April 20, 1934

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In the Interests of the Jewish People

ling The Distressed... By Harry Sjilverman . Entered as Second Class Mall Matter on January 21, 1921, at I'ostofflce of Omaha, Nebraska, under the Act of March 3, 1879


XELIEP (Local, natiOvt|^§L^international Jewish aRenc\?&L;*(. ;be the beneficiaries of thV'«^"S aa Jewish •Philanthropies caVi£<5>"~\for 542,500, which will o f f v ^ f W n May -7. This is the fifth*-; t=L 1•, ''cries of weekly columns by v^, "- ASilverman, general chairmair V "S\ \drive, to acquaint Omaha Je\ r >>«mh the issues, personalities, beneficiaries and organizational work connected .with this vital fund-raising effort. • * *



10—No. 12

Laborites Promise •Prohibits DR. JULIUS SIEGEL FRENCH CONSIDER Dollfuss To Guard Kashruth Strategy (or Campaign Jewish Periodicals TO SPEAK TUESDAY SETTLING OF JEWS Being Mapped Out By IN SYRIA, REPORT ON JEWISH SERIES

Jerusalem, ( W N S ) . — P a l e s t i n e Vienna, (J. T. A.).—The Warsaw Jewry is hailing with satisfaction the Jewish daily, Moment, and Der Neue fact that the Jewish Labor FederaWeg of Prague, Poale Zion paper, tion voluntarily promised the Zionist were prohibited in Austria by orActions Committee to assume reders of the Dollfuss regime. No reasponsibility for kashruth protection son for the order forbidding circu"The Two Bibles" To Be Subject Jewish Agency; Negotiating for lation of the papers there was anand to prevent wherever possible the of Lecture at violation of the Sabbath and Jewish Detail Work Being Thoroughly Prepared Pre* Land Purchases Near nounced by the. authorities. J. C. C. high holidays. Border The Dollfuss government supliminary to Drive for $42,500 is regarded as a step the Poale Zion group, So- Dr. Julius Siegel- of Chicago will be in This-pledge cementing relations between the Jerusalem (J .T. A.)—The Jewish pressed Starting May 7 Zionist in line with its policy the next speaker 6a the Jewish lec- laborites and Orthodox Jewry. HIGHEST EXERCISE OF Telegraphic Agency has been reliably cialist CHARITY informed that the French govern- of prohibiting all organizations ture series, speaking at the Jewish Another move for peace in the Detail work—vital in laying a propthoroughly preparing the prelim* Most of us become discouraged and ment, which has. had under considera- which -had any connection with the Community Center^ Tuesday evening, Jewish community was .the signing' er groundwork for the campaign—is in inary work," declared Harry Silveroutlawed Social Democratic party. April 24, at 8 p.m. His subject will "throw up our hands in disgust" tion the settlement of German Jewish of an agreement between the Kenes- occupying the attention of the divi- man, general chairman, in complibe <The Two Bibles." when we finish a trying session with refugees in Syria, is now examining Israel and the Agudath Israel sional leaders and their co-workers menting- the painstaking efforts manRabbi Siegel is ia member of theseth a cold-hearted individual who refuses a detailed memorandum, calling for establishing staff of the University of Chicago tire country.one rabbinate for the en- as they outline the strategy to beifested by the Philanthropies volun« to give though he can well afford a large scale settlement of refugees Dedicate Einstein pursued in the forthcoming fifth an- teers. "When the opening' gong is and is the spiritual leader of Humlarge contribution. there near the Palestine border. sounded, the army of workers will nual Jewish Philanthropies drive. boldt Blvd. Temple in Chicago. However, the highest exercise of Physics Institute The French High Commissioner in have everything set toward going On Monday, May 7, over 400 workHe. received a niaster of arts deEinstein Citizenship charity is charity toward the unchar- Syria, Count Damien de Martel, the ers will launch the Omaha campaign 'over the top'." gree at Yale in 1927, and a Ph.D. itable. Jewish Telegraphic Agency learned, Jerusalem (WS)—The new Einstein from the University of Chicago in Bill Being Studied to raise $42,500 for thirty local, na- The Federation offices at the Comis favorably inclined toward the proj- Institute of Physics at the Hebrew 1928: WHAT DOES THE RIVER? tional and international Jewish bene- munity Center are humming with ac• ' | . ' This always reminds me of a beau- ect and is expected to recommend university, established with a fund of tivity as all data concerning the prosWashington, D. C, (WNS).—At- ficiary agencies. In 1927 and 192$ he served as eduthat German Jewish refugees be al-$75,000 donated by Mrs. Dora Moness cational ' director o£ the Jewish Peo- torney-General Cummings is now "No d e t a i l , regardless of how pect list is being categoried and pretiful analogy I once read. Did you ever see the horses taken lowed to settle in Syria, especially in Shapiro of New; York and her! late ples Institute, Chicago. He has spe- considering the constitutionality of slight it may be, is being overlooked pared for the workers. to water? They rush into some beau- view of the fact that the French gov- husband, was officially dedicated here cialised in semi' and literature, the bill introduced into the House Initial Gifts tiful stream or tranquil lake and ernment is losing millions of francs by Chancellor Judah L. Magne3 in and has authored h number of .schol- by. Representative Edward Kenney of A report luncheon was held by the drink of it to their heart's content. annually in administering the Syrian the presence of an audience that inNew Jersey to make Professor Al•v papers. Initial Gifts division Tuesday noon. After drinking their fill they turn Mandate. In Palestine, on the other cluded Dr. Chaim Weizmann. At present Dr. Siegel is a member bert Einstein' aa American citizen. The Initial Gifts division obtains their backs upon it, or stamp in ithand, the treasury is reporting a The Einstein Institute, which con- of the faculty of the College, of Jew- The matter was referred to Mr. Cumtains five research laboratories, will ish Studies, Chicago, and an instruc- mings by Representative Dickstein, the pledges of the larger donors and with their feet until the water is large surplus annually. be concerned chiefly with spectogra- tor at the University of Chicago. He chairman of the House Immigration completes most of its work prior to polluted. This is the payment they Jewish Agency Negotiates the official opening- of the campaign. under the direction of Dr. S.is said to be an excellent speaker. . Committee. The question of the bill's give for their refreshing draught. . Highly .placed French officials de- phy Morris E. Jacobs, chairman of the But, what does the river do? It clared that if 100,000 .Jews are al-Sambursky. This is the next-to the last, number constitutionality was raised in comdivision, has an enthusiastic group of immediately' floats away the mud, lowed to settle in Syria the catas- Simultaneously with the opening of on the Jewish lecture series, which is mittee. and continues after, as it was before, trophic economic situation now facing the building, 178 new students, in- being conducted ,at. the Jewish Com- If the Attorney-General holds the All-Day Program Arranged for workers, who are now cleaning up on their remaining cards. Jack W. Marfull and" free of access for the same that country will be easily remedied. cluding1 48 from Germany, matricu- munity Center under the auspices of bill constitutional a public hearing Youth Conclave at Temer is vice-chairman of the division. or other thirsty- creatures. will be called on i t the Junior Vaad organizations. lated at the university. The Jewish Agency for Palestine ple May 6 "No decreases in pledges will be has opened negotiations with Syrian OUR HARVEST accepted by the Initial Gifts divifor the acquisition of a Jewish youth from outstate and1 sion," was the ultimatum issued by So, we too must be. If there be alandowners large stretch of land adjoining the western Iowa will be among those , Chairman Jacobs. "But the encouragfountain of genuine charity in our of Palestine, Dr. Chaim Weiz-, present at Omaha's first "Youth Con- ing feature of our solicitation thug hearts, it will constantly and spon- frontier head of the Zionist commisclave," to be held at Temple Israel far has been that no cuts are being ttaneously overflow, whether those mann, sion, for the settlement of German May 6 under the auspices of the Col- offered. who drink of it are as appreciative Jews in Palestine, and Moshe Sherlege Club, sponsored by Rabbi David "We have found a deep understandas they should be or not. tok of the political department of the H. Wice. This life is "the season for sowing ing of the dire need among- our peoAgency for Palestine, were, in Starting with a youth symposium ple, and most of the contributors hav« and scattering." We cannot expect to Jewish Syria recently and conferred with the at 3 in the afternoon, a full day's been increasing their pledges." reap the produce of our seed before French High Commissioner on the program will end with a kosher dinthe harvest. "Though the sun of char- project. General Solicitations ner followed by a dance. By CHARLES W. ELIOT, piesident Emeritus of Harvard ity rise at home, yet it should always At the same time a private group The youth division of the local The .next, dinner meeting of the maset abroad." : of German Jews is surveying a large Philanthropies will hold - its rally in jors of the General Solicitations divi(Charles W; Eliot, president em- had many-opportunities-of-eompar- The Participation of Children in TYPE OF CHARITY area in Syria near the border of erittts of Harvard University, whose ing the strength | f the-Jewish famconnection with the Youth Conclave. sion will be held Monday, April 30, Religious Festivals 'A particularly praiseworthy feature Iraq, which the Syrian owners are ideas have been, stamped so indel- ily sentiment with t i e Christian. In The love of children and the,de- All profit derived from the conclave at the J. C. C. The cards will be disof modern Jewish charity is that it offering for sale with the full ap- ibly on the educational system of forty years I never inew a case in light of the elders in the happiness will be given to the Philanthropies tributed at that time. All majors have reported that theii proval of the, Syrian government. is construc^fe relief. this country, has repeatedly paid which a Jewish family failed to come of the children . are characteristic drive. "It is better to lend than to give," to the assistance of a son taken se- Jewish qualities. In their religious Besides the symposium, the pro- lists of workers are complete. tribute to the wholesome influence Land Is Suitable Youths ' says the Talmud; In seeking to r ^ of Jewish ideals in modern civiliza- riously-ill- at Harvard College; while -festivals,' such as the "Passovexyor the gram will include a special youth serThe-land is said to be twice the tion. Dr. Eliot welcomed ^warmly I witnessed many an instance in which Feast'of Tabernacles, the children in- vice written by Rabbi Wice, a proA dinner meeting on Tuesday^ ' build broken lives, ;inodern Jewish prmi .trie .footiding *jf/;tb.e: first ^Menorah a Christian, fathsrK and mother came xafiably participate, and the observ- gram of Jewish music," and an exhibit April 24, at the Jewish Co. mmity ganizationa d° - nipre than f ee.d thearea of Palestine and is fertile. .If the survey proves ^atisfactory,^the g*ouP Society at Harvard, and:has graced ^«ctanlsly,-oir-n!i|«t^8tn,.even when ances^are. such as <3tildren can i a ^ of Jewish art and ceremonial objects. -'Jmngry or ^the^^net^^^^^y making the survey intends" to ferrn a Speakers for the symposium on number of- its 'meetings and din- I repeatedly urged^their coming. This happy part in. There are special supply . macBme^yr"~aha' tools,; they private corporation and initiate.. a aners For-Youths observation I made on-all'.kinds of foods for each, great festival, and "Jewish Youth and the Problems it by his presence. The. occom' train' rnetl and women for new trades campaign among German Jews to set- panying paper" was- delivered a t a Jewish families, the very rich, the All delegates to the Round fable Faces" are: William Wolfe, on "Jewoutrof-door observances in which chila n d ^ h l ^ Occili»atfbns by which they tle on the land. ^ meeting of the Harvard Menorah very poor, and those irr moderate cir- dren take eager parr, Christian fam- ish Youth in Relation to Comrriunal of Jewish Youth are asked to make can reconstruct their outlook on life S y r i a was occupied by ••'' British Society and revised by its author. cumstances. It made no difference to ilies have imitated these Jewish prac- Affairs"; Louis E. Lipp, "Youth in reservations for the dinner meeting and their economic viewpoint. troops at the end of the World War. " in The Menorah. the J e w i s h fathers and mothers, tices to great advantage; so that we the Professions and Trades"; Leo at tlie J. C. C. Tuesday, April 24, The British set up the late Emir Fei- for publication WHAT THE RABBIS SAID brothers and sisters, whether the case have squash pies, mince pies, and Nogg, "Jewish Youth in Times of at 6:30 p. m. at the J. C. C, when M - •was one of dangerous contagious dis- cranberry sauce at Thanksgiving, tur- Crises"; A d e l e Wilinsky, "Jewish final plans will be made for the" The' Rabbis of Israel of yore were sal as ruler of Syria, but Feisal was Journal, not satisfied with feeding the poor. driven out. by the French. Since 1923 Modern social ethics are after, all ease or not; they came to the suffer- key, plum pudding, nuts and raisins at Youth and the Synagogue"; Ephraim Youths Division campaign in the • They wrote: ."Try to prevent a man France has exerck'-i a mandate_over only slight ^extensions of ethical doc- er's side. Christmas, hot cross buns on Good Marks, "Jewish Youth and Social Jus- Philanthropies. from coming down into the depths of the country. The French administra- trines; contained in the-Jewish sacred Friday, and eggs at Easter, mainly tice." Open discussions will follow the After a somewhat long life in was hated by, the Syrians, who books.; The first of the vTen Command- which I have seen many family in- for the delight of the children. The various addresses. poverty by teaching Hm a trade. Try tion Center will open the drive of the t yd d ' B t all methods before you permit him to had hoped for iindependence.' ments contains the superb reception teriors in many lands, the strong im- Jewish candle on the altar is multi- A unique exhibit will be presented, Youths Division. Between become an object of charity." including pictures by world famous Delegates to the Round Table of and 1927,' Syria was torn by a of the one God, a conception toward pression on my mind is that the home plied on the Christmas tree. Being able to give generously, and 1925 which the various Christian churches pictures to which, I look back as Again, practical benevolence, bring- artists, as Enrico Glicenstein, Her- Jewish Youth, embracing most of the bloody revolt led by the DrusesSince thus enabling "an unfortunate brother the end of the revolt there hai been after "many wanderings—pagan, met- sweetest, tenderest, most loyal to- ing relief to suffering, was one of mann Struck, William Auerbach-Levy, Jewish youth organizations in the to gather the broken threads of his no open trouble in Syria, but the jin- aphysical =and mythical—are at last wards parents and most reverential the pillars of the Synagogue from etc The ceremonial objects will be city, will attend. Final plans will be life's work and rebind them more habitants are known to be opposed'"' to eturning. formulated for the campaign in this towards God, are pictures of Jewish earliest times, and has only been unusual. strongly and more securely should be French rule. The supper-dance will be open to division. • One of the most scientifically de- homes. This result must be attribu- taken over from the Synagogue into "wine that maketh glad the heart of William Wolfe, president .of th«. • termined "of -modern ethical standards table to the peculiar ethical concep- the Christian churches. Even the those between 15 and 30 years of : men." tions which are the foundation of ministrations to the "silent poor," age. Round Table, heads the division. is5 ihe : rule (that -men and women had !bet?ter jWprk ;only jqbc days out ofJewish family life. which is one of the benevolent ac- The purpose of the conclave is to FOR PALESTINE 5 Workers' Kally seven . The. wisdomvbf this rule has tivities of many Christian churches get youth in more contact with JewRECONSTRUCTION A special committee is laying plans bjeetj jderriqnstratea, ethically, medicaltoday, is of Jewish origin. And today ish problems and art and to create a The sum of $25,000,000 has been for a mammoth rally of all workers better social feeling among them. y * a ^ economically after much inthe great Jewish charities are betraised for ; Palestine reconstruction in the campaign at the Community quiry! and. much: experience with reter managed than the Christian. work from the launching of the PalCenter, on May 6, the evening pregard to thW besV industrial use of the Keeping Alive the Yearning for estine Foundation Fund on April 1 ceding the official opening of the human 'body; • but Jhis-neyv industrial 1921, to April 1, 1934, Morrie Rothendrive. doctrine' & "explicitly;: stated in the Education. berg, president of the Zionist OrganJerusalem (J. T. A.)—According to A skit, with blackouts, will be R Commandment! ^Six days shalt an official announcement in the Pal- But the great service which the ization of America, has announced. Berlin, (WNS).—Beset ort ;two fourth, •ila^tJand • • • *- - — . - . -y • , . .Y ^ g feature of the program planned. thou Jewish race has rendered to the rest and do all thy work." This figure was reached on themajor fronts—the religious and the estine Gazette issued recently, 2,756 London, (WNS).—The Jewish thirteenth anniversary of the estab- economic—the Nazi regime is now; are So \ perfectly accustomed to this Jews were among. the 2,789 immi- of the world, not only in its early lishment of -the Fund—the ' financial facing its greatest crisis which is abstinence^ from labor one day out of grants who entered Palestine in Feb- centuries but all through the dark Agency for Palestine is about to instrument of the Jewish Agency for expected to come to a head shortly. the seven that we do not in the least ruary. At the same time, 2,890 Jews times of the Middle Ages and itscomplete negotiations for a loan of centuries of persecution, has been the $500,000 from the Imperial Chemical Palestine, the body recognized by the The breach between the Hitler gov- understand how novel, and indeed pre- registered themselves with the auLeague, as" the supreme Jewish au- ernment arid the Catholic church and posterous, it seems to a Japanese, thorities as immigrants or were ad-'keeping alive of a learned class and Industries, of which Lord Melchett the increasing seriousness of Ger- Chinese, or other Oriental who hasmitted as travelers. Many of those a great literature—the greatest of is president, to finance the constructhority in Palestine. has many's economic condition have given had no knowledge of the Jewish and who registered as immigrants nave all literatures till within compara- tion of a modern irrigation system The Fund (Keren brought colonists into Hayesod) Palestine, set- rise to a feeling in those circles re- Christian dispensations. Baron Kik- been living in Palestine illegally, hav- tively recent j-ears. For centuries be- in the Palestine colonies. The comthe first Japanese to take the Winnipeg, Man. (J.T.A.)—The'Profore the Christian era the Jewish pletion of this irrigation project will tled them upon the land, looked after sponsible for Hitler's elevation to kawa, degree of Bachelor of Arts- at Har- ing entered originally as tourists and people had been in possession of a make it possible to settle an in-vincial Legislature unanimously passtheir health, provided education for the chancellorship that he should be vard ' College, writes us. in.. his auto- remaining there without permission literature embodied in writing which creased number of Jews on the land ed a bill introduced by Marcus Hytheir children, stirm'ated communal replaced. The daily attacks on the biography:;"! one Sunday, from the authorities. was of the noblest quality. It com- and at the same time enable the man, Laborite, which amends the lienterprises, and, in general, acceler- Catholic church, on Catholic youth I went out in remember the yard (at the house Among the Jewish immigrants who prehended history, biography, chro- Agency to carry out its old plan of bel act so that any member of a race ated the development of the country. groups, the Catholic press and theof Kev. Charles Nathaniel Folsom arrived in February are S56 classed of imprisonment of priests as well as nicles, laws, songs sacred and pro-closely knit agricultural settlements. or creed may ask for a court injuncthe refusal of, the Catholic clergy to Concord)-and was playing ball, when as capitalists, having . brought with fane, prophecies, visions, and innum- The loan will not, however, make tion to stop the publication and cir~ SOCIAL RESEARCH Folsom, a most gentle and kind- them at least £1,000. erable rules and maxims on the con- possible a self-sustaining irrigation culation of libeious matter against the Greater efficiency and economy and be jnuzzled have confronted the Hit-, Mrs. The Palestine government announces duct of early life. -The three first system and the colonies will continue same race or creed. ly person, out of the house and concentration of Jewish efforts in the ler regime with the unyielding op- scolded meran (the only time she ever that the surplus in the treasury of verses in Genesis in the King James to draw electric power from the RutThe intention of the bill is pitJewish- communities throughout the position of the Vatican. did so). I did not then understand the Palestine had increased from £1,230,- version are the most superb sen- tenberg electric plant. The Imperial marily to stop the vicious anti-Semicountry are, being\ achieved, by the On top of this emergency the gov- meaning of Sabbath, and I was com- 295 in April, 1933, to £2,458,732 on tences in the English language. The Chemical Industries is making the tic propaganda of local Nazis am! Bureau of Jewish Social Research, a ernment is faced with a growing ^eco- pletely-bewildered; but to her eyes March 1, 1934. Book of Job is unsurpassable as loan on a strictly business basis but also to halt the circulation of the nobeneficiary of the Philanthropies. nomic crisis resulting from the boy- my act" was a most grievous sin." literature. The.. 19th Psalm is theit will charge a low rate of inter- torious "Protocols of the Elders of It was not long ago when. Omaha cott, the shrinkage in gold reserves, Kikkawa • was at that time twelve most magnificent of sacred songs. est. The Melchett firm expects that Zion." itself was diverting much of its com- increasing unemployment and a con-' years old. He was not then a Chris- Spring Style Show at The 150th Psalm is the most glori- the modern irrigation system will This is the first bill in Canada for munal energy Into diverse organiza- troversy between the moderates and tian, and never became one. " ous ascription of praise to God ever enable the Jewish settlers to buycurbing anti-Semitic propaganda. AcJr. Hadassah Benefit t i o n . . . when the Federation, the extremists in the Nazi party. LeadThe Strength of Jewish Pamily written. Because they had this litera- more chemical fertilizer, one of thecording- to the decision of the CanaJ. C, C , and -the Philanthropies were ers of the industrialist group, who ture Jews were able to keep products made by the Melchett com- dian Jewish Congress all the prov^ made possible Hitler's triumph, .are separate organizations. A spring style show, directed by alive the Sentiment the tradition of education in pany. inces will be asked to pass similar It was this Bureau which sent ex- now reported dissatisfied with the Mr. Max "Cohen, will be put on by An immense contribution made to family and community; and today the It is reported here that the Jewish bills. The Manitoba newspapers wers perts here., to. study the situation and government's policies and ready to tnodeni social ethics by the Jewish Herzbergs as a feature of. the bene- Jewish are. the most eager Agency Executive has asked the in complete sympathy with the bill rendered - k clear, constructive report turn to someone else if; they can people is their conception of family fit bridge to be given by Junior in any families community to profit by all find a leader to replace Hitler. Seri-• with the main feature the consolidalife, .all of which is founded on the Hadassah at the J:, C. C. Wednesday provisions made for public education. Palestine government to allot 22,000 and urged its passage. tion. •"'•' ,'-••!'*•.. .'.-'. . -•.-.•• '•' --.--ous, talk is also being heard about fifth Commandment, "Honor thy fa- •eveningj April 25. It was not till the Protestant Re- immigration certificates for the six If you.: want to know anything a re-establishment of the monarchy. ther and thy mother." The family has The Junior Hadassah girls who will formation that any corresponding de- months period beginning April 1. Want Rabbis about any Jewish organization, wheth- From reliable. sources it is also been the stronghold of Jewish racial model are the Misses Freda Soffer, sire for education on the part of Kovno. — At the request of tlic er it be in Germany/America, Pal- learned that Hitler is not in the best purity, religious duty, and religious Betty Burstein, Dora Freshman, Christian families began to find ex- B'noi Israel Syn®@®&ue Lithuanian rabbinate, the Lithuaninr. estine or any other part of the world, of health, his nerves having been sentiment. When George Washington Betty; Tuchman, Evelyn Giazer, and pression in public action. government has opened negotiations Founded 50 Years Ago this bureau will supply the informa- undermined by the failure of his pro- was trying to get a large tract of Sarah Levine. with Soviet Russia looking to the gram. It is said that at cabinet meet- land which he held on the Kanawha Miss Fannie" Katelman of Council tion. The Jewish contributions, then, to granting of permission by the Soviets ing he is accustomed to have alter- River settled by-men from Virginia Bluffs and Miss Lillian Epstein are modern social ethics, and particularly The golden anniversary of the to fifty of the leading Russian rabnating fits of melancholia and tem-. the exhortation he addressed to hisco-chairmen. to the ethics of Democracy, have been founding of the B'nai Israel synaleave the country. per. Those in a position to know Te- young tenants came straight out of The Jiffair is open to the public. great indeed. How the Democracies gogue will be celebrated with an al!- bisIntoview of the friendly relations port that Hitler is quarrelling with are going to acknowledge their ob- day program Sunday, May 27. existing between Lithuania and Rushis. subordinates over the plight in Genesis, "Be fruitful and -multiply. Prizes will be awarded for the high ligations and show their gratitude Further details are being worked sia, the rabbinate is confident that I Fcore - at each table, and - refreshand replenish the earth." which Germany now finds itself. by deeds is not yet plair out by the committees in charge. As president of Harvard College fjmerits will be served. the negotiations will be successful.

Philanthropies Leaders



L /







APRIL? 20^ 1934


TIDBITS I from -




•• .



putsch at Munich back in the early nineteen-twenties. Saubtrmann


E *






While Pittsburgh Zionists are r e joicing at the departure of Rabbi Samuel S. Goldenson, •whom they felt to be a hindrance to the growth of the Zionist movement in that smoky town, their non-Zionist coreligionists are deeply regretful; for the latter regarded Dr. Goldenson a s that Pittsburgh Jew who most completely commanded the respect and confidence of his non-Jewish fellow townsmen . . . Pieire Van Paassen, who has returned to France after his recent lecture tour here, proudly exhibits the prospectus of Ridley Hall, a new Canadian Anglican Theological college, which lists him as the Chancellor of the projected institution and as a special lecturer on church history and religion . . . A real Palestinian movie is about to be made by our Zionists, who have sent a Fox producing- organization to the Homeland to do a pictorial life of the Jews there . . . Aside to the Philip Guedallas of England, who are highly agitated because German imports to-Palestine have increased during the past year: This increase is a necessary concomitant to the influx of German Jews into Eretz Israel, for these refugees, unable to take along any appreciable amount of money, have found a way out bybringing German goods into the country—a solution of their problem first suggested by the late Dr. Chaim Arlosoroff.

1<Ho*E$ MEMORIAL LECTURER hrOxrom, tN 1931,







00.000 GERMAN


Workmen's Circle The spring concert and entertainment sponsored by the Workmen.'! Circle at the J. C. C. Wednesday evening and featuring the New York trio W. Packer, M. Brodin and Z. Zlatin) was enjoyed by an audience of five hundred. S. Iiipp, chairman, has expressed his appreciation to the committee and those helping make the affair a success. Mr. Lipp was assisted by a committee including Max Crounse, Max Selicow, Paul Katzmari, Sam Rndernran, Abe Forman, Sam Stein, A. Coltoff, Sam Zusman and J. Riklin.

Congratulations to attorney and exrabbi Norman Salit of the Rocka"Swim for health's saka" is the ways, wha has become associate- slogan of the J. C. C. physical educounsel to the Federal Home Loan cation department in urging more Corporation . t . Just to show you members of the community to learn what the financial field is like these how to swim. days: Broker Julian S. Bach is pro- The • spring swim schedule, startmoting a rodeo for London, and Don- ing May 1, follows: ald Baruch, son of Bernard M., hasSenior Women— become a producer under the name Monday and Wednesday, 11 a. m. of Edward Ludlttm . . '. If the War- 6:15-7 Beginners. ner Brothers and Leon Trotzky take 7-7:45 Intermediates. kindly to Princess Alexandra Kropot- 7:45-9 Advanced Swimmers - Red kin's suggestion that the former So- Cross. viet warlord play himself in the flickSunday. er "British Agent," he'll feel quite at 3:30-5 p.m. AH classes. Pi Lambda Phi horre no doubt; for, as you may re-G i r l s Members of Pi Lambda Phi, nationmember, Trotzky was once a film ex- Monday and Wednesday. al social fraternity, have distinguishtra for Warners, in their old New 4:45-5:30 p.m. ed themselves in numerous activities York days . . . Living in a glass Sunday— on the Creighton campus during the hour.e has a literal meaning for E. 2:30-3:30 p.m. past few weeks. Phillips Oppenheim, thriller author, Men— Morton Adler led the Sophomore novr that his all-glass studio on the Tuesday and Thursday. Arts class in scholarship, while Abe Riviera has been completed . . . We 6:15-7 Beginners. Katz placed third in the Freshman have been told to look out for "Un- 7-7:45 Intermediates. Arts ranks. possessed," the novel in which less 7:45-9 Advanced, Red Cross. Two of the members had leading Schlesinger, former wife of author Sunday. dramatic roles, Russel Blumenthal Herbert Solow, tells all . . . Lasar 10-1 Life Saving. Galpern, ballet-master of the Rohaving the male lead in "The Bad The schedules will be re-organized Man" and "The Swan," while Abe mance of a People, is the organizing genius of the American Children's for the summer. Katz was the "villain" in "Whistling Theatre which is being started in in the Dark." New York. Galpern has succeeded in Abe Faier had his article entitled Phi Beta Epsilon gelting the active help of Prof. John "A History of Anatomy" published Joseph Solomonow was unanimousDewey and his daughter for the rais- ly elected president of Phi Beta Ep- in the National Dental magazine. ing of financial backing. silon, s o c i a l Creighton fraternity. Earl Ross is a member of the CreighOther officers: Max Resnick, vice- ton quartet. president; Morris Koom, secretary; A smoker will be held at the chapTIDBITS ter house this evening. Lou Jacobs, German Jewish circus Harold Bloch, treasurer, and Harold Stein, sergeant-at-arms. Bernard Fox «lown who now delights American audiences, once aimed at a career as was appointed pledge-master. a concert musician . . . Our scouts An intra-fraternity tournament of The Menu Always report that Philly's Morrie Abrams, tennis, ping-pong, hand-ball and golf is being held, with Albert Rimmerwho is a 21-year-old law student, Provides Good really does play the violin and sang1 man in charge. simultaneously in his "Meistersinger" Thirty members attended an outradio program . . Playwright George ing at Naeve's Park Sunday, featured Foods of S. Kaufman likes to ride the merry- by a soft-ball game. go-round and shoot-the-chute . Unequaled Variety Harry Mizler, Jewish lightweight boxFa-Hon ing champ of England, lived up to The Fa-Hon Sorority will hold their at Moderate Prices the best movie tradition not long ago when he gave his winnings to his sis- annual bridge at the J. C. C. on ter, who needed a dowry. When Har- Wednesday evening, May 9, at 8 p. m. Eat at the ry isn't in training he helps his fa- Prizes will be given at each table. There will be special entertainment ther mind the family fish market . . . We call to your attention 8-year-old and refreshments. Admission will Elmer Dunkowsky, a recent emigrant 25 cents. from Latvia to Canada, who defeated the Dominion's chess champion, R. E. (American Hebrew) Allen and Henry Martin, in a recent game . . . And Levy will present in a New York realso Harvey Efimov, singer of Rus-cital late this month. sian and Yiddish folk songs, who 1511 Farnam St. hails from Pittsburgh and whom Abe (Copyright, 1934, by Seven Arts Feature Syndicate)

ON T H E NAZI F R O N T JEWSInformed circles declare that those two German shipping lines could not afford to run those full-page ads in the metropolitan dailies were i t not for subsidies from Berlin, and attribute to the appearance of these ads the marked decline in editorial disparagement of Hitlerism . . . But THE WAR FOR THE just why did Vladimir Horowitz, pianist and son-in-law of Toscanini, 6 0 % SAW SERVICE ATTHEFRQHT choose the Europa for his recent sail12,000 WERE KIUEP,35,000 ing? . . , We record with sorrow A CLOCK W/THHBBRBN that this year the metropolitan dailies are chuck full of ads of summer resorts that pride themselves on being corniest sins JUW msatt trsmetst "Christian" communities . . . The local Goy-maniacs Broadway slang for "Germans" who are planning a counter-boycott a g a i n s t American ed psychologist . . . Newspaper pub- ing, he knows that his music is beau- missionary division of the Canadian Lutheran church and, at one time, of Jews have a confusing time ahead of lisher Paul Block is a dead ringer for; tiful. them, what with the president of Ar- James M. Barrie, the Scottish play- BRIEF BIOGRAPHY the Mohammedan f a i t h , and who nold, Constable & Co. being Isaac Lib^ wright » . . Andre Citroen, once played a role in the first Hitler We wonder whether Cleveland's Icnown as the Henry Ford of France, erman, while the president of Stern Louis Tartchai, who publishes a HunBrothers bears the name William. 0- may be out of his motor company, garian paper, is,elated, or otherwise but his name still shines from the Biordan They do say that this Eiffel T o w e r in 200,000 electric it the recent arrival on this continent ALFINKEL will be the biggest year for American lights—which is comparable to an il- 4 his brother, the Buddhist missionTEACHER !'<JP, PIANO toy; manufacturers since the wartime luminated sign on the Washington ary! abbot, Chao Rung-, formerly IATKST METHODS boycott of Germany . . v Incidentally, monument . . . One of the finest col- known as J. L. Trebitsch-Lincoln . . . In Popular and Classical Jlaslo Berlin does have one excellent the- lections of modern art in the XL S.We'have followed with interest the ater — the group sponsored by thebelongs to Adolph Lewisohn, philan- career of this Hungarian Jew, who 204 Lyric Bldg., 19th & Fanuun JA. Kulturbund Deutseher Juden. But thropist and patron of music . . . has been among other things, a memtickets are not for sale to Aryans Talking of music reminds us that Ar- ber of the Britisb Parliament, of the . . . Fernand Corcos, formerly edi- nold Schoenberg, ultra-modernist comtor of a French Jewish paper, now is poser, recently declared that, popular putting out a single-sheet weekly de- opinion to the contrary notwithstandsigned to aid" French republicanism in fighting the various attacks upon it. . Shrine Circus to




Open on Monday Morris Ernst, New York attorney, taxi-strike mediator and newspaper Bob Morton Circus, world's largest columnist (he is "Malachi Forsyte" in J. David Stern's Evening Post), finds indoor circus, will open a week's enhis; greatest thrill in winning medals gagement at the City Auditorium for for his prowess, as a bowler . . . Tangier Shrine, starting April 23rd, Mdor Schneider, -whose work on mod- presenting a galaxy of American and ern poetry is now being aided by one European circus acts — wild animals of the $2,000 John Simon Guggen- acts, aerial and iron jaw acts, acroheim Memorial fellowships, has been bats and feature acts from the largest ' • earning his bread and butter by do- circuses In America^ ing publicity for, the publishing firm No expense has been spared in preof Macaulay, who specialize in popu- senting a two and one-half hour prolar^ fiction . . . Bernard A. Bergman, gram of thrilling excitement and on<*e the editor of the late Jewish comedy. Tribune, then press agent for BenjaAn army of thirty clowns under the min Winter (the realtor who has direction of Harry LaPearl, producing since relapsed into obscurity), and clown of the Morton circu3, will enterlater on the editorial staff of the tain young and old. The famous sprightly New Yorker, now edits the Hustrie Troupe is their sensational feature page which faces the editor- high wire act, performing at the top ials in the New York American . . . of the auditorium, with no net to proEdward L. Bernays, publicity ace andtect them, thrill every audience. The nephew of Sigmund Freud, owns but Riding Rooneys, leading exponents of one pair of shoes — and three motor eauestrian riding, the entire herd of cars . . . Freud's English translator, the Hippodrome Military Elephants Dri A. A. Brill, is a most enthusiastic and many other pony acts, dogs, lions ornithologist as well as a distinguish- tigers and monkeys.


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B'nai Brith Meeting To Be Held Monday

act; Mordecai Ezekiel, old-stock na-! Brains of any business contributes tive Jew of Portuguese descent, one 80% of the net profits of that organof the Wallace aids in the Agricul- • ization and with this in mind let us ture Department j Jerome Frank, Chi- : ask this question: At the next meeting of the B'nai cago's contribution to the Agricul"If Our Business Had a Machine Brith, Monday evening, April 23, at tural Adjustment ,Adininistration, E. Responsibility for Eighty Percent 8 p. m., Rabbi David H. Wice will be A. Goldenweiser,'. tead. of the*Re-, of Our Profits Would We Insure the principal speaker. His subject serve Board statistical bureau; David It?" is, "If the War Clouds Shed Their E. lilienthal, 34-yearHold. counsel .t>f" Water." He will be introduced by Dr. There is only one answer—"Yes!" the Tennessee Valley; Authority;; IsaLeon Fellman. Julius Bisno will give a the Service Life Insurance —and if this answer is correct for a •dor Lubin, 37-year-dMT Commissioner summary of recent Jewish news. machine that can be replaced without Company, Omaha of Labor Statistics; Charles* WyzanThe local lodge of the B'nai Brith great difficulty," can i t ' be any difBy ROBERT STONE ski, editor of the; Harvard J Law Rewill be host to the active members ferent where a human life is conBUSINESS INSURANCE view who became solicitor for the local A. Z. A. at a banquet Men and not' principles make a is luminous with its warm social of the New Deal, one because of his Labor Department! Sand even ".Leo S<? .much has been written about cerned? The only answer is business of-the at the J. C. C. May 3, on the oclife insurance." Life Insurance for business purposes government^ Montesquieu once , said. spirit. contributions in man power and in Wolman, now enf-the auto, meditation casion of the tenth anniversary of It is as true in democratic America What will become of the New Deal personal direction, the other because board—none of .these has opportunity that the average buyer feels it to be the founding of the A. Z. A. (Junior as in Fascist Italy and Germany. will be determined by the men whoof the preparatory work he did dur-to be as important in the • Roosevelt a very complicated and troublesome B'nai Brith.) The following is a review of "Themold and interpret it. The appear- ing 18 years on the "bench to make program as. the'author of ."The_N.ew subject Our idea is to present a simStanley F. Levin heads the comple explanation of what business inNew Dealers*" the ; anonymous book ance of "The New Dealers" (Simon the New Deal legally palatable. But,Dealers" would - like. to -have good mittee in charge, assisted by Max "which deals with the personalities at & Schuster) is, therefore, particularly if we are to rely on "The.Unofficial Americans believed What is more dis- surance is and does. "Washington who will determine the timely for the insight it attempts Observer," every second official - In turbing is that not one of these men, Business Life Insurance can be The Daughters of Israel Aid So-Barish, Ephraim Marks, Dr. Leon methods and the objective of "the to provide into the background, the Washington is of the Jewish faitih. no matter how sound [\. their liberal called-"brain insurance" or possibly ciety will celebrate their eighteenth Fellman, and Dr. Maynard GreenNew Deal." . _THE EDITOR. temperament and the views of the The following is an index to the background, has the vigorous revolut- a better term for it would be "Fam- anniversary on Thursday afternoon, berg. leading figures in Rooseveltfs en- author's intent and content: ionary viewpoint -_" such . as is ily Insurance." Business life insur- May 3, at 2:30 p. m. at the J. C. C. The banquet and program is open to members of the B'nai Brith and tourage. The anonymous author of even by TugwelL They ance protects the family's interest in All are invited. The intricacies of the New Deal, this narrative of, broken confidences "The fact is that Roosevelt is mak- possessed the breadwinners investment, . and A. Z. A. Reservations at 65 cents seem to be .nice, energetic statistiIts contradictoriness and its inconr calls himself "The Unofficial Ob- ing use of Jewish brains exactly cians who design beautiful charts. therefore can be termed "Family In- Mrs. Dave Ravitz is chairman. Ad- must be made at the Center by •where and how they should be used. Bistencies make judgment difficult server." There seems to be no doubt Thursday, April 26. time will prove that judg- surance'' -as freely as the personal mission is 25 cents. on the exact progress it has made —in his own mind—that he is play- He is vising them not because they Perhaps life insurance owned. ment wrong. It should. are Jewish but . because they are and on its ultimate objective. While ing an important part in the developSince this is to be a non-technical brains. The Jewish contribution to It would be amusing if Jews were discussion the Dr. "Wise of the nation confuse the m e n t o f of the subject, the. type of the New Deal is, therefore, precisely to be charged, at first subtly as policy to -be Issue for both conservatives-and r a d i - 1, T h e ^ R°oseveltian program, purchased will not ba that specialized intelligence which 'The Unofficial Observer" has done, dealt' with. Your local underwriter cals, the Administration baffles the N e w personalities revealed in "The rision. of those who recognize t h e , Dealers" are a more attractive makes other races fear them when and then overtly, with being prime will be happy to advise you on -the. they are treated as a separate com- movers in the Washington revolution contrast between-the conservative in- • and brilliant group of men than any munity.. For Roosevelt has discovered when they are merely small cogs best plan for your individual problem. administration . has ever. possessed.ternationalist Cordell Hull and the the English have known, since objecting because the greater wheels It is sufficient to stite that ANY liberal.'. nationalist Raymond Moley All of those who have any important what policy whether it be life or endowthe day of Disraeli, that the Jew is a and between the moderate Leo Wol- place • in the President's confidence bad servant and; a bad master, but a revolve too swiftly t o r their comfort. ment plan will give the protection reman, and the- progressive Rexford are equipped with a social conscience. superb partner in any bold enterquired and the same result per dollar If any political capital were to beprise." Tngwell. invested. The Administration eludes classifi- made of the presence of Jews in the AH business is divided into three j Because of a personal sympathy to cation because it is more.- or less Administration (as capital was made Roosevelt and a muffled approval for parts; capital, labor and brains. Since (fortunately less) a replica of the and is still being made in foreign some parts of. the New Deal, "The Uncapital is exposed to the fire hazard,] rrazy-quilt Democratic -party, - with countries out of the •participation of official and is protected by fire insurance;' Observer" has described the Its patches of humanitarianism and Jews in the political leadership" of personalities who compose the Adlabor is exposed to the accident haz-, its squares of medieval superstition, the U. S. S. R.) "The Unofficial ministration with less hostile animus ard and is protected by compensation rhat Roosevelt and his truest friends Observer" has provided ample am- than might be suspected. If his re- Warsaw, (WNS^—Militant anti- insurance, isn't it reasonable that the Semitism, including the immediate brains of an organization, exposed to aim to wrench the country away from 'munition for- the simple mmds who —„ . withdrawal' of citizenship from Jews, Ihe cupidinous cupidinous capitalism capitalism of of the the past past fiad most permanent and devastating', powerful "Elders of Zion" even iportmg AS correct, - classifications are enlightening andhisrarely blazed by is the basic tenet of the program the seems a certainty. Whether their goal > m decrepit members of old aged social hazard—death—should be protected! antipathies. is.a commonwealth like Russia or a homes. The patience with which the He is no less fair and laudatory to of the National Radical, a new politi- by business life insurance ? If. we! totalitarian state like Germany, it is author discovers the Jewishness of the Jewish "brain trusters" because cal party organized in Poland by a conld set up a ledger statement showT difficult to say at the moment. De- every "brain truster," the promis- they are Jews, except that there is in group of young men who have se- ing the distribution of annual profits spite the charges of the Steel Trust, cuity with which he lumps his Jews his tone the condescension of a Brah- ceded from the anti-Semitic National on an average business it would look President Roosevelt has not yet done would seem to be the result of design min to a parish, even when speaking Democratic Party (the Endeks. like this, assuming a capitalization of anything to prove his sympathy with and not chance. On that basis his of a Cardozo whose ancestor was pres- In an official statement of its $100,000.00 and an annual net profit! the program of the Third Interna- book must be judged. We have a ent at the inauguration of George aims, the new party reveals that its of $30,000.00. ' tionale. In comparison -with the rec-lurking suspicion that the pseudony- Washington. There is the definite objectives and methods will be identi- NET PROFIT ....$30,000.00 mous chronicler is Jay Franklin, the ord and the principles of previous John Carter who has once asked to impression that Mr. Unofficial Obser- cal with that t>f the Nazi party in $100,000.00 Capital inAn Outstanding administrations, Roosevelt's program retire from the State Department ver is perturbed over the disturbance Germany. The party's program is ex- vested at 6 % . . . . $ 6,000.00. Group Budget tremely national, imperialistic and Balance of - Net Profit for breaking confidences in print, of the quota system for Jews in high Price anti-Semitic resulting from BRAINS.. 24,000.00 and responsible places. Apparently Mr. Carter has proved himself a he does not agree with the honorable The National Radical would impose and persistent advance very astute $30,000.00 man for Adolf Hitler in the United Jewish gentlemen who still naively be- universal military service, exclude *. * * States. Without permitting his affec- lieve that the Jewishness of a public Jews as temporary inhabitants, reofficial should not be or is never men- form the economic system and ex- From the above we can see that the H. E. Wormhoudt, vice-president tions to seep into the present volume, tioned by those who consider his pell foreign capital. The founders of and. general manager of the Mona- he "has nevertheless taken every op- availability. the party declares that the existing portunity to frown upon any one Motor division of Barnsdall anparties have failed to cope with the 1897 guiilty of Iese majeste to Naziland. 1934 But a complete examination of the insurance plan Bounced that a new for employes of his company would Ambassador Dodd is taken to task Jews represented in the lesser "brain world-wide "revolution" and therefore i e in force within the next few days. for daring to assail dictators in histrust" is disappointing—not for their the younger generation must find its T h e y do douMe year's Columbus Day speech, numerousness but for their compara- own way of dealing with its probEach employe who has been with last duty! Stunning for while Vice President Garner is held the Mona-Motor Division of Barns- up as the virtual savior of the na-tive lack of contribution to the driv- ems. Recruits for the new party are Hip Length Jackets expected from the army, the profesing force of a courageous social and street wear. Cool dall for a period of more than six tion for preventing, the United States ional groups and" the nationalist Tailored Jackets months will be given a $1,000 in-, from making vigorous objections to economic program, There is no Rexand comfortable for surance policy free of ,charge as- a Germany's mistreatment? of the?" Jews. ford TUgwell or Henry. Wallace university students. / -• Belted Jackets indoor -wear without gift from the companjTThe plan'also The appointment-of .Jesse Straus to among .them, and with ambitions into The creation of |he -new party is Sleeveless Jackets calls for an additional §100 in insur- Paris is dismissed as a piece of' bad some practical realities. .• We do not ikely to weaken the .National Demo(he jacket. Good for ance for every year ; the employe re- taste, -for. it thereby • led Nazis to refer, of course, to Felix Frankfurter, rats who, as the second largest General Agent Waist Length Jackets the father of • most of these "brain iarty in Poland,, have been the maseveral seasons* mains with the coiiipany. believe that America was unfriendly. trusters," who has no place of official or opposition group to the Pilsud- 33S-340 Electric Bldg. JA. JS20 Besides the $1,000- policy for him- But these miscellaneous revelations responsibility at Washington. Do these ski: regime. self, the employe's wife is .also given a $1,00 policy free ^d charge by the j of .sympathy; are. not isolated, for men lack forcefulness and ruthless- the author is .very definitely Fascist ness because of a feeling for the need company, . /. This plan is unique and I know j in his inclinations, being : terribly of. reticence on account of their Jewishness? - If that were "so, Kooserelt of no other company that handles its disappointed with the misunder- might well dispense with-them. employe-insurance plan like, this," standing • that prevails i n • this counMr. Wormhoudt said. "It is the first try regarding the method and at- Sol A. Rosenblatt, Broadway time I have ever known a company tainments of the upraised arm phs-amusement-lawyer, in the N. R. A.; Louis "H. Bean, •" Lithuanian-born an••-•. ;- - - - '; to insure the. wives of its employes. losophy. - - -. ' • ' All of our employes are extremely • Felix Frankfurter and Louis D. alyist in the Bureau of Agricultural gratified over the attitude "of -the Brandeis are held up as the two Economics; Ben Cohen, assistant in greatest Jewish aids to the flowering the drafting of the securities reform company to them."


Some Personalities In The "New Deal"

Daughters of Israel


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THE JEWISH PRESS Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by

THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Subscription P r i c e , o n e y e a r - - - - - - - - Advertising r a t e s furnished o n application

* $2.50

Editorial Office: 490 B r a n d e i s T h e a t e r Building. Sioux City Office—Jewish. Community Center DAVID BLACKER - - - - - Business a n d Managing E d i t o r FRANK R. ACKERMAN - - - - - - - - - - - - Editor FANNIE KATELMAN - - • Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent ANN P I L I J - - - - - - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent P r i n t Shop A d d r e s s : 1307 H o w a r d S t r e e t •-

Benjamin Winter, and ex-About the Europe. While all recognize that Poland discriminates considerTowner for the New Yorker, is now ably against her minorities and her Jewish citizens and that the ! GEMS of the BIBLE j editor of the March of Events page lot of the Polish Jews is a sad one, nevertheless, it must also be j ; of the New York American. You can and TALMUD i put it under the caption: 'Boy From recognized that State-approved anti-Semitism is of a vastly dif- j By O. O. DASIIEB i Chillicothe, Ohio, Makes Good in Big] ferent brand than State-disapproved anti-Semitism. The Polish j ! City.'" government may wink at all kinds of violations, in theory the j j Thou shalt not give him thy ANOTHER BUTTONHOLE By DAVID SCHWARTZ state gives equality to all minorities. i I "Why don't you say something in ! money upon interest, nor give him League circles interpret the Polish move as an effort to ; your column," buttonholes A. J. S., thy victual for increase. i "about Maurice Schwartz always comget a hearing on the question of anti-Semitic persecutions in TREBITSCH-LINCOLN How goodly are thy tents, O Jacob, about the Jews ? He is fillGermany, for Germany's withdrawal from the League does not be- "I see by the papers," said Dr. j plaining ing the Forward with lamentations thy dwellings, O Israel! Joshua Bloch to me, "that our friend, come effective until the end of 1935. Accordingly, we should wel- Trebitsch-Lincoln is back in America and protestations. Twice a year, come the Polish move, but we should not place too much stock or passing through, at any rate. The Schwartz complains about the Jewish Blessed be every one that blesseth of his art. When he leaves tb.ee, and cursed be every "one that in its ability to do good. Once before, it may be remembered, the gentleman is now a Buddhist priest, treatment Second Avenue and tries out the Eng- curseth thee. having renounced Judaism many League made a gesture toward bringing Germany to book, but years ago for the Lutheran church, lish audiences on Broadway, he althe gesture was as impotent as the League's gesture of interven- and later for the Presbyterian church ways writes, chiding the Jewish pa- Ye shall not respect persons in tion in Manchuria. and following his ministerial career, trons, telling them now, he is inde- judgment, ye shall hear the small


he served as spy for the English pendent of them. And when he comes and the great alike; ye shall not be forces while at the same time spying back—after failing on Broadway, he afraid of the face of any man. always writes complaining of their for the Germans. neglect." "Apropos of his presence, let me TALMUD The iron ring of economic desperation is tightening about tell you a little story. Some years Our Rabbis were taught: He -who Germany, as the German officials are beginning to speak more ago, when the name of Trebitsch- WHAT—ANOTHER loves his wife as himself, and honors KICKER! was in the headlines by reaher even more than himself, and he freely in their admissions of the ruinous effects of the anti-Nazi Lincoln sons of his arrest as a spy, a Chris- "Why don't you say something in who leads and raises his sons and With the local Jewish community busily engaged in prepara- boycotts the world over. your column about Ernest Bloch?" tian woman came to my room (the daughters on the right path, and tions for the fifth annual Jewish Philanthropies campaign for To add to the discomfort of Nazi officialdom, another import- Jewish division of the New York li- kicks S. M. "All the Jews have been tries to marry them off in their praising him to the skies. And he is $42,500 for local, national and international Jewish agencies, ant Jewish victory was scored when the German government ad- brary). age—concerning him the telling how Jewish his music youthful passage reads: And thou shalt know every effort is being expended toward holding a highly successful mitted its guilt in having unjustificably dismissed a number of "Her name was Mrs. Lewis Tribus. always is. Well, how do you reconcile that husband was city engineer of that there is peace in thy tent. drive. There is a Talmudic saying to the effect that we enter this Jewish doctors in Upper Silesia merely because they were Jews. Her New York. He was one of the coun- with his recent statement that he respects the sincerity of Hitler and that world empty handed and, likewise, we leave this world empty- For the violations in this territory Germany is answerable to the try's leading engineers. Mrs. Tribus Rabbi Elazer said: "In the future Jewish question in Germany is handed . . . the conclusion to be drawn bieng that what we possess League, and reliable sources indicate that the Hitler government came to me and without telling me the all the professional men will become only incidental. In my opinion, his she was a t first, wrote the letfarmers." in wordly and material treasures are held by us merely in trust. admitted its guilt because they feared the commission would ren- who ters that make up the name—Tribus Sacred Cantata, which he wrote for Anent charity, Prof. Albert Einstein stated just this past der the decision against them and preferred this method as the—and asked me if it was a Jewish the Temple services, ought to be boyWhen Rob entered a path (between cotted as much as German ships." week: "The fairest quality of Jewish charity is the fact that it more graceful "out." The ease was being tried before the Upper name. fields) and saw the ears waving, he You know what Leopold Godowsky, " I replied to her that as far as I does not stop at the bounds of our own people, but in many cases Silesian Mixed Commission of the League of Nations at Katto- knew used to say: "Toss yourself (be as it -was not, but that" there was the famous composer, remarked when proud as thou wilt), trading in busirebounds to the advantage of the poor and oppressed of other wice. The Nazi government promised to reinstate the men ata European town or two, which bore he heard Bloch's statement that he ness yields more profits than thou a name similar to that, and it is pos- respected Hitler's sincerity: races. Benefactions are not regarded by good Jews as a sacrifice once and to pay them for the time they were unemployed. dost." "The ox that gores you is also sible that some Jews, coming from on the part of the giver, but as a benefit to the donor himself. This decision is of vital importance because of the large num- that town or towns, might have such sincere." Bravo for Godowsky I Rabbi Popa said: "Have provisions The recognition that possessions are not a privilege but a trust ber of similar cases still to be heard by the Mixed Commission. a name. It was quite customary for of your own production, and do not REVOLUTION Jews to give themselves the names of must always remain alive among us. Among non-Jews, too this It is also important because it demonstrates that despite its inhu"Did you notice," queries Edward buy it even though, it may cost the conception is far more alive in the Untied States than in Europe." man attitude, the Nazi government is showing a regard for thetheir native towns. Coleman, secretary of the American same price, because you can navis "The lady was downhearted, when Prof. Einstein further pointed out that the spirit of mutual aid opinion of the world. Jewish Historical society, "the evolu- them on your table while they are X told her that it wasn't an intrinsifresh. But household goods—buy and self-sacrifice occupy first place in the moral tradition of the cally Jewish name. Then she told me tion of the name of Herbert Askwith ready made and do not spin." —the American Jewish writer? the reasons of. her coming. Jewish people, and that so long as this tradition continues to be "His father's name was Askowitch. "She was, she said, intensely deRabbi Popa said: "Be always transmitted from generation to generation, the hatred opposing Later, it was changed to Askowith. voted to her husband—Lewis Tribus. The French government, we are reliably informed, is exam- He was the most upright and mag-Now it has become Askwith. Next— ready to buy land, but be careful the Jewish people cannot do it any harm. it will probably be Asquith—and may- with your matrimonial affair: Go In this season of generous giving and liberal sharing, let us ing details of a plan for the settlement of a large number of Ger- nanimous of men. And he was a very be he'll become a prime minister— down a step when you are choosing good Christian. He seemed in partica wife." drink, deeply of the well-springs of rich Jewish tradition . . . for man Jewish refugees in Syria near the frontier of Palestine. We ular to be fond of the Old Testament like Herbert Asquith." the moral traditions of the Jewish people, their quality of charity are also informed that the French High Commissioner is planning and he always spoke very warmly of MORE ABOUT NAMES Ask Austria Not to and mercy and peace will enable them to continue to outlive their to recommend the project to his government. The Jewish Agency Palestine. "Did you know," queries Rose L. Differentiate for Palestine is negotiating with a group of Syrian notables for "Once he had said to her that he persecutors. "that Ricardo Cortez started Vienna.—Concerned at the governthe purchase of a large tract of land near the Palestine border. would give her for her wedding anni- Klein, out as Jacob Kranz—that it later be- ment's policy of making a distinction versary either an automobile or a trip Dr. Chaim Weizmann and Moshe Shertok, leaders in Zionism, were to Palestine. 1 would prefer that you came Jack Crane—and then Ricardo between the Jews of one group and in Syria recently carrying on negotiations with the High Com- take the trip to Palestine,' he said. Cortez, and that Cortez doesn't like those of another, representatives of Tel Aviv, the all-Jewish commercial and industrial metropolis missioners. At the same time a group of private individuals are That was enough for me,' said Mrs. to be reminded of his first name?" every Jewish interest and party in of Palestine, is today the symbol of the regeneration of Jewish carrying out a survey of a tract of land near the border of Iraq Tribus. 'If he wanted me to go to And did you know, Rose L., that Vienna, gathered at a mass meeting, Jews in Palestine by the name of adopted a resolution calling the reI would go.' life in the Homeland. And the third biennial Levant Fair, to be with the object of settling other German Jewish refugees there. Palestine, "'Now,' continued Mrs. T r i b u s , Klein, change it to katan—the He- gime's attention to the fact that the held in Tel Aviv from April 26 to May 26 in conjunction with the community does not differenWhen the French officials contrast their own deficit with the 'when I saw the name of Trebitsch- brew word for klein? Isn't this a Jewish tiate between Jews of one party and twenty-fifth anniversary of the founding of Tel Aviv, is the sym- huge and constantly increasing surplus in the Palestine treasury, Lincoln in the papers, it occurred to klein and meshugga world, Rose? those of another. bol of the humming activity and steady growth of Jewish achieve- (now over $10,000,000) they are impressed with the possibility of me that the name Tribus might be of The intimation was that the govJewish origin. Many times I have enment in transforming waste swamps into, what is. once again be- such Jewish colonization. From the Jewish viewpoint, the pos- tertained the idea that my husband ernment should do likewise. coming a land flowing with "milk and honey." sibilities of settling many more refugees near Palestine is heart- might have Jewish blood in him.' Among the nations participating in this international Levant ening, especially since Syrian land is more fertile!than Palestinian. "*What difference does it make whether your husband has Jewish Fail* axe Great Britain, France, Italy, Japan, Sweden, Poland, Bel- With Transjordania still a colonization possibility and with parts blood or not?' drey Iron, JJaminum and gium, Austria, Bulgaria, Switzerland, Czechoslovakia, Holland, of Syria now in prospect, funds should be the only obstacle in the "'Oh, you do not understand,' anA Typographical Error Bronze Castings Roumania, Yugoslavia, Lithuania, Denmark, Finland, Norway and path of solving the problem of many refugees. To answer the swered Mrs. Tribus. ' I -would give Six-year-old Mortimer went to SatWood and Sfetal Patterns anything to feel that my husband has urday morning' services one week with Cyprus. The site of the forthcoming fair occupies an area of money problem, tfie~Jewish"peopIe must redouble their efforts to 2614 fi&rtha St. EA. 6523 him the same blood as the Sav-his grandmother. When he got home, about 100,000 square meters, as compared with the 1929 fair crown "with success the fund-raising1 drives being conducted now. in iour.'" his fond grandfather asked his grandwhich occupied 26,000 meters. " son if he had understood the rabbi's A CONTRAST The Levant Fair not only attracts trade to Palestine but sermon. NATIONAL So that is the story of a Christian "Sure I did," Mortimer replied cockserves to draw the attention of the world to the increasing imACCESSORIES, Inc. lady named Tribus, who longed that ily. "It told about a man named Esau. portance of Near Eastern markets to world trade and the opporher husband might be found to have A group of Jews in the New York metropolitan area have orI learned about him in school. He EVERYTHING tunity to penetrate those markets via Palestine. I t also brings ganized a "blue shirt" movement, ostensibly to protect Jewish in- Jewish blood. was the one who wrote those fables, For the Auto let me give you another story but my teacher never told me that he to notice the commercial experience and enterprise of the Jewish terests in fighting against the brown-shirted Nazis who have un- of Now 2051 Farnam AT. 5524 a Jewish family of the same name had sold his copyright for a mass of people there and the fact that Palestine has such a favorable geo- dertaken to wear the official German uniforms at their propa- —and its reaction to Jewish blood. potash."

The Week in Review

Victory Against Germany

Moral Traditions

New Possibilities



Paxton Mitchell Co.

New Shirts—Unwanted

graphic position at the gateway of Europe, Asia and Africa. The rapid rises of Tel-Aviv to a position of commercial and industrial pre-eminence in the Middle East is a striking manifestation of the spirit and enterprise which is building an economically-sound Jewish national Homeland .

ganda meetings. The wearing of a particular color of shirt or THE NAZI THEORICIAN the donning of any distinctive clothing to denote a political phil- "I see by the papers," said Dr. osophy is the product of deranged or fanatic minds. Jews have Melamed, the brilliant Chicago editor, me, "that our friend, Trebitschsufficient weapons available to defend themselves against Hit- to Lincoln, is back in America. You lerism without yielding to a psychology that immediately alienates know, of course, that he renounced intelligent men and women who are interested in-helping the Jew- Judaism, but do you know that the Nazi theorician, Arthur Trebish cause. Jews are opposed to black, browi | n d silver shirts. leading Iron Guard Antics itsch, was his cousin?" All that the Their adoption of a colored shirt of their own \to>uld merely put Nazis are saying about the Jews—all • The situation in Rumania grows more tense daily, as thethem in the same category with the other intolerant, hysterical that the Nazis are sayjng about the anti-Semitic iron Guardists continue to grow in strength. The and unprincipled groups which are attempting to exploit the race—are but the rehashings of Ardecision of the Rumanian court, freeing the Iron Guard leaders basest motives in human nature!, The same leaders among the thurs Trebitsch, who died a few years and Otto Weininger ;-r- another in the trial growing out of the assassination of Duca had more Jewish war veterans, where some of the "blue shirters" originate, ago, Jew. Both were brilliant men. Both repereussibns than, being merely a moral victory for the Ruman- are urged to dissuade their comrades from action which injures while very young were regarded as philosophical prodigies. ian Hitlers. I t brought out that the Iron Guards have wormed the Jewish case. , Arthur Trebitsch wrote- "Geist and their way into places of importance in the government. Judenthum," the most bitter tirade Despite a tight censorship of all news from Rumania, reports against the Jews one can imagine. are being freely circulated that a plot with wide ramifications in For the Children Everything that Trebitsch disliked, he The reduction of the mortality rate among Jewish infants in discovered to be Jewish. He hated the regular army arid gendarmarie has ; been discovered for the Catholicism, so he proved that Cathassassination of King Carol. Other reports say that Carol has Palestine from 131 per l;000 live births in 1925 to the present fig- olicism was a Jewish invention. Latswitched sympathy, and is ready to co-operate with the Iron ure of 85 is an eloquent compliment to the medical and health sys- er, he hated Free Masonry, and he Guard program. In the meantime^ the Jewish residents are in tem maintained in Palestine. In this humanitarian work the Ha-branded that as Jewish. : - "Brilliant as he undoubtedly was, dassah contributions have been outstanding. constant fear of pogroms. he suffered from a persecution comNo factor in the upbuilding of the Jewisb Homeland is asplex. He labored under tlie delusion An illustration occurred this-last week of how pogroms are incited in-Europe against the Jewish people. A plot was nipped in fundamental'or as important as the rearing of Palestinian youth that the Alliance Israelite was seeking his life. He -was always sure that the bud and the conspirators apprehended—some anti-Semites in good health and healthful surroundings. they were following him, with ^ the were to throw a bomb into a Protestant church and say that some knife of an assassin or with poison. When he went to sleep in a friend's 1 Jews did the act and then, after whipping the feelings of theThey Say . . . home, he would steal down to see if masses to a frenzy, lead a pogrom against the Jewish people. "If Justice Louis D, Brandeis is a prophet, Felix Frankfurter there were any Jewish assassins conis a trainer of prophets who has made the Harvard Law School a cealed. He argued in the most profound German academic manner for sort of racing stable for liberal lawyers. One of biir greatest teach- the For Protection of Minorities extermination of the Jews. The Polish government has placed on the agenda of the Sep- ers of youth, he also has the tact and ability to teach governors "The Nazis have not added one tember session of the League of Nations a proposal that the and presidents. He has a keen mind and there are few men who iota to what Trebitsch wrote. He anticipated everything they said. And League convene by April, 1935, a conference composed of all itscan talk more enticingly."—"Unofficial Observer." it may interest you to know that Themembers with instructions to frame a general convention for the odore Lessing, who wrote of Trebitsch's anti-Jewish tirades, was one international protection of minorities. Although the Polish pro- Hebrew Calendar of the first Jews assassinated when Rosh Chodesh Iyar..-.;.......:..._.^..._ .........Monday, April 16 posal does not mention either Jews or Germans, it points out that the Nazis got into power." Lag B'Omer... .__^..._ .^;__.....Il^..;;^:_.;_..._^ sd May 3 m ; ur ayt the existing minorities treaties guarantee the rights of minorities :._-™--.----...-l._..._..;j..Tuesday, May 15 THE MORAL only in some countries and leave them unprotected in many others. Rosh Chodesh Sivan........ _•—:_._..Sunday, MayJ.0;Monday, May 21 There it is, folks. A Christian lady, The only remedy, Poland declares, is a pact to "embody the same Shevuoth „_ . with the name of Tribus, struck by undertaking for all the members of the League and insure inter- Rosh Chodesh Tammuz......... :..„,......._.., .......™.m....Thursday, June 14 the similarity of her name to Treb. . ...„,. „___.._.. Saturday, June 30 itsch hopes that she may have Jewnational protection for all minorities of race, language or religion." Fast of Tammuz.-.. .™__Friday, July 13 ish blood. A Jew — Trebitsch — be'. Upon analysis, Poland's motives are not in the interests of Rosh ChodeKHAh.- _ : "-••'-•-••-•-"•"•• :_.SyhiHny, T'% 21 comes the leading Nazi theoretician. the minorities or of the Jewish people. They are interested in Tisha K'Ah — ._...._..Supday, August 12 SMALL TOWN BOY having Germany bound by the same obligations to protect minor- Rosh Chodesh Elul..„__._.„.„ , "Make mention in your column," NOTE: Holidays begin in the evening preceding the date des- buttonholed ities as now bind Poland. Yet, regardless of motive, the Polish me E. B. S-, "that Bernard A. Bergman, ex-secretary to proposal if adopted may do much to alleviate anti-Semitism in ignated.

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NECKWEAR Here's a value surprise for you in the fine scarf you've always wanted. Now you can buy fine pure silk knitted neckwear at a ridiculously low price. Solid Colors—-Fancy Stripes • And the colors are as gorgeous as the silks used in this neckwear. SEE FARNAM STREET WINDOW





Fourteen members were initiated. day night, with forty couples attend«asion of his twenty-fifth Mrthday. Mothers, Daughters Vaad Auxiliary; The evening was spent playing The organization held a weiner ing. Another is planned for the near Cities" by Sholom' Asch roast at the Hermanson farm Satur- future. bunco, prizes being won by Mrs. Joe Affair on May 13was"Three renewed by Rabbi Uri Miller at Nitz, Mr. Hyman Brown, and Mr. of the Ladies' Vaad AuxA. Brookstein. Dancing followed. and Daughter The annual g Monday afternoon. h JewishWoThe fortune of each guest was pre-banquet sponsored by the dicted by little toys "which were hid- men's Welfare Organization, will be A special luncheon, the proceeds! of which will be used to purchase a den in the individual cakes. held Sunday, May 13, at 6 p.m., at set of dishes for the Vaad kitchen j 21th and Harney the J. C. C. will be given by 20 women who havej CAPTURE STATE HIGH The number of reservations will be Announces.... to act as hostesses. The SCHOOL DEBATE TITLE restricted to 300. Reservations should voluntered date of the luncheon will be set soon Fannie Witkin and Louis Hartz were be made as early as possible, either and The opening of a new dining room this Sunday . . . announced in the Jewish Press. the duo who brought the state high at the J. C. C, or with Mrs. David Plans One of the Beauty Spots of the Mid-West discussed for a theatre school debate championship to Tech- Feder, Glendale 1164. The banquet party towere be held next month. Mrs. "We Serre French, Italian and American Dishes nical High school in the tournament will be fifty cents per plate. William Milder was appointed chairTO RECEIVE FOR NEWLY-WEDS WE DO SOT USE LAED—WE USE BUTTER held last week. man of the committee of arrangeand ©lire Oil Exclusively. Vie season Our Foods Mrs. A. Slobodisky wil receive at SURPRISE BIRTHDAY PARTY The question debated was "Rements. Junior Society. the Way You Like It the home of her daughter, Mrs. I. Mr. Harry Whiteman gave a sur- solved, That the United States Should Tea was served by Mrs. Louis EpPlotkin, 3106 Lincoln Blvd., on Sun-prise birthday party in honor of bis Adopt the British System of Control A regular meeting of the Junior Our Chef Has Had 33 Tears Experience Society of the Conservative Syna- stein and her co-hostesses, the Mesday afternoon, April 22, from 3 to wife. at the home of Mr. and Mrs.of Radio Broadcasting." dames S. Ban, S. Weiss, H. Kazlow6 p. m. honoring the marriage of A. Brookstein, Friday evening, April In the finals the Omaha debaters gogue was held on Monday evening, sky, and H. Kimmerman. We Are Offering a Prize of $10 to the April 16, at the home of Mrs. Harry her daughter, Ruth, to Mr. Max Bres- 13. The evening was spent playing defeated Trenton.. Silverman. Person Who Selects New the Best low of Lincoln, Neb., on February 23, cards. Mr. Whiteman presented a. dinner The present officers were all re1934. Name for the Room elected for the ensuing term of six A regular meeting of the Pleasant Hadassah No invitations have been issued. ring to his wife, who is the former Edna Leffcowitz. months. These are: Ida Tenenbaum, The regular meeting of the OmaHill Auxiliary will be held Tuesday, ha Hadassah will be held Wednes- president; Sophie Rosenstein, vice- April 24, at 2:30 p. tn., at the 24th KRAMER-JACOBSEN S. A. M. MOTHERS CLUB president; Ann Greenberg, secretary; day afternoon at 2:30 p. in., at the And Receive . . . Flowers for the Ladies, Cigars for the Men and Nicholas street synagogue. All ENGAGEMENT will J. C C. A board meeting will be Besse Bernstein, treasurer; and members are urged to attend. The S. A. M. Mothers club and Gum for the Children Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jacobsen of meet at the home of Mrs. L. Epstein, Sophia Handler, reporter. at 1:30 pjn. this city announce the engagement 3152 Chicago street, on Thursday, held The meeting will be devoted mainly Plans are being made for the anof their daughter, Molly, now resid- April 26. to the work of the infant welfare nual spring formal, which is to be Ladies Labor Lyceum ing in Washington, to Mr. Harold group, of which Mrs. Joseph Gold- held at the Bixchwood Country Club Thirty-two piece set of dishes will Kramer of Omaha. The wedding will RETURNS TO DETROIT on June 9. Details are being ar- be given away at the drawing and 21th and Hamey ware is chairman. take place in June. ranged by the committee composed concert to be given on Sunday, May Mrs. Bessie Firsht, former Omahan who has been visiting here with The sewing circle group of Ha- of Sally Morgan, chairman; Esther 20, at the Labor Lyceum, 22d and KRAFT-LERNER ENGAGEMENT relatives and friends, left Sunday for dassah will meet Monday -afternoon, Blumenthal, Tillie Markovitz and Ann Clark, by the Ladies Labor Lyceum club. Admission will be 25 cents. Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Lernex of her home in Detroit. April 23, at the home of Mrs. SamGreenberg. Kansas City, Mo., announce the enTheodore, 601 South Thirty-first gagement of their daughter, Rose, to POSTPONE CARD PARTY avenue. Daughters of Zion Re-lm Mr. Hyman Kraft of Omaha. The card party the Ladies AuxThe next cultural class of the The first open meeting of the ReThe wedding will take place i n iliary of the Congregation of Israel Mrs. I. Dansky and her commit- Daughters of Zion will be held this was held at the J . C. C. Kansas City on May 27. of South Omaha scheduled, for Toes- tee held a successful one-day box Saturday at the home of Mrs. S.Im club was Thursday evening, with over 150 atday, April 17, was postponed a t a collection drive for the Jewish NaFeUman, 3552 Cass street, at 2:30 tending. special meeting, because of the tram tional Fund Monday, collecting over ENTERTAINS FOR VISITOR m. Jack Frieden, president, presided. $250 for the Keren Hayesod. A p. A Mrs. J. M. Baker entertained at strike. prominent speaker will address Is Soskin spoke on the purpose of thorough cancass of the Jewish comThe card party will instead beheld a 1 o'clock luncheon followed by the meeting. All members are cordi- the organization, after which the . bridge for twenty-four guests, honor- on Monday afternoon, April 23, at munity was made. ally invited. meeting was turned over to Treddy ing Mrs. S. Maizel of Laurelton, 2 p. m. All tickets bought previously Walker, master of ceremonies. will be honored Monday. Plans are progressing for the anLong Island, formerly of Omaha, who Commissioner Harry Trustin spoke Golden Hill Society nual Give or Get luncheon, to be is visiting here. Prizes were won by briefly on the ideals of the club. held May 2, at the J. C. C. Only A regular meeting of the Ladies Mrs. H. Richlin, Mrs. H. Blumenthal, BRIDGE LUNCHEON Others on the program: George those raising or donating a given Golden Hill Society will be held Mon- Johnson, piano; Twelve hostesses "will give a 1 and Mrs. H. Smith. Ann Nieman, songs; day afternoon, April 23, a t 2:30 p.International trio, o'clock luncheon bridge at the J. C. sum are eligible to attend. songs; Irving The main speaker will be Miss m., at the home of Mrs. L. Turkel, C. Tuesday, April 24, for the beneRETURNS HOME Pazoff, soft shoe tap; Jack Frieden, Dr. Sam Greenberg, chiropodist, fit of the Hadassah Give o r Get Pearl Franklin of Chicago, national 3425 California street. humorous selections. vice-president of Hadassah and honoMedical Fund. Mrs. Julius Stein is returned home Tuesday morning after a short visit to Minneapolis. chairman of the Medical Fund, which rary president of the Chicago chapJunior Vaad aids in the health work in Palestine. ter of Hadassah. Miss Franklin, who The hostesses are: The Mesdames is said to be an eloquent and force- At a regular meeting of the JunObtain New Books Louis Alberts, J. Rosen, H. Eisen- ful speaker, has made two trips to ior Vaad Tuesday, April 17, plans statt, J. Finkel, Sam Kaplan, N. Palestine. During her last trip there completed for a debate to be at Center Library Simon, Goodman Cohen, J. Klein, she spent an entire year studying were held May 2 at the B'nai Israel synAnnounces A. Silverman, S» Goldware, S. Solig, Palestinian conditions. ^"The New Dealers," by "Unofficial and H. Belmont. Additional names of those eligible agogue at 8 p.m. That he is now associated "with Observer," is the latest book to be The general public is invited. for the Give or Get luncheon include The question will be: "Resolved, the Community Kosher Market that Religion Has a Significant Futhe Mesdames A- D. Frank, J. J. at 1610 Xo. 24th. Mr. Tutx will '•-••-.•'••added, to the Center rental library ture in the Modern World." The Junappreciate the patronage of his Greenberg, J. H. Knlakofsky, David I/conducted jointly by the Council of RETURNS FROM VISIT ior Vaad Auxiliary, on the affirmaformer customers and bis many FinkeL Jack Kaufman, T. A. Tally, Jewish Women and the J. C. C. Miss Irene Fishberg has just retive, will be represented by Sarah friends. Otter recent books in the library turned from a two weeks stay in Sam ZIotky, A. Praedell, Harry German and Minnie F r o h m . The Tou are assured of the best ^Include "An Altar in the Fields," by Sioux City, where she was the guest Crounse, Mary Zalk. Young Men's Vaad, upholding the meats obtainable when yon *"; Lndwig Lewisohn; ^Wands," by of Miss Lucille Kronick and Miss negative, will be represented by Has- phone your order in to the Richard Grant; and "Union Square," Janet Lebowich, Many affairs were Volleyball Game kell Cohen and Joe Fellman. Admis~ by Albert Both, all renting for three given in her honor. sion will be fifteen cents. r cents per day. Tuesday Evening The Junior Vaad Auxiliary Mother :J:2feiJ?he libraryalso serves as agent CHOSEN MEMBER The Health. Clubbers of the Jew-and Daughter affair will be held SunZ- to anyone. ordering magazines:* or Ina Jacobsen, daughter of Mr. andish Community Center "will play the day, May 6. MrsT L. Neveleff will :•:• books through it, •with a saving ip Mrs. Henry Jacobsen of Omaha, lias Y. M. C. A. Volleyball team from speak for the mothers and Dora 1610 No. 24th HA. 7303 the buyer. A bargain sale is also been chosen a member of the Cy Council Bluffs next Tuesday evening Freshman will respond for the daughPres club of the National University on the J . C. C. court. being held. ters. <: The library, located on the second of Law of Washington, D. C. Members of the "J" Health Club volleyball team include Les Burkenfloor west, J. C. C., is open evenings BIRTHDAY SURPRISE road, Abe Brodkey, Dr. Paul Elite ••'-. and: Sunday afternoons. Mrs. Charles Hermanson enter- Leo Wilson, C B. Schoppe, Sam GilLooking at the new Leonard is one surprise tained at a surprise party April 7, insky, Paul Steinberg, Phil Feldman, and Arthur Cohn. after another—for any family. You'll find it has honoring her husband on the ocParamount Ann. Sten, Sam Goldwyn's new BEAUTY MADE: MEK all the conveniences you've wanted for years, million dollar screen star, makes her JEV1SN BETRAY cinema debut to local theatergoers BROTHERS! and many others that are brand new in this this week at the Paramount theater THE complete refrigerator. in "Nana," along with the screen feature "The Show-Oil" in which Spencer Tracy and Madge Evans have the You want beauty, naturally. The new Leonard AT W i l l romantic roles. UCKAtD 8ENNEI1 will be the pride of your kitchen. Charming:, Ami Sten, a Hussion actress, comes HOLMES of Nebraska Women to this country with highest stage and « • $ MAE ClARKE modern lines; snowy finishes—non-fading, screen honors of European capitals, Try a Bag Today despite her youth. In "Nana.'' she is He talked in Millions— hard as flint In the roomy, planned food comand didn't have a dime! given ample opportunity to display partment—a score of wonderful convenience her histrionic talents and Sam Goldwynn by Phillips Holmes and Lionel features, in addition to those pictured here. Atwill. ; :



Pleasant Hill Auxiliary





BE Surprised, Sirl"

Sam Nitz



Wait HU I Sliciw Y*«!


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Orpheum Lanny Ross, radio's "Show Boat'l singing star, is featured in -Ms- first full length screen production, "Melody In Spring*' at the Orphemn. • Charles Haggles, Mary Boland and Ann Sothern nave the important supporting roles in this gay, romantic musical production in -which. Ross sings "Melody in Spring," "The Open Road," and "Ending With a Kiss." "The Upper World" - with Ginger Rogers and Warren Williams is the second feature for the week. It is a Ben Hecht story of sensational intrigues that-are experienced in socalled "high orow" society.

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SIX DIE IN BUS CRASH—This photo shows the scene of the wreckage of the Cleveland-Detroit passenger bus on a road near North Eidgeville, O., in which six persons were killed and 14 others injured. The bus, en route to Detroit from Cleveland, struck the •parked truck at right, and swerved head-on into a truck and trailer, traveling in the opposite direction.

DUCE'S YOUNGEST—Here is a new picture of Romano and Maria Mussolini, the two youngest children of- Premier Benito AT yjfofcsolini, premier of Italy. The kiddies are pictured in the' seat of " ^ li^rtntri WASHINGTON—Gaily attired in the costumes of their native land, Mme. Saito, wife f the Ja an€se ."{then? new miniature automobile. Romano is six and one-half years ° P ambassador to the United States, and her children, Sakiko and Masako, pose under the blossoming cherry trees along the Potomac river at Washington. of age, and Anna Maria is four.

"OLD IRONSIDES" AT CANAL—The U. S. frigate Constitution presents an inspiring sight as she passes through the Gatun locks of the Panama canal at Cristobal, Canal Zone, en route from the west coast to Boston.

F. D. R., JR., PASSES TEST—Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr., son of the president and a student at Hao-ard university, is pictured behind the steering wheel of his automobile as he took the road test for a driv« er's license at Cambridge, Y g Roosevelt's driving d i i was sat-'t ' g , Mass, Young isfactory to Examiner Donahue, shown beside him in the car, and he passed the test.

ENDS—American soldiers under the command of Gen. Fitzhugh Lee are.pictured en M«to|f Havana, Cuba, Jan. 1,18&9, after the war, ending the sovereignty of Spain and l d H t e "EEMEMBER THE MAINE T'—That was the brief battle cry in the war with Spain and here she is, sunk in Havana harbor. This phot* y a s made the day following the explosion which sent her to the bottom on the night of Feb. 15,1898, with 260 oJ her crew. Sr:'•;'-'"••/: iBland under American inilitary rule which lasted until May 20,19O2.y


CASE INVOLVING PERSECUTION TO COURT AT HAGBE Suit by Swiss Company Reveals Pogrom in Gennan Provinces


J. C. C. Calendar Monday, April 23— 8 p. m. Talmud Torah. Board Meeting. 2 p. m. Council of Jewish Women. 7 p. m. Workmen's Loan. 5 p. m. B'nai Brith. '. Tuesday, April 24— 6 p. m. Youth's Division Dinner, Philanthropies. 8 p. m. Vaad Forum presents Dr. L. SiegeL Wednesday, April 25— 2 p. m. Senior Hadassah. 8 p. m. Junior Hadassah Bridge party, Style Show. Thursday, April 26— 8 p. m. Junior Hadassah. Sunday, April 29— 3 p. m. Hebrew Club. Monday, April 30;— 7 p . m . Workmen's Loan. 6 p. in. Majors Dinner for Philanthropies. . . . , . : • . .


Currency Influx Aiding Palestine Jerusalem (J. T. A.)—There is a total of £3,664,664 in currency in circulation in Palestine, reports William Joseph Johnson, state treasurer, who acts as currency officer. Of this sum £3,273,052 are in notes and £411,612 in coinage. The total number of notes in circulation here aggregates 2,168,552 and of silver and bronze coins 14,495,000. This increase in currency reflects the expanded activities of the country, caused by an influx of German Jews and others.

I Religious Services Vaad

Conservative At services tonight Rabbi David A. Goldstein will speak on ''Judaism, Physicians and Health." Next week Rabbi Goldstein will speak on "A Design for Living."

"Reforms I Favor" will be the ser5,000 German-Americans inside the t Junior Congregation mon topic of Rabbi Uri Miller at serAtlanta, Ga. — A reign of terror hall, which is owned by a Jewish lawvices at the B'nai Israel synagogue against Jewish merchants in Gaines- yer, adopted resolutions calling on The members of the Junior Congrethis evening, under the auspices of gation President Roosevelt to take steps to ville, a city in northern Georgia, by will be served refreshments London, (WNS).—Anti-Semitic perthe Vaad. Assisting in the services Saturday morning after services by masked men acting as so-called vol-j end the boycott against German goods lecutions in Germany may come up will be Cantor A. Schwaczkin and Mrs. A. Schwacikin, in celebration untary enforcers of NRA codes is and urging a "boycott of the boycotfor decision shortly before the Inters." causing concern to the Jews of this •choir. of her husband's birthday. ternational Court of Arbitration at Although the meeting was designstate. The Hague as the result of a suit for Although a number of Jewish bus- ed as protest against the boycott by damages filed against the German iness men in Gainesville have been the Friends of New Germany, the government by a Swiss insurance $200,000 to Jewish Charities Temple threatened -with violence and one was brawls outside overshadowed the company, according to a report in New York. — Twenty-four Jewish main doings. warned to leave town within thirty the London Jewish Post. The claim charitable educational institutions days, no overt act occurred until a Rabbi Frederick Cohn will deliver will share and against the German government is in bequests totaling nearly Jewish Congress Plans group of four masked men kidnapped the sermon at services at Temple Isbased on losses incurred by the Swiss left by the late Mrs. Louise Julius Goldstein, owner of the Hub, Exhibit of Substitutes rael this evening, his subject being $200,000 company in connection with the paySalomon Hendricks. a clothing emporium, on one of New York.—An exposition of mer'On Our Way—America, Israel, Hument of premiums to refugees from Gainesville's main streets shortly af- chandise and services that can be manity"—suggested by the President's a hitherto unknown program in Harter dark. He was whisked away in a substituted for similar merchandise new book, "On Our Way." Benwald, Germany. Although the car and after being badly beaten up and services from Germany will be New York, (J.T.A.)—Professor AlDriving to California. Will Saturday morning at 10:30 a.mNazi authorities successfully supwas returned to his home. Goldstein opened in New-York City this sumtake along young man to bert Einstein, who is now at tiie Dr. Cohn will speak on "Like a Tree." pressed all news of this outrage, dehas maintained silence but his friends mer by the American Jewish Con- Institute for Advanced Stndy at Kaddish will be recited this Sabhelp drive. tails of it have leaked out as a re- Seven Teams Enter the attack on Mm is an out- gress as part of its program of pros- Princeton, N. J., has written to Ox- bath for Isaae Ober'ilder, George Sel*ult of the action now pending before Kittenball League say CALL JA. 0115 growth of business rivalry. ecuting tire anti-German boycott. ford University, in England, sug- igsohn, Emil Brandeis and Henry fi»e International Court of ArbitraThe exposition, which will be known gesting that the funds for his anWertheimer. tion. Seven teams "were represented at a Radium and Palestine as the International Good Will Trade nual lectures at that institution be A month ago a band of Nazi sol- softball meeting at the J. C.-.C.. Mon- New York.—Establishment of the Fair, is designed to meet the demands employed this winter in making place liers attacked the Jewish • community day evening, when contracts . were Hadassah Radium fund to provide ra- of the buying public for information at the university for one or two at Harzenwald, killing five Jews and given to teams seeking admission to dium for the new radiology institute regarding the products and services scientists wiio have been dismissed •eriously injuring scores more. Im- the Center league. in Jerusalem by the Hadas- of nations in a position to replace from their posts in Germany by the The t e a m s represented are the opened mediately after the outbreak the sursah has been announced by Br. Ira German goods at prices and qualities Nazis, the J e w i s h Telegraphic viving Jewish families managed to Wardrobe Clothiers, Psi Mu, Peer- L Kaplan, director of the cancer di- comparable with those made in Nazi- Agency reported. The Fresher, Finer less, Seiner Furniture, A. Z. A. 1, Bret out of the country. Since these land. vision of the New York Department The author of the relativity theoJews have been insured with a Swiss Sample Fur, and the Re-Im. Flavored Butter Hospitals. ry has notified officials of the nniLeague play will * start Sunday, of Dr. company against such disturbances Nazis Halt Work of Carnegie Kaplan launched the fund with versity that he would. like to make that Costs No More. they received substantial sums be- May 6. The final organizational meet- a gift of $5,000 from his mother, Mrs. Peace Foundation for refugees needing the posicause most of their property was ing will be held next Monday eve- B, David Kaplan. This sum has been New York.—The educational work room tion. left behind. Now the Swiss insur- ning. used to buy the first unit of 100 of the Carnegie Endowment for In- Dr. Einstein, it is learned, since ance company is suing the Nazi Abner Kaiman is president of the jmilligrains of" Belgium radium which ternational Peace has been halted it nis arrival in this country last fall, regime for damages in connection loop and Earl Siegel is secretary. he •will personally present to the ra- Berlin by the Hitler government, it has set aside a definite part of his with these claims, arguing that the xiiology institute next month. Dr. is revealed in the annual report of income to be expended for the benepogrom /was organized with the conKaplan is now seeking to raise an the Endowment made public by its fit of bis scientist friends who have nivance of the local Nazi officials. additional $20,000 for 400 milligrams president, Dr. Nicholas Murray But- been made penniless by loss of thvir Head Today's ShopAt first the Swiss insurance comof radium. Palestine now has 200 ler, president of Columbia university. positions at the hands of the Nazis pany sought to settle its claims by milligrams of radium brought into the He is known to feel their plight ping List with direct negotiation with Berlin. Failcountry by Dr. Ludwig Halberstadter, From Austria keenly and has engaged in many Ing to obtain satisfaction, it has apexiled German cancer specialist and New York.—George H. Earle 3rd, philanthropic activities in their be"Harding's Butter" pealed to the Hague Court. Germany director of the radiology institute. retiring American minister to Aus- half. contends that the pogrom was a tria, returned home voicing the asspontaneous outbreak and therefore Einstein Hails America as surance that Jews in Austria have an act of God for which the governBlessed Land nothing to fear, that Dollfuss is perMizrachi ment cannot be held responsible. This sonally sympathetic to the Jews and The concert last Sunday by the Trenton, N. J.—America was hailed argument has been rejected by the as "a free and blessed land" by Pro- that there is no chance of Austrian Hazomir Singing Society, assisted by Swiss company which has affidavits fessor Albert Einstein in a brief ad- Nazis seizing control of the country. other talent, under the auspices of from the Harzenwald Jews proving dress before a joint session of both Extremists Endanger Mizrachi, was a very successful afthat the pogrom was officially inhouses of the New Jersey legislature fair. ipired. United Front which had invited him to be its offiWhile the German government Berlin—The newly-created united The Mizrachi has expressed its apcial guest of honor. claims that it cannot be held refront of Gennan Jews is now in preciation to the Hazomir and its disponsible for an act of God the Swiss danger of breaking up as a result of rector, Cantor A. Schwaczkin; to CanMagrtis and Weizmann company's suit will oblige the Hague internal dissension in the executive tor E. Sellz, Leonard Korney, the Coming to U. S. Saks brothers, and to all who aided Court to decide for the first time New York.—Dr. Judah. Lu Magnes of the All-German Representative in making the concert successful. The In its history "whether a pogrom orchancellor of the Hebrew University, Body of German Jews. ganized and carried put by men in will make his first visit to the United Leaders of the ultra-orthodox B'nai Israel synagogue donated its ihe Nazi uniform can be regarded States since 1931 when he arrives in Agudath charge that the body is not facilities to the concert. »s an act of God comparable to a this country on May 2 in order to sufficiently Teligiosu while spokesparticipate in a special conference of men for the Jewish War Veterans rolcanic eruption or whether it is the American members of the board complain that itVis not patriotic the direct result of officially apof governors, of, the Hebrew Univer.- enough. proved agitatiiin_and^proj3aganda. _Representative sity on May 12. ^. Body from these trwo^xtreme groups Dr. Chaim Weizmann,-who is due " Isaac Van Grove A. Z.A.100 in the United States on May 10, will is causing serious concern to the more moderate leaders. ISSAC VAN GROVE: A brilliant preside at the conference. The Century chapter will hold an product of American musical educaouting next Sunday at Naeve's Park, tion whose enthusiasm for ancient He- To Publish Works of when four new members, Ed FeUman, brew music and researches into medJerusalem, (J.T.A.)—In a stateDick Hurwitz, Harold Perelman and ieval Jewish folk songs is largely re- David Pinski New York.—In order to preserve in the Jewish TelemGnt George Scnafer, will be initiated. sponsible for the musical background graphic Agency Mayor M. Dizengoff the writings of David Pinski, the outMike Levey is in charge. of the pageant."Despite his name, he standing Yiddish novelist and play- of Tel Aviv and the noted Hebrew Next Monday the chapter will spon- was born in Philadelphia of DutchNachman Bialik, de» r its monthly history class. Rabbi Jewish parentage 40 years ago. Tak- wright, bis friends have organized poet, €haim repudiate entirely the clared: "We David Pinski Books, Inc., a corporaDavid Wice -will "be the speaker of en to Chicago as a child. Obtained mustatement taat_ we ever made_ any tion which will publish and sell in the evening, talking on the history of sical education at Chicago Musical •ixe Jewish people before the Middle College of whose opera department he a uniform binding and edition of all accusations against the Keren sod. We protest strongly the oae of his old and new works. iges. . is now director. Counts the Treginning of our names. Any- attempt to obAt last Sunday's meeting Al Mon- of his professional career from 1910 Bureau for Racial Amity struct the work of the Keren Hayeovitz discussed Rabbi Stephen S. when he became accompanist of Mary New York.—To foster the creation sod, constitutes a national betray*] Wise. Irving Kaiman entertained the Garden. For several years he arranged of "sympathetic attitudes" toward group. A number of visiting Alephs her music and programs. His musical other races and na^-ms among school or a conspiracy against the upbuilding work, particularly at this momfrom Lincoln were present. interests were early focused on pro- children, Teachers College, Cohimbia ent when the masses are seeking enThe chapter is planning a tennis duction and stage direction of operas. University, has established a service tournament to determine who will Became assistant conductor of the bureau. This bureau will give assist- trance to Eretz Israel. The Keren represent the organization at the Chicago Opera Company in 1921. He ance to elementary and secondary Hayesod must be strengthened. We call upon all sections of the Jewish Kansas City invitation meet. served. in that office until 1927 when school teachers by arranging assem- people to mobilize in favor of the The chapter is also forming a soft- he was made musical director of the bly and classroom activities -which ball team, which will probably enter American Opera Company. Is how on will present a sympathetic viewpoint Keren Hayesod." the J.C.C. loop. leave as producing conductor of Chi- of the various culture groups of the cago Opera Company. His Chicago world. The new bureau is now publish"WRECKS! WE FIX production of "Emperor Jones" with Young Circle Lawrence Tibbet in the title role, was ing booklets on the following culE»Vjnthinc h> tin- Car ~ T'. A regular meeting of the "Voltaire" acclaimed as superior to the Metro- ture groups: Italian, Jewish, British, AI'TO HALNTHV Young Circle club, branch 1014, was politan performance. Had done a few German, Negro, Mexican and South held at the home of Miss Sophie Hal- pageants around Chicago but became American, Japanese, Chinese and perin. Anne Witkin and Harry V. really interested in pageant produc- Korean, Indian, Persian, Turkish and . . . That's what you want for your Lerner were elected to represent the tion in 1932 when Meyer W. Weisgal Armenian, Slavic and Scandinavian. Young Circle at the Socialist meeting asked him to help on the Chicago Shades of Bigotry family. Those luscious fruits and which will b held at the Labor Ly- Maccabean Festival. A dynamic per- Teaneck, N. J.—To all intents and son of classic "mynheer" build. Looks green vegetables; the milk and ceum to plan for May 1. purposes, the Ku Klux Klan is being At the meeting Harry V. Lerner younger than his years. His manners revived in sections of north Jersey, butter, the m e a t . . . all the healthspoke on "Racial Prejudice," and a are easy, his voice soft and expres- particularly in Bergen County. sion pleasant. A capable executive giving foods are kept fresh in the general discussion followed. The next meting will be held at with a patient temper but sometimes Polish Officials Close G-E. G-E's temperature is always the J. C. C. Leonard Korney will fea- gets violently saracastic Has a pol- Jewish Daily ished and assured technique. Mak?s below the danger mark. ture the educational program with a Warsaw.—The printing plant oE talk on "Fascism—Its Aims and Pur- no pretensions. Doesn't like to talk the Jewish daily, Haint, has been about his history. Is so fluent in coin- sealed by the Polish authorities. poses." posing that he can write music in a . The official explanation issued by now on three meetings a From month will be held at the J. C. C, train or "while hanging on to a sub- officials stated that "technical diffithe fourth will be a social meeting at way strap. Married to a non-Jewess culties'1 would prevent the paper the home of one of themembers. who was a famous opera singer. Is a from appearing. very proud Jew who wants to go to Palestine and establish a real inter- Nazis and Jewish Blue Junior Pioneers national theater. Shirts Battle A drawing on.a combination elecH u m a n watchfulness is not New York.—While 2,000 Nazis and tric clock and lamp-was held Tues(Copyright, 1934, by Seven Arts Nazi sympathizers engaged in a seenough. Fresh foods to be absoday evening at a meeting of the Feature Syndicate) ries of minor riots with 1,000 memJunior Pioneers at the J. C. C. The lutely safe must be kept in a tembers of the Jewish War Veterans drawing was won by Mr. James and the Blue Shirt Minute Men outA. Z. A. 1 perature less than 50 degrees (F.)" Nelson. side of the Ridgwood Grove Sporting Prizes were awarded for those sell, . . constantly maintained. G-E Massie Baum was elected president club and in .the adjoining streets, ing the most tickets. First prize went maintains this temperature al(t to Sis Katskee and second to Edith of the Mother chapter, to succeed Irving Chudacoff, who has moved Meet Your Friends of Epstein. .ways. Your food will keep for days iALANCE ON Plans were also formulated Tues- from Omaha. Ben Shier was elected vice-president. and days . . . as fresh as the day EASY TERMS day for a Mother-Daughter affair to Plans are being completed for the be given, soon. Miss Esther Richman you bought it. spring dance at the Fontenelle, April is chairman. 29. Many novelties are b ?ng arranged. The committee in charge consists of Massie B a u m , chairman, Ben Habomin A regular meeting of the Habonim Shrier, Ernie Nogg, A i Weiner, Erwas held Sunday. Preceding the nie Priesman and Lou Riklin. meeting, the members played a ball The A. Z. A.'s are entering a team in the J. C. C softball league. Jack game. Plans for a year book were dis-r Temin, chairman of the;athletic committee, is in charge of the team. 1*19 cussed at the meeting;

Masked Terrorists





. . FOOD


Banishes the Chance of Spoiled Foods

10! DOWN




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