December 15, 1933

Page 1

Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism

In the Interests of the Jewish People

Kutfit-u nit Swunrt-iVosj" ftlull Matter oil January 27. 11C1. at rnsiolllre nt Oinnha. Ket.rnsUa niiiler the Art of March 3. 1879




Plans are bejH sentation of

s Guild son Soon le for the pre' iggins of the '~i Canter Play•jh Community j i , of January or


VOL. IX—No. 46

Olympic Protest Seemingly in Vain


Berlin (J. T. A.)—Of practically Cabbage no avail have been protests by the ers Guild at t h Amateur ''Athletic Union of the UniCenter the latt{ ted States and the American OlymEconomic Conditions Cause an early part of ^ pic Committee against discrimina- Chosen 1934 General Chairman Added Burden Since tions against Jewish athletes in Ger- of Drive at Executive MeetThe Guild a c t _ ^ ~^jX the Center man sporting circles. A resolution of this season ares'1ina'er' the direction 1931 ing Wednesday the former group which threatened of "Mrs." Herman Jahr. (Reprinted From Scribner's) withdrawal of American participaThe date for tryouts will be anThe relief load shouldered by. the j tion in the 1936 Olympiad scheduled lecal Jewish Federation has trebled nounced as soon as the script is reIn this article Stuart Chase pre- j row of the American consumer—al- and in that of many students in to be held in Berlin, unless the dis-j Annual Federation Meeting Set •"•-•••: since 1931, according to figures dis- ceived. sents some outstanding rviews which I ways -provided the mass production whom I place great confidence, that criminations cease, w h i c h evoked ] Harry Silverman, well - known for closed by Jacob S. Pearlstein, execumerit the attention of every indivi- system continues to function a t all. depression was not of the order of from the German officials a pledge tive director, in a report to the dual, whether he be in business or The maintenance of a given civil- earlier depressions—which simply op- to desist, in addition to other moves \ his activities in communal affairs, will ] be £3neral chairman of the 1934 caroexecutive committee of the - Jewish whether he be a wage-earner. The ization depends On an equilibrium. erated to bring in line a relatively intended to prove tolerance of Reich I paign of the Jewish Philanthropies. Community Center and Welfare .Fedproblems dealt with here strikes at There must be a working balance be- modest debt structure with a rapidly sports bodies, have failed to accom- I He was chosen at a meeting of the eration Wednesday evening. the very fundamentals of our eco-tween man and .natures-climate, na- rising production growth curve — plish their purpose. i executne committee of the Jewish, In November, 1933, for example, nomic future, and will be of. interest tural resources, the man-land Tatio— but a new kind of depression altoA new order was issued by "the the Federation ; handled 121- cases a s to all.—The Editor. and between institutions,' classes, gether. Equilibrium Was definitely compared with 42 in November^ 1931. power groups,' within the community. upset, and American civilization was new Reich Cabinet Minister Colonel This is exclusive : of tiie children* The consumer, as every American Individual satisfaction - may not "befaced with the problem of finding a Ernst Roehm, commander-in-chief of cases and transients. It also does not knows, is a little, respectable, su- high, but i t must be over the line; different basis for social and econ- the storm troops, charging all meminclude the case work service to : the Open Meeting Sunday Afternoon burban clerk, with glasses, an um- high enough to insure reasonable sta- omic stability. We can never, I con- bers of sports associations to wear brella, a lot of packages, and a wor- bility. When it drops below the line, fidently believe, revive the old basis special badges now -worn by storm Old Peoples Home. to Be Followed by Banried expression. At the risk of de- equilibrium is lost and the' social —unless mass production, labor-sav- troopers. The order holds regardless The report revealed that the ing . devices, energy installations, in- whether the athletes or sportsmen stroying a time-honored national fig- structure put in Jeopardy. quet in Evening transient problem has reached- stagure I submit that the picture is all In the economy of scarcity—low- vention, research, the whole para- are troopers or net. Jewish members gering proportions. In January the of the sport groups are of course Federation took care of 39 transiRabbi Theodore N. Lewis of Mount wrong. The consumer is not a man energy cultures -primarily devoted to phernalia of abundance, are scrapped forbidden to wear the badges. and we retreat, in panic and in terbut a woman—women buy at least agriculture and f handicrafts—equients, in February, 5 1 ; March,'75; Sinai Temple, Sioux City; la., will April, 120; May, 176; June, 139; July, be the principal speaker in the local three quarters of all goods for ulti- librium, once established, tends to ror, to the stabilities of genuine, 198; August, 195; September, 14i;; celebration of eighth International A. mate consumption—and, far from persist for relatively- long historical physical scarcity. The formula of capitalism has run October, 73; November, 85. The Z. A. Day Sunday, December 17. The being puny, she is an Amazon, tow- periods. Having come to' terms with ering, portentous, blocking the whole nature and the food supply,, men are transients cost the Federation close day's program is- being sponsored lout. Even while we mechanically reeconomic horizon of the years before loth to upset the balance, even if to §1,500 a year. jointly by the Mother chapter No. 'peat this conclusion, most of us still us. » . standards of living are low, and theunconsciously deny i t Our eyes, In addition, for the first nine 1, and Sam Beber chapter No. 100. She stands thus in my mind des- surplus above subsistence passed on round with wish fulfillment, look months of this year "the 'Federation On this day the members of the pite the miserable role she has fre-to landowner, noble or priest. All the across a waste of bankruptcies, foretook care of 53 patients requiring quently played in the past. Totally world lived in the-economy of scar- closures, impounded bank balances, hospitalization, giving a total of 94U unorganized, she has time and again city up to a generation or two ago-— passed dividends, lost jobs, privahospital days. paid scandalously high; prices for America being no exception, save for tions, and heart aches to a corner A large number of those requiring sleazy goods and services. Shrewd ad- the fact that her surplus was notwhich surely must be rounded. Eag- Only Small Minority Dissent at relief from the Federation are vicvertisers have shamelessly exploited transferred by use and wont to a erly we read, and eagerly editors Stueben Society "Gertims of' the depression, being either HAKKY SILYEEMA1? her conscious and unconscious hopes time-honored ruling class. The sur-supply, any scrap of evidence which unemployed or receiving an inademan Day" and fears, promising her beauty by plus was shared, to a large degree, points to a return of prosperity. We 1934 Philanthropies Chairman quate income. the jar, health by the bottle, sex ap-and when passed on, went to land- brighten as we hear that the WidCommunity Center and Welfare FedNor is every, case one of relief. peal by the vial, superiority to her lords, • speculators, and financiers • by get Company of Sauk Center has New York (J. T. A.)—Attacking Some call for relief, others for servneighbors by the yard, well-being for anything but an orderly, traditional taken on. ten more. men. If on the the' anti-German boycott, the New eration Wednesday evening at the ice. An incidental service case may her children by the pound . . . at process. Throughout the * American same day the Atlantic Company of | York City government, the part Center. The Philanthropies drive is held in require considerable research and- efgood, round prices per jar, bottle, life of scarcity- -say from 1620 toNew" York has dismissed 1,000 we do played by tha United States in the fort. Included in this category are vial, yard, and pound. She has lived 1870—equilibrium -was maintained; not hear, of it, and we do not want World War, and the V e r s a i l l e s the spring of each year. At the conthe finding of relatives, alleviating in a vast, impersonal, highly special- satisfaction, while not general,' was to hear it. Yet until last March the Treaty, the Steuben Society in its clusion of the 1932 campaign it WM decided to name the next general the pressure of house payments, ized economic world, where vendibil-j sufficient to keep the economic sys- real news behind the printed news German Day celebration acclaimed chairman months in advance so that budgeting, straightening out domesity has completely overshadowed tern functioning, and steadily to in- iof the depression was of this char- Hitler and Nazi policies in an en- the details of the campaign would be tic difficulties, etc. thusiastic celebration " a t Madison serriceability; where all face-to-face crease the surplus. acter. But the astounding vogue of well organized when the drive got In recent- months the Federation relationship between buyer and seler About five or six decades ago, (technocracy bears witness to what Square Garden b e f o r e a packed under way. This was so successful has availed itself of federal relief, has been lost. She has not, save for the growth of the ^technical arts and millions of Americans felt down deep. house of more than 20,000 persons. that the executive committee decided co-operating with the Joint Emera* few local services, like that of the the utilization of new forms - of en- They knew in their bones that the A number of Jewish people at- to continue the policy. gency Board which co-ordinates the village dressmaker or cobbler, the ergy in coal, oiL and natural gas, formula was done for; that capital- tending the meeting were manDr. Abe Greenberg was chairman ot entire relief work in the city. slightest idea who makes the pro- began to write finis on the economy ism, was no longer capable of fur- handled and driven from the "hall the successful campaign for funds Henry Monsky and Iryin Stalmaaducts she buys, or what sort of per- 1 of* scarcity, ---•*— and, - - * •••— ' j over, their, protestations cf having for -•*-the; •*•---•-•-=— first time nishing sufficient economic security ter represent' the" Federation on the sons they are; .while" the ."maker in in" history, •usher in an.^economy of to keep the social structure function- | come to the "affair as a gesture of held last spring, when over §,308 contributors pledged after a "thorough turn will probably 7ivyer "lay•-eyes abundance. A wit i i t s observed that ing- .1 ••. Joint Emergency Board, and Jacob good will. ,.••'•'"' canvass. — tm" her, aitd she £ becomes simply a scarcity connotes-p%dssure of .^populaS. Pearlstien represents the JTederaAmong those ousted froffi the celeThe distribution of income is such, Twenty-nine "agencies •--• local, nasales ticket for posting to his journal, tion on the food' supply; abundance under capitalism, that absentee own- bration were It. o b e r t Kosenbaum, . tion on the Joint Advisory'Committional and international — bencfittefi tee of Executives of Relief Agen- Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis of Sioux and thus to ledger and profit-and-loss —pressure of food supply on popula- ers cannot possibly spend all the president cf the Federation of GerCity, la. account. Under handicraft conditions tion. (My whole thesis in respect to rent, interest, royalties, and profits man Jewish Societies, and Dr. Fritz from the funds raised. cies, including the county. The family, welfare department is fraternity (boys from 1G to 21, with the face-to-face relationship pre- the consumer is implicit in this quip.) they receive. Squander as they may, Schlesinger, a prominent member of Annual Meeting Date. administered by the Family Welfare chapters throughout the . United vailed- The producer had to be care- Droughts and pestilences spell crisis jmost of the income to capitalists German Jewish social circles in New At Wednesday's meetinp of the Committee of which Mrs. Harry A. States and Canada) rededicate them- ful of his reputation for workman- in scarcity! glutted warehouses spell must be reinvested. When one insur- York. Both assert that they were • executive committee, the date for Wolf is chairman. Included on tne selves to the Junior B'Nai B'rith ship and fair value. But under mod- crisis in abundance. ance company, or one savings bank, holding their peace when members j the annual meeting of the Jewish ern conditions, as Vehlen says: "One With the coming of a high energy takes the savings of a great number of the Steuben Society pointed them | Community Center and Welfare committee are: \. program which " is devoted to the Federation Tras set for Tuesday Mrs. L. Neveleff, Miss Blanche mental, moral and physical upbuild- can with an easier conscience and civilization, changes in transporta- of poorer people, the same principle out to the police and demanded their 1 manufacturing, construction applies. Opportunities for profitable ejection. eTening, January SO. Fnll anZimman, Mrs. J. J. Greenberg , Mrs. ing of its members—the strengthen- with less a sense of meanness take tion, nouncement Trill be made in next Philip Sher, Rabbi Frederick Cohn, ing of their Jewish affiliations—the advantage of the necessities of peo- work, merchandising, banking prac- reinvestment, therefore, must be con- When Gustav W. M. Wieboldt, week's press. R&bbi David A. Goldstein, Rabbi Uri abatement of the pernicious influ- ple whom one knows only as an indis- tice (but not theory) were to be ob-stant and expanding, for capitalism chairman, opened the program, exserved, but equilibrium persisted. demands a compound interest return plaining that a challenge had been Miller, Dr. Morris Margolin, Dr. H. ences • of bigotry and race prejudice criminate aggregate of consumers." Another feature o£ the meeting was As I write, it appears that the While it was apparent that a finan- on its savings. This is readily proved issued by "those who call themselves Hirschmann, Dr. J. Weinberg, Dr. A.—and the stimulation of interest in t h e Greenberg, Dr. Max Fleishman, and humanitarian, educational and philan- consumer is faced with an excep- cial and price system, developed in by the growth of the debt structure 100 per cent Americans," he was jt h e presentation of the relief report o£ tionally precarious situation. Her the economy of scarcity, was having in the United States. The curve of j roundly booed from various parts of j Federation by Jacob S. Pearlstien, Messrs. Sam Ravitz, Harry Silver- thropic endeavors. well-wishers tremble for her; -she considerable difficulty in adapting its growth for fifty years has been I the Garden. i executive director. This report revealman, Irvin Stalmaster, Henry MonRabbi Lewis will speak at the open trembles for herself; the Consumer's itself to conditions of actual or po- a compound interest curve. By 1930 When German Ambassador Dr. !e d t h a t since 1931 the relief load oC Bky, Louis Sommer and William meeting to be held in the lodge Advisory Board of the NRA is one tential physical abundance, by and the conpounding facter was 8.2 per Hans Luther arose to speak, the j the Federation had trebled. HoLzman. rooms of the Jewish Community Cen- big tremble. Anti-trust laws are held large the adaptation was made. cent. It is obvious that to fulfill audience accorded him a tremendous jr_^ ' ~ ^ The case work is done by Miss ter Sunday afternoon starting at 3 in abeyance under the new dispensaBy 1930, however, the limits of this cardinal requirement of the cap-Nazi ovation. "Heil" resounded i \ r \ Rose Cohen under the close super- o'clock. Included on the program tion, thus tending to deprive her of adaptation seemed to have been italistic formula, markets must ex- throughout the lar^e main hall of X U vision of Mr. Pearlstien. will be reports on A. Z. A. activi- whatever benefits free competition reached. The financial formula pand at an equal rate. During the the Garden, as Luther stood at the The federation budget is met by ties; dance numbers by pupils of has afforded her in the past. Trade founded on scarcity had stretched as nineteenth century and well into the rostrum and rendered the Nazi sathe Community Chest. the Cora Quick School of Dancing; association control of prices, quotas, far as its tensile strength permitted, twentieth, markets did so expand, lute. The tuixiult had scarcely died selections by pupils of Harry Bravir- and markets makes for greater possi- in an attempt to confine and control with the population of the world down, when a woman fifty feet from off. Dr. Leon E. Fellman, advisor bilities of monopoly and quasi- mon- the brute pressures of technological doubling in something over a cen- the rostrum screamed. "Down with of the Mother chapter, will be chair- opoly than the nation has hitherto abundance. It snapped, and the Great tury. The field for profitable invest- Hitler, down with Hitler!" The cry T h e educational committee of the man. The general public is invited. known. Meanwhile the Administra- Depression followed. In my opinion, ment was wide and lush. was taken up in all parts of the j Jewish Community Center, which has At this time a class of fifteen new tion is deliberately fostering higher of the Community Forum scThe formula does not allow the Garden, as the surprised audience ] rcharge ies members will be given the first de- prices, assuring us that thsy are nedistribution of goods on the basis i countered with "Heil Hitler." The j » -^11 hold a special meeting this gree, initiation. Stanley F. Levin, cessary, inevitable, and to be-expectof human need; it knows nothing police rushed to various parts of the | noon, December 15, at the Hill. advisor of A. Z. A. 1, will install ed. What is to prevent, the tremblers of serviceability, only vendibility. To Garden and escorted shouting men j At. this meeting plans will be mads cry, unconscionable profiteering in a Dr. A. A. Steinberg was unani- them. secure goods for consumption a fi- | and women from their seats, out of j for the lecture by Norman Thomas, situation with monopoly encouraged mously chosen president of the OmaIn the evening a banquet will be nancial token must first be present- the hall. The band s t r u c k up to be held at the Center Monday ha Hebrew Club at the election held given for members of the two chap- and higher price levels blessed? ed. The presence of that consumer's j "Deutschlana Euber Alles," and the evening, January 8. The outlook seems dark indeed. It last Sunday afternoon. j The subject for the address by Mr. token is chiefly dependent on wages audience joined in singing it. ters, alumni, and B'nai B'rith memThree heils were called for Hit- Thomas and other details of the lecThe other officers named: B. Felt- bers. Rabbi Uri Miller-will be guest may well be that in the next few and salaries. Wages and salaries are dependent partly on opportunities to ler. They were given with the ut- ture will be decided upon at this man, a member for more than 30 speaker. Addresses will be given by months the consumer will be put uptime. years, vice-president; Sol• Rosenberg, Sam Beber, founder of A. Z. A. andon one of the toughest spots of her The Study Group of the Conserva- make, the goods, and partly on op- most enthusiasm. At the conclusion cf the Luther William Grodinsky-, chairman of the secretary, re-elected for the thirty- president of the Supreme Advisory whole tough career. Despite the earn- tive Synagogue is planning a week- portunities to extend the apparatus ninth consecutive term; John Feld- Council, and Philip M. Klutznick, for- est solicitations of the Administra- end institute of Jewish history on —factories, steel mills, power houses speech, another woman was dragged educational committee, expressed his man, treasurer; Ben Kazlowsky, mer executive secretary of the A. tion, the- decent co-operation of many January 26, 27 and 28 at the Jew-—whereby consumers' goods are pro-from her ^eat bawling, '""Down with pleasure at the capacity attendance duced. The formula demands a capi- Hitler," and many other dissenters wluch attended the opening lecture Louis Morgan and Jack D. Gaven- Z. A. William Wolfe, junior member business men, the very considerable ish Community Center. man, board of trustees; Irvin C. of the Supreme Advisory Council, amount of ' protective competition "Dr. A. L. Sachar, national head tal goods sector of continuous invest- followed her as the band again i of the series by Dorothy Thompson, which still remains, and the screams ment as a flywheel for the whole pro- struck np to drown out all protest. Mrs. Sinclair Lewis, in private life. Levin, Daniel Schwartz and Hyman will be toastmaster. Those wishing of the Blue Eagle, she may find her- of the HiUel Foundation, will conHowever, those Germans who dis- Since Thomas, socialist candidate Shrier, executive board members. ? to reserve plates for the banquet may self paying unprecedentedly onerous duct the institute. He will give three cess. For it is only by employing milSunday's election was the clnb's call the J . C. C. formal lectures and lead three round- lions to make new plants, machines, sented formed a small minority of for president in 1932, is extremely prices for unprecedentedly shoddy table discussions. power dams, railroads, that consum- the audience. popular and recognized as one of eighty-sixth election. The committee in charge of the goods. ers receive a sufficient wage and salthe great liberal thinkers in America,, Dr. Sachar is well known to Omaopen program and banquet includes I confess, however, - that I find it ary total to take the goods off the another record attendance is expected Harry Weinberg, Louis J. Riklin, difficult to view this situation—if it ha audiences, having spoken here shelves. Madam Consumer's purchasJanuary 8. several times. Those who have heard Louis Canar and Iz Mittleman. comes—as more than a passing ing power is all tied up with the capThe Forum tickets this year conAleph Zadik Aleph was founded in phase. We shall all suffer while it him know him to be one of the ital-goods sector, which is all tied sist of five tickets, interchangeable,, most eloquent speakers on the AmeriMay, 1924, at Omaha, by Sam Be-lasts, but four lean years have inup with profitable investment, which and all five good for the same leccan lecture platform. He is the auber, as a medium for organizing ured us to suffering. What concerns is all tied up with headlong expanThe second annual Chanukah dance | ture, if desired. The five sell for A. Rice, of London and. Poland, Jewish youth in model fraternal me is the long-range point of view. thor of "A History of the Jews," sion. of the Ladies' Vaad Auxiliary wili|?S. Single admissions are ?1. secretary of the world Poale Zion groups devoted to building Jewish I have reason to believe that irresis- which has run through several ediWhen expansion reaches the physi- take place this Sunday evening atj The other numbers on the Forurn who is in this country for a speaking character. In 1925 the fraternity was tible pressures have been long a t tions. In his lectures he speaks with tuor, will be in Omaha today and adopted by B'nai Brith. Since then work behind the scenes and are nowauthority and always fascinates his cal limits of mathematical compound- the Paxton Hotel ballroom, starting i program are: Bishop McConnell, ing, as it seems to have done in 1930, a t © p. m. Austin Bevans and an j Wednesday evening, February 14; Saturday, December 15 and: 16, as it has been featured as one of the bursting stormily into the open, audiences. the guest of the Jewish National major projects of the wider scope of which will make the consumer dpm-; "This institute," stated Rabbi Da- the opportunity for profitable invest- eleven - piece orchestra will furnish j Oswald Garrison Villard, Wednesday Workers Alliance ^and the Pioneer B'nai Brith. inant .in the years—if not in the vid A. Goldstein, "will enable Omaha ment disappears, capitalists large the music Special entertainment will i evening, March 14, and Maurice Samuel, Wednesday evening, April Women. ^ months—immediately before us. SheJewry to receive the great gifts in and small sterilize their savings- "by also be held. hoarding their funds in the banks, For those preferring cards there n is being forced into an entirely new Jewish historical information which Mr. Rice will the principal role. Mass production, as Edward A. Dr. Sachar has to offer. It will be which, find difficulty in reinvesting will be card tables on the mezzanine speaker at a Chanukah celebration Esperanto Potjt Dies them; workers are no longer emby these.two organizations a t t h e J . Warsaw.—Felix Zamenhof, a poet Filene has pointed out, means noth- the most enjoyable and the most in- ployed in the capital-goods sector*— As this is the major project on i M u s t C. C. Saturday evening. The public who wrote in Esperanto, died here ing unless it means production for structive event of the year for Omaat least their number drops alarm- the Auxiliary program, the public is ! Berlin.—German Jews will be comthe masses. The country is committed ha Jewry." , is invited. at the age of 65. ingly—leaving them without wages urged to attend. pelled to move oat of the larger This evening, Mr. Rice will be a He was a brother of Lazarus Lud- to this technique. I t is the American The admission charge for the and salaries. Total purchasing power especially Mrs. A. Milder is chairman of ar- cities, it was indicated by governguest a t the services of the Con-wig Zamenhof, inventor of the lan-way of life, as- well a s its pride and whole series will be $1. is no longer adequate to clear the rangements, Mrs. William Milder and | mental authorities in announcing the servative Synagogue. He- ;• will, - lead guage, and son of Markus Zamenhof, joy. It cannot function without a vast Miss Grace Dansky, president of shelves of consumers' goods -save at Mrs. N. H. Greenberg are co-chair- (establishment of a special ccmmis: an open"; forum on the; world Jew- a professor of; German at the Vet-body of consumers able and eager to the Study Group, is-in-charge of arruinously low prices. This spreads men of the program committee, and | sioa by the Reich Ministry of the Inish situation as he has seen it in erinary Institute of the University receive its mammoth output In this rangements. Miss Zelda Saferstem Mrs. Sol Lagman is chairman of jterior for the deponulation of the obvious fact lies the bright tomor- ia in charge of the ticket sale. his' Europeans travels. • j in Warsaw. (Continued on Page 2) tickets. i German cities.




Lecture by Thomas At Meeting Today






Auxiliary Chanukah Dance This Sunday

PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15,1933 ning authority m u s t displace the his objectives. He wants purchasing reached a point of nationwide inte- can be produced, there is no Teason, automatic piocesses of laissez faire. power for the consumer and appargration which furnishes the equip- save the compulsion of an antiquated It is extremely likely that Mr. Bas-ently wants also a modicum of debt moral code, why he should starve to ment the energy installations, the manpower and the technical staff, to death. Already the code has been se tt Jones's law of a one to one re-service for the absentee owner. Thi3 operate under such a plan. The only undermined by a wide variety of lationship between the growth of Is becomingly generous, but he may substantial change would be a finan- free services-—or -dividends—in the physical production and the growth find that he cannot have both. Sooncial one; absentee ownership would form of schooling for children, rec- of capital claims must be deliber- er or later, I believe, his objectives be disallowed, and the present "con- reational and sanitation facilities, ately applied, to maintain equilibri- must definitely fall into one of these trol," until lately so engrossed in clinics, hospitals, and, lately, straight um. It is probable that the nation- three patterns, or a combination discomfiting the Investor, the work- relief allotments in money, or in, alization of certain key industries— thereof. If they do not, other hands no longer able to buy in sufficient no precedent to guide us. High, energy cultures have been hitherto un- volume. The hopper choked and er and the consumer—one or all— kind. The consumer, after all, is jthe railroads, the power supply, the must take up the wori where he (Continued.From Page 1) known to homo spaiens. The idea of will remain choked until she is able would be invited to join Mr. Insull heir to the technical arts, and asj coal mines—will be in order. It does drops it. Even if Americi should be in ; contemplating, permanently, '•. thesuch has a good moral claim to be] not follow, however, that private forced back to the economy of scarb a n k r u p t cy and unemployment looking to Russia for a major tech- to buy again. sublimities of the Acropolis. Most-of a joint beneficiary of an;abundance ''^ownership and management will be city, it would not be without a bitnique is unrewarding. Russia is still How apparent this all is in the throughout the consumers'-goods sec••••'•* • Idispensed with as summarily under these gentlemen" are of no manag- economy. tor. In short, the flywheel has carrying on in scarcity and will con- proposals for, and the operation of, this method as under the second ter struggle. erial value whatever in operating The principle already in force mayj tinue to do so for several decades the Recovery program. Production jammed, and the capitalistic engine Whoever is to direct that strugmore. She is a long way from pres- spurted in the spring, spurred by re- the properties as industrial enter- be pushed to its logical conclusion—• method above. The whole strategy of •will not turn over. the program will be to maintain a prises; their untiring concern has the consumer will be financed for gle, must wage it on behalf of tha sure of food supply. A recent calcuturning confidence- and the threat of There is no theoretical reason, of flow of income to the consumer ade- consumer. If she does not win, we course, why- the formula cannot be lation shows that the United States higher wholesale prices. It shot up been with windfall profits in connec- the essentials of life whether he or quate to clear the industrial hopper; revived. All the conierrrounders cher- now produces some 40 per cent more to the "normal" level of 1923-25. tion with r a p i d revaluations (ex- she works or not. Needless to say, to keep that valve open. Whatever shall all lose. ish, such theories. There are one orfood than the population can possibly Shelves were restocked, warehouses pressed usually on the Stock Ex- every opportunity to provide useful two practical Teason, however. Where eat. Not buy, mind you, eat. Ourfilled, cotton-mill consumption rose change) of the securities of the sev-work must be given, and performance private interests stand in the way shall we find a new continent to de-stomachs, including those of all the to twice t h e ' normal level. But the eral corporations. If such profit has demanded. Probably the most equit- must be removed. We Solicit roar Printing and The political problems raised by velop? How shall we reverse our pop-hungry, all the unemployed, all the activity was all predicated on one been consistent, from time, to time, able way of doing this will be to Office Snpply Needs these three methods of establishing with ruining the investors, or with | keep everybody at work at shorter garbage-dump scavengers are simcardinal assumption: that in the fall, ulation trend, which now rapidly approaches a plateau?- Where are gi- ply not big enough to hold the food the ultimate consumer would be able wrecking the technical operation of (hours while maintaining high real a new equilibrium under the dictates to buy. Failing this, the manufactur- the industry, they have not hesitated wages. This the N. R. A. is already of an abundance economy are, needCALL AT. 4€44 gantic now industries (not, if you we actually produce. please, the revamping of old indus- Failing precedents, one must expe- ing spurt* was just one more exer- to take it. Relieved of what Veblen attempting, but its code hours aver- less to say, profound. I am not, for ASK FOR COREY tries already soggy with debt, but riment. Here again Mr. Roosevelt cise in overproduction. The Agricul- has called their "businesslike sabo- age 40 per week, where I figure they the moment, considering those probbrand new ones) to be found? How Is shows his acumen. He proposes a tural Adjustment Act was a bold, ex- tage," there is reason to believe that should not exceed 26, and its wage lems. I am only trying to chart and the march of technilogical unemploy- frankly experimental economy, and perimental attempt to furnish the the properties could enormously in- schedules are inadequate to clear the delimit the economic objectives of any political movement looking toment which is constantly eating away likens it to a football team. If one farming community with ability to crease their output of sound goods hopper. at!purchasing power;"to be stopped* play does not work, try • another: buy when the day of reckoning came. and services, at a fraction of the Another way of receiving a quid ward equilibrium. pro quo for consumer dividend paid j Mr. Roosevelt has c l e a r l y anWhere are the posibilities of vast Keep trying; keep fighting. While The National Recovery Administra- cost per unit prevailing hitherto. order of the tion was a bold attempt to meet the I, for one, should not quarrel se- would lie in a huge public works foreign markets? 'The answers that experiment: may 1406 Dodge St. come back are: (a) air conditioning,' day,, it does not mean the equilibrium day of reckoning on behalf of the riously with some equitable settle- program, utilizing all surplus labor nounced his rejection of the old forment in favor of the investors—who, mula, but to date has not clarified must" "be " groped for completely in in housing and highway construction, urban and industrial consumer. The and (b) the Russian market Not good enough, gentlemen, not nearly the dark. Much of the preliminary public works program was an at- with the public and the workers, pest control, reforestation, flood congood enough.. I stand ready, to re- exploration has already been done. tempt to provide the unemployed have suffered at the hands of finance trol, rural electrification, and the capital control — provided that the numberless other things which would verse my-opinion when I can be There is. an impressive body of with purchasing power. shown a new fienld for profitable theory, supported by intelligent and Under the capitalistic formula it settlement is> a non-interest-bearing make America a healthier and more | private investment capable of ab- inquiring students the world over, is probable, as we have seen, that lump - sum payment, reasonable in beautiful place in which to live. The sorbing, say, a fifth of all wage and covering the basic principles indi- the consumer can never again be amount, and a complete quitclaim on principle is already in operation salary workers, to begin with, and cated in coming to terms with tech- adequately financed. From the Warany title to interference with a func- through the Civilian Conservation capable further of expansion at a nological abundance. And here, pa- to 1930 she was financed only at a tional, balanced load management in Corps. (Observe there is no nonserse compound interest rate. I am afraid tient reader, is where the consumer, terrible ccst; by piling up the debt the future. Such payment must be about "pump priming" in this proI must stand a long time. (I admit so long neglected in the argument, structure to a colossal total, and by spent for consumers' goods, not re- posal. The pump primers look on public works only- as a means to rewith Mr. Lawrence Dennis that a re-enters and makes her bow. Thegrossly over-extending the capital- invested. good, grade A war -would keep the argument is given at length because goods sector until it was equipped Under this method, one would not store -the old formula. We are disformula going for a time—always I do not see how it is possible intel- to produce at least twice what the expect all economic activity to fall cussing a new formula. provided that-any of us were left ligently to discuss the position of the market called for. That was expan- within the scope of the collective The financing of the consumer unconsumer in the modern world with- sion's last gasp. We must turn to a corporate plan. Only the strategic der this general heading probably inalive to enjoy it.) Social systems abhor a lack of out this background. Mass produc- new type of financing altogether. essentials of food, fuel, clothing, volves the nationalization of the supequilibrium as methodical consumers ion demands mass consumption. The What form this will take I do not shelter, transportation, health, and ply of money and credit, together j abhor an unbalanced budget. The new consumer moves to the forefront of know, save that it will probably be education would so fall. (The last with the disallowance of a very sub-1 balance must come in one of two any valid action directed toward the the joint product of conscious plan- two are already operated to a con- stantial share of the present debt major forms: (1) a retreat to the new equilibrium. ning and the blind pressure of cir- siderable extent as collective, func- structure, whether by inflation or ; oconomy of scarcity, following a har- I am not sure that Mr. Roosevelt cumstances, with the latter rather tional enterprises.) A sizeable sector otherwise. A strict functional planrowing period of utter breakdown; and his advisers are yet aware of more in evidence than the former. covering luxuries, style goods, handi- (2) a re-alignment of political and her transparent importance but they The consumer MUST be financed—or craft, novelties, personal services, financial institutions, which must be will learn. They must learn, or back to scarcity we go. The method might well remain under private sufficiently flexible to function in an their experiments will prove futile. may have to be -hasty. As I see it, ownership and operation, subject to economy' of abundance, and which Dr. Rexford G. Tugwell has learned there are three major methods. Let traditional competitive conditions. must not demand a rate of expan- t, as the following words from bis us explore them briefly. 3. The most probable form of fision in the capital-goods sector based recent book show: nancing the consumer, certainly in The consumer can clear the shelves on compound interest. 'The discharge of a thousand debts the immediate future, is through the On March 4, 1933,^tne government Is contingent upon . the consumer's of an abundance economy by: device of consumers' dividends. More . 1. The straight rationing of food, Df the United States definitly; turned purchase . . . . It is quite clear that and more opinion is being driven to toward the second of" these alterna- he must be both willing and able to shelter, clothing, and other necessi- this choice, notwithstanding that it tives. It adopted a policy perpendi- pay the price, or the whole scheme ties under a rigorous economic dicta- violates all the taboos of scarcity CIHfROVIIUi CO. cular to "the remorseless, automatic will go wrong. All along the differ- torship. This is the most remote of covering the morality of work. If the three methods, except, possibly, * omflHfl * deflation which had steadily been ent _ owners of the good have had conditions are such that 1>ho*u> Qi.4626 gathering' momentum since the sum-this in mind. Not only their costs during a brief transition period. In atechnological man cannot find work, while at mer of 1929. (Production, you re- are important; this willingness and the event of a sudden financial colmember, began to fall some months ability of consumers is equally im- lause it might well be resorted to. the same time an abundance of goods before the stock-market crash.) Had portant , . . . The consumer's appro- We were not a hundred miles from do-nothingism continued much longr val ;pf productive efforts is not regis- it last March, with every bank closas a er, we - should probably have been tered until after the goods is com-ed. It is* almost inconceivable ! driven to .the first alternative; a new pleted; after countless expenses have permanent m3thod, : as it /dispenses A equilibrium on the basis of scarcity. been incurred, after numerous bar- with any mediam of exchange. : Already some of the familier institu- ;ains. have taken place, even after flexible medium' is estions of scarcity were beginning to enormous committments to overhead sential in any specialized industrial appear. Barter groups were forming expense nave been made. If the con-society. It does not follow that the everywhere; barter is, of course, the sumer should refuse, the.whole struc- medium need be kept, so relatively scarce that a few collectors rcan actrading form of primitive scarcity ture would collapse." . societies. Farmers were allowing Here is the economic apparatus, cumulate a large proportion: of it, their tractors to rust in^ the fields drawing raw material from all over and rent it out at compound interand going back to horses and mulesj the world, • great ships bearing it, est. There was much' talk and some ac- locomotives straining at. it, .vast me- 2. The consumer might be protion in respect to subsistence colonies, chanical operations . grinding- and vided for by a series of Jhuge corand the back-to-the-land movement processing it, jobbers, wholesalers, porate monopolies, dealing in the esmade considerable headway. Hoover- retailers bargaining for, it, book- sentials of life, owned and operated villes, piano-case communities, were keepers recording it, long-distance either by the state or by .other eolspringing up like mushrooms. I have calls hastening it, bankers financing lective device. ^Li return forj.a caldein my files reports of Western farm- it, trucks delivering it—all into a culable number of hours of labor ; ing towns which all but re-estab- gigantic hopper with a little valve in voted to these—enterprises* . every lished local self-sufficiency, growing the bottom. The consumer has her family, in the nation, would* ireceive their own food, grinding their own finger on that valve. Jf she pulls it certificates; (money) ; entitling its j grain, cutting their own fuel supply, open the hopper discharges, to fill members to' a high standard; ;of Jivmuch as their, pioneer forefathers again. If she fails to pull it, or pulls ing from birth to death. Reinvestdid three or four generations earlier.' It only half way, the hopper chokes; ment, of these certificates cannot be The net migration from cities to thethe ships, the locomotives, the mine tolerated. Any. such pr ope sal''.; would farms in-1932 was well over a mil- hoists, the processing machines, the have been fantastic befpre 1915, but lion persons. In a blind, pathetic trucks the jobbers, the banks, the today our productive capacity is such way, the social organism, Badly very: telephone girls, must bring their that, technologically; the method presents no insuperable difficulties. wounded, was searching' for a new operations to a halt. I have calculated elsewhere that balance. "Failing positive leadership opens the valve if she is will- on the basis of the present plant, a of any kind, equilibrium wa& to be ingSheand able. By and large she is standard of living three times 'greatfound only in retreat to the economy willing enough, though stupid sales- er than the usual ^health and decency of scarcity. men have grossly overestimated her budgets (which a v e r a g e around Delightful as this retreat, pursued saturation point in certain departto its logical conclusion, might be to ments. So long as the capitalistic $2,500 a year) is possible for every Mr. Ralph Borsodi, or to Mr. Ralph formula worked, she was able to buyfamily, at a work week of not over Adams Gram, it would be pretty hard —not to the extent of her willing- 30 hours. This does not-allow imon the rest of us, particularly dur- ness, God knows, but enough to keep mediately, however, for adequate ing the transition period. When the the hopper reasonably clear. ^With housing facilities. Housing is;, a 10period was over, I suspect that the the collapse of expansion and the to-20-year job for the public works population of America would have capital-goods sector in 1930 she wasdivision. Corporate organization has already been reduced by half. At least that proportion of our fellow citizens are alive today because of the economy of abundance. ' The manufact u r c rs To President Roosevelt and his adsurprised us with a visers belongs the honor of halting shipment of t h e s e the winter march from Moscow. They Thor specials for the began to reorganize the drifting, disYear-end sales, at this integrating army, renew its confiprice. We consider this dence, set up field hospitals for the Hie bargain of barWhen we introduced them we had an sick, close the ranks, and wheel right gains. This is positiveidea that this would happen. It seems about face. The clear promise of ly the last time that every one wants MOJUD'S RINGLESS abundance was not, it appeared, to we will be able to sell SHEERS. Ana no wonder! It's marvbe lost without a fight. Equilibrium this famous Thor eonion the basis of the second alternaelous to be able to wear a very sheer tive was what the New Deal meant. bination at this price. -stocking that hasn't a single ring, streak Tm&s lAke This The entire nation applauded the or even a shadow to mar its crystal choice. However inept may be some clearness. Practically every woman of the specific attempts to carry out JVith this Thor washer and ironer you get two drain who bought them for herself wound up this policy, we must never lose sight t a b s . . . all for $S9.30, the price you ordinarily pay for a by ordering half a dozen or so more for of the importance of the policy itwashes Mow. Y«ra can pay $5 down and the rest in easy holiday gifts. We had to wire for a self. We may be sure that history O>iAHA, NEBRASKA. terras* rush shipment which has just arrived. will not neglect the day that the forAnd you, too, can discover how commal government of the mightiest inSale ends December 2Si«d. Came in for * demonstmtion. pletely free from rings and clouds a dustrial nation admitted in effect that the capitalistic formula had run sheer stocking can be . . . and they cost out, and that a new equilibrium must •no more than ordinary stockings. be found. Very good. We are pledged to the "establishment of equilibrium in a culture which includes mass production, a steady increase in labor-saying devices, a rapidly mounting curve of in16TH AT FARNAM vention, and a per capita consump' tion of energy at least forty times that of scarcity societies; T;here is



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"We Non*Jews Cati't Be Free Without Freedom for the Jews" By Pierre Van Paasen

Jewish world will accept your conception of humanity and the universe, but-you will have saved our souls alive by re-stating the message that was confided to you in the beginning of time and that you have made constantly richer in the four thousand years of your historical experience. And if then you still must be persecuted, if you still must be hounded -and'spat upon, you will know that you are not alone, but that you suffer for an idea that is underiably and irresistibly conquering the world, conquering in spite of the dark clouds in spite of the clatter of arms, in spite of the bellowing in the marketplace, in spite of the brute nationalisms and their neariderthalian antics. ; • "Behold there comes a time when I will make a new covenant with the House of Juda, not a covenant as I made with your fathers. I will set my law in your hearts and I will write it in your minds For I know the thoughts that I am thinking toward you, salth the Lord. Thoughts of peace and not of suffering and that I will fulfill your hope." Geneva, November, 1933. (Copyright, 1933, by Seven Arts Feature Syndicate.)

A significant article by the noted other countries Fascism struck out at Jew, the second injures civilization. non-Jewish .". foreign correspondent the labor organizations. "Who would In the face of the blatant nationwho is regarded as the best ' in* be the victim in America, the scape- alisms -whose only achievements are • " formed- observer of -world Jewish goat? feats of arms and whose ultimate obaffairs The Editor. We need not delude ourselves. Are ject, as Papen cynically avowed, is there not a few strong souls to look This -writer is assailed for not be- facts in the face? Can it not be seen death on the battle field, let there ing objective, for seeing but one side that the United States and Canada arise a new Jewish nationalism. Not of the question. And his answer is: still keep their doors and windows an imitative nationalism with Jewish Bev/are of those who make a fetish hermetically shut against the great he-men and kakhi shirts and clubof objectivity, beware of the men who winds of the spirit that are blowing toters. No, let the Jew speak out his are always ready to strike a balance, through the world? Our intellectual personal and his social conscience. who are ever prepared to give the discussions seldom rise above the Not cringingly, not hesitatingly, but other side a hearing. When civiliza- level of gossip around the village proudly in the spirit of that Tarsiot tion is at stake there is but one side pump. Xenophobia lies just below the Jew who spoke, of putting on the to stand on for civilized people. They surface. Ludwig Lewisohn once point- whole armature of God. This is the have no choice. They simply cannot ed out, criticism is far more neces- tragedy of our time that we see only be impartial. When anyone claims im- sary to human civilization than conflict. where there should be enpartiality in a matter such as the steam or gasoline. If you take our richment of both elements through torment of the Jews in' Germany, he poor press with its insistence on me- the conflict. That beneficent interThe next Oneg Shabbos will be has already begun to- compromise chanical values, its militant subordi- change of values must be made a held at the home of Mrs. J. Bloch, reality, of which Fichte saw somewith the truth. It is true: today I see nation of all the elements of life to 3220 Myrtle avenue. Mrs. O. Fox is no other side. He who -will not blind o n e c o a r s e znd 'impoverishing kind thing and of which Bakunin spoke co-hostess. when he wrote the prophetic words his eyes, as-Anatole France once said, o f s u c c e s S j i t s Philistine lack of a There will be a current topic disfor the love of the faith he professes, s u b t l e s h a m e ^ its attitude, indeed about an association, wherein the free cussion by Rabbi David A. Goldstein, really knows no love nor faith. And as i t s brazen pride in it, if you take evolution" of the one is the condition and singing of "Chanukah songs. to shouting; certainly ire will shout these things into consideration does if the free unfoldment of the other. •when the marauders of humanity are not your heart contract with appre- We non-Jews cannot be free ourselves about, when wild beasts are let looss hension at the thought of going to if the freedom of the Jews, their unin the garden of civilization. We can- meet an era of economic unsettled- hampered unfoldment according to their own racial character" and the not be silent! ness in such an atmosphere. The Jewish people are facing a Pessimism? Surely, but I am will- free expression of their social conhard struggle. I do not wish to be a ing to stand -discredited in years to science is not guaranteed. Self-expresRound Trip §7.95 "prophet of 'gloom. Yet I must say come as "a morbid maniac Gladly. If sion, self-organization, complete selfDenver $6.50 •what I believe to be the truth. Two only my humiliation takes the place determination is the demand of the Round Trip $11.00 future. A community^ should be a years ago in an address before the of your sorrow! " ; student body of the Institute of Re- Yes there is a new storm gathering community of self-determined personLbs Angeles $16.95 ligion in New York I predicted the on the horizon; a whirlwind. And it alities, if it is not to be a chaingang. Round Trip $31.50 early advent of Hitler to power and must blow itself out. Is there a place As a people with a character of its the application of the cold pogrom of -refuge where the Jewish -people own which means a.message of its Tjy the Nazis. The .chairman, Dr. may await its; passage* in security? own, let the Jews therefore speak Edwards Hotel Bldg. Stephen S. Wise-toot exception with, Will they survive? And how will they out without fear; What is it you 306 No. 16th St. HA. 5000 me declaring my", prognosis too survive? Alfred Doeblin suggested want? What is your -vision of the gloomy. Germany was still Germany, Jewish self-defense units the other world? I do not say that the nonhe said. Too gloomy. Would I had day in Paris, fighting the barbarians teen too gloomy! Even as then I with their own weapons. Dr. Wise cannot now join those who,, to calls for a world congress. Most nelull the Jewish, people to. sleep with cessary . international -deliberation. a false senses of security." It is my Others call for. Jewish enclaves in "conviction that _ the Hitlerite attack the midst of the Gentiles. The Zionis hut a prelude of coming -disasters. ists rightly point to Eretz Israel as For the economic'. crisis" is 'deepening. a haven of refuge, a partial solution. The process of radicalization' of the In the transition period that leads middle" classes; due to their pauperi- to the new social order of tomorrow, zation, is speeding up constantly and "where must we stand, where go? an ever greater number goes to join Wohin? the class of propertyless individuals Conformity is not the answer. Seg•without any hope to rise. There will come a moment, it is regation is not the answer. The one not far distant, when this radicaliza- injures the human dignity of the tion process will have reached a point where it becomes a danger to the existing social order. That is also the moment, as -we have seen it in Germany and in Italy (and in Eumania, Poland, Austria, Bulgaria, etc.) -when the executive committee of those in control of the means of production can no longer, permit the free functioning of democratic institutions. They will allow them to function till Since Everyone Yon Know Lives Somethe last moment as long as i t is poswhere . . . Any of These Would Be Grand sible without "actual danger to their class and in order to keep alive, the myth of democratic* control. "But the moment there is real danger that the "declassed" middle class joins itself to the revolutionary elements, then Not big in *tse—in fact democratic institutions will be susit fits -well-anywhere you pended and the existing social order •will set up a fascist defense apparaplace it—bnt big inpooer tus. This apparatus in time merges and tone! This beautiful with the state and finally becomes cabinet of butt walnut the state. lYet as it cannot change with a solid walnut top the economic condition of the .masses, Ima a 6-tube superhetbecause its object is not a social rev;• erodyne circuit with auolution but to the contrary consolidation of .the existing order,"it imist tomatic volume control be at all costs seek" to divert the and Vernier tuning. It is growing discontent: of the masses beautifully finished, has into "channels -where the regime canattractive fluted ends. not be harmed. In "Germany the HitGives you all the radio lerite organization"invented" the myth you want in a space-savof Jewish predominance. In Italy and ' ing cabinet. Hear it!

Conservative Auxiliary

is not too easily available for spend- a sum of money at a certain tim« ing offhand. You use your bank ac- for some definite purpose which, at count for current expenses knowing the same time, will act as a protecycur life insurance is taking care tion for dependent ones. of your savings for the future. The insured makes a fixed deposit It provides a definite s a v i n g s each year for a limited period, either program. Anyone who expects to be j 10, 15, 20 or 30 years as desired. independent in old ag-e must adopt a If the purchaser of an endowment plan of thrift whereby he saves a i policy lives to the end of that seBy the Service Life Insurance •certain amount of his income regn-j lected period, he receives in cash Company-, Omaha larly and invests it safely where it j the full value of the policy. By •j will work for him. With life in- | the full value, we mean the first or The desire for more wealth - *3 Uurance you know to a penny the ] original amount of insurance purdeeply rooted in human nature. around you must deposit at a cer- i chased. If he does not live, the Everyone wants to create an estate tain time in order to create an es-j company pays the amount of the for his own support when he is tate of definitely known value. These'policy to whatever beneficiary he older; for his dependents, or for some deposits, because they are constantly has appointed. other purpose such as building up a, recurring items, become a part of cash reserve in his business or en- your budget and are met without dowing a favorite charity. special strain or worry. The second open forum of the InThis estate may be built up in sevLife eral ways. By developing a success- nothing insurance for upkeep property or taxes. costs ternational Workers Order, Jewish ful business or by establishing a cannot be stolen—it cannot burn. It j branch, will be held Sunday, DeceriiItiber at 2:30 p.m. No. savings account to gather funds to can never be anything hut an asset j 24th 17, street. M. B e n d at e r , 1314 Yiddish e used for investment or specula- either for one's self or for one's teacher, will speak on "Social Untion. But in these cases there Is a family. employment Insurance." An open trong element of uncertainty. A The endowment insurance policy forum will follow. The program will mistake may be made and the de- is an ideal plan for men and women be in Yiddish and the public is inired objective is never reached. who desire comfort for the later vited. There will be no admission What is needed is a plan that will years of life, or who wish to have charge. _ uarantee financial independence TOT ourself and your family and here It s that life insurance "fills the bill." t provides the means to satisfy the topes of early years—that the evening of life will be free from riandal worries. It may not have the glamour of a get-rich-q-aici: cheme, but it will make certain that the desired objective of your savings will be reached. Life insurance as an investment is will appreciate a gift sent them through TORGSIN safe. Your money is absoibed along to purchase domestic or imported articles, AT Kith that of many others and placacl PRICES DRASTICAIX.Y REDUCED. Your local in a widely diversified list of Inbank or authorized agent will give you the necessary information or accept your TOBGSIN orders. vestments. You need have no anxety about the condition of this or , Here are some of the prices: hat mortgage. Nor have you any '. Flour, 6 kopeks; kasha, 14 kp.; sugar, 40 need to worry as to which stock • kp. a kilo, (21/5 American l_b.); Pair 'of Men's shoes, 3.75 Rbl.; Ladies' shoes, r bond is the best buy—you Duy iS.70 Rbl.; Men's rubbers, 1.7B Rbl.; :he whole list. Ladies' rubbers, 80 kp.; Men'i suits, 7.50 Rbl.; Ladies' suit*. 7.30 Rubls; The value of life insurance Is Sneakers, 40 kp.; Snap, S kp. a piece; onstant. It does not vary with the etcSBfERM- BEPUESENTATIVE m U. S. A. fluctuations of the market and Is STORES IN EVERY CITY c-o Arctors, 2G1 Fifth Ave, K. T. always worth 100 cents on the fio:lar, even in times of financial oppression. Furthermore, the .money

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the long years ago when I had been ing very polite, but handling m a t . blazed by these cheery health stamps, a trail leading the way to ters in its own way, unmoved by all there. health and happiness for thousands. "Who do you mean," asked my this sympathy and unmoved by the friend, "Taylor, the baker, or Tay-plight in which Jewry today fjn(]s "In Omaha and Nebraska the trail leads a tuberculosis nurse lor der liegner?" As far as I could itself. into the homes of our city where tuberculosis sufferers are cared Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by remember, this Taylor was no more MORE PECULIAR WAYS for. I t goes into the homes of others who need instruction in how THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY of a liar than the average resident I have been told by a youngm a n to protect themselves from this disease. I t takes needy children of the same town, but that name who $2.50 the war was connected Subscription Price, one had been given to him, and it stuck with during By DAVID SCHWARTZ furnished on application to the chest clinics conducted annually out-state. Here trained Advertising ra the Intelligence Division of the all through these years. English army, that he had seen the ears listen in' to discover the germ already active in these little And then there was a man, whoinstructions issued to English armEditorial Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building. human bodies. From there the trail goes into the schools and long MAKING "LECHAYIM" was'called for some reason unknown ies, entering a new colony. They Print Shop Address: 1307 Howard Street ,. It is now legal to make a genuine to me: "Der Zager (The watch). were to do two things: First, burn lines of boys and girls enjoy their daily glass of milk. Through - ,. Sioux CJity Office—Jewish Community Center with the good old fash- Yet another was called" "Mashe down a large part of the town, and the distribution of 364,615 pieces of, health literature, through "lechayyim" DAVID BLACKER - - - - Business and Managing Editor ioned stuf£ that not only cheers, but Parch" (Moses, the bald headed). do some shooting. And after the £<< o leading physicians and nurses the trail went into thousands of inebriates. FRANK R. ACKERMAN - - — - - - - - - - 5* l Still another Moses was called residents had been imbued properly homes last year where health instruction was needed; and lastly, Historians of tomorrow contem- "Mashe Naza" (Moses Nose) simp- by this terror with the fear of John F J ^ f f i ^ T E L M A N • - C o ^ ^ l ^ Iowa, Correspond^ the trail goes to health camps where each summer poor children plating this development will say ly because his proboscis was a little Bull, the English occupants were to that the country has swung from its Jimmy Durantish. Everyone was become very polite. threatened with tuberculosis are given eight weeks of health Puritanism. Mockery Tinged With Irony named after his idiosyncracy, and if A peculiar person is this EnglishAnd this matter of Purianism you didn't have any idosyncracy, as man. In New York City last week the Steuben Society sponsored building and health instruction. "The protection of children and the search for those who bothers me. Let me explain what an old teacher of mine used to say. a German Day celebration- While leaders of the celebration called I mean. that was an idiosyncracy. •for the suppression of anti-German free speech, at both ends of have tuberculosis are an important part of the work of the NeRescind Decree on Status PURITAN STRAIN THE PECULIAR ENGLISH of Children of Nobility the Madison Square Garden, where the meeting was held, were braska Tuberculosis Association. Teachers, social workers and THE The Puritan strain is generally I think it was Bret Harte who •hung large signs admonishing: "Americans—The inalienable right others in contact with children report under-nourishment, lack of regarded as the Hebraic strain—the observed that the ways of the Chin- Berlin.—Children of Jewish women who married German noblemen, of free speech—The inalienable right of free assemblage—Hold disease prevention and daily contact with tuberculosis, as con-old Testament — thou shalt not ese are peculiar. It seems to me and who last week were declared ilOur Anglo-Saxon neighbors that the ways of the British govthem sacred—Never surrender them." And* the Hitler banner, ducive of seriously lowering the health standards in this com- strain. legitimate and deprived of their are supposed to have imbibed it ernment are even more so. the swastika, decorated the platform—perhaps to further signify munity. titles, have been reinstated and their from over-indulgence in the Old Take this matter of the British titles restored. This action by the the individual rights enjoyed by those living in Germany. Twenty - "While official reports show that the death rate from tuber- Testament. attitude on Palestine immigration, The early settlers in America for instance. The British Labour German authorities followed severe thousand voices shouted—f'Heil Hitler"—perhaps to further glor- culosis has been cut over two-thirds, tuberculosis is still one of brought this Old Testament tinge to ify the "inalienable right of free speech and free assemblage" so the most serious problems facing the world today—serious be- things. Somehow or other, they party, through its head, during the criticism directed against the law. cause its toll of death is heaviest between the ages of 15 and 45, seemed to take a fancy to the Oldpast week cabled that it favored the thoroughly enjoyed in the land of Nazidom. opening of the doors of Palestine as It is mockery tinted with irony for American citizens—we the. productive period of life. These are important years in theas against the New Testament. far as the absorptive capacity of the life of the home and in the life of the community. country permits. presume that not all of those twenty thousand present at the NO KILL-JOY And MacDonald of the Labor "The pennies, dimes, and dollars you spend on Tuberculosis That they did that, must of course German Day celebration were non-citizens—to shout their acclaim Washing—Greasing party is in power in England. Yet be admitted. The records are too Seals are the driving force behind this great life-saving campaign. to the Nazi leader who has suppressed every vestige of freedom clear on this point to admit doubt. the British government is carrying PREPARE SOW FOE in Germany, who has throttled all avenues of free thought and Hundreds of living, throbbing, human beings would be dead but But it seems to me that one cannot on midnight searches to round up WINTER DRIYI5G lay the kill-joy attitude which is as-such tourists as have overstayed expression, who has violated every tenet of democracy and civili- for these seals. their leave. Many of them have be"The Nebraska Tuberculosis Association is not a member of sociated with Puritanism to the Oldcome absorbed in industry or in agzation held so dear in the United States. Probably most of those the Omaha Community Chest but derives its sole support from Testament. who shouted"Heil Hitler" are descendants of brave souls who For after all, the Old Testament riculture. There is thus no quesfled Germany in order to avoid persecutions and restrictions of the sale of these seals. despite its thou shalt nots, went tion about Palestine's absorptive ca2S23 Dodse Ji. "Nebraska should be free from tuberculosis. When this day pretty strong en the note of hap-pacity as far as they are concerned. liberty by German oppressors of other years. It is a blot on the Yet they are searched out and depiness. It does not promise you, if American escutcheon when American citizens of German descent comes it will be brought about by the men and women of this you'll be good, that you shall go toported. can on the, one hand emphasize the inalienable rights of free community who year after year have bought and used Tubercu- Heaven hereafter, but it promises ALWAYS FASCIST you, that if you will be good, ycur speech and freedom of assembly and on the other voice their en- losis Seals." Someone has said that England NATIONAL friends will be fertile, your cattle thusiastic approval of the Hitler who has utterly destroyed those would never have Fascism, because will breed plentifully—in short that ACCESSORIES, Inc. England always has Fascism, and very principles in the land of their forbears. you will be happy. there is something to this thought. City of Tomorrow EVERYTHING It did not forbid drinking. Nor can certain German Jewish citizens be freed from critiThe Labor party is friendly. ParFor the Auto A new era in the mercantile history of Palestine has been It is my theory that the somber liament seems to be friendly. Public cism in connection with this German Day celebration. Robert note that is associated with Puri2051 Farnam AT. 5524 sentiment in England is friendly, Rosenbaum, president of the Federation of German Jewish Soci- initiated with the opening of the magnificent new harbor at Haifa. tanism was not a bequest of the but the Colonial offices goes on beThe three hundred acres of sheltered water, provided at a cost Hebraic part of Puritanism, but of eties, and Dr. Fritz Schlessinger, a prominent member of German other element which entered Jewish social circles in New York, were ousted from the meeting, of a million and a quarter pounds and making Haifa the largest that into it—the Calvinistic ingredient port in the Eastern Mediterranean second only to Marseilles among others. Commenting' on the ejection, Dr. Schlessinger said: The God of John Calvin was a de"Our ousting from the German Day celebration was a deliberate around the entire oceanborad, marks an achievement not only for mon, who spent most of his time roasting people in hell fire, infants frame-up. We were there as representatives of the German fed- British enterprise, but also for Jewish foresight. included. And it was the CalvinBoth Haifa and the neighboring town of Acre were in the erations as a gesture of good will. . . ." Despite assertions that istic element, it seems to me, that the Steuben Society would celebrate the day as Americans and province of Zebulun, sixth son of Jacob, who had wrested it from gave Puritanism the black eye it without discrimination, these gentlemen well knew that the meet- the seafaring Phoenicians. Today the "Vale of Zebulun" is once has. ing was to be held under the baleful shade of the malevolent more in Jewish hands; it is owned by the Jewish National Fund, A MONOPOLY ON NAMES With Gifts to Choose for Well-Dressed Men— Nazi swastika. Shey knew that the German Jewish societies had the Bayside Land Corporation of New York, and the Haifa Bay I see where the Celts have in conShould Select the Appreciated Gift! assembled denounced any atbeen snubbed; they well knew that every indication had been that Development company. And the name of Zebulun is proudly borne vention tempt on the part of other people this would be a pro-Nazi meeting. Why, then, should they have by a troop of Jewish sea-scouts. to appropriate any Celtic names. ! America's Best Haifa's population is about 60,000, and it is destined for re- It remains for the Jews to gather; expressed good-will to those who hated and oppressed them? Why and do the same thing about Hebrew should ithey seek to ingratiate themselves with the un-American markable industrial and commercial expansion. It will be thenames. We should insist that no allies of their persecutors? The type of individuals who ran that center of the country's "heavy" industries. And it will also con- one, who has not a Jewish grandcelebration are enemies of Jewry and enemies of civilization. Let tinue to bs a vital influence on British imperial and international mother should be allowed to use modes of transit. It is situated at the strategic sea outlet of thesuch names as Daniel, Samuel, Abus recognize them as such and treat them accordingly. Benjamin, Jonathan, Asa, at The Nebraska vast hinterland, and was chosen for the terminus of the railroad raham, Gidesn, Zachary, Seth, etc, e t c If to Bagdad. In Haifa will be located the future large airport for we can put this decree into effect, You know there's no question about Manhattan and Eagle shirts. You know they are America's best sea and land planes, and at present it forms an important junc- even Mr. Hitler's aide, Joseph GoeBrawn With Intellect bells will have to discard his first (shown only at The Nebraska in Omaha), and you Though there are thirteen years of traditions behind the tion of the Hadjajz railroad and the Beyrouth line, is the terminal name. know "He" will appreciate them! In view of these world-wide Maccabee movement for Jewish youths, in the United of the Iraq petroleum pipeline, and a connecting link in the motorfacts, The Nebraska fea tares the west's largest showWHAT'S IN A NAME States the movement has been neither co-ordinated nor success- roads extending to all of Palestine. ing to make everybody happy. Soma day, when I write my conful. Lord Melchett, one of Great Britain's outstanding citizens, This "city of tomorrow" stands on the threshold of great tribution to the great American has been exceptionally active during the past year in strengthen- development. Its maritime significance is immense, and it hasnovel, I shall tell at length of the they named people down in the ing and fortifying the movement, of which he is the honorary been predicted as the coming principal port on the Eastern Medi- way little town in which I spent my head. He has now commissioned Nathan L. Goldstein of New terranean, vying with Alexandria, Port Said, and Beyrouth. And younger years. I mean the practice York to head a revival of the Maccabees in this country. The first in it the Jewish people may claim to have a big stake and great in vogue among the Jewish element, and this practice, I understand, is Maccabiad held in Palestine with Jewish athletes from many coun- prospects. ( carried en much more elaborately i tries participating, was highly successful, and it is hoped that ameng the Jewish communities in Europe. representatives from the United States may appear in the next INITIALS FREE! It was brought forcibly to my atTime To Forget Differences Maccabiad in Palestine in 1935. ! If Ton select early, we Tvill embroider Free '-His*' initials tention the other day, when I met The sponsors of the Maccabee movement for our youth hope The seventeenth annual convention of the American Mizrachi a friend, who had just come up | on our better shirts. that eventually not only Jewish intellect but also Jewish brawn closed at Rochester, New York, with an important compromise from this town. I asked with re*.»».--• - - - - . . . . - . . . . . - . . . . . - . . . . . . , . - 4 spect to a certain man named Taywill become part of the total assets in the program of reinvigor- between the two contending Mizrachi factions. After a bitter lor, who had resided in the town in Manhattan and Eagle Shirts come in collar-attached ating Jewish life. The broad outlines of the project will be tobattle, it was decided that the question of leaving the World and two collars to match. All exclusive, specially wovwin the concurrence of large sport organizations such as theZionist Organization would not be broached at the convention en fabrics and patterns. Amateur Athletic Union of the United States and the American and the American Mizrachi would follow the policy of Rabbi Wolf GEMS of the BIBLE Other Good Shirts, $1M, SM5, $1.50 Olympic Committee and of the Jewish Community Centers Gold and fight for its viewpoint within the Zionist ranks. and TALMUD throughout the country. ' This decision shows good judgment on the part of those Largest Showing of By O. O. DASHEK Largest Showing of Such a movement" should receive great impetus here. Lord making the choice. The Mizrachi have for more than three decMelchett states that the two points which are "highly indicative ades been loyal to the ideals and purposes of the Zionist OrganiNECKWEAR MUFFLERS of the spirit and purpose of the movement" are the success Jews zation. During these years the Zionist movement was avowedly Eat thou not the bread of him that hath an evil eye. Neither dehave attained in creating a national homeland and the "medieval supported by Jewish people of all shades of religious belief and sire thou his dainties. persecution of Jewry which has.flamed but" in Germany." He practice, all striving for the redemption of the Jewish homeland. Apply thy heart unto instruction, Largest Showing of goes on to say: "The redemption of Israel must be accomplished Surely, at a time when all Jewish forces should be unequivocally and thine ears to the words of knowLargest Showing of by Israel . . . The physical side of this task is in some measure concentrated upon the rebuilding of Palestine, at a time when ledge. GLOVES Buy the truth and sell it not; also PAJAMAS no less important than the moral and iritellectjual; and in its unity is the crying need, it would be unworthy to inject a relig- wisdom and instruction, and underdetermination for physical .renaissance Jewry:has turned to theious question. The question of laxity in religious observances standing. son, give me thy heart, and Bible, its own history book, for inspiration." From events and complained of by the Mizrachi should be submerged, in compari- letMy thine eyes observe my ways. Largest Showing of Largest Shewing of personalities who lived.2,300 years ago and on a beginning made son with the mightier task confronting world Jewry. TALMUD Silk Lined Robes soma thirty years old, the Maccabee movement takes its inspiraMEN'S ROBES Eabbi Juda said in the name of Kob: "A leader who imposes extration. Its significance is described by one of our contemporary ordinary fear upon the community ,.| journals thus: "Not only has it brought the ideal of vigorous Hebrew Calendar in order to protect his leadership _. _„ ...Wednesday, December 13 will manhood into the former environment of the Yeshiva Bocher 1st Day Chanukah. never have a scholarly son." 1 .Tuesday, December 19 (Because his children, observing his and has shown that mental acumen can be combined with phy- Rosh Chodesh Tebeth_._....._ ; ; .Thursday, December .28 conduct, will despise him and the sical prowess, but it has also shown to a hostile world that Jew- Fast of Tebeth......... education which was instrumental to Rosh. Chodesh Shebat... There's a vvast difference J« in M>«'o Men's M*»-: Hosiery... Dr*'s S a s triifiV>rr»Ti(N«» " " ^*^ -..Wednesday, January 17 his leadership.) A «.. ish abilities are not limited to the realm of the mind—a matter in the til and the appearance of i t Hereyou Friday, February 16 .Rabbi Jochanan said: "Whoever hardly worth boasting about, yet important among the peoples Rosh Chodesh Adar find all sires from 10 to 15! Plain and fancy colors . . . from world's best hosiery makers. . I.Thursday, March 1 studies the Torah but does not teach ..._„. who recognized no strength or merit except the power of the arm. Purim._ it to others is likened unto a myrtle ..Saturday, March 17 in It has imbued a new spriit into the ghetto-bent Jew, who bowed Rosh Chodesh Nissan. the desert from which no one en.....Saturday, March 31 joys any benefit." meekly before his attackers and aroused Bialik's speechless de- 1st Day Pessach. 7th Day Pessach Friday, • April 6 Our Rabbis were taught: "Jephspair after Kishineff." WE ISSUE HOLIDAY GIFT CERTIFICATES was in his own generation like Rosh Chodesh Iyar. .Monday, April 16 thah Samuel in his. Infer from this that Lag b'OmerJThursday,.May 3 even the most worthless of worthless War Against Tuberculosis SEE OUR WINDOWS TODAY Rosh Chodesh Sivan .Tuesday, May 15men if once elected a leader should respected as the highest of the ',, Dr. A. Greenberg, who is -deeply interested in the tremendous 1st Day Shabuoth .-^-.Saturday, May 20be nobility." battle being waged against the inroads of the deadly tuberculosis Rosh Chodesh Tammuz Thursday, June 14 Happy is the generation in which germ, in urging all to buy tuberculosis seals during this present Fast of Tammuz.. ^.Saturday,-June. 30 tbte leaders listen to their followers, of this example the disciples JU. twenty^ixth annual sale of seals of the Nebraska Tuberculosis' Rosh Chodesh Ab .Friday, July 13 because COMPARE OUR VALVISS ALWAtS consider it so much the more their Association, states; y July 21 duty to, heed the teachings of the | ^S==S=RSSS=^OBIIKCT Fast of Ab...... -CGRKRCT Al'MRKI, APPAKKI, *XM! l^tns MEN* MRS AN» AN» •WOMENffOMBX^s =! £ "These seals sell for a penny each. But a long, long, trail is-Rosh Chodesh ElluL





Every Woman



$1.45- to $5

$1 to $5


7.50to$2450 $6.85to$15 Men's Fine Gift HOSIERY « * to $1.

a. •1.

T e a o e r s . "





• "







MATINEE DANCE The fourth dance of the 1933-34 B'nai Israel Chanukah Psi Mu dance season will be held at Concert Next Tuesday Week of Dec 17 to 24 the J. C. C. auditorium Sunday afSunday, December 17.—3 p. m., ternoon, December 17, at 3:30 p. m. The annual Chanukah concert givOmaha Hebrew club meeting; 3 p. This is the fourth year that the m., Psi Mu dance; 6 p. m., A. Z. A. Psi Mu has sponsored these dances. en under the auspices of the B'nai synagogue will take place this banquet; 10 a. m., Conservative Sam Turner's orchestra will play this Israel Tuesday evening, December 19, at Synagogue board meeting. 3 p . m. Sunday. 8:30 p. m. at the synagogue, 18th

Daughters of Israel Aid

J. C. C. Calendar

SILVER-COHN NUPMALS ,son of the late Morris Levitatt of Miss .Madeleine Cohn, daughter of; Chicago. '=* • Rabbi and Mrs. Frederick Cohn^ -will! — become the bride of Ben Silver of 1 COHEN-SINGER Omaha at Temple Israel at 3 p. m. on | The marriage'- of Miss Dorothy Sunday, December 17. No invtiations! Singer of New York, formerly of 1 have been issued, and friends of the I Omaha, to Harry I*. Cohen of New i family are expected. I York City, will take place tomor-! Eabbi Cohn will perform the cere- row, December 16. The couple will mony, which will be followed by a!live in New York, reception at the Blackstone. A Dridalj dinner for immediate relatives will ANNOUNCE BIRTHS also be held. Mr. and Mrs. Norman S. Fregger Mrs. Ben Herzberg of Chicago, of 3221 Connecticut avenue N. W., sister of the bride, will be matron of Washington, D. C , announce the honor, and Theodore Silver of Oma- i , ^ o f a s o n j stephan Paul, on ha brother of the bridegroom, ha, bridegroom will December D b 6. be best man.

A. Z. A. open meeting. Monday, December 18—2 p. m . Council of Jewish Women; 8 p. m., recreation teams. Tuesday, December 19—2:30 p. m., Pioneer Women's club; 8 p. mu, Talmud Torah Chanukah program. Wednesday, December 20—2 p. in., Daughters ol Zion. Thursday, December 21—^8 p. m., Junior Hadassah. Sunday, December 23—3'•p. m., Omaha Hebrew club meeting; 3 p. m.i Psi Mu dance; 8 p. nt, Jewish show.

and Chicago. The concert will be presented by Cantor A. Schwaczkin and the B'nai Israel choir and the Hazomir string orchestra. It is free to the general public. Included on the program will be a short talk by Rabbi Uri Miller; piano selections by Mrs. R. M. Shlaes; a selection by Cantor E. Sellz; and numbers by Cantor Sehwaezkin, and the choir and Hazomir string orchestra. In charge of arrangements are William Milder and Joseph Tretiak.

PI TAU PHI SORORITY Miss Lillian Jonisch was hostess to the ; Pi Tau Phi sorority Sunday. The following were elected officers for the winter season: Helen Garber, president; Lillian Miroff, secretarytreasurer; Sylvia Jonisch, reporter, and Rose Colick, sergeant-at-anns. The program for the sorority for the coming season includes several cultural projects. A formal dinnerdance is also contemplated.

A musical show will be given \y The Daughters of Israel Aid Sothe Pioneer Women on Tuesday evcciety is giving a benefit card party Tuesday, December 19, at the Oldjning, Dec^nber If1, at S p. m. at Peoples Home, 2504 Charles street. Labor lyceum, Twenty-second The public is invited. Clark. Mrs. Dave Ravitz is chairman of The play, "The Shotchen's Daughthe affair. ter," will be presented on this pwgram. The cast is headed by K~. Re-elected and Mrs. J. Rasnick. A beautiful Cornwall, Ontario. — Aaron Horopicture will be given as a door prizr% witz, Jewish mayor of Cornwall, has been re-elected by a large majority. Admission is 25 cents.

INFORMAL DANCE Phi Beta Epsilon, Creighton social fraternity, will give an informal dance on Wednesday, December 20, Wednesday, December 27—2 p. m., Senior Hadassah; 8 p. m., Book at the Seville room of the K. of C. Heview: "LitQe Man What Now," club. Only members of "the fraternity and alumni will attend. by David Goldstein." A short slot will be presented by Sunday, December 31.—3 p. m., A benefit card party under the Omaha Hebrew club meeting; 3 p. the twelve pledges of the fraternity. sponsorship of the instructors of the m., Psi Mu dance; 8 p. m , Jewish Ernie Priesman and his orchestra Sunday School of the Congregation will play. •snow. of Israel of South Omaha will be The bridesmaids will be Miss Bita Mr. and Mrs. Hy Garber of Huron, January, 1934 held a t the synagogue Wednesday Mantel, Miss Elizabeth Hart, Miss Sunday, January 7—B'nai Brith. evening, December 20. Adele Wilinsky, Miss Bath Zendis, S. D., announce the birth of a son, Harlan Eichard, born December 4. affair, program and speaker, 8 p.m. Prizes will be given and refreshand Miss Elaine Berkowitz. Monday, January 8—8 p. m., Omments served. Anyone wishing to The ushers will include Messrs. Ju•An Omaha branch of t i e Young aha Community Forum: Norman Mr. and Mrs. Milton Eeiss anmake reservations is asked to call lius M. Newman, Henry Newman, AlAl Circle League, a youth section of Thomas. Babe Newman, Market 2819. Admisbert Newman, Theodore Newman, and b h N d j nounce the birth of a daughter, JuSunday, January 14—6 p. m., Pi- the Workmen's Circle, has been or- sion will be twenty-five cents. dith Ann, December 3, at the ClarkArthur Romm. ganized under the direction of the oneer Women dinner, Goldie MeyOn Sunday afternoon, December Mr. Ralph F. Cohn of Dixon, HI., son hospital. Mrs. Reiss is the for- erson district committee of the Workmen's speaker. mer Celia Braude. 17, at the synagogue, a Chanukah brother of the bride, will give her in Monday, January 15—8 p. nu. Circle. program will be presented by the marriage. The following officers have been Book Review, "Return of the Napupils of the Sunday School. The BAR 3OTZTAH elected: Sophie Halperin, recording tures," by Rabbi D. A. Goldstein. public is invited. The program beMr. and Mrs. Jacob Goodbinder ansecretary; Ben Reitzer, financial secSARA ANN NODDLE Wednesday, January.17;—8 p. m., gins at 3 p.m., and gifts will be nounce the Bar Mitzvah of their son, TO WED EASTERNER retary; Maurice Katz, treasurer; Mil- presented to the children. Senior Hadassah card party. Harry, on Saturday morning, DecemMr. and Mrs. J. Mendelson of Wednesday, January 24—8 p. m., ton Wallman, educational director; Council Bluffs have announced the ber 23, at 9 a. m. a t the B'nai Israel Junior Vaad Forum, Dr. Leo L. Joe Davis, Marian Martin and Phil engagement of their sister, Miss synagogue, 18th and Chicago. Smith, executive committee members; Honor. A reception will be held at the Sara Ann Noddle of this city to Mr. and Lillian Lerner, club reporter. Friday, Saturday, Sunday, JanuHarry Levitan of Washington, D. C, Goodbinder home, 520 No. 51st S t , Plans are being made for the forary 26, 27, and 28—Conservative Sunday, December 24, from 3 to 6 p.m. and Chicago, HL Mr. Levitan is a mal installation of the. organization Synagogue group sponsoring Dr. A. and from 8 to 11 p.m. No invitations December 24. Ii. Sachar Institute. A Young Judea chapter was orhave been issued. Regular meetings are held every ganized in Omaha Sunday at a meetWednesday, January 31—8 p. m., Thursday at 8 p. m. at the J. C. C. ing of twenty-five high school girls Book Review, "Hear Ye Sons," by CHAMJKAH DAKCE Rabbi D. A. Goldstein. at the Jewish Community Center. The Junior Society of the Conserva(To avoid conflicts, call the JewThe following were elected officers: tive Synagogue is giving its annual The sale of popular books for low ish Community Center before setCelia T.rpgrnaTv, president; Lillian Chanuftah dance at the Fontenelle ting dates for future events). prices, which is being held by the Perelman, vice-president; Sarah BeHotel, Sunday night, December 24. Due to a conflict in dates, the reg- ber, secretary; Dorothy Tatelman, Center-Council library at the J. C. C. Freddy Ebener's orcnestra will play. ular program of the Council of Jew- treasurer; Beatrice Eiseman, reportis now in full swing. About 40 new This dance, which promises to be ish Women will be held Tuesday, er; Rose Kirshenbaum and Judith HIGHLAND NEW YEAR December 19, instead of Monday as Levinson, sergeants-at-arms. EVE PARTY was originally planned. An interesting program is being Highland Country club will hold This will be a Chanukah program for announcement ~ in last week's planned, including social activities its New Year's eve party at the featuring bridge, keno and other Press. A large -variety of books and talks by prominent individuals. Paxton hotel ballroom. An orchestra games. An informal tea will fellow. BIRTHDAY PARTY can still be had by buyers for barAnne Kuznit of the Junior Hadas- j Invitations have been issued to all Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Baker will be will play for dancing, and supper gain prices; most of them for 25 sab. is sponsoring the group. i will be served at 11 o'clock. other women's organizations, and no hosts at a party Saturday, December cents, with a very few a t slightly reservations need be made. There 16, on the occasion of the eleventh higher prices. For those who like will be no charge. mystery stories, tba library an- birthday of their daughter, Lillian. TO HONORARY Why Not Let Us The regular meeting of the internounces that it has more than' two About twenty children win be enter- FRATERNITY tained in the afternoon, and their national relations group will be held Laundry Your dozen by various popular authors for Sol FeHman, son of Mr. and Mrs.on Monday at 2:30 p. m. at the home parents in the evening. Holiday eale, all for 25c each. S. Fellman, has been initiated into of Mrs. J. H. Xulakofsky. Mrs. CySigma "Tau, honorary engineering rus Mason, society editor of the A few of the" injpular-™one5~-"""gtH]: Linens LEAVE FOR EAST fraternity, at the University of Nefor sale to the public are: "Anna Mrs. Molly Rosenblatt and son braska in Lincoln. He was also re- Omaha Bee-News, will speak on her Vickers," Reader I Married Him," recent trip to the Orient. This is in Herman, leave today for New York "Long Bondage," "Almond Tree," and Washington, D. C. Mr. Rosen- cently made a member of the hon- connection with the year's topic of orary mathematics and chemistry "Anxious Days," "Mr. and Mrs. blatt will return in two weeks, hut this group, "The Japanese ImperialPennington," "Windymere," "Scor- Mrs. Rosenblatt will make an ex- fraternities. Sol will receive his bach- istic Policy in the Pacific." This pion," "Silver Bride," "Make Be- tended stay. She will visit her daugh- elor's degree in chemical engineer- meeting is open to any Council lieve," "God in the Straw Pen," ters, Misses Ann and Leah Ronnell, ing in January. member who wishes to attend. The AX2SIS ZEli group already numbers over twenty"Ariel Dances," "Flamenco," "Impa- and her son, Sol Rosenblatt. With five. tient Virgin," "Square Circle," "Iron Miss Ann Ronnell, who is a famous | AT JOSLYN MEMORIAL Man," "Half a Loaf/' "Ambrose song writer, Mrs. Rosenblatt will Myron Cohen, violinist, who won Holt and Family," "Westward Pas- make a trip to Havana. Miss Ronhonor awards last spring in the consage," "Sorrel and Son," "Red- nell has recently returned from a test of the Nebraska High School Headed Woman," "Lummox," "Heart trip to Central America. Association, will be on the program of Rachael," "Mystery of Third Parto be given in the lecture rocm of rot," "Promiscuous," "Irish Beauthe Joslyn Memorial Sunday afterTO DES MOINES ties," "Senator's Lady," "Return I noon at 4:30 p. m. Admission is free Miss Sue Corenman will leave SatDare Not," "Loose Ladies," and urday night for Des Moines where and the public is invited. "Strange Marriage." 75 latest style 10% indium she will attend the formal dance givMyron placed superior both in Displatinum ring mountings priced The sale is being held by the li- en by the Beta Kappa Phi sorority trict No. 2 and in the state. He is from brary daily on weekdays during the at Hotel Kirkwood. a pupil of Frank Mach. afternoon and evenings, plus Friday $18 to $100 and Sunday afternoons and Saturday Setting and Sizing Free evenings in the library rooms of the STARTS J. C. C , second floor west. Proa-A!.W»VJ 'TUT BIC FEATURE} 2 . ceeds from the sale will be used to Diamond rings We also offer our fine stock of buy new books, for the popular rental at new lax Jagor and India Bine Diamonds, prices library, receipts from which support weighing 1-5 to 4'/2 carats at $25 and up Joan scholarships granted by the prices from $25 to $5,000. Women in Love With Fresh as the Fountain of Youth Omaha Council of Jewish Women to the Same Man! girl students, whose education might Bubbling Orer With Romance Smartest Comedy ETer Filmed otherwise be denied. The sale is a public one, and like the rental IiSuccessors to frf*sy, is open to both members and non-members of the J. C. C. or of the Council.

COME?G EYE5TS December

Benefit Card Party in South Omaha

Pioneer Women to Give Musical Show Tuesday

SATURDAY... "A Great 2-for-1 Sale"

Young Circle League Organized in Omaha

Young Judaea Chapter Organized Last Sunday

Sale of Popular Books at Center

Council of Jewish Women



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r\" -


SUPERLATIVE BRIDGE—Only with the use of superlatives can one describe the new Golden Gate bndge, construction of which is now in progress in California. Even in the matter of tools, such words as greatest, largest and most efficient must be the adjectives to describe them. This photo shows the largest and most powerful derricks ever made in operation at the bridge.

SNOW BRINGS SLEDS—Delighted youngster take full advantage of New

City's first snowfall,

• , 'i

STAGE STARS WED—This photo shows the principals in an international wedding of the stage as they left the registry office at Marylebone, England, following their marriage. The bride is Natalie Hall, American actress; the bridegroom, Barry Mackay, Eng lish stage star. Both are appealing in a London theater.

* 3

- -1

GOVERNOR LAUDS ROOSEVELT—Governor Henry Hornbr left of Illinois, is photographed with Colonel Frank Knox. right. Chicago Th.. m r o m n f w i , ' - — - „ - - - -- «... „.. The governor took occasion to laud the adon -

JWO - - - _~!

IN WRECK—A defective rail is believed responsible for this train wreck near Chillicothe. O., when the Sportsman, crack Chesapeake & Ohio passenger train, traveling from Detroit to Old Point Comfort. Va.. left the rails at 50 miles an hour. Two members of the crew were killed.

SORE "DOGS"—Before your eyes here are the globe-trotting feet of Teh Ming Pan. 21-year-old Chinese youth,' who is shown resting his sore "dogs" in London after completing a 20,000-mile hike from China, through Tibet, India and Persia to the English capital.


* Z1*


CYCLING IS MODE—When in Rome do as the Romans do, and when in Bermuda ride bicycles as the Bertnudans do. Such is the mode of travel on that island, which prohibits the entry of automobiles, and even Walter P. Chrysler, Jr./ Jeft, son of the auto magnate, and his friend, Richard Halliday, have to be content with -•,..•••.'. bicycles while vacationing there. - -,-

CYCLIST AT 69—Old age doesn't mean a rocking chair for George Washington Folkland, 69-year-old Iowa resident. He prefers ii bicycle. Folkland is snapped in San Francisco, after pedaling from on the coast. He plans to cycle his New York next spring.



Rice to Speak at DR. SINGER OPENS Hadassah Mizrachi C-2Club Mrs. M. F. Levenson, president of The introduction of a series of The C-2 club a regular meetChanukah Program the local chapter of Hadassah, an- feasts on Saturday evening tinder the ing on Tuesday, held JEWISH I f CTDRE December 12, at the program and celebra- nounces the appointment of Mrs. auspices of the Omaha Mizrachi will home of Mrs. Jeannette Eesnick. FiSERIES AT CENTER tionA Chanukah will be held Saturday, evening, Morris Margolin to be the Hadassah take place Saturday evening, Decem- nal plans were made for their Cha-

an4 Chicago, under the auspices of the Vaad. Services are conducted by Rabbi Uri Miller and Cantor A. Schwaczkin and the B'nai Israp.I. choir. The subject of Rabbi Milier's sermon will be "Has Chanukah a December 16, at 8:30 p.m. at the representative on the Board of Di- ber 16, at « o'clock, at the Beth nukah party and dance, to he given Meaning Today?" This will includf. "Humor is in its essence a pro- J. C. C. under the auspices of the rectors of the City Talmud Torah. Hamedrosh Hagodol, Nineteenth ana at the Blackstone Pompeian room on a comparison of the problems conTemple west, _ revolution, rebellion against Jewish National Workers Alliance In the list of new members hon- Burt streets. This feast is caliec Saturday, December 16. This evening at services at Tem- fronting the Macabees with present existing stupiedites and injustices," and the Pioneer Women, ored at the luncheon of Hadassah, Miave Malkeh" and is the tradi- Jack Frieden will act as master of declared Dr. Jacob Singer, director A musical and literary program mentioned in last week's issue, the tional feast ushering out the Sat>- ceremonies. Ernie Priesman's orches- ple Israel Eabbi David H. Wice will clay Jewish problems and applications of the Hillel Foundation at North- has been arranged. The Epstein sis- following were inadvertently omitted: bath. The Mizrachi, sponsoring tliese, tra will furnish the music Eabbi and speak on "To Die or Not to Die." of their solutions which we celebrate western University, in opening the ters will provide musical specialties. Mrs. Libby Rosenthal, Mrs. Fanny felt that Chanukah was an appro- Mrs. David A. Goldstein and Mr. and He will discuss the proposal of Rab- on Chanukah to present day condibi Abba Hillel Silver that the lead- tions. Jewish lecture series at the Jewish A special feature, will be an address Shreibman, and Mrs. A. Katskee. priate time for the first of tne se- Mrs. Irvin Levin will be guests of ers of German Jewry should speak Community Center Tuesday evening by A. ,Rice, secretary of the World the organization. The Junior -congregation will contheir minds even if they have to be duct with an address on "Jewish Wit and Poale Zion, who has arrived in this ••["Mrs. I. Dansky, Hadassah chair-ries. Unique novelties have been plan- martyrs, together with the B"nar An impressive program has teen and how far one should go Israelservices Humor." man of the Jewish National Fund arranged. Cantor A. Schwaczkin ned, and the party promises to be congregation at 8 o'clock. This country for a speaking tour. for one's group or one's religion. He pointed out the human element Eefreshments will be served. The Boxes, entertained the members of will be in charge of the musical part, an interesting one. is done once a month at "Rosh Cheher committee on Friday afternoon which will include Chanukah melonecessary in humor and the underly- public is invited. After the meeting Tuesday, the A feature will be the lighting of desh Benshen." Refreshments will at her home, at which time plans ing philosophy which made it "one of girls were entertained with, piano the Chanukah lights during the ser- be served to the children. were made for the distribution of dies, Palestinian songs and songs selections by Mrs. E. M. Snlaes, a vices, with the benedictions chanted The Religious School of the Vaad the most effective influences in by Harry DuBoff. There will also be changing the status of people." Dr. 200 J. U. F. boxes in homes which traditional with the Miave Malkeh. pnpfl of Al Finkel. will meet at 10 o'clock Sunday momSinger quoted many satirical and hu- For the third consecutive year the do not have them at.present. The The program includes . 10 minute Miss Mollye Green is chairman of special music ing-. An interesting program o£ talks by K. Lackow; "A Discussion Saturday morning: Rabbi Wice will morous selections to illustrate his Psi .Mn" team won the championship distribution will start" next weak. the dance, assisted by the Misses games and entertainment will be of MizracM Achievements in Palconduct the regular children's serpoint. •- . ' J Euth Shapiro and Ann Gitnick. in the senior pre-season basketball Mr. Judah Wolf son'spoke oh "The estine," by E. Bloch; "The Present given the children and refreshments vices. A large audience enjoyed the ad- league. In the final games of the Jewish National Fund.* • Crisis in Zionist Eelations" by A. Next Tuesday evening the adult will be served. Chanukah gifts witf dress, the serious vein; being inter- pre-season Psi Mu kept their\ recclass will discuss the problem of also be given. This is the annum Katz, and "The Significance of spersed l>y sparkling": humor and ord unblemished by defeating the • Book Eeview section number 2 of Thorpeian A. C. Chanukah party of the Religious i wearing hats'. during worship. MiiracM" by Habbi Uri Miller. many jokes. : . : •;— Deep Eocks, 23 to 7, and A. Z. A. the Omaha chapter of Hadassah •will Eefreshments will be served by a j The entire eighth floor of the School.' An advanced class in Hebrew has "The man who can .laugh, can also,I V trounced the National -; Shoe Ee- meet Monday at 1:30 a. m: at the | Blackstone hotel has besn obtainec been instituted at the Temple, to hope," stated Dr. Singer, "He can'] pair, •; 14 to 10. A thrilling; finish by horns of Mrs. Allan Kohan. Assisting ccriimittee of the Bikur Cholim La- for the New Year's Eve cabaret meet every Tuesday afternoon at 4 relieve bis situation by a flash of ZXi Lamba cagers enabled to iieat the Mrs. Kohan will be Mrs. Joe. Gold- dies Society. party of the TSorpeian Athletic club. p.m. All children interested are in- South Omaha This M'lave Malkeh is open to wit. In the comic is to be found the ware. JSarks. Market,; 22 to-16.- With the Entertainers . and entertainment vited to attend. incurable optimist." ' '.';•'.-.-'•'-"J game officially ended Franklin tied Auxiliary Mrs. David A. Goldstein will re- everyone and it is hoped that all galore are in. store for those attenaThe speaker traced Jewish, /wit and the score by sinking two free throws view the book, "The Sinner," writ- Jews interested in Palestine will b2 ing. The committee, composed or A meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary humor from the ancient Hebraic sa- to send them into an extra .period ten by I. J, Singer. The popular present. auxiliary members of the organizaConservative of the Congregation of Israel, Twentirists to the present-day Jewisn hu- in -which the X. L.'s pulled away drama, "Yoshe Kalb," was adapted tion, is in sole charge and Mrs. Anne ty-fifth and J, was held Wednesday Tonight Rabbi David A. Goldstein morists. ...;:' , : v. ^ from, their opponents through the from this navel. •)M«naeIson, committee chairman, as- will speak on "The Challenge and the afternoon, December 13. An InterestJunior Vaad Groups The chairman for the evening was- basket shooting of Grossman and Isnres a few worth-while surprises. ing talk was given by Rabbi Uri of Chanukah." The Junior - Vaad.'Auxiliary and i She is beinj assisted by Co-Chair- Inspiration ••-• -• Dr. Victor E. Levine. Following the Franklin. Miller. Refreshments -were served Mr. A. Rice ol Warsaw and Paris, Daughters of Zion the Young Men's Vaad will iold ! men Freda Elewitz, Cel Feldman and secretary of. the World Poale Zion, at the conclusion of the business address, an open forum was held. An important meeting of the manThe Jewish series was under the agers of teams Signifying their in- A regular meeting of the Daugh- meetings Tuesday evening at 8 j Lillian Cohn. The committee includes will be an honored guest at ths meeting. sponsorship of the Junior Vaad or- tention of entering either the senior ters of Zion will be held at the J. o'clock. The meeting will start Mesdames Samuel H. Stern, Irvin services. He will lead a forum disganizations. or junior regular season basketball C. C. Wednesday afternoon, Decem- promptly at 8 and the program will Levin, Barry Haykin, Izadore Sokol- cussion after the services on the league was held last Wednesday eve- ber 20. All members are urged to will be the concert given by the | of, Harry Z. Bernstein, Sam Frieciei, world Jewish situation as he has ning for the purpose of drawing up be present. A prominent speaker B'nai Israel choir and the Hazomir jMax Rosen, Harry Necsman, Dave seen it in his European travels. Testimonial Given string quartet under the direction (Finkle and Ben Ellis. schedules for the respective leagues. will address the organization. Week. of Cantor A. Sshwaczkin. All mem- Mrs. I. Elewitz, in charge of the At servicesNext The Daughters of Zion are conEepresentatives for the following That Seme Friday evening to Harry Friedman teams were present: Psi Mu, A. Z. A. tinuing their rummage sale. bers are urged to be on time to be midnight surprise, has announced out of town next college students .and Sts®@ Comfort present for the installation and tne I completion of final arrangements for those returning to Omaha for their When Harry Friedman was hon- No. 1, Deep Eocks, Bucks Booterie, If you have your shoes outline of plans for the coming year. the midnight surprise to precede the winter vacation will be guests. Rabbi ored at a stag at the J. C. C. last Marks Market, Xi Lamba, ThorpVaad Auxiliary repaired st the week on the occasion of his eighty- ians, A. Z. A. No. 100, Kant Knocks, dinner. Goldstein has chosen for his disThe Ladies Auxiliary of the Vaad and the Pants Store. eighth birthday, Dr. Philip Sher preReservations may be made with course the subject, "The Tragic ExSTANDARD sented him with a testimonial of ap- Letters were sent by Lee Gross- are giving a Chanukah luncheon in any member of the committee. perience of German Jewish Scholars Bikur Cholim preciation for the service he has ren-man, physical director, to all girls honor of their new members on Mon\ S&oe Repair Co. and Intellectuals." He will base his December 18, at one o'clock at The Bikur Cholim bazaar and raf7. U KKAGE, Prop. dered to the community. comprising last year's girl varsity day, sermon on the autobiography of 1619 fle was a huge success, according to In presenting the testimonial, Dr. team in hopes of reorganizing for the B'nai Israel synagogue. South Side Youth Jakob Wasserman, "My Life as Farnsm Following the business meeting an Mrs. L. Morgan, chairman. Sher stated in part: "We have as- the current season. A team will be The Jewish Youth of the South German and Jew." Jakob WasserSt. sembled here to celebrate the 88th formed only if enough girls are in- interesting program will be present- Mrs. Morgan was assisted by a Side held a regular meeting at the man is one of the greatest modem ed. A Chanukah reading by Sholem committee including the Mesdames J. anniversary of our good brother terested in it. Among last year's Congregation of Israel last Wednes- German novelists. He is particularFriedman, whose life typifies the players are: Flo Brookstein, Luella Aleichem will be read by Mr. I. Mor- Lagman, L. Freedman, T. Sherman, day. noted for his great book, "Tlie beautiful words of our prophet: 'It English, Josephine Losey, Eae Spar, genstern. Mrs. E. M. Shlaes will give S. Fish, J. Goldberg, H. Azorin, W. Julius Meyerson, president, an- ly Vote Will Keep You World's Illusion." several piano selections. X play, "The Kuklin, M. Zlotkin, J. Block, J. n o u n c e d the following committee has been told to thee, oh man, what Esther Eosenberg, Mildred Gilbert, Nattily Attired Unlighted Menorah," will be presentOut of town students will be Afcramson, M. Cohen, J. Frieden, J. I chairmen: Max Halperin, program; is good and what the Lord required Jaunita Prouty, and Eeva Goldened by pupils of the Vaad Eeligions Klein, S. Stern, J. Finkel, J. Rccaguests at the homes of members of of thee, to do justice, love, mercy berg. Paul S a c k s , membership; Harold and walk humbly with thy God.' The first basketball practice for School under the direction of Has- man, L. Mendelson, Rose Abrams, Iv. Janoff, property; Yale Halperin, in- the congregation. Mrs. 'Irvin Levin Levinson, L. Rosenblatt, M. S&lner, itiation; Louise Nathan, song com- is in charge of arrangements. After This injunction he carried out to girls will be held at the J. C. C. kell Cohen and Blanche Binstein. the services the women of the conperfection. Brother Friedman is a Monday evening at 8 p. m. All. girls Mrs. A. Schwaczkin is general J. Susman, M. Glickman, P. Krizel- mittee. great inspiration to all of us, espe- interested are invited to be present. chairman of the luncheon, assisted by man, L Levin, M. Katz, P.- Binstein, A program followed the business gregation will receive socially in honcially to me, because I admire the The Midget basketball league will the Mesdames L. Neveleff, J. Karsch- M. -Kateman, S. Fellman, S. Roth- meeting. Mabel Slutzkin was chair- or of the students. FASHION TAILOKS man of deeds. Though we live in a get under way some time next week enbaum, D. B. Epstein, L Fiedler, kop,.H, Franklin. : : M T S . L . Neveleff man." Paul Sachs sang, accompanied JOHN VOLZ tongue age where the tongue rules, under the direction of Iz Lieberman, and L. Kaplan. is president of tbe Bikur Choliin. by Alice Perelman. Readings were Vaad JACKSOK 2706 not the brain, where people are assistant physical director. A meet- Mrs. T. Tully, chairman of table The commitee in., charge has ex- given by Kalah Franklin, Shirley Special Chanukah sen-ices will be judged by their words and not by ing of all interested will be held to- decorations and arrangements, _is as- pressed its appreciation to rail those Hollander and Max Halperin. 305 So. 19tb held this Friday at 8 o'clock at the their deeds, I esteem the man of day in the gym at 4:30. Teams en- sisted by the Mesdames LMorgen- who donated to - th^bazaar and spedeeds. But if the man of words backs tered are Habonim, Talmud, Milder stern, S. Ban, S. Epstein, M. Davis, B'nair Israel Synagogue, Eighteenth thanks "t6 H. iGjirber, who volunup his words with deeds, I worship Midgets, and Pants_ Store Midgets. and Hoffner. Mrs. Howard Milder, cial Iota Tan teered his servieesjife auctioneer. ^ him. If a speaker talks about char- The J. C. C. physical department chairman,,;nf ,; . , p g j included A meeting -ef fee leta -Tsu sorority ity, justice and mankind, and does is planning to have tap dancing is being" aided by the Mesdames ~VV. The program \.jig|sented~ v was held Sunday, afternoon at the not practice what he preaches, I classes for junior girls. Anyone in- Milder, O. Belzer, T. Tully, H. Eo- piano selections antE s ongs by Goldie home of Marge Wishnow. . Eefreshclassify such a person in the cate- terested will: please see Miss Selma senblatt, and I. Elewitz.. Mrs: Louis Freid, and .violin numbers by Har- ments and bridge followed the busigory mentioned by a sage in the Epstein is chairman for hostesses, old Kaplan; The winning number in ness session. Talmud: 'The righteous say little Lotman. and Mrs. Leon Mendelson is chair- the drawing was No. 629, held by The annual contest is now unfler The Health Club "Volleyball league man of membership: H. B. Mullen, who'-donated tne arm but do a great deal, while the wicked is well under way now with the Eeservations for the luncheon, chair-he- won to the Bikur Cholim. way, the ping pong tournament havsay a great deal and do nothing.' ing been held Wednesday evening at Brother Friedman, you certainly be- Giants in first place with three wins which are thirty-five cents, must be the J. C C with Miss Dorothy Kaplong to the righteous class, and in and no losses. The Athletics are in made today by calling either, Mrs. lan winning. second with two and one, Yankees behalf of the Omaha lodge 354 I Louis Epstein, Mrs. T. Tully, or Mrs. Habonim third with one and two, and the Carpresent you with this beautiful testiA. Schwaczkin.. A regular meeting of the Habonim Deny Einstein Suing monial as a token of appreciation dinals are last with three defeats. was held at the B'nai Israel syna- The Hague.—The International and gratitude for the great service The second round of play started last gogue Sunday, December 10 r with Tribunal denied reports current in Round Table you have rendered to. our communi- Wednesday with the Yankees playing ty in general and the B'nai Brith in the Athletics, and today the Giants At a meeting.of the program and Haskell Cohen presiding. French press that Professor Almeet the Cardinals. The Habonim basket ball team will the particular." . ••.•• executive committees of the Eound bert Einstein had brought action The J. C. C. wrestling squad will Table of Jewish Youth held at the enter the Midwest league at the J. against the German government C C. On Saturday, December 23, meet the Y. M. C. A. grapplers to- J. C. C. Tuesday, it was decided to through the Tribunal for the recovWants to Bar Non-Aryans night at the Y. M. C. A. gym in.a call a meeting of the delegates of the Habonim wiH-celebrate the first ery of property recently confiscated annual ' '^fraternity; prom." Thost practice meet. Those who have been As Real Estate Owners all of the twenty-eight constituent by the German government. Berlin.—A proposal urging the showing up well are Joe Blumenthal, organizations for Monday,-. December wishing to participate are urged to be present at the next meeting, to be Nazi government to prohibit non- Irvin Gendler, Mendel Simon, Lou 18, at 8 p. m. at the J. C. C. Aryans from owning buildings in Weiner, Sam Cohen, Max Merrian, At this meeting - final plans will held Sunday, December 17, a t tna A Reversal? Germany, was . made by William Sol Graetz, Abe Faier and S. Kats- be arranged concerning the program B'nai Israel synagogue, starting at Breslau.—The labor court here deModerson, Nazi Commissisar for kee. The team has been under the for the mass rally to be held Janu- 11:20 a. m. The scheduled program clared illegal the recent mass dispersonal supervision of Lee Gross- ary 10 at the Center. This rally will will be announced at this meeting. missal of the Jewish employees of real estate in greater Berlin. man, assisted by Tj ark Riddle and be attended by the members of the At the last meeting all members the Blasse department stores, who Abe Faier. who did not attend were dropped were dismissed on the pretext that organizations in the Round Table. At Monday's meeting of delegates, from the rolls. This makes it poss> anti-Hitler inscriptions had been a prominent speaker will address the ble to enroll new members. Storm DOOM—-Combination Doors found in the lavatories. Heads Revue group on "The Responsibilities of Jewish Youth in the Present Crisis." MICKLIN XUMBER CXJ^ fi The following committee is workth: and NicKolai JA :5pO0" ing on the establishment of a "leadership class": George Geffen, chairman, Abraham Appelsis, Ben Rosen and Ida Blacker.

Religious Services


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Beverly West Beverly West, sister of Mae West, makes ar personal appearance at the Orpheum theatre for the week starting today in an all-girl stage Tevue which features Helen Compton and her all girl band and thirty-five gorgeous Broadway entertainers.

Place a much divorced philandress, a young impressionable girl looking for experience, a silly, simpering, giddy wife, a suave continental lover and a suspicious husband together under one roof for a hectic week-end and you nave an idea of the hilarious and sophisticated situations which make up the plot of "Should Ladles Behave,^ the iirst feature at the World theater. Skillful, tuneful and delightful; that's • "Jimmy and Sally," a t . the World theater. And the story strikes us as being ideally suited for James Dunn "and Claire Trevor who are co-featured in this up to the minute picture of the American tempo. The story describes the loves and sorrows of a typical American pair of love birds.

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Phonograph Input Superheterodyne Circuit Police Coverage Automatic Volume Contra! • New Type Tubes Tone Control Short Wave Connections Tuning Silencer Matched Walnut Cabinet BRAKDEIS—Third floor


PAGE 8—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1933 The service has been greatly improved. There are now 1,500 Torg» sin stores in over 1,000 cities. The recipient of a Torgsin order can go ; : Tourists who have traveled in the Mrs^ Sam Hoffman entertained the Soviet Union in the last few years to any store and select whatever armembers of her afternoon club at her have been much impressed by theticles he wishes. People living in BY P. B.K. J. N.F/s Chanukah home Tuesday afternoon. variety and excellence of merchan- places where there are no Torgsin : Mis$ ANNA PILL, Correspondent ; Program Postponed RABBI HABEY JOLT OF LIJTCOLS dise carried in the Torgsin Stores. Stores receive a price list from ; TO BE GUEST SPEAKER SUNDAY The Benefit Bridge Party for the From beautiful art objects to useful which they can order by mail and The Chanukah program which was Auxiliary of the Talmud Tor- articles, food products and clothing, get the goods by registered parcel heard. The members have secured to be held next Monday evening un- Two programs will be given Sunday Ladies' ah which S. Shyken gave last from autos to toothbrushes, import- post. Postage charges are also less the use of a gymnasium in a junior der the direction of the Jewish Na- afternoon, December 17, at the Chevra Wednesday Mrs. afternoon at the home of ed and domestic merchandise of thenow. high school once a week, througn tional -Fund Council,. has been in- B'nai Yisroel synagogue at 618 Myn-her daughter, Mrs. Richard Gordon, best quality can be bought at these the Jewish Community Center ana definitely postponed because of con- ster street. The Talmud Torah was a success,.both socially and fi-stores. ; the board of education. flicting plans. ; nancially; About fifty guests were Prices recently have been greatly present a Chanukah program comAt a recent meeting of the Pio- Eight new members were present Tentative plans are to hold the mencing at tiiree o'clock sh&rp, andpresent. A similar affair is being neer Women and Poale Zion organ- at ithe meeting of the Maccabee dub meeting- and program later in thefollowing their program, the Council planned for next month by Mrs.; Sam reduced and are either on level with American prices or even below them. izations, Mr. S. Ratner and Mrs. S.held Sunday afternoon, at the Com-month. Mrs. J. N. Krueger is in Bluffs chapter No. 7 ef the A. Z. A.Gross. For instance, men's suits can be Levin "were named co-chairmen of munity Center. The formal initia- charge of the arrangements. will observe International A.ZJL Day . bought for seven and a half Rubles, the Palestinian bazaar, which will be tion of the new members will be diwith Rabbi Harry Jolt of Lincoln as Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Fried an- and the shelves are filled with simgiven during the first week of Jan-rected by the 614 members of the guest speaker. '• ; nounce the birth;of a son, born Mon- ilar bargains. uary under the auspices of tnese club, while the Informal initiation Mr. O. Hochman is chairman for day night at the Edmundson hospital. two groups. Mrs.-'S. Ratner will will be in the hands of the executive the Chanukah program and will speak assist them on the general commit- committee. about thanukah. Musical numbers will tee. " Joe Janowitz was temporarily re- Outstanding.on the social calendar be given by the Sunday School chil- Mrs. H. Saltzman left Sunday for Mrs. David Sperling is chairman of leased from his duties as. athletic this month -will be Junior Had*ssah dren, under the supervision of Mr. J. jFairbury, Neb., to visit her son-in-law the Grocery committee, and Mr. M.director of the club due. to the fact annual dance Sunday evening, De- Z. Stadlan, principal. Following. the'and daughter, Mr.r and Mrs. Abe MarMason and Mr. M. Maisel are Inthat he is cast as a lead in the Cen-cember 17. The dance, which Is program, refreshments will be served i cus. charge of the Clothing committee. tral High Opera and unable to de-sponsored by the Palestinian commit- for all: the children. | Mrs. Nathan Widesky is. chairman vote his time to the work. Succeed- tee of Junior Hadassah, will be held Rabbi Harry Jolt of Lincoln, who Rashi Arch Renamed of the Raffle committee. A set oring hinv is Lloyd Kronick. Mr. Mar-in the ball room of the Martin ho- will be the principal speaker and hon- Berlin.—The historic Rashi Arch, silver will be raffled off during the! tin Kronick, outstanding athletic star tel. helps build strong bones ored guest of the A- Z. A., will speak erected to the memory of Morningside. college, was unani- Bill Franklin's orchestra will £ur- about the observance of International •oatf Worms, bazaar. :.'. tfje great Jewish scholar ' and The Sign of and teeth. Proceeds of the affair will go to-mously selected as. basket ball coach nish the music for dancing. A num- A. Z. A. Day and the wonderful • commentator on the Bible, and Good Workmanship wards the- Geverkshaften .campaign',, for the coming season. The program ber of out of town' guests are e?rJA. 1614 which is under the direction of these next Sunday will be devoted to a period to attend the affair as achievement of the organization.:!^- w M c h h a s b e e n standing for hunOffices Brandeis Theatre Bldg Chanukah theme. two Zionist '.organizations. well as a large group of college stu- bi Jolt is of the Tiffereth Israel e y n - | d r e d s o f y e a r s > h a s b e e n re named OMAHA asin an outstanding The the agogue Lincoln, and isspeaker. remembered Klaus Selzner by theVolksNazis. dents who will be in the city for here According to theArch Wormser program will also include messages zeitung, Selzner was "a prominent their winter vacation. A. Z. A. Miss Anne Cohen is chairman 01 from Harold Miller of Los Angeles,j fighter against the Jewish spirit" aleph godol of the A. Z. A., and! Max Maron, son of Rabbi and Mrs. the affair and is being assisted by grand Mr. Sam Beber of Omaha. Morton Ad-1 SHOTWELL, MOJ.SKY, GRODINSKY members of the Junior Hadassah. J. D. Maron, was elected president VANCE and UAKUY B. COHEX Mr. and Mrs. H. Miller, 1524 Court ler is chairman of the A. Z. A. proAttarneys The annual Father and Son ban-of the A. Z. A. chapter to succeed street, announce the engagement ana gram. 737 Omaha National Bank Bid p. Stanley Herzoff. Maron is a gradThe public is cordially invited to quet' sponsored by the Brotherhood approaching marriage of their daugltNOTICE OF ADJIINISTRATIOX of Mount Sinai Temple will be helii uate of Central high school where ter, Miss Sophie Beatrice Miiler, to attend this program, and a large In . the County Court of Douglas County, he was prominent, in the forensic crowd is expected. Nebraska. Wednesday evening, Decembr 27, in Alfred Jerome Natkin, son of Mr. department of the school. He has In the Matter of the Estate of CHARLES the annex of the Temple. and Mrs. Benjamin Natkin of KanP. S I J I X G E R L A X D , Deceased. been an active mmber of the local All persons interested in said estate ore Mr. Si Krueger is general chairNATHAIf NOGG HEADS sas City. hereby notified that a petition has been man for the event. Assisting him A. Z. A. chapter for several years. The date for the wedding has been B'NAI BKITn filed in said Court alleging that said deThe Council Bluffs Lodge No. 688 of ceased died leaving no last will and prayare Louis Agranoff, reservations, Ernest Epstein was elected vice set for December 24. ing for administration upon his estate, and president of the group; Max Zeligand Ernest J. Fribourg, entertaina hearing Trill l>e hed on said petiMiss Ida Hashelow visited recent- the Independent Order of the B'nai that son, secretary; Morris Luebowitz, Brith held their annual election of of- tion before said court on the Cth day of ment. ;. ' • . . - . . ly with friends in Lincoln, Neb. 1034, and that if they fail to apOthers on the committee who will treasurer; Leonard Hall, seargent- Miss Eva Orlikoff visited recently ficers Monday evening at the Eagles January, Pear at said Court on the said Cth day of at-arms, and Wilbert Shindler, reJanuary. 1034. at 9 o'clock A. M. to conHall. Mr. Nathan Nogg was elected test said petition, assist include Sam Gutter^nan, Max with friends in Omaha. the Court may grant the president. He succeeds Mr. Sam LinBergen, W. C. Slotsky, A. M. Davis porter. and gra-nt administration of said esDavid Wigodsky, Myer Orlikoff, coln. Other officers chosen were Dr. same A number of the local members tate to Kdward If. i>agert or some other and E. N. Grueskin. Herman Rubin, Cy Reznick and New- Julius Moskovitz, vice-president; Na- suitable person and proceed to a settlewill go to Omaha Sunday, December An elaborate Valentine party is tor. Sacks were elected into ths ment thereof. also -on the-calendar-of the- Brother- 17, to attend the activities planned Chrestomathian society at Centra* than Gilinsky, recording secretary; EEYCE CR.WFOKD, by the Omaha A. Z. A. chapters, in Albert Fox, financial secretary: Louis hood for this year's plans. County Judge. high school last week. celebration of Maccabee Day. H. Katelman, treasurer; Sam Lincoln, SnOTWEIX, MOS8KT, GRODINSKT * monitor; Sam Bubb, assistant moniVANCE and HABHI B. COHEN Attorneys Max Simon, guardian, and Messrs. Large Attendance at Large Attendance at tor; 737 Omaha National Bank Bldp. Sam Steinberg, Simon Steinberg, and Auxiliary Banquet Max Steinberg, as trustees. Delegates I n theNOTICE OF ADMINISTBATIONThe Hadass'ah/Sub^Debs met this Daughterhood Banquet County Court of Douglas County, chosen for the District Grand Lodge Nebraska. bk vrtek in - the home "of Miss Sadie large, attendance participated in convention to be held next July at In the Matter of the Esiate of ALICE L. Burnett. : . -",-:• I ^) i •'.*; '-- ^ '-. Over 200 people attended the an-theA eleventh SI.IXGEKr.AND. Deceased. annual Birthday Celebra- Grand Rapids, Mich., are Dr. Isaac AH persons interested banquet given by the Daughin said estate nro After th& meeting{^social -.; hour nual terhood of the Tephereth Israel tion or the Ladies' Auxiliary of Shaare Sternhill, Louis H. ICatelman, Juluis hereby notified that n petition has been was" lield and; refresliiiienis were Synagogue, last Sunday evening in Zion Synagogue Wednesday evening, Rosenfeld, and alternates will be filed in said Court alleging that said deCAKES don't always turn out ceased died leaving no last will and prayserved.' ;:_v—^ "\fX:^-^-V^ -;-."''.- the social hall of the Synagogue. when the members gave their annual Messrs. Ben Seldin, Harry Cherniss, ing for administration upon his estate, and that a hearing will be hKd on said petiMiss Dorothy Epstein "was hotess Following the dinner a program ol Birthday banquet. and Sain Lincoln. tion before said court on the Cth day of to the PhT Deb Sorority Tuesday music and addresses was presented. A large birthday cake made up the The installation of the new officers January, 3034, and that if they fail to apIngredients used. at said Conrt on the said Oth day of evening. During the business meet- Among the principal speakers were centerpiece of the speakers' table, and will take place at the next meeting, pear January. 3934. at 9 o'clock A. M. to conL ing plans were made for a member- Mr. H. Lazriowich, president of theother tables were arranged according which will Tie held January 8 at thetest said petition, the Court may grant the Consider, then, how much more difficult ft Is i: same and grant administration of said esship drive. Synagogue, who gave his annual re- to months, with the guests seated ac- Eagles Hall. tate to Krfward H. Kngert or some other Bridge and refreshments concluded port; Rabbi M. Braver, Rabbi H. A.cording to the month of their wedding suitable person and proceed to a settleio moke tirec and ham them e i excellent. There ment thereof. the evening. Rabinovritz, Rabbi j . D. Maron and anniversary. Mr. • and Mrs. Mi Seff J. X.F. FLAG DAY" ERYCE CUAWTOTIP, are more than 70 different raw materials, from The Amonian club held Its weekly Mi*. Sam Lipman. were awarded the prize for the couple The Jewish National Fund will obCounty Judge. meeting last Sunday afternoon. Fol- Cantor Pliskin presented a group who have, been married the longest, serve Flag Day next Sunday morning, 12-15-S3-3t.oJ parts e f the woeU, used b the manufacture lowing the program reports on theof songs following the speeches. Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kozberg, for December 17, in Council Bluffs. This NOTICE OF SALE the couple married the shortest length celebration will commemorate the vic- Notice is hereby given on Deeem* raffle to be held December 22 were M. Levich acted as toastmaster. of tir«€. And these ingredients, like the ingreof time. her 30, at 30 a. in., at 420 South 15th tory of the Maccabees over the Greeks Mrs. Morris Lazriowich, president dients in eabc, eon end de vary tremendously. Omaha, Nebraska, the Boquet HoThe program included the address more than two thousand years ago. street. of the Daughterhood, expressed her tel will sell t o - t h e highest bidder for rash the following described articles of thanks to the committees, whose of welcome by Mrs. Barney Baron, The Jewish National Fund Council \V. So dont tet anyone teS yec that cfl tires a r t BirJsall, to satisfy its innkeeper's splendid efforts made the affair the president of the Auxiliary; address, will be in charge and are asking that lien S.and lien for storage nnd other by Mr. John Lansberg, and an address anyone who is willing to assist for a charges: Or.e . trunR and contents, awl about eMe. Tires produced h vewt number ond success it was. by Rabbi H. H. Rabinowitz. Mrs. S. H. short time Sunday morning shouU i three leather grips anil contents. 'BOQUET HOTEL, by volume production methods mutt neeonarlty Shulkin acted as master of cere- call either Mrs. Herman Marowitz, H. R. GOULD, Proprietor. monies, and Mrs. Rueben Miller was phone S257-J, or Miss Fanni Katel- 12-S-33—2t. Mount Sinai be ordinary or average firea. in charge of the program. man, 4491. At the regular Friday evening Rueben Halpern presented several services tonight, Dr. Theodore 1M. violin solos. The program was opened Misses Florence and Esther SteinThe Lewis will speak on "The Meaning of with the lighting of the Chanukah berg will present a recital next MonChanukah." Members of the confir- lights by Bertha Snovsky. A skit was day evening, December 18, at 8 o'clock ore compounded and bu^t with the Infinite care mation class~-will kindle the Chanu- presented by the following: Mesdames at the studio of Albert Beck at 108 kah lights, give appropriate recita- Joe Sawislak, Jack Kozberg, Joe South Sixth Street. Miss Florence essential to ihm erection of the Mghect quality tions. They include Robert Marx, Kutcher, Morey Rubin, Mr. Norman Steinberg will present a number of OFFERS Satin, and the Misses Sylvia FriedRobert Cohen, Myron Heeger, Berfires possible to manufacture. piano selections and her sister will nard Rosenthal, Haskell Lazere, man, Adel Mittenberg, Lucile Mush- present violin numbers. Florence is a you these advanYet, they sefiforno more than every day tires. Elaine Rosenfeld and Blossom Kalin. kin,- Earl Novich, Rozanna Dikel, Bet- pupil of Mr. Beck, and Esther is a puty Osnowitz, Sylvia Herzoff, and Velpil of Mr. J. E. Brill of Omaha. Sunday morning the children of tages Beechen. Jack Merlin presented a the Religious School will have an in-ma The public is cordially invited to group of songs. O Expert Workmanship formal Chanukah program, consist- Mrs. Max Herzoff was in charge of attend this recital. © Quality Materials ing of stories, recitations and music. the menu; Mrs. A. B. Freidman, the Henry Greenberg will act as master dining room, and Mrs. Rueben Miller, The Council Bluffs Senior HadasO Rapid Service of ceremonies. The children will be the program. ® Lowest Prices sah entertained about sixty guests at given candy by the Sisterhood of tne a Chanukah tea Wednesday afternoon, Try us and find out for Temple. December 13, at the home of Mrs. Leo yourself. Thousands Sunday afternoon, Dr. Lewis will Talmud Torah to Hold Fitch. A short meeting -preceded the go to Omaha to speak before tne of our satisfied cusprogram, which included Graduation Sunday afternoon's A. Z. A. chapters who will gather tomers have done the the lighting of the Chanukah lights in Omaha that day to celebrate Macsame. Four children of the Talmud Torah and a short talk by Mrs. J. Rosencabeean Day. will receive their diplomas from the berg, regional president of Omaha; Hebrew School at graduation exer- impersonation of the "goose woman" cises Sunday evening, December 17, in by Mrs. Leo Fitch; a reading of the Entirely redecorated, but still "Menorah" by Mrs. Ben Telpner. Folthe Jewish. Community Center. retaining its unique terraces, SHOE REPAIR CO. lowing the program, tea was served The program will begin at 7:30, and with The annual election of officers will will this renowned restaurant Mrs. Herman 'Marowitz, local include a Chanukah play, pre114 So. 16th St. AT. 9200 be held at the B'nai Brith meeting sented by children of the Talmud president, pouring. Assisting hostesses now brings the charms of next Tuesday evening, in the Jewwith Mrs. Fitch were Mesdames Sam the tropics to Chicago's Torah. ' ish Community Center. Bubb, Max Coin, Lawrence Krasne, The Board of Directors of the Loop. No finer food is The nominating and election o.T brew School are urging all parents HePhil Saks, and Ben Telpner. The table to served anywhere. Always a : officers will both be combined in the attend the program. - Our private Pining Room is . famous orchestra for dancone meeting. Mr. Leon Dobrofsky available for bridges, lunchNOTICE OJT SAXE will preside. A report will also be ing and an elaborate floor eons and banquets. that on tlie 30th heard on the "Greater Interest" cam»r of a December, 1033, at 10 o'clock show for entertainment. t 501 Shaare Zion TCOI V i J Coming street, Omahu, paign which is being conducted under Nebraska, the Perrin Van ana Storage C o the leadership of past presidents oi DATTD HOBEEMAIf BARNEY BOBERMAN will sell to highest bidder for Luncheon from 11:00 a m . Rabbi fiL R. Rabinowitz will speak ?JL t l u L foll °wingthe described articles to the lodge. SINGLE ROOM with Bath until 2:00 p.m.—25c to 50c its lien for storage and other this evening on a Chanukah > theme,satisfy chnrces: : "Are Jewish Lights Increasing?" O : ™ , J . KAHN—2 bed springs, wooden ped. Iron bed, ironing board, dlnlne Sunday afternoon, December 17, the Auxiliary Tag table, gas range, ice box, roll rugs, stool, Dinner is served from 5:00 children of the Religious school will jnirror. bdl. pictures, small table, large tab, basket, 2 trunks, dresses, vanity until 9:00 p.m.—35c to 60c. Day Successful present their Chanukah program. Each dresser, DOUBLE ROOM $4.50 UP buffet, mattress, chiffionier, 4 class will present a number on the With TWIN BEDS . . * 5 . 0 0 U P chairs, 6 dining chairs, cabinet, • Members of the Ladies Auxiliary program. The feature will be a musi- arm dressing table, day bed and pad. Open All Night ETHET. STACEY—Bed, spring, of the Workmen's Circle No. 664, held cal operetta, "Enemies of Israel," shovel, rake, M. • Bright, Inviting Rooms buffet, ironing board, chifa successful tag day recently, which which will be presented by children fionier, 2 rockers, 3 dining chairs, dinCorner 17th and Capitol Ave. • Quick, Cheerful Service netted them the sum of $44.56. Of of the Post Confirmation and Confir- ing table, 2 tubs and contents 3 flower stands, hamper ana contents, 3 cartons this sum, $40.00 was sent to the Los mation classes. The program will be- and contents, hand bag, 3 mattresses, OMAHA, NEBRASKA • In the Heart of the Loop couch pad, library table, dresserett, upAngeles Tuberculosis hospital and gin at 3:30. holstered davenport, bdl. cushions and Ex-Patients Home. - bedding, roll rugs, pictures, mirror, elecPhone AT. 6427 . JFVOUDRI VEI-Weparfcyourcar. tric fan. A report of the project was made * 2406 Farnam Street • Standard rates. No overcharges. FEKRIN VAN & STORAGE CO., Hoberman Bros., Proprietors at the meeting held Tuesday in theEsthonia Weighs End of W. C. FEBEIN, President. LEONARD HICKS., Mmoglna Dlrtctor Minority Rights Jewish Community Center. Riga, Latvia.—In view of the fact 1 that the German minority in the Book Review Circle Republic of Esthonia, :has espoused the Nazi ideals and have officially = H A T'F 1_ = Members of the Mount Sinai Sis- declared themselves Nazis, the Es-! "Omaha's Most Beautiful Hpme for Funerals"! terhood Book Review Circle will meet thonian government is planning to Funerals To Fit Ahy Purse - r i w i s •*• — this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock in thedo away with minority rights in Es-' Phone HArney 1226 C M i C A 6 O Farham at Thirty-third home of Mrs. Theodore N. Lewis. thonia, it is learned here.

Sioux City News

yr Sam Gutterman will review "Utopia" by Stephen Leacock, and Mrs. E. N. Grueskin will review "The Farm," by Louis Bromfield.

,was beautifully decorated in a blue

Council Bluffs News - \

and white color scheme, the Hadassah colors. • " • ' • • • ~

Fine Merchandise in Torgsin Stores


Society Neu/s

Roberts Dairy Co.






T E% RA C | G A K D |NL

B'nai Brith



National Tire Shop



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