Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism
In the Interests of the Jewish People
i Entered na Second-i^fss Mail Matter 21,-1021, ut tter on January 21.1921. at under the Act or March 3, 1879
Camp&n Machinery
Is GeS>d for Local Philanthropies Drive Divisional Heads at Work Co-ordinating the Various "Cogs" for SmoothRunning Campaign The campaign machinery lor the 1934 Jewish Philanthropies drive is being * rapidly perfected; with the - divisional heads selected and already at work, according to Harry Silvefman,; general chairman of the campaign.' The chairmen who will -head the drive: " '
Harry Silverman, g e n e r a l chairman. Morris E. Jacobs, initial gifts. Milton R. Abrahams, David Greenberg and, William Milder; co-chairman of general solicitations. . . . Mrs. Max Li Holzman, women's division. Harry A. Wolf] budget. Dr. A. Greenberg, quota. Round Table of Jewish Youth —W i 11 i a m Wolfe, president, youth's division. Frank Ackerman, publicity. Iwin G. Levin, speakers. Ben Kazlowsky, organizations. "Every one of the heads," declared General SUverman, "is a seasoned Philanthropies campaigns.
divisional Chairman veteran in Each has
manifested a deep, vital interest in the needs of our unfortunate brethren, and with the spirit of enthusiasm and determination shown in the preliminary work we are looking forward to a highly successful campaign." The drive.will get under way early in May. The general policies for the campaign and the exact date and manner- of the official opening will be- decided upon at an early meeting of the Board of Governors of the Jewish Community Center and Welfare Federation, to be held when William L. Hblsman, president, returns to the city. The Philanthropies is a part of the Federation. At the conclusion of the 1932 campaign a new policy was started of selecting the general'chairman of the next campaign months in advance so that organizational details could be worked out carefully without any last-minute rush in plans. This plan worked so well last year that it is being repeated for t i e forthcoming campaign. Last Year's Drive. Last year a little short of $30,000 was pledged for the benefit of some thirty local, national and international Jewish beneficiaries. A total of 2,265 pledges were obtained under the direction of Dr. A. Greenberg as general chairman. In last year's campaign the youth's division was the first to "go over the top" in securing its quota. According to present plans, the "selective process' of canvassing which worked so successfully last year will be employed to an even : greater degree this year. •
Reform, Conservative aM OrthSub-Committees;:'^••s^rr•:•'.' odox Judaism to Be Dis- r The chairman and their aides have ^ d on March 28 been meeting regularly in mapping A symposium on _ Orthodox, Conservative and. Reform Judaism will be the next number on the Jewish lecture series at the Jewish Community Center under the auspices of the Junior Vaad, on Wednesday evening, March 28, at 8 p. m. Rabbi David. A. Goldstein of the Conservative Synagogue will serve as chairman of the symposium. Rabbi David H. Wice of Temple Israel will present the Reform point of view; Rabbi David Graubart of Des Moines, la., will speak for Conservative Judaism; while Rabbi Uri Miller of the Vaad Ha'Dir will speak for Orthodoxy. Much interest in the symposium as a cultural event is being evinced. In commenting on the purpose served by the symposium, Rabbi Graubart writes , from Des Moines: "The American Jew is not given to deliberations on theology and religious philosophy. It is not theologie convictions that send us to the Orthodox, Conservative or Reform synagogue. But we do feel that our people should be enlightened on the three outstanding varities of religious Judaism in America today. A symposium of this kind will serve to clarify many matters." Two other : lectures remain ort the series of .five, an address by Dr. Jung of the University of Iowa and an address by Dr. Siegal of the University of Chicago. Tickets for the remaining lectures, including the symposium, are one dollar. Admission for the symposium alone is fifty cents. Tickets may be secured at the Jewish Community Center, through the Junior Vaad ^members, or at the office of the Vaad at the B'nai Israel synagogue. :
MRS. MIRIAM ZLOTKY PASSED AWAY SUNDAY Mrs. Miriam P. Zlotky, 75, died Sunday morning at a local hospital after a short illness. She had been a resident of Omaha for thirty-five years. She was the widow of Harry Zlotky. She is survived by three sons: Abraham of Chicago, Morris of Santa Monica, Cal., and Samuel of Cleveland; and one daughter, Jennie of Omaha, Funeral services were held Monday afternoon. . -
Automatic Citizenship
Barcelona—Sephardic Jews returning to Spain are not to be regarded as aliens but as Spanish citizens returning to their own land, the:municipal council of Barcelona has'ruled.
out the stategy to be used in the approaching drive. "No stone will be left unturned in our effort to have thorough efficiency without waste of time or energy when the drive swings into action," SUverman declared. The speakers bureau under Irvin C. Levin will start its campaign during the Passover holidays. Levin plans to have every Jewish group in the city learn of the work and value of the Jewish Philanthropies and its beneficiary agencies. The 1934 campaign will be the fifth since the inauguration of the Philanthropies.
ABRAHAM WINER DIED LAST FRIDAY Abraham Winer, 59, of 4928 South 26th street, died at a local hospital last Friday,night following a week's illness. He had been a resident here for a quarter of a century. Surviving, are his widow and five children: Mrs. Mike Cohen, Mrs. Harold Siegal, and Harry, Hyman and Dorothy Winer. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon.
Palestine Benefit Concert by Hazomir A concert will be given on Sunday evening, April 15, at S o'clock at the B'nai Israel synagogue,. 18th and Chicago strets, by the local Hazomir Singing Society. The concert is being given under the auspices of the Mizarchi organization of Omaha. The proceeds will all go to the Mizrachi Fund for Palestine. The, Hazomir is under the_ leadership of Cantor A. Schwaczkin, who is chairman of the program committee for this concert. Mr. N. Levinson is ticket chairman.
Hebrew Club Open Meeting on Sunday The March open meeting of the Omaha Hebrew Clnb will be held on Sunday, March 18, at 3:30 p. m. at the lodge room of the J. C. C. J. J. Friedman will be chairman. The feature will be a debate on "Resolved, that Jury Trials in Civil and Criminal Cases Should Be Abolished." Iz (Cappy) Liebermanwill uphold the affirmative and Hy Shrier the negative. Yiddish folk songs will be sung by Larry Finkel, accompanied at the piano by Miss Margaret Hurwitz. The public is .invited. An open forum will follow the debate,.
Columbus University Probes Nazi Incidents New York (WNS)—In an uproar because of a sensational series of Nazi incidents on the campus of Columbia university, officials have launched a thoroughgoing investigation to discover the perpetrators. The first outbreak of Hitlerite rowdyism occurred during the annual Purim dance of the Jewish students of Columbia and Barnard colleges. At the height of the dance, a number of electric bulbs were tossed from the balcony on to the dance floor. The ensuing explosion, caused a near panic. A few minutes later rotten eggs were thrown from the same place. This was followed by a large sign inscribed with a huge swastika and the legend "Hen (sic) Hitler!" The following day a black swastika on cardboard was tacked on the front of Hamilton Hall. Two similar placards were found on the bulletin board of Hamilton Hall where most of Columbia's classes are held., Swastika signs were also placed upon the desk of Arnold Beichman, editor of the Columbia Spectator. These signs said "Heil Hitler, Savior of Germany; Heil Spectator, Organ of Idiocy." .
Warns of Civil War
London — Stanley Baldwin, Lord President of the Council. and leader of the Conservative parly, denounced dictatorships and pointed to the British parliament as one of the last bulwarks of freedom .in a radio address. He warned England that the growth of either Fascism or Communism can only mean civil war.
NAZI AND AMERICAN «OURTS|AR APART ONDiVORCElAWS Berlin (WNSJ —fBy granting an "Aryan's" petition..•!£or an annulment of his /marriage toj a Jewess on the ground of "ignorance concerning the nature and importance of race purity," the high coart of Karlsruhe set a precedent which is expected to lead to a flood of such kctions. Other German high courts had previously refused to admit the validity of such pleas and; declined to dissolve; mixed marriages. New York ( WNS )—Baron. Ralph von Heitzensteia Steinach, reputedly one of the leading? Nazi propagandists in the United States, discovered to his discomfiture, that America is not Nasi Germany and that Hitlerite laws are not operative here when Chief Justice Boyle of the Domestic Relations Court committed hjm to Jail pending a farther investigation of charges made by Baroness von Heittenstein Steinach that her husband had deserted'Sier and refused to support her because she is a Jewess. The baton freely admitted that he had deserted bis wife, to whom he was' married in this country. ten years ago, because as a jjood Hitlerite he was obliged to get rid of his nonAryan spouse. The baroness contended that; the baron has a fortune of a rojN on d*^.?"1? Wt r^r"«-es to sunport her. The Judge made it clear to the baron- that in this, tona^yHitler's Aryan laws don't, apply and that if he doesn't abide by our laws he will go to jail.
VOL. X—No.
Bumper Orange Crop Murder Charge in Arlosorof f Killing Has Its Troubles, Jaffa (WNS) — Aba Achimeier, Too Abraham Stavsky and Zvi RosenTel Aviv, (J.T.A.)—Owing to the extreme shortage of labor and the danger of the orange crop rotting -before it is picked, an appeal was issued to German Jewish and other professionals to help pick the orange crop and thus acquire rats} experience. School children have volunteered their services to aid in gathering the fruit and workers were appealed to for help.
Congress Planning Propaganda Probe Washington (WNS)— Passage of the Dickstein resolution authorizing a thoroughgoing investigation of Nazi propaganda in the United States was virtually assured when the rules committee of the House of Representatives, after nearly three weeks of discussion, approved the resolution and voted to submit it to the House. The resolution already has the approval of the immigration committee and the democratic steering committee. .
Statue of Sir Monash
blatt, the three Revisionists charged with having murdered Dr. Chaim Arlosoroff, chairman of the political department of the Jewish Agency, on June 16, 1933, in Tel Aviv, have been committed ot trial for premeditated murder in the criminal assizes court by Magistrate Ralph B. Bodilly, following the conclusion of the protracted preliminary hearing. No date has yet been set for the trial. The hearing, marked by sensational testimony, conflicting evidence and an alleged confession by a convicted Arab serving a sentence for murder, took nearly eight months because of numerous postponements. In a last minute effort to clear the three Revisionists, Horace Samuel, their counsel, offered a long statement in which he analyzed all the evidence and testimony which had been presented in the course of the hearing. Magistrate Bodilly, however, ruled that the accused men must stand trial.
BERLIN ORT HEAD TO SPEAK HERE THIS WEEK-END To Speak in English Tonight and in Yiddish Sunday Evening Dr. Boris Aisurowitch of Berlin, known internationally for his work on behalf of the Ort, will speak twice while in Omaha this week-end. This evening, March 16, he will speak in English at Temple Israel. Sunday evening, March 18, Dr. Aisurowitch will speafc in Yiddish at a community-wide mass meeting at
Melbourne — A one-half life-size equestrian statue of the late Sir John Monash, commander of the Australian troops in the war, is to be in- Deadline Shortly for Organizations to Name Representacluded in the Victoria War Memorial planned by the Australian governtives to Federation Board ment . Most of the mem'oers of the Board Dr. Boris Ai of Governors of the Jewish Community Center and Welfare Federa- the Jewish Community Center. I. tion have been chosen, but a number Morgenstern will be chairman. of organizations have thus far failed A representative of the World Verto select their representatives. band Ort, Dr. Aisurowitch is now According to the constitution of touring the country in the interests the Federation, every organization of the Peoples Ort. The Ort is one is entitled to one representative and of the beneficiary agencies of the to an additional representative "for Omaha Jewish Philanthropies, so no every one hundred members or ma- campaign for funds will be conducted jor fraction thereof in excess of one during Dr. Aisurowitch's visit. He By ALFRED E. SMITH hundred." will, however, familiarize the local organizations who have failed Jewry with the work of the Ort This characteristically outspoken fle or molded in an iron ibrm that, cording to ; the Nazi tenets, to rec- to The their representatives must in reconstructing Jewish life. analysis of what Nazism means to permits of no deviation. . j ognise "the ditrine qualities of love, of do name so immediately, or the constituthe world by the man who was The fight for political and reli-i understanding, of faith, of charity, of tional preogative will be exercised The Ort is half a century/^old. 1$ four tinea governor of New York gious freedom and for racial toler-i sympathy and of tolerance. What has and representatives appointed • for has done much to reconstruct "Iha jind the Democratic/candidate for ance has been tlie.bjgg^ part "of the>j coin^«^the_Gern>an_people who at them. economic lives.of the Jews in EastPresident of the "tinted SUtesTIh development ol oar. American democ- one tinie held these attributes toUje "A" meeting of the* Board of Gov- ern snd Central Europe] It conducts 1928, is presented by special ar- racy. The fight has been, perhaps, necessary to right living in this ernors is to be called as soon as trade schools and supplies tools to. rangement with Harrison-Smith & the most distinguishing characteristic world and preparation for the next? William L. Holzman, president of Jews in Poland, Russia, Lithuania Robert Haas, publishers of "Nazi- that marks the difference between How can these people who are proud- the Federation, returns to the city. and Roumania in its program to ism; An Assault on Civilization,'' the American democracy and the so- er of being Nazis than they are of make them self supporting. edited by Pierre Van Paassen and cial and political structures of other being Germans, expect justice from Already Selected. The special Federation committee •countries. We have not yet won that James Waterman Wise. . arranging for Dr. Aisurowitch's visit The members already chosen for others when they do not give it to battle, as too frequently • there are THE EDITOR. includes: I. Morgenstern, chairman, the Board of Governors and the ortheir own? revivals of religious and racial prejMrs. Jeannette Amstein, Milton they represent: udices arising in America—survivals There was slowly growing up in ganizations Joseph Kirshenbaum, Adass Yes- Abrahams, S. Lipp, I. Shafer, M. There is no better way of measur- of conditions more actively existing this country, prior to the Hitler re- huren; Ben Shrier, A. Z. A. I.; Minkin, I. Goldstein, Mrs. J. Felding the benefits of constitutional, elsewhere and heritages from lands gime fl. widespread belief that prob- Harry Rimmerman, Beth Hamedrosh man, and J. Radinowski. democratic government as exempli- "where such prejudices are fanned, as ably some of the terms of the Ver- Hagodol; Harry Dworsky, South Dr. Aisurowitch is also a wellsailles treaty put too much of a burfied in our experience, than by an- is the case in Germany today. Omaha B'nai Brith; Leo Abramson, known author and has degrees from alyzing recent events in the late Ger- Whatever may be the shortcomings den on the German children yet to Frank Ackerman, Dr. M. M. Green- the Universities of Berlin, Belgium man Republic The German Constitu- of the American scene, it is undeni- be born, and when this sentiment berg, Ben Kadowsky, Simon Pizer, and Petrograd. tion showed numerous evidences of a ably true that we have never by law found expression the French people B'nai Brith; M. Ratzman, Congregastudy of our own fundamental law. recognized these private hates. It is said: "You do not know Germany." tion of Israel; Harry Steinberg, It was assumed that what had," on equally true that in every communi- Maybe the French people are right. B'nai Jacob; Harry Braviroff, E. H. the whole, worked so well here could ty the underlying and leading opin- Maybe we do not know Germany if Brown, Philip Greenberg, Conservabe transplanted and made to flourish ion has frowned upon — although the rank and file of her people per- tive Synagogue; Mrs. J. J. Greenin Berlin, Imt the people of Germany sometimes without complete success sist in sustaining a regime such as berg. Mrs. M. Margolin, Conservawere unable to live up to, or under —all manifestations of persecution now seems to be in full control of tive Auxiliary; Mrs. I. Kulakofsky, that great country. Mrs. A. Shafton, Daughters of Zion; it. They began by suspending impor- and forced inferiorities. tant provisions, and ended recently Speaking before the German Reich- Hitler, in his autobiography, de- Mrs. Max Fromkin, Mrs. K. Tatle, by scrapping the entire document. stag, Bismarck once said: "The Ger- clares it is a fundamental that men Deborah; Ida Fine, Jr. Hadassah; The spirit and letter of every provi- man people fear God and nobody are not equal before the law. To Mrs. A. D. Frank, Mrs. M. F. Levension of our bill of rights has been else." He undoubtedly meant by that make good the principle that they son, Mrs. Dave Sherman, Mrs. Julius Hitler was excoriated as a menace violated by the Hitler government. they feared to offend Him because were equal before the law he de- Stein, Sr. Hadassah; Morris E. to civilization and world peace by OsFreedom of Teligion, of speech and of His supreme love for all of His clared in the Declaration of Indepen- Jacobs, Louis Sommer, Highland wald Garrison Villard, noted liberal of the press have been destroyed children. In the day of Bismarck the dence this country went through four Country Club; Morris Minkin, Jew- and writer, in his address on "War overnight. The right of people to be young people of Germany were years of strife and bloodshed and we ish National Workers; Mrs. L. Adler, Clouds in Europe" before the Comsecure in their persons, houses, pa- taught to love their neighbor as they cannot subscribe to the Hitler theory Mrs. S. Barson, Mrs. Zernowsky, munity Forum at the J. C. C. Wednespers and effects against unreasonable loved themselves in order that they that it is not an individual's sense of Ladies Free Loan; Rabbi Uri Mil- day evening. search and seizure, has been wanton- might inherit the Kingdom of the justice and his orderly behavior that ler, Mi'srachi; Sam dayman, Gail "The actual unvarnished truth is ly violated. Civil rights and impar- world to come. Today, the young determines his value to the commu- Margolin, O. H. C. of Modern Wood- that war clouds are hovering everyof Germany are being taught nity nor can we agree to his precept men; Irvin Levin, Hyman Shrier, Dr. where," Villard stated. "Unless contial judicial processes have been ab- folks to hate of their neighbors be- that there is one sort of justice for A. Steinberg, N. S. Yaffe, Omaha olished. The home rule powers of the cause of some action is taken, Spangler's their race and religious be- one set of men and no justice at all Hebrew Club; Mrs. J. Richlin, Pion- certed theory may prove true—that the presseveral independent and ancient liefs. eer Women; Mrs. Joe Goldware, ent civilization for the others. has shot its bolt and states which united to make op the For thousands of years the rela- Pleasant Hill cemetery Auxiliary; we must lapse into the dark ages German Republic, and of their peo- Hates, fears, prejudices and all the Mrs. J. Feldraan, Poale Zion; Sam ple, have been ruthlessly sacrificed other emotions set free by Hitler and tions of the white races of the world Epstein, Psi Mu; M. L. Cohn, Dave again." to an arbitrary central authority. his followers in the Nazi campaign have been governed by fundamental Goldman, Fred Rosenstock, Temple To avert war, Villard made the folGovernment, business, the profes- cannot continue unless the rank and laws and customs which the Nazis Israel; Homer Binswanger, Brother- lowing suggestions: development ot sions, the arts, the sciences and even file of the German people approve it. denounce and sneer at. The basic hood; Mrs. M. L. Cohn, Mrs. M. Holz- peace machinery; boycott, both moral religion itself must goose-step under It is considered weak and childish ac- Roman laws on which the present man, Temple Israel Sisterhood; I. and economic; League of Nations take European and American civilization charge of Austria. He also praised the orders of the brown shirts. Demrests are over with and done, they Goldstein, Max Kirshenbaum, Harry the three-point program suggested ocratic government, in the sense that Marcus, Sam Ravitz, Vaad; Dora say. Liberalism is an empty word, we know,it, has died with the GerJr. Vaad Auxiliary; last December by President Roosethey declare, and from now on the Freshman, man Constitution. Ephraim Marks, Vaad Young Men; velt. mission of the Aryan Nazi is to Morris Burstein, Vaad's Men's Club; "Hitler," Villard said, "is inconIf the present order is the kind of make the world over according to his S. Lipp, I. Shafer, Workmen's ceivable to a sane mind. But some government the German people deformula. Of course, this can never be 173; Al Frank, Zionists; Dr. Circle thing was bound to come as a result J. A. sire, well and good. Thomas Jeffer- The services for-the late Rev. Esau done. No system can live that de- Weinberg, Medical Advisory Board; of the Versailles treaty." He deFkishman who died in Los Angeles son said that every people gets the pends for its maintenance on violence Tretiak, Louis Epstein, Con- nounced the treaty as causing present government it deserves; he might last week were held Friday morning and falsehood; no system can live Joseph unrest. gregation B'nai Israel. well have added "and desires." It at 10 a- m. at the Jewish Funeral that extinguishes liberty of thought, The speaker attacked the statement home. The casket was escorted from certainly- is nobody else's business because of the danger that thought If other organizations eligible by Hitler that "The only true death what sort of government a nation the depot to the funeral home by the is to pretence. wish to choose their own representa- of a German is on the battle field" and seeks to set up within its own terri- officers and the old-time members of A great many years of my life tives, they must do so immediately. that "the only function o£ woman is tory provided, however, it does not the Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol syna- have been given over to fighting a mere breeder" (to breed men ss gogue. menace. the peace and actual existfodder for cannons), and that "the against the very things Hitler exalts. ence of other peoples and provided Rabbi N. Feldmaa, Rabbi Uri Mil- If his! teachings prevail, then I and History Class By sword has always decided in the end." that such a government does not ler, and Rabbi David Goldstein offi- tile millions, who, like me, have told or the wary game the Nazis seek, by propaganda, to bring all ciated. ' Abraham Richards chanted Century Chapter areHeplaying to gain time to arm and other countries into conformity with the services, interment was at the fought for spiritual and political freedom, have fought in vain. The their determination more its own ideas. synagogue. cemetery at Fischer'3 things I have tried to stand for, I A class in history, to meet once a land on the continent,toasacquire the Ukraine. Farm. Those of us who believe in democstand for now, more than ever, in month, will be sponsored by A. Z. A. Mayor Towl introduced the speaker. racy and "who love liberty find it difthe face of this desperate challenge, 100, starting next Monday evening William Grodinsky was chairman. ficult to remain silent for not only Special Aide •which is not merely a Jewish ques- at the J. C. C. For the first of the are the Jews proscribed; not only are Washington—Dr. Jacob Viner, pro- tion, a Catholic question, a Protes- series Rabbi Uri Miller will speak on the Catholics attacked, but all men fessor of economics at the University tant question, a political question, or "Jews During the Middle Ages." Conservative Meeting and women, including Protestants of Chicago and a widely known au- a labor question, but which goes to The general public is in%-ited to at- A meeting of the Conservative who seek to think for themselves, thority on ' monetary theory, trade the very foundation on which we tend the history sessions. Synagogue Board of Trustees and exwho seek to find happiness by living and finance, is now a special assis- have erected America and xm which The committee in charge includes ecutive committee will be held Sunday their own lives in a quiet and order- tant- to Secretary of the Treasury we have stood all during our politi- Iz Middleman, Herb Foibes, and Irv morning, March 18, at 10 a. m. at ly manner, are either forced into ex- Morgenthau. Kaiman. cal life to preserve civilization. the J. CL C.
PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, MARCH 16,1934 gogical pattern. Tel Aviv boasts the- where. Not only has it united the va- or promenades on its beautiful boardatres and libraries rich in Jewish lore rious labor groups into one co-ordi- walk in contemplation and quiet reand Jewish tradition. Not an insig- nated unit, but it has devoted itself joicing. All the holidays are observed engaged nificant phase of the cultural activi- to a social and cultural program of with genuine fervor. The festivals Announces that he is now 1 ties of the city are under the direct a high order. Besides its activities in that lend themselves to mass celebra- in the business of selling all kinds control and direction of the workers' municipal affairs in which the Labor tions, such as the Feast of the Har- of RELIGIOUS ARTICLES — TalBooks, Jewish Bible* in Heclubs and societies, which have reach- Federation occupies a decisive role, vest and Purim are occasions for eisim, brew and English. Also Matzos and gala parades and demonstrations in ed a n unequalled degree of social and it has established workers' societies, PassoTer Articles. •which the carnival spirit captures the cultural excellence. Jewish festivals a theatre, and a group of publica( Ees. 609 JTo. B0 St. GT*. 2972 and holidays are observed in Tel tions in order to afford its members true keynote of joy and freedom. Downtown Office—118 So. 17th Aviv on a scale reminiscent of the an opportunity to express themselves Gay costumes and colorful floats fill Taffe Printing Co. JA. 0770 the streets as the entire city and glory of ancient Israel. In brief, Tel and share in the shaping of the city's Tesach Articles Hdats. Aviv Is the foundation of Jewish cultural life. The "Ohel" theatre is thousands of Arabs from neighboring centers join in the festivities. SOSKOPS BUTCHER SHOP culture in Palestine. devoted to the . dramatization of WE. 5450 . Tel Aviv is v a rare phenomenon in themes of special interest to the La- Here is the true Jewish spirit re- 1552 Xorth 20th urban development Its growth has bor Federation. In the" literary field, born. To give the dramatic almost inbeen so startlingly rapid that it has "Hapoel Hatzair" (The Young WorkPassover, which marks the birth of ing of Palestine. Within the small Jewish culture through independent actually doubled its population in the er) and "Ahduth Haavoda" (Labor credible story of Tel Aviv's past in the Jewish nation, this year coincides area of this only all-Jewish city in activity and development. last three years. The story of how Union) are the leading periodicals a brief article is impossible. To atwith the 25th anniversary of the the world are joined together the re- How: the small garden suburb de- Mayor Dizengoff replies to queries reflecting the point of view of the tempt to forecast its future is all the These minimum prices (called birth of Tel Aviv, the only all-Jewish alization in a minor scale of the eco-veloped into a'town, •what difficulties about the city's population contains worker in the upbuilding of Pales- more so, for it is the most unpredictfor and delivered) will be in elable city in Palestine. It is, however, city in the world. Louis Lipsky, in- nomic, social and cultural ambitions it faced under the Turks during the more than a modicum of truth. In- tine. fect for only a short time safe to say that as Palestine's fastternationally famous Zionist leader of the Jews in Palestine. Like an ex- World War, how the various "ali- variably, the Mayor is said to give longer. The advanced social and cultural est growing center, Tel Aviv has a and publicist, has written a brilliant perimental station in which the ele- yahs" increased its population mani- the following answer: "Today it is endeavor of the labor class is only review of the almost incredible story ments are carefully isolated, observ- fold has been recounted on numerous 85,000. What it will be tomorrow I one phase of a highly developed edu glorious future as the miracle city of of the beginnings and the develop- ed and combined, Tel Aviv has occasions before. What is most sig- cannot say." With more than fifty cational and civic system in Tel Aviv. the Jewish homeland. ment of the miracle city—Tel Aviv. brought into being a model education nificant is that Tel Aviv, which got per cent of the 11,000 German Jew- Tel Aviv has more than 100 schools THE EDITOR. system, model homes, model factories, its name of "Hill of Spring".only fif- ish refugees in Palestine already set- with about 15,000 pupils. Its public (Copyright, 1934, by Seven Arts model streets, model workers' clubs teen years ago, has assumed a prom- tled in Tel Aviv such a statement is library, known as "Shaare Zion" conFeature Syndicate), If anyone were to ask what the and organizations, a model theatre inent role in the present influx of hardly an exaggeration of the facts. tains., more, than 20,000 volumes in Jews intend to do in Palestine, what and a model government that fore- German Jews as the training station An' environment of such great flux Hebrew and other languages, and the H. MARCUS, Prop. manner of economic and political or- shadow the future of Palestinian life. for new arrivals. Tel Aviv has be- and. dynamic activity provides an Labor. Federation central library Where law ends, tyranny begins. 1941 Vinton JA. 1440 come a melting pot in which the imThus, has it became a show window ideal setting for industrial enterprise boasts of 75,000 books. The Hebrew der, what manner of social and culv —Pitt. tural structure they hope to set up for the outside world, a herald of the migrant can cast off the alien and and expansion. I t is not surprising to theatre as a new a r t expressive of as the goal of their aspirations, the new order that is to be throughout clashing elements of his former en- find that Tel Aviv is a pioneer in- the rebirth of Hebrew culture has vironment. Tel Aviv has become a dustrial center where numerous in- reached a high degree of developmost tangible answer would be the Palestine. rich inspiration to the newcomer, in- dustries have been introduced for the ment in Tel Aviv. Here the Habimah, all-Jewish city of Tel Aviv. Not by The beginnings of this city which theorizings, disputations, or rhapso- today contains one-third of the 250,-stilling in him the idealism and faith first time into Palestine. In addition (the pioneer Hebrew theatre), the Where Omaha Shops With Confidence dic soliloquies, but by the concrete 000 Jews in Palestine, were obscure required for the pioneer, by placng to the factories producing building Matateh, (the theatre of satire), the facts and statistics of the origin, and modest. In 1909, when a handful before him the realization of a vision materials, there are today in the 100 Ohel and the Hebrew Opera make growth and development of Tel Aviv of pioneering Jewish businessmen and which he can carry with him to oth- per cent Jewish city a large number the Hebrew language a vehicle of the would the skeptic and the agnostic be merchants then conducting their bus- er parts of Palestine. of industrial establishments engaged modern as well as the classic dramas In appearance the city of Tel Aviv in the production of furniture, tex- of both the Western world and the persuaded of the full significance of iness in Jaffa, launched the project SIXTEENTH AT FARNAM the return of the Jews to Palestine. of establishing the city of Tel Aviv, today has all the characteristics of a tiles and knitted goods, food, shoes, new Palestine. For Tel Aviv, whose twenty-fifth it was an uninviting sandhill, de- modern city. Its wide boulevards lined cigarettes, orange cases ,candies, etc. way is Jewish tradition anniversary is being celebrated this serted, barren. I t was the plan of with trees and homes of the ad- In commerce, too, Tel Aviv has made But in no with so much color, majesyear, epitomizes the crystallization of this far-seeing gTOup to create a sub- vanced cubistic design recall the out- great strides. Today it has almost su- preserved ty, and spirit as in the festivals and the strivings of the Jewish upbuild- urb or garden city to house their lines of an American city. But with- perseded the city of Jaffa as a cen- holiday celebrations in Tel Aviv. Even families and form the nucleus of a in the buildings that wear the plac- ter of wholesale trade. Its banks, the Sabbath whose significance has idity and calm of ordinary dwellings Jewish city that would serve to proamong the largest in Palestine, tescompletely lost in this country, tect the Jewish population by concen- and public buildings there is taking tify to the importance of Tel Aviv as been takes on a new meaning. A serene trating it in one closely-knit commu- place one of the most interesting i the hub of commerce and industry. peacefulness and joyous calm denity and stimulate the growth of metamorphoses of modern times. For The concentration of large num- scends upon the city with the arrival the Jews have come to Palestine not to rebuild it in the sense of re-estab- bers of workers has brought into be- of Sabbath. All work is at a standBY F. E. K. thereby entitled to a year's scholar- lishing it in accordance with its an- ing a labor organization which may still and the population gathers on ship at Drake university. cient life, but to establish i t as a well be emulated by workers else-! the shores of the blue Mediterranean Mrs. Nathan Adler, chairman of the modern state with a social and eco• Hadassah luncheon to be held Wed- A special meeting of the A. Z. A. nomic order immunized to the frailnesday, March 21, at 1 o'clock at the has been called for 2 o'clock next ties and shortcomings of the present Chieftain hotel, has as hostesses: Mes- Sunday afternoon at the Synagogue to crisis in Europe and in the United dames S. H. Katelman, Al Krasne, M. make final preparations for the obser- States. The city of Tel Aviv is a ••••• E. Troutfelt, Philip Carp, M. Yudel- vance of National A. Z. A. Sabbath progressive, democratic municipality. son. Day, which will be commemorated by Its town council, comprised to a subThey have arranged an interesting services at the Synagogue Friday stantial degree of representatives of program including Mrs. David Gold- evening, March 23, at 8 p. m. Services the working element, is a governing stein, of Omaha as principal speaker; are being conducted by Morton Adler. body dedicated to the advanced prinSmoked Meats and Everything for Tonr Passover Table .... You'll love the Handknit look a humorous debate by Mrs. Troutfelt The sermon will be delivered by Abe ciples of municipal administration. Its and Mrs. Richard Gordon, and a bas- Katelman. and you'll rave about the glorieducational system devoted to the essoon solo by Bernard Ealaban. tablishment of Hebrew as the native ously intense colors they come in. All are urged to make their reserMrs. B. Saltzman returned from tongue and the renaissance of Hevations. 1509 Xo. 24th WE. 2190 Manning, Iowa, where she spent sev- brew culture in. general has been coneral days with her son-in-law and structed on the most scientific pedaMr. and Mrs. Nathan Gilinsky are daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Petlz. expected, home today from their wedding trip to Kansas City, , to. inake Miss Rose Fox returned home last their home at the_ "Warner-"apirtment week after a ten-day visit in St. Loins, annex; Mrs. GUinsky was the'former Louise Herzoff of Sioux.GRy.lQwa. Their wedding took plaice Sunday, Jack Rosenfeld spent the past weekMarch 11. '/. at the home of his parents, Mr. Among those who attended the Gii- end and Mrs. Julius Rosenfeld. He reOthers 10.95 to 29.75 tnsky-Herzoff wedding a t Mount Sinai turned to his studies Monday morning Temple in Sioux City were Mr. and at Wentworth Mrs. A. Gilinsky, parents ot the Lexington, Mo. Military Academy at The one-piece mode! at 10.95, the fwo-plece groom; Mrs. Anna Brinn, the groom's mode] at 12.95 and the 3-piece model «t maternal grandmother; Mr. Barney Mr. and.Mrs. Harry Chernisa en19.75 ore just three of the hundreds of slenGilinsky and daughters, Misses Ada and Goldie Gilinsky; Albert Fox, all tertained the members of their Sunderizing knit fashions now being featured. ot Council Bluffs; Mrs. L. R. Gold- day Night club at their home. fcerg of Shenandoah, Iowa,: sister of the groom, and Maurice Louis Nath- Mrs. I. Goldberg of Chicago, Illinois, anson ot Estherville, Iowa. who spent the past two weeks here visiting her son-in-law and daughter, "While in Omaha last week for ah Mr. and Mrs. Saul Suvalsky, will engagement at the Orpheum theater, leave Saturday night for her home. Ben Bernie, and Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Bernie were guests at dinner Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and Jake Whitebook, formerly of CounMrs. J. Mendelson of this city. Jeff cil Bluffs, left Wednesday for ChicaBernie is the brother and manager of go, after spending several days here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Simon the famous maestro. ;: Steinberg.. Miss Fannie Katelman left last.Friday for a week's visit i n Kansas City, BUY ALL YOUR MATZOS Mo., and Leayenworth, Kans. In Leavenworth she was the guest of her AND YOUR PASSOVER brother-in-law. and Bister, Mr. and NEEDS Mrs. Abe Bear. While there she participated In the celebration of the from : y fifth birthday of her nephew, Aaron David Bear, on March 14.
By Louis Lipsky
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Donald Rosenfeld, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rosenfeld, was a meml>er of the Abraham Lincoln higa school debate team that was victorious at the Drake tournament in Des Moines, Iowa, last Friday. He is
• -
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.You won't mind doing yonr laundry on Monday or any other day . . . in fact you will even look forward to it with this Thor combination machine. ITonr washing and ironing both are; done in such a short time and so easily, that yon actually enjoy doing it. This machine is constructed for long life and economy. This washer has the Rlgtd-Spaa Chassis that: assures long lite. It has the Super-Agitator which means speedy washing action mat cannot tangle or tear clothes. Has a wonderful wringer.
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$5.00 Down Your ironer is attached to the washing machine. . . . It irons everything from sheets to shirts In half the time it took the old w a y . . . . S t u r d i l y built and efficient.
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Sports Shop Third Floor
PAGE %—THE JEWISH' JRBESS, JTJDAY, MABGH 16, 1934 jirews reel snd travelogue of PalesMeeting of B'nai tine will be shown by the U. S. Navy. This part of the Tn'aEram will be Britfe. on Monday |: under direction of Earl Lapidus, a
en Hitler Was Found Guilty
T o r i (W.NS) —. IQie "Workers' Committee for Jewish Afiairs, a new national organisation designed to unite the Jewish wotkihg "masses of America ior Jewish affairs, "was established by more than liOOO delegates representing approximately 300 Jewish labor and socialist organizations at s. stormy all-day conference climaxed by the secession: of some .200 delegates affiliated with va^ rious Zionist-Socialist groups. The split in the conference grew out of a resolution pledging all members of .the new organization to abstain Jrom -affiliation with other Jewish organisations -having "a general Jewish aim." This resolution means that "those BSEociated wibh the Jewish "Workers'; •Committee for Jewish Affairs cannot participate in the work of such organizations as the American Jewish ConOver 20,000 'furors" listened at •world is threatened by the anti-civil- t sion of a great people to conditions ago save for the voice of individuals, gress and the American Jewish Committee. The minority report, opposing the Taar of public opinion during the; ization course of Hitlerism." and standards of barbarism under; we stood alone. Tonight, despite the Judge Samuel Seabnry, Bconrge ol Nazi rule." this .section of the organization com- "Case of Civilization Against Hit; year of unspeakable wrongs, we are 3nittee's report, presented by Da-rid lerism" March 7 at Madison Square municipal corrnptiatn "Public opinion Miriam Beard: "The l^azi jgovern- sustained by the comradeship of civ"Wertheim, secretary of the Poale-^Zion, Garden, New TTork, and lound Adolph as the force and boycott as the weap- ment has cast women down to a low- ilization. Not without hope we .suffer •was rejected and the majority report Hitler and his Nazi terrorists guilty | on will break the power of Hitlerism er level than she occupied in primi- and mourn, for civilization has lifted up its sacred sword." adopted by a vote of 418 to 200. After by their own acts "of a crime . ,. . according the world the only tive times." opportunity it has for the preservaithe Tote the Zionist Socialist dele- against civilization." Gustavcs T. Kirby, International Msthew "WolL American Federajjates left the hall in a demonstrative Olympic committee: -^The 1935 Olym- tion of Labor: "The American labor In the verdict Hitlerism -was con- tion of world peace." Senator MUlarfl S. Tyfiinsrs: "This pic games trill not be held in Berlin movement has declared its unwillingmanner and organized an impromptu victed en twenty-one major counts, conference of their own. The dele- ranging from instigation of a Twen- is a case where every government, unless Germany ^proves that it will ness to have dealings -with Germany gates opposing1 this part .of the reso- tieth Century Inquisition to enslav- j claiming for itself the slightest ves- not discriminate against the partici- under present conditions and we lution contended that .they were un- ing, degrading and insulting the Ger- itige of tolerance, the smallest sem- pation of Jews on German teams. stand ready to help- German trade able ID support it because the emer- man masses and the peopie of the blance of justice, ana the barest out- Promises such as those already made unionists regain their Tights with every resource at our command." gency in Jewish life necessitated a world. ' . line of democracy, should by every ana hrdken will not be accepted." united Jewish front of all groups. AlDr. Stephen S. Wise: "One year Among other witnesses were: Among the highlight statements at honorable, peaceful and proper means, exander Eahn, chairman of the organ- the trial by outstanding "witnesses": ! exert .its influence to the end that ization committee which presented the Bainbridge Colby, farmery secre- religious and racial persecution shall disputed clause, denied that the Jew- tary of state: "Love of justice, high- be no more among us." Alfrefl E. Smith, former governor ish "Workers' Committee for Jewish est attribute of man, has been stirAffairs was set up in opposition to red to its depths by the unending of New York: "When Germany reany existing agency. Its aim is, he de- story of outrage and brutality -which fuses to give justice tD her own peoclared, to unite Jewish labor forces flows steadily out of Germany. But ple, how can she ask for justice at ana then co-operate with other groups the truth is mighty and the truth our hands?" Fiorello H. La Guardia, mayor of Trot first "we -wanted to mute the Jew- will ^jrevail." ash labor forces whose voice had "been Prof. Raymond Jttoley, liberal: ' I New York: "We cannot be expected consistently ignored before." hate Hitler and Hitlerism not only to maintain friendly relations with The permanent executive committee because they have denied justice to any country -while the citizens of that of the new organization consists of a fellow human beings but I hate this country can't have safety within provisional committee appointed after thing because it is the enemy of my | their own horders.'' the conference split and the officers country, ol my faith, and of my right r Rev. Dr. John Haynes Holmes: ' What has outraged -world opinion is of £h& organization. Members of the to be free." jtrovisional committee, which includes IQchael "Williams, Catholic editor: the undeniable evidence of the Tever^representatives of the seceding or- "The pressure of paganism i s . inganizations, are: David Pinsky, Dr. creasing instead of lessening. The Chaim Zhiilbvs"ky, I. H. Gol3berg, Da- Catholic religion in Germany is f3L SOMTT Dealer in Jewish Boots 1 -rid "Wertheim and Louis Siegel. 15. C. threatened with a most serious dan- I and all other Eelicions Articles ? Tladeck was named chairman. Other •Sf-T of being crashed out of existence Ph. "WE. 3527 | officers are J. Raskin, .secretary; Da- by the _puwer of a state religion of 42429 Decatnr St. vid Dubinsky, treasurer; -Joseph paganism, which is the most potent l'I Just Teeeired a fresh stock of all* i liiuds of ^latzos nf the Itest qualities, • Schlossberg, "Morris Teinstone, Mas factor in the TPtipr movement." i rind Tilso nil kinds ol Pnsaovex articles, * Saritsky, Alexander Xahn smd Sol Bev. Artfrnr J. Brown, Eroiestanti v like ^.Tnt-rn XIOUT, Pn^rt* ilOH2,.:egg Tnnt- ^ ? Hifkin, vice presidents. The orginiza- "World opinion must voice'its pro- i 3Sos cookies, e t c also hare a full line nf all iindB of 7 iaons "Chat renudned at the conference test against the wrongs to oppressed ii J lloUeacb's Kosher articles l o r 3*esacli. * i incliiains Btrawbeaary. ^raspberry and!? included the "Workmen's Circle, the hrethren." i clierry jelly in pint plass j a r s ; aad also " Jewish Socialists and the large Jew?i Dr. XJeweUys F. Barker, Johns • oil in beautiful SIJISB bottleB. ish trade unions. ^ Hopkins: "Hitler is an egocentric 4 • Hememter also tay own make Eoap, 7 A t ihe Tump convention called by fanatic -while Hitlerism is a psychic i Eoslier ior Pesach, Pesadi Candy, too. " the seceding delegates an independ- epidemic. Medicine, throughout the ent jirovisional- committee consisting of representatives of the Poale-Zion Tarty, the Jewish National "Workers' Alliance, the Pioneer "Women's Organization, the "Workers' Committee for the "World Jewish Congress and the Poale-Zion youth groups "was established. "This committee announced its intention of creating "Jewish WDiker for Jewish affairs" "without y "binding its constituent members by a clause such as split the major gathering. :•
At the B'nai Brith meeting to be i member of B'nai Brith who is jni ofheld by Omaha Lodge KD. 3F>4 on ' ficer in the Naval Reserves. Monday, .March 19, a new feature I It waF stressed by Leo Abramson, "will be presented/ entitled "The Jew- : president, that the meeting: will start ish Side of the :Kews.~ This -will be ; promptly at 8 p. m. in the Lodge a fifteen tmixmte "broadcast" of the i Eoona .at the J. C. C. news of the last two weeks of special interest to Jewry, and will be "Wisdom is better than rubies. followed by -an open forum discus—Proverbs. sion. Julius Bisno, executive secretary of A. Z. A., will be news commentator. This feature will be presented in connection with an informal lEport of local -anti-defamation activSpecials on Permsnents ities. for a. After "tie business meeting, a sound
"Morris Beauty Shop LUSTED, TIME
ward J. Neary, for American Legion; ; Bernard S. Deutch, for the Jews; 3Pro£ Seth Wakeman, for world peace; Chancellor Harry "Woodburne •Chase of New York "University, for education; Roger K. Baldwin, American Cm! Liberties; Abraham Cahan. l Socialists; Dr. Stanley Higrh, writers; : Arthur Garfield Hays, democracy; Samuel Margoshes, eye witness.
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THE JEWISH PRESS Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by
THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Subscription ? r i c e , one y e a r - - - - « . - - - - • Advertising r a t e s furnished o n application
E d i t o r i a l Office: 490 Brandels T h e a t e r Building. •••••. Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center DAVID BLACKER - - - - - Business a n d Managing Editor F R A N K R. ACKERMAN - - - - - - - - - - - - Editor FANNEB KATELMAN - - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent ANN P I L L - - - - - - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent P r i n t S h o p A d d r e s s : 1307 H o w a r d S t r e e t
The Verdict—Guilty At a trial unique in the annals of history, a jury of over twenty thousand "jurors" found Hitler and his regime "guilty" in the High Court of Humanity held at Madison Square Garden March 7th, after the testimony of twenty eminent witnesses. With Adolph Hitler branded the arch-tyrant of all time in the eyes of the civilized world, the indictment found the Nazi government "has turned its face against historic progress and the positive blessings and achievements of modern civilization. It has shown itself by doctrine and practice to be the avowed enemy of those methods of peace and freedom by which the march of civilization lias been enabled and the progress of mankind accomplished. We declare that the Hitler government is compelling- the German people to turn back from civilization to an antiquated and barbarous despotism which menaces the progress of mankind toward peace and freedom and is a present threat against civilized life throughout the world . . . The German government stands convicted of its own acts of a crime against civilization." The pre-eminence of the "witnesses" was the outstanding feature of the "Hitler trial." If the American Jewish Congress had alone sponsored the meeting, it would have been explained away as "more Jewish agitation." The fact, therefore, that the trial was staged with the co-operation of the American Federation of Labor added significance. And when leading exponents the country over representing minorities, labor, Jews, democracy, women, religion, world peace, civil liberties, science, arts, education, liberals, free speech, press and assembly—when such men as Former Secretary of State Bainbridge Colby, American Federation of Labor President William Green, Mayor of New York LaGuardia, Dr. Stanley High, Dr. John Haynes Holmes, Judge Samuel Seabury, Catholic editor Michael Williams, Rev. Arthur J. Brown, Alfred E. Smith, Prof. Raymond Moley, Miriam Beard, Gustavus Kirby, to mention some—so outstanding are these personalities in their particular realm of thought and endeavor that the attention and thought of all America was focussed upon their testimony. In light of their presence and their statements, the Jewish angle in the indictment against Nazism became but a small part of a damning whole. Criticism has been leveled against the sponsors of the "trial" 6n the ground that the "Case of Civilization Against Hltlerism" •was too dramatized, that such outstanding public figures were being made "dramatis personae" in a play. However, it is an open question Whether the tactics used were "misguided publicity." At all times, particularly in jthese days of ultra speed, people forget easily and expeditfously. I t is necessary to recall to their minds the menace of Hitlerism to civilization, or else they will slowly but surely let the danger slip into their subconscious recesses. An active warfare against Nazism and all it means is necessary, and to arouse the people from their usual apathy unusual methods are needed. Showmanship, it must be admitted, carries with it a certain amount of popular appeal—ft is the way people want things presented to them. The manner of "Hitler's trial" did much to stir up the imagination of the American people, and the "witnesses" and their "testimony" were thereby brought into a clearer focus. In this respect, it is also significant that many of the speakers kept repeating the warning that the American people must not underestimate the danger of Nazi agitation hi this country and must proceed immediately to stamp it out in its infancy, lest it grow into a serious menace to our democratic institutions. Their warning was timely, for even as they spoke there sat in a corner of the balcony of the Garden the living representation of this danger in the form of a small group of Silver Shirts in uniform, avowed to spread the Hitler gospel of hate on these shores. The testimony and the verdict have done their good by reaching into many American homes and bringing a realization of the Nazi peril. Undoubtedly, by now Hitler has received detailed information. But, we ask in sadness, when will the people of Germany hear of it?
The"Shiduch" Gossip has it that James G. McDonald, League of Nations High Commissioner for German Refugees, is responsible for effecting a "shiduch" by which the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee and the American Palestine Campaign of the Jewish Agency for Palestine will join forces in a united drive to secure $3,000,000 to take care of a program of reconstructive aid among German Jews within and without that country. Regardless of previous differences or their causes, it is gratifying that the combined forces of American Jewry will be mobilized to meet the tragic need of the German refugees. It is only through the generosity of private contributions that those engaged in the task of finding new homes for tens of thousands of helpless, innocent exiles can hope to make their work effective. In Omaha the German relief emergency will be taken care of through the Jewish" Philanthropies campaign.
Just Another Flare-up No sooner is one breach of Jewish unity healed than another flare-up occurs along another front. The latest agreement to disagree comes from the Jewish workers <rf America. In New York 1,039 delegates supposedly representing the Jewish working class of this country met at a Labor Conference on Jewish affairs. The purpose was admittedly to evolve a national committee which would speak authoritatively for Jewish labor. .- • .,. ... I t has been repeated frequently—until it has become a platitude—that too many countries already speak on behalf of American Jewry that what we need is consolidation and not further Sientralization. The American Jewish Committee, the American jSristCongress and the B'nai Brith all speak for the Jewisfcpeo-
pie and all claim to represent all phases of Jewish opinion. Strangely enough, however, men who have been stressing more unity in Jewish affairs have placed their stamp of approval upon this latest committee, since it claims to speak for Jewish, labor only and since, they say, Jewish labor has never had adequate hearing in national Jewish movements. But, even with the question of whether the committee should be born passed by for the moment, it still seemed impossible for the delegates to agree. The result was that no sooner had the "babe" given its first wail when a part seceded with the intention of starting their own committee. The resolution causing the split: "No individual person or organization affiliated with the Jewish Labor Committee shall be affiliated with any other body concerned with general Jewish activity. All general actions and declarations must have the approval and sanction of the Labor Committee." The majority voting (though representing a minority of the full delegate roster) approved the resolution. It seems that if such a resolution were not adopted, the Labor Committee would merely become a political football with which the other Jewish "Committees" would toy while jockeying for a strategic position in the country's Jewish affairs. On the other hand, under such a resolution the majority may, for example, prohibit the Workmen's Circle from taking part in BIAS, or the Poale Zionists from participating in the Zionist movement, and so on. And in the meantime, the life-giving blood of unity is wanly seeking the corpuscles in the American Jewish body.
There has been so much persecution of the Jew, that wo Jews arc prone to the illusion that Jews al ways constitute the stream of the refugees. It is well to remember that Jews while having more than a pro portionate partnership in this refu gee business, have had by no means a monopoly of it. Early America was largely built up by refugees. There were the Puritans whom King James "harried," as the phrase went, out of England to Holland and who later constituted the passenger list of the Mayflower. There were the Quakers—a similarly ostracized sect of those days— who came and founded Pennsylvania. There were the Hugenots—driven from Europe, who settled the Carolinas. There were the Catholics—persecuted in England, who founded Maryland. It seems that when the good Lord As has been evident for some time in our forecasts, Austria decides to found a new colony, he intends to obtain the same elimination of her Jewish citizens from has to depend on the refugees. And now the refugees are estabthe professional, business, civic and public life of the country with- lishing Zion.
A Roundabout Way
"Kvutssos" (socialist colonies). After being: th#r© for six months, the orthodox fftbbi began packing, ready to leave. 8eme of the residents of the colotiy came to him and asked: "Rabbi, why «re fmi leaving?" "ficeause," replied the rabbi, "this is the first 'fihyleV that ha« been ptii to ims since I cam* here." • * * *
haa put this incident into his scenario. • • • •
Harry Acton, New York American scribe, the other day told the story of the owner of a restaurant who was forever upbraiding a waiter for his poetry scribbling1. There is a classic story told with the same idea about the German* Jewish pott, Heine. Heine's uncle, a German Babbitt, according to this etory /race remarked: "If Heinrich had learned a good trade, he wouldn't have to be writing books,"
So Jim TuiJy has written a scenario around Haym Solomon, Jewish patriot of the American Revolution. It will be called "Son of Liberty." Written by Tully, it may be taken for granted that it will be a good piece of work. It will be interesting Labor Disputes to see what an Irishman will do with Jerusalem—The labor disputes bethe Polish-Jewish patriot. tween members of the Histadruth * • • • and the Revisionists continue to mar THE HESSIAN INCIDENT the peace of Palestine with sporadic Stanwood S. Menken, the 100 per outbreaks. cent patriot, President of the American Defense Society, who is a great grandson of Haym Solomon once told NATIONAL me that it was Haym Solomon who ACCESSORIES, Inc. conceived the idea of the attack on the Hessians on Christmas night. EVERYTHING It will be remembered that WashFor the Auto ington captured these Hessians when 2051 Farnam AT. 5524 they were all in a drunken stupor celebrating Christmas. I hope Tully'
out alienating foreign public opinion. The first taste of how such a policy may work was obtained this week. A new decree, ostensibly aimed at Socialist sympathizers, is so loosely drawn that in Jewish circles it is regarded as a death blow to Jewish lawyers, doctors and pharmacists. The decree explicitly bars from practice all lawyers, doctors and pharmacists who at any time in their career were employed in any capacity by forbidden parties. Since hundreds of Jewish professional men were employed in one capacity or another in Socialist institutions and government departments directed by Socialists, the future of Jews in these professions is regarded in Austria as very dark. In fact, Austrians write that in Vienna this decree is interpreted as an attempt on the part of Dollfuss to eliminate Jews from professional life in the same way as the Nazis did in Germany without arousing the world-wide protest that the Nazis' action precipitated. An interesting phenomenon is the information that in the meantime hundreds of Jews who were never known as Jews and numerous Jewish converts to Christianity are returning to the Jewish fold. The Vienna Kehillah is swamped with applications for membership. Thus, balances come from unexpected sources.
Further, we have had refugees in our own America. I refer to the Mormons, who were driven out of Nauvoo, I l l i n o i s , and emigrated through the then pathless wilderness to Utah. There was a remarkable similarity between these Mormons - and the Jews. It is not strange that they referred to themselves as Israel—and all the rest of the people as Gentiles. And there was a very marked similarity of the land which they settled with Palestine. Utah at the tame was almost a completely desert land. It was nude of all vegetation, practically, as Palestine was, when the Jews first came. Further, it was a land with little water, and the Mormons built the first irrigation system in America. Another striking similarity was the Salt Lake, comparable to the salty Dead Sea o£ Palestine. And the Mormons supplied a lesson which the Jews may well take to themselves. By establishing their own state, they settled and eliminated the "Next in line to the person who refuses to subscribe to a Jew- problem of hostility and persecution had been their dish while they ish periodical is the person who subscribes to it, and either throws which dwelt among others. the issues each week into the waste basket or giyes them away • • * *.
When in need of burning oils or burner service call JA. 2111-2112 Prompt Delivery Personal Service
Timely Observations. • • •
unopened."—Rabbi Louis I. Newman.
GENTLE IRONY The story has come to me from Palestine. Rabbi Meyer Berlin, president of the World Mizrachi (the orthodox group), was walking down the street of Tel Aviv when he came across a number of members of the Laborite (socialistic) group. "Gut Shabbos," said Rabbi Berlin. "Gut Shabbosh!" explained the members of the Laborite group. **What's the idea! Why today is Wednesday." "Oh, pardon me," said Rabbi Berlin. "You see when I saw you walking along smoking cigarettes, I thought it must be Shabbos."
By Rabbi Uri Miller On the 25th and 26th day of Adar, 5662 (1902) in the city of YHna, a conference was called at which after many deliberations, there was founded the Mizrachi Organization. This past week it has been celebrating its 32nd anniversary and it might be well to briefly review some of the accomplishments of this, the religious organization within the Zionist movement. The Mizrachi mqvn*?»Tig in Palestine today, 67 schools which includes 4 high schools, 2 teachers training schools and a training school for boys. The largest and most beautiful school building in Palestine, the Tach Kemoni at Tel Aviv, was constructed and is being operated by the MizrachL The Mizrachi schools have an enrollment of over 8,000 children and approximately 300 teachers. WHY THE RABBI LEFT A part of the Mizrachi is the Poale Mizrachi which is a body There's a story along the same of Chaluzim affiliated with the parent organization. The Chalu- line that they tell of an orthodox zim are pious and live in accordance with Jewish tradition. They rabbi who had settled in one of the are amongst the builders of Palestine, laboring in the various colonies in the.reconstruction work of our home land. While they GEMS of the BIBLE cooperate with the Histadruth, they maintain because of peculiar local conditions, their own employment bureaus in cities such as and TALMUD Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and Haifa and also some of the colonies. They By O. O. DASHER are, moreover, provided with strictly kosher kitchens and have recreation centers where study circles meet and entertainments And a stranger shalt thou not are frequently arranged in the evening. Espcially active are these wrong, neither shalt thou oppress him, for ye were strangers in the study circles on Sabbaths and Holy days. Poale Mizrachi's influ- land of Egypt. ence on the general labor organizations in Palestine is manifest. Thou shalt not utter a false reThe Mizrachi has also created and maintains a contracting port; put not thy hand with the wicked to be an unrighteous witagency called "Olim Bonim" which has done much, particularly ness, in Jerusalem, to obtain work under more satisfactory conditions Thou shalt not follow a multitude for its members. They have founded the Mizrachi bank in Jeru- to do evil; neither shalt thou bear in a cause to turn aside after salem and Tel Aviv which has taken a vital part in the up-building witness a multitude to prevent justice. of the country. Said Roba: "This Is what people There are, moreover, many colonies built by the Mizrachi, in- say: A zuz for pleasure is not to be but zuz for trouble can be cluding Chittim, a colony close to Tiberias, N'veh Jacob near Jeru- obtained, easily found." salem, and Chech Abrick* all but recently built. ; Our Rabbis were taught that the The Woman's Mizrachi Organization has established in Jeru- following three things the Holy One, praised be He, laments daily: for salem a young woman's center which .is offering- classes in sewing, . . :••-.. , . | him who has the opportunity to Knitting, domestic science, bookkeeping, stenography, gardening, i study the Torah every day and does
etc., studies. A fund is at; present being Q o t f f o r him whose circumstances do cAn in \-n addition nAA\±'r.-~ to ±~ Hebrew TJVO,..™. ..1...JI— A £.— J i_ —I.; -~*. i—:~~i raised by the womans organization for the organization and main- not allow him to study but who tenance of this center. All in all, the Mizrachi has done a tre- nevertheless does study, and for a chief of a congregation who conducts mendous amount of work in Palestine. • himself haughtily towards his conThe Mizrachi is one of the constructive forces in the rebuild- gregation. and Rabbi Chiya upon coming of our home land and deserves the consideration and support ingRobbi to a city asked if there were a of all Jews who desire to see Palestine rebuilt. Its membership is scholar there whom they could visit. composed of those who prefer to see the Jewish people in Palestine They were told there was a scholar, but he was blind. Said Chiya to living a traditionally Jewish life. Robbi; "You as a chief remain here, A resume of the positive work that the Mizrachi has done so as not to lower your dignity, and is especially important because it is being attacked "by various fac- I will see him." Robbi however, insisted, and went with him. When tions and accused of sabotaging Zionist endeavors for Palestine. they were departing, the blind The record of the Mizrachi is such as to prove that its membership scholar said: "You have come to see would not stoop to steps of that sort. Throughout its 32 years it a countenance that can be seen, but see. Therefore (my wish is has constantly proceeded'ih its program of creative labors. Politi- cannot that) ye deserve to see the countencal animosities created at the last Zionist coiigress ^should not be ance which sees all but cannot be seen." Robbi then said to R. Chiya: permitted to obscure its i>ast and present achievenlents. "Had I listened to you not to visit] Every right thinking Jew c o n g r a M a ^ the Mizrachi on its him I would not have received this Jabor in rebuUding Israel's homelands Messing.*
Men, Here's the Spring Clothes Service You Want IPs Hke walking into a national clothes show to visit the Nebraska— Come — See all thaVs new. Only The Nebraska Offers You in Omaah;
—Kuppenheim Clothes —Hickey-Freeman Clothes —Society Brand Clothes —Fashion Park Clothes —Charter House Clothes —Hart Schaffner Marx —Varsity Town Clothes —Geses Style Organization —Hudder Topcoats —Knit-Tex Topcoats —Saxon Weave Suits Famous French Clothes —London Dew Topcoats and Many Other Famous Clothes Makers Smart New Styles SEE OUE WEfDOTVS TODAY
Program by Labor Groups on April 1 The Jewish National Workers Alliance and the Poale Zion (Jewish Labor Party) are offering for the first time in Omaha "A Shiedem Tish," a one-act playlet, and also Jewish songs, at the J. C. C Sunday evening; April 1, at 8:30 p. m. Proceeds from this "three-hour program of wholesome, enjoyable entertainment" will go to worthy causes supported by the above two organizations in Palestine.
Miss Ethel Pox of Kansas City, daughter of Mr. I. Louis Fox of that city, became the bride of Mr. Lester Newman Kahn, son of Mrs. L. N. Kahn of Omaha and Butler, Mo., last ^Saturday evening. The ceremony was performed in Omaha at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Fox, the bride's brother and sister-in-law. A color scheme of yellow and white was carried out. Rabbi Frederick Conn officiated, with only members of the immediate families present. A wedding dinner was given at the Fox home, and a midnight supper was served at the Fontenelle. The young couple left for New Orleans and expect to be gone a month. On their return they mil make their home in Butler, Mo. SILVER ANNIVERSARY. Mr. and Mrs. L. Wolfson entertained for two hundred guests Sunday on the occasion of their twentyfifth anniversary. Among the guests were Mr. Nate Wolfson of New York, and Paul and Abe Kaplan and families of Sioux City, la. WEEK-END GUESTS. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schimmel and daughter, Miriam; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schimmel of St. Louis, and Mrs. Edward Schimmel of Galesburg, El., spent the past week-end in Lincoln as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Q. Schimmei.
To Conclude Local Mavrikes Concert Today is the last day of the local appearance of Nicholas Mavrikes of New York, sensational American violin prodigy, in his three-day benefit concert for the Minerva Cottage Mr. Karl Tunberg, local pianist, instructor, is the accompanist. The sixteen-year-old prodigy is acclaimed by music critics everywhere.
More New Books for Center-Council library "Altar in the Fields," by Ludwig Lewisohn and "Wanda," by Richard Grant, are among the newest arrivals for the rental library jointly conducted by the J. C. C. and the Council of Jewish Woman, according to an announcement this week by Mrs. Irvin C. Levin, Council librarian. The books, part of a popular collection of over 300 to which new ones are continuously being added all rent for 3c per day, with circulation privileges open to the public Mrs. Levin declared. In addition to the large rental section, containing many recent popular books, a sale of books at prices of 25c each is also being conducted by the library. Receipts of the joint library go to maintain loan scholarships sponsored by the Council for poor students.
Play and Concert A Yiddish play and concert will be presented by the Jewish Operetta Co. Sunday evening at the K. of C. auditorium. The play is "Obey Your Father and Mother." The entire company will take part in the concert. The company will broadcast over otation KICK Friday evening at 8:00 p. m. and Sunday morning at 12 noon.
VISITING HEEE. Mrs. Ira Eosenblum of Kansas City, Mo., is visiting in the city this Conservative Auxiliary week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gross, and with, her sister, The nomination committee for the Mrs. J. M. Malashock, and Mr. Mala- 1934 slate of officers of the Consershock. vative Auxiliary were named at a meeting Monday. Mrs. Sol Novitsky is chairman, assisted by Mesdames A2OT0TTSCE BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wertheimer an- Harry Malashock, B. A. Simon, Gail nounce the birth of a daughter Margolin and Simon Pizer. Mrs. Sam Newman was elected to March 8 at the Methodist hospital. complete the unexpired term of reMr. and Mrs. N. Goldberg announce cording secretary. the birth of a daughter February 19. A program was presented by Mrs. Mrs. Goldberg was formerly Esther Gertrude White Solomon, dramatist; Abraham Dansky, pianist; Miss Ivy "otler. Siegal, vocalist, accompanied by Mrs. J. Malashock. KO3E SOUTHERN TBBP Mr. and Mrs. Hymie Milder have re- New members are Mesdames Jacob Rosoff, Eva Stein, and J. Herman. turned from a southern trip. The next Oneg Shabbos will be held TO VISIT March 24 at the home of Mrs. Max Mrs. H. Ziegman left Tuesday for a with Mrs. M. D. Brodkey cotwo-weeks visit in Washington, D. C. Barish, hostess. A pre-Passover program will be featured. BENEFIT BRIDGE. Miss Goldie Zusman gave a benefit bridge at her home Tuesday afternoon, March 13, for the Give or "!et fund of Junior Hadasah. Young Judaean Sabbath will be observed a t the B'nai Israel synalONVALESClNG. Little Paula Ruth Belmont, 10- gogue this evening. Five minute adear-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. dresses on the following subjects will Henry Belmont, "is. convalescing at be given by "members: "Keren Hanthe Clarkson hospital, where she re- oar," Beatrice Eiseman; "A Message cently underwent an appendectomy, From Our President," Bernice Gorelick; "Why I Joined the Young Judaea," Gertrude Platt; "Young JuIOTHERS CLUR The S. A. M. Mothers dub will daea History," Sarah Beber. meet on Wednesday afternoon, March Rabbi Uri Miller will speak on 21, at the Goldstone home, 3430 "How Should We Build Our Homeland?" Webster street.
Young Judaean Sabbath
The "Kaleidoscope Revue," stunt night for the Round Table of Jewish Youth, has been postponed a week and will be held at the J. C. C. auditorium Tuesday evening, March 27. Various organizations, members of the Round Table, will compete for the prizes to be awarded for the most original, the most dramatic and the most humorous sketches. Skits need not be original. Ralph Nogg; is chairman for the evening.
Plans Completed For Music Concert Plans have been completed for the concert of Jewish music to be presented at the J. C. C. on Tuesday evening, April 3, by Samuel Mirviss. Mr. Mirviss will illustrate and interpret the whole range of Jewish music in his recital. At a meeting of the members of the C-2 club of the Conservative Synagogue, which is sponsoring the recitation, Miss Ruth Shapiro, ticket chairman, reported progress.
Ladies Labor Lyceum The Ladies Labor Lyceum club will hold a social meeting Tuesday evening, March 20, at the Labor Lyceum, 22nd and Clark. The installation of officers will be featured, and refreshments will be served by Mrs. L. Bailen in honor of her daughter, Bessie, who recently graduated from Technical high school with honors. Only members will attend.
Xi Lambda
MADE LIEUTENANT. ^.Herman. Faier has been appointed a second lieutenant in the army infantry reserve.
Council of Jewish Women Concluding a series of discussions on the Vinson Naval bill, Mrs. Robert Glazer will give a paper on its economic phase on Monday, March 19, at 2:30 p. m.t at the home of Mrs. Harry Malashocli. Mrs. Manuel Grodinsky and Mrs. Henry Newman will preside at a business session preceding the discussion.
Vaad Auxiliary A Passover program will be featured at the regular meeting of the Ladies Vaad Auxiliary Monday, March 19, at 2 p. xn. at the B'nai "Israel synagogue. Rabbi Miller will speak on. "Passover," and Passover songs will be sung by Cantor A. Schwaczkin. A symposium on. "The Modern Jewish. Woman." will be presented. Refreshments will be served by Mrs. Louis Epstein and her committee.
A slumber party for rushees is being planned by the Rho Omego by a committee under the direction of Miss Esther Witkin. The newly-elected officers are the Misses Ida Epstein, president; Esther Junior Society Witkin, vice-president; Sarah Kolnick, secretary; Sylvia Weiner, treas- The next meeting of the Junior urer; Sylvia Letwin, reporter. Society of the Conservative SynaPledges are Lorraine Fogel and Julia gogue will be in the form of a dinner Fishbain. at the Hamilton Cafe on Monday, March 19. Dinner will be followed by a short business meeting. Re-Im Plans are being completed for a At a meeting of the Re-Im club benefit to be given by the Junior Thursday at the JVC. C. Rabbi D. A. Society April 8. Goldstein spoke on his travels and the situation in Europe. A musical program was also presented. New members admitted are Dr. Ben Goldw days ware, Sam Kaiman and Harry Weiner. y A successful dance was given SunOn Other Days—"c day. Featured entertainment includSHXRTS—Finished, 8c each ed Irving Pazoff, acrobatic tap dancing; Jack Frieden, songs; Miss Cissie, dance; Sol Dolgoff, songs. An "Apache Dance" was given with Jack Frieden as the "lady" and Iz Soskin the "young man." ZBISTABHAM AX2BI5 Another dance will be given by the club soon.
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The Men's Club of the Conservative Synagogue win meet next Wednesday evening. The dinner will start promptly at 6:15 p. m. The feature will be an address by Father Leo Mullaney, S. J., of Crcighton University, speaking on "The Art of Keeping Sane in the Modern World." He is noted for his humor and eloquence. Reservations may be made with Horace Rosenblum, Arthur Cohn, or at the J. C. C. The "cafeteria style" dinners will be eliminated, and waiters will serve, it is planned. The organization's telephone committee has been re-organized, with Bon Theodore as chairman.
TEACHER OF FIANO IATEST METHODS In Popular and Classical Mario
The Sefer Torah given to the Conservative Synagogue by the children of the late Chaim Michel Gross was dedicated last Sunday evening. Approximately 400 people witnessed the ceremonies. The Sefer Torah was presented by Mr. Bernard Gross on behalf of the family. Eabbi N. Feldman and Rabbi Uri Miller made addresses. J. J. Greenberg accepted on behalf of the congregation. Tlie sum of §1050 in cash was contributed. The donors: Reuben Bordy, Rabbi D. A. Goldstein, Philip Greenberg, Mrs. Julius Stein, Bernard Gross, Dave B. Conn, Harry Kulakofsky, J. Rosen, Simon Pizer, Sam Kaplan, I. Berkowitz, A. Pradell, J. J. Greenberg, David Greenberg, O. Fox, Dave Sherman, M. Lerner, M. Fox, Al WoMner, Joe Bloch, Mrs. P. Saks, Sam Gross, Dave Finkel, Mrs. Frohm, Dora Somit, Harry Silverman, Harry Malashock, I. Dansky, A. B. Alpirn, Mrs. Lizzie Adler, Mrs. Grossman, Dave Conn, A. D. Frank, John Feldman, Ruben Kulakofsky, Sam Beber, A. Sofer and sister, Sam Meyerson, Sam Geifman, Dave Finkel, Ben Gershun, Blanche Zimman, Max Simon, E. Meyer, Art Cohn.
On This
Men's Club Meets Next Wednesday
The Ladies Auxiliary extends an 9 COURSES invitation to all out of town students to observe the Passover and Chicken 50c its Sedarim in the homes of its members. All out of town students who Duck to would care to do so are asked to Steaks 65c get in touch with Rabbi Miller at the B'nai Israel synagogue, 18th and Business Men's Lunch 35c Chicago streets or by calling Ja. 0887. The auxiliary every year ar2406 Farnam JA. 9393 Hadassah ranged for out of town students to observe the Passover in various Book Review Group No. 2 of the homes of its membership andCs very local Hadassah will meet Tuesday, happy to be of service in this reMarch 20, at 2 o'clock at the home The Jewish Operetta Co. spect. of Mrs. R. M. Shlaes, 2571 Pinkney of New York St. Mrs. Ben Silver, nee Madeleine Presents the Fopnlar FIny Cohn, will review "Cross of Peace" Young: Judaea by Philip Gibbs. Mrs. Sol Novitsky The local Young Judaeans wfll is co-hostess. dramatize the Passover play, "The Silver Cup," as a fund-raising means Which will be followed by a concert by the Entire Company on April 4 at the J. C. C. lodge Daughters of Zion room. This Snnday Evening at the The cast: Beatrice Eisman, Rose A meeting of the Daughters of Zion K. C. Auditorium, 201 h and Dodge Kirschenbaum, Betty Tarnoff, Eve will be held Wednesday, March 21, at Broadcasts Friday Xiplii, 8:00-8:30 Over KICK Kuznit, Molly Kelberg. Songs and 2:30 p. m. at the J. C. C All memSunday Afternoon i;-.00-l?;30 readings will also be featured. bers and friends are urged to be presConcert and Show Only 50c Sarah Beber will be master of ent. ceremonies. The program and play is directed ljy Miss Minnie Miller, niniiiiiniiiiimiiiiniiiiiiHiiiiuiiHiiiiniiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiHiiiiHiiiiiiiitiiuiuiiii^ one of the co-sponsors of Young Judaea.
The installation banquet of newlyelected officers of Xi Lambda was held Sunday, March 11, at the Picadilly Tea Rooms. The following were installed: Oscar Mayerowich, president; Morris Franklin, vice-president; Max Turner, secretary; Ralph Nogg, treasurer. Short talks were given by the officers, the main address being given by Phil A stag will be held Saturday eve- Feldman, advisor. ning, March 17, at the Fontenelle Auxiliary of Hotel honoring the Psi Mu basketball team, winners of the J. C. G. Young Men's Vaad Congregation of Israel title; also Manny Goldberg and Ben Rosen, winners of the J. C. C. Dr. Victor E. Levine has been The Ladies Auxiliary of the Condoubles handball; and Millard Sigal, chosen as advisor of the Young Men's gregation of Israel of South Omaha will hold a regular monthly meetwinner of the city singles ping pong Vaad. The regular meeting which was to ing Monday, March 19, at 2 p. m. championship. The Psi Mu will sponsor another have been held this Tuesday has in the assembly hall of the synamatinee dance next Sunday after- been postponed until Tuesday eve- gogue, 25th and J. All members are urged to attend. noon, March 18, at 3:30 p. m. at ning, March 27. " the J. C. C. Sam Turner's eight-piece colored orchestra will play. Sam Epstein was chosen to represent the group on the Board of Governors. Last Sunday the organization celebrated its sixth annual Psi Boy riolin genius wbose left hand lias been insured for Mu Day with a full program of activity. A basketball game with the Sioux City A. Z. A., a matinee dance and a banquet featured.
UNCHEON AND BENEFIT BRIDGE. The Quarter-To-Ten Heading club is sponsoring its anual luncheon and bridge benefit for the public school lunch and milk fund on Saturday, March 24, at the Blackstone Hotel at 1 o'clock. This fund operates at present in 42 public schools and serves over 2,000 children daily. Reservations may be made with Mrs. David Feder.
Is your appetite run down and lifeless? Have you got a "sardine" of an appetite or a "whale" of an appetite? Establish the Jack and Jill as your regular eating headquarters and you will find a new zest whetting your appetite... you wilLsoon build up a "whale of an appetite." Our delicious menus are most palatable . . . served unexcelled in a quaint and soothing atmosphere. A Suggestion tor Any Night
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You can have this beautiful Magic Chef range without a cent of cash outlay. GSve us your old stove as the down payment. Pay the balance in e a s y monthly installments on your regular gas biuIt's a true bargain . . . low priced, beautifully designed, includes many of the newest features that make cooking so much easier these days. With the last redaction in gas rates, this gas range becomes more economical to operate than ever.
Three Great Groups! Tou'll have to SEE this group to realize that so much suit smartness is possible at $18! We hand picked each one . . . the swagger eoat types, the finger-tip length jackets . . . the box jackets! Suits that will take you a long way in smartness! Tweeds and novelty wools . . . sport styles and dressy models! . . . Navies, black, beiges, greens and grays. If you could FEEL the fabrics of these fine suits here and now . . . we know you would be as enthusiastic as we are over their value at $35! All length jackets-
Herzbergs ( .jHiiniiiiiiHiiiiuuniuiiiiuiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiHHiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiip
STREAMLINE TRAIN AT DAM—This photo shows the new streamline railroad train during its visit at Boulder dam in Black canyon' where the Colorado river forms the boundary between Arizona and Nevada. u
; AS Bf iMINGHAM FIRE RAGED—Firemen are pictured battling the raging blaze which swept through a downtown business block at Birmingham, Ala., causing damage estimated at $3,000,000 and resulting in the injury of 24 persons. "
A GOOD TIME FOR ALL—Governor Herbert H. Lehman of New York is shown with some of his guests at a theater jiarty in Brooklyn which he gave for inmates of the borough's orphan asylums.
SPRING ASSERTS ITSELF—How spring disputes the right to th« land in the upper reaches of the Alpine heights near St. MoritsB, Switzerland, with King Winter can be seen in this photo. About this time of the year, the urge of spring sends hardy blooms of crocus, iris and other flowers through the ground to meet the rays of the sun, even before the last of the snow has been removed from the ground.
SO HE TRIED IT—Someone told Harold Canning, 34-year-old used car dealer, that flying an airplane is as easy as driving an automobile. So, Canning bought a plane, and—well, here's the plane after his solo flight at the Flushing, N. Y., airport. The plane, as you can see, is considerably damaged, and Canning, as yott might suspect, is considerably wiser.
,__ •••.
i-.Vi 'I
AN HISTORIC GUN—Here is the first American gun that was fired in France during the World war. The field piece, placed somewhere along the Lorraine sector, was the first of Uncle Sara's artillery to hurl shells at the German trenches.
THE DRAFT—This memorable scene, taken in the office of Secretary of War Newton D. Baker, at Washfaioion June 27 1918, ehows how many of the American doughboys were selected for service. A total of 760 000 men'were drafted in this two-hour lottery alter Secretary Baker, blindfolded, picked. th« first caosule from the glass bowL
'JUIIIIIIIIIIIUIillllllllllllllllllinilllllllll^ _ Soviet ladies, can also give them =[pointers on the broiling of steals, art in which he is an expert. . . The Miami villa of entertainer Harry E . from = Ei< Richman once belonged to the Cin5 cinnati yeast Mng, Julius Fleisch5:niann, for "whose concern Harry ran S errands, in his boyhood, for the sum of seven bucks a -week. By PH1NEAS J. BIBOff
is having his troubles -with the Progressives in the Senate . . . Astute Sam Untermyer suggests that the government expand the postal savings bank system to take over all of the nation's banking on a fool-proof basis . . . NRA. deputy Sol Rosenblatt, a birdie whispers, will succeed "Will (Film Czar) Hayes before - Dr. Boris Aisurowitch. of Berlin, the YF POLITICAL SIDELIGHTS . . ,_ , , „ ? u t • • • Pittsburgh's en- internationally-known Ort leader, will lrn L L 'Tis said that the rumpus about the ergetic and sincere Congressman Hen- speak a t services at Temple Israel resignation of I^eo Wolman fromlry Ellenbogen, who was born in this evening the NRA Labor Board and l i e gen-j Czechoslovakia _ at the turn of the, Saturday "morning regular junior eral irritation rampant among NRA century, by y is being swamped p y fan services services will will be be held held officials officials in in recent recent months months is is due due to to mail mail resulting resulting from from his his Sunday Sunday night night, ii ^ ^ College Club ""study group will the fact that Prof. Felix Frankfurter, broadcasts . . . While New York's m e e t a t th e Temple Sunday aftermentor of the brood, has been in (Congressman Wilfiain L Sirovich—a noon at 4:15 p m. London It takes takes his his soothing soothing in- doctor doctor, mind mind y you—is increasingg his his , j ^ t Tuesday London . . . It o u i s increasing T d evening the adult g in l l i by treating study class will ill meet, with Mr Isy fluence, it seems, to keep his brilliant always great popularity proteges placated . . . Treasury Sec- his fellow Representatives to luscious Rosenthal conducting the class." Morgenthau, whose energetic dad has doughnuts (Copyright, 1934, by Seven Arts just returned to the realty investing Feature Syndicate) field after an absence of many years,
Religious Services Temple
day, March 20. Irving Chudacoff and Ernie Nogg have the leading roles. In the A. Z. A, handball tourney, Lou Eiklin defeated Jay Adler in the semi-finals and -will play Art Weiner for the title.
A. Z. A. 1
Final plans have been completed for A. Z. A. Sabbath to be conducted March 22. Those speaking for the Mother chapter at the Conservative synagogue are Lou J. Riklin and Israel Bercovici, and at the Vaad Ben SHOXWELL, MOVSKY, GnODI>"SIiY & Shrier and Massie Baum. YANCE, Attorneys 737 Omaha >"afl Bank B The chapter will also participate in All-Star Night at the J. C. C. Tues- NOTICE BY TTBLICATION ON TKTI-
Vienna, (WNS)—Widespread rumore that thq Dollfuss regime has reached a last minute truce with the ABOUT PEOPLE TION FOR SET«,EMENT OF FINAL belligerent Nazis have contributed to Busy though she is attending ConADSltNlSTKATION At'COl.M MONSKT, GRODIXSKY & In the County Court of Douglas County, a marked revival of fear among Aus- gress sessions and issuing statements VAXCE, Attorncj-s trian Jews who. for a time had re- opposing Communism, Representative Nebraska. ?S7 Omaha National Bank Bldg. In the Mutter of the Estate of Ralph garded the immediate future with Florence P. Kahn of California none Owens. Deceased. more optimism and hope in view of the less finds time for relaxation. All persons interested in said matter are XOTICE OF CHATTEL JIOKTGAGE hereby notified that on the 3rd duy of SALE the repeated official and unofficial Especially when it comes to seeing a 1934, Sam Josephson filed a petition Notice is hereby given thnt on the 30th March. assurances from Chancellor Dollfuss, movie with sound by Conrad Kann, ill said County Court, praying Hint his fiday of March, 1HS4, at 10 o'clock A. M., at the LINCOLN MUTUK COMPANY, £_•«« nal administration account filed herein be leaders of the Heimwehr and other her son, who did among other things, Harney Street, Omaha, Nebraska, the un- settled and allowed, nnd that lie be disaccredited government spokesmen that Garbo's and Metro-Goldwyn's "Queen dersigned will sell at public cuctiou to the charged from his tmrt us administrator and that a hearing will be had on paid highest bidder lor cash She also likes to atno anti-Semitic measures "were con- Christina* petition before said Court on the Bist day One CheTrolet Conpe Automobile templated. In the absence of confir- tend capitol social functionss of March, 1934, and thnt if you fail to npTear 1931, Siodel No. "101'IH), Serial No. h 3AE4123, covered by a chattel mortgage in pear before said Court on the said 31st mation for these persistent rumors, music by Sidney Seidenman, the more favor ol the LiECom Motor Compnuv ami day of March, 15>34, at 9 o"clock A. M.. nn<\ At services tonight Rabbi D. A. signed the failure of the Nazis to renew so since Sidney knows that she loves by 1>. J. Keete, said monpige be- contest said petition, the Court may grant ing September -nd, 11)33, and having the prayer of said petition, enter a decree Goldstein will continue the discussion beendated their nation-wide attacks on the gov- to hear the Blue Danube waltz . . . filed iu the office of the Count}' of heirship, and make such other and furbegun last week on "The Making of ernment at the expiration of their As a pick-me-up for one who wants CJerk of Douglas County, Nebraska, on the ther orders, allowances and decrees, nB to 6th day of September, 193S, tipon -which this Court may seem proper, to the end the Modern Jew." ultimatum is regarded as significant. to turn from hard work to a pleassaid mortgage there is now due and owing thnt Rll matters pertaining to paid estate He will present the factors which the Bum of $171.00. Said sale will l>e for the may be finally settle<! nnA determined. Some sources cfaim that the alleged i suable interlude, Mrs. Kahn recorapurpose foreclosing said mortKBg-e, lor BKXCE -CRAWFORD. have produced the maladjustments' of the costs Qf trurA is only nnlv temporary tsmnnrarv to tn give JTIVB thr> truce tha mends a cocktail . . . It is our painof the sale and all nceming costs, 3-9-34-3t County Judge. ful duty to inform NRA Administrathe Jew today. He will also indicate nnd for the purpose of satisfying the above Dollfuss government, a breathing stated sum now due and owing, and that , the proposed solutions to the Jewish no suit or other proceedings at law hare spell and time to consolidate its tor Nathan Straus, Jr., that the maWASTED been instituted to recover said debt or any S problems. forces but the very existence of these tutinal snorts of the electric horse part thereof. reports has created great disquietude with which he preserves his youthMiddle-aged Jewish woman to do LINCOLN MOTOR COMPAXT ful figure disturb the neighbors, who in Jewish circles. By EDWARD LINCOLN Leipzig Deserted Italy Bans Nazi Party housework and cooking. like to sleep late. 31C-34-3t. Another official declaration, ostenLeipzig — A funereal atmosphere in Trieste services trill be held this BOX 15 sibly designed to allay Jewish fears, STAGE AND SCREEN pervades this city because of the all Trieste' (WNS) — Following the Regular evening at S o'clock at the SHOT WELL. MOKSKY, C RODIN SKY & from Prince Ernst yon Starhemberg, Of all tiie dumb—and we mean too noticeable, absence of foreign seizure of a cache of pistols, tear gas Friday TANCE, Attorneys commander of the Heimwehr, has stupid — stunts pulled recently the buyers at the annual Leipzig Trade gun's and smoke bombs and a large B'nai Israel synagogue under the 737 Omaha National Bank Bid?. auspices of the Vaad. Rabbi Cri done nothing to calm the Jewish pop- worst, in our opinion, was that of Fair. quantity of anti-Austrian propaganda Miller will officiate with the asulation. In an extended interview Benjamin Mindlin, a Brooklynite who ifOTICTE OF DfCOKPORATION OI" 1897 1934 There are crowds, but they are the Italian government ordered the sistance MIDLAND REALTY COMPANY of Cantor A. Schwaczkin •with foreign newspaper correspon- decided to produce a moving picture practically all German. This "world's dissolution of the Trieste Nazi party, ILLINOIS BANKERS LIFE dents, Starhemberg, who is the power depicting anti-Jewish violence in Ger- largest fair" is deeply suffering from consisting largely of Austrians. Si- and the B'ani Israel choir. The subNotice is hereby given that, the underASSURANCE CO. ject of Rabbi Miller's sermon will bs signed behind Dollfuss, declared that he was many, and chose an empty lot in the world boycott. have formed a corporation, pursumultaneously two Austrians and one "How Shall We Build Our Home ant to the Home Office Honmonth, HI. laws ol the State of Nebraska. opposed to "the exaggerated racial West New York, N. J., for his openGerman were arrested. Land?" This will be a discussion of T i e name of the corporation is MIDLAND theories of the Nazis" and to "their air production . . . That section of Legal Conference \Te feature the new JuvenUe edocaKEALTX COMPANY, with its principal The banning of the Nazi party was tionRl policy, which is paid np at schemes for a semi-pagan national New Jersey being a hot-bed of NaziLondon —A world Jewish legal con- accompanied by an official statement recent achievements in Palestine and place of business in the City of Omaha, death or disability of the beneDouglas Connty, Nebraska. The objects religion." While admitting that on ism, a genuine riot soon was in vention, said to be the first of its saying that the arrests were made as its significance to the Jews in Amer- for ficiary. which this corporation is formed are: other points the Heimwehr has much progress, with the result that the kind in history, will be called in Jer- the result of "suspicious actions" by ica. To maintain and operate a general renl The after-service forum will fea- estate holding company, and to buy, sell, in common with the Naiis, Starhem- cops pulled in would-be producer usalem for the purpose of regulating the foreigners. ture a symposium by members of the berg said he would not negotiate with marriage and divorce laws, surveying Haym Salomon, revlocal Young Judaea. This is in ob- The company shall have authority to borthem as a political party. General Agent olutionary patriot, will be the hero Jewish rights in the Diaspora and in England Considers Ban on row money and issue evidences of indebtservance of Young Judaea Sabbath edness Palestine, and setting up of a legal therefor. The total authorized capPolitical Uniforms Although outwardly peace and or- of a flicker, by Jim Tully and Arch is taking place throughout ital stock is ?10,000.00, par value 5100.00 per S3S-540 Electric Bldg. JA. 7320 London (WNS) — A ban en the •which der have been restored and the gov- Gaffney, to be entitled, "Son of Lib- faculty at the Hebrew University. share, all stock common, and shall be the country. A cordial invitation is fully pa'd and non-assessable when wearing of political uniforms in Eng- extended to the Jewish community, ernment and its Heimwehr allies ap- erty" Broadway is expecting Require Relief issued. The corporation shall commence land such as those sported by Sir Ospear to be in complete control of the to see two of its familiar figures _i f-y-a „.__:-„ i business upon the filing of its Articles with Warsaw — One-fourth of all the a t t n e service t h e C o u n t y a e r k o f D o n g i a B Connty, Necountry, the general uncertainty and portrayed on the stage shortly . . . Jews in Warsaw require Passover re- wald Mosley's black - shirted anti- to be present braska, and shall continue until January Judaea and at the special Young the tension resulting from the Nazi One is Libby Holman, Cincinnati Jew- lief, according to figures of the Beth- Semitic Fascists and Captain Emer- program 1st. 13S4. The iigbest amount of indebtedto follow. son's anti - Semitic blue - shirts was The Religious School meets this ness shall not exceed two-thirds of the j threats and the embittered feeling of ish girl whose past few years have lehem Society. Inc. capital stock. This restriction stall not i foreshadowed by Sir -John Gilmour, Sunday the Socialists have contributed to the been packed full of enough experiapply to indebtedness secured by real esi morning at 10 o'clock. ' Plans tate. The number of members of the board home secretary, when he told the are going increased migration of Jews. When ences to last the nominal person a Apostasy Cuts Jewish for a Passover shall be provided for by the Uy-I^aws. House of Commons that he was giv- assembly toforward the present situation first developed, lifetime, and who is to be depicted in Population of Hungary Board shall administer the affairs be held on Sunday, which the corporation. The stockholders stall ing the question "serious considera- March 25. All parents and friends of most of the Austrian Jews who left "Torch Singer" . . . The other, Prohold their annual meeting on the third Rome—Apostasy and a declining tion." the country went to Poland and ducer Jed Harris, now on a comein February of each year and are invited to be present at this Wednesday elect a President. Vice-President, Secretary Czechoslovakia. Now many of them back after the decline that followed birthrate have made great inroads Police reports show that men wear- special assembly. and Treasurer. The Articles may be on the Jewish population of Hunare going to Palestine. his meteoric rise to wealth some gary, according to a report in the ing these political uniforms were reamended upon notice as provided for. The corporation shall have a seal. Meanwhile the Nazi agitation shows years ago, will be presented for your Osservatore Romano, chief organ of sponsible for 22 public disturbances in Dated January ISth, 1934. the last six months. inspection in a play co-authored by no signs of abating. Leaflets printed H. B. COHT5N ;he Vatican. The paper presents figH. MARQUARDT in Germany and circulated here by his first wife . . . Why is it that ures showing that in the past decade Says Nazis Will Crush The Junior Congregation will meet A. GREENBERG the Nazis declare that the Austrian Maurice ( Y i d d i s h Art Theatre) the number of Jews in Hungary has this Sunday morning at 9 o'clock 2-23-34-4t. Socialists were even more "Jewified" Schwartz has had the most disas- decreased by 29,000. Of this number All Religions •with the adult congregation at the Berlin—One people, one church B'nai Israel synagogue for its servthan the German Socialists. Other trous season he has experienced for 10,000 became converts to ChristianNazi literature calls on Austrians to years, although the play he started ity. Hungarian Jews are now five and one state in Germany is the ices. This is "Shabos Ttosh Chodesh" goal of the NazL .regime, Reichs- and all the members are urged to repudiate their debts to Jews and to out with was the best in the history per.cent of the total population. bishop Mueller declared at a mass be^present.,, Refreshments -will, be of his group? . . .Columnist F. P. refuse to pay -rent to Jewish, landmeeting't>f German Christians. A. andTeafiore writer Rose CTTield "Silk doves" ~ ~ - "~~"~ lords. .. • . served by Mr. and Mrs. Sam Clayare busy dramatizing the lady's suc- Uiga—The Jewish deputy, M. Du- He said that the German Chris- man in observance of their daughter tains will not rest tmtil every church cessful novel, "A Young Man of bin, accused the Latvian Minister of Marion's birthday and by Mr. and Now the rumor is that the Interior treating Latvian Nazi pulpit in Germany is occupied by a Mrs. Glicken in observance of their Fifty" Nazi and until all church members 9 S. L. (Roxy) Rothafel is coming back organizations with silk gloves, stressson Kenneth's birthday. Hosts to the I am selling Matzoth and Pe- to his old hangout, the Roxy theatre, ing that their activities warranted are Nazis. Hans Schemm, Bavarian Jr. Congregation nest Saturday will minister of culturej said that all resach articles at 1G10 Ko. 24th St.; which is to be taken over by Metro- imprisonment and swift action. ligious denominations must either be Mr. and Mrs. Dave Crounse in at the Community Butcher Shop; Goldwyn. He also complained of the exces- open their gates to Nazi conceptions observance of Mr. Crounse's birthand at my residence, 2926 Charles sive income tax collections exacted of race and people or perish in Ger- day. STRICTLY PERSONAL St. All Jewish children are urged to from poor Latvian Jews and of ex- many. Movie Star Edward G. Robinson I also "verkoif Chamotz" at affiliate with the Jr. Congregation cessive taxation of Jews as combelieves in doing things thoroughly these places, and in addition at held under the auspices of the Vaad pared with non-Jews. Villages in Syria the 25th and Seward St. syna- . . . This rabbi's son read 37 volIstanbul (WNS) —Four Arab vil- and in co-operation with the City umes on-Napoleon in preparation for gogue from 6 to 7 p. m. daily. United Synagogue Opens War lages in Syria, near the Palestine bor- Talmud Torah. RABBI N. FELDMAN, AT 5957. his role of the little Corporal . . . on Obscene Literature der, have been bought for $750,000 by Portrait painter Leon Gordon loves New York (WNS) — Organizations M. Djevldruse, a wealthy Jew, to setto plan—and eat highfalutin' dinners tie Healtfe ef Little Feet . . . Jazz king Irving Berlin will be and rabbis affiliated with the United tle German-Jewish refugees who have Synagogue of America were called on been barred from Palestine, according on the air after all ,we hear, on an Fresh Poultry. Eggs and Butter Faulty shoes now, may handiprogram which he will join about to join with other religions groups in to a report in the Jewish weekly, cap roar child with foot flls When "Gerald War- a united campaign to arouse public Akshav. mid-spring later on. Kali-sten-ika shoes The Arabs living in these villages burg's recitals are on the air the jentiment against objectionable and combine Jaet the right degree offensive magazines and indecent thehave already begun to protest because station has an extra police guard, to of foot support with flexibOi* atrical performances in a resolution they will have to find other quarters protect the §800,000 worth of instru1301 No. 24th St. ty that allows perfect freedom. The seamless buck proments used by Gerry's group . . . adopted by the executive council of within six months, but the purchase was made with the approval of the tects tender feet and stockMax Herberg, fashion editor, now in the United Synagogue. ings. The resolution pointed out that the French government, which holds the the U. S. S. R., engaged in inauguUnited Synagogue's action is not to mandate over Syria. rating a dress pattern service for the be construed as censorship but is aimSizes for Infants t& Scnu&r Misses ed only against magazines and shows FKADEXBCKG, STALMASTEB, EEBEK & EJUCTZNICK, Attornej-a landering to "base instincts and emoUaQ Orders - ese Omaha National Bank Bide. Returned Pestpaid At a meeting of the Voltaire tions." Formerly In the Insurance Bid?. NOTICE OF AD3HNISTBATION Young Circle dub last Thursday at Children Shelter JA, 3480 214 No. 18th St. In the Connty Court of Douglas County, the J. C. C, Milton Wallman was NEW YORK—Preliminary plans Nebraska. Across from the City Bail elected delegate to the Mid-west Dis- for the relief of German Jews who In the Matter of the Estate ol Benjamin Deceased. Oar X-Kay FtHiag Machine entrict conference "which meets here in may possibly "want to find homes in Polikov, All persons interested in said estate are ables » to set any feet peeeiiOmaha Sunday at the Labor Lyceum. t i e United States for their children hereby notified that a petition has been ariHes, and to fit the shoe filed in said Court alleging that Said deHarry l^erner was chairman. accordingly. are under consideration here by the ceased died leaving no last will and pray3 ing for administration upon his estate, Mr. Harry Mendelson spoke on Committee on German-Jewish Immiand that a hearing will be had on said Storm Door«—Combinotion Poorj g "A Bird's Eye View of Modern gration Policy, a subcommittee of the petition before said court on the Slst day W« Are AUs Headquarters for ol March, 1934, and that 11 they fail to NATIONAL Life." A "hard-times party" is Joint Council on German-Jewish Per- appear Girl Scout Shoes at said Court on the said 31st day MJCKLIN UUMBERiW; 1 planned. Leonard Korney was ad- secutions. SHOE EEPAIE CO. of March, 1934, at 9 o'clock A. M., to cong r a n t the said petition, the Court may?• grant ATlantlc 6200 mitted. 19th and Nicholo. > y JA; SOOOi* Represented on the committee are test Juvenile Shoe Section—Third Floor same and grant administration of said_ es_. SIS SO. 16th St. C09So.l£ttiBt. The subject for next week's dis- the American Jewish Committee, the tate to Eva Polikov or some other suitable to a settlement thereof. American Jewish Congress and B'nai person and proceed cussion will be "Pacifism." BBYCE CRAWFOKD, B'rith. 3-9-34-3t. . County Judge.
Joseph J- Pink
JA. 7474
Driver Owned Fully Insured
Junior Congregation
JLoofe to the Future Whem Wou Buy Y&mr Ckildrem s Shoes
Quality Shoe Rebuilding
Produce Distributors Co.
Shoe Shining
Young Circle
3,75 to $7.00
: l | | l |
Paxton Mitchell Co. j
Alpha Pi Tau
z Grey Iron, Aluminum and ~ A new organization to be known Bronze Castings as Alpha Pi Taa has been formed Wood and Metal Patterns at the J. C. C. by a group of young 2614 Martha St. HA. 5523 men. At a recent election of officers, Charles' Gendler was named president; Phil Batsman, vice-president, Herb Marks, secretary, and Louis Canar, treasurer. Other charter members are: Abe Katz, Loyal Kaplan Iz Minkin, Nate Cutler, Sen Katzman, and Willie Smith. The group plans to be active in all social, cultural, and athletic events sponsored by the Jewish community. The club was represented In the recent J. C. C. Open basket ball tournament.
The Menu Always Provides Good Foods of Unequaled Variety at Moderate Prices Eat at the
A. Z. A. 100
Next Sunday;the Century chapter will.inaugurate its policy of having a member give a brief talk about a prominent personality in 'Jewish-his; tory. The advisors of the chapter chosen for the ensuing terms are;Julius Bisno, Bill Wolf e, Ralph Nogg.-Ephraim Marks, and Dan Lintzman.
1511 Farnam St.
" Meet Your Friends
1413 Douglas
Long Distance telephoning is th* quick, easy and personal way of keeping in touch with, persons in different communities. After 8:30 p. m> yon can talk (station-to^totion service) 100 miles for 55 cents, 400 mile* for $1.00. Ask **LGH$ Distance" for rates t* any place.
Sioux City News Miss ANNA PILL; Correspondent •o-
Committees Named for Monte Carlo Party
Rothschild Library Renamed
in eaiil County Court, praying that his fiGerman-Jewish refugees. nal administration account filed heretn tm and allowed, and that he be o i l Amsterdam—One hundred and sev- Here young Jewish refugees will •settled charged from his trust ns executor nna enty jwres of land reclaimed from be trained in new trades and inthat a hearing will be had on said petition before said Court on the Slst dfty OI the Zuider Zee have been leased for farming. March, 1934, nnd that if you fail to appear two years by the Dutch government before said Court on the said 31st day of J. FRIEDMAN. Attemcy March, 1834, nt 8 o'clock A. M., and conto the Amsterdam committee for 584 Insurance Building:
For Refugee Colony
Frankfurt.—The Rothschild library here has been renamed by the municipal authorities. It is now called the "Library for Languages and Music." It was established in 1887 by Louise Rothschild from a foundation left for that purpose by her father Karl. The.library consists of 70,000 volumes including • a number of rare books.
Committees for the Monte Carlo party on March 25 were named by test said petition, the Court may grant the the president at a recent meeting of praver of eaid petition, enter a decree of NOTICE B r PCBtlCATIOS ON PETIM O N & WHITE, Attorney. heirship, and make such other and furthe Young Judean dub. , TIOX FOR SET1XEMEST OF FINAXi City National Bank JJuildinj; ther orders, ullpwances and decrees, as to Miss Lucille Appelang is chairman, AI>MINISTBATION ACCOUNT this Court may seem proper, to the end In the Matter of the Estnte of Bessie assisted by Rose Bashefkin, Sylvia NOTICE O F AMENDMENT TO T H E that all matters pertaining to said estate Wintroub Pill, Deceased. AKTII;LES O F IXCOKI'OKATION* O F may be finally settled and determined. Borshevsky, Sadie T a x e r , Bertha All persons interested in said matter ore BEXCE CRAWFORD, E-B MANUFACTURING CO. hereby notified that on the 1st day of Snovsky, and Hazel Kantrovich. County Judge. Notice is hereby given that at the an-March, 1934, Samuel Cohen filed a petition i 3-9-34-3t. The party will be held a t the J. nual meeting of the stockholders of the E - B MANUFACTUK1NU CUMi'AN JT, a C. C. and will be open to the public. SHOIWEIX, SIONSKY, GKOBINSKT & corporation, held at Omaha, Nebraska, on VANCE and HABBT B. COHEN
the 22nd day of January, 1934, Article I
of its Articles of Incorporation was entireAttorneys Dr. H. M. Levin was elected pres- A final wind-up drive for the mem- Date Set for Senior ly stricken out and the following article 737 Omaha Rational Bank Bids:. was substituted ns Article 1 of said Artiident "of the Zionist Organization of bership and dues to the Federation cles of Incorporation and reads as follows: Hadassah Convention Sioux City, Monday evening, in theof Jewish Social Service was begun PJROBATK NOTICE AKTICLK 1. NAM1S. J. C' C. He succeeds Mr. B. H. Em-last Tuesday evening, when the Board In the Matter of the Estate of SADIE The name of this- corporation shall MANN, Deceased. lein. Dr..Levin is a former president of Directors of the Federation met at The .date for the convention of the Notice is hereby given that the creditors be ACME FINAN'CE COltl'OUATlON. South West Region of Senior Hadas- of said deceased will meet the administraof th& B'nai Brith lodge, and hasthe Community Center. ACME FINANCE CORPORATION, tor of said estnte, before me, County Judge been active in. all Jewish communal Mr. E. N. Grueskin was appointed sah, t o be held in Sioux City, has of Douglas County, Nebraska, at the CounBy ARTHUR S. KOKENSEN, President. chairman of the drive. Ah effort will been set for May 27 and 28, accord- ty Court Boom, In said County, on the work. GLADYS M. tiOUENSEN, ! day of April, 1934, and on the 25th Mr. A. M. Davis was elected vice- be made to subscribe all Jewish fam- ing to .Mrs. R. H. Emlein, president 24th Secretary. day of June, 1934, at 9 o'clock A. M., each S-0-S4-4t. president; "Dr. J. N. Lande, treasur- ilies not yet contacted by the vari- of the local chapter. day, for the purpose of presenting their ous committees. Mrs. E. N. Grueskin and Mrs. Louis claims for examination, adjustment and er; Prank Margolin, secretary. 1EON & WHITE, Attorneys Three months are allowed for The Board of Directors includes Plans have been made to conclude Agranoff are in charge of the con-allowance. City National Bank Building the creditors to present their claims, from the 24th flay of March, 1934. A. H. Baron, Barney Baron, M.Brod- the "drive by the end of the month, vention arrangements. BUYCB CRAWFORD. key, K. H. Emlein, A. Dikel, Mrs. J . at which time a complete report by NOTICK OF INCORPORATION OF 3-2-34-3t. County Judge. CITY FUEL COMPANX N. Krueger, M. Lazriowich, A. Green- the chairmen and their committees Mount Sinai Notice is hereby given thut a corporation berg, Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis, Rab- willbe made. lias been formed under the laws of the SHOTWEIX. MONSKY, CKODINSK1* bi H. E. Rabinowitz, D. L. Rodin, State of Nebraska. VANCE, Attorneys Dr. Theodore N. Lewis will review The name of the corporation is CITY 137 Omaha National Bank Bids:. and M. Seff. ' FUEL COMPAXX nnd the principal place "Three Cities" by Sholom Asch at Plans have been begun for a large for the transaction of its business is the the regular service .tonight NOTICE OF AMENDED ARTICLES OF City of Omnha, Douglas County, Nebraska. mass meeting to be held in the fuAliAMITO PAIUY COilPAJTk" The general nature of the business to be Wednesday evening, Dr. Lewis deture. A membership drive is also Notice »s uereoy «i\eu oi tue Uuuption transacted by the corporation is to purlivered an address at Onawa, Iowa. of AWenued .Articles of Incorporation oi chase, hold, sell, convey, assign, release, planned. t)Ail4X CtMll'AINi lit tue au- mortgage and lease real estate and perTuesday evening, he spoke before the AlfAill'iU uuat meeting of stocKnoiders of tue said sonal property wherever situated; to buy, Following eloquent pleas by A. Ra- Boy Scout Leaders' association. Mon- company hciU oir tne J3tu uay or *'euru- sell, own, nssign. transfer and mortgage belsky and J. Spitznak, internation- day evening he was the principal ary, is**4; tue said Amended Articles' of bonds, securities and stock in other corproviding umoug oilier porations: to draw, make, execute, accept, ally known Zionist workers, last speaker at the Father and Son ban- incorporation tilings tne following: endorse and Issue promissory notes, mortweek at the J.. C. C , pledges to thequet in Anthon, Iowa. 1. xhe name of tue corporation is ALA- gages, drafts, bills of exchange and other negotiable instruments; to borrow money; amount of! $400 were made by mem- The monthly meeting of the Sister- MriO iJAliiX OOMJfANl. • Its principal place of business and to buy nnd sell at wholesale and retail and bers of the audience. The money will hood Book Review Circle will be held the2. ottice of th« corporation is in toe city to ship and transport wood, coal aud fuel Dr. L. W. Dimsdale'of Los An-be turned over to the Ussishkin of Omana, Douglas county, Nebraska. of every kind and description; to conat 2:30 this afternoon in the home 3. '.lue general nature ot the business to struct, purchase, lease nnd operate docks, geles,, died in his home there last Fund. be transacted nnd the objects and powers yards and warehouses and to do anything week,.after an illness of six months. The speakers urged their audience of Mrs. Louis Agranoff. Mrs. Ernest of this corporation, are: incidental to or necessary for the opera(a) To maintain an establishment for tion of snld coal and fuel business. Dr. Dimsdale practiced in. Sioux City to direct their energy toward the up-J. Fribourg will give a reading of Eugene CNeill's play, "Ah Wilderand to carry on a dairy auu creumery The. authorized capital stock of this corfor eight years, before going to Cal- keep of Palestine, saying that the business dealing in, at wnolesale and re-poration shall be 510.000.00 divided into ifornia; to make his home. ^-;- . Jews' need, for a homeland was ness." tail, either or both, milk, cream, ice cream 100 shares of the par value of $100.00 each and ice cream mix, condensed aud pow-to be fully paid for and non-assessible Surviving: are his widow; :a son,greater now than ever before. dered milk products and dairy prouui-ts of when Issued. Said stock may be paid for Howard, who is, a freshman, at the every-kind ami cnaracter and m any andin cash, notes or property, real or personA. Z. A. Sabbath ail Kindred articles with the power to al, tangible or intangible, nt the reasonUniversity of Southern California; purcnuse aud sell any and all commodities able value thereof. One hundred shares of three brothers, J. - Dimsdale b£ Sioux A. Z. A. Sabbath will be observed in any way related to the sa.d general the capital stock shall be paid for lwfore business or which may be tloait m con-thft corporation shall commence business. City,_ S. Dimsdale of White River, tonight at Shaare Zion synagogue, veniently m connection with sucu business. The corporation shall commence busiS. D'.,-Abe Dimsdale' of; Chicago, and . Plans for a hike next Sunday were when members of the chapter will be (b) To purchase, lease, iiire ana otuer- ness on March 1, 11*34. nn<l Rhnll continue wise acquire real-and personal property, a nephew, Dr. Louis J. -Dimsdale of made at the meeting . of • the Boyin charge of the complete service. convenient or necessary tor auu to thefor ' a period of fifty years from dati> thereof. Sioux City. on of its business or the accom- The highest amount of Indebtedness to Scout Troop No. 22, last Saturday Max Maron, president of the local carrying plishment of any of the purposes or ob-which this corporation shall at any time night in the Jewish Community Cen- chapter, will deliver the sermon, jects of this corporation, with power to subject itself sh!>il not exceed two-thirds sell, alienate, dispose of, exenange, lease, of Its capital stock. ter. Any boy planning to attend the speaking on "The Chalutzim in Pal-convey, . Shaare Zion mortgage or otherwise encumber, The affairs of this corporation shall be estine." hike, must attend the meeting toand to manage, operate and control such conducted by n board of three directors. Rabbi Rabinowitz will take charge Ernest Epstein will act as chairproperty or nuy part thereof, either diH. A.RKSNICK of the Junior Congregation services morrow-evening, according to those man. The ritual will be read by Max rectly or through ownership of stock In M. H. RESNICK in charge. any other corporation or association. Saturday morning, after an absence •Witness: " • ' " • ' in. any particular limiting S. J. I,KON The membership drive for newZeligson, Rudy Shindler, Sam Sadoff, any(c)ofWithout of several - weeks due to illness in the objects and powers of the cor- 3-2-S4-4t. and Sidney Baumstein. scouts is continuing, and any boy of poration, it is hereby expressly declared his family. . The local A. Z. A. members were and provided that the corporation shall The confirmation class will also scout age, interested in joining, is guests the power to borrow or raise money the Psi Mu fraternity inhave I.EON A WHITE, Attorney* and to issue bonds, mortgages, debentures, resume their mid-week sessions next requested to attend the meeting to- Omaha of City National Bank Building last Sunday, when the basket stock or other obligations for that purmorrow a t 7:30 in the Center. Wednesday evening, at 5 o'clock. The pose and in. payment for property purball team played the Omaha team. chased NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OV confirmation class will meet twice a or acquired by it or for any other The latter won, 35 to 26. The Sioux K & G CLOTHING COMPANY object in or about its business; to guar•week in the future under Rabbi Rab- A reorganization meeting of theCityans were guests at a dance giv- antee tiny dividends or bonds on contracts inowitz's direction, on Wednesday af- Pep girls was held this week and en by the. Psi Mu in the evening. or other obligations; to make and perform Notice i s hereby given that a corporacontracts of every ;kind and description, tion plans were made for a membership ternoon; " and Sunday mornings. has been formed undec the laws of and in carrying on its business or for the the State of Nebraska. Last Tuesday noon, Rabbi Rabino- tea next Monday evening in the purpose of attaining or furthering any of The iiame the corporation Is K & G its olijects, to do any and all other acts CLOTlf'XG of . witz spoke before the Rotary club at tenter. Ladies Auxiliary COMPANY and its principal and things and to - exercise any and all i*r the transaction of its business Le Mars, Iowa, on "The Internation- Tea willbe served and "a program other' powers which- a co-partnership, or place person could do and exercise aud is the City of Omaha, Donglas County, will be presented. Miss Helen Cohen , Over 75. people attended the Ben-natural al Jew." which now or hereaftervmay be authorized Nebraska. is the advisor of the club. The genera! nature of the'.business to b«> efit.Bridge party given Tuesday eve- by law. • t* - ( , ' ( • • = 4. The authorized-capital stock is $200,- transacted by the corporation is to! buy. ning, in the Jewish Community Cen- 000.00 own, hold, lease, assign./ mortgage and divided into 2O,UOD shares of the par ter by the Ladies' Auxiliary of thevalue of. $10.0tF eacbvsH of. which i s com- transfer real estate and personal properstock and when issued shall be folly ty wherever situated; to buy, sell, own, Junior Hadassah Workmen's Circle. Mrs. J. Zeligson mon paid and non-assessaDle. More than 32% hold, assign, mortgage and transfer bonds, was in ^charge of the "arrangements. of the authorized capital stock i s issued, securities, promissory notes, mortgages
FAVORITE of Nebraska Women Try a Bag Today
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Bridge Thursday
outstanding and full)', paid. Stock may be and stock in other corporations; to borpaid for in money,: property or services row money; to operate and. conduct busiuseful to the corporation and of a value ness ot wholesale nnd retail for the sale of The second benefit bridge party of eqnoi to the par value of the stock issued. men's clothing, furnishings and wearing the Junior Hadassah Bridge tourna5. The corporation Is and has been do- npparel of every nature nnd description ing business under its original Articles and to do any and all things incident to ment will be held next Thursday eveand shall continue until February 13, 2034, and necessary for the carrying on of tt of the corporation. ning, March 22, at the J. C. C. Plans Word has been received here from unless sooner dissolved according to lawbusiness The authorized capitnl stock of this corby the nffirmntive action or 8i/J» ot theporation have been made to accommodate over Portland, Ore., of the engagement of ot shall be $10,000.00 divided Into outstanding capital stock. • 100 players. Score prizes for the eve- Miss Sarah Levine, daughter of Rab- 6. Highest amount of indebtedness is 100 shares of the par value of ?iO0.oo per shnre nnd shall be fully paid for and nonlimited to two-thirda of the capital stock; ning will be given and the evening's bi and Mrs. L. J. Levine, to Alfred the restriction, however, belnjj inapplicable nsspssible when issued. Said stock may be score will count towards the grand Braver, son of Rabbi and Mrs. M. obligations the payment of which is se- paid for in cash, notes or property. r«-al curvd by real estate or personal property or personal, tangible or intangible, at the total at the end of the tournament. Braver of Sioux City. The engage- by trust deed or mortgage when the value reasonable Vdlue thereof. Ten shares of Hostesses for the evening will in- ment announcement was made at anof the property exceeds the amount of thethe capital stork shall be paid for l>efore the corporation shall commence business. so secured by at least 40%. clude the Misses Bess Lipshutz, Ruth informal tea recently held in thedebt 7. The affairs of the corporation are to Tht> CO) * ..-.-iMon shall commence business Feldman, Beatrice Pill, Ann Cohen, home of the bride-elect's sister, Mrs. be managed by its officers consisting of a npon the ti'.lng of a copy of its articles of Tresident, Vice-President and Treasurer iucorporat'or. with the county clerk of A. L. Black of Portland, Ore. and Sylvia Rifkin. by and from the membership of thePouglns County, Nebraska, nnd shall conReports of the recent Regional Both Mr. Braver and Miss Levine elected Board of Directors annually, said Board of tinue for a period of fifty years from .the thereof. ••-.". . Board meeting of the Junior Hadas- are former Sioux Cityans and areDirectors being not less than three in num- <lnt-p ber and a Secretary who need not be a The hichest amount of indebtedness to sah, which was held in Des Moines, now residing in Portland. member of the Board. Directors are elect- which this corporation shall nt any time subject Hcelf shall not exceed two-thirds were made by the delegates. The pro- Miss Levine is a graduate of Cen- ed at the nnnual meeting of stockholders of Us capital stock. to be held on the second Tuesday in Febgram included a pageant commemor- tral High school. Mr. Braver attend- ruary The affairs of this corporation shall be of each year. The articles set forth ating the thirteenth anniversary of ed Morningside college and received the powers and duties of the directors. The conducted by a board of two directors,. LOmS K. LIPP also' provide for conveyance or disthe founding of Junior Hadassah. his M. A. and B. A. degrees from articles LAZAR KAPLAN position of nil of the property of the corParticipating in this were Ina Leathe University of South Dakota. They poration upon the affirmative vote or with In prospnoe of: the assent of 80% of the outstanding enpGERTRUDE PERLIS Kroloff, Rose Shiloff, Dorothy Gel- will be married early next fall. ital stock and for the method of amending 2-23-34-4t. on, Ttuth Wigpdsky, Delia Shiloff, the articles and for a corporate seal. IN WITNESS WHEKEOF. the underEudice Stillman, Bertha Heshelow, Mrs. E. J. Fribourg and Mrs. J.signed H. A. WAUL,, as President and Fredelle Brodkey, Frances Jacobsori, Friedman were an at-JOS. P. MULI.EB as Secretary have exthis notice on behalf of the Alamlto Ann Raskin, Edith Skalovsky, Tillie tractive p a r t y Wednesday in theecuted, T>niry Company, on this 13th day of March, Franklin, and Ruth Wigodsky. 1 9 3 4 . •• . , _ • . . . . Sioux Teashop. Recognized as H. A. WAHL. Rueben Halperin played several vi• President. : PRACTICAL MOHEL olin solos, accompanied at the piano The afternoon hours were devoted JOS. P. ^UI.-LER, Phone 1059 • * Secretary. , by Fred Foote. . . to bridge. Thirty-six guests attended. FOR— ! COUNCIL BLUFFS ALAMITO DAIRY COMPANY. Mr. Max Goldman left Monday eve- 3-16-34-4t.
Society News
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Auxiliary Luncheon to Be Held Tuesday
ning for his home in Kansas City, following a visit of several days in Sioux City. During his stay here, Mr. The regular meeting of the Ladies' Goldman was a guest at the marriage Auxiliary of Shaare Zion synagogue of Miss Louise: Herzoff to Nathan will follow a one o'clock luncheon Gilinsky last Sunday. Tuesday afternoon, March 20, in the Mrs. Leon Marx and daughter: are social hall of the synagogue. spending this week-visiting with the The "program will include a puppet show, given, by members of the Aux- parents of Mrs. Marx, in Omaha. iliary. The cast includes Mrs. William Mazie, Mrs. John Levin, Mrs. Joe Members, of the .Iota Tau club met Sawislak, Mrs. Joe ^Kutcher, Mrs. Wednesday- evening i a the home of Morey Lipshutz, Mrs. Eli Seff, Mrs. Miss Mazie Kaufman. Installation of Sam -Davidson, and Mrs. Victor Ma- the new officers was held and the members adjourned to a social hour eie. Mrs. Milton Mushkin will present and refreshments. "Current Events of Jewish Interest." The Debra club met Monday eveMrs. Rueben Miller is in charge of ning witK Miss Fern- Woolfspn. Folthe program, and Mrs. Barney Baron, president, will preside at the lunch- lowing a business meeting members adjourned to a .social hour and reeon. freshments.
Fifth Book Review on Monday Evening
Miss Sophie Raskin is a patient in a local hospital, where she is undergoing treatment.
Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz will review "Power" by Feuchtwanger, at his fifth review Monday evening in the social hall of the synagogue. The series .of reviews has attracted wide attention and large attendances. Proceeds are used to supply new books for the synagogue library, shelves. Until the books have paid for themselves, they are placed on the rental shelf, ana. following; that, on the'free borrowing shelf.
Charles Shindler underwent an appendicitis operation this week in a local hospital.
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