Dedicated to the : Ideals of Judaiwh, - .
In the Interests of the Jewish People
Entered as second Class Siau Matter on Janunry si, ijKa,.at .. . l'ostofflce of Omaha, .Nebraska, udder the Act of March 3, 1879
France Grants Tract H^nan Refugees
New, Interesting Features This Week
Vol. X—No. 4
Einstein Autograph for Job to Fellow-Fiddler
New York; (WNS)—Anyone who Paris. — (WNS.) — A 1.500 acre Abraham Goldberg, a member oft Several new, interesting features tract of land in the Department of Berlin. (WNS)—A new Jewish or- gives Sigismund Alexander, a Ger: ironde has been turned over by the the governing board of the Zionist start in the Jewish Press this week. jganization designed to consolidate and man-Jewish violinist, a job—any kind "Tid-bits from Everywhere" by [unite German Jewry and to promote of a job—can have an autographed French government to a specially or- Organization of America, will speak Phineas J. Birori is a spicy, gos- jits interests as well as possible under letter from Professor Albert Ein;anized corporation for the establish- at a public meeting at the Jewish "Purim" Commemorates the De- ment ..of a cooperative colony for Community Center on Sunday, March sipy column full Qf newsy jottings. present conditions has been estab- stein. Alexander, who fought in the Dolfuss Government Denies 4, under the auspices of the Zionist Al Segal's "Plain Talk" is a na- lished here under the name of the German army, used to play for Gerliverance of Jewish People German-Jewish refugees. Plans for organization. Anti-Semitism But AgitaFrom Haman tionally popular column. "Anec- Reich Representation of German man glee clubs and singing societies the colony, which will be near BorGoldberg is a prominent lecturer dotes Judaiea" will supply some Jews. Included in its executive coun- but since the advent of Hitlerism, tion Is Growing deaux, were worked out by experts cil are such personalities as Pro- he has found it impossible to get On the eve of March 1st, the Jeivish under the direction of Dr. Franz Op- and writer. For 18 years he was edi- laughs. tor of the^'Yiddishe Folk." Our readers are invited to let us fesor Martin Buber, Max Warburg, work. He has even tried playing people will begin the celebration of penheim. BULLETIN He just recently returned from an know whether they like these fea- i Rabbi Horvitz of Frankfurt, Rabbi in backyards to keep from starving the Feast of Lots called in Hebrew The colonists will devote them- extensive visit to Palestine, and will but the need of a license made that Vienna.—Confirming the widely exiHahn of Eccen and Leo Lowenstein, tures appearing; in the Jewish "Purim." This festival, which is a selves to agriculture and truck-farmimposible. In desperation he wrote minor holiday, is ushered in with the ing and will have a beer brewery relate some of his impressions of the Press. Any suggestions as to ma- thead of the Jewish War Veterans, to his fellow-fiddler, Einstein, for pressed fear that a Heinwehr dictaterial the readers prefer will be j Hailed as meeting the need for an help. In reply Einstein offered to torship would be only slightly less reading of the Book of Esther, and is and a factory for coming vegetables. Holy Land. j energetic central body of Jews to proanti-Semitic than a Nazi dictatorship, welcomed. .: • . accompanied by great festivity and Every refugee settled in the colony give an autographed letter to any- the Dolfuss government, now comvide urgent leadership, the council's Enters House of Lords joy. Its background, whether historihave to buy frbin 17 to 25 acres first meeting issued a manifesto t_o- one who would employ Alexander for pletely under the sway of Prince von London—The small group of procal or not, carries a signal message to of land, pledge himself to learn all German Jews to Starhemberg and his Fascist legZionists in the British House of every generation of Jews, and espe"bury internal at least a month. French and to become a French citiions, has dismissed thousands of Lords has been strengthened by the cially to Jewry today. dissension and unite. All the forces zen as soon as possible. Jewish state and municipal employes, addition of Lord Strabolgi, the forof- Jewry should serve one aim, to Around the fourth century B: G. E. mer Commander Joseph Montague ostensibly because they are Socialists, secure for every Jew in the fatherthere lived a great number of Jews in Kenworthy, Labor member of the arrested a number of prominent Jews, the provinces that Persia had conThe Highland fjbuntry Club will land not only living space but also House of Commons and noted friend dissolved the Poale-Zion organizaliberty to profess and practice his quered. During the -reign of King hold its annual raeeting and stag of Palestine, who succeeded to the tion and refused an audience to a Jewish conviction openly and unreAhasuerus, Mordecai, a wealthy Jew, title of his late father. Commander dhiner on Tuesdajji February 27, at strictedly." Jewish delegation. Although Heim: gained influence in the cpurt and his Kenworthy has always been an out- 6:30 p.m. at the ^lackstone Hotel. wehr headquarters has denied that The council has already established beautiful cousin, Estherj was taken spoken defender of Zionism and of Election of officers and trustees an arbitration court to straighten Jews are being ousted because they into the king's harem, crowned queen, the Jews in the House of Com- will be ^followed by cards. • • are Jews, the fact that the vacant out the confusion among existing and made the favorite of the palace. The "Harry Friedman" class of 170 mons and his presence in the House Abe Herzberg, president, will pre- Jewish bodies. It adopted Professor places have in no instance been filled At that time Ahasuerus raised Hamof Lords adds a valuable recruit to side. Maiming Handler is vice-presi- Buber's proposal to make all Jewish members, one of the largest in recent by Jews, even by those supporting an in rank to the highest office in the years, was initiated into the B'nai the Dolfuss regime, has added to the Persian court. This new Prime MinSeveral appointments for the Cen- the handful of Zicnist friends in that dent; Edward Trefler is secretary; schools Jewish not only in name but Brith Monday evening. and Harry Malashock treasurer. in method and purpose. ister bore a. personal .grudge, against ter committee were announced today body. The class was named in honor ol alarm of the Jewish populace. Mordecai and sought to vent his an- by Jack Marer, Center chairman. This As a result of these wholesale disHarry Friedman, aged 88, the oldest ger upon him. Therefore, he decided committee is in charge of the planliving member of the lodge. Fried- missals, 5,000 Jewish families are to proclaim a general massacre of all ning of the activities, functions and man was treasurer for thirty years, facing- starvation. Efforts to mitiJews. In order to issue this edict he general policies of the Jewish Comand was recently elected to that posi- j gate the growing distress are being: had to obtain the, permission of the munity Center, including membership, tion for life. His son, Samuel Fried- mede by the Kehillah which is itself king, which he cleverly set out to do. rental and program. man, has been active in the lodge for confronted by a crisis because it has One day Haman presented himself a number of years, aud his grandson, had to eliminate its four Poale-Zion The committee consists chiefly o£ to the king and discussed with him the chairmen of the various sub-comAlvin Friedman, became a member of members. A steady stream of Jews the internal conditions of -the Persian mittees. Each sub-committee contains B'nai Britfa Monday evening. is crossing into Poland and Czechoprovinces. He saw that the king fear several members, so that in all apThe stag Monday was in the nature slovakia. Everywhere there is doubt ed for the security of his widely proximately 100 people are engaged of a tribute to Harry Friedman for and uncertainty. The arrest of Arnspread dominions, and he took advan- in the administration of the Commuhis years of active service to the old Eisler, Ignatz Gruder and ValenBy Hon. William H. King, United States Senator From Utah tage of this by accusing the Jewish nity Center. The Center is one branch lodge. Ha made a brief response, tine Kosenfeld, prominent Jewish atpeople of being a menace to the unity of the Jewish Community Center and thanking the members for their cour- torneys, Emanuel Singer, Zionist of the empire. Ahasuerus, delighted Welfare Federation. tesies. leader, and Anselm Tenenblatt, correus know something of the terrors to Editor's Sbte: Following are ! munities and races and peoples? Why by the devotion of his Prime Minis The committee includes these subHenry Monsky, a member of the ex- sror.dent of the Jewish Telegraphic which the Jewish people over there should we develop a fierce spirit of extracts • from the address deliyter, said to him: "Do unto the people chairmen: Milton R. Abrahams, pubecutive committee of the B'nai Britli, Agency, has added to the apprehenered bytbe HOB. William H. King, are subjected. nationalism "which wraps a cloak of as it seemeth good to thee." licity and public relationship; Rabbi senator from Utah, at the twentyI wish that our natioti.-the officials superiority around itself and seeks gave the inspirational address to the sion. Mordecai conveyed-the fateful edic David H. Wice, clubs; David Greenfifth annual meeting of the Heof this government would in ah ap- the condemnation of all other nations initiates, emphasizing the necessity to Esther and bade her go to the king berg, house; William Grodinsky, forbrew Sheltering and Immigrant propriate way lift iaeir voices in con- because of an alleged superiority. for them to participate actively in the Vienna—With the Austrian situaand beseech him. to-spare the life o um; Eugene Blazer, educational; Mrs. Aid Society (HIAS) in New York demnation of a course and a policy so Germany is suffering from that com- work of B'nai Brith. jtion changing almost hourly, and the The formal initiation ritual was her people. Esther invited her royal Henry Monsky, school of music; Irvin City.—The Editor.reminiscent of .the dark ages when plex today and I am afraid that other character and program of the spouse and Haman to a feast. Sh Levin, physical department; Mrs. L. human life was sacrificed at the whim nations, notably Japan and perhaps presented by a committee under the Dolfuss government, as well as its ulA number of years ago I had the direction of I. F. Goodman. Those pjeaded with the king, saying: "Be- Neveleff, Jewish Women's Welfare orand caprice of cruel rulers. some peoples in this and other lands, taking part in presenting the ritual timate fate, matters of extreme hold, we are sold; I and my people, ganization; Dr. Philip Romonek and pleasure of attending one of the jjathr Our government upon a number of doubt, Austria's 250,000 Jews are to be utterly destroyed!". Following Dr..J. M. Erman, medical advisory erings of your organization. Two or occasions has not hesitated to protest are affecting that spirit of superior- were I. F. Goodman, Sam Beber, Dr. living mortal dread of a repetition of three, of the great leaders whose'genity, of greater virtue, that prompts A. Greenberg, Julius Bisno, Abner her plea, the king grew furious and board. against the cruel trWttnents, accorded the Nazi terror in Germany as the In addition, the following; members erosity has been extolled and a knowl- to" people "of other jaations, and'it has discrimination against others and Kaiman, Leo Abramson, and J. M. lines are drawn for a bitter, threeordered t i e hanging of Haman. To . commemorate the deliverance : of the of the executive. committee of the Ji- edge of whose deeiis of rcharityand upon a': number, of, .occasions with- leads to community animosities and Malasnock. cornered struggle for control of this Jewish people frjmi the iands of C. C. and r Welfare Federation : are humanitarianism have brought cheer drawn its diplomatic-relations or sev- animosities- and resentmenta .amengjt "White the to many, have passed to the great benations. One may be American in all i, ., ,Haman the festival of Purim was in- serving on this committee: Robert ered its diplomatic relations-with oth- that the term implies, loyal to the made by Ben KazlowstyTteo> Aorate-,- s. yond. But this organization has conson, president of the local lodge, pre* wen; suffered comparatively little stituted. - ; « " • Kooper, William Milder, Al Mayer, I. er countries because those nations flag, willing to give life and all in sided. | during the brief but sanguinary civil This story is important because it Morgenstern. William L. .Holzman,' tanned to., function and to discharge failed in their duty toward their own Joe Marion and his troupe featured [war, signs are not lacking that in important responsibilities in behalf of nationals and exploited a hatred and defence of the Constitution and the typifies the persecutions that the Jew- president, is an ex-offido member. the Jewish people here as well as animosity based upon racial differ- flag and yet have a love, a profound the entertainment. A number of se- the immediate future the Jewish popish people suffered during the last those in other lands. The Hias organ-' ences and religious differences. I deep-seated affection for the peoples lections were played by a trio headed ulation may expect serious trouble. two thousand years. In every age and The Dolfuss government itself has ization functions in more than twen- would not object to a declaration by of other lands and see in all the peo- by y Max Yaffe,, violinist. Ephraim p era there are those who, because of ples of God, His handiwork and apty-five nations. It exercises an influMarks was in charge of the program, j denied that it contemplates any antipersonal prejudices against certain my government which may lead, to a ence for good and for salvation among severance of diplomatic relations with preciate the fact that the goal to Following the initiation and pro-1 Semittic measures, but Dolfuss has individual Jews, condemn the whole been so discredited and weakened by the h Jews in i almost every part of the those nations who seek by their in- which all should aspire is a unified gram, refreshments were servedpeople. But Jewry has another desthe developments of the past week world. tiny. In every generation there rise immane treatment to extirpate a race world, united for peace, for cultural that his assurances on anything no It is a tragedy, is it not? that it within their borders which has made and spiritual and moral development up brave spirits who fight such evil longer carry weight. The real batshall be compelled to be an organiza- contributions to the detriment cultur- and for the enjoyment of all of those decrees c^-i frustrate them. This at tle is between the Fascist Heimwehr comforts of life so essential in this A new scroll of the Torah, a gift to tion of this character. Is it not a con- ally and otherwise of those nations. once is the message of the feast of of Prince von Starhemberg, ostensible materialistic world. honor the memory qf the late Chaim demnation of the professions of ChrisPurim to' Jewry t6day.' It seems as if we have lost our sanThe annual Council bridge will allies of Dolfuss, and the Nazis who I plead today for peace as against Michel Gross, will be dedicated at an • tians, and people not of the Christian ity, lost that sense of proportion, that all-community event by the Conserva- faith, that there should be persecu- poise, that should characterize a pro- war, for tolerance against intolerance take the place of the regular meet- held themselves aloof from the recent tive synagogue S u n d a y evening, • tions and all of those evils accom- gressive, intelligent and cultural na- and bigotry. I plead that the people ing of the Council of Jewish Women bloodshed. The Jews can expect litMarch 11. i panying racial hate and animosities tion. "Why should we speak so much of my own country may increase in on Monday, February 26, 2:30 p. m., tle comfort from the Heimwehr, which hardly less anti-Semitic than the The late Chaim Michel Gross, who which make possible, indeed make im- of racial animosities? Why should we the spirit of liberality, which mani- at the J. C, C. There will be a is Nazis, Starhemberg, an erstwhile passed away about a year ago, was perative organizations for the protec- seek to erect barriers between com- fests their disapproval of measures board meeting at 1:30. The, following officers were elect- one of Omaha Jewry's best-known tion and aid of the oppressed and the Mrs. Philip Levey, chairman of associate of Hitler, is credited with that seek to limit the freedom of man ed at the last regular meeting of the older citizens. He came to Omaha in downtrodden" in this and in other ways and means, is in charge of ar- ambitions of imitating the Nazi dicand subject them to ruthless and cruel Deborah Society:rangements for the affair, and more tator and if anti-Semitism would help 1885. He was particularly active in lands ? One would suppose that the persecution. him reach his goal he would not hes' Mrs. K. Tatle, president; Mrs. A. the Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol syna- history which has been such a blot Would it not be a happy world in than one hundred women are ex- itate to unloose his Heimwehr legions Wolf, first vice-president; Mrs. J. gogue, serving as president of that upon peoples of the past shall be the Providence of God if the great pected to attend. A number of door against the Jewish population. Bernstein, second vice-president; Mrs. synagogue for 22 terms. wiped out and exorcised from the prophecies of Isaiah could be fulfill- prizes will be presented, and cards J. Finkel, treasurer; Mrs. .Charles world in the advance of culture, of The Nazis, on the other hand, have ed, when the lamb and the lion would will be followed by an afternoon The Torah is being given by Mr. Boss, corresponding secretary; Mrs. . Rabbi Albert I. Gordon of Minneapcivilization, of that fine spirit of hu-already taken advantage of the crisis lie down together, when man would coffee. and Mrs. Bernard Gross, Mr. and Mrs. Max Fromkiii, financial secretary. Announcement is made this week to intensify their anti-Semitic agitaE. Meyer, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Ku- manitarianism which it is supposed olis, well known for his weekly radio learn the art of war no more, when ' Mrs. A; SchwaczJdn, delinquent lakofsky, Mr. and Mrs. A. Katskee, accompanies civilized and progressive broadcasts, will occupy the pulpit of we would feel a spiritual brotherhood of the appointment of Mrs. Sam Gil- tion. Airplanes have flown over dues' chairman,: ;and her committee Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Gross, Mr. and people. the Conservative synagogue this eve- and when a harm to one, the hum- insky as one of three vice-presi- Vienna, Linz, and Innsbruck, dropcepbrted excellent progress. Mrs. Mrs. Louis Ziev, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. One would suppose that when we ning. He will speak on "The Econom- blest in the world, was regarded as dents. Mrs. Max Holzman and Mrs. ping leaflets inciting the populace to Charles Ross, membership chairman, Gross. pogroms. Crushed and disorganized, have the ^reat heritage of liberty, the ic Future of American Jewry." • ". a harm and an indignity to each of A. D. Frank are others. »nd i e r committee reported eleven Rabbi Gordon is the spiritual leadthe Socialists are reported to be turngreat teachings of great men that us. We are the children of God. He is The dedicatory celebration will be new members during,the last month. divided ing in great numbers to the Nazis pleading for the -unity t>f the world. into A dinner will should blossom in our lives and bear -, Thje .next meeting will be in the be held at 6:30. After the dinner at fruit in all of our ambitions in the in the hope of revenge on Dolfuss He is giving to the hearts of men who forhV of a tea in honor; of all new 7:30 the ceremonies of dedication will world to be brought together that the and the Heimwehr. Capitalizing on seek the vision a better spirit. He is 1 members joining: the Deborah -So* this Socialist hatred of Dolfuss, the days of the primitive man with the seeking to inspire us to higher deeds dety. •• \ " " . . _ .'., J . \ . - take place. in the Omaha Jewish evil passions that too often infected Nazis are assiduously spreading re* of service, such as your organization Everyone The first gathering of all affiliated is performing, deeds of service not groups of the Conservative Syna- ports that Julius Deutsch and Otto community is invited to attend either them, have passed away and that out only to the people of our own land gogue will take place Thursday eve- Bauer, Jewish leaders of the SociaK the dinner or the ceremonies. As the of the darkness into the sunlight of ists, cowardly deserted their combut to the people of other lands. dedication rff the Sefer Torah is so love, and peace and charity and felning, March 1, at a dinner at the rades. As a matter of fact, neither The day has come when we should J. C. C , to mark the Purim festival. unusual, an event and so important in lowship, Mankind was advancing. Deutsch nor Bauer left Austria untii " A: gay: Purim.- Carnival and '•< Masnot be building great walls of separathe religious life of Jewry, a large ;In Germany 600,000 Jews have! Participating in the program of last Socialist stronghold had SUP« querade-Ball will be held. Wednesday representation from all Jewry is ex- been the victims of cruel and malevo-1 tion, but where oceans divide we jolity and hilarity which is promised the rendered. At the same time the So evening, February 28, at the J. C. C', pected. lent laws, proclamations and execu- j should build bridges over which the by the program committee, will be cialists are embittered by the offe*? •under the: sponsorship of the Ladies* tive orders. There has been a recruthoughts, the cultures, the affections, the Junior Conservative girls* group, of support made to the Dolfuss gov* Vaad Auidliary.; „ '•'•;.descence of the spirit of persecution, the best that nations and peoples the girl's study group, the Conserva- ernment by the Jewish War Veterans, •$ Dancing and varied forms of enter? of racial hatred which disgraced forhave may be passed on to those on tive choir, Junior Congregation, and commanded by General Sommer. . tainment are planned. Jack Frieden mer nations, former generations, a rethe other side of the bridge. Unity, the Women's Auxiliary. and his orchestra will play. Keno and crudescence in a land that has given peace, fellowship—that should be the Every impartial observer is of the The Purim traditions and story card games will be provided. A Jewto the world great statesmen, great motto of the people of this land. opinion that Austria is on the verge will be presented in a number of The pupils of the Talmud Torah philosophers, great poets and great ish play will be presented by the OmaThat should be as it is, doubtless, novel ways. The selection of a mo- of going Nazi. If the Heimwehr ha Dramatic society. A bazaar will be and high school department will par- political leaders. ,,'• [••'•'• the motto of your organization, help- dern queen Esther is to take place, organized a coalition with the Nazis held, and Purim refreshments will be take in a Purim festival at the JewOne would suppose that a land that fulness to the oppressed and service and many Conservative Synagogue it will only speed up matters, but ish Community Center auditorium on at one time had such a desire for libBold a la carte. to the members of your organization, members -will be placed on the "grid- whatever happens, the Jews are in Door prizes and prizes for the. best Tuesday, evening, February 27, at erty and virtue and conscience, would iron." Others will see themselves a tight corner. Already thousands and service to humanity. . masquerade - costumes will be award- 8 p . m . . ' . . . . • in "Pictures of the Past." I. Dan- of them have fled the country. Many not relax into a condition, I ishall not On the program will be two Eng- say of barbarism but of a relapse ined. Judges for the latter are Rabbi sky is to serve as master of cere- have crossed into Czechoslovakia. PoRabbi Albert I. Gordon lish Jews resident here have Uri Miller, Mrs. L. Neveleff. and Mrs. lish playlets, "Merry Purim" and to a condition in which hate and ramonies. "The Purim Tale," and a Hebrew cial animosities and •, prejudices be- er of Adath • Yeshururi, the oldest Celia Marko. . . ».•-; : "None will be safe in missing this back to Warsaw. Everywhere in • Admission ' is; thirty -live c e n t s . play, "Esther." came the motivating cause of many Conservative congregation- of the The Omaha Hebrew Club will start dinner, for you cant tell what may Jewish circles there is alarm and The program committee consists political and racial and legislative ac- northwest. Tickets may be obtained from memits series of five open meetings Sun- be said about or of you," Mrs. doubt. The "wildest sort of rumors bers of the Auxiliary or by calling of Mrs. :M. F< Levenson, chairman; tivities. •••'-.•-••.'•:: For the past three years Rabbi Gor- day afternoon, February 25, at the J. Phineas Wintroab, program chair- are current but the ironclad censorship makes it impossible to deMrs, J. M. Malashock, Mrs. Dave Mrs. N. H. Greenberg. Six hundred thousand men, .women don has been broadcasting every Sun- C. C man, warns. The di'tner IB open to ip h , Mrs. A. Schwaczkin, general chair- Greenberg, Mrs. Morris Margolin, and children of a race that had made day afternoon at 5 p. m. over station and their friends at a The feature Sunday will be an ad- all members termine the exact situation. man, is being assisted by Mesdames Mrs. Harry Trustin and Mrs. Jack important contributions to German WCCO. His broadcasts have attracted dress by Dr. Mbrris Margolin, on the nominal fee. Members of the Aux- ican Jewish students have also quit Louis Neveleff and Leon Mendelson; Bramson. culture and German civilization and much favorable comment from all practical side of preventing and treat- iilary, under the direction of Mrs. the country. Those Jews who h M. M. Barish, president of the Tal- German advancement o s t r a c i z e d , parts of the country, and he receives ing "Diabetes." Dr. Margolin is In B. A. Simon and her committee, will determined to remain have organized Mrs. N. H. Greenberg* tickets;. Mrs. William Milder, costumes; Mesdame.- mud Torah who wJll preside: Tues- abased, maltreated, thousands In con- hundreds of letters weekly. For one charge of Diabetics at the University prepare and serve the dinner. Re- a self-defense corps to protect the servations may be made with mem- Jewish quarter of Vienna ir- the event Louis Epstein, T. A.; > TuUy, Dave day, has requested that the members centration camps and hundreds of year he devoted all of his broadcast- of Nebraska dispensary. Crounse, bazaar; Mesdames: H. Mar- of the Talmud Torah Board of Di- thousands robbed and exploited and ing to expounding the part the Jew- A musical program will also be pre- bers of the telephone committee, or of pogroms. In the provincial cities cus, N. Levinson and D. B. Epstein, rectors and the members of the De- subjected to inhumane cruelties that ish people played in the making of sented. Member* and friends are in- with. Mis. Harry Silverman, reserva- the Jews are more exposed and many l tion chairman. of them are hurrying to Vienna. refreshments. ' \. . " can scarcely be described. Many of America. vited. ; borah Society attend.
Highland's Annual Meeting Tuesday
Annual Council Affair at Center on Monday
'Radio Rabbi"Will Preach Here Tonite
Conservative Purim Festival Thursday
Auxiliary's Purim Ball Wednesday
Talmud Torah to Celebrate Purim
Dr. Marg-olin to Talk Before Hebrew Club
Sisterhood Current Topics
Jewish Workers Alliance
The membership drive of the local "The Suppression of Socialism— branch of the Jewish National WorkShall Fascism Rule?" will be the subers' Alliance is continuing under the ject of Rabbi Frederick Cohn's next direction of Joe Radinowski and M. lecture Tuesday morning at 10:30 a. Minkin. pected to respond to an appeal to m. at the Blackstone. This will be The Alliance is active in the work their, philanthropic instincts. Many a thq eighth of a series of ten lectures By the Service Life Insurance of the American Jewish Congress. It Jew who has apparently lost all dis- given under the auspices of the TemCompany, Omaha is also active in Jewish National Fund tinguishing Jewish traits still retains ple Sisterhood. this one of a predilection for charity. Mrs. Samuel E. Gilinsky is in Have you ever thought of life in- work, and "participates in every Jews among themselves are severely charge. surance as a plan through which you movement helping to strengthen Jewcritical of their own generosity. They could create not only "tomorrow's pay ish life." feel, no matter how much money has checks" but a continuous stream of Over 5,000 children attend the Junior Pioneer pay checks running through ten, fif- schools sponsored in this country by been raised, that the sum should have teen or twenty years? been larger. They are likely to asthe organization. These schools give sert that their reputation for phil- A regular meeting of the Junior This is really what life insurance a modern Jewish education. anthropy has been grossly inflated. Pioneer club was held Tuesday eve- can do because life insurance, with Indeed, there is a common saying ning at the J. C. C. Several new its mighty hand, stretches out into An unusual affair is being planned By Rabbi Milton Steinberg as restrained and as cleanly as the | a dazzling prospect unfolds itself. It among Jews that there is only one members were admited into the or- the future five, ten, fifteen, twenty for the evening of April 1 at the J. C. poples among whom he was reared. is natural that, like a starved man thing about which two Jews will ganization. The guest speaker was years or even for a lifetime and gath- C. by the Jewish National Workers' a banquet board, he exhibit some agree—and that is how much the Mr. Bondarin. ers in the future salary checks of a Alliance and the Poale ion. In this article Rabbi Steinberg, Last of all, it should be remem- at measure of eagerness. bered that the Jew is the product third Jew should contribute. For A playlet was presented by the man, cashes them, and places the All friendly organizations have been one of the younger members of the Conservative rabbinate, discusses the of a civilization other than that The ostentation of the Jew is also all of this self-criticism there is much Misses Rose Kaplan, Sis Katskee, and money in one great heap. After hav- requested to keep this date open. ing done this, a life insurance policy character of the modern Jew and which bred the American or British the result of a release.' The plump valid reason. But the fact that the Merriam Lieb. outlines the changes which take Gentile. He is, to be sure, demon- Hebrew matron bedecked with dia- extent of Jewish philanthropy has The first benefit affair of the like a guardian angel, is placet place in this character as the in- strative and emotional; he does ges- monds and the elaborate home of the been exaggerated does not militate organization will be held early in around these earnings and the life in Hadassah Book Review dividual becomes further removed ticulate more than the Anglo-Saxon; Jewish parvenue have long been the against its very real intensity. April. The committee arranging for surance company guarantees their distribution just as you would distrib he does talk vehenmently and laugh butts of satire, good-humored or maMrs. Louis Sogolow and Mrs. Louis from the ghetto. This study of the The ancient rabbis of the Talmud the benefit includes Goldie Fish, ute them if allowed to live. 1 or cry readily. But the society from licious. But here again it should Adler -were co-hostesses at the meetJen is published by- special arrangechairman; Sis Katskee, co-chairman; asserted that the Jews were the Creating enough capital to guaran- ing of Book Review group No. 2 of ment with the ' Bobbs-Merrill Com- which he came did not disapprove of be remembered that the Jew has just "rcercful sons of merciful fathers." Helen Lipsman, ^lara Kaplan, Nancy these traits. The American traveler tee the paying of these salary checks Hadassah Tuesday afternoon at the stepped out of abject poverty, directly pany » publishers of Rabbi SteinAside from his charities, the Jews Soref and Rose Kaplan. berg's "The Making of the Modern who visits Italy is interested; in the from the ghetto to freedom. Lake who is still under the influence of The chapter will be known as to one's family is a slow and tedious home of Mrs. Sogolow. process. Most men work a lifetime at colorful demonstrativeriess of the all nouveau riches, he is proud of Mrs. David B r o d k e y reviewed "Hashochar" (the dawn.) Jew." the job of creating a sum of capital "Transition" by Will Durant. Italian on his native soil. He is not his unwonted possessions.' They daz- the traditional way of life tends as THE EDITOR. offended at the fact that Italians talk zle him and he likes them to dazzle a whole to be a kindly person. Jews only to find old age just ahead while rapidly, use their hands sweepingly others. They are his insignia of suc- conjnit a disproportionately small hand in hand with the deprecation they are far from their goal. Time flies over us, but leaves its No accusation is more commonly to illustrate their points, greet each cess before his fellow Jews, the only number of crimes of violence. They of manual labor. This contempt for Men have no guarantee that life leveled against the Jew than that of other effusively and laugh whole- means he possesses by which to im- indulge rarely in the more cruel physical toil has been carried over and earning ability will be extended shadow behind.—Hawthorne. crudity. It is widely asserted that heartedly. On his return to America press the Gentile, of whose ill-con- •sports. They have a cultivated aver- to the modern scene. As a result, over the normal span and without Jews are noisy, dirty, and vulgar, he is likely to characterise the Ital- cealed dislike he is acutely con- ision to war. It is significant of the Jews today engage either in the pro- such a guarantee, the job of creating J abiding influence of medieval Jew- fessions or in business. They be- capital sufficient to take the place of that they are naturally not "nice" ian as a quaint person, refreshingly scious. JOHN FELDMAN people to be with. These charges unrestrained. But when he observes All of these traits, vulgarity, cru- ish ethics that Jews are rarely come laborers unwillingly, under the earning ability becomes extremely dif- Announces that he is now engaged lash of necessity. But for all its ficult. are not made by Gentiles alone. One the same Italian exhibit the same di'y and ostentation, are largely con- I soldiers by profession. In the business of selling all kinds often hears Jews indulging in the colorful abandon on an American fined to the first or second gener- But of all the traits which the perhaps unfortunate consequences, Literally speaking, no one buys life of RELIGIOUS ARTICLES — Talluxury of criticizing themselves in street he takes offense and, with no ation of emancipated Jews who still modern Jew has inherited from hid the intellectual tradition of the insurance. What one really does, is to eisim, Rooks, Jewish Riblea in Hejust this fashion. show of logic, condemns all Latins as bear the impress of the old order. past the strongest is his intellectual- ghetto has made the Jewish group use life insurance to create a cash brew and English. Also Hatzos and A love of books, a respect for culturally creative far beyond its estate which can be returned to either PassoTer Articles. For each of these impressions there unrefined. The Jew adapts himself quickly. With ism. Res. C09 So. 50 St. GL. 2972 scholarship persisted among numbers. Without the medieval back- himself or his family in the form of is some valid basis in fact. The the passage of time he grows accus- Jews since ha The analogy to the Jew is exact. ground of the modern Jew the world medieval days—except Downtown Office—118 So. 17th ghetto quarters of modern cities are the ghetto, which also had its tomed to his new liberties and op- that the books are now different, might be without a Bergson, a Bran- continuous salary checks. Xaffe Printing Co. JA. 0770 not distinguished even for that meas- In and proprieties, it was portunities, to his possessions and the scholarship lies in other realms. deis, a Freud, a Wassermann, an Halifax, N. S.—A substantial ure of cleanliness which poverty al- delicacies Pesaeh Articles Hdots. for granted that hands had privileges. He loses his aggressive- The Talmudist now becomes a scien- Einstein. shipment of oranges was to arrive lows, nor is the Jewish group free taken SOSKIFS BUTCHEK SHOP their place in speech, that conver- nese and his otentation, he gradually i tist or a man of letters, and to • his from Palestine. It will be admitted 1652 North 20th from boisterous individuals blessed sation was to As the objectionable characteristics WE. 5450 drops those traits of his life which new efforts he brings the same spirit be intense. Much of with raucous voice and shrill laughs, the supposed crudity of the Jew is clash with his environment. He takes of the group tend to be erased by by the -Canadian government dutyTo be sure, the most that can be due to just this fact, that one so- on the mores, the amenities and the of consecration with which once he intimacy with a new environment, so free. said accurately is that some Jews ciety considers gauche what another color of the general scene. This proc- .ipproached the Hebrew tome. Even also do the traditional Jewish virare crude or vulgar, unclean or brash, | (ociety regards as in perfectly good ess of adaptation is clearly percep- the emancipated Jew has spent his tues. The longer the Jew lives in in a home where his father the world, the less he exhibits the or that the Jewish group suffers dis- taste. tible when one contrasts the first ycuth studied and where both his parents vices of excellences of his background. proportionately from such failings geieration of German or Russian But if this be true, it is because his- Closely related to the social crudi- Jews in America with the second or impressed him with the importance His family life, subjected to the same tory and circumstance have made ties of the Jew is his aggressiveness. third. Eventually the Jew becomes of education. When he left the influences as work upon the Gentile We carry all kinds of coal and every grade The Jew is an ambitious and self-asglietto he carried with him a standard it so. sertive person. Many an American [totally indistinguishable in external of j values. In the universities of Eu- home, tends to lose its unusual unity, of coal. Our prices are as low as any. divorce becomes increasingly freThe ghetto, it should be remem- Gentile refuses to employ Jews for characteristics from his Gentile felquoted by local coal dealers. All we ask rope he took his learning seriously. quent, the abnormal affection of the bered, is for many Jews just one just this reason. The Jew is too lows. for is a trial order. He bequeathed this same reverance clan is toned down to a normality. generation removed. The East Euro- buoyant to be confined to a minor the past of the Jew accounts for knowledge to his children after Charity ceases to be a major ideal, pean Jew especiall has just emerged | position. It is said that as soon as forButof some of his obvious failings and him. it receives r. place more nearly akin from it. Its influences are still to he is hired he has already set his weaknesses, it accounts also for his jAs a result of this inherited ideal to that which it holds in general sob= discerned in him. He is not overly heart on being president of the firm, major virtues. modern Jew whoJews have flocked to universities, ciety. clean because no medieval society, or that when he comes to know the is still close toThe 13th and Nicholas AT. 4444 the medieval pattern thsey have tended naturally to crowd Jewish or Gentile, was especially con- business he will refuse to remain a [inherits a complex of He drops even his intellectual inethical values David Sherman, Propr. cerned with external cleanliness, be- minor executive, that he will launch which is a direct result of centuries the professions to the point of suf- tensity. To any close observer of cause the abject poverty and perse- his own competitive business. That of purposeful indoctrination. focation. With such an impulse bethe Jewish world it is immediately Thus hind him it was inevitable that the cution of the Pale made the amen- the charge is grossly exaggerated he is, generally speaking, a sober apparent that each successive genities of life appear inconsequential is perfectly apparent. Thousands of jand a,temperate person. His family Jew become a brilliant figure in con- eration is less and. less passionate Where Omaha Shops With Confidence I in the presnee of the struggle to live. Jews remain put in minor offices. ilife is likely to be strong- and in- temporary literature,-science and art, about learning, that reverenec for No Gentile, if he could Bfe trans- Indeed, it is an interesting contradicthat he produce : scholars, authors, erudition fades away with time. Jews 5e. The relationships between professors and a large share of the ported to the streets of a city of ion in the American psychology that of the second generation tend generhusband and wife, between, children winners of the Nobel Prize. the Middle Ages, would expect to lie ambition of the Jew should be ally to be less abnormal as students discover modern standards of hy- elt as a failing. For to the Amer- and parents, are close and affec- From certain angles this intellect- than those of the first. By the third SIXTEENTH AT FAKNAM gienne. The Jew is a fragment of .can mind aggressiveness and the tionate. Jewish ^families tend to hold ual bias of the Jew has been un- or fourth generation after emancipatogether against divorce and against a fast fading medievalism injected spirit of the go-getter are prime Spring Suits, Dresses and Coats [natural disintegration. A fine spirit fortunate. I t has led to a peculiar tion the violent impulse towards into the modern world. virtues. But this is not the only of mutual helpfulness dominates the lack of balance. The Jewish group bocks and toward the professions is That Have Everything The very lands from which Jews instance of a cast of mind which has today more of its youth in the laigely dissipated. This, in brief, come have their share in determining 'inds fault with the Jew for a trait typical Jewish home. professions than society can absorb. is the total effect of emancipation these distasteful characteristics. The fvhich is approved when it appears Jews as a class are charitable. A secondary impulse has contributed on Jewish character; it takes on They have been schooled in generJew who has spent his early life in in non-Jews/ the coloring of its enviosity for generations. They give lib- to this result. For in the medieval completely Poland, in Russia or Roumania, ronment, it acquires the virtues and ghetto, where the handicrafts were Imported Tweed erally to help their less fortunate brings with him to a Western coun- The ambition and aggressiveness impossible in any event, the glori- vices of the background against which fellows, their social service is of high if the Jew, where they exist, are try not only the influences of the fication of the intelectual life went it moves. ghetto but the influence of his na- jqually products .of .the Jewish past. caliber and they can generally be zxtive scene. He is generally as quiet, The Jew has from necessity learned to be industrious and resourceful. He transmits his own earnestness by preA. Z.A.1 cept and example to his children. [Especially when he is. suddenly freed Ernie Nogg has been elected._ a3 from inveterate restraints does he delegate of the Mother chapter to ;the assert himself. .In the lands from international A. Z. A. convention, to which he came he had no opporbe held in July at Washington. tunities at all. In Western countries Final plans'are being completed for Others—$22J)0 an A. Z. A. novelty party March -10. to $79.75 : The committee in charge' includes These minimnm prices (called Massie Baum, chairman; Ben Shrier, for and delirered) will be in efArt Weiner, Ernie Nogg, and Al Rim- fect for only a short \. time > merman. longer.
Mommxm Charts
Suits and Coats
Ladies Labor Lyceum The Ladies' Labor Lyceum club held its twelfth anniversary banquet on February 18, at the Labor/Lyceum, 22nd and Clark. The members of the organization wish to thank/those tak ing part in the concert and those wh' prepared the meal.
Men's Suits ..._.75c; Dresses ....C.:...'.i...;..75c ] Overcoats;..,.. ; s J75c
SEE HIVE CLEANERS H. MARCUS, Prop.? 1941 Vinton JA. 1440
HERE IS SAFE REFRIGERATION And it's another Grunow miracle. When you see this beautiful new G R U N O W w i t h safe Carrene and with every wanted
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Tweed Coats. Everyone is wearing them. Gorgeous Cactus Green, Heather Blue, Mellow Gold in three newer styles. The Reefer, the Swagger, the Norfolk in Polo.
There's Nothing Smarter for Spring Than Navy and White
Two and three pieces. Some with the short and long swagger coats. Vestees, Smart Dresses with Coats in an alluring combination of mixtures in sizes 12 to 44.
The Coats
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18 Floor
iiinHiiiiiiiiituiinniiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiuiiiiiu: /not ;yet-been ritsfaarrea, xmH local legal
Omaha Hebrew Club. 1 New Tort:—Three hundred pounds of xurdfis ^are zxevorcing on "their HXES Tuneral services were held Honday! of anti-3evrish anfl anti-Catholic littrying /to ifind the explanation -. ,. .» y I afternoon, with Eabbi Frederick j erature were totmd on tire North GevANECDOTES s LjHagda Xapescu, Humanian Xing Car1 ! Cohn officiating. Burial was atniani.loyii freigiiter, "Este, wiren raldfrom 2 i *i'-s favorite, will soon regale thejeadA 3neethig of_the Board of Gorer- {Tischsr's cemetery. jed by customs officials, ~E! «*s of san d&merican /newspaper chain jnars nf the Taad S a i h r will b e ' — — _____—. . sEfwiih ihe_ story jjf i e r iife. with TOYt held at the Bnai Israel synagogue, | i«3SS§£ SDEFICIEKT := -alty....'.-. Xatest ./Einstein story: "When 118th and Chicago, Monday evening"! ig| In a gmnii southern "town, a Jew de-lat 8 p. m. s i sculptor Jo Davidson came around to j jg< Atier School ike Mliren will he hungry. Id Ity JEHIKEiLS J . 3flBOJf Members -of the coroinunrty are adcided the best /thmg /ior /him would be j Featured will be the installation S», TTTflkft .a .bust nrf vised t o contact t h e federation offices FJIUIUlUUmilHUUUimmiUimiUIIIUUiTj world's greatest scientist expressed to become a convert to Methodism, j Q* the newly-elected commissioners.' SwmhaDe all the luiter before :answEring ^relief pleas of .or"When he went t o the minister far the jlmpartant business will be discussed, some misgivings TELLING THE 1TOKLD ganizations or individuals, on -.a statebust would be beantiful—but would conversion ceremony, the pastor said: j including an amendment to the conthey want ment issued by Benry Monsky, IFeder-. 3sfardic j&ldous Huxley, the Unglish ! not all ihat day make ,an /awful "What name do you want to adont j stitution. author, tells all who wish t o know l a t h d i t " ? " uiion vice-president. I in the house? . - , . "Which reminds us as a laethodist"?" J Following the business session, Te- , g "The ^Federation," joe jdeclared, that "a country's first need is good I that one of the score of -/students who "Wesley," was the immediate ;freshments will be served. brains, not blue .fives" . ... Humor has "has at its command information perhave been admitted to :the ^Brafessors reply. \ taining to various brackets' and track- it .that Adolt (by! a misprint!) Hit- Institute for Advanced -Study started "John Wesley!" the astounded pasler is going t o ban ~the DberammerI eteers' and lis /pleased /and jeady to out t o be a rabbi many years -ago, but tor exclaimed. "Why that -name" He give all available "information about gan Tassion H a y on account of.some- turned -to srientffurnursaits before he was "the founder of our sect.". individuals or organizations seeking body told nim that Hesus, the central completed his theological rourse "Entirely unabashed the convert exh character of /the drama, -was -a, Jew. relief funds:" plained: SaDcover, who holSs -He is -Numerous /reports iave been re- . .... Does this mean that the 1934i an /associate prnfessorship at 'It's this way. 3Iy name now i s Ja- X Uathan, 50, of S55S Dodge ceived by tne federation for cheeking model zanti-zSemites are going "to drop "versitv of frmfrrrnrmcob Warshawsky and if 1 call myself street, passed away -February /18, a t that well-worn argument: "Jews kill-purposes. John "Wesley 3 won't have to change a local hospital following a short Christ"? : The Jesuits of such P E E I S H T H E T H O U G H T .As an illustration, just this month ed the initials embroidered on my shirts, illness. He had "been a grocer in step should be interesting to oban individual irom INew "York sent a aserve najamns and handkerchiefs." "No, Mdishele, the Josef Xipski who Om^hn for more than o3 ^ears. . . And what is going to -hap- signed that non-aggression -pact with circular letter "to Omaha stating that pen t ». ihe * * .* fiurviving are his widow, HattK; consul at Seattle, &e Nazis on behalf of the Polish govhe had started an emergency relief whose officeGerman one daughter, Josephine; two sons, i s a paid subscriber t o PIGS J S PIGS committee for the refugee German ernment, i s .no. relation to our own 1 Julian and Paul, all of Omaha; six Jews and -was seeking aid icrr them. the local English-Jewish sheet, the Xouis Xipsky INar "will Uoris IMeyer Finkelbanro was brought up!brothers, Morris and ~Hax of JJewr Jewish Transcript? . ... nothing less ure That the Butter You Buy Is He wanted iunds and the names and Skvrrsky need to continue /paying rent "York' City, "William of Erooklyrv ly permittefl hhn addresses of prominent Omahans "who than the thunderbolt of Thor wiill suf- ior his old "Washington headquarters his father .oc Samuel and Charles of Omafice to punish such perfidy ..''.. .. In now -that the Hussian .Embassy is De-to go to the movies. On one visit to might be interested. and one sister, 3ttrs. Sarah ArPennsylvania, on the other hand, Jew- j cease pro- the local theater the feature was Walt As soon as the matter was called to ish leaders axe planning to give their i caneellation in the event of Disney's famous "Three Xittle Pigs." : . the attention of the Federation, a In the middie of the picture ten-yearxnll^support t o ^ o r g e H. Earle, "OS. ! J £ ~ £ £ , ' ^ g ^ Z of -tte V~B. query "was dispatched to Hew "York tions, mchiding -fee old lUeyer got up and Avalked out. Cuand resultefl in the information that minister to Austria, when he runs /for H. . .,. l^or is there the slightest TTal- xious to :knowwhy a youngster should the 3v.eystone State governorship on mudic ^sanction for the Tecent ruling the individual was a charity case in the /regular Democratic ticket leave before the picture was over, the ^Neww "York and was using this means This because of Mr. Earle's courage- of New Tork's Supreme Court Justice manager questioned Meyer: Schmnck to the effect that a husband to obtain money ior the ^personal use ous stand, in the /face of official re- j '•'What's the matter; dont you like ^^~~~ ~^ \ may kiss a woman other than nis of himself and his family. bukes "from "Washington, on anti-iem- _ _ ^ j ^ ^ . ^ •Qiei:e i n j y ^^cose ior J. X. itism in Austria Though our dip-Uraft, of cheese /fame, or /for Fiddler "Oh, the picture's all right, but 1 lomatic service will suffer a loss when Eritz IKxeisler, both of whom picked dont like the cast," 3Ieyer aecbarefl.: JUT. Earle leaves it ior the ^political the Uazi /craft "Bremen" i o r their reHeld, the home folks will be the bain- cent trans-Atlantic crossing ^ o r (Copyright 1934 by Seven Arts Teaexs. tore Syndicate) will movie star ^Francis Ifiderer, whose name .is now being linked with The 3B*nai Jacob synagogue, .24th Governor and ISfes. -Herbert B . Xeh- that of flicker queen Joan Craw/ford, i and ^Nicholas, celebrate its twenthat being. ty—iifth .anniversary march 4. I t man intemrpted iheir lunch the other everplay :p in a war picture, p "was .a • guarter of -a century ago "that day to help extinguish a fire in the against his pacifist convictions "ibis orthodox synagogue -was built. Executive :mansion:at Albany . . . The- Nor would Francis have been sure of A supper "will be held Sunday, ologian Dr. Cyrus Adler, -whose op- a chance to make his name in Amermarch 4, a t 6:30 n . m. at the syna- ponents declare him to be a grim and ica if Hepresentative Samuel Dick- IHrs. ^Rose Alperm, d , a ^esiflent gogue. All -members are invited to unyielding personality, -not only has stein's bill limiting the entry of alien off Omaha for the past Ivventy—eight attend, There will be no admission been known to burst into melodious actors had been a law just a few •yjears, ^jassed away Fehroary 15 -at song when among intimate friends, years ago. her home, 2214 Webster street. charge. but lias a name as one of America's She is survived by i e r husband, An linteresting program is liemg David; three daughters, Mrs. X ^arranged, Details "will be announced greatest connoisseurs of good spir- THESE its .. .. -. Such are the advantages of Paul Xawits, -Broadway cohmmist, of Omaha, Mrs. H . J . "Whitelater. being brought up to make Ixiddush in was the good Samaritan "whose radio book of Xos Angeles, and /Mrs. 3. 3L the good old-xashioned way . — Isi- appeal the other day brought a miss- Pogel of CheygTme, "Wyo^ and by twt> dore Xubin, though known to but few, ing girl back to i e r anxious parents sons, Isidor of Chicago, and Maurice g h Xeila JHyams, of the screen, has of Omaha. is the T brain truster t o whom Funeral services were held Friday to the drafting of that epoch-making ming test far life, guards afternoon, with Puibhi Tfri IHfller Xevy of Paris, sugar magnate, has anIBen IPolikov, 06, died Weanesday at insurance bill . . - Part-American officiating. Burial was in Golden IT yoa xnuU t& Aiaddm1* lamp 3aame, 1521 North -20th street, fol- "Onion Director Dr. Xeo Howe, back 3nounced that b.e'5 rthrough backing Hill cemeterv. yon xanUift xonjme up a ttmr jptduee m ^nor <*mh "-lowins a one-iweek illness. irom South America, /reports thai! films* . . ^. experience i <„-. -r,wrth -, „ T,^^^,, i '^E P are not essential in subproduction of "Emg Pausale havmg | B ^fattion xhaasL" Inetr 3nomiiuai% and -3e as survived "by his widow, Eva; high i a t s white-hairetl President George 331utwo daughters, 3Hrs. Zena Cutler and equatorial diplomacy, while the cli- convinced him that as a business en- menthal lL jff dll Carmm faAbm ^er Spring, "taJiB the Metropolitan Ittusemn IVIiss Gloria Tolikov; a son, Abe, a mate makes straw lids much more terprise sugar is sweeter . . . Fiddler of Art isofjjlannmg to niarry a lady .sister, HHrs. S. Cohn, all of Omaha. comfortable than the more iorma! Efrem Zimbalist loves to track down rfamiliar to fremisnters of the npper . "We understand that Tir. jfirst and limited -editions 3?uneral services were Jaeld iate headgear literary and social strata ~. . .. And ly /illustrated books . . ... Which "Wednesday, with burial at Golden Hill distinguished Economist calls the /remark ascribing to Mischr. | that reminds us of another gHntleman cemetery. ._•-•..; heard .that Efrem "had |.^by the name xg . J51mnentfaal, "who a little -puzzled -at the .•mamifiT in Efanan-whenhs a hall for his praciichig -. . - \ nearly a dscade ago i a d SL job ss which American Zionists dropped nim hired QuotiilMischa: *!He just wanted to get jProducer Oscar Hammerstein's gensrafter i i s return irom ^PalestmE some xised t o flaying t o an empty house.*' J al manager and a bank account that years ago as a member of the Ex- . . . . Ernest Eloch's musical setting /far (amounted to five million dollars..,« The TIntTkvoh - Pioneer club, at a perts' Survey commission . . . The the doorman in special aneeting Iield Tuesday evening, s Service will nave its American pre- way theater. decided to sponsor a xush tea a t "the more miere -at Carnegie "Hall, Sew ^Toik, Green Garden "Tea Hooms ~&e latter confirmed Zionist. right /after the Tesach nolidays ,; .. .' (Dqpyiight 1934 by ^even Arte Ijart of March. A cultural -program is THE HOSE -tore Syndicate) ; iereabauts i s :£he 3nrmoT that 'planned. should X e s g Utasenwald,, Tyou Xessing Thejnext meeting will be know, -lived in ZEhiladelphia because he 3issday svennig a t the home of -Mrs. feared that if i e ishould stay in ChiChaTles Hermanson. cago he would groihrough life merely as ~ihe son of Julius Utosenwald -,....; Xessmg, incidentally, .attends i o Ms FM Beta EpstLon correspondence by marking letters xeceived '^"es" or '?No" or t]Will take Tlie ?i1nmTii association of Phi TBeta up biter," leaving the framing of "ihe Epsilon fraternity elected "the follow- answer t o Ms efficient secretary .. ing ofiacers ^rtiiheir last ^regular meet- Xoung Thomas Stern, son of J. Daing: Al IFox president; William Stal- vid, Jiew Tork and Philly newspaper master, ^rice president; Aaron Teflis, publisher, is a dramatic critic on one Hecretary. The outgoing men who have Xsiilore lEresel, of dad's papers held the ^respective offices are Nate the 6!rtninutive Hew York "lawyer who Gilinsky, Al Fox, and Dr. Xeon Teli- once gave Max Steuer a headache and oym. who now is himself suffering from migraine as a xesrilt of nis ^connection with the defunct Dank of U . S., has Jx.
JH&SKffiEUEFt Everwfee
Present Thee
-At the -Tcgrfttrr :meeting of the Junior ^V-aad Auxiliary 'held Tuesday, Anne Gorelick, Sarah Goldberg, Huth 3Iarks, Jean Gendler and Jeanette Uodinsky wsre voted in as members. ^Special Sunday Uinner fjae -Junior Waad will.^iarticipate i n 9 Gonrses T^iad AnxiHaTy night, Friday, March .2, and will ;be represented in a symCOSHER 50e pos7;iim by Sarah German, IMarian to "W ienberg ana Dora Fxeshman. WOWL 33r. "Victor Xeraie afldressed the 65c Tlunior T/aad groups at a joint meeting which followed "Hie individual busSpecial Childxeii'B TPlate iness sessions. J A . S393 TUTS. X. Neveleff aria TSIrs. IS. IH. :2±0C-Eaniain GTeenberg -were lipstesses at :a tea which followed :the ^program.
At ;•. tmeetliig .cJ the Uoung • JudaBa. at -the J. C. C. iFebraary 3 i , nommittces for -&e :yBar were npiiointed. An Important -meeting vwill be "Iield on Sunday, ^February 2a, tat tthe J. C. C. omd all members are urged to attend.
Tfonng C3rele A legnlar imeeting ixf 'the Wbltaire Toung Circle xhib -was Iield rat ithe J. C. C. 'bost'Thnrsoay. IF^aturaclvwas a discussion on **Is liife Wortfa While?" George Ddlgoff and Aoe Smith were elected t o /represent tths /drib at :anriiversary celebrations of "the De3 JMomes •brandhes. members ^were nrged ix> /hear "the national "Wofkmen?s iCircle -president, JMr. 3 . "Wember^, T-ebrnary "21, /and attend tthe ianguet ;at tthe Xahor Xyceum. Members /are .selling tickets ilar -iite concert to Ibe givEn JMarch '2 -unaer ^he: auspices xH DrancheB 25B, 37ffi /anidi
LOT, 56,
JL MM ^nlly Insured
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In Sunny Italy
The Iron Man of Italy, Mussolini, has again and again frowned upon the anti-Jewish policy of his imitator, Herr Adolph Hitler. Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by By both words and actions 31 Duce has demonstrated that he is My friend writes: "There is an imTHE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY unalterably opposed to such tactics, insisting that anti-Semitism pression that Jews want the earth." is not in any way connected with fascism. 2 6 And I answer him: You'd be surSubscription P r i c e , o n e y e a r - - « • - - - - - - " $«* In Mussolini's councils and in his cabinet, in many official prised to know how little I do want. A d v e r t i s i n g r a t e s furnished o n a p p l i c a t i o n capacities in Italy are to be found Italian Jews. That Mussolini's In fact, it has come to pass that -when I hear of another Jew ascending to attitude on this subject is unchanged is to be found this week in prominence, E d i t o r i a l Office: 490 B r a n d e l s T h e a t e r Building. I get rather frightened, his confirmation of the appointment of several Jewish scientists as and I ask, "Is this good for us?" Sioux City Office—Jewish Community C e n t e r DAVID B L A C K E R - - - - - Business a n d M a n a g i n g E d i t o r members of the National Research Council, including Professor I am ashamed of. these apprehenEd t0 I, who should be proud of the P R A N K R . ACKERMAN - - - - "„"" } * Marco Almagia, for the biological council; Giorgio Levi for the sions. grandeur of one of my people, find FANNIE KATELMAN - - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent industrial council; Camilio Levi for the chemical council; and the cause in it for vague fears lest its ANN PILL - - - - - - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent Print Shop Address: 1307 Howard Street light attract the attention of our enfamous surgeon, Maurizio Ascoli, for the medical council. lest they say, "There's another In retrospection, since the founding of the Fascist status in emies; Jew getting up in the -world." Italy there have been a number of Jewish Italians who have been Do I want the earth? Aye, I stand close associates of II Duce. Professor Giorgio del Vecchio was trembling on the little portion of the earth that is mine, shrinking into the one of the founders of the Fascist party. Georg Anselmi and shadow, only to be let alone; Isaiah Levi were among Mussolini's closest advisers. Guido Jung, to be let wanting alone in the sense that other Italian minister of finance, is Jewish. Giacomp Cepilli is the people are. They are not set apart by of a racial origin; their chilleader of the Fascist forces in Trieste. In the army and navy, in reason dren, seeking places in the world, do A Heavier Case Load the arts and sciences, in politics and in business the Jewish people not come to closed doors "Jews Despite the fact that conditions economically seem definitely in Italy have continued to be an influential and recognized force. not wanted!" . . on the upgrade, figures released last week for the case load being I do not want even to be loved as a Jew but I do require respect. I have carried by the Family Welfare department of the Omaha Jewish come a long way in the world. I stood Community Center and Welfare Federation reveal that during Call of the Soil at the foot of Sinai and brought you January, 1934, the case load was almost double that of January, Many Jewish residents of urban centers would like to answer the Law, and my brethren were the From the distance of Sinai 1933. Last month the Federation had under its care 146 families, the call of the soil. The Association for Jewish Farm Settlements, prophets. I brought you concepts of justice and involving 530 individuals. sponsor of the agro-industrial colony, which is being established loving kindness and Jesus is my In these statistics is to be found a repetition • to the note near Highstown, N. J., with the assistance of the Subsistence brother. I have lived despite all the deaths sounded before—that the Jewish community through its central- Homestead division of the Federal government, reports that al- that were set against me. I have seen ized Federation must face a broadened social horizon in the fu- ready 1,300 families have applied. The colony will be able to ac- the power of my oppressors crumble ture. The Federations throughout the country must play the commodate only two hundred families, who will be drawn for the as a dust heap falls, but I who was and had no sword, have lived leading role in the reconstruction and rehabilitation of the eco- most part from the needle trade workers of New York and other weak and have given what light was in me. centers of Jewish population. nomic status of many Jewish families. My brother Abraham was a great who looked into the windows A bright spot, however, is to be found in the transient figures. Fe? this experiment, a tract of 1200 acres of land was bought scholar of the universe and understood what The number of transients who were cared for by the local Jewish and plans call for the establishment of the 200 families on indi- he saw. My brother Isaac was a great Federation was shaved by more than half. This is, in all proba- vidual homesteads, each containing a modest house and one to two physician who sought for cures and bility, dijie to the Federal projects like CWA. Only 19 transients acres of land. The government has made available $500,000 for by his hand the lives of multitudes were prolonged. My brother Jacob were cared for by the Federation in January, an insignificant the purchase of the land and the construction of the dwellings. was a musician whose song never has figure compared with the large number aided at the heighth of Each homesteader is to invest $500. A factory, privately financed, perished but has stood as an everthe depression. is to be erected. The factory and a dairy, poultry plant and large lasting inheritance of mankind, David was a philanthropist and Benjamin truck farm are to be operated along cooperative lines. carried bright banners for justice in This experimental colony will be watched with interest. The the world. Blundering Austria Association for Jewish Farm Settlements is now also working out Because of what I and my brothers Confusion hovers over the Austrian scene, as "the smoke of plans for the establishment of colonies near other centers of Jew- have been in the world and because what we are and because of what war clears from the battlefield of civil strife. A ihree-cprnered ish population. Such projects should be encouraged to the utmost, of we have given I demand respect. struggle for control is in prospect, with the political leaders gird- for the conclusion is inescapable that "the movement of Jews to It is little enough. Even were I one long life had been of no meaning themselves for the fight. the soil is beneficial to the whole of American Jewry since it re- whose ing in the world, I as a human being, One outcome, possibly two, seems inevitable. More than duces the disparity between the preponderantly urban and sparse- must not be made to suffer the dis225,000 Jews in Austria are doomed, and it is only a matter of ly settled rural Jewish populations, and thus tends to bring about criminations that have been inflicted upon me. Little do I care that my time until the Nazis control Austria and effect an "anshluss" be- a better and healthier balance in our occupational composition. vanity may not be comforted in all tween that country and Hitler Germany. No matter who wins in your hotels, but I feel deeply the inAustria, whether it be the clerieal-Heimwehr coalition, the fascist sult that says "Jew, keep out!" I who have lived so long am inured T h e y S a y . . . Heimwehr alone, or the Austrian Nazis—the Jews stand to lose. to What hurts me more is that The coalition government of Dolfuss in his appeal over the radio "The poor are always welcome at the National Jewish Hospital thispain. cruelty may be increased against during the fighting urged the people to "stand with us for Dolfuss at Denver."—Mrs. S. Pisko, "mother" of the first and largest na- my children. It sharpens new weapand help us make Austria free, Christian and German." The Dol- tional, non-sectarian, free hospital for tubercular pi' inthelLS. ons for them and organizes its hates. Perhaps, because I have lived so fuss government has chosen the anti-Semitic Heimwehr Fascists long, I expect too much of a world to lean on, and has taken over many of the methods and doctrines whose civilization still is new. I who NEED OF THE HOUR & stood at Sinai and saw God may be of the Nazis in order to keep Nazism from control. Officials high asking more than is to be expected By Joseph Brainin in government circles in Austria state that a number of antiof a world that only recently came It is an old saying that New York is not America. It would out Semitic promulgations are being worked out. of caves and forests primeval. also be appropriate to say that the problems confronting the New Perhaps, then, I require too much Prince Starhemberg heads the Heimwehr, and Frederick T. when I demand respect instead of York Jewish community are not the same as those confronting Birchall, New York Times correspondent, cables from Vienna that cruelty, justice in place of vicious disthe only difference between the Hitler and Starhemberg doctrines ;he balance of the country. While a minority, in New York, the crimination, understanding instead of are those of degree and personality. The Austrian Nazis have Jewish community is playing so dominant a part in the communal prejudice. I want the earth? Oh, if I had openly repeated and reiterated that when they coine into power life that wherever one goes one has the feeling that the Jews are myDoway the earth would be more justthey will adopt the same measures as were adopted in Berlin. The actually a majority in the metropolis. But if one discusses with a ly divided. My brother, the prophet Dolfuss regime is weak, the Nazis are growing in number daily— New Yorker the growing danger of anti-Semitism, one gets the it is only a matter of time, barring unusual developments, until feeling that this is merely a theoretical discussion with no relation to reality. Austria is ruled from Berlin. GEMS of the BIBLE How different the rest of the country! I had occasion to Here is a significant by-product of the civil war in Austria. and TALMUD a number of cities throughout the United States, and to my The government paid no heed to the offer made by General Som- visit By O. O. DASHES I find that the phrase that anti-Jewish feeling is on mer, president of the Jewish War Veterans Association, to fling amazement increase in the United States is no empty phrase. One finds 17,000 Jewish ex-soldiers in the flight on the government side. the a peculiar amongst our friends who claim that we are Though his hatred be concealed The only result was to anger the Socialist workers and make it making toomentality with deceit, his wickedness shall be much noise about the Hitlerite situation. The argu- revealed before the congregation. possible for the government to allege over the government con- ment of those friends runs along* the following lines. "We grant A lying tongue hateth those that trolled radio that the Jewish leaders who participated in the fights- that you have a justified complaint. We acknowledge the bar- are crushed by it, and a flattering ing had betrayed their followers. Such an offer on behalf of the barian policy of the Hitlerite government. The persistent discus- mouth worketh ruin. Jewish ex-soldiers should never have been made. Events so sion of the Jewish issue in this country, however, lips and a wicked heart are has the effect likeSweet an earthen vessel overlaid with shaped themselves that it was obvious that the Austrian govern- of becoming an irritant in many quarters. You have made your silver dross. ment was determined to annihilate the democratic principles protest, so there is nothing else for you to do but simply accept He who blesseth his friend with which alone can guarantee Jewish rights and safety.. The story reality and hope for an improvement in the international interest." a loud voice, rising early in the morning, it shall be counted a curse of other countries should have told these Jewish soldiers that as What these friends of ours, however, forget is the Nazi propa- to him. never before was it necessary for the Jews to align themselves ganda activity in this country. That is why our complaints are with the progressive, liberal forces represented by the Socialists becoming an irritant in our most friendly circles. There is no Once Rabbi Meir, Rabbi Juda and in Austria. The Socialists fought for their liberties to the extent Rabbi Jose were traveling on the that we talk boycott much better than we carry it out. road. Rabbi Meir paid attention to of sacrificing their lives and endangering their families. Yet an question This has been proved by the recent report issued by the American the manner of the innkeepers, but the outstanding Jewish soldier, finding that a grave is being dug for and German Chambers of Commerce, which do undoubtedly and other two did not pay any attention Austrian Jewry, offers a spade to help dig the grave. to it. When they arrived at an inn, undeniably prove that the boycott measure to defeat German ex- they asked the host: "What is thy port trade is a failure. There is also no question that we talk name?" "Kidor," he replied. "I inmuch more, and far more eloquently, than we act. There is no fer from his name that he is a Arab Agitators question whatsoever that we have failed in mobilizing Christian wicked man," said Rabbi Meir. Rabbi and Rabbi Jose intrusted the The Jewish Press and many commentators on Palestine have public opinion on permanent lines and that the American Federa- Juda innkeeper with their purses for safefrequently stated that the vast majority of the Arabs in the Holy tion of Labor is not producing the results we had hoped for. keeping over the Sabbath. Rabbi Meir Land realize the benefits brought to them by Jewish upbuilding not. On Sunday when Rabbi American Jewish leadership has failed to unite on one aggres- did Juda and Rabbi Jose asked the innof Palestine and that the agitators were few in number but lusty sive constructive policy. Funds being raised for the settlement of keeper for their purses, he answered: in lung. German-Jewish refugees in this country are miserab'ly inadequate You never gave them to me." Confirmation of this statement is found in Al Akbar (News) when measured against the need. Funds raised for the relief of Rabbi Meir then said to them: Arabic bi-weekly of Jaffa. Warning the Arabs that they were German Jews in Germany and in those countries wliither they "Why didn't you pay attention to "Why has the master not being misled by "self-appointed and self-interested" leaders, the have fled are insignificant. The Ort Campaign, despite the effec- names?" told us about it?" they replied. Said paper termed Arab leadership "the curse of Allah." tive speech-making by Lord Marley, is not obtaining results which he: "I only say that such a man ought to be suspected, but I could Speaking of the Arab leaders who instigate riots and attempt could materially affect the economic situation of our people in net say with certainty." to dejude the poor people, the paper continues: "They pose as Germany. The American Jewish Committee, the American Jew- Noticing that Kidor had lentils on friencjs, but they are our enemies. From time to time they call ish Congress, the B'nai Brith and the Zionist Organization are still his mustache, they took him to a and intoxicated him with wines. upon ihe population to preserve the peace while they incite against miles apart, although agreements for cooperation have been con- store Then, they went to his wife and told it. Tfiiey are like those who pour gasoline to start a fire, and then cluded in Europe. This lack of harmony is reflected in the pathe- her that her husband had instructed call for water to extinguish it." The article also points out that tic lack of response to the call for a World Jewish Congress. At her to give them their money, and these new effendis cannot be believed, that they are not real lead- no other time in the history of the Jews has this absolute inability to prove their statement they told that on that very day she and ers, and that they are neither noble, learned or rich. Their sole to form a united front presented so sad a picture. Our gesticula- her her husband ate lentils. She gave concern, stated the paper, is "to endanger other people's lives so tions will continue to be futile and tragic until the leaders of them their purses. that they can prove to the government that they are the Arab American Jewry will forget all personal and organizational differ- Consequently, all of them began to strict attention to the name of leaders and men of authority. If one of these leaders is asked for ences and decide to stand on the same platform, having one single apayperson. Later, when they arrived a 100-pound loan, he asks for 30 pounds in interest and that is purpose in mind—that of fighting Hitlerism in Germany and the at an inn whose keeper's name was Bala they refused to stop there. their nationalism. Their weapons are lies, libels and agitation." growing danger of anti-Semitism in this country.
The Week in Review
said it: "Woe unto them that join house to house, that lay field to field, till there be no place, that they may be placed alone in the midst of the earth . . . The mean man shall be brought down, and the mighty man shall be humbled and the eyes of the lofty shall be humbled." I, the Jew, would make an end of the inequity by which a few have been given the earth and all that is in it while the multitudes labor to enrich it for them. I would summon the voices of our prophets that spoke for justice and the voice of Sinai thundering, "Thou shalt not steal" and "Thou shalt not covet." Do I want the earth? I want only justice but not for myself alone. I know that the injustice that I suffer is in one bundle with the injustice that is on mankind. There can be no justice for me where peoples, impoverished and hungrj, are set upon me by their guilty masters; no justice for me in an order based on competitive envy. So, while I demand justice I know I can never have it until there is justice for all other men. You and I are afraid of each other, my friend. You are afraid of me because, since I, the Jew, have lived so long, you think I am more experienced of life than you and, therefore, may have the better of you in this struggle to ex-
ist You are afraid I may take the earth from you. I am afraid of you because, if I am successful, you may despise me. I worry because one of my brethren recently has become secretary of the treasury, because of what you may think to see a Jew go so high. I am afraid of you. I want a righteous world in which men will not be as the wolves in a contest for bones, of which the stronger wolves get the biggest and the most. In such a world you and I will have no need to be afraid of each other and you will feel no need to set up discriminations against me and my children, for fear of us. I will not be afraid of you, as if I were some furtive miser, fearing to display my treasures to you, lest you despise me in your envy. We are really not far apart. For you want the same thing I do: A more just and lovely order. (Copyright 1934 by Seven Arts
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PAGE 5—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1934 several piano and violin selections to be played by Harry and Alice PerelT h e Swan" by Saint-Saens and Miss Sophie Salzer, daughter of man, "Hungarian Dance No. 5" by Brahms. Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Salzer of Cincinnati, 0., became the bride of Rab- A large turnout is expected for the bi David H. Wice of Temple Israel, presentation of the Jewish film, "live and Laugh," at the Central High auditorium March 5 for the benefit of Hadassah's "Give or Get" fund. Mrs. Julius Stein is chairman of the affair. The ticket sale has been very promising. Comedy, drama, singing and dancing are interwoven in an entertaining manner in the picture. The film has many stars, including the late Cantor Joseph Rosenblatt.
Wed to Rabbi Wice
TO RECEIVE SUNDAY Mr. and Mrs. Edward Abrahams will receive at their home, 2115 Pinkney street, on Sunday afternoon, February 25, from 3 to 6 p. m. in honor of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Milton B. Abrahams, who were recently wed in Milwaukee. No invitations have been issued, but all friends are welcome. SIBUfSKX-RUBACK MARRIAGE Mr. and Mrs. Jack Selinsky anBounce the marriage of their sister. Miss Shirley Ruback, to Mr. Harris Sirinsky of 'Chicago on Sunday afternoon, February' 18, at the Selinsky home. Rabbi D. A. Goldstein officiated. During the past two weeks the bride has been entertained by Mrs. Jack Selinsky, Mrs. George Bernstein, Miss Ann Ruback, the Misses Sarah and Cele Stoller, Mrs. N. Monovitz, Mrs. David Bernstein, and Mrs. J. Brookstein.
SACHS-ABRAMSON ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Abramson announce the engagement of their daughter, Libby, to Dr. Maurice Sachs of Chicago, 111., son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Sachs of Detroit, Mich. HORWICH-LAZARUS MARRIAGE Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lazarus announce the marriage of their daughter, Elsie, to Mr. Samuel J. Horwich, son of Mr. Charles Horwich, on August 29, 1933. Rabbi Uri Miller and Rev. A. SchwaczMn officiated- Miss Ruth Leibovici and Mr. Lee Horwich were the attendants. PATEOIJESSES FOR. COUNCIL BRIDGE Included among the patronesses for the annual bridge of the Council of Jewish "Women, to be held Monday, February 26, 2:30 p. m. at the J. C. C, are:
• ' • • • *
Vaad Auxiliary In the absence of Rabbi Miller, the new officers of the Ladies' Vaad Auxiliary were installed by Mr. L Morgenstern at the regular meeting on Monday afternoon at the B'nai Israel synagogue. The officers: Mrs. L. Neveleff, president; Mrs. H. Marcus, N. Levinson and A. Schwaczkin, vice-presidents; Mrs. William Milder, recording secretary; Mrs. I. Elewitz, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Morris Burstein, financial secretary; Mrs. L. Blumenthal, treasurer. Short speeches were given by the officers. Reports on the ball and banquet were given, as well as reports by the chairmen of the standing committees. Plans were discussed for the Purim Carnival to be held Wednesday, February 28. Friday evening, March 2, was announced as Auxiliary Night at the services at the B'nai Israel synagogue. Mrs. Morris Burstein read the story of Purim. The symposium on "The Modern Jewish Woman" was postponed until the next meeting. Purim refreshments were served by Mrs. Louis Epstein and her cohostesses, Mesdames L Elewitz, A. Katz, D. BlumenthaL L Sidman, M. Siegal and J. Goodbinder.
Cities" To Be Reviewed on Monday "Three Cities," by the J e w i s h author, Sholom Asch, is the sixth book in a series of eight to be reviewed by Rabbi David A. Goldstein, Monday evening, February 26, at 8:15 p.m., at the J. C. C. He describes the book as "a panorama of many characters," having its setting in three cities of the old world, Petrograd, "Warsaw, and Moscow. It deals with Jewish aristocrocy, impoverishment of the Polish Jew, and early days of the Soviet revolution. Rabbi Goldstein has also selected the books for the seventh and eighth of his evening book reviews. On March 12 he will discuss two books of Chinese theme, one of Which is "Oil for the Lamps of China," by Alice Tisdale Hobart, and the other "The House of Exile," by Nora Wain. Two current Eugene O'Neill plays running now on Broadway, "Our Wilderness," and "Days W i t h o u t End," will conclude the series on March 26.
Conservative Auxiliary Stories of Purim and how the festival may be observed in the home will feature the Oneg Shabbos to be held Saturday a t the home of Mrs. Julius Stein. Mrs. B. A. Simon is to be co hostess. Purim songs will be sung and Purim traditions fulfilled.
Mesdames Sam Gilinsky, A. D. CONTALESCKG Frank, Max Barish, John Farber, J. Mrs. David H. Wice City Commissioner Harry Trustin is Harry Kulakofsky, William Milder, Mrs. Morris Margolin and Mrs. J. J. convalescing at the Covenant hospital Reuben Kulakofsky, Henry Rosenthal, Omaha, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Greenberg have been appointed repred t from an appendectomy underwent Abe Herzberg, Louis Hiller, Harry Wice, yesterday, at Cincinnati. sentatives of the Auxiliary on the Sunday. Dr. Julian Morgenstern, president Trustin, M. E. Chapman, H. J. AbBoard of Governors of the J. C C and of the Hebrew Union college, officirahams, Morris Milder. Welfare Federation. ENTERTAINS FOR SISTER ated. The closing date for the local playMiss Estelle Gilbert entertained at Mrs. Wice was graduated from writing contest in connection with the a luncheon and bridge for 20 guests VISITOR Northwestern •university, where she national contest conducted by the last Sunday afternoon at the Blact- Mrs. Walter Schimmel of St. Louis was honored with Phi Beta Kappa. Women's League nac been set for Etone hotel honoring her sister, Mrs. is a guest of her mother, Mrs. Dollie She has been assistant to the director April 15 by Mrs. Phiaeas Wintroub, Jawe Rosoff, who was Miss Marie Gil- Elgutter. of the Union of American Hebrew chairman. Flays should be of Jewish bert before her recent marriage. Congregations in Cincinnati. interest, of one act, and run from 30 Mr. and Mrs. Rosoff are living at RETURNS HOME Rabbi Wice was graduated from to 60 minutes. the Blackstone. Mrs. Max Moskovitz has 1returned Washington and Lee university with Golden Hill to her home after spending several Phi Beta Kappa honors. He was also The regular meeting of the Ladies ANNOUNCE BIRTH Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Fink an- days in Kansas City with relatives a member of Phi Epsflon Pi frater- Golden Hfll Society win be held on nity. He is also a graduate of the Henounce the birth of a daughter Sun- and friends. Tuesday afternoon, February 27, at brew Union college. day, February 18, at the Methodist Wednesdays After a short trip, Rabbi and Mrs. 2:30 p. m. at the home of Mrs. D. hospital. UNDERGOES OPERATION Bhnnenthal, 1023 Mercer Blvd. Only will arrive here in time for RabMrs. Sam Nitz underwent a major Wice bi Wice to conduct services at the Om Other Day*—"c operation at St. Joseph hospital Tues- Temple on March 2. SHIRTS—Finished. 8e each Sixty-Eight Books day morning. Daughters of Zion Immediately following the services On Sale at J. C. C. TO CLINICS AT CHICAGO March 2, an informal reception will Be held in the vestry rooms of the The Daughters of Zion are makSixty-eight books remain on sale Dr. M. L Gordon will leave Satur- Temple. Everyone is invited to attend ing arrangements to sell "Shalchalor prices of only a quarter each at day night for Chicago to attend the the services and the reception. manos" for the synagogues. The the joint public rental library of the annual mid-winter clinics of the Chiproducts come directly from Palestine At 2815 J. C. C. and the Omaha Council of cago Dental society. He will return and will be sold for the benefit of BENEFIT BRIDGE PARTY Jewish Women, according to an an- Thursday, March 1. the Jewish National Fund. « A benefit bridge party will be sponnouncement this week by Mrs. Irvin sored by the Ladies' Free Loan sociLevin, Council librarian. These books, ON TRIP from a total of 175 recently popular Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky left ety at the J. C C. Monday evening, 5, starting at 8-. p. m. Refreshbooks originally placed" on B aturoay for New!tJrleans and a ten- March merits will ill be b served and prizes bt ceraber 11 and subsequently are all day trip to Panama. be awarded. Admission will be twenin excellent condition, according to ty-five cents per person. Mrs. Levin, and from the stand- RUSH PARTY points of variety, popularity, and fa- The Delta Kappa dub held a rush Arrangements are being made for vorite choice, offer a real bargain arty at the Green Gardens tea room special entertainment for the affair. HOWAftD«f 16th. -j~ to people who buy them." "ebruary 18. Miss Helen Greenberg *•"*• The variety of subjects treated by was in charge, assisted by Miss Mil- INITIATION BANQUET these books include love, mysteries, dred Saferstein and Miss Pearl Mon- The Creighton university chapter of Pi Lambda Phi, international social romances, humor, adventure and a sky. large number of serious novels, in- The presiding officers of the club fraternity, will hold its annual formal clude Thirteen Men, Promiscuous, are: Miss Alma Feblowitz, president; initiation banquet Sunday, February Show Girl, and Wooden Swords, Miss Helen Greenberg, vice-president; 25 at 6 p. m. at the Fontenelle hoteL Giants Should Be Gelded, The Scor- Miss Mildred Saferstein, secretary; There are three initiates, Abe Katz, Dave Reiss and Louis Singer. The) : pion, Mammon, O Woman 49, Re- Miss Pauline Margolin, treasurer » banquet will feature the awarding of! ; turn I Dare Not, the Silver Fountain, the chapter scholarship cup, given for! Eating is too important a factor The Orchid and the Square Circle, FORMAL SUPPER-DANCE highest scholastic average mainin human life to be treated care•::{\ arc samples of other variety. Many A formal supper-dance, to be giv- the during: the past year; of the, popular authors are included in the i Saturday night, March 3, at the lined lessly or thoughtlessly. oving cup which is given to the ontFontenelle Hotel, will provide the cli- tanding1 pledge of the year, and of Make sure that your foods are WT^* .> The sale will be continued for only max of the social season of Chi chap- he loving cup emblematic of the pure and of the best quality, clean- "••••'••• a short time, and the library there- ter of Pi Lambda Phi, international ouse ping-pong championship. ly prepared and served white still " fore urges visitors to see the books social fraternity upon the Creighton Speakers of the evening will be fresh. S soon. The library, second floor west, university campus. Approximately 50 Frank Lipp, president of the local -';'!;••::\''. J. C. C , is open each evening from couples will attend and Austin Bev- :hapter; Ben V. Smith, the pledgeEating at the Jack and Jill is " 7 to 10 and also on Fridays and ans' orchestra will furnish the dance master of the new initiates; Dave your insurance that you are gety; Sunday afternoons. music. eiss, who will speak for the pledges, ting the best in foods. A committee consisting of Joe Gold- and Ephraim Marks, for the alumnL ware, Mel Sommer, and an alumnus Earl Ross, vice president of the local adviser, is in charge of arrangements. chapter, will be toastmaster. Joe Goldware and Mel Sommer are in charge. A Suggestion for Any Night AT BEASONABJ^E PRICES FRATERNITY Your Business Greatly- Appreciated Jack & Jill Sizzling Steak DINNER-DANCE Serred Hadassah patat*. slier* Phi Beta Epsflon, Creighton social ia the process temata, bread »f cooking. JA. 0466 fraternity, will give its annual formal batter, drink. Piping hot. The Sewing Circle group of the 1422 Doncla* dinner-dance in honor of the initiation Omaha chapter of Hadassah will meet of its pledges at the Hotel Chieftain Monday afternoon at the home of MrsSaturday, February 24. Thirty-five Simon Burger, 127 So. 30th St. couples are expected to attend. AusAll Forms of Insurance tin Bevans and his orchestra will play. A fund of one hundred dollars to with Reliable Companies The ten pledges who will be for- commemorate the memory of the late mally initiated today are: Harold Rose Friedel has been subscribed by Bloch, Bernard Fox, Ernest Priesmar., the local Hadassah (of which she was (Formerly In the employ at I* Harris) Julius Hornstein, Harold Stern, Al an active member), her relatives and RImmerman, Robert Schneider, aU of friends. This money will be used to Omaha; Jack Slutsky and Nathan Le- buy land in Palestine for further col12 Years Experience vitch of Sioux City, and Maurice Na- onization. With each subscription, the Inquiry Regarding Any Insurance thanson of Estervflle, la. name of the person whose memory is Lines Is Invited being commemorated is inscribed in the Golden Book. MOTHERS' CLUB tor as Low as JA. 7311 315 So. 15 A meeting of the Z. B, T. Mothers' Plans for the raising of medical club was held yesterday afternoon at funds for the relief of the sick in Palthe home of Mrs. S. Pizer. estine will be discussed at the regular meeting of Hadassah Wednesday afternoon at the J. C. C The medical fund is sponsored by the "Give or Complete With 3enc* Get" committee. ' By After the business session, in which Lowest Price in IS Yean several constitutional changes will be Mrs. David M. Newman STEINWAT IS THE WORLD'S FBteST proposed, the "Give or Get?' campaign will be discussed. Date Bars GRAND PIANO Two eggs, 1 teaspoon vanilla, 1-2 Julius Bisno, executive secretary of We Have AH Styles and Modela—liberal Allowance for Tons cup chopped walnuts, 1-2 teaspoon the A. Z. A., -will be the principal Present Piano—Convenient Terms—Small Down Payment Featuring Delicious, Sizzling, baking powder, 3-4 cup flour, 1 cup speaker, his subject beinV "Palesfne chopped dates, 1-2 teaspoon salt, 1 Amonsr Jewish Homelands.** Mr. BisWe Cordially Invite You to Can and See Steaks—Sea Foods cup brown sugar. Beat eggs slight- no spent a year studying Palestinian Our Complete Stock ly. Add sifted flour, baking powde living conditions, and the results of Your Favorite Beer on Tap and salt, then the brown sugar and his study are being used in A. Z. A. vanilla. Mix well. Add chopped nuts work. • . . ' and dates. Spread mixture -evenly A large attendance is expected, acabout 1-4 inch thick in a greased cording to Mrs. M. F. Levenson, 'pres15M-16-18 Do4&e Street •Omrfhashallow pan. Bake in a moderate ident, due to the important problem: oven for 30 minutes. Cut in strip; to be taken xsp. ta. 1415 Farnam 4 inches long and one inch wide. Mrs. David A. Goldstein, program Roll in powdered sugar while hot. chairman, will present a program of
Daughters of Israel Jacob S. Pearlstein, executive director of the J. C. C. and Welfare Federation, was the main speaker at the meeting of the Old Peoples Home Tuesday afternoon, his subject being '•The Present Situation of the Jewish Philanthropies in Relation to its Responsibilities to Local and National Beneficiaries." He urged the members of the organization to take a keener interest in the responsibility fo the maintenance of the institution in which they are particularly interested.
Junior Society A regular bi-weekly meeting of the unior Society of the Conservative 'ynagogue was held at the home of Misses Sally and Esther Morgan >n Monday, February 19. Final arrangements were made for the stunt a be presented by the group at the annual Puiim dinner of the Conservative Synagogue on March 1. The society is preparing for a Deneit to be given during the month of March, a committee having been named for this undertaking. Berlin.—Two noted German Jewish writers. Arnold Zweig and Alfred 3chiiokauer and their wives will be arrested immediately if they ever set foot in Germany, Nazi authorities announced.
Matinee Dance at Center on Sunday Refreshments "will be served by the Jewish Women's Welfare Organization, with Mrs. A. Greenberg in charge, at the regular weekly matinee dance to be held Sunday afternoon at the J. C. C. under the auspices of the Psi Mu fraternity. The Collegians will furnish the music for the dancing, which will start at 3:30 p. m.
Congregation of Israel Auxiliary A business meeting, followed by a program and refreshments, was held by the Ladies Auxiliary of the Congregation of Israel at the auditorium of the synagogue, Zotti and .T, on February 19. Mrs. Sam Canar presided, in the absence of Mrs. Joe Goldware, president, who is in New York.
Jr. Hadassah Junior Hadassah will hold an open meeting Thursday, March 1, at 8 p. m. at the J. C. C. in celebration of Purim. Dr. Victor E. l«vine r.nd Rabbi Uri Miller will speak. A Purim program will be presented, including a mock debate. Musical numbers will be piven.
Advance Showing SMART SPRING
Footwear Dame fashion says: Taupe. Flint Grey. Navy Blue, in footwear. The fashionable •woman will find in these stunning effects charming Springtime color harmony for ihe new Spring costume.
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Good Food Insurance...,
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Flint grey Jdd or blue kid. Custom smartness for smart wear.
Henry Behnosi, Jeweler
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Steinway Grands Buy Yours Tomorrow
(Now Open Omaha's Most Modern Restaurant and Bar
The Bio— Flint grey, 4 eyelet. Blue kid, 4 eyelet. Unusual quality at
Many Other Styles Reasonably Priced at $6.50 French Heels Seamless Pumps Boulevard Heels Smart T-Straps Spanish Heels Four Eyelet Ties Cuban Heels One Eyelet Ties Taupe Racoon Taupe Kid Grey Mandruca Grey Kid Blue Kid and Black Sixes <#f£ to 9, AAAA to B Above Illustrations by Oar Artist irom Shoes in Oar Stock ImiMi
Schnwflcr &WadkrPionoCo
LARGEST FLAG—Civic, military and fraternal organizations participated in the celebration of California Defense Week at San Francisco. This photo shows the largest flag in America carried - in the parade staged in connection with the celebration.
TRAGEDY IN ROYAL FAMILY—This photo shows an intimate glimpse of part of the royal family of Belgium, which has been cast into mourning with the death cf King Albert I, right. Crown Prince Leopold, who succeeds his father on the throne is also pictured with bis wife. Princess Astrid, and their daughter, Princess Josephine Charlotte. The photo was made in the gardens of the royal palace at Brussels.
SUN BATHING—Here is Irene Castle McLaughlin, Chicago society leader and one-time famous ballroom dancer, indulging in the contents of a book while sun bathing at Palm Beach, Fla. Irene is wearing an attractive pair of white silk backless pajamas.
"GO" IS ALL THE RAGE— BacKgummon, bridge, et al, are on the run as beach sports at Coral Gables, Fla., this winter as the ancient Chinese game of "Go" becomes the rage. Lillian Lund, left, and Martha Ousley, two winter visitors, are snapped playing the 4,000-year-old game.
HE KNOWS HIS LOBSTERS— Little Byron Strawn takes his pet lobster team out for an airing. Lobster races are quite the rage on Santa Catalina Island, Cal.
&* TOUGH ON STARS Clark Gable, who is supposed to cause maidenly hearts to go pitter-patter whenever he emotes on the movie screen, apparently has more male admirers than female. There were ladiea S tindicated i J ^ by^arrow S ^ ar'apparently has h dmore t malet ^ hi ^ hnn SClark . the railroad station in couldn't get near their hero because of the men.
t ^ ^ X j P
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NOT FROZEN DJ-The Eastern Shore, aride-wheeler,is shown trapped on a sand bar off
deL Ml - to the heavy ,ce pack thatsurrounded - vesse v^ at surounded the
^ ^ p
aboard when the ship ran onto the bar.
an* . -
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PAGE 7—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1934 declared that if the _ "grandfather" clause were invoked in Vienna, we would have to count one-third of the population of Vien***i . ~ Jews. Abraham Goldberg tells me, in confirmation of this view, that in some of the continental cities, such as Vienna and Copenhagen, a new- type of mixed Christian-Jew has become prevalent. Author
Selrvraczkin and choir -will assist in the services. Rabbi Miller will speak on "Hero and Villian in Jewish History," embodying a brief survey of Sunday, Feb. 25-^-3 p. m., Psi Mu the one consistent plot found throughDance; 3 p. m , Hebrew Club; 8 S2SMi2Siac o . i:t J e w i s h history. p. m., Chesed She! Ernes Bridge Pnrim Party. , The Megillah will be read WednesMonday, Feb. 26—2 p. m., CounBy DAVID SCHWARTZ At services at Temple Israel thisl da -yv evening p. m. at services cil of Jewish Women; 8 p.m., Book g at 7:30 p Interesting details ;on • the relief and Lecturer Deplores Review^ "Three, Cities," reviewed evening starting at 8 p.m. Rabbi at the B'nai Israel. Cantor A. •Work of the local Jewish Federation Nazi Anti-Liberal, AntiHITLER'S AGE Frederick Cohn will preach on Scnwaczkin and choir will officiate. DRINK AND THE TALMUD are totoefound in further figures re- by Rabbi D. A. Goldstein. Jewish Policies Thursday morning services will Tuesday, Feb. 27.—Talmud Torah They were discussing the other day "Should the Jews Survive?" The While sampling some of the proleased by Mrs. H.. A. Wolf, chairman start at 8 o'clock. Purim Festival. the ages of some of the recent crop sermon will be based on Waldo ducts that repeal of the, Constituof the Family Welfare committee. . Wednesday, Feb. 28 •— 2 p. jm., tion has recently brought, i t was of dictators; Stalin, Mussolini, etc "Unless Hitler can put anything like Frank's recent article. Auxiliary Night Services The figures reveal that -during the Senior Hadassah Meeting; 6 p. m.,; brought out by an erudtjte Talmudic Finally, it came to Hitler. abundant bread and -butter into the Friday evening, March 2, will be calendar year of 1933, from January Vaad Purim Banquet and Party; scholar -who": was in the^ party that "How old is Hitler?" it was asked. German worker's stomach, he is mot Saturday morning at 10:80 a.m. Ral>bi Cohn will talk on "The Per-Auxiliary Night at the B'nai Isto January, 169% tons of coal were 7:30'p. m., Megillah Services, aus- the last •words about the varying "Oh Hitler—he's of the Middle likely to remain in power very long," petual light." rael synagtjg-ue,- ISth and Chicago. distributed by the Jewish Federation pices Conservative Synagogue. predicted Whiting Williams, author, effects of drink h$d been said in Ages", was the reply. There will be no adult study class The Ladies' Auxiliary will present to forty-three families.1 • Thursday, March 1—6 p j a . Con- the Talmud long ago. lecturer and industrial consultant, ~Quite a reply, it seems to me. who was in Omaha last Monday to next Tuesday evening, but the fol- a symposium on "The Jewish WoAlso, during the year 1933, 2,554' servative Synagogue Auxiliary PuThere is a story: in l i e Talmud address the Ad-Sell on "Hitler, Stattn, lowing Tuesday Mr. Sam J. Leon man." The subjects include "The articles of clothing -weredistributed rim Dinner; 8 p. m., Junior Ha- apropos of this, -he pointed out, conMussolini, Roosevelt—Which Has the will lead a discussion on the first Jevdsh Woman in the Home—In the through the Jewish Welfare Federa- dassah. nected with Noah, ^who of course, two chapters of the third volume Synagogue—In the Cultural Sphere."' Answer?" tion to fifty families and 65 tranSaturday, March 3 — 8 p. m., typifies the drunkard of Biblical of the "History of the Jews" by Speakers from the Junior AuxHe has studied working conditions sients. The Jewish Old People's Home Young Judeans' Party. Venezelos Repudiates days. Grsetz. iliary will also present a symposium in practically every large country in also benefitted through this distribuSunday, March 4—3 p . m., Psi When Noah took his first drink, Greek Nazis on "The Jewish Girl's Training for the world, including Germany, Russia, tion of clothing. Mu Dance; 8 p. m., Vaad Forum. says this story, he offered to God Saloniki—Former Premier Veneze- France, Italy and Great Britain. Womanhood," "The Jewish Girl's Monday, March 5—8 p. m., La- ar sacrifice of-iamb. The division of articles of clothing los has written a private letter to Place in the Synagogue," and "The "As to Hitler," he stated, "I was distributed: Boys' articles, 381; girls' dies' Free Loan Bridge; 8 p. m., Meaning to.say that the first ef- some of his Jewish friends in which Jewish Girl and Education." disappointed in his voice, manner, and articles, 775; household, 448; infants', Basketball Tournament. fect of drink is a sort of relaxing, he declares he has dissociated himRabbi Albert I. Gordon of Adath In charge of the affair is Mrs. '- Tuesday, March 7—8 p. m., Bas- quieting effect—in other words, lamb- self from • the Greek Nazis whose particularly in his subject matter. Yeshurun of Minneapolis, the oldest 48; men's, 560; women's, 342. This latter consisted mainly of platiSam Ban, assisted by these co-chairike. anti-Semitic agitation has been Te- tudes. The secret of his power is Conservative congregation in the men: Mrs. Sam Epstein, refreshMrs. J.-J. Greenberg was chairman ketball Tournament. When "Noah took his second drink, Wednesday, March 8 —6 p . m., of distribution. The needle'Guild, unceiving the support of the Venezelists found mainly in his ability to speak northwest, will occupy the pulpit at ments; Mrs. H. I. Milder, program; der the chairmanship of Mrs. B. _A. Medical Advisory Board Dinner; 8 he brought a sacrifice of a lion. newspapers. Venezelos' party had for comfortingly and reassuringly to a. services of the Conservative Syna- Mrs. I. Elewits, telephone. Meaning to sa7 that after the sec-a time been aligned with the Greek once great nation which lias lost its gogue this evening, speaking on "The Simon, was helpful in providing cloth- p. m., Basketball Tournament. An open forum will follow and reSunday, March 11—3 p. m., Psi ond drink, one feels cocky, able to Nazis in a joint opposition to the self-respect, its morals, its religion, Economic Future of American Jewing for the Federation. freshments will be served. lick'a whole regiment—like a lion. Mu Day; 8 p.m., Conservative Synand its hope following the combined ry." Rabbi Goldstein will be in Tsaldaris government. Acknowledgement is also made to When Noah took his third drink— catastrophe of first, military defeat, Sioux City, where he will speak from the following for contributions to the agogue Services. Monday, March 12—8 p.m., Book he brought'a sacrifice of a monkey. Vatican Bars Anti-Christian then of inflation, and finally of the the Shaare Zion pulpit. Federation clothing fund and supplies: Meaning to say—that the effect Anti-Semitic Books of ' • • • ' [ depression. Mrs. Louis Kulakofsky, Mrs. Harry Review. Purim. Junior Congregation services will Tuesday, M a r c h 19—7 p. m., of the third drink is to make you Nazi Leaders "Wilinsky, Mrs. S. Rips, Mrs. Hymie "Hitler's staying in power depends The congregation will gather fo? be held Saturday morning at 10:30 very playful—monkeylike, don't you American Legion Recreation InstiVatican City—"The Myth of t Milder, Mrs. P. Rosenblatt, Mrs. I. upon two factors, the political and jthe reading of the Megillah promptly know. Twentieth Century" by Alfred Rosen- (the economic. I t l s very*questk>nable at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday evening. a. m. Refreshments will be served H. Stein, Mrs. I. Beber, Mrs. Samuel tute. When Noah took the fourth drink, Wednesday, March 14—8 p. m., berg, head of the Nazi foreign of- if Tie has the economic skill to make Thursday evening they will gather in honor of Leonard Charney's Bcr Cohen, Mr. Dave Freeman, Mrs. Jay Mitzvah. he brought a sacrifice of a pig. Community Forum presents Osfice, and "The German National good on his promises for economic Cherniak, Mrs. David Greenberg, Mrs. That is to say, that the effect Church," by Ernst Bergman, an- betterment and secure an outstanding ag&m for the annual Purim Seudah S. Goldware, Mrs. H. Pollack, Mrs. wald Garrison Villard. of the fourth is to make a pig out other Nazi chieftain, have baen placed and bona fide reduction of unemploy- or dinner. David Green, Mrs. M. F. Levenson, of you. on the index expurgatorious by Pope ment. Of this-many of even his folMrs. Harry Trustin, Mrs. Jeanette It-seems to me there is some swell Pius because these books attack Chris- lowers are made :very doubtful by his Arnstein, Mrs. Rose Kramer, Mr. psychology in this story from the tianity and reject all "dogmas of the anti-Semite policy of driving out of John Feldman, Mr. L. Harris, Mrs. D. Talmud. Catholic Church. In a statement Germany thousands of its brainiest A. Goldstein, Mrs.. Sam Goldware, Eight boys entered the Y. M- C. A.' Formerly in the Insurance Bids:. Regular Friday evening services Mrs. A. Shrasro, Miss Lylyan Chuda- track carnival under the emblem of WE END WITHOUT POCKETS announcing the ban, the Vatican de- experts, most active capitalists, and will be held at the B'nai Israel synaJA. 9480 214 Ko. ISth St. ablest business men." clared that these books are forbidden coff, Mr. William Boasberg, Mrs. M.the J. C. C. i M. Rudensky of the Jewish NaAcross from the City Hall In the Interview, Williams expressZweibelman, Mrs. H. Sommers, Miss In the lightweight division, the four! tional Fund has just returned from a because they enunciate the prinVaa<L C m t o r spices the Blanche Zimman, Mrs. D. Green, Mrs. lads who were entered in the 40-yard tour of the east coast. In one of ciple of a mythical faith of blood and ed the possibility of Goering staging , a revolution and seeking the governHymie Greenberg, the Vogue, Mrs. J. dash came through with flying colors the towns, he had an interesting race." ment reins for himself. S. Pearlstien. Mrs. J, H. Kulakofsky, to enter the finals; however, Herschel little encounter. Arab Mayor Seeks Also, he opined, a further "ansch-r Mrs. Mose Yousem, Carman's, Mrs. Magzamin was the only "J." entrant In this particular town, there lives luss" uniting Austria with Germany H. Silverman, Mrs. A. Goldstein, Mrs. to place by leading the entire field, to one Jew—who not only will not give Jewish Support H. Rxibenstein, Mrs. Louis Somberg, romp in first with a wide margin. In to charity or Zionism but even boasts Jerusalem—Confronted with the would at this time mean war. "Mussolini," said Williams, "is more Mr. S?.m Friedman, Mrs. A. Milder, the relays the team of Magzamin. about it. Well, when Rudensky came bitter-opposition of the Husseini famMrs. A. Saxe. Fratority, Mrs. Nate Babender, Richards and Kutler placed to this town, he had this man's, name 1 ily, Ragheb Nashashibi, Arab mayor of a. leader than Hitler; Stalin is Sinoren. Mrs. David Goldman, Mrs. A- second in the 160-yard relay and third cm the list. When he was told by of Jerusalem and a candidate for re- more ruthless and powerful than Cohen. Mrs. Louis Whitebook, Mrs. in the 440-yard relay. ; fellow townsmen that it" was no use election, is making overtures to the either." He believes that Russia is Dave Feder, Mrs. M. I. Gordon, Mrs. Ray Schapiro and Max Merriam visiting this hard-hearted Jew, Ru- Jews for their support, just as he showing retrogression instead of proJ. Batt, Mrs. M. Bercovici, Mrs. Wm. were the middleweights to come densky decided to chance i t never- did seven years ago when he was gress, stating that thousands upon, Try a Bag Today thousands of Russians workers are Erlich. Mrs. H. Rosenfeld, Mrs. A. through for the "J." in the 40-yard j theless—just to see what sort of a elected with their support. starving. : Katz, Mrs. Al Frank, Mrs. J. J. Green- preliminary by taking first and sec-biological specimen this man was berg, Mrs. J. Altman, Mr?. Sam Green, ond, respectively. Merriam was the like. Liberal M. P.'s Demand Probe v - s . M. GrodmFky, Mrs. Charles only one to place in the finals by! So our next, scene finds Mr. RuLondon—The Liberal bloc in the W r i ^ t . Mrs. H. Bnrstein, Mr. Wil-making a sensational sprint in the densky in the store of this hard- House of Commons has called'on the liam Holzman. last 10 yards to cop third place. Max boiled Jew, whom, we shall call Mr. British government to make a statement regarding the activities of Nazi Yale Halperin was elected presi' •" ; Merriam, Elliot Rubin, Irvin Gendler X . " and Ray Schapiro teamed up together • Rudensky explained, his mission— agents and propagandists in England. dent of Fratority at a regular meetAll words are pegs to hang ideas in the relays to win first in the 150-'that he was representing the Jewish Simultaneously 145 Srominent Eng- ing held Wednesday. Other officers elected are: MaxMarward relay and second in^the 440-yard National Fund "which was planning j lish personalities, famous in political, on.—Beecher. Hannah Meyerscientific .and— religious life^ signed ' Jewish refugees B r e l a y . • v ' '"*--• - - . •••••• a manifesto protesting and condemn- sori* secretary^ Aaron Corenman, re* * * * in Palestine, etc etc '|. ^ Mr. X, however, bluntly as •usual, ing Fascism. elected treasurer; Kalah Franklin, reWith the basketball season coming to a close soon, Lee Grossman, head said no and added "I never give." elected reporters Finds Jews of Italy INS. AGENCY Rudensky surveyed the man for a of the physical department, will open r a men's calisthenics class beginning while and then looking severely a t Disappearing AST. AND EYERYJ KDJD OF Rome—/The Jewish;.-population of him, asked him: " W h a t are you, an Tuesday, March 6. These classes will INSURANCE 302 Barker Bids. AT. 8031 be open to all business and profes- orthodoxod Jew or a Reform Jew?" Italy, now estimated io be 57,000 is steadily declining, according t a the "Orthodox," said the man. sional men who have been unable as "Well," said Rudensky, "I'm glad Italian Jewish weekly, IsraeL In yet to work off extra weight, win some cities, the paper says, a Jewnow be given their chance to enjoy you are an orthodox Jew.Learn to Dance Correctly ish cemetery is the only evidence "Why?" asked tiie man. themselves while they are getting into perfect condition. Anyone interest- "Well," said Rudensky, "when yon that Jews once lived there. id come and bring a friend. Remem- die—and judging from your looks, it Affiliated With Chicago Ass'u of >er the date. Time, 7:15 p. m. till 8 won't be long now, they will bury Jewish Flying Club London—Lord Melchett has organyou in tachricMm, (shrouds, that i)ancing Masters m. have no pockets). I was afraid may- ized a new aviation club consisting #" • 105 Arthur BIdg., AT. 5251 In the play-offs of the Midget bas- be you were a Reform Jew, for in entirely of Jewish flyers, whose memetball ieairue to determine the cham- that case, they would bury you in a bers are preparing to participate ion, the Milder Oils nosed out the regular suit and then you'd have a in the air carnival at the next JewHabonim by the score of 14 to 12 in chance to take your money with you. ish Olympic games. The club has STORM SASH overtime period. Klein of the Mild- I'm glad you are an orthodox Jew." forty members and owns five planes. Storm Doort—Combination Doors rs sank a long shot with two seconds Jabotinsky to Make Plea Free tstimotci i f the regular game time remaining CLOSED ON SATURDAY to King George Which reminds me of the old story tie the score, 12-all. In the extra M 1 C K U N L U M B E R W » ; l time, Paris—Vladimir Jabotinsky, leader they used to tell about the Reform Seaman, lankv center, tossed in 1 9th and! Nicholas J A 'SOOOI of the Zionist Revisionists, is planTemple in Berlin a good many moons a basket to enable the Milders to ago. It was not really a story, but ning to send a personal letter to merge victorious. a wise crack. They would aski King George of England in connec• * * * • Pus "Which is the froomest (most pious) tion with the Revisionist petition, now The Health Club VoUeyballers addbeing circulated throughout the place in Berlin?" ed two more victories to their list of world. Jabotinsky intends to write And then the answer would be: Grey Iron, Aluminum and wins by defeating the "Y" team in his letter as a former officer in Bronze Castings w two straight matches and also taking "The Reform Temple, because it is His Majesty's army. closed on Saturday. (This particular | Wood and Metal Patterns the measure of the Woodbine, Iowa, I 2614 Slartha St. HA. 5523 squad, - former midwest C l a s s C temple held its services on Sunday.) Trouble From Provinces champs. 6MWXBWMIV<MaVOCBKMBi Berlin—Efforts by German Jews A REVOLUTIONARY Director Grossman is planning to to readjust German Jewish youths INVENTION enter his squad in the Midwest Open I have heard of a good many plans to present-day conditions in Germany Volleyball tournament, to be held at to bring back prosperity, but the through, encouraging them to adopt Lincoln, March 22. ' best I think is an imported plan other professions, including artisan* * * * has encountered strenuous opbrought here by a Jew recently come ship, position from the provincial Nazi The Mother's C o o k i e s stamped from Poland. leaders. • themselves as one of the strongest Sitting at a Second Avenue cafe Get tbw Cuts mui quintets ever developed in the J. C. the other night, he explained that C. Junior basketball league when they he had devised an invention which swept all competition from their path would solve the economic problem for • NORTHERN SEALS . . . self to the championship, by taking nine the whole world. Chi chapter of Ei Lambda Phi, inconsecutive wins. trimmed and with contrastThe invention is really very simple. ternational social fraternity, has enFinal Standings ing trims. He has invented a machine which tered three teams in the Creighton Mother's Cookies : 9 0 does the work of one man, but re- University intramural debate tournaA. Z. A. No. 100_ . 4 - 5 quires a hundred men to operate it. ment. The subject for debate is fedTie collars, shawl collars and Pants Store _ . _-._- 3 6 I am for that invention. How eral control of motor transportation. Johnny collars. Thorpeians _.„..........„. 2 7 about you and you and you? Morris Wintroub and Ben V. Smith * * * * compose one team; Joe Goldware and THE BOOK OF NUMBERS Two games are on Sunday's basAbe Katz are the members of the secGet a ftsr coat while you CAN get ketball bill at the J. C. C. In the pre- I have often, as the three readers ond team, and Frank Iipp and Morone at $551 The steady advance in liminary game the Habonimj who lost of my column know, bewailed the tim Adler make up the third team fact that numerically we Jews jtre out in the play-offs for the Midget for prices . . . means that coats of which is entered.;/ league championship, will meet the a small people. The world, I have Morton Adler, member of Chi chapthis quality will be selling at two Foods of Tefereth Israel of Lincoln, a' fast and maintained doesn't-'care for your ter of Pi Lambda Phi, led the sophand three times this price next seaFreuds and your Einsteins. ^They shifty team. omore arts class at Creighton univermay he wrong or even if they are son. . The J. C C. varsity girls will meet sity for the first semester of this the Bellevue Ramblers in the main right, it doesn't .matter so much to year with a 93.5 per'cent scholastic tilt on the card. This game promises the world. But fifty million French- average. Abe Katz, also a member of to be a thriller as both teams are con- men—that's another, thing. ; And- fif- Chi chapter, was second in the sophty million- Jews in 'Germany would sidered as the best ever produced by mean something quite;different than omore arts class scholarship ratings Eat at the their respective clubs. :• 600,000 Jews. with a 942 per cent average. Prelim starts at 1:30. Main tilt But recent revelations show that starts at 2:30. Admission free. as a matter of fact, we have vastly Goldberg-Rosen reached the finals underestimated our numbers. I t has A successful dinner-meeting of in tthe e J. C'doubles-handball tour- for instance been repeatedly claimed the Vaad Men's club was held Febrthat if we are to count those "With nament by defeating Finkel-Sokoloff. uary 15 a t the B'nai Israel. Fred Yaffe-Altschuler lost to Ban-Gross- Jewish blood in them in Germany, spoke on "Hitlerism in Amerman in the other semifinal match last must add some two or three millions White ica." Lawrence Finkel Tendered «ev1 5 1 1 F a r n a m S t . '•• there. And last Sunday, Harold ColWednesday.. ' lender writing in New York Times era! vocal selections. Finals will be played Sunday.
Junior Congregation
FAVORITE of Nebraska Women
Savard Dance Studios
Manufacturer's Priced
Paxton Mitchell Co.
Pi Lambda Phi
The Menu Always Provides Good
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Vaad Men's Club
Sioux City News
were appointed: - Ways •and Means, Isadore Shindler and Irving Maron; Membership, Walter WoskoiT and Jack Zeligson; Program,. Jack Merlin and Joe ^anowitz. and Athletics, Joe Janowit Henry Ginsberg and Perry Osnowitz, members of t h e Maccabee Club, placed; in the. High School Forensic contest a t iVermillion, South Dakota, recent!}*.: > .
Germany both direct and ness with us as long as they tolerate GREEN AND LA GUARB1A against. amazing," Mr. Green urged a tight- Hitler." the boycott so that not one CALL ON AMERICA TO ening'of dollar's worth- of German merchan- Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver, a vicedise is sold in this country. Warning president of the League, pointed out BOYCOTT NAZI GOODS that no appeal to Hitler's heart, con.-'that it was no accident of history
1.EOX & WHITE, Attorneys City -National Bank IHdg.
NOTICE OF ISCORPORATIOS OT THE ROSE UEALTV CO. ' Kotice is hereby given that a corporation hns been formed under the Ja-ws ot science and judgment would have any that Naziism, the implacable foe ofthe State of Nebraska. The nnme of the corporation la ROSE) '• New York. (WNS)--Air America effect, Mr." Green emphasized that Jewry, is also the implacable foe ofREALTY COMPANY and the principal place for the trntisaetion of Ks business is only the boycott could bring home! • _ . . . _ . , „ and the entire civilized world must the City of Omaha, Douglas County. 'Neor ^ i zreaction e d labor. Assaying Fascism join in a rigorous boycott of German to him in a definite and convincing jland braska, •'••• K as the common foe of goods and services as the only ef- way the opinion of labor and other the Jewish people and labor every- Tlie general nature of the business t» be . transacted by the- corporation is to purfective way of forcing the Hitler right-thinking forces. where, Rabbi Silver said that "it ischase, acquire, hold, tmprove, sell, convey, halt its persecution of the[ Mayor Fiorello H. LaGuardia, who most logical that in this counter at- assign, relense, mortgage, encumber, learnt, • hire and deal in real estate wherever «itO:f Jewish people and its policy of re-j spoke in the dual capacity of chief Uack on Fascism and Hitlerism, or- tuitcd; to buy, sell, own. bold, assign, : An important business meeting j|ducing the German trade unionists {executive of the; city and as a vice- ganized labor, the free free womanhood of i transfer and mortgage bonds, securities, Mount Sinai Temple Brotherho<0( .. i r e e womannooa o i d e b e n t n r e 8 n n d g t o c k i n o t h e r corporaChildren's programs and the will -precede a. social evening at theto an industrial status approximat- president of the Anti-Nazi League, the world, .liberals and lovers of tious; to make, draw, execute, nccept, en« , eading of! the Megillah iwill mark Temple, next. Monday evening, Feb. ing slavery, William Green, presi* categorically declared that "the peace peace, as well as the hosts of Israel, dorse and issue promissory notes, mortgages, drafts, bills of exchange and other he celebration of Purim next week 26. The business business will be- dent of the American Federation, de- of Europe concerns us most vitally should form one united front against negotiable internments; to borrow money. •. it Shaare Zion synagogue and Mount gin promptly a t 8:30. Rabbi Lewis clared in a fighting speech at a din-and we can't stand idly by and per-the common foe." The authorized capital stock of this corporation shall be $10,000.00 divided tot* ner in his honor by the Non-Sec- mit Hitler and his kind to imperil ;; Over 300 people attended the sixth iinai Temple. will present Jewish Current Events, tarian Anto-Nazi League to Cham- peace." Pointing out the futility of 100 shares of the par vnlue of J10O.0O each At the Temple, a Purim program to be fully paid for nnd non-assessable annual federation banquet, given UEON AND WHITE, Attorneys following the. business meeting, and Human Rights. Citing an array resolutions and protest meetings when issued. Said stock may be paid for. City National Bank Bldg. Monday evening at the J . C. C. will be presented by members of thethe evening will be concluded with pion in cash, notes or property, real or perof facts which "make an indictment which iiever reach the German press, sonal, tangible or intangible nt the rea-. Miss Rose Lipman, who has acted Religious School, under the super- cards and a buffet supper. the Mayor asserted that the only efNOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION sonable valne thereof. One hundred share* as superintendent, of the Federation vision of Miss Ruth Marx. The pro- Mr. E. N. Grueskin is in charge In the County Court of Douglas County, of the capital stock of this corporation fective way to meet the Hitler mengram will be held on Wednesday, Nebraska. ha for making record grades in the shall be paid for l>efore the corporation of Jewish Social Service for five >f the arrangements for the meetthe Matter of the Estate of ISADOEE shall commence business. semester's work in the college of arts ace "is to drive home to the people InNATHAN, years, and who leaves this week for 'ebruary .28, and will begin prompt- ng. Deceased. The corporation shnll commence bOBl-. and sciences. He received an average of Germany that they can't do busi- All persons interested in said estate are ness New- York City to make her home, ly at 7:30 o'clock, in order to allow upon the filing of a copy of its artihereby, notified that a petition has been the children to be home early. A cles of incorporation with the county clerk of 93% per cent. gayer the annual report of the acfiled in said .Court alleging that said de- of Douglas Nebraska, and shall I.EOJT & WHITE, Attomejn ceased died leaving no last will and pray- continue forCounty, tivities of. the Federation. The re-play, "The Sick Purim" will be a period of fifty years from City National Bank Building ing for administration upon his estate, the date thereof. given with the following children inports and addresses followed a dinThe Council Bluffs Lodge No. 688 of and that a hearing will be had on said petition before said court on the 17th dny The highest 'amount of indebtedness to ner. • " \ : • • • ' . ' • cluded in the cast, Betty Marx, Dorthe Independent Order of the B'nai of March, 1034, and that if they fail to •which this corporation ghnll at any time NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF ris Marx, Seymour Hobinson, George According to the superintendent's appear at caitl Court on the said 17th daysubject itself shall not exceed two-thirds Britb will hold a regular meeting next £ & G CLOTHING COMPANY BT P. 8. E. of March, 1934, at 9 o'clock A. M., to of its capital stock. report, approximately. .55,000. visits Gilinsky, Bertram Bergen, Marion Monday evening, February 26, at 8 The affairs of this corporation shall be contest sakl petition, the Court may grant ishgall, Ruth Werner and Blossom were made to the Community Center, three directors. o'clock at the Eagles hall. A report Notice is hereby given that a corpora- the Bame and grant administration of said conducted by a board of Three Jewish Candidates In Primary IX>UIS E. LIPP has been formed under the laws of estate to Morris ArUin or some other suitlast year. Sixteen outside; organi- C a l i n . . . - • • • . . . • . of the George Washington Birthday tion LAZAR KAPLAN able person and. proceed to a settlement the State of Nebraska.' Election Next Monday ; zations held meetings there and 15 Refreshments served to the •The city primary election in Council dance which was a huge success, •will The name of the corporation is K & G thereof. •. . In presence of: CLOTHING COMi'ANi nnd its principal S. J\ LKON dubs sponsored .by the Federation children following- the program. In Bluffs will be held next Monday, Feb- t e given. BRYCE CRAWFORD, ; place for the transaction of its business 2-23-St-3t . County Judge. met during the year. Three hun- addition to the play, each class will ruary 26th, and every one is urged to Is the City ot Omaha, Douglas County, dred boys and girls are. included in contribute a number towards the eve-vote. Miss Sarah Solomonow spent the Nebraska. l'Ue general nature of the business to be this organized club work. ning's program. past week in Lincoln, Nebraska where transacted by the- corporation is to buy, . The, Federation, during the past At Shaare Zion synagogue, chil- Joseph B. Katelman and George S, she was the house guest of Miss Dor- own, hold, lease, assign, mortgage and real estate nnd i>ersonai properyear, subsidized the Talmud Torah Iren of the Religious School.will pre- Steinberg are among the candidates othy Marko. While there, she attend- transfer ty wherever situated; to buy, sell, own, to a certain extent; contributed their sent their program, on Sunday morn- for Alderman-at-Large on the Repub- ed the District A. Z. A. tournament '.hold, assign, mortgage and transfer bonds, securities, promissory notes, mortgages annual, stipends to the out of town ing, February 25, a t 11 o'clock; The lican ticket. Two aldermen-at-large and stock in other corporations; to borYeshivahs, .Orphan Home, and Tub-Purim story will be told by Helen will be elected. MON'SKY, GRODINSKY & row money; to operate and conduct busiBen E. Kubby is a candidate for SHOTffELL,VANCK, ness at wholesale and retail for the sale of erculosis hospitals. Attorneys Guttleman and Frances Maron. A udge men's clothing, furnishings and wearing of Municipal Court, on his non- ° 737 Omaha J> at tonal lsank Bids. apparel of every nature and description Service in legal aid, medical aid, program of music will be presented artlsan ticket. and to do any and all things incident to domestic relationship and home ad- »y a girls* Septette composed of Belle KOTICK OF INCORPORATION OF and necessary for the carrying on. of the MIDLAND B E A U X COMPANY justment was offered by the Federa- Johen, Irene Mirowitz, Ida Shindies Purim will be celebrated next Wedbusiness of the corporation. The authorized capital stock of this cortion, in' addition to its unusual num- ranees Maron, Fredelle Stillman, esday evening, February 28th, and Notice is hereby given that the under- poration shall be $10,000.00 divided into ber of cases which required finan- Claire Dvorkin and Gertrude Lass. Thursday, March first, with appropri- signed have formed a corporation, pursu- 100 shares of the par value of $100.00 per cial relief. Aid was" given to a great Impersations will be given by Samate services. The reading of the "Me- ant to the laws of the Stnte of Nebraska. share and shall be fully paid for and nonThe name the corporation Is MIDLAND assessible when issued. Said stock may be delman, David Olensky, Frances gillah" will commence at 6 o'clock on KEALTX of number of transients. .-•.•••.. COMPANY, -with its principal paid for in cash, notes or property, real " M i s s Dena Baron succeeds Miss Maron, Ida Shindler, Belle Cohen and next Wednesday evening at the Chevra place, of business in the City of Omaha, or personal, tangible or intangible, at the Douglas County, NebiaskU. The olijevts reasonable value thereof. Ten shares of Rose Lipman as superintendent of Irene Mirowitz. Gertrude Lass will B'nai Yisroel synagogue at 618 Myn-for which this corporation is formed are: the capital stock shall be paid for before play a piano solo; Delia Shiloff, viothe Federation. maintain and operate a general real the corporation shall commence business. ster street, and everyone i s cordially To estate holding company, and to buy,' sell, The corporation shall commence business Mr. Frank Margolin 2cted as mas-lin solo; Ida Shindler, vocal solo. Hu-invited to attend. mortgage, lease, encumber und deal in npon the filing of a copy of its articles of morous readings will be given by ter of ceremonies. Rabbi M. Braver real and personal property of all kinds. incorporation with the "county clerk of The. company shall have authority to bor- Douglas County, Nebraska, and shall conoffered the invocation; addresses Claire Dvorkin. A humorous conThe Bar Mitzvah of Harold Bernrow money and issue evidences of indebt- tinue for a period of fifty years from the were made by Rabbi Lewis, Rabbi rersation of Haman and Hitler over stein, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bern- edness therefor. The total authorized cap- date thereof. • .- •; ital stock is $10,000.00. par value $100.00 per the telephone will be enacted by The hlehest amount of indebtedness to Rabinowitz, and Mr. A. M. Davis, stein, took place last Saturday mornshare, all stock common, and shall be which this corporation shall at any' time president of the Federation. A musi- David Olensky and Morris Aizen- ing, February 17, at the Chevra tuily p a d and nonassessable .when subject itself shall not exceed two-thirds berg. issued. The corporation shall commence its capital stock. • cal program' was presented by FranB'nai Yisroel synagogue. On Satur- business upon the filing of its Articles with of The affairs of this corporation shall be ces Emlein and Rueben Halperin, County Clerk of Douglas County. Ne- conducted by a board of two directors. day afternoon, Harold entertained 20 the and shall, continue until January and, community singing of songs ar1.OTTIS E. JAVP of his friends at a theater party at braska, 1st, 1984. The highest amount of IndebtedR KAPLAN ranged by Mrs. S^ H. Shulkin, was the Broadway theater, followed by re- ness shall not exceed two-thirds of the In presence of:capital stock. This restriction shnll not led by Herman Slotsky. Abe Satin freshments, in celebration of Bar apply to indebtedness secured by real es- - GERTUCDfc PEBLIS and his orchestra furnished the mus'••••'.. tate. .The number of members of the board 2-23-<U-*t Mitzvah. shall' be . provided : for by the By-Laws, ic during the meal. . which Board shall administer the affairs Miss Lipman was presented with a The . Hadassah organization will Miss Louise Herzoff of Sioux City, of the corporation'. The stockholders shall hold their annual'meeting on the third gift from the Federation as a token sponsor its annual Purfm.bazaar next owa, is spending the week here visWednesday In February of each year and of appreciation for her services. Each Thursday afternoon .and evening, iting her fiance, Mr. Nathan Gilinsky, elect a President. Vice*l.'rc8i<lent, Secretary organization was. represented at theMarch 1, in the Jewish Community and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Abeand Treasurer. : 'The Articles may be amended upon n6tice as provided for. The banquet and meeting. Center. Luncheon and supper will Gilinsky. -Miss Herzoff has chosen corporation shall hare n seal. >e served by Hadassah members. Sunday, March 11, as the date for her Dated January'ISth, 193*.
Council Bluffs News
IVEN I F YOU D O N 1 USE THE EXTRA MILES... As long as you don't have to - pay any more, why not buy
'urim Bazaar Next Thursday
* •>*•-••• H. B. COHBK Special arrangements, have been marriage of Mr, Gilinsky, which will -— Hr MAKQUARDT Third Book Review made to serve business and profes- be solemnized in Sioux City. Numerr A GltEENliEUG sional men and women a t the noonous affairs: are being given, in honor 2-23-W-it. of Series Next Monday hour. Dinner will be served be- of the young couple. X.EOX & WHITE, AtUrnrya tween the hours of 5 and 8 p. m. City National Dank Uld The Third Book Review of a Omaha. Nebraska series of seven, which are being pre- Various women's clubs wilL hold Donald Rosenfeld, son of Mr. and their metings on that day, naving Mrs. Joseph Rosenfeld, was awarded NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF sented by Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz, THE ZOO, ISC. will be given next Monday evening, their luncheon a t the Center Ba- a four-year scholarship' to the Iowa Notice is hereby that a corpoml Teachers College at Cedar Falls, tlon i s to be formed given under the laws of the February 26, at the Shaare Zion zaar, and concluding their afternoon with bridge. , State of Nebraska, The name of the corfor outstanding debate work at ,a : synagogue. is I B B ZOO, IXC. The princibooths will be arranged tournament held at Cedar Falls lasl poration pal place for Jhe transaction of Its busiRabbi Rabinowitz will review for 'orAttractive the Bazaar in the main hall of ness Is the City of'Omaha. Douglas Coun•reek. He is a senior at the Abraham this number, the recent book by ;he Community Center, where"; misty, Nebraska. "•"'•-• • • • Sholom Asch, entitled "Three cellaneous handiwork, pastries, gro- Lincoln High school, and participated The gepernl nature of the -business to ,be n debates against Cedar Falls, Mason transacted by the. corporation is. to buy, Cities." The review will begin at lease,-exchange, mortgage and transceries and delicacies may be ob-City, Webster City, Decorah, and;Vin- own, 8:30. fer real estate and personal property: to tained. ton, during this tournament and de-buy, sell,'. hold, . mortgage and transfer bonds, securities, Tdebentures and stock In Mrs. Charles Raskin is general feated all of these teams. other corporations; tt> draw, make, accept, chairman of the arrangements. AsShaare Zion endorse and issue promissory notes, mortsisting Mrs. Raskin are Mrs. R. H. Henry Mendelson, son of Mr. aiid • •gages. drafts; litlls of-exchange and other negotiable iustruroents; to borrow money; An unusual service will be held Emlein, president of the Hadassah, Mrs. J. Mendelson, was recently api to carry pn the. general business of owning, operating and'TnaJhtirinlng restaurants pointed manager of the newly-organMrs. M. Silverberg, co-chairman of at Shaare Zion Synagogue this eve1 and to sell nud serve foods, meals, refresh- ments, bet^rages, candies and tobacco in ning when Cantor Pierre Pinchik, the general • arrangements, and theized university iglee club at Creighr J thi-rewUH t o the gvmral public world famous cantor, will, chant the fololwing committee, chairmen: Mrs; ton University in Omaha, where he is ionnectlon and- to have power to -do all things necesa junior in the college of journalism. Louis Agranoff, Mrs. E. Barish, Mrs. service and Rabbi David Goldstein, sary for and incidental to the operation of ljuslness. • : spiritual leader of the conservative M. Daskovsky, Mrs. S. Shulkin, Mrs. He is also manager of the college- or- said i The : authorized capital stock shall be synagogue in Omaha, Nebraska, will E. Rubinstein, Mrs. Max Haligman chestra and will be in charge of most S3.D0O.00 divided into 50 shares of the par preach the sermon. Admission to Mrs. Sam Greenstone, Mrs. Jack Rob- of the musical activities on the cam- vahie of $100.00 each, to be folly paid tor non-assessable when issued. Said capModified Rates the service will be by ticket only nson, Mrs. M. Lazriowich, Mrs. Mpus. He is also feature -editor and and ital stock may be. paid for in cash, notes circulation manager of the'Creighton'- or property, real or personal, tangible or which may. be purchased from Mr. Levitan, Mrs. B. Epstein and MrsIan. on all Classes . .. intangible, at the reasonable value there: Morey Lipshutz, Mr. Max Ginsberg, Abe Agranoff. of, five shares of the capital stock shall be paid for before the corporation shall of Rooms OS? Mr. Morris Satin. ""'-.', The Council Bluffs Agudas Achim commence business. - Robert Pliskin will read the law .The .corporation shall commence busiMount Sinai society will hold an important meet- ness and David Kuntz will act'as Cantor. On the filing of ,its Articles of Incor4oo poration with-the county clerk of Douging next Thursday evening, March 1, Candy will be distributed by Mrs. Rooms las County, Nebraska, and ehall continue Joe Givot in memory of her mother. Dr. Theodore N. Lewis will speak at 8:30 o'clock. All members \ are for a period of fifty years from date *ith bath at the regular service this evening urged to attend. ; Wednesday evening, February 28, from The highest amount of Indebtedness to on the subject, "Roosevelt, Lincoln the Megillah will be read at Shaare which this corporation shall at any .time Plans are being made for a Purira sublet* Itself shall not exceed two-thirds More than 15O Rooms Zion synagogue, and the traditiona and Washington." its capital stock. . ., " . „ ,.„ Parim. service will be held. The, storv The regular Sisterhood meeting program to be given: by, the Council of The nffnira of the corporntion shall be priced at *2.5O and *3 of Purim will be read by Rabbi J. and luncheon which was scheduled Bluffs Talmud < Tprah:; and Sunday onrtnrted by a board , of directors coflfor March 2, has been postponed unSchool on : Sunday; afternoon, March • i t g of not less than two nor more than Levin. Children will bring and use 4, at the Danish hall. under five members. cHRISTOPTTKR noisemakers. a t the mention of Ham til Friday noon, March 9. . The Fontenolle is outan. Members of the Ladies' Auxiliary Dr. Lewis spoke before students the supervision of" Mr. J. Z. Stadlan, In presence of: J." CHRISTOPHER A Purim play, "The Paper - ttandinglyOflraha't larwill present a brief program and re-of the Woodrow Wilson High School principal. GERTRUDE PERLI3 Hat," will be presented, and the profreshments will be served to the chil- this week. gtst and finest hotel, gram will also include musical numdren by the Auxilliary. Every woman Thursday afternoon, March 1, Dr.bers til* c«nter of business, the Tiztnoretb. orchestra. Dr. attending is asked to bring a Purim Lewis will address the student body Isaac by Sternhill will be chairman for social and farm! activity. of the High School at Sloan, Iowa. Rev. A. Diamond gift which will be distributed to the this program. Hwdquarttrt of tit* needy. Recognized-aa Omaha Auto Club and Beginning the first week in March Ivre PRACTICAL MOHEL Miss Lydia, Ross returned home on the members of the Synagogue Con; United A!r Lines, erne Phone 1059 firmation Class will meet every WedFourteen new members, recently Monday following a week's visit with dubs and commercial COUNCIL BLUFFS nesday afternoon at 4 o'clock for ex- elected into the Ivre Club will be friends In Des Moine's, Iowa. • •rgamzafcions. tra instruction. Members of this year's initiated into the club at a meeting Miss Fannied Katelman. was honclass include Sylvia Friedman, Helen Tuesday evening, February 27, at ored at a surprise party by a group Guttleman, Irene Mirowitz, Belle Co- the Jewish Community Center. f hen, Sam Edelman, David Olensky, Following the initiation, the Ivwof her friends at her home Sunday Volz WU1 Keep You Morris Raskin, Morris Ginsberg an members will adjourn, to a social evening, the occasion being ner birthwmst HOTELS co. Nattily Attired Harriet Levin. : hour and will conclude their eve- day. Bridge and dancing Was the evennig*s diversion, followed by a midning with a buffet supper. Member of the club in charge of the ar-night supper. Prizes at bridge were Dfna and Dance , Oneg Shabbos rangements will include Mr. Ruben won by Miss Arm Zalk and Dr. VicMiller, chairman; Mike Grueskin, tor E. Levine of Oamha. K » .mi itnet to \'! • The. Oneg Shabbos sponsorediy the Abe Agranoff, Lester Heegar, A. H. hmou* bands » Ladies' Auxiliary, will be. held to- Baron, Morris Miller, John Levin, Mr. J. Z. Stadlan, principal of -the FASHION TAILOBS IM : JOHN VOLZ xnorf6w afternbon at the home of Mrs. E. M. Grueskin and J. M. N. Gold- Council Bluffs Talmud Torah Sunday School has announced that all chilMoreV Lipshutz. The group will meet smith, president. JACKS05 2706 dren of the Sunday School and Talat 2:30 o'clock. mud Torah are urged to be at the Mr?. Joe Friedman will speak oi SOS So. Maccabee News synagogue promptly at 10 o'clock this "The Jewish Woman of Today.' Sunday morning, February 25, for re"Within This Present," a recent book Fifteen members attended the week- hearsals for the Purim program. Reby Margaret Xyres Barnes, will be reviewed by Miss Mildred Baron. ly Maccabee meeting and heard a hearsals of the Tizmoreth orchestra Current events of Jewish interest will program presented by Irving Maron, will follow at 12 o'clock at the synaMirken, Leonard Lebowitz, gogue. be presented by JSIrs. Milton Mush- Morris imaha's Most Beautiful Home for Funerals'* : and Lester Lazriowitch. Isadore Shin* Mn. Babbi David Goldstein a •Funerals To.Fit-Any Purso^ - , Morton. Adler, eon of Mr. and Mrs. gbeat a t the meeting and will jipeak dler" arranged the program^ Nathan Adler, headed the sophomore Following a discussion of the inibriefly.- Eefreshments will conclude Phone HArney 1226 Farnam at Thirty-third tiation meeting, the following com- class at Creighton Univetsity in Omathe afternoon's program.
Theodore Volz & j ! Son, Inc. I
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