Interests of the Jeivish People
Entered as Second Class Mail Matter on January 21, 19ZL, at I'ostoffice of Omaha, Nebraska, pnder the Act of March 3, 1879
Vol. 10—No. 13
(Local, national and Jewish agencies will be _ f iciaries of the O m a h a {f Philanthropies campaign for* * >~J 500, which will officially open -fllay Eabbi C. E. HiUel Eauvar of DenDavid Lazarus, baritone, will be . 7. This is the sixth of a series of ver will be an honored guest in Oma,- weekly columns by Harry Silver- heard over fhe Columbia broadcastha this week-end. ' man, general chairman of the ing system' at 11 a. m. Omaha time . drive, to acquaint Omaha Jewry Sunday morning, April 29. This evening he will occupy the Thfe program, presented under the with the issues, personalities, ben* pulpit of the Conservative synagogue. eficiaries and organizational work auspices of the "Church of the Air," Saturday morning he will speak at connected with this vital fund- will consist of Hebrew selections and the Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol synaBy SIGMOND LIVINGSTON •will originate from the Rockdale raising effort.) gogue, 19th and Burt streets. Temple in Cincinnati. . - . • • • • Eabbi Kauvar has been a spiritual The program w i l l be available leader in Denver for over thirty years THE PHILANTHROPIES '•The Protocols of the" Wise -Men? of Zkm," a spurious and fraudulent document through KFOR (Lincoln) and KSCJ With the fifth annual Jewish Phil* and is rabbi of the largest ConservaAPPEAL manufactured to deceive the credulous and|to engender religious and racial hatred, is tive synagogue west of Chicago. He anthropies campaign getting under The Jewish Philanthropies address- (Sioux City). has become nationally known for his way a week from next Monday, the es itself to" every man, •woman and a favorite theme of anti-Semites. f scholarliness and oratory. Large audi- next ten days will be devoted to orchild who comprehends the depth of Despite the fact that it has been conclusively proven that the Protocols were the ences are expected to hear him at ganizational details—lining up Jewish tradition and who is unwilling both the Conservative and Vaad ser- army of workers, mapping out the that -what we have achieved in conbrain-child of a fanatical Jew-baiter,t&I& vicious forgery is the basis of nunierous antidistricts, and laying general plans for vices. structive work shall be swept away. a successful drive. Semitic addresses and anti-Jewish, pamphlets, spreading the venom of bigotry and intolBy your putting the Philanthropies Over four hundred workers will drive across, we -are reasertdng our 'erance even in this state. In fact,thfc Protocols f©rin the thesis of the periodic antistart out Monday morning, May 7, in. Jewishness and helping "Judaism Jewish tirades on the floor of Congress by Representative McFadden of Pennsylvania. a thorough canvass of the Jewish everywhere continue on its historic community to raise $42,500 for twenpath. . : . Therefore, the Jewish publish jug irTtwo instalments—starting with this Over a thousand people are exty-nine beneficiary agencies, reprepected to attend the city-wide Youth senting worthy local, national and inissue—a comprehensive expose of this maii-cioi£& fraud, written and edited by Sigmund NO PSEUDO-JEWS : ternational Jewish institutions. As one of our national leaders re- Conclave at Temple Israel Sunday. Livingston. "V May 6, under the auspices of the ColThe Initial Gifts division, with Morcently stated: We urge our jeaders to acquaint thent^elves;^ith these two articles on. the Protoris Jacobs as chairman and Jack : "There can- be no 'pseudo-Jews' in lege Club of the Temple. The supper-dance in the evening as vice-chairman, continue to this grave time when our forces are cols, so that they may be armed with the weapons of refutation to this vile fabricaOpen Meeting at J. C C. To Be Marer bring in increases in amounts pledged, being marshalled to meet unparallel- will be attended by 300 between 15 Preceded By Banand 30 years of age. Art Randall's tion. " . with no decreases. ed conditions. quet "To be a Jew means to dedicate Hotel Paxton orchestra will play for "The work of the Initial Gifts dioneself utterly and unreservedly to the dance, which will start at 9 p. m vision," declared Harry Silverman, The tenth aniversary of the foundPreceding the dance, Mrs. Philip the efforts of relief and reconstrucThe history of spurious and fraud-. eral documents more or less falsi- ocols, comes a statement by Nflos ing of the International order of A. general chairman of the campaign, tion and rebuilding and character- Romonek will give an author's read•-.-.• ulent documents which have material- fied." that they are signed by representa- Z. A. (Junior B'nai Brith) will be "is an inspiration for the rest of us. ing of her play "Love Cannot Make strengthening." Professor Tout in bis treatise says: tives of Zion in the Thirty-third De- celebrated both locally and nation- With the start they have made in the ly affected nations and peoples of Upon every Jewish individual rests Death Talk." pre-campaign solicitation, we have "Even "nowadays historic sanitary gree, These protocols were secretly ally on May 8. The musical program of Jewish the world show the astonishing credthe responsibility of identifying himbut to follow their example and we science has its work cut out _to deextracted or were stolen from an old ulity of the public mind and the cunThe order was founded in Omaha self with the Jewish community; of numbers will be presented at 4:30 stroy the extraordinarily tenacious •volume of protocols. All this was got by Sam Beber a decade ago and hasare assured of victory." sharing its problems and aiding in p. m. by Esther Leaf, Harry DuBoff ning art of the authors and their microbes, which, breed so readily that S2verman urged the Jewish comsponsors in purveying pure fiction as by my correspondent out of secret de-1 since grown international in scope and Mrs. Nate Green. their solution. munity to "dedicate the week of May they are still liable to infect the pure facts and imaginary episodes were positories of the Head Chancellery of | with over 150 chapters. It presents a The Youth Conclave will open with Those who desert the Jewish- cowells of history." , Zion. This Chancellery is at present full program for Jewish youth be- 1 entirely to the cause of Jews and munity in this great crisis not only the exhibit of Jewish art and cere- conceived and uttered for the specific Judaism. Unity is our watchword; we " " French K-r^-h +«TO>,v~ The country recently had an illuson y» purpose of creating national hatred t w e e n t h e a g e f . o f jg a n ( j 2 1 add to its burdens, but cripple their monial objects at S p. m., followed must work as one toward aiding the tration of TJefarious forgeries. One of and religious antagonism. In the edition of 1917 Nilus wrote: Locally, the tenth anniversary will needy and unfortunate among us. The own powers of service to humanity by a special youth service and the Professor T. F . Tout of the Uni-the leading: newspaper syndicates of "In 1901 I came into possession of be observed by an open meeting, musical program. At 5 p. m. the symas a whole. Jewish Philanthropies campaign of posium on the "Problems of Jewish versity of Manchester, in his treat- this country was inveigled to believe, a manuscript and this comparatively preceded by a banquet for B'nai Brith 1934 is more than an appeal for aid as authentic, documents supposedly small book was destined to cause a and A. Z. A. members. FOR THEIR DECLINING Youth": will be presented by Louis ise on "Medieval Forgers and Forger—it is a challenge to every single the Mexican government, related deep; change in my entire viewpoint j Lipp, Leo Nogg, Miss Adele Wilin- ies," said in relation to two of the YEARS b e h d d a t Jewish member of the community." meeti funds to as can only be caused in the heart of jthe J. C. C. auditorium starting at One of the * worthy local benefi- sky, Ephraim Marks and . William most notorious forgeries of medieval to disbursement of ^ a man by Divine Power. It was com- 8:15 p. m. Dr. Leon Fellman will be! All those wishing to enlist their documents:: "Both of these cases inciaries receiving aid from the Jewish Wolfe. aid as workers for the campaign are various members of /the United States parable with the miracle of making chairman, and the public is invited. Philanthropies is the h Old Old People's P l ' The evening program will include volved not merely the fabrication of Senate for; corrupt purposes. Also urged not to wait for invitations—• the blind see. -'May Divine acts show a single document. Both are on a a strictly kosher supper starting at Home. Rabbi David A. Goldstein will be communicate with any of the divithat the Mexican ^government was on him'.". Also— scale that in each instance runs to The task of caring for the old is a 6:15 p. m., followed by a half-hour the principal speaker, his subject be- sional heads or with the Federation "This manuscript was called the!5 blessed responsibility. They ask for socialibility period, Mrs. Romonek's the size of a moderate volume. One contributing large sums to .revoluand xhe offices at the Jewish Community tionists in Chinas-and strikers in Protocols of Zionist Men of Wisdom; a late 14th century forgery of .an so very little—we should consider it reading, and .the dance. in Cenier. England to Bolshevize political and and was given to me by the now dea warming pleasure to strive to conAll profits of the conclave will be alleged early 12th century history; Sam Beber, president of the SuWomen's Division L stantly keep the old folks happy, to turned over to the youth" division and the other is an 18th century fab- economic movements in these coun- ceased leader of the Tchemigov No- preme Advisory Council of the A. Z. tries* These documents were procured bility, who later became Vice-GoverThe women's division, which is unrication of an imaginary 14th centp p y ^ f keep their minds active and occupied, of the Jewish. Philanthropies. f f d for .the" American newspaper syndiu r y original- Both were generally ac-tcate by John Page" who paid Miguel nor of Stavropol, Alexis Nikolayevitch the honored guest. Brief remarks will der the chairmanship of Mrs. 5i$ax -and to bring -sunshine and comfort to eepted as authentic^ hotb^h^ already begun to be made by Leo Abramsoiv president Holzman, will shoulder an even largh b t hh b !t A i l $ 3 0 0 0 0 F r t t l t h lJifel their declining years. • ... -; er burden than usual in this ye&r'a abundantly proved to be absolute and jed States Senate %ade:_a "-——-aL '* t l h local lodg^. trho. will talk on solicitation. Teas and group gather__. - 1 * 1 . fabrications. / lrJ.<.4-:mif> ~V-A++$*a-rr T tQYTO !finquiry in/ complete Yet they have as io^ihe atrtiieniicity of the *fae Lord and I was friendly •with YOUR OBLIGATION p Z A." Short fiJT™ ££ ^ ^ c l i e n t Brith and A. Z. document.- The ^purveyor- of these, doc- Sukhotin. He was a man of my opinEvery member of the. Jewish combeen so long nsedl)y numerous writ- uments admitted the forgeries. The ion. talks will also be made by represnt-1 f i n a l That is, extremely conservative, i a i d f o rt h e munity should by tiovr. be giving seers that a generation ago there was United States Senate after a most as they are now termed. atves f ' th t h t atives/of the active chapters, .th the j s i o n > s p e r f e c £ i o r i . rious consideration to the problem of ardly a textbook that did not swal- searching investigation, s t a t e d : alumni, and the advisory boards. All majors in the women's divi« how much to give to the PhilanthroLow wholesale the lies of these writ- "These papers without exception are "Sukhotin told me that he in turn! a musical pro- sion will meet at the home of Mrs. pies campaign this year. ; had obtained the manuscript from a j ers." Max Holzman, division chairman, ^— Also, remember . Phillip the Fair instigated the fab-fraudulent, spurious and insofar as lady who always lived abroad. This Stanley F. Levin is chairman of * Giving your share to the Philan- Both the written and the oral -law rication of a papal bull designed tojthey purport to bear the signature of I lady was a noblewoman from Tcher the committee in charge, assisted by at 11 a. m. Monday morning. Many teas by co-majors in the wothropies coffers is an obligation not are essential if Judaism is to sur- hold uo to popular opprobrium the either President Calles or the .Secre-jjnigov. He mentioned her by name, Max Barish, Dr.. Leo Fellman, Dr. men's division are planned. Mrs. Ben jtary of the Mexican Treasurer, they but I have forgotten it. He said she only of the pocketbook but also of vive, Dr. Julius L. Siegel of Chicago policies of Boniface VIII. Mavnard Greonberg, Ephraim Marks. Silver and Mrs. H. A. Newman will the heait. Innocent i n isued a letter in which rare forgeries." This fraud perpetrated ^obtained it in some mysterious way; emphasized in his address. on "The The banquet preceding the open be hostesses at a tea at the home of And also remember—when the so-Two Bibles" .before the Jewish Lec- he explained another spurious and ^ this large influential American theft, I believe. Sukhotin also said meeting will begin at 6:15 p. m. TheMrs. Silver for the workers in their licitors call on you, they receive noth- ture Forum at the J. C. C. Tuesday false papal bull and cautioned against, newspaper syndicate m i g h t have that one copy of the manuscript was Omaha B'nai Brith lodge will be host ing materially for their volunteer ef- evening. the acceptance of such spurious doc-!P«>ven most serious if the forgeries given by this lady to Sipiagin, the to the active members of the twosection this afternoon, April 27, at 2:30 p. m. and frauds had not been promptly Minister of the Interior, upon her reforts — don't think you are doing i The two Torahs, he explained, are uments. Omaha chapters, Chapter No. 1 and Mrs. Max Fromkin and Mrs. lrvin turn from abroad, and that Sipiagin exposed through the investigation of them a favor by contributing, you are the written Torah (the five "books of The famous Psalmanazar in his Stalmaster will m e e t with their was subsequently killed. He said oth- Chapter No. 100. doing yourself an honor. the Senate. Moses) and the oral Torah (which book on Formosa attenuated to make A, feature at the banquet vcill be workers on Sunday afternoon, April er things of the same mysterious The famous forgery responsible for the Emperor of Japan the victim of interprets the written law.) character but when I first became ac- the initiation of the "Sam Beber 29, from S to 4 p. m., at the home of NOT TEARS "One can't be a complete Jew andworld resentment. The book is a the conviction of Capt. Alfred Drey- quainted with the contents of the|S^f' hJ f d e f r « ^am of theMrs. Stalmaster. "Not tears but contributions must can't -have a complete picture of Jew- fraud from the beginning to the end, :fas, who was afterwards reinstated Mrs. Sam Berkowitz and Mrs. B. flow, if we are to aid our stricken ish life if one tries to look into only yet was accepted as authentic until upon the discovery of their false na- manuscript I was convinced that its j!-»«•_«._- chapter j ^ Kaiman will be T. Friedman will give a tea for iheir brethren," was the sage remark of the written law," he said. "Without the author finally was forced to con- ture, was one of the most diabolical, terrible, cruel and straightforward! ster. Stanley F. Levin is workers at the home of Mrs. Berktruth is witness of its true origin. chairman. one of our workers. fess that the greater part • * the book i fraudulent conspiracies. These docuthe interpretation given by the oral owitz on May 1 at 2:80 p. m. from the 'Zionist Men of Wisdom',! law the written law would lose direct was fabulous and further made a ments were not forgsd for the pur-and -that no other evidence of THE YOUTH Mrs. M. Grodinsky and Mrs. J. M. statement to the public: that he de-pose of merely convicting Capt. DreyMarine call 'The youth's'division in the Philan- application to conditions of life." OF Newman will be hostesses for their f T f th i d t fus Tjut were for the evident purpose origin would be needed." signed to leave behind him, to be "To live according to the written thropies campaign bids fair to set 7 division on May 2 at S p. m. at the published after his death, "a faithful of adding fuel to the incipient Jew In the 1917 edition Nilus wrote j ilie pace in the forthcoming drive. law without the aid of the oral law account of that unhappy step." home of Mrs. Newman. hatred in France and to further propthat the protocols were strategic! SSith the organizational aid of the is impossible—would, spell the end of Mrs. Harry Rosenfeld and Mrs. II. Annius of V i t e r b o was a most aganda of antagonism against the plans for ihe conquest of the world! Miss Pearl Franklin of Chicago Round Table of Jewish Youth, they the Jewish people." L. Colin will meet with their workers German government. prolific forger. One of his books enunder the heel of Israel, and worked aational vice-president of Hadassah, His lectures abounded with illustraare in a position to repeat their overH. M. Paull in his "Literary Eth- out by the leaders of the Jewish peo- will be the principal speaker at the at the home of Mrs. Rosenfeld on ions. It was followed by an open titled "Bevarium de Temporibus by subscription achieved last year. ics" said: "That the will to deceive is ple—and read by the "Prince of Ex- annual Hadassah Give or Get lunch- Friday, May 4, at 3:30 -p.m. Philo Judaeus" was a forgery con:t Ben Kazlowsky, who has been do- forum. Mrs. Sam Wolf and Mrs. David ceived by an acute but perverted not wanting is shown by The Protoing yeoman work as head of the or- The Jewish lecture series are spon- mind and accepted by a large part cols, which had a world-wide circula- ile.'Theodor Herzl, during the first eon, to be held May 2 at the J. C. C. Goldman will entertain for t h e i r Zionist Congress, summoned by him About 125 women will be guests in ganizational committee, gave the in"sored by the Junior Vaad organiza- of the public as a newly discovered tion in many languages, owing to the at a tea on May 4 ai 3 p.m. in August, 1897, in Basle. recognition of their services to the workers sjvrational adores at the dinner- tions. Ephraim Marks was chairman book written by Philo Judaeus. at the home of Mrs. Wolf. belief that they were evidence of a In the Butmi Edition of the Proto- Medical Fund of the organization. nwvting of the youths Tuesday. We Tuesday. Introductory remarks were General Solicitations. Jewish plot to overthrow civilisation. cols, published in 1907, a statement This luncheon closes the campaign Farrer in his work "literary Forcav all learn from the keynote of his made by Dora Freshman. geries" says: "Annius expresses bis The Times rendered a good service claims to have trans- for $1,000 which--is Omaha's quota The majors in the general solicitaa'Kress^—"We mut change the slowonder that the Brevarium had come in exposing them in August, 1921, in;lated them into Russian from the! toward the maintenance of the sys-tions division will hold their final dingan 'Live and Let Live' to *Live and to be so neglected of theologians a pamphlet; 'The Truth About the. French in 1901 is, that the Elders of fern of hospitals and health work in ner meeting: Monday, April SO, at Help Live.'" i Zion mentioned in the protocols, are Palestine. and bishops, since it contains so Protocols, a Literary Forgery'." the Jewish Community Center a t much good material against the Jews; The alleged author of "The Protonot to be confounded with tlie Zion"Life Begins Anew," a playlet 6:30 p.m. All cards for the workers FOR ORPHAN CHILDREN coached by Mrs. Dave Brodkey, will will be distributed i t this.time. In mentioning/the beneficiaries aidMr. and Mrs. Sam Beber and Com- but how could they have neglected cols of the Wise Men of Zion" is a ist Movement. Russian, Sergius Nilus. ed by the Jewish Philanthropies, it missioner and Mrs. Harry Trustin what was non-existent V In the 1907 Butmi Edition the an-be presented with a cast including William Milder, David Greenberg, The American editor of the Nilus thor says: the Mesdames Abe Solomon, Sam and Milton Abrahams, co-chairmen The Bertram forgeries are the sup•would be a grave oversight to neg-will be the guests of honor at the lect the Jewish Orphan Home at "Anchors Aweigh" dance to be given posed writings of Richard, a West- book-in speaking of the author says: 7"The reader who is more or less Theodore, Phineas Wintroub and Sam of the division, are confident of suc"His spiritual life has been tumul- familiar with the secrets of Free- j Stern. Mrs. M. F. Levenson, presi- cess. Cleveland. (Bellefaire.) by the A. Z. A. No. 1 Sunday eve- minster monk, claimed by Bertram to have been secretly taken from neg- tuous and full of trouble, and finally masonry will draw from the general j dent, and Mrs. Julius Stein, chairYouth Division. The Jewish Orphan Home at Cleve- ning, April 29, at the Fontenelle. Final organization plans for the land has been the .child care arm of Mr. Beber is the founder of the lected archives by a Mr. Gamin, he entered Troitsky-Sergevsky Mon- character of the criminal plot, out- man of the Give or Get, will give communal service -for the Jewish Aleph Zadflc Aleph (Junior B'nai "now dead" and by him given to astery near Moscow.- 'In answer to lined in the protocols, the conclusion brief talks. Dr. I. Dansky will give a Youth division were completed at a community of Omaha from almost Brith) and president of the Supreme Bertram. The fraud • was so cleverly his appeal for pardon, Saint Sergei, as to "their authenticity. Yiddish reading- and- there will be dinner meeting of the representatives the beginning, sixty-six years br-ck. Advisory council. Commissioner Trus- conceived that the documents were stern and agroy, appeared to him Also: "But the above mentioned musical selections. Mrs. D. A. Gold- to the Round Table of Jewish Youth, During the past decade, the avenge tin has been active in B'nai Brith accepted as authentic by the learned twice in a vision. He left the Mon- failure to mention the time and place stein, program chairman, will pre- held at the Center Tuesday evening. number of Omaha children cared for and A. Z. A. work and is a former societies of England and many of its astery a converted man.' From 1905 •where the protocols were composed side. The Round Table, with William until the present, little is known of annually at Bellefaire has been 23. The luncheon is being prepared by Wolfe, president, will have charge of member of the mother chapter's ad- profound scholars. The forgery and his activities." The last heard of might call forth in the reader, who fraud was completely established in Bellefaire receives the needy and visory board. is entirely unfamiliar with the abom- Mrs. Sam Cohen with Mrs. R. A. the Youth division campaign. him, according to the American au- inations of Masonic doctrines, doubts Shlaes as co-chairman. Mrs. T. A. At the dinner meeting, each repunder-privileged children of the mid- The dance is the annual spring af- the last half century. dle west who rome from homes brok- fair sponsored by the mother chapSo common were forgeries of his-thor, was in Siberia, in 1919. as-to the authenticity of these doc- Tully is in charge of decorations and resentative signed his own pledge and The" author of the German edition uments." volunteered to work in the drive. en by loss of parents, insanity, pov- ter and a nautical theme is being toric documents that Pope Gelasins service. William Wolfe presided. Harry Silerty, desertion, sickness, etc.—helping carried out. published a decree- in which he dis-says: The supposed translator of the verman, general chairman, outlined the youngsters to become self-reliant, "Nilus was an employee of the Protocols states that, "The political The committee in charge include tinguished between authentic docuthe work of the campaign. happy and useful members of, society. Massie Baum, chairman; Ben JShrier, ments and fraudulent forgeries. Russian police department" of the Ok-plan was conceived 929 years before The inspirational address was deBishop Burnett demonstrated the hrana, "connected with the Church, the birth of Christ. It was invented Ernest Priesman, Ernie Nogg, Louis WHICH METAL DO YOU livered by Ben Kazlowsky, who fraud of a French historian Varfllas especially relating to 'foreign relig- by Solomon and Judean sages in Riklin and Art Weiner. stressed the need for the young men "who invented facts freely. He en-ions'." In 1905 Nilus in his then edi- theory." PREFER? deavored to make them pass for re-tion of the book containing the prot- " Feodor Roditchev, a member of the "Resolved, That Religion Has a and women to become PhilanthropiesThe late Nathan Strauss, noted MacDonald Plans League to alities by affectirig citations of titles, ocols, claimed that; they were given Russian Nobility and a former mem- Significant Future in the Modern conscious, particularly in this crucial philanthropist, used to frequently Solve Problem World" will be debated by the Junior quote the rabbinical dictim, "He who Warsaw—James G. MacDonald instructions, letters, memoirs and re-to him by a prominent Russian Con- ber of the Duma, writing of the Nilus Vaad organizations at the B'nai Is- time. lations; all of thena imaginary." Meshulochim gives money during his life-time League of Nations High Commissionservative whose name he did- notprotocols/among other things, said: gives gold; on his sick bed, silver; er for German Refugees, will tak The Meshulochim, previously cared "How did Sukhotin get the proto- rael synagogue, Wednesday, May 2. William H. V. Ireland was a fa- mention, and who had received them Sarah German and Minnie Frohm and on his death bed, lead." the initiative in creating a leagu< mous forger of this class and de-from an unnamed woman who hadcols? An unknown had brought them will uphold fhe affirmative and Has- for under the direction of the Vaad Ha'Ihr, will be cared for by the Philto him. They were given to him by ceived the English public stolen them from "one of the most into solve the problems of East EuroHilaire Belloc, in an article on fluential leaders of Freemasonry at an unknown lady who had Teceived kell Cohen and Joe Fellman will take anthropies. pean Jewry, lie announced on "AH orthodox Jews are urged *• the dose of, a secret meeting of the them from an unknown but energetic the negative. arrival here to consult with Polish "False Documents" in "The New Fred White will be chairman. The add on to their Philanthropies participant in the Basle Congress. Statesman" of October 8, 1922, says: initiated in France." officials regarding the plight -of judges will be Ben Kazlowsky and "I know what I am talking about In the" 1905 edition published at 30,000 refugees from Germany wh i Dr. Philip RomoneV (Continued on Page 7.) (C-ontini" «l orbecause I have myself produced sevTarkoye Selo "directly after the protare Polish citizens.
David Lazarus to Sing Over Air Next Sunday
Rabbi Kauvar to Speak Here This Week-End
Four Hundred Workers For anthropi es
Final Plans Are Formulated for Annual Drive
Get Affair Maj 2
'Anchors Aweigh" Dance on Sunday
Religion's Signicance Is Subject for Debate
Career of a By ROBERT STONE Probably the most famous international correspondent of the decade,, George Seldes has been expelled from more countries than any other of his journalistic colleagues, because he has written the truth by cable. Russia, Italy, Ger; many. and R u m a n i a have been • equally disturbed by his newspaper curiosity, which always made the front pages of the world's press. This brief sketch of his activities is timely in view of the part to be played in a forthcoming Senatorial investigation by testimony that he has gathered.—The Editor.
is merely an expression of his heri tage. He is the son of the Georgi Seldes, European immigrant, flaming with a passion for social justice, who founded the Utopian colony of AUi, ance, N. H., which Gilbert Seldes, a brother, has described so vividdly in one of his novels. The peace and the monotony of life in a co-operative colony could not hold George, even as it had no attraction for his brother.
Educated at Harvard, he took up the newspaperman's career, upon which he was launched in 1916 when he was in London at ihe time of the Zeppelin raids. During the war he was a roving correspondent who hapWithin a few weeks, a crowded pened upon military incidents when it room in the Senate building at Wash- was most inconvenient for the miliington will be tense with excitement tary officers; and showed up in many as revelations are made exposing the where a reporter was least depersonalities behind the "munitions places sirable. Beginning with 1916 and alracket," who send others io their death so that they may live lavishly. most for a decade he was on the ChiAt the elbow of youthful, energetic cago Tribune foreign news staff, durSenator Gerald Nye, who will prob- ing which he investigated the Irish ably be chairman of the investigating disturbances and met most of the committee, will be a pile of documen- leaders; covered Moscow, only to be tary evidence out of which the com- ejected for sending dispatches that mittee will build its case against the were too close to the truth; reported exploiters of "patriotism/' Not least in Rome, ending up with another examong the damning evidence will be pulsion for exposing Mussolini's par a hundred and twenty-thousand word ticipation in the murder of the Italmanuscript written by George Seldes, ian Deputy Matteoti; served with the French army during the war in Syria, entitled "Iron, Blood and Profits." And again there will come to the climaxed by an accusation that he forefront of public attention a man had started a mutiny in the Foreign with a seeming intuition for the Legion because he interceded to save places of danger and adventure. For the life of the deserter, Bennett J. George Seldes has been witness to Doty. more wars, described more revolu- George Seldes made journalism an tions and exposed more public cor- impossible career for himself by carruption than probably any o t h e r rying out his duties as journalist too newspaperman living. Expelled from meticulously. He threw publicity handnumberless countries for his journal- outs from government foreign ofistic curiosity, he has brought back fices into the wastebasket and instories of'suppression, censorship and sisted on discovering his own news. persecution which have made govern- There are few important countries ments retrace iheir steps. But al- in Europe today where Seldes may though always lusting for the bloody visit as a newspaperman. But alscenes of conflict, he is a champion though he has barred himself, he has of peace, who, from his own' observa- made it possible for other newstions, can prove the futility and the papermen, less daring and courageliorror of armed conflict. ous than himself, to be less chained That George Seldes should hate by the rigid censorship that prewar and flay international corruption vailed in the days before Seldes exposed it in such books as "You Can't Print-That" and "Can These Things Be?" Now Seldes has turned his attention to a subject closest to himself —and to his father, incidentally* In "Iron, Blood and Profits," which will Via Omaha, where electric, rate, appear; within a-raonth, -he takes the are low." lid off the rnen "an the organizaThat is a slogan used by the Ne- tions Who are "behind all the prebraska Power company, which has paredness .movements, whq create done much to advertise Omaha patriotic hysterias, who supply the throughout the United States as well armaments that turn blood into as providing an alluring invitation to stagnant dirty pools on battlefields industries to locate here. and crush bones to dust indistinguishOfficials of the Nebraska Power able from the earth from which they company point with pardonable pride came. to the fact that the price of elec- His experiences during the World tricity has been reduced 62.4 per cent "War enable him to illuminate the since 1913. Even during the boom vidousness of the "munitions racket" days of the late '20's the price of which is international in its scope electricity in Omaha continued its and is no more animated by patriotdownward trend while other prices ism than the shells which it manu•were skyrocketing. factures. He tells, for example, of In connection with the low price of what he saw in the iron and steel electricity in Omaha it is interesting basin in Lorraine when he was corto note that housewives best understand what electric - service really means to the modern home. Austin Bevans It is not so'many years ago that the monthly statement of charges for and electricity was referred to as the His Orchestra "light bill." That is not the case today. The' modern housewife calls it the "electricservice bill," because in reality that is what it is. The modern housewife knows that at the monthly electric bill buys: ; Cooking, 90 meals; washing,' ironing, 80 pounds; entertainment, 150 hours, radio, light, 150 hours; refrigeration, % 750 "hours; " cleaning, 2,500 square feet; clock, 750 hours; coffee, 150 cups, and toast, 150
-espondent with the Rainbow division •n France. An officer in Eddie Rickenbacker's 94th Syquadron revealed ta him that there were orders not to bombard the steel wires which were producing shells for the German Army because a union of French and German munitions makers owned them. He now proves from official documents that the War would have been over in the Spring of 1917 had the steel basin been bombarded and not a single American soldier need have been killed in France. , The motors, airplanes, nitrates, machine guns and similar instruments of death now being exported from the United States will be used to kill American soldiers if this country is over again involved in War. Seldes emphasizes, just as during the World War soldiers of both, sides were killed by the hundred thousands with the materials supplied by their own countries to the other side. Munition makers are engaged in making war; they foment war scares to make profits; they bribe government officials to increase their sales; they supply false information to governments, stimulating national fear and hatred; they are among the largest financial supporters of patriotic defense, naval, air and army leagues; they are closely linked to the dictators of Europe. These are the revelations made by Seldes, as he supports them with incontrovertible evidence that should go far to establish the success of the investigation to be started under Senate Resolution 179. The glamor of George Seldes' career, his restlessness and his inquisitiveness, are best revealed by his brother, Gilbert, the noted essayist and publicist. Though life has done much to keep apart Gilbert and George and their father, they are bound by emotional ties that are not frayed by the distance that separates them. Listen to Gilbert, for example, reminiscing about his brother whom he so seldom sees: "Almost anyone of the Arab chief-
tains, Russian and Italian police Special Jr. Hadassah Stresses Palestine's agents, dictators, usurpers and pretenders to thrones, diplomas and Meeting at Synagogue Value to Britain criminals who have encountered my London (J. T. A.)—The current isbrother in the past fifteen years, A special meeting of the Junior Hasue of the magazine Near East and New York (WNS)—By vote of the India are better fitted to write an intimate dassah has been called for next Wedcontains a Palestina supplement editors of the Anglo-Jewish press of account of him than I am. It is not with a foreword by High Commisthat I see him too closely, but that nesday evening at the B'nai Israel the United States, the eighth annual sioner Sir Arthur Grenfell Wauchope I hardly ever get to see him at all. synagogue, to honor Miss Pearl Frank- Gottheil Medal of the Zeta Beta Tau pointing out the importance Palestine Without our intention and almoset lin, national Hadassah board member fraternity to the American who did has now assumed among the territhe most for Jewry during 1933 has without our knowledge, a habit has of Chicago. been awarded to Rev. Everett R. tories for which Gi'eat Britain is reoverreached my father, my brother and myself—perhaps it is a tradi- Misa Franklin will speak imme- |Clinchy of New Yoi-k, executtive di- sponsible. The High Commissioner pointed out tion by this time as it has operated diately following the Junior Vaad de- | rector of the National Conference of long enough. It is that we shall | bate Wednesday at the synagogue at JJews and Christians, Father J. Elliot the remarkable developments in agrinever be in the same place at the j 8 p. m. She is guest of honor of the | Ross of Charlottesville, Va., and Rab- culture and industry in Palestine and Senior Hadassah at their annual |bi Morris S. Lazaron of Baltimore the huge surplus of more than $10,same time. "Give or Get" luncheon Wednesday j for their unprecedented good - will 000,000 in the treasury, which is "the "Although he has coursed through noon. | tour of the country last year. Frank envy of a depressed world." every country in Europe he really R. Ackerman, editor of the Omaha hates to travel; it is excessively difJewish Press, was among those on j ficult to get him even to leave an the editorial board. i office or a room or a house in which Mr. L. R. Beatty Says: In the course of their good-will I he happens to be. But the next evepilgrimage the trio of clergymen vis-1 ning, at ten minutes notice, he is "For Health and Economy ited 38 cities, traveled 9,000 miles, i leaving the city for Armenia or Con. . . Eat the Cafeteria Way" made 21 radio broadcasts, organized! stantinople. The Health Club volleyball team 35 permanent committees and ad- •, "Like the star reporter in 'The is entered in the city double roundFront Page/ George has been giving robin tournament with two Y. M. dressed 54,000 people at 129 meet- \ j up newspaper work for years—and C. A. teams and the Council Bluffs Y. ings. Their efforts are regarded as hav-! been getting pulled back into it. They will also participate in the "The humorous press censors in j Class C volleyball tournament this ing been an invaluable antidote i against the rising tide of racial and j Russian and in Italy seemed tc think week-end. religious prejudice. j George was either a pedant or a In selecting three people for the j Puritan; he insisted on cabling news Final plans were made at a meet- award this year, the Jewish editors to a newspaper, "whereas in their opinion the duty of a newspaper cor- ing Monday evening for the opening made it necessary for the 1933 medal We Hare a Large Assortment respondent was to cable nice little if the J. C. C. kittenball league, to be cast in triplicate. The medals of Fresh and Cooked Tegewill be presented on Saturday eveitems of propaganda. So they threw which will start Sunday, May 6. tables. ning, May 12. him out. I suppose they feel better now. But if he keeps on using our The Mozer's Radio team of Linfamily name and keeps on getting Roman Catholic Bishop Says Ten thrown out of European countries, coln will play the Psi Mu in a soft- Commandments are where will I go for my next holiday? ball double-header Sunday at 1 "Inextinguishable" I've asked him. Any moment now 'clock at West Elmwood. Prague—As part of a campaign he'll get thrown out of Rejkavijk or against the paganism of the Nazis, Bucharest and at least I'll know the Roman Catholic Bishop of LimLee Grossman, physical education where not to go." director, urges everyone to start borg, Germany has issued a pastoral An international correspondent in swimming classes now, so as to be letter stating that the Ten Com- j the grand manner, Seldes has estab- able to swim when the summer sea- mandments were inextinguishable j lished a tradition which his succes- son begins. forever. I sors will try to emulate. For in his estimation and practice, a journalist is a writer who reports what he sees and not what he's told. That concepWhere Omaha Shops with Confidence tion of journalism makes him a contributor to world peace and an enemy of the national sucpicions and animosities that are created by journalistic untruths. SIXTEENTH AT FARNAM.
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There are other items Avhich figure in the monthly electric service bill, but the foregoing gives an idea of the inaccurracy of referring to the "light bill."
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UlllllllllllllllUllillltlllllllUlllllllimilllfi: Atlantic City on June 30th . . . One ' Glucfe. present a most confusing situahappy, simple old age. Admit to your Harris Selig,'who "is campaigning for tion these days, Alma having ostenchildren that this hard time has shown the Mizrachi fund, complains that sibly "fled" to Europe, and Efram beyou how important it is for you not during a recent 26-day visit to Pales- ing en route to Soyietland for his first to be dependent on them when the S from ' = tine he almost starved because he Russian concert tour .in twenty years. next hard times come along and put could find no really kosher food—a : Reunion in Russia, is our guess . . . every penny you can into your own lamentable state of affairs which he We understand that in a recent YidThe outstanding athletes at the future. Let them do without luxuries. attributes to the predominant of the ] dish Art Theatre performance in the Jewish Community Center were "Sometimes it seems to me that Istatnbul (WNS)—"I am not a Labor Zionists in the Homeland". . . j Bronx Schwartz's role had to be playawarded for their achievements at By J . BER03T Jew," Samuel Insull, American utiliattitude toward our children is our , ed by an understudy, Schwartz himthe second annual award banquet of Dr. Hans Cohn, the philosopher who ty magnate who is wanted in the sentimental. We romantically By the Service Life Insurance too the physical department at the Cenwas forced to resign his post as pub-j self having hastened to parts unknown United States for defrauding thou-' want to do everything: for them, Company, Omaha when process servers came too close. ter Thursday evening. licity director for Keren Hayesod in COMMUNAL NOTES sands of investors, told the Turkish knowing all the "time that the day is JMay we respectfully suggest that next Jerry La Noue of University of Orchids to President Cyrus Adler Palestine because of bis Brith Shalo- time Mr. Schwartz wants to go any- How to avoid becoming a financial coming when they will want but one j press before he was turned over to Nebraska and Eddie Hickey, Creigh- of the American Jewish Committee for mite activities, has accepted an imthing from us, and that is to be free! the American authorities. tton University coach, were the prin- his Voltairean defense, at that body's portant teaching post at Smith College where in a hurry he arrange for the care to others in one's old age has of the burden of caring for "us. For "many months the anti-Semitic j loan" of the nag which Hirsh Jacobs, been a perplexing problem to every cipal speakers. Lee Grossman, physi- recent annual meeting, of a number for the next three years . . The current press" irr Europe had been saying that "Don't cramp yourself to buy white America's champion race horse traincaj. department head, spoke. who wished to speak for the anti-Nazi epidemic of revolt against bosses snem er, named '.'Yosne Kalb" after the play g-eneration. Happily, the last half slippers and railway tickets and road- this arch-swilidler v a s a Jew. Shortcentury has brought a practical soluIrvin C. Levin, chairman of the boycott and whom some opponents of to be having its effect on the Chicago which swelled the T. A. T.'s coffers sters for them now—they'll forget ly before the Turkish government J. C. C. athletic committee was toast- the boycott movement tried to hush. Z. o., where, we hear, zealous per- last season and which would still be tion within the reach of most of us. them all in a few years, just as you granted his extradition to the UnitedWhile various forms of saving have formers are planning to oust Max master. William L Holzman, Feder- Dr. Adler himself, as you know, views States, Insull was informed of these and I forgot. packing them in on Second Avenue if ation president, presented the the boycott with disfavor . . . We hear Schulman from his position of Zionist the spell hadn't been broken by Mr. for hundreds of years been available charges. He called in the Turkish "Wliether you refuse or concede awards. Entertainment was furnished that one of America's wealthiest men power and hoping to replace him with j Schwartz's various excursions on the to those who would save for the sun-favors today, it will be all the same newspaper men and asked them to set days of life, none of the methods by Ann Nieman, Vivian Mason and offered a gift to the refugee relief Rabbi Solomon Goldman . * . . ' . j road and up to Broadway? . . . Magi- offered the advantages of modern life to them in 1944. You can't live their deny the reports. fund which, was so insultingly small SHIRT COUNTER Millard Sigal, radio artists. cian Julian J. Proskauer has published insurance or the modern life annuity. lives; the more you give them tthe To prove his statement, for which that, it was refused . . . And this reOn the Silver Shirt front all is not a book in which he tells the secrets of The awards: they want and indeed expect. Jews owe him thanks, Insull presentOlder plans failed to accomplish the more . Recognized Basketball Players of Jewish minds -as of the generosity of million- peace and quiet, what with Southern not only various magic tricks but So let your fruit of the depression I ed his baptismal certificate. He' also desired end chiefly for two reasons: Community Center Xifa^ues, aire Edward A. Filene, Boston depart- California leader Eugene R. Case all some cocktail recipes as well . . . Nate be the discovery that no matter howj said that no member of his family is 1933-1334 (1) The method of saving was not small your income, 1. Team of Best Sportsmen—Senior ment store magnate, who was so deep- het up because he feels that William Leipzig, another sleight-of-hand geniyou can put some of Jewish origin. compulsory, nor definitely planLeague: AVartlrobe Clothiers, Marks Mar- ly moved by the German Jewish trag- Dudley Pelley, his big chief, has made us, likes the story of how, after he of it into the cottage or the insuri e t , Jnnior League—Mother's Cookies, A. edy that he has given the munificent ned for an enti.-e lifetime. enough out of his "racket" and nowhad given an impromptu performance Z. A. No. 100. ance that will mean that precious Experiment Gives Scientific sum of $2,000 to the Hub's German (2) The funds accumulated were should give some others a chance to in an African native village many 2. Best Individual Sports — Senior little steady income for you in 15 or Tjengue: James Burroughs, WHlard Smith. Jewish relief fund . . . For the benefit cut in on the profits . . . The Arthur too readily available and were ' 20 Basis to Dietary Law years ago, the chief of the tribe begged years. Charles Geniller. Junior League —Elliott of still hopeful communal workers: usually drawn upon after a Graham who signed the biographical him to stay as the official witchItubiu, Phil' Kutler, Harold Garber. "Your real duty toward your chil- New York—The first experimental 3. Cleanest 1'layers — Senior Leagne: The American Jewish Congress is "still sketch of Pelley recently carried in few months or years. • ,i dren .doctor . . . to spare them 15 years from scientific basis for the Jewish laws Sam Giller, Dave Kicharas, Millard Sigal. looking for an executive secretary. His The life insurance companies have now is The New Republic, by the way, really Junior League—Irving Gendler, Harvey difficult problem as to concerning ta'aruboth, or mixtures of qualifications must include: aggres- bears the name Fine . . . A similar Jacobow, Merer Kohlberg. overcome these weaknesses and have where the (Copyright, 1934, By.Seven Art Mamma and Dad are to go. animal and dairy foods, was present4. Best liefeusive Players — Senior sive personality, knowledge of the patronymic change resulted in a brokFeature Syndicate. ) brought to our present age various They'll forget every League: Max Turner, Abe Bergman, Aaron favor of child- ed to the American Physiological Jewish situation, affability, en nose for a German booking agent Epstein, Ben Rosen. Morris Bloom, Jack world plans which (1) foster sustained, sys- hood on that dark day you sit Society's annual meeting in a paper Mviuro. Junior League—M. Adler, Ray facile English style, sense for news who innocently offered to obtain Bertematic saving on the one hand, and old and humbled in when Two Factions Shapiro. their strong by Dr. David A. Macht, -formerly 0. Most valuable man to his team — values, diplomacy. If you, dear read- lin contracts for the vaudeville troupe London.—British Israel, the Or- (2) make it less, easy to draw upon young presence and they discuss you of the pharmacelogy department of A. Z. A. Ko. J, A, Adler; Marks Market, er, can fill the .bill, send in your ap- of Jimmy Kelly; the offer aroused ganization whose members believe the savings fund prematurely or at Willard Smith; Psi Jin, I. Bogdanoff; Xi plication. You may be the successor as if you were a bundle of old Johns Hopkins University and now Jewish Jimmy Kelly's Irish . . . Add that "Lambda. Max Turner; Deep Bocks, Abe professor of psysiology at Yeshiva the English are the descendants the first imaginary need. clothes. Katz; Wardrobe Clothiers, Chas. Wnnlen; to the three who have held the post current wisecracks; Hitler's Cur-rage Is it any wonder, therefore, that "Remind this husband of yours fi- College. A. Z. A. No. 100, H. Jacobow; Pants Store, since last November . . . Here's a sa- is giving Germany a'swell'Hiss-tory of the "Ten Lost Tribss of Israel, the business of the life insurance ; B . Mulnick; Mother's Cookies, I. Gendler; lute to Harry L. Glucknian, executive . . . And Walter Winchell's: If I were has split into two factions on the is- companies has been swelled so tre-nally that marriage is the partner- As the result of a series M experiThorpeians, M. ShukerL ship of two persons, not a company. ments on rabbits, frogs, mice and ,[• G. Best all-around J. C. C Athlete — director of the Jewish Welfare Board, Adolf Hitler—I'd positively deny i t ! . . sue of anti-Semitism. '?• Irrin C. Levin Trophy. Manny Goldberg. , Although this movement has long mendously during recent years by an That it is for you and for him to rats, Dr. Macht showed that cornwho this week returned from Florida, ABOUT PEOPLE J. C. C. Award Winners, 1933-34 been friendly to the Jews, one group unprecedented increased in the num- settle your problem, and let all the j binations of milk and meat solution • Basketball, Class A—Psi Mu, pre-season after a many weeks' vacation in that nnd regular season champs. Isadore BogCongratulations to Dr. E. Pereira of British Israelites has embraced ber of old age income policies issued? others slide. The children will find I were more potent or poisonous in. danoff, captnin; Millard Sigal, Jay Stoler, clime to spend his recovery from a Fear of becoming a care to their their own way out. Family and their psychological effects than douMendes, Spanish-Portuguese Kabbi anti-Semitism because it holds that Manny Goldberg, Jack Sadofsky, Ben Kos- serious breakdown . . . en, Morris Bloom, Sam Epstein, Leo HerEmeritus, on passing the 82nd mile- the Jews are not the descendants of children has prompted many a man friends have nothing to do with it. ble the quantity of either milk or man, manager; Barney Abrnms, assistant stone of his long and distinguished the Ten Lost Tribes but only of the and his wife to invest liberally in It is just for you two." jmeat solution when given singly. NOTES ON RABBIS manager; Charles Stein, mascot. career . . . To Leonard Ehrlich, Gug- tribe of Judah. This attitude life insurance or annuities, knowing liasketball, Class B—Pants Store, preOnr matrimonial correspondent, usseason champs. Mother's Cookies, regular genheim Fellow and author of "God's estranged thousands of members of that they would be sustained in their season champB. Irving Gendler. Bncky ually reliable, informs us that Evelyn ltubin. Mm Merriam, Morris Adler, Kay Goldenson, daughter of the new rector Angry Man," on receiving the French the organization who have seceded old age and free from the embarrassShapiro. Phil Kutler, Sol Dorinson, Sam Prix Famina American award for this from the movement and created a ment and heartaches which depend"Wolfe, Herman Babich, coach; David Long, of New York's Temple Emanu-El, is ence upon their children would VISITS THROUGH backer. about to marry Nicholas Glick, broth- novel . . . Incident in a New England new group called British Judah. variably entail and upon whose supTalmud Toran-Midget League Cham- er of the former University of Pitts- town: Professor Raymond T. Moley, j [CHINA, INPIA, ITAO-Y AND FRANCE This society is friendly to the Jews •' pions—Irving Kiekes, Harry Goodbinder, after refusing a sizable fee for lectur- • and demands that England should port they could not safely rely. This A1PEP H I M IK HIS CREATION OF Joe Kirschbaum, Ben Kntler, Dave Zwei- burgh football star. The romance was belman, Norman Gendler, Hy Goodbinder, launched, they say, when Rabbi Gold- ing before a large Jewish group, could proclaim all the Jews of the world vital question has been covered by BEAUTtRJU PESIGNS coach. not but accept the 200 subscriptions British subjects and make an end the noted author, Kathleen Norris. To J. C. C. Girls Basketball team—Ma Bous- enman was still dispensing religion to field. center; Flo Brooksteln, forward; the Smoky City . . . Hundreds of for his magazine, Today, garnered for to their long exile by returning quote: Margaret Heed. lonvard; Minnie Taffee, "Begin to build now toward that friends throughout the country will be him by the grateful chairman of the -Palestine to them. forward; Marion McCHntock, forward; Esther Kiegel, guard; Marian Greenberger, glad to know that, despite rumors to meeting ... '.Did we ever relay to you guard; Itae Spar, guard; Bertha Guss, WDJA the contrary, genial, scholarly and the saying attributed to the late exguard. perimental biologist Jacques Loeb: If SKANS C-OILL Handball J. C. C. Tournament—Paul good-humored Rabbi Nathan Krass, Grossman and Jack Ban, pre-season one of Temple Emanu-El's rabbonim people would only stop bothering me WELCOME YOUR. doubles champions; Paul Grossman, preabout being a Jew, perhaps I would be season singles; llauny Goldberg and Ben emeriti, still coines to his office every VISIT IUHETHEQ Kosen, regular season doubles; Manny day; though he may have a little dif- able to discover how we came to be YOU BUY OR NOT Goldberg, regular season singles. human beings . . . We hear that Ernest A. A. U. Midwest Handball champion- ficulty in enunciating he is as alert Bloch, former Avodath Hakodesh got ships—Manny Goldberg, singles champion; mentally as ever. Drop him a line— Morris Bloom and Paul Grossman, doubles he'll appreciate i t . . . This Dr. Charles one of the' merriest razzings of the champion. KOSHER MEAT MARKET Fleisher who has been inundating the year when" it recently was performed Pinp Tons The J. C. C. were the champions in the country with his radio wisdom on psy- at Carnegie Hall, returned to these City League. Members of the team are: shores pretty sore at the Jews of Miss Fremette Goldberg, Millard Sigal, chology is none other than the forManny Goldberg. Ben Kosen. Harry Lipp, mer Boston cleric who preceded Italy. It seems that the Italian preHerman Blumeuthal, Sam White, Sam Riks Harry Levy of the Bean City* Dr. miere of his-newly created Sabbath lin. . Morning-Sacrea Service took place on Individual honors in ping riong—-_ Miss Fleishcher, wb.p is a Hebrew Union Fremette Goldberg, girls champion? Mil- College, graduate, left the New, Eng- a Friday night, and the Orthodox Jews lard' Sigal, city singles champion; Manny of Rome resented that, and also his Goldberg and Millard Sigal, xunners-up in land city when his congregation raised city doubles tournament: Leonard "Bnddy" eyebrows because of his Aryan wife use, at an entertainment, of the words »:' 3Mr: Jacob Shapiro P Goldstein, Missouri valley junior Eingles Adonai, etc. The result was a severe . . .Rabbi Stephen S. Wise is ini thorchamp." •who is well known to Omaha Jewry will be associated Volley Ball 'V ' ; ough disagreement with his American castigation in the Italian Orthodox JOUCAN BUY THIS BEAUTIFUL J. C. C. Health Club—Leslie BurkenroaiL Irith them in their Kosher meat bnsiness^ beginning SunPr. Paul Kllis, Leo Wilson. Abe Brodkey, Jewish press: . . — — swish Congress colleague, Bernard CHIPPENDALE SHELL-BACK CHAIR C. B. Schoppe, Ram Gillnsky. S. Deutsch, on the Child Labor Amend YOU SHOULD KNOW AND DAVENPORT OF PR.GNCM day, April 29. He will appreciate the trade of his many Swimming Scored most, points in J. C. C. Jnnior ment question, S. S. W. being a Ex-Ambassador Henry Morgenthau, INFLUENCE, FINISHED IN VELVET friends and former customers, who will receive the same meet—Norman Bordy, Thomas Fennell, staunch supporter of this important Sr., is quite a baseball fan . . . Barker FOR ONLY $ 1 4 9 . S O A T Eddie Burke. prompt and courteous service as in the past. piece of social legislation, while the James Speyer keeps the "shutters of Congress Proxy nas come out as op- his Fifth Avenue mansion tightly FAMOUS COR. FINE FURNITURE Phi Beta Epsilon posing its ratification^. closed even when he is in residence T X O S - 7 - 9 F A R N A m STREET J£ FOOTHILLS OF ZION there . . . Producer Max Gordon is re-' Joe Lagman won first prize in a Sonie of our betting friends are puted to be.the least publicity-hungry WEbster2916 1629 No. 24th short story contest held by the "In-placing odds that, advance publicity of his guild .-. : The on-again, offternational Dental Magazine." He is notwithstanding, Dr. Chain Weizmann again rumors regarding the matrimonalso a charter member of-.the Sons will not visit the U. S. this spring . . . ial bliss of Efram Zimbalist and Alma of American Legion, of which he is Many of our Zionist readers will find historian. * their vacation problem solved when Four members of Phi Beta Epsilon, they learn that this year's annual conJoe Solomonow, Albert Rimmerman, vention of the Z. O. A. will open at Julius Hornstein and Joe Lagman, will participate in the Creighton University symphony orchestra pro1934 gram, to be given at Central High, 1897 May 9. . . . The fraternity has inaugurated regular Wednesday noon luncheons for all members. \
A. Z.A.1 The Lincoln A. Z. A. kHtenball team will play the Omaha A. Z. A. 1 team at the Central High grounds General Agent at 3 p.m. Sunday. In the evening, 338^40 Electric Bldg. JA. 7320 ihe Lincoln Alephs will attend the A. Z. A. dance at the, Fontenelle. •
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Walnut 5611
Nebraska Power Courtesy • Service • Low fUstt
PAGE 4 - T H E JEWISH PRESS; FRIDAY, APRIL 27,1934 death bed, who should come running Bilt to Curb Spread themselves with the purposes of the "New Friends," purposes to his apartment but Trebitsch. which must necessarily fail from the sheer weight of their own of Nazi Propaganda Breathlessly, Trebitsch came hurrying up to tell Chamberlain that he was injustice? Albany, N. Y. (WNS)—A bill dedying because the Jews had poisoned Stated Mr. Untermyer: "The labor unions and the Masonic i Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by _*_., signed to curb the spread of Nazi and him. orders that have been suppressed at the command of the indusTHE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY, Chamberlain, for all his anti-Se- other anti-Semitic organizations in trial barons and ammunitions makers and other war breeders of mitism, was sane and while he shared New York state has been introduced By DAVID SCHWARTZ Trebitsch's anti-Semitic views, he into the state legislature. Subscription P r i c e , one y e a r - - - • « - - - • « $2.50 Germany who have supplied funds are in supreme command ; . Advertising r a t e s furnished o n application realized that Trebitsch was also cuc- In. the upper house the measure has of the Hitler forces and the Catholic and Protestant churches koo. "No," he said reasurringly. "I passed its third reading. that Hitler, Rosenberg and their cohorts are trying to deprive PROSPERITY ARRIVES The proposed law is so phrased have been suffering from this disease Building^ that all groups advocating riot, bloodAt^last prosperity is back! I am not for many years." xif=their=reiigious=freed Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center race hatred would W ttTs"?onTictioif IJTttte Txewspa—f Hrfo^iso=ttr=was^tix3t-4h€==Qmstian. DAVID BLACKER - • - • • - Business a n d Managing E d i t o r tive champions of the boycott than are the Jews, and their Ted per reports of increased railroad earn- ' anti-Semite had to cool off the Jew- be forced to disband. Stiff prison FRANK R. ACKERMAN - - - - - - - - - - - - Editor numbers and interest are steadily growing as they learn to re- ings or bank clearings. I am rather | ish anti-Semite. terms and fines are provided as penFANNIE KATELMAN - » « Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent alties. alize the enormity of the conspiracy to invade and destroy their convinced of it by the report of the • ANN PELL - - - - - - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent Publication Society. This re- HE WAS A SHAMESS The only stumbling block to the P r i n t S h o p A d d r e s s : 1307 H o w a r d S t r e e t , religious beliefs and freedom, and to subject them to a new Jewish port shows a surplus for the first The new premier of France, who passage of the bill is the legislature's pagan church that repudiates and discards the old and essential time in several years. The Society has was called <to the helm following the crowded agenda and its desire to adparts of the New Testament. Our American cititzens of German earned a profit of nearly ?10,000 this recent outbreak in Paris, smilingly journ as quickly as possible. after wiping out a deficit of boasts that at one time in his life birth and ancestry can never be inveigled into any such cruel, year, some $80,000. was "shamess" in a Jewish syna- and all that—but she is coming back. traitorous, un-American, sacrilegious movement. They love their And it has made its money princip- he gogue. The second girl was one who had Fatherland, but surely not more so than do the German-Jewish ally by selling the Bible and standard Well, it seems to me, that if he very little Jewish background. She is Jewish text books. Of course, the citizens, hundreds of thousands of whom are now being perse- Jewish Publication Society deals with could keep peace between those who the average American Jewish chikseh cuted and reviled, and their children excluded from the schools many other volumes, but the Bible is got "shelishi" and those who got type. She is so enthusiastic about Tree of Life "Maftir," he can keep peace even Palestine, that now her younger sisa best seller. among the passionate French. ter is planning to join her there. Hebrew week is being observed on a national scale this week. that they are forced to help support, shed their blood for their still I know it will be said that the fiThe moral is—you can never tell. Devoted to stressing the value of Hebrew education, the celebra- country, only to be now outlawed, disgraced, kicked out of the nancial barometer of the country is IT HAPPENED BEFORE professions that they honored, and denied the right to work by steel. But I say unto you that this tion takes place during the festival week of Lab B'Omer, the I am not at all discouraged by the being excluded from the new government labor unions, socially is wrong—that the barometer of this fact Scholars' Holiday. that there are those who cannot country is "Thou shalt not steal" or adjust themselves to Palestine life. Coincident with Hebrew week, Omaha Jewry should give ruled by their employers, and from all government service. Paxton Mitchell Co. j the book which contains that injunc- Read your history of the early days some thought to their own Talmud Torah, the fortress and bul"To love one's Fatherland does not mean to love or support tion. G I A l i s Grey Iron, Aluminum andd America and you will find the wark for the inculcation of Hebrew learning in our youth. The Hitler or his monstrous cruelties. These loyal American citizens Irrespective of whether you agree of I Bronze Castings same thing about this country. Read me or not, I am sure there Captain John Smith's History of VirI knowledge of Hebrew has been referred to as the golden hinge of German birth or ancestry, in common with their American with Wood and Metal Patterns will be agreement that the Jewish 2CU Martha St. HA. 6523 upon which our national and religious existence turns. It has brethren, abhor and despise him and everything for which he Publication Society report shows that ginia for instance, and you will find saying something to the effect been the tree of life for the Jewish people, enabling us to sur- stands. Many of them are and have been among our warmest there is still a good deal of kick him "that many grumble because they vive the centuries. If we are to contribute our proper share to- sympathizers, but they dread the reprisals upon their families left in he Old Testament, despite our have not their downy pillows, nor their plantie of taverns, etc. etc." ward giving sustenance to this tree of life, we must contribute at home if their support is known. Those who have dared have Nazi friends. NATIONAL in two ways: first, we must send our children to the local Tal- had object-lessons of the revival of that form of the reign of A CHAIR FOR ANTIYOU CAN NEVER TELL SEMITISM ACCESSORIES, Inc. mud Torah, and second, we must lend our financial support. Our terror of the Dark Ages. A government that resorts, as has and I have known some rather pecuDr. Arthur Ruppin, in his recently financial support may be rendered through our pledges to the does Germany, to these methods of the Inquisition should be published volume—The Jew in the liar reactions to Palestine. Eecently, EVERYTHING Jewish Philanthropies drive, which will begin in Omaha May 7 cast out of the brotherhood of nations. It is characteristic of the Modern World—tells the story of a two girls of my acquaintance left for For the Anto Palestine. One had an unusually rich and from which the Talmud Torah receives a substantial sum blind egotism of the Hitler government that it should expect our Japanese who came to Germany. AT. 5524 2051 Farnam and even Zionist background. "Tell me," he said to a German Jewish for its maintenance. German-American citizens to fail to realize the obvious fact that friend, She writes that she likes Palestine "have you a professor of antiHebrew week should intensify our consciousness of the vital ours is a purely defensive boycott, as our only weapon against Semitism in your universities?" part Hebrew has played in Jewish life. Back in 1896, Henrietta the brutal Hitler persecution and disfranchisement of its own "No," -was the reply. "What!" said the Japanese, "you alSzold declared: "There is a vast storehouse filled with treasures citizens because of their race or ancestry. It has outraged their ways talk about' anti-Semitism, and The key, the Hebrew language, is in our guardianship. Have we sense of fair-play, as it has that of all other Americans. Any man yet you have no chair devoted to it a right to throw the key into the ocean of oblivion? More than who allies himself with such an un-American movement thereby at your universities." that: when we have ceased to be efficient guardians of our brands himself." ANOTHER VERSION treasures, of what use are we in the world? I fear that in the The question, it seems- to me, should rather be—Shouldn't there be case of such flagrant dereliction of duty, the twentieth century Battling Bias the chair for anti-Semites, rather will have in store for us not a Ghetto, but a grave." than for anti-Semitism—if- you get Rev. Everett R. CUnchy of New York City, Father J. Elliot Practically all Jewish leaders of all climes and all ages have what I mean. agreed that Hebrew is essential for our tree of life, that without Ross of Charlottesville, Va., and Rabbi Morris S. Lazaron of Bal- CHAMBERLAIN AND Hebrew we are in grave danger of becoming severed from the timore, Md., were selected as the recipients of the Gottheil medal TREBITSCH tree. Hellenistic Judaism made the experiment of dispensing for the year 1933. The editor of this paper is a member of the A friend has just told me a rather with the Hebrew language and the result was death. It withered committee of editors who chose the three clergymen as the as- interesting story about the late Arthur Trebitsch, the Jewish anti-Seaway and terminated in total and wholesale apostasy from Juda- sociate awardees of the medal given annually by the Zeta Beta mite Germany, from whom the Tau fraternity to the American who has done the most for Nazis of ism. largely borrowed their theories. It will be recalled that about the When Henrietta Szold wrote that our neglect of Hebrew Jewry during the previous year. The three were chosen because of their unprecedented goodsame time that Trebitsch was writwould be suicidal, it was toward the end of the nineteenth cening his bitter tirades against Jews, tury. At that time, Hebrew was considered a "dead language," will tour of the United States as messengers of the National Houston Stewart Chamberlain, the its meaning known to few and its; Sole existence being the ex- Confidence of Jews and Christians. They visited 38 cities, trav- English regenade, who during the proved that everyone except the pression of the Jewish people as voiced in the synagogue, called eled 9,000 miles, made 21 radio broadcasts,Organized 35 per- War Teutons were puppies, was also a bitmanent committees, and spoke to 129 meetings in which the by some a language which gave life but itself did not live. But ter anti-Semite, and also wrote volsince then, Hebrew has become a language which not only gives audience totaled 54,000 people. This pilgrimage team, in round- uminous anti-Semitic works. life but also lives. Hebrew as one of the official languages of Pal- table discussions, mass meetings, and in public and parochial When Chamberlain was on his estine, is becoming more and more potent as the well-spring of schools, colleges and universities, have advocated justice, amity Jewish feeling and the inspiration of Jewish life. To further the and understanding among Catholics; Jews and Protestants in GEMS of the BIBLE blossoming of rich Jewish tradition, let us do all in our power America. The efforts of this trio have been invaluable as an antidote to strengthen the position of Hebrew with our children. and TALMUD to religious and racial intolerance in America . . . educational By O. O. DASHEE efforts must by no means be overlooked in stamping out the Above Old Prejudices seeds of bigotry. And the Zeta Beta Tau fraternity is to be comBrotherhood Day will be" observed on a national scale next mended for its sponsoring of such an award. However, unfortu- Only take heed to thyself, and keep soul diligently, lest thou forget Sunday* April 29, under the auspices of the National Conference nately, in a crisis such as exists today, with counteraction to such thy the things which thine eyes saw, and of Jews and Christians. The purpose of the observance is to en- effort pouring forth through vicious and malicious propaganda, lest they depart from thy heart all able American Catholics, Protestants and Jews to rise above old such as is exerted by Nazism, government action is also needed. the days of thy life, but make them unto thy children, and thy suspicions and prejudices, to look for ways of effectively work- Pending before the legislature of New Jersey and New York are known children's children. ing together as citizens of American democracy, and to maintain bills which will likely pass and which prohibit "circulation of propand safeguard the American ideal of religious freedom and broth- aganda tending to incite religious or racial prejudice." The intol- And thou shalt love the Lord the erhood. Steering clear of the shoals encountered on such move- erance being generated today is the work of men with self- God with all thy heart, and with all ments, this Brotherhood Day wisely starts on the premise that seeking motives or unbalanced fanatical minds. The government thy soul, and with all thy might there are doctrinal differences between the various faith and has the obligation of protecting the life, liberty and pursuit of And He afflicted thee, and suffered to hunger, and fed thee with that it is not the aim of the participants to promote a common happiness of all its citizens, and discrimination because of belief thee manna which thou knewest not and worship. Originally suggested by a Catholic priest, Brotherhood is definitely prohibited. It is therefore just that the legislatures which thy fathers knew not, that He Day stresses that mutual understanding and good will is neces- write into the state statutes that those agitating for racial or might make thee know that man doth live by bread only, but by everysary if the various faiths are to contribute their full measure religious murder be as guilty of a crime as those who by other not thing that proceedeth out of the toward the progress of the country. ways undermine American ideals and Constitutional principles. mouth of the Lord dost man live. In writing about Brotherhood Day, President Franklin D. All the states should exercise a duty which is theirs as a sovTALMUD Roosevelt says: "This occasion presents an opportunity for con- ereign state in these United States. Rob took leave of R. Chiya and the certed thinking on a vital problem of national welfare; it should latter said to him: "May the Merciful help us all in our efforts to rise above ancient and harmful sussave thee from the things that are worse than death." (Is there then a picions and prejudices and to work together as citizens of Amer- Congressman McFadden Misuses thing that is worse than death?" Rob ican democracy. Good neighborUness, good citizenship and plain The People's Money asked himself.) common sense in every-day relationships are potential fruits of proceeded to look into the matThe Boston Jewish Advocate has indicated the importance of terHeuntil he found the passage (Ecc) such a nationwide observance." English-Jewish papers in the present crisis facing American "And I find as more bitter than death Jewry by acting swiftly to bring an end to th*e disgraceful con- the bad woman." Rob was often anby his wife, so that when he German-Americans in duct of Representative McFadden of Pennsylvania, the most noyed asked her to prepare lentile for him, The representatives of the. American branch of the Hitler brazen anti-Semite in the lower House of Congress. Alexander she would prepare small peas for him, Omaha seditious propaganda bureau now known as the "Friends of Brin, publisher of the Advocate, called upon United States Attor- and •when he asked for peas, she the New -Germany" against American institutions, are now or- ney Francis Ford to determine whether Mr. McFadden had vio- would prepare lentils. When his son, grew up, his father sent the You want VALUE in shoes. The Nebraska ganizing what they please to call a counter-boycott of German- lated Federal laws by mailing out over Government frank thou- Chiya, orders to his wife to prepare his meals Americans to offset the ever-growing, devastating world-wide sands of copies of a speech attacking Jews, in which he said: "The through the son. The son v used to is determined to see that you get it. By all reverse the orders, and thus the reboycott by the peoples of all lands, creeds and races against Naz Gentiles have slips of paper while the Jews have gold and lawful sult standards of comparison we've found Town was just what Rob wanted. "Thy goods, ships and shipping which is making heavy inroads on the money." For a number of years Congressman McFadden has mother improved herself," Rob once Talks offer the greatest possible value at $5 strength of the Hitler regime. remarked to his son. To which the made himself-the mouthpiece of the vilest anti-Semitic propa- son replied: "I caused it, because I Samuel Untermyer, head of the boycott movement, has ganda. In the present instance it would seem that he has comreversed the orders.". WhereupThe styles—wide selection of lasts pointed out several pertinent facts in this connection, facts which mitted an act which makes him liable to impeachment. The post had. on Rob said to him, "This is what evidently the "Friends of the New Germany" seem to want to office is maintained by money contributed by all the taxpayers people say—thy own descendants will and patterns. Black or brown calf. overlook. To begin with, as Untermyer stated in an address be- regardless of race or creed. When the postal system carries Mc- teach thee sense'. However, thou shalt Sport styles, two-tone tens, black and do so any more, because it is said fore the recent concert of the Non-Sectarian Anti-Nazi League Fadden's speeches free of charge, it is assuming that what he has not (Jer, 9.4)—'They have taught their white, brown and white, also gray to Champion Human Rights, this is not a Jewish boycott but an to say is of interest to all Americans. But when McFadden attacks tongue to speak falsehood, they weary buck, and many ventilated types. ever-growing revolt of all civilization; regardless of race or creed, the people who help pay the cost of the postal' system1, he is vio- themselves to commit iniquity.'." and of peoples of all lands, races and creeds, against the, unspeak- lating the oath which he tpok in becoming a Congressman. Jews Rabbi Chiya was often vexed by his Tbe Nebraska's Shoes—Main Floor able crimes and persecutions that continue unabated in Hitle everywhere are urged to write immediately to their congressmen wife. Nevertheless when he found land. Why should decent German-Anierican citizens, who so vast- and senators to ask that some action be taken with regard to Rep- anything suitable for her, he would it and bring it to her. When Rob ly outnumber the handful of disloyal men constituting the resentative McFadden. In,, this uncertain time when people are buy said to him: "Behold, she is annoying f "Friends of the New Germany"—disloyal men whose treachery on edge, it is distinctly unwise to permit a fanatic like McFadden the matter, and why yet bring her to American institutions are being investigated by a Congres- to continue his ranting uninterrupted. It is no,t sensible to dismiss presents?" He answered: "It is suffiCORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN they make a home for me, raise sional committee and most of whom rare not American citizens— im as a fool; there are too many other fools in the world. He cient our children, and keep U3 on the why ^shouldr decent German-American citizens in any way league gouM~Beremoved from te placewere he can do arm. straight path.?*
The Week in Review
The PaceSetter Values of 1934
Every Man Should Know
Town - Talk Shoes
r. J
PAGE 5—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, APRIL 27,1934 lie has received recognition for out- r standing scholarship. The annual meeting and election of An assembly was held by the junior A tea will be given by the Deborah officers for the Women's Auxiliary and senior students of the Fremont Society on Tuesday afternoon, May 1, of the Conservative Synagogue will According to an announcement by at 2 o'clock at the J. C. C, honoring High School to honor him. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Helphand The Ladies' Auxiliary •will honor take place on Wednesday, May 16,Mrs. L. Neveleff, president, the next the new members who joined this the members of the Junior Vaad Aux- when a one o'clock luncheon is to be meeting of the Jewish Women's Wel- year. of. Fremont. iliary at a Mother-Daughter banquet held at the J. C. C, Mrs. J. H. Ku-fare Organization — scheduled for The installation of ihe newly-electTuesday evening, May 15, at 6:30lakofsky, retiring president, an- Tuesday, May 1—lias been postponed ed officers vdll also be held. Rabbi SIGMA ALPHA MU NEWS nounces. The annual reports vrill be "Since so many of our members are David A. Goldstein will bo the prinIrving Hill of Lincoln, member of p.m. at the B'nai Israel synagogue. among the workers preparing for the cipal speaker. Included on the program will be rendered. S. A. M., was elected president of the Corn CODS, men's pep organiza- invocation by Mrs. N. Levinson; a There will be a program of enter- Philanthropies drive," Mrs. Neveleff tion a t the University of Lincoln. vocal solo by Mrs. J. Wolfson, ac- taining and unusual character, io be stated, "we have postponed the meetHe was also recently elected to the companied by Al Finkel; a reading, presented under the direction of Mrs. ing so as not to distract from the FOR RENT Philanthropies work." The meeting Student Council, and is playing a by Mrs. Isadore Elewits; solo, by Phineas Wintroub, chairman. date Will be announced later. RETURN TO ST. JOSEPH Koom for rent in private home, leading role in the Kosmet Glub per- Miss Shirley Fiedler, accompanied by Announcement is made of the triMrs. H. M. Korbholz and children, Miss Marian Fiedler; an address on city meeting to be held in Lincoln on formance. near 34th and Farnam. Lady Diane and Philip, left for their home Jack G. Epstein of Omaha was one behalf of the mothers, by Mrs. Sol.Tuesday, May 8. There will be deleonly. Address B6, Jewish Press in St. Joseph, Mo,, Sunday morning of the seventeen university students Lagman; response for the daughters, gates from Omaha and Sioux City, aa The AdvertiBerB in the Jewish Press after a two week's visit at the home deserve and merit your patronage. announced last week as a candidate by Miss Esiher Silverman; address well as from Lincoln. of Mr. and Mrs. S. Handler, Mrs, A large crowd attended the bridge for the Innocents Society, senior by Rabbi Uri Miller. A number of women are planning Korbholz' parents. party and style revue given by the men's honorary group. Epstein was Reservations are open only to mem- to leave Omaha that morning and Junior Hadassah Wednesday evening also chosen senior representative of bers of the Ladies' Vaad Auxiliary anyone planning to go or who may and their daughters and members of "wish transportation is asked to call at the J. C C. Miss Lillian Epstein the Student Publications board. VISITED HERE the Junior Vaad Auxiliary. They are either Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky or Mrs. of Omaha and Miss Fannie Kateli The Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hockenberg and son, Harlan David, of Des man of Council Bluffs were co-chair- \ was awarded second place in scholar- 50 cents per plate and may be made Harold Farber. Moines, Iowa, spent the past week- men in charge of this affair. They ship for the past year, missing first by calling Mrs. A. Schwaczkin, Atlan- The telephone committee will call tic 5534. Reservations will be limited all members during the next week to end here visiting Mrs. Hockenberg's were assisted by the Misses Rose by seven-hundredths of one point. to 150 and should be phoned in by find out whether they are going. Dolgoff, Rose Abramson, Ann Reis, HOWARD <tf 16th. mother, Mrs. M. Zalk. Saturdaq, May 12. Edith Garfinkle, Sylvia Magzamin, Mrs. David A. Goldstein will be Mrs A.. Sch-waczkin is chairman, the principal speaker at the conferBeulah Belzer, Evelyn Glazer, Ann TO BE HOSTESS TO JR. SOCIETY Goodbinder, Kalah Franklin, Sarah assisted by the following: Mesdames ence. Mrs. William Alberts of Oma1 Miss Marion Frieden will be hos-Epstein, labby Abramson, Anne KuzL. Neveleff, Louis Epstein, D. B. Ep-jha will on "Oneg wil speak p g Shabbos, tess to the Junior Society of the Con- nit, Goldie Zusman, Mildred Whit- The International Relations group stein, and Harry Marcus, food; Mrs. j and short talks will be made by Mrs. servative Synagogue at the home of man, Minnie Miller, Sarah Taub, and of the Council of Jewish Womenere T. A. Tully, l table bl decorations; d t i M Mes- Dave Sherman and Mrs. J. H. Kuto sponsor and present the program her sister, Mrs. Sam Cohen, 6808 Gertrude Lewis. dames Howard Milder, I. Elewitz, lakofsky. for the month's meeting to be held Minne Lusa Blvd., on Monday, April Morris Burstein, William Milder, and The feature of the evening's proMonday, April 30, at 2:30 p. m., at the 80. was a style show through the J. C. C. Mrs. Manuel Grodinsky is Charles Fellman, program. A review of "That Man Heine" by gram 0 An automobile vrill sputter and courtesy Herzbergs, under the di-group chairman. Lewis Browne will be presented by rection ofofMr. A twenty-six piece set of silversmutter if not "hitting on all four." Max Cohen of HerzThe speaker for the afternoon is to Miss Dorothy Kosenthal. ware will be given to the holder of bergs. Members of the Junior Ha- be Mrs. Cyrus Mason, who is to give the winning number at the drawing £ The human engine cannot prodassah who served as models were a talk on "China," based on observato be held in connection with the GUEST SPEAKER duce 100% unless it is fed right the Misses Dora Freshman, Sarah tions made on a recent trip to the bazaar of the Daughters of Dr. Victor E. Levine, a member Levine, Freda Soffer, Betty Tuchman, Orient. A" informal coffee will fol- Mrs. A. Wolf was re-elected presi- annual . . . with quality food. Zion on June 17. of the faculty of the Creighton Uni- j Evelyn Glazer, and Betty Burstein. low. dent of the Daughters of Israel Aid Mrs. Joe Tuchman and Mrs. A. versity school of medicine, spent last Miss Rose Meyer was accompanist Hostesses assisting Mrs. Grodinsky Society at the last meeting. % "Tune up" yourself . . . add zest Shafton are chairmen of this -fundSaturday at Wayne, Nebraska, where for the style show. are the Mesdames Abe Brodkey, David to your work , . . pep to your unOther officers: Mrs. S. Brodkey, raising effort, all proceeds of which he was the guest speaker a t the As the affair took the place of Cohen, J. J. Greenberg, Max Holzman vice-president; Mrs. Dave Ravitz, redertakings . . . enjoy the delicious will aid in the upbuilding of the Nebraska State Teachers' Conven- the annual "Mother and Daughter" Mickey Katleman, J. EL Kulakofsky, cording secretary; Mrs. A. Maisel, remenus of the Jack & Jill morn"ewish Homeland in Palestine. tion. party, Mrs. Max Fromlrin, sponsor, Harry Malashock, Jay Malashock elected financial secretary; Mrs. K. Mrs. M. Brodkey and Mrs. E. ing, noon or night, or after the Dr. Levine will speak today at spoke for the "Mothers," and Miss Henry Newman, L. Y. Finstien, Jules Tatle, re-elected treasurer. show. Weinberg are ticket chairmen. TickCrete, Nebraska, for the Nebraska Ida Fine, local president, responded Newman, Louis Sogolow, L H. Weiner, ets are 25 cents. Academy of Sciences. His subject will for the "Daughters." Sam Wolf, Moe Yousem, Julius AbraJewish National Fund donations t e on "Nutrition." Mrs. Morris Finkel won the electric hamson, A. D. Frank, S. J. Leon, Moe A Suggestion for Any Night announced by Mrs. L Beber and Mrs. waffle iron given away. Katleman, Moe Venger, Isadora Lev _. Fellman, chairmen, include conJack & Jill Sizzling Steak Lawrence Finkel sang a group of enson, Abe Solomon, Morris Levey, The Ladies' Vaad Auxiliary are tributions from Mrs. S. Riekes in honM m « Wtoll* mm Utah, tmkf* ll llu pram ikfl potats. «U<-*4 songs, accompanied at the piano by Sol Novitsky, and Miss Fanny Grodin- presenting iheir annual theater party or of her grandchild, and from Sain •f tMtta[ . I ( J t i tvraato. bread sky. •• •'.••••• . . . . Tuesday evening, May 29, a t theZiegman, in celebration of the Bar "Tarzan and His Mate," the entire- Miss Harry Braviroff. favfc. " batter, drink. Refreshments "were served at the A report of the nominating commitCircle Theater. . Mitzvah of his son. ly new and complete screen productee to be made by Mrs. Irvin Stal- The feature will be "Let's Fall in tion of Edward Rice Burroughs' jun- conclusion of the program. master, chairman, will present the Love," starring Edmund Lowe and ggle hero, is showing at the Para1934 slate of officers. A board meet- Ann Sothern, together with a short hi k RETURNS HOME mount this week. Johnny Weismuller, the original Miss Rose Miller of Winona, ing at 1:30 p. m , -will be presided Jewish picture. Admission will be 25 Tarzan, will again be seen in the title Minnesota, returned home Monday, over by Mrs. Sam Gilinsky, acting cents. role and Maureen O'Sullivan will following a two week's visit here president. sgain be seen opposite him. with her sister, Miss Minne Miller. Now is the time to protect yourself j Although a romantic theme domfully by getting auto insurance inates the picture, its background FOR LITERARY emanates the dynamic action of- the Mrs. S. Fellman was hostess SatOMAHA'S STYLE CENTER . ^ . J f t T H AND HARNH primitive jungle. urday to a large group of Daugh- The Ladies* Labor Lyceum dub The charge of a horned rhino; the ters of Zion members at a literary will hold a social meeting next Tuesattack of a hundred lions; Tarzan's meeting. Mr. E. Bloch was guest day, May 1, at 2 p. m. at the Labor {Formerly In the employ o( I* Harris) Lyceum club, 22nd and Clark. All fight -with a man-eating crocodile— speaker. members are urged to be present, as Tithese .and many more spectacular important business will be discussed. Inquiry Regarding Any Irsuranee -thrills.'thigh light the picture. TO TULSA Refreshments will be served. Lines Is; Invited Harold Katelman, who -ias been - REAL ESTATE — KE5TALS The organization is laying plans convalescing at his home -.following for a concert and drawing on Sunday, PROPERTY MANAGEMENT a recent operation at the Methodist May 20. The holder of the winning JA. 7311 Hospital, will leave Sunday for Tul-ticket will receive a thirty-two piece 315 SO. 15 sa, Oklahoma, for an extended visit set of dishes, which will be given with relatives. 1 away. The public is invited. AdmisHe also plans to visit in Houston, sion is 25 cents. Texas, where he will be the guest of his sister, Mrs. Frank Fried.
Conservative Auxiliary Jewish Women's aad Auxiliary Plans Welfare Organization Mother-Daughter Affairs
Deborah Society
Jr. Hadassah Bridge Party, Style Revue
ft oncf
Council of Jewish Women
Daughters of Zion
Mrs. A. Wolf Head of Daughter of Israel Aid
Vaad Auxiliary
Ladies Labor Lyceum
FLEISHMAN and SOSHN 12 Years Experience
Gorman's Bring 4o Omaha Women
His Bride He Braved Thousand Dangers!
A more tempesromance than "Blood and Sand"
TRUMPET BLOWS JBMP8E H0UOO m«CES DRUE Are Nurses Women? See the Answer
Shooters Spread Xsnghs Face Danger Jack Spencer
Abort Women Who Break the Law
New Engagement for Austin Bevans
/»1 /
RESIDE IN SIOUX CITY Ov2C Only Mr and Mrs. Leo Schlaifer and On Other Dayc—~e family are now residing in Sioux Austin Bevans (Al Finkel (, who SHIRTS—"Finished. Se cadi Cfiity, la. has been in New York City the last-) several years, is now playing at the "OLD TIMERS DAY" Mid-Nite Frolic with his 10-piece orLocal members of Zeta Beta Tan, chestra. national social fraternity, will enter- Austin Bevans has played for many tain at a dinner-dance at the Paxton affairs of local Jewish organizations 2815 FARHAM AX2BI5 Hotel on May 12. Mr. Ellis Shafton and now heads one of the leading is chairman of the committee in dance bands of the west. charge. •o+a The local affair will be held simultanesouly with the national presentation by Z. B. T. of the Gottheil medal, awarded annually to the American who has done the most for the Jewish people during the previous year. Members from the active Z. B. T. chapter at Lincoln and other out-of-j And you will be as delighted with their most expert beaTiticians. The town guests will attend. following prices prevail for a limited time only: SPRING DANCE Shampoo-Finger wave and rinse 75c Shampoo-Finger wave and arch . . . . . , , . $1.TO An informal spring dance will be Hot Oil Shampoo and Finger wave $1.00 given by the Phi Delta Epsilon, naRegular $7.50 permanents, special • $4.00 tional medical fraternity, WednesAn exclusive 75c manicure and hand massage 50c day evening, May 2, at the K. of C. Granada ballroom. Warren Ritchie Miss Shaffer is an artist par excellence, being most expert In-hair and his orchestra will play. cutting; you will understand when I tell you that she was with Robert's Beauty Salon for many years. Jffiiss Louise gives manronres exMembers of the Creighton Medical clusively and you will agree with me that she is most unusual. School faculty and representatives of the fraternity organizations at the Arrange for your appointment early. AT. 4333. medical school will be guests. Mr. Samuel Reiter is in charge.
Krasne Beauty Shop, 716Brandeis Theatre.1 Bldg., Continue Their Marvelous Special Offers
WINNER IN DECLAMATION. Martin Specketer,. student a t the Municipal University of Omaha, won second place in a declannatory contest held at the University last week, week. HONORED AT NEBRASKA Among the students of the University of Nebraska honored, at the sixth annual honors convocation last week, are included the following from Omaha: Sam Fleishman, engineering; Rosella Perlis and Eose Steinberg, arts and sciences; Ruth Reuben and Joseph Lmsman, medicine; Justin Wolf, law; Jack Epstein, business administration. Those honored at the convocation represent the upper three per cent of their respective classes in scholarship. FREMONT LAD HONORED Among the students honored at the University of Nebraska convocation was Ben Helphand of Fremont, who was awarded the William Gold prize for superior scholarship in the college of business administration. This is the second consecutive year that
24th. and Harney
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Botany Crepes » 100% Camel Hairs • Flecked Threads •• Tree Barks • Checked Fabrics • Wool Crepes • Novelty Weaves • Navy • Tan • Blue •• Beige • Mixtures Sizes 12 to 20—36 to 50 SECOKD FLOOR
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AS MILL RIOT RAGED—Charles Dubin, a striker of the West Point Knitting Mills, Philadelphia, is shown after being felled by the nightsticks of policemen called to quell a riot that broke out in front of the mills. A woman striker is pictured at right battling police in protest against the treatment of Dubin. GREENWICH VILLAGE IDEA—Pretty Esther Ralston, scree* actress, and Earl Oxford give you their idea of how Greenwich VH» lage residents dress in this photo, snapped at a party for Harold Lloyd, film comedian, at Hollywood.
AMBASSADOR VISITS—Ambassador and Mme. Alexander Troyanovsky of Russia are pictured with the envoy's secretary, Dr. Samuel Neymann Alexis, center, upon their arrival in Chicago for a visit of several days.
• tc:
"WIN IN SOCIETY CONTESTS—Distinctive tributes were paid to these two society girls by three well-known artists at a charity ball . ___. to New York City—Betty Kip, left, selected as the society girl whose CIRCUS SIDE GLANCE—One of the huge elephants of the circus now playing in New York City is face expresses the greatest character, and Joan Power, right, picked shown rearing its huge hulk on its hind legs while pefrfornring for child patients of Bellevue hospital as the most beautiful society girl at the function, when the entire "big top" visited find cheered the crippled inmates. ,
NIGHT AT CAPITAL—This picturesque photo shows a display of fireworks streaking the darkened sky at Washington, throwing its reflection on the massive Washington monument, during the observance of the first annual cherry blossom festival.
ALERT PHOTOGRAPHY—New York almost lost a mayor on Aug. 9, 1910, when William J. Gaynor was shot in the throat by James J. Gallagher, a disgruntled city employe as the city's chief executive was about to sail for Europe. This remarkable picture shows Mayor Gaynor staggering into the hands Of friends a moment after the shooting. His sturdy constitution enabled the mayor to recover from the wound..
GIANT TOMBSTONE—Sounding the death knell for 450 persons, the St. Francis dam, 40 miles north of Los Angeles burst with on March 13, 1928. releasing 12 billion gallons of water that swept 750 homes out of a peaceful valley. The surviving segment of th* rikm Stands like a tombstone at the scene of the tragt-dy.
The House of Rothschild" ALWAYS STAMB TOGETHER
pledge the amount they give annually to the various Meshulochim," N. Levinson, president of the Vaad, declared. "The importance of the institutions given financial aid through the Meshulochim has always been realized, but much of the benefits to be derived were wasted through inefficiency and expense. We are therefore doubly happy that through the efficiency of the Philanthropies each dollar given to the Meshnlochim will go further, and urge the Jewry to bear this in mind •when making their pledges."
H e v e r U t O n e Brother Succeed While Another Falfs „* .Words spoken by o fether to five bright-faced boys. Thus was <he foundation of the House of Rotfes-" child laid. All for one end orte lor)
Jr. Debating Club
/ Conservative A t services tonight Rabbi David A. Goldstein will present Rabbi Hillel Kanvar of Denver to the congregation. Rabbi Kauvar will preach the sermon. • Next" week Habbi Goldstein will speak on "A Design for Xfving."
Jewish Women's Welfare Organization. . .,'. ] Organizations are co-operating in not having affairs to conflict with the Philanthropies drive. As an example of this spirit of cooperation, Mrs. L. Neveleff, president of the Jewish Women's Welfare Organization, announces the postponement of the next meeting of the group. " "The meeting of the Jewish Women's Welfare Organization," stated Mrs. Neveleff, "which would ordinarily have been held on Tuesday, May 1, has been postponed, since so many members are active in the Philanthropies work and we wish nothing to distract attention from the mammoth drive."
Depicted above is a scene from the stirring picture, "The House of Rothschild," which will open soon at tlie Paramount theater in Omaha. Starring George Arliss, this picture is more than a mere moving picture, more than a mere history. It places the lives of a famous Jewish family before the world at a time when the understar ling of the Jew is vitaL The H o u s e of Eothschild was founded on the vision of the father and the faith, of the mother. And the five sons went foiih in the world to carry out the ideals of their parents —no power could turn them from their purpose. Personal gain was forgtttten. They were bankers, yet their Riga—All municipal officials affili money became secondary when huated with the Latvian Nazi party will be removed from their posts within SO days, according to a decision reached by the Latvian parliament. The annual bridge of the Fa-Hon sorority will be held Wednesday evening, May 9, at 8 p.m. at the J.C.C. Prizes will be given at each table. There will also- be door prizes. Refreshments will be served. The committee in charge includes Sound Teeth Sally Pollay, Esther Siegel, Tillye Sigal and Rose Flanchek. Tickets at and Sound Health 25 cents per person may be obtained from any member of the sorority. are Sound Economy
Fa-Hon Bridge
man interests were involved. The Ghetto days and the oppression of the Jewish people are vividly portrayed. The important part played by the Rothschild family in breaking the Ghetto chains and in bringing about peace for Europe are dramatically shown. When the Rothschilds became financially powerful—they were exceptional bankers, but were never exploiters. They lent their money to the allies against Napoleon, although their remuneration was slimmer and their chance of gain less. They threw every resource into ending the wars which were wrecking Europe, seeking by all possible means to maintain peace. The guiding principles of the Roths-
childs were to live with dignity, trade with dignity, and walk with dignity. And at no time would they sacrifice these principles for the purpose of gaining more money or more power. The presentation of this picture will bring about a better understanding of the Jew, for as the millions see this picture, they will come to understand many of the things which, have influenced the Jew "throughout time. They will see the courage and the steadfastness of the Jew, his love of his parents, Ms idealism, and the forces which have moulded him into the heritage which, he has won. Enthusiasm for the picture was voiced at "a p re-view showing of the picture before a Jewish group Monday evening. ' "
Prayers for Persecuted Jews in English Churches London—Special prayers for Jews who are being persecuted throughout the world, but particularly in Germany, have been ordered said in all the Evangelical churches of England on May 20, Whitsuntide, which coincides with the first day of Shevuoth.
A regular meeting of the Fa-Hon sorority was held Monday evening in the form of. a social meeting at the home of Mrs. M. FriedeL Bridge was followed by refreshments. ' ;•• Plans are under way for the sorority's annual Mother-Daughter banquet, to be given ia the near future.
There was a large attendance at the first bridge tea given by the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Congregation of Israel, South Omaha, Monday afternoon, April 23. Table decorations were beautifully arranged. A meeting of the Auxiliary has been called for Monday afternoon, April 30, to checkup on all business pertaining to the party. All members are urged to attend.
Rabbi David H ,Wice -will speak on "Books and ~.>oks," a Lag B'Omer sermon, at services at Temple Israel this evening. Saturday morning services begin at 1O35O a. Sn. The College Club will meet Sunday afternoon at 3:30 p. m. Following the regular meeting, the committees on Hie Youth conclave will discuss final arrangements on the conclave. The adult study class will meet at the Temple Tuesday evening. Rabbi Wice will conduct the class.
Smart SILVER RELISH Dish Two Patterns! Unusually Low Priced A piece that will lend the finishing touch of perfection to your service. The divided glass is removable and the heavily plated silver dish may be used as a tray.
Jr. Congregation The Junior Congregation -will meet as usual Saturday morning. Refreshments will be served by Mrs. Louis Epstein in observance of her daughter's birthday.
Eldridge Section—Fourth
en's Open Omaha'sJVewest und Most Complete
So. Omaha Auxiliary
Religious Services
"Sacrifices on the Altar of Strange Gods'? will be the sernion topic of Rabbi IJri Miller this evening at the regular Priday evening services at the B'nai ^Israel synagogue, under the auspices of the Vaad Ha'Ihr. Cantor A. Schwaczkin and the choir will assist at the services. "The Religious School will meet as usual Sunday morning, at 10 a.m. At 10:30 a special Lag B'Omer party will be given. Games characteristic of the day will be played and refreshments will be served by the Ladies' Vaad Auxiliary.
Organizations. ' '•" Ben Kazlowsky, chairman of the organizations division, reports proggress being made in the solicitation of contributions from the various Jewish organizations. Among the organizations -who had contributed by Tuesday are Bikur Cholim, B'nai Brith, Conservative Synagogue Auxiliary, Independent Workmen's Loan, Jewish . Women's Welfare Organization, Omaha Hebrew Club, Pioneer Women, Temple Israel Brotherhood, V a a d Ha'Ihr Men's Club.
Ask for
a drawing to be held in the near future. Miss Sylvia Parilman will have A regular meeting of the Sigma charge, assisted by Miss Esther RoKappa Chi sorority was held at the senberg and Miss Marion Robinson. J. C. C. Tuesday evening, April 24. Final plans were completed for a Mother-Daughter affair. This affair i At a regular meeting of the Junwill be held in collaboration with the ior Debating Club, Sunday, the folannual banquet given by the "Women's lowing officers were elected: Welfare Organization,' May 13, for Elinor Cohn, president; Harold Neswhich a special table has been re- selson, vice-president; Shirley Cohn, secretary; Annie Pollay, treasurer; served. Miss Hannah Gossick is chairman Frances Rubin, reporter; Jake Tepof arrangements, assisted by Miss litsky, pa: liamentatrian. Ruth Goldstein and Miss Evelyn • A debate is being planned for the near future. A party is also being Green. considered. Plans are now being formulated for
Sigma Kappa Chi
1113 Douglas
Home Appliance artment On the Fourth Floor
In opening this mammoth new Home Appliance Dept on the Fourth Floor you will please note that Hay den's were very careful in selecting only the world's most famous and finest quality brands of Home Appliances . . . . the kind that you can buy with the fullest of confidence of knowing that you are getting the very best possible for your money . . . and best of all Hayden's now have an easy payment plan that enables you to have these fine Home Appliances without laying out a great deal of money.
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The home with a telephone Bade «t your telephone are hundreds of thousands of employees and $44)00.000.000 -worth oi equipment. Thcr enable you to call 30,000.000 telephone* throughout the worid.
PAGE 8—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, APRIL 27,1934 J. J. IKIKDMAN, A:torncy, The Whits House letter to Slicel"ir»t IS'nfional Bank HHI maker was in answer to a communNOTICE BY riBLICATION ON* PETIication requesting that.the professor TION FOK SETTLEMENT OF FINAIi be declared a citizen of this country ABMIMSTHATION ACCOIST. In the County Court of Douglas County, Washington, D. C, (J.T.A.—Pres- by executive order "in view of the Xobraska. : Plans have been made for the apident Roosevelt has no- authority to alleged persecution of Einstein by All persons interested in said matter are .uotifi'M that on the 10th day Of pearance in Sioux City of Mrs. confer American citizenship on Pro-Hitlerites." Shoemaker further said hereby April, 1934. ll«'iiri<»tta 1'eiorsun filed * Bertha Berkman, president of the (Continued from Page 1.) fessor Albert Einstein, the White that this country "needs a man of petition in said County Court, praying Miss ANNA PILL, Correspondent that her finr.l administration account filed Chicago chapter of Hadassah. Mrs. House informed Representative F. H. •herein be settled mul nllowrd. nnd that a (O Einstein's scientific learning." Berkman, who is also a member Was this credible? Well, then, there Shoemaker of Minnesota. hearing will In- hnd 011 said petition beis another version of the original— fore said Court on the 10th dny of May, N. Grueskin, Mrs Hyman Fishgall, of -the National Board, of Senior that is for the German readers. The Congress, however, has the power 19.14, nnd thnt if you fail to nppenr before JACK W. MAUEU, Attorney. Hadassah will be the principal speakto declare an alien a citizen, acsaid Court on the said l!Hh day of May, and Mrs. S. H. Shulkin. Court House W?A, at !> o'clock A. M., nnd contest said er at the Hadassah Convention which Russian "government sent a spy to cording to the information received petition, the Court may grant the. prayer the Basle Congress. He did not go to by the Minnesota representative. will be held in .Sioux City on May of said petition, cuter n decree of heirshlp, NOTICE FOR DISSOIATTIOS OF The Business Girls Girls Club held the Congress himself, but bribed m:d makfi siu-h other and further orders, rARTSKUSHIl' their last meeting of the season j 27 and 28., one of the participants. He was carNotice is hereby given that Mary Green allowances and decrees, as to this Court Announcement of the various conHYBIAX LEVIX, Attorney. may seem proper, to the pud that all matand Jennie Belgrade, copartners doing Telling her audience that Hadassah Wednesday evening in the Seville j rying the protocols from Basle to SOI Electric lildg. business under the name of the Community ters pprtnininK to n:\u\ osmte may be linalwas the outstanding organization for Cafe. An evening of bridge followed vention committees will be made at Frankfurt to the local- Masonic orMeat Market, 1010 Xorth 24th lv settled and determined. In the County Court o£ Douglas Countj", Kosher Street, Omaha, . Nebraska, have dissolved Jewish women, and urging- them to the dinner. Plans have been made for the Hadassah meeting next Tuesday ganization. He stopped on tlie way JCtbraska. BltYCK CRAWFORD. said copartnership, articles of dissolution 4-2T-34-3t afternoon in the Jewish Community County Judge. give their fullest support and co-the clubs social meetings at the memin a little town, and gave the proto- In the Matter of the Estate of Simon having boon filed with I he County ClerK Center. Mrs.' E. N. Grueskin ,is thecols to the spy. He engaged copyists Manuel Uass. Deceased. of Douglas County, Nebraska, on April operation- to its work, Mrs. David bers during the summer months. the heirs-at-hnv. creditors, anil all chairman for the "convention. Head- who worked all night and copied the To FBADENBCKG, STALMASTEK, BEBEK Goldstein addressed fifty women at other persons interested In sniU ustiite: 13. 1931. MART GltEKN, & KXUTZNICK, Attorneys. quarters will be. in the Warrior Hotel. You are hereby notified Hint a petition protocols. a Hadassah luncheon Tuesday noon. The Dramatic Club met for reJENNIE BEIXUtADE. 000 Omaha >"utionnl Bank Bldgr. has been filed In this Court on the 6th 4-20-34-4t. Omaha, Nebraska day of ^Vpril .1034 by Tigue Buss, alleging The luncheon was the. annual Give hearsal of "Be An Opiimist," Tuest "In the. first Russian version the thnt Simon Manuel Uass died ou the 1st and Get meeting and was attended day evening in. the Community CenFBADENBCBO, STAI.SIASTEK, BEBER protocols were supposed tohave baeh Shaare Zion day of May, 1930, Intestate; that at the NOTICE OF AMENDMENT TO ARTI& KLUTZX1CK, Attorneys. ~of his death he was a resilient of by every Hadassah member who hadterl The play will be presented by brought to Russia from France.. Ac- time CLES or iKCouroR.vrioN O P C50 Omaha National Bank Bide. Douglas Comity. Nebraska, nnd that he "MILDER OIL COMPAN1" raised her quota of $5 by giving that the club at tlie Center sometime in In conjunction with Brotherhood cording to the -German version, the was possessed of the following described 'Notice is hereby given that on the 17th PROBATE NOTICE '. sum. _qr earning it in some way. May. Mr. Walter Pritchett is direct- Day on Sunday proclaimed by, theprotocols were copied, consequently real eStntr, to-wit: day of April, 15W4, nt 2 o'clock P. St, «t I-ot thirty-four (34) of Porters AilIn the Mutter of the Estate of Benjamin the offices of the Company, Omaha, Ne-. Miss Rebecca Stillman gave a read- ing the production. National Council of-Jews and Chris- they were in German. ditiou to the City of Omaha, as surrolikov. Deceased. brnska, nt a »pi>cinl meeting of the stockveyed. ' platted anil recorded. Notice is hereby given that the creditors holders, ing and a musical program was pretians,- Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz, will "In Russia the prohlems of Chris- That Article IV of the Articles ot Inejiid petitioner has nn interest in of said deceased wilt meet the administraof "Milder Oil Company" wa* sented by Tillie and Jennie Shindler "New Members will. be elected into speak this evening on the subject tianity and Judaism; have been stud- said real estate being nil heir of said de- tor of said estate, Itefore me. County corporation amended as follows: the Amorian Club at; their next meet- "Make America Safe for Differ- ied by such men as Vladimir Solov- crascd said petitioner prays that a hearing Judge of Douglas County, Nebraska, at and. Ubbie Olensky. - ; ' • - • "AKTICLK IV. The total authorized be bad on said petition, thnt notice thereof the County Court Room, in said County, " Announcement was made at: theing to be held a t ; the Center. The ences." .'-•'.yov, Professor Troitsky, Professor b e Riven as required by law, and that upon on the 11th day of June, 1934, nnd on the capital stock of the corporation IB $100,000.00 t o be divided into o n * hearing; n .decree of heirshlp Ite en- llth day of August. 1034, at 9 o'clock A. luncheon that an electric grill raffled club will meet every other week" dur- Arnold Rosenfeld, son of Mr. andKokovtsev* K a r t a s h o v , Bulgakov, said thousand shares of the par value Of tered and further administration of said M-, each day. for the purpose of presenting $100.00 each, nil of which stock shall off by Mrs. M. A. Weiner and the spring months. Morris Gins- Mrs. A. I. Rosenfeld will- celebrate Berdyayev— men of profound intel- estate be dispensed with. their claims for examination, adjustment Ite common nto<k nnd when Issued nnd allowance. Three months are allowed Jack Robinson for- their quota, was berg was elected, reporter and his-hi» Bar Mitzvah Saturday morning lect-and a living conscience. In them You are therefore notified that a hearing for the creditors to present their claims shall be fully paid and non-assessable." be had on said petition at the County from the llth day of May, 1934. the- counterfeit ravings of the ig- will won by Louis Fish. Miss Anne Shul- torian for the club. Officers will be at Shaare Zion. HTMIE MILDEU. President. Court Itoom of said County, on the 5th KIXA V. MILDER, Secretary. BRTCE CUAWFOItD. kin won the dress raffled off by elected at the last meeting of the The Junior Congregation is pre- noiant monk, Nilus, evoked but a day of Mn'y, 1934, at 0 o'clock A. M., and4-20-S4-3t. 4-27-34-4t. County Judge. season and plans have been made for paring for the Friday evening service smile of contempt. The low level o.f that if you fall to appear at said time and Mrs. Mickey Leviian. place and contest the said petition, the a joint meeting with an Omaha club. on May 11. The Juniors will conduct the circle in . which men like Nilus Court may grant the same, enter n decree of heirshlp, and decree that further admoved and worked is only too well ministration the entire service. of said estate be dispensed known. I t -was the world of police with. , Junior Poale Zion BUVCE CnAWFOnU. An imaginary trip to Palestine was — • • denunciations, divorce perjuries, mon- 4-13-Sl-3t. -Coiinty Judge. : astic servility and feigned, blasphethe. theme of the program at the mous piety. In order to attract at- SHOTWEIJ,, HONSKV, GKOD1NSKV weekly meeting of- the Junior Poale VANCE, and HA Kit Y B. COHEN. tention Nilus' 'Protocols of the Wise Zion organization last Sunday afterAttorney*. Men of Zion*. had .to emigrate from Elaborate plans have been comnoon. The club met in the home of 1ST Omaha National Bank Uld*. Russia and the futther away they pleted for the annual Mother and BY F. R. R. Miss' Rosabelle Wigodsky. Rebecca Notice Is hereby given that the underwent the better they fared." Stillman spoke on the city of Tel Daughter banquet to be given next signed have formed a corporation pursuant to the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Wednesday evening, May 2, by the The Ladies Auxiliary of the TalAviv. Sara Kaplan" led the discusMr. Lucien Wolf -in his. article, name of the corporation is DEX NATIONsion on Jerusalem, the University on Ladies Auxiliary of Shaare Zion mud Torah Society will hold a meet- "The Nonsense of Nilus" states, con- AL SAI.KS COMPANY, with its principal place of business in the City of 'Omnha. Synagogue, in the social hall of the ing next' Wednesday afternoon, May Mount Scopus, and the Habima Thecerning the explanation of Nilus as The objects for which this corporation is 2, at 2:30 o'clock at the home of to the authenticity of the instrument formed atrical organization. The Emek Israel synagogue. are, to b'.iy, sell, exchange, manufacture, deal and trade, generally, in any and life in the colonies was dis- Miss Dorothy Merlin will be the Mrs. Phil Saks, 120 Third Street. published by him as to the protocols and all kinds of office supplies, office toast master during the evening. Mrs. All members are urged to attend this —"According to one, the protocols equipment cussed by Julia Bsreskin. and office specialties of every and character: to purrhnse, leas^ nnd came from a deceased friend, un- kind The next meeting of the group will Eueben Miller will give the invoca- meeting. otherwise ncfiuire any interest or license of every kind and character in and to be '. held next Sunday afternoon in tion. Mrs. Barney Baron, president Among the students at the Abra- named, who received them from a. nnv ai.d nit patents pertaining to office who stole them the! J. C. C, with Will Rozofsky of the Auxiliary will extend greet- ham Lincoln High School who were woman also unnamed, supplies, office' equipment and office spe1 ings to the guests. Dorothy Mosow of every kind nnd character, and awarded memberships in the National from one of the: m^ ". influential and cialties presiding. Imy, &til. mortgage, lease, encnniber will speak in behalf of the daughters Honor Society at the annual honor most highly initiated leaders of Free- to and deal in real nnd personal property of and Mrs. David L. Radin will re- assembly recently were the Misses masonry * * *•, according to the all kinds. The Company shall have authority to borrow money and issue evidences spond in behalf of the mothers. June Meyerson, Shirley Maltz, Esther other there was no woman intermed- of Indebtedness therefor. Total authorized capital .stock is $l\->.000.00. par valne $100.00 Following the addresses, Helen Steinberg, and Pearl' Meyerson. Don iary and no despoiled French Free- per share; all stock Common, and shall be A series of hikes have been Levin will give a recitation, Lois Rosenfeld, senior at the Abraham mason, but the .whole business was fully paid and non-assessable when issued. planned by the Boy Scout troop" for Slotsky, dance; Tillie Shindler, vocal Lincoln High School, is also a mem- done by the deceased friend himself, The corporation gmiii commence business upon the filing of its Articles with the the next month. Meetings are held selections; and Mrs. Lloyd Beals will ber of the National Honor Society, who rifled the safe' of the Headquar- County Clerk of Douglas County, and shall continue until January 1st, 10S4. The higheach Saturday evening. Any boybe heard in a group of readings. ter Office of the Society of Zion in Membership is based on scholarship, est amount of Indebtedness shall not «>xwishing to join is asked to call Scout A skit entitled "Something Differ- character, leadership and service dur- France * *—In" the third and en-iceed two-thirds of the capital stock.-This restriction shall not apply- to indebtedness Master or patrol leaders. larged edition of his work, published ent" will be presented by Tillie ing the school terms. secured by -real estate. The number of Shindler, Rebecca Stillman and Mrs. S. ;Weiss of Chicago, Illinois, in 1911 * * he tells rus that the doc- memlH-if> of- the Board shall be provided for by the By-Laws, which Board shall umentscame not from' France but arrived here Sunday to visit her sisThe Girl Scout Troop held* a hike Sylvia Herzoff. administer the affairs of the corporation. stockholders snail hold their nnnnal Souvenirs will be given to the ter, Mrs. Louis Feblowitz, who un-from Switzerland, that they were not •The to Stone Park last Sunday afternoon meeting, the first. Monday in March of each with their leader Mrs. Isadore Taxer. children Who attend. The men of the derwent an operation a t the Mercy Judeo-Masonie. but Zionist and that year nnd elect Directors. The Directors they were the secret protocols of the shaH elect President. Vrce-Presiderit. SecTransportation was provided by mem- congregation will serve the dinner, Hospital last Thursday. retary and Treasurer. The Articles may Zionist Congress Mield in Basle in be bers . of the Troop Committee which which will begin at 6:20. amended ujxjn notice ns provided for. Dr. and Mrs. Isaac Sternhill en r -1897." "• ~7 ' '"The corporation shall have a seal. includes Mrs. A. H. Baron, Mrs. E. tertained the members of their EveDated March 20th. 1034. ning1 Bridge Club . at ; their home A. fiUEENBEItG. (To be concluded in next week's Tuesday evening. IU MAliQUARDT. 413Si4t issue of The'Jewish Press) Miss Lydia Ross spent'the past Over 150 people attended the week-end visiting friends in Iowa Rome.—-The triumph of Fascism In ; Chicken Plate Dinner and Card Party City, Iowa. given by the Temple Sisterhood in •Mrs-. -Abe Bear ;and, son, Aaron Austria has been a boon to the the Temple Annex Tuesday evening. David, of ?Leaveriw6rth, Kansas, re- Catholic church 'which has gained thousands of new converts, most of Following the dinner the guests ad- turned to their home Sunday follow- whom are Jews, the Italian press ing a week's visit' here at: the home journed" to bridge and a social hour. converts were of Mrs. Bear's parents, MrVand Mrs. reports. In March-2,400 accepted in • one :::: church in Vienna Julius Katelman. Thirty-five members of the Ivre and most of these were Jews. vJlub attended a Stag Smoker in the Mrs. Corpal Cohen of Gretna, Iowa, who recently underwent an opMartin Hotel Monday evening. Mr. S+AI.MASTEK,. BE HER J. M. N. Goldsmith, president, was in eration at the Mercy Hospital, re- •(•BADENBCltG, & K1.CTZNICK, Attorneys. . turned to her home in Gretna Suncharge.of the arrangements. 65a Omaha National Bank Bide. day, where she is now convalescing. NOTICE OF INCOttrORATlON OF The Debrah Club met Monday eve- The Chevra B'nai: Yisroel Society "BAK18H-MOTORS, IXC." will hold a regular meeting next ning in the home of Gisela Pill. Notice is hereby girwi that we, the UnWednesday evening, May 2, at 8 dersigned, have associated ourselves tor Plans were made for a hike to Stone gether for the purpose of forming a corPark next Sunday. Miss Marie Osher- o'clock at the Chevra B'nai Yisroel poration to be known ns "Barish .Motors, Synagogue at. 618 Mynster Street. Inc." It shall commence business nt the off was elected into the club. time of the filing of the Articles of. InClyde Krasne returned home last corporation with the County Clerk of Douglas County, Nebraska, and continue Friday from Los Angeles, California, . O n e hundred and seventy-five fof a. period of fifty years. The principal guests attended a dinner Sunday where he spent the past five weeks. place of doing business shall be in Omaha, Nebraska The nature of the busievening given by Mr. and Mrs. Ben Plans are being made by the Coun- ness shall be to-general Inty. own and sell autoShindler, honoring their son Charles cil Bluffs Chapter of • Creighton Uni- mobiles, trucks, trailers and other selfvehicles, .parts, supplies and acon the occasion of his Bar Mitzvah versity Alumni -Association for a propelled cessories, and to eh'fcago in the geueral Following the dinner addresses were Benefit Bridge Party to be given at automobile, truck and trailer repair nud garage business, and, to do all things made by Mr. Aaron Tabai, Mr. Jack the- Hotel Chieftain on Friday eve- which inny be necessary and/or proper to London, Mr. John Lansberg, and ning, May 11. Dr. Isaac Sternhill carry out the objects and purposes herelnset forth. Tlie capital stock shall Rabbi H.R. Rabinowitz. Charles is chairman in charge of this affair. nbove be ?5,000.00 divided into fifty shares of par value of 5100.00 each. The affairs Shindler and Mr. Joe Shindler also He is being assisted by Miss Gertrude the of the company shall be managed by a spoke briefly. Amusical program was Longeway and Dr. Albert N. Brown. Board of Directors of not less than two who shall elect from their numpresented by Misses Tillie and . Jen- Reservations may be made by calling members ber a rrestdent, Vice-Presldent. hiecretary nie Shindler and Libbie Olensky. Mr. Dr. Sternhill, phone 226. and Treasurer. The nnnual meeting of the corporation shall be held on the first MonDavid Davidson, a visiting artist, day in January ot each year. Articles of presented several readings.Berlin—Real -estate exchanges Incorporation may be amended upon the affirmative vole of two-thirds vote of the were established last week in Ham- outstanding stock. Miss Sadie Shulkin was hostess burg and Cologne, admission to IN WITNESS VHEKEOF. the parties Sioux City's Monday evening to 12 guests who which are confined to "Aryan" agents hereunto have set their hands on this 13th day Of April, 1934. are Junior' Hadassah members, all only. MAX M. BARISH, of whom celebrate their birthdays Similar institutions are to be estabFinest Hotel I'HILIP M. KLDTZNICK. EDWAKD D. BRODKET. lished in other towns, it was anduring the month of April. An eveIn the presence of: ' nounced. ning of bridge was followed by re4-20-S4-4t In every city there is one outs K. J . Holdsberg. , freshments. ' standing hotel. In Sioux City,
unous Protocols of Zion
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Council Bluffs News
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Miss Annette Baker was elected president of the Alpha Chi Gamma at the meeting of the sorority last week. Tillie Shindler was elected vice-president; Marion Rocklin secretary and treasurer. The next meeting will be held in the home of Miss Ruth Kozberg.
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Moynt Sinai "Democracy Accepts the Challenge, the American iiWay Out" will be the subject of Ralibi Theodore N. Lewis' sermon at Mount Sinai temple this evening. In the course of his address, Rabbi Lewis ynll analyze the fundamental aspects of the New Deal as outlined by President Roosevelt, The annual election 'pt officers will occupy, the business meeting of the Temple. Sisterhood next Friday afternoon. The meeting will follow a X o'clock luncheon.
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