December 22, 1933

Page 1

Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism

In the Interests of the Jewish People

KntvjvU HI tSecuu<i-O«B>: Unil Matler on January 27, 1SI21, at I'osioiHee nt Omnbn. Nebraska, uurfer tbe Art: of March 3. 1S79




Aryan Church Clause Revoked in Germany!




B'nai Brith Election of Officers Thursday

IX—No. 47


BERLIN, (JTA)—The so-called Aryan clause- barring, non-Aryans1 Election of officers of the local from positions in the German Prolodge of the B'nai Brith for the entestant Church has been removed. suing term will be held at a regular This, in effect, would make possible meeting of the organization, at the Phenomenal Progress Spurs on Interior Ministry1^ii^jves 12 the holding of church office by Jewish Community Center Thursday Christians of Jewish ancestry. Settlement by Jewish Drafts of Proposil*L;;£?*atute evening, December 28, at 8:15 p. m. Revocation of the Aryan clause, By Lion Feuchtwanger Immigrants On Jewish Place Important matters will also be diswhile hailed in the. church, is exAuthor of 'Tower,*' "Success,*' "Josephus,' etc. cussed, so all members are urged to NEW YORK, (JTA)—In spite of pected to be counteracted by hew BEKLIN, (JTA)—Twelve differ- regulations governing the admission attend. the depression, Palestine is enjoyent drafts of a law designed to con- of students of theological seminaring a phenomenal prosperity, rerobes. A very old lamp, an heirloom solidate the Jewish position in Ger- j ies. A law establishing a strict one In February 1934, the Viking be served by a Jewish clerk; but flected in expanded foreign trade, many, defining Jewish rights and and a half per cent numerus clausus Press will publish Lion Fenchtwan- in the family of JTrau Ehrenreich. rarely can such customers distinguish a government surplus and an acute position in the Third Reich, have for non-Aryan students will be pro- ger's latest novel, "Die Geschwister What might it be worth? Herr Wolf- a Christian clerk from a Jew. On shortage of labor, according to th«? been received hy the Ministry of mulgated, according to the church Oppenheim," which on a huge can- sohn wonders this every year. When one occasion, indeed, a customer had Palestine Economic News, bulletin the" Interior. Several of the drafts press department. The law will vas paints the tragedy of " German you try to sell such things you al- refused to buy from a Christian issued by the American Economic ways get only a tiny faction of what salesman on the grounds that he was were prepared by government offi- make the racial principle as binding Jewry. This sketch gives us a glimpse Committee for Palestine. The coma Jew, and insisted on being served cials in various departments. One of in the church as the Aryan clause of a Chanukah celebration in Berlin you expect. mittee is devoted to the encouragein 1932 as reflected in the mind of Now they are singing the hymn by none other than himself, Wolfthem was submitted by Dr. Max which now has been revoked. ment of private initiative in and an assimilated Jew.—The Editor. "Mo-os tsur yeshaosi." A very an- sohn. Naumann, leader of the small facpromotion of the economic developcient hymn, you might call it the Moritz lumbered up and down the] tion of German nationalist Jews, ment of Palestine. Judge Julian W. Outstanding Program Being Arwho is constantly endorsing the HitOn Christmas night the Wolfsohns Jewish national hymn. Moritz always room, laughed scornfully: "You'll Mack is honorary president and Isranged for This Yearly ler program. were entertained at the home of the explains that he observes the holiday not come to your senses till you're rael B. Brodie is president of the The Reichsvertretung der DeutMoritz Ehrenreichs, in the Oranien- for national, and? not religious, rea- lying in a hospital with a broken committee. Event schen Juden, the all-German represtrasse, in the heart of Berlin. The sons. The melody''is impressive. Mor- head." The current survey is prefaced sentative Jewish body, has definitely Wolfsohns, who seldom went out, did itz is giving it all his force, the clear Markus smiled. To himself he con- Plans are being made for an out- with a statement by Dr. Paul r, refused to submit a draft of the pronot often visit the Ehrenreichs. Mar- voices of the w%men and children ceded, however, that he too knew one standing program at the annual Gourrich, consultant economist to kus Wolfsohn felt most comfortable join in, even Markus Wolfsohn rum- of those fellows •whom he wouldn't meeting of the Jewish Community leading financial institutions in this posed law, it was learned. This orin his own home. But it was Chanu- bles along. Their singing drowns out trust any further than Moritz: Herr Center and Welfare Federation, to country and an authority on raiiganization,, and other central Jewish bodies were invited to do so. They The contributors to the Jewish kah, the Feast of Lights—very late the noise of the radios blaring in the Ruediger Zarnke, •who occupied the be held in the Center auditorium roacis, who terms the economic situdeclined, ""it is reported, declaring Philanthropies responded liberally to this year, the usual date being two apartments above, "below and next- apartment next door to his own. Herr Tuesday, January 30. ation in Palestine "almost as miracthey could not be party to any ar- the plea in the Jewish Press two to four weeks earlier—and for years door. When the song is finished Fran Zarnke wouldn't hesitate to throw This will be the third annual meet- ulous as the miracles of the ExoMiriam, known 6s Marie, observes rangement depriving the Jews of weeks ago to pay on their Philan- it had been the custom for the Wolf- that actually the Chanukah hymn is him out of a moving subway train; ing since the reorganization and dus." In a world harassed by stagsohns to celebrate the holiday with the status of full citizenship and thropies pledges. would be killing two birds with consolidation of the Jewish Welfare gering unemployment and unbalbeautiful than the Christmas that complete equality with other citizens However, a large number are still their relatives in the Oranienstrasse. more one stone; a deed in keeping with Federation, the Jewish Community anced budgets, Palestine emerges as song, "Stille Nacht' heilige Nacht." Markus Wolfsohn, still glowing Moritz Ehrenreich angrily growls the nationalist point of view—and a Center, and the Jewish Philanthro- "the one bright ray of sunlight" and of the country. withholding funds needed to meet the Technically, the Jews still have urgent needs of those agencies which with the memory of the pleasant that he reserves judgment on that means of obtaining the Wolfsohn pies, approved by the community in constitutes "a challenge to world January, 1931. economy—the proof that, when confull citizenship in the Reich and in arc beneficiaries of the Philanthro- Christmas Eve he had enjoyed the point Herr Wolfsohn decides that apartment for his brother-in-law. night before, lounged in one of the the two songs are'equally beautiful. fact, had to exercise their voting pies. Moritz fumed on. Who was respon- William L. Holzman, president of fronted with will power and deterfranchise in the last election. In Those who made small pledges are two green repp-covered chairs that for the international repute of the Jewish Community Center and mination, so-called economic laws After the children have been put sible actual practice, however, they have particularly urged to pay, since they adorned his brother-in-law's living German culture? The ten million Welfare Federation, has appointed and cycles become meaningless and been deprived of citizenship and are making their pledge even smaller room and smoked one of the twenty to bed Frau Wolfsohn and Fran conservative Yiddish-speaking Jews the various committees for the an- fictitious." their status has not been fixed. The by their delay, Increasing • collection cigars that constituted Morris Ehren- Ehrenreich settle down to a discus- and their old German. They have al- nual meeting. The bulletin contains statistic;*! authorities have been of the opinion cost, billing, bookkeeping, etc Those reich's magnificent Chanukah pres- sion of household matters. Herr ways been the sincerest believers in The nominating committee con- tables on price movements, foreign for some time that a Jewish law, who made larger pledges are urged ent. Cigars costing fifteen pfennige Wolfsohn and Herr Ehrenreich, how- German culture. They alone sided sists of Harry A. Wolf, chairman; Dr. trade, agricultural and industrial desettling the question of Jewish sta- to keep up regular monthly install- apiece. With all the trimmings this ever, enter upon serious talk on poli- with the Germans through the entire A. Greenberg, J. H. Kulakofsky, Wil- velopment, immigation, government evening must cost Moritz at least tical and- economic questions. The war. 12,723 German Jews fell in liam Milder, and Irvin Stalmaster. finances, etc., reflecting the unique tus and consolidating the discrimina- ments. tory laws, decrees and regulations "Our moral obligation did not seven or eight marks. A funny bird, more skeptical and quietist Markus' that war, 2.2 per cent of the entire The committee arranging for the prosperity of this Pioneer country. put into effect since the Hitler re- cease when we put our names onto that boy, Englightened, a great read- utterances, the more firmly Moritz German Jewish population, a propor- details of the meeting includes: Phil- The excess of government receipts gime came into power, is to be de- a pledge card," declared David Gold- er, and still he clings to such anti- Ehrenreich adheres to his violent tion far greater than the correspond- ip M. Klutznick, chairman; Max Bar- over expenditures for the fivequated nonsense as this Chanukah views. "Just look at this," he cries, ish, Eugene Blazer, Dave Cohn, Mrs. month period ending August Sl ; sired. man, in stressing the necessity for celebration. Or isn't it nonsense for displaying a newspaper clipping. ing percentage in the total popula- J. J. Greenberg, Bob Kooper. 1933, amounts to 482,272 pounds n.s tion. Nor does this include converted The law, when enacted, it is gen- immediate payment of what is due someone living in the Berlin of 1932 "Here's a Doctor Rost. writing: Jews or men with a partly Jewish The committee reports that details compared to a surplus of 190,f*7S . erally conceded, will bar the Jews the Philanthropies. His committee to light candles to commemorate a "There are still a few Germans who ancestry. If. we count them too,-we are being worked out to make the pounds for the same period last from holding public office, will limit was a bright spot in the hist cam- victory some silly old Jewish say: yes,-the Jews are to- blame for get about five per cent, which is meeting a memorable one. year. flieir admission into the schools and paign, and he himself did yeoman general that gained over some silly Syr- everything, but aren't there some de- surely much more than double the A record attendance is expected, Imports during the threa months universities and the professions and work in making the drive success- ians two thousand years ago? And cent Jews too? That is nonsense For corresponding percentage in the to- since the Federation's activities of April, May and June 1933 towill make intermarriage a penal of- ful. ' that freedom which that old general if every Nazi knows even only one tal population. Now the German Jews touch upon the most important prob- talled 2,498,060 pounds as compared fense. "By the total raised we held out a is supposed to have "won—where is decent iJew, then, since^ there _ are A Jewish law, defining tbe status promise of needed aid to the sick and it today? They throw Jews out of twelve million Nazis, there must be are reaping their reward. "No, I'm lems of the Jewish community, be- to 1,660,526 pounds in-1932. Export? of the Jewish population, no matter the aged, the indigent and the or- subway trains in motion—is that twelve million decent Jews in -Ger- through. And good riddance. An- ing the concern of every Jewish man of oranges for the same three other eighteen. pounds,. and TO have and woman in the city. months rose from 86,054 cases in what : its terms, would be welcomed -planned, the crippled and the widowed freedom? many. But in all of Germany there ^enough ;•- .... . \ to go to Palestine. This year 1932 to 137,728 cases in 1933. by the German Jews since it,would ifce' JessL than jsidUbuBdred^thousand made ia. solemn pledge to help : None the; Jess Herr Wolfsohn_ re•will be the * last - time "we celebrate The number of Jewish industrial be -somAtl^KlJks^sy^^^-v^^^-^ 6 ?.' our" sorely-triea Jews.' No, I don't want to live t ffr&L" other gards with benevolent interest the Maccabean festival together here. inove much of the doubt and uncerenterprises rose from 2,475 in 1920 among people who -will stand for the I'm leaving." "~~ tainty that now dominates every as- countries, crushed by a sadistic" wave curious lighting contraption which leaders with that sort of logic." to 3,132 in 1933, with a correspondof persecution. We signed a new Moritz has lit in order to celebrate pect of Jewish life here. ing rise in invested capital fronv The Chanukah lights sputtered and Markus Wolfsohn ponders over lease on life for needy individuals- the holiday in accordance with the 2,235,000 pounds to 4,630,000 pounds arid we must not go back on our traditional ceremony. A narrow strip Doctor Rost's argument. A good died. Markus Wolfsohn listened tranand an increase in the number of woid in this critical hour. Small of metal provided with eight depres- salesman too must sometimes use au- quilly, drank a glass of spirits. He employees and working employet?; contributor or large contributor, each sions and nozzles for oil and wicks, dacious reasoning; but it would be has his own opinions, and his brothfrom "lO,{W8 to 16,870 persens. individual must help alleviate suffer- with a ninth light in front; behind too risky to approach the customers er-in-law Moritz held different \iews. ing- by paying his or her pledge im- the narrow strip a triangular back- of the house of Oppenheim with the There'd be no variety in life if every Eighth international A. Z. A. Day mediately." piece rises, a back-piece of very thin logic of Doctor Rost. Furthermore, he one thought alike. If Brother-in-law was appropriately observed in Omaha In December the second install- silver, with the embossed figures of tells Moritz, the Hakenkreuzler have Moritz can't stay where he belongs, last Sunday with an open meeting ment to the beneficiary agencies of Moses and Aaron on it, Moses bear- been quite decent toward him per- let him go off to Palestine; he, Mar- in the afternoon at the J. C. C, folthe Philanthropies is due. While the ing the tablets of the law, Aaron sonally. Of course it happens that a kus, would accompany him to the lowed by a banquet. Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis of Sioux checks have been sent out to a ma- wearing a high cap and priestly customer will refuse to let himself train and wave good-bye. Dr. A. L. Sachar, brilliant lecturer jority of City was the principal speaker at the institutions, a number whom Omahans remember for his had to be withheld pending receipt the meeting, attended by more than Lincoln, Neb.—-Who's persecuted in Palestine Government two vivid presentation of "The Epic of of additional funds. Growth of Tel Aviv hundred and fifty. Speaking on Germany? the Rothchilds," will be in Omaha All payments should be made at "The Destiny of Israel," Rabbi Lewis One interesting answer is given in Weighs Restrictions Revealed in Figures on January 26, 27 and 28 for a the Jewish Community Center. pointed out that the rehabilitation the following exerpt of a letter reweek-end Institute on Jewish history. of Palestine as the Jewish homeland ceived by Irving Perimeter from HerJEPvUSALEM, (JTA)—Deputy DiTEL AVIV, Palestine, (JTA)— The event promises to be one of the necessary in solving the Jewish bert D. Kelly, former associate on rector of Health Joseph W. P. was most stimulating and truly instruc- Round Table of Youth The Municipality Bulletin publishes problem. He also stressed that the The Lincoln Star, -who is now visiting Harkness informed the Jewish Teleinteresting statistics about this tive of the entire year. Admission Plans Full Program some of A. Z. A. could become in Munich, Germany: graphic Agency that the government members all-Jewish city. for the whole week-end series will the leaders in Jewish work. "If I believed what I read in the of Palestine was considering a posA well-rounded program for the The population is about 80,000. be one dollar. The observance was under the joint German papers and magazines, I sible restriction of the number of In three formal lectures and three Jewish Youth of Omaha is being There were 2,198 births compared Dr. Heagey to Preside at Com- licenses issued to doctors. He de- sponsorship of Mother chapter No. would be convinced by tbis timfs munity Forum Lecture round table discussions, Dr. Sachar, mapped out by the recently-formed with 1,930 last year. The mortality (about, three months) that the G*rmnn clared that out of a total of 1,043 1 and Sam Beber chapter No. 100. Round Table of Jewish Youth, rep- was 689, compared with 634 last Dr. Leon E. Fellman, adviser to j n a t i o n | S tbe victim of persecution by January 8 physicians in Palestine, 882 were resenting twenty-eight youth organ- year. There -were 901 marriages Jewish. Most of the Jewish physi- A. Z. A. No. 1, presided. A class of i t n e j e v s > it seems that those wbo izations. compared with 757 in 1932. Divorce Deal or a New Day" will "A cians licensed this year, he stated, fifteen new members to A. Z. A. were have been driven out of Germany do y Among the projects outlined at a figures increased from 176 to 240. given their first degree initiation un- not sing the praises of tbe Nazis after f the address by were German immigrants. be the subject of meeting Monday were: development Municipal revenues during August der the direction of Stanley F. Levin, they get to France, Switzerland, Engof a leadership class; development of were nearly sixteen thousand pounds Norman Thomas before the Com- The total number of doctors and also an adviser of the Mother chap- land or the U. S. This surprises and. an open youth forum; formation of and revenue for six months between munity Forum at the Jewish Com- dentists in Palestine on November ter. offends the Brown Shirts. Whenever new classes and courses in Jewish April and September totaled about munity Center, January 8, accord- 30 was 1,566. Since the end of 1932 any newspaper, magazine, politician, Edward Rosenbaum delivered the learning and intensification of Jew- 85 thousand pounds. The income ing to an announcement by William there had been an increase of 500 Grand Aleph Godol's message. Israel or lecturer criticizes the Nazi GerGrodinsky, chairman of the educaJews in these professions. Deputy Bercovici spoke for the Mother chap- many, it is always due to Jewish inish education; concentrated effort in from building licenses trebled, waDirector Harkness declared. philanthropic, work; investigation of ter taxes doubled and other items tional committee. ter, Louis Canar for the Sam Beber fluence and Jewish lies, according to The subject was chosen at a meetthe possibility of a large choir of showed a substantial increase. chapter, Massie Baum read the mes- the German press. I have a marazJne ing of the educational committee last Jewish young people for two musisage of Sam Beber, the founder of before me which carries a number of Friday noon. cal projects; co-ordination of Jewish the order. A varied program of en- cartoons, like the Jew being crucificrt Dr. F. W. Heagey will preside and youth cultural work. Chanukah Dance of on a swastika or being driven out or tertainment was also presented. will introduce the ispeaker. The The Round Table was formed to the the synagogue, by Brown Shirts, arc Rabbi Uri Miller delivered Jr. Society Sunday Princeton Club, of which Dr. Heagey unify the efforts of the clubs. A principal address at the banquet, on reproduced with the explanation tbat is president, will honor Thomas at a mass meeting for the members of Cantor Elias Kritchmar, celebrated "Jewish Problems and How A. Z. A. in this manner the Jews ar.? lying The Chanukah dance of the Junior luncheon the day of the lecture. all the constituent organizations will Germany, whereas in truth they A capacity audience heard Dorocantor of Odessa and Moscow, has Can Be of Help." William Wolfe was about Society of the Conservative synabe held January 21. have never been driven out of synatoastmaster. Sam Beber, founder of Thompson (Mrs. Sinclair Lewis) just returned from a tour of South Philip Klutznick was the guest gogue, which will be- given at the thy gogues or crucified. A. Z. A. and president of -the Suopen the Forum program, and an- America and is now making a tour of speaker at Monday evening's meet- Fontenelle Hotel, Sunday night, De- other capacity audience is expected the country, officiating at many of preme Advisory Council, spoke, as " 'Oh you Americans can't undercember 24, promises to be a gala ing. Philip M. Klutznick, former ex- stand,' is about all the explanation affair. The ballroom will be appro- January 8. Norman Thomas is a sil- the leading synagogues of the prinei-. did ecutive secretary, Rabbi Lewis, Dr. I've gotten out of any of the Germans ver-tongued orator. He was the sodecorated and Freddy Ebenpal cities, under the management of Japs, Hindus Not Hit priately A. Greenberg, and Hyman Good- as to the persecution of Jews. Ail er's orchestra will play. One of the cialist candidate for president in insist that the stories of persecution Joseph Hyman, of the Chicago Conbinder. 1932, and is noted for his sincerity By Nazi Aryan Clause features of this holiday event will Dr. A. L. Sachar. • have been exaggerated but, of course, Similar observances were held by cert Bureau. and his brilliant mind. His book, be a prize waltz. known throughout the United "States Berlin, (J.T.A.)—The racial lines The judges of the waltz will be Mrs. "America's Way Out," is ranked with Cantor Kritchmar appeared in the A. Z. A. chapters throughout the can't, deny that there is a deliberate of discrimination aimed et tl'.e as an outstanding authority on Jew- now in existence in Germany, and David A. Goldstein, Mrs. H. Sol Novit- the best. same congregations in Russia where United States and Canada. At the policy Jews. The . economic competition open meeting in Council Bluffs, Rabish history and culture/will present which the Nazi regime is furthering, sky, and Mrs. Mose Yousem. is president of the Dr. Heagey the famous Cantors Minkovsky and "The Romance of Jewish History." are intended for Jews only and not As this affair is during the fes- Council of Social Agencies, is a pro- Rasumno officiated. "His melodious bi H. Jolt of Lincoln was the prin- seems to have been the basis of the feeling against them becauro Ine At the Institute, Dr. Sachar will for Japanese. Hindus or other Asi- tive season, with the school set home fessor at the Creighton Medical chants brought forth by his powerful cipal speaker. Eabbi David A. Goldstein addressed figures are always being quoted as to paint the pictures which will jecre- atic nations, Dr. Wilhelm Frick, Mh from their various schools, out-of- School, and is on the governing board and beautiful tenor voice brings one ate for his audiences events and ister of the Interior', in the Nazi town holiday guests and former res- of the Community Chest. bade to the days of old and in his the A. Z. A. gathering at St. Paul, the percentage of Jews who were docOther numbers on the Forum pro- fine intelligent interpretation one and Julius Bisno, executive secre- tors, teachers and other professional scenes of the Jewish? past. He will cabinet, declared in an official state- idents home for visits, a brilliant men. I talked to a young Nazi stugram are: Bishop McConnell, Wed- merely has to listen to his Toice and tary, spoke at Lincoln. cause to pass .in review: the great ment to the German press. party is expected. dent, who declared that he had had nesday evening, February 14; Oswald he will immediately discer;. the test characters in -Jewish ~-. history. In Dr. Frick declared most emphatmany Jewish friends and when he had Garrison Villard, Wednesday evening, his lectures, "saints-and', sinners, herically that the alarming attitude of the prayer,** according to critics. Levine Heads State studied at Prague had lived only with March 14; and Maurice SamueL oes and. traitors, : martyrs and. rene- against'the racial policy of Germany, Jack DePorte Heads Cantor Kritchmar -will appear for Jews. Naturally he wouldn't come out Council on Nutrition Wednesday evening, April 11. gades, will live again. •',':". which was recently assumed by JapPhilosophical Society the first time in this city at the conin the open and say he disagreed with, The Institute is being sponsored by anese and Hindu newspapers is BERLIN—The famous Ephraim gregation Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol, Dr. Victor E. Levine of the Creigb- the government's policy but he intithe Study club of the Conservative groundless, because German racial and Burt. Friday evening, De- ton University Medical School, was mated as much and then added, 'But Synagogue arid will be held at the policy will hit only the Jews. The Jack DePorte was elected president Meyers banking house, established 19th cember 29, at 6:30 p. m., and Satur- elected president of the Nebraska this feeling against the Jews will sll in Hanover in 1797, has been liquiof the Omaha Philosophical Society Nazis, Dr. Frick stated, consider the J. C. C. According to the committee day morning at 9 a m . Nutrition Council, recently organized. be forgotten in four years.' When dated, it was officially announced, in charge, the tickets, will be on sale nations of Asia as "ancient nations at the election of officers held last This Council •will serve as a clear- even those who profess to be friendly in view of economic difficulties. The A concert will be presented by him next week and -may be secured from of high culture and the German gov- Sunday. ing house for technical nutrition to the Jews are as indifferent as he, Jewish banking house was one of at the synagogue Sunday evening, Demembers of the Study club or at the ernment is far from desiring to He will be installed at a meeting you can see what the situation Is." problems. the oldest concerns in the country. cember 31, at 8 p. m. .January 7. eliminate them." Jewish Community Center.











ties will prove of startling interest ] T«. "linn Au capital from Germany: hundreds if when the time comes for e x p o s u r e . " ^ J ~ ~ not thousands of substantial people German propaganda in this counNational Fund Drive are just now removing from the try was described as having been Third Reich's aegis their machinery, designed to "bring to a head in the The Junior Vaad was the their raw material stocks or their United States hatred for one's fel- ous team in the Jewish \victor. liquid cash under the form of manlow citizens. According to the ufactured goods, in order to restart broadcast, many heretofore reputable Fund campaign conducted Sundav' elsewhere. German-American organizations have The prize to be awarded is Siooo' Vaad, which secured ' All this gets into the statistical been coordinated with the Nazi pro- The Junior ~t *u« * *. 1 •, table under the rubric of "exports" In Radio Address Congressman been c o o r a m a i e a W H U m e « » • • y-"- iu,,ir , half of paganda scheme. He said that Ger- r G r G s e fhe total t bsum collects parProphesies a World and looks like Germany's gain 8 nttd b L i?" " J L - ™ 4. K.w Yorkdistinct h a v eJticipants: ! P >- * following man-Americans whilst it actually is Germany's loss, Crisis been divided into two and loss for ever. So could the Eosella Handler, Sara Schlaifer Germans luu groups: Liberal '7 Jews Egyptians of old class under "ex- NEW YORK, (JTA))—Summing'f r—^"1 T ,; m t Joe Saks, Max Weinstein, Sara Mall ports" all the luggage carried away f rmm ashock, Reva Malashock, Harry of his ° ^ T^CA f T t A Freed, by the departing Israelites. The "ef- up of me Nazifindings operations in investigation the United i into Rose Shafer, Blanche Binserving Hitler constituting the ' -»T . and ._.r.i.r ' .-„ , 1 a , . TT^Hn^i^ho fects" will be seen later. States, prophesying world | other.have been bribed or intimidated stein, Libby Elewitz, Miriam KirschThere is only one solid fact in the crisis into which the United States enbaum, Bess Kirschenbaum, James His Evidence on Fnnds principally situation, and that fact is the Third would be d r a g g e d Lamson, Bess Rubenstein, Sara FishMr. Dickstein said that he had man, Miriam Robinson, Sophia Ja. Reich. To all the "wooers" we may through the efforts cf Nazi agitators safely and calmly say: "All right, and spies in this country, Congress- traced the source of funds to the cobson, Jesse Nathan. try and win that damsel's dainty man Samuel Dickstein, chairman of Berlin Government and other Nazi Miss Dora Freshman and Mr. Sam heart." Germany wants expansion: the House Immigration Committee, agencies and had evidence as to how Hahn were in charge of the team. Germany wants bits of Poland, bits broadcast an appeal over the NBC'much is being spent on propaganda, of Czechoslovakia, the whole of network for popular cooperation ir j He said that many liberal Germans Austria, Danzig, Latvia, the Ital- his VCOT\ of exposing subversive 1f in ^ the United States had offered Patronize our advertisers. ian part of the Tyrol plus Trieste, Nazi activities. his investigation supporL and Alsace and Lorraine to boot; The congressman described the her spokesmen may deny it, hoping sweep of Fascism and Communism By VLADIMIR JABOTINSKY to cheat humanity, but unfortunate- across Europe and declared that libly cheating is not a solo—cheating eral governments of the United j is essentially a duet, it needs both States, Great Britain and France j the wizard who tells the He and the were in danger of being destroyed "There's a whisper down the successes, failures or experiences. need for us to bother: the Third e power of dictators. He indifield" that the anti-German move- There have been fully three differ- Reich itself is taking care of that, are not so frequent a feature of that he had evidence to prove j jjj ment has already proved a failure, ent attempts at establishing some every Berlin cable in every issue of European a as one might that certain American political or- \ |j| both among the Jews and with the kind of world-wide organization, any daily is quite enough to keep up feel entitleddiplomacy to think. ?anizations were being subsidized by j jjj Gentile nations. Our boycott—so we!threa conferences described as in- the proper spirit. hear, has not affected any of Ger-; ternational—all three to no avail. Yet the difficulty of replacing Above all, Germany wants to get Nazi sources of financial aid, and j Hi many*s monthly trade balances There still is no center empowered German goods by something more armed in order to strike; and there he stated that the growth of these: |§ since April! and as to the Gen- to lead the periphery nor local or- decent is the question of finance is nobody in Europe "oily" enough American Fascist organizations had W. tiles, there is no trace of their for- gans supposed to follow the lead. and credit: so it is, at least, here to stand that. All this babble about been rapid, with no organized force mer tendency to "isolate" the Third The reason may be that world or- en the European continent. In most "reconsidering attitudes" and "giv- prepared to cope with them. Mr. Dickstein said that, with the • HI Reich. They go on negotiating with ganizations cannot be improvised, cases, an importer or a wholesaler ing and taking" is no use if there is Germany, they sometimes even at least not under the conditions of cannot so easily switch off from old nothing to "reconsider" and noth- primary objective of enlisting Amer- j |:j seem to be wooing her, whilst in our Jewish geography. Jewish world commercial connections to new ones ing to "take" except world-shatter- ican financial, armed, and moral j jjj one of the European countries, per- organizations grow but slowly, and unless he" gets "somebody "to back j in J Wows_unless^ the moron J s P l - support aliens with foreign military haps the most important of. all— it takes time to accustom people in the operation financially', ft" iT~a I ea rnldy c o n f i n e d a n < i P ro P erI y disarmed; {experience are flooding the United that is what Europe will h a v e !States —. •«. «. ~* under—— : England, of course—there is a dis- Warsaw to obey orders coming from thing of common knowledge—it i s ! with the purpose of tinct "swing" in favor ;of "under- London and to keep abreast with even proverbial—that the . German j \°_J_\_whether..™"!niL ° r . n o t ; . . ^ I e mining American efforts to mainstanding Hitler's grievances," and somebody who is busy at Harbin or system of credit is most cunningly [Jews have an uphill task in fight- tain peace. tFat sudden rapprochemont seems Chicago. That is why, by the way, flexible and liberal and generally ing the Third Reich on your own acThe Threat of Nazi Spies 'especially pronounced • just• in' the the Zionist party to which I humbly helpful, whereas in England and es- count, but it is a sure winning fight; "Foremost among those who are most unexpected quarter.: in the belong tried to suggest, at the last pecially in France you have got to the Thing we are opposing is an im- at present seeking to influence possibility within a civilized world, ranks of Labor. ':.'"(j Zionist Zii C Congress, that the best way be a millionaire before they will American opinion are the agents of On the other hand, everything in to give the boycott movement the talk to you about an overdraft or an no country squire who "writes to Adolf Hitler," Mr. Dickstein assert-j [if the Times" nor any Socialist bent the world is a matter of interpre- j backing of a real world-wide con- advance. on applying "principles" to gorillas ed. "For the last eight weeks my tation. The writer is an inveterate, nection would be for the Zionist It is, therefore, very far from my can change this fundamental fact, committee has been investigating the incurable, optimist, and. the only in-'World Organization to adopt that intention to pay compliments to us operations of certain German orga- j terpretafion or the symptoms above novement as one of its paramount Jews as boycotters: on the con- and the world will have to help us nizations and German individuals in for its own sake, whether or not, functions; but I need not quote the mentioned he can offer is an optitrary, only my good manners prethe United States. Although consid- j distressing answer we got. It looks vent me from stating plainly what and basta. mistic interpretation. erably hampered in our investiga- j Far be it from my intentions to as if some other Jewish body with I think on the delicate subject. And tion by lack of funds necessary to j pay any compliment to us Jews, so' a Center and a periphery already es- yet—all this talk of the boycott's expose the intricate and deftly-cov- [ far as the organization of our boy- tablished will now have to try and "failure" is sheer nonsense. A moveA. Z. A. ered machinations of the Nazi Gov-; cott efforts is concerned. There is assume that task of liason service; ment of such a range cannot be exernment, we have succeeded in un- j still no trace of any real world-lia- but this is a subject to be deal pected to produce "effects" within A. Z. A. 1 will hold its election earthing sufficient evidence to de- j son in that respect; the various with independently and on some six months' time. Least of all, can of officers at the regular meeting to fine the Nazi government here as i Committees created in several coun- other occasion, those effects be at once reflected be held at the J. C. C. Sunday after- the most dangerous threat to our' tries for this purpose are still do- Then there is also another de- in .official statistics of German ex- noon, December 31. democracy that has ever existed." j ing their work in perfect watertight feet in our Jewish boycott move- ports. Those statistics, by the way, Mr. Dickstein said, "We are at j ignorance of each other's activities,! ment; it concentrates on the nega- are now being swelled by what ac- Advertisers in the Jewish Press last getting to tht. bottom of a fortive business of avoiding the unde- tually amounts to the emigration of merit your patronage. eign political machine, whose activisirable article, whilst the main probOpen Forum lem is the positive one; to replace HARDLY the undesirable goods by goods of The third open forum will be held another origin. Modem economy abBELIEVE Sunday, 7 December 24, at 3:30 p.m. hors Torricelian vacuum; what peoat 1314 pie need need .people .people will will have have ttoo,, buy, buy, . . .3fo . . . .24thStreet, . . t- • _• under the .pie h auspices of the Jewish branch of the!and unless they are offered nohInternationar-Workers Order. Dave!German equivalents they will end Fishman will speak in English on j by purchasing Hitler's ware. UT MOJUD settled all that. "What Is Proletarian Literature?"! One may safely say that the whole An open discussion will follow. The! essence of any boycott movement is These new ringless sheers public is invited and there is no ad»| purely and positively a matter of I .45 are absolutely clear—not a . 6 5 mission charge. salesmanship: the slogan "don't" is


Jabotinsky A New Strategy

Revisionist Leader Goes Beyond Statistics Offered By Nazis

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futile unless you tell your flocks what to buy and where to buy i t If I were the boss I should even suggest that we drop the very term — - j "boycott" and speak only of "buy-; Gdynia-America' ing"—buying the produce of civil-

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Warsaw. —The Line which maintains regular direct ized countries; with exact descripservice between . Poland's new mod- tions of all articles recommended em port, Gdynia and New-: York- for purchase, and with the addresses Halifax, ordered two motor"- liners and telephone numbers of the shops from the famous Monfalccne"( Tries- where those articles are to be found. te) shipyards, the builders of the A central office for boycott propaluxurious Italian liner "Conte de ganda ought to look and to sound exactly like a commercial advertisSavoia." The ships will be the -last -word ing agency. As to the negative side in construction, of 15,000 gross" reg- j P* the business, to the "don't"—no : istered tons to accommodate 800;; ~~ """* passengers. Only tourist and jthird class will be carried. Large cabins with hot and cold running water; beautifully decorated public rooms; American bars, ballrooms, children's rooms, enclosed cerandah, elevators; GatYbu* Cuts and swimming pool, gymnasia, sport decks, radio and a special garage will insure the comfort and pleasure of the passengers. "" " The ships will make the run from CIlGRAVinG CO. New York to Gydnia in eight and 'OmAHft* jne-half days, giving the .fastest diVhone Ot.4626 rect service through Gdynia to Pol-. tnd, Russia and the Baltic. ; '

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ordinary sets. And it gives the world's finest, newest features — including the thrill of "police" broadcasts. Come in and examine this blue-blood of radios! Terms to suit. The new RCA Victor Bi-AcoustFc Radio Mode! 280. Housed m an engaging walnut cabinet of tambour door design, list price with RCA Radiotrom—








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. ke holiday spIrit-.Tt»» feel it~jreu »ee lu Coa yon hear it? Listciwtdcphone belb~. «M»SMW!S of them. People are answering— "Merry CbrisJmas"«..*<H«ppy New Ye*r'Vi©r«nr voices thrilled to exchange greetings—if* the holiday spirit oa the telephone -wires. Ew**»ge greetings fcjr long distance this CfcifatBMW^and NCTC Year's. Enjoy the thriH • f trokoto-Toiee rccnions. The cost I* small. If y o a do not har? m get o n e far Chrittmm.

telephone, f t » a /


Young Circle League Installation Sunday

know for yourself that all policies issued by "OLD LINE" companies and the premium rates therefor, are bound to be scientifically just and The Voltaire Club, Omaha branch equitable and that there can be. no Presenting the second in a series of the Young Circle League, will be such thing as one being a good policy of eight Book Evenings, Eabbi Daformally installed as a branch of the and another a poor policy. You would vid A. Goldstein will review Hans Workmen's Circle Sunday, December know further that no company could Fallada's "Little Man, What Now?" 24; at the Labor Lyceum. Memberexist or would be allowed to do busi- at the J. C. C. Wednesday evening, ship certificates will be given out by 27, at 8 p. m. the district committee. By the Service Life Insurance ness if all policies issued were not December . Over four hundred people attends equally equitable or if all applicants Plans include a" banquet Sunday Company, Omaha the opening review of the series last, were not treated alike. Men have afternoon, with a large attendance week when Rabbi Goldstein reviewer! of delegates from Workmen Circle How many people know that the been known to drop their policies. "Anthony Adverse." . branches in Lincoln, Des Moines, great majority of men when they die leaving their families unprovided for, Omaha and South Omaha. In ' the and after their debts are paid, have because they did not know this. Oth- The second book he is to review evening there will be' a dance, for nothing left for their families except ers, for the same reason, have put off presents a vivid picture of the Gergetting insurance until it was too late. man economic problem in the story which bids have been issued. their life insurance? of a young German couple. In charge of arrangements are How many people know that each They thought they had to know all Continuing through the winter, the about it in order to avoid getting a Maiian Martin, Sam Greenberg, Al year, tens of thousands who had realother bocks in the series are "Throft "poor" policy or making some othei Smith, Ethel Halperin, Phil Smith, ized their need of insurance, die withCities," "Return of the Native," "Of Sophie Halperin, Fannie Witldn. out it ? They were going to get it mistake. They did not know that in Human Bondage." and "Hear Ye, Life Insurance twice two must make The topic for discussion at the "tomorrow," but tomorrow never Sons." Single admissions are fifty coming regular meeting will be "The came. Had they been better acquain- i four to all alike and that the only mis- cents. Season tickets are one dollar ted with life insurance, they would take one can make is to be numbered for members and §1.50 for nonNext War." among those who procrastinated until nave taken it today. members. How many people know that each it was too late. Often it may be very easy for some year hundreds of thousands try to get Her. Laurance Plank will speak on insurance, but are rejected? Some- ignorant or designing remark or state"The Jew and the Troubled World," thing had happened to their health ! ment to arouse the fears and unsettle A Chanukah basket was given to before the Youth Forum at the Tem- while they were "thinking it over." I the confidence of some people regard- a needy family by the members of (Dr. Weizmann celebrated h i s selves, religion and all, to this con- It was not important that Jews ' ing a thing in which they are investple Sunday afternoon, at 4:15 p.m. Had they known just a little bit about fifty-ninth birthday recently. The ception. This was EO especially in were going to Palestine because Fratority, formerly known as the life insurance, they would have taken ing their money and which they per- Jewish Youth of the South Side. The following" address - was" delivered' Germany. I t was the Jews them- they could not go to America, but The public is invited. it when it was offered and thought it sonally know little or nothing about. basket was under the direction oC by -him at a reception in his honor selves who accustomed the world to that Jews should have a flag, a passj Jf it is concerning their life insurover afterwards. arranged by the British Zionist make distinction between East and port and a right to. sit at. the League Kalah Franklin, assisted by Mabel How many people know that life in- ' ance it is easy for them to imagine j Slutzkin. Federation of -which he is presi- West Jews. Now the Nazis have of Nations and to say: "We demand . An interesting - and important ' that their policies are not as good as dent.) come vand annulled emancipation and this, or that." At the meeting Wednesday, a demmeeting of the Young Judaea will be surance is ONE thing which they can some others or that the deposits reJews always seek explanations of put the whole Jewish question on a In the name of Palestine we held at the J. C. C. Sunday after- buy without having to know anything quired are too large or that some- onstration of Parliamentary drill folanti-Semitism, economic, political, different.basis, race and.nation, and. should be able to tell the world noon, December 24, at the J. C. C.about it and without a chance of being thing else is not as it should be. It lowed the business meeting. These racial, religious, etc. I say that all that they had made themselves that it is unjust to 16 million Jews All members are urged to attend. " cheated or deceived? They can shut js a matter of vital importance, there- taking part included Max Halperin, eyes when applying for insur- : fore, to all such and their families Yale Lipsman. Harry Perelman, and these things are only incidental. We believe was overthrown. in the world to leave things as they A.guest speaker, comic recitations, ilaeir ance and just the same for theii that they know at least enough about Max Marcus. need not look for explanations. That i s ' the difference between are. and other novelties are on the pro-money asget the president of any life life insurance to be induced to GET How is it that over 2,000 years, in Polish and German : Jewry. The There is such a thing as justice in gram arranged by the committee in all ages, there always has been this Polish Jew knows why he suffers; the world and there is justice in charge, Ruth Finer, Betty Tarnoff, company himself could get for his IT WHILE THEY CAN AND THEN We Solicit Vonr Printing and J' money. While age, occupation, habits, HOLD ON TO IT AT ANY SACRIhe is a Jew; but the German Jews England, and we can and must con- and Ahuvah Gershater. same phenomenon ? Office Supply Needs f: family historj- and condition of health : FICE. And for the benefit of those The explanation is that we Jews do not even know what they ars vince the British people. We must affect one's standard as a risk, THIS who know nothing at all about poldo not want to die. In spite of the suffering for, many of these no demand our rights with dignity and APPLIES TO ALL ALIKE. There is ' icies or the principle of life insurpersecution of thousands of years, longer conscious of being Jews. force, as is worthy of a great people CALL AT. 4044 no such thing as favoritism or prefer- ance and to dispel any doubt they we are still here in a special way, a They are awakening to a new reali- not by throwing stones through winASK FOR COREY ence, no such thing as one good risk may have concerning their insurance, minority in a majority. We remain zation, and the tragedy, therefore, dows. children of the Congregation getting more for what he pays than we shall publish in this column next Jews, keep our traditions, do not doof their suffering is greater. The I am a realist. I am convinced of The Israel Sunday School, at 25th and another equally good risk would get i week an outline of the four basic life as the Romans do. We are Jews further tragedy of the German Jews that the possibilities for our generaJ streets, entertained their parents for the same amount. The humblest 1 insurance policies. is that there is no country where and we remain Jews, and that is tion at least are unlimited; to take what the world does not understand. they can come, so long as we have one example—the new harbor at and friends at a Chanukah play Sun- worker can get his $1,000 policy at Since we do not become as the not our own country and our ownHaifa. Situated on the great trans- day, December 17. The speakers on exactly the same rate per thousand others are, we attract attention, be- passports. Therefore Zionism is port routes, it has a tremendous the program were Rabbi Uri Miller, that the rich man would have to pay LOST—Silver stone buckle was lost HOG Dodge S t cause we are something different. getting to be vital in its significance future. There are also the immense Ben Kazlowsky, and Harry Dworsky. for his $100,000 or more. Were this at the Vaad Auxiliary dance SunThe first anti-Semitic, Haman, gave for Jews. Every certificate that can possibilities opened up by the Iraq Miss Bertha Newman was chairman not so, American Life Insurance never day. Finder please call At. 8021. the first correct definition of anti- be obtained for a Jew to be able to oil pipe line to Haifa. Behind Haifa for the occasion. Philip Sokolof sang could have become the greatest busiSemitism. Haman did not say that enter Palestine is of the greatest all the land is Jewish. Haifa will some numbers. All children attendf- ness in the world, which it is today, Jews are bad, but he said that they importance. and the chief dependence of millions take the trade of the enormous ing received gifts. are different and they want to re- The immigration laws in Palestine awakening and developing hinterof homes for the necessities and commain different. That was and that are not fitted to life. Laws should land. Alexandria has only Egypt, forts of life. THESE ARE THE BIG there are Torgsin stores in is the- chief accusation against us. be made for life, and not life for which has only cotton. If AlexanFOR ONE TO KNOW. over 1,000 localities. TorgA buffet supper will be given by THINGS >rders ennlilc your relatives in Soviet You may. say. that there are many laws. But we shall fight and wedria has a population of 600,000, At the same time, if you would be llussia to purchase nil sorts of domessin orders may be sent to more Greeks outside than inside shall survive this, as we survived Haifa may yet surpass Alexandria. the Junior Vaad and Young Men's better satisfied to know something tic or imported nrtiok-s n! tow prices. anyone, in any quantity. For orders on Torprsiu npply to your Greece, yet there is no anti-Greek- 1929. We shall not give up one ofThere is only one thing I want, and Vaad, Tuesday, December 26, at the about the principle underlying your .ocnl bank, companies lisied below, or ism. The difference is that they our rights in the Mandate. that is, that a great many of these organization's club rooms, B'nai Is- insurance, very well. You then would their iiuthorized nsents. To cities that have no TOKUSIS rael synagogue, 18th and Chicago have Greece. The people must have Amalgamated I Sank, New York I am not indifferent to what is 600,000 in Haifa should be Jews. streets, at 6:30 p. m., at which time stores, Torpsin mails your orda homeland. Ara-I>ernfra Transport Corp. ers by parcel post. happening in Palestine, but this is That is the possibility before us. installation of officers for the new American Express Co. Everyone knows what a Swiss or only a temporary thing. Four years There are enormous possibilities term will take place. lidynia-Anierica Line a Greek is,, but. not everyone is clear ago people would have been happy in Palestine. The entrance of 200,A diversified program has been Hias [what'".is a Jew; you cannot give a if 15,000 more Jews would enter Pal- 000 Jews has completely changed arranged. Mr. Max Fromkin will ba Icor, Biro-Bidjan Corp. Round Trip §7.95 "single! plain answer. We Jews have estine! this year 30,000 entered. For the face of Palestine. Incalculable the guest speaker of the evening. Manufacturers Trnst Co. not been clever in " realizing this us it is little, for the British it new possibilities will open up that and Ephraim Marks will be toastPublic Nat'l Br.nk & Trnst Co. Denver . _ . _ $6.50 trutfc" First we got emancipation. seems to be too much. Palestine we cannot now even forsee. . We master. Eabbi Uri sMffler, advisor R. C A. Commnnications, Inc. Round Trip $11.00 But we did not get emancipation out will be the test of Judaism. Jews will go on, but we must have Jews, of the organization, will indu:t the Union Tonrs, Inc. World Tourists. Inc. Los Angeles $16.95 of a feeling of equality. There was will be judged by what they have and Jews must have hope and en-newly-elected; officers. Eeservations Hndson Co. Natl Bk., Bayonne, "N. J. just as^mnch anti-Semitisnauihenlas jdone^ in Palestine,. not by what has- ergy and faith. ... . Round Trip £31.50 are thirty cents 'plr plate and must Tne Pennsylvania Co., I'hila. now. Jews adapted themselves to been done by Jewish lords in Eng- The past 13 years have been very be in by Sunday, December 24. Those Union Savings Bank, Pittsbnrsrbthe new conditions. Those who land, or by Jewish professors in difficult. I believe that the next 13 wishing to attend should communiAmalgamated Trnst & Savings GENERAL PEPRESENTATIVCJn U . S A Germany, but by acres in Palestine, •were emancipated and assimulated years will be easier,. and if you docate with'one of the following: Dave Edwards Hotel Bldg. Bank. Chicago tried to show that there was nopeople in Palestine and professors not lose hope and courage, we shall Slobodinsky, Sam Hahn, lobby Elec-o Amtors, 261 Fifth Ave«, S. T. Bank of America, California. 306 No. I6th St. HA. 5000 Tewish" people, and adapted them- at Jerusalem university. win through. witz and Dora Freshman.

Dr* Weizmaiiti Calls

'Nationhood' A Cure

Book Review by Rabbi Goldstein Wednesday


Zionist Leader Says Palestine } Is Judaism? s Supreme Test

Youth Forum

By Dr. Chaim Weizmann


Young Judaea


Congregation of Israel Sunday School


In Soviet Russia


Junior Vaad

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PAGE 4—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRTOAY, There is one man who might fill

the atmosphere -which made the disturbance possible. Still, these the qualifications, but I think he is OEMS of the BIBLE youths should have enough restraint so as not to ape the Arab in the White House and is getting more than ?9,O0O. and TALMUD nationalists -who rioted against the British police recently. Still there may be another loose By O. O. DASUEE Not many participated in the Jewish rioting, fortunately. Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by —and it may be you. Most of them were from the extremist group. Vladimir JabotinTHE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY THE TEMPERANCE Be not thou envious of evil men, sky, fiery leader of the Revisionists, upheld their action in a PROBLEM Subscription Price, one year - - - - " • " .T . " ' By DAVID SCHWAETZ Advertising rates famished on application cablegram reading: "Your righteous outbreak and sacrifice will I think it was some Kansas Sena- neither desire to be with them. Through wisdom is a house built, tor, who remarked that prohibition remain in Jewish history as the birthday of a decisive Jewish Editorial Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Buflding. and by understanding is it estabamendment might be repealed, bat world onslaught, which will smash the anti-Zion rule in Zion, and JOINS THE CHORUS Print Shop Address: 1307 Howard Street the temperance problem would not lished. The former rabbi of East Orange, aid in bringing the dawn of the Jewish state." But despite this A wise man is strong, yea, a man be repealed. Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center N. J., Rabbi David Gross is now a of knowledge increaseth strength. I want to propose my own soluardent message, we repeat that the rioters' motives are underDAVID BLACKER -_ • - - Business and Managing Editor member of the chorus of "Let 'em j tion—and it is a very Jewish soluIf thou faint in a day of adverstandable, but their acts are not laudable. The Jewish Agency eat cake." tion. Let it be made mandatory that ] sity, thy strength is small indeed. executive and the mayor of Tel Aviv expressed the true Jewish Gross abandoned the rabbinate before anyone takes a drink of liTALMUD years ago. Then followed an quor that he make a "berocha" sentiment when they protested that the outbreak was deplored. some interlude in business. And now to (blessing prayer to you). That of Eobina said: "A man should train Officers of the law frequently must do unpopular acts in carry- jthe stage. i required of the piouJ himself to speak calmly, without ancourse I ger. ing out their duties, and it is not worthy of individuals to dem- j Another equally novel transitionn Jew now. j is that of the former rabbi AbraRabbi Chanina said: "Why are the onstrate their resentment by attacking the men who are carrying ham Feinberg, who now, as Anth- I have figured out that if onewords of the Torah compared to wato recite a little prayer before ter? Just out orders. ony Frome, is on the air four times had as water runs down from each drink, well, one wouldn't take j a higher place a lower one, so In the words of M. Dizengoff, mayor of Tel Aviv, "Great a week for NBC. more than three or four drinks at ' the words of thetoTorah can only be A Work of Mercy a time anyway. m j patience is required for those undertaking to raise many sons in THEATRE AND PULPIT retained by one who possesses a humThe figures of the relief load carried by the local Jewish | o n e house. I hope that when-the anger of all elements has sub- After all, one expects that there IN THE OLD TIMES ble mind." (Thinking of his shortFederation—revealed last week—are rather startling! We have| s i^ e ^ t h e country will become tranquil and be blessed with a should be a certain amount of flow It may sound a little ridiculous, comings and anxious to study.) from the rabbinical field to the and I guess it is—this last sug- Rabbi Joshua Ben Chanania was a become so accustomed to the work being done by the Jewish ; peaceful and happy life." theatre. There is something intrin- gestion, and yet how I remember great scholar, but his appearance Community Center and Welfare Federation that we take it for j. • sically theatrical about the rabbin- in my younger years, how these was ugly. The daughter of the king ate. I am not, saying this in dis-ceremonies stopped indulgence. granted. The community as a whole was therefore unaware that' once said to him: "O, how unbecom\A Weapon for Good paragement. I remember my father abstaining ing that ugly vessel with glorious the relief burden had trebled since 1931, for not a word.of proa little nicknack, because one wisdom!" Whereupon he said to her, „ „ volunteer.. The spectacular career of J. David Stern, who has just be- The theatre merely dramatizes from test had come from the workers, mostly what the rabbi preaches. The rabbi had to eat bread with it, and then, "My princess, in what does the king, In the Federation work can be found the true pathos and come the owner of the New York Evening Post, New York's old- warns against iniquity. The theatre that would mean one would have your father, keep his best wine?" In humanness of life. A daughter has not heard from her father for est daily newspaper, is in itself a story of how tremendous an in- mirroring the play of the human to go through the ritual of wash- earthen vessels, was her answer and passions indirectly carries the same ing of the hands. he rejoined: "The common people a year, nor from her brother who was taking care of him. Her ;fluence a newspaper can be for civic and political good, lesson. keep it i& earthen vessels, but your This progressive Jewish publisher rose from obscurity to PALESTINE WINDOW. efforts to trace them are in vain; she turns to the Federttion and father ought to keep his in silver after a series of communications with other Federations finds the fame in the realm of journalism. After "knocking about" with CHANGING OCCUPATIONS CLEANING and golden vessels." She then told A number of German Jewish in" general, it seems to me, her father, and he ordered that his father and brother in another city, in want. The daughter gladly several papers, Stem bought his first newspaper in 1911, The it But would do many of us good if we young men coming to Palestine, should be kept in vessels of silcontributes toward their rehabilitation. Or, a family of six has New Brunswick (N. J.) Times and immediately launched into a sampled more easily various call- lacking work, organized a window wine ver and gold. Consequently, it becleaning brigade, and now Palestine came sour. "When the king was inalways taken care of itself but now cannot quite earn enough. colorful fight against corruption, in which he was successful. ings. windows are being given the clean- formed of this he asked his daughThe Federation lends expert aid in meeting the budget. Or, a From there, he won his battle in smashing the Baird machine in I have read somewhere that Saint ing of their lives, the great Utopian socialist ter: ""Who told you to do so?" "Rabyoung man apparently normal is suffering from an acute depress- New Jersey, and cleaned up the state's politics. Next, he went to Simon, A young woman who visited Ger- bi Joshua," she answered. Thereupon philosopher, to equip himself for Philadelphia, where he defeated the hitherto invincible political ing complex. The Federation, experienced in such cases, gradually iife, took a whack at several dozer, many some years ago told me that the king sent for Rabbi Joshua. brings him back to normalcy during a period of a few months. machine of Vare. In every city he published, his papers battled different callings. I don't know how she could not stand the German "Why has thou advised her so?" he experiment worked out, but itimmaculateness—that they seemed was asked, and he rejoined: "This Victims of unemployment and the depression as well as chronic successfully for slum clearance, new parks, hospitals and roads the more concerned about their dally was only an answer to the question must have had its points. dependents appreciate the services of the Federation, services and defended the people's rights against encroaching financial insoap than their daily bread. of the princess." "Bat are there not which in our daily whirl we are prone to forget. Straightening terests. Now, he has taken over the Post and is converting it into KATZMAN—WAITER Well, I can sympathize with that i men who are handsome and at the AND SCIENTIST point of view. Real freedom seems same time very scholarly?" asked out domestic trouble, ironing out budgetary difficulties, alleviat- a staunch pillar of support for the New Deal. Boris Katzmann, the great Zion- to go with a little dirt, as may be the king. "Believe me," replied the ing the pressure of house payments and a myriad of other inciAs treasurer of the American League for the Defense of ist leader, who has just died in attested by any Greenwich Village Rabbi, "had they been ugly, they dental services, many requiring considerable research and effort, Jewish Rights, the organization prosecuting the boycott against Palestine was something of a man rendezvous of sanscullotism. Yet would have been stiE greater scholmany professions. He was anthere is something also to be said ars." are handled by the efficient Federation. Nazi-made goods, Stem has given his same aggressive spirit that of agriculturalist, a chemist, and hisfor soap, too. Another important load shouldered by the Federation is the has made him outstanding in the newspaper field. His character plan for mass migration into PalesPatronize our advertisers. tine revealed him as an economist WHEN YOU DRINK, transient problem. When one hundred and ninety-eight transients is an asset to any community and to any people. also. SAY "UTAH" apply for help to the Jewish Federation in one month, a serious But most picturesque of all of Speaking about the liquor quesproblem is presented. Yet, the Federation has successfully solved Katzmann's callings was that of tion, as we were a few paragraphs Cheer From the South NATIONAL this question, as it has solved hospitalizatiori for the needy, chil-raiter. This however was forced up- back, Walter Winchell is much disGood news comes from South America. From Argentine we on him by necessity. In order to turbed over the fact that there is ACCESSORIES, Inc. dren's cases, case work service to the Old People's Home, and restudy chemistry, he came to the not good toasting phrase in Enghear that thousands of acres of land are available and that Jewlief of all types. Their work of mercy is a credit to Jewish social EVERYTHING States, and even though then lish, compared to tae European ish emigrants will be able to come to till that land. From Brazil aUnited service. For the Anto man of some fame, got a job asmanner. we are told that a new set of general immigration regulations waiter in a Philadelphia restaurant. He suggests that Americans adopt 2031 Farnam AT. 5524 will soon be released and will allow many Jewish emigrants to JACK OF ALL TRADES the -word "Utah", that state having TheGerman Merry-Go-Round been the last and so the determinenter. There is of course a sort of gen- ing state in the repeal of the ISth The merry-go-round continues in. Nazi Germany during the In South America, as elsewhere, the Jewilh membei's of the eral feeling that a man of many past week. Minister of Economics Schmitt, who has for some various communities have proven themselves to be a positive ele- callings can't be much good in any. amendment. Of course, the Jews still have time been trying to soften the dire effects of the internal boycott ment in the growth of the country. If given free Entrance, a par- There is a special term—'Jack of '"lechayyirn", and I am wondering trades"—which carries with it if somehow it could not be incoragainst the Jewish business men—not for love of his Jewish tial solution to the refugee problem will be had, and at the same jail i net a little of stigma. I, person- porated as some of the other Yidneighbors but for purely economic reasons—once again repeated time these countries would be enriched by an influx of needed "ally, have my doubts, whether the dishisms into our American vernacuWashing—Greasing that the Jewish businesses should in no way be boycotted. And initiative, capable of adding greatly to the progress of South slur is deserved. Not every jack of lar. TRETAEE NOW FOR all trades is of course a master of once again the department of economics and the department of America. Somehow between "Utah," asd any one, but I do not think versatil- "here's mud in your eye," I'm afraid WIXTEK PRIT15G propaganda "got their wires crossed." For, all German newsity will injure his chances of mas- the latter will stick. papers simultaneously launched a "Don't Buy From Jews" editortery of any particular one. Consider the case of Leonardo da Vinci. What NEW YORK—Professor Albert j ial campaign, and the government-controlled radio system refused ^.^ _T ., .did that man not know? What fields Einstein has accepted the position; to accept any advertisements of Jewish firms. Ot J\O A.VOII • -. .* 'did his mind not penetrate? J l . 6S60 2S-2S Boise Oflate honorary chairman of the advis- j Meanwhile, the status of the German Jewry continues undeP ^ c a l writers have noted a decided swing by the j In our American history, we have |, as ory board of the School of the Jew- j n the instance of Thomas Jeffer- i ish "Woman. fined. Twelve different drafts of the law supposed to decide Jew- ! Dollfuss government in Austria toward anti-Semitism, as pointed Jjson a man who excelled in a variety



' V

The Week in Review



of German nationalist Jews who continue to constantly "Heir Herr Hitler. Far more laudatory is the action of the Reie^s^n'tretung der Deutschen Juden, the all-German representative Jewish body, which has definitely refused to submit a draft despite a direct invitation. They courageously declared they could not be a party to any arrangement depriving the Jews of the status of full citizenship and complete equality with the other citizens of the country. Until this proposed law is promulgated, therefore, technically the Jewish people in Germany still retain full citizenship, something known to be farcical. Dr. Hjalmar Schacht again comes to the fore on the German merry-go-round. One day he states that the boycott of-Nazi-made goods is a tremendous failure and has in no wise affected German trade or commerce. That day it suits the Nazi purpose to create this impression. Today he solemnly asserts that the boycott of Nazi-made goods is responsible for the German nation to again default on its external obligations. Today, this suits the Nazis better, to effect a diversion of foreign credit balances to buy up Reich obligations on a depressed market. All; of this must necessarily be confusing to the disinterested spectator. As one sums up the events occuring weekly in Germany, the conclusion is inescapable that Germany is the "humptydumpty" of the present-day world.

An Offense Against Security

day is exemplified by the ceasing of agitation recently. The cam- ONE THING HELPS paign against the Jews in Austria had no sooner gotten under way ANOTHER than it suddenly stopped. Why? Because the Government needed I don't think the explanation for money, and a loan had to be effected. The anti-Semitic agitation ' all of this is altogether, that these men are or were exceptionally great would damage the chances of raising the money, the politicians | minds, although there may be somefigured, and on the very day the loan was concluded the anti-Sem- j thing to that. I should imagine, that itic campaign was started again, this time with the open support j if a more ordinary has acquired of the government parties. Ministers are now touring Austria some success—some mastery in one is much simpler for him to addressing mass meetings and advocating the complete domination field—it delve into another field. For it is of the German Christians in politics, society, culture and business. not only that in mastering one vo^ High state officials, including even a judge of the Supreme Court, cation, he acquires the pertinacity is essential to mastery, but go about the country demanding that the government parties i —which also because there is a certain should be purged of all Jewish influences and should reject all t amount of relationship between all ' fields. Jewish help or participation in the New Christian;Austria. ; The great discoveries, says WhiteHundreds of threatening letters were received by the Amer- head, have been made largely by j ican Minister to Austria after he had told the Austrians that they men who knew a little about many j would lose American sympathy if they encouraged anti-Semitism. things. The various powers who by a firm stand could sway Dollfuss from One of the troubles about knowtoo much in one particular field racial hatred by backing up the American Minister's warning are ing is that in such an intensive study, evidently afraid to -"involve" themselves. So, under the circum- we are apt to absorb all of the acstances, the Jewish people need not delude themselves—they may cumulated errors, as well as the acknowledge of that field expect an Austrian- alliance with Germany and a similarity in cumulated And so it happens, that a fresh racial program. mind coming from other fields, is

It is heartening to read that the Rabbinical Assembly of America has adopted a resolution condemning the illegal Jynchings which have taken place in the states of California, Maryland and Missouri in recent weeks. The synagogue and the church should be champions of social justice and it i s part of social justice that mob rule should not supplant the duly authorized law-enforcement agencies. Particularly when men of high stand- Changed Sentiment ing not only condone but praise such actions is it necessary that The common danger felt by Polish citizens against encroachthe church and synagogue make its influence felt, in the right ment by the Nazis of Germany seems to have lifted the cloud of direction. racial antagonism which threatened Poland. In a country where Illegal action by a crowd is an offense against the security discrimination was growing 'more frequent, a reversal of feeling and lawfulness of the commonwealth. This principle is correct, has been brought about; While the economic lot of the Polish whether we are in the United States or in Palestine. Jews is still pitiable, it is at least more endurable with the racial In this connection, the Jewish youths who rioted in Tel Aviv persecution element considerably dimmed. last week and opposed the police with violence were in error. I In last week's election the pro-government party scored deGranted that the British immigration policy a t present is extra- cisive victories in the municipalelections, overwhelming the antiordinary and disgraceful. Granted that their ruthless searching Pilsudsld, anti-Semitic factions. One hundred and thirty-one Jews out of tourists who have overstayed t^^ as an Granted that the British administration is to blame for nreatmir indicator of present sentiment



of callings. He was the best politijcian of his day and also the best I architect. He was something of a earlier than did the Nazis, and now we want to renew it and re- j mathematician and a musician and was a good cook and a judge of invigorate it, and for this purpose we shall willingly accept the J, he good wines and a gentleman, and I help of the Austrian Nazis. Come, let us do it together." 'am baing strictly accurate, not just From the government press and official attitude it can be funny. Or take Einstein, as another safely said that the Dollfuss regime has veered definitely away example. He is a mathematician, philosopher and I underfrom its old stand of welcoming Jewish help against the Nazis. i musician, stand has invented a number of That this attitude is dictated by the political expediency of the things.

apt to perceive the new truth much quicker than he who is hamstrung by all of the inherited errors,

JOB OPEN At a time when there is so much unemployment, it will be refreshing news to many that there are still some good jobs- open. For one thing, I understand that the American Jewish Congress is looking for an Executive Secretary and are ready to pay $9,000.00 per annum. The requirements are: that the person be tall, of impressive appearance, smart, a -good speaker, able to go out and gather million dollars to beat Hitler, and able after the million is "collected to use it so that Hitler is rightly made blotto.

Only One More

DAY Left to Buy

HIS GIFT ••••••• a n d H e r e I s

the Place to Get


J. C. C. Calendar Week from Dec. 24 to Dec. 31 Sunday, December 24—3 p . m., Psi Mu Dance; 3 p . m., Omaha Hebrew Club; 8 p. nu, Jewish Show; 3 p. m., Young Judaea. Wednesday, December 27 — 8 p. m., Conservative Synagogue Auxiliary, Book Review, "Little Man What Now" by Rabbi D. A. Goldstein. Sunday, December 31—3 p . m., Psi Mu Dance; 3 p. m., Omaha Hebrew Club; 8 p. m., Jewish Show. 1ANUARY • Sunday, January 7—3 p. m., Psi Mu Dance; 3 p. m., Omaha Hebrew Club. Monday, January 8—8 p. m., Norman Thomas, presented by the Omaha Communtiy Forum. Saturday, January 13—8 p . m., Central High School Swimming Carnival. Sunday, January 14—6 p . m., Poineer Women Dinner. Monday, January 15—8 p . m., Conservative Synagogue Auxiliary Book Review, "Return of the Native" by Rabbi D. A. Goldstein. Wednesday, January 17—Senior Hadassah Card Party, 8 p. m.; 6 p. m., Men's Club of Conservative Synagogue. Sunday, January 21—8 p . m., B'nai Brith Affair, Guest Speaker. .. ' • Tuesday, January 23—8 p . m., Junior Vaad Bridge. Friday, Saturday and Sunday, January 26, 27 and 28—Sachar Institute, sponsored by S t u d y Group of Conservative Synagogue. Tuesday, January 30—8 p. m., Annual Meeting of Federation. Wednesday, January 31—8 p.m., Book Review, "Hear Ye Sons," by Rabbi D. A. Goldstein. Please call the J. C. C. before arranging dates, so as to avoid conflicts.

RETURN TO LYNN Mrs. D. H. Fertil and son, Richard Harvey of Lynn, Mass., have returned home after a two-month visit At a beautifully appointed lunchwith Mrs. Fertil's parents, Mr. and eon, seventy new members were honored by the Ladies' Vaad Auxiliary Mrs. S. Flax. Monday, December 18, at the B'nai Israel synagogue. JOINS WIFE HERE Dr. Henry Rosner of Brooklyn, N. The tables, with Mrs. T. Tully in Y., arrived Wednesday to join Mrs. charge, were lovely with their canRosner, who has been a guest of dles and Menorahs, signifying the her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Chanukah spirit Over 200 women Steinberg. Dr. and Mrs. Rosner will attended. leave for New York on Tuesday, DeAddresses of welcome were given cember 26. by Rabbi Uri Miller, *Mrs. L. Neveleff, president, and Mrs. Leon Mendelson, chairman of the membership TO NEW YORK Frank Lapp, medical senior at committee. Creighton University, left Wednesday Reports of the various committee for New York, where lie will repre- chairmen were made during the bussent the Creighton chapter of Pi iness meeting. The date for the visit Lambda Phi, national social frater- to the Nebraska Power & Light building was announced as January nity, at the national convention. 9. All members are urged to be GUESTS FROM NORTH PLATTE present. Mrs. Annie Pizer and son, Mr. The bake sale will take place durHarry Pizer of North Platte, Neb., ing February. The winner of the elecwere the guests of the Simon Pizers tric waffle iron was Mrs. S. M. Clayfor the week-end. Mr. Pizer re- man. turned to North Platte, and Mrs. The Chanukah program included Pizer will remain here over the holi- the following: prayer for the lightday season. ing of the Chanukah candles, sung by Joe Kirshenbaum; piano selections, Mrs. R. M. Shlaes; Sholom HOME FOR HOLIDAYS Herman Goldstein, who attends the Aleichem s t o r y , L Morgenstern; Wharton School at the University of reading, " E i g h t . Little Candles," Pennsylvania, returns today to spend Elaine Lagman. the holidays with his parents, Mr. Two plays were also presented, and Mrs. Abe Goldstein. under the direction of Haskell Cohen and Blanche Binstein. The casts: HERE FOR VACATION The Youngest Son"—Anne Pollay, Bob Singer, a student at the Uni- Lawrence Gavenman, Phil Tepliskzy; jversity of Missouri, is spending the "The Unlighted Menorah"—Eleanor j holiday vacation with his parents, Cohen, Haskell Cohen, Irving Beitel, and Sonny Richards. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Singer. Mrs. A. Schwaczkin, general chairTO GIVE RECITAL man of the luncheon, was assisted Abraham Dansky, pianist, will be by the following co-chairmen: Mrs. presented in a recital in the lecture T. Tully, Mrs. Howard Milder, and room of the Joslyn Memorial on Sun- Mrs. Louis Epstein. !day afternoon, December 24, at 4:30 p. m. The second annual ball of the LaHis program includes: dies Auxiliary of the Vaad, held at Waldstein Sonata Op. 53, Beethov- the Paxton Sunday evening, was a en, Allegro con brio, Adagio molto, tremendous success. The chairmen Rondo; ChQpin, Schumann; Lento, for the affair were Mrs. Sol Lagman, Cyril Scott; Toccata in C, Czerny; tickets; Mrs. N. H. Greenberg, and Engulfed Cathedral, Debussy; NocWilliam Milder, progn-m; and turne in G minor, Chasins; Polonaise Mrs. A. B. Milder, general arrangeOp. 53, Chopin; Rhapsody No. 6, Liszt Mrs. ments.

Yaad Auxiliary;

Conservative Auxiliary Two hundred children were entertained by the Conservative Synagogue Auxiliary last Sunday at a Chanukah party at the J. C. C, in connection with the observance of the holiday by the Sunday School. Mrs. B e r n i c e Natelson, Sunday School chairman, planned the affair. Chanukah dances were given by Marjorie Siiverman and Ruth Kulakofsky. A Chanukah story was told by Morton Adler. A Chanukah play was presented with the following cast: Elaine Frank, Julius Cohn, Esther Fox, Sally Gross, Teddy Gershun, Joy Greenberg. The Chanukah candles -were represented by Stanley Malashock, Shirley Brodkey, Ruth Kulakof sky, Thama Lee Krasne, Harold Margolin, Phyllis Fried, Dorothy Blacker and Marcelle Civin. Gifts were exchanged, and the Auxiliary presented each child with a box of candy. The Sunday School teachers also received gifts. That morning a collection was taken for the Hadassah Penny Lunch fund. More than $21 was realized.

Margolin, Harry T r u s t i n , JuliuB Stein, O. Fox, H. Rosenbloom, and M. Barish. An informal tea and reception will be held in the assembly room at the conclusion of the services. Mrs. Irvin C. Levin, student committee chairman, is in charge.

Member of Italian Senate ROME—Isiah Levy, Jewish industrialist of Turin, has been appointed a Senator by the Italian government, it was announced here. Signor Levy is one of fifteen to be appointed by Premier Mussolini's government.

MISS MADELEINE COHN SO-HOST PARTY TTEDS BEX D. SILYER Mr. and Mrs. H. Sol Novitsky are Miss Madeleine Cohn, daughter of a no-host party for the Jun.Eahbi and Mrs. Frederick Cohn, be- arranging ior Society of the Conservative Syncame the bride of Mr. Ben D. Sil- agogue dance is being held at ver of Omaha, son of Mr. and Mrs. the Fontenellewhich, Hotel Sunday night, Meyer Silver - of Sioux City, la., at December 24. This group includes: an impressive ceremony Sunday aft- Messrs. and Mesdames David R. Cohernoon at Temple Israel. Rabbi en, Sam Zlotky, Jack Bramson, Dave for Cohn read the marriage lines. The Lang, K. Stein of Sioux City, la., and bride "was given in marriage by her Mrs. Ben Polsky of Lincoln, Neb. brother, Mr. Ralph Frederick Cohn o' Dixon, 111. ESTERTAESS AT DINNER Vernon Bennett presented a half- Prior to the dance of the Junior hour organ program and Miss Rina Society of the Conservative Synagogue Snyder sang, "O, Promise Me," pre- at the Fontenelle Hotel Sunday night ceding the •wedding hour. December 24, Mr. and Mrs. George The bride wore her mother's wed- Strauss are entertaining at dinner in ... fling gown of the mode of 35 years honor of Miss Mae Pearlman of New ago. The skirt "was made with a York City, Dr. and Mrs. Henry Rosner All the Jewish students in the city full flowing train and the bodice had of Brooklyn, and Mrs. Arthur Friedare invited to attend the annual long shirred tulle sleeves and deep [ man of Chicago. Students' Sabbath of the Conservative Synagogue this evening at the yoke, trimmed with duchess lace. She J. C. C. While the invitation is exwore a long tulle veil, with a cap of tended to all students, out-of-town duchess lace, vrhich was worn by her MARRIAGE SUNDAY students attending Omaha schools sister, Mrs. Ben L. Herzberg of Chi- Miss Goldie Schonbrunn, daughter are to be particularly honored. cago, at her wedding. Her bridal of Mrs. Rose Schonbrunn, and Mr. bouquet was an old-fashioned one of Ben Elkin, con of Mr. and Mrs. J. They will be guests at the homes of several members for dinner prior •white roses and white carnations ana Elkin, will be wed Sunday, December to the services. Included among the she carried a handkerchief carried 24. Rabbi David A. Goldstein will &T.Z&15 hostesses for dinner are the MesZEES by her grandmother at her wedding, officiate at the ceremony, which will dames Al Frank, J. H. Kulakofsky, during the civil war days. be attended by the members of the J. Block, David A. Goldstein, Gail Mrs. Herzberg, who served as ma- immediate family only. tron of honor for her sister, wore a A dinner and reception will follow deep blue' crepe gown, trimmed with at the home of the bride's grandKolinsky fur, and -matching acces- mother, Mrs. D. Cohn, 2032 No. 18th sories. She carried a shower bouquet street. No invitations have been exof white flowers, as did the brides- tended for the reception, but friends are expected. maids. GUEST ARTIST FOR The bridesmaids wore gowns of SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA satin, the bodices of which were ANNOUNCE BIRTHS white corded with gold and the skirts Mr. and Mrs. Jay J. Marx of Lin- David Lazarus was guest soloist of various colors. These attendants coln, Neb., announce the birth of a for the Dayton, Ohio, Symphony or•were Miss Rita Mantel, Miss Eliza- daughter, Audrey Fae, born Decem- chestra on December 20 and 21. In beth Hart, Miss Adele Wilinsky, Miss ber 4. Mrs. Marx was Miss Lottie the press notices, Xazarus, who is a Ruth Kendis, and Miss Elaine Ber- Helierstein of Denver, Colo., beforv. student at the Cincinnati Conserva- MATINEE DANCE tory of Music, is described as "an Ernie Priesman's orchestra will her marriage. kowitz. artist of unusual merit with a play at the regular matinee dance at Mr. Theodore Silver, brother of the the J. C. C. Sunday, December 24, at voice, powerful, vibrant and dynamMr. and Mrs. Harry Saltzman anbridegroom, served as best man, and 3:30 p. m., under the sponsorship of ic, and yet melodious, with dramatic The musical shew of the Pioneer the ushers were Albert Newman, nounce the Lirth of a son December ability rare in men of such youth, the Psi Mu. 11, at the Clarkson hospital. Women, featuring "The Shotchen's Henry Newman, Jule Newman, Arof a dash and verve that have won Daughter," was held at the Labor • thur Eomm and Theodore Newman. •' . '•:.:-... ••':• T H E • ..- • m over every audience that has heard Lyceum Tuesday and was very sucAfter the wedding a reception was Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Posley an- him." cessful both socially and financially. held at the Blackstone followed by a nounce the birth of a son on Thurs- Lazarus will appear in his first naThe cast included Mr. and Mrs. J. bridal dinner for the immediate fam- day, December 14, at the Nicholas tional radio broadcast, over the NBC A social meeting will be held by Raznick, Messrs. Paul Nerenberg- and the Ladies' Labor Lyceum Club on ilies. Senn hospital. network, on Friday night, January Tuesday afternoon, December 26, at Sam Minkin, and Mesdames J. FeldAfter a honeymoon trip to Florida 5, with the Armco band, 9 p. m., 2:30 p. m. at the Labor Lyceum, man, B. Gendelman, and Dora Rich- j§ of the j | and Cuba, the couple will make then- GUESTS FOR HOLIDAYS Omaha time. I. 22nd and Clark streets. home in Omaha. Miss Blun;a- Neveleff, who is home All members are Tirged to attend, Mrs. S. Okun 'was ticket chairman. Put-of-town .guests included the' for the holiday vacation from, Iowa ENTERTAINS AT BRIDGEiTEA and an enjoyable afternoon is prom- In charge of refreshments were Mrs. groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Meyer University, Iowa City, has as her Mrs. David C. Fogel entertained S. Nitz and her co-chairman, Mrs. ised. . Silver of Sioux City; Mrs. Ralph P. guests Miss Beatrice Rappaport of Sunday at a bridge-tea honoring Miss Harry Richlin. -~~ Cohn of Dixon, HI.; Dr. B. L. Herz- Passaic, N. J.; Miss Nettie Oppen- Annette Fogel, who is leaving for Plans are progressing for the dinberg of Chicago; Miss Florence ham, Miss Dorothy Oppenham, and Seattle, Wash., to spend the winter ner to be given in honor of Goldie Trenk of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Will Miss Tiby Eassman, of Des Moines, visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Myerson, internationally-known PioGilinsky of Sioux City; Mr. and la.; and Miss Betty Rapoport of Ce- Mr?. R. Gross, formerly of Lincoln A regular meeting of the Golden neer Women leader, on January 14 Mrs. Harry Raskin of Yankton, S. dar Rapids, la. All of the girls at- and Omaha. Fontenelle Hotel §1.25 Per Couple §§ Hill Society will be held Tuesday at the J. C. C. Many out-of-town J Brt Mr. Morris Pill and Miss Alice tend Iowa University. afternoon, December 26, at 2:30 p. m. reservations are being received. AnyPill; Mrs. Leon Marx of Sioux City; at the home of Mrs. M. Segal, 145 one wishing to make reservations IN NEW YORK -. Mr. Walter Head of St. L»ais, Mo.; No. 33rd Street. may caTt the Communitv Center. Mrs. Jake Schlank of Des Moines, Mr. William Ehrlich of St. Joseph, TWO WEEKS WITH PARENTS The following officers will be informerly of Omaha, is visiting in Dr. Arthur M. Greene, an interne „ ' Mo.; Mrs. L. Gladwin of Detroit. at the Michael Reese hospital in New York City with Mrs. Harry stalled at this meeting: Mrs. I PearlChicago, is spending a two-week va- Edell. Mrs. Edell was formerly Miss man, president; Mrs. Sam Epstein, Store Hours Until Xmas 9 A. M. to 9 P. 3L cation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mma Kneeter of Omaha and is a vice-president; Mrs. Dave Epstein, secretary; Mrs. J. Greenberg, treasHarry Greene. He recently complet- daughter of Mrs. Mamie fijieeter. urer. ed a six-month service in the tumor Members are urged to attend The Beta Tau Kappa, social frat- and cancer clinic under Dr. Cutler at BIRTHDAY PARTY Tuesday, as important business matfernity at Omaha University, is mak- that hospital. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Baker enter- ters will be discussed. ing plans for the annual winter fortained Saturday on the occasion of inal. The committee in charge conthe birthday of their daughter, L1Isists of Harold Kort, Art Weiner, TO MAKE PLANS AT TEA OMAHA'S STYLE CENTER . . . ItTH AND HARNEY Myron Tarn off and Joe Greenstone. A tea at the home of Mrs. John j Man. The afternoon was spent in Faier on Tuesday, December 26, will playing games, with prizes being won The group will sponsor a lecture fe the near future, with Rabbi Da- bring together members of Mrs. Sol (by Rita Marks, Harriett Selinsky, vid A. Goldstein as the speaker. Hy Novitsky's gToup of the Conserva- and Marian Charney. A gathering .Firiklestein is the chairman of the tive Synagogue Auxiliary to make for the parents was held in the evefinal plans for the Valentine Day ning, with prizes at bridge being committee in cnarge. dance to be given February 11 at the won by Mrs. J. Selinsky, J. Kaplan, HA complete Jewelry service. Lowest Fontenelle. It is being repeated by and EL BlumenthaL s . In price and highest in quality. popular request as one of last year's | Mr. Marcus personally su- outstanding social functions. VISITOR HERE I pervises the dry cleaning Mrs. Faiej is ticket chairman, and Miss Dorothy Light of Chicago arc I and pressing of all gar- Mrs. Jack Bramson and Mrs. Sam rived Sunday for a two-week visit I Successors to Albert E<1 holm Green are co-chairmen. ments sent to his plant. with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and 5 ?nd Floor Citj- Nat'I Bank Bide. Mrs B. A. Simon. ON EXTENDED TRIP The Misses Sarah and Mildred Berg, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Berg, are leaving today on an extended eastern trip. They will H. MARCUS, Prop. c visit in Massachusetts, New York, JA. 1440 and New Jersey, and en route home 1941 Vinton they will stop off at Chicago. *€mm<\ IIIIIIIIII i:tt

Student Sabbath






m • •• • Attend j I


brilliant social event of the Season

Pioneer Women

Ladies Labor Lyceum


Golden Hill

Junior Society of the Conservative Synagogue SUNDAY EVENING, DEC. 24

Beta Tau Kappa


I McDonald & Co.



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Think of it! Three pairs of fine quality, full-fashioned silk hosiery, daintily 'wrapped in a beautiful Xmas box, at a price that is thrilling for such quality. Give an appreciated gift—a box of Carman's quality hosiery. Order it over the phone by consulting colors listed at the side. All sizes. Carm&ns—Main Floor

jj §| jj

AUTOGRAPH COLLECTIONS—Besides exchanging greetings, Mary Pickford, noted screen star, and Henry Ford, Detroit automobile magnate, exchanged autographs when they met in New York. This photo shows the celebrities chatting after they had obtained each other's signatures at an automobile show sponsored by Ford.

AIDING NEW YORK'S POOR—Mrs. Fiorello H. La Guardia, wife of New York's mayor-elect, is pictured, center, presenting the first of "5,000 free food baskets to an aged Brooklyn couple at a relief station sponsored by a group of New York merchants.

TRAINS OBSERVE REPEAL—For the first time since prohibition went into effect liquor is being served on trains again. This is a scene in the dining car of the famous Twentieth Century just before ••.•••"'•-..•• it pulled out of New York for Chicago.

AWAITING HIGH TIDE—Pity the plight of these luckless mariners! With water all around them, they are compelled to await the vagaries: SAID JIM TO JIMMY—Political wiseacres would like to know just of fate—in short, a-high tide, before they can move on. Imagine • what Postmaster General James A. Farley, right, and former Mayor > their surprise—and-embarrassment, • when,-after dropping anchor at : -Jimmy Walker of New York, said when they met in Paris. They; BUSINESS BOOMS IN PEKIN—Thanks to repeal local distilleries have reopened at Pekin, I1L, «aif J1 high tide .one night, they awoke the next morning to find their craft " J women who "1" were "idle ' 'long ago are now Jdrawing regular ' " ~This 00 men and not pay envelopes. are pictured walking along Place Vendome in the French capital, \ some 2,000 perched on a rock 20 feet above the briny. The incident occurred is a view of the shipping and storage yard of one of the distillpries which has a capacity of 70,000 gal* : shortly before newspapermen pounced upon them, learning nothing ' in Amoy, China, in the Fukien province. Ions of whiskey daily. of the significance of the meeting. • /




SHELLS FOR UXCLE SAM'S CRUISERS—A section of the cartridge case shop in the navy yard gun factory at WashW o n , D C. where thousands of shells are being turned out to meet demands resulting from Uncle Sam'a three-year '•* building program.

PALATIAL RESIDENCE GUTTED BY FIRE—This view from the air shows how completely flames gutted out the paI tfod mansion of the American millionaire,, L. J. McCormisk, at Whitchorch, England. The flames flames took the lives of Tremoille and McConnick. lanai nuiu T i l l of f France, F d Captain Cptain J. J H. H Rodney^jgaests Rodneyjgaets of of MC

r ,



Men's Club

Daughters of Zion

Religions Services

Mrs. I. Beber, chairman of the The Men's Ciub of the Conservacommittee in charge of tree donative Synagogue -will hold its next BERLIN, (JTA)—The Eeich Intions of the Daughters of Zion, andinner meeting on Wednesday eveurance Department issued an imnounces donations for trees in Palning, January 17, at the J. C. C. portant ruling stating that all Jewestine from the follovrfng: Mr. and Temple The January meeting1 will inaugish employees dismissed from state Mrs. M. Kirschenbaum, in honor of urate a new and novel method of service or from the krankenkassen, mssa their son's Bar llitzvah; Mr. anil Rabbi Frederick Cohn •will speak arranging programs. Abner Kaiman Dr. Cyrus Adler Is Re-elected state-supported sick benefit funds, are entitled to pensions, even if Jewish War Veterans Demand ist Organization, and now head of Mrs. U. Kaplan, in honor of their on "Peace and Good Will" at th?. has peen appointed chairman of the Head of American-Jewish the Zionist Commission for the set- son's Bar Mitzvah; Mr. and Mrs. I. services at Temple Israel this eve- entertainment committee. they were dismissed under the Luther Ousted Committee NEW YORK—A resolution asking tlement of German Jews in Pales- Goldstein, in honor of their son's ning. Aryan clause. Meredith Kenyon has been apthat Ambassador Hans Luther be tine, will arrive in New York some wedding; Mr. and Mrs. Z. Katelman, Saturday morning Dr. Cohn's ser- pointed chairman of the ways and NEW YORK, (JTA)—The persein honor of the birth of a grand- mon topic will be "Not You But \ means committee, assisted by Simon returned . "to bis blood-thirsty lead- time in January. cution of the Jews7 in Germany by Dr. Weizmann will spend six child. Hadassah rod." er, Hitler" and condemning Ms althe Nazis and the efforts made by Pizer, Sam Theodore, Dave Cohn, The following assisted Mrs. Beber weeks in the United States in furKaddish will be recited this Sab- Bob Glazer, David Lewis, Hyman leged "misuse of his amhassodarial the American Jewish Committee to thering the work of his commission. in box collections: Mesdames S. Fell- bath for Moritz Sachs and Lena G. Gresnberg, Paul Bernstein, and Wilaid in the restoration of the ; human The crying need for food for the status in this country to spread A speaking tour of the country is man, L. Rosenblatt, L. Friedman, P. Wolowitz. Nazi hatred," is being circulated and civil rights of the German Jews Jewish school children of Palestine, S. Platt, A. Greenberg, There will be no meeting of the liam Alberts. •were the main subjects of considera- their numbers increased in recent among; various units of the Jewish being arranged for Dr. Weizmann. Krizelman, and K. Wine. Jewish history class at the Temple The organization's membership is tion at the twenty-seventh annual months by the anti-Semitic disturb- War Veterans of the United States at present over ninety. Propagandists Invade The organization has received a from national headquarters. this coming Tuesday evening. ances in Europe, will be : explained meeting of the; Committee. Cuba certificate for one hundred trees Dr. Cyrus Adler, president of the nest Wednesday, afternoon at 2:30 '^Havana, Cuba.—The propaganda frcm the Jewish National. Fund. The Committee, who was re-elected, who p. m. at the opening meeting of the Hebrew University Expansion Conservative emissaries of the Third Reich have committee making the collections for NEW YORK—Sir Philip Hartog, FOR SALE Omaha chapter of Hadassah, to be presented the report on the year's At services of the Conservative invaded Cuba and will shortly comthis consisted of Mrs. L. Rosenblatt 5 Rooms of Furniture, complete. activities of the Committee, pointed held at the J. C. C. with Rabbi Un former vice-chancellor - of the Uni- mence the work of evangelizing the and Mrs. N. Levinson. Synagogue tonight college students Kosher dishes; leaving town. out that "while the situation of the Miller as the speaker of the after- versity of Dacca, India, has arrived precepts of the Nazi government. Anyone "wishing to commemorate both from out-of-town and from Omin Palestine vrhere as chairman of non-Jewish opponents of the regime noon. SAM RGIUXS0X a name or a happy occasion is re- aha will be guests. Rabbi David A. the newly-appointed Survey Com122 5o. 30th St. JA. 3231 in Germany is possible of improve- The Omaha Hadassah group has Only 2,000 Refugees in Goldstein hat; chosen for his sermon minded by the club that an approment upon their, being reconciled to undertaken its share in thu cam- mittee of the Hebrew University he Belgium ^ priate way would be to plant a tree a theme of particular interest to Nazi principles and measures,; the paign sponsored by the Jewish Na- will study the resources of the Uni- . Brussels, Belgium. — The actual in Palestine. All monies collected are students. He will speak on "What versity and make preliminary plans : lot of the Jews "will remain precari- tional Fund-for the raising of money number of German Tefugees in Bel- sent directly to the Jewish National May We Learn From the Tragic Exous as long as the . existing racial itli which to buy food for those un- for an ^ expansion program. , gium is less than 2,000 and not 20,- Fund. perience of German-Jewish Intellecprinciple prevails. The existing ra- dernourished children. It is the de- For the Blind 000 as reported, according to an antuals." He will refer especially to cial principle expressed in the Aryan sire; of the local organization, headed made by the " governJakob Wassermann's recently-pubNEW YORK-^A -miscellany of ar- nouncement clauses makes it impossible in ef- by;Mrs. M. P. Levenson, the chapter ment. " Never has the number exlished autobiography, "My Life As ticles, ranging f r om historical fect for the Jews' of Germany to president, to be the. first to raise its ceeded 2,800. German and Jew." He is one of sketches of the criminal law of the The C-2 Club's Chanukah dance live as citizens of the country and allotted quota. . the greatest modern novelists. Hebrews to reviews of the current and buffet luncheon, which was givto take part freely in the economic, This drive is of such importance, en Saturday evening in the Poia- After the services, the women of official, professional, or educational says Mrs. Levenson, that an effort problems . facing modern. Jews, are included in the .current issue of The peian room of the Blackstone Hotel, the congregation will be hostesses at life of Germany." is being made to have a large at- Jewish Braille Institute of America, was a gala affair and was attended a social hour. "It appears," Dr. Adler declared in tendance at the meeting, with repre- Inc., for the American Jewish blind. To the winner belongs the spoils! by I Paxton Mitchell Co. 22 couples. his report, "that in spite of all ef- sentatives from all the Jewish womFrom over a long list of 50 entrants Jack Frieden, who acted as master Grey Iron, Aluminum and The cost of payment for the magforts, there has been no change for en's organizations. A program of azine, Vaad Paul Grossman emerged victorious of ceremonies, distributed the favors, which -was suspended for four Bronze Castings the better in the status of the Jew- entertainment arranged by Mrs. Dav- months, Is met by the combined ef- in the preseason handball' singles confetti and balloons. A feature of Regular services will be held this Wood and Metal Patterns ish population of Germany. Although id A. Goldstein includes a reading in fort of the Women's Branch of the tournament last Sunday. He defeated the evening was a prize balloon evening at 8 o'clock at the B'nai 2fil4 Martha St. HA. ,',523 through the various 'Aryan' decrees costume by Mrs. Leo Fitch of "The Union of Orthodox Jewish Congre- Manny Goldberg, regular champ last dance •which was won by Dorothy Israel synagogue, conducted by Rabthe German government has deprived Goose Woman" and a playlet in gations, the National Council ^^^ in two out of three games, 21- Corenman and Joe Cohen. Mr. and bi Uri Miller and Cantor A. SchwaczJews, as a group,r of elementary hu- verse bassd on a stanza of "The Jewish Women, the Women's League 20, 7-21, 21-19. Enthusiasm ran high Mrs. I. Levin, Mrs. David Goldstein, kin and the B'nai Israel choir. The man rights, yet the government has Talking Bex" by Evelyn Dansky. of the United Synagogue of Amer- during the tourney and large galler- and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Frieden were subject of Rabbi Miller's sermon will j J Yolz Will Keep You done nothing to define the status of Those taking part are Lee Jane ica and the National Federation of leries followed the play. Grossman guests at the affair. be, "Have We a Right to Our OpinNattily Attired the Jewish citizens. Recently reports Greenberg, Stanley Mayper, Betty Temple Sisterhoods. The periodical shares honors with Jack Ban as beions?" The serviies will be followed Miss Mollye W. Green was chair- by an open forum under the aushave appeared in the press to the Rosenblatt, and Belle Sommer. ing the winner in the pre-season douis distributed without cost to the man of the affair, assisted by the pices of the Junior Vaad organizaeffect that comprehensive regulations The regular monthly meeting of blind. bles. Misses Ruth Shapiro and Ann Git- tions. nick. the board will take place at 1:30 The Junior Synagogue will meet Chile Contributes to p. m. The regular season for the senior 9 o'clock Saturday morning at guests Keren Kayemeth basketball league will get under way Schapiro. Five teams are entered: of Mr. and Mrs. Goodbinder, celeSANTIAGO, Chile—Chilean Jews this Sunday with three games sched- Habonim, Tuxis A. C. Midgets, Mil- brating FASHION TAILOKS the Bar Mitzvah of their Workmen's Circle contributed more than 25,000 pesos uled. An admission charge of 10 der Oils, Talmud Torah, and the son. All members JOHN VOLZ of the Junior Conto the Keren Kayemeth during the cents will be charged. Teams entered Deep Rock Juniors. gregation are asked to be present A special meeting of the Work- past year, according to an announce- are: The Wardrobe, Psi, Mu, AZA JACKSON £706 and to be on time. men's Circle Branch 173 will be held ment made here. No. 1, Deep Rocks, Marks Market, 305 So. 19Ui this evening, December 22, at 8:30 The Zionist leaders, David Dubin- and the Xi Lambda. In the second round of the Health The Religious School of the Vaafi p. m. Nomination and election of of- ovsky and Jacob Gomberoff, were Club volley ball league the Cardinals •will meet Sunday morning at 1,0 play the Yankees today, on o'clock at the B'nai Israel synagogue. ficers will feature the meeting. in charge of the campaign conductA junior swimming meet will be will The Sign of Wednesday ed here for the National Fund. held during holiday vacation under Cardinals. the Athletics versus the Good Workmanship Anti-Semites Routed in on this subject are being considered, the direction of Iz Lieberman, asJA. 1614 Amnesty Not For Jews Polish Elections and that Jewish leaders had been sistant physical director. Al Oruch, Offices Brandeis Theatre Bldg. requested by the government to sub- Berlin.—Jews imprisoned in Nazi Leo Chodak, and Trv Merriam have An unexpected upset occurred last WARSAW — One hundred and OMAHA mit their proposals. This, it is stat- concertation camps throughout the been appointed officials by Lee Tuesday when the Mothers Cookies thirty-one Jewish candidates were e-d, they have declined to do, on the Reich are not "being released under Grossman, head of the physical de- trounced the pre-season champions, victorius in the municipal elections ground that as self-respecting cit- the amnesty proclaimed by Premier partment. Pants Store, by the score of 26 to 10. in Eastern and Western Galicia. The izens of Germany, they cannot sub- Goering of Prussia, acting chief of Rubin and Gendler each rang Tip 10 pro-government party secured an mit to being governed by any laws the secret police, which affects five The Menu Always other A discovery of & second Babe Did- points for the -winners. Close guard- overwhelming majority of the seats, than those- affecting the Ger- thousand political prisoners. rikson was made at the opening bas- ing by the Mother's Cookies held the badly defeating the anti-Semitic anman citizenry as a whole. Through- Barred from Clinic ketball practices of the J. C. C. girls score, 21 to 1, at the half. In the anti-government factions. Provides Good out, the claim of the German gov- Hamburg, Germany.—Jewish med- varsity squad* She. hails from Texas other game the Thorpeians had no In Cracow, thirteen Jewish candiernment has. b^en that the treat- ical students in the University of •where they turn,/tint real women trouble in defeating the A. Z. A. No. dates were elected to the municipal ; ment-of ^asy: ?part - of -tae-popjilation teams. Her Ttsme^^tAn BsustirfieMr 100, 17 to 5. Spiegal was-high-point council andr 40 pro-government party is its own internal affair. the university clinics on:th<s pretext and she towers * over six feet. Lee man with four baskets. i candidates. Unequaled Variety "This claim has misled .many org- that the accommodations are insuf- Grossman is in high hopes of a sucanizations and individuals" all over ficient for the number of students. cessful season and has already openat Moderate Prices the world into acceptance of that Jewish students holding the yellow ed negotiations -for outside- games. dogma, which they have prefaced to tickets, without which no Jewish their protest against the barbaric student is allowed in class rooms, Letters have been sent'.-by Lee Eat at the treatment of the Jews. ..; have been permitted to enter the Grossman to neighboring .cities in an "This attitude certainly does not clinics only when Aryan students are endeavor to schedule meets for the represent the sentiment of civilized, absent. But nonetheless, Jewish J. C. C. wrestling squad. Last Frigovernments and of civilized peoples, students are obliged to pass the full the squad met the _Y. M. C. A. among whom the voice of conscience examinations in practical clinic day team in a practice match with fair cannot be stilled and speaks no mat- work. success. ter where injustice may be done. When a government brings a section Vaad Leumi Requests Any one interested in entering the of the people to a condition of de- Increase 1511 Farnam St. Golden Gloves boxing tournament to spair, and this despair becomes so Jerusalem.—The Vaad Leumi, the great that many must flee from the Jewish National Council for Pales- be held soon in Omaha will please country in which they and their tine, has submitted a memorandum get in touch with Lee Grossman, ancestors have lived for centuries, to the Palestine government request- physical director. The following boys they become an object of interna- ing an increase in the educational have shown their intention of entertional concern, not only because they and health grants made by the gov- ing it: Meyer Kohlberg, Joe Blumenthal, and Dave Richards. are refugees to other countries, but ernment. because of the basic causes which 1 FOR AfsJV' V lead them to become refugees," Dr. Weizmann Coming Here Today will witness the opening of Adler reported. the midget basketball league under For Tour "We believe that the events in New York.—Dr. Chaim Weizmann, the supervision of Iz Lieberman asGermany are a challenge to modern former president of the World Zion- sisted by Irving Gendler and Ray civilization and we trust to the civilized forces of the world to rally to the defence of a people who have existed for three thousand years, from whom the world has received great spiritual benefits and who are neither capable nor desirous of protecting themselves by brute force. "It is imperative that we continue to resist the threatening danger with firmness and dignity, and by a Beuglas' continuous appeal to the conscience D A Y S . . . NIGHTS... SEASONS of mankind, plead for justice and A Ceaseless Whirl AT. 2524 ' 1 H E contrast between little old New York of a equality for the Jews in Germany generation ago and New York of today, is more than a conand elsewhere." trast of size . . . it is a contrast in ways of living. Contract, jig-saw puzzles, thrilling detective stories and other evening diversions have added almost a third to the day's work of our eyes. Science has found out that we actually use our eyes on an average of 30% more than we did a generation ago. • .. Science has also found out that a large proportion of the energy of the average human being is burned up in the process of seeing. Put these two facts, together and you will see why, it is • The old high mood Important to pay attention to seeing. Since good light is a great help to good seeing, it is im® The lost-for-awhile mirth portant that you select the right lamps for all home tasks. Weisill-be glad to consult with you on any problem of home • New Year's Eve as it used to be when! lighting. ORCHESTRAS UPSTAIRS AND DOWN Store Old Saxon Beer is the perfect refreshment ENTERTAINMENT AS YOU LIKE IT for the holiday season Its delicious "old country"t The evening of December 31st flavor delights everyone. Order a case today and from 10 p.m. be prepared when friends come to call.


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Eyes do 3.0% MORE WORK





than they did a generation ago

Repair fifeffe

New Year's Eve at The Fontenelle




$4 per person—sapper included



Pre-New Year's Eve Supper Dance


Saturday from 10:30 p. m. Main Restaurant $2 Convert Includes Supper



- B E T T E R


PAGE 8—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1933 ersoa, Leonard Krtsae, Collman Tud- i" BERLIN — The Kammereericht. elson, and Robert Rosenfeld. Coil- | court of appeals, has annulled the man Yudelson spent last week-end in ; ruling of the Berlin district court, Chicago and Evanston, III., where be j r?n"o;Hn? tfce right of Jews to act debated against Northwestern Univer- ' as execators, in wills filed in GerJerusalem, (J.T.A-)—Three memsity. J. Harold Saks, senior at theman courts. BY F . B. K. bers ' of .the Arab Executive arrested The court of appeals not only npUniversity of Iowa, is spending bis in October iri connection with the held the right of Jews to act as exA large crowd attended the Talmud vacation in New York and Baltimore. abortive demonstrations in Jerusalem Miss ANNA FILL, Correspondent ecutors in vrills filed by Jews, but Torah Chanukah program and the He ia president of the Iowa chapter on October 13 r were found guilty this Council Bluffs Chapter No. 7 of the 1 of the Phi EpsilonPi fraternity and also upheld the right of Jews to be •week by Chief Magistrate BodillyAutonomous Body Created by aftef .an extended hearing. A.- Z. A. program which wore held will attend the national convention in executors for Aryans, if such a desire is expressed in the will of the League Ponders Course Sunday afternoon at the Chevra B'nai Baltimore next week. "The court-room was crowded to deceased. Yisroel synagogue. of Action j . suffocation here as the hearings were j Mrs. William Solomonovr and son, brought to a conclusion, the crowd Mr. O. Hochman presided for the Lausanwa. — The necessity for im- including many black-veiled women Chanukah program, and musical num- i Joe, left today for Sioux City for a bers were given by the Tizmoreth ! visit with friends. Members of the Mount Sinai Tem- mediate action to solve the problem of prominent Moslem families. The annual Father and Son banof refugees from Nazi Germany was orchestra. ple Sisterhood will give a card party quet by. the Mount Sinai Temple stressed in the meetings being held Morton Adler presided for the A. Z. Mrs. Abe Bear and son, Aaron Brotherhood will be held Wednesday Wednesday evening, December 21, inhere by the autonomous governing A. program. Rabbi Harry Jolt of Lin- David, of Leavenworth, Kans., arthe ball, room of the Sioux apartevening, December 27, at the Temple. body created by the League of Nacoln was guest speaker for the cele- rived here Tuesday to visit at the Over 160 fathera and Eons are expec- ments. The party will be held the tions to handle the refugee situation. bration of th-3 International A. Z. A.home of Mrs. Bear's parents, Mr. and same night the Brotherhood gives its ted to attend the affair. Chaim Weizmann, noted Zionist day. Messages from Grand Aleph Mrs. Julius Katelman. Mr. Bear is Mr. Edward E. Baron will act asFather and Son banquet leader, gave an hour's address before Godol, Harold Miller of Los Angeles, expected to join his wife and son Mrs. Joe Miller and Mrs. Abe Agtoastmaster. 1'ho program will inthe body, speaking In connection with and Mr. Sam Beber, founder of thehere Sunday. clude a surprise skit, talks by repre- ranoff are in charge of the arrange- the necessity for readaptation of the A. Z. A., were read. sentative fathers, sons and grandfath- ments and are being assisted by Mrs. Jewish social structure in Palestine W. C. Slotsky, Mrs. Louis Koolish and in the first place, and in other counMiss Gwendolyn Meyerson arrived ers, and several musical numbers. Mesdames Sam Bubb, Max Cohen, home Wednesday from Lincoln, where Mr. SI Krueger is in charge of the Mrs. Abe Brodkey. Cable States That As Many Sam tries as well. Meyerson, Sam Ros-anthal, Ben she is a student at the University of arrangements, and is being assisted Jews As Possible Should Senator Henri Berenger, French Abrahamson, Herman Meyerson, L. Nebraska, to spend her holiday vacaby Louis Agranoff, E. J. Frlbourg, Enter Palestine member of the body, warned that GerLondon, Meyer Meyerson, Sam Gross, tion visiting her parents, Mr. and Jr. Hadassah Plan Sam Gutterman, Max Bergen, W. C. many, today a great concentration Max Simon and Morris Grossman, Mrs. Merman Meyerson. Slotsky, A. M. Davis, and E. N. Gruescamp for the Jews, may make the sit- New York (J. T. A.)—Holding to were hostesses to approximately one "Paid Up" Party uation kin. . . ' / . ' .; .,.; .. : , . . .•' helps build strong bones intolerable by some new decree its view that the gates of Palestine and fifty relatives at a famMrs. Max Mushkin and Mrs. I. Mil- Plans for a party for all paid up and that a new wave of refugees may must be kept open to as many Jews hundred New York.—J. David Stern of ily reunion Sunday night at the Eagles and teeth. ler are in charge of dinner, which members were discussed at the board thus be expected. Camden, New Jersey, is the new as the absorptive capacity of thehalL will bo served by members of themeeting of the Junior Hadassah chap- The American government is inter- country permits, tha British Labor publisher of The New York Evening Sisterhood, following his purchase of the ter, Wednesday evening. Reports on ested in a humane solution of theparty, in a cable to the National La- Mrs. Louis H. Katelman and small Post property from the Curtis-Martin the Hadassah dance held last Sunday refugee question, Professor Joseph P. bor Convention for Palestine, which son, Avrum, left Saturday night for Newspapers, Inc. evening were made by Miss Anne Chamberlain, American member, stat- concluded its three-day conference St. Louis, Mo., to visit Mrs. KatelTalmud Torah ed. He declared that the government here, said it welcomes "in particular man's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sol Gross. Cohen, chairman of that affair. meeting followed a dinner at will view sympathetically fund-raising the opportunity afforded to German Dance Tuesday theTheSeville efforts through private organizations Jews who are eager to escape from cafe. Mrs. L. Kroloff of Los Angeles is although the economic depression has the oppression Hitler regime." The annual Talmud Torah dance spending a month here visiting at the created a very difficult internal sitAfter expressing "fraternal greet- home of her '«ill be held Tuesday evening, Decemson-in-law and daughter, uation. He pointed out that the work ings and best wishes" to the conferber 26, in the Bigaudon ball room. in behalf of the refugees must be ence, the cablegram says that theMr. and Mrs. Ben Herzoff. Bill Franklin and his orchestra will based • on a reconstruction of their Labor party watched "with greatest furnish-music, and a novelty program The "Brith" for the infant son of lives, not on charity. interest the steady growth of Labor Mr. and Mrs. Morris Albert, 3104 will be presented. Mr. and Mrs. H. Fried was held TuesZionist institutions during the last Senator Berenger, in describing Twenty-third street, announce the enMrs. Ben Sherman is in charge of years. The message cites the day noon at the Jennie Edmundson the Tance, and Mrs. Nick Sherman gagement of their daughter. Miss France as "once again the frontier of fourteen, of l a b o r settlement hospital, with Rev. A. Diamond servheads the ticket committee. Tir: t Freda Albert to Carl Weiner, son of liberty," said that his country was as-development schools in the Holy Land as an in-ing as "Mohel." Mrs. Fried and son, sisting refugees both by charity and who have assisted in this eom.X ~e Mr. and airs. M. Weiner of Los An-by placement of numbers in French stance of this growth. who has been named Donald Rayinclude the Mesdames F. Gorc^ow, geles, Calif. mond, returned to their home today. colonies. French hospitality, howev"Prominent members in our moveRose Rabinowitz, S. Shulkin, • JVIax Miss Albert is a graduate ot Central er, he declared, is becoming overtaxed Ginsberg, Joe Gorcbow/ I*bilip Sher- High school, the Sioux City Normal and the number of refugees in thement," continues the message, "re- Among the students from the Uniman/Henry Sherman, Joe Levin, Ben school, and is a teacher at the Hunt country is becoming too great to becently visited Palestine and returned versity of Iowa who arrived home with enthusiastic p r a i s e for all school. She is president of the local Schindler, I. Merlin and A. Mazie. supported. branches of work being done by theTuesday to spend their holiday vacaJunior Hadassah chapter. "It is an illusion to think the ways Jewish labor pioneers. We know that tion with their parents are Yale MeyThe wedding will be an event of of refugees is ended," he declared. On difficulties remain and that more early spring. Maccabee News IKVrN* C. LEVIN, Attorney the contrary, he warned, German must be done to win Arab co-opera301 Electric Bldgr. statesmen had told him the problem tion. But the work is proceeding Mr. and Mrs. Max Ginsberg, 106 The meeting of tlia Maccabee club PROBATE NOTICE was only beginning. along, the right lines. In the Matter of the Estate of SIEGMTXD this week was devoted to a Chanukah 19th St., will hold open house Sun"Germany today is a great concen"British labor reaffirms its deterHIKSCHBERG; also known as SIUprogram. Ben Leubowlch gave the day afternoon in honor of the engage- tration camp for the Jews," he stated. mination to keep the doors of Pales- MU.XD HIRSCHBKRG. Deceased. Notice Is hereby civen that the creditors history of Chanukah; Benjamin Sacks, ment of their daughter, Sally, to Bun- "Tomorrow, perhaps, she will issue tine as wide open to Jews as ecosaid deceased will meet the executrix of the significance of Chanukah; Perry ny Bearman of Minneapolis, and the some Jewish statute giving the Jews nomic absorptive capacity of tlie of said estate, before me. County Judge of Douglas County, Nebraska, at the County Ognowltz, the biography of . Judas ngagement of their son, Saul, to inferior or slave rights which will country permits. It welcomes in par-Court Room, in said County, on the 13th Maccabee and Henry GinsbUrg told a Miss Helen Felnberg of Minneapolis. again force larger numbers of Jews ticular the of February, 1034, and on the 33th opportunity it affords to day day of April, 1034, at 9 o'clock A. M., eacTi Btory concerning Chanukah. to escape from Germany. But France German Jews who are eager to es-day, the purpose of presenting their Henry Ginsberg was elected presi- Miss Sophie Miller, daughter of Mr.cannot receive more refugees. Other cape from oppressive Hitler regime." claimsforfor examination, adjustment and allowance. months are allowed for dent; Ben Leubowlch, vice president; and Mrs. H. Miller, will become the countries must now do their best." The message bears; the signature of the creditorsThree present their claims, from Magnificent to behold, not only from an Benjamin Sacks and Isadore Shindler, bride o£ Alfred Jerome Natkln, son of Alberto Guani of Uruguay expressed Rt. Hon. George Lansbury, member the 13th dayto of January, 1934. re-elected secretary and "treasurer, re- Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Natkin, at a the opinion that Latin America views of the House of. Commons and head BRYCE CRAWFORD. 32-22-33-3t. .- :- Countv Judge. simple home wedding, Sunday morn- the refugee problem with a willing- of the British Labor party. spectively. artistic standpoint, but because they look ing, December 24, at 11:30. ness to collaborate in Its solution beRabbi H. R. Rabinowitz will read cause it is "passionately attached to their strength, Shaare Zion the marriage lines In the presence of the principle of liberty and equality." Budget Approved Jerusalem-—The , Palestine governthe immediate family of the bride and James G. McDonald of New York, ment has verbally approved the ed', Rabbi II. R.. Itablnowlt?; will apeak room, and the ceremony will' be fol- High Commissioner named by the budget o f 87,000 pounds (his evening on the subject, "Shall lowed by a. wedding breakfast Served league, declared: "The commission ucational for Jewish schools^, The budget was We Always Excuse." Cantor A. PHs-in the Miller! home. will now seek to Contribute to the at- submitted by. the Vaad Leumi, the Mr. and Mrs. H. Miller will hold kln will chant the ritual, and the tainment of its utlimate goal which is open house; Sunday afternoon from 3 to enable Jewish and hon-Jewish ref- Jewish National "Council of Paleschoir will sing. claim the preference of the discriminating tine. - : -I-'.:. J 4 ugees to begin new lives in newTomorrow mornlhg.NcccIl Pill, son to 5 o'clock honoring the couple. They will make their home in Kan-homelands, contributing to the mateot Mrs. Philip Pill will celebrate his motorist for three very definite reasons. MON'SKT. CH0DIXSKY.4 sas City. ' rial and cultural civilization of to-SHOTWETX, Bar Mltzvah in the synagogue. TANCE and UAKKT B. COHEN Attorneys morrow." Over 300 people witnessed the Chan737 Omaha National Bank Bide. tikah program Sunday afternoon, pre- Mr. and Mrs. L. Rice of Chicago, A plan is being worked out for pass1 "Because of their extraordinary NOTICE OF A1MIJXI8TUATION sented by children of the Religious formerly of Sioux City, announce the ports for the refugees. In the County Court of Douglas County, School. engagement of their daughter. Miss An advisory council will work out Nebraska. inbuilt stamina. Ada Mae Rice, to Louis Karoff of ways and means of solving the var- In the Mutter'of flie Estate of CHAItLES F SLINUERLAND, Deceased. Chicago. The wedding will be anious refugee problems, and the next All persons interested in said fstafe are 2 • Because of their sheer good Mount Sinai Temple event of December 27. hereby notified that a petition has been general meeting of the board will be fllcd in said Court alleging that said deheld probably the latter part of Jan-ceased died lefivinp no last •will and praylooks. uary. ing for administration upon uis estate, and Dr. Theodore N. Lewis will speak Mr. and Mrs. O. Gordon, 411 Sixthat a hearing will be had on said petithis evening on a recent book en- teenth street, were surprised Sunday tion before said court on the Cth day of 3 • Because, in addition to the January, 193i, and that if they fail to aptitled "Hear Ye, Sons." The book. Is evening at a 6 o'clock dinnei, tendered pear at said Court on the said Gth day of written by Irving Fincman and hasthem by a group of their friends in January, 1034. at 0 o'clock A. M. to conabove two advantages, they test, said petition, the Court may grant the won wide acclaim. • • • • honor of their 20th wedding anniversame and grant administration of said esNext Friday evening, students who sary. Thirty-four guests attended the ' "cost no more than ordinary voltate to Edward H. Sagert or some other suitable person and proceed to a settlearo home from college will participate dinner, and spent the evening hours ment thereof. ume production tires. in the annual Student Service. BK.YCE CRAWFORD. at.bridge. Following the dinner, Mr. 12-15-33-3t. County Judge. and Mrs. Gordon were presented with a floor lamp. SBOIUTXL, MOSSKr. GHOniNSKY * the HOTEL that Auxiliary to Hold


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Attorneys New York (J. T. A.)—Rabbi Israel : Mr. and Mrs. A. Kozberg will cele- Goldstein 737 Omaha National Bank Bldj, gives You more OriegShabbos brate of Congregation B'naiJeshtheir 50th wedding anniversary urun, author and Zionist leader, has S'OTICE OP ADMINISTRATION : for Your Money in Plans have been completed for theSunday evening, December 24, when been named president of the Jewish In.the County Court of Douglas County, " , first Oneg Shabbos sponsored by the they, will give a reception in the Jew-National Fund of America. He suc-InNi'brasfcn. the Matter of the Estate of ALICE L. Ladle8 Auxiliary of Shaare Zion Syn- ish Community Center. Mr. and Mrs.ceeds Nelson Ruttenberg, counsel for STJNGEULAND, Deceased. AH persons interested in said estate are Kozberg were married in Russia, and agogue, which will be held tomorrow the New York State Board for Alconotified that a petition has been Whatever your reason for afternoon at 2 o'clock, in the home of have made their home in Sioux City holic Beverage Control, who tender- hereby filed in paid Court alleging that said deceased died leavinjc no last will and praycoming to Chicago—business Mrs. Sam H. Shulkin, 2914 Nebraska for a number of years. ed his resignation on account of the ing for administration upon his estate, MM street. AU of the members of the or a visit—you will find more that a hearinp will be had on said petipressure of other duties. tion before said court on the Gth day 01 ' Auxiliary are invited to attend. alert service, more comforta•; Mrs. M. A. Levich, 1301 Court street, Mr. Ruttenberg reported that dur- January, 1034, and thni if they fail to apJowlsh history, literature- and cur- was hostess to 26 friends ut a lunch- ing the past two years, the sum ofpear a t said Conrt on/the said Cth day or ble rooms and a more conven1034. at 0 o'clock. A. M. to conrent topics will be discussed by theeon Wednesday noon, honoring her $407,803.35; had been raised by pop-January, ient location at the Morrison test said petition, the Court may grant the group. ....... same and jjrant administration of said esthan at any other Chicago hotel sister who is visiting here from Los ular small coin collections for the tate to Edward H. Sagert or some other Angeles. The afternoon hours were offering similar rates. Stay here work of the organization. suitable person and proceed to a settle-, merit thereof. _^^T,^ spent at bridge. ! '•. next time and we'll prove it! Rabbi Goldstein issued a statement A. Z. A. BKTCB CRAWFORD. which said in part: ' 12-lu-33-3t.:' . County Judge. ^ "At this time, when tha German A number of students fromthe var-' SINGLE ROOM with Bath The services of Coach Goldfuss ious colleges and universities will re- situation has brought a, new and unhave been secured by the local A. Z. A. turn this week to spend their expected wave of immigration into Our private Dining Room is ' chapter to supervise their basketball winterhome vacations with their parents. Palestine, tha Jewish National Fund available for bridges, lunchactivities for the coming season. Mr. ' Tuesday morning the following stu- holds a strategic place, from the eons and banquets. Goldfuss is a graduate of the Univer- dents arrived from: the DOUBLE ROOM *4.5U UP univers- standpoint: both: of Zionist and husity of Arizona whero ho was one of ity: Bernard Skalovsky,Iowa With TWIN BEDS , . * 5 . 0 0 U P Billy Mosow, manitarian endeavor. It offers im' the school's star athlotes. Edward Millar, George Kuntz, Ivan mediately a foothold to those Gero Bright, Inviting Rooms Luncheon from 11:00 a. m. , At the first practice of the team, Lasonsky, Rudy Shindler and Dena man Jews who have not the means prospects for a good team wero evi- Baron. Miss Baron was accompanied to establish themselves independentuntil 2:00 p.m.—25c to 50c. • Home ot Terrace Garden denced when Leonard Hall, Sid by a guest, Miss Katherine Gralnik. ly as artisans or merchants." • In the Heart of the Loop Baumsteln, Milton Grueskln, Max ZolThe organization has redeemed igson. Max Maron, Dan Bukor, and From tho University of Nebraska at 50,000 acres of land for Jewish colDinner is served from 5:00 |FYOUDRIVE!...Weparkyoiircar. Fred Herzoff turned out for practice, Lincoln the following will reach Sioux onization, Rabbi ^ l d s t e i n declared until 9. :0O p.m.—35c to 60c. City somo timo today: Francis Kalin, Standard rates. No other charges. in a plea for support of the organSidney Borgen and Gerald Cohen. LEONARD HICKS, Manning Dlnetor Open All Night Arnold Baron, Burnell Koolish, and Hadassah Meeting Lawrence Sllverberg will arrive home ization's work. Sorority Sunday evening, December The monthly meeting of the Senior today from the University of Minne- 24. sota. • Hadassah chapter will take place on Dinner will be served at the Seville Tuesday afternoon, December 26, in Mls3 Lillian Magazincr arrived in and the guests will adjourn to the the city last Friday from Ann Arbor, Rigaudon for dancing. the J- C. C. and the Misses Doris and CharC H 1 C A GO A' play dealing with the Hadassah Mich., 2406 Farnam Street Rosenstock will come from MadMembers of the Debra club held a Fenny Lunches will be presented by lotte Chanukah party Wednesday evening, the following: Betty Rae Mosow, Jo- ison, Wis., tomorrow. Miss Bernlce Galirisky will also ar- in the home of Fern Wolfson. Folanne Agranoff, Doris Grueskln, Bar- rive in the city tomorrow from Cham- lowing a program the guests - adbara Robinson, Helen Levin, Sandy 111., where she is enrolled at journed to bridge and refreshments. Baron. Harold Rosenthal, Morton paign, the University of Illinois. Greenstone, and Miss Mina Slotsky. "Omaha's Most Beautifa! Home for Funferals" •> Mrs. A. H. Baron and daughter left " A' stri&ff* trio" composed of Eibbie* Funerals To Fit Any PurseOlensky, pianist; Ruben Halpern, vio- Important on the social calendar of last week for Minneapolis, where-they linist, and Glsela PHI, "ce^lst, will this month, is the formal dinner dance will visit -with...the former's parents,! Phone HArney 1226 Farnam at Thirty-third present a group of Hebrew melodies. to be given by the Alpha Chi Gamma Mr. and Mrs. S. WeJsberg.


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