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In the Interests of the Jewish People
Traditional Giving.... By Harry Sil
Entered as Second Class Mall Matter on January 21. 1921, at i'ostofflee of Omaha, Nebraska, under the Act of March 3, 1819
The Talmud says: "He gives who gives with a frown. He grv much who gives with a smile."
THE CHALLENGE Weeks of preparation—entailing sacrifices of time, talent and effont —have prepared l i e groundwork for the fifth annual Jewish Phflanthror pies campaign for $42,500, which opens next Monday morning, May 7. The foundation has been solidly built—what the rest of the structure will represent depends entirely upon our Jewish community, the depth of their Jewish feeling and the extent of their Jewish consciousness. The unparalleled need of the hour is our challenge—we must not and cannot fail our unfortunate brethern!
Vol. 10—No. 14
They who sow in generosit; reap in joy.
Another was of stating this theme: "Blessed is he who gives from his substance to the needy; twice blessed is he who accompanies his gift with kind, comforting words."
A Mizrachi mass meeting honoring Rabbi Sauls Silber !of Chicago, vice-president of the Mizrachi Orzation of America, will' be held next Wednesday' evening, May 9, at the B'nai Israel ssynagogue, 18th and Chicago, at 8 p. m. There is no adSUNDAY, MAT 6 *3 p. m.—(School Rooms) Ex- mission charge, and the general pub.- - • hibit of Jewish Art and Ceremoni- lic is welcome. Preceding the "meeting, there will all objects. 4 p. m.—(Temple auditorium) be a banquet to Ihonor Rabbi Silber. Youth Service, conducted by Rabbi The members *of the Bikur Cholim will prepare and serve the dinner. David H. Wice. Rabbi Sflber, in addition to being 4:20 p. m.—Musical period— Solo, "A Plea to God" by Harry vice-president of the Mizrachi, is Du Boff, and folk songs—"Vos- president of the Hebrew Theological zhe Vilstu?" "Hor Nor du Schon College, and holds offices in a numMadele," and "Farlorn," by Mrs. ber of national Jiewish organizations. Nate Green. Esther Leaf, organist. He has acquired | national reputation for his oratory, j 4:45 p. m.—Symposium— The Mizrachi vt the Zionist organWords of welcome, by Donald. Brodkey, pres. College Club; Jew- ization working to establish a homeish Youth in Time of Crisis by Leo Nogg; Jewish Youth in the Professions and Trades, by Louis E. Lapp; Jewish Youth and Social Justice, by Ephriam Marks; Jewish Youth and the Synagogue, by Adele Wilinsky; Jewish Youth and Communal Responsibility, by William Wolfe. "6:30 p. m.—(Vestry rooms)— supper. 8 p. m.—(Auditorium)—Author's reading, of prize Jewish play, "Love Cannot Make the Dead Dance," by Mrs. Philip Romonek. 8:30 p. m.—(Vestry rooms)—• Dance. The Conclave is open to the public. A. charge of ..fifty cents ..will be made for the supper and dance, all proceeds to go to the Youth Division of the Jewish Philanthropies.
Philanthropies W i l l First Annual Receive All Youth Conclave Proceeds TEMPLE ISRAEL,
$42,500 Is Needed For iciary Broadcast Over Radio Station KO1L Sunday
Pep Rally for Workers of All Divisions This Sunday Evening
The first annual city-wide Jewish A broadcast of a .session of the Youth Conclave will be held at Temple Israel Sunday afternoon and evetwenty-second annual convention of ning, with over one thousand from the United Synagogue of America Omaha and the surrounding territory will be carried through a coast-toexpected to attend. coast net over radio station KOIL The conclave is under the sponAll enthusiastic army of four! mendously in spurring us all on to this Sunday evening, from 8:30 to 9 sorship of the College club, with the hundred campaigners will launch victory." purpose of bringing the younger peop. m., Omaha time. General Solicitations. the fifth annual Omaha Jewish ple in closer contact with Jewish Louis J. Moss, president of the Philanthropies campaign Mon- The majors in the general solicitaproblems and Jewish culture and of United Synagogue, w~" toe chairman. day morning, May 7, with high tions division completed the strategy creating a better social feeling. THE BENEFICIARY Speakers are: "The Synagogue as an hopes of attaining the goal of for their campaign at a dinner meetThe afternoon program is- open to ing Monday at the Community CenInfluence in Stabilizing Personality AGENCIES the general public The supper and ter. and Character," Professor Eduard $42,500. Before you definitely make tip dance will be open to those between The funds raised will be allo- A systematic canvassing has been Heimann, of the New School for Soyour mind as to the amount you are the ages of 15 and 30, with all cial Research, New York City; "What cated among thirty beneficiary mapped out for the division under the going to pledge to the Philanthro- proceeds being turned over to the — representing leadership of the three co-chairmen— Can the Synagogue Do to Promote institutions pies, remember that you are not giv- Youth's Division of the Jewish PhilGood Wfflt", Isaac Potts, of Baltiworthy local, national and inter- Milton R. Abrahams, David Greening once—you are giving thirty anthropies. berg and William Milder. more; "Co-operation With Non^Jews national Jewish agencies. times. The features of the afternoon proAbrahams presided at the meeting in Civic and Communal Endeavor,' Approximately five thousand prosTake these beneficiary agencies and gram will start at 3 p. m. with an Monday. The majors discussed the Roger W. Straus, co-chairman of the pect cards of men, women and youths determine how much you should give exhibition of Jewish art and cereNational Conference of Jews and are ready for the workers, the larg- general policies to be pursued and to each one. Then add up the total. monial objects. Many famous pictures Christians, New York City; "The est number -distributed in any Jewish were given final instructions. In addiin the exhibit are by world-famous contribution of the Synagogue Toward Philanthropies campaign. This is in- tion to an address by Abrahams, Jewish artists, Enrico Glicenstein, The beneficiaries agencies: Social Justice," Henry W. Braude, if dicative of the thoroughness of the short talks were given by Silverman Hermann Struck, William Auerbachand Jacob S. Pearlstien. Philadelphia; "The Woman's Point of preliminary detail work effected. OMAHA INSTITUTIONS Leyy and others. The collection of Each major held a meeting with View," Mrs. Herman Hollander, of rare books will include a collection Rally Sunday. City Talmud Torah. his workers during the past week. Aa Washington, D. C ; "The Educational of Talmudic legends bound in parchJewish Old Peoples Home. A pep-generating rally for all a result, all members of the division , Implications of the Program," Prof. ment, published in Amsterdam in Social Service Committee. : workers of all divisions will be held are ready to start Monday morning. !E. Ernest Johnson, of Columbia UniJewish Community Center Mort- 1725, as well as other rare volumes. at the Jewish Community Center on | versity. . " ' • ' • Women. Other objects include stones and a | gage Reduction Fund. the evening prior to the opening of piece of glass taken from a 2,000 ] This year the general solicitations the campaign—on Sunday evening, year old synagogue unearthed in division will canvass the downtown May 6, starting at 8 p. m. INSTITUTIONS^ CARING FOR Palestine. only. An unusual program has been arDEPENDENT JEWISH CHILDREN Preceding the musical program at [Another Congressional ranged. The feature will be a special- district The residential district is to be soJewish Orphan Home, Cleveland. 4:20 p. m., a special youth service by the women, under the chairVoice Against Germany ly written skit, with "black-outs." licited National Home for Jewish Chil- will be held in the auditorium.. Harry manship of Mrs. Max Holzman. ; dren, Denver. Early Bird Breakfast. DuBoff will sing "A Plea to God." A large group of feminine* workers , Washington (JTA)—Another ConMrs. Nate Green will render three The campaign proper will be is aiding in shouldering this added gressional voice has been raised : Jewish folk songs. Both will be asEJSTITETIOJfS PROVIDING opened at ~i£fc ^*arly bird" break- burden for the women. London University to against Germany. Congressman JoMEDICAL CARE -FOB TUBERCU- sisted at theorgandy" Esther Leaf. During the last week most of the fast, to be held at the Jewish Comseph A. Gavegan (Dem. N. Y.) last The symposium program will in- Have Yiddish Lectures LOSIS AND OTHER PATIENTS munitr Center on Monday evening, majors of the women's division met Rabbi Saul Silber. week introduced a resolution which London (WNS) — Dr. Solomon with their workers at teas. Final National Jewish Hospital, Denver. clude five talks by Jewish youth of calls upon President Roosevelt to May 1, at 8 a. m. JewiBh Consumptive Relief Society, Omaha and Council Bluffs. Leo Nogg Birnbaum, former lecturer in Yiddish land in Palestine in the spirit of make known "the deep concern of the All workers of the various divisions plans were made for the division at will speak on "Jewish Youth in Times at the University of Hamburg,' has Israel's religious tradition. Not only people of the United States of Amer- will be present to receive final in- j a meeting of the women's executive Denver. the Mizrachi established agriculfor the drive. A surprise committee. Ex-Patients Tubercular Home, of Crisis;" Louis E. Lipp on "Jew- been invited to deliver three lectures has tural colonies but also many schools, ica toward the welfare and well be- structions on Yiddish at the University of Lonish Youth in Professions and has been promised for the occasion. The Round Table of Jewish Youth, ing of the Jewish and Catholic miDenver. with over 300 teachers and 8,000 stu' ' Ephraim Marks on "Jew- don. headed by William Wolfe, president, norities" in the Third Reich. Leo N. Levi Memorial Hospital, Trades;" dents tinder its jurisdiction. Rabbi Report luncheons will be held on is taking care of the youths division. ish Youth and Social Justice;" Adele Dr. Birnbaum, an exile from GerHot Springs, Ark. - • Wilinsky on "Jewish Youth and the many, is the son of the famous Dr. Silber is familiar with Mizrachi work The resolution asks that diplomatic Tuesday, Wednesday axA Thurs- The pre-campaign rally of this divias well as the present German situa- representatives of Germany be told day noons at the Community Cen- sion will be held in conjunction with Synagogue," and William Wolfe on( Nissan Birnbaum. EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS tion. that "it is the sense of the Congress ter. All majors and their workers the Youth Conclave at Temple Israel "Jewish Youth and Communal ReThe A. Z. A. and the Hfllel FoundBucharest.—Zelea Codreanu, leadReservations for the banquet are of the United States that such cruel, are asked to attend each report Sunday. ation (B'nai Brith Wider Scope). sponsibility." ar of the anti-Semitic Iron Guard seventy-five cents, and the entire pro- inhuman and unjust acts violate the luncheon. The evening program will open No Cuts. Hebrew Theological School, Chi- with a supper at 6:30 in the vestry movement, has become a candidate ceeds goes to the Mizrachi Palestine principle of morality and justice and All workers have been instructed It is hoped that the campaign will in a Fund. Reservations may be made by tend to disrupt the concord and comcago. : rooms, followed by an author's read- for the Roumanian parliament to accept no cuts from the 1933 last only one week, ending with a Jewish Theological Seminary of ing of "Love Cannot Make the Dead bye-election. calling Mrs. S. Katelman. WE. 0135. ity among nations of the world." pledges. "clean-up" drive on Sunday morning, America, New York. Dance," by Mrs. Philip Romonek, at May IS. Following an early break- It is hoped that a majority of the YesniYah College, New York. p. m. in the auditorium. fast, the workers .will complete the contributors will i n c r e a s e their Graduate School for Jewish Social 8 The dance will start at 8;30 p. pledges. Every prospect is to be seen canvassing. Work, New York. m. in the vestry rooms with Art personally. All workers will receive National Farm School. Confident. Randall's Hotel Paxton orchestra manuals with the information about "If the enthusiasm and determina- the campaign and the facts about the playing a special program. .; ORGANIZATIONS PROTECTING lion of the workers will remain at various beneficiary ac.::~.:ies. In canHostesses for the conclave are: CTVlC AND RELIGIOUS RIGHTS Miss Rita Mantel, Mrs. David Wice, their present pitch," declared Harry vassing, the campaigners will work in Silverman, general chairman of the pairs. OF JEWS. Mrs. Leon Fellman, Miss Rose Mencampaign, "we will finish the drive in American Jewish Committee. delson, Miss Bess Weinstein, Miss one week. Not only are the workers i Beneficiaries. Anti-Defamation League (B'nai Florence Wolf and Miss Adele Wilinimpressed with the vital needs of the j The thirty beneficiaries include: sky, chairman of the supper comBrith Wider Scope.) By SIGMUND LIVINGSTON hour, but what is even more encour- City Talmud Torah, Jewish Old Peomittee. aging the general public also show a Home, Social Service CommitTickets for the supper and dance Herewith is presented the second ORGANIZATIONS RENDERING and that she procured the same from of which was in the custody of a deep comprehension of the Philan- ple's tee, J. C. C. Mortgage Reduction are fifty-cents a person. Ticket sales and concluding installment of the ex- an unknown high official, a Free- Masonic lodge of Frankfurt in Ger- thropies -wants and are eager to do SERVICE TO IMMIGRANTS Fund, Jewish Orphan Home at Cleveare in charge of George Geffen and pose of the spurious Protocols of Zion. who stole the document from many? Would not, the German gov- their share. Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society. land, National Home for Jewish ChilMiss Libbie Elewitz. Other commit- This fraudulent document is the fav- mason, the archives, he guarded against con- ernment, under such facts, have con"Our brethren in dire need here dren at Denver, National Jewish HosDon Brodkey, tee chairmen are: orite theme of anti-Semites and was tradiction by such persons if they fiscated the archives of the Masonic JEWISH SOCIAL SERVICE general chairman; Richard Hiller manufactured to engender religious lodge and arrested ihe Freemasons and abroad look IO us for aid and pital at Denver, Jewish Consumptive ORGANIZATIONS I dance;; Mrs. Leon Fellman, decora- and racial hatred. Our readers are had been named. In his second ex- of that lodge as conspirators or at sustenance—our answer must be lib-'Relief Society at Denver, Ex-Patients planation he named his friend, nameeral giving, in order to save human Tubercular Home, Leo N. Levi MeBureau of Jewish Social Research, jtions; Mrs. Harry Bosenf eld, mu- j urged to acquaint themselves with the ly, Sukhotin; but ai the time that he least accomplices of a conspiracy lives and Jewish ideals and tradi- morial Hospital at Hot Springs, B'nai National Council of Jewish Feder- sic; Lazar Kaplan, symposium; Sirs, i true facts about this vile forgery and named him, Sukhotin was dead. At against the government? There were tions. Brith Wider Scope, Hebrew TheologiPepper, service and adminis- j fabrication fabrication, as a weapon of refuta refutaations several Russian Jews members of =—_ and —A Welfare w~i ?.,..„ Funds. r™j» Maurice Pepper the time of the first edition Sukbotin "Omaha Jewry has been in the cal School at Chicago, Jewish Theotration; Henry Mendelson, publicity, tion.—The Edtior. National Desertion Bureau. the Basle Zionist Convention. They was not named—he was then living. returned forefront in keeping faith with its logical Seminary of America at New to their respective homes. This was safe and is a common prac- Would not the gTeat Russian Czar- people in the past and shall not fail York, Yeshiva College at New York, INTERNATIONAL AGENCIES II. tice among forgers. In this he claim- istic government make use of the suc- them in this critical hour. We will Graduate School for Jewish Social United Jewish Appeal of the Joint If Nilus appeared in any court in ed that Sukhotin also told him the raise our share!" Work at New York, National Farm Distribution Committee and the any civilized land with these contra- name of the lady but that the name cess of its spy and arrest these con- The leaders of the campaign are School, American Jewish Committee, spirators ? American Palestine Campaign. Paris, (J.TJL)—An exhortation for dictory stories he would not be be- has now been forgotten. particularly confident of success be- Anti-Defamation League, Jewish TelNilus in his 1917 edition said: People's Ort Federation. the Jewish settlement of the coun- lieved. His own statements convict cause the work of the Initial Gifts egraphic Agency, Hebrew Immigrant Another explanation for the Gerhim as a forger. The perversions of "In 1901 I came into possession of Mizrachi" Palestine Fund. tries near Palestine, including Syria, division is a barometer for the rest Aid Society, Bureau of Jewish Social man readers was that the Russian these manuscripts." National Labor Committee for the Tranjordan region and Turkey, his mind are quite evident when he Research, National Council of Jewish of the campaign. government sent a spy to the Basle says in his 1917 edition—"But when Palestine. Also: "The Protocols were read by was made by S. Dyck, former chief Federations and Welfare Funds, NaThe Initial Gifts division obtains Congress. Who was this spy and who Hebrew University of Palestine. 'the Prince of Exile,' Theodore Herzl.. the larger donations and has already tional Desertion of the semi-official Prussian Settle- I first became acquainted with the Bureau, United Jewin the Russian government •was recontents of the manuscript I was conduring the first Zionist Congress." Jewish National Fund. ment Association, in an article printish Appeal of the Joint Distribution done most of its work. Under the sponsible for sending this spy? The vinced that its terrible, cruel and Herzl lived until July S, 1904. He ed in the Pariser Tagehlatt, the Committee and the American Palchairmanship of Morris E. Jacobs, newspaper edited by Dr. Georg Bern- straightforward truth is witness of spy did not go to the Congress him- was a subject of the Austrian gov- with Jack Marer as vice-chairman, estine Campaign, People's Ort FedPALESTINE AND CENTRAL self, but bribed a participant. Every its true origin from the "Zionist ernment. The Austrian monarchy was hard. EUROPEAN INSTITUTIONS eration, Mizrachi Palestine Fund, NaDiscussing the possibilities of Jew- Men of Wisdom' and that no other man that attended the Basle Con- just as much affected by this sup- Under Jacobs' dynamic leadership, tional Labor Committee for Palestine, * Meshulochim. evidence of its origin would be needgress was known. And then, that this posed conspiracy as Russia 6r Gerish immigration, Dyck • calls for ac- ed." This is the reasoning of a percarried the protocols from many. Why did not the Russian gov- the Initial Gifts does not have a Hebrew University of Palestine, Jewtion to aid the refugees, some of verted mind. The conflicting state- participant Basle to Frankfurt local Ma- ernment inform the Austrian govern- single pledge decreased from last ish National Fund, Meshulochim. GIVING MUCH whom have already been stranded for ments as to the method by which the sonic organization. Iftoit awas a. Jew- ment of this world conspiracy? And year's contribution. Instead, most of The divisional heads of the camIn this hour of crisis, you can nine months in various parts of the protocols reached him also betrays a ish conspiracy, why send it to a lo- would not that government have ap- the pledges are showing increases. paign: contribute of your resources and of world. like mentality. The first explanation cal Masonic organization of Frank- prehended the supposed arch conspir- "The remarkable sho-wing of the William L. Holirnan, honorary your time to the Jewish PhilanthroInitial G i f t s division," Silverman chairman; Harry Silverman, general was that he received the same from furt? The messenger stopped on the ator? pies. Barish Agency for states, "is a tribute to the work of chairman; Morris E. Jacobs, Initial an unnamed friend who received the way—gave the protocols to the spy, Remember—no matter how much In the early editions it was claimed from an unknown member of He engaged a copyist who worked all that the protocols evidence a Masonic- Morris Jacobs and the men working Gifts chairman; Jack W. Marer, InPlymouth, Chrysler same you first decide to give, you have him. The inspiration given by itial Gifts vice-chairman; Mrs. Msx given too little. Let the need deterMax M. Barislv announces the open- the Masonic Fraternity, who stole the night to copy the protocols—even the Jewisn joint venture. Nilus even with their splendid efforts will aid tre- Holzman, women's division; Milton same from the archives of the Headname of the copyist is unknown. The stated the protocols are signed by the mine your contribution. ing of his agency for Plymouth and Abrahams, David Greenberg and Wilquarter in France. Would any one of spy of the Russian government would representatives of Zion of the TMrtyA united community, rededicating Chrysler automobiles at 2301 Ames the most ordinary judgment believe liam Milder, co-chairmen of general itself to the ideals of true philan- street, under the managership of that an important anti secret docu- certainly report to his government. third Degree. He confused Zionism Jabotinskv Denies He's solicitations; Harry A. Wolf, budget thropy, will carry us "over the top." Bennett Cohn. The name of the agency ment affecting the nations of the This spurious document contained a with Masonry. The Masonic Order Going to Palestine chairman; Dr. A. Greenberg, quota of a conspiracy affecting the n a s a Thirty-third Degree. There are will be Barish Motors, Inc. world c o u Id establish. good title plan chairman; Ben Kazlowsky, organizaWarsaw—Vladimir Jabotinsky, who German government jusi as it did the j d i th Z i i t ganization Mr. Barish will continue the oper- through this chain of coifreyance? degrees in the Zionist organization tions; Frank Aclcerman, publicity; is now in Poland, has announced ation of the Reo-Barish Motor Co., But in not naming the friend and by Russian government. "Would not the and there never have been. Levin, speakers; William Wolfe, featuring Beo motors cars and trucks, claiming that the name of the woman Russian government h-—2 notified the The Nilus frauds and forgeries were that he has not asked for a visa Irvin youths* division; Jacob S. Pearlstien, in Palestine and that he has no inat the same address as heretofore, who procured *fr» same is unknown German government of such nefarexecutive director. tention of going there. ious conspiracy, the original evidence 2562 Faraam street. {Continued on Page S.)
Urges Jews to Settle Lands Near Palestine
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stitutions in Palestine, then that should be corrected. Already, at the second Zionist Congress, the question was raised and a resolution was adopted emphasizing the point that it is the duty of the Zionist Organization not to offend the scruples of the Orthodox or "Gezetzetreuen," as they preferred to be called. This resolution was reiterated By the Service Life Insurance at subsequent congresses, and Herzl Company, Omaha himself made clear that Zionists would never offend the religious feelings of the Orthodox. I am not pass- All forms of Whole Life policies ing judgment on the facts, but if that include some element of saving. All By Morris Rothenberg, President of Zionist Organization of America is the aim of Mizrachi, then a way have guaranteed cash values beginshould be found to remove the cause ning after the first few years and with the Mandatory Power in PalA fierce inter-party •warfare has every Jew and Jewess who earnestly for grievance, and it can be found. I increasing in amount annually. Thus been raging in the World Zionist Or- desired to participate in the work "of estine we have had again and again know there are leaders within Hista- it will be seen that the owner has ganization since 1929. It first made Jewish regeneration had a place with- to stress the point that the Jewish druth who are reasonable and who a steadily increasing secondary cash .x itself manifest in virulent form in an in its ranks. The picture that pres- people as a whole have, rights in Pal- have understanding for the feelings reserve which may be borrowed upon attack which forced Dr. Weizmann ent-day Zionism offers is of a move- estine. Precisely for that reason, the of religious Jews. in case of need, but which, if left out of the presidency in 1930. There ment which is rent asunder, which Jewish Agency was named to act in There must be men within our intact, will amount to a very subWere those who said that if Dr. Weiz- has no room for mutual understand- behalf of the Jewish people as a movement who may be relied upon to stantial sum in the course of the • inann would step out, the bitterness ing or the possibility of unity of ac- whole. Apparently, we must now years, subject to the insured's selecthat had developed around his per- tion to achieve its goal. Such a thesis drive that fact home to the Zionists be just and fair. If at present ses- tion as to cash or annuity settlesions of the Actions Committee the themselves—to remind the parties son and, his policies would subside, is not only un-Zionistic—it is unthat, over and above their party in- matter cannot be settled, let them be ment. and normal conditions -again would Jewish. terests or the immediate interests of constituted a commission to deal with Certain other forms of life insure prevail in the Zionist movement. The It is to be regretted that the party present situation in World Zionist system developed at so early a stage the present Yishuv in Palestine, the matter. Let them be empowered ance, known as Endowment policies, affairs has not justified that predic- in our organization. Originally, the stands the interest" of the Jewish to go deeply and earnestly into the are purposely designed to combine J tion. • _;.. ' Zionist constitution made no provi- people in Palestine, ihe largest part situation with the aim of bringing protection for a wife, children, parA A t the last Zionist Congress held sion for parties. It contemplated the of whom are not identified with other order out of the chaos, and of secur- ents, or other dependents—with a • in-Prague, "two years after Dr. Weiz- building up of the Organization on Histadruth, Revisionists or Mizrachi. ing the loyal co-operation of those provision for the payment of the face i mann leift office, there were such Vio- the basis of groupings according to It is this larger concern of the elements ready and willing to serve amount of the policy to the insured '• lent scenes of hostility by one party territorial aggregations. The differ- Jewish people in the development of the cause and to obey the constitution himself at the end of 10, 15, 20 against ihe other, as to make that ence between the political and the Palestine as the Jewish National of the World Zionist Organization, years or longer, or in the form of i: Congress .-a source of pain to those practical Zionists, the earliest divi- Home which must be vigorously as- the decisions of the World Zionist a periodical or life income, commencwho were present,- and a- keen dis- sions in the Zionist movement, had serted against the destructive war Congress, and the other authoritative ing a t the ends of these periods. organs of the Jewish Agency. - appointment to Jews throughout the not gone to the length of segregating now in progress. Endowment policies have been very world who expected that in a time either the one or the other into sep- If the parties reply, as ihey do, popular for many years, particularly of great tragedy for the Jewish peo- arate formations, nor had separate that the -party system is t h e basis among young men and women as a ple, the Zionist Congress, fhe most economic needs or theories entered as of all modern democratic forms of simple, safe, convenient way to lay representative assembly of world contributing factors. Herzl saw the government, then let them also acaside comparatively small amounts Jewry, would subordinate factional danger of party groupings and tried cept the logical sequence of that at regular intervals. They have en-: differences to the need for united to ward them off, believing that they promise, namely, that minority parabled hundreds of thousands of peoconstructive action. The bickering and did not, at that stage, coincide with ties submit to the government of the A modern, full-sized five-room ple to save, systematically and conthe bitterness were in no way less- actual every-day interests in Pal- majority parties, even though they house, complete in every detail from tinuously when many other forms ened by the fact that Dr. Weizmann estine. may continue in constitutional ways a front porch to complete air condi- of saving lacking the objective of had eliminated himself from the po- With wise foresight, Henl be- to oppose the existing government. tioning, is now being erected in the the stated endowment period have litical affairs of the movement for lieved that Zionism could fulfill its I do not wish to go into the de- Electric Shop of the Nebraska Power proved ineffectual. The millions of two years and did not even appear at aim if it stood clear' of incidental tails of the deplorable disputes be- Company. dollars paid out by life insurance the Congress. Many, who like myself, entangling elements, and concentrat- tween ihe parties. We are not in pos- The living room, dining room and companies each year in matured en' were present at the 18th Zionist Con- ed its thought and its energy upon session of all the facts to enable us kitchen will be on the first floor and dowment policies have, by bringing ' gress, left it with a heavy heart, and the larger and fundamental program to come to a just conclusion with re- two bedrooms and bath will be on the a round amount of cash to the policywith a feeling almost of despair at of reconstituting a national life, pre- gard to them. And if we had the second floor. Fifty carpenters, brick- holders after a given period of years, the animosities that had accumulated. paring the ground which would make facts, we could not settle the differ- layers, masons, electricians and other served these thrifty forwardlooking Labor bitterly attacked Revisionists, possible the manifesting of various ences here. Moreover, I think the pur- mechanics work all night every night people in countless ways. It would accusing them of terror and violence, phases of the Jewish spirit in Pal- pose we have in mind will be little on the structure in order to rush its be difficult even to approximate the Revisionists countered that the Hista- estine. served by dwelling on ihe differences. completion. The architect is Noel number of homes these endowments druth was a monopoly that excluded But events willed it otherwise. But this much needs to be said: Wallace, who spent considerable time have been the means of buying or all but its party members from op- First came the Poale Zion party, If the parties, whatever their dif- designing the unique modern house. saving; the number of mortgages portunities of employment. Mizrachi growing out of the unfriendly atti- ferences may be, would confirm their The builders hope to complete the paid off; or the countless instances stormed against the violation of tra- tude of the Russian Bund toward opposition to constitutional forms, house by June 15. where the proceeds provided for reditional Judaism, a large part of the Zionism. The Mizrachi followed short- there would be no reason fo* com- "This house will not be a 'doll tirement from business or for the General Zionists were embittered on ly thereafter, called into being by plaint. But when parties or members house' in any manner, but will be a gratification of other ambitions of political and economic grounds. The the fears of the "Gezetzestreuen," of an organization openly defy duly regular sized home, which is fully a lifetime, such as a desire to travel Congress was a seething cauldron of that radical elements would place constituted and elected authority, and capable of housing a family of four extensively, follow some avocation, or hatreds. their stamp so strongly upon the refuse to support official organs, they or five," said architect Wallace. "Ev- indulge a hobby. Since the,closing of the Congress, movement as to endanger traditional violate the elementary rules of dem-erything that the modern housewife the =Winter-party strife has' fiercely Judaism. Whether the parties should ocratic conduet and sow' the seeds of has wished for will be displayed in . been carried on in ihe Yishuy in Pal-or should not have been recognized, death for the Organization. There are this modern, all-electric home." estine and all along the Zionist front s now of little moment. We are con-those who say that the conflict is es- As ihe guests appear in the home • from Jerusalem to Warsaw. The Eng- fronted by a condition and riot by a sentially and inevitably an economic they will enter by way of a regular class struggle. If that be true, I con- front entrance and pass through an • lish-speaking countries — England, theory. Canada, South Africa, the United Assuming that the parties now ac-fess, I see little hope for a rapproch- 'electric eye" which will announce ' States—may be said to be exceptions. tually coincide with present-day Pal- ment between the parties, but let us their arrival. The "electric eye" will SoundTeeth . Fortunately, Jews in those countries estinian life, and reflect the struggle not be: too quick to diagnose the case ;automatically reTease a set of beau8 ' have bjeen impregnated with the in- for supreinacy. between current eco- as such. I seriously question' that' it trfully sounding cnimes. Even flower cl Health ' s so. Let the situation be carefully boxes will be placed below the win• iense and unyielding "political "partis- nomic or religions forces in Palestine, anship which is so characteristic of as many contend, that by no means weighed and examined. Let both ihe dows which are of steel casement deare Sound Economy East European lands. constitutes a satisfactory answer to parties subject themselves to honest sign. The living room will have a vaand self-criticism. riety of four classes of lighting. A • Were the battle _ conducted on an the Jewish people for what is occur- self-examination Perhaps it will be found that the turn of a switch changes the com•••--• intellectual plane, were it. a .war of ring there. For let it not be forgotten fault lies in conduct -which can be plete lighting in the living room. Cove ideas, one could not find much fault that the interests of the Jewish peo- corrected. lighting, a new feature which inwith it. For it is not to be expected, ple with respect to Palestine is paravolves the principle of playing light mount to the interests of the present I am not at ^all convinced that-the nor is it desirable, that a great political movement, such as ours, com- Palestinian Jewish community. Nor differences between Mizrachi andTHis- on the ceiling and and thus flooding prised of heterogeneous elements, are the present-day Zionist parties tadruth are such as cannot be adjust- the entire room, will be included in bound together by a common ideal, co-extensive with the Jewish people. ed and lead-to mutual co-operation, the lighting effects of the home. In should reflect unanimity of opinion. Let it be remembered, too, that the but this subject must be approached the master bedroom within arm's • Such a state would be tantamount to Balfour Declaration was addressed to in a mutually. conciliatory frame of Teach will be all necessary buttons Stagnation. The present situation, un- the Jewish people, and not fo the mind. If their complaint is well found- and equipment for m i d d l e - night fortunately, is far worse. It is noth- Jewish community in Palestine, or to ed ihat open offense is being given emergencies. A complete ielephone .ing short of an inter-party brawl. the Zionist parties. In our relations to traditional Judaism in Zionist in- service will be throughout the home. .Denunciation, recrimination, assaults :are almost daily occurrences in Palestine and in other lands. Austin Bevans • As to organizational discipline, that seems to be no longer of any imporand • ftance. The Revisionists undertake His Orchestra • their own political work in defiance . .of the instructions of the Agency " Executive, they repudiate the funds, < they make their own applications for ; immigration certificates to the govat • "eminent. The Mizrachi gives no support to the Keren Hayesod, the official financial instrument of the Jewish agency. Such a condition not only brings discredit upon the Zionist movement, it will lead to its complete destruction if "permitted to continue. 1105 So. 24th The ideology emanating from the Floor Show — Dancing founders of the modern Zionist movewent was that it represented the creBEST OF FOODS ative will of the Jewish people to # When you have a Grunow you have as fine a "reconstitute its national life. As such,
Zionist Inter-Party Warfare Must End
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PAGE 3—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, MAY 4, 1934 from this terrible scourge just as the to the world. Professor Ehrlich made others did. discoveries to cure blood diseases and Time and again it has been charged gave these to the world. Dr. Wasserthat the Jew3 used Christian blood man gave his discoveries to the world. on Passover and although three dif- Professor J. R. Mayer gave his disThe Men's Club of the Conservaferent Popes have issued bulls, that coveries concerning conservation of The services of eight prominent tive synagogue will honor the WoMoscow (JTA)—Six Soviet Jewish after a thorough investigation, they matter to the world. Gabriel Ldpp- sportsmen have been secured to pry found there is no truth in this accu- mann gave his discoveries of the ca- the lid off the 1934 season of the J. flyers who participatedT in the sensa- men's Auxiliary at a dinner Monday of a Lie" has reprinted the Russian sation, yet it has been repeated time pillary electrometer to the world. Al- C. C softball league Sunday morning, tional rescue of the survivors of the evening, May 14, at the J. C. C. translation of Goedsche, followed by and time again, even to a very late fred Michelson, inventor of the inter- May 6. (Continued from Page 1.) Cbelyushkin Arctic expedition were The men will be in charge of all an. English translation, this succeed- date. last week given the title of "Hero of arrangements and ihe program. Mrs. ferometer, gave his discoveries to the In the opening game at West Elmproduced tinder the auspices of the ed by counter-parts of the Nilus forthe Soviet Union." world. The same may be said of wood, the Psi Mu, 1933 titlists, will J. Blank and her committee will cater The protocols it is claimed is the Russian Black Hundred which sought geries. In addition, each of the fliers re- the dinner, which is 75 cents per scientists Lilenthal, Wertheim, Steinclash with the Seiners. William Holzrecital of a plan of the Wise Men of to save the Czar's throne by pogroms. Russian Black Hundred, after Zion who effectuated a conspiracy to metz, Berliner, Otto Wallach, Richard man, Harry Trustin and Ab Kaiman ceived the order of Lenin, one of the plate. This organization of Russians stopped theThe collapse Russian monarchy, destroy all the existing governments Willstatter, Fritz Haber, Weizmann, will officially open the game. Irvin highest decorations of the Soviet All members of the congregation short of nothing to gain its point. The entered into ofa the Union, and an extra year's salary. and the auxiliary will be welcome. nefarious to per- of the world, all social order, the Einstein and many others. No Jewish Levin will umpire. Russian Czaristic government was be- petrate the same frauds plan America Christian faith and civilization. The scientist has ever made a discovery, The Sample Furs, runners-up last The title "Hero" was created for the Arthur Cohn, president of the Men's ing driven to the vrall by internal for the ultimate purpose in airmen by a special decree issued by Club, is in charge. of reestabthe benefits of which he did not imyear, will tussle with the A. Z. A. absurdity.of the charge should be sufstrife. The Russian Black Hundred lishing eventually the Romanoff Monmediately give to all the world. 1 squad at the East Elmwood field. the Central Executive Committee of had to stem this tide. To divert the archy of Russia. Two members of this ficient to deny it any credence. public mind under such circumstances Russian hierarchy, namely, Boris Bra- There never was such an organi- The Jew is a very small minority Dr. A. Greenberg, Jack Marer and the Soviet Union, the highest ruling is the first technic always employed. sol and General Spiridovitch finally zation as the Wise Men of Zion. There in every nation. He has never at- Jacob Pearlstein will officially in- body of the country. The 104 men and women who were The Jews formed the minority. Re- perpetuated the fraud upon Henry is no one man or set of men that can tempted to proselyte. If the Jews had augurate this melee. Lee Grossman on the Chelyushkin expedition were ligious bigotries and superstition gave Ford and had him sponsor the publi- even claim to be the representatives ever conspired to overthrow the exist- will umpire. At 32nd and Dewey avenue, the awarded the Order of the Red Star. the •well recognized vantage point. In cation of the protocols in his publi- of the Jewry of the world. The Jews ing order or to replace other religious NEXT BEST ALL PAINTS creating a war of the Russian pea- cation the "Dearborn Independent." have no Bishops, Cardinals or Popes. faiths, it is but reasonable that the Wardrobes -will meet the Peerless The Jewish flier Rivenstein was also O'BRIEN — TATENTED awarded the Order of the Eed Star. sants against the Jew, the hatred of The history of this fraudulent con- Since the Diaspora the Jews have no first step would have been to increase team in the third game. The Chelyushkin, Soviet icebreaker the Jew must first be intensified by spiracy Sanhedrin. There is not even a Chief their number by prosetytizing. with photographic copy of Rabbi additional poison fed to the mind of various communications carrying an Arctic expedition under of the world. There is no union The very essence and cardinal prinwere exposed the populace. The Russian Black Hun- by Norman Hapgood in his article in Jewry upon any point. There is ciples of Judaism would be violated the command of Professor Otto Schmidt, was crushed in the Arctic a Zionistic organization whose object if Jewry even harbored such aims as , dred must have pogroms. "The Inside Story of Ford's Jewice-pack. Boris Mogilewitsch, Jewish "He that is about to do anything dis- Mania." Henry Ford finally became is to reestablish the homeland of the are charged against them in this supOver thirty-five members have al- supply officer of the expedition, was Jews in Palestine. This organization posed conspiracy. The Jewish faith Ingenious, unworthy, and of evil fame convinced that he had been imposed ready signed up for the ladder hand—first - bethinks : him of some plau- upon to father the publication of- a contains but a small per cent of the regards humanity as a brotherhood, ball tournament which will start at killed during the transfer of supplies scurrilous forgery. When finally so Jewry of the world. There is also having one Father. One of the most the J. C C. Monday. The tourney will from the ship to the ice-floes. The sible pretence." Tliemolyzed - Tung - Oil - Taint ability of the group to survive was The Black Hundred of Russia insti- convinced, he, in writing, acknowledg- the non-Zionist and also the Anti- sacred principles of Judaism is that last for thirty days. Distributed Exclusively by ascribed to the heroic work of MogilZionist The Jews have in their repeace among the peoples and the naed his engregious mistake and deeply gated the writing of the spurious docRules for ihe tournament are post- ewitsch in transferring all supplies, ligious struggle the orthodox faith, tions of the world shall prevail. Its ument depicting a conspiracy by Jews regretted harm that had been caused. ed on the bulletin board. Including a radio sending outfit. against the government of the world, The publication of the "Dearborn In- another group called the conservative prayer is that the day may come airmen, in the face of bitfaith and another, the reformed faith. speedily when the "sword shall be • against the Christian religion. And dependent" was abandoned by Mr. If enough racquet-wielders show an terSoviet cold, fog and snow, rescued all Each congregation is sovereign of its turned into plowshares and the spears Ford. Pamphlets containing printed TAINT & WALLTATER CO. Nilus, a former Monk, was made the interest, a tennis dub will be formed the members of the expedition in own affairs. Every synagogue selects into pruning hooks." A conspiracy to copies were destroyed. This entire Main Store 24th and Cnming father thereof. Shortly after their by the athletic department a t the J. daring flights from the mainland. publication the pogroms as planned affair was an astounding spectacle of its own Rabbi and determines what foment strife and war or to injure C C , according to Lee Grossman, DOWNTOWN LOCATION were staged and thousands of Jews the pernicious machinations of Rus- particular phase of Judaism it will ob- civilization is as abhorrent and antag- physical director. Anyone interested 211 So. 15th North Neb. Clo. Co. The advertisers in the Jewish Press serve and teach. There is no more onistic to Judaism as it is to Chris•were murdered and Kishinev was writ- sian Royalists in the very heart of the is asked to sign up on the basket- merit your patronage. union of action in the Jewry of the tianity. The Jew has given to the greatest Republic of the World. It ten in letters of blood on the darkest room bulletin board. 8ky of the world. The Christian na- also depicted the unbelievable cred- world than there is among Protest- world the doctrine of the Fatherhood tions looked in horror upon these ulity even of men with unlimited re- ants. It is only when there is a bit- of God and the Brotherhood of Man. London—"Winning America to tragedies. The conscience of human- sources which they could utilize for ter persecution of the Jew in any part His only aim now, as it ever has been, Hitler'' is the slogan of The Ameriity was shocked. American people proper and wholesome investigation. of the world that Jewry is aroused to is that the day may speedily come can Illustrated News, a new Nazi petitioned the Czar of all Russia to If men of this type can be made the give aid to the suffering and to cor- when peace shall replace strife and organ scheduled for distribution in stay these persecutions. President innocent victims of such a -fraud the rect the evil. If it did not then re- love shall replace hatred. London, Berlin and New York which Theodore Roosevelt attempted to de- danger that a considerable part of the spond, it would be less than human. has just appeared here. mind of the public may be unwittingly liver this protest petition through diRepeatedly the Jew has been acAccording to an announcement on plomatic channels to the Czar. He re- poisoned by the nefarious plotting of cused of being the High Priest of the the the paper is edited by Royalist organization unless the fraud fused to receive same and the Presicapitalistic system of economics. He A girls' group which is affiliated Carl cover, from an address in dent of the United States ordered the be exposed, is self-evident. is charged with having more wealth with the Vaad, has been organized BerlinBergmann and is being distributed in the petition to be placed permanently in of this world than the non-Jew. Asthe archives of this country. There The confession of Mr. Ford that he suming the truth of such an accusa- under the supervision of Rabbi Uri United States by the North German this petition remains as a monument had been made the victim of this tion, which, however, is not a fact why Miller and sponsorship of Mrs. Dave Lloyd and Hamburg American Com. to the lofty humanitarian endeavor of fraudulent scheme and his apology would the Jews conspire to destroy Ravitz and Mrs. Leon Mendelson. A panies. the American people. to the Jewry of the world is an out- the capalistic system and the govern- name will be selected soon. The officers are: Dorothy Tatelments which protect them in their man, president; Celia Lipsman, viceThe claim of Nilus as to the auth- standing art of manly remorse. The Nazi organization of Germany wealth? enticity of the protocols i s further president; Betty Tarnoff, secretary; completely disproven by the fact that is making use of this scurrilous fraud- The charge is made that the Jew Mary Wolfson, treasurer; Lillian Perulent forgery to serve its ends as did predominates in the learned profes- elman, reporter. the material matters contained therein were copied from earlier German fic- the Black Hundred of Russia. sions, particularly in the sciences, and tion. In 1866-1870 a series of anti- The credulity of the unthinking part that this is all in harmony with the CaTtou* Cuts and! Semitic novels appeared under the of the public is astounding. There is conspiracy. Yet we know that the UlWh title "Biarritz-Rome." These appeared no accusation against a minority Jewish scientists, as well as the nongroup so absurd but that it will find -under the name "Sir John Ratcliffe." Jewish, when they discover, through The "Voltaire" chapter of the The author of these anti-Semitic nov- belief in the minds of some. years of toil, some advance that will Young Circle club met Thursday at CnGRflVHIG CO. els was Hermann Goedsche, a Ger- In the Middle Ages when all Europe help to alleviate thr suffering of hu- the J. C. C. with Dora Martin as chairman. This pseudonym was adopted was smitten by the scourge of Black mankind, give their discoveries imme- man. Plans were made for a morning * omfiHfi * evidently in an effort to make it ap- j Death it was charged that the Jews, diately to the world. Professor Freud, hike for Sunday, May 6. TKone Ofc.4626 l pear that these anti-Semitic writings in conspiracy with the lepers of the the founder of the science of modern At the next meeting Harry Menemanated from England, Bermann world, poisoned the wells of Europe. psychology has given Ms discoveries delson will speak. This resulted in massacres over all the Goedsche, the author, was an ems'ployee in the-Postal. Service of Ger- Central part of Europe. The victims • many and was implicated in the Wal- of this hallucination were numbered dock forgery case. As a Tesult of the by the thousands. It never occurred exposure of the Waldock forgery he to the people that the Jews were !was compelled to quit the Postal Ser- drinking the water from these wells vice. In this fiction of Goedsche is athe same as all the other townsmen chapter entitled "The Jewish Ceme- and villagers and that the Jews died tery at Prague and the Council of Representatives of the Twelve Tribes of Israel." It was made to appear that this assembly met once every century around the tomb of a mythical ."Grand Master Caleb, the Holy Rabbi Simeon ben Jehudah:" In this chapter the author presents an address delivered by a Chief Rabbi supposedly expounding the plan of Simeon claimed to have been handed down from generation to generation. •This is -the basis of the protocols written by Nilus. This chapter of GoedBche's fiction was published as a separate book in a Russian translation in 1872. Herman Bernstein in "The History
Expose of Spurious Protocols of Zion
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Hundred Workers Answ f
Fifth Annual Jewish Philanth
$42,500 Needed in Battle for Campaign Begins May 7th Executive Committee
WILLIAM L. HOLZMAN Honorary Chairman
MORRIS E. JACOBS Initial Gifts Chairman
Initial Gifts
H. A. WOLF Chairman, Budget Committee
BEN KAZLOWSKY Chairman, Organizations
EBYI C. LEYIN Chairman, Speakers Committee
Jacobs, Morris, chairman. Marer, Jack W., vice-chairman. Abrahams, Milton. Barish, Max M. Beber, Sam. Blacker, Dave. Blazer, Eugene. Blotcky, Paul. Bordy, Simon. Burkenroad, Leslie L. ' Chapman, Isadore. Cohn, Dave. • Colin, Mayer L. ?: Danbaum, Benedict FV Feder, David P. Ferer, Morris. ••"";•:. Franks Alex D. Friedman, Jacob J. Goldman, David. Goldstein, Abraham. Gordon, Dr. Morris L Green, Nathan E. Greenberg, Dr. Abraham. Greenberg, David. Greenberg, Joe J. Greenberg, Philip. Grodinsky, William. • Handler, Manning E . Holzman, Max. Holzman, William L. Josephson, Sam. . Kaiman, Abner H. Klutznick, Philip M. Kooper, Robert. Kulakofsky, J. Harry. Kulakofsky, Louis. Levin, Irvin. Levinson, Nathan. Louis, Karl. Malashbck, Harry. Mayer, Al. Milder, 'Morris Milder, William. Monsky, Henry. Newman, Julius M. Nogg, Ernest. Novitsky, Harry Sol. . Pizer, Simon. Rosenthal, Henry; Rubnitz, Dr. A: S. Sher, Dr. Philip. Silverman, Harry. Singer, Sam H. Somberg, Louis. Sommer, Louis. Stalraaster, Irvin. Trustin, Harry. White, Fred S. Wohlner, Albert L. Wolf, Harry A. Wolf, Joseph L. Zimman, Harry B. Zimman, Isaac B.
JACOB S. PEARLSTIEN Executive Director
Holzman, William L , Honorary Chairman. SUverman, Harry, General Chairman. Jacobs, Morris E., Initial Gifts Chairman. Marer, Jack W., Initial Gifts yice-Chairman. Abrahams, Milton R,, General Solicitations Co-Chairman. Greenberg, David, General Solicitations Co-Chairman. Milder, William, General Solicitations Co-Chairman. Holzman, Mrs. Max, Chairman,. Women's Division. Wolf, Harry A., Budget Chairman. Greenberg, Dr. A., Quota Chairman. Kazlowsky, Ben, Organizations Chairman. Ackerman, Frank, Publicity. • Levin, Irvin C , Speakers Committee' Chairman. Wolfe, William, Youth's Division. Pearlstein, Jacob S., Executive Director.
Residential Division EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Mrs. Max Holzman. Mrs. H. Arnstein. Mrs. Sam Berkowitz. Mrs. Joseph Bonoff Mrs. Arthur A. Cohn. Ifrs. Mayer L. Conn. Mrs. I. Elewitz. Mrs. Jacob Feldman. Mrs. A. D. Frank. Mrs-Benj. Friedman. Mrs. Max Fromkin. - Mrs. Dave Goldman. .Mrs.^Jps. J. Greenberg. .-.- , . . Mrs. Manuel Grodinsky. Mrs. Jacob Hahn. r -Mrs. Morris Jacobs. Mrs. Morris Katleman. Mrs. Irvin Levin. Mrs. Leon Mendelson. Mrs. Louis Neveleff. Mrs. Harry Newman. Mrs. Julius M. Newman. Mrs. Harry Novitsky. Mrs. Joseph Richlin. Mrs. Harry Rosenfeld. Mrs. Ben Silver. Mrs. Irvin Stalmaster. Mrs. Harry Trustin. Mrs. Phineas Wintroub. Mrs. Harry A. Wolf . Mrs. Samuel Wolf.
RESIDENTIAL DIVISION WORKERS Mrs. Milton Abrahams. Mrs. William Alberts. Mrs. Herman Auerbach. Mrs. Jacob Baker. Mrs. Sam Ban. Mrs. Max Barish. Mrs. Joe Baurn. Mrs. John Beber. Mrs. Sam Beber. Mrs. Moses Bercoviei. Mrs. Clarence Bergman. Mrs. Ignatz Berkowitz. Miss Bess Bernstein. Mrs. Sam Berwitz. Mrs. Dave Bialac Mrs. Sam Bialac. Mrs. Jacob Blank. Mrs. Joe Bloch. Mrs. William Boasberg. Mrs. Reuben Bordy. Mrs. Jack Bramson. Mrs. Morris Braude. Mrs. Leo Braviroff. Mrs. Abe H. Brodkey. Miss Sara Brodkey.
The 30 Local, National and International Beneficiaries | OMAHA INSTITUTIONS— 7 f City Talmud Torah T Jewish Old Peoples Home Social Service Committee Jewish Community Center Mortgage Reduction Fund INSTITUTIONS CARING FOR DEPENDENT JEWISH CHILDREN Jewish Orphan Home, Cleveland. _/ National Home for Jewish Children, Denver. INSTITUTIONS P R O V I D I N G MEDICAL CARE FOR TUBERCULOSIS AND OTHER PATIENTS National Jewish Hospital, Denver. Jewish Consumptive Relief Society, Denver.; E x - P a t i e n t s Tuberculosis Home, Denver. Leo N. Lev! Memorial Hos-' pital, Hot Springs. Ark. EDUCATIONAL prSTTiUTIONS The A. Z. A. and the Hillel Foundation (B'nai Brith Scope). Hebrew Theological School, Chicago. Jewish Theological Seminary of America, Jjew York. Yeshivah College, New York. Graduate School for Jewish Social Worki New York. National Farm School. ORGANIZATIONS PROTECTING CIVIC AND RELIGIOUS RIGUTS OF JEWS American Jewish Committee. Anti-Defamation League (B'nai Brith Wider Scope) Jewish Telegraphic Agency. ORGANIZATIONS RENDERING SERVICE TO IMMIGRANTS Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society. JEWISH SOCIAL SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS Bureau of Jewish Social Research. National Council of Jewish Federations, and Welfare. Funds. National Desertion Bureau. INTERNATIONAL AGENCIES United Jewish Appeal of the Joint Distribution Committee and the American Palestine Campaign. People's Ort Federation. Mizrachi Palestine Fund. National Labor? Committee for Palestine, j Hebrew University of Palestine. Jewish National Fund. PALESTINIAN AND CENTRAL EUROPEAN INSTITUTIONS Meshulechim.
(Continued on Page 5.)
WILLIAM 3DLDER Co-Chairman, General Solicitations
DAVID GREENBERG Co-Chairman, General Solicitations
Business Division MAJORS Milton Abrahams, Co-Chairman David Greenberg, Co-Chairman William Milder, Co-Chairman. Abramson, Leo. Barish, Max. Bisno, Julius. Burstein, Morris. Cohen, Harry B. Crounse, Max. Erman, Dr. Jacob M. Feder, David P. Fellman. Dr. Leon. Friedman, Jacob J. Greenberg, J. J. Greenberg, Dr. Maynard M. Holzman, Max L. . Margolin, Dr. Morris. Marks, Ephriam L. Milder, Hymie P. Pizer, Simon. Rimmerman, Harry. Somberg, Louis Trustin, Harry. Zacharia, Sam. BUSINESS DIVISION WORKERS Isadore Abramson. Jack Alberts. Morris Arkin. Sam Ban. Albert BatL John A. Beber. Sam Beber. Morris M. BeiteL Dr. Oscar S. Belzer. David Bernstein. David Blacker. David Block. Paul Bloteky. A. L. BlumenthaL Russel BlumenthaL Rueben Bordy. Simon Bordy. HymanBorsky, .,, s. Jack Bramson Harold Brandt. David Brodkey. Donald Brodkey. Edward Brodkey. Edward D. Brodkey. > Harold B. Brodkey, Edward Brown. Leslie Burkenroad, Isadore Chapman. Max Chasen. Ben Civin. Samuel M. dayman. Allan Cohen. David R, Cohen. Haskell Cohen, Sam Cohen. Arthur A. Cohn. David Cohn. David B. Cohn. Rabbi Frederick Cohn. Harry Cooper. David Crounse. Harry Crounse. Louis Cutler.. Samuel H. Davis. • Isadore Dansky. Isadore Elewitz. Louis Epstein. Sidney Epstein. JohnFaier. Dr. Samuel 7u Faier. Harold P. Farber. William Feiler. John Feldman. Phil Feldman. RoyFeltman. Meyer Ferer. Alfred Fiedler. Nathan Fine. .-~i Hyman Finkelstein. Lawrence Finkle. David D. Fishman. Abraham Forman. Alex D.Frank. Morris Franklin. . David A. Freeman. (Continued on Page 5.)
MILTON R. ABRAHAMS Co-Chairman, General Solicitations
MRS. MAX HOLZMAN Chairman, Women's Division
HARRY SILVERMAN General Chairman
Round Table of Jewish Youths William Wolfe, Chairmaa. Rabbi David H. Wice, Advisor. Abe Appelsis. Jean Beber. Selma Berkowitz. Ida Blacker. Massie Baum. Russell BlumenthaL Donald Brodkey. Lou Canar. Dora Dolgoff. Elizabeth Dolgoff. George Dolgoff. ! *" Iibby Dolgoff. Ami Fellman. Betty Fellman. Alma Feblowitz. Sam FinkeL Hy Finkelstein. Nate Fine. Al Fiedler. Shirley Fiedler. Goldie Fish. Kg.ia.Ti Franklin. Minnie Frohm. Minda Friedman. George Geffin. Ann Gitnick. Ann Green. Joe Greenstone. Ann Hahn. .; Yale Halperin. Lillian Jonisch. Sylvia Jonisch. Howard Kaplan. Loyal Kaplan. Sol Krizelman. : Art Kazlowsky. Frank Lapp. Mildred Lipsey. Henry Magzamin. Doris Martin. Sarah Malashock. Sal Michnick. Charles MogiL Ralph Nogg. Sylvia Perlman. Lou Riklin. Eddie Rosen. Ben Rosen. Earl Ross. Gertrude Rothkop. Ed Rosenbaum. Max Reznick. Mildred Saferstein. Ruth Shapiro. Earl SiegeL Esther Siegel. (Continued on Page 5.)
DR. A. GREE!fBERG Chairman, Quota Committee
WILLIAM WOLFE Chairman, Youths Division
JACK W. MARER Initial Gifts Vice-Chairman
For Philanthropies
Business Division
Residential Division
(Continued from Page 4.).
(Continued from Page 4.)]
Myer Freeman. Dr. Benjamin Friedman* Samuel Friedman, Edward Gilbert. Max Givot. Eabbi David A. Goldstein. Isadore Goldstein. Paul M. Goldstein; Hyman Goodbinder. Dr. Morris I. Gordon. Leon Graetz. Saul N . Graefz. Nathan E. Green. Sam Green. Dr. Abe Greenberg. Irving Greene. William Grodinsky* David B. Gross. SamHahn. SamE. Handler. Reuben Harris. Harry I>. Haykin. Leonard D. Herman. Morton Hiller. Dr. Herman Hirschmann. Jack Hyman. Abner Kaiman. Edwin Kaplan. Lazar Kaplan. Max Kaplan. Dave Katelman. Maurice Katleman. Sidney Katelman. Aaron Katz. Jack R. Katz. Samuel E. Klaver. Philip Klutznick. Aiinn Konan. Robert Kooper. Boris Korney. Tale Kroloff. J. Harry Kulakof sky. Reuben Lackow. Carl Lagman. Sollagman. Earl Lapidus, Lester Lapidus. Mat^'ag F. Levenson. Morris Levey. Hyman Levin. Irvin C .Levin. Stanley Levin. Nathan Levinson. Ben Ltndenbaum. Joseph Lintzman. Louis E. Lipp. Sender Lipp. Morton Lipsey._ Henry Magzamin. Harry Malashock. Charles Mann. Harry Marcus. Gail Margolin. Leo Marks. Alfred S. Mayer. Harry Mendelson. -Abe E. Milder. "•'Hymie Wilder. Morris Milder. Rabbi Uri Miller. Benjamin M. Minkin. Rudolph J. Mittleman. Dr. Sam Morgan. Isaac Morgenstern. Dr. Nathan Muskin. Ben Newman. David M. Newman. Robert Noddle. Nathan L. Nogg. Harry Sol Novitsky. Jack Orlikoff. Hyman Osoff. Joseph C. Pepper. Aaron Perlis. Harry Perimeter. Dr. Dave C. Platt. Dave Potash. Morris Potash. Harry Priesman. William Rascusin Morton Richards. William Raduziner. Louis J. Rikin. Charles Riseman. Dave Robinson. Isadore W. Rosenblatt. • , Sam Rosenblatt. Horace L. Rosenblunu Robert Rosenthal. Barl Ross. Sam I. Rothenberg. Sam Ruderman.Abraham Schwaczkin. Sam Schwartz. Harry Segall. Isadore Shafer. Edward Shafton. Elmer Shamberg. - -\ Julius Shapiro. David Sherman. Richard M. Shlaes. Hyman Shrier. Jacob Shyken. David Silverman. Perry A. Silverman. Benjamin A. Simon. David Slobodmsky. Jacob Slosburg, Jr. Harry Smith. Louis Sogolow. George Soiref. Isadore Sokolof£. Harry L. Sommer. Irvin Stalmaster. Morris Stalmaster. William Stalmaster. Dr. Maurice E. Stein. Sain Steftv Sanders Steinbach. Dr. Abraham A. Steinberg: Harry Steinberg. • Samuel Svrcxtz. Samuel Swartz. MsrvinTreller. Joseph Tretiak. Sam Theodore. Harry Weiner. Fred S. White.: ' \Eabbi David H. Wice. E . I . Widman. Nathan Wilfson. Phinias Wintroub. Albert L. Wohlner. Judah Wolfson. Nathan Yaffe. . r Sam Zager. Sam Zloiky.
ailllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIilllllllllllUIIIIIIIIIlli: attended a Union City* N.-Y^ mass meeting celebrating Dolly Hitler's Ernie Nogg was elected manager birthday a couple of weeks ago at of the A. Z. A. kittenball team, which, least 63 were Jews, there to keep an opens its season Sunday. from eye on developments i . « In North Plans are being completed by the Hudson, N . J., again, the only Jewchapter for the Mother's Day proish shopkeepers who consented to gram, to be held at the J. C. C Ben place in their windows cards announcShrier and Ernie Priesman are in ing; a German Jewish relief drive = By PHEJEAS J . BISOR meeting were the kosher butchers, all Eabbi David H. Wice will speak on charge. The chapter is also joining with d in "Is Life Wor& Living-?" at services the others fearing to lose trade A. Z. A. 100 in presenting an open When we heard at Temple Israel this evening. that Nazi center . . FUND-RAISING NEWS that in the town of Mannheim, GerSaturday morning1 regular Sabbath forum on Jewish literature, to be givThough John D. Eockefeller, Jr., Is many, where about 2,000 Jewish famen af the Center the latter part pi services will begin at 10:30 a. m. supposed to have declined to give any ilies live, only twenty Jewish babies May. Mrs. Louis Somberg. substantial sum to the German Jew- were born in the year since £he ad- The annual youth conclave will be Mrs. Dave Stein. held at the Temple Sunday, starting ish refugee cause, insiders predict vent of Hitler, we were quite perMrs. Julius A. Stein. tibat a very handsome sum win beturbed . . . until we learned that in at 3 p. HL, under the ausgices of the Mrs. Sanders Steinbach. Joe Greenstone was elected presiMrs. Meyer L. Stern. forthcoming from that quarter for a Jersey area comprising 5,000 Jew- College d u b . dent of the Beta Tau Kappa social Rabbi Wice will conduct the adult Mrs. Sam H. Stem. t i e work of League Eefugee High ish families the stork paid only 35 fraternity ai the University of Omastudy group on Tuesday night. Mrs. Arthur Theodore. Commissioner James G. McDonald. visits last year. Just a sign of the ha a t a meeting held Sunday at the : Mrs. Samuel Theodore. The prediction is based on the apFontenelle. He succeeds Harold Kort. as it were ; ; •. Overheard at Mrs-T. A. Tully. pointment of Raymond B. Fosdick, diMrs. Morris A. Venger, Other officers are Art Weiner, seca bargain glove counter in a large rector of the Eockefeller Foundation, Mrs. Leo Waxenberg. retary; Myron Tarnoff, treasurer, and Jewish-owned New York department as the new American representative Mrs. Joseph A. Weinberg. Hy Finkelstein, historian. on the Befugee Commission's advis- store—one salesgirl to another: "Can Miss Eose Weinberg; At services ionight Eabbi David A. you beat it? Not a sale in two hours. ory board; it being assumed that Mr. Mrs. Isadore H. Weiner. Goldstein will speak on "A Design . Mrs. Leon Weiss. Fosdick would not have accepted the They look at 'em, ask me whether for living.** Saxony i s in Germany, and walk Mrs. Gabriel Wertheimer. appointment without ihe approval of Tomorrow morning at about 10 Mrs. David Wice. the younger John D., whose counsel off." o'clock Leonard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Albert Wohlner. he i s in philanthropic matters . 5 .ABOUT PEOPLE Louis Kulakofsky, will become a Bar Mrs. Mose Yousem. Warfare of most serious proportions Miss Sylvia Zevin. Coreligionists who don't like Felix Mitzvah. Members of the congregais developing, we hear, between the M. Warburg have found additional tion and their friends are urged to Mrs. Isadore Ziegler. national Jewish overseas relief agen- ammunition against him in the list attend this Sabbath morning service, Mrs. Sam Zlotky. cies and the Association of Jewish of silver holders released last week which begins at 9 o'clock. Mrs. Philip Zollotuchen. Welfare Federations. The Federations, by Treasury Secretary Morgenthau, Next week Eabbi Goldstein will it seems, are demanding that itis in which Young Henry revealed that speak on "The German Jewry of 150 they, and not the agencies in ques- the Warburgs are among the largest Years Ago," with reference to Feuchttion, who should fix the campaign holders of the white metal, which wanger's novel, "Power." (Continued from Page 4.) quotas for such bodies as the Joint they have deposited chiefly in AmGeneral Agent Tillye SiegeL Distribution Committee, the Jewish sterdam . . . Congratulations to Sam338-340 Electric Bldg. JJL 7320 Isadore Silverman. Agency, Boas, etcj while the latter uel Untermyer and J. David Stern's Tobye Steinberg. are claiming that it's all a plot of Evening Post for stopping that rise Irv. Sternbill. Federation executives who want to in -rmlir prices in New York . . . Geraldine Strauss. "Palestine Night" will be observed ease the foreign relief causes out ofNaomi Deutsch, daughter of the laie Myron Tarnoff. at Vaad services a t the B'nai Israel the various towns with the lowest Hebrew Union College professor, may Ida Tennenbaum. synagogue ibis evening. amounts possible. Indications are that soon resign from the San Francisco Irv Wezelman. Principles of Zionism" will Mr. L. R. Beatty Says: Fanny Witkin. the fight will come close to a head Visiting Nurses Association to join be"First the sermon topic of Eabbi Uri at the annual meeting of Jewish So- the University of California faculty Miller. Cantor A . Schwaezkin and "For Health mmi Eceneay da! Service Executives, set for the choir -will assist at the services. Whil her While h sister, t at Berkeley . . . Eat the Cafeteria latter part of May . . « an, of the New Or- Mr. Moe Lev, of the Arukah, will Mrs. Edith leans Jewish Widows' and Orphans' give an outline of Zionist "history, FROM WASHTNGON Home, is the prize winner in the reWe understand that three of Prof. cent nationwide contest for advertis- Mrs. Max Fromkin will give a talk on Hadassah, and Mr. L Morgenstern Felix Frankfurter's Brain Trust proAnd will talk on the "Call of Zion." Reing in institutional work < Warsaw, (WNS).—The long fight teges are considering handing in their of Sabbath-observing- Jewish store- resignations, Capital anti-Semitism her brother Zola has been appointed freshments will be served. keepers for the right to keep their having made them feel rather ill at chief engineer at a large chemical shops open on Sunday appears to ease . . . But at least they will be works at Lake Charles, La. . . . Next Friday evening, May 11, will be on the verge of success as the re- spared the embarrassment awaiting Daniel Frohman, dean of American be devoted to the Young Men's Vaad. sult of the decision of the Christiain Washington Jews next winter when producers, just turned 82, can goThe entire services will be conducted We Hare a Large AssortneBt Food-Dealers Association to seek per- the Gridiron Club gives its annual four nights in a row without sleep- by members of this organization, after which a debate win take place beof Fresh and Cooked Yegeing . . . They say that Bernard mission to do business on Sunday. function in honor of the President; tables. With the support of the Industrial only one Jew lias ever been admitted (dept. store) Gimbel can do wonders tween ihe Habonim and the Debate Chamber of Commerce the Food into this exclusive organization of in explaining the economic muddle in d u b of the Religious School. Eat Plenty of Fruits and Dealers Association has called on the fifty ace Washington correspondents an after-dinner speech . . . Do you Vegetables and Your Weight like deep-sea fishing? If yes, you government to permit Sunday busiAnd consider the sad case of may be interested • to hear that Lee Ifffl Be Just Sight. ness. Indications are that the gov-Fannie Hurst, novelist; though CoL Sack, American Minister to Costa ernment will permit Sunday opening Edward M. House recently named her Rica, proclaims the Pacific just off Mrs. Sam Epstein will he hostess Our Food Is Prepared for. several hours. as one of fifteen women fit to occupy Central America the world's best to the members of the Junior ConMeanwhile several hundred Jewish high government posts, her way is by Women Cooks gregation after regular services Satbus owners and chauffeurs are con- barred by both anti-Semitic and anti- place for this sport. urday morning. fronted with the possible loss of their feminist prejudice . . . Rumor hath WA JIU1V1IU1IUU1 V livelihood following the establish- it that the Ernest Lamb who recently Philadelphia—Two million books of The advertisers in the Jewish Press ment of a government bus monopoly. had a highly favorable article about Jewish interest have been sold by While the main bus lines are nowSenator Carter Glass, staunch Demo- the Jewish Publication Society of merit your patronage. operated by government monopolies, crat, in the Washington Post, is none America since i t s organization in the new ordinance, effective June 1, other than Eugene1' Meyer, equally 1888, according to an announcement applies to private operators, most of staunch Republican;- who since leav- by Jacob Solis-JCohen, jr., president. whom are Jews. Since the establish- ing the Governorship of the Federal Books bearing the Society's imprint ment o f a government monopoly Reserve Board has become the pub- have been sold in China, South Afriwould force Jewish bus owners out lisher of the Post . . . ca, Japan, India and Australia. of business, efforts are being made Mr. Solis-Cohen said that the Bible by Jewish leaders to obtain govern- KNOCKING NAZIS is still the Society's best seDer, 5,300 ment licenses for some Jewish ownThe "Communistic cliques calling copies of i t having been sold last ers. Although the ordinance provides themselves Eeligious Groups" •which, year. for the sale of licenses to the high- according to Silver ^irter William est bidder, previous experience has Dud Pelley, are "swiffly and painshown that Jews are shunted aside lessly" Sovietizing these U n i t e d FUR STORAGE in such cases. States are the Federal Council of SAFE—as a Bank's Yanlt Churches, the National Catholic WelCOLD—as an Eskimo's Igloo! fare Council and the Central Council BESTDfOKAHA (sic) of American Rabbis . . . May 1 we inform Speaker Rainey that those in charge of the Nazi propaganda in2411 Farnam AT. « 5 « vestigation are prepared t o prove Albert Oruch, prominent in aquatic that he is all wet when he declares circles, has been appointed swimming that the dangers of foreign propainstructor a t the J. C C. He is aganda here are exaggerated? . . . senior Bed Cross examiner and hasNor can we believe that, as the Nazi RAILROAD SALVAGE won many laurels paddling through weekly Sontag-Morgen, published for Best quick drying spar varnish, circulation outside Germany, states, the water. fl.50 gal; paint, $L2S gaL; DeOruch has already started organ- novelists Charles and Kathleen Nor- voe enamels all colors $2.00 gaL; laeqoers, 50c qt. Brashes X price izing swimming classes for advanced ris have endorsed the Hitler regime swimmers as well as beginners and and expressed their disbelief in reOMAHA JOBBING ports of racial persecution in Nazinovkes. * 317 Xo. 15th He is planning a twenty-five mile land Of the 487 persons who marathon swim for .the advanced swimmers. Anyone -wishing instruction i s invited to see Oruch at the Center pooL
Mrs. Frank Brookstein, Mrs. Reuben Brown. ^V ' iMrs. Morris Burstein. Mrs. Henry J. Chapman. Mrs. Max E. Chapman. Mrs. Jacob Chorney. Mrs. David R. Cohen. Mrs. Dave Cohn. Mrs. David B. Cohn. Mrs. Hyman Cohn. Mrs. Harry J. Cooper. Mrs. Harry Copelman. Mrs. Dave Crounse. Mrs. Ben Danbaum. Mrs. Isadore Dansky. Mrs. Max Davis. Mrs. Sam Davis. Mrs. Harry Duboff. . Mrs. David Epstein. Mrs. John Faier. Mrs, Harold Farber. Mrs. Louis Feinstein. Mrs. Leon Fellman. Mrs. Harry Ferer. Mrs. Isadore Fiedler. Mrs. Dave FinkeL Mrs. Julius FinkeL Mrs. Harry Fleishman. Mrs. Morris Fox. Mrs. Harry FrankeL Mrs. Joe Freeman. Mrs. John Frieden. Mrs. Jack Friedman. Mrs. Sam Friedman. Mrs. Sarah Frohm.Mrs. "Victor Granz. Mrs. Albert Gilinsky. Mrs. Phil Gilinsky. Mrs. Sam E. Gilinsky. Mrs. Nathan GOler. Mrs. Ronald Gladstone. Mrs. Benj. Glickman. Mrs. Abe Goldstein. Mrs. David Goldstein. Mrs. Max Goldstein. ' Mrs. Shrolly Goodman. Mrs. Morris I. Gordon. Mrs. Leon Graetz. Mrs. Nathan Green. Mrs. Sam Green. Mrs. Abe Greenberg. Mrs. Dave Greenberjr. Mrs. Hyman Greenberg. Mrs. Maynard Greenberg. Miss Una Gross. Mrs. Isadore Grossman. Mrs. Ben Handler. Mrs. Manning E. Handler. Mrs. Bert Hene. Mrs. Jacob Herman. Mrs. Hugo Heyn. Mrs. Louis Hiller. Mrs. Archie Jacobs. Mrs. Herman Jahr. Mrs. Herman JanofL Mrs. Jacob Kaplan. Mrs.Max Kaplan.-; - . - rrz Mrs.Michael Katelman. • ..- • Mrs. Jack Kaufman. Miss Ruth Kendis. Mrs. Allan Kohan. Mrs. Robert Kooper. Mrs. Nate Kort. Mrs. Cy Kosberg. Mrs. Edward J. Kraus. • Mrs. Micky Krupp. Mrs. Louis Kuh. Mrs.Israel Kulakofsky. Mrs. J. Harry Kulakofsky. Mrs. Reuben Kulakofsky. Mrs. Lester Lapidus. Mrs. Sam Leon. iMrs. Mathias F. Levenson. Mrs. Philip Levey. Mrs. William Levey. Mrs. Dave Levine. Mrs. Isadore Levinson. Mrs. Morris Linsman. MissEvelyn Levy. Mrs. Harry Malashock. Mrs. Jay Malashock. Mrs. Gail Margolin. Mrs. Louis Margolin. Mrs. Morris Margolin. Mrs. Ernest Meyer. Mrs. Lester Meyer. Mrs. Maurice Micklin. Mrs. Howard Milder. Mrs-Hymie Milder. 'Mrs. Morris Milder. Mrs. William Milder. Mrs. Sophie Monovitz. Mrs. Harry Moskowitz. Mrs. Harry H. Neesman. Mrs. Albert Newman. Mrs. Ben Newman. Mrs. Henry Newman. Mrs. Julius Newman. Mrs. Harry Okun. Mrs. Samuel Peltz. Mrs. Morris Pepper. Mrs. Harry Perlick. Mrs. Harry Perimeter. Mrs. Albert Pitlor. Miss Rosaline Pizer. Mrs. Simon Pizer. Mrs. Ruth Pollack. Mrs. Abraham PradelL Mrs. Harry Richlin. Mrs. Samuel Eichman. Mrs. Sam Robinson. Mrs. Sain Eochman. Mrs. Frank Roddy. Mrs. Abraham Romm. Mrs. Isadore Rosenblatt. Mrs. Philip Rosenblatt. Mrs. Sam Rosenblatt. Mrs. Horace Rosenblum. Mrs.J. Eosenfield. Mrs. Dave Eosenstock. Mrs. Fred Rosenstock. Mrs. Israel RosenthaL Mrs. Charles S. Boss. Mrs. Harry Eubenstean. Mrs^ Morris Rubenstein. Mrs. E. J. Rubin. . Mrs. Abraham Rubnitz. Mrs. Abraham Schwaczkin. Mrs. Ben Shapiro. Mrs. Dave Sherman. Mrs. Richard Shlaes. Mrs. Harry Shumow. Mrs. Dave Silverman. Mrs. Harry Silverman. Mrs. Benj. A. Simon. Mrs. Sam H. Singer. Mrs. Herman Smith. Mrs. Morris H. Sogolow. Mrs.-Abraham Solomon. Mrs. John Solomon. Mrs. Julius Solomon. Mrs. Abe Somberg.
Beta Tan Kappa
Youths Division
Joseph J. Pink
Junior Congregation
1513 Farnam
Al Oruch to Teach Swimming at Center
Kish Royal Furs
Democrats Urge Huff To File for Governor Friends of Lee Huff, Omaha business man and Democrat, are trying to induce him to file as a candidate for Democratic nomination for governor. Democrats from Lincoln and other towns in the state have been to Omaha the past few days to urge him to enter the race. They point out that while he has been a loyal Democrat for many years be has not been identified with any faction of the party, that he was born on a Nebraska homestead and that he would gjve Nebraska a business-like administration. Huff has declined to give a definite answer.
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JEWISH PRESS Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by
THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Subscription Price, one year - - - - - - - - - • •. Advertising rates furnished on application
Editorial Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building. Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center DAVID BLACKER - - - - - Business and Managing Editor FRANK R. ACKERMAN . - • . - - Editor FANNIE KATELMAN - - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent ANN PILL — . - . . - - - - -- - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent Print Shop Address: 1307 Howard Street
Week in Review
Jewish Philanthropy
The spirit of the fifth annual.Omaha Jewish. Philanthropies campaign, which opens next Monday morning, has mantled the entire Jewish community with the enthusiasm of generosity which emanates from the heart. Veteran campaigners can recall the drives of yore, hoary now with age and replete with memories of a community which "always came through," but they cannot recall a year in which there was evident such a united, overwhelming sentiment as this year seems to spell the determination to sweep on to irresistible victory. In days gone by, we contributed on separate and diverse occasions during a twelve-month to over thirty agencies. Since the inauguration of the Jewish Philanthropies, we have given only once a year, our contribution covering all the benficiary agencies, local, national and international. Also we must bear in mind that an unparalleled condition prevails, a condition which threatens the very life of many Jewish institutions. In addtioin to the havoc wreaked by the depression, the evil impulses of mankind are making themselves felt more brutally. Lofty words and high-sounding phrases will not save Jewish life, Jewish traditions and Jewish institutions in a crisis—to keep faith with our people and with ourselves we must add to the will to live the will to give. The charity of the Jewish people has been an epic. In this hour, new history must be written for Jewish philanthropy. The destiny of our people is to be measured by the generosity of those able to give . . . and those who do not receive are able to give. The Jewish Philanthropies drive is our challenge . . . our answer must be positive, must help to rebuild and rehabilitate and succor and heal.
menced his famed commentary on the Mishriah, which was not completed until some years later during his stay in Cairo. In the latter city, long one of the important centers of Jewry in the Middle Ages, Maimonides applied himself to three tasks. Its excelled supremely in all three. As a means of earning a livelihood, Maimonides practised medicine, winning for himself the confidence of the renowned Saladin, contemporary and combatant of equally romantic figure of Richard the Lionhearted. Maimonides became court physician to Saladin, then ruler over Egypt in the great Mohammedan empire. Recognizing the serious plight of his people during this period of crusades, wholesale persecutions and forced migrations or conversions, the perplexed state of mind of far-scattered Jewish communities throughout the Christian and Mohammedan world, Maimonides applied himself to making Jewish rtiual and law readily accessible to the masses of Jewry, that they may not become lost in the great "Sea of the Salmud." Maimonides accordingly compiled the first important codification of rabbinic law, in his work, "Yad Hahazakah," a gigantic task in legal interpretation, religious insight and historical study into the basic meaning and purpose of Jewish traditional practice and the commandments enjoined by the Torah. But this guide-book of Jewish law, particularly outstanding for its clear and logical arrangement and analysis, did not deal adequately with resolving many philosophical problems which the challenging thought of his own time aroused in the minds of those, who while earnestly seeking to remain faithful to Judaism, were yet beset with many perplexities. For these troubled minds, represented so well in the person of his devoted and beloved disciple, Joseph Aknin. Maimonides set himself his objective of attempting a rapprochment of the lofty moral philosophy of Aristotle, whom the Arabs had resurrected in the evolution of their philosophy, with the ethical monotheism and fundamental traditions of Judaism as reflected in the sacred literature transmitted through the ages. It was no simple philosophic reconciliation which Maimonides entered upon and the profundity of his thought, the deep religious fervor which marked his purpose and his writing have left us in his work, "The Guide for the Perplexed," the most important single contribution to Jewish religious philosophy in our entire literature. He is truly one of the great figures in Jewish history.
Falsified Instigation of Hatred
Morris Rothenberg the other day somewhere or other remarked that there was a better spirit within American Zionism. Much of the fires of the old feud seem to have been extinguished—the scars have healed up, etc. Why not then make a formal end to that whole bitterness business by some gesture to Brandeis, say I. I think it would be a very fine thing.
THE CROWN TO BRANDEIS What a dramatic chapter in American Zionist history that Brandeis split was. Some day some one who knows all the ins and outs of the thing is going to write it up and it will make plenty good reading. Especially interesting will be that meeting in London—when the Zionist 'ongress met there after the war— and the leadership of the Zionist movement was offered to Brandeis. The Zionist handed the crown to Brandeis and thrice did he refuse i t Or once at any rate. Men who were there tell me they will never forget the scene.
Who made the chief speech offering the crown to Brandeis? None other than Louis Lipsky. And Lipsky was at his best. And when Lipsky is at his best he's good enough. How he lauded Brandeis! But it was more than just fulsome flattery. It touched the very vitals of everybody. Brandeis began to weep. The whole place became a river of tears.
I don't believe there has ever In these editorial columns as well as in many other writings been any public statement as to the the fear has been expressed that the anti-Semites of Germany reasons Brandeis then gave for re1 would some day fabricate with their ingenuity for falsehoods an fusing to accept the world leadership. Perhaps it is even yet too alleged Jewish attack on their leader and use this as bait for an early to tell such tilings in the anti-Jewish uprising by the masses, and possibly a pogrom. prints. But I am only giving1 a few That there is justification in this fear is proven by the spe- brief notes, anyway, so it doesn't too much difference. cial May Day issue of the vitritlic anti-Semitic Nazi newspaper, make In the first place, Brandeis said, DerStuerner, edited by Julius Streicher, notorious Jew-baiter t was his belief that the leader of A Momentous Trial the World Zionist movement should A murder trial which might write its impress idelibly upon who was recently appointed Nazi overlord of Franconia. A banner be a man who can speak Hebrew. He reads "The Jewish Murder Plan Against Non-Jewish Mankind couldn't, and he said, he was too the near-future history of Palestine is being held in a tiny court Discovered." In the preliminary notices, the attention of the peoold, to begin learning. room in Jerusalem. Palestine is in a state of tension, as all conple is called to "the Jewish plot to kill Adolph Hitler." Inflamatory versation is dominated by pros and cons on the trial of three Jews REASON NO. 2 —Abraham Stavsky, Zvi Rosenblatt and Abe Achimeier, members articles are carried on the maliciously false ritual murder allega- At the time, it will be remembered, of the Zionist Revisionist organization—for the murder of Dr. tions on Purim and Passover. A leaflet whets the appetite of the Mr. Ford was suffering from a bad of anti-Semitism, and Mr. BranChaim Arlosoroff, brilliant member of the Jewish Agency execu- prospective readers with the following captions: "The secret of case deis gave this as his second reason. Jewish ritual murder revealed." "The battle of Der Stuermer tive and prominent leader of the Jewish Laborites, who was mysFord would say, if he left the Suteriously assassinated last summer as he was walking on the Tel against Jewish mass murder, Jewish blood baths and Jewish secret preme Court to accept Zionist leadlaw." "To the Jew, the non-Jew is not human, but an animal." ership that even when a Jew is apAviv seashore with his wife. pointed to the highest honor within To understand the seriousness of Palestinian tension, one 'The human slaughter law." "Ritual murder for Passover." must grasp the bitter strife between the Revisionists and the Lab- "Whither comes non-Jewish blood." "Jewish murder plot against orites. The Laborites are as one in holding the accused guilty as !zar Nicholas of Russia." "Non-Jews Unite." And then, the senGEMS of the BIBLE charged. Palestine Jewry as a whole, reports indicate, believe the ation of the day, "Jewish Murder Plot against Adolf Hitler." A similar campaign in Northern Germany has also began unand TALMUD three Revisionists are innocent of the sensational crime, and many By 0. 0. DASHEB Zionist leaders of various parties unalterably opposed to the Re- der the leadership of "The World League Against a Lie," founded visionists declare they are of the opinion that the three men on by Dr. Paul Joseph Goebbels, fanatical Minister of Propaganda and GEMS OF THE BIBLE trial are mere scapegoats. This growing opinion was given tangi- Public Enlightment, in order to advance the cause of international Thou shalt surely tithe all the.inanti-Semitism. ble force when the Haaretz, organ of the General Zionists, editorcrease of thy seed, that which is As many writers, as Arthur Brisbane, point out, it is brought forth in the field year by ially announced its support of the defense fund being raised by Revisionists for their three accused colleagues. Also, following a the heighth of ridicule to make sensible people believe that the year. conference of General Zionists, Mizrachists and a number of out- Jewish people would plot the assassination of Hitler when it is At the end of every seven years standing rabbis convened by Chief Rabbi Abraham Kook an ap- universally known that if Hitler were shot at—regardless of who them shalt make a release. And this peal was issued to Palestine Jewry to support the Revisionists' did the shooting—it would be the signal for a pogrom against the is the manner of the release: Every creditor shall release that which he defense fund. The conference also decided to set aside a day of suffering Jewry of Germany. hath lent unto his neighbor, he shall prayer and fasting for the three Revisionists fighting for their The latest news from Germany lends strength to- the charge not exact it of his neighbor and his lives. made in the Manchester Guardian hi England thatrthe violent anti- brother. There can.be no question about the terrorist methods employed Semitism so evident in Germany today is not the work of the propHowbeit, there shall be no needy by Revisionist hot-heads in furthering their principles. It is un- agandized and "enlightened" masses but a continuation of the among you. . - - * deniable that, preceding the assassination of the unusually capable vicious campaign against the Jews systematically organized, by the TALMUD Arlosoroff, the Revisionist newspapers published articles and ed- highest official government quarters. Informed observers in BerRabbi Akiba says: "Even if one lin are of the opinion that Streicher has concocted a new series of itorials highly aggressive and incitatory in tone and nature. But, studied the Torah in his youth, he if these three men are found guilty, the verdict would in effect lies against the Jews in order to stir up the populace and thus should nevertheless- continue to.study convict the Jewish political group, the Revisionists, of organized make it forget the Nazi government's failure to keep its economic it when in his advanced age. And alone had disciples in his young murder. If they are found guilty we fear it would provoke an promises. The necessity for such a new campaign of hatred and though years, he should nevertheless acquire internecine war which would shock world Jewry and alienate much incitement against the Jews is shown in a leaflet issued recently disciples in his advanced- age. It said that Rabbi Akiba had of the good accomplished through the achievements of Palestine by the Nuremberg Nazi district leader, Racklemann, who stated was that the "eagerness of the population for Nazi assemblies and twenty four thousand disciples who of recent months. came from all over the country beThe trial will take five weeks. Justice must be done, and meetings is lessening." tween Gabboth and Antipatria and all died a spiritual death, because for the sake of Palestine we hope that when both sides are weighthey have not respected each other's ed, justice will find that fratricidal bitterness did not causes the opinion. And when the twenty four Bernard Lazare '\ death of-Dr. Chaim Arlosoroff. thousand disciples drifted apart the A notable French committee has been formed under the presi- Jewish world became demoralized undency of Senator Justin Godard, former member of the French til Rabbi Akiba came to our southern and taught unto R. Maier, R; Octocentenaryof MiamonidesBirth cabinet, to celebrate the thirtieth annivefsity of the death of Rabbis Juda, R. Jossi, R. Simon, and U. Plans for a widespread popular observance of the eight hun- Bernard Lazare, famous French-Jewish historian and poet. Elazar and it was they who predredth anniversary of the birth of Moses Miamonides, noted medThe work to which French non-Jews as well as Jews are this served the Torah in that grave hour. ieval Jewish p/hilosopher, which will.occur next year, will be dis- year paying homage to this champion of fairmindedness in a world It is written in the book" of Ben cussed at the annual convention of the United Synagogue of of bigotry is his presentation of the Jewish side to a Europe which Sira: "Do not worry about tomorAmerica. Inspiration can be gained by the Jewish people from was seething with anti-Semtiism. His greatest work, which has row's troubles, for thou knowest not what the day may bring forth; perstudying the works of this noted philosopher, whose remarkable immortalized him, is his "Anti-Semitism, Its History and Its haps when the tomorrow comes thou genius is reflected in the rich heritage of his writings which shed Causes," published in Paris, in 1894, in which he reviewed anti- wilt not be in existence any longer, a golden luster oh the Dark Ages.: Semitism from the early days of the Christian era. It was an and thus would not have worried which is not thine. Avoid Moses ben Maimun was born into a scholarly family of Cor- answer to the persecution of Jews in Russia, Rdumahia and Ger- formanya world from thy house, for not every dova, Spain, on Passover Eve, in the year 1135, during a period many of those days and to the anti-Semitism which began to raise one shalt thou bring into thy house. which introduced the forced Mohammedanization of Christian its head even in France at that time and which:culminated in the Many may wish you peace, however reveal thy secrets only to one of a and Jew alike in,Moorish Spain. In 1148, due to this religious per- famous Dreyfus case. In those trying times it was in a large thousand." secution, Maimun, together with his two sons, Moses and David, measure due to the writings of Bernard Lazare whose works have entered upon a period of the traditional wandering of the Jew. been translated into all languages of Europe, that the more pro- Rabbi Elazar said: "Just as it^ is for a man to say a thing moving first to: Port Almeria in Spain, then to Fez, in Northern gressive elements in European countries began to see the justice meritorious (of reproach) when it is heeded, so Africa, for a short tmie in Palestine and finally settling in Fostat, of the Jewish side of the story, and that anti-Semitism yielded its is it meritorious for a man not to on the outskirts of Cairo, in Egypt. From earliest youth Moses place to a more fair-minded attitude toward the Jewish population. say a thing which will not be heeded." occupied himself most diligently with Jewish studies, while his "Since November, 1933, we have not imported goods from Rabbi Elazar said: "It is permitted brother was the merchant of the family. As a young man during Germany."—Statement of John Wananiaker Department Store for a man to modify a report in the this period of meandering from country to country, Moses Maiinterest of peace." one of the largest in the east. ; monides already began his researches in Jewish law and com-
the gift of the American government, he leaves iti to serve Jewry. "You see a Jew cannot be real American." That would be the Ford argument, said Brandeis. The Jewish position in America as a result would become untenable.
Is a certain Italian statesman whose name begins with M and ends an I interceding with England in: behalf of the removal of the recent ruling requiring tourists to Palestine to make a sixty pound deposit? The Italian lines are finding Jew* ish immigrants into Palestine their best customers. Their ships have carried some 50,000 of these Jews going into Palestine in the past several years. The ruling of the High Commissioner, about which Zionists aro so aroused, threatens "to cut in heavily on the Italian shipping business. In certain circles you will hear privately that Mussolinii has taken a hand in the matter.
Another reason that Brandeis gave was that if he left the Supreme Court at the time, it would be unfair to the American liberals. Harding was. President at the time. If Brandeis left the bench, Harding would appoint a reactionary to his place. The liberals would be justified in feeling that he, Brandeis, had not been true to them in leaving the Bench at the time when the Supreme Bench as a whole was so thoroughly BREVITIES conservative, even reactionary. One national Jewish project which everyone has supposed dead will soon be revived, and with plenty of oxygen. WHY NOT A GREAT A son of Israel Zangwill lives in RECONCILIATION? Mexico. Such were the reasons given by The New York Mirror carries a Justice Brandeis at a meeting which story about how. Mosley and his wife for warmth of emotion has never who partly Jewish lead the Fasbeen equalled in the calendar of cists is in England. The Mirror should American Zionism. Waves of admiraup to the fact that Lady Mostion and love swept the hall from leywakedied last year. She was however the delegates to Brandeis. Yet within about six months the bitterest partly Jewish, and so the children of fight in American history, and Bran- the English Fascist leader are "nondeis was to withdraw publicly speak- Aryans." ing from Zionism. Only publicly (Copyright, 1934, by the Jewish Tele- • graphic Agency, Inc.) speaking, however, for no American Jew has been as consistent and persistent in his active Zionist work Congress Investigation than Justice Brandeis, even though Includes Silver Shirts the latter's names is never mentioned in the Jewish prints in any Zionist Asheville, N. C. (WNS)—Followconnection. Recently, he gave $1,000 ing the bankruptcy of the Galahad for the Arlorosoff colony in Palestine Press, publishing organization of the now being sponsored by the Hista- Silver Shirts, Liberation, chief Sudruth or Jewish Federation of Labor ver Shirt periodical, has suspended in Palestine. And he has been con- publication. tinually working for Zionism, quietly, *. • * unostentatiously. And it seems to me Washington, D. C. (WNS)—A thorthat it is time to publicly recognize this fact and officially tender him ough-going inquiry into the activities of the Silver Shirts will be included the respects of American Zionism. in the Congressional investigation of Today, even among those who led Nazi propaganda, according to word in the fight there are none who have f r o m Representative McCormack, any but the most pleasant feelings chairman of the probe committee* towards Brandeis. They all love him Preliminary work is occupying the Why not let it be known. It seems committee, which is still looking for to me that Morris Rothenberg is the an outstanding counsel. The commitman who can bring about the Great tee is in possession of several tons of Reconciliation. For Rothenberg has material, some of which has been the faculty to bring people together. turned over to the State Department for study.
FLASH! My private sleuths tell me that the next biggest piece of news on the Jewish horizon will be an announcement by Turkey opening that country to German Jewish refugees. The thing is said to be in the brewing. If it occurs, it will be a repetition of 1492. When in that year, Spain expelled the Jews, it was Turkey which opened its doors to the Spanish Jews. I am told, that if the present brewing goes through, 100,000 German Jews may be expected to emigrate to Turkey.
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Mother and Daughter MOTHER-DAUGHTER AFFAIR ON HAY 13 Sisterhood Luncheon
Council of Jewish Women
Debate on Future Vaad Board Meeting of Religion a Draw An important meetin of the Board
The annual Mother and Daughter Mrs. S. E. Gilinsky, who has been The , annual city^wide Mother- luncheon of Temple Israel Sisterhood corresponding secretary for the Coun- The debate on whether religion has of Governors of the Vaad Halhr will Daughter banquet sponsored by the will be held Saturday, May 12, at cil of Jewish Women for the past two a significant future in the modern be held Monday evening, May 7, at Jewish Women's Welfare Organiza- 1 o'clock in the vestry rooms of the years, has been nominated for ihe world, staged by the Junior Vaad or- 8 p.m. at the B'nai Israel synagogue. tion will be held Sunday, May 13, at Temple. Mrs. A. Greenberg is in presidency of the slate of officers se> ganizations Wednesday evening at the B'nai Israel synagogue, was declared 6 p. m. at the J. C. C. charge. lected by the nominating committee, Mrs. Herman Jahr will represent Following the luncheon, Milton A. Mrs. Irvin Stalmaster, chairman, Te- a draw by the judges. the mothers, and Miss Rosalie Al- Rieck will present the Jack and Jill ported at the meeting Monday at the Sarah German and Minnie Frohm upheld the affirmative, with Haskell berts will respond for the daughters. players in the royal comedy, "The J. C. C. Cohen and Joe Fellman on the negaMiss Ivy Siegel will sing a group Hole in the WalL" Other names on the slate are: Mrs. AT DRASTICALLY of songs, accompanied by Mrs. Jay Mrs Jeanette M. Arnstein will A. D. Frank, first vice-president; tive. Judges were Ben Kazlowsky REDUCED PRICES Malashock. Miss Ruth Malashock will speak for the Mothers, and Miss Jane Mrs. Manuel Grodinsky, second vice- and Dr. Philip Romonek. tfELDMAN-TRETIAK present a dance solo. Milton A. Goetz will respond for the Daugh- president; Mrs. Ben Silver, third viceENGAGEMENT Rieck's "Jack and Jill Players" will ters. _ Mr. and Mrs. J. Tretiak announce president; Mrs. Morris Levey, recordpresent a comedy, "Mrs. Cook-Tours." Reservations should be made as ing secretary; Mrs. Sol Novitsky, corthe engagement of their daughter, Those taking part are Mary Lee Vansoon as possible with Mrs. A. Green- responding secretary; Mrs. A. H. Anne, to Mr. Burton Gordon Feldman, son of Mr. and Mrs.' M. J. Feld- The Junior Vaad Auxiliary will lamp, Peggy Friedman, Nadine Fry, berg, GL 1215. Brodkey, treasurer; Mrs. Leo Rosen- Fifty women expect to attend the celebrate Mothers' Day on Sunday, Rosalie Alberts, Edith Jean Hemman of Chicago. • thai and Mrs. Carl Furth, directors; tri-dty meeting in Lincoln Tuesday, Mrs. David Sherman, auditor. Miss Tretiak attends Northwestern May 6, with an entertainment at the street and Maxine Mullen. May 8. Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky has The invocation will be given by tiniversity, -where she is a member of B'nai Israel synagogue at 3 p.m. Mrs. Cyrus M a s o n spoke on asked that all women who plan to go Ho Ku Va, honorary sorority. Mr. Mrs. L. Neveleff, sponsor, will wel- Mrs. M. Horn. Community singing "China." An informal coffee was or who wish transportation communiAbout 175 members of the local served Feldman is a Northwestern graduate. come the mothers and Dora Fresh- will-be led by Mrs. Sam Beber. by Mrs. Manuel Grodinsky, cate either with her or Mrs. Harold He is a member of Pi Lambda Phi, man, president, will respond for the Mrs. L. Neveleff is chairman, as- Hadassah were guests at the annual chairman, and the members of her Farber. daughters. sisted by Mrs. B. A. Simon, co- Give or Get luncheon held at the J. International Relations group. Omicron chapter. The women will meet at 10 o'clock C C. Wednesday. Miss Ivy Siegel will sing, accomThe wedding will take place in panied by Margaret Hurwitz. Read- chairman. in Lincoln at the Tef ereth Israel synMiss Pearl Franklin of Chicago, Reservations, which are limited to Omaha this fall. agogue at 18th and L streets. ings and recitations will be rendered 300, may be made at the Center or national vice-president of Hadassah, Mrs. D. A. Goldstein will be the by Sara Beber and Reva Gorelick. with Mrs, David Feder, GL 1164, no was the principal speaker. principal Others who will Mrs. D. A. Goldstein, program Mrs. E. Weinberg will be hostess talk will speaker. Lillian Epstein, accompanied by Edith later than Thursday, May 11. . ' WILHELM-WINTFQUB be Mrs. William Alberts, chairman, presided. Dr. L Dansky to the cultural group of the Daugh- Mrs. D» Sherman, Mrs. Epstein, and Rosaline Rosen, accomENGAGEMENT ; : J. H. Kulak= gave a Yiddish reading. A playlet, ters of Zion this Saturday afternoon ofsky. by Betty Rosen, will offer vio. Mr. and Mrs. Max Wintroub an- panied SPENT WEEK-END HERE "life Begins Anew," coached by Mrs. at her home, 358 Noz'h 41st St. Rabselections. Elinor Cohen will .give nounce i i « engagement of their lin Mr. and Mrs. Harry Krieeter and Dave Brodkey, "was presented by a bi Uri Miller will address the group. A luncheon will be given at noon, several piano solos. daughter, Gerry, to Mr. Adolph S. Each mother will be presented with son, Donald, of Des Moines, la., spent cast which included the Mesdames The Daughters of Zion have or- and an afternoon conference session is planned. There will be delegates Wilhelm of New York City. a rose. Refreshments will be served. the week-end with Mr. Kneeter*s Abe Solomon, Sam Theodore, Phin- ganized a Junior Daughters of Zion from Sioux City as well as from Omamother, Mrs. Mamie Eneeter. eas Wintroub and Sam Stern. A mu- Mizrachi group for girls between the Miss Sara Fishman is in charge of BAILEN-PLOTKIN l sical program was presented, includ- ages of 12 and 15. The first meeting ha and Lincoln. arrangements. MARRIAGE SPRING PARTY ing piano selections by Miss Lylyan date will be announced in the next Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Plotkin of Due to the Lincoln conference and The annual spring house party of Chudacoff. issue of the Jewish Press. Sioux City, la., announce the recent BIRTHDAY PARTY the Philanthropies drive, the regular the .Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity at Mrs. M. F. Levenson, retiring presmarriage of their daughter, Mildred, Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Pitlor enter- Lincoln, Neb., win be held Saturday ident, was presented with an electric meeting of the Women's Auxiliary of to Mr. Sam Sailen, son of Mr. andiained seventy relatives Sunday af- at the chapter house. Approximately service set by the Hadassah board die Conservative synagogue has been Mrs. Louis Bailen of Omaha. ternoon and evening on the occasion 50 couples will attend. postponed from the regular meeting members, in recognition of her servThe wedding took place in Omaha of the third birthday of their son, At the last meeting of the Century day to Wednesday, May 16, when a ices to the organization. Bobby Lee. Covers were set in thi IN MAY MUSICALE on April 15. chapter, an interesting talk was pre-luncheon will be given in connection recreation room for forty children Ten Jewish students will play in sented by Mr. James Slaughter, na- with the annual meeting. g At this time and thirty adults. Decorations were "May Musicale/* a concert of Creightionally known explorer. the reports will be renderedd p carried out in pink and yellow. A ton university musical organizations At elections Monday night the fol- The chapter is also planning an WINE-MARTIN ENGAGEMENT and officers elected. Mr. and Mrs. N. Martin announced photograph of the group "was taken. to be given by the University orches- lowing were installed in office for open forum on Jewish literature and A sketch written by Mrs. Isidor the engagement of their daughter, After dinner was served, the adults tra, glee club and ROTC band in the Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity at Jews in Literature, to be given at Ziegler entitled, "Coming Events Cast Marion, to Mr. Dave- Wine, son of played cards and the children played the Central High school auditorium, the University of Nebraska: the Center the latter part of May. Shadows Before," will be preHarry R. Rosenstein of Omaha, The affair is under the joint spon- Their Mr. and Mrs. K. Wine, at a dinner games. May 9. sented under the direction of Mrs. Sunday at the Martin residence for Milton R. Frohm is concert-master prior; Sam Fleishman of Omaha, sorship of A. Z. A. 1 and A. Z. A. Phineas Wintroub. members of the families. BAR MITZVAH SATURDAY of the orchestra. Other members of exevhequer; Irving Hill ' of Lincoln, 100, and will be open to the public No definite date has been set for Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kulakofsky cor- the orchestra are Julius Hornstein, recorder; Max Canar of Omaha, as- The committee in charge includes the wedding.: dially invite their relatives and violin, Albert Rimmerman, violin; sistant exchequer; and Karl Braver- Myer Levy, Ben Shrier, Massie Baum and Nathan Crounse. friends to attend the Bar Mitzvah Shirley Fiedler, viola; Rose Mendel- man of Grand Island, historian. ceremony of their son, Leonard, at son, flute; Joseph. Lagman, oboe; At the initiation Sunday, the folENTERTAINS the Conservative synagogue this Sat- Daniel Lintzman, trumpet, and Hen-lowing were inducted: Sydney BerThe Home of Kosher Style Cooking ry Mendelson, bassoon. Miss Sally Siporin entertained for urday morning. gen, Sioux City; Sam Goldberg and a party of twenty-eight at the CloverJulius Hornstein and Harold Bloch Harry Weinstem, New York City, leaf on Sunday, April 29. Decorations VISITORS HERE are members of the band. Abraham Oscar Carp, Sidney Chait, Dave Goldand covers were carried out in green. Mrs. Harry Rose of Providence, Appelsis is the only Jewish student ware and Sam Turkel, Omaha. A The graduation exercises of the banquet followed. The affair was in honor of Miss R. I., and Mrs. Harry Edell of New in the glee dub. Vaad Religious School will be held Arnold Levine of Rosalie and Oscar Friday evening, May 18, at the B'nai Rose Katskee, whose engagement to York City are visiting their mother, Henry Mendelson is manager of Delicious Sandwiches and Hot and Cold Plate Lunches Mr. Harry Freed was recently an- Mrs. Mamie Kneeier.; university music and of the concert. Carp of Omaha comprise the chapter Israel synagogue. debate team which advanced to the Cantor A. Schwacikin and the nounced, and in honor of the birthday Served at All Times inter-fraternity tourney finals by de- choir will sing. Certificates will be of Miss Mollie Green. Both bridge MOTHER-DAUGHTER SCHLITZ BEER ON DRAUGHT feating the Z. B. T. and bunco were played. Cool, Comfortable, Pleasant—Jnst the spot yon are looking for presented by L Morgenstern and N. AFFAIR OPEN NIGHTS 2406 Farnam Davidson. The children partaking in Prizes were won by Barbara True- A mother-daughter affair at tin The Ladies* Labor : Lyceum dub shaft, Mrs. Sophie Katskee, Mrs. Boulevard Tea Rooms on Sunday af- will sponsor a Mother and Daughter So. Omah«j[ Auxiliary the program include Mary Wolfson, Elinor Cohn, Anne Pollay, Frances Ethel Yossem, Ruth Meyers, Fre- ternoon, May 13, by the Gamma Del- evening at the Labor ,Lyceum, 22nd mette Goldberg and Shirley Tessler. ta Omicron sorority was planned ai and Clark streets,'on VMay 15. The Ladies' Auxiliary ofththe Con-Rubin, Lena Zollotuchin, Shirley the last meeting of the group, held^a ' Mjrs. M. Hosenstein -will speak for gregation of I s r a e l , 25 - ^ d *• Cohn. Marion Clayman and Jake Tepthe home of Goldie Wolfson. "* """ s mothers and Miss Alice 'Zusman streets, South.- Ojnaha, are having a litsky. Rabbi Uri Miller will speak. will'respond for the daughters.. Mother-Daughter" social party Tues- Following the program, a reception Nelly Dons are sold The public is invited to attend. Ad- day,'May 8, at 8 p. m. Admission is will be held in the social halL " SPRING DANCE only at Phi Beta Epsilon, Creighton uni- mission is free, and refreshments will 25 cents. Reservations may be made served. .: .... versity social fraternity, has issued with Mrs. Sam Gorelick, Market 3012. over two hundred bids for their anA musical program will be present in Omaha nual spring dance which /wiHvbe held The conceit and drawing of the ed and refreshments served. The genBy ; Ladies? Labor Lyceum dub will be May 12 at the Birchwood. eral public is invited. Mrs. David M. Newman The committee in charge includes held May 20 at' the Labor Lyceum. Tickets are 25 cents. Max Resnick, chairman, Julius HornRECIPES stein and Albert Rimmerman.': Spanish Rice, Ten tablespoons rice, 1 cup toTwo members of Phi Delta Epsimatoes, 3 medium size onions, 1-3 lon, national medical fraternity, were The Psi Mu are celebrating the pound American cheese, 1 cup hot elected to offices in the organizaconclusion of a very successful water, red pepper and salt. tions of the Creighton Medical School twelve-month for its athletic repreWash rice and drain, add remainlast week. sentatives. ing ingredients, and bake in moderAbraham Riemer was chosen viceThe club's team "won both the preate oven 350 degrees for 1% hours, president of the Medical Forum and season and season league championships in basketball. Last year it won treasurer of the Caducean Society, stirring frequently at the start. honorary organization. Irwin Neigus the J. C. C. softball loop title. In pingpong, Millard Sigal of the was elected secretary of the CaduPsi Mu won the city championship ceans. and paired with Manny Goldberg to Four members of the fraternity Wednesdays capture runner-up honors in the spoke at the annual meeting of the t*\ / doubles. Sigal, Goldberg, and Ben Nebraska Academy of Science, held OY2C Only at Doane College, Crete. They are Dr. Rosen were members of the J. C. C.Victor On Other Days—7c Levine, Morris Lev, Abraham SHIRTS—'Finished. 8c each team, city runners-up. Riemer and Morris Blacker. Manny Goldberg won the A. A. U. worn* handball title, as well as the J. C. C. pre-season and regular season chamSTORED pionships. He paired with Rosen to The Junior Society of the conWITHOUT win the doubles. Also, Morris Bloom servative Synagogue is entertaining NOW was co-holder of the A. A- U. dou-the mothers of its members on THE SHOW OF CHARGE ZBIS.FARMAM At 2815 bles title. 1,001 SURPRISES! Mother's Day, May 13, at the home In Our Modern The Irvin Levin trophy for the Mreproof, MothCenter's outstanding athlete was-Won of Miss Ruth Pollack, 4201 Dodge. proof S t o r a g e by Goldberg this year and Sigal last Vaults. . year. The latter also won the J. CL , snooker title. . A ladder handball tournament of the Psi Mu is starting Sunday.-
Junior Vaad Will Honor Mothers
Conservative Auxiliary
Daughters of Zion
A. Z. A. 100
Sigma Alpha Mu
1617 Houkard Street
Graduation Exercises of Religious School
Announces the Opening of Their DOWNSTAIRS BEER GARDEN Saturday Evening, May 5th
Ladies Labor Lyceum
Phi Delta Epsilon
Psi Mu
Junior Society
X and
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Hebrew Mothers Plan Card Party
Shaare Zion
Sioux City News
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Yudelson.
Italian Tombstone Has Ancient Hebrew Marks
SHOT1VE1T,, MONSKY. OISOOIVSKV VAXCli, and HAKKV B. COHEN, Attorneys. 737 Omaha National Bank Bldg.
Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz will speak Mrs. Dan Hill of Lincoln, Nebrasthis evening oh "The [House of RothsRome (WNS)—An ancient Jewish Notice is'hereby given that the underchild," at the 8 o'clock service in No admission will be. charged for ka is spending the -week here visit- tombstone inscribed in characters of signed have formed a corporation pursuant Shaare Zion synagogue. . Cantor A. the card party to be held next Tues- ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs.the ancient Hebrew alphabet which name Pliskm will chant the ritual with t b day afternoon, May 8, by the Hebrew Morris Grossman. Mrs. Hill will re- was out of use in Palestine at the be-AL Miss ANNA PILL, Correspondent place Mothers Association. The ^arty to turn to Lincoln next Sunday. synagogue choir. The objects for vhich this corporation "is ginning of the Christian era, has which all Jewish; women are invited formed are, to buy, sell, exchange, mniuiTomorrow morning, Rueben Hur- will begin at 2 o'clock and will be deal and trsidf. generally, in nny The Council Bluffs Talmud Torah been discovered on the outskirts of fncture, witz, son of Mr. and Mrs. I. Hurwitz; held nil kinds of office supplies, office in the social hall of the Shaare Society will hold their regular'month- Bari, in southern Italy, by workmen nnd equipment imd office specialties of evenwill celebrate his Bar Mitsvah. engaged in building operations. Zion synagogue. kind and character; to purchnse, lease anil The concluding Friday evening ser- A program of interest to all Jewish ly meeting next Monday evening, This is the first inscription of itsotherwise acquire any interest or liceii.ee of every kind and character In ami to vice at Shaare Zion will be held next mothers will be presented during the May 7, at 8 o'clock at the synagogue kind ever found in Europe. any and nil patents pertaining to office at 618 Mynster Street. Friday, when members" of the Junior supplies, office equipment and office speThe lettering in the inscription is cialties Refreshments ~ will be of every kind nnd character, nnd Congregation will h a v e complete afternoon. identical with that appearing on coin- to buy. sell, mortgage, lease, encumber The . annual Mother and Daughter At a meeting held last Friday af- charge. They will furnish cantor, served and card prizes awarded. Eobert Eosenfeld, student at the and deal re,i! and personal property of Mrs. J. Guttleman is in charge of University of Iowa at Iowa City, age of the Jewish Commonwealth all kinds. inThe banquet, sponsored by the Sisterhood ternoon in the home of Mrs. E. N.choir and rabbi from members of Conipnny shall have auththe arrangements. Mrs. Ben Sherman spent the past week-end here visit- and of Bar Cochba. ority to borrow money and issue evidences of Mount Sinai Temple, will be held Grueskin, chairman of the Senior Ha- their Junior ranks. of indebtedness therefor. Total f d al authorized auth next Tuesday evening, May 8, in thedassah convention, the committees for The confirmation service will take is president of the organization. $"J50O0O0 par value JHXiOO capital stock is $"J5.0O0.O0. ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph FBADENBURG, STALMASTEB, BEBER per share; all stock Common, and shall be annex of the Temple. The dinner will the convention were named. The con-place on May 20. Members of the conE. Rosenfeld. & KMTTZNICK, Attorneys. fully paid alul non-nssessnble when issued be served at 6:30 and -•will be follow- vention, will be held in Sioux City on firmation class include Helen Guttle650 Omaha National Bank BidsThe corporation shall commence buaiyess May 27 and 28, and will be attended ed by a program of talks, recitations upon the filing of its Articles with the Omaha, Nebraska man, Irene Mirowitz, . Belle Cohen, County Clerk of-Douglas County, and shnll by delegates from chapters of theSylvia Friedman Sam Edelman, Davand music. Professor of Judaica NOTICE OF AMENDMENT TO ARTI- continue until January 1st. 1984. The highCLES OF INCORPORATION OF est amount of indebtedness shall not exMiss Ruth Marx, principal of theSouth West Tegion of Senior Ha- Olensky, Mori is Ginsberg and Midor ceed two-thirds of the capital stock. This Riga-Professor. M, Gulkowitch "SIH.DER OIL COMrANT" Temple Sunday School, will offer the dassah. e l i c t i o n shall not apply to indebtedness id Olensky, Morris Ginsberg, Harriet Notice is hereby given that on the l»th rsecured BY F. R.K. was formally installed last week as roal estate. The number of invocation. Mrs. E. J. Fribourg will Mrs. Charles Raskin is treasurer Levine, and Morris Raskin. Miss day of April, 1034, at 2 o'clock P. M., at members by of tire Hoard shall be provided professor of Judaiica at the Unithe offices of the Company, Omaha, Ne- for by the act as toastmistress. Mis. William La- of the convention; Miss Anna Pill, Evelyn Kuntz is the teacher of the Mrs. Carrie Feblowitz, 66 years By-T.nws. which Koanl shall braska, at a special meeting of the stock- administer the affairs, of the corporation. zere will offer greetings in behalf of Junior Hadassah member, will act as class. They will present a program old, passed away last Thursday night versity of Dorpat in Esthonia. holders. Article IV of the Articles of In- The stockholders Khali hold their annunl corporation of "Milder Oil Company" was meeting the first Monday in March of each secretary. Mrs. Louis,Agranoff is inof addresses and musical numbers at at a local hospital following a rethe Sisterhood. •. . year nnd elect Directors. The Directors STALMASTEB, BEBER amended as follows: Elaine Eosenfeld, daughter of Mr.charge of the publicity. Transporta- the confirmation service. cent operation.. She is survived by FBAOEVBCRG, "ARTICLE IV. The total authorized 6hall elect President, Vice-Pre6ident. Sec& KLCTZMCK, Attorney*. and Mrs. J. M. Rosenfeld and a mem- tion committee: Mrs. A. M. Davis and capital stock of the corporation is retary and Treasurer. .The Articles may C50 Omaha National Bank Bldff. her husband, Louis Feblowitz of be amended upon notice as provided for. $100,000,00 to be divided into one ber of this year's confirmation class, Mrs. J. Kalin» Registration, Mrs. WilCouncil Bluffs; and three sisters, The corporation shall hare a seal. thousand shares of the par value of FROBATE NOTICE will speak on "What Mother Means liam C. Slotsky; Reception, Mrs. J. Dated March 20th, 1034. Mrs. S. Weiss of Chicago, Illinois, In the Matter" of the Estate ot Benjamin $100.00 each, all of which stock shall be common stock and when issnerl Sawislak; Banquet, Mrs. William Lato Me." Mrs, Louis Agranoff.will reDeceased. and the other two sisters in LosPolikov, A. GItEEXBEUO, Shall be fully paid and non-assessable.** is hereby given that the creditors spond with "What Daughters Mean zere and Mrs. Morey lipshutz; BanH. MAIJQCABDT. Angeles. Funeral services were held of Notice HYMIE MILDER. President. said deceased will meet the administraquet reservations, Mrs. Rubin Miller ELLA V. MILDER, Secretarr. to Me." tor of said estate, before me. County Friday afternoon in Omaha, with Judge 4-27-34-«. of Douglas County, Nebraska, at Blossom Kalin,. daughter of Mr.and Mrs. M. Grueskin; Dining Room, Over 200 mothers and daughters burial at the Prospect Hill cemetery, the County Conrt Room, in said County, and Mrs. Philip- Kalin, who is also a Mrs. M. Haligman and Mrs.; M. Levi- attended the annual Mother and on the 11th day of June, 1934, and on the 11th day of August. 1034, at 9 o"clock A. member of the confirmation class, will tan; Menu, Mrs. S. H. Shulkin and Daughter banquet held Wednesday M., each day, for the purpose of presenting speak on "Bringing Up Mother." Mrs. Mrs. E. Rubinstein. Luncheons, Mrs. evening in the social hall of the The Council Bluffs Chapter No. 7their claims for examination, adjustment and allowance. Three months are allowed of the A. Z. A. will hold a meeting M. B. Herzoff will sing a group of J. Levin, Mrs. J. Friedman, Mrs. S.synagogue. The banquet was spon"or the creditors to present their claims next Sunday afternoon, May 6, at Greenstone and Mrs. Abe Pill. Mrs. 'rom the n t h day of May, J934. songs, and Miss Frances Emlein will BKYCE CUAWFORD, M. A. Weiner and Mrs. Jack Robin- sored by the Ladies Auxiliary of 2 o'clock at the synagogue, 618 Mynsaccompany her at the piano. The Fresher, Finer Shaare . Zion. Miss Dorothy Merlin ter Street. All members are urged to 4-20-34-3t. County Judge. A skit entitled "So Many Chil- son are in charge of the tea. acted as toastmistress. The program attend. '• Flavored Butter dren" will be presented with the folincluded invocation, Mrs. Ruben MilFKADEVBtRC, STAIMASTER, BEBER lowing cast: Mrs. Louis Goldberg, £ KX.UTZNICK, Attorneys. ler; Greetings, Mrs. Barney Baron; that Costs No More. Doris Grueskin, Baibara Fribourg, 650 Omaha National Bank Bide. Readings, Mrs. Lloyd Beals; Songs, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Rosenfeld returned home Sunday following a Helen Levin, Joy: Dean Arkih, FriedMiss Tillie Shindler; recitations, NOTICE OK INCORPORATION OF all Sacks, Barbara Robinson. "BARISH MOTORS, INC." Helen Levin; Toasts on behalf of month's visit in Los Angeles, CaliMiss Eve Lipton, daughter of Mr. fornia. While in Los Angeles, they Notice is hereby given that Tve, the unCommunity singing will be led by mothers, Mrs. A. H. Baron; On behave associated ourselves toFrances Emlein. Prizes will be •dis- and Mrs. Sam Lipton, 1717 Jones half of daughters, Miss Dorothy Mo- visited their daughter, Miss Carolyn dersigned, jether for the purpose of forming a cortributed to the children who attend. Street, became the bride of Eli Nor-sow; on Behalf of Granddaughters, Rosenfeld, who is a student at the loration to be known ns "Barish Motors, nc." It shall commence business at the Mrs, Louis Goldberg and Mrs. Theo- man Alpert, son of Mr. and Mrs. N.Ruth Kutcher; dances, Lois Ray University of California. time of the filing of the Articles of Incorporation with the County Clerk of dore N.. Lewis are in charge of theAlpert of Chicago, yesterday after- Slotsky; and Skit, "Something DifDouglas County, Nebraska, nnd conttntie program arrangements. Mrs. I. Mill- noon at 5:30 o'clock in the home of ferent," Tillie Shindler, Rebecca tiead Today's ShopMrs. Ralph Castle . and small for a. period of fifty years. The principal place of doing business shall be in Omahn, er ' and Mrs. A. J. Galinsky are inthe bride. Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz Stillman and Sylvia Herzoff. daughter, Phyllis, of Brooklyn, New Nebraska. The general nature of the bnsiread the marriage lines in the pres.charge.of .the dinner. . . : . . . . ping List with arrived here Tuesday for a liess shall Ue to buy. own :md sell nutoence of 80 relatives and friends of Mrs. Rueben Miller was in charge York, mobiles, trucks, trailers mul other selfvisit at the home of Mrs. Castle's propelled vehicles, parts, supplies and'acthe couple. Miss Frances Jacobson of the program arrangements. Mrs. "Harding^s Butter" cessories, and to encase in the general played the Lohengrin Wedding March Max Haligman and Mrs. Max Ber-mother, Mrs. E. Gilinsky. automobile, truck ard trailer repair aud rage business, and, to do all things Clothes, Book Cases and Miss Tillis Shindler sang Be- gen were in charge of the dining ivhich may be necessary and/!or proper to room; and Mrs. Max Herzoff, the Collman Yudelson, student at thecarry out the objects aud purposes herelncause, preceding the ceremony. Needed by Center The bride set forth. "The capital stock shall University of Iowa at Iowa City, ibove was attended by her sis-menu. J« $o,C00.00 divided into fifty shares, of spent the past week-end here visiting . . .. , , , ., , . ter Miss Ida Lipton and Mrs. S. N. he par value, of $100.00 each. The affairs of the company shall be managed by a A . ^q t J Z ^ J ^ ' ^ Bearman of Marshall, Minnesota. On Honor Roll Hoard of Directors of not less than two books, and book cases, has been made Jack Alpert, brother of the groom JACK W. M.AHEK, Attorney. members who shall elect from their num. Court Uouse by the Board of. Directors of theacted as best man. Mrs. Alpert wore Among the seven students at Cenber a President, Vice-President, Secretary ind Treasurer. The annual meeting of the Federation of Jewish Social Service. a gown of peach colored chiffon, tral High School who received five corporation shall be held on the first MonNOTICE FOR DISSOLUTION OF A's. in their subjects were included Ariyne who has old clothes that can matched by a tulle hat.and slippers. lay in January of each year. Articles of PARTNERSHIP Notice is hereby given that Mary Green nrorporaiion may be amended upon the be', worn, old books that are no long- She carried tea roses and lillies of Bernard .Marks, Evelyn Gelfand, and .Jennie Belgrade, copartners . doiug ffirmative rote of two-thirds vote of the Sadie Taxer and Sally Weinstein. er wanted^ or book cases that can be the valley. ! business under the name of the Community utstandlng stock. Others who were on the. Central Kosher Meat Slarket, 1G10 North 24th IN* WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties utilized by the Center, is asked to get Miss Lipton and Mrs. Bearman Street, Omaha, Nebraska, have dissolved hereunto have set their hands on this ICth in rrtouch: with Miss Dena Baron, at were gowned in.. blue and yellow High Honor roll were Libbie Olensky, said copartnership, articles of dissolution ay of April. 1SW4. l>een filed with the County Clerk MAX M. BARISH, the Center. Miss Baron will make organdy. respectively, and. carried arm Annabell Emlein, Carolyn Fishgall, laving )f Donctas Coimty,; Nebraska, on April PHILIP.M. KITUTZNICK. Miriam Barish, Betty Osnowitch, 3, 1934. the" necessary arrangements to collect bouquets of roses... Dinner for thej EDWAKLI 1). BRODKEY. n the presence of: ., MAKJ GREE.Y, the"articles: " " ' : •.''•' wedding party and immediate rela-j Sylvia Herzoff, Philip Silverberg, JENHIE BELGRADE. It. J. Holdsberg. 4-20-34-4t. tives preceded the ceremony at 3 David Wigodsky, Newton. Sacks, Joe o'clock. , . - i Goldstein, Melvin Rosenfeld, Martin Norman Brodkey, Bennie 4. 3. ' FRIEQBIAX, Attorney. Out of town guests included Mart Dishlip, First KationaT Bank Bide. Lebowich, Jack Merlin, Isadore Gordon of Los Angeles; Mr. and Mr?. Shindler, Marvin Cohen, Walter WosXOTICE B t rCBI.JCATION' OX PETIJ. Rodin of Council Bluffs, Mr. and FOR SKTTLE3LEJ.-T OF FIJfAXi Mrs. N. Richards of Council Bluffs, koff, • Marvin Kline, Theodore Skalov- TION' ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT. In the County Court of Douglas County, Mr. and Mrs. Max Wasserman of sky, Sarah Share, Lillian Baker, ffebraska. Yankton, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gordon Sylvia Borshevsky, Marcella Levich, la the Matter of the Estate of Ascar H. Deceased. and Miss Rose Shapiro of Chicago; Rosagene Passman, Lucille Ap- 'eterson, All persons interested in said matter are Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hurwitz of Pipe- pelang, Hazel Kantrovich, Margaret ereby jiotlfl«"<l that on the 19th day of 1934, Henrietta Peterson filed a stone; Mr. and Mrs. D. Hurwitz of Kozberg, Margaret Kriv, Rosanna April, in said , Coimty Court, prnyinjj Sioux Falls, and Mrs. David Brodkey Dikel, Mateel Stein, Rosanna Dikel, petition lint her final administration account filed and Lillian Turchen. erein be settled nnd allowed, and that a of Omaha. earing will be had on said petition beMr. and Mrs. Samuel PlotMn an'ore said Court on the 19th day of May. 1934, and that if you fail to appear before nounce the recent marriage of their :aid Conrt on the' said 19th day of May. daughter, Mildred, to Mr. Sam Bailen, 1934, at !) o'clock A. M., and contest said Dr. H. M. Levin and Mr. Louis S. i>etUion, the Court may grant the prayer son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bailen of Goldberg presented an informal dejf said petition, enter a decree of hcirshlp, Omaha. The wedding took place in md make such other and fnrthor orders, bate on Zionism at the regular B'nai allowances nnd decrees, as to this Court Omaha on April 15. Brith meeting held Tuesday. may seem proper, to the end that nil matMr. and Mrs. Plotkin will entertain ters pertnlnins? to Enid estate may be tlnaly settled and determined. in honor of their daughter at. a reBKYCK CRAWFOUn. Jewish Play to ception Sunday, May 6. . > :-27-34-3t. County Judge. Miss Ida Plotkin, sister of the Be Presented Here 3H0TWEM,, MONSKT, GEODIXSKT & bride, entertained friends at a misVANCE and HARKV B. COHEN, cellaneous shower on. Wednesday eve- "Mirele Elfrus" popular Yiddish Attorneys. ning; Miss Bess Zeligson also enter- play will be presented in Sioux City 737 Omaha National Rank Bid?. tained for Mrs. Sam Bailen. ; in the near future under the direcall men by these presents: That Miss Hannah Sperling, a bride-elect tion of Mr. David Sperling, who has tKnow a duly constituted meetinf: of the stockTIRES was the guest of honor at several directed a number of successful pro- holders of BKI.L CIGAIl STOKE, INC., all of the stockholders beinc present, held functions this week. Mrs. O. Gordon, ductions in the past. The play will on the 20th day c£ April. 1934, it was unMrs. William Heshelow, Mrs. M. be sponsored by the Poale Zion, Pion- animously agreed that the cororntlon be Dervin and Mrs. H. Raskin presided eer Women, and National Worker's dissolved. TIRES OF TEMPERED RUBBER Dated at Omaha, Nebraska, this 20th day of Apprll, 1034. jointly at a luncheon Tuesday after- Alliance groups. T.INCOUJ SMITH, President. noon in the home of Mrs. Heshelow, ' The cast includes Mrs. Ida Sperl- 5-4-34-4t DAN McDEUMOTT, Secretary. 512 Twenty-sixth Street. ing as Mirele Efrus; David SperlMiss Rose Sperling entertained 24 ing, as Josele; Isadore Mirowitz, You'll see it molded on the tire—TEMPERED RUBguests,at an evening of Court Whist "Dovia;" Mrs. G. Levin, "Mochle;" BER. It's the greatest advancement in tire building Thursday evening, honoring her sis-Max Dervin, "Reb Shalon;" Sam RatRev. A. Diamond ter.. A late supper concluded the ner, "Reb Chana Dvoras;" Mrs. Ruth in years. TEMPERED RUBBER is tougher rubber. It Recognized as evening. • -• • . Epstein, "Chana Dvora;" Mrs. Ruth has greater wear-resistence. It's harder to puncture. PRACTICAL MOHEL Miss Lottie Feinberg will entertain Leaff, "Shendle." in her home Saturday evening, at The date of the performance will Phone 1059 It prolongs the life of the non-skid tread, and that an. evening bridge, as a courtesy to be announced in a forthcoming issue COUNCIL BLUFFS means MORE SAFETY. Miss Sperling. of the Press. In every dry there is one out-
Council Bluffs News
1 Society News
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Senior Hadassah
Inaugurating the collections for the Hadassah Milk Fund, Mrs. Joseph Levin, spoke before the Senior Hadassah meeting Tuesday afternoon on "Infant Welfare Work in Palestine." Plans were made for the collections for this fond to begin next week. The Sioux City chapter contributes a stipulated quota each year for this work in Palestine. Miss Miriam Blank presented two readings. ]
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Mount Sinai
Dr. Theodore N^ Lewis will speak this, evening on "Modern Palestine" at' the ' 8 o'clock service in Mount Sinaii Temple. .' , This; nobii, the last Sisterhood meeting o | -the. season will take place inj Ithel. anniex. ;6f j iije', Temple. Eleciionl of officers will , be the main event of the business meeting which will follow a 1 o'clock luncheon. Bridge will occupy the afternoon hours. Mrs. S. Schulein is in charge of _the. luncheon.. '_•- ' - Monday afternoon, Dr. Lewis adr dressed.,. the ..local - Rotary Club on "Economic Trends."
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