In the Interests of the Jewish People
Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism
Entered as Second C1&B3 Mall Mi",' l'OBtpffica of Omaha, Nebraska/?**
anuary 21, 1821, at Act of March S, 1879
iii America NEW TERRITORIAL Sales Boom Palestine COLONIZATION PLAN BEING CONSIDERED London, (WNS).—That a new Jewfab territorial movement designed to settle hundreds of thousands of Jews from Eastern and Centdal Europe in an undeveloped area has been quietly at work for • some months is revealed by the Jewish Post of London. According to the Post, a committee of prominent Jews, headed by a man once prominent in Zionist affairs, and a committee of non-Jews enjoying- the co-operation of Lord Kobert Cecil and Sir John Simon, British foreign minister,, have been negotiating with Portugal to settle Jews in Angola, Portugal's African colony. . The Post says that parleys with Portugal have reached the stage where that country is prepared to throw open Angola to Jewish colonization under certain conditions which the committee opposes. - The committee is also said to be considering a territory under the British flag and a third site as yet undisclosed. According to the Post, the committee-hopes to get $10,000,000 to finance its undertaking from the Joint Distribution Committee. The sponsors of this movement claim to have the support of James G. MacDonald, League of Nations Higih Commissioiner for German Refugees, but Mr. MacDonald's secretary denied knowledge of the plan. Those interested in the proposed settlement plan say, the Post asserts that.they have no intention of competing with the colonizing efforts of the Zionist Organization but are interested only in finding a place for those Jews whom Palestine, cannot accommodate. . . 1 . .
Jerusalem, (WNS).—Chiefly because of sale3 in the United States, wine exports from Palestine increased 30 per cent in the last year, it was announced at the annual meeting of the Palestine Wine Growers' Association. Orders for tens of thousands of bottles of Palestine wine have been pouring in from America since the repeal of the 18th Amendment. In order to cope with this steadily growing demand new vineyards are being planted in the Ulishon le Zion district. An improvement in European exports was also' reported.
Asks for Moral and Financial Support for Mizrachi Movement
Jews Welcome to LebaneseRepublic Jerusalem, (JTA).---President T>ebbas of the Lebanese Republic which, as part of Syria is administered under a French" Mandate, last week issued a statement that all Jews legally entering Lebanon are welcome to buy as much land as they want but not'along the Palestine "frontier. The President stated tiiat the French High Commissioner objects only to acquisition of land by Jews when it* is along the border. Latest statistics disclose that 21,730 Jews reside in Syria.
VoLlO—No. 15
'Early Bird* Clean-up Breakfast This Sunday Rising Discontent Forces Nazis to Extend Penalties
Milders To DonateTrophy To OutstandingWorkers; Last Year's Total Surpassed
A plea for the support; of the Mizrachi was made by Rabbi Saul Silber at a mass meeting at the B'nai Israel synagogue Wednesday-evening. Rabbi Silber, who is president of the Berlin, (WNS).—A rising feeling Hebrew Theological college, is viceof -unrest and discontent throughout president of the Mizrachi organization Germany which belies the spectacular of America. and officially-staged demonstrations The Mizrachi seek to rebuild Palof popular support for the Hitler estine into a national Jewish homeregime is held responsible for the land on a religious basis. issuance of a new decree establishPreceding the mass meeting, a baning a special revolutionary court to quet was tendered "for Rabbi Silber. Vienna. <JTA) — The long awaited deal with -high treason and other He spoke briefly following the dinner. "authoritarian" A philanthropicaUy - minded stantial increases, going over the top constitution was activities against the government. Other speakers were Rabbi Uri Miller, adopted by _ the "romp" Parliament. by a wide margin. All leaders, agree Until now, these h^vs been pun- community, thoroughly can- that H. A. Wolf, Harry Silverman, Mrs. Da- The new constitution, which the Jews ished . comparati • _ly lighUy. the results to date have been unFuH.Program in Afternoon and vid Aw Goldstein and E. Weinberg. S. of Austria had awaited in dread lest The decree provides the death vassed by an army of four hun- precedented. Ravitz presided. The Bikur Cholim so- it contain restrictions against the penalty - for political opponents, dred campaigners, is meeting Rabbi Saul Silber of Chicago, presiEvening at Semple ciety-prepared the dinner. Jews," guarantees freedom of con- whica m2ans 'Catholics, Jews rand the spiritual challenge of the dent of the Hebrew Theological SemIsrael Hebrew, the Sabbath and Kashruth, science and religions, tars prejudice Manqsl.3 wh"b continue to resist Hitinary, a beneficiary of the PhilanthroSilber declared, ought to be because of creed, and makes all citi- lerism, aid hard .labs'r for "atrocity hour, as the fifth annual Jewish pies, spoke. A full program was enjoyed by Rabbi in Palestine..He declared also zens .equal before the law. Philanthropies campaign which At the first report luncheon Tuesmongers." the six hundred Jewish youths from stressed that it is necessary to keep the Jewish Article twenty-seven, point one of began Monday swings into its day the total turned in was $15,Omaha and the neighboring vicinity who attended the first annual Youth morale on a high plane. the document, provides. that ."all 736.25. At Wednesday's luncheon the final stages. Conclave, held Sunday afternoon and He urged his listeners to battle with adults, of all religions, inhabitants total had soared to §25,515.43. evening at Temple Israel under the all their resources for the ideals dear of Austria shall enjoy full freedom At the report luncheon ThursOn Tuesday William Milder, coto them. , sponsorship of the College Club. of religious conscience; likewise freechairman of the general solicitations, day noon a total of $30,360.18 in He also outlined in detail what each dom; of religious practice." ' The conclave opened with an unThis was "General SolicitaZionist parties stood for in Pal- . Point two of. the article states that Members of Aleph Zadik. Aleph of pledges had been turned in, ap- presided. usual exhibit of Jewish art and cere- eofs t the tions" day.« me "obligations: as state citizens must the B'nai Brith will honor their proximating the three-quarter monial objects and closed with a l Wednesday's report luncheon was not be prejudiced through religious mothers and fathers this Sunday* mark in the goal for $42,500. dance. known as "Ladies' Day," with Mrs. creeds." " May 13, in commemorating InternaIn the symposium on Jewish youth Max Holzman, chairman of the problems, the following spoke: Leo Other . salient points in the new tional A. Z. A. Parents* Day. This assures the drive of suc- women's division, presiding. Michael Nogg,.on "Jewish Youth in Time of constitution provide:; Several - years ago, the A. Z. A. cess in oversubscribing last Sharlit, director of the Cleveland Crisis;" Louis E. Lipp on "Jewish "Enjoyment by ~JI| citizen of state substituted Parents' Day for the traOrphan Home, a beneficiary of the Youth in the Professions and citizenship rights sbd admission to ditional Mother's Day in - its • desire year's total by a substantial campaign, was the principal speaker. Trades;" Ephriam Marks on "Jewish Mr. A. M. Krupinsky, 68, a resident public posts must not depend on re- to stress the joint and mutual share margin. Last year the total conYouth and Social Justice;" - Adele of Fremont, -Nebraska for more than ligious creeds." In his address Wednesday Sharlit of mother and father alike in hometributed was §29,404.15, which stressed the care given to the orphan Wilinsky on "Jewish Youth and. the 40'years, died at his home there last "Only in school' question? and making and child-rearing. Synagogue," and William', Wolfe on Friday. _Funeral, services were held legislation.. can exceptions be made Locally, the day will be observed has already been surpassed. children in the institution. He traced "Jewish Youth and Communal Re- in "Omaha at the. Jewish Funeral to these principles.*^' the development of the treatment of with a celebration in the afternoon The majors and divisional heads the "orphan," which at first **had sponsibility 1" Donald Brodkey,.presi- Home. .'. ' All Austrian citisfeis are equal be- at the J. C -CL, sponsored by the have been unanimously reporting "a a purely biological definition. Then," dent of the CollegeL Club, gave the He 13•- survived 'by Hjs,wife and fore th ^i h treated t t d members of the A. Z. A. " " ' the llaw. T h yy he spirit of sacrificial sharing'' among was added the sociological implicawelcome. ' . The program, which starts at 2 p. m. eight children. Two of the cAUdren, prospects. Close to one-third of tion. And fiHaily, with the l^ The exhibit of Jewish art and cere- Mrs. M. Greenberg and tAr. E. M. unequally .only insofar ~ as positive Sunday, is open to the public, and all the the pledge cards represent increases, grounds justify, privileges of "birth ment of the mental hygiene monial, objects included etchings and Krupinsky, reside in Omaha. parents are invited. • '. • and a large number of contributions meht, we' are obtaining the psychoand - class are, barred." lithographs by world-famed artists, have been turned in from people who logical implication.'' During the part' rare books and ancient relics from never gave before. decade Omaha children at the orphan all parts of the world. All articles home in Cleveland have cost thre« on display were loaned for the ocA clean-up campaign will be times the amount Omaha has coilcasion by Omahans. - New York (WNS).—Cher 11,000 A special youth religious service held Sunday morning. This tributed. German-Jewish refugees were « - w a g E i V e n in'the afternoon, conductwill be started with an earlyEarly Bird Breakfast. who en- ed by Rabbi David H. Wice. A proin the 38,000 The campaign officially started tered Palestine in 1933, according to gram of Jewish music was presented bird breakfast Sunday mornthe early-bird breakfast Monday figures received here ' by Morris by Esther Leaf, Harry DuBoff, andj ing- at 8 a.m. All workers of with morning. Milton Abrahams, co-chairRothenbergr, president of the Zionist Mrs. Nathan Green. ,.•'. _i:; every division are expected to man of general solicitations, presided. Organization of America, from the Supper was served in the • vestry Henry Monsky, veteran campaigner Central Bureau for the Settlement rooms. This was followed by an; Aube present. By Dr. A. C. Etigelbrecht and F» C, Hanighen of many drives, gave the inspiraof German Jews in Palestine of which thor's reading of the prize Jewish ^ • is of unusual inter- the, majority group. A new and par- Christians caught up in this field, the "Our results thus far have been tional address. Dr. Chaim Weizman is' chairman. . play, "Love Cannot Make, the D<iad The Bureau's report showed that Dance," by Mrs. Philip Romonek. The est at tbi^. tinwv It discusses frank- ticularly vicioas form of anti-Sem- Jews were fofced into finance. When most gratifying," declared Harry Monsky in tis talk stressed the it had spent $330,000 between Oc- dance concluded the day's "program- ly* the! question as; to whether Jew- itism made its appearance, appealing the Christians took over finance, the Silverman, general chairman of the fact that the Jewish Philanthropies; tober 1933 and March 1934 for vari- All proceeds from the conclave * ish-; finantJers\ are participating in to pseudoHseience for its justification. Jews were crowded out of Western campaign. "The workers and the con- is our answer to the challenge of ous activities relating to the settle- were turned over to the Youth's Di- the rvar: industry. Dr. Engelbrecht That curious and 'indefinable term Europe into the undeveloped coun- tributors have evidenced a deep un- Jewry's enemies. He poinied out the ment of German Jews. Of the 38,000 vision of the Philanthropies. All .pres- • is associate':; editor • of the "World race*? became ihe new shibboleth tries of Eastern Europe and into co- derstanding of the vital needs of the wide range covered by the thirty hour, and their response has been beneficiaries of the campaign, and to erect new bar- lonial activities. Jewish immigrants last year, 3,055 ent at the conclave also turned _• in :Tbmqrro>r!' and a former instructor and it was "used ! a high tribute to their Jewish conriers against the emancipated Jews. : iat the University of Chicago. Mr. The picture did not change essencame in under the so-called capitalist their individual pladges to the drive. the necessity for each one. '_ Hanighen; is a frequent contributor Meanwhile all the age-old legends and tially after emancipation. The major- sciousness. category and 3,129 under labor cateHe also instructed the workers on to the New York Times and the slanders against the Jews were re- ty group contested all the leading po- "However, there must be no let-up gory. North American Review. Together vived until thev became a part of the sitions with the Jews so that again until we finish the job we started. their "sales talks," and emphasized The significance of the figure of they are the authors of "Merchants folkways in _most countries, and as a they were forced into the colonial The breakfast Sunday morning is all- the necessity for keeping a strong 11,000 German-Jewish immigrants is morale among the workers. He also of Death" an expose of the un- result the Jews found the new world field and into pioneering industries. important. emphasized by the fact that only urged the workers to attend the repatriotic methods of arms manu- of emancipation in many ways dif- It is rather curious to note that the 1,948 German Jews entered Pales"Innumerable prospects who cannot port luncheons in full force and to ferent ' from the old ~ hideous ghetto facturers.—THE EDITOR. ' outstanding Jews of the last century tine from 1920 to 1932. co-ordinate the various cogs in the The tenth anniversary of the interexistence. are found in industries and trades be seen during the middle of the campaign The Central Bureau announced that national machinery. week may be seen Sunday morning. order of A. Z. A. (Junior which had not yet attracted their This situation was clearly reflected the $330,000 spent was allocated to B'nai Brith) was appropriately cele- As never before the attention of This Sunday morning clean-up will Pre-Campaign Rally. the construction of huts and bar- brated throughout the country on the entire country, perhaps even of in the economic side of Jewish life. non-Jewish competitors. Geographi- net the campaign about S2,000 which the world, is focused on the arma- There had always been some Jews— cally this means that the Jewish in- would otherwise be lost." racks at Haifa and Tel Aviv; ap- Thursday, May 3. A pre-campaign rally for the were prominent in the unpropriation of funds for the place- In Omaha, the B'nai Brith lodge ment industry. Increasingly it is be- from the Dispersion to-the present dustrialists workers of all divisions was held developed countries. In the British ment of German Jewish, scholars; was host to the members of the A- coming clear that the arms makers day—who had taken a leading role in colonies Milder Trophy. Sunday evening, the night before the and dominions, for instance, settlement of individuals and families Z. A. chapters at a banquet, which have a huge financial stake in wars industry; and. finance. The . Radanites it was the Jews who developed the At Wednesday's report luncheon campaign opened. Ben Kazlowsky, and the preparation for ware. The of the early ^Middle Ages were famed In agricultural colonies; settlement was it was announced that William chairman of organizations, gave the followed by an open meeting. wool, hide, and mohair business, who lure of profits has led these indus- internatiohal traders; Aaron of Linof children on girls' farms, agricul"Doc'' Milder and Hymie Milder inspirational address. Harry Silvertook to whaling and fisheries, who Tribute was paid to the growth of' tural training colonies; and settle- the order since it was founded in! trialists into many sinister paths coln, was the greatest "Jewish finan- took over ostrich farming, and who were contributing a beautiful man, general chairman, presided. which have increased their business cier of the twelfth, century; the court ments; establishment of occupational Omaha a decade ago by Sam Beber. A skit on the Philanthropies, feaopened up the field of diamond and trophy to the outstanding "major" training classes and schools; direct It now has over 150 chapters and and at the' same time muddied the Jews of, the 17th and 18th centuries gold mining. tured by "black-outs" was presented. and his workers, in memory of waters of international friendship. —the Oppenheimers and others—were relief work and grants of loans to presents a full program for Jewish The cast included Abner Kaiman, their late father, Jacob Milder. Senator Nye has secured authorisa- important a i d s : to the kings and individuals and companies. But pioneering activity also Sal Michnick, Martha Himmelstein, young men between the ages of. 16 tion of the' U. S. Senate to carry -oh princes of Germany and Austria; and In an accompanying report from . and 21. ~ worked out in another way. The Jews The means of selecting the winner Lazar Kaplan. In the black-outs were • an investigation into the American the Rothschilds, the Sterns, the Speyand the details for its award are Sam Fishman, David Fishman, HasDr. Arthur Hantke, director of the Sam Beber, president of the Su- side of this industry and the entire ers, the Lazards, and others "were out- became aetive in new industries. to be determined by the executive kell Cohen, Dr. J. M. Erman, Leo Keren Hayesod, it is pointed but that preme There were no old and established Council and founder country is awaiting the revelaiions of standing in ihe 19th century. committee of the drive. "there is no unemployment. The call of the Advisory capitalists here whose i n t e r e s t s Bernstein, Irving Sternhill, and Max order, was honored guest. The this senatorial committee.; • for labor is insistent all over the main address But these were exceptions to the might be hurt by new competition Conn. Sam Greenberg was in charge The preliminary work for this camwas given by Rabbi In view of this situation it is rule.'Most of the Jews had to strug- and who would use fair means and paign reached a new height of effi- of the stage, and Helen Merritt country. Moreover, today's industrial David A. Goldstein. The "Sam Berather significant to note that there and fanning output does not fully on hands and knees to crawl out foul to maintain themselves. Conser- ciency, since this is the first Phil- make-up. The skit was directed by class was initiated into the are, with few exceptions, no Jews gle satisfy the local market, which ex- ber" of their ghettoes and when once they vative capital was satisfied to permit anthropies drive where the solicita- Mrs. Joseph Bcmoff, and written by Mother chapter of A. Z. A. pands further with the constant in- Abner Kaiman was toastmaster. among the leading merchants of had gone beyond their prison walls these newcomers to experiment in tion was so far advanced within less Mrs. Bonoff, Mrs, Phineas Wintroub flux of immigrants. A continuation Stanley Levin was chairman. Talks death. they found, a world which savagely j new fields and to incur the hazards than week from the opening of the and Frank Ackerman. of this prosperous state may, there- were given by Leo Abramson, Philip The reason for this must be fairly disputed every advance they made. In which these invariably presented. And campaign. In his address Kazlowsky declared obvious to anyone who is willing to this economic struggle the Jews had fore, be anticipated." Jews took advantage of this opthat idea of "Live and Let Live" Klutznick, Sam Beber, Dr. A. Green- disregard. legend and to face the to face not only, the inevitable cap- the Before the drive is completed, must the In Germany they developed be changed to the ideal of "Live berg, Harry Trustin, and impromptu facts of Jewish history of the last italistic competition of business, but portunity. over five thousand prospects will the manufacture of copper and brass, and Help Live." "Our eleventh comremarks by members of the A. Z. A. century. The Jews are a minority also many a blow below the belt di- they opened up the potash and amber have been seen. mandment should be 'Jewish Philanand B'nai Brith. group in every country in which ihey rected by race prejuice. industries, they became leaders in the thropies Must Not Fail! Jewish PhilReport Luncheon. live. As such they have Deen com- In a situation like This it was inevi- electrical industry. The same phenompelled to accept the frequently hu- table that the Jews should seek out enon may be witnessed in other coun- The report luncheons have been anthropies Dare Not Fail!" Mrs. Rebecca Jonisch, aged 50, New York Cantor at miliating t e r m s of the majority fields in which their chance of suc- tries. the best attended since the Philan- "The campaign has more significpassed away May 3, after a' brief group which permitted fhem to occuthropies campaign began, the audi- ance than the mere dollars and cents B'nai Jacob Synagogue cess was at least even. Under the cirIllness. : ' raised. , . it means the perpetuation py only such positions in the social cumstances this meant that the weal- All of this has its bearings on the torium being filled to capacity. She is survived by her husband; armament industry. Until recently the "Initial Gifts Day" was observed at and the security of future Jewry. If and economic life which the majority thier Jews should try to occupy such Rev. H. Movshovich of New York, three daughters, Lillian and Sylvia armament maker was almost idenwe close the Philanthropies drives, Jonisch and Mrs. Sam Katzman; one well known cantor and lyric tenor, scorned or was unable t» control. For -positions in economic life which the tical with the steel industry. Rifles, Thursday's report luncheon. Morris E. we as Jews are racially bankrupt, centuries the Jews were compelled to Jacobs, chairman of the division, prenon-Jewish competitors found too will conduct services this Sabbath at son, Bernarr; two sisters, Mrs. M. cannons, machine-guns, armor plate sided. live in miserable ghettoes eking out because these institutions are part hazardous or for which they lacked Kaplan and Mrs. B. Chudacoff; three the Congregation B'nai Jacob synaa miserable livelihood by petty trad- the enterprise. It has always been —all of these claimed the attention The report of the Initial Gifts divi- and parcel of our lives." brothers, A. Haykin and J. Haykin, gogue, 24th and Nicholas. - . , . . . . . thus. In the Middle Ages the.Jews of the steel maker. Gunpowder was a sion was the most successful in the Short talks were gi-an by William ill of Omaha, and P. Haykin of Los Services will start at 7 o'clock this ing. specialty which was provided by anWith the end of the eighieenth cenAngeles," Calif. evening and at 9 o'clock Saturday tury came emancipation. But this was were international traders because other branch of industry. Recent de- history o£ local Jewish Philanthropies L. Holzman, Jack W. Marer, Milton the Christians lacked the initiative Using the slogan of "No E. Abrahams, Mrs. Max Holzman, Funeral services - were held at the morning. slow and painful process, accom- and the facilities to carry on com- velopments have added the chemical campaigns. Decreases," the workers of this group William Milder, William Wolfe and Jewish Funeral Home, with burial ,. Cantor Movshovich stopped off in apanied by many set-backs imposed by merce with foreign lands. When the brought in a nigh percentage of sub- Harry A. Wolf. at Golden HilL imaha while passing by to the coast (Continued on Page 7.).
Dr* Chaim Weizmann By LORD MELCHETT ;ctivity continued in a small but in Zuerich at the Congress of 1929. From that time there occurred a •ractical way in the building up of olonies, the development of villages series of set-backs which profoundly and the opening of schools and so affected the career bath of Weizn and probably the utstanding event mann and the Zionist Movement. I do not wish here to enter into vas the -funding of the city" of Tel viv which today contains some the vagaries and difficulties of this time. Suffice it to say that the dif0,000 souls. ficulties of the period enables the Apart from his Zionist activities "Opposition" parties to operate to the Weizmann was engaged in chemical fullest advantage while during it two esearches which placed him among of Weizmann's staunchest supporters, ;he leading scientists of England, so Louis Marshall and my late father hat -when War broke and in 1914 both died, leaving him in apposition was already a great man among of camparative isolation. he research chemists who were alled- upon to assist in necessary de- In the result, everything that went wrong was blamed on to Weizmann un:;Weizman was born in Rus- 'elopments. • siafaftd^thr^ughout- his life has- had In the meantime he had come into who was faced with the hopeless :twno2f!W9anientaL interests,: the first ontact with Arthur James Balfour, task of holding up the Zionist ediy o f his people and the although he had no great success in fice in face of internal dissension as as against the economic bliz^ chetQistry. . onvincing the latter that his en- well zard which swept the world in those husiasm was anything more than a 4 young man he studied cheniisg years. Many a man, experiencing ^ f lflth:in : . i n Germany Germany and and Switzer Switzer- •omantic dream and an interesting what Weizmann experienced then hilosophical speculation. However, : laitd" and • afc>, the: age of twenty-four would have abandoned the Zionist ;m:CFrIeburg in 1898 took a brilliant ;he personal contact then established work but the history of events has degree* 'While at Frieburg he met vas later on to be exceedingly valu- shown that the organization which arid .was drawn into the circle of ible. he was largely responsible for buildIn 1915, "while working1 for the Ad- ing tip has an amazing resilience and HerzJ, himself an enthusiastic Zionist and later at Geneva he met his wife, miralty, Weizmann perfected a most power. By 1932 Palestine had bea practicising doctor who shared his ubtle and complex method of ob- come an isolated and outstanding Zionist enthusiasms and has" herself taining alcohol from wood at a time example of a country prospering in played! a leading part in the Zionist when this was vital for the produc- a world of ruin. movement right up to the' present ion of explosives. Mr. Lloyd George Weizmann still stands out as the as admitted that at a critical stage time.: ';' - : •-••••By 1901 Weizman was already a n the War "we were saved by the greatest leader in Jewry. The inleader: -"within the Zionist' movement riUiant scientific genius of Dr. ternal politics of our Jewish 1situation prevent me from entering into and the. Democratic Zionist Party in iWeizmann. detailed discussion of his position at In consequence not only this counassociation with Martin Buber, Berthold -Feiwel, Leo Mptskiri ; and xy, but all the Allies felt them- the present time but I am convinced others who desired to see their ideal elves under a deep debt of grati- that there is no more noble and immediately and practically expressed tude to him and asked what they statesmanlike figure in the whole of in the fountain of schools, colonies ould do in his honor. His reply was Jewry. and even a University in Palestine All that I care for Is opportunity, to lo something for my people." itself. . ,.,-. Young Circle Weizmann who had always had an Thus, at the critical moment when admiration - for England came to iionism was at its lowest. ebb and The Voltaire Young Circle club is manchester as a lecturer at the Uni- ;he Jewish people were divided across sponsoring a series of five talks by versity in 1903 and has since made ;he face of Europe, the true great- Harry Mendelson. The first address his home in Great Britain^ ess and imagination of Weizmann was given last week on "Primitive 1903 was a very important year s a statesman brought their policy Mentality." The talk this week was for Weizmann. He put forward to within reach of fruition. be "New Morals for a New Age." the Zionist Congress a detailed study The outcome of the British cam- to The series wil! be continued each of the proposal for a Jewish Uni- aign in Palestine, coupled with the Thursday at the J. C. C versity in Palestine and in the same ;eneral desire to ensure the interest Sunday morning the Y.>C. C. held year the British Government, largely f the Jewish people made it posin response to the -eloquence of sible in 1917 as a result of pro- a successful hike, with' ;,Miss Sophie Herzl, suggested the:" taking over of onged delicate and arduous negotia- Halperin in * charge.. Entertainment by Veronica and PatriUganda -as a new centre for the ions for the Balfour Declaration to was: furnished, c i a - E J t t i s > . i ; ' - - - * ' - - . ••."•• .•• : ; ;;: '^ •;"•'• foundation of a home for Israel. e made by the British -Government The latter proposal was not, how- nd accepted by the Allied Nations. ever, in accordance with Weizmann's That declaration made it clear that Re-Im conception of the destiny of. his peo-. he British Government, with the suppie and^he was strengthened in his iort,. of the ' t>ther Governments, At: the last^rpeeting p&JtJie Re-Im, own resolve by the work that was aewedlCwith; favor; the establishment J. Pszanowski Ispoke. At^in^executive being ?done in Palestine by Baron f a national home in Palestine for meeting Monday evenirigy-Iz Soskin Edmond _de Rothschild, and at the ;he Jewish people. was' appointed chairman^ for an af1907 Congress Weizmann's policy led fair" to l)e held soon, at which time a By March 1918 Weizmann was to the opening of a Palestine office mix-master will be given-siway. ecognized throughout the world as 1 in Geneva and the foundation of a Five new members have taken the the leader of the Zionist Movement Palestine Land Development Comoath of friendship; An". Interesting and went to Palestine to act a liaison pany. y'.\' officer between Great Britain and program has been arranged for the From that time until 1914 Zionist Palestine Jewry and on the 21st of next meeting. Refreshments will be July in that year he laid the founda- served. tion stone of the now flourishing Annual Theater Party University of Jerusalem. Mizrachi By Auxiliary of Vaad From that time onwards the life The regularly monthly M'Lave MalMrs. William Milder is chairman of of Weizmann has been the history of the committee in charge of the an- Zionism and Palestinian development. keh which was to have been held nual theater party sponsored by the In 1921 he became President of the Saturday night, has been postponed Ladies' Auxiliary of the Vaad HaThr. Zionist Organization and continued until further announcement. She is being assisted by Mesdames A. in that office until 1929 without Schwaczkin, N. H. Greenberg and L. a break and I am proud to think Mendelson. The affair will be held at that it was during that period that the Circle theater Tuesday evening, my late father became associated May 29. ! with him in the creation of the Jew. In addition to the feature, "Let's ish Agency which finally emerged Fall in Love," starring. Edmund Lowe and'Ann Sothern, athree-ree Jewish singing and talking picture, •with outstanding Jewish stars, wil be shown, as well as-selected JewiBh short subjects including the starring George Givot. There will be two per formances, at 7 and 9, open • to the public. Admission will be 25 cents.
•In, his capacity as chairman of the Central" Bureau for the Settlement of: German Jews in Palestine, Dr. Weizman is now very much in the public eye. A distinguished chemist as well as world Zionist leader, he is said to have had an extraordinary share in the stimulation of interest • in the upbuilding of the Jewish •homeland, where he is now the President of- the Hebrew University. This • sketch is by one who was brought into Palestine activities largely -through the influence. of -Dr. Weizmann...._. THE EDITOR. I f . - • - . —c - . " - - -
FINANCIERS INVESTED LIFE INSURANCE— THIRTY MILLIONS IN PALESTINE IN 1933 WHAT IT IS AND Jerusalem, (JTA).—More than thirty millions of dollars "was the sum invested by Jewish financiers during 1933 in this country, according to a special report made by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency Bureau. To this fact chiefly is due the increasing prosperity of the country. In the previous year the figure was less than half its present size. In addition there was ?2,500,000 invested in education and health which accurred to the benefit of Hebrew University, health branches of American Hadassah and the Technical College at Haifa. Of the $30,000,000 investments, over §7,000,000 was absorbed by new plantations. About $6,000,000 was invested in agricultural undertakings. About $13,000,000 has been placed into this construction of houses and of this sum no less than $8,000,000 has fallen to the building trade in Tel Aviv and the neighboring village of Kamat-Gan. Roughly, $4,000,000 has been invested in industrial enterprises. Besides these productive investments.$50,000,000 had been deposited in the Palestine banks, according to an official communique issued here. This sum, which is double the amount deposited in Palestine banks in 1932, is unable to find is way into constructive channels.
By the Service Life Insurance Company, Omaha WHY WOMEN INSURE
With the entrance of women' into business and professional life, the proportion of policies issued to the /air sex has increased many fold. Today it is estimated that one out of every ten life insurance policies issued is on the life of a woman, and a still higher percentage in the case of life annuities. By nature provident and thpughtly, women have responded quickly to the advantages. of life insurance for both investment and protection. Often the sole support of a mother or an invalid father, a woman in business must if necessity turn to the life insurance company for the protection needed in case her life should be cut short She chooses either a straight life policy which will give her the maximum amount of life insurance for what she is able to set aside for insurance; or she will combine life insurance protection for her dependents with a guaranteed cash or income, provision for herself later on in life. In the case of self-supporting women without dependents the choice is more likely to be some form of life annuity payable at the age of retirement, the income being guaranteed on a monthly basis for her remaining lifetime. She is thus assured MOTHERS of the absolute safety of her InBy Miss Helen Castleman. vestment while laying aside someWhy do Mothers worry so? thing each year from her earnings, Why do their lives contain sorrow and has the happy assurance of a guaranteed life income therefrom for and woe?,;;^ Ask yourself, but you do not know— her old age, free of the worries atBecause that's* why a Mother's a tending so many other forms of investment (Mother. .
Men to Serve Wives at Men's Club Dinner
Fotir: Jews to Austrian Cultural Chamber
; Vienna.—Four Jews have been apWives will be guests of the mem- pointed to the new federal cultural bers of the Men's Club of the "Con- council, one of the five chambers servative Synagogue, Monday night, which govern Fascist Austria. May 14. The dinner will be 65 cents per plate, instead of 75 cents as previously announced. Arthur Cohn is in charge of the dinner and program. The men will do the serving. Mrs. J. Blank and her group are catering the dinner and taking reservations. David Lazarus, baritone, will feature the program. He has just completed a musical course at the Conservatory of Music at Cincinnati and has already received the acclaim of critics. He will be accompanied by Harry Braviroff. . The .dinner is open to members only. Horace Rosenblum is president of the Men's club. All reservations should be made with Mrs. Blank at Harney 7332. An interesting evening is promised by the committee in charge.
Workmen's Circle At a meeting of the Workmen's Circle, Branch 173, at the Labor Lyceum building: a complete report was given by S. Lipp, chairman, on the recent concert by the "New York Trio Artists," Maxym Brodin, Victor Packer, and Zelda Zlatin. The affair was an outstanding social and financial success, the report showed. The committee which was in charge consisted of Sam Lipp, chairman, Max Crounse, Max Selicow, Abe Forman, and Paul Katzman. The branch has expressed its appreciation to all who helped make the affair successful.
David R. Cohen Representing the
PACIFIC MUTUAL LIFE INS. CO. Phone AT. 7168 Home, WA. 1923 Non-Cancellable Health and Accident Life Insurance
Why does she .plan and think for Ellyn Schall Joins -' you?'' '''•..'" .. . ' Why does she have a heart so true? Krasne Beauty Salon And can understand every wrong thing you do— The Krasne, Inc., Beauty Salon, 716 That's why a Mother's a Mother. Brandeis Theatre building, is happy to announce that Miss Ellyn Schall Who else would work for you all has joined their personnel. d a y ? . / ' " • • - • ; .'• Miss Schall is well-known to the And for that work; receive no pay? Omaha public, specializing exclusively But gladly does it anyway? in manicuring1 and blending polish No one but your Mother. that is best suited to your particular coloring. Do you understand that tear in her .
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When you growjip and say goodby— She only smiles, then will softly Isn't that just like a Mother? She won't have you"suffer, she won't ••* have you fret. She always sticks by you and don't forget— There's never Jjeen A more loyal friend yet Than your dear Mother. So l>e kind to,, your Mother for your . own sake, She's yours to love and never for-. ; For someday "God will surely take That angel called your Mother.
An Unusual Program Dedicated to
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six weeks* visit here at the home of Theological doctrines are in the third B'nai Brith Mrs. Blank's father, Mr." Barney Gilcategory. Understanding and goodinsky. will between Jews and Christians be- The next meeting of the B'nai Mr. and Mrs. David Cherniss and long to the second level. The ethic of Brith will be held Monday, May 21. children spent last Sunday in Lincoln, righteousness in human relations ac- An open meeting is being planned Neb., where they visited Mrs. Chercepted by both Jews and Christians, and an unusual program will be preniss' mother, Mrs. H. Aaronson. is involved. No one is asked to give sented. The last meeting was postponed Miss Fannie Katelman entertained up a single item of religious doctrine Readers of this paper are inbecause of the Philanthropies drive. twenty guests at a benefit bridge and or dogma. vited " to send in questions regardBy FRANK SULLIVAN dancing party at her home last Satur- ing the Protestant, Catholic or Jewday night for the Junior Hadassah. ish faiths. These questions may Frank Sullivan, the famous humor- Veiling Hitler for Beginners. Italy Confers High Power wig ^ and Bruno Walter today hut Mr. and Mrs. J. Rodin and son, Mor- touch upon any aspect of these < 1st and wit, has written an unusually Wednesday—Quite an amusing day. sprained my tongue attempting to ris Rodin, returned home Sunday after faiths. Questions will be answered So. Side Auxiliary On Two Jews • funny satire on the more publicized After our usual parade, a bunch of hiss their names. Otto got ninety- spending several days visiting rela- in this column as promptly as pos- The Mother and Daughter social Rome. — The Order of Knight of features of Nazi activities. It is pre- us Nazi fellows were hanging around eight in goosestepping on his report tives in Sioux City, la. While there, sible and should be addressed to given by the - Auxiliary of the Con- Labor> the highest distinction in Fasthey, attended the Alpert-Iipton wed- this paper or to the National Con. seated here .by special arrangement the railroad station -watching the card this month. cist Italy, has been conferred upon gregation of Israel, 26th and J •with the New York American girls unload freight when the after- Wednesday—They say the book ding last Thursday. ference of Jews and Christians, 289 streets, Tuesday evening, was highly two prominent Jews, Ricardo Oftolenghi and Ignatz Weiss. ~ THE EDITOR. noon train came in, and guess what burning situation is serious, there be- Among the students from Abraham Fourth Ave,, New York City. •—there was an American aboard! We ing a grave danger of a shortage of Lincoln High school -who participated successful. • • * - Tuesday—Up early. Did my exer- grabbed him and took turns slapping the Iowa State Music contest at Mrs. Sam Gorelick addressed the burnable books. Even a charred copy in - cises. Touched my knees twenty him. Magnificent sport. Iowa City last week-end were Esther Q. Do Jews control the country mothers and _ daughters. Dr. I. Danof "All Quiet on the Western Front" times without bending the floor. Thursday—Great news over the Jane Hoffman, S h i r l e y economically"? bring a pretty penny today. Our Steinberg, . Hated. Professor Albert Einstein radio. Maltz, Haroia Wolpa and Arnold Hoff- A. Just because there are so many sky gave some Yiddish recitations. Herr Hitler has issued his Chancellor has met the emergency WE REFINISH ANYTHING Bixty-two consecutive times. Find lat- long-awaited in trade and because Christian Several piano and violin numbers MADE OF METAL decree abolishing the with his usual brilliance, by ordering man, who won state honors individ- Jews . ter exercises very beneficial. The month of July on account of the ually and for their school. The Na- relations with Jews are most fre- were also presented. Community rush printing of new editions of 2210 Farnam JA-2566 hissing increases, the lung capacity sinister implication of the first sylltional Music contest will be held at quently trade relations, there seems singing was a feature. The program Zweig, Feuchtwanger, Remarque, to be a generally accepted idea that and the brow beetliing develops the able. Rejoicing everywhere at this was followed by refreshments. Ludwig, Thomas Mann, Einstein and Des Mpines on June 1. dominate the country economicmuscles of the forehead. important step toward the purifica- Freud so that the people may have The Council Bluffs Agndas. Achim Jews ally. In certain industries Jews do .Wednesday—Paraded with the boys tion of our race. All feel June will something to burn during the Win- society will hold a regular meeting apparently control, such as the garmost of the day. Kathy did the plow- be the next to go. next Thursday evening, May 17, at 8 ter. HeU Hitler! ment industry, but in other major ing,_She is a good wife. : o'clock at the Eagles hall. Before You Decide Friday—The papers say there is an Thursday—Papers full of the de- epidemic of sneezing throughout the (This interestiing diary unfortun- Dr. and Mrs. Isaac Stemhill re- branches of the economic life of the What Automobile cree of our beloved Hitler abolishing Reich, obviously inspired by the ately concludes with the above entry, turned home today from Des Moines, country, such as the railroads, utilithe Jews. All the Fatherland ap- secret syndicate of international owing to the fact that on Thursday la., where they attended the Iowa ties, manufacturing of steel and other to Buy things, very few Jews are found. In plauds Herr Hitler for his courage- Jewish bankers that seek to rule the the diarist was detected sneezing in State Medical convention. open violation of the. Chancellor's dethe financial world, so far as ihe ous step toward the purification of world. cree. He was thrown into prison for United States is concerned, the largour race. Paraded in celebration of Saturday—Captain Goering gave treason, accompanied by little Otto, 25-Mile Marathon Let est Jewish banking house, Kuhn, Loeb the decree. his talk at the clubhouse. AH went who had been caught playing a Jewsand Co., cannot be compared with the Swim Meet at J. C. C. financial power of great organiza^ Friday—Little Otto is getting on smoothly until Hans von Breitensplendidly with his hating. Shows vogelgekampft, chief book burner of harp.) real promise; scowls beautifully for our lodge, sneezed. Unfortunately, The first annual J. C. C. twenty- tions like J. P. Morgan and Co., of a child of ten, • and is already the when he said "A-choo!" everybody five mile marathon swim will be held whose partners, of whom there are Tell You About best boy hisser in the choir. at the Center natatorium, starting over 20 at present, no one is, or ever misunderstood him and in a jiffy has been, a Jew. the May 14. Saturday—Hated Heine ninety- every man was on his feet, hating All interested in entering should Q. Is the claim of the Pope to temseven times today, beating my best with all his might and main and sign up with Al Oruch, swimming in- poral power inconsistent with the previous record by ten. Had brisk demanding "Where? Where?" It was BY F. R. K. complete loyalty of Catholics to the structor. rubdown later. a magnificent demonstration of teamSunday—Dull day. Kathy cleaned work an dshowed how effectively a The Council Bluffs Senior Hadassah Rules governing the contest are United States? A. No. The Pope is the temporal the barn. I spent the afternoon play- group of well-trained Nazis can re- will hold i t s . monthly meeting next posted on the main bulletin board of sovereign of only the few hundred the physical department. ing, music by the Jewish Mendelsohn, spond to "an "emergency. ~ ' i Wednesday afternoon. May 1G, at 2:30 people who live in the Vatican State. off key. Monday—Our chancellor has met o'clock at the Hotel Chieftain. The He has no temporal sovereignty over - Monday—Good news. Little Otto the challenge of the secret syndicate annual election of officers will take Habonim Catholics in the United States. And, got first prize in junior book burning of international Jewish bankers that place and all members are urged to from one standpoint, it is better that Tuesday—Heard today that Cap- seeks to rule the world, with his cus- attend. Plans will also be made for the The Habonim held a hike last Sun- the spiritual head of American Cathtain Goering, our beloved -Hitler's tomary vigor. He has Issued a decree Southwestern Regional convention, day between Manden Park and Camp olics should be independent of any nafriend and lieutenant, is coining to forbidding sneezing' throughout the which will be held at Sioux City. l a , Gifford. They were accompanied by tional government, from $5304775 up rather than a subBENNETT L. COHN on May 27 and 28. town Saturday to give us an illus- Reich. - . . . , . Sam Hahn and Dave Himelstein. ject of Italy, or France or any other trated talk on Twenty-seven Ways of Tuesday—Tried iating -Emil Lud- The Council Bluffs Lodge No. 688 of The debate team of the Habonim country. the Independent Order of- the B'nai is meeting the debate club of the Q. Does understanding and goodBrith will hold a regular meeting on Vaad Religious School at the B'nai will between Jews and Christians imnext Monday "evening, May 14, at 8:30 Israel synagogue this evening. ly sacrifice of any religious doco'clock at the Eagles hall. trine? By Mrs. Elsie Eisenberg. Our Mother's prayer at the "candle Mr. ancL Mrs. Samuel H. Katelman Hitlerites Embarrased A. There are three levels of Me, Berlin.—In awarding prizes for the according to the classical teachers: entertained the members of their Sunlight •: ' ',' " Ken. 7000 2301 Ames Ave. . • Three more . well-played contests Hushes in the quiet Sabbath -night. day night bridge club at their home best literary and artistic work in the the sub-human level; the distinctly are expected in the J. C. C. softball A "blessing, a' prayer and a~ tear—". Sunday night.. first year of Nazi rule, Propaganda human level, and the divine level. league this coming Sunday. A message' for tie"" angels far "and Mrs. Jack Steinberg left last Friday Minister Goebbels deliberately failed - near.' v ; - . -.1 .' : - -. '. . for- Kansas City, - Mo., for a ten-day tojnention the star of the prize-win- ' This Sunday's schedule, all games , to start at 11 a.m.: Psi Mu vs. Sam The lighted candles shine like stars visit with relatives^ She is expected ning picture because he is married to home next .Monday. •. a Jewess. • above" •.' •••"'•• ' : . pies, ! West- Elmwood; -A. Z. A. vs. Wardrobe!.33rd and Cass. Peerless And fill 'our" hearts "with-peace :and . Mrs. Leo Blank and .son, Lane Bur- The winning picture was "Fugiton, of Minneapolis, Minn., returned tives" in' which.the star was Hans love. vs. Seiners, 33rd and Dewey. to their home Wednesday, following a Albers, a popular movie idoL In the opening games last Sunday Through the stillness '. we hear a prayer, " ' • THEY ENJOY THESE the Seiners won over last year's champions, the Psi Mu, 8 to 4. In a And the chanting of the Kiddish fills the air. IMPORTANT _ ten-inning thriller the Peerless nose out the Wardrobes, 9 to 8, while in The candles speak as they grow small, W ES T I K6 H 0 0 S E • third melee the Sample team had little difficulty in taming the A. Z. A. Sabbath greetings to you alL aggregation, 13 to 0. William HolzV t K T H E S, man," Jack" Maref, Harry Trustin, FUR STORAGE Irvin Levin, Abner Kaiman, and Lee SO C/Ji YOU! SAFE—as a Bank's Vault Grossman took part in the official COLD—as an Eskimo's Igloo! opening ceremonies. Sparkling Beauty BEST I S OMAHA An . important meeting of the -loo] Polished Chromium Fitting* 2. _ was held Monday at the J. C. C. to Kish Royal Furs further discuss rules and regulations 3. Handy-Latch Door Opener 2411 Farnam AT. 6543 • pertaining to the league. "Ab Kaiman, 4. Convenient Buffet Top president, presided. Graceful Broom-High Legs
A Nazi
Questions and Answers
Eastern Mating Co., Inc.
Council Bluffs News
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THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY ~^f" Subscription Price, one year - - - - » - - - • Advertising rates furnished on application
Editorial Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building. Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center ^: DAVID BLACKER - - • • • • - • Business and Managing Editor PRANK R. ACKERMAN - - - - - - - - - - - - Editor FANNTE KATELMAN - >» •» Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent ANN PILL • - - - - - » • Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent Print Shop Address: 1307 Howard Street '
with the greatest consideration and charity; it means that under given circumstances we will agree to disagree in the matter of religious beliefs, but that we are resolved not to make life miserble for one another, we are resolved not to put up barriers between us, we are not going to deprive one another of civic or social rights or privileges, just because we happen to entertain different ideas in regard to the supreme maker of us all. Tolerance means more than all that; it means that we are going to have a high regard for one another's intentions, that we will not question one another's sincerity of purpose, that we will respect one another for being true to our convictions, that we will be anxious to cooperate with one another in all efforts that will make for civic, economic or social betterment.
Mr. Bernard G. Richards does not like the Blue Shirts, the newly formed organization of fighting Jewish young men. I am very fond of them. Except for that fact I wear white shirts, I would unquestionably have joined them. And I am very glad to note that in Chicago an organization is being formed of Blue Shirts similar to the New York group. Czechoslovakia is one of the most successful democracies MUSCULAR JUDAISM
'zechoslovkian Liberty
The Week in Review Mother'sDay
created since the conclusion of the World War. Under the leadership of such humanitarian and inspiring statesmen as President Masaryk and Minister of Foreign Affairs Benes, their country has become recognized for its ideals of liberty and Justice. Accordingly, it is not surprising that the Czechoslovakia Ministry of the Interior has prohibited the importation and distribution of "The Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion" and "The ews," by Gottfried Feeler, a member of the Hitler regime. The Czechoslovakian government realized that such malicious and false propaganda is the opening wedge for the inculcation of ideas which would poison the democratic institutions of the country. In their minds, as in the minds of all honest, sane individuals, these books are the deliberate fabrications of Jew-baiters intent only on discrediting the Jews and justifying inhuman persecutions. The circulation of such spurious frauds is a sad commentary on the general "progress" of civilization, a challenge to the liberal, thinking elements of the world.
Max Nordau once spoke in favor of a muscular Judaism, as he called itThere is no question that there is something of this note being introduced in Jewish life. In Poland, the Brith Chavil of the Revisionists—a group which goes in for military practice, numbers, I am told, some forty thousand. And the Polish government looks very favorably at them, doubtless thinking, of course, to make some use of them in case of a little war of its own. In Palestine, thereis a formidable self-defense organization among the Jews, and if the British government did not interfere, it would doubtless be a much stronger organization.
fore was there so much wanton destruction by Rome in any of its conquered provinces. Why did it do this ? Was it not that it felt that it would get revenge and make a lesson of the province which had so long and defiantly challenged Roman power?
PEACE AND SOCRATES I am for fighting—not that I like it, but principally, I should say—I esteem it on occasion as a matter of great educational utility. like Socrates, for instance.- You remember, how one of the youths that followed Socrates—I can't recall his name now —followed him, mocking at him. Well, one day, Socrates instead of delivering a philosophical discourse with his mouth, took the young gent by his hands, and made succotash out of him. The youth lived to be grateful for that lesson. He learned to be appreciative not only of the hands of Socrates, but through the hands, of the mind. And he became one of the
chief lieutenants of the Greek philosopher.
IN TIME THEY WILL Much as I like to see German Jews settling in Palestine, I should be greatly disappointed, if the entire Jewish population left Germany and took up residence in Palestine. They must fight their way out of this Hitlerisrn—in Germany. And I believe that in time they will. To say these things that I have said is not, in my opinion, to be an advocate of militancy. It is merely not to make a fetich of the idea of peace.
THEATRICAL JABOTINSKY There is much that may be said against Mr. Jabotinsky, the Revisionist leader. He is all too theatrical, it will be said. They will point to the fact that two years ago he got up at the Zionist Congress and tore up his Zionist credentials. At the Congress, this last summer, he was equally theatrical. He arose and threw a bunch of pennies at the Labor group, saying: "Here, all you want is money. The things of the spirit do not interest /on."
Our community, in conjunction with the other communities GEMS of theBIBLE of the country, will observe Mother's Day next Sunday. and TALMUD The self-sacrificial spirit of the Jewish mother has been sung By O. O. DASHER A MAXIMUM PROGRAM in the literature of all tongues and all ages. Her preservation of There can be valid objection also •the inmost living germ of morality and family life has been called to the Labor policy of the Revisiona "song of songs" among the psalms of Jewish survivorship. She For the poor shall sever cease out ists. I, for one, think that the Histaof the land. Therefore I command druth, the Jewish Federation of Lahas given her children vision, tenderness, inspiration. Indeed, it thee, saying: "Thou shalt surely bor in Palestine, has done some reis interesting that so many of the great Jews or "non-Aryans of open thy hand unto thy poor and markably effective work, and I object Jewish blood" in literature, painting, science, art, etc., point to needy brother in thy land." to Revisionism on the score of its their Jewish mothers as the dominating influence in the formaJustice shalt thou pursue, that thou seeming lack of an economic proIN PALESTINE tive years of their genius. Heinrich Heine, Marcel Proust, Albert In Palestine, as a whole, the Jew- mayest live and inherit the land gram. But I must admit that I like the isr youth seems to be a rather mus- which the Lord giveth thee. Einstein and Jacob Wasserman, to mention a few, all insisted cular, fighting type. Indeed, the Ju- Thou shalt not remove thy neigh- 100 per cent spirit with which it that it was their respective mothers who fought with their husdische Rundschau of Berlin in the bor's landmark which they of old fights for Zionist aims. And I think bands for their sons' artistic freedom. Many a Jewish son is current issue is a little apprehensive times have set in thine inheritance it is this—its attitude with respect to on this score in so far as it relates which thou shalt inherit in the land. a maximum Zionist program—rather thankful to his Jewish mother for the opportunity of doing con- 'A Cry for Brotherhood" The voice of Edwin Markham, America's uncrowned poet to the reaction of the German Jewish That which is gone out of thy lips than its reactionary labor attitude structive good in his Me. children to these native born Pales- thou shalt observe and do. that is responsible for its great But on the occasion of Mother's Day, it would perhaps not laureate, has been, raised against the Nazi terrorism inflicted tinians. The German Jewish children growth. TALMUD be amiss for Jewish mothers to give deep thought to a very im- upon the Jews of Germany. The 82-year-old author of "The Manseem to be somewhat afraid of the T h e Jewish nation is recognized th the Hoe" and "Lincoln, the Man of the People" has in his native Jewish children. The latter are by three characteristic features. They portant problem . . . t h e answer to which would give Jewish more hardy, and the Judische Rundmotherhood even greater significance and make the Jewish moth- composition, "A Cry for Brotherhood," describes the racial heri- schau admits, not only more healthy are merciful, chaste, and charitable. Austin Bevans possesses these characterer of today more truly a golden connecting link between the Jew- tage of the Jews, recounts their cultural tradition, and in a thun- but more wholesome in the sense that Whoever istic features it is befitting to asand best be described by the use of a ish past and the Jewish future. This refers to Jewish education. dering peroration demands a vigorous protest from all civilized can somewhat offensive phrase — "he- sociate with, but whoever possesses not these characteristic features, it His Orchestra The mother is the artist supreme. In moulding character, there is )eople against Hitlerite injustice to the Jews. men." is not appropriate to associate with. "A-Cry for Brotherhood," by Edwin Markham, follows: no finer sculptor. It is undeniable that the impressions of childJEWS AS FIGHTERS Rabbi Ishmael in the name of his They came from old night with Asia in their blood, I believe that it is an entirely er- father hood are the strongest and most enduring, and for this reason "He who prays should roneous idea that the Jews are not fix his said: Out of the mystery before the Flood. eyes downward and his heart the mother's influence cannot be overemphasized. fighters. I believe that they are very at They saw old Egypt join the ruined lands, Thus, to educate children we must first educate their mothers. good fighters, if given anything of upwards." The sculptured scarlet East turn to gray sands, half an equal chance. I do not believe Meantime, Robbi entered the colIf the mother is well-versed in Jewish history, Jewish traditions, that we could have produced so many lege. Those who "were slight of staThe star of Greece arise and fade to dream, Jewish folk-lore, Jewish ceremonials, then she will be able to ture went quickly and occupied their prize-fighters, if we were not. Rome's wolf draw suck beside the yellow stream, inculcate in her children the proper Jewish morale, with the propThe trouble has bean largely that seats. Rabbi Ishmael, however, beThen roar on the world with jaws that did not spare, Jews have been so numerically un- ing stout, kept on walking. Whereer Jewish atmosphere. If she is unable to answer her children's equal to their opponents that—they upon Abden, a disciple of Robbi, reThen darkly die upon his ancient lair. ~ queries regarding Judaism and the Jewish people, she cannot im1105 So. 24th have never had half a chance. I do marked: "Who is he that forces his part to her children the stirring epic of Jewish history, she cannot doubt that if the occasion should way over the heads of the holy peoFloor Show — Dancing Thru all those years this people carried chains; arise in Palestine in the future, they ple?" "This is I, Ishmael, the son not inspire them with the beauty of their heritage and the lofty of R. Jossi who came to study the wfll take good care of themselves. I Had dark Assyrias and darker Spains. idealism of their people. On the other hand, Jewish mothers know I will be told to remember the Torah from Robbi" was the reply. They "were the tribes of sorrow who were fed eager to know of things Jewish can properly direct the thoughts Arab riots. Well, if I recollect right- Rabbi Josi says: "Whoever says From wells of hate and exile's bitter bread. ly, quite as many Arabs -were hurt as that he cares for nothing else exand energies of their children so that they may appreciate their Jews, even though the Jewish popu- cept to study the Torah will not be % They Jjuiltihe tombs of Pharaohs hrtiid* years,Jewishness. .. lation was then much smaller than it rewarded even for the studying of Mixing the bricks with tears. „••><£' The destiny of the Jewish people rests with the Jewish mothis today—and even now there are the Torah." Because the passage They built but had no houses of their own; Paxton Mitchell Co. four Arabs to every Jew. And then says (Deut. 5.1): "That ye may learn ers. On Mother's day we pay homage to our mothers, knowing too, the Arabs only went to those them, ana that ye may observe them, Tyre heard their dirge and Babylon their moan. Grey Iron, Aluminum and that they will fulfill their responsibilities towards Israel's future. places where there were few Jews. whoever observes to do them will be Bronze Castings FIGHTING ROME rewarded for studying, but whoever Wood and Metal Patterns And now in Germany we see again . 2614 Martha St. HA. 6523 If you do not believe that the Jews does not observe to practice them The New Austrian Constitution The old hard hand laid on these women and men; are good fighters, I ask you.to ac- will not be rewarded even for studyThe long-awaited constitution of the Austrian government count how the Jews held out as they ing." And yet this wondrous race has given birth did against Rome before the destruc- A beautiful wife is her husband's has finally been promulgated. Its terms are over-ripe in diploTo genius and a glory on the earth. tion of Jerusalem. Rome then was the delight and prolongs his days to twomacy, with the obvious tendency to "blow hot and cold" at one Out of this people came greatest power in the world. Every- fold. Turn away thy eyes from a NATIONAL and the same time. where the Roman legions went, they coquette, lest thou be caught in her The Book of books and many a glorious name— ACCESSORIES, Inc. quickly subdued the population. But net, and abstain thyself from drinkA perusal of some of its sections reveals its camaflouging Moses who stood once in the holy place. it took four years for mighty popu- ing wine or beer even with Eer husEVERYTHING nature. For example, Section Two, Article XVI, reads in part: And gazed upon Jehovah, face to face;; lous Rome to subdue tiny Judea. band, because through the handsome For the Anto "All citizens are equal before the law. They can be treated in And when it finally conquered Ju- appearance of a beautiful woman Then standing on the cliffs of Sinai, 2051 Farnam AT. 5524 law as not equal only when practical considerations justify i t . . . dea, it wrought the most wholesale many were destroyed, and numerous He heard the wisdom of the upper sky< were thus killed through her. destruction of everything. Never beAll patriotic citizens who conform with the necessary conditions And handed down the Decalogue to be are equally eligible for public employment . . . " A law for men on every land and sea. Or, Article XXVI reads: " 1 . Every citizen has a right to exIt was a wisdom-word press his opinion by word of mouth, writing, picture or any other That centuries and continents have heard; manner within the limits fixed by law. 2. Laws may decree a And never a man of earth has added to it— preliminary censorship of the press, theater, radio, cinema and This wonder-wisdom from the infinite. similar representation" . . . Again, Article XXVH says: " 1 . All inhabitants of Austria And Judah and other sons—Isaiah, he who have attained the age for deciding their religion (the age is Whose voice was like the thunder of the sea— 16) will enjoy full freedom of religious and conscience in so far as Had David, too, whose heaven-enkindled psalm this does not conflict with government order or morality. 2. ReHas breathed on earth a high unworldly calm^ligious belief must not interfere with the citizens' duty. Public Had also great Maimonides, ) employment is independent of religious belief. For employment Who touched supernal keys, is independent of religious belief. For employment in educational Who saw the world, God's sweet caress, institutions the law will establish exceptions to this . . . " Was made for man, and man for happiness. In such an evasive document the Jewry of Austria can find Then her Spinoza lifted a lighted hand; little solace. From the tendencies evidenced by the Dollfus reWhich still is flashing light from land 1to land. gime to date, it seems that their policy will be to slowly but Behold, the wisdom of her poet sages . . inexorably oust the Jewish citizens from Austrian life while at She left eternal glory on the ages. the same time attempting to allay foreign opinion through such documents as their constitution. Yes, from the trembling lips of many & j The whole wide world has heard, and still :can hear Tolerance Code The Psalms, the Torah, and the Talmud speak Protection for the plundered and the weak. From Louisville, Ky., comes the "Tolerance Code" composed Shall not this race whose gifts have been so great by R.. Callahan, national Catholic leader and prominent Louisville Have some protection from the teeth of hate? civic leader. The code-reads: They have not yet their safe place in the sun, The Tolerance Code They who know Egypt, who know Babylon. Tolerance does not mean that I believe that your religion is —Buckskins in gun, grey and soBd as good as mine, that it does not matter what a person believes white. Protect this cruel wrong tolerance does not mean that I or you must surrender a single See Our Special 15th -—Two-tone in brown and white, Mack In thunders of the sermon and the song. tenet what we hold as true, that we must whittle down our respecStreet Display Window and white and two-tone tan. Let cries go forth in shrill tempestuous note! tive belief s and convictions, reduce them to a common denominaof Bostonian Sport —Solid tans in smartly perforated new As if they rose from Tempest's roaring throat.. tor,* make them a colorless, tasteless, unacceptable general con Shoes! patterns. Let there be thunders in the world; let be coction. —Kool weaves in natural linen, brown A protest that will shake the ruler's knee. Tolerance means, in the first place, that I go on the assumpThe Nebraska's Shoes—Main Floor Let there be protest till the happy hour calf or genuine pig trim. tion that you are sincere in your belief that your religion is the When Justice shall unclothe her arm of power. right one; it means that we will accord to each other the right to believe whatever we wish so long as our beliefs will not interefein Let there be thunders in the world—yes, more: with the commonly recognized decencies and generally accepted Let there be Brotherhood in every shore. proprieties; it means that we, who are of different faiths, are Let all men rise into the higher place more'anxious'.to' understand one another, than to refute one anCORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN Where they can see God's face in every face. other; we are more desirous of appreciating one another's views . Let there be Brotherhood; let this long cry and difficulties than we are of criticising or condemning one anBe heard on earth and under every s k y ! other; it means that when we judge one another we shall judge
America's "Famous Firsts" From Head to Foot Await You Herel
Sport Shoes
3, FRIDAY, MAY 11, 1934
Mother, Daughter Omaha Women to SisterhooH Mother, Attend Conclave Affair on Sunday Daughter Luncheon
Bikur Cholim
WANTED A regular meeting of the Bikur Jewish Housekeeper to keep Cholim Society will be held Monday Kosher Home afternoon at 2:30 p.m. at the J. C. C. A large delegation of Omaha woThe community-wide Mother and men are planning to attend the ninth The annual Mother and Daughter The Mizrachi question will be disHARNEY 4129 Daughter banquet, sponsored annual- annual convention of the Southwest luncheon of the Temple Israel Sister- cussed, so all members are requested ly by the Jewish Women's Welfare region of Hadassah, which takes hood will be given this Saturday, to be present. Organization, will be held at the Jew- place May 27 and 28 at the Warrior May 12, at the Temple, at 1 o'clock. ish Community Center, Sunday, May Hotel, Sioux City, la. Mrs. A. Greenberg is in charge, and 13, at 6 p. m. Besides Mrs. Joseph Rosenberg and reservations may be made with her Mrs. Herman Jahr will represent Mrs. M. F. Levenson, who are offi- at Glendale 1215. the mothers, and Miss Rosalie Al- cers of the region, Omaha will be Mrs. Jeanette Arnstein wfll speak berts -will respond for the daughters. represented by the following sixteen for the mothers and Miss Jane Goetz On the program will be a comedy, delegates and alternates: for the daughters. Milton A. Rieck "Mrs. Cook-Tours," presented by Mil- Mesdames Julius Abrahamson, Isa- will present the "Jack and Jill PlaySILVER WEDDING ton A. Eieck's "Jack and Jill" play- dore Dansky, Max Fromkin, J. J. ers" in a comedy, "The Hole i n the ANNIVERSARY ers. Miss Ivy Siegel will sing, ac- Friedman, David Goldstein, J. H. Ku- WalL" Miss Peaches Gilinsky will Mr. and Mrs. Nathan S. Yaffe companied by Mrs. Jay Malashock. lakofsky, A. L Kulakofsky, A. Zatz, give two piano selections, and Miss were honored at a surprise supper Try a Bag Today Miss Ruth Malashock will present a Irvin Levin, J. Lintzman, Sol Novit- Rina Snyder will lead the community and party by fifty members of their dance solo. sky, A. Romm, B. A. Simon, Julius singing. immediate family on Sunday, May 6, on the occasion of their twenty- A buffet dinner and card party on The invocation will be given by Stein, Dave Sherman and T. A. Tally. May 15 will be a pre-season event Mrs. M. Horn. Community singing fifth wedding anniversary. A feature -was the reading of the of the Highland Country club. The will be led by Mrs. Sam Beber. Mrs. man in the fraternity had been avertelegrams received by Mr. and Mrs.club's official season does not open I t Neveleff is chairman, assisted.by aged together to form the house Mrs. B. A. Simon, co-chairman. . Yaffe when they were married until May 26. average. twenty-five years ago. They were Mrs. Mollie Cohen, who is chairThe new officers of the fraternity: The ladder handball tournament on presented with a number of lovely man of the women's house commit- Z. B. T. DUTSER-DAJTCE Edwin Speier, Sioux Falls, South tee, i s . i n charge of the affair. The The annual "Founders' Day" dinner- Dakota, president; Melvin Berkowitz, the J. C C courts got under way gifts. Among those present were Mr. and general public is invited to attend, dance given by the Omaha alumni of Omaha, vice-president; Bernard Ga- Monday and will continue for thirty Mrs. Max Mozer, Mr. and Mrs. and about three hundred are ex- Zeta Beta Tau fraternity will be given litski, Topeka, Kansas, treasurer; days. Maurice Giller, and Mr. and Mrs.pected. Reservations should be made tomorrow, May 12, at the Paxton ho- Uoyd Friedman, Omaha, secretary; Thirty-three entrants are vieingfor with Mrs. Cohen not later than Sun- tel. Richard Hiller, president of the Albert Stein, Omaha, historian. honors in this challenge tourney. Max Platt, all of Lincoln. day. local alumni, is in charge. After the buffet supper, cards and The affair is held in conjunction IN DEBATE TOURNEY keno will be played. Those attending with the national Zeta Beta Tau pre- Fannie Witkikn and Louis Hartz, ANNOUNCE BIRTHS l Your Satisfaction Is OMIT Success* Dr. and Mrs. Edwin Katskee of may either arrange for their own sentation of the Gottneil medal, given winners of the Nebraska high school Lincoln announce the lrirth of a tables, or the committee in charge annually to the individual who did the debate championship, represented will place them. daughter May 5. most for American Jewry the previous Technical High school at the national year. high school debate tournament this week. Central High school was repreCOOPER-GREENBERG JO RECTIVE NEW INITIATES sented by Ernest Wintroub and ENGAGEMENT Mrs. Abe Somberg and Mrs. Sam Mr. and Mrs. Morris Greenberg, New initiates of the Theta chapter Robert Stiefler. Berkowitz will receive jointly at the of 608 So. 32d Ave., announce the of Sigma Delta Tau sorority at the OMAHA'S STYLE CENTER { • IftTH AND HARNEV Somberg home on May 20 in honor engagement of their daughter, Lil- University of Nebraska, Lincoln, are AT IOWA STATE of the confirmation of their daugh- lian Greenberg, formerly of Omaha Frances Kalin of Sioux City, l a . ; Mr. Charles Guss of Omaha was ters, Ruth Somberg and Mildred and now of Los Angeles, Calif., to Hermine Kleeman, of Austin, Tex.; elected president of the Alpha Club, Berkowitz. Jewish fraternity at the Iowa State Mr. Harry Cooper of Los Angeles. and Bernice Tousem, Omaha. College, at Ames, la. BUI Frieden New officers are: Gwendolyn No date has been set for the wedMeyerson, president; Florence Smee- of Omaha was named treasurer. ding. rin, vice-president; Betty Segal, The Alpha club plans a picnic at secretary; Rosella Perlis, historian; North Woods this Sunday, and a LEAVE FOR LOS ANGELES Oniah='s Oal? Mrs. Morris Greenberg and son, Rose Steinberg, treasurer; Frances stag and smoker in the near future. Eclriserated Theatres! Now in Operation Marko, are leaving Sunday for Los Kalin, social chairman. A Mother's Day tea will be held WINS APPOINTMENT Angeles, Calif. at the chapter house May 13. Ina Jacobsen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jacobsen of Omaha, has LINEN SHOWER AND BRIDGE been, appointed to the U. S. DepartA linen shower and bridge party WRITER HERE ment of Justice, Washington, D . C Mr. and Mrs. J. L~ Eahisbiner of was given at the home of Mrs. New York City have been spending Hymie Stein last week in honor of Miss Ethel Bloom, whose marriage the past week in Omaha. Mr. Zalushiner is a gifted Yiddish Now is the time to protect yourself j to Mr. Max Stein will take place May One-piece and jacket models in :"& fully by getting auto insurance 27. Thirty-five guests were present. poet, and was herein the interests styles for street, sport and eveof his latest book, entitled "SonPrizes were won by Mrs. Paul Screca nings under a summer moon. end Katzman, Mrs. Leonard Pinkowitz, nets." He has received commendation Ka-Jio! Smart, new creations you'll love from Bialik, Prof. A. A. Roback, and and Mrs. Nathan Simon. (Formerly In the employ at I* Harris) many others. He has written for the to wear. Iitarisher Blatter and the WochnFOR VISIT Others $10:95 to $29.75 Dr. Rose Miielberg- and daughter, sirift, both of Poland, outstanding Inquiry Regarding Any Irsnrance literary papers. Elinor, of Philadelphia, who arrived Lines Is Invited From here the Kalushiners are goApril 25 for a visit at the home of KEAX. ESTATE — RENTALS PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Dr. Mikelberg's parents, Mr. and i n g to Denver. WITH Mrs. Morris Minlrin, and family, are HIGH IN SCHOLARSHIP JA. 7311 315 SO. 15 at present spending the week at According to a report received here the home of Dr. Mikelberg's brother- from the University of Nebraska, the Swagger and dress models in white in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. SamZeta Beta Tau.fraternity...at Lincoln woolens-rough weave cottons and "Weinberg, Fremont. Dr.Milkelberg led all the social fraternities in cool linens and piques. You'll need and daughter plan to leave for Phil- scholarship for the first semester of Fireproof — Burglar Proof adelphia May 13. one for your vacation wardrobe. the current school year. The ratings were compiled after the grades of each Others $535 to $18 VISITS IN OMAHA A Elcrry Mr. Sam Winkelman of Wausau, Wis., stopped over in Omaha for a A Wonderful Vault on Our , •nu.1 day last week to visit the Simon Premises By Pizers. Mr. Winkelman, who is an |l 5 4nlabangh Careful Supervision Mrs. David M. Newman uncle to Mr. Pizer, was returning BiB Standard Storage Rates home from a trip which included a , f ^ e ! That Maa is Swagger models in white linen, piWest Indies cruise and the boat trip Spanish Omelet. Our Insured Truck Will Call que and smart light weight woolSizes through the Panama to California. One tomato, 1 green pepper, % ens. The season's climax in chic He spent several weeks in California. onion, 1 tablespoon parsley, % cup 12 to 20, and comfort. celery, 3 tablespoons chopped olives, 36 to 44 Vi cup mushrooms, salt and pepper, STOPPING OVER Others $5.95 to $15 6 eggs. Miss Estelle Glicken of Chicago is Second Floor Stew ingredients l o r 3 minutes stopping over in Omaha en route JubUu* after chopping very fine, beat eggs home from <3alifornia. She is staying ftMEShere at the home of Mr. andMrs. separately, heat pan with butter, pour f'Unf^halMT/ in eggs. When browned add % of the H. Glickeni stewed mixture, flip over, serve at once. Recipe serves 2. ON VISIT Miss Dora Bilton of Chicago, TJL, is visiting here with Miss Ros3 Dubsoff. Miss Dubnoff, who has been reInsurance of Every Description... Including Life siding In Chicago the past few years, Mark Leon will write your insurance ONLY with strong', is now making her home in. Omaha. reliable companies—and will protect your interests when the VISITING HERE claim comes. > Main Floor Main How Main Floor Mr. Jacob Sherman, formerly^ Omaha and now of Tusla, is visiting in Omaha with his brother and sisier-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sherman. and other relatives.
Highland Buffet Dinner, Card Party May 15
of Nebraska Women
mar -~- wonder
Handball Ladder Tourney at Center
12 Years Experience
Cold Storage for Furs
JA. 2316 1814 Farnam St.
CITY FINANCE & INSURANCE CO. MarkLeou,Mgr. £ L £ T ™ £ 1409Farnam
IN MUSIC CIRCLES ." ' Myron Cohen, violinist, son of Mr. and Mrs. Goodman Cohen, was a member of the Central string quartet which was rated "superior" in the district and second in the state in the Nebraska High School Association Music contest.
12c •J K A Called For «ad Delivered g Ji when ind. In Family BundH
GotYbu* Cuts and CflGRrWinG CO.
VICTOR SOVf toon fester aod
Qi.4626 <
dti&web m&iz tfian
HOWARD «* 16th.
"PEP" FOR THE HUMAN ENGINE ©An automobile will sputter and smutter if not "hitting on all four." 0 T h e human engine cannot produce 100% unless it is fed right . . . w i t h quality food. 0 "Tune up" yourself... add zest to your work . . . pep to your undertakings . . . enjoy the delicious menus of the Jack & J i l l . . . morning, noon or night, or after the show.
B« Individual-choo*« th« ONE Gift •very mother needs and wants—lovely
WOLEPROOF HOSIERY 3 Pairs in a Beautiful Mother's Day Box for
2 pain in special gift packing 1 pair packed for Mother's Day Others $1.25 to $1.65
Better Fobria Tnflaf twrmm
New gift buying chart guides anyone to {ust the style and color she'll prefer
A Suggestion for Any Night
Jack & Jill Sizzling Steak Served vbOt bO to the pneest
Id*bo Mfce
If you know what colors Mother wears, we'll guarantee to give you hosiery that will harmonize. Ask to see color suide b r easy buying A hosiery counter.
Motto's D«r
GREETINGS TO PRANCE—The Seventh regiment, New York national guard, adds the touch of military color to this picturesque photo during the ceremony in connection with the Lafayette centenary exhibition in New York City.
HESCUE 104 FROM ICE FLOES—This photo shows the rude camp of shacks constructed on an ice floe in the Arctic ocean by the party I - _o£ 104* Bussians who took refuge on the ice when the steamer Cheliuskin sank while on its return trip from a scientific expedition to; Wrangel island. The party was rescued by Soviet aviators who removed the castaways to safety on land by airplanes. 1
BEAUTY ENJOYS TOUR—Enjoying the Florida tour awarded her as the prize for winning a radio beauty contest, Miss Christine Fryland, 19-year-old Latonia. Ky., girl, is pictured at Silver Springs, Fla.. being taken for a ride on a glass bottom boat.
QUEEN OF ROSES—Rivaling her floral subjects in beauty, Loraine Cleaveland reigns as queen at the annual "Rose Carnival of the Redwood Empire" held at Santa Rosa, CaL More than 30,000 persons attended the four-day fete which was climaxed-by a spectacular floral parade.
FREAK OF-TORNADO—Although three persons were killed arid ^jany others were, injured when a tornado swept the vicinity of _______«_«_____-___^^TBlsa, Okla.,the 21 cows in the dairy of^O.H. VhJte andI***™?* OBSERVATORY FOR PUBLIC—Unique in that it wfflbe — Talsa. were not even scratched, despite the fact that the twutex' wre v scientific research this observatory has Been ^^.-.^ -. aiM% - - roof, a portion of the walls a?d even.nppej up^boarts tt^tn *£*£?* ^ A Ug R i a k n O w n a s t £ GriffiA Observatory and Aang^rs. This photo shows the cows placidly chewing wood. ovenooKing s u ^ m e n t ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ w o r i4. B finest^ their cuds a short time after the tornado passed..
MOVIE COMEDIAN WEDS—Chester Conklin, movie comedian, and. his bride, the former Margherita Rouse, are pictured in EMU?™" with Bishop Irving S. Cooper following their marriage. The bride, r f for the past 23 years, was taken to the church in a wheel chair.
NEW BRIDGE PLAN—Here is ah architect's drawing of the upper deck of the new San Francisco-Oakland bridge, now under construction. The gigantic proportions of the structural steel tower basing and the sweep of cables down to the anchor tunnels berwath tht on Yerba Buena island can be noted in the sketch.
on Jewish Mother-Daughter JEWS ARE NOT AMONG ForumLiterature May; 28 Banquet on Tuesday Religious Sen/ices 'DEATH MERCHANTS'
Daughters of Zion
Miller will feature the program. Mrs. Louis Epstein and her comA meeting of t h e Daughters of mittee wiH serve tea. Zion will be held a t the J . C. C. An open forum on Jewish literaThe Mother and Daughter banquet, Wednesday afternoon, May 16. ture will be sponsored a t the J . C. C. sponsored by t h e Ladies' Auxiliary Very important matters will be disFOR RENT (Continued from Page 1.) by the two local A. Z. A. chapters of the Vaad Ha'Ihr will be held a t The same holds true of the electrical cussed, so all members should be Four rooms, all modern. on May 28, a t 8 p . m . the B'nai Israel synagogue Tuesday industry. The significance of all this] industry and the airplane makers t o present. Flowers, shade trees and Among those t o take part will be evening, May 15, a t 6:30 p . m . lawn. Double garage. t h e list of t h e arms producers, but is t h a t the Jews may be found large-' Rabbi U r i Miller, who will speak on The Daughters of Zion met SaturThe program: The regular Friday evening servt h a t i s a new situation •which, origin- ly in t h e newer industries, while the ] "The Torah and the Bible"; Rabbi 2106 Miami Street WE-5256 Invocation, Mrs. N . Levinson; com- ices a t t h e B'nai Israel synagogue day at the home of Mrs. E . Weinold-established steel and powder inated in t h e "World War. berg. Rabbi U r i Miller gave an inFrederick Cohn, on "Jewish Fiction munity singing, led by Mrs. J. Wolfdustries, -still the backbone of war, Both the steel industry and the and Dreams"; and Rabbi David A. son; song number, Mrs. J . Wolf son, this evening a r e in charge of t h e teresting talk. An open discussion Young Men's Vaad. David Slobodinmanufacture of gunpowder a r e old have never admitted the Jews. accompanied by .Mrs. Frank Nelson; sky will serve a s cantor, and James followed. Another significant phase of the loldstein, on "Jewish Poetry." and established businesses. Both of Plans are progressing for the anThe forum is open t o the general reading, Mrs. I. Elewitz; violin solo, them were centuries old when the subject may be iouched on briefly. ublic a n d ' t h e Jewish youth are-par-" Miss Shirley Fiedler, accompanied by Lemson a s rabbi. Addresses will be nual bazaar, t o be held in Jane. A Mr. L, R. Beatty Says: delivered by Max Weinstein and Has-twenty-six piece set of silverware Jews were emancipated at the end of The armament industry is thorough- ticnlarly invited. . ' Miss Miriam Fiedler; address on be- kell Cohen. ly international. I t sells t o all who •file, eighteenth century. Neither of will be given away. All proceeds from "For Health and Economy The committee in charge includes half" of the mothers, Mrs. Sol LagFollowing t h e services, a debate the affair will go t o aid the rehabthem were open t o t h e Jews. The can pay; it exchanges patents; it es- Meyer Levy, M a s s i e v B a u m , Ben man; address on behalf of the daugh. . . Eat the Cafeteria War" will ~be featured between t h e H a b Krupps in Germany got their start as tablishes branch factories wherever "Ihrier and Nathan Crounse. ters, Miss Esther Silverman; address, onim and the debate team of the ilitation of Palestine as a Jewish business warrants; i t works through homeland, so all members of the Iron workers in the early nineteenth Rabbi Uri Miller. Yaad Religious School. The subject community are requested by t h e orteniury; t h e Schneiders in Prance go international cartels and international Reservations a r e being limited to is -"Resolved, that Jewish Parochial ganization to aid t h e committees back to the 18th century; Vickers in bankers; it i s controlled by interna150 because of t h e lack of space. tional directorates. : Great Britain is a product of the Mothers of t h e members of t h e Therefore, all "wishing t o make res- Schools Be Established in America." -working on the bazaar. That is another reason why the The Habonim representatives will "be early 19th century; Du Pont was unior Society of the 'Conservative founded in 1802 and Bethlehem Steel Jews are generally not found in this Synagogue, are to" be honored a t v a ervations, a t 50 cents per plate, are Charles Stein, Carl Fredericks ana goes back to the middle of the last industry. I n spite of widespread opin- Mother and Daughter T e a on Sunday, asked to do s o . immediately by call- Morris Kirshenbamn. The debating Atlantic club will be represented by Elinor A Tegular -meeting of t i e Daughcentury. In Europe there was no ion to the contrary, i t is undeniable May 13, a t 3 p . in. a t l i e home of ing Mrs. A. Schwaczkin, r 5534. " .."-. that the role of the Jews in internaCohen, Anne Pollay. and Jake Teplitters . of Israel - Aid Society will be place for Jews in t h e iron.and steel Miss Ruth Pollack, 4201 Dodge street. sky. The services are open t o the held Tuesday afternoon May 15, a t industry and in the United States tional finance has been steadily de- Mrs. Charles Levinson will talk in We Hare a Large Assortment public 2 p . m . a t the Old Peoples Home, Jewish immigration did not reach sig- clining since 1848 and that the Jews behalf of the mothers, and Miss Pol-r of Fresh and Cooked Tegehave never assumed the leadership in £ ^ ^ .§*• ^ ambers are Next week the graduation exercises nificant proportions until the steel taWes. lack will speak for the daughters. of the Vaad Junior department and powder makers were well estab- international industry. There are no Mrs. David A . Goldstein will also Eai Plenty of Fruits and take place after an abbreviated serlished. Thus there is no Jew in these Jewish bankers to compare wiih Mor- address t h e group. Arrangements for gan, National City, or Chase National' The confirmation a t Temple Israel vice. armament companies. Tegetables and Tour Weight the .afternoon are in charge of Miss Wffl Be Just Right. The same holds true for the other and there are few Jewish industrial- Bert Wbitebook, who is being assist- will take place during Shabuoth, on great arms manufacturers: Stumm, ists who can be mentioned in t h e ed by Miss Esther Morgan and Miss May 20. The confirmants: The next regular meeting of the Zell Abranamsen, 2521 N. 53. Thyssen, and the Loewe Company in same breath with Ford, Krupp, Vick-' Marian Frieden. Vaad Auxiliary will be held Tuesday Our Food Is Prepared Mildred Berkowitz, 130 N . 34. Germany; Armstrong, C a m m e l l , ers-Armstrong, and Mellon. In 1914 Then annual P i Tau P i Mothers afternoon, May 22, a t 2 p.m., instead in Germany there were more than a Joyce Ferer, 5420 Leavenw'orth. by Women Cooks Laird, and John Brown Company in Day service will be held at Temple of on Monday, May 21, because of Leonard G. FinkeL 2424 Ida. Great Britain; Carnegie, Midvale, hundred international cartels and in Israel this evening. Two members j Shabuoth. Stuart H. Gara, 2960 Harris. of the organization will give adRemington Arms, Winchester, and the entire group there were very few A Shabuoth play presented by the Sarah Gilinsky, €04 S. 37. dresses. Rabbi David H. Wiee will children of the Religious School and Colt in the United States; Hotchkiss Jews. The outstanding exception "was The Junior Vaad Mother and Albert Ballin who was urged by the Richard M. Gordon, 101 S. 51st deliver a sermon on "Mother." and t h e Comite des Forges in France; a talk on "Sbabuoth" b y Rabbi U r i Daughter t e a held Sunday, May 6, Saturday morning Tegular services Skoda in Czechoslovakia; Bofors in German government to participate in at t h e B'nai Israel Synagogue was the international arrangements' then Sara Mae Graetz, .2561 Jones. will be held a t 10:30 a. m. Sweden; Mitsui in Japan. In none of well attended. An interesting pr The College Club will meet at Temthese companies is there a Jew in a being made, which were of such great gram dedicated to Mothers was p r e - Ira" J . Jackson,- 714 N . 48. importance t o the German shipping Richard I. Josephson, Hill Hotel. ple Israel Sunday. controlling or primary position. OLDEST FORlA OF industry. The story of Jewish leaders sented. Isobel Katleinan,333 S. ^ The picture is a bit different in ship in international industry and fi-> Mrs. L. Neveleff, sponsor of ihe tS THE CHEST. IT WAS USEP TO Lawrence Klein, $106 Dodge. the chemical industry, "which today nance is partly a hangover ;fram the organization, spoke in behalf. of -the SIT O N , U E ON AND u)ORK O N David E . Kraus, T5S71 Farnam. h a s become one of the mainstays of Middle Ages, partly the invention of mothers, while Dora Freshman, presiAND H£Ut> ALL THE TREASURE^ Mildred Laytin, 3101 Lincoln Blvd. OF THE FAKVlUy Mars. Modern chemistry h a s revolu- jealous competitors. dent, represented the daughters. Miss Theodore Mayer, 1714 Sahler. tionised industry and there are many At services tonight Rabbi David A. Ivy Siegel, accompanied by Margaret Carolyn R. Merritt, 519 S. 28. Hence there i s another reason why Hurwitz, sang several Jewish numoutstanding Jewish names in the anGoldstein will speak on "The SituaJoseph Leland Meyer, 124 N . 38. tion of the Jews in Germany 150 the Jews are to be found in such nals of this development. Hundreds bers. Readings and recitations "were Florence: Meyerson, 122 S..-A St., Years Ago." He will base his sermon of ordinarily useful chemicals may small numbers in t h e armament in- Tendered b y • Sara Beber and Reya also be used a s poison rases in mod- dustry. The arms rnakers constitute Gorelick.. Lillian 'Epstein," accom- Council Bluffs. 6B the novel, 'Tower,** by l i o n Ralph "Rabenstein, 5636 Emile. ern warfare and willy-nilly the chem- one of the most powerful branches panied by h e r sister, Edith, and RosaFeuchtwanger. Buster Slosburg, 5362 Davenport. ical industry is today part of the of modern industry. As good- Ger- line Rosen, • accompanied by h e r sisNext week Rabbi Goldstein will Ruth. Somberg, 5514 Nichoals. armament industry. I t is one of those mans, French, British, Americans, and ter, Betty, offered violin selections. SKAHS FURNJTU speak on " I s T h e r e a Superior Arlene Solomon, 4823 CapitoL complex situations which is so char- Japanese they have exploited t h e n a - Elinor "Cohen played several piano Race?" Melvin Tannenbaum, 617 S. 31st tive field to the full and have then selections. Miss Sara Fishman was acteristic of modern life. The last late Friday evening service NOTED FOR THEIR The chemical industry was one of stretched o u t for foreign business. chairman in charge of arrangements. Ave. of this season win take place June 1. FINE FURNITURE O P Betty Lou Tarnoff, 1114 S. 28 St. those fields not yet pre-empted by And in their great international c At that time the pre-confirmation DESIGN 5 E . Joy Yousem, 4724 Davenport. modern industrialists when the Jews bines there was hardly any place for class will t>e presented in a special bis bed after weeks of illness due t o '" • •were emancipated. I t was a pioneer- Jews. program marking their graduation a last minute appendicitis operation ing undertaking and the Jews found from the Conservative synagogue Sun. In case the Revisionist trio \TllliS CH1PP6NPAUE not too many obstructions in working A dessert luncheon will close the day school. charged with the murder of Arlosor<HKST ORATe here. Thus it happens that Lord Meloff should b e found guiliy, Vladimir year for the Conservative Synagogue WITH CHINESE F R E T chett, a Jew, is head of the great Jabotinsky will come to the United Auxiliary on Wednesday, May 16, at WORK ANC? U N E D British chemical trust, the Imperial E from = States t o inaugurate a campaign of 1:30 p-m. at the J. C C ; WITH C E D A R A N P Chemical Industries (I.C.I.). Another, p r o t e s t . . . Bernard Postal, the man- The annual reports and election CAWPHOU WOOD TOR The Junior Congregation will meet outstanding Jew in this field was aging editor of the Seven Arts, is will take place. A board meeting will Saturday morning a t 9:15 a. m. and ONUY * 5 9 . O O A T Fritz Haber who died recently in busy collecting a tome of Einsteiniana be held, starting promptly at 1 pray with the adalt congregation. ReGermany. This eminent chemist is which will contain all the bon mots o'clock. freshments will be served. By PHEfEAS J . BIROS credited with the valuable discovery ever uttered b y t h e scientist; Louis FAMOUS f=OR FINE Mrs. Phineas Wintroub is coaching FURNITURE of tiie formula of the first poison gas |=:uilIIlllUIIIItlIIllIIII|llllllIllllllllllllllli5; Popkin, the publicity.[dynamo, is col- a humorous skit by Mrs." Isiused by the-Germans in the WorloL: |*iabpra*tngi*r'f K One auf Ute-Vrnflre^sBe- dor- Ziegler Ci t "War. Haber regretted his service td cessful Anglo-Jewish^ publishers of ows Before.' There' is something to the rumor the Middle West i s preparing t o in- Events Cast Saar. — Hundreds of Jews in i n e Mars very much and devoted much of Those taking part icliide the Mes-Saar ,hat Henry Morgenthau, Jr., SecreBasin are becoming French eifihis post-war life to the peace movevade one of the big Jewish communihis p o s t w a r e p l resign i and d ties in the East; this is BO idle r u - dames Nathan Horwich, Meyer Stern . zens a s a means of obtaining protecary of the Treasury, will William Alberts, I. Dansky, Sam ment. The Jews have also performed eplace Jessie Isidor (Macy) Straus " • ' • ' " "•- Green, Irvin Levin, Phineas Wint- jtion for themselves and their propvaluable services in the development as Ambassador to France • . . Straus mor. erty against Nazi attacks. roub, and Ben Shapiro. of the airplane and it is certainly not is not a great booster of t h e POT-POURRI A short musical•program will be their fault t h a t this highly useful . . No, there is nothing to the talk The 16-year-old Jacob Landau, w h o presented by Thelma Gaspar, violinist, means of transportation is such an about Bernard Baruch becoming a Important and deadly weapon in war. member of t h e official Roosevelt fam- won the lion's share of prizes in t h e who is Tech High concert master. She annual competition for high school ily, notwithstanding his frequent vis- boys in. Philadelphia is not-the pub- will be accompanied "by Evelyn Smith. Reservations should be made with And lisher of the Jewish Daily Bulletin; ts to the White House Mrs. Hareld Farber. "Walnut 4675. A while we talk politics, let u s mention Jacob Landau the publisher i s now that there is a strong possibility of in South Africa on a campaign for charge of 20 cents is being made. Thirty-eight women represented the Herbert H. Lehmann running against The final number on the series of Robert J. Moses in the next New funds . . . The next Zionist conven- Omasa Auxiliary at the .tri-city meettion at Atlantic City will be anything ing a t Lincoln, Tuesday. There were five lectures on the Jewish Forum York gubernatorial campaign . . program, sponsored by the Junior Roosevelt will lose many New York but boring, we predict, although there [also representatives ^from Sioux City. An invitation was: extended by t h e Vaad groups, h a s been postponed and votes at the next election because of will be no contest for t h e presidency •will b e presented a s t h e opening the shabby treatment handed to Ber- . . . James Waterman Wise is col- Sioux City delegation to hold next lecting answers by prominent Zionnumber on next fall's series. nard G. Richards, a tower of strength ists t o William Zukermari*s article in year's .conference, there, Dr. Moses Jung of the University in his foreign element campaign . . Opinion, "Beyond Zionism" . . . .Mrs. D. A. Goldstein was the prinof Iowa, t h e scheduled lecturer, was Richards should have been, placed on Louis I. Newman, who charges this cipal speaker at the conclave. Others •unable t o leave his university duties, the; government payroll long ago . . same William Zukerman with being from Omaha made short talks. and suggested the'change- Therefore, Ludwig Lewisohri, back from "his Eu a Communist, will b e surprised to all holders "of tickets are requested ropean exile, landed' in Montreal and know that Mr. Zukerman is persona to retain the tickets, as they will be is going t o establish his permanen non grata in Soviet circles. honored when Professor Jung speaks residence a t Burlington, Vermont . . "Pbotofftaphs That Satisfy" In Palestine circulation of the Another addition to the Lewisohn here in the fall. Wedding Photographs 20% Disc The series included the following family i s expected in the not too dis "Brown Book of the Hitler Terror" is Quality Photograph. Reasonable prices prohibited while "Mein Kampf" by lectures: Dr. Jacob Singer of the tant future . . . Jacob Wassermanh 2404 Farnam St. AT. 4079 Northwestern Hillel Foundation, on died a poor man, owing money to Adolf Hitler is prominently displayed in the book stores . . . Our advance "Jewish W i t and Humor"; Dr. Leo several American publishers for books P. Honor of the College of Jewish he was to deliver within the next f™ news that Weizmann would not come here, official reports notwithstanding, Studies in Chicago, on "The Meaning years. . . '" is now fully vindicated. Weizmann is RAILROAD SALVAGE of Jewish History"; Dr. Julius Siegel not coming—so in the future if you Best quick drying spar Tarnish, of the University of Chicago, on "The CURTAIN CALLS want any dates with European cele$L50 g a l ; paint, §1^5 gal.; DeTwo Bibles" and a symposium on David Warfield has been finall; brities find out from Biron whether Toe enamels all colors $2.00 gal.; Reform, Conservative and Orthodox persuaded to sign on the dotted lin there will be any . . . Ludwig Lewlacquers, 50c qt. Brushes ^ price Judaism. , ; of a motion picture contract . . isohn in his first public speech on this OMAHA JOBBING George Arliss will never return t< continent after his return (in Mon317 No. 15th the United States . . . Winchell tell; treal the same day he landed) had us that there is a Leibowitz Street the following to say about his little Moscow, in honor of the Scottsbor< son: "My son is only seven months case: attorney . . . Isaac Van Grove old, but I shall not make him into production director of the "Romano a little intellectual writer" . . . LudO After the Theatre Much interest is being shown in of a People" collapsed on the eve o wig, sons have a habit not to be Treat the Crowd at the tennis club which is being form- the Detroit presentation and neve made into anything by their fathers, THE ed by the physical education depart- saw the show The Detroit pro they simply decide and tell.us afterment a t t h e J . C. C. ':":/"'•• duction was acclaimed the best eve: wards . . . Who is this brilliant poet, The following racquet-wielders have done since the Romance opened i age 37, author of 30 published books •.. TheY Are the Finest Cottons Model already signed u p : Nate Cutler, Mar- Chicago . . . Why the judges for i b who is advertising for any kind of They will enjoy the new decoraion Greenberger, Esther Siegel, Eve- Gottheil medal preferred the Good- job in the classified section of the tions and the delicious food. , . . They Are Famous for Perfect Fiti lyn Zweiback, Vesta Scott, H y Gfller, will trio to Samuel Untermyer will Everything, cooked in butter and Wei! try to Evelyn Blumenthal, Herman Blumen- always be a mystery to us . . . Rex New York Times? pure olive oiL We never use lard. • . . Their Mcrterials Are All Exdusivel thal, Mike Levey, David Richards Weber, the fellow who made such a <& F«r t i e Ladiest A Sam Kohn, Herb Marks, Louis Bik hit in New York singing "Brother, • -- ' • Wonderfnl Afternoon. Jt m They Launder More Beautifully! lin, Art Werner, Sam Riklin, Harold Can You Spare a Dime," is lookin C a r d ! P * T i y Room! Cooperman, Ray Schapiro, Sol Dor- for; a job in Hollywood . . * "The They Are Styled for Every Occasion! Corner a4th;«»4 Harney Streets inson, Sam Epstein, Jake Adler, Irv House of Rothschild" is such a big ing Greene, Bertha Guss and Irvin box office hit that it has started a Yaffe. -. : , ' Jewish cycle in Hollywood . . . Two of the major companies are competing for the screen rights of the "Romance of a People," considered the And They Are Sold Only at best b e t in the amusement world toMECHANICAt WORK Herzbergs in Omaha! day. BODY.FENDEIV Mark Leon/ who for: twenty-rtwo ; Reuben Brainin, now in his sevenRADIATOR REPAIRS SEES 12 TO 44 years operated the Leon's Men's Hats ty-third year, will undertake the chief "Mttntmble and Furnishing Goods stores, has be- editorship of that Hebrew monthly to come manager of the City Finance and be sponsored by a group headed by Insurance Company, with offices a' Israel Matz . . . "Murder in Tel I !<JO6 CUMtNQ ST. Aviv" is ihe title of a book to be 1409 Farnam street. JTUlb AT-4556 m The company offers the public in- published in this country; it will deal General Agent FREE ESTIMATES surance of every description, includ- with the Arlosoroff murder, mystery 838-340 Electrie BWg. JA. 7320 ing life insurance. The phone num- . . w Ezra Shapiro, Cleveland's Jew-TERMSish acting mayor, is still confined to ber is Atlantic 7667. -
Junior Sdciety Tea
Daughters ofIsrael Aid j
Announce Temple -~ Israel Confirmarits
Vaad Auxiliary
Junior Vaad Mother and Daughter Tea
1513 Farnam
• • " • • • . . "
: % • : •
Conservative Auxiliary
• • • .
• • • • ! .
Junior Congregation
Have You
Cotton Frocks?
Forming Tennis Club at Community Center
Do You Know that -
Mark Leon Is Offering Varied Insurance Line
Joseph J* Pink
H.98 to $7.98
? . ><•,
Oneg Skabbos -
JACK \V.. flAUKI*. Attorney. tive of racial origin. Court House It explains that this step was necessary because the Nazi "Aryan" NOTICE FOB DISSOLUTION OF rAKTXKKSHir legislation had affected Swiss citi- Notice is herelty Riven rlmt Mary Green have set" Mondays-May J4, for the zens of Jewish origin. ami Jennie- Belgrade, copartners d»i»K business under 1 he nnrnt of the Community Hadassah pay. On-thfe evening of the Geneva, (JTA). — Intervention by Kosher Meat Mnrker. HS1O North- 24tk 14th each rhember will 'enleriain at the Swiss. Embassy in Berlin in beStreet, Onintm, Nebrnskn, hnve dlssolred J. 3. FBrEDMAX, Attorney. least four guests in her home at anhalf of Swiss Jews living in the said copartnership, nrtlclos of tlissolntl»n First Nstlvnnl IJsnk Bidshnvlnpr- l«wi filed with the County Cleric Reich was revealed last week in the evening of bridge, the proceeds to be of Doiiglus County, Keliraska, on April g n l PUBLICATION ON PETI- 13. turned over to the Give or Get Quota. report of the Swiss Foreign Office NOTICE 1034. TION FOR SETTLEMENT OF FINAL MART GHEKN, for 1933. The last day for members to turn, ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT. JENNIE UEIAJRADH. in their Give "or Get quota haa been The report disclosed" that the em- In the County Court of Douglas County, 4-20-S4-4t. set for May 20. Those who have con- bassy notified the German govern- Nebraska. In the Matter of the Estate of Osenr II. tributed their quota to this fund will ment that arrangements existing be- Peterson, Deceased. SHOTWF.LJ,, MOXSKY, <. KODIN8KT * AH. persons interested in said matter nro VANCE and IIAKKY B. COHKN, be entitled to attend the Hadassah tween the two countries must be ap-hereby notified that on the 10th day of Attorneys. plied to all Swiss citizens irrespec- April, 1034, Henrietta Peterson filed » live or Get party. 737 Omaha Nntlomil Itank
Junior Hadassah Day Intervention My Swiss Officials Is Revealed . Members -of tlie- -Junior Hadassah
Mrs. JoeFriedman" will be hostess to the- Ladies' Auxiliary of Shaare Zionat their Oneg Shabbos meeting on Saturday, May 19. The meeting will be held "in her'home at 3227 Miss ANNA PILL, Correspondent Douglas street. Participating in the program will be Mrs. J. Sawislak, who will review ^'Yehudi," a recent book portraying life in Palestine. Mrs. A. H. Baron, a dramatic reading "Ruth"; Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz, "The Significance of petition in said County Court, praying Mrs. William "Lazere, 2616 Jackson the Holidays," and Mrs. M. Slotsky, that her final administration account filed Eeports of the various committees streat, was elected president of theJewish Current Events. all men tiv tlieRo presents: That be settled nnd allowed, nnd that a at Know u duly constituted meeting of the stockTBADENBCRG, STALHASTEB, HE BEIV herein Junior Poale Zion {wording on the Allied. Campaign, Sisterhood at Mount Sinai Temple, at hearing will be had on Raid petition lieholders of ISELL CIGAK STOltE, INC.. & KLTJTZNICK. Attorneys. fore said Court on the l«th day of May.all of the stockholders were heard at the meeting of the ex-their last meeting of the season held A. Z. A. Parents'Day being present, held 650 Omaha National Bank Bide. 1OH, nnd that if you fail to appear before on the ^tlth day <f April. 1()34, It was onecutive board of the drive held "Wed- last Friday afternoon. Mrs. Lazere Members of the Junior Poale Zion said Court on the said 19th day of May.niiiniously agreed that the cororatlon be 1934, at !> o'clock A. M., and contest snul dissolved. nesday noon. More than three-fourths has been active in Jewish communal To Be Held Sunday group celebrated Lag B'Oemer Sun- NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF petition, the Court may grant the prayer "BARISH MOTORS. INC." Dttted at Omaha, Nebraska, this 20th day of the cards have been turned in andwork for a number of years. She has day afternoon with an outing at of said petition, enter a decree of heirship. Notice is hereby given that we. the un- and make suoh other and further orders, of Appril, 1034. the captains of the teams were urged served as president of the local Sen- Members of the local A.Z.A. chap- Stone Park, where their business dersigned, LINCOLN SMITH, President. have associated onrselves tonnd decrees, ns to this Court DAN McDEUMOTT, Secretary. to round up the remainder the early ior Hadassah chapter, and has been ter will honor their parents at a spe- meeting and program was held. Sul- gether for the purpose of forming a cor- allowances may teem proper, to the end that all matto be known as "Barish Motors, to said estate may be final- 5-4-S4-4t. part of this month. Those who have active in -the -work of the Federation cial open meeting next Sunday after- amith Dorenson was chairman of the poration Inc." It shall commence business at the ters pertaining determined. not yet subscribed are urged to do soof "Jewish Social Service and the Jew- noon, May 13, in the Jewish Com- program and spoke on the history time of the tlliug of the Articles of In-ly settled and . BRTCE cnAWFOUD. corporntion with the County Clerk of wwhert approached by workers of theish Community Center. She succeeds munity Center. The general public is and significance of Lag B'Oemer. Douglas Patronize Jewish Press advertisers. County Judge. County, Nebraska, and continue 4-27-34-3t. drive. . a period of fifty years. The principal invited to attend as well as the par-Eudice Stillman spoke oh the l*fe of for Mrs. Louis Agranoff. place of doing business shall be In Omaha, The campaign serves a threefold Mrs. A. M. Davis was elected vice- ents of members of the chapter. Rabbis Akiva and Bar Cochba. Rosa- Nebraska. The general nature of the business shall be to buy. own and sell autopurpose. Proceeds are to be divided president of the Sisterhood; Mrs. Representatives will speak on be-belle Wigodsky reviewed the life of mobiles, trucks, trailers and other seltz between a group of American schools^ William Galinsky, secretary and Mrs. half of the sons, mothers and fa-Simeon Ben Yachai and Rudy Shind- propelled vehicles, parts, snpplies and nccessories, and to engage in the general hospitals and orphanages; the Ort, Sam Cohen, treasurer. The board of thers. Flowers will be presented to ler spoke on "Lag B'Oemer in Pal-automobile, truck nnd trailer repair and and Palestine. garage business, nnd, to do all things the mothers who attend and refreshestine." directors will be elected when the •which may be necessary and/or proper to " Mr. A. M. Davis is chairman of Sisterhood resumes its meetings next ments will be served. A ^weiner roast concluded the after- carry out tiie objects and purposes hereinabove set forth. The capital stock shall the. local campaign. Similar cam- fall. Stanley Herzoff and Ernest Epstein noon's program. be *5.(XXt.0O divided into fifty shares of paigns are being held at this time in Reports of the year's activities are being assisted by other members the par value of $100.00 each. The affairs of the company shall be managed by a every city with a.Jewish population were made by the" various committee of the chapter in making the arBoard of 1'irectors of not less than two in the United States. Local, headquar- chairmen at the meeting Friday. Fif- rangements. members who shall elect from their number a President, Viee-Presldent, ^>ec^etnry ters for the drive are at the Jewish ty dollars was donated to the Temple Treasurer. The annual meeting of thi The last B'nai Brith meeting of the and Community Center. corporation shall be held ou the first Mon treasury and $75 to the Religious Shaare Zion season will be held in the Jewish tiny in January of each year. Articles of School tuition fund. may l>e mnended upon the Community Center next Tuesday eve- Incorporation' affirmative rote of two-thirds vote, of the The ninth annual Mother's Day ning, May 15. Mr. Milton Bolstein outstanding stork. Art Exhibits to Sioux Cityans Win service will; be held at Shaare Zion will preside. The program will be an- IN WITNESS WHEUEOF, the parties Be Featured by synagogue this evening at 8 o'clock nounced by card to the members this hereunto hnve set their hands on this 13th High Ratings in day of April. 1934. • " . and will be conducted entirely by week. Senior Hadassah MAX M. BAKISH. I'HIIJI' M. KIAJTZNICK, Music Contest members of the Junior Congregation. EDWAUD D. BKODKEY. Charles Shindler will act as cantor. In the presence of: An exhibit of paintings by a: local Polish Jewish Athletes Cecil Pill will offer the Kaddlsn. SoIt. J. Uoldsberg. - 4-20-34-4t. Miss Labbie Olensky, daughter of artist, Morris Gordon, will be spon- Mr. and Mrs. J. Olensky, was award- loists will be Ida Shindler and EsWin From Germans sored by the Junior Hadassah chap- ed superior rating in the state mu- ther Weiner. David Olensky will, be FRADKNBFRG. STAUIASTKR, BEBER ter of Sioux City during the days of1 sic acontest the master of ceremonies. Morris A KLCTZMCK, Attorneys. held in Iowa City last Warsaw, ( W N S ) . — C o m p e t i n g 65« Omaha National Bank Bids. the Senior Hadassah Southwest Re week, in the piano division. She rep- Aizenberg will give the president's Omaha, Nebraska against the wishes of the Jewish gional convention here the last week message. Morris Ginsberg will speak of May. The exhibit will be held in resented Central High School and on "Sons," and Helen Guttleman will athletic clubs, Jewish, athletes, wear- NOTICE OF AMENDMENT TO ARTICLKS OF INCORPORATION OS* the art department of Davidson this district. on "Daughters." Thelma Shind- ing Poland's colors, carried off the •\M«X1>ER Oil. COMVANT" Ruben Halpern, vras awarded an speak honors in series of international Brothers Company and can be seen Notice is hereby given that on the 17th: ler will offer a prayer and Annaexcellent rating in the violin divisioni matches here with German athletes. day of April. 1WM, at 2 o'clock P. M- at there on May 26r 28 and 29. belle Satin and Anne Kanofsky will the offices of the Company, Omaha. N ^ He is also a student at Central The Polish Athletic Union's warngive recitations. Sylene Skalovsky brnska, at a special meeting of the stockMr.' Gordon is a graduate- of the School and the son of Mr. and will ing that Jewish athletes who fail to holders. Article IV of the Articles of Ingive a tribute to mothers. University of Nebraska,..received his High corporation of "Milder Oil Company" was participate would, be • " suspended Bachelor of Fine Arts.. degree there, Mrs. J. Halpern. as follows: . . The children who will participate prompted the Jewish athletes to goamended "AKTICIiK IV. The total authorized and is'now assistant instructor in the in the chanting of the ritual have capital stock of the corporation is architectural department at the uni- Among the members of the Cen-been trained by Cantor A. Pliskin, counter to their own wishes and those ?lt>0,000.00 to be divided iuto one tral High school choirwhich won a of the Jewish, clubs, M. Rotholz, a thousand shares of the par value of versity in Lincoln. He studied with cantor of the synagogue. The entire each, all of which stock shall Ambrose E. Webster at Province- superior rating are included Dorothy membership of the Junior congrega- Jewish boxer, defeated Sponnangle, $100.00 be common stock and when issued London, Sarah Sadoff, Eva Dvorkin, the German champion. Weitman, a fully paid and non-assessable.** town, Mass., and has had his painttion will join in the singing of theJewish. tennis player, and Stern, a Bhall beHTMIE MILDER. President. , ingsexhibitedat Provincetown, Mass., Sophie Slutsky, PearL Olensky, Na- abbath hymns. ELLA V. MILDER. Secretary. han Dvorkin, Joe Janowitz, Melvin soccer player," also starred. "427344t ; at the Joslyn. Memorial in Omaha, A feature of the service will be the and at the University of Nebraska. Rosenfeld and Jack Merlin. awarding of prizes to members of He is interested in murals and the Junior Congregation for perfect To Consulate Position plans ..to/spend the coming summer in ttendance. Charles Shindler and Ce- Belgrade. — The Greek movement Mexico studying mural technique. Of :il Pill will receive awards for at-last week nominated the' Jugoslavian special interest among his paintings ;ending the services four consecutive Jewish merchant, Vlado Radan, to be that will be exhibited here are an oil Many pre-riuptial parties are being (fears without one absence. Irene honorary Consul- General at Zagreb'. painting of Rabbi Jolt, who is well given in honor of Miss Hazel Zavett, Hirowitz -will • receive an award for The appointment was hailed with known in Sioux City, and a water who has set June 17 as her wedding wo years perfect attendance. Chil- great satisfaction by the Jugoslavian .'•' color "Study of the Old Jewish Man." late. ren who will receive awards for press. She was honored Thursday evening, me year's ; perfect attendance are BEN E. KAjitoWSKY, May 3, by Mrs. Al TurchenJ May 7, 'helma Shindler, Paul Matlini Irene Instrrance Building Miss Charlotte Kanter'entertained.at .evitskyy Anne- Kanofsky, Annabelle her home for the bride-elect. On Satin, Evalyn Jacobs, Earl SkalovNOTICE OP "ADMINISTRATION the Couuty Court of Douglas .County, Tuesday evening, May 8, -Mrs. Artsky, Sylene Skalovsky, Helen Guttle- InNebraska. - . . • Fisher entertained for Miss Zavett man, Esther Weiner and Belle Cohen. In the Matter of the Estate of ABU AH AM WIENER, also-tnown as -AIJRAUAM Members of the Senior Congregaat the Sioux Tea Shoppe. Many othWINER, JDeceased. . r parties are being planned in heir ;ion and members of the Juniors will All persons interested rn said estate are resent floral offerings in honor of hereby, notified that a petition has been lonor. filed in said Court- alleging that said de;he mothers. Other floral offerings ceased died leaving, no last win and pray:r the pulpit will be appreciated, by ing for administration upon his estate, and Miss Hannah Sperling, a bride of that a hearing wlll.be had on said petition his month, has been the recipient of ;hose in charge. l>efore Bald court on the 2nd dsr oT June, a .number of .social courtesies extend- The Junior congregation will be 11*34, and that If they fall to appear at said Court on the said 2nd day of June, 1034. at ed by her friends. o'clock A, M. to contest said petition, the treated to candy tomorrow morning 9Court may grant the same and grant adTuesday afternoon, Mrs. I. Leubo- by JDr. and Mrs. S. H. Shulkin in ministration .of said estate to Hynian witz, 2016 Jennings street,"entertain- honor of the forthcoming birthday of Wiener or some Other suitable person and proceed to a'settlement thereof. ed at an afternoon of bridge. their son, Charles. BRYCE CRAWFORD. Thursday evening Mrs. A. Dikel 5-ll-5i-3t. County Judge. ^ hostess to a group of friends honoring Miss Sperling. The evening Mount Sinai F. JR.' ACKERHAN, Attorney was - spent at bridge and concluded - 480 Brnndels Theatre Bids. with refreshments. Dr. Theodore N. Lewis will speakn NOTICE BY PUBLICATION ON PETIthis evening on "The Oppermans" a TION FOB SETTLEMENT OF FINAL ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT Tomorrow _evening the Epsilon Phi recent book by Lion Feuchtwanger. In the County Court of Douglas County, sorority will give a pajama party in The following children ; have been Nebraska. the. Sioux Apartments and will con- mentioned for the Temple Sunday In the Matter of .the Estate of BETTr Deceased; . clude with a breakfast in the Sioux School Honor Roll for the month of SILVEKMAN, AH persons interested in said matter are Tea Shoppe. April; Carol Mae Coheti, Marylin hereby • notified that' on the Oth day of 1034, Irving Janger filed a petition in Sunday afternoon, Miss Jessie Slut- Miller, Harriet Holland, Bernard Sil- May, snld County Court,' praying that his final sky, 2407 Jackson street, will enter- verberg, Julian Silverberg, Barbara administration account filed herein be settled and allowed,• and that .he be distain for the bride. The afternoon will Robinson, Bobby . Pill, Betty Silver- charged from his trust' as executor and be spent at bridge and conclude with berg, Doris Pill, Seymour Robinson that a bearing will be had on. said petition before'safd Court oh the 2nd day of June, supper. Bobby Cohen, Myron Heeger, Bobby 1034, and that if you'fail to appear before Marx, Elaine Rosenfeld and Bernard said Court on the said 2nd day of June, 1934. at 8 o'clock A. M.. and contest said Miss Dorothy Blumenthal of Dead- Rosenthal. .' the Court may grant the prayer wood, Sy D., is visiting here in. the Over 100 mothers and daughters petition, of said petition, enter a decree of helrshlp, and make such other nnd further orhome of her sister, Mrs. L. D. Sacks. of the Temple attended the annual ders, allowances and decrees, as to this Mother and Daughter banquet, Tues- Court may seem proper, to the end that matters pertaining to said estate may Mrs. Louis Agranoff and Mrs. Ben day evening in the annex of the all and determined. ; Pill spent last Wednesday in Omaha Temple. Participating in the program be-finally settled BRYCE CRAWFORD, wher& they attended the Give or Getwere Miss Ruth'Marx, Mrs. William 5-ll-34-3t. . luncheon of the Omaha Hadassah Lazere, Elaine Rosenfeld, Mrs. Louis NOTICE p ? INCORPORATION chapter. Agranoff, Blossom Kalin, Mrs. M. B. Notice is hereby'"given that Articles or Herzoff,; Frances Emlien, Mrs. Louis Incorporation- of the ALL-STATES FIIn every city there is one outAND AGENCY CORPORATION The Debrah Club met Monday eve- Goldberg, Etta Jean Galinsky, Joy NANCE standing hoteL' In Sioux City; were executed and filed fcn the office of ning in the home of Miss Jennie Dean Arkin, Barbara Robinson, BarEv»ry mile you run on boidl HrM r you tuk « the Secretary of State on May 4, 1934, statit's the Warrior, known everyprincipal place of • business to be Shindler. Plans were discussed for abara Fribourg, Fredell Sacks, Doris ing—its DOUBLE RISK. B«cau*« bald Kras are only half where for ita fine accommodaOmaha,1 Neb.; its business to be the condinner meeting to be lield next week Grueskfn and Helen Levin. ducting of a general insurance agency, a tions and ita hospitable atmosas cafe a t new tires. Take a look at these sharp, general loan and finance business, and the at Scribbins Maplelawn. A social hour phere. Ideally located; it ia unownership and dealing in real and perclean-cut, non-skid cogs on this U. S. Tire, and. and refreshments followed the •meetsonal property; the authorized capital stock questionably social, business'and Amorian Club to be $23,000 to be issued on payment of you'll see why. This is the famous COGWHEEL ing:' • ' '•': : •'• \'\-- •• or Itg equivalent; Its existence totravel headquarters of the'comEight new members were elected money tread design, based on one of the oldest and begin on May 4,1934, and terminate ninetymunity. The choice of those The Young Judean club met Wed- into the Amorian Club at their meet^ nine, years thereafter; the highest amount surest principles known in engineering . . . the indebtedness not to exceed two-thirds who demand the' best for their nesday evening in the Jewish; Com ing held last Sunday afternoon. They of of the paid-up.capital stock; the affairs of r ; COGWHEEL principle. This non-skid tread lasts money. '•"•"' munity Center. Twelve new member! are Leonard Jacobson, Sibley New- tire corporation to • be condncted by a Board of Directors not-less" than two In longer, because it is built of TEMPEKED RUBBER, man, Haskell Lazere, Nathan Orliwere taken into the club at the meetnumber, and a President, Vice-President, ing. Miss Frances Jacobson is advis koff, David Drutz, Albert Zeligson Secretary and *™?u«* the toughest tread rubber ever placed on a tire. Joe Dishlip and Cecil Pill. The memor of the group. . , Here's the biggest EXTRA feature in the tire CLIFFORD J. HOTZ Ineorporators. bership of the club is 35 now and world . . . the TEMPERED RUBBER TREAD. , Mr. and Mrs. N. -t Alpert, Jack an: will be restricted henceforth. Plans were made for Amorian Day Neomi Alpert, and' Miss Rose Sha pifo of Chicago; were guests, in th to be held early in June. Plans for CARL RIEKES J. Jacobson home last week. Mr. and the day include an outing a t Crystal Mrs. A. Rodin of Council Bluffs vis- Lake, games, contests and a weiner Recognized as Air-Conditioned ited in Sioux City with Mrs. Jacob- roast. New officers will be elected a t PRACTICAL MOHEL Coffee Shop son, also. The guests were in the city that time. In charge of the Amorian Phone 1059; Day arrangements are Charles Shindfor the Lipton-Alpert wedding. The daily luncheon-rendezler, chairman; Joe Maron,. Martin vous of those who want good Weiner and Harold Lefkovicn. food at wamble prices.# Our
B'nai Brith
Society News
while prices are
Sioux City's Finest Hotel
Coffee Shop ia air-conditioned for your special comfort. Operated by the":
Rev. A. Diamond
Carl RiekesTire Service
Addresses Zionists
. Habbi IL H. Babinowitz spoke before a Zionist meeting Wednesday evening in t h e ! j . & C. His subject was "Events of Note in Palestine Today."i/ :
., .;•'/,: -. / • - : .
Dr. H. M. Levin, newly elected president of the group, presided.
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