Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism
Entered na Second Class Ma l'ostotfice of Omaha, Kelirn
In the interests of the Jewish People
n January "21,1821," at he Act of ilarch 3. 1STO
OSWALD G. TO SPEAK BEFORE^ FORUM WEDNESDAY'I "War Clouds in Europe" to Be Subject of Noted Liberal Editor Oswald Garrison Villard, editor of •The Nation," and one of the leading liberal thinkers and writers in the world, will apeak before the Community Forum at the Jewish Community Center "Wednesday eve-
And What Now, k Little World?
Mrlin, (WNS).—The PalesT Vorange is rapidly capturing ^ie German orange/ " market. Figures made public by the Juexlische Eundschau show that inthe first two months of 1934 more Palestine oranges -were sold in Germany than in the entire year of 1933. Last -week 39,000 cases of Palestine oranges were disposed of here, despite the fact that they are more expensive tnan the Spanish oranges •which always dominated the German market.
Hitter "Convicted" Pope May Break Off EXECUTIVE OFFICIALLY At Mass Meeting Concordat With Nazis CALLS WORLD JEWISH Yori.--HMeTisb was "tried" Vatican City, (WNS) — Well-inCONGRESS FOR AUGUST andNewconvicted ,pf menacing the whole formed Catholic circles here are of Paris, (WNS).—Flying in the face of world-wide "opposition to a world Jewish congress at this time, the executive of the world Jewish congress has officially convened the congress for the beginning of August. While no place has yet been selected, Geneva is regarded as the most likely site of the conclave which "Will continue for a week. The action of the executive is regarded as surprising in view of the fact that the American Jewish Congress last week agreed to recommend to the executive that the congress be postponed. The agenda announced by the executive provides for the presentation of reports regarding the Jewish situation in Europe, America, Germany and Palestine. Three hundred delegates are expected to attend and they will be regarded as permanent delegate until the next congress is held. The executive . committee also -issued instructions to its various representatives throughout the world to arrange for democratic and popular elections of delegates to the congress. Jewish leaders from France, England, Italy, Holland and Belgium were present when the decision to call the congress was reached.
structure of modern ciiilization before a "jury" of alnjost 20^000 that packed Madison Square- Gaiilen Wednesday to hear the case of' lavilizatioii against Hitterism. . / Mayor' IMFuanEa, Alfred, E. Smith, Samuel Seabury and 20 t>thers--leaders in art, science and public life— paraded to the witness stand to condemn Chancellor Adolf Hitler's Nazi rule over the third Reich. Former secretary of State Biinbridge Colby presided as jurist.
the opinion that Pope Pius is pred pared to abrogate the concordat signed with Germany last year as the opening gun of a battle between fie Catholic Church and the Hitler government. This opinion is based on the fact that the Pope bitterly resents the Nazi hold on Catholic youth and the continued persecutions of Catholics in Germany. An indication of how deeply the Pope feels about the situation was seen in his vigorous denunciation of German paganism and the Nazis' "exaltation of ideas and practices neither Christian nor human, and especially an exaltation of racial pride which Albany,. N. Y , (tSTNS).—the re- can lead only to a haughtiness which gents of the. University of the : State is absolutely contrary to the Chrisof New York won!4?be required to tian and human spirit." prescribe coursea « t instruction in tolerance in the publa schools of the state if a measured-introduced into the assembly by Assemblyman AlChicago, (WNS) — The . Persian bert . D. Schanzer of Brooklyn beconsul in Chicago has received word comes a law. The bill "also provides that simi- from his government that Persia is lar courses of .instruction be pre- ready to open its doors to the Jewscribed and maintaiBEd in the priv- ish refugees from Germany. Accordate schools* of the slate and that aU ing to the consul, Persia would welchildren attending classes in the fifth come Jews in its economic and culyear or higher graces shall Teceive tural life. There are -now 40,000 such instruction. | Jews in Persia. • . v
Would Have School Courses iiijTblerance
Persian Welcome
VOL. X—No. 6
Three Co-Chairmen to Direct Philanthropies* General Solicitations Milton Abrahams, David Greenfoerg, and William Milder Represent United Community A united community for the| of the cemetery committee of the approaching Jewish Philanthro- B'nai Israel synagogue, and has as an officer of the B'nai pies campaign is a s s u r e d served through the selection and ac- Israel for a number of years. ceptance of three co-chairmen— Remaining Chairmen William Milder, David Green- According to Silvennan, the maberg, and Milton R. Abrahams— chinery for the campaign organizato direct the General Solicita- tion is rapidly being set in motion. It is expected that by next week the tions division of the drive.
Announcement of the appointment chairmen of the other divisions will of these three was made today by be ready for announcement. Last week Morris E. Jacobs was Harry Silvennan, general chairman. The dire distress of our unfor- named chairman of the "initial gifts," tunate fellow-men in need," stated the division which solicits the larger Mr. Silverman in announcing their contributions. Mr. Jacobs has al"If we wish to do» something for acceptance, "brooks of • no division ready started building up the nu-; the German Jewry, we must be realamong the Jewish people in the com- cleus for "an alert, wide-awake and ists. Above all, we must take the munity. We are as one in bending hard-working'' initial gifts group. Jewish youth out of Germany and our every effort toward the alleviaOrganisational Co-operation bring them to Palestine," declared tion of suffering and the strengthJacob S., Pearlstien, executive diAbraham Goldberg, outstanding world ening of character-building agenrector, has issued an appeal to all Zionist leader and writer of note, cies." Oswald Garrison Villard. organizations to send to the Federawho spoke on "Palestine and the Active in Commnnity tion office the list of the members German Refugees" at the J. C. C, AH three of the co-chairmen have of each organization. This is esning, March 14, at 8:15 p. no. on Sunday evening. The meeting "was participated actively in the commun- sential for the purpose of checking "War. Clouds, in Europe." al, social and philanthropic work of records and correcting addresses and : "Villard *• has recently returned under the auspices of the Zionist or ganization. the community, and are veteran cam- adding those not on the Federation from his latest trip to Europe, he "Conditions in Germany are much paigners in philanthropies drives. having traveled extensively on the list. Those organizations which have Abrahams is a member of the ex- not yet co-operated are asked to do continent, and is qualified to speak worse than pictured in the newspapers," the speaker declared. "Conecutive committee of the Jewish Com- so immediately. on a subject which is of particular munity Center and Welfare Federainterest because of the tense politi- ditions have not yet imnrnved in aiy The campaign, which will be the degree. The Jewish people and the tion, is a past president of the local cal situation in Europe'. fifth annual drive, will officially get B'nai Brith, and is a member of the By Oswald Garrison Villard, Reprinted from the March 7th Issue of "The Nation" With both pen and.-..spoken word liberals there are in fear of tomorunder way -early in May. row, afraid of their own shadows.** board of directors of Temple Israel, i Villard has bitterly denounced HitFor the past few years he has been lerism and the-principles for •which Mr. Goldberg recently returned from Propaganda from Germany in be- ship of gods WIHL typifyy a t . best will, and forgiveness of sins is en- chairman of the speakers' bureau in 5t stands, and has been one of the I a'tour of Europe and Palestine, and the philanthropies campaigns. recounted what he had learned from half of its present government con- only d Mli off men -who h tirely banned. . y the crude severest critics of Nazism. personally speaking with countless red i h tinues to clutter up my desk. Much David Greenberg has been a leader lived in the days when everybody If German youth were capable of He had his first journalistic exanalyzing its present situation or the in Federation wort for the past fvro f l f E of it is as inept and as stupid as d i fugees in all parts of Europe. carried a weapon and was dad -in perience as a reporter for the*PnTTa"The problem is not only cne of was .the "German. propaganda at the the skin of a wild beast. If the new teachings given to it, it would decades and has been a "major" in 'delphia "Press." From 1897 to 1913 food, but more important one of outbreak'.. of the war. For example, teachings of Adolph Hitler are sound, speedily see that "what Hitler has | the philanthropies campaigns since he Was editorial write* and president thrown overboard is not what he - - — - i f e % 4 ^ 3 ^ ^ i v e n i h g Post." morale. The Jewish people in Gerr Ii am appealed to on behalf of the however, the Christian religion ought pretends—merely the Semitic in- the inauguration of the Jewish Philof anthropies. He is a member of the truly to be scrapped, not only b&Under MUx&^P& • ??Post? -gained many are surrounded by j a; sea: :.of Betftsche AaslaftSsiasfcifea;^in: ~ fluence over -Germany and the al- executive of the Jewish Community cause Jesus was Mmself a Jew, bat .gart with , ^ ^ T j ^ e s t ; that.:, ,_.„ "tatted ^and venomous poisbi£"; '" ' •''•• :; influence.:and^fauthority, as,: Jt.j leged misdeeds of tjie founders,, apd "' "true coinmentary oh condition^ them in explaining to the American because all-taat-fa£; isught. of broth- conductors of the German Republic Center and Welfare Federation, was To Speak Aboiit European C«nv.'as absolutely independent of the ditions Before Omaha vice-president W the B'nai Brith, and ; erly love, tolerance; kindness, goodpublic what a magnificent thing "the s to be found in-the fact that Jewish counting room and-independent of —but the very things that the Geris on the board of directors of the ConAudieftces any political party, ta 1918 Villard mothers beg us to take their children Hitler government is, and how wonman nation has cherished most and servative Synagogue as well as memderful is the new union of all ele>ut of Germany,so that they may sold tfce~"Eveaing Post" and assumed to which it has up to this time in- bership chairman. Dr. Boris Aisurowitch of Berlin, scape a life of need, hutrUia+'-'n and ments in Germany in one great nathe editorship .of "The Nation." variably accredited its greatness. internationally-known Ort leader, Will William "Doc" Milder has estebtionalistic undertaking. This is sent iegregation. The grown German He has also written a number of Formerly it fostered the ideals of a j H s h ^ a^remirkaWT're^ord'in Ms be a visitor in Omaha March 16 books, being the author of "John ews are sustained by the knowledge to the publisher and contributing ^ ^ ^ J ? ? ^ j ? ! j Pledge-getting activities in behalf of to 19. Brown," "Fifty Years After," "Ger- >f their many and invaluable contri- editor _ of the first American periodiintellect, the freedom of teachers and A representative of the World many Embattled," "Some News- butions to German life, but the chil- cal to be excluded from Germany by The memory of the late Chaim the taught, and set the intellectual the philanthropies campaigns of the papers and Newspaper Men," and !ren—there is ' nothing to sustain Adolf Hitler! Nobody but a German Michel Gross will be honored when and spiritual life on a higher pedes- past. Serving as a "major," he has Verband Ort of Berlin, Dr. Aisurocould do a thing like that. .•••;•• the' recently published "The German them." a Sefer Torah given by his children tal than was the. case in any other given nnstintingly of his time and witch is now touring the country in of the Peoples Ort. efforts. He is also a member of the Mr. Goldberg pointed to Palestine Phoenix." , l Ot Now all through this propaganda will be dedicated at all-community country. It wished to be tnown al- executive committee of the Jewish the interests of the beneficiary Ort is one The William Grodinsky, chairman of as the bright side of- the picture. - If material runs one note worth touchways as a nation of thinkers, of Community Center and Welfai-e Fed- agencies of the Omaha Jewish Philthe educational committee of" the jonditions permit, he expects nearly ing upon. It is that Hitler has repoets, artists, and scientists, and it eration. One of the founders of the anthropies. Jewish Community Center in charge 100,000 German Jews to enter Pales- vivified German youth, "pulled it out never questioned"'whether the great local Vaad Ha'Dir movement, he has According to present plans Dr. tine in the next five years. of the Forum series, will preside. of the Slough of Despond, fired it men that it worshiped were Aryan been especially active in the work of He told of the spirit with which the with enthusiasm, set it to work, and or not. It was proud of Bismarck, Orthodox Judaism. He is at present Aisurowitch will speali in English pioneers are rebuilding Palestine and given it a great nationalistic ideal. who, it is repeatedly stated, had a finance chairman, and is chairman at Temple Israel Friday evening, March 16. He will speak in Yiddish ;he marvelous work being done there. Instead of youth being hopeless and Jewish grandmother, and therefore at a community-wide mass meeting As an indicator of what part the helpless in the face of Tin employment, if he were living today would be at the J. C. C. Sunday evening, German Jews will play in the future yielding to vice or dissipation, or classed as a Jew. If it was a quesMarch 18. If his schedule permits, upbuilding - of "Palestine, Goldberg starving in the streets,' it marches tion of a Virchow, a Helmholtz, a he will be guest of honor at a lunchpointed out that in the past two with complete solidarity and great Gneist, or a Mommsen, it made no eon of the Board of Governors of months thirty-five industries had joy, clad in brown uniforms, singing difference what their past was, and the Federation Monday noon, March been opened, many by German Jews. it goes -without saying that these - Announcement has been made this "Deutschland uber Alles," and fired men would have been the first to A concert of Jewish music by the 19. However, he declared, we can learn as - never before with the vision of •week of, the renewal of the contract protest against a regime which pre- eminent cantor and musician, Mr. of Cantor Schwaczkin.- Canter Sch- much from this latest experience— death on the battlefield as the highA special committee is arranging vented any German-born citizen Samuel Mirviss, will be presented for his visit. The committee inwaczkin has been with the B'nai the Nazi persecution has brought est aim for a young German, and of from developing his individuality and at the J. C. G. on Tuesday evening, cludes I. Morgenstern, chairman; Israel synagogue for eight years and home as nothing else the need for a a Germany not merely equal to all i a s | just been; given a contract; for strong Jewish homeland. to "the fullest possible | April S, under the auspices of the Mrs. Jeannette Arnstein, Milton other nations but imposing its will the coming two years. This makes • • • IC-2 club of the Conservative syna- Abrahams, S. Lipp, I. Shafer, M. "If we had begun eighten years upon all other countries- in the name degreethe? fifth renewal during his stay before the war, - to do what we are of a pure Germanic culture and Minkin, I. Goldstein, Mrs. J. FeldBesides all other things which gogue. here. doing there now, several million Jews morality. Undoubtedly this is an enhave been destroyed in Germany, Those who have heard Mr. Mirviss rnan and J. Radinowski. The ArbeiCantor Schwaczkin received his would be in Palestine today, capable gaging picture. I have met a numthere have been edadicated the most say that he .is an excellent interpre- ter Ring will also entertain for the musical education in the Vienna Con- of their economic self-support. Under ber of Americans who, not looking vital principle of law—the right of ter of Jewish music, whether it be guest while he is here. servatory of Music. He. served as such a condition, Palestine could have below the surface, have fallen for it the individual to his property and folk or -religious; that he combines The Ort during its half a century apprentice under such great music absorbed all of the German refugees completely. Most of them know little his security in Ms way of life, pro- within himself the profound feeling of existence has done much to reinstructors as Nisi Belzer and Zadal easily." vided he does not contravene : the of the old-time cantor • and the construct the economic lives of the German and have merely seen Sovner. He was chief - cantor in The Late Chaim Michel Gross criminal law. Innumerable' persons finished artistry of one trained by Jews in Eastern and Central Europe. Julius Bisno introduced the speaker. brown-shirted youths . . m a r c h i n g Pressburg, Czechoslovakia and on in Germany have been deprived of modern music standards. through the streets singing the Horst It conducts trade schools and supcoming to America^served in one of Wessel song. What an amazing ceremonies by,£he Conservative Syna- their property, not only without due Miss Ann Gitnick, president of C-2, plies tools to Jews in Poland, Rusthe" large synagogues in Philadelphia transformation, they say—a despairr gogue Sunday, March 11, at the J. process of law, but without hope of has .appointed Miss Ruth Shapiro in sia, Lithuania and Roumania, in their before coming to Qmaha. C C. C justice. Perhaps 80,000 have been charge of ticket sales, and Miss efforts to make them self-supporting youth made overnight into a C. The y g imprisoned, the great majority with- Saide Tatehnan in charge of general ing. Siytun Ha'Sefer will begin In Omaha he has taken an active virile, happy, enthusiastic, deterr part in communal activities . includmined generation looking to the fu- Sunday at 6:15 p. m. with a dinner. out a charge being brought against arrangements. Tickets will be 50 No campaign for funds for the ture "with complete confidence that At 7:45 the dedicatory ceremonies them, without hope of a day in court cents. . ing, the leadership of the Hazomir Ort will be conducted locally whil«s will begin. Mr. Mose Yousem and People have said that the family is Germany is herself again! Singing Society.- Cantor Schwaczkin Dr. Aisurowitch is here, since the also • officiates at all Vaad service Well, this is _ a remarkable Messrs. Gail and Louis Margolin, the keystone of human institutions; Ort receives an allotment from the and conducts a <3iofr of fourteen The symposium "on Reform, Con- achievement. I t would be idle to deny who gave the two Torahs now in even more fundamental is the right Philanthropies. He will however, %'oiees a t the services and at th servative and Orthodox Judaism, part it, and I should be.the last to do so. possession of the synagogue, wili of the individual to abstract justice. familiarize the local Jewry with the holiday services; at the B'nai Israe of the Jewish lecture series conducted If this new-found solidarity, these lead a procession to welcome the new But in Germany there has been work of the Ort in reconstructing synagogue. , by the Junior Vaad, will be held on ideals, and this inspiration trith Torah, escorted by its donors. Can- created the doctrine that the state Jewish lives. Wednesday evening, March 28, at which the young people of Germany tor E. Sellz and the choir, led by may rob and despoil, plunder and Final notice is given to the varthe J. C. C. are being supplied were of the right Harry Braviroff, will chant appro- pilfer, violate every contract, destroy the careers of countless individuals, ious Jewish organizations to elect Rabbi David Graubart of Des kind, it would be something for priate psalms. Rabbi David A. Goldstein will de- drive them from their homes, from their representatives to the Board of Moines, la., will speak on Conserva- •which all the "world - would- give know, with a Governors of the Jewish Community tive; Rabbi David H. Wice of Temple thanks. Unfortunately, the youth of liver "an address. Sam Beber will the only country they y thi f h d A d Center and Welfare Federation. Fifth annual "Psi Mn Day" will Israel in Omaha on Reform, and a country can be fired to follow distribute the honors of completing brand npon their foreheads. And All names must be in by March be observed at the Jewish X%r Warsaw, (WNS)—A new organizeletters in the Torah. Mr. H. Epstein Rabbi Uri Miller of the Vaad on false gods. I t can be given ideals then wee are asked to believe that 15, so that an early meeting of the tion comprised of Jewish converts to munity Center this coming Sunday, Orthodox and objectives that are not only un- will be the scribe. the inspiration and solidarity and board may be called. • March 11, with a full day's program Christianity has been founded here An opportunity mil be given for social and unholy but positively in-| enthusiasm that Hitler has given to Each Jewish organization in ex- under the name of the Union of of activities. ' • ' .. : members of the audience to ask imical to the welfare of the nation] "Not only is the synagogue en- German youth in some degree olfset Early in the afternoon, the Pel questions. in the long run and of the whole-! riched by the gift of this new Torah these blows at the most cherished istence for more than one year is Christians of Jewish descent. The • Mu basketball team, winners of both The symposium is the third on •world. And that is precisely what t but the mtanory of • Chaim Michel rights of every individual who claims entitled to representation on the society was organized because its board of governors. If the organ- founders discovered that the antithe pre-seasoh and regular season the series of five. The' price for the has happened in Germany. Its young Gross is deservedly honored," stated his soul as his own! ization's membership exceeds one Semites are boycotting converts with title, will clash with the 'strong remaining three lecutres is one dol- men and women have been poisoned 1 Rabbi Goldstein. "In Ms lifetime he hundred, it is allowed one represen- as great seal as Jews. Sioux City A. Z. A. quintet. In a lar. Individual tickets for the sym- —poisoned with hate for certain\ served the Jewish community well, Cleveland—More than a half milThe apostates believe they can Impreliminary the J. C. C. Girls will posium will be fifty «ents.Tickets classes;in the community, taught to.He represented a fine typ& of Qxtho- lion dollars worth of stock in Bich- tative for each additional hundred prove their position through united meet the Russell Sports sextet.: may be procured at the J.. C. C. or believe that they .must .smash and' dox Jew, faithful to iiis religion, xaan Bros. Co., clothing xoanaf ac- or snajor fraction thereof. imprison and outlaw every individ- charitable, loyal to Ms people. His turers, was bequeathed to scores of action. The regular Sundays afternoon Ps at the B'nai Israel office. Mu matinee dance will follow th Other numbers on the lecture pro- ual \rhose views go counter to their children could have chosen no better Jewish, Christian and non-sectarian Roumania Jails S games, with the Collegians playing. gram include an address by . Dr. own. They are bred in intolerance, memorial." charitable, educational and religious Anti-Semites 2.205 Entered in January A banquet for the Psi Mu members Julius Siegal of the University of nurtured in vindictiveness, breast- Reservations for the dinner may be institutions in this city, various Ohio Bucharest—Nine anti-Semites and Jerusalem-—In January of thii 11 and the visiting'^ team will cljniax- Chicago on "The. Two Bibles, ' and fed with hate. They are even being made with Mrs. B. A. Simon or Mrs. municipalities and other sections of two Jews were given prison terms year 2,205 Jews arrived in Palestine the day's activities. About: one hun- an address by Dr. Jung of the Uni- taught, many of them, that what Leo Abramson. All members of the the country by the late Henry C. ranging from a week to 90 days for government figures reveal. Of Germany ncods is the setting up of community who cannot attend' the Richman, secretary-treasurer of the : dredi visitors) ftpta iSioux' iCStyi aw STersity 1 of jlowa tm '-Dynamic a pagan religion, the renewed - wor-j dinner are cordially invited to come c o m p a n y . .-.-. ••• ' -••• | • . • • ' ; - ;:•'- ••• . . . ; : * • having ^participated in the pogrom in number 285 were in the so-callec • expected. • f:; j • j : r {.;•;j y . { j l - J i . f;. i i g i o n / ' f i i,•".'". i ' : "•?.!'. ^ : . } , . ; . t •; • i capitalist category. Czernowitz last April.
Nazi Persecution Emphasizes Importance of Palestine, Zionist Leader Says
Honor Memorv of Chaim M. Gross
"PsiMuDay"toBe Held This Sunday
Apostates in Poland United in Self-Defense
-A' '
PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, MARCH 9, 1934 London—If it were not utterly imGeraldine Shafer, Milton Goldberg, Daniel Goodman, Sylvia Bernstein, possible to find work abroad, there Dr. Victor E. Levine spoke on Gertrude Kahn and Lawrence Gaven- would now be 1,000,000 German refuANECDOTES "Has Breaking a long-lasting precedent, Science Contributed to Hu- man, Chorus. . • gees, Jews and non-Jews, instead of the Psi Mu team captured both pre- An unusually large attendance at seventy or eighty thousand now JVBAlCA man Happiness?" at a regular meetIn the Hebrew play: Ruth Finer, the in exile from Germany, the Manseason and regular championships the Purim carnival held February ing of the B*nai Brith held at the King; Celia Lipsman, Queen Esther; churian Guardian in the this year. Last Sunday they met the28 at the J. C. C. by the Ladies' J. C. C. Monday evening. He was Sol . Wezelman, Mordecai; Israel second installment ofdeclared a review of the Xi Lambdas in a ^lay-off for theVaad Auxiliary made it a huge sucintroduced by Dr. Maynard Green- Katz, Haman; Ephraim Gershater, TOO MODEST persecution of the Jews in Germany. title. Sadofsky and Bogdonoff were cess". • : • - • ' • berg. Angel; Irvin Rosenbaum, Secretary; the mainstays in the winners scoring The evening's program included Isaac - Cohen was an extremely Al Finkel and members of his or-Harold Slutzkin, Kivah Kirshenbaum, dancing, cards, and a Jewish play wealthy dress manufacturer whose By the Service Life Insurance attack, and both -played brilliantly presented by the Omaha Dramatic prosperity was not at all affected by chestra played musical selections. Max Kirshenbaum, Harry Goldstein, on the defense. ANNOUNCING . . . Company, Omaha Society. Those taking part were Paul the depression. " Unfortunately he The Omaha lodge will aid in theLawrence Singer, Stanley Silverman, We will again this year sell celebration of A. Z. A.'s tenth anniand Marvin Camel were Councellors. J. C. C. physical department Nerenberg, Joe Saxe, Sarah Taub, was very stingy. One day a comversary on May 3. A committee Newspapers, magazines, economic headed by Lee (Irossman will spon- and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Blacker. mittee representing the leading men Matzos, Candy, journals all contain articles these sor a men's evening calisthenics A chair donated by the Katzman in his industry called on him for a headed by Stanley Levin was apRe-Im days on the stabilization of the cur-class which will meet once a week Brothers was -won by Mrs. L. Tur-contribution to the American Pales- pointed by President Leo Abramson and all other rency under present conditions. They on Tuesday nights from 7 p. m. to,keL A pillow donated by Mrs. Celia tine Campaign. to make plans for the event. A regular meeting of the Re-Im contain relatively little information, 8 o'clock. Every member of the JjMarko was won by Mrs. Joe Win- "You know the cause," the spokes- The delegates chosen to represent was held last Thursday evening at J Pesach Products however, on the question of as is urged to come and to bring a throub. I request all my friends nna patrons man said, "and you know how urgent the lodge on the Board of Governors 8 p. m. at the J. C. C. A program to reserve their orders until I call great importance to us individually, friend. By attending this class every- Mrs. A. SchwaczMn was in charge. it is. We need funds badly and weof the Federation are Leo Abram- was presented by "Radio Beacon." upon tfcem. namely, the stabilization of the one will feel much better and be son, Frank Ackerman, Dr. Maynard "The Piano Wizard of WAAW," and are counting on your support." estates in the present situation. Greenberg, Ben Kazlowsky, and Jack Frieden. more efficient in playing the game Over 500 were present at the Aux- Cohen nodded agreeably. Simon Pizer. Two new members were installed, When we speak of a stabilized of life. Class starts March 13. "All right, gentlemen," he replied. JA. 0637 2530 Seward Street iliary Night services last Friday Sam Manovitz and Dave Bernsiein estate, I think we will agree that "I'll do my bit. Just one moment." evening, March 2, at the Btiai Israel This Sunday senior league chamit is an estate where the dependable After the meeting, refreshments were He then wrote out a- check and Talmud Torah inflow of funds in the form of in- pions, the Psi Mu, will meet the synagogue. Rabbi Uri Miller spoke sealed it in an envelope. served. come at least equals the necessary Sioux City A. Z. A., who reached on "The Mother in Israel." The Re-Im's are planning a dance The children of the Talmud Torah "Here you are," he said. "Use it outflow of funds in the form of ex-the finals of the national A. Z. A. Two symposiums were presented as you see fit. But please do not' on Sunday, March 11, similar to the participated in a Purim program penses. It really doesn't take much basketball tourney in a feature game by members of the Ladies' Auxiliary open the envelope until you get given at the J . C. C. February 27. successful one held a month ago. JOHN FELDMAN and the Junior Auxiliary. Mrs. N. financial or mathamatical knowledge in observance of Psi Mu day. This organization is composed of Announces that he is now engaged I The plays were given in the afterdownstairs." to make the decision as to whether The J. C. C. girls will meet the H. Greenberg spoke on "The Jewish The committee thanked him andnoon for the children and in the a group of young married men. Jack in the business of selling all binds an individual estate is stabilized. Ail Russell Sports sextet in a prelimi- Woman in the Cultural Sphere," Mrs. left." Ten minutes later the delega- evening for adults. Frieden is president; Abe Sherman, of KELIGIOUS ARTICLES - Talit involves is listing on one side of nary game. To date the J girls have Sidney Katelman on "The Jewish tion was back with the check. vice-president; Lou Fellman, secre- cisim, Books, Jewish Bible* in Dea sheet of paper the income on run up a remarkable record and! Woman in the Home," and Mrs. "We want to thank you for your The program consisted of two tary; Sam Stern, treasurer; Joe brew and English. Also Matzos and which your family could depend at this game will provide the crowd Howard Milder on "The Jewish generous contribution of $5,000," the English plays, "The Purim Tale." Nitz, sergeant-at-arms; and Myer Passover Articles. "A Merry Purim" and a Hebrew Kes. 609 So. 50 St. GL. 2972 Woman in the Synagogue." the time the estate came to be set-with many thrills. Levy, reporter. Meetings are held ^ ^ ^ Q Q ,.Re. Downtown Office—118 So. 17th Miriam Weinberg spoke on "Thechairman said. "It is by far the larg- Play which was written and directed d ' tled, on the other, the necessary exYaffe Printing Co. JA. 0770 penses. Especially under present An opportunity to see some of the Jewish Girl's Place in the Syna- est we have received. But,"—and he by A. Katz, princrpal of the Talmud i m,,, , ' ans .im ans .-frfrff€ndship €ndship,,,, ^ Hebrew. jbest handball talent in the city will jgogue," Sara German on "The Jew-smiled apologetically "you forgot to Torah. Pesach Articles Hdats. The cast of "A Merry Purim" Mid-ish Girl's Training for Womanhood." sign the check." jbe given Jewish fans when the Midoutflow, are likely to be larger SOSKUTS BUTCHER SHOP The manufacturer leaned back in were: Lee White, King; Betty RosenA. Z. A. 100 A. A. U. handball tournament, An open forum followed. Refreshthe figures representing income. —.««j 1552 North 20th WE. 5450 his chair and smilingly said: blatt, Queen Esther; Lorraine Boti- Arrangements are being made by singles and doubles, ments were served by Mrs. S3m right here is where life insurance [ "I know it, gentlemen. And that's son, Queen Vashti; Marvin Davis, Ernest Priesman and Iz Middleman 12 and lasts to Epstein and her committee. Mrs. Sam steps into the picture. the way It will have to be. I am a Chamberlain; George Eisenberg, for A. Z. A. Sabbath, to be given s will be awarded as prizes for Ban was general chairman. We heard not long ago in the invery modest man. When I give a Lord Treasurer; Louis Kirke, Doctor; by A. Z. A. 1 and 100 at the Temple, and runner-ups. surance field of a man and wife, donation I don't want people to know Donald Lee Gedankin, Haman; Mil-Conservative and Vaad sen-ices | Mr. Marcus personally suboth in their seventies, who were Those who have entered to date whom it comes from." 1 perrises the dry cleaning ton Jacobson, Bigrhan; Eugene March 23. are: Al Soffer, Sam Segelman, Jake planning to give up their home which Junior Vaad Simon, Teresh; Norman Polonsky, Among those •participating- will be 1 and pressing of all garBan, Manny Goldberg, meant a great deal to them both Adler, Jack Five-year-old Seymour came home Mordecai; Marvin Simon, Soldier. Ed Rosenbaum, Mike Levy, Meyer ments sent to his plant* because their son had died of in- 5°J J " " ' J e ° B * r k e ' "orris Bloom, A Mother and Daughter Tea will'from his day in Sunday school very The children were directed by Hy-Tarnoff, Ben Shrier, Massie Baum, fluenza and they couldn't keep i t | ^ r t W u r g l e r , Harry Sherng, Paul man Finklestein, Mrs. Dave Brod- Harry Weinberg and Irving ChukaGeorge be sponsored by the Junior Vaad', much excited. up without the ?50 a month he h a d i ^ " . * ' P a c u l . ^ossmsn George Leve Schapiro Saul key and Miss Ann Kuback. Auxiliary May 6. Sara Fishman is j "Mom!" he shouted, "we learnt cott The public is invited to attend y» Bernard been sending them. When the son's I ' chairman of the affair and will be.swell song in Sunday school called Schneider, Charles Schneider and Those taking part in "The Purim these services. estate came to, be settled, however, assisted by Sarah German, co-chair- •Hey, You'!" Tale: Irving Charney, King; Justin At the business meeting last Sunthere was a $5,000 insurance policy Sam Zorinsky. man, Rosella Handler, Ethel Adler "Hey, You!" exclaimed the aston- Priesman, Haman; Justin Ross, Mor- day Ed Rosenbaum, presiding Aleph which, on the annuity plan was sufished mother. "How does it go?" and Sara Schlaifer. decai; Jean Ross, Queen; Harold Godol, was elected delegate to H. MARCUS, Prop. ficient to guarantee that the $50 Young Judaea Ruth Swengil was voted in as a And Seymour began to hum "EnSherman, Jester; Billy Cohen, Her- Washington, D. C , for the eleventh a month would be paid as long as JA. 1440 The regular bi-weekly meeting of member at the meeting held Tues- kelo Hey, Your man Burstein, Ruth Miller, Jack Ber- international A. Z. A. convention | 1941 Vinton either the man or his wife lived. the Young Judaea will be held this (Copyright 1934 by Seven Arts day night. lint, Eddie Kuklin, Harriet Shafer, to be held this summer. Did this $7,000 of insurance stabilize the son's estate? Certainly it did, Sunday at the J. C. C, at 3 p. m. for it supplied the income necessary All members are urged to attend. The period from Purim to Passto equal the outgo in the case of / i over has been designed as "Young those who were dependent Judaea Month," a time when a conearnings. centrated program of events to be I > .Where Omaha Shops With Confidence I celebrated throughout the country will make for a better appreciation Junior Pioneers A regtilar meeting' of the Hasho- of Young Judaea's aims and activi••••••;•"• !6th at Farnam OMAHA, NEBRASKA char chapter of the Junior Pioneers ties ori^ the part of Young Judaeans and Jewish , comwas held Tuesday evening, a t Legal Reserve Stock Company Organized in 1923 munity at large. J. C. C. Miss Edith Epstein was elected Therefore, in keeping with this financial secretary to succeed the national program, the Omaha Young former secretary, who resigned. Miss Judaeans are planning a Young Jui .••-/.•'..: ASSETS Merriam Lieb was elected to se*-ve daea Sabbath, to be given Friday WE HAVE Real Estate in the amount of 2A5% ?. 128,170.73 as chairman of the—entertainment evening* March 16 at the B'nai Israel 'WE HAVE Mortgage Loans on y g g ^ l s t g part, p t ,and n committee. synagogue. j \ 1,481^01.38 28.38% Real Estate topics,, will'be listed-in i next The K dateth ti T , - - „ - , their iirst, lxoiefit their WJJI XXAVXLI Secured Loans to our affair was set for April 17. Plans week's Press. 1,281,276.04 policyholders _. 24.54% were advanced ~for_the Mother's Day-" The girls are also planning * « affair. - An., inspiring news letter Passover program to be given at the WE HAVE State and Municipal Bonds from the national headquarters was J. C-. C , during the week- of Pass* and Warrants valued according to the read. strict requirements of the Insurance over.
B'nai Brith
Vaad Auxiliary
BENSON FURNITURE 6060 Mffitary A Y *
I ' % >, ,
Available for immediate payment on policy claims for death, disability and policyholders' cash requirements . WE HAVE miscellaneous accounts ow.22% • ing to us : WE HAVE due and accrued interest on 2.32% Bonds and Mortgages WE HAVE premiums unpaid to us but which have been considered as paid in determining our liability to policy4.87% holders 100% TOTAL ADMITTED ASSETS LIABILITIES Present value of all our f uture obligations to policyholders computed by our actuary and verified by the Insurance • Department of Nebraska . __—.~ WE HAVE other special policyholders' funds of '• WE HAVE outstanding incompleted claims on which we may pay.- -.—^ WE HAVE interest and premiums paid to us before due dates _, z:.:...._.—WE HAVE set aside certain amounts as dividends to policyholders — WE HAVE current accounts at the end of the year including taxes payable in 1934 on our business of 1933— SURPLUS FOR THE PROTECTION OF OUR POLICYHOLDERS ......
263,340.50 11,644.82 120,938.88 253,984.18 $5,221,484.79
$4,425,103.58 :
81,120.58 25,378.45 75,453.83 42,174.25 26,204.97 546,049.13
LLOYD DORT, Vice President & Counsel H. P. FARBER, Secretary DR. E. E. SIMMONS, Medjcal Director M. W. GOGGINS, Assistant Secretary WJD. CAUEJ, Actuary D. S. FAIRCHILD,' Dlr'r of Underwriting A. D. PBEYER, Director of Advertising
, Wahmf561I i .' 4
1,502,997.76 28.78% Department .__— 177,430.50 3.40% WE HAVE Stocks in the amount of! 1.66% 86,687.17 WE HAVE Cash in Open Banks United States Government and Canadian Government Bonds . 3.38% 176,653.33
JOHN A. FARBER, President WALTER DITDA^ Treasurer EftVIN STALMASTER, General Counsel W. F. FATE, Director KENNETH D. CARR, Assistant to Secretary 3. BERCOVICI, Auditor V. I*, TICKNER, Director of Agexicles
In New Frocks and Jacket Frocks Featured at
$5,221,484.79 TOTAL LIABILITIES OUTSTANDING POINTS OF SECURITY TO POLICYHOLDERS NO BORROWED MONEY— Cash Income exceeded Disbursement Requirements. FINANCIAL STRENGTH— S116.79 in Assets for each $100.00 of responsibilities. FAVORABLE INTEREST EARNINGS— 4.6%, computed according to Insurance Department Requirements* FAVORABLE MORTALITY— Only 43.4% of American Experience Table standard. INSURANCE IN FORCE—$28,030,000.00. The valuation of Bonds and Stocks has been made on an amortized basis and in conformity with the basis prescribed by the Director of Insurance for Nebraska. ; : OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS
Eleventh Annual Statement, December 31, 1933
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Come to our store today and examine these beautiful Granows; If you don't say, after yon have seen them, that they are the last word in refrigeration we wouldn't think of asking you to boy-them*
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The Service Life Insurance Company
» M l>>
ever ready Bernie with*a proper and Solomonow in Finals thanks and' deep appreciation to the March 11, at 2 o'clock at the Chevra witty retort. Jewry of Council Bluffs for their B'nai Yisroel synagogue a t 618 "Bobba-Misting" Mynster street. contributions. of Oratory Contest A Radio Voice Personality. With Ben Bernie Long before the present, day radio Mr. and Mrs.. Sam Gross, have re- Economic Change comedians had identified themselves Joseph Solomonow, junior law stu(By Aimer Kahnan) The "Kaleidoscope Revue," stunt BY F . R. K. turned home from Excelsior Springs, Berlin -~' A victory was achieved atCreigbtoii University, is on& •with a theme expression, the Old light for the Hound Table "of Je-nish Mo.t where they spent the past four here for the section of the Reich cabeight "finalists -in the annual Maestro had originated the "Yowzah Youth, will be held at the J. C. C. Hear ye, hear ye, dear readers, The Council Bluffs Lodge No. 688weeks.inet, headed by Minister of Economics andyouse lads and lassies" and pro-;*? ghton Oratorical contest The on Tuesday evening, March 20. here is a little "thisa and dat^a" jected'same thru his "mike": with his finals -will be held in the University of the Independent Order, of the Kurt Schmitt, which has steadfastly . Various organizations which are about one, Bainush Anselevitch. B'nai Brith will hold a meeting- next insisted on liberal treatment of the Miss Miriam Saks, sophomore at mellow baritone voice, -which -won auditorium Wednesday evening, members of the Bound Table will Yowzah! Yowzah! It's the, Old MaesMonday^ evening, March 12, at 8:30 the Abraham Lincoln High school, Jews in commerce. compete for the three prizes, to be tro, known to the stage and radio for him thousands -of admirers among March 14, Solomonow speaking on o'clock at the Eagles Hall. was awarded the championship in as one of the greatawarded to the most original,- the world as Ben Bernie. We. nabbed dial-turners. Bernie played the or-'Andrew.,Jackson est amateur extempore speaking conmost dramatic >and the most humor- the Bayonne "boytchik" while he was pheum theater; in 1916 in an act~ .presidents of the Unitea States. | A large crowd attended the Purim the test at Abraham Lincoln High school with Phil Baker. His wise quips in' Solomonow, a member of the varous stunts. Fifteen groups have in a_ "jolly good" mood, as a result sitv debate squad for three years, program, given. Sunday afternoon &t last Friday. Her subject was "Shall already entered. All sMts will "be of his uncanny selections of winners those days stamped him as an "adInc. returned from a debate tour the Danish hall by the Talmud Tor- the State Banks be Abolished?" She limited to a maximum of twenty-five at the Hialeah track, where the fillies, lib" comedian. When the vaudeville "recently o:f ah ,and Sunday School, under • the is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. minutes, and they need not be or- mares and yearlings strive for su-team dissolved partnership, he : or-, Minnesota and Iowa in which he supervision of Mr. J. Z. Stadlan, PhU Saks. ganizedJhis own band and introduced; participated in eight debates, iginal. ; principal. Dr. Isaac Sternhill was premacy, much to the disgust of the Ralph Nogg will be chairman for losers and the delight of the winners an innavation among baton wielders •" He won the extemporaneous speak- chairman in charge of the afterThe Council Bluffs Agudas Achim the evening. Israel Sternhill has {who are generally in the minority). by his introduction of gags prior to hig championship of the University noon's program. charge of. the props and George And the lads gathered around the the playing of a selection. His band '"» 1932 and placed third in the ora- The "Tizmoreth" orchestra opened Society will hold a meeting next Thursday evening, March 15, at 8:30 Geffen publicity. • .- solemn . sage as the bees gather became a popular institution at the. torical contest last year. the Purim program with the over- o'clock at the Eagles Hall. Driver Owned Organizations which have not yet'round the honeycomb. So it was no Hotel Roosevelt in New York City, ture, "King Solomon." A Purim •-entered—Isut—wish-to compete -are easy matter to obtain information. making it one of the noted dance play, "The Paper Hat," was preCouncil of Jewish The Council Bluffs Chapter No. 7 'spots in the country. Engagements asked to communicate with Ralph Fully Insured sented under the direction of Mrs.of the A. Z. A. will hold a regular followed at London's "Kit Kat" club Bernie Was Born. Women Nogg. Leo Fitch. The program also inmeeting next Sunday afternoon, Even "Waltah" Winchell, the so-where Bernie was a favorite and The problem of armaments from a cluded specialty dance numbers under hisEngiisli. accent. He mi literfstic" a ndd ' ^ d i s t i r ^ i d ^ e ^ a s the direction of Miss Maxir.e Leibi l i i Conservative Auxiliary phisticated satellite of news-gather- acquired popularized the CoUege-Inn at r e s e n t e d to m e m b e r s o f t h e i n t e r . ovitz. About three hundred persons A "home-talent" program will be ers, will agree that like everyone, Sherman'in Chicago Last}B a t i o n a l re l a tions - group at their were present. presented for the next meeting of Bernie was born. When the doctor Hotel year at the World's Faar his ^and^eetjng MondaVf a t t h e h o m e of gave him (meaning Bernie) his first the Conservative Synagogue Auxiliary on Wednesday, March 14, at the slap, he opened his baby blue eyes- played to hundreds of thousands of M r S - A b e Brodkey. Twenty women Plans are being made for the attended. Jewish Community Center. Members and squalked: "Page Walter Winchell, patrons. The opening of the Omaha agency of one of the monthly program of the Council Lieutenant Commander A. T. Em-Bluffs Senior My Word, a Versatile Chap. . and children of members are to par- I'm here!" This event occurred in leading life insurance companies in the country Hadassah which will Bayonne, New Jersey. 'Tfouse gals" Bernie is a lover of sports, both erson of the United States Navy, be a luncheon to be held at the Hoticipate. Mrs. Phineas "Wintroub is in charge might as well know that he is mar- indoor and outdoor. As a golfer he spoke on the question from a navy tel Chieftain on Wednesday, March of the program which is to include ried and the proud father of a son is considered as one of the best in man's view, while on the other side 21. Mrs. Nathan Adler will be a group of readings by Gertrude wlio attends the Columbia grammar the theatrical profession. Just the " ^ s a summary of Frederick Libby's chairman in charge of this affair. White Solomon, piano selections by school in New York. The "Mice- other day he played a round of golf talk that he made here last week, Further announcement will be made Abraham Danslcy, and presentation tros" parents believed in a large with Johnny Goodman, the open urging disarmament, given by the next issue of the Jewish Press. of one of his original compositions, family as evidenced by the fact that champ, who is an Omaha lad. He Max Holzman. Mr. Libby is execuand a group of comedy musical num- there are twelve children in their astounded the assemblage by doing tive secretary for the Council of Sara Solomonow left Sunday Home Office—Monmouth, 111. bers by Miss - Ivy Siegal, a choir household, six boys and as many a 79. Another outdoor sport that he Peace, and a number of Omaha forMiss San Antonio, Tex., for an exgirls. enjoys is the "sport of kings" (horse Council members heard his address member. tended visit. "While there, she will A Genuine Litvak. here last week. racing to youse Nebraskans.) At a board meeting to precede the "We offer to the people of Omaha a complete line in attend the wedding of her cousin, A resume of the entire subject is Battle of Hollywood Next. f afternoon meeting, a successor to Radio's "gift to the ladies" does not juvenile educational policies and retirement income Miss Marian Fonarow, formerly fo Mrs. Robert Glazer, recording secre- deny that he is a Litvak and admits He is to continue his broadcasting to be presented to the group on Mon-Council Bluffs, to Mr. Bernard Leibat any age. tary, will be named. Mrs. Glazer is that his Jewish heart succumbs eas-indefinitely. He is under contract to \ day, March 19, when Mrs. Eobert ovitz of San Ar.tonio, which will take to leave Omaha soon to reside in ily to the gastronomic juices of Is- Paramount to make a picture en-. Glazer will read a paper that she isplace next Sunday. Mason City, la. Mrs. J. H. Kula- rael's "gizzards" such as Knadlach, titled "the Great Magoo," a story! preparing on the subject, to include kofsky, who returned this week after Blintzes, Kreplach and herring. He by Ben Hecht and Gene Fowler. Her- these two viewpoints, as well as the a two-week trip to New Orleans and proudly emphasizes the fact that his man Bernie, brother of Ben, is a capitalistic attitude toward the pro- The Purim Gifts for the Jewish the Panama Canal, will preside at dad has been the president of the very successful booking representa- j posed navy bill, known as the Vinson National Fxtnd were distributed S'Margon Synagogue in New York tive of well known stage and screen i Navy Bill. The Omaha section will among the Jewish, business people both meetings. for some time. Bernie is a member stars included among whom are,be asked to pass their approval or by Mr. Sam Sacks on Parim. Fortyof the measure, accord- six dollars were collected for the Announcement is also made of theof several Jewish organizations and Gregory Ratoff, Leon Belasco band disapproval i n g to Mrs. Manuel Grodinsky, chair- Jewish National Fund, and the JewQneg Shabbos to be held tomorrow has participated in benefits for and our own George Givot. Jackson 7320 338-340 Electric Bldg. _ • man of the group. ish National Fund committee wishes at the home of Mrs. Gail Margolin, worthv Jewish causes on many oc•with Mrs. L W. Rosenblatt, co-host- casions. One of his deah, deah Honor Toscanini • . h. o s* "s s• toH a ^ M a l a s hf fo k ™& }*to take this opportunity to express e n e ess. The series on "The Jewish "Lontzmen" is Walter Winchell, even New York-Arturo Toscanini, ^ « f &"% / ^ , ^ Woman," is to continue, with the sub- tho he has been the butt of many a noted conductor and head of a P ^ i m ^ n S ^ - £ c * p19;. A n , - U l f o r i ^ 1 jest from that source, trust that ject for this week.^The Jewish Womtest by world famous musicians tea is-to follow the discussion. an in Eastern iiiurope." Mrs. L against the persecution of the Jews —:— Dansky will speak on the life of the in Germany was hailed as a "great New Y o r k — Arrangements have famous Deborah Esther of Vilna. As Illinois Bankers Life friend of justice, truth and freedom,", been completed lor the immediate setthe only sources that exist are in by a committee of Jewish leaders,! tling of the first organized colony of Opens Omaha Office Yiddish, Mrs. Dansky will present who presented him with a certificate middle-class Jews on the laud of the much that is not available to many. of inscription in the Golden Book of,Jewish National Fund at Waadi-HawThe Illinois Bankers Life Assur- the Jewish National Fund, the honor arath, it was announced by the Miz-Sabbath songs are to be sung. ance Co. of Monmouth, 111., in its -'rachi Organization ol America. to serve the best interests TOII of the Jewish people. Gamma Delta Omicron desire of its friends ar-\ pol'cyholders, T*is ' A regular meeting of the Gamma established headquarters for the Delta Omicron sorority was held Fri- eastern part of Nebraska at 338-340 -day, March 2, at the home of Miss Electric Bldg., Omaha. jAlice Susman. Joseph J. Pink of Los Angeles "~ Business for the evening included We carry all kinds of coal and every grade a discussion on All-Star Night and has been placed in charge of the of coal. Our prices are as low as alay tentative plans for a coming social company's activities and the agency ! event. Miss Elizabeth Dolgoff, rep- force of 18 men. quoted by local coal dealers. AH we ask resentative to the Round Table of Mr. Pink is a well-known life infor is a trial order. Jewish Youth, reported. surance underwriter of the west ^ A number of prospects for mem- coast, where he was associated with bership were introduced and will be some, of the largest life insurance voted on at a later meeting. companies both as agency director AT. 4444 13th and Nicholas and manager,. and comes to Omaha' Hatikvoh-Pioneer with an enviable, record as a proDavid Sherman, Propr. A meeting of the Hatikvoh-Pio- ducer and a director of men. neer club was held Wednesday eve- The I1L Bankers life started in ning at the home of Mrs. Charles business in 1897 with about $2,000 in assets, and has grown steadily, Hermanson. Plans are being completed for theuntil at present it has about rush tea which is to be held at the $100,000,000.00 of insurance in Green Gardens Tea Room for force and approximately §18,000,000 of assets.- The company is one of prospective members. After the meeting a program was the leading exponents of the new presented and refreshments served. Juvenile Educational endowment. The organization still has for its Mr. Pink welcomes, his friends and main purpose the helping of local policyholders to visit the company's Jewish charity. Anyone interested in new offices and receive free Bruce •joining is asked to call Mrs. Myer Barton's new book, "What I Have I<earned about life Insurance." Levy, AT 4261.
Council Bluffs News
JA. 7474
JOSEPH J. PINK General Agent
ASSOVER is an occasion during which one's thoughts are centered on relatives and friends. Your relations in the Soviet Union may be conveniently included in your Passover gift plans through Torgsin. A TORGSIN ORDER will enable your friends and relatives in Soviet Russia to buy imported or domestic merchandise of the best quality, sold at all Torgsin Stores. The TORGSIN chain of retail stores giving prompt and efficient service is now extended to every city in the U.S.S.R.
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Buy on Liberal Terms 2004Farnam
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JEWISH PRESS Published every Friday at Omaba, Nebraska, by
THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Subscription Price, one year . » • - • • - - . . . - Advertising rates tarnished on application
Editorial Office: 490 Brandeta Itieater Building. Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center DAVID BLACKER - - - - - - Business and Managing Editor FRANK R. ACKERMAN - . - - - « - - - - - - Editor FANNIE KATELMAN - - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent ANN P I U J - - - - - - - - Sioux City, Iowa. Correspondent Print Shop Address: 1307 Howard Street
Whenever I Ihear of any body of men who thus brand themselves politically, I immediately ask myself, what is their game, whose political chestnuts are they seeking to pull out of the fire, what is their conception of citizenship and politics, whose collar are they wearing and what boss are they seeking to influence? Every decent thinking man, when confronted with such a situation, recoils in disgust."
In Central Europe
During the week the situation in Central Europe continued to be disquieting, with uncertainty adding to the tension. The heads of the Austrian government made several statements which on their face were reassuring to Austrian Jewry but which were discounted because they were obviously for foreign consumption. In the meantime, the Jewish residents of Austria live in daily dread of a fate similar to their fellow-Jews of Germany. From authoritative sources comes one beam of hope. Premier Benito Mussolini of Italy lias advised Chancellor Engelbert Dollfuss of Austria not to curb the rights of the Jews. This message was delivered by Fulvio Suvich, Italian Under-Secretary of State, who has visited Vienna twice in the last few weeks. The Preparedness for Tomorrow Italian Premier1 is watching the Jewish situation in Austria very In his address in Omaha last Sunday, Abraham Goldberg, internationally-famed leader of Zionism, deplored more than any- closely and instructed Suvich to so inform Dollfuss, it is learned. thing else the fact that today Palestine is unprepared to receive Kosher Meat for Unemployed all of the 300 thousand Jews who will leave Germany in the next A gesture of understanding and good-will is to be found in five years if Na?i persecutions do not abate. "If," he stated, "we the announcement that the Dutch government has rodered that had begun eighteen years before the war to do what we are doing kosher meat be served to the Jewish unemployed instead of tinned there now, several million Jews would be in Palestine today, ca- non-kosher meat as previously ordered. pable of their economic self-support. Under such a condition, Palestine could have absorbed all of the German refugees easily." That is a lesson which should be engraved in our hearts as a Traditional American Viewpoint Over a nation-wide radio broadcast in observance of Purim constant reminder. Let us not live only in the present; instead, let us have foresight and look ahead for the future. Let us think under the auspices of the Religious Reconstruction Committee of of those who will be the Jewish people of tomorrow. Just because the Union of Orthodox Congregations of America, the following today some do not fear the shadow of being without a home message from President Franklin D. Roosevelt was read: should not deter us from building a homeland which could take "This day is one of great religious significance for a large care of an emergency. The Jewish people live in the lands of the and important section of our people. That it should be Used to world by sufferance and not by right. For our protection in the emphasize spiritual forces, necessarily the underlying motive and future, we must have a land where the Jews can live by right the driving power for all material progress, gives it a universal and not by- sufferance, a land which can absorb and care for Jew- appeal. It is at all times desirable, and especially so in times of ish people who have to flee the barbarity and persecutions of widespread readjustment, to keep unimpaired the sources of our Hitlers. . spiritual strength and to maintain the tenets of our American po. Aside from the physical haven of refuge, Palestine as a litical faith, particularly the vital principles of equality and justice strong, developed Jewish homeland would have another strong to all. In your efforts to uphold these ideals and to re-enforce physical point in its favor. As Goldberg pointed out, a strong them by new and potent spiritual awakening, I wish you every Jewish homeland would also provide a base for the fight to ob- success." tain social justice for Jews in all parts of Nothing This message from the President of the United States was should remain an obstacle in our path toward strengthening the a decisive repudiation of the attempt of certain bigoted forces to Jewish homeland in Palestine, a homeland Which will be a spirit- set up racial, religious, political and class distinctions in the counual, physical, intellectual, industrial and cultural center for the try of freedom and democracy. It is a telling blow to the propJewish people. aganda of ill-will and a re-affirmation of traditional American thought, upheld by all right-thinking people in the land.
The Week in Review
"Even Unto Death" "Consistency," we have read, "is a jewel." It is therefore heartening to receive news from Germany of a sign of consistency in the Nazi program. Because tuberculin, an anti-toxin for tuberculosis of cattle is the invention of Dr. Franz Friedrich Friedmann, a Jewish scientist, German farmers have in a special order been warned against using it by the German ministry of agriculture. That is as it should be. If ihe Nazis are to place some faith in their wild anti-Semitic theories^ they should practice their •preachments by refusing to avail themselves of everything even slightly Jewish in origin. In their war preparations or land fertilization^ let them not use the nitorgen secured from air through the genius of that now deceased Jewish German scientist, Fritz Haber. Let the good Nazis cast into the ashcan their radio re.ceiving sets, since radio was built on the theories of a Jew, Heinrich Hertz, discoyererfof the Hertzian waves. Let the good Nazis give up most of their chemical industries, as the dye-stuff industry, since they are largely the products of the genius of Jewish chemists. And so on ad infinitum. But since the good Nazis should resist the Jews "even unto death," we submit for the consideration of the Hitlerites that when they become, diseased they should not use Ehrlich's famous remedy, they should foreswear the use of salvarsan, they should forever discard for jtnedical use Oscar Minkowski's insulin. In fact, if they are to remain true to an "ideal" they should avoid all physicians in Germany influenced by Robert Barany, Otto Meyerhoff, Otto Warburg and Karl Landsteiner, the Nobel Prize winr ners, or by any of the German Jewish physiologists, pathologists, neuropathists, bacteriologists, dermatologists, otologists, epthalmologists and other specialists whose names abound in, German .medical progress. If the Nazis will only follow such consistency, they will get their just desserts.
Playing With Dynamite
A number of Jewish individuals in Brooklyn, New York, have organized themselves as the "Brooklyn Jewish Democracy, Inc.," with the statement that their organization is "frankly Jewish and undisguisedly political." Their purpose is announced -'to unite and co-ordinate the Jewish citizens of Brooklyn m a solid, formidable phalanx so that, through united political action" they may accomplish their purpose. In articles and speeches, we are informed, the organizers indicate definitely that what they want is "proportional political representation" on the basis of the Jewish population in Brooklyn. The originators of this Brooklyn Jewish Democracy, Inc. are lighting a match to a keg of dynamite. Responsible, sensible Jewish leaders in New York, we hope, will be able to kill the idea in its infancy. It would be a sad state of affairs if school teachers, high school principals, judges or other important public officials were to be chosen along religious or racial, lines in this country. The Jews would be the worst sufferers under such a scheme. Proportionate representation in public of f ice in New York would give the Jews a larger share than they now have. But what would happen to the Jews in the smaller communities, where they constitute but an insignificant proportion of the rest of the population? The only test for public office should be ability* experience and character, for Gentile and Jew alike. Those who entertain thoughts of such a political organization would do well to pay heed to those memorable words of the late Louis'Marshall, who on a similar occasion said: "To my mind nothing can be more objectionable than to revert to such practices-It is.undignified, it is un-American, it is un-Jewish- ••- • .
Tolerance or Understanding?
SOLILOQUY The King is dead. Long live the king. And none of the Jewish papers as far as I know mentioned the fact that the ambassador of Belgium to the United States is a Jew—S. Paul May. Or did they? And even if they did—what about that story that the new Queen of Belgium is of remote Jewish descent? How come? It is this way. Queen Astrid is the daughter of the Swedish monarch, and the Swedish royal family is descended from Bernadotte, one of Napoleon's marshals, who was said to have been a Jew. The story goes further, that some years ago, a Jewish friend of the Swedish king got into a conversation with His Majesty about the Jews. His Swedish Majesty wanted more and more conversation about Jews. Finally, the Jew ups and asks— "Why is your Majesty so greatly interested?" The reply came: "I am a descendant of Bernadotte."
THE SUING CANTOR And that story that is soon to break in Montreal is right smart interesting, as they say down south. The story is that a Montreal cantor will soon start legal proceedings to recover for himself the entire province of Labrador. He has found papers showing that the entire province was given to one of his ancestors by the English King several centuries ago. The cantor's name is La Pencha or something of that sort—and he is willing to compromise and let the Esquimox keep Labrador — provided he be given a modest material quid pro quo. Just a little bit of Eskimoie, as it were. The suing cantor, by the way, is related to one of the best known Yiddish, writers in America. It's a real true story.
In five or six months time, says Maurice Samuel, youngsters who come to Palestine acquire the Hebrew language. Can't help but think in this connection of the story of Harry Hershfield of the young fellow who was sent to an American Talmud Torah. When the pater learned that the boy had been first of all introduced to a study of Kaddish, he was all excitement and murder. He rushed to the teacher: "Say—what is this—what for you right away teach my son Kaddish. Do you expect I should die right away—maybe?" And the Hebrew teacher replied: "You should live so long—till your boy learns Kaddish."
JUST JOTTINGS Funny thing-that-which Maurice Samuel tells about the German Jews. How they come to Palestine, bringing in what they call "lifts*' all of their paraphernalia. With the result that they are now being called "the life menschen." The Rev. Gerson Ephros can tell you all sorts of cute little stories about cantors. When you meet him ask him to tell you the striking story of how a cantor's moving singing of El Mole Rachamim stopped a pogrom. It would make a swell scenario for a talkie.
A GOOD "TALMUD TORAH" Five or six months in Palestine and you have your Hebrew! Would it not be a saving then to send all the children in Talmud Torahs to Palestine for a half year instead. As far as I can figure it out, in the American Talmud Torahs,
NATIONAL ACCESSORIES, Inc. EVERYTHING For the Auto 2051 Farnam AT. 5524
When in need of burning oils or burner service call JA. 2111-2112 Prompt Delivery Personal Service
So thus it appears that three hundred or so years ago, an English monarch, without any Balfonrs, any Declarations, any Mandates, gave a plain ordinary Jew a whole province much larger than Palestine. Pity there was no Zionist movement at the time. The whole matter could have been settled by making Labrador the new Zion. The trouble is—the proposition came too early. The idea that the early bird catches the worm .is all wrong. Being early is as bad as being late. You must be neither early nor late. You must be exactly on time.
"Tolerance toward the Jew is not enough. It bespeaks a certain (quality of condescension. Understanding- is^rhat is required to bridge the gap between Christian and Jew." ^§V'. "'" ; These words were uttered by Mrs. Giffort Hnchot, wife of the governor of Pennsylvania, speaking last week i t a Philadelphia performance of "Romance of a People," the epicf Jewish production. She stressed that all those who call themselves Christians have a solemn obligation to do more than be sorry for the plight of the Jewish people, and contended that in this country there is a "positive obligation to demonstrate publicly and unequivocally that there can be no distinction between Jew and Christian." Understanding that cannot be undermined by rumor, gossip and distortion is whatis required, she pointed out. In these words of a Christian liberal we can find much for reflection. 'Toleration" has an unpleasant connotation. "To tolerate" means "to endure," and Mrs. Pinchot is correct when she states that tolerance is insufficient, that understanding should be substituted. If certain forces which classify themselves as liberals offer tolerance on such a basis, we" should out of self-respect, dignity and pride reject that type of offer; we should put the searchlight of analysis upon all "good-will" projects to comprehend the basis on which the good-will is prof erred. Unless there is present a willingness to "understand," to achieve a comprehension that cannot be undermined by rumor, gossip and distortion, there can be no basis for truly harmonious relationship between Jews and Christians.
The man of blood hateth him who is sincere, and as for the upright they seek his life.
Casting Eyes
If a ruler hearkeneth to falsehood, all his servants are wicked.
In an article in Populo D'ltalia, believed to have been personally written by Mussolini, the creation of a "true Jewish state in Palestine" is urged. The premier's article stresses the fact that the phrase "national home" is exceedingly vague and therefore ; without meaning from a political viewpoint. . Almost simultaneously we read that the French government, which holds the mandate over Syria, has given its needed approval for the purchase of M. Djevldruse, a wealthy Jewish merchant, to the purchase of four Arab villages in Syria mear the Palestinian border to settle German-Jewish, refugees who have been barred from Palestine. These two factors, added to the present unrest prevalent because of the policy of Great Britain as the mandatory power over Palestine, recalls the situation after the World War. England, France and Italy seemed anxious to obtain the mandate over the Jewish Homeland, and England did not have an easy time securing the "political plum." It is suggested by recent events that France and Italy would still like to be the possessors of the mandate over the Jewish homeland. The agitation of recent date against the immigration policy of Britain might lead many to favor a change of mandatory powers for a possible Jewish state. But it would be erroneous to entertain such ideas at the present time. When there are so many confusing issues on the scene it would be harmful to inject discussion on this problem.
tlement and seek admission to Ameri- they go five or six years and learn the baseball scores—and that not in can statehood. Hebrew.
THOUGHT OF THIS TERRITORY Incidentally, the idea of a Jewish state in America was the fancy of quite a number of Jews. The name of Mordecai Noah is associated with one Of these projects. But earlier than that, at the founding of the colony of Georgia in 1732, there was some talk of the same idea. And in the nineties about the time that .Herzl broached the idea of Palestine, Dr. Zamenhoff, the founder of Esperanto, proposed that European Jews emigrate to a part of the American wilderness, establish a set-
The rod and reproof giveth wisdom, but a child left to himself causeth shame to his mother.
as afeather,warm as toast,
When the wicked are increased, transgression increaseth, but the righteous shall gaze upon their fall.
Hie Famous
TALMUD Rabbi Jonathan said: "Woe to the scholars who study the law, and have no faith in God."
Knit-tex Topcoat
A scholar whose inside does not harmonize with his outside (who is not sincere) is called a corrupt scholar.
Our Rabbis have been taught: A high priest on leaving the Temple had been accompanied by the entire populace. The people, observing the two great scholars Schemaia and Abtalion, left the high priest alone and accompanied the two Rabbis. Later, when the rabbis came to take leave of the high priest, he «aid to them: "May the children of the heathens (because they were descendants of King Sennacheritz of Assyria) go in peace." They replied: "The children of the heathens may go tn. peace, because they do what Aaron the High-priest did love "I-have seen small towns on the Equator where there are peace, but the children of Aaron may not have peace because they do Jewish populations of namore than fifteen persons, which are not not want to do what Aaron did."
overlooked by the Nazi propaganda machine. The publication Deutsche Afrikanische Post, apparently financed by German Rabbi Chaya said: ""The Torah itfunds, appears in every town and city Ivvisiteof/;:;fJJhe situation s e l f i s a^ trusted" /witness to testify behalf of its students as to who confronting the Jews cannot be laughed off ."—Maurice Samuel, on practices what he studies, and who recently- returned from South Africa. ,. 'does "not."
You can't wrinkle it! You can't get it out of shape! You seldom have it pressed. You wear it in a drfezle and keep dry. You shift gears, you walk, you tip your hat—no pulling, no binding—it gives with every move of your body. It will outwear two average topcoat*. Come in end let us chow you this remarkable cote SEE OUR WINDOWS TODAY
PAGE 6—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, MARCH 9, 1934 ANNOUNCE BIRTHS Mr. and Mis. David Manvitz Enounce the birth of a daughter at the Clarkson hospital March 2.
Mrs. J. Rosenberg at Two Plays to Be Monthly Dinner of Sioux City Meeting Reviewed Monday Vaad Men's Club
Bikur Cholim The regular meeting of the Bikur Cholim Society next Monday afternoon, March 12, at the J. C. C. will be in the form of a memorial for the late Mrs. M. Seiner, -who was one of the charter members. Cantor A. Schwaczkin will chant the memorial prayer. The meeting is open to the public
Two plays which are current The regular monthly dinner of the Mrs. Joseph Rosenberg, president Men's Club will take place Thursday, of the southwest region of Hadassah, Broadway successes, Eugene O'Neil's March 15, at 6:45, at the B'nai spent Tuesday in Sioux City at the 'Ah, Wilderness," and "Days WithIsrael synagogue. Harry Mendelson, home of Mrs. E. N. Grueskin, where out End," will be discussed by Rabbi chairman of the program committee, a meeting of the board of the Sioux David A. Goldstein, Monday night, has arranged an interesting program City Hadassah chapter was held. March 12, at 8:15 at the J. C. C, which will include an adress by Rev. Preliminary plans were outlined in the seventh of eight evening book for the forthcoming Hadassah ReLaurence Plank, and entertainment Mr. and Mrs. Ike Solzman an- by Al Cohen. There will also be gional convention, the date for which reviews. Learn to Dance Correctly **Ah, Wilderness," is a comedy and has been set for Sunday and Monnounce the birth of a son on Feb- served musical numbers. "Days Without End," a tragedy, a ruary 28, at the Methodist hospital. All members of the Men's Club and • day, May 27 and 28, in Sioux City. GREENE-COHN ENGAGEMENT Mrs. E. N. Grueskin has been ap- religious drama. For the closing reMrs. Solzman is the former Miss of the Vaad are asked to make Affiliated TVith Chicago Ass'n of view of the series, Rabbi Goldstein Announcement of the engagement ROSENBLATT-BRODKEY Pauline Ephraim of Plaquemine, La. reservations by calling Mr. Harry pointed convention chairman. has selected two books of Chinese i)ancing Masters of Miss Nioma Cohn, daughter of ENGAGEMENTSegall, Kenwood 7618 or Mr. Sidney theme, "Oil for the Lamps of China," 105 Arthur Bldg., AT. 5251 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cohn, to Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Riseman an- Dr. and Mrs. Nathan Dansky of Katleman, Webster 0135. by Alice Tisdale Hombart, and "The Irving Greene, son of Mr. and Mrs. nounce the engagement of their Los Angeles, Calif., announce the The Men's Club of the Vaad carHouse of Exile," by Nora Wain. daughter, Miss Freeda Brodkey, to Harry Greene, of Minneapolis, Minn., birth of a son on February 24. ries on an intensive cultural and •was announced at a party at the Mr. John Rosenblatt, son of Mr. and Rabbi Frederick Cohn will speafe on Dr. Dansky formerly practiced in social program. Membership is open Mrs. Louis Rosenblatt. Cohn residence Friday evening. Omaha for nine years, and is a to all. members of the Vaad. Its "Roosevelt, Hitler and Civilization" No date has been set for the Mr. and Mrs. Harry Greene of former president of the Omaha He- meetings are held in the form of a before the Current Topics class under Minneapolis were honored guests at wedding. brew Club. dinner the third Thursday of the the auspices of the Temple Israel Sisthe party. Other guests included Mr. month which is given in the meeting terhood Tuesday morning at 10:30 a. A special board meeting of Haand Mrs. Samuel Shostak of Lin- KUTLER-MIRINGOFF WEDDING Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Kutler an- room of the B'nai Israel synagogue. m. at the Blackstone. This is next to dassah has been called by Mrs. M. the last lecture in the course. coln; Mr. and Mrs. Max Cohn, and SUNDAY nounce the birth of a daughter at Dr. Cohn will review the first year F. Levenson, president, for Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. W. Kutler announce the Immanuel hospital March 4. Mrs. Dr. and Mrs. Oscar Greenberg of of both the Roosevelt and Hitler re- afternoon at 1:30 p. m. at the home the approaching marriage of their Council Bluffs; Rabbi and Mrs. Kutler was formerly Miss Zena gimes, and their effect upon the fu- of Mrs. A. Romm. The meeting will David A. Goldstein, Mr. and Mrs. son, Harry, to Miss Ida Miringoff Polikov. A regular meeting of the Deborah ture of civilization. He will also re- be preceded by a luncheon at 12:30 Morris Cohn, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur of Wichita, Kans., on Sunday, March Society will be held next Tuesday fer to the Madison Square Garic p. m. Theodore, Mr. and Mrs. Ike Klein. 11, at 4 p. m. at the Adass Yeshuren RUSH-TEA afternoon, March 13, at the J. C. C. meeting in which Hitler "was sum The special order of business will Miss Cohn attended the University synagogue, 25th and Seward. Pi Tau Phi sorority, of which Miss A. Katz, principal of the Tahnnd moncd before the bar of public opin be the "Give or Get" campaign and Among the out-of-town guests ex- Helen Garber is president, enterof Nebraska and the University of ion, indicted and convicted." Torah, will be the guest speaker. constitutional changes. Southern California. Mr. Greene pected are Mr. and Mrs. A. Masarsk, tained at a rush-tea at the home of Mrs. A. Mackler, Mr. and Mrs. S Miss Rose Colick on February 18. •was graduated from the University of Minnesota, and was a member of Miringoff. Mr. Joe Miringoff, Mr. Sigma Delta Chi, honorary journal- and Mrs. Ben Witogren, all of FORMAL SUPPER DANCE Maurice Steinberg was elected presiWichita, Kans.; Mr. R. Luben of istic fraternity. Fifty couples attended the formal dent of the Creighton University chapKansas City, Mo.; Mr. and Mrs. A. supper dance of the Creighton Univer- ter of Pi Lambda Phi, international Gilinson of Brooklyn, N. Y. sity chapter of Pi Lambda Phi, inter social fraternity, at the election of ofBRESLOW-SLOBODISKY national social fraternity, held at thi ficers Wednesday evening. MARRIAGE Fontenelle Saturday evening. Austin OMAHA'S CTOE CENTU . . . UTH AND HAXNCT Other officers are: Art Kazlowsky, Mrs. A. Slobodisky announces the TO ATTEND WEDDING IN Bevans and his orchestra furnished vice-president; Morton Adler, secremarriage of her daughter, Ruth, to SIOUX CITY Mr. Max Breslow, son of Mr. and Twenty-five active and alumni the music for dancing, while a Bus tary; Morris Wintroub, treasurer; Mel Mrs. Lab Breslow, of Lincoln, Neb. members of Phi Beta Epsilon sian stringed sextet played during the L. Sommer, pledge master, and Ben The ceremony took place In Council Creighton social fraternity, will drive supper. Special entertainment fea- Smith, corresponding secretary. tured. Bluffs February 23. to Sioux City Sunday, March 11, to attend the wedding of Miss Louise ZARKOWSKY-LETY ENGAGEMENT Herzoff and Mr. Nathan Gilinsky. Mr. and Mrs. A. Levy announces Gilinsky is a past president of the TEACHER OF PIANO the engagement of their daughter, fraternity and during the past year J^ATKST METHODS The sewing circle of the Omaha Lena, to Mr. Nathan Zarkowsky, son served as president of the Alumni In Popular and Classical Music of Mr. and Mrs. B. Zarkowsky, of Association of Phi Beta Epsilon. , chapter of Hadassah will meet Mon204 Lyric Bldg., 19th & Farnam St. Louis, Mo. A stag smoker -will be given for day at 1:30 p. m. at the home of JA. 4033 The wedding will be held in late Mr. Gilinsky this evening at the Mrs. Simon Pizer, 111 South Fiftysummer. HM. In charge of arrangements' are second street. Edward Rosenbaum, Harold Bloch, S1EGAL-ROSENBERG and Jack Slutsky. T H I S SPRING, more than ever, NAVY ENGAGEMENT stands out as the first line fashion defense. In setting up your Mr. Morris A. Rosenberg an- TO LOS ANGELES noonces the engagement- of his Miss Sally Greenberg left this apparel budget be sure NAVY gets a break. The three gardaughter, Rosalie, to Mr. Milton P. Week for Los Angeles for an indefiments shown below were sketched from our stock of NAVY Siegal, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bar- nite stay. ney Siegal of Des Moines, la. HEADLINERS . . . and there's dozens more waiting to be VISITING HERE launched on a successful spring cruise . . . because, regardless TO WASHINGTON Mrs. T. J. Heeger of DeSmet, S. Miss Tobye Flax left for Wash- Dakota, is visiting here with her of the occasion, NAVY stands in high favor and good+as*e for ington Tuesday evening. mother, Mrs. A. Minkin. Dr. and Mrs. J. Milton Margolin >f Perry, la., formerly of Omaha, announce the birth of a daughter, Sharon Lee, on Tuesday, February 27. Mrs. Margolin -was formerly Ann Canter of Omaha.
Savard Dance Studios
Current Topics Course
& 48c
Pi Lambda Phi
Hadassah Sewing Circle
the spring of 1934.
KITCHEN CHATJi Mrs. David M* Newman Cream Puffs One cup water, 1-2 cup butter or criscp, 1 cup pastry flour, 4 eggs, 1-4 teaspoon salt. Bring water and shortening to a boil, add flour and salt. Stir rapidly until mixture leaves side of pan. Remove from fire. Add one egg at a time. Mix welL Drop on. well greased cookie sheet, one tablespoon of mixture at a time. This makes a dozen puffs. Bake 30 minutes. When cold, fill with sweetened whipped cream.
Mother-Daughter Banquet Date Set T h e annual community-wide Mother-daughter banquet under.the sponsorship of .the Jewish Women's Welfare Organization will be held this year on Sunday, May 13, it was decided at a' meeting1 of the organization Tuesday.
Watch and Jewelry Repair AT EEASONABEE PRICES Your Business Greatly Appreciated
Henry Belmont, Jeweler 1422 D o n t l a s
BECTJPERATOG Mrs. Stanley ,F. Levin is recuperating at the Nicholas Sean hospital from an appendectomy. r-[y'-~ Her mother, Mrs. E. J. light of Minneapolis, Minn., is here for two-week visit.
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Morris Beauty Shop Specials on Permanents for a LIMITED TIME
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HOWARD «f 16th.
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Right NOW . . . when suits rank as a fashion necessity . . . finds us ready with a great selection . . . featuring knee length swagger jackets . . .seventh-eighth swaggers . . . Peter Pan and W i n d b l o w n collars! Suits away from the ordinary . . . yet compellingly smart and flattering!
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Navy blue flat crepe with removable jacket and white moire collar and jabot. A red crepe belt carries out the red, white and blue color scheme. Sketched from stock.
Navy blue wool crepe suit with three-quarter length coat trimmed in natural squirrel. A smartly tailored and belted model that swaggers into spring with the assurance o£ success.
29.75 Carman's Second Floor
The COAT Nary blue wool crepe coat with collar trimmed in silvered fox. The snugly belted waistline emphasizes the windswept atmosphere of the collar *nd lends a charming distinction to the coat.
RIDING HIGH—Miss Betsy Vanderhoef. socialite of New York and Greenwich, Conn., is shown clearing a hurdle with her mount, part of the exhibition for which she was stamped a fearless rider of jumpers at Pasadena, CaL, where she is a member of the smart winter social colony
GRANDMOTHER'S PASTIME REVIVED—-Knitting is the current leisure-time amusement of the belles and matrons at Miami, Fla. Here we have a bevy of fair maidens, the largest ball of yarn extant and Miss Dorothy Mae having a bathing suit crocheted right on her person.
"PRINCESS ALICE" ATTENDS—Mrs. Alice (Princess Alice) Roosevelt Longworth, widow of the late Nicholas Longworth, speak* er of the house, and her daughter, Paulina, are shown at the Roosevelt family homestead at Oyster Bay, L. L, during festivities in con*' nection with the marriage of Grace Roosevelt, granddaughter of tba late President Theodore Roosevelt, and William McMillan, of Baltimore. Paulina served as flower girl for the wedding ceremony.
i -
- MOST PERFECT FEET—When Dr. John Hiss, Los Angeles orthopedic surgeon, launched a search for Hollywood's most perfect feet, he found they were owned not by a movie actress but by Miss Marcella O'Connor, 18-year-old artist's model and former dancer. This photo shows Dr. Hiss checking Miss O'Connor's perfect feet on the "dassifootmeter". an insixument invented by the surgeon for the : scientific measurement and testing of feet.
TOY- REGATTA—Not to be outdone by their elders, children' of l o n e Beach, CaL, are shown holding thsir own regatta with model " ^:^ _ " yacht* in the Colorado Lagoon.playground.^
SCENE OF DILLINGER ESCAPE—This is the scene in which John Dillinger was surrounded when the notorious desperado made his, sensational escape from the county jail at Crown Point, Ind. Left to right, the jail; the courthouse; where he was to be tried for murder, and the garage where he obtained an automobile and dashed to freedom. . '
SEALS GALOBE—Each year, about this time, terge schools of seals can be seen off the coast of Cal*. . iornia, migratiof t« Catalina island. Here l» Uw 1934 migration.
WHITES AND INDIANS AT PEACE—Evidence that the Seminol* Indians and the white populace of Florida are at peace again can be seen in this photo, showing Patsy Linder, left, playing with Charlie Billie of the Osceola Indian camp at Miami.
TALKED WITH PRESIDENT—Sylvester Harris, colorwi rarmcr of Columbus, Miss., wears a broad grin as he poses for this photo in front of his farm home with his donkey. He has a good reason for the smile. A short time befope the picture was made, Harris had a telephone conversation with President Roosevelt, and the president , arranged to have the mortgagees .bia-Cumextended.
PAGE 7—TECS JEWISH PRESS; HUDAY, MARCH 9,1934 •illHIIIIIIIIIIIIIimimmilllllllimilllllll^jcemed: Adolf Hitler, Rudolf Hess, = nririn ••-», TT m A, :~ =j.CaptaIi* Roehm and 'Alfred Rosen2 berg are bachelors; Herman Goering a childless widower and Joseph Goefrom bels, though married, also childless. . For these blessings let us be thankful . . . . .'.;.,-, .
The regular monthly M'laveh Malkeh meeting" of the Mizrachi will take place this Saturday evening at 8 o'clock, at the B'nai Jacob Anshei Sholom synagogue, 24th and Nicholas streets. Refreshments will be served TALES OT?r OF SCHOOL in observance of thft traditional SabBy PHINEAS J.- JUBO^F evening feast, snd a' program We hear that Otto H. Kahn, who David H. Wice will continue md Chasidic. songs will recently adopted the traditional cos! tume of- Jnstice—a blindfold—wheat talks on Liberal Judaism, his ser- e given. AN IDEA To Morris Margulies, energetic sec- he judged an impromptu beauty con- mon subject being "The Develop- An address on Mizrachi will be given by Aaron Katz. The regular retary of the Zionist Organization of test down at Palm Beach, is seriously
iaous Services
ment of Liberal Judaism to the i business of the Mizrachi be also America, goes the credit for the sug- considering acceptance of the treas- Present Day." . guestion that the 'German Jews who ureship of.the New York division of Regular Junior services will be I transacted. 1 ATI -members of the Jewish eomare having such a hard time acclimat the American Palestine Campaign 1. . Saturday morning. are invited to be present fcing themselves in Palestine should At the time of writing the APC-JDG The congregational dinner will be! munity a t t hi s M'laveh Malkeh feast, go into the same lines of business as shidduch seems to be on again, held-Monday evening. they followed in. Germany,:in the pre- League Commissioner McDonald for The adult study class will not Nazi era . ; . Many of these Jews, German Jewish refugees having been meet this Tuesday evening, but thej Junior Hadassah it seems, have to pressed into service as shatchen . . . following Tuesday the class will b e ' The Junior Hadassah celebrated adopt such; a course, which could The irony of the German Jewish re- conducted by Mr. Isy Rosenthal. i Purim with- an open meeting last lief situation in Hitlerland is that it have the additional advantage of reThe confirmation class will con- Thursday. Miss Dora Freshman was placing the." Germany", la- must be administered from abroad. tinue its work on Wednesday after-' chairman. Rabbi Uri Miller spoke on Dr. Bernard Kahu, head cf the Ger-i bel, now tabu among our best peonoons. ' "The Significance of Purim." Dr. ple, with a "Made in Palestine' tag. man Joint Distribution Committee be-; '—_ — Victor E. Levine spoke on the life ing an exile in Paris, whence he dis. . . Those in the know declare that Conservative °^ Emma-Lazarus, famous Jewish many great American department tributes the relief funds received At services this evening Rabbi poetess of the nineteenth century. y stores, including Maey's, the -world's from America g We learn that the Miss Julia Zuker sang, accomlargest, would, be only too happy to powers that be are considering the David A. Goldstein will speak on hat Enabled the Jewish People pamed at the piano by b Mis? Minnie Iray from Palestine the - gooda for appointment of Herman Bernstein, 1 <<WSurvive?" Frolnn A m k h He will base his ° c debate was held on to Ser-i •which they formerly. went to Ger-former U. S. Minister to Albania, as • «, The M a k i n o f ; the question "Resolved, That the m o n o n t h ; book many. . . . ; an ambassador of American Jewry to I Jew," written by Rabbi' Hamantaschen are better than the
FKADEXBEKG, STAUSASTER, BEBER FRADGMiCKG, STAX.31ASTER. BEBEB FBADEKBCRO, STAI.MASTEH. BEBEB & KIATZVICK, Attorneys & XIXTZVICK. Attorneys & KLVTZNICK, A t t e m y i 6.T0 Omaha Xntional Hank Bonding £50 Omaha Xatienal Bank B *jO Omaha National Bank Building NOTICE OF i?fDEBTEDSESS JJotiee Is hereby given that s.11 existing debts of GENERAL STATES INSURANCE COAIPAXT on the Slst day of December, 1933, amounted to the sum of Nineteen Thousand Six Hundred and Sixty Dollars and Forty-seven Cents ($19,660.47). C. O. TALMAGE. President. CHAHLES S. COPKLAND DR. K. C. HENKY ROY A. RALPH C B. TRYON W. H. HEVERIDGE J. L. BAKER JOS. B. FEADEXBURG ; Being a majority of the Board of Directors.
the Modem
STOT1CJE OF IN1JEBTEUXESS NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS Notice is hereby piven thnt all rxisfinp Notice is hereby given tlint nil existing debts of HAN EH KLECTKIC on the 31 sf; day of Peoember. 19o3, iimoonted to the debts of MILDER OIL COMPANY on the sum of Three Thousand Kifrht Hundred j T.lst day of Deoemlwr, 1033. amounted to and Eiphtr-fonr Dollars and Forty-fonr! the Btim of Twenty-six Thousand Five Cents C?3,SS4.44). Hundred nnd Eig-hty-one Dollars and Seventv-seven Cents (S2C.5S1.77). FEAKEJf. HAKET. President. nrMiE President. LUCX .SKARKA. ELLA V. MILDER Sprretnrr. KAE RRAUNSTKIN LOTTIE HANET HVMIE MILDER . . . FUAXK M. HANET Beinganicjority of the IJoiml ol Dircctori, Beinjj a majority of the Board of Directors.
FKADEKBL'KG. STAI.MASTEK. BEBEE & KXXJTZXICK, Attorneys 630* Omaha National Bank B i l FBAOENBCEO, 8TAL5IASTEK, BEBEE XOTICTP OF IXDEBTEDNESS & KIAJTZNICK, Attorney" Kotiee is hereby piven thnt all pssting 630 Omaha National Bank Buildingaebts of LOED LISTEK HOSPITAL on the Slst dny of Decemlwr. 1033, amonnted NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS the sum of Two Hundred Twenty-fivr Xotice Is hereby given that all existing to Thousand Six Hundred nml Forty-eight debts of NEBRASKA CHAMBERS OPTI- Dollars ana Three Cents <$22r>,G48.03). CAL COMPANX on the 31st day of DeE. C. HENET, cember, 3933, amounted to the sum of Two President. Thousand Ninety-four Dollars and SevE. C. HENRY enty-six Cents ($2,004.76). MARGARET A. HENRY J. L. CHAMBERS, JOS. B. FBADENBURG President, Being a majority of the Board of Directors. J. Ii. CHAMBERS GOODIE CHAMBERS Being a majority of the .Board of Directors. FUADENBCKG, STAtMASTEK. BEBEK & KtCTZNTCK, Attorneys 650 Omaha Xaflonal Bank Building: FUADENBCRO. STALSL4STEK. BEBER & JKXTJTZNICK, Attorrreys NOTICE OF 1XBEBTEDXESS 650 Omaha National Bank Building Notion is hereby piven thnt nil ifct debts of M. VBNGEK & SOXS, INC., on NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS the "31st day of December, 1933, amotinted Notice is hereby given that nil existing to the snm of Forty Thousand Four Hundebts of PETEKSBX BROS. FLORISTS, dred and Eighty-oinp Dollars and SixtyS C , on the 31st day of December, 1033, seven Cents (f4Q.4S9.fi7). amounted to nothing. MAX TENGEU. JOHN TETERSEX, President. President. MAX VENGER JOHN PETEESEX M. A. VENGER AUGUST PETERSEN A. V. VENGER Being a majority of the Board of Directors. Being a majority of the- Board of Directors.
Paxton Mitchell Co. \ Grey Iron, Aluminum and Bronze Castings Wood and 5S«tal Patterns 2614 Martha St. HA. 5523 j •mini iMWnL
Germany . . . His function would b e l j j j j ^ Steinberg This book is a Doughnuts," with Sarah Solomonow NAZIDEPT. to supervise relief activities-on the D i a s t e r f u i analysis of the history ol on the affirmative and Minnie Frohm "A united Germany Offers a Uni- spot and to confer with German gov- the Jewish people, and ought to be oil^ txth e negative. *-"— Refreshments •"-*---•< were ted Fleet tothe United States," reads eminent officials with a view to reserved. read by all Jews. BG, STALMASTEB, BEBER & FEADEKBIKG, STALMASTEK, BEBER an invitation of two German ship- laxation of the Hitlerite" anti-Jewish An important meeting of Junior FEADESBC KtOTZNICK, Attorneys & KtUTZNICK, Attorneys ping lines to American •dollars".. 650 Omaha National Bank Bldg. 630 Omaha, National Bank Bonding ordinances. Hadassah will be held at the J. C. We are happy to refuse to take adC. next Thursday evening, March 15. NOTICE OF IXDEBTEDXESS XOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION vantage of the offer, but are mag-OUR SCALLION PATCH Kotice is hereby given thnt all existing
Chicken Duck Steaks
Regular services will be held at nanimous enough to point out to the A bouquet of scallions to Jay \ the B'nai Israel syn?.r;ojue, Nazis a serious blunder . . . For oneFranklin, who in the current Vanity land Chicago streets, Friday evening of the boats they puff is the Albert Fair refers to the American People's j at 8 o'clock, under the auspices of Ballin, named after the Jewish foun- protests against Hitlerism as a "Jew- the Vaad. The services will be conder of the Hamburg-American Line. ish pogrom against Hitler" ducted by Rabbi Uri Miiler assisted . . . As a matter of fact, we believe by Cantor A. Schwacskin and the * there should be instituted a Jewish Israel choir. 630 Omaha Xat.onal Bank movement to bring about the AryanThe subject of Rabbi Miller's serNOTICE O F INDEBTEDNESS ization of the S. S. Albert Ballin. . . . will be "Ought We to Change1 Notice is hereby given that nil existing : As long as she's a Nazi ship we'd Judaism?" Thi3 will be a discusmuch rather have her called the Dolly sion of the merits of progress in i*>33» amounted to the sum <tf 'nothing.' Hitler . . . Another anomaly of the J. P. the religious field. " BATT. President. Ka-si regime is cited by Milton BronThe after-service forum of the Rev. Esau Fleishman, 73, former 3". P. BATT ner, Scripps- Howard correspondent, Omahan, passed away Tuesday in Los Junior Vaad wil feature an oratori- J Being a majority of the LEO FOX directors. who recalls that while Hitlerat leadafter a long illness. Funeral cal contest of members of the Ra- ' ers preach marriage and propagation Angeles will be held here this morn- bonim. Members participating into their followers, vital statistics re- services 630 Omaha National Bank Buildlnff ing, with burial in Beth Hamedrosn elude the following: Carl Frederics, veal the following situation where the Hagodol cemetery. Martin Herzoff, Morris ErshenNOTICE OX- INDEBTEDNESS six outstanding Fuehrers are con- He is survived by his widow and baum, Norman Gendler and Charles Notice is hereby giwn thnt ail exisHnc
Legal Notices
Daughters of Zion The newly-elected officers of the Daughters of Zion were installed at the last meeting of the organization by Mrs. J. Goldware, retiring president. A book review in Yiddish was
\^ i
given by Mr. A. Katz, principal of the Talmud Tbrah. .,'.." The Daughters of Zion are planning to hold a rummage sale/soon, so all members and friends lareiurged' to save old clothes for the rummage sale.
X /
. '
.• '.-.
. ; ;•. ; • • • ••;.
At the conclusion of the meeting, refreshments were served. Mrs. I. Beber entertained the literary group of the Daughters of Zion a t her home Saturday. Rabbi Uri Miller spoke on Jewish history. Mrs. A. Shaf ton entertained for the literary group at her home the previous Saturday.
Young Circle
debts of VICTOn INVESTMENT COUthree sons, Samuel of Los Angeles; Stein. l*ANr on the Slst day of December. 1S33 Harry and Max Fleishman of Omaha, The Habonim invite all members amounted to the sum of Seven Tlionsand and two daughters, Mrs.'I. N. Cher-I of the Jewish Community to bepres- DoUars (?7,O00.00). EOSE MILDER, niss and Mrs. ' H. • H. Auerbach of ent at the services and at their oraPresident. EOSE MII..DEB Omaha. torical contest.' ELI^A V. MTU3EE He left Omaha three years ago to Being a majority of the Board of Directors. make his home in California, having FRADENBCKU, STALMASTEB, BEBEE been active in Jewish circles since his £ KIXTZNrCK, Attorneys 650 Omaha National Bahfc B i l arrival here in 1887~ He was one pf The Junior Congregation will meet the organizers of the Omaha Hebrew this Saturday morning at 10:15 at NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS Club, and a past president of B'nai the B'nai Israel synagogue. T h e Notice is hereby. jriren that all existing „ bts f BOHMANWALT COMPANY Brith arid of the Beth Hamedrosb. Tiinior nnntrrpsratinn is % VaaA ac- ?*ts of'BOHMAX-WALT .COMPANY on tlVlty Carried On With the CO-Opera- to. the smn vt Serrenteen .Thousand One Hagodol Synagogue. .•
Junior Congre*?afion
Halidnim ~r~f
A regular meeting of the Habonim was held Sunday, with the newlyelected officers presiding. A checker and ping-pong tourney will be held, with prizes for the winners. An" oratorical contest will be held Friday night at the B'nai Israel synagogue, 18th and Chicago. Admission is free. , Last Sunday a. summary of the club's achievements was given. A club paper will be edited.
- ii_ - /Ti_: ~rrt i^««j fr» ^-.i. r*. ^ Hundrpd " a nil;-Kijrht? ^Dollars -find *""—^~
April, Muy, June,July You Need a
Whole Year Round! March is here and summer is on the way! Get ready with a Gen- " eral Electric Refrigerator. The whole year, whether the weather is freezing cold or blazing hot, you can be sure that your food will keep perfectly. S s n m l n Kethir Cr»ck«r» an « » # » uod«r the t a •arvftloa «f tb« Unio* i f orttoilax J«wlth Can-
trtQMtitn ti Aaorla. • t t i i nprcusutm. KlWil E. Coelnu, w i M fty. BaUiI M. & to a l w a y s ftm tte takMi *t tin v u t a n l i w that thay an tatar la «my miMt Tlw» fcatkucraefcsr* caa t* tut tth » « t «r « t
hoe Repair Co. 7, U KRAUS. Prop.
1610 Farnain BU
These are not the only reasons for their popularity! Sunshine Kosher Crackers are crisper, flakier, more appetizing in appearance! . . . Bat the best test of their quality is to see how your family
enjoys Sunshine Kosher Crackers when you serve them with soups, salads, meats, and all sorts of dairy foods! Remember: They're baked with a kosher, "parve" vegetable shortening—NOT with lard!
1511 Farnam St.
During Spring and Summer Months . . . mid the
Shoe Comfort
Tiy a Bag Today
NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS Notice is hereby given that all existing debts of UNITED FOOD STORES. INC., on the Slst day of December. 1933. amounted to the tram of Sixty-five Thousand Two Hundrod and Eight Dollars and Ten Cents (?65£0810) H. S. KOVITSKY. President. •B. S. NOV1TSKY CARi STAKMER DAVE BERNSTEIN AL •WOHLSKB SAM MKYERSON HUGH ASHLEY ARTHUR JOORDAN MAX ARBITMAN ED GILBERT HARRY RONAX WM. RAPOZINER . MORRIS BERNSTEIN Beipg a majority of the Board of Directors.
baked witti a kosher short*
if you have your shoes repaired at the
«IXB0W U X B f f
JA. 9393
that Sanw
2406 Farnam
of Nebraska Women
its friends to act as hosts to them. • to " t the h e aim of Eleven Thousand nollars (S11.1.--00). ar (SI1. in observance of any happy event. dred and Fifty-sii IZZX FIEPT.Er. Those caring to- do so are asked to get in touch, with Kabbi Miller at IZZYFIErI>ER Jackson 0887. Being a majority of the Board of TOrwtors.
Eat at the
Business Meti's Lunch 35c
FRAB-EXBtJRG. STAUtASTER, BEBER * ELCTZXICK. Attorneys 650 Omaha National Bank B i l
won; of the vity -ralinua. Toran. It - • •£•—. «• •.•.A- •"«• •»"« is open~4a alL Jewiih cHLdrenof t h e i community. I t conducts its own serv-J BOHMAN ices" and furnishes the chazen a n d | BeIas ain i other officials necessary to conduct fFK.4DEXBCKG. . f ! ! i ! l STAXuMASTEE. BEHEB the traditional services. & KLCTZNICK, AttaratTH •50 Omaha Xational Bank Bnilillnr -Refreshments will be served by Mr. J. Goodbinder in observance of his XOTICK OF .INDEBTEDNESS Xotipe is hereby. civen that nfl - ,__^ birthday. The Junior Congregation requests .debts HAUJfEY HOTElTCOMPANY on the 31 of st day of December, 1933,
At a regular meeting of the "Voltaire" Young Circle Club at the J. C. C. March 1, Maurice Katz was elected financial secretary to succeed Ben Eeitzer, who left for Chicago. Phil Smith was elected treasurer. An interesting discussion was held on the European situation, particularly Austria and France. Milton Wallman and Joe Davis introduced the subject with short talks, which were -followed by open discussion. At the next meeting Milton Wallman, educational director of the young Circle Club, is planning to bring an outside speaker. Anyone interested in either the discussions or the organization is welcome to attend any of its meetings.
The Menu Always Provides Good Foods of Unequaled Variety at Moderate Prices
In the Connty Court of Douglas County, flebts of IDEAL BOTTLING COMPANY Nebraska. on the Slst day of December, 1933, amountIn the Matter of the Estate of Benjamin ed to the snm of Two Thousand Two. HunFolikov, Deceased. dred and Eignty-Bix Dollars and Nineteen All persons interested in said estate aro Cents ($2,280.19). hereby notified that a petition has been SAM PLATT, filed in said Court alleging that said dePresident. ceased died leaving no last will and prayWM. KAIMAN ing for administration upon his estate, SAM PLATT and thnt a hearing will be had on said Being a majority of t i e Board of Directors. petition before said court an the Slst day of Slarrh, 1934. and that if they fail to appear at said Court on the said 31st day of March. 1934, at 9 o'clock A. M., to contest said petition, the Court may grant the same and grant administration of said estate io Eva Polikov or some other suitable person and proceed to a settlement thereof. BRYCE CKAWFOKD, 3-9-34-3t. Connty Judge.
50c to 65c
Spring demands something new and you'll have many new and tempting dishes to serve from your G-E . . . frozen desserts and salads. And Economy! If you're interested in saving you'll be glad to know that the G-E actually pays for itself. No food is wasted. You can save several dollars a month on left-overs alone. -
Sold on EASY TERMS THE "NEW DEAL" Is saving thousand* of home* threatened by mortgages.
$10.00 Down Come in and see the new G-E Refrigerator. Inspect i t s Monitor top mechanism . . . see the sturdy strength in every detail. See the sliding shelves and sanitary freezing unit.
NEBRASKA POWER CO. Courtesy—Service—Low Rates
Auxiliary Planning to Sponsor Concert
Bribed to Admit Murder
British Fascists
ditional confession, nor could Zionist labor leader. Mejid had already confessed to theBUte take his life for the crime BU»C» murder of an Arab, and, he claimed, he was under age. One thousand pounds vraM th« his bribers told him that his sentence could not be made greater by this ad- amount of the alleged bribe.
Jaffa—The tenseness In' the Arlosassuring,; Londoif--When and If the Union of oroff murder trial continues. Bri'tifih Fas^st$V Sir Oswald, Mosley'a Abdul Mejid, 17 - year - old Moslem, The Ladies Auxiliary of Shaare organization^ obtains, power in Eng-calmly responded to Intense grilling Zion Synagogue will sponsor, a con-land, "the^ Jews' need, have no fear with the story that he had been bribed cert by Mr. Sam Mirvis, cantor of the of anti-Semitisni because its. policy by Abraham Stavsky and Zwi Rosenconservative synagogue, in Minneap- toward' them' will b * t h e same as blatt, two of -the detained RevisionANNA PILL, olis. -Mr. Mirvis will appear in Sioux that of Mussolini, according to an ists, to confess the murder of the City on Wednesday, April 4, in a official announcement issued by Sir XKON AND WniTX!, Attorney* program of Yiddish, English, and Oswald's Fascists. . " City National Btuik B i d e Hebrew songs. , . '. The Mosley Fascists-warn, however, Cantor, Mirvis, who has officiated that British. Jewry ..must: place EngNOTICE OF AD5IINISTKATIOX in the. Minneapolis , synagogue for land before Jewry. In the same an- In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebrnska. seven years, is a .student of music nouncement the Fascists .declared In the Matter of the Estate of ISADOItE NATHAN. Deceased. a The. annual Auxiliary' Sabbath, that when they take over England All Mrs.'J.-Rosenberg- ot Omaha, Ne- t the University* of Minnesota* persons interested in said estate are sponsored by Shaare Zion synagogue, braska/ president of; the Southwest they will recognize all British citi- hereby notified that a petition has been in said Court alleging that said deTrill b e in charge of the Ladies Aux- Region of the Senior Hadassah' orzens but only such Je'wish citizens filed censed died leaving no last will and prayiliary, of Shaare Zion tonight, a t theganization, spoke before the board of of Britain a s were born in the Brit- ing for administration upon his estate, The Mount .Sinai ^Temple Sisterand tbnt a hearing will be had on said regular service tonight.. directors of the local chapter at their hood will hold its iegular'monthly ish Empire. petition before snid court on the lTth day of March, 1034. and that if they fail to The entire. service will be con- meeting Tuesday afternoon. The meeting this afternoon, following a appear nt said Court on the said 17th day SIIOTWEXI* MOXSKT, OBODIJTSKV & of ducted, by. members of the, auxiliary. board met in th& home of Mrs. Ev M March, 1934, at 8 o'clock A. M- to 1,o'clock.luncheon . ^•ANCE Attorneys ^ANCE, Attorny contest said petition, the Court may grant Mrs. Barney Baron, president, will irueskin. , _ 1S1 Omaha National Bk Bank Bidsi the business' meeting the same and grant administration of said ^ g g " preside at the service. Those who estate to Morris Arkin or some other suitMrs; Rosenberg spoke on the work able persou and proceed t o a settlement will read the ritual are Mrs. J. C.of the Hadassah and gave a resume over •which Bifrs. Louis Agranoff will JSOTICK OF rVCOKPOUATION OF thereof. L 11EAI>TY COStPANY preside, two plays will be presented. Levur, Mrs. Dave Ginsburg, Mrs.- Eli of the activities of the other chapters BRYCE CRAWFORD, Mrs. IJouis S. Goldberg is in ^charge, Seff, Mrs.: Mike GruesMn, and Mrs. of the region. • . County Judge. -Notice Is hereby given that the untler- 2-2S-34-3t ' of the program. Henry Sherman. -• . iigued i a v e formed'a" corporntion,'pursuPlans were made at /theC meeting The regular meeting of the Sister- ant to the laws of the State of Nebraska. Mrs. J. Sawislak win speak on the or the Southwest Region "Convention & WHITE, Attorneys The name of the corporation Is M1DUA.ND life of ft prominent* Jewish woman. which will be held in May. in Sioux hood Book Review Circle will be held KEALTiT COMPANY', with its principal City National Bank Balldin* next Friday afternoon, March 16, at place of business in the City of Omnha, . Mrs. Rueben Miller will'• speak on City. Mrs. Grueskin and Mrs. Louis Douglas County, Nebraska. The objens 2:30 o'clock in the home of - Mrs.for NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF "The Responsibility of the Modern Agranoff are in charge of the conwhich this corporation is formed are: CITY FCEIi COMPANY Agranoff. Mrs. E. J. Fribourg- will To maintain and operate a general r™i .Jewish: Woman Today." - Cantor A: ention arrangements. . Notice Is hereby given that a corporation estate holUIngcojapanT, and to buy, sell. give a reading of one of the current Pliskin will chant the service, assisted Announcement was made at the mortgage, lease, encumber nnd deal in has. been formed under tbe laws o£ t i e plays of the season > . real and personal property of all kinds. State of Nebraska. by the Shaare Zion Choir. meeting that the sum. of $382.82 was The company shall hare authority to bor- The name of Jhe corporation Is CITX Ushers will be Mesdames M. Das-cleared at the Hadassah Purim Barow money and Issue evidences of indebt- FUKIi COMPANY and the principal place edness therefor. The total authorized cap- for the transaction of its business is the -: kovsky, Eli Jacobson, Dave Hurwitz, zaar held last week. ~ ital stock is $10,000.00. par value $100.00 fcer City of Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska. . S. H. Shulkin, Victor Mazie and Sam The general nature of the business to be share, all stock 1common, and shall be p« d and ' no!-.-sis?ess:ib!e v.bon transacted by the corporation is to purDavidson. The regular Junior Hadassah meet- fully issued, The corporation shall commence chase; hold, sell, convey, assign, release, ing business upon the filing of Its Articles with mortgage nnd lease real estate and perg will be held next Monday y eve- the County Clerk of Douglas County, Ne- sonal property wherever situated; to buy, i M i the h CC. C. An elab- braskn. ning, March 12, in and shall continue until January sell, own, assign, transfer and mortgage 1384. The highest amount of indebted- bonds, securities and stock in other cororate and unusual program will be 1st. ness shan not exceed two-thirds of the porations; to draw, make, execute, accept, presented by members of the chapter. capital stock. JEhis restriction shnll not endorse and issue promissory notes, mortThe-fifth of the series of book reto Indebtedness secured by real es- gages, drafts, bills of exchange nnd otbtr Announcement will be made of the applyThe number of members of the bonrd negotiable Instruments; to borrow money; ' A t their meeting Wednesday eve^ views given by Rabbi H. R. Rabino- various give and get projects under- tate. shall be provided for by the l l y - U w s , to buy and sen at wholesale and retail nnd ship nnd transport wood, coal and fuel ning, the YoungJudean "Club made witz i s . scheduled for Monday eve; taken by members, and reports of the whfch Board shall administer the affairs to the corporation. The stockholders shall of every kind and description; to con•plans.for a Monte Carlo party on ning, March 19. Rabbi Rabinowitz regional, board meeting held recently of hold their annual meeting on the third struct, pnrchase, lease and operate docks, March 25, as a project to gain their will review "Power" by Feucht- in Des Moines will be made by those Wednesday In February of each year and yards and warehouses and to do anything elect a President. Vice-Presldrnt, Secretary incidental to or. necessary for the operaquota ' for their Palestinian fund. anger. who attended. ;. ... . .. and Treasurer. The Articles may. t>etion of said coal and fuel business. •Lucille Appelang is chairman o f this Last Monday evening Rabbi Rabinamended upon notice as provided for. The The authorized capital stock of this corporation shnll be- $10,000.00 divided into corporation shall b*ve a seal. party. owitz reviewed "Hear Ye Sons" by XEON & WHITE; Attorneys 100 shares of the par value of $100.00 each Dated January 18th,-1034. City National Bank lildg. .' " Plans were also discussed for the Irving Fineman. to he fnlly paid for and non-assPRsihle H. B. COHEN when issnpd..Said stock may be paid for H. MAKQUA11DT observance of National Young Judea After the books "are. reviewed by in cash, notes or property, real or personNOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF • A. GUEKNBEIIO Day, which will be celebrated jointly labbi Rabinowitz, they are placed on al, tangible or intangible, nt the reasonTHE KOSE UEAX.YX CO. . 2-23-34-4t nhle value thereof. One hundred shares of by the Young Judean Club and the he synagogue, rental library shelf, Notice «s hereby • given" that a corporathe capital stock shall be paid for Iwfoiv haa been forniwl under tbe laws of Hadassah Sub-debs.' : "or the convenience of the members. tion SHOTWEU* 51ON8KY, ORODINSKY 4 the" corporation shall commence - business. the -State of Nebraska. . . VANCE, Attorneys The corporation shall commpnee bliglThe uume of the corporation Is IlOSh The Hadassah Sub-deFs met SunMiss Dorothy Mosow is in charge of 737 Omohi Na'.'l Bank Bids. ness on March I. 1034, and Khali continue EALTY COMPANY and the principal day afternoon at the hom& of Dorothy the rental of the books. for. a period of fifty years from date place for the transaction- of Its business is • - . . . . . the City of Omaha, lJouglas County. Ne- NOTICE BT TBBIJCATION OK PETI- thereof. Davis. Both groups are under the TION FOB SKTTIVT3EENT OF FINAL The highest amount of Indebtedness to braska. .-,--. • ' • • : . leadership of Miss Frances Jacobson. . ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT which thia corporation shall at .any time The general nature of the business to be
Sioux City News Miss
After school the children trill be hungry. Lei them have all the butter they want
Junior Hadassah
Young Judeans Plan Monte Carlo Party
Be Sure That theButter You BuyIs
Synagogue Book Review March 19
Society News
transacted by rtbe corporation Is to pur-In the County Court of Ponging County, subject itself (l-c'l not exceed two-thirds Nebraska. of its capttnl stock. chase, acquire^ hold, Improve, sell.-convey, The affa'rs. ot thin corporation _shnll be assign, release, mortgage, encumber, lease, In the MRtter of the Estate of Ralph Owens, Deceased.conducted by a board of thre<» directors. and deal in. real .estate wherever sitInvitations have been extended to hire All persons Interested In said matter are H. A. TtrSJilfK uated; to buy,- sell, own. hold, assign, notified that on the 3rd day of ' -— ' • M.H.RESNICK the wedding of Miss Louise Herzoff, transfer nnd mortgage bonds, securities, hereby ; March. 1034. Sam Josephson filed a petition nnd stock in other corporaWHnewr '-• =• • . daughter of Mrs. Anna. Herzoff, 2718 debentures tions; to make, draw, execute, accept, en- in:said County Court, praying that his fi- S. J. I.BQK nal administration nccount filed herein be dorse and issue promissory notes, mort3 2 3 4 4 1 , ' , ^ i i ••...•• . '..•:. .to. Nathan Gilinsky, Rudolph Sbindler w a s elected Virginia street, gages, drafts, bills of exchange and other settled and allowed, and that be be dis1 son of Mr , and Mrs, Abe Gilinsky of chargr<J. from his frost as administrator president of the Jewish Community negotiable instruments; to borrow money. ' The authorised capital stock of this cor- and that a henring.^rill be had- on said Center Dramatic Club, at a reorgan- Council. Bluffs, Iowa. The wedding poration shall be $10,000.00 divided into petition t»efore Mid Court on the 3l«t Oay ization meeting held this week of the will take place next; Sunday after- 100 shares of the par value of $100.00 each, of March, 1934, and that If you fail t o apto be fully paid for and non-assessable pear before-said. Court on the said 31st group. ' :.--'• f . , . T ' - noon, March 11, at. 3 o'clock in Mount when: issued. Said stock,.may be paid.for day of March. 1954, at 9 o'clock A. M.. and Sinai Temple," with D r . Theodore Nthe Court may grant Other officers elected include Rosain cash, notes or property, "real or per- contest said petitions 1 sonal, tangible or - intangible at the rea-the prayer of said petition, enter a decree belle Wigbdsky, secretary; Leah Her- Lewis reading the marriage lines., sonable Value thereof.- One hundred' shares of heirshlp. and inf>5«.such other and furman, vice-president, and Rebecca ' The bride will be gowned in, white of the capital stock o f . t h i s corporation ther orders, allowances nnd decrees, as to Court 'imfy tnify -seem see proper,-1«» proper,1» the end satin, with a weeding veil caught in shall be paid for before the corporation this Stillman, production manager. to said estate that all matters pefralnin? to .commence. lmsiness. ." The group which will meet every a cap effect and trimmed with Old shaH. , 'determtned. The corporation shall commence bust- may be finally <w*ttM and*'det«rmli CBAWFOnn, Thursday evening, has begun work English lace. She will carry a bou-ness npon the filing of a copy of its arti- 3-9-34-3t. "County Jndge. of incorporation with the county clerk •, on a thiee-act comedy, "Be an Optim- quet of white roses and lillies of -the cles of Douglas County, Nfbmskn. nnd shall 8HOTWEIX.' . . ,, continue for a 'period of fifty- years from ist." Sir. Walter Pritchett will direct valley. • TANCE «ntf H.*hRY B . COHEN thft "date thereiit.',. ; . ' ! the production. • • • •'": A t t o r n e y * A organ prelude and the Lohengrin The highest amount of Indebtedness to - 7S1 Omih« J!*t!*BaJ Bank Bldf. which this corporation shall at nny time Wedding March will be played by Subject itself shall not. exceed two-thirds A. Bellaire: of Its capital stock..- . ; . ; . . 'I PBOBATE.NOTICE , t_rT, The affairs of this corporation shall be In th« Matter of the Estate of SADIE Following; the ceremony* a. recepconducted by a board of three, directors. M A N N , - P e c e a s e d . '•,. -•"•'-. Dr. Theodore N . Lewis will speak . . . • •• • LOUIS .B.--L1M».: Notice-is hereby glren that the creditors this evening on the subject, "The tion will be held ;in the social hall of v . .: : . UAZAR KAI'l^AN of said liecrnsed -will-meet the administra. .'-",-•In presence :of: .. . : tor of said estate., before me. Connty Judw Dilemma of the Jew." The service will theTemjple. J . LEON . . • • ' of PnngUu County. Nebrnska., at the Conn-, Following the reception,Mr. Gilin- 2 - iS. begin at 8 o'clock. He will analyze 6-34-4t. r '. -: : ' - • • ' . _ • ty- Court Boonv. In :snid County, on tbe SJ-ih' dn.v of Anrili 193+, and on. the 2Htu the grievous situation in which the ky, and his bride will leave for. Kanclay, of June,- J9S4. at 9 o'clock A. M., pach LEON & WHITE. Attorney* Jew finds himself today, here and sas City for a wedding. They will day. for the * purpose of presenting their City. National Bank Bonding abroad, as a result of the Hitler pro- make their home in Council Bluffs, claim? for exnminaUon. -adjustment and allowance. Three months are allowed for where .Mr. Gilinsky practices law. paganda. NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF '. the creditors to present th»ir claims, from . K & O CLOTHING,COMPANX, • . the i241h day of March. 1!»4. A' feature of'the service. tonight -'- •'BRTCE CltAWFORP. will be the. awarding- of two prizes A number of social courtesies have Notice.- ishereby- given' that a- corpora- 3-2-34:3t. . . • ' , County Judge. to two children of the Religious been extended ' Miss Herzoff during tion baa been formed under the laws of 3. 3. FRIEJJMAV, Attorney - -.-• School for the best essays written by the past week. Mrs. Sol Falk enteri the State of Nebraska. •;•; S34 Insurance "Building of the corporation is K & G them in a contest held last month. tained at a- luncheon and bridge in • The tame XG COMl'ANY ana Its principal the transaction of its business NOTICK* BY PUBtlCATIOX ON PETIThe essays were based on a sermon her honor. place TION FOR SETTIJSMENT OF FINAL ia the the ~ . City of Omaha, Douglas County. given: by the rabbi on "Lincoln, > AUMINISTBATION ACCOUNT Tuesday evening, Miss Frances Ja.- Nebraska. In the Mutter of the Estate of Bessie Washington, and Roosevelt." \ The general nature of the business to be cobson" entertained ; twelve friends, 'transacted Wintroub Fill, Deceased, by the corporation i s to 1)UJ. The; honor roll of the Religious honoring Miss Herzoff. Bridge was own, f : All pefsons interested-in said matter are hold, lease, assigu, mortgage'.and School for the month of February as followed by refreshments. transfer real: estate nnd -persouftl proper- nereby notified that on the 1st ilRy of ty wherever situated; to buy, sell, own, March, 1934, Samuel Cohen filed'a petition announced by the Temple,"includes hold, assign, mortgage and transfer bonds, In said Connty Court, prayln-r that his fithe following children:'Harold'Roserisecurities, promissory notes, mortgages lial administration-account filed herein be Miss Helen Galinsky, daughter of and stock In' other corporations: to lx>r- Settled and nnowed.'-iindthat he be disthal, -Barbara Robinson, Seymour rOw* money; to'opernteand conduct busi- cfiarged from;hi8 trust as executor nnd Robinson, Sammy Heeger, Jack Mr. and Mrs. Herman (Jalinsky, will ness at wholesale nnd retail tot the sale of that a hwirlng willbe had on-Bald petition . clothing, furnishings nnd wearing before snid Court qn .the Slst. day ot Krueger, Betty Marx,r Wally Rosen- become the bride of Nathan Gorchow, men's apparel of every nature and- description March, 1934. And thnt - If J'ou fail to appear thai, Ruth Weiner, George Galinsky son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gorchow, and to do nny and; all things-Incident to before safe] Court on the said 31st day of March, 1034. nt 0 o'clock A. hL, and conHarold Lefkovich and Bernard Rosen- at a home wedding, Sunday after- and necessary for the carxying. on of the test said petition, the Court may grant the business of the' •corporirtldh."--' ;•-• noon, March' 11, at 5:30 o'clock. t h a i . ; . . / . : • " :••-.• /• . • • • : •'. ' < TUe authorized capital ^stock of tliis cor- prayer of saW.petltion^ enter a tfecrw of 1 Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis will read heirship." nnd. make such other and furporation shnll be 510,000.00 divided .into : Dr.; Lewis will give the principa Shares of the'par value' ot ?100.00: - per fhW orders.' allowances, and decrees, ng to address at the Father and Son ban-the marriage lines in the presence of MO *n$s Court may seem proper, tto the end share and shall ite fnlly .paid for anS nounil pertaining saiil estate nil il matters tt pertainig t i i g to sail quet of the Methodist church in the immediate family of the bride and nssosslble when issued. Snid stork may be thnt bbe fiall t H V anrt detetttlnwl .finally BPtH<vV detetttnl paid for in casb» notes or property;' renl . , Anthon, Iowa, next .Monday evening. groom. V "••'•"• B R T C E -CRAWFORD.. or,.tangible.or lntnni^We, ot'the Connty Judge. reasonable, value thereof* Ten shares of 3-9-34-3t.. he capital stock shhll be paid for 'before FBADENBPR«, STAT.JIASTKR. BEBKR Word has been received here of., the the corporation -shall commence business. ' & KWJTZNtCK, AttoraeyB Largest and finest in the : marriage of Miss Dorothy Levin, The corporation shall commence business, _«50 Omaha National Bank" Bnildlntr the filing of a-copy of Its articles of city, the FONTENELUE is - A. Z. A.. Sabbath will be observed daughter of Rabbi and Mrs. J. Levin, upon incorporation with.^.the coiinfy clerk: of XbTtCEOFiNiDEBTKDNS t In Sioux;: City with two synagogue 1106 Iowa street, to Elliot A^ Babior, Douglns County,. Nebraska* and shall con- .;-Notice more than an hereby given that all <Vv8ting : tinue for 'a' period of fifty -yeajs from the debts- ofi sthe: in Los Angeles, on February 18. Miss dnte DROVERS VKTERINARY services :this: month. '" thereof. : ; • -. •: ••• . : Omaha hotel.. «n the 31st day.of De<»embpr, 1933. The,first will be held at Shaare Levin is a former resident of Sioux The-hiKhest amount of Indebtedness to UJaON amounted to th« sum of Twenty-seven which this corporation shall nt any time Thousand it is an Omaha vNIne' Hundred and Forty-five Zion Synagogue on Friday evening, C i t y . " •• : . . ' : . . . • • - ' . . . . . . - : ' • • . ; . • . • • • subject 'itself shall not" exceed two-thlrtls Dollars and Thirty Cents. ($27^45.30). Mr. " and Mrs. -Babior will make of its capital stoefc. - .-.- •• i nstitution, March 16, and the second service' will : . B. A, KARTIY, The affairs of this corporation stall lie • '•• * . • • • ' • • - ' • • • conducted ! be held at Mount Sinai Temple oh their home in Los Angeles. about which all by a board of. two directors.
Shinder Heads Dramatic Club
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Friday evening, March 23. • Members of the chapter will conductthe ehti« service on these two evenings; Plans w e r e made for the : Annual Passover dance, "to be given hy the A. Z. A. on April 3,
• '
. =-I^tZAft -KAPLAN
' Miss Rose Pinsod was hostess Wed- In presence of: ' GKRTRUPE FERLIS ; nesday-evening, at a Give and Get 2-23-34-lt. > • :• •" '. bridge party in her home. After an;-evening of bridge, the &: TVHITJ;, Attorneys: City National Bank Building guests.adjourned to refreshments.
• • ; • •
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A : . •
Belrig.a majority of• tkte; Boardof Directors. BEBER FJtfAl>EJJBURO,r STAtJ '•vf r•:•'••' & KX.UTZNICK. Attomer 650 Omaha National Bank Bulldlnr v
c NOTICE OF INDEPTEDKES8 Notice is Jierehy Kfwn-thirt all e x g NOTICE OF AMENDMENT TO THE debts of ROSETiANlTINVESTMENT COM. AltTlnT.ES OB" INCORPORATION OF PANY on the 31st day, of .DMeinber, 1933, E-B MANUFACTURING CO. Sixty friends of Mr. and Mrs. Max T h r amounted-to the'^iim ot'ThlrtTrrthree Hnnamountedto th Notice,; is .hereby-given that nt the an-d d fl Fift D l <$3.3CQ). <$33CQ) Deryin pleasantly surprised them Members of the Daughterhood o nual meeting of the stockholders of> the dred anfl Fifty TIBBIH M O S K E - B : MANUFACTURING COMPANY, n ; Pre«Ide Tephereth Israel held a business and Thursday evening with a party iu.the corporation, held at Omaha, Nebraska, on tflBBIH HOSKOVITZ social meeting last Wednesday eve- Jewish Community Center, on th™ oc- the 22nd day of January, 1034, Article I LOUISK MOSKOVITZ its Articles of Incorporation -was entirening, in the halls of the synagogue. casion of their silver wedding anni- of ly stricken out and the following hrtiole Being a majority of the Board of Directors. versary. . Ills. Morris Lazriowich was was substituted as Article I of said' Articles of Incorporation nnd rends as foliotvs: charge of the program; Mrs. R. LeARTICXE I. vine, the dining room, and Mrs. Sam •Miss Bluma Olensky returned home NAME. The name of this corporation- nball Eatner and Mrs. Z. 'Novjch, the Tuesday after spending several days be ACMB FINANCE CORPORATION. Recognized as menuin Iowa City as a guest of Miss Dena ACME FINANCM CORPORATION, By ARTHUR S. SORKNRRN, PBACT1CAI; MOHEL The program included talks, must Baron. - - Prpjlrlpnfc cal numbers, and readings. Phone 1059 GI/AI>TS M. SORKNREN, Secretary. COUNCIL BLUFFS
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The Debra ,Club met. Monday eve- 3-0-34-4t. ning in the home of Miss Rosabelle NOTICE I>T>EBTEDNES8 Wigodskyj "Following the business Max Maron, president of the local meetings a- book review was presented NOTICE Is hereby, given that on tbe 1st day of Jnnunry, 1934, the total outstandA. Z. A . chapter, spoke, before; mem- and refresriments" were" served. ing" Indebtedness of the XAny, FRANCES bers of the B'nai Brith "Lodge, TuesHOSIERY COMPANY, a Nebraska corporation, with Us principal place of business day evening on "The Chalutzijn was 98,391.41. > Jjjr.'and Mrs. . Eli Robinowr 115 in Omaha, Nebraska, Palestine." . • *' ' HAKRT FEHLMETEB, • President. The program followed a'. business Twgqjy-first streeij, announce . the -4 . . HABRT PERIiMKTER FRANCES PERI-.METEB meeting,, over which Milton Bolstein birth s of a daughter on March 4, in tbe Methodist hospital.. t l - - Majority of Director*. presided. ,' .-,.-.
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