December 29, 1933

Page 1

Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism

In the Interests of the Jetvish People

Kulm-cl HS sSecuatl-C"i8j> Mali Mailer on January 27, is2l, at t'osiolllre «» Ouialui. "Celirnslcn. under the Art of March "


Vol. IX—No. 48


ania litolerance


Exports of U. S. to Palestine Doubled I


^)—King Carol NEW YORK, (JT A)—Palestine of Roumaniafc>gK.|yj expressed disimports from the United States rose approval of rd g. TJ „ Jd religious disfrom 257,370 pounds in 1931 to 520,criminations i i | ^ J . ,yngdom and de450 pounds in 1932, despite the 28 clared that th^- • "- "d not be tolerper cent depreciation of the Palestin•.." , 1 ' ian pound, the Palestine Economic Changes in Procedure Elimi- ated. News, published by the American Our desire itn.'^veace in our internate Former Seasonal Economic Committee for Palestine, national relations," the Roumanian Membership reports. ruler declared in a press interview, Reprinted from the **New Republic" "necessitates the enforcement of A considerable part of the increase peace also in my country where all the paper declared, was due to the Changes in the procedure of handling memberships to the Jewish Com- citizens, regardless of their race or p by y an "arn^TV ^ V supposedly p p y of ] he was beaten again and left for purchases by the Iraq Petroleum In this article, reprinted from the capital munity Center were adopted at a reugion, are urged by me to work for December 27,1933, issue of the "New 1,500,000 trainedd KhsM K M Shifts, S h f ""had h d j dead. Although the victim was found Company, for the oil pipeline under meeting of the executive committee the common good." Republic," a bird's eye view is given been scheduled for the? following day. by a motorist and recovered to name construction from Mosul to Haifa. The king's remarks were taken as of the various fascist movements in At first the plan has been to make his assailants, they have not been ar- There was also an increased demand of the J. C. C. and Welfare Federfor practically all the leading Ameridefinite assurance that racial and this country. It is of general inter- Smith himself dictator, but by Octo- rested. ation last week. . can items. religious discriminations would not ber the less ambitious scheme of in• The Silver Shirts, according to Mr. est.—The Editor.' ,# All .memberships from now on will vesting Franklin D. Roosevelt vrith Pelley, not only sympathize with thej ba -for the calendar year, from Jan- be tolerated in Roumania and as tacit approval of the actions of the Duca the job had been adopted. Publicity aims of the Nazi movement but keep to January. When Adolph Hitler, after refusAs regards payments, active mem- government in banning the anti-Se- ing to play second fiddle to von at any cost seems to have been the in close touch with Hitler's represenmethod. Smedley D."' Butler, Huey tatives. They accept tho exposed forberships will be ^payable quarterly 01 mitic, anti-government organizations.


By Harold Loeb and Helden Rodman

OMAHANS PLAN TO SESSIONS Representatives of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds to Meet in Chicago

Several Omalians will attend the first national assembly of Jewish federations and welfare funds, to be held at the Standard Club, Chicago, on Saturday and Sunday, January 6 and T, under the auspices of h N the National Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds. The local Federation, which is a member of the Council, will be officially represented by Henry MonSchleicher and von Pap'en, turned the Long and Louis McFadden were said gery known as the Protocols of Zion sky, a member of the national execseml-annually, while other memberfull blast of his propaganda trum- to be hand in glove, with "Smith: as an authentic document and seem utive committee of the National ships will be divided into three equal pets upon the tiny state of Lippo, the When the day arrived only a few really to believe that a secret comCouncil, and Jacob S. Pearlstien, exinstallments. whole world (and Germany in par- hundred men turned out, and "Smith mittee of Jewish elders is plotting to ecutive director of the local J. C. C. There will be. no increase in the ticular) remarked that the man was jumped out of the winriow as the po- destroy civilization with such dispar- j and Welfare Federation. rate schedule. a fool and that the Nazi movement lice entered his headquarters. Em- ate tools as the Communist party and j Others planning to attend include: had come to the end of its tether. •This change in procedure will defd the international bankers. Mr. Pelley P Ko._ i William L. Holzman, president of the of Whether this attitude, the sort of bezzlement of funds sBd a good-sized alleged in support of this story that or initely do away with the so-called J. C. C. and Welfare Federation; wishful thinking that had rendered "shirt racket" were" exposed by the Otto Kahn addressed in Yiddish a seasonal membership, which allowed Speak at J. C. C. on Sam Beber, who represents the Omaintelligent men unprophetic, was the disgruntled individuals to obtain the benefits of "generals," "colonels" group of Jews in the Bronx, urging ha Federation on the committee of January 8 result of blind fear or whether the the Center at a minimum cost withthem to join the conspiracy. and lesser officers (if-any). National Agency Relationships; Dr. out sharing in the expense when the Two Hundred Jewish Families example of Italy had already become The Khaki Shirts published a newsA Norman Thomas will speak at the | - Greenberg, who represents the paper. Like most of-tfe pother fascist j THE CRUSADERS—The Crusadtoo much a matter of "history," is operating cost was highest. o n til in New Jersey to Settle organizations about to be described, j Jewish Community Center on the j federation f committee on jfield ers were organized in 1930 for the beside the point. The question now is: Several board members denounced week I service; Harry A. Wolf, and Harry they freely circulated lander the govSmall Farms purpose of campaigning against pro- Community Forum series a will the rest of the world, and for the previous method as a "hotel Silverman, as as •well as other comour purposes America, be able to ernmental postal franic Congressman hibition. They have been seeking an from Monday, January 8, on "A 'j suverman, method, where members could come jmunal leaders. New York, (J. T. A.)—A govern- cope with the menace of fascism? McFadden's speech J attacking the excuse for continuing to exist and be- | New Deal or a New Dav." and go without assuming any obligaJews. They have disappeared for a A program for organized Jewish Bismarck was right when he laughed lieve they have found it in "sound The Socialist candidate for presition in meeting the continued ex- ment loan of $500,000 to finance es- to scorn the oft-repeated proverb on time. Some of their leaders aie in money." Their headquarters are in j dent in the last election, Mr. Thomas philanthropy in this country, retablishment of a homestead settlepense outlay." learning things by experience. The jail. But the same was true of a cer- New York and they held their first j is one of the most forceful and elo- vised and adapted to meet the chang•Jacob S. Pearlstien, executive di- ment of 200 Jewish families in Mon- clever man, he said, learns things by tain Austrian corporal after a no big anti-inflation rally at Carnegie quent speakers in America on eco- ing needs of the day, will be disrector, reported on the sums spent in mouth county, New Jersey, was hail- the experience of others. less trivial piece of high comedy in Hall on November 27. federated nomic and international subjects. Ca- cussed. Delegates from maintenance of the Center building-. ed here at the opening of the ProM u n i c h , a n n o 1 9 2 3 . •/•• charitable gToups in thirty cities pacity audiences have listened to him It wasn't a great success. On the Our government has been careful The figures reveal a tremendous out- visional Commission for the Estabfrom coast to coast will take part he has spoken. lishment of Jewish Farm Settle- to extract from the envoy of Soviet ORDER OF .76—Unlike the'Khaki same night in the same city a mon- wherever lay in operating cost. He is a graduate of Princton Uni- ! in the conference. Shirts, the Seventy-sixers "avoid pub-jster meeting was being held at the j ments. Russia the most exacting promises The figures for 1933 for the physd d j Hippodrome H d f iflti U f t ! versity (1905), and he will be es-1 The relationship of governmental under-j for inflation. Unfortu-! The loan is being made by the in regard to communist propaganda. licity. Their workk is' done ical maintenance only oi the Center, ground. Organizers are sent to trou-!nately for the Crusaders, the cornpet] pecially honored by the Princeton' and private communal activities unFederal - Subsistence Homesteads Cor- But although there are now some despite drastic economies; janitorial ble centers and members there en-1 ing rally was being addressed by a ! Club of Omaha while here. Thomas der the New Deal, the functions to poration, through which the Subsisand engineering service/ $4,500; tence Homesteads Division of theDe-: undred and three separate fascist rolled. Their leader keeps himself in j much better demagogue than they |-will be guest at a luncheon January be performed by each in the light of cleaning supplies, $550; repairs to partment of the Interior functions, irganizations operating in the Unit- the background and calls hims>K or- could offer. Father Coughlin, thejg by the Princeton Club. Dr. F. W. ] increased public appropriations for ed States, a few of them financed by equipment, ?140; coal, $1,600; stole their show. The I Heagey, of the club and j ^y^ p _ g y president p ^ a n d -welfare work,, as well as to a corporation to be organized for German money and at least one ganizer rather than chief. They have "radio priest"_ $1,700; power, $1,100; water, $600; the project. d ith l t f t! t d i i l l l k reaching loyalty to Hitler and his no program except a general anti- Crusaders, with plenty of support ! outstanding in local communal work,: the distinctive responsibilities of gas, $60; repairs to building, i?500; Needle Trade Workers Settlement jarbarous ideas, not a promise has pathy to certain phases of capitalism from big business, are inclining to-,will preside at the lecture in the eve-j J e w i s h philanthropy, will occupy the interest on mortgage, $6,200. Two hundred families, recruited >een exacted, not a protest lodged, such as racketeering, banking, poli- ward a semi-military set-up, arejning and will introduce the speaker.!•attention of the assembly as it coninroads upon the "goodj < At present Norman Thomas is ex-1 siders a nine-point calendar preThe funds received from the from the needle trade industries, will with the government which consti- tics. Hatred of Jews was for a time making membership dues form an essential be settled on small farms" each of tutes such a menace to world peace. their mainspring. To get arour.d the preparatory schools and colleges, and | ecutive director of the League for pared for the meeting. Among the questions to be dissource of income to meet the neces- which will have at least one acre for One of us found himself last month fact that Jews are actually a minor through their "sound-honey" cam- i Industrial Democracy and contributsary maintenance cost. gardening. The homesteads are ex- at a symptomatic meeting. Unofficial factor in American banking, they paign are being forced to take a j i n g editor to "The Nation," "World cossed are: "Should the Federations continue •The changes effected will also pected to cost about $3,000 each. A representatives were present from have told prospective members that stand against further unemployment j Tomorrow," and "N«w Leader.'" He was early in life in the minis- jt o maintain distinctively Jewish child save considerably in bookkeeping and co-operative farm, with a dairy herd, Social Credit, the American branch Morgan and other prominent finan- relief. in postage, obviating the necessity of a hennery and facilities for-provid- if Major Douglas', economic school, ciers have traces of Jewish blood. CRUSADERS FOR ECONOMIC j try, being associate pastor of the jc a r e and health activities'? This "organization started in New.LIBERTY—-The Crusaders for Eco-j Brick Presbyterian Church in New "Should the Federation participat-" billing each month. ing other foods for the settlement xom the Continental Committee on .York and _clwms.",t£>^,jgirbllbig- 200 tnomic Liberty (White Shirts) have j York after graduating from the Un-ing in Community Chests or in non_The price ^schedule ^for member- will alao-, ba^flrganiz£d«.-A=:J£Cji0ol for ships: ••• . ". *••'''- :-": .••••';. . : - - ' •• ' ... - 300 pupils and a community center day and Farmer-Labor movements, as members a day."fts-method of Holding rnn munprtmn Tritih "tfiV Crusaders'de-!ion" Theological Seminary. As direc- sectariaii Emergency Welfare camfor adequate Active, §25 (active membership in- will be erected on the settlement well as two farmer anarchists, an them is. to assign specific tasks to scribed above,'An Idaho politician at tor of the "American Parish, he did jp cludes the head of the family, the grounds for which: options: have al- Equitist, a disillusioned banker, the each individual. These consist large- a recent meeting of progressive lead- extensive work among the immigrant j ew j s }j giving? } «gfhouid O r a t i o n s give more wife, and dependent children under ready been obtained on 1,253 acres. former head of the disbanded New ly in petty espionage. Information is ers startled his colleagues by inform- population of the upper East Side. 21); Senior Male, $15; Senior Fem- • Each settler will be required to National party, a militant liberal, a being compiled in order to be ready ing them that the White Shirts now j J a m e s G. McDonald, head of the ] thought and funds to those activiale, $10; Junior Female (up to 18), pay $500 down and the remainder Seventy-Sixer and the president of for "the day." Although it is to be constitute one of the major political j Foreign Policy Association and High I ties—the Jewish Center and Jewish doubted whether they uncover much problems not only m his state but | Commissioner for the German Refu-; Education movements—which repre$6; Junior A MpJe (15 to 17, inc.), over a twenty-year period. the Crusaders for Economic Liberty. $10; Junior B Male (up to 14, inc.), A modern factory • building, de- One belief only seemed to be shared "inside dope" on the bankers, thej in Oregon and Washington as well1.1 gees, states about the speaker: "Nor- js e n t fundamental Jewish interests b and! d man Thomas is earnest, persuasive i _ w h i d l depend for their survival signed to serve as a model for other by those present, giving the meeting are successful in exposing petty graft | They claim 2 million members money"' projects will be erected at a total a basis for unity. All felt that the —and in fingerprinting their owa lhave recently announced that t h e | a n d even brilliant in his presenta-j o n i Silver Shirts have decided to joinjtion of vital social and international cost of $35,000. The factory will have present monetary system had out- members. "Should the Federations have a j problems. I know of few men who responsibility for participating in the THE SILVER SHIRTS—About the their ranks in a body. private support to the extent where ived whatever usefulness it might The president of the Crusaders for jhave as great power to stir the imag- financing and policy making of agenhomesteaders will be assured of a have had in the past. The agreement time that Hitler seized power, Wildefinite cash income and will oper- ended here. The majority, were evi- liam Dudley Pelley came out into Economic Liberty is George W. ination and to convince the intelli- cies working in the national and inate under the provisions of the NRA. dently trying to preserve for the new the open with his Silver Shirt na- Christians and their national capital I gence of small groups or large audi- ternational fields? It will maintain contact with the order what they called, economic lib- tional organization. Pelley has served is at Chattanooga, Tennessee. Mr. ences." Should the Federation be developed New York market where its prod erty, and what seemed to mean the the Y. M. C. A. in Siberia, has de-Christians has a panacea which gives so that it may become the authoritavoted much time to spiritualism and a somewhat different character to | ucts will be disposed of. freedom to buy and to sell, to retive Jewish spokesman with a responceive interest andv to lend money. The advocates a kind of cooperative com- his organization. The Gold Standard j Will Consume Own Products. sibility for formulating public opinmonwealth (The Christ Government) is his "source of all evil." Under the \ Technocrats, who considered the freeion on questions of broad Jewish in; Bernard Jenkin Seeks Intensi- Farm produce will not be put on dom to be all important, and the in which everyone will be a stock- Gold Standard a certain amount of j the market but will supply the setterest? ? '\ fied Zionist Spirit in holder in the national industry. He gold is needed as a basis for money' tlement with its food supply. The right to sell for profit and to prac- says he converses frequently with "Should the Jewish Federations coand a certain amount of money is Membership Drive NEW YORK, (JTA)—The action operate with other groups to stimuwhole project will be a demonstra- tise usury anachronisms in this age spirits who have given him the keyneeded to run business. Obviously, of potential plenty, were clearly in of American Zionists in deciding to late the establishment of governmenby which he reads the pyramids. the needs of business vary •while the establish a colony in Palestine for the A membership'campaign in the lo-tion in decentralized industry and the minority. tal measures for social protection?*' subsistence farming which is expectcal Zionist district is being conducted The first Headquarters of the Sil-amount of gold is relatively constant. Jewish legionnaires who fought with Most of the individuals present exed to go on a self-supporting basis Mr. Christians recommends, in place ;at present, under the direction of in varying degrees, the un- ver Shirts were in Asheville, North of gold, a money that would "just be General Allenby in taking the Holy '' Bernard Jenkin, ;field 'secretary of and eventually to be co-operatively pressed, Carolina, Their central office is now Land from the Turks, received the rest among many members of the money," a kind of managed currency I the Zionist Organization of America. owned. middle class which is prevalent in Oklahoma City. Most of their which would be expanded (credit to commendation of Colonel J. H. PatThe board of directors of the cor: • fWe- are-~seeking -to •; awaken new poration to be formed will include a throughout the country. "Middle strength—2 million claimed—lies in all askers) until every laborer was terson, British soldier who command; interest in Zionist activities, -which representative of the Federal Subsis- class" is loosely used to cover that Southern California, and the first employed, and contracted, once this ed the Jewish Legion. at; present are more far-reaching Homesteads Corporation; Ben- vast heterogeneous body of Ameri- violent deed attributed to them oc- mark was attained, in order to preThe fund allotted by the Zionist : than ever v because of the influx of tence "I think we are to be congratu! jamin Brown, chairman of the Pro- cans who are conscious neither of curred in Salt Lake City. A suspect- vent inflation. This equilibrium would Organization of America totalled German Jews into • Palestine," Mr. visional Commission for the Estab- their vast proletarian nor of their ed Communist, Daniel Black, was lated upon having the privilege of an vent iniiation. ims equmuniun «uuiui - 0 , M r . . Jenkin declared. of Jewish F a r m Settle- capitalistic status. Many members of kidnaped in the presence of officers, be accomplished by controlling inter- f ° l ° ° \ , ° ™ f °thenberg presi- Institute in Jewish history directed *. _. .5 ^ _ ! , _ v _«™!« ;^^ I dent of the Z. O. A., received the fol- by Dr. Abram Leon Sachar," was =; The field isecretary deplores the lishment beaten and tied to a tree. At night i + est rates, not only by regulating J lowing message from the Colonel: Morris Feinstone, genera* this class, victims of the system, no • dissensions which' have agitated the ments; the statement made by Henry Monthe usual plus rates, but by offering j less than are the industrial workers secretary of the U n i t e d Hebrev ,"On behalf of my Legionnaires, sky, personal friend and admirer of 'Zionist ranks and" the sharp diver- Trades; money at minus rates when business i may 7 Alfred Wallerstein, retired are revolting against it. Fascism I express my heartfelt grati- Dr. Sachar, when informed of plans gences of policies evident at the last manufacturer; Rabbi Jonah B. Wise, which is essentially conservative bewas slack. tude to you for your most generous made for the weekend Institute to Zionist Congress. : ^ ' hind a smoke-screven of. reform and The White Shirts are the militant action. It is a wonderful response to ; He is particularly laudatory about of Central •- Synagogue, and Elias held on January 2B, 27 and 28. "In branch of the Crusaders for Eco- my appeal and will give a splendid be —T __ "The Iieberman, vice-president of thi hate, makes its appeal to this em my no one that; I have ever bittered multitude on two counts. In nomic Liberty. Mr. Christians has nostart to the settlement scheme." The had opinion, Jemsh National,Fund," an his opin- Workmen's Circle, the privilege of hearing, prethe beginning, as in the cases of Hitinhibitions against the kind of mass BALTIMORE, (JTA)—Dr. Wilion, "is one of the worthiest Jewish ler and Mussolini, it makes an essen- liam Feinbloom of New York City, appeal that a fascist organization settlement was made possible by a sents the facts of history in a more : causes * in modern • life. ; I deem the tially radical appeal. It attacks the well-known optometrist, who is mak- must make. Consequently his organi- bequest to the Zionist Organization interesting manner than does Dr. ; j . ; N. F . of : paramount importance bankers and other vested interests of ing an attempt to "restore sight to zation tends to be radical when the from Mrs. Rezecca Zundelowitz, cf Sachar. He brings to his lectures an '•''in;; Hie : reconstruction of the Holy interpretation that makes them not the profit system, urging unity o: the blind," has invented powerful mi- community to be converted is radical, Wichita Falls, Texas. Land,; since it is the ^possession of only informative but makes them the working and middle classes. Then croscopic spectacles magnifying eigh- and fascist when the community . the land which • comes first. This vital and stimulating." it attacks the existing working-class teen times, according to an announce- leans toward reaction. ^Furid"may be termed the life-stream g-^, I .. ,-JJ i Outstanding- as an historian, as a Mason Lirisman, aged 60, passe movements on the ground that they ment made here at the twelfth anIt is reported that Mr. Oscar C. jofithe Zionist organization." intend to take away from the middle nual meeting of the American AcadV/lFCiG i- io j biographer, and as an educator, Dr. away Monday afternoon at his home; Pfaus, commander of the German AlMr. Jenkin has been identified with class what little stake that class still Sachar will present "The Romance liance, thinks well of Mr. Christians. Zionist work for the : past forty years. 1924 Corby street, following a heart retains in the profit system. In so emy of Optometry. of Jewish History," in a series of Workmen's Circle Branch 17S will Morris Friedel,: president of the attack. He is survived by his wife doing it plays directly into the hands Dr. Feinbloom's invention triples It is also said that a large fascist three formal lectures and three inBertha; three sons, Morris, Josept celebrate their twenty-sixth anniverJthe power of lenses, which are comrally will soon take place in Chicago. local Zionist district, has called sevof the bankers and industrialists, formal round-table discussions. posed of two convex parts. His second Meanwhile general orders have been sary with a musical program this eral executive sessions of Omaha and Melvin; and one daughter, Mrs. | Dr. Sachar received his formal edWilfred Fleisher of San Francisco, jwho then deHberately finance it and device increases distance vision by issued in preparation for a march on evening, December 29, at 8 p. m. at .. Zionists to aid in ithe' drive;, which ucation at Washington and Harvard Funeral services were held Tueslead • • • • . . . . it further and further to the fifty per cent. His achievement has Washington. These instructions call the Labor Lyceum, 22nd and Clark. Universities and at the University shall be held for one week. Those acbeen described as revolutionary in for a perfectly drilled and discip- Refreshments will be served. tive in aiding are Friedel, Philip day afternoon at the residence, with j right. Cambridge, England, where at the Some varieties of Fascism are lo-the optometric science. lined membership and outline the tac- The new officers for the ensuing of : Klutznicky Max \ Barish, John Feld-i burial in Golden Hill cemetery. conclusion of three years of graducal, some have branches in many In a paper which he read before tics for taking. control of local gov- term will also be installed at this jhari, M. F . Leyensdn, Dr. 0. Belzer. ate research, he was awarded his parts of the country, some have ernments. Members are to surround the convention, Dr. Feinbloom said. time. They hope to;obta^ from, 200/to 300 Doctor of Philosophy degree for his sprung from the remnants of the "As a result of these devices, to- the government buildings, persuade . - ' n e w m e m b e r s ; • • - . > r ! l \ i - • - 1 1 ^ ; -:;•'••..-.. • • work upon the Victorian House of Kxi Klux Klan, others have spon- gether with those already known, we the officials by force of numbers and From here Jenkin will go itb LinLords. He became a member of the taneously arisen to meet a momenpatriotic appeal to resign, repudiate have found it possible to aid approxi" coin; and then on to Tennessee, Texas faculty of the University of Illinois tary crisis or a labor threat. The mately sixty per cent of the nnse- the public debt and bring dishonest • and Louisiana. - ; :^ "•'.'. in 1923, instructing in the field of organizations about to be discribec officials to justice. The orders warn lected cases of subnormal vision. I The Jewish Women's Welfare Or- are typical. . modern European and English hisoelieve the work to date has opened commanders against hanging politiganization will hold a luncheon at tory. He has recently been appointed Religious Reconstrttctibn : THE KHAKI SHIRTS—The Kha- the field for development of optical cians indiscriminately or using "pine- Mrs. Leah Lorkis, 66, formerly of the National director of the B'nai F u n d i n D o l l a r D r i y e ; ?•; : .• • y - i % the- Jewish _ Community . Center on Omaha, passed away in New York apples" to loosen up the pocketbooks ki Shirts (U. S. Fascist) are, or devices. B'rith Hillel Foundations. ' N e w York.-'-One dollar Jfrom every Tuesday noon, January 2. led by "Commander-in-Cbief" A year ago Dr. Feinbloom gave the of those "who will not contribute last Friday, after a lingering illness. Tickets for the entire week-end seJew in the United States /which: is^to ;Miss Dorothy Apts of the Catho- were, She is survived by two sons, Jofrom patriotic motives. J. Smith. The movement grew scientific "world cylindrical telescopic ries are available at f l , and may be be used by the Religious Reconstruc- lic Charities ? will speak on "How aArt of the "Bonus Army" march on spectacles for those -with extremely No doubt these instructions are seph and Sam Lorkis, both of Oma- procured at the J. C. C. or from tion Fund for the purpose of provid- Women's" Organization' Can Aid a out ha; and two daughters, Mrs. J. EIdefective vision. The new invention Washington and reached its finale distributed for their psychological ing relief tor needy Jews and Jew-Case Worker." sen and Mrs. J. Katz, both of New members of the Conservative Sy»»on October 12 of this year in Phila- further increases the power of the gogue Study cluU ish institutions. - is, being sought; by Reservations for the luncheon may delphia. The capture of the national lenses. York. (Continued on Page 1 r be made by calling the Center.







New Invention as Aid to 'Near-Blind'


26th Anniversary of

J. W. W. O. Luncheon at Center Tuesday

.: the'or^nikt!on;

^i ^;' H / •• •

Former Omalian Dies In New York


Jewish Headliner; Survey of New Faces on The Front Pages In 1933 By Bernard Postal Cyrus Adler, from whose shoulders Committee investigating the banking he lifted a great part of the un- situation, made himself one of the precedented burden, Proskauer was most colorful figures of 1933. the Committee's courageous spokes- The new Jewish faces of 1933 also man in its heated controversy with include Samuel Leibowitz and J. Dathe American J e w i s h Congress. vid Stern. Leibowitz, the defender of Wherever the fight was thickest the Scottsboro Negroes, won the tithere was Proskauer. To Untermyer tle as the best known lawyer' in Every day in the year the news- the front page ceased to be a nov- America by his daring defiance of papers report the activities or the elty many years ago but in 1933 he the South and his brave fight against achievements of people new to fame. returned to the front page so far as its treatment of the Negro race. His It is not uncommon for scores of Jewish activity was concerned by his battle for the Scottsboro Negroes men and women to flash into public militant championing of the boycott made him as much a hero to the notice overnight. Persons who have around which he mobilized not only colored people as Abraham Lincoln. always lived in comparative obscur- the masses of Jewry but tens of The spectacular purchase of the New York Evening Post by Stern, a newity, unknown to any but their friends thousands of non-Jews. comer to Metropolitan journalism, 1933 is already known as the year and kinsmen, are, by one event, deed or word or by a series of them, sud- of the New Deal, and in the admin- and his role in smashing the Vare denly catapulted into the public eye istration of the New Deal many peo- political machine in Philadelphia, For a day, a week or longer they ple hurdled the gates of fame for contributed to his front page debut. From this limited number of new live under the constant glare of pub- the first time. Among them were a licity. Some remain famous. Others number of Jews. Best known of these prominent Jewish personalities one are quickly, forgotten as their par- was Jesse Straus who became the is forced to the conclusion that the ticular contribution to the news of first Jewish ambassador to one of year 1933, the most tragic in Jewthe day becomes stale and colorless the great European powers when ish histcry since the Dispersion, was and they remain clippings in the President Roosevelt named him as one in which the inspiration afforded newspaper f i l e s . Any newspaper American envoy to France. Laurence, by new faces and leaders was dereader can mention many people Steinhardt emerged from obscurity nied us. A retrospect of the Jewish whose names were unknown to the when he was chosen American min- j scene for the past twelve months is world in 1932 but who through some ister to Sweden, a post from which i convincing proof that the famine of happening in 1933 have b e c o m e he was supposed to keep a weather 'j Jewish leaders, particularly new and household words. But how many eye on developments in Germany and aggressive leaders, is still with us. readers of the Anglo-Jewish press Russia. The final consummation of I (Copyright, 1933, by Seven Arts can list the new Jewish faces of Russian recognition made a real Feature Syndicate.) headliner of the reticent Boris Skvir1933It-Js strange how few. new Jewish sky, for ten years the unofficial • personalities the last 'twelve month? "ambassador" of Soviet Russia at have produced. The old names that Washington. His•• significant role in have made Jewish and world history making recognition possible was re-! retained their magic-Few new fig- vealed by the famous Rocsevelt-LitI ures; arose to challenge their pres- vinoff negotiations. tige- In every walk of life the Jews The hectic controversy over the who^ 5vere regarded-as" "greats" • in Roosevelt * administration's tnoiietary 1932* still remained great to a large policies brought the names of James I Berlin, (J/T.A?)—In the last three extent in 1933. Few were overshad- Warburg and Henry Morgenthau, Jr., months 2,210,000 marks were transowed , by younger rivals. None were to international notice. Warburg, the mitted from. Germany to Palestine equalled in influence. son of the late Paul M. Warburg, under the three million mark agreePerhaps the best known addition had been one of the President's clos- ment reached by the Zionists with to the ranks of Jewish leaders dur- est advisers and for some months the German government last August, ing 1933 was young Lord Melchett. belonged to that exclusive sodality i the German press announces. He first made the front page with known as the "Brain Trust." Wlien The agreement which was anhis sponsorship of the European an- the President embarked on his new nounced at the Eighteenth Zionist ti-Nazi boycott campaign. Then he monetary policy, Warburg resigned Congress at Prague by Dr. Arthur thrilled Jewry every where' by public- his office and led the anti-inflation Ruppin, agricultural and colonization ly announcing his return to the re- forces in their opposition the Presi- expert of the Jewish Ag-ency for Palligion of his fathers. More re"ently dent. Warburg's dramatic resignation estine, provided for the establishment he has assumed the leadership of not only precipitated the inflation of a trustee corporation to liquidate the World Maccabee Movement and debate but contributed to making Jewish possessions in Germany to taken an increasingly active part in Morgenthau, Jr., an even bigger news the extent of three million marks, Zionist affairs. This titled English- ] figure than he already was. As di- this sunii in the form of goods manman — aggressive, courageous and rector of the far-flung agricultural ufactured in Germany, to be exportable—emerged as the most promis- relief agencies of the government, ed only to Palestine. The agreement Morgenthau was known as one of ing figure in Jewish life. most intimate associates of Roo- was opposed by many Jewish groups. The Zionist movement, which has the sevelt inflation flurry pushed The German press appeals to the produced some of our most out- him intoThe the unenviable job of act- Palestine Zionist executive to extend standing personalities, was barren ing-secretary of the treasury, an of- German exports because this is in this past year so far as new and fice which has kept his name on the the interests of the German exportvirile leadership was concerned. The front page daily. Other New Deal ers as well as advantageous to the older men maintained their firm grip policies contributed to forcing sending to Palestine of German Jews. and the younger element was de- decai Ezekiel and Louis Kirstein Morinto The press complains that German prived of its most brilliant chamoion the limelight Ezekiel, also a memby the tragic death of Chaim Arlos- ber of the "Brain Trust" is. one of exports to Palestine amount .only to oroff. In the United States, how- the chief figures in the Hew. Deal ten per cent of total Palestinian imports., German papers revealed that ever, there did come forward a new for agriculture, while Kirstein held the transfer of Jewish capital to Paltype of Zionist worker in the per- the key position of chairman of the estine- under the agreement involved con of the dynamic Meyer W. "Weis- NRA industrial advisory board. a loss of five per cent. s:al, who was not a stranger to the Zionist scene. It was Weisgal who Jewish political headliners /wete conceived and carried to a brilliant extremely scarce during 1933. The History of the Jews conclusion ' that daring undertaking, two most in the public eye were . Lima, Peru.—"A History of the "The Romance of a People." Not Meyer C. Ellenstein, elected New1 onlv did he thrill Jewry with a mag- ark's first Jewish mayor, and Irving Jews" is of a new book by the well-known Peruvian pofet-author, nificent dramatic spectacle but he Ben Cooper, the eagle-eyed prober Edgardo Barela. c r e a t e d invaluable inter-religious whose sensational investigations of good-will at a time when it was most and corruption in New York needed and carried out a project that graft City were the basis for the great yielded much needed revenue for the Fusion victory. Ellenstein became big settlement of German-Jewish refu- news not because was elected gees in Palestine. Weisgal's superb mayor but because ashemayor he came organizing genius marked him as a a hair's breadth of capturing first rate leader whose talents will within New, York Stock. Exchange, for yet be utilized in broader fields. As- the Jersey metropolis j an achievesociated with him in this venture the ment failed to accomplish only •was a newcomer to Jewry, Isaac Van becausehe Tammany Hall found that Grove, who staged "The Romance of bluff had been called by Wall a People" with consummate skill and its Street. Cooper, by his fearless and uncommon theatrical pageantry. brilliant expose of the rotten politiThree other Jewish personalities cal situation in New. York as chief made the front page of Jewish life counsel to the Seabury investigaduring 1933: J. George Fredman, tion, and by his refusal to be.hamJoseph Proskauer and Samuel Unter- strurig by Wall Street during his myer. Fredman, who was cominand- brief tenure as counsel to the Senate er-in-chief of the Jewish War Veterans of the United States,, was the first to sense the importance of the boycott as a -weapon in the fight against Hitlerism. For weeks he pleaded', argued and. spoke in vain Round Trip $7.95 because he was unknown to the masses of Jews. Eventually his foreDenver $6.50 sight -was vindicated and the boycott Round Trip $11.00 was adopted almost unanimously. Los Angeles....$16.95 Proskauer, who has steadily marched Round Trip §31.50 toward the front page through his philanthropic and political activities, BUS DEPOT finally, reached the goal by his untisually able service in behalf of the Edwards Hotel Bldg. American Jewish Committee. Func306! No. 16t| St. | H A . 5000 tioning as the righ hand man of Dr.; In this survey of the Jewish personalities who emerged from comparative obscurity to fame daring the past year, Mr. Postal offers some novel and timely observations on the development of Jewish leadership. —THE EDITOR.


Chicago $5.00


are dusted off and refurbished. But recessity forces the elimination of one of the triumvirate and concentration -upon the other two. Organizingrei.uVes money, and nuther ttrc ComA joint meeting' of the executive muii-.M'S rur tue-.Tt-T can buy ;r.-.and membership committees of the r-.iur^y by providing it "n Germany Round Table of Jewish Youth met (Continued from Page 1.) a.;;:l lit'y the banker and industriala t the J. C. C. Wednesday evening. ists came across. The movement has effect on White Shirts and others, It was decided to circulate a quesnot readied this stage in America, i Contract Calls for Million Bottlonaire among the 500 individual and while they seem to indicate a power seem insufficienttles to U. S. Within members, to determine the extent of ;o dig into their pocka their religious activities and beliefs, this is not necessarily true. Mr. ! ets to any serious extent, nor has 3 Years their knowledge of vital Jewish top- Christians uses psychology like a anyone as yet assumed the mythical ics, their opinions on Jewish ques- salesman who has taken a corres- character with which heross must be New York (J. T. A.)—A contract tions of the day, the aspects of Juda- pondence course. And in answer to invested in order to put them across. providing for the importation here of ism which, are of particular interest, the question whether he will convert is waiting. one million bottles of wines and lithe Nazis to his radical monetary Fascism in this country etc. The leader has not jTet emerged. A quor from Palestine during the next system or the Nazis convert the "Leadership classes" will then be merger and concentration of forces three years has been concluded beestablished. Those interested in a White Shirts to medieval barbarism, will be necessary if tho present inde- tween the famous Rishon - le - Zion it must be borne in mind that even particular phase of Jewish history, pendent movements are not going to wine cellars in Palestine founded by culture or sociology will be grouped while the Nazis are not rioted for cancel each other. The power of fas- Baron Edmund de Rothschild, and subtlety they possess the prestige together into a class and will receive cism, will increase in direct propor- the Distillers and Brewers Corporainstruction in their particular sub- which accrues from the subjection tion as the efforts of the present ad- tion of America, a S 15,000,000 conof a great nation. Recently one of jsct from a qualified person. cern, the Jewish Telegraphic Agency their representatives closed a letter ministration to bolster up the profit reports. . system fail. And last, the growth of greeting: "Let me salute you as you J a powerful radical movement, even The first shipment being made unwill be saluted in the days to come. faintly approaching the strength, of der the contract is of 5,000 cases of the German labor movement in PFC- wine and 1,500 cases of liquor, acThe" senior basketball league start- Hail! Christians." cording to Harry Mottsman, presiNATIONAL WATCHMEN ed off last Sunday with a bang, with dent and general manager of the high scores resulting as the teams, National Watchmen are a movement i D. & B. Import Corporation, subbe said, can work both ways. prepared by the pre-season round, of a different character. No emosidiary of the Distillers and Brewrang up baskets thick and fast The tional appeal has been "written into ers Corporation of America. Mr. Psi Mu continued its string of vic- the "Plan for Economic RehabilitaMottsman and Gustave Wilder, reptories by trouncing the Marks Mar- tion in the United States." The plan resentative of the Palestine wine ket, 45 to 24; Xi Lambdas took it is detailed and radical, and includes cellars, concluded the agreement afeasy while defeating the Wardrobe, the nationalization of all property ter negotiations in which Israel B. 35 to 22; and the Desp Rocks nosed except personal, abolishes all corporBrodie and Robert Szold of the out the A. Z. A. No. 1, 17 to 13. ations for profit, establishes a graduGrossman of X. L.'s connected for ated income tax reaching 100 per- LONDON, (JTA) The Arch- American - Palestine Economic Com16 points; Smith of the Marks Mar- cent on incomes above §10,000 a year, bishops of Canterbury, Wales and mittee assisted. ket and Bogdonoff of the Psi Mu's a minimum wage scale, fixed prices, York issued an appeal to the peoA new concern, the Rishon-Leeach made 14. etc. It seems to be an attempt to com- pies of all creeds to extend the Zion Carmel Wine Company is bebine socialism and the profit system hand of fellowship and unite in as- j ing organized here to distribute the The girl's varsity basketball team of the early nineteenth century. Just sistance to German refugees. Their j Palestine products, it was learned. is being rounded into shape under what function profit will retain when' plea had the strong support of High Mr. Mottsman "will head the comthe direction of Miss Selma Lotman. cost and price are fixed is not sug- j Commissioner James G. McDonald pany. With repeal of prohibition, new Practice "was held last Wednesday gested. F. M. Cox, National Com- of the international refugee body mander, says that members are en- which recently convened in Lausanne possibilities giving impetus to the with a promising outlook. Last week the Midget cage loop listed by addressing factory employes to thresh out the problem of saving Jewish wine industry in Palestine have been created. Before the World opened with the Talmud Torah, 1932- with the permission of the manage- trie exiles from the Third Reich. 33 champs, winning from the Deep ment and claims half a million ad- The need for immediate assistance W'ar, the United States and Russia Rocks, 14 to 1; the Habonim, coached herents in one city alone and numer- is a burden persons in every nation were the largest markets for Palesby Sol Dorinson, defeated the Tuxis ous other units throughout the Mid- should bear, the appeal said. The tine wine. The advent of prohibition A. C. Midgets, coached by Ray Scha- dle West. winter is bringing untold hardships in this country reduced the markets piro, 6 to 0, and the Milder Oils drew Many of the other fascist organi- to the refugees, particularly in for Palestine wines. Palestinian vinta bye. In regard to this league Lee zations in America are along some- France, where the majority of them ners, according to reports received Grossman stated, "The younger Jew- what similar lines. While fascism in are temporarily housed in former here, are planning to open up new ish boy of today will be the athlete its early manifestations springs from rcny barracks. New occupations areas in Samaria for grape cultivaand well-developed man of tomor- the bottom—from the ruined fringe and new homes are the most press- tion in order to meet the expected demand for their products in this row and with this in mind we have of the middle class — it is also firm- ing of their needs. organized one of the best midget ly established at the top. Certain fea- The appeal urged that special col- country. leagues in the city." tures of the program of the present lections be taken cp in churches Democratic administration of Wash- everywhere. The funds will be a The Giants and the Athletics are ington have all the economic car- godsend to refugees, who include tied for first place in the Health marks of fascism, and it is signifi- among their number Jews, political Club volleyball league now in the cant that when Gerard Swope re- victims of the Nazi regime and second round. Today the Giants play cently proposed his plan for abso- Christians of Jewish descent, the. the Athletics to complete the second lute industrial dictatorship, General appeal pointed out. BUENOS AIRES, (JTA)—The Johnson approved and added that the round. first national conference of the Zionweapon of the strike should be taken ist Women's Organization of ArgenLee Grossman has been appointed away from labor. tina which was held here recently, reGoebbels Paper a member of the Golden Gloves com- Another indication of this trendsolved to found Hebrew kindergarStates Hospitals mittee, sponsored by the World-Her- f rom-above is the paper recently pubtens, organize youth clubs to be conald. The meet will be held in Omaha lished by Lawrence Dennis and Harducted in Yiddish, Hebrew or SpanAre Understaffed on February 13 and 14. The J. C. C. old Lord Varney, The Awakener. ish as conditions demand, to estabhas purchased Iboxing equipment in Dennis, although a radical economist lish an- Argentine colony in Palestine 1 order to preparwts entrants for the who has been predicting'. for. - some Berlin (J. T. A.)—Hospitals in and to encourage more widespread matches. time the doom of capitalism, has now Germany are working "with 50 per use of Palestinian products in the Those who have been vforking out taken a fascist position of the most cent of their normal staff. A tre- Argentine. The sum of 3,000 pesos are: Joe Xaplan, Joe Blumenthal, reactionary sort. The slogan of his mendous shortage of qualified medi- has already been assigned for the Bob Ferer, Lou? Weiner, and Dave paper is "Against Socialism of the cal men, doctors, professors and first shipment of Palestinian goods. Richards. Any other Jewish lad -who Xeft!" and the bulk of the sheet is chemists exists, tonight's Angriff de- The conferences were presided over is. interested in entering the Golden made up of attacks upon the admin- clares. The Nazi paper added that by Mrs. Sofia Nisenson, president of Glove classic see Mr. Grossman in istration in Washington for employ- alS of the best medical men in the organization. the physical department of the J. C. ing certain liberal and radical econ- Germany had "been removed from The Zionist Women's Organization C. at once. omists in the various government bu- hospitals because they were Jews. of Argentina is an affiliate of the' While among the lower ranks of WIZO (Women's International Zionreaus... A rejuvenated Pants Store team Fascism suffers from an inner con- the medical profession the propor- ist Organization). The Argentine orheld the Thorpeians to a lone field tradiction. Organizations which seek tion of Jewis is small and their ex- ganization has 22 divisions and 2,000 goal while beating them, 14 to 5 last to consc.-ve cannot act against estab- qualified leading spirits of Gerjnan members, runs an agricultural school Tuesday. In the feature game of the lished fowers as can true revolu- medicine, the Ar.griff stated. The for girls in Palestine and for the past evening the powerful Mothers Cook- tionary mo^or/.enu?. Since the rank Nazi newspaper, whose chief editor seven years has been making large ies team won their second straight and file demand action nevertheless, is Dr. Goebbels, Nazi minister of contributions to the home office of game of the season to go into first artificial enemies "have to be created. porpaganda, declared that the pro- the WIZO at London. The contribuplace in. the Junior basketball league Whatever the purpose of the leader- portion of Jews among the clerical tions are fifth largest of membership by swamping the A. Z. A; 100, 22 to ship, it is not long before contempor- pulsion was unfelt, the highest Jew- donations. 6. Rubin of the winners was high- ary hates, bankers and ish percentage -was among the highly point man, scoring 13 points to boost and the traditional hate, th« Jews, staffs of the hospitals "was small. Patronize our advertisers. his total for the two games to 23.

Round Table of Jewish Youth




British Archbishops Plead for Refugees


German Default Is Blamed on Boycott BERLIN, (JTA)—The warning of Dr. Hjalmer Schacht, president of the Reichsbank, regarding Germany's external obligations, issued in the course of his address before the German Chamber of Commerce of Switzerland at Basle, was echoed here in the German press which featured Dr. Sehaeht's speech and put the blame on the boycott of German exports had been especially felt in America,; England and the Scandinavian countries. •-

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GOL DSTONC.KAPM4NS Sixteenth *orf




A Pall Descends

hence, T W policies of the _ various M i g r a t i o n C o m m i t t e e

companies differ somewhat in their *=* provisions but this is a detail for the agents themselves to explain. If all persons, when insuring, were. _L n d , T rrw \ T 4, S the saaeage, in the same condition I e, iverec? ° °j\ V ^ - l * ™ /n of healtl the s m circumstances fi- tdl e s' o f before the Board of Depunanciallv'and otherwise, and o f \ h e British Jews of which he is same occupation, arid all insured for!President, Neville Laskj declared that Deputies would soon By the Service Life Insurance j exactly the same purpose, one form the Board of Company, Omaha policy •would answer for all; but witness the establishment of a migration committee together with High . . this not being the case, the compa- Commissioner James G. McDonald of nies issue As stated in our last week's artimany different forms of j icle in this column, v e will give vou! policies to accommodate the varied | the refugee body. The committee ! • . J. - J . i i. i . fr *• n»-^;t; n ^.- and OT,^ circumstances n;-m-.T^-,e-+n^^ot? of «^ the +h& j•. will will operate onerate under under supervision supervision of 01 t n 9 conditions .I a' brief explanation of what life inj League of Nations. surance companies term their four millions of persons ,,who insure. The task of the High Commissionbasic policy contracts. Endowment/insurance er is not only one of coordination, Life Policies Endowment Polities differ from Dec. 31 Through Jan 31, 1934, Inc. - The Ordinary or Whole Life is a Life Policies. An (Endowment does but also one of making effective efSunday, Dec. 31—3 p. m., Psi policy on wiiich the premiums or de- not run for the fuH life time of the'fort in the interest of the refugees, Mu dance; 3 p. m., Omaha Heb- 1 posits are payable for the full life- insured but for a specified number! the Anglo-Jewish leader slate. Aljtime of the insured. The premiums on of years and then is payable to the!though cooperating with the Jewish rew dub; 8 p. iii., Jewish Show. Tuesday, Jan. 2—1. p. m., Jew- this policy are the lowest for any insured himself, if living. For exam- j Agency for Palestine, the High Comish Women's Welfare Organiza- Life Policy, because they -are pay- ple, you insure at age of 30 for j missioner is not specifically concern§10,000, on the 20-year Endowment ed with Palestine. Dr. Chaim Weiztion Iuneheon; S p. m., Workmen's able for life. Loan Association; S p. m., basketOn the 20 Payment Life Policy the plan. At age 50, the $10,000 would mann, head of the Zionist campaign ball game. premiums are payable for only twen- be paid to yon; but should you not to settle German refugees in PalesThursday, Jan. 4—S p. m., bas- ty years and, as a matter of course, survive the 20 years it would be paid tine, and High Commissioner Mcare higher than on the Whole Life at your death to the beneficiary Dor.ald are cooperating to the fullest ketball game. Monday, Jan. 8—2 p. m., Bikur Policy. In 20 years the policy be- named in the policy. To accommodate extent, Mr. Laski pointed out. He Cholim; 8 p. m., Community For- comes a fully paid up life policy pay- all ages and the great variety of added that Palestine is always upIn Dostoievsky's "Brothers Kar- its very nature unaware of danger. been the endemic disease "of our race, um presents Normaii Thomas. circumstances of those •who insure permost in the minds of those conable at the death of the insured. anaazo,'* .the dialogue between the The infant 'unsuspectingly snatches the • terrible infection to ./which we Wednesday, Jan. 9—2 p. m., | On the 15 Payment Life Policy the under this plan, the companies issue cerned with the refugee problem. tv,o brothers in which one of them up a sharp knife, thrusts its fingers succumbed for centuries in the Ghet- Conservative Synagogue Auxili- I premiums are payable for only fif- Endowments to mature at almost any indicts God for keeping silence amid into the burning flame. It would to. For a century we had hoped ary; .6 p. m., Phi Beta'Epsilon teen years and the rate is corres-'age desired. Perhaps the most popuall the misery in the •world, opens with a smile put its hand into the that we had once and for all finally banquet. pondingly higher. In 15 years thejlar are those maturing in 15, 20, 25 Jerusalem Ballots with the words: "I shall not speak jaws of the lion, and play with a conquered this inmost malady. We policy becomes a fully paid up life'or SO years and at age €0 or 65. The Jerusalem. — The government is Saturday,.Jan. 13—7 p. m.,Cenwith you about the sufferings of hu- poisonous snake. This immense had thought that in Germany, as ev- tral High School Water Carnival. policy payable at the death of the | shorter the term, remember, the high- contemplating preparations for the er the rate; and the longer the term, elections to be held in the municimanity as a whole, for that would trustfulness is the most attractive erywhere else in the world, we had Sunday, Jan. 14—10 a. m., Con- insured. be too niuch, and -we should never quality of the child, the magic force bought out release from the reproach. servative Synagogue board meetOn the 10 Payment Life Policy the the lower the rate, the same as with pality here. get finished. I want to speak to you that endears it to the mother, to of inferiority by taking our part in ing; 6:30. p. m., Pioneer Women's premium payments cease in 10. years j life policies. According to the newspaper, Doar today only of the sufferings of the everyone, and the longer a child, aye, all fields of cultural" life, in poetry, banquet. | and for this reason the rate is high- Buying yg a life insurance estate is Mt >m, Hebrew daily, tlie city is to the longer anyone can retain this na- painting, music, science, philosophy, little children." n on aany y of f the tthree other similar m one respect p to buying a I nave h^ twelve electoral wards, four of Monday, Jan. 15—8 p. m., Con- j| er than h in- which will be Jewish, two MosleraThe sufferings of the children rep- tive trustfulness, the happier he will by rendering equal service in citizen- servative Synagogue book review, life policies just, mentioned. In 10 home or other property on the resent to Dimitri Karamazo's broken be and the finer his spiritual har- ship with the best of all other na- by Rabbi Goldstein, "Keturn of years the policy becomes a fully paid j stallment plan. The larger the in- Christian, two Moslem Christian of tions. We saw a new Jewish gener- the Native." up policy payable at the death of stallments the sooner the property non-Arab race, one purely Moslem spirit so vast a sum of worldly trag- n i o n y . ation that no longer walked, furtivej wili be paid for; and the smaller the jone purely Christian and two mixed the insured. And now think of the fate that is edy that it must suffice to rouse the Tuesday, Jan. 16—2 p. m., PionAnd how very simple, the more> installments, the longer it -will take wards consisting of Moslem?, Chrisprepared for thousands of German ly, with cast-down eyes, but looked i eer Women's meeting1. pity of any genuine man. ione pays each year, the sooner one's j to finish paving. The one great difup with the calm, confident gaze Wednesday, Jan. 17—2 p. m., i insurance is paid for; and the less ference between the two, however, is tians and Jews. 1/ too, wish to speak now not of children today, through organised that a sound and undisturbed childthe entire tragedy of • ihe Jews in humiliation. A little girl, scarcely hoot! and a sense of spiritual Daughters of Zion; 6 p. m., Men's one pays each year, the longer it i that all installments on life insnr^Germany, which staggers imagina- able to talk, not yet perceptive of straightness bestows upon every hu- Club of Conservative Synagogue will take to finish paying. ' ance cease at the death o£ the in- surance the insured cannot, through dinner; 8 p. m., Senior Hadassah tion, but only and solely of the ter- distinctions, wants to play with some man being. These, by whatever name they may suretl and the policy is immediately neglect or otherwise, forfeit, or be other children; but they shrink from card party. rible plight of the children. be called, are the four standard Life (paid in full to the beneficiary; while deprived of the equity in his policy, Sunday, Jan. 21—8 p. m., B'nai Policies issues by the "Old Line" j unpaid installments on any other while in paying for property of a Certainly, the catastrophe that has her, they hurl an ugly word at her, And now, ir the old malady to become upon the Jews of tJermany has the sense of which she cannot yet gin its ravages again in a new gen- Brith function. companies and all are payable at the form of property would stand as a different nature on the installment Monday, Jan. 22—2 p.m., Coun- death of the insured, whether that lien against the property. Another plan, this would not always be the affected all alike, people of all ages, grasp; but she has sobbingly realised eration, are Jewish children once men. and women. It has torn away that she is a pariah. A boy sees all more, in Germany of all places, in cil of Jewish Women. be today or not for many years • striking difference is that in life in- case. Tuesday, Jan. 23—S p. m., Juninnumerable people from their home, the other boys in school wearing a the heart of Europe, to become cowfrom their work, from all that life new, very attractive brown uniform. ering and crippled souls, an anxious, ior Vaad bridge. .. . • Wednesday, Jan. 24—8 p. m , meant to them, from a community of He comes home and begs his father terrified, broken generation? It must which they had formed part for cen- and mother to buy him a uniform not be. And it is here that we need Junior Vaad Forum presents Dr. turies, and the record of .this devas- like it, so that he should not be dif- your help. For it is our common Leo Honor. tation "has already filled many vol- ferent from the other children. The cause,: that the spirit of the Ghetto, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, father and mother, feel embarrassed. tliis lamentable and most mortifying Jan. 26, 27, and 28, Study Group umes. They must very _carefully explain to But grown-up men- and women, no him why he. alone must not wear period in our ancient history, should of the Conservative Synagogue matter" how deeply hurt they are, this dress. And a child is weepins be closed for ever, that we; should presents' "Dr. Abram L. Sachar must not acknowledge defeat. Tbey here, and another there, and hun- never again slip back into" this lack Institute." • - • Tuesday, Jan. 30—S p. m., analready have the strength or think dreds more elsewhere. They have all of self-confidence, that this dangerthey have to master their fate, and experienced one profound incompre- ous germ of the sense of inferiority nual meeting of the federation. Wednesday, Jan. 31—8 p. m., to build a new liome on the ruins of "hensiWe, and therefore doubly unfor- should never, for all time, again do Conservative Synagogue book rethe" old. The adult may find consol- gettable, humiliation. . And from this hurt to our people. ation in the history of his ancestors, earliest painful childish experience it But there is a second danger that view by Eabbi Goldstein, "Hear in similar the past, and he goes on undeviatingly step by step, is menacing the future Jewish" men Ye Sons." Note: No other functions will has the comfort of knowing that by through, the whole period of youth. and women who are today still chilfar .the-greater part of the world In school they, must sit on separate, dren in Germany, and that is, that be booked Tuesday evening, Jan. condemns what is now being done. in benches, are treated differently, and their souls''may be poisoned by the 30, because of - ihe : ^federation's innual meeting. Germany. A strong man may ac- exen though the teacher may be most hatred implanted in them in childtually be strengthened by such ex- considerate and friendly, the memory hood growing into their adult life. perience, and suffering may lead to of the scoffing of the otner children, When the terrible calamity broke up _ creative expression. Real men and the taunt of the alleged inferiority the German Jews, many of them •"•women are spiritually able to defend knew of no other weapon . against i of their race remains. For children,,^ themselves. . . terribie j ^ t to o ou ru r p pr ir di de e> > t too terribie w know are unnsciously e j^ It is the defenseless, the children, j ^ we know are unconsciously c r u e , j o u r f e e l i n g o f h u m a n i t y than to take the young people, the growing gen- and when they have found or think refuge in an outburst of hatred. they have found some inferiority in eration who must have all our care, Their first impulse was to cut away New York, (J.T.A.)—Henry Ford for they are in danger, almost in another child, they point the finger now for ever from the nation that denied that he is a hater of the of scorn at it. And so on and so on. mortal danger, faced by a double had inflicted upon them this almost Young girls glow up, and find the unbearable humiliation, to sever ev- Jews, or that he ever contributed peril. money to anti-Semitic activity, in an The first menace that confronts the dancing school shut against them; ery connection with it, and to hit exclusive interview with John Henry they must not join in rambles; if Jewish children in Germany today is iack blindly to avenge themselves Hewlett which was published in the j the sense of inferiority. We know, they find themselves in any company or this murderous blow aimed at New York Evening Journal. through the splendid work of that which does not consist exclusively of heir honour. "I am no Jew hater," Mr. Ford great Jewish master of the soul, Sig- people of their own lcagious comNow, my "own belief, contrary to was quoted us saying. "I have never munity, they feel ill at east, because Frocks that were purchased and selected with great deliberation . . . and it seems only mund Freud, that the sense of- inhat of many of ray brethren in met Hitler. I have never contributed feriority is not merely a light shad- they cannot be sure that they are >lood, who will contradict me, is that a cent, directly, indirectly or any yesterday they were put m our stocks . . . High shades to wear under dark coats now ow cast upon the soul* a passing de- altogether accepted. ;his outburst of passion is not the other way, to any anti-Semitic ac. . . black frocks to start spring with* . . . tailored frocks for business and school vveax This sense of inferiority is the •ight attitude to adopt. For I hate pression, but a very serious malady . . . And included, are about 24 "Janet Walkers" . . . Two color combinations! Bright ivity anywhere. which.; saps the .vitality and destroys terrible epidemic that is menacing latred as something unworthy of a trims! Gay Bows of contrasting fabrics! Sizes 14 to 52 "Jews have their place in the world ; .the Jewish children of Germany tothe 'joy 'of life. Arid -we know also spiritually-minded, of a religiously- social structure, and they fill it thanks to his revealing researches, day, and we Jews know better than minded human being. I believe that nobly. now long accepted by the entire anyone else the sinister nature of man who yields to it permanently <: I have Jewish friends—rmany of world, that the malady is almost in- this malady, for it has afflicted our loses a part of "his moral strength, them—and I Have Jewish friends in BRAX'DEIS— Second Floor variably implanted in childhood. The whole peaple for centuries, It has and above all, I believe, just in the ray business association. I have same way as I proclaimed it in the Jewish customers, affiliations with spiritual fabric of the child is so Ireat War, that hatred must never finance companies controlled by Jews. delicate and sensitive. Its payable e directed against a whole commun- I don't believe either that the Jew3 organism has not yet developed the ity. A nation or a race as a whole think I am a Jew-hater or a Jew capacity of resistance, so that a must never be made responsible for baiter." slight, almost imperceptible injury local Young Workmen's Cir- the actions of its leaders. tr*ry poison or wound the inmost life cleThe League was installed Sunday aftcz the soul for ever. The very same ernoon as Branch 1.014 of the na- [Copyright 1933 by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) occurrence that w e would afterwards tional organization. describe as trivial, is" in early childThe branch was installed by the hood an irrevocable decision, and the Omaha branch of the Workmen's CirYou may be lucky! At least we hope you are! That . - That .Same germ of a constantly devouring peril. cle 173 and by the members of the particular French Room frock you've been longing for We all know,-that the child is by District committee, Messrs L. Wit§5SO© CGSttY01*t may be here reduced to one-half! P. Novak of New York, well-known if yea have your shoes kin, S. Lipp, and N. Martin. Think of it! French Room Dresses to start Spring journalist and lecturer, •will The following permanent officers Yiddish repaired at tha with! A limited number only. speak here this evening, December of the ' youth group were installed: 29, at 8 p.m. at 1314 No. 24 street, Floor Ben. . Reitzer, financial secretary; on "Nazi Propaganda and AntisemiMaurice Katz, treasurer; Sophie Hal- tisnv . SJsoe Rspsir Co. perin, recording secretary; Milton J. U SBAUE, Prep. Wallman, educational director; Fan- " Admission is twenty-five cents. The 1619 ectureis under the auspices of InCHICAGO, (JTA)^-A program-for nie Witkin, reporter; Georg;e Dol. Farnam ternational 'Workers order, Jewish St. organized Jewish philanthropy in this goff and Phil Smith, members Jof the country, revised and adapted to meot executive committee; Harry Lerner, branch." I the changing needs of the day, will representative to the Sound Table be discussed at the first national as- of Jewish Youth; Sam Bailen, sersembly of Jewish federations -and geant-at-arms. welfare funds to beheld at the Stan- • The master of ceremonies for the . dard Club here on Saturday and Sun- installation was Fannie Witkin;. Delday, January 6 and 7.:Sol M. Stroock egates, from Sioux City, Des Moines, former president of the New York and Lincoln were" present at the in; Federation for the Support of Jewish stallation. ~ .'.'•-• Philanthropic Societies, will preside The organization gave a dance ^ in at the banquet which "is to open the the evening. conference, and will'deliver the keynote address. Delegates from'- feder• . •=. will appreciate a gift sent them through TORGSIN to purchase domestic or imported articles," AT " ated charitable groups in thirty" ci- f Mr. Marcus personally su. PRICES "DBASTICdliLT KBa>CCBD. Tour local ties from coast to coast .will take part "':"•••. bank or"autiprized agent will give you the.necesin the conference, the first of an an- I pervises the dry cleaning - -" •• sary~ informatioi x>r -accept your "TOR.GSIK orders.-f and pressing of aU garnual series. • ~ The relationship of governmental g ments sent to his plant. Here are some of the prices: Flour, e kopeks; kasha, 14 kp.; sugar, 40 and private communal activities • unkp. m kilo, (21/5 American Ub.); Pair, '$25. and §35 Values 49.75 to 59.75 Values $65 to 69.75 Values der the New Deal, the functions to et Hen's shoes, 3.73 Rbl.; Ladles' shoes.. 3.70 Rbl.; Men's rubbers, 1.78 RbU; be performed by each in the light of Uadiex" .rubbers. .90 ten.; Men's suits. increased public appropriations for Just 41 to sell at $19.95! 24 to sell at S36! and exactly 31 to sell at $56:' Dress coats 7.50 Rbl.: Ladlit' suits. 7.30 Rubli; relief and welfare work, as well as Sneakers, 40 Kp.; Snap, 3 kp. • piece; beautifully trimmed in precious furs . . . sizes for Miss and Matron! e t c the distinctive responsibilities of BRASDEIS— Second Floor •j Jewish philanthropy, will occupy the ' H. MARCUS, Prop. s a Fifth Ate, S.Y. c-o / - attention of the assembly as it conSTORES IN EVERY CITY 1941Vinton JA. 1440 siders a nine-point calendar prepared for the meeting.

Y Noted Author Presents Problem of Bewildered Jewish Youngsters

By League of Nations

J. C. C. Calendar

By Stefan Zweig





Thrift Shop Dresses Clearance - Priced We've made no restrictions . . . Every Dress in our various stocks and racks assembled in Two Low Price Groups

Henry Ford Denies That He Is "Jew-Hater"

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We Advise—Don't Let Too Many Shop Ahead of You!

Young Circle League Officially Installed

Here's a Thrill for You . . Sweeping Clearance of

French Room Dresses

To Sp^ak Here on "Nazi Propaganda"




I/very Winter Cloth At Prices That Will Create a Stir in Our Coat Dept




THE JEWISH PRESS Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by

THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Subscription Price, one year - " " " , " " " Advertising rates furnished on application


Editorial Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building. Print Shop Address: 1307 Howard Street Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center^ D^VID BLACKER '•-' - - - Business and Managing Editor

ernment now ruling and gives added weight that the forces of terror and barbarity have been routed in that small country. In the elections held last week the government liberals won a decisive victory, obtaining 301 out of the 389 seats in the Chamber of Deputies. They are now far more firmly entrenched in authority, and King Carol is becoming more and more popular. Prior to the election the Union of Roumanian Jews entered into a pact with the government liberals and supported them in their victorious campaign. In King Carol's remarks can be found sound governmental philosophy. Peace, externally or internally, cannot be achieved unless all peoples, regardless of race or religion, work for the common good.

less we find a Jew who lives under normal conditions.



We are entering a new secular year, and I believe, under fairly promising conditions. Despite all of the problems which beset humanity today, it seems1 to me that there is a silver lining to the cloud. And The Community Center Building The Stand of the Catholic Church even if the problems themselves are The Jewish Community Center is the heart of the Jewish The Catholic church in Germany and the neighboring Nazi- no nearer solution, in the repeal of community. Through it pulses the blood-stream of our communal infested countries have not been very sharp in their open criticism the 18th amendment we have at least endeavors; through it the Jewish people of all walks of life and all of the Hitlerite theories, although it has been evident for some one means to drink away dull care.




shades of opinion meet on the common platform of building a stronger and more useful Jewish life. It is a link which forges our various organizations and activities into a more unified whole, lending focus to a multi-colored picture of Jewish work. Physically erected some eight years ago, that building was erected many years before then in the hearts and minds of our far-seeing leaders. Years of dreaming and devoted self-sacrifice laid the foundation for the brick and mortar which today houses so much of our non-religious Jewish activity. The Community Center was recognized before as a necessity, and it is recognized today—now that we have enjoyed it and used it and lent a spirit to the stones—as even more necessary. However, we of times fail to realize that the maintenance of a building such as the Community Center takes money. Elsewhere in this paper the figures are set forth for the mere physical maintenance. We attend meetings in the building, we attend lectures, plays, various classes, and so on, but we frequently neglect to take out active membership in the Center. Membership dues proper form an important part of the budget in keeping up the Center—every Jewish individual who can afford to should by all means take out an active membership. By such memberships can we show our appreciation for the Community Center building in Omaha, the hub of Jewish communal activities. -

Common Sense for Palestine The British government has paid no heed to the protests against its present policy of restricting immigration into Palestine, the land which it once—still fresh in our memory—solemnly promised to help build into a Jewish national homeland. The mandate government is apparently proceeding on the theory of the "economic absorptive capacity of the country." And it is precisely this theory which ought to cause them to lift the bars generously, instead of stifling the influx of new blood. The British reason is that the growth of Palestine has been phenomenal and that this development of the country should be arrested in order to prevent a possible crisis. A careful analysis, however, points strongly to the conclusion that their course may lead to the very opposite results—may precipitate the very crisis which it was meant to avoid. The reasons for this line of reasoning are known to the British government as well as to ourselves. During a time when other countries are desperately struggling in the throes of a vulturous depression, Palestine flourished and continues to prosper. As early as January, 1933, it became apparent that there were not enough laborers in Palestine, particularly skilled and semi-skilled labor. By the end of August the labor situation had become acute. Teachers and pupils had to leave the classrooms to aid in manual labor. Two months later the reason for the delay in the extension program and the suspension of certain projects was announced as a scarcity of labor in Palestine. Naturally, this brought about what seems rare in a time of world economic trouble—an actual competitive race for labor between the various industrial enterprises. A large number of the new immigrants, as those from Germany and the neighboring countries, are of the industrial type. They have experience and capital, but the scarcity of labor is the obstacle which retards the natural development of the country. The labor question is a serious, one and has brought about an unhealthy situation. Unless the British government reverses its present policy and issues more labor immigration certificates, an acute condition will grow even more acute.

A Welcome Denial Reassuring word has come to us from Morris Rothenberg, president of the Zionist Organization of America and co-chairman of the Council of the Jewish Agency for Palestine. In an official communication he has emphatically denied that any responsible agency in Palestine had contracted an agreement with tfae German government whereby the latter would increase its orange import from Palestine in return for greater exports, of German goods to that country. At the time the German papers printed this purported agreement^ it was condemned in Jewish circles, condemned uncertain language. Mr. Rothenberg explains what happens: A plan to that effect was worked out by an official of the German government, who obtained the aid of a minor Jewish" merchant toward carrying out the scheme. But "the plan was unanimously rejected by all responsible individuals and firms in Palestine as being inadvisable and contrary to the best Jewish interests." It would have been a deep spiritual blow to discover, after the Jewish communities throughout the world had bled themselves to offer every possible opportunity for the development of Palestine as the Jewish national homeland, that the Jewish people settled in Palestine through the efforts of their co-religionists would barter their soul to Israel's enemies for a few paltry dollars. The rejection of the exchange by the Palestinians is more in keeping with the flaming, rejuvenated spirit of the hardy Pioneers •who are making a land reborn in Palestine, a land the Jewish people can call their home.

®S$mkintf'f<yr the Common Goodr

~( J

S;W-P$ "Our desirefor peace In our interjoati^^^ ^^^e^fife^^oitenient of peace also in iny country^wher^ S!i2^|^g|idless;pf their racig ori relij^njareurged b y ' m e ^ w k ^l^^e-^bmnioii good." These -wordsvuttered by Kiri^^rol^of S^S^p^-fpDiwjjiosely.- on the banning of the anti-Seniitic piibr

S t t t S I ? ^ ! ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ in thatiaiid by' the liberal Doca gov^

time that there was a strong undercurrent of opposition. However, the Austrian Catholic Bishops, in their Christmas eve pastoral letter directed to communicants sharply condemned and rejected Nazism and its "racial madness." The letter states: "The concordat recently concluded between the Holy See and Germany does not mean that the Catholic Church approves of the religious errors of Nazism. Everyone knows how tense is the situation between church and state in Germany. It is no wonder that the Austrian Church is anxious about what would become of the Catholic religion if the Nazis were to rule over Austria also. "The Catholic Church has never agreed with the three fundamental errors of Nazism, which are race madness, violent antiSemitism and extreme nationalism."

THERE'S A SILVER LINING No people today is so enveloped in black clouds as the Jew, and yet it seems to me in one way the situation of the Jew is the most promising that it has been in 2,000 years. I continue to see a silver lining in Palestine. I believe that despite all difficulties there, we will get through and bring about the most radical change in the Jewish problem since the dispersion of Jewry.


I have just been talking to Dr. Bernstein, chief "of the Palestine Bureau of the Zionist Organization, who -has just returned from Palestine. The doctor, though a devoted ZionThe Promise of a New Year ist, doesn't blink at difficulties. He Monday ushers in a new secular year At the end of each sees all the black spots. And Dr. Bernstein has returned night, the light of day lends hope to sleepless, discouraged indi- convinced that Palestine is a going viduals. And so, too, at the end of each year, the promise of a affair, that it cannot be stopped.

new twelve-month gives inspiration to sorrow-laden, despairing people. The year gone by has been a dark one for world Jewry. The forces of bigotry and ignoi'ance and narrow-minded prejudice have cast a black cloud over most of the world. Hatred and his companion, persecution, have run rampant, mad with their own sadistic powers, while so many strayed in the thick economic fog. However, providently, when the night seems darkest the first rays of light are born. From the portents, we have passed the worst; the dawn of day is at hand. Economic conditions the world over are brightening, sanity and right are making headway back to their deserved leadership. The world is headed for a new day, a new deal. The secular year of 1934 px-omises to bring mankind into the vale of sunshine, prosperity and happiness.

Expanded Educational Facilities The phenomenal growth of the Hebrew University in Palestine continues. In its brief existence, the place of learning on Mount Scopus had made an enviable reputatjpn in the Orient, and with the influx of "world-renown professors and educators of recent months its already established reputation grew steadily. The University has this month extended its educational facilities to offer a new service, one that will do much toward giving a higher education to those unable to attend regular classes. Extension courses for adults have been inaugurated in Tel Aviv, covering a wide range of subjects, including biochemistry, zoology, botany and physics, mathematics, philosophy and mystic literature, history, Islamics, Talmudic Jurisprudence, Jewish and Hebrew literature, Rabbinical literature, Jewish poetry of Spain, Greek literature, mediaeval and renaissance European literatures. Hebrew vocabulary, Mishna language in philology and Palestine research.



"The deep severance, between citizens in Germany today is so terrifying that they simply dare not express it. They live in a sort of 'unity' which makes them ten times more unhappy than they were in the darkest periods of separatism in their history." —Alfred Kerr, exiled journalist and critic "Neither Hitler' nor myself are anti-Semitic."—Friedrich Heiss, publisher of the. Amerikas Deutsche^ Post, which is constantly launching vile, false attacks upon the Jewish people.


JEWS SAVING ARABS Dr. Bernstein does not underestimate the Arab problem. But a modus vivendi will be found—an agreement will be reached, he holds. For the Jews, says Dr. Bernstein, are saving the Arab from extinction. In Iraq, Syria, in Trans-Jordania, the Arabs have been rapidly decreasing. They have been decreasing by starvation, and by the lessened fertility which hunger brings. Only in Palestine, where the Jews dwell, have the Arabs been increasing'.

IV IMMIGRATION STOPPED Were the Jewish immigration stopped, the doctor states, the Arab3 would suffer, and England would have in Palestine, an elephant on its hand—a country that would soon be running in the red, instead of being one of the few provinces over which it holds sway, which has a surplus in the treasury. The High Commissioner, say Dr. Bernstein, is friendly to the Jew. Make no mistake about that. Only he wants to go slow, but we Jews, of course, have a terrible problem in the acute state of the Jews of the world, and want to go fast.

"Over a course of years a foundation has been laid. The Jewish people of the Diaspora have to a very considerable extent made themselves responsible to the Jews, who went to Palestine to see that machinery was kept going and that their opportunities would constantly increase. . . . . The year 1934 ought to show, no matter -what our difficulties are here, immensely better results than did the year 1933."—Dr. Cyrus Adler.

rate, will not allow such an immigration, but assuming that 30,000 enter a year. At that rate—and here I am not quoting Dr. Bernstein— Palestine in five years will have a Jewish population of 500,000 assuming for the normal rate of increase of the . existing population. In other words, in five years, there is no reason, why Palestine may not have a Jewish population almost as large as that of Germany.

Hebrew Calendar


Purim... Rosh Chodesh Nissan.....— 1st Day Pessach 7th Day Pessach. Rosh Chodesh Iyar.Lag h'QmerRosh Chodesh Sivan.. 1st Day Shabuoth_. Rosh Chodesh' Taramuz Fast of Tammuz.:. Rosh Chodesh Ab Fast of Ab Rosh Chodesh EiluL

_JTuesday, December 19 -Thursday, December 28 .^-Wednesday, January 17 Friday, February 16 ...Thursday, March 1 __Saturday, March 17 .....Saturday, March 31 ..__Fridayf April 6 ._Monday, April 16 .Thursday, May 3 _Tuesday, May 15 Saturday, May 20 _ _ _Thursday, June 14 1 Saturday, June 30 . . . ^ F r i d a y , July 13 _._J5aturday, July21 _.Sanday, August 12

It may be said that the Jew living in any free country—such as the United States — is a normal Jew. This may possibly be true, but we cannot be sure of it, for the only way we can find the normal of a race is to examine a member of that race living under normal conditions. And the normal condition of a race is a condition where the race is dominant, or at least, where the race is on a condition of not only political or economic equality, but of psychic equality. We can know what the normal Frenchman is like; we can know what the normal Anglo-Saxon is like, but we cannot know what the normal Jew, for the behavior of any minority, no matter how free the land, is conditioned by the fact, that it is a minority. And further, the attitude of any majority towards any minority is likewise conditioned.

DOESN'T KNOW HIMSELF The Jew today does not know himself and of course the non-Jew cannot know him. Let me give just one illustration of the experimental value of Zionism, in so far as it relates to the non-Jew understanding the Jew and the Jew understanding himself. There is a feeling- fairly prevalent among the non-Jews that the Jews by themselves could not build up a civilized state. This, they will contend though they will admit, that Jews have i,I.-.yed an integral part in upbuilding many civilized states. It is probably true, that if you asked many of the Jews, who are responsible for half of the imposing skyline of New York, you would find that no amount of building, which the Jews may do in the Diaspora, will countervail that impression, but once, let Jerusalem, that sits en its seven hills be transformed into a beautiful modern city, and the old illusion is forever gone. So it is, that I do not know who will share most of the benefit of the success that Palestine may have— these who go up and actually take part in that building of Eretz Israel or those of us Jews who will remain where they are rooted.

There is a tremendous housing shortage in Palestine, the doctor declares. And there is altogether too mush land speculation. Yet building is going on, and Palestine is leaping forward. In Jerusalem, the German Jewish refugees are creating new cities. Beautiful homes are being built. A water system is being introduced. Jerusalem is a picturesque city. Tt sits on seven hills. And on these hills have walked heretofore Yemenite Jews, old Jews who came to wor- (Copyright, 1933, by the Jewish Telship and die, devout Christians who egraphic Agency, Inc.) came to worship—a motley, picturesque gathering, but after the. eye for the picturesque is sated—a somewhat depressing spectacle. But Jerusalem that sits on the hills is being transformed by young Jewish, blood, and it is beginning to pulse with that life and beauty which must have flowed in it when David reigned.

' I t is so much easier to criticize than to improve . . . On the whole, we who have been prosecuting the boycott feel greatly en- 50,000 A YEAR POSSIBLE couraged by the outlook but would of course like to do better, no Palestine is capable of absorbing, Dr. Bernstein, 50,000 Jews matter how well we are succeeding . . . "-i-Samuel Untermyer, says yearly. leader in the boycott against Nazi-made goods. The government at the present

Rosh Chodesh. Tebeth Fast of Tebeth Rosh Chodesh Shebat Rosh Chodesh Adar



Wisdom is unattainable to a fool as corals; he oi^eneth not his mouth in the gate. He kisseth the lips, that giveth a right answer. Prepare thyself for the work without, and make fit for in thy field and afterwards build thy house. Say not "I will do so to him as he hath done to me. I will render to the man according to his work. TALMUD Rabbi Jeremiah Ben Abba said: "It is not lawful for a scholar to fast, because through weakness of fasting he diminishes his studies." Rabbi Nachman said: "Not everyone is worthy of obtaining light of the Torah, and not everyone is worthy to have joy •resulting from meritorious deeds, the righteous only are deserving of light, and the upright of joy." Rabbi Huna, when sitting dovTi to eat a meal, would throw open the doors and call out, "Whoever desires to eat, let him come in and do so." Raba said: "I am sorry thai I cannot emulate 1the action of Rabbi Huna of throwing open my doors and inviting everybody to eat, for there are a great many poor people In our city Mechuzza and I could not feed them all."

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The first 500,000 are the hardest After that, it should come easier. Trans-Jordania, larger than the part of Palestine which Jews are now settling, has only 200,000 Arabs, with an area larger than Palestine proper.

THE EXPERIMENTAL VALUE • But there is no necessity for carrying the prophecies further. It will be enough when Palestine has a population of £00,000 Jews. That is to say, that the experimental purpose of the settlement of Palestine will have been met. What I mean by experimental purpose is this. When we talk today on •what the Jew is and what the Jew is not—we arei really talking without any substantial basis. We don't know what the normal Jew is and we can't know "What the normal Jew is—un-

JA. CS60



Thorpeian New Year Party at Blackstone

ZOORWILL-BERCOVICI NUPTIALS Mr. and Mrs. Mayer Bercovici announce the secret marriage of their daughter, Ida, to Mr. Ben A. Zoor-wilL, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Zoorwfll of Council Bluffs. Rabbi Uri Miller and Cantor A. Schwaczkin performed the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Bercovici will receive in honor of the young couple on Sunday, January 7, from 3:30 to 5 p. m. and from 7:30 to 10 p. m. One hundred and fifty invitations have been issued. YUDELSON-COHEN ENGAGEMENT At a dinner for the immediate family Sunday, Mrs. F. S. Cohen announced the engagement of her daughter, Dorothy, to Milton Yudelson, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Yudelson of Council Bluffs. ROSENBAUM-BERNSTEESf ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. I. Bernstein announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Reva Bernstein, to Myer Rosenbaum, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. Rosenbaum. No definite date has been set for the wedding. SAKS-GLASSMAN ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Joe Glassman of • Iowa City announce the engagement of their daughter, Florence, to J. Harold Saks, son of Mr. and Mrs. Phil Saks of Council Bluffs. Both Miss Glassman and Mr. Saks are students at the University of Iowa. Miss Glassman received her B. A. degree from the university in June and is now working for a master's degree. She is a member of Sigma Delta Tan sorority. Mr. Saks, senior law student, is a member of Phi Epsilon Pi, social fraternity; Delta Sigma Rio, debating society; and president of the interfraternity council. No wedding date has been set as yet.

FOR MONTH'S VISIT WINS DEBATE AWARD Mrs. Jennie Klein of Cleveland, Herbert Kaplan, son of Mr. and Ohio, is here visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Max Kaplan, has been awarded Mrs. Henry Pollack and her son, the Long trophy, given annually to A gala New Year's eve cabaret Leonard Klein. She will remain for the "best freshman debater at the party has been planned by the Thor- a month. University of Nebraska. Kaplan, who peian Athletic club, to be held at the is a pledge of the Z. B. T. fraterBlackstone Hotel Sunday night. TO VISIT IN OMAHA nity is a graduate of Central High About 150 couples are expected to Mrs. S. Weinstein and daughter, school, where he was a member of attend. Dorothy, of Fort "Worth, Texas, ar- lie debate team and won the state A floor show and nine-course din- rived last week by motor for an in- oratorical contest in 1932-33. ner, will feature. Special entertain- definite stay with relatives and ment and a number of novelties and friends. BRIDGE PARTY surprises have been planned. The instructors of the CongregaReservations must be made by Sat- MOTHERS' CLUB tion of Israel Sunday School, South urday evening by phoning Mrs. Leon GUESTS ENTEBTAETED The S. A. M. Mothers' dub met Omaha, were hostesses at a successMendelson, Webster 3363. Miss Bluma Neveleff has had as her December 20 at the home of Mrs. S. ful bridge party given at the synahouse guests this past wetk the Miss- OMAHANS TO NATIONAL Epstein. The next meeting will be gogue December 20. Door prizes were es Betty Rapaport of Cedar Rapids, CONCLAVE on January 7 at the home of Mrs. awarded and refreshments served. la., Beatrice Rappaport of Passaic, N. The Sigma Omicron chapter of Sig- Julius Chait, Roland Apt. No. 2, at J.; Dorothy and Nettie Oppenham and ma Alpha Mu will have a large dele- the Strehlow Terrace court. MATINEE DANCE Tiby Bassman of Des Moines, la. The regular matinee dance under gation at the S. A. M. national conThey have been extensively enter- vention, to be held in Chicago Decemthe sponsorship of the Psi Mu will ATTEND RECEPTION DINNER tained -while here. Monday night Mrs. 28 to January 1. Mr. and Mrs. David Kauffman of be held at the Jewish Community Louis Neveleff entertained at a dinner berThose making the trip include Grand Island, Nebraska, entertained Center this Sunday afternoon, from and scavenger hunt Tuesday night, Harry B. Cohen, regional advisor for eighty-five guests at a reception 3:30 to 6 p. m. Ernie Priesman's orpreceding the K. T. formal, Miss Nev- of the Missouri "Valley province j Jack dinner December 17. The Kauffmans chestra will play. eleff entertained her guests at a cock- G. Epstein, president and official delentertain annually in celebration of tail party. Wednesday evening Mr. egate of the University of Nebraska Chanukah. Glad to Have Him and Mrs. Michael Katleman enter- chapter; Sidney Epstein, Al Fiedler, Several Hastings, Nebr., families SAN FRANCISCO. —Dr. Karl tained at a kid .party, and Thursday and Max Kramer, representatives of drove down to the affair. These were Landauer, noted Jewish economist, night Mr. and Mrs. Herbert NeveleU the Omaha Alumni club. Mr. and Mrs. G. Rosenberg and fam- who was exiled from Germany by the were hosts at a formal dinner. ily, Mr. and Mrs. L. Kully and fam- Nazi government, will fill a pTofesMiss Neveleff and her guests will ily, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Levy, Mr. sorship for a year at the University leave this morning to spend New HOME FOR VACATION Mrs. David Colton and family, of California, beginning next JanuYear's in Des Moines. From there Isadore Richlin, honor student at and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wiseman and they will return to their studies at the University of Chicago, is spend- family, and Mr. and Mrs. H. Zuber. ary. The appointment was made last ing the holiday vacation with his Guests from other nearby towns were •the University of Iowa. September but announcement was deparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Richlin. also present. layed until he had safely left GerTO RECEIVE many. Kulakofsky Mr. and Mrs. Louis RETURN FROM CHICAGO will receive at their home on New Mr. and Mrs. J. Lincoln returned WINTER FORMAL The Kappa Tau sorority ol CenYear's day from 3 to 5 p. m. in honor of the fortieth wedding anni- 1 Monday evening from a week's visit tral High school gave its annual versary of Mrs. Kulakofsky's parents, with relatives and friends in Chicago. winter dance December 26 at the Blackstone. Austin Bevans and his Mr. and Mrs. Saul Levy. Mr. and orchestra played. Mrs. Levy, who have been making VISITING HERE their home in Minneapolis for the Miss Rae C. Bennan of Minneap- The president of the sorority is Shirley Fiedler. past year, are at present guests al olis is visiting here •A complete jewelry service. Lowest the Kulakof sky home. o in price and highest in quality. GUEST HERE ENTERTAIN AT DANCE Miss Fannie Berman of Kansas The Beta Alpha Gamma social sorVISITOR HERE City, Mo., will be the guest of Miss ority entertained twelve couples at Mrs. Celia Rosenthal of Columbus, Anna Hahn for New Year's. Miss an informal dancing party December Ohio, is visiting in Omaha. Successors t» Albert Edliolm Berman is an active member of the 16 at the Blackstone. Sunday, a Znd Floor City Nati Bank Bide. Kansas City chapter of Junior Ha- bridge party was held at the home FOR VISIT dassah. of Miss Ann Fellman. Mrs. J. M. .Naiman of Chicago ana her niece, Miss Portia Ruth Simon of Madison, Wise, arrived Wednesday to spend the holidays with Mrs. Naiman's mother, Mrs. Hannah Solig. Mrs. Naiman, who was formerly Miss Bernice Solig, is president of the Albany District of Hadassah in Chicago.

Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Vann an- BIRTHDAY PARTI J nounce the birth of a, son December Miss Myrna Rae Kaiman celebrated 18 at the St. Joseph hospital. her ftf£h birthday anniversary Saturday afternoon, entertaining twentyfive little guest3 at their home. The Young Judaea The Young Judaea girls held an in- afternoon was spent in playing games, teresting meeting last Sunday at the prizes being won by Ruth Linda, EuJ . C. C. Mrs. FromMn addressed the gene Janoff, Nedra Corab, Gloria Wolw, and Rita Milder. The Misses Beatrice Eiseman, Sarah Beber and Dorothy Tatleman entertained the members with recitaThe Menu Always tions and songs. _ A New Year's Day kid. party is Provides Good being planned. . Any high school girl interested in joining this club, call Market 1961 Foods of before Sunday. GOOD TSEWS! THIS WEEX-EffD!

Ladies Labor Lyceum

The Ladies Labor Lyceum Club will hold a concert and Russian tea Husbands of members of the in- party on Sunday evening, January ternational relations group of the 28, at 8 p. m. at the Labor Lyceum, Council of Jewish Women will be 22nd and Clark. their guests at the next meeting of ( The general public is invited to atthis group to be held Wednesday, January 3, at 8 p. m., at the home i tend. Admission will be twenty-five of Dr. and Mrs. Manuel Grodinsky. cents. Mrs. Grodinsky is group chairman. Patronize our advertisers. An interesting evening has been arranged with Major Hardin C. Sweeney of Creighton University's ROTC as principal speaker. He will discuss a phase of the topic which the group is studying this year, "The Japanese Imperialistic Policy in the LAUNDRY PRICES Pacific." COMING SOON The child study group will meet Tuesday at 2 o'clock at the Jewish Community Center, with Miss Helen Kilbourne as the study leader. The subject for discussion is "Nutrition." Mrs. Sam Stern is group chairman.


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Herzbergs Apparel Clearance

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HOUSE GUESTS Mrs. Frank Kropman and daughter, Babe, of Mason City, la., are the house guests of Mrs. Kropman's son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Iz H. "Weiner at the Fifth Avenne ANNOUNCE BIRTHS hotel for the next two weeks. They Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Richards of will be joined for the New Year's ^Chicago .annomice^jthe_, kirtib of_ a eefc-endjby JJr. J?ranliJJropjiian Hud daughter Friday, December 22." daughter, Dorothy;


Council of Jewish Women

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PICTURES TELL DRAMATIC STORY OF YEAR'S EVENTS The magnetic personality of President Roosevelt is felt throughout the nation with his frequent informal radio talks to the country at large.

Franklm D Roosevelt is Inaugurated as thirty-second president and Herbert Hoover leaves Whtte House.

A Centurj.' of Progress draws millions to Chicago where Sally RanO and her fan dance rise to fame

Dirigible Akron falls Into Atlantic during storm with crew of 77: only three survive.

Gen. Hugh Johnson, as administra- Mrs_ Franklin D. Roosevelt, by rea» tor of NRA, stimulates employment s o n o f h e r Charm and energy, gives by requiring shorter hours and promise of becoming one of the na» higher wages through special codes tion'sf outstanding "first ladles". for various industries,

National bank holiday declared by President Roosevelt when Detroit bank crashes precipitate numerous bank failures.

Iowa farmers* picket highways to block transportation of products as agricultural regions in middle west voice discontent over conditions.

Rudy Vallee and his wife, Fay - Webb, separate. •

Mary pickford sues Douglas Fair' banks for divorce.

Rev Charles E. Cotighlin of Royal Oak. Mich., "radio priest", wages verbal war on international banke ri)rive against gold hoardins brings Ferdinand Pecora, above, counsel much of precious metal in cltrnla- for senate committee, makes starttion into Federal Reserve "banks. By j l n g disclosures In probe of J P prohibiting its exportation. United M o r g a n , below, and other leading States goes off gold bankers and their practices

Former Gov Alfred E. Smith denounces certain administration poli«.lps intltidins Roose\elt\ program.

crimes—(1) Guibeppe Zangara electrocuted for murder or Ma> or Anton J Cermak of Chicago in attempted assassination of Presidentelect Roose\elt at Miami; (2) Dr Alice W>nekoop. Chicago phj-sician, indicted for murder of daughter-in-law. Mrs. Rheta Wynekoopi (3) Jessie Costello of Peabody, Mass.. acquitted in poison murder of 'husband William Costello. a fireman: <4> David- Lamson sentenced to ' death for muidcr of pretty wife. Allene. at their home oh Stanford university campus

™:i^zr^r;^x ""s? rsz r^i r s

Colonel and Anne Lindbergh fly Guardia. progresses W'iloy Post sets new "roun<l-the« across north Atlantic to Europe and world's fair at Chicago in spectacu- FtoreUo ll B e p u b i i c a n defeats Tammany Hall world solo flight record of " days return by way of south Atlantic, lar mass flight of 24 planes. ^ \xcnw mayor of New York City. 18 hours and 49 minutes. Africa and South America

Important Deaths

Karthquake in southern California kills more than 100

,5 '

Congress legalizes 3.2 beer and eighteenth (prohibition) amendment is repealed.


Gov" James Rolph of California stirs up nation-wide controversy by condoning lynching of Thomas Thurmond and Jack Holmes, at San Jose, above, kidnapers who murdered young Brooke Hart, merchant's son. .

Federal government curbs wave ot kidnaping* as Assistant Attorney * ! Joseph iieenan in role of chief prosecutor, right, sends George G«n> Kelly and hi* wife. Kathryn. left, among others to lite t*r abduction ot Charles F Urschel. Oklahoma CJty oU magnate. " ""*

Secretary of State Cordetl Hull ^ American delegation^ to Lon-

Adolf Hitler becomes chancellor of .Germany and Invokes rrusade against the Jews. Richard Mellos




--- —










_ _

Construction of Norn.s dim; .«!• part i.f JVderfal 1'f-nin-ssi.e i«!!ey prej=

ect typifies administrattons eftort to provide impetus for hundredsaf building projects.



Conservative Auxiliary


With plans completed for the St. s! A very successful M'laveh Malkeh A gala evening is promised for the t Valentine's Day danee to be given Senior Hadassah's evening c a r d ! E! was conducts Saturday nigKt at the February 11 at the Fontenelle hotel, party, to "be given at the Jewish j H Beth Hamedrosh Hagodel by the loby Mrs. Sol Novitsky's group of the Community Center on Wednesday,! ^ 1 5 ^ c?.l Mizrachi. Refreshments were Conservative Synagogue auxiliary, all January 17, at 8:30 p. m. j " ^ '" served by a committee of the Eikur groups of the organization have eithMelbourne, Australia, (J.TJL) ,•-!-• Keno, bridge and various card; Cholim Society. The music v."as arer completed or are completing their games "will be played, according to An investigation of the territory part in this year's financial project, Mrs. J. Blank, chairman of the H.1-. Hab'ci Frederick Cohn has chosen ranged and sung by Cantor A. and climatic conditions in the nprthand the confinement of Nazi oppon- Mrs. Reuben Kulakofsky, ways and dassah school luncheon fund. Tits.! )n the Eva of 1334" as the subject Sch-wccslcin and Cantor E. Sellz. em part of Australia as a! potential Honor American Jew Who means chairman, has announced. ^ ents in concentration camps, services at Temple Talks vrere given by various members haven for Jewish exiles -was under- Founded Rome Institute D. R. Cohen, co-chairman, announces! and the spirit of both the traditional evening. Plans for what is expected to be that the following committee will as- j taken by Melach Eavitcb,. LBundist •Rome.—-A tablet was unveiled here post-Sabbath festival and of the Mizv English Women Seek Dr. Cohn will the gala social event of the season sist in making the party a hugh suc-j Jewish writer of Poland, -who,told at the International Agricultural Inrachi vras dominant. About 200 peoof Israel." were made at tea Tuesday at the cess: the Mesdames Allan Kohan.,1 honor of its founder, David Money for Reich Young the Jewish Telegraphic Agency that 1 ple attended. . Trill be recited this SabLondon.—A plan to settle 530 Jewhome of Mrs." John " Faier, ticket . an American Jew, who estabMoe Katleman, H. S. Novitsky, j the scheme for such a; settlement' The Mizrachi intends to conduct Frank Wirthsafter, Aaron rants further investi^tion warrants investigation b byya a ! ^ VVth^ Institute off 1904, after ish children from Germany in Pales- chairman for the . dance committee, Harry Malashock, Irvin'Levin, David these M'laveh Malkeh's once a month Henrietta Morris. tine and secure the temporary adopand as. this is being repeated by popi commission of experts. : I having been received in audience by Finkel, D. B. Cohen, Louis Sogolow, History class will meet at the various synagogues. It hopes In spite of the fact that the isola-'King Victor EmariueL The king is tion of German Jewish children in ular request as one of the most en- D. B. Epstein, Phineas Wintroub, Joe evening at the Temple, with eventually to spread the atmosphere England, was announced by a _wom- joyable functions of. last year, it Lipsky, Max Kaplan, Jack Kaufman,! tion of the Northern territory, and j o n e o f the patrons of the Institute. 1 r Kraus leading the discus- of the traditional Sabbath and to inpromises to be. an outstanding sucen's committee headed by Lady ErDavid Brodkey, I. W. Rosenblatt, j " " its tropical climate, would constitute S10n tensify Palestine work. At present, it cess. . . leigh, Mrs. Rebecca Sieff and Mrs. T a Dave Bernstein, H. Milder, Morris j * ctics a measure serious drawbacks to C h a n g e is in the midst of a membership camSeveral groups -have already com- Franklin, H. Noddle, and Louis Ad-j many persons "wishing to settle, Mr. : Berlin.—Treptow police ordered the Yvonne Rothschild^ paign and over 100 members have aller. pleted their projects, among them The appeal issued by the women's Ravitch said there are redeeming firms which Issued a strong antiready enrolled. Door prizes will be awarded and! ! Jewish boycott leaflet early this committee declared that a fund of Mrs. David Greenberg's workers who features. Officers of the Mizrachi include twenty-five thousand pounds will be took ' orders' for a popular brand of refreshments served. Admission \rilli At services tonight Rabbi David 0 v i1 (iraw J £ them immediately raised to carry out the. work aria coffee; Mrs. J. Blank's group, who % Before further plans could be made i ^ f ^ ' ^ i A. Goldstein will preach on "Is It Mr. S. Ravitz, president, and Mr. E. be thirty-five cents per person. circulation. in this direction, he pointed out, imI Desirable to Be Able to Know the Fu- Eioch, secretary. Anyone interested There are only four.Jewish stores pointed out that the only practical made and sold "several hundred box mediate measures would have to be solution left was to remove as many lunches to downtown workers; Mrs. About 150 attended an open m e e t -!ture"' Treptew, the Jewish Telegraphic is asked to communicate with them. taken to prevent Jewish emigrants gp Mr. Harry Braviroff is now cli-i Geiman children as possible frcuathe David Sherman's committee who con- ing sponsored by the Jewish National A from leaving the northern coast••arid'! Sency ascertained, and all four ars present tragic atmosphere : of Ger- ducted a most successful bake sale In the very near future, the plans rector of the choir. A number of', Fund group of the Omaha Hadasretreating to the south.: -A": settle- j ^ the verge of closing down, since many. last month, and Mrs. Mose Yousem's sah at the J. C. C. Wednesday aft- new male voices have been added.'. for the next M'laveh Malkeh will be '. : .';•": : ••. ' in a n ment comprising 5,000 families! y case, Germans dare not enter workers who sponsored the series of ernoon. Rabbi Uri Miller was the Thanks to'Mr.-Braviroff's directicn.! annourced. •would ba essential, he ^insisted; and1 t h o m a s a result of the anti-Jewish book reviews which Rabbi David A. principal speaker. it is expected that the clioix will c-:i-; could be established at a cost of.boycott. ' . ••• < Goldstein -is giving for the benefit of A reading in costume of "The ceed its achievements of the pnst. j Patronize our advertisers. the Sunday school. Mrs. B. A. Si- Goose Woman" was given by Mrs. Mr." Braviroff is planning to have! about t w o miUion pounds.:; ^ - ^ H e b r e w Bureau Home -:-This would be possible, he said, XT ^T , _ . , „ , „ ' mon's group is also working on plans j L e o -pitch. A playlet in verse based the choir prepare an extensive rcper- j toire of synagogue music. { to raise quota of thesum the sum setj set. >, provided the Australian -government :IH oNmee w S ^h e" ^e r?m^ e _ Hebrew Bureau ais their quota^f Th lk o n : a £ismza o f "The Talking Box" could be convinced of the feasibility 811 0 "f o r f Guardian .Society New members announced at the' by. Evelyn Dansky was also preof the plan and would agree to co-: C S Q? e ™"** the furst tune m a de-, luncheon given a week ago in their sented. t n a t lfc is in need of public honor are!as. follows: Mesdames Sooperate A board meeting preceded the open t contributions for maintenance.. The European Jews driven from their phie Monsky, A. Roram, Morris Ar- meeting. Regular services will be held this purpose of the organization is to ex- homes by.': persecution, are not only kin, Morris Cohni Joe Goldware, MerFriday evening, at 8 o'clock at the. tend a helping hand to homeless finding a haven in South American edith Kenyon,- J. A. Luttbeg, Sam The Medical Fund of the Omaha B'nai Israel synagogue, 18th and. children. 1 Bosenblatt,Leon Felbnan, Louis AlMax Froirikin was the' principal chapter of Hadassah will hold a Chicago streets, under the auspices i 1 . berts,-Kalman Trilling, Hyman Nod- bake sale all day January. 10 at the of the Yaad. Cantor A. Schwaczltin speaker at the buffet dinner whicii Assails Hitlerimn ASSSUte nitlensm dle, - Dave Chesneau, David Miller, Brandeis Stores." was held Tuesday evening, December • and the B'nai Israel choir will ofStore Joe Lipsey, J. Wright, -S. Osheroff, Binghamton, N. Y.—Dr. Sherwood 26, at the Bnai B'nai Israel synagogue, by Mrs. Julius Stein is chairman, be- ficiate at the liturgy. In the absence W. Raduziner, L. Graetz, Henry Bel- ing assisted by a committee of ten of Eabbi Miller, the services -will be the Junior Vaad Auxiliary and the Eddy,-noted social worker and aumont, H. Ferer, A. Mttskin, Sam Zlotthory characterized Adolf Hitler aa read by Ephraim Marks and the serYoung Men's Vaad key, L ^ J . Adler, H. Priesman, M. women. mon delivered by Ben Kazlowsky. Mr. Anyone wishing to bake delicacies Bernstein, H.' Braviroff, D. Brodkey, Kazlowsky's sermon is on a timely Phil Levey, Nathan Turner, Dave B. for the sale is asked to call Mrs, and pertinent subject and will be of Stein at Glendale 1948. Cohn, Harry Belmbnt, L. Gross, Moe special interest to the young people. Katleman and Miss Lena Cohn. The Junior Congregation will meetAnnouncement is also made this YtjQjMpj^ Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. The week of the next Oneg Shabbos to be Junior Congregation conducts its ovrn ? brutal erace The following officers were mm e spreadeducate n held at the home of Mrs. Sam Zlotky, The monthly meeting of the Pion- s e r v j c e s a n d j s under the combined stalled by Rabbi Uri Miller: i 1309 So. 35tit Ave., to which all women cer Women will be held at the J. C. a u s p i c e s of the Vaad Ha'Ihr and City ® Expert Workmanship country of Germany." • Young Men's Vaad-David Slobod-, of the Synagogue axe invited. Mrs. C. Tuesday, January 2, at 2 p. m. : Talmud Torah. • Quality Materials dinsky, president; Sam Hahn, vice- Salute Mandatory Jack Melcher will serve as co-hostess. As this meeting is of particular im• Rapid Service president,- Joe Fellman, secretary;, B e r l i n . _ M i n i s t e r o f the Interior Miss Kae C Herman, who is here portance, every member is urged to Rudy Mittleman, treasurer; Louis J . i W a h d m P r i c k t o d a y o r d e r e d allGer© Lowest Prices visiting Eabbi and Mrs. David A. attend. RiMin, reporter. \ Goldstein^ will be the speaker, her s t a t e g tQ m a k e i t o U i g a t o r y f o r Reservations are pouring in for Try us and find out for Jumor Vaad Auxiliary - D o r a ^ J d 4 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ffitler topic being "The Care of a Depend-! the dinner in honor of Gbldie Myeryourself. Thousands Freshman, president; Sara Mam- s a l u t e ^ ent Child." She is an authority on son, internationally-known Pioneer of our satisfied cuscry shcck, vice-president; Ida Muikoff, this subject, as she has "been in this Women leader, at the J. C. C. Jantomers have done the a secretary; Anne Hahn, treasurer; work with the Minneapolis Jewish] uary 14. Included, are many out-ofsame. rooms. Reva Malashock and Rosella HanaWelfare for the past five years. town reservations. ler, sergeants-at-arms. Reservations may be phoned in to German Beer Exports Drop the J. C. C. Those wishing to make Heavily The Habonim met at the B'nai Is- reservations are urged to do so as Berlin.—The anti-German boycott rael synagogue last Sunday morn- soon as possible. SHOE REPAIR CO. has resulted in a thirty-nine per-cent ing. The organization has indefinite- The Pioneer Women have. askefl The election of officers for the en- drop in the exportation of German ly postponed its "fraternity prom," the other organizations to hold this 114 So. 16th S t AT. 9200 suing term will be held this Sunday, beer, despite the "American" import of until; its-memberships is enlarged. German beer in. the first months in date, January 14, open. . December 31, at 2:30 p. m. A membership eaispaign was inauE. Kritchmar The Lincoln chapter of A. Z. 'A. "which beer became legal in the United gurated yesterdajt^.'^ stag. Those •will journey to Omaha Januhry~T"to States, it was^disclosed ~at-the*~an-boys insited-JiJ y -wisTririsr-io-^ifeiare ^ g 3 ^ j meet the Mother chapter in a -bas- nual*convention of German brewers. countries, but have been making un- be present a t the 5|i*i>jneting, Sunusual progress in recent years, ac Exports of beer from Germany ketball tilt Tentative plans are beto the Rev. Elias J. Kritch.- day mbrmng at .lli20 a. m. at the ing formulated by Ixrate J. Kiklin, during the period between January cording mar, noted New York Cantor and con- B'nai tsrael synagogue. chairman, for a dance in honor of and September of 19S3, it was stated, cert singer. -amounted to eight million marks as the Lincoln chapter. • • The Rev. Mr. Kritchmar, who has compared to fourteen million in the Harry Weinberg represented the same period last year. just returned from a ten weeks' visit Mother chapter at the Milwaukee Sentiment in the convention was in Argentina and Brazil, is now makconvention which convened for three pessimistic about export possibilities ing a tour of American cities, being days this week. The purpose of the scheduled to chant at the services at convention was to form a District to the United States in view of the the Beth Hamedrosh Hagadol SynaNo. 7 patterned after the B'nai Britn prohibitive duty placed by the Am- gogue, 19th and Burt streets, this eveerican government on German beer. ning, December 29, at 6:30 p. m.; SatDistrict No. 7. urday morning, December 30, 9 a. m., The pairings for the chapter hand- Writer's Views and a concert Sunday evening, Deball tourney are: Jack Adler vs. Hy Santiago, Chile. — The assurance cember 31. Green; Temin vs. Harry Weinberg; Lou Riklin vs. Dave Richards; Bob that Chile would not become antiRev. Kritchmar expects to see a Smith vs. Max Freedman; Art Wein- Semitic was expressed in an article large immigration of German Jews to er vs. Al Eimmerman; Jay Temin which the famous Chilean writer, South America within the coming Savings through vs. Art Adler; Harold Garber vs. Joachin Bello, wrote. year, as a result of tlie continued perquantity buying at "bargain-day" Ben Effros; Al Oruch vs. Cy Comar. Milwaukee German Groupssecution by the Hitler government. prices . . . savings There are about 150,000 Jews in Protest Against Hitler by using "leftBuenos Aires alone, he said, while the Milwaukee. — Twenty liberal and Jewish population, is almos* as large overs" and by eliminating food spoilage . . . The Junior Hadassah held an inter- radical Milwaukee German societies in Rio de Janeiro. make any good electric refrigesting and entertaining meeting last joined in a rally against Hitterism From Omaha he will leave for St. erator an economical investThursday night at the Jewish Com- here,- sponsored by the Antifascistis- Joseph, Kansas City and St. Louis, ment. It will soon pay its way AT. 2524 munity Center. Miss Rose Dolgoff che Oktion von Wisconsin, at Jeffer- where he will be the guest cantor of inyour kitchen. Bulbe sure the refrigerator you buy is built to was in charge of the program which son Hall. some of the leading synagogues. German-American speakers at the last. Only a G-E gives you all included musical numbers by Miss of these lifetime features: Lorraine Fregger, humorous reading meeting protested against the persew «^»/»V?^S«!)^»»>!^ev*>^»>^»^*O*^ by Miss Martha Greenhouse and songs cution of their own people by Nazi 9 All-Steel Cabinet. Sturdy storm troopers in Germany. Attacks by Miss Julia Zuker, accompanied at strength for years and years were levelled against the Hitler: rethe piano by Miss Rose Meyers. of service. gime for its destruction of the trade 1 Several new members who joined O Stainless Steel Freezing Chamthe Omaha chapter include the Misses unions, the suppression of democracy ber.'WSl never chip ox rust. Ann Rees, Eve Katzman, Molly Rosen, QMomtot Top Sealed- in -Steel Sarah Epstein and Sylvia Magzamin. Mechanism. Requires no atA hoard meeting was held Wednestention, not even oiling. Has unparalleled record for deday night, December 27, at the home Grey Iron, Aluminum and : pendable performance free ;\ Bronzfe.Castings of Miss Ida Fine, president. . • from service. Wood and Metal Patterns A regular meeting will be held next 2614 Martha Sfc HA. 5523 Thursday night, January 4, at 8 In addition, a G-E refrigerator freezes more ice faster, uses o'clock at the J. C. C. less current, and gives you all these extra features:










Junior Vaad



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Any p@# Eiectric Refrigerator is

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Junior Hadassah




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$4 per person—supper included

Pre-New Year's Eve Supper Dance Saturday from 10:30 p. m. Main Restaurant $2 Convert Fndndes Sapper


PAGE 8—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1933 Lithuanian Jews to Tax Latvian Jewish [has arrived in the city to spend the home last week to spend their holiday Selves for German Relief winter months with her mother, Mrs. vacation with their parents, Mr. and Congress Bars Kovno.—The All-Lithuanian _ relief -3 Mrs. Julius Rosenfeld. Miss RosenJ. N. Krueger. conference for German Jews, in sesfeld will leave next Tuesday for Los Bible Abridgment sion here, resolved on self-taxation Mrs. William Lazere and sons are Angeles, and her brother will leave RIGA, (JTA)— Prohibiton of the as a means of raising money for the the: following day to return to his visiting with relatives in Omaha. use of the shortened or abridged Bi- Nazi victims. The conference deterstudies at Lexington, Mo. ble or Bible stories in Hebrew schools mined to ask all Lithuanian Jews to Miss ANNA PILL, Correspondent Mrs. William Solomonow accomHelsingfors (J. T. A.)—-Efforts to was resolved at the Orthodox Jewish contribute a minimum of one day's panied by her son and daughter, are Plans, are being made by Mrs. Sam prohibit schechita, slaughtering of conference now in session in Dwinsk. income to the fund. The campaign in Sioux City this week visiting with Gross.for a benefit-bridge party to be animals for food in accordance vrlth Latvia. Over two hundred delegates for the fund will continue until May, friends. given. "atJier home at 2119 Avenue D, Jewish law, were defeated here when are attending the conference, which 1934. Students Continue on Tuesday afternoon, January 9. Pro- parliament of Finland by a four- is presided over by the famous Gaon to Arrive Home Over 125 women attended the card ceeds from, her affair will go to the fifths, majority, rejected a measure of Eogatchov. party Wednesday evening at the Ladies Auxiliary of the Talmud Torah. prohibiting the ritual method. The conference of Jewish teachers, Students continue to arrive in the Sioux apartments given by the memmeeting at the same time as the OrThe bill was up for its third readOver 150 fathers and sons attend- city from their various schools to bers of Mount Sinai Temple Sister. Mr. and Mrs. Abe Bear and son,ing and the vote followed a heated thodox conference, disclosed forty per e«l the annual Father and Son ban-spend their winter vacations with hood. '••'-• • Aaron David • of Leavenworth, Kans., discussion for the past few months cent of the Latvian Jewish pupils, quet at Mount Sinai Temple, last their parents and renewing old. The bridge was followed by releft Tuesday for their home following which was utilized by anti-Semitic numbering 11,920, are being educated . Wednesday evening in the social hall friendships. reshments. ; a visit at the home of Mrs. Bear's elements for conducting anti-Jewish in Hebrew schools, as compared with of the Temple. Loyal Keir and Mr. and Mrs. Liparents, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Katel- agitation. The introduction of the only eleven per cent of the total in Mr. Edward E. Baron acted as onel London arrived this week fronl 1921. man. measure followed presentation of a master of ceremonies. Dr. Theodore Iowa University at Iowa City, where petition against scheehita to winch N. Lewis gave the invocation, and they are enrolled. Bernard • Lazriowich and Ivan LasMr. Hyman Fisngall, president of Miss Sarah Solomonow left Sunday the state president had affixed his the Temple; gave the address ot ensky are in the city after spending for Sioux City, la., for a week's visit signature. BY F. R. K. the past months at Ames, la., studywelcome. with friends. Representations of the Jewish, community here enlightened public opinIn behalf of the fathers, Mr. Abeing at the Iowa State College. Saks-GIassman Davidson and Mr. Sol Falk , spoke. Dave and Sam Singer have arThe Council Bluffs Talmud Torah ion that the agitation against scheLionel London and Joseph Rosenblum rived from Grinnell where they are Mr. and Mrs. Joe Glassman. of Iowa Society will hold an important meet- ehita was not based on its alleged City announce the engagement of cruelty to animals but on antispoke in behalf of the sons.. both students. their daughter, Miss Florence Glass- ing next Monday night, January 1, at Semitism. The result was that many Jack Greenberg, student at WisA musical program was presented 8 o'clock at the Chevra B'nai Yisroel kelps boild strong bones by Eueben Halpern, violinist, and a consin, is visiting with his parents, man, to J. Itarold Saks, son of Mr. synagogue, 618 Mynster street. All deputies affiliated with the Fascist Lappo movement voted against "the The Sign of . . novelty program alternated during as are William Lansfaerg from the and Mrs. Phil Saks of Council Bluffs. members are ursed to ba present. and teeth. Both are attending the University measure. . Curiously, the socialists University of Minnesota, and Irvin the evening. Good Workmanship voted in its favor. Mr. SI Krueger acted as general Lunin from the University of Iowa. of Iowa. Miss Glassman received her JA. 1614 B. A. degree last June and is now chairman; Mr. Louis Agranoff was Offices Erandeis Theatre BIdg working on bar master degree. She " OMAHA in charge of reservations; M. E. SHOtfWEIX. MONSKT, GUOIUNSKY & Mount Sinai is a member of the Sigman - Delta Tau Skalovsky, decorations; E. J. FriVANCE ana HA Kit Y B. COHEN Attorneys bourg, entertainment, and Sam Gut- Students from the various colleges sorority, and the University Players. 737 Omaha National Bank Bldg. and universities who are in the city Mr. Saks is a senior law student, and terman, novelties. their winter vacation will par- a member of the Phi Epsilon Pi fraMrs. M. Mushkin and Mrs. I. Mil-for NOTICE OF ADMINISTHATION ticipate in the services at Mount ternity, Delta Sigma Rho debating so^ In the C'onuty Court of Douglas Conntjv ler were in charge of , the dinner Sinai Temple Nebraska. ciety, and president of the Inter-frathis evening. Among which was served by members of the those who will take part are Frances ternity society. BERLIN {J. T., A.)—Acting upon In the Matter of the Estate of AUCE U SUNGEltLAKD, Deceased. Sisterhood. instructions from Adolf Hit- All persotis interested in said estate aro No date has been set for the wed-personal Kalin, Bernice Galinsky, Sidney Berler, German authorities announced hereby notified that a petition has been gen, Burnell Koolish, Charlotte Ros- ding as yet filed in said Court alleging that said dethat there will be no discrimination ceased died leaving- no last will mid prunand Doris Rosenstock. Large Attendance at enstock, practiced against German Jews in ing for administration upon his estate, mid Dr. Theodore N. Lewis will speak Leifoowitz-Fonarow that a hearing will be hr.d on said petidistribution of winter relief. tion before said court on the Cth day of Talmud Torah Dance briefly oh the subject, "The Jewish Word has been received here by rel- theDistribution of relief for the needy January. lf)34, and that if they fail to apStudent." pear nt said Court on the said Cth (lay of atives of the announcement of the enwith the issuance of fifty January. 1034. at 9 o'clock A. M. to conBecause a great number of the gagement of Miss Marian Fonarow, begins A large number of people attended pounds of potatoes per person for test said petition, the Court may grant the the annual Talmud Torah dance teachers pf the Mount Sinai Relig- formerly of Council Bluffs, daughter two weeks, to be followed by issues same and grant administration of snid t>stafe to Rlwarcl H. tingert or some other which was held Tuesday evening at ious school will be out of'the-city, no of Mr. and Mrs. I. Fonarow of San of fats and coal.' suitable person and proceed to a settleclasses -will be held next Sunday Antonio, Tex., to Mr. Bernard L«ibowthe Rigaudon ball room. To prove that this pro-Jewish act Bill Franklin's orchestra furnished morning. Regular work will be re- itz, also of San Antonio. No date has is meant seriously, an order has been ment thereof. BRTCE CRAWFORD. Couiity Judge. the music for dancing and a novelty sumed January 7. been set yet for the wedding. issued to all district distribution program was presented during the committees to appoint special offiIBVIK C. iLEVIN. Attorney intermissions. Tudel son-Cohen cials to deal with the Jewish appliSenior Hadassah 301 Electric Bids. Mis. Ben Sherman was in charge Mrs. F. S. Cohen announce the en- cations and with whom Jewish appliThe monthly meeting of the Senof the dance, with Mrs. Nick Saerman of t a r daughter. Miss Dor- cants can come in direct contact. TKOBATB NOTICE ior Hadassah organization was held gagement In the Matter of the Estate of SIEGSICNT* in charge of ticket sales. othy Cohen, to Milton Yudelson, son In Berlin, the Nazi commissioner HIRSCI1BERG, also known as SKiin the Jewish of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Yudelson of Proceeds will, be turned over to Tuesday- afternoon HIESCHBERG, Deceased. for charity work emphasized that it MUND Center. Notice is. hereby given that the'creditors Council Bluffs. No wedding date has the Talmud Torah treasury for the Community is Hitler's wish that everybody, inof Raid deceased will meet the executrix of The program consisted of a playlet general upkeep of the school. said estate, before me. County Judge of cluding Jews, be treated equally. based on the Penny Lunch Fund, and been set yet. Douglas County, Nebraska, at the County Before the order was issued an in- Court Roam, in said County, on the 13th a musical program by a string trio Mrs. S. Weinstein and daughter, vestigation of needy Jews was made day of February, 1034. and on the 13th consisting of Ruebin Halperin, Libbie day of April, 1034, at 0 o'clock A. M., each Young Judeans Dorothy of Fort Worth, Tex., arrived by authorities, establishing the fact day,, for the purpose of presenting their Olensky, and Gisela Pill. here last Thursday. by motor for a that between forty and fifty per cent claims for: examination, adjustment nnil The Junior Judeans met Wednesallowance. Three months are allowed for visit with relatives and friends. day evening at the Jewish Commun-v of the Jews, especially in the west the creditors to present their claims, from Maccabee News ity Center for their regular meeting. end of - Berlin, which is known as a the 13tli day of January. 1934. The Ladies Auxiliary of the, Talmud rich residential section, will be com8RY.CE CUA^VFORD. NOW AND THEN, of course, a fire produced by Miss Marcella Levich presided. The last meeting of the Maccabee County Judge. The program consisted of a group club was held at the Jewish Com- Torah Society will hold a meeting pelled to apply for winter relief. 12-22-S3-3t.volume production methods wfl! come through of readings by Miriam Blank, and a munity . Center, Sunday afternoon. next Wednesday afternoon, January Many of the applicants were of piano solos by Marcella The program was devoted to miscel- 3, at 2:30 o'clock at the Chevra B'nai ly rich and once owned buildings. wftfo an exceptionally long m?Jeag© record. laneous topics and included the fol- Yisroel synagogue at 618 Mynster Levich. street. lowing: clarinet solo by Lester LazPlans were made for a oint meetSnOTVTELX,, MONrJKT, GKODlSSKt & That's because every big manufacturer of tires ing with the Junior Hadassah chap- riowich; * humorous biographies by VANCE and I1AKKY B. COHEN A Mr. and Mrs. George Krasne enterAt}prncy Joe Devirie and Jack Zeligson; inter on January 10. 737 Omaha National Bank Bide. produces, in every batch of ordinary tires, a formal debate by Morris Mirken and tained seventy-five guests at a dinner party Sunday evening at the Jewish NOTICE OF A»MINISTRATION David Wigodsky. "the County Court of Douglas County, certain number that simply happen to turn out OnegShabbos The formal initiation of new mem- Community Center in Omaha, in cel- In Nebraska. . — The Oneg Shabbos Cultural Group, bers and induction of Bennie Lebow- ebration of their silver wedding anni- In the Matter of the Estate of CHARLES better than the vast majority. Deceased. organized by women of the Shaa.e ich as vice president will take place versary. The evening's diversion was FAll SLINGERLAND. persons interested in said estate are cards. Zion Ladies Auxiliary, met last Sat- Sunday afternoon, December 31. hereby notified that a petition has been However, the unmatched quality reputation of filed in said Court alleging that said aeurday afternoon with Mrs., S. H. Irvin Luniri, Bernard Lazriowich, cejised died leaving no last will and prayShulkin, for their first meeting. and Rudolph Shindler, alumni mem- Miss Carolyn Rosenfeld, who is at- ing for administration upon his estate, ami a hearing will 1« had on saW petiPlans were made to hold r.the meet- bers of the group, were present and tending the University of California, that tion before said court oil the Cth day ol ings the third Saturday of each spoke on the betterment of the club. and Jack Rosenfeld, student .at the January, 1934, and that If they fall to apWentworth Hilitary Academy, arrived pear at said Court on the said Cth nay of month. January, 1934. at 9 o'clock A. M. to conOn the third Saturday of January, test said petition, the Court may grant the Amorian Club same and grant administration of said PSSHOTWEII., MONSKT, GKODINSK1T & Mrs. Barney Baron will be hostess to is built on the fact that Mohawk Tires are de* tate to Edward H. Sagert or some other VANCE and HA11KX B. COHiiN the group. The program includes a The Amorian club held its regular .suitable person and proceed to a settle737 Omaha. National Bank 111 tiff. ment thereof. B R y c E C R A V r F O R ? , liberateiy made to render unusuaS service, tire review of "Little Man What Now," by meeting Sunday afternoon at the Mrs. Robert Sacks, a discussion on Jewish Community Center. An- To FREDERICK KOTICK County Judge. K. >v isiiKSTEIN, REBA 12-15-33-3t. WEINS'lEIN, MOSKS VANUKll, SADIE for tire. ;:•?..: "The Progress of Jewish Women of nouncement was made that the raffle K. NOVOSON aliO J. NOVOYesterday," by Mrs. H. R. Rabin- held by the club was won by Mr. SON, impleaded WithHAtmiCE FANUKtt KKA1.TX COMl'ANY, a corporation, and JOHN And, with Mohawks, outstanding performance owitz; and Jewish Current Events by Victor Mazie. Rev. A. Diamond DOE, teal name unknown: ' -Plans were made for a party on Notice Mrs. S. H. "Shulkin. is hereby given that 6a the' 21st Is not a matter of accident, but of intention. February 14. The c\ab holds its day of December, 11)33, Kophie "Neveleff Recognized as filed her petition- to. commence an action regular gym classes at Woodrow in the District PRACTICAL MOHEL Court of Douglas County, Yet, Mohawks seH for no mor®. Wilson Junior High every Tuesday Nebraska, Doc. S00, Page 162, against thu Share Zion Phone 1059 above nained defendants, the objects and The seventh annual Student Wel- evening. prayer of 'which said petition is to. foreCOUNCIL BLUFFS close a certain mortgage in thfesum of come Service will be held this eve$3,000.00 covering the North One-Half ning at Shaare Zion Synagogue, <N%) of the West-One-Half <W%) of the KasC One-Third (El/3) of Lot U'wo (2), •when Rabbi Uri Miller of Omaha Block Oue Hundred Twenty (1U0), Original City ot Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, will be the principal speaker. Eabbi High up above the busy dry Vote Will Keep You 1 surveyed and lithographed,, which was Miller is the leader of the United Word has been received here of as the Morrison Tower carries executed oh the 4th day of~February, 1928, Nattily Attired the Fanger Realty Company, a. corOrLhodox Synagogues of Omaha. the niarriage of Mr. Max Kroloff, by Us hospitality and quiet, poration, by its duly authorized-and couFollowing the. regular services, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kroloff, stituted officers, Moses Fanger, President, comfortable rooms. Business Marie Goldblatt, Secretary, and by Ladies Auxiliary of Shaare Zion 1026 West Third street, to Miss and men and travelers alike, Sadye K. Novoson and Maurice J. NovoSynagogue will .give a reception for Mary Goldstein of Indiana Harbor. son, sometimes known as Sadie K. Novochoose the Morrison beand Morris J- Novoson, wife and husthe students and members of the The wedding was an event of De- son band, as mortgagors, to Sophie Neveleff, cause of the fine service and congregation. cember 24j and took place in Chicago. which said mortgage was recorded, on the unequalled location—near day of February, 1928, in Book 633, Burnell Koolish will act as master Mr. Kroloff is an attorney and was14th FASHION TAILOBS at Page 37, of the Mortgage Records of everything they want to see. of ceremonies, and the students who prominent during his residence here Douglas County,. Nebraska, said .mortgage JOHN Y(H.Z being executed, delivered andgiven to seHere, deep soft beds bring tor his work in the debating field. •: will represent their various schools cure the payment of a certain promissory JACKSON 2706 sound sleep. And every guest note, an obligation in' writing, dated. Febrare: Eddie Miller, Dena Baron,"and uary 4, 1928; that the defendants: Fredis looked on as a friend William Moscow; Wisconsin, Jack Mrs. Ella Baird, 1704 East Sev- erick U. Weinstein and Iteba Weinstein 305 Sifc 19th claim certain interests In the above de—not just a room number. Greenberg; Minnesota, William Lans- enth street, announced the engage- scribed mortgaged premises by virtue of berg; Michigan,' Lilian Magaziner; ment and approaching marriage of having purchased same, but that-whatever they or either of them ha\-e in or,, Only $ 2 . 5 O up with Bath Ames, Ivan Lasensky, and Bernard her daughter, Miss. Sara Jean Baird, Interest to said mortgaged premises is subject to, to Isadore W. Taxer, son of Mr. and Lazriowich; Grinnel,' Dave Singer; junior and inferior to the lien of the plainOur private Dining Room is mortgage; that John Doe, real name Nebraska, Francis Kalin; and Mom-Mrs. M. Taxer, 2501 Jennings street. tiff's In the Heart of the Loop unknown,-is n tenant in possession of said available for bridges, lunchThe engagement was revealed at mortgaged premiaea and that whatever iningside, Ida Edleman. eons and banquets. terest the said Johnn Doe has, The Shaare Zion Sunday School a party Sunday afternoon given by the h a , if nny. y. in n said mortgage" Bright, Cheerful Rooms g d premises, is subject to, Mrs. Baird in her home. has recently received a letter of junior and infer: erior _ to the . _ _ lien of the d that t h t there h iis now thanks for their generous contribu- The wedding will take place in plaintiff's mortgage; and Luncheon from 11:00 a. m. Quick, Friendly Service due the plaintiff on -said indebtedness the DAVID HOKEBHAN . tion of ?10.00 to the Joint Distribu- February. BARNEY BOBEKMAN sum of $3504.16 with interest-thereon at until 2:00 p.m.—25c to 50c. the rate of 10% per annum from and after tion Committee. The donation was 2lRt. 1933. Home of Terrace Garden acknowledged by Miss Pauline Baer- Miss Sophie Miller, daughter of December Notice is further given that- plaintiff » wald, national chairman of the com-Mr. and Mrs. H. Miller, became the prays that an' accounting be had for the IF YOU DRIVE!...WC park your ear. Dinner is served from 5:00 I due her under and by virtue of mittee. The Sunday school also don- bride of Alfred Jerome Natlcin Sun- amount said mortgage for principal and Interest: Standard rates. No other charges. until 9:00 p.m.—35c to 60c. j same be adjudged and decreed to h<» ated $5.00 to the Sioux City Com- day morning of last week. The that first mortgage lien on said mortgaged wedding was held in the home of the npremises; .munlty fund. LEONARD HICKS, Mcmosfoff Director that the defendants or some of Open AH Night " be ordered and directed to pay plainThe next meeting of the Ladles bride's parents in the presence of 25 them tiff the sum so found due thereon and in Auxiliary- of the Shaare Zion con- friends and relatives. Rabbi H. E. default of snch payment for twenty days the entry of the decree, said premises •if gregation 'will be held Tuesday, Jan- Rabinowitz officiated at the cere- from sold for the satisfaction of said mortmony which was followed by a wed- be "l! gage debt as provided by law and the pur. yary 16, 1934, in the social rooms of ding breakfast. chaser pnt in possession thereof; that said the synagogue. The business meetand each of them be foreclosed OMAHA, NEBRASKA Mr. and Mrs. Natkin will make defendants of all right, title, interest nnd equity of ing'.will be preceeded by a luncheon 1 their home in Kansas City. reclemeption in or to said mortgaged w and bridge will follow. premises: that the plaintiff recover her Phone AT. 6427 2406 Farnam Street costs In this action expended: that the de, „*; Seventy-eight children attend the Mr. and Mrs. George Israel ana fendants Fanger Realty Company and Hcberman Bros., Proprietors Junior Congregation services, last son Victor of Chicago visted this Moses Fanger be decreed to be personally for nny deficiency remaining after Saturday morning. Candy was dis-week in the home of their daughter liable applying the proceeds of said Rale nnd : ' tributed te the children by. Mrs. Phil- Mrs. E. J. Fribourg. that she be granted such other ami further relief ns to- the court may seem just and : ip Pill to honor of the Bar Mitzvah equitable. ot. Cecil "Pill, and by Mr. and Mrs. "Mrs. Jad: Robinson and children Notice is further given thnt yon and •''Omaha's -lv|ost\Beauiifui|;Hqrne f6r";Fanera!s":: i* « ~>t — . , . . . ^ _ ^ _ of you are hereby required to auswer [-•- is Ma*.Ginsberg, in honor of the en-are visiting this week with relatives each said petition on or before the 10th day of 5 ToFi1; f- J>r gagement pf their daughter Sally to February. 193*. . •: Funeral ! Any Purse J SOPHIE II, Btinny Bearman, and the engagement and friends in Des Moines. By Shotwpll. Won sky, Grodinsky, Vance, Phone HArney 1226 ffarnam at Thirty-third H. s y , rod oi their son, Sol to Miss Helen Pein- Miss Nettie Krueger of Chicago v 12-29-33-4t Her Attornej-g. and Harry B. Cohen, , berg.. ' '" • ••>


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