February 9, 1934

Page 1

Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaimi

Entered as Second Class Mail Matt'1**' rostoffice of Omaha, Nebraska, u.( *

BISHOP McCl IS FORM SPEAKER NEXT WEDNESDAY Liberal Leader of Protestant - Christianity to Talk at the Community Center

- In the Interests, of the ^Jewish People

Tanuary 21. 1921, at \ Act of March 3, 1879


PticanBans Racial SYMPOSIUM TO BE * \Broadsides on Jews NEXT ON JEWISH

\a (J.T.A.)—The official Aus". Megraphic Agency quoted the •*re Romano, official organ of tlu&i x -*n, td the effect that orders ha\\ JJ issued to the German banning racial anti-Semitic literature in the German Catholic churches. The Vatican, it is. said, ordered the Catholic bishop3 to prohibit the reading of Theodor Fritsch's "Handbook on the Jewish Problem" in churches. Catholic public libraries were ordered to remove all such books.

Palestine Seeks: Entry Arzhich Led Back to Into 1936 Olympics Jewish Fold by Nazi Activities in Reich Berlin, (J.T.A.)—The German Mac-

FORUM PROGRAM cabi, Jewish sports organization, The symposium on Orthodox, Conservative and Reform Judaism on March 4 will be the next number of the Jewish lecture series at the J. C. C , it was announced today. Due to unavoidable circumstances, the Dr. Jung lecture scheduled for next Sunday had to be postponed. It will be presented late in March or early in April. The symposium will present Rabbi David H. Wice of Omaha, giving the Reform point of view; Rabbi David Graubart of Des Moines, the Conservative; and Rabbi Uri Miller of Omaha, the Orthodox. The symposium will seek to serve as a clearing ground for opinions and to clarify the various aspects and point odt the distinctions of these divisions of the Jewish faith. The Jewish series is being sponsored by the Junior Vaad organizations. Tickets for the remaining three lectures may be procured at the J. C. C. or through members of the Junior Vaad groups for one dollar.

announced that negotiations-have been started with the German" authorities to admit Palestine to the 1936 Olympiad to be held in Berlin* "It is hoped to complete the formalities entitling Palestine to participation in the Olympiad in the near future," the announcement said.

Santiago, Chile, (J.T.A.)—Boris Dimitrovitch Arzhich, founder of the Russian "Narodowoltzi" party and famous Russian revolutionary who once preached assimilation and would have nothing to do with Jews is taking- an active part in Jewish life here, largely because of the recent events in Germany. As a result of his revolutionary activities, Arzhich spent fifteen years in the fortress at Petropavlovsk. Later he was sent to Siberia, whence he escaped to Japan. He finally settled in Chile, where he is engaged as a writer in Russian and Spanish. Having come closer to the Jews, Arzhich works with the League for Labor Palestine and lectures at the Zionist-Socialist University. At present he is engaged on a comprehensive account of the Jews' participation in the Russian revolutionary movement. The work will be publishd by the Russian government. . . - .

Vol. X—No. 2

ffiNRY MONSKY SELEC TO RECEIVE " TAPING JEWISH CIT " AWARD Official Presentation to Be Made at Banquet at > Jewish Community Center Next Monday .

One- of America's outstanding libavals, Bishop Francis John McConnell, o£ New York, will be presented Henry Monsky, outstanding in civic, by the Community Forum, at the Jewsocial and philanthropic endeavors loish Community Center next Wednescally and nationally, was announced day evening, February 14, at 8 p. m. today as the recipient of Omaha's His subject will be "The Voice of "Outstanding Jewish Citizen" award. the Times." Berlin ( j . T. A.) —The Superior This award is given annually under W. Dale Clark, noted communal the sponsorship of Phi Beta Epsilon, Churdh Council of jSaxonia decided leader, the next head of the Omaha Jewish social fraternity at Creighton upon the abolition of Christian misuniversity. It was presented for the Community Chest and a leading lay sions for the conversion of Jews on first time last year, when it was Methodist, will be the chairman for the ground t h a t the ^missions are fuawarded to William L. Holzman. th? evening and will introduce the Nearly one hundred reservations speaker. The official presentation will be tile. • • • [ ' • have already been received for the made at a formal banquet of the fraBishop McConnell will be remem- stag The Council ordered that "collecto be givenby friends of Rabbi ternity to be held Monday, February bered as one of the speakers at the David H. Wice at the Blaekstone hotions for the Jewish missions be 12, at the Jewish Community Center. mammoth anti-Hitler meeting at Madi- tel Tuesday evening, according to Natransferred to collections for ~the conGuests of honor will be Mr. Monsky son Square Garden last year, in which than E. Jacobs, chairman. version of Moslems and for the Carand the members of the committee on he denounced Nazism and what it mel Mission in Palestine." • The stag dinner will be one of thi selection. represents. largest affairs of its kind ever held in The committee on selection consistFrom the pulpit and from the lec- the city. It will celebrate the;mared of William L. Holzman, 1933 reture platform, Bishop McConnell has riage of Rabbi Wice to Miss Sophie cipient; Mrs. L. Neveleff, president of always raised his voice for tolerance j the Jewish Women's Welfare Organiand" brotherhood, and has ever exzation; Rabbi Frederick Cohn of Temerted his influence toward the atple Israel; Rabbi David Goldstein of tainment of a higher social order. the Conservative Synagogue; Rabbi A leader of Protestant ChristianUri Miller of the Vaad Ha'Ihr; Frank Henry Monsky ity in America, he served as president R. Ackerman, editor of the Jewish of the Federal Council of Churches Press; Jacob S. Pearlstien, executive of Christ in America and as presidirectsr of the Jewish Community dent of the Religious Education AsCenter and Welfare Federation; Nasociation. By Reverend Everett R. CHnchy, Father Elliot J. Ross and Rabbi Morris S. Lazaron than Gilinsky, president of Phi Beta Born in 1871 in Trimway, Ohio, he Epsilon alumni; Morris Blacker, presgamed his education by attending | ident of the active chapter of the fra! In this unique dialogue there is areas of friction are economic ra- tell about. The problem of persecuOhiio Wesleyan, Boston University, ternity. presented the report made to the Na- ther than political. We found, to tion is a human prcblem. We all and Yale. He served as president of The award consists of an embossed tional Confereiice of Jews and Chris- my amazement at least, that there need education in human relations. De Pauw University, Greenscostte, certificate emblematic of the honor We are all guilty of thinking too is a widespread fear that the Jews tians by Rabbi Morris S- Lazaron, led., for a short time. He is an conferred and a gold "Mogen David" Father Elliott J. Ross and the Rever- control the country, industrially and much in tribal terms. Protestants Organizations Asked to Name j key inscribed with the designation of honorary trustee of the Chautauqua Commonly assume that Catholics and financially. end Everett R. Clinchy at the conInstitution, and has served as lecthe award. It will be officially presentRepresentatives to Board C. Admitting, that trouble between Jews are blocs in every American clusion of their unprecedented joint turer at Yale University. ed by Philip M. Klutznick, president of Governors nation-wide tour undertaken to pro- Catholics, Jews and Protestants mani- civic issue. . In 1894 be entered the M. E. minof the charter group of the fraternity. fests itself politically and economicL. If people would only wake up mote . inter-denominational religious response will be made by Mr. Moriistry and wa3 elected Bishop in 1912. The executive committee of the A tolerance as a precaution against ally, I know that 'we would be fool- to the facts! On things civic and sky. Joseph Solomonov, chairman of Bishop McConnell has written* a ing ourselves if we did not put into Jewish Community Center and Welmate'rial the Roman Catholics are as any duplication in thi3 country of arrangements, wilt be toastmaster. number of books, including "DemoRabbi David H. Wice the racial and religious hatred ram- the record that fact that Protestants, divided as the Protestants—and al- fare Federation of Omaha was ancratic Christianity," " T h e Prophetic and Catholics and Jews each hold nounced- .today by William L. HolzDeserving Tribute Ministry," " Borden Parker Bowne," Salzer at Cincinnati on February 22. pant in Europe. "L" stands for fundamentally opposing philosophies most as divided as the Jews. Any man, president one who knows Jewish life at all Monsky's award is a deserving tribRabbi Lazaron, "R" for Father Ros.3 "Is God Limited?", "The Preacher The invitations which were mailed which though they meet at any knows, how even tbay when we are Committee appointments for the ute to his years of devotion-to comand the People," "Public Opinion and to a few hundred had a drawing of and "C" for Reverend Clinchy. points, contain certain, elements .that faced with." terrible problems of re- functional groups of the Federation J munal and civic activities, both Jew-•""'-•'. ~ ':— The"Editor. Theology," "Understanding theScrip- Rabbi Wice, which was macfe by Keh.are' distinct and ;-£hich -cannot be lief arid need, as well as external^ and C and non-Jewish. Center will be,announced b d shorth "Religious Certainty," -ami- wSth Willmarth, celebrated Omaha ar^ fused. We must accept the fact of and internal problems, when more ly, probably next week. He was president of the Communi"The Divine Immanence." tist, in woodcut style, style. C. Every time that the social equi- the existence of such incompatibili- than ever we need unity among the The complete list of Federation of- ty Chest for two yearfe and is a menv i WilliaiilGrodinsky is chairman of "The committee tried its best to librium is disturbed by drastically ties and stop fretting about them. Jews—every one knows how utterly ficers, honorary officers, and execu- ber of the executive committee of the the educational committee of the send invitations to those whom they changed economic conditions, a per- We shall never think exactly alike. torn the Jewish people of the coun- tive committee members: Chest at the present time. He is one Of Jewish Community Center, which knew as friends of Rabbi Wice," said iod of social unrest sets in. At a We must find a meeting place on try arerhow disunited and disrupted. two who have been members of the William L. Holzman, president; sponsors the Forum series annually. Homer I. Binswanger, in charge of time of depxessicn, like this, every- another plane than that on which, we There is no single group or organiz- Henry Monsky, first vice-president; j committee since ^the organization of This will be the third lecture on the reservations. "If we missed any body feels insecure. Fear produces do our theological thinking. We must ation, nor is there any single in- Sain Beber, second vice-president; the Community Chest. He was the program, the other two having been friends, we regret it very much, but tensions between groups. If crisis develop that nigh quality of respect dividual who can speak •with author- Mrs. L. Neveleff, third vice-president; chairman of the committee which by Dorothy Thompson (Mrs. Sinclair we want all to know that the dinner develops, it may lead to bitter con- for unlikeness which is the mark of ity far all the Jews of this country. Harry Silverman, secretary; Abe drafted the original articles of incorLewis) and Norman Thomas. Both is a public one and that we shall wel- flict between cultural divisions, such true cultivation of spirit. Cultural R. The chief fear of Catholics Goldstein, treasurer. poration and has always been a guidof these lectures drew capacity audi- come reservations." as Protestants, Catholics and Jews. pluralism in America is not to be seems to be the myth that politically ing: figure in the councils of the ComDr. Philip Sher, honorary presideprecated but welcomed. Reservations are to be sent to Mr. ences, and a similar attendance is we are united under the hierarchy, L. Under such circumstances we munity Chest. dent; Harry B. Zimman, Mrs. Morris Binswanger at the Blackstone hotel. are susceptible to the same hatreds expected Wednesday. L. With regard to the matter of leading ultimately to a foreign sov- Levy and Mrs. Harry Lapidus, honorHe was general chairman of the The dinner is to be $2.50 per plate. and antimosities that are at present religious groups and politics I think ereign in Rome. Jewish Philanthropies campaign in ary vice-presidents. Mr. Binswanger said that it is the j laying Europe low. This is the more it fair to report that we found the 1932. L. Father Coughlin's exchange with plan of the committee to present a serious because it is precisely at idea still lingering in the minds of Monsky is a member of the execuExecutive Committee Al Smith explodes the notion that worthwhile gift to Rabbi Wice, which such times that we need to face our many that good citizenship rests tive committee of the international Members ofthe executive commitis included in the above amount. national problems with a u n i t e d upon membership in a particular Catholics are a political unit. order of B'nai Brith, to which comtee: Milton Abrahams, A. B. AlR. And here in New York you had Alfred S. Mayer, in charge of en- front. church. pirn, Mrs. Jeanette Arnstein, Max mittee only seven men are elected tertainment, said that the stag will be R. At the very outset, I think C. I have a suspicion that Rabbi the eloquent spectacle of a Catholic M. Barish, David Blacker, Eugene from the entire United States. He has been one of the most outBoth the Mother chapter No. 1-and a novel affair and that it will be fol- we should make it perfectly clear Lazaron really means the Protest- of Scotch descent, McKee, fighting Blazer, David Cohn, David Goldman, Sam Beber chapter No. 100 of the lowed with cards. that our purpose is not to reduce ants! We are the numerical majority a Catholic of Irish descent, O'Brien, Dr. A. Greenberg, David Greenberg, standing figures in B'nai Brith work Other members of the committee religion to a least common denomin- and so wherever the Catholics and and so allowing a Protestant of Italian A. Z. A. will take part in the annual J, J. Greenberg, Mrs. J. J. Greenberg, and for the past twelve years has are Abe Goldstein, David Goldman, ator; not to get people to worship Jews are in the minority they feel descent to run off with the prize. been a member of the general coniMissouri Valley A. Z. A. tournament C. It was helpful to talk over Abe Herzberg Wilham Grodinsky, Grand Lodge No. 6, which will be held in Lincoln, Febru- Irvin * Stalmaster, Jarck W. Marer, together. Our tour was called "All the pinch. But I returned from this ^ rf ftc g ^ Afl. ary 9, 10 and 11. Debate, oratory and Harry Rosenfeld, Dr. Leon E. Fell- American" and it was all-American, trip believing that if the Jews were another disputed matter, the school Morris Jacobs PMip Wutnuck, Rob- ^ . a man, Ernest Nogg, David Rosenstock not only geographically, but because in the majority in the United States question, and to find that. 50 pel- ert Kooper, J . H . Kulakof sky, Mrs. , j c n f fch A_ z A_ H e W M basketball- are on the agenda. and Max L. Holzman. we were emphasizing the most sig- today, the conditions would be re- cent of the Roman Catholic children J H. Kulakofsky, Irvm Levin Harry na tional chairman of the B'nai Brith Last year the A. Z. A. 1 debate campaign from 1926 to nificant contribution of America to versed: we Christians would be in throughout the country are in pub- Malashock, Jack Marer Alfred S. w i d e r s team of Ernie Priesman and Ben lic schools. the theory and practice of. governthe same fix the Jews are. PersecuMayer, Morns Milder, m m a m MHder,| £ 1930 a n d u r i tllis t i m e u n d e r n l s Shrier swept aside all competition to L. In Butte a rumor was current Isaac Morgenstern, Irvin Stalmaster, i n s p i r i n g d i r e c t i o n a sum of two milment—religious freedom. It was all- tion is not a disease peculiar to Prowin the championship. This Season American, too, in that we urged an testants: its like the measles, we've that Catholics opposed building anew Harry Trustin, Harry A. Wolf, Mrs. lion dollars was raised for the antithe team of Ben Shrier and Masall-American approach to the Amer- all had it. Of course we won't ad- public high school. A discussion with Harry A. Wolf, Isidor Ziegler. defamation, Hillel Foundation and A. sic Baum is representing the chapican problems we Catholics, Protest- mit that the Catholics and the Jews community leaders in the afternoon Z. A. work of the B'nai Brith. ter in debate. Board of Governors. David S i e g e l , aged 67, of 1528 had the disease any worse than we revealed that some Protestants opHe has also been president of the The Century chapter debaters will North 20th street, passed away late ants and Jews have in common. Holzman has issued a call to the Nebraska "Conference of Social WorkProtestants: we had the revived Ku posed the proposition for reasons of C. We are not trying to wipe out be Mike Levy and Al Monovitz. Jewish organizations in the communMonday evening, following a heart atThe question is: "Resolvedj that tack. Funeral services were held Tues- religious differences. On the con- Klux Klan, the A.P.A., the Know municipal economy, while some Ca- ity to elect their representatives to ers, which is a non-sectarian group Nothing movement, the U n i o n tholics expressed themselves as farepresenting all social agencies in the the Establishment of a Jewish Home- day afternoon from the home, with trary, we want to make America League, and a few other episodes to voring it. This indicates the value the Board of Governors of the Jew- state. land in Palestine is Essential to the burial at the Beth Hamedrosh Hago- safe for differences. of the round table method we have ish Community Center and Welfare Monsky is, in addition, a member Preservation of Jewish Life." dol cemetery. Rabbi Uri Miller offi- L. But America will not be safe Federation. used. of the board of directors of the Fairifor differences until the masses Massie Baum, "who is captain of ciated. The constitutional provision in ily Welfare Organization of Omaha, R. The same method, it seems to Technical High school's city, state He is survived by his widow, Udis; grasp this idea. It is not enough the largest welfare organization in me, might be used' to explode the this regard reads: and Missouri Valley championship' five daughters, Mrs. Bessie Rips, Mrs. that our message be brought to a "There shall be in addition to the Omaha. He has been a member of the idea of Jewish economic and finandebate team and also winner of the William Raduziner, and the Misses few thousand intellectuals here and cial domination, for if one surveys officers and Executive Committee, city welfare board for several years Midland College debate scholarship Rose and Lillian Siegel of Omaha and there. It involves nothing more nor Atmosphere of the 1860's will be the various great industries, of the a Board of Governors, consisting of and is a member of the board of the awarded last year, will also orate for Mrs. Harry Cohen of Council Bluffs; less than the education of an entire chapter No. 1. His subject is "Israel, one son, Abe Siegel and three grand- generation, an education through re-created Sunday night, February country, the unfortunate legend of the members of the Executive Com- Child Welfare Organization. He is a member of the board of the Minority Among the Nations." children, Norman Rips and Betty and painful and arduous efforts to root 11, at the Fontenelle, when Mrs. Sol Jewish" domination apparently evap- mittee and persons selected as folout the old prejudices and develop Novitsky's group of the Conservative orates. Take for instance, the rail- lows: Each Jewish organization in Father Flanagan's Home. Also, MonNate Crounse will represent chap- Irving Cohen. attitudes of appreciation, and habits Synagogue Auxiliary gives its Ab- roads, s/teel, telegraph and telephone, Omaha which has been in existence sky is first vice-president of the Jewter No. 100 in oratory, speaking on Mr. Siegel had been a resident of of co-operation. raham Lincoln birthday dancing party the utilities, and there is very little for more than one year shall be en- ish Community Center and Welfare "What It Means to Be a Jew." Omaha for the past quarter of a centitled to one representative and if Organization, C. We found evidence that the in the hotel ballroom. Jewish influence there. The A. Z. A. 1 basket ball team, tury. He retired from the bakery buswhich last year fought its way to iness eight years ago. He was well- great majority of Americans at the Two dainty hoop-skirted maidens C. The automobile is another in- its membership be more than one j the finals at Kansas City, includes known and well-liked in the commu- moment are refusing to tolerate a dressed in the period costume of civil dustry in which there are few Jews. hundred, then one additional repreCaptain Jack Adler, Art Adler, Cy nity, and a large number attended the revival of anything like the Ku Klux war days^—Ethelyn Kulakofsky and L. On the other hand it must be sentative for each one hundred or Comar, Max Fredeman, Al Oruch, funeral, services to pay their last re- Klan spirit or a Fascist stampede, Sara Merriam Blank—will lend charm admitted that the Jews are more or major fraction thereof in excess of Over six hundred people attended Dave Richards, Jay Temin, Hy Te- spects. He was a life-long member of no matter what colored shirts! But to the occasion by distributing dance less in control of the garment in- one hundred members. If the organithe anniversary services of the Vaad e g min, and Manager H. Green. the Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol syna- if this condition is to continue will- programs to the more than two hun- dustry and to some degree control zation fails to designate a represent- Ha'Ihr Friday evening, February 2. ative within forty-five days after noing workers must have jobs, and dred couples expected to attend. gogue and was active in local Jewish the motion picture industry. As a tice requesting such designation, the A symposium was presented by repfarmers must have buying power. organizational work. Arthur A. Cohn will act as master L. Faithful Roman Catholics, faith- of ceremonies. Mrs. John Faier, Jewish teacher I want to assert that Executive Committee may designate resentatives of organizations affiliated ful Jews, and faithful Protestants ticket chairman, reports that the ad- I condemn, as strongly as my Chris- such members as it deems proper of with the Vaad. Those participating: I. Morgenstem, representing the make, good American citizens. We vance ticket sale has been unusually tian fellow citizens, those Jewish that organization to represent it. motion picture producers who are The Executive Committee shall have Vaafi; Mrs. N. H. Greenberg, Ladies' three groups are all in the same boat in this depression, and will float or large. Mrs. Sam Theodore and hex responsible for vulgarization of pub- the right to name members of the Auxiliary; Miss Minnie Frohm, Juncommittee are in charge of decora- lic taste and lowering moral stanior Vaad Auxiliary; Sam White, sink together. Adolph Schlank, 81, retired hotel Board of Governors at large in the Young Men's Vaad; Ben Kazlowsky, tions. Mrs. Novitsky and her assist- dards. man and. an honorary life member number of one for each four repre- Men's Club, and HersJiel Magzamin, Mrs. Moses Soffer, 52, died at a R. There is no denying, however, C. But don't forget, Rabbi Lazaron, senting organizations." of Temple Israel, died Monday night hospital in Rochester, Minn., last Fri- that there is considerable suspicion ing co-chairmen, Mrs. Jack Bramson Habonim. Ephraim Marks was chairand Mrs. Sam Green, are in charge that the Presbyterian, Mr. Will Hays, at his residence, 402% North day morning. Funeral services were and antagonism directed against Ca man. of all other arrangements. is supposed to be the conscience of Twenty-fourth street, following a held in ' Omaha Sunday afternoon, tholics. But it is not primarily conRefreshments were served by A Renegade Austin Bevans and his orchestra the motion picture! cerned with religion. That is, no short illness. with burial in Pleasant Hill cemebers of the Auxiliary. The committee Paris.—The leader of the Russian will play. For those who do not R. And don't forget there is conone wishes to limit the right to CaHe is survived by his widow, tery. White Guard Nazis in Paris was re- in charge of the anniversary services wish to dance, the committee has tholics to worship with Mass in Lasiderable Christian money invested Rachel, and a sister, Mrs. J. C. She is survived by her husband; •was headed by Mrs. Sam Ban, assistMorris, in Los Angeles. five daughters, Rose, Frieda, Mrs. tin. The suspicion and antagonism arranged for card rooms directly in the motion picture industry ana vealed as a renegade Jew who calls ed by the Mesdames Sam Epstein, H. himself "General Count Bermondadjoining the ballroom. Card games are rather political than religious. that the Christians are just as anJacob Abramson, Mrs. Max Goldstein, Services were held Wednesday Awaloff". His name originally was R. Milder and I. Elewitz as co-chairL. With reference to Jews the sit- of all kinds will be played, and prizes afte&ioon, witBi I burial! in iPleasant and Mrs. liouis Zavit; and a son, Almen. Beraond. awarded. (Coontinued on Pace 7.) uation 1* somewhat different. The bert, all of Omaha. ; Hill., Rabbi^Ccjhnj officiated..


Missions to ^ Upon Moslems Now




Atmosphere of 1860's for Dance on Sunday

j Services •

Held by Vaad Ha'Ihr



PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1934 ber of the three organizations or at the Hotel Chieftain the night of the dance.


2. It restores the reserve fund for future emergencies and for old age income. -8 It saves the acquisition cost of Among the members of the Counnew insurance. cil Bluffs chapter No. 7 of the A. Z. The Independent Workmen's Loan 4. It eliminates the posibility of beA., who will spend the week-end in Association of the South Side will coming a prey for twisters. Lincoln, Neb., at the District A. Z. A.celebrate its tenth anniversary with 5 It eliminates future regrets over tournament, are: Henry Mendelson, a. banquet on Sunday evening, Febhaving lost or given up something •"oe Solomonow, Meyer Raben, Jack ruary 11, at the congregation of Is- By- the Service Life Insurance of real value. rael synagogue, 25th and J streets, \>x and Dave Perlmutter. Company, Omaha 6. It accelerates the maturity of starting at 6:30 p.m. endowments and swells the reserves At this time the newly elected offiMr. and Mrs. Morris Grossman have One of the tragic facts of the de-available for retirement income. returned h o m e following a three cers and board of directors will be in-pression is the large increase in the weeks' buying trip in New York and stalled: A. Schlaifer, president; Leib number of loans made on the life Wolfson, vice president; M. Tatelman, insurance policies which were secured Honor Marquis of other eastern cities. secretary; Goodman Meyerson, treas- primarily for family protection and Reading London.—Hie Marquis of. Reading The Council Bluffs lodge No. 688 of urer; Ben Martin, Ben Gorelick, Har- old. age income. the Independent Order of the B'nai ry Dworsky, Ben Kazlowsky and Sam It is only natural that in a long wag once more honored by the Emglislv king, who bestowed upon him Brith will hold a meeting next Mon- Kraft, board of directors. period of business and the title of Lord Warden of the day night, February 12, at 8:30 o'clock During its ten years of operation, drawn-out distress, thousands of po- Cinque Ports, which gives LordEeadat the Eagles hall. Ben Seldin, gen- the association has loaned more than banking licyholders should be compelled to ing certain ceremonial privileges. eral chairman for the B'nai Brith $250,000 to its members. English newspapers, commenting group for the Washington Birthday A musical program and other en- turn to their life insurance policies dance, will give a report of the prog- tertainment will be presented Sunday. in order to secure loans both to keep on the new honor, recalled that the ress of the plans for this affair, which Margaret Belmont will sing, accom- their insurance in force and for other noted Anglo-Jewish statesman began from "Raphailowklh" to the less Jewwill be held at the Hotel Chieftain on panied by Margaret Hurwitz, and Dr. purposes. Unemployment, salary cuts, his career as a cabin boy on a ship. portan.ee the Russian Nazis attach to Paris.—For a Jew to become Popej I. Dansky will give several readings. overdue mortgage payments, investsounds fantastic enough, but it is a '•pure Russian descent," it is inter- ish one of "Michailowich." Soon af- February 22. ment losses, closed banks, distressed phenomenon not unknown in history. esting to note that Mr. Vonasiazki terwards, finding that his self-created relatives and many other hardships military title did not suffice, he deBut for a Jew to become_ the leader is a Pole, while Mr. Kazem-Bek is Joseph Solomonow, member of the necessitated the tapping of reserves of a party.based on the principle of not only not "pure Russian," but notcided to add an aristocratic one anddebate team at the Creighton univerwhich most people have come to look "pure Aryan descent" is surely a even an "Aryan," belonging as he so dubbed himself "Count." But allsity in Omaha, will leave next TuesRound Trip $7.95 upon as resources that should be kept does to the Caucasian "mountain Russian counts were well known. He day, February 13, for Minneapolis, unique one. .. perfectly intact if at all possible. The might be discovered. So he decided Denver $6.50 tribes." But by far the most interMinn., to participate in a debate National Socialism has long ceased to be a purely German matter. It has esting member of this trio is "Gen- that his title best had be a Cauca- against the University of Minnesota. Sara Glickman, S3, who came to chief problem now troubling many Round Trip $11.00 sian one. A count with only one He will also go on a debate tour of Omaha 63 years ago, died Tuesday in policy holders is whether they should spread in varying degrees to all theeral Count Bermond-Awaloff." Los Angeles $16.95 or should not repay their policy loans. name? Better add another one. Andseveral other universities, to be gone Sioux City, where she has resided countries of the. world, and it has Father a Goldsmith. Round Trip $31.50 with her daughter for 7 years. so within a few short months the son In general, repayment of a loan is gained a particularly strong hold "General Count Paul Michailowich of the baptized Jewish goldsmith be- about two weeks. Among her survivors are Mrs. So-advisable because: amang the White Russian emigres Bermond-Awaloff," BUS DEPOT him hiscame "General Count Bermond-Awa- The Council Bluffs Agudas Achint phie Novitsky, a sister, and William 1. It restores the desired protection in Berlin and Paris. This is not sur-full name, was borntoingive Vladivostok, Edwards Hotel Bldg. purchased at a younger age and, prising, for the reactionary and anti- the son of a baptized Jewish gold- loff." Only one slight difficulty arose society will hold a meeting on next Frieden, a brother, of Omaha. from all this—a real Count Awaloff Funeral services were to have been 306 No. 16th St. HA. 5000 therefore, calls for a smaller annual Semitic elements of pre-war Russia smith by the name of Raphael BerThursday night, February 15, at 8:30 happened to be living in Berlin. But o'clock at the Eagles hall. held in Omaha" yesterday afternoon, premium per $1,000.00 of insurance. form a large proportion of the Rus- mond. the Russo-Japanese war heBermond did not allow this to bother with interment at Fischer's Farm sian emigres, and they, like the Bour- served In as an officer's orderly. _Hehim. cemetery. bons, have learned nothing and for-succeeded in Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gross left Sungetting a commission, Bermond's campaign in the Baltic day for Excelsior Springs, Mo., to be gotten nothing-. It was inevitable that but was a failure as an officer and provinces was successful up to a gone about two weeks. these elements should find much that returned to Vladivostok, Jr. Vaad Auxiliary he point, but he was ultimately defeated was attractive to them in the Nazi first worked in his father's where shop and Where Omaha Shops With Confidence program. It was not only the anti- later became the conductor of a mil- by the Lettish army, with the sup- Miss Sarah Solomonow is leaving Plans for the bridge to be held on Semitism of the Nazis that attracted itary band. During the Great War port of the British. But even in today for a week-end visit in Lincoln, February 13 at the J. C. C. were comthose days, the reactionary element them, but also their extreme antiheld a commission in the Russian accepted him as one of their leaders. Neb. While there, she will attend the pleted Tuesday. A report by the comCommunism. The majority of the he District A. Z. A. tournament. but managed to avoid active For fourteen years little was heard mittee in charge revealed that a large 16th at Farnam Russian emigres are still monarchists army fighting and ultimately arrived in attendance is "xpected. Refreshments and at the bottom of their hearts Germany with a group of refugees. of him and his career seemed at an The Council Bluffs chapter No. 7 of will be served and door prizes will be end. But Hitler's victory in Germany the A. Z. A. will hold a meeting next still hope to return in triumph to a given. It was then that his real career provided him with a new field for Thursday evening, February 15, at new Tsaristic Russia. And they fondRabbi Uri Miller reviewed Three ly hope that the Nazis will in some started. Germany was just staging & action and the son - of the Jewish the home of David Perlmutter. Cities" at the joint session of the remarkable adventure in the Baltic goldsmith became .the central figure way help them to achieve this end. Junior Vaad and Young Men's AuxProvinces in Russia, in the present in the "triumvirate" that conducts Soon after Hitler's victory, RusAll items for this column must be iliary. Latvia and Esthonia. There she was the "pure Aryan" and "pure Russian' phoned in to Miss Katelman, phone sian Nazi groups had been formed in Mae Tucker was unanimously voted . Germany and within a few months a forming an army post out of the Nazi movement. 650 or 4491, before five o'clock on in as a member and Belle Comar, remnant of the German troops that (J. T. A.) whole net of such groups had been Wednesdays in order to assure publi- Ruth Marks and Sarah Goldberg filed established in all the countries in were to occupy the whole area under cation in 'the Jewish Press for the their applications for membership. which Russian emigres live. Recently the pretense of a fight against the current week. Bolsheviks. For* this adventure they all these groups were united in one world body and a triumvirate of required a suitable man, with good three was appointed to run the whole connections among the. Russian •< Workmen's Circle JOHN FELDMAN organization. The three members of cers. Bermond succeeded in gaining Announces that he is now engaged J. Weiriberg, president of the naBY F. H.EV this triumvirate are Vonsiazki, Ka- the confidence of the German authorIn the business of selling all kinds tional Workmen's Circle, will adand was appointed to lead the of RELIGIOUS ARTICLES - Tal. zem-Bek and "General Count Ber- ities dress a joint meeting of the three whole affair. SENIOR HADASSAH LINEN Books, Jewish Bibles fa Hemond-Awaloff.' In view of the imlocal branches, Numbers 173, 258 and eisim, brew and English. Also Mfcferos and SHOWER NEST WEDNESDAY He Becomes a "Count"- _ CouncilBluffs Senior Hadassah 1014, at the Labor-Lyceum February PassoTer Articles. Bermond's:: highest rank til J h e -The Junior Pioneers holditheir; Linen Shower 21. Res. 609 So. 50 Si. GL. 2972 army had been that jof captairiiand next Wednesdayannual Workmen's Circle Branches 173 and afternoon, February he considered quite insufficient 14, at 2:30 o'clock at the Hotel Chief- 25b will 'sponsor. V concert" on "~" Fri- Downtown Office—118 So. l ' t h A regular meeting of the Junior that Yaffe Printing Co. JA. 0770 for the leader of such ah undertakday, March 2, featuring talent from £ioneers Was held Tuesday evening, at ing. But that was JDp^obstacle. One tain. Mrs: Clyde Krasne is chairman :i the J. G£v4b, Affairs for the, season fine day.Bermond appointed himself in charge o f this affair and is being New York. > ~, were discussed. The first fund raising "General* and changed his name assisted'by_the Mesdames Louis Eon affair willj be-given during March. .It don, Sara Lincoln, Ike: Krasne, Abe: v ... C was decidedL that no individual .Quotes Markovitz, and Sam Steinberg. An in shall be raised.1 " • Men's Club to See teresting and entertaining program is Miss Ethel - Stoller was elected being arranged and the public is cortreasurer to serve for the coming, invited to attend. The program Football Pictures dially term. Literature from the national will include a playlet entitled "Aunt headquarters was read and discussed. Members of the Men's Club o Fan Rises to the Defense," written by A number of rushees were voted into he Conservative Synagogue will have Mrs. David A. Goldstein of Omaha the group. - ' • ;he opportunity of witnessing an un-and directed by Mrs. Clyde Krasne. usual feature 'a' Those taking part.in this play their next monthly Mesdames Oscar Greenberg, Nathan Habonim d i n n e r meeting Nogg, Clyde Krasne and Miss Helen which-will be-heli Oherniack. Mrs. Abe- Markovitz wil The Habonim basketeers took the at the J..C. C, on give a talk telling"of the need of. the iead in the J . C C . Midget league W e d n esday eve- linens which will be sent to Pales last Friday by defeating the Tuxis ning, February 21 tine. Mrs. Leo Meyerson will rende Jrs., 18 to 8. Today, the Habonim several, musical selections. Following The glittering panorama of at 6:30 p.m. play the Milder Oils in the final of the meeting, refreshments will be Palm Beach social life. The Ed Weir, assistthe Midget loop; - served. ' lazy peace of the Southland's ant football coach Last Friday, night Sunny Richquiet, picturesque spots. Every sport known to pleasure-seeking X of the University ards gave a full report for the HaTRI-CLUB DANCE TO BE humans—vivid beach cabana life, swimming, polo, golf, deep sea bonim in the symposium following :?*. of Nebraska, will HELD FEBRUARY 22 fishing, yachting. The excitement and glamour of great hotels, Ed Weir be present at this the services at the B-nai Israel. This are nearing completion for the parties, the dances the romance of tropic evenings. evening the Habonira will stage a de- meeting and show moving pictures of thePlans George Washington Birthday bate following the services. Haskell some of the 1933 Nebraska football dance.which will be held on ThursCohen, sponsor, urges all members games. Persons who have seen the day nigiht, February at the Hotel. to be present at 8 p. m. pictures and heard Weir's expert ex- Chieftain. The three22, • organizations planation of the various plays and sponsoring this affair are the Senior other highlights of the games, have Hadassah, the B'nai Brith, and -the A. Z. A. 100 acclaimed this feature as a splendid Talmud Torah. Each group has their hour's entertainment. Weir is one of The reduction in basic passenger A send-off smoker for the partici- the outstanding personages in foot- committees working toward making fares lops $10.00 to $ 15.00 off last pants of the chapter in the district ball circles in the middle-west. In this the outstanding event of the seawinter's tail fares. The elimination tourney in Lincoln this week-end was his playing days as a tackle on thejson. The advance ticket sale indicates of the surcharge on Pullman tickets held Wednesday evening at the home Nebraska team, he earned All-Am- a large attendance for this dance. / Door prizes will be given and many saves yon more than $10.00 on a of Harvey Jacobow. Entertainment lower berth. was furnished by Jack Frieden and erican honors. Indications point to novelty features are being arranged. a large attendance for this meeting Art Randall's orchestra has been enPenny Pennington. See these round trip bargain farts from Following the Lincoln tourney the and the officers of the club urge gaged to furnish the music for dancOmaha for long or short vacation trips: chapter will hold a chapter essay the members to get their reserva- ing. Tickets are one dollar per couple and can be obtained from any memcontest. A medal will be given to tions in early. Season 30 Day 18. Day the winner. Limit limit

Ironic Adventures of A Rene


The Son of a Jewish Goldsmith Heads Party Based on Theory of "Pure" Aryan Descent


Chicago $5.00


Council Bluffs News

: • •

» • ;

' • * : - •



Plan Program The Jewish National Workers Alliance and the Poale Zion will present "a night of mirth and laughter," featuring "The Gerer Rebe with all his • Chassidim" at the J. C. C. April 1. All organizations are requested to keep this date open.

Bunco Club The 666 Bunco, club held its bimonthly meeting Sunday, January 28, featured by election of officers.;Those chosen were Adeline _ Specter, president; Pearl Freedmanj vice president; Annette Foreman, secretary; Frances Blumkin, treasurer, and Lillian Monovitz, reporter. ' The installation of officers will be held the first Sunday in^March. . ; The group is planning* a tea at tsh Paxtion in honor of the outgoing offi cers.

'. "


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At Sunday's meeting Miss Lillian JHqnovitz, outgoing president, pret sided. After the business session bunco was played and refreshments were served by Frances Blumkin, hostess. Miss Pea*l Freedman won the bunp prize. • . ;

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Distinctly individual styles for spring, 1934. There's one for every type from ingenue to young matron. Tweeds, mixtures, dressy and semi-tailored. Every new color and combination awaits your inspection. Others, $22.75 to $98.75 THIRD FI/OOR

PAGE S—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1984 influence of the Jew on the-political* Atlantic, spreading the poison of race civilization fails to call a halt to Boy Scouts economic and racial structure of Ger- hatred in the United States. . war madness, war is sure to destroy many* The Nazis are pleading for equality civilization. Boy Scout Troop 62, which meet.. The intellectuals were the a n , o n g t he nations, for the right to The Jewish Jewisn .lmenecraais were tne at the J. C. C, will go through the first to be driven from their posts, -531— anv criticism or rearm, resentineresenting any Bond Baking company on WednesYoung Judaea Their books as well as the books by hint of interference with their interday, February 21. Troop 62 is under intellectual non-Jews who advocated nal infernal affairs, and at the same the direction of Scoutmaster S. peace and liberty, were burnt at the time they are deliberately spreading Young-Judea chapter will-ho'd -Coyne. instigation of the Hitler government. a network of destructive agitation a The meeting Sunday, February A scout parade in honor of Presi'Jewish merchants, tradesmen, artis- and organization in other lands. And 11,regular at 3 p. at the J. C. C. All dent Roosevelt will take place on ans had had the doors of opportunity this Hitlerite propaganda, inciting members arem. urged as Saturday, February 10. Troop 62 to earn their livelihood closed to them strife, discontent and unrest, is di- important business willtobeattend, discussed. will participate. by various «ruel devices. Jewish j r e c t e d a g a i n s t democratic instituprofessionals have been reduced t o i t i o n S j a g a i n s t l i b e r ty, a g a i n s t r e l i g . utter ruin. Jewish children have i c u s tolerance, against the peace of TO YOUR fRlfNDWR£LATIV«] been degraded, humiliated. And all the world. this was done under the absurd pretext that the Teutonic Aryans were The recent understanding between a superior race, and that no non- Germany and Poland, the non-aggresAryans must have any part whatever sion pact, is not necessarily an earin the economic, social and cultural nest of Germany's peaceful intentions. Judging by Hitler's acts, his life of the Germn people. In this war on racial grounds, the designs against European peace Nazi regime commenced to prosecute should be watched with the closest also' Catholics and Protestants who attention. Hitler's Germany, despite refused to subscribe to "the Nazi doc- the Nasi assurances that their aim is trines, and under the guise of com- peace, is endeavoring to gain time bating communism and Marxism, for rearmament, preparing for a new they also waged war against organ- arrced conflict, in the hope of reized" labor, against liberals and radi- gaining her place in the sun by force cals, and especially against pacifists, of arms, with the aid of some of the By Herman Bernstein other discontented nations. regardless of race or creed. Germany is today intoxicated with There is "but one way to prevent : Mr. .Bernstein, • famed correspon- the war, under the Republic, tried to low the lead of Hitler, demagogue of hate and war madness, with racial the coming' of a new war which is dent and editor, former Minister to rehabilitate themselves and their hate and apostle of strife, who pro- and religious venom. Seeking equal- being prepared by Hitler's Germany. Albania, here appraises world events country, through hard work. Having mised bread to the living and glory ity among the nations, Hitler's Ger- The truth about Hitler must be made in the light of one year of Hitler been blinded by war propaganda they for the German dead. Having no many is betraying her inferiority widely known and understood." His in Germany and points out the course smarted under the stigma of the war constructive program to offer to the complex in hysterical boastfulness propaganda machine fabricating and INTER is long in the Soviet therefore, your TORGSTX ORDER Union and your folks there will open the doors of the local which must be followed to prevent a guilt clause in the peace treaties. hungry masses, he resorted to the and the sadistic persecution of minor- disseminating fantastic falsehoods will welcome the chance to Torgsin Store to your relatives. civilisation-destroying war.—Editor. They actually believed that Germany proverbial scapegoat in history—the ities. The youth of Germany today abroad must be checked. IB every bay winter articles in one of these And wherever they live, there is a had been entirely innocent of any Jews whom he blamed for Germany's is being trained for war. . The young land the education of the masses in 1,700 TORGSEV STORES, stocked Torgsin Store located nearby. share in the events and intrigues that defeat in the war, for Germany's hu- people are being prepared to goose- the arts anil benefits of peace, of •with fine imported and domestic - * Hitlerlsm in the saddle is one year had plunged Europe into the war. miliation at the peace conference, and step to peidition to the tune of Nazi international and inter-racial good A TORGSIX ORDER, as a PASSmerchandise. old. The Republic of Germany has The German people worked hard, but for Germany's wretched economic i martial music. will and harmony, must be intensiOVER will be appreciated Note the crowd pass by or view by yourGIFT, been • strangled..: The German press they refused to demobilize their war' condition after the war. fied—in the schools, in thechurches, relatives and friends. The I The liberal spirits of the world, the windows; while inside a. well number and amount has; been muzzled. German -Kultur psychology, their war spirit. The of Torgsin Orin the shops, on the farms, and-in trained sales personnel waits on the sensing the danger behind all that 5s ders, that can be sent to anyone, is in exile. . Countless thousands are psychosis of vengeance kept growing, Hitler rode to power on the crest the foreign offices'of various-lands. shoppers. in Germany, have voiced are not limited. in concentration camps, victims of despite the heroic efforts of the re- of the wave of unrest and discontent. happening in religion that tends to their indignation and their protests. Everything Prices compare favorpolitical, religious and racial persecu- publican statesmen and .leaders to Millions of deluded Germans believed They create strife and dissension, among fear that the consequences of individuals and nations should be tion. Vast numbers of Jews, for no make peace with the world, with the that they found in him their country's Hitlerism ably with those in the will spread ruin far bo- curbed. Only that which unites and other-reason than that they are Jews, neighboring states, to rebuild Ger- new savior. "Unable to give work to yend the German frontiers, if permitUnited States. and - Christians, for no other reason many Into a great power for peace the unemployed and bread" to the ted to continue. They feel that what makes for sympathetic understandhungry, he started by carrying out ing' should be permitted in religious than, that they refused to be servile and not for war. TORGSIN (The AH-Union Comhis promises to crush the Jews, the is going on in Germany today cannot -MJ.S-A. to the Hitler regime, have been pany for Trade with Foreigners) "Walter Rathenau," Germany, most Jews who had lived and worked and be treated merely as her own domes- teachings. The heroes of peace, rathat AMTORG. 261 Fifth Ave.. N.Y. sells for foreign currency only; hounded, humiliated, tortured, and coiistructive statesman after the war, fought for Germany, who had helped tic problem, as an internal affair oi" sr than the heroes of war, should be deprived of the means to earn their was murdered because he was a Jew to make Germany powerful in the no concern to the rest of the world. rlorified. . The demagogues who inlivelihood. arid because he "worked for peace. fields of science, art, literature, com- For they cannot fail to see that Hit- cite religious and racial warfare, Has Germany under Hitlerism What militaristic Germany had lost merce and industry; the Jews whose lerism is being brazenly exported to setting one element of the population Your local bank or authorized agent will give found her place in the sun? Is Hit- in the war Rathenau was beginning other lands, by propaganda made and against another, should be recognized let's Germany a factor, for peace to win back" for Germany through ancestors had settled in Germany financed in Germany, Austria, Hun- a? the enemies of the entire human you the necessary information or send among the nations,. as Hitler .wants peace. The' Rapallo Conference was upwards of a thousand years ago. gary, Roumania, Greece, Poland, the race. Hitler, the Austrian, instituted a polyour TORGSIN ORDER. the world to believe, or is the Ger- the first step in Germany's restoraScandinavian countries "and even Jamany of today precipitating a new tion as a free and self-respecting icy of torture, humiliation, discrimin- pan are beginning1 to feel the effects To save the world from the purple testament of bleeding war, the people ation against the. Jews, of Germany, war in the near future ? . people. But the agitators who reviving • exploded myths about Aryan of Nazi agitators and intrigues. Hit- everywhere should dedicate themThese are the questions that people preached hate and vengeance despised lerism has also stretched across the selves to the testament of peace. If are earnestly asking. And they are Rathenau, the Jew, the man of peace, superiority, and about the ruinous alr.c asking themselves these ques- who worked whole-heartedly for the tions: . . - . . . . . - consolidation, "of the new Republic. Is there less chauvinism in the He was murdered by two deluded world today as a result of the rising youths who have now been proclaimed tide of Hitlerism"? Is there less fear, national heroes under the Hitler reJA. 9393 less "hatred, less - rivalry among the gime. Stresseman, anotner German 2106 Faraam We Feature Kosher Style European nations ? Is there more , patriot who worked for peace, unformutual confidence, greater desire for tunately died before the foundations Luncheons and Dinners Daily, and a Special Dinner Every Friday co-operation, more love _for orie*3 of the Republic had beea-made seEi neighbor- and less,- craving. for; power,; for increased armaments^ for violence, ' The disillusioned^ the embittered, for bloodshed? the discontented German youth, beThe World. War sprang1 from the lieving the propaganda to the effect greed of some nations, from the fear that Germany was completely guiltRegular Sunday Dinner at of other nations, but mainly from the less, that Germany could save her..- Popular TWees. intrigues and machinations of sys- self only through the restoration of tems of autocracies that maintained her military power, commenced to folthemselves by terrorism, by violence," by disciplinary force, by oppressing minorities, by: suppressing liberty in LET US SUPPLY every form and by misleading propaganda. YOUR COAL N E E D S . . . . I The World War ended in victory c ..'-•• We carry all kinds of coal and every grade/ ' without peace for the victorious and of coal. Our prices are as lowas "any; " in defeat without hope for the vanquoted by local coal dealers. All weTask> quished. Almost twenty years after the outbreak of the most, dreadful for is a trial order. ; - - - . , ,.;.-".: war in history, we now find - the world in the throes of the worst confusion and chaos, in a state of fear and panic. 13th and Nicholas AT. 4444 Fewer people rule the world today than before the war. Autocracies David Sherman, Propr. have ben overthrown, but new dictatorships have been established "in their stead. Under the old autocracies a C»8e*8teV!£!iW^^^ larger number of smaller autocrats ruled. There was at least the opportunity for the opposition to express itself. Under the dictatorships today- there is not a shred of freedom of the press, of speech, of. freedom of conscience. The:." standardized, With the price of ice going up—you muzzled press under dictatorship constitutes the "public opinion" of those countries. To think otherwise than can now make your Ice Bill pay for the dictator does is to run the gravest risks. a Westinghouse refrigerator. Under the German War Lord, Germany before the war was proud of her militarism, - but she was "also proud of her Kultur. For a. number Come in and let us tell you how ecoof years the German people, after

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PAGE 4—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1934 ing ability. It might have been, Decided to go into business, and resulting in Germany suffering from a lapse of her 1933 trade became director of personnel for it seems, "Admiral" Einstein. surplus 37 percent below that of 1932, and embarrassed by a 16 And oddly enough, Prof. Michelson, Bamberger's. From there to Bloompercent decrease of her exports during 1933 while world exports whose studies of light were the first ingdale's and is now the head of that practical demonstration of the rela- business institution. increased. Yet, show the statistics, Hitler Germany found a true Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by tivity theory, was trained for the commercial ally in the United States. Trade figures reveal that navy. You remember that story Another interesting new figure in THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY together with Italy and a few South American states, the United they told about Michelson who was the Zionist world is Emil Hilb, friend By DAVID SCHWARTZ a graduate of Annapolis. States stands as one of the few countries of the world whose imof Einstein. Hilb was the conductor Subscription Price, one y e a r - - - - • - - - " * " " *2#5° One day, after Michelson had won Advertising r a t e s furnished o n application ports of German merchandise increased during Herr Hitler's term There is one synagogue in the the Nobel prize for his research on of the orchestra of the German Crown Prince. He was captured by of office. place passed by jpnobably more peo- light measurments, he was met by an the English during the war, and orEditorial Office: 490 Brandeia T h e a t e r Building. An investigation in New York brings to light that American ple than any other spot in America old bud die of his school days. ganized an orchestra among the GerSioux City Office—Jewish Community Center —maybe on earth—and it is yet the "Too bad that you didn't stick to man prisoners. dealers, including a large number of Jewish executives of AmerDAVID BLACKER - - - - - Business a n d Managing Editor, least known synagogue. the Navy. You might have been an ican concerns, are taking advantage of "blocked marks" to pur- I refer to the Jewish. Theatre Admiral by now," said the ex-school Some time ago he came to the FRANK R. ACKERMAN " " ~ " '••%£?£. United States, and did musical work chase heavily from Germany, despite their public assertions of iuild synagogue, tucked away on mate. FANNIE KATELMAN - - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent in Hollywood. Latest reports are adhering to the anti-Nazi boycott. It is likewise reported that Broadway in the building adjoining • ANN PILL Sioux City. Iowa, Correspondent that he will soon return there. palace. Unofficial estimates give the premany importers have their goods from Germany trans-shipped Keith's Print Shop Address: 1307 Howard Street Some of those who occasionally sent Jewish population of Palestine A Jewish Book of the Month Club from other countries to evade being classed as opponents of the daven" there are Eddie Cantor, at 300,000. has been formed in Germany and boycott. Still others have bought tremendous quantities of Ger- George Jessel, Lou Holzman, Daniel seems to be making quite a go it. and David Warf ield. A total of about 400 books were man wares in advance, stocking their warehouses and then an- Frohman It was suggested the other day published in Palestine last year. For nouncing their intention of boycotting German goods. From it that the synagogue came from its a 800,000 population, that's a pretty A. Almai, the Yiddish writer, sufall, one deduction is clear—the "honorable" department stores in obscurity—-that the bright lights in good record. Its more than one fers from one obsession—namely, flash for instance: that the control of civilization (is book per thousand. our metropolitan area are more influenced by profit than by moral front Eddie Cantor in SCHACHARITH there still any of it left?) will pass If that proportion of books were conviction. "Outstanding Jewish Citizen" (Morning Prayer) published ia the United States — over to the Chinese and other Easor Henry Monsky has been selected for the "outstanding Jewish The reply? The reply must come from the masses. The goodness gracious Jumping Jupiter! tern peoples. Jessel in MINCHA Where would we put them! citizen" award, given annually under the sponsorship of Phi Beta American Federation, among other bodies, has gone on record for movie of Palestine, featuring Epsilon, local Jewish fraternity. The presentation of this annual an anti-Nazi boycott. The socialists paraded the streets of New And speaking of the stage did And by the way, the Soviet gov- theThat late Cantor Rosenblatt which wiH award was inaugurated in Omaha last year, with William L. Holz- York last week calling for an anti-Nazi boycott. Many liberals, you know that one of the famous ernment is issuing an edition of the shortly be shown, will have one very Rothschilds family, Baron Henri, of works of Mendele Mocher Sephorim. scandalized by the terroristic antics of the Hitlerites, refuse to Paris, interesting scene. It is an authentic man the recipient. is a dramatist—and in addiof some Chaluzim digging up The recognition of Henry Monsky by the committee on selec- buy Nazi-made goods in protest. Every Jewish individual should tion bo that a physician. His pen In the wake of the Dykar tra- picture some ground for settlement. While name is Andre Pascal. tion is a well-deserved tribute to a man who has devoted his life express his denunciation of the sadistic tendencies of Hitler Gergedy, comes the painful news to doing so, they uncovered a great to unselfish efforts on behalf of his fellow-citizens, a man who is many by refusing to buy merchandise made under the Nazi re- Not that it has any relevancy this country that the famous Jewish archaelogical find—an old synagogue sculptor, Jules Butensky, now living of 2,000 years ago. outstanding in civic, social and philanthropic endeavors both local- gime. This can be made the protest of the civilized world—the here, but David Resnick, who does in Paris, is being hounded by the the publicity for the associations for ly and nationally. Whether it be in the Community Chest councils refusal of the masses to buy goods made in Nazi Germany will same big bad wolf of poverty. the blind, writes in to say that tears or in B'nai Brith executive sessions or national social work parleys quickly make the importer stop buying such merchandise. NATIONAL are very antiseptic for the eyes— Michael Schaap, head of Bloomingor in any of his manifold services, the wise counsel, the tactful unthat it has been proven scientifically dale's great department store, who ACCESSORIES, Inc. that they are the best eye wash. derstanding and the powerful eloquence of Henry Monsky have Glecmings From Germany has just accepted a prominent post in EVERYTHING So when your eyes are troubling the American Palestine campaign, been deeply appreciated. In many a crucial moment when appalFor the Auto you—eat some onions or go to see a The hodge-podge of news from Germany continues in a vein changed his occupation at the age of ling difference had created an ever-widening chasm, it was the sad movie-^-or maybe read, this col2051 Farnam AT. 5524 He was a lawyer till then. Also brilliant capabilities of Henry Monsky which created union out of repulsive to right-thinking, liberal people throughout the world. umn. Anything that will provoke a 43. a member of the State Assembly. What is going on in Naziland can be gleaned from these short good cry. It's healthy for the eyes. division and brought harmony of purpose. His social vision and jottings culled from the news of the week from Hitlerland: his genuine grasp of the needs of the hour made him ever a leader It may interest you to know that After a conference at which the notorious Alfred Rosenberg Haaretz, among leaders; his deep sense of values and his sensitive comprea leading Hebrew daily in hension of the plight of the unfortunate have made him an even was leader, most Nazi leaders openly stated that Christianity was Palestine, has a sport page. opposed to the Nazi ideal and that Germany should return to a greater leader of the masses. And that Matate may mean umOmaha is fortunate in having felt his invigorating influence pagan worship of the pre-historic Teutons . . . . Dr. Achim Goerke, brella to you. At any rate—that's HYMIE MILDER, Fres. will be a racial department head, announces that his staff is making a care- what it means in Hebrew, but in in the past; and his inspirational leadership, we ful checkup of all Jews .and descendants from Jews now in Ger- Palestine it's the name of a theatre guiding communal force in the days to come. 13TH AND NICHOLAS ST. many. He said his department has a file containing the name that has been proving quite a sensation. It goes in for light takeof 3,000,000 Jews and Jewish descendants . . . . The German war offs of the current scene. Proposed World Congress blind association was informed by the Nazi government that the Considerable discussion is taking place concerning the pro- customary government subsidy would be withdrawn if blind Jew- Was glancing at the Neu Freie When in need of burning oils or Presse of Vienna the other day. It posed World Jewish Congress for the summer of this year. Many soldiers were permitted to retain membership Julius was the newspaper on which Theoenthusiastically favor the project, many others are unalterably ish burner service call JA. 2111-2112 Streicher's notoriously anti-Semitic paper, Der Steurmer, an- dore Herzl wrote. It I recall coropposed to it, while still others advise more counsel and more nounced that the Canadian Nazis undei* Whittaker were laying rectly, his Zionist meanderings endangered his Job on that paper. thought. plans to overthrow the Canadian government . . The Nazi au- Well, it would have interested We have stated in the past that we feel that it is necessary thorities announce that the noted German Jewish writers, Arnok Herzl to see the paper now. In the to have a world body which shall have the true authority to speak Zweig and Alfred jSchirokauer, would be arrested if they ever put particular issue, which I had, the as the authorized spokesman of world Jewry. Unprecedented con- foot on German soil—accused of having failed to pay taxes . . . . largest advertisement was that of a shipping company and it was headed: ditions have led to a disorganization and a demoralization of JewGeneral in Berlin, de- "GO TO PALESTINE FOE PURIM" ish forces at a time when the utmost strength is needed. A strong, unified body should calmly consider the Jewish problems clared that the American government had ordered him to be more So Einstein met Roosevelt and throughout the world and wrork out the best possible solution. liberal in the treatment of German Jewish applicants for Amer- talked about sailing the nobby of both President and the Professor. However, we believe that the cause must transcend the leaders, ican visas . . . . Jewish children in Hamburg schools will be com- theEinstein is very proud of his sailthat for the sake of the good to be accomplished the leaders who pelled to take courses in racial science and hear the Jews vilified have taken the initiative to date should gladly sacrifice their lead- as the cause of all of Germany's ills and troubles . . . . A new Nazi ership and the glory and credit and prestige which would be by- propaganda service has been formed which issued thousands of GEMS of the BIBLE products of a successful world congress. From the beginning it pamphlets describing a fantastic meeting of the "Elders of Zion" and TALMUD has been evident that certain powerful forces in American Jewry, in 1761, at the grave of one Simon Ben Jehuda, during which the twelve tribes of Israel were greeted from the grave and carved By O. O. DASHER for example, have been opposed to the convening of the world Jewthe world into twelve portions for conquest by the Jews. Further, ish congress. Many reasons were advanced, but we somehow feel man who is laden with the blood that a motivating force was the fact that the American Jewish says this Nazi propaganda service, the date for the conquest was jf Aany person shall hasten his steps set for 1941, only to be upset by Hitler's victory . . . . This Nazi Congress had assumed the initiative and was directing the entire unto the pit—none will support him. project. When the American Jewish Congress called the prelim- propaganda service sends this and other fantastic machinations to He who walketh uprightly shall be inary Geneva conference of 1932 to determine the feasibility and all parts of the world. saved, but he who is perverse in his advisability of calling a world Jewish congress, it will have to be ways shall fall at once. admitted that the conference was not truly representative of A Collective Indictment He who tilleth his ground shall world Jewry. The Hon. Samuel Seabury, distinguished leader of the Amer- have plenty of bread, but he who . We have to agree with the statements made in an article this ican Bar and noted for his leadership of municipal reform, will followeth after vain things shall have week by Louis Lipsky, in which he advances the opinion that the present the collective indictment of civilized groups of opinion in poverty enoughgroundwork had not been sufficiently prepared for the world con- this country against the practices and laws of the Hitler regime He who hath an evil eye hastenetb. gress. Among the questions he points out as vital are: how the at a mammoth meeting to be held on March 7 at Madison Square after riches, and knoweth not that , international organization is to be created; what is to be its pro- Garden, New York City. Mr. Seabury will be one of the principal want shall come upon him. gram; is it to be created on the basis of universal democratic votes speakers at the presentation of "The Case of Civilization Against TALMUD or on the basis of elected representatives of territorial units; when Hitlerism" arranged under the auspices of the American Jewish It was said Nochum Gam-zu is the most appropriate time for holding the Congress; how are Congress, to coincide with the first anniversary of the election to Le-Tovah (this isof also for the best), who was blind in both eyes, crippled the election to take place; when is the work of preparation for the power of Chancellor Adolf Hitler. n both hands, with both of his legs elections to be regarded as concluded—all questions of the utmost In accepting the invitation, Mr. Seabury declared: "As an crushed and his whole body covered importance in the proper and effective development of the con- American and a believer in the values of human freedom, who has with sores, who was lying in a tottergress idea. . been appalled by the things that have happened in Hitler Germany ing house: When his disciples wanted remove his bed first and then his The proper groundwork of preparation, propaganda and nego- during the past year, I shall be glad to sum up, on behalf of the to furniture, he said: "My children, tiation would not assume such great proportions were it not for organizations which have invited me to do so, "The Case of Civ- first take out everything contained the importance of the congress idea. When organized, the world ilization Against Hitlerism." this hous^, and then remove my bed; for ye can rest assured that as Jewry agency or congress must have the support of world Jewry, The presentation of the case, which will be given in cooperaas I am in this house it will not its significance must be understood and its obligations assumed. tion with all anti-Nazi organizations in this country, will form a long fall." They did so, and after his Its effect may be far greater than suggested by the proposers of review of the laws and acts of the Hitler regime as they affect bed had been removed, the house the idea. A premature birth for the world Jewish congress would avery section of the population. While the Jewish case against caved in. His disciples then said: be fatal to the cause. The leaders of the American Jewish Con- Hitlerism will also be presented, it will form but a single link in Kabbi, since thou art such a perrighteous man, why art thou gress would probably do wise to heed Lipsky's suggestion that "It the chain of evidence against Hitlerism, it was stated—its threat fectly so terribly afflicted?" "My chilwould be infinitely better from every point of view if, in place of to civil liberties and democracy; to labor; to science; to the arts; dren," he replied, "I myself am the that alleged, definite World Jewish" Congress scheduled for the the liberal professions; the churches; the status of women. Out- cause of it. I was at one time on way to the house of my fathersummer of 1934, a preliminary conference, organized on the larg- standing American representatives of these various fields will my in-law, and had with me three asses, The Boys' Own Store is official Boy Scout est scale possible, is called for the summer of 1934 to consider the have part in the presentation, according to the officers of the onft laden with food, another with drinks, and the third with delicacies. outfitter—one of the most complete selecwhole question of an international Jewish agency, its program, its American Jewish Congress. In the course of my journey a poor forms, its method of election, its method of administration, in ortions in the west of the wanted items for man approached me and said: Rabbi, der thai/at a later date, there should be gathered around the ideal Scout wear and accessories for Scouting. give me some food. I am hungry.' as large an assembly of organized world Jewish support as it may Hebrew Calendar And I answered: Wait until I will -Friday, February 16 unload my donkeys.' But before I Rosh Chodesh Adar ,;be possible to achieve!" ' . Sea Scouts! Boy Scouts! had done so the man expired; so I ...Thursday, March Purim ..... . ..... on his face and said: 'My eyes, -Saturday, March 17 feel Cub Scouts! Rosh Chodesh Nissan . which had no mercy for thy- eyes* Boycott Figures —Saturday, March 31 may they become blind. My hands, 1st Day Pessach_! Not. long; ago an exposure was made in New York City of the 7th Day Pessach... Friday, April 6 which had no consideration for thy Visit the Scout Trading Post in the ....Monday, April 16 hands, may they become crippled. 'purchase of large amounts of Nazi-made goods by several Jewish- Rosh Chodesh Iyar.. Boys' Own Store—Fourth Floor. Thursday, May 3 My feet, which had no pity upon thy ! owned department stores^ Agitation followed; it was openly stated Lag b'Omer.™ .__. feet, may they be crushed.' And I ..Tuesday, May 15 could not find any satisfaction until by both Jewish and non-Jewish that the purchase of Nazi-made Rosh Chodesh Sivan___ Saturday, May 20 I had said: 'May my whole body begoods had become negligible, and that every possible co-operation 1st Day Shabuoth ........Thursday, June 14 come covered with sores'." Said his was being given to the boycott of the merchandise of Hitler Ger- Rosh Chodesh Tamrnuz "Woe is unto us that we ........Saturday, June SO disciples: many. .-...*"••. Fast of Tammuzmust see thee in such a condition." CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN: ™-_.X.Friday, July 13 And he replied: "Woe would it have The statistics just published tell a different story. Nazi Ger- Rosh Chodesh Ab..... .^.Saturday, July 21 been unto me had yet not seen me in many is being boycotted by Federations of Labor in many coun- Fast of Ab . . . . „ . „ . __.Sunday, August 12 such a condition." tries, by organized boycott movements in many more countries—- Rosh Chodesh ElluL



The Week in Review


Prompt Delivery Personal Service



February 8 to 16

PAGE 5—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1934 are l>eing featured. A color scheme of red and -white will be carried out, featuring heart-shaped decorations. FOR "GIVE OR GET" Miss Sarah Solomonow raffled off two handmade guest towels at the last Junior Hadassah. meeting and these towels were won by Miss Minnie Miller. Proceeds from this raffle will go to the Junior Hadassah "Give or Get" fund.

Book Review to Be Given Monday

Council of Jewish Women

Vaad Auxiliary Plans Purim Entertainment

Deborah Society

A regular meeting- of the Deborah society will be held next Tuesday What he considers the greatest of With Mrs. Lou Sogolow and Mrs. On Wednesday evening, February any of the several novels reviewed Moe Katelman in charge of Amer- 28, after the reading of the Megillah, afternoon, February 13, at 2:30 p.m. so far in his series of eight, will canization work for the Council of a Purim entertainment and masquer- at the J. C C. The annual election of officers will take place at this be discussed by Rabbi David A. Jewish Women, gratifying progress ade ball will be given at the J. C. C.time. Goldstein on Monday evening, Feb- is reported in this activity sponsored unaer the auspices of the Ladies tend. All members are urged to atruary 12, at 8:15 pjm., when he re- by the Omaha section. Vaad Auxiliary. All appointed committees will make views "Of Human Bondage," by Four groups were organized dur- The entertainment will include a their reports. Somerset Maugham. ing the past six weeks, according to Yiddish play by the Omaha DraTEA PARTY Tickets may be obtained at the Mrs. Sogolow, chairman. There is matic Society, dancing and card playMembers of the Junior Pioneers door by any who are not season were hostesses at a rush tea party on ticket holders. Mrs. Mose Yousem is an enrollment of 25 women, all of ing. Door prizes and prizes for the Sunday, February 4, at the home of in charge. Attendance at each eve- whom are being taught to read and best masquerade costume will be FOR BRIDE-TO-BE The Psi Mu will resume their regCOUNCIL'S ANNUAL BRIDGE their president, Miss Sylvia Magza- nung review has been extremely gra- write, preparatory to seeking their given. Purim refreshments, sandHonoring Miss Sara Ann Noddle, American citizenshipwiches and other food items will be ular matinee dances at the Jewish With tickets for the annual Council min. Thirty young women were preswho will be married to Mr. Harry tifying, according to Mrs. Yousem, All women interested in joining a served a la carte. "It will be a gala Community Center this Sunday afterLevitan of Chicago on February 18, bridge placed on sale this week by ent Refreshments -were served by the who says that each lecture has been class to obtain this instruction are affair and a real Purim entertain- noon, February 11, at 3:30 p. m. The Miss Anne Hahn entertained eighteen Mrs. Philip Levey and her committee, plans are progressing for the affair, tea committee, consisting of the more largely attended than the one urged to call either Mrs. Sogolow at ment," states Mrs. A. Schwaczkin, Creightonians will furnish the music guests at a bridge on Sunday afterHarney 5126, or Mrs. Katelman at chairman of arrangements. She is planned for the last Monday in the Misses Goldie Fish, Merriam Lieb and previous to it. noon. "Word of the interest to be found Harney 7140. Other classes are in being assisted by Mrs. L. Mendelson, month, February 26, the regular Sylvia Parilman. The group was adThe Misses Grace and Bess Rubenin these evening book reviews has the process of being organized. co-chairman; Mrs N . H. Greenberg, dressed by Mr. Judah Wolf son. stein and Lillian Freedman also en- meeting day for the Council. Teachers for the classes include tickets; Mrs. T. Tully, prizes; and Members and friends are urged to Rushees are to be voted into the or- spread quickly," according to Mrs. tertained for the bride-to-be. Mesdames Julius Mrs. H. Marcus, Mrs. N. Levinson, Sunday, February 11, Mrs. Jake orm their tables early and to buy ganization at the regular meeting on Yousem, who says that the attend- the following: Mendelson of Council Bluffs will re- tickets from any of the members of Tuesday evening. Miss Mary Kaplan ance has had a representative group Newman, Nathan Horwich, Abe Kaz- and Mrs. P. Zollotuchen, refresh- Real Estate and Insurance of All Kinds of non-Jewish listeners, many of lowsky, Sam Leon, Ernest Ruben, L ments. ceive at a tea from 3 to 6 p. m. in the board, or committee members. is membership chairman. whom are ardent followers of the Mrs. Levey, in charge, is chairman of Offery and Sam Feltz. There is also honor of her sister. And on WednesRabbi's discussions. a substitute list comprised of volunSUCCESSOR TO day, February 14, Mrs- Louis Gitlin the ways" and means committee. A BENEFIT BRIDGE PARTY Kovno, Lithuania—The Lithuanian teer workers. A benefit bridge party will be sponwill give a luncheon for Miss Noddle. valuable door prize is to be presented rabbinical conference decided to beduring the afternoon. sored by the Ladies' Free Loan socigin negotiations with the World Those of the' committee announced ety on Monday evening, March 5, at LAPIN-CUTLER 3* Douglas Block Mizrachi organization, orthodox Zionthis week are the following: MesJewish Community Center, at 8 Mrs. Abraham Cutler announces dames Dave Conn, David R. Cohen, the (Same Location As Before) ists, in order to achieve. a united p. m. Admission will be 25 cents. The all-talking and singing picture the marriage of her daughter, Anne. front of all orthodox Jewry. A to Mr. Arthur Lapin of Chicago. The Bernice Natelson, Paul Blotky, Moe Prizes will be awarded and refresh- immortalizing the voice of the late Jackson 1525 ceremony was held January 31 in Chi- Venger, Alfred Krasne, David Green- ments served w i t h o u t additional Cantor Josef Rosenblatt, "Live and The delegates of the various or- special committee was appointed to berg, Manuel Grodinsky, J. J. Friedcharge. There will also be special enLsngh," will be presented by the cago, where the Lapins will make ganizations to the Round Table will conduct the negotiations. man, Harry Perimeter, Ephraim You- tertainment. Omaha chapter of Hadassah at the meet a t the J. C. C. Thursday, their home. sem, Jay Malashock, Sam Bialac, Ben Central High school auditorium on February 15. A full program is Friedman, Sam Appleman, Harry Ku- FORMAL DANCE March 5. SHYER WEDDING planned. Rabbi David H. Wice will lakofsky, B. A. Simon, Joe Jacobs, A formal dance will be given by the Mrs. Julius Stein, chairman of the be formally installed as the sponsot \ JLNMYEBSABY Mr. and Mrs. A. Saxe -were sur- Joe Bonoff, Iz Rosenblatt and Hyman Beta Tau Kappa fraternity on Feb- give or get fund under whose aus- and will outline the plans for the ruary 16 at the Chermot. The com-pices this feature film is being Round Table. All delegates are reprised by a group o£ their friend Ferer. mittee in charge consists of Harold brought here, plans to make this an quested to be there by 8 p.m. "Wednesday evening, on the occasion Kort, Art Weiner, Joe Greenstone and outstanding event of the Hadassah of their silver wedding anniversary. TO CHICAGO Mrs. Harry Lapidus left Saturday Myron Tarnoff. Austin Bevans and •winter season. for Chicago, where she will be with his orchestra will furnish the music It is planned to have two performCARD PARTY WEDNESDAY Mrs. J. Abrahamson will sponsor a Mrs. Aleck Bernstein of that city, Bids have been issued to 250. ances that evening, with several vau" i l Criri and the World . Max Altschuler, an alumnus of the deville sketches prior to the first benefit card party for the Pleasant who is ill. sis" will be the subject to be disfraternity, has been appointed to Hill society on Wednesday afternoon show and during intermission. cussed by Rabbi Frederick Cohn beserve as the long-term advisor. Bill February 14, at 2 p. m. at the Clovei BRIDGE-LUNCHEON "It is in this picture that Cantor fore the Current Topics class of the Mrs. Jay Slosburg, jr., gave a Osheroff, another alumnus, was chos- Rosenblatt Leaf club. performs with his famous Temple Israel Sisterhood on Tuesday Special entertainment will be fea- bridge-luncheon Saturday at the Fon- en short-term advisor. voice and personality," states Mrs. morning, February 13, at 10:30 a. tenelle. tured and prizes will be awarded. The Stein, "and those who have been for- m. at the Blackstone Hotel. DANCE HELD SUNDAY admission is 35 cents and the general tunate enough to have heard him in During his talk, Rabbi Cohn will FORMAL DINNER-DANCE Sunday evening the Re-Ims held a person will again have the opportunpublic is invited to attendThe Creighton University chapter dance at Bex's Hut. Jack Frieden, ity of seeing him through the silver touch on the recent events taking All funds will go toward the erecof Pi Lambda Phi, national social fraplace in France and Austria. president, acted as master of ceretion of a chapel at the Pleasant Hill ternity, is planning a formal dinner- monies and entertained the members screen. Those who have not heard cemetery. thrilled by his dynamic Be Sure i* Inquire Ab»at Our dance at the Fontenelle on Saturday and their guests. Mr. Irving Pazoff him will beas evidenced in his Heevening, March 3. Details will be an- entertained with an acrobatic clog, personality nounced later. A balloon dance, one of the feature: brew chants and Jewish folk songs." Dresses tor Hie Avenue of of the evening, was won by Mr. am "live and Laugh," featuring the Admiration . » •fitThe becantor, has been a tremendous hit JUNIOR HADASSAH Mrs. Paul Nerenberg. The prize waltz guiling sum of $5.95 these wherever shown and its presentation DANCING PARTY was won by Mr. and Mrs. Sam Leibdusky favorites capture Many more books have been added Plans are being made for a "Broth- owitz, wi& Mrs. Ben Wine and Mr. here will be a crowning achievement of Hadassah, according to Mrs. M. to those on sale at the J. C. C. er-Sister" dancing patty to be given Leon Gross, second. early spring attention In F. Levenson, president of the local library at popular prices; all of the by the Junior Hadassah on Saturday ihe smart style world. For chapter. books are in good condition and arenight, February 17. Miss Ida Fine, your selection see 689 in Tickets are now on sale, according being sold for only twenty-five cents president, has selected the Misses graduated wale pique and Minnie Frdhm and Isabel Rosenblatt The newly-elected officers of the to Mrs. Stein, and may be obtained each, according to an announcement 692 in linen. Sizes 14-44. by Mrs. Irvin C. Levin, library chair- as joint chairmen in charge of this Bikur ChoHm Society will be in- by calling her at Glendale 1948 or 2BI5 FARKAM AX2BI5 man of the Council, sponsorers of affair. They will be assisted by the stalled at a regular meeting, to be through any member of the give or the rental library and of the sale. Misses Betty Bernstein, Elizabeth held at the J. C. C. Monday after- get committee. The books go on sale beginning to- Dolgoff, Mildred Falk, Eve Kaizman, noon, February 12, at 2 p. m. Rabbi day, and, together with the few re-Jeannette Moskovitz, Tibbie Wolfson Uri Miller will install the officers. An excellent musical program has from the previous. bargain, and Minnie Seiner. All members are sale, -will continue to be sold on a urged to make their reservations with been arranged. Selections will be first-come, first-served policy all any member of the above committee rendered by the Misses Goldie Freed through February, receipts from the as soon as possible. Admittance to and Goldie Azorin. Dr. I. Dansky sale to be used for immediate pur- this affair will be by invitation only. will give a humorous reading. Following the program the ofichase of new and popular books for A five-piece orchestra has been encers will be hostesses at a tea. • gaged to furnish the music for dancthe joint rental library. All members are urged to attend A tew of the popular titles in this ing and a number of novelty numbers and to also bring their friends, so second sale are: Desire, Spanish Verthat they may learn of the outstandsion; Alimony; All for Love; Cat ing work this organization is conWho Saw God; Giants Should be tributing to local Jewish communal Castrated; Little Girl Lost; A WoBy life. man 49; Private Practice; Thirteen Mrs. David M. Newman Men; And l i f e Goes On; White Bird Pan-Arab Party Flying; Seventh Commandment; SilOrange Cnp Ccies Jerusalem.—A new Pan-Arab parver Fountain; Orchid; Return I Dare Four tablespoons butter, 1 cup sugNot; Promiscuous; Mammon; Scor- ar, 2-3 cup milk, 1 egg, 2 1-4 cups ty embracing all Arabic speaking pion; and White Pants Willie. Some flour, 3 teaspoons baking powder, 1-8 countries, has been formed, the Palof the popular authors include VIckj teaspoon salt, rine and juice 1 o.-auge. estine director being the Arab exBaum, Temple Bailey Margaret Ped- Cream butter and sugar, add egg— tremist, Jamal El HusseinL ler, Kathleen Norris, Fannie Hurst, sifted dry ingredients with the milk, Tif Thayer; Faith Baldwin, and Fran- rine and juice of orange. Bake In ce? Brett Young. A large number of greased cup cake pans for 20 minutes. ANNOUNCING OUR mysteries are also included. The j !ool. Cover with orange icing. NEW LOCATION 1 salmis open to everyone, according to Mrs. Levin, and members of the OmBine Berry Tea Cake aha Council of Jewish Women are -Five tablespcus butter, 1 cup SUE especially urged to take advantage ar, 2 eggs, 2-3 cup milk, 1 3-4 cup of the rest of this sale, because fa- flour, 3 teaspoons baking powder, 1 SLELXUfEBY SHOPPE vorites of theirs from the old Coun- 1-2 cup fresh blueberries — cream cil library can now be bought for butter, add sugar, beaten eggs and Sew Selection of Spring Hats milk together. Stir in blue berries only a quarter. Just Arrived like the first crocus, -Hie The library is open every eve- rolled t a little of the measured suga.and flour. Bake in a greased Permanent Local). ning and on Sunday afternoons, and Carman Suit is part and pan in a moderate oven for 313 PATTEltSON BLDG. has many other features of interest shallow parcel of every Spring. minutes. Cut in squares and serve On 17th Between Farnam & Harney and education in its books and per-with 5efly Itons Are BtAi Only at butter, Ivot. And, like the first gay iodicals, all for the use of readers Hersfeergs in Omaha robin, the Carman Suit and visitors. Its evening hours are from 7 to 10 p.m.; i t is also kept Is crisp, smooth, impecopen by Mrs. Levin and the Council's cably tailored. Our 1934 library committee, on afternoons durcollection seems more ing the week when luncheons or organization meetings are scheduled at sprightly, more superb the Center. than e v e r . . . in a word, quite as perfect as you would expect.

Matinee Dances



Round Table of Jewish Youth


Current Topics p Course



New Reduced

More Books on Sale at Library at Center


Bikur Gholim





* - .









I Jewish Refugees from Germany I Can Now Emigrate to America

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I Attorney General Cvimings just issued a ruling by I which the Department of Labor can admit Jewish refugees from Germany, provided relatives in this country give the customary bond that the immigrants wiH not become public charges. The Department of State follewed with a statement that American Consuls in Germany have been instructed to assist refugees in every way possible. The Department of State and Labor are new in accord in regards to this important new policy. If you have friends or relatives among the refugees, bring them to America. Call us without delay and get further complete information.

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VALLEY PROJECT UNDER WAY—This photo shows tractors at work excavating on the Wheeler dam site on the Clinch river, near Knoxville, Tenn., which is part of the Tennessee river valley power and navigation project under the new Public Works Administration plan.

CUTTER CUTS ICE—The U- S. coast guard cutter. Manhattan, is shown using its ice cutting powers in keeping the Hudson river near Albany open for navigation

\ ^_ ^«,

STORK VISITS JUNGLETOWN—Betty and Priscilla, aged four weeks and two weeks, respectively, are the newest additions to the monkey family at a zoo in San Francisco. As yet, the two girls haven't wandered very far away from their mothers, who were imported from Java.

HOLLYWOOD'S LOVELIEST—Here are the seven girls Earl Carroll, well-known Broadway producer, has selected to play in "Murder at the Vanities", motion picture extravaganza. The lucky girls are, top, Inez Howard of Fort Worth, Tex.; Gladys Young of Sacramento, Cal.; Diane Hunter of Camden, Ala., and Iris Lancaster of St. Petersburg, Fla.; next, Zumeeta Garnett of San Francisco, and Billy Huber of Cumberland, Md.; below, Blanche McDonald of Augusta, Me.

DAUGHTER OF PRINCESS ALICE—All set for a sleigh ride. Pauline Longworth, foreground, daughter of the late Nicholas Longworth, former speaker of the house, and Mrs. Alice Roosevelt Longworth, is photographed with her little friend. Teddy Noyes, in Washington.


MILLS IN CALIFORNIA—Back in California for a month's stay at their Salt Mateo county home, Ogden L. Mills, former secretary of the treasury, and Mrs. Mills are snapped upon their arrival in San Francisco. Mills' home is only a short distance from that'of former President Herbert Hoover.

A PRIME MINISTER AND HIS FAMILY—When Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald of Great Britain visited the home of his daughter at Leeds, England, the cares of state seemed to drop from his shoulders a3 he romped with his grandchild, lshbel MacKinnon. Mr. MacDonald is shown with bis granddaughter and his daughter, Joan and her husband, Dr. Alastair MacKinnon.

WOLF DOG IS BODYGUARD—Father Bernard R. Hubbard, socalled padre of the glaciers and well-known explorer, is pictured »t Los Angeles with Magick, his faithful bodyguard. Magick's father was a wolf, and his mother half-wolf.


- tit

PAGE 7—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1934 at the ball; Mrs. Leon Mendelson, religious school; Mrs. Charles Fellman, 1) publicity; Mrs. Howard Milder, proA symposium on "The Modern grams, and Mrs. A. Brookstein, picReservations for the "dessert-cofJewish Woman" will be featured at nic fee," the unique arrangement planned the next regular meeting of the Lafor Wednesday, February 14, by the Rabbi Miller in his report recountdies Vaad Auxiliary on Monday, Febed briefly what had been accomplishConservative Synagogue Auxiliary, ruary 19, at 2 p.m. at the B'nai IsTemple ed since the union was formed and when the final luncheon course is to rael synagogue, 18th and Chicago. (Continued from Page 1.) submitted a list of recommendations Rabbi David H. Wice will speak be served prior to the afternoon proMrs Sydney Katelman will speak on as to future activities. xious to get their dividends as the "Social Service"; Mrs. Frank Ackeron "The Jew in Civilization—Para- gram, should be made no later than The first anniversary of Friday eveLeo Abramson, President, An- site, Eclectic or Creator?" at services Monday, with Mrs. Leo Abramson, ning services and the second annual Male membership of the Vaad is Jews. znau on "Literature"; Mrs. L Elewitz nounces B'nai Brith Com. . L..I think, perhaps, one of the on "The Theatre", and Mrs. J. Rosenat Temple Israel this evening. Glendale 3562. dinner of the Vaad (United Orthodox 360, of which 105 have enrolled since mittee Appointments reasons for the rise of the myth of berg on "Palestine". Eabbi Miller Saturday morning regular junior The meeting, i-. patriotic one, is synagogues) were observed this past November 14; women, S60. This is exclusive of the synagogues, which Jewish financial supremacy is that will tell Purim legends. Mrs. Morris services will be conducted. open to all, and non-members as well week-end. in aa great great measure measure vur*uuu Christian rein ^ Bnrstein wDl read the story of Purim. Close to two hundred new members Tuesday morning Jtabbi Frederick as members of the Auxiliary are At the anniversary services, attend- number well over 600. Rabbi Miller lationships with Jews have been al-1 gSpecial . . .Purim _. refreshments refreshments will will will constitute the "Harry Friedman Cohn will address the Sisterhood Cur- urged to make reservations for. them- ed by over 600 people, Rabbi Uri said 600 persons attended weekly sermost exclusively of a business or e served by Mrs. Louis Epstein and class" of initiates to the Omaha B'nai rent Topics group at the Blackstone selves as well as friends., There will Miller spoke on "One Year — What vices and participated in the forum, Brith, it was reported Monday at a on "Americanism and the World Cri- be a fifteen-cent reservation fee. Have We Achieved?" He stressed and that the junior congregation, trade nature. ler committee. sponsored by- Mrs. William Milder meeting of the local lodge. The initi- sis." R. It shcold be pointed out, howSomething unusual in the way of a the spiritual and cultural aspects of and Mrs. Max Frc-mkin, numbers 50 ation will take place at the J. C. C. ever, that there are historic reasons patriotic dessert is promised by Mrs. achievements and outlined the neces- children.' One hundred seventy chilat the next meeting, February 19. ; that date back for centuries which Workers Alliance sary psychological goals yet to be at- dren attend the religious school and B. A. Simon's committee. The class is being named in honor Conservative account for so many Jews being in tained. After the services a sympo- 50 the Sunday school in South Omaha. Highlighting the program will be trade. In most European countries The Jewish National "Workers Al- of Mr. Friedman for ihis years of At services tonight Rabbi David A the playlet, "One Mother's Son," to sium was held under the chairmanfrom the middle ages on, Jews were liance is holding a membership cam- service to the lodge. Recently hon- Goldstein will speak on "Dangerous ship of Bpfrraim Marks. In the sym- Friday evening services were startprohibited from owning land. There- paign during the month of February, ored on the occasion of his 88th Public Enemies." Be will base Ms be presented under the. direction of posium representatives of each affili- ed during the past year, Rabbi Miller recalled. A junior congregation was fore, they could not be farmers. This group is a fraternal order, birthday, he is the oldest living mem- talk on Ibsen's "The Enemy of the Mrs. Phineas Wintroub, program ated group spoke. chairman. The cast,; includes Tobye formed. Religious schools for children The trade guilds did not admit them co-operating with the Histadruth in ber of the lodge. Last June he was People." The second annual dinner meeting were established—one in South Omaax February 28. The! f } ' . Martha Himmelstein, and Mrs. and they were thereby excluded from Palestine. They are pioneers in es- elected treasurer of the Omaha lodge Purim comes was held Sunday evening at the J. many forms of craftsmanship. The tablishing Yiddish and Hebrew litera- for life, he having served in that ca- congregation is already making prep- Morris Sogolow. The play pictures C. C. Ben Kazlowsky was toastmas- ha. -Closer co-operation between all . taking of interest was regarded as a ture in the American public libraries, pacity for 30 years. arations' for its celebration. The pioneer American life of the early XI. A' dinner was served by members groups within the Vaad headed the : . sin by the church and "so it. was re- and they have over 7500 children at- The local stimulation of B'nai Briii Magillah will be read at 7:30 on 19th century. the Ladies' Auxiliary, followed by list of recommendations which he prelegated to the Jews. Certain forms tending their schools throughout the activity is part of a national intensi- February 28. and the annual dinner . Songs .will be rendered by the Cen- the meeting. At the meeting reports sented to the meeting. He also made a tral High school quartet, consisting «f bartering merchandise was per- country. They also support a teachers fication. At the recent annual meeting and frolic will be.held on March 1. ay officers of activities of the Vaad, of Bob Butts, Max Barnett, Francis .representatives of congregations of plea that congregations be built up on mitted the Jews. Needle trades and college in New York, among their of the executive committee of B'nai the garment industry fell to their in Cincinnati, a budget of $280,Hessler, and Kermit Hansen, accom- B'nai Israel, Beth Hamedrosh Hago- a family basis — all members of a projects. Their policies have Brith Vaad lot. The maldistribution of Jews in many )00 for American Jewish activities panied at the piano by Lylyan Chu- deL B'nai Jacob, Adas Yeshuren and family affiliating with, the same synaeconomic life is a result of Christian a cash surrender value. as adopted. The. money Is to be used Services will be held this Friday ] dacoff. Anyone wishing further informa- iuring 1934 to support the anti-defa- evening at 8 o'clock at the B'nai Is-j The meeting begins promptly at Cengregation of Israel, the latter of j watch was presented to intolerance. /., Reports Rabbi Miller by members of the Vaad tion is asked to call Joe Ractinowski, mation -work, and the nine B'nai Brith rael Synagogue, 18th and Chicago,; 1:30, with a board meeting scheduled South Omaha, L. There are many encouraging el were made by L Goldstein, secretary; j at the conclusion of the program. Hillel Foundations, Aleph Zadik Aleph under the auspices of the Vaad. Rabbi for one o'clock. ements in the situation. The very Webster 1642. [. Marcus, president; I. Morgenstern, A group of Jewish folk songs were and good will work, among other Miller's sermon will be on "Jewish fact that a tour such as ours could commissioner; H a r r y Kimmerman,! sung by Cantor A. Schwaczkin. projects. History—An Outline and a Sum- Mrs. Simon Pizer will i>e hostess chairman of the membership committake place: is significant of a nev Jr. Debating Club Henry Monsky and Sam Beber of mary." This will give the outstand- to the women of the Conservative tee; Mrs. L. Neveleff, representing The commissioners elected for spirit. At a meeting of "the Junior Debat- Omaha attended tie executive meet- ing tendencies and events in Jewish Auxiliary at the next Oireg Sfcabbos the women's organizations; David the coming year were Louis Epstein, C Judging ^rom the clergy am" 1 ing Club of the B'nai Israel synaHarry Rimmcrman, I. Morgenstern, history in one talk. lay people we have met on this pH gogue, an interesting discussion took on Saturday, February 10, at her Slobodisky, president of the Young Joe Tretiak, N. Wclfson, I. Goldstein Leo Abramson, president of the grimage, Protestants are ready to place on "Resolved, that O m a h a The forum after the services pre- Home, 111 So. 52 St. At that time Men's Vaad, and l>ora Freshman, and G. Soref. Officers do their share in working out new should have parochial schools for Omaha B'nai Brith, announced the sents a debate by two teams of the Mrs. David Goldstein irtll inaugurate president of the Young People's Aux- N.'illL/evinson, be chosen by the commissioners following committee appointments for patterns in American interfaith re- Jewish pupils." Anne Pollay took the Haboniia on "Kesolved: That Jewish a series suggested by Dr. Abram L. iliary. at the next meeting. the ensuing term: lationships. Parochial Schools ought to be esSarfaar while he was here. It is Mrs. Neveleff was chairman «£ the negative and Elinor Cohn the affirma- Intellectual AdniMmcnt: E p h r a 1 m L. As a Jewish teacher, while I tive. entitled "Tie Jewish IVonien" and women's division meeting. Eeports Marts, chairman; HUton Abrahams, Marry tablished in America." feel that the fundamental obligation Jake Teplitsky and Harold Nessel- Menilelson, l>r. Maynard Oreenbers,' Uave The Habonim is a group of boys will deal with, history and accomplish- were read by Mrs. H. Marcus, treasFreeman, Harry iSilverman, Abuer Kalis upon the gTeat major groups— son "will continue the discussion on nian, Stanley Levin, Ben Kazlowsty, Dr. from 13 to 18 carrying on both ments as well as other phases of urer; Mrs. L. Epstein, hostess at The Menu Always the Catholics and the Protestants— the above question at the next meet- L*on Fellmtm. social and c Jtaral activities in-af- development in the life of the Jew- meetings; Mrs. N- H. Greenberg, corMembership: . Dr. Marnard Greenbergr filiation with the Vaad. Their spon- ish woman. there are some things that we Jews ing. Shirley Cohn and Lena Zollotu- chairman; responding s e c r e t a r y ; Mrs. A. Dr. A. Greenberg, David tioMProvides Good can and must do. In the first place, Schwaczkin, hostess at luncheons; man, Nathan Turner, Srmou Pizer, Reuben sor is Mr. Haskell Cohen. as new members. l'hilip Klutzniek, Haxry BonnnerB, Mrs. David Epstein, hostess at card I feel we should no longer drift, I" 1 *" w e r e ™«s m as new memoers. Bordy, Sam Green, Sam Beber, Dr. l«eon Tellnrau, Uora parties; Mrs. J. Rosenberg, cultural Foods of Greeuberg, s, Ben Kaxlowsky, y, Ephraiin p There are too many Jews in the! Freshman is coach Mizrachi ', i group, and Rabbi Uri Millerofis this ad- Joe activities; Mrs. Sol Lag-man, hostess Marks, j/ryiit Actenuan, Al \»ouluer, Junior Congregation urban centers. There are too many I visor. N. LeTinBon, I. P. Goodman, Nathan S. Unequaled Variety "Xaffe, Julius Bisno, Karl Leiser, Louis Services will be held this Saturday Jews going into the professions of The monthly M'Lave Malkeb. will Alberts, William Itadnziner, Abner Kai- morning at 9 a.m. at the B'nai Islaw and medicine. Something should be held this Saturday evening at 8 an. Young Circle - finance: Max Barish, chairman; Sam rael Synagogue. The refreshments be done to discourage our youth at Moderate Prices Green, Dr. A. Greenberg, Carl Xagmon, will be served by Mr. and Mrs. Sid- o'clock at the Adass Yeshuren synaA regular meeting of the* Voltaire from entering these professions in gogue, 25th and Seward streets. A Dare Greenberg, Irrin lierin. W E . Groltebert Kooper, Dr. A. Steinberg, ney Katleman in honor of their an- very interesting program of adsuch numbers. Jews may properly Young Circle club was held Thursday dinsky, Potash, Sam Beber, Sam llothenEat at the assert their rights; but they should February 1, at the J. C. C. Plans Morris dresses and Chassidic and Palestinberg, Milton Abrahams, Dr. Nathan Mm- mversary. were completed for the informal parkin. John Feldman. Al 'Wohlfler, Irring put equal emphasis upon their duThe Junior Congregation through ian songs will be given. RefreshVl Abner Kaiman, Simon Plzer, ties. At the same time it must be ty, given at the Labor Lyceum Sun- TBen its officers solicits members of the ments will be served, and an invita Karfovrsky. February 4, in honor of the vis- Vigilance: William Ilolzmas, chairman; community interested in its work to tion is extended to all members of pointed out that we need Christian day, iting Spinoza Young Circle club of .Henry Monsky, Harry S. Zlmman, Barry serve as hosts for them at their ser- the Jewish community to be present. . help. A. Wolf. E. I believe that if a priest, a Des Moines, la. National Jewish Hospital: Karry Silver- vices. Those desiring to do so are Plans will be discussed for a receprabbi and a minister appeared before Sunday's affair was very successfuL man, (ItGRflVinG CO. chairman; Dr. Philip Sher, Morton the assembly period of every, high] The evening was spent in dancing and Ehrenreich. Lea Bosenthal, Irvin Stalmas- asked to get in touch with Rabbi tion to Rabbi Wolf Gold, national * omflHfl * president of the Mizrachi,. who i: Fred "White, Dare Blacker, Dr. Philip Miller, at Ja. 0887. school in the country, public and pri-' playing cards. Refreshments were ter, Komtraek. . Thonc 01.4626 planning to visit Omaha soon. 1511 Farnam St. Vate, twice a year—say around served. I*o N. I-evi BospUal: William GrodinThe president of the local Missky, chairman; David Goldman, Dr. M. M. Thanksgiving Day and George; WashMargolin, I. Shafer, Sol DeEen. Simon Pirachi is Mr. S. Ravitr.* r Young jpeoples ington's Birthday—to stress the. Amzer, Manrice Micklin. Dr. M. I. Gordon. Cleveland Orphan -Hdraett: Irrjn :Ieyin, i erican principle of religious freedom, Congreiratidn chairman; HarryKnlakofsky, HsmieMildin a few years, all.;the. responsible er. David Hahn, Jjouis Hiller, Harry Fried- ; .A meeting of :MH£V^executive compeople in therj^untry^^oja 1 d -. be it will be spon^j Mouse: Isadora Abrsmscm, c h a r n n r mtttBe of the Tom^^loples" congregGreenbetR, Carl I^agroan. Mortis Ai- 'ation will be' held^Tednesday, Febsored by th<£* physical department o; Joe n, Julius Bisno, Jacob Fearlstien. Fear L. The custom of Protestant, Ca- the J. C . C This, tourney was madi kln,Initiation: F. Goodman Goodman, .chairman; ruary 14. Iititi L F chai K i D A G b g Aimer tholic and Jewish laity meeting Teg- possible through the efforts of Lee Philip Kmiznictc, Dr. A. Greenberg. The executive committee includes: Kaiman. Harry SUvermaji, Jay Malashoct, •nlarly in every city and town in Grossman; head of the department. Julius Bisno, president; Massie Baum, Harry Trostin. permanent round tables would in- The tourney is divided into three I Resolutions^ Jack Marer, i (vice-president; Ida .Fine, secretary; S. Belzer. Benben Brown, itiate a national custom of confering classes: Class A for men over 21 O. Will Do George Geffen, treasurer; Gertrude ber. Herb Goldstein. rather than lesarting to clannish years; Class B for young men 17 to Social Service: Dr. Philip Sber. chair- Eothkop, Art Xazlowsky, Harry tribal antagonism. Euch community 21; Class C for boys under 17. The man : Eiibbl Frederick Cohn, Kabbl TJrl Weinberg, Lou RMin, Dora FreshMiUer. llabbi David Goldstein, Rabbi Dacommittees can plan local radio, tourney will be inaugurated Sunday, vid H. "Wice. man, and Erwin Wezelman. school, youth and adult programs. February 18. Winners and runners-up Plans for a Purim affair and fund . J. Friedman, Max m &£ E. Seainar programs for Catho- of all.classes will-receive individual oe Freemnn, touis Shatton. Shattn. I Pll Telephone: D Dr. I*on Pellman. chairman : raising will be discussed. lics, Jews and Protestants should gold and silver basketball awards. 5am Green, DE. Mayjiard Greenberp. Carl continue. More speakers should be All entries should be turned in not ^airman. Lirais Alberts. Harry Mendelson. hf M Barish, B i h Bar! enlisted across the country. Julins L Shafer, Max later than February 12 to M. Stal- Xiapidna,Bisno, Morris Potash, Irving VCesselmaB. STORM SASH L. There are just two ways by master, tournament manager, with the Sam Eoihenberg, Nathan. S. Xaife, Ben Storm DOOM—^CombinotioR Doors •which we • might achieve national fee of three dollars. k ay. unity. The one way is the way of f;fe«.'Estini0t«» PnbJicity: rtank R. Ackermau. chairthe demagogue, the way of terror- Joe Blnmenthal and Al Friedman man: Hy Shrier, A. D. Frank, Nattaa E. MICKLIH LUMBER £0. ism, the way of oppression. It is the will represent the J. C. C. in the acobs. "9rh and i j H i c h o i o . ^ : J A SOOC way of the Procustian bed, it is the Golden Gloves tournament. Both have decisively trouncing them, 34 to 13. •way of the all-dominant, totalitarian been working hard in preparation for Millard Sigal led the J. C. C. attack state which destroys liberty of their coming bouts. with 9 points. Bogdanoff was the outspeech, and of the press, and would man on the floor and was I Paxton Mitchell Co, mould to one pattern the thought The Center registered three victo- standing the main cog of the Center team. and conduct of Amerkan life. That ries last Sunday for a clean sweep. Ja Grey Iron, Aluminum and is the way of the destruction of deBronze Castings opener the Xi Lambdas had little Max Altsuler and Sol Yaffe were is the way o e the only J. C. C. representatives to Wood and Metal Patterns mocracy, that is the way that in- ^ «P«ner the Xi Lambdas had little tors to the tune of 24 to 16. Franklin 2614 Martha St. HA. 6528 evitably leads to ruin. The other is trouble beating the Sandersteam, Mowas outstanding forHart the Center (Continued on Page 8.) the way of mutual appreciation, of scoring 11 points while Anderson cooperation. It is the way of unity played well for the losers. "Meet Your Friends which rises above differences, the The girls' varsity continued their On Term* unity which is found in the varied string of wins by downing the bighly $1 Down . . . $1 Per Month beauty of an autumn landscape. vaunted Fremont Orioles, 19 to 11. B. We should all, Catholic, Pro- Frequent substitutions prevented a -Urstant and Jew, take one another rout. Bousefield and Brookstein were T>y the hand and walk together in outstanding for the Center team, each the solution of the problems that con- scoring 8 points. front us as a nation. In the main tilt, the J. C. C. AH L. The things of the spirit intel- Stars, composed of the best player: ligently used, these are our weapons. in Center basketball, spilled the hopes (Copyright 1934 by Seven Arts of the Mozer Radios, who lead thi Feature Syndicate). Lincoln Y. M. C. A. league and wh< are known as one of the best in ib 1418 Douglas middle west, for another victory, bj



Yaad Auxiliary

*"" Conservative Auxiliaryj





• Hotpomt •





Instead of their regular meeting, the Psi Mu fraternity held a banquet at the Fontenelle Hotel Monday evening. Irvin C. Levin, sponsor of the club, installed the following officers: Morris Falk, president; Leo Brown, vicepresident; Barney Abrams, secretary; Morris Bloom, treasurer; Millard Sigal, reporter, Sam Epstein, parliamentarian; Al Kaiman sergeant-atarms.



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Across from the City Hall <



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Nebraska Power

PAGE 8—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1934 isli life in the Diaspora" is the subdefeating them 12 to 9. Today the for^the Tournament Bridge, the first J. C. G. Sports ject of the debate contest. In oraHabonim will meet the Milder Oita to of which will be held March 21. decide the championship. tory the contestants may choose one Lottie Feinberg and Ida Feldman are (Continued from Page 7.) of three official subjects: "What It co-chairm&n of this project. | Miss Margaret Shulkin and Miss Means t o Be a Jew," "Israel As a gain the semifinals in the city doubles Physical Director Grossman is enDorothy Merlin will be hostesses to Oaiaha, NebJ—This week-end repre- Minority Among the Nations," and handball tournament. deavoring to arrange outside gamesthe January Birthday members, pro- entatives from seventy-one chapters "The Chalutzim." for the Health Club volleybaliers. ^ A ceeds of which will be turned over to Miss ANNA PILL, Correspondent Swimming a t the J. "C. C. has been tentative game has been lined up with f Junior B'riai Brith will meet in the Palestinian funds.. , . ' . . - . proving popular with younger groups Woodbine, la., Class C tourney wint of Pogroms in OH). Miss Ida Fish was appointed chairas shown by the large attendances in ners at the Y. M. C. A. last year. ., and New man of the. Candy booth at the Purim the regular classes. Speech by Goebbels Bazaar on March 1. BERLIN (J. T. A.)—A hint of the FKAOKNTH'RG. STAI.5IASTER, BEBEK & KLVTZNICK, Attorneys. possibility of pogroms against the Coach Sol Dorinson's Habonim cap6^0 Omaha National Hank Bide. tured the lead in the Midget basketJews was made by Paul Joseph GoebB'nai Brith bels, Nazi Minister of Propaganda ball loop last Friday when they put NOTICE AND CEIlTrFIC'ATE OF DISand Public Enlightenment, in an ad-on pressure to defeat the Tuxis JunSOLUTION OF "KAUIAN INSliK• Announcement was made a t the Elaborate plans have been made Mr. Lester Davidson, local attorANCE AGENCY, INC." dress delivered to a Nazi meeting at iors by tha score of 18 to 8. In the Te-organization meeting of the Jew-for the annual Mount Sinai Temple ney, spoke Tuesday evening at the Know all w : i by tliose presents: other game the Talmud Torahs upset That Frankfurt am Oder. ish National Fund Council Monday Brotherhood Cabaret dance, which B'nai Brith meeting, on the "Moneat a meeting of the stockholders In discussing the German fight for the title hopes of the Milder Oils by of the Kaiinnii Insurance Agency, Inc..» evening, that Sioux City was one ofwill be held next Tuesday evening, tary Questions Facing the United duly held at the office of the corporation, equality, Minister Goebbels declared: 26 cities in the United States to February 13, in the ballroom of the States Today." on the 23rd day of l-Vcemlxr, • 1933, nt SUOTWEIX. MOJ.SRY, GROMKSKY & "We treated the Jewish question alwmch all of the stockholders were present: Warrior hotel. The dance will be raise over $1,000 for the Jewish NaMr. Milton Bolstein, who was reVANCE, Attorney* and voting, a resolution was duly offered together too loyally. If the Jewish tional Fund during 1933. Sioux City in the form of a Valentine party, and cently installed as president for the 13" Omaha National Bank Bid p. and was unanimously adopted that the said corporation cense to do business, nnd problem were solved, not by authoriJewry raised the sum of $1,173.00 according to the ticket committees, coming year, presided. Mr. Barney thnt the same tie dissolved; nccordiiicly NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION tative government measures, but in during the past year toward this accommodations will be made for 400Baron spoke in behalf of the Wider of such action and of the dissolnIn the County Court of Douglas County, notice ton ot the Kainian Insurance Agency, Inc. a democratic fashion by the people, people. Palestinian fund. Scope Campaign, which will be conNebraska. then the solution would have yielded In the Matter of tbe Estate of SJLDIK ,' Is hereby givpn. Mr. R. H. Emlein was e lected Orville Eennie and his orchestra ducted within the ranks of the local MANN, Deceased. ! IN TESTIMONY WHKKEOF, wifues* quite different results." chairman of the Jewish National will furnish the music for dancing, lodge in Sioux City, simultaneously Ml persons interested in said estate are the signature and the corporate seal of the said Kaiman Insurance Agency, Inc. hereby notified that a petition • has been Fund Council for the coming year. and an elaborate floor show will be with other lodges of the country. Individual First Place Awards filed in said Court nllcgiiij; that said de- heretofore affixed by its duly authorized presented. Mr. Emlein is an active Zionist Committees for the various projdied .leaving no last will nnd pray- officers on this 23rd day of December, Toil, says the proverb, is the sire ceased ing for administration upon licr estate, l'J33. • worker and at one time served as Mr, Louis Agranoff and Mr. Benects during the year were appointed York City. Contests are held in de- of fame. aud that a hearing will be had' on; said KAIMAN INSURANCE AGENCY., INC. bate, oratory and basketball as part Boseublum are co-chairmen for the' petition before said court on the 17th day president of the local Zionist organiby Mr. Bolstein, and will T>e anBy Abner H. Kaiman, of February. 1034, and thnt if they fail lo • President. zation. Other officers include Mrs affair. Assisting them are Messrs. nounced in a forthcoming issue of of the organization's leisure time and appear at said Court on the soia~ 17th day X.EON & WHITE, Attorneys Attest: Evelyn Kidman, Secretary. recreational program for young Jewof February, 1954, at 'J .o'clock. A. 11.. to J. N. Krueger, co-chairman; Miss E. N. Grueskin, Abe Agranoff, Max the Jewish Press. City Nat.onul Hank Bid In presence of H. J. Uoldsberg. contest said petition, the Court may grnnt State of Nebraska, Omaha, Nebraska ish men between 16 and 21 years of . Rose Pill, secretary; and Dr. B Bergen, A. J. Galinsky, J . Kalin, the same and grant administration of said Comity of .Douglas, ss. age. Sam Cohen, William Gilinsky, Abe estate to Charles Mann or some other suitCourshon, treasurer. Snbfieribed and sworn to before me thi» NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF able person and proceed to a settlement 23ra Cantor to Sing day ot December, 1933. THK ZOO, I>C, The winner of the oratorical con-The Board of Directors will be Pill; and Mrs. A. J. Galinsky, Mrs. thereof. - n. 3. Holdsberg. Notice Is hereby sriven that a corporntest in each of the eight district tlon is to be formed under the laws 01! the composed of Mr. M. Lazriowich, Mr M. A. Weiner, Mrs. J . N. Rosenfeld, (Seal) Notary Public. BBY.CE CKAWFOBH. Cantor Pierre Pinchik, Russian Mrs Jack Robinson, Mrs William - County Jndge. I-10-34-.4t. ; tournaments wins a free trip to State of. Kebraska. The name of the cor- l-2C-34-3t. • - • - Abe Stillman, Mr. M. Seff, Mrs. H. cantor, will be heard in a program poration is 1'HE ZOO, INC. The princiWashington to participate in the in-l«al place for the transaction of it8 busiR, Rabinowitz, Mrs. M. Lazriowich, Lazere and Mrs. Sam Greenstone. of Russian, Hebrew and: Yiddish ternational finals to be held this sum- ness is the City of Omaha, Douglas Coun- i t Mr. Barney Baron, Mr. A. Greensongs, a t the city auditorium, next mer. The nr.tional headquarters fur- ty, Nttiraska, berg, Mrs. R. H. Emlein, Mrs. Ben The general nature of the business to be Wednesday evening, February 14, atnishes first place awards, pictured transacted Shindler, Mr. M. Mason, Mrs. Max by the corporation is to buy, 8:30 o'clock. own, lease, exchange, mortgage and transLeaff, Mr. David Sperling and Mr above to tbe winners. The keys go fer real estate and personal property; to N. Elkin. Boy Scout Troop No. 22 will meet Cantor Pinchik, a lyric tenor, has to the two debaters and orator and buy, sell, hold, mortgage and transfer presented his programs in all the bonds, securities, debentures and and stock stock lit in mp/lalc tn t>io oovnn mprnhpra n f "°nds.. securities, debentures Plans were discussed for further Saturday evening in the Community largest cities of Europe. Since comCenter under the leadership of meaais to toe seven memDers oi oendorse oratiojis; to draw, make, fund raising projects which include issue promissory notes,accept. mortt l l e r corpaud ing to the United States, he has the basketball team. drafts, bills of exchange and other distribution and collection of J. N. Scoutmaster Dr. Frank Epstein. The given "Resolved, That the Establishment gages, negotiable instruments; to borrow money; more than 50 concerts in New F, boxes and the sale of packages membership drive for the troop is York City and "the larger cities of of a Jewish Homeland in Palestine Is to carry on the general business of ownoperating and maintaining restaurants being held open and boys of scout of Palestinian projects. Essential to the Preservation of Jew- ing, ami to sell and serve foods, meals, refreshthis country. " ' ' , 1 age are urged to attend .the meeting The council is composed of reprements, beverages, candies and tobacco in tnt-rewith to ihe genpnil public sentatives from each group in the Saturday or call Charles Shindler. This will be his second appearance SHOtWEIX, SlOJfSKY, GKODINSKS & conuectiou ar.d to have power to do all things neces-' in Sioux City.' The J. C. C. Brownie Pack will city, organized for the purpose of VAXCK, and HAKKV 11. COHEN. sary for and incidental to the operation of Attorneys. . • Bald business. meet tomorrow afternoon with other Zionism. 7S7 Omaha Katlonal Bank Bide. The authorized capital stock shall lie packs, of the city, for a city-wide Ivre Club So.OOO.OO divided into 50 shares of the par Notice is hereby given that the uixlervalue of 4100.00 each, to be fully paid for rally. sigiied have formed a corporation pursuant non-assessable when issued. S;iid capMembers of the Debra club held a Mr. J. M. N. Goldsmith was elected to the laws of the State of Nebraska. The and ital stork -may be paid for in cash, notes president of the Ivre duV a t a reu:im,. ot the corporaton is OMAHA. T11Kor property, or personal, dinner and theater party Saturday pr pert , real e p s , tangible t g i e or or ATttE Ol'EUATIXO COIU'OKATION', t i b l, at th r o b l l th g ible, evening, honoring the members of the cent meeting, and was installed of- with its principal place of business in iintang reasonable value thereh at the of. f Five Fi shares of the capital stock shall Nebraska. The corporation shall club, who graduated recently from ficially a t the installation meeting Omaha, paid for before the corporation suitll have the power and authority to operate be Monday evening. business. Central and East High school. Mr. William Kan tor, resident of moving picture theatres as lessee,' owner, commence The shall commence ltnslOther officers elected are Rueben or otherwise, aud/or present, shows or ness oncorporation Sioux City for - many years j was the filing of its Articles of Incorperformances of nny character ami to Miller, vice-prseident; Eli Robinow, tiandle, deal lu and contract for moving poration with the county cl<-rk of Dougclaimed by death last Saturday, folCounty. Nebraska, and shall continue films as producer, distributor, ex- las lowing an illness of several months. Congregational Service treasurre; and Abe Agranoff, secre- picture for a period of fifty yeaTs from <late hibitor or otherwise nnd to do any ai.d thereof. tary. . Mr. Kantor was well known in other things necessary or proper iu Will Be Held Tonight Plans were made for a formal din nil The highest amount of Indebtedness to the operation of theatres. The corporation •whichSioux City, and was affiliated with this corporation at nny time have the power to handle real nnd subject 'itself- shall not shall exceed two-thirds the Shaare Zion Synagogue, The The two subsidiary organizations ner dance to be held early next shall t Th corporaton t h l l | o ff itfs personall property. The shall a,>tt i stock. C a itl k of the corporation *hnll he Federation of Jewish Social Services of Mount Sinai Temple, the Brother- month. Twelve new members were have the power to borrow inouey and is- ^itg Rffairs evidences^ of indebtedness therefor. 1 conducted-by. a- board of . directors eo>awhere he was a member of the Board hood out the Sisterhood, will partici- taken, into the club a t this meeting. sue Tlie total authorized capital stock is T25, sistlng of not loss than two not more than 000.00, all common,-par value ?100.0CI, to fivo "members. of Directors for many years, and pate in the evening service a t Mount be fully paid when issued and non-asBIONSIiY. GRODIJTSKTC & sessable.. The corporation shall commence T. CHRISTOPHER the Zionist organization. Sinai temple, tonight a t 8. o'clock. 8HOTWKUL, YAKCE, and HAKRX B. COHBS, J, CHlUSTQPHEtt business when the Articles of IncorporaMagnificent to behold, not only from on Bequests to these three organiza- Mr. Hyman Fishgall^ president of the Attorneys. In •presence-of: tion are filed with the County Clerk of 737 Omaha National Bank Bldp. GKUTKUDE PERLIS tions were included in Mr. Kantor's Congregation; Mrs. Louis Agranoff, Douglas County, Nebraska, and continue 203*k " until November 1st,. 1983. The highest will, and include a gift of $300 to the president of the Sisterhood, arid artistic standpoint, but because they look Notice i» hereby given that the under amount o£ indebtedness shall not .exceed the Shaare Zion Synagogue; $100 toMr. E. N. Grueskin, president of signed two-thirds of its capital stock. The afhave formed a corporation pursuant fairs of the corporation shall be administhe Federation of Jewish Social Serv- the Brotherhood, -will speak from the to the Taws of the State of Nebraska. The tered by a Board of Directors consisting •netr stren of' the corporation Is TOWN TUEice; $100 to the Talmud Torah; and pulpit, representing their respective name ATUE. INC., with Us principal place ol of not less than two nor more than five in number. 'The stockholders shall elect business in Omaha,, Nebraska. The «or §100 to the Zionist organization. organizations. Shalt have 'the power, and nuth Directors at the annual meeting to be held Mr. Kantor is survived, by his Rabbi Lewis will speak on "A Code poration ority to operate moving picture theatre; the second Monday, >>in January of each as lessee, owner, or otherwise, nrnl/oi year. Thereafter the directors shall elect widow and four children, Isadore, For Israel." The service will be fol-present shows or performances of any officers, viz...- President, Vice-President, Archie, Philip, and - Edith Eose. lowed by a reception In the Temple character anil to .hntidl<% deal In and con- Secretary aud Treasurer. With' the contract for . movlnc picture films ns pre sent in writing or. pursuant to a vote of Funeral services were In the Shaare Annex, given by the Sisterhood. distributor, exhibitor or otherv»is< a.majority of the outstanding capital Zion Synagogue Sunday afternoon, Mrs. Jake Kalin is in charge of ducer, and to do any and all other things neces stock, the Board o£ Directors shall have claim the preference of the discriminating or proper in the operation of the- the power to sell, lease, exchange, assign, with Cantor A. Pliskin and Rabbi the reception arrangements. Assist-1 sary transfer, convey or ^otherwise dispose of atres. The -corporation shall hnve th< or a substantial part of the property, .Rabinowitz • officiating. ing her are the Mesdames M. Blank, power to handle real and personal prop nil motorist for three very definite reasons. erty. The*-:.corporation shall, have th< assets, effects and ceod will of the cor* M. Harrison, A. Kosenfeld, A. I. power to borrow money and issue evi- poration for such, n consideration as to Board of Directors may seem for tlie Sacks, Max Holland, Mike Skalovsky, dences ot Indebtedness therefor. Th< the Elect Officers at authorized «>pital stock is $10,000.00 best interests of the corporation. The ArtiAnna Herzoff, Enchel Barish, Abe totalall common, par value ?100.W, to be full; cles may be amended upon a vote of CO"^. 1 "Because of thetr extraordinary paid when issued nud: non-assessable. Th' of the outstanding stock nt any regular Abe Davidson, D. I or special meeting. The corporation shall Meeting Tuesday Agranoff, corporation shall commence business WliC Inbuilt stamina. and J. N. Rosenfeld. have a seal. .-.,.••. the. Articles of Incorporation are fllei with the County Clerk of Douglas County Election of officers was held by Dated at Omahn, Nebraska, this 13th Nebraska, jind coutlnue Until January 1st members of the National Workers 1983. The highest amount of indebtednes: day of January, 1934.2 • Because of their sheer good H. MARQPAR1>T. shall not exceed two-thirds of its capita Alliance and Poale Zion in the ComA. UREENBERG. stock. The nffairs of the corporatioi looks. munity Center Tuesday evening. Mr. shall be administered by a Board of Dl l-10-2i-4t. rectors consisting of not leS3 than twi M. Maxon was elected corresponding FKADENBl/RG, 8TALMASTKR. BEBEIt HOT more than five In number. The stock Mrs. Madzia Saxon of Berlin, Gersecretary;'D. Sperling, recording sec- many, has arrived in the city to visit holders shall elect Directors at the an 4- KXUTZNICK. Attorneys. I "Because, in addition to the nual meeting to be held the second Mon retary; Iu Shindler, treasurer, and S. in the home of Mrs. Abe Davidson, day 650 Omaha National Bank Bide. in January of each year. Thereaftei Katner, hospitalier. Executive officers above two advantages, they the directors shall elect officers, viz., PresiNOTICE OF INCOKPOBATION dent, Viee-President, Secretary and TreasOF are L Luebman, Mrs. S. Levine, Mrs. Bellevue apartments. urer. With the consent in writing or purCOMMERCE AND INVESTMENT cost no more than ordinary votH. S. Epstein. A resolution was passsuant to a vote of a majority of the out. COKPOUATION Miss Frances Rutstein, 314 Eigh- standing capital stock, the Board of Died to assist in the work of the Jewish Notice Is hereby given that we, the unrectors shall have the power to sell, lease, dersigned, have associated Ourselves toume production tires. teenth street, was hostess to twenty- exchange, National Fundassign, transfer, convey or oth- gether for the purpose ot forming a cor- i dispose of all or a substantial part poration to be known as COMMERCE AND • Announcement was made that the four friends Saturday evening in her erwise the property, assets, effects and good INVESTMENT CORPORATION. It shall silver given at the recent bazaar held home as a prenuptial courtesy to her of will of the corporation for such a con- >egln business when the Articles of Inas to the Board of Directors •orporntion arc filed.- in the office of the by these organizations was won bysister, Miss Dorothy .Rutstein, who sideration may seem for the best Interests of the County Clerk of Douglas County, Nebraswill be married February 25 to Jack corporation. Mrs. J. Cohen. Articles may be amended ka, ana continue for a period of fifty Levitsky. Mrs. Sarah Halpern of Fort upon a vote The of 00% of the outstanding years. The general nature of the business stock at any regular or special meeting. ihall be to carry ou a general Investment Dodge, la., and Mrs. J. Broscow of The corporation shall have a seal. >uslness. The capital- stock shall be $10.Omaha, were among the guests. The Second of Book High up above the busy city XWO . O divided into 100 shares of the pnr evening bridge games concluded with Dated at Omaha this 13th day of Jan- ralue of $100.00 each. The affairs of the the Morrison Tower carries Review Series Monday luncheon at tables prettily appointed nary, 1934. company shall be managed by a Board of Directors of not less than two members its hospitality and quiet, H. MARQUAItDT, •who shall elect from their number a Presin the chosen colors of green and lavA. GREENBEUG. comfortable rooms. Business ident. Vice President, Treasurer and SecThe second of the series of book ender. l-19-34-4t. The annual meeting shall be held SHOTWEIX, MONSKY, GKODINSKT & retary. men a n d travelers alike, reviews which are being presented on the first Monday in Jannary of each VANCE, ond HARRY B. COHEX, year. Special meetings may be called by by Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz, will be choose the Morrison beAttorneys. the President. These articles may be held Monday evening, February 12, Shaare Zion 737 Omaha National Bank Bide. cause of the fine service and amended upon the nfflrmatlve vote of twoin the social Hall of the- Synagogue, thirds vote of the outstanding stock. unequalled location—near In Witness Whereof, the parties have Notice is hereby given that the underat 8:30 o'clock. Rabbi Rabinowitz Eabbi.H. E. Rabinowitz will speak signed ereunto set their hah<l3 this 12th day of hare formed n corporation pursuant everything they want to see. will review "Testament of Youth," this evening on the subject "Slave to the laws Of the State of Nebraska. The December, 1932. Here, deep soft beds bring name of the corporation is PUEM.1ER by Vera Britain. Psychology of Some German Jews." THEATRES CORPORATION OF OMAsound sleep. And every guest i£ J." HOLDSBERG Season tickets for the 7-book re- Cantor Pliskin and the Shaare Zion HA, with its principal plnce of business n. Omaha, Nebraska. The corporation l-2C-34-4t. . Incorporators. is looked on a s a friend view to be given by Rabbi Rabi- choir will chant the service. shnll have the power and authority to opnovntz, have been sold to a great Rabbi David Goldstein, who will erate moving picture, theatres att lessee, —not just a room number. owner, or otherwise, and/or present shows number of people, and the reviews speak from the Shaare Zion pulpit or performances of auy character anil to Rev. A. Diamond are attracting wide - attention and on February 23, will also be a guest handle, deal in and contract for moving Only ? 2 . 5 0 ap with Batb films as producer, distributor, exlarge attendance. at the Oneg Shabbos meeting on picture Recognized as hibitor or otherwise and to do any and nil Saturday, February 24. other things necessary or proper in the In the Heart of tbe Loop • PRACTICAL MOHEL ration of theatres. The corporation Tomorrow morning Morris Gins- — ,11 have' the power to handle real and • Brotherhood Secretary berg Phone 1059 will act as Cantor at the Junior personal property.' The corporation shall Bright, Cheerful Rooms have the power to borrow money and isCOUNCIL BLUFFS to Visit Sioux City Congregation Service. Robert Plis- sue evidences ot .indebtedness therefor. kin will read the law. The total authorized capital stock J s 525,BARNEY HOBERMAN DAVID H0BERMA5 000.00, all common,' par value ?W0.00, to Quick, Friendly Service Mr. Arthur . L. Keinhardt, execube fully paid when issued and non-assessable. The corporation shall commence tive secretary of the National FedJunior Hadassah business when the Articles of IncorporaHome of Terrace Garden eration of Temple Brotherhoods, will tion are filed with the County Clerk of li WiH Keep County, Nebraska, anil contiuue visit in Sioux City next Wednesday, . Miss Sophie Raskin was elected Douglas Nattily Attired until November 1st, 1083. The highest IF YOU DWVEl...We park your car. February 14. of Indebtedness shall not exceed vice-president of the Junior Hadasr nmount Standard rates. No other charges, two-thirds of its capital stock. The af Mr. Beinhardt will be the' guest of sah at their meeting Tuesday, to fill fairs of the corporation shall be ndmlnls • honor a t a luncheon given' by the a vacancy caused by a change of tered by a Board of Directors consisting of LEONARD HIOS, Managing Dintetor not less than two nor more than five In Board of Directors of the Mount officers. number. The' stockholders shall elect Di Sinai Temple . on Wednesday noon. Plans were made at the meeting rectors at the annual meeting to be held the second Monday in January of each Mr." Beinhardt', is touring the middle year. Thereafter the directors shall elec Corner 17th and Capitol Ave. west in the interest of .the Brother- FllADENBCKG, 8TA1MASTER, BEBEB officers, Tiz., President,: Vice-President, FASHION (BAILORS Secretary aiid Treasurer. With the con OMAHA, NEBRASKA hctod organizations in various cities. JfOHl? TOLZ £ KLCTZNICK, Attorneys. sent in writing or pursuant to a vote of







Society News

Theodore Volz &


Sisterhodd Bpojk Review Circle The Book Eeview Circle of the Temple Sisterhood will" meet this afternoon at 2:30 in the home of Mrs. Joe Miller. Mrs. Joseph Levin will -review "Flnsh"; i f * give a review * J ! J. Your- Mother.','

«50 Omaha Katlonal Bank Bide. PBOBATE NOTICE In the Matter of the Estate of ESTHER R. KIlLIiER, Deceased. * rv Notice is hereby given that the creditors of said deceased will meet, the execntors of said estate, before me, County Judge of Douglas County, Nebraska, at the County Court' Room, In'sald County, on the n t h day of March. 1034, and on the 17th day of May 1934, at 0 o'clpck A. M.. each day, for the.purpose of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment and allowance. Three months are allowed for tne creditors to present tljelr clafms, bom the 17th day of February^ 1934. '••>: I •>" '•'•;• BETCE CKAWfOBD, l-2G-34-3t. . County Judge.

majorty of the outstanding capital stock the Board of Directors shall have the power to sell, lease, exchange, assign, transfer, convey or otherwise dispose ol all or a substantial part of the .properly assets; effects and good will ot the corporation for such a consideration as t the Board of Directors may seem for thi best Interests of the corporaton. . The Arti cles may be amended upon a_yote of 60 of the outstanding stocK at any regula or special meeting. The corporation aba have n seal. Dated at Omnhn. Nebraska, tills 21st da of November; 1033., 1-19-&M4.




! H\





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