™ S Views Nationalism."" Gisela Pill preessential to the creation of the highest quality County Judge. identified with extremist groups of 11-10-33-St. sented a cell'o solo, and those atSouth African Official the Revisionists,, the right-wing Zitending joined in the community tires possible to manufacture. A. Z. A. Reassuring onists, the defense attorneys began a singing which was led by Ida Heshe.. Yet, they sell for no more than every dcy tires. low. Miss Freda Albert presided. The Mr. Edwin W. Baron, local attor- Cape Town, South Africa.—Definite heavy attack on the testimony ofStop in for dinner, after new officers were installed by Mrs.ney" addressed the open meeting of assurances that the Jews of South fered. Evidence offered by Mrs. Sima Theodore N. Lewis. Rabbi Lewis the A. Z. A. chapter which was held Africa need not fear anti-Semitism, Arlosoroff, the Zionist leader's withe theater, or after the gave the invocation and an address Wednesday evening. Others who par-were given by Minister for Native Af- dow, who was a witness to her husparty for that snack with k from. Miss ^Elizabeth -Raskin, regional ticipated on the program were Rubin fairs Grobler who addressed a Zionist band's murder, revolving around identification of Stavsky and Rosenblatt president, who was'- unable to attend Halpern, violin solos; Betty Rosen- meeting in Johannesburg. dancing in our party room. because of illness, was read. Miss stock, piano solos; and Stanley Herz- Minister Grobler d-aclared that Eu- as the alleged murderers, came in for Open all night. Anna' Cohen of Des Moines read a off, president's message. Songs by ropean hates and quarrels would not sharp criticism. paper prepared by Miss Cheryl Sand- the, members were also included in he allowed to poison South" Africa, Identification of Stavsky as one of i ier who was unable to attend, and the program. the assailants through identification Mias Rebecca Copaken read a paper Max Maron was in charge of the of his foot-prints by an Arab trackon "What Hadassah is Doing for program, and Max Zeligson, was in er employed by the police was critiKitchen Chats Palestine." charge of "the refreshments. cized by the defense attorneys, who By charged that the witness and another The Senior Hadassah chapter was tracker had been present at police Mrs. Datid M. Newman hostess at a tea during the afterAuxiliary headquarters and had seen Stavsky noon in the Sioux Apartment Ball before picking him out of an identiTwo hundred women attended the Room, honoring the Junior Hadassah Ginger Bread MAEGABET BERM 0$, Prop. fication parade. On this ground, the members. Des Moines, Iowa was cho- monthly meeting of the Ladies Aux- One and; one-half cup defense asserted, the tracker's testimolasses, iliary of Shaare Zion Synagogue, sen as the place for the next conheld Tuesday afternoon in the social 1-2 cup butter, 1 cup hot water, 1 mony was inadmissible. J l . 8278 vention. 2106 Farnara teaspoon soda, 1 egg, 1 teaspoon gin- Identification of Stavsky's coat as hall of the Synagogue. Featured on the program was theger, 1 teaspoon cinamon, 2 cups flour, the one worn by one of the alleged showing of movies taken in Palestine few grains salt. Mix dry ingredients Ticket Committee of by Dr. J. N. Lande. Di\ Lande told first. Add butter, flour and water. Sisterhood Party of his trip and explained the scenes Bake at 350 degrees . . . 30 minutes. T2i Mrs. ;Jake Kalin and Mrs. J. H.during the showing of the slides. Whipped Cream Cake Greeftberg, who head the ticket com- Miss Bertha Heshelow presented One-half pint whipped cream> 2 mittee for the annual Thanksgiving a piano solo. arid Harry Kanofsky eggs, 1 cup sugar, 1 1-2 cup flour, DAVID HOBER3IA3T BARNEY BOBEKMAN Cabefet'Dance to be held Wednes- sang a group of songs. 2 teaspoons powder, 1-2 teaday • evening, November 29, have Mrs. Barney Baron presided dur- spoon salt, baking 1 teaspoon vanilla or named their: assistants on this com- ing the business meeting and Mrs.lemon. Whip cream real stiff, drop mittee and announce that up to date Reuben Miller introduced the pro-in whole eggs and stir easily. Sift their ticket-sales .-have exceeded that gram. sugar 3 times and fold in. Sift of last year by a great, number. The Plans were made for the Annual flour, salt and baking powder 4 dance will be held in the Bellevue Auxiliary Birthday party, which is : flavor. Bake scheduled for the first night of Chan- times and fold in Ball Room. •; ; layers 400-degrees. Put together The committee includes the Mes-ukah, December 12, and the Annual in with cream icing. dames Abe Agranoff, Sam Cohen Card party, the first week in February. Corner 17th and Capitol Ave. Hyman Fishgall, E. J. Fribourg, Gail Friedman, William Lazere, Louis OMAHA, NEBRASKA Harding's is one of the highest scored Volz Will Keep You Koolish, Joe Levin, Jack Robinson Shaare Zion Nattily Attired Morris Weiner, Herman Slotsky Phone AT. 6427 butters sold in or about Omaha, yet it Sam Gutterman M. Daskovsky and Rabbi Rabinowitz will speak this evening on . the subject. "Are Our Hoberman Bros., Proprietors Abe Brodkey. costs no more than the average butter Methods Right?" Children of the Religious School Mount Sinai have begun work on their Chanukah Rabbi Myron Meyers of St.- Jo-program which is scheduled for DeBe Sure That the Butter You Buy Is at the FASHION TAILORS seph, Mo., will speak at Mount Sinai cember 17. Several plays and musiJ0HX VOLZ Temple this evening in behalf of thecal numbers will compose the program. JACKSO5 2706 Union of American Hebrew' congreDavid Kuntz will act as cantor gations. 805 So. 19tb'."."; during the Junior Congregation servThe volunteer choir will sing dur- ices-tomorrow morning; ing the service •-




By the Way



Council Bluffs News

Sholom Schwarzbard Speaks in Sioux City!






Theodore Volz& Son, Inc.

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