..... in. the......... Interests of the Jewish People
Heart to Heart . . . Bj HABRX SILYEBMA5T
(The Omaha Jewish Philanthropies'/drive for $42,500 will officially open May 7. This is the third of a series of weekly columns by' Harry Silverman, general chairman of the campaign, to acquaint Omaha. Jewry "with the issues, personalities, beneficiaries and organizational work- connected with this vital fund-raising effort.)
Mai] Matter on January 21, 1921, at of. Omaha. Nebraska, under the Act of March 3. 1ST9
VOL. 10—No. 10
Nationalist Jews PHYSICAL Find Partial Cure CE SAMUEL Form "Nazi" Party PLANS AWARD BANQUET For Heart Disease Initial Gifts Division SPEAK HERE New. York, (WNS).—Discovery of Berlin, (WNS).—Dr. Max NauAT CENTEK ON APR1U9 permanent relief for sufferers from - mann, the leader of a faction of angina pectoris (heart disease) by Jews that is kowtowT WEDNESDAY nationalist Begins Pre-Campaign ing to the Nazis and endeavoring The second annual award banquet removing the .entire thyroid gland
to outdo the in patriotism and of the J. C. C. physical department of such sufferers has been reported hatred for the foreign Jews, haswill be held at the j t C. C. at 6:30 to the annual meeting of the FedA THOUGHT FOR organized a Jewish Nazi party p. m. Thursday evening, April 19. eration of American Societies for THIS DAY Experimental Biology by Dr. Hera whose members wear blue shirts V* 1-enter and blue caps instead of the fa- William L; HoHman, president of man L. Blumgart of the Harvard A maximum of generous giving is miliar brown of the Nazi storm the J. C C. and Welfare Federation, Medical School and Dr. David D. Mauiice Samuel, noted American only a minimum of. duty. troopers. will make the presentation of awards Berlin of the Research Laboratories Jewish author and lecturer, will close the Community Forum series at the The difference in color is theto over seventy men> women, boys of the- Beth Israel Hospital in BosNo one was ever poorer from too Jewish Community Center with a sole difference between the Jew- and giils who have excelled "in ton. much giving. lecture on "the Art of Self-Decepish, Nazis, and the Aryan Nazis. character of play as well as skill The Jewish physicians announced tion" -Wednesday evening, April, 11, Naumann's group is engaging during the 1933-34 department pro- that the removal of the thyroid HOW MUCH?" gland from 20 sufferers of angina at 8:15 p. m. in a campaign of "anti-Semitism" gram." . i " . • Of course, in determining our Samuel spoke here two years ago, against alien Jews- and in every Announcement of "the outstanding pectoris had effected striking and pledge to the Philanthropies, the and will be remember, for his forceother way endeavoring to emulate Jewish athlete for the year" .will be permanent relief. thought in our mind is not "Shall the Hitlerites in order to get in made at the banquet • The opening gun in the Jewish chairman of the campaign, stated: we give•?" hot "How much shall we their good graces. B'nai Brith Closes Hillel FoundaPhilanthropies campaign will be "The initial gifts division is vital As a feature, Geoj-ge Sauer, Allgive?" tion at West Virginia University sounded next Tuesday evening, April in the Philanthropies structure. The American Nebraska 'pniversity footSurely it is hot over-generosity Chicago (WNS)—Because the Jew10, when the Initial Gifts division determined enthusiasm and vigor ball star, ."will speak. Included on the to answer that we should give on student body at the University of will -start its drive at. a dinner at with which Morris Jacobs and his " program will be' motion pictures and ish Board of Governors the same scale we spend. It is not West Virginia has dwindled to less the Hill hotel at 6:80 p. m.. aides are launching" into their work entertainment by. local celebrities. placing too much burden on the side 100, the Hillel Foundation at The initial gifts group obtains all augur well for the success of this Meeting on April 29 The entire comm^iity is invited. than of charity when we say that we that institution, one of nine simialr pledges of fifty dollars and up, anddivision. We hope that their lead The program and banquet will be foundations should give to essentials and funda-, maintained at as many -does most of its work before the will be followed by the remaining diThe monthly meeting of the fifty cents. . J mentals as much as we spend on universities by the B'nai Brith, will campaign proper gets under .way. visions when the campaign proper Board of Governors of the Jewish The committee ia charge: Irvin C. be closed and moved to another eastluxuries and superfluities. Community Center and Welfare Levin, Arthur Cohn, Lee Grossman, ern or -southern university within the • Morris E. Jacobs is chairjnan of gets in full swing." Federation will be held Sunday Phineas Wintroub, Harry Trustin, J. next few months, according to a de-the Initial Gifts, with Jack Marer BUT WE DONT Majors to Meet. morning," April 29, at the Center, Malashock,. Earl Siegel, atid Dr. cision reached at a meeting of the vice-chairman. But if we stop to realize our The completion of plans for the The campaign will officially start according to announcement made Philip R'omonek. Reservations may B'nai Brith Hillel Foundation Comspending, we are startled to find general solicitation division of the on Monday, May 7, with a goal of by William L. Holzman, Federa- be made with members of the com- mission here. how far we are from such a standcampaign will be the order of busi$42,500 for local, national and intertion president. mittee or at the J. ^ C . ard. national Jewish beneficiary agencies. ness at a dinner meeting of the maCrime, waste and luxury consume Mr. Jacobs is confident that his jors of that group at the Jewish roughly forty-four per cent of the energetic band of 65 men will do Community Canter Monday evening, nation's dollar. Luxuries consume their share toward putting the drive April 9, at 6:30 p. m. twenty-two per cent of,our dollar. "over the top." The men who -will Milton Abrahams, David GreenYet the country's charity, religion work' in this division have pledged berg, and William Milder are coand all forms of philanthropy receive their enthusiastic support to their chairmen of this division. only two per cent of the nation's chairman, and have displayed an Rally Planned May 6 dollar. eagerness to get started in raising At a meeting of the executive the maximum possible to alleviate committee of the Philanthropies Maurice Samuel. MORE SHARING NEEDED the needs of their unfortunate Wednesday evening, it was decided As we continue our climb from ful eloquence and powerful oiatory. brethren. to hold a joint rally for workers in the abyss of . depression, we canHis subject was "Can Jewry SurBy PROF. RAYMOND MOLEY in «TODAY" At Tuesday's dinner meeting Mau- both the men's and women's divichoose no better time for a truer vive?" He had a fifteen-minute inrice Samuel, outstanding Zionist, aumeasurement of our lives by a stand- termission during his address, yet The drift of the German people to thor and lecturer and noted for hissions on Sunday evening May 6. and philosophy of American governSounding a warning that the spread ard of life of' more universal value. the entire audience remained to hear Hitlerism is the most recent of these oratorical ability, will be guest An interesting program is being of Hitlerite doctrines in this coun- ment? .prepared by a special committee inThis is. for us a period of high the finish of the talk. many learned treatises, on reversions. After the War, Germany, speaker. cluding Max Barish, Sam Zacharia, thinking and sacrificial sharing with Possessed of Tare linquistic gifts, try menaces American efforts to theDespite under the constitution of Weiman, Mr. Samuel is a foremost authority Harry B. Cohen, Frank Ackerman, subject, t i e average man has those who" are legs "fortunate, par- he has traveled very extensively. He obtain a larger measure of social probably sought to build up the principle of on world Jewish affairs and particu-failed te <fealize-that-the ticularly ;"when we realize the vastly I has translated books . from many justice through , our own democratic modern state a democratic state. But the govern- larly on the Zionist movement and Abner Kaiman, Mrs. Joseph Bonoff is a comparatively new methods, Prof. Raymond Moley, forand Mrs. Phineas Wintroub. disproportionate amount of our ma-languages, as well as having written in the historf of the world. ment under that constitution faltered the rebuilding of the Jewish home- All divisional beads reported at terial resources expended upon non- a ' number of English , works. He mer member of the "brain trust", thing in its attempts to establish economic land. He has traveled extensively examines the b a s i c contradictions Long ago there -were tribes, and a essentials.' • - '. ' . achieved an international .reputation between Naziism ans .Americanism tribe, based particularly, on blood jusice -and well-being. The people in all parts of the world, and spends Wednesday's meeting. A spirit of deby his books. "You Gentiles," " I thein this article presented; by special relationship, was the central unit of grew desperate. Hysteria swept away six months of each year in Pales- termined optimism prevails among the . r WHERE DO YOU STAND? workers, -it was reported, and prosJew," "On the Rim of the. Wildergovernment, of religion and of: all the democratic, experiment in a iurst tine. ' Prior to his recent visit to pects are bright for a successful drive. arrangement with the magazine."To1 In this "battle "of Luxury vs. Phil- ness^' and "Jews on ApprasraL ' '..• day", of- vduct- he -is editor,,. Ini its; factors of: enthusiasm for the ancient gods. the Holy Land, he spent four months in comminuty life. anthropy^ where will you throw: your j ;;; Prior; to hisr^recent visit »td;.iPaIe^Hitler was "the mouthpiece of the in South Africa which he toured in Preliminary plans for the campaign have been practically completed. weight?'"- " :-::y:y:X ' •^•••••'.;y:t:::-"'Mtinej Samuel spent "Jour months in March SI issue ^oday^ began pub- " As .the centuries Ijassed, and the this revolt; - - - .. ~ behalf of Zionism. He also has first We spend a relatively small pro-' jSouih Africa which he toured in be- lication of a series of articles called things that make efvilization came The ideas behind him are as alien hand Speakers Committee. information on the European "Hitlerism Invades America" in which into being, the state emerged. The portidnofppur annual, income for half of the Zionist cause. to the modern world as horned helThis week-end the speakers comsituation. the amazing story. of the attack upon state was the modern embodiment the welfare of others, but enormous He is known as an authority on mets of the Vikings. They are crudemittee under the direction of IrViti "Mr. Samuel will be remembered American principles and ideals is preof only one of the functions of the sums on ourselves for things other world Jewish affairs, particularly on ly simple. The state is made up offor his eloquent, spell-binding lecture C. Levin will start its educational sented ancient tribe. I t was a political unit than comforts or necessities. the Zionist movement and the up•The Editor. with limited powers over the people Germans of common blood, common here two years ago on "Can Jewry campaign of acquainting the -public The whole nation should resolve building of Palestine as the Jewish who composed it. Within the borders religion and a common ancestry; all Survive?" He is one of the most with the work being done by the to give more for humanitarian, hu- Homeland. others are aliens and all aliens are eloquent speakers to appear on anPhlanthropies and the achievements man needs.Hitlerism's invasion of America, of the state, other activities of which enemies. Within this tribal state, Omaha rostrum. of the beneficiary agencies. the tribe had been the center, were portrayed in a series of articles bedominated by this one tie, all indiv- In commenting on the initial gifts At the Temple this evening Milton RARIN'TO GO carried on by the church, by the faginning in March 31 of TODAY, is idual differences are ruthlessly sup- group, Harry Silrerman, general Abrahams will speak on the PhilanThe initial gifts division under a iather clumsy and unpleasant in- mily, by community groups. This pressed. thropies. Tomorrow morning, speakmodern state lived with all the other the splendid leadership of Morris Jasult to the intelligence of the people The state is the sole source of civil ers will address the congregations' cobs is "rarin' to go." of the United States. An over- agencies, but did not attempt to and moral obligation. It is superior at all the synagogues. Those speakidentify itself with them. Then the The work of this division is done A unique and novel "Marionette whelming majority of American peoother groups and forms of life. ing: in the main before the campaign of- Show" will be presented by Miss ple believe in our democratic state, state became democratic The basic to Itall standardizes intellectual and culHenry Monsky, B'nai Israel; I. idea of the democratic state was the ficially gets Under way. The work- Mary Cooper at the Jewish Commu- in the principles of tolerance, inactivities. It extinguishes Morgenstern, Beth Hamedrosh Hagoers in the.group have shown -an en- nity Center Sunday afternoon, start- dividual liberty and the orderly dis- sovereignty, the people were per- tural free press. It uses the press, the dol; Irvin Stalmaster, Conservative; couraging spirit, and we are sure ing at 2:30 p. m. cussion of public affairs. Hitlerism mitted liberty within the general re- radio, only to propagate its own • Judah Wolf son, Adass Yeshuren; strictions of law. Thus the basic of that under the able leadership of its If the ticket sale warrants, an- is the antithesis of all these things. ideas. -It uses -universities as agen- New York, (WNS).—Catholics Ben Kazlowsky, B'nai Israel of SoutU commander, this , division—a back- other show will be offered at 4 If left to itself, it constitutes a the. modern state differs from that cies of its primitive forms of know- should be "the sworn foes of all anti- Omaha; Kueben Lackow, B'nai Jacob. bone of the campaign—-will. fill its. p. m. growth from which a continuous of the tribe in two respects. ledge. The citizens," young and oldSemitism and radical theories of hu- Each organization will hear about quota. ' ... . . '.: First, the idea of tribal, blood reThe Junior Society of the Conser- flow of poison is injected into our the young in the schools, man behavior" because they "know the Philanthropies prior to the openlationship has disappeared, because particularly The Initial Gifts dinner Tuesday vative Synagogue is sponsoring the American civilization. taught that individuals are un-what numan nature is, why it is and ing of the campaign. will give the workers a real send- Marionette Show in order to stimu- We have had in this country only many races, religions and people are The citizen is a grain of the great forces that determine its off. Maurice Samuel,-who will speak, late interest in the.children for a a partial picture of what Hitlerism have come to live together under important. Workers Welcome. sand to" be used in the building of behavior," Dr. Boss S., Hoffman is as excellent a speaker as has ap- cultural program. Tickets are be-really is, a picture that has shown common laws. Hence, the modern the A committee is at present mapgreat German state. peared on our rostrum. ... ing sold for the nominal sum of 15only its bolder outlines, its more state does not look upon the stranger Justice is administered for the pur- Catholic professor of history at New- ping out the city into districts for York university, told the communion as an enemy, because it is in a sense A keen observer of the Jewish cents for children and 25 cents for lurid colors. pose of enforcing the will of the breakfast of the Cooper Union New- the general solicitations. This year an association ol those who were scene, well-informed, a devoted Zion- adults. the men will solicit contributions in The whole picture shows a state : head of the state upon the citizen. man Club. ist, witty and impressive, he has the The committee in charge consists that is everything and an individual strangers. the business district only, while the Religious and fraternal groups, trade ability and background to be a real of Bee Levin, Sophie Rosenstein, that is nothing. Second, the state does not attempt unions, even the Boy Scouts are Denouncing racialism as not only women, who are under the chairmanleader of his people. and Ida Tenenbaum. It shows a state that has regiment- to absorb all the rights, liberties swallowed up. The conception of the false but as leading to heresay, Dr. ship of Mrs. Max Holzman, will in ed the daily lives of its people even and functions Of the individuals in state destroys the rights which were Hoffman urged that Catholics every- addition to their usual solicitation SPEAKERS to the details of the societies they it. The modern state has within it slowly attained by women and they where should join hands in a figh canvass the residential districts. against the appearance of anti-Semi- All those who are interested in The speakers' division . . . headed Semi-Annual Meeting may belong to, the occupations they freely functioning churches, labor or- become once more mere domestic tism in .this country. by Irvin C« Levin . . . will start may follow and the stores they may ganizations, business organizations, working on any of the divisions are Of Vaad This Sunday patronize. drudges. along its path of hard work tomorsocial organizations and many other Most tragic and serious of all is "Let us always remember," he said, invited to enlist in the army of row. Members of the committee The semi-annual meeting of the It shows a state that says to Pro- group activities necessary to the the subjugation of religious beliefs "that the Jew and non-Jew are workers, which is expected to exceed brothers. We have committed ourwill speak:at the various synagogues Vaad Haihr will be held Sunday testant and Catholic as well as to wider growth of civilization. to this barbarism. . It is not only the selves to a common citizenship with the three hundred mark. All interduring the -Passover services . . con- evening, April S, at 8 p. m. at theJew how they shall serve God and The great principle that permits Jewish religion that has been ruth- Jews and their rights are every bit ested are asked to call the Jewish veying an educational message which B'nai Israel synagogue, 18th andwhat hymns they shall sing in Histhis kind of a state to live is li- lessly suppressed. Community Center.. Catholic and Protoday has an impressive meeting. praise. Chicago. berty ' under law. On the basis of testant, churches likewise have been as- valid as ours. They must be respected and defended against all atEach organization-win'.have the At the meeting reports of all Vaad Hitlerism's very existence is a ne-this principle the United States and because Hitlerism is a tack, •which is nothing short of robopportunity \ pf~-: hearing'.. the educa- activities will be rendered. Ten mem- gation of American principles. The other enlightened nations of Western persecuted, god that will not have strange gods bery and hence, not only a crime tional message-of the humane work bers will be elected to the Board of secret means that it chooses to ex-civilization have operated for genera- before it. but a sin. We must join in that debeing achieved by the beneficiaries Governors. tend its influence, its exploitation of tions. • Moreover, this tribal state does not fense, at the same time that we acof the Philanthropies. . race and religious prejudice and its All members of the groups affiliWe may as well recognize that the content itself with the establishment Vienna, (WNS).—In the belief that ated with the .Vaad are asked to beglorification of force, violate every principie of the democratic state is and maintenance of discipline within cord to the Jews the full measure Major Emil Fey, Austrian vice-chanDEFENDING OUR RIGHTS of; charity enjoined by Christ and American instinct of fair play and present. • experimental The length of its life the tribe itself. Its ideas are world cellor and leading figure in the strive to spread a clear recognition square dealing. - • • •• The recent'short visit here of Moris infinitesimal compared wth theideas and its purposes are internaHeinwehr, is opposed to anti-Semiof the true reasons for irritation beris Waldman,''.'executive secretary of' To my mind, the q u e s t i o n of age of the world. Tribal cohesion tional. War is the instrument of tism, the Jewish members of the tween Jew and non-Jew." the American Jewish committee, em- Testimonial Banquet whether there is a direct connection with all its barbaric attributes was its ascendency. As Hitler said in his Austrian Medical Association supphasizes the value of the organizabetween the Hitler movement in Gerold before democracy was born. Butbook, MY BATTLE: ported their colleagues' decision to tion he represents _ . . ' . ; one of theFor George many and the Hitler movement in democracy, in the light • of common place the medical profession under beneficiaries of the Philanthropies. Givot this country is incidental, although sense, has been accepted as the best, "It is necessary, then, for better Talmud Torah the direct jurisdiction of Major Fey. or worse, to resort to war If one The confidential matters touched upthere is a great deal to show that in fact, the only way" to achieve the Sabbath To Be Jewish, physicians expect that he wishes seriously to arrive at pacifism. on during his stay stress the need Ji. testimonial banquet for George one exists. " •. objectives of civilized government, Observed Tonight will deal fairly with Jewish medical for having this national body made Givofc—radio, stage and screen star The point is that the movement which are, as our Constitution "points In reality, the humanitarian and pasup of representative Jews of'the dif- rfwfll be given at the Blackstone in this country is conceived in theout, "to form a more perfect Union, sive idea will perhaps be excellent men. on that day when the man superior "Talmud Torah Sabbath" will be Meanwhile the Jewish population ferent communities throughout the establish justice, insure • domestic Hotel'Wednesday evening, April 11, image of the movement in Germany. country, particularly in, : these trook at- 7, p. m. Over 200 are expected to It is devoted to the same philosophy; tranquillity, provide for the common to all, others will have conquered observed at' the B'nai Israel syna- is still awaiting with fear and anxiety the publication of the" ofand subjugated the world first of gogue this evening,"at 8 p. m. blesome times/ . ••/. '•, < f attend, it* has the same form .of organization; defense, promote the. general welfare, all in such a measure that he be- The services -will be followed by ficial text of the new Austrian conThe committee helps in. obtaining ' Among Givofs boyhood acquaint- it uses the same emblems. Many of and secure the blessings of liberty to comes the sole master of this earth. a symposium on the Talmud Torah. stitution which will make Austria equal civil and religious rights fof ances who will be present will be its leaders were trained in the Hit- ourselves arid our posterity." First, then, the battle, and after- Max M. Barish, president of the Tal- completely Fascist. Jews in every; part of the: world, Irvin Stalmaster, Fred White, Samler movement in Germany. There Because, in our belief, our form mud Torah, wili preside. Those takand does effective work in prevent- Beber, Phil Gerelick, and Sam Bia- is evidence that there tis*a steady of a civilized state Is the way toward—perhaps—pacifism." ing part win be N. S. Yaffe, Reuben Special Mmic ing discrimination,' alleviating' perse- lac. In the establishment of the su; passing of these leaders back and precious values, we have dedi- premacy of this entire philosophy Lackow and Aaron Katz. cution and relieving victims of cala- A floor show containing variety forth between Germany and the Uni- these Selections from the Passover cancated ourselves to making this form Three children of the Talmud tata by E. L. Ashford will be renmities affecting Jews. entertainment, in which Givot will ted States. The menace is not Hit- of government permanently success- over what its believers would call Torah will give short talks. They dered this evening at special servthe hopelessly inadequate idea of dealso appear^ will feature. Ab Kailer's direct influence in this country. ful. But the ways of democracy are are: Hyman Goodbinder, "The Tal- ices at Temple Israel by the Temple mocracy, every primitive means of man will be toastmaster. The menace is in Hitlerism, of which not always perfect. Justice somemud Torah;" Dorothy Tatelman, choir under the direction of Vernon gaining an advantage is justified— Reservations will not be accepted the Chancellor of Germany is buttimes seems to lag. Want and suf"Passover and the Torah;" and Harlater than Monday. For reservations, the puppet and the mouthpiece. fering persist and the people in their propaganda, falsehood, the invasion vey Burstein, "Redemption." Eabbi C. Bennett. call AbnerKaiman, Atlantic 8034 or ' What is Hitlerism and why is it suffering sometimes have reverted to of other countries by subtle Inanti- Uri Miller will speak on "What Mr. Harry Disbrow will be guest soloist. Habbi David H. Wice will Atlantic 933& " up. absolute conflict with the form the ancient gods of the tribe. (Continued on Pa$e 8.) Jewish Education Seeks to Achieve." J speak on "Let Freedom Ring."
To S p i ^ . \ Fotum Series at
Solicitation Tuesday
Groundwork Is Being Laid for Successful Philanthropies Drive for $42,500
Sy Soulcrmam
National Fund
Balanced Program
Mrs. I. Dansky and her Jewish Concert of Mizrachi National Fund committee have sst April 16 as the date to collect the A balanced program has been armoney from local J. N. F. boxes. The Jewish National Fund was ranged for the Mizrachi Musical to originated in the mind of the late be presented April 15 at the B'nai Prof. Herman Shapiro, who taught Israel synagogue under the direction By PHDTEAS J. WROX at the University of pf Cantor A. Schwaczkin. By the Service Life Insurance mathematics Heidelberg, Germany. He was always The program for the Palestine Company, Omaha interested in the Jewish efforts to benefit concert will include numbers THE JOINT DRIVE OPENS regain Palestine for a homeland, and When we stop "to consider why by the Hazomir Singing Society; two When Dr. Chaim Weizmann armen carry life insurance, the fact he proposed a fund which was forChasidic songs by the Saks brothers, rives here on May^ pay he will have the sole purpose of buying land. He is perfectly obvious that this insur- suggested g violinists; Yiddish songs by Cantor the full co-operation of his erstwhile ance should be considered in terms homes. that boxes be put in E. Sellz; violin solos by Leonard opponent, Dr. Stephen S. Wise, in of the needs it is designed to fill. his efforts for the United Jewish ApYet it is scarcely an exaggeration The J. N. F. work has gone on forKorney; and special numbers. peal, we hear . . . SSW, incidentally, to say that the average man gives thirty-four years, and thousands of has cause to hope that the Zionist more thought to the problem of the acres have been bought in Palestine Actions committee will endorse his type of car which his income will with this money. pet project, that of the World Jewpermit him to buy for his family's ish Congress . .'-. Amusing incident AL FINKEL pleasure than to the amount and at the opening of the joint drive: TEACHER OF PIANO 1 type of insurance he should carry Judge Julian W. Mack, rising to adSewing Circle tATEST METHODS for his family's protection. In Popular and Classical Music dress the assembled crowd, began, in The Sewing Circle group of HadEven if a man does take time to accordance with the best tradition, 204 Lyric Bldg., 19th & Farnam figure out his family's financial assah will meet Monday afternoon, with: "Fellow Jews"—then suddenly 3k. 4023 April 9, at the home of Mrs. A. needs, it is by no means always posremembered that the salutation was Katskee, 2217 Lothrop. sible for him to buy sufficient inhardly applicable to League Eefugee %T/C£ OF L/Af/r£z> STATES surance to stabilize his estate. He Commissioner James McDonald, the might wish to have sufficient cash SUPREME COURT guest of honor, and in the excitement to cover all expenses connected with of the moment, as he bowed to the decision, in tAe the administration of his estate, to Commissioner, corrected his greeting famous OKLAHOMA Where Omaha Shops with Confidence pay off the mortgage, and sufficient to: "Fellow Christians" . . . We take C£ CASE attracted income to replace bis salary, with this opportunity to rectify one of additional amounts in certain years those errors that -will creep in: The WORU) WIPE attention to take care of his children's educablackballing of Joseph C. Hyman for FOQ COP/SS ' CAME, rtf tion. If present expenses eliminate the secretaryship of the joint drive 16th at Farnam the possibility of a program of this (UJA to:.you) was not as effective as COUNTRIES/ kind, there is no reason why the the blackballed Nathan Straus, Jr., foundations of a practical program had hoped, Mr. Hyman's good friends should not be laid by taking care looking to him. to sway of the JDC camp having seen to it of most urgent needs first. If fithat he was named honorary secreCOVRT "to uphold the nances permit in the future, a more tary of the Appeal . . . Our conLEGISLATION/ complete structure can be built on gratulations! this foundation. Selling Insurance Today. NEWS PROM NEWARK It is obvious, when life insurance | That big party which was.thrown fills such a wide variety of needs, i for Dr. Albert Einstein at Newark that selling life insurance, under ] last week was highly successful from ^ f atrJbuteto $ present day conditions, does not j the publicity point of view, but acmean peddling life insurance policies is figure designed bij complished less than nothing toward from door to door. It means devotraising funds for German Jewish reing time and effort to diagnosing M A X K A L I S H , C / ^ ^ « > SCUIPTO* lief '..•. . Cleveland's silver-tongued people's needs for insurance, and Rabbi A. H. Silver had to charter a WCL5 presented, t o more time and effort spent studying special plane in order to be able to the policies best adapted to meet QeM HUGH JoMsott, conduct services at his Temple on these needs. It means finding out that Sunday morning and be present just what a man's financial obligaacLntitu strata? at the Einstein meeting in the aftertions would be if his earning power noon . . . All of which did not preshould be cut off, and planning the vent the zealous youth who does the , Gold Metal best method by which to meet those publicity for the Non-Sectarian Antiobligations. Vntnod-uc c d t o the Nazi League from sending out a noA prominent New York lawyer tice stating that Dr. Silver, had pre•7W WORLD 7%/)2)£ OF made the statement recently that he sided over a meeting of this organiDAVID didn't pay much attention to his inzation in New York on that very surance for that was his underwritsame Sunday -moining. . er's problem. In explanation of this statement, he stated that when peoReform Jewish Service on April 11th POLITICAL TIPS: ; ple came to consult him about their Private Lockers at Down m. Wall Street they are ac-. . . The Physicians' Art Club, prelegal problems he assumed that they , • . and These cepting bets that Prof. Felix (Har- sided over by Dr. Percy Fridenberg, Center Available did it because they thought he knew vard Law School) Frankfurter will includes in its membership about a Sunday, April 8: more about legal matters than they be named to succeed'Justice Louis D. hundred medicos who paint, model in Due to increased demand for pri-did or they -wouldn't have consulted 10 a. m.—Conservative Board ValuesWm clay or do photography . . . Max Brandeis if and when LDB is ready vate lockers, the physical depart- him and he expected them to follow meeting. • . - , . • to retire from- the U. S. Supreme Band, the Russian Jewish artist who ment a t the Community Center has his advice. On the same principle, j 3-p.; m—Hebrew dub. . Be Town Talk . v'V I t is one of FF's prb-came here from France td- paint re-arranged the rHealth club locker he chose an underwriter who, he " 3 "p. mJ^-Junfor Society mariteges, young Benjamin Cohen, who is FDR, has returned to Paris with his felt, knew more about insurance room and has • installed additional onette show. said to be responsible. ^pr.r£he major completed canvas, which he hopes to Monday, April*; 9: than he did and he, therefore, was lockers. •: v :*; : part of the codes which ate. being place in the .American Embassy . . . perfectly willing to follow his adHead&e 2V/2 to 23 l -*. % p. m.—B&ur Chollin. Private lockers are now available A great national Jewish organization ; : written by' General '.'• Johnson's vice as to tfie amount he should i p . m.—Majors' -dinnei". for those who desire them. Anyone in the Groupl Board . . .Deputy .NRA Adminis- has sent out letters to rabbis and ? 7 p. m.—Workmen's- loan. have and the way it should be setinterested may see Sol Fellman at Jewish newspaper publishers in this trator Sol Rosenblatt is counting ten tled. 8 p. m.—B'nai Brith. ^ p the J. C. C. basket room. request that no Tuesday, slowly and-'furiously' these _ days as country with the Big brims and little brims . » . In 1,000 BRAND NEW Hat* April 10: ~ independent movie exhibitors file mention be" made of "Jews Must unpacked for tomorrow's Belling! 2 p. m.—Deborah society. complaints against his code for theLive," the new book by Samuel Roth, 7 p. m.—Young Judeans. PLENTY O F . . . former Zionist editor, whose latest flicker industry. .; : . 8 p. m.—Boy Scouts. opus is regarded as the most anti- Wednesday, • Brown • Navy April 11: Semitic publication to appeaVin the • Black • Pastels ON THE NAZI FRONT 8-p. m.—^Community- • Forum The purpose behind the visit of IT. S. since the Dearborn Indepen—many frith white tiimsj presents Maurice SamueL Ambassador William £ . Dodd to thedent turned over a new leaf . . . 2 p. m.—Conservative SynaTHIRD FLOOR home folks: at Washington is to tell Robert Nathan, the poetic novelist, gogue Auxiliary. FDR just What Berlin, where Dr. is reported to have written a book Thursday, April 12: Dodd represents the U. S., thinks of •which he may or may hot publish, in Junior Hadassah, 8 p. m. the anti-Nazi boycott •'• we're- having which the Jewish problem is solved DUR NEW COTTON SECTION . i . German Ambassador Hans Lu- by a wholesale emigration of IsraelHAS NEWS FOR YOU tier will sit in at the conferences, ites to the Gobi desert . . . Dr. Jeklest Dr. Dodd-i-whom our own Rep- uthiel Ginsburg, energetic editor of the Rio Grande . . . We now hear resentative Hamilton•'. Fish, Jr., con-Yeshiva College's Scripta Mathemat- that George Jessel, who all these Hundreds of New siders dangerously liberal—prove .too ica, is planning to launch a Hebrew years has been nursing a yen to be monthly which will serve as a forum objective in his statement of the a great lawyer, will definitely marry . . problem . . . 1 1 Duce - Benito having for those American Hebraists who Norma Talmadge in July . . . The taken to arresting anti-Fascist Jew- are not in accord with the policies of State of Illinois has appropriated a You can see it, smell it and ish intellectuals, we are reminded the weekly Hadoar ••..-. The list^jf considerable sum for investigation of that after all it was Mussolini whose sponsors will probably be headed'- by the murder of Eli Daiches, Chicago and Hooverettes hold'it ia your hand. Why example taught Dolly Hitler the tricks Israel Matz,, whose new Ex-Lax pro- advertising man, -who now is believed not call and permit us to of the trade . . . The story that Mar- gram, by the way, gave to Henrietta to have been the victim of a new Go On Sale give you (his amazing demlene Dietrich gave financial support Schumann, the young Russian Jew- racket connected with insurance . . . Wednesday! ish concert pianist, her first big rato the Hitlerites, the birdies whisper, Radio Canary Shirley Howard sufonstration of safety? We dio break. was Nazi-made propaganda intended fered injuries" to one of her shapely will prove to you that Carto injure her box-office appeal be- Playwright J. J. ( Y o s h e Kalb) legs when strikers pulled her from a rene refrigerant is not pnly cafcae some time ago she offended a Singer has come here from Poland, cab during New York's recent taxi i family safe, but jwill not corrode The husband of Ber- together with his Nazi agent Play- riots . • . Myron Weiss, of the edinice Chrysler Garbisch, daughter of wright"" Ossip Symow wears a hat torial staff of Time, is vacationing the part? inside your reWalter (motor mogul) Chrysler, has which he says he bought in Czecho- at Miami Beach The Naiis do frigerator. We will prove to been blackballed from the ritzy For- slovakia—but it bears a Mexico City not like screen queen Elizabeth Bergest Hills Golf Club because he dared label, although Mr. Symow insists he ner, but Fox Films are offering her you that it prevents wear, marry a Jewess . . . A wisecrack has never been in the land south of a hundred grand for a single picture. gives mare silent operasurrent in these parts declared that tion of the mechanism, Germany's baseball score at present in aew spring Prints, Checks, stands: One Hun, one Hitler, one Dots. Colors so tempting freezes ice faster. See the and styles fit for a queen. error. new Gruno ws today—you .Values to 1.95. One day's • * * * will like them. special selling.
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munal agriculture, in co-operatives of acclimatize themselves. They come somewhat like the stories of Rusprivately owned land, in strictly with the feeling that their own lives sian royalty. Girls who work aa private agricultural enterprises, are done" for. Many of them, lawchambermaids were lawyers in Gerhired labor and city business under- yers and doctors and dentists, men many. In the kitchen of the pension takings. The process of absorption is of thirty-fiwe and forty, are willat which I stayed was a young man Abner Kaiman has been selected as who still chewed on one side because being eased and aided by a new or- inly renouncing their professions and ganization, known as the Union of taking on the responsibility of agri- president of the Jewish Community | all the teeth on the other had been German People, which Ywks in con- cultural enterprise. For the lawyers Center ldttenball league, -waich will | knocked out by German hooligans. junction wiith colonization organiza- it is almost a necessity, since the start the first treek _of. May. •vrith The kitchen maid had been the mantions and the powerful and many- period of training, both in the lan-eight teams seeking the title. ager of a large office in Berlin. This faced federation of labor in Pales- guages of Palestine and in the law Morris Epstein and Earl Siegel are tempo of escape merges -with the the secretaries of the loop. At a tempo of the new land to give it tine. — _- . of the land, would be too long. First of all, the children are Physicians are making more of an preliminary meeting called by physi- an even more exciting pace. All housed and cared for in the most effort to adjust themselves in their cal director Lee Grossman Monday, kinds-of adjustments must be made. Tomorrow will not smoothe them for modern circumstances "attainable, and own professions, but . they too are seven teams \rere represented. By LIBBY BENEDICT The deadline for teams seeking all time, but out of all these totheir mental and physical health aware that there is room for just entry to the loop is April 19. The entry gether rises an excitement that • What the great influx of German try. Those who are striving . would drove them, to heated antipathy ta- shows it. Then comes the concern so many. fee must be in by then. As soon as this small country a lure to Jews is doing to Palestine and howprobably include half of the 600,000 ward every move designed to provide over the land, the cattle and the Yet before that point of satura- the entry-fees are paid, the teams makes young blood. poultry. Many a colony boasts a tion is reached the medical equipit is changing the spirit and method Jews who lived in Germany at the a separate country for the Jews. most up-to-date -threshing combine, ment of Palestine will show good will be issued the players' contracts. of the Jewish community are vividly beginning of the Hitler program. In The early part of the century saw shows off its poultry arrangement, effects, for Palestine had needed this Central- High has consented to let portrayed iii this sympathetic study Berlin today one can recognize Jews many anti-Zionist pamphlets pub- with its- system each egg with the influx of medical talent and training. the Center use their athletic field for presented by . special arrangement best by listening to their talk; after lished in Germany by various "doc- number of the. hen that laid it, so But 1934 1897 the bearers of it themselves and games, practices and gym classes. yrith the New York Herald-Tribune two sentences the word Palestine is tors of philosophy. There is also a that at the end of the year the bets the lawyers for the moment are willsure to emerge. It is the one hope story of the Munich rabbis who com- can be chosen for progenitors, and THE EDITOR. incredibly fast, that the immigraaround which there is a glow of per- plained to their town council one points out its clean cattle pens. The ing " to turn to other branches of tion is seen and heard clearest of work. It means a violent internal up. The world has always, known that manence. All. other countries, hos- year when it was rumored that a workers themselves in numbers that all. Houses only a few years old are rooting which might easily become the Jews who lived in' Germany were pitable as they may be mean only Zionist congress was to be held in may reach 200, live cleanly, with all being torn down to make way for unbearable. temporary security. completely Teutoniized, but how comtheir city. Such a lack of patriotism, necessities, but it is all very rudi- To their advantage, however, is newer and larger ones. There is a pletely has- become clear only now, How many thousands of German even in citizens of other countriies mentary in form. The dairy and the altered phychology that Pales- housing shortage in spite of all the when they go wandering about look- Jews have already, made their, way pained them deeply. vegetable produce of the communal tine provides. It is easier to change building, .arid the boom depends on ing for new homesteads. across, to study possibilities in The Kadimah, a Zionist movement farms are again handled by a co- from law to shoe-making in Pales- the continuation of immigration. So -• Several dozens of them boarded Palestine, it is also difficult to among university students in the operative. tine; the mode of cultural activity it is to Tel - Aviv that the Germans Cteneral Agent our Palestine bound at Naples. They ascertain. The streets of all cities early days of the idea, was spread not restrained by the mode . of have flocked to open stores, small 338-S4© Electric Blflg. Yet, in spite of this very fundawere middle:class, for the most part last summer resounded to the sound throughout Germany and Austria, mental and strong basis, it is doubt- is JA. 7820 factories and hotels. Among the livelihood. I have seen the chef of a —business men who could still man- of the German language—a strange and many of the young members de- ful whether this ' branch of Pales- hospital walking in the garden with refugeee are stories • that sound age to travel distances whil& look- experience for them. Many German veloped into internationally known tinian enterprisce will be able to the head physician, in earnest talk. ing for new ground. And between Jews waited until the new year be- leaders. But its membership was de-take care of many German settlers And just as the economic distributhem and . the proverbial German fore migrating. Officials both in rived mainly from the Russian Jews at present. No drained land is im- tion of the country's products is there was no difference except for government and business, who re-who had come to the land of cul-mediately available for the establish- centered in the labor organization, the Semitic nose that has become ceived notiice of their discharge from ture to study; only here and there, in ment of new groups of German set- so are its cultural activities. Lecthe almost exclusive characteristic of jobs in Germany, were under con- those early membership lists, can a tlers schmes are on the way, buttures, theaters, educational courses the German Jew. tract untiil the end of the year. Fre- German-sounding name be found. will take time. are all fostered and attended by ' The Semitic nose is a peculiar quently enough the concerns that were And, while it is also true that there The land that will probably be labor. The ideal of white-collar work sport. The Palestinian Jew has it forced to discharge them were anxi- is an old German-Jewish colony in most quickly ready is around Haifa has been destroyed. not at all, except when he is a ous to keep them on as long as thePalestine, and that one can find Ger- Bay. New colonies may be founded In the cities one sees the GerYemenite; nor is the'classic Semitic contracts held," because replacement man Jews who migrates' many years there, but alreaay a -different kind man influx clearly. In Jerusalem, is not easy. coloring evident in him. On" the conago, it is nevertheless a fact that of settlement -is, tinder way. It is a that most external of cities, it is trary, the native Palestinian Jews In Germany itself, in the south of by far the" greater part of the Ger-combination of town labor and truck not so evident, although here, too, ?; are tall, blue-eyed, blond and fre-France and in other refugee coun- man-Jewish population was always farming. A settlement will be German is heard in the streets. Jeruquently - pug-nosed. And their psy- tries training centers are being set hostile and frankly destructive to- opened within commuting distance salem has expanded much in the last chology is far from manifestly with up to help the younger generation ward the Ziionist movement. from Haifa. It will be divided into five years, and it is still expanding. 1 normally distributed talents. Hitler prepare for manual labor. They have The German Jews clung to their small plots, large, enough for agri- Building is going on everywhere. But Use H a r d i n g * •would have a hard job recognizing renounced the careers for which they. faith in the permanence of their culture on a minor scale. l And A hthein Jerusalem even rapid expansion them, - either psychologically or have been trained. From law they home in the fatherland, even though family will support itself both cannot be like rapid expansion in Quality Butter . . . v physically, even with the aid of his go to shoemaking, from economics anti-Semitism has been rising around through the - efforts . of those that Haifa or Tel Aviv. Too many civilexperts in anthropology. to carpentry. them for fifty years. They saw it,will find occupation in the city and izations have written their stories Makes everything : But among the German Jews the in clear stratifications on the old Equipment with such training, they felt it, but they could not be-through farming. Semitic nose reigns. And except for they have hopes of being admitted lieve. Even when Hitiler came into In the larger, outlying co-opera- walls of the city—new civilizations taste better! that they are as German as Hinden- to Palestine under government cer- power they did not believe. They tives of privately owned land also, must move with respect. There will burg, from haircut to strut. The men tifi," without private capital. Since say so, frankly: "Even when it be- there is .still some ground .available be room for some of the Germans have shaved heads, and some have last spring 8,000 German' Jews have gan, we could not believe that it for private purchase, and it is in that I who want to come into the city to left a tuft at the front. The older settled definitely ini Palestine, and meant us." . - direction that many of the German engage in manual labor. Here and women"" seem meek "and grayish, the only half of them came in as capitalemigrants would like to turn. For there are new, splendidly outfitted And again irony has a fling younger ones are "chic. But- all to- ists with the financial security, the shops established by. the new German f Those native-born Germans, or those!this capital is necessary. E Even for p gether they took' possession ~ of the British government, requires. The m& immigrants. who had managed to attain citizenthose who. are accustomed to agriculboat. ' . •'•'..'•" ' other.4,000 came, in on certificate. ship had always been a little 'snooty In Haifa . the influx is plainer. 1 All of them had either experienced .'Besides these 8,000 adults, almost toward the" newer immigrants from tural work it is hard, because it Haifa in the throes of a building means that all the branches of acterror or" been close" to it. Some 1,000 children have been brought into Eastern Europe. And now. the situa- tivity—land cultivation, dairying and boom;"is stores are rented before" they talked, but most of them preferred Palestine from Germany, - without tion is reversed. - The — fellow - - - " •who-still - • • - " poultry raising—must be carried on are completed. Cafes are - being .only to hint; because this time they their . parents. F-or: the -Jewish chil- has a Poliisb. - or Lithuanian. or separatly by each family. Only the opened .one after the other- and were" only orT an exploratory.. trip. dren in Germany there is no hope at Rumanian passport is lucky. Boycott p owners, waiters, customers, all speak sales and purchasing " ends are They had wives or families still in all. The higher schools of education and restriction regulations cannot German. handled co-operatively. Germany, and they had been warned will be closed to them; in the lower legally apply to Trim- In practice they it is in Tel Aviv, the city that of spies ~ everywhere.v^But one manschools they are subjected to isola- do, but he is still under the protec- Yet even .from professional ranks is But already permanent and growing there have been many applications told, how he had been, made to drink tion and ridicule. Some of the 1,000tion of his own consulate and therefor this kind of settlement. Over the ; three glasses of castor: oil and after- children have • been taken on by thefore, much safer. ..\. - ._ .-.-.: whole influx lies the conviction that ward to lick the dirty"*oil that had kvutzoth, or co-operative colonies, The absorption into Palestine of it is not for themselves that they been let out of an outoniobile. An- where they will be trained for agriother told of .a friend_qf Ms. who cultural labor. Others have been the new German elements will have have come but .for their children. had died after days_of_torture;_his placed with families in moshavoth, to take place in. one of the divisions The older members, even if they are body had been lanced in' dozens of or colonies of privately owned that "the country offers—in : com- only in'their thirties, do not hope to places^ and - pepper' rubbed into the ground. And - large l u m b e r s have wounds. " been taken into Ben Shemen, the -But. .they ..were not coining • to autonomous children's colony, where Announcing , . . ". Palestine .humbly. -Not at- all. -They training, education and self-support were coming, they announced to are all taken care of at the same bring new spirit and method into time. the country. Has Become Associated With ; The first niight oif land, in the Behind this begira lies an ironic story in" the grand manner that the part of Haifa that lies half-way up the mountain and is known as Ha-Fates can produce. For always, from carrriei/ one could already see doubt its beginning, the Zionists movement -.'.-.•"..Distrilrators of " on the" faces of some.. They, wandered had found little but hostility among the German Jews. The same belief about the streets of a modernistically live city. Our boat had been the first that lingers on even today, that XABGEST STOCK OF TfEW AST) USED CABS to anchor - wifihin the breakwaters never, anywhere, could they be as •of . the new _ harbor, but nobody happy as they were in Germany, Call or irrite for demonstration of cars at any time. seemed, to give a hoot. There were 11th and Jackson Sts. L. L.KLEIN no celebrations, and no crowds of WA-3400 welcome. Half the people did not MARY STEIN even know a boat lay at anchor. HAMILTON CAFE Stiff-neck had met stiff-neck. The •mthm ROAD Palestinian doesn't need any lessons In pride from the German. If the 9 COURSES German feels himself saturated wiith an old culture, the Palestinian Is Chicken — Duck — Steaks just as st»rn over the part he is The tone is brilliant, the 50c to 65c playing in the creation of a hew one. volume is great — every* CHECK THESE TEN , As yet the number of German thing about this newest of Jews who are striving and, planning BIG FEATURES... and preparing to come to Palestine RCA Victor auto radios is a Easiness Men's Lunch 33c is far greater than the number who 1. Chassis, speaker and "B" eiimi2406 Farnam ; Ja. 9393 genuine thrill. have already settled in the new coun- nator in single case—less than 9
Road To Palestine rom Hitlerland
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4—THE J E W ^ P E E S S , FRIDAY, APRIL 6,1934 had one weakness—he stammered somewhat and stammering is a deficiency to which many of the brilliant minds are prone. I am told by I physicians. By O. 0. DASHES Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by j Theodor Herzl was a feuilleton .'writer and playwright before Zionism THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY : . took hold of him. I imagine that Ye shall do no unrighteousness; By DAVID SCHWARTZ ; the young man Moses must have Subscription Price, one year - - - - - - - - - • $2.50 judgment thou shalt not favor | been a great play boy. I do not in Advertising rates furnished on application the of the poor, no-r favor know, whether the Egyptians went the person person of the mighty, but in THE PASSOVER STORY in for the drama or not, bust whatEditorial Office: 490 BrandeJs Theater Building. The late and great Yiddish actor, ever it was that furnished this equi- righteousness shalt thou judge thy Sioux City Olfice—Jewish Community Center Joseph Kessler was eccentric to the valent for them Moses must have neighbor. DAVID BLACKER - - - - - - Business and Managing Editor Thou shalt not go up and down point that the eccentric constituted excelled in. Otto H. Kahn, banker, philanthropist and patron of the arts, the FRANK R. ACKERMAN - - - - - - - • - Editor as a talebearer among thy people. normal with him. Shall I ever The Egyptians went In much for Thou shalt not take vengeance nor FANNIE KATELMAN - « - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent has passed on. In looking over his active life of achievement, one forget the presentation he once made magic. ANN PIIiL - - - - - - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent Probably many suspected that any grudge against the chilof the story of the Exodus, the story must be struck with the fact that he never denied his Jewishness a lot of it wasn't on the up and up. bear Print Shop Address: 1307 Howard Street dren of thy people, but thou shalt of the Passover? Moses—an alert young man—had a and yet he never took part in Jewish life. There was Pharaoh sitting with keen curiosity and he probably knew love thy neighbor as thyself. The members of his family became Episcopalians, and all of Mrs. Pharaoh in all his glory. Sitting all of their tricks. When the Egyphis children married Christians. Yet, he remained a Jew. A few at a laden table, devouring herring tians showed him one great trick, Talmud. months ago he emphatically declared: "I was born a Jew, I am a ravenously—so ravenously that he he could always pull off a better Elijah said to Rabbi Elazor: "God to be almost bursting his Jew and I shall die a Jew." And last December, in addressing the appeared investigated all the meritorious habblood vessels. And two policemen one. A Houdini was this Moses of ours. its which would be adapted to Israel, Federation for the Support of Jewish Philanthropic Societies in stood guard over him. But how much more than a Hou- and He could not find any meritoriNew York, he said: "This is the time indeed for every one of us Mosses enters and asks Pharaoh to dini. Houdini was no statesman. ous habit which would fit Israel betallow the Jews to go. "If you do He freed no people. Moses did. to heed the call of the blood which courses in his veins and loy- not," says Moses, "I will call upon A Washington frees a people, but ter than modesty. ally and proudly stand up and be counted with his fellow Jews." Many leaders of Jewish life disagree on various points with the Lord and he will send down a he did not need to lead them to Our Rabbis were taught: When a Maurice Samuel. That is to be ejected when a leader is fearless, j He also called on his hearers to reaffirm "their loyalty to Jewry plague upon you." their land. Moses freed a people proselyte comes and desires to be "Varf ihm heraus" (throw him converted to Judaism nowadays, he led them to their land. determined and has the courage of his convictions. Maurice Sam- in the face of bitter and ruthless persecution." out) cries Pharaoh to his cops, still and A Lincoln frees a people, but he is asked: "What is your reason for With such ideology, one would think that a powerful man devouring his herring. uel is worth hearing on any subject he may speak, and Omaha not need to lead them to their desiring to be converted to Judaism? will; haye the rare treat of listening to him next week. Tuesday of Kahn's caliber would be a pillar of Israel, like his partners, The n e x t day Moses reappears did land. Moses freed a people and Are you not aware that Israel is broken down nowadays under perseevening he will be the guest speaker at the dinner opening the Felix M. Warburg and Jacob H. Schiff. Yet, outside of mere gen- Pharaoh and Mrs. Pharaoh are eat- ie(j t h e m to t h e ir land. cution, driven around from one place ing again. How they are putting down] A Lincoln frees a people from work of the initial gifts division of the Philanthropies campaign.; e r £ m s contributions to the Federation of Jewish Philanthropic the genzene schmalz. The handsome physical bondage, but does not touch to another, covered in mourning and Wednesday evening he will close the Community Forum series at! Organizations and the Joint Distribution Committee and the Yid- Moses again makes his plea. Again, upon economic bondage. Moses freed tossed about, subjected to so much the Jewish Community Center with an address on "The Art of d i s h A r t T h e a t r e j h e k e p t a(iOf f r o m t h e j ^ ^ community. In Pharaoh shouts "Yarf ihm heraus." a people from physical bondage, and affliction?" If he says: "I am of the fact and I am not Self-Deception." fact, his late partner, Jacob H. Schiff, is said to have referred to As Moses is thrown out, Pharaoh taught the people principles and aware worthy even as they are," he is imturns to the Mrs. "You know what i j tice, such as the d e a l s o f s o c i a l us Anyone" who heard him speak here two years ago on the him as "our Christian partner." that fellow Moses said about the year of jubilee, which constitute the mediately accepted into Judaism. He subject "Can Jewry Survive?" will attest to his eloquence. He held plague, I believe, is true. I am al- great insurance against economic ex- is then informed concerning some of the light commandments and some ready itching," says Pharaoh, scratch- ploitation. his audience spellbound. His unique experiment will be long reing himself. . Great economic liberators have of the vigorous commandments, remembered. In the middle of his lecture he declared an intermisso it goes out. Human, all sought to free their people from ex- quiring self-denial, so that if upon One of the most popular conversations of today is the sen- CooAnd sion of fifteen minutes; And when he began to speak again a human, Kessler made the story ploitation, but Moses went further such information he desires to withquarter of an hour later, not a single person in the audience had sational charges of Dr. George A. Wirt, Indiana educator, that of Passover. and f r e e d a nation—and through draw he may do so. them the world—of the equal op- Rabbi Akiba was met by Jonaleft the lecture hall. Any speaker who can pass through that acid members of the so-called "brain trust" referred to President Roo- A CLOSE PARALLEL sevelt as "only the Kerensky of the economic revolution" and that Perhaps Kessler carried this hu- pression and confusion of the mind than, and the latter asked him such test needs no further recommendation. comes from idolatry. Against questions that he was unable to give He is the one who aroused such widespread comment with they are scheming to have "a Stalin" step in. Many passed the manization to excess, but I am not that all of these visible and tangible an answer. Thereupon Jonathan sure about that. If you want to idols,. who constituted a tyranny of his latest published work, "Jews on Approval," a fearless, candid matter off as a joke, but the events of the past week give the so said: "Art thou that Akiba whose really know how human—how like whim over the mind of man—he appraisal of American Jewish life with a vigorous attack on the affair a highly sinister mask. the present world of reality is the brought a liberating concept of an fame extends from one end of the j world to the other? Happy mayest Representative George Foulkes, Michigan democrat, stated ancient story of the Exodus, just weaknesses of the Jewish communal structure/He has travelled abstract and infinite God for all | thou be that thou hast acquired such extensively and not long ago returned from a sojourn in Europe, on the floor of the Congress that the Wirt charges was a Nazi open your Bible to the first chapter humanity—and with that he pre- a name, although thou hast not the plot. He asserted that "these allegations are inspired by Nazi of the Book of Exodus. I did that sented humanity with the concept of reach in scholarship to be even an Africa and Palestine. and was startled at the close- the oneness of the human family. oxherd." Upon which Rabbi Akiba agents in this country hoping to discredit the social welfare and myself ness with which the Scriptural recreplied, "Not even a shepherd." humanitarian policies of the Roosevelt administration, and an- ord parallels wha-t is taking place MOSES AND SINAI What Story is there like this story ticipating that they may be able to set up a Nazi or Fascist dic- in Germany today. of Passover? No people of the A dispatch to the New York Times from its Washington tatorship in which a representative of Wall Street will have abso- THE NAZIS OF OLD western world seeking freedom have correspondent, who bases his report on information furnished by lute control this is a plot in which the profiteers and graft- You remember that Egypt even ever ignored it. When America I Grey Iron, Aluminum and the Administration, states that the boycott against German goods ers of the United States are readily and eagerly do-operating with had a Jewish, prime minister named fought its war for independence, x Bronze Castings Joseph. But he was not the only not only its spirit but I and services had proved its effectiveness, and Germany intends Hitler's tools Wood and Metal Patterns if Dr. Wirt is not an agent of Hitlerism in great Jew in those days, for the itits borrowed terms. The King of Engto modify its tmta-Semitic policy in order to save itself from fi- America he is unconsciously serving it as well as any paid tool Bible says: MAnd the children of land,very HA. 5523 the Americans dubbed Pharaoh. " 2614 Martha St. Israel were fruitful and multiplied The Red Sea—the Atlantic Ocean. nancial destruction. It is believed by observers close to the Wash- could serve it." and waxed exceedingly mighty." ington scene that William E. Dodd, American ambassador to GerEven more sinister is the fact that George W. Christians, Furthermore, we are told that the And so on. even when the dusky sons NATIONAL many, is the source of the report. president of the Crusader for Economic Liberty, a radical, Fas- new king, who was a Nazi, upon Anddaughters of the south sang "German exports have dwindled to a low point because of cist, anti-Jewish, monetary reform organization whose white his ascension to the throne, made and ACCESSORIES, Inc. their plaintive spirituals, it was a a speech saying: "Behold the people Boycotts in virtually all countries, the government's gold reserve shirt auxiliary is reputed to maintain close relations with Nazi verse from this story of the Exodus: EVERYTHING the children of Israel are more "Go down Moses has shrunk each week for^the^past two" months and the country agents, admits that on December 1, 1932, before the president of For the Auto and mightier tlferi we. Tell old Pharaoh, generally is in^he^grip of the severest economic crisis thatChan- was inaugurated, told the president-elect at Warm Springs that 2051 Farn&m AT. 5524 Let my people go cellor Hitler and the Nazi party have had to face," the report he was "only the Kerensky of the American revolution," the same THE MAGIC BUSINESS that gave them courage. "Mightier than we". Is it not the says: It adds that the "various boycotts have had more effect phrase Dr. Wirt attributed to a member of the "brain trust." same tiling that is being said in on official policy than have the protest meetings." The statement was made, Christians said, in the presence of Pro- Germany today? I don't doubt but ; In reply to this article, Samuel Untermyer, leading spirit in fessor Raymond Moley, then a member of the "brain trust"; CoL that the Egyptian Nazis compiled proving that nine-tenths of the boycott camp, branded as a "smoke screen" the report from Marvin Mclntyre, one of Mr. Roosevelt's secretaries; and Walter records the magicians—and even Moses was Washington that the effect of the boycott would be a Nazi deci- M. Biggins, chairman of the strategy committee of the "Crusad- a magician—were Jews, and that fiion to ease the anti-Semitic policy. Evidence that his diagnosis ers for Economic Liberty." In explaining his Kerensky statement, Jews owned 80 per cent of the crocodiles. is probably correct comes from underground sources, which re-
trftfa heart and soul for Zion rebuilt. The Zionist movement is large enough to embrace the varying opinions of the different constituent groups. But the important thing is that the cause must transcend the faction or the individual. Zionism is more important than the Revisionist or the Mizrachi or the General Zionist or the Laborite factions. Our burdens of the moment are too heavy and too painful to have added to them the continuing weakening of Jewish solidarity.
A Puzzling Attitude
The Week in Review
Maurice Samuel
Sinister Plot?
Smoke Screens
f Paxton Mitchell Co.
Christians declared "that's just a lot of conversation I am using veal that the net of restriction and persecution is being drawn to get the work of my organization before the public." HUMAN NATURE UNCHANGED tighter about the throats of German Jewry, and no easement is The net result of this revealing incident is that we are more And not only were the Egyptian visible despite the repeated attempts of German government offiand more impressed with the fact that this country must be wary Nazis much the same as the German cials to sway foreign public opinion. A number of cases of violence Nazis, but the Jews of Egypt were are reported, and the anti-Jewish boycott continues by the rank- of the dangerous pitfalls of propaganda. Without their knowledge, much the same as the Jews of toand-file Nazis. National Socialist pamphlets are being widely dis- men can become tools of propaganda agents, and it is extremely day. You remember that the Bible says that Moses first took an intributed, warning that " h e who buys from a Jew should be important for the welfare of our nation that we do not lose our terest in the Jewish problem when balance because of some well-thought out plot aimed at wrecking hanged." In other places, huge vans circulate through the streets he saw an Egyptian beating a Jew. It was then that he became Jewcarrying posters advising against the purchase of goods from American institutions. conscious. He had been thoroughly Jews. indifferent to his Jewish heritage. ^ He had been raised at the royal \ Dr. Kurt Schmitt, minister of economics, continues his oppo- Immigration Report doubtless spoke a beautiful sition to anti-Jewish boycott, but "angelic" Paul Goebbels, propaRecently a committee of forty-eight was appointed by Sec- court, Egyptian and was accepted in the ganda minister, has publicly reprimanded Schmitt for his alleged retary of Labor Perkins to study American immigration problems. beat Egyptian, families. In short, philo-Semitic views. Nevertheless, it is quite freely admitted that Their report has been made, and the House of Representatives he was the type of Jew seemingly thoroughly assimilated to the Egypthe Nazi leaders are greatly worried about the economic situation should give study and pay heed to the findings of the body. tian scene. -. Much the same type as caused by the boycott. No better evidence of how worried they After examining the general administration of the restrictive Theodor Herzl several thousand years actually are can be had than the-fact that for the first time since regulations, the committee found theni adequate. But it went be- later. And Moses became a Zionist, t^e Nazis came into power, Adolph Hitler, despite his abnormally yond the routine nature of the investigation, and kept in mind after he had seen a Jew beaten up. But did all the Jews listen to pathological hatred for everything Jewish, intervened and told a America's historic position as a haven of refuge. The committee Zionism? 1 meeting of Nazi governors of the.various states that local Nazi said: "There is a second group of aliens deserving special consid- No, sir. They said—a great many groups would not be permitted to carry on individual campaigns eration at this time. We refer to refugees. Asylum for those who of them—that Egypt was good against the Jews. But, the pendulum had gained too much mo- flee from religious, racial and political persecution is one of the enough for them. Brickmaking was pretty bad, they admitted, but Moses mentum. oldest and most valued of American traditions. Our share of this was only causing them a lot of " Referring .back to the purported report of Ambassador Dodd unfortunate group can be taken care of within the present quotas trouble by his agitation. Since he had begun his agitation, many com. . . it is generally recognized that one of his purposes for being and without amendment to the law." plained. Pharaoh was saying that here is to discuss a new, trade treaty between this country and There are many hundreds of German Jewish families who all Jews were Eeds—wanted to cross Germany. Here is where private pressure can work most effective- have the means, and who only await the opportunity to settle in the Red Sea—and this wasn't Helply. The Dritte Reich of Hitler's is heading for economic annihila- the United States. They would bring with them energy, devotion ing them any. tion, and in the conclusion of the prospective treaty the outraged and resources. TheI Commissioner of Immigration, if he will carry JUST LIKE TODAY feelings of America can be transmitted forcibly to the Hitler out the humanistic tradition of the Roosevelt regime and if he And even before that, when one Moses "beheld two men of the marauders. will recognize the patent validity of the Perkins Committee report, day Hebrews" fighting each other and he will immediately issue instructions to American consuls in Ger- said to him that was wrong: "Wheremany which .will permit the rapid entry into the United States fore smitest thou thy fellow?" The A Sorry Spectacle smiter responded: "Who made thee A sorry spectacle of a strife-torn Zionism, rent internally by of a maximum number of those now living in terror and despair. a prince and judge over us? Intendest thou to kill me as thou constant bickering, is the journalistic picture broadcast from Jer- American.prosperitjr will not be retarded—on the contrary, it will killest the Egyptian?" be advanced—if we permit the entry of men and women who have usalem where the Zionist Actions Committee is gathered to study "And Moses feared and said, Suredone so much to build up the culture and the economy of Germany, ly this thing is known. Now when the general Palestine and Zionist scene. Pharaoh heard this thing, he sought r Two particular quarrels are giving life to the smouldering to slay Moses. But Moses fled flames of dissension. First, the Mizrachi threaten the Zionist What Next? from the face of Pharaoh and dwelt movement "with a religious war unless the Zionist Executive We have intermittentlysuffered through such fads as pin in the land of Midian." So, in all particulars, human nagranted the Mizrachi's religious demands. Secondly, the always eating, spaghetti eating, flagpole sitting tournaments, but we arc •ture has not changed. The whole turbulent Revisionists have caused concern by their petition prone to dispute the Biblical quotation of Eccl. 1:9, which states Nazi story is told only with different movement which criticizes the Mandatory Power and the Pales- "There is nothing new under the sun." For, lo and behold, Hurley- nimes in the first few chapters of the Book of Exodus. Hitler is nothtine Administration and which, it is feared, will antagonize and ville, New York, this week held a matzoh eating contest to deter- ing new. He is as old as smallpox, mine who can eat the most matzohs at one sitting. change the British attitude. as ol<i as the Nile. The dissension now evident is the same which has constantly The winner obtained a silver loving cup and the title of "the PLAYBOY MOSES been undermining the health of the Zionist movement, a constant world's champion matzoh eater." And we can blissfully sit back, THE A wonderful leader was this quarreling which has done much to reduce' the interest and de- with nothing no to look forward to except the inevitable "kraplach" Moses. A vigorous man. Even at 120—his nyes were not dimmed. He votion of: thousands of Jewish people who are willing to workjcontest.
The Clothing Corner of Omaha"
SUPREMACY The supremacy and far reaching respect accorded Fashion Park Clothes is the outcome of over a half century devoted to the exclusive production of fine clothes . . . The Fashion Park label *has never graced an unworthy garment . . . no style was ever promoted without a background of authority. Today as always, the name Fashion Park is significant of the finest in style, quality and value : : : : Fashion Park Clothes Only at The Nebraska in Omaha
Rabbi p . A. Goldstein TO HONOR Jr. Hadassah BIkur ChoHm Samuel Mirviss in The Junior Hadassah will hold an A regular meeting of ihe Uiker to Review *Gppermans' meeting next Thursday eveB1M MM MEADS important i fl be b ield h l donM Monday afterMusical Recital noon ning, April 12, at eight o'clock at the a t ihe Jewish Community Cen-
"Tie OpBermanE" "by Lion FenchtJ. C. C. Plane will be discussed lor ••' " Minneapolis ter. wanger will be .reviewed by RabM Headlining tbe program at the Past I the "Mother and Daughter" bridge This will "be fin open meeting, and David A. Goldstein Tuesday evening, President's meeting of the Omalia i.rmytevtrimjv scored "with T j.par.ty to be given at the J. C. C. April recital of Jewish songs JB± ihe Jew- all "members are asked to "bring their April 17, fit 8 p . m . s t ihe J. C. C.B*nai BriSi meeting on Monday, '.25. A feature of the bridge party will ish Community Center "Wednesday friends. And excellent program isPreceding the book review wiQ be a April 9, will be a personal appear- be a style show through the courtesy evening. T i e recital -was xtnder fhe ieing airangea". The ^principal speak- musical program "by Mr. Harry I)D- ance by George Grrot, nationally fa- of HerzbergB, who will furnisl: the auspices of ihe C2 d u b of ihe Con-er will Ibe Habbi "Ori Miller. Boff, vocalist, with Esther Leaf ac- mous star of stage, screen snfi radio. dresses to he modeled by members ol A board meeting- -vail be neia at companist. Givot, -who is known all over the i t i e Junior HadaBsah. The models will serva&lve Synagogue. nation as ihe "Greek Ambassador i be chosen at this meeting so all memihrnrt-.g from ihe liturgy, thassidic 1:30 p. m. The program, given under HaSasmelodies, TiflflieTh classics, comics, sah auspices, is for its medical fund. of Good "WIH," is a native Omahan. bers are urged to "be present, "MisB and Palestinian songs of ihe ChalutThe committee in charge includes His stop in Onsaha is between stage Lillian Epstein and TVIIBB r.innie ANNOUNCE BIRTHS were sung "by Mr. SErvisE. He Mrs. A. D. Frank, chairman, ana engagements which are taking 'him Katelman are in charge. HERE ON BUSINESS Wr. and Mrs. "Mn^ IRosen l a d a "wide vocal range, i i s expresMrs. J. J. Greenberg, CD-chairman^ from coast i o coast. the birth of a son Wednesday, March Mr. ITrederlck Paul Swartzburg of sion and poise were excellent, and Much enthusiasm has developed for Mrs. J. H. Xulakofsky and Mrs. Ir- He was invited to the meeting and the Hadassah Give or Get luncheon, vin Levin. TVashington, P . C , Research secre- >IIR voice "well-trained. 2B, at ihe Lutheran iospitaL will be presented by his long iime tary of ihe Industrial Division of friend, "Ab" lsrdTri;m, Omaha's own Miss Alice Eosenfeld of St. Paul wMch will lake place May 2, ending -the Medical -Fund campaign. ambassador to ihe entertainment Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bush announce "Washington, spent a few days this was Ms accompanist. The names of ihe following -women world. wAb" is himself a past presi•ihe "birth of a daughter, on Sunday, •week in Omaha on "business. iave been added io the ionor roll Mr. Swarlzburg -wrote a new iook, March 25, at the Covenant lospitaL Tbe scheduled meeting of ihe Deb- dent of E'nai Brith. of fhose eligible: Mesdames Max "Eoosevelt in Action/' which is to Invitations iave "been sent to all oraii Society for aest Tuesday afierArbitman, M. M. BariEh, M. D. Brodbe rpublished next month. presidents of B'nai Brith for the ENTERTAIN AT BIRTHDAY noon has "been postponed because of key, M. Brodkey, Jake Blank, PARTY Members of ihe Omaha section of Maurice Gvin, Max Fromkin, Joseph the Sadassah luncheon and card past SO years who are living in this VISITING PARENTS vieinitj", according io Epiraim Mrs. A. Brookstein and Mrs. Joe Mrs. Henry Rosner of Brooklyn, the National Council of Jewish "Wom- Goldware, Reuben Lackow, Milton party that day. entertained a t a surprise "birth- H. Y-, arrived last "Wednesday to lie will join with otner members Mayper, A. Laserowitz, L. Lasero- The next meeting, iherefore, will MnrVg, chairman Df the program committee. An "unusual feature has day party for their sister, Ittrs. spend a month with i e r parents, Mr. from the more ihan two hundred sec- witz, H. Noddle, R. Sterling, Sol be held in May. h been planned to honor ihe former Charles Hermanson, Tuesday tions in the United States tc and Jlrs. Harry .Steinberg. Novitsky, Dave Sherman, E . "Wemning. chief executives. an adress by Mrs. Arthur Brin of berg. An important special Teport by Minneapolis, national president, to be BRIDGE LUNCHEON A bazaar will be held ~by the Pio-ihe anti-defamation committee will given over a national network of GUEST HERE hostesses for the 1 o'clock bridge Mrs. Joe Rose of Kansas City, Mo., luncheon to be ield at ihe Blackstone radio stations, Monday afternoon at Over iwo iunared attended the neer Women ihe latter part of April, be given. "will arrive Sunday i o "be ihe guest Hotel Tuesday, April 10, for the Ha-2:30. The address can be ieard lo- meeting of Hadassai Tuesday after- it was decided si a meeting of the The meeting will be held at the organization Monday. cally over xadio station "WOW. lodge room of the J. C. C. and will of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Dloogoff. Mrs. dassah MeSical Fund, are: noon a t ihe J. C C. Tie feature Rose expects i o stay aiout iwo Tie Mesdames Julius Abraiamson, Speaking on "the present crisis in was a coast-io-coast radio iroad- Committees are out collecting mer- iegin promptly at B o'clock. chandise for ihe bazaar, and anyone weeks. David "W. Bernstein, I. Berkowitz, Jewry, Mrs. Brin's topic will be cast from .New York "by Mrs. Rose wishing tD contribute bundles is "The "World Conscience and AntiSam Cohen, Max Davis, Abe GreenJacobs, past national president of asked to call the chairman, Mrs. SFROM CHICAGO span, Allan Xdhan, Irvin Levin, E. Semitism." Members Df She Omaha Passover music was also Dkun, or the co-chairman, Mrs. M. Mrs. Irwin Osieroff and son, Msr- Meyer, Horace Hosenblum, L Council are planning io meet in presented. The "Workmen's Circle Ko. 173 is iin David, of Chicago, HL, are iheRosenblatt, and Phil Rosenblatt. groups i n the lomes of various mem- Preceding ihe program, a revised G. Cohen. sponsoring; a spring concert io be louse guests of Mrs. OsherofPs Over 250 reservations iave been bers to listen to Mrs. Brin. The talk draft of ihe Hadassah constitution given at the J. C. C. "Wednesday parents, Mr. ana Mrs. P . H. Fine. made. is io be a part of the program inown was "read i y Mrs. J . H. ELulakofsky. evening, April IE. as ihe "Women's Uadio ^Review, and Featured on the program will be Admission Trill i e fifty cents. The revised draft The next meeting of ihe "Vaad proceeds the meeting of the !>aard of was adopted. VISITOR & e three New Tork artists, Tictor Auxiliary will take place MonSsy Rose Levin i n s as "her guest RECUPERATING directorE for ihe National Council A nominating committee was elect- afternoon, Ajpri 16, at "tie B'jiai Packer, foTn-srrrn Brodin and Zelda Hiss Eudice Stilhnan of Sioux City. Mrs. Sam Uiiz, -who underwent a which takes ;place in Jfew Tork ed to prepare s. slate of officers. Israel synagogue a t 2 p . m. The Slotkia, who are being "brought back la. major operation at ihe St. Joseph April 10 i o 23. The committee will report this month, Vaad bulleinn, sent to all members, by popular request after their recent iospital February 20, i s now conand xhe election will take place in will serve as a reminder of ihe meet- "'hit'' presentation here. 3CESUME STUDIES Moves Offices valescing at i e r ioxne. May. Those on ihe committee: Mrs-ing, in place of ihe regular monthly Isadore Uichlin, son of Mr. and Hymen Shrier has announced the B. A , Simon, -rhnTrma-n- Mesdames cards. To Avert Trouble SLrs. J. "RifWrn, i a s returned to Chi-VISITING HERE removal of his law offices from 315 Dave Stein, A. L Eulkkofsky, A. At the meeting Habbi TJri Miller "Warsaw.—On orders of the Polish cago wiere i e will resume his studies Mrs. Jack Barr of Minneapolis, Branaeis Theater Builaing to "740 will review "Three Cities," by Sho- government, the annual military msaand Sam F Frohm. « t ihe University of Chicago, after Minn., |euvers of the Brith Trumpeldor, uniFirst National Bank BuSding, where Babbi Davia H. "Wice of Temple lem Asci. 3s here for visit a ien-day -a ten-day visit with Ms parents. with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. i e is associated with J. J. Friedman. Israel gave a stirring peace talk. A Mother and Daughter ianquet formed youth auxiliary of the ZionHe was recently awarded a seiril- Henry FriedeL Mrs. Barr was Miss is ieing planned for May 15, open ist Bevisionists, iave been forbidden, j srship in i i s division of biological Ida FriedeL only to members of the Auxiliary cnemistry. request for Dundles for gnfl ffoptr daugiiers or to members FORMER OMAHAN HERE the rummage sale is being made by of the Junior Taad Auxiliary and FOR BOOK REVIEW Mrs. S. Maizel of Laurelton, Long By the committee in charge. The date their mothers. ^Reservations may be Book Review Group 2fo. 1 of Ha-Island, formerly of Omaha, is the Mrs. David 31. Kewman i a s been postponed io ihe week of made l>y calling Mrs. A. Schwaczkrn, dassah, headed "by Mrs. J . Rosenberg, house guest of Mrs. J. M. Baker. Ailaniic "5534. Since reservations April 16. -will maet Saturday, April 7, a t ihe 1 must be limited "because of lack of Rice Pancakes All having bundles may have item jBkUHCJ SOBS QKTBl . . . UTH «MC HMHSf liome of Mrs. R. -Sterling. CALLED TO JSTEW TORK room, everyone is requested to make picked up ~by calling Mrs. L GrossOne cup boiled rice, 1 cup milk, Mr. Barry Mendelsan -will review Mr. Harry Brsviroff left for Uew reservstioiis early. 1 1 tablespoon buter, 1 easpoan salt, man, chairman, or scy memher of Sashsm ' by Siolom TTofk Sunday •morning because of ihe egg, 1 tup flour, 2 ieaspoans bakWarsaw^—A 'noti/mal movemeni to committee, ihe Mesdames Sam sodden ft«rflt of "his hroihfir-in-law, ing powder. Mis Tice, milk, melted Rice, H. Osnff, Abe Bolker, Leon.] unite all "Zionist factions and to -eTJTTlMr. I. Uaiburg. Mx. JTaibnrg i s sur-"butter, salt and beaten egg. Sta- Mendelson, Sam Peltz, Ssm Davis, linate the constant strife and bickervived "by i i s widow and two sons, in flour, baking powder. Mix well. Paul "Wohiner, A. Schwacsikjn, O- C ing "between t i e various Zionist parIsrael and MeyerIn ihe p Bake tm griddle pan turning only Goldner, Sam Stern and O. C Bel-ties i a s ieen launched i y ihe Hatnt, - an. ihe TJniversity of Nebraska, cam- Mrs. Uaihnrg i s fhe danghier of once. Serve -with powdered sugar, or |leading Tifldish Saily. zer. pus ihis week, Jack G. Epstein, Bun Mrs. B. Braviroff of ihis city. traw Ty jam. cf Mr. and Mrs. Sam Epstein c£ .. Omaha, was elected as senior mem- COKTALESCING •_l)er of the_ Student Puhlicafipns Harold ]£HflBman, "who is a t ihe Jioara. This "board controls all '.*£.Methodist nospital wiere 1H? under- The Young Men's Yaad sponsorp ihe publicationE on ~<^»*- campus, ana went a major operation last week, l a s as j t s main Business fhe ajrpoini- is expected io xeturn lome in a few ing & dance for members of fhe or,ment of aH -editorial and Tausiness- fiays. After a month's rest in "Hous- .ganizatioiis and ihose of ihe Junior Auxiliary Tuesday. The staffs. It is composed of I3iree mem- ton, Texas, i e will resume his duties Taaa Ehythm Boys pplayed, "bers of t i e student iody ana ibxee with Tuchman Bros. organizalion iis open io young, of ihe faculty. men from iiM ages of 18 to 27. SabIrving Hill of Lincoln was elected BOOK REVIEW GROTIP i i Uri Miller is ihe spiritual advisor si member of ihe University of NeBook Beview Group braska stuaent council. Bofh are 2 wIQ meet April 17 at the iome nf and Prof. "Victor E . Levine of Cien;hMrs. Julius Abrahamson, with Mrs. ion university is sponsor. members of ihe Sigma Alpha Jake Blank eo-nostess. Rabbi David fraternity. Mirviss of
Deborah Society
Council of Jewish Women
Pioneer Women
Workmen's Circle
Sigma Alpha Mn
Qood Sports
WM Love OUT New
Tonng: Men's Yaad
H. ~Wice will Teview a current nook.
Phi Beta Epsflon
So. Omaha Auxiliary
The Iiafflpy Auxiliary of i h e Congregaiion of Israel of South Omaha Three first-year men are running "hglfl a special meeting Mnnday io a close lace to see who wiQ win ihe The annual spring -dance of lEhe complete pl»ms for ihe iriuge-tea "Phi Beta Epsilon freshman sciolaT- mother chapter of A. Z. A. "wall be io be ield in ihe Ttudifarrium of ihe Ehip placque, given annually to iheield si ihe 3L C dub Sunday eve- synagogue, Uaih and J Streets, on ireshman receiving ihe highest ;aver- ning, April 29. The eommittefi in Tuesday, April 17, at2 j j . m. Anmiaage. They are: Morris Nathenson, charge includes Hassle Baum, chair- aon will "ie twenty-five cents. man, Ben Shrier, Art "Weiner, Ernie Al Bimmerman and Haroia Bloci.
Two members of ihe ciapter, E6V ward Rosenbaum and Max Resnick, iave entered ihe intramural extem• poraneous contest at Creighton m n "versity. Another member, Al Rimmerman, i a s been appointed assistant coach of the Central Sigh tennis team, which i e formerly captained.
A. Z. A. 1
Hogg and Lou "RTVHTI
Music will be furnished by Austin Bevans and i i s ten-piece orchestra.
Junior "Vaad Auxiliary
Plans for a debate were discussed at a meeting of ihe Junior Taad AuxiliaTy Tuesday evening a t the B"nai Israel synagogue. Members of tie "Young Men's Taad "will also participate. Sarah "RiVIrn is in charge. FoTlowing the ^neeting, the Toung Plans for the dinner-dance i o i e Men's Taad were losts to ihe memjriven Sunday, April 8, were dis- iers of the Auxiliary at a dance a t cussed at a Tegular meeting -of "thethe South Omaha synagogue. "'Voltaire7' Toung Circle clnb Branch 1014 ieia at the J. C C. last Thursday. Harry "V. Lerner spoke on "The IHew Deal." A general discussion followed. The next meeting "will i e ield at ihe iome of Mr. and Mrs. Pifl Smith. lEss Sophie Halperin will give JL iodk review as a feature. "A BUTTaise for ihe men folks" i s pronnsed by the feminine members of -£roup Jar the 3iext meeting.
LACE CURTMiS BeantSnHj laBnflerea Scientific
Give Us aTrial
Young- Circle
Outfit You
Art Schlaifer and Sam Golick Tecently voted into ihe newly urganazed Alpha Pi Tan xjrganizaiian. Tie 3iext sneeting 3s schBdnlea :£or Sunfley, April 8. The club is planning nn entering s. Softball iEam in the Z. C C iitteniall leagne. is ihe time io protect yourself }t getting jnito insurance
FLEISHMAN and In fhe employ out X. Harris)
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WEME 3s yirar sprpefite THE flcrwn anfl fifeless? Have ym sot4ta *?sarffinA" of a n sppeiate or a whalew nf an appefite? EstaliBsh ifhe Jack anil 321 a s 3Sgxilar es&ng h f l L and you "wnll^Bna a 15ngyour a p p e t i t e » » ^ y n ^ innlfl lip a "^wbaifi cf an appefite. Onr fleHoons tni^ are palatable .*.» Bsrrafl in % guaint an3 soofhing atmospherE.
Inonaa&te darm stays . . .feeAe wsjffljar coo!, warmra*hoi. On^iHry you Jeff *h» craft and gladvntn wssioi. In u iionny fia* finds largo m bmauiy and £Hb In
is tlie knitted ^fashactns "wis their place m l i e snnl H s f s "wiw; WB are opeising a new sectian «nlirely devoted to .knitted tbmgs for sport, street End CESHBI tPesr. Asfl youli "wesr them sad love them, i>ecasse Siey are tsMared to fit perfecfly snd to wesr smarify « . - laditiSusIly selectedtosell st ipriess so aoaniffi] jauH them
.t i
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\ <-
BACKYARD AVIATION—In the presence of London aviation officials Pilot Florinne, ascends "straight up" in his peculiarly shaped helicopter. It has two windmills mounted horizontally and the landing gear is composed of four rubber-bottomed legs. Inventors for years have been experimenting with this type of machine to perfect one which will be able to land and take off in a person's backyard.
VACATIONING—Two sons of Governor Herbert H. Lehman of • Ifew York are snapped with friends in Miami, Fla., where they are Vacationing. Left to right, Peter Lehman, Renee B. Fannon, Marjorie Porter of Cincinnati, 0., and John Lehman.
i . . -...f,
ANNE LINDBERGH HONORED—Modestly minimizing her accomplishments, Anne Morrow Lindbergh receives the Hubbard gold medal of honor of the National Geographic society, in New York, from Dr. Gilbert Grosvenor, president of the society, in recognition of her work as radio operator and navigator for her famous husband in 40,000 mile? of exploratory flights.
PRKSSED TJP—Members' of tbe Clan Roosevelt donned festive summer garb for this interesting group photograph) mapped in the, " earty days of the presidency of Theodore Roosevelt^
SENATOR AND BRIDE—U. S. Senator Robert J. Bulkley of land, O., and his bride, the former Mrs. Helen Graham Robbing o £ •> Lindsay, Ont., Canada, are snapped as they left the church In N<6W. York for a short honeymoon trip before returning to WashingtoBp:
WHEN CLEVELAND WAS PRESIDENT—This rare photo of Grover S. Cleveland, twenty-second president of the United States," was inade at Princeton, N. J., where he lived with his family until his death, in!l4»0^. With'him in the^picture are 'Mrs.Cleveland (now Mrs. Thomas Preston) and four of their five children. _ Cleveland was the only man to run in three successive presidential campaigns and b* ejected twice, with a four-year interval between,..
Conservative Auxiliary CHOOSE COMMITTEE The Kappa Tau Club of Central FOR YOUTH CONCLAVE High school, winners of a silver
C. Bennett will render selections from the Passover Cantata by E. L. Ashford. Mr. Harry Disbrow will be guest soloist. Milton R. Abrahams will speak briefly on the Philantrophy in the recent review given thropies drive. Committee chairmen for the first by the Round Table of Youth, at Junior services will be held Satannual city-wide Youth Conclave un- the J. C. C, will present their prizeurday morning. der auspices of the College club of winning as a feature of the The adult study class will meet Temple Israel, which will be held program sketch be given for the Con- The Passover holiday will be con-Tuesday evening, with Rabbi Wice Magazine "Today" Exposes Inlay 6, were chosen Tuesday eve- servative to Synagogue Auxiliary, cluded at the Conservative Syna- conducting1. Daughter of Bulgarian Hero non-Aryan medical and dental stu- ning by Rabbi David H. Wice, sponvasion of Hitlerism Into Wednesday afternoon at 2:30, at the gogue with services this evening and dents to complete their studies in Embraces Judaism to Wed Next Friday Rabbi Wice will deThis Country tomorrow morning. Center. German universities provided they ior. liver the third and final talk on hi3 } Jewish Merchant Those appointed are: G e n e r a l Tonight services will start at 8 Entitled "The President's Dream," series on Liberal Judaism, his subNew York, (WNS).—Uniformed} Sofia (WNS) — The sensation of pledge themselves not to practice in chairman, Donald Brodkey; ticket Germany. the production, a fantasy, was writ- p. m. Rabbi David A. Goldstein the day in Bulgaria is the marriage Nazi storm troopers are being sechairman, George Geffin; supper ten and directed by Miss Ruth Pol- will speak on- "Passover's Message ject being "The Religion of the Future." The same decree permits these chairman, Miss Adele W i l i n s k y ; cretly drilled in 19 cities of the of Eada Nikolieva, daughter of Genlack. It is to be given by girls of of Freedom and Hope to Israel and United States by German military eral Nikolieva, one of Bulgaria's na- students to retain their German dance chairman, Richard Hiller; sym- the Humanity." club,- in connection with a spring officers sent here by the Hitler tional heroes, to M. Levi, a Jewish citizenship if they practice their pro- posium chairman, Lazar Kaplan; mu- tea that Cantor E. Sellz and the choir, led fessions abroad. merchant. She not only married Levi regime as part of a nation-wide sic chairman, Mrs. Harry C. Rosen- afternoon.the Auxiliary is having that by Harry Braviroff, will present traMembers of the Junior Congregadrive to establish Nazi dictatorship but insisted on becoming converted feld; art exhibit chairman, Mrs. Da- Mrs. Sam Theodore, Mrs. R. A. Si- ditional Passover songs. tion are asked to be present SaturNazis Bar Book to Judaism and taking the name of in this country, according to Samuel vid Wice; service chairman, Mrs. mon, Mrs. Irvin Stalmaster, and Mrs. Saturday morning services begin day morning B'nai Israel synNew York.—"My First Two Thou- Morris Pepper; decorations chairman, Harry Duff McCoy, author of a series • of Bath. Because of the undercurrent of at 9 o'clock, with the Yizkor or Me- agogue, whereata the Silverman are in charge of gift of Taleisim and anti-Semitic agitation, the rabbinate sand Years'," the story of the Wanarticles entitled "Hitlerism Invades Mrs. Leon Fellman, and publicity tea table appointments. Spring morial service at about 10 a. m. yarmelkas^ will be presented by Mr. .America," the first of which is pub- was opposed to accepting her into the dering Jew, by Paul Eldridge, a Jew, chairman, Henry Mendelson. Next week Rabbi Goldstein will Ringle in memory of his father. flowers will be used as centerpieces Jewish faith but her obvious sincerand George Sylvester. Viereck, friend Plans for the conclave include a speak on "How to Overcome an Inlished in the current issue of the ity finally overcame the rabbis' ob- of the former Kaiser and a supporter youth service, a symposium of Jew- on- several small tea tables. There feriority Complex." magazine "Today." will be hostesses at each table. According to Mr. McCoy, Nazi jections. General „ Nikolieva was theof the Nazi regime, has been barred ish youth in relation to different Appearing in the sketch will be of • the Eusso-Turkish war in in Germany. fields of • endeavor, an exhibit of the following Kappa Tau members; propaganda is being distributed in hero which Bulgaria fought on the RusJewish art and. ceremonial objects, Frances Bordy, Bernice Silverman, 20 cities. Recruits are being" enrolled side. He helped: turn apparent Mussolini's Jewish Aide a program of Jewish music, a strict- Bernice Bordy, Lillian Friedlander, Concluding Passover services will at the rate of 400 daily in New sian into last minute'victory at the On Visit Here At an executive meeting of the ly kosher supper,' and a dance. York where the membership totals defeat Gertrude Bloch, Elaine Schlaifer, be held today and tomorrow at all Young .Peoples Congregation Wednesbattle of Mount Schipko. -"''';\ 3,000. New York. — Signora Margherita Libby Fishberg, Sarah Margolin, synagogues affiliated with the Vaad. day .evening, it was decided to sponSarah Sterling, and Jean Beber. This evening, services will'"start at sor a. youth service at the J. C. C. Nationally the Nazis have a mem- Seek Share in $250,000 Fortune Sarfatti, daughter of a Venetian Jewish, family, on? of the original FasFlorence Mosher •will have charge of 6:30 p. m. This morning and Saturbership of 6,000, including a youth Earned From Publishing cists and official biographer of Pre- The newly organized Re-Im club the presentation. A musical program day morning services will start at Friday evening, May 4. group in which boys from 9 to 14 Hebrew Prayer Books mier Benito Mussolini, is now making of young men -scored when they is to be presented by other mem- 8:30" a. m. receive military training. New York (WNS)—A fortune of her first visit to the United States. walked away with the all-around cup bers of the club, including Shirley Rabbi. Miller will speak, this mornCharging that Nazi leaders here $250,000 earned by the late Meyer Signora Sarfatti, reputed to be the at the All-Star stunt night last Fiedler, a member of the Omaha ing at the Adass Yeshuren synaare in constant touch with Germany Chinsky through the publication of most influential woman in Italy, par- week, for their presentation of and that their activities are approved Hebrew prayer books has become the ticipated in the march of the black- "Screwymede Manor." The. play was Symphony orchestra. Jean Beber is gogue, Twenty-fifth and Seward. Saturday morning he will speak beand supported by official represen- subject of a suit by his nephews, shirts on Rome for which she won a about an insane asylum, containing president of the club. The following commissioners were A report of the nominating com- fore Memorial services at the B'nai tatives of the German Government, Meyer Simon and Solomon Lazarow- Fascist campaign medal. humor, novelties, wit, tragedy and mittee elected for the ensuing term for the of the Auxiliary is to be made Israel synagogue, Eighteenth and Mr. McCoy reveals that national Jtz, residents of Jerusalem. Chinsky originality. Adass Yeshuren synagogue, Twentyat the general assembly by Mrs. headquarters of the Nazis are in bequeathed the-bulk of his fortune to Oihrffy Repudiates Jack Frieden was master of cere- Sol Novitsky, chairman. Thei-e will Chicago. fifth and Seward streets, at the This evening's 8 o'clock service at Chicago. They have, organized the the Israel Zion hospital where he monies. Those participating included be a board meeting at 1:30 p. m. the B'nai Israel synagogue will be election held Sunday evening: Anti-Semitism country into three military regions; died on April 7, 1933. His nephews Iz Soskin, Paul Nerenberg, Irving Hostesses for the tea to follow the known as "Talmud Torah Sabbath." G. Soreff, M. Kirshenbaum, Abe the division of the East, the division contend that their uncle was men- Dublin—Because of anti-Semitic Pazoff, Joe Nitz, Abe Sherman, Abe meeting include the Mesdames Sam Kirshenbaum, Joe Ban, J. Shukert, The service will be followed by a statements made by a number of lesof the West and the Middle division. tally incapable of making a will and Cohn, Harry Lefkovitz, and Phil Members are being enrolled, in the are seeking to- have the. Surrogate's ser leaders of the United Ireland Harris. Harry Whitman was stage Cohen, A. Pradell, H. M. Ferer, Harry symposium on the Talmud Torah. M. Cohn, Joseph Cohn, and Joe official Nazi party or the Friends of Court of Brooklyn break the testa- Party, political opponents of Presi- manager, and Mrs. Charles Herman- Trustin, M. Fox, J. Rosen, E. Pries- All members of the community are Kirshenbaum, secretary. man, Dave B. Cohn. welcome. the New Germany. ' ment. Chinsky left, $500 to each- of dent Earnon de Valera, General Owen son piano accompanist O'Duffy, leader of the party, has an The Re-Im laid plans for a weiner In one week of February the his nephews. nounced that he regrets the utter- roast to be held April 14 at Her- Women of the Auxiliary are urged Manhattan. local of the Friends of For Dear Old Harvard ances of his. subordinate and their at- manson's farm. to remember that Saturday, April Storm Uoot**i the New Germany took in $1,900 Camhridge,. Mass.—The 25th anni- tacks on the Jews. 7 ,has been designated as "Coffee Rabbi David H. Wice will deliver The club's baseball team, with from dues. Initiation fees are $1; versary reunion of the Harvard class He said that in the future such Harry Weiner as manager and Har-Day," when Folger's coffee, pur- a sermon on "Let Freedom Ring" at dues §1 a month and admission to of 1909 will be made the occasion for statements would not emanate again ry Shere as assistant has started chased at any United Foods Store, or Passover services at Temple Israel propaganda meetings 25 cents. In a new piece "of Nazi propaganda enthe Central Market, will help Mrs. this evening. The Temple Israel spring practice, it was announced. addition to this, contributions are gineered by Dr. Ernst F. Hanfstaen- from spokesmen for his party. David Greenberg's group of the Aux- choir under the direction of Vernon Entertainment a t the last meeting levied for a special propaganda fund gel, a member of the class, and ChanMinister to Austria was furnished by Sol Dolgoff, Miss iliary. and a fighting fund. cellor Adolf Hitler's personal liaison -will be an Oneg Shabbos, Vienna—The Austrian governmen' Bloom, Jack Frieden, Ab Kaiman, theThere Mr. McCoy's article is documented officer with the American and Britlast one of the current year, Sathas approved the nomination of and George Johnson. by facsimiles of Nazi reports and ish press. urday, April 14. It will be at the . periodicals, including a copy of the Dr. Hanfstaengel, who will attend George S. Messersmith, U. S. consul home of Mrs. Carl Riekes, with Mrs. the reunion, is bringing with him hisgeneral in Berlin, as American mini A Welcome Suspension Nazi membership blank. . Louis Alberts serving as co-hostess. ster to Austria. Berlin—Der Angriff, personal orAccording to the article,. Nazi cells film, "Hans Westmar," which shows Mr. Messersmith, who gave active gan of Propaganda. Minister Goebbels are located in the following cities: "what we Nazis stand for." "../•• Portland, Ore.—Governor Julius Manhattan, Brooklyn, Long Islandr Plans" for' class reunions are said aid and comfort, to the extent of hi and long a notorious anti-Semitic Meier, Oregon's first Jewish chief sheet, is scheduled to merge with the authority and resources, to a grea' •to be left-entirely'-'in the hands of White Plains, "Newark, Hudson many Jews afflicted by the laws oi Voelkische Beobaehter, the official or- executive, • who was elected by an ' County and Cljitop; New Jersey, class members. overwhelming majority as an indeGermany, succeeds George H. Earle gan, of the Nazi party. Rochester, Buffalo, .Philadelphia, pendent candidate four years ago, -will In the past four months Der AnN-Y. Germans Launch Counter 3d, who has resigned to become th Chicago, Detroit,- Milwaukee, St. Democratic candidate for governor o: griff's circulation has decreased by not be a candidate to succeed himself, Louis, Cincinnati,' San f Francisco, Boycott Against Jews I he has announced. nearly a third. Oakland, Los Angeles and Portland, ; New. York. (WNS)—Creation of a Pennsylvania. Oregon. Newcells are in process of city-wide organization ,tq .'be. known formation in Baltimore,- .White as the German-American- Protective Plains, and Hammond, Seymour "and Alliance "which will seek to enlist .the Gary, Indiana*,, ^,,-._L.i. ^__i_J_», '250,000-^Gernian-Americansv in New ^atTe^in"' a ~couSte*isBb"yco8~ against those boycotting German goods was announced by Carl. Nicolai, former president of the United German Societies, at a meeting of the New York branch of the League of the Friends of the New Germany.
Religions Services Conservative
Junior Congregation
Young Peoples Congregation
Elect Commissioners For Adass Yeshuren
f|y SM
Bring Them in Saturday!
Offer of Tiny Tots'
B1RA B1DJAN TO BE PROCLAIMED Portuguese Marrano's Making SEPARATE REGION Progress Announcement Says It Will Be Autonomous With Council Representatives
London.—-Steady progress is being made by the community of Marranos in Oporto, Portugal, which has just received a substantial increase in membership, the special committee on Marranos of the Anglo-Jewish association has reported. Plans are nearing completion for the dedication of the new Marrano synagogue in Oporto while the school which re-educates Marranos in things Jewish is making rapid gains.
Moscow, (WNS).—Before, the year is out Bira Bidjan will be proclaimed an autonomous Jewish region with representation in the Soviet Council of Nationalists, Boris Llyich Trotsky, vice-president of the Comzet, the government body for settling Jews Nazi Youth Bans Books on the land, has announced. Trotsky "Judaism, Christianity Berlin said that eventually Bira Bidjan and Germanism," a book by the would become an autonomous Jew- Cardinal Faulhaber, based on his last ish republic like the German Re- year's Advent sermons in which he public of the Volga. courageously denounced Nazi antiAdmitting that thus far the set- Semitism, has been banned by the tlement of Jews at Bira Bidjan had Nazi Youth Organization. been only mildly successful, and ex- Members of the Nazi youth group plaining "that foreign Jews were not have forced booksellers to withdraw now being encouraged to settle there. the volume from circulation because Trotsky said that the Soviet Govern- they claim the volume "grossly disment was now preparing to open credits the German people." negotiations with foreign Jewish organizations desirous of co-operating Concession to Jewish Medical in Jewish colonization at Bira Bid- Students . Berlin—Dr. Bernhard Rust, Prusjan. According to Trotsky there are sian minister of education, has isnow 8,000 Jews at Bira Bidjan out sued a new decree which will permit of a total population of 50,000. Because of the difficulties experienced by the first sehtlers and the world economic crisis, the ICOR, Americanfor your Jewish organization which supplied funds and equipment for the settlers, had been practically inactive for the past 18 months, Trotsky said. He also stated that " t h e establishment of the autonomous Jewish region in Bira Bidjan has nothing in common with Zionism.. We do .riot Send a Torgsin Order propose to create a state for all to your relatives and friends in the Jews in the world. Our only Soviet Russia and enable them object is to provide Jews here vrith to buy in the Torgsin Stores the same rights in the development articles needed at the turn of of their culture and the administration of their affairs as other nathe weather. tional minorities in the U. S. S. R. Prices compare favorenjoy."
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Barge Audience at : r." Mirviss Concert
Council BlujFfs :- News
Boycott Curtails German Exhibits
;, Utrecht, Holland—French exhibitors outnumber German exhibitors at A large audience heard Samuel Mirthe annual Netherlands Trade Fair BY F . ft. K. (Continued,from Page 1.) viss in a program of Hebrew and lor the ftrst time in its history beYiddish folk' songs Wednesday eve- ation—#> the end that ultimately the cause of the anti-German boycott. Dr. Julius M. Moskovitz was apning, in the social hall of the Shaare 'world purpose will he achieved. Miss ANNA PILU Correspondent American exhibitors are reprepointed health physician for the city Zion synagogue. sented by 28 entries at the Fair which Thejre i3 a school of thought in : of Council Bluffs for the next two-year Mr. Mirviss,- who has been cantor of America that seeks to be so tolerant Berlin, (WNS). — New complicathe curtailed German repre- term. The announcement was made tions between the German and Amer- despite the Adas Yeshuren synagogue in Min- that sentation is the largest in many i t will find .reasons for withMonday night at the city hall by the neapolis, charmed his audience with holding a.judgment as; to Hitlerisrn. ican Governments are envisaged as years. : his program, which contained songs It points <mi that. America is' notnew mayor, Mr. Hugh Finerty. Dr. a result of the loss of $139,000 to Moskovitz is well known, both in Omaof humorous, classical, and liturgical wholly free; that prejudice lives here the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer company, MONSKV, GKODINSKT ha and Council Bluffs, and As vice- | American, film company, whose pro-SHOTWEIJ,,VANCE, nature. "" " •" Attorneys too; and that we should become perpresident of Council Bluffs lodge No. 7S7 Omaha National Bank Bid*. Mr. Ruben Halperin, violinist, preduction of. "The Prizefighter and the •A program of literary miniatures fect ourselves before we criticize 688 of the B'nai Brith. He resides at Lady" has been banned • in its Eng- NOT1CK is hereby given thnt on the 1st I will be presented next Tuesday eve- sented a group of sools, accompanied others.' the Hotel Chieftain in Council Bluffs. lish and-Ggrman. versions through- day by Mr. Fred Foote. of January. 10S4, the total outstanding . ning, April 10, in the Jewish ComThe answer to these claims is that indebtedness of LOUIS SOMMKB, INC., a munity Center, when David Davidson, Mr. Mirviss was brought to Sioux whenever we try to find excuses for Funeral services for Jake Krasne, out Germany, by ..Dr. Joseph Gbeb- Nebraska - corporation, with ita principal City by the Ladies Auxiliary of Shaare bels,. minister of propaganda, because place of business in Omaha, Nebraska, w i l A. M. Davis Heads Committees talented Jewish, actor and artist will Zion this idea of the state and this sys- who died last Wednesday night at his the star, of the picture, Max Baer, ¥42,070.55. synagogue. appear. Mr. Davidson, a product of LOUIS SOMMER, > For Drfve tem of government, we are repudiathome of pneumonia at the age of 56heavyweight boxer, is a Jew. In its President. the modern theatrical school, will ing the principles upon which ouryears old, were held Thursday after- English version, the picture had been LOUIS SOMMER play in Sioux City for one night, JACK W. MAKER government is based. As Burke said noon at the Jewish Funeral home in running in Berlin for ~ two weeks . • The Allied Jewish- Campaign, un-stopping here in his tour from Cali- Talmud Torah in his immortal speech on conciliatOmaha. Mr. Krasne, a member of a Attest: JACK ffi der the leadership of Mr. Adolf M. fornia to New York City. with the approval of the Nazi film Registration Sunday ing America.: "* prominent family, was well known in censor. When the Berlin representa- 4-0-34-it. Davis, got. under way this week, fol- On his program will be folk-songs, both Omaha and Council Bluffs, and a tive of the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer lowing an opening meeting and rally recitations in costume, humorous im- Registration for the new term at "In order to prove" that the Amof the- men who are conducting the provisations of instances in Jewish the local Hebrew School will be held ericans have nb right to their liber- large crowd of relatives and friends company sought approval for the SHOTWELL, MONSKY, GKODINSKT we are every day endeavoring attended the funeral services. He isGerman version, the ministry of drive. •.;'.'. .•.-.•••.;.. . . . . . -:••• : VANCB, Attorneys next Sunday morning, April 8, from ties, life, and a one act play. Featured 137 Omaha National Bank Bide ' The first meeting of the workers on thia^program will be a one-act play 10 to 12 o'clock in the class room3 to subvert the niaxims which pre- survived by his widow, one son, Law-propaganda refused to grant it berence: two grandchildren; three cause of Baer's Jewishness. Immedi•was., held Tuesday, evening- in the"AShtikele Radio," and the drama- of the Talmud Torah, at the Shaare serve the whole spirit of our own. IJIartin Hotel, ; where teams were or- tization jar costume of "The Street Zion Synagogue. • Announcement of To prove that the Americans ought brothers, George,: Herman and Ike OF AMKNDEO ARTICLES OK ately thereafter the picture was pro-NOTICE ALA511TO UAIKY COMTAXX not to be free, we are obliged to de-Krasne; and three sisters, Mrs. Louis hibited. ganized, cards distributed, and inthe registration is made by Mr. Jack Notice is hereby given of the adoption the value of freedom itself; Bernstein, Mrs. Sam M. Rosenthal, all structions . given " to .. the .volunteer Drummer,"' a poem by Halperin; Amended Articles or Incorporation e l London, president of the Talmud preciate It is understood that George Mes- of of Council Bluffs, and Mrs. D. Giffen and we never seem to gain a palAJ.AIUXU DA1KY COMPANY M the anworkers who are participating in so-' Appearing with Mr. Davidson will Torah Board. i n sersmith, American consul-general, nual meeting of stockholders of the said of Denison, Iowa. liclting the Jewish population in be-be several local people, among them, The Board of Directors of thetry advantage over/the Americans company held on the 13th day of FebruRabbi David A. Goldstein conducted and Baron Konstantin von Neurath, ary, 1U.H; the Kaid Amended Articles of half of the 'campaign." Assisting Mr. the Misses Tillie and Jennie Shindler, Talmud Torah urge all parents to debate, without attacking some of providing umonj; other those principles, or deriding some the funeral services. Burial took place foreign minister, protested to Goeb- Incorporation Davis in drive are the following, who and Mr.: Abe.v Stillman. the following: • their children to the Hebrew of those feelings, for which our an-at Fisher's farm. Pallbearers were bels, pointing out that the banning thing-:) comprise the -Executive Committee: Mr> Davidson has appeared in Chi-send 1. The name of tue corporation is ALASchool for' registration and for . the MITO DA1UY COMl'ANl. Messrs. Louis Bernstein, Albert of the picture would have an unSi Krueger, Edward E. Baron,.Bar- cago with the Jewish Art Theater, subsequent sessions. "It is only with cestors have shed their blood."' Its principal place of business and favorable reaction in the United the2. office Krasne, Roy Rosenthal, Mose Bernney Baron, Mikft Skalovsky, and Jake and with Jacob Ben-Ami. The proof the corporation is iu the city We cannot find excuses for what the full. and sincere co-operation of States. The producers of the picture gram will be begin at 8:15 o'clock. of Omaha, Douglns County, Nebraska. stein, Maurice Pepper, and Leonard Kalin. Mr. Skalovsky was elected Hitler has. done without at the same the parents," said Mr. London, "that are planning to register an official 3. The general nature of the business t* Krasne. treasurer for the campaign commitbe transacted and the objects and powers time finding reasons why our faith the Jewish child will get a Jewish protest through diplomatic quarters. of this corporation, are: t e f e . - - - : . - ; - ' \ - ; . v S r : - ' - . • . - - • • ; • > :.•'"•.••" ' - • • ; in ourcountry is a hollow pretense. To maintain an establishment for education. We urge every parent, to The Council Bluffs lodge No. 688 of The banning of the picture has and(a) to The:Jewish, population was divided carry ou a dairy mid creamery Regardless of what our attitude see that his child is present during the Independent Order of the B'nai also raised once more in American- business dealing in, nt wholesale and reinto districts, workers wefe assigned should be as to what is happening the coming semester." tail, either or both, milk, cream, ice cream their territories, '• and twenty men in Germany, we have the* right as Brith will hold a meeting nest Monday circles here the question as to theand ice cream mix, condensed and powadvisability of sending an American dered milk products and dairy products of evening, April 9th at the Eagles hall. will lead .the volunteer. workers who Americans to be deeply concerned kind and character and in any and team to the 1936 Olympic Games every will-canvass the Jewish Community; Mr. Abe Rich, 48 years old, died with the spreading of a similar docall kindred articles with the power t» Shaare Zion in Berlin. Americans here doubt the purchase nnd eeli any and all commodities Mrs. Phil Saks entertained at a tea Headquarters for -the campaign are in his home last Sunday, following Tcbie Shindler, son of Mr. and trine in this country. . The growth expediency of sending an American in any wny related to the said general in—the- Jewish—Community--Center, a suddent heart, attack. He was Mrs. a Max Shindler will celebrate his of Hitlerism in the Unjted States at her home Sunday afternoon in hon- team including Jewish athletes, if business or which may be dealt in conor of her son's f inancee, Miss Florence veniently in connection with such business. Reports of the-progress of the cam-resident of Sioux City for over 20 Bar Mitzvah at the Passover service is_.inimical to. 'orderly efforts that <b) To purchase, lease, hire and otherpaign will be made1 a t ' a meeting of years, operating the Des Moines this morning in Shaare Zion Syna- Americans are making to attain a Classman of Iowa City, who was thethe German government cannot or wise acquire real and personal property, the: workers next Monday evening Cleaners and Tailors Company. A gogue. This evening, regular serv- more humane government and a lar-house guest at the Saks home for thewill not permit the peaceful showing convenient or necessary for and to the of an American picture with a Jewcarrying on of its business or the accomin the Jewish Community Center. - member of the Tiphereth Israel ices will be held at 8, o'clock, with ger measure of social justice through past week. About fifty guests called plishment of any of the purposes or obish actor and noted athlete in the between the. hours of three and five jects of this corporation, with power t» our own democratic methods. The Sioux City's quota for this drive Synagogue, and the Workmen's. Cir- Rabbi Rabinowitz using as his ssrcast. sell, alienate, dispose of, exchange, lease, is approximately $8,000. The camcle No. 664, Mr. Rich had been ac- mpn topic, "Song of Love." Cantor essential re<tson why Americans o'clock. Miss Classman and her ficonvey, mortgage or otherwise encumber, and to manage, operate and control such paign embraces what has formerly tive in various Jewish organizations A. Pliskin and the synagogue choir should be concerned over the growth ance, Harold Saks, returned to Iowa or nny part thereof, either diCity Monday afternoon. of Hitlerism is that it is destructive Lake Tahoe, Cal., (WNS).—Train- proi>erty been'.known as the Palestinian Fund," here. will chant the service. rectly or through ownership of stock t* ing here for his forthcoming boat any other corporation or association. and the Joint Distribution, Commit- Mr. Rich attended the Bar Mit-s- TomciTow morning services will of American principles. (c) Without in any particular limiting tee. ." Similar campaigns are being vah of his son, Sunday morning in begin at 8 o'clock, with the Me-As an editor, I am concerned with Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Wiener and with Primo Camera for the world's any of the objects and powers of the corconducted in all cities of the United the Tiphereth Israel Synagogue, and morial Service at 10. Preceding the giving the fantastic development of daughter, Helen, formerly of Cedar heavyweight championship, Max Baer poration, it is hereby expressly declared mid that the corporation shall Rapids, Iowa, moved to Council Bluffs received word of the German ban onhave provided States at this time. was host t a friends and relatives at memorial service, Rabbi Rabinowitz Hitlerism in this country a thorough the power to borrow or raise money this past week and are now at home his picture with the comment "they and to issue bonds, mortgages, debentures, a dinner in his home Sunday noon will speak on "Our Sinking Fund, airinf. I think the American people or other obligations for that pnron the occasion of his son's birth- How Sinking?" when, they see it in all its ramifica- at 307 South Eighth street, Apartment didn't ban the picture because I stock pose and in payment for property purC. Mr. Wiener is the new manager have Jewish blood but because I chased or acquired by it or for any other day. Death came late Sunday after- Sunday School sessions will be re-tions will be sufficiently aware of . Book Review for the Holland Furnace Company m knocked out Max Schmeling." object in or about its business; to guarThe last of the series of book noon, at the close of the day's fes- sumed on Sunday, April 8. Junior its dangers to p r o t e c t themselves Council Bluffs. antee nny dividends or bonds on contracts It is recalled here that Baer said or other obligations; to make nnd perform : from it. I do not believe that they congregation. Services will be reyevfews that have 1>ean presented by tivities. contracts of every kind nnd description, Rabbi H;- B . Rabinowitz, <; will be Surviving are his widow, five sons, sumed Saturday morning, April 14. ought to attack i t with force. I Mrs. Leo Myerson is spending the after his fight with Schmeling that nnd in carrying ou its business or for the of attaining or furthering any" Of • given MoridayA evening, April 16, Harry of New York, and Leo, Max,The Junior congregation is prepar- think that it is so unintelligent, so Passover week in St. Joseph, Mo., vis-J every blow he hit the German fighter purpose its objects, to do any and nil other act* when he wilt reviewi"Tbe£0pper- Morris, and-.Isadore, all of Sioux ing for their annual Friday eve- barbaric, so utterly out of keeping iting her parents. She is expected to was aimed at Chancellor Hitler. and things and to exercise any and «H other powers which a co-partnership or mans," ; a^ :recent novel by. Lion ity; and five brothers, Joe Nadler, ning service to be held this month with the sane atmosphere. of this return home by Sunday. natural person could do and exercise nnd country, that to drag it out in the Feuchtwanger^. depicting, the present of Sioux City, Morris and Edward in the Synagogue. MAX FROM.KIK, Attorney. which now or hereafter may be authorised open light will be*the surest way of Insurance Bide. by law. Rich of South America, and Ben day conditions in- Germany. Plans are being made by the Senior 4. The authorized enpitnl stock is 5200,bringing it to and. Last Monday evening,'the book re- and Joseph Rich both of Russia: ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF COOO . O divided Into 20,000 shores of the pat Hadassah for a book review to be "THE MTTIJE C U B " Jr. PoaleZion value of $10.00 each, nil of which is comview . dealt with books on China. given by Rabbi Frederick Cohn of KNOW ALL MKN* BY THESE PRES- mon stock and when issued shisll be firtly Passover customs and ceremonials pnid nnd noii-n.ssest-nl>le. More than 33% Omaha at the April meeting to be held ENTS, thnt vre Michael Katleman, Joseph of the authorize capit.il stock is issued, v A. Z. A, Dance ISloch. Hnrry Cohen. Harry Malashock and were the subject of the meeting'and April 18th at the Hotel Chieftain. outstanding and fully paid. Stock may be iteulK-n Kulakofsky, citizens or the State Over 150 couples attended the A.program ol the Junior Poale Zion or- Libraries of Books of Nebraska, have nssociated ourselves to- paid for in money, property or services useful to the corporation and of n value for the purpose of forming and beZ. A. Passover dance, held Tuesday ganization last Sunday afternoon, Burned by Hitlerites Collman Yudelson, student at thegether coming a corporation under the laws of the equal to the par value of the stock issued. held at -the home of Marvin Klass. evening in the Rigaudon Ball Room. University of Iowa, returned to Iowa State of Nebraska, and for that purpose, H. The corporation is and has been doexecute nnd adopt ing business under its origiunl Articles Charles- Bidwell and h i s ' orchestra Rudy Shindler acted' as chairman. London, (WNS).—Plans for the City Monday after spending his spring we do hereby, make, of Incorporation. and shnll continue until February 13, 2034, • furnished the music for dancing. .The program included two original establishment in the United Sta.es vacation with his parents, Mr. andthe following articles AllTICLE 1. unless Sooner dissolved according to law poems by Rebecca Stillman, a paper The NAME of this c-orporntion is nndor by the affirmntive notion of bi% of the Proceeds will be used to help deMrs. M. Yudelson. and England of libraries of the books outstanding capital stock. shall be, "THE MTTI..K CLUB." fray the expenses of delegates to on "The Significance of. the Customs burned, banned or- censored by the AKTICLE 2. 6. Highest amount of indebtedness 'tt of Passover" by Sulsmith Dorensca, the' International Convention in The principal office nnd place of tran- limited To two-thirds of the capital stock; and a reading "Seder in Ain Charod" Nazi regime are:now being made Enrollment for children for thesacting the business of this corporation the restriction, however, being inapplicable Washington this summer. coming semester of the Talmud Torah shall be at Omaha, in the County of Doug- to obligations the payment of which is ser in London by a-provisional commitcured by real estate or personal property Nebraska. At the A. Z. A. meeting Wednes- by Rosabelle Wigodsky. ' will take place next Monday. April las ami State of tee of writers and liberals which inby trust deed or mortgage'when the value, ARTICLE 3. day evening, plans for a Founders At the meeting next Sunday, Max clude the Countess . of Oxford and 9th, at the synagogue at 618 Mynster The object and purpose of this corpora- of the property exceeds the nmount of the Maron will act as chairman. Roll call Day. program were made, and a retion shall IH* to promote the social wel- debt so secured by at least 40%, street Parents are requested to reg-fare of its members and shall also engage 7. The nffaira of the corporntion are t* will be answered by a current event, Asquith, Lord Marley, Elian Wilkin- ister port of the dance heari as now is the proper time to iu philanthropic work. It may own andhe managed by its officers consisting of a and those participating in the pro-son, Louis Golding, Margaret Gold- have their hold nil kinds of estate, real, personal or President, Vice-president mid Treasurer children begin. mixed, which it may acquire by purchase, elected by i>i:il from the membership of the gram will include Sulsmith Bereskln, Smith and Leonard Frank. donation, devise or otherwise, nnd shnll Board of Piiwtors nnnunlly. said Board of Such a library is already in existWilliam Rozofsky and •' Lucille. Krohave the power also to dispose of, encum- Directors being not less than three in numence in Paris and it will be formally Mr. and Mrs. Abe Gilinsky had asber and convey the same. nick. • • ' - . : ber and a Secretary who need not be' a AKTICLE 4. their guests for Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. member of the Board. Directors are elect- dedicated on May 10. corporation shall commence tipon ed nt the nmmal meeting of stockholders Philip Sherman and children of Sioux theThis The creation of these libraries is filing of the copy of these Articles to be held on the second Tuesday in FebHonoring Miss Bessie Kantrovich, City, Iowa, and Mr. and Mrs. Leland with the County Clerk of Pouplns County, ruary of each year. The articles set forth Sisterhood designed to preservefor posterity Nebraska, and shnll continue for a period the powers nnd duties of the directors. Th« a bride-elect of this month, Mrs. M. Goldberg of Shenandoah, Iowa. of 25 years, nnless sooner dissolved as articles also provide for conveyance or dis- '• S. Holtzman and Miss Hazel Kan- The Mount Sinai Sisterhood will Germany's cultural contributions to provided by law. position of nil of the property of the cor- the evolution O f humanity which are poratlon upon the affirmative vote or with* trovich were joint hostesses at anmee for their. regular monthly sesARTICLE 5. Jack Gordon, student at the Univer- The corporation being destroyed by the present Gerthe nssent of 80% of the outstanding capshall have no enpitnl sion next, Friday noon, April 13, in evening of bridge recently in the sity of Iowa, spent his spring voca- stock and shall declare no dividends. ital stork and for the method of amending the articles and for n corporate seal. Sioux tea shop. Forty friends were the Temple Annex, ,A 1 o'clock man government. I.';'' .ARTICLE 6. tion visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. The highest amount of indebtedness or luncheon will precede- the program. IX WITNESS WHEREOF, the underguests of the evening. M. Gordon. liability to which the corporation shall at |signed H. A. WAUL, as President and : Sunday evening, Miss Kantrovich The program will consist of ,aTorgsin Business Is nny one time be subject; shall not exceed i,TOS. P. MlTI,T.iEK as Secretary have Me- . the value of the property owned by the series of comic tableaux, depicting eented this n->iice on behalf of the Alamito and her fiance were guests at a Sunday school classes at the Councorporation. Unlrv Company, on this ICth day of March, bridge, party in. the home of Miss nationally known advertisements that ARTICLE 7. . cil Bluffs Talmud Torah Sunday The business of this corporation shall 1934.' Growing Steadily appear regularly in some of the leadH. A. WAHT,. Hazel Zanett. School will be resumed next Sunday be conductid by a Board of five directors President. ing and most, popular magazines. ' Sending of Torgsin orders by morning, April 8th, at ten o'clock, fol- to bj selected from the members nt the JOS. P. MUT;I,I5R. regular annual meeting; the directors from , Mrs. Louis Goldberg is in charge Americans to their relatives and lowing Secretary. the Passover vacation. All their number at each annual meeting shall The Iota Tau Sorority met Monof the program. Appearing in thefriends in the Soviet Union has children are felect a President, Vice-President, Secretary urged to be there prompt- and Treasurer. AI.AMITO DAinr COMrAN*. day evening in thei home of Miss tableaux will be Dr. Delia Galinsky, . 3-16-34-4t Sarah L. Kaplan. The sorority has Frances Emlein, and the Mesdames, grown steadily in the past few years. ly. ARTICLE 8. These Articles may be amended by R The chain of Torgsin stores and the set June, %0 as;the date, for their Louis Sacks, H. N. Slotsky, E. N. majority vote of the members at nny regnumber of agencies^ in' this cotsntry Yale Meyerson, who is a student at ular formal dinner party. meeting of the meml»ership. or nt any Grueskin,. Abe Agranoff, Mike Gruemeeting called for thnt purpose. Rev. A. Diamond Following the business meeting, slrin, E. J. Fribourg, J. Sawislak, Si handling these orders have grown the University of Iowa at Iowa City, special IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have herecorrespondingly. ' the members adjourned to bridge and Rich, and Joe Miller. spent the past week-end here visiting unto eet our hands this 19th day of March, Recognized as According to Mr. A. Mintz, as- his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Meyer- 1934. refreshments. . .... Michel Kntlemnn, PRUTICAL MOHEL sistant general representative in theson. Joseph Bloeh Harrv Cohen Phone 1059 United States of Tbrgsin (state corMiss Eudice Stillman visited this V Amoriahs, Harry Malnshock COUNCIL BLUFFS ' Reuben Kulakofsky UKON* * WHITE. Attorney week with friends and relatives in The American club will resume poration for trade with' foreigners), City National Bank Bldff. several thousand banks and other Mnx Fromkin, Witness. " ' Omaha. • • meetings uext Sunday - afternoon at agencies in the U; S. A. and Canada In every city there is one out3-S0-S4-4t. the Jewish Community Center. Plan3 accept standing hotel. In Sioux City; Torgsin orders for:transmisPROBATE NOTICE for a corning baseball'game with the Mr. and Mrs. Jack London, jr., iitV the Warrior, known every-, In the Matter of the Estate of ISADOBE to' the 'U. S: S. R. NATHAN,. Deceased. and son, of Bfookings, S. D., "were Hebonim Club of Omaha will be sion where for its fine accommodaTHE .The chain of Torgsin stores exNotice is.hereby given that the creditors made. The American. team will meet guests in Sioux City this week. ; tions and its hospitable atmosof said deceased will meet the administratends, to every city in the Soviet the Browning., team in a game Sun ; of said estate, before me. County Judge phere. Ideally located, it is unincluding the most remote tor of Douglas County, Nebraska, at the CounMr. and Mrs." Sam Lipman announce day afterpoon, if the weather per Union,, questionably social, business and ty Court Room, in said Connty, on the parts of the ccuntryV - " the marriage, of their daughter, Rose, mitsi ' ' 14th day of May. 1934, and on the 14th day travel headquarters of the comPeople who avail themselves of of July, 1934, at 9 o'clock A. M., each day, to Stanley Carl of New York City; on for the purpose of presenting their claims munity. The choice of those the Torgsin facilities have found for examination, adjustment and allowMarch 10. The wedding took place of Nebraska Women who demand the best for their that orders are forwarded without ance. Three- months are allowed for the Junior Hadassah in New York. creditors to present their claims, from the delay and red tape. The merchanMr. Abe Stillman will speak at the l*th day of April, 1934. money. Try a Bag Today -•Mrs. Carl was the former superin- meeting of the Junior' "Hadassah dise slold is of; the best quality and BBXCB CRAWFORD, the prices compare favorably with 3-23-34-St. County Judge. ROOMS tendent of the Federation of Jewish chapter next Monday evening, in the those prevailing .on the U. S. A. Social Service, and left Sioux City Jewish" Community Center. LEON & WHITE, Attorneys last February for New York, where Reports on the Give or Get project, market. For instance: City' National Bank Bldg. and the Bridge Tournament will be 'Pair, of shoes', ladies' and'men's, 3 they will make their home. made at this meeting. rubles, TO lopeka. NOTICE feK.rt^lMCATIOS ON. PETISuit of clothing, woolen, 7 rubles, i ^TION FOfc feETXtEMENT OF FINA1 AMONISTBATION ACCOUNT 50 kopeks. .. ,. Mount Sinai In" the MaSer1 of the Estate of HAKRI Change Voting Day Sweater, 60 kopeksBOBINSON, Deceased. Dr. Frederick: Cohn of Omaha, will [All persons -Interested In said matter are Air-Conditioned 25 kopeks-pet pound.. From Yom Kippur Butter, occupy the pulpit at Mount Sinai hereby notified that on the 19th day of Rye flour, 3 kopeks per pound,'etc. March, Vmi Helen -Shapiro filed a petition • Coffe* Shop Temple this evening. He will speak la said County Court, praying that her fiAlbany, N. Y. (WNS).—In order on the subject "Should the Jew Surnal administration account filed herein be iTbe daily luncheon renderarid allowed,; and that she be disnot to disfranchise Jewish voters, the vive." Warsaw {WNS)—Nearly half the settled voua of those wfco want good charged from: i e r trost as administratrix The Honor. Roll for the Religious state legislature has passed a lawJewish population of Warsaw receiv- and that a; hearing will be had on said fo©3 at sensible price* Our petition before'said Court on the 14th day CoffceShopia air-conditioned School for the month of March, as changing the date of the state pri- ed free matzota and other Passover of April. 1934,-and that if you fail to apfor your special comfort. announced in the Temple' Bulletin mary from Tuesday, September 18 tonecessities from local, philanthropic pear Defore said Court on the said 14th flay April, 1934, at 8 o'clock A. M., and conincludes Joanne. Agranoff, Harold Thursday, September 13. agencies. Every Jewish charitable or- of test said petition, the Court.jnay.grant the Roserithal, • Seymour Robinson, Bar- The secretary of state had fixed ganization has been besieged for days prayer of said petition, enter a decree of and make snch other and further OpmnUtt if th» "Omaha's Most Beautiful Homo for Funerals" bara Robinson, Josephine Rosenfeld, September IS as primary day but itby impoverished Jews seeking holi- heirshlp, orders, allowances and decrees, as to this was later found that that date would day food. Social workers report that Court may seem proper, to the end that all Wally Rosenthal, and Betty Marx. EPPLET HOTELS CO. Funerals To Fit Any Purse matters pertaining to said estate may be Kaddteh will be. recited .next Fri- prevent thousands of .Jews from vot- the demands for aid were greater finally settled a » ^ | ^ | ^ ing '. because it coincided with the than during any., other Passover in Phcnc HArney 1226 Farnam at Thirty-thir, day evening, April 18, for Mrs..Jean! S-25-34-3t recent years. . ette Weinberjjj. v * eve of Yom Kippur.
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