December 8, 1933

Page 1

Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism

In the Interests of the JezvishPeople

tuitrn-d us Secuinl-lVns» Mnti Mattet on Jnuunrj 21. 11K I'oRioillrc Ht Oinnhn. Nebraska, under the Act of Ms Kb 3.





VOL. IX—No. 45

Belgian Queen at Yiddish Theater Brussels, (J.T.A.)—The visit which Elizabeth, Queen of the Belgians, made to the Yiddish Theater to witness a performance by the celebrated Wilno troupe was hailed by the Belgian press as a demonstration by the ruling house of sympathy with the Jews and of protest against anti-Semitism. The papers pointed out that the Queen intended to express her feelings regarding persecution of the Jews and chose this visit to the Yiddish Theatre as an effective means of doing so. The Queen was enthusiastically received by the audience at the theatre. She stayed throughout the entire performance and at its conclusion received M. Slaso, director of the troupe, expressing her appreciation of the presentation.


More and m^gs^t-^Jople are using the facilities Kfj-"'-^ local Jewish Community Ceir ,:>'%! Welfare Federation to tran..ULi*aooney to relaDorothy Thompson S t r e s s e s Two Ifundred Families to Try tives in Europe through the Hias. Nazi Use of "Propaganda In the year this service has been This Method of Beating By ALICE L. HAMILTON, M. D. and the Lie" offered, $699.55 have been sent Depression through the J. C. C. to Russia, Po(Reprinted From the* Survey Graphic) "The boycott of Nazi-made goods Latvia and other Eastern EuNew York, (J. T. A.)—Two hun- land, will not bring about the downfall ropean countries. dred families will /be settled on a of t h e H i t l e r Editor's Note; In this picture of up to eighteen months for repeating grandmother, both in the eighties, regime in Germany,1 large parcel of land in New Jersey This safe, efficient transmission of German was the imon tales of violence towards Jews. There impressions written in the had quietly taken their own lives, unmoney is gaming in popularity. ° P expressed by Dorin the near future by the Provisional Survey Graphic Dr. Hamilton gives is a little joke thfy tell of a man able to face this hideously altered othy Thompson (Mrs. Sinclair Lewis) Commission for the Establishment of first-hand testimony of what is go- with his" head aH Jbandaged who is world. who was enthusiastically received Jewish Farm Settlements as a measing on below the surface in Nazi accosted by a frien|L by a capacity audience Monday eveI think of two couples, one of my ure against the economic depression. Germany, as contradistinguished from "What on earth*has happened to own generation, the other their son ning at the Jewish Community CenThe families will be selected from the orderliness which appears to preter where she opened the Commuyou?" ' and his young wife, with whom we among thousands,of unemployed neevail on the surface. Herein Dr. Ham- "What has happened to me nity Forum series with a lecture on spent a Sunday in a university city dle -workers -who at the present time ilton illustrates the same power of "The Crisis in Germany." "Howwhat we are told is not true." in the Rhineland. The older man is are facing serious hardships. discernment which has characterized The country is fpll of spies—hotel a physician, an internationally known ever," she continued, "I favor the Plans, and details of the movement, her fair but thorough investigations waiters, hotel guests, one's own ser- authority in his field, but—he had a boycott because public opinion is which is the first of a series of simiof wide areas of American industry, vants. In some houses conversation Jewish mother. He took me over his thus mobilized against tactics such lar efforts which together have been Europe in wartime, and Russia after kept on when the^servant came in, beloved institute, his clinic •which he as are employed by the Nazis." designated a "back to the farm move- Mr. Harry Friedman was honored the revolution.—The Editor. but usually there? was a sudden sibuilt up himself, and I had to linger Miss Thompson, a noted authoress, ment," were outlined at a meeting on the occasion of his 88th birthday lence or change of subject. Once in each room and listen to all that is one of the most famous women luncheon held by the Commission. at a stag sponsored by the local It is less than a week since Clara when we were - bracking on the third had gone to the development of the newspaper correspondents in the Benjamin Brown, chairman of the lodge of the B'nai B'rith at the J. Landberg world. She spoke of conditions in and I came back from Ger- floor of a house ,«pe of the guests many sides of his work. I had the Commission, said that from each setC. Tuesday evening. got up and shut fee window nervous- feeling that I was assisting at the Germany from actual observation many after a ten weeks' journey that tler will be required a deposit of During the evening tribute was ly, saying one never knew if the long farewell of a condemned exile and investigation. 5500, in return for which he will be paid to his charity work and the went from Cologne in the west to neighbors might foot catch some to his beloved home, and so it really The speaker excoriated Hitler and given a house and aero, in addition service he has rendered to the. com- Koenigsberg in the east and from words through the', window. We had proved to be, for on our way downMunich in the south up north to his Nazis, particularly attacking to whatever farm implements he munity in general and the B'nai Hamburg. Germany is an old stamp- an amusing but startling experience stairs we met ' a heavy, awkward Will Speak at J. C. C. Tuesday their use of false propaganda and finds necessary. B'rith in particular. A testimonial Evening, December 12, once in a restaurant. We had been man who was introduced to the utter abandon with which they The bulk of the money realized of appreciation was presented to him ing-ground of mine. I had a whole talking rather freely but felt safe young at 8 P. M. me as the second assistant and as told "colossal lies." year of student life there after my from the initial deposits will be used, by Dr. Philip.Sher. because we used the name "Lehmann" he passed us my friend said, "There She stated that. Germany has gone graduation from the medical school he said in purchasing or leasing land Leo Abramson, who was chairman for Hitler. My host's little son, a is my successor. My first assistant Dr. Jacob Singer, director of the and equipment. Products'raised by of the affair, read a message from and after I went into industrial med- charmer of four years, seemed ab- is a Jew, so it is this one who gets Hillel Foundation at Northwestern through the following: three stages the farmers will be used chiefly for Harry B. Zimman, praising Mr. icine I took every chance to slip in sorbed in his dinner and in the ex- my place." I burst out in anger University, will open the Jewish lec- since the advent of Hitler to power: subsistence. Surplusage may be sold Friedman's loyalty and unselfish again even if for only a few days, to citing surroundings^ but .suddenly he against the stupid cruelty of the uni- ture series at the Jewish Community 1. A short reign of terror. A systematic, cowardly and cruel terrorizvisit factories and talk to experts in turned to the waiter and said, "Do for a profit, he said. service. Mr. Zimman has been perversity and the meanness of a man Center this Tuesday evening, Decem- ing and phy?* beating of Jews, One of the chief objectives of the sonally acquainted with Mr. Fried- my field. pacifists, internationalists and comI thought I knew Germany inti- you know there is a wild man in who would consent to climb on the ber 12, starting at 8 p. m. movement, Mr. Brown explained, will man's work for 40 yeaTS. Sam mately but now I begin to think I Berlin? His name is Lehmann/' back of his own chief to take what Dr. Singer's subject is "Jewish munists. While this was going on, be to restore the needle worker to Beber gave a talk congratulating Mr. Really, we all had; cold chills when he had no right to. My friend shrug- Wit and Humor." His talk will inand his aids were telling the his trade. Through cooperative ef- Friedman on behalf of the B'nai did not. From the first day in Co- we realized what a ^narrow escape we ged his shoulders. "What would hap- volve both the humorous aspect and Hitler press and foreign correspondents that logne, which was still placarded with forts, manufacturers in the cities of B'rith. pen if he should refuse? Only that the philosophical basis of Jewish hu- there were no atrocities being perhate posters against the Jews, I had made. the country will be asked to give Mr. Friedman responded, express- found myself bewildered and aghast Therefore, the tourist who cannot he would lose a wonderful chance mor. petrated. On the very day Hitler work to the farmers, who are expect- ing his appreciation for the honors with the change that had come over get below the surface, who has no and somebody no better than he; The for the evening will I t ed to apportion their time between bestowed upon him. j be Dr. Victor E. Levine, of the o l d t n e Hearst papers by long disland. This feeling still remains intimate connections in Germany, would be put in over him." T. T _* ^ tance interviews to tell the American farming and duties to which they are Ab Kaiman was master of cere- that with me but after ten weeks there I cannot know the truth. He will get As we left the building we turned I University School of people that "not one hair of a .Jew* accustomed. Individuals will be ap- monies. Al Finkel, pianist, gave sev- know that the change is not univer- the impression that all Germany is ish person was hurt in Germany," pointed to find a market for monu- eral selections, and Bill Baron en- sal, that there are many, many Ger- enthusiastically back of Hitler, for f o r a ,,] o o k ^b a c k a t i t a n d m y f r i e n dj _ lecturer is recognized as an 167 foreign Jews (this naturally exsaid lt the idIeness the e m p t factured products placed on sale by the people most opposed to him ^l\ that I mind most. I am only j authority on literature and is said cluding the German Jews) filed ofthe farmers. be a forceful speaker. be the last *© fey anything. Of in that distracted land with dismay, ficial protests with the consuls in fifty, I cannot sit at home all day to Rabbi Mr. Brown pointed, out that this eluding many old-timers who had with shame, sometimes with despair. course, I cannot fiazard a guess as Frederick Colin has known Berlin that they had been beaten like a decrepit old man. If even I movement in no way will compete worked side-by-side with Mr. Fried- It seems important to make this to how great Iris majority really is; might write, but my last article has Dr. Singer for a long time, and in up by the Nazis. with other similar back-tp-the-farm man and many younger men who clear nobody can possibly know. He has just come back, the first time such commenting on him states: "Dr. to Americans because though 2. A period of "cold cleansing." A movements. It is to be an independ- had not yet been born .when.-Mr. we find you better informed on many dissolved all other existing. parties, Singer is a fluent and interesting series of laws were enacted, disa thing, has happened to me. Evi• ent, self-governing, non-profit-making Friedman was active in philanthropic speaker and a man who is intensely franchising the Jews, depriving them he controls the press and the trades, dently that outlet is barred too!" grpup, .except insofar as the hitherto there is no possible way in which rights and mak"We went to his house for a mid- earnest. He is thoroughly Jewish and of their citizenship •unemployed needle workers will ben- had permanently settled in Omaha April first than we are, because you be voiced. But day dinner and I met his wife. She has a great deal of artistic ability t h e m alieRS _ ffitler,s c a m p a ign .have had full andjfearlese reports in dissent efit from their labors. \ _ _ . in the year .,1886 7 and., became j e r y in various^fields. I feel,certain .that, -passionatea g a i n s t t h e J e w s w a s n o t o ne m ; was"far less "calin than neF'husbanci, ~ :: :"PefsoiS -Selected- fotf the ^enterprise aeHve" in! "communal workT "He lias his talk here will be well worth a s d e v a s t a t i n g a P his battle against pudiation of the whole movement, onlv a censored press-filled with fanshe was half distracted with misery •will be chosen provided they meet the been a B'nai B'rith member for the it is not confined to the Jews, and with a helpless anger which was •while. . , . the Gennan working classes. requirements, which include physical past 43 years and in June of this tastic and vicious propaganda, still and who are the victims of specially reThe Jewish lecture series is being attempted there seem to be two impressions exactly what I should have felt in g Totalitarian s t atus ability, mental fitness and a desire year was unanimously elected by the presented at the Jewish Community f o r a l l G e r m a n y . A state in which over here that to us seem mistaken, lentless persecution; it is felt by the to do the work. B'nai B'rith as treasurer for life plight of her husband to think of Center, under the auspices of the a l l s c i e n c e - a r t r e i i g i o n , love, ideas, "I would like to point out," con- after having served faithfully in that namely that all Germans are united Gentiles, too. As all the world knows, it is the 'or Hitler and that, after all, everybut still more that of her son, and Junior \ a a d organizations and m- > u l i f e ^ . m b e d e d d e d b v Mr _ H i t tinued Mr. Brown, "that this kindof post for 30 years. ;hing is going on much as usual in Jews who are singled out as scape- after dinner "when she had a few eluded five numbers during the com- I ,„„ work will constitute not only an imgoats and who bear the chief brunt minutes alone with me she told me ing season. The project is for the Miss Thompson pointed out that Germany. portant contribution toward the soluIt is true that an intelligent tour- of the Nazi rage against all that has with a quiet desperation that she community at large. Tickets can be in this latter phase Hitler made his tion of some of the grave problems ist can spend some time in Germany happened in Germany since 1914. It knew he was thinking of suicide and procured at the Community Center, first slip when he attempted to which confront the Jews, but that i and come back to report that all is is true that tens of thousands of she could have no peaceful moment and are §1.50 for the season or fifty change the church. The churches will also be in line with the general cents for individual lectures. well in Berlin and Dresden; the Gentiles are in concentration camps rose bravely to refuse the Nazi orpolicy of our present administration he was out of her sight. The committee on the Forum in- der to throw out the Old Testament because of their political faith, and streets are orderly, the discipline of at Washington, which aims, among young people took us for a clude Dave Slobodinsky and Sara Ma- and all Jewish converts. ;he young Nazis is perfect, the tales it is true too that the Jews who are other things, at decentralization, that lashock, co-chairmen, Louis Eichlin, of Jewish atrocities were absurdly in those camps are imprisoned for 'Hitler has written in his book, aftemoon coffe^ is, the moving out of thousands of Sam White, Arthur Cohen, Dave ] My Struggle," and has inculcated the same cause, not because of their exaggerated, and now no Jew is even Opening a series ' of eight "book people from the congested industrial t h a t h a d f a I ] f i n Hahn, Joe Saks, Joe Kricsfeld, Joe into his Nazi followers the princicenters into the free and healthy at- evenings," Rabbi David A. Goldstein molested; they are carrying on their race. But what makes the Jewish sitH e i n t h e , Feldman, Eudy Mittleman, Sol Kri- ple that 'in the extent of a lie, lies uation so hideous is that it is inbusiness as usual, the whole country will review Hervey Allen's "Anthmosphere of rural life." until May 1^ and his wife| j Esther Goldware, Dora its power. If you tell a small lies ony Adverse" Monday evening, De- is back of Hitler; if there were an escapable, one can hide one's opin- university had taken her doctorate in his sub- z e m a I l j cember 11, at 8 p. m., at the Jew- election tomorrow he would poll 100 ions but not one's race; it involves ject, Freshman, B l a n c h e Eothenberg, it will be detected; if you tell a so the two had a gorgeous time Blanche Binstein, Anne Green, Mar- collosal lie, the people will believo Temple Father, Son ish Community Center. A much per cent of the votes; he is after all, people who have never concerned making out his courses together. novel and already widely a fine fellow and just what Germany- themselves with politics as much as They showed us their two studies ion Weinberg, Bess Kirschenbaum, it because they can't believe you Dinner Wednesday discussed read, it is one of the year's best needed. That is the impression most the most ardent Democrats and it which took up most of the little flat, and Bess Eubenstein. would be so impudent'! Consequentourists will bring back this summer strikes with special cruelty the chil- they showed us the prospectus of the The advisory committee is com- ly, the Hitlerites do not make even sellers. The vestry rooms ol Temple Israel posed of Mrs. Leon Mendelson, Mrs. the slightest attempt to give rea dren whose only crime is to have will be the scene of the Temple's an- This is the only public series that but it is largely false. new courses they had prepared for f ^ been born. Mrs. N. H. Green- sons for what they believe or do." nual father and son dinner, given un- Rabbi Goldstein is giving this year. I am ready to admit that during this semester, and then their hands It is open to non-members of the The first call I made in Germany dropped and they sat silent while we all my stay there I saw no sign of der the auspices of- the Brotherhood to the Nazi making sweeping on Wednesday evening, December 13, Conservative Synagogue at the nomi- disorder, but then I lived twenty-five gave me a feeling of passionate sym- wondered what one could say to merman, M nal fee of $1.50 the series, or 50 years in. Chicago and in a poor, im- pathy mixed with anger which did young things stopped so suddenly and eralities which are false and reat 6:30 p. m. Members migrant neighborhood at that, and so not leave me while I was there ex- cruelly at the beginning of their capeating these generalities over and An elaborate program, of entertain- cents for each review. 1 over again. far as I knew I never saw a boot- cept for brief periods of happy for- reers. I asked if there were not ment has been scheduled,'' according may procure.$1 tickets. _„. The ticket sale has been brisk, legger or a high-jacker and certainly getfulness soon destroyed by a fresh something he could do temporarily, "The worst thing inherited from to Morris E. Jacobs, who will be Mrs. Mose Yousem and Mrs. Irving never a gangster murder. Yet no- experience as pitiful and iijs sadden- till the madness passed, but he shook the world war," Miss Thompson do toastmaster of the evening. clared, "is the development of the Unique prizes will be given to the Levin, chairman and co-chairman, re- body would take such negative evi- ing as the first. Social workers" do his head. spectively,- announce, and - a •capacity dence as conclusive nor should I think not need to be told what it must technique of poisoning the public fathers and sons. "I have been everywhere," he said. mind—propaganda. In propaganda, The dinner, which will be served attendance is predicted. "The Con- of offering it. In 1924 I was in Rus- mean when a government sets out "I have offered to take any kind of tmcer the direction of Mrs. Mollie servative Synagogue Auxiliary is sia and had I not been a guest of the with a deliberate plan to make life work, no matter how unskilled, but A national campaign tinder the the 'lie' is made an art." Colin, is to be open to women as well sponsoring the affair as a benefit Quakers I should have come back intolerable for some two or three they all say the same thing: 'My leadership of Mrs. Herman Shulman The speaker also forcibly discov- •• full of unqualified admiration for the millions of its people, to drive them ns fathers and sons, it was announced. for the Sunday School. of New York City is to be conducted ered the generally believed idea In addition to the opening novel, Bolsheviks. But the Quakers saw be- out of business, finance, the arts and dear boy, we would gladly take you, during the month of December that Hitler and his Nazis came to make a place for you, but there is a other "books to be reviewed and dates neath the surface and they knew the professions. The problem of phythroughout the United States in be- power legally. He cited the steps Nazi spy in the office, a stenograContributions to are! as follows: "Little Man, What what went on in the cellar as well as sical want that faces them is stagof the Palestine School Lunch- by which he illegally gained the powNow?" by Hans Fallada, on Decem- the part of the house which strang- gering to contemplate. But there is pher or an office boy, or maybe it half er he has as dictator. The method Memorial eon Fund. is the janitor or the scrubwoman, ber 27; "Return of the Native," by ers see. also the other aspect, the mental and we should be denounced in the betrayal and broken word," she The purpose of the Fund is to "of Fund Thomas Hardy/' January 15; "Hear To know what is happening in Ger- suffering, the shock of suddenly findstated, was used. Brown House, a band of thugs would check the prevalence of malnutrition Ye, Sons!" by Irving Fineman, Jantoday you must go to friends ing oneself passing from a position visit us, you would be thrown out among school children in Palestine "Mr, Hitler wants a military Contributions to the "Memorial uary 29; "Of Human Bondage," Feb- many of old know and trust you. of respect, even honor, to that of a and who knows what would happen by providing them with well bal- renaissance in Germany—-a Germany Fund" of the Jewish Community Cen- ruary 12; "Three Cities," Scholem Through who these you meet oth- hated interloper, of being thrust in to us, anyway.' So there is no use anced, nourishing meals which they purged of all opposition to militarter and Welfare Federation form an Asch, February 26,: and two others ers and they, friends accept you on their a single day froi-i one's beloved work trying for work anywhere." themselves prepare. A luncheon fund ism, and he then wants to go on « important item in the : Federation yet to be selected. into complete idleness without hope. friends' word and in turn pass you We were at one of those abundant makes possible also an intensive ed- crusade. The Hitler theme is that "budget in caring for the indigent on to people in another city, the cir- I think of a spirited young wo- German afternoon coffee parties in ucational program which puts into the German people must have more sick and needy. cle widening all the time. These peo- man, who all her life has had the the house of an old professor whom practice the newest findings in the space, and he wants that space not This Flower Fund serves the three- Installation Service ple wfll talk freely, but only in their background given by an old and hon- I knew in my student days. As I look science of nutrition, which show that to be colonial but right in continfold purpose of honoring the departat Temple Tonight own homes or in small groups in a ored famfly name (her people have back on it, I feel again the surge of in the proper choice and use of sim- ental Europe. His theme is based ed, consoling the bereaved, and aidhotel or restaurant where a corner been in Upper Silesia since 1520) everyday articles of food is found on 'blood and earth.' This is acing the needy. The installation of the newly-elected can be found quite safe from eaves- the daughter of a famous scientist, pity that came over me when I lis- ple cording to his own words, and he In reminding the public to contri- officers of the Brotherhood will fea- droppers. There, in low voices, they with a city street named for him af- tened to some low words from the the key to the prevention of defi- further states that Germany's gain ciency diseases and the advancement wife of a judge who sat opposite us. bute to this fund, the Federation ture the services .at Temple Israe will tell you the truth. I remember ter his death, the granddaughter of a be at the expense of two 'destates: "The giving to charity in this evening, December 8, starting ai the sudden feeling of surprised re- man known as a generous patron -of He had just been expelled from of- of positive health and longevity. will cadent' countries, Russia and France. honor of the dead is in accordance 8 p. m. the arts, andyherself a more than fice and forbidden to practice as a Through the Palestine School Lunch- His purpose is to annex the Polish lief that came over me when I crosseon Fund the children are made the with' the Jewish tradition. Should any During the special ceremony Rabbi ed the.border into Holland for a day prominent educator. When I met her lawyer in the courts, even to take Latvia, Lithuania, etc. He of our members be so unfortunate David H. Wice will speak on "Leaders and found that none of my friends she had as yet hardly had time to charity cases. He was in a state of instruments of bringing this newer corridor, wants peace only if he can get what education into the home, thus influrestless excitement and his wife did as to suffer the loss of a friend or and Demagogues." -.,-'• glancing over their shoulders or catch her breath; she was bewilder- not have to tell me what it meant encing the nutrition of the family and he wants by peace." She predicted loved one, may we not ask that what Rabbi Wice will lead the • installa- were ed, she could not believe that her They were calling Hitler that he wouldn't go very far in his would ordinarily be spent for the tion, with President-elect Morris; E. whispering. own city could so hurt and insult to have him a t home all day long, community. by name and s a y i n g what they "crusade." This year, with the influx of the pacing the floor, unable to get away passing tribute of flowers be sent Jacobs giving the response. pleased about him in a crowded res- her. Work, which means most of life for an houT from his despair over harassed, driven, underfed children to our Federation and .placed in the taurant. The next day I was back in for her, was taken away, even though the hopeless fate that had overtaken from Germany and eastern Europe, Memorial Flower Fund, to aid us in Germany and the pall of fear drop- most of what she did was unpaid re- him, and coming back again and the work takes on special signifi- German Scholar Exile our work." search; her father's name was inForm Anti-Defamation ped over me again. Appointed to Yale sulted, she was of a sudden robbed again to thoughts of suicide as the cance. Groups This is no fancy. People are ar- of all her pride and confidence, her only way out. Their one joy and A committee headed by Mrs. J. New Haven, Conn.—Dr. Karl LoewRacial Eugenics Chair New Britain, Conn.—Special com rested constantly and for most triv- own city for which her family had comfort, their son, was gone; for Blank and Mrs. D. R. Cohen, assist- enstein, noted political scientist forDusted Off mittees are being organized in this ial things. Lese majeste under the done so much, had turned on her and they had sent him to "school i n Switz- ed by Mrs. L. Sogolow, J. Abraham- merly on the faculty of the University : Berlin.—The University of Berlin city, Hartford and MiddletQwn U Kaiser was nothing to what it is now. called her vDe names and hated her. erland feeling that for Mm to slay son, D. B. Epstein, Allen Kohan, Moe o£ Munich, but now a refugee from Inaugurated a chair for the study secure support for the activities of Daring my short stay five persons And the very night before she came at home would bring him u p in an Katleman, Harry Malashock, D. B. Germany has been appointed associof racial eugenics..- Professor Lud- the B'nai B'xith , Anti-Defamation were, reported in the papers .as nav- to see me, her grandfather and Cohen and David A. Finkel will con- ate professor of political science «t wig Glenz will occupy the chair. League and the Hellel Foundations, ing received prison sentences running duct the work in this city. Yale, it was announced cere. (Continned on Page 2).





2—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1933 Kampf, and he will be convinced that society in which there is enough to in the Socialist party and in the he is not carried away by the mobso long as Hitler rules Germany Schwaermerei which now posses GerDemocratic and even the Communist go around and when for years there can be no hope for the German has not been nearly enough then a —indeed,, the fact that the most fa- many. After the Leaders' Conference there sort of savagery, u s i n g civilized mous Communist leaders jvere Jews in Berlin in the second week in June Jew. methods, takes their place. —Kurt Eisner, Liehknecht, Rosa Lux- the stiffening program and intensification of methods was clearly to be It seems strange that intellectual umberg, Haaze and Thaelmann, for seen. During the last ten days of oav Rebuked for "Inhuman Act" instance—is always brought forward men will defend the expulsion of stay in Germany, we watched the Berlin.—A courageous editorial critJewish professors, but they do. When in any denunciation of the Jews. The clouds thicken, the suspense increase icizing the German government for one hints that the German must be Jewish professors, artists, journal-j and finally we saw the dreaded blow the order declaring the children of ists and leading physicians and law-| intellectually inferior if he cannot fall on friend after friend, that which marriages between Jews and members yers certainly won their places fairreach the highest places by his own (Continued From Page 1) work together for years. There are the government w e r e not Jews had only been threatened in May be-of the nobility illegitimate appeared wealthy Jews who each year have (Rathenau was got rid of by as- efforts but must down his Jewish ly, in competition with Gentiles. But came a reality in June, those who in the Vossiasche Zeitung, the newsatmosphere that would destroy his given me money for my poor and sassination very promptly) nor wascompetitor by force, they retort hot- there is a quite understandable clan- escaped the first flood and hoped paper edited by Dr. Georg Bernhard self-confidence and give him a sense never have they said they wished it the government really Socialistic, nor ly that the German spirit is of too nishness among Jews which brought they were safe were caught by the before the Nazis came into power and of inferiority which would curse his given to the Jewish poor. These Jews was it responsible for the world- fine a quality to compete with the it about that large and important rising waters and those waters were which has attempted to retain some whole life. have been here all their lives, their wide depression which has hit Ger-Jewish. As an East Prussian Junker services came almost entirely into still rising. If anyone hopes that of the independence and liberal attiOthers were there that afternoon, families for centuries, they are Ger-many along with other countries. said to me: "Yes, we are driving out Jewish hands because the chiefs there will be a change for the bet-tude for which it was famed, under a young woman, doctor who had hadmans, and now we are told that they Hitler and his colleagues are ignor- the Jewish intellectuals, but you can-chose all their assistants from among ter let him read Hitler's book, Mein coordination of the press by the Nazis. an excellent practice and who told us are hated foreigners and must be ant men—Hitler's book is incredibly not frighten us by pointing to Spain's young Jews. Thus in the public hoscheerfully that she thought that she driven out. I am a German and I youthful and crude—and the Nazi downfall after she did the same pitals of more than one city and in would go to England and he a do- love my country, but I am ashamed thesis that "Marxism" is Jewish and thing. We do not want that kind of the Krankenkasse it was almost im- j mestic servant. "I am really a good of it now." Marxism is responsible for the un- intellectualism. We have been misled possible for a Gentile physician to cook," she said. Another was a grade Even an ardent Nazi—a prominent employment in the cities, the pover- ! for decades by a cold, sterile wor- get a place. This was true in mos* teacher in a girls' school. She still party member—admitted to my sur-ty of the peasants, rests on no foun- ship of science which leads only to of the Berlin hospitals while in Neutaught there, but now only subjects prise that he was not in favor of dation. It is indeed utterly unjust. materialism and kills the true Ger- koelln, an industrial suburb of Berlin, the two hundred city physicians that would not influence the opin- this part of the Nazi program. He The Socialistic measures of the for-man spirit." ions of her pupils, arithmetic and in-had been talking to me about the mer government resulted in great A social worker put the case naive- i there were all Jews. There were esdoor gymnastics—not field gymnas- Polish Corridor, especially the dis- gains for the workers and Hitler is ly: "It is a pity about the Jews, butj timated to be more than seven times tics because now sport, even for ability of the German minority in not abolishing them, on the contrary, you must remember that we have as many Jews in professional posigirls, mast be "defense sport" and Poland and he begged me to tell my he proclaims his party as Socialistic, had fourteen yean, of unemployment tions as their proportion in the popno Jew can teach that in the.true countrymen about it when I returned not only Marxistic. Nazis are Social- and all these eastern Jews came in ulation and this was not due entirely German spirit. home. I had been listening sympa- ists, Jews are Marxists. to our overcrowded country. No, I to superior capabilities, but in part These were all suffering from the thetically but suddenly my mood There is a joke that passes from know, they are not the professors to the fact that the Jew had at last disqualification of belonging to the changed and I asked him how he and lawyers and doctors who are be-a chance to favor his own people and to mouth in Germany. proscribed race, but the guest who could expect the outside world to mouth, ing discharged, but then the class used it imprudently. In this he was "What is a Marxist?" doing, of course, just what the othwas-in the worst state of all was not sympathize with the sufferings of Marxist is somebody whose job worst hit by the depression is the ers, Protestants and Catholics, have a-Jew, he was a Gentile who hadthe German minority in Poland when a "A middle class and they feel they must Nazi wants." always done." been a rather prominent member of the fate of' the Jewish minority in The fifth charge actually out- have these positions for themselves, Germany was so much worse. He the Socialist Left. I saw our hostess not have outsiders take them. Yes, it The day when the Jew could do surreptitiously make up a package of was obviously startled, he had never weighs, I feel sure, all the others is true that the Jews have been a that is certainly over. As the Hitler rolls and cakes and slip it into his thought of it in that way. After some put together. This is that the Jews long time in Germany but it is not government puts increasing pressure have monopolized business, finance, hand as he left. There was actual hesitation he admitted, in a low the same, they are not Germans. Of want in his home and the shadow of voice, he dfd not approve of the per-and the professions. All the rest is course it is very hard for them just to find work for the unemployed, to the concentration camp coming near- secution of the Jews. It was true, he really window-dressing compared to now, but things will work them- better the lot of the small shopkeepsaid, that they were cleverer than this, for competition in Germany-is selves out. Your papers exaggerate. er and to provide for the army of er to him'all the time. young professional men in a land the Germans, more logical, clearer- beyond anything we Americans can Another afternoon coffee p a r t y headed, they made better lawyers, imagine. This is true of every field, After all, we have just had a rev- that has already far too many, the is NfiJUkAl GRAIN REGULATOR stands out vividly in my memory. but it was a mistake to force them art, literature, journalism, the stage, olution, people are still extreme and persecution of the Jews increases, Here there were only four of us, our out of professional work. One should medicine, the law, as well as the fac-excited." for here is an easy way of satisfyhosts being a brother and a sister, not fight intellectual battles with tory and the shop. We must try to The matter was put to me fairly ing some at least of the hordes of beautiful young things, cultivated, force. The thing to do was to bring picture it to ourselves if we are to well by an impartial man, a physi- claimants. We were told that when charming, and the best of sports the German intellect up to the Jew-be fair to. Germany just now. It is cian and a Catholic. (Our experience we read of work being found for sis when it came to facing, their-own ish. I asked what the Nazi program only this desperate struggle of a peo-1 was that German Catholics are far thousand more people we might be "Regularity" is a necessary part of healthy, vigorfuture. The young woman "was still for the Jews contemplated for the pie cramped into a country too small more tolerant and fair-minded than sure that at least four thousand of ous children's lives. It's easy to make sure of it. Give undischarged, but since then an item future, did it mean complete exter- for them that explains the apparent- Protestants are.) He said this: "In them were taking the places of Jews. them Uncle Sam's for a morning cereal—crisp, dein- our papers—that none with Jew- mination? He said he feared they ly incredible meanness of university the days before the War the young The laws ruling Jews out of ecolicious wheat flakes, with just enough flax and celish blood may hold any position un- had not thought it out. They assume men who grasp at the positions from men of the upper classes, especially nomic life are added to daily until der the government—r. convinces us that the Jews have made enough which ery seed added to make it a very mild "regulator." the Protestant gentry, went into the one wonders if anything can possibly their colleagues have been unthat the ax has fallen on her too,money to live on. The whole thing justly driven; the ferocity with which army or into state positions. After be left. Just as we sailed came the They love its full wheat flavor, with sugar and for her mother is a Jewess. cream added. Grown-ups, too, eat it—for its flavor was a concession to popular feeling all classes have turned upon the the Revolution there was no army official announcement that the govand for the sake of "regularity." It is the young man, however, for and was a frightful mistake. Jews and political dissenters and and government positions went to ernment of Hessen - Massen would whom we feel most deeply, a musihave driven them out in order to Socialists, to people from the bour- provide 100,000 to 200,000 good Nacian whose work and whose joy it The Nazis proclaim that their push themselves into the places or geoisie, often the lower middle class, j zis with jobs during 'the next four At All Grocers was to plan and carry out concert movement is a return to the spirit capture the trade for their little So these young men were for the weeks. Social workers assured us programs in his and the neighboring of the Crusades, and this is true, for shops. It is a struggle for existence first time forced into business and that they could see no prospect of a towns. He had been quite successful the spirit of the Crusades was a and in such a struggle all generosity the professions, but they not only real increase of employment but and he hoped to go on with it this spirit of mystic enthusiasm for a and fairness, all decency even, is lost. added greatly to the over-crowding Frankfurt-am-Main is in Hesse and summer, though he chafed at thej fantastic mission, of the worship of Often I have been reminded in lis- of these places, they are not as com- there are still some Jews working thought that all his programs must^j war. and warlike virtues, of devotion tening to the talk over there, of the petent in them as were the Jews, there. be! submitted to a Nazi commissarlj to the Holy Sepulcher in Palestine, New York subway in the rush hours, who had never had a chance in the The passion for unification for wtio would cut out music considered! but as part of every Crusading ef- when, if one does not push and el-army or the government and had "one aim, one faith, one discipline, fort, of hatred of Jews at home and bow one's, way in with ruthless dis- naturally turned to business, com- one leader" seems also to increase by; the new regime to be not Ger-^ WHEAT FLAKES • FLAX & CELERY SEEP manic in spirit. Well, he will have no covetousness for the results of Jew- regard for others, one may wait for- merce, finance and -the learned pro- and this too renders the Jew more such difficulty for he will neither ish brains and. Jewish.-.industry. His- ever on the platform. It seems as if fessions and journalism. Under the suspect, more distrusted, for the Jew plan concerts nor play in them. Since tory shows that each; crusade was ac-consideration for the rights of others new regime Jews came into great i has a critical, skeptical strain and we Jeft Germany the order has gone companied by terrible pogroms, and and a sense of fair play belong to a Iprominence, they were leading men j and confiscation's/ out ; barring Jewish musicians alto-^ wholesale exiles [-What is thei-€xplanatidn;i for this re~j gilther. ,?*.• - r It is surprising and it is very' ad- turn to a barbarous stage of human Where Omaha Shops With Confidence mirable to see how little .of history? Excuses there can be none, lamentation, of bitterness, Vamong but wer. must try to find'.soinfe exthese people. One of the gentlest and planation for it.; We asked thii ques- ! rewisest women I ever met is the tion many timesand;usually we remother of three children who are] ceived what we came to call a "ranow little pariahs in their own town,; dio answer1'-—because the same words 16th AT FARNAM excluded from school, where -their!were so often used;that we:felt sure former schoolmates are being in-they came from the speeches of strutted in the new subject, Science I Goebbels over the radio, of Race, meaning hatred of Jews, j Since Januarys 30 they have had She was not bitter, she denounced little but Goebbels' attacks on the nobody, she simply told me how sheJews dinner into their ears and the was herself a member of an old newspapers have all come into line, Protestant family and had brought so that even, the non-Jews have up her children in her : church, for grown sick of it. More. than one her Jewish husband made no objec- Gentile told us he had put his radio tion. This Easter her oldest daugh- out of commission because he could ter, a girl of twelve, was confirmed not listen any longer to Goebbels' and had proudly carried the banner scurrilous speeches, yet he must have of her class into the church, but thesome excuse to give the neighbors if next week she and her little brother they asked . and sister were sent home from the The specific charges we heard school—the Jewish quota was already against the Jews were, first, that full. - ;during and after the war hordes of It would be a great injustice-to impoverished eastern. Jews poured inthink that all Germans approve this to Germany and took possession of A big bouquet for the new model Hoover! It's "cold pogrom" and that the lack'of the houses so sorely needed by Gerprotest means that: there are none mans. But the census of 1925 showwho would speak. out against it. if ed that the Jews numbered only 0.9 beautiful as only famous stylists can make it. f the h population l i f 65,000,000 they could. I was shocked deeply {percent of of Redesigned—streamlined—stunning. • See the when I read in the e papers of a great grea1 1000 while in 1913 they were 0.93 perso the horde cannot have been Evangelical conference which was , new built-in Dirt Finder that searches out elusive hatd in Germany during the Easter | season, just after the worst, period overwhelming. The truth is that the of anti-Jewish outrages, and saw Jews who came after the War were dirt See the most efficient cleaning combination that no word was said in public from the parts of Germany that were Pjjainst this revival of medieval fan- given to Poland for they,: like other ©ver conceived—suction plus sweeping plus Posiaticism. That does seem indefensible, Germans, refused to live under Poespecially in view of the fact that lish rule. tive Agitation to get out embedded grit... .and no second charge is that the Jews several Catholic clergymen did speak The 6 are internationalists and pacificts j out boldly. Yet there are individual matted brush. • Try one of these smart new Hoovers clergymen who have wished to pro-and therefore responsible for the loss of morale which led to defeat in the test but could not. One of them told and its new duralumin dusting tools—tie comme he had written an article for the War and for the . humiliating . subpaper that had always before pub- mission to the Treaty of Versailles. plete home cleaner. A telephone call will bring lished what he sent, them but, theExtremists, like Hitler, expand the editor had returned it saying that its charge into a deliberate conspiracy one of our bonded, trustworthy Hoover men. publication would simply mean that on,the part,of the Jews to weaken the issue would be seized and. theGermany" so that they might rule the paper would. be suppressed for three country unopposed. To Hitler himmonths, so what would be gained by self, judging" from his book, this is the most damning accusation of all. such a Quixotic act? His whole program is based on a I should like to quote what one determination to weld the German IT UGHTS... AS XT S£ATS... AS XT SWSSFS... AS IT CLEAKS woman said to me for it is typical people into a great fighting organof what many said. She is the widow ization with blind obedience to its A S LITTLE A S of a physician and she spends much commander, and the Jew, with his of her time in volunteer work among international connections, his averthe poor in a large city. "On thesions to violence of all kinds, and his 1 day of the boycott I went to my critical spirit, does not fit into the usual Jewish grocery. l I t ; 'was pla- scheme. •-•'•• i ©OWN carded, 'Germans do not buy from The third head of the indictment Jews,' and at the door a Nazi stop- is that Jews are Socialists and ComComplete viih new l3ghtv.-*ight ped me. . • ' munists and have brought upon GerDustt&g Tools o r £>u«t»U«, -*<You are not going to buy of a many the economic depression from Here's news for the woman who is particular about fine details Small jBoStbJy payments. Ltfaral which she is now suffering. (But Jew?'-" • ••'• - •• •; in dress!, you know, even, the best of sheers have eHowanc* for old «S«cirtc clea&ex*. *"Certainly I am. I boy from him they also say that the Jews are capalways shown rings. But now MOJUD—always known for beauitalists and deliberately impoverish everyday.* •-'• tiful stockings—creates a new standard of stocking perfection— the ringless, streakless, shadowless sheer stocking.'It's free from '1 went in and when I came^ out the people!) I t is quite true that even tlie slightest blemish that might mar Its crystal-clearness. another Nazi stopped me^on( have many of the Communist intellectuals Jews,' but it is also true that We^ve had some rushed to us so that we could introduce them 1)66^;biiying froin ^ J e w . . I • . ™ M » £ were to yon: iri time for the holidays. Don't buy that IMPORTANT gift the most outstanding among them tograpfc you and publish i t in all ^tne were until you've seen them. , : murdered within the first two so/JjeftiQ*1 should jfeel years of the' Republic As to the MAIN FLOOR charge that a Jewish Socialistic government ruined Germany, it is false fail to to ^tand b^ tte S E T E Si JI fan standby.^ in several ways. The leading men in Jews no*? We have bsen m social


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building huge fortunes for them are demanding guarantees. Promises which- would take care of them in and expectations of what the future their old age. holds for them are not enough. It i« Many of them overlooked the fact not so much what it costs today as that life insurance companies had what it will be worth tomorrow that during the past, -were at the present counts. time, and would continue in the fu- The investor inquires today, "What ture to safeguard old age through is a permanent, safe investment?* their safe, sound, life in- Our answer is, "Life insurance." Life By the Service life Insurance vestment program. Through all of insurance has stood the test. It has this "hurdy-gurdy" investment craze, gone through four of the worst deCompany, Omaha life insurance remained sound; it paid pression years this country was ever 1 Changing Conditions Destroy every obligation, never cheating , nev- confronted with. It has been brought er destroying, and never having its home time and again that life inBjr Joseph Brairiin Investment Values a Government in unequivocal terms into producers. I also list it a s anhall. league last Sunday hy defeatvalues wiped out overnight. surance contracts deliver not only placed anti-Semitism on the legal additional reason why anti-Semitism ing'the A. Z. A. No. 100,16 to 6. The part of the time, or most of the time, • The recognition of the Union of plane of a crime to be punished by was The upheaval in business and the Twenty-five years ago the railso successfully combated in thesecond-place Tuxis A. C. trounced Socialist Soviet Republics by thecapital punishment. That was and hasUSSR. course of the rise and fall but all of the time. The non-Jewish peasants, who the Kant Knocks, 23 to 14. Garber roads, traction systems, clothing, zigzag United States of America is of spe- been the Governmental attitude of in Czarist of investments of widely varied charbrewing, and packing industries were days were the stronghold cial significance to the Jews. Mr. the Soviet Union with regard to anti- of anti-Semitism, have come to know of the Kant Knocks retained first the favorite spots in which to make acter have in recent years forced place as leading scorer in the Junior to compare their life insurance Brainin, who has studied Jewish Jewish prejudice ever since the adthe hardworking Jewish land pio- league with 44 points. Eueben, a fortune. It was difficult to convince men purchases with their other supposedconditions in , Russia, contributes vent of the Bolsheviks. How childish neers,, and have learned to respect Tuxis, a man that a certain portion of his scored 12 points to jump into ly secure and carefully selected holdthis timely article on the status of and ridiculous in the light of this de- them. second with 35; Gendler, Tuxis, is earnings should be placed into life ings. They have been disappointed in Jews in Sovietland.—The Editor. Washing—Greasing cree do the apologists of the Hitler insurance. Not as a speculative inin third place with 30 points; Adier Regime" sound when they try to ex- Thus when one visits the USSR to- of the Pants Store, fourth with 28, vestment but as an investment that the day to day market value of their day one does not need to study stabonds. They have seen wealth sunk SOW FOR "It cannot be denied that the So-cuse the Nazi Brand of anti-Semitism tistics and Kutler ->f the Tuxis is fifth would endure the changing conditions in stocks, literally drowned overto convince oneself that a Jewon the ground that Germany has gone which may alter or even eliminate the viet Union has solved the question WINTER DRIVING ish problem per se has ceased to exist with 27 points. earning power of most of his other night. of nationalities within its borders in through a revolution and that ex- there. One need not verify that the investments. the most satisfactoryy -wajL All these things have caused men wajL possible. possible. cesses and discriminations are unSoviet Government has contributed Team. Team Standings It is is enough e n h tto say that t h twithi h W. L. The whirlwind of change blew. to cherish and prize as never before It over -™ 1 fc • ^L- Sr'^J0?-?\b»tten hundreds of Rubles to Pants Store _6 0 People forgot about the railroads, their life insurance contracts. -• - Jewish - of - millions - colonization 100 different nationalities inhabiting enough to chum that the Nazi '"rev- further in White 2823 Dodge JA. r»seo .4 2 traction systems, clothing, brewing Men today are not only dissatisthe Soviet Union one never hears of olution" was more of a political and Russia and Biro-Bidjan and that it Tuxis A. C. Kant Knocks fied. They are unsatisfied. They want and packing industries as their fa.2. 4 any nationalist friction-or conflicts. economic upheaval than the Bolshe- has furthered the training of the AZA No. 100 1..0 6 vorite investments and dashed madly to feel secure, not just hopeful. They i . -:•./'.-.-•-. . That the significance of t h e s e vik revolution? young generation of Jews for its parinto the motor or automobile indusachievements should be still more The rising tide of anti-Semitism ticipation in the industrial developclear, I would ask you to remember which is threatening the very life of ment of the country. One can see A senior men's calisthenics class tries saying to themselves, "Ah! the anti-Jewish pogroms in Czarist Jewry in Central and Eastern Europe with his own eyes that there is work is being formed under the persona] Here is the place to make a fortune!" Eussia or the incessant strife and has not been able to break -through for everybody -who cares to roll up supervision of Lee Grossman, which What happened? The motor car ineven mutual, extermination of Armen- the dam -which; the Union of Social- his sleeves. In this economic rever- will be held Tuesday evenings. Those dustry soon was confronted with a there are Torgsin stores in "glutted" market. So the investing i ians, G Georgians and Tartars in who have expressed willingness to public g >rders ennble youi relatives in Soviet ist Republics-has erected agauist this ain elements over 1,000 localities. Torgs a l ) o f c o u r s e > c e r t turned their eyes toward pubTranscaucasia. Russia to purchase nil sorts of domespoisonous germ. Out of this sea ofamong the Jews, too old to change participate are: Levenson, Katie- lic utilities feeling that inter-urban sin orders may be sent to :ic or imported nrticles a! low prices. "All nationalities enjoy in the So-antirJewish propaganda, the Soviet their modus vivandi, have had to un-man, Barish, Effros, Krizelman, S. railway companies would be built and For orders on Torgsin fipj>!y to your anyone, in any quantity. ocnl bnnk, companies iisied below, or Susman and C. Susman, viet Union complete cultural auton- Union stands out as a whole contin- dergo untold hardships. But as a fabulous dividends paid thereby, their unthorized ngents. omy, complete-freedom - to use their ent where this barbaric medieval pre- whole the Jews in Soviet Russia have To cities thnJ haye no TOKtiSIK Amalgamated Rank, New York native language, literature and cus-judice is being scientifically annihi- integrated themselves in the new stores, Torgsin mails jonr ordThe second annual snooker tournaAin-Demtra Transport Corp. toms. All nationalities are guaran- lated. Today, the Soviet Union and economic and social framework no ers by parcel post. American Express Co. ment began last Monday under the 5 Mr. Marcus personally su- I teed real and complete equality of the United States, representing near- less than the other nationalities which Udynia-America Line rights not only by the Constitution ly half of the white population of form the Union of Socialist Soviet sponsorship of Haskell Cohen. Tough I pervises the dry cleaning I Hias competition is expected and rumors | and pressing of all gar- | — and in theory but in practice as well, the world, form an impressive bul- Republics. Icor, Biro-Ridjan Corp« among the players have it that Siand there is no high government of- wark against anti-Jewish intoler- At a time when the press brings I ments sent to his plant. Manufacturers Trust Co. gal, Ginsburg and Seiner wfll be fice not accessible to a representative ance. Viewed from this aspect the almost daily reports of anti-Jewish Public Nat'l Bank & Trust Co. among the finalists. A medal will of any race whatever." recognition of the Soviets by the G. C A. Communications, Inc. excesses in Nazfland, Rumania, Hun- be awarded to the champion. Union Tours, Inc. United States is the most effective gary, Mexico and even Palestine, the This statement by Maxim Iitvin- blow struck a t Hitlerism. World Tourists, Inc. Those entered are: L Gendler, off in his recent Waldorf-Astoria Impartial observers of the type of Soviet Union, because of its uncomHudson Co. Natl Bk., Bayonne, If. J. promising attitude towards anti-Se- Merriam, Spiegel, Lustgarten, Eerer, farewell address is no exaggeration. Reuben The Pennsylvania Co* Chita. Brainin, Pierre Van Paassen Soskin, Ginsburg, Seiner, Effros, mitic offenders, is a living indictEven the most rabid foes of the Cnion Savings Itank. Pittslmrch Walter Duranty have during the ment of those Governments who trySigal, Zorinsky, Shrago, Adler, BluH. MARCUS, Prop. communist system will admit that and Amalgamated Trust & Savings last decade tune and again pointed to shift the responsibility for these menthal,. Rosenbaum, Abrahamson, C the Soviet Government has successItank, Chicago GENEBAl PEPHESENTATIVEJB U.SJC to the status of the Jews in the So-barbaric incidents on the masses of Gendler, Friedman, Katz and Bog-11 1941 Vinton JA. 1440 I Bank of America, California. fully : demonstrated that if a govern- viet 25! Rfffl Ave.ite=iwiNewYbrk,N.Y. J Russia, where "no one would danoff. " ment wills it, anti-Semitism, like any ever think of regarding the Jews as uncontrollable leaders. Time and other social disease, can be destroyed. 'Russians professing the Israelitish again the Soviet Government demonstrated that a Government can, if it Several-years ago I visited a fac-faith.'" tory near Moscow and asked the su- These observers have always main- sincerely determines, prevent antiperintendent whether, any anti-Semi- tained, and every fair-minded man Jewish outbreaks. Since its existence, the Soviet regime, has had more than tism existed among the workers of their views, that in the Soviet once, to deal with the evil of antibis plant. He led me to the club room. shares Union Jews are treated like the oth-Semitism inherited from the Imperial An assembly of men and women, ty- er national minorities which consti- days. It has never hesitated to expose ___Bj^- pical representatives of - the Slavic the Soviet Rupublics. Their sta- it and combat it openly. Not a single <TB=.J& race, with heavy, peasant features, tute tus is clear-cut. They have been given pogrom has occurred during the Sosteady, concentrated eyes, sat there full citizenship plus the free develop- viet regime. I t has stopped .physical silent, intensely attentive," listening to ment of their own and lan-outbreaks almost overnight in those a gramophone record. lYoin the nee-guage, the Yiddish culture language. regions where the Petluras and Dendle of this old-fashioned gramophone they have suffered they have When • •• suf- ikins reveled in it. came the penetrating voice of- the fered along with the other citizens of dead Lenin, haranguing his living the Soviet Union. It is true that Jews Almost half of the Jewish populaSoviet comrades on the danger of hit harder than many others tion of the world lives to-day under anti-Semitism. "Anti-Semitism is a were because tradition and training the stars and stripes or tinder the heritage from the dark days of Czar- they wereby middlemen who during the hammer and sickle. Together these ism. Not the Jews are the enemies NEP period threw themselves into two Republics can inaugurate, if they . „ of the workers,, hut the capitalists. p small trading with special enthus- wfll, alongside of their work for Anti-Semitism is an old trick to: di-iasm. But I defy anybody to substan- world peaces, policy. of outlawing vert the anger of the exploited mass- tiate" any charge of specific discrim- anti-Semitism throughout the world. American Jews, as Jews no less than es toward? an' innocent target. . ." Forination by the Soviet Government : as American citizens, haU the recogseveral minutes the voice of the dead against the Russian Jews. . Lenin filled the room with short," ax- The Jewish Back-to-the-land-move- nition of.the Soviet Republics by the United States. • iomatic definitions. "That's how the which received the generous (Copyright, 1933, by Seven Arts New Russia is tackling the old prob- ment of the Soviet Government, Feature Syndicate.) lem, of anti-Jewish hate," said my support, has in. less than ten years settled guide proudly. : than forty-five ' thousand JewI convinced myself during my stay morefamilies on the hind; the majorin the Soviet Union that anti-Semi- ish ity of these 300,000 tism in Soviet Eussia has practically Jewish farmersapproximately are engaged hi disappeared, as a result of the antf- cultural pursuits in the Ukraineagriand Wrestling practice for the team religious" campaign and of the inces- in the Crimea. There are over 10,000 sant educationsl campaign carried on Jewish settlers in Biro Bidjan, a ter-at the J. C. C. was held last Sunby the governmental and semi-gov- ritory set aside by the Soviet Govern- day with 12 prospects attending. The team is under the supervision of Lee ernmental agencies. When one recalls specially for the colonization of Grossman, physical director, assistthat. Czarist Russia was the very hot- ment such Jews as prefer land settlement ed by Abe Faier and Tjark Riddle,. bed of anti-Jewish propaganda, the to city industrial lite. Had not the Those who reported are: Irving cradle of pogroms and the leader of five-year-plans the mobili- Gendler, Max Merriam, Al Weiner, discriminatory laws and regulations zation of everydemanded able-bodied man inBernie Johnson, Joe Blumenthal, had more than hall a century of ex- \ against its Jewish populations," one the industrial drive, Jewish back- Dave Schlaifer, Harold Barish, Bill must, marvel at the tremendous tri- -to-the-land-movementthe might perience with fastidious Omahans who have Sokolof and Sol Graetz. Chances for umph which the Soviet Union has reached a figure of close to half a a successful season look bright, as have always sought Quality Lingerie! Now, achieved in eradicating anti-Jewish settlers by now. This is point- some of the candidates have seen prejudice. Faced with a heritage that million when more and friore women think of lingerie (for ed out merely to emphasize the ex-action in outside competition. had infested the mentality of the in-traordinary ; efforts on the part of themselves or for gifts) thsy think of Brandelsl Our. telligentsia as well as of the masses, the Soviet Government as it helps The Pants Store team won the tithe Soviet Government set grimly to transform the Jewish Luftmenschen appreciation ofthis fact has resulted m one of the tle in the Junior pre-season basketwork. One of the first decrees issued finest collections of Quality Gift Lingerie we fiave by the council of the People's Commissars read to the effect that Jewever assembled • . . We invite your critics! inspecish workers were the brothers ^ of tion of these stocks... confident they willrn^eetevery Russian workers and ~ that any act tending to incite enmity against the gift or curse requirement! Jews would be ruthlessly prosecutedd. The same decree also pointed out that anti-Semitic activities were a menace to the development of the Soviet Republic and that the Government would not-hesitate to use most drasA Special Purchase Brings a LowPrice tic measures to kill any symptom of anti-Jewish activity in order to upioot this evil. The decree, signed by Lenin, made it clear that anti-Semitism would be "regarded as counter-revolution and dealt with accordingly. For the first time in history For the Improvement of the "Undie-World1*



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World "" All the glamour, color and thrills of the prize "ring are realistically ""on display in "The" Prizefighter and the Lady," the first feature, at the World Theater. Max Baer, who is .paired with. Myrna Loy, proves himself as great a lover as he is a fighter. A few months ago the newspaper headlines screamed th'e ; sensational story of one of America's leadin£ musical comedy stats — a "torch singer and the sordid details of her hasty marriage with a multi-millionaire playboy. The story of' the .intimate life of this singer and her -young mate, who ended his life after a boisterous drinking party, is -well known to all ilewspaper readers. "Sing Sinner Sing," "the added feature at the World- Theater, is the story of this pleasure beat torch-singer.- The daring photoplay stars Leila Hyams and Paul Lukas.



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THE JEWISH PRESS Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by

THE JEWISH PRESS PtJBLISHING COMPANY Subscription Price, one year • - - - - - - •• Advertising rates furnished on application


Editorial Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building. Print Shop Address: 1307 Howard Street - Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center DAVID BLACKER - - - - Business and Managing Editor PRANK R. ACKERMAN - . . . - Editor FANNIE KATELMAN - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent ANN PILL • - • . . . - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent

Rededication—5694 Next Tuesday evening the first Chanukah light will be kindled, marking the beginning of the eight-day celebration of the Feast of Rededieation. In this Hebraic year 5694 the Jewries of the world need a rekindling of the spirit of the Maccabees. When the Syrian potentate some twenty-one centuries ago wanted to force a pagan . culture upon all peoples, the Maccabean heroes, led by Mattathias and his five sons, stood almost alone in driving into retreat the forces which threatened to involve all mankind in a common demoralization. Today, a parallel situation confronts us. Certain malign forces are attempting to force a preposteorus "Aryan superiority" theory upon the world and wish to return the world to pagan conceptions discarded ages ago. Their attack is concentrated upon the Jewish people, but their ultimate path leads as well against Christendom and all civilization. Freedom of thought, freedom of speech, freedom of science, justice and liberty and democracy are threatened the world over. The Jewish people in the world today must renew the spark and spirit of the Maccabeans. The Jewish nationalism and the common right of all people to social and religious equality and freedom of expression must spur us on to lead the battle against the enemies of progress and civilization. Chanukah 5694 must be a Chanukah of rededication; the heroic band of warriors for whom we commemorate Chanukah must inspire us on to victory over the dark forces threatening to envelop us.

The Power of the "Lie"

overseas during the world war. At that time the German government published a propaganda newspaper named the Continental News in the English language in Berlin. Its editor was Edwin Emerson . * . (follows the type of propaganda used by Emerson) • . . The role of Col. Edwin Emerson as guardian angel for 'the friends of Germany' organizations in the United States was By DAVID SCHWARTZ disclosed with his disclaimer of responsibility for Heinz Spanknoebel, elusive propagandist of New York." Another Nazi lie is nailed to the mast. But you have to ad- BASIC ENGLISH mit, these Nazis take the championship without a struggle when Maxim Litvinoff in Washington and his young son in Moscow spoke it comes to lying propaganda.


Training for the Future

Dr. Samuel Margoshes, editor of the 'Day," has just returned from a visit to Germany and he brings back the interesting information that the Jewish leaders in Berlin want the bulk of Jewish relief funds collected in behalf of German Jewry expended outside of Germany and not inside. As responsible leaders, they realize that the greatest help to German Jewry would be to take them out of the country, not to keep hem there. To put their economic house in order, they do not rely entirely on Jewish efforts from outside countries. With whatever means they can raise they are re-educating and re-training German Jews of the commercial and professional classes, to train them in manual trades that might yield them a living. Tens of thousands of Jewish lawyers, doctors, engineers, clerks, traders, and business men are now taught under the Jewish community auspices, to become tailors, cobblers, locksmiths, and so on. When the leader of this reconstruction work was asked what chance there was that a Jewish cobbler would get a job in Germany today, anymore than an ousted lawyer, he replied: "We see no such chance. But we are not training him for Germany. We are training him for immigration into other countries." It is obviously the same line of planning which explains a Jewish agricultural training farm an hour's distance from Berlin, which is graphically described in the "Juedische Rundschau" of Germany. It tells how the German Jewish youth are learning to live on the land, to raise crops, manage livestock and get hardened to outdoor routine. This news from Germany is but a repetition of what is becoming more and more evident—the necessity for our youth to enter the professions in lesser numbers and instead to be turned into farming and productive trades.' Every indication points to the wisdom of this course for the future.

read your Channing and you will see that he attributes the famine in the early English colonies in America to the fact that the English were not sports-minded at the time: There was plenty of game in the woods and the rivers were running full with oysters and fish, but the English at the time were not fishermen nor hunters.

Warsaw.—The anti-Semitic organization, Ro2iwoj, has been prohibited throughout Poland, following action by local governors of various to each, other over the phone the taken districts against the body. other day. What was the most interesting about the conversation was the^fact GEMS of the BIBLE that the junior Litvinoff spoke in that new "850 word English." For and TALMUD those who do not know about this inBy O. O. DASUEE novation, it should be said that it occurred to some bright mind to assemble 850 English words in which nny Make no friendship with a man and all thoughts could be expressed. that is given to anger, and with a This "basic English" is now making considerable headway as s.v. inter- wrothful man thou shalt not go. national language. j Remove not the ancient landmark, which thy fathers have set. Weary not thyself to be rich, cease WHY NOT from thine own wisdom. "BASIC HEBREW" Riches certainly has wings and The idea of this "basic English" it flies like an eagle. seems to me, has much to commend it. Personally, I wonder if some modTALMUD ification of the idea could not be apOne who is even reading the Bible plied to Hebrew, in order to intro- studying the Mishnah and serving duce people more easily to Hebrew. the scholars but speaks not gentiy Why not a Hebrew magazine or to people, or whose purchasing and newspaper using only some 1,000 gifts are not fitting, or who deals words? It would serve admirably, it dishonestly, what do we say about seems to me to give any person who him? Woe to him who is reading the wanted to study Hebrew the hang of Bible and studying the Mlslmah, woe the language, and best of all, cause to his father, who has taught him him to lose his terror of the lan- the Torah, woe to his teacher, who guage, When one contemplates the has instructed him in the Torah. idea of attempting to learn a new ]Jabbi Isaac said: "He who has language, the very thought makes provoked neighbor, evsn by one faint hearted. We are appalled words, musthisappease him." at what we are in for. A hundred or Our Rabbis were taught: There two hundred thousand words! were among them (the visitors at Such a "basic Hebrew" could serve the libation ceremony) people who as a step for the further prosecution said: "Happy is our, youth who do of the study of Hebrew if one desired. And a step is very important. It seems to me that the step was the greatest tool ever invented by man.

not disgrace our age." They were th« pious and the saints. And there were among them people who said: "Happy is our age that has atoned for our youth." They were the repentant sinners. Both used to say: "Happy are those who have not sinned at all, but he who has sinned shall repent and he will be forgiven." It was said of Hillel the senior that when he rejoiced at the ceremony of libation he used to say: "If I am here all are here, but if I am not here, who is here?" (This shows that even a man like Rabbi Hillel, who was renowned for his modesty, could be influenced by environment, to become a victim of megolamania.)

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The power of the "lie," propaganda and the iron persecution WORD OVER PRODUCTION of a reign of terror were emphasised, as being the weapons of There are too many words in most Hitler and his marauding butchers by Dorothy Thompson" (Mrs. languages. The Indians, it seems to Sinclair Lewis) in her revealing address opening the Community Cultural Asset me, had the right idea. They had a Forum series Monday. Miss. Thompson, authoress and probably As a complement to the Community Forum series, the Jew- very limited vocabulary, and they the most famous woman journalist in the world, has served as ish lecture series adds to the prestige and cultural assets of the conveyed new meanings simply by together those basic words. correspondent of several of the largest American newspapers in community. And since the Jewish Community Center is the hub joining For instance, when the American Invarious parts of the world: She was correspondent for five years . o f J e w i s h communal activity, it is only natural that both of these dians first were introduced to wine, in Germany, and when the Hitlerites came into power she made community-wide projects should be presented at the Center. Out- they did not borrow the white man's a special trip there to investigate what was happening. Through standing Jewish personalities from this sector of the country are word for it. They merely called it— "He" appreciates something useful— drink made out of grape"—using her previous contacts she was able to learn what was actually being brought to Omaha for the series, presenting their views on the Indian* words of course. And when a gift that he will wear with pride and happening behind the scenes in Germany and her articles have purely Jewish subjects. The reputations gained by the speakers these words grew too long that way, satisfaction. "He" knows a gift from made her an authority on present-day Germany. Furthermore, to appear here guarantee the lectures to be a cultural asset to they merely combined them by using Nebraska Clothing Company is a real only the outstanding sounds of the she understands the psychology behind the Nazi moves, since for the Jewish community. quality gift. •*>« various linking words. Much after thirteen years she has read the National-Socialist literature, in the fashion of the Russians with .. r . ii.. Largest selections of Gifts for Men . . addition to every pamphlet and speech of the various Nazi leaders. their Amtorg, Nep, etc What she told Monday evening coincides with what has been Hebrew Calendar HEBRAIC ORIGIN? —Wednesday, December 13 That Russian fashion incidentally is disclosed in these United" States of late in the investigation, of j 1st Day Chanukah , y Tuesday, December 19 becoming quite the vogue with us in!j Nazi propaganda activities. Their answer to every charge is "We j Rosh Chodesh Tebeth $1.00, $1.35, $1.95 Fa today with our Niras and ——Thursday, December 28 America categorically deny it." Thus, Miss Thompson recalled how Herri s t of Tebeth_ our various other lettered combinaand better . Wednesday, January 17 tions. Hitler told the Hearst interviewer by long-distance telephone to Rosh. Chodesh Shebat R £ L_Fridiay, February 16 We say "Russian fashion" but Jateli the American people that the tales of Nazi brutaliy were lies ! osh Chodesh Adar_ Purim __, Thursday, March 1 cob Fishman, editor of the Jewish and that -'not one single Jew had been hurt" in Germany—told Journal, declares that the Rosh Chodesh Nissan. -Saturday, March 17 Morning them this on the very day that there were filed with the consuls origin is Jewish, and he points to the 50, $1.00, $1.50 Saturday, March 31 great vogue of combining initials to in Berlin protests of beatings, by 167 foreign Jews—with untold 1st Day Pessach and better numbers of German Jews unable to protest to anyone. This fits 7th Day Pessach _.I __.Friday', April 6 be found in the synagogual and all Hebraic literature. The word "S hath" in well with the Nazis denying that Spanknoebel had any con- Rosh Chodesh Iyar_ _: Monday, April 16 for instance, meaning the Talmud nection with the Hitlerites when the United States government Lag b'Omer_ : Thursday, May 3 is such a combination of initial letissued a warrant for his arrest, and the myriad of other times Rosh Chodesh Sivan Tuesday, May 15 ters. Even the famous Jewish schol25c, 35c, 50c were wont to manufacture their 1st Day Shabuoth > when Nazi lies have been nailed to the mast. Saturday, May 20 ars and better nom de plume in such fashion, for Miss Thompson pointed out that one of the main reasons Rosh Chodesh Tammuz Thursday, June 14 example, Rambam, which is but the for Hitler's success was_ his knowledge of the power of the lie Fast of Tammuz ^.Saturday, June 30 combination for Reb Moshe ben Maimon,' or Rashi, which is a similar and of propaganda and his utilization of this power. In fact, he Rosh Chodesh Ab.Friday, July 13 combination. : : $1.00, $1.95, $2.50 confesses it in his book, "Mein Kampf," when he states that "in Fast of Ab....:....;. ISaturday, July 21 MEDALIEAND the extent of the lie, lies its power. If you tell a small lie, it is R o s h Chodesh Ellul Sunday, August 12 THE and better G. O. P. detected. If you tell a colossal lie, it will be believed because the Mr. Medalie, who has just resigned people cannot believe that anyone could be so impudent." In Hitfrom the post o£ District Attorney "What has happened in Germany has convinced me more and in New York, is, according to reports, ler's thought, "it is easier to corrupt the masses than to make it more of the value of Zionism for the Jew."- -Thomas Mann, non- being considered for grooming by $1.50, $1.95, $2.50 conscientiously evil," and so he has given ample proof that his the Republicans for the' governorship. Jewish German Nobel Prize winner. theory is correct. He has impudently told colossal lies, his false and better Medalie is an interesting character. propaganda has been on a huge scale, he has not made the slightThere is no question that Medalie like most people would be flattered est; attempt to give reasons—-he has merely appealed to selfish by such a nomination, and yet one CHANGE IN TACTICS and primitive emotions. He has been a real speaker according to may believe that Medalie is quite The accepted mechanics of combatting anti-Semitism contains sincere $1.95, $2.85, $3.45 his own definition of a speaker: "One who speaks so that the audiwhen he tells his friends, as constant emphasis on Jewish contributions to world culture and he has told some, that he dislikes and better ence is not convinced because of his logic, but leaves the hall in- progress. It labels anti-Semitism not only as undeserved, but as public office. flamed." ingratitude at its zenith—this biting the hand that feeds. Is not He is something of a cycle about When a man writes such thoughts in his own book which our bitterness towards Germany aggravated by our chagrin that all of this greatness thrust on people election to office. He once exwas practically made the guide book of the Nazis, it is not diffi- Jewish contributions to Germany should be thus'recompensed? by pressed himself to the effect that $2.45, $3.85, $4.50 cult to understand why such brazen, colossal untruths are stated the prominent people are those who That this technique may be completely at fault is the thought and better by the Nazis and how they have the impudence to openly state resulting from a recent citation in Die Neue Weltof Vienna. "The are twenty years older. Having such a sober view, it is that anything unfavorable is "a lie." Jew," we are told, "ought to stop the rejoicing which greets every not to be wondered at that Medalie instance of a Jew attaining a leading political position with some has not cut quite the dramatic figthat his merits might entitle him. Another "We Deny" other nation. Jewish political talent should be placed in the service ure $5.95, $6.85, $7.95 He can't deceive himself, so he cant A new example of the "power of propaganda and of-lying" of the Jewish nation which in its distressed state needs such tal- deceive others. and better af the Nazis, which Dorothy Thompson exposed in her address ent." While this statement is based on a definition of the Jew's NOT WHAT HE here Monday, has come to light. Colonel Edwin Emerson, named citizenship to which we do not and cannot subscribe, it raises a WANTED by The Nation, the American Hebrew and the Jewish Daily Bul- question of everyday psychology, in the technique of combatting According to gossip, Mr. Bernard S. Deutsch has not been so immensely $5,45, $6.95, $7.95 letin as an official spokesman for the Nazi party in America and anti-Semitism that has been, overlooked. exhiliarated by his election on the and better a Nazi propagandist, has issued the customary Hitlerite denial. We are least friendly, to those to whom we are in debt. In- Fusion ticket as President of the and many other useful, practical, Emerson demands that the assertions reprinted in the Jewish deed, we resent constant reminders by our creditors of these mat- Board of Aldermen of New York. What Deutsch wanted was a judgeappreciated Gifts for Men Daily Bulletin from an article in The Nation by Ludwig Lore be ters. It is sickening to show gratitude constantly, to be made to ship, according to this same gossip. publicly retracted, that unless this be done he would bring suit feel dependent. We avoid those who have given us of their bounty Many times he has protested that Throughout this great store you find the against the paper on the grounds that he had been libelled. and if we find them boasting of their charity what gratitude we the job of Aldermanic President had clothing and wearing apparel you and your We hear that Emerson is at present engaged in raising a may have had turns to hatred; Have we not by oiir constant em- no lure for him. family want at lowest possible prices. defense fund for that other Nazi propagandist, Rev. Francis phasis on Jewish,contributions, by our repeated, enumeration of RACE AND OCCUPATION Gross, recently indicted. We place no stock in Emerson's asser- Jewish npteWeslbeeii ^guilty of a neglect of the rules of human These hard and fast statements tion that he is not a Hitler agent,in this country. We quote from relations? And have not these paens of praise for our own genius that one is constantly seeing that a special cable to the Chicago Daily News from Junius B. Wood, given birth to echoes arousing resentment of the less gifted? It one race is fitted for this and anfor that, give me a pain. Such their correspondent in Berlin, who succeeded Edgar Ansell Mbw- is desirable that the Jew do bis rightful share in the various other statements are not true of the Jew rer, the man the Nazis forced out of Germany: "Berlin/Germany, phases of world activity leading towards progress; We may be and not true of any other race, exCORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN Nov. 7. An announcement from the press section of the Nazi proud of our Einstein, of Justice Brandeis, of those of our people cept in a most relative sense. Take the matter of sportsmanship. party that Col. Edwin Emerson, a New York clubman, had been jwho are great and good. But the constant shouting from the If there is one thing, which, the one OMAHA named representative of the party's interests in the United States, j housetops is not only a source of irritation but also a breach of would presume, would be natural to the -Englishman, it is sport, and yet EH&" revives unpleasant memories for many Americans who served, good manners.—U..M.

The Store for "His" Useful Gifts










J. C C. CALENDAR Week Dec 10 to 17

day evening, December 14, at eight p. m. at the J. C. C. Kabbi Uri Mill- A. Solomon, I. Sokoloff, Sam Stern, o'clock at the J. C. C. This affair will Conservative Auxiliary er will address the meeting. All mem- Sam Steinberg, George Stoller, Harry Sonimer, Sam Theodore. Bose Zaehbe a membership drive and each Honoring 35 new members of the bers are urged to attend. member who brings two new mem-organization, the Conservative Syna- The fourth annual bazaar and raf-aria, Charles Ross, Phineas Winti-oub, bers will be admitted free as guests gogue Auxiliary will give a birthday fle of the Bikur Cholim will be held T. Carp, John Fakr, Sam Eoclnnan. of the Junior Hadassah, as will all luncheon in celebration of Chanukah Sunday, December 10, at the Labor Louis Blotcky; Richard Wr^ht, Loon on Wednesday, December 13, at oneLyceum, starting at 10 a. m. Mendelson, Abe Kaslowsky, Max new members also. Miss Sarah Solomonow is chair- o'clock at the J. C. C. A board meet- An interesting program will be Lashinsky, George Strauss. man in charge of this affair and is ing has been called for 12 noon. presented, starting at 10 p. m. The being assisted by Miss Anna Hahn Guests will be seated at tables ac- prizes will be awarded at 10:30. Ad- The sewing circle of the local cording to their birthdays. There will as membership chairman, and the mission is free and the public is in- chapter of Hadassah will meet at following committee: the Misses Dor- be a hostess at each of the tables, vited. the home of Mrs. Sam Golchvarc, 302 which are to be decorated according othy Marko, Dora Freshman, Evelyn South 50 Ave., on Monday afternoon, Glazer, Anna Kuznit, Gertrude Lewis, to the months they represent. December 11, at 2 p. m. Ruth Swengil, and Jeanette Resnick. Inexpensive birthday gifts will be Hadassah Anyone wishing to join this circlf Reservations should be made as soon exchanged, and each guest is reis welcome to attend. minded t obring a small gift. as possible with any member of the Following is the list of new mem- Those with new material to doNew members will participate in bers above committee. of Hadassah, honored at the nate are asked to call Mrs. A. Theoan initiation ceremony, after which Everyone is asked to dress in kid dore or Mrs. Reuben Bordy. luncheon last week: costumes and prizes wiil be given for the program will be presented, fea- The Mesdames Louis Adler, Louis the cleverest ones. The annual Chan- turing community singing and a Alberts, Henry Belmont, O. S. Belukah "grab box" will be a featureplaylet, "Around the Year With zer, Sam Berkowitz, I. Bernstein, of the evening's program, and each Sweethearts." Mrs. Phineas Win- David Brodkey, Dave B. Cohn, S. ROUGH member is asked to bring a small troub is program chairman. Comisar, Max Davis, Morton EkrenTaking part in the playlet will be reich, Sol Epstein, I. Elewitz, Harold gift, not to exceed over ten cents. 8c per Ib. Miss Anna Hahn -will light the Hy Shrier (As the reader), Haskel Farber, David Finkel, A. Frank, Mor"Chanukah Lights." A musical pro- Cohen (as the man), and the Mes-ris Franklin, Harry Sladerman, Shirts, inc. 8e gram will be given by the Riskin dames J. S. Pearlstien, A. D. Frank, George Gaspar, Robert Glazer, E. sisters, including Pauline, Harriett, Dave Cohn, Sam Green, Sam Eosen- Greenberg, Hyman Greenberg, Fanny and Maxine; a reading by Dena vin,blatt, Nathan Howrich, William Greenberg, A. Goldstein, Harry HarHimmelbloom, and dancing numbers Racusin, Arthur Cohn, Karl Leiser, ris, Morris Katelman, Abe Kusliner, by Louise and Gloria Novitsky. Ac- Jack Melcher, Irvin Levin, and Mau-David Lefkowitz, Ben Newman, Jn:ompaniments will be played by Miss rice Micklin. Mrs/ Jay Malashock ius Newman, Albert Newman, ElizaSolomonow and Miss Marko. Follow- will be the accompanist. beth Neveleff, I. Ossery, Carl Rieing the program, refreshments will Eeservations for the luncheon kes, Ernest Eeuben, J. Rosen, Sam shoud be made with either Mrs. LeoRosenblatt, D. Schwartz, D. Siraons, be served. Abramson, Glendale 3562, or Mrs. Harold Farber, Atlantic 6686.

Sunday,-December 10—3 p. m., Psi Mu Dance; Hebrew Club Meeting; 8 p. m., Jewish Show. Monday, December 11, 2:30 p. m., Bikur Cholim; 8 p. m., Book Review "Anthony Adverse," by Rabbi D. A. Goldstein. Tuesday, December 12, 2:30 p. m., Deborah Society; 8 p. m., Jr. Vaad Forum "Dr. Jacob Singer." Wednesday, December 13, 1 p. SILBERMAN-GREENBERG m., Conservative Synagogue AuxENGAGEMENT ENTERTAINING AT BRIDGE Mr. and Mrs. Philip. Greenberg an- Mrs. I. W. Schreibman is enter- iliary Luncheon. Thursday, December 14, 8 p. m. nounce the engagement of their taining at three tables of bridge at daughter, Ruth, to Maurice B. Sil-the Green Garden Tearooms Tuesday Junior Hadassah. Sunday, December 17, 3 p. m., bennan of Chicago. No date has in honor of Mrs. David Modlin of Psi Mu Dance; Omaha Hebrew San Francisco, Calif. been set for the wedding. Club Meeting; 6 p. m., A. Z. A. Miss Greenberg was affiliated with No. 100, Banquet Sigma Delta Tau sorority at the TO VISIT IN HOLLYWOOD COMING EVENTS University of Nebraska. Mr. Silber- Mrs. Abe Cohen left for HollyDecember, 1933 man is a graduate of the University wood, Calif., where, she will be the of Illinois and is attending Kent Col- gnest of her brother and sister-inTuesday, December 18, Talmud lege of Law in Chicago. law, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Shapiro. En Torah Chanukah Program, 8 p. route she will visit in Cheyenne, m.; Pioneer Women's Club, 2 p. m. Wyo.; Denver, Colo.; and Salt Lake BERGER-FREIDEN Wednesday, December 27, Book City, Utah. ENGAGEMENT Review "Little Man What Now," Mr. and Mrs. M. Freiden of El by Rabbi D. A. Goldstein, 8 p. m. Paso, Texas, formerly of Omaha, an- JOURNALISTIC HONOR January, 1934 nounce the engagement of their Miss Harriet Rosenfeld, daughter Monday, January 8, Omaha daughter, Marjorie, to Mr. Alvin Ber- of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rosenfeld, Community Forum: Presents Norger of Cleveland, O. No date has was honored by membership in Theta man Thomas, 8 p. m. been set for the wedding. Sigma Phi, national honorary jourMonday, January 15, Book ReMiss Frieden, who is now visiting nalistic society, at the University of view "Return of the Nature" by Vaad Auxiliary in Cleveland, will be the guest of Nebraska. She was the only sopho- Rabbi D. A. Goldstein, 8 p. m. The AiLziliary of the Vaad her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. more among those honored. The annual Student Sabbath of the Wednesday, January 17, Senior HaThr Ladies will sponsor their second anand Mrs. Jack Lnttbeg, shortly after Conservative Synagogue Auxiliary Hadassah Card Party, 8 p. m. nual ball on Sunday evening, Decem- has been set for Friday, December New Year's. Wednesday, January 24, Jr. ber VISITING PARENTS 17, at the Paxton HoteL Al FinMrs. David Modlin of San Fran- Vaad Forum: "Dr. Leo L. Honor." kel's orchestra will furnish the mu-22. Complete details are to be anTEA nounced later by Mrs. Irvin Levin, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, cisco, Calif., is here for an extended Mrs. I. Goldstein and daughter, visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. January 26, 27 and 28, Dr. Abram sic Admission will be one dollar per chairman. :ouple. Miss Tobie Goldstein, were hostesses A. J. Kovitz. Many affairs are be- L. Sachar, Institute of History. This ball is the outstanding social at tea at their home Sunday after- ing planned in her honor. Wednesday, January 31, Book affair on the Vaad calendar. Bikur Cholim noon to honor Mrs. Paul M. GoldReview "Hear Ye Sons" by Rabbi stein, who was Miss Edith Lutz of MATINEE DANCE D. A. Goldstein, 8 p. m. A Chanukah luncheon honoring A regular meeting of the Bikur Des Moines before her recent mar- The Psi Mu fraternity will sponnew members will be held by the Cholim Society will be held on Monriage. sor their regular Sunday matinee BENEFIT CARD PARTY Vaad Auxiliary on Monday, Decem- day afternoon, December 11, at 2:30 dance at the J. C. C. this Sunday, The Daughters of Israel Aid So-ber 18, at one o'clock at the B'nai BAR MITZVAH from 3 to 6 p. m. The Myers-Hodek ciety is giving a benefit card party Israel synagogue, 18th and Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. L Forbes announceorchestra will again play. Tuesday, December 19, at the OldMrs. A. Schwaczkin is general chair- { ANNOUNCING the Bar Mitzvah of their son, IrvPeople's Home, 2504 Charles. The man. ing," on Saturday, December 9. He A very entertaining program has public is invited. will entertain for 15 boys at the Chanukah Program Mrs. Dave Ravitz is chairman of >een arranged by Mrs. Howard MildForbes home Saturday afternoon. A r and her program committee. A Chanukah celebration will be the affair. ' reception in his honor will be held amcheon reservations, which are • COSTUMERS Sunday evening, from 7 to 10 p. m.given Saturday evening, December thirty-five cents, must be made by 16, at 8:30 p. m. at the J. C. C. byGUEST FROM SIOUX CITY Successors to John Feldman Friday, December 15. { the Jewish National Workers AlliMiss Tillie Shindler, of Sioux City, Reservations may FLORIDA FOR WINTER be made by calland the Pioneer "Women. la., was the guest of Miss Helen ing Mrs. Louis Epstein, Mr. and Mrs. M. Levinson of 3107 ance Harney 4135; A musical and literary program Mason street left Wednesday for has been arranged. Refreshments Bloom for the Thanksgiving holiday. Mrs. T. Tully, Harney 7248, or Mrs. TUXEDO OR Miami, Fla., where they will spend will be served. The public in invited. A. Schwaczkin, Atlantic 5534. the winter. FULL DRESS The speaker of the evening will be VISITING HERE A. Rice, secretary of the World Poale Frances Wolf and son, Stewart RENTAL Deborah Zion, who arrived in this country re- Lee, of Wichita, Kansas, are visitPhi Sigma Mu Frat ing in Omaha with relatives. A regular meeting of the Deborah $2.00 Society will be held Tuesday after- ] * Honors New Pledges cently for a lecture tour in America. ENTERTAINED noon, December 12, at the J. C C Mrs. Stanley Brown was enter- Rabbi David A. Goldstein will-be the The Phi Sigma Mu, law fraternity New Organization for tained by a group of her friends prior speaker. 1722-24 Dodge Street of the law university of Omaha High School Girls to her departure for Des Moines. The children of the Talmud Torah - Night Law School, held a banquet at ATUaticll26 will give the Chanukah blessing over , the Paxton Hotel, Sunday evening, A new organization for high school the candles. CHANUKAH DANCE __£ ^i-December 3, in.honor of the .twogirls,, to be .an affiliate of the Junior '~new pledges, Meyer Hosenbaum and Hadassah and to be known as the The second annual Chanukah dance "Young Judaea," will be formed at of the Junior Society of the ConRobert S. DorinsonJudge Irvin Stalmaster, sponsor a meeting to ba held at the Jewish servative Synagogue will be held - of the group, was the principal Community Center on Sunday after- Sunday night, December 24, at the Fontenelle Hotel. noon, December 10, at 3 p. m. Epeaker of the evening. All girls interested are invited to Herbert W. Fischer, secretary of the law school; Milton R. Abrahams, attend. Those wishing to join but "CHANUKAH KID PARTY" The Junior Hadassah will give a . member of the faculty and associate unable to attend are asked to call "Chanukah Kid Party" next Thurssponsor of the fraternity; and David Anne Kuznit, Webster 2158. W. Fishman,-an alumnus member of the group, also spoke to the members. Louis "J. Riklin and Henry MagzaVVhen did you last miu were in charge of the -arrangeTitents. Sol Mishnick was toastmasgive your -wife a Diamond? tcr.





featuring A Special Group of

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Lawrence Tibbett in Concert Saturday Lawrence Tibbett, famous American baritone, is expected to attract one of the largest crowds ever to assemble in the Omaha auditorium, when he comes to Omaha for his initial concert on Saturday night, December 9. The concert, which is sponsored by the Tuesday Musical club as the first of their winter concert series, is considered an outstanding event in both musical and social circles. Seats are on sale at popular prices of $1, $1,50, $2 and $2.50, plus 10 per cent tax, at Schmoller and Mueller, 1516 Dodge street, and at the auditorium on Saturday.

Of course, she has her engagement ring—perhaps a diamond-set wedding K ring—but what woman wouldn't thrill ^ to a smart diamond clip or pendant ^ for the holidays. Or perhaps a fine = Gruen set with diamonds? f Turn back the calendar this holiday with a new diamond gift. We will be glad to offer you our professional aid, secured through years of experience. Diamcmd m the selection of such an all-important gift. Choose it now.

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Winter Coats and yaaH go home -with a new coat! $12.SS coaldn't buy more quality and fashion than in this group <rf for trimmed and sport coats: Size* I S to 02.

In a season when all that is smart is elegant, we offer you coats in the new silhouette, luxuriously trimmed with the choicest furs, which make the most of soft shoulders and interesting necMines. A group of individually distinctive fashions selected from our better coat section and reduced to a price you willingly pay for better fashions.


TROPIC DIVERSION—"Aquaplaning" along the water's edge behind galloping ponies is the new beach PRETTY HORSEY—"Who wouldn't take a ride with such a pretty rickshaw runner? Lee Anderson, sailor boy from Asheville, N. C , appears to be quite willing and sits quite at ease white he is being taken for a jaunt about Miami, Fla., by Barbara Kay-

sport at California coast resorts. Here are some pretty thrill seekers enjoying the sport at Venice, Cal.


PERFECT FACE—Pretty Lulu Hodgson, who is said to have the most perfect-figured face in Mormondom, is pictured in the pioneer costume she wears as the belle of the Mormon pioneer ball, the mardi gras of the Beehive State, at Ogden, Utah.

READY, SET, GO!—Miss Mozelle Brittone, motion picture actress, and wife of Alan Dinehart, is shown posed for a dive into a swimming pool at Palm Springs, Cal.




f ..

COLLEGIATE MOVIE ACTOR—Do you remember little Jackie Coogan who played with the comedian, Charley Chaplin, in the movies years ago? Well, here's Jackie as he looks today. He is shown at Los Angeles with Margaret Marquis, who will star in movies which Jackie will make on days off from his classes at Santa Clara college.

A CHAMPION PEN OF LAMBS—Miss Katherine Sheldon of Oneonta, N. Y., is photographed with a champion pen of lambs at the livestock show, now in progress at Chicago.

NEW CAPITOL NEARS COMPLETION—North Dakota's, new $2,000,000 skyscraper capitol is photographed at Bismarck, as it looks now nearly completed. The new edifice replaces the old capitol which was destroyed by fire in 1530.



^ ^ ^ ^ : " # * 8 * * e * . . 9 £ C#e* JusticeCharl

HEADED FOR THE SCREEN—Looking like big, sleepy kittens, these young lions are pictured at a lion farm near Hollywood, Cal., as they awaited shipment to one of the movie studios where they are destined to become actors in a new film epic of the jungle.


The Menu Always Provides Good Foods of Unequaled Variety at Moderate Prices Eat at the


0. S.

Sisterhood Current Topics



Rosen bach Scholar Named

Dr. Fleishman Guest Chanukah Program Rally for Members Speaker at Seminar For South Omahans Of Round Table

mass Rabbi Frederick: Cohn will speak on at Pennsylvania University Dr. Max Fleishman, head of the meeting for all the memThe pupils of the newly organized •Christmas and the Crisis in ChrisPhiladelphia.—Shane Leslie. Eng- tuberculosis division in the Douglas, Sunday School of the Congregation i b e r s ° f the twenty-eight constituent tianity" at the regular Current Topics lish biographer and poet, has been iC o m 3 t T hospital, will be the guest comprising the Round meeting Tuesday morning at the appointed Rosenbach fellovr in bibli- speaker at the third seminar of the of Israel of South Omaha will en-1 organizations Table of tertain their parents and friends a t ! Jewish Youth will be held Blackstone. This will have special ography at the University of Pennsyl- current series being held by Phi Delearly part of Januaiy, it was Chanukah program on Sunday aft aftNew York, (J.T.A.)—The pressure reference to the attack on Christian- vania for the academic year 1933-34. te ^ P ^ 0 1 ^ national medical froter- a Canukah ernoon, December 17, at the syna- j decided at a meeting Monday, being brought against the German ity by the Nazis in Germany. The fellowship was- established by mt?. o f " Cnagnton University. The Olympic Committee by the two outDr. A. S. W. Rosenbach, eminent an- f ^ i n a r will be hel<Tat the chapter gogue at twenty-fifth and J streets.! The Round Table was recently orstanding American sports organizatiquarian and scholar, because of "the fLouse' ,_ 4110 D a v e n P o r t » ±h™ evening, The program will begin at three p. g-anized to solidify and unify the tions to end its discrimination against in. and gifts will be presented to the Jewish youth in Omaha. Steadily increasing interest to Mblio-;December 8, at 7:30(p. m. Dr. Fleish- children. George Geffen is chairman of the German Jewish athletes, pressure The Jewish National Workers Alman's subject will be "Tuberculosis. which crystallized in a resolution liance will hold a literary meeting on graphy." Each class is to present a playlet committee in charge of arrangeA dhmer in honor of Dr. Fleishthreatening American withdrawal of Sunday, December 10, at 8:30 p. m. Boycott Group Issues man will be held preceding the lec- in accordance in keeping of the holi- ments, assisted by Abraham Appelts participation in the 1936 Olym- at the home of I. Morgenstern, 3106 ture. Abraham Appelsis, chairman of day and is under the direction of the sis, Ben Eosen, and Ida Blacker. piad, will reach a climax in February. Webster. An interesting subject will Drug Pamphlet the committee in charge of arrange- following instructors: Hisses Bertha New York.—A pamphlet listing At this time judgment will be passed be discussed. ments, is being assisted by Abraham Newman, supervisor; Estelle Nathan, in the behavior of the German body All members are requested to at- German drugs and their American Riemer. An open invitation has been Sophia Halperin, Sylvia Lipsman, and oward Jewish athletes, and upon the tend. Following the program refresh- equivalents was issued by the medi- .extended to all medical students and Eeet Tatelman. The school is under cal division of the American League j decision hinges the question as to ments will T>e served. the general supervision of Aabbi Uri for the Defense of Jewish Sights I-physicians. whether the games will take place in Miller and is being sponsored by the which is leading the anti-Nazi boyBerlin. Vaad and Auxiliary of the Congrecott fight in this country. gation of Israel. Charles L. Ornstein, member of the -The pamphlet urges physicians to Mrs. S. Okun has been appointed executive committee of the American A benefit bridge is being sponOlympic Committee and delegate, of ticket chairman for the musical show- specify on their prescriptions that sored by the instructors and is to be German drugs are not to be nsed in to be given by the Pioneer Women the Jewish Welfare Board, in an Inheld in the basement of the syna: terview, said that the support of IOT- on Tuesday evening, December 19, filling them. gogue on Wednesday evening, Deeign sports bodies will undoubtedly T>e at 8 p. m. at the Labor Lyceum, 22nd cember 13. Price of admission is only i Committee to Combat ;iven to the resolutions passed by the and Clark. twenty-five cents and everyone is inThe well-known play, "The Shot- Effects of Nazism American Olympic Committee and the vited to attend. chen's Daughter," will be presented This evening at Temple Israel servNew York.—Plans are under conAmateur Athletic Union. Both resolutions in effect threaten withdrawal on this program, with Mr. and Mrs. sideration by Supreme Court Justice ices for the newly-elected officers of of American support of the Olympic J. Raznick taking the leads. Tickets Mitchell May, president of the the Brotherhood win be installed by games to be held in Berlin unless are twenty-five cents, and a beauti- Brooklyn Federation of Jewish Chari- Rabbi David H. Wice. Rabbi Wice Jewish athletes are treated with the ful picture will be given as a door ties, and Arthur Garfield Hays, mem- will speak on "Leaders and DemaQuarterly examinations are being ber of the international commission gogues." same regard extended other athletes. prize. Next week Rabbi Wice's sermon held in the various classes of the which recently held an impartial trial Mr. Ornstein said that he is satisReservations are already being Vaad Religious School. These examfied with the stand taken at the con- made for the Pioneer Women dinner of the Reichstag arson trial de- topic will be "To Die or Not to Die." inations are held every 10 weeks. He will discuss the proposal of Rabbi fendants in London, for the formavention of the A. O. A. in Washington. in honor of Mrs. Goldie Myerson, Chanukah programs are beingThe resolution passed there, based on Pioneer Women leader, at the j . C. C. tion of a committee wnose object Abba Hillel Silver that the leaders •will be to fight the effects of Hitler- of German Jewry should speak cheir planned both for the Omaha school the A. A; TJ. resolution, caused con- January 14. minds even if they have to be •mar- and "the South Omaha branch. At the ism in America. : siderable dissention at the meeting tyrs, and how far one should gy for Omaha School, the program will ba! when Brigadier-General Charles H. g one's group or one's religion. French Meet to Fight Sherrill warned that widespread antipresented Sunday morning, December This evening Rabbi Frederick Cohn 17, and will also be presented MonSemitism might result if the resoluGrey Iron, Alnminnm and A meeting of the Ladies Labor Ly- Anti-Semitism Paris.—Three hundred delegates will occupy the pulpit of the Congre- day, December 18, for the Ladies tion were to threaten Germany. A spe- ceum Club will be held Tuesday eve* Bronxe Castings gation B'nai Jeshurun of Lincoln, cial committee, including among its ning, December 12, at 8 p. m. at the and 1,000 guests attended the fourtn Auxiliary. In the Sunday morning Wood ana Metal Patterns members both General Sherrill and Labor Lyceum, 22nd and Clark congress of the League to Combat Nebr., in connection with the nation- session, games and contests and 2614 Martha St. HA. 5523 wide movement of the Union of present prizes will be given and the regular Mr. Ornstein, reached a decision streets. The meeting is for members Anti-Semitism. Delegates represented 40 French provinces, American Hebrew Congregations, Chanukah party will be held. The which had the support of the organ- and their husbands. known annually as the Union Tour. South Omaha school will present a ization membership. A Chanukah celebration will fol- Tunis and Algiers. A message oi Saturday morning at Temple Israel program open to the public in South Mr. Ornstein said he is planning to low a short business session. After greeting to the congress. was revisit Germany before the end of the the entertainment, refreshments will ceived from Prof. Albert Einstein, Rabbi Wice will conduct the chil- Omaha Sunday afternoon, December dren's service. 17, at 2:30 p. m. In the morning sesyear, and investigate personally the be served. There will be no admis- who is now in the tJnited States. The meeting of the Young People's sion Chanukah games and contests treatment accorded Jewish athletes. sion charge. Forum Sunday was well attended, be held. Mr. Ornstein is a member of the Barred From Fair with "twenty new members present. firms have housing committee of the A. O. A. and Berlin.—All Jewish Cuts and been refused admission to the Brown The next meeting will be held Defor twenty years has been engaged in cember 24 at 4 p . m . athletic affairs. The rummage sale is being held Fair of Lower Saxonia, which opened The Temple Father and Son banover for another week. at the store at Hanover. The exclusion order quet will be held a t the Temple Wedat 1609 Cuming. All having old was issued despite recent decrees of €ltGRft¥lH€ CO. clothes to donate __are asked, if pos- Minister of Economics Dr. Kurt nesday night, December 13. The regular Tuesday evening class David Slobodinsky was named pres*OmfiHR* sible, to bring them to the store, or Schmitt, that Jewish' firms bs not in History will meet next Tuesday at Q±.4626 j discriminated against in the inter- the Temple, with Milton Abrahams ident of the Young Men's Vaad and or Mrs. L. Freedman, Atlantic 8193. !est of German trade. Dora Freshman president of the Juconducting the class. A special board meeting will be nior Vaad Auxiliary at elections o! Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis of the leld at the J. C C. Wednesday, Deofficers held Tuesday evening. Fix Five Per Cent Quota Mount Sinai Temple of Sioux City, cember 13. The next meeting will be Other officers of the Young Men"s j # Berlin.—The intention of the Gerwill be the guest speaker of the In- teld Wednesday, Dec. 20. Vaad are: Sam Hahn, vice-president; » We Solicit Tonr Printing and man government to limit the numternational A. Z. A. Day festivities At services tonight Rabbi David Joe Fellman, secretary; Rudy MittleOffice Supply Seeds ber of non-Aryan doctors to 5 per to be held on December 17, at the A. Goldstein will speak on "The man, treasurer. Two representatives cent of the totalnumber of pracJewish Community Center under the Contrast Between Jewish and Nazi to the Senior Vaad Council and two tiotioners was revealed in an authoriThe joint sponsorship of the Mother CALL AT. 4644 introduction of a series of ative statement to newspaper pro- Conceptions of ^Chosen Peoples.'" to the Round Table of Jewish Youth Chapter and the Sam; Beber Chapter. feasts on Saturday evening under There are leaders of opinion like G. will be chosen later. ASK FOR COREY This year, marks! tfie eighth inter- the auspices of the Omaha y Mizrachi prietors issued after, several news- K, Chesterton, the famous English ' place Satarday -;• evening, -papers-tad made^mtjairies as to the Other -officers ©f the Junior Vaad an&or, "who^eteint-that the Nazi doenational A;r ^Zr-Ay 'Daj?"TvhicJi"aim¥*To' ? acquaint the public of Cmaha /with December 16, at S o clock, at the reason why Jews aad been prohibited trine of race superiority is only a {Auxiliary are: Sarah Malashock, vice the ideals and" ^principles of the or- Beth Hamedrosb. Hagodel, 19th and from practicing medicine in cities cf modern version'.-of what Jews them- president; Ida Minkhoff, secretary; Burt Streets. .This feast is called more than 100,000 population. selves believed when they ruled an- Ann Hahn, treasurer; Anne Green, ganization. •-'• ;..••-" •'• •• cient Palestine. Rabbi Goldstein will reporter; Reva Malashock and RoA meeting open to the public will "Mlave Malkeh" and is the tradisergeants-at-arms; trace the origin and development of sella Handler, be held in the Center auditorium in tional feast ushering out the Sab- Funds of Emil Lndwig 1406 Dodjre St. the doctrine of the Chosen People Bess Kirshenbaum and Libby Elethe afternoon. Dr. Leon E. Fellman, bath. The Mizrachi, sponsoring these, Confiscated wita, board members. felt that Chankukah was an approBerlin.—The property of Herman and will compare and contrast the advisor to the Mother Chapter, will be chairman of the meeting. An ex- priate time for the first of the se- Badt, former ministerial director in German and Jewish conceptions. the Prussian government, has been cellent program has "been arranged. ries. A banquet which •win conclude the An impressive program has been confiscated by the political police, acfestivities of the day will be held in arranged. Cantor A. Schwaczkin will cording to the Reichsanzeiger. Herr Regular services will be held this the evening. William Wolfe, Junior be in charge of the musical part, Badt, who is Jewish, is accused of Telephone JAckson 336G 1612 Douglas Street Member of the Supreme Advisory which will include Chanukah melo- spreading anti-German propaganda Friday evening at the B'nai Israel Synagogue, 18th and Chicago streets Council of the A. Z. A., will be the dies, Palestinean songs and songs abroad. toastmaster. Alephs and alumni and traditional with the Mlave Malkeh. Funds belonging to Emil Ludwig, under the auspices of the Vaad. CanB'nai Brith members will be present The program includes ten minute noted biographer, who is now a tor Schwaczkin will officiate. The talks by R. Lackow, a discussion of refugee from Germany, were alrr subject of Rabbi Miller's sermon "will at the banquet. be "Let Us Build Our Home, But All B'nai Brith and alumni mem- Mizrachi achievements in Palestine confiscated by the political police. How?" This will answer the quesbers of the A. Z. A. who are desir- by E. Bloeh, "The Present Crisis in tions, "Is Palestine a Solution to the ous of reserving plates at the ban- Zionist Religioi." by Mr. A. Katz Jews Turn to Conversion and "The Significance of Mizrachi," Jewish Problem?" and "Is Unity in in Antwerp quet communicate with the members Positively no written or verbal agreements recognized other New Tort.—Conversions to Catho- American Jewry Desirable?" The of the committee or leave reserva- by Rabbi Uri Miller. than originally printed on coupon. Good nntil December 18. tion at the Jewish Community Cen- Refreshments will be served by a licism among Jews include many in services are followed by a foram conAS MANY POSES AS NECESSARY committee cf the Bikur Cholim La- the city of Antwerp, Belgium, accord- ducted by the Junior Vaad organizater. No extra charge for groups. Only ONE coupon to each person. tions. ing to the Belgian correspondent of Harry Weinberg, Louis J. RiHin, dies Society. Open Daily from S:00 a.m. nntO 9:00 p.m. The Junior Synagogue -will hold its Open Sundays from 8:00 a.m. until 6;00 p.m. Louis Canar and Iz Mittlemen are This Miave Malkeh is open to the National Catholic Welfare Conferservices Saturday morning .it 10 everyone and it is hoped that all ence News Service. in charge of the arrangements. CLIP COUPON AND PRESENT AT STUDIO Jews interested in Palestine will be "The conversions among Jews now o'clock at the B'nai Israel Synapresent. being recorded in many European gogue, 18th and Chicago Streets. countries, particularly in large cities, include many in this city, where the ; Ladies • of Zion conduct a boarding Plans for the membership drive and -day school," lie writes. now in progress were discussed, at A. Rice, of London and Poland, sec- a meeting of the Hatikvoh club No- Chronicle Not Barred retary of the world Poale Zion, will vember 22 at the J. C. C. At this Berlin.—Reports • that the London be in Omaha for two days, Friday meeting a complete report was ren- Jewish Chronicle, outstanding Angloand Saturday, December 15 and 16, dered on the hard-time dance, which Jewish weekly, had been barred as the guest of the local hranch of was a success. •. ,'.--. ' from Germany, were denied here. To invest« serene end immaculate beauty in our every act? tempering each fondly the Jewish National Workers Alliance and the Pioneer Women. chapter members will be guests, and deed with solemn dignity, each final tribute witlt comfort end peace m Te> spare no conceivable effort in Mr. Rice will speak at a Chanuthe principal speaker "will be Rabbi A regular meeting of the Iota Tau kah celebration by these two organizations at the J. G. C. December scrority was held Sunday,' Novem- T». N. Lewis of Sioux City. providing services of ukimete completeness end refinement, empfoyinf el! modem facilities te achieve perfection 16. On the evening of Friday, Decem- ber 26, at the ncttie of Sylvia Eot- The election of officers will take place the latter part of this month. ber 15, he will speak informally on Iiovitz. Plans for the group's annual "Palestine and the Jewish Problems" ecu test are being made. with. Mar- The chapter's basket ball team will without tlaw O To hold ever inviohte t&e cherished integrity of our tons-established reputation/ to deal ie Wishnow and Sylvia Eotkovitz be coached this coming season by a t a meeting at the home of J- FeldNate Cutler. as heads of the teams. The contest rhah, 2424 Burt. fairly nod ethically always 9 To sene til creeds mih sacred raped, torn m one ewey, te offer our complete rCcnsists of bridge, ping-pong, slohonor December 15. For reservations gans and several interesting gatues. Wigdodoky, a ni?.T.bnr of call Webster 1642. services to everyone, end to make oar oeeuSfcf chapel cveifacSc to all • To provide ahvayt the finest and the Alpha chaster of Sioux City, Delta Kappa, a new social and| was a guest at the meeting. cultural club, has been organized by the following girls: Alma Feblowitz, most bvh/ beautiful tribute at the smallest possible expense, e$lwn§ our larger patoonsge te make individual president; Helen Greenberg, TiceJA social meeting of" the Fa-Hon president; Mildred Saferstein, secrecosts lower and well within the means of every family 9 These tenets form ©» unswervin$ code—$erene htentr, tary; ^Pauline Margolin, treasurer; Jewish National Fund Flag Day, sorority was held Monday evening Jean Beber, Pearl Monsky, Lottie officially called the Festival of the at the home-ef Miss Eose Flanchek. Rips, Dorothy Tucnman, and Merrian diimtte completeness, honest intesri fa service to *ll and &oes&tfa! economy. TMM& MS ©CJH €MEE9. Blue-White Emblem, will be observed Many plans ; were discussed for the Wiesman. . . • •'.-:'.'•.' coming year. ' ; : . in Omaha on Sunday, December 17. The celebration -will commemorate The evening; was spent in splaying the victory of the Maccabees over cards, after which. refreshments were OUE ESTABLISHMENT FACILITIES ARE ADEQUATE '..'•the Greeks more than 2,000 years served, i A meeting of the Vaad Habonim FOR FULL' COOPERATION IN COMPLYING WITH was held on December 3 at the B'nai JEWISH FUNERAL CUSTOMS Israel synagogue. .; *-..'.; The local group will canvass the Haskell - Cohen lias been added to city^ to raise funds for .the flag day. .One of the imost successful meetThe arrangements are nnder the di- ings of the year -was held by the the board -of sponsors. A "fraternity rection of Mrs. Morris Friedel, Mrs. Century Chapter of A. Z. A-, Decem- prom" will be held at the B'nai IsI Danksy, and Dr. O. S. Belzer. _ ber 3. Plans were laid for the in- rael synagogue on December 23 by Those wishing to volunteer their formal Initiation of nine pledges the Habonim. Farther information MRS.XEO A. HOPEMAN, Pres. P . K. WALSH, Mgr. auto or services are asked to ha at to be held Sunday, December 10. •will be given at the next meeting, "SO Tears of Unexcelled Service" Sunday, December 10, at 11:20 a. Committee reports •were Tendered^ the Jewish Community Center the The chapter is co-operating rwiih m. The execntiver noard announces morning of the 17th. Jackson S901 and Dodge S*A. Z. A. No. 1 in sponsoring the In- that all boys who do not attend the next, meeting will 1» dropped from ternational AZ. Aday program Jn Advertisers in the Jewish Press Omaha December 17. The Sioux CSty the rolls. merit your patronage.

Literary Meeting

Pioneer Women

Religious Services Temple

Vaad Religious School

*€>maha Repair Worfo i206'$ Seu&lat Strtci. AT. 2524

I Paxton Mitchell Co.

Ladies' Labor Lyceum


Daughters of Zion

Junior Vaad Groups Elect New Officers

sioux m RABBI TO




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ster street The Chanukah program their grandson, Irving Maduff, son of is being sponsored by the Talmud Mr. and Mrs. Henry Maduff of Anita, Notice Js hereby given thnt on 1f» n lit 4*JU oO Torah and children of the Sunday la. That morning, Mrs. Saltzman enschool will participate in this pro- tertained about twenty of her husgram. Since December 17 is the date band's friends at a "Kiddush" at home 8 V£,,fflT& .SSV S^ of International A. Z. A. day, the also. lien and lien for storage nnd other Council Bluffs Chapter No. 7 are chnrges: One trunk and contents, and Senior Hadassah Chanukah Tea planning an appropriate program. three leather grips ^ ^ ^ ANNA PILL, Plans are being made by the CounThe Council Bluffs Chapter of the Further details will be announced in H. R. O O U I J U , Proprietor. Senior Hadassah will entertain at a the next issue of the Jewish Press. cil Bluffs Talmud Torah society for 12-8-3S—2t. . a Chanukah dinner party to be given Chanuka Tea next Wednesday afterat the Chevra B'nai Yisroel Synanoon, December 13, at the home of Sarah and Joe Solomonow had as Mrs. Leo Fitch, 1602 High street. A their house guests for a couple of gogue. The Council Bluffs Chapter No. 1 short business meeting at two o'clock days last week Miss Frances Jacobsen will precede the tea and program. and Messrs. Abe Jacobson and Samof the A. Z. A. will hold an important Fitch is chairman of this affair Winer of Sioux City, la. While here, meeting nest Sunday afternoon, DeThe members of the Ladies' Aux- Among those children whose names The board of directors of the Mrs. is being assisted by the Mes-they attended the Thanksgiving dance cember 10, at 1:30 o'clock at the syniliary of Shaare Zion will give their appeared, on the Honor Roll for the Senior Hadassah organization met and dames Sam Max Conn, Law- given by the Junior Hadassah at the agogue. Plans will be completed for annual birthday; banquet Wednesday past school period, at various city Tuesday afternoon in the home of rence Krasne,Bubb, the program to be given December 17 Phil and Ben Hotel Fontenelle in Omaha. Mrs. Marcus Silverberg./ Plans were Telpner. Everyone IsSaks, evening, December 13, in-the social schools, were the following: in observance of International A. Z. A. cordially invithall of the Synagogue. This gath- At West Junior High School- made for the chapter's participation ed as this affair Is open to both memday. All members are requested to ering J will Celebrate the eleventh an- Clara Dvorkin, Sam Edelman, Mar- in the JNF. party scheduled for this bers and non-members of the Senior Mrs. I. Goldberg of Chicago, 111., ar- attend this meeting. jorie Fish, Gertrude Lass, Frances month, and for the membership cam- Hadassah. An entertaining and un-rived here last Saturday for a visit at niversary of the auxiliary. . :".•'_•' The program will be based on theMiller, David Osnowitz, Esther Wei- paign. ique Chanukah program will be given. the home of her son-in-law and daughfounding of the auxiliary, and a skit ner, Ada Epstein, Katy Lass, Helen Mrs. J. Rosenberg of Omaha, regional ter, Mr. and Mrs. Saul Suvalsky. has been written by members of the Katner, Fern Shafton and David Miss Frances Kalin has returned president of the Senior Hadassah, will group, carrying out this idea. Those Tilevitz. Dr. and Mrs. Igaac Sterrthill enterto the University of Nebraska at light.the Chanukah candles. If transAt North Junior High School— Lincoln, after spending the Thanks- portation is desired, - arrangements tained the members of their evening taking part in the skit and the part they will represent include the fol- Helen Guttleman, Belle Cohen, Blos- giving holiday with her parents, Mr. may be made by calling any member bridge club at a dinner party at their home Wednesday.evening in honor of lowing: Mrs. Jack Kozberg, "Spirit som Kalin, Elaine Rosenfeld, How- and Mrs. Jake Kalin, 3620 Jackson of the above committee. Mr. Samuel Schaefer of Denver, Colo., of Israel;" Mrs. J. Sawislak, mother; ard Sacks, Maurice Raskin, Leo street. who is their house guest for several Mrs. : Morris Eufain, r "Auxiliary''; Rose Newman, Paul. Salzman, Arhelps boild strong bones B'nai Britb. Election Monday days. Mrs. Joe Kutcher, a friend; Tillie nold Rosenfeld, Ida Shindler, Mar- The Alpha Chi Gamma sorority The Council Bluffs Lodge No. 688 Shindler "Banquets"; Norman Satin, vin Kline, Alvin Brodkey, Robert met this week with Miss Anna Lipand teeth. The Sign of "Shaare Zion"; Sylvia Herzoff, Roz- Cohen/Myron Heeger, David Olen- ton. Newly-elected members to the of the Independent Order of the B'nai Mrs. Sam Leviae of Des Moines, la., Good Workmanship anna Dikel, Betty Osnowitz and Vel-sky, Eunice Rivin, Dorothy Davis, group include Hellen Gillerstein, Brith will hold an important meeting spent a couple of days here this week JA. 1614 ma Beechen, "Card Party"; Adel Robert Marx, Harriet Levin, David Marion Rocklin, Ruth Kozberg and next Monday evening,- December 11, visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Offices Brandeis Theatre Bldg. at 8:30 o'clock at the Eagles hall. The Palin, Charles Shindler, Elaine BroadMittenberg, Sally Levin, Sylvia Fredell Brodkey. Louis H. Katelman. OMAHA annual election of officers will take Friedman and Jack Merlin, "Eevue"; key and-George Galinsky. : The business meeting was followed place,- and delegates will be chosen Miss Bertha Snpvsky will light the At Mount Sinai Temple Religious by bridge and refreshments. Mrs. H. Saltzman entertained twenfor the 1934 district convention. All Chanukah lights and sing an appro- School—Joanne Agranoff, Barbara ty-five guests at her home last Satmembers are urged to be present. Repriate, solo and Miss Serene Barrent Robinson, Doris Pill, Seymour Rob- In Sportdom urday afternoon, the occasion being freshments will be served at the conwill present a dance. An orchestra inson, Josephine Rosenfeld, Betty the celebration of Mr. Saltzman's reBerlin.—The stand taken by the clusionof the meeting. Silverberg, Arnold Rosenfeld, Mar- Amateur will play* during the dinner. cent recovery from a serious illness, Athletic union in its con.Mrs. Eubin Miller is in, charge of ion Rishgall, George Galinsky, Bobby vention at Pittsburgh last week and and in honor of the bar mitzvah of National Jewish Hospital the program; Mrs. Barney Baron is Cohen, Bobby Marx, Bernard Rosen- the subsequent action of the AmeriThe National Jewish hospital at general chairman for the event, and can Olympic Association meeting at Denver, Colo., conducted their annual IBVIN C. LEVIN. Attorney Mrs. H..S. Shulkin will act as toast SOI Electric Bide. Washington regarding discrimination drive in Council Bluffs this week with master. against Jewish athletes in Germany, Mr. Herman Krasne as general chairNOTICK O F PROBATE OF W I I X Mrs. Lester "Heeger is in. charge of bore their first fruit with the an- man. Mr. Krasne was assisted by In the County Court of Douglas County, the reservations; Mrs. Max Herzoff, Nebraska nouncement of the Reichcommissar Ilio Mutter of the Estate of Slecmimd menu; Mrs. A. Friedman, dining The annual. banquet, sponsored by for sports, Hans von Tschmmer-Od- Mr. Louis Bernstein, as vice-chairman, InHirst liberg, also known a s Sljrmund room, and Mrs. J. H. Mosow, pur-the Daughters of the Tiphereth ten, that instructions had been is- and the following committee: Dr. Hirsclibcrc, ltet-ensed. Isaac Sternhill, Dr. f Julius Moskovi^z, AH persons interested in snid estnte are chases. Israel Synagogue, will be held next sued to all clubs and sport associa— . ^ ^ x , ^ , hereby notified thai a petition has been Cherniss,rri Leo ,Fitch, I filed in said Court, Other plans for the auxiliary pro- Sunday evening, December 10, at tions in Germany giving them a frea and Messrs. Harrym«^»praying-for the probate gram for the winter months, include 6:30 o'clock in the social hall of the hand in deciding whether to accept Martin t r l u c k m a n , of a certain instrument now on file in said Court, purporting to be the last will Sam Gross, Louis H. Katelman, Sam a business meeting and program on synogogue on Sixth and Sioux and testnment of said deceased, ami that or reject Jewish members. Meyerson, Simon Steinberg, Nathan n hearing will l>e had on snid petition lieDecember 18; a meeting and lunch- streets. Court on the lfith day of Decem93 eon the third Tuesday in January, A program will follow the dinner The instructions, however, empha- Nogg, Ben Seldin, Sam Shyken, and lfore 1sa'd If size that under no circumstances Sam Steinbsrg. Mr. Samuel Schaefer \ 'S.^\Tc^rt. on "the'^u *ioth 'day o?T>" and the annual card party on Feb-and include musical numbers and admust Jews or foreigners be elected of Denver, who assisted the local com- ««"ber, 1933. at 9 o'clock A. M.. to contest ruary 7. dresses. the probate of said will, the Court mny nnd probate said will and jirant :ulCommittees in charge of the ar- to the executive bodies of these or- mittee during, this campaign, stated allow minislr.ition of snid estnle of Hose Hirschthat the response was very encouragganizations or hold other leading porangements include Mrs. P. Kaplan or some other suitable person and ing, and wishes to thank everyone who l>erg proceed to a settlement thereof. and Mrs. J. Seigel, menu; Mrs. Moesitions in them. helped make this drive a success. He BRY.CE CRAWFORD. dining room, and Mrs. M. County Judge. Rabbi H.- R. Rablnowitz will speak Lazere, stated also that as soon as conditions ll-24-33-3t Expedition to Explore Lazriowich, reservations. this evening at Shaare Zion Synaare improved, the National Jewish ALL THAT A WOMAN has Palestine Site hospital will be able to care for more gogue on the subject, "The Disease New York, (J.TJL)—The Roman- patients. Contributions may still be of Jealousy and How to Cure It." to do is glance at a Mohawk W< THE MEAE OF OWXIByzantine ruins of Esbeita, in south- made with any member of the above Children of the Religious school ern Palestine, will be explored by a committee. will present a Chanukah program Tire and some sixth sense tells That Sseia joint expedition of New York UniverSunday afternoon, December 17, at Plans were made at the Junior sity and the Metropolitan Museum of A joint Chanukah program and obher that here is an extraordi3:30 ' o'clock* "The Enemies of Israel," a one-act play, will be pre-Hadassah meeting Tuesday evening Art, it was announced by Chancellor servance of National A. Z. A. day will If yon bav« your shoes narily fine piece of merchansented by members of the post for the annual Junior Hadassah Harry Woddburn Chase of the univer- be held on Sunday afternoon, Decemrepaired at the sity. The expedition, to be "known as graduate and confirmation classes. dance. The date has been set as ber 17, at 2:30 o'clock at the Chevra dise. Other numbers will be given by the Sunday evening, December 17. The the Colt Archaeological Expedition B'nai Yisroel synagogue at 618 Myndance will be held at the Martin ho- will be directed by H. Dunseombe various classes. Colt, who has been associated with bee Repair Go. The look a n d feel a n d Mrs. J. Zelinsky presented five tel. NOTICE Of,. SAIJE Sir Flinders Petrie in work at Gaza. T. I» KRAUE. Frop. prayer books to the synagogue in Two junior organizations have notice Is hereby gi-ren that on the SOth 1619 W u « December; lKO, at 10 o'clock weight of outstanding quality been formed under the auspices of Hebrew University memory of her husband. A. M., at l.r.01 Cuminp street. Omaha, Famam Thursday evening, Rabbi Rabino- the Junior Hadassah chapter. One New York.—Dr. Abraham Light- Nebraska, the Ferrin Van and Storage Sf. will sell t o the highest bidder for are part of all witz addressed the members of the is called the Hadassah Deb club, stone has donated $5,000 to the Co. cash the following described articles to and is under the leadership of Fransatisfy its lien for .storage and Beth Abraham Synagogue. Sunday Jewish Physician's commit- charges: other evening he will speak before the ces Jacobson. The other is called American tee of the Hebrew university, JeruVolz Will Keep You MR- J. K A H X - 2 hoS springs, wooden the Young Judean club. The latmembers of the Tiphereth Israel ned, iron bed, ironing board, dining salem, according to an annonunceNattily Attired table, gas range, ice box, roll rugs, stool, Synagogue™ Last Sunday evening he ter recently held an election of of- ment by Dr. Nathan Ratnoff, direc- mirror, 1x11. pictures, small fable, large ficers and elected the following: addressed the members of the Chevra tub, basket, 2 trunks, dresses, vanity Yet, even more important than their superb Marcel la Levich, president; Mirian tor of Beth.Israel hospital and chair- dresser, buffet, mnttress, chiffionier, 4 Kadisha. < • • • - . arm chairs, C dining chairs, cabinet, man of the committee. Blank, vice president; Alice Pill, secdressing table, day bed nnd pad. appearance, there is, within every Mohawk Tire, retary; Elaine Mushkin, treasurer; ETHEL M. STACEY—Bed, sprinsr. shovel, rnke, buffet, ironing board, chifHazel Kantrovich, reporter, and fionier. 2 rockers, 3 dining chairs, dinan unseen quality that only superlative workmanSarah Sadoff, sergeant-at-arms. ing table, 2 tubs and contents 3 flower FASHION TAILORS stands, hamper and contents, 3 cartons Edwin W. Baron, local attorney, and contents, hand bng, 3 mattresses, JOHN TOLZ ship could put there. spoke before members of the B'nai pad, library tnble. dresserett, upOf interest to Omahans is the an-conch holstered davenport, bill, cushions nnd B'rith on the life of Maxim Litvinnouncement that Harry Lashkowitz, beddiiiR, roll rugs, pictures, mirror, elecJACKSON 270C Women seem to know this the moment they off. He told cf the high lights of of F-s.ijo. N. D., former president o* tric fan. 305 So. 19th his life and the matters of imporFEItRIX V A N & STORAGE CO., the Dishict No. G of the B'nai Brith, get a look at a Mohawk Tire. tance brought out by his visit in the Rabbi Howard Feinberg of the has been appointed assistant United 12-S-33—2t. TV. C. FERRIX, President. United States. Sioux Falls Reform Temple, will States attorney of the North Dakota What pleases them, too, If the fact that The nomination and election of of- speak this evening at Mount Sinai district. ficers of the B'nai B'rith will be Temple, in the absence of Dr. TheoMr. Lashkowitz is one of the leadMohawk Tires sell for no more than average held December 19. An interesting dore N. Lewis. ing Jewish citizens in the state of program and meeting is planned for Dr. Lewis will speak this evening North Dakota, being very active in volume production tires. that meeting. in Denver, Colo., in behalf of the civic and communal affairs. He has Union of American Hebrew Congre- spoken here on several occasions. gations, at Temple Emanu-el. The Sisterhood of the Temple will meet this noon for their monthly Try a Bag Torfry meeting. Following a 1 o'clock lunch- Stanley Brown, who was promoted Mr. A. Rice,, secretary of. the eon, a meeting and program will to the city managership of the Des Moines group of .Tri-State theaters World Poale Zion organization, will be held. Sfitak before a mass meeting next The Sisterhood Book Review Cir- (the A. H. Blank interests), w;as Wednesday evening,. December 13, atcle will meet Friday afternoon, De- banqueted by the local Film Board the i Jewish Community Center. The cember 15, at the home of Mrs. of. Trade before leaving for his new meeting will be sponsored by the Theodore N. Lewis. post. tssal chapter of the Poale Zion group.. Our. private Dining Room is The annual Palestinian Bazaar, toavailable for bridges* lunchward the* Gervenrkshaften campaign, eons and banquets. .will be' held on January 7.

Sioux City News






bride • wore a frock of apple green silk, floor length, with quaint puffed sleeves; and carried a bouquet of gardenias. '. Following the ceremony a reception was held with Mrs. Arthur Teeman and Mrs. E. Wolf son of Omaha, hostesses. Mr. and Mrs. Fishgold will reside in Huron, S. D. Out-of-town guests included Mr. and Mrs. Max Chesen of Fremont, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Chasen of Syracuse, Neb., and Mr. and Mrs. E. Wolf son of Omaha.

Council Bluffs


-Tiphereth Israel Banquet Sunday

A Woman's Instinct

Shaare Zion

Junior Hadassah Dance Is Planned

Shoe Comfort



B'nai Brith

Federal Appointment to Harry Lashkowitz

Theodore Volz& Son, Inc.

Rabbi Feinberg to Speak Here



Poale Zion Mass Meeting Wednesday

of Nebraska Women

To Des Moines

mar wonder


Henry Ginsburg Heads Maccabees At the regular meeting of the Maccabee club held this week at the Jewish Community Center, Henry Ginsb'urg was elected president for the coming year. Other officers include Perry Osnowitz, vice president; .Benjamin Sacks, secretary; Isadore Shindler, treasurer; Bennie Lebowich and Jack Merlin, ways and means .committee; Perry Osnowitz and: Benjamin Sacks, program committee; Isadore Ratner and Irvin Maton,. membership committee; Joe Janpwitch, athletic director, and Bennie Lebowich, publicity chairman. Members newly, elected into the group . include Leonard Leubowitz, Llojrd Kronick, Jack Zeligsdn, Lester ' •Lazriowitch, Morris .Mirken, David jWigodskyy Newton Sacks, Louis HMrjvitz, . Joe Devine and . Meyer Kaplan. Sixteen members of the Maccabee dab: served at 'the Caberet dance giveii last week by the.Temple Sisterhood* The'purpose of. the club ' ifl' to help • all' Jewish-activities and to 'ifitinuu'ate, Judaism among their grorip.


A. Rice, prominent labor.leader;who is touring the U. S. in behalf of the : Toalo Zion, will speak in Sioux City j on "The Latest News of Palestine," at a mass meeting Thursday evening, December 14, at the J. C.: C. at 8:30 A musical program Is being arranged. M. Mason will introduce the speaker. H. Mirowitz is in charge of arrangements. The mass meeting Is sponsored by the Pioneer Women and the Poale Zion. Admission is twenty-five cents. Mr. Rice is secretary of the World Poale Zion.

Society News Before a fireplace banked with palms, ferns and roses, in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Wolfson, 1029 South Newton street, -their daughter, Khoda, became the bride of Milton M. Fishgold, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. Fishgold, on last Sunday afternoon.' ' Dr. Theodore Nl Lewis read' the marriage lines- in the presence of 40 relatives and friends of the couple. A wedding march and prelude were played by Rueben Halpern, violinist, and Libby Olensky, pianist. The couple were unattended. The


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