March 23, 1934

Page 1

Lest W e Forget... By Harry Silver-man (With the approach of the fiftl annual Jewish Philanthropies drive in JMay, the Jewish Press.offers t weekly column by Harry "Silverman, general chairman of the campaign, in order to acquaint Omaha Jewry with, the issues, personalities, beneficiaries and organizational work cbnnpcted with this vital fund-raising effort.) .

in the Interests of the Jewish People •••••WIN*

Entered na Second Clnss Mall Matter on January SI, UK3, at I'oatotfico o£ Omaha. .Nebraska, under the Act of March a. 1879



SPECIAL SERVICES FOR A. Z. A. SABBATH . The firsts meeting of. the newOBSERVANCE TONIGHT Board of Governors of the Jewish Cp'mmuhiiar; Center and .Wel-

VOL. X—No. 8

Board of Governors IVTeeting Sunday

For WomenV In Philanthropies Drive

fare Federation will be held SunIn keeping with a tradition - started Joseph Solomonow, junior law stu- day morning^.. March 25, at., 10:30 several years ago, International A. Z* dent at Creighton university, won first a. m. at-the J. CL C. A. Sabbath, observed by Junior B'nai Important Business on Agenda place in the forty-ninth annual school Importantbusin«ss. including oratorical contest finals held last week. iinal arrangements for the Phi- Brith chapters everywhere, will be ANENTCHARITY for Meeting at J. C. C. He will receive the medal given year- lanthropies ;drive^ is. on ; the celebrated locally this evening, March "Good deeds are better than creeds" 23, with services at the Vaad and Sunday Morning ly by the Omaha branch of the An- agenda. . f . ,: . and with the fifth annual Jewish servative synagogues. cient Order of Hibernians. The first meeting of the Board of Philanthropies drive just around the Members of the two Omaha A. Z. winner spoke on Andrew Jackcorner-it behooves our community to Governors of the Jewish Community sonThe A. chapters Numbers 1 and 100, will as one of the greatest presidents 1 Refugee&Cofony iti stop a -few moment for some clear Center and Welfare' Federation will of the United States. have charge of the entire services. thinking and.personal, stock-taking on be held this Sunday morning, March Solomonow is tiie only one. oh the At the Vaad services at the B'nai Holland Established 25, at the J. C . C , at 10:30 a. in., acthe "creed of a^ good deed." campus who holds the championship Amsterdam (WNS|~-A gift of 50,^ Israel synagogue, 18th and Chicago, Your financial pledge is only a cording t o announcement made by in both the- oratorical and- extempor- 000 guilders,{$16,000} h^s been do- this evening, Abe Katz will act as New impetus was given this week GENERAL SOLICITATIONS small- part of what you can contrib- William L» Holzman, president. speaking contests. He has been nated, by Senator>Va^denbergh,' prora- cantor and Harry Weinberg will read to the organization details for the ap- MAJORS Important business will be trans- aneous ute^ toward the success of the Philana member of the varsity debate squad inerit Dutch induatrialkt and commu- the service. Massie Baum and Mike proaching Jewish Philanthropies drive Preliminary plans for the general thropies. Your time, your energy, your acted. Included will be the final or- for three years. Levy will deliver the sermons. • nal leader,-to help.^inanee",the tem- At the Conservative synagogue ser- in May, with the perfection of plans solicitations division have been comsuggestions, your appreciation and ganization plans for the Jewish PhilJudges of the finals in the oratoriporary triiiurig- colony to be estab- vices tonight Iz Mittleman will act as for the various campaign divisions, pleted. A partial list of the majors, . • understanding, your enlightening of anthropies drive in May. Silverman, general chairman, cal contest were William P. Kelley, lished oh 175 "acres «f land reclaimed cantor, and Israel Bercovici will lead Harry those who have accepted so far, folthose who do not know about the It is planned to have meetings of reports. T. J. Leary and Dr. J. Sidney Schall. from the Zuider Zee* Philanthropies —-'these'are just as the Board of Governors at least once the reading. The sermons will be de- The women's division, under the lows: important-as your monetary gift. a month. The: Dutch.government hass leased livered by Louis J. Riklin and Edward chairmanship of Mrs. Max Holzman, Leo Abramson, Max Barish, Julius The Board of Governors include? Minister's View Bisno, Morris Burstein, William the site to ttieJkmsterdam Committee Rosenbaum. The opening and closing has formed an advisory board. THE LEAST WE CAN DO Bushman, Harry B. Cohen, Max the officers, honorary officers and ex- Birmingham, England-—If Jesus for German-Jewish Refugees. Fifty of prayer will be given by Myron TarWhen we complete a successful ecutive committee of the Federation came to life today he would seek the 400 refugees t ^ be placed in the noff. Ernie Priesman will make the The women on the advisory board Crounse,. Dave Feder, Dr. Leon FellPhilanthrppies.driye, we do hot "give in addition to representatives from to be bom into-. a Gamma-Jewish colony have, already arrived.. In. con- introductory remarks and will preside. for their division will hold their man, Morris Friedel, Max Fromkin, charity"— we share! To give our ut- the various Jewish organizations. family as a protest .against Hitler- sultation wiA "tiie 4overitmenl, Dutch Ernie Priesman of Chapter No. 1 first meeting next Tuesday after- J. J. Friedman, J. J. Greenberg, Dr. most is not the most we can-do, but The officers: ism which is seeking to spread hate, teachers of agriculture and .horticul- is general chairman of arrangements, noon, March 27, at the home of Maynard Greenberg, Abner Kaiman, Holzmnn, president; Willinin 1^. Holzmn, p e e ; Henry y the least we can do. "Willinin the Reverend Scarlett declared in a ture have been assigned to the col-with. I* Mittleman of Chapter No. 100 Mrs. Max Holzman at 3:30 p. m. Ed Kraus, Harry Marcus, Dr. Morris i i d t S h first vice-president; Sain B Behor iWe should give not because we canMonsky, Margolin, Ephraim Marks, Hyrnie. P. second -rice-president; •' Mrs. L. Nereleff. ermon here. ony. ' as co-chairman. see ourselves in the place of our suf- third -vice-president; Hnrry Silvermnn, sev>Milder, Simon Pizer, Harry RimmerThe members of this board include: Abe Goldstein, treasurer; Jacob S. fering brethren, but because we can re.tnry; man, I. Shafer, Louis Somberg, Harry Penrlstlen, executive director; l)r, l'hilip Mesdames Jeannette Arnstein, Sam see them in our place, lifted out of Sher. honorary president; • Harry- B< ZimBerkowitz, Joseph Bonof f, Arthur Trustin, N. S. Yaffe, Sam Zacharia. their, inferiority and humiliation and Cohn, I. Elewitz, Jacob Feldman, A. Milton R. Abrahams, David Greenrestored to a proper position in life. D. Frank, Benjamin Friedman, Max berg and William Milder are co-chairThe executive committee: This is the only true charity . Milton Abrahams, A. B.> Alpirn, Mrs. Fromkin, Dave Goldman, J. J. Green- men of the General Solicitations diviJeannette Arnstein, Max Bnrish. David the only constructive charity. berg-, Manuel Grodinsky, Morris E. Ja- sion. Blacker, Eugene Blazer, David Cohn, Dacobs, Morris Katleman, Irvin Levin, vid Goldman. Dr. A. Greenl>erg, David A dinner of the co-chairmen and HAVE YOU GIVEN A SLAP? Greenberg, Mrs. J. J. Greenberg, J. J. Mayer L. Cohen, Leon Mendelson, L. the majors will be held at the J. William Grexlinsky, Abe HerzA story which may hit home for Greenhersr, Neveleff, Harry A. Newman, H. S. bere, Morris Jacobs. Fhlllp Klutznict, Mrs. some is told of the late Rabbi Israel J. H. Kulakofsky. J. II. Knlakofsky. »obNovitsky, Joseph Richliri, Harry Ro- C C. Monday evening, March 26, ert Kooper. Irvln Levin, Jack Marer. AlMeier Cohen, the Chofetz-Chaim. senfeld, Ben Silver, Irvin Stalmaster, at 6 p. m. fred S. Mayer, Harry Mnlasboc*. Morris On one of his", daily tours on behalf Milder. William Milder, Isaac Morcenstern, Harry Trustin, Phineas Wintroub, Mr. Robert Herman, field repre. Stalmaster. Harry Trnstin. Mrs.' H. By John Haynes Holmes of the poor, he called on a rich Jew Irvln Harry A. Wolf, Samuel Wolf. A. Wolf, Harry A. Wolff Isidor Zlegler. sentative of the Joint Distribution who unequivocally refused to give The ' organizations representatives Reprinted From "Opinion" Committee and the American Palanything. • . . , . . ' . and the organizations they.represent: BOARD OF GOVERNORS estine Campaign, will be a guest The Rabbi began- to lecture the A." Z. A. No;i, Ben Shrler; A. Z. A. No. 1 It is not difficult to describe -what pressure of the masses" for" larger'western worid. Frenchmen, English- Final plans in regard to the Phil- speaker at the dinner. 100. Meyor Levey; Agudns Achim, Harry wealthy man on the vanity of life and Welner; Betn Hamedrosh Hagodel Confrre-v -..-._.. men, Germans remade their nations anthropies drive, including the date the essential uselesshess of his money, cation. Harry ltimmerman; B'nal Brith, man has been doing, or trying to do,liberty, vast up-land In periods-of" lgnoranc& and superthrough all -these centuries gone by. in the e ipake i e of Napoleon's N p o p manner for p the opening g of the INITIAL GIFTS 1*0 Ahramson, Frank Ackennan, Dr. M. except for the good i t can do. TheM". Greenberjr, Ben Kaalowsky, Simon Plbe part of the agenda ACTIVITY Jew became suddenly, angry and with- zer; Bikur Chollm. Mra. G. Cohen, Mrs. Popular teeatisesKkeVH. G. Well's stition,, under-reigns of tyranny.and heavals. , A' generation of reaction j campaign, willl b Cohen. Mrs. J. Plnkel, Mrs. S. Fish, The Outline of Mankind," have made i a a beenresttessaiid served only to hiring the outbreak ofjof the first meeting of the_ Board of out warning slapped the. Chofetz Jake Mrs. I. Kaplan, Mrs. 3Leon Memlelson: liberation off Governors of the Jewish Community The initial gifts division, with Morh far-flung; l lb Chaim on the face.'" '. B'nai Abraham Lodge of South Omaha, familiar the trends of social evolu- resistless. Instinctively he has felt 1848, and the ris E. Jacobs as chairman, is laying the *'60's and '70's, which penetrated Center and Welfare Federation. Dworsky; B'nal Jacob Synagogue, tion. We feel the impulse of the his . powers and Remanded The famous Rabbi turned pale for Harry : the groundwork for an intensive camHarry Steinberp: Congregation Adass Yeshfor a brief moment even the' dark The Board of Governors will hold Thus, at "long a moment, but without losing his com- nrtn. Joseph Klrshenbnum: • Congregation movement like the theme of a sym-for their p paign. A good deal of this division's B'nal Israel, Louis Kpsteil," Joseph Tretlak; phony, growing, expanding, caught in intervals^ )ie,,has brokeaVout into re- fastnesses of -Russia. By the last its first meeting on Sunday mornposure said: ' • work, it is planned, will be done beCongregation of Israel Synagogue. M. quarter of the nineteenth century, ing, March 25, at 10:30 a. m. at the "Well, Bab Yankel, that was for Katztnan; Conservative-Synagogue, Harry mad intricacies of discord, lost in ballions arid: revelations; -and a t great V|j i fore the drive officially gets under 4 liberalism had achieved1 a civilization, Jewish Community Center, B . H i Brown,-^hllip: Greenberp; J( V - • me. Now what are you going to give Brnviroff. way. According to present indications, Conservative' Synagogue Auxiliary. Mrs. J. chaotic--cadences of sound, but' cUmactic^ttoments of release, achfev* had consolidated its victories' and '-members should be present. Mrs. Morris Margolin: Con- ways, emerging .and rising .into the ed Uberations whi^i have, anarjeed the to the poor?'''" .; ' J. this division will start work inf A J. Greenberg, Greenberg, Mrs. r s a g l n : C ti S M ' C^i A t t h r A & preparing^ a filial triumph^ when" propheticpaekn. of ^^^"^^eapultlnK servative SynaBogneMen'B C^ni). Atthnr A. i ^ . gf ,hjs, progress. ^ T i i h •0cc&'whKK it had itself released and Jack W« Marer will be initial g Cohn. Dr. 31. Margolin; Comfieer; Chapter m p v . \;:^X^:^::.-/.-^ irit ^iiberalisnJ vce-chairman, assisting. Mr. Jacobs, i t "Ivre". Joe KIre. ' ' -^Ti'-: brought -under control, pro^ It i s definitely-discdiirasing for the Cotincll of Jetvlsh * Women,* Mrs.' Sanr What man has -been doing is to —the sphlt ivhichjnas ended slavery, was announced this week. worker, Whagfetflf^o.material benefit Glllnsky. Mrs. Bj* Knlakojteky^ .Daughters fin4 duced the incredible catastrophe of himself,- :&6; discpye? and iuljEill destroyed -kings,. established democIsrael Aid Societr, ^tts. 'mi A.: Simon, for hlS ^olttiiteel?; services to be re- of Mrs. A. W Wolf: of Zion, Mrs. I. his • essential being. He h i s been racy, public education and • iheV popu- the' Great War and its aftermath. VAAD RESOLUTION : DanghterB g ^ f t b i i \ lit his solicitation Kulakofaky, 1 SoK l k f k -Mrs. M A. A JSKafff; JSKftffn; So Mrs. JSKaftffn; Deiorah ei If we ask what this liberalism was, lar franchise, emancipated'" women; hunting•._putthe inner qualities of his The co-operation and unified effort ciety Mrs. Mrs Max Fromkin, Fromkin Mrs Mrs. Kftte^Tatle; oiv^mw^. .. . ciety, Junior Hada8Sah.-Ida Pine; Senior Hadas- genius, and then expressing them in sought international peace, : and to- and still .is, we may find it set forth of the Jewish community is exemplisah, Mrs. A. D. Frank, Mrs. M. F. Leven- outward manifestations : of thou ght day, in vast experiments of collec- in Thomas Carlyle's famous proclafied in the following resolution adoptBut in those instances — and we son, Mrs. Dave Sherman. .Mrs. Jfllins Stoltt'; Country- ;Club, -.Morris Jacobs. and life. History is the record of the tivism, is laying deep and-sure-the mation of "faith in the imperishable ed at the last meeting of the Vaad ' hope they are few '-—' the discredit is Highland Louis Sommers: Jewish National Workers ^ Halhr: distinctly upon the individual who for- Alliance, Morris Minfcln: JeWrIsh~:Women's human, struggle to give man a chance, foundations ,Of that economic security dignity of man, and in the high-voWelfare Organization,- Mrs. :J'.-.'Anrttein, each man to do -his work, to speak -which will a t last give freedom to cation to which, throughout his "Whereas the Jewish Welfare Fedgot his humanity. To the true work- Mrs. Dave-Feder. Blanche Zimnian;Vfisbor earthly history, he has been aphis- word, to, exalt his soul, and mankind. eration is about to commence its aner this adds determination to carry Ijycenm Association, Abe. Forraiin^-I^fftes' : I^abor Lyceum Association. Mra.;>tj..-.: Wit- therewith to prove his kinship with nual drive for funds for our local It is from this point of view that pointed." on the fis;ht to'enlighten those who kln: Ladles' Free Loan Society";-:Mia.<L, Philanthropies, and whereas the Philfail to; vision the gold of philan- Adlei, Mrs. S. Bnrson, Mrs. S. ZeTnovBlty the divine. In the beginning, man the roots of our contemporary civili- - This faith reveals itself in certain self-reliance, Ladles' Golden Hill Society, Mrs. J.-Fried was immersed in the mass. He waszation, . which have blossomed into virtues — self-respect, anthropies is the responsibility and thropy. en;-Medical Advisory Board. Dr. J.. A tolerance, charity, justice,, freedom, obligation of the entire community of little-' better than one drop of water HOW M this enlightened liberalism of our Welnberg; Mlzrachl Organization,'. Kabb PLEDGES? Miller: Omahn Hebrew Club, Irvin Ije in the flood, one animal "in the day, go far back'into the-past. It arid brotherhood. It avoids certain Omaha, and whereas the Vaad and afThe individual who has;signed a Url vin, Hymnn Shrier, Dr. A. A. Steinberg, filiated organizations are an integral pledge card, in the largest amount N. S. Taffe; Omahtj Hebrew Camp of Mod- swarming herds of animals. His task might be argued, in* no- wholly fan- vices—race prejudice, national pride. consciousness, intolerance, Woodmen, Sam dayman. Gall Margo was to discover his individuality, and tastic sense, that the prophets of Is- c l a s s part of the Philanthropies and partipossible has, ah inner glow of satis- ern Hn; Pioneer Women's Club. Mrs. J. Itlch cipates in the various activities of the faction, a moral and spiritual recom- lln; Pleasant Hill Cemetery (Women' to develop it; for the.enrichment of rael were liberals, also the seers of tyranny, and violence. It seeks with Mrs. Joe Goldware: PoaleZion the race' and the vindication of his Greece and Rome, and the apostles of single eye the establishment of such Welfare Federation, and we realize pense which; can be gained in no oth- Auxiliary), Organization, Mr3. J. Felttmnn; Psl Mu social conditions as shall most the need of complete communal coown spirit. „ •.:-.- Christianity. er way. Sam Epstein. '•' speedily and permanently liberate operation in making this a success, Last year 2,265 pledges were made Temple Israel. M, L. Cohn. Dave Very early it was found possible The Middle Ages had their nascent men for,the full and free expression therefore, be it resolved that the Vaad man, .Fred Kosenstock; Temple Israel to the Omaha Jewish Philanthropies. Brotherhood, Homer Binswanger; Temnl for the few to establish conditions theories of popular rights. The Reand all its affiliated organizations That represents excellent, painstak- Israel Sisterhood. Mrs. M. L. Cohn, Mrs. which would favor the satisfaction of naissance was a flowering of the of their essential individuality. The place itself on record as co-operating great success of liberalism has been Thorpeian Athletic Club . yet, weMax Holzman: g, methodical work their desires and the fulfillment of free mind, and the Reformation of the in the political field, where effective "Blewits: Vnad Auxiliary, Mrs with the Jewish Welfare Federation in T still must not be satisfied. We will not Isadore M N H G b > free soul. The Puritan revolution in Dave Crounse, Mrs. N. H. Greenberg, Mrs t h e i r powers. T h e Strong, t h e making the 1934 campaign of the institutions hav been established for be satisfied until everyone who does Sol Logman. Mrs. A. Scliwaczkln; Vaad gi-essive, •. . . ,„ . ,, :^a-nk? and at last the intellectual England, for all Its grim terror, .had the organization and proper funcMnx Klrshenbaum. Philanthropies a success and that the not receive has given. H a r r y M a r c n s , S a m U a v : ; d Ha'Ihr could gain ascendancy over their fel- the liberal spirit in its heart j and tioning of the common life. The great Vaad urges all its organizations and Jnnior Auxiliary. Dora Freshman: Vaad membership to actively participate in Ha'Ihr Men's Clnb, Morris B.iirstein:;Vnad lows,, and subdue them ;to their pur- the second revolution of 1688 was ac-failure of liberalism has been in the PERSONALITIES . . . Tounpr Men's Club, Ephralm Marts; poses. In one short aiid glorious companied by what John Morley economic field, where autocracy has the campaign as workers and as donA dynamo of action . . . in the per- Ha'Ihr •Workmen's Circle No. 173. Sender I.ip'p, Isors to the Philanthropies fund and son of Morris Jacobs, head of the in- adore Rhafer: Workmen's Circle Ko. 2.r;S. period in ancient Greece a chosen called "the reasoned vindication of enslaved man to poverty, and thereKatzman;" Zionist . Organization,- Al class of aristocrats supported by a liberal principles" in. the writings that the Vaad carry on a publicity itial gifts division. This group is a M. undermined and destroyed all p ^ i ^ undermined Frank. • . campaign within its own ranks in orslave population, demonstrated for all vital cog in the Philanthropies maAbe Herzberg. Locke. It was this by movement tragedyunder of liberder to further this resolution." of democracy/accompanied the in- oa ther i i s m liberties. has been The its collapse the chine, as vital as any other, and from time the supreme capacity of the hu-John the way Morris has started we won't man mind. But opportunity enjoyed fluences of the French Illumination, i m p a c t of the surviving barbarism of Abe Herzberg was re-elected preshave to worry about that cog contribby the few has been inexorably de- which precipitated the American Rev- war. Yet there endures the dream of ident of the Highland Country Club In commenting on this resolution, General Chairman Harry Silverman uting its share toward a smooth-funcmanded by the many. Steadily, olution, and then widened, like a for the sixth consecutive time at the stated: "This resolution exemplifies tion'risr, well-oiled machine. annual meeting held Monday. through the ages', has spread the spreading flood, until it engulfed the (Continued on Page 3.) the spirit of mutual helpfulness and Milt Abrahams," David Greenberg Other officers chosen: recital of Jewish music by Samcommunity co-operation which will and "Doc" Milder . . . the three chair- uelThe Sam Leon, vice-president; Ed Trel- make the forthcoming will be presented at the campaign a men of general solicitations . . . are J. C.Mirviss ler, secretary; Harry Malashock, C. a week from Tuesday, April sweeping success. It is in this spirit a hapnj? combination. Under their 3, under treasurer. the auspices of the C-2 club that the workers and organizations Ieaderphin — and the way they have o,' the Conservative The Highland reports a successful are cheerfully facing the task of raistaken hold of the reins it really means Mr. Mirviss has Synagogue. season last year. A membership ing announced thai sufficient funds to meet the needs leader'shrb — we are expecting the part of his program will campaign is planned. The memberconsist of the of local, national and international best results fronvthis division in the following selections: Mizmor ship drive unofficially began MonLT)6vid, Jewish institutions." history of Philanthropies campaigns. Ben Ich Mir a Chossidl, Oi Der day with twelve new members acRebIn re^arjl to t h e experiment of the ennu, Dudeie, A Din Torah Mitt Gott, cepted, but will officially get under three chairman ^for general solicita- Regendel, Tanchum, and Bialak's Nigway the first of April. tions, recall the saying in Eccl. 4.12: A stag will be held Tuesday, : gtm. "A threefold cord is not quickly broMarch 27, at the Hill hotel. ken.!^ ..-.-V: "•;•.--•••• I-;' ,. . . . - " . The most moving and popular of these selections is the Dudeie. It was DR. AISUROWITCH AND Sioux Cityans to Aid sung and interpreted at the Jewish THE ORT Day Pageant given at the Century of will be no confirmation serIn Yiddish Program viceThere Omaha Jewry were given an oppor- Progress last year. Those who saw at the Conservative Synagogue The Jewish Dramatic Club of Sioux this year, Rabbi David A. Goldstein tunity in two addresses this week-end The Romance of a People remember City, la., will appear on :he program has announced. by Dr. Boris Aisurowitch, internation- the dance of the Chassidim, which was which will be presented jointly by the ally-noted Ort leader from Berlin, to accompanied by the singing of DuJewish National Workers Alliance Rabbi Goldstein feels that children hear first hand about the Ort, a ben- deie. and the Poale Zion on Sunday, April should not be confirmed before their Mr. Mirviss' program will be welleficiary of the Philanthropies . 1, at 8:30 p. m. at the local J. C. C.fifteenth year. Heretofore, children If you recall^ Dr. Aisurowitch gain- balanced with songs from the services, Three hours of all-Jewish folk have been admitted to confirmation ed fame a score of years ago in de- folk songs, comic songs, and recent songs and entertainment has been at the ages of 12 and 13. "Hencefending a 'libel suit against Jews in songs from Palestine. forth," Rabbi Goldstein stated, "the arranged. The program includes: Miss Ann Gitnick, president of the the Russian Duma. Conservative Synagogue will require "Chaschiedem Tish" with H. In its half century of existence, the C-2 club, and TMiss Ruth Shapiro, tickthem to attend the Religious School Mayerowich of Sioux City, Mr. and Ort has enabled thousands of Jews in et chairman, announce a brisk ticket until their fifteenth year. '•• This will Mrs. J. Raznick, Dr. I. Dansky, M. Eastern and Central Europe to be- sale. Tickets may be obtained from Minkin, H. Bondarin, and I. Hurwitz; make for greater knowledge and Rabbi David H. Wice Rabbi Uri Mffler come productive and self supporting members of the C-2 or at the J.C.C. Rabbi David Granbart of Des.Moines a one-act play "Insured a Father." greater maturity in the children." by opening for them the channels Abe Stillman and Mr. and Mrs. J. There are 32 children in the class The symposium on Orthodox, Con- be.Rabbi David H. Wice, Omaha Tem- cal Conservative synagogue will serve industry and. agriculture. Yiddish Opera ~~~-1 . .. Elkin of Sioux City, I. Dansky, and which is preparing for confirmation as chairman. It is expected that this Vilna—A timid experiment m the servative and Reform Judaism; part ple Israel, on Reform; Rabbi David symposium will be a cultural event of J. Radinoivski; a scene from "Na- next year. In place of the Confirmaof the Jewish lecture series, will be Graubart of Des Moines, la., on Conpresentation of the famous opera in konuschnmlon" with Mr. and Mrs. tion service this year, members of the presented at the Jewish Community servative; and Rabbi Uri Miller, 6ma : major significance. Yiddish has been so phenomenally J. Raznick and H. Bondarin; "The class will participate in a special ReM «* ft The Jewish lecture series is under Center next Wednesday evening, Successful here that the Yiddish ha Vaad, on Orthodox. the sponsorship of the Junior Vaad Landlady," Mr. and Mrs. J. Raz- ligions School graduation service on f troupe has been organized on a March 28, at 8 p. m. Shevuoth. - . .• nick. Rabbi David A. Goldstein of the lo-groups. Participating in the symposium will permanent basis.

Many of the "Majors" in General Soli* citations "Army" Have Already Accepted


Herzherg Will Head Highland


Symposium On Judaism Wednesday

No Confirmation Service This Year

PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, MARGH 23, 1934 and ineffective. Jewish youth must once and for all give its elders a much-needed example in united and harmonious action by burying its differences, real or imagined, and convening a national conference at which the problems of Jewish youth can be thrashed out and a long range program of Jewish youth activity initiated. Such a conference might launch a national non-partisan Institute for the training of Jewish leaders. This school, with the backing of Jewish youth, would not advocate any particular ism in Jewish life but would provide a first hand study of everyIn this fearless and timely analysis Youth everywhere Is looking far ferences in the interests of the com- thing that is good and constructive in of the causes for youth's failure to ahead, imbued with Inspiring vision mon good. There are communities Jewish life. The proposed conference rise to its opportunities for leadership and prepared to experiment with new with less than 15,000 young people would have sufficient influence to get in American Jewish life, Mr. Postal methods and ways o£,life in the hope which have four branches of the same such institutions as the Julius Eosenpresents a number of far-reaching of avoiding the errors of previous youth movement when one or two wald Foundation, the American Jewsuggestions designed to revitalize generations, but American Jewish, could function with greater efficiency. ish Committee, the American Jewish Jewish youth activities In this coun- youth remains subordinate and inar- The traditional rivalries which have Congress and the B'nai Brith to aid so greatly hindered the progress of in financing this school. try.—The Editor. ticulate. It has not had the daring to Jewish life in this country have been As a preliminary to the suggested ask the whys and wherefores of a taken over bag and baggage by youth . The increasing importance being at- single step taken by Jewish leader- organizations. Young Men's Hebrew conference, the leaders of Jewish coltached to the enlistment of youth in ship, nor has it had the courage to Associations look upon M a s a d a lege fraternities and sororities and of the following organizations ought to Jewish leadership is unQuestionably speak out and demand recognition. branches as interlopers and rivals. one of the most significant and en- All but a few of the existing Jew- Between sections of the Council of plan now for an informal parley some couraging phases of Jewish life in ish youth movements are affiliated Jewish Juniors and chapters of the time this summer: Council of Jewish America today. What was once a with some national or international Junior Hadassah no love is lost. Jun- Juniors, Young Judea, Young Israel, subject for theoretical discussion has Jewish, organization. Theoretically ior auxiliaries of charity federations Anti-Nazi Minute Men, Masada, Aleph now become a question of great urg- these youth groups are independent and young folks' leagues of temples Zedek Aleph, Avukah, Hillel Foundaency. The tragic error of the past and self-contained and contain within and synagogues deliberately compete tions, Brith Trumpeldor, Menorah, Junior Hadassah, the Y. M. and Y. W. when no provision was made for welthe germ of a vital force. for membership and funds, or has H. A.'s, Mizrachi Youth, Agudath coming youth in the counsels of Israel themselves the struggle between Menorah and is now glaringly emphasized by the Actually they are miniature editions the Hillel Foundations for control of Israel Youth Council, Young People's of their parent organizations In whose crisis in Jewish life which has reJewish college youth been forgotten. Leagues of the United Synagogue, Young Poale Zion and the American vealed the paucity of trained youthful counsels they have been given little leaders capable of filling the fast- or no voice. None of them have Everywhere there is a cry for Jew- He'Chalutz. blazed new trails or opened up. new ish unity but the Jewish youth or- All of these organizations are dedithinking ranks of the old guard. Although the youth conference held avenues of activity. All have been ganizations seem to be deaf. In most cated to the preservation of Jewish to follow well-maiked trails. Jewish communities the general dis- culture, religion and traditions. They In many cities in recent weeks have content focused'attention on the problem of| A s a result they have become mere unity is equalled only by the lack of differ only in their approach and cooperation between Jewish youth ideology. With a common goal, it youth leadership, it is by no means j sounding boards for their elders. a. hew issue. For years the elder There might be some excuse for groups who should have mutual in- should be possible for them to get tostatesmen of American Jewry have this if these youth organizations func- terests, L not a common program of gether on a common platform of Jewbeen issuing prommciaments on the tioned as practical training schools and often meaningless differences, ish youth leadership. If the existing subject without really doing anything for future leadership in the parent Jewish youth has not only frustrated Jewish youth organizations, regardabout it. Many of the leading na- boaies. But do they? What have constructive action but contributed to less of their differences, would get tional Jewish organizations sincerely the Avukah, Young Judea, Mizrachi its own failure to gain recognition. together Jewish youth can become the believed they were helping to develop Youth and Junior Hadassah contribu- This in turn has prevented Jewish most potent and valuable force in youthful Jewish leaders by maintain- ted to Zionist thought or leadership youth from taking the initiative in American Jewish life. ing affiliated y^buth movements. in America? Can they point to a the development of new and progres(Copyright 1934, by Seven Arts Young folks' leagues'" of temples and ! single one of their alumni who has sive communal projects ^ and in the Feature Syndicate). coordination of existing ones. To the synagogues and junioV auxiliaries of' achieved a place of standing in Amcharity federations, hospitals, homes erican Zionism? And what have inability or unwillingness of Jewish for. the aged and orphanages have j Young Israel and the Young People's youth to unite can be attributed many long since covered the land with a!Leagues of the United Synagogue of the difficulties experienced by Jew- At a stag Saturday evening at the ish communities. Fontenelle, the Psi Mu fraternity net-work of Jewish youth societies [contributed to synagogue leadership, which were expected to yield a crop or Aleph Zedek Aleph, Menorah, The contemporary Jewish emer- honored a number of its members of Jewish leaders. In some cities Council of Jewish Juniors and the gency is the logical occasion for Jew- who had been outstanding in sports young people have actually had com- Hillel Foundations to Jewish leader- ish youth to begin to exert its tre- at the J. C. C. plete responsibility for Jewish com- ship in general? What will be the mendous latent power through united Irvin Levin, sponsor, spoke on "A munal activities thrust upon them by contribution of such newer groups as action. It is not proposed that Jew- Good Hand." A general discussion veterans worn out by the thankless Masada and the Anti-Nazi Minute ish youth should displace tried lead- followed. struggle. Today " there are - 17 na- Men? Irving Forbes was initiated by a ers who have given the best years of tional Jewish youth organizations A much more serious criticism is their lives to the Jewish people, or committee consisting of Morris with a total membership of 100,000 and Barney Abrams. fact that none of these organiza- that the existing Jewish youth or- Bloom and some 50 Jewish college fraterni- the The Psi Mu will again hold their ganizations should merge. It is sugtions have developed an integrated ties embracing another 100,000, in program of activity dealing with the gested that Jewish youth shake off regular matinee dance Sunday afteraddition to the tens of thousands af- problems of American Jewish youth. its lethargy and take its rightful noon at 3:30 at the J. C. C. Sam filiated with innumerable local socie- They have permitted organisations in Turner's colored band will furnish ties. To the membership of these which youth as such is not represen- place in Jewish affairs. the music. Special surprises are ofgroups American Jewry looks for its ted to act for them in matters direct- Individual action would be futile fered, and everyone is invited. Xuture leadership. ly and intimately affecting the future It is a fact, however, that despite of youth. While others undertook to all the well-meaning discussion about map plans for educating Jewish youth Jewish youth and its proper place in to the necessity of leaving the overJewish life, the direction of Jewish crowded white collar professions and education, philanthropy and cultural entering productive occupations, for activities, the promotion of a renewed combating the economic and educaand vital interest in the synagogue tional discrimination which confronts and its associated agencies, and the Jewish youth on every side, Jewish tremendous tasks of pushing the work youth has remained silent and inacof Palestine reconstruction and Euro- tive. Moreover, it failed to grasp an pean relief and protecting Jewish unprecedented opportunity to act as political, civil and economic rights are the much-needed unifying force in still dominated by men and women American Jewish life. These organwho can no longer be regarded as izations were satisfied to let their youthful. Isolated instances of youth elders make decisions of far-reaching being given positions of trust and re- importance affecting youth without sponsibility in Jewish organizations demanding an opportunity ,to be have for the most part been gestures heard. or desperate attempts to instill new 'fife and vigor into moribund institu- Like American Jewry as a whole, tions. Even Jewish community cen- Jewish youth is also guilty of treters, dedicated to the task of cement- mendous over-organization and of emEasy to make and delicious! Put the coffee in die ing youth to its Jewish traditions, ulating its elders by manifesting a toupper bowl and the water in the lower. The water, have not given youth a voice in their tal unwillingness to subordinate perwhen heated, rises to the upper bowl -. and when, management.. My and large, the con- sonal and, temporally ideological, difthe current is turned off the pure, clear coffee trol of organized Jewish life-in the flows into die lower bowl. There is rto metallic United States, is still a monopoly of or foreign taste as coffee touches only glass. Call people past forty.

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LIFE INSURANCE— WHAT IT IS AND WHAT IT DOES. By the Service Life Insurance Company, Omaha "SECURITY" Obviously, "when a man selects an investment for a long-term holding, he's largely interested in the security offered. It is for this reason that the public appreciation of the value of life insurance as an investment has increased during the financial storm. When we realize that through a depression year like 1933 the life insurance companies paid $3,100,000,000 to beneficiaries and policyholders, not taking into account policy ' ins, and that the assets of the life inEurance companies have increased from $17,482,000,000 at the end of 1929 to approximately $21,135,000,000 at the end of 1933, we begin to understand why the public is impressed by the accomplishments of the life insurance companies. Most of us have seen, too, the figures showing that the premium income of life insurance companies averaged $3,123,000,000 during the prosperity years of 1927, 1928, 1929, while it averaged $3,546,000,000 during the depression years of 1930, '31, '32; and we have seen their investment income averaging $895,023,000 during the same three prosperity years, while during the same depression years their investment income averaged $1,136,019,000. It is not surprising, therefore, that the American people have come to recognize the inherent stability of the life insurance institution. As a matter of fact, the investment portfolios of the life insurance companies represent a composite of almost every activity in our economical life and any catastrophe that would be great enough to destroy the values in these portfolios would destroy our present economic system.


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trace all former presidents. In this work the committee is being assisted by several of the "old-time" leaders of Omaha B'nai Brith, including Harry A. Wolf, Dr. A. A. Greenberg, Isidor Ziegler, Harry Malashock, and Sam Leon.

There can be little question, therefore, that an investment in a sound ife insurance company is as hazardproof as any investment a man can make.


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A bridge of three generations and over 60 years will be gapped when all former presidents of B'nai Brith will be honored at the next meeting of Omaha Lodge No. S54, to be held Monday, April 9, at the J. C. Lodge Room. The meeting will be called "Past Presidents' Night," according to an announcement made by the committee in charge, which is composed of Ephraim Marks, chairman, Milton Abrahams, Harry Mendelson, Dr. Maynard Greenberg, Dave Freeman, Harry Silverman, Abner Kaiman, Stanley Levin, Ben Kazlowsky, and Dr. Leon Fellman. It is estimated that approximately one hundred men, most of them prominent in the business and communal life of Omaha Jewry, have been president of the Omaha B'nai Brith since its founding. Prior to 1917, local B'nai Briths were divided into two camps: The "McKinley Lodge" and the "Nebraska Lodge." The two were finally merged in 1917, when the late Harry Lapidus was elected the first president of the combined lodge. The committee hopes to have at least 50 to 75 of the former presidents at the meeting, and a special surprise program will be presented in their honor. A questionnaire is to

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The blame for this situation cannot be laid entirely,at the door of those in power. Jewish youth- itself must share part of the responsibility. At a time when the youth of the world is experiencing a tremendous renaissance and demanding not only its rights in the general scheme of things btt an entirely new deal that would do away with the cruelties and injustices of the existing order, Jewish youth in this country has muffed its opportunity and contents itself with repeating the mistakes of its elders.

all former chief executives, TO PAY HONOR TO B'NAI beandsenttheto information thus obtained will be used in the program. BRITH PAST PRESIDENTS Special efforts are being made to

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3, FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 19S4

Dr. Isador Lubin, Commissioner of Labor Statistics under Secretary Perkins, and Charles E . WyzansM, Jr., Solicitor of the Labor Department? „ „ - .. The field difrom A mass meeting for all members _ rector of t h e archaeological expediFrank Krasne, 51, of Council = j tion which Bryn Mawr is planning Bluffs, aied of heart trouble Wednes- The Chevra Kadisha of the Beth of the constituent organizations of Hamedrosh Hagodol synagogue an- the Round Table of Jewish Youth ss; to send to Asia Minor will be Miss day evening in Los Angeles, Cal. (Continued from Page 1.) Rhenish and trans-Danubian forests, Hetty Goldman ~ _ •„ .. She He is survived by his widow and nounces to - the Jewish - community will be held Monday evening, March By PHISE1S J . BEBOX that ideal commonwealth where w a r and later broke the frontiers to overwill help dig up the past of the two daughters, Marjorie Krasne, and that all box collections received at 26, at the J. C. C. The program for the coming year shall be no more, and poverty done whelm the Empire? I find a supreme Hittites, who, - as you may know, Mrs. L. J. Gross of Omaha; four bro- funerals at the Beth Hamedrosh will be formulated a t this time. It cemetery are sent to HIAS (Hebrew away, and man shall no longer "la- significance in this remarkable rewere the original possessors of the thers and three sisters. Aid Society), with head- is planned to have special activities bor in yain, nor bring forth for crudesence in the modern world of ACROSS THE POND so-called "Semitic" nose .. His wife and children were with Immigrant It augurs well for Austrian Jewry these primeval Nordic cults. On July quarters in New York, every six in orchestra, choral work, debating-, calamity," but live and love in the him at the time of his death. oratory, dramatics and dancing. Comthat Dolly Hitler doesn't like the 30 last (1933), for example, more months. ODDS AND ENDS free expression of h i s own native The body will be brought to Omaha petent leaders will have charge of negotiations between Mussolini and than 100,000 Hitlerites, gathered in being. Roger Wolfe Kahn, son of Otto Saturday, and funeral services will be These funds are used in the work each division. Chancellor Dolfuss, the diminutive convention at Eisenach, declared It is this dream which Hitler H., is pulling down a hundred ber- held in Omaha Sunday. of HIAS, to help Jewish immigrants "\ .. would destroy, this . progress of the their.responsibility "for our German- statesmen whom his fellow country- ries a week as test pilot in experiin the U. S., South America, and men affectionately call "the milliic origin before the divine reality," ?~~ ages which h e would undo. ments with various airplane fuels. all parts of the world. Yes . . . a Concession Metternich" . . . . _ But no And a t the same time he winter in health and happiness. BasIf life is worth living for enlight- and sought the restoration of Odin, doubt Berlin-—Jovrish children in the M. Venger is chairman of the our Austrian coreligionists are ketball is a national sport and is very ened men today, i t is because of Baldur, Freia, and other Teutonic sorry a t the impending departure |of is preparing to return to the air Chevra Kadisha. A. G. Weinstein isj German public schools are free to popular with the younger set; Good gods to the altars from which they with his new orchestra . . . . . . . . these ineffably precious possessions staunch defender of their rights, Truly an air-minded young man sportsmanship, close games and fair treasurer, and C. D. Mendelson is absent themselves on all Jewish holiwhich have come to u s from the free had been hurled by Christendom. that secretary. days, according to a ruling by Dr. S. Minister George H. Earle 3rd, .. Amy Jonap, Cincinnati de- play have prevailed throughout the spirits of the past. If history can Such reversion to Wotan in place of U. Wilhelm Frick, minister of educawho, a s we told you some weeks season and this past basketball year justify itself, i t must be through the God, and to Siegfried in place of ago, is abandoning the diplomatic partment store heiress who has tion. has been a success from every standChrist, is not nationalism at. all. It Ban, Manny Goldberg, Ben Eosen, spent some time behind the footachievements of that liberal tradifield to enter the coming Pennsyl- lights, is about to be linked with point" Jack Sadofsky and Morris Bloom. tion which h a s slowly but surely is something far back of nationalism, vania gubernatorial race * * * * * * * * Fritz Piovati, .scion of the famous emancipated the race. If there is back to the shadows of the dark John Chapman, M. SOMIT Dealer in Jewish Books; column- Vienna sausage - and delicatessen The J . C C. Physical Department such a thing as progress, i t is to days and savage peoples. I t is tribal- ist, asks whetherManhattan Paul Grossman and Morris Bloom ! and all other Belicious Articles • the Nazi recom- firm . Dorothy Fields, daughter has started a men's evening calisthen- of the J. C. C. won the A. A. U. be found in that steady movement ism alive in our world again—the mendation that every German buy a! return of a whole people to forms of Til. >VE. 3527;; of Comedian Lew, drew a deep ics class which meets every Tuesday doubles handball championship by de- • 2429 Decatur St. toward social stability and economic car aims a t the knocking down of primitive paganism from which we and Thursday from 7 to 8 p. m. These breath the other night when she security which combine to release men feating Wurgler and Casey of the Y. j jnst rt-peivofl a fresh stock of nil' by Hitler-and-run d r i v e s . finished her 500th song lyric _ classes are for those who are unable M. C. A., 18-21, 21-16, and 21-16, last J' Ikincl> at Mntzos of tlip Iiost qualities," for the "filling..of their day." But had fondly imagined that mankind .Jews . . . . . . . . . . . While another scribe l a n d also Ml kinds of I'iissover articles,' Among her creations was " I Can't to be at the Tegular Health Club noon Thursday on the J. C. C. court. all this Hitler would deny. He would had escaped forever. i like Matzo flour, cake flour, egg mat-' wisecracks that "a non-Aryan in i zos cookies, etc. nour and for all business men who -go not forward, but backward a full If Germany were alone in the Germany is any one who holds a Give You Anything But Love." * # * * i l also have 11 full line of all kinds «f Londoni - is being would like to regain all their youth thousand years. He would abrogate hands of the Nazis, we would not position which somebody else would A Radio City 1for Kosher nrlicles for I'esach,' Spring is here and with spring i« ltokench's -' * •by •— the - -1-- energetic - "™— Eoxy and vigor. ircltiflinp Ffraivberry, ruFplierry nndf all modern liberties, restore all an- be disturbed, though the Hitler hor- like to have," . . _ . . „ And if you'd planned comes baseball, kittenball and track. i chprry jelly in p'nit plnss j a r s ; and also* * * * * cient tyrannies, and therewith de- ror would still remain one of the like to keep up with the works of Rothafel and Douglas Fairbanks ] The enterprising Justroy, a s though by one fell blast of supreme catastrophes of modern many exiled German authors we may The J. C. C. physical department The athletic department is planning • oil iu beautiful glass l>o!tlof.. doom; all that man has achieved times, and Germany itself a tragedy refer you to the Amsterdam pub- lian Messner, who now. has his ownis planning hikes for the matrons' and on forming a fast kittenball league i Remember tilso my own make sonp.' since he emerged, with infinite pain as terrible as Troy. But Germany lishers AHert de Lange and Querido, publishing firm, is boosting a new women's classes. Selma Lotman, who this summer. and also upon staging • Kosher for I'esach, resneh Candy, too. J and" loss, from out the abyss of the is- not alone, arid cannot be alone. whose lists include such authors as novelist, 18-year-old Jane Roth is in charge of these classes, will also an open club track and field meet. Dark Ages. For weal or woe, she is a part- of Albert Einstein, Emil Ludwig, Of course you know that the Gold- be in charge" of the hikes. The first - We speak of the Nazi movement a close-knit modern world in -which George Bernhard, Arnold Zweig and man contract bridge Cup was wonhike will be held Wednesday morning, as nationalistic in character—a re- "whether one member suffer, all thethe late Jacob Wassermann. . . „ „ . . by Oswald Jacoby and David Burn- April 4, at 10 a. m. * * Hi * stine _ « _ « . . - . - Cartoonist Arbirth of an intense passion for themembers suffer with it." What is * * * * * thur "Bugs" Baer has brought a separate nation as over against the her present calamity, for example, DRIVES AND SUCH The Health Club volleyball team of nice coat of tan from Bermuda .. single body of humanity. But the but the harvest of the dragon's teeth the Center will compete in the Lincoln We understand that the Blessed nation is the product of a long pro- sown in her soil by the pitiless vic- Event which resulted from the shidY. M. C. A. State Open Championcess of evolution. I t contains with- tors of Versailles? And what may be duch between the American Palesships today. The Health Clubbers have romped through an inter-club tournain itself a myriad differentiations of her final disaster but a world dis- tine Campaign and the Joint DisSmoked Meats and Everything for Tonr Passover Table ment and several outside games with thought and life which a r e the sure aster in which she drags down man- tribution Committee will probably be evidence of progress. While not theEnd in ruin with herself? The king of -winter sports, basket- great success. As yet the volleyballnamed the United Jewish Appeal end of the historical process, which ball, h a s folded u p a t the J . C. C. ers have only lost to the Y. M. C. A. _ .. _ The joint drive, inciSince the Great War, Fascism has must be the ultimate production-of after a very successful season. The while beating them in a return condentally, is still secretary-less, the darkening upon the West like a test and have won over some of the the world state, the nation repre- been of doom, Democracy has steadily logical candidate for the post," Jo- leagues have ended with two newoutstanding teams in the state. 1509 No. 24th WE. 2190 sents a f a r stage of advancement day teams in possession of the title. In the seph C. Hyman of the JDC, having retreated before the onsweeping * # * * in this process. senior class, the Psi Mu took the hosts of tryanny and terror. Nation been blackballed by National TreasBut Hitler would undo the nation, after nation has been engulfed by urer Nathan Straus, J r . , because of championship laurels after winning a The physical director is planning to as he would undo every other late this advancing flood of fierce fanatic- h i s — Hyman's—activities opposing playoff game with the Xi Lambdas. take a few handballers to the state achievement of man's days upon this ism. In Germany the crowning cul- the union. M r s . Samuel The Mothers' Cookies quintet ran meet held a t Lincoln. All matches earth. For what he is concerned with ture, of our age has succumbed; and W. Hilpran, Haddash Prexy and rampage over all opponents to end up will be played in the University of is not nationalism, but tribalism. from Germany now spreads a pesti- only woman to attend the forth- in first,place in t h e Junior division Nebraska field house. Some of the He seeks to bring back upon the lence to infect the world. This is coming World Zionist Actions Com- without a loss and taking nine wins. handball players who will likely make stage of history the horde, which a fight against the modern Black mittee in Palestine, is looking for- The Talmud Torah won'in a playoff the trip are Paul Grossman, Jack swamps all individuality in the hu-Death. Liberalism, democracy, civiliz- ward to a reunion with her 17- to take the Midget league title for man mass, which lives one uniform ation hang helples in the balance. year-old son, who is spending a year the second consecutive year. Congratlife of iron discipline and rigid cus- Helpless unless, before it is too late, in Eretz Israel 1 We ulations must be paid to the girls' tom, which yields obedience to one there rallies to the defense of hu- hear that the American Jewish Con- varsity basketball sextet which turned TEACHUB OF PIANO great chief or lord,. which marches manity's dearest " treasures the gress has its binoculars out for up with an unusually successful recLATEST METHODS armed with" lust and hate against awakened conscience and courage of likely candidates for its executive ord. In Popular and Classical Music «•. t h e world, and which moves to de- mankind! A war, not of the flesh but secretary-ship, and hope the news Lee Grossman, physical director, 204 Lyric Bide., 19th & Faraam J>— stroy all evidences of beauty, en- of the spirit, is now our lot—reason will not come as too much of a states, "This 1933-34 basketball seaJA, 4023 ' lightenment, and culture. son has provided many young men against madness, culture against shock to the present incumbant If Nazism be not the horde ram- anarchy, civilization against Barbar- _ _ _ _ - . And we wonder and boys 'with the -chance to spend a pant and triumphant, how. else may ism^ that" manEncUmay -at* last sur- whether t h e change will- mean -an- inwe explain t h e repudiation by-'the vive the hour of its most dreadful crease or a decrease in the organiza: tion's overhead, -which, -we are told, Nazi leaders of historic Christianity, trial. pre-eminently in i t s spirit a renow amounts to $10,000 a month. 3 ligion of liberal idealism wherein ABOUT PEOPLE man perhaps was first discovered in the full dignity of his essential diThe Republican Party is wishing vinity, and the revival by these same for . all it's worth that somebody leaders of the pagan faith which would find it a press agent to counpossessed the ancient Germanic terbalance the excellent work Chartribes when they roamed the translie Michelson has been doing for the Democrats _ .. ; _ •_ David (RCA) Sarnoff h a s promised to serve as chairman of the trade and - London ( W N S ) . — The Separatist industry division of the New York Union of the Zionist Revisionists, Citizens* Appeal for the Salvation hitherto recognized as a separate body Army Prof. Otto Stern Mrs Clara Holdsberg, 5f», of 819 within the framework of the World of the Pittsburgh Carnegie Institute So. 25th street, died at a local hos- Zionist Organization, h a s been offi- is rejoicing a t a gift of $25,000 from pital Wednesday morning as a result cially disowned by the World Zionist the Buhl Foundation for research in • _ Why doesn't of injuries suffered when struck by Organization, according. to an an- physics an automobile March 3. Mrs. Holds- nouncement by the World Zionist Ex- somebody throw some limelight on berg was unconscious for eight days ecutive. following the accident. In a communique issued by the ExShe is survived by three sons, Abe ecutive it was declared that the Sepof Davenport, la.; Sol and Herman, aratist Union of the Revisionists i s of Omaha; two daughters, Rosaline, liquidated and dissolved and regarded Omaha, and Mrs. J . I; Kramer, Los as non-existent so f a r a s the World Angeles, and three grandchildren. Zionist Organization is concerned. ;; The communique also proclaimed that the Revisionist Party is now without legal status with in the World Zionist Organization or of its affiliated, groups and that n o other Zionist body can be recognized as a ReMrs. Zippa" Greenburg, 6.8, 1524 visionist party. This decision applies North 18th street, died Tuesday morn- to the .Jabotinsky i and Grossman facing a t a local hospital. ' |: tions of the Revisionists. She is survived by her husband, JoJ The action taken by the Executive seph; six daughters, Mrs. Rose ShafJ tdn, Mrs. Ruth Sadofsky, Mrs. Min-is in line with a recommendation by : '3 nie Steinberg, Mrs.. Jennie Baehr, the Zionist Congress Court. TO YOUR. In order to remain Zionists the ReMrs. Lillian Kraft and Miss Ethel visionists will" now have to join exGreenburg. Funeral services were held Wednes- isting Zionist federations in various day morning, with burial a t Fischer's lands and abide by their decisions and regulatons. , ,. Farm cemetery. ;



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PAGE 4—THE JEWISH PRSSS, FRIBAY, MARCH 23, 1934 the Jewish people, and both friends and foes paid tribute to him for his contributions to American life. The phrase "both friends and foes" is used purposely, for By SEGAL among the foes to his policies are numbered outstanding names— deterring nothing from his greatness, for "a man may be gauged In Brooklyn has been organized by his enemies." The greater a man rises in the public eye, the the^ Brooklyn Jewish. Democracy, Inc., which announces itself to be "frankly more numerous and the more powerful are his opponents. Jewish and undisguisedly political." Anyone who advocated the vigorous militancy in Jewish life Its purpose is to "unite and co-ordiwhich Rabbi Wise advocated must necessarily aroused sincere, nate the Jewish citizens of Brooklyn a solid and formidable phalanx" for strong opposition. But none can, on the other hand, deny the sin- in "united political action" to get "procerity of Dr. Wise It was Dr. Wise's passion for freedom in the portional political representation" in pulpit that prompted him to reject the pulpit of the "cathedral the city of Brooklyn. synagogue of America" and to undertake the establishment of a "We are b e i n g discriminated synagogue which might be free both in pulpit and pew. The re- against, in and outside of our party," " • ' ; r 6 r ° r : " " 7 " " " ° " U ^ " V " v " ' *" ^ T " ^ " " ^ " " * " " "^ says one of their spokesmen,Dr. Sam-

for the patronage that is the seed of all misfeasance in government. As GEMS of the BIBLE Jews they become suppliants at the politicians' fat table for the crumbs and TALMUD that may fall from it. As Jews they Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by By O. O. DASHER organize to help maintain and to feed THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY off a political system, the like of which is the scourge of large AmerIf thou meet thine enemy's ox or Subscription Price, o n e year - - - - - - - - - - $2.50 ican cities everywhere. Advertising r a t e s furnished o n application his donkey going astray, thou shalt They are doing the rest of us no surely bring it back to him again. good service and Jews everywhere Editorial Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building. If thou see the donkey of him who have a right and a duty to protest. Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center Behold! The prophets have come hateth thee lying under its burden, DAVID BLACKER - - - - - Business a n d Managing Editor down from the mountain to put grab- thou shalt forbear to pass by him; PRANK R. ACKERMAN - Editor bing hands on the flesh pots! The FANNIE KATELMAN - - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent prophets lay down their gorgeous ban- thou shalt surely release it with ANN P I L L - - - - - - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent ners and pick up soiled ones: "We him. P r i n t Shop Address: 1307 Howard Street If thou at all take they neighbor's want the jobs!" grain out to pledge, thou shalt result of this endeavor was t h e founding of t h e F r e e Synagogue in u e l Margoshes, editor of The Day. One can tolerate a low politician store it unto him before the sun Constructive Relief who is a Jew, for he is no worse than "We are not getting the number of 1907. His principle that Jewish life is one and that the Jewish The message which Dr. Boris Aisurowitch of Berlin, noted on people are a unity motivated him to also establish the Jewish In- teachers, high school principals and low politicians who are non-Jews. At goeth down. office holders that we proportionately least he does not follow his lowly two continents for his work on behalf of Ort, gave to Omaha Jew- stitute of Religion in 1922. Not a few of his services to Jewish rate. TALMUD .... But this -will end when we band paths under the Torah. But "when Rabbi J. Joshua was standing bery last week-end carries with it a lesson of vital importance. Jews (as Jews) go seeking office in together and become a power in this and non-Jewish life are his battles for social justice, as in his fight fore the emperor, when an infidel First of all, when we realize the significance of the work being against the Gary interests; for woman suffrage; for a clean city, largest Jewish city in the world, a mass, go to tie themselves to a po- who stood by showed him by sign litical machine, it is too much. where every one in three is a Jew." carried on by the Ort in Central and Eastern Europe and then as in his war against Tammany, including Crocker, Murphy and of his hand: "A people from whom misrepresent most other Jews. God had turned away His face." realize that the Ort is only one of the thirty beneficiary agencies Walker; for the liberation of the child from labor; for the general In the city in which I live (Cincin- They I will be answered: "Oh, you areRabbi Joshua showed him with his of the Omaha Jewish Philanthropies, we can obtain a true perspec- improvement of the conditions of labor and living; for world nati) this gives Jews a pain. In our one of those Jews who are timid, hand that "God's hand is still over tive of the magnitude of the task confronting us in the approach- peace; for world fellowship among the varied faiths; for the se-city, Jews are prophets in public life, afraid of what other people will think us." of you. You are a mouse trembling in ing campaign. The emperor asked Rabbi Joshua: curing of rights for Jews everywhere, as the struggle for minority not politicians. his hole." They are leaders for civic right"Do you know what the infidel has Second of all, Dr. Aisurowitch's visit impresses upon our mind rights following the war and as in the fight against Nazism; and eousness, I really do give some thought to shown you with his hand?" He reenemies of public corrupthe fundamental, underlying necessity for furtherance of the Ortfor the establishment of the Jewish homeland. tion, victorious champions of good what opinion my neighbors may have plied: "Yes, he showed me a people government; but never have they said, of me. I am deeply hurt when the ill from whom God had turned away policy of "constructive relief." It may be taken for granted withHis rugged courage, his flaming eloquence against injustice "For part we have played in this opinion of my neighbors is based on His face." "And what have you ou,t argument that charity to save from want is negligible com- of all kinds, and his fight against corruption of all types have en- publicthe life Jews must be given jobs." falsehood and unjust prejudice. I am shown him with your hand?" "I pared with the charity which helps a man reconstruct and rehabil- deared him to the masses of American Jewry. It is hoped that his Whatever Jews are in jobs in our even the more hurt when their ill showed him that God's hand is still itate his economic life, "constructive relief." In its fifty years the forceful leadership will lend potency to Jewish and American life public service are there only by mer- opinion is honestly founded on the protecting us." it; they are not there as Jews, but folly or the mistake of some Jews. The emperor then asked the inOrt has done much in reconstructing the lives of European Jews. in the years to come. only as citizens who have passed honI am afraid when a considerable fidel: "What have you shown Rabbi It builds trade schools, cooperative factories, and artels, and esest civil service examinations. group of Jews in a large city unite Joshua?" "I showed him that a peotablished cooperative agricultural colonies, besides supplying tools. It never occurs to us to ask, "How for the perpetuation of a concept of ple from whom God has turned away many Jews are there in the public government which decent communities His face." "And what did he show But the message of "Ort" goes further. It is the message An Irish Legend Certain unscrupulous politicians, foes of Eamon de Valera, service?" We are not interested. We are taking steps to outlaw. you?" The infidel replied that he did that an economically abnormal and unhealthy life must be changed do not feel that as Jews we have any I am afraid when a group of Jews not know. The emperor thereupon president of the Irish Free State, tried to inject a Jewish issue and built into a permanent and healthy economic structure. This special interest to be served by repre- unite (as Jews) for political action in said: "Should a man who does not applies in every country where Jewish people reside today. The into the bitter Irish political struggle by spreading the rumor that sentation in the local government; we defiance of American principles and know what is shown him by a sign no chupza that says, "We areI protest, just as I would protest if dare to raise his hand in the preseconomic problem confronting the Jew is even more distressing de Valera is of Jewish descent. Compelled to take cognizance of have entitled to jobs as Jews." We should any similar group went into politics. ence of an Emperor?" He forthwith this rumor, de Valera told the Irish parliament that there was not .than political or physical persecution. Necessary for solution is be ashamed of any Jew who says this. am afraid and I am also ashamed; ordered the infidel's execution. the diverting of large numbers from the middle-class group to the a drop of Jewish blood in his veins, that his Spanish father and We had a mayor who is a Jew but forI this is not the way of the Jew as Rabbi Resh Lokesh said: "WhoIrish mother were both Catholics and that he himself had been he was not a Jewish mayor. So faith- I know him productive status of workers and farmers. in our city. He is a Jew ever perverts the judgment of a ful was he to the honor of the Jewish who goes into public life with no Jew- stranger is considered as if he "would baptized in a Catholic church in New York. In making this disThe Ort method of "constructive relief" is aiding many Gername that he leaned backward lest it ish purpose, seeking nothing for him- pervert the judgment of heaven." man Jews to realize their desire to leave Hitlerland and obtain claimer, de Valera took pains to point out that it was not to be in- be said that he used his public power self or for his group, eager to serve gainful occuption. Young German Jews are being trained for in- terpreted as an attack upon the Jewish people, whom he held in to serve Jews. the community with no thought of NATIONAL We had a president of the Board of gain. dustry, the trades, and agriculture. The head of a Jewish relief high regard. Education who is a Jew but he was This incident recalls the legend, as told by Beryram Jonas, ACCESSORIES, Inc. bureau in Berlin stated not long ago: "Recently I had a request not a Jewish president. He, as a right- I am timid (for I have no chupza) that the Irish are the descendants of two of the Lost Ten Tribes and I say: "Is not this going to hurt EVERYTHING for fifty Jewish stocking knitters from a Jewish factory in the eous citizen, would have ordered from all of u s ! " of Israel. This curious fable is held to be gospel truth by the his presence any Jew who came to For the Auto Saar. In all Berlin I was unable to fill this order. Not a day him, saving, "Sir, you must see to it hundreds of thousands of adherents to the Anglo-Israel cult, but 2051 Farnam passes that I do not get letters from Jews in Denmark, Holland AT. 5524 (Copyright, 1934, by Seven Arts that we employ in our schools a numFeature Syndicate.) and other countries offering positions in industry for which I have is not, we think, to be given credence. Yet, since legend is theber of Jewish teachers proportionate no workers. We have to re-educate our population and bring them whisper of history, it cannot harm to hear Jonas' story of the to our numbers in the population." Our Jews in local politics are not back to a saner distribution among the various occupations." And legend: hunters for jobs but banner-bearers "For more than a century there has been a movement in Eng- for ideals. They helped to uprootan that is exactly what the Ort is doing. land known as Anglo-Israelism whose followers contend, and seek ancient and corrupt political machine, It is a hackneyed truism that "an ounce of prevention is worth to prove by plausible citations from the Old Testament, that the they helped to establish here a mu& pound of cure." But, nevertheless, the situation mentioned English, the Irish, the Scotch and the Welsh are descendants of nicipal government that has come to above can be averted in other countries if we start the diverting the Lost Ten Tribes. The exponents of this thWfyhold that when be known as the best in. the United States. They have asked nothing for from the middle-class group before it becomes a physical necessity. the Assyrian kmg, Shahrianeier, invaded ancieiitj^Israel and scat- themselves as Jews, The seeds of constructive relief must bear fruit in a more perman- tered its ten tribes, Dan and Simeon fled by seatto the islands of So high stands their unselfish charent and healthy economic structure. that no anti-Semitism ever even northern and eastern Europe. Then men of Dan became known acter attempts to touch them. as the Tuatha de Daanans of ancient Ireland and the men of Si- The city in which these Jews live meon as the Simonii of ancient Wales. From the Hebrew 'Golim,' is Cincinnati. Forward Backwardness



After school the children trill be hungry. Let them have all the butter they Want

Two steps forward and half a step backward describes the signifying 'exiles/ these men of Dan called themselves Gaels, acNazi policy in the Hitlerite government's efforts to eliminate the cording to the Anglo-Israelites. In further support of their novel If these Brooklyn Jews are eager political life I commend to them German Jews from the commercial and economic life of the thesis, the Anglo-Israelites point to a reference to Ar-zareth in for the example of these Jews of CincinEsdras H (the second of the two books of Apocrypha), which they nati. Let them be prophets (which is country. A minority of the Reich cabinet evidently believes that it is regard as an allusion to Ire-eretz, or Ireland, proving that even a Jewish role) not job seekers. Certainly, there is much for good for the good of Naziland to ease up on the restrictions upon Jew- then the Emerald Isle was known among the Israelitish exiles in citizens to do in the Brooklyn democthe East. They also claim that Hibemia, the Latin for Ireland, ish citizens. That is obviously the explanation for the official anracy which even at this distance exnouncement through the efforts of Minister of Economics Schmitt was named for a group of Hebers, descendants of Asher, who cludes a smell that is none too fragBe Sure That the Butter You Buy Is rant. Let Jews (as citizens, not as that the so-called Aryan clause should not be applied in business came with the Danites on their long journey. unite with other righteous men "To this settlement of Israelites in Ireland there was added Jews) life, the new German business code, leaving the door open for Jews to deodorize the party and to sterilto continue to head such firms as they still control. The labor another branch of the Hebrews 150 years later when Nebuchad- ize i t code likewise provides that Jewish employers are permitted to be nezzar crushed the Kingdom of Judah. As reconstructed by the Instead they are seen organizing l*w»\iy«^*:wTr«w.V7i\T^^^^ "leaders" of their employes. These concessions constitute the half Anglo-Israelites, Tea Tephi, the only survivor of the Davidic line and daughter of Zedekiah, Judah's last king, found a refuge in step "backward." Ireland together with her guardian, the Prophet Jeremiah. She The same business code, however, designates certain organANECDOTES brought with her the harp of David, celebrated1 in Irish balladry \ izations as the sole representatives of their branch of business, JUDAICA authorizes the creation of new organizations and the dissolution or as 'the harp that once Tara's (Torah?), halls the soul of music merger of others, and empowers the business commissar to force shed/ her royal escutcheon, the Lion of the House of David, and, HE KNEW HIS BIBLE outsiders to join these organizations and submit to their regula- most priceless of all, the Lia Phail, or Stone Wonderful on which Seymour, who had just come home Jacob slept while on his way to Haran. Housed in Westminster tions. Also, though the Nazi-dictated cabinet has issued on paper from Sunday school, heard his motha decree which eases up on Jewish business, the official Nazi party Abbey, this dull, reddish stone, one of the most precious posses- er complain that she had a headItself has issued contrary orders. These easily constitute two sions of the British Empire has served as the coronation stone of ache. generations of Irish, Scotch and English sovereigns. After her "I learned -in. Sunday school tosteps forward toward a backward goal. day," he said in an effort to be arrival in Ireland, Tea Tephi married Heremon,"a scion of the sympathetic, What is handed out of Germany for foreign consumption and "that Moses had a headwhat is done for internal consumption make two widely divergent House of Tuatha de Daanan at Tara, and thus reunited the twoache too when he went up to Mount Sinai." tales. Thus we read of prison sentences of thirty months and branches of Israel." . Amused despite her headache, his twelve months respectively to a young Nazi woman and her husmother asked, "how was that?" band by a court in Darmstadt which found them guilty of extort- Lending Warmth "Well, the rabbi said that God gave Mosse two tablets when he ing 1,500 marks from a Jewish business man by telling him atrocThe generosity of Holland's heart continues to give warmth reached the mountain top," answered ity stories. In passing sentence the court told the universe that in the midst of the dreariness of continental Europe. Seymour. "the world must be shown with this punishment that honorable The wsek before the Dutch government ordered kosher meat Jews are protected in Germany from such horrid traitors and to be substituted for non-kosher meat being supplied to the JewLocal Committee parasites." As some might suspicion, the names of those involved ish unemployed in that country. were not divulged. On the other hand, a new nation-wide boycott And now word comes from Amsterdam that Holland has For Ort Formed MALLORY, KNOX, WHITE, campaign against the Jews of Germany has been proclaimed by leased for two years one hundred and seventy acres of land as the the Nazi Trade and Artisans Association from March 23 to April site of a temporary colony and training camp. The colony will be A local Ort committee, headed by ROYAL CLUB . . . AND is being formed here 7, and began two weeks ahead of schedule. The anti-Jewish boy- able to handle four hundred refugees and will be used as a training followingFacobs, VIMENET HATS,$5 the visit last week-end of cott is being pushed with all the resources at the command of the' camp for German Jewish youths who are not allowed to train for Dr. Boris Aisurowitch of the World It's The Nebraska's business to search powerful Nazi machine which so ruthlessly controls every phase a new occupation, as agriculture, in Hitlerland^ Here they will j O l * America for the best $5 Hats—and find of German life . . . posters, trucks with loud speakers, movie receive instruction in farming and other trades In preparation for In an address Sunday evening, Dr. Aisurowitch told of the work Ort is them. Your individual hat is here in The shorts, radio speeches, pamphlets, leaflets, pickets, questionnaires, emigration to Palestine and other countries. ; . accomplishing in reconstructing the Nebraska's vast showing. All that's new physical violence are being used. lives of Eastern and Central Europfor Spring in style and color! ean Jewry. Since Hitler's advent in Having slammed the door in the face of the Jews who attemp- Timely Observations.... Germany, the Ort has also done conted to shift their occupational basis to land and to manual labor, STETSON QUALITY HATS, $ 6 to "Once more, as so frequently throughout their long heroic siderably to aid the Jewry of that the Nazis are intensifying their vicious campaign against German and tragic history, the Jews are showing their willingness, to make country. BORSALINO IMPORTED HATS, $!O Jews in trade and industry with the design to drive them into a generous sacrifices on behalf of their fellow Jews."—James Mc- The Ort prepares declassed Jews for trades and agriculture. It supplies OTHER GOOD HATS, $2.85 and $ 4 newtype of ghetto and isolate them economically as they have Donald, League of Nations High Commissioner for German Retools in addition to conducting trade teen psychologically isolated ever since the advent of the Nazi re- fugees. and technical schools. Hats—Main Floor gime. - • "-••' •. v .:./;./ • ' : '.-". . . ; : \ : .."' Ort has established 103 trade with fifty thousand students. "The only battles I regret having fought are those in which schools It works' in eight countries and has Rabbi Stephen Samuel Wise my opponents saw fit to use poison weapons against me. They established over 200 co-operative facand colonies. The organization This past week Dr. Stephen S. Wise celebrated his sixtieth usually criticized me for lying about them. Never in my career tories ; CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND "WOMEN: has been in existence over fifty years. birthday and his fortieth anniversary in the ministry. For four ihave I uttered deliberately a word against a man that was un- I. Morgenstern introduced Dr. Aisfull and fruitful decades Kabbi Wise has served the interests of true."—Rabbi Stephen S. Wise. urowitch Sunday.


The Hat World's Best



Willard Smith Head Sisterhood Course Final Book Review Holzman Returns of Graduating Class In Current Topics Of Series Monday From Mexico Trip

Young Judaea

A regular meeting of the Young Judaea will be held Sunday at 3 at the J. C. C. Willard Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. The final lecture for the season Rabbi David A. Goldstein will con- p. Am.jruest speaker will be featured. Herman Smith, 3103 Nicholas street, of the Current Topics course by Jewish life in Mexico City- and clude his series of eight book evewas honored by the March graduat- Rabbi Frederick Cohn under the au-Monterrey is normal with the Jewish nings with a review Monday evening, ing class of Technical High school spices of the Temple Israel Sister- community life well - organized and March 26, at the J. C. C. of two by being elected president of the hood will be held at the Blackstone well-knit, was the observation of Wil- Chinese stories, "Oil for the Last All Forms of Insurance class. Hotel Tuesday morning, at 10:30liam L. Holzman who, accompanied of China," by Alice Tisdale Homwith Reliable Companies by his mother - in - law, Mrs. Morris bart, and "The House of Exile," by He also had the leading role in a. m. the class play, "Be Yourself," given Dr. Cohn's subject -will be "TheLevy, returned last week from a five- Nora Wain. the •week-end before last. Each lecture has been attended by \ Hour of Decision — Spengler's Pro- week trip to Mexico. Mr. Holzman found immigration re- over four hundred, and the series {Formerly in the employ of I*. Harris) phecy." strictions quite stringent there. He has proven the most successful j 12 Years Experience Hadassah GRAETZ-SPAR ENGAGEMENT also noted that the B'nai Brith was sponsored by this group. Council of Jewish active and was doing excellent work. Mrs. Mose Yousem has been in I Inquiry Kesarding Any Irsurnnce Mr. and Mrs. Sol Spar announce the Sisterhood Seder The date of the next regular meetLines Is Invited Cities visited included Orizaba, Tax- charge, assisted by Mrs. Irvin Levin. J engagement of their daughter, Esther, Women of Hadassah has been postponed Dinner March 31 ing co, Puebla, Tolnca, Vera Cruz, Cordoto Mr. Saul Graetz, son of Mr. and ESTATE — IIF.NTAT.S and will be held on Tuesday, April Mrs. Leon Graetz. A regular meeting of the Council ba, Progreso and Merida. A large 3, at the J. C. C. The wedding will take place in The ladies of Temple Israel .Sis- This "will coincide -with a broad- of Jewish Women will be held at the amount of time was spent studying Conservative Auxiliary j 315 So. 15 JA. 7311 terhood will give a seder dinner and cast on a national coast-to-coast net- J. C. C. Monday afternoon, March the ruins of the ancient Mara Indians. The next Oneg Shabbos will be June. services in the vestry of the Temple work by Mrs. Halprin, outstanding 26, with the three vice-presidents in Mr. Holzman took moving pictures of held March 24 at the home of Mrs. Saturday evening, March 31, at 6:30 Hadassah leader, on a timely subject charge of the afternoon. Max Barish, with Mrs. M. D. Brodthe interesting sights on his trip. FREED-KATSKEE Mrs. Mollie Cohen and Mrs. Harry of -what is being done for the new Mrs. Max Holzman will give a re- The structures of the Mayan In- key as co-hostess. ENGAGEMENT Mrs. D. A. Goldstein has planned view of the activities of the National dians are estimated to have been Mrs. Sophie Katskee announces the Rosenfeld are in charge of the dinimmigrants to Palestine. engagement of her daughter, Rose, to ner. Reservations should he made Locally, the program will be heard Council of Jewish Women, stressing erected from one to two thousand a pre-Passover program to explain MARY STEIN the significance of the various cereHarry J. Freed, son of Mr. and Mrs.•with Mrs. Rosenfeld, GL 0400, by over station WOW from 2 to 2:30the Omaha section's part. Mrs. M.years ago, possibly earlier. HAMILTON CAPE Wednesday, March 28. monies and articles of the S&der. p. m. (Omaha time) under the fea-F. Levenson will give a Jewish curJacob Freed of this city. The dinner will be 75c per plate. An April tea is planned for the rent topics review covering the imture know as "Women's Review." No definite date has been set for Vaad Auxiliary next Auxiliary meeting by Mrs. the -wedding. A program of Passover music •will portant events of the year. Phineas Wintroub, program chairPlans lor a Mother-Daughter banMyron Cohen, son of Mr. and Mrs. 9 COURSES FOR GIVE OR GET be given in connection with Mrs. man. quet in May were discussed at the Goodman Cohen, who has won a numLUNCHEON Halprin's talk. Chicken — Pnck — Steaks KUTLER-MffilNGOFF ber of musican state honors in vio-regular monthly meeting of the The marriage of Miss Ida Miring- A partial list of the women -who 50c to 63c lin, will play a group of selections. Ladies' Vaad Auxiliary Monday. ReThe month of April will be known have obtained their quotas for the off of Wichita, Kansas, to Mr. Harry Re-Im ports were given by the various comMrs. Max Holzman is in charge of Passover Dishes Will Be Kutler, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Hadassah Give or Get luncheon to beas Hadassah's "activity month." On mittees. Two newly-elected officers—Leon the afternoon's program. the month's program: held April 25, includes: Served During the Holidays Kutler, of Omaha, took place March A symposium was presented on Nogg, secretary, and Paul NerenBusiness Men's Lunch 35c 11 at the home of the groom's par- Mesdames Reuben Bordy, R. H. White Elephant Sale, April 9, 10 A board meeting at 1:30 will pre- "The Modern Jewish Woman." Mrs. berg, sergeant-at-anns—were incede the afternoon session. Mrs. Al 2406 Farnam Ja. 9393 ents, in the presence of members of Bleicher, Dave Epstein, Louis Epstein, and 11. stalled at the meeting of the Re-Im Frank will preside, and a nominating Joseph Rosenberg spoke on "The Sam Epstein, J. J. Friedman, J. J. Card Party, April 10. the immediate families. will be elected to prepare Modern Jewish Woman in Palestine," last Thursday. Thirty guests from out-of-town, in- Frieden, I. Grossman, Max Goldberg, Jewish National Fund box collec- committee the 1934 elate of officers. All board Mrs. Isadore Elewitz on "The Jew- Three new members initiated were tions, April 16. Ben Handler, Phil Handler, Abraham cluding guests from Wichita, Chicago ish Woman in the Theatre," anl Mrs.Irving Shneiderman, Joe Dandy, and members are urged to attend. and Kansas City, attended. The couple Katz, J. Lintzman, Simon Pizer, A. S. Musicale and Book Review by Mrs. Ho-ward Milder on "The Jewish Wom- Harry Bush. D. A. Goldstein, April 17. Rubnitz, Harry Reuben, Abraham •will make their home in Sioux Gty, an in Literature.** Cantor A. Sch- weiner roast will be held SaturRomm, Ernest Reuben, B. A. Simon, Third Annual Give or Get Lunchla. Jr.Vaad Auxiliary waczkin sang, accompanied by Mrs,dayA night at Hermanson's farm. ArDave Stein, Julius Stein, Arthur The- eon, April 25. Wednesdays R. M. Shlaes. Rabbi Uri Miller spoke Tangements are being made by Ben »1VA A a regular meeting of the Junior odore, N. S. Yaffe. ENTERTAINS AT LUNCHEON on "Pesach." Wine, assisted by Leon Gross and >/ 2 C Only " All funds from the Give or Get goes The White Elephant sale will be Vaad Auxiliary Tuesday evening at Mrs. Dollie Elgutter and Mrs. the B'nai Israel synagogue, plans Tea was served by Mrs. Louis Harry Whitman. held by k>cal Hadassah April 9, 10 On Other X>ajrs—~c to the Hadassah Medical fund. To be Charles Schimmel entertained at a eligible for the Give or Get luncheon, and 11, with Mrs. Ike Grossman as were discussed for a mother-daugh- Epstein and her co-hostesses: Mes- The Re-Im will enter a skit on AilSHIBTS—finished, 8c each luncheon Tuesday at the Blackstone board dames A. Schwaczkin, L. Kaplan, L. Star night. ter affair. chairman. All having bundles of clothmembers must raise ten dollars complimenting Mrs. Edward Schim- each and other members five dollars. ing, furniture, dishes, etc., are asked After a short business meeting, Turkel, and T. TuTly. mel of Galesburg, 111.Thirty - four An excellent program is being ar- to call any of the following: a joint program with the Toung Men's 4,184 in February guests -were present. Mesdames O. S. Belzer, Abe Bolk- Vaad was held. Sarah German and Jerusalem—In the month of Febranged for the affair, and it is hoped Fratority er, Sam Davis, O. S. Goldner, A. Kichard Morgenstern read two short ruary 4,184 Jews entered Palestine. to have a national Hadassah officer RECUPERATING AT HOME Greenspan, Leon Mendelson, Hyman Jewish stories. .Rabbi Uri Miller spoke A party in honor of the newly- Of this number, 2,684 -were acIESS f&fi«AK At2&IS Mrs. Stanley F. Levin is recuperat- here to speak for the occasion. elected officers of Fratority was held credited immigrants and 1,500 were Osoff, Sam Peltz, Sam Rice, A. on Passover. ing at her home from an appendecWednesday evening at the Congrega- registered as tourists. Schwaczkin, Sam Stern, Paul Wohltion of Israel synagogue. tomy, which she underwent at the BAR MTTZVAH Rome—The new Italian chamber ner. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Singer anNicholas Senn hospital. of deputies, containing 400 members Julius Meyerson was toastmaster. nounce the Bar Mitzvah of their son, approved by the Fascist Grand Coun- Yale Halperin, new president, was Laurence, Saturday morning, March cil, includes 12 Jews, eight more the principal speaker. Molly lipsYoung Judaea RECUPERATED 24, at the B'nai Israel synagogue, 18th man spoke briefly. Entertainment "The Silver Cup," a Passover play than that selected five years ago. Eva Nichols has recuperated from and Chicago streets. : > _ her recent illness and has returned A reception in his honor will be in Yiddish, will be presented by the The Jewish members of the cham- was furnished by Eugene Janoff and ber are Joseps Fano, Guido Jung. Irving Kn.imn.-n- Mrs. A. Kazlowsky, to work. held a t the Singer home Sunday, Young Judaea girls at the J. C C. A. Klinger, S. Landau, Ricardo sponsor, was presented with a gift. March 25, from 2 to 5 p. m. and from Wednesday evening, April 4, as a Luzzati, Gino Olivetti, Alfredo Silva, Refreshments were served. IS RECUPERATING 7 to 9 p. m. No invitations have been fund-raising means. Leonardo Steiner, Gina Arias, En- Julias Meyerson was in charge, asMrs. J. Ringle, who has been con- issned, and relatives and friends are Miss Minnie Miller, a sponsor, is rico Bleiner, Guiseppe Lemba and sisted by Hannah Meyerson, Louise lined to bed for five weeks, is nowcordially invited. directing the play. Sarah Beber will Angelo Daludifi. There are also sev- Nathan, Gertrude Canar, Rose Baurapidly recuperating from her Illness. be chairman. Those taking part in- eral Jews in the senate. mer, and Joe Schlaifer. clude Beatrice Eisman, Rose KirshMARIONETTE SHOW enhanm, Betty Tarnoff, Eve Kuznit, A Marionette Show presented by Miss Mary Cooper is to be the Jiovel Molly Kelberg. activity of the Junior Society of the THE By Conservative Synagogue, on Sunday, Ladies Auxiliary of Mrs. David M. Newman April 8, at the Jewish Community Center. "Unlike most benefit, affairs, Congregation of Israel this feature will tend principally toPassover Recipes ward the very young folks of Omaha, A board meeting followed by a Sponge Cake of Nebraska Women though everyone is welcome. A nom- business session was held by the 6 eggs inal admission charge will be made. Vs. lemon Ladies* Auxiliary of the CongregaTry a Bag Today ?4 cup sugar tion of Israel, South Omaha, Mon2 tablespoons cake flour BENEFIT LUNCHEON day afternoon, at the synagogue as2 tablespoons potato starch ^ N D BRIDGE sembly hall, 25th and J. Beat yolks, add sugar and beat again. J «pjje annual luncheon and bridge Ways and means were discussed Beat whites until stiff, add meal andj^gjjgfj^ fQr ^ e public school luncheon for a bridge tea to be held shortly starch to yolks. Fold in egg whites,} and milk fund, sponsored by the Quar- after the holidays. The next meetlemon juice. When baked cover with ter to Ten Beading club, will be held ing will be held April 23 instead of powdered sugar. Serve with whipped at the Blackstone Hotel Saturday, April 16. cream. March 24, at 1 o'clock. This fund operates in forty-two of Matzo Pancakes the public schools in the city and Beat yolks of 3 eggs light, add %serves over 2,000 children daily cup cold water, % teaspoon salt, through breakfasts, luncheons, and enough meal to make a soft batter, nutrition classes. fold in beaten egg whites, fry in fat. Reservations may be made with Serve with jelly or powdered sugar. Mrs. Dave Feder.


Special Sunday Dinner


NAVY Goes to the Front IN



mar O

—^_ wonder


New York—Robert D. Kohn,, Mizrachi Musical of housing of the Public Plans are going forward for therector has been Works Mizrachi Musical, which will be held awarded Administration, the 1933 medal of of April 15 at the B'nai Israel syna- the New York Chapter honor of the gogue. The concert is being given American Institute of Architects for by the Hazomir Singing Society un- "distinguished work and high proder the direction of Cantor A. Sch-fessional service." •wacskin.


The illustrated coat is just one oj the many navy creations at Carman's that have won the approval of our smart clientele.

Return Engagement Another concert will be presented locally by the New York trio, Victor Pecker, Maxim Brodin and Zelda Zlotkin, under the auspices of the Workman's Circle No. 173. The concert will be held at the J. C. C. April 18. This will be the first spring concert of the organization. The same artists made such an appeal in their recent appearance here that they are being bronght back by popular request, the organization says.

nsurance. Eating is too important a factor in human life to be treated carelessly or thoughtlessly. Make sure that your foods are pure and of the best quality, cleanly prepared and served "while still fresh. Eating at the Jack and Jill is your insurance that you are getting the best in foods.

LIFE SPARKLE At Hotel Paxton, there is that atmosphere of smartness and gayety thai makes it first thought with those whe celebrate special occasions. During "Seder Nights" enjoy the mu sic of Omaha's favorite orchestra, Art BandaH, playing for dinner In the beautiful main dining room. Supper dancing every Saturday night, 10:30 til


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CAT KILLS RATTLESNAKE—Rattlesnakes may be dangerous reptiles, but Popeye, Los Angeles tomcat, has no fear of them. Popeye is pictured with a four-foot rattler he killed in a fierce battle in the backyard of his master's home. The fight ended when Popeye sank his sharp teeth into the snake's head.


GENERAL'S DAUGHTER WEDS—Lieutenant Lee Wood Parke, U. S. N., is photographed with his bride, the former Cora Elizabeth Glassford, daughter of Brig. Gen. Pelham Glassford, U. S. A., retired, walking under the arch of swords formed by fellow officers of the bridegroom, following their marriage at a church in Los Angeles'. STUDY HULA HULA—Wiggle your feet, shake your hips and wave your hands—that's hula. Because dance experts say it is the best dance exercise known, beauties at Miami, Fla., are making a study of thft terpsichore of Hawaii. This photo shows two Hawiian girls, Princesses Hilo Kuku and Maina Loa, who are tutoring American girls in the dance.

WORK ON DAM PROGRESSES—this air view shows the construction work on Norris dam in Tennessee. Note the deep cut in the hillside at extreme left. The dam, when completed, will reach from this point to the hillside on the right.

AT END OF JOURNEY—Home from a 6,000-mile trip to the West Indies, Mrs. Franklin D Roosevelt is photographed as she was greet* ed by the president at the railroad station in Washington.

NEW GOVERNOR TAKES OATH—Joseph B. Poindexter, left, is shown at Honolulu, taking the oath of office as governor of Hawaii from Justice James J. Banks of the supreme court. Poindexter sue-' ceeds Lawrence M. Judd in the governor's post.






j ' *

-GOLDEN ANGELS"—Dance hall girls following in the wake of the Alaskan gold rush to entertain the men undergo the same hardships on their way to Dawson. What a reception awaited them in the gambling halls of the north country 1

THE TRAIL OF .'DS.-—Under the "Spell of the Yukon" no hardship is too great for gold. Here they are seen fording an.icy stream in the heart of Alaska lured onward by the





line of stunts, with a skit entitled the B'nai Israel synagogue. They will to the polls Monday and anyone "The Pioneers." participate in the adult services, due who wishes a ride should call the Last year's -winners, A. Z. A. 100, to a Bar Mitzvah being held at that Republican Headquarter?, phone 251. will seek this year's prize -with a stunt time. There is one Jewish candidate who called "The Amateurs," presenting a Refreshments will be served to is running for a city office at this back-stage view of an amateur perelection. Mr. George S. Steinberg members of the Junior Congregation By F. R. K. formance. is a candidate for Alderman-at-Large by Mrs. D. Crounse in the observon the Republican Ticket. ance of Mr. Croxmse's birthday. "Love, Honor and Oh-Baby," featuring a negro marriage ceremony, At services at Temple Israel this A. Z. A. Sabbath Services to be in the District Music Contest held "Kaleidoscope Revue" to Be with musical accompaniment, -will be evening Rabbi Frederick Cohn will Held at Synagogue Tonight. at Glenwood, Iowa last Friday. the offering of A. Z. A. 1. A nom- preach on "The Cross of Peace," Sir Given at Jewish ComInternational A.ZJL "Sabbath" will inal admission charge of ten cents is Philip Gibbs' latest novel. munity Center be appropriately observed with spec- Joseph Solomonow, son of Mr. and being made. Special A. Z. A. services will be ial services at the Chevra B'nai Yis- Mrs. W. Solomonow, won first place Dr. Cohn's subject for Saturday morning services will be "Spring." held this evening at the B'nai Israel roel synagogue at 618 Mynster Street in the Oratorical contest at CreighKaddish will be recited this Sab- synagogue. Members of the local A. at eight o'clock this evening, March ton University in Omaha last week. The "Kaleidoscope Revue" under Washington (WNS)—A diplomatic bath for Isaac Rubin, Gerald Wirth- Z. A. chapters will have complete 23rd, conducted by the Council Bluffs He will be awarded a gold medal at the auspices of the Bound Table of, note, and s petition signed by more safter, Bernard Gladstone. Chapter No. 7 of the A. Z. A. a banquet to be held in the near fuJewish Youth will be presented Tues- ! charge. than a quarter of a million American day evening, March 27, 8 p. m., at the' Abe L. ELatelman, past grand sec- ture. This contest was sponsored by citizens of every faith and shade of Harry Weinberg will act as rabbi; the Hibernians organisation. J. C. C. The "Kaleidoscope Revue" is retary of the National A. Z. A., and opinion protesting against the Nazi Abe Katz, cantor; Massie Baum and a member of the advisory board, -will a continuation of the All-Star Nite government's persecution of Jews and At services tonight the ConservaMeyer Levey, will deliver sermons. deliver the sermon. Morton Adler, "which has proven so successful in the Mrs. B. Schwarz of Des Mornes, requesting President Roosevelt to fortive Synagogue will be hosts to the Saturday morning Rabbi Uri Miller local president, is chairman in charge Iowa returned to her home on Monpast few years. ward it with, the note to the German By DAVID SCHWARTZ members of the A. Z. A., who are ob- will speak at the B'nai Jacob syna- of arrangements. day following a ten day visit here at government vere left with Marvin H. Participants in this revue are from serving their international A. Z. A. gogue, 24th and Nicholas, at the Boy Scout Troop No. 7, which is the membership role of the Round Sabbath. Bar Mitzvah of Leonard Goldstein, sponsored by the local A. Z. A. the home of her brother-in-law and Mclntyre, assistant secretary to the sister, Mr. and Mrs. Abe Markovitz. Table, which includes practically all AN EINSTEIN EPIGRAM The following young men will par- son of Mr. and Mrs. L Goldstein. chapter, will usher at the services She was accompanied back by her President, by Alfred M. Cohen, presiof the Jewish yonth organizations in dent of the B'nai Brith, and ConThe traditional -Shabbos Hagodol this evening. That -was a slick epigram that ticipate in the service: Iz Mittleman, husband and two sons, Donald and gressman Adolph Sabath of Chicago. the city. Rabbi David H. Wice is sponcantorj Israel Bercovici, reader; My- sermon will be delivered Saturday someone in Palestine put over some The public is cordially invited to Harold, and her sister, Mrs. Jack sor of the group and William Wolfe ron Tarnoff, opening and closing afternoon at 4 p. m. at the Beth The petition summarizes the antiis president. Selma Lottman is direc- years ago. It has just been recalled prayers; Ernest Priesman, introduc- Hamedrosh Hagodol synagogue, 19th. attend these services which will be Friedman, all of Des Moines, who Semitic laws of the German governtor. Ralp Nogg will be chairman and to me! The one about Einstein. Re- tory remarks; Louis Riklin and Ed- and Burt. Members and friends are of interest to the entire Jewry of motored here on Sunday. ment and points out that "against Council Bluffs. master of ceremonies Tuesday night, member—the Zionists said of the ward Rosenbaum, talks. urged to attend. Miss Lydia Ross, who underwent an these outrages right - minded people •while Irving Sternhill will be stage great philosopher of time and space: 'Time and space is against us, The Religious School is preparing manager. . The Council Bluffs Agndas Achim operation for appendicitis at the_ are protesting." but Einstein is for us.". a special Passover program for this Society celebrated their twentieth an- Mercy Hospital last week, was re-i' There will be seven acts of a varied Well, today, maybe space is still The Junior Congregation will meet Sunday morning at 10 a. m. Parents niversary of its organization with a turned to her home Wednesday, where POTJTTICAT, AnVKKTTSEMKNT and distinctive nature. Three prizes 9 o'clock Saturday morning at and friends are urged to be present. stag party last. Thursday night at she is now convalescing. •will be awarded: one for the most against the Jews in Palestine—alTo Vote a Straight Clyde Krasne left last Friday forj the Eagles Hall, with approximately original skit, one for the most hu- though if the Trans-Jordan is Democratic Ticket, two hundred members and friends at- Los Angeles, California, to be gone j morous, and one for the best all-round opened. It will not be—but certainly time has never been more propitious j tending. The featured part of the for an extended visit. Mark X in Circle at presentation. program included the Josephs PlayThe Council Bluffs Chapter of the Top of Ballot. The Re-Ims will present "Screwy- for Zionism. ers of the Jewish Operetta Company, Senior Hadassah entertained fiftymeade Manor," starring Jack Frieden A TRUE STORY Mavor who entertained with musical num- five g-uests at a luncheon at the Hoas "Kate Smith" and featuring the Speaking about Palestine, did you bers. Ben Kubby gave an interest- tel Chieftain Wednesday afternoon, HUGH FINERTY "Vilde Mensch" and other "interestever learn the real story about the ing speech on the accomplishments preceding the regular meeting. Mrs. ing" characters. Solicitor of the club since its organization Nathan Adler was chairman in charge The Xi Lambda will present "Min- orange groves in Palestine? Oranges are golden, and it seems to me the twenty years ago. A piano solo was of this affair and was assisted by P. C. RASMUSSEN strels of '34," with songs, jokes, fun story about the first orange planta- New Fascist Group the Mesdames Albert Krasne, Sam resulted in a landslide for the La- given by Miss Florence Steinberg. and dances. Engineer tions in Palestine is a golden story Katelman, Philip Carp, Martin Troutbor Party. Mr. Reuben Brown was chairman in A dream worked into the times of Newark, N. J,—A new Fascist ortoo. It is really very simple, but felt, and M. Yudelson. E. E. SPETMAN Nine of the Jewish members were charge of this affair and was assisttoday is the background for the sketch ganization calling itself the United to be given by the Kappa Tau sor- it deserves a lot of trimmings and States of America Union of Fascists elected on the Labor tickets and ed by the Messrs. Charles Saltz- Mrs. David A. Goldstein of OmTreasurer embroidery. man, Sam Meyerson, and Joe Passer. aha was the guest speaker. Her ority. and disclaiming any connection with five on the Conservative ticket. CHARLES W. GOULD When the first Jewish settlements existing Fascist groups in this counMr. Sam Rosenthal is president of subject was on the Jewish authors The Junior Hadassah group will of the nineteenth century. A huwere made in Palestine, the Jews the Agudas Ashim. present "something different" in the try, has made its appearance in New- Find German-Made Tools Assessor naturally sought to get good land ark. A regular meeting of the Agudas morous debate was given by Mrs. On City Job J. V. CROWE Martin Troutfelt and Mrs. Richard for themselves. Everybody who New York.—In violation of muni- Achim will be held next Thursday Gordon, "Resolved, that the "HamanHeaded by Gastano Asone, a natwants to settle on the land wants evening, March 29th, at 8:30 o'clock Alderman-at-Large tashen" is better than the Doughnut". good land. Now the best land is uralized citizen who was one active in cipal regulations providing that all at the Eagles HalL A bassoon solo was given by Bernard generally the wheat growing land. Fascism in Italy, the new movement material used on city projects must be J. P. CAREY Balaban, accompanied at the piano by And Jews tried to buy this land— proposes to abolish poverty, Commu- made in the United States under CARL M. HUBER Enoch Gilinsky, 74 years old, passbut the Arab landowners refused to nists, Socialists, anarchists, municipal NRA codes, 100 tools made in Ger- ed away at his home, 118 Vine St., Miss Florence Steinberg. many were found to have been in use police departments, and misunderpart with this better land. So the Park Commissioner Saturday afternoon of heart trouble. Jews could only get the sandy, good standings between capital and labor. by CWA employes working on a mu- He is survived by his widow, Sarah; HENRY MEYER, JR. City Election to be Held Monday nicipal undertaking under the superfor nothing land. three daughters, Mrs. Ralph Castle in Council Bluffs. vision of Borough President Levy. Anti-Semitic Congress to Meet Auditor Well, the Jews tried to do the best of New York City, Mrs. M. A. Pirsh The general City Election will be Berlin. — A European congress of and Mis Gertrude Gilinsky of Coun- held in Council Bluffs on Monday, they could with this good for noth- anti-Semites to study the Jewish prob- French Vets Oppose AntiGENEVIEVE SHARKEY cil Bluffs; three sons, Israel Gilinsky March 26th, and everyone is urged ing land. They tried planting many lem has been called to meet next week Semitism and Hitlerism of Omaha, Ben Gilinsky of Portland, things, but it -was like taking a General Agent in Bal Aizigor, Switzerland, accordALDERMAX Paris.—Hard on the heels of its en- Oregon, and Joseph F. Gilinsky of to go to the polls Monday and vote. The Democratic Headquarters have 338-340 Electric Bldg. JA. 7320 stupid boy and trying to teach him ing to an announcement in the Voel- trance into the political arena as a Council Bluffs; four brothers, two announced that free transportation geometry. The land wasn't inter- kische Beobachter, chief Nazi organ. Fascist organization, Croix de Feux first Ward ested. Thats all. It just wouldn"t re- Representatives of anti-Semitic or- (Cross of Fire), the fast-growing or- sisters, fourteen grandchildren and will be furnished to any voter who E. J. SPINE spond. So some Jews -weary to the ganizations from a score of countries ganization of French war veterans, one great grandchild. desires a ride to the polls on Monday.. I point of desperation with trying, are expected to attend. Second "Ward Funeral services were held Sunday by calling the Democratic Headquar-! has categorically, denied, through its ters, phone 146. planted some oranges—and lo and afternoon at the residence, with burJOHN F. MONTGOMERY commander, Colonel de la Rocque, behold! Did you ever hear the story The Republican Headquarters will! that it is in sympathy with. Hitlerism. ial in the Oak Hill cemetery. Oranges in Swastika-Marked Inc. of Hans Christian Anderson of the also furnish, cars to take any voter' _ Third Ward Colonel de la Rocque also declared ugly duckling that,became a swan? Wrappers that his association is opposed to anW. E. SCOTT The Council Bluffs Lodge No. 6S8 London.—Palestinian Arab exportrOUTICAI. ADYEKTISEMENT Well, this-.is_:)exa< ti-Semitism. "" •**•<— — : -' of the Independent Order of the B'nai ers*wh*o trTea^icTwIn the friendshlp'of here. The - poor Jand-. which .was Fourth Ward Brith will hold a regular meeting though, to/be worthless is producing Nazi Germany by exporting a shipL. H. BAILEY next Monday fc»'ening, March 26th, at ment of oranges wrapped in paper the most valuable -Palestine crop. 8:30 o'clock at the Eagles Hall. And those who. are able to buy this carrying the swastika emblem have Filth Ward high priced orange land now live been rebuffed by Germany, which refused to permit the oranges to enter E. A. DURICK happy ever after. ; Leslie London, senior at the AbraGermany. ham Lincoln High School, has been Isn't, that a nice story? And it Sixfh Ward The Nazi government strictly forappointed as business manager in isn't a fairy story. It's true. bids the use of the swastika for comLEE COONEY charge of the Crimson and Blue, the mercial purposes. Judge of Municipal Court WATCH OUT! Class year book. He is the son of Stuck with the oranges, the exportDO YOU WANT FEOSPERITY! A. Almi, the Yiddish essayist tells Berlin (WNS).—Convincing proof Mr. and Mrs. Louis London. me this one. He vouches for it as ers sent them to London, where the that the Hitler government is VOTE DEMOCRATIC! On yon-Partisan Judiciary Ticket. having happened on the East side. Jews have raised a protest. launching a renewed and more inMiss Esther Steinberg, daughter of Chayinf bought "a watch there of tensive anti-Semitic drive is seen Mr. and Mrs. Simon Steinberg, won Election, Monday, March 26 a watch dealer. A couple of days Wauchope to Pay for in the issuance of a decree barring first place in the violin solo division later, Chayim came back fetching his Improvements Gonncil Bluffs. loira Jews from the army and the navy ADVEKTISESCEVT watch with him. rOXiXICAX. ADVEBHSEMEST and in the announcement of the have your Jerusalem.—In an address at the "I want my money back. This first graduation exercises of the Arab Nazi Trade and Artisans Union watch is no good." That's what agricultural school established at Al- proclaiming a country-wide boycott Chayim said. chras with funds bequeathed by the against Jews from March 23 to "What is the matter with the Jewish millionaire, Kadoorie, High April 7. watch?" asked the watch dealer. The decree ousting Jews from the Commissioner Wauchope announced "It doesn't run," was the reply.' that he would personally finance the army and navy, which was signed "Didn't it run at all?" queried the construction of a new wing to the by President von Hindenburg, as dealer. . • . school and of an addition to the Zion- commander-in-chief, a n d General "Yes, it ran for 24 hours and then ist experimental station at Rehoboth. Werner von Blomberg, as-minister stopped." On a visit to Nathaniah he prom- of defense, provides that on and To Vote a Straight after May 31 every officer, non"Well," replied the dealer, "U you Fresh Poultry, Eggs ana Butter ised to help that settlement obtain commissioned Republican Ticket officer and enlisted ran for 24 hours you'd want to rail connections. FOR man' in the German army and navy stop too." Mark X in Circle at who cannot present documentary Top of Ballot. Poshes United Jewish Front THE BUSINESS OF proof that he is of pure Aryan deCETY SOLICITOR PUBLIC SERVICE 1301 No. 24th St. in Palestine Major scent or that he is married to an ANTI-SEMITISM Jerusalem.—One of the most im- Aryan will be dismissed. CHESTER A. BOWERS The anti-Semitic business is unA Renewal of your Vote Will Be Appreciated The significance of this decree, questionably experiencing a boom. It portant points on the agenda of the Solicitor always does in depression times— meeting of the Zionist Actions Com- apart from the fact that it confirms PROCTOR R. PERKINS and yet even that racket is not mittee will be the creation of a united previous reports of an intensificaJewish front in Palestine and a united tion of the anti-Jewish movement, always profitable. Vtorm Ooort—CefmblnoHon:Doof«/| TreKsnrcr front of all Zionist groups in the Di- is that it was signed by HindenI have just seen a report -that aspora lands. S. THEODORE BRAUN burg and von Blomberg who have the leading anti-Semitic of France, Special efforts will be made to over- hitherto been opposed to the appli, MICKL1N LUMBER G ^ Monsieur Coty, the maker of perAuditor fumes—who ought to know how to come the bitterness existing "between cation of the Aryan law to the mili19th and Nicholoiy ; JA S ART LARSEN the Histadruth {Jewish laborites) and tary and naval forces. These services make a bad aroma—lost many millions of francs on his Jew-baiting the Revisionists, whose animosity and have been the only government deEngineer frequent clashes have created serious partments in which Jews were still journal. JACK BOYNE tension. . retained. FOR ARABS AND JEWS The new boycott campaign will be Assessor Grey Iron, Alnminnm and opened with the customary Nazi There is a general supposition that 0ose Warsaw TJni ALBERT E. SCHLUTER Bronze Castings Warsaw—Premier Janusz Jendrze- demonstrations and propaganda dethe Arabs are only against the Jews. jewic-has closed the University of Wood and Metal Patterns vices. The officers of the Nazi The fact of the matter is—as I Park Commissioner 2014 Blartha St. HA. K523 learn from Dr. Bernstein of "the Warsaw for an indefinite period fol- Trade and Artisan Union have isRUDOLPH WALTER Palestine Bureau of the Zionist Or- lowing a new outbreak of anti-Semi- sued a warning to all German •merganization—that the Arabs are di- tic hooliganism in which Professor chants and artisans to' post boyAlderman-nt-Large vided into Mohammedan and Chris- Oscar Handelsmann, dean of the de- cott proclamations in front of their WALTER JENKINS Election March 26th partment of history and a Jewish places of business on pain of being tian Arabs, and the Mohammedan GEO. S. STEINBERG Arabs;are- more bitter against the convert to Christianity, was seriously regarded as enemies" of the state or Simultaneously the Nazi Christian Arabs than against the injured by anti-Semitic students. . Jews. Alderman First Ward Housewives Association has been Jews. mobilized to aid in circulating a ALFRED ANDERSEN And even the Mohammedan Arabs of a questionnaire are divided into several parties. And Eddie Cantor Gives i million kcopies. p h G Second Ward one of the parties is trying to do Miami, ;Fla.—A'^.fellowship.;j;in which j^sks why. German women con. Perform your duty, as an American Citizen and vote at the Munifor the Arabs much the same as the honor of his wife has been -estabr tinue 'tti,JbuT in Jewish stores, HOMER L. WHISTLER cipal election Monday, March 26th. Zionists are trying to do for the lished at the Hebrew University tiy 1 j The 'spbrisars of tile -boycott have Being a property owner in the ward in whicli you live, I am conAMernian Third Ward Jews./They are seeking for instance Eddie Cantor,' he- announced.: here also polled every commercial _JOTversant with the problems which confront you. to establish an Arab National Fund. after receiving word that an'Eddie ganization; in order to obtain ansCLEM HOLMGARD .' * I believe I am qualified to represent your best interests as your So when you worry about the fact Cantor Fellowship had been, estab- wers to the following questions:" To public servant Alderman Fourth Ward that Zionists are divided into Gen- lished at the University of Maurice what extent ara you indebted to Eat at the • I believe in EQiial Tax Distribution and that the Home Owner is eral Zionists,- £,aborites, Mizrachists, Weil of St. Louis. Jewish companies; how much, if any, A. P. FORD paying more than his rightful snare. Revisionists, Judenstaat League and The two fellowships will provide Jewish capital is invested in your 20 other brands, don't take it so to places on the University staff for company." TOTE FOE JLIdcrman Fifth Ward heart. . • young instructors and scientists in The names of all persons entering RALPH ELLSWORTH You remember the story that research work. such places will be "listed. In order Abraham Lincoln used to tell about to keep a careful check on the effecAlderman Sixth Ward the good lady who was always happy To London County Council tiveness of the new boycott, Nazi Tour Candidate for CHARLES SIDDENS when she heard her children scream- ,. London—Fourteen J e w s w e r e leaders throughout l i e country have 1511 Farnam St. Alderman at Large, Democratic Ticket ing. "I always know they're still elected to the London County Coun- been instructed to file reports by ELECTION—MARCH 26 alive when they do that," she said. cil in the municipal election which the end of "April.

J Council Bluffs News •

Religious Services Temple



B'nai Brith Presents Petition to President


Junior Congregation




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Sioux City News

-r Profiles :-

Priest Wills Fortune To Jewish Community

FisheEmen in Saloniki to Palestine "

IEOX & .WHITJ-;, Atfsrnrya Cify National Bank' liuildingr

I.EON *- W , t 7 City Tsational Bank Bldp.'

NOTICE BV PUBLICATION OX FKT1NOTICE OF INCOKPOKATION OF Saloniki—AH o f the Jewish fishTION FOlt SETTLEMENT OF FIN Ale CITV VUKL COMPANY ermen of Saloniki will soon be re- Notice is ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT hereby given tba: a corporation In the Matter of the Estate of HAKIM has been formed under the laws of the Prague (WNS)—From causes en- moved to Palestine, according to KOBIXSOX, Deceased. State of Nebraska. tirely beyond its control, the Jewish word from the Greek Zionist FedAll persons interested in said matter are The name of the corporation is CITV community of Galanta has been plac- eration. Registration for this mass FUEL COMl'ANl' uud the principal place hereby notified that on the 39th day of ANNA PILL, March, 1934, Hcleu Shapiro filed a petition for the transaction of its business is tli« ed in a peculiar position as the result emigration has already begun. City of Omaha, DougliiB County. Nebraskn. in said County Court, praying that her fi- The generui nature of tlie business to benal administration account filed herein be of- its having been named the sole Simultaneously, a third batch of transacted by the corporation is to pur-settled njul allowed, and that she-be disheir of the 2,000,000 kronen estate of chase, hold, sell, convey, assign, release, charged from her trust as administratrix berg, Sadie Taxer, Bernard Marks, the late unfrocked Catholic priest, Fa- 120 special imigration certificates mortgage and lease renl estate and per-and that a hearing will be had on said : : sonal property wherever situated; to buy.petition before said Court on the 14th day has been received. Esther Mirkenj / Sarah Rocklin, Sarah t i e r Fridetzkvwho was born in Gasell, own, assign, transfer and mortgage April. 1934, and that if you fall to apThe emigration of the Jewish fish- bonds, securities and stock in olher cor- of Share, Sylvia Bdrshevsky; Rosagene lanta. pear before said Court on the said 14th day porations; to draw, make, execute, accept, of April, 1034, at !> o'clock A. M., and conermen is the result of the unusual Passman, Martin Dishlip, Lucille and issue promissory notes, mort- test said petition, the Court may grant the Angered because his family had success achieved in Haifa harbor by endorse gages, drafts, bills of exchange and othnr prayer of said petition, enter a decree <of Appelang, Evelyn Gelfand, Hazel him: dismissed from the church over the first group of Jewish fisher- negotiable instruments; to borrow money, heirship, and make such other and further •-'' The young - men and women of Kantrovich, Margaret Kosberg, Libto buy and sell at wholesale and retail niu] allowances and decrees, as to this a tragic love affair, Father Fridetski men to arrive in that city. to ship nml transport wood, coal nnd fuel orders, Sioux City were organized into a bie " Olensky; Alice Pill.. Joe JanoCourt may seem proper, to the end that all cut off his kinsmen i n his will and of every kind and description; to conmatters pertaining to said estate may be Junior: Poale Zion organization at awitz, Ben Lebowich, Jack Merlin, purchase, leaBe and operate docks, left his fortune to the Jewish com- FItADENBCRG, STALMASTEK, BEBER struct, determined. yards and warehouses and to do anything finally settled and recent meeting held here. The group Isadore Shindler, Annabell Emlein, BKYCE CHAWFOKD. munity. incidental to or necessary for the opera- 3-23-S4-3t. & KXCTZNICK, Attorneys County Judge. Mated Stein, Newton Sacks, Walter beginning with a small - nucleus tion of snid coal and fuel business. G30 Omaha National Hunk Building The Jewish leaders of Galanta are Ellis Brodkey, Lillian plans to enlarge until it encompasses Woskoff, The authorized capital stock of this corLEON & WHITE, Attorneys not happy over the inheritance. FridNOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS poration shall be $10,000.00 divided into the entire group of young people in Turchen, Sara Riven, and Marvin City National Bank Bulldlnff Notice is hereby given that all existing 100 shares of the pnr value of $1(10.00 each etzki's family has begun action to *..;. '. Sioux] City .who are vitally interested Kline. debts of N. S. Y.AFKE PRINTING CO. onto be fully paid for and non-nssesslble break the will but it appears that the the 31st dny of December, 1033, amounted when Issued Snid stock may be paid for NOTICE OF AMENDMENT TO THE In Jewish culture andin the upbuildARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF ' the sum of Eighteen Hundred Twenty- in cash, notes or property, real or personcourts will permit the Jewish com- to ing of Palestine. six D o l i a r s and Seventy-three Cents al, tangible or intangible, nt the reasonE-B MANUFACTURING CO. munity to.daim the money. . . able value thereof. One hundred shares of Notice is hereby given that nt the an- The . group meets each. Sunday the capital stock shnll be paid for before nual meeting of the stockholders of theThe Ivre Club will" give a Formal afternoon at 4 o'clock, when ? topics SOL YAFFE, the corporation' shall commence bnsinesR. E - B MANUFACTUUING COMPANT., a President. of Jewish interest are . discussed. Dinner Dance," Saturday evening, corporation, held at Omaha, Nebraska, on The corporation Khali commence busiSHOTWEIX,, MONSKY, GRODINSKY 4 N. S. TAFFE ness on.March 1, 1034, nnd shall continue the 22nd day of January. 1934, Article I Dr. Stephen S. Wise VANCK, Attorneys Current events, Jewish history, and March 24, in the Sioux City Country SOL TAFFE for a period of fifty years from date of its Articles of Incorporation was entireK7 Omaha N«tl Bank Bid*. Being a majority of the Board of Directors. thereof. Jewish literature are among the sub-Club. . . = ly stricken out and the following article Nation-wide celebrations were held was substituted as Article I of Bald ArtiOrville.Rennie will furnish the mujects the group plans to ^ touch upon. The highest amount of Indebtedness to cles of Incorporation nn<l reads as follows; on March 14 and 16 to mark the NOTICE BIT *CH£ICATION ON PETIwhich this corporation shall at any time J. .1. FRIEDMAN. Attorney , Mr. and Mrs. Abe Stillman and sic . for dancing. An -elaborate proAUTICI/E I. TION FOB SETTUKMKNT OF FINAI< subject Itself shall not exceed two-thirds 031 Insurance Dnl|dlns sixtieth birthday of Dr. Stephen S. - - NAME. • gram has been planned for the enADailNISTKATION ACCOUNT Mr. M. Bereskin, sponsors of the of its capital stock. The name of this corporation shall Wise, honorary president of' the Am- In the County Court of Douglas County. NOTICE tiX PUBLICATION ON PETIThe" affairs of this corporation shall be group, were selected as . life .raera- tertainment of the guests. Mr. Ruebe ACME FINANCE COUPORATION. rican Jewish Congress antj one of. Nebraska. TION FOB 8EI1XEMENT OF TIN AL conducted by a board ~ of three directors. - - : "ACME'FINANCE COKPOBATION, bera «f the: club a t their meeting ben Miller is in charge of the arADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT H. A.KRRNICK" the outstanding Jews of our day. - By ARTHUR S. SOURNSKN, In the Matter of the Estate of Ralph M.H. KESNICK last Sunday; . — rangements, with Jack Goldsmith, In the Matter of the Estate of Bessie President. X>wen»,. Oeceused. Witness: president of the Ivre. Wlutroub Pill, Deceased. -,\AH persons interested.ta"said matter ure GLADYS M. S O K E N S E N ; All persons interested in said matter arc: •a. J. X,EON hereby notified that on the 3rd day of Secretary. STEPHEN S. WISE: Universally March, 1934, Sam Josephson filed a pt'tiiiou hereby notified that on the 1st day of3-2-34-4t S-0-24-4t. regarded as one of the major- Jewish 1»: salt! County Court, praying that his fl-March, 1D34, Kamnel Cohen filed a petition nal administration account filed herein be In said County Court, praying that his fi• Misa' Hose Keznick was elected Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz will spaak personalities of his time. Has had a settled nn«l allowed, and that be be dis-nal administration account filed herein be president of the Epsilon Phi Sorority unique career as rabbi, Zionist, chamchared from his trust 08 administrator eoU led and allowed, nnd that he be disthis evening at the Friday evening and that a henrlng- will be bad on said charged from his trust as executor and at a meeting held recently. Miss Rose pion of the disinherited, enemy of petition before said Court on the 3lrt day that a hearing will be had on said petition service on "The Seder Ceremony— SP e r ling was elected vice-president; corruption in government, fighter for o* Marrb, 1934, and that if yon fall to ap- before said Court on the Slst day of Why and Wherefore?" pear before said Court on the said 31st March, I«34, nnd that If you fail to appear Sarah Goldberg, secretary, arid Jewish rights, crusader for tolerance day of March. 1034, at 0 o'clock A. M.. andbefore said Court on the said 31st day of Cantor A. Pliskin and the synaEsther "Wutkin, treasurer. andfoe of narrow nationalism. Sevcontest, said petition, the. Court may gratit March, 1034. at 9 o'clock A. M.. and congogue choir will chant the ritual. snid petition, the Court may grant the The sorority, met in the home of enth rabbi in direct succession i n histhe prayer of Bald petition, enter a decree test of nelrship, and. make .such other and fur- prayer of said petition, enter a decree of Tomorrow morning, Morris GinsMiss Rose Berman last Wednesday family. Born on St. Patrick's Day. ther orders, allowances and decrees, us toheirship, and make auch other and furberg, son ofMr. and Mrs. Max ther orders, allowances and decrees, as to evening. One of first Americans to. enlist un- this Court may seem proper, to the end Ginsberg -. will celebrate his Bar that all matters pertaining to said estate this Court may seem proper, to the end der Herzl's banner. A founder of may be fiuaUy settled and determined. that all matters pertaining to said estate Mitzvah. may be finally settled and determined. BKYCE CRAWFOUn, the Zionist Organization of America. Tuesday afternoon, members of BRTCE CRAWFORD. . County Judge. Took a leading role in arousing Am- 3-9-3i-3t. 3-9-31-3t. County. Judge. » Mr. Ernest J. Fribourg spoke Tues- the Ladies' Auxiliary held their erican Jews to an understanding of SHOIWELL. MONSKY, -GRODINSKY * day evening before the members of monthly meeting, following a 1 the Jewish National Home. X.EON ft WHITE. Attorneys VANCB, Att»rneym the B'nai Biith Lodge at their meet- o'clock luncheon. City National Bank Bide. 737 Omaha NatUniU Bank Bide His service to Zionism is his greating in the J. C. C. His subject was Monday evening, April 4, the est contribution to Jewish-life. Is a , - - PBOB.1TE NOTICE "TheHuman S i d e o f the Law." Ladies' Auxiliary of the synagogue religious leader who has identified NOTICE OF AMENDED ARTICLES OF In the Matter of the" Estate of ISADORE . -AT.AMITO. DAIRY COMPANY A business meeting, during which will sponsor "a concert b y Samuel the religious spirit with secular purr NATHAN, Deceased. . Notite is hereby g*v«n oi tue vuuption Mr. Milton Bolstein presided, pro- Mirviss in the synagogue. Notice. Is .hereby driven tfiat the cjeflitora poses and aims." A gifted orator of -aniwiUfd Articles of Incoruoruttou of VAltiX VOUl'ANX at tne an-of said deceased will meet the. ndmlnistrnceded. whose powerful .voice and. magnetic ALAMlXO nual meeting of stockholders of the said tor Of said estate, before me.-Connty Judge personality have made him an idol company held ob- the 13th day of Febru- of Douglas County,,Nebraska, a t the ! Counary, 15M4.; the said Amended Articles of ty Court. Room, ; in said County, on the of pulpit and platform. Courageous 14th day of May. 1934. and on the 14th day lncoirporatluu proriuing aino^ig outer Newton. Sacks, son of Mr. and Mrs. of July..103*, at 9-o'clock A..M.,,each day, the lollowing: Abe. I. Sacks, 507 29th Street, was and devoted to his people. A pictur- Uiugs L 'J.'he-name of tne corporation-is ALA- for the purpose of presenting their claims for examination,' adjustment. and. allowawarded'the highest honor in scout- esque fighter who galvanizes any ac-MlTU' UAlkiX COSU'ANX. or tivity in which he engages. Fought •2i Its principal place of business and ance. T «e. months are allowed for the ing,, the Golden Eagle, at the Court to present their-claims, from the The second benefit bridge party in of Honor, held recently in Sioux City. for Women Suffrage when it was athe office of the'co>poratlon is- in the city, creditors of Omaha; Douglas bounty, Nebnista. , 14th day of April, law. . - . " • • the Junior Hadahhash Bridge tourna- Newton i s a student a t Central High, feminist dream. Championed Zionism 3. The general nature of -the -business to •'".••-•.'.' BRYCB CR&WFORP, ment was held Thursday evening, in and has been in the boy scout work when Zionists were regarded a s be trnhsacted and the olijects and powers 3-23-34-St. : -: ~ ••;• ; Cownty Judge; of this corporation, are: the J. C. C , with a large number for many yeais. crackpots. • Upheld prohibition in (a) To malutura iin eBtablishmeut t o r in attendance. Bridge prizes and cut The award was given by-Judge New- York- City. An outspoken paci- and to carry on* a •" dairy and creamery business In, ^at wholesale and reprizes were awarded and refresh- Miles W. Newby, who presided over fist, he now regrets his World War tail, eitherdealing of both, iritlky cream, ice cream : aod i w crenm mil,condensed and powments served. "-..-• activities. ' Seldom out -of the public the Court of Honor, jvluch w a s . a t milk products aud dairy prodticts of : -Hostesses for t h e evening were tended by over 250 people. eye because- -he makes good -news- dered every kind Sind character and In any and 5 Anne Cohen, Bess Iipshute, Sylvia paper copy. Ha3 rmade powerful en^ all kindred" articles" •• with the^ P«wer to purchase and sell ally' uml all commodities Rifkin, Euth Feldman,. Rose and emies and fanatic followers^' But ih any way relaletl-<i>- tne e a d general Beatrice Pill; even -his opponents do n o t question business or-- which'toay- tte-deatt in conTcniently ;in connection with'such business. , isn't {If ; Dr. Theodore NI Lewis will speak his sincerity.! - ' -'-.-v-:; '••:- • - > -•'"<•»>. S» purca«s«!,'itett»e, hire' and-otherwise ncijuire tea\ «lid"/personal property. this evening, on "Judaism and T h e His; belief tothfr-abUity^bf the Jew- couYehicut or nct«*&ryfor ami to tile ! ' J\m £j* XX'. ' overy •xtra 'Mtfo '• on of itS'Wjsiness or the accoiaBernard A. Brown, candidate for Future." Members of the A. Z. A.ish people to solve its problems with- carrying pllshraeut-of any ©father purposes or objudge of the municipal courts, spoke Chapter will take part i n the serv- out '.paternalistic > aid from above jects of this corporation, -with power to Monowk tire, whether usoa or not, aaas gell," nltenitiv tllspoie ofr exchauge, lease, before the members of the A. Z. by reading the ritual. Max Ma-prompted -him to found the Free convey, moitgnge. of'otherwise encumber, r Sunday afternoon at the J. C. C. onron, president \ of- the chapter, will Synagogue gg and.. made him the leading and t o manage,' operate; . and tontrol such |u*t that much more margin for safety property or imy pitrt thereof,--either • dliit iin t h A i ih "American Youth in the New Deal." also speak briefly. spirit h e •American Jewish ructly or* through ownetship of stock in After the- meeting- Mr. Brown, in: ah gress and the • creator of the- • World any other corporation or association. against accident. informal discussion, acquainted his Jewish Congress idea; Is the only (c) Without In'-any-particular limiting any ofthe" objects rind powers of tbecorlisteners" with some of the more exrabbi o f whom most: noh-Jews ever poratloii, it i s ' hereUy, expressly declared When we teH you that Mohawk* arf the The Pep • girls met Monday eve- h e a r d : citing incidents' of -the World War. -: -•.-:-.'•. -,-"•. ' - . ; • ' ''••?•• and provided that''the corporation shall have the power to borrow or raise money Mr. Brown i s one of the - few "decor-! ning! at the" "Center, under, the. lead-' Intensely '.and outspokenly Jewish, and to Issue bondB." mortgages, debentures, longest running tires on earth, that means ated with the French ' Croix "de ersbdp of Miss Helen Cohen. The he: has' done perhaps more than any stock or other obllgntlous for that purpose and _In payment for-property purmeeting, which was for the jpurpose other Jew of his_day to interpret the chasedor-acqulred-by' it or for any other Guerre award for bravery, and the they're Rkewiso the saf ett. of •reorganization,". wa3 followed by aJew t o the non-Jewish' American object-in or about its business; to guar"Ordefr of the Purple ; Heart," an antee any dividends, o r bonds on'contracts program and refreshments. American citation for : bravery. w o r l d . ' - ' . •• •'• . •"•' ". or other obligations; t o make and perform And safety Is a factor, fsnt It? even if The Business Girls' Club met contracts of every.1:Mad and description, and In carrying on its-business or for the Wednesday evening in the "Seville 8HOTWEM,, MONSKY. GRODINSKY * purpose of attaining or furthering any of you do trade In or seH your car with many VANCK, AVtorneys its objeets, to do any-and nil other acts Cafe for their weekly dinner meet7S7 Omaha National Bank Bid?. and things and to exercise any and all ing. Bridge was the. diversion folother powers which K' co-partnership' or thousands of Mohawk mlfos yet to be run. natural person could do- and exercise and owing' the (Jinner. NOTICE OF CHATTEL MORTGAGE which now or hereafter may. be authorized SATE b y l a w . •-- • • • • . - • •;':"' A Monte Carlo party, sponsored In addition—ihere's a certain pleasure Notice Is hereby given that on the 30th1 by the Junior Judean Club will be 4. The authorized capital stock Is $200,day. of March, 1034, at 10 o'clock A. M:,000.0& into 20,000 shares of the par at the LINCOLN MOTOR COM PANY, 22UU value divided held ' Sunday : night, March 25, in of $10.00 each, all of which is comIn riding on the flnotfc. Harney Street, Omaha, Nebraska, the unthe J. C. C. Funds from the party stock and when issued shall be fnlly dersigned will sell at public auction to the mon paid and non-assessable. More than 30% Will go toward the Palestine quota, highest bidder for cash of the authorized- capital stock is issued, Chevrolet Coupe Automobile assigned to the local 'Junior ' Judean Miss Salley Ginsberg, daughter of Year One and fully-paid." Stock may be 1931, Model No. '.lOOTO, Serial No. outstanding Mr. and Mrs. Max Ginsberg, 102 for in money.: property or services Club. Games, cards, dancing; and re3AK4123, corered by .a chattel mortgage in paid useful to the corporation and of a value of the Lincoln Motor Company 'and' equal to the par value of the stock Issued. freshments will, be- features of the16th Street, will become the bride favor, sigued by D. J. Keefe, said'mortgage .beof Bunny Bearman, son of Mr. and 5. The corporation Is and. has been doevening's entertainment, • An : elaboring dated September 2nd. 1033, and having ing business under its original, Articles ate floor showv with: Stanley . Herz-; Mrs. A. N. Bearman of Minneapolis, been filed in the office of the 'County nnd shall continue until February 13, 2034, Clerk of Douglas County, Nebraska," on the. unless sooner dissolved, according to law next Sunday afternoon, March 25, off • and Ernest; Epstein ; as j masters' Cth dny of September.. 1933, upon which or by the affirmative.action of 82% of the in the Shaare Zion Synagogue. said mortgage there is now due and owing outstanding capital stock. .'"" of ceremony -will be held; --; \ The marriage lines will be read the sum of flTl.OO. Said sale will be for the • 6. Highest amorint of Indebtedness is • Miss Frances Jacobsbn.'.is ithe adpurpose of foreclosing said mortgage, for to two-thirds of the capital stock; visor. of the group, which-.Is: spon- by Rabbi . H . R. Rabinowitz and the costs of the sole and all accruing costs, limited the restriction, however,' being inapplicable and for the purpose of satisfying the above Cantor A. Pliskin at 4 o'clock, and to the .the payment.of sesored by the Junior Hadassah Orsum now due" and owing, and. that to obligations by real estate or. personal property will be followed by a wedding din- stated no suit or other proceedings at law have cured ganization. deed or-mortgage -when the vahie ner, served in the social hall of thebeen instituted to recover said debt or any bytrust of the property exceeds the nmount.of the part thereof.; . • .... debt so secured by at least'40%. synagogue. . LINCOLN MOTOR COMPANY 7. The affairs of the corporation are to The bridge will be gowned in By EDWARD LINCOLN be managed'by Its officers consisting of .a 3-lf>-34-3t. Largest and finest in the white satin, with a long veil trimmed President, Vice-Presldent and Treasurer The monthly meeting of the Oneg elected by nnd from the iriembershlp of the Shabbos .group of.the .Shaare .Zion in lace. She will carry a shower boucity, the FONTENELLE is Board of Directors annually,-said Board of Ladies' Auxiliary will take. .place quet of tea roses and sweet peas. FRADENBCRG, 8TALM/ISTER, BEBEtt & Directors being not less than three in nummore than an ' KLCTZKICK, Attorneys ber and a Secretary" who need pot be a Saturday afternoon, March' 25, inAttending her as Matron of Honor 650 Omaha National Bank Hide. member of the Bonrct Directors nre elect4OO Omaha hotel.. the home of Mrs. I. H. Levin, 2915 will be Mrs. S. M. Ginsberg, who ed at the annual meeting of, stockholders to be held "on the gecond Tuesday in FebNOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION it is an Omaha Pierce Street, at 2:30 p. m. will wear a frock of. aqua-marine Rooms -6f each^year. The articles set forth the County Court of Douglas County,' ruary Mrs. A,, H. Baron' will review floor length. Mr. Ed Router, of InNebraska. the powers and duties of the directors. The 'institution, --;; ;. also provide for conveyance or dis"Josephus" by Liort Feuchtwanger* Minneapolis will act as best man. In the Matter of i he Estate of Benjamin articles With position of all of the property of-the corabout which all Poilkov, Deceased. : Current events .of Jewish interest will upon the affirmative'vote or with Preceding the marriage ceremony, All persons interested in said estate are poration assent of 80% of the outstanding capsocial, business be given-by- Mrs. Victor Mazie. Mrs. Mrs. Herahel • Bearman ( of Minne- hereby notified that a petition has been the ; ital stock and for the method of amending Joe 'Friedman will -speak on the-life apolis will sing " 0 Promise Me,' filed in said Court alleging that said de- the articles and-forft'corporate seal. and civic life ceased died leaving-no. last will and prayof a prominent Jewish/woman of The Lohengrin Wedding March, and ing for ttdraiuistration upon his; estate, IN "WITNESS WHEKEOF. the undercenter. Consigned H. A. WAHL, as -President ana today. Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz will Mendelsohn - Wedding recessional will and that a hearing^ will be had On said JOS. P. MULT.EB as Secretary have expetition-l>ef ore. said Cftoft on the 3rst day veniently locaspeak briefly on Pesach ceremonies, be played by Miss Eve Lipton. this notice on benalf of the Alamito §m Up ted, the FONof March, 1934, and "that If they fail to ecnted Palry Company, on this 18th day ot March, and Pesach melodies will be. pre- Out of town guests at the wedding appear at said" C6utt""8n the said 81si" day D W I D HOBEBHAH : BARNEY HOBEKMAN sented by Mrs. J. C. Levin and Mrswill include the groom's parents, Mr. of March, 1034, at 9'o'clock A. M., to ^con- 1934> : TENELLE is famous for ibi ' H A - WAH'ti' test-said-petition, the Court may grant the J. N . Krueger. •• • - president. same and grant administration of said esand Mrs. A." N. Bearman, Mr. and old fashioned hospitality. to Eva Pollkov or some other- suitable . •• J O S . P . MULLER,-~ . Mrs. S. H. Shulkln is in charge of Mrs. Hershel Bearman, Mr. and Mrs.tate person"and'proceed to a settlement thereof. '. Secretary. the Oneg Shabbos arrangements. BEYCB "CRAWFORD.:••; T. H. Bearman, Mr. and Mrs. Joe . „ ••-""• ALAMITO TJAIKX COMPANY. ...County Judge. Two popular-priced res> Gordon, Mr and. Mrs! S. M. Gins- ^v' 3-lC-34-4t. ; ..• taurants. with, dancing berg and Joe Ginsberg, all of MinneFBADENBCRG. STALMA8TEB, /BEBEtt and musical entertainapolis; Mr. and Mrs. Louis Silver * KLCTZNICK, Attorneys « r : ment in season. of Marshall,, Minnesota, and Mrs. A. 'S50 Omaha National Bank: BullOlnJe" E. Milder'of" Omaha, Nehraska. . NOTICE OE INDEBTEDNESS ''.- . Perry Osnowitz, a student at Cen- Mr. Bearman and his bride will • Notice la hereby'given-'that all exigting Optrtied by iff Recognized "as , tral High School was elected presi debts of CARL A. ANDBHSON, INC., on make* their home in Marshall,' Minne1 OMAHA, NEBRASKA the 31st day of December,1033,amounted EPPLEY HOTELS CO. dent of the Chrestomathian club, a sota. . PRACTICAL MOBTEL to the sum of-Thirty-nine Thousand •Seven school "organization at their election Hundred-Fifteen- Dollars ($39.7ir>.00). Phone 1059 CARL A. ANDERSON,". iji'this week, Mr. and Mrs. M. Resnick, 812 West





Epsilon Pfdfiorority

Shaare Zion


Large Attendance at Benefit Bridge


Wins Scout Honor

As long as you don't hap* to / pay any more, why not buy


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Monte Carlb:Party; Next Sunday Night


Society News


Oneg Shabbos



News of Students in Local Schools



..- At West - Junior- - High School Ninth Street, announce "the* engage." " . A. E. W I C K S T R O J H . .' among the students who received ment of their daughter, Blanche, to CARL A. ANDERSON **' "A" in -all of their'major subjects George Taxer, son of Mr. and Mrs.Being _a majority of the Board of Directors. were Ada Epstein- and Katie Lass. Max Taxer, 2501 Jones Street. At Central High School, the fol- The date of the wedding has notvisiting, with friends. lowing students were among those been set. whose names appeared on the Bonor Mrs. Louis N. Mitchell has re-"Omaha's Filost Beautiful Home for Funerals" Roll: Caroline FisHgall,. Sally'Wein • Misa Lottie Feinberg will return turned, to the «ity. after spending Funerals To Fit Any Purse stein, Miriam Barisli* Betty"~ Osno- this week from-Kansas City, where the winter months visiting in To* Phone HArney 1226 Farnam at Thirty-third witz, Sylvia Herzoff; Philip Silver she has spent the past 10 days ledo, Ohio*. _. . - -' eB


National Tire Shop Corner 17th and Capitol Ave. Phone AT. 6427

Hoberman Bros., Proprietors

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