Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism
In the Interests of the Jewish People
aa becona mass-raau waiter on January ZL, is>zi, at • l'ostoffice ot Omalia^f^Biska, under.the Act of March 3, 1879
Is Re-
Fe(ieratiDn Head
Anniversary Service STAG PLANNED FOR INSTITUTE^ JEWISH of Vaad Tonight RABBI DAVID H. WICE HISTORY TO BE MADE ANNUAL LOCAL EVENT Week-End Course of Five Lectures and Round Table Discussions By Dr. A. L. Sachar Stimulates Interest .
A special service commemorating the close of one full year of Friday evening religious services under the auspices of the Vaad will be held this evening, at the B'nai Israel synagogue. Cantor A. Schwaczkin and the B'nai [srael choir will assist Rabbi Uri Miller in officiating. Rabbi Miller's sermon topic will be "One Year — What Have We. Achieved." . Following the service, a symposium ill be held. , Representatives of various groups affiliated with the Vaad will present short addresses. I. Morgenstern will represent the Vaad, Mrs. N.-H. Greenberg the Ladies Auxiliary, Minnie Frohm the Junior Vaad Auxiliary, Sam White the Young Men's Vaad, Ben Kazlowsky the Men's club, and Hefschel Magzamin the Habonim. Ephraim Marks, will be chairman. Refreshments will be served by a committee of the Auxiliary. All members of the community are invited to attend. . .
Vol. X—No. 1
Friends of. Rabbi David H. Wice are arranging a s£ag dinner in his honor Tuesday, Febr. 12, to celebrate his marriage the following, week to Miss Sophie Salzer of Cincinnati. . i. More than a hundred ; men are expected .to . attend the dinner, according to Nathan E. Jacobs,; chairman, of the committee. The stagwill be • one of the • largest ever held in the. city. » _ . Invitations are .'being sent this week to friends ? of Rabbi Wice. Members of the committee are requesting that all friends of Rabbi Wice attend the /dinner. Alfred S. Mayer is in . charge of the program and Homer I. Binswanger is in chaijee of the reservations. Other members of the committee are: Abe Goldstein, Max L. Holzman, Irvin Stalmaster, Harry Z. Rosenfeld, Jack W. Marer, David Goldman, David Rosenstock, Dr. Leon E. Fellman, Ernest A. Nogg. Reservationsmust be made by'Febr. 11. Those making reservations are requested to send checks to Mr. Binswanger at the Blackstone Hotel. The dinner is to be ?2.50 per plate and is to be informal.
Symposium On Federation Features Annual Meeting AHOfficers Re*Elected; Reports Rendered By Heads Of Affiiliated Groups
The Institute of Jewish History, I conducted in Omaha last week-end hy Suggested Headings Dr. Abram L. Sachar of Chicago, was so successful that it is planned to Dr. Abram Leon Sachar, in a make the Institute a permanent an- round table discussion during the nual event. Institute on Jewish History, sugWilliam L. Holzman was by day—is it meeting the needs of the Dr. Sachar, who is national director gested the following small book acclamation unanimously re- Jewish community?" He told how of the Hillel Foundations, gave a se- shelf, devoted to Jewish writings, Jewish Community Center and elected president of the Jewish the ries of three main addresses and two each volume chosen because of its Welfare Federation had developed Community Center and Welfare into the life-blood found table discussions. : vivid, dramatic style and its power of the Jewish comFederation at the annual meetCapacity audiences attended each to stimulate interest. munity. Eugene Blazer, in speaking ing held Monday evening at the on "What Are the Proper Functions event in the series, which was held at ZangwilL—Dreamers of the Ghetto Center auditorium with an at- of the Federation?" stated that the the Jewish1 Community Center and his „! Ghetto Tragedies fascinating and colorful manner of Kastein tendance well over 300. Messiah of Ismir' synagogues and temple cannot be the presentation won the enthusiastic fa- Feuchtwanger. . ; Josephus unifying force in Israel, that it is the The feature was a symposium . . , vor of his listeners. Power To Honor Einstein Federation which must bring all eleon the Federation, its needs and Opening the Institute series with a Lewisohn ...Last Days of Shylock Jersey City—New. Jersey's recepments of Jewry together. Irvin Stalits future, led by Harry A. Wolf, lecture on "Ifs That Changed Jewish .. ..................„_...., . Israel ion for Professor . Albert Einstein spoke on "The Future of the Eugene Blazer and Irvin Stal- master History" on Friday evening, Dr. Sa- Abrahams ..1 ........... — will take the form of a Huge conFederation,' telling how lie problems master. The interest evinced by of tomorrow are different and more char vividly presented some of the ..Jewish Life in the Middle Ages cert in Convention : Hall in Atlantic those present showed a recogni- vital than those of yesterdaj' and crucial moments whicli changed the Levin J... .......Childhood in Exile lity on March 25, and the proceeds WILLIAM L. HOLZMAN tion of deep communal respon- enumerating many of the problems entire course of Jewish history. How.;.-..i._...^ Youth in Revolt of the concert, estimated in advance ever, the speaker pointed out that Brod ._. - David Reubeni as approximately $100,000, will be Berlin—Wiesbaden, world famous Re-elocted President of the Jewish sibility. confronting the Federation. Excerpts events which seemingly were deter- Asch - ... .... Kiddush Hash em used to found an Einstein colony in resort, reports "huge and regrettable Community Center and Welfare Fedand highlights of the symposium are All the officers of the -Federation eration. financial, losses." mined by caprice or chance have re ...... . . . Three Cities Palestine. printed elsewhere in this issue. were re-elected. The entire list: solved themselves in the course of Zweig „„.„...„.„. . ..Jeremiah William L. Holzman, chairman, time into what appears to be a pat- Frank .......... Yiddush Tales William L. Holzman, presi- presided and gave the president's tern with a purpose. Sachar . , .History of the Jews annual message. Abe Goldstein, treadent. Saturday afternoon at a round table Samuel . .. The Plough Women Henry Monsky, first vice- surer, reported a deficit of $1,100. discussion Dr. Sacihar described some Untermeyer ....'. „._.... . . * The following reports were subpresident; •would-be Messiahs in Jewish history, „ Poems of Heinrich Heine mitted: Family Welfare, Mrs. H. Sam Beber, second vice-presi- A. Wolf, chairman; Jewish Commua3 Reubenl and Shabbeti Levi. Fol- Fleg _...... „ : .........Moses lowing the lecture session, members ._._— —..„.. . Solomon dent. nity Center, Jack W. Marer, chairof the Conservative Synagogue Aux- Fjneinan ~ „__..i.Hear Ye Sons Mrs. L. Neveleff, third vice- man; Social Service committee, Dr. iliary and the Study group were hostPhilip Sher, chairman; Jewish Philpresident. esses at tea. anthropies, Dr. A. Greenberg, chairhe rehabilitation of the Jewish naHarry Silverman, secretary. man; Report on National Council of In his Saturday evening lecture' the speaker discussed concepts which ional homeland as the "most marvelJewish Federations and Welfare Abe Goldstein, treasurer. have developed pat : #f the heart of ous development of the last two cen- Excerpts from theAddresses by Harry A. Funds, Dave Goldman; City Taljnud. Judaism. The three "basic concepts turies." As to the future of Pales^ Honorary Officers Torah, Max M. Barish, president; tine, he declared that it ^depended on irvin S$alma$ter at the Federation Meeting s | ^ ^ . imderrying. Jewish,, history, y he_ said, politicaland: eccmbmcreonditionsrand _ Div, Philip Sher, honorary Jewish Free Loan Society, Harry A. af e: {1) X3e ha^~meamfig~ ha^~meamfig~ ahSTsigM ."•".' V~ "Wolf, chairman; Jewish WoiheB'8 ficance. (2) We should combine the •on. whether the TransjordaS "region Herewith are printed excerpts l abroad. In Omaha our Philanthropies consciousness entirely apart from wor- president. Welfare Organization, Mrs. L. Neveh was opened to Jewish settlement. Harry B. Zimman, Mrs. Mor- leff, ship. social justicji of the prophets with the does noble, tiecessary. work. In the president. and highlights of the symposium preHillel Foundations Rabbinic institutional loyalty. (3) A In the case of a Jewish Community ris Levy and Mr&; Harry H. LapThe contents of these reports are sented at the annual meeting of the United States our money helps with Dr. Sachar highly praised the Hillel sense of "otherness" instead of a Jewish Community Center and Wel- character building and with hospitals Center and Welfare Federation the di- idus, Honorary Vice-Presidents. printed elsewhere in this issue. ' sense of alien differences should add Foundation work in this country fare Federation Monday by Harry A. and educational institutions. To meet versity, if not entirely obliviated, is The nominating committee was Symposium a positive contribution to the life o The youth problem,"-he opined, "is Wolf, Eugene Blazer and Irvin Stal- the needs of Jewry abroad for relief at least lessened. composed of Harry A. Wolf, chairmyth. There is no such thing as a the country wherein we live. Wolf opened the symposium with a man; Irvin Stalmaster, Dr. A. Greenmaster. .-• ' " . . . • ' • . . " . and rehabilitation we go beyond our The Community Center and Wel- talk youth problem." He explained this by on "What the Federation is to- berg, J. H. Kulakofsky, and William Sunday morning was entirely deborders, whether the call comes from fare Federation in the last several voted to questions and answers, in the fact that the youth react exactly Russia, Palestine or Germany. Milder. years has done something which no which Dr. Sachar emphasized that Ju- as the adults do to the problems con- What the Federation Is Today—Is It The committee in charge of arThrough the combination of the religion could do — brought about Meoting the Needs of the Jewish fronting us. If the youth are in redaism is a complete civilization and rangements for the annual meeting three— the Federation, the Commusolidarity in the Jewish community. Community? should be approached from the esthet- volt, it is because society is in reconsisted of Philip M. Klutznick chairnity Center and the Philanthropies— volt. If youth are irreverent, it is bePresented by DAUBY A. WOLF The purposes of a Community Cenic point of view. "Judaism," he statman; Max M. Barish, Eugene Blazer, I recall how in my youth in Europe we have effected a complete unifica- ter are known, as: to help the dised, "is not a discipline' but an oppor- cause society is irreverent, and so on Dave Cohn, Robert Kooper and Mrs. tion of our Jewish activities. I will go On this theory, he concluded, our edtressed, to maintain the old people's the Beth Hamedrosh was the center tunity for self-expression." J. J. Greenberg. so far as to say that because of these ucational system is fallacious and home, to strengthen the Talmud Torof all Jewish activity, the focal point : In his concluding lecture Sunday should be changed. Preceding the annual meeting a three, we have developed a deep Jew- ah, and so on. But the most important about which everything Jewish cenafternoon Dr. Sachar again discussed ish consciousness, which has helped function is the development of or Berlin (J. T. A.)—The growing- kosher dinner, open to the entire personalities in Jewish history. Jo- The Hillel Foundations nave a tered. develop a religious consciousness. keeping alive of Jewish consciousness split between the Nazi party and the Jewish community, was served in the three-fold purpose: (1) To train young However, in this country—due persephus, Lasalle and Disraeli were government on the so-called liberal auditorium. The dinner was precharacterized as "sparks shot from people for the task of Jewish' leader haps to our liberal views—-the Beth During the last few years when the and integrity. and served by members of the A Jewish consciousness without an policy of Economics Minister Schmitt pared the Jewish anvil." "Each of these ship when they return to their heme Hamedrosh no longer held its place depression has brought defaults on Jewish Women's Welfare Organizatowards Jews in industry and comtowns from college. (2) To be a civ the payments of so many buildings as the center of Jewish activity. We integrated body such as the Commumen," he pointed out, "exerted their an affiliate of the Federation. great influence outside of the Jewish ilizing agency.. (3) To effect a gen had to find a new source of unity, and institutions, we can be justifiably nity Center will tend to disintegrate. merce is assuming a serious charac- tion, This meeting s the third annual eral orientation — co-operating with one that would not differentiate be- proud of the fact that no default has At the same time, - it is necessary ter and has led to an open declarasphere." meeting since the consolidation of the tion of war by the Nazi party leadthe university in developing character tween the orthodox, conservative or been made on the payments for this that Jews progress — physically and Interview Federation, Community Center and ers on the government. and general knowledge. magnificent building. reform,. between the radical, the somentally—and remain enlightened. In an interview, Dr. Sachar, who Philanthropies into one unified orcialist or the capitalist. We called the Our Jewish Community Center and The Federation should be broad in The Jewish Telegraphic Agency in Europe a year ago, declared ganization. learned that instructions were sent common meeting place a Welfare FedWelfare Federation is the outgrowth scope—it should be directed by those that in his opinion "the future of German Jewry seems to be a status of Second Annual Dinner eration or Jewish Communal Center, of the federation activities which have who represent all elements cf Jewry, out early this week from the Munich now known as Jewish Community been implanted in the hearts and the it should serve not only the interests Brown House, national headquarters peonage and pauperization." He statof Vaad on Centers minds of the Jewish people of Omaha of the directors, their affiliates, and of the Nazi party, by the anti-Jewed that there: seems . little hope for The second annual and These Community the Centers develop- -it is our home and we can feel those whom they represent, but all ish boycott department of the party, betterment for the Jewries of centra meeting of the Vaad will dinner be held this ed into the very lifeblood of our comthe people of Judaism collectively, not addressed to all Nazi district comand eastern Europe. Sunday evening at 6:30 at the munities. They not only looked after mighty proud of it. alone in Omaha, but also in the sur- missars to defy government orders He warned that in the United States J. C. C. This meeting will be in to tolerate Jewish traders. v» should not make the mistake o the form of a dinner which will be the poor — giving help to the needy, What Are the Proper Functions of the rounding territory. The Nazi party orders urge the The following officers were elected urid=r- rating fascist propaganda o followed by a meeting, the dinner succor to the despairing and medicine Federation? commissars to disregard government to head the Mutual Loan at a recent c»»«h organizations as the Silve being served by the Ladies Auxiliary. to the sick — but also looked after What Is the Future of the Presented by EUGENE BLAZER ' orders against distinguishing between meeting: Shirts and Khaki Shirts because o Reservations can be made by calling our cultural wants and reminded us I will preface my remarks by askFederation? . Aryan and non-Aryan business, em- M. Selicow, president; Hyman Zorthe apparent absurdities of thei Mrs. A. Schwackin, AT 5534; Mrs. of our responsibilities. Presented by IBVIK STAXMASTEB what is' the definition of a Jew. phasizing that patronizing Jewish insky, vice-president; Sam Stern, statements. "Anti-Semitism," he de- T. Tully HA 7248; or Mrs. Sam Bah, In Omaha the Federation and Cen-: ing No one can question the value or he part of a religious entity? Is it stores will be considered a breach of secretary; Max Crounse, treasurer; clared.-"grows as social and economi HA 0394. The meeting will start at ter fulfilled every need, responded to aIs state of mind derived" from inheri- purpose of the Federation and Cen- party discipline. instability increases. For this reason 8 o'clock. Ben Kazlowsky will be every call; it developed in Omaha tance? Are A. Forman, S. Lipp, L. Gitlin, S. ter; without doubt, it represents the a definite race made the Jewish ; people should work t chairman. Greetings will be given by Jewry a recognition of their commu- so by time ? we Znsman, and S. Ruderman, board of most unified and on the whole the Personally, I believe we strengthen proirressive and liberal the presidents of all affiliated syna- nal duties and responsibilities. If all are a combination of these. directors. .-• most representative form of commumovements in the country." gogues, and greetings and reports of us could only realize the unlimited Down through the ages the syna- nity organization. The installation of the officers will "Nazism seems to be fairly per- will be given by chairmen of all af- activities carried on'in this building Today, and increasingly so in the take place on Monday, February 12. mannntly pntrenched in Germany," he filiated organizations. Rabbi Miller we would not even ask the question: gogue . was not a place of reli- future, the problems to be confronted gious worship only,, but also a meetstated. "Even an economic boycott -will give his annual message, in- ''Are we fulfilling our proper place in. by the Federation are in a field some::, ' ing ground, a discussion place. In the what different than that of the past. The Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol syncould not dislodge it. From the pres- cluding a survey of.all the various the community?" : early days of our history there was ent indications the only way Hitler activities that have been carried on The local Federation is a trinity— Due to the almost complete stoppage agogue will celebrate the "burning of could be dislodged would be by a een- during the past* year and plans for in it are combined the Welfare Feder- no cohesion and unity in religious of immigration, the problem of clos- the mortgage" on the shule building ation, the Jewish Community Center practice and worship, not even in the ing the gap between the old world on Sunday, February 11, starting at eral European war, and that would be the forthcoming; year. holidays of the Hebraic people. the Jewish Philanthropies. more horrible than the suffering of ideas and those of the new is g-oing 7:30 p. m. The last payment on the Cantor A. Schwackin will render and As a welfare federation, the organ- Even in Palestine as known before into discard. the German Jews. mortgage has just been made. several songs. The twenty-fifth anniversary of ization looks after our sick and poor the destruction of the Temple, there "Not' only is Nazism, a permanent The shaping of our life for the fu- The Chevra Kadisha will serve re- Workmen's Circle Branch No. 258 will Election if commissioners for the was already disagreement. Today and unfortunate, looks after and feature (in Germany, but I fear that Vaad will take place at this time. free. All members of the be celebrated Sunday, February 4, 6 guides our children, straightens out there is certainly a definite cleavage ture requires a deeper Jewish con- freshments before Ions it will snill over the fronsciousness of thought and feeling as synagogue and their wives are In- p.m., at the Congregation of Israel, All membe's who cannot attend the in religious worship. The present tenmaladjustments in the family, cares tiers and envelop both Austria and dinner are asked to, come at 8 o'clock 25 and J streets. A banquet and confor widows and cripples and the aged, dency is to have different synagogues, a genuine compensation for the suf- vited to attend. fering to be undergone in adjusting The committee in charge consists cert have been arranged for. to participate in the meeting. The fulfills a mission of mercy. as in Omaha, the Orthodox, Conserva"We are living in a time of another meeting marks the end of a year Delegates and visitors are expected As a Jewish Community Center, it tive and Reform. Today, a cleavage in ourselves to the changes in the livrs of Max Venger, chairman; M. Mingreat dispersion," he continued, "with and of our Jewry. the beginning of the second year from Branches No. 348, No. 849, and kin and A. Richards. our religious life exists that is greatbrings us all under one banner. It a level of t»auperization confronting of the Vaad activities. No. 399B, Lincoln; No. 406, No. 1004, Most important in the future of the trains as in such things as music, er than the cleavage of tihe schools of mort of the Jewish communities. and the Women's Auxiliary, DPS Community Center and Federation is gives us proper exercise, trains our Hillel and Shammai. What will happen next/is hard to pref Fifth Fascist Party Moines, Iowa; and No. 664 and theJewish education. Our Sunday schools children in cultural assets, and devel- The different places and the differdiet, s'nee history: does not develop Pleasant Hill Society ops a good Jewish spirit that tends to ent types of worship effect the disso- and our Talmud Torah are not suffi- London—Captain E. G. S. Skeels, Women's Auxiliary, Sioux City, Omaha lOrncally.": : Elects New Officers make good Americans. "We are a small lution of the Jew as an entity. The cient, for we take it for granted that whom the United British Fascist aha branches No. ITS and No. 1014, He called the status of the Russian community; yet, through this build- orthodox synagogue does not hold the in the importance of Jewish education party disavowed as its candidate in the District Committee, the Ladips Jewry a paradox. "Jews in Russia. At a regular meeting of the Pleaing during the past year passed nigh young. Nor does the Conservative; they are pre-eminent as a basis on the Cambridge by-election because he Labor Lyceum Club, and the Omaha ns human beings,'they are as well off as any in the country, no class exploit sant Hill society-held Jannary 23, the on 170,000 people. We have many and to many the Temple is not sum- which to build all other Jewish educa- was too closely identified with Naz- Local of the Socialist Party will also tion. More is needed. Only 28 per cent ism and anti-Semitism, has ar- be represented. meetings. We have a library with ciently fervent. tation, no anti-Semitism. As Jews, following officers -were elected: they are in a dreadful plight, because Mrs. A. Romm, president; Mrs. L. over 1,000 periodicals and magazines. Mere religion will no longer main- of the Jewish children and adults re- nounced the formation of & new The arrangements committee is of the Soviet attitude toward religion. Kaplan, vice-president; Mrs* Julius This, just to mention a few of the tain; us. Religion holds a place in our ceive a Jewish education—in this field party called the United British Fas- composed of S. Lerner, chairman, N, Martin, I. Katzman, M. Katzman, Mr. They are surviving as-human beings Abrahamson, second vice-president; services of the Center. lives, but we must develop a social we have been woefully lacking. Our cists. Mrs. J. Abramson, financial secre- Through our Philanthropies we solidarity without which»we will be- future will be as improved and as pro- t This brings the number of Fascists and Mrs. S. Rlflsin, J. Savich, and S. but dying as Jews.?'. , • > > . parties in England to five. They Canar. Mrs. S. Canar is in charge of i • • I' • \ Dr. Sachar "grows poetic" at tht tary; Mrs.; S. ZerrioPsky, recording speak outside of Omaha and answer come diffuse. include thre» "uaited" Fascist groups. the dinner. (Coontinued on Page 7.) mention of- Palestine. He describes secretary; Mrs. B. Shafton, treasurer. the call of Jewish suffering here and. It is necessary to build a Jewish
Beth Hamedrosh Is Planning: Celebration
Workmen Circle Branch Anniversary on Sunday
PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2,1934 very successful to get hold of the cases. We Jews are 5 percent of cases and correct them at1 the start the city population, and our Juand to prevent them from becoming venile court cases will not reach juvenile- court cases. Tharoughi our more than 1-3 of 1 percent including Sunday, Feb. 4—6 p. m., First long efforts the parents have learned our transient cases. Annual banquet of the Vaad. to notify us as soon as a child vioWednesday, Feb. 7—6:30 p^m., lates any social code regardless of its Our work includes: Medical advisory board, of Center character, and as. soon as we are 1. Juvenile Work. dinner. ;~ notified we invite rthe parents to have 2.5 scholarships to deserving Thursday, Feb. 8—S,Jun- them come in the office, rather than students. ior Hadassah history class. call at the home on account of the 3. A strong campaign for citizenSunday, Feb. 11—10 a. m., Con- neighbors who keep asking who is ship. In some cases •where people servative Synagogue board meet- sick there, and as usual, I don't hear do not have the funds to pay the their questions, but they are not fees, ve arrange a loan for them. ing. Monday, Feb. 12—8 p. m., Book satisfied with my silence so they 4. Father and Son Banquet. Printed here are the contents of number of articles of clothing I satisfaction to visit the Center dur- outlined and followed. The success of the various reports submitted MonAs a further illustration of the ing the evening and see the scores of this school is not in numbers but in review, "Of Human Bondage," by knock at the door and inquire who ir 5. A reception for high school grasick; so you can see the reason, I duates. day evening by the heads of the af- problems confronting us this year is men and. women who come in arid quality and. all who have attended Rabbi D. A. Goldstein. Tuesday, Feb. 13—8 p. m., Jun- am in favor of having them come 6. Chanukah presents to orphans in filiated organizations and functional the extent of the need for medical out of the building, attending meet- are well: satisfied and under this Cleveland. to my office. committees of the Jewish Commun- care. During the past year the Fe-ings, using the swimming pool or the same committee the good work will ior Vaad bridge. 7. We are arranging a committee ity Center and Welfare Federation. deration furnished approximately 600 gymnasium, h o i d i n g conferences, go on. Wednesday, Feb. 14—8 p. m.. After the conference with parents to visit all our state institutions, Community forum presents "Bish- and child and in some cases after the days of hospital care, costing §1450. dancing, listening to lectures, holdMembership and have a closer contact with child leaves, I make a social diagnoThe transient problem has been a ing debates or attending s t u d y While our general membership is op F. J. McConnell. Jewish inmates of the institusource of great worry and concern groups or reading our good maga- reasonably satisfactory, it is low in Tuesday, Feb. 13—8 p. m., Jun- sis, and prescribe the treatment. In tions. zines and books in our reference limost of the cases where the cause By Wm. L. Holzman because of the increasing number of comparison to our Jewish population, ior Vaad bridge. Thursday, Feb. 15—8 p.m., Jun- of delinquency is due to environment transients who have come to our brary. and low in comparison with the numthe treatment is successful; the child One year has passed since our city the past year. Our many meeting rooms hum with ber who should belong. When we ior Hadassah. (Continued on Page 3.) last annual meeting. During that Much credit for the work of this activity, and one can appreciate the speak of membership we mean the Sunday, Feb. 18—8 p. m., Jr. is put on the right track and stays year much has happened in connec- department is due to the Family Wei? full meaning of the words "Commu- man, woman or child who pays an Vaad lecture, presents Dr. Moses right. But when the cause of delinquency is due to heredity our task tion with our Community Center and fare Committee which administers nity Center" only after he has hadannual membership fee for which he Jung. Welfare Federation. It is almost the family welfare service for the occasion to visit the Center often and receives the use of all of the faciliWednesday, Feb. 21—6 p. m., to correct the child is very difficult. unbelievable "when "we read the re-Federation. This committee not on-see for himself just what is going ties of our institution. Most of the Men's Club.of Conservative Syna- Fortunately the cause of heredity is a small factor in proportion to encords and find the many activities ly formulates the general policies of on, and the attendance of the people Jewish people of this city use the gogue. vironment. which take place in this building. the in all walks of life* Center for some purpose or another Thursday, Feb. 22—8 p. m., Jr. but considers the Athletic classes using both gymnas- most department Bound Table, Although the bible says: "The im"•—but only a minority help pay for Hadassah History class. difficult cases, giving advice and Remodeling, ium and swimming pool—meetings of help in the plans for dependent fa- Our Senior Club C o u n c i l has its maintenance. Sunday, Feb. 25—8 p. m., Ches- agination of man's heart is evil from clubs and lodges—instruction on difchanged its name to the Round Tahis youth," this biblical saying aped Shel Ernes bridge. Repairing ferent subjects—the Talmud Torah— milies. The committee meets reg- ble — but its purposes remain the It is from the membership that we plies only to the lower type of men ularly twice a month and also whenmaintain the institution. We do not C l e a n i n g and : f ( q ^ . the use of our rooms for charitable same — to inculcate into the minds which is called "Adam", which means and benevolent work—the use of- our ever an emergency requires immed- and souls of our young Jewish men receive enough funds from the Comearth. staff for Center activities, Federa- iate action the committee is called and women their Jewish responsibili- munity Chest to operate our institu- Social Service committee are considWe handled 21 cases during the We must, therefore, look to ourered a part of our general program. tion activities and Philanthropies— together at short notice. ties and to provide for them a gen- tion. year and only 3 cases were in the people to aid. There are many parWe assist in the work of the BoyJuvenile court and paroled to me. all tend to make this building a very Mrs. Harry A. Wolf is chairman; uine culture. The program is broad Rabbi Frederick Cohn, Rabbi David enough in its scope to attract all ents who send their children to theScout troops and provide a meeting The other 18 cases were corrected 3«U Fom.m St. AT 4543 busy place. to participate in its activi- place for them. It is gratifying to know that 173 A. Goldstein, Mrs. J. J. Greenberg, junior groups in the city. We pro-Center and prevented from becoming court but who do not belong as memthousand people passed through our Dr. A. Greenberg, Dr. H. Hirsch- vide a place for these young- folks to ties, There are many activities that are bers. We do not close our doors to mann, Wm. L. Holzman, Rabbi Uri meet, to play and to learn. Rabbi doors during the past year. — on the contrary we conducted under our auspices that The Federation, as usual, is per-Miller, Henry Monsky, Mrs. L. Nev- David Wice of Temple Israel is now non-members want all to enter—but those who are are periodical—that is, there is no forming noble work is filling a gap eleff, Mr. Sam Ravitz, Dr. Morris acting as the sponsor for this group able regular program for them, but as in our social life without which Margolin, Mrs. Philip Sher, Harry and under his leadership and guid- do pay for membership should occasions arise, we lend every effort. conditions would be deplorable. Silverman, Louis Sommer, Irvin Stal- ance the program of the Round Table I t is shocking to look over the Our Rehabilitation and Family Wel- master, Dr. J. Weinberg, and Miss- will be enlarged.membership list and find missing fare work is on a high plane aiding Blanche Zimman. Mrs. B.'A. Simon • ':'• Physical Department therefrom the names of many who the poor, the sick and the needy has cooperated with the department and giving advice to those who are in providing clothing through her During the last year we organized can well afford to pay. There are By Dr. Philip Sher dependent upon others. Our staff is activities in the Needle Guild, and the Men's Health Club. Through this many who cannot—and they are prowell organized and under the direc- Mi's. J. J. Greenberg has been In: group we have brought to the Cen- vided with membership as a part of tion of our director, Mr. "Pearlstien, charge of the distribution of .clotfc; ter many men who have not been ac- our g e n e.r a 1 program. Therefore, The main work of the Social Seris functioning properly. .The many ing through Federation's . supply tively engaged, in any. form of phy- those who are able should assist in vice Committee is to take care of volunteers who assist in our work room. To these ladies most of the sical education for. many years. Un-providing memberships for those less Juvenile cases, and the main thing is to get hold of a case before it are almost too numerous to Mention. credit is due for meeting the urgent fortunately,, many men, after reach- fortunate. gets serious and becomes a case of The chairmen of the important need for clothing of Jewish depend- ing thirty-five, years of age, neglect the Juvenile court- This year we were Miscellaneous Activities committees have given unstintedly of ent families in Omaha. Miss Rose their physical well-being. It is "with the hope of bringing more of the There are many more activities their time. • " .••-.. Cohen, the case worker, has carried; older men into the physical depart* that are worthy of mentioning. Our It is gratifying to note that many the terrific load, cheerfully and ably: ment that this group was given pri- reference library is the only Jewish of our younger meiL-and.^ are JOHN FELDMAN vate quarters and private facilities. library in the city and is used to a taking a very fine, interest, in our Announces that he is now engaged great extent. We also have a circuGenerally, the women are using work and they are. occupying imin the bnsiness of selling all kinds lating library that, is finding favor. the physical department. Our woportant positions. *."'. of RELIGIOUS ARTICLES — Talmen's gym-classes are well attended Dramatics, debates, oratorical conStatistics are .boring -"and the an- By Jack W. Marer, Chairman^ Books, Jewish Bibles in Heas well as the swimming. Of course, tests and essay contests are other eisim, nual report will be publicised so brew and English. Also Matzos and the young boys and girls use these forms of education carried on in the that all may know what.our.income - The record of the activities of tire Passover Articles. and ^expenses have rbeen. ,,,Itf.i?,.npt Jewish; Community" Canter for ;?the facilities to a greater' degree than general program. -We hold various Res. C09 So. 50 S t GL. 2972 my desire to take up too much, of year 1933 is overflowing "with signs any class. This is" to be expected and types of athletic:1 -tournaments and Regularly Priced Downtown Office—118 So. 17th your, time this evening discussing of its necessity in this community. encouraged. If we can build strong holiday festivals. The annual Father JA. 0770 at 75cand $1 the Federation and the "Center—what The events of the past twelve months bodies, the task of building strong and Son and Mother and Daughter Yaffe Printing Co. minds becomes easier. .. j,-; .; ri banquets under the, direction of the their needs are, their functions and so far as our Jewish citizenry is headed their future, because these problems concerned," ;has^; agahi proven bd wowill be amply discussed this evening people that "In unity t h e r e is by ':$. group of ^pae by Messrs. H. A. Wolf, Eugene Bla- strength." Omaha Jewry is recogniz- men who are'intefisery'interested in zer and Irvin Stalmaster.. you will ing more each day and month the the department. Irvin Levin, as the also hear, brief reports from ihe heads value of : an institution that houses chairman of the Athletic committee, has done fine work during the past of our affiliated organizations. all forms of Jewish activity, and year. It is a pleasure to greet "you here brings within its doors for good, Community Forum this evening and it is my hope that men, women, and children. To this as a result of this meeting we shall institution come our people to get Last year the Budget committee make plans for an enthusiastic and strength of mind, culture, body, soul did not allot any funds for a Comor 2 for $1 helpful year. and learning. In this unity of pur-munity Forum for this year. The pose, the Jewish Community Center committee, however, felt that irre•spectiye of the condition of the times will continue to grow. We just bought them that the Forum should not be abanThe general program of tihis unity doned and undertook to carry on the . . and they're a real By Mrs. H. A. Wolf, Chairman and strength in the Jewish Commu- Forum on its own responsibility. Unbuy! When you see nity Center is diversified. We have der the able leadership of Wiffiam t h a t there's just attempted by it to embrace every The unprecedented economic conGrodinsky, we are pleased to report about every smart ditions of the past year have na- known form of activity. The obvious that the Forum this year is both a silk, every smart turally affected Federation activities, purpose of such a program is to find success as an institution and finanpattern in the lot, as it affected business and industrial some activity that will enfold the as-cially. There, will be no deficit this life. The immediate result of the pirations, ideals, hopes and desires year. It was no easy task to do this. you'll see why we're depression was a curtailment of Fe-of every person. p r o u d of them! Many people felt that the Forum deration's operating funds; on the It will be interesting then to brief- should.: beidropped for one year, but They're "Innovation" FAMOUS ALLEN-A other hand, these conditions result- ly outline the major divisions of thethe committee reached the ^conclusion brand—all hand taiLADIES' SILK ed in an increased demand for thevarious ^departments of the Commu- that to: break the .continuity of the lored nity Center. . federation's service. • Forum would spell complete Joss. The During the year, the Family WelAn Active Community Center first two lectures have brought out $1.00 to $1.25 the Pair fare Department took, care of 294 During tihe year 1933 approxi- capacity, houses, and it is. the genSilk Satins femilies, comprising 792^ individuals. mately 170,000 people have used our eral concensus of opinion'that this This does not include transient or facilities. Practically every Jewish year's course is one of the finest Silk Reps children's cases or the aged, cared organization, in Omaha has used our ever held. .'••'..-.'• for through a different department. building for meeting purposes durSchool of Music The number of families requiring ing the year. Our strictly kosher Last yyear we inaugurated g a school j some form of service has in 1933kitchen has found much favor and it of music. Under the leadership of yearly trebled as compared with only is interesting to note that the num- Mrs. Henry Monsky, this committee # It is with a distinct "sense trf Bride and two years ago. The lack of funds er of luncheons and dinners has in-j took upon itself the responsibility of and pressure from various sources creased d u r i n g this past twelve teaching all branches of music to pleasure that tfe present to the women of >ave naturally compelled us to mate months. The Center has acted as a those who are not able to pay the Omaha our new line of lovely Allen-A fullBorne adjustments. We were com- learing house for all Jewish activi- standard price of teachers. She was fashioned silk hosiery. These stockings are pelled to be far more scrutinizing ies in the city in order that there able to gather for the faculty the of families' inner resources in order may be no conflict as to dates for most outstanding teachers of music styled right, quality constructed for long that we might keep our relief within vents. It is a source of pleasure and in the city. A thorough course was wear and popularly priced—Just what v e available' funds. Nevertheless, the believe the discriminating woman of today Federation has consistently- maintamtained a standard of "adequate, relief" demands. \ While many agencies throughout -the country have radically cut down on You will find h. full selection of delightful their food; allowances, we hav4 continued to' provide our dependent fastyles in all the smart new 1934 spring ' milies with adequate food allowances, Resilient shades. Whatever you choose—ultra-sheer, shelter, clothing, and medical care. Constructed! all silk, lace top chiffons, all-silk sheer Hundreds of pieces of clothing have been distributed to needy families. chiffons in regular or extra length, chiffons Sand Tailored! Some of the clothing was made out with lace top, outsize service weights, e t c of cloth secured through the AmSilk Lined! It's a complete line and every Allen-A style erican Red Cross, but most of it merits your careful inspection. They're •was secured through pur own resources,t h r o u g h the aid; of. =the modestly priced at 51.00 to ?1.25 the p a i r Needle Guild and the-many; Jeyrish call today. firms and individuals who have during the year given us a substantial
Reports Rendered At Meeting
President's Message
Social Service Committee
C'tnon Men!
SATURDAY! 1934 Tics
at a 1932 Low Price
of 2500
Center Committee
Family Welfare Committee
Chicago $5. Round Trip Denver. -..=.. Round Trip Los Angeles.. Round Trip $31.50
BUS DEPOT Edwards Hotel Bids.-— — 306 No. 16th St. HA, 5000
is not charity—it tides men and women over periods of Economic distress. "We thereSare -urge you to keep t i e Jewish Pree Loan Society perpetual, Tevolving fund in mind -when you "wish to perpetuate she memory of a loved one or to celebrate a lappy occasion.
lorow i o w long 3?nu -will live. 2. Ton do -not linow how long your Trif e wiD live. The Talmud Society of the CongreX<ump sum settleznentE are j u s t *£ obsolete today BE the coal oil lamp gation AdanF Yeshuren ended its and iorse and Iniggy. There i s only reading of the Talmud this year on one xight plan an "which ilf e insur- (President liooseveltV birtiiday. liabbi ance should be purchased today and JK. Feldman, head of the educational that is on the income settlement IgToup, iTjion the finishing of the plan ^wMcn "aeHnttely guarantees a reading of ihe Talmud, offered the By flse Service life Insurance •ssrtaln stipulated amount of mcmthl; following- prayer for the iiresident: Companr income "to both yourself aa& -Bie mem- May God faiess our honored Presi{Cantiniifid £rom Page 2.) no ippe ior the German Jews, in! 2. A. fourth teacher Tsras added to By Harry SOvennan, Chairman dent and hig family. jruarcl over them T»erB nl your family. Tf jriHi are wfrffl TTgtng & coal tfil the past few months same of "the onr teaching staff. and protect them and keep them lamp unfl JI 3mrf«» snA. buggy, this "world's most influential and power- 3. Our total income was $12,048.00 The Jewish Old People's Home is article -will mot he interesting, and from sickness and troubles, and help ful men have .attempted to reason in 1S33 as $ID,724J)0 in administered l y the Daughters of it "would be a -waste HJS time "to insthe President brinjr to fruition his f J 3>r, A. Greenberg, Chairman with TTTHW concerning the Jewish 1D32. 33 Israel Aid Soceity. A joint committee, ish reading iL E yon realize that magnificent ideas for the good of the question; no one, so far, i a s 3net representing the Daugnters ol Israel [•people." . TEfae 1933 Jewish Philanthropies -with any snecess and it doesn't Beem 4. Tuition Jees colfectea rfor 1923 Aid Society, ana the Federation, "the "vrarld. floes tuawE," and that amount t o $3935:25, $3051.7 35endel Herteberg. president of £he progress IHK also been ^>mfb» 3n ign :must be considered suceess- •that Hitler will change his position, in 1932. determines all basic policies last thirty .yeans ^tn ^THirrt Mtni- Talmud Society, idso led a jirayer •Tni rn light of the in the least. economic 5. l a s t year a t this time we liafl and budgetary needs of the instituS. gave a donation for the Warm ^conditions •which prevailed. The .situation in Poland, Houmania, accrued a deficit of SHDO.00 "which tions; and also decides on admissions and transportation, i t -will not 5B I^alfc, president; ILED Brown, Springs Foundation. The committes difficult iocr yaa i » realize Hact IChe total pledged .during drive Austria and some of the Dther coun- is now reduced to -S3DDJ0D. fj and discharges of inmates. progress l a s also Ireen made in 1 A'i^»*^-^py*AP^n^* t i i S a n t e v ^l'unwttft, jsec— in charge -vras Abraham liochman § 2939 th amount, $11,- tries seems to T>e growing more seri$29,954JO. Of this Investigations are made hy the flie life insurance "World as rweH. Morris iBlocon, treasurer; Sam and Morris Sebier. "TVTny 1 not ^express the lope and 891.88 l a s been collected, leaving a ous daily, ,., and it would not be voice thfi prophecy that through the Federation, throngh its case -worker; Especially ^wiien. yon cnnEiiJeT Sbe balance to be collected of $16,063.02, j prising if the plight of the German cooperation of the Jewish Philan- all cases are being followed "up by njj["'rU'r; A1 Eaiman, BErgeantirom the 1933 pledges. TEhe balance Jew -would descend -on the Jews of thropies, there may be evolved a the Federation, -whenever special :need fact that j?33Q,000,OOD -was paid at-arms. to policy aioSflers »nd.': still due from the campaigns of 1S30 these countries. py great, "well functioning Talmud Torah arises. hy life insurance trtmipsnieB dur- Maimy Goldberg gave >HH informal throngh 1938 is ?34,o2B. Because of the economic conditions, that will contribute tD the developFunds -£ar operating ihe lame JL iaplan was the winner Bf The significance of the -work ac- the doors have been closed to the ment of our Omaha Jewish Commun- come chiefly from the Philanthropies ing 2933. Another interesting lact card jBffty a t H s home Tuesday evethe brioge lamp ^gken iby Use Maaocomplished during the campaign can Jews. Trance, -who i a s so far been ity, that -will reflect glory upon funds. The total income of ihe lomp about life tnRirrmn«T< as Hia& during ning. Twelve memberB attended. jsnlr chib. The drawing TTOE held last be ygleaned from -the fact that 2,332 very liberal in accepting the greater Israel and Israel's Torah. during the year 19SS "was: ~Fram 193S, there ^was a total of ?13,Monday. . pieages -were obtained. "The number part of the refugees, is a t this very Jewish Philanthropies, 52,1*69.305 000,000,000 iof 3sew insurance jmxT^ere given to the hoy and of -workers participating was fairly moment considering closing her doors. from Inmates and dues, fl,42aJ35i public Tise total Tnwmmi.- .off idas girl selling the most ticketB. The satisfactory. " -The conditions become rmnre ^aggratotal, §3,494.66. United States government during jleltl January 28 a t the B*nai Israel •wiunexs ware CharleE Mogul and MelTEhe statistics for "the last cam- vating daily, and xmless •we can .raise The total disbursements lor 1533 a like period -was S4,KLS^22,5 paign rreveaL: 152 or 6.5 9c pledged enough money to care for these peo- By Barry .A. Weffi, synagogue. The xusw constitution was en Bloom. $, "We lielievE t h a t everymie agrees /presented -and accepted. 11 "Was de?17J.G0, or 51.2% of the total (over ple, France will surely dose l There "was an average 0f /nine in- that lifp insurance is a -wise and 350):; ISO or 5^6% pledged §3,495, doors. mates in the institution dwTing !Q»e Jewish lEree Loan Society i s prudent thing from an investment cided ihat the Babonim intve a n all-; or H.B <yc of the total ($25 to $49); Xast -year -we raised about six mil-; activity night sometime in: yearstandpoint as -well a s iar i i e JSTBpledged $7,421 or lions of dollars; ifcis year i t is -going closely connected Tvith the life sf Om1,075 or lEebruary. aha Jfewjyj i t s Hstory 3s a s old a s T h i t tection i t offers. The important .24.89c of the total (S5 to S25):; 975 to "be absolutely necessary to i that 'of;,our 3?f>deTation. -Originally question ior yon ±o ccmsiSer is, The /purpose t£ this affair "will >e or 41.8 <"/c pledged 51,838 or $2.% of twenty-five millians. to present lettere and awards to bas-what tind of organization, p g a t i o , TOlen the total (under So). the . Federation became aU-andusivE By Mm. I.. l^evtQeff, Preadent own!? Uefore ;yrai answer -that i^ The campaign organization conlion, -WB -wnuld litrp to ask 3?on an-| ^jas^ 3?riday the Bauanim deieateQ the IPree Xtoan became affilinten -with sisted DI: "William X>. Holzman, nanThe "worth of an organization. 3B nilei, ^why should ytsa own any llifei^11" Tahnnd TnralE a2 to B. They aax it "as a co-uperaling unit. horary chairman; and the following Max not aTways to Tie found in the spen- insrtrance a t all? vmm tied i^iSx the IStildex Oils for t i e The growth tff 4 e Jewish lEree chairmen and -vice-chairmen; David tacular achievements, bnt -rather 3n There •**«"' be only nne anB\rex t o l^68^ ^° ^ ^ ^nidget leagia. Xioan Sociffiy lias been almost lavasxtI t is certainly unnecessary t o urge •Goldman, chairman of initial gifts jminstakhig labors, which do jjnt •fic ITwEnty^Qiree and a •~haKgresrs that question. Certainly not 50 ^Siatj icnmmrttee, and Al Mayer, -vice-chair- upon this gathering the thought 3>ear on the surface or cannot yun may leave ynnr family ^5,000 OT Tnan; Max "Barish, chairman of gen- that the rrelative strength of Jew- ago ^.^n -Jewish ^*if.m**rtfi ~TJ> ^Omsha orin big headlines over Jiews-j $10^)00 Efter ynn ISVB gone. "Sror eral solicitation, and Harry Silver- ish life in different American Com- ganized this -society. Through TTi ^revolving iand. -o£ ?1,OQD pj This sort of -work of an DT- l a v e iifiver gglrpT? "thpm to accept the vice-chairman* -Jeanette munities may "best be ganged ~by t i e jgani Ration is often times i a r more jespDnsanfity of safely investing Axnstein, -women's division; Justin degree of importance assumed by lanmrn In thiise days, anost of the loans henef ieial and takes root much deeper. T^Bf, RHunifilf {xxx ^doney "^^bcOe ^vuu ^Wolf, youths division; Harry A. Jewish Education in the communal -wsre far funds t o send t o JA.1393 So it -was Tiriih the Jewish "Wo- were l e r e so ~w3iy -wish flmi, 3*enabte them to hsy d«mat"Wolf, budget; Milton Abrahams, program of activities. I t is mot the abroad. ^Families in flistreas 4ic nr imported articles a t the speakers; Trunk Ackermim, pub-; city "with the most magnificent syna- wouldn't think ol accepting charity men's "Welfare Organization during BponKibiiity on "them -wlen yon are Ttrrpsin Stores located in every Jicity; J . J. Greenberg, quata; Mrs. gogue structures, nor the one -with would obtain a loan irom fee socifity the i>ast year. "We cannot record! not l e r e and they luven*t evEn ynnr d^f iff the Soviet Union. t)rJL. 35eveleff, luncheons. the largest liospitals Dr the most ef- to tide them UVET a [period nf -econ- spectacular functions, but -we can r e - t o ^consort ^c&d ~sdv.^^B *uiem!? #BTB promptly executed. Prieea cord "with a sense of pride the "work, JIo, there 3B tmly one object 3B. Harry Sllverman -will lead the 1934 ficient relief agencies that Tdll in omic adjustment. a t "the Torpsin Stores compare "which "was done by our organization! owning l i f e TiKimmro Limfl -Hwrt; ifi •fEavwrahly -with those in the ^Philanthropies drive. the long run stanu out us Hie anost Gradually Omaha Jewry negan t o in lelping the Federation carry ihe.; United States. vitally Jewish. I t is rather the Tealize the marvElous ~vrofk 'QIE 3<!reeleavy load of the past .year. self and famiiy; i s take care of / on TorB«irs munity with the finest educational |il0an-..Socieiy'-KaB--.artn5. 'TQiat Our committees actively pariicipat-: -yaa in yaw -old age and your iamlocal bank wr plan, with the largest proportional. inal . nucleus l a s grown to be a TETV ed in the Pamihr "Welfare ijy i n rya* of pJVIIIHliirc drrttli. enrollment of its children in the He-: "important part of -BUT communal ae-jment, aiding in the distributian^ Especially -when, a s shown "you, lump brew School or Talmud Torah, -with tivity and l a s a large folhrwing. clothing, finding homes, providing do ami p w r S e fise the iighest type of teachers and Amounts Tip t o S20D may 1» harrow- transportation ior clients and "the an -EiQjer xase Sncr two desired IZy Dave Goldman most modern methods of instruction, | e ^ -with 3Epayxnent i y small .sums case Ts^ofker to ease the burden uf •1 Ton So jrot "very that -will in the end make the most jmonthly, There i s 310 an overload -caseload. fThp /National Council Hegnlar Sunday Dinner contribution to Jewish life ed, and Dnly a "nnmfnaTl IS In the Center, our organization l a s live organization of Jewish women.! ntative in U.S.A. • : ® B a r a r t i ^ , B n d ^ e l f a « ^ i i m d B . ^ i i s | a n a ^ a i s a t i o n in this country. at Popnlar Prices made :for the loan. continued "the S u n d a y aftsmnnii so -&at -we may Tender even greater i «t Amtors—261 Frftti AVL, 1M.Y. ^organized in 1932. its object being I t should be equally unnecessary t o "We are -VEry laupy t o see Omaha; helped the Center Players; ito -nffer a irw^iirm Jar ihe consider- point out thai the success Df any to nur community. ..... addijn of the common interests and educational system depends largfib? Jewry TecagiiizB the excellent work and in the development of the catesrwe are Joing. More ana more p j i n ^ ^rvicerwhich brouglt hrought lanureoE h j*4fejproblenis of Jewish federations and up on the trole played in :it by the -peo-nk into the Center. Jewish Welfare funds. Also to de- organized community a t larger—3 pie are donating to- Hus perpetual i . -fnnfl ±o TTn-mnrfn the '^VEIDP standards and principles of efmean the JewislIFederatian. A Jewdear, .naes _'who -lave passed away. Time does mot permit me to go into Secfive community organization and a Setailed asgDimg'^iI the iiumeroBS and more people are anter-cnmmunity'relationships in local ish Federation, that stands 3or the activities. 1 do v.ish to say, principle that its Tnnrn function, a s ing 31 check to the Txee Iioan activities. _ dons, distinguishes from a general com- in celelration""nf * Imppy "occasion", }*f*_ 2 I ^ S ^ . !^ ppy - Membership is open to any local munity chest, must be the preservalittle enough as compared to the great •Jewish Federation, Jewish -"Welfare tion and maintenance of those "val- as a marriage, a liirth, a !Bax Mitz- need of the services of ihe Jewish. lEund or similar organization -which ues, "which are the concern of the in Omaha. The fund has now grown to-where! zhas 3or its objective the centralizaam lopsful that during the Jews alone, that the duty of pro-; 3t i s xrver -526^Da. Storing its extion of planning ai\a financing for riding Jewish training t o those "wlo istence the lEree ILnun Society has ™ year "we shall be able to add to; Jewish social -work. strength, through a more effecneeQ. it is not a bit less essential TEhfi -administration Df the National than the obligation to •furnish fhs made over HjSBD loans amounting t o 0ver $lM/iVD. During t h e year 1933, is -vested mi a n executive "Hie -society rraade !22 irBrtre-nmnrnvt-ing committee of fifteen of ~whicl Mr.lpoor "with food snS clothing, •* : •Henry Monsky "was a member injjsb Federation that Ktanfls for this t o $10,385. linrxng the 2Si years, the Society 1333. A t the present time, twenty- tloly principle l a s a gloraous jfnture. seven of the larger cities indndingj Our City Talmud Toral of Ora- has charged only a little above one c a community institution, can percent of the money loaned n u t , a s '.Qmaha are members of the National'" 1 " 5 , nas ^ ^""^Tn-miitv itistitntion. can proudly claim to he one of fhe few "lost money." Tinse isho loan fl iConnciL 3noney religiously pay i t back. The second meeting of the general education systems in the entire jcoun-Among "Sis cuiuxTbutioiis i ^&e past that are xeally and -wholeheartedassembly held in Chicago, Janu- try year are the lollDwing: Mrs.3tKatel] 6 and 7. There were approsi? supported by the federation—the ^ary $ and 7. man, foO; Mrs. A. Wolf, -fSD; Syman tely 163 delegates representing S4 Jewish Philanthropies of Omaha. Goldstein and HSLrs. lEobert Soopfir, It Is, therefore, very gratifying -cities ±rom all parts of the United §25; Mrs. Tfffnriwt iiapi&ns and son, gives yon MS-CS t&e tone, all of the States. Unusual amount of discus- tc rreport to you about the progress Earl, ?10; 3SIr, and Mrs. Irvin Stalwe have made in the Talmud Torah sian "was centered around the guesmastfir, $10. 3r tafifeis Tonalite Concrol" so tliat tom as to -whether the federation during the last year. The money loaned "by the Society' 1. "We have gamed the confidence sSwuld broaden its scope beyond its can see •wtoz you Ihrar and control it. throughout piilanthropic program so as to em- off the Jewish ppopulation p h t h i r a c e also the social and cultural the city -which is evidenced hy the 1c lass twitE The range and power of meeds of the Jewish community and fact that nur enrollment list consists ^whether it should reorganize itself in no-w of 282 pnpfls as against 1M ccflmarj sets. And ir p r e s die world's rBud 3. "way as to become the recog- last year. -3uzed and authoritative spokesman of ifhe Jewish community. newest features — including ibc _ The council re-affirmed its interest 3D regional conferences and Omaha The Omaha Hebrew Club honored broadcasts. ^was ^selected for a conference to be one of its nldest members, Mr. J&l3held some time in 1934. This con- bert ILaplan, on the occasion of iiis Ckune in 2nd esamins tids blue-blood ;iexence "will include Hansas City, fiftieth wedding annivErsary; last jSmneapdlis, Des Moines, and all "Wednesday. Mr. Kaplan has lieen a ladios! Ttmns to suit. ; .cities -within a radius of oOO miles member of the organization for the jfrom Omaha. 3ttr. Phil Ulutznick past forty years. He -was ~Trrp.Kented >waE elected xdiairman of the confer- v.-kh si gold ring by a committee com-ence committee to l e leld in Omaha. po=ed of John Peldman, chairman; "The T»ew RCA Vhter Bt-Acoustic A 3iew executive rommittee was IN. S. Taffe and Hy Shrier. Sodto Mode! 260, Housed m on selected for the ^ensuing year, and engaging we hint cabinet of iince Mr. Honsky "wired that he tambour rioor rJesign. list pr'izm ^wtrdld be unable to serve, ULr. Sam •r Mr. Marcus personally snI pervises the flry cleaning | SBebisr "was elected in l i s place. with HCA Radiotrons— ••''..'. The meeting terminated -with 5a and pressing of all gar•banquet at which High Commissioner inents sent to his j)laist. James McDonald -was the speaker. JZb:. ./McDonald, as you loiow, was ^appointed by the Council of the ILeague of Nations to care for "the •German refugees; I don't suppose "there is any man in the "world today -who is more conversant -with the MARCUS, Prop. refugees' conditions and problems 3A. 1440 I than he.Mr. McDonald said that there 6
At Meetin
Talmud Society
Old People's Home
Jewish Philanthropies
Jewish Free Loan
Ymar Gift of
Style Lmiciieoiis and Dinners Daily Special Dinner Every
Rational Carnal of Jewish Federations
Hear Ihis New Victor Badio • . . I T S A12-1UK Bl-ACOUSTIC INSraUMENT w*lh JOHAUTE CONTROL and
Honor Member
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THE JEWISH PRESS Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by
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Editorial Office: 490 Brandeia Theater Building. Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center DAVID BLACKER - - « • • « Business and Managing Editor PRANK R. ACKERMAN - - - - - - - - - - - - Editor FANNIE KATELMAN - - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent ANN P I L L - - •- - - - - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent P r i n t Shop Address: 1307 Howard Street
The Week in Review The Federation
Belren Wolfe, psychcamalyst, is that Mass., b y t h e British. such united effort is not used, then the Nazis will stamp out every "Aha," they said, as they looked they don't make enough mistakes. vestige of German religious freedom of thought and action. UnWhy not start an organization with at him, "a Jewl" less the church of the world puts the fear of God into Hitler, in a They- decided to amuse themselves the slogan: "Have you made your •with a little interesting torture. He mistake today?" year half of the ministers will be ousted from their churches in was given only pork to eat. Germany and the other half will see their pulpits used merely for Etting Jew—and he Why is it that 75 per cent of g was a pious p Nazi propaganda." d h k refused t o e a t t h e pork, b u t h e m a n - those who want to write for papers By DAVID SCHWARTZ In pointing out that outside pressure does have an effect upon .»-»w»rv««j aged t o subsist i n a i t l want to fcg columnists? Harold Bergiven to j J n a n gxpiaing ft -^itn a story of a the Nazis, Mr. Stowe reveals the action upon the part of our State him by the other prisoners. who came to the owner of a Department little known. While Stowe was correspondent in Ger- \ Oranges are not the only thing However, his bodily resistance suf- man night club, who was his friend. one can mak a living on in Palesmany from March to October thirty-five official cases were re- tine. Ida Flatou writes some 'women fered, and shortly after his release- "Say, Mr. Owner," he said, "can't died from tuberculosis. you give my son a job in your orported to the consulate of American citizens being beaten up by she knows make a living in Erea heThe Solis-Cohen3 of Philadelphia chestra?" the Nazis. Protests, Mr. Stowe informs us, were without avail, Israel teaching bridge. Sehaddianous are descendants of the Hays family. "Well, yes, can your son play the until the State Department sharply informed the German govern- seems also to be a good business. violin?" replied the owner. ment that if there was another repetition the United States gov- They do say that a new agreement Incidentally, the University in Ex- "No," replied the papa. will soon begin the publication of "Can he play the piccolo?" ernment would openly tell the citizenry of this country that their s brewing between the Palestine gov- ile an economic and sociological quar- "No," replied the papa. safety in Germany could not be guaranteed. This open declaration ernment and the Zionists which will terly to be called Social Research. "Well, what instrument can he all the disaffection about immi- The German professors of the Exile play?" would have been too damaging, and for the first time the Nazi end gration. It is said that the British College, says Dr. Johnson, are a "Well, you know that fellow who government took* heed. The German papers, entirely dictated to government is ready to allow an im- most engaging lot, and completely stands up in front with a stick? My by the Nazis, came out with a warning that Americans were not migration of 30,000 annually, with contented here. son could do that." condition that there be no illegal If anything, says Johnson, they to be molested. Until this warning became necessary, no German the entry. suffer from a plethora of attention. Innsbruck, Austria—Unparalleled paper had ever carried an item about an American being beaten up. reigns among the Jewish popuNo stories of the persecutions as told in the responsible news It may interest you to know that There has been of late much dis- panic lation of the provinces of western agencies in this country are exaggerated, Mr. Stowe tells us. No at the moat sacred shrine of Chris- cussion in the New York press about Austria as the aftermath of the foreign correspondent in Germany, he further states, has any tendom, the Church of the Nativity slang with particular attention to wave of Nazi demonstrations which Bethlehem, Palestine, when the that classic uem of slanguage "nuts." are sweeping the country. doubt but that the Nazi themselves set fire to the Reichstag. The in Christmas services were held this And isn't it about time that someforeign correspondents, he states, are disgusted; their intelligence year .about half of the people in the one projected a theory that this clasis insulted by the Nazis giving them data and stories for publica- church were Jews. Came as specta- sic phrase—nuts to you—is of HeNATIONAL braic origin. tion which the correspondents know are untrue and which the tors, of course. ACCESSORIES, Inc. Consult the siddur, and you will Nazis know the correspondents know are untrue; a complete sys- The New York Sun this week had see that the phrase really comes EVERYTHING tem of espionage and censorship surrounds the correspondents. an interesting1 article about Jacob from the prayerbook. What else does For the Auto When Stowe got out of Germany he wrote what he had seen in Hays, the only Jewish chief of po- "va-nislach lecha" mean, I ask you. 2051 Farnam AT. 5524 lice New York ever had. Hays was Germany in a series of articles printed in London, Paris and many police The trouble with people, says Dr. chief of the metropolis around European countries. Though he published nothing but facts wit- the 1820's. He had an international nessed in Naziland, he declares that if he ever steps foot in Nazi reputation as a crime detector. Fanny thin? about Hays was that he reGermany he will be arrested and put in prison for "treason." fused to go armed. He was a man of Leland Stowe takes his place beside Edgar Ansell Mowrer as Max Baer's proportions and apparoutstanding figures in world journalism'who dared to tell the truth ently alsa of Ms strength, for it is said, that criminals quaked before concerning what is happening in Nazi German and thereby gave him, HTMIE BOLDER, Pres. though he was unarmed. the world an uncensored picture.
It has been evident for some time that a deeper Jewish consciousness was being developed in the local Jewish community; Concrete evidence of this strengthening of Jewish spirit and feeling was manifested Monday evening when one of the best attended annual meetings in years was held by the Jewish Community Centejr and Welfare Federation. The Federation, representing the Jewry of all walks of life and all schools of thought, has become the spokesman for the entire Jewish community. The Jewish people whom the Federation represents heard with favor the functional heads' reports of their stewardship; the re-election of the officers is an obvious indication that the affairs of the Center are being run capably and efficiently. The history of the Federation is a long and splendid one. It dates back to the organizatfoh of the Associated Jewish Charities of Omaha organized October 18, 1903. In 1919 the name was changed to "Jewish Welfare Federations. The 1919-1926 period will be remembered as the period during which the Jewish ComHe said he didn't like to go armed munity Center came into being through the initiative of the Jewfor fear of tiling people. Then, he Opening the Gates ish Welfare Federation and its leaders. The third member of the said, you had to bury the killed, and In an article reprinted in last week's Jewish Press from the that was a great nuisance. It triumvirate, the Jewish Philanthropies, was organized in 1929 after the Community Survey. The most epochal step was the magazine "Today," Prof Raymond Moley adds his voice to that of come to think about it. consolidation of the Federation, the Center and the Philanthro- Al Smith and other liberals in pointing out that this country was Hays, by the way, was the son of pies into one organization, in 1931. Through this pooling of ef- built by refugees from persecution and has always been a haven Mrs. Hays, whose home in Westchesfort was effected the concentration and co-operation of the entire of refuge for the oppressed of the world—that in lieu of the tra- ter was burned down by the British community in an organized effort for charitable and philanthropic ditional background of our country we should take a more liberal during the Revolution. The story goes that the British entered her endeavor for the general good and benefit of all, doing away with attitude in the opening of the gates of the United States to the home, when she was alone with her duplication and waste and bringing to the social, philanthropic and oppressed in Germany. sick child, her husband being away educational work of the Omaha Jewish community the full measI t is gratifying to learn that definite liberalization of immi- with the American soldiers. "Tell us where the Americans are,' ure and strength of the community's support. gration requirements to enable the admission of numbers of refu- insisted the British. Mrs. Hays reWe have behind us unprecedented conditions. That the Fed- gees from Germany under the regular immigration quota is being fused to play the traitor. eration weathered the economic storm is to our credit. On the effected as government departments moved to expediate formali- "Set fire to the house," said the colonel. •fvhole our record is one in which we can take justifiable prida ties involved. Actual liberalization of requirements for entry of British And it was done. The reports rendered Monday show undiminished activity despite refugees would have to be enacted by Congress^ but the attitude decreased funds. Our relief burden has doubled and in many in- of the consular officials is all important. The State Department A cousin of Chief of Police Hays, stances trebled, yet the Jewish standards of yore have held fast. states that consular o|ficials in Germany have been instructed to Reuben Etting, had a rather strange with the British, troops. We have strained under the load, but we have come through. That give refugees who desire to come to this country every considera- experience He 'was captured at Charlestown, past is a barometer for our action in the future. At the sym- tion. The Department of Labor has made arrangements to acposium a large number of constructive ideas were presented, dem- cept bonds in advance in order that immigrants may meet the onstrating that the problems confronting us tomorrow are mani- public charge requirements of the immigration laws. GEMS of the BIBLE fold and are far more difficult than the problems of yesterday Under a liberalized attitude many German refugees could enand TALMUD The problems of the future is our challenge—how we meet them ter this country. The German quota of 25,957 is far from being By O. O. DASHES will determine what dividends we will.receive for a rich communal filled, visas for less than ten per cent of the quota total having tradition. To meet them successfully will require not a passive been issued annually since 1930. By an easing of policy the State attitude on the part of the individual members of our Jewish Department and the Department of Labor can provide for the My son, be wise, and make my heart glad, that I may answer him who community—instead, it will require a dynamic attitude on our issuance of visas for the full quota amount. From the standpoint taunteth me. part, a willingness to sacrifice for the good of ourselves, our fam- of humanity, this is the least that should be done. The wicked flee when no man pur sueth, but the righteous are secure ilies and our people.
as a young lion. A poor man who oppresseth the weak a sweeping rain which From "The Joys of the Soul" by one Simchath Hanefesch, as leavethis nolikefood. Humanized History He who augmenteth his subDrab colorlessness has seemed to have an affinity for his- quoted by Jacob Wassermann in "The Dark Pilgrimage": stance by interest and increase, "A man had three good friends. One was his bosom friend tory. The study of history has been associated with mustiness, it for him who is gracious the second was also a good friend, the third he held in low esteem. gathereth with dry and uninteresting facts and dates. to the poor. Talmud But last week-end Omaha Jewry was fortunate to be given One day the king suddenly sent a messenger to this man to command him to come to the king immediately. The man was much Rabbi Ami said: "The prayer o: a new meaning of the study of history. Dr. Abram L. Sachar in a man is not answered unless he puts affrighted and asked himself what it had to signify that the king his three-day Institute of Jewish History thrilled the capacity his whole soul into it." crowds that heard him make history a living, fascinating, absorb- should send for him. Full of fear he went to his bosom friend Rabbi Jochanan said: "Rain i; not withheld except for such men as ing reality. He brought the magnetism of famous Jewish figures; and asked him to go with him to the king, but he would not go promise pttbilcly to give charity, and with him. Then he went to his second friend, and asked him to go into a new focus, he placed a new romance about hitherto dull then do not fulfill their promise. chronological events. The enthusiasm he left behind him showed with him t a t h e king, but he said, T will go with thee to the door Ilpha and Rabbi Jochanan stud the Torah together. They wew an accomplishment of the purpose of the Institute—interest-in of his castle, but further I will not go.' Then he went to his third ied in very poor circumstances and even friend, whom he held in low esteem. And he said, 1 will go with Jewish history had been stimulated and both youths and adults want of food. So they said: "Le" were eager to delve more thoroughly into the treasure-houses of thee to the king and will protect thee.' And he went with him to us rise and go unto business, thereby what is written (Deut. Jewish loi*e. The determination to make the Institute and annual the king and protected him. Now of these three friends, the first maintaining 15.4) 'Indeed there should be no is money, the second is wife and child, the third; whom he held in event speaks well for its success. needy man among you.'" They beIt is believed that Omaha was the first city in the country to low esteem, is Thora, the commandments, the good deeds, which took themselves and sat down bean unsafe wall and ate thei try this experiment of a three-day, five-course Institute of Jewish a man esteems not. The king, that is God, the messenger is death, neath meal. Soon two angels appeared whom God sends suddenly to require a man's soul of him. The History. In this sense, our community is setting a high standard and Rabbi Jochanan heard one o: worthy of emulation elsewhere, throughout the country. Jewish best friend, who is money, he stays home, for however much a them say to the other: "Let us throw wall down upon them and kil history is so rich with tradition, so interesting in content that as man has he can take nothing with him. The second friend, who the them, for they are about to neglec members of a Jewish community, we cannot afford to let slip by is wife and child, they go with him to his grave and weep and cry eternal life (study) and busy them the opportunity to study it and absorb it in its full cultural, exhil- there, but cannot help him. The third friend, whom the man selves with temporary life (bust ness.) But the other angel replied iarating significance. We hope that from the Institute will follow esteems not, he goes with him to the king." "Let them alone, for there is one a more intensified study of Jewish history, an integral part of a of them whom the time will succor, and will shortly become great." Rabbi program for a greater Jewish cultural background. An Ancient Jewish Autonomy Jochanan heard this but Upha did Interesting light has been shed on a hitherto obscure period not, and the former asked: "Did the master hear anything?" "Nay, I of Jewish history by Dr. E. L. Sukenik, archaeologist of the He- heard A Foreign Correspondent Speaks nothing," was the reply. So Leland Stowe, Paris correspondent of the New York Herald- brew University, who had deciphered the inscriptions on two an- Rabbi Jochanan thought, "Because I Tribune and winner of the Pulitzer Prize of 1930 for the best ex- cient Jewish coins as "Yahud," or Judaea, and by ingenious de- heard it and Ilpha did not, in all one to •whom ample of foreign correspondence, revealed the true situation in duction has proved that in the fifth century B. C. E. when the probability I am the time will succor. He said to Ilpha: Persians ruled Palestine, there was Jewish autonomy in the provNazi Germany to a representative of the Jewish Press in an inter"I have reconsidered and will return back to study the Torah." Thus view here Monday. He did not tell what he had read or what he ince of Judaea. The study of Jewish archaeology is a fascinating one, and Rabbi Jochanan returned to his had been told, buthe told what he had actually experienced while studies, and Upha engaged in busiDr. Sukenik's various contributions to the vast subject have dis"covering the news" on the front line of the European situation. ness. By Vie time Ilpha returned His statements were not new, they were not sensational, but they played time and again the continuous Jewish habitation of Erez (from a business trip) Rabbi Jochanan became the chief of the college. had a stamp of authenticity which cannot be denied or refuted. Israel even in the days when Israel's destiny was dark. The scholars afterwards said to Il, He sounded a warning of more importance to Christianity pha: "If you hadst stayed with tis and had continued to study the Say.... than to Judaism. He declared that "If the Protestant and Cath- They Torah, we would have made you the olic churches unite with the Jewish congregations in a very en"I have never been able to understand why cordial considera- chief of the college." To prove that larged boycott, they might save six or seven thousand pastors tion has not always been granted the Jew who, wherever he is he is still a great scholar, he hung who are being thrown out of their pulpits in Nazi Germany and found, is a devoted citizen. Of all the lands that should accord himself Upon the mast of a ship and "Let anybody ask me any law will soon be starving—by concerted action, the church groups him acclaim is Germany where Jewish blood, kith and kin have said: and if I do not show the origin might save what's left of Christianity in Germany today. Outside been the greatest factors in Germany's scientific progress."- of the law, I shall fall down from the mast of the ship into the water." pressure is the only way of affecting Hitler and the Nazis. If Senator Henry D. Hatfield of West Virginia. '
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RETURNS TO N Hatikvoh's Benefit Council of Jewish Sisterhood Dancing- Party by FRANCISCO Mrs. David Modlin, who for ^ Women Show on Thursday A regular meeting of the SisterAuxiliary Group; past two months has been visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. The ticket sale for the benefit hood of Temple Israel will be held Expected to be the outstanding so- New members announced this weefc; Kovitz, has returned to her home in show to be given February 8 at the Monday afternoon, February 5. The cial event of the late winter season by the Council of Jewish Women axej. San Francisco, Cal. During her stay Circle Theater by the Hatikvoh Club meeting will be preceded by a lunch- on the Conservative Synagogue calen- the following: Mesdames Leo Finehere she was extensively entertained. is meeting with splendid response, eon at 1 o'clock. Reservations may dar, all is in readiness for the Lin- stein, Ben Silver and Cy Kozberg. reports Mrs. M. Levy, chairman. All be made with Mrs. MoHie Cohn, Wal- coln Birthday dancing party to beThe Council heard an address by proceeds will go toward helping local nut 7114; given by Mrs. Sol Novitsky's group Miss Lillian Johnson, child welfare VISITOR HERE Mrs. Harry Superior of Wheeling, Jewish needy. Rabbi David H. Wice wfll give an of the Conservative Synagogue Aux- secretary, at the meeting Monday at Many valuable door prizes were do- address continuing his series of Bible iliary Sunday evening, February 11, the Community Center, when plans W. Va., is visiting here a t the home at the Fontenelle hotel. of her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. nated by local merchants. The draw- History talks. were also announced for the annual ing will be at 9 o'clock. The judges for the prize waltz Council bridge to be held in place of and Mrs. Abe Herzberg. Two star comics of radio, Jack will be Mrs. Perry Silverman, Miss the next regular meeting of Monday, Frieden and Hugo Pennington will Ida Tenenbaum, and Mrs. M. H. Sog- February 26, at the Community CenABBAHAMS-SALTZSTEIN ON BUYING TRIP GOLDEN WEDDING entertain. Pennington will do his Conservative Auxiliary olow. KIJPTIiXS ter. Mrs. Philip Levey, ways and ANSIVEBSABY Miss Rae Borsky left for New Tickets are on sale by 40 women means chairman, and her committee Miss Pauline Saltzstein of Milwau- Over 200 friends attended the "open York on a buying trip. On her re- famous "fan dance" at the 9 o'clock A "dessert-coffee," is planned as a of Mrs. Novitsky's committee. They kee, Wis., will become the bride of house" celebration of Mr. and Mrs. tarn she will go to Excelsior Springs show. The membership drive of the dub unique feature of the nest Conser- may also be obtained at the door will be in charge. Mr. Milton It. Abrahams, son of Mr. Albert Kaplan "Wednesday evening on for a two-week vacation. is in full swing. The losing side vative Auxiliary meeting on Wednes- the evening of the party. Austin and Mrs. Edward Abrahams, of this the occasion, of their fiftieth wedding will give a "kid's party" for the win- day, February 14, at 1:30 p. m., at orchestra will play for the The International Relations study city, at a quiet home ceremony in Mil- anniversary. Half a century ago Mr. WINS HONORS AT ning side. dancing. group meets Monday, February 5 at waukee on Saturday, February 3. Aand Mrs. Kaplan were wed in Daven- LINCOLN The the J. C. C. auditoruim. number of Omahans plan to attend. port, la., and have lived in Omaha for Sam Fleishman, son of Mr. and The Hatikvoh club is now affiliated meeting will start an hour earlier "The ticket sale thus far has been 2:30 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Max Pioneer "Women with than usual, and women will be served extremely gratifying and the attend- Holzman. Dr. Langfeld will talk on Miss Saltzstein is a graduate of the the past 47 years. Mrs. B. Fleishman of Omaha, a Jun- with the national in New York, and from their luncheon dessert course a t the ance is expected to exceed 200 a subject in relation to the problem •Wisconsin State Teachers college and About seventy-five congratulatory ior a t the University of Nebraska, headquarters now on will be known as the Hatik- meeting, instead of at home. couples," according to Mrs. Novitsky. being studied by the group, the Pure was formerly supervisor of art in the telegrams from all parts of the coun- was high scorer in the varsity-fresh- voh-Pioneer club. Food and Drug act. Sheboygan high school. Something of a patriotic nature in try were received, as -well as many man meet cf the University Rifle The young couple will be at home gifts and flowers. The Kaplans ex- club recently. the way of a sweet is planned, acPioneer Women In Omaha by the end of February. cording to Mrs. Phineas Wintroub, press their appreciation to all of their Fleishman, who is a leading memGhesed Shel Ernes program chairman, who makes note A meeting of the Pioneer Women friends for their courtesies. ber of the vets, headed the shooters Daughters of Zion of the fact that the meeting day falls will be held Tuesday afternoon, Febwith a score of 374 out of a posRECEPTION FOR A regular meeting of the Chesed just between Lincoln and WashingGIVES TEA sible 400. NEWLY-WEDS ruary 6, at 2:30 p. m. at the J. C, C. A board meeting of the Daughters Shel Ernes society will be held Mon- ton's birthday. Invitations were issued to forty Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Margolin Rabbi David A- Goldstein will be the of Zion has been called by the presiday afternoon, February 5, at the •will receive at their home, 505 South women for a tea being given today JUNIOR SOCIETY MEETDJG A one-act play will be presented, guest speaker. dent, Mrs. J. Goldware, to be held Fifty-third street, on Sunday, Feb- by Mrs. Philip Levey at her home At a meeting of the Junior Society Jewish Funeral Home, starting at 2 'Our Mother's Son." The cast in- A barge number of new members at the J. C. C. on Wednesday, FebTuary 4, from 2 to 5 p.m. and from for members of her committee of the of the Conservative Synagogue to be p. m. All members are urged to at- cludes Tobye Flax, Martha Hixnmel- will be welcomed at this meeting. A ruary 7, at 2 p. m. AH officers 7 to 9 p. m. in honor of the recent Council of Jewish Women. Assisting held Monday evening, February 5, attend. stein, and Mrs. Phineas Wintroub. financial report will be rendered. Fol- and board members are urged to be marriage of their daughters, Ruth hostesses are the Mesdames Harry the home of Miss Bess Bernstein, This will be an open meeting. Mem- iwing the business session, tea will present. 'and Bertha. Ruth was wed to Mr. Perimeter, Ephraim Yousem, Robert Rabbi Uri Miller will be the speaker. bers are urged to bring friends. >e served. All members are urged to Joe Bernstein and Bertha was wed Glazer and Bernice Natelson. Announcement is made of the elec- ittend. The tea table appointments will be BENEFIT CARD PARTY to Mr. Abe "Winer. tion of Mrs. David Greenberg as a The cultural group of the Pioneer No invitations have been issued, in yellow and orchid, with, a center- A benefit card party will be given A peppy send-off smoker will bs director, to replace Mrs. Ben Glazer, Women will have a round table disheld by. the chapter Sunday evening and all friends and relatives are in- piece of yellow and orchid sweetpeas. by the Chesed Shel Emes at the Jewwho is now residing in Fort Bodge, cussion Saturday afternoon, February Mrs. Levey is chairman of theish Community Center on February at the home of Ernie Nogg, 1819 la. New members of the Auxiliary vited. ways and means committee. Plans 25. Door prizes will be awarded. The Binney. The smoker is given annual- are Mrs. Susie Reuben and Mrs. Leo ly for the chapter's contestants in Braviroff. ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT general public in invited. the district A. Z. A. tournament. The Council bridge, to be held Monday Omaha's Most Beaotifnl . Announcement has been made of Mrs. Bernice Natelson, Sunday Voltaire Young" Circle tourney wfll be held this year in Tavern the engagement of Miss M i n n i e afternoon, February 26, at the J.PLANNING BRIDGE The regular meeting of the •'VolSchool chairman of the Auxiliary, is Lincoln February 9, 10 and 11. Shane, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. C. A benefit bridge for the Pleasant A senior and junior advisory board completing arrangements for a school taire" Young Circle club was held 3927 Farnam St. Shane of Dallas, Texas, formerly of Hill society will be sponsored by Mrs. have been elected. Stanley Levin, a celebration this Sunday to commem- January 25 at the J. C. C. A disOmaha, to Mr. Isaac Goldstein, als° ANNOUNCE BIRTH J. Abrahamson on Wednesday after- charter member of the Mother chap- orate Hamisha Asar B'Shebat, Jew- cussion was held on the Round Mr. and Mrifc Jack W. Marer an- noon, February 14, at 2 p.m. at the of Dallas. Arbor Day, stressing the signifi- 'able's coming event, "All Star nounce the birth of a son on Sun-Clover Leaf club. Tlhere win be spe- ter, has been elected head advisor of ish cance of the upbuilding of Palestine. Night." The constitution and by- Make the Oriental room the senior group. Other advisors are day, January 28, at tSie Clarkson of the Sunnymede Tavfor the group were presented. cial entertainment and prfces. The HONOR BRIDE-TO-BE Refreshments in keeping with the laws William Holzman, Harry Trustan, Dr. hospital. As part of the program for the ern the place for your and public is invited. Admission will be The Misses Sadye Tatelman Leon FeHman, Dr. Maynard Green- occasion will be served the children ext meeting there will be a debate Bertha Slutzkin honored Miss Sara 35 cents. next tea party. berg, Rabbi David Goldstein and Max by the Sunday School committee, nad on the question, "Resolved, that JuAnn Noddle, whose marriage to Mr. ON TRIP Barish. daism in the United States is doomed Henry Levitan "will take place Feb- Mrs. Isaac Dloogoff and Miss Gol- JUNIOR YAAD AUXILIARY After the dance or theadie Zusman have left for a ten-day The junior advisory board consists there will be a program during the to extinction." Anne Witkin and ruary 18, at a bridge-tea. The apschool assembly when a playlet will TO HOLD BRIDGE ter meet your friends a t trip .to Kansas City, Mo., where they of Art Grossman, Irvin Wezelman, pointments were carried out in pink The Junior Vaad Auxiliary will Oscar Mayerowich, and Louis Riklin. be presented by Paula Behnont and George Dolgoff will uphold the afthe Sunnymede. will visit relatives and friends. While firmative and Sol Dolgoff and Julius and green. Twenty guests attended. there, they will attend the wedding sponsor a bridge February 13 at the Jerome Gordon, assisted by the chil- .aserowitz will uphold the negative. of Miss Jean Shaeffer, niece of Mr. Jewish Community Center. Door dren of Miss Grace Dansky's class. RETURNS HOME prizes will be given away. An interA. Z. A. 100 Miss Mae Perlman, -who has been and Mrs. Dloogoff, which will tak esting evening has been planned. Palestinian songs will be sung. •visiting her brother-in-law and sis- place in Kansas City, February 4. Tickets are only thirty-five cents per Preparations for the district A. Z. ter, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Goldware, has person. Everyone is welcome. Tick- A. convention in Lincoln were comreturned to her home in New York MOTHERS' CLUB ets may be secured from any Vaad The next meeting of the S. A. M. member or at the Jewish Community pleted at a meeting Sunday by the City. "While lere, she was extensiveCentury chapter. The send-off smokMothers' club will be held on Wed- Center. ly entertained. nesday, February 21, at 2 p.m. at The Junior Vaad wfll hold its reg- er for the chapter's representatives JTeELy DOB Dresses are 14 the home of Mrs. L Fiedler, 123 ular meeting Tuesday, February 6, at w d be held the night before the sold only at Henbergs in Lbs. North Thirty-third street. All S. A.the B'nai Israel Synagogue, at which boys leave, February 8, with Sam Workmen's Circle . for Friedman hi charge. Omaha. M. mothers are invited. time important announcements will be Harold Civin and Yale Halpernwill The president of the national made. An interesting cultural pro- represent the chapter .in debating and Warkmerfs Ciwle^Mr. -J. -Weinberg, ATilOWA STATE; COLLEGE 'gram will T»e leatured. * '••*•"•—•Nate Crounse in oratory. The probaof New York, will address a joint The Iowa State College Tclub, a ble members of the basketball team meeting of the three local branches, Jewish student organization,"recentarc Harvey Jacobow, Sam Friedman, Numbers 173, 258 and 1014, at the ly sponsored an open meeting to Hadassah Herman Blumenthal, Jack Bronstein, which professors and townspeople of Labor Lyceum February 21. Al Monovitz, Dave Schlaifer, Harold The "Workmen's Circle Branches Ames were invited. The program The Omaha chapter of Hadassah Crrin and Yale Halpern. 173 and 258 will sponsor a concert featured an illustrated lecture on will sponsor its second annual show on Friday, March 2, featuring talent Palestine by Mr. S. Risk, a recent for the benefit of the Medical Fund visitor to the Near East. frem New York. Students from Omaha, prominent on March 5 at the Central High Lowest Kosher Meat Prices in Recent Years in Alpha activities, include Bill Frie- auditorium. Mrs. Julius Stein is Buy on Sew den, club president; Morton Rayman, chairman. Anyone interested in seRo-Noh treasurer, and Charles Guss, chair- curing] or selling tickets to raise At an election of officers last man on invitations to tbe open meet- money; lor the "Give or Get Fund" is asked to call Mis. Stein. >Hiursday by the Bo-Nob, the follow- ing. And Sare on the Finest Grade of Meats Sold in the City ing were chosen: Jerry Gross, presiThrough popular request, THE OMAHA KOSHER BUTCHEB ASdent; Ronald Reuben, vice-president; SOCIATION hare decided to sell the same highest Quality meats on Milton Eobinson, secretary; Granum a CASH A>D CABBY BASIS and pass on to their customers a treMake Sure If 8.... mendous saying:. Kaplan, corresponding secretary, and Jerry Hirschman, treasurer. THE OMAHA KOSHER BUTCHERS ASSOCIATION absolutely guarantee that they win continue to sell the same fine grade meats at the new low prices as they hare in tie past. NEW YORK Fratority PUMPERNICKEL BREAD HEBE ABE A FEW EXAMPES OF VTBAT WE ABE OFFERING YOU: Fratority held a regular meeting CHU€K 2 lbs. for 25c Wednesday evening at the CongregaCHUCK STEAK 2 lbs. for 25c Ask for FOEBES bread by name . . . FORBES stands for unexcelled tion of Israel synagogue. A debate CHOPPED MEAT 2 lbs. for 25c quality. followed the business meeting. Those FLAMtEN . .3 lbs. for 25c taking part were Max Halperin, STEAKS Per lb. 20c Never Hare Ton Seen Such Talnes Molly Lipsman, Gertrude Canar, and OR UNSLJCED... AT YOUR GROCER Morris Baumer. Aaron Coreman OR DELICATESSEN This Offer is Made Possible by sang, accompanied by Jieva Lipsman. THE OMAHA KOSHER BUTCHERS ASSOCIATION
Sunnymede Tavern
New Cafe Herman Cohen, wel-known restauxant operated, has opened Herman's Cafe at his old location at 117 No. 17, St., two doors south of the Medical Arts building. A specialty will be a twenty-five cent plate luncheon. A full line of cigars and candies are being handled. Falrtaff beer on tap and in bottles is featured by the cafe. They have a beer garden in connection with the cafe. .
McDonald & Co. Hmcessors to Albert Edholro 2nd Floor City Kot'I Bank Bide.
• "Inc.'' •
JA. 7474 Driver Owned Fully Insured
A -
1415 North 24th St. CASH AND CABBY ONIY
1801 North 20th St.
J. SHUKERT 161»14 North 24th St.
SOSKIN'S MEAT MARKET 1552 North 20th St.
HOWARD** 16th.
A compleie jewelry service. Lowest in price and highest in quality.
2711 Uo. 24th St.
Webster 6400
i j | i i
"PEP" FOR THE HUMAN ENGINE £ A n automobile will sputter and smutter if not "hitting on all four." 0 The human engine cannot produce 100% unless it is fed right . . . with quality food. 9 "Tune up" yourself... add zest to your work . . . pep to your undertakings . . . enjoy the delicious menus of the Jack & J i l l . . . morning, noon or night, or after the show. A Suggestion for Any Night Jack & Jill Sizzling Steak Sarretf whll* > • in tb* pnr*w I U f l
of coklnc Piping hot.
ldabe naked
potato, allrrd c.mato. ibirad batter, fftek.
Sft jBears [Repeating
Jewish Refugees from Germany Can Now Emigrate to America
; j
Attorney General Comings just issued a ruling by ! which the Department of Labor can admit Jewish refugees ! from Germany, provided relatives in this country give the • customary bond that the immigrants win not become public charges. The Department of State followed with a statement that American Consuls in Germany have been instructed to assist refugees in every way possible. The Department of State and Labor are now in accord in regards to this important new policy. If you have friends or relatives among the refugees, bring them to America. Call us without delay and get further complete information.
Val ]• Peter Travel Bureau Omaha, Nebraska 1307 Howard Street
Phones AT. 0340, AT. 8028
NELLY DON echoes a striking repeat note in belt and tie of this new ensemble. Plain linen coat against a multi-stripe suede cloth frock, $11.90
The dress with • slant that is sleek. Sells separately at $5.95.
. t l l i
"IMPORT" SNOW FOR BATTLE—In air heavy with the scent of flowers and with a background of palm trees, Girl Scouts at Pasadena, Cal., are pictured climaxing a day of outdoor sports with a snow battle, the ammunition being transported from nearby mountains. Bathing: suits served as uniforms for the battle.
HOW ARIZONA TAMES BANDITS—Harry Pierpont, reputed member of the notorious Dillinger gang, didn't want his picture taken following his capture v, ith three others in Tucson, Ariz But his captors thought he ought to favor the cameramen, and so he had his picture taken—with the aid of Sheriff John Delton, right, and Officers Chet Sherman and Ben West, at left.
PRISON REORGANIZERS—This photo shows Commissioner of Corrections Austin H. MacCormick of New York City, center, with Acting Warden Lazarus Levy, left, and Dr. Louis Berg, senior medical officer, in whose hands lay the task of reorganizing Welfare island penitentiary, which was raided by a force of police headed by MacCormick after revelations that inmates dominated the prison.
QUITE A CONTRAST—Here is a view in the Lorton prison, at Lorton, Va., where thousands of convicts, sent from the District of Columbia, are living in peace and comfort. A jazz band composed of inmates, plays during all meals, adding to the contentment of the prisoners. This is quite a contrast to the Welfare island prison, in New York City.
FROM AN INCUBATOR—Harold Lloyd, Jr., son of the well-known movie actor, is shown at the home of his parents in Hollywood, celebrating his third birthday with his sister, Gloria. Attired in a policeman's uniform, a birthday gift, the lad, who has been nicknamed Bud, now weighs 30 pounds, a much bigger boy than most people thought he would be when he was born. Bud spent several months of his early life in an incubator because at birth he weighed less than three pounds.
" *r-
JUNGLE BATTLE—Size means little in the ever-raging battles of inhabitants of the jungle. This graphic jungle photo 6hows a death struggle between a 22-foot python and a water buffalo, the snake winding itself about the neck of the huge animal. Needless to say, "'"" » ,, ... . « • • « • • . . *_.*_*. the reptile won •the death fight.
BATTLE TO DEATH—A film expedition to the Asiatic jungles returned to the United States with many scenes. This one shows a lion and tiger battling to death-both animals biting and clawing for ° . . . ° . . • * decisive grip. The lion ** came out winner.
FIGHTING TO LIVE—This photo shows one of the fierce battles which take place in the jungles of Asia, where one must fight to live. Although appearing about ready to lose his life to an army of crabs in this photo, the monkey finally emerged victorious, crushing his victims with his Dowrrful hurnin
*-.*. . . -
dominated by a central power.' H e JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER AND WELFARE FEDERATION contradistinguished this with the • Junior Congregation psychology of the French,, who. a r e The Junior Congregation of the analytical and individualistic and STATEMENTOFL RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS FOR THE TEAR Vaad and City Talmud Torah will ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1933 want t o know "the why of everymeet Saturday morning a t 10:15 at Submitted by Abe Goldstein, Treasurer thing they do." the B'nai Israel synagogue. The servMr. Stowe told how t h e German ices a r e conducted by the children who have their own organization. An nation was being militarized fever- CASH BALANCE 0 5 DECEMBER 31,1932 Temple Preparations a r e being made for ' y 103.22 attendance prize will be given and ishly. "While Hitler was-prof erring General Fund i^_-.iZiL: - V the next meeting on the Jewish Lecrefreshments will be served. RePhilanthropies Fund ^ '::;v::i;;1 lp.58.40 olive branches t o other countries, Leland Stowe, From Personal Rabbi David H. Wice has chosen freshments will be furnished by Mrs.. ture series on Sunday evening, Stowe personally witnessed t h e miliReserve Fund -I.::.:..,..: ': -'.. • , 5,716.02 "An Answer and a Challenge" a s Ms Observation, Says Persecution • tarization of children eight and nine Trust Fund .;-•-: : : : . _ I _ 2,692.36 sermon topic for services a t Temple A. Schwaczkin in observance «f her February 18, which will be addressed Stories, Not Exaggerated birthday. years old, trained, in military maneu- Special Funds _^..______ 36&49 $10,040.09 Israel this evening. Junior Congregation solicits by Professor Moses P . Jung of the vers and inculcated with a spirit of RECEIPTS : Saturday morning regular Junior itsThe - • ••' •'.:•.:•: * / . : , / .;'" "Nothing has been exaggerated in war. friends to furnish refreshments Department of Jewish Religion a t the services will be held. Rabbi Wice in honor of special occasions. Mem- University of Iowa. Professor Jong $48,427.12' the responsible press about t h e per- He has written a book on what he Operating Receipts—General Fmri_*__. will deliver the sermon. secutions Buffered in Germany or witnessed in Nazi Germany, which Operating Receipts—Philanthropies Pund 21,833.02 .-bers of the community who desire to Sunday afternoon the College club do so a r e urged to call Rabbi U r i will speak on "Dynaaaic Religion." about the relentless and ruthless has won wide acclaim in Europe. I t -$70,269.14 All lectures of the Jewish Lecture group will meet at 4:15 p . m. manner in -which the Nazis consoli- will be published in the United States Beserre Fund Additions: Miller, J A 0887. series take place a t the J . C. <3. Tuesday evening Rabbi Wice will dated their power and attempt to next month under the title, "Whitt- From: Morris Levy Estafe_L-$ 500.00 conduct the adult study class. Professor Jung eceived MB traincompletely dictate what the German lesy House," "Nazi Means War." Payment, Mtge. Reduc Fund- "20.00 ing a t London University, Cambridge Young Men's Vaad people should read, see and even Dividends _ -...•. 2£52 think," declared Leland Stowe, Paris The Young Men's Vaad is partici- University and the Universities' of Conservative 2,043.52 From Jewish Piiilantiiropies-L 1^00.00 correspondent of t h e New York Herpating in the first anniversary serv- Vitnua and Bcilin. He is former 715.29 Trust Fund Additions ice of the Vaad, which will be held director of the Hillel Foundation a t ald-Tribune, in an interview this At services tonight Habbi David 5,981.18 3,22237Special Fund Receipts •week. Mr. Stowe, was the speaker a t A. Goldstein will speak on "Converts this evening a t the B'nai Israel syn- the -Viuwrtity of Wisecmsm and an 1,000.00 Loans . ' ' • agogue, 18th and Chicago. Sam editor cf the Jewish encyclopedia. the Ad-Sell Monday evening, talking and Conversions." 77,24132 on "An American Correspondent in Mr. and Mrs. J . Viener cordially re- White, a member of the Young Tickets for the remaining numbers Europe's Crisis." quest that their friends be present a t Men's Vaad, will deliver a talk at which inchiae an address by Dr. (Continued from Page 1.) Julius Siege" of the University of $87,281.41 services tomorrow morning to witness t i e service. TOTAL RECEIPTS — In the interview Mr. Stowe told of Chicago, and a symposium on "ConAt the second annual dinner the Bar Mitzvah ceremony of their his experiences while a correspondent gressive as i t pays attention to this meeting of the Vaad on Sunday eve- servative, Ecfortn a n d Orthodox J u eon, Arnold. ' DISEOKSEMENTS in Germany very reecntly. Among phase. T i e choir, led by Mr. Harry Brav- ning a t the J . C. C. David Slobodin- daism" can be secured for $1.00 his duties was covering of the ReichThe future of our work is bound up DISBURSEMENTS— iroff, will participate in the service sky, president of the Young Men's either a t the Jewish Communits Genwith t h e question of discrimination Operating Disbursements—General Fund——. stag fire trial. .§49,622.22 Vaad, and Ephraim Marks, past ter or through members of the Junior ITiday with Cantor E. Sellz. "One cannot realize how strongly and unemployment. Because of disOperating Disbursements—Philanthropies Fund president, will deliver a report on Vaad. The individual tickets a r e the Nazi dictatorship rules the lives crimination i t becomes increasingly Local Institutions— the activities of t h e organization. fifty cenls. difficult to place our people in gainful of the Germans until one lives there," Vaad $5,380.00 City Talmud Torah.. employment. Also, tine depression ere? Mr. Stowe stated. Special services commemorating the J . C. C. Sunday School.450.41 "The only way of affecting Hitler ated many newly pauperized families; close of a year of religious services Jewish Old People's Home 2,D69.30 Back in Business at the Same Address is outside pressure. The boycott presenting in all a generally troubleat tbe B'nai Israel Synagogue under some problem. Social Service" Committee . .. 300.00 against Nazi-made goods h a s had a ihe auspices of the Vaad will be obconsiderable effect on the German ex- Another thing of importance in the Lapidus Memorial Fund. —— 100.00 $ 8,299-71 served this Friday evening. Cantor 7,146:25 future is tine-, danger-.of'the Federal National Institutions J- .—1 port trade and has caused i h e Nazis A. SchwaczMn and the B"rtaj Israel government administration of charity International Institutions —— 4,982150 much worry." choir will assist Rabbi TJri Miller in Hitler i s in power to stay, Mr. affecting Jewish standards of giving. Campaign and Collec Expense— officiating. The subject of Rabbi We Feature Our Noonday Luncheon 25c of the lowering of the standMiller's sermon will be "One Year— Stowe believes. However, h e points Because In the Evening Tisit Onr Beer Ctardea ard in the public administration of What Have We Achieved?" This to two possibilities which may cause charity, we must be mindful that we Reserve Fund Withdrawals: Phone JA. 9037 Serving will be a survey of the past year's .Hitler's downfall,. a war in rwhich too do not let our standards be simi- Reduction of J.C.C!. Mortgage 1,003.73 activities especially in relation to the Germany is defeated or a complete larly lessened. 2,147.47 Trust Fund Withdrawals. Cigars FALSTAFF services on TTriday evening. economic collapse in which the people Also, at the first sign of prosperity 5,770.71 2,619.51 Special Fund Withdrawals After the services, a symposium become starved and desperate. . 1,000.00 must see to it that we do not get Loan t o City Talmud Torah— will be held in which representatives Ill addition t o the general economic we the "Sraflding bug." I n these troubleof groups affiliated with the Vaad situation in Germany and the attempt some times Jewish communities have will present short addresses concernted absorption of two much democ- been burdened unbelievably by the TOTAL DISBTJBSESENTS ing their activities in relation t o the racy in "oneswallow" and the wrongs building of too many and too expenVaad. Mr. L Morgenstern wiH repCASH BALANCE OX DECEMBER 31, 1933of the Versailles treaty, Mr. Stowe sive structures. resent the Vaad, Mrs. N . H- Green General Fund (Overdraft) ? 572.43 adds as another reason for t h e rise We should be more deeply conscious will represent the ladies' Auxiliary of Hitlerism the character of the Ger- in our treatment of the problem of Philanth. Fund (Overdraft)— 560.59 and Miss Minnie Frolim will man people—their submissiveness to old age. lake the problem of orphans, 1,133.02 represent the Junior Yaad Auxa dominant force, their anxiety to be ours is not a problem of institutional Reserve Fund Surplus—. $6,755.81 iliary. Sam Wh'te -will represent the care of t h e old. Old age dependence Trust Fund Surplus. u— 1,260.78 Young Men's Vaad; Ben Eazlowsky, in the future, I believe, should be in Special Fund Surplus-——— 95230 the "Men's Club; Herchel Magzamin, category of those chronically ilL Paxton Mitchell Co. | the * 7,83537 the Habonim. Ephrakn Marks will Certified Public Accountants The "Old People's Home should be be chairman. Grey Iron, Alnminum and planned as a place for administering Isadora AbxamsAB - Refreshments will be served by a Bronze Castings the aged more because of ailments the Wardrobe Clothiers, 29-19. In} Mrs. M. F . Lerehson, president committee of the Ladies Aiodliaiyw Wood and Metal Patterns and mental abberations than because the final game Deep Sock squad the local chapter; x& Hadassah, an- Th& committee in charge is headed 2614 Martha St. H.*. 5523 f of the need for a place to care for tbe edged out a ••win over t h e A. Z. A.nounces the appointment of MTS. by Mrs. Sam B a a , with assisting Eeuben Kulakofsky as the chairman old people. We must learn to find No. 1 by the score of 28 t o 26. chairmen, Mrs. Epstein, Mrs. H . R. of t h e Palestine Medical Center. homes for them—this is not easy but Milder and Mr& L Elewitz.' it i s a blessing we can give them. Hadassah Book-Review Group No. JAcksoa 4 8 « 854 Brmadeis Theater Bldg. Center will sponsor a n open bas- 1 will meet Saturday a t the home All members of the community a r e The problem of anti-Semi tiCTi has ketball tournej: which will be divided invited t o attend this service. of Mrs. M. Brodkey, S322 Webster peculiarly developed to be. a problem into three classes, " A " , " B " , and of l i e Federation and Center, rather 'C:>, starting Febmary 18. street. Mrs.. A. JJ. Frank will r e than,a.congregational4jr group activview " I n Those" Days," by Jadah i tyy ^^C g s ^ a ' e H t a l ifauUy must pwink -.GatYburCutscmd the .'"way for a standard of f life lif ffrom whidh. will be eliminated every Jew Hadassah who engages in a questionable busiSTORM SASK ness or tries to live by his wits, reAbout 300 attended the annual fleiting discredit t o the Jewish people. S*orm Doors—< ;OfflAHflv Such problems can best be handled linen shower of HaflRssah. held tret EitimaUi Wednesday a t -the J . C C. The ttaragh an organization like the Fed/Phone Ot.4626 feature w a s an address by Mrs. MiCKLIH LUMBER GO. eration. ':" l«5+h and N U h o l o i JA SOOC In our group relationship with oth- Felix Levy of Chicago, -who spoke er faiths no organization, no syna- on "The Need in Palestine.* Be Sure You Have gogue in the coming years will be All Forms of Insurance able t o develop the proper relationOne in the House! ship wfoich -the Federation can. with Reliable Companies Finally, on the basis of the history of t h e -past w e know that leadership among our Jewry has almost exclusively, been developed around the ac(Tonnerlj- In the employ o ( L Harris) tivities cf. t h e Jewish Community | Center and Welfare Federation. In j 12 Years Experience the future, as in the past, our leader- ; ship must come from t i e Federation. far an Inquiry Begarding Any Insurance We must invite, we must encourage, Lines I s Invited we must force new blood into our activities, in constantly increasing num315 So. 15 JA.73U bers. Our future will n o t be very bright, unless new blood and their new ideas are developed in our communal life, -unless we prepare by training and contact and influence new leadership.
Religious Sendees
Candies 117 So. 17th St.
ABRAMSON Audit Company
says the DOCTOR
After school ike children will be hungry. Let {nem haoe all the butter they want
The Menu Always Provides Good Foods of Unequaled Variety at Moderate Prices Eat at the
A triple header awaits winter sports ians at^the Center this: Sunday. In the opening game of this gala basketball treat . the Xi Lambda will battle the Omaha University Reserves. The Varsity girls squad, coached by Lee Grossman, physical department head, will take on some tough competition when they meet the Fremont Orioles, an experienced :vcl s• ."•T)th-'WOii"-..'.ns aT^re^ation.
Repair Worfa 1206-5 Sleuilas dtrtcl AT. 2524
dale the varsity girls have come | through their schedule with promising success. Journeying here from Lincoln with an enviable splotless record, the Mozer Radios will engage a J . C. C. all-star team-made up of the best talent in basketball around the " J . " Last year the Capitol Cityans nosed out the highly-touted varsity team from the Center. . First game is at 2:15.
Be Sure Thai the Butter You Buy Is
Knowing Housewives Are Choosing
Junior Size
• : . - .
Habonim forged into first place of the Midget tjage loop last Friday vrhen they outplayed the Talmud Torah3 in an overtime period to win, 12 to : 8. Green's basket while the whistle was blown tied the score a t 8-all anu the?winners; pulled away in the extra time.;; In.; the other game the Milder:Oils renia.ined in the thick of the fight for the championship by defeating the Tuxis Juniors, 13 to 3. Close games featured the play in the Senior league last Thursday. The Psi Mus barely came off with a victory when they beat the Marks Market, 24-22. Xi Lambda: held their tie for first place by easily beating
JFhls winter . . . don't wait 'til the doctor eomes. Have your heating pad ready to keep away chills, cold, lumbago, earache, neuralgia and Other pains. This Manning-Bowman pad has 3 heats, "high," "medium" and "low.1* No home should be without one.
The famous chemically treated mop -«vifh the removable : wedge-shaped head. Handle measure 48 I n . . . . the head 10 inches .
sting Handle
Special Factory Demonstration All This Week
I n our housewares section t o &hotr the advantages of Bub-on Hops and Polishes. . ; : ; fioosa ^oznlshlitEt—Ilfik
Bring in Your OldIron . . . Get$1 for It on a New
Wesringhouse Automatic y<rar old warn-out iron is worth $1 now. Bring it in -tod get $1 on. it as payment on a new ||r*stinghouse Automatic iron. Pay tbe balance $1 per month. No more scorched or burned *k. has "with this comp&tely automatic iron.
$7.95 Cash
See Your Dealer or
J?A6E 8—THE JEWISH PRBSS, F11IDAY, FSBPwUARY 2,1934 several da>-3 -in- Tulsa, Okla., visiting at the home of. her son-in-law Misses- Annette and Lillian Baker the past ten years; --was; presented are bsinj planned for that night and spent and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Abo making the trip by motoi". everyone is urged to save this date. with a beautiful" wrist watch with the and conclude at the Log Cabin. Markovitz, for the past several years, Tickets for one;4ollar per couplo are Hebrew, inscription of. the "Talmud left Thursday for Kansas City, Mo., now "on sale and "may be purchased Miss Gwendolyn Jtfeyerson, student T b r a h . " ~ • Miss ..Frances Kalin, who is attendfor a visit at the home of her daughfrom any member of the three com- \ at the University of Nebaska at ing sdhool. at Lincoln, Neb., and who ter, Mrs. Al Hoffman. coln, spent the past w«ek-end here , Dr. Isaac Sternhill has been chosen mittees. j t visited in Sioux City last -week-end, visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. as general chairman, in charge of the was a guest at the meeting. The Chevra B'nai Yisroel Society Herman Meyerson. annual Boy gcout Drive which will be Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Meyerson enMiss ANNA FILL. Correspondent will hold a meeting next Wednesday tertained at a family dinner party at Miss Gertrude Fish departed Sun- held, in: Council Bluffs next week, evening, February 7, at the synagogue The Council Bluffs Talmud Torah their home Wednesday evening, the commencing Wednesday, February day evening for her home in Los will hold an important meet- at 618 Mynster street, at eight o'clock. Angeles, Cal., after an extended stay 7th. There are twenty-two troops of occasion being their silver wedding Society ing next Monday evening, February Mr. and Mrs. Leon anniversary. Boy Scouts in Council Bluffs, and the in Sioux City. . STAI.MASTER. BEBEB Jewish Boy Scout Troop No. 7, with Frankel were also guests of honor, 5th, at 8 o'clock at the synagogue. FRADENBIKG, <!i KLITZNICK, Attorneys. j Plans will be completed for the charge as j the date being their second wedding 630 Omaha National Bank 151 dr. Krasce m Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gutterman and I Mr. Millard of the !. anniversary. Mrs. FrankeU the for-j "Washington Birthday" dance to be has proven one scoutmaster, ims jjj,u»<-ii v~~ — — • . • — — . — NOTICE AND CKliTIFICATE OF DISson visited with friends; and relaSOLUTION OF "KAIMAN INSURtiv foremost groups and have had an ac- j nier Mildred Meyerson, is a niece of given at the Hotel Chieftain. All ANCE AGENCY, INC." members are urged to be present. Mrs. Felix Levy of Chicago vis- One thousand ninety-six dollars has \ es in Milwaukee, Wis., this week. tive year. Contributions may be Mr. and Mrs. Sam Meyerson. Know all men by those presents: ited in Sioux City Tuesday afternoon been raised already toward the goal Miss Goldie Cohen, who has been made with Dr. Starnhill or any memThat at a meeting of the stockholder* The Ladies* Auxiliary of the Tal- Mrs. George Wright, who has been of the Kaiman Insurance Agency, Inc., and evening, speaking first at the set by the Federation of Jewish So- a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. duly held at the office of the corporation mud Torah Society Vill hold a regular Linen Shower and Tea given by the cial Service for its Membership Cam- Max Herzoff, left Tuesday evening ber of his committee. on the 23rd day of December, 1933, at Senior Hadassah and in the evening paign which is now under way. Thefor Los Angeles, "where she will A "Washington Birthday" dance meeting next Wednesday afternoon, SHOTWEIX, MOKSKY, GBOD1NSKY & \>*».ch all of the stockholders were present . VANCE, Attorneys and voting, a resolution wns duly offered •• . , . before the Junior Hadassah and the drive for new members and funds for make her home. and frolic will be held on Thursday February 7th. 737 Omaha National Bank and was unanimously adopted that the the coining year will culminate in young Judean groups. said corporation cease to do business, and evening, February 22nd, at the Hotel NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION that the same be dissolved: accordingly Mrs. Levy, who is the wife of Rab- the annual Federation banquet, the Chieftain. This affair is being spon- Mr. and Mra. Nathan Adler enter- !In the County Court of Douglas County, notice of such nction and of the dissolu- • bi Felix Levy of Temple Emanuel in date of which has been set for Monsored by three large organizations taiued the members of their Sunday Nebraska. ton of the Kniman Insurance Agency, Inc. hereby given. Chicago, is on a week's tour, which day, February 19, at the Jewish and promises to be the outstanding Night Bridge club at their home Sun- In the Matter of the Estate of SADIE is IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, witue«s MANN, Deceased. . ' will include stops at a number of Community Center. event of the season. The B'nai Brith, day night the signature and the ~ corporate seal of All persons interested in said estate are hereby notified that a petition has bwn he said Kaiman Insurance " Agency. Inc. cities where she will address Hadas- Mr. E. N. Grueskin is the general the Talmud Torah, and the Senior in said Court alleging that said de- heretofore affixed by its duly authorised chairman for the membership camHadassah are in charge of this dance Abe Markovitz of Council Bluffs, filed sah chapters. ceased died leaving no last will and pray- officers on this 23rd day • of December, paign. Mr. Frank Margolin heads the ing for' upon her estnt«, 1933. . and all have their committees making Over 150 pieces of linen were and Julius.Barron o! Shenandoah, la., and that administration KAIMAN IV"n'**N*'»* AGENCY. INC a hearing will be had on said brought to the shower in the after- Young Men's Division. Others who More than one hundred and twenty- plans for a most successful affair. By Abner II. Kaiman, petition before said court on the 17th day President. noon. These will be sent to Palestine will assist on these committees are five guests attended the banquet given Art Randall and his orchestra have SHOTWBIX, MONSKY, GRODINSKV & f February. 1934, and that if they fail to Attest: Evelyn Kidman, Secretary. ppear at said Court on the said 17th day VANCE, and HARKY B. COHEN, to be used in the hospitals there H. Friedman, A. M .Davis^lVL Der- by the Council Bluffs Talmud Torah been engaged to furnish the music .In presemre of R, J. Holdsberg.. if February, 1034, nt 9 o'clock A. M., to Attorneys. • ." ., " Mrs. E . H. Emlein presided at the|vin, M. Albert, M. Seff, H. Miller, Society Wednesday evening, Jan. 31, for dancing. No other Jewish affairs contest said petition, the Court may grant State of Nebraska, 731 Omaha National Bank Bids. • be same and grant administration of said County of DouglaB, ss. at the Chevra B'nai Yisroel synagogue H B M Lazriowich, L i i h S G t t m a n Jake Sam Gutterman, linen shower. Mrs. A A. H. Baron Subscribed and sworn to before me thbl estate to Charles Mann or some other suit in celebration of Chamisho Oser 23rd day of December. 1933. . . ' Kalin, Si Krueger, M. Skalovsky, E. ible person and proceed to a "settlement Notice Is hereby given that the •underheard in a piano solo during the afSHOTWEIX, 8IONSKY, OUODINSKV & R. J. Floldsberg, . signed have formed a corporation pursuant thereof. E. Baron, Jack Robinson and A. J. B'Shevat. Rabbi Uri Miller of OmaVANCE and HAURV B. COHEN ternoon's program. (Seal) Notary Public BRXCE CRAWFORD, to the laws of the State of Nebraska, 'ike ."• . . Attorneys ha was the principal speaker and Galinsky. •2G-34-3t. County Judge. 1-19-34-4t. name of the corporation is TOWN THESpeaking before the Junior Hadas737 Omaha National Dank Bide. honored guest. ATltE, INC., with its principal place of sahs and Young Judeans Tuesday Mr. Jake Kalin is in charge of the business in Omaha, Nebraska. The corevening, Mrs. Levy stressed the im- banquet arrangements. Mrs. Sam Mrs. Abe Gilinsky, president of the Notice is hereby given that the un<3er- poration shall have the power find authslgueU have formed a corporation. ^Jiutj Ladies Auxiliary of the Talmud Torah ority to operate moving picture theatres portance of youth movements in all Mosow is in charge of the dinner, uuiue of the corporation »» iJKr-st< AJM» us lessee, owner, or otherwise, nnd/or was in. charge of the banquet, a s KhiESK, INC., and its principal place of •while Mrs. L. A. Baron and Mrs. A. the foreign countries today and urged present shows or performances of any and to handle, deal in and conthe Jewish ycuth of this country to I. Sacks will have the dining, room sisted by the Mesdames Max - Cohn, business bhall be in the City of Omaha. character tract for moving picture films ns proDouglas interest themselves in Jewish work, arrangements. Mrs. J. Kalin and Mrs. Herman Krause, L. Cherniack, Dave j Uou ducer, distributor, exhibitor or otherwise is «_. ._ a factory or factories for the manu- and to do any and all other things necespreparing for the time when their's William Lazere are in charge of the Fox, Morris Hoffman, Julius Katel- lain or proper in the operation of thefacture of ties, mufflers und kindred prodwill be the sole responsibility of reservations, with Mr. Milton Bol- man, Herman Meyerson, J. Rodin, ucts, and to manufacture any and every sary atres. The corporation shall have the Isaac Sternhill, Phil Saks, B. Finer, power to handle real and personal propkind of men's wearing apparel; to buy carrying on the work. stein handling the publicity. uud sell, at wholesale or retail, any ami erty. The corporation shall have the and H. Trochtenberg, Mr. O. Hoch- every Announcement was made Tuesday d issue kiud of uieu's wearing apparel; to power to borrow money nnd man was chairman in charge of the buy, sell, acquire, lease, dispose of, alien- ... . . indebtedness therefor. The evening that a Junior Hadassah culdences of ate and/or encumber any iind all kinds of total authorized capital stock is ?10.000.00, id itl program and was assisted by Herman real anil personal property, improved or Shaare Zion tural meeting would be held Thursall common, par value ?100.00, to be fully Meyerson, S. Shyken and Sam Rosenunimproved, uud to execute any and all paid when issued and nonassessable. The day evening, February 8. contracts and agreements requisite or nec- corporation shall commence business when At the Young Judean meeting, Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz will speak thai. essary to carry out the objects of the cor- the Articles of Incorporation are filed which preceded the joint meeting this evening on "The Jewish Attitude The program included the Benedic- poration. The corporation shall have an-j with the County Clerk of Douglas County. tion by Rabbi Miller, community sing- thority to borrow money and to issue its ' Nebraska, nnd continue until January 1st, Tuesday evening, thirteen new mem-Toward Conversion." notes, bonds, mortgages, stock or other 10S3. The highest arnonnt of indebtedness bers-were taken into the club. Miss Children of the Junior Congrega- ing of "America," accompanied at the obligations for that purpose and it shall shall not exceed two-thirds of its capital The affairs of the corporation Libbie Olensky was selected as social tion and the Talmud Torah celebrat- piano by Miss Ruth Shyken, address Lave the rijrht to hold stock in other cor- stock. and to do any and all things shall l>e administered by a Board o£ Dichairman for the coming year. ed the Jewish Arbor day, Tuesday Of welcome by Mr. O. HOChman, Chair- h iporations rectors consisting of not less than two e c e s S i i r y !llld r e q u i s i l e t0 -«S°S¥«!!? its objects, nnd any nnd all things "JS that nor more than five in number. The stockafternoon, with a program of de- man; musical numbers by the Misses of could be done by an individual or a part- holders shall elect Directors nt the anFlorence and Esther Steinberg; a bates, recitations and songs. Refreshnership, not inconsistent with these Arti- nual meeting to be held the second MonPalestinian Bazaar or the laws of this State, governing day in January of each year. Thereafter ments were served to the children at sketch of the "Goose Woman" in cos- cles corporations. The authorized capital stock the directors shall elect officers, viz., Presithe conclusion. Over 100 children at- tume, by Mrs. Leo Fitch; Jewish is $23,000.00. divi.iiHl into UT>0 shares of the dent, Viee-1'resident. Secretary nnd TreasIs Successful tended. songs by Cantor Abraham Schwacz- par vaTue of $100.00 each, all of which urer. With the consent in writing or pnrcommon ..— nnd fully ouuii be «*«.*>••........ .... paid and non- , Kunnt to a vote of a majority of the ontkin of Omaha; principal address by shall assessable corporation j n o d l n K c:1 pi ta ] stock, the 15oardj of DiSioux City's quota for,the Geverk- The second meeting of the Oneg Rabbi nsspssable when when issued. issued. The The corporation Miller, who spoke on "Chamisho commence business upon the filing s tectors shall have the power to sell, lease shaf ten campaign was augmented by Shabbos group win take place on Oser B'Shevat the symbol of hope. shall of the Articles of Incorporation with the xchaiige. assign, transfer, convey or othCounty Clerk of Douglas County. Nebrasrwlse dispose of all or n substantial part the sum of $400, which was raised February 24. 1 ka, and shrill continue until January 1, jf the"property,-assets, effects and gootf at the Palestinian Bazaar last Sun- The regular meeting of the Ladies' Mrs. Abe Gilinsky, who served as 19S3. The highest amount of Indebtedness will of the corporation for such a con'day afternoon and evening in the Auxiliary is scheduled for February president of the Ladies Auxiliary for shall not exceed two-thirds of its capital •deration ns to the Board of Directors stock. The- affairs of the corporation shall may Beem for the. hest interests of the Jewish Community Center. The babe administered by n Board of not less corporation. • The Articles may be amended WELL, MONSKT, GRODINSKX zaar, sponsored by the Pioneer Wo- Thursday evening, February 22, SHOTVANCE, than two. nor more than five directors, upon, a vote of C0% of the outstanding and HARRY B.-COHKS. •who shall elect a President. Viee-Presl- atoclt nt any. regular or special meeting. men and National Workers Alliance, Rabbi L. Gordon., of Minneapolis, Attorneys. flent, -Secretary and Treasurer from their The corporation shall have a seal. Minn., will speak in the synagogue •was attended by over 300 people. nnml>er. The Articles may l>e amended 737 Omaha National Bank Bldff. Dated at Omaha this ISth day of Jan The corporation may have a seal. uaty, 1934. Features were entertaining- booths, on his impressions of Palestine. D O N O T BE FOOLED by the fact that all tires, Dated nt Omaha. Nebraska, this 22nd • H. MARQTTABTVT, On Friday evening, February 23, Notice is hereby given that the under- day a cafeteria • supper and ah evening of December. 1033. i . " A. GREENBERG. have-fonned a corporation pursuant REX T. REESE program of music and recitations. Rabbi David Goldstein of Omaha, signed -10-34-4t. : ' • • . - . : hurriedly glanced erf, look more or less alike. to the laws of the State of Nebraska.- The nELEX R. REESE Participating in the program were Neb., will occupy the pulpit. name of the corporaton is OMAHA THE.... Incorporators. OPERATING CORPORATION, Me.:-!. Leubmann, Miss Tillie Shind- Tomorrow morning Morris Gins- ATRE While Mohawk Tires are considered by many ' .,.,*-., with . its principal place of business in . l-12-34-4t. ]er,r::Mis3 Jennie Shindler, Nathan berg -will aot as cantor for the Jun- Omaha. Nebraska. The corporation shall I have the power nnd authority to operate I Maisel,. Frances Jacobsan, Mr. and ior congregation. Toby Shindler will to be the most beautiful tires now made in VANCK, a n i HAURV B. COHEN, picture theatres as lessee, owner, - J moving Attorneys. Mrs. David Sperling, Miss Fannie read the law. or otherwise, nnd/or present shows or Omaha Xa..o:iul Bask Bids. 7S7 performances of any character and to Elkiniand Mr. Herman Mirowitz. America, their real superiority lies considerably handle, deal In and contract for moving J'> The bazaar was; proceeded by a Auxiliary Contributes picture • films as producer, distributor, exNotice is hereby given that the underhibitor or otherwise and to do nny'aud signed have formed a:£orporation pursuant deeper than in mere appearance, regardless of 15-minnte : broadcast over KSCJ at other things, necessary or proper in to the laws of the State of Nebraska. The l.*15"bn Sunday.' The program con- to Springs Foundation all the operation of theatres. The corporation name- of the corporation is PREMIER shall have the power" to handle real uud THEATRES CORPORATION OP OMAhow excellent they may seem to the eye. sisted of Jewish folk songs by Mr. property. The corporaton shall HA,- with- its principal place of business Herman Mirowitz, and violin selec- Members of the Ladies' Auxiliary personal have the power to borrow money and is- in Omaha, Nebraska. The corporation Remember, too, that white a carpet tack is a tions by Miss Jennie Shindler: Miss of Shaare ion synagogue sent a.".con- sue evidences of- Indebtedness therefor. shall have the power and authority to opThe authorized capital stock is f^o,- erate moving picture: theatres ns lessee, Frances Jacobson was at the piano, tribution ta the Warm Springs Founr 000.00,total fill' common, par value ?100.00, to owner, or otherwise, and/or present shows carpet tack, one looking and acting very much and Mr^ Isadore Mirowitz announced dation for Crippled Children in Geor- be fully paid when issued and non-as- or performances of any character and to sessable. The corporation shall commence handle, deal in and contract for moving the program. At 6:45 Sunday eve- gia, in honor of President Roose- business when the Articles of Incorpora- picture films as producer, distributor, exlike another, tires may differ in quality as greatly ning, Dr. Theodore N. Lewis spoke velt's "birthday. tion are filed with the County Clerk of hibitor or otherwise and to do any and all Douglas County, Nebraska, and continue other things necessary or proper in the over KSCJ in behalf of the bazaar. until November 1st, 1US3. The highest operation of theatres.- The corporation as the day and night differ In light and shade. amount of indebtedness shall not exceed shall have the power to handle real ar.d
Council Bluffs
JLiies are
2 0 .
Mount Sinai
• • . • " . ; . . : •
, , . -
Book Review Attracts Many
Dr. Theodore N. Lewis will speak The first of a series of seven book this evening on the subject of "Jewreviews, given last Monday evening ish Contributions of Ludwig Lewisohn." This is the second of a series by Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz in the of two addresses, the first of which Shaare Zion synagogue, attracted over contrasted the life of Lewisohn with 70 people. Rabbi Rabinowitz review"that of Wasserman, when Dr. Lewis ed "Anthony Adverse." Tickets have been distributed for reviewed Wasserman's book, "My Life as a German and a Jew." His the series of reviews, the next of sermon on Lewisohn will indicate which will be held on February 12. how an American found his way to Judaism and happiness ..and contentment therein. ; •';..' ;;-•-.-"•' Next Friday evening} a congregaRabbi H. R. Rabinowitz spoke betional service -will be held. The presidents of the three temple organi- fore 100 members of the Internationzations will speak from the pulpit at al Club Tuesday noon, speaking on that time. Mr. E. N. Grueskin will the "Jewish Claim to Palestine." Mrs. troeak. in behalf of the Brotherhood, C. A. Hoyt discussed the problem Mr. Hyman Fishgall on the Temple, from the Moslem angle. and Mrs. Louis A<rranoff, the. Sisterhood; Rabbi Lewis will speak on " A C o d e for Israel." ;. . . .
two-thirds of its capital-stock. The affalrs of the corporation shall be administered by u Board of Directors consisting of not less than two nor more than five in number. The stockholders shall elect Directors at the annual meeting to be held the second Monday in January of each year. Thereafter the directors shall elect officers, viz.. President, Vice-1'resident, Secretary and Treasurer. With the consent in writing or pursuant to a vote of a majority of the outstanding capital stock, the Board of Directors shall have the power to sell, lease, exchange, assign, transfer, convey or otherwise dispose of all or a substantial part of the property, assets, effects ajid good will of the corporation for snch a consideration ns to the Board of Directors may seem for. the best interests of the corporation. The Articles may be "amended upon a vote of 00% of the outstanding-' stock at any regular or special meeting. The corporation shall hnve a seal. . Dated at Omaha, Nebraskn, this 13th day of January, 1934.
personal property. The corporation shall have the power to borrow money and issue evidences of indebtedness therefor. The total authorized capital stock is $25,000.00, nil common, par value J100.00, to be fully paid when issued nnd non-assessable. The corporation shall commence business when the Articles of Incorporation are filed with the County Clerk of Douglas County, Nebraska, and continue •until November 1st, 1983. . The highest amonnt of indebtedness shall not exceed two-thirds of its capital stock. The af fairs of the corporation shall be ndmlnis tered by a Board of Directors consisting o: not less than two nor more than five in number. " The stockholders shall elect Directors at the annual meeting to be hel(' the second Monday in January of each year. Thereafter the directors shall eleci officers, viz., President, Vice-Presldent, Secretary and Treasurer. With the con sent in writing or pursuant to a vote of i majorty of the. outstanding capital stock, the Board of Directors shall have the power to sell, lease, exchange, assign H. MARQTJARDT, transfer, convey or otherwise dispose of A. GREENBERG. all or a substantial part of the property, assets, effects nnd good will of the corporation for such a consideration as to FRADENBORG, STALMASTER, BEBER the Board of Directors may seem for the & KLtJTZNICK, Attorneys. best interests of the corporaton. The Articles may be amended upon a vote of G0% •30 Omaha National Bank Bids. of the outstanding stock at any regnlar. or special meeting. The corporation shall have n seal. NOTICE OF INCORPORATION Dated at Omaha, Nebraska, this 21st day •' » O F • . of November, 1033. '• __ COMMERCE AND INVESTMENT H. MARQTTARDT, CORPORATION A. GREENBERG. Notice is hereby given that we, the nnr ourselves to l-19-34-4t. derslgned, have associated s th ffor th i g a cor gether the purpose off fforming poration to be known as COMMERCE AND INVESTMENT CORPORATION. It shall begin-business, when the Articles of Incorporation are filed in the office of the County Clerk of Douglas County, NebrasRecognized as ka, and continue for a period of fifty years. The general nature of the business PRACTICAL MOHEL shall be to carry on a general investment business. The capital stock shall be $10,Phone 1059 000.00 divided into 100 shares of the par value of $100.00 each. The affairs of the COUNCIL BLUFFS company shall be managed by a Board of Directors of not less than two members who shall elect .from their number a President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary. The annual meeting shall be held on the first Monday In January of each Volz WiU Keep You year. Special meetings may be called by the President. These articles may be Nattily Attired
: Mrs.; Helene Soper will appear on the program this afternoon, which will follow the one o'clock luncheon given by the Temple Sisterhood in the; Temple annex. T h e drive for new members for Mrs. Louis Agranoff will preside Boy Scout Troop No. 22, which meets at the meeting. at the i Jewish Community Center, is continuing and • any boys \vishing to join are >urged to attend, the meetings on Saturday evening ^ r to get in touch with Charles Shindler, troop Miss Freda Albert, daughter of scribe. • Mr, and Mrs. Morris Albert, 1104 Dr. Frank Epstein is the scout- Twenty-third left Sunday evemaster; Walter Woskoff is Senior ning for Losstreet, Angeles, Cal., where Patrol Leader; Philip Zeligson and She Will be married to Carl Weiner! amended[upon "the affirmative vote of twoAi, 4. •«. . : • • • - . - . .1 thirds vote of the outstanding stock. Marvin Cohen are patrol leaders of Of* that City. , |. In Witness Whereof, the parties have the troop. /: .Miss'Albert! has been a jteacher in ik erei ? n t 0 set_their hands this 12th day of Ii. K. BYAN the Sioux City public schools and R. J. HOLDSBERO was president of the Junior HadasAmorians ^corporators. sah chapter of Sioux City. STAL5IASTER. BEBEB New officers and new members Miss Albert was the inspiration FRADENBURG, & KLTJTZNICK, Attorneys. • were officially installed at.-the. Amor- for. a; number of lovely social events 650 Omaha National Bank BIdff. ian meeting Sunday- afternoon in .the preceding her departure for CaliforJewish Community Center, The pro- nia. PROBATE NOTICE. In the Matter of the Estate of ESTHER gram included brief talkk rfcy the ofMILLER; Deceased. Rabbi and Mrs. H. R. Rabinowitz R. ficers and the advisor, Mr. Goldfuss Notice is hereby given that the creditors said deceased will meet the executors Others who" appeared "'dn'th^ rpro^ visited" in Omaha last weet. During of of Eaid estate, before me, County Judge of gram were Jennie Shindler, violin their stay they • attended the series Douglas County, Nebraska, at the County Court Room, in said County, on the 17th " solo; Lester Lazriowich,•• clarinet- .so- of lectures given by Dr. Sachar. day of March, 1934, nnd on the 17th day lo; Bertha Snovsky, songsi and Betty of May. 1034, at 9 o'clock A. M., each day. The Alpha Chi Gamma sorority for: the purpose of presenting their claims, Bain, dance. .. . /'''i; " -O"" ,:f-^"'-. for . examination, adjustment and allow; The Amorian^"basket^.;ball Steam met this -week in the home of: Miss ance. Three months are allowed for the' to present their claims, from the scored a; victory over the Riverside Helen Gillerstein. Plans were made creditors 17th day of February, 1934. . :> for a scavenger hunt on Sunday. jchiirch team Tuesday evening,; when i BRTCB CRAWFORD, ; County :jthej ,,won,: ?5 to 7. g 'i.•-•..'./-••-. 'fw-v.-.;^' The club will meet at the? home of' i_26--34-st.
Boy Scouts Hold Membership Drive
Society News
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