April 13, 1934

Page 1


In the Interests of the Jervisk People

Aiding The Distressed... By -Harry Buterea JIS Second- Class Mall Matter' on January 2t, 1021, at •' i'ostoffice of Omahn, Nebraska,- under the Act.of March Z, 1879.

A BIBLICAL INJUN' . There,can be no 8lacke war we are waging oil beT local, national, and intemation; ish agencies: which, are beneficVof the. Jewish.. Philanthropies paign which opens May 7. . Let us pay-heed to the Biblic_t' injunction <Deut. 16:17)—"Every man shall give as he is able."


Largest AWARD BANQUET Brooklyn AT J. G.t TOBE Jewish Community M THURSDAY

Maurice Samuel Analyzes


New York; (WNS).—Brooklyn, which now-ha«-l5000j000-Jews,*is the greatest Jewish community in l i e world, according- to statistics issued Dr.' Joseph Schwartz, executive Rewards to Those Distinguish- by director of the Brooklyn Federation ing Selves in Physical Eduof Jewish CharitiesT "in connection cation Department j with-the centennial celebration of Brooklyn's attainment *>f political The annual award -banquet of the j autonomy and the opening of the physical- department of the Jewish t Federation's $500,000 campaign. Community; Center will be held at The number one Jewish community the Center ^Thursday, April 19, a t of the world has more Jews' than any cbuntrjr-in -the world except the p^ William-L. Holzman, president of United -States, Russia and Poland, the Jewish.- Community Center ' and : According to Dr. Schwartz,-BrookWelfare Federation, will present the lyn had only half as many Jews as awards.to a large host o£ youngmien Manhattan-in -1909 but-today Brookand • -women' who'•. have distinguished lyn Jewry is twice as big as that themselves in various -; sports a t k of Manhattan. Center.the past year. Dr. Schwartz pointed out that unAbner Kaiman, president . of t h e i ^ 1925 the growth of. Brooklyn kittenball league, "will be master of Jewry was not .at the expense of ceremonies.- Ab ;arranged for some Manhattan or the Bronx but largely numbers to "pep bp"; th program. the result of immigration.

Vol. 10—No. 11

Toronto, -fWNS).—A iew" variety' of 'Judaism; w a s 4AM?Be(i"',*? the Naturalisation Court "when a Jewish a'pplcant for citizenship answered questions on 'his religion put. to-^im i>y Judge J. ParWHAT WE CAN AFFORD ker.'- -•' ••'•-' ii;v•• i ,.•••' W'f . "•;•' When JufigsParkeras;ke,d (thjs . In a crisis like the present, it is would-be- crtfeenj, Ms ^religion, the no longer a. question of how much Jew replied,'""JY we" can afford to giver—it simmers down to where we cannot-afford'not ,|t*ed ^ re Los. Angeles, (WNSj.—The first fair,'*...'^ps the amazing Jewish to give the maximum. . • - : ; air flight in formation in his- -A' few cigars less or one party less answerr tory,.with twelve young Jewish aviaTvill not make ranch difference to us was^rantedi. The tors piloting as many planes, was individually, -but "every additional Tieia ~at "the Lps Angeles Municipal penny we raise will be a'blessing Airport under the auspices of the fo "some"fellow--being.~" formed Jewish Aeronaatjcal McGormacM Chairman recently Society.. ' VERSATILE PERSONALITY i .Twelve planes, each . piloted, by. a idnal: Probe young of They are still * talking- about-the Jew, flew over Los Angeles inspirational .address, delivered by "You a r e not doing merely 1 er part of the world. He told of anti« .—With and Bollywood for more than an : Washington* D. |C., ( ) Maurice Samuel" at the" Initial Gifts IT . Prior to the flight Abe Brad-J Philanthropy work—you are as- Semitic posters pinned on trees in Representative-Sataaed-iMckstsin ree dinner Tuesday. If every Jewish innow and forever the ca-f^ African wilderness, posters writ& chairmanship hi off ofsky made a parachute jump from'(serting fusing to accept eet t e n t n e dividual in Omaha could" have heard his plane at a height of 3,000 ^ -'pacity of the Jewish peot>le t o ' ™ chs^cteristic Nazi vein. I ten committee named the 'Congressienal parity then every" Jewish individual •The flight "formation is. an out- live." I "Every Jewish community," he debySpeaker Kfi ley to investigate 1 in Omaha would have" volunteered "his "The, outstanding 'Jewish athlete" Nazi propaganda i the xhairmanship growth of ths Jewish Aeronautical With these ringing words Maurice clared, "is & sector of a unified whole* for the past year will be announced, utmost in service'ana;Ms-utmost in was aecepted-by : eprasoitj'five Jtjhn Association's program of interesting Samuel, internationally famed writer^ What we do here in Omaha has ita at the banquet. ' ' " - --s--material contribution.. : - - . W. McCormaek i. | of Massachus- Jewish young , men in aviation. lecturer and traveler, closed an in- echoes in Central Africa and what the George Sauer, - all-American footWorld-famous as an author, lec- ball star . from the- University of Ne-r etts. Other jneifibfirs jof the commitspiring address which thrilled the six- Jews in Central Africa do has its turer and traveler, he knows where- braska, will be guest speaker. Motion, • tee are Mr. Dkksfcein (D); Carl M. ty-five, members of the Initial Gifts echoes in Omaha. T nme t r of he speaks*. _ _ and2knows how pictures of- sporting' events will be as Weideman" (E), ifichigaai .Charles ), i g i . EADIIBI ^vision of the Jewish Philanthropies! . 5 5 I ^ f ° " . ^ f . . •An outstanding program for music L to tell it L' versatile inr practic- shown by Phlneas Wintroub." eaUtornia; Urysses & T U R i ' r a ' w h o met at dinner Tuesday eveningI th18 Philanthropies drive (in addition lovers has been prepared for .the Miz- Kramer ally everything^ "frorar philosophy to Will Taylor to initiate the pre-opening campaign to the value of the tasks themselves) .The entire ..community. Is welcoma rachi - musical, • to be presented this Guyer (8) Esmsas; J. Wll ping-pong. / • . " assertion of the decency of th« to attend this review of the" accom- Sunday, April 15, at the B"nai Israel (R) Ttimeaseer a&i Thomas A. Jen- Dr. Julius Siegel of Chicago will be of this year's drive for ?42,5O0 for isJ e wan kins (R)," Ohio* Represenfafivi Dick- the next speaker on the Jewish lec- local, national and international J e w - l i s n people—is merely the presenplishments of the physical departsynagogue, 18th and Chicago streets, AN ANCIENT TALE tatdon of ourselves. How we fulfill ment. Reservations.'may. be made no under the direction of Cantor A. stein deeKBed-tbe' ch_EciB_3ish.ip on ture "series, speaking: on "The Two Bi- ish agencies. The story; is told in the Talmudic later than Tuesday, April. 17, with Schwaczkin. the ground that A Jewish chairman bles" at the J. C. C. Tuesday eve- Following Samuel's talk, the group these tasks determines the inward parables • of King Monobaz, who in I Morris Stalmaster at the J. C. C , or pledged itself to raise its quota with- character of the. community itself. -This.wiU be a benefit concert, and might hamper life prober Congress nine:, April 24, at 8 p. m. the days of the Second Temple be- with members. of., the committee. has voted $10J&e0 to defray the costs Dr. Siegel is a member "of the staff out delay, accepting Initial G i f t s all proceeds will go toward aiding "Such a crisis as that of the came a proselyte' to Judaism. • The committee in charge includes work of the Mizrachi in Palestine. of the inquiry. of the University of" Chicago and is Chairman Morris Jacob's demand that present thrills us and calls op all The long- unlocked his ancestral Irvin_ C. Levin, Arthur Conn, Lee theFeatured on the program will be a the rabbi of Humbold Blvd. Temple. "no cuts over last year's contribu- the reserves of the Jewish people treasures at a -time of. famine - and Grossman, Phineas Wintroub7' Harry group" of selections" by the Hazomir • Known as a deep thinker, he is the tions will be accepted." —bringing strength from uncxpect- . Hadassah Will Present gave away all his treasures and the Trustin, J. Malashoek, Earl Siegel i author of a number of scholarly paed sources—effecting a united Jewn ^ g Society.. Distinguishes Hitlerism treasures of his forefathers to char- and Dr. Philip Romonek. " Review of 'Oppennans' pers.. He is reputed to be an excellent With an eloquence which held his ish front. The secret of our surviv« . Chassidic songs will be rendered by ity. .; •'. - ; . '- . . . speaker. the Saks brothers, .violinists; Cantor listeners spellbound, Samuel recount- si lies in the fact that in critical His ministers rebuked him, saying: i . book teview of "The.Oppermans" E. Sellz will sing Yiddish folk songs; ed the need of Jewry to rally, to the moments we bring out battalion "Thy fathers aniassed, thon dost upon battalion of forgotten men Leonard "Ko~rney %vill "play some violin by Lion Feuchtwanger—all proceeds Rabbi Wice Is State cause in the present crisis. squander." to go to Hadassah—wffl*be" glVen by and forgotten women — who in a solos., ..• - "Hitlerist anti-Semitism," he de"Nay," replied the benevolent king, -There will also b e special numbers Babbi Dayjd A. Goldstein Tuesday - Head of Commission clared, "is a specifically new phenom- crisis stand with us. Rabbi David H. Wice has been "they preserved earthly, but I, heavand the concert has been arranged evenih'gi April 17, at the J. C. C. . enon in Jewish history, and its efenly treasures; theirs could be stolen, so as to present a well-balanced pro- Preceding the. talk, a musical pro- elected chairman for Nebraska of the fects on the world are also new—dif- "The events of today h a v e not mine arebeyohd mortal reach; theirs itedljy Harry Du Social Justice Commission of the Cen- ferent from any anti-Semitism pre- brought on terror or a panicky feelgram. . . . . . gram will.be ing, but a permanent reawakening of tral" Conference of American Rabbis. were barren, 'mjne' will bear fruit Boff "and Miss Esther Leaf. without ,eodj they preserved money, "The Oppeimans" is T«uchtwang- The. Social Justice. Commission has viously experienced in Jewish history. the-sense of destiny between yourSaloniki Jewry Endangered been instrumental in settling labor I have preserved lives. The treas- Contradictions between historic Salonild.^Unless immediate finan- er's latest bookv. .. dealing with' a. "Hitierist anti-Semitism is dif- self and the Jewish people. disputes on a nuiriber of occasions, ^ ferent _ iM-v in ,„ %M __„_„„ of „. no.huures which my fathers laid by are "If it is true that anti-Semitism cial aid is forthcoming from world man-Jewish family and effects of the that_. it„ admits -.,,-..,. . . forces and what leaders say for them ... Nazi "regime. The book is a powerful and was among the"first to" Etronglyj ^*n~"relation"between the* ©ppres- Ispreads its net over the eptlfe Jewry,"'the Jewish community of for this world,, mine are foreter- wine r ehisp o address by"The Maurice Samuel jit" is also true that the sense of loyi n t e d o u ton indictment of Hitlerism and* its con-advocate and obtara shorter working i ^ ^ ^ ^ oppressed. " -the oldest" in Europe, Art oT'Self- loniki,, one pf p You might ask yourself. which type Deception" before a - capacity". ;a.udi- ill b *'-—'-•-'-• o ' ~r - . . — • - • r ? ' jafey and "affection engendered couni s i out u t within :^wd years notations. will be wipisi. within :^wd years, of treasures you are amassing." Mri A. J>. FrasV is chairman, sod Dr. Sidney E. Goldstein is chair- "In the days of the Maccabees, •»»-Iters it. By yoar w©rk on this Phftaaence of the Community.. Porum at the Chief. BJaibilKoretz has^varned in an Mrs. J. J. Greenherg «o-chairmanman of the national commission. ti-Semitism took the form by which thropies drive you are not doing J. C. C. Wednesday evening...-..;.. -: appeal to western Jewry. . the oppressors told the oppressed that merely Philanthropy work—you ai* By many illustrations be showed if" they would worship on the altars asserting now and forever the cai>tkci» g . ^ [ .pictures of a Con- how the masses of* people delude of the pag-an gods, then they would ty of the Jewish people to live." tinued ^growing strength in prestige, themselves into thinking that they act become immune from persecution. buildings, facilities, research and out of noble motives, the self-decepInitial Gifts Started "Even a Torquemada in the Spain staffs for the Hebrew university in tion serving to cloak the true, baser All speakers at the Initial Gifts of the fourteenth century offered to Palestine reach us. reasons. This self-deception brings dinner meeting were unanimous in abate anti-Semitism to those Jews about: a suspicion pf intentions but This cultural bridge between East their opinion that this year their diwho would be baptized. And the Rusand West is destined to become a makes action easier for the masses. vision would "go over the top." sian pogromists fignred that at least He mentioned the French and Amerdominant factor in learning" some a" third of ~the Jewish problems of Morris E. Jacobs, division head, day. Though in existence less than ican revolutions and the Nazi rise as Russia would be solved by that many who presided, stressed the enthusithree patent examples of mass decepa decade, the university, a beneficibecoming oming converted. jjasm with which the workers are enary- of . the Philantitropies, has tion. The Nazi theory, he declared, By Rabbi Solomon Goldman of Chicago Anti-Semites of the past may have I tcring their task. He reported that in achieved earned recognition "as a dis- s the deadliest instance of mass dethought the Jew a mistaken human, the preliminary canvassing' of the tinguished center of research and in- eption in history. Zionism, alone, of all the forces of a vicious human, a dangerous hu- larger donors, a large number instruction, especially in botany, geol- By the self-delusion of Aryan su- Judaism is.an indivisible something. the coming of the Messiah. . Let there be rooin in the people- Jewish life in America, recognizes man, a wicked human—but always creased their pledges. The speakers .remacy, the Nazi leaders are effect- We should never departmentalize it. ogy and general science. ing a movement to compensate the Thinking Jews, who. join Jewish or- hood of Israel for this pious, revered that Jews must have a land of their a human. Hitlerist anti-Semitism on who followed paid particular praise FOR "ONE BIG CHANCE" Germans for their loss of the war, ganizations and Jewish causes, do not Chief Rabbi and also for Einstein, who tDwn to develop truly Jewish life and the other hand, admits of no human to the dynamic and energetic work relation between the oppressor and of Jacobs. The official report of the twentieth their territories and their prestige. apply for membership merely because has an entirely different view of the in which to affirm their religion. Harry Silverroan, general chairman the oppressed." cosmos. Let there be room also, for Unable to really win back what they Zionism affirms the fact that the anniversary and national convention they are "joiners." for the drive, outlined the machinery all those who-, come in between Chief Jews, as a people, have a national The speaker graphically portrayed of the Los Angeles Sanatorium and lost, they chose two courses for their 1 am not a Ben Brith because-1 am how the Nazis are inculcating in the j set up for the campaign. Rabbi Kook and.Professor Einstein! language, a. distinct culture and their ;ompensation: A dream of universal Ex-Patients Home has reached here. a joiner. Nor am l a Zionist because Other speakers were Irvin StalGerman people a feeling intended to Shall there be UNIFORMITY in own folk ways and traditions. And aggrandizement, and an actual carryIt serves to remind us that when I have a penchant for joining. On the today while the world is menaced by make them shrink from the very master, William L. Holzman, Harry tve contribute to the Philanthropies ing out of the idea of superiority contrary, I am a B*nai Brith member, Israel? the rising tide of Hitlerism and 600,- word "Jew," a feeling meant to make A. Wolf and Jack W. Marer. N o ! : •• -• against a numerically inferior element *?e are joining in the battle being a Zionist—and yes, even a rabbi—beJudaism has never meant to destroy 000 German Jews live in terror under the masses think of the Jew as not wagad by such institutions against within her own land. cause I am interested in Judaism. Other Divisions personality or individuality. Instead, the black shadow of the s wastika, a human being. Samuel built up a thesis demonstrat'.">ain and against, death. I am interested in-the totality of Over two hundred and fifty workIn continuing, Samuel declared: Judaism has from time immemorial, is doing the only constructive work Here, at this institution are an- ing that in regard to anti-Semitism Jewish life, which began in the dim been the garden which has given to it alleviating the Jewish crisis. ers have already signified their de"Another factor that permanently and there had been self-deception, on the part of centuries ago. arid has surswered the pleas of desperate young decisively distinguishes Hitlerist an- sire to work in the General Solicitathe world distinct personalities. men: and women from all parts of art of all- concerned. Western peo- vived through persecution and oppres- Let us not confuse uniformity, how- All other Jewish agencies are do- ti-Semitism from past anti-Semitism tions division, headed this year by the country, stricken by tuberculosis, ile deluded themselves into thinking sion, even though Jews through the ever, with UNITY. All Jews must ing palliative hysterical work. They is that in the past anti-Semitism has three co-chairmen, William Milder, pleading for the "one ...big chance" that they had cast aside ancient pre- ages have been dispersed and without possess a sense of unity, if we are to jrat forth bandages on the sore. Zion- been a rather disreputable thing—it David Greenberg and Milton Abraism lifts the bandages and provides rfmt California sunshine would give udices, but as soon as the period of a homeland. survive. We must all be conscious of the healing balm necessary if cure is was not associated with countries in hams. The three-chairmen idea is expansion ended, the delusion began Jews have had folk ways, which are ^iem. . the front rank. Russia, for example, working successfully, effecting more the peoplehood of Israel, but this con- to be effected. to disappear arid anti-Semitism again Each year more than four hundred became an important factor in world picturesque though outgrown in this sciousness does not preclude us from was always considered a backward unity in the division with representamodern age. We have had customs, thinking for ourselves. Relief is temporary; Zionism is per- country, and Rumania was always tives from every element of Jewish victims of the white plague are cared affairs. some of which are semi-barbaric and manent. "When'the German Jewish relife in the city participating. for within, this haven. The Jews, on the other hand, de- for which I have no use. We have I regret to say that this vitally-im- fugees go to Palestine, they not only thought of as sersi-barbatic. A meeting of the majors of the "But this time one of the foremost luded themselves hy thinking that portant sense of unity is lacking in held beliefs and dogmas which are CITIES ENLISTING are given a haven, but they add their General Solicitations division was countries has made of anti-Semitism they were being received without the American Jewry today; When the In two hundred and forty-seven old prejudices. Though for decades preposterous. But we HAVE a PEO- Orthodox want to denounce the Con- contribution to' the upbuilding of the a philosophy and a program. Hitler- held at the Community Center Moncities throughout the United States they could see what was happening, PLE, unfolding and developing servatives, there is no central meet- Jewish national homeland, with the ism has conferred the cross of anti- day evening. With the addition of Dr. throughout our history. Judaism has aid of Jewish agencies.. When they campaigns have been organized to they chose to deceive themselves. Semitism. Where in the past anti- J. M. Erman to the list of majors as ing place where they can do so—so raise funds toward the $3,000,000 The prime danger of the self-decep- never been static or unchangeable. . central Jewish group that represents take refuge in the countries around Semitism was something sinister, previously announced, the total numGermany to which they have fled, they quota of the United Jewish Appeal, tion which causes present anti-Semi- The tragedy in Jewish life is that both Orthodox and Conservatives. something unpleasant in the minds of ber of majors is now twenty-five. instead of speaking of our future as do not add anything to the Jewish ' which represents the Joint Distribu- tism, the speaker said; is that 4t dimillions, Hitlerism has made it a The next meeting for this division And BO the Orthodox rabbis pick will be held April SO at which time tion Committee and the American verts the energies of the people from a LIVING Jewish people, with 3,500 flaws in the Conservative program in problem. And even if they are al- badge of distinction." years of history behind us, we argue lowed to stay in the land, to which the cards will be ready for distribuPalestine Campaign—aided by the social thinking to race prejudice. the meetings of their own organizaSamuel told how the Jewish situaabout dogmas. they have escaped, they are not free tion. Though the campaign proper Jewish Philanthropies. -. tion throughout the world was of in"Ho you believe in this or that?" tion, the Union of Orthodox Rabbis. of anti-Semitism. will not officially open until May 7, Rabbi Jonah B. Wise, co-chairman And the Conservatives, when they terest to the Jews everywhere, even we quibble, arguing the merits of ReWhile we are speaking of antithe card distribution on April SO will said this week: . I'Every man and formism, Conservatism and Ortholoxy~ want to ciitize the Reform.Jews, must Semitism let us look briefly; at its in African communities which have allow sufficient time for the workers woman must be prepared to stand do so among themselves, in the United divisions that did not exist in the days most terrible manifestatoin in modern only two Jews. He recently returned to discuss their cards with their maup and be counted in this time of of Moses. We are divided over phases Synagogue. And the Reform Jews, if times: Hitlerism. What is"Hitlerism? from, a tour of Africa, and in his ad-jors. trial by fire, to stand up and be and aspects, and instead of first re- they find fault with Orthodoxy or Con- It is not a new phenomena nor was dress recounted how repercussions of counted in a way that will not only Jewish youth of Omaha and the vi- membering that we are JEWS, we servatism, must be content to keep it 'born yesterday. And Hitler Is not Hitlerist anti-Semitism had made AH of the workers for the various enlist him or her as a person of sig- cinity will hear a discussion of the talk of ourselves as Ben-Briths, or their fault-finding within the confines some peculiar lieing dropped from themselves felt even in the furthest divisions will meet at a gigantic workers' rally Sunday evening, May 6, 13ie nificance but as a person who has a problems of Jewish youth at the Zionists, or Reform Jews or Conser- of the Union of American Hebrew Mars. , outposts of African civilization. night before the campaign formally Congregations. ': right to be called by the_ name of Youth Conclave" to be held May 6, vative Jews. Twenty-five years ago, I could have He pointed out how in this modern begins. A. special committee is at Evefi that venerable leader in Isthat people which has withstood sponsored by the College club of world what happens in any part of And; "we have thousands and thoutold Samuel Uatermj-er, wlio seems to through the centuries forces which TempleIsrael. ;,;• sands of Jews "who are too "intelli- rael, Dr. Cyrus Adler, if he finds him- have just discovered anti-Semitism, the world is transmitted to every oth- present working out details for the program. we had hoped had long since disap- Subjects for the symposium have gent" or too "sophisticated'* or too self ready to do verbal battle with bis that Jews were not liked in Germany. Under the direction of William peared, and which now rise again in been chosen by the committee in "modern" to recognize the totality of able opponent, Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, Sitlerism is just an extreme form of Wolfe, chairman, the Youth Division New York Artists in Germany and challenges the - whol charge headed by Lazar Kaplan. They Jewish life at all. Judaism has /be- does his talking in the meetings of a phenomenon which existed in being organized for a systematic of the civilized world. We must, if include "Jewish Youth in the Pro-come a church and the Jewish people, the American Jewish Committee, while many since the days of Martin Luther. Concert Wednesday iscanvassing of the younger element. Dr. Wise makes reply in the American. T Read Luther's two books on the we are loyal to those things which fessions and Trades,'* "Jewish Youth a religious denomination. ....'...-, This year their solicitation will be •we have in our bloodstream, fight in the Synagogue" "Jewish Youth Judaism, however, is not -made a Jewish Congress. Jews. Read Goethe. Hitler merely The firsi spring- concert under the the most thorough in the history of against those forces not only for our and Social Justice," "Jewish Youth in religious denomination. We. must emtruth be. told, there borrows their anti-Semitism and selves and for our safety and our Time of Crises" and "Jewish Youth phasize the JPEOFLEHOOD of Israel— platform upon which all of us—irre- tnouthes it more inflammgly. Look auspices of Workmen's Circle Branch Philanthropy campaigns. Their solicihonor, but for the safety and- th in Communal Affairs.*' : for we are a people, even, as the spective ol our Conservation or Orth- at. . : Hitler's foulest anti-Semitic 173 will be held Wednesday evening, tation will be aided by the Round . honor of the whole of civilization.' Emphasis is being made to have French, or the Italians or the Japan- odoxy-^may stand.. speeches and you will find uoi one lie. April 18, at the Jewish Community Table of Jewish Youth, -which represents practically all Jewish youth orZionism,, unlike any other Jewish j^j one twisted thought that lias not Center. •. • • ;.•••;•'= . . . those between 15 and 30 years of age ese. Featured will be the New York ganizations. to attend the conclave, which will in- Under the mantle of 'Judaism, let movement, is the only idea which as- •()eeI1- ab^ady expressed expresse by other antitrio, W. Packer, M. Brodin and Z. The women, under the chairmanclude, besides the symposium, a spe- there be room for the venerable Chief sumes we are a PEOPLE. Zionism ] Semities in Germany. Zlatin, who made a successful pre- ship of Mrs. Max Ho! man. are lining cial youth service, a program of Jew- Rabbi Kook of Palestine, who organ- alone spells the affirmation of the, " did Hitler get his doctrine few months ago. up their workers. Their fina! organiish, music, an exhibit of Jewish -art, izes a class in the law of sacrifices immortality of Jewish life, of t h e ' sentation here zation meeting will be held April 2& Tickets are popularly priced. so that his students may be ready lor wholeness of the Jewish people. I followed by a supper-dance. (Continued on Page *.).


First Mass Flight Of Jewish Aviators

Pre > Gampaigii Drive Opens







Noted Lecturer Inspires Initial QiftWorkers of Jewish Philanthropies

$»AGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, APRIL 13,1934 fapily, however, lies in this: They are the only ones of the jews I met living in the South Sea Islands who are

National Fund Box Collection Monday

neither^ traders nor professional men. And I met many Jews. There was M. The semi-annual Jewish National Levine, keeper of a general store in Fund box collection drive will be Nukuaolfa, in the Tongan isalnds, held next Monday, April 16. where the principal dealer in pearls is Thirty committees, under the dianother Jew, Levy by name. At Nou- rection of Mrs. I. Dansky, general mea, New Caledonia, I found the gen-chairman, wil collect from every Naeral store in the hands of Gubbay tional Fund box in the city. Freres, who are Bagdadi Jews, while "We urge everybody to show the another petty trader was a Russian committees every possible courtesy Jew named Magafc;.'^ Suva, in the so as to expedite their work," said ITji Is^nfs,, a., :Mrs4 lipaels,. sister of Mrs. Dansky, "as the collection drive the td'w&s mayor, Sir^enry Marks, must be completed in one day." runs a pineapple stand comparable to the American Medicks. At Suva, too, lived Noel Levi, a Trader Horn type who deals in curios, and pearls, -while the town's premier watchmaker Is a

Lewis Browne Interviewed by Florence Rothschild

OSCAR WHTZ, 71, DIED LAST Oscar Weitz, 71, 2302 North Twenty-first street, died Tuesday at a local hospital, following a short illness. . He is survived by his wife, Sarah; five sons, Ben and Max of San Francisco, Arthur, Leo and Aaron, and two daughters, Mrs. May Fried and Miss Minnie Weitz, all of Omaha; and two brothers in New York. He was a resident of Omaha for 25 years. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon at the Jewish funeral home, -with burial at the Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol cemetery.

Election at B'nai Israel Synagogue The newly-elected commissioners of the B'nai Israel synagogue and the positions they will occupy for the ensuing term follow: Nathan S. Yaffe, chairman of the board; Louis Epstein, chairman of Bible reading; Dr. Nathan H. Greenberg, vice-chairman cf Bible reading; Joe Tretiak, finance; William Milder, cemetery; Louis Margolin, chairman of the building; Harry Marcus, membership and education. S. Weiss is secretary and Hymie P. Milder is accountant

In this interview Lewis T . fcrovme",learned to bensch Hchter and so on?—oif alia Yiddea gezogt. And cheap! noted-author of "Stranger Than Fic- "But no," he explained. "She's really The whole family can live on five doltion," "This Believing World" and Jewish. Her maiden name was Salo- lars a month!" "But the piano?" I asked. "A drum many other volumes, tellsi of thet Jews mon, and she's the niece of the queen would be appropriate here, or even a he met during his recent .'{ravels in of one of the neighboring islands." A regular meeting of the Gamma Then Nordmann told me the genesis lyre? But sureTy X piano smacks too Jew bV the name of.Benjamin And. Oceana. Dr. Browne, whose' new Delta Omicron was held Monday at book, "How Odd of God," is being of the royal house of Salomon. Many much or civilization for a place like ^ ^ ^ ? £ * « t S ^ ^ S * All entries for the Jewish Comthe home of Miss Elisabeth Dolgoff. the town where Robert Louis Stevenpublished by Macxnillan finds that years ago, it seemsi a British' ship this?" 8011 ied Tentative plans were discussed for munity Center kittenball league must At that the lady of;the house burst' f ' * « " ^ a aattve^rebel moveeven the. South Pacific' islands have cast anchor at the island. Officers m n a Mother and Daughter tea. Miss Golbe handed in to Earl Siegel, loop mameloshen! "What * *' resembling the Irish Sinn Fein, an active, if small, Jewish population. and crew, as sailors will after a long forth in agitated g The monthly open meeting of the die Wolf son, secretary-treasurer, is in secretary, by Monday, April 16. and arduous voyage, devoted consid- would you, mister? We have daugh- led by a half-caste Jew. —The Editor. Omaha Hebrew Club will be held this charge of all arrangements for the Eight teams are expected to enter. But the last straw came at Pagoerable attention to the dusky beauties ters. True, they are still children, a where there is a tr. S. Play will start about the first week Sunday afternoon. Prof. Charles Bon- affair, which will be given early in Pago, Samoa, of the native tribe. The course usual- but soon the time will come to look for 5 ^ ; ? ™ ? ' wnere xnere y.. o. Dr. Lewis P. .Browne leaned.back in ly followed in such excursions, I re- „ Dh!.MnM, \WA ^^ „„.. n v i ^ . . T , n I Naval Station. In a restaurant there in May, according to Physicial Di- gardt of the Creighton University May. one of the black leather club chairs gret to say, is that the white man, af- a shidduch. And how can a Yiddisha Law School will discuss ph4~.es of rector Lee Grossman. The organization is also planning •which the Hotel Vanderbilt supplies ter- engaging a dark-skinned girl's af- tochter make a good shidduch if she 1 ^ ^ ^ i y^ ^ y^ ^ . * Ab Kaiman is president of the the New Deal, bis topic being "Is an outing. sailor in' navy uniform insisted upon for its "guests, puffed atJiiS p'ip'e and fections, kisses her good-bye and de-can't play'the piano?" Economic Planning Constitutional?" Wide-awake youngsters, her daugh- staring at me rather fixedly. T took league. discoursed on the Jews. On Jews he parts. But one Alexander Salomon, A group of songs will be rendered him for an Irishman until at last he ters. Their English has already lost by Lawrence Finkel and Mrs. Marthe ship's purser, found.that for him its Borough Park flavor and repro- came over to our table -with: "Say, garet Bellman, accompanied by Miss the matter wasn't so simple; he had duces almost exactly the curious pid- ain't yott a Jewish writer?" I conMargaret Hurwitz. Mr. H. A. Wolf chosen the chieftain's daughter—and gin-French accent of the Polynesians. f e s s e ? thf* * ?**:,. A n d **} I t h ° u s ! * T will speak on a topic of general inthe chief insisted upon a wedding. In They attend the French school, take y o u ^ f 6 * ! ^ a \ , ™£* " J ^ terest. due course, then, Salomon succeeded music lessons at a nearby convent and *?» **.* at the Brooklyn Y. M. H. A. his father-in-law as head of the royal absorb every bit of information that I* 1 6 .' f ^ f 3 ^ 0 : Hyman Shrier is chairman for this Vienna, (WNS).—The dismissal of meeting. N. S. Yaffe is general chairhouse, and thus founded the dynasty comes their way. Take, for example,' decided it was time to scores of Jewish physicians from the which today bears his name. the matter of the fire-dance. I come home, to see whether there were staffs of the municipal health in- man, assisted by Hyman Shrier, J. J. any Jews left in this country. Friedman, Irvin Levin, Max Fromkin, This fire-dance is one or the most I made it my business to visit the stitutions of Vienna has created a Dr. A. Steinberg and Sam Klaver. (Copyright, 1934, by Seven Arts Jewish-Polynesian queen, Mauco Salo- impressive spectacles with which the veritable panic among Jewish inFeature Syndicate.) mon, granddaughter of Alexander. natives regale European visitors. The tellectuals. Nothing Jewish about her appearance, dancing floor consists of a number of In each case of dismissal no reaof course. But she has a true Jewish stones heated ta white heat; barefoot son is given. Since none of the JewEat at the South Sea Islanders skip from stone heart, I discovered. I had not spoken ish medical men discharged were in with her for five minutes before she to stone, sometimes bending down to any way associated with the outasked me just what I thought she, as dance on all fours, to show the awelawed Socialist party, it appears that Manny Goldberg, Mid-West A. A. a reigning sovereign, could do about struck audience that no special footthey are being ousted simply because U. singles handball champion added curbing the anti-Jewish activities of gear is involved. So hot are the stones they are not "Aryans," although another title to his laurels -when he that my wife and I could not even Hitler. there is no "Aryan" law in Austria defeated Jack "Cowboy" Sadofsky Somehow or other I soon came to stand near them, let alone touch them. as yet. for the singles title in the J. C. C. Lewis Browne B u c h a r e s t , (WNS).—Premier feel that certain old similarities exist Yet the native dancers gambol over These almost daily dismissals are tournament. Geortje Tatarescu's cab'net was in them as if they liked it. 1511 Farnam St had seen and studied during his re-between the Tahitians and the Jews. interpreted by Jewish intellectuals The scores -were 21-15, 21-15, both cent trip around the world and on his j The native word for "priest," for. exThe dance had made quite an im- imminent danger of being overthrown as the first step in the institution games being hard fought. observations anent the Jewish prob- ample, is kuhunai; and a particularly pression on me, and I mentioned this as a result of the sensational a."- of "Aryan" restrictions against Auslem which he states in his new book,' obnoxious dish consisting mainly of to the Borough Park family. Where- ouittal of 46 members of the antil trian Jews. How Odd of God," (Macmillan Co.) I boiled bananas goes by the expressive upon their eldest piped up: "Oh, I Semitic Iron Guard charged wi h The Nazi party, which has been comnMcity in the assassinat'on of the where he describes his experiences name of pheh. Again, the South Sea know how that's done. The girls at officially prescribed and barred from and draws conclusions. After finish-1 Islanders are especially fond of mar- school told me. They have a certain late Premier Ion Duca. Nicholas Con- engaging in any activity, has orWhere Omaha Shops With Confidence stantinescu, the actual kiUer, j£nd ing the book, he add-sd, feeling that he j inated fish, garnished with an abund- kind of oil -that they rub on their ganized a new anti-Semitic movement Caranica and BeMinache. h's accomdeserved a vacation from things Jew-' ance of onions—a direct throwback, I hands and feet, and when it dries on plices, were sentenced to life impris- which is systematically spreading ish, he packed up and, together with am convinced, to our own marinierte them they can't feel the heat." anti-Semitic propaganda. Thus far onment. 16t}i at Farnam his wife, departed for the South Ssas. \ herring.' Yet the Atiuta, as the Jew Truly a daughter of Iconoclast Abrathe government has done nothing to Failure of the court to find any of Now he has returned; and this is is known' to the natives, is not exact- ham, this child—destroying my illussuppress this undertaking. why: • j ly popular even in Oceania. An under- ions by her revelation of an insulating the Iron Guard members jrtulty deIts a Cotton Season—and the Second Floor Cotton Shop The government has, however, bespite the overwhelming evidence is It was to escape Jews (said Lewis' current of anti-Semitism is present ointment! Presents New gun to deprive active Socialists of Browne) that I went to the South Sea'there too,: One Jewish trader of the The ex-Borough-Parkers would not widelv interpreted as a victory for their Austrian citizenship. The first the Iron Guar^. Amon"the 46 acilslandsj and my first disillusionment;islands told me;: "They come to me let me go until I had spoken to them came^at the first island at which! we and ask .whether I am Catholica. No, for a while in Yiddish, the beloved quitted were Zelea Codreanu, Iron list of those disfranchised is headed stopped. Though I had decided to fof- j I answer, I am Atiuta. Then you are tongue of which they had heard so Guard chieftain, and General Can- by three Jews, Dr. Otto Bauer, Dr. get about Jews I maintained my" in- j bad man, they say; Atiuta is bad; little in their two years in Tahiti. tacuzenu. who had written Premier Julius Deutsch, commander of the terest in religion, which'led me to in-J Atiuta killed Christ. But no, I pro- Their sole link with their old home Is Duca a threatening letter before* the Republican Defense Fund who is now in Czechoslovakia, and Berthold Koe; ..^i«.. . terview a priest who acted as custo-; test; you know ine; I am good; Atiuta the Vorwaerts,, the . Yiddish daily, murder. _ nig, president of the Socialist Rail.—GQ.v.epjniejit'Circps are reported to .Chidst^.but.Christ; himself which4hey receive regularly;. that-4§», yi dian ofcan ancientrelics of the old Polynesian religion/{was born-of A.tiuta;; But they repeat: once i|;ijw)nth.* when, the mailsteai^etS Be" dissatisfied with the verdict of '} way Union, who took a leading part nj the -.court which consisted of-'- onein exposing the plcrt to smuggles arms lay preserved. I examined the.idols;'Atiuta isbad,;Atiuta killed Christ." . comes. Once a month, then ?••& in his charge and expressed "my ad- [' In Tahiti, too, I bad the following Borough Park gets thirty issues; ^ indge and fonr uniformed creiierals. from Italy into Hungary last year. FOR STREET WEAR miration. Quoth he: "I had many; curious experience^ A derelict Ameri- the Vorwaerts—and each day he reads In.: reading the verdict the" .court FOR SPORTS specimens mucli finer than these. But jean Jewish newspaperman approached one: On Monday he reads the paper ignored the customary Roumanian they've been bought up by a Jew from' me with a tale of a hundred per cent I of the Monday of six weeks before, on: .practice of giving the legal - basis AND HOME for its decision. (Jewish family from Borough Park, Tuesday the six-week-old Tuesday Tahiti." TEACHER OF PIAXO The - court's ruling that the Iron Bight then and there I knew that j Brooklyn, permanently established on pers, and so on. He can hardly wait tATEST METHODS I would have to capitulate to my f ate.: the inland. Naturally I looked them from day to day to read up on the Guard was guiltless of • a conspiracy In Popular and Classical Music For me,-at least, Jews seem inescap-^up—they live in an out-of-the-way latest developments in Nazi Germany, hasf erff»ted a delicate political situaSOI Lyric Bid?., 19th & Faroam able. •section—and found a father and moth- but he adheres consistently to his plan tion. All newspapers were forbidden JA. 4023 Off to Tahiti, then. I soon found er and two small daughters living the of reading only one paper each day. " to publish extras announcing the verthe Jew to whom the priest had re-"simple life in a palm-thatched hut " ,.~7. The uniqueness of the Borough Park dict. ferred. Nordmann was his name, and j which they had themselves built and he was. a curio dealer. His grand- ifurnished in the approved primitive: father, he told me, had been the first' manner, the only Incongruous notes Jew to be naturalized in Switzerland, i being struck by an upright piano and at the time of that country's belated a pile of Yiddish newspapers, decision to admit Jews to citizenship, j "We came here," the paterfamilias I rummaged about his shop^-he has,told me in his juicy Borough Park acBome beautiful things—and asked him cent, "because the doctor told "me that whether he still adhered to Jewish I needed to lead a 'natural' life. In tradition. (Brooklyn, where I was a cloak and "Of course," he replied. "I am a suit manufacturer, I spent my days'in Jew, am.I not? I even have a megilla a stuffy factory, ate ' heavy Jewish on. my doorpost." Yes, he said megilla,' meals and got gray hairs worrying though you and I know he meant a about business. Here . . . " he spread, his arms in an eloquent gesture, and mezzuzah. At my request that he show me thelet the wild banana trees and cocoamegilla he took me to his; home. "Well, | nut palms and onion patches speak for the mezzuzah was not mereP-prob-'; themselves. ably his children had removed it in The family live on the fruits and their play—but a mark; "in-the door- vegetables which abound on the ispost showed distinctly.rwbefe it had land, with a little fish now and then been. After "all, it's not so easy to buy to relieve the monotony. No meat, for a new mezzuzah in Tahiti. ; , ; the only meat available is pork. "But Nordmann then introduced me to his it's healthy life," Mr. Borough Park # When you have a Grunow you have as fine a wife, a typical and very comely ^Poly- pointed, out. "Why, ur blood is so nesian girl. "She's Jewish,, top,", he good we don't even need iodine whenrefrigerator as money can buy, and you have that announced proudly. :" "~;;:.Vvv.;;;,:. we cut our feet on the corals— and feeling of satisfaction that comes from knowing I raised my eyebrows. Jewish? you know how poisonous coral is. I Had she formally adopted Judaism, tell you, mister, it's great to live here it's absolutely safe. To prove it, have the dealer

Kittenball Entries By Next Monday

Hebrew Club Open Meeting on Sunday

The Menu Always Provides Good Foods of Unequaled Variety at Moderate Prices


Manny Goldberg Wins Singles Handball Title


Gamma Delta Omicron









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Our Contribution to araom— d Givot By Abher Kaiman

MAX BARISH TO HANDLE CHRYSLERS, PLYMOUTHS Max M. Barish nas been appointed associate d e ^ e r for; Plymouth and Chrysler automobiles, according to "an announcement by Andrew Murphy & Son, distributors. , Mr. JJarish is now. distributor for Beo motor cars and tracks and will

W1AT HIS A M WHAT FT DOES... By the Service l i f e Insurance Company, Omaha Future Outlook of Insurance

Keren Hayesod Raised $25,000,000 in 13 Years New York—The Keren Hayesod raised $25,000,000 for Palestine reconstruction from April 1, 1921, when it w-as organized, until April 1, 1934, it is announced* by Morris" Eothen-


* Pp g,


°* ^

Zionist Or-

ganization of "America.

The chief financial instrument of the Jewish Agency for Palestine the Keren Eayesdd has appropriated 17,100,000-to agricultural colonization, $5,000,000 to urban colonization and public works, ?4,500,000 to education, $28,275,000 to immigration activities, ?l,575,OO0 to public health and sanitation projects, 51,525,000 to religious and communal institutions, and $2,$25,000 to miscellaneous activities.

j First Spring Concert

I rub my eyes, but- I saw right is- definite proof of the»popularity RKO ' and Fanchbn-Marco • :. In the first time. Here he is in Omaha of-tins entertainment-idea „ _ _ He 929 he was one - of the principals We can't help being impressed —George Givot, Omaha's own con- has many .offers for stage and screen in Earl Carroll's show, "The Sketch when, we realize that in 1894-there tribution to , the stage, radio and as well :as radio awaiting. him im- Book." was $5,556,000,000 of life insurance 2 screen, styled ,and known through- mediately after -his present ..engageWith Mae West. '" in force in this country while we out the nation as the Greek. Ambas- ment. _ ;. _'-''._ ... r Geprge's ,next fling" was a try at started 1934 with about 95_ billion'dolsador of Good Will the legitmate stage _ .. .; and found lars. In spite of these - colossal I Underneath the Comedyr -~ Sez I: "Ees meek me to be terrififigures, though, each of us probably' This handsome young Adonis who himself cast in an important part in kally hoppy -to see you, my frond." gets, a more vivid picture of what started in Omaha is a serious-minded Mae West's ""The Constant Sinner," Sez he: "Yon sadd it, Spo-r-r-rt." chap," despite ~ his comic tendencies now being filmed under the title of life insurance is and does through _ .. _ and thus started the laughs. in _ .. „ While en Toute with the show "It Ain't No Sin" •_ _- _ he portrayed the individual instances of .life insurrapid fire fashion. ance service that come to our imin which he is being starred, the the. role of a colored underworld "You sadd it, Spo-r-r-rt" has be- "New Yorkers," he has been con- king of Harlem „ _ „ it - took one mediate attention than through the. figures telling us of the billions sold come the customary greeting of tributing a dialect" column on cur- whole month to perfect his make-up each - year. The picture of a widow "The Greek Ambassador." George rent events _*_ _ this column ap- alone „ _ .. the ultimate secret bewho is able to keep her home beGivot has seen his name flashed in pearing -in various newspapers,, in ing a white powder on top of a cause the mortgage was covered by Ing electric signs which connote the east has an undercurrent of seri- brown grease paint. insurance, or the picture of a child stardom but he is still the ous study. „ It was in 1930 that George began : who is receiving the college educasame George we used to know in i He is intensely interested in the nis now-famous Greek dialect . . this tion his father intended him to have Oinaha in the days gone by. Givot present Jewish scene'___. last Mon- first came to the attention of the because - insurance is supplying the is the headliner and featured.in the day evening he was" inducted info Broadway sophisticates when he parnecessary funds, are, to most of us, "New Yorkers," spectacular membership of the Omaha ' B'nai ticipated in a Friars Frolic arranged more convincing arguments of the revue of Anatol Friedland now on Brith lodge _ .. _ and on Tuesday by George M. Cohan _ Winchell value of insurance than the statetour . . . and when a week's lay-off evening he consented to appear in a was a member of the minstrel bit ment that a certain amount of insur-! afforded itself between bookings, concert performance at the Orpheum and commented favorably on the Max M. Barish ance was sold* last year. George was delighted with the pros- theatre, where he (George always nas howls occasioned by his Greek monopect of hobnobbing a week with his been exceedingly good-hearted and logue _'_ .. the late Tex Guinan (a continue that line as heretofore in Thirteen billions of life insurance the s a m e location, 2562 Farnam many friends and admirers. was sold last year but this thirteen generous) expressed a desire, to turn deaf friend of George's) immediately street. signed him for her unit in a vaudeover his share to charities. The Price of Fame. ; The Chrysler and Plymouth lines billions is going to be of direct value ville tour. His next engagement was Reaching the top rung of the ladwill be handled entirely separate from only to people who are actually using Hbcternal evidence of George's with a stupendous musical extravathe present line in a new location insurance to stabilize their estates. fame best show how nationally- der is no simple flight . . . it took ganza titled "Americana," .. _ _ Someone recently compared insurmuch plugging and many heartaches known he has become As The movies came next a which will be - announced later. The ance to a sliderule in the hands of a and plenty of ability and genius:beWinchell wrote this week, a man series "of short picture subjects while new firm wilt be known as Barish boy which he could use in measuring • George never saw or heard of fore George Givot (with Max Baer) working as M. C. at the Hollywood Motors, Inc. things here and there, but the posclaimed to be his father and actu- opened in N. Y.'s smartest night club Restaurant where Valle is now the sibilities of which were realized only Casino de Paree, and thus had his ally applied to a Chicago court for attraction then' one ' of the by people who had studied its inoiame appear in large electric bulbs support and very recently a headliners in the show, "Pardon My tricate uses. We all know that inwoman, or rather "a phoney," got in the heart of Broadway. English" which starred Jack Pearl surance is useful in providing funds some merchandise under the guise of _ H e succeeded Jack Buchanan in at death but insurance is of maxiAn Humble Beginning. The Men's Club of the Vaad HaThr mum value to those who have given being his "wife" and the store acthat show. _ _ _ During his boyhood days, George will hold their regular monthly din- sufficient thought to its possibilities cordingly brought suit against - A Round of Successes. ner meeting on Thursday, April 19, to stabilize their individual estates. George _ .. _ but girls, don't get attended the same local public schools . _ his theatrical Eddie Cantor then invited him to at 6:45 p.m. at the B'nai Israel synalarmed—as stated, the woman was a as you and I phoney and the real acid test pursuits of those days were confined broadcast on his program. First an- agogue. nounced as Meroff, he was a sensaAn interesting program is being of stage, screen or radio fame .. to amateur nights and local Jewish tion on the air with his new dialect clubs the struggle upward berecently many comedians have re- gan when in 1920 he was a singer al musical revue of M. G. M., he has arranged. J. Radinowski will speak sorted to imitations of his "Greek in a Mpls cafeteria _ _ _ song-plug- revealed, bringing him a 14-week con- on "Will, the Yiddish Language SurAmbassador" of good will idea, which er for "Irving Berlin music-house tract - with Old Gold _ „ „ and he vive?" There will also be a dramatic skit and songs. with ' ^ _ he • then returned to Omaha, was also heard as guest artist Reservations may be made by call: ; . . ... appearing in small picture houses Vallee. ing H. Segall, Kenwood 7618, «r SidGivot's first participation in a fea- ney Katleman, Webster 0135. „ then to Chicago in 1924, where "Counsellor-at-Law," the brilliant ture talkie wai the engagement with he was the co-headliner with Paul New York dramatic success which Ash in the first stage band policy Ed Wynn in "The Fire Chief" _ _ _ Nazi Gunmen protrays the life of a self-made New inaugurated by Publix theatres. - - in "Hollywood Party," the sensation Mexico City.—Gunmen, believed to York lawyer, will be presented by First of the "collegian comedians,' al musical revue of M. G. M, he was be in the employ of Nazi agents, atthe Omaha Community Playhouse, George introduced and originated col- a feature. comedy role as a Greek General Agent tempted to assassinate Diego .Rivera, April 13 to 19, under the direction legiate comedy at this McVickers duke and his wrestling love- world-famous Mexican-Jewish mural 33S-340 Electric Bldg. JA. 7820 of Bernard Szold. theatre _ _ _ and immortalized for scenes with Polly Moran are knock- painter. quite a period of time the "Peoria" outs. _ . But George Givot's fame has not song number ~ k his popularity was _especiallyi pronounced among the gone to his head . '.'...he is today t&e /> same likeable, friendly chap that he collegians _ _ _ I HAMILTON CAFE After that, he appeared in the was when he left Oinaha to seek the % West v_,oast theatres, being featured fame and glory by which, a "local _ with stage units operated by Publix boy made good" in -reality. 9 COURSES soon he returned to Chicago and replaced the Ash band as master No Excuse, Even Chicken — Dock — Steaks of ceremonies of stage units :_ Kovno.—Without even the excuse Next he appeared with Ziegfield Fol of an "Aryan" law, the Lithuanian lies oi 1926 J _ _ In 1927 came his government has begun to -oust Jewunsuccessful (financially) venture in ish physicians from their positions in flicker productions under the name the federal sick loan - agencies, acBusiness Blen's Lunch 35c GMG (Givot-Michelson-Givot) _ _ cording to reports in the Jewish 2406 Faraam Ja. 9393 of then a season's engagement wit] press. • - •

given by the

Famous New York "Trio" Artists W. Facker

M. Brodin

Z. Zlatin

Wednesday, April 18th, 8:00 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center Under Anspices of Branch 173 Workmen's Circle

Admission 35c

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JEWISH PRESS Published everi'Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by



Subscription Price, one year - - - - - - - - » $2.50 , Advertisings rates furnished on application Editorial Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building. Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center DAVID BLACKER - - • ' • - - Business and Managing Editor FRANK R. ACKERMAN - Editor FANNIE KATELMAN - « - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent ANN PIIiLi - - - - - - •••;- Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent Print Shop Address: 1307 Howard Street


Week in Review

For Body as Well d)s Mind

lishman Faraday, is given mathematical expression by the Scotchman Clerk Maxwell, proved experimentally by the German Jew Hertz, and obtains practical application by the Italian Marconi." When Dr. Radin considers the role of the Jews in the modern world he says that "the significant part the Jews have played during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries in the affairs of Europe seems to many so amazing that there has been an inclination to seek for its explanation in terms of superior ability. Attempts have even been made to account for this abiltiy on the theory that they were a pure race. The racial question can be easily disposed of. They are one of the most mixed races in history." To. Dr. Radin's way of thinking, "the suddenness of Jewish participation in the life of the communities in which they lived has likewise been somewhat exaggerated. This participation goes back at least 250 years, although, of course, it had not been officially recognized so early. When at the beginning of the nineteenth century more or less official recognition was granted, much of the ability that had hitherto gonejnto their very rich local culture—literature, religious-philpsophical works, and Talmudic exegesis—was immediately transferred to the more profitable subjects of science, mathematics, scholarship, and secular European literature. Since, however, a strong prejudice existed against them within their own group, as being individuals who were endeavoring to break away from the old way of thinking, the particular individuals who actually succeeded in overcoming both types of prejudice were a highly selected group. Two other factors must be added: first, their business acumen and experience which in the new economic order where business and trade were the earmarks of superiority, gav them immediately both an assured station and a tremendous advantage over their, new competitors—and-second, their willingness to strike out on new paths."




Sidney Wallach tells me that Peley of the anti-Semitic Silver Shirts Fascist organization quotes me in his tirades against the Jews. Just what— I couldn't ascertain. But it seems that another great Jewish writer—Ludwig Lewisohn—was quoted at the same time. What can it be that I wrote that can he used against the Jews? It must have been that story about the Jews liking borchst. Yes, Pelley old dear, it is .true— that Jews like borchst. I remember once stealing in the kitchen to get an extra helping of borchst. You ought to try it yourself, Pelley. Come up and see me some time, and we'll have some borchst together. Liking poison of course, as you do, you may not like it.

The awards for outstanding achievement in the physical education department of tte" Jewish Community Center has become an annual event. Next Thursday; over seventy men, women, boys and girls will be presented with tokens of their merit in various phases ARE THERE 80 MILLION "of physical education ability. JEWS? The awards are presented for character of play as well as Dr. S. M. Melamed, the brilliant skill in athletic events., They-serye as recognition of the great Chicago editor was just in. Aril he progress made in the physical education program -at the Center, has it figured out that instead of there being 14 million Jews, there developed to where the Center boys and girls can compete on even are actually 80 million Jews. terms with other similar institutiofis in the city. During the past He declares that the late Spanish year their athletic record has been exceptionally bright. writer, Ibanez, estimated that 80 *>er cent of the Spaniards are partly JewThe"Jewish Community Center and Welfare Federation can ish. well be proud that it has not neglected the physical, well-being of A Leaf From Their Own Book "Were you ever in Spain?" asked its members. A sound body is an invaluable aid to a sound menDr. Melamed. Ralph D. Blumenfeld, one of England's most celebrated jour"No." :tality, and food for the body is as important as food for the mind. "Well, you'll feel right at home The constructive physical education program is a strong asset on nalists and chairman of the Board of Directors of the London there. Everybody looks like a Jew. Daily Express, in urging greater organization and concentration the balance sheet of the Center. They all seem to you like so many of the boycott against Nazi-made goods, tells this true tale: Spanish Litvaks." The other day in Italy a German visitor told Blumenfeld that "And in China, it has been estiCongratulations to Yaffe since coming away from his country he was surprised to notice so mated that there are 20 million ChinaCongratulations from the first citizen of Omaha, the Mayor, much anti-German feeling, so much unjustifiable criticism and men with Jewish blood. You see that the Jews are quickly lost in China. down to hundreds of ordinary average laymen have poured into such untruths about Germany's attitude toward the Jews. There was tolerance there, and the the N. S. Yaffe Printing Company felicitating Nate Yaffe on his "For myself," said this German, "I -have no anti-Semitic Chinese Jew3 became quickly assimiThe Jewish nose is particularly silver anniversary in the printing business. views. I have many Jewish business friends. I have not cut their lated. conspicuous among the Chinese of When Mr. Yaffe opened his establishment a quarter of a cen- acquaintances." Manchuria. tury ago, Omaha was comparatively undeveloped. And as Omaha "Good," replied Blumenfeld. "You are a man of affairs. Do "And South America and Mexico grew into a thriving, progressing metropolis, so too did the Yaffe you still employ Jewish lawyers? Is your physician a Jew ? Do is full of Jewish blood. Also there are whole tribes in Morocco of JewPrinting company grow, and prosper. Many buildings "which were you patronize a Jewish dentist?" ish descent. Yes, there are at least landmarks have given way to newer and better structures, but "Ach ya!" he replied rather diffidently. "You see that does 80 million people in the world with ; Yaffe's, instead of giving way as time progressed, progressed with not concern my personal predictions. You must, of course, Jewish blood." If what Dr. Melamed says is right the times. V know that I have no choice. Es ist verboten to employ profes- —and there seems to be considerable The silver-tinted brochure which Nathan Yaffe issued on the sional men." historical justification for much of it occasion of his silver anniversary was a masterly product, and was Blumenfeld ventured to contradict him by saying, "No es ist —why should not the World Jewish an eloquent tribute to the life work of a progressive citizen. We nicht verboten, but you are administered on pain of boycott not Congress invite representatives of these peoples to participate in the : would gain a better communal perspective if we would take more to do so. Is that not more correct?" forthcoming World Congress? cognizance of the members of our community who without fan—"Yes, yes/',he retorted. "You .see, if I <-igployed a Jewish HIS MIDDLE NAME jfare and publicity contribute so much toward communal developlawyer my business would suffer." Abraham Goldberg1, the Zionist orment. Seeking his level in communal life ur the stratum which "I see,"i*eplied Blumenfeld. "Then why this dreadful outcry or, can' really b^ast that iij/-middle 'does not seek or bring fame but accomplishes much toward the is Zionist. He is in fact listed because the Jews have taken: a leaf from your Boycott book and name in the New. York telephone directory common good, Yaffe and his twenty-fifth anniversary in busir Jv 1 '• as "Abraham Zionist Goldberg." ness signify the good which can be modestly done by Mr. Average have employed similar methodsT And Blumenfeld's conclusion addressed to the Jewish people A REVISIONIST PAPER .'Citizen. ' —• reads: "Do not stand about and tell one another that the Jews Well, it appears, that the voice of will soon be heard in are the ablest, most efficient people in the world. Prove it by Revisionism this land. We may have Zionists here RingofSabres : combined action. A million dollars subscribed make a more elo- marching in Brown Shirts. Anyway, The ring of saSres has had a familiar sound across the pond quent and effective and compelling impression than a thousand Elias Ginsburg, Revisionist 'champion since the Nazis grabbed control of what usedix) be fair Germany. million verbal expostulations. Therefore, organize and let the in America, it is said, will shortly be editor of an American Revisionist Undoubtedly, according to the Hitlerite honor code, the sword and world see that it does not pay any nation or any self-constituted the paper. the duel ranks high, as high as Wotan. But, it would probably group to assert authority and commit injustice without certain ABSENT-MINDED fare badly with Nazi pride and arrogance iiTthe anti-Jewish issue reprisal." EINSTEIN were settled with swords. That was amusing — I mean the Last week the manual tournament of the Intercollegiate Fen«cene the other night at the concert cing Association was held in New York. The best swordsmen of Toward American Ideals given to Einstein when the professor of relativity applauded the speech the land were present—from Harvard, Army, Columbia and other A national "Brotherhood Day" will be sponsored by the Na- praising himself. places of note. But it was.a combination.of. Jewish boys from tional Conference of Jews and Christians on April 29. The aim It appears that Einstein wasn't dogood old C. C. N..Y. (College of the City of New York—of ten re- of Brotherhood Day will be to enable American. Catholics, Prot- ing any too much listening to the ferred to as New York's English-Yeshiva) which won the fencing estants and Jews to rise above old suspicions and- prejudices, to speaker, and when he saw everybody applauding, he joined in the clapping championship with their foils team. : . look for ways of effectively working together as citizens of Amer- of hands, little . realizing what the The names of the fencing contestants give one an idea of ican democracy, and to maintain and safeguard' the American ideal applause and reference to. When he what some Jewish college students have been doing in their spare of religious freedom and brotherhood. The sponsors have wisely caught on; tie laughed c / loud, and time. In the sabre cpmpetitipn there were such men as David decided to use educational approaches to the problem of misunder- enjoyed the incident as much as any. Herman of New York Uni., Raymond'Leyine: of C. C. N. Y., Roland standingand prejudice, butifwuTNOT "deal with doctrinal dif- THE PLAYFUL EINSTEIN No one can help the innocence and Edelstein of Cornell, and Charles Abushavitz of Yale. The latter, ferences; it win NOT promote common worship; it will not sug- playfulness of Einstein. They took by the way, was the 1933 champion duelist. In the foils competi- gest a weakening of anyone's religious -convictions. a photograph in the side room of Carnegie Hall ofj Einstein receiving tion there were Fred Kornfield of New York University, Abraham States Rev. Dr. S. Parkes Cadmari, chairman: "In the past, the scroll of honor. But a better pic. Kazan of Princeton, and Frachtman and Goldstein of N. Y. U. In periods of economic stress and socail upheaval have been accomthe cpee competition there were Richard Stern of Yale, Ernest panied by suspicion and mistrust on the part of Protestants and May of Princeton, Lubell of C. C. N. ,Y. and Arthur Hirsch of Catholics, and Jews and Christians toward-oneranother. At this particular period false rumors about minority groups are being circulated. Hatred and suspicion ot l i e intentions of those of opposite faiths are foreign to the spirit of religjipn. Instead of learn• :Paul Radin, professor ^ ^thfopotogy at the University of ing to mistrust each other those of^differing f^ith should unite hi California, in. a book just published joins: with the outstanding a joint constructive: campaign to .further *1iie interests .of our York, (j.T.A.).—A call for scientists of all countries (Geriitiany excepted) in exploding the country- socially, civically, economically and in^every, other way. a New conference' to xinite the many, anti"Aryan myth." Professor Radin sums it up by his statement jthat It will be the purpose of BrotherhoodDay to stiress to the, Amer- Hitler organizations in their struggle the "Aryan" claimto^superiority is merely the product of an in- ican people the fact that our energy shoulcl be^^irned into the di- against Hitler fascism and Uazi in the United. States was feriority complex. He advances the theory that the Northern rection of joint constructive efforts amdng^thei|arious faiths, in- propaganda issued by the United Anti-Nazi Conraces, wWch unfortunately'were among the last to become civil- stead of antipathy and suspicion. The fundanienialreaspn/or do- ference Committee, an affiliate of ized, invented a tra'ditiCn* of greatness- to compensate them for ing away with prejudice is not because of any setrtimental theory, the American Division of the World to Aid ihe Victims of Hittheir shortcomings*. Initfs book, "The Racial Myth," Dr. Radin but because the prejudice is irrational, obstructive and ^anger4 Committee ler 0 Fascism, of which. Lord Dudley presents detailed evidence to the effect that no one race is funda- O U S . " " : . , „ . -'• ... . ; . ;.. . : Marley is honorary chairman. mentally superior to'any other race. In general goodrwill movements must becautiouslyapproachr 5 The meeting will be : held SaturMay 5, in New Ye*k City. i In his.conclusion-Mr.-Radin states: "In terms of a genera- ed. In this instance, it seems as. thoughtheinitialsteps were taken, day,"•; i The purpose of the conference, acin the right direction. To begot with, the representatives, of the tion, we may at times get^the' impression that ability is confined cordizfg to the invitation issued by to a specific corner of the earth and to a specific people. When smallest minority is; usually the instigat<JrrStorting.^th.us with a the committee, will be fourfold; To ~aii' all victims; of theHitler jthe time unit, however, is lengthened to' two generations, doubt falsetto note. Here, hpweyer^thfi-prpposal that a goodfwilljday be r;e 1. g i m e ; ; ^ !! :' . ,,• ,,},' ? '? . observed by Catholics, Protestants.and Jews was first made by a v begins to arise; and when it is further lengthened to a century, ' 2; To arouW.public -opinion against jbur- initial impression proves to be completely incorrect. Then Catholic priest, Father Hugh L. McMenamin;of the Cathedral ;of; the Hitler government and against of\Nasi- propaganda and ft is borne in upon us tiiat Europe is an indivisible cultural unit; Denver. And Rev. Everett JR. Clinchy; directorof the National the.;Spread organization in this.country.. •. jthat race, nationality; language, and religion, and social status Conference of Jews and Christians, reports that hundred^lof let- 3. To strengthen the anti-Nazi T. &re secondary. The Catholic agnostic Laplace is found side by ters favoring Brotherhood Day have been received front laymen boycott movement; 4. To demand asylum for political and clergymen of all faiths in every part of thel country. side with the Protestant agnostic Kant and the devout Protestant refugees from the Hitler persecution. The clergymen can do much to eradicate |he clouds of mis- The committee, which is non-secsectarian Faraday with the devout Catholic Pasteur; the history a number of German afof "the theory of relativity passes in continuous processoin from understanding which may hover over the American scene.jUnder tarian,-has filiates, including the German Nature the Russian Lobatchewsky to the Hungarian Bolyai* the German proper direction it can be a potent force fpi» ggbd ifr fostering & Friends and the German Workers' Kiemann, the Russian Jew Minkowsld, and_the South German Jew larger co-operation of all elements toward" mtS*al welfare and Sick .arid Death Funds, with more than i(K)bfanchesrin New York City. Einstein; wireless telegraphy begins experimentally with the Eng- the realization of the ideal of P e n n .


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ture could have been made^—if they had taken the picture of Einstein as he took the scroll and playfully and smilingly used it as a toy telescope. Even the hard boiled camera men were amused.




The stranger that sojourneth with you shall be unto you as the homeborn among you, and thou shalt have him as thyself. And ye shall hallow the fiftieth year and proclaim, liberty throughout the land unto all the inhabitants thereof; it shall be a jubilee unto you, and ye shall return every man unto his possession. If thou sell ought unto thy neighbor or buy of thy neighbor, thou shalt not wrong one another.

Prof. Einstein refused to wear socks. In that, he had a predecessor in our own "Sockless Jerry Simpson," the Populist Senator from Kansas in the nineties. Simpson refused to wear socks as a protest against the protective tariff. "We pay a tax of 50 per cent on our socks," he said in the Senate once. "Our forefathers refused to drink tea because of a smaller tax on tea. I shall refuse to wear socks because of the If thy brother becomes poor and tariff tax on it." his means fail with tb.ee, then thou shalt uphold him, as a stranger and THE GIRLS DON'T EITHER a settler shall he live with thee. Of course Einstein's refusal to wear socks is not based on tariff TALMUD objections. His is rather the philoso- Rabbi Jochanan arose and kissed pher's objection to anything that Rabbi Elazer upon his head, and said, complicates life. It is grounded on "Blessed be the Lord of Israel who the same reason that he abstains hath given to our father Abraham a from the use of shaving powder. He son like R. Elazar ben Arch, who is uses ordinary soap as a lather, argu- i able to understand and lecture on the ing thait there is no need for the j subject of the Divine Chariot. There added complexity of special shaving ' are some who perform well, but do powder. not lecture well. You, however, exWell, if I remember correctly the pound well and dost perform well. girls last summer—and probably this Happy are thou, our father Abraham, summer again—were sans stockings from whom hath come forth R. Elazar. —in many instances. So why can't The daughter of Acher (who made Einstein. bad use of his learning" came to Robbi and asked him for food. He said COWEN AND THE to her, "Whose daughter art thou." "I am the daughter of Acher," she CHAIRMAN Charles Cowen, Zionist orator, tells replied. And he said to her, "Is there an amusing story.' Some time ago, still left of his children in the world?" the Zionist organization sent him "Robbi," she said, "remember his out on a speaking tour. They asked Torah, and not his deeds." Thereupon him at the same time to prepare a a fire came down and crept around bit of biography which could be sent | the seat of Robbi; then he wept and out to the chairman of the various j said, "If those who disgrace themZionist districts, before which he selves through it (the Torah) are honored thus, how much more will it would speak. At the town of X, Cowen was in- tonor those who obtain praise through troduced by Mr. So and So who used ! their use of i t " verbatim the biographical introduction that Cowen himself had written. After the speaking was over, the Paxton Mitchell Co. | chairman asked Cowen what he Grey Iron, Aluminum and thought of his (the chairman's) Bronze Castings speech." Wood and Sfetal Patterns Cowen not wishing to embarrass the 2614 Martha St. HA. 5523 chairman, mumbled something about it being not bad. But the chairman was persistent in his fishing for compliments. Finally NATIONAL Cowen could stand him no longer. ACCESSORIES, Inc. "Yes," said Owen, "your speech was very good, I ought to know beEVERYTHING cause I write it myself." For the Auto * * * AT. 5524 2051 Farnam (Copyright 1934 by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.)

There's Every Argument in Favor of



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Fiedler Will Head Ladies Labor Lyceum Study Repatriation Silverman to Head The Ladies Labor Lyceum club Of Sephardic Jews Cardozo Law. Club will hold a social meeting Tuesday Phi Delta Epsilon

Now is the time to protect yonrself fully by getting anto insurance

Alfred A. Fiedler was elected afternoon, April 17, at 2 p. m. at Madrid, (J. T. A.).—The Spanish Isadore M. Silverman was chosen president of the Cardozo Law Club the Labor Lyceum, Twenty-second Premier, Allesandro Lerroux, de- consul of the Creighton University of the Creighton University College and Clark. clared in the course of a press con- chapter of Phi Delta Epsilon, na- (Formerly In the employ of I* Harris) of Law, for the coming year, a t a As very important business will ference that his government is study- tional medical fraternity at the elecbe transacted, all members are urged meeting held Friday, April 5. intensively the question of grant- tion of officers held April 3 at the attend. Refreshments will be ing Fiedler, a junior law student, was to ™ *? Inquiry Regarding Any Irsnranee ing citizenship to the Sephardic Jews, fraternity house, 4110 Davenport. Lines Is Inrited . recently president of the Sigma Al- 5 e i v e a * descendants of the Spanish Jews, who Other officers elected are: Maurice pha Mn Alumni Club of Omaha, desire to return to Spain. Steinberg, vice-consul; Abraham RieKEAI, ESTATE — UENTAI.S rEOPEBTl MANAGEMENT Nebr., and is a holder of the BacheEver since the Jews were driven mer, scribe; Robert Fox, chancellor; lor of Science degree of the Creighout of Spain, the Sephardic Jews Leonard Ellenbogen, historian; Irving 315 So. 15 JA. 7311 ton University College of Commerce. Nominees for office for the next have clung to the Spanish language Sternhill, sergeant-at-arms; and fTO BE AT HOME Leonard S. Jagoda, steward. Russei Blumenthal, junior law stu- term were named at a meeting of the and to Spanish traditions. They ":*T Mrs. A. Slobodisky will be a t home ENTERTAINS FOR dent and past president of the PiConservative Auxiliary held Wednes- speak a language called Ladino. The out going officers: Moe C. CHILDREN a t 3106 Lincoln boulevard on Sunday Lambda Phi fraternity, was elected day afternoon. They are: Lev, consul; Frank Lipp, vice-consul; Mrs. J . Robinson entertained fifafternoon, April 22, from 3 to 6 vice-president. Morris Nathanson, Arthur Suffin, scribe; Nathan S&p.m., honoring the marriage of her teen children Sunday afternoon in freshman law student, was elected Mesdames Dave Sherman, presidofsky, chancellor; Abraham Riemer, dent; A. D. Frank, first vice-prfsihonor of the second birthday of her daughter, Kuth, to Mr. Max Breslow. secretary. historian, and George Pease, steward. Mrs. L Grossman, chairman of the dent; B. A. Simon, second vice-presiThe -wedding took place February 23. little visitor from Chicago, Phyllis The Cardozo Club is named after dent; Sam Zlotkey, corresponding Hadassah Rummage Sale, announces Laundered by Norma Firikel. the eminent jurist of the United secretary; Sam Stern, recording sec- that the sale will be held Wednesday Scientific Method PBOGKESSIYE DURSEE HONORING VISITING HERE States Supreme Court who is a char- retary; Dave Cohn, treasurer; Mor- and Thursday, April 18 and 19, at BLANCHE ZDDIAN 1315 Farnam street. A regular meeting of the DaughMiss Fanny Fox of Kansas City is ter member thereof—Benjamin Car- ris Katleman, auditor. A progressive dinner honoring Miss visiting- her brother-in-law and sister, dozo. The new administration plans New members announced are Mrs. Those whose bundles have not yet ters of Zion -will be held at the J. Blanche Zimman vras given last Sun- Mrs. and Mrs. William J. Bushman. an extensive program for the com-Sam Meyerson of Council Bluffs and been picked up are asked to bring C. C. Wednesday afternoon, April 1 ing year. them to the store. 18. Very important business will be, day. Courses were served at the Mrs. Bennett Cohn. transacted. j homes of the following: The organization voted a hundred HOUSE GUEST dollar pledge to the Philanthropies. Additional names of women who The literary group met at the Dr. and Mrs. B. T. Friedman, Mr. Miss Helen Whitebook, 822 North eligible for the Hadassah Give or home of Mrs. D. Soref, April 3. She Plans are being made for a tri-city and Mrs. I. Rosenthal, Mr. and Mrs.50th, avenue, has as her house guest S. H Singer, Mrs M. Sommers, Mr.during the Passover week Dr. Ben E. The Junior Vaad Auxiliary and the meeting to be held at Lincoln this Get luncheon, which takes place May was assisted by Mrs.M. Ackerman, i and Mrs. Jacob Berkowitz, Mr. andKoppleman of the University of Iowa. Young Men's Vaad will meet at themonth, with the Omaha, Sioux City 3, are the Mesdames Julius Abraham- Mrs. W. Wintroub, and Mrs. E. j B'nai Israel synagogue Tuesday eve- and Conservative Auxiliaries attend- son, D. Berkowitz, Dave Bernstein, Ackerman. Mrs. Benj. Posley. and Mr. and Mrs. ning. All members are urged to ating. Dave R. Cohen, Sam Cohen, Max DaIxrais Sommer. The evening was spent ON VISIT HERE The May meeting has been set forvis, Abe Greenspan, L. Kneeter, Alat the Sommer home. Mrs. Max Finkel and baby daugh- tend. The second annual Vaad benefit de- May 16, so as not to conflict with the len Kohan, Irvin Levin, E. Meyer, ter, Phyllis Norma, of Chicago, are bate will be held Wednesday, May 2,Philanthropies. Arthur Muskin, Gail Margolin, Louis Your Satisfaction Is Our Success! ANNOUNCE BIRTHS visiting Mr. Finkel's family here and 8 p.m. The subject will be "ReMargolin, Horace Rosenbloom, Phil Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Abramson are staying at the home of Mr. and at that Religion Has a Signifi- The final Oneg Shabbos of the sea- Rosenblatt, I. W. Rosenblatt, George j announce the birth of a daughter on Mrs. J. Robinson, 5003 Izard street. solved, cant Future in the Modern World." son will be held on Saturday at theStoller, H. J. Stein. Monday, April 9, at the Methodist The Junior Vaad Auxiliary will up- home of Mrs. Carl Riekes, with Mrs. hospital. VISITED IN MALVERN hold the affirmative and the Young Louis Alberts as co-hostess. chilMrs. Jennie Rosenblatt and Vaad the negative. Admission Mrs. Sarah Berman, mother of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Filer of 3>edren and Mr. L. Rosenblatt spent the Men's Mrs. D. A. Goldstein, who is visiting "Three Cities," by Sholom Aseh, Witt, la., announce the birth of a Passover week with Mr. and Mrs.will be 15 cents. will be reviewed by Rabbi Uri Milhere,, will speak on 'Talestine." son, Armand Jay, on Sunday, April Max Frank at Malvern, la. ler at a meeting of the Ladies' Vaad 1, a t St. Luke's hospital, Davenport, Auxiliary Monday afternoon, April ta. . OMAHA VISITOR At the regular meeting of the Ha16, at the B'nai Israel synagogue, Mrs. Filer is the former Ella Co- Mrs. Morris Barr of Minneapolis, bonim Sunday, a t the B'nai Israel Eighteenth and Chicago. hen, daughter of Mrs. Clara Cohen of Minn., has been -visiting here with synagogue, Rabbi Uri Miller was the A regular meeting of the Re-Im Tea will be served by Mrs. Louis her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry speaker, suggesting a definite pro- was held at the J. C. C. April 5, Epstein and her committee. No cards this city. FriedeL In last week's issue, the vis- gram for the organization. when it was decided that on April itor was by mistake referred to as Earlier in the day *he Habonim 12 an open meeting would be held. have been issued for the meeting. TO WED Reservations for the Mothers and The marriage of Miss Helen Fink- "Mrs. Jack Barr." baseball team defeated the Twenty- A weiner roast will be held Satur- Daughters banquet to be given May enstein, daughter of Mr. D. S. Finksecond street Wildcats, 10 to 3, inday evening. All members are asked 15 are being taken by Mrs. A. to meet in front of Soskin's Market, enstein of Los Angeles, CaL, former- VISITS WITH SISTER the first game of the season. Nineteenth and Clark, at 10 p . m. Schwaczkin, Atlantic 5534. ly of Omaha, to Mr. Theodore M. Miss Rose Miller of Winona, Minn., Brostoff of Los Angeles, will take arrived Tuesday to visit with her sisFourteen men were initiated at the place a t the home of the bride's fa- ter, Miss Minnie Miller, 508 North ian mastersonatas of the 17th andlast meeting. All members not yet 18th centuries at the Joslyn Memo- initiated will be formally inducted ther on Sunday, April 15. 20th street. • rial Friday, April 20, a t 8 p.m. Thesoon. A regular meeting of the DaughThe couple will reside in Los Angeneral public is invited and there is ters of Israel Aid Society win be geles. RETURNS TO CHICAGO no admission charge. held Tuesday afternoon, April 17, Mrs. L C Alter has returned to at the "home, 2504 Charles street. Chicago after a week's visit with, he IN LOS ANGELES The site of the annual spring dance Election of officers for the coming brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and received from of A. Z. A. "Number 1 on April 29 term will feature. According to word Mrs. Joe M. Rice. Los Angeles, Arthur Roseriblum, for has been changed to the Fontenelle many years a resident and practicing ballroom. Massie Baum is chairman LOST — Lady's wrist watch was They are brand new, with , The International Relations group ON BUYING TRIP attorney of Omaha, recently presided of the affair. lost Sunday evening, April 1, at the the most attractive new •will meet a t the home of Mrs. Abe Miss Rae Borsky has left for theat a meeting of the Los Angeles Jewish Community Center. Was gift Solomon Monday afternoon a t 2:30 east on a buying trip and will return B'nai Brith luncheon club a t which The first; round of the chapter and has sentimental value. Finder details. Notice the colping-pong tournament has been comp. m. to hear Robert Troyer speak on in ten days. the guest speaker was Hon. Edward pleted. Lou Riklin and Al Oruch are please call the Jewish Community lars, the smart lines, the T h e World Court" An informal tea F. Trefz, who was also a resident of the favorites. Center. new fabrics and patterns. •will follow. HOSTESS TO JUNIOR SOCIETY Omaha for many years. Mrs. Harry Silverman, 2309 Country Club boulevard, has invited the memberB tjf the"3unldFSoSe^ of the Conservative synagogue to be her The Hashochar chapter of the Jun- guests on their next meeting night, ior Pioneers will give a combination Monday, April 16. electric clock and lamp to.the holder of the winning number on Tuesday DELIVERED PAPER AT. 4333 716 Brandeis Theatre Bldg. evening, April 17, at the J. C. C. Dr. Barney Kully delivered a paper There will be an open meeting and last'.week a t a medical conference a t special entertainment. Charleston, S. C All proceeds from the affair will be sent to the New York offiee to beRETURNS HOME •used in Palestinian work. Goldie Fish Mr. Harry Braviroff returned Sat Owing to a change in their policy, they are giving and Sis Katskee are co-chairmen in urday night from New York, where SPECIAL RATES on their most excellent beauty charge, assisted by Claire Kaplan, he had been called by the death of a SERVICE... from Monday to Thursday, inclusive. Helen Lipsman, Nancy Soref, and brother-in-law. Rose Kaplan. This is, indeed, most unusual and will be greatly apThe group is planning a Mother HARD-TIMES preciated by women who desire the very best and Daughter affair. Etta Camel is MOONLIGHT PARTY beauty service. chairman, assisted by Ann Kaplan, A hard-times moonlight party w S Sylvia Parilman and Esther Richman. be given by the XL Lambda fraterotTOOtaw* nity on Saturday, April 14, at Grimm's Their expert staff of cosmetieiaHs are true artists with years of exThese are the Coats -—JMso-rr place, on the banks of the Elkhorn perience in their lines. The following prices preTafl . . . .

FLEISHMAN and SOSKIN 12 Years Experience

Conservative Auxiliary



Daughters of Zion

Give Us a Trial

Junior Vaad

Vaad Auxiliary


"Greater-Tkan&ver Values"




Daughters of Israel Aid

A. Z. A. No. 1

Council of Jewish Women


Krasne Beauty Shop

Makes a Very Important Announcement.,.



r i v e r . .'.•••

In charge are^ Art Grossman, chairman; Al -Werner,--Nate Mandel, Mai - - - - B y : ' • . • . - : • •'. Turner and Bili Wolfe. Unique enterMrs. David M. Newman . tainment is planned and prizes will be awarded to the best "hard-times" Sweet Potatoes and Pineapple . <Jut sweet potatoes in slices about costumes. 1-16 of an inch thick. Put in casser- TO RESIDE IN KANSAS CITY ole, with alternate slices of pineapple, "Mr. and Mrs. Louis E . Mayer will pour maple syrup over them and their residence in Kansas City, bake until brown in color. Cover them make •with, marshmallows. Replace in oven Mo. ftit a few minutes until marshmallows AT JOSLYN MEMORIAL toasted. J. E. Brill, violinist, and Cecil W. Berryman, pianist, will present ItalBaked Apples Core six apples—fill each cavity with brown sugar, batter and cinnamon —"and chopped marshmallois s. Bake in a hot oven. Serve with apricot sauce. Take juice from a can of apricots, thicken with flour and cook until thick. Pour over baked apples and chill. Serve with whipped cream.

you want! They're the styles, the lightweight fabrics, the colors . . . everything you're asking for at the price you want to pay!



Shampoo, finger wave and rinse, all 3 for -75c Shampoo, finger wave and arch, all 3 for~. „ $1.00 Hot. Oil Shampoo and finger wave. ________ $1.00 Regular 7.50 permanents, special ; _•'., _?4.00 An exclusive 75c manicure and hand massage for—__50c Make your appointment early* IndiTidoalixed hair styling is most important and they now have fin expert who cats and molds yocr hair in a most flattering indMdioalised mode.


Navy Beige Black High Shades

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"Bottoms Up" with Spencer Tracy, John Boles aiid "Fat" Peterson la the feature at the Orpheum this week j along with the mystery picture, "The Crosby Case.* - "Bottoms Up" is a musical romance •with new song hits and was produced by -the producers of "Sunny Side Up." "The Crosby Case*? features Wynne Gibson, Onslow Stevens and Skeets Gallagher and deals with an "almost perfect crime.'' .

Special Selling of

Good Food Insurance....


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Paramount Clark Gable and-Myrna Loy head the double feature screen show at the Paramount this . •week in "Men. in White," an absorbing romance ot a medical doctor's life, his duty to his career and his inclinations of the heart The interior of a hospital and a major surgical operation are highlights of the picture. "Coming Out Party'! with Prances Dee, Gene Raymond and Harry Green deals with an ambitious society mother who tries to marry her "Debutante" daughter to the. wealthiest 'man in their «ocial set

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A Suggestion for Any Night Jack & Jfll Sizzling Steak -Serreri wbllr fHr mm Id»ho bated ronoUa. tmo* •f cookies. •f cookies. £ QjPi, (ratter. « h * Piping hot.


Handsome classic tweeds . . . novelty tweeds crepes with silk ties and other clever trims! A beautiful collection of spring's newest suits, moderately priced.






BEAUTIES IN STYLES—This bevy of bathing beauties, snapped on the beach at Santa Monica, Cal., gives you an idea of the various styles jn the 1934 bathing suits.. Or are you more interested in the bathers?

THERE'S SOMETHING.ABOUT A SOLDIER—Even members of congress love to see the soldiers, Future generals of the United States arjny, now cadets of the West Point military academy, arc shown marching in review before a party of 200 congressmen and their secretaries at the academy. The congressmen visited West Point on a tour of New York.

AS CHURCH FACTIONS CLASHED—This photo shows police attempting to break up a clash between rival factions of the Armenian church which broke out on Boston streets after each faction accused .the other of instigating the murder of Archbishop Leon Tourian in -•-•---.-• New York City last December,


LANDSLIDES KILL THREE—Here is one of the three automobiles which were smashed when tons of earth and boulders, loosened by spring rains, hurtled down the side of Storm King mountain to the famous scenic Storm King highway in New York. Three occupants of the damaged cars were killed and :'•'.. three others injured.

TEDDY AND THE PRINCESS—T. R. (Teddy) Roosevelt, Jr., son of the former president, is pictured at Washington with his sister, Mrs. Nicholas Longworth, known in political circles as "Princess Alice". Young Teddy is visiting at his sister's Washington home while conferring with Republican leaders at the capital, -


ALABM-Crcwds in

are shown displaying newspaper extras which told of the termination of the wu» on Nov. 8,1918. OffidailY the Armistice was not signed until three davs later, however.

; ^ a a g ^ ^ M • • :—»*— :——r* :' " WILD WITH JOY—That was the reaction of people througrhout the world when the German delegates signed the Armistice bringing hostilities to a halt after more than four years of horror on the western front. This shows a huge demonstration in New York City as the glad tiding arrived from Euroj*,

PAGE 7—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, APRIL 13,1934 lit iiiiiiifinn iiiiini iiniitiiiiriiif ~ FASCISTS BRIBING aiiiiiiiif IfID-BITS I ARMY OFFICERS, KRAMER CHARGES I Everywhere from





Congressman Tells of Fascist = and Nazi Plan to Overthrow COMMUNAL NOTES American Government

Seven Jewish Scholars Win Guggenheim Awards

' manias government's decision to per-

mit the Koumanian Students Federation to hold its annual convention. The government had previously refused to allow the congress to be held. The usual anti-Semitic res f utions were adopted at the convention, among them demands for additional numerus clausus * .ws in the universities and new numerus clausus legislation to govern the admission of Jews to industrial and commercial positions.

The Mizrachi will hold tSeir regular monthly meeting in the form of a Miave Malkeh Saturday evening, April 14, at the Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol synagogue. Refreshments will be served. An interesting program will be presented and Palestinian and Chassidic songs will be rendered. All members of the Jewish community, and especially members of the Mizrachi, are urged to attend.

Friday evening services Religious Services I willRegular be held this evening- at the B'nai

Temple At services at Temple Israel this evening Eabbi" David H. Wice will deliver the third and final number in his series on Liberal Judaism, his subject being "The Beligion of the Future." Eegular youth services will be held Saturday morning. Sunday afternoon at 4:15 p. m. thel College Club will meet at the pie. '"j The adult study class will meet on Tuesday evening, with Adele Wilinsky conducting.

Israel synagogue. Rabbi Uri Miller will speak on "The Dietary L a w s Are They Still Valid?" He will discuss the present-day pertinency of the dietary laws. An open forum will follow the services. Cantor-A. Schwaczkin and the choir assist in the services.

-New York.—Seven Jewish scholars Our ^Zionists are now berating them- and research workers were among the Washington, (J. T. A.).—The long selves for their hastiness in request- 40 winners of the tenth annual feliist of activities marking the de- ing; atMe time of James G. MacDon- lowship awards of the John Simon Junior Congregation velopment of Fascist' organizations ald's appointment :.as league Higlj Guggenheim Memorial Fellowship Young" Circle daring the past year -was climaxed Commissioner for * Jewish Refugees, which entitles them to $2,000 to perwhen Charles Kramer, California that; Palestine be excluded from the mit original work abroad. The regular meeting of the "VolThe, Junior Congregation will meet 1 member of the Congressional com- jurisdiction of the Refugee Commis- The. Jewish winners were Albert taire ! Young ^Circle Club Branch 1014 Satarday raornsng at 9:30 a. m. Remittee to investigate Nazi activities sion;: this because the Zionists felt Halper, novelist; Leonard S. Ehrlich, was held April 5 at the home of Mr. freshrnents will be served by Mrs. D. that during the 1929 Palestine riots novelist; Isidor Schneider, poet; Rosin the United States, disclosed in an and Mrs. Phil Smith. Ludvrlg LewisMr. McDonald, then President of the B, Epstein, who will be hostess in obella Hartman, artist; Maurice Glickexclusive statement to this reporter ohn's "Upstream" was reviewed by servance of the birthday of her husMiss Sophie Halperin. evidence that the United States mili- Foreign Policy Association, had been man, sculptor; Dr. Frank Tannen- To Purge Party of band. tary forces had been corrupted by too friendly toward the Arabs. Now, baum, research worker in agrarian Doubtful Aryans Sunday, April 8, the Voltaire club Fascist bands operating.in Southern however, Zionist leaders have discov- proolems, and Dr. Ernest Nagel, in- - Berlin. - — A determined effort to sponsored a dinner-dance at f!ie Picered that the High Commissioner is strnctor in philosophy at Columbia Conservative California. purge the Nazi party of doubtful Ar- cadily Tea Room. Miss Anne Witkin a friend of their cause, and wish, he university. SASH Kramer charges that bribes have had the authority to bring League inyans is foreshadowed by the decision At services tonight Rabbi David A. tation of Young Circle Gub talent been offered and to some extent ac- fluences to bear on Britain to the end Pope Backs Catholic Youth of the party's highest judicial board Goldstein will speak on "How Overcepted by United States Army offi-j1 t ^ t fc6re Jews b e admitted into Eretz Groups that only Aryans who can "prove was given. . cere in Fascist schemes to overthrow. i s r a e l . Among others,- the British Berlin. — Catholic youth organiza- pure Aryan ancestry" as far back The next meeting will be held at come aa Inferiority Complex." LUMBER CO. the American Government. While he Colonial Office isjsaid to be quite be- tions fighting for their existence as January 1,1800, will be permitted the home of Miss Sophie Halperin. Next week Rabbi Goldstein will hbfQv:' •; "•v.Jfc 5000 Harry V. Lerner will speak on "Ra- speak on "Physicians, Judaism and would name neither those "allegedly wildered by this change of front to remain in the jiarty. against the Nazi regime's efforts to accepting the bribes nor those offer- Some Zionists, too; are saying that Dr. "co-ordinate" them have now been This date has been selected because cial Prejudice." The educational pro- Health." ing them, Kramer indicated that his Chaim "Weizmann committed an egre- stiffened in their resistance by the "prior to the emancipation of the grams are under the sponsorship of committee's investigation w o u l d gious faux pas when he recently said receipt of a message of support from Jews the penetration of their blood Milton Wallman, educational director. eventually trace authorship of the that only the presence of British bay- Pope Pius. into Grman folkdom was virtually proposed insurrection to "general onets has prevented civil war in Pal- In a statement acknowledging the impossible." Fascist groups, inclusive of German estine. But the enemies of Dr. Chaim loyalty of Catholic youth to the church The Psi Mu soft ball team of the Nazis and Silver Shirts." are forgetting that it is since he has in the face of persecution, the Pontiff Watching Developments Thrifty shoppers alKramer said: "I am informed by left the leadership of the Zionist exhorted them to stand fast in the Washington.—Washington is close- J. -C C. league will hold their initial ways insist on Hardabsolutely reliable sources that sev- ment that internacine strife between fight against "alluring propaganda" ly watching developments in Ger- practice at the East Elmwood diaeral Army officers and many Naval Jews in our Homeland has reached and pointed out that he was aware many under the Hitler regime. Since mond this Sunday morning at 9 a. m. Ambassador Dodd's return to Wash- Jack Sadofsky, team manager, aning's Quality Butter. officers have been approached with such murderous proportions The of their plight. ington, rumors keep cropping up as nounces. ' '-.:_• sundry types of bribery, actual cash American Jewish Committee which has to the trade pact said to be unc'l • and promises of promotion for their s«t itself a goal of $90,000 to be raised Protests Give Hitter's Friend consideration. Volleyballers Play support in a drive against the gov- for its work this year, finds that some Cold Feet Authentic reports insist that Ger- The J. C a Health Club volleyof its overzealous field representatives ernment. Cambridge, Mass.—Widespread pro- many's financial crisis is serious, and ball team and the Council Bluffs Y are trying, in many communities, to tests from Harvard alumni, Jews as Operate Under Cloak of Law. that her policy of nationalis \ and met at the Center last Tuesday evecollect sums equal to those sought by "Those attempting to undermine well as non-Jews, against the extenand corrupt our military forces are the major overseas relief organiza- sion of an invitation to Ernst F. Hanf- persecution is forcing her into a ning, each team winning two games. state of economic paralysis. ForHarding They will clash again next Tuesoperating under the cloak of law tions Rumor hath it that efforts staengel, a member of the Harvard day evening on the Center maples. enforcing groups, quite forgetful of are on foot for the New York Federa- class of 1909 and now personal ad- Heads Investigation goodness the fact that our regular police de- tion for the Support of Jewish Phil- jutant to Chancellor Adolf Hitler, to Washington. — Congressman John The public is invited. Admission is partments have proven themselves anthropic Societies to raise its $4,- serve as chief marshal's aide at the W. McCormack of Massachusetts was free. capable of preserving peace and or- 000,000 budget by another million or June commencement exercises, have named chairman of the Hour comder in the United States. They are two and to include all the foreign resulted in Hanfstaengel refusing the mittee charged with investigating Savs Mencken New York.—H. L. Mencken, wuter seeking their own srlfish ends and Jewish appeals. Among those who invitation extended to him by Dr. El- Nazi propaganda in this country. view the plan with disfavor are the liott C. Cutler of the class of 1909, and critic, returning from a Meditare purely destructive groups." Congressman Samuel Dickstein, erranean cruise, declared that Great According to Kramer, details of Federation people themselves, who who will be chief marshal. whose anti-Nazi work is crowned with Britain is treating the Jews as "suckhave a hard enough struggle to raise When the invitation was first ex- the formation of this committee, anthe most recent charges against tended Hanfstaengel sent his accept- nounced that he would not accept the ers." He highly praised Jewish deNazis and American Fascist groups their.own funds. . . . ance and announced that he would chairmanship, on the supposition that velopment of Palestine and declared cannot be disclosed until they are bring with him the notorious. Nazi a Jewish chairman might hamper its he was impressed deeply by achievefurther investigated. "To give all the COMMENT ON THE TIMES ments there. facts now," he said, "would be to The American Israelite, in its "Ten propaganda film, "Horst Wessel." work. jeopardize our chances of prosecut- Years Ago" column, recently reprinted To Palestine an ad for a young rabbi for a Reform Kalinin Hailed ing the guilty parties." Turkey to Be Firm Vienna.—Julius Krupnick, owner of congregation of 40 members: Salary Moscow. — Michael Kalinin, presiKramer said that while a number Istanbul.—The Turkish government of the largest chains of departof Army officers have shown their $4,000. Today it is estimated that New dent of the Soviet Union, is hailed as has taken rigorous measures to pre- one ment stores in Vienna, has announced the greatest friend of the Jews in York, whither -unemployed rabbis willingness to co-operate with the vent any repetition of the recent an- his intention of liquidating his Vienna Russia by the Yiddish Communist seem to drift, has 47 graduates of the Nazis, information concerning Naval Emes, in a special article in ti-Semitic demonstrations in the Uni- holdings and re-establishing his enbribes is not yet conclusive. He said Hebrew Union College waiting in the daily, connection the loth anniversary versity of Istanbul by nationalist stu- tire business in Palestine. breadline, figuratively speaking . . . that according to his understanding Rabbi Harry Davidowitz of Cleveland, of Kalinin'swith dents against their . German-Jewish presidency. the War Department is aware of the by many considered the ideal repreprofessors. . \:; The Emes points out that Kalinin situation. He further stated that sentative of the Orthodox rabbinate, is A police inquiry has established money and propaganda had been sent leaving his pulpit to spend a year^ in and the late Nikolai Lenin were re- that these manifestations were theresponsible for Soviet Russia's friendly into the country^* from abroad ,to Palestine "with nis^-faiffer3^1aTr;~*hesnlt of propaganda by Nazi agents. create political turmoil on" the Pacific •false-teeth magnate Blum. 'It seems Iriatment o f fhe Jews.' -who have been 'Influencing Turkish . It was Kalinin, tie Emes says, who Coast. ,; that his Cleveland congregation is.of led the way in the extensive program students. Nazi Menace Real. the type which prefers sensational of Jewish colonization in Crimr{i and Blind Not Immune While there are the most spec- oratory to profound scholarship . . . Bira Bidjan and in the government's •Basle.—Even the Jewish blind are tacular charges justified by evidence relentless campaign against anti- jnpt exempt from Na^i peisecuton, acthus far come across by the writer, OHEKAHNIA Semitism. " cording to a report in the Basler Naother information gleaned over one Perhaps'the finest tribute to the late tionalzeitung. The paper reports that year's investigation of Nazi activi- Otto H. Kahn was the playing of the In Italy the Association of Men.Blinded in the ties both here and abroad clearly Funeral March from Beethoven's Milan, Italy.—Two Jews, a man World War in Germany has expelled indicates that the Nazi menace to the "Eroica" symphony by the New York and a woman, have been named direcAmerican government is real and Philharmonic Orchestra, as a special tors of the famous La Scala Opera all its Jewish comrades. Among those ousted was a blind palpable tribute to his memory . . . Don't let House by the Italian government. Under the direction and inspiration anyone tell you that the Yiddish Art Enrico Matalani has been appointed Jewish veteran who had devoted his of the League of Friends of New Theatre was the only Jewish enter- general manager of La Scala and life to developing plans for the creaGermany approximately twenty po- prise! to receive Mr. Kahn's bounty. Maria Coomba has been selected as tion of a special German dress fashion, free of foreign influences. litical groups all of a more or less Dr. S. M. Melamed of Chicago reveals program director. Fascist. creed, are striving for num- that his periodical,. The Reflex, reNorth African Jews bers and unity. If such unity is ever ceived many thousands of dollars from Dean of Jassy University Concerned brought about, and at the present this wealthy patron of the arts, and Resigns Tangier,. Morocco. — Reports from the process is going ahead rapidly, that it was thanks to Mr. Kahn's asBucharest.—Thomas Bratu, rector Paris that a Hitlerite agent and ten a formidable Fascist group modeled sistance that he was able to spend the of the University of Jassy, has reafter Hitler's policies will be the re- past winter in working on his new signed in protest against the Rou- Nazi storm troopers are in command of the S. S. Optimist, a German ship, sult. book, "The Spiritual Rise of the West" carrying a cargo of arms and muniwhich deals with Plato, Jesus and New York's Mayor La Guardia has tions destined for the rebellious Arab the Jewish propnets. Indeed, Dr. Mel- taken out a pistol permit and Bernard tribesmen in French and Spanish Moramed had an appointment with Mr. S. (American Jewisn Congress and occo are causing serious concern not Kahn for a recent Friday, to show him Aldennanic Prexy) Deutsch has asked only to the French and Spanish authe manuscript, which is nearly com- for special protection—all as a result thorities but to the Jewish communipleted; but death intervened on the of threats received . . . Federation ex- ties in Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia. Thursday, so that Mr. Kahn never saw ecutives please note: Samuel ZemurHow the Whole Family the book May we interrupt our- j ray, America's banana king and least- Leagues to Combat AntiWarsaw, Poland, (J.T.A.)—Revi- self here to point out to the John Si- known Jew, who heads the United Semitism Unite Loves These Delicious sion of the present Zionist opposition mon Guggenheim Memorial Fund that Fruit Company, has changed his resi- London.—In order to broaden their Dr. Melamed's scholarly work in all dence from New Orleans to Boston for activities and make them more effectto the government of Marshal Josef Wholesome Desserts ive the Dutch, Belgian and English Filsudski was urged here by Apolin- these years makes him a logical cand- the time being David A. Brown, ari Maximilian Hartglass, in an ad- idate for one of the Fund's fellow- who before the crash was one of Leagues to Combat Anti-Semitism You can delight your family every To return to Otto Kahn: America's big business men, is again have created a united front with the ships? dress to the Zionist conference. day with delicious and appetizing As you know, he recently reaffirmed French Institute for Literature and becoming a financial power as busiHis speech aroused considerable his Jewishness and even had long condishes prepared in the G-E. Art which is also fighting anti-Semattention in view of the fact that versations with Louis (Zionist) Lip- ness counsel to numerous organizaFrozen desserts and salads are itism. ; tions and individuals. Publishing the Hartglass is likely to sneceed Isaac easily and inexpensively prepared. American Hebrew is just an avocation The president of the French insti| the financier for any contributions to for energetic Brown, who was mostly tute is the Marquis Deportmont. The G-E brings scores of new and Sejm. the Palestine cause, but decided that responsible for the raising of tens o£ inviting d i s h e s to your table became more favorPolish Jewsto the Pilsudski govern- the request should come from Dr. millions of dollars for the JDC in Join Boycott "What to have for dessert" . . . is ably inclined on his forthcoming visit years gone by. . . New York.—Mandel Brothers, largno longer a problem. ment as the best possible under the Weizmann est Jewish-owned department store circumstances,' Hartglass declared, . . . Man proposes . . . SIDELIGHTS in the country outside of New York, "although the government policy of AMONG THE GEDOLIM Maxie (Boxer) Rosenbloom has had economic extermination of the Jews Our under cover agent reports that bis cauliflower ear rebuilt in prepara- and one of Chicago's greatest meris still maintained, the peasants fa- two of the men who have received a tion for -his intermarriage with Mar- cantile establishments, joined the vored at the expense of the urban large number of votes for this year's garet Robinson, Montreal heiress.... boycott. Saves Money Every Day population and Jewish cultural de- ZBT medal are Dr. Stephen S. Wise I The Manischewitz boys are wondering Secret Nazi Club of Columbia mands remain nnfulfuilled, neverthe- and Samuel Untermyer, on the basis whether it pays to make good matzoth New York.—A secret Nazi club G-E makes food-dollars go farless we must recognize that the Po. . .Their new million dollar plant in pledged to carry on a reign of terror lish government offers protection to of their valiant work to relieve ths Jersey City Is still in the red—because against "non-Nordic students" exists ther. You can buy perishables m An ImJewish life, combats anti-Semitism German Jewish situation larger -quantities . . . 2 for 25c, in* they live up to the strictest standards at Columbia university, it is charged within Poland and supports Jewish portant role in the warding off of the of kashrutH and NRA, and therefore by The Stroller, columnist in the stead of 15c each for instance . . , recently threatened in the auto demands in international tribunals. strike Spectator, undergraduate newspaper. never any danger of spoiling. industries is ascribed to Walter P.I can't meet cut-throat competition — In view of the cruel position of the Chrysler... But the AFL tzad is high- [Lewis Browne is off for Panama and Week's supplies can be bought on Jews in Germany and the eminent ly incensed, they say, at the appoint-] Mexico, In'; search of more of God's bargain days at prices 20% to danger of anti-Semitism in other ment of Brain Trnster Leo Wolman j oddities comparable to bis finding of 30% lovfei. Left-overs are never countries, the Polish Zionists are in r as impartial chairman of the Automo- a copy of fie- New York Yiddish Day wasted. The G-E pays for itself. duced to modify their stand toward bile Labor Arbitration Board . . . Wa- in a Chinese' shop in Kloong-Kloong, the present Polish regime." 1 shingtoriians have a new word, "ho- Bali Congratulations toff. M. garithms," which means the logarith- (Louisville's ^Spokesman)1 -Cohen on Cone to ike Electric mic system useu by Brain Truster being the first: to try. the interesting Shop end See the •&• Mordecai Ezekielfor forecasting the experiment of publishing' a a ' EnglishCatholics Oppose Nazi Views •... Hew 1*34 G-E» ^ Ami « G-E Refrigerator la rear ffwftef Berlin.—Monsignor Nicholas'Bares, output of hogs ..~T A whip'of crystal j Jewish weekjfy In genuine tabloid form the new Catholic bishop of BerlinJ is beads/a vivid fed lobster and an ivory front page: news photos" and all the latest clergyman to arouse the skull on a square of black composition And we also felicitate Elsa Lazareff wrath of the Nazis by his outspoken —such is the "sculptural" representa- {Mrs. Harry - Mose3 to you) on the opposition to their racial dogmas. tion of Albert Einstein by one popular demand which led her to In a courageous sermon Bishop Kenneth Britteri; -whose work Gilbert turn to Broadway with her jpresentaBares denounced Nazi publications Seldes calls "subtle psychological por- tion of that colorful Gertrude Stein stressing radical racial dogmas as traits" Political life Isn't all • opera (Copyright, 1934, by Seven Art» "Goddless and heathenish books -con-: plums; .•• Congressman Jfickstein has Feature Syndicate.* ceived in sia and sold in iniquity*'* a body guard trailing him these days.


Oh! GoodyIt


4. Btmana Ice Cream Again!


Easy to Moke in the G-E


Only $10.00 Down



Nebraska Power Co.

PAGE 8—THE JEWISH PRESS, F2ID4Y, APRIL 13,1934 t». rainstat^ therxV in^the paod-Siys- glory in ,his Judaism, THAT was a-Dave FJQS, ireasurer.. Max Cphea wa» elected trustee for a term of eighteen tem "arid to pay them damages'for boycott! "I will draw- -my inspiration from months. The two other- trustees, the time during which they were ousted. The German government, my .own. -wells!"- the Jew.proudly de- whose, terms have not yet expired, are Mrs.- Max Merlin .and^ daughter rehowever, refused '''to acknowledge-' its clared when he was. shunted into the Messrs. Sam Gross arid Charles r turned thi3 week from Omaha where guilt in the jcase of Dr." Sweinbel Ghetto. And when at last. -the Ghetto man.' they spent two weeks, visiting with walli; -cruinblea and Jews were alalso' of Beutben. friends. lowed to go forth from these stunted H V M i N T^KVIN, Attorney, Similar Cases Pending. ANNA FILL, SOI Klertric Bldg. •The. Mixed Commission, which is quarters during the past 100 years, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Marsh and daughter Marcella of Madison, S. D., Promises League Group to Re-under the chairmanship of T>n Felix they came out With a love for educa- i in the County Court of Douglas County, Calonder of Switzerland, announced tion. and they gave the world such- x " are in Sioux City this week, visiting instate Two in Panel In the Matter of the Estnte .of Simon " sometime ago that it would consider men as Einstein, Freud and Cardozo. Manuel Bass, licceased. with the former's parents, Mr. and System To tlie heirs-nt-lnw. creditors, and all the case submitted by Dr.' Sweinbel, These products of the Ghetto were Mrs. Sam. Marsh, 509 Fourteenth other pe-Bons intorested in said, estate: X n.re hereby notified thnt a petttton Xoii n e h y pton street. Kattowice, Upper Silesia, (J. T. A.) who declared that he had been dis- PROUD JEWS They knew, them- hns fild In I this thi Court C t on the th 6 h filed 6th they understood their own day-ofbeen April 1934 b y Tierue Bass, alleging —An. important victory for German missed merely becausa he-was a Jew. i.selves; ral and they could look with con- Ihnt Simon "Mnnuei Pass died on the I n The third bridge party of the Jun- Mrs. Fred Foreman of Sioux Falls, Jews - was achieved here when the Similar, cases submitted by a-num-jj . ie, upon day of May, 11)30, intestate; that at the their persecutors S ;D., is visiting with friends and rell ^mpt ber of other. Jewish-doctors are also j ! time death lie w_ as _ a _ resident Nazi regime of Germany admitted to ber of other. Jewishdoctors are also j ^ of h i^s ^ _ _ _ of ^ Twenty organizations,1through their Mor Hadassah Benefit Bridge, tournad -who jl>OU gi ns County Nebraska, and that he atives in Sioux City this week. pending before t h e Mixed CommisContrast them with Jews today the Upper Silesian Mbced Commisment will be held next/Wednesday tne co-oper_• tTii :_y-xi:j . ' „ • „ • - _ .-» - - _ _ : J - _ . J say s a v. v " "Wouldn't " W o u l d n ' t t1 be b e happier h a r m i e r if « I I was w a s «as was possessed possessed of of. the the following following described described ation of; .their- respective^.gifpups; to evehing,rApril i&, in the Jewish Com;-' Miss Agnes Montrose of Chicago is sion of: the "League" of r Nations that sion and the decision is considered not" . ' - : T „„ ; , , 'real estate, • to-wit: . -.-• it was guilty of having ousted Jewhighly important. * -'t •born * , • -a Jew? %. % J t o the City (34) of Omnha, a s Adsur.the- Allied- Jewish campaign, now Uhmunity Center. Door prizes -and card visiting' in Sioux City with her par- t , I..-•have only c o n - . dition of Porters i* x , o t thirty-fonr sick fund panisH docJtors. f r o m ^ veyed, |tlntu*d- tmd recorded-. priies will be awarded ;for'. the eve-, Despite the fact "that the League t* 1 0 * f ? r su ? h .whining-and progress, when'they niet lit'the Jewdice Y am not s ris by such ' That Baid pi'titioner has nn Interest In 1 ents. jels of Upper Silesia 'for no . other of Nations upheld the petition sub- cringing; - '.- * * . ^Strength P * t comes said real estate i>oing an heir of said deish: Community. Center, oh "Puesday riing, and t h e . scores will count t o queries.. ceased Raid 4>etitioner praye that a bearing w a r d t h e g r a n d prize of t h e t o u r n a • reason save that they were Jews. Up- mitted- by Franz Bernheim, Upper only from knowledge! . evening of this: week.7 * j£ ; be had on snid peiition, that notice thereof -Mrs. Ellis-Bottigheimei-and children j - s i l e s i a i s a plebiscite area under Silesia, Jewish resident, • that the civen JIH re<tuired by law. and that upoa - -. Mr.-'' Ai'.'. M. Davis,; president of them e n t . .'.'; '• '•'• -"' . '•'"• ' " " -. •• -'"-'• '••'. are guests in'tne home of the formers, ^ ^jurisdiction of the League' of German government had no right" to And so Jewish children .in Germany lie said - heariiis 'i decree of heirgbip be en-Hostesses f o r , t h e e v e n i n g will b e Federation and chairman-of the drive* ignorant of. the eternal heritage of Istered nnd further administration ot said Misses . M a r g a r e t Saitlin, S a r a h parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben- Schuleln.) Nations. l>reBidedfatthe meeting-arid urged I p dismiss Jews from the, government rael, cry in the night, "Why are we ] estate be dSspenw-d with. *v« _i i-u_ t-^sZt. or- - 'Woskoff, Ida Hesbelow, I The German government official- and to. oast Jewish professionals, the ««^_™^i_»:—~ representatives. ol the Jewish, Jews?** '.They know not the Jewish! You are therefore notified that a hearing ganizations to present the" campaign sky, Ida Fish, and Margaret Shulkin. braska, is, a guest in the home oflier j ly recognized the "justification of numerous complaints" have been made festivals, the sorrows of our failures, < At theJuniorHadassah. meeting the claims advanced by the Jewish to rthe League that Germany conto t h e i r g r o u p s . * ' . • ' ' " " • " • ' ^ " . ' 7 ; •''•• ' d a y of May. 1U34, at 0-o'clock A. M., and f h j f 'd father, MivJ. H. Bolstein". doctors Puereisen and, Frenkel of sistently- was violating the pledges of the joys Of our successes. tIi«t if you-fnll to appear at said time an4 •;.'-A meeting/5 of the executive "com- last Monday/ Mr. Abe Stillman spoke Ajid SO, -too, i n Mr. and; M r s / B . Ginsberg have r e and contest the said petitton. tk« 1 T\ave Development of Beuthen, Upper' Silesia, - and agreed- she had given. • : ; mittee- was held in the" "Warrior' hotel on the "History and up,, c o n c e r n e d w i t h '.Court may grunt the same, enter a decree 1 "leaders"; sprin ceived word of." tne birth of a diugh-. 1 o f the Prayer; Book.' Mr. Stillman traced t h a • « 1 v i i r ' < h i r t t m v p m p n t anrl PP«*-• heirship, and . decree, that -further ad.^Wednesday noon tofurther '.the'plans t e r - t o Mr. and Mrs./Nate Shubb' of ine sn»ej. onin, ino\eiiieui a a u *••! ministration of said cstutfe be " " for thfr duve-.-<>ver hsrt£:of ; the iquOta Ifce history; of human ptayer fromits Hollywood, Calif. Mrs. Shubb "was er to rebutt attacks on Jews. It is with. : beginning * t o ' its highest form* and BUVCE CRAWFOK1», has already been' subscribed,'accord; well to stand ready to face our foes, '• 4-.13.34.3t; 'Miss. Rose Ginsberg prior to her marCounty Jvidgc. ing-to those in' charge,; andf plans-to !deilt'j-iydthli the- various -' elements-' of riage;'" : '•'"*•"•' •" • ''" ' ' but rather than Jewish leaders who! ' " ' ' ' ': tjhV Hebrew Siddur. THe address was reach the top will materialise, within remember their Jewishness only when SHGTWELE, SIOXSKY. GKODIXSKT the next few weeks, according to Mr. part of the cultural program spon-; Complimenting Miss Bessie Kantro^ we are attacked, let>s have Jews who : TAXCE. and HAKBV B. COHKH, : ; sored,/this jyear by the-chapter toward^ D a v i s . • .'••/ ".- : ': • : ' ! , •'•"•' '•':'; :; f iviob. Miss Elsie Smead was hostess Bid*. say, "Hitler can bound and persecute j 737'omaim iel-: ..': The campaign,' proceeds of which' the earning: of Junior Hadassah us, but he cannot destroy us. For, we • : to eight friends at dinner Wednesday mained no Jews on this earth, the lowshipsi . the hereby given will go toward the.Joint Distribution evening, in the Canton Tea Gardens.' world would boast of its relationship are the people of Israel-the. people (Continued -from- Page 1.) committee and the Palestinian fund, Plans were made at the meeting The after dinner hours were spent at r'a^mon^ whom no tryant has ever destroyed!'-'; to. the laws of the state of Nehraskn. The Jews. Hitler's is; being carried - on av^thls .time-in f b r . a . "Junior Hadassah" night: in. bridge. - . : \ ; ; ; . • ot Nordic superiority? ,* Chamberlain would probably be one of theUermany : , t f h n T , r ; p r i r r o l 1 r . i name of the corporation J* HEX NATIOMnations , every other city in the^Unlt&d States, May, at ;wKich time.the members will, .. l^et us.return to tne ancient cour- i Klj. ^xix* I O U P A X Y . with it« principal expressed tit© same, ide* in 1897. In, tracing its glories to Jewish contribu- age be hostesses in their-own Homes, and and heroism of the Maccabeans. • jiince of linsiiioss in the City ol Omnhi. Teams have'beenassigned-.to^eahyass 1880, the late Relix Adler publicly tions. •««' k n o w w h v w 9 r » TP»-«; a n d !l rf o hr me PobjectB corporation U nge, n ( I a i v lfor o 1 )"which U y 8 t nthis csthn the Jewish population and Sioux CJity will turn the proceeds over ;to the HaKnow w a y v e a r e jde w s a n a 1| f o r c m P ( I , a i v , to buy, st-11, exchange, n protested,- the. descration of Jewish, But Israel is a people that has r e -Waatu swe are as Jews — and become | facture, Ueul and trade, generally, in any dassah funds. • • ' • • • • . . , Jewry is urged to-co-operafe in helpcemeteries in Germany. And nowfused to die, even before the onrush- Jewishly en t h a t pvprwt-hprp ! a n dd a II11 kii.ds k i d off ffi li ffi ing to raiser the* quota assigned I h i s e o p/mat l e Will g e t t h e Jkind and character; to j>urvhnBi>, lenw> and Samuel Untermyer has just discovered ing sweep of Alexander the Great or we are t o u c h e d , pso everyAvnere| <>(jnipnient aiUl o f n community..' • • '.. ' ;;^>.-f ££?.£•• ';.-•: . spark thatjothe^e and tLe German Emperor.- And the ... odern spark or Jewishaess-the . . , . , . —" - ' — »•••"^ -•••• —< or —- — Mfc" .David Davidson, appearing in Hltlerism?.. T . The ;f committee v for t h e '^w. in Q Orlitlerism is only .a. paralytic stroke. J e w c a n boast t h a t t h e H o m e - w h i c h " k s U3 with A b r a h a m , I s a a c a n d i any aj.ti office *li pntenis pertaining to office a program of Literary" Miniatures, will:: meet iarly. next, /vreek'tp-x supplies, equipment anil office sper The illness of anti-Semitism has al-destroyed t h e T e m p l e n o w a c c e p t s a Moses—From Canadian Chronicle. cialties of-every hind-and'character. And Tuesday" evening,"charmed a large thief-reports from '.'the * wo rkers <>E? the to liny, sell... mortjrnjre, loase, encumber existed- in. Germany, bat theJ e w called J e s u s a s t h e Son of God. audience wiQi his' histrionic'"ability ways nnd deal in real and personal property.of Reich's J.ew tried: to, ignore it. Now all kinds. The Company sbnll hare aotfe? T h e t r a g e d y of today, however, i s The Give'or Get luncheon of the arid his adequate interpretation of the disease is exposed far all the ority to borrow money and issue evidences Senior'Hadassah Will be held in theHebrew arid Yiddish folk songs," im- world to see. • But it laVtto same dis- that,-unlke t h e J e w s of old. - American of indebtedness therefor. Total AuthorMed capital stock-is $2T>.0OO.0O. par value *1QOJM I s r a e l tried t o convince itself t h a t J. C C " on April 24, according to provisations arid • recitations. per share; all stock Common, and.shall foe l ease—ouly more virulent , plans'made by the board of directors,"; Mr. Davidson, who stopped in Sioux And Hftlerism, which is anti-Semt- Jews are not "different" The non-Jew fully paid and non-assessnltle when issued. The corporation shall commence liUsineM is told. "We're like you." But we Mrs. Ben Shindler was re-elected Tuesday afternoon," when they met in City while" ori a toiir from" California tism in its most extr*ae'foim, is notb- a r e only fooling ourselves if we hold upon the filinc of its-Articles with the BTF.B. K. to New York, was assisted in his prothe home of Mrs. David L. Rodin. County Clerk of l>oii£rlaB County/aiid shall president'of th'e Hebrew MotKers Asing more than the, average person's these beliefs. continue until January 1st, 1984. The highMrs. J. N. Krueger and. Mrs. A. gram by Mr. Abe Stillman and the,dislike, suspicion arid fear of the "outest amount of indebtedness shall not e x sociation, at a recent meeting of that The Council Bluffs Senior Hadassah Mind you. I do not say that Jews tTvo-tninis of the enpitnl stocks Tbia group. { Mrs. , Sarah' Greenstone was Goodsite are in charge of the lunch- Misses Llbbie Qlensky, Tillie Shind- sider." .There is nDthing more to'are a different species from the rest will hold their monthly meeting next ceed restriction sbnll not apply to indebtedneM by real estate. The .utiinber of elected vice-president; Mrs. Joe Gor-eon. Every Senior Hadassah member ler, and Jennie Shiridler. anti-Semitism, than- this—the fear of of mankind. Jews have the same Wednesday afternoon, April 18th, at secured : memltere of the Konrd shall )>e provided A one-act, play waa included to the the outsider. chow,financial secretary; Mrs. H. E.who ha3s raised or given a certain 2:30 o'clock at the Hotel Chieftain. for by the By-Lmvs, which Board shall number of eyes, arms and legs as nonthe affairn of the corporation. Rabinowitz, corresponding secretary, sum to the Senior Hadassah by theevening's program. There are no . political..social or Jews. But destiny and history have Rabbi Frederick Conn of Omaha will administer stockholders shnll hold their nnnoal date of the luncheon will be entitled and:-Mrs.- A. Mazie, treasurer. be the guest speaker. He will give a The economic causes. .,,to anti-Semitism. I made us a people—just as it has cast meeting the first Monday in March of each year and elect I>irectors. The Directow •The directors of the Hebrew Moth- to attend. An elaborate program is This can easily be .demonstrated. AUJinto the moul.i the peor'.o known as Book Review on "A Modern Tragedy" shall elect President, Vice-President. Secer's 'Association elected at this meet- planned. Jews, for example,...are not Republi- Frenchmen^ Germans, Italians and by Phyllis Bently. A group of popular retary and Treasurer. The • Articles renilerprt tve- TWilalr-H <3i«»_ hretary nnu Anicies «j Reports of the Jewish National d d -.treasurer, ti jme• i" m ing include the following: Mesdames cans, nor are they all. Democrats.! Japanese. rendered by MHalrd S i e - , ,ee namended , , 0 1 , notice for. songs m r m l e i i uupo t c e as as provided p v H.; Friedman,-M. Cohen, M. Satin, S. Fund committee were also heard at The corporation shall have a seal. That rules out politics as a cause of • All people, except the Jews, accept gel and Al Swartz wart off Omaha, O h radio adi Dated March " 20th, 19R4. Baron, F. Gorchow, M.? .Herman, L the meeting' of the directors, and • The seventh' and last of/the ^series anti-Semitism. .. artists. A paper on "Lag B'Omer" their destiny. We must realize, that A. GUEENBERG. II. 5IAHQUAKDT. Merlin, _E, Rubinstein, ' S . ?hulldn, plans were furthered for the Regional of book reviews, given by Rabbi Hi Just as easily., we can see that the we can't jump out of our skins. Jews will be read by Mrs. Ben Kubby. With •l-13-34-4t convention, which is scheduled to Max Lasenskyy A. Dikel, arid Rose Jew's econbinlc position -does not must stand up and declare, "I am a sucb an interesting and entertaining ERabinowitz, will be held next Monmeet in Sioux City, May 27 and 28; day, evening, April X6, in. the syna- cause anti-Semitism. There are rich I&binovich. program being ararnged by the comJew. ••• I a m •unique. MAX FKO.HKIJf, Attorntj-. The organization meets; for the in- The next meeting of the Senior Ha- gogue social hall. Rabbi Rabinowitz Jews and poor Jews;, tbere are Jew- Rampant ignorance is the c n i e f mittee, a large crowd is expected to Insntanw Bide. : a t t e n d terests of the-local Talmud Torah, dassah will be held May 1 in the willreview the recent hopk by Feucht- ish bankers and Jewish day laborers, scourge of Jewish life. I may be acthis meeting. Mrs. Ben Kubby ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION O F ... Community Center. living in -want. ciised el Jewish chutspo, ~uz I d&io ^ chairman in charge of this program and is instrumental in its upkeen. wanger, "The Gpp.ennans." .. "THE LITTLJS CLUB" I — ^ _ . __^ . . . . , 1 and is being assisted by the Mesdames KXOW AI,L MEN BY THKSK PRESThe booki reviews.have been spon^. Nor is religionkthe-cause of anti-1 say that not fifty Jews locally arei L o u i s H RNTS, that w e Michael KatJeman, -Joaepk , The .Protestant is as far truly "good Jews."-Nor do I disparage ' - Cohen, George Hoffman, Ike ISIorh, sored-by the Shaare ZSonJsynagojj;! tSemitism! Hnrrr ColiPli, Harry Malnghock. and er r o m Catholicism the Jew. And: the the local Jew. The same is true for Feblowitz, Sam Meyerson and AbeIteuben Kulakofsky. citizens of t h e Htste and proceeds have been Iturned over ot Nebrastn. hnTe nssocinted ourselves t » ; Leibovitz. t the Baptist Boston, Chicago or:New York. r-1jU n i t a r i a n i s ' a s "Jewish' Anti-Semites" will be theto the syniagqE\ie library, for the purjrefher for the purpose o£ forming nnd her eomiujr a corporation «nder the lnwg of the o"the Christian, the Jew. B u t subject of the sermon to be given by chase, of new books. The books •t'^.t [ "how do . *.«*.. State of Nebraska, rind for that-purpose, Herman Marowitz was appoijt- we Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz tonight in have been' reviewed/by J a b b i .R? 4 8 • Jew—not the Unitarian or the Baptist I get that way?" So let's look at the edMr. d o here!>}\ make, execute, nnd adopt a member of the Council Bluffs the following articles of incorporation, situation. . . . . Shaare Zion synagogue. Cantor A: owit? i a this seriesTinay be. obtaliiai "—^s:the.'outsider.,; . . AKTICLE 1. Zoning Commission by Mayor Hugh Pliskin and th'e synagogue choir will from ,.the rental. shelf of the syna- Religion,, politics, economic and so- There is no thing-in the world as ' Finerty The NAME of this corporation IB and this week. Mr. Marowitz' ap- shall be, ciological conditions are, merely fac" X l l b H T T I . E CLUB." apeople without a language; there chant thje service. gogue library. . . ... '';'.. ..;.' . 2. ^ tors, not causes, otanti-Semitism. And has never been such an animal. Lan- pointment was made for a term for The principal ARTICLE The Junior Congregation will reoffice nnd place of tranthe next five years. anti-Semitism is nothing more than a snetinc t h e bnsinrss of this corpomtio* guage inak«s a people. Lose your sume services tomorrow morning a t shall be at Omaha, in the County of Dougjungle legacy—the hatred and fear of language and you cease to be a peo10:45 o'clock. Candy will be distribNebraska. Miss Flora Marks left Thursday for las nnd State of the •."outsider," the^ person qf whom ARTICLE 3. ple. Could you conceive me, for inuted by Mr. and Mrs. Max Shindler The object -nnd purpose of this corporawe know nothingL-and who is not of us, J stance, --speaking before a German Chicago, Illinois, for a visit with her tion in honor of their son Toby's Bar shall lie to . promote the social welbrother-in-law and sister, Mr. andfare of which the jungle .manpassed on to! audience and finding that ninety per its members and shall also engage Mitzvah. . Mrs. Irving Rosenberg. in philanthropic work. I t may own and Members of \hi Pioneer Womeri this so-called civilized world. cent of my listeners don't speak or hold nil kinds of estate, reni, personal ,or were' hostesses at a benefit bridge And to be honest. If the position of understand German? mixed, •which it may acqnirp by purchase; devise or otherwise, nnd shall party Tuesday af ternoori in the J.C.C. the Jews and Christians were rever-j Yet all the Jewish audiences I have Mrs. Abe Markovitz returned home donation, have the power also to dispose of, e n e n n Bridge was played a t 15 tables, and sed, tne .-non-Jew would have a hard' addressed throughout the country, I Tuesday following a two weeks' visit ber and convey t h e same. .AKTICJ.K 4. refreshments were served at the close time of it, just.as Jevs are persecut- J don't think. 10 per cent could under- in Des' Moines, Iowa, where she visit- This- •corporation shall commence upon the filing of the copy of these Articles ' Invitations have been issued to 300 of; the afternoon. Proceeds will be ed and oppressed today. For even the stand me if I spoke in Hebrew or ed her mother, Mrs. George Wright, with the County Clerk of POUEIHS County; and her sisters, Mrs. J. Friedman and know -who Bialik is, or who ^•ueists, for Sunday afternoon, when tyrned over to the fforieer' Women's Jew. has Inherited this jungle trait of Nebraska, and shall continue l o r a period Mrs. B. Schwartz. Palestinian fund. hatred of the "outsider.? Ac>o>J Ha'am is of 2~> yrars, unless sooner dissolved' a t Miss Bessie Kantrovich, daughter of provided by law. We are just as ready to hate, fear in the public schools, educators Mr. and Mrs. M. Kantrovich, 913 Iowa •and suspect our own. co-religionists, j realize • that -America'3 culture will At the District Music Contest held j The shaU The corporation orp h l l have h a e no o capital a street, will become the Vbride! of Roddeclnre no dividends. The German Jewi.is-coatemptuous of! soon be lost if. it is not passed .on .to at Audubon, Iowa, last weekend, Miss stock and shall AKTICIiE ney Slacter of Minneapolis. The cero6. the Russian Jewit And the Russian ottr children, beat into students' heads Esther Steinberg of Council Bluffs The highest amount of indehtednesft or moriy will take place at 5:30 o'clock Div 'Theodore' ISy Lewi^ will speak Jew dislikes the Galician Jew. Why? a-little bit of Longfellow and Whittier won first place in the violin division liability to which the corporation shnll at in the Shaare Zion synagogue, with this evening- on the subject. ' I s GoniRabbis H. R. Rabinowitz and M. Brav- riSunisnitbe Way Out," at fhe resular Because over the centuries we became and something of American historj'. * Arnold ^Hoffman of Council Bluffs and We, too, must know the high lights Miss Doris Gilinsky 6 Woodbine, Ia., corporation. er officiating* Cantor A.; PUskin and Fnday, evening service.. * ' - ' ''outsiders'' to one another. - .. . Jews iiave deceived themselves into of our history: I t is fundamental that both rated as "excellent." The rmsineG8 of this corporation shall the synagogue choir* will -also partici- *. Kaddish will r be ^recited for Mrs. be conrtucttd by a Hoard of five directors believing that if-they put on a differ- for the preservation of Judaism our to 1*? selected from the members nt the Jeanette.sWeinberg at the services to- ent cloak or displayed a different beings must be saturated with Jewish Manuel Steiman, who spent the past regular Annual m e e t i ngg the t e directors ectrs from om g Mis's Kantrovich will be-gowned in. night.' : = ':••-• eaeh «unun! meeting d d consciousness.- And so I say, first several months here visiting his grand their g shnll hn ;.not be considered white satin with a wedding veil, The Confirmation class, which ineetsy label, t V i P i d t S t elect n President, Vice-President, Secretary ; lefs be Jews^-then Conservatives or mother, Mrs. Clara Siegel,' is expected and Treas'irer. , • • caugnt i r i a ' l a c e cap by orange blos- every ^Sunday morning with Miss Ruth *U)ntsiders." And-Wotthey argued that Reformers , ARTICLE 8. . -...•... or Ben Briths or Zionists. to leave Sunday for his home in WinJudaism was j ^ soms. She will be attended- by ^Char- Marx,* and on Wednesday afternoon These Articles maytie amended, by « ^ ; a religion not a Today we are 95 per cent Christian nipeg, Canada. mnjority vote of the mprpluM-s at imy. *VjBrlotte Kantrovichi Lillian Dishlip, Ha- with Dr. Lewis, will resume its Wed-whole, culture, not a nationality with and ular meeting of the membership, or nt nny 5 per cent Jewish. If we X-rayed a language of its.JQwn. zel Zavett and Elsie Belle" Sniead,who neBday meetings. next week. specinl meeting called for that purpose.. our minds, we would-find that we inThe Chevra B'nai Yisroel society But, alas, as th* German. Jew today IN WITXKSS WHKKEOF, we hnre herewill wear frocks of blue, green, pink say "church" for "syna- held an election of officers at a meet- unto set our hands this 10th day of March; arid v orchid, respectively. Miss Hazel .: Dri Frederick-Cohn- of- Omaha spoke knows, the- non-Jew doea not meas- variably 1934; gogue" and think of raM>»s as ing held last Wednesday night at the Michel Katlemnn, : KanWoyich, sister of the bride, will before- the congregation last - Friday ure thedegreeoPoiir "outsidness." Joseph Bloch Justice Brandeis of the United "preaching the gospel" of Judaism. Chevra B'nai Yisroel synagogue. The tie this maid of honor, and will' wear evening, using as his subject, ;'/Should Harry Cohen We have abandoned Jewish education. the Jew Survive." following officers were elected: S. States Supreme, ~C Gurt never went to Harry Alalashock ( a?"pink n e t dress. Other attendants Renben Kulakofsky a synagogue arid 'didn't take part In And instead of continuing the flowing Shyken, president; Sam Sacks, vice- Mnx Fromkin, Witness. will be Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Holzman, Jevrish life, 'ieti as; an; attorney in stream of OUT Jewish; heritage, we president; 0. Hochman, secretary, and 3-30-34-4t. and Mr. and Mrs. V. M. Slacter. Kentucky, his home, and in Massachu-1 stand on the banks, away from the In every city, there is^orkeouf Marylin - Jean Sabel will' be flower setjis. where h©? later distinguished I waters, that will bring, us an underStanding hotel. ' In SiouxCity, girl : and' little Richard Norman Tur; A meeting of executive comr. heVwas knosmi standing of ourselves. . g ft it's the Warrior, known everybjniself ch*en will bear the ring" on a white Brandeis, d i as | ^^e v e followed the path of least rewhere for its fine' re Satin "pillow. Raymond Fisher Will be mittee of the; Young. Jiidean .Club; to Gentiles a s a j e w . B was held Thursday evening.. Reports: someone put.Jt, J, had; his Bar Mitzvah! sistance. I tt'ss easy for a Jew, J w , if f nnee the feest hian.' •'•"'• • •" " ' tiona'and its hospitable"^atiflos-' ut t contribute t i b t to t JJewLibbie OlensTcy arid' Ruben Halperiri of the /recent Monte- Carlo party^were postponed to" tie^€ge c>f 58t when he n a s tt h e money, to {there. Ideally located, it la unj i d the th Zionistj Z i i organization.' t i t i " ' ish charities or pay his : dues to-the will play the 1 wedding march arid fe- made and plans were, begun for a joined questionably socieJ, business and : formal initiation.of new members.to] Yet everywhere^^e was recognized B'nai Brith or the Zionist Organizabessiorial.^ " •:•-';•.•••*•••.•••• ; travel headquarters of the com-, • • as a J e w . Noh-^fews did not say, tion. ^ following the ceremony a dinner be; held ^this month*:. - . •*'••• munity. The choice of tnose.. foi 30tf guests will be served at the A guest speaker-will addresa the; It's comparatively easy, too, for "Brandeis doesn't^ belong to any syna\4rho demand the beat for their , Jewish Community Center and will club at their meeting next Wednes-j gogue or temple, lie is not a Jew:" Jews to "attend meetings, or even to money. , ,". Try a Bag Today be followed by a reception and dance. day evening. Misa. Frances Jacobson; TbV mere-formality of being,;.torn a go to the synagogue—and if you don't '"'Mr. Slacter and his bride will go is the advisor of-the group. . 1 want to listen, sleep while the rabbi Jew put the Iabfer^Jew" on hi min to:'Chicago for their wedding trip and - . - • • • Gentile eyes! And so he was Jewish talks'. y i l make their home In Sioux City. Yes, it's easy to. be a Jew by con— and an "outsider." . .; - We cannot escape tjifs destiny. We tributing or: by synagogue attendance. are different, distinctive. We are out- But it's difficult to be A PART of ]Miss Lucille Kronick will entertain A trio of New York artists will ap-'. siders. -And if Vrje are; honest with Jewish cultnrel ;Most T>f us are too a"[ group of friends tiiis evening on pear In a program of mnBic;c recita-; ourseives", we will realise that hon- lazy to study the great'culture which the occasion of her birthday. A scav- tions and. dramatics," next Thursdayj Jews wijj respectl^aS jnore '.£-Ve are is ours." Sad ias it-is true, we would enger hunt will be the feature of the, evening;'-in t h e Ji <3..C. They rather' have tile degraded vulgarities evening and will be concluded with a Zelda Zlotkin, Victor Packer, and e American Jewry should1 stand with of life rather than the finer things. supper served in Miss " Kronick's ine Brodin. The concert will be spon- bowed heads at the-thought that so ; -So it is "that we' attend the movies, Coffee Shop home. -' ' sored "by t h e Workmen's Circle TS"o.;many of our co-religionists have just not the opera; go to the cabaret, not j The daily l u e o ^ T f e o 664. ' awakened to the fact that they are the legitimate theatre; read the ; Sat--j vous of those'who* vtiSat'ga " Mrs. M: Miller and son of Minne- ' The program will begin promptly al- Jews. Do we have to nave Hamans urday: Evening Post, not Emerson. I food at sensible prices. _ Our apolis are visiting this week in the8: SO" o'clock.' - ' CffSbJ i d i i L and Hitlers to tell us that we are a . .The crisis to be met is not Hitlerhome of the former's parents, Mr. ism, but OURSEL-VES! Two hundred for your special comfort. distinctive people? and' Mrs. J . Cohen. Miss Ida Cohen Do we need persecution to make us and fifty years ago, when Jews were entertained a group of friends at' a be ourselves-^the ..people of > Israel, herded into the Ghetto and oppressed dinner ani.bridge this week, honorwho have'wdn -glory throughout the by; restrictive laws, they hurled "back "Omaha's Most Beautiful Home for Funerals" ing her sister. ' The regular B'nai Brith meeting ages because we refused to be absori?- contempt against the- rulers who sought to confine them. A shrug of will be held nest Tuesday evening, ed, to merge, or disappear? . Funerals To Fit Any PurseMiss Fannie Hendlyn of Minneapo- April 18, in-tbe J. C C Mr. Milton | It is a' 'preverBe'fact that if we had the shoulders—and the Jew would Phone HArney 1226 F a r n a t n at T h i r t y - t h i r d , ' lis ia in Sioux Crtv for a week's visit Rolstein will preside. disappeared years- ago and there re- look deeper into the Talmud, and

-with- hat- parents, Mr. and .Sirs. M. Hendlyn, 212. Sineteenth street.




Pledge Co-operation HADASSAH BRIDGE To Allied Campaign


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Artistj Pleasing Program

Council Bluffs News

HeadsHebrew Moffiers

Last of Book Reviews Monday

Shaare Zion

Pibnieer Wpmen Hold Benefit Bridge

Society News


Sioux City's Finest Hotel .

Young Judeans


FAVORITE of Nebraska Women




Trio to Present Concert


Omar xlo ur

B'nai Brith



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