Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism
Entered as Second C' '.; I'ostofflce of Omahnt."
In the Interests fff the Jewish People
Matter on January 21,1021, at a, under the Act of March 3, 1879
Vol IX—No. 51
Reich Jews Warned Reich Jews Urged Not DR. LEO HONOR TO Sympos8$h. to Feature "To Evacuate Soil" To Enter Negotiations Anti-Defamation Talk ADDRESSLECTURE By Richard Gutstadt Meetii&tyf Federation FORUM WEDNESDAY This Sunday Evening Annual Meeting at WIDE INTEREST IN Berlin <J. T. A.)—A threat of vioence against German Jewish farmers unless they leave the soil immediately, was published in the Lausetzer Karripfsblatt. The Nazi paper Dr. Leo .Honor will address the carried photograhps of Jews working Jewish Lecture series forum this on t i e land in Germany and de- Wednesday' evening, January -24, at clares that the fact that Jews still 8 o'clock, "at the Jewish Community possess German soil is a "provoca- Center. The subject of Dr. Honor's tion to the Germans." lecture is "The Meaning of Jewish "The harm being done to Germany History." at present through Jewish ownership . Dr. Honor is the director of the of land and not giving it up to Ar- College of Jewish Studies in Chicago Full Schedule Announced for yans, must not be underestimated," and is considered an outstanding auProgram of Jewish Hishe Kampsblatt stated, adding that thority on history and the field of tory Lectures it would be well for the Jews to hur- Jewish education. : . Received with wide-spread interest, ry and vacate the land for German Dr. Honor comes very highly recplans for the Sachar Institute are occupation. ommended by outstanding . Jewish being rapidly completed.- for the leaders in Chicago. Dr. Phillip Seaweek-end of January 26, 27 and 28. mon, director of the Jewish. People's The series which opens at the Jew-Compensation Claims Institute of Chicago, under whose ish Community Center on next Frirecommendation Dr. Honor was sePressed by Polish day evening offers the following procured, states that "Dr. Honor is both gram of events: an interesting and effective speaker "Warsaw, Poland, (J.TA)—The and a thorough expert in the field Friday 8:30 p. m.—Lecture, "If's That claim for compensation is being of Jewish education, and Jewish hispressed by the Polish embassy in
Berlin, (J.T.A.)—German Jewish leaders were urged not to negotiate with the German government con• — — V' < cerning Jewish rights in an address delivered by Dr. Bruno Weil, member of the central executive committee of the Central Union of German Citizens of the Jewish Faith. Dr. Weil spoke before a meeting of the Central Union, which, the police permitted only on condition that none A symposium on the Jewish Fedbe admitted but members. eration, its needs, its functions, and Dr. Weil expressed the opinion its future, will feature the annual that the German government is gra-: meeting of the Jewish Community dually recognizing that enough comCenter and Welfare Federation, to plications have been created for Jews be held at the Center auditorium on A revealing "inside story" of the [ day.morning, and at 10 a.m. he will and that therefore the situation of Monday evening, January 29. anti- Jewish activities being fostered meet at the Hill Hotel with the local the German Jews will not become Harry A. Wolf, Eugene Blazer and worse. He also declared that the by organized groups and movements anti-defamation committee, which is Henry Monsky. will be the speakers fight for Jewish rights, equality and in this country and abroad will be headed by William L. Holsman. leading the discussion. Immediately At noon a luncheon will be given the recognition of Jews as German following their addresses there will in his honor by the members of the citizens can only succeed through be an open discussion from the audiexecutive committee of the local lodge slow, but repeated efforts. ence on these topics. of B'nai Brith, under whose auspices The officers of the Federation for Sunday evening's address will be held. the coming year will be elected. In the afternoon at 2:15 p.m. Mr. The meeting will start at 8 p. m. Gutstadt will address a rally and Preceding the meeting there will be Changed Jewish History." tory." Dr. Alexander Dushkin of Chimass meeting of Omaha Jewish youth Berlin o i behalf of two hundred Poa dinner which the entire Jewish cago also - recommends Dr. Honor Saturday at the Jewish Community Center uncommunity is welcome to attend. The ,• 2:30 p. m.—Round Table discus- lish Jews who were subjected to phy- very highly. der the auspices of the Round Table sical attacks by Nazis. The compenThe Bikur Cholim Society honored dinner will be fifty cents a plate and sion followed by a tea. The admission to the lectirvj is 50c of Jewish Youth. sation claims were made upon' the will be kosher, prepared and served Season tickets for the four lectures Mrs. L. NeveleK last week T>y re8:00 p. m., Lecture, "Some PeaceBecause of the full program schedunder the' auspices of the Jewish ful Revolutions in Jewish History." German government again by the Po- including this one can be procured electing her president lor the ninth lish embassy at Berlin.uled, the banquet Sunday evening will consecutive term. Women's Welfare organization, an for $1.25. . Sunday ; Members elected to the executive Innot be held, as originally planned. auxiliary of the Federation. Max Fromkin will be chairman of They were advanced some .two 10:30 a. m.—Round Table discus"There are only a few tickets left Those who do not attend the din- sion. months ago but were* ignored. The the evening. The series is under the clude Mesdames J. Abramson, S. Fish, .--••• for the address Sunday evening," ner are urged to come to the open 3:00 p. m.—Lecture, "Sparks from Poles are demanding that settlement direction of the Junior Vaad organi- J. Finkel, M. D. Cohen, L. Morgan, M. Katzman, and L. Mendelson. meeting following the dinner. stated Philip M. Klutznick, chairman nations. . . . . * . " ' ' . be made at xrace. . the Jewish Anvil." . On the program of the annual in charge of arrangements. "Those The management of the George . meeiing will be the message of the Gershwin concert has arranged.with who want these cards of admission, president, William L. Holzman, and the committee in charge of the" Sawhich are without cost, must get reports of the constituent agencies char Institute to make it possible for them Saturday morning at the latest." and functional committees of the those -who wish to be present at both Those wishing to obtain these tickets Federation: Jewish Free • Loan So- events on Saturday evening to do shall call Klutznick at Atlantic 8122, ciety, City Talmud Torah, Jewish so. This arrangement makes it imor else call Atlantic 4632. Richard Gutstadt Old. People's Home, Jewish Commun- perative that the Saturday evening Gutstadt is well-known in Omaha. ity Center, Jewish Women's Welfare lecture start promptly at 8 p . m. told to Omaha Jewry this Sunday He spoke here four years ago and organization, .Family Welfare com- Those in attendance must be seatec evening, January 21, when Richard is noted for his forcefulness, his mittee, and Social "Service commit- at that time. Gutstadt, national director of the knowledge, and his eloquence. tee. B'nai Brith anti-defamation league, Dr. Sachar who is an authority on He has long been active in B'nai The annual meeting was originally both Jewish and European history speaks at the Jewish Community Brith work. He was the youngest Center at 8:15 p.m. president to ever head B'nai Brith (From the Philadelphia Exponent) Because of the nature of the talk, District No. 4, the West Coast district, and his father was president will be by ticket only. has happened three thousand yearsjatpr. Wagner,! compared the attack admission ; Hie readjustment will be sevA full day has been arranged for of the same district before him. Four before the Christian era or that which upon the Jew/to the effort of a ship- Gutstadt. He will arrive early Sun- years ago he was called to headRoosevelt's ere and injurious to important inin- charge of ar- against the changing background of took place in the Dark Ages cannot wrecked-group' adrift "on a raft to terests . « . America will abanhistory. The committee quarters in Cincinnati to take charge rangements for the meeting includes: world occur today. In fact, we deceived maintain themselves by devouring don the project as- soon as -she The women of the Conservative of B'nai Brith membership. Two and Philip Klutzniek, chairman; William ourselves by words, finding unwar- several of their companions. In a experiences the first consequencSynagogue Auxiliary will assist the a half years ago he was made diHolzman, Max Barish, Eugene Blamembers of the Study club at the es."—-The Economic Consequenc- ranted solace in stigmatizing other special article" Trotsky used the term rector of special activities, includzer, Dave Cobn, Robert Kooper, Mrs. tea -which is to follow the Round Tatimes, excommunicating them from "national cannibalism." With due rees of the Peace."—Sir John Maying anti-defamation work. Because of J, J. Greenberg and Jacob S. Pearl- ble on Saturday afternoon. The third relation .trith our own day and age. spect to both of these eminent obnard Keynes.. the urgency ol the present anti-destien. and ; closing lecture of the Institute The second illusion is the illusion servers, I ' must submit that the anfamation developments, he is now de5 Eic^nes -nrcdkted tho ox space: tliat" that --«hich has hap- alcgy of a nation endeavoring to formerlyy "announceti- "iot^SiiinaBy" "evevoting all of Shis time to this wort.; crash and depression of 1929-1933, pened in Russia cannot happen in strengthen its economic position by S ning, will be a Sunday afternoon The committee in charge of arhid striking forecast was based upon Germany; that that which has oc- confiscating the property of a minevent. The change was necessitated rangements includes Philip Klutznick, by the traveling schedule of Dr. Sa- fundamental economics. In the same curred in Persia cannot transpire in ority is not to be found in the picchairman; Ben Newman, I. F. GoodGoldie Myerson Paints Picture way, it requires no outstanding or ture of a desperate group feeding South Africa. This concept like the char. man, Sara Beber, Dr. A. Greenberg, of Jewish Rehabilitation Tickets for the entire series are clairvoyant vision to assert that the first illusion fails to grasp that the upon several of their own number. David Blacker, Harry Silverman, Max program of the Hitler regime will The true concept which modern econof Homeland play of natural and human emotions one dollar and may be purchased Barish, Sam Green, David Greenberg, Membership of the committee to from members of the Study Club of also be gravely modified and probab- is constant, like the interaction of omics raises up to properly describe J. J. Greenberg, Julius Bisno. ly entirely rescinded as soon as Gersuch a nation is that of a hungry inselect the "outstanding Jewish citi- the Conservative Synagogue, sponthe elements, and given similar con**We Palestinian Jews will not conzen of Omaha" was announced today sors of the Institute, or at the Jew- man industry understands the econ- ditions analagous consequences must dividual who attempts to stave off sider Palestine as prosperous until by Phi Beta Epsilon, Creighton Jew-, ish Community Center, omic consequences which must follow be looked for. This illusion may alsa the onrush of hunger by eating his several million Jews are settled in its train. ish fraternity, whieh sponsors the be classed as a flight from reality, a own toes. The distinction is vital there," declared Goldie Myerson, inaramoul award annually. • rt importance to tha ternationally-noted Pioneer Women i 1 emphasize economics. For behind defense mechanism, an unwillingness ar.d of x> Following are the committee memleader from Palestine, in an address j Jew. the fanfare of the Nazi parade, the to face facts. bers : Mxs. • L. Neveleff, president raucous assertion of Nordic excluI must confess that the assertion at the J. C. C. Sunday evening, fol- j The third illusion is the illusion of Jewish, Women's Welfare Organizasiveness and the frenzied insistence the ego, whether that be the self of oft repeated that nations have de- lowing a banquet in her honor. "We j Mrs. Esther Freda "Wolfson, 75, tion; Morris Blacker, president Phi Speaking on "A company is no bet- upon the superiority and purity of the individual or of the community— clined after they harassed or expelled cannot live peacefully while we know p a s s e d a T u e s dav afternoon at her Beta Epsilon; Rabbi Frederick Cohn, ter than its executives," to the Men's Aryan blood lies only a distraught the fond belief that what has hap- the Jew, has slways appeared to me that thousands of Jewish people > h o m e > 2 o n N o r t h T w e n t i e l h s t r e e t > Temple Israel; Rabbi David Gold- club of the Conservative Synagogue business policy. pened to others cannot happen to us. in the past as a vainglorious boast throughout the world are living in after a lingering illness. stein, Conservative Synagogue; Rab- at the J. C. C. Wednescay night, De She is survived by two sons, B. M. No matter in what philosophic or A final illusion arises from the in- on our own part, a magnification of misery and despair." bi Uri Miller, Orthodox Synagogues; Bradshaw, president of the "Woodnnr own own importance cornmunMrs. Myerson graphically told of Wolfson and J. L. Wolfson, both ol importance in in the the cornmun political guise National Socialism ability to interpret the actions of our Frank R- Ackerman, editor Jewish the work being accomplished in Pal- Omaha. wns. clothed, its basis was essentially others in terms of our own reactions lty. Press* Nathan E. Gilinsky, president by the Jewish pioneers. PalWednesday afS e r v i c e s w e r e heM economic. The underworld proceeds under similar conditions. It is indeed a confusion of cause estine Phi Beta Epsilon alumni; William L. estme, she declared, was the only t e r n o o n a t t t ; home. Rabbi Uri Milagainst a business rival without benHolzman, president Jewish CommuIn light of the above, normally we and effect to assert that national j Morgeustern officiated. efit of clergy and without invoking a should view the prospect as dark in- disaster and economic decline have hope and salvation of the Jewish j l e r &n^ nity Center and recipient of the people. j Burial was at Pleasant Hill cemetery. nationalist, racial, or religious pre- deed for the Jewish race. award last year; and Jacob S. Pearlj been caused by, rather than that they "A folk cannot buy a land: it must j text. The same process employed in stien, executive director, Jewish ComYet in a more enlightened hour \ have followed in the wake of anti- be built by that people, not only with | Berlin against the most eminent of when the best minds are balancing Semitic excesses. It is true that permunity Center. mortar and cement but with blood teachers, physicians and lawyers loses the costs of the war process, and secution of a minority frequently has and tears," she stated in telling how . The group will meet to select this none of its inherent character by the finding international good will and j intensified a decline already in prog- ;t n e manual labor of a people previyear's recipient of the award withresurrection of bizarre theories of harmony the most profitable course j ress. But a general attack upon the j ]y called parasitic is working in the next week. The honor will be ous blcod or religion. We are familiar for nations, it is pertinent to inquire presented at a formal banquet to be rs is alwaysv a symptom of a dis- j wonders in rehabilitating barren with fair and unfair trade practices whether the new competitive code Iease already existing. It indicates j land. held early next month. The vogue of by-gone days will be in their infinite variety, and can pro- laid down by Germany will inure to j rotterness in the community fabric! "Palestine is home for the Jewish gaily recalled to the old-timers, and perly appraise Germany's program of the benefit of that nation or even to j and a neurotic effort to find a scape- i people. Elsewhere, they are invited j introduced to many of the younger eliminating the Jew from her na- the special class it is intended to j goat. The latter manifestation merely j quests, and sometime or other a guest I generation at the Hurdy-Gurdy Ball tional life. It is more wholesome to help most directly. Modern research' brings to a head disaster already im- j becomes unwelcome. The Jew in his i to be given at the Paxton Hotel, meet the issue frankly. At bottom has demonstrated the futility of war minent. ! wanderings has come to the point Wednesday evening. our respect must be. given to the indemnities among the world's peo- j The ball is being given by Temple To state baldly, however, that na- • where he would have no place to go gangster who takes his business rival pies. Norman Angell pointed it out tior.s have declined because of such w e r e & n o t *°r n i s home. Palestine. Israel Sisterhood, sponsored by Mrs, for a ride, rather than to those who twenty years ago. After the most Richard Gutstadt, director of the outbursts of persecution is medically In the Jewish homeland being built Jeanette Amstein's circle. Mrs. Jocall upon God himself to sanctify harrowing of post-war Be E. Bradshaw depressions to assert that a patient is made sick the Jewish people can live by right seph Bonoff is chairman, assisted by Anti-Defamation League, will outtheir depredations. Mrs. Sam Bialac and members of the their is something akin to a general by hysteria or by delirium. In both ana not by sufferance. line the role that Jewish young people should play in solving Jewish prob- men of the World association, said "The Jewish people living in Go- circle. Against the stark facts of these understanding that nations cannot cases the seizures are surface indiRandall's orchestra will furnish the lems of today in the principal ad- that the NRA, so far as its ethics are situations, the Jew can only batter ri&e to prosperity out of the wreck of cations of deep seated mental and lus are living a lie^—their children dress before the first mass meeting concerned, is the realization of an as- himself in utter futility. Life is a other nations. It is now considered physical disease. In both cases too, are reared in a depressing atmos- music for dancing, and there will be of the Round Table of Jewish Youth piration that leading business men of struggle and to a mass attack aimed axiomatic that in the present com- they hasten the end. However, a phere of oppression and the parents tables arranged for those guests prein the Jewish Community Center at the nation have had for the last 50 against its possessions, or its influ- plex and entangled structure of in- more mature study ol these situa- oftimes have to change their names fering cards. years. 2:36 p . m . Sunday. The vogue of 1890 will be carried to obtain employment. Such exiled ence, a racial minority is ever expos- ternational commerce, no nation can "An executive of a corporation," he ed. As long as international coven- profit by the ruination of the fi- tions indicates that not only is it a life is not 'living.' " out in every possible manner, espcAt least 500 young people are exfact that persecution of the Jews in pected to hear the Jewish leader, said, "must have no divided loyalty. ants are in themselves insufficient nances of another. She contrasted this with the Jew- ciallv in the type of entertainment every nation has been coupled with every nation has been coupled with , P a i e s t i n e , where the Jew- offered. noted as one of the outstanding He must have a sense of stewardship to prevent aggression between naStyles from 1890 to 1934 Can a nation profit or can a ma- economic disaster in that nation, but . ^ w o r k e r s ^ that makes him accountable in every tions, as long as battleship and ar&> t h e i p w o r k a n d speakers of the country. will lend color to the affair which jority in that nation profit by dethe reasons why this must be so are enjoy life to the fullest despite their j promises to be one of the gayest of All members of the more than 30 act to the shareholders of his organi- tillery speak the most respected spoiling a minority? This question inherent in the simple economics of hard labor. In this building up, she the season. affiliated organizations of the Round zation. language of diplomacy, so long will obviously only arises when the min- community forces. "Recent investigations which have constitutions, laws or the liberalism There will be a prize waltz, and & Table were contacted during the past pointed out, the Chalutzos, the pioority has attained a status sufficient To a bold Nazi the situation seems neering women, play an important door prize. two weeks to attend the mass meet- shown how men have exploited cor- of the best elements in each comto aTouse the cupidity of the majorTickets for one dollar a couple ar* ing and to bring their friends. The porations, by being elected to execu- munity be insufficient protection ity. When the prizes become sub- simple^—oust a Jew, install a Nordic. role. tive positions and then forming their meeting will be open to all interested While there is a shortage of la- being sold by all members of the against the incitements of the major- stantial, not high sounding phrases Take from a Jew, assign to the Aryan. The mind of a child sees a bor and no unemployment, Mrs. My- committee, and may be purchased «?• young people^ The Round Table was own personal holding and subsidiary ity or of other minorities. or lofty ideals, but the self interest measurable gain in this at one swoop organized recently to coordinate the companies to loot parent organizaerson warned that speculators may the door Wednesday evening. Lest this seem -ultra-Darwinian and of the strong becomes the sole bul- divesting a million people of their bring about a crisis. She also warned activities of ~all Jewish : young peo-. tions have shocked the nation, provpie's groups in Omaha and has been ing that a corporation head cannot pessimistic, let us hasten to add that wark of the weak. possession and parcelling posts and against the prospective land boom, To return to the crux of the mat- property among the other sixty mil- stressing the necessity of building up greeted with increasing response late- serve two masters—himself and his in both cases the brutal assertion that might makes right is subject to a ter. Will the Aryans of Germany lions. ly from the various -university or- company." Palestine on a labor foundation and ganizations. Guests of honor were W. E. Ruess, single but important corollary, both gain by the wholesale spoliation of not on a speculative foundation. But in the modern complex order Bill Wolfe, president of the Board Omaha, director, and Judge W. C. on the national and international the Jew? If the answer of econom- of society the process is not as simThe College club at Temple Israel Mrs. Myerson came to Omaha unTable, will preside at Sunday after- Braden, Lake Charles, La., director stage. This corollary holds out a ray ics and history is yes, then God alone ple as that. The political and econ- der the auspices of. the local Pio- will meet, for its forum discussion of hope to minorities, and in fact to can save minorities. Fortunately, the noon's meeting and will give a short of the Woodmen of the World. omic organism is a living, a vital neer Women. At the banquet words Sunday afternoon, January 21, st, Lawrence Finkel, Daritone, gave those who vision a world of law and answer of history is clearly no, and creature with a highly co-ordinated of greeting were given by Zionist 4:15 p. m. talk outlining the aims of the oris attested by the decline of every alimentary, circulatory and nervous leaders of Omaha. ganization. He will introduce Philip three vocal solos, accompanied on the order. This hour has been arranged so Let us, however, first examine a nation that has engaged in such system. Ten centuries of time and Klutznick, who wilL /introduce. Mr. piano by Al Finkel. . Sunday afternoon she addressed a that there will be no conflict with wholesale persecution. The answer half a millenium of freedom have group of Jewish girls. Saturday eve- the address by Richard Gutstadt »t few pet illusions of our own. Gutstadt. Following the principal Horace L. Rosenblum presided. talk, an' open forum will be held for The first of these is the illusion of of economics is also clearly in the Abner Kaiman was master of cerening she was interviewed in a broad- the J. C. C. before the rally of th« questions by the audience. time, a fatuous belief that that which negative. In a splendid speech Seamonies. cast over the radio. Bound Table of Jewish youth. (Continued on Page 3.)
Center January 29th
National header to Give Inside Information on Anti-Jewish Movements
Bikur Cholim Honors Mrs, L. Neveleff
Gay W s Return at Hurdv-Gurdv Ball
Temple Forum Group to Meet This Sunday
Battle Just Begun Says Feuchtwanger
in the Senate in protesting the treatall questions of choosing the right ment of the Jews in Germany. tactics to work against the Nazis, is this other, more urgent problem— A paragraph in the resolution rehow to gave the children from this quests the President to "express the German hell. The barbarism of the earnest hope of the people of the Third Empire strikes with tenfold Washington (J. T. A.)—Increased United States that the German Reich gravity at the tender, unformed souls pressure for an official protest by thewill speedily alter its policy, restore of the children. Even a naturally United States to Germany against to its Jewish nationals the political courageous spirit must inevitably beHitler's treatment of Jews in the of which they have been decome distorted if during the im- By the Service Life Insurance Reich is being exerted by members of rights prived, and undo, so far as may be, pressionable years of early life it is both houses of Congress. While this the wrongs that have been done to Company, Omaha made to suffer what the Third Empressure is being exerted by the in-them." pire seeks to inflict on the souls of Jewish, children. If you rescue a When the reasons rfor buying Life troduction of bills and resolutions, achundred of them you will be per-Insurance are analyzed, they boil tive members in the Senate and the forming an act for which not only down to two principal motives, name- House, opposed to all forms of perthe children themselves, not only the ly—desire to save for old age andsecution, are leading a drive which Jews, but the whole world will one desire for the protection Life Insur- seeks support for an official expresRound Trip $7.95 day thank you. sion of protest to Germany by Presance affords. Denver ,.. §6.50 ident Roosevelt. There is a wide range of plans sold (Copyright, 1934, by the Jewish nowadays, and, while the policy se- Senator Millard E. Tydings, of Round Trip $11.00 Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) lected depends on the particular needs Maryland, who introduced a resoluLos Angeles... $16.95 of the case, some plans are more tion asking for "an unequivocal stateRound Trip $31.50 appropriate for certain purposes than ment" of the feelings of "surprise others. and pain experienced by the people of BUS DEPOT For instance: Statistics show def- the United States upon learning of Edwards Hotel Bids. initely that a man's earning power the discriminations and oppressions 306 No. 16th St. HA. 5000 decreases after a certain age — yet imposed by the Reich upon its Jewthis fact is very often overlooked. If ish citizens." has assumed leadership . Mrs. Sarah Frieden, 65, a resident is thought of at all, it is generof Omaha for fifty-two years, passed it ally* regarded as being applicable to away January 2. Burial was at the the "other The solution of Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol cemetery, the problem fellow." suggests itself—provide Where Omaha Shops with Confidence January 3. during your years of earning power She is survived by her husband, for a regular income to replace that William; two sons, Sam of Sacramen- earning power when it declines. to, Cal., and Herman of Penver, Colo.; There are many plans of insurone. daughter, Mrs. Simon Baron of 16th at Farnam which can be made payable in Akron, la.; two brothers, Henry Hor- ance the form of a monthly income to wich of Chicago and M. L. Horwich supplement your regular income in of Omaha; two sisters, Mrs. Anna later years, or to replace it when Cooper and Mrs. Agnes Wolsky of you wish to retire. With a guaranOmaha. ; teed monthly check arriving regularMrs. Frieden was the daughter of ly as long as you live, you can rest the- late Harris: Horwich, who wasassured that you won't over-stay one of the founders of the Beth Ham- your income. edrosh Hagodol synagogue.
Author Issues Call For Redoubled Effort By MRS, SARAH FRIEDEN, World Jewry 65, PASSES AWAY By Lion Feuchtwanger
The Jews .who have, remained in the few months of Nazi rule I alone to work-for the Jews of the world, Germany," or at" any 'rate a great lost six good friends in this way. but also to work for Germany. • many of them, unless they want to It is true, after the first and most The- majority of the Germans long jgo mad, most close their; eyes to violent pogroms the great wave of to shake off the yoke of barbarism •what is happening around them. indignation abroad compelled the and .violence. To work against HitThough they have with those very Hitlerites to stop actually killing lerism means not only to work for eyes seen hundreds of their fellow Jews. On the other hand, they the Jews of the world, but also to Jews being killed, imprisoned, tor- made no attempt to punish those work for Germany. tured, and humiliated in unspeak- guilty of the murder of Jews, so I do not know which I am most; able ways, they must persuade them- that by their silent toleration they a Jew or a German. My family has sanctioned future acts of terror. selves that it was not so. lived in Germany for centuries. •- I I have experienced numerous cas- So far we have the documentary was educated in Germany, my mind es, how, the moment German Jews evidence of 377 cases of Jews hav- was formed no less by the spiritual cross the German frontier, they be- ing either been killed by the Nazis teachings 3f the great German philcame aware of that which they re- or having committed suicide in con-osophers than by the Jewish.classics. fused to see before—namely that the sequence of their ill-treatment by I think in the German language, the German Jews are doomed; that the Nazis. The punishment for German language is necessarily a there are people in. Germany whose those 377 deaths was, all in all, part of my existence. In fact, my Lecture by Ghaim Socialist Leader at inflexible will it is to exterminate four days of light imprisonment for whole feeling is German. And it is Lyceum This Evening one Wuerteemberg S. A. man. them. as a German that I suggest to work Shous January 28 It is not Germany who is perse- I admit that during the last few against Hitlerism by all means. But cuting her Jews with such medieval weeks there has been a lull in thefor the very fact that the course Prof. Chaim Shous, Jewish histor- M. Clesens, socialist leader from hatred, but only a section of Ger-use of physical violence against the of action I am advocating creates ian and lecturer, will speak at the New York, will speak this evening, many—the National Socialists. And Jews. The pressure of foreign fresh suffering for the Jews in Ger- Jewish Community Center on Sun-January 19, at 8 p. in. at the Labor it took even the leaders and agita- opinion has persuaded the Nazis to many, I have to ask you to spare day evening, January 28, at 8 p.m.Lyceum, 22nd and Clark street, under tors of these people fourteen years alter their program in so far as no effort to help these innocent vic- on "The Origin of Anti-Semitism— the auspices of the Workmen's Circle of the most violent and unscrupu- now they "no longer kill the Jews, tims. When It Began and Where." The Branches 173 and 258. He is considered one of the leading orators of lous propaganda before before they they merely do not let them live." I t is hard to comprehend what it talk will be in Yiddish. succeeded in stirring up their fol- Now what can the Jews: abroad means to live as a Jew in Germany Prof. Shous will be here Saturday his party. lowers against the Jews. Do notdo in such a situation? The Ger-today. I for instance love Germany. and Sunday, January 27 and 28, as The lecture will be in English. Adbelieve that the whole nation really man Jews implore us: "Please be I was happy in Germany, it was the guest of the Jewish National mission is fifteen cents. stands behind the National Socialists silent, we are half a million hostages ideal for ray •work. Now, they have Worker vand the Pioneer Women or. —there are well-informed politicians in the hands of the Nazis. The confiscated my house in Germany, ganizations. "who esteem that barely one-third of moment some action is taken against have demolished my library, torn up JOHN FELDMAN the population adheres to Hitler— the Nazis from the outside we aremy manuscripts, mangled the scienAnnounces that he is now engaged but this section of the nation has made to suffer for it. So we asktific material which I had collected, J. C. C. Scout Troop 4 in the business of selling all kinds sworn to root out the Jews and is you, we urge you. to be silent, to undoing the labours of many years. of RELIGIOUS ARTICLES — Taldetermined to achieve its purpose. try only to conciliate them." * They even trampled down the flow- The J. C. C. Girl Scout troop 4 eisim, Books, Jewish Bibles in HeThis specific point in the Nazi pro- This attitude, spiritless as it mayer beds. held an election of officers Mon- brew and English. Also Matxos and gram, the extermination of the seem, is "comprehensible. Most of day, with, the following chosen: paI confess, I long for the air of Jews, is the only clause that they the Jews, however much they would Germany, its landscape, its people, trol leaders and-assistants: Shirley Pesachdicka Articles. Res. 609 So. 50 St. GL. 2972 will be able to fulfill. like to, can't get away. Hitler has its language, the trahquility of my Epstein, Reva Mann, Frances BlumOff. Taffe Printing Co, During the first days of their rule announced that he will give a thou- study, the books of my library. It kin, Beverly Babender, Anna Arbit118 So. 17Uu JA. 0770 they tried to achieve it in a literal sand marks to every Jew who leaves is a bitter and difficult thing for man, Rose Rattner; treasurer, Thelma sense by killing:, mutilating, or driv- Germany, but this promise of the me to work without all this. Yet I Armour; scribe, Dena Brody. ing to suicide nnumerous Jews. In Chancellor's is like most of his other would not go back to Germany even promises. In reality, he has stripped if they guaranteed to restore %$ :-1ne all those who might be allowed to life, property and liberty. For it leave, of everything they possess, must be an inconceivable nightmare and foreign countries close their to a man whose heart is not entirely frontiers to the penniless. So there frozen to live in this country. which is nothing left for-those people save they- have turned into a horrible to continue vegetating in Germany, mixture of" prison and military train-and to urge their friends abroad to ing ground. \ , >: 'remain silent, so that the persecu- On the other hand, there are, untion of their tyrants is not re- fortunately, hundreds of thousands Pats Jewry in Same Class as doubled. who are forced to live there. AnyNegroes, Gypsies, Poles, But we who are not in any im-one must. degenerate in that atmos1 mediate danger of those cold legal phere. Even if no actual physical Mongols persecutors, are we to remain silent? harm, is done to him, he is forced Berlin (J. T. A.)—The contents of I am convinced that this is the every day, every hour, to humiliate a sensational special Jewish law, pre- worst possible thing we can doj a£himself in all .conceivable. ways> pared by Helmut Nicolai, president least while they are in their first Without doubt the Jews' in Germany of the government of Magdeburg, flush of power. It is hopeless—at today are not living in any sense of •were published. The proposed law least for the moment—-to try to the world; at1 best they are leading a places Jews, Gypsies, Poles, Mongols come to an understanding-vrith these Wretched 'and' apprehensive '•' existence. and Negroes in the same category. people. Every attempt at ^ r e c o n - A There is no getting away from Herr Nicolai was invited by the ciliation is taken by them only as a the fact that,-for the present, GerNazi government some time ago tosign of weakness. The only lang- many is a lost country to the Jews, wsrk out new citizenship regulations uage they understand is that of as it is lost, to every good'thinking strength. Therefore, anyone wishT German ' and European. We shall for the entire Reich. Under the proposed law the entire ing to work for the ultimate good regain it, that*fVknow7 But at presGerman population will be divided of the German Jews, must not hes- ent, and probably for many months itate to take action, even though he to come, maybe for years, we must into four classes. They are: 1. Full-blooded Aryan German cit- knows that it may result in a temp- resign ; ourselves to the fact that this orary increased hardship for the fine country is being governed by izens. those -who represent'» only the most 2. Foreigners residing in Germany. German Jaws. primitive instincts of its population. 3. Germans residing abroad. For it is not only the German 4. German citizens of alien blood, Jews who are concerned in this bat- Now, although we must leave particularly Jews, Poles and Gypsies tle, it is the Jews of the whole hundreds of thousands of German possessing German citizenship. world. Anti-Semitism is infectious. Jews to their fate, is it not possible May Keep Citizenship. The example of the Nazis, in win-to have at least a few; to save Nicolai's proposals, • which are con- ning large numbers to their cause those who are the most helpless and sidered the principal Nazi govern- by means of cheap anti-Semitic pro- threatened by the gravest peril, ment project as far as the Jews are paganda, will find imitators every?- whose rescue' is of the : utmost imThese Ranges concerned, recommend that the Ger-where. . portance for jthe future? I mean man Jews be permitted to retain It is the duty of the Jews abroad the children. . Towering far above Have Been their citizenship and be granted the full protection of the Nazi governUsed Only for ment, but not all the rights enjoyed by the "full-blooded Aryans." Only Demonstration Jews who fought at the front in the World War or those who rendered Purposes Germany "other special valuable services" are to be given the same rights as those bestowed upon Aryans, Nicolai recommends. Nicolai also recommends minority rights for the German Jews, similar to minority rights accorded in other countries, a measure he suggests for government consideration. • Real buys for someone! These ranges are The project makes it clear that in perfect condition. They will give the any new law must prohibit the en*same fine service that you would get from a COMPANY ployment of Jews in pubu'c offices and further recommends the follownew range. We are offering them for sale ing measures for the "protection of at very special prices because they have been the German nation from Jews, Monused in demonstrations. Hurry if you want gols, Negroes and Gypsies." NEBRASKA. one. Fully guaranteed like new. 1. A special law prohibiting intermarriage with the above-mentioned races, pointing out that such a law has not been promulgated as yet. Sold on Easy Terms 2. An ordinance prohibiting sexual relations /with members of the races $^^^ -mentioned. 3. Immigration restrictions =' "for •President. "alien races." " • ' A The complete expulsion of "fremdrassige" (alien races) from •certain professions and the restnction of their numbers ro other professions.
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suit and a venomous feud between the members of a single family bring under one roof. This is the simple economics of why—as Lea's monumental work on the Inquisition points out—religious persecution leads to business demoralization and decline. It is gratifying to note that most Americans have been quick to sea Hitlerism in its true light. They see clearly that it is opposed to their own ideals and exemplifies all the evils of a system from which, their own forefathers fled. It is equally dear that the political principles set forth in our own Constitution have formed an excellent basis for the business structure of the country Our own economic development illustrates that dividends of a better kind are paid by internal harmony,
friendly observer of the Jewish race. It would be mere repetition to made the Jew an integral part of point out that same holds true of the Germany. The single decree of a Jew in court, in universities, or in Hitler cannot with one stroke sever important financial posts. But it the Jew from Germany as one might should be pointed out that the conremove a surface growth. Kather ception which views all such posts as the. process is one of amputation of sinecures emanates from immature a leg or an arm, for spiritually, phy- minds. These mental midgets see sically and financially the Jew is Einstein in Hollywood; they forgot ±>art of the body politic we call Ger- the Einstein who toiled for years in many. his attic. To them a responsible ofIn" that sense you disorganize, dis- fice means only the license to strut, rupt, dismember the state and coagu- to. domineer, to lambast others, to late the life-giving blood of its CUIT vent petty spites and malicious retural and communal existence. You venges. Its responsibilities are bedestroy the highly sensitive nerves of yond their discerning. They see only " credit, that confidence in our fellow that the head of a great hospital nian which alone distinguishes a mod- gives orders to pretty nurses and oc< ern civilized state from a moetly con- cupies . a comfortable . office. They overlook the past years of labor and glomeration of savage huts. . ' "A Jew," you declare, "is one study, and the relentless present whose grandfather was a Jew." Do pressure of responsibility. you think to stop at that or that In short, back of much of the agithat concludes the matter? Or that tation against the Jew is a naive bethe fear that grips one or two mil- lief that the latter by some magic . lion will not communicate itself to has grasped all the easy jobs. "One the whole thinking people. Do you per cent of the population," runs tha suppose that when you have once in- comment, "has ten per cent of the voked the law of . the floating raft wealth." There is also the belief and have discarded all the securities that the high places of the worldof the past, that you will stop at new many of which can be won only by obstacles. Or do you feel that the unremitting toil—are ripe plums to law of might which you teach can be grabbed by the first oncomer. bring security to you when you seek control of the masses by a small The "politician on the make" ignores the thousand realities of modminority? But • you are not concerned with em society; he sees the community ! presentiments of what will occur in life as a series of isolated units and ' the future. There must be compen- fails to appreciate the inter-aetion,; sation, rich prizes for modern pi- the necessary harmony between them, j racy that tramples underfoot every A realization that peoples not only j honorable tradition of the sea. Rich should, but must live at peace with galleys laden with silks, gold, spices. each other is beyond his mental horWho does not recall the description;: izon. For even as you try to grasp neighbor it ... dis-of the riches of the Spanish J e wthes property . - - - of- your . S01VeS i n t y0U g e t n t h m g that whetted the lust of the covetous ° ^ **• ° and furnished tha chief motif for the land base the value of what you Inquisition—dimmed the scruples of jhave. This is, of course, incomprethe Hitlerites of a past age. hensible to those who are blinded by Assets! There are assets to ba passion or guided only by their emo- i and unable to reason in the' wrung from the minority, house3, tions face of a mistaken self-interest. stores, factories, silver, laces, posts of power and trust. But what a mirage! Yet it cannot be too emphatically •Assets of a people are finely bal- repeated that a majority which seeks anced by their liabilities. For every to enrich itself by trampling upon German debtor who will escape pay- the rights of a minority impoverishes ment of a debt owed to a Jew, a itself. The manner in wnich this German creditor will lose his money. takes place and the fact that it doe3 For every Jewish landlord you have take place are equally clear. The many Jewish tenants too, who will grave failures of many banks in Jabe unable to pay their rent. Business pan after the ill-advised invasion of men who have avoided all contacts China, brought about by the subsewith the Jew will suddenly discover quent boycott of Japanese goods, is recent example of the effect of the that the Jew is an inescapable link arattling sword and shining armor in the chain of production and con- upon the business structure. sumption that makes possible their In the internal life,of a nation the own factor or bank. •In short, such ; confiscation cnx~~a harmful results of a, frolicy of hate wholesale basis merely destroys the are infinitely greater than can result purchasing power of "a" substantial from a mistaken foreign attitude. Insegment of the people. The numerical ternationally swords may rattle and total does not tell the whole story. ultimata may be exchanged, with but The disruptive effects of such de- little effect upon the domestic comstruction are out of all proportion to merce of each nation. Such campaigns of distant hate are the number of people affected because the results are cumulative, ac- usually innocuous. They effect only celerative and multiple. In the study the commercial, political and cultural of international finance, Keynes has relations of two peoples if they lead shown how the addition of a com- to open conflict. They are, however, paratively small amount of goods deadly poison when implanted in the upsets the delicate equilibrium of internal economy of the community. commerce, and that the international Hate then becomes a devastating debts exert a devastating force out force destroying individual freedom of all proportion to the total amount and security and paralyzing industry. The distinction between international involved in .dollars and cents. and internal strife approximates the Is the -situation different with redifference between a business law gaxi to positions of influence, of service, of power, or of trust? Admittedly a small number of Aryan officials will be elevated to posts formerly occupied by Jews. Is the community as a whole the gainer? Here some distinctions must be made. SAVE Posts which are necessarily won only Yes, yon can by years of hard work, by. genius, save on shoes, or by special aptitudes cannot be —. too, very easy! ml Just nse our expert filled overnight by the roulette v] shoe repair service wheels of politics. Are we. to bee x clnsively. T h i s lievt that heretofore Germans paTrill make your new tronized Jewish doctors because they shoes last twice as were Jewish? Are vre to believe lonff—and will piye / that by Nazi decree or by loud asyon many m o r e sertion the mediocre physician can i\ months of wear , be transformed into a great specialfrom shoes you n are ready to / ist? Far be it from me to intimate discard. that the Jew is per se a better physician than the German, or by innuMail orders returned endo to disparage the fine work done prepaid. - by many German scientists. The Nazi doctrine implies that the Jew has in some way obtained an unfair advantage over his neighbor. It ignores tha initial handicap which he must overcome, the" probably greater efNATIONAL fort, greater study and greater preSHOE EEPAIB CO. paration which he must put forth to ATlantic 9200 119 So. 16th St. 509 So. ICth St. obtain even equal results. '.This was the particular point stressed by Hilaire Belloc, by no means an over (Continued from Page 1.)
and co-operation between all the elements of the state. Our forecast of the economic consequences of the Nazi policy is already attested by the rising tide of bankruptcy in Germany, the decrease of its exports and the prostration of its trade. There can be little doubt that the Russian experience will be repeated in a much more drastic form. Because the German Jew is more firmly entrenched and more completely a part of its commercial life, the effects of Ms elimination must be infinitely greater than the economic results of persecution in Russia where the Jew played a restricted and pitiably small part in the. commerce of the nation. Yet even in Eussia, as was pointed out in a brilliant resume of these events by Lucien Wolf, the effect
on business after each pogrom was so disastrous that we find-the Chambers of Commerce of such cities as Kiev and Odessa most fervid in their petitions to the government to halt their attacks upon the Jews. Those familiar with even the short story of Europe over the last thousand years must realize that racial purity is a myth—the purity of the Jewish strain is also an illusion. In short, the blood of all the races is probably so mixed that the modern generation carries in its veins particles of every ethnic degree. A final factor points to the cessation of a campaign of persecution. The driving force behind such attacks is the opportunism of discontented and irresponsible elements. The entrance of these factions into power transforms the radicalism of the
have-nots into the conservatism of the haves. Political victory in fact confers not only power, but wealth, and allies the victor with the social and business leaders. His political viewpoint ceases to be that of the masses on the outside and veers sharply to that of the few on the inside. The latter see more clearly the entire community picture, and at the same time are timorous of anything that smacks of violence and an overthrow of the vested order. It is true that German Jewry lulled itself with this line of thought. Nonetheless, the influence of this process is already being felt and as stability comes to the new order in Germany, there will be less emphasis upon measures that are extra legal and anarchistic. There is danger that seeds of hatred implanted may grow
beyond the power of their progenitors. But that peril is slight compared to the harm lurking in organised and mass attack—in the actual declaration of war by the State tipon a minority of its citizens.
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THE JEWISH PRESS Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by
THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Subscription Price, o n e year - - - - - - - Advertising rates furnished o n application
Editorial Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building. Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center DAVID BLACKER - . . . Business and Managing Editor FRANK R. ACKERMAN - - - - - Editor FANNIE KATELMAN - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent ANN PILL . . . . Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent Print Shop Address: 1307 Howard Street
The Week in Review An Inspirational Message
was his passionate love of the langhoped, will provide our President with the impulse and the justiuage of the Jew. fication to put these United States officially on record as an outBen Yahuda's daughter also loved spoken friend for justice to the oppressed of the day. Hebrew, but she love' a German nonJew better. And she married him — In doing this, the President would not be doing something and they lived happily in Germany. new. On nine different occasions has the United States governThen came the Nazi revolution. The ment raised its official voice in protest of the persecution of Jewcouple found themselves proscribed. ish people in other countries, as far back as 1840 and as recently By DAVID SCHWARTZ The husband because of his Jewish wife, could find no work. as 1919. American citizens were not involved in the Damascus So now the couple are in Palestine For the author of that Inevitable affair of 1840, yet this country made diplomatic representation to stay there permanently. book on "ghosting," there is the story on behalf of the Jewish victims of the blood accusations. Re- told by Rabbi Wise at the Zionist ligious liberty prevails in Switzerland today, but in 1850 diplo- conference to protest restrictions on matic correspondence was carried on with the Swiss because the Palestine immigration. GEMS of the BIBLE pending treaty did not grant to Jews the right of domicile in Swit- Said Dr. "Wise: "Nathan Straus in and TALMUD for a. public speech would zerland. The third intercession on the part of the United States preparation have one of us write his speech. By O. O. DASHER government was in favor of the Roumanian Jews who were po- When the occasion arrived, and he grom victims in the early 70's of the nineteenth century. De- would be called on, Straus would take The full soul loatheth a honeyout the manuscript and begin to read. spite the fact that the American government did not participate About half through, he would toss it comb, but to the hungry soul every officially at the Congress of Berlin in 1878, we made representa- aside in front of the public saying: bitter thing is sweet. As a bird that wandereth from her is no good. Wise wrote i t Now tions to help alleviate the persecutions in the Balkans at that "This I'll give you. a good speech" and he nest, so is a man that wandereth from time. Our fifth interposition was concerned with the efforts to would begin to speak extemporan- U s place. Ointment and perfume rejoice the sway Austria in 1885, when that government declared the ap- eously. heart, so doth the sweetness of a Concerning this entire matter of pointed American Minister at Vienna, Anthony M. Kieley a man's friend by hearty counsel. Jewish immigration into Palestine, it persona non grata" because he had a Jewish wife. In the sixth is interesting to note that much of the Thine own friend and thy father's intercession, the famed Roumanian Note of July 17, 1902, this opposition to Jewish immigration is friend forsake not. government laid down the dictum of protesting against the non- based on the professed argument that TALMUD in Palestine do not give Arabs American victims of Roumanian persecution. Then, in 1903 Presi- Jews Our Rabbis were taught: A man employment as farm workers and in dent Theodore Roosevelt took his memorable stand in connection construction work and other fields of must at all times be yielding like a with the Kishineff Massacre petition, embodied in a dispatch and manual labor. The ironic note in the reed and not unbending like a cedar thing Is this: that in the old tree. It once happened that Rabbi transmitted to the Czar. The eighth instance was the movement whole days, it was said that Jews would not Elazar Ben Simon went from G'dor in the United States which led in 1911 to the abrogation of our care to do any manual work them- where his teacher lived, and as he treaty of 1832 with Russia, because of Russian pogromism against selves. Now the charge is—that they was leisurely riding he greatly reto do all of it. joiced and felt proud because of the the Jewish people. The last incident of official U. S. effort con want Not so many years ago, G. K. Ches- knowledge he had learned (from his sisted of the furtherance of minority protection treaties and terton, who is by no means too friend- master.) On the way he met a man cessation of Polish anti-Jewish actions a& urged by President ly to Jews, wrote that Palestine would who was horribly ugly. "Peace unto be a success, if the Jews did their own thee, my teacher," said the latter to Wilson and Colonel House at the Peace Conference of 1919. muscular work, but that you couldn't Rabbi Elazar, to which Rabbi Elazar Throughout these precedents it is obvious that the United call Palestine a success, if the Jews did not respond but merely rejoined: States did not speak in protection of American people. Instead, got the Arabs to do all the dirty work, "Good for nothing, are all the people so to speak. Chesterton went on to of tLe town as homely as thou art?" the United States spoke in the name of humanity, deemed it put it epigramatically in something of "That I know not," replied the man, necessary to call down acts of disgraceful barbarity on the prin- the following fashion: "Palestine will ciples of international law and eternal justice. In the name of be a success, if the Jews climb down the ladder, not to the top." And now these same ideals and principles, so deeply rooted in American the opposition to JewiA immigration tradition, the President of the United States is requesed to speak into Palestine is that the Jews insist on climbing down the ladder. out officially against the cruelties of modern Nazi Germany.
Omaha Jewry obtained first-hand information last week-end about the progress being made in Palestine and found the news from the Holy Land very palatable. Mrs. Goldie Myerson, outstanding Pioneer Women leader who is making a tour of this country, was our guest, and if she is to be taken as an example of the womanhood which is helping to rebuild a Jewish national homeland in Palestine, then nothing can stop the Jewish people from achieving their goal. Probably the most impressive message she left with those who were privileged to hear her was that the true pioneering spirit of the Chalutzos is burning as brightly as ever—that despite the fact that Palestine is now enjoying a comparative "prosperity boom" without any such thing as unemployment but with, instead, a labor shortage, in Mrs. Myerson's words, "We Jews in Palestine cannot live peacefully, cannot be content, while we know that there are thousands upon thousands of Jews throughout the world who are living in despair and misery. We will not consider that there is any prosperity in Palestine until several million Jews have been settled there." This is the way the Palestinians feel — justifying our every financial and spiritual and moral contribution toward their work in constructing and rebuilding a national homeland for a people who have wandered homeless over the globe for so many centuries. Truths well worth pondering were contained in the address Not such a bad story was told at given at the Jewish Community Center Sunday evening by Mrs. Anti-Defamation the "coffee-klatch" after the conferby Morris Margulies, Secretary Myerson. "Wohin?" "Whither?" has constantly been the quesWhile hate and selfishness are still such dominant forces in ence of the organization. Of the toin of the Jew through the ages. He has been constantly seek- modern "civilized" life, the Jewish people the world over, whether Jewish Zionist Communist in Russia, whose ing a new home, being either driven from the land he settled and it be in Germany or Africa or these United States, must reckon wife anticipated a blessed event helped build up, or else turned away from countries to which he with anti-Jewish feeling. A minority people are always a target The Jew was a Communist, but still all—one was a Jew—and here sought entrance. Always he has lived in a land by sufferance, not for attacks, particularly when that minority people have no coun- —after was the dilemma. How could he as a by right, as a guest and not as a permanent dweller. As a result try of their own to speak up among the nations of the world, par- Communist reconcile the religious rite he has "had to live a lie," obtaining work by denying his race and ticularly when there is no place where these people can live by of circumcision, which would soon be wtih his Communist prinreligion and rearing his children in a strained atmosphere. Grad- right instead of by sufferance. This feeling of discrimination necessary ciples. ually, world conditions effected a condition by which the Jew no against minorities lies half-dormant in normal times, but in a The Jew was much distraught His longer has any place to which he can migrate, has no invitation to period of depression the forces of hate and selfishness are less hands shivered. His face grew pale he paced the floor, awaiting the become a guest elsewhere. Slowly but surely this condition focuses under control and the emotions of suffering masses are easy prey —as delivery of the child. more and more attention upon the necessity of having a real Jew- to professional agitators who are willing to use any means, no Finally, the event occurred and the ish homeland in Palestine, a necessity upon which the very future matter howJbase, .to further their own particulaiCends.^ Jew was .soon Issuing hurriedly from the room,* exclaiming: "Gott not gelife of the Jewish people depends. The first Zionist leaders foreThe fact that such" agitators utilize a system of falsehoods holfen. Es is a maidel." (It's a girl.) saw this day, brave pioneers risked all in rebuilding the Jewish and untruths that are obviously lies should not throw us off our homeland. But today, all Jewry recognizes the necessity, and guard. In Germany the National Socialists' propaganda was so And then there is the story we with this realization all of our efforts for Palestine as a Jewish absurd that the German people ridiculed it when it first appeared. heard of the Jewish movie actor, whose father was committed to strict national homeland must be redoubled, intensified. The Jewish At no time did the German Jews adequately prepare a defense economical ideas. The son, however, people must have a place which they can call "home." against these absurdities, until it was too late. These absurdities was liberal with his money after the customary fashion of sons. MoreFurther, we agree with Mrs. Myerson—as has been repeated- nad gone unchallenged so long that the masses began to give cred- over, ths son, now receivfig a very ence to them. ly stated in these columns—that the present speculation and land generous salary, felt that his father boom rife in Palestine is a danger, a crisis which must be crushed In the United States; the B'nai Brith has played an import- should be clad in better fashion. So it happened, that one day, Papa in in its inception. The Jewish people throughout the world are co- ant role in its anti-defamation work. At present Richard Gutstadt New York received from son in Hollyoperating in the rebuilding of the Jewish homeland—the fruits is the national director of the B'nai Brith anti-defamation league. wood ,a beautiful overcoat To quiet of these efforts belong to all of the Jewish people. The system Of late he has been a pivot about which the currents of Jewish his father, the son wrote that the over which had actually stood him which a minority is now trying to introduce into the country on life have played most energetically, and his store of knowledge coat 5100 ha«" cost 120,000. the wings of speculation and land booms is what most of the im- concerning anti-Semitic activities in other countries and in this Several days later, son in Hollymigrants have just escaped and which contradicts the hardy spirit country is unlimited. The local B'nai Brith has been fortunate ood received a telegram: "Send six overcoats. Sold last one for of the pioneers. We realize that there are many problems and enough to persuade Mr. Gutstadt to tell Omaha Jewry detailed more $30." obstacles—such as the restriction of immigration, the Arab and information about these anti-Jewish maneuvers. He will speak at British enigmas, land colonization, water supplies, etc—but we are the Jewish Community Center Sunday evening, and because of Good stories are still occurring in :onfident that the pioneering Jewish spirit which Iransformed the nature of his talk admission will be by ticket only. Mr. Gut- real life too, despite depression, and things. • a land of barren wastes and malaria swamps into a 'land of milk stadt has spoken here before, and those who heard him know that such And we think the fact that "I/Afand honey," a country humming with industry, will overcome he speaks with eloquence and force. Anyone who has the oppor- faire Jones" by Hillel Bernstein has become a best seller is one of such. temporary obstacles and successfully reconstruct the Jewish home- tunity to hear his address should not let that chance slip by. About four years ago, Bernstein land in Palestine. And in this noble effort the Chalutzos, exwrote a story which Harper's publish-' emplified by Mrs. Myerson, are playing a most vital role. Once RoumaniansBulwark ed. They liked the story so well, they advised the author to expand it into again they are the "mothers of Israel." George Tatarescu, King Carol's choice to be the strong man a book. Bernstein followed the adto quell the disturbances rife in Roumania, has pledged his vice, and in the course of time subUrging the President to Speak strength in combatting anti-Semitism in his country. In an inter- mitted to Harpers the'elongated manPresident Franklin D. Roosevelt is, we know definitely, un- view with John Gunther, syndicated and published in many pa- uscript Harpers examined "t—and rejected alterably opposed to religious or racial intolerance of any kind. pers in this country, Tatarescu speaks in words of wisdom which i t Decided that they didn't believe! the public would be interested in the From his spoken word it can be gathered that the President finds apply in other countries as well as in Roumaniaj theme. such actions as taken by the Hitlerites in Germany disgusting. Says Tatarescu: "Anti-Semitism is so serious a problem for An English publisher later examinNot so many months ago Senator Joseph Robinson, majority lead- us because it is allied with bolshevism. Any disorders in the coun- d it—and now it is a best seller. er of the Senate, introduced a resolution which denounced the tac- try caused by anti-Semitic agitators open the way for further Speaking as we were some paratics of the Nazis and the discriminations practiced by the Hitler- outbreaks which the communists might try to take advantage of. graphs back about the Zionist Conites of Germany. This resolution met with the strong favor of Anti-Semitism is largely the work of professional agitators. Our erence, we kept eyeing that man Sprii-zak, the Histadruth (Palestine the Congressmen, and as it was introduced by the majority leader peasants used to live side by side with the Jews in perfect peace labor) leader. Physi ally, when one it was recognized as unofficially speaking the opinion of the ad- and friendship. But young roughneck students in the universi- first obsen es him, it is hard to believe ministration. However no official memorandum was sent to the ties have played on the simplicity of the peasant to make him that the big labor organization of Palestine should have - ade him its leadGerman government protesting against the brutalities and dis- Jew-conscious. The same thing has happened in the towns. The er. He seems to tv lacking a couple Iron Guard organization is largely composed of reckless young of feet in the necessary height for criminations being practiced against the German Jews. Last week the halls of congress again resounded with de- men between 18 and 23, who have stupidly fed on anti-Semitic leadership, t t as one looks at his keen eyes begin to tell annunciation of the Nazi persecution of the Jews. Senator Millard propaganda. These young men my government is pledged to ex- face—the other story. Anc! hen he spoke, I Tydings of Maryland introduced a resolution asking for "an un- ricate. He will show no mercy to the anti-Semitic Iron Gurdists. finally completely saw. Talks sound It seemed to me in general equivocal statement" of the feelings of "surprise and pain ex- But my program to liquidate the Iron Guard is not only destruc- sense. that these labor representatives at the perienced by the people of the United States upon learning of the tive. We hope to disintoxicate the youthful lawbreakers of their conference were a pretty hard-headrd discriminations and oppressions imposed by the Reich upon its crazy theories and build them into good citizens by a campaign lot. I corrected tliem to be u* ;->iarr~tl", 1 ' they seem to have their feet Jewish citizens" and requesting the President to "express the of education." solidly on the ground. earnest hope of the people of the United States that the German It is true that most of such damage is the work of profesReich will speedily alter its policy, restore to its Jewish nationals ional agitators who prey upon the ignorance and weakness and And speaking about queer intermarthe political rights of which they have been deprived, and undo, so superstitions of the masses. In the wake of anti-Semitism follows riages, there is a very interesting married co". pie of that type which l^as other disorders, other disturbances, aided by the groundwork laid just far as may be, the wrongs that have been done them." arrived in Palestine. William Green, president of the American Federation of by false, iniquitous anti-Jewish propaganda. Tatarescu is the You have heard of Eliezer ben YeLabor, has stated that his organization will support the resolution last bulwark between Carol and chaos in Roumania. In the words huda. He was the father of the modHebrew language—the compiler calling for a full and complete investigation into Nazi activities in of Gunther, he is "heads and shoulders over all previous Rouman- ern of the Hebrew dictionary. Ben Yethe United States. Strong sentiment has crystallized in Congress ian premiers of recent years in intellectual capacity" and is a huda gave his life to e s t ' ' ' ' h He- _ i agains the Nazi activities in persecuting their German na- forceful, fearless leader. We know that he has a tremendous task brew as a>v living tongue. Ben *" 'a came to Palestine and Ionals and in propagandizing this country with un-American ideas. ahead of him, but he has the well wishes of thp liberal, thinking announced he would hold converse :' l the world over. The strong resolutions of both the Senate and the House, it is with no one except in Hebrew. Such
"but it would be that thou should go to the architect who formed me and say to him: "How ugly is this vessel thou hast made." Realizing that he had sinned against the man, Rabbi Elazar dismounted and prostrating himself, said: "I have sinned against thee, Forgive me, I pray thee." But tho man refused, saying: "I shall not forgive thee until thou shalt go to the architect -who created me and say to Him: 'How ugly is this vessel Thou hast made'." Rabbi Elazar, however, would not leave the man, following him on foot until they reached the city where Rabbi Elazar dwelt The inhabitants of the city (being informed of Rabbi Elazar's arrival) came out to greet him saying: "Peace be unto thee, our Rabbi and teacher." The ugly man who preceded the Rabbi asked them whom they were addr ssing as "Rabbi and teacher." They told him, and he said: "If he is a Rabbi then may there not be many like him In Israel." "Why not?" they questioned. He told them of-the Incident. "Still, forgive him," the community pleaded with the man, "for he is a great man in the study of the Torah.' And he said: "Only for your sake will I forgive him, and on the condition that he shall not tio likewise again." Immediately follow: g this affair, Rabbi Elazar went forth and preached. "A man should be yielding like a reed, and not unbending like a cedar tree."
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J. C. C. CALENDAR Sunday, Jan. 21,—3 p. m., Omaha Hebrew Club; 8 p. m., B'nai Brith Function, Richard Gndstadt, Guest speaker. Tuesday, Jan. 23—7 p. m., Jr. League basketball. Wednesday, Jan. 24—8 p. m . Junior Vaad Organizations present Dr. Leo L. Honor. Thursday, Jan. 25.—8 p. m., Jr. Hadassah History Class; 7:30 p. m., Sr. League Basketball. Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Jan. 26, 27 and 28^ Dr. Sachar Institute auspices Study Group of the Conservative Synagogue. Other Functions for January and February Sunday, Jan. 28—3 p. m., Omaha Hebrew Club; 8 p. m^ Workman's Alliance presents Chaim Shaus, guest speaker. Monday, Jan. 29—2 p. rau, Council of Jewish Women; 8 p. m , Annual meeting of the federation. Wednesday, Jan. 31.—2 p. m , Senior Hadassah Annual Linen Shower; 8 p. m., **Hear Ye Sons" Book Review by Rabbi D. A. Goldstein. Thursday, Feb. 1—8 p. mi, Jr. Hadassah regular meeting. Sunday, Febr. 4—6 p. m., Vaad Ha'Ihr banquet. Thursday, Febr. 7—8 p. m., History class. Monday, Febr. 12—8 p. m , "Of Human Bondage", book review by Rabbi D. A. Goldstein. Tuesday, Febr. 13—S p. m , Jr. Vaad Bridge. Wednesday, Febr. 14—8 p. m., Bishop Francis J. McConnel- auspices of the Omaha Community Forum. Thursday, Febr. 15—8 p. m , Jr. Hadassah. Sunday, Febr. 18—S p. nt. Dr. Moses Jung, auspices of Junior Vaad.
critical situation of the world. Mrs. S. E. Gilinsky is in charge of tickets for the course.
Sisterhood Current Topics
The Current Topics Course conMrs. Louis Neveleff was re-elected Mrs. L. Morgan was chosen head ducted by Rabbi Frederick Cohn, will WANTED resident of the Ladies Auxiliary of of the Daughters of Zion at the elec- meet Tuesday morning, January 23, Two ladies experienced in sellthe Vaad Ha'Ihr at the election of tion of officers held Wednesday at at the Blackstane Hotel. ing ready-to-wear. Big money officers Monday afternoon, January the J. C. C. Dr. Cohn has selected for his sub15th. Other officers elected are: Mrs. M. ject "Fascism, Communism and Am- for those who qualify. Call Brodkey, first vice-president; Mrs. erican Democracy", or "Are We on Saturday morning. Other officers: Mesdames N. LevJ. Goldware, second vice-president; the Brink of War?" At this time inson, A. Schwaczkin and H. Marcus, 510 World-Herald Bldg. Mrs. A. Shafton, financial secretary; Rabbi Cohn will discuss the present re-elected vice presidents; Mrs. W. Mrs. M. Arbitman, recording secreMilder, re-elected recording and finantary; Mrs. L Kulakofsky, treasurer; cial secretary; Mrs. L. Mendelson, Mrs. A. Wolf, rhflirma-n of the natreasurer; Mrs. L Elewitz, corresSTOOLE-GILINSKY TO BE AT HOME , NUPTIALS Mr. and Mrs. Louis Sommer, 420 ponding secretary. tional fund boxes and tree donations, Miss Dena Gilinsky, daughter of No. Fairacre Road, -will be at home The installation of officers will be and Mrs. L Beber, treasurer of this Mr. Herman Gilinsky, became the to their friends on Sunday afternoon, held at the next meeting. committee. bride of Mr. Samuel Stoole, ison of January 21, from 3 to 5~ p. m. and Reports -were made by the chairRabbi David A. Goldstein spoke on Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Stoole of Den- from 7 to 9 p. m. No invitations have men of the various committees. Rabbi T h e Significance of Jewish National ver on January 7. The ceremony took been issued. Uri Miller gave an interesting book Fund Work." place in Denver, and Mr. Gilinsky and review of "Hear Ye, Sons" by Irvdaughter, Mrs. C. M. Betts of Omaha, ANNOUNCE BIRTH ing Fineman. Millard Sigal, radio arHadassah attended. Mr. and Mrs. Meredith Kenyon an- tist, sang several selections. Mrs. Julius Abrahamscm, director of Mr. and Mrs. Stoole are living in nounce the birth of a son January 15 Anniversary services of the Vaad the Hadassah linen shower which will Ha'Ihr will be held at the B'nai IsDenver, where Mr. Stoole is connected at the Methodist hospital. be held January 31, entertained the rael synagogue Friday evening, Febrwith the engineering division of the members of her committee at a tea uary 2. Mrs. Sam Ban, chairman of Colorado state highway. GOING TO NEW ENGLAND at her home Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. S. Robinson are leav- arrangements, is being assisted by Plans for the affair were completed BIALAC-KOHN WEDDING ing the latter part of this month for the following committees: telephone, at this time. Mrs. D. A. Goldstein, Mrs. L Elewitz, chairman; Mesdames The marriage of Miss JEhifch Kokn, an indefinite stay with their son, Mr. program chairman, has arranged an daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard C Morris Robinson, in New Bedford, L Harris, M. Davis, M. Burstein, H. interesting program. A fanstasy, Hoffner; hostess committee, Mrs. Kohn, to David Bialac, son of Mr. and Mass. "Old Pioneers," will toe presented with Sam Epstein, chairman; Mesdames J. Mrs. George Bialac, was solemnized Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Achtenberg of a cast which includes Mesdames Abe January 13 at Temple Israel, with Kansas City will visit with the Rob- Chait, D. Epstein, L. .Morgan, D. SilSolomon, Sam Theodore, and Dave Rabbi David H. Wice officiating. insons prior to their departure. Mrs. verman, S. Wohlner; program, Mrs. Brodkey. "Violin selections will be H. R. Milder, chairman; Mesdames Robinson is being extensively enterOnly members of the immediate given by Thelma Gasper. Ii. Mendelson, H. Siegel, D. Crounse, families were present. After a south- tained by friends. The principal speaker will be Mrs. B. Eisenberg. arn trip the Bialacs -will make their Felix Levey of Chicago. Mrs. T. A. A Purim masquerade dance and BRIDGE LUNCHEON home in Omaha. Tully and her committee will serve Mrs. Nathan Belzer entertained at carnival is being planned for Febrher home Wednesday, -January: 10, at uary 28. MORGAN-LAGMAN a bridge'luncheon, in honor of Mrs. Tea was served Monday by Mrs. MARRIAGE Louis Epstein and her co-hostesses, Mrs. Dena Lagman announces the Harry "K-nmt*., a recent bride. Ladies Labor Lyceum the Mesdames W. Milder, H. Blumenmarriage of her daughter, Esther, to A concert and Russian tea party thaL S. Epstein and L Morgenstern. Ben Morgan, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. BAR MTTZVAH -will be given by the Ladies Labor Sorine, of Omaha. Rabbi Uri Miller Mr. and Mrs. Harry Slutzky anLyceum dub Sunday evening, Jannounce the Bar Mitzvah of their son, officiated at the ceremony, which took GUEST FROM CHICAGO uary 28, at 8 p. m. at the .Labor Lyplace Monday, January 15, at the Samuel, on Monday morning, Janu- Mrs. Herman Conn of Chicago Is ceum. The general public is invited. home of Mr. and Mrs. S. Lagman, ary 22, at the B'nai Jacob synagogue. the house guest of her brother-in-law Admission, is twenty-rCve cents. Utterly with only members of the immediate A reception in his honor will be held and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Joe M. Rice. A very important meeting will be family attending. Al Finkel played. at the Slutzky borne Sunday, Januneld by the Ladies labor Lyceum club Captivating Following the ceremony, a large ary 28, from 2 to 5 p.m. and from 7 on Tuesday afternoon, January 23, at to 10 p.m. No invitations have been RETURNS TO OMAHA family dinner was given. Hatikvoh 2 p. m. Section of officers will be Are These issued. Miss Goldie Fish returned to Oma- The Hatikvoh Club benefit show held. All members are urged to atha after a three-week stay in Minne- to be given February 8 at the Circle tend. TO ATTEND WEDDING apolis and St. Paul, visiting relatives theater is coming along splendidly, Mrs. L. Mandel and daughter, Rose, FROM CHICAGO f with the ticket sale brisk. nave left for New York to attend the /Miss Sophie Ban of Chicago •wBl and friends. While there many wedding of Mr. Harry Mandel to Miss arrive January 21 to spend two -weeks were given in her honor. Many valuable articles are being Cele Rosenthal of Brooklyn, N. Y. with her family. given away as door prizes, including which will take place January 20. BUD LEVIN IN THE SOUTH a combination bridge lamp and ENTERTAINS AT TEA "Bud" Levin, son of Mrs. Ida Le- smoker, end table, iron wrought Mrs. Sam Gilinsky entertained at a vin, claimant to the Jewish heavy- smoker, shirt, tie, ladies hose, leather George Gershwin tea at her home Tuesday, January 16. weight wrestling championship of hand bag and bed lamp. The articles A complete Jewelry service. Lowest g i for the members of her committee O h g To Be in Omaha M are being donated by leading merMa. g in i i which is co-operating in tre Interest Omaha, is wintering in price and highest In quality. in Omaha. On January 27th of the President's Birthday Ball Jan- "Bad," -who has been dubbed the chants 'Jewish Tarzan" by southern sports The pictures were donated by the nary 30. George Gershwin, America's best The members of her committee in- writers, is wrestling throughout the MGM and Columbia film companies. To Bridge Winter and Sprmg c known Jewish composer who wrote clude the Mesdames Nathan Mantel, south. He plans to leave for New They are: Ramon Novarro m "HadSuccessors to Albert Edh«lm D. Frank, Jeanette Arnstein. Max York City early in the spring in quest dle", and "No Greater Love," starthe Pulitzer prize musical comedy. Zmi Flan- City XaFl B n i Bids. "Of Thee I Sing" and the epochal Holzman, H. S. Novitsky, J. J. Green- of further wrestling laurels. He is ring the famous Jewish actor, Alexander Carr. "Rhapsody in Blue", will be in Om- berg, Louis Kulakofsky, Irvin Levin, managed by his brother, Stanley, of A. Simon, Max Fromkin, Harry Z Omaha, who announces that Bud has The tickets were donated by the aha at the Tech High Auditorium on •flie evening of Saturday, January 27, losenfeld, David Feder, Manuel won his first four bouts and is booked Smith Bros, printing company. By error, the admissioirprice was given m the role of conductor, pianist and rodinsky, L Stalmaster, R o b e r t solidly for the next few weeks. last week as twenty-five cents; incommentator. With Mr. Gershwin will Glazer, M. Katelman, Arthur Cohn, V£* Wednesdays be James Melton, radio's famous Bernice Natelson. Leon Mendelson, Jr. Vaad Auxiliary stead, it is twenty cents per person. '-C Only tenor and also Charles Previn as Julius Stein, B. Wolf. Morris Jacobs, The Junior Vaad Auxiliary held a At the 9 o'clock show Jack Frieden Oa Other DayB—~c conductor of the Leo Reisman sym- Sam Wolf, and lie Misses Hazel De- tea in honor of Mrs. B. ZoorwiH fol- and Hugo Pennington will entertain. gen and Dora Freshman. Tickets ma' SHIRTS—Finished, Se eaeb phonic orchestra of 35 pieces. lowing the meeting Tuesday, Janue obtained from any member of this ary 16. The members of the Young Tickets are on sale at the SchmolPleasant Hill Society Men's Vaad were invitedler and Mueller Piano Co., 1516 ommittee. Is Precious Little for These Frocks Two new members, Rose Kirshen- A meeting of the Pleasant Hill SoDodge St. Prices for main floor seats ciety •will be held Tuesday afterRESIDING IN NEW YORK bavm and Sarah German, •were adare $1.50, ?2.00 and $1.50 plus ten noon, January 23, at 2:30 p. m. at percent tax, and prices for balcony Miss Selma Levin, daughter of Mrs mitted. Ida Levin, who has been -maViTig he' Tickets for the bridge to be given the synagogue, at 24th and Nicholas. seats are §2.50, $2.00, $1.50 and $1.00 JUST the tonic for &at gap in your winter ward28 IS RuuukM AT2B15 home with her aunt, Mrs. Harold IibFebruary 13 at the J. C C were dis- AH members are urged to attend. plus ten percent taxElection of officers will take place. V robe! Sketched is an adorable print crepe, Mr. Gershwin has distinguished hy, of Providence, RJL, formerly Miss tributed by Sara Malashock, chair* Sadye Levey of this city, is now navy background, pepium waist, and dainty linen of the affair. himself, apart from his work as comsiding in New York City. Miss Levin lingerie! Just one of the many becoming models poser, in his soloist appearances with has accepted a position as continuity symphony orchestras. He made re- writer • . . The Frocks that sophisticates are most defiTry for a New York radio adver Young* Judaea peat appearances and won unbounded tising firm. nitely choosing! applause of audiences at Boston, New Miss Levin attended the University The Young Judaea chapter held a York Philharmonic, Chicago, Phila- of Illinois at Urbana and graduated special meeting Sunday, January 14, delphia and Pittsburg orchestra con- from Brown university of Providence after listening to Mrs. Goldie MyerMany New Flattering Black soh speak at the J. C. C. certs. R. L, -where she majored in: advertis- Celia Lipsman and Buth Finer Frocks with Touches of White : ing. . ••'•• ••.-.•, ,. : - " •' ; NEW YORK PUMPERNICKEL BREAD were elected to represent the group BRANDEIS—Second Floor Mrs. M. Stein to at the Round Table of Jewish Youth. "WITH TOUE 3TEXT 1CEJLL Discussions for a Purim party "were TO SIOUX CITY Open Restaurant RETURNS Mrs. A. Mazie of Sioux City has held. No meeting will be held this SunOR UNSLICED AT YOUR GROCER Mrs. Mary Stein, who has been in returned home after a short visit with day. relatives and friends in Omaha. the restaurant business for 15 years, OR DELICATESSEN. will feature Jewish-style home-cooking at the Hamilton Cafe, which she will open and operate at 2406 Farnam street starting this Sunday, Jantnry 21. A specialty will be Sunday din2711 No. 24 th St. Webster 6400 ners. Mrs. Stein will also take orAMER1C/& FAVORITE CGHPQSER—WAMIST ders for special Friday night Jewish meals. The phone number is Jack son 8278. Sal. Eve. The restaurant will be open from An Unusual 6 a. m. to 1 a. m. daily, offering JAW. 27 Foundation That Is breakfast, lunches and dinners. Regularly 7JS0 They have a private dining room Sponsored by CTENOR IDOL OF RADIO) for parties, luncheons, or banquets. Omaha Junior
McDonald & Co.
OMAHA TechHigfr
Cut Torgrsin Prices to Balance Dollar Drop MOSCOW, U. S. S. R.—The recent horizontal cut in the gold rubl prices charged for goods at Torgsin stores throughout the Soviet Union is good news to the thousands o: persons receiving gifts from relatives in foreign countries. The cut was made necessary in view of the sharp fall in value of the dollar oa foreign exchange market. Recipients of Torgsin remittances from abroad are able to purchase good quality merchandise of a wid variety at prices often lower, than those in the U. S. A. Here are a few samples: Flour, 6 kopeks; kasha, 14 kp.; sugar, 40 kp. a kilo, (2- 1-5 American Lb.); pair of men's shoes, 3.75 KbL ladies' shoes, 3.70 RbL; men's rubbers, 1.75 RbL; ladies' rubbers, 90 kp.; men's suits, 7.50 Rbl.; ladies suits, 7:30 HbL; sneakers, 40 kp. soap, 3 kp. a piece. The gold ruble quotations are give in dollars at the prevailing rate during December
HOWAJtD * 16th.
/ A PROGRAM OF MUSIC OF TODAY I R H Y T H M AS Y O U WAVE NEVER. HEARD IT local Massconent: Stephen A Spttraaclr. MsB -Onto B o c r n a n NOW to ' . ~ Mueller Kxoo Co.. ISIS DOOCB Ht.. Omaha, wttb stamps KU-aHraM utttom. 1 _ . „__.-. — ^ _ — _ „ _ — H.SB. Salcar—$2.59, f *?T and t U l , (Xkr
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T H E heavy-figured .woman who buys a Wonderlift S p e c i a l solves h e r corseting problem with economy. Every feature about Wonderlift makes it the s t o u t woman's choice. Supporting Inner Belt High Quality Materials Filled Through Waist BfcANBElS—TbW
STARTING THE HUNT—W. H. Lipscomb, master of the hounds, is pictured leading the pack to the starting point for the London hunt, one of the most popular outdoor events of the Washington social season, which is run over the terrain adjacent to Leesburg, Va.
CIRCLING THE PYLON—A thrill a second is the record set up by flyers at the Ail-American air races staged in Miami, Fla. These planes, competing in one of the races over the triangular course, are shown approaching one of the pylons while banking and jockeying for position. Both swooped around the marker with so little space separating them that witnesses marveled that no disaster occurred.
. /
CONSTRUCTION SPEEDED—^This photo shows the main north anchorage on the Marin county side of the new Golden Gate bridge •which is under construction in California. Work on the project reached a new peak in January, with more materials being handled and more men being employed.
LYRICS BY ELISSA LANDI—Grace Moore, Metropolitan Opera star, left, is going to sing several songs written by Elissa Landi, screen star, right, on her next concert tour. Abram Chasins, director of composition at the Curtis Institute of Music, Philadelphia, shown at the piano, has written the scores for Miss Landi's lyrics. The trio is shown at Beverly Hills, Cal.
PARENTS HAPPY AGAIN—Little Patricia Luciano, who was kidnaped when she was just 26 days old by a woman posing as a welfare worker, is pictured with her parents in New York City after being recovered by police. Police are holding the baby's abductor on kidnaping charges.
r: •s
'1 ,
TRAPPED MONGREL RESCUED—Members of the Admiral Protective league, Cleveland, worked for three hours in tearing apart a building to release an unidentified mongrel hound which had been trapped in a recess between two struciures. This photo shows Marty B. Ahern, one of the league members, helping to free the dog.,
IT'S NOT ALL GAVEL POUNDING—The vice president of the United States may be the "forgotten man*' to most Americans; but he is not neglected by the men of art who work with brush and easel, or stone/ chisel and hammer. Vice President John N. Garner is shown in Washington sitting for the well* known sculptor, Ernest Durig.
ATROCIOUS BLENDS—A. C. Blaisdell, government chemist, is shown at the capital testing some brands of repeal liquor at the treasury department in Washington. After the tests, Blaisdell stated that most blended whiskies are "atrocious" because green alcohol is being used.
Planning Second BARISH NAMES Annual Dinner of Local Vaad COMMITTEES OF TALMUD TORAH
Dr. Sachar will introduce his series with a talk on " I f s that Changed Jewish History." He will show how comparatively trivial incidents destroyed the happiness of millions of Jews or built hopes of salvaPlans are being completed for the tion for them. After his lecture there second annual dinner of the United will be a question and discussion peOrthodox Synagogues (Vaad Ha'ihr). Rabbi David H. Wice will speak riod. A year of higher educational stand- This will take place Sunday, Febon "Good Will and the Will for The new officers of the Omaha Heards is the goal of the Talmud Torah, ruary 4, at the Jewish Community Final York, sounded a warning that the brew Club, headed by Dr. A. A. Stein- ] Good" at the services a t Temple Isstated M. M. Barish, president of the Center. rapid rise of the Jew to prominence berg, president, were installed a t a! rael this evening. The sermon will be announcement made - Berlin.—An Talmud Torah, in announcing the Present plans include reports of all here by Prussian Minister of Educa- in the United States puts him inmeeting held at the J. C. C January- an evaluation of good-will movements, Eegular services will be held this committees for the coming term. affiliated organizations, the annual tion Bernhard Rust makes i t quite grave danger of arousing a wave of 7. Max Fromkin was the installing locally, nationally and internation- Friday night .at 8 o'clock at the B'nai The recently elected officers and the message by Kabbi Uri Miller, and an clear that no Jewish student will be resentment similar to that which en- officer. • '•• • ally. Israel synagogue, 18th and Chicago Committees announced by Barish are: inspirational talk by a guest speaker. permitted to take final university ex- gulfed the Jews in Germany. Eegular junior services will be held streets,- under the auspices of the A year of activity i s promised by M. M. Barish, president; N. S. Yaile. aminations except the sons of former •vice president; M. V. Brodkey, treasurer: The guest speaker has not as yet the new head. A t the meeting this Saturday morning. Vaad. The subject of Eabbi Miller's Holland Curbs Nazi Mrs. Ii. Neveleff, secretary; Dr. Philip been decided upon. soldiers who fought a t the front. coming Sunday, January 21, Irvin: Sunday afternoon at 4:15 p. m.sermon will be "The Eight to be Sher, honorary president; S. Bavitz, honorary Tice president. Levin, who has just returned from the College Club will meet for i t s Reservations will be limited by the Children of mixed marriages will be Spread Different.'!' This will be a discussion Executive Committee: M. M. Barish, capacity of the banquet hall, of the admitted to examinations only if one Amsterdam.—As a result of the Washington, will speak on conditions forum discussion. of those aspects of activities wherein chairman; Sam Beber, Phil Klutaniek, Tuesday morning Ilabbi Frederick Kabbi David A. Goldstein, Kabbi L'ri Mill- Community Center, to 350. All those of the parents can prove his pure prohibition of the Nazi party in Hol- and activities at the capital. Free the-Jew can cooperate with his neigher, Max Fromkin, "Wm. Milder, Mrs. M. wishing to attend will, therefore, Aryan descent and that he was mar- land at least three thousand Butch tickets will be distributed to members Cohn will give his regular current bors and those wherein he must live rromKn, Beuben Lackow. topic address. officials including professors, teach- for the Gutstadt talk Sunday evening. "William Holzinnn, ex-officlo; Dr. Philip have to make their reservations ried before April, 1933. his own life. Cantor A. Schwaczkin Slier, ex-offlcio; J. Pearlstien, ex-oflicio: Dr. /Steinberg announces the fol- Tuesday evening the adult class and the B'nai Israel choir will offiers, judges and policemen are now X. S. Xafte, ex-offieio; i L D. Brodkey, ex- early. will meet at the Temple. Eabbi Wice Peruvians Set Fire to compelled to choose between member- owing committee appointmentsi offieio. StEatBERSHLIP: lien KnzlowGby. chair- wQl talk on "Palestine^—Its Role in ciate at the services. Education Committee: Reuben X*acko\r, ship in the outlawed Nazi party and man; On February 2, an anniversary ser- Swastika Banners Children's services will be held SatBarney Feldmaa, A. Ripharcts, L. chairman; H. Marcus. Mrs. M. Fromkin, Dr. M. Margolin, I. Morgenstern, K. I«v-vice marking the completion of one lima, Peru.—German swastika- keeping their posts. Membership in Morgan, - Ben Handler, J. reiamaH, H. Jewish Life." urday morning at 10:15 a.m. at the Schtier. Sam Altschuler, Goodman Myerenson, Sam Beber, Id. IX Brodkey, Rabbi the illegal Nazi group entails imme- soi». Ja"lc <«avenman. B'nai Israel synagogue. These serDavid A. Goldstein. Ilabbi Tjri Miller, Kab- year of Friday evening services -i t)i N. Feldnian, Eabbi Frederick Cohn, be held at the Bnai Israel syna- group of Peruvians in the city of diate loss of state posts. KY: Joe Tretiafc. chairman: H. vices are conducted by the children Kablii I>. H. Wise. c, H. Marcus, M. Bercovici, Mnrt CaHao. gogue. Refreshments will be served 1'olonsty. Finance. House and Budget Committee: At services tonight Ilabbi David A. and. are open to all children of the Agudath Israel Not to "tSITIATtO'Si Albert Knplnn. The incident occurred when GerSATtOS A K p . chairman; Max Frotnkin, chairman: J. J. Greenberg, by the Ladies Auxiliary and talks by Goldstein will .speak on "Ways on community. k l M Bercovict B i t Ttave Tt S h t Mnx FFremklB. -M. Dr. M. Margolin, M. Potash, Ben KazlowParticipate C U « T A C ADTA DJ J C E MEVT How to Solve the Jewish Problem." Plans are going forward for the sky. H. Marcus, I. Goldstein, M. Kirshen- various representatives of groups af- mans living in Peru returned bearbarnn, J. Tretiak, Dr. 1'hilip Sher, S. Ba-filiated with the Vaad will be given. ing the flags from the ship on which ff rhnirman: hi Warsaw.—The fourth All-Polish COXHITTEK: JCatlian Toffe. vitz. Irvin I<eTin.. J.. 3. Frletlmnn, H. Schrrer. He will discuss what fifty years of anniversary service to be held FebFe in mid-ocean, they had voted in the conference of the Agudath Israel, ulM Fromkin. F k Sam El.iver. El Jewish experience . i n Russia and ruary 2. This will mark a year in Enrollment Committee: Rnbbl Uri Miller, chairman: J. Tretiak, Mrs. K. Tatle, plebiscite recently. When t h e y tra-orthodox Jewish organization, de- HOCSE COMMTTTEE: Max J. J. .Vriod-miut, A. Kidmrfls, Sol Germany have taught "us. He will re- which services have been conducted Dr. A. Greenbers, Ben Kazlowsky, N. S. reached port a group of excited Pe- cided not to participate in* the pro- cliairp»s»>. view the development of anti-Semi- at the B'nai Israel synagogue. Eos«*nberc 1). llorrau. Xaffe, I. ilorgenstorn. R K O T I O ? i * : Jrvin Tjpviij, chairman; tism in Russia and Germany from TranBportation Committee: Win. Milder, ruvians fell upon them and seized posed world congress of-all*, orthodox T Marpolin. i Pparlstlwi. P T . JT; chairman; J. J. Greenberg. M. Potash, H. the flags, which they burned publicly. groups called by the Mizrachi, orth- X WAYS AXI> STKAIS'S: M. Xorisr. rhair- the 1880's to the present day. He will S. Taffe. Ben Kazlowsky, Mrs. M. MaxE°Max Fromkin. I>r; A. <3reenl»rjr, describe the four ways in which Jews lin. H. Kulnkofsky. odox Zionist organization, and which 5!<ivn»"~i. T*>nts Ldjip, J. J. FriedBook of Life Endowment Committee: Dr. Jewish Artisans Freed have tried to solve their problem. is to meet in Jerusalem in 1935. The man. Ben Kazlo-wsty. The Iota Tau sorority held a reguPhilip Sher. chairman: Sam Beber. John BTF.B.K. TA1.MC1> TARAK: Ben Hatiaier, chairFeldman, Mrs. J. Malashock, Mrs. J. FinNext Week . lar meeting Sunday afternoon at the Berlin.—German authorities issued conference decided, however, to snp-man: .Toim Fridmnn. M. Potash. t e l , Joe Tretiak. Next Friday evening, services m i l home of Miss Annette Bender. Bridge Henry Mendelsdn. was re-elected an order that licenses be granted to jort the united Jewish relief work SICK COMMITTRE: B. Fddman. rhnirA. TUchards, Ii. Morsan, J. Feldman, begin promptly at 8 i n the Jodge and refreshments followed the meetpresident of the Council Bluffs chap- Jewish artisans without any discrim- 'or the German Jews, and proclaimed "man: Mark Tariff. room at the Center. As always, these ing. boycott on all German goods. INSIDE GrARP: Sam Alteclmler. ter No. 7 of the A. Z. A. at a meeting ination. The order also permits ArFratority held its regular meeting held - Sunday afternoon at the syna- yan artisans to engage non-Aryan services are open to everyone. At The club contest which has been last Wednesday evening" at the Con- gogue. Other officers chosen are: artisans freely. 8:30 the congregation will enter the: conducted for several weeks will be Plea for Kosher Meat . gregation of Israel, 25 and J. A suc- Morton Adler, vice president; Jack; main auditorium of the Center for ended next Sunday, when the losing "or Jewish Needy cessful candy sale under the direc- Fox, secretary; Robert Endelman, Warns On Too RpaM the first of Dr. Sachar's lectures. team will entertain the winners at a The J. C. C was well represented Newark, N. J.—The reqnest of local tion of Gertrude Canar was held at party. ewish agencies for kosher meat for in every division, of the city ping- Admission will be by ticket only. the Ladies Auxiliary card party Sun- treasurer; David Perlmutter, senior Rise sergeant-at-arms; Marvin Fitch, junpong tournament. Millard Sigal, outthe needy of that race instead of pork Buffalo, N. Y.—Professor Morris. day evening. ior sergeant-at-arms; Meyer Baben, was strengthened by an admonition standing in all branches of athletics Following the business meeting reporter, and Meyer Maltz, chaplain. R. Cohen, one of the eminent Amer- addressed by Rabbi Joseph Konvitz, at the Center, pulled an upset to win ican philosophers and teacher of the lb Max Marcus entertained the club Members of the advisory board are: subject at the City College of New newly-elected president of the Union the men's single class by defeating! with harmonica selections. of Orthodox Rabbis of the United Charlie Davis, ••. seeded player; Sam Dr. Isaac Sternhill, and Messrs. NathStates and Canada, to government of- Kicklin won the junior singles divian Nogg, Louis H. Katelman, Nathan ficials, cautioning them "not to vio- sion; Dorothy Glasson went to the Gilinsky, Sam Shyken, Abe Katelman, STORM SASH late the feelings of the needy Jews finals of the women's singles class; and Joseph Solomonow. The installaA well attended traditional MTaveh by offering them salt pork.** and Manny Goldberg-Millard Sigal Storm Doori—Corr.binctior Doors tion of officers will take place at the also went to the finals in the men's next meeting which will be held Jan- Malkeh was held Saturday night at the B'nai Israel synagogue. Regular doubles division. uary 28th. MICKLIN LUMBER CO. business of the MizracM was taken care of and addresses were delivered 19th and Nicholai JA 5000 The J. C. C. varisity girls basketball Mrs. Goldie Myerson, international- by Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz of Sioux sextet started the season in fine manly-noted leader of the Chalutzos in City, who spoke on "The Ideals of The Fa-Hon sorority neld a regby beating J." e St. Catherine Palestine, was guest speaker for aMizrachi,** and by Mr. Aaron Katx, ular meeting a t the J . C C Monday, ner 1413 Douxria* Nurses 20 to 15 last Monday. Ida large group of members of the local principal of the City Talmud Torah January 15. A slumber party wfll Bousef ield, lanky center, led the scorSenior Hadassah. and Ladies Auxiliary who spoke on "'"Mizrachi Achieve- be held Saturday at the home of ing attack of the Center team with Grey Iron, Aluminum and of the Talmud Torah at an open meetMrs. S. Tretiak. 10 points. Flo Brookstein proved a n _ Bronze Castings ing held Monday afternoon at the ments in various Fields in Palestine." Plans are being made for the bake able Tanning-mate, also registering' Refreshments-were served by a comg I Wood and Hetal Patterns Chevra B'nai Yisroel Synagogue. Mrs. 10 points. I 26U Martha St. HA. 5523 Myerson, who spoke in Yiddish, gave mittee of the Bikur Cholim Ladies sale, which will be held March 3 Coach Lee Grossman, physical diSociety. The bridge tournament which is given a very interesting and worth-while rector, has been drilling the girls for. The next Mlaveh Malket wiB be each year will be held the latter part I message of the •wonderful work now their tough game Sunday against being done in Talestine and that wo- held February 10. Mr. S. Ravitz is of March. the strong Sokol A. C. girls. men there were doing their part of president of the MizrachL the work on an equal basis with the In their first meeting last Tuesday menfolk. She stated also that i t was The A. Z. -Ai^No. 1 chapter i s the Center Health Club -volley bailers 9yfi§L important to continue assisting VolA regular"metftrag of V planning to participate in the A . Z. d<geafcd fam ^ Jfc~ QUA. -Health, n th<i good causes for the Jewish taire Y Young Circle C l C Club b was held last A. District tournament whick will Club team in two out of three games Getlfim* Cuts and National Fund and the 'Keren Chal- Thursday. Art" Smith, was chair- be held in Lincoln February 9, 1015-12, 10-15, and 15-10. A return DAYID SHER3L45, President uizim.'* Mrs. Herman Marowitz, presi- man. ':_.•. match will be held soon. and 11. dent of the Council Bluffs Senior Ha- The entertainment committee of The chapter will enter in the basdassah, presided. v? Fannie Witkin, chairman, Rose Flan- :etball, debate and oratorical comThe Habonim, coached by Sol Dorchek and Marian Martin told of ten- petition. The chapter debaters, Er- insoin, kept themselves in first place # Offlf> The Council Bluffs Lodge; No*> 588 tative plans for a party. The mem- nie Priesman and Ben Shrier, won of the Midget basketball league by of the Independent Order of the bers of the group are to Teceive- their the championship last year and will defeating the Tnxis Midgets, coached Theme Qi.4626 Brith will hold a regular meeting next certificates and charter within the again enter. Massie Baum, who has by Ray Schapiro, 9 to 2. In t i e other Monday evening, January 22nd, at i>ext two weeks. been prominent in local high "school game the Talmud Torah administered 8:30 o'clock at the Eagles HalL All Maurice Katz was elected delegate debate circles, win be the chapter .a trouncing to the Milder Oils, beat.: members are urged to be present. to the South Omaha branch 258 orator. ing them to the tune of 13 to 5. Since i t was not possible to have Mr. twenty-fifth anniversary observance. A send-off smoker is being planned The Habonim are now leading the Richard Gutstadt, national director of The discussion was about "Woman," for the entrants. league with two wins and no losses, That Sams the anti-defamation league of the led by Milton Wahlman, educational the Talmud Torans and the Milder B'nai Brith, who is to be guest of the director. Oils are tied l o r second, and the Omaha B'nai Brith Sunday, to remain Tuxis are in last position. H yon have your shoes here for this meeting, it has been ar- Mo., at the home of Mrs. Katelman's repaired at the The Century chapter held its biranged for local members to attend - , Thirteen entries have signed for monthly business arc 2ting last Son- the Men's doubles handball tournathe meeting at the Jewish Community parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sol Gross. day. The new officers were installed Center in Omaha Sunday night, JanGeorge Budavsky left last Thursday and the committee heads for the new ment, with more coming in every, illtoe Repair Co. •uray 21st, Anyone who desires to day. Those teams entered to date hear Mr. Gutstadt may obtain tickets for his home in New York City, fol- administration announced. J. L KBAdS, Fropare: M. Sigal-Nate Cutler; Al WeiThe committee chairmen: Myron ner-Lou Ricklin; Earl Siegal-Sam 1619 from Louis Katelman, Ben Seldin, or lowing a three weeks' visit here at. the home of his uncle and aunt, Mr. Tarnoff, executive; Oscar Diamond, Farnam Sam Shyken. Admission is free, but Ban; Hy Gflkr-Henry Ginsburg; St. no one will be admitted without a and Mrs. Jake Krasne. Mr. Rudavsky cultural; Iz Mittleman, religious; Finkel-Sokoloff; Harold Garber-Ben recently returned from an extended Don Strauss, property; Harvy Jacard. Mulnick; George Schapiro-Jake Advisit in Europe. cobow, athletic; Lou Canar, social; ler; E. Marks-Lou Azorin; Sol Harold Civin, social service; B. RoThe benefit card party given by The Bickor Cholim Society held a senbaum, membership; J. Meyerson, Yaffe-Max Altsuler, Pep BogdonoffMrs. Sam Gross last Wednesday eve- meeting Tuesday evening at the syna- program; S. Friedman, finance; Nate Hy Weiner; Leonard Herman-Sam ning at the Eagles hall was a huge gogue and the organization donated Crounse, boy scout; Mike Levy, par- Horwich; Jake Schriebman-Saul Levy and Al Weiner-Nate MandelL success, both socially and financially. five hundred dollars to the Chevra liamentarian. Approximately seventy-five dollars B'nai Yisroel Synagogue society to The chapter i s planning a pre-conwas raised from this affair and allhelp reduce the mortgage on the syna- vention smoker as a send-off for its At the end of the first round of proceeds will go to the fund of the gogue. basket ball team, debaters and ora- the Senior league basketball the Psi -o»-?,S^^Y^^ Ladies Auxiliary for the Talmud tor, entrants in the district tourneys Mus turned back every opponent to finish in first place, beating the Torah. A silk quilt, donated by Mr. Flans are being made for a Council to be held in Lincoln in February. Wardrobe Clothiers a week ago and Mrs. S. Shyken, was raffled off Bluffs Jewish Community hall t o be Thursday, 41 to 21. The second-place and was won by Mrs. Lords London. held next month at the Hotel ChiefXi Lambdas nosed out a tough vicProceeds from the raffle, which tain. The organizations, who will tory over the Deep Rocks in a rough amounted to over twenty dollars, will sponsor this affair, are ; the B'nai Eat at the A meeting of the Habonim was and tumble battle, 25-21. The A. Z. go toward the fund for redecorating Brith, Senior Hadassah, and the Tal : held at the B'nai Israel synagogue A. No. 1 staged a second half rally the Talmud Torah Classroom at the mud Torah. last Sunday. to defeat the Marks Market in a synagogue. Paul Green has been added to the close game, 19 to 18. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Krasne enterIke Krasne left Monday for New tained the members of their Evening basketball team. Last Friday the York City on a buying trip, to be gone CluB at their home Tuesday evening, Habonim defeated the Tuxis, 9 to 2. The rampaging Mothers Cookies Today, January 19, the Habonim will team ran up against the stiff defense for the remainder of the month. Test Y<mr of the A. Z. A. No. 100 and were play the Milder Oils. Private Nathan Nogg left. Wednesday eve1511 Farnam St. William Wolfe was unaWe to ad- held to 14 points, the lowest nnmber Instruction! Mr. and Mrs. Samuel H. Katelman ning for Chicago, to be gone for sev Talent dress the. group as scheduled last registered by them this season in by Omaha'• ' 1 entertained the members of their Eve- era! days. Ho InstruSunday, but will speak this Sunday. competition. The final score was 14 Leading ning Bridge Club at their home Monment to Bey to € in the Mother's Cookies favor. Piano day evening. A large crowd attended the open Two members of the group, Chuck In the other league game a spirited or Bent Stein and Carl Fredericks* gave an meeting and program given by Accordion Pants Store team upset the ThorTry One Plans for the banquet to be given Council Blulfs Chapter of the Senior entertaining debate. Teacher peians, 14 to 1L Sadofsky of the Free at The next meeting will be held at by the Council Bluffs Talmud Torah Hadassah Wednesday afternoon, JanCost of Pants Store was high point man with Osr Bisk the B'nai Israel synagogue Sunday have changed so that this affair will uary 17th, at the Hotel Chieftain.' Lessons nine points out of the 14 made by J •'•'••We Know FOR A M V be held on Tuesday evening, January Musical numbers by Kreisler were morning, January 21. Very his team. That You 30th, instead of the following evening played by Miss Esther Steinberg on the Seasonable The .Mother's Cookies are still in Can Learn as originally arranged. The date has violin, accompanied at the piano by the lead.with five wins and no losses been changed so that the banquet will her sister, Florence Steinberg. Miss while the Pants Store and the A. Z be one of the many affairs being ar- Ivy Siegel of Omaha sang a group of The following officers were elected A. No. 100 are tied for second. The ranged nationally in celebration of Jewish folk songs, accompanied at the at a .meeting oif the Debating Club Thorpeians are in last. President Franklin D. Roosevelt's piano by Mrs. Henry Monsky, also of of the B'nai Israel synagogue; Mary birthday "and also in celebration of Omalia. Mrs. Herman Krause read sn Wolf son, president; Jake Toplitsky, New Instruments Now Priced tu Chamisho Os'e'r B'Shvat, Jewish Arbor interesting paper telling of the plant- vice-president; Elinor Cohn, secreing.of the .trees. Mrs. Richard Gordon tary; Arine Pollay, treasurer; Noimy A Tegular meeting of the Sigma day. .'.....• Low as $45.00—10 Months to Pay was chairman lor this affair and was Wolf son, reporter; and Harold Nes- Kappa Chi sorority was held Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Morris Grossman left assisted by the following committee: selson and Easer Eeghill, sergeant- evening, January 16, at the J. C. C. Sunday night for Chicago and New Mesdames Oscar Greenberg, Joe Gots- at-arms. Miss Dora Freshman was Plans were made for the third annual York City, on a buying trip. They ex- diner, Herman Krause, George Krasne named sponsor. Rabbi Uri Miller is dance to be given next month. Libby and Isaac Sternhill. Refreshments the spiritual advisor. Dolgoff was named chairman of the pect to "be gone about three weeks. were served following the program, S514-I648 Do4&c Strcei-OnrfhA-Nebit Plans for the club's future acti- affair. 1206'$ BeuMlas direct. Miss Ann Berman has charge of Mrs. Louis H. Katelman and small which was appropriate in keeping vities will be mapped out at the next Bertini—Soprani—Hohner—Gcdanti AT. 2524 son, Avrum, returned home Tuesday, with Chamisha Oser B'Shvat, which i s meeting. The name of the organiza- the program to be given at the next l.tion has not yet been decided. following a month's visit in St. Louis, being celebrated this month. meeting
Council Bluffs
"Meet Your Friends of'
I Paxton Mitchell Co. jj
C-O-A-L Let Us Take Care of Your Next Coal Order
Young Circle Chtfb
A. Z. A. N o . l
13fli and Nicholas S t
AT. 4444
AHer school the children will he hungry. Lei themhace all the butter they want.
Shoe Comfort
A. Z. A. 100
The Menu Always Provides Good Foods of Unequaled Variety at Moderate Prices
Be Sure That the Butter You Buy Is
Debating Club
Sigma Kappa Chi
'Cmaha Repair
Sdimolkr & JBneilcr Piano Co
Bend Baron Heads Community Center
MIlll FOR'
that eighty-five per cent of ths ref-liberty and freed: m of the con- Notice in hereby given that on * > ^ day of January. 3034. _the*«*f^ ugees are Jewish, "but they merely Science. indebtedness of the Wertheimer aB« happen to be the victims of the dom- He made reference to the "poten- ing Dep.ii Feed Yards, Inc., a ISebraska corinant racial psychology" in'Central tial refugee" problem which deserves poration •with its principal place of. business in Omahu was None. the attention of the world, he said. E u r o p e . " • • - • ' • • • SAM WERTBKIMER, The problem cuts across non-secPresident. tarian lines, he said. It is a problem SHOTWELT,. MONSK1T, GHODINSKV & Attest: J. J. Resnn. Secretary. F. I \ Tyler, VANCE and HAKKY B. COHEN for all who believe, he asserted, in Sol L. l>epen. Attorneys
Miss Dena Baron, was appointed superintendent of the Jewish Community Center to succeed Miss Rose Mrss ANNA PILL, Correspondent Lipman, who will month for New York City to make her Sum Werlheimer, 737 Omaha National Bank Blilg. BHK Being a majority of the Board of Dihome. SnOTWKIX, MONSKY, GBOMN5KY & rer-tors. 1-19-34-lt. New York (J. T. A.)—High ComVANCE and HATCRT B. COHEN PROBATE NOTICE She has assumed her duties at the 737 Omaha National Bank missioner James G. McDonald, of the In the M:itter O f the E^tnte of ALICE L. Community Center this week, and FKADENBCKG, 8TAMMSTEK & BEBEB SLINOERLAND, Deceased. will work with Miss Lipman until League of Nations German refugee Attorneys. Notice is hereby given thnt the creditors NOTICE body, in an address, said that beCM Omaha National Bank Bids. of said deceased will meet the administrathe latter's departure for the east. FREDERICK R. WKINSTEIN. KKDA tor of said estate, before me. County Judge tween $25,000,000 and ?50,000,000 ToWEINSTEIN. MOSES FANOEK, SADl'E NOVOSON and MAURICE J. NOVO- I of Douglns County. Nebrnskn. fit the Comi- NOTICE AND CEHTIFICATE OF DISwill be required for the rehabilita- K. Baccalaureate services for 22 Jew- The annual B'nai Brith Installa•SON, impleaded with FAXGER REA1.T1' i ty Court Room, in said County, on thi' SOLUTION OF "KAOIAN INSCRtion of the victims of the Hitlerite COMPANY, a corporation, and .JOHN i!rd day of March, 1934, nnrt on the Srrt ish graduates of Central and East tion banquet will take place next ANCE AGENCV, INC." day of May, 1934, at i) o'clock A. M., each DOE, real name unknown: • persecution. He said that the prob- Notice High School will be held a t Shaare Wednesday evening, January 24, in Know nil men by these presents: is hereby riven that on the 21st day, for the purpose of presenting their lem of restoring them to a place in day of December, 1033, Sophie Ncvcleff clnims for examination, adjustment and That nt a meeting -of the stockholders Zion Synagogue tonight, during the the Jewish Community Center, when her petition to commence an :ic-ttou allowance. Three nionths are nllowed for of tiie Knim.nn Insurance Agency, Ina, i regular service which will begin at 8the newly elected officers will be in- Over 100 people attended the ban-the sun is fundamentally a Christian filed in the District Court of Douglas County, the creditors to present their clnims, from , diilv held at the office of the corporation stalled. Philip Klutznick of Omaha quet Tuesday evening, given by theresponsibility. Nebraska, Doc. 300. Page 10-', against the the 3rd dny of Febrnary, 1!>34. o'clock. I on 'the 23rd day of December, 1933, at named defendants, the objects and winch nil of the stockholders were present KRYCE CRAWFORD, • The service will open with the aca-will be the principal speaker. Mr. {Pioneer Women's organization, when The High Commissioner pleaded above prayer of which said petition is to fore- l-12-34-3t. and voting, a resolution wns duly offered County Judge. demic procession of the students in Klutznick is active in B'nai Brith Mrs. Goldie Meyerson, national work- for aid from the "Christian world- close a certain mortgage in the sum of and was unanimously adopted that the covering the North One-Half said corporation cense to do business, and .cap and gown. Paul Sperling will be work in Omaha, and has appeared in er in the Pioneer organization, spoke. Christian America in particular," in $3,000.00 (N%) of the West'One-Half (\YV>) of the SHOTWE1X, MONSKY, GUODINSKY & thnt the game be dissolved: accordingly East One-Third (El/3) of Lot Two C.'). master of ceremonies during the Sioux City several times. notice of such action and of the dissoluVASCE and 1IAUKV U. COHEN* Mrs. Meyerson addressed the audi- rescuing the Reich exiles. One Hundred Twenty (120), Original ton of the Kairaan Insurance Agency, Inc. Attorney* serwice. The ritual will be read by Mr. Joe Levin will act as toast- ence in Yiddish and spoke on the The High Commissioner described Block City of Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, is hereby given. 737 Oirnlia National Hr.nk UW.g. surveyed and lithographed, which wns • Sophie Franklin, Rose Albert, Ernest master. Brief talks will be given by work being done now in Palestine. the problem of the refugee body as as IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, witJieS* executed on the 4th day of February. 1D2S, the signature and the corporate seal of PItOBATE NOTICE : Epstein, and Meyer Orlikoff. Marie Mr. Leon Dobrofsky, retiring presi- Mrs. Ida Sperling was in charge one of. "retraining, reconstruction and by the Fnnger Realty Company, a cor'he said Kiiiman Insurance Agency, Inc. In the Matter of the K«tnl<; of CHAULE.S poration, by its duly authorized nnd conOsheroff will recite the class pledge dent and Mr. Milton Bolstein, incom- of the arrangements for the banquet resettlement." He praised the French stituted heretofore affixed by its duly authorised F. XLIXGEULAN1», l)c<-i>iiw>d. officers. Moses Fnnger, President, and Goldie Devine the class motto. ing president. Musical numbers and Notice is hereby given I hat the creditors officers on this 23rd day of December, Marie Goldblatt, Secretary, and by nation for extending the hand of wel- and 1033. of said deceased will niret th<* ndmfnlHtrsSadye K. Novosou aud Maurice J. Novo: Milton Barrent will offer the invo- a dramatic sketch will complete the KAIMAN INSURANCE AGKNCT, INC come to the refugees. 8on, sometimes known as Sadie K. Novo- tor of said estate, bi'fore me. County Judge By Abner H. Knimnn, cation and Rebecca Stillman will give program. son and Blorris J. Novosou, wife nnd iius- of Douglns County, NVljrnxka, at the CounA high-light in the address wa3 President. ty Court Itoom, in said County, on ttw bflnd, as mortgagors, to Sophie Neveleff. the valedictory address. Rabbi Rabi- Mr. Bolstein is in charge of the Atteut: Evelyn Knlman, Secretary. Srd day of March, 1984. nnd « J > the 3rd which said mortgage was recorded on the Mr. McDonald's reference to the fact . nowitz will preach on the subject arrangements. Assisting him are Mr. In presence ttt I t . J . Iloldsl^rg. Hth day of February, 1928, in Uook G.V». day of May, 1934, 8t ft o'clock A. M.. fafh nt Page 37, of the Mortgage Records of daj". for the purpow of vrt'tumHtte tli^lr Hiult tit V'!)rank«. "What is Education For?" Dobrofsky, Mr. Morey Lipshutz, Mr. Douglas County, Nebraska, said mortgage County of iJouglafs, ss. clnims for examination, wljuetiuent »nd Members of the Boy Scout Troop SHOTWELL, MONSKT, GRODIN8KY & being executed, delivered and given to se- allowance. Three month* »»r« nllowed for XubwrilK-ii The Jewish graduates include Rose Frank Margolin, and Mr. Abe Pill. and fworn to before me thU VANCE, and HARRY. B. COHEN, cure the payment of a certain promissory No. 22, meeting at the Jewish Com23rd dzr ©f Ijewml*er, 1833. the creditors to prewnt tlwlr ilniwts, from Albert, Annette Baker, David Baker, The B'nai Brith banquet has alAttorneys. note, an obligation in writing, dated FebrB. J. Iloldsberg. the 3rd day of Kcl.nmrs', V.f.M. 787 Omaha National Bank Bids. Milton Barrent, Morris Bernstein, ways been an outstanding event in munity Center last Saturday evening, uary 4. 1928: that the defendants Fredj (AM*!) Notary Public. I5UYCK CliAWFOBrV erick It. Weinstein aud Reba Weiustein made plans for a membership drive l-12-34-3t Ctiunly Judge, I1 J9 M-4t. Rosabelle Wigodsky, Goldie Devine, the communal calendar and attracts claim certain interests in the above deNotice is hereby given that the underSophie Franklin, Henry Ginsburg, a representative attendance. A large to take place this month. Any boys signed have formed a corporatiou pursuant scribed mortgaged premises by virtue of having purchased same, but that whatever Sadie Greenbaum, Leah Herman, delegation of Omaha B'nai Brith between the ages of 12 and 16 whoto the laws of the State of Nebraska. The interest they or either of them have in or of the corporation is PKEJI1EK to said mortgaged Rose Holdofsky. Meyer Kaplan, Sar- members is expected to attend the are interested are asked to get inname premises is subject to, THEATRES CORPORATION OF OMA-junior nnd inferior to the Hen of the plaintouch with Charles Shindler. HA, with its principal place of business tiffs mortgage: that John ah Kaplan, Harry Liberman, Jack event. Doe, real name Omaha, Nebraska. The corporation unknown, is a tenant in possession of said Mirowitz, Marie Osheroff, Herman The dinner will be catered by the Walter Woskoff was elected Senior in shall have the power and authority to op- mortgaged promises and that whatever inPatrol leader and Charles Shindler, Rubin, Henry Salsman, Paul Sperling. women of the Senior Hadassah chaperate moving picture theatres as lessee, terest the said John Doe has, if nny, in owner, or otherwise, and/or present shows the said mortgaged premises, is subject to, Rebecca Stillman and Milton Taxer. ter, under the direction of Mrs. Joescribe, at a recent meeting. Dr or performances of any character and to junior nnd inferior to the lien of the Frank Epstein is the scoutmaster of handle, deal in and contract for moving plaintiff's mortgage; nnd that there is now Tomorrow morning, the Junior Levin and Mrs. R. H. Emlein. rpicture films as producer, distributor, ex- due the plaintiff on said indebtedness the the troop. Congregation will meet at 10:45 hibitor or otherwise and to do any and all sum of J3.KU.10 with interest thereon at o'clock. David Kuntz will act as canother things necessary or proper in the the rate of 10% per annum from and after operation of theatre*. The corporation December 21st. 1933. tor, and David Tilevitz will read the shall hare the power to handle real and law. Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz will personal property. The corporation shall have the power to borrow money and is- Notice is further given that plaintiff continue the story he started several sue evidences of indebtedness therefor. prnys that an accounting he had for the Dr. Theodore N. Lewis will speak weeks ago. Candy will be served by The total authorized capital stock is ?25,- amount due her under and by virtue of mortgage for principal and interest: Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Levich in honor Members of the Junior Hadassah tonight at Mount Sinai Temple on 000.00, all common, par value $100.00, to said be fully paid when issued and non-as-' that same be adjudged nr.d decreed to be the book by Jacob Wasserman, "My of their son Lloyd who will cele- chapter will hold their annual "Paid sessable. a'he corporation shall commence a first mortgage lion on said.mortgaged Up" party .next Monday evening, Life as a German and a Jew." business when the Articles of Incorpora- premises; tnat the defendants or some of brate his bar mitzvah. : tion are filed with the County Clerk of them be ordered and directed to pay plninThe services begin promptly a t 8 January 22. Dinner in the West hom County, Nebraska, and continue tlff the sum so found due thereon and !u ' Douglas tel will be followed by a program o'clock. until November 1st, 1«S3. Xhe highest defnnlt of uneh payment for twpnfy days from.the entry or the decree, snid premises amount of indebtedness shall not exceed be and bridge. Guests of honor will be sold for the satisfaction of snid morttwo-thirds of its capital stock. The af- gage as provided by law nnd the purMiss Freda Albert, retiring presi- French Award fairs of the corporation shall be adminis- chaserdebt put in possession thereof; that said tered by a Board of Directors consisting of defendants dent of the chapter, who will leave Paris.—Dr. Samuel Kopetzky, pro- not each of. them be foreclosed less than two nor more than five in of all Tight,and interest, nnd equity of this month to make her home in minent New York physician, was number. The stockholders shall elect Di- redemeption title, in or to said mortgaged rectors at the annual meeting to be held premises; tint .the plaintiff recover her California, and Miss Rose Lipman, a honored by the. French government the second Monday in January of each costs in this action expended: that the de:'• A fifteen minute broadcast over of the board of directors, with the bestowal upon him of theyear. Thereafter the directors shall elect fendants - Fanjrer Realty Company nnd the Journal station KSCJ will pre- member who will leave for the east to make title Knight of the Legion of Honor. officers, viz., President, Vice-President, Moses Fanger be decreed to be personnlly cede the opening of the Palestinian her Secretary and Treasurer. With, the con-liable for any deficiency remninine after home. or pursuant to a vote of a applying the proceeds of said Kile and The title was awarded Dr. Kopetzky sent in writing bazaar on Sunday afternoon and eveof the outstanding capital stock, thnt she be granted such other and further Miss Sophie Raskin, Miss Mary for his collaboration in medical work majorty ning, January 28. The program will the Board of Directors shall have the relief as to the court may seem just and power to sell, lease, exchange, assign, equitable. be broadcast at 1:15 o'clock- on that Rozofsky and Miss Sybil Merlin are with French scientists. transfer, conTey or otherwise dispose of day. Dr. Theodore N. Lewis will ex- in charge of the arrangements. Notice Is further ciren thnt yon and all or, a substantial part of the property, of you are hereby required to answer plain the purpose of the bazaar; Mr. Miss Rose Pill was installed as SHOTWELL, MONSKY, GRODINSKX & assets, effects and good will of the cor-each said "petition on or before the 19th day of CAKES 4cm't cfeoy. turn • * A . poration for such a consideration as to VAN CK, and HARRY B. COHKS, Herman Mirowitz will speak in Yid-president of the local Hadassah chapFebruary, 1834. the Board of Directors may seem for the Attorneys. ter, at their meeting last week. She SOPHIE NEVELEFF. best interests of the corporaton. The Artidish, and musical numbers will be 737 Omaha. National Bank Bids. HM M M I M * « b M m w j mi ft. cles may be amended upon a vote of 00% By Shotwell. Monsky, Grodinsky, Vance, offered by Frances Jacobson at thesucceeds Miss Albert. Miss Sadie - and Harry B. Cohen, of the outstanding stock at any regular Notice is hereby given that the underShulkin was named chairman of the 12-29-S3-4L Her Attorney*. piano, and Jennie Shindler, violin. have formed a corporation pursuant or special meeting. The corporation shall ive-and-Get project. Miss Rose Fin- signed to the laws of the State of Nebraska. The hare a seal. The bazaar will be held in thesod was named chairman of the name Dated at Omaha, Nebraska, this 21st day of the corporaton is OMAHA T1IE, then,fewmucfi more difficultftk Jewish Community Center, and will Birthday Party project. ATKE OPERATING CO11POKATION, of November, 1933. — II. JlARQUARDT, with its principal place of business in feature a program, booths, cafeteria A- GREENBERG. to moke firM andfccnwffem d excelW. 1W» Omaha, Nebraska. The corporation shall •••; • - : • „ ' • • • supper and raffles. hare the power and authority to operate l-10-34-4t. moving picture theatres as lessee, owner, ..#» more than 70 ^i©ro«* raw meWfais, horn Committees for the bazaar workor otherwise, and/or present shows or ing with Mr. S. Ratner and Mrs. S. performances of any character awl to gnOTlVELL, MOX5KY, GRODINSKY & d parts of tfw worfd, imd h flit VANCE and HAKKY B. COI1KN handle, deal In and contract for moving Levin, co-chairmen, are Mr. L. ShinAttorneys picture films as producer, distributor, exdler and Mr. H. Epstein, advertis737 Omaha National Bank Bide. hibitor or otherwise and to do any and o# fir**. And ihetz %rec'bf~s, h* Ingi* other things necessary or proper in ing committee; Mr. M. Maisel and Chaim Shous, noted Jewish histo- all the operation of theatres. The corporation Notice is hereby given that the underMr. M. Mason, clothing committee; rian and' instructor in a Jewish sem- shall have the power to handle real nnd signed dlenh in cafcec, can and eb v a y from#ndou«fy. formed a corporation. The personal property. The corporatou shall name ofhave Mr. N. Widesky, raffles; Mr. D. inary in New York City, .will speak have the corporatiou is REESE AND the power to borrow money and is- REESE, INC., So don't fet myom t©0 you that d ! tiros ore and _its principal place of Sperling, grocery committee; Mr. the Jewish Community Center sue evidences of indebtedness therefor. shall be 3n the City of Omaha, Mirowitz, program; Mrs. Ruth Leaff, next Thursday evening, January 25. The total authorized capital stock is f^3,- business Douglas Couuty, Nebraska. The corporaab«ot affke. TIP©S produced h vest nsimb«r and 000.00, all common, par value ?100.00, to tion is authorized to establish and mainpublicity; M. Kaplan, finances, and His subject will be "Jewish History." be fully paid when issued and non-as- tain a factory or factories for the manuThe corporation shall commence D. Sperling, secretary. by volum* proaWffon methods must metssarfiy Mr. Shous will appear in Sioux sessable. of ties, mufflers and kindred prodbusiness when the Articles of Incorpora- facture ucts, and to manufacture any and every Proceeds of the bazaar will go to-City under the auspices of the Pio-tion are filed with the County Clerk of kind of men's •wearing apparel; to buy b* ordinary or ovorag© tires. Douglas County, Nebraska, and continue and sell, ward the Geverkshaften campaign neer Women's organization. at wholesale or retail, any and until November 1st, 19S3. The highest every kind of men's wearing apparel: to and helping young women in Palesamount of indebtedness shall not exceed buy. sell, acquire, lease, dispose of. alientwo-thirds of its capital stock. The nf- ate and/or encumber any and all kinds of tine to become Chalutzos. fnirs of the corporation shall be adminis-
Over 100 Attend Pioneer Banquet
Scouts Plan Membership Drive
Junior Hadassah Party Monday
Mount Sinai
Broadcast Will Precede Bazaar
Jewish Historian to Speak Here
Society News
and personal property, improved or tered by a Board of Directors consisting real unimproved, and to execute any and all of not less than two nor more than five contracts'aud requisite or necin number. The stockholders shall elect essary to carryagreements out the objects of the corat the annual meeting to be held ponition. The corporation More than 75 friends and women Directors shall have authe second Monday in January of each to borrow money nnd to issue its workers in the Jewish Community year. Thereafter the directors shall elect thority notes, bonds, mortgages, stock or other fix., President, Vice-president, center, attended a tea given in honor officers, for that purpose aud it shall Secretary and Treasurer. With the con-obligations the right to hold stock in other corin writing or pursuant to a vote of have The Ladies' Auxiliary of Shaare of Rose Lipman, superintendent of sent porations and to do any nnd all things a majority of the outstanding capital necessary and requisite to accomplish auy 3ion synagogue will hold their sec- the Center, Wednesday afternoon. stock, the Board of Directors shall have its objects, nnd any nnd all things that power to sell, lease, exchange, assign, of ond Oneg Shabbos meeting tomor- Mrs. Wm. Lazere was in charge of the could be done by an individual or a parttransfer, convey or otherwise dispose of nership, not inconsistent these Artirc.v afternoon at 2:30 o'clock in thethe arrangements. all or a substantial part of the property, cles or the laws of this with Stnte, governing assets, effects and good will of the cor-corporations. The authorized home of Mrs. Barney Baron. Mrs. H. capital stock poration for such a consideration as to $25,000.00. divided into 2T)0 shares of the •R. Rabinowitz will speak on "Jewish the Board of Directors may seem for theis par value of $100.00 each, all of which Women of Yesterday"; Mrs. Robert Miss Pearl Olensky was hostess to best interests of the corporation. The Arti- shall be common and fully paid and nonmay be amended upon a vote of OO% assessable wheu issued. The corporation Sacks will review "Little Man What the Debrah club Monday evening. cles of the outstanding stock at any regular shall commence upon the filing Now," and- Mrs. S. H. Shulkin will The next meeting will be in the home or special meeting. The corporation shall of the Articles ofbusiness Incorporation with the a seal. give several current events. _ A dis-of Rebecca Stillman and special en- have County Clerk of Douglas County, .NebrasDated at Omaha. Nebraska, this 13th ka, and shall . continue until January 1, tertainment has been arranged to day cussion will follow the program. of January, 1934. 19S3. The highest amount of Indebtedness II. MARQUARDT, shall not exceed two-thirds.of its capital The. regular meeting, of the Auxil- honor the members of the club who A. GREENBERG. stock. The affairs of the corporation shnll will graduate from high school next iary took place Tuesday afternoon in l-19-24-4t. be administered by n Board of not less than two. nor more than five directors, tifa social hall of the synagogue. week. These members are Rose AlMONSKY, GRODINSKY & who. shall elect a President. Yiee-PresiMrs. Goldie Meyerson was a guest bert, Leah Herman, Rosabelle Wig- SHOTIVELL, dent. Secretary and Treasurer from their VANCE, and HAKKY B. COHEN, during the meeting. A luncheon pre- odsky and Rebecca Stillman. nnmber. -The Articles may be amended Attorneys. • The corporation may have a seal. 737 Omaha National Bank Bldgr. ceded the business meeting and sev•Dated at Omaha. Nebraska, this 22nd eral hours of bridge. Prizes were won Miss Toby Flax of Omaha was a Notice is hereby given that the under- day of December, 3933. guest of Miss Freda Albert last signed have formed a corporation pursuant REX T. REESE by Mrs. Abe Friedman and Mrs. Eli to the laws of the State of Nebraska. The HELEN R. REESE week. ; Jacobson. • name of- the corporation ia TOWN THEIncorporntors. ATRE, INC., with its principal place of Mrs. Max Kier, Mrs. Eli Jacobl-12-34-4t. business in Omaha, Nebraska. The corson, and Mrs. Dave Horwitz were Mr. and Mrs. William Shulkin will poration shall have the power and authority to operate moving picture theatres presented as new members of theentertain 65 guests at a dinner Sun- as lessee, owner, or otherwise, and/or day at 6:30 o'clock in the Communi- present group. shows or performances of any and to handle, deal in and conPlans were made for the annual ty Center honoring their son, Louis character tract for moving picture films as proRecognized as Card Party, which is scheduled for Shulkin, who will celebrate his Bar ducer, distributor, -exhibitor or otherwise to do any arid all other things necesFebruary 7 in the Bellevue ballroom. Mitzvah Saturday in the Teferath and PRACTICAL MOHEL sary or proper,in the operation of theMrs. Mike Grueskin and Mrs. John Israel synagogue. atres. The corporation shall have the Phone 1059 power to handle real and personal propC. Levin are co-chairmen of the erty. The corporation shall hare the COUNCIL BLUFFS Lloyd-Levich, son of Mr. and Mrs. power to borrow money and issue evievent. of indebtedness therefor. The A samovar was presented to theM. A. Levich, will celebrate his Bardences total authorized capital stock is $10,000.00, Mitzvah Saturday in the Shaare Zion common, par -value $100.00, to be fully Auxiliary by Mrs. Beulah Rutstein synagogue. His parents will enter- all paid when issued and non-assessable. The for a raffle to be given by the Aux-tain in his honor Saturday noon at corporation shall commence business when the Articles of Incorporation are filed iliary. " . . • ' a dinner and Sunday evening at 6 with the County Clerk of Douglas County, Nebraska, and continue until January 1st, o'clock at aother dinner. 19S3. The highest amount of indebtedness shall not exceed two-thirds of its capital The affairs, of the corporation Miss Bess Zeligson was hostess to stock. shall be administered by a Board of Directors consisting of not less than two the Phi Deb sorority last Wednesday nor more than five in number. The stockevening. Bridge and refreshments oc- holders shall elect Directors at the annual meeting to be held tho second MonReports on the recent Talmud Tor- cupied the evening hours. Mary Edel- day in January of each year. Thereafter ah dance, sponsored by the Talmud man and Dorothy Gelson are new the directors shall elect officers, viz.. PresiFASHION TAILORS dent, Vice-president, Secretary and Treasmembers in the club. Torah board of directors and HeJOHN TOLZ urer. With the consent in writing or purbrew Mothers' association were heard suant to a vote of a majority of the outstanding capital stock, the Board of DiJACKSOTS 2706 a t a recent meeting of the groups. rectors shall have the power to sell, lease, Those in charge reported that the exchange, assign, transfer, convey or oth305 So. 19th erwise dispose of all or a substantial part affair was a financial and social sucof the property, assets, effects and good cess. Proceeds tyill be turned over to Five, new members were initiated will of-the corporation for such a consideration as to the Board of Directors the Talmud Torah for its general into': the Amoriah; club at their meet- may seem for the best interests of the" corporation. Articles may be amended ing this week. The new members in- upon a vote.The upkeep. of C0% of the outstanding clude Maurice Haskiti, David Olenstock' at any regular or ;special meeting. • plans have' been 'started for the sky>- Lloyd Leyich, Irving Levich and Th« corporation -shall have a seal.
Auxiliary's Oneg Shabbos Tomorrow
Deborah Club
A. Diamond
Volz Will Keep You Nattily Attired
Report of Talmud Torah Dance Made
Theodore Volz & Son, Inc.
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Dated -at OmaUa this 13th day of January, 1934. . H. MAEQUAnDT, A. GREENBEBO. l-19-34-4t.
National Corner 17th and Capitol Ave. OMAHA, NEBRASKA Hoberman Bros., Proprietors
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annual Talmud Torah banquet, to be held on January 31 in the Jewish Joe Haffits.' Community Center. Mrs. Ben Sher- Plans were made for an Amorian man is in charge of the"arrange- booth, to be sponsored by the club, at the Palestinian bazaar. ments.
are compounded end built with ffo MniH ear* NMntfoi to tfw emotion of the highest qualfry fee* possible to manufacture. Yet, they sailforno more then every day tires.
Farnani at Thirty-third