March 2, 1934

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Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism

In the Interests of the Jewish People

Entered as Second Class Mail Matter on January 2L, 1821, at 1'ostofflce of Omaha, Nebraska, under the Act of Match 3, 1879



X—No, 5

Daughter FEDERATION. PLANNING 8,000 German Jews HAM GOLDBERG, Pilsudski's Aids Visa Applicant Now in Palestine Morris Jacobs ED ZIONIST, WILL ORT REPRESENTATIVE Head "Initial AK HERE SUNDAY Warsaw, (JTA)—Zadofc Mendelssohn, who fought with Pilsudski's Polish Legion, obtained an American visa by courtesy of the aged dictator's daughter, Wanda. Penniless and virtually alone, Mendelssohn, whose family . i s in the United States, applied repeatedly for an American visa without success. He approached Wanda and told his story.

Palestin^^^yre at CenteT

- - i-

Plans are beinjf made by a Pederation committee f6r the approaching visit in this city* of Dr. B. Aisurowitch, the" repSssentative of the World Verband <?rt of Berlin, who is now touring |he country in the interests of: the Pfoples Ort and who will be in March 16 to 19. The Ort is one the beneficiaries of the ;Fede*ati 's Jewish Philanthropies. According to announcement Henry libnsky, acting president of the Federation, the-'committee in charge -of "arrangements consists of• L Morgensiern, chairman; Mrs. Jeannette 4Arhstein, Milton Abrahams, S. Lipp, I. Shafer, M. Minkin, L Goldstein, Mrs. J. Feldman and J. Badifiowski. No campaign. ~pnQ. be conducted locally, because *&& the allotment Teceived from the philanthropies. Dr. Aisurowitch wpl familiarize the local community,' it i i ^planned, with the situation' in Germany and what' the Ort has accomplished there. Dr. Aisurowitch: is reputed to be a brilliant speaker in Yiddish. He has also addressed several meetings in this country inj English.

Jerusalem, (J.TA.)—Nearly eight thousand German Jews are now in Palestine and the German department of the Jewish Agency for Palestine has 125,000 pounds with which to settle them on the land, in addition to the funds the settlers themselves have, Dr. Arthur Ruppin, head of the colonization department of the" Jewish Agency, disclosed at a press conference. Dr. Ruppin told the journalists of the plans developed by the Agency for the settlement of the German Jewish refugees.

to Gifts" For Philanthropies

Active Civic and Communal Leader Accepts This Important Post in Fifth Annual Jewish Drive

Abraham Goldberg, outstanding Zionist leader and prolific Jewish writer, -will speak oh "Palestine and the German Refugees" at a. meeting open to the public at the Jewish Morris E. Jacobs has accep- national Jewish beneficiaries will get Community Center auditorium Sunted the chairmanship of the in- under way early in May. Seven new directors were elected machinery for the drive is beday evening, March 4, at &;1S p . m . itial gifts committee in the ingThe at the annual meeting and stag dinset motion early, states SilverThe address will be under the ausforthcoming; Jewish Philanthro- man, sointhat ner of the Highland Country club details of the campices of the Zionist, organization, and pies campaign, according to an paign may betheeffected Tuesday at the Blackstone. without any will be in English. announcement made today by last-minute rushr The directors elected are: • Max Mr. Goldberg recently returned Chapman, Morton Degen, Morris In accepting the initial gifts post, from an extended visit to Palestine Ferer,. Louis - Hiller, Harry MalaJacobs assumes one of the most imand will present conditions in the .The 25th anniversary of the B'nai shock, Al S. Mayer and Ed - Treller. portant tasks of the campaign, since Holy Land from first hand informaJacob synagogue, 24th and Nicholas Officers will be elected from among this committee obtains the larger tion. . . • , streets, will be celebrated this Sunthe directors at a meeting March 10. pledges,. of the donors. He plans an A forceful speaker, he plays a day, March 4. The .nominating committee consists intensive drive. prominent role in the guidance of of X Zimman, Louis Hiller, Harry An appropriate program will be Mr. Jacobs has been an active the Zionist movement in the U. S. Malashock, Morris Milder, Jerome F. presented in observance of the ocAbraham Goldberg. worker in the community for nearly His participation in Zionist leaderHeyn and Harry A. Wolf. casion. A supper for • all members a score of years, participating in ship dates back several decades, he will be held Sunday at 6:30 p. m. at Abe Herzberg, president* presided some of the largest communal having first evinced interest in Zionthe synagogue. There will be no Tuesday, Over a hundred members activities, sucli as managing the ism when he was only 14 years of admission charge. attended. campaign for the first Omaha Comage. He is at present a member of munity Chest drive ever held in the the Governing Board of the Zionist city. He has also been associated Organization of America. with many Ak-Sar-Ben, Legion and Mr. Goldberg has been a member similar campaigns. of the World Zionist Actions committee for 20 years and is, in fact, o f Harry ;Marcus, Wgoing president the V a a d Temple Brotherhood President the oldest member, in point noint of sarvHa'Ihr,- was presented ssrv ... Mr. Jacobs is president of the with a loving cup in appreciation ice, of that body in this country. He Brotherhood of Temple Israel, a was first secretary of the Order of of the service he has rendered the member of the executive committee Vaad, at a meeting of the Board of Sons of Zion and was at one time of the Jewish Community Center president of the Poale Zion, both of Governors Monday evening at the and Welfare Federations and a memB'nai Israel synagogue. I. Morgenwhich he helped to found. He was ber of the executive committee of one of the first organizers of the stern made the presentation. Reprinted From ."The Resolute" of the American Entente Omaha Post No. 1 of the American Marcus was one of the founders Achooza movement, and a member of Legion. of the local Vaad. Elected first the administration of the J. N. P. the African:slaves have the same in- Willstater; artistically thru a Mogis printed an He has been a member of the In 1921, he took an active j. irt, in president of the Vaad, he served as alienable rights as the free born sons dlani, a Chagall or a Wm. S. Highland Country club since its orpresident during the three terms of and short article reprinted from helping organize the Keren Hayesod Schwartz; spiritually thru a Spinoza of the English and Dutch. ganization, and a member of the in the U. S. He was, in addition, its e existence. T h e Resolute,' which is pubToday sinister, rumblings are heard I or Jesus, and these, to mention but B'nai Brith for many years. He instrumental in effecting the union | _ 3 ^ : ^ w l y - e l e c t e d ^ commissioners lished by The American Entente. on every hand. Agitators of every de- a few, labored in the face of cenMorris E. Jacobs was the first publisher of the Jewbetween the Zionists and the non- and officers of the Vaad: Chairman of "Initial Gifts" for scription seek to uadermineoor very turies of pogroms, exiles and oppresish Press. Zionists resulting in the Jewish N. Levinson, president; G. Soref, —The Editor. Jewish Philanthropies Drive life. Some aim taitisrupt society as it sions. . Surely the people who have Mr. Jacobs is executive vice-presisecretary; N. Wilfson, treasurer; J. Agency, of whose executive he is a been reluctant to accept Jesus have is now organized; ©thers seek purely dent of Bozell & Jacobs, Inc., adverTretiak and Louis Epstein, co-chairmember. a political reform of which they them- lived up to his highest "concepts, Harry Suvercnan, general chair- tising agency with offices in Omaha Since 1919, Mr. Goldberg has made man of ? the finance committee; S. "Forgive. our enemies" and "Return I man of t h e drive, selves seem very Tiazy about. But the and Indianapolis. rabbinical chairman; "H. Eimfour visits to Palestine, becoming Ravitz, real enemy of Americanism today are good•' for evil."- The time when! The fifth annual campaign for merman, membership; I. Goldstein, acquainted with every aspect of the Meshulochim; I. Morgensterri, educathose instStufems-that advance them- Christians within or without "the funds for local, national and, interProspects Good ' Jewish development i n Palestine. ... selves on the basis: of racial preju- church can sit mutely by while charDissatisfaction among people who Mr. Silverman expressed th« tional. He started his literaryy career 30 dice; By; and Inaixliou& latans strive Jto .plunge America iny; deyipiBs»3^3»s y p ^ x>jimioiv that-prospects seem unusually propaganda they seek to create and to the bottomless abyss of race'j o g Jle^has writteniextenbright for a successful Philanthropies ago. wronged may give rise to anything. I sively"" in drive this year. In Russia it gave birth to Commun- bring about the same intolerance that hatred is past. i Hebrew and Yiddish and Their favorite slogan baited to! ha3 contributed to outstanding jour"The contributors do not have to ism and the iroh-fisted dictatorship now exists in Germany. nals. Por 4S years he was editor of be 'sold' on the dire need of our of Joseph Stalin.t1In Italy it bore an- Fortunately we have a chief execu- catch the unwary—"You cannot com-1 Dos Yiddish Folk." He has also writunfortunate" fellow-Jews—they feel other bully of Benito tive in the White House who /Typifies pete with the Jew"—and their emo-j -" ' " in -- the - -- shape -•* -•» •"—-••— ten three books in-Hebrew and two keenly the plight of the beneficiaries Mussolini and in Germany it resulted the true spirit of Americanism. As a tional appeal—"Eliminate the Christ examination are shown in Yiddish. of the Philanthropies' funds. With in such a miscarriage of justice as to great American he is the wise admin- killers"—on to be ridiculous when we consider Hi3 activities have not been . rethe economic outlook much improved inflict upon a harrassed world the istrator of the public wilL Under his that fifty-eight generations havej stricted -to -Zionism.\ -He has conhere, we should achieve a heartening present oligarchy headed by Adolph courageous leadership the Declaration stantly fought for the strengthening "War Clouds in Europe" is the Hitler. been robbed, persecuted, outlawed Vienna (WNS)—Jewry's fear of success in our approaching drive. • will survive. of modern Hebrew education. in subject which Oswald Garrison Vil- However, a similar dissatisfaction and murdered for the actions of An- i a -wave of anti-Semitic Ieglislation "Morris Jacobs is an invaluable America. He is a • vice-president of lard, editor _ of "The Nation," will among the people of America one nas and Caiaphas over nineteen hun- comparable to that in Germany was man to head the initial gifts comthe American Jewish Congress. Dur- speak on before the Community hundred and sixty years ago gave dred years ago. The Jew can well partly allayed by official disclaimers mittee, and his acceptance will be an ing the war period, he was active in Forum at the Jewish Community birth to that spirit of individual indecry out with the poet, "Good God! of any proposed anti-Semitic policy' active stimulus toward the achieving organization of the People's Relief C e n t e r on Wednesday evening, pendence which established the funwe have paid it in full." Every issued by Chancellor Dollfuss and of our goal." committee. - He also helped organize March 14. _ • child of fourteen knows that the Vice-ChanceHor Emil Fey, political, Last year Dave Goldman headed By Tom Gannon damental principle upon which Amer.the Jewish Legion during the last This subject will be particularly icanism is based, mainly, that all men three richest and most powerful leader of the Heimwehr and virtual initial gifts committee. Under The forces behind the recent tragic groups in America are not Jewish, dictator of Vienna. In a lengthy in- the war. One -of the most important timely in view of the present tense are naturally equal in rights. his direction initial gifts group events in Germany which so shocked but are rather the Morgan, Mellon, terview with American and British surpassed the the activities to his credit, is the passage political situation in Europe and the record of all previous This basic principle may well be and saddened the world, and who are of the Lodge-Fish resolution by both rumors of imminent war. " Rockefeller groups and with Ford correspondents, the Chancellor denied campaigns. •- ' considered as the main contributing Houses of Congress' in 1922.. Villard is noted as one of the factor to the phenomenal development now attempting to extend their ac- as the richest individual, their first that his government would change tivities in America, bring the realiza- premise—you cannot compete with country's foremost liberals. In his America. It has given us a nation tion that pure gold in speech, as in the Jew—is shown to be a perfect its policy toward the Jews. He also writings ' he is always championing ,of that the new constitution, liberal administration in the coiri^ may because of its very purity, example of their chauvinistic char- announced the cause of liberty and freedom. wherein which will be ready within three governing of people is exercised as it become battered out of all semblance latanism. Comes now the time for weeks, will avoid both Fascist and Since Hitler's rise to power in Germany he has been one of the severest is in no other country. It has devel- of form thru years of abuse. I, America to substitute "Peace on Socialist extremes and will have "no oped free speech to such an extent therefore, in all humility, offer this Earth" for intolerance and "good anti-Semitic clauses. critics of the Nazi regime. Mrs. Anna '-Wolfson, 39, of 2011 Villard is qualified to speak on that journalists of all nations bow interpretative alloy which may or will toward men'' for race hatred. Major Fey, in a statement reveal5To. 20th St., died last Thursday af- Europe's War Clouds, as he has their head to the American press and may not save these golden coins ing the government's readiness to The Sefer Torah given to honor ternoon from injuries suffered when traveled extensively through Europe. recognize it as the most fearless news from complete destruction at the negotiate with the Nazis regarding the memory of the late Chaim Michel struck by an automobile, the previous He only recently returned from his agency throughout the world. Its. de- hands of "those who would twist or peace on condition that Austrian in- Gross, will be dedicated at impresvelopment among men has shown the Saturday; •'.._ last visit there, and few speak with millions of the earth that American- remould them into medals for their dependence is guaranteed, declared sive all-community ceremonies by personal adornment. She is survived by her husband, B. more authority on the political, social that the Heimwehr would under no the Conservative synagogue Sunday N. Wolfsbn;" four daughters, Naomi, and . economic problems confronting ism is not only a national character- The contemplative know it has circumstances become anti-Semitic or evening, March 11, at the J. C. C. istic, but a spirit of honesty, decency, ever been the fashion to worship at aiary, Sarah and Fannie; one son, Europe today. A cordial invitation is extended to Hershel; three brothers and two sis- In addition to his many contribu- sportsmanship and other qualities the shrine of the ruthless, and to Mrs. Hannah Seiner, 56, passed adopt Hitler's racial theories. He all Omaha Jewry to attend. •which motivates an American's every hate, despise or crucify the gentle away Monday at a local hospital of said that in the event an undertions to journals, Villard has writters. The festivities will begin with « Gods. The Caesars are honored and injuries received two weeks previous standing was reached with the Nazis; dinner Funeral services were held Friday ten several books. His latest, which move. at 6:30 p. m. Reservations one of the Heimwehr's' demands will when struck by an automobile^ There are, of course, many who men in their blindness give freely ajorning at the residence, with burial was recently published, is entitled for the dinner may be made with be .that they do not seek to impose She is survived by her husband, loudly proclaim themselves 100 per of even their lives to add to their at Pleasant Hill cemetery. 'The German Phoenix." upon Austria their racial dogmas. Mrs. Harry Silverman or Mrs. B. Morris; three sons, Leonard of Omacent Americans. They proudly boast glory, while fhe Christs are martyred William Grodihsky, chairman of Joe of Chicago and Jake of St. The Heimwehr has not been anti- A. Simon. the educational committee of the J. of their—mostly imagined—ancestors* and exiled from the world. But the ha, Semitic, he declared, adding that sev- Following the dinner, at 7:80 Louis. voyage in the Mayflower, and at the gentle gods seem to grow in power C. C. which is in charge of the aral of its officers are Jews and p. m., the dedicatory caremonies will Funeral services -were held Tuesday same time exclude every person who after death. No longer entangled Forum series, states that the Villard part of its financial support comes begin. At that time the two scrolls holds political or religious views not morning from the residence, 2518 with the living, freed from space lecture is expected to attract another now in possession of the synagogue, in common with their own. These and time, we see their true propor- Seward street .Burial was at Golden from wealthy Jews. capacity audience. given by Mr. and Mrs. Mose characters are peculiarly un-Ameri- tions on the road to eternity. Only Hfll cemetery. Dollfuss' statement has not made one Mrs. H. Epstein ,60 years old, passed Yousem and the other by Gail and can but doubly so in their persecution in our blindness are we as gods. a great impression on Jewish leaders away last Thursday at an Omaha hosMargolin, will be carried forth and discrimination of. minority.groups. ' Unfortunately for both humanity here. It is pointed out that if he Louis pital. Funeral services were held on had said that the Jews would be as- to meet the new Torah. Thursday afternoon. She fs survived Americanism, as we see it, is that and America their diabolical cunning Hadassah Show Will by her husband, lour sons, all of Oma•which was inspired-in the. breasts, of appeal is not to the contemplative, Benefit Medical Fund sured of their equal rights under Cantor E. Sellz and the choir unthe constitution his declaration might der the direction of Harry Braviroff ha, 'William, Sam, Harry and Hymie, our forefathers, who, while suffering but is directed to the young, the will chant appropriate psalms. Rabbi thoughtless, the uninformed and the and three daughters, Miss Ethel EpDr. Victor E. Levine of Creighton untold hardships, founded this coun"Two full hours of entertainment" have had some meaning, but his brief stein, Mrs. L. Nepomnick, and Mrs. R. University will speak on the subject try wherein they could escape reli- bigoted. The denigration of the great is promised to those who attend the remark is regarded as leaning in D. A. Goldstein will give the address. Beber will preside at the disShapiro. "Has Science Contributed to Human gious persecution. It was carried on in always comes as a surprise to those Hadassah show to be presented at the two directions. Dollfuss has several Sam tribution of letters. It is customary without envy, but one fact, such as Happiness?" at the regular meeting the hearts of men and women who High auditorium Monday eve- times expressed himself in favor of at the dedication of a new scroll the Jew, altho comprising but one Central economic and cultural anti-Semitism fought a bitter revolution to free of the B'nai Brith, to be held Monday ning, March 5, according to Mrs. JuOrganizations Plan individuals be honored with the evening, at 8 p. m., at the J. C. C. themselves from the arbitrary *cts of percent of the German population, lius Stein, chairman of the "Give or and he could easily oust Jews from that been awarded more than twenty- Get" committee, which has charge of economic and cultural positions and privilege of completing the unfinJoint Purim Program Dr. Levine has a national reputation a tyrannical sovereign. It was borne has ished letters. The well-known OmaA joint PurimV celebration will be as a scientist, especially in the field in the wul of men who waged a five per cent of the Nobel prizes— the affair. Two features will be pre- still maintain that he had not ha scribe, Mr. Epstein, will officiate. may clarify my statement that when changed his policy. It is also sigheld Saturday evening, March 3, at of chemistry. The speaker will be pre- bloody civil war to demonstrate that ignorance is wedded to arrogance the sented, with complete shows starting nificant that he is the leader of the Mr. Gross during his lifetime was 8:30 p. m. at the; J. C. C. by the Pio- sented by Dr. Maynard Greenberg, a at 7 and 9 p. m. All proceeds will go progeny is always intolerance. Christian Social Party, a member of particularly active in the Beth neer Women, National. Jewish Work- former student of Dr. Levine. to the Medical fund for the relief of his Fatherland Front, which for 40 Hamedrosh Hagodol synagogue, serv. ere' Alliance, Pqalei Zion, Junior Pio- Al Finkel, Omaha pianist and band To those in America who are be- the Palestinian sick. years has made anti-Semitism one ing as president of that synagogue neers, and Hatikvoh-Pioneers. leader, will present a brief musical Federation Issues ing inundated with Anti-Semitic "live and Laugh" is an all-talking, for 22 terms. of its paramount issues. program at the same meeting. He will propaganda or are being. besieged sing and dancinc picture, featuring The affair is , open to the public, Call for Clothing by recruiting agents for such fascist Cantor Josef Rosenblatt This is the Major Fey's declaration, while weland admission is free. A balanced be assisted by Al Skeene, violinist, groups" as the "Silver Shirts," last known picture in Which the famed comed in Jewish circles, has aroused program is being ; planned,; and re- and Bill Barron, singer. Concert Tonight "An important business meeting of freshments will be served. The Jewish Welfare Federation hag Knights of Paul Eevere or kindred cantor sang prior to his death. Head- considerable speculation. His remarks the lodge will be held before the pro- issued a request for contributions of organizations I ask that you weigh liners in the cast include famous are regarded as being intended pri- A trio of New York artists, W. the inestimable benefits conferred on names of the Jewish stage, screen, marily for foreign consumption be- Packer, M. Brodin, and Z. Zlatin, will New York (WNS) — Contracts to gram,. according- to Leo Abramson clothing. sing in Berlin and Beireuth this year president. Delegates from the lodge to All clothing received is renovated humanity by the Jew;—culturally radio and concert world. cause the Heimwehr is known to be present a concert at the Labor Lyhave been cancelled by Emanuel List, the board of governors of the Jewish for distribution among the needy fam- thru a Heine, a Steinberg or Per- The other feature will be *The Un- impregnated with anti-Semites, al- ceum, 22nd and Clark streets, this retz; medically thru an Ehrlich or written Law." This first-run talkie though anti-Semitism as such is not evening, March 2, at 8 p. m., under Austrian-American basso of the Met- Welfare Federation will be selected. ilies. ropolitan Opera Company, • Although Plans for the celebration of A. Z. A.'s Clothes of all sorts are welcomed, an Abt; phitosophically thru an features Greta Nissen, Mary Brian, included in its program, Jewish lead- the auspices of Branches 173 and he would not give, his reasons, he tenth anniversary "will also be dis- for infants, boys and girls, men and Einstein, a Bergson or a Michaelson; Louise Fazenda, Lew Cody, Sfceets ers do not deny that Jewish money j 258 of the Workmen's Circle. Admechanically thru a Steinmetz or Gallagher and other film stars. cussed. ' ! ' said ^'everybody 'kriowfe -why." j womenhas supported the Heimwehr. mission will be thirty-five cents.


Vaad Pays Honor to Harry Marcus, Outgoing President



A mericanism





After 20 Centuries

"SIYUM mwmr TO







l i "

• ' li l •



PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, MARCH 2, 1934 Yale Halperin, pi-esident, appointed master an outspoken anti-Semite "Psi Mu Day" to the committee chairmen: Julius who sought and won office on an Meyerson, program; Philip Schlaifer, anti-Jewish platform. Years of Be Held March 11 initiation; Gertrude Canar, membereconomic discrimination and social ship; Paul Sacks, property; Max The fifth annual "Psi Mu Day" will Halpirn, Molly ostracism drove thousands of AusLipsman, sergeantsbe celebrated at the J. C. C. this year at-arms. trian Jews into the Christian fold. on Sunday, March 11. Anti-Semitic student riots have been common occurrences. The governA full day's program of activity Plans were discussed for a party ment itself has generally been ofand entertainment is being planned. to be held soon. ficially friendly to the Jews; con- By the Service Life Insurance Early in the aften*>on the Psi Mu sequently the more violent manifestabasket ball team, winners of the preCompany, Omaha These minimum prices (called tions of anti-Semitism have been season title, will clash with the strong for and delivered) will be in efavoided, but in Tyrol and other Sioux City A. Z. A. quintet. The J. fect for only a short time provincial and rural districts there Next to providing food, clothing C. C. girls sextet will play in a prelonger. has always been a more or less and shelter, a man has no greater liminary game. obligation to his family other than Following the game the regular Psi covert animosity toward Jews. Men's Suits „ 75c of providing sufficient training Mu Sunday matinee dance will be In the face of the critical emer- that in order that his children can carve held. This will be followed by a banDresses 75c gency, Austrian Jewry is hopelessly their own destinies to the fullest ex quet for the members and visitors. divided and entirely unprepared to tent of their ability. Overcoats 75c defend itself. The Jewish workers who were aligned with the Socialists Even before the warm glow of are now suffering their fate. The pride and joy over the birth of a Fratority middle and professional classes are new youngster in the family has Fratority held its regular meeting H. MARCUS, Prop. disorganized and leaderless. The subsided, the parents begin to dream Wednesday at the Congregation of 1941 Vinton JA. 1440 Jewish intellectuals are either help- and plan about the future. The Israel synagogue. pictures her daughter beauly be easing the way for an -ulti- less or unconcerned. The Jewish mother tiful, accomplished, and much sought war veterans, as a beau geste, ofrrapped between two reactionary mate Nazi triumph and opening- the after. The father, if he is successfered their services to the Dollfuss anti-Semitic forces fighting desperflood-gates of anti-Semitism. government in its struggle with the ful, pictures his son following in his ately for supremacy in Austria, 250,Because control of Austria is theSocialists. Many hundreds of Jews footsteps. If he is not successful 000 Austrian Jews apprehensively key to European politics, there are are members of the Heimwehr. he dreams of all the success for his await the future, fearful of what it certain powerful international forces • Robert Strieker's plea for a united son which failed to come to him. will bring and helpless to do anything at work which indirectly may save TRobert plea for Jewish Strieker's front tinder the banner of It takes eight years in the grade about it. In this terse and timely Austrian Jewry. Mussolini, who i s - the <"""* *•""•«•People's «-''«"• «•* school to give a child the fundastudy of the Austrian scene, Mr. PosJewish Party has met opposed to anti-Semitism, is very with little response. All that has mentals of an education and this tal presents a factual resume of the much concerned with maintaining been done was to create a Jewish training proceeds along standardized situation as it now stands and an esAustrian independence and prevent- self-defense corps which is guarding lines. Next, the child must have timate of Austrian Jewry's chances of ing a union of Austria and Germany. the Jewish quarter against looters. four years in high school and folescaping the fate of German Jewry. It is not improbable that in the The deep concern felt everywhere lowing this, at least four years in —THE EDITOR. event the Heimwehr can prevent a over Austria's political crisis is college. Nazi putsch and maintain its con"While all Europe anxiously watches by Jews, for upon the fate It costs the parents considerable trol over Austria the moderating in- shared the sensational political developments of Austria depends the future of money to supply the child with this fluence of Mussolini would prevent in Austria, the first phase of which Jews. Even the most optimis- necessary education. Fifty years ago, serious anti-Semitic excesses or any250,000 ended in the sanguinary suppression tic observers are not too sanguine the machine age was in its infancy. major changes in the existing ecoof the Socialists and their elimination this future. All signs point Education in those days, was not the nomic and political status of Aus- about from the three-cornered struggle for to increasing trouble and disorder. necessity it is today. If any of our trian Jewry. The Jewish populacontrol of the tiny remnant of the forthcoming clash between the dreams are to come true regarding tion also stands to gain by Austria's The once mighty Hapsburg Empire, 250,Nazis and the joint forces of the our children, we must see to it that Engelbert Dollfuss dependence on British financial aid, 000 loyal Jewish citizens of Austria! and the Dollfuss regime they are properly educated. vwi loyai <i envuu U I U M U **•* »»—-— j which would not be forthcoming to Heimwehr or may not be decisive, but the Life insurance today is providing find themselves on the verge of be- Marxists and Jews together indis- a Nazi-controlled government or may for the Jews of Austria is a means through which education in ing crushed between two anti-Semitic criminately in a desperate effort to even to a regime persecuting its outlook dark indeed. The world is asking: its various phases can. be assured > push Austria into Fascism as a means forces. own citizens because of race or creed. Whither Austria? might with our children. As this is written, the Austrian m - o f staving off the Hitlerites Likewise Czechoslovakia and France equal pertinence alsoI t ask: Wither would not stand idly by and permit Austrian Jewry? For the present Austria to be swallowed up by Ger-situation in Austria may easily mean Man's chiefest treasure is a sparmany. for the Jews a repetition of what ing tongue.—Hesiod. any clear-cut ha The League of Nations, impotent happened to them in Germany. Semitic Nazis and the almost equally f. i policy towards the as it is, also figures in this situaCopyright, 1934, by Seven Arts anti-Semitic Heimwehr, which, to- £wt l so n not lacking to Unlike Germany, Austria is a Feature Syndicate. gether with the Fatherland Front sup-' s u p -JJ 'm.^^ff. J S the regime is tion. JOHN FELDMAN porting Chancellor ™^*^M ite xegme is signatory to a minority treaty -under pti Chcello Dollfuss, Dollfuss ^ in\f"V in\f"V leanui the saddle at Vienna. Whichever side S - No^ittistanding semi-official which she pledged herself to respect Announces that he is now engaged in the business of selling all kinds — .be un- assurances that anti-Semitic meas- the cultural and political rights of Sigma Kappa Chi wins, the lot of the Jews will --_- no - -.--all minorities, including the Jews. of EELIGIOCS ARTICLES— Tal63 enviable, to say the least, because F . are contemplated, thousands o In the expectation of probable anti- A business and social meeting of eisim, Books, Jewish Bibles in Hetheir safety rested on the now dis- Jewish state and municipal employes Semitic decrees, the leaders of Aus- tiie Sigma Kappa Chi sorority was brew and English. Also Matzos and persed and outlawed democratic have already been^ousted ostensibly trian Jewry are framing an appeal held Tuesday evening, February 27, Passorer Articles. GI,. 2972 forces. If the Nazis triumph as now !> ecaQse « * * ^ S o c i a l i s t or Social- to the League of Nations, based on at the home of Mrs. Irvin C. Levin, Res. 609 5o. 50 S t sponsor of the sorority. Plans were seems likely in view of the support «*w ssympathizers. Scores of prominent, this treaty. Downtown Office—118 So. 17th they may expect from the embittered tJh e i have| been arrested. Leaders of. Anti-Semitism, of course, is no discussed for a mother-daughter af- Xaffe Printing Co. JA. 0770 fair to be given sometime in May. Socialists, and Anschluss with Ger- 31 Catholic storm.troops,an uiteg-1 new phenomenon in Austria. The Fesach Articles Hdo.ts. many, factual or r^-itual, is achieved hfa P*3* «* V* Z ^ ? £ scientific Jew-phobia which Hitler The sorority is giving a supperan* *ultiS0SKDTS BUTCHER SHOP the Av^an laws g ,! ™ presented Dollfuss laws of of the the H Hitler regime, dance a t the Fontenelle Saturday, converted into a national mania was 1552 North 20th WE. 5450 will probably be introduced d d into it AAu s -! ^ ^ ^ f ^ S ««*population. born in Vienna. More than two dec- March 3. Miss: Libby Dolgoff is tria. A Fascist Austria controlled Vchairman of this affair. ades ago Vienna elected as burgoPrince ^ ^two members of the DollPrince Ernst Ernst von• n fStarhemberg, g ,derst-i Hitl hi h while comrade, of Hitler, and his j f p a n j ^ two memers of 3 Heimwehr legions, would be h a r d l y ^ ; cabinet. In circles,dose J o the arti ht rmaap-pNead^. - ^ N a ^ i » . ^ ^ 1 « ^ ^ A ? a m e i : ^ j a B S tort-. Where Omaha Shops tcith Confidence • •< shi#Thetfews less anB^Sexmtic ;havV%sae«thenr the spearT-point ofu™f> thousands'of Jews h>ve already ls ? :f to # d T h N d putspoken. Alarmed at ttus tendu their onslaught against Bollfuss, -Jfe* T - Poland^andrCzechoslovakia. TD OR 10 days only we will give Double the Amount •while the Heimwehr :has. lumped The'Jewish quarter of-Vienna is m a ••• your old set or phonograph would normally '• panic. The general,apprehension that is spreading through; Austria is most bring—and still let you have your new Grunow on wide-spread among the Jews. Jewish National SIXTEENTH AT FARNAM the easiest of payments. Think of it! This offer is Close of the the Austrian u Close observers observers of



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situation are isiiuanon are of ox the m e opinion upimun that UU>K Dolli^u»»-

l i d tto bbeaantiti h i i f iis not t iinclined membership campaign of the- ff u s s hfinself Jewish National Workers is •*,.. -ar,^,,^, Alliance AU,^,^ - gemjti^ ^ e has frequently assured progressing, with a large number of Jewry that the Fascist state he plans sew members obtained.: -:•*".' would not .in any way affect the A regular meeting of the Alliance rights and privileges of any race or will' be held March -8 at 8:30 p. m.creed. This promise he ieiterated at the J. C. C. All members are! recent radio address to the urged to attend, A. lecture on . His position, however, is important subject will be given. Any- shaky." Starhemberg is ambitious to one wishing to attend meetings of replace the "midget chancellor whose the group is welcome, as all meetings prestige has been seriously impaired are open to visitors. since he made the tragic mistake of turning the Heimwehr loose on The Jewish Workers Alliance will the Socialists who -wanted to save present an evening's entertainment Austria from Hitlerism. I t is not of humor and comedy at the J. C. C.inconceivable that Starhemberg, who April 1 at 8:30 p. m. All friendly has enjoyed the moral and material Organizations are requested to hold backing- of Mussolini, might come to this date open. - ;•• terms with the Nazis and create a coalition against Dollfuss like that established between Hitler and HugOscar Mayerqwich enberg in Germany. In that event Head Xi Lambda the Heimwehr chief tain would mere-

Oscar Mayerowich was named pres-: =• Ident of the -Xi Lambda at the elec-1" tion of officers held Tuesday. Other officers: Morris Franklin, >i vice-president; Max Turner, secretary j f Formerly In the Insurance Bide. and Ralph Nogg, treasurer. 214 So. 18th St. The organization plans to enter the' JJLL948Q AU-Star night at the J. C. C. Nate •";' .: rAcrosa from the City Hall Handel was voted in.

I 'j




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By FHETEAS J. BIBOIT Palestinian Colony to Be Founded to Honor J. N. F. President DON'T TELL ANY ONE

making that 40-mile trip from Princeton to Philly in order to attend the pageant opening . . . The scenery, he told us, corresponded to his idea of Siberia . . . His return trip, though any major unpleasantness, wa3 none too delightful — the more so since the ride, which under normal circumstances takes an hour and a half, lasted for five hours, bringing the professor home at 5 a.m. . . . And he with a lecture scheduled for the morning! . . . Frau Einstein was so delighted to get home alive that she gave the chauffeur two pairs of stockings for his wife . . . And the Professor gave this gentleman, whose name is William Gilligan, a note reading: "In remembrance of that snowy trip from Philadelphia to Princeton during the night of February 19, 1934." . . . Mr. Gflligan is reported to have studied the note, which was written in German, and to have asked on what bank the check was drawn . . . But when the full significance of the testimonial was explained to him he announced his intention of holding on to it until a substantial cash offer is made.

Philadelphia, Pa. (WNS)—A drive Marvin Lowenthal, traveler, raconfor half a million dollars, §100,000 of teur and bon vivant, has not disapwhich is to he used to establish Kfar peared from the scene, he is merely Ussishkin, a Palestinian colony to be m retreat as he writes a book on the founded in honor of Menahem Ussish- history of the Jews in Germany . .' . kin, world president of the Jewish Na- He is parked on a farm near Philational Fund, on his 70th birthday, was delphia, living' moderately on funds launched by 600 delegates at .the conr furnished by the Jewish Publication ference of the Jewish National Fund Society . . . To a dinner guest the other evening he remarked that there of America. was a race between him and Hitler, The conference also voted to boy- to see who would be the first to fincott German goods, to intensify the ish the German Jews . . . Pierre Van activities of the fund in the United Paassen, the newspaper corresponStates and voiced approval of the dent, who started out in life as a subTydings resolution. ject of the late Belgian King Albert's Louis Lipsky, national chairman of father, tells us that Belgium will now the American Palestine campaign,' at- have a Jewish queen .-.; . Astrid, you tacked the'Joint Distribution commit- see, is a member of the Bernadotte tee., for its failure to unite •'with other family, and Van Paassen insists that A PHYSICIST SPEAKS Jewish organizations throughout the the Bemadottes, who were Napoleon's When, in the course of that trip world in a joint program and single bankers a number of generations ago, through the blizzard, the Professor amazement at such weathadministration to meet the German- are of Jewish lineage . . . Perhaps it expressed er in so southern a latitude—if you Jewish crisis. is a reversion to type that is moving your geography you know Pointing out that the refusal of the Astrid's cousin, Prince Sigvard of remember Philadelphia is further south to co- Sweden, to contemplate marriage with that Madrid—someone Joint i Distribution committee i remarked that operate, made it likely that there Erika Patzek, German movie actress, than we don't usually have winters would not be a joint campaign, Mr. now in London, whose father is said hereabouts, but that thissuch was arLipsky bitterly assailed those who to be a Jewish market stand owner ranged especially for theone Professor's only talk of Jewish unity and refuse in Berlin? benefit, just to show him what Amerto do anything about it. ica can do . . . Whereupon Dr. WalQuestioning whether the Joint Dister Mayer, Dr. Einstein's associate in tribution committee speaks for all its CLASHES ON THE FRONT his research work, wisecracked: "Yes, Though accuracy is our aim in life contributors when it refuses to cowinter is cold for our benefit— operate, Mr.. Lipsky declared the time we must confess our inability to keep the and the dollar fell for our benefit— up with the swift changes that take has come fSPa clear discussion of the g and when they start hitting the Jews Our over the head important issue of joint co-operation. place on the Jewish horizon here they'll say that's present difficulty is that German Jew.Rabbi Israel Goldstein, president of for our benefit, too." ish fund raising situation, which has the Jewish National Fund of Amerisuffered a thorough upset in the past ca, pointed ont that the fund remains p NEWCOMERS k W Whereas last week all was The English-Jewish publication field "the most popular of all Zionist" week fund raising instrumentalities, and re- billing and cooing between the Jew- seems to be picking up, to judge by marked that the conference was the ish Agency for Palestine and the the number of new enterprises that first in the history of the American Joint Distribution Committee, today are springing up in that line . . . Zionist movement which had "such there are only frowns and sneers It seems that the JDC is opposed to There's Cleveland, with a projected representative character." And a combined drive for the Hitler vic- weekly to be called "Friday" Nashville, which will soon have "The tims—at least until the Zionists can Not to mention San get together for the Palestinian side Observer" g Antonio, whose "Jewish Press" is af h h In the meantime of the business Basketball fans will be given, the harsh Is it Hitler and his names are being flung back and borning (Opportunity to witness some fine ex- forth—and the Nazis laugh with glee American friends whom we have to hibitions of basketball in the Open as the old "perfidious Albion" slogan thank for these developments? Which reminds us of the prominent tournament to be held at the J. C. C. works out: "Divide and rule." Southern Jew — no, we won't give March 5, 6 and 7. Many impressive teams -have - entered and much lively ANOTHER SECTOR REPORTS away his name—who is getting all competition can be expected.. The repercussions of the World hot and bothered about the Silver Pairings for both class A; and: B Jewish Congress quarrel continue to Shirt movement . . . In the days of will "be drawn today. Entries closed disturb the Jewish stage . . . Only the Ku Klux Klan he took things last •Wednesday. last week fiery,- idea-mkided Dr. Sam- quite calmly, but now . . . This is uel Margpshes, editor of The Day, how he put it: "The KKK only wantWith Flo Brookstein finding the flung to Bernard G. Richards his res- ed to crack my skull—but these Silhoop"for 32 points, the J. C. C. girls ignation as a member of the Jewish ver Shirts are after my business" . . . varsity team. smothered the highly louncil of New; York because Rich- But Robert W. Bingham, U. S. Amtouted Bellevu^ Ramblers, 60-39. The rds,;the council's guiding genius^ bassador to- England/ has -told PubCenter cause ^was also effectively voted against the convening of the lisher Cohen of the Louisville Spokesaided by the 19 points of Ida Bouse- World Jewish Congress at the recent man that American religious tolerZionist Executive Committee meeting ance will make any real outbreak of field. in New York And while we're anti-Semitism in the U. S. impossible. The Health Club Volleyballera are on the world Jewish problem, let us working out regularly in a prepara- pass on,the bright idea of our col- MOSTLY PERSONAL tion for their future games. T h e y league, Bernard Postal, an idea that Here comes Prof. Benjamin Goldof the U. of Illinois to destroy are planning to enter the .. Mid- may help out not only German Jew- berg West volleyball tourney to be staged ish refugees but also the starving all our illusions about the relative at Lincoln. . schatchonim of our land . . . Why not immunity of Jews to tuberculosis . . . The Prof, tells us that immunity is arrange for marriages between GerTalmud Torah, flashing a power- man Jewish girls and American not racial, but derived from the dietary habits of Jews . . . Arthur Samful offense, displaced the Milder Oil youths? . . . We ask you, why not? uels, fair-haired editor of Harper's five from championship consideration Bazaar and parent of the idea which last Friday with a 20-9 trouncing. ROMANCING gave to the world that scintillating Ben Kutler was the star for the Talmud Torahs, leading a success- Albert Ritchie, Maryland's aristo- weekly, The New Yorker, could retire ful second half rally with 12 points. cratic but democratic Governor, will from the literary field and become a The score at the half was 5 all. The be an honorary chairman of the com- concert pianist any day Rosa winners were also champs last year. mittee to sponsor the presentation of Raisa, the Chicago opera star, is The Romance of a People" in Baltimore . . . The feat of garnering the Yaffe-Altchuler defeated the pre- noted leader may be season champs, Ban-Grossman, in a chalked Democratic up to that veteran warrior double handball match to go into and pathfinder, Meyer Weisgal, the finals of the J. C. C. handball the pageant's directing W. genius . tourney. They meet Rosen-Goldberg Weisgal, incidentally, has not yet. deSunday to determine the champions. cided what gave him the biggest thrill at the recent Philadelphia opening of The Psi Mus were assured of a the pageant, the enthusiastic response tie for first place honors when they of the huge audience that turned out nosed out-the Deep Rocks, 34 to 33 despite the howling blizzard, or the in the last 10 seconds of the game. congratulations he received from the Millard Sigal, who was-removed in guest of honor at the performance, the second period because of a Prof. Albert Einstein . . . So impressturned ankle, was put into, the game ed was the professor by that dramatmth 25 seconds to play and after ic spectacle that he insisted on shakme first play sank an under shot ing hands with Isaac Van Grove, pagbasket to take the game. eant director, and Lee Kepp, musical director. The Xi Lamdba went into a^ tie for first place by trouncing the AZA RELATIVITY'S DAD No 1, 28 to 12. In the other conWe think the orchid of the week test the Marks Market pulled an up- will have to go to Dr. Einstein, for set by defeating the Wardrobes, 26-24.


bringing up her daughter Julietta to become an opera singer also . . . Julietta is only two years old, but her fond mamma already sees symptoms of a great operatic career for the youngster . . . William (American Federation of Labor) Green got quite a shock on the night of the banquet tendered him by the Non-Sectarian Anti-Nazi League . . . It seems the officials in charge of the function made the bad break of having their menus and programs printed in a nonunion shop . . . And Percy (R. H. Macy & Co.) Straus can't understand why his good friend Samuel Untermyer, Non-Sectarian Anti-Nazi league prexy, concentrates his attacks on Macy's, who have cut down German purchases to what they consider an irreducible minimum, whereas many other large department stores are stifl buying much more than they really need from Hitlerland . . . Did you know that a certain group of Canadian Jews is boycotting the world's biggest five-and-ten chain on account of the prevalence of German-made items on the counters of the chain's local stores? . . . Talking of the five-andten reminds us of Louis Lubchansky, Connecticut junkyard owner, who recently bought a dilapidated yacht and found $15,000 in the safe And yachts, again, brings us to that charming literary lady, Fannie Hurst, who likes yachts but does not care for swimming, and never wears sports clothes.


(Copyright, 1934, by Seven Arts Feature Syndicate)

Sunday, March 4—3 p. m., Psi Mu Dance; 3 p. m., Omaha Hebrew Club; 8 p. m., Zionist Meeting, Abraham Goldberg. • Monday, March 5—8 p. m., Ladies Free Loan Bridge; 8 p. m., Basketball Tournament. Tuesday, March 6—8 p. m., Talmud Torah Board Meeting; 8 p. in., Basketball Tournament. Wednesday, March" 7—6 p. m., Medical Advisory Board Dinner; 8 p. m., Basketball Tournament. Thursday, March 8—8 p. m., Junior Hadassah. Sunday, March 11—10 a. m., Conservative Synagogue Board Meeting; 3 p. m., Psi Mu Day; 3 p. m., Hebrew Club Meeting; 8 p. m., Siyum Torah, Conservative Synagogue. Monday, March 12—8 p. m., Book Review by Rabbi D. A. Goldstein, "House of Exile" and "Oil for the Lamps of China." Tuesday, March 13—8 p. m., American Legion Recreation Institute. Wednesday, March 14—8 p. m., Community Forum Presents Oswald Garrison Villard. Thursday, March 15—8 p. m., Junior Hadassah. Tuesday, March 20—8 p. m., Round Table of Youth Stunt Nite. Wednesday, March 21—6 p. m., Conservative Synagogue. Men's Club Dinner; 8 p. m., Vaad Forum, Rabbi L. Siegel.

Belgrade (WNS) — Predicting the arrival of hundreds of Jewish refugees from Austria because of the uncertain conditions there, the Jugoslavian press has announced that they

would be welcomed and accorded sanctuary just as were the German Jews who flocked to Jugoslavia shortly after the Nazi regime came into power.

Conservative Over 350 attended the Purim dinner and celebration of the Conservative synagogue held Thursday evening at the J. C. C, when ail affiliated groups of the_svnagogue. partici-. pated. I. Dansky was master of ceremonies. During the course of the evening the members saw themselves caricaturlzed in the re-telling of the Purim story. The Men's group presented a Purim pantomime, and a newspaper revealing much of the lives of the members was edited by' the Studyclass. "A Modern Purim" was offered by the Confirmation class, and "Today's Queen Esther" was presented by the Junior Conservative girls. "Pictures of the Past" was the production of the C-2 group, baring the past of prominent members. A number of the Purim selections were rendered by the choir. The Auxiliary women presented a short skit entitled "Thank You for Coming."

Berlin (WNS)—The swastika, the Nazi emblem, will henceforth be worn as an integral part of the uniform of every German soldier and sailor, according to a decree issued by President Paul von Hindenburg. The decree, which also gives the Nazi party control over the nation's armed forces, is expected to be followed by a similar order affecting the police.


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On Changing One's Name


To paraphrase a famous line, "A man by any name would be j the same." Philosophers for generations have queried: "What's Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by in a name?" And the general answer has been that one's name, A JEW GOES TO HEAVEN being a mere sign of identification, means nothing. THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Yet there is great significance in a name. As the Jewish Recently (as I have heard) a cerSubscription Price, one year - - - - - - - - - •• $2.50 Jew died and came to God. Long people traveled through the ages, wandering from one country to ain Advertising rates furnished on application efore, he had made up his mind that another, their cognomens changed along with their customs and e would speak to God when he habits. Even today many people's names reveal the country of :ame to Him. Editorial Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building. "O Lord, my God, is there no end? their origin. Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center. Why dost Thou permit this travail DAVID BLACKER - - - - - - Business and Managing Editor In thickly-populated as well as sparsely-settled centers in the f Thy people? As if a thousand W R A N K "R. A C K E R M A N » - - - - " • - - " • " " " " x»«wr United States many Jewish people have changed their names "be- years of pain were not enough, Thou FANNIE KATELMAN - - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent permit them to suffer even two ANN P I L l T — - - - . - • - • - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent cause they sounded too Jewish." Others, "because it was neces- dost thousand years." Print Shop Address: 1307 Howard Street sary to get a job." Others, "because it was a handicap socially." This speech he had prepared when This changing of names is demonstrative of Jewish wandering was 50 years old and he had aved it for the Lord even to his from hearth to hearth, much of it being uncomplimentary. 80th year, when he died; and he But in Palestine thousands of Jewish people have found their took it with him to the Throne of the home. In the environment of the Jewish Homeland, the change is ord, and spoke it. in the opposite direction. There, too, people are changing their And when he had heard this God "Is the pain of the Jew the names—but to Hebraic ones. One hundred and two people have asked: nly pain in the world? Are the changed their names in Jerusalem in favor of Hebrew patrony- ews alone oppressed?" Abraham Goldberg to Speak Here mics, according to the latest Palestine Gazette. They are all Jews, Aye, even at the moment the space Abraham Goldberg, forceful Zionist leader and writer, whose who have chosen this method of associating themselves with the before His Throne was quite filled the ghosts of Austrian Socialfiftieth birthday American Jewry is now celebrating, will be a Jewish revival proceeding in the Jewish Homeland. Thus, the with sts, newly-arrived. And there were guest in Omaha this week-end. His address at the Jewish Com- new names being registered include Arieli, Atsmon, Avivi, Cana- those who had been hanged and the munity Center Sunday evening should be of particular interest to ani, Hammeiri, Migdal, Naftali-Menaged, Ravina, Otsar, Yavnai ghosts of women who had been shot in their houses and the crying ghosts us since Mr. Goldberg has just returned from an extended visit to and Zeevi. f children who had been rent by Palestine. His views on Palestine, Zionism, and the part being cannon and were weeping for their mothers. played by German refugees in the upbuilding of the Jewish homeLord pointed to these, but A Harvest of Weeds __ theAndJewthesaid: land are based on first hand information. "Their pain is of a Recently published figures made public the fact that with the day, but we have A member of the Governing Board of the Zionist Organizaalways suffered." tion of America, Mr. Goldberg is one of the most prominent Zion- United States and Italy the exceptions, Nazi trade with the major Then a Socialist answered him: "No, my Lord, all the weak always ist leaders in the country. His participation in Zionist leadership countries of the world had shown a decided drop ostensibly be- have suffered in all the times. The dates back several decades and is the result of energetic and con- cause of the anti-Nazi boycott. pain of these children was but the Further figures just released give the information that a renewal of the pain of their forestant activity in advancing the ideal of the Jewish National Home athers under the heel of their opin Palestine. Since he was fourteen years old he has been inter- sharp drop of 17.5 per cent in the value and 18 per cent in the pressors. O Lord God, is there no ested in the Zionist ideal, the intensity of his interest steadily in- quantity of German exports during the month of January has not end? A thousand years we who are creasing. During his literary career—he is regarded today as one only given Germany an unfavorable trade balance for the first weak have suffered and a thousand years more and even a thousand of the most prolific Jewish writers in the country—he has con- time in four years but has finally forced the Nazi government to years besides." tributed much to furthering the aims and aspirations of his people. definitely admit that the boycott is having its desired effect. Ger- Oh, the space before the Lord beHis services to Zionism are many—among these, he helped found man exports last January amounted to 349,600,000 marks, a drop came overflowing with new ghosts from all the world. The ghosts of the Order Sons of Zion, helped found the Poale Zion, was one of of 74,000,000 over the December figures. children who had died of hunger even If the liberal minded people throughout the world continue in the first organizers of the Achooza movement, took a leading part the shadow of mountainous heaps in aiding Dr. Weizmann organize the Keren Hayesod in the United and intensify the boycott, Hitler and his Nazis will find that of bread and meat, and the ghosts of whose lungs were consumed States, and was one of the able companions of the idea of extend- "trade is a social act" and that not only is "a good name to be pre- children n slums that stood in dark valleys ferred to riches," but that to obtain riches in trade a good name ing the Jewish Agency to include the non-Zionists. looking up to palaces. The ghosts of old men: They had Zionists or non-Zionists, those who wish to have presented to is necessary. perished on the streets, homeless. Incidentally, Louis Untermyer, leader of the Non-Sectarian them a vivid picture of the Palestinian movement so vital in the They had toiled in all their days, givAnti-Nazi League to Champion Human Rights, scored a victory modern Jewish set-up should attend the address by Abraham Golding their strength until they had no berg, l in this country last week. Through his efforts, the Treasury De- more; and they had been cast out. partment amended Article 509b of the Customs Regulations of The ghosts of men who had died 1931 so as to make it mandatory to mark all imported goods with by their own hands: They had wanted no more than to work, or had the country of origin instead of only the name of a kingdom, state, come to beggary and had seen that Criticizing the Leaders province, city or sub-division of the country of origin. Untermyer human life came to an end when it The outspoken courage and fearlessness" of Louis Iipsky, for was prepared to file suit against the Treasury Department to com- stood at a back-door, as some dog, years an outstanding figure on the American Jewish scene, com- pel it to enforce that section of the Customs Laws which provides waiting for a bone; and by hanging had disposed of lives that were mands the respect of everyone interested in the welfare of the en- that every article imported into the United Stateamust be plainly they already done. tire Jewish people. and conspicuously marked Jfith a label indicating'the country of The ghosts of a multitude that had Less than a month ago Iipsky created a furore when lie wrote origm. Previously, goods were being shipped in"made in Sax- died without having lived: Their days been in the shadow of fear . . an article for the Anglo-Jewish press in which he claimed that the ony" and "made in Bavaria" instead of "made in Germany," with had "What of tomorrow?" they used to World Jewish Congress should be postponed and no further steps the result that many were confused into thinking that the goods taken until a better groundwork was laid and more unanimity of were manufactured in some country other than Hitlerland. support obtained—this, despite the fact that he was an official An effective boycott against Nazi goods by liberals, labor, GEMS of the BIBLE of the American Jewish Congress, the group which sponsored the pacifists, socialists, Jews and lovers of justice will let Hitler know and TALMUD calling of the world congress. He came in for much criticism from that he who soweth iniquity shall reap weeds. By O. O. DASHES supporters of the Congress but stood his ground for his principles. Last week Iipsky again demonstrated frankness of the most "The exiles from Germany are the voice of their mute, broken The refining pot is for silver, and undisguised form when he leveled a charge against the Joint Dis- people before the world. They are not simply fugitives. I insist the furnace for gold—and a man is tribution Committee during a speech at the J. N. F. conference, that with them is all that is great and fine in Germany."—Hein- tried by his praise. Iron sharpeneth. iron; so a man stating that those in the United States who have been most vocif- rieh Mann, famous non-Jewish author and thinker. sharpeneth the countenance of hi erous in their pleas for unity have been the first to resist its transfriend. lation into concrete action. The leaders of the American Jewish If a wise man contendeth with a A righteous man regardeth the Me of his beast—Prov. foolish man, whether he be angry Committee are almost identical with the leadership of the Joint or laugh, there will be no rest. Distribution Committee. And it will be recalled that it was not long ago that the American Jewish Committee condemned the Abba the surgeon was accustomed TOO MANY ORGANIZATIONS? to receive greetings every day American Jewish Congress for the tetter's alleged unwillingness By Rabbi Uri Miller through a Both Kol from the heavento act in harmony with its own political program. Yet, practically ly session. While Rabbi Abayi rethe same men through their leadership in the J. D. C. repudiate ceived such a greeting only each SabThe impression is widespread—and justified—that there are bath eve, Abayi felt discouraged bethe effort to arrange for a joint fund-raising effort which will pro- too many Jewish organizations in Omaha. Indeed, it is the stock cause of the greater distinction convide for the German Jewish victims of Hitlerism. To quote Iip- argument used by those opposing it every time a new organization ferred upon Abba the surgeon, and Bky: "Last year a Jewish economic conference was held in London, is formed. It is the standard excuse used to rebuke membership he was told: "The things that Abba does thou canst not do." What did called primarily by the London Jewish Board of Deputies. There solicitors by non-sympathizers. Abba the surgeon do that made him were represented any number of the most important Jewish orPlacing organizational life on a quantitative basis as this re- so renowned? He had a box outside ganizations of various lands. This conference was turned into a mark does is not indicative of a high standard of intelligence. It of his office where the fee for treatwas deposited there, and the failure because of the refusal of the Joint Distributing Committee seems as if our good Jews have established a quota—five or ten ment one that could afford to pay deto pool its funds together with other Jews for the purpose of deal- organizations. Though the heavens divide no more organizations posited in the box, while passing by, ing with the German situation under a common program directed may be formed. The quota is filled. . And if an organization did and those that had no means would come in and sit down without by a common administration. At the present time there is every not have the fortune to charter itself before the ^deadline, it can merely the least cause for shame. If a probability that there will not be a joint drive in the United States no longer be born. The era of creation is at an end. young scholar happened to come to him, he would merely come in and as between the Joint Distribution Committee and the American It is a puerile point of view which judges organizations by down without the least cause for Palestine Campaign, due to a large extent to the feeling that still their precedence in formation. There is one criterion of judgment sit shame. If a young scholar happrevails. among the leaders of the Joint Distribution Committee —the purpose served. It alone justifies the existence of an or- pened to come to him, he would not that Palestine stands in one way or another in opposition or par- ganized group and the formation of a new one. Jknd it is not af- accept money, and in addition he would give him money, saying: "Go allel to the work in the Galuth.., We have a perfect Jright to ask, fected by chronological tardiness. home and take good care of your| with all due respect, whether the Joint Distribution Committee self." One day Rabbi Abayi sent two purpose served by an organization is pertinent and vital of his disciples to Abba the surgeon represents its thousands of contributors when it arrives at a de- —if Ifit the fills a void in American Jewish life not otherwise taken to watch his actions. Abba entercision which prevents that co-operation which the Jews in this care of, it deserves life and interest and sacrifice. If it serves no tained them and gave them to eat Country seem to be asking f o r . . . " drink and invited them to stay vital purpose, tho its roster of past-presidents contain every im- and overnight. In the morning the disThis particular point is of no vital importance locally because, portant personage in the Jewish community it deserves but decent ciples folded up the pillows and carried them to the market to sell. fhanks to our co-ordinated Jewish Philanthropies, separate drives burial and perhaps a memorial service. they encountered Abba and Ore not held in Omaha anyway. But the issue drawn here—whethIt is indicative of the babbitry of American Jewish life—and There said to him: "Let the master estier it Is 8 Question affecting the American Jewish Congress, the its tremendous mechanical setup—that organizations long dead, mate the value of the pillows? He 'American Jewish Committee,;"theJoint Distribution Committee, for the spark of life-—the purpose—no longer exists, continue to told them how much he thought they worth. "Perhaps they are Or any other agency which claims to speak in the name of the give every semblance of life and even increase in membership. were worth, more," they replied. And he Jewish people—the issue drawn here is vital to American Jewry. Societies formed to Americanize immigrants exist in a non-immi- answered: "I can purchase them for For all too long have we been toying with; "unity;" charges and grant age by the. gracelof the past and present officers and th< that amount" They then said to him: "These pillows are thine; we the place of concrete programs of mtense desire for honors and dignity. Organizations formed for took them from thee. And now we counter-charges have t mutual aid maintain themselves—though the need is long past— oray thee tell us what didst thou common interest among our 'leaders ^ suspect us of?" "I thought that perfor vested interests are involved. Five and six organiztaions over- haps Kb organization in American Jewish life has the right to detersome prisoners had to be ranjnine the extent to -which, in its sovereign will, it will accept uni- lap and do the same work—for officers must be maintained. The somed and you did not wish to tell what amount that would require, fied effort. The actions of many of our so-called national leaders corpses in organizational life are many and only the idealogical me S O you took the pillows." They then ishadow the sincerity t)f their desire to achieve unity in American blindness of our fellow-Jews prevent us from giving them the re- said to him, "Now let the master take them back." But he answered: Jewish life. Unless, however, they can learn from experience and verence due the dead—interment. It is a humiliation and a disgrace to our community to have "Nay. I have already made up my lefc the cause transcend power or individual glory, they will learn mind to devote them for charity purthat American Jewry has suddenly discarded their "leaders" and a doctrine current which judges organizations by chronological poses, and hence I cannot take them Struck out in the right direction for true leadership, the general- precedence. The purpose—it only gives life and a soul. It onl back." riiip which is concerned solely with the benefit of the entire army. must be our measuring rod.

The Week in Review

ask, and they never had time to live today, thinking of tomorrow . , . Tomorrow there might be no work, tomorrow they might be evicted, tomorrow they would be old with nothing in their hands. Now this Jew observed that the dome of heaven seemed full of the murmuring of sad voices, or it might have been like spent wind moaning; and he inquired to know what these sounds were, and they told him. These were the lamentations of men who had gathered in the dome of heaven unheard of God because they were so many. They had gathered there in all the evil years since 1914, and whatever voice had been lifted to God from the earth was here, waiting to be heard by God. The voices of soldiers wounded on battlefields: "O God, for what do we suffer? For the aggrandizement of the powerful, for the fattening of the rich? Is it for this that we perish?" The voices of the mothers of dead soldiers: "Lord God, why is this pain upon us? These children were of our bodies and they were taken from xxs and consumed. They were but children and they were destroyed before they had lived." The voices of all the dispossessed in the bitter years: "O Lord God, the Son of Man hath no place to lay His head." The voices of the hungry: "O Lord, the earth is full of Thy goodness and the harvests are rich with the grain, and the wool of the sheep is thick for the shearing; but our children starve and their bones are gnawed by the

cold wind, since they lack garments. O Lord God!" The voices of Jews: "O Lord God! Creator of the universe, ruler of heaven and earth!" And all these voices were as one in the dome of heaven, one moaning of pain, one protest, and no voice was to be distinguished from the other, though the Jew listened for a familiar sound. He listened intently. He knew well that in this moaning there were the millions of the voices of Jews crying unto God. Far removed from Jewish life as he was, he should have liked to hear even one Jewish voice that had arisen from the earth to cry unto God . . . one "Oh!" But the voices of pain were like drops of water in a river, and who may know one drop from another? It was one voice of all the humankind. And the Jew said: "The pain of the earth is all in one bundle," and he suffered no more the particular pain of the Jew, and he spoke to God: "O Lord, why dost Thou permit this travail of the meek and the lonely?" (Copyright, 1934, by Seven Arts

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BECEPTIOST FOB BABBI AND i MBS. TYICE TONIGHT An informal reception in honor of Rabbi David H. Wice and his recent bride, the former Miss Sophie Salzer of Cincinnati, -wiU be held this evening at 9 p. m. following Temple Israel services, in the vestry rooms of the Temple. Everyone is "welcome. Eahbi and Mrs. Wice arrived" in Omaha Wednesday following: a short trip. They "were wed in Cincinnati on February 22. GROSSMAN-SOSKIN ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. H. Soskin of this city announce the engagement of their daughter, Blanche, to Mr. Maurice Grossman, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Grossman of Kansas City, Mo. An early spring wedding is planned.

UPP-KKOPMAN ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kropman of Mason City, la., announced Sunday the engagement of their daughter, Miss Dorothy M. Kropman, to Mr. Louis E. lipp, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. M. lapp of this city. Miss Kropman is a graduate of the Mason City high school. Mr. Lipp was graduated from the Creighton University law school,, where he was affiliated with the Pi Lambda Phi fraternity. No date has been set for the 'wedding.

public, admission being 25 cents per Jewish Women's person. Refreshments will be served, and Welfare Organization prizes awarded. Special entertainment An unusually important meeting of is also being planned for the affair. the Jewish Women's Welfare organization will be held Tuesday after"GIVE OR GET" BRIDGE noon, March 6, at 2:30 p. m. at the The Misses Kalah Franklin and Jewish Community Center, according Anna Goodbinder wiU sponsor a "Give to Mrs. L. Neveleff, president. or Get" benefit bridge tea for the Because of the vital issues to be medical fund of Junior TTgrfagc-aft at discussed, every member is particuthe Goodbinder home Sunday after- larly urged to attend this meeting. noon, March 4, at 3 p. m. Admission is 25 cents, and a door prize wiD be Chesed Shel Ernes given. A meeting of t i e Chesed Shel Those wishing to attend are requested to call Miss Franklio, Market Emes will be held at the Chesed Shel 1236, or Miss Goodbinder, Glendale Ernes building Monday afternoon at 2:30 p . m . 3115. Reports on the recent card party wni be rendered, and other important business will he discussed. All memTemple Sisterhood bers must be present. The regular meeting of the .Sisterhood of Temple Israel wHl be held Junior Society Monday, March 5. A board meeting will be held at 12 noon, and a lunch- The meeting of the Junior Society eon at one o'clock. Mrs. Mollie Cohn, of the Conservative synagogue on Walnut 7144, has charge of reserva- March 5 will feature a review by Miss Toby Flax on "That Man tions. Rabbi David H. Wice will continue Heine" by Brown. his series of Bible History talks fol- The meeting is being held at the lowing the luncheon. Mrs. David A. home of Mrs. J. J. Greenberg, who Goldstein will give a short address has invited the group to be her guests that evening. on behalf of Hadassah. The meeting is open to all, both members and non-members. Trial Marriage Popular

DECEPTION FOR NEWLY-WEDS Mr. and Mrs. J. Cohen will receive at their home, 1124 No. 40th St., on Sunday afternoon and evening, March 4, in honor of their son-in-law, WilCouncil of Jewish liam Miller of Rock Island, HL, and K3ESTEIN-JACOBSON their daughter, Maybelle, who eloped Women ENGAGEMENT to Waterloo, February 14, and have Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jacobson of just returned from the south. At a beautifully appointed lunchthis city announce the engagement of No invitations have been issued, but eon at the Blackstone Monday, Mrs. their daughter, Sara, to Mr. Clarence all friends are welcome. Robert Glazer, retiring president of H. Kirstein of Washington, P. C , son the Council, was honored. Forty woof Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kirstein. WEDDING ANNIVERSARY men, board members of both the They will be married early in the Mr. and Mrs. Leo Fox entertained Council and the Conservative Auxilfall. for 16 couples on Monday evening on iary, attended. A lovely gift was the occasion of their twelfth wedding presented to Mrs. Glazer in appreLEIBOVrrZ-FONAROW anniversary. Bridge was followed by ciation for her services. Invitations have been received here a midnight supper. Mrs. Glazer is leaving Omaha tWs by relatives for the approaching marmonth, and her place as Council presriage of Miss Marian Fonarow, ENTERTAINS ident will be taken temporarily by daughter of I. Fonarow, of San An- Mrs. L. Rubenstein and Miss Rose the three vice-presidents, Mrs. Sam tonio, Texas, formerly of Council Rubenstein entertained thirty guests Gilinsky, Mrs. A. D. Frank and Mrs. Bluffs, to Mr. Bernard Leibovitz, also February 25 at a party honoring Miss Max Holzman. Each one will have of San Antonio. The marriage is to Bess Eubenstein and her fiance, Mr. charge of a meeting until the final take place Sunday, March 11, at San Charles Fellman. meeting in May. A nominating comAntonio. mittee is to be appointed soon to name Mrs. Glazer's successor. BIRTHDAY ANNIVERSARY HILL-ASTOR ENGAGEMENT Fifty friends surprised Mrs. A. For- Following the luncheon, the annual Mr. and Mrs. Julius Astor of Leav- maj at her home last Thursday on Council bridge was given at the Cenenworth, Kans., announced last Sun- the occasion of her fiftieth birthday ter, attended by about 150 women. Mrs. Philip Levey, ways and means day the engagement of their daugh- anniversary. chairman, was in charge. An inforter, Betty, to Leo Hill, son of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hill of Lincoln. mal coffee followed cards. ATTENDS RECEPTION Miss Astor attended the Universi- Mrs. J. -Cohen has just returned ty of Missouri and is affiliated with from Rock Island, HL, where she the Phi Delta Pi sorority. Mr. Hill is spent the week-end. While there she Conservative Auxiliary attending the University of Nebraska attended a reception given in honor and is a member of Sigma Alpha Mu. of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. A "home talent" program will be a feature of the next meeting of the The wedding is to take place in the and Mrs. William Miller. Conservative Auxiliary on Wedneslate summer. day afternoon, March 14, at the J. ANNOUNCE C. C. Either members or their chilMr. and Mrs. D. Charney announce dren are to take part in the affair. the Bar AEtzvah of their son, Irving, Plans have "been completed for the on Thursday morning, February 22, By play-writing contest in which any at the Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol synMrs. David M. Newman of the Auxiliary or any agogue- A reception was held Sunday member group affiliated with the Conservaevening in his honor. Dinner was. tive synagogue is eligible. April 15 French Pancakes served and cards were played. Mix 1 cup flour, 2 tablespoons Prizes were "won by Mr. Harry Eis- has been announced as the closing sugar, 1-4 teaspoon baking powder, enstadt, Mrs. H. Wohlner, and Mr. M- date. The local contest is being held in -connection with the national con1 pinch salt, 2 whole eggs, 1 egg Wohlner. yolk. Add rine of 1-4 orange, 2-3 Mrs. D. Miller of Green Bay, Wis., test sponsored by the Women's cup milk, 1-4 cup melted butter. Mix was an out-of-town guest. Mrs. Miller League. •well and fry in butter in 6-inch is The play should be one-act, onein diameter. When baked spread here for an extended visit. scene and run for 30 minutes. Its with current jelly. Boll op. Sprinkle theme must be of Jewish interest. with sugar, cover with syrup, and BIRTHDAY PARTY Phineas Wintroub, in charge, anMrs. Morris Cohn was* hostess at Mrs. glaze in a hot oven. nounces the local prize-winning her home February 24 in honor of the play willthat be at the Maj ninth birthday of her daughter, Har- meeting of theproduced Auxiliary and will be riet. Decorations were carried out in entered in the national contest. A. Z. A. 100 green and yellow.


The executive committee of the Century chapter met Monday. Following dinner at 6 o'clock at Whalen's, the committee discussed the chapter's program and business. Next Sunday three chapter tournaments will be started—in snooker, checkers and ping-pong. A trophy •will be awarded to the winner of each. Plans are being made for stunt night at the J. C. C. Mike Levy is chairman of the committee in charge.

Habonim Election of officers of the Habonim was held last Sunday, with the following chosen: Charles Stein, president? Morton Soiref, vice-president; Dave Richards, secretary; Herschel Magzanrin, treas•urer; Carl Fredericks, parliamentarian; Paul Green and Norman Gendler, reporters; Ben Kutler and Joe Kirschenbaum, sergeants-at-arms. An oratorical contest will be held In the near future. • After the meeting a party for members of the Habonim was held.

Watch and Jewelry Repair AT REASONABLE FRICES Tonr Bu»lne»« Greatly Appi«elatea

Henry Bebnoni, Jeweler JA. M68


All Forms of Insurance with Reliable Companies

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The next Oneg Shabbos meeting RETURNS HOME will be held at the Gail Margolin Miss Sophie MiHer has returned home on Saturday afternoon, March from Rock Island, HI., where she 10. Mrs. I. W. Rosenblatt will be cospent the •week-end with her parents hostess. and attended a reception given in honor of her brother and sister-inlaw, Mr. and Mrs. William Miller. Pioneer Women FREE LOAN BRIDGE PARTY MONDAY The Ladies' Free Loan Society will sponsor a benefit bridge party at the Jewish Community Center next Monday evening, March 5, starting at 8 p.m. The affair is open to the general


315 So. 15

JA. 7311

Among Bulgarian Jews Sofia, (WNS)—Trial marriages have become so popular among the Sephardic Jews of Bulgaria that the judicial council of the Bulgarian rabbinate has been obliged to prepare special marriage license forms for couples seeking to be married on a trial basis. The problem of trial marriages will be one of the principal topics on the agenda of the forthcoming congress of Bulgarian Jewish communities.

Rivera Says Spanish Fascists Oppose Anti-Semitism Rome (WNS) — Anti-Semitism is

opposed by the Spanish Fascists because it is uncivilized, Primo de Rivera, their youthful leader, declared in an interview with the Italian press. The Spanish Fascists have no connections whatever with the Nazis, he said. "We in Spain condemn Hitler's anti-Semitism," de Rivera asserted, adding that "no Spaniard would be ashamed to marry a Jewess."


ish Girl." Miriam Weinberg will talk on "The Jewish Girl's Place in the Synagogue," Sara German on "The Jewish Girl and Education" and Dora Freshman on "The Jewish Girls' Training for Womanhood." Mrs. Sam Ban is general chairman, assisted by the following cochairman: Mrs. Sam Epstein, refreshments; Mrs. H. I. Milder, program, Mrs. I. Elewitz, telephone. A committee of the Ladies' auxiliary will serve refreshments following the symposium. All members of the Jewish community are invited to attend this service.

Rabbi David H. Wice will conduct the services at Temple Israel this evening. Eabhi Wice is tonight starting a series of three talks on Liberal Judaism, his sermon this evening being on the subject, "How and Why Liberal Judaisn? Began." Following the services at 9 p. m. there •will be an informal reception in the vestry rooms of the temple in honor of Rabbi Wice and his bride, Junior Congregation the former Miss Sophie Salzer of The Junior congregation trill hold Cincinnati. Everyone is invited to its regular service this Saturday attend. morning at 10:15 a. m. Mrs. Sol Lagman will furnish refreshments Eegular Junior services will be to the congregation in observance of held Saturday morning. her birthday. A special prize for The College club will meet at attendance will also be given. the temple Sunday afternoon at This Junior congregation is open 4:15 p. m. to all Jewish children in the comMonday at 1 o'clock Rabbi Wice munity. will address the Sisterhood Bible Refreshments are served at each class. service by various members of the Tuesday evening the adult study Jewish community in observance of group will meet. Mr. Sam J. Leon happy events. will conduct the session. Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock Tax the confirmation class will meet at New Paris (WNS) — Opportunities for the temple. German - Jewish refugees to obtain employment in France will be seriously impaired as a result of a special Conservative 10 per cent surtax on wages and salAt services tonight Rabbi David A. Goldstein will speak on "Purim's aries of foreigners gainfully employed in France imposed by the ChamChallenge to Anti-Semitism." Cantor E. Sellz and the choir, di- ber of Deputies. The measures prorected by Mr. Harry Braviroff, will vide that the tax be paid by employers as a means of relieving unemploylead the service. ment among French citizens. It is generally felt that French emVaad ployers will dismiss foreign workers in wholesale lots rather than pay this Auxiliary Night surtax. Auxiliary night will be featured this evening at the Vaad services at the B'nai Israel synagogue. The subject of Rabbi Uri Miller's sermon will be "The Mother in Israel." Special music has been arranged by Cantor A. Schwaczkin and the B'nai Israel choir. The Ladies' auxiliary will present a symposium on "The Jewish Woman—in the Home—in the Synagogue —in the Cultural Sphere." The speakers will be Mesdames N. H. Greenberg, William Milder and Sidney Katelinan. The Junior auxiliary will also present a symposium on "The Jew-

Matinee Dance The regular weekly matinee dance of the Psi Mu at the Jewish Community Center auditorium will be held this Sunday afternoon, starting at 3:30 p. m. The Cra'ghtonians will play. Last week's affair was a tea dance. Refreshments were served by the Jewish Women's Welfare organization, with Mrs. A. Greenberg in charge.

Germany Tightens Restrictions Berlin (WNS)—Stiffer restrictions on the withdrawal of funds from Germany by German Jews emigrating to Palestine have been imposed by the Hitler government, ostensibly because the Keiehsbank's condition cannot stand the drain of funds. The new ruling provides that in families of several members the £1,000 required for admittance to Palestine be granted only once. Intending emigrants are barred from drawing even that sum if they have any kinsmen who emigrated to Palestine since August, or who, while yet in Germany, received £1,<MM) for themselves.


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Asks Holland Prohibit Nazi Storm Troopers

The Hague (WNS)—In a series of written questions to the minister of justice, Senator Henry Polak, prominent . Jewish leader,^ has demanded that the two shirtea armies of the Dutch National Socialists be prohibited. Senator Polak charges that these private armies endanger public order in Holland.

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Mrs. S. Okun, chairman of the annual Pioneer Women bazaar, announces that April 15 is the date set for the bazaar. Any one wishing to buy a copy of "The Ploughwoman" can now obtain the book for $1.10 by calling Mrs. Okun, Webster 1642.


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FROM DECK TO AIR—This photo shows a plane being catapulted from the deck of the U. S. S. West Virginia in Los Angeles harbor daring the final tactical maneuvers of the U. S. fleet prior to it* leaving for the east coast.

KIN OF SCHNICKLE FRITZ—Here is a basketful of aristocrats dogdontr . " • • • " ' . ' .

SITTING PRETTY—Posing under her wide-brimmed beach hat, Miss Marty Dillard gives you her version of the popular saying, "sitting pretty", on the cabana walk at Miami. Beach, Fla.


W'-. t,^.'


• '.:-

'• :•

MONEY TO BURN—Memories of the national bank holiday of a year ago are brought to mind by this scene that shows the burning of $8,000,000 in clearing house bills in Philadelphia. The scrip was created to enable business concerns to meet payrolls last March.

SURVIVORS OF CRASH—Lieutenant William S. Pocock, Jr., and Lieutenant James H. Rothrock are pictured in the navy hospital at New York City, where they are under treatment for exposure( when their plane, en route to Langley Field, Va., from Floyd Ben-, nett Field, New York, was forced down in the Atlantic ocean, off Rockaway Point, L. L A fellow officer, Lieutenant George F. Mc«, Dermott, was drowned a short time before his companions were! rescued.




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PRESIDENT'S SON INSPECTS MOTOR-^-Elliott Roosevelt, second son of President Roosevelt, and an aeronautical expert, is among those inspecting this unusual new motor at Los Angeles. Invented by H. J H i c k e v -widely-knowir automotive engineer, ti>e new multi-pulse engine eliminates poppet valves and J£ n and rocker arms and develops almost 60 per cent higher horsepower than old type £ 5 £ f ^ * * * * are ffickey, Capt. Alton Parker, chief test pilot of the last Byrd expedition, and young Rooseveltj

——— Universal Setcarcel photo AVALANCHE BURIES ITALIAN VILLAGE—Twenty-two persons met death and many were injured when a huge avalanche, rushing down the side of the Apennines mountains, partially destroyed Bolognola, Italy. Militiamen are shown searching the ruins for borfi« w fc;u *«««-. « . r v — .«.» »v.—


PAGE 7—THE JEWISH PEESS, EKIDAY, MABCH 2,1934 depot, he had handed Raisin the Miss Ruth" Helen Marks, 28 years NOTICE Is hereby siren that on tbe 1st NOTICE is hereby given that on tbe 1st NOTICE is hereby given that on the list day of January, 1934, the total outstand- day of January, 1934, the total outstand- day of January, 1934, the total outstandmoney in an envelope, and he hadold, passed away last Saturday morn- ing secured and unsecured indebtedness of ing secured and unsecured indebtedness of ing secured and unsecured indebtedness of seen Raisin put the envelope in his ing from heart disease after an Ill-THE S T A N D A R D DEVELOPMENT THE CAKLTON REALTY COMPANY, a THE NORTHERN MORTGAGE & FIa Nebraska corporation, with Nebraska corporation, with its principal NANCE COMPANY, a Nebraska corporavest pocket. ness of a year and a half. She is sur-COMPANY, its principal place of business la Omaha, place of business in Omaha, Nebraska, was tion, with, its principal place of business Grey Iron, Aluminum and Nebraska, Traa $131,S56.S5. IRONY $118,089.91. vived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. in Omaha, Nebraska, was $04,877.91. Bronze Castings H. A. WOLF, H. A. WOLF DR. PHILIP SHER, If you still do not believe Bernard M. I* Marks, one brother, I^ee Marks President, President. President. Wood and Metal Patterns H. A. VTOLP of Council Bluffs; and four sisters, Shaw's thesis, that this is the madDR. PHILIP SHER i H. A. WOLF J. A. C KENNEDY 2614 Martha St. HA. 5523 H. A. WOLF H. H. AUEKBACn dest of all possible worlds, what are Mrs. Irving Rosenberg of Chicago; A. W. GORDON Majority of Directors. H. WILINSKY By DAVID SCHWARTZ T. F. KENNEDY Mrs. John B. Quigley of Hutchinson, you saying to the story that the wife Attest: A. W. GORDON Majority of Directors. H. A. WOLF J. H. KDXAKOFSKY of Hitler's propaganda chief, Dr. Kans.; Mrs. M. L. Cohen of Omaha, Attest: Secretary W. L. HOLZMAN and Miss Flora Marks of Council J. A. C. KENNEDY Goebbels, had a Jewish stepfather, 3-2-34-lt. Majority of Directors. A TASTY DINNER Attest: and further, was one of the childhood Bluffs. Funeral services were held 3-2-34-lt Secretary H. H. AUERBACH The incident, I am told, happened chums of the late Dr. Chaim Arlos- Sunday afternoon at the residence, NOTICE is hereby given that on the 1st Secretary day of January, 1934, the total outstand<m ihe East Side the other day. It oroff? And that farther, Goebbels with Rabbi Frederick Conn of Omaha NOTICE is hereby given that on the 1st ing secured and -unsecured Indebtedness of 3-2-34-lt was at a rather strange sort of res- himself was for a long time a dis- officiating. Burial took place at the day of January, 1934, the total outstand- THE OVERLAND SECURITIES CORNOTICE Is hereby given that on the let secured and unsecured indebtedness of PORATION, a Nebraska corporation, with taurant, strange in the sense that ciple, as Henrich Mann, writes of a Oak Hill cemetery in Council Bluffs. ing THE H. C. FAIDLEY COMPANY, INO, * its principal place of business In Omaha, day of January, 1934, the total ootstandyon had to bay the check for your German Jewish professor? •.. ing secured and unsecured indebtedness «f Mrs. Rosenberg of Chicago and Mrs.Nebraska corporation, -with its principal Nebraska, waa $55,000.00. THE VENETIAN COURT REALTY COM^ ^ H. A. WOLF, Gd d •tine plate" before sitting down to Quigley of Hutchinson who arrived place of business in Omaha, Nebraska, wag PANY, a Nebraska corporation, with its President. • a t . : . . • ' • : .-.. ••• principal place of business in Omaha, Nehere Sunday mroning to attend their ^ ^ H.A.WOI*. H. A. WOLF One of the most interesting perbraska, wa» $77,728.75. H. H. AUERBACH ~\ President. A veil known. Jewish figure went sons of the faculty of the University lister's funeral, will remain here for J. H. KULAKOFSKY, K. H. BROWN * H. A. "VTOI.F fat, bought a check and sat down toof Exile is Max Weitheimer. Re- another week. President Majority of Directors. • H. H. AUERBACH I . H. KULAKOFSKY Attest: K. H. BROWN (Bat garded as the greatest Qieoridan of H. H. ACERBACH K.H.BROWN Majority of Directors. The waiter brought the food. REUBEN KULAKOFSKY Secretary the new Gestalt psychology. The Ladies Auxiliary of the Tal-Attest: Msjoritr of Directors. 3-2-34-lt. The would-be diner look at it and Wertheimer is a close friend of mud Torah will hold a meeting next K. H. BROWN Attest: . Secretary didn't like it at alL H. H. AUERBACH "Wednesday afternoon, March 7th, at 3-2-34-lt. Einstein, and incidentally, the GesNOTICE Is hereby given that on the 1st Secretary "Say, waiter," he said, "take this talt psychology has frequently teen 2:30 o'clock at the synagogue. day of January, 1834, the total outstana- 3r2-34-lt ine secured and unsecured indebtedness of NOTICE is hereby given that on the 1st meat back." said to be to psychology what reladay of January, 1934, the total outstand- THE JOVERLAND REALTY- COMPANY, "What will you have Instead." tivity is to physics. ing secured and unsecured indebtedness of a. Nebraska corporation, with its principal Miss Gertrude Gilinsky of Brooklyn, "WeU," said the diner, "can I have Another interesting figure is HerBUILDING COMPANY, a place of business ia Omaha, Nebraska, was New York, arrived here Monday for THE BAIKD corporation, -with Its principal ?33,455L54. ft cigar instead?" man Kantorowicz, one of the great- an extended visit at the home of her Nebraska H. A. WOLF, place of business in Omaha, Nebraska, was "Surely,'' said the waiter. President H.H.AUEKBACH, est living philosophers in the field of parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Gilinsky. Mr. S15O.000.0a H. A . w o r j ? "And how about the compete? jurisprudence. Jurisprudence covers and Mrs. Gilinsky celebrated their President. H. H. AUERRACH Don't you want that?" H. H. ATTEKB ACH ...... K. H. BROWN the philosophical field of law and wedding anniversary at B. H. BROWN Majority of Directors. "No," said the diner. "Ill make two you may talce Dr. Alvin S. Johnson's forty-ninth J. H. KULAKOFSKY Attest: their home Thursday and were at H.H. AUEKBACH telephone calls for that." Majority of Directors. word for it—that the field of juris- home to a large group of their rela- Attest: - Secretary prudence has in America been sadly tives and friends. K, H. BROWN 3-2-34-lt " ATTACHMENT Secretary neglected. And Johnson, who founded The hold that Louis Lipsky has on NOTICE! is hereby given that on the 1st Exile College, believes that the Mrs. Louis Bernstein entertained 3-2-34-lt. his followers is remarkable. Walking the ray of January, 1834, the total outstandcoming of the German Jews •will ing secured and unsecured indebtedness of NOTICE is hereby given that on the 1st the members of her afternoon club at home the other day after "a certain have a marked effect in developing day of January, 1934, the total outstand- TH35 WESTERN MORTGAGE AND FIa luncheon at her home "Wednesday ing NANCE COMPANY, a Nebraska corporameeting, a discussion arose with re- this phase of the law. secured and unsecured indebtedness of with its principal place of business in THE TURNER COURT REALTY COM- tion, spect to an issue debated at the meet- But it is in economics, that Dr. afternoon. 1419 Douffb* Omaha, Nebraska, was $09,001,4?. PANY, a Nebraska corporation, with its H. A, WOLF, ing. One in the group commented on Johnson thinks, the effect' of the principal place of business i s Omaha, NePresident the vote, which had been a Lipsky University in Exile will he most ef- Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gotsdiner enter- braska. was * » & ^ ^OJ)KEZ. H. A. WOLF ^i>^ victory. tained the members of their Sunday H. H. AUERBACH President Most of the refugee profes- Night Bridge club at their home SunR. H. BROWN A. H. BRODKEY "listen," said the other, "you won't fective. Majority of Directors. sors in this field represent the school day night. H. H. AUERBACH get any votes against Lipsky." Attest: Majority of Directors. economics which emphasizes the H. H. AUERBACH Attest! Personally, I felt that irrespective of Secretary of personalities, the vote had been a importance of the factor of struc- An announcement has been made by H. H. AUERBACH 3-2-34-lt Secretary sound one, but nevertheless, I could ture of the economic machine. Mr. J. Z. Stadlan, principal of the 3-2-34-lt not help but see that the espousal of NOTICE is hereby given that on the 1st Talmud Torah Sunday School that no of January, 3934, the total ontstand.NOTICE Is hereby given that on the 1stday one side or another of an issue by classes will be held next Sunday <lay ing aceored and unsecured Indebtedness of of January, 1034, the total outstandLipsky was per se enough to swing morning, March 4th, due to the Purim ing secured and unsecured indebtedness ot THE! SOUTHERN MORTGAGE & FINANCE COMPANY, a Nebraska corporamany votes. program in the afternoon. However, THE COMMERCIAL BEALTY COMPANY, tion, with its principal place of business a Nebraska corporation, with Its principal The peculiar thing about the Lipsky all children participating in the Purim place of business in Omaha, Nebraska, in Omaha, Nebraska, was 5S9J41.67. BY F . B. K. H. A. WOLF. following is that the attachment . recitations are requested to be at the was $41<5,lM.<a. President H. A. WOLF, seems the strongest among the circle, synagogue promptly at ten o'clock for H. A. WOLF President, A Purim celebration given by the H. H. AUERBACH closest to him. This might on the surtheir practice. All those taking part H. A. WOLF R. H. BROWN Bluffs Talmud Torah and in H. H. AUERBACH face appear the normal thing. Actual- Council the play, "The Paper Hat" are askMajority of Directors. R. H. BROWN classes will be held Sunday School Attest: ly, I do not believe that such is the next Sunday afternoon, March 4th, at ed to be at the Danish Hall at ten Majority of Directors. H. H. AUERBACH general rule. No man, as the adage three o'clock at the Danish Hall at o'clock for rehearsal. The members Attest: Secretary 3-2-34-lt says, is the hero to his valet. But in Broadway and Park Avenue. Dr. of the "Tizmoreth" orchestra will H. H. AUERBACH Secretary . the case of Lipsky, it seems to hold Isaac Sternhill will be chairman for have their final rehearsal at twelve 3-2-34-lt NOTICES is hereby given that on the 1st o'clock at the Danish Hall. good. the afternoon's program. The proKOTICE Is hereby given that on the 1st day of January, 1934. the total outstandThere is a story told about the fol- gram will be opened with a number ing secured and unsecured indebtedness of day of January, 1934; the total outrtsndlnc secured and unsecured indebtedness of THB OYKRLAND MORTGAGE & FIlowers of old Henry Clay. One ofof Jewish melodies arranged by ToTJ1E ROSEXBERKX HOME CONSTRUC- NANCE COMPANY, a Nebraska corporathem remarked that he would vote for bani and played by the local Jewish TION COMPANY, a Nebraska corporation, tion, with its principal place of business in •with its principal place of business In Omaha. Nebraska, -was $31,094-73. Henry Clay as long as Clay lived— orchestra, called the "Tizmoreth," unH. A. WOLF, Omaha, Kebraska, -wra $441.12. and after Clay died, he would vote for der the direction of Miss Ruth ShyPresident H. H. AUKKBACH, H. A. WOLF President Clay's executors. I imagine that there ken. The members of the orchestra H. H. AUERBACH H . H. ATJEKBACH is much the same feeling among the include Florence Steinberg, piano; NOTICE is hereby given that on the 1st K. H. BROWN K. H. KOOPKR Majority of Directors. of January, 1934, the total outstandLipsky followers. E . H. BROWN Jane Hoffman, Esther Steinberg, Her- day ing secured and unsecured indebtedness of Attest: Majority ot Directors. bert Rosenthal, Igal Stadlan, and Ben THE H, A. WOLP COMPANY, a Nebras- Attest; H.H.AUEHBACH Secretary HANS KOHN E. H. KOOPEE . T Shirley Maltz, violin; 1 3-2^34-lt Secretary The news that Dr. Hans Kohn is Arnold Hoffman, clarinet; and Thel- 930.7 s-2-3t-it.- % ••.;«:. Coming to Vassar is very gratifying. ma Passer and Irving Cohen, saxaH. A. WOLF. -.-. President Dr. Kohn is a German professor, phone. . . ven that on the 1st NOTICE is h S . A. WOLF tbe- tetaV outstand•who also taught f o r ^ome time at-the A Purhri play entitled "The""Pap^ day" Vt 3aa *CERBA ing secured and nndKeared indebtedness of Hebrew University in Jerusalem. He Hat" will be given under the direction •a. TL BEOW.N THE OMAHA BUS S T&BMINAD COMwas particularly known in Palestine of Mr. J. Z. Stadlan, principal of the Attest: - ' -•' Majority of Directors. PANY, a Nebraska corporation, with its principal place of business in rOmaha, Nefor his espousal of the Brith Shalom Talmud Torah and Sunday School. H.H. AUERBACH Secretary braska, was $0,492^4. —the project to tie together Jew and The cast will include the following 3-2-34-lt H. B.. SStMMAKr. : President Arab in Palestine in a bond of unity children: Dorothy Saltzman, Marian H. B. ZIMMAN NOTICE is hereby given that on the 1st —that should transcend the political. Perlmutter, Tfaelma Passer, Betty day W. L. HOLZMAN of January, 1834, the total outstandW. F. BAXTER I have no conclusive attitude with Cohen, Beatrice Krause, Sarah Stad- ing secured and unsecured indebtedness of Majority of Directors. THE AUSTIN APARTMENTS. INC, a respect to the Arab problem, not hav- lan, Shirley Ralaban, Marilyn Saltz- Nebraska Attest: corporation, with its principal r ing been in Palestine, but it is re- man, Lucille Abrahamson, Beverly place of business in Omaha, Nebraska, was W. Ii, HOLZMAN Secretary :J" 5103,825.0ft. - ^ freshing to know that in a world gone Cteinberg, Audrey Telpner, Herbert 3-2-34-lt H. A. WOLF, made with chauvinism, that there are Rosenthal, Robert Roffman, Norman ' President H. A. WOLF voices raised like : Dr. Kohn's who Abrahamson, Igal Stadlan, Robert H.. H. AUERBACH want not only artificial or even eco- Passer, Avrum Fitch, and Ben Kutler. B. H. KOOPER STORM SASH Majority, of Directors. nomic unity between one people and The program will also include a Attest: • Storm Poor.—CsrrfcinoV.on Cocn another, but seek to carry the bond violin solo by Esther Steinberg, ac- R. H. KOOPER Secretary I further to the point of genuine friend- companied at the piano by her sister, . * ^ Follow This Reelpe * ship. Florence Steinberg, and also a num- 3-2-34-lt MiCKLlH LUMBER CO. ber of Purim recitations and songs NOTICE is hereby given that on t i e 1st To the yolk of 2 eggs, add 1 tablespoon sugar, *£ tea',?t»- end. ;Niiho-!oi .: JA 500C IN THE VEST POCKET of January, 1234, the total outstandspoon salt, % cup milk, 2 teaspoons baking powder, 1 from a group of the students. The day ing secured and unsecured indebtedness of cup sifted flour. Fold' in 2 egg whites well beaten. Dr. Joshua Bloch of the New York program is open to the public and THE EASTERN MORTGAGE & LOAN public library tells this story about everyone is cordially invited to attend. COMPANY, a Nebraska corporation, with its principal place of business in Omaha, Abraham Raisin, the Yiddish poet. Nebraska, was ?C7,224.24. Some twenty or so years ago, Rai- Approximately three hundred couples ^ ^ H. A. WOLF. President sin, when he came to the United attended the George Washington's H. A. WOLF States, was invited to lecture in Mil- birthday dance and frolic which was H. H. AUERBACH_ DR. PHILIP SHEE This Hotpoint Waffle waukee, for which he was to be paid held last Thursday evening at the Majority of Directors. $50 and expenses. In those day this Hotel Chieftain. Art Randall and hisAttest: Iron and Toaster was quite a lot of money. orchestra furnished the music for H. H. AUERBACH Raisin went and returned. His wife dancing. Tables were arranged for 3-2-34-lt Secretary BOTH asked him how he fared. bridge and Keno for those who pre"Oh, fine," said Raisin, "everything ferred the games. This affair, which NOTICE Is hereby given that on the 1st of January, 1834, the total outstandwas fine." was sponsored by the local B'nai day secured Only and unsecured indebtedness of "And of course you got the money," Brith Lodge No. 688, the Senior Ha- ing THE H. A. WOLF COMPANY, INC.* corporation, with its principal esdd his wife. dassah, and the Talmud Torah so- Nebraska Ten dollars -well swnt when yo» place__of _ business in Omaha, Nebraska, eet this Hotpoint Automatic WafEat at the Kaisin paused. Money, he hadn't cieties, proved the most outstanding was $204,838.43. fle Iron and Toaster. - Easy to H. A. WOLF, . thought of .that. No, he didn't believe social event of the year and was a bake delicious Traffics . . . eet oar President Tecipes-'wii.h it. This is the beaaSold Separately for he had the money. huge success, both socially and finanSold Separately H. A. WOLF tifta "Blacknieht" toaster. See H. H. AUERBACH them. Mrs. Raisin immediately went to cially. Door prizes were won by Mr. W. J V HOLZMAN •ee his manager, who wired to Mil-Dan Collins and Mrs. Max Fromkin LOUIS HILLER R. H. BROWN waukee inquiring about the money. of Omaha, and Mr. Baker of Walnut, B. H. KOOPER Speedily came a reply from Milwau- Iowa. The committees in charge of J. J. GREENBERG DAVTD GREENBERG this dance wishes to take this opkee: "Look in his vest pocket." Majority of Directors. They looked •— and there was theportunity to thank everyone who helpJ R.H. KOOPER ed make this MANNING-BOWMAN money. Later the Milwaukean came to Secretary New York and explained that at the 3-2-34-lt HEATING PAD


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Sioux City News Miss ANNA PILL, Correspondent

A. M.Davis Re-elected MASS MEETING HERE THURSDAY Federation President A large mass meeting will be held to. Sioux City Thursday evening, March 8, in the J. C. C, when Mr. Joseph Sprinzak, one of the foremost figures of Palestinian Labor and Zionist movements, will speak. Mr. Sprinzak is one of the foundears of the Palestinian Federation of Labor, known as "Histadruth." He is known as a leader in the National Council of Palestinian Jews and nas served as vice-president of the Actions Committee of the World Zionist Organization. At one time, Mr. Sprinzak acted as a member of the Executive Committee" of the World Zionist Organization, occupying the important post of Director of the Labor and Immigrant Department. Dr. D. Rabelsky, of Chicago, who is a well known Zionist figure, will also address this meeting. Dr. Rabelsky is a journalist of note. He will speak on "Recent Achievements in Palestine.1' Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz will speak on "The Jewish National Fund and the Jewish Laborite." The meeting will be sponsored by the Jewish National Fund Council. This council, composed of all Zionist organizations of the city, urges every Jewish man and woman to attend the meeting. Admisison will be twenty-five cents a couple, and the meeting will begin promptly at 8*15. Mr. Sprinzak and Dr. Rabelsky are touring this country to acquaint American Jews with the work that is being done in Palestine.

Mr. "A. M. Davis was re-elected president of the Federation of Jewish Social Service at the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Federation held Tuesday night at the J. C. C. Mr. Davis has served as president of the federation for the past six years. He is a member of Mount Sinai Temple and at one time was president of the congregation. Vice presidents of the federation elected Tuesday include Mr. Jake Kain, Mr. Si Krueger, Mr. Barney Baron, Mr. Max Lasensky and Mr. H. Lazriowich. Mr. Mike Skalovsky was elected treasurer and Mr. Max Brodkey, secretary.

Society News Miss Dorothy Rutstein, daughter of Mrs. Buelah Rutstein, 314 18th Street, became the bride of Jack Levitsky, son of Mr. and Mrs.. M. Levitsky, 815 Iowa Street, last Sunday at high noon, in the presence of the immediate family. • Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz and Cantor A. • Pliskin read the marriage lines in the study of Rabbi Rabinowitz. Following the ceremony, the guests adjourned to the Rutstein home, where a wdeding dinner was served. Mr. and Mrs. Levitsky motored to Kansas City and St. Louis for their wedding trip, and will return next week to Sioux City to make their home.

ABRAHAM GOLDBERG TO Miss Sara Jean Baird became the of Isadore Taxer on Sunday, SPEAK HERE TONIGHT bride February 18, in the home of Mr.

Abraham Goldberg of New York City, prominent Zionist and member of the governing board of the Zionist organization, will speak at Shaare Zion synagogue this evening at the regular Friday night service. Mr. Goldberg is a prolific-writer as well as a prominent speaker. He is a steady contributor to the Jewish Daily Press and has made numerous trips to Palestine. Mr. Goldberg will appear here at the synagogue under the auspices of the local Zionist organization. He will speak on his impressions of Palestine. Mr. Goldberg has made numerous trips to Palestine and has attended the sessions of the Zionist Congress each year for a number of years. Cantor .A. Pliskin and the synagogue choir will chant the service, and Rabbi Rabinowitz will introduce the speaker.

J.CC.NEWS The J. C. C. Dramatic club was erbrganized at a meeting held last night at the Center. Twenty young people attended this reorganization meeting. Mr. Walter Pritchett will act as coach for the coming season. The Young Judean club met Monday evening for their regular meeting and program. '

Taxer's parents, at 2510 Jones Street. The ceremony which took place at 8 o'clock in the evening, was witnessed by members of the bride and groom's family Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis performed- the ceremony. The Lohengrin wedding march was played by Miss Gisela Pill, cellist and Libbie Olensky, pianist. Miss Mae Nathanson of New York City was a guest at the wedding. Miss Louise Herzoff has been the recipient of a number of social courtesies during the past week, in honor of her approaching marriage to Mr. Nathan Gilinsky of Council Bluffs, la.," on March 11. .Miss Bernice Levin and Miss Elizabeth Passman were hostesses to 12 guests last Friday evening in the Passman home. The evening hours were spent at bridge, and followed by refreshments. Table appointments and guests corsages carried out the bride-elect's colors of peach and green.

Miss Frankie Rosenthal honored Miss Herzoff at a luncheon for six intimate friends, at the Martin tea room. Mrs. Arnold Bramson of Des Moines was among the' guests. Tuesday afternoon, Mrs. Philip Sherman, sister of Mr. Gilinsky, entertained at a luncheon and bridge in the Elk's club, to which 32 friends were invited. Tomorrow evening, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Agranoff will be hosts to Mr. Gilinsky and his fiancee at a din-

Pref; Hoffman to Address Congregation Professor J. W. Hoffman of Morningside college will address a congregational meeting of Shaare Zion synagogue next Wednesday evening, March 7, at 8:15 o'clock. Dr. Hoffman will speak on the subject, "Lessons Taught by History." Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz will present Current Events of Jewish interest.

Shaare Zion A Purim program was presented by the Ladies Auxiliary, at Shaare Zion synagogue, Wednesday evening, following the reading of the Megillah in the synagogue proper. The second annual Auxiilary Sabbath will be held next Friday, March 9. Mesdames Eli Seff, Dave Ginsberg, Henry Sherman, John C. Levin and Mike Grueskin will read the ritual. Mrs. J. Sawislak, Mrs. Ruben Miller and . Mrs. Barney Baron will speak in .behalf of the auxiliary. • New members of the auxiliary include Mesdames, D. Ginsberg, H. Kozberg, S. Snovsky and E. R. Davis. New members of the synagogue are Sam Davidson, Ed and Archie Kantor. .. . . . A large attendance heard Rabbi Albert Gordon of Minneapolis last week in an illustrated talk on Palestine.. Rabbi Gordon showed a number of unusual moving pictures that he had taken during his stay in Palestine. Cantor Sol Silverman of Chicago presented a musical program during the evening. Members of the synagogue choir sang a group of songs following the lecture. Refreshments concluded the evening. Rabbi David Goldstein of Omaha was the guest speaker at the synagogue last Saturday morning. Rabbi Goldstein and Cantor Pinchik participated in the services last Friday evening, before a capacity congregation. Tuesday noon, March 6, Rabbi H. R. -Rabinowitz will speak before the Rotary club at LeMars, la., on "The International Citizen."

Amorian Club Plans for a ping-pong tournament were made at the meeting of the Amorian club, held Sunday afternoon in the J. C. C. David Tilevitz, Philip Zeligson, Vernon Montrose and Harold Lefkovich are in charge of the tournament. New members include Martin Weiner, Nathan Fishgold, Howard Sacks, Martin Daskovsky, Ted Skalovsky, Stanley Shulkin, Louis Shulkin and Cecil Pill. Members will be initiated into the club at the meeting next Sunday. The American Basket ball team won over the Grace Reformed church team with a score of 25 to 24, and over the Riverside church team, 36 to 20. The team will play the Habonim team of Omaha next Tuesday evening at Woodrow Wilson gymnasium.

Maccabee Club Isadore Shindler spoke at the Maccabee " meeting this week on the "Inside View of . the Central-East Basket Ball " Team." Perry Osnowitch and Henry Ginsberg spoke on the Vermillian Debate Contest, held recently, and in which they participated. Max Maron presided during the program. Plans for a party and formal initiation for new members, were discussed during the business meeting. Reports on the informal initiation were heard. Announcement was made that the basket ball team under the direction of Martin Kronick was progressing nicely. The team won over the K. C. Junior team Tuesday evening, 25 to 22. ' •

The Business Girls' club held their regular meeting Thursday evening at the center instead of Wednesday. After the dinner, which was served n e r . •.[-•• by the Hadassah Bazaar, members Mr. and Mrs. Abe Pill will enteradjourned to their weekly program. tain at a 5 o'clock dinner, Sunday afternoon, as a courtesy to . Mr. Gilinsky and Miss Herzoff, and Sunday evening, members of the Iota Tau sorority will honor them at a Attractive booths, raffles, a cafe- dinner dance in the ' Canton Tea teria luncheon and supper provided Gardens.Monday evening, Miss Ruth JacobMiss Saretta Krigsten, 2201 Jackentertainment, for a great number who attended the annual Hadassah son will; entertain at an evening of son Street, was elected president of •'•[••• the Iota Tau sorority at their meetPurim Bazaar held yesterday in the bridge. Wednesday evening, Mr. and Mrs. ing Monday night at the home of J...C. C. Opening with a luncheon at 11 Max Herzoff will be hosts to 24 Miss Bertha Heshelow. Other officers elected for the como'clock and continuing throughout the guests at a dinner in their home. ing season were Sarah L. Kaplan, day, the affair- attracted a repreMembers of the Debra club; met vice-president; Mazie Kaufman, secsentative attendance. -Mrs. Charles Raskin was ' in Monday evening. Following • the retary, and Delia Shiloff, treasurer. charge of arrangements, and was business meeting, Miss Rebecca Still- Miss Heshelow was elected scribe. Following the election, the memassisted by members of the Senior man presented a book review: on Hadassah chapter: Members* of the "The Vale of Cedars" by Grace bers adjourned to bridge and refreshJunior Hadassah-chapter, also had a Aguilar, and the guests adjourned ments. booth at the bazaar. ' " - to refreshments and a social hour. Proceeds" will be given to" the various funds . sponsored b y . the • Miss Sarah Bernhardt of J Cleveland, returned to Sioux Falls TuesRabbi David Goldstein of Omaha Senior Hadassah chapter. day, after a week's visit in the city spoke at the Oneg Shabbos meeting with friends. Miss. Bernhardt has last Saturday afternoon, attended by been a guest in the home of Mr. and members of the Ladies Auxiliary of Mrs. Fred Foreman at Sioux Falls Shaare Zion synagogue. The meetduring the past month. Mr. and Three New York artists will pre- Mrs. Foreman spent the week-end ing took place at the home of Mrs. sent a concert Sunday evening, in Sioux i City, returning to Sioux Morey Lipshutz. The next meeting of the group March 4, at the J. C. C, under the Falls Tuesday with their guests. . will be held in the home of Mrs. auspices of the Workmens' Circle John C. Levin, 2915 Pierce Street No. 644. -.7 on March 24. Mrs. J. Friedman and The artists who will appear on the Mrs. JV.. H. Baron will appear on program are Zelda Zlatin, pianist; Dr. Theodore N. Lewis will speak the program. Max Brodyn, vocalist, and Victor this evening on a Purim theme, at Packer, dramatist. The program-will the regular Friday evening services include Hebrew and Yiddish folk tonight. The choir will sing the - song , piano numbers, and humorous selections during the service. Stanley Herzoff was elected dele• dramatic impersonations. Parents; and children of the Re- gate by the A. Z. A. chapter to atLast Thursday evening 125 mem- ligious school attended the Puriam tend the, international convention bers and friends of the Workmen's program held in the annex on Wed- next summer in Washington, D. C. Circle attended a banquet and meet- nesday evening. Following a pro- At that time,, the Sioux City chapter ing, given in honor of Mr. Jacob gram, consisting of a play, recita- will laern if its bid for the next Weinberg, national president of the tions and musical numbers, the chil- district convention has.been accepted. A.ti. A. Sabbath will be held at Workmen's Circle, who was a-guest dren were- served with refreshments Shaare Zion synagogue on March 16. in the city. Mr. Weinberg spoke on by members of the Sisterhood. the work of the lodge, and, Mr.,L Rabbi Lewis spoke yesterday . at Members of the chapter will read Singer^secretary of the :Iocal circle, Sloanf la,, before the student body the ritual, conduct the service and of the high school. deliver the sermon. preside

Many Attend Purim Bazaar of Hadassah

Iota Tau Sorority

Oneg Shabbos

Workmen's Circle to Give Coneert Sunday

Mount Sinai

A. Z. A.

Asks Probe Albany, N. Y. (WNS)—A legislative investigation, of Nazi propaganda in New .York City by a joint senate and assembly committee empowered to supboena witnesses, punish unwilling witnesses and force the presentation of records is provided for in a resolution introduced in the lower house of the state legislature by Assemblyman S a m s o n Inselbuch of Brooklyn. The resolution calls for a committee of eight members, four each from the senate and assembly, and provides §25,000 for the expenses of the probe.

I.EOX & WHIT!:, Ai;orn«-y» _ One of the founders of the World VUy National JJniiU I!iiiIUItie Zionist Organization, Dr. York-SteinNOTH.'K O r INCOtil'OIUTlON' OV er shared Herzl*3 early trials and is CITV 1'VKh COM PAN IT regarded as one of the outstanding Notice 1« iHTflij' givn Itift. P foriit,rRt)ttn has been formed uiKlcr l!i« JBWH vt the Zoinist pioneers. Stntc of Net>rn*lui.

XEOX AND WHITE, Attorney* City National Bank Bids.

& WHITE, Attorney* City National Hank Bid*.

JiOTI<;K OF INCORPORATION OF THE KOSE UEALTY CO. >.'olIre. Is licrpliy civeii thnt a corporation lins -Iteen fonncil under the lawa of Th« n»mi' of id" fttfV'trnW'in i* CITY llin HlBt« of NoliriiKkn. Tfi<! ji«m« of tlif corporation l i BOSH FUEL COMPANY iiinl ihn pntnipui ptniv. f o r t h e trntiHricMon lit i l s 1MISI»WK« i s ( b « Uy.Al,'S'X OOMl'ASV nnd the principal C i t y of Otunhn, J'tttiKlns Citfiuty, Nplii-ftskft. pimp tor (hi- tnniKiictloii of Its bttsineM ia Tim jfcriprnl tittlutu of tfif )»nfii<ifss to hr- »h* Cify vt Oiniittt, limiting County, Netpii iij- (tic cfirf(f»r«nf7fp is u> piitluflil, fcfU, tuittvep, f*p«;igrrf fpl^fl*^-. Tho cp»i*fftl itntnn- t>f tJ«p Ituaineaa to b* _ ^_K'' mid i'-nsf r«"/jI cslfttc arx1} f>fr- trnnztictt-ti hy tfi* ftttfttifntihtt i» to pBf»O7inl jirofwrty ^l<pfpv(»f eit»ftt*r1; fo ^nr. <-lsirt*>, tteqfiirp, hoUl, Irnpffntr, nell, conny? netl, own. HKntKtt, trdipsfef ^tffi inftftKfrC (vRsi*;ri, rfto^po. rt>r>rt (;>*%*. pti'tftriber, leaaie, bondN, Kcrdrltlfs dinl ittf'k in Mhor c<r- h'trc And iion\ -,,, Tt,,ti csitttH; tehtsreret » H porntiofifs; <« ilfnw, rnotcf, ojtwttfo, ftf<fT'*. nnti^t; tr* Irny, ^ f K (sfVti. htl6, »iwl((m,' (•.ndorn« flnd Isput- lifi/ni=f;''rj' niffS. mftTt- fi>nnff#oi» nnd Vr-.c,r*Eiij!f6 b<yr«1«. **f:ttrltJe«,

NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION In the County Court of l_>ouglas County, Nebraska. In the Matter of the Estate of ISADORA NATHAN, Deceased. All persons interested in Bald estate are hereby notified that n petition hair been filed in said Court alleging that Bald de(irnflK, ttittn of «-i!(l)/irit;e ftttfli of her •s nnri <:rf>-k jn other corporaceased died leaving no lust will nnd pniying for administration upon his cstnte, to buy mid ucll «t wti(jjw«j(l« *TI<1 rriAtl * ^ l r»<? )«sn<> prr>r(tizzr>t? fwle#. and that a hearing will lie had on snld to Bhlp nnd tra<i*fmft wnoti, <onf Rr»fif ftK>! ! TrAfrf, bills (4 exr.hi>tiKi!! « « « petition before said court on the 171 li day of every Itlnrl and d*>fWFlpt)on: t« crtTi- j B^ffiyfiAM* in*?rtttneti!*i tn Itirrrttw mo Heinrich York-Steiner, of March, 1934. mid that if they full to struct, piiri'linisf, l«tflf«< on'l bpvitite, fl<yks. j T h " SRt'hrtrVz*fT ri>f»>fftll «)«<k til t h i s M f q appear at said Court on the said 17th day yardM and wnrclionocw ftfi«l tf» d^ Rfi?fhir(P : Associate of Herzl, Dead of March, 1934, at 0 o'clock A. M., to Incidental l o or riw««mfy fof th" r/p^rtt Tfif) f t i v s r e * f>i f contest said petition, the Court may grant tlon of nald fun! and ftipi h<iziti"F*. " Tel Aviv (WNS) — Dr. Heinrich the same and grant administration of said Tlie nutliorisw'd oi>l*«l nfork nf fill* ror b* paid for estate to Morris Arkin or some other suitYork-Steiner, veteran Zionist and able person and proceed to a settlement p o r n t l o n Bhnll b e f1f),(KKUK) <IIITM1»'1 }r.t< in rfr e«l or p«r^ friend and early associate of Dr.- The- thereof. 500 Kharen of thn p u r vnlu«> of SlOft.W) «-»/l< • -• • "t the « • to b» fully fmid for nmi tiori BRYCE CRAWFOItD, shnres odor Herzl, is dead here at the age when lusned. Hnld Kt<«k inny »m , 2-23-34-St County Judge. of p p U of 75. In cash, note* or proper'}', real of t>f TVJJ5'I tnr txrfore the corporation el, tnntrlble or irttn)iKlM<\ nf. flip Born in Hungary,- where he was a ftJI ttniRtttt-wv lir:»if(M». XEOX £ WHITE, Attorney* able valne thereof. One htinrtftl Khnrf* of. KTJTU* t orfwtTtii\f>t> KlmJl fffmjnence boirtnoted journalist, novelist and playCity National Bank Bide the capital «to(:k Khnll lx* paid f<*f Ix'for*- ti«r«i» tijrf>ti th" Ciific <'i * enpy of Its arttOmaha, Nebraska the corporation nball ronimence bnsln^xs. cls* wright, Dr. York-Steiner met Dr. fit lttctirt">r*tu,n vUh thp county clerk The corporntlon nhall <omnn>nce btml- of ixint'Jnn >>lir»)ilcs, -and s t u n Herzl in Vienna and became one of nees -on -March 1. 1034, and Khftll cohllisne contlntws for('rnmtf, NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF B rw-riod t>l titty years from for a period of fifty years from date th» tint* thereof. his first associates in the creation of THE ZOO, INC. -. Notice is hereby given that a corpora- thereof. The hljrhest nmonnt of indebtedness t» the modern Zionist movement. The highest amonnt of lndehtcdrmss to which tion is to be formed under the laws of the •which thia <*orporatlon nhull nt any time corporation nhnll nt any time State of Nebraska. The name of the cor-subject this itwlf Kbsll not exceed two-thlrdJ itself shnll not exceed two-thirds subject of Its capital «tof*. . . SHOTWKLL, MONSKY, CKODINSKY & poration is TIIE ZOO. IXC. The princi- of Its capital stock. pal place for the transaction of Its busiThe affairs this corporntlon shall b* VANU£ and HAHBY B. COHEN The affairs of this corporation Rhnll be conducted by of ness Is the City of Omaha. Douglas Coun- conducted a board of three directors. Attorneys b j a board of thre» rtirectorg. ty, Nebraska. 737 Omaha Iiat.ouai Bank Bids*. H. A. RFSN'irK 1*>UIS E. MPP • ' The general nature of the business to be . M. H. RESNICK LAZAU KAPIiAN transacted by the corporation is to buy, PROBATE NOTICE own, lease, exchange, mortgage and trans- Witness: In presence of: la the Matter or the Estate of SADIE fer real estate and personal property; to S. J. I.EON S. J - LKOX MANN, Deceased. buy, sell, hold, mortgage and- transfer 1<W44t Notice Is Hereby given that the creditors bonds, securities, debentures and stock in of said deceased wui>naeet the ndministra- other corporations; to draw, make, accept, tor of said estate, before me. County J udge endorse and issue promissory notes, mortof Douglas County, Nebraska, at the coun- gages, drafts, bills of exchange and other ty Court Koom, in saifi County, on the negotiable instruments; to borrow money; 'Jith dtiy of April, 1934, and on the £>th to carry on the general business of ownday of June, 1'J34. at » o'clock A. M., each ing, operating and maintaining restaurants day, for the purpose of presenting their and to sell mid serve foods, meals, refreshclaims for examination, adjustment and ments, beverages, candles and tobacco in allowance. Three months are allowed for tonnpction therewith to the general public the creditors to present their claims, from and to have power to do nil things necesthe 21th day of March, 1034. sary for and incidental to the operation of BKYCK CKAWFOED, said business. 3-2-34-3t County Judge. The authorized capital stock shall l>e $.-..000.00 divided into £0 shares of the par value of $100.00 each, to be fully paid for SHOTWELL, MONSKT, GRODINSKY & and non-assessable when issued. Said capVANCE, Attorneys ital stock may be paid for in cash, notes 737 Omaha National Bank- Bide or property, real or personal, tangible or intangible, at the reasonable value thereNOTICK O F INCORPORATION OF ' of. Five shares of. the capital stock shall MIDLAND KKALTV COMPANY be paid for before the corporation shall commence business. The corporation shall commence busiNotice Is hereby given that the underon the filing of its Articles of Incorsigned have formed a corporation, pursu- ness poration with the county clerk of Dougant to the laws of the State of Nebraska. Ins County, and shall continue The name of the corporation Is MIDLAND for a periodNebraska, of fifty years from date KEAI/TY COMPANY, with its principal thereof. • ' •place of business in the City of Omaha, The highest amonnt of Indebtedness to Douglas County, Nebraska. The objects which corporation shall at nny time for which this corporation if formed are: subject this Itself shall not exceed two-thirds To" maintain and operate a general real of its capital stock. ........ estate holding company, and to buy, sell, Tha affairs of the corporation shall be mortgage, lease, encumber and deal in conrti«\te<l by a board of directors conreal and personal property of all kinds. sisting of not less than two nor more than The company shall have authority to bor- five members. row tnoney and issue evidences of IndebtT. CHRISTOPHER edness therefor. The total authorized capital stock is $10,000.00, par value $100.00 per In precenrp of: J. CHUISTOPHER share, all stock common, and shall be GERTRUDE PERMS fully pad and non-assessable when issued. The corporation shall commence 2 3 ^ 4 business upon the filing of its Articles with the County Clerk of .Douglas County, Nebraska, and shall continue until January 1st, 1084. The highest amount of Indebtedness shall not exceed two-thirds of the capital stock. This restriction shall not apply to indebtedness. secured by real estate. The number of members of the board DO NOT BE FOOLED by th* f ocf that afl tires, shall be provided for by the Uy-J-iws, which Board shall administer the affairs of The corporation. The stockholders shall hurriedly glanced at, look more or lest alike. hold their annual meeting on the third Wednesday In February or each year nnd elect a President. Vice-Presldent, Secretary While Mohawk Tires are considered by many and Treasurer. The 'Articles may be amended upon notice as provided for. The to be iim moct beautiful tires now made in corporation shall have a seal. Dated January 18tb, 193*. > ' H. B.- COHEN America, their real superiority lies considerably •'•: H. MAKQtIAKDT i-A. GEEENBERG 2-23-34-it. -'• deeper than in mere appearance, regardless of

lues not like CARPET TACKS

XEOX & WHITE, Attorneys City National Bank Building

how excellent they may seem to the eye. Remember, too, that while a carpet tack is a carpet tack, one looking and acting very much Rke another, tires may differ in quality as greatly as ihe day and night differ in light and shade.

NOTICE OF INCOKPOKATION OF K & a CLOTHING COMPANY Notice is hereby given that a corporation has been formed. under the lawa of the State of Nebraska. The name of the corporation Is K & G CLOTHING COMl'ANY and Its principal place for the transaction of its business Is the City of Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska.



:• • ••

Book Review Kabbi H. E. Rabinowitz will offer the third of a series of seven book reviews, next Monday evening, March 4, in the social hall of the synagogue. He will review Irving Fineman's recent book "Hear Ye Sons."

All tires are built round to lit a wheel, but only


The general nature of the business to b« transacted by the corporation' is to bay, own, hold, lease, assign,;, mortgage and transfer real estate and personal property wherever situated; to buy, sell, own, hold, assign, mortgage and transfer bonds, securities, promissory ,.' notes, mortgages and stock in other corporations; to borrow money; to operate and conduct business at wholesale and retail for the sale ot men's clothing, furnishings and wearing apparel- of every nature and description and to So any and all things Incident to and necessary for the .carrying on of the business of the corporation. The authorized capital' stock of this corporation shall be $10,000.00 divided into 100 shares of the par value of $100.00 per share and shall be fully paid for and lion* assessable when'issued. Said stock paid for In cash, notes o r property; -real or personal, tangible or intangible, at the reasonable value thereof.- Ten. shares of the capital stock shall be paid for before the corporation shall commence business. The corporation shall commence business upon the filing of a copy of its articles of incorporation *. with: the county clerk of Douglas County, Nebraska, and shall continue for. a period of fifty, years from the d a t e t h e r e o f . , - . • = • • • • The. highest amount of Indebtedness to which this corporation shall at any time subject ttself shall not exceed two-thlrdB of its capital stock. '; The affairs of this corporation Bhall be conducted by a board of two directors. .LOUIS E. LIPP. I.AZAE KAPLAN In presence of: '. .1' GEKTR.UDE PEKLIS 2-23r34t4t.

• • . ' • • • • • • . - •



Last Monday evening, B a f t b i Rabinowitz spoke on the book "Three Cities by Sholom Asch." Over 85 people attended the review.. -

Rev. A. Diamond Recognized a» PRACTICAL MOHEL Phone 1059 COUNCIL BLUFFS



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