Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism
In the Interests of the Je-vish People • MOV* MS
Entered as Second Class Mai l'ostofflce of Omaha, Nebrn
i\ on January 21, 1021, at . \et the Act of March 3, 1870
Vol. IX-r-No. 52
30,000 Immiglrants Enter Hofy Land During! Year 1933
SymposiumToBe Followed By Forum,
Jerusalem, (J.T.Ai) -^According to figures made public .hire by the executive of the Jewish Agency for Palestine, 30,000 Jewish immigrants Three-Bay Institute on Jewish egally entered Palestine in -1933. History at Community These figures do.?otiinclude tourCenter week. ' • . . • • ' sts who. have remainect in Palestine The award was given last year for without permission. J ;' . ,. . Offering a comprehensive and hightha first time, and was presented to The Palestine figures are based on ly dramatized review of the remarkWilliam L. Holzman, president of the official government |tatements up to able personalities,' the momentous Jewish Community Center and Wel-the end of Novembeif and included an events * and the stirring tragedies of An outstanding liberal, Bishop fare Federation. It consists of a gold estimate for Deceinb|r, 1933. the colorful history which is the herFrancis J. McConnell, will be the "Mogen Dovid" key, inscribed with itage of the Jews, the three-day third speaker on the Community A symposium on the Jewish, by the Jewish Women's Welfare Orthe name of the recipient and the Sachar Institute of Jewish History Forum lecture series, on Wednesday Federation, followed by an open ganization, an affiliate of the Feddesignation of the award and year, opens tonight. The first lecture of evening, February 14. and a parchment certificate detailing forum from the floor, will be theeration. The entire Jewish communthe series in which Dr. A*. L. Sachar Thus far the Forum program has feature of the annual meeting ity is invited to attend the dinner. the award and signed by the memwill discuss "Ifs That Changed Jewdrawn unusually large audiences. of the Jewish Community Cen- Reservations, at fifty cents per plate, bers of the commitee. ish History" will take place at 9 p. Dorothy Thompson (Mrs. Sinclair may be made by calling the Jewish Members of the commitee who will m. in the Jewish Community Center. Lewis) opened the series in Decem- ter and Welfare1 Federation on Community Center, Jackson 1366. select this year's "outstanding citiA complete schedule of the lectures ber, and Norman Thomas was the Monday evening , January 29, at Those who do not attend the dinner zen" are Mrs. L. Neveleff, Rabbi Mrs. H. A. Wolf 1 chairman of the and the round table discussions folJanuary speaker. In both instances the Center auditorium, starting are urged to come to the meeting David A. Goldstein, Rabbi Frederick lows: starting at 8 p. m. Cohn, Rabbi Uri Miller, William L. family' welfare cojnmittee of the the Jewish Community Center audi- at 8 p. m. Friday H. A. Wolf, Eugene Blazer Holzman, Jacob S. Pearlstien, Frank Federation, is urgia. immediate ac- torium was filled to capacity. L. Holzman, president 9 p. m.—Lecture, "If s That ChangBishop McConnell is another na- and Irvin Stalmaster will lead of William Ackerman, Morris Blacker, and Na-tion on all, those if ho are planning the Jewish Community Center • to send relief for 'assover to' relaed Jewish History." tionally-known personality. He is one the discussion on the sympos- and Welfare Federation, in urging than E. Gilinsky. Presentation is to be- made for- tives abroad. In thai transmission of of the leaders of Protestant Chris- ium. Each address will be lim- everyone to attend the annual Saturday Dr. Abrara Leon Sachar funds the local Federation is once tianity in America. As president of ited to ten minutes. 2:30 p. ni.—Round Table discus- who will conduct an Institute of Jew- mally at a banquet to be held at the again lending* aid. • meeting, stated: "The animal meetthe Federal Council of Churches of Jewish Community Center early next sion followed by a tea. Their subjects are: ing of the Federation should be, The Federation sends the funds Christ in America, he has exeited his ish History this week-end at the Jew- month, at which time the fraternity "What the Federation is today- considered the outstanding event 8:00 p. m.—Lecture, "Some Peace- ish Community Center. through HI AS. In a letter received influence toward the attainment of a Is it meeting the needs of the Jew- on our communal calendar, as the will honor the recipient and the memful Revolutions in Jewish History." by Mrs. Wolf from the HIAS Immi- higher social order. bers of the committee on selection. grant ish Community?" Federation's activities touch upon Bank, it is stated: "The PassSunday In the pulpit and from the lecture "What are the proper functions v ah of the vital problems and funcover holidays come" early this year, . 10:30 a. m.—Sound Table discustions of an organized Jewish combeginning on Friday- evening, March platform, Bishop McConnell has al- of the Federation?" J. N. F, andMizrachi sion. ' - - . "What is the future of the Fed- munity. 30. It is therefore important that re- ways raised his voice for tolerance 3:00 p. m.—Lecture, "Sparks from Agree on Sabbath mittances for abrokd, especially to and brotherhood. He was one of the eration in Omaha?" "The issues being faced by the the Jewish Anvil." Russia, be sent as soon as possible. speakers at the mammoth anti-Nazi Another feature of the meeting Federation are the concern of Dr. Sachar is national director of Madison Square Garden Protest Jerusalem, (J.T.A.)—The World will be the election of officers for every Jewish individual in our city. "We desire to call your attention the B'nai Brith Hillel Foundations, is Executive of the Mizrachi organiza- to the fact that we have decided to meeting last year. the coming year. The tremendous increase in our rea former professor of European histion here "has expressed its satisfac- discontinue accepting orders for matPreceding the meeting at 6:30 p. lief load, the expanding social tory at the University of Illinois, and tion with the successful outcome of zoths and food packages, for the m., there will be a delicious, strictly needs of our people, the educationis the author1 of "A History of the negotiations between the directorate kosher dinner, prepared and served al problems and numerous projects Jews" and numerous articles which National B'nai Brith Leader of the Jewish National Fund and the main reason that the duty on mat- Nazis Seize Furniture zoths and other food -commodities is of the Federation require the athave appeared in leading-periodicals Addresses Capacity AuMizrachi in connection with the in- very high. We know from experience of Arnold Zweig, Kerr tention and united co-operation of Sachar will be remembered, by troduction of the Sabbath observance that the majority o.f Jews in Russia dience Here Sunday ail who recognize their communal Omahans for his brilliant presentaclause in all J.N.F. lease contracts. during the last Pslssover, procured responsibilities. Berlin, (J.T.A.)—Furniture belongtion of "The Komance of the Roths"We do not believe that a single lie The Mizrachi deplores the fact that matzoths and other! Passover articles ing to Arnold Zweig and Alfred "A capacity attendance Monday childs" last year. should be unchallenged. The Jewish such matters should be of necessity in Russia proper at a much smaller Kerr, noted German Jewish writers, evening should demonstrate the ^ Those "attending the Saturday eve- people have nothing t o ; fear from discussed but the hope prevails that cost. For this reason, wg-urge that deep Jewish consciousness of our now in exile, has been confiscated it ning lecture^ must be in their seats the truth but have everything" to fear the settlers will comply with the de-thJsjyear money be sent Ithi-oug-h the was announced here. The confiscacommunity." by 8 p. m., as the lecture will start from malicious falsehoods.;• The anti- mrjnd for" Sabbath • observance; The •Torgsin* -stores/')*,,E ; a t J t h a t ; , t i t i i f i M Q ienable> those defamriatton: league of the-B'haF-"Ei itlv MizrachT Is ^prosecuting plans "for a Anyone wanting io know, the rates tion TPas-ld^aceordaiice-^rith- the law •*T1. •---—•—*>?Brief Reports •"'-.• who wish to attend the- Gershwin brings forth the light of truth," de- universal observance of the Sabbath or any other information may call recently passed for expropriating the Interesting and brief reports concert to attend .both events. goods of "enemies of the state." Second Number on Jewish For-be given by the president and heads clared Richard Gutstadt, executive in all spheres of the Holy Land. the Jewish Community Center. ArrangementsTiave been completed director of the anti-defamation league um Series Held at J. C. C. of the constituent agencies and funcfor the tea which will follow the Sat- of the B'nai Brith, in an address at tional committees of the Federation. Wednesday urday afternoon discussions. Hern- the J. C. C. Sunday evening under Among these reports are: Presibers of the Study Club of the Con-the auspices of the local lodge. The dent's William L. Holsman; servative Synagogue,' sponsors of the auditorium was not large enough to i" '"A people must live its national life Jewish message, Free Loan Society, Harry A. Institute, assisted by members of the care for the overflow attendance. in terms of the ideals of its memory Wolf, chairman; Jewish Community Conservative Auxiliary, will be hos- "Not from malice, hatred- or fanaand experience of the past," declared Center, Jack Marer, chairman; Sotesses at the tea. Dr. Leo P. Honor, director of the Colticism does anti-Semitic prejudice lege of Jewish Studies in Chicago, cial Service committee, Dr. Philip Tickets for the entire series are arise," he stated, "but from a lack of who was the speaker at the second of Sher, chairman; Jewish Philanthroone dollar and may be secured from understanding. Malicious lies and the series on the Jewish Forum pro- pies, Dr. A. Greenberg, general members of the Study Group or at prevarications are projected into the gram, at the Jewish Community Cen- chairman of the 1933 drive; Family the Jewish Community Center. public's mind through racketeers and" ter Wednesday evening. His subject Welfare committee, Mrs. Harry A. professional agitators." By Prof. Raymond Moley, in "Today? •was "The Meaning of Jewish History." Wolf, chairman; Talmud Torah, Max' In speaking of Germany, Gutstadt Dr. Honor traced the history of the M. Barish, president; Jewish Wo'said: "In Germany a whole nation Jewish people from the days of slav- men's Welfare Organization, Mrs. L. has become diseased. A group of partment of Labor. The Jews in ery in Egypt, pointing out that those Neveleff, president; Jewish Old Peotunity to make a creative contribution • Prof. Raymond Moley, close friend a few madmen have absolutely ples Home, Harry Silverman, comof President Roosevelt, former head to their nation and to humanity, but America proposed that they be per- Jews survived who "lived a way of mittee chairman; report on recent Professor Chaim Schauss, Jewish wrecked the mental poise of a great of mitted to guarantee by bonds that life based on all the Jewish exper"Brain Trust," and editor of the very right to earn a living. As ^historian and' lecturer of New York, people. The German nation has per- the the their religionists .would not become iences and memories of the past, a national assembly of Jewish Federaa result, some thousands of Jews have magazine "Today," has written a •will speak in Yiddish at the J. C. C. mitted itself to relapse to medieval ringing plea to the American Gov- found themselves wanderers on the public charges if admitted to. the way of life which called upon them tions and welfare funds in Chicago, Dave Goldman. Sunday evening, January 28, at 8 barbarism and a cold pogrom of ex- ernment to open the gates of the face of the earth. This ia not a United States. to be true to themselves." t>. m. on "The Origin of Anti-Se- termination against a blameless peoThe President turned to his attorHe also illustrated how many na- All of these reports will be very He declared that the anti-de- United States to the victims of the theory. It is a bitter fact. mitism-r-When It Began and Where." ple." ney-generaL. who has now rendered a tions do not live their national life in short. Nazi regime.—The Editor. A number of these refugees have The general public is invited to at- famation league has evidence that the which declares that hereaf- such terms. Thus, Poland suffered sought admission to the United States. decision Nominating Committee tend. atrocities committed under the Hitler ter the State Department must, in for a century under oppression, yet the general quota policy of practice as ' Prof. Schauss will be here Satur- regime are even worse than those After months of effort, victory has Under well as in theory, share Nominations for office will be subwhen she obtained freedom after tlie come to those who have been attempt- Congress it is probable that a good with the Labor Department its au- world war she inflicted the same op- . mitled by a nomination committee day and Sunday, January 27 and told in the press. of them were entitled to admis28, as the guest of the Jewish Na- "Even though Hitler and Goebbels ing to break through the crusty for- many pression upon the minorities in her } consisting of Harry A. Wolf, chairsion. But the issuance of passport thority in the granting of visas. tional Workers Alliance and the Pio-and Goering and Rust and Rhoemer malism of the state department in be- visas land as she had suffered previously. man; Irvin Stalmaster, Dr. A. GreenThis means that some essential deto foreigners seeking admission half of the application of American neer Women. cisions will be shared by a departand Frick were all to pass out of tradition to German refugees. The speaker also emphasized the berg, J. H. Knlakofsky, and William has been, until recently, practically an On Saturday evening, Schauss will the German picture, the Jewish condiment which, at least at the present part played by the teaching of the Milder. exclusive monopoly of the Department Cpeak at a social meeting of the tion there could not vitally improve. It does not require a long array of of State because of the misconstruc- time 4s thoroughly in sympathy with Torah in the survival of the Jewish The committee in charge of the Workers Alliance and the Pioneer The Jews of this generation in Ger- historical citations to establish the tion of at least one provision of the the principle of asylum, and which, at people. annual meeting consists of Philip M. fact that the United States is comWomen at 8:30 p. m. at the J. C. C. many are doomed. the same time, has the means, the A keynote of Jewish history, he emKlutznick, chairman; Max M. Barish, United States immigration laws. The public is also invited to attend "The Nazis are planning a world mitted to the principle of asylum for sympathy and the knowledge neces- phasized, was the continual struggle Eugene Blazer, Dave Cohn, Robert The Department of State operates this meeting. After a well-balanced revolution for the Nazi ideas. Four tnose who flee from religious and posary to the making of an intelligent the Jewish people for the right to Kooper and Mrs. J. J. Greenberg. T h e circum- through some hundreds of consular choice among those applying for ad- of p r o g r a m , refreshments will be years of economic horror have placed be themselves, a struggle based on A special committee of the Jewish officers who apply the law under instances under which the American served. • the recognition that they had some- Women's Welfare organization, of the people in a frame of mind where colonies were established, and the pol- structions to interpret this law strict- mission. A book by Prof. Schauss, "History they are susceptible to the Nazi which Blanche Zimman is chairman, As we review this whole unlovely thing precious. of Jewish" Holidays," has been re- theories, which have nothing to of- icies and utterances of those in whom ly. Apparently many of them have incident, the probelm of recasting our Dr. Honor stated that in their preis in charge of reservations for the felt that their chief purpose was to cently published. He is reputed to be fer except a philosophy of quackery authority has been held in this counsent struggle the Jewish people must dinner. foreign service becomes more and keep the number of immigrants small. try for one hundred and fifty years, an excellent speaker. and charlatanism, a philosophy rest- have clearly established this principle. Some of them gloried in the extent to more apparent. Despite certain gains again turn to the memories and ex- This will be the third annual meeting upon the basest of human emo- An overwhelming majority of Ameri- which this was accomplished. which have been achieved by our ca- perience of the past. As regards Pal- ing since the consolidation into one tions and making the Jew the scape- cans grant it as axiomatic. And the The joy of some of these men re- reer service, it still remains long on estine, he said: "In once more build- Federation of the Jewish Community goat." same overwhelming majority will, I minds me of a naturalization exam- poltieness and short on human under- ing up for ourselves Eretz Israel, we Center, the Jewish Philanthropies, more have a focus of attention, and the Welfare Federation. He told in detail about the anti- believe, insist upon the application in iner who, some years ago, told me standing. It is so removed from once a focus of strength for the difficult American life that it has apparently fact cf what we expound in principle. Jewish organizations and the work of with ecstasy written on his face that struggle ahead." anti-defamation league in bat- If this is not true, then the United such was the severity of his exam- failed to realize that this is not just Baltimore, Md, (J. T. A.)—Balti- the Max Fromkin was chairman and in- Hadassah's Linen another Administration, but that it more voters may decide whether tling these menaces. He also told of States is living a gigantic hypocrisy. ination of applicants for citizenship means a basic change in principle and troduced the speaker. Miss Dora the. educational work done by the on their knowledge of the American If this is not a distinguishing cahrkosher meat can be sold on Sunday. gave the introductory reShower Wednesday and its vigilance in correcting acterstic of this country, then it is Constitution that he sent many of purpose. This failure is pretty wide- Freshman A referendum ordinance permitting league marks. The Jewish Forum series is Just another country with principles them away in tears. That was bureau- spread in the Department of State, sponsored by the Junior Vaad organThe annual linen shower of the the sale of kosher meat here on Sun-falsehoods. in its most tragic form. Some which generally needs reorganization. Omaha chapter of Hadassah will be day by dealers/whose places of bus- Henry Monsky, a member of the in the window and self-interest in the cracy izations. The Secretary of State, who is fortof this spirit still lives. held Wednesday afternoon, January iness are closed on Saturdays was executive committee of the interna- cash-box. On this point, however, we must not 31, at the J. C. C. Mrs. Julius AbraLast summer, as a result of earnest unately free from hampering diplomaintroduced in the City XJouncil by tional order, presided. lose a sense of discrimination. Those and able advocacy of the cause of tic inhibitions, can well make this Education Committee In Afternoon hamson is chairman. Meyer Reamer, of the Fourth DisDuring the' afternoon Gutstadt ad- who knock at our gates requesting these refugees in Washington, the task of recasting and renovating his The Hadassah sewing circle will trict. Mr. Reamer is one of the three of Talmud Torah exhibit the garments they have made ^Jewish members of the -council of dressed a rally of. the members of the such asylum should be athentic refu- Department of State sent out new in- department a major objective of his constituent organizations of the gee." from actual persecution. Of this structions to the consuls. These reg- policy. He will have the hearty supduring the year. Mrs. A. Theodore eighteen. : "...•['•"' we have the right to be assured. The educational committee of the and Mrs. Reuben Bordy are in ulations were not the expression of port of plain Americans of all parties The plan is to have it referred to Round Table of Jewish Youth. He stressed the necessity for the Despite the probable exaggerations principle, but the simulacrum of prin- in an attempt to teach our foreign City Talmud Torah, according to an- charge of the sewing circle work. the voters of the city at. the general service, both abroad and in WashingMrs. D. A. Goldstein, program state election in November for adop- Jewish youth of today to live accord- in the anti-Nazi stories that we hear, ciple. There was little substance in ton, the human implications of the nouncement by Max Barish, president, includes Reuben Lackow, chair- chairman, has arranged an interesttion or rejection. The sale of kosher ing to the highest ethical standards. there are certain facts that establish the incoherent verbiage in which this New Deal. man; H. Marcus, Mrs. M. Fromkin, ing program consisting of a fantasy, meat on Sunday-Is prohibited by the He also told them that they ought to the case. The dictator of the Reich, expression of policy was couched. become better acquainted with their in his book, My Battle, expresses a Two months later, after further proDr. M. Margolin, I. Morgenstern, N. "Pioneers," in which Mis. Abe Solonew Sunday law. own religion and. their tradition so compound of fallacy, hatred and bi- tests, another set of instructions was S a i d t h e S p i d e r . . . Levinson, Sam Beber, M. D. Brod- mon, Mrs, Sam Theodore and Mrs. that they could more capably carry gotry. Undoubtedly great numbers of sent to the consuls. It left the situa- Berlin.—The Berlin administration key, Rabbi David A. Goldstein, Rab- Dave Brodkey will take part; & New York.—The musical embargo on Germany • which has: been in force out the heritage of their people. Wil- non-Jewish as well as Jewish profes- tion practically unchanged. Thus the of the famous Leipzig fair which bi Uri Miller, Rabbi N. Feldman. group of violin selections by Thelma several months on account of the liam Wolfe, president of the Round sional men, scholars, teachers and ar- cause of the German refugees found opens March 4, issued a statement Rabbi Frederick Cohn, Rabbi David Gaspar; an address by Mrs. Felix Nazi ban on Jewish artists, was up- Table, presided and told of the aims tist3 ruthlessly ejected from positions Itself in. a dead-end street of diplo- reassuring all Jews and foreigners H. Wice, and Dr. Philip Sher. The Levey of Chicago, nation ally-known that they need, have no fear in at- name of Dr. Sher was inadvertently Hadassah member, Mrs. T. A. Tully held by . yehudi , Menuhin, violinist, of the organization. . About 450 at- earned by genuine merit and. labor, matic bafflement. and her committee will serve tea. have been denied not only the oppor- They then sought the aid of the De-tending; the fair. tended. , i . i omitted from the previous list. who refused .to jplay. in Germany. "Omaha's Outstanding Jewish Citizen," an award made annually by the Phi Beta Epsilon fraternity, will be chosen by the' members of the committee on selection early next
Outstanding Liberal Election of Officers and Brief Reports Next Forum Speaker By President and Heads of
Affiliated Organizations
To Vote on Sunday Kosher Meat Sales
••' ••-'•-'.'•'}'•'•-"- ^^T^^-f^T^
Air Nazi Propaganda In Report to Congress
lowing committees to serve for the ensuing term: Finance: Louiq H. Katelman, chairman; Charles Saltzman, Sam Bubb, Sam Lincoln, iaxa Sam Shyken. Membership: Dr. Julius M. Moskovitz, chairman Ben Seldin, Louis Bernstein, Sam Meyerson, and Louis Katelman. Intellectual Advancement: Nathan Gilinsky, chairman; Albert Fox, Leo Fitch, Herman Meyerson, and Max Steinberg. Social Service: Sam Steinberg, chairman; Sam Gross, and Simon Steinberg. Resolutions: O. Hochman, chairman, and Ben E. Kubby. Anti-Defamation: Harry Cherniss and Julius Rosenfeld, co-chairmen; and Dr. Isaac Sternhill, Sam Steinberg, and Louis Bernstein. Entertainment: Simon Steinberg, chairman; Joe Gotsdiner, Eeuben Brown, and Max Simon. Cleveland Orphan Home: Julius Rosenfeld, chairman; Sam Rosenthal, Max Cohen, and Herman Krasne. Denver Hospital: Sam Sacks, chairman. • •''•;•' -
Mouse Irnmigration Committee Tells of Attempt to Undermine : U. S. Qovernment / f I \) l: I
The Committee on Immigration and Naturalization filed 'with the House of Representatives a report on the unofficial investigation of Nazi propaganda activities i n the United States and recommended t h a t Con; gtesa take immediate action to projtect this country from attempts to permit foreign propaganda to gain a foothold here. ••-: .•-- ^-> ; ? •/: Bepresentative Samuel Dickstein; of New York, committee fchairman, stated that the report w a s prepared especially for members pf~: Congress to facilitate intelligent consideration: of a resolution which he h a s introduced and which calls for an official investigation of alien propaganda. Citing i n great detail the results obtained in the unofficial investigation, the report covers the following
directing them all into one channel of hatred, that is, hatred against the Jewish people." "Everything else is subordinated to this aim, and just as in Germany, where Hitler was able to seize power on the anti-Jewish racial issue, so in the United States does his group of adherents expect to become successful by, stressing, the anti-Semetic or anti-Jewish racial issue."
sway American public opinion in its favor is l>y way of sending into this country qualified men and women who enter the United States as students, lecturers, and teachers."
Daughters of Zion
At the last meeting of the Etetakvoh club, sponsored by Mrs. L. Neveleff, held at the home of Mrs. Charles Hermanson January 17, the following newly elected officers were installed: Mrs. . Charles Hermanson, president; Mrs. Louis Fellman, vice-president; Mrs. Myer Levy, secretary and reporter; Mrs. A. Brookstein, treasurer; Mrs. Morris Fisher, sergeantat-arms. The ticket sale for the benefit show to be given February 8 at the Circle Theatre is meeting-with splendid response, reports Mrs. M .Levy, chairman. All proceeds will g*> toward helping local Jewish needy. Many valuable door prizes were donated by local merchants. The drawing will be at 9 o'clock. Two star comics of radio, Jack Frieden and Hugo Pennington, will entertain. Hugo Pennington will do his famous "fan dance" at the 9 o'clock show. The membership drive of the club is in full swing. The losing side will give a "kid's party" for the winning side. The following were initiated at the last meeting: the Mesdames Leon Gross, Charles Zlotkin, and Phil Smith. Mrs. Louis Fellman was made chairman of a special entertainment committee to arrange for a club party quarterly. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, January 31, at the home of Mrs. Myer Levy, 2708 Noa-Qx 2<H3i street, Webster 4261. Anyone wishing information about the benefit show or about joining is asked to call her.
Mrs. I. Beber and Mrs. A. Shafton the following tree donaannounce tions: Mr. and Mrs. M. Bercovici, m honor of their daughter's marriage; Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Rothenberg, in honor of their daughter's marriage; Mrs. M. Brodkey, in honor of her son's wedding; Mrs. B. Himelbloom, in honor of her daughter's engagement; Mr. and Mrs. S. Riekes, in honor of the birth of twin grandchildren; Mrs. A. Wolf.
Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Jan. 26, 27 and 28.—Sachar Instil tute sponsored by Study Group Conservative Synagogue. Sunday, Jan. 28—Worker's Alliance, 8 p. m. Guest speaker. Monday, Jan. 29—«:30 p. m., Dinner preceding annual meeting; 8 p. m., annual meeting of Federation; 2 p. m., Council of Jewish women. Wednesday, Jan. 31—2 p. m., Senior Hadassah linen shower; 8 p. m., book review, "Hear Ye Sons," by Rabbi D. A. Goldstein. Thursday, Feb. 1—8 p. m., Junior Hadassah. Sunday, Feb. 4—6 p. m., First Annual banquet of the Vaad. Wednesday, Feb. 7—6:30 p. m., Medical advisory board of Center dinner. Thursday, Feb. 8—8 p. m., Junior Hadassah history class. Sunday, Feb. 11—10 a. m., Conservative Synagogue board meeting. Monday, Feb. 12—8 p. m., Book review, "Of Human Bondage," by Rabbi D. A. Goldstein. Tuesday, Feb. 13—8 p. m., Junior Vaad bridge. Wednesday, Feb. 14—8 p. m., Community forum presents "Bishop F . J. McConnelL Tuesday, Feb. 13—8 p. m., Junior Vaad bridge. Thursday, Feb. 15—8 p. m. Junior Hadassah. Sunday, Feb. 18—8 *p. m., Jr. Vaad lecture, presents Dr. Moses Jung. Wednesday, Feb. 21—6 p. m., Men's Club of Conservative Synagogue. Thursday, Feb. 22—8 p. m., Jr. Hadassah History class. Sunday, Feb. 25—8 p. m., Chesed Shel Ernes bridge.
Gov't Behind Activities Levl Memorial H o s p i t a l : Richard Pointing out that •undoubtedly the Gordon, c h a i r m a n . German government is behind the Publicity: S a m " Meyerson, c h a i r activities of Nazi agents in the Unit- man, and Clyde Kiasne. ed States, the report states that "the German government will v e r y Plans are under way for the George Nazis Number 85,000 promptly disavow any _ individual Washington ball which will be held on Local Nazi •' groups number be- caught doing illegal work in the Thursday night, February 22, at the tween 80,000 and 85,000, the report United States or engaged in spying Hotel Chieftain, under the auspices of states. One or two newspapers keep activities." ' the Council Bluffs Jewish Community. these members informed of official The three societies who are in charge Democracy Attacked messages. of all arrangements are the Senior In its concluding statement, the American vessels, the report chargHadassah. the Talmud Torah, and the ed, are "consciously or unconsciously" report says: "Democracy in the form B'nai Brith, and committees are alin which we had been accustomed to helping Hitler propaganda to gain a ready at work making plans to make foothold in the United States. Ameri- love and cherish has received a ter- this affair the outstanding event of phases: jolt by recent happenings in the season. Further announcement (1) The manner in which alien can vessels calling at German ports rific Europe. Examples like the Mussolini will employ "an unusually large number be Tnado later in The Jewish propaganda seeks to overthrow estabrevolution in Italy or the Hitler revlished constitutional principles of the of German seamen" while "American olution in Germany- are contagious Press. citizens are either unable to obtain United States. and throughout the world there has (2) How this propaganda seeks to employment on American boats or, been a cry for a strong man, a pow- Mrs. Louis Marcus left last week even if employed on American boats, integrate" itself in American public for Los Angeles and Santa Ana, Calmust in many instances be submis- erful man, a dictator, the man on ifornia, to visit with realtives for the and social life. " horseback. We in this country were (3) How this propaganda avails sive to discipline imposed upon them fortunate to escape any mass move- remainder of the winter. A. Z. A. 100 itself of other Fascist, radical, or rev- by their German superior officers or ment tending to the establishment of olutionary movements in the United naturalized German-Americans who a dictatorship. The Council Bluffs Chapter No. 7 of The A. Z. A. chapters in Omaha do not intend to continue as AmeriA. Z. A. will hold the installation are preparing for the M. V. A- A. States. feel it is our duty as members the of new and advisers at a convention and tournaments to be (4) The manner in which this pro- can citizens but use their citizenship of "We Congress to prevent the spread of meeting officers merely as a cloak to cover their loyto be held Sunday afternoon, held in Lincoln February 9, 10 paganda is financed. doctrines inimical to the welfare of Jan. 28, at 1:30 o'clock at the synaThe report relates that the begin- alty to their German rulers." individual and the safety of our gogue at 618 Mynster street. All mem- and 11. ning of the Nazi movement in this The Nazi movement, the report the To give their" entrants a send-off, In the words of Rep-* bers are urged to attend this meeting. country began in January, 1932, a charges, "seeks to penetrate into our commonwealth. the members of the Century chapter resentative Fish, the menace ia a real year before Hitler's assumption of life and make itself into a sort of one and our committee_, taking the atwill hold a smoker the night before power in Germany. A society of American movement." The leaders, it titude of seeking service to the coun- Louis Leibovitz of Pittsburgh, Pa., the representatives leave. "Friends of the Hitler Movement" is pointed out, are quick to take ad- try should be commended for its zeal. returned to his home following a Hy Jacobow and Nate Crounse are l was founded in New York by a man vantage of social and economic un- We feel that we would have been re- week's visit here at the home of his in charge of arrangements. mother. Airs. R!~Leibovitz. named Stolzenburg, with an. initial rest and uncertainty. miss in our duties had we permitted membership of 65, which later grew this menace to go unchecked." Link With Hitler Habonim Joseph" Solomonow, member of the to 110. At a meeting of the Habonim SunCreighura. University " debate squad, None of the members were citizens Indications that a connection exists took part in a. debate on the "Stabil- day, plans were made for a banquet of the United States. As the Hitler between American organizations and ization of Currency*' at a program be- for the basketball team. forces in Germany gained strength, the Hitler propaganda, were pointed The team plays the Talmud Torah fore the Omahf. Credit Men's Associahis followers in this country gained out by the committee in its report. tion last Thursday night at the Hotel today. They are now tied with the confidence. Paul Manger, according The report points out that there Fbntenelle. The- Creighton little Talmud Torah and the Milder Oils to the report, became the brain of is no doubt that some of the money BY P . B. K. Symphony orchcsjxa,- directed by Hen- for the lead in the Midget league. the Hitler movement and was the nsed in spreading Nazi propaganda The Habonim are requesting basundisputed leader of the Nazi group in this country is furnished by "Mis- Talmud Torah Banquet to Be Held ry Meude3son, also entertained at this guided Americans rather than from ketball and debate challenges. All in New York. : abroad, but that the'bulk erf their -Wednesday Evening at Synagogue members are urged to attend the /next Strong Arm Tactics. funds comes from sources which can The Council Bluffs Talmud Torah meeting Sunday morning at the B'nai Junior Pioneers : The report points out that it was be. traced to the German government society will give a banquet in celebraIsrael synagogue, 18th and Chicago, ton of Chamisho Oser B'shvat next Manger who first inaugurated the is clearly apparent. as many discussions will be settled. The first regular meeting of the "strong-arm" methods of trying to "We are fast approaching the con- Wednesday evening, January 31st, at intimidate the New'York press and dition of affairs which prevailed in 6:30 o'clock at the ChevratB'nai Yis- newly-organized Junior Pioneers was "particularly individuals who threat- the United States" during the period roel synagogue at 618 Mynster street. held Tuesday evening at the J. C. C. Officers elected during Mrs. Golened to expose the aims and purpos- preceding our entry into the World Reservations for the banquet, at 75 Plan to Attend es of the "embryo ' Nazi' movement. War when the German embassy in cents per plate, must be made before die Meyerson's short visit here inOne of these threats was received by Washington was a hotbed of propa- Monday with either Mr. O. Hochman, clude Sylvia Magzamin, president; Walter Winchell, according to the re- ganda seeking to embroil this coun- general chairman in charge of the af- Bertha Guss, financial secretary; port. This was in the fall of 1932, try upon the side of Germany and to fair, or Mrs. Abe Gilinsky, president Charney Soref, corresponding secreseveral months before Hitler's ap- make us enter the war against the of the Ladies Auxiliary ot the Talmud tary; and Ethel Stoller, Rose Kappointment to the German chancellor- Allies. It was also at that time that Torah society, who will*be in charge lan, Sis Katskee, Edith Epstein, exship on January 30, 1933.' propaganda was conducted in a sub- of serving the dinner. An interesting ecutive board members. Miss Lillian In February 1933, Heinz Span- tle manner seeking to reach Ameri- and appropriate program is being ar- Epstein is the sponsor of this group. Plans have been completed for a knoebel became the mouthpiece of the can public opinion by appeals to ranged, and everything is urged to Rush Tea to be given by the group Hitler government in this country, Americans, when as a matter of fact make their reservations promptly. at the home of the president, Miss the report charges. Spanknoebel took the only object and purpose of proManger's place and continued in ac- pagandists at that time was to cre- Sam Bosenthal Heads Agndas Achim Magzamin, on Sunday, February 4. Astive charge of Nazi work in this ate public sympathy in the United The Council Bluffs AgudasvAchim sisting Miss Magzamin as hostesses ociety held election of officers last will * be Marion Lieb, Goldie Fish, country until he was-indicted by a States for the German cause. grand jury in New .Yorkj - and now "We find something similar at the Thursday night at the-Eagles hall. Sylvia Parilman. is a fugitive from justice, present time by German propagand- Mr. Sam Rosenthal .was elected presi- Other committees appointed to The eventual aim and purpose is to ists seeking to create distrust in the dent, to succeed Mr. Charles. Saltz- carry on activities are: Membership establish a dictatorship. Because Nazi United States of our foreign Allies, man. Other• officers chosen were: committee, Miss Mary Kaplan, chairLeaders realize that a dictatorship and particularly seeking to enflame Reuben Brown, vice president; Her- man; Bee Burnstein, Goldie Fish; encannot be established immediately, American public opinion against man Handler, secretary; Herman tertainment committee, Edith Epstein, M^yerson, treasurer;; Joe Passer, chairman; Ellen Stoller, Sis Katskee. "they therefore concentrate their ef- France." guardian; and Messrs. Sam Gross, Representatives to the Round Table forts in promoting racial antagonism Suspicious Conditions Harry Cohen, and Max Shostak, as are Sylvia Parilman and Goldie Fish. among the different national groups in the United States and particularly "It seems rather suspicious to find trustees. The new officers ,wjll be in- Numstous affairs are being planned that magazines and other publica- ;talled at the next meeting which will by this active group. Meetings will tions in the United States which for ba held n?xt Thursday evening, Feb- be fceld ac the J. C C. every other Cantor Pinchik many years were on the verge of ruary first, at 8:30 o'clock at the Tuesday. and unable to maintain Eagles ball. to Give Concert bankruptcy New York, J.T.A.)—Rabbi EHas themselves should suddenly become The Councl Bluffs Lodge No. 688 of Simpson of Temple Zenach Zedek, very affluent and indulge in public Cantor P. Pinchik has been enof Hitlerism and paens the Independent Order of the B'nai Brooklyn, braved.4 flames and suffogaged to give a concert; of songs at panegyrics of praise of the German Govern- Brith held a large meeting Monday cating smoke ' to rescue the Hol\ the K. of C. building Sunday eve- ment,' the report night at the Eagles hall. Mr. Nathan Scrolls endangered by a fire which states. ning, February 18. -He will be reNogg, president, announced the. fol- broke out in the! synagogue. "The most efficient way in which membered by Omahans for his conthe Hitler government intends to cert here two years ago. Cantor Pinchik is now touring the country under the management of Binstein and Lipman the Chicago Concert Bureau.
Council Bluffs News
A.Z.A.1 Plans are being made for a sendoff smoker for the basket ball team, debaters and orators of A. Z. A. No. 1 who will participate in the district tournament. The committee in charge consists of Ernie Nogg, Hy Green, Art Weiner, and Jay Adler. The following chairmen of committees were appointed at an executive meeting: Ben Shrier, cultural; Jack Temin, athletic; Massie Baum, social; Israel Bercovici, social service; Ernie Priesman, religious; Louis Riklin, finance; Art Weiner, Kibitzer staff.
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tke Roosevelt Birthday Party, January 30th
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According to a dispatch received here, Dan Shamberg, 16-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Barney Shamberg, of Hutchinson, Kansas, is unusually active in Hutchinson Boy Scout work. The Shambergs are former Nebras' kans having lived in Fremont. " Dan commands division No. 1 of the Hutchinson troop. Joining the troop in 1929, he became senior patrol leader in 1931 and was awarded the Eagle Scout badge last summer,
To effect a saving for those "who' wish to buy their kosher meat on a "cash,and carry" basis, the Binstein and Lipman Meat Market, 1629 No. 24th s t re e t, announces new' low prices. Though the prices on meats on "cash and carry" have been cut, the Binstein and Lipman market guar antees the same quality meata as : before. .
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One Full Year's Terror
quietude and apprehension has been heightened. A nervous twitter is Men's Club of heard in the chancellories. Whil< Vaad Organized France and the Soviet Union were a The organization meeting of the first buuoyed .by the possibility tha Vaad Men's Club was held Thursthe Nazi regime would be of short day January 18, at the B'nai duration, this expectation . has been Israelevening Synagogue. Dinner was served blasted. There is not the faintest by the Ladies Auxiliary. chance of an early overthrow of Hit The speaker of the evening was lerism in the Reich. The regime dis Dr. Victor Levine who spoke on poses of a repressional apparatu "Jewish Contributions to Medicine." without parallel in the world's his Short talks were held by N. Levinson, tory. For the unarmed working class Ephraim Marks, I. Morgenstern, L. to start a revolt DOW, would be tan Epstein and Joe Tretiak. Ben Kaztamount to flying into the teeth o: lowsky was chairman, of the busiself-destruction. The regime would ness meeting and Harry Mendelson like nothing better than an armed was chairman of the program. New officers elected were M. Buruprising at the present moment only to p r o v e its unchallengable stein, president; Harry Segall, vice president; Sidney Katelman, secrepower. . .. . . . tary; and William Milder, treasurer. Yet we also know that Fascism is Plans were discussed for the forthnot the last word of history. We coming meetings to take "place each know that t i e "bloody imposter who month on the evening of the third stands at the head of the German Thursday. Mrs. Belmont accompanied government at. the present time _wil by Margaret Hurwitz sang several go down with his whole regime in an selections. orgy of blood and destruction. But that time is not yet Later, when the mounting destitution of the German arms. Germany says in effect to proletariat and the increasing misery France: ''Give us the right to reof the lower middle classes will have arm. We are not arming against reached a point where nothing but you. We will crush Bolshevism in the sheerest economic chaos has re- Russia, as we have brought it to a sulted, the Hitler regime will stake ;tandstni in the Eeich. We will bring ts all on a last desperate gamble, back prosperity to the .whole of Euthe -gamble of a-war of conquest rope. You need not contribute a sinagainst the Soviet Union, in the hope gle soldier. We will do the fighting. of wresting the markets of the Uk- And all your steel-ovens and blastraine, White Russia and the Baltic ing furnaces will be working at topwhen you allow us to settle States away from their present con- speed, civilization's account with Asiatic trollers and set again in motion the barbarism." wheels of German industry. To this end, the Hitler regime is even now There is the secret of Hitler's ambending every effort. Its plea for a bition: Bring back prosperity through holy alliance with France against flood and fire and destruction- Will Russia have fallen on deaf ears with France accept his offer? Will Britthe present French government. But ain, where Fascism is slowly but who can tell when Ttardieu and La- surely making headway, stand aside val will step into the place of Her- when Herr Hitler and his associates riot and Chautemps? The secret em- finally are ready to carry this prossaries of the Hitler regime have gram into action? been rebuffed three times in Paris. We know they won't To the reacBut Tardieu has openly expressed tionaries of this world, Hitlerism that he will welcome them with open and its projects are irresistible.
A Picture of What Nmism Has Done to Civi> ion By Pierre Van Paassen , January 30 marks'the first anniversary of Adolf Hitler's elevation to the chancellorship of Germany and the beginning of the Nazi reign of terror. What the first twelve months of Hitlerite rule have meant to Ger. many and to world peace is brilliantly ^analyzed by Mr. Van Paassen, famoos non-Jewish journalist and European correspondent.—The Editor.
shock troops crush, torture, murder ishly—in a. world growing more and or drive into exile every sincere pac- more listless — l j unleash the most ifist, in order that the field "might gruesome calamity of all times—a be clear for the methodical elabora- European war, which will be a world tion of their diabolical plan: to re- war, to be fought with unimaginable vive Prussian militarism and conquer efficient instruments of destruction. new markets by the sword. Today I had nourished a secret hope that they have a clear path before them. the rise of Nazi-ism in Germany All opposition" has been swept aside. would' have served as a means to All criticism at home is squelched. bring some measure of cohesion in The Hitler regime is slowly and life in America and a moral As the days of the Fascist regime methodically changing the mentality Jewish unity in world Jewry. For if the in Germany lengthened into -weeks of the German people. Ten years are Hitler terror has not this effect, what and thereafter into months and even required, Hitler has said, for the then will? For what else, for what now the first anniversary of the col- German people to find its soul. Long lapse of democratic government in before the ten years are over, at the new disaster are the Jewish people the Reich.has arrived, the danger is present rate of going, it will be seen waiting before making an end of the growing constantly that the mind be- that by "soul," he means a perfectly terrible fragmentization in Jewish comes accustomed to the idea, of dic- equipped, highly-disciplined fighting life? What are they waiting for? Herr tatorship; to its brutalities, to its denial of freedom of printing, of speech, force, backed by a single-willed na- Doktor Goebbels speaking at Geneva of thought;'in short, to the legal ter- tion, for the two functioning as the a few months ago to the assembled ror which accompanies or follows the most formidable fighting machine journalists, was interrupted with a question: "You haven't spoken a word illlegal. The good, if any, which a the world ever saw. dictatorship accomplishes is thrust The Hitler program is becoming about the Jews?" To which he re-j into • the foreground for approval clearer all the time. To the outside plied: "Den Juden ist bisher noch; i while knowledge of the evil which world the impression is conveyed nichts geschehen!" still p e r s i s t s is prevented from that Germany is peacefully inclined "Kommt es noch?"-asked the inspreading by all the weapons of sup- and concerned with nothing else but terrupter again. . . • . pression of. which a successful dic- remedying her tottering economic "Gewiss, es kommt!'* replied the tatorship disposes. This is happening situation. The leaders of the regime little propaganda minister. now. We hear less and less of the have realized that a policy of hush- A year of Nazi-ism has convinced discrimination of the Nazi nationalist hush will serve them better than by me that the accession to power of government against the Jews and the throwing out flamboyant threats and Herr Hitler and his associates is but left-wing elements in Germany. It is statements at the rest of the world. the first round in a conflict that will no longer the "sensation" that it was It was duly noted in Berlin that Herr mark the century. Apart from the at the beginning. But that is only be- Hugenberg's declaration at the Lon- unutterable woe that the year has cause it is so successful; because it don economic conference about "con- brought to the Jewish community in is a campaign of quiet, relentless quering land for the German plow in Germany and the terrible disillusionruin and starvation that is being the East" alarmed the powers and ment that it has produced in • the •waged; because it is a war that not stiffened resistance to their regime hearts of millions of forward-looking only affects a few famous men but abroad .So Herr Hugenberg was sim- persons, the Nazi regime has virtualmany thousands cf humble, innocent ply disavowed and the counsel of ly blasted mankind's hope of being people whose destitution and anguish Herr Goebbels came to prevail: soft relieved from the intolerable burdens - cannot /emerge. ftt :all, onto - the. .Ger- pedal on . the war-like preparation of armament. man press which is a kept or ser- and lull the world, to sleep with talk Everywhere the general staffs have vile press, and scarcely into the for- of. peace. It must be admitted that been put on their mettle. In every eign press owing to the difficulty of the new policy is highly successful. European country the sense of discollecting information of this land, Hitler has succeeded in • getting off the ; iapltiplicityL of .other subjects •which claim attention and the speed the front-pages of the newspapers with "which we become accustomed and this has had for effect that there is a feeling of reassurance gaining NOW •-•_". to other people's misery. . I find that a certain •weariness, too, in the world on the subject of his ulLADIES'SOLES has set in among the liberals and timate intentions. "It can't be so terthat the fight against Nazi-ism is rible," people begin to say, "because SEWED ON more and-more being left to the rev- nobody pays any-attention to the further evolution of the Brown Shirt olutionary working class elements who, in the main, see,clearer than dictatorship except insignificant Jew- WITH THE MAGIC TOUCH we do, because the Instinct of the ish papers, who are always screamOF A FAIRY .masses is seldom at fault, that Fas- ing about anti-Semitism and Jewcism in Germany not only robs them baiting, and who live by exploiting Since the introduction of the McKay Stitcher" hundreds of women of their hard-won victories but that anti-Jewish feeling." it ushers in an era of darkest med- But this time the Jewish papers, have .had soles sewed on. They at how easily it is done. iaevalism for the whole of Europe. who keep on shouting are unques- marvel Bring your shoes to the NATIONtionably right. Some day it will"'be AL for the finest work. Let us not be lulled to sleep. Let seen that their call to "fight Hitler" •us not be duped by Hitler's talk of should have been heeded. For Hitler NATIONAL peace. If Hitler is sincere in his de- means war. Against Hitler we should sire for peace, why are Karl von not hesitate to enter an alliance with SHOE REPAIR Ossietsky, the distinguished editor of the devil himself, so long as a check Die Weltbuehne, and Dr. Lehman- be administered to those brown ma119 South 16th Street Ruesbildt, another great pacifist and rauders of humanity, who are plota man of sixty-five years old, along ting, scheming and. working feverwith countless others, kept in chains in Spandau prison? If the German government is so anxious to see a new era of harmonious collaboration between the nations, why have her representatives in Geneva left no stone unturned to obtain' lists conAmerican and Kosher Style Lunches and Dinners taining the two million signatures of German citizens Which appear on the petition to the powers to push disarmament? These petitions were sent during the Bruening administration. Let us not relax our vigilance one minute, for this titanic evil that has overwhelmed Germany, this so-called GEFILTE FISH SOUPS CHICKENS xevolution which is headed by Junkers and generals and financed by steel trust magnates and armament manufacturers, carries in its bosom the germs of incalculable woe and PEAXE misery for the whole of humanity. MAKT BOOMS Let us only bear in mind Rosenberg's FOB STKUf, GROUP words: "We (the Nazis) are preparMANAGER PABTIES 2406 Farnam ed to plunge back into the middle ages and wade through rivers of blood rather than have the spirit of internationalism gam further headway among the peoples." The interest of the; real masters of Now Open for Business Germany requires that the spirit of internationalism and harmonious collaboration among the nations be swept aside. They have had their
that out of all claims paid in on« year, 6 per cent were on persons wha died during the first policy year and that 72i per cent of the deaths occurring were among those who had been insured for less than twenty years. Ordinarily it takes about 29 years before the deposits on a life insurance policy, compounded at 3* per cent interest equals the matured value. These are interesting figures when you stop to think that 29 years of constant saving will only equal the face of the policy and that 72& per cent of the persons dying during one year had paid premiums on their insurance policies less than twenty years.
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THE JEWISH PRESS Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by
THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Subscription Price, o n e y e a r - - - - - - - Advertising rates furnished o n application
Editorial Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building. Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center DAVID BLACKER . . . . Business and Managing Editor FRANK R. ACKERMAN • - Editor FANNIE KATELMAN - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent ANN PILL - - - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent Print Shop Address: 1307 Howard Street
When Rabbi Diman came from the land of Israel he said that there they Two of the last of the "old guard" say: "A word is worth a sela (a dolof European scholars of the Hebrew lar) and silence two." Union College are soon to retire, ac- Eabbi Samuel Ben Martha said: cording to reports; Dr. Buttenweiser "The study of the Torah is more imand Dr. Lauterbach. portant than the building of the TemThe faculty of the Reform school ple." (Because it is 18G5 years since will now be, I believe, a totally home the destruction of the Temple and By DAVID SCHWARTZ grown product. There were giants in the Jews not only survived but also those days—when Deutsch and Neu- increased in large numbers, so we mark and Kohler and other celebrat- now have about 16 million Jews the TEXAS AND PALESTINE ed European scholars graced the fac- world over. But if the Jews would It is a long way from Oklahoma ulty of the H. U. C. quit studying the Torah, the Jewish and Texas to Palestine. The places It is to be hoped that the same race would be a thing of the past seem to have nothing particular in standards will be maintained by the in less than a century.) common. American products. The charitable collectors would Yet when the full story of Palhide themselves when they saw Elaestine history is written some day, USSISHKIN IS SEVENTY zar, the man of Birtha, because they there will have to be at least a foot- World Jewry is now celebrating knew he would give away everything note about the part played by OklaNazi Germany does not have the money to pay its creditors, the 70th birthday of Ussishldn. To and Texas. And even more me the most dramatic episode in the he had. One day he went out into the not even enough to pay the interest, is the story told to the people homa strangely, the story will hark back generally dramatic life of this great market to buy the wedding outfit for who lent huge sums to Germany. to the oil wells of Oklahoma and Zionist was his speech at the Peace his daughter's wedding. The collectors of the charity observed him, and Simultaneously, more and more evidence is adduced to show Texas. Conference at Versailles. hid themselves. However, he pursued That speech, you may recall, was swiftly and said: "I cause you to that millions upon millions are being spent By the Nazis to spread SPEAKING OF WELLS their poisonous doctrines among other peoples. Added to the al- Before proceeding with our story, spoken in Hebrew. It was the first swear that you will tell me for what time since the days of the destrucready overflowing list which includes Switzerland, the United it will be necessary to do a little tion of Jerusalem, that the nations purpose ye are collecting." And they "We are collecting money States, Canada, Holland, Palestine, Roumania, Austria, the Neth- talking about oil wells. What have of the earth heard Hebrew spoken answered: for the wedding outfits of two oroil wells to do with Judaism—what officially. erlands, England, is the information this week that Nazi Germany have oil wells to do with Palestine? what was most characteristic phans who are about to be married." is spending ten million drachmas in Greece for Nazi propaganda. you ask. It is true that there is a of But Ussishkin was the fact that the He said: "I vow that they have prefgood deal mentioned in the Bible What the Nazis do in Germany is an internal affair, the Hit- about oil, but then it is always re- delivery of the speech was part of erence over my daughter." And he gave them everything he had, leaving lerites tell the world. No one, they say, has the right to interfere ferring to olive oil. When the psalm- the stubbornness which, it has been one zuz, for which he proceded to buy ist compares the peace that reigns said, is Ussishkin's most conspicuous some wheat, and deposited it in his with what goes on inside their country. brethren dwell together in uni- trait. storehouse. When the mother came, Simultaneously, Nazi agents and spies and agitators have when ty to the oil that ran down the beard The leaders of Jewry urged him she asked her daughter: "What did seeped into practically every large country in the world. Paid of Aaron, the analogy appears a lit- against Hebrew, Ussishkin refused father bring you?" And the daughter Nazi propagandists are interfering with the internal affairs of tle strange to our modern minds, and to be turned aside. It was translated, replied: "All that he brought he deanyway, he is referring to olive oiL as were the languages of the other posited in the storehouse." She then practically all countries. And even though some geologists minority groups, into French. went to the storehouse and tried to By such quirks does a Nazi mind operate. hold that Palestine soil does contain But the voice of Ussishkin ringing open the door. She noticed that the oil—as Oklahoma and Texas does— out in the language of the Hebrew wheat was piled up high and that the and some concessions have been prophets created a tremendous im- storehouse was so full that the wheat granted to explore for these oil wells pression—beyond the mere content of forced its way through the cracks in itill all that is still a matter more the words. It was a great moment. the walls so she could not open the Tel-Aviv, the all-Jewish city of Palestine, has the lowest inless of speculation. So why bring door. When her husband returned fant mortality rate in the country, -while Bethlehem has the high- or that up? you ask. the house of learning, she said GEMS of the BIBLE from est rate, according to the annual government report for 1932 of But I bring it up nevertheless, and to him: "Come and see what thy cremoreover, as I will sfiow those Oklathe Department of Health of Palestine. and TALMUD ator did for thee." Arriving at t i e and Texas oil wells have much The infant death rate for Tel-Aviv for that year was 69.03 homa storehouse Elazar said: "I vow that By O. O. DASHER to do with Palestine. all this wheat be devoted to the poor, while that of Bethlehem for the corresponding period was. 341.91, and thou hast but a share in it equal more than five times as high. The death rate in Jerusalem, which SOME OIL FACTS He who turneth away his ear from to the other poor." If yod speak to any of those who has a mixed population, was 117.30. The general infant mortality have been pursuing the trail for oil hearing the law, even bis prayer is rate for the entire country was 164 for Moslems; 141 for Chris- in our southwest, they will tell you an abomination. When the righteous exult, there is tians, and 65 for Jews. The trend of infant mortality rates for that if you dig for oil in Oklahoma great glory, but when the wicked NATIONAL you are apt to find your well, if the whole country is downward, the report states, having been there is a well there, at a depth of rise, men must be sought for. ACCESSORIES, Inc. reduced from 186 in 1928 to 153 in 1932. The latter rate is about five hundred feet. Texas has much He who causetb. his transgressions EVERYTHING the same sort of terrain as Okla- shall not prosper, but whoso confesthe same that England had in 1900, the report indicates. For the Auto homa and prospectors rightly conjes- seth and f orsaketh them shall obtain Interpreting the Tel-Aviv figures, the Hadassah headquarters tured, that beneath its sod too must mercy. 2051 Farnant AT. 5524 in America states t h a t a factor largely responsible for the low in- flow rivers of oil. They dug at one TALMUD fant death rate in that city is the extensive preventive health spot for fire hundred feet—at an- Silence is the cure of everything. for five hundred feet—but no welfare work conducted there through the Nathan and Lina other oil lame. Perhaps the oil lay deeper, Straus Health center, and particularly the work of the two Ha- but there was no drill which could dassah infant welfare clinics and three others maintained by the get below five hundred feet. Women's International Zionist Organization. Hadassah maintains That is—there wasn't for a long time. Then some ingenious mind contwenty-two such stations in various parts of the country as part trived to devise a digging machine HTMIE MILDER, Fres. of its extensive madical and health work for Palestine. that went 1,200 feet Into the soil— The general death rate per 1,000 for all of t h £ population was and oil gushers came forth in Texas 13TH AND NICHOLAS ST. such as Oklahoma had never seen.
week, when the proposed Moslem demonstration failed. Members of the Arab executive had set aside a day of emphatic protest against Jewish immigration into Palestine. They failed to attract any considerable number of Arabs and the sparsely-attended demonstrations passed off quietly. As an example of the growing Arab frame of mind, at Acre the Mufti, declaring that the coming of the Jews to Palestine was a danger to the Arab people in Palestine, surprisedly found himself interrupted by shouts of " l i e s ! Lies!" Left alone, the people of Palestine will live side by side harmoniously and develop the country for the benefit of all of the population.
The Week in Review A Communal Challenge The annual meeting of the Jewish Community Center and Welfare Federation next Monday evening, January 29, gives us an opportunity to pause in the routine of our communal work and take inventory of our endeavors, to see wherein we have made progress and wherein we have failed to advance with the growing needs. The communal and social horizon of the Jewish community is steadily expanding. As the task confronting the community becomes larger, so too does the responsibility upon the individual citizens become larger. The tendency, unfortunately, is in the opposite direction. The individual citizens feel that they have done their duty by electing capable officers, and t h a t these officers can carry the rest of the burden. The officers, however, are not elected to shoulder the rest of the burden—they are chosen to lead in the work, to be the directing genius, to serve as the generals in the war against social maladjustments and communal diseases. As generals, they have to be backed up by lieutenants, corporals, privates—the rest of the community must constitute the army in the battle being waged along the communal front. A feature of this year's Federation meeting will be a symposium on the Jewish Federation, its needs, its functions, and its future. This will be followed by an open forum. Everyone who has constructive criticism or suggestions for improvement should voice his ideas for good at the meeting. Every Jewish citizen who takes pride in his Jewish heritage and the good work being done by his Jewish community should take the first step in performing his duty to his community by attending the annual meeting. To function properly, the Jewish Federation must have the united support and co-operation of a united Jewish community, each member conscious of his responsibility to his fellow-men and willing to assume his just share in carrying out the communal •work imposed by the responsibility.
Anti-Defamation League "The anti-defamation league is vigilant while the general Jewish public is apathetic." In these words of Richard Gutstadt, national director of the B'nai Brith anti-defamation activities, spoken during his address Sunday evening at the Center, is to be found the key to the necessity of having a vigilance committee to safeguard, protect and look out for our rights. The Jewish people, despite centuries of suffering, persecution, and torture, are prone to be lulled into a sense of security—turning their heads aside to the warning signals of approaching danger. They know that justice is on their side and feel that somehow, by some chance justice will surely prevail. The German Jewry thought so, too, and found out their mistake too late. Agencies like the anti-defamation league of the B'nai Brith are taking care that the same serious mistake is not made in this country. "We do not believe that a single lie should go unchallenged. The Jewish people have nothing to fear from the truth but have everything to fear from malicious falsehoods." Gutstadt declared. The anti-defamation league is not making the mistake of letting prevarications of malice slip by because they are on the surface preposterous and absurd. A lie or falsehood, no matter how preposterous, will be believed by the mass of people if repeated often enough. And professional, paid agitators are ready to repeat calumnies and aspersions fostered under Nazi auspices. Talks like the one heard Sunday are not pleasant to hear, but they ring with truth, and in preparing for a battle nothing is more fortifying than to be armed with the full facts. The antidefamation league of the B'nai Brith is "galvanizing into action an intelligent Jewish opinion" in five hundred cities of the Unted States. They are aiding to build the Jewish future on "Jews who are alive, alive intellectually, spiritually and physically." Besides challenging in every instance misrepresentations about the Jewish people and protecting Jwry from attack, i t is doing noble educational work in letting the general public know what constitutes Jewish hope and purpose and aspiration it is a champion of American Israel.
Lowest Infant Death Rate
26 among- Moslems; 15 among: Christians and 9'among Jews. "The Jewish population," the report reads, "most of them being young immigrants, are healthy as a whole. The large number of attendances at clinics and admissions to'hospitals would appear to indicate an excessive amountof sickness. This is, however, not the case, but the fact of these attendances may be reflected in their comparative good health." « The incidence of malaria, once the scourge of Palestine, continues to decline rapidly. The report points out that malaria has been stamped out in all of the principal towns. Attendances at dispensaries throughout the country for treatment of this disease fell from 13,280 in 1923 to 2,984 in 1932.
His Real Master
THE MORAL TO THE TALE Now there are all sorts of morals to this tale—the most obvious one being—that though the Texas sod seems to contain less oil than Oklahoma, still, if you dig deep, you will strike richer oil fields than, the superficial digging in Oklahoma soil will reveaL There is a moral here— that a Bruce Barton is more suited to adorn than I. I still have not an swered the relation of this Texas oil business to Palestine. So let's get to that.
When in need of burning oils or burner service call JA. 2111-2112 Prompt Delivery Personal Service
DIGGING FOR WATER In Palestine, besides the few con-
When Herr Hitler first took his place as leader of the poli- cessionnaires, there is very little digtics of Germany, it was pointed out that he must have been put ging for oil. But there is a great of digging for water. And for in power through the financial assistance of the punkers and the deal the simple reason that water is much industrialists. The previous chancellors had taken a position that more important for Palestine than the welfare of the German nation lay in alleviating the suffering oil. Palestine is a small land and of ^the great masses. With t h e financial backing the real dictator great part of it lacks water. So, from the time of Abraham and of the National Socialist dictator, it was a simple matter for the probably long before that, digging Nazi head to promise everything under the sun to the German for water in Palestine has been one of the important things. But despifc laboring masses. In desperation and misery they believed him. the most persistent digging, the efThe smashing of the labor unions was their first disillusion fort in many parts of Palestine proment. But the final proof of who was behind Hitler's rise t duced no results. Then, someone thought of the expower was revealed in the new labor law promulgated last week perience the Texas oil drillers, It crushes organized labor. It eliminates the old system of collec- and one ofof the Texas machines that tive bargaining and is replaced by an employers and employees goes down as deep as 1,200 feet was organization based on the supreme authority and personal respon- imported into Palestine. lo, land which had been given sibility of the employer. Every employer will be able to fix wage, upAnd as hopeless for cultivation because so as to safeguard the profits of his concern. The law eliminates of its dryness, has been found to all the typically social institutions organized under the Republic. contain water, if you dig as deep as And as a first taste of what the law means, the shoe industry an- 1,200 feet. The Arab Masses Experts are now of the opinion inIn a local interview this week, Charles H. Plattenburg, non- nounced a twenty per cent reduction of wages shortly after th deed, that there is no land in Palestine which at that depth will not reJewish world traveler and lecturer, stated that during a visit to new law was released. veal water. Palestine he had spoken with a number of Jews, Moslems and A great problem has been solved. Christians, and had learned from them that the masses in the They Say,,. So while we remember the contrit of the Jews of Oklahoma and Holy Land have no quarrel with their brethren of other denom"If Germany were to take over the Mandate for Palestine butions Texas to the Keren Hayesod, let us inations and that if it were not for the politicians in the country in exchange for the colonies that were taken from her in the War. also remember the debt we owe to there would be no friction between the various groups of inhab- the local Arab population; as well as the German colonists in Pal- the oil prospectors of the southwest. itants. Mrs. Goldie Myerson, Jewish Pioneer Woman leader from estine, would undoubtedly be pleased, while the Jews too woul GIRLS MAKE GOOD Palestine, in an interview over a local radio station January 13, in the course of time calm down." Der Stuermer) notorious anti Former scribes — particularly the declared that the anti-Jewish feeling in Palestine is aroused by the Semitic newspaper in Germany. girls—of the ".nglo-Jewish field seem ; to be getting ahead in the general rich Arab landowners who fear that the continued development non-Jewish world. of the Holy Land will free the Moslem masses, raise their stand"Jews are disliked because they are a small minority and be There is Betty Ross, who some ards and end the landowners' domination over them; and that for cause the "world is ruled by hate, not by love. Only when we ar< years ago was one of the most volthis reason they stir up agitation. The remarks in these two restored to the land of our fathers and the Jews are a nation uminous writers for the Englishpublications. She is now dointerviews coincide with those made by the many writers who among nations will anti-Semitism be no morei"—Judge Jaco Jewish ing a regular Sunday feature for the have authored papers on the subject. The general consensus Kalina, Seattle communal worker. Hearst papers. Of late she has been -. \\ : travelling about the world, interviewof opinion seems to be that the Jewish and Arab peoples in Palesing crowned heads, celebrities of diptine are very friendly, that most of the Arabs realize what the "None can deny that justice—not merely as an abstract idea, lomacy and arts and last of all—last Jews are doing for the country and for the Arab standard of liv- as an incarnation of deity, but as a moral command of supremely week—she married a London baring, and that the disturbances are created by a handful of agita- violent urgency—constitutes the moral and legislative, political rister. And Lillian Genn, who also did tors. We know that an organized minority can make "a lot of and religious fundament of Judaism."—Wassermann, who recently considerable scribbing for the Engnoise" and we know that the wealthy Moslem landowners do not died. lish-Jewish pr-ss now occupies one of the most important posts in the want the masses to advance, for the development of the Arab syndicate department of the Public masses means the end of effendi domination. - •: # _ • ' Ledger service. Mention The Jewish Press to Our Advertisers. Evidence of the veracity of this theory was furnished this
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This overcoat sale is more than a VALUE treat— it's a rare opportunity to anticipate your future needs. Such a low price will probably never again produce such overcoat values. Get yours!
B e l t B a c k Overcoats in all wanted colors and conservative w e a v e s .
Also California weight overcoats—not too light and not t o o h e a v y .
Fiftieth Wedding Anniversary for Albert Kaplans
Unusual Decorations Annual Dinner of for Dancing- Party Vaad February 4
On Program
Junior Hadassah Miss Ruth Slobodisky was chosen corresponding secretary of the Junior Hadassah at a meeting held last Thursday evening at the J. C. C. An important meeting will be held next Thursday evening, February 1, 8 p. m. at the J. C. C. Plans will be made for a "Brother-Sister" party to be held in February.
Elaborate and unusual decorations The second «,Tmim1 dinner of the •will transform the ballroom of the Vaad will be held Sunday evening, Romance and .adventure, blended Fontenelle Hotel into a ballroom as February 4th, at 6:30, at the Jewish with a half century of -wedded bEss, it might have been in the days of Community Center. At this meeting is to be found behind the announceAbraham Lincoln, for the dancing reports and greetings from all afment that Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kapparty that Mrs. Sol Novitsky's group filiated clubs including the synalan, 2215 Lake street, Trill celebrate of the Conservative Synagogue is gogues will be given. Election of their golden wedding anniversary giving on the eve of Lincoln's birth- commissioners for the Yaad will take next Wednesday, January 31. There day, Sunday, February 11. Pioneer Women win be "open house" at the Kaplan place. Mrs. Sam Theodore, in charge of A meeting of the Board of Gov- The monthly meeting of the Pioresidence Wednesday evening and all decorations, entertained her commitfriends are welcome. will be held this Tuesday eve- neer Women will be held Tuesday, APPROACHING MARRIAGE tee at a tea this week, when plans ernors SISTERS. IN DOUBLE The romance began in Marianpol, at 8 o'clock in order to nom- February 6, at 2 p. m. at the J. C. C. OF PAULINE SALTZSTEIN were completed for the affair. The ning ELOPEMENT Lithuania, where the Kaplans knew inate commissioners for the election. Rabbi D. A. Goldstein will speak. AND MILTON ABRAHAMS following attended: the Mesdames A. The new members will be installed. The Misses Ruth and Bertha Mar- each other as children. When, fifty D. Frank, Leo Adler, Leon Fellman, Reservations for the annual dinner Following the business meeting, tea The marriage of Miss Pauline golin, danghters of Mr. and Mrs. "years and seven months ago, Mr. Phineas Wintroub, Maynard Green- will be limited by the capacity of -the •will be served. Saltzstein of Milwaukee, "Wis., to Louis J. Margolin, eloped last Sat- Kaplan found that his future wife berg, Sam Zlotky, Sam Stern, Sam banquet hall of the Jewish CommunMr. Milton E. Abrahams, son of Mr. urday to Lincoln and were married was leaving for. America, he, too, ity Center, to 350. Members are Green. and Mrs. Edward Abrahams of this in a double ceremony, Ruth marry- packed up and came to the land of therefore requested to make reservaMany novel surprises are in store .city, "will be solemnized in Milwaukee ing Joseph Bernstein and Bertha promise on the same ship. The future tions by calling Mrs. Sam Ban, Ha. for the more than 200 couples exSaturday, February 3, at 6:15 p. m. marrying Abe D. Winer, all of Mrs. Kaplan had relatives in Daven0394, Mrs. A. Schwaczkin, AT. 5534, pected to atend. ; port, la., so she went there. And so Because of the recent death of Omaha. or Mrs. T. Tully, Ha, 7248, immeThelma Gaspar Al Finkel, known professionally as Miss Saltzstein's mother, the -wed- Plans had been made for a big did Mr. Kaplan. One half a century diately. The charge is 75c per plate. ding will at the home of wedding, and the family was Tin- ago, on Chami&ha Oser B'Shevat, Above is shown Miss Thelma Gas- Austin Bevans, and his orchestra, An interesting program is also bewill play. A feature will be a prize her uncle, Mr. A. L. Saltzstein. Only aware of the elopement plans. par, violinist who has won several (they were married. ing planned. Omaha's M«st Beautiful Tavern members of the immediate families Rabbi Harry Jolt of Lincoln per-j It "was three years later, in 1887,musical honors and who will be fea- waltz. Another diversion will be the card •will be present. A number of Oma-, "ormed the ceremonies. The couples that the Kaplans moved to Omaha, tured on the program of the annual 3927 FARNAM ST. hans will attend. spent the week-end in Lincoln, where At that time, though the po]rulation Hadassah linen shower at the J. C room for those who do not dance. Co-chairmen are Mrs. Jack Bramson Wednesday afternoon, January 31. Miss Saltzstein is a graduate of they were entertained by Mr. and of the city was in the neighborhood and Mrs. Sam Green. the Wisconsin State Teachers col- Mrs. Max Mosher and Mr, and Mrs. of 25,000, there was just a handful Dare and Bob Smith Invite Ton A concert and Russian tea party lege and was formerly supervisor of Max Platt. 'of Jewish residents, "just enough for TO E5TER UJ to Enjoy an Evening will be given by the Ladies' Labor art in the Sheboygan High sdiool. A reception in honor of the newly-:a minyan." Mr. Kaplan relates how OF NEBRASKA Snack in the Lyceum club on Sunday evening, The young couple will be at home weds will be held a,t the Margolin the Jewish people were just begin- Miss Shirley Barish, who is being in Omaha by the end of February. home, 505 South 53rd street, on Sun- ,ning to migrate to this section. Most graduated from Central High school January 28, at 8 p.m. at the Labor Cozy Oriental Room day, February 4. of them at that time lived around this evening, will leave Sunday for Lyceum, 22nd and Clark streets. Observing Child Labor Day, the Capitol avenue, from Tenth to Thir- Lincoln, Neb., where she is enrolling FELLMAN-RUBENSTEIN Omaha Council of Jewish Women An interesting and entertaining teenth, and -also on South Tentfi. FORMER OMAHA GIRL ENGAGEMENT as a freshman in the University of will have Miss Lillian Johnson, ex- program has been arranged, and Hie Tasty Sandwiches and Your Since coming to Omaha, Mr. KapENGAGED TO WED Mr. and Mrs. L. Rubenstein anNebraska. ecutive secretary of the Child Welgeneral public has been invited to atFavorite Beer on Tap nounce the engagement of t h e i r Mr. D. S. Finkenstein, formerly of Ian has been a colorful figure in fare Association of Omaha, as speak- tend. Admission for the affair will Omaha and now of Los Angeles," an-' Jewidi affairs. He helped in the carHEADS SORORITY daughter, Bess, to Mr. Charles L. er at their meeting Monday, January be twenty-five cents. Fellman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Samn o u n c e s the engagement of his ing for the immigrants in tiioseearly Miss Jean Beber, daughter of Mr. 29, at 2:30 p.m. at the J. C. C. Miss daughter, Helen, to Theodore M. ;days and was active in synagpgual and Mrs. I. Beber, has been elected Johnson, who is former director of Fellman. j and organizational work. He was thepresident of the Kappa Tau sorority the state welfare association, will Announcement of the engagement Brostoff, of La Crescenta, Cal. Both Miss Finkenstein and Mr., vice-president of the first B'nai Is- of Central High school, succeeding speak on "Child Labor." was made Sunday at the Rubenstein home at a dinner for the immediate Brostoff attend the University of .rael synagogue at 12*h and Capitol Miss Shirley Fiedler. The annual A board meeting at one o'clock California at Los Angeles, where Mr. j avenue. He was esr>eeially active in election was held last week at the will families only. precede the afternoon program, Brostoff is affiliated with the Sig- Hebrew dub work. He was chairman home of Miss Frances Bordy. Mrs. Robert Glaxer, president, preof the Omaba Hebrew dub picnics ma Alpha Mu fraternity. Miss Sarah Sterling was elected siding at both sessions. . . . REITZER-SIMON No date has been set for the wed-tWity-eight times, and chairman of vice-president; Miss Lobby Fisher, Organization of the AmericanizaNUPTIALS the Hebrew club balls twenty-seven secretary; M i s s Gertrude Bloch, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Simon of this ding. times. He was chairman when Oma- treasurer, and Miss Colby Kohlberg, tion committee has been completed and four classes are being conducted. city announce the approaching marha Jewry celebrated the signing of historian. Mrs. Moe Katelman is in charge of riage of their daughter, Sarah, to BAR MITZVAH the Balfour Declaration with a mamA theater party is to be held in this work. Any Jewish woman interMr. Ben Reitzer of Chicago on Sun-AND RECEPTION moth rallv at the city auditorium. honor of the newly elected officers. ested in joining a class is asked to day afternoon, January 28. Rabbi Mr. and Mrs. Harry Slntzky an- Since 1920 Mr. Kaplan has held nounce the Bar Mitzvan of their son, political position, after being & city communicate wit3i her. Uri Miller will officiate. Samuel, Thursday morning, January salesman for 32 years. He "has been 25, at the B'nai Jacob synagogue. Ke-Im LINCOLN-KAPLAN m Democratic party for A reception in his honor wffl be,'**™ ENGAGEMENT 43 11 The Re-Im dub held a regular "Hear Ye Sons," by Irving Fine- meeting Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kaplan, 617 held at the Slutzky home, 2416 C a l d^- f a^ y o! n t e pastime of Mr. at the J. C. C Four new well street, Sunday, January 28, from man is to be the fourth book in South 32nd avenue, announce the enMrs. Kaplan is pinochle. Mr. Kaplan members were admitted: Joe Soskm, 2 to 5 p . m and from 7 to W p.m. Rabbi David A. Goldstein's series of Abe Cohen, 6 gagement of their daughter, Rose, to Fleishman and Har^ T S friends a £ coJally eight evening book reviews. This re- ry Schare. Jack Mr. Edward Lincoln of Ralston, Neb. Jacob S. Pearlstien adinvited, as no invitations have been view -will be given Wednesday eveNo definite date has been set forl s s o e a and eight ning, January 31, at 8:15 p.m. six tzuldrGn, All dressed the group. the wedding. grandchildren* Relating the story of Jewish youth, the author backgrounds his novel ANNOUNCE BIRTH "GAY NINETIES" •with the life, ceremonials and cusMr. and Mrs. Fred D. Brodkey an- BIRTHDAT SURPRISE COSTUME PARTY Relatives and friends surprised toms of Eastern Europe so that it nounce the birth of a son, January A "Gay Nineties" costume party Mrs. Joe Batt on Monday, January presents a vivid and realistic impresIs the next activity of the Junior 20, at the Immanuel hospital. 22, on the occasion of her birthday. sion of the period and place with Society of the Conservative Synawhich it deals. The book has had a OB Other Day»—7e gogue. The scene of this affair, which ENTERTAINS AT LUNCHEON WEEK'S VISIT tremendous sale and- l a s enjoyed SHXKTS—Fialahed, Se ewk is for members <if the. group, and Mrs. M. Seiner entertained for 16- • Mrs. Morris Jacobow i s spending -widespread~comment, "much of which their escorts, is the "Del Rie" onguests at a luncheon Thursday after- a -week with relatives, Mr. and Mrs.has been favorable, according to RabSaturday evening, February 3. noon honoring Mrs. William Novey Joe Garsick, In Des Homes, la. Shebi Goldstein. of Chicago. Mrs. Novey has bteen ex-(will also visit with friends in New- Tickets can be obtained at the dooT tensively entertained for the past ton, la. ON BUYING TRIP that evening, and season tickets are Mrs. Harold W. Brandt of the two weeks. still on sale at a nominal figure. 22IS F*BMAM AX 2815 Brandt Dress Shop-is now in New CONVALESCING AT HOME Mrs. Mose Yousem and Mrs. Irvin York on a buying trip and will be BIBTHDAY PARTY Jerome Gordon, son of Dr. and Levin are in charge. back in about 10 days. on bis Mrs. M. L Gordon, is now convalesHonoring Maurice Muc ^ eleventh birthday, M Mr. and Mrs. Ben-!cing at home,
Ladies Labor Lyceum
Council of Jewish Women
Next Book Review Wednesday Evening
^ *
g? S
THaii^a-fi gave a birthday par-" Book Sale at J. C. C. jamin ty for fifteen children on Sunday IN DES MOUSES January 21, Prizes were j Mrs. Max Kirshenbaum i s spendIs Still Being Held afternoon, won by Eleanor Radinowski and Al-| ing a -week with relatives and friends
in Des Moines, la., and Newton, la. The sale of popular books at bar-bert Lagman. gain prices at the Center-Council's « rental library at the J. C. C. is still continuing, according to an announceMake Sure If s.... ment this week by Mrs. Irvin Levin, chairman of the library committee of the Council of Jewish Women, sponsorers of the rental library for the benefit, of scholarship loans to girls PUMPERNICKEL BREAD Although more than two-thirds oi the books put on sale December 11 Ask for FORBES bread by name . . . FORBES studs for uexceOed have been sold, a great many bargains and popular favorites of a large variety are to be found in those OR UNSLICED... A T YOUR GROCER on sale, all selling for twenty anc OR DELICATESSEN twenty-five cents each. These sales are public and are open to everyone, as are all features and services of the library. A large number of popular books of all types, many of them fairly recent, and others always popular, Webster 6400 «U St are found in the rental section in which more than 300 books rent to anyone for only 3c per day. The library wishes to announce that among these, it now has two copies of that popular book, "Torch of life," in the rental section, so that there is tow no need for reservations in order to rent a copy.
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PAID IN SILVER—While armed police and factory detectives stand guard, employes of the Burgess Battery company, of Freeport, 111., are pictured being paid their wages in silver. Instead of the customary pay envelope, each employe received a little canvas bag containing silver coins.
"RIGHT DRESS"—Preparing for a military pageant to be held in connection with a birthday ball honoring President Roosevelt in New York City, these New York debutantes are photographed undergoing rigid army training at Governor's Island under the direction of Sergeant Jack Green. The "rookies" are, left to right, Ruth Palmer, Marian I. Dunstan, Jean Harder and Ethelyn Talbott.
LONG LIVE THE KING'-Selected to rule over the annual winter
™ Bl * PinCS ' C a l " t h l s * ^ T ' ' K shown ^ ^
snow man
' appropriately coronation
crov{ne<1 a t a
building was erected during the stormy regime of President Gerardo Machado.
CUBAN EXILE WELCOMED—Dr. Miguel Mariano Gomez, center (with glasses I, former mayor of Havana who was exiled during the regime of Gerardo Machado, is shown being welcomed back to the Cuban capital by friends and supporters. His return was made possible through the ascendency of Carlos Mendietta to the presidency of the island republic.
PAPOOSES HAVE OWN SHOW—Not to be outdone by the white babies, papooses of the Seminole Indian tribe held their own baby fhow at Miami, Fla. This photo shows Dr. John Harvey Kellogg, well-known health specialist, serving as chief judge for the show, aided by his two nurses, Mrs. H. P. Cowlev and Miss Anpie Estelle.
"DESTROYERS" OVER MIAMI—The second squadron of U. S. army bombers Is shown flying in formation over Miami, Fla. "During the grand finale of the sixth annual All-American air races, the planes,. each carrying 2,000 pounds of munitions, dropped their bombs on a miniature replica of Miami.
POMP LACKING AT WEDDING—Ludlow Whitaker Stevens, scion of a wealthy New York family, and his bride, the former Eleanor Gould, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jay Gould, of New York City, and granddaughter of the famous financier, the late Jay Gould, art pictured in New York following their marriage. The pomp and glamour usually marking a Gould wedding wc*» lacking at ceremony..
Conservative Auxiliary
Congregation of Israel Auxiliary
C-2 Club
Assisting the Study Group of the Conservative Synagogue, which is The C-2 Club held a regular bussponsoring- the Dr. A. L. Sachar Ininess meeting Tuesday evening, JanDue to the success that the Ladies' stitute this week-end, women of the uary 23. The honor guest of the eveAuxiliary of the Congregation of IsAuxiliary will join with members of ning was Dr. Victor E. Levine of the rael of South Omaha had in sponthe girls' group in conducting the "A race with the extraordinary soring their first card party Janu- Creighton University Medical school, genins of the Jewish people cannot Oneg Shabbos to be held Saturday Services at Temple; Israel this eve- ary 14, the Auxiliary has installed who spoke on "The Changes of the be killed," w: * the opinion expressed afternoon at the J. C. C. largest buying offices in the United ning, starting at 8 p. m-, will be con- a modern kitchen with new equip- World." Monday by Charles H. Plattenburg, Women who will assist at the tea Even in Manchukuo ducted by Rabi Frederick Cohn. Dr. ment .adjoining the auditorium of the world traveler and lecturer, who ap-tables will be the Mesdames Isadore . Harbin, Manchukuo.—The official States. Refreshments and dancing followed. peared, before the Ad-Sell this -week. Dansky, Jacob Blank, Arthur Mus- Manchukuo news agency stated that The council will have as its pur- Cohn's "sermon topic will be "Saadja synagogue a t 25th. and J streets. kin, Henry Belmont, Sam Rice, M. In an interview, Mr. Plattenburg the well-known German engineering pose the launching of an undertaking of Arabia, Pioneer of Jewish Scideclared that there will always be Brodkey, Irvin Levin, and Sam Stern. firm of Siemens Schuckert is with- for defensive action against Nazipro- ence." enough sane, rational people in this Dr. Sachar will speak during the drawing from Manchukuo and China paganda here and assistance to vic- Saturday morning Dr. Cohn speak on. "Short Cuts." country to withstand any attempts afternoon. as a result of the boycotting of Ger- tims of Nazi race hatred abroad. WITH OIL CHANGE to undermine American ideals and man goods by.Jewish firms. y One of the outstanding affairs of Not on Farms, Either instill doctrines of racial hate. Greasing Most, of the ^ieniens* firm reprethe ~ Hadassah season was the card "Jealousy" was the only explanaDX Motor Fuel sentatives in the Far East were Jews Berlin.—The hope of readjusting The first board meeting of the party of the Hadassah School Lunchtion that Plattenburg could give to newly-elected administration -was who refused to continue handling the Germaa Jews as agricultural 100% Penn. Oil Services will begin this evening at eon Fund committee held Wednesday account for the Nazi persecution of held January 22nd. The following German goods. - . workers in Germany will never ma- 8 p. m. The choir, led by Mr. Harry evening, January 17, at the J. C. C. ; A Convenient Downtown Station German Jewry. This traveler, who committee chairmen were appointed: terialize; Dr. Robert Ley, leader of Braviroff and Cantor E. Sellz, will auditorium. Over 500 attended. has explored every nook of the world the German Labor Front, declared in participate in the services. Mrs. J. Rosenberg, cultural; Mrs. The Test stated that "only jealousy of the Sidney an appeal issued to. the German na- After the service, Dr. A. L. Sa- Mrs. J. Blank was chairman of Katleinan, ways and means; Berlin.—The Thuringian govern' greater ability and genius of the Mrs. T. Tully, Mrs. D. Epstein, ment ordered officials not to grant tion. ."._ char' will deliver the first lecture in this affair, and Mrs. David R. Co: Jewish population can account for membership; The appeal was issued in connecthe week-end. Institute. At the re- hen, co-chairman. Thirty-five beautiI. Fiedler, birth- naturalization papers until the appliBetween 14th & 15th on Capitol the Germans fearing a mere one per day; Mrs. SamMrs. tion with the proposed colonization quest of members of another congre- ful door prizes were given away, Ban, synagogue; Mrs. cant had undergone physical and contributed by local merchants. cent of the population." L. Epstein, Mrs. A. Schwaczkin, Mrs. mental tests and had obtained a cer- of German Jews on the Belgian fron- gation, the lecture will begin at ninft "Fascism," he thinks, "has reached Fish, hospitality; Mrs. Libby Kaplan, tificate of purity ^roraithe -racial de- tier in the Aachen district. o'clock, making it possible for those ^ its crest and from now on will de- motor corps; Mrs. Sam Epstein, reli: h<r attend other congregations to New Fascist Group cline. Only a people desperate could gious; Mrs. D. Epstein and Mrs. T. partment. -".• ; ;. come to. hear Dr. Sachar. For the grasp at this last straw- Now that Tully, community cooperation. program of -the Institute, please see; Formed in Britain Monticeflo Physicians the world has made the economic Mrs. Leon Mendelson resigned from the front page of this- issue of the London.—The United British Party, turn, fascism will gradually wane." the treasurership and Mrs. A. L. Blu- Condemn Nazi Policies Jewish Press. ; the third anti-Semitic Fascist group Monticello, N. Y.—Voicing protest Mr. Plattenburg believes that to- menthal was appointed treasurer. In order that the teachers may be to be formed in Great Britain, en! against mistreatment of Jewish medday the cause of persecution of the tered the political field with t i e pro- able to hear the Sachar lecture, Jews is due to "economic reasons" The second annual dinner of the- ical colleagues in Germany by the clamation of Captain Edward Ralph there will be no 'Sunday School sesas contrasted with the "religious rea- Vaad is to be held February 4. Re-Nazi government, the Sullivan Coun- Serocold Skeels its candidate in the sions Sunday morning. ty Medical Society, at its meeting A Coming Event. sons" prevalent in ancient days. He j serrations can be made by calling here, passed a unanimous resolution forthcoming parliamentary by-elecMrs. Sam Ban, Ha. 0394; Mrs. A. opines that the country which perOn Sunday evening, March 11, the tion ^ t Cambridge. secutes its Jewish citizens is thereby Schwaczkin, At 5534, or Mrs. T. condemning such action. Torah given by the children of the The new party, in its program, de- late Cha'tn Michel Gross will be dedheading backward commercially and Tully, Ha 7248. The price is 75 cents The society decided to boycott all doing harm to itself. "The Jewish per plate and the meeting will be German-made drugs and prepara- nies antagonism toward any.religion, icated. This celebration, known as tions. The meeting was well-at- but declared its adherence to British Siyum Ha'Sefer, will be one of the people," he declared, "do not die be-held at the J. C. C. tradition and constitution as far as .great events of the year for Omaha tended. cause of persecution — on the conreligious freedom is concerned. Jewry. Please reserve this date. trary, the more they are persecuted, Attack in Poland the more they flourish." The Deep Rock team, who were Warsaw.—-A vigorous attack on Palestine Entries He recently visited in Palestine. Jerusalem.—Three thousand nine tied for third place in the Senior Polish Jewish artisans was made in He declares that the Jewish, Arab and Moslem masses would get along loop, upset the formerly undefeated the Polish Sejm by the Endek depu- hundred and thirty-eight immigrants Regular services will be held this splendidly there were it not for the Psi Mu quint last Thursday by the ty, Pietrydd, who declared that Po- entered Palestine in the month of Nointerference of politicians. He laid score ol 37-33. Pep Bogdanoff was lish Jews have overcrowded the ranks vember, the government announced. Friday at the B'nai Israel synagogue Of the total 3,837 were Jews and in- 18th and Chicago, Rabbi Uri Miller the blame to a great extent on the the whole offensive of the Deep of the artisans. He stated that fif tyfoui per cent of Polish artisans are cluded 538 who entered, nnder the and Cantor A. Schwaczkin officiatrich Arab landlords who stir up agi- Rocks, scoring 17 points. The cantor will be assisted by tation because they fear the emanci- The Xi Lambdas forged into a tie Jews as compared with forty-eight capitalist classification. They were ing. the B'nai Israel choir. accompanied by 628 dependents. pation of the Moslem masses will for first place with the Psi Mus byper cent in previous years. The Endefeating the Marks Market, 25 to 13 dek party, National Democrats, is . Immigrants who enter Palestine un- The subject of Rabbi Miller's serbring their long rule to an end. in a postponed game. Franklin and the highly nationalistic and anti- der the capitalist ruling must bring mon will be "The Jewish Welfare Community Center Grossman starred for the winners Semitic political party, now in op- with them a capital of 1,000 pounds. Federation and **Opens English Market" 1 and Analysis. * This will be a disby scoring 19 points between them. position to the Pflsudsld regime. London.—The New York corresponcussion of the various aspects of Other league- games found the The discussion in parliament arose Origin of AH Germans dent for The Daily Express here has work done by the local Federation in a recent dispatch communicates Wardrobe winning its first game of over the government draft of ihe To Be Recorded :i and an appraisal of that work. The the message that "the recent whis- the season by troucing the Marks new artisan law yhich provides for Berlin. — Compulsory registration regular after-service forum will be Market, 34 to 25. The Xi Lambda of the racial descent.of all German a united artisans association, includpering campaign activities of Jewish families, to be made in the near fu- held 9 o'clock in the assembly room. organizations in New York to force defeated the A..Z. A. No. 1, 23 to 9. ing the Jews. ture, was announced by German au- Next Friday evening the Vaad annia total boycott of German goods has thorities. Previous orders required versary service -will be held. At this A gala basketball day is being Merchandising Council opened to British manufacturers a r physical New York. .—^ A merchandising this registration only for state and service, a review of the past year's sudden and unexpected maiket op- planned by Grossman, ; director, i n - t h e future. This will council which will embrace 900 repre- municipal employees. accomplishments wiH be given. Adportunity." bring the highly touted Mozer Radio sentatives of merchants,.manufactur- This measure will enable authori- dresses will be given by various repteam from'XincoIn to play a picked e.-s and buying offices in this city is ties to determine the exact number resentatives of the affiliated groups J. C- C. team. The Mozers, who de-in progress of formation according of Jews and Aryans and will be en-of the Vaad, and the Ladies Auxiliary STORM SASH feated the Varsity team last year, to an announcement by Milton J. forced by a special law to be pro- will serve. refreshments after the Storm Door*—Combination Doors 42 to 40, will bring former high Greenebatnn, vice-president of Felix mulgated soon, the announcement services. All members of the Jewish school and college stars. They are Lilienthal and Company, one of tbs stated. Frse EitimatsJ " community are invited to attend. also in first place in the Lincoln MICKLIN LUMBER M . Y. M. C. A. league. Basketball fans JA 5000" ••mil and Nicholas •Will also have* a* chance to~see the J. C. C. girls varsity team in action and will also see one of the flashiest junior teams, ever to step' on the J court when the undefeated Mother's Cookies play in the preliminary Grey Iron, Alnminnm and game. . Bronze Castings All lovers of this sport should plan Wood and Metal Patterns ahead to* attend these basketball 2614 Martha S*. HA. 5523 games as they will have a chance to see real basketball talent.
Religious Services
Vaad Auxiliary
FREE forking AD Day
After school ihe children will be hungry. Lei them ham all the butter they want
*r-mm w ^
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Be Sure That ihe Butter You Buy Is
Good News! Entire Sample Line of the Famous
Best Result* GstYow* Cuts and
CIlGRflVinG CO. *omflHfl*
Theme Ctt.4626
The Menu Always ProvidesGood Foods of Unequaled Variety at Moderate Prices Eat at the
6maha foeve Repair Idcrfo 1206-5 Bcu&las dtrtel AT. 2524
*CraigHleigh" Goats. • a Salel
Paxton Mitchell Co.
The Health Club volleyballers lost their match to the Y. M. C. A. Health Club team last Tuesday by the scores" of 4-15; 15-12 and 6-14.
In These 4 Low-Priced Groups
The J....-C.-; C. girls; varsity team showed up to form again last Sun^ day as they defeated the Tel Jed Sokol Girls, 23 to 14. Ida Bousefield^ 6 foot 4 inch center, was high scorer of the evening, chalking up 14 points. Lee Grossman, coach, has lined up two tentative games with the Fremont Orioles and the Lincoln Sporting Goods Company.
Just 16 Coats, Originally to 69.75— A group of unusual winter coats . . . cleverly detailed and smartly tailored. Furred with luxurious beaver, raccoon, caracul and squirrel —;
The mighty -mites of the Midget league staged another series of exciting games last Friday when Coach Sol Dorinson's boys, Habonim, lost to the Milder Oils in an overtime peT riod, 8 to 7. In the other game the Talmud Torahs defeated the Taxis Midgets, coached by Ray Schapiro, 20-8. Any one interested in taking a workout in calisthenics, report to Lee Grossman every Sunday morning at 10:00. These workouts will consist of a few warmup exercises and a strenuous series of volleyball games. This will be topped off by a good dip in the pool which will bring back your sporting day memories. The undefeated Mother's Cookies quintet added another victim to its already, long list by trouncing the Thorpeians in a rough and tumble game to the tune of 25 to 9. Rubin and Kutler of the winners were high point men for the evening by scoring 9 and 8 points respectively. The Pants Store took a close game from the A. Z. A. No. 100, 18-17, which leaves them in second place. Yannolick of the. Pants Store team was high point man with 5.
AT. 1210
403 So. 15th St.
Just 10 Coats, Originally to 59.57 On the Darkest Winter Days
Sunlamp $22.50 Up
Have your own private sunshine when and where you wish! Turn it on when you're taking your exercises or when you're in the tub. You s e t your vitamin D and keep a Stmtan all winter long. It's grand for the children . . . helps to prevent colds and "flu." Several types and sizes of lamps now on display.
Sports coats with excellent quality furs. Strictly tailored lines, and beautiful workmanship mark these coats a s exceptional values —„ —_—
Just 14 Coats, Originally to $45— Novelty tweeds . . . the rough mannish type that is so practical,.. and so fashionable. Both fur and tailored trims in this group of coats
Makes a Quality Cleaner at LOW Price
Only $31.95 Here is an electric cleaner with powerful suction and a powerful motor. It has a detachable brush and i f s tighi . and easy to handle. General Electric Cleaner gets all of the deep-down dirt. You can pay $3 d o w n . . . $3 a month. (Small additional charge for payments).
Just 20 Coats, Originally to 29.75— Utter simplicity makes these untrimmed coats extremely smart . . . and marks them as "Craighleigh" coats. Regular and half sizes BRA3TDEIS—Second Floor
Phone for a Home Demonstration
Sioux City News
Mrs. Felix Levy to Appear on Program
SHOXWEHi, MONSKY, GRODINSKY & VANCE, Attorneys 737 Omaha National Bank Bid?.
Blake Bibliographia to Hebrew
Mixed Marriages
Salonica.—Mixed marriages becams possible here with the publication of New York.—A valuable and unique the new civil code permitting marBlake collection, comprising the col-riages between parties of different lected -work of the English poet, his religions. artistic designs, and the most important biographies on William Blake, Previous laws provided for relighas been presented to the Hebrew ious marriages only, and persons of University in Palestine by Abraham different faiths were unable to have , Geffen, a book dealer of New York religious ceremonies performed. City.
NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. , Mrs. Felix Levy of Chicago, wife the Matter of the Estate of SADIE of Rabbi Levy of Temple Emanuel of InMANN, Deceased. that city, will be the guest speaker at All persons interested in said estate are hereby notified that a petition has been the annual Senior Hadassah Linen filed in said Court alleging that said deShower which will be held next Tues- ceased died leaving ao last will and prayMX for administration upon her estate, day afternoon, January 30, in the ing and that a hearing will be had on said Jewish Community- Center." Mrs. petition before said court on the 17th day February, 1934, and that if they fail to Levy will stop in the city enroute of appear at said Court on the said 17th day FEADEXBCUG, STALMASTER & BEBEB, from her home to Omaha. of February, 1034, at 9 o'clock A. M., to Attorney!* contest said petition, the Court may grant 650 Omaha National Bank Bldg. The annual linen shower is an the same and grant administration of said SHOTWEXX, MON8fer, GRODINSKT & event which attracts to great many estate to Charles Mann or some other suitVANCE, and HARR1T B.-COHEN, /he sixth annual Palestinian Ba- Seventy members; of the Junior Ha- of Sioux City's Jewish women. Linens able person and proceed to a settlement NOTICE OF INCORPORATION Attorneys. thereof, OF zaar, sponsored by the National dassah chapter attended the annual of every description are brought to BRXCE CRAWFORD, 737 Omaha National Bank Bldr. COMMERCE AND INVESTMENT Workers Alliance and the Pioneer "Paid Up" party, Monday evening, in the shower "and sent to Palestine for l-2G-34-3t. • County Judge. CORPORATION Women's Club, will be held next the West hotel. Following a six o'-use in the hospitals there. Notice is hereby given that rre, the unBHOTWEIJ* MONSKY, GUODINSKY & Notice is hereby given that the under- dersigned, have associated ourselves toSunday, January 28, beginning at 4 clock dinner, a style show was staged, HARRY B. COHEN, signed have formed a corporation pursuant gether" for the purpose Mrs. Max Brodkey and Mrs. Abe VANCE, andAttorneys. of forming a corto the laws of the State of Nebraska. The poration to be known ag COMMERCE AND o'clock and lasting throughout the and bridge was played. Silverberg are co-chairmen in charge name of the corporatou ia OMAHA THE- INVESTMENT CORPORATION. 731 Omaha National Bank B i d e evening. The Bazaar will be held in Members who participated in the of the shower. ATRE OPERATING CORPORATION, begin business when the ArticlesItofshall InNotice is hereby given that the under- with its principal place of business in corporation are filed in the office of the the Jewish Community Center and style show were Dorothy Merlin, Eusij-neU have formed a corporation pursuant Omaha. Nebraska. The corporation shall Comity Clerk of Douglas County. Nebrasproceeds will go to the Geverkshaften dlce Stlllman, Connie Saitlln, Ann to the laws of the Stale of Nebraska. The have the power and authority to operate ka, and continue for a period of fifty name.of the corporation is TOWN THE- moving picture theatres as lessee, owner, years. The general nature of the business Campaign, toward the upbuilding of Raskin, Eva Orlikoff, Ruth Orlikoff, ATRE, INC., with its principal place of or otherwise, and/or present shows or shall be to carry on a general Investment Palestine. Ann Cohen, Ida Feldman, Seretta business in Omaha, Nebraska. The cor- performances of any character and to business. The cupital stock shall be $10,deal in and contract for moving 000.00 divided into 100 shares of the par poration shall have the power and auth- handle, films The Junior Hadassah chapter will Krigsten, FredeH Brodkey. as producer, distributor, exority to operate moving picture theatres picture of $100.00 each. The affairs of the hibitor or otherwise and to do any ai:d value assist by having a doll booth at the A mock wedding was presented by Miss Goldie Cohen of Chicago is as lessee, owner, or otherwise, and/or all shall be managed l>y a Board of other things necessary or proper in company Directors of not less than two members shows or performances of any the operation of theatres. Bazaar. Rose Finsod, Julia Bereskin, and Kate visiting in Sioux City at the home of present The corporation who shall from their number a Presand to. handle, deal in and conhave the power to handle real and ident, Viceelect The evening's entertainment will Kaplan. Caroline Raskin presented a Mr. and Mrs. Max Herzoff, enroute character Treasurer and Sectract for moving picture films as pro- shall personal properly. The corporaton shall retary. The President, annual meeting shall be held distributor, exhibitor or otherwise have the power to borrow money and isinclude a cafeteria supper, a musical dance number and piano solo. to California, where she will make ducer, on the first Monday in January of each and to do any and all other things neces- sue evidences of indebtedness therefor. program, booths of all descriptions: I t charge of the party were Mary her home. sary or proper in the operation of the- The total authorized capital stock ia ?25,- year. Special meetings may be called by corporation shall have tho 000.00, all common, par value ?100.00, to the President. These articles may be arid a" silver raffle. Greenbaum, Rose Reznick, Mary RosMiss Freda Albert, daughter of ntres. toThe handle real and personal prop- be fully paid wheii issued ana non-ns- nmended upon the affirmative vote of twoMr. S. Ratner and Mrs. S. Levine ofsky, and Sophie Raskin. Mr. and, Mrs. : Morris Albert, • will power erty. The corporation shall have the sessnble. The corporation shall commence thirds vote of the outstanding stock. are general chairmen of the affair. leave Saturday for Los Angeles, Cal- power to borrow money and issue evi- business when the Articles of Incorpora- In Witness Whereof, the parties have dences of indebtedness therefor. The tion ire filed with the County C'lert of hereunto set their hands this 12th day of Assisting are L. Shindier, H. Epifornia, where she will be married to total authorised capital stock is ?10,00O.<X), Dousias County, Nebraska, and continue December, 1032. stein, N. Maisel, M. Mason, Mrs. N. nil common, par value J10O.O0, to lie fully until November 1st, 1983. The highest Carl Weiner of that city. 1J. K. RYAN paid when issued and non-assessable. The amount of indebtedness shall not exceed Widesky, Mrs. D. Sperling H. MiroK. J. HOLDSBERG corporation shall commence business when two-thirds of its capital stock. The af- l-26-3-t-4t. Incorporators. witz, Mrs. Ruth Leaf, Mr., Max Kapof the corporation shall l»e adminisMiss Albert has been the inspira- the Articles of Incorporation are filed fairs the County Clerk of Douglas County, tered by a Koard of Directors consisting lan and Mr. D. Sperling. Mrs. S. "Our battles cannot be fought on tion for a number of parties during with Nebraska, and continue until January 1st, of not less than two nor more than five Ratner, Mrs. L. Shindier, and Mrs.the front pages of newspapers," said the past month, sharing honors with 19S3. The highest amount of indebtedness in. number. The stockholders shall elect not exeved two-thirds of its capital Directors nt the annual meeting to be held H. Mirowitz. speaker Philip Klutznik in an appeal Miss Rose Lipman, who will leave shall stock. The affairs of the corporation the second Monday in January of each to members of the B'nai Brith to help next month for New York to become shall be administered by a Board of Di- year. Thereafter the directors shall elect consisting of not less than two officers, viz.. President, Vice-President, carry on the ;work of the anti-defam- the bride of Stanley Carl of that rectors nor more than five in number. The stock- Secretnry and Treasurer. With the conin writing or pursuant to a vole of ation league at the annual banquet city. holders shall elect Directors at. the an- sent majority of the outstanding capital nual meeting to be held the second Mon- a Wednesday evening in the Communstock, the Boanl of Directors shall have Miss Albert and Miss Lipman were day in January of each year. Thereafter power to sell, lease, exchange, assign, ity Center. guests of honor at a dinner and the directors Khali elect officers, viz., Presi- the transfer, convey or otherwise dispose of Vice-President, Secretary and Treas- all or a substantial The first of seven book reviews to More than 200 members and their bridge party, Monday evening, given dent, part of the property, urer. With the consent in writing or pur- assets, effects and good will of the corbe given by Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz, wives attended the banquet at which by the members of the. Junior Hadas- suant to a vote of a majority of the out- poration for such n consideration as to standing capital stock, the Uoard of Di- the lioard of Directors may seem for the and to which the general public is in- the officers of the new administration sah chapter in the West Hotel. Fol- rectors shall have the power to sell, lease, best interests of the corporation. The Artivited, will be held next Monday eve- were installed. The new officers, who lowing the dinner, a style show was exchange, assign, transfer, convey or oth- cles may be nmended upon a vote of 00^1. ning, January 29, at-the Shaare Zion were installed by E. N. Grueskin, held, and bridge concluded the eve-erwise dispose of nil or a substantial part of the outstanding stock nt any regular of the property, assets, effects and good or special meeting. The corporation shall Synagogue. The book to be reviewed were: Milton Bolstein, president; ning^ entertainment. will of the corporation for such a con- have n seal. sideration r.s to the Board of Directors is "Anthony Adverse," and the re-Frank Margolin, vice-president; Lesmay seem for the best interests of (he view will begin promptly . at 8:30 ter Davidson, recording secretary; Dr. Members of the Debra Club met corporation. The Articles may be amended Dated at Omaha, Nebraska, this 13th Louis Dimsdale, corresponding secre- Monday evening in the home of Miss upon a vote of G0% of the outstanding day of January, 1034. o'clock. . stock nt any regular or special meeting. H. MARQUARDT, This will begin a series of review tary; Morris Skalovsky, treasurer; Rebecca Stillman. Four members of The corporation shall have a seal. A. URKENBERG. . which Rabbi Rabinowitz has planned and Ephraim Baron and Joe Givot, the club who will graduate from Cen- Dated at Omaha this 13th day of Jan- l-19-24-4t.
PILL, Correspondent
Society News
Salonica Chamber of Commerce Salonica. — Thirteen Jews were among the fifty new members elected by the Salonica Chamber of Commerce. OTUEM^, MONSKV, GRODINSKY <fc VAJSCE and HARRX B. COHEN Attorney* 737 Oir.r.ha National Bank Blflff, PUOBATE NOTICE In the Matter of the Estate of CHARLES F. .SL.INGEKI.AN1>, Deceased. Notice is hereby giveu that the creditor* of said deceased will meet the admlnistra* tor of said estate, before me. County Judge of Douglas County, Nebraska, at the County Court Room, iu said County, on the Urd day «f March, 1934, and on the 3rd day of May, 1B34, at V o'clock A. M., each day, for the purpose of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment and allowance. Three months are allowed lor the creditors to present their claims, from the 3rd dny of February, 1034. BRXCE CRAWFORD, l-12-54-3t. County Judge. FRADENBURG, STALMASTER &BEBEK, Attorneys 690 Omaha National Bank Bide, PROBATE NOTICE In the Matter of tbe Kstate of ESTHEB R. MILLER, Deceased. •Notice is hereby given that the creditor* of said deceased will meet the executors of said estate, before me,.County Judge of Douglas.County, Nebraska, at the County Court Room, in snid County, on the 17th day of March. 1934. and on the 17th day of May, 1034, at 0 o'clock A. SI, each day, for the purpose of presenting their claim* for examination, adjustment and allowance. Three mouths are nllowed for the creditors to present their claims, from the 17th day of February, 1934. BKYCE CRAWFORD. l-2O-Si-3t. County Judge.
Book Review Series Will Be Presented
guardians. for the months of January, February,, tral High School this week were pre- XntS' i m H. MARQUARDT, Trustees are A. M. Davis and Dr. H. sented with gifts from the club. March and April. - : . •: ' A. GREENBEItG. l-10-34-4t. For the series he has chosen seven Levin. Tomorrow evening' the club will books which will include biographies, The annual report was presented have a dinner and theater party hon- gOOTWEU, MONSKY. GRODINSKY & VANCE, and HARRY B. COHEN, adventure, fiction, and social prob- by the past president, Leon Dobrof- oring the graduates, who include Attorneys. lems. Season tickets may be "secured. sky. Dr. A. Greenberg of Omaha and Leah Herman, Rose Albert, Rosabelle 737 Omaha National Bank Bide. Milton Bolstein were other speakers at the synagogue for the sum of One Wigodsky, and Rebecca Stillman. Dollar per couple, or single admis- on the program. A play, "The Boss," Notice is hereby given that the underhave formed a corporation pursuant presented by the Jewish Community Among the North Junior High signed, , sion cards for 25c each. the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Center dramatic club, under the direc- School students who appeared in the to name of the corporation is PREMIER of Sara Baird, was a feature of "A" Class place this week were Syl- THEATRES CORPORATION OF OMAHA, "With its principal place of business Cultural Group Holds tion the evening. Songs were given by via Herzoff, Marvin Kline, and Tedin Omaha, Nebraska. The corporation shall have the power and authority to opJack Meriln and the Shaare Zion oc... Its First Meeting tette with Kelly Abdo as soloist. Mr. Skalovsky. erate moving picture theatres as lessee. owner, or otherwise, and/or present shows performances of any character and to SUOTWEU, MONSKY, GKODINSKY & or A large number of women attend- Joe Levin presided. handle, deal in and contract for moving VANCE and HAKKY B. COHEN The Senior Hadassahs were in picture producer, distributor, exed the first meeting of the Oneg Attorneys . hibitor or otherwise and to Uo any and all 731 Omaha.National Bank Bldg. Shabbos Cultural group, sponsored by charge of the dinner. other things necessary or proper in the operation of theatres. The" corporation the Ladies Auxiliary of Shaare Zion PROBATE NOTICE shall have the power to handle real ai:d Synagogue. The group met in the In the Matter of the Estate of ALICE li. personal property. The corporation shall SLINUERLAND. Deceased. home of Mrs. Barney Baron last Sathave the power to/porrow money and is' Notice IS hereby giveu that the creditors sue evidences of Indebtedness therefor. urday afternoon. of said deceased will meet the administra- The total authorised, capital stock is $23,tor of Bald 'estiite. before me. County Judge 000.00, all common, par value ?100.00, to -Mrs. H. R. Rabinowitz spoke on of Douglas County, Nebraska, at the Coun- be fully paid when: Issued and uon-as"The Jewish Women of Yesterday." ty Court Room, in said County, on the sessable. The corporation shall commence day of March, 1934. and on the 3rd business when the Articles of IncorporaDuring her address she told that the Mrs. Sarah Rozofsky, 1100 Jackson Sttl day o f May, 1934, at U o'clock A. M.. each tion are filed with the County Cleric of Jewish women of former years po- street, was claimed, by death Tuesday day, for the purpose of presenting their Douglas County, Nebraska, and continue for examination, adjustment and until November 1st, 1083. The highest sessed grace, charm, intelligence and night, in her home, following a sudden claims allowance. Three months are allowed for amount of indebtedness shall not exceed wisdom. That they served God andheart attack. Mrs. Rozofsky was 50the creditors to present their claims, from two-thirds of its capital stock. The aftheir people above their own inter- years old, and a resident of Sioux City the 3rd day of February. 1934. fairs of the corporation shall be adminisBltXCE CRAWFORD, tered by a Board of Directors consisting of est was brought out in her examples for 25 years. Funeral services were l-12-3l-3t. County Judge. not less than two nor more than five in held in the family residence Wednesof Deborah of Vilna, Gluckel of number. The stockholders shall elet-t Diday afternoon, with Rabbi Rabinowitz Hamlen and Rebecca Graetz. FKADESBBBO, STAMIASTER 4- BEBEB rectors at the annual meeting to In? held the second Monday ,ln January of each and Cantor Pliskin officiating. Attorneys. Mrs. S. H. Shulkin presented Curyear. Thereafter the directors shall elect 630 Omaha National Bank Bids. Surviving are her widower, five officers, viz., President, Vice-President. rent Events of Interest, and Mrs. daughters, Mary, Fannie, Esther, Rose Secretary and Treasurer. With the conNOTICE AND CERTIFICATE OF DISRobert Sacks reviewed "Little Man, sent In writing or pursuant to a vote of a SOLUTION OF "KAI3IAN IN8CKand Eleanor; two sons, William and majorty of the outstanding capital stock, What Now?" ANCE AGENCY, INC." the Board of Directors shall have the all men by these presents: The next meeting is scheduled for Hyman; a sister, Mrs. J. Kaplan, all Know power sell, leaBe, exchange, assign, That at a meeting of the stockholders of Sioux City, and a brother, H. Hom- of ' the Kaimnn' Insurance Agency, Inc., transfer,to convey the fourth Saturday in February. or otherwise dispose of owitz of Los Angeles. all or a substantial part of the property, duly held at the office of the corporation
BRUTES Magmfieent to behold, not only from cm artistic standpoint, but because they look N ~ ^
their strength,
on the 23rd day of Decemlrer, 1933, nt wuich all o r the stockholders •were present and voting, n resolution was duly offered and waa unanimously adopted that the said corporation cease to do business, and that the same be dissolved: accordingly notice of such action and of the dissoluton of the Kalmau Insurance Agency, Inc. The annual Talmud Torah ban- Sunday afternoon, January 28, atis hereby given. quet, sponsored by the Board of Di-1:15 o'clock, a fifteen minute broad- IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, witness cast will be heard over KSCJ, in conthe signature and the corporate seal of rectors of the Hebrew school and the said Kaiman Insurance Agency, Inc. Hebrew Mothers' Association,, will nection with the Palestinian Bazaar, the hei-etofore affixed by its duly authorized officers on this 23rd day of December, take place next Wednesday : evening, which will take place that evening 1933. January 31, at 6:30 o'clock,, in the in the Jewish Community Center. KAIMAN INSURANCE AGENCY. INC. Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis will By Abner H. Kaiman, Jewish Community Center. President. . Featured on the evening's program speak, telling of the purpose of the Attest: Evelyn Kaiman, Secretary. will bo the presentation of diplomas Bazaar; Mr. H. Mirowitz will sing a In presence of R. J. Iloldsberg.
Banquet of Talmud Jewish Broadcast Torah on Wednesday on Sunday Noon
assets, effects and good will of the corporation for such a consideration as to the Board of Directors may seem for the best Interests of the corporaton. The Arti; cles may be amended upon a vote of G0% of the outstanding etock at any regular or special meeting. The corporation shall have a seal. • Dated at Omnha, Nebraska, this 21st day of November, 1933. . H. MARQtTARDT, A. GREENBERG.
of Nebraska, to four children who have completed group of Yiddish folk songs, accom- State County rof Douglas, ss. the prescribed course of study in thepanied at the piano by Frances Ja- Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1933. Talmud Torah. They are Joe Maron, cobson, and Jennie Shindier will pre- 23rd day of December,R. J. Iloldsberg. Morris Aizenberg, Betty.; Qsnowitch, sent a violin solo. (Seal) Notary Public. 1-19-34-lt. and Ida Epstein. Mount Sinai Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz will be the SHOT WELL, MONSKY, GRODINSKY - & VANCE and HARRY B. COHEN principal speaker of the .evening. Dr. Theodore N. Lewis will speak •"'" Attorneys Children o.f the Hebrew school will this evening on the play "Green Pas737 Omaha National Bank Bid*. tures." present a group of recitations, and Next Friday noon, the Sisterhood Notice Is hereby given that the undermusical numbers. .' • • have formed a corporation. 'JL'he will have their regular meeting fol- signed name of the corporation is REESE AND lowing a one o'clock luncheon. Mrs. REESE, INC., and' itB principal place of business shall be in the City, of Omaha, Sam Greenstone and Mrs. J. H. Douglas Brotherhood Smoker Greenberg County, Nebraska. The corporaare in charge of the lunch- tion is authorized to establish and maina factory or factories for the inanu-_ on Monday Evening eon arrangements.-. A musical pro- tain facturc of ties, mufflers and kindred prodgram will be presented by Mrs. Hel-ucts, and to inaunfacture any and every kind of men's .wearing apparel; t o buy The regular monthly meeting of ene Shinn Soper. ;, and sell, at wholesale or retail, any arid Mount Sinai Temple Brotherhood every kind of men's wearing apparel; to buy,' sell; acquire, lease, dispose-of, alien•will be held next Monday evening, ate and/or encumber any and all kinds of Shaare Zion January 29, in the Temple annex at real and personal property, improved of | ; und to execute any and all 8:15 o'clock. "A Short Cut—A Gain," will be theunimproved, contracts and -agreements requisite or necThe business meeting will be fol-subject of Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz essary to carry out the objects of the corporation. The corporation shall have aulowed by a program and smoker. sermon this evening. Cantor Pliskin thority to borrow money and to issue its Rabbi T. N. Lewis will give several will chant the service. notes, bonds, mortgages, stock .or other obligations for that purpose and it shall Current Events of Jewish interest. Tomorrow morning candy will be have the right to hold stock in other corPlans for the Brotherhood Valen- distributed to the Junior congrega- porations and to do any and all things necessary and requisite to accomplish any tine party, scheduled for February tion by Mrs. Rachel Kutcher. David of its objects, ana any and all things that 13 are under way and committees Kuntz will read the law and Cecil could be done by an individual or a partnership, not inconsistent with these Artihave been appointed. The party will Pill will act as Cantor. cles or the laws of this State, governing be held in the Warrior Hotel with The Junior Congregation and thecorporations. The authorized capital stock $25,000.00. divided into 250 shares of the Orville Rennie's orchestra and« an Talmud Torah. children will hold a is par value of $100.00 each, all of which elaborate floor show furnishing the joint Jewish Arbor day program next shell be common and fully paid and .nonwhen issued. The. corporation entertainment. Committees include Tuesday, January 30, at 5 o'clock. assessable shall commence business upon the filing Louis Agranoff, and Ben Rosenblum A humorous debate will be presented of the Articles of Incorporation with the Clerk of Douglas County, Nebrasco-chairmen; Abe Pill, J. Kalin, Mil- by Howard Sacks, Morris Raskin, County ka, and shall continue until January. 1, ton Bolstein, A. J. Galinsky, Sara Co- Belle Cohen and Irene Mirowitz. 1083. The highest amount of Indebtedness shall not exceed two-thirds of its capital hen, Max Bergen, William Galinsky, Others who will participate in the stock. The. affairs of the corporation shall be administered by a Board of not less and E. N. Grueskin. program are Caroline Raskin, Helen than two, nor more than five directors, The committee of Sisterhood mem- Guttleman, and Sylvia Friedman. Re- who shall elect a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer from their bers assisting are Mesdames A. J. freshments will be served. number. The Articles "may be amended. On Thursday evening, February 22 Galinsky, Ben Rosenblum, Jack RobThe corporation may have a seal. inson, Sam Greenstone, Abe Pill, Rabbi L. Gordon of Minneapolis, is Dated at Omaha, . Nebraska, tblg 22nd Morris Weiner Ben Rosenblum, B.-E.scheduled to speak in the synagogue day of December, 1933. 'REX T. REESE Baron, Mike Grueskin Louis Agran- otf his'impressions of. Palestine. MovHELEN B. REESH of Palestine will be off, Sain Cohen, J. Rosenfeldjand E. ing pictures • „ ^corporators. r J. Fribourg. ' ' ^; shown then, v
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