Dedicated to tfie Ideals of Judaism
Entered sis Secoud Clasg Ma •£!' •>* J'ostotflce of Omaha, Nebrnt*|> ^i
/w Interests of the Jewish People
Ion January 21, 11KU, at
- the Act ot Mnrch 3. 1S79
More People Using STAG INITIATION OF MONSKY OFFICIALLY Centers Facilities B'NAI BRITH "OUTSTANDING 1 (J. T. A.)—The Havas news Statistics" just released "show that CmZENSHF AWARD ON MONDAY EVENING published a report which, 182,351 people used the facilities of
Rumania Liberals Forming New Wing
Vol. X—No. 3
All Brazil Labor "Slaps" Fascism
Rio de Janeiro (J. T. A.)—An appeal to the Socialist International for , waa hot confirmed officially, A stag initiation of the "Harry the Jewish Community Center buildits aid in the fight for free Jewish y>yssinian government has Friedman" class will feature the ing during the past year, the largest ; Henry Monsky was officially pre- immigration into Palestine was exsented with the award as Omaha's pressed in a resolution adopted here permitted 1,000 German Jewa to set- meeting of the B'nai Brith at the number in the -Center's history. J. C. C. Monday evening, February Some of the" active uses: 7,214 at- "Outstanding Jewish Citizen" at a at a joint meeting held at the meet- Case Load in January, 1934, AlEach Organization Entitled to tle in that country. most Double That of tended 396 club meetings; 7,911 at- formal banquet held at the J. C C. ing hall of the All-Brazilian X*bor The permission granted by the gov- 19, at 8 p. m. Representation on Jewish January, 1933 Monday evening. . Friedman, who .is 88 years old, tended 358 meetfngs of adult outernment is supposedly due to the efparty. Federation Board The award, made annually under The resolution took a "sl&p" at fasforts of Professor Heinhard, formerly is the oldest living member of the side organizationsr 37,873 iised the The load being carried by the Famg , and -w^s ^ recently elected treas- physical department; < 20,751 the re- the sponsorship of the Phi Beta Ep- cism as developing throughout the ily Welfare department of the Jewish A call has been issued by William of Berlin, who was recently commis- lodge, creation room; 34,593 the Talmud silon fraternity, was first presented •world. life. L. Holzman, president of the Jewish sioned by- the Abyssinian government urer ffor lif Community Center and Welfare FedOne hundred and fifty-five new Tofah attendance; 5,127 the library. last year, when William L. Holzman Community Center and Welfare Fed- to supervise and reorganize the sanieration is continuing to increase. W£3 the recipient. eration, to the Jewish organizations tation of the Abyssinian capital, Adis members will be initiated. The forFigures reported for January by • . mal initiation committee is headed The award consisted of an emto elect their representatives to the Abbaba. Mrs. Harry A. Wolf, chairman of the bossed certificate emblematic of the by I. F. Goodman. Henry Mohsky, Board of Governors of the FederaFamily Welfare committee, showed honor conferred and a gold "Mogen a member of the executive committee tion. ' that during January, 1934, the case of the international order, will give a David" key inscribed with the desigInvitations have been issued to the load was almost double that of Janbrief talk to the initiates. nation of the award. fololwing groups: Adass Yeshuren uary, 1933. Leo Abramson, president of the The next number on the Jewish synagogue,- Beth Hamedrosh HagoThe honor was conferred upon During January, 1934, the figures local order, will preside. A feature Lecture series, featuring a sympos- Monsky because "through leadership, dol, B'nai Israel synagogue, B'nai reveal,"the Federation had under its of the entertainment will be a 'rass- ium on Orthodox, Conservative and service, generosity, philanthropy and Jacob synagogue, Conservative syncare 146 families, involving 530 indiling match between "Bud" Levin and Reform Judaism, has-been postponed influence in the interests of Omaha agogue, Conservative Synagogue Auxviduals. Of these, 54 received relief Some of the "Voices of the Times" "Koughhouse" Nelson. Joe Marion to Wednesday evening, March 21. Jewry he has merited recognition by iliary, Conservative Synagogue's during th-e month and the rest serwere discussed by Bishop Francis vice. The month started out with 128 and his troupe will furnish songs Ths change was made so that the his community." Men's club, Temple Israel, Temple John McConnell of New York before ' and dances and novelty numbers. Israel Brotherhood, Temple Israel Sismajor care cases, and during that pePhilip M. Klutznick made the preThe all-community stag dinner in There will be smokes and refresh- meeting would be..held on a day ac- sentation. Monsky made a brief re- the Community Forum at the J. C. C. riod ten new major cases were added terhood, Vaad Ha' Ihr. Yaad Womceptable to the patrons of the series. Wednesday evening. This was the and eight old ones reopened. During en's Auxiliary, Vaad Junior Auxiliary, honor of Rabbi David H. Wice Tues- i ments. sponse, emphasizing communal ac- third in the annual series. The symposium will present Rabbi day at the Blackstone was one of the The committee in charge of arVaad Young Men's club, Men's Club of January, 13 cases were closed out, so argest and most successful affairs of rangements is: Ephraim Marks, David H. Wice on.Reform, Rabbi tivity for the sake of the good ac- He spoke in detail about four types that the month of February bepan the Vaad. complished. David Graubart of Des Moines on of "voices" which are heard frequentAleph Zadik Aleph No. 1, Aleph its kind, being attended by close to chairman; Milton Abrahams, Harry Conservative, and Rabbi Uri Miller The committee on selection con- ly today—self-expression, "fashion" with the Federation carrying 1S3 Zadik Aleph No. 100, Agudas Achim, wo hundred guests of three faiths, Mendelson, Dr. Maynard Green- oa Orthodox. sisted of Wm. L. Holzman, Mrs. L. expressions, symptomatic utterances, cases. berg, Dave Freeman, Harry SilverB'nai Abraham Lodge of South Om- Protestant, Catholic and Jewish. In addition thereto, there were 22 Neveleff, Rabbi Frederick Cohn, and expressions of human values. Rabbi Wice will be wed to Miss man, Abner Kaiman, Stanley Levin, The revised schedule of the reaha, B'nai Brith, Compeer Chapter cases of "incidental service" requirRabbi David A. Goldstein, Rabbi Uri maining numbers on the series will The speaker laid particular em-.. i ing minor service of tbe agency. of Ivre, Highland Country club, In- Sophie Salzer of Cincinnati on Feb- Ben Kazlowsky, Dr. Leon Fellman. The refreshments will be served be announced next week. . The series Miller, Frank R. Ackerman, Jacob S. phasis on "symptomatic expressions, dependent "Workmen's Loan, Jewish uary 22 A honeymoon purse, gift great contrast are the figures of rom all those at the dinner, was prehe declared help explain many a In by Mrs. Leon Fellman, Mrs. Sam is sponsored by the Junior Vaad or- Pearistein, Nathan Gilinsky and National Workers' Alliance, Labor year ago. In January, 1933, the Morris Blacker. ' of tbe things going on in the world agency had Green and Mrs. Frank Ackerman. ganization. Lycenm association, Medical Advisory sented to Rabbi Wice. under its care only 80 now. Board, Mizrachi, Mutual Loan asso- Sam Josephson was toastmaster. cases, the month starting with only "Symptomatic utterances," he de- 60. ciation, Omaha Hebrew Camp, Om- Nathan E. Jacobs was chairman. clared, "are not important from the aha Hebrew club,. Poale Zion, Psi Short talks were given by Abe GoldOne bright spot in the picture is the standpoint of That the party says but transient Mu, Thorpeian Athletic club, Work- stein, J. J. Greenberg, Rev. F. Clayfigures. In January, 1934, are important from the standpoint of men's Circle No. 173, Workmen's ton, Rabbi Uri Miller, Father E. J. onl 19 what they reveal about his mind and | >" transients received care. A Circle No. 258, Workmen's Loan as- Flanagan , Irvin Stalmaster, Isidor ear a Zieglar, Rabbi David A. Goldstein, makeup. Do not judge by a person? Ic?" e° January, 39 had received sociation, Zionist Organization. words, but seek the cause that made j a r e - T l i e 1 9 transients cost the FedBikur Cholim, Chesed Shel Emes, Rabbi Frederick Conn and Morris- E. him utter those words. It is neces- j eration $24 in direct relief, exclusive Council of Jewish Women, Daughters Jacobs. Mr. Jacobs presented the gift sary for us to find out what makes ! ^from medical aid and clothing, supplied of Israel, Daughters of Zion, De- ;o Rabbi "Wice, followed by a brief the Federation supply room. person talk the way he does." . .-• borah Society, Junior. Hadassah, Sen- talk by the recipient. Some, Bishop McConnell stated. The Federation lias issued during ior Hadassah, Independent Ladies The speakers emphasized the part utter expressions of human values out > the month about 195 pieces of clothclub, Jewish Women's Welfare or- Rabbi Wice has already taken in of a profound desire to improve con-} ing- Much of this was from the FedBy John Gunther ganization, Ladies" Labor Lyceum communal affairs though here only ditions for the people. "Much of; oration's own supply room. club, Ladies Free Loan society, La- six months and paid tribute to his (Reprinted from The Nation) what is said is just wind, and we j Also, during January the Federadies Golden Hill society, Pioneer Wo- character and abilities. They also must train ourselves to distinguish tion issued 2S tons of coal. men, Pleasant Hill auxiliary. stressed the harmony existing beThe net amount expended on the and the deep, eternal hu' The constitutional provision on the tween the varoius* religious groups. This article analyzing t£e situation "The Germans do not want a war; all : Austria. Mussolini, ally of both Hit- man recognize principles and concentrate on • relief load by tbe Federation in JanBoard of Governors reads, in part: Harry DuBoff sang, accompanied at in Austria,; teas written from Vienna they want are the advantages of -vie- ler and Dollfuss, could conceivably saving them." nary "was $1,202. Each Jewish organization . in Om- the piano by Eugene Blazer. The pro- late tn January before the terrorism tory.". Why risk a major European become a bridge between-thiem. In explaining "fashion expressions,'' aha which has been in existence for gram was followed by cards. of the past week, and appeared in clash now, when Germany is not 6. France and Czecho-Slovakia Bishop McConnell illustrated how ready, if Austria can be taken just as have as much reason as Italy to more than one yeap^s^aU be entitled Homer Binswanger was in charge The Nation of February 14. . people say things "because j to one representative \ori 'the JJoard of reservations and Alfred S. Mayer I :, „ f-^-THE EDITOR. easily by guile? Instead of a -war or dread a GleichschalUvng of - Austria, j many y else seems to be doing it.'' i putsch, let the 2Jaaas_continue to in- If a showdown comes, all three are Much of the talk of our generation \ of 6 " ^ J ^ i ^ i n - g ; ^ . ^ i;«ch of t e t a k of our g e e r a t i n be more than"one 'hundred, tfien Other members of the committee Dollfuss, the miniature Canute, filfer and corrupt the!"Heimwehr. Let likely to bicker and delay," waiting-1-being too unrestrained is overdone, one additional representative for in charge were Abe Goldstein, David still -pushes back the Nazi waves. them build up a Heimwehr intrigue behind Dollfuss and stab him in the for one to pull the other's chestnuts fce sa id, it merely being "their form each one .hundred ./or •• major* fraction Goldman, Irvin Stalmaster, Jack W. in a hopeless position, the back. Let there then be a Heimwehr from the fire. Italy, France, and of self-expression." The speaker used thereof in excess of one hundred Marer, Harry' Rosenfeld. Dr. Leon Seemingly man continues his gritty fight government to succeed him. Some Czecho-Slovakia by no means see eye many illustratoins to demonstrate his members. If the organization fails E. Fellman, Ernest Nogg, David toittle maintain the independence of Aus- months later let perhaps one Nazi to eye save on the Austrian prob- points. to designate a representative within Rosenstoek and Max L. Holzman. tria. Six months ago, my friends minister enter this government. Then lem; there is no binding agreement \Y. Dale Clark introduced the speak- ! NEW YORK (J. T. A.)-The Jewforty-five aay3 • after notice requestthought I was suffering from a mild two. Then let there be an election. between them even on Austria; the e r . William Grodinsky w-as chairman, ish population of Palestine has ining such designation, the Executive creased by 90,816 in a ten-year peattack of recklessness when I pre- The Nazis, using their well-known chances are that none of the three Committee may designate such memriod since 1922, according' to the Jf t. would act decisively until too late. dicted that Dollfass would easily see methods, would sweep the country. bers as it deems proper of that orest Palestine census begun in NoIt may seem from these remarks ; year through. I would hesitate But it will have been purely an "in- that the Dollfuss cause is lost. Not ganization to represent it. The exvember, 1931, which is reported and. how to give him another six months ternal" revolution; the Powers will so. The Heimwehr treason may turn ecutive Committee shall have the analyzed in the 1933 edition of the so uncompromisingly. But the odds have no pretext for protest. . right to name members of the Board American Jewish Y'ear Book. This is out to be a help to the government. are still slightly in his favor; he is Mrs. Bessie Blotcky, 74, a resident of Governors at large in the num the thirty-fifth volume of the Year Dollfuss will purge the Heimwehr, a very adhesive fellow, and he may Dollfuss and his crowd realize this ber of one for each four represent- of Omaha for 44 years, passed away stick it through. Book which is published annually by danger, but they think that Italian even if he has to put the whole outlast Sunday at her home, 3311 "Wooling organizations. : the Jewish Publication Society of fit in a concentration camp; he support offsets it. They rely above all The Nazi campaign has continued worth avenue. America,, of Philadelphia. The book might even throw the Heimwahr out on foreign help, particularly the help p She was the widow of A. J. Blotcky, with unabashed and unabated vio—though this is a remote posibility Agrae* te Give Up Anti-Jewish Cam- is edited for the American Jewishof Mussolini. It is everywhere assumlence. Bombs splatter us. Not many who for many years had been in the paign If Jews Will Yield make some sort of working arCommittee of New York by Harry people are injured but the fireworks ed that Italy would march to Aus- —and wholesale fruit business here. Rights rangement with the Social Demoaid in the event of final Nazi Schneiderman, assistant secretary. Surviving Mrs. Blotcky are six sons, are a nuisance. They drain confi- tria's crats. The powerful diplomatic supencroachment in Austria. Mussolini, The total population of Palestine Paul, Louis, Max, Phil, Ben and dence from the government. They the port of Italy is assured, even if mil- Salpnica, Greece (J. T. A.)—Eiu- at the date of the census was 1,035,bright boys say, cannot possibly tempt hooligans to further hooliganFischer^ all of Omaha, and one daughendure strong Germany instead of itary measures should not be counted therios Venizelos, many times Pre- j 821. Of this number 759,712 were ter, Mrs. Aaron Bergeda of Nashville ism. And the government, I must weak Austria on the Brenner Pass. on. The Vatican has swung the mier of Greece, war-time dictator of j Mohammedans, 174,610 were Jews, say, has behaved with appalling len: " Berlin (J. T. A.)—The governmen Tenn. Mussolini must have a buffer Austria whole weight of its immense author- the country and leader of the liber-! 91,389 were Christians and 10,101 Funeral services were held Tuesday ience. An official communique re- between himself and Germany. Mus- ity behind Dollfuss—and Dollfuss al party, which recently suffered de-1 were persons of other religions. A lias given formal approval to the orregretted the necesity of jailganization, L a n d and • • Handicraft, afternoon at the residence, with Rabbi centlyrebellious a country 97 per cent Roman feat at the polls, openly demanded i table listing the languages habitualNazis; it mentioned solini cannot possibly permit the cre- rules which was formed by representatives Url Miller officiating. Burial was at ing ation of a Teutonic bloc in Central Catholic. And the Germans continue that Greek Jews voluntarily surreri- ly spoken in Palestine in 1P31, brings Austria's hope that the Nazi invato behave with masterful stupidity. der their hard-won franchise in re-1 out the fact that while Jews speak of the Central Union of German Citi- Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol cemetery. sion could be handled in a "knightly" Europe 72,500,000 strong. Prior to her illness, Mrs. Blotcky spirit. Knightly spirit my eyeball! My own notion is that it is highly Consider one item: the 1,000-mark torn for the cessation of the violent over ten languages, 94.59 per cent of zens of Jewish Faith, the Federation ! of Jewish ex-Soldiers, the Revival had been active in Jewish organiza- The only treatment" a Nazi under- dangerous to place such reliance on fine imposed on Germans visiting anti-Semitic campaign carried on by all Jews speak Hebrew, and 2,216 Austria. This was supposed to hurt the Liberal party and its press. Movement of Jewish Germans. and a tional work. Jews speak Arabic; only eight Mostands is a mallet on his head. Italian support, and that the position the Austrian tourist business. It Venizelos, yrho blames the Jews of hammedans speak Hebrew. number of Jewish youth organizaof Italy as Lord High Protector of Thousands of known Nazi agitations in Germany for the purpose of In addition to the section dealing tors are roaming Austria almost Austria is distinctly dubious. There did. But it also helped Austria ] Greece for his political defeats stid with centralizing the entire German Jewish the population figures in Palesgreatly by keeping out of the country the creation of bitter feeling between are several reasons for this. immune to arrest. The only victim land settlement and vocational reconthe various political groups, demands I tine, the Year Book contains a retens of thousands of German visitors 1. As pointed out above, the Gerso far of the new dearth-penalty destruction-activities. • man attack is almost certain to be who would inevitably have been pow- the return of the electoral college view of Jewish, events of the twelvecree has been a half-wit peasant arRecognizing the importance of these gradual and devious, not direct, so erful, because unofficial, pro-German for the Jews, a measure which the month period from September 21, tasks for the present and future of Massie Baum and Ben Shrier, rep- sonist. that it will be extremely difficult for and anti-Austrian propagandists. The Greek Jewish community is strenn-11932 to September $, 1933. This arGerman Jewish life, the statement of resenting A. Z. A. No. i of Omaha, The Austrians are, in short, a gen- Italy or any other Power to choose German terrorist campaign in sev- ously opposing. iticle, written by Mr. Schneiderman, tle people. They are given to expolicy adopted by the new organiza- •won the debate championship at the Up to May 1933, Greek Jews voted is devoted in the main to a resume an exact moment for intervention. It eral ways defeats itself. It gives tion discloses that, the bodies signing annual Missouri Valley A. Z. A. treme forms of that casualness known is not easy to accept the onus of Dollfuss a better excuse to maintan in a sort of political ghetto, called of the events in Germany and their as Echlainperei. They turn the oththis statement declare their adhesion tournament, held in Lincoln last starting a new war without adequate his semi-dictatorship, and it serves an electoral college. They chose their repercussions in other lands. In an to the organization, Land and Artisan- week-end. Debate, basket ball and er cheek. They appeal for "knight- international excuse. to back the country, as I think I put own representatives from a separate appendix t h e r e is published the liness" in dealing with their eneship, and will each send a represen- oratory were on the program. 2. Italy might easily go to war if it once before, against the wall of Jewish list. Last year this "electoral Franz Bernheim petition to the mies. Contrast this with the methtative to its executive, council. • •' -". . '..A.'-. Z. A. No. 100 of Omaha was ods of Nazis in Germany to their Naples, for instance, or Trieste, were its own patriotism. college" was abolished and the Jews League of Nations and the minutes The scope of this organization, to given the second place all-around opponents! of Greece xoted with the resit of the of the League Council's sessions reseized by some invader. But would Dollfuss has, too, a final unused which they promise their co-opera- chapter award for the mid-west. garding that petition w h i c h was Writing a few months ago I said Italy fight at some point like Kuf- weapon—Otto Hapsburg. There is a population. tion, embraces finding, administering - From 75 to 80 Omahans traveled based on the minority clauses of the stein or Salzburg hundreds of miles good deal of monarchist talk in Vithat Dollfuss faced three great danand expanding the opportunities for to the conclave, which was attended German-Polish Convention of 1932, from Italian soil, on an issue not di- enna these days. Dollfuss, like most German Jews to live under present by over 200 Alepha from incoln, gers—the apathy of his own people, rectly Italian? with respect to Germans in Upper Austrian Catholics, is at heart a lethe strategic difficulty of a civil and conditions in Germany, supervising Council Bluffs, Des Moines, St. Jo- an external action at the same time, Silesia. gitimist, and the chief members of 3. Mussolini, no fool, does not and effecting a process of shifting seph,T)enver, Pueblo,. Winnipeg, St. and the crushing burden of the econThe volume also contains a biohis Cabinet avowedly favor an eventwant a war this year. Austria is the occupational structure of German Louis, Sioux City, Kansas City, To- omic crisis. These dangers remain. graphical sketch of the late Profesual Hapsburg restoration. Zita and important to him, but not so imporJewry is speedily as possible. sor Max Leopold Margolies, biblipeka, and Wichita. Add to them a fourths—treason. tant as Italy, which conceivably he Otto seem to have given up HunThis is the only interpretation one might lose in the flames of a general gary for the moment and are con- Berlin, (J.T.A.) — Germany lost cal scholar and philologist, by Dr. Washington Dance at Hea$ of Workmen's can give to the recent shocking re- Eaxopean conflagration. Dictators, centrating ' all their maneuvers on 160,000,000 marks in the export of Cyrus Adler, president of Dropsie velation of wholesale defection in the in fact, seldom enjoy war, however Austria. Otto would give Austria printing and publishing materials due College for Hebrew and Cognate Chieftain Thursday ; Circle to Be Here Heimwehr. iruch tney shout about it. The rea- something permanent to devote itself to the boycott of German goods Learning; an article on the synato. One of Dollfuss' weaknesses is abroad, the German press reported gogue and Jewish communal activiSections of the Heimwehr are rot- son is obvious: dictators have a that A "George Washington Birthday" his program is so negative; he ties by Judge Horace Stem of Phildance will be held next Thursday eve- Mr. ;J.: Weinberg, national presi- ten to the heart. Dollfuss, depending healthy fear of a general mobiliza- is anti-Nazi but little else. Dollfuss today. The boycott is especial!$- adelphia, presenting what has benoticeable in the export of goods to dent of the Workmen's Circle, "will be on them, is like a man walking in a tion which would arm their proletarning, February 22, at the Hotel Chiefneeds something positive, something the United States, England, Poland come known as the "Stern plan" of tain in Council Bluffs. ThTee large a guest of the three local branches, marsh. We, most of us, think that iats. permanent, like the Crown. I do not organization; a biograCouncil Bluffs organizations are spon- Numbers 173, 258 arid 1014, on Wed- Starhemberg — despite Alberti's alle- 4. If Mussolini invaded Austria mean that a restoration is imminent. and Czechoslovakia, where the boy- community phical study of the late Cyrus L. cott movement is strong, according nesdayi February 21, at the" Labor gations—is loyal, although a trouble- to protect it from Germany, Jugo- But it is not excluded as an eventsoring this affair: the Senior HadasSulzbergrer, noted communal leader, to the press. Despite price cuts of Lyceum, 22nd and Clark. maker and a weakling; we know that slavia would probably also invade sah, the B'nai Brith Lodge No. 688, uality. The Hapsburgs -would, of by Morris D. Waldman, secretary of twenty per cent, the German printA banquet for members only will Fey is loyal; but how can Dollfuss Austria to protect it from Italy. course, choke Hitler sentiment at and the Talmud Torah Societies of ing trade reached only 125,000,000 the American Jewish Committee. follow the meeting, at which Mr. and Fey do business if they can't Whirh would be a nice mess. A war once. Council Bluffs. As in former years, the book inmarks in 1933 as compared with trust their nearest Heimwehr subor- on two fronts is not exactly what Tickets may be purchased from any Weinberg will speak. cludes directories, lists and statisti284,000,000 marks in previous years, dinates? More immediately, Dollfuss could even the wildest Italian chauvinist of these organizations or at the door cal records of the Jews; lists of vastly strengthen his position by an the German papers stated. This mess is peculiarly dangerous desires. the night of the dance, for one dollar Commission Considers Jews who have served as Governors The Berliner Tageblatt pointed alliance with the Social Democrats. because it plays directly into the 5. Italy is, after all, an ally of Palestine Income Tax per coupled Art Randall's Royal orJerusalem — The Palestine govern- hands of what is apparently the new Germany. It is not impossible that He and they are after sill fighting with alarm to the drop in the ex- of states or as Ministers or Ambaschestra will play. ..-.'•• the same thing—to keep the Nazis port of books and printing materials, sadors of the United States; and th* A number of novelty features are ment has under consideration the Nazi plan of campaign. The Germans Germany and Italy can reach some for out. A coalition has been impossible which is seriously affecting Leipzig, latest reports of the Jewish Publics seem to have given up all thought of compromise on the Austrian problem. planned.; A large attendance from both question^ of j the feasibility of the inthe center of the German printing tion Society and the American Jewfrontal attack, that i3, invasion across Germany might "give" Italy someof an | income tax In the Omaha and Council ;BluffB is ex- troduction ish Committee. c trade. the border. Jules Cambon once wrote: 'Coontinued on Paf* 7.1 thing la return for a free hand la "country. pected.
Views on World
12th Anniversary To Be Observed
WORKMEN'S CIRCLE IN CELEBRATION OF . The Ladies' Labor Lyceum club will 25TH ANNIVERSARY celebrate the twelfth anniversary of
the construction of the Labor Lyceum building this Sunday, February 18, at the Lyceum building. Dinner will be served to those members and their husbands who pay the nominal fee of 50 cents. Musical selections will be rendered and the yearly reports by the officers of the organization "Will be given.
of Israel Dream or Delusion? Marginal Congregation Auxiliary Notes on Varying Points of View By Henry Montor In this brief surrey, Mr. Montor gives a preliminary account of the motives that enter into the discussion of the proposed World Jewish Congress. He reviews the outlook for elections in America and defines the possibilities for success in Europe. The article is a timely resume of a problem that is receiving increasing attention. THE EDITOR.
who counsel reflection and deliberation are drowned out in the chorus of the "democrats" who wilfully interpret every objection to a World Congress as a manifestation of cowardice or political ignorance. ; Taking it for granted that a World Congress is necessary and would be helpful, it is evident that nothing has been done which would insure a representative delegation from America. : In those isolated crevices where There is not a single important naspecifically Jewish activity is the con- tional organisation, aside from the A. stant preoccupation of their inhabi- J. C, which, through the vote of its tants, the discussion of a forthcoming membership and not through the forWorld Jewish Congress is a momen- mal assent of a handful of leaders, tous issue. Friendships are strained, has signified its faith in the efficacy miscellaneous adjectives are invoiced f a congress or pledged its aid toand a tension is created that threat- ward the success of a congress .The ens to paralyze thought and action in majority leadership of the American 'ewish Congress has taken the posiall other directions. tion that it is unequivocally right in The American Jewish Congress has taken the initiative over a period of its demand for a congress and that years in counselling the necessity of regardless of the attitude of other oran international conclave of represen- ganizations it -will proceed with the tative Jews who, after considered elections for a congress. One must be completely ignorant of thought, will be able to adopt a systematic program on the various prob- the status of American Jewry to belems that afflict the Jewish people at lieve that in any community, large or this time. Every year or every sec- small, there could be aroused that inond year, coinciding with the meet- terest and enthusiasm which would ings of the World Zionist Congress, a make popular elections for a World parley is held in some European city Congress less than a farce. In every where the decision is reiterated to pro- large city hundreds and thousands of ceed with the formation of a World ewish families are on the relief rolls Jewish Congress. The summer of 1934 f the local, state or federal aid oris supposed to be the culminating ganization. Scores of Jewish institupoint of these years of preparation. tions are extinct or are severely hanIn Switzerland or some other country dicapped in their activities. Those inculcated with the least amount of men who have previously taken reanti-Semitic propaganda, there is sup- sponsibility for community enterposed to be a serious gathering of irises share with their fellow nonmen and women from all parts of the ewish citizens the uncertainty, that, world to determine finally and defi- irevaila "with regard to the economic Toitely the measures that shall be ad- situation. If American Jewry is not opted to combat Adolf Hitler in CJer- morally bankrupt it is at least finanmany, the Camelot du Eoi in France, cially bankrupt as every observer can the Black Shirts in England, the Sil- •eadily ascertain. ver Shirts in America-and everybody In such a time, to pretend that the else throughout the world who feels mass of American Jews could become that the world is off its axis merely seriously interested in whether Hybecause of the over-balance of Jews. man Cohen or David Samuel or Wil, Who is behind the agitation for the liam Guggenheim or anybody else World Jewish Congress? What are should represent them at Geneva or the possibilities of representation Zurich is to reveal either megalofrom America? What probabilities of mania or naivete. A World Jewish success loom for the congress,- is con- Congress could have meaning—if any vened? There may not be many Jews —only if in each country the Jews In the United States who are inti- would conscientiously and almost mately or earnestly concerned about unanimously pledge their resources the answers to these questions", but and their effort to the men whom they nevertheless plague "the few men hey would elect and to the congress and women in each community who which would enact their decisions. will undoubtedly be :called upon - to If, then, the country is not in the take the burden of carrying through inpod to consider the fundamental the work necessary for the holding of tructure of the congress, the convening of such a parley this; summer congress. congress would merely be a,-if iiot a areThose that who groupclamor whichforaffectionately l harmless, publicity stuilt. i:.'i : . > t base objections .to the, congress terms itself "the democratic fraction" in American Jewish life. That group on the ground that it would JjeJdisasconsists of men who are genuinely trous to Jewish interests; insofar as it convinced that every time they speak would reawaken the fear :pj! "the-inthey enunciate the-inarticulate feel- ernational Jew" is to demonstrate an ings of the mass of the Jewish peo- unawareness of the real ^position of ple. They have the uncanny faculty of the jew today. AntirSemitisra being able to certify, without any poll onger masked, except u i a f e w counor research, the opinions of the pub- tries. Its .exponents use neither diplomacy nor subtlety. They have- been lic on every question that arises. • It would be unfair to say that every strengthened by events in Germany, one identified with the leadership of Austria and elsewhere. There is noththe American Jewish Congress is In- ing much that the Jew could do any tent upon forcing a world conclave more that would further jeopardize •upon American Jewry without regard his existence, as long as he conducts with dignity and self-respect. to its consequences and its aims. himself From that point of view, a World There are differences of opinion within that body which circle about methods of preparation and the exact agenda for such a congress. But those
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Jewish Congress would1 be no more harmful than a score of meetings that have.been held during the past two decades. The attitude toward a congress must be determined, therefore, on the basis of its intrinsic value and not of its extrinsic status. The World Jewish Congress would be the forum for some of the most brilliant oratoTS whom the Jewish people prize. Their lengthy, carefully worded, logically pointed addresses would compare more than favorably with the speeches delivered in any parliament in the world. But what acoustical equipment is there to broadcast those speeches to the ears which they might most affect? What apparatus is there to transform verbiage into usage? Perhaps the best parallel to the possibilities of a World Jewish.Congress can be found in the World Zionist Congress, which has been meeting biennially since T h e o d o r Herzl brought world Jewry together on a central problem. There is no body in the world which functions more democratically than the Zionist congress. In a measure, the congress has legal sanction with reference to the problems it discusses. The world's foremost orators speak from its rostrums. And what has the World Zionist Congress done to lever world opinion? Its attacks upon England have resounded hollowly in the corridors of the British Colonial office. Its attempts to maintain discipline within its own organized ranks have been the subject for amusement among its opponents for more than a decade. It has been an unwieldy, ineffective sounding1 board for opinions that never seemed to be authoritative except to the individuals who uttered them. The World Zionist Congress has behind it a rich tradition of almost forty years. Its problems have engaged the talents of hundreds of Israel's most gifted sons. Why should the proposed World Jewish Congress, without a history and without preparation, be more potent an influence to deal with problems which exceed those of the Zionists in number and significance? There is no denying that the great majority of those who plead for the convening of a congress genuinely be^ lieve that it is the only instrumentality that could cope with the disaster which threatens the Jewish people Having no political or legal power; such a congress would have to depend for success upon its moral suasiveness. But the world is preoccupied, easily irritated by minority groups which prick its conscience. Jews
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BUS DEPOT Edwards Hotel Bldg. 306 No. 16th St. HA. 5000
The monthly meeting date of the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Congregation of Israel of South Omaha has been changed to every third Monday of the month instead of the second Wednesday. A special program has been arranged for the next meeting, which will be held February 19 at 2 p. m. at the auditorium of the synagogue, 25th and J streets. All members are urged to attend.
should not hesitate to irritate the world if that irritation would result in penance for wrongs done. However, the inflamed political, economic and social situation in each land makes attentiveness to the problem of the Jews unlikely. Shall Jews lie down and die then, fold their arms helplessly, waiting for the certain end ? Of course not. In the first place, instrumentalities exist at present to deal with every one of the problems that the World Congress would discuss. If these institutions have failed, it has not always been because of their inefficiency but because the situation permitted no other result. In the second place, Jews in America have sufficient to do to put their own house in order before they attempt to guide the destiny of the rest of the universe. In other times, American Jewry might have been helpful w i t h financial resources. These lacking, it would be absurd to pretend that American Jewry has the intellectual genius and the administrative ability -which Jews in other countries lack. Here in America anti-Semitism is patently mounting in every sphere. Four million Jews are involved. Let there first be organized a harmonious organization which would be representative and authoritative, to cope with economic maladjustment, social friction, political uneasiness. Until then, to preach order and unity to Jews in other lands is merely another exhibition of the vulgarity and forwardness with which Americans have always been charged elsewhere.
The twenty-fifth anniversary celebration of Branca 258 of the Workmen's Circle was held Sunday, February A, at the Congregation of Israel, 25th and J streets . Dinner was served for about one hundred. The hall was appropriately decorated in red, white and blue. There was an arch of flowers over the stage with the Inscription "Br. 25&— 1909-1934" in electric lights. Many bouquets of flowers were sent by the various branches of the organization and sympathetic groups. S. Lerner was general chairman. He was introduced by M. Katzman, the oldest member of the organization. Max Yaffe, violinist, accompanied by piano and voice by Mrs.-Lena Dale, played the Workmen's Circle hymn. J. Savich, financial secretary, reported on the activities of the past years. S. Lerner spoke briefly on the historp and activities of the organization. Telegrams of greetings from all parts of the country were read. I. Katzman was toastxnaster after the dinner. He called upon the delegates from the Iowa and Nebraska branches to speak. Following the program, old homelike dances were held. The arrangements committee: S. Lerner, chairman; S. Canar, S. Kaplan, I. Katzman, N. Martin, M. Katzman, L. Poperny, S. Rifkin, J. Savich and S. Slutsky. The dinner was arranged and served by Mesdames S. Canar, N. Baumer, B. Gorelick, S. Kaplan, I. Katzman. N. Martin, L. Poperny, J. Savich and S. Slutsky. Decorations were made by S. Susman of Branch 173, assisted by S. Lerner, J. Savich and L. Kraft.
Hadassah Gift Fund The Hadassah Gift Fund, which enables the tree planting for Hadassah in Palestine, also enables individuals to purchase trees to be planted in their honor or in the name of any person they desire to honor, or any event which they wish to commemorate. The cost of a single tree is $1.50. Dedication of trees by the following for this season is announced: Mr. and Mrs. J. Abrahamson, in honor of the confirmation of their son, Joel; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Riekes, in honor of the confirmation of their son, Irving; Mr. and Mrs. Al Frank, in honor of the confirmation of their daughter, Muriel; Mr. and Mrs. J. Lintzman, in honor of their son's marriage; Mr. and Mrs. S. Robinson, In memory of their
Jewish Workers Alliance The local branch of the Jewish National Workers Alliance is holding a membership- campaign, w h i c h will continue until March 15. Joe Radinowski and M. Minkin are in charge. The Alliance is a fraternal order. The valuation report as of December 31, 1933i according to Radinowski, shows a margin of safety of 176 per cent, i. e., "the Alliance has ?176 for every dollar which is legally required to prove its safety.** The National Workers Alliance has been prominent in Jewish national and cultural movements. Its insurance, states the membership committee, is based on scientifically calculated payments according to statistical experience of mortality. An intensive cultural and educational program is carried on for its members. The Alliance initiates and carries
Pioneer Women At the last monthly meeting of the Pioneer Women, Mrs. S. Okun was appointed chairman of the annual bazaar. Mrs. M. G. Cohen is co-chairman. A large number of new members were welcomed at this meeting. Rabbi David A. Goldstein was the guest speaker. Following the business session, tea was served. This Saturday afternoon, February 17, the self-«ducational group of the Pioneer Women will meet at the homo of Mrs. S. Epstein, 980 No.'26th St. Mr. Judah Wolf son will be the guest speaker, talking on "Peretz." on its own campaigns to raise funds for the Jewish workers in Palestine. For any further information, call Radinowski, Webster 1642, or Minkin, Webster 0518.
Annonnces that he is now engaged in the business of soiling all kinds of RELIGIOUS ARTICLES — Taleisim, Books, Jewish Itibles in liebrew and English. Also Matzos and Passover Articles. Res. 609 Ko. 50 St, GL. 2972 Downtown Office—118 So. 17th laffe .. Printing Co. JA. 0770 Pesach Articles Hdets. SOSKDTS BUTCHER SHOP 1552 Jiorth 20th
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daughter, Lillian; Evelyn and Beth Kulakofsky, in memory of Mrs. Meyer Friedel; Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Levenson, in honor of their daughter Judith's graduation; Mr. and Mrs. Dave Sherman, in honor of the wedding anniversary of their daughter and sonin-law; Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Brodkey, in honor of their new granddaughter, Joan Jacobs; J. N. F. Bridge club contribution; Chanukah contribution of 1934 Confirmation class of Conservative s y n a g o g u e ; contribution of friends of the late Mrs. Meyer Friedel.
to $98.75 Third Floor
19 34
KELVINATOR You've been missing a treat if you haven't been in the electric shop this week to sam-, pie the desserts . . . made in the 1934 Kelvinator. Lots of people have attended and they're all enthusiastic about the new and delicious desserts. A demonstrator from the factory is showing" the new Kelvinator and is giving away recipes for new delicacies you will want to try.
The 1934 Kelvinator is sold on easy terms. Be sure to see it.
Come in Tomorrow! You still have a chance. Come in and see this new Kelvinator. The factory demonstrator will be here. Taste some new desserts and take recipes home with you. The 1934 Kelvinator holds some pleasant surprises for you.
W$x^ President.
NEBRASKA POWER CO. Courtesy—Service—Low Kates
Aryarrisin Is A Myth, Martin Plettl
arrangements and was assisted by Anna Halm, Itosella Handler, Anne Green, Miriam Kirschenbauin, Rose Kirschenbaum, and Dora Freshman. Dora Freshman is president of this group, and Mrs. Sophia Neveleff and Mrs. N, H. Greenberg sponsors.
Men's Club to See Football Pictures
By the Service Life Insurance Company, Omaha
• Martin Plettl, former president of, gradually improve," he narrated. roads in winter and do odd jobs at the German Clothing Workers Feder- "When Hitler came into power all irregular intervals. These names he ation; now touring the United States the rights and freedom gained by the withdrew; from the unemployed lists After all Is said and done, depresto lecture before industrial, political common man in Germany went crash- and they numbered 186,000 for nasion or no depression—prosperity or A capacity attendance is expected and Jewish groups on the currrent ing. The workingman's union was tional projects and 70,000 for comno prosperity, the only way in the for the monthly stag meeting of the situation in Germany, believes that smashed, German business, and conse- munal odd jobs. world in which the average man can Men's Club ol the Conservative synaHitler will never attain his "pure Ar- quently his wages and opportunities "Hitler's statement that he has resolve the financial problems which he gogue, /which "will be held at the J. yan" state." for employment went with the gen- employed between two millions and ~ C. "Wednesday evening at 6:30 p.m. and his family face, is through life in"In the first place," Mr. Plettl de- eral slump in industry in Hitler's Ger- two and one-half millions of men emsurance. After all, those problems, the clared in an interview, "there must be many. He was surrendered into the braces just about two or two and one- In response to numerous requests, problem of estates, guaranteed educathe committee has discarded a set a terrific shakeup in the present gov- hands of his employers much the half million lies. He did not take into tion and old age income, remain the ernment. It must begin with Hitler, same as a slave might be sold by his consideration the fact that he has re- rule and for this event only the mem- most urgent problems of the average bers will be allowed to bring their himself. Hitler is of Slavic origin and m a s t e r . • • . ' • • moved possibilities of employment man. As the average man of today can never attain that Nordic status "In showing his reductions in un- from about 300,000 trade union mem- 'grown" sons and friends. The devia- does not set up an adequate estate for ion Is to allow many more to witness of which he speaks so much. employment, Hitler removed from the bers. . moving pictures of 1933 Nebraska his family, his wife and children will . "The undetermined racial origin of unemployed list all Jews, Commun- \ "As far as one may learn from un- the university games to be shown have to do without There is no other Hermann Goering will then have to istsi Marxists, pacifists, and others biased figures on German unemploy- by Ed Weirfootball of the university coaching solution to that problem than life inbe determined, and it is possible that who could not see eye to eye with him ment, Hitler has not bettered the sit- staff. surance. he may fall beyond the Aryan pall. politically. These he considered re- uation one whit. The salaries of the Reservations for the dinner must be Ask yourself this question,. "Who As for Goebbels, there is little doubt employed. All young men between the ' country have fallen during Hitler's that somewhere within the last few ages of 18 and 25 he removed from [ term in office, and prospects for Avork n the committee's hands not later will provide the monthly income necgenerations. someone of decided Jew- the unemployed lists and withdrew have gone glimmering. German com- than 6 p.m. Tuesday evening. Only essary to continue supplying food and ish origin left him a legacy of the doles from them. He told them that ] merce has dropped precipitously and those who have made reservations the other necessities if you do not do bird-like features which he now pro- they could either go to the state: the fortunes of nine million Germans will be admitted. Reservations can be so?" And then ask yourself this Quesmade by calling Horace Rosenblnm tion, "How are you going to be able claims to .be 100 per cent Aryan. workers' camps or be considered dependent upon the export trade have at Harney 2756 or Art Cohn at Glen- to do it unless through the purchase . "Rosenberg, the Russian, and other among the otherwise employed. suffered. of an adequate amount of life insurofficials of the New Germany, many "He made much of whole cities be- "I can see no possibility for revolu- dale 3486. of them from other countries, must ing without unemployment during tion against the Hitler dictatorship also be thoroughly investigated be- harvest time. All men who could not in the immediate future. Hitler, while fore they can remain in the Aryan be employed on the harvest he de- not a clever man, is a good psycholUtopia. Of course, there will be left ported to other cities so that he might | ogist and a strategist. He has an unbarely a shred of the present popula- point to this area with pride and an- canny knack of moving into the enetion of the Third Reich," he con- nounce, 'It is free frtrni unemploy- my's holes at the psychological mocluded.' ment.' About 165,000 temporary farm ment and securing his own vulnerable Mr. Plettl, a refugee from Hitler's hands he considered among his newly- points against counter-attack." prisons, has been in the United States employed. ten weeks and intends remaining for "More than fifty thousand Germans the balance of time allowed by his j he threw in concentration camps and temporary visa. The refugee, one of eliminated their names from the un- Bridge fans of Omaha assembled the most prominent figures in Ger- employed lists. About 257,000 young Tuesday evening at the J. C. C. to many's trade union movement and an men he employed in state labor camps participate in the first bridge sponardent Socialist, refused to disclose for less than ten cents a day, and he sored by the Junior Vaad Auxiliary. the manner in which he evaded Nazi considered them re-employed. Many Ely Culbertsons could be seen vigilance in his flight from Germany. "Hitler formed large brigades of amid the throng which filled the CenMr. Plettl described Nazi anti-Sem- 'Needy Workers,' whom he employed ter auditorium. . item as being a "manufacture" by the from day to day on state and city Numerous door prizes donated by present chancellor. He said that the projects. They cleaned snow from the different firms in the city were given German people themselves are not away and delicious delicacies were anti-Semitic, beyond. a small margin served. of business men who have been able Sara Malashock -was in charge of to remove Jewish competition and gain the business and property of "ausgeschaltet" Jews. Moscow, U. S. S. R.—Recalling the The persecution of the German experience of past years, the Torgsin Jew, Mr. Plettl attributed to large organization is stripping for action as HAMILTON CA1"B middle-crass masses, who cast their the Jewish holidays near. Although votes for the strongest political party remittances of orders from relatives SPECIAL SUNDAY BDOJEE without the exercise of individual and friends living abroad have shown 9 COURSES opinion. These people, he said, were a steady increase to all nationalities driven mainly by groups of business residing in the U. S. S. R., remitmen who pointed ou the concentration tances to persons of Jewish origin, of Jews in their lines, a concentration representing about half of the total, • • caused by anti-Jewish restrictions in lead the field. other lines of endeavor. They also officials say their business lured the votes of farmers and. con-hasTorgsin a lively spurt just before Pass-) Cooked the Way Ton Like It sumers with promises of eliminating Jewish residents abroad re-jj the profit from goods earned, h^Je\v-> over-when relatives or friends living in ish "middlemen," he said. "'"'. : member the U . S . S. R., often with handsome "The future of the Jew in Ger- gifts. This, they say, is likewise true many," Mr. Plettl said, "has become in the case of other nationalities at one of the greatest problems in de- Christmas time. •.". i' .-. . .. termining the future of Germany. Boasting 1,700 retail outlets in The Jewish question was never-an im- every part of the Union, Torgsin conThat Sam* portant problem in Germany until tinues to open new stores almost Hitler made it so." daily. The supplementary mail order Shoe Comfort Mr. Plettl is principally concerned service is likewise being enlarged. K you bav* your shoes over the lowered status of the woTk- Officials say that they are well prerepaired at th» ers in New Germany. "For twelve pared to handle the sudden increase STANDARD years I have been active as president in business, already making its apof the German Clothing Workers Fed- pearance for Passover. There are Shoe Repair. GO. eration, and during that time I- have about 3,000,000 Jews in all parts of J. L KRACEK. Prop. 1610 seen the status of the German worker the Soviet Union; most of them havFarnmn ing relatives in the United States and St. Canada.
Junior Vaad Bridge
ance? Who is going to guarantee the education of your children and certainly you want them educated. You •want them to receive a college -education. All right—who is going to pay
the bill?" These questions can be answered and the problem solved through the use of a life insurance plan. Talk this over with your insurance man.
Afterschvol the children will be hungry.Let them have allthe butter they want.
Be Sure That the Butter You Buy Is
Your to Acquire This Beautiful Etching of Albert Einstein for
"Torgsin" in VSSR Ready for Passover
Chicken Duck Steaks
50c to 65c
The Forgotten Letter By Henry Horwich (Dedicated to My Dear Sister, Sarah Freiden) My heaif tbcvws down in sorrow, • • And soul: ds racked with" grief and pain. . I've lost, the love ofa;dear one Ne'er toiregain again..
Springtime I
Here's How
To those who have already paid for their 1934 subscription tothe Jewish Press and to those who will pay their 1934 subscription to the Jewish Press by March 1, 1934, we will—for the extra sum of 50c — present this beautiful etching of Albert Einstein. ~
Picture a quaint old cottage Alone on a hill, faraway. Close by'stands a stone of granite, Neglect ^he cause so they say. - . 'Twas all brought about by habit, Putting off from day to day, A matter of but a few moments, A few scribbled words so to say. But all too late we realize, So the future does not matter.Before my eyes, will always Tise The Forgotten Letter.
Our President
RING in Soviet Russia, like everywhere, means new shoes, suits or dresses. Your folks there may find, a t the turn of the weather, that last year's stuff is much too worn or some needed piece is missing. A TORGSIN ORDER will enable them to do their "Spring Shopping" is the well stocked Torgsin Stores.
Prices of all articles compare favorably with those in the United States.
Gcd gave us a man of strength and power To save our country in the darkest • hour. He brought the ship safely to port; We must all give him our support. Our homes are saved. His name be praised. He gave to this country a new deal And fed the hungry a square meal. Men are working side" by side, Happy families :sitting by the fireside. . - • • - . • • ' ; . - . - . God bless his name and guide his hand .-'•'. To bring prosperity to our land. Franklin Roosevelt, with his heart of. gold . Remembers all,.. young and old.
Planning Affair "An evening of comedy, song, laughter—something new to Omaha Jewry" Is promised by the Jewish National "Workers Alliance and the Poale Zion when they sponsor a joint affair at the J C..C. April 3.8 p . m .
Here are some of the articles sold in the TORGSIN STORES wfiidi uHI be appreciated with the advent of spring: FOR MEN: 3.70 Rubles . 1.15 " „ 2L20 " ...........7.50 "
FOR WOMEN: Shoes ...........M........3.75 Rubles Rubbers ................ .90 Kopeks Suits i —, .,730 Rubles Cotton Dress —....3.25 " Overcoats -J. 8.20 " Blouses ... .65 Kopek? Underwear ... .60 Kopeks Silk Combination ... .75 " FOR CHILDREN: Shoes ............ 1.80 Rubles Pullovers ....... 3 0 Kopeks Rubbers ......... .30 Kopeks Dresses .....„..., .1.00 Rubles Costumes ...............1.20 Rubles 120 R b l Sweaters .60 Kopeks Shoes Rubbers Trousers Suits
Mail Your Check SIZE 914x1114
FOR $ Q 5 0
It will pay for this etching, which is more than worth the price of $2.50, and for the Jewish Press for the52 weeks of 1934.
.- -
Lionel S. Reiss American Jewish Artist This beautiful 9i/ 2 xlli4 inch etching is the creation of the delicate hands of Lionel S. Reiss, one of the outstanding Jewish Amexican artists of today. Its rare beauty will harmonize with thv; soft, mellow lights of the home and add greatly to the homelike atmosphere.
Over 1,700 Stores. One is Near Your Relatives Your local bank or authorized agent will give you the necessary information or accept TORGSIN^OKDERS General Representative In U.S.A. at AMTORG, 281 Fifth Ave. N. Y.
An Original Signed Etching by
490 Brandeis Theater Bldg.
5, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1934
ing heart. The heart pumps for the poverty. And the Jewish encyclopedia whole body, not for a select group. says along the same lines: "The JuAnd certainly for such a cause as bilee was instituted primarily to disLord Dudley Marley, deputy speaker in the British House of the Jewish National Fund, we have a countenance the idea of servitude in Lords and chairman of the World Committee to Aid the Victims right to "get away from the straight men. For unto me the children of Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by of German Fascism, has given added impetus to talk of Biro Bidand narrow road of deadening re- Israel are servants (Lev. 20:5) and they shall not be servants to servants, THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY spectability. jan as a great hope for refugees from Hitlerism. Marley has just Did you ever realize that the whole as God's bond has the priority (Sifra arrived in this country, having recently returned from a twoBy DAVID SCHWARTZ philosophy and plan of the Jewish Benair Sinai VII)." •'- Subscription Price, one year - - - - - - - - - $2.50 month tour of the Far East and Russia where he made a study National Fund is Identical with that In other words, again, as long as Advertising rates furnished on application . inscribed on our American Liberty each man had a piece of land, no one of conditions there. THINKING OF ONE'S SELF could exploit him and all were free Biro Bidjan is the'territory which the Soviet government has Spiegelman asked me to write a Bell? Editorial Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building. The inscription on the Liberty Bell men. And that is the purpose of the Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center hoped to make into an autonomous Jewish state. According to paragraph or two about the Jewish at Philadelphia is what? It is this; Jewish National Fund, to see that DAVID BLACKER - - - - - - Business and Managing Editor Marley, the possibilities of settlement by Jews in the Far Eastern National Fund dinner — that is, the "Proclaim liberty to all the land and each may have access to the l a n d FRANK R. ACKERMAN - - - - - - - - - • . . - • - - Editor to Dr. Goldstein. A few para- o all the inhabitants thereof." that speculators and monopolists shall province of Biro Bidjan are very attractive. He believes that if dinner FANNIE KATELMAN - - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent graphs. I said, "111 write a whole What did they mean—what did the not get it. ANN P I L L - - - - - - - Sioux City, Io-wa, Correspondent economically developed, Biro Bidjan will accommodate 25,000,000 column about it, if there is material." Bible mean when it said "Proclaim We have been doing a good deal of Print Shop Address: 1307 Howard Street inhabitants. Negotiations have been going on with the Soviet "Oh, there'll be material," said liberty to the land"! worrying about whether or not the Spiegelman. "Oh yeah! What can one Was it being oratorical — coining present boom in Palestine will be folgovernment in the attempt to have them open the doors of Biro write about a testimonial dinner. Com- nice phrases for publication in the lowed by a depression. There is one Bidjan to refugees from Nazi persecutions. The Russian govern- pliments never yet made a good col- Palestine Herald Tribune? Perish the certain way to prevent it—and that ment requires of newcomers that they possess in addition to good umn. Brickbats—and the brikier they thought. They were uttering what is to put more land in the hands of are—the more home runs they bat for was to them the most important so- the Jewish National Fund. health, tools and agricultural training. the column." truth—that the land belonged to Of one thing we may be sure, that Though Lord Marley states that the present population of 50,- And a testimonial dinner necessar- cial the people as a whole. allows a very liberal Jew000 in Biro Bidjan is fast increasing and that industrial develop- ily is a day for the delivery of bou- And what happens if the land be- ifishBritain immigration into Palestine, and ment is notable, dispatches received from the Soviet Union assume quets instead. longs to the people as a whole ? We the Palestine land in the hands At that, it would be easyto make a get an idea of the effect of the ju- of speculators—thatisaall crisis as cera different tenor. Reports from there seem to indicate that column even about a testimonial din- bilee laws which restored the right of tain to ensue as that matchesis will go The Jewish Community Center building has been called the though the Soviet has made attractive concessions to settlers in ner, if one were a Gertrude Stein— each to the land from Milman in his up and with rent and land prices up, hub of local Jewish activity, the heart of Jewish communal en- Biro Bidjan, settlers do not seem to respond favorably enough. or rather, if one were permitted, the History of the Jews. settlers coining in, unable to go to that Gertrude is allowed to deavor. Lord Marley speaks of "hardy muscles and pioneer's health" need- privileges the land, are thrown on the labor This great English historian says: take. It seems to me Gertie goes in The statistics for the past year show that indeed here is to ed; dispatches say that many settlers cannot bear the rigors of a great deal for repetition. Amid all 'In the Hebrew state, the improvi(Continued on Page 8.) the chaos of her writings—this is the dent individual might reduce himself be found the pulse-beat of our Jewish effort. A total of 182,351 the Biro Bidjan weather, though the climate is healthy. to penury or servitude but he could only sane note that I can understand. However, practically, it is worth seeking a new place of col- For repetition may exert a remark- not perpetuate a race of slaves or used the facilities of the Jewish Community Center building duronization and settlement. While Palestine has been a boon in the able effect. It has something of the paupers. Every fifty years, God, the ing the past year. NATIONAL King and Lord of the soil as it were, We in Omaha can be proud of the building which houses so present crisis, it is admitted that the Jewish Homeland cannot effect of the tom-toms that one hears resumed ACCESSORIES, Inc. the whole territory and these jungle movie pictures. much of our activity. We can take pride in the fact that in these even begin to think of absorbing the would-be refugees fleeing in Louis EVERYTHING Lipsky was right at the din-granted it back in the same proportroublesome times when so many institutions of this type are from persecution in Central Europe. The liberal countries of the ner in saying that the Jewish Na- tions to the descendants of the origFor the Auto being foreclosed we are not in default. We can take pride in the world have established barriers, economic conditions making it tional Fund is the one Zionist activity inal possessors. 2051 Farnam AT. 5524 In other words, while each had a fact that in Omaha the Jewish people of all walks of life, of all almost impossible for them to give relief to any large number. that is boosted by Zionists of all liece of land there could be no real and colors, and yet supported religious beliefs, of all types and opinions can find a common This means that some undeveloped territory should take care of shades least of all. And the dinner to Dr. meeting ground where the basic idea is the strengthening of a the large surplus. By Biro Bidjan there are about 18,000,000 Goldstein exemplified this. There was acres of land which could be cultivated. Rigorous pioneering life opposite Lipsky, for instance, Rabbi Jewish atmosphere and the building of a Jewish renaissance. Wolf Gold, the Mizrachi leader, with plus a supply of tools and technical training would be necessasy. whom Lipsky is always fencing on There is, in addition, another very vital problem. All other Keren Hayesod matters. Minister of Economics of the German Reich, Kurt Schmitt, difficulties supposedly surmounted and refugees supposedly found But on Jewish National Fund—they HYSEOB MILDER, Freg. has steadfastly insisted that fair and liberal economics treatment willing to go to Biro Bidjan (which is very doubtful), what would both embrace. And by the side of Rabbi Gold was of the Jews in Hitlerland was necessary for the economic well- happen to these refugees spiritually and religiously? We don't sitting Wertheim, the Socialist Zionbeing of the country. He was always careful to base his asser- know. We think that the status of the Jews in Russia today is ist leader, and Glanz, another Poale tions on the grounds of self-preservation for the Reich's economic aptly summed up in the statement that "they are surviving as Zionist. And as Lipsky remarked, deall this, there was no breaking structure and not on justice to the persecuted. Previously, he human beings, but dying as Jews." On the other side of the spite of windows—but all were joined in a always butted against a stone wall. But, the Reich's financial con- picture, the Soviet government has offered complete autonomy, symphonic Te Deum to the Jewish dition was steadily getting worse. It must be almost indigo by complete self-government, to Biro Bidjan if a Jewish state were National Fund. All were praising the Jewish Nanow, for an official order was published in the German press by developed there. tional Fund — the Zionist Fund that Minister of Interior Wilhelm Frick, noted anti-Semite, making Before the World Committee to Aid the Victims of German never goes around to get the rich milgovernment officials responsible for ensuring undisturbed Jewish Fascism negotiates much further with the Soviet government re- lionaire Jews to give it $5,000 but goes around among the common folk trading. A majority in the Reich cabinet had finally been won garding Biro Bidjan, we suggest that they "sound out" the opinion with flowers and buttons and asks for over to Schmitt's stand. of the people they wish to send there. Unless we are wrong, they your pennies, your nickels and your . The order is addressed to all federal high officials and to the will find that despite their horrible plight German refugees will dimes. Jut now, maybe I'd like to expand governors and the local government of every province in the Reich. not relish going to Biro Bidjan. the idea. Fd like to organise a phase It points out that the Aryan clause was necessitated by "racial and of the Jewish National Fund maybe state political reasons" but must not be extended beyond the limits on the style of the Salvation Army, and gather at the street corners with set. big drums ask for those pennies APalestinian colony is to be named Kfar^muts in honor and nickelsand The Reich cabinet has eventually learned a lesson. I t has just like the Salvation apparently learned that Nazi displacement of Jews" in industry of General Jan CrSmuts,^w-*tine Premie? of South ^Africa, mem- Army does. Just in my mind's eyes, I Good Luck in Buying Enables and commerce, and efforts leading to suspension of Jewish com- ber of the Allied Supreme Council and leader^of the"South Africa picture Dr. Goldstein in a uniform— just as General Booth, the founder of mercial activities seriously affects the German economic struc- Union party. Us to Offer This Salvation Army, who by the way An ardent believer in the rehabilitation of a Jewish national the ture. It has, we hope, at last learned that the weakening of the was half Jewish, might appear. I see position of Jewish firms reacts on the unemployment and econ- homeland, General Smuts, when South African Zionists informed Dr. Goldstein, I say, in a uniform, with some J. N. F. associates, standomic conditions in general. In the modern complex economic set- him of their intention to establish a colony in his name, stated: ing not on the pulpit of his magnifi"The services of the small Jewish people to humanity were cent up, it is no simple matter to root out a unit which has become part temple, but on the street corner, and parcel of the economic structure without having serious re- incomparably great and Western civilization still lives in the vis- asking for pennies and nickels for the National Fund. verberations. The economics of a modern country is a delicate or- ions of the Hebrew prophets and seers. That such a people should Jewish Am I being disrespectful? Perhaps, ganism, and the slightest disruption will cause an unbalancing continue to remain in exile was a historic anomaly, which called but I think we Jews have become enfor reparation. A people who taught the supreme value of faith tirely too respectable. which may prove fatal. v Our Bible Jewry wasn't like that. The Nazi cabinet has finally blundered upon the truth of is not likely to be daunted by temporary setbacks. The Jewish "Proclaim it from the house tops," national home will be rebuilt and the Isaiahs and Spinozas will this fact, a fact which Schmitt has been pointing out for some they said. But whenever we Jews totime. But the situation does not end there. The Hitlerite leaders once more be the guiding lights in the human path." day proclaim a thing, we know no other place except the Astor Hotel, or have so sown the seeds* of their hate among their disciples that the Commodore Hotel. We seem to their followers will not accede so easily. That this is evident was T h e y S a y . . . . have lost the faculty of making confirmed by the fact that the Nazi press instructed party mem"The Jewish people throughout the world must awake and no thing throb with the tang of the liv-
The Week in Review
Using the Center
A Weakened Economic Structure
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Kfar Smuts
bers to disobey the order. Seeds of poison grow into weeds quick- longer hide their Jewishness, nor hush the wrong that is being ly, and weeds are extremely difficult to root outi • done them."—Sholom Schwartzbard, avenger of the Ukranian pogroms. '
Fromthe Psychic Antennae
By O. O. DASHEB William Dudley Pelley, manipulator extraordinary of the PsyTHE JEWISH WELFARE FEDERATION chic Antennae who admits, he can "prophesy" through his spiritual By Uri Miller clairavoyancy, is having his troubles, too. The "chief" of the SilThe Jewish Welfare Federation is pursuing its multitudinous He who trusteth in his own heai ver Shirts, avowed anti-Semitic organization in the United States, functions with admirable efficiency and dispatch. It has attracted is a fool; but whoso walketh wisely, shall escape. is in danger of an "expose." A few searchlights of facts, he fears, to itself capable men and women, and its success in carrying on heHe -who giveth unto the poor shall may throw too much candlepower upon him and a good racket will philanthropic and cultural activities at a vigorous tempo in the face not lack, but he who hideth his eyes be "shot." of unprecedented difficulties deserves every commendation. More- shall have many a curse. Concerning the man who. claims that he has thousands upon over, the ideology of the men determining the policy of the Federa- When the wicked rise, men hide but he who maketh haste thousands of followers ready to aid him in purging pure for Ary- tion is so essentially Jewish that our organization is in the van- themselves, to be rich shall not be unpunished. anism these United States, for, as he announces, "every inch of guard of communal organizations of its type in confronting preTALMUD this Silver Legion program has been under the counselling of sent-day Jewish problems. Abba Ben Cohana said Rabbi Magnificent Wisdom—through the pages of Liberation shines an If one may criticize the Omaha Jewish Welfare Federation, "From this we see that usually an All-Prevading Presence, which, to- recognize, comprises an attune- it is in the mere mechanics of organization and not in one of the ignorant man comes forward first ment with the Soul of the Aryan Race."—concerning this man, essential aspects of its functioning. It seems a little odd—even with his opinion." the week's news brings out these interesting facts: slightly undemocratic, for an executive committee, which during Rabbi Elazar said: "When the A suit in Superior Court at Asheville, N. C, has been filed the entire year is the highest governing bodyvto be chosen by the Holy One, praised be He, decrees against William Dudley Pelley for §8,03485, including interest officers rather than by the membership-at-large. It gives ground greatness for a man, it is for him from November 2, 1932, by George Palmer Putnam, Inc. The to the accusation of autocratic rule and a dictatorial policy that the and his descendants to the end of all (Because he is a great complaint alleges a judgment was obtained for this amount against officers alone who, being outstanding citizens, do not pei-mit of generations." believer in heredity.) Pelley in the New York State Supreme Court in November, 1932— opposition, are elected at the annual meeting. Moreover, it lends incidentally, this was before the All-Knowing:, All-Seeing Seer of credence to the charge publicly expressed at the last meeting that Raba said: Longevity, fertility and do not depend on virtue, but the Psychic Antennae, got started in his new "racket," selling important groups in the Jewish community are slighted in the wealth rather on luck. This is illustrated Silver Shirts to gullible believers. makeup of the executive committee. Were the committee elected by the case of Rabba and Rabbi both of whom were great and Investigation of the New York records disclose that the New by the membership-at-large at: the annual meeting, though its Chisda, righteous men. Still, Rabbi Chisda York action which resulted in a judgment against Pelley was composition be one-sided, there Jwould be no grounds for protest. died at the age of ninety-two, while started in June, 1931, on the complaint that Pelley borrowed $5,- It would be an indication of apathy on the part of the neglected Rabba died at the age of forty. In the house of Rabbi Chisda there were 595.55 and refused to pay the debt. Unquestionably the Psychic group and the remedy would be found in awakened activity. sixty weddings while in the house of Antennae had not yet been tuned up, for Pelley seemingly did not Moreover, it is possible that a greater interest in the Federa- Rabba there were sixty deaths. In that his next "racket" would be on a strictly one hundred tion could be created by the democratization of its elections. The the house of Rabbi Chisda there was white bread that even the dogs and one per cent anti-Jewish basis—for lo and behold, in 1931 last annual meeting was well-attended, but many an individual fine did not care for, while in the house show the records, William Dudley Pelley hired a Jewish attorney, group in the community has meetings as large or larger. If the of Rabba there was not sufficient Max Chopick, to defend the suit. Supreme Court records disclose Federation is to represent the entire community, it must interest barley bread for the family. that Pelley had acknowledged the debt owed the Putnam company more of the community in its functioning. It is reasonable to exsaid: Three things I prayed in a personal communication to the plaintiff. •....•" pect that a more democratic form of organization would result in to Raba heaven to grant me. Two were The records also show that Pelley's action in the Buncombe a larger number of members becoming articulate in their Federa- granted, the third one not. I prayed for the wisdom of Rabbi Huna, and County Superior Court for divorce from his wife, Mrs. Marian tion affiliation. the riches of Rabbi Chisda, which Harriet Pelley, filed on January 3, is pending: They were married These thoughts are suggested to the present Executive Com- were granted to me, but the modesty in. 1911 and have been separated since July 1, 1921. of Rabbi Ben Huna was denied me mittee and the officers for their serious consideration.
When such shoes are higher in price you'll appreciate what an opportunity you have at The iVebraska today
Many lasts and patterns in Black and Brown Calf or swanky Grains. Smart, good-fitting shoes that will give plenty of service. Shoe*—Mala floor
Purim Carnival by Auxiliary of Vaad
Psi Mu Matinee Conservative Auxiliary Dance on Sunday About 125 •women attended the pa-
triotic program given Wednesday afternoon, a feature of which was a dessert-coffee. A play, "One Mother's Son," was presented under the direction of Mrs. Phineas Wmtroub by Martha Himmelstein, Mrs. Morris Sogolow, and Tobye Flax. The Central High boys quartet sang. A new member of the Auxiliary is Mrs. H. Dansky. Announcement was also made that the Purim celebration and dinner will be held Thursday evening, March 1, when five groups of the Auxiliary will participate. The Auxiliary members will prepare and serve the dinner. An interesting Purim program is planned. Plans are being made for a playwriting contest, the winning play to be produced at the final luncheon meeting of the Auxiliary. This is in connection with a national playwriting contest sponsored Tjy the Women's League. The next Oneg Shahbos will be held Saturday afternoon, February 24, at the home of Mrs. Julius Stein, with Mrs. B. A. Simon co-hostess. The program will "be in the nature of a pre-Purim celebration.
Vaad Auxiliary Installation of the newly elected officers •will take place at the regular meeting of the Ladies' Vaad Auxiliary, Monday afternoon, February 19, at 2 p. m. at the B'nai Israel sjiiagogue, 18th and Chicago. Several important business matters •will be discussed, so every member is especially urged to be present. A symposium on "The Modern Jewish Woman" •will be presented. Those taking part are Mrs. Sidney Xatelman, vrho will speak on "Social Science"; Mrs. Hward Milder on "Literature"; Mrs. I. Elewitz on "The Theatre," and Mrs. J. Rosenberg on "Palestine." Rabbi Uri Miller -will relate Purim legends. The story of Purim 'will be read by Mrs. Morris Burstein. Appropriate P u r i m refreshments will be served by Mrs. Louis Epstein and her committee.
A variety of entertainment is being Sunday, Feb. 18—3 P. M., HeThe Psi Mn fraternity will replanned for the Purim Carnival and brew club meeting; 3:30 P. M., inaugurate its series of matinee Masquerade ball to be given Wednes- Psi Mu dance. dances at the Jewish Community Cenday evening, February 28, at the J. Monday, Feb. 19—6 P. M., ter auditorium this coming Sunday C. C under the sponsorship of the Workmen's Loan Banquet, 8 P. M., afternoon, February 18, starting at Vaad Auxiliary. B'nai Brith installation. 3:30 pan. The Collegian orchestra "A very merry time is promised to Wednesday, Feb. 21.—2 P. M., will furnish the music, and several all who attend," stated Mrs. A. Daughters of Zion; 6 P. M.f Men's surprises are promised the dancers. Schwaczkin, general chairman. "Every club of Conservative Synagogue Due to unavoidable circumstances, effort is being made to have this the dinner. the dance scheduled for last Sunday most enjoyable social event of the Thursday, Feb. 2 2 . - 8 P. M, afternoon was postponed. The Psi ROSOFF-GILBERT NUPTIALS year." Junior Hadassah history class. Mu regretted this postponement, but Miss Marie Gilbert, daughter of RECEPTION FOR NEWLYSunday, Feb. 2 5 . - 3 P. M., He- it could not be avoided. An orchestra will furnish music for Mrs. H. Gilbert of this city, became WEDS those dancing. Rooms will be provid- brew club meeting; 3:30 P. M., the bride of Mr. Jake Rosoff, also Mr. and Mrs. Edward Abrahams, ed for those who wish to play cards. Psi Mu dance; 8 p. ra., Jewish Council of Jewish of Omaha, on January 15. The cere- 2115 Pinkney street, will receive at A Yiddish play will be presented by Funeral Home bridge. mony -was performed at the home of their home on Sunday afternoon, Feb- members of the Omaha Dramatic soMonday, Feb. 2 6 . - 2 P . M-, Women "the bride's uncle, Mr. Harry Gilbert, ruary 25, from 3 to 5 p.m. in honor ciety. Prizes for the best masquerade Council of Jewish Women; 8 P. of their son and daughter-in-law, in Kansas City, with Rabbi M. Burcostumes will be awarded, as well as M , Book Review "Three Cities," The next meeting of the InternaMr. and Mrs. Milton R. Abrahams, several door prizes. stein officiating. reviewed by Rabbi D. A. Gold- tional Relations group of the Council whose marriage took place in MilFollowing a four-week honeymoon A bazaar will also be held. Various stein. of Jewish Women will be held on in California where they visited with waukee February 3. Tuesday, Feb. 27.—5 P. M., Tal- Monday, February 19, at 2:30 p. m. at "Purim refreshments will be served a No invitations will be issued and relatives and friends, Mr. and Mrs. mud Torah festival. la carte. the home of Mrs. Robert Glazer. Mrs. Eosoff are now at home at the Black- all friends will be welcomed. • Wednesday, Feb. 28.-6 P. M., Dave Cohn and Mrs. Sam Wolf will Mrs. Schwaczkin is being assisted stone Hotel. AT REASONABLE TRICES by Mesdames I* Nevelef f and L. Men- Vaad banquet, Purim party; 8:30 discuss the Copeland bill, the proSCHUPP-COHEN Tour Business Greatly Appreciated d e l s o n , co-chairmen; Mrs. N. H. P. M., Conservative synagogue, posed new food and drug act. Mrs. ENGAGEMENT Greenberg, tickets; Mrs. W i l l i a m religious services; 2 p. m., Senior Manuel Grodinsky is chairman. LEVTTAN-NODDLE NUPTIALS Mr. and Mrs. Morris S. Cohen Milder, costumes; Mrs. Louis Epstein, Hadassah meeting. SITSTDAY JA. O4S6 1423 Douglas In the presence of the immediate announce the engagement of their Mrs. T. A. Tully and Mrs. Dave With tickets for the annual Council Sarah, to Mr. Louis Schnpp Crounse, bazaar; Mrs. H. Marcus, family Miss Sara Ann Noddle will daughter, bridge placed on sale by Mrs. Philip Mrs. N. Levinson and Mrs. D. B. Ep- by the Chesed Shel Emes society at Levey and her committee, plans are become the bride of Mr. Harry Le- of New York City. stein, refreshments. Admission will the J. C. C. on February 25. Door progressing for the affair, to be held vitan of Chicago this Sunday, Febprizes will be awarded at the affair, the last Monday in the month, Febbe 35 cents per person. All Forms of Insurance j ruary 18. The wedding will take COHEN-KATZ ENGAGEMENT which is open to the public place at the home of the bride's Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Katz of New ruary 26, the regular meeting day with Reliable Companies J Mrs. Sarah Milder is chairman. for the Council. Hadassah Book Review brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and York announced the engagement of ENTERTAIN Mrs. Hyman Noddle. The ceremony their daughter, Gloria, to Mr. Sam The Misses Jeanette and Minnette Those wishing tickets are asked to will be performed at twelve . o'clock S. Cohen, formerly of Omaha, at a Singer entertained 14 guests a t a get in touch with her. Book Review group ?fo. 2 of the Daughters of Zion noon, with Rabbi David A. Goldstein formal dinner given February 4. Omaha chapter of Hadassah will meet (Formerly In the employ of L. Harris) bunco party at their home Sunday, officiating. Tuesday at 2 p. m. at the home of February 11. Prizes were won by BENEFIT BRIDGE 12 Years Experience Miss Rose Mendelson of Council VISIT IN CALIFORNIA Installation of officers of the Mrs. Louis Sogolow. Mrs. Sogolow The Ladies Free Loan society will Mamie Temin and Phil Baker. will be assisted by Mrs. Louis Adler. Bluffs will be the bride's only at- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lincoln left Daughters of Zion will be held at a sponsor a benefit bridge party on Any Insurance tendant, and Mr. Sidney Bernstein of Thursday evening for Los Angeles "BOWERY PARTY Monday evening, March 5, at the J. meeting "Wednesday, February 21. Mrs. David Brodkey will review Inquiry Regarding Lines Is InTited and Hollywood, California, for a visit "Transition" by Will C. Durant. Chicago will serve as best man. Rabbi Uri Miller will speak on "The C. C. at 8 pan. Admission will be Pledges of Sigma Alpha Mu fraFollowing the ceremony Mr. and with relatives. They expect to be ternity Work of the MizrachL" A musical at the University of Nebraska twenty-five cents per person. Prizes program gone for the remainder of the winter JA. 7311 Mrs. Noddle will hold a reception is being arranged. The orwill be awarded and refreshments One today is worth two tomor- 315 So. 15 honored active and alumni members season. from 4 to 7 o'clock. ganization, urges all the members to served. rows.—Franklin. with a "bowery party" at the chapImmediately after the reception the ter house in Lincoln February 3. Special entertainment will be fea- come and bring their friends. couple will leave for JanesvUle, Wis- RETURN HOME Following the meeting tea and reDecorations and costumes were fea- tured. consin, where Mr. Levitan's business Mrs. S. Weinstein and daughter, tures. freshments will be served. Dorothy, departed Monday for their THE takes him, until the first of July. Members and their families who home in Fort Worth, Texas, after a Approximately 50 couples attend- ATTESD CARD PARTY plan to attend the Dr. Pierre Pinchik Over three hundred attended the month's visit in Omaha with rela- ed. NTCHOLS-COHEN Pleasant Hill Society card party at concert are urged to get their tickets tives. ENGAGEMENT tie Clover Leaf Wednesday afternoon. from Mrs. M. Braude or Mrs. L. MorDANCING PARTY Mr. and Mrs. J. Cohen announced WEK-END IN LINCOLN Plans have been completed for the Mrs. J. Abrahamson was in charge. gan. the engagement of their - daughter, Miss Sylvia Jonisch spent the "Brother-Sister" dancing party to bo Prizes were awarded and special of Nebraska Women Ida, to Mr. Charles M. Nichols, son week-end in Lincoln, where she •visit- held Saturday evening, February 17, entertainment presented. All funds Daughters of Israel Aid of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Nichols, ed with friends. will go toward the erection of a chapel by the Junior Hadassah. Try a Bag Today Sunday at a dinner given for the imMiss Isabel Eosenblatt and Miss at the Pleasant Hill cemetery. A meeting of the Daughters of mediate family. Minnie Frohm are co-chairmen in Israel Aid Society will beheld TuesNo definite date has been set for VALENTINE RUSHEE PARTY c h a r g e of this affair. A color A "Valentine-Rushee" party was scheme of red and white will be Ladies Labor Lyceum day, February 20, a t the Jewish Old the wedding. Peoples Home, 2504 Charles street, given by the Gamma Delts Saturday, carried out in the decorations. A at 2:30 pan. Please attend. February 10, at the home of Miss of novelty features have been The Ladies' Labor Lyceum club BAR MITZVAH SATURDAY Rose Levin. The Misses Elizabeth number Mr. and Mrs. A- Perimeter an- Dolgoff and Alice Sussman were arranged to make this affair clever expressed its appreciation to all of and unique. Members may still make the local talent which performed for nounce the Bar Mitzvah of their son, guests. Junior Society Floyd, on Saturday, February 17, at A valentine theme was carried out. reservations by calling Miss Rosen- their concert and Russian tea party the B'nai Israel synagogue, 18th and The table was set for eighteen guests. blatt or Miss Frohm. on January 28 at the Labor Lyceum, The Junior Society of the ConservaChicago. All relatives and friends The evening was spent in playing 22nd and Clark. The organization has tive synagogue will hold their Teguare invited to attend. also expressed its appreciation to va- lar meeting Monday, February 19, at bunco, dancing and various other en- CHESED SHEL EMES rious committees w h i c h rendered the home of the Misses Sally and Estertainments. Prizes were won by CARD PARTY ther Morgan. Ida Corenman and Harry Lewis. Miss A benefit card party will be given their assistance. Yiddish Play on Fannie Witkin is president o£ the ? Tuesday Evening organization.
Watch and Jewelry Repair Henry Behnont, Jeweler
HONORED FOR WORK A n u m b e r of members of the Daughters of Zion gave a surprise party for Mrs. J. Goldware, retiring president of the organization, at the Goldware home Saturday. They presented her with a beautiful handbag in appreciation of her efforts on behalf of the organization since she became affiliated with it.
"The Forgotten," an outstanding Yiddish play, will be presented at the K. of C. auditorium on Tuesday evening. February 20, by a company of Yiddish players headed by Celia Adler. Celia Adler is well-known on the Yiddish stage in New York, her most recent appearance there being with Maurice Schwartz's presentation of "Yoshe Kalb." The cast includes Jacob Cone, Abe Zvraig, Dorothy Zwaig, Louis Josepli- OPEN DISCUSSION GROUPS Bon, Rose Josephson, Rose Faben, Mrs. A. Greenberg was hostess to Sarah Pott, and Barney Guss. the Daughters of Zion "open discussion" cultural group on February 3 at her home. Mrs. L. Cohen has also entertained for the members of this group. By Mrs. David M. Newman Be Sore to Inquire About Oar
For the
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Banana Pudding Vanilla wafers, bananas, lemon juice, 1 cup sugar, 1 cup milk, 2 whole eggs, 1 teaspoon vanilla. Butter a casserole, line it with vanilla wafers whole. Make a layer of sliced bananas and add a little lemon juice to keep their color, then another layer of wafers—bananas and lemon juice and pour over the sauc*> made of the sugar, milk, eggs and •vanilla mixed together. Bake 45 Jninutes, serve with cream.
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NEWEST "FLYING CODONA" TRAINS—Clayton Behee. cousin of Alfredo Codona. world renowned aerialist. has taken his place, as a member of the three "Flying Codonas" as they practice new thrillers for the audiences of the "Big Top" in an abandoned warehouse at San Pedro, Cal Behee replaces Atfredo in the troupe, since the latter injured his shourder in performing his death-defying triple somersault. In thp photo, left to right.'are Lalo Codona, Vera Bruce Codona and Behee.
FIRE DAMAGE—Mrs. Herbert H. Lehman, wife of the governor of New York,, inspects damage caused by a fire in the executive mansion at Albany, N. Y. The governor, confined to the mansion with a cold, helped move valuables out of danger. Damage was estimated at
TWO OP A KIND—These two bull terriers carried off the honors 'in their class at the annual terrier show at Grand Central Palace, ' N w York City. They are Blue Stocking and Boomerang and they are proudly posed for the cameraman by Rose Anne Bennett. r''.1"- " . -
SWIM SUIT—Eve Hudson, pretty San ;Francisco model, demonstrates the latest in swim suits a fancy knit affair, worn with a 2fi-inch diameter beach h a t The suit was modeled at a recent fashion show.
GOOD TIMES MUST BE HERE AGAIN—At least that's the belief of the management of one San Francisco caie which is planning a $25,000 fountain, as the sketch shows, featuring three nude nymphs, the tallest of which will pour a constant stream of champagne from her outstretched hands. Timothy L. Pflauger, the designer, shown beside sketch, has chosen Jean Kelly, entertainer, as the modeL
MOORING AT DAWN—The U. S. S. .Macon, pride of the U. S. r.2'Tt is snapped mooring at her post at San Diego, Cal., aftov a successful training cruise from her west coast base at Sunnyvale. Arriving late in the evening the Macon cruised over San Diego until dawn before attempting a mooring'.
CRUISER COMMISSIONED—The new U. S. cruiser San Francisco, sporting nine eight-inch guns and four five-inch guns, is snapped at Mare Island, California, after her official commissioning at the Hare Island navy yard. Captain Royal E. Ingersoll took command o{ t h « craft after the ceremony. The keel of the cruiser was laid in 1931.
A PEDESTRIAN HAS FEW RIGHTS—At least that's what tnis giant whale thought after being ran down by the liner President Taft en route from San Francisco to New York about 1,000 miles northwest of Balboa. The whale can be seen on the surface at the bow of the liner a moment lifter the collision. The whale appeared stunned after the impact and remained on the surface forcing the liner to reverse aa* l
TTW. *)±)V\ i S H JPKESS,
Malies Uomn MizracM A well attended meeting of the jSizfor Hionsand ^Refugees •-rachi "was neld Saturday ~"L.ive and Xaugh," t h e outstanding night a t "the
America af^Wa«hmgtnn
symposium on "The Pi»icc of the-Jewish "Woman in Communal Lite."
Albert X Gordon A iueeiing of the Board of 'Dover- j of Aflass^esfaircen JCfi jVImneapoliB, t h e nors Trill be field 3Ionfiay evening a t jJewish call-singing, talking and daneBucharest (J. T. A.}—A section of Afiass Teshuren synagogue. At t h i s oldest CnnseTTatire icongresation j n S p . m . a t the !B?nai Israel synagogue. ing picture, will be m-esented uniier the liberal parry .headed by George meetmg, in the lorm of a tne amrtbwenL, ^wJU nccupy the guilptt The ;installation of t h e newly-elect- the auspices of the local Badassah on ) keh, plans were discussed on i.ow tr>"White Habbi Goldstein iis J n Bioux -(GmrtrniTRfl from 3*age 1.) .Bratianu, organized in opposition .to Junior Congregation services will ed connniHsianerB -will -take place. A n March 5 rat t h e Centra? .High audimeet the obligations of the .local oi=ataffin Goraon ^min mgB& can; * e "helfl TSatirrday moniin? at 10:30 SD 3 a r because of -fixe Beimwehr. The "^nmdment to the constitution -win hetorium. IHrs. Julius Stein ;is chairman the present liberal ^ - e m m e n t ^ c a m e ! s ! m t o t i a n t t n r a r d tlre S200,000 drive Economic 3?utuiE nff American a. 3D.. :3Hr. -Sol J-agman will serve as Socialists must "he convinced t h a t t h e proposed. ? of the affair, all proceeds t o go to theI out -with a forthright declaration re- now bemg conducted nationally. j garding anti-Semitism. Israel.*1 host t o the Junior Congregation in J-lefreshnients will be BervEfl, -and Tlans -were formulatec! t o receive "Give and Get" fund. ffDvexnment'B plans t£ar a jcarporative f p H E -s the parry adopted Is dbserTance of his birilidcy. all members are urged, t o be present.: 'TiejirctuTB is cTowoted-with famous j'!Kot for .foreigners but for Habbi ^Wolf Gold, president of -the Tiad ^th s t a t e under ^the -new .constitution xS. ti"p U5x Junior -Congregation solicits "its tional nrganization, and Mr. Selig, l e i n g jnrBparea do aiot iimperil t h e names of t h e Jewish stage, screen, sns," applyiug t o positions in economfriends to furnish TCfreshments in chairman of t h e national drive, -who j 'JOSitiOTi of ttraiiie "unions. TJOIKHES -radio ana concert -world. ic life. The party -will organize itself are espected t o be in Omaha the saxly, lionor of 'special occasions. 3nuEt be convinced t h a t an alliance Among the neadliners i s -Jienasehe into an inaepenflem group and lias part of March. An -attenflance prize will be given ; the reading Tg • the "Would, mot mean 'his m m suicide. Skulnicb, movr ^tppearmg i n i i s own alraedy decided upon a program, em- JRabhi TJri IMiller jspofee on "Secent ae usual. The Junior Congregation !B Une Socialists, -who a r e :now i n - .Proceeds from t h e benefit show theatre in JJewTork: Hae Simon, who jphasiziEg t h e "belief that hatred and lion m m sather *or She Surini oinner under the joint «uspiceK of the Taait xlmed i » TEgret i n a t -feey old :riot! sponsored by the Hatitroh-Pioneer i a s nften been called "the Sarah fear of foreigners -rnns contrary ;to and celebratinn. . anfl the City Talmud Torah, The ^ s t Uizrachi meeting =wffl-'»e xaH a general Htrilffi "when t h e r e -was club at the Circle Theatre :Februaxy 8 3ernhardt of Jewish a r t ; " Joseph Dn March H One msw JfeBer TDraii umanian jiature. held S a r c h 10 in the 33"nai Jacob ^synstill lime, iin JSIarch, Ihave been very "will go toward helping the SHoneer be Sedicatefl with appropriate lofi, the leader of the Tilna iroupc in The program states that steps must a g o g ^ , M^ && m,^,^^. 3 B "treated. They jefrained ±ram "Women's .mem' cause i n JPalestine. America; Hymie Jacobson, .the lie taken to stufly ihe social changes bers of the Jewish community sas J E "Wpposrtion t o Dollfuss -when h e Twasj M r s . M .X e v y r p h n i T m ^ . ^ ^ _af_ M. Cohan nf the Jewish stage"; which liave taken place, particularly i citl 'V^^'-Jh% ^ I ? u E P a r t e d J ^ 1 fair, reported it "a grand success 2rom Tauber, aiotefl radio performer and a i n small towns, since the "World War Tited t o attend these meetings, -which against t h e 3<a2is; their xeward h a s j , e v e r y ^ie^point." Jack JPriEden and -lnng list of lesser stars. anfl that the imprecedentec dlffteuT- are charactexizeti by piugiamE of i n Item a barrage of petty decrees nab- Hugo •radio comics, Jea- Among other outstanding things, '•HBB lacing t h e younger generation -re-. terest. Siling a t their hard-won :achieve- tured the entertainment, which also Regular SETVXCBS -wail -fae Jieffl a± "Hae tjnires immeaiats measures for relief. anents, harassing their .leaders and included two movies. A capacity a t - *!Iiive and OLaugh" ctmtains the 3ast Itsrael synagogue t h i s -evening kaovm singing movie xi£ the late newspapers. imder "SEE ansnicee of tfise "VaELfl. "LGBUtendance -was present. 3 should like t o explain my posi- "Tamable door jirizes, donated by l o - "world—Damons Cantor Jnsef 3^HSnt n r A. Scnwaczkin ™ a life Tihair T^EIII t i o n . 2 admire t h e courage and t e n - cal merchants, -were given t o t h e 3ibld~. faiatt, -whose -ihriHing tEnar Tnoiia JB ; asEist Sabbi TJri told a OBJjy this means forever pergetuatecL auaty of Dollfuss; sermon topic ^vrfll , . ,.I deplore _ ,, . h .,i s., i.e -e r s of the Tvinnhig ammbers. irate itollowing services at the 3!nai Silarious comedy, ^parochialism. J think .it as - p n t a ^ m e e t i a g s .& ^ ^ H3ZEB •wQIl DJ?p lor' Israel. HSre affirmative team ot Irving duSe a n analyEfe o f f arreHent-aay ungreatest ot pities t h a t he 1 ^ j ^ Mid at the B'nai Israel Bynagogue, Beitel, Harry Gooflbinner said to he combined Jay an entertainTest .ana tlie pniloBqpiiical baste nsoEat a± the -alienated those democratic elements ^ ^ ^ ^ 3 ^ . ^ :aew memchicaga won over the laisary t o ycope with jireaent^aay -.isonan t h e country jrho should he his best, b e T S w e r e i n s t a l l e d a t ;flHS ; l a s t m ( ! f r ing manner ;ia **Iive jo of Carl 3=^reaerii:ks, Sasteel E D - A t aersiEes a± Tenjpte allies. I should like extremely to s e e - . M e s d a m e s 31. Sax, "Harry Sherr nen ana 3»anl Green, on t h e Qnestinn, =HerviceB TOII he aoltowefl Sjy aaai -& Social Democratic Austria, if t h e ! Sam IRosen. liver a s e n n o n 'nn •4*32ffi fittuation 3n open 3annn discussion Tmaer t h e a n s -Social Xlemocrats only had enough j ClraSe interested hi joining is ask— Schools Shall 3Je EstabBshea :in "iiie 23urqpe.*' Une rarisiB -«;iucli "JIBE arisen al t h e Junior "Saavd groups. guts itor government. J>ollfuss arose! the secretary., TEniteQ States." Charles Stein ^caEfiiE in T^ranne anri Austria Tnakes t h e S n - -Elans are goins Soi'vjartl 3or aa s^Beas the only m a n in t h e country capa- i Atlantic 4261. A ^resular .meeting oof fhe 'Wnltarre" chairman. -Dora l^reshman was jufl^e. nn March 2 , tto 3*e .known We of keeping the TSazia out. A n d d u b Teas A laiicom organization will be 3 , personally, take the perhaps mean llill Farnam St. guests of the Habonim sometime later .position t h a t it is better t o be s u p T"n'Tn msenssinn ^was -on ihethis ^month. J«ew anembers are Jnvitefl sent occurrences -will '3» pressed than murdered. \ P o r ±he .. , TJffiie "will Ise m JSazis t o take Austria -would be m 3jHSHI3EIfcCe U l l S m e S S coming -two major events -of iEtee -^v^fpi*IHWII^K -Circle ~T<iai^w.i^4j ..^S© •!» S a r r y fitafford, j r ^ iiaritoire, will W "major ^European tragedy. Therefore, South Bmahu anfl 373 jg'DmahH. "The special soloist. regretting much in his -policy, 1 ^supEahnan, now xetebraimg i d s r3irnng Circte xltB) anay tateb "partiEa-; Kyg^ifen* junior w^ t' vice£ "will he Tn^*^^ "Jiart DbUfuss so long a s Jie QoeB his H 1 »p {"pate; -Amw ivrHrtn jand "Ben 3£eitzer A Teguhrr ^meeting of the Sigma at ^ i e Temple Sstnrasy morning. job, the supreme job of savuig A u s - ance business, has :recently -Chi sorority waE i a l d Tuesday Sunoaj- afternoon xct 4 3 5 p . "were chosfin tDTnenTesent t t e srotg) a t Ttria i r o m Bitler. 3?ebruary 13, a t t h e 2. C C. Gollege Q u b meet. Tinally, a s always, there 'is t h e j lEhe sorority JB giving ite rihtrfl atn- ISiSE Aaele Sussman ^anfl Anne "win lean ifce •discouraging matter of economics.' were -mrmBfl aelegates t o t h e laflies' •nual A?rm>v jHarjch 10 a t the 3Itaiten-anult stony class mext Tues^sr ail^it. Austria iights ^iot only Sbs ISaais; i t 3IiSE U b b y DolgOff iB Xabor ILyeeum i3n)> rtweHfli Tights t h e peace treaties. D a y by flay come tragic items .in t h e .news sary amneT, to be liela Bunfiey, 3Rebillustrating Austria's poverty. I n tionaliBts here following a raid xown A t t h e rnext aneettng a "Vienna, with almost £,000,000 people, in only 800 families are well-to-do "Will lie 3isia u n She fe "3& HMe Jfae Premises ol the anti-Semitic 3iew»services -jianer Drassis, rir|^*4i> of *thfi .Gnc^i TIR— =08 tQse ^patriotic nelenxaiiBnffi enough t o have three or :more -ser"WartfawMteT' Anyttoe imwrf -vants. Ont of 10,000 travelers on tionalist party y-*-** (Etnlki -Boosts 3E"WElcomEto ^m^viS &. ^JQoiosXeixi ^rciH ^^^ffli^k -~on i i e railways hist year, 102 went secoX Ehidis). ond class, u went first class. There -were more than 1,000 suicides in "Vienna iin 1933, and more t h a n 3,000 -attempts a t suicide. The peasants cannot sell their "wood. Timber is Austria's chief crop, and it does not! rrot; ilying i n neat piles before the winnows of those "who dEelted t h e trees, 3t .is .a constant and terrible txeminder JbdWwM Tkat ¥va CcwWrV of the poverty of t h e y:ln*^rnfcpTi conn— i r y . T h e nationaJ trade-balance de^ficit is staggering. Austria must Tow» xrt This Price! 3mport rihnost twice "what it exports. IK relief of some sort does not come, jebllapse is almost sure. T h e peas a n t s and t h e poor townsmen l a v e -withstood 3Fazi propaganda Abner ILaiman iliut they "will "turn t o unyone y and is now operating a s the A b n e r ^promises them a Tsetter thne .nest IKaiman Insurance Agency. .Associat:year. Thus :if Austria goes .Nazi it •roll "be another item in retribution— ed "with Mm a r e .lUiss Evelyn amother answer of levengeful Qer- and Irving 3£aiman. -will continue t o represent 3nany t o "fce injiisiicES -of t h e prominent old line i i r e :and casualty ttff "Versailles. | | w companies. H e IB also t h e agent i o r " ' * 35 ******** &s IBankers 2L3e Go. of Hes Homes," one of the leading life insurance comVictor steps Jtnto line "with new panies of America, with assets -of T h e S e a l t h club -rolleballers new ing "value gppartnmover $X75,0Q0,u00. This company-was agw aayuy pp established iin 1879. Btraight games, 35 t o 10 and 35 t o 33. The Haiman agency coffers all. Tlmiflreds uf thousands of dollars' "v?ortb A series nf-home and *home volleyball of insurance. mS £ne <entBrtamTnetit over the air this -frT] ~voB. £ames Ihave .been lined up 'fur rtne IHsalih chibberB -with "Woodbine, TIa., lie yours for the asking. Insure your pleasure •Class -C 'Open IMiBwsst ^Volley dianiipians. !jy 3aij5ng a -mntlpf-n np-to-ihe-minute
Menu Always Provides Good Foodsof UmequaLed Taritty
1 J N lew Brasses Announce the
Due -to many Teguests ifmm ^various *tpmrj ^managers, t h e - Center open i i e t b a l l -tmrrney lias .been ttelayea. tourney will be 3ieM 3IaTch a, B : There will be only two classes, A ana 3 .
try JEKKT J&KD COLUT Tietor HecorOins Artists
call =espeaal attention to these tirree table models * « «. "powerful little sets, ^wx& Superheterodyne 3>erfoxmance, extra thrills -with Police Call Hwrjinim, pins handy size 2nd attractive price.
WmE itOOM 417 South 34th. St.
Teams that have already sent i n "their entries officially -.ore: *Haln33fecrtric, Thallas Batters, Srinn-Jensen, Chat to' Nibble, "Wardrobe .Clothiers, ~Van Avery Sports, and t h e Cookies. T h e girls' •varsity cage team came ."through with .another "win last week •when they trounced t h e "Lincoln Sports uf Ijncoln, 26 t o 12. ^BrookBtein, TTaffe and 3DUsefield -were out-stanfling lar t h e Center team, isctrring [ 23 rpdints between them. The team i -will Journey to JEremont on the -21st. -Sifting through "the THabonim delense a t will, the !Mihier Dils scram- j "bled Tip t h e Btanmngs of t h e 3tlidget I baBketball league mhen :they ^wun, 38 ' to S. 3n the otheT same the Talmud TorahB ^ a n amuck t o swamp t h e Taxis JnnioTS, 2 6 t o 0. The aaabonnn, Tlulmna Torah eand 3Siiiaer Oils ;aT« in a Sliree^way t i e for first -place. Todav , •the t i e "will lie settled. "Last "week t h e Senior loop took one rmoTe step toward completion when ; the ^Vardrobe Clothiers lost to the Ueep Hocks, 3S t o 15, J n a closely aoustot same. 3n t h e other contest t h e :Xi l a m b a a s Ihan ;it «asy -while beating the marks Iflarket, "IS t o 33. T h e 3*si 3IUB had ra Test wlien the A. 3 . A. -were attendtag t h e annual t a u m a •ment The -undefeated 3Iotner's Cookiefc quhitet ^an ilts -victory ^trmg to nine consecutive Twns :by "trouncing t h e 'Thon>eiau3, .29 i n I S , dn t h e final game of the season. ?Schapiro"lea t h e ^'other's *Gookies attack T7ith four field goals. The A. 32. A. 100 team closed its league -play -with ;a 3(WIH22 -win over -tarra ^ilace 3>ants Btnre. A . Adler "WHS high ;point anan 3or :the A. Z. A . qnint by ^corinj; 31 rpoints. This gameleaves tbe A . 35. A. -Encampea "m iseconfl
Sixes 36 to
ILearn i;o Dance Cnrrecfly
Savard Dance Siinolcs ."Mfiiiatea
Jiayon Crepes,
ith Chicago Ass^n oi
IDS Arthur Slflg., - £ ! . o251
with W h i t * . , Print, Comnination and D a r k * , "Folks l>ots.
302 ^Barker HHag.
STORM SASH 5tortn Doort—Combintrhor Doors
vvonflerlul oparejuyonr robts witli branfl
MICKLIH LUMBER CO, T?tft onti Hickoiai
J ^ 5000
BaxtonMitcbenCo. j Gr^y Iron, Aluminum Dronze Castings
TVBOU a n a metal
2614 aiaxfna St.
dicouus.,...... livery size., , ^ anfl «very color a t "tfais one -remarkably 1 o w
ezrea. xtaSBs off Police
~ m 9
m •*
HA. 5333
CudHbu* Cuts and
J a c t ••* * Hiuuui!'L>, 1 and StyJes, long: or •B
I e e "v •» *
SJecreJ Frocks.
I.I5OX * WHITii, At:orney» ior Congregation will be treated to characterized as a unifying agent for Yiddish Scientific City National linn!; IMdg. candy; T>y? Mr. and Mrs. Sacks in, honJewry. - . . • . or of Robert. Charles Shindler will Institute Praised Dr. S. Mai-goshes, • editor of Th-3 KOTICE OP i:.COKrOR.\TION OF read; the law during,the Junior ConDay, that it was a mistake to THE 11OSE KEAI.TV CO. for Unifying Work thing said "•egation Service. ' T that the masses of a people Notice is heroliy given tlint a corporacould find complete cultural satisfac- tion lias been formed under the laws of The regular Auxiliary meeting- of New York, (J.T.A.)—The impor- tion in its newspapers ; alone and the State of Nebraska. the Synagogue will take place on The name of the corporation i s ROSPI Thursday evening, February 22, in-WASHINGTON ©AffCE TO BE HELD tance of the Yiddish Scientific Insti- stressed the need for study and re-REALTY COMPANY and the principal Miss ANNA PILL, Correspondent tute as an inspiring instrument tend- search in contemporary national pro- place for the trnnsaction of its business Is stead; of its; usual daj;e-February 20i , KEXT THURSDAY NIGHT City of Omaha, IJouglas County, Neing to unite active creative forces in blems and phenomena as well as in the The Auxiliary will meet at this time braska. AT CHIEFTADT HOTEL The general nature of the business to be with the; congregation, and hear Rab- Plans have been completed to make Jewish life was. stressed by a .num- those of the past. transacted by the corporation is to pufibi Albert Gordon of Minneapolis the 'first annual "George Washington ber of guest speakers at the annual chnse, acquire, hold, improve, sell, convey, release, mortgage, encumber, lease, speak on Palestine. ] Moving pictures Birthday" Dance to be given next conference of the American division FKAIJEN-BCRG, STAl^JLVSTEK, BEBEK assign, hire nnd deal hi renl estate wherever-sit<!': KLUTZNICli, Attorne.VK. of Palestine taken by Rabbi Gordon Thursday night, February 22nd, at the of the institute. uated: to buy, sell, own, hold, assign, 950 Omaha National Bank Bide. transfer and mortgage bonds, securities, Miss Roma Wigodsky, 21 years old, will be shown at that time. I Hotel Chieftain, a huge success, and T h e slogan demanding the dedicadebentures and stock in other corporaNOTICE OF INCORPORATION died Monday morning in her home p Friday evening, February 23, an outstanding1 event of the season. tion of Jewish intellectual effor to tions; to make, draw, execute, accept, enOF dorse and issue promissory notes, mortCOMMEKCE AN1> INVESTMENT ' The annual banquet and meeting of following an illness of several months Rabbi David Goldstein will occupy The Council; Bluffs Senior Hadassah, the life of the Jewish, nation, voiced gages, drafts, bills of exchange and other COKPOKATION caused by. a streptococci infection. the pulpit of Shaare. Zion. negotiable instruments; to borrow money. forty-five years ago by a small Yidthe B"nai Brith, and the Talmud Torah the Federation of Jewish Social SerNotice is hereby Riven that we, the un: The authorized capital stock of this cordersigned, have nssociatetl ourselves tovice will be held next Monday eve- Funeral services were held in the February. 28, the Auxiliary will Societies are sponsoring this: dance dishist group, was never as justified gether for the purpose of forming a cor- poration shnll be $10,000.00 divided int'« ning, February 19, in the J. C. residence, 1617 Douglas street, hold the Purim program, and onand frolic and the advance sale of as it is today, when the nations of poration to lie known as COMMERCE ANIi 100 shares of the par value of $100.00 each INVESTMENT COUPOKATION. It shall to be fully paid for and non-assessable Monday afternoon, with Rabbi H. R.March 7, Mr. J. W. Hoffman of tickets indicate a large attendance at the world think of the Jews-as a na- begin business when at 6:30 p. m. . . the Articles of In- when issued. Said stock mny be paid for Rabinowitz arid Cantor Pliskln offithis affair. Art Randall and his royal Morningside College is scheduled to tion and not as individuals within corporation are filed in the office of the in cash, notes or property, real or pe»The program for the evening will County Clerk of Douglas NebniB- sonnl, tangible or intangible nt the re$speak in the social hall of the syna- orchestra have been, engaged to furn- oUier nations, Dr. Chaim Xhitlowsky, ka, and continue for a County, include-the report of- the superinten- ciating. period of fifty somible value thereof. One hundred shares ish the music for dancing. Door Miss Wlkodsky was a member of years. The general nature o£ the bnsiness gogue on "Lessons of History." veteran Yiddish journalist, told the of the capital stock of this corporation dent, Miss Rose Lipman; addresses shall be to carry on a general investment shnll be paid for before the corporation by Mr. A. M. Davis, president of the the Junior Hadassah chapter and An early Minyan, which meets prizes will be given away free to per- conference. Dr. Zhitiowsky- congrat- business. The cnpitnl stock shall be $10.- shall commence business. holding the lucky-numbers. All ulated the institute for carrying on 000.00 divide into 300 shnrvs of the pur The corporation shnll commence busiFederation, and Dr. Theodore N. served the organization as a board every morning at 7 o'clock in > thasons of $100.00 each. The affairs of the ness upon the filing of a copy of its articommittees have^been-very active and all its activity in Yiddish, which he value member and membership chairman synagogue has been formed for busicompany Bhall be managed by a Board of cles H. R. Rabinowitz. Lewis and Rabbi of incorporation with the county clerk busy this week perfecting a number Directors of not- less than two meml>evs until the time of her illness. She ness men under the leadership of Frank Margolin, local attorney, will .who shall elect from their number a Pres- of Dongins County, NebrnRkn. nnd shall of surprises which will be in store Vice President, Trensnrer and Sec-continue for a period of fifty year* from act as master of ceremonies. Rabbi was* a member of the Iota Tan Sor-M Falk -and Max Friedman. About1 for all those who. attend this dance. Greenberg. Vocal selections were ident, • retary. The annual meeting shall be held the. date thereof. : M, '.Braver will offer the invocation. ority, and had been president of the 20 men attend •: this early minyan The given by Mrs. Leo Meyersori, accomon the first Monday in January of each The-highest amount of indebtedness to entire mezzanine floor of the year. Special meetings may be called by which this corporation shall at any time Herman N. .Slotsky will lead the group .last year. She was a member every morning. . Hotel Chieftain has been reserved in panied at the piano by Miss Florence the President. • These articles mny - be subject itself shall not exceed two-thirds community singing of songs arranged of the. Religious School Faculty at The next Book Review to he pre-addition to, the large and spacious Steinberg. Mrs. Abe Markowttz spoke amended upon the affirmative vote of two-1 of its capital stock. ! The sented by Rabbi Rabinowitz will be affairs of this corporation shall be by Mrs. S.' H. Srulkin. A musical Shaare Zion Synagogue. about the need of linens for Palestine thirds vote of the outstanding stoefc. ballroom in order to make this a gala conducted by a board of three director*. Miss Wigodsky was born in Sioux held on Monday, "February 26. • Rab- occasion and celebration of the birth- and tha appreciation for all gifts re- In Witness Whereof, the parties hnvp j program will be presented by Rueben T.ODIS E. U P f hereunto set their hands this 12th dny-of j City, and lived in Sioux City most bi Rabinowitz will review '"Three ceived for this purpose. Refresh- December. 1932. Halperin, violin solo; and Frances Ix&ZAR KAPLAK . day anniversary of the first president of her life. She was a graduate of Cities" by Sholoih Asch. I,. K. RYAN In presence of: ments "were served. Emlein, piano solo. of the United . States. Everyone is R. J. HOI.PSBKISU R. J. LEON Mr. Jake Kaliti is in charge of the Central High school and atended tl o Archie and Isadore Kantor have urged to save this date and attend l-2C-34-4t. . . . IncorporntorR. I 2-9-34-4L arrangements. Assisting him are National Business Training' school joined the synagogue to replace the this affair. Mr. and Mrs. William Greenstein of , . membership of their father, Mr. WilMrs. Sam Moscow, menu chairman here. Greenville, 111., will spent the weekwith the following committee: Mes- Surviving are the parents, Mr. andliam Kantor, who died this month. end here visiting at the home of Mr. About seventy-five relatives and Mrs. Louis Wigodsky, two brothers, dames A. W. Kaplan, F. Gorchow, S. friends honored Mr. and Mrs. Samand Mrs. Jake Mendelson. They will lipman, P. Sherman, A. M. Herzoff, David and James; a sister Ruth, and Meyerson at a surprise party at their attend the wedding of Miss Sara Ann hundreds of friends in Sioux City K. Herzoff and M. Brodkey; dining home recently, the occasion being Noddle of Omaha, who is a sister of room, Mrs. Dora Baron and Mrs. and Omaha. their silver wedding anniversary. The Mrs. Greenstein and Mrs. Mendelson, Bella Levitan,. co-chairmen, assisted Fifteen members attended the reg- evening's diversion was bridge, fol- to Mr. Harry Levitan of . Chicago, by Mesdames M. E. Skalowsky, Joe which will take place Sunday in Omaular meeting of the Maccabee Club lowed by refreshments. Levin, E. N. Grueskin and Sam ha. this week, when Dr. Frank Epstein; Sreenstone. Mrs. William Lazere new advisor of the club was introEsther Steinberg, sophomore and Mrs. J. Kalin are in charge of Mrs. Barney Baron, president of duced. After a welcome talk by at Miss the Abraham High school, Mrs. Jake Krasne entertained the ihe reservations. the Ladies Auxiliary of Shaare Zion Henry Ginsberg, president, Dr. Ep-who represented Lincoln her school in the members of her afternoon d u b a.t Abe Satin's orchestra will play Synagogue was hostess to the board stein spoke to the members. four-state music contest in the violin luncheon and bridge at her rhome on Soring the dinner hour. Election of of directors of the Auxiliary, at an The program was arranged by thedivision at Peru, Nebr., last Friday Thursday"afternoon;- -•.."-. 12 new directors will take place dur- afternoon tea in her home last Sat- program chairman, Ben Luebowitz, was awarded first place by being ing the evening. urday afternoon, honoring Mrs. David and was presented by Jack Merlin chosen as superior in a violin solo. Organizations co-operating with the Mazor, vice-president of the organiza- and Jack Zeligson. Plans for the She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Miss Rose Mendelson, .senior at the Federation, which will be represented tion, who departed this week with initiation meeting for new members, Simon Steinberg. Thomas. Jefferson high school, was by their respective presidents at a Mr. Mazor and their daughter, Doro- were discussed. The club extends an chosen as: editor of the "Yellow special table include the AiZJV., B'nai thy, to make their home in Chicago. open invitation to all boys between Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lincoln enter- Jacket", the, school's magazine, . She Brith, Zionists, National Workers Althe ages of 14 and 16 to attend the tained the members of their Sunday is t i e daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jake ,T.._ V._\ liance,. Workmen's Circle No. 664 and Miss Louise Herzoff was the meetings. night bridge club at their nome Sun- Mendelson. Its Ladies Auxiliary, Jewish National charming inspiration for a dinner and day night. Fund Council, Senior Hadassah, Jun- bridge party Wednesday evening, Basketball practice of the MaccaCollman Yudelson, student at the ior Hadassah, Beth Abraham Syna- given by Mrs. Morm Rubin, at the bee team was held Tuesday evening'. University of Iowa, has been awarded The Council Bluffs Senior Hadassah gogue and its Ladies Auxiliary, Te- Elk's dub. Miss Herzoff will be ALL THAT A WOMAN hot held its annual linen shower and open the Delta Sigma. Rho Key. for outphereth Israel Synagogue and its married next month to Mr. Nathan The Young Judean club met Mon-ineeting Wednesday afternoon at the standing work on the university deto do is glance at a Mohawk Ladies Auxiliary, Hebrew Mothers Gilinsky of Council, Bluffs. day evening at the' Center arid ini- Hotel Chieftain, which was attended bate team- He will participate in a Association, Jvre Club, Shaare Zion debate versus Grinnell college Friday Table appointments carried out thetiated 15 new' members. The pro-by a large-crowd. Tire and some sixth sense teBs Synagogue and its Ladies Auxiliary, valentine theme, and the evening gram which followed the initiation tions of linens for Numerous dona- evening, February 16, and this debsle use in Palestine . Kadium Club, Sioux City Independent hours were devoted to bridge by theincluded a reading by Betty Burnett; were received and will be sent to the will ba broadcast via the radio. The her that here is an extraordiFarane and its Ladies Auxiliary, guests. piano solo by Lorraine Raskin; wel- Palestine hospitals. Mrs. Clyde station over which the broadcast will Mount Sinai Temple, Temple Brothercome in behalf of the old members Krasne was chairman in charge of the be made will be announced probably narily fine piece of merchanhood, Temple Sisterhood, Pioneer bv Miss Slotsky, and a response in program, which included a play, "Aunt in Friday's daily papers. Mr. and Mrs. L. Weinberg were Women, Chevra Kadisha, Talmud hosts to 12 friends last week at a behalf of the new members by Sadie Fan Rises to the Defense." Those dise. Torah, Business Girls, and AdasYe- 6 o'clock dinner in the Elks club Taxer. taking part in tbe play were Miss shuren Synagogue. Helen Chemiack. ^S Clyde Krasne, The look and feel and as a courtesy to Miss Dorothy RutOfficers of the Federation include stein, a bride elect. . , • - A joint meeting of the various Mrs. Nathan Noggr- and Mrs. Oscar Mr. E. E. Baron, honorary president; weight of outstanding quafity The after dinner hours were spent Community Center Clubs was held A. M. Davis, president; Max Lasen- at bridge and Miss Rutstein was pre-Wednesday evening, with a Pancake N & WHITE, Attorney! CUjr National B a n k B i d s . sky, Mrs. E. E. Baron, Mr. Barney sented with a miscellaneous shower. supper featuring the evening's enteran part of afl Omaha. N b k Baron, Mr. Frank Davidson and Mr. Saturday evening, Miss Kate Kap-, tainment. Bridge followed the supOF IXCOKFORATJON O F R. H. Emlein, vice-presidents;' Mr. an will entertain at a personal show- per. ; Clubs participating were the T H E Z.CHJ, INC. Mike Skalovsky, treasurer; Mr. Maxer, honoring Miss Rutstein. Bridge; Ambriahs, Maccabees, Young Ju- Notice Is. hereby "glv»n that a corporaBrodkey, secretary. is to be formed Kinler the laws of the at four tables will be the diversion deans, Business. Girls, Epsilon Phi, tion State of ^,'ebraska. TThe-name of the corMiss Rose Lipman who has served tier which a course luncheon will A Z. A. and Pep Girls, poration is THE ZOO. INC. The princiYet, even more important than their superb pal place for the transaction of its busias superintendent for the past five be served. Jiess. is the .City -ot Omaha. l>ouglas Counyears has resigned, to leave Sioux Mrs. D. H. Shulkin, 9 i l Nebraska '' '; The Hadassah Sub-Debs met Sun-ty, Nebraska. appearance, there is, within every Mohawk Tire, City this month for New York City, street, entertained at a bridge party day afternoon in the home of Miss The general nature'of the business to'be transacted by the corporation la to buy, where she will be married to Mr. own, leasts exchange, mortgage and transan unseen quality that only superlative workmanevening in her home, as a Harriet Levine. A business meeting fer estate' and personal property; to Stanley Carl. Miss Dena Baron will Monday was followed by a program. - - I>uy,real pre-nuptial courtesy to Miss Rutstein. sell, hold, mortgage mid transfer assume the duties of superintendent bonds, securities, denatures and stock in ship could put there. ;other corporations; to draw, make, accept, upon Miss Lipman's departure. Mrs. Fred Foreman of Sioux Falls, endorse and issue promissory notes, mortWomen seem to know this the moment they gages, drafts, bills of exchange and other D., accompanied by her house negotiable instruments; to borrow money; guest, Miss Sarah Bernhardt of 150 Couples Attend id carry on the irenernl business of ownget a look at a Mohawk Tire. ing; operating and maintaining restaurants (Continued from Page 4.) Cleveland, Ohio, visited with friends find to sell nnd serve foods, meals, refreshValentine Party in Sioux City last weekend. beverages, candles and tobacco in market arid depress wages, and so we ments, What pleases them, too, k the feet that runnection therewith tdthe general public (ohave pow^r to do nil things neccsOver.150 couples .attended the Val- Miss Ruth Gordon of Rochester, have the joint development of high flnd sn ry^ for-and Incidental to the operation of Mohawk Tires sell for no more than average entine Cabaret Dance, Tuesday eve- Minn., is a guest at the home of and low wages—and that means said business. ; :: • depression—crisis. The authorized capital stock shnll be ning .in the ball room of the War$.".000.00 divided Into SO shares of the par volume production tires. Behind much of the present unrest ralne rior hotel, which was given by the and Mrs. A. H. Baron. of $100.00 each," to be fully paid for that prevails in the world is the" land and non-assessable when issued. Said capMount Sinai Temple Brotherhood and Mrs. J. Goldberg was hostess last problem. A writer in the New York Hal stock may be pnld? for in cash, notes Sisterhood. property, real or personal,' tangible or Mcnday evening at a family gather- Times the other day said that the rea- or intangible, at the reasonable value thereOrville Ilennie and his orchestra ing, in honor of the engagement of of. Five shares of the capital stock shall son that Hindenburg sent for Hitler supplied the music for dancing, and be paid' for before the corporation shnll an elaborate floor show was a fea- her daughter,, Sarah, to Lee Karan, was not that he loved Hitler, but that commence business. " ! ' • • • and her' son, Nathan's engagement, Von Schleicher, Hitler's predecessor, The corporation shall commence busiture of the evening. on the filing of its Articles of Incorto Charlotte 'Kantrovich. Mrs. D.proposed to solve the economic prob- ness poration with- the county clerk of PongDecorations and table appoint- Robin of Los Angeles, Mrs. Gold las Connty, Nebraska, and shall continue lem in Germany by breaking up the ments were carried out in a valena period of fifty years from date berg's sister, also was a guest of great landed estates—in other words, for tine theme. thereof. < •. , . breaking the power of the Junkers— The highest amount of Indebtedness to Stay in the Tote er Mr. Louis Agranoof and Mr. Benhonor. which this corporation shall at. any time Hosenblum were in charge of the ar- A buffet supper was served and and Hindenburg, a Junker, would not subject itself shall not exceed two-thirds of Hospitality stand for this. While Germany is cry- of its capital stock. ', : rangements, and were assisted by bridge ensued. The affairs of the corporation shall be ing for more colonies, within Prussia conducted by a board of directors con• committees composed of Brotherhood itself, forty per cent of the land is sisting of not less than two nor more thau and Sisterhood members. From the Morrison tower you Zionist Workers ^ CHRISTOPnKR owned by Junkers, as great landed five members. look down on the "busiest estates. ,;J. CHRISTOPHER To Visit Here In Spain, similarly, the problem of In presence of: ."..'• . A. Z. A. Basketeers in comer in the world"; but high Joseph Shpinzak, member of land is the center about which the GEIITKUDE PER1US up in the quiet, homelike Finals at Lincoln theMr.National Jewish Council in Pal-whole economic revolution pivots.; In rooms you are far away from estine, will visit in Sioux City on our own American Cuba, we may unnoise and hurry. Deep, sof* The local A. Z. A. chapter's basket- March 7 and 8, under the auspice3 derstand why such poverty: prevails, Rev. Ay Diamond tall team forged its way to the fin-of the Poale Zion* Pioneer Women, when we read in Carleton Beal's book; beds bring sound steep. No als at the District tournament last and National Workers Alliance. tThe on Cuba ..hat nine-tenths of the Cu••••'. Recognized aa other Chicago hotel gives at week in,. Lincoln, where they were committee in charge of the Geyerk- ban land is owned by outsiders. • much at such reasonable rates. PRACTICAL MOHEL runner-up with the Des Moines team shaften Campaign is making; the aiS- Palestine, it seems to me, is taking • Phone 1059 to a score of 24 to..-9. In,the pre- rangements for. his visit here.. , the most radical step in tho direction Quick, Cheerful Service COUNCIL JBLUFFS ceding games, they won over the DenMr. Shpiriiak is also a member of of removing nine-tenths, of the ecover, team, 43 to 21, and defeated the the executive committee of _, the World nomic problem by making the land In the Heart of the Loop BARNEY HOBERMAN DAVID H0BERMAS Linooln team, 19 to 12. 2ionist organization. He will be ac-"the inalienable possession of • the At the final banquet of the tourna- companied to Sioux City by Dr. David people." , • - . .' Home of Terrace Garden Volz Will Keep You ment, telegrams were read from Rebelsky of Chicago. And I don't believe that i t is necOnly $ 2 . 5 0 up with Batft Nattily; Attired Mayor Hayes, A. G. Sam, president essary to buy up all the land. If the of the Sioux City Chamber of ComJewish National Fund can succeed in IFYOU DRIVE!...We park your e«r. Mount Sinai merce, and the management of the buying up ft {great portion of it—we Standard rates. N o other charges. will Warrior Hotels. The Sioux City Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis may say "Dayenu.",A reserve; will be LEONARD HICKS, Managing Director chapter put in their bid for the 1935speak this evening, on "Religion in sufficient, at least so it seems to me, Germany." His sermon will deal with serving, to keep land prices within tournament. • Members of the Sioux City chapter the present happenings in. Germany bounds: In Haifa, the Jewish Nation-: Corner 17th and Capitol Ave. FASHION TAJ1ORS al Fund has succeeded in doing that. ! -who attended the meet included Sid under the Nazi government. OMAHA, NEBRASKA Members of the Sisterhood are Baumstein, captain of the team; Len | JO&S holding home card parties this -month (Copyright, 1934, by J. T. A.) Hall, Max Maron, Will Shindler, Max JACKSON 2"06 Phone AT. 6427 Zeligson, Dan Baker, and Abe Brav- with proceeds lo go toward the TemI C A G O ple Sisterhood. 305 So. 19tii erman/team coach. " -• Hoberman Bros., Proprietors Danzig Succumbs MB
Society News
Woman's Instinct
Feel at Home in CHICAGO
rTheodoi-eVolz& | Sbnilnc. t
Danzig—The Free City of Danzig came under the control of the HitlerThe annual Purim Bazaar, spon- Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz will speak ites when the Nazi-dominated Danzig appointed a Ttfazi, Hans Eggert, sored by the Senior Hadassah chap- this evening on the subject "Why Add senate as state 'commissioner to take over Fuel to the Flame of Anti-Semitism." ter, has been set for Thursday afterHoward Sacks, son of Mr. and Mrs. the functions of the city council. Thus noon and evening, March 1. It will Robert Sacks will celebrate his Barthe anti-Nazi city council has been be held in the J. C. C. Mitzvah morning in the disposed of in a more or lesa legal Mrs. Charles Raskin is the gen-synagogue.tomorrow The children of the Jun-fashion. era.' chairman for the arrangement.
Purim Bazaar
National Tire Shop
Shaare Zion
"Omaha's Mosjt BeautifulHome for Funerals^ Funer a ' s T o F i t A ^y Furse^ Phone HArney 1226 ; Farfiam at Thirty-third