May 18, 1934

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In the Interests of the Jewish People

Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism

Entered aa Second Class Mail Matter on January 21, 1021, at l'ostoffiee of Omaha, Nebraska, under the Act of March 3. lfiTO



Pearlstien Heads About Jewish RELIGIOUS SCHOOL'S Social Workers GRADUATION SERVICE }ature Thursday Jacob S. Pearlstien; executive diTO BE HELD TONIGHT rector of the Jewish Community Cenopen forum on Jewish litera-

An ture will be held at the Jewish Community Center Thursday evening, May 24, beginning at 8 p. m., under the joint auspices of the A. Z. A. 1 and 100 chapters. The general public is invited, Jewish young people in particular. There is no admission charge. Rabbi David A. Goldstein will discuss "Jewish Poetry;" Rabbi Frederick Cohn, "Jewish Ficiion;" and Rabbi Uri Miller, "The Talmud and the Bible." The committee in charge: Meyer Levy, Massie Baum, Ben Shrier and Nathan Crounse.

Vol. 10—No. 16

2804Contribittions As Drive in Final Stages

ter and Welfare Federattion, was The graduation exercises of the elected president of the Omaha Sojunior department of the Vaad Re- cial Workers club Wednesday night. ligious School will be held this eve- Pearlstien succeeds Mary Maher of - Feast of Weeks to Start This ning, May 18, at 8 p. m. at the B'nai the Catholic Charities. In addition to Saturday Evening, Israel synagogue, 18th and Chicago. many lay social Workers, the organiMay 19th The services will be followed by a zation includes &U ot the professional social workers in the city. reception in the social halL i : Shabuoth,.the Feast of Weeks, beThe main address will be given by The meeting was in the form of gins Saturday evening, May 19, and Rabbi Uri Miller, speaking on "The a dinner meeting at the Spaulding ends wiih the evening of the 20. An Essence of Loyalty." I. Morgenstern Rock Gardens. \ additional day is observed by the Mrs. Dave Sherman is the new and N. Levinson will make the preOrthodox Jews. The Festival is president ot the Conservative Auxsentation of certificates. designated as the Feast of Weeks iliary as a result of the election held Cantor A. Schwaczkin and the because it follows seven weeks after Wednesday afternoon at the annual B'nai Israel choir will chant the the second day of Passover. meeting at the J. C. C. opening song. Inextricably bound up with the Mrs. Sherman has been first viceEach of the children graduating freeing of • the Jews from their president for the past two years. will take part in the program. TheirJ^ Egyptian bondage and the life of She succeeds Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky. A- popular response — reveal- the top." William Wolfe, president parts: the agricultural nation, which ancient Other -officers: Mrs. A. D. Frank, ing a deep Jewish consciousness of Ihe Round Table, was divisional "Loyalty to God," Mary Wolfson; The fiftieth^ anniversary of the first vice-president; Mrs. B. A. Jewish Palestine was, the day also head. Counting their portion of the "Loyalty to Israel," Elinor Cohn; B'nai Israel synagogue, located at Simon, second vice-president; Mrs. and giving heart and inspiration organizational pledges, the Youth's y marks the age-old anniversary of the Loyalty to Parents,"' Anne Pollay; 18th and Chicago streets, will be Sam Zlotky, corresponding secretary; to the four hundred volunteer division has topped the one thousand granting of the law to the Jewish "Loyalty to Zion," Frances Rubin; celebrated on Sunday, May 27. : people. On that day Moses descended Mrs. Sam Stern, recording secretary; figure set for them. So far 380 young "Loyalty to the Synagogue," Lena A banquet will be held at the Jew- Mrs. Dave Cohn, treasurer; Mrs. workers — has achieved a rec- people have signed pledge cards. from Mount Sinai carrying the TabZoDotuchin; "Loyalty to the Torah," ord-breaking victory and a sense ish Community Center on May 27 at Morris Katelman, auditor. lets of the Law. Thursday's Meeting. Shirley Cohn; "Loyalty to Ideals," The day has been compared to the The final luncheon meeting for the Directors named are Mrs. M. D. of unusual accomplishment for Twenty-five children will be con- Marion dayman; closing prayer. 6:30 p. m. In the afternoon a program, open to the public, will be Brbdkey, Mrs. Simon Pizer, Mrs. signing- of the Declaration of In- firmed at Temple Israel Sunday the 1934 Omaha Jewish Philanheld at the synagogue. - dependence, for it marked the be- morning, May 20. A Shabuoth serv- Jake Teplitsky. held Thursday noon at the Jewish John Faier, Mrs. Nate Nogg, Mrs. The open program in the afternoon Simon Bordy and Mrs. A. Theodore. thropies campaign. ginning of national and religious ice and a re-confirmation will feaCommunity Center. At this time the will start'at 3 p. m. Featured on the existence for the Jewish people. ture. cards of those who had not been A humorous skit written by Mrs. Despite the fact that the seen musical program will be the Hazo- I. Ziegler, "Coming Events Cast previously were distributed for Henceforth they were no longer The Shabuoth service will start at mir Singing society and Cantor Abra- Their Shadows Before," was present- drive is still on and tabulations the final wind-up. scattered group of tribes with a 9:30 a. m. Sunday, with the confirmham Schwaczkin and his choir. ed by a group of Auxiliary members. are incomplete, at Wednesday common ancestry and common woes. ation ceremony beginning at 10 a-m. Outstanding in the compilations Prominent speakers will address the Thelma Gasper, violinist, accomThey were a people with a God-given The Temple will be beautifully thus far is the unusually small numnoon 2S06 contributions had group. Rabbis in this vicinity are be- panied by Evelyn Smith, gave sevCode of Laws. ber of decreases from last year and decorated for the occasion; and a ing invited. eral musical numbers. Annual reports been turned in for a total of the large number of increases and It is a day of celebration and joy. special musical program has been The banquet will be followed .by were rendered by committee chair- $32,767.10. It is the logical continuation of the arranged by Vernon C. Bennett, or- The second annual city-wide servnew contributions. ice and reception to the high school a musical program. The celebration men. Passover feast and marks the period ganist. On Friday's figures, only 7.6% The previous peak in pledges of the harvest, when the • Jews of Milton R. Abrahams will give the graduates of Omaha will be held Fri- will climax a membership drive now Rabbi David A. Goldstein and J. J. obtained was in 1932, when 2400 of the pledges showed decreases. Palestine reaped the grain on their greetings for the re-confirmants, who day evening, May 25, at 8:30 p. m. being conducted. In contrast, 27.3 per cent showed Greenberg spoke. Reservations for the banquet may were turned in during that year. increases, and 25.2 per cent are fields. The barley harvest began at will include Mrs. Jeanette Gilinsky at the B'nai Israel synagogue, 18th Passover and on Shabuoth the Israel- Goldberg of Shenandoah, Mrs. Sarah and Chicago. Last year the service be made with Mrs. William Milder, Last year's total has been new contribntors who never hare ite farmers gathered in the wheat. previously. Somberg Chessen of Lincoln, Fannie and reception were held at Temple Walnut 3055, or Mrs. N. H. Greeneclipsed, since the total turned pledged berg, Walnut 0227. 27. On that day the Book of Ruth, the Katelman . of Council Bluffs, Miss srael. In general the enthusiasm and Invitations are being issued to all The officers of ftie synagogue: N. in in 1933 was only $29,962, rep- dauntless spirit in this campaign was pastoral idyl in prose, is read in the Ella Marcus, Miss Esther BlumenThe annual picnic of the Omaha synagogue, recalling to the worship- thal and Miss Anna Zalk, and Mil- graduates, including those of the S. Yaffe, chairman of the Board; exceptional. The report luncheons resenting 2345 pledges. Louis Epstein, Bible reading chair- Hebrew club will be held this year pers that they were once an agricul- ton Abrahams, Marvin Treller, Bern- mid-year term. were well attended, the co-operation "The pledges yet to be ob- was splendid, and the unity of all The committee in charge includes man; N." IL Greenberg, vice-chair- on Sunday, August 5, at Lakeview tural people whose fate was decided hardt L. Wolf. by the size of the harvests, and that . Rabbi David H. Wice will make the Dr. Philip Sher, chairman, Rabbi man, Bible reading; Joseph Tretiak, Park, the organization decided at its tained will swell the total consider- elements co-operative. • ably,"- Harry Silverman, general j the virtues v embodied^ In. the person presentation of the certificates and Frederick Cohn, Rabbi David A. finance chairman; H. Marcus, mem- last meeting. • Campaign Highly Successful. Albert Kaplan, veteran" "who has chairman of the campaign, predicted. of Ruth, are still the cardinal yir- the sermon, and Habbi ^Frederick Goldstein, Rabbi Uri Miller, Sabbi bership • and education; Louis MarGeneral Chairman Harry Silvergolin, buildingr "^Tilliam Milder, been chairman of forty-eight Omaha "We will continue 'the drive until man is enthusiastic concerning^ the David H. Wice, Isadore Abramson, tues held u p ' l o r the ^admiration r of Cohn will-give thei class blessing. cemetery; H. P. Milder is auditor and Hebrew dub picnics and balls, will every individual prospect has been results to date. "Needless-1© -tfcy^ mankind. A soprano sold, "How Beautiful Mrs. Jeanette Arnstein, Max Barish, solicited and given the opportunity was his comment, "I am deeply .expresses beautifully the Upon the Mountains," will be pre- Eugene Blazes,-and Philip Klutznick. Rev. Abraham' Schwaczkin is cantor. be in charge. of sharing in his Jewish responsi- grateful over the popular response Jewish ideal that bodily freedom, ob- p d b Mi Rina Snyder, and a sented by Miss bility." tained by the flight from Egypt, is violin to our appeal. be given by Myron solo will of little value unless accompanied Cohen. . . "Both the workers and the conBy Wednesday's incomplete reby the spiritual freedom attained tributors demonstrated a fine spirit All twenty-five children, will. parturns, the Initial Gifts division, through the law. of sharing, and even- barometer inticipate in the service. Their parts: under the leadership of Morris E. The agricultural aspects and symOpening prayer, Betty Lou TarnJacobs, with Jack Marer as vice- dicates a highly successful drive. bolism of Shabuoth are obvious, and off; Flower Prayer, Mildred Laytin; "The Initial Gifts was an especially chairman, had surpassed their the books of the Bible give the de- Confirmation Vow, Ralph Rubenquota of $20,000 by a subscription bright spot in the campaign. The Ortails the celebration required. Stein; Declaration, Buster Slosburg; total of $20,119.50, with several ganizations division and the Youths Shabuoth, the Feast of Weeks Prayer Before the Open Ark, Leoncards still outstanding. The per- likewise have done their jobs exmarked the end of the grain har ard Finkel; The Torah, Richard Lee centage returns of this Initial cellently. At present, the work is vest, ves, just j By ARTHUR T. WEIL as the Feast of Taber- Josephson; Reading of the Torah, Gifts division was the outstanding concentrated in the business and residential districts. nacles, late in summer, mark the end Richard M. Gordon and Ira J. Jackfeature in the campaign. (Washington Correspondent of the American Hebrew) "From this campaign we have of the fruit harvest. son; Translation of Ten Commandthere are approximately 1,000 in offound that the spiritual qualities All males, according to the Old ments, Sarah Gilinsky; Haphtarah, Let's look into this myth that a' The Organizations division also exSOME IRREFUTABLE ficial prominence, it would seem ceeded its goal, turning in pledges were as important as the financial Testament, were to dance before the Shiart H. Ganz; Concluding Benedic- coterie .of Jews are running these ! . FACTS something more than a trifle pre- for fifty-nine organizations for Sl,- results. The people fully realized th« altar, bringing to the sanctuary "the tion, David Kraus. United States. • .. t I 1. Of eleven cabinet officers, vious to worry, under the circum- 928.50. Ben E. Ivazlovsky was chair- importance of a successful campaign, first fruits of the wheat harvest, the The Silver, the White, the Blue and Interpretation of Ten Command-, stances, about undue Jewish influ- man of this group. only one is a Jew. and their response shows that they first fruits of thy labors, which thou : other Shirts, the Nazis and other ments: ' 2. The "Little Cabinet" has 25 ence in the nation's capital. hast sown in the field." Worshippers anti-Semitic groups would have the The Youth's division, which was know that our needs are not merely First, Theodore I. Mayer; second, world believe that, under the Roose- members, but not a single Jew. With 4,000,000 Jews in the United handled by the Round Table of Jew- 'campaign propaganda.' were also commanded to bring two Carolyn R. Merritt; third, Joy E. velt New Deal, a disproportionate loaves of bread baked according to 3. Of 96 Senators, not one is a States, there could hardly be fewer ish Youth, embracing all the junior "I want to express my appreciation appointees; certainly this is anything organizations, has also gone "over to both the generals and the priva definite formula, which were to Yousem; fourth, Mildred Berkowitz; number of Jews are holding pivotal Jew. be waved before the altar. Sacrifices fifth, Arlene Solomon; sixth, Isobel positions in Washington, dangling 4. Among' 435 Congressmen, only but over-representation! ates in the vast army of volunteer of animals were also enjoined upon Katleman; seventh, Sara ilae Graetz; the major strings that make the rest Let us take the magnifying glass 10 arc Jews. workers." j eighth, JoyceTenth, Ferer; Melvin ninth, Florence the celebration f 5. The U. S. Supreme Court, and pry more closely into the Jewish Meyerson; Tannen- of the nation hop, skip and jump. Thoroughness in Details. and work was for- baum. and women who have more or bidden. The campaign machinery was well With all the convulsiyeness of a with nine members, has only two men less of a say about what goes on toSince the fall oiled throughout. The detail work Returning the schroll, Lawrence mind, they rattle over and Jews. hassecond celebrated of the tem- Klein; Exhortation, j . Lelaiid Meyer; disordered day. Surely, anyone who knows anypie Diaspora Jewry 6. In 25 odd independent govwas thoroughly prepared, accounting over the names of Brandeis, Cardozo, Shabuoth as Zman Mattan Tor- We Shall Do and Listen, Zell Abra- Morgenthau, Straus, Frankfurter, Ba- ernmental offices, there is not one thing about the Roosevelt manner of for the whirlwind campaign to dafe. conducting his affairs knows that the hasenu" the day of the giving of our hamson; closing Prayer, Ruth Som- ruch, Ezekiel, Frank, Dickstein and Jew in a key position. Jacob S. Pearlstein, executive di7. Of 20 Emergency Relief Ad- Chief Executive makes his own fiscal rector, was in charge of this prelaw. Wolman and imagine they have esbexg. Philip M. Klutznick and Jacob S. liminary ground work. In speaking1 of The gold policy was not Mortablished a plausible premise for ministrations, not one is headed by policies. Because the law was given to the Pearlstein will attend a meeting of the campaign, the executive director genthau's; it was not Woodin's; it a Jew. their ridiculous calumnies. Jews on Shabuoth rabbinical au8. Among 59 diplomatic envoys was Roosevelt's. And it is no dispar- representatives of the Jewish Com-, stated: "Omaha Jewry is to be conthorities in the Diaspora urged that Yet the facts are easily obtained if abroad only three are Jews, and of agement of the present occupant of munity Centers and Welfare Federa- gratulated on the results of this ihe day be made "a most enjoyable tions from cities in this vicinity, to campaign. The members of the com—as F. D. R. himself has suggested these only one an Ambassador. the Treasury to admit this. holy day." A popular custom Is to be held at Kansas City next Sunday. munity should feel a distinct sense -1—one merely looks at the record: 9. Less than 30 Jews are a part Mr. Morgenthau is an able admineat dairy foods and cheese cakes in Representatives from the follow- of satisfaction and pride in knowing The cabinet holds one Jews, the of the Federal personnel approx- istrator, a hard worker and generally honor of the day. A meat meal cusities will attend: St. Louis, Kan- how wide-spread was the response. Secretary of the Treasury, Henry Mor- imating 1,000 members in official liked, now that his opening errors o: tomarily follows the dairy meaL The sas City, Des Moines, Sioux City, genthau, jr.. He is one of eleven cab- prominence. a press censorship and a too vigorous "This Philanthropies drive was the two meals represent the two loaves London (WKS) — The Palestine inet officers. Lincoln, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Den10. The Department. of Com- insistence of Treasury guard discip- ver, and Omaha. most thoroughly canvassed campaign of bread formerly offered at the government's grant of only 5,600 im- The Supreme Court of the United merce has not a Jew at its helm. line have been forgotten generally. in my experience. The campaign orTemple celebration. Klutznick was appointed chairman ganization functioned almost permigration certificates for the six States with its membership of nine 11. There is not a Jew in high Henry Morgenthau came to the Treasmonths ending October 1. instead of has two Jews, Louis D. Brandeis and command in the Federal Reserve ury after he had won his spurs as of this group, known as the Regional fectly, as attested to by 2,806 conConference Committee, at the nation- tributors already obtained—which the 20,100 asked for by the Jewish Benjamin N. Cardozo. Neither of Board, Federal Trade Commission, head of the Federal Farm Board where al convention of Jewish Community means that practically every Jewish Agency created the danger of an in- these is a Roosevelt appointee. . U. S. Tariff Commission and the he consolidated nine agricultural Centers and Welfare Federations. Of the 96 Senators, not one is a Board of Tax Appeals. credit agencies into the Farm Credit Motion pictures of his trip to Cen- creasing labor shortage in Palestine home in Omaha has responded to the The purpose of the conclave is to call of Jewish Philanthropies! Administration and had charge of the tral America taken last winter will the Jewish Agency declared in a for- Jew.. 12. There is not a Jew in the . In the : House of Representatives, directorate of the Reconstruction gigantic $2,000,000,000 farm mortgage organize this region and to plan for "The campaign figures also testify be shown by William I* HoVzmari at mal protest. a conference in one of the above- to the persistence of the army of The Jewish Agency points out thai there are 10 Jews out of a member- Finance Corporation. relief program. the B'nai Brith meeting to be held mentioned cities for this fall. At such workers and their loyalty to their Monday, May 21, at the J. C. C. the small number of certificates is ship of 435. They are Representatives A personal friend of the President lodge room. A talk by Mr. Hoi zman sued by. the Palestine government Emanuel Celler, Samuel Dickstein, Washington tod-/. There are, of whom he has known for 20 years, a conference the executives of the task. We may not reach our ultimate various federations will exchange goal, but from the returns thus far contradicts the formula that immigra William I. Sirovich, Theodore A. Peywill accompany the showing of the tion shdulv- be based on the country's ser and Sol Bloom (of New York), course, a number of Jews in lesser Morgenthau was deemed a sure fix- ideas and participate in a general dis- I know that the response is wellpictures. The meeting is scheduled to p economic absorptive capacity, violates Isaac Bacharach (of New Jersey), positions in the various bureaus and ture for the Secretaryship of Agricul- cussion concerning . the problems of nigh up to the capacity of the comture, only to have that post go to start at 8:15 o'clock p. m. . . • will the spirit of the Mandate and is -con Herman P. Koppleman (of Connecti- agencies. The so-called "Brain Trust" Henry A. Wallace, who had a more i the federations. munity, ' considering the economic Vicepreside Vice-president M Max Barish contains a number of them, includtrary to Premier MacDonald's letter cut), Henry Ellenbogen (of PennsylAt Kansas City details will be situation." preside in the absence of Leo Abramdefinite political claim. That Morgenh b vania), AdolphJ. Sabath (of Illinois) ing Jerome N. Frank, general coun- thau now holds what traditionally is planned and committees appointed. son, president, who is in Chicago on to Dr. Chaim Weizmann. and Florence P. Kahn of California. sel of the A. A. A., and Prof. Mor- the highest cabinet office is due to his George W. Rabinoff of New York, The protest also asserts that the ; a vacation. According to Mr. Barish, executive director of the National Prix De Rome in plight of the Jewish masses throughThere is not a Jew. prominently decai Ezekiel, economic adviser to earlier achievements. a number of important business tnatconference, and Edward Kahn of At- Sculpture ters will be considered at the meet-« out the. \vorld is forcing them to seek placed in an/ of the 25 odd indepen- the Secretary of Agriculture. There At the same time, it must be re- lanta, Ga., chairman of the committee also are, so to speak, two Jews "beNew York—Eeuben R. Kramer, 24ing, and as this is the last business in Palestine the refuge they canno dent offices of the government. membered that the king-pin of the meeting before the election of offi- find, elsewhere. . ' • . . • . ' • . ; ! Of the 20 Emergency Relief Ad- hind the scenes"—whose views have Roosevelt administration is the holder on regional conferences, will both be year-old Baltimore art student who cers, the attendance off all ll members bs ministrations, not one is headed by had more or less weight with the man of the hitherto more or less despised at the Kansas City conclave Sunday. learned art by winning scholarships in the White House—Bernard M. Raand working his way through school urged. a Jew. New York.—The 1933 Pulitzer Prize Secretaryship of the Interior, Harold is without his parents' knowledge, has And of the 59 diplomatic envoys to ruch and Prof. Felix Frankfurter. L. Ickes, who is even better known as for the best foreign correspondence But the sum total of these, including been declared the winner of the an-« Moscow—Michael Kobeisky has by an American newspaper, man will foreign countries, three are Jews— the ten members of the House, is Public Works Administrator. He ennual Prix de Rome in sculpture. p been appointed by the Soviet gov- be awarded to Frederick Birchall, a Jesse Isidor Straus, Ambassador to joys the confidence of the President The Jewish Community Center This award entitled him to $1,500 ernment as its ambassador to Greece. Berlin corresponded of the New York France; Laurence A. Steinhardt, Am- less than, thirty. "When one, considers as perhaps no other man in WashingHia Sheleches : was named: first Times, for his brilliant, fearless and bassador to Sweden; Leo R. Sack, that there are nearly 80,000 employ- ton does today, although they didn't building will be closed until Monday for two years beginning next O o ees on the Federal payroll in Washevening at 6 p. m., because of the tober and free residence and studio vice-president of the people's commis- searching dispatches on - what has Minister to Costa Rica. Shabuoth holiday. at the American Academy in Rome. sariat in the Ukraine. This, then is the set-up as it is in ington and that including Congress, been happening in Germany. (Continued, on Page 3)




Three Divisions Go 'Over The Top'; Every Prospect to Be Solicited

Services and Reception for High School Graduates

Kaplan in Charge of Hebrew Club Picnic






Motion Pictures at B'nai Brith Meeting

Center Closed


Race Suicide For Jews Unthinkable

Marathon Swim at Community Center


Dramatics Club

The Dramatics Club of the vuad Religious School, 18th and Chicago elected the following new officers The marathon swim in the J. C. Three more games are on the pro-Sunday: C. natatorium is under way. gram of the J. C. C. softball league ' Helen Fogel, president; Goldie In the women's division Sue Corenthis Sunday morning. Azorin, vice-president; Esther Shaman is leading, with Evelyn ZweiThe schedule: piro, secretary; Lilliam Pollay, reback second. These two are expected Samples vs. Peerless; A. Z. A. 1 porter. The new officers will be into fight it out for the championship. By the Service Life Insurance vs. Psi Mu; Wardrobes vs. Seiners. ducted May 27, when a Shabuoth proIn the division for junior girls, Last week the A. Z. A. defeated gram will be given. Company, Omaha Dorothy Thompson is leading. the Wardrobes, 11 to 8; the Peerless By BERNARD POSTAL In the men's division, Sam Kohn defeated the Seiners, 8 to 6; and the Managing Editor Seven Arts Feature Syndicate has the lead. SECURITY OF PRINCIPAL Samples defeated the Psi Mu, 10 to 8. The loop games are played every Outstanding Christian and Jewish did not mean to advocate Jewishrace serted, for lack of a new generation A handball tournament for the In making an investment today Sunday, morning starting at 11 a. m. personalities answer questionnaire of suicide but believed that if he lived of Jews to maintain the unbroken members of the Health Club at the security is more sought after' than Seven Arts Editor with exclusive in Germany he would not want to heritage of their fathers! And thus J. C. C. will be held soon, according almost any other feature. In the unfor nothing, in this last end, will the bring into this world children who statements on momentous question. Fa-Hon —Editor. would have to face as terrible a fu- martyrs of the past have made their ton announcement by Lee Grossman, wholesome atmosphere of the great The annual Mother-Daughter banCuiYbu* Cuts and bull market such was not the case. ture as confronts them in Nazi Ger- sacrifices of suffering and death in physical director. Also, beginning the first week in Speculative enhancement of principal quet of the Fa-Hon sorority was held Bace suicide for-the Jewish people ni many. a perpetual pogrom of Israel. unthinkable! Jewis will never disap- Thus Jaws who have forgotten the "Is this what Professor Namier Jane the Center will hold an open was the dominant note. Security was Tuesday evening, May 15, a"t the secondary. Those proclaiming the se-Hamilton Cafe. Mrs. D. Flanchek pear from the face of the earth! They lessons of their people's history are would have us believe? He may, butgolf tournament for members. curity of life insurance were like spoke for the mothers, and Sally Polmust continue to bring children into again crying that the Jewish strug- I can't. Not thus do I conceive that CltGRHVUlG CO. the world! To admit defeat is stupid gle for survival is not worthwhile, the Jews are to betray not only them- All interested in the J. C C Ten- voices crying in the wilderness. They lay responded for the daughters. Tillye Sigal presided as toastmaster. and absurd! Self-anihilation for the that the solution to the ageless Jew- selves but all who have contended nis club are invited to attend a were too conservative for an era in Thone Ot.4626 Jewish race would be a betrayal of ish problem is Jewish race suicide. through the ages for the right of meeting to be held in the physical which everything was perpetually to A corsage of flowers was predepartment office Monday evening, sented to each mother. Bridge folbe on the up and up. their own people and civilization! . Those who are of this mind forget Israel to live. "A moral basis for Such are the1 reactions of some of that Jewish history is replete with existence?" Of all peoples in the May 21, at 7:30 p. m. However, when the economic lowed the program, with prizes the outstanding thinkers of America episodes which more than once seem- world the Jews can most surely It is planned that beginning the storm broke and increased in fury awarded a t each table. Sally Pollay to the proposal that the, Jews should ingly presaged the complete annihi- transmit to their children a moral first week in June Nate Cutler, the scene changed. Millions began and Rose Flanchek were in charge. stop having children as THE solu- lation of the Jewish people. Yet this imperative and. therewith a reason former Creighton University tennis to appreciate the truth of the life The next meeting will be a social tion for the problem t>f anti-Semi- people still defies extinction. For for existence. For wherefore should champion, will ^give free instruction insurance claims. When other forms meeting, to be held a t the home of tism. In these ringing sentences Mrs. generations Jewish pessimists have any man be born if not to fight the to all women members of the J . C. of investment were depreciating and Esther Siegel, plans for a breakfast Franklin D. Roosevelt; Dr. Abraham been convinced that the Jews were good fight and if need be, die theC. on Monday and Wednesday eve- becoming less and less dependable, in the near future will be discussed. A. Brill, world-famous psychiatrist; fated to disappear just as did the good death, for righteousness, broth- nings at 7 p. m. the life insurance continued on its Dr. John Haynes Holmes, noted Babylonians, the Phoenicians and erhood and peace upon this earth?" charted course, with amazingly few Junior Debating Protestant clergyman; Dr. Cyrus Ad- other ancient races. Now the tragedy The physical department will be casualties, paying it obligations on ler, president of the Jewish Theo- of the modern Jew, beset on every DR. CYRUS ADLER closed for the Shabuoth holiday tin- the dot at par to the tune of 10 mil- The junior Debating League won logical Seminary and of the Ameri- side by powerful forces determined "I know Professor Namier and til Monday evening, May 21, at lion dollars a day, at the same time the debate with the Habonira last can Jewish Committee; and Dr. to root out once and for all the seed esteem him highly, but my answer 6 p. m. increasing the invested assets be- Friday evening following services at Louis .1. Dublin, noted sociologist and of Israel, has again given rise to a would be that the Jewish people have During this time the pool will be longing to policyholders by about the B'nai Israel synagogue, upholding the affirmative on the question: authority on suicide, rebuked those feeling of hopelessness and despair. never committed suicide and they scrubbed and refilled, so that the new4 billion dollars. who suggest that race suicide is the It is a challenging issue which this never will." "Resolved, that Jewish Parochial summer schedule can start with "a Shining way out for the beleaguered Jewish defeatist and un-Jewish point of view clean slate.'* The new summer The security of life insurance rests Schools Should be Established in Man Orders people. schedules are ready for distribution. upon two basic factors. One is con-America." Returned Postpaid raises, But it is also one which can- DR. LOUIS I. DUBLIN servative, diversified investments. J. Teplitsky, Annie Pollay and Twice within a fortnight two re-not be ignorant. It deserves an ans- "The issue raised by Professor The other is the large volume of Elinor Cohn comprised the winning sponsible Jewish spokesmen in wide- wer. Namier is indeed challenging, but it A.Z.A.1 premium and interest income (equal team, and Carl Fredericks, Charles ly separated parts of the world have the replies to a questionaire on this can have only one answer. The Jews declared for Jewish race suicide. Pro- the repplies to a questionnaire on this must continue to bring: children into A tennis and golf tournament are annually in recent years to about 20 Stein and Morris Kirshenbaum reprefessor I* B. Namier, noted British significant subject submitted to Mrs.the world. Any other answer is on itsbeing planned by A. Z. A. L, to be per cent of accumulated reserves) sented the Habonim. Rabbi Uri Miller flowing into the company even in •was judge. Martin Steinberg was historian, in a preface to Dr. Arthur Roosevelt, Dr. Brill, Dr. Holmes, Dr. face absurd. I t is to admit defeat, held in the near future. Ruppin's book, "The Jews in the Adler and Dr. Dublin by Joseph unconditional and final. The answer In the ping-pong tourney Jay Ad-periods of deep depression. The rec-chairman. ler will meet A r t Weiner in the ord of the steady flow of premium Modern World," said quite frankly: Brainin, editor of the Seven Arts of reason has been tried for cen- finals. income throughout the depression "The question which the Jews now Feature Syndicate. All of these lead- turies, but apparently it has failed. Habonim will be one of the striking pheNATIONAL ask themselves is whether they can, ers, both Jews and non-Jews, are The answer that the brute and tyrant A regular meeting of the Habonim nomena when we come to chronicle 1 SHOE EEPAIB CO. and should assume - the responsibility unanimous in recognizing thai the will understand is that somehow or r Re-Im ATIantic Km of bringing Jewish children into the situation of the Jew in the modern other, the Jewish race continues, that . The Re-Ira club is planning a the events of these stirring years. was held at the B'nai Israel synaI t t 8*. latb St. 60©S«.16thBt. It is this steady flow in income that gogue Sunday. world in the future to face a fate world is precarious, but they are also it is. immortal. That sometimes puts picnic at Miller Park on differentiates the life insurance com- During the summer months meetwhich seems to become worse every as one in. emphatically rejecting race the fear of God into the destroyers. family Decoration Day. Prizes will be panies from other financial institu- ings will be held every two weeks. year. It is admitted that parents suicide as a solution. Their replies, "I challenge also the fact whether awarded in various events. tions. Life insurance policyholders should not have children for whom presented below, are stimulating and conditions are really becoming worse they cannot provide economically; should give Jews renewed courage every year. To be sure, there is the The club, is also planning a series are under a constant urge to keep of baseball games, the losing team up their premium payments in order but is not the moral basis of exist- and hope. Where Omaha Shops with Confidence present situation in Germany. Has to give a banquet for the winning that their insurance protection may ence at least equally important?" In there not been some center of dark- team. .,_ : . be maintained. The man with a other words Professor Namier urges MRS. FRANKLIN D. ness always ? Yet, the sunlight Ab Kaiman will be advisor for the family realizes the vital need of that Jews have no moral right to breaks through. This is not a new club. Five new members have been keeping his insurance in force so have progeny in a world where the ROOSEVELT: situation; nor is it now at its worst. inducted. Leon Gross heads the newthat it is one of the last things to "I- cannot imagine why any Jews It 16th at Farnam Jew at best is merely tolerated. is for ns io prove that we canentertainment committee. be sacrificed. This makes for relative in this country should • ask themA similar opinion was voiced by selves the question which, you have survive even this onslaught and we At the last, mtetarig Edith Epstein, stability of premium, income and conIra Younker, co-chairman of the asked me, but I am sure if there is must do it by proving, our right to pianist, and Lillian Epstein, violinist, tributes directly to the security of Pique, Eyelets and Greater ' New York drive of the any sense in it they alone woald survive and by serving the world as played. the institution. Seersucker Gingham United Jewish Appeal, when he said know what it is and be able to ans-we have always served i t with an example r of fortitude, of spiritual that "the ^Jews . in Germany are un-wer it." leadership^ ; and as exemplars of der a moral • obligation. not to have Beta Tau Kappa The advertisers in the Jewish Press righteousness. These bring the/.curse The Beta, Tau^ Kappa social frachildren Awhile Hitler is in power." DR. ABRAH>JMT A . BRILL: ' Subsequently, Mr. Younker clarified "It is my opinion th%t;iti isjquite —~t us ^Biotjlthey^-^lsb^ justify '*""~~ ternity at" thje I UJiiyersity of Omaha merit your patronage. this remaffe^by pointing out that he futile to make such statements as obtained the highest scholastic average among., the.fraternities for the you attribute to Professor L. B. first semester of 1933^34. : Namier. Begetting children is not Fratority M. 1^. Schwartz Joe Greenstone, newly-elected presguided by advice anymore than ap. . . they're not merely new . . .they're peasing one's hunger. Hunger and Max Marcus was elected president ident, won the annual university, tenI Wjth Mickel Co. prize fashions . . . they're not merely of the Fratority club a t a meeting nis"; tournament. Morris Fisher isCthe sex are primary instincts and can.•> - -i.-.:' •_•..•!— ——r— lovely in themselves . . . they're the held Wednesday in the assembly room --Mr. M. L. Schwarfz, prominent not be regulated by law or by of the Congregation of Israel, South fraternity's representative on -. \ the kind of frocks that make yon lovely. Pari-Hellenie council, with Milton friendly counsel. . ' young Jewish business man, has just Omaha. Wolsky alternate. associated himself with the Will E. "Throughout all these centuries, of Other officers: Aaron XJorenman, persecution and adversity, beginning Mickel company in the sale of Leonwirh the Egyptian exile, eta, etc, the vice-president; Sylvia Werner, secreard electric refrigerators. tary; Kalah Franklin, treasurer; "I am happy to let my friends Jews have multiplied and increased Molly Lipsman, reporter. know of my association with the just as Jehovah told them to do." The club is planning an outing for Mickel concern," declared Mr. WE REFINISH ANYTHING the near future. Those in charge Schwartz, "for it is a house that DR. JOHN HAYNES HOLMES: include MADE OF METAL Esther Kicbman, chairman, "So the Jews, after centuries of bears a very fine reputation, having JA-2566 Kaiman, Joe ScMaifer and Max 2210 Farnam been in business in Omaha in the heroic and triumphant struggle, Irv INSURED CABS same location for ~a period of 42 after a refusal to die at the behest Halperin. of fanatical, bigoted and cruel foes, years. "I would consider it a privilege to are to give up the fight! They are have the opportunity of explaining to accomplish with their own hands, the many features of the Leonard or by their own will, what centuries of persecutors, armed with every inline to any who may call." strument of torture and death, have been unable to impose upon them! In they are to commit suicide, Stanley Levin Enters aandword, ihus achieve for the anti-Semites fulfilment of their dream of a Race for Legislature the world well rid of the sons of AbraStanley F. Levin, has filed as Re-ham! The law will lapse, the proITurd Floor publican candidate for state represen- phets be forgotten, and Zion be detative from the 18th; legislative district, which, includes most of the FUR STORAGE lenth. ward and part of the eleventh. Levin has been active in A. Z. A. SAFE—as a Bank's Vault work since the inception of the or- COLD—as an Eskimo's Igloo I 0 Only GRUNOW offers you Carrene Plan to J it sped dar, and has been active in the Jr. BEST Iff 03IAHA these exquisite Jtigb: refrigerant, which insures your family's C ; of C. Politically, he is president style _cotton fashKish Royal Furs of the Young Voters League furthersafety. Carrene protects the home and proions ~ ^ " ' ™" ing the candidacy of Ted Metcalfe 2411 Farnam AT. 6543 tects the food in the refrigerator. In addition, for nomination for governor.

Best Remit;


The Big Three in Cottons

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SAFETY -PERFORMANCE it guarantees smooth operation of the mechanism, because with Carrene there is no possibility of corrosion of parts. Remember, too, that every GRUNOW has the conveniences that make it easyfordie housewife to perform her duties in the Jsfccfcen;




HARRY ROCHMAN, Prop. 6060 Military Ave

Walnut 5611




The third, Minister Sack, erstwhile know each other until Senator Hiram Washington correspondent for The Johnson of California, who wouldn't American Hebrew, has been sent to be Interior Secretary, brought them one of the "Banana Republics," Costa together shortly before' inauguration. Ricac, where ordinarily he may expect to spend an uneventful four years. Of the two great Liberal Jews on There is no doubt as to Roosevelt's the Supreme Court bench, Justice Brandeis, an appointee of Woodrow regard for Straus. You have heard the Wilson, unquestionably has more in- story that the President considered fluence with the Administration than seriously sending him at first to Gerhis younger associate, Justice Cardozo, many. As it is, his presence in France an appointee of Herbert Hoover. today, pleasing as it is reported to be "Whatsoever influence these jurists in France, is still so much gall to the have, however, is indirect, as neither Reich, which would prevent any Jew is consulted directly by Administra- from serving his country to his fulltion heads. It is a moot question just est and best abilities. Ambassador how much weight can be attached to Straus, a Roosevelt supporter before the fact that four men who formerly the Chicago convention, originally Were Brandeis' secretaries have been earned his right to go abroad by a heavy campaign contribution. This is given Administration posts. . . a traditional requisite. He has earned It isj in fact, an ironic commentary the right to stay by adroit diplomacy. on the. extent of Brandeis' influence, Now let us go down the list of the that it was one of his former.secre- government departments. If you taries, Dean G. Acheson, who was giv- search far enough down, you will find en one of the most unceremonious that Herbert Feis, a former student bootings ever given an under-Secre- of Prof. Frankfurter, is economic adtary of the Treasury who chose to viser to Secretary Hull in the State differ with his Chief on the legality Department. The Treasury, outside of of the gold purchase plan. If further Morgenthau, has no one in a promitestimonial is needed as to the "un- nent position. Neither has the Army due influence" Brandeis possesses in or the Navy, which are completely this Administration, it may be re- lacking in any high-ranking Jewish membered also that Prof. Harold M. generals or admirals. Groves of "Wisconsin, who was kicked So we come to the Department of out of the Treasury with equal celerity Justice, surely a fruitful place in only a few weeks after he had been which to find an over-abundance of the engaged as a tax expert, was a close great Jewish legal talent which cerfriend of Brandeis. tain warped minds have found to be a Now let us look at the House of menace to the security of the nation. Representatives. The Jewish members But lo! Not a Jew is to be found. thereof unquestionably have as much Prof. Frankfurter was offered the post influence in their respective districts of Solicitor General in recognition of as their non-Jewish colleagues have. his brilliant services as head of the They would not be in Congress, if they Harvard Law School. He could have had not. But there is not a man filled it admirably. He turned it down. among them who has any real influThe same state of affairs exists in ence at the White House. Of them all, the postoffice department. In the Inthe two who have distinguished them- terior, one place of consequence, if not selves most are Republicans: Bacha- or influence, is held by a Jew, the post rach, a Tecognized authority on tariff of solicitor, by Nathan R. Margold, a and taxation, and Mrs. Kahn, beloved protege of Prof. Frankfurter. in and out of Congress. Three of Let us deal fairly with the Dethem are too new to have made a partment of Agriculture, the real foothold — Kopplemann, Ellenbogen hot-bed of contention among those and Peyser — although the first, in who cannot understand how agriculparticular, shows signs of getting ture can be run, so to speak, by somewhere if allowed to come back Ghetto farmers. There are three here often enough. Those of Tam- Jews in prominent positions here. many affiliation seem to be altogether One of them, Prof. Mordecai Ezekiel, •without influence at the Executive 35-year-old economic adviser to Secretary Wallace, is credited genMansion. Furthermore, under the Roosevelt erally with having drafted the farm Administration, the extent of Con- relief bill. Another, Jerome N. gressional influence has fallen to an Frank, brilliant, Chicago lawyer unbelievably low estate. With the whom the AAA has for its chief Roosevelt Administration in power for counsel, is charged with the responsimore than 14 months, many Congress- bility for most of the codes and men have ceased to wail for more pa- agreements of the AAA and the tronage. They would be satisfied now prosecution of those who refuse to merely with some—which they usually obey the rules laid down. Not many persons realize that cannot get from the pleasant-voiced Ezekiel and Louis H. Bean, the third Farley in the Postoffice department. No, if we are to look for undue Jew, who is economic adviser to the Jewish influence, it will have to be AAA, were members of the Departoutside the Congressional delegation ment of Agriculture during the Coo•where, even though he sponsored the lidge and Hoover administrations original resolution for a Congression- where their efficient work raised no al investigation of Nazi-ism ~ in this false outcries about. undermining country, Representative Dickstein had American institutions and ideals. Mr. to give way to a Catholic, Represen- Bean, at that time, was senior agritative John W. McCormack of Massa- cultural economist, a specialist in chusetts, when the personnel of the farm income prices and price analysis. Mr. Roosevelt merely has taken committee was selected. There are three J_ews abroad for advantage of their matured developtheir country, only one of ."whom, Am- ment. . One can. appreciate the problems bassador Straus, is in a key position. Mr. Steinhardt is performing laudable of the New Deal more, if one disservice, yet his is not a pivotal post. misses immediatly the idea that

farming today is merely a matter of plowing, sowing and reaping or of raising, fattening and selling. The complicated process of agriculture as it is to be found under the Roosevelt administration—involving exports, tariff^ reform, price levels, processing taxes, acreage decrease and crop reduction—remove it entirely from the far .more simple procedure under the Old Deal whereby every man raised what he wanted and received little, accordingly. Th New Deal agriculture has entailed the services of more than 70 lawyers in the AAA. With scrupulous fairness, Frank has seen to it that the men working under and wiih him are men of all creeds. If anything, he has discriminated against rather than in favor of his Jewish brethem. There are only nine Jews in the legal department. If any further argument is needed, there remain two final facts: The secretary of agriculture comes from the very heart of the corn belt; and the "fair-haired" boy of the "Brain Trust," Dr. Rexford G. Tugwell, is a non-Jew. Whatever else is being said about Wallace, it is acknowledged at the outset that being born on a farm, raised on a farm, the son of a republican secretary of agriculture and the grandson of a member of Theodore Roosevelt's Country Life Commission, he knows farming from the roots up. He is the "big boss" of the department. It cannot be said for every department head, but Henry Wallace runs his own department. He is not there solely because of political indebtedness. As for Prof. Tugwell and the "Brain Trust," the true estimate of the latter's influence in the present administration may by summed up in few words. Prof. Tugwell—not Frank, Ezekiel or Bean—unquestion-! ably is the foremost, the most depended-upon membar of that phraseological group. Yet the only legislation which Prof. Tugwell has sponsored this session is the food and drugs bill—and it has practically no chance of getting through congress! Now we come to the Commerce Department. What a fertile field indeed this should be for Jews. They have been—ask any - anti-Semite!—undisputed leaders of business for centuries. They have taken control and refuse to yield it. So say our enemies. Yet this vast department, designed to feel the pulse of business, to stimulate it when it is weak, steady it when it is tottering and advise it at all times how to proceed best, has not a Jew at its helm. In the Labor Department there are two Jews. Charles E. Wyzanski, jr., a Frankfurter man who is solicitor, and the head of: the bureau of labor statistics, Isador Lubin, jr. The latter, still under 40, has transformed his statistical bureau from what ormerly seemed to be a purposefully inaccurate and distorted collection of figures to one. wherein the guess-

work has been as nearly eliminated a s possibly it ever can be. For the first time, Federal statistics have a trustworthiness that makes business' use of them practical. Yet, neither of these positions could be in any way construed as monumentally influential. Let is glance at the Federal Reserve Board, the Federal Trade Commission, the U. S. Tariff Commission, the Board of Tax Appeals, all of which again have to do with "Big Business" and with the direct or indirect lives of every one of us. There is not a single Jew in high-commanding position. And what of that great relief administration, the Reconstruction Finance Corporation? It should be, according to our vilifiers, filled with Jewish bankers—all, of course, actuated by one common impulse, to undermine the security of the nation. Actually, there is not one among its directorate. The same can be said of the Federal Home Loan Bank Board, the Tennessee Valley Association—David E. Lilienthal is not a Jew—and the Farm Credit Admenistration; nor is W. L Myers a Jew. That elephantine infant of the Roosevelt Admenistration, the PWA, has one Jew in a relatively minor office, Robert D. Kohn, who is director of housing. The Central Statistical Board, purely a fact-finding organization to chart statistically the way to recovery, has two Jews. E. A. Goldenweiser, director of the division of research and statistics of the Federal Reserve Board and Alexander Sachs, chief of the division of research and planning of the National Recovery -Administration. Both men are trained and expert economists and statisticians. Their influence? Unequivocably nil. The National Recovery Administra-

tion is manned at the top by non- Baruch was in the "Stop Roosevelt" Jews. As head of the Labor Advisory fight from the beginning of the p reBoard, we find Dr. Leo Wolman and, Chicago convention until, too late, he as one of its members, Rose Schneiderman. As division administrator of saw the inevitable. That explains a the amusement code, there is Sol A. lot. Rosenblatt. This is the sum total of Let us not minimize the importance Jews in this gigantic organization of Prof. Frankfurter. And why try? whose huge staff of workers are to be His brilliant mina has accorded him found working in hallways of the lab- national recognition among the nonyrinthean Department of Commerce, bigoted as one of the finest teachers once believed far too vast to require of our young men. He was a friend of the use even of all its room space. Of the President long before the Presithe three Jews, Wolman, who came to dent came to Washington. The two Washington under the guiding arm of liberal minds had and have much in Secretary of Labor Perkins, with common. The New Deal, to both, is whom he had worked in Albany, has their answer to the millions' cry of played the most conspicuous part. But distress and suffering. The report is for all his liberalism, he is in the that he could have had, according to background today. his genuine qualifications, almost any So we reach at last, the men be- post in the cabinet, from the Secrehind the scene. Baruch need take lit- tary of the Treasury on down. But tle of our time and words. The some- Frankfurter, the teacher, was not intimes-referred-to "financial adviser to terested. That he has supplied the Adthe President" simply isn't. The Ad- ministration with a large number of ministration's one great piece of bus- his former students is true. That all iness legislation, the creation of the have the liberal viewpoint necessary NRA, was formulated without any for the fulfillment of the New Deal is consultation with Baruch. Contrary to likewise true. But only a relatively general belief also, it was not Baruch few of these exceptional young lawbut Prof. Raymond Moley—still the yers have been Jews. real power behind the White House, Yes, Frankfurter's influence is to if there is any-vwho brought Hugh S. be found in the Administration. But Johnson to Washington to head the so is Prof. Moley's—and so is Adolf NRA, although Johnson had been Ba- A. Berle's, whose manifold duties as rnch's assistant and associate for City Chamberlain of New York do not years. So, too, George N. Pe-ik came keep him and his counsel from still here in charge of the Agriculture Ad- being sought frequently. justment Administration because of And, if it is any "consolation" to his own services and not bacaase of the Nazis, let it be reiterated that Baruch with whom he had been asso- this non-Jew's exposure, in his ciated at one time. magazine Today, of the subversive Mr. Baruch would do credit to this German movements in the United Administration. He made a fortune on his own before he was 30. His powers were tested and found true during the World War when Woodrow Wilson made him head of the War Industries Board. But it will be remembered that

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States apparently had the full endorsement of the President before the series was started. So we dispose of this "Jewish hierarchy" business. Certainly the record is hardly one of which anyone need be afraid, although equally it it something of which all Jews and non-Jews interested in the continued progress of their country can be proud. President Roosevelt is not employing Jews because he or anyone else is or has been unduly under their influence. He is utilizing them,- as he finds them, because of a conviction that they will make him excellent public servants. They have. So too, in far greater numbers, have his Protestant and Catholic aides and associates.

1615 Dodge

D. Uldin Plmbg. Co. 6014 Military 4617 No. 24th

LoTely percale, fancy ticking, woven gingham, gilk and cotton mull, JPeter Pan printed dimity, and fine batiste, yard

<f A l -IA * u


FRIDAY, MAY 18, 1934 Prague—Immediate realization of

THE JEWISH PRESS Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by

THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Subscription P r i c e , o n e y e a r - - - « • - - - - - Advertising r a t e s furnished o n application


Editorial Office: 490 B r a n d e i s T h e a t e r Building. Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center DAVID BLACKER - - - - - Business a n d Managing E d i t o r F R A N K R. ACKERMAN - - - - - - - - - - - _ - Editor FANNIE KATELMAN - - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent ANN P I L L Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent P r i n t Shop A d d r e s s : 1307 H o w a r d S t r e e t ^ _ _

The Week in Review The Philanthropies Campaign

illegible, being stamped over with the since returned, disillusioned. They found the prevailing condi•words: "Censored by. German block- autonomy for the province of Cartions insufficiently attractive to induce them to remain. Jews pathorussia was announced by Forheads." eign Minister Benes in the course of from various parts of Russia who had journeyed to the new Jewa reception at Uzhorod at which I was very interested in some figish region had returned as soon as material conditions changed many Jewish leaders were present. ures recently collected by Morris for the better in other parts of the Soviet. Jewish pioneers came, "Jewish elements in CarpathorusRothenberg, President of the Zionist ut also left. Organization, with respect to the sia will receive the guarantee of full By DAVID SCHWARTZ funds gathered in recent years for minority rights and cultural autonoThe emotional and sentimental pioneering zest with which Palestine as compared with similar my, as in the entire republic of the Jews entered Palestine has been sharply lacking in Biro Bidfunds gathered for Jewish relief in Czechoslovakia," M. Bene declared. jan. The material advantages have not been strong enough to OF MANY THINGS Europe. , George Jean Nathan, editor of Mr. Rothenberg finds that since the draw a large voluntary immigration or to keep the settlers there. theMr.American Spectator feels that we of the Keren Hayesod in In addition, much rumor is spread that this is the region closest are wrongly condemning Germany. launching 1921, a total of 31 millions in public Mr. L. R. Beatty Says: to the scene of hostilities when war breaks out between Russia What right has America to criticize funds has been gathered for Palestine. Its Mooney case, its Scottboro During the same time, a total of 100 "For Health and Economy and Japan, and that Biro Bidjan would have to be the buffer with case, etc. Its all the same, Germany millions was gathered for European . . . Eat the Cafeteria Way" which would absorb the shock of the invasion. Add these factors and America. So he argues. Jewish relief, including Russia. together—and we come to the conclusion that the creation of the The difference is that, Mr. Nathan, What have we to show for the 100 if you were in Germany, you millions? Opinions will differ, but I autonomous Jewish region is an appreciated gesture on the part that wouldn't be in Germany, but as a non- don't believe anyone will dispute that of the government—which has gone out of its way to aid Jewish Aryan writer would probably be hid- we have much more to show for the :olonization in other parts of Russia and has done its best to ing somewhere in Czecho-Slovakia. 31 millions which were spent for Palremedy the wrong committed by the Czarist government—but estine. The American Spectator's chief that a real upbuilding of Biro Bidjan is very doubtful. stock in trade is being smart-alecky,



and perhaps this accounts also for its Paxton Mitchell Co. crack about Palestine. Reviewing Regardless of how much additional money is pledged in the The Counter Boycott Grey Iron, Aluminum and Lewis Browne's recent book, How Odd Jewish Philanthropies campaign of Omaha, the success of this A new "blue eagle" flies over parts of New York now—the of God, Ernest Boyd is aghast that 3 Bronxe Castings year's drive has been assured. The fact that we have oversub- 'blue eagle" of the ill-advised "Deutsch-Amerikanischer Wirtsch- Browne should say a good word for Wood and Metal Patterns settlement of Palestine. "Why," scribed last year's total sum by a substantial margin is a com- afts-Ausschuss," which is seeking to effect "a boycott of the boy-itJewish 2614 Martha St. HA. 5523 remarks, "even tourists are revolted pliment to the communal spirit of our people in this community, cotters." Merchants in sections of New York containing large and return hating Jew and Arab and demonstrates once again that in a crisis the Jewish commun- German populations are paying $5 in exchange for a placard show- alike." NATIONAL ity of Omaha will not be found wanting. ing a German blue eagle, a rising sun and the initials "DAWA." What a wise *boyd' Mr. Boyd is! Mr. Boyd should take the first opporACCESSORIES, Inc. The thirty local, national and international beneficiary agen- This placard is the key to Hitter supporters in New York that the tunity to interview his confrere, H. L. cies can well use all the money we can contribute, and more, in shop is a proper place for Nazis to do business. As is to be ex-Mencken, who was recently a tourist EVERYTHING For the Anto their splendid work of mercy, education, relief and character pected, the Nazi organizations are the instigators. in Palestine. Mr. Mencken didn't return revolted building. This explains our satisfaction of the dollar and cents Although ostensibly, the counter-boycott by these so-called 2051 Farnam AT. 5524 Palestine, on the contrary, if our returns of the campaign. But, it seems that this financial result 'German-Americans" is against all who boycott Nazi Germany, at memory serves us right, and it does, becomes a mere by-product when compared with the spiritual re- the attack is dkected actually against the Jewish, storekeepers. Mr. Mencken expressed himself alturns—the mobilization of the Jewish men, women and youth in Such action is to be deplored—it bears eloquent evidence to the most enthusiastically about the Jewish development of Palestine. the community and the re-awakening and deepening of their Jew-

fact that Nazi propaganda has borne fruit in this country and it ish consciousness in this mighty Philanthropies effort. In the; shows an un-American attitude on the part of those who are I was speaking with Jacob Fishman, editor of the Jewish Morning realization of their grave responsibilities, the members of the lending it their support. Journal, who returned some two community have achieved new honor. Let us examine the facts in this matter. To begin with, weeks ago from a visit to Palestine. Especially noticeable in this campaign was the unity and there is not a Jewish boycott of Nazi Germany . . . it is a boycott Mr. Fishman last saw Palestine in spirit of co-operation. This was aided by the nature of the Phil- of Americans—Jews and Gentiles—intellectuals, liberals, radicals, 1929. The changes that have taken anthropies—it does not magnify some unimportant cause, it does pacifists, Jews, Catholics, and Protestants—outraged by the in-place in the intervening years are You can't recognize the not plead for some specialized cause, but instead creates a true human cruelties of the Hitler government and the suppression of amazing. place any more. perspective for all the causes which appeal to our Jewish con- freedom of every kind in the third Reich . . . it is a defensive Fishman was particularly enthusisciousness. The commendation and gratitude of the community boycott, the only way these people could strike back at the perse- astic about the first generation of native born Jewish Palestinians—the is extended to Harry Silverman and his able aides for their dy- cutions being perpetrated. Further, it has been emphasized again Jewish children. They are a strong, namic leadership in making this vital fund-raising effort so fruit- and again that this is not a boycott against American citizens of wholesome and handsome set.4Never saw such Jewish physiques before. ful. German origin, but only against Nazi-made goods, goods made in But best of all, Fishman liked their Nazi-Germany. The Jewish citizens and the German-born citi- manners. They are finely courteous zens in this great country have lived side by side in the greatest —Their favorite word isn't "scram." Shabuoth And the way they speak Hebrew gets Shabuoth, the Feast of Weeks, will be ushered in for world of amity, and the vast majority of the German-Americans are you. There's a musical resonance to pro-America and not pro-Nazi. Indeed, it has been exposed in Hebrew, he had never noticed before, Jewry, on Saturday evening. such articles as appeared in the magazine "Today" and in the in-says Fishman. Originally, the observance of Shabuoth was wholly agriculformation revealed to the Congressional committee that the leadtural. But with the passage of time, the agricultural significance There is nothing of the modern life of Shabuoth was shared with the spiritual significance of the holi- ers of such organizations as. the Friends of New Germany are notthat yon miss in Palestine today. day, as it also marks the anniversary of the granting of the Ten American citizens but citizens of a foreign government. That There are plenty of newspapers—sevthey were sent over here with the express purpose of stirring up eral theaters—world famous musical Commandments. artists frequently give concerts—and Shabuoth has thus become a memorial to physical harvest racial and religious prejudice in a country which was unalterably a symphony orchestra is being orarid also to spiritual harvest.. .one is tasteless without the other. opposed to such un-American viciousness. These ring-leaders ob- ganized. There are plenty of newspapers—Tel Aviv now has a radio staThe deathless lesson of Shabuoth—the giving of "first fruits' tained control of a vast number of German organizations and bytion—there is the Mediterranean, the intimidation say they speak in the name of all German-Ameriin thanks for our bounty (charity in the complexity of modern beaches, the hills, the Jordan, the life) and the high ideals of social justice and equality of all—is cans. Their present efforts were instigated by the Nazi govern- Germans, the Polish, the Russians, Americans, the Yamenitea, the being severely tried in these desperate times. But, that lesson ii ment, with the same foul purpose as all other: Nazi activities in the Salon! ca Jews—Jews from 70 differthis country. the lesson of progress, and despite temporary setbacks the world ent countries. There is plenty to talk will continue to progress. Americans, especially German-Americans* must beware of about and everywhere there is feveractivity. this latest Nazi maneuver, organized deliberately between various ish"The present scene of growth in elements of the American people, and to propagate the venom Palestine," says Fishman, "suggests a A Lesson in Roumania cross between a mining town and the of an imported hate. Last week at Radautzi, in a by-election to the Roumanian parrecent Florida boom." liament, the notorious anti-Semitic Cuzas, suffered a defeat in Since prosperity is returning, and the balloting. In characteristic hooligan style, they attacked the Pulitzer Prize Winners we will probably •soon start various For the second consecutive year the Pulitzer Prize for dis-projects, Jews and also the Gentiles whom they believed had voted agains including monument buildtheir slate, continuing their brawling tactics until forcibly dis- tinguished service as a foreign correspondent has been awarded ing—I here and now want to launch for dispatches from Germany. Frederick T. Birchall, Berlin cor- an association for the erection of a persed by the gendarmes. to the first American ZionTwo deductions stand out clearly as the result of this by- respondent of the New York Times, has received the award this monument ist In fact, I believe that In a pracelection. The defeat of the Cuza slate' demonstrates that the pois- year. Twelve months ago, this Pulitzer prize was given to Edgar tical sense, this man was the first -world Zionist of modern times — and onous weeds of the perverted professor's propaganda have not yet Ansel Mowrer of the Chicago Daily News. x Birchell's cabled acknowledgement of the award said: "I take I he was no Jew. taken root in the minds of the Roumanian masses. Also, the fact I am very serious in all this. The that the Cuzists attacked the Christians as well as the Jews dem- it as acknowledgement of honest effort to tell t h e truth without man I refer to is Warder Cresson. I onstrates to the Roumanians quite eloquently that these gang- fear or malice about happenings of interest and importance of said he was not a Jew. To be more he was a Christian who had sterist bigots are undermining peace and order, that their sporadic the whole world. That effort I have made, a n d ! am grateful for accurate, become converted to Judaism. He attacks upon the Jews are just entering wedges, and that their this recognition thereof." Despite the frownings of the Nazi gov- lived in the early part of the 19th menace is more far-reaching—a menace to all the decent, law- ernment, Birchell continued to send the truth over the wires, and century in Philadelphia. For a few his dispatches quickly became the acknowledged source for first years, he was United States consul in abiding elements in Roumania. Jerusalem. He came back to Philhand, reliable and unbiased news of what was happening under adelphia and started a movement for the Nazi regime. He wrote frankly and fearlessly, and daily his the colonization of Jews in Palestine. Autonomous Biro Bidjan were read by people who were eager to learn the truth. He gave not only of his efforts, but The Central Committee of the Soviet Republican has pro-articles spent his fortune on this, work, and Newspapermen like Birchell and Mowrer render invaluable sought to organize committees all claimed Biro Bidjan, located in Siberia, as an autonomous Jewish service not only to us to posterity. Through such men is the over the world to help. He secured region. This assumes especial significance, when we realize that truth in history writtenbut the tablets of time; through their ef- the aid of the Rev. Isaac Leeser, edia Government is providing a self-governing region for those Jews forts are we informed ofon tor of The Occident, the first Amerithe true status of current events. can Jewish paper, for his project, and of its country who wishtd live a free national life. no less a man than Max Kohler writT h e subject of an autonomous Jewish state in Russia is also became accustomed to burying ing of him, declares that the colony much-discussed, and considerable verbal ammunition has been exstarted by him in Palestine was the GEMS of the BIBLE their dead in linen shrouds. Prototype of the later colonies foundploded both pro and con. It was at one time very strenuously ed by Sir Moses Montefiore. He inand TALMUD "And now," said Rabbi Popa, "the argued that Biro Bidjan was conceived to offset the successful terested the early American Jewish dead are buried; in canvas shrouds By O. O. DASHES settlement of Jews in Palestine and the Zionist ideal of rebuilding about a zus in value." (Now we need millionaire, Judah Touro, in his projthe Jewish homeland. However, this position is untenable, since a Rabban Gamaliel to reduce the ex-ect. He was entirely sincere in his and deserves a better place all must recognize that Biro Bidjan is not offered as a solution to Thou shalt not oppress a hired ser- pense of the grave, which is hard for work than has been accorded him in the the poor people.) ' vant who is poor and needy, whether the worlcL Jewish problem, not even as a solution to the problem he be of thy brethren or a stranger. history of the Zionist movement. of the Jews of the Soviet. National minority problems do not In the college 61 Babbi Ishmael it I was glad to see that the Judische exist in the Soviet Union, regardless of what we may think of was taught: Why is the auricle of the Rundachau, Zionist paper of Berlin the same day thou shalt give him ear hard, and the lobule soft? In case in a recent issue paid a tribute to their communistic experiment or their atheistic propaganda. But hisInwages before the sun sets, for he hears unbecoming things he him. the Jewish population is not bound up to some section of the coun- is poor and his life depends on his one should be able to place the lobule into try as are the Bashgiri, the Burats, the Tartars, and others. Thus, pay. it and prevent from hearing such Jim Tully, the Irish American writer, is "het" up at the refusal of the things. the Soviet carried through the project fathered and favored by movie companies to buy a story he President Kalinin-—the creation of an autonomous region for such Thou shalt not pervert the justice Rabbi Jochanan said: "Sorrow ruins wrote in praise of Haym Salomon— due a stranger. Jews as want to live an autonomous. Jewish national life in the a person's health. There were a Jew the Jewish hero of the American rev-

and a non-Jew who were walking to- olution. So it -would seem, at any TALMUD gether on the road, and the latter rate, from a letter of Tully's to Z. Biro Bidjan is larger than Holland Belgium combined. The We are taught in a Baraitha: In the could not keep pace with the Jew. He Tygel. of the Federation of Polish natural resourcesof Biro Bidjan are rich,: and the Soviet govern- former years the burial expenses were reminded the Jew of the destruction Jews. ment has spent and seems prepared to continue spending consid- so extravagant that they affected the of the Temple. This caused t i e Jew to By the way, Heinrich Heine foresaw more than the incident of breathe a long suffering sigh, but his erable sums in building: up the country. What, then, are the ob-relatives death, and consequently they would companion was still.unable to keep up all of this German mess. He once jections? Why, then, has the region only fifty thousand inhabi- abandon the dead body and run away with him. "Have not your Rabbis said forecast that a day would come when press of Germany would be centants, with a Jewish population under ten thousand? Thousands —until Eabban Gamaliel came and set that sorrow ruins' your health," the the sored, and got out a book, showing the example of disregarding the cusnon-Jew -asked, whereupon the Jew o£ Jews have been sent to Biro Bidjan during the past few years. tom through himself when. according replied: '"This refers only to new tid-how these books of the future would Not long ago a number of Jews from Lithuania went there to seek to his request they buried him in a ings, and the destruction of the Tem-look. All that you could see were the chapter headings. The rest was a new haven and a new livelihood. A large number of them have linen shroud. Whereupon the public ple ia an old story." frS.SR.


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PAGE 5—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, MAY 18, 19S4 and Mrs. S. Galitski of Topeka; Mr. ing orders of the Roman Catholic Mr. and Mrs. Leo Byron Klein, Otto Kahn's Home Bought and Mrs. Sam Berkowitz, Mr. and 3106 Dodge street, Turner Apts., for Catholic School Church in America, has purchased Mrs, Louis Sommer, Mr. and Mrs. * j . will receive a t home Sunday afterthe late Otto Kahn's magnificent New York—The Madames of the Sam Leon, Mr. and Mrs. A. Laseronoon and evening, May 20, from 3 Fifth Avenue home for a school. Sacred Heart, one of the oldest teachwitz, Mr. and Mrs. Max Kaplan, Mr. to 5 and 8 to 10 p. m. in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Abrahamson, the confirmation and Mrs. Sam Friedman^ Mr. and Mrs. of their Son, Sam Sommer, Mrs; Simon Pizer, Mrs. 2521 No. 53d St., will be at home to Lawrence. M. Rosenblatt, Mrs. Julius Stein, of their friends in honor of the confirmation of their daughter, Zell, on Omaha. Mrs. JMonette Merritt, 519 So. 28th Sunday afternoon, May 20, from 3 St., will receive at home Sunday to 5:30 p. m. afternoon and evening, May 20, in S. A. M. MOTHERS' CLUB A meeting of the Omaha S. A. M. Mrs. Sam Berkowitz and Mrs. Abe honor of the confirmation of her Mothers' club was held Wednesday Sombetg will receive jointly at the daughter, Carolyn R. Assisting will « Famous English Designs afternoon, May 16, at the home of Somberg home, 5414 Nicholas, on be Miss Rosell Handler, Miss Florence Lohrman of Sioux City, Miss Exquisitely Copied in these Mrs. B. Fleishman. Sunday, May 20, from 3 to 5 and 8 THEODORE-SIMONS to 10 p. m., in honor of the con-Hallie Gene Bialac, and Beth Seva ENGAGEMENT PARENTS' TEA firmation of their daughters, Ruth Cherniss. Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Simons The • Creighton University chapter Somberg, and Mildred Berkowifcs. announce the the engagement of their Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Meyer will of Pi Lambda Phi, social fraternity, daughter, Rose, to Mr. Bon Theodore, held a Parents* Day reception at the Mr. and Mrs. David Ferer will be at home Sunday, May 20, from son of Mr. and Mrs/ Arthur Theofraternity : house Sunday afternoon keep "open house" on Sunday, May 5 to 10 p. m. in honor of the conThe first Ladies Day at the High- €rom 3 to 6 p. m. Refreshments were 20, from 3 to 5 and from 7 to 9 p. firmation of their son, Leland. Asdore. Formal announcement was made land Country club will be held Tues- served. m. at the home: of Mr. Ferer's father, sisting will be Miss Henrietta Meyer, on Saturday evening at a dinner- day, May 22. Every Tuesday there- The purpose o f the reception was Mr. Aaron Ferer, 5101 Davenport Miss Francis Bergman, and Miss dance at the Paxton given by the after will also be designated Ladies to bring the parents of the members street, in honor of the confirmation Edith Whitebook. . ; . • ' •'-. • -.:':;• . • _ • :.'• . Zeta Beta Tau fraternity, of which Day. into closer contact with the fra- of their daughter, Joyce. The first Tuesday of every month ternity and its activities. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Meyerson of Mr. Theodore is a member. • No date i a s been set for the will be guest day. • Mr. and Mrs. Victor M. Ganz, 2960 Council Bluffs will receive at their The dub tournament^ for women SPKDJG PAKTT •wedding. Harris street, will be at home Sun- home on Sunday, May 20, from 3 to Reproduced with all the artistry of the origigolfers is slated for July 6 to 15 Phi Beta Epsilon, Creighton Uni- day afternoon, May 20, from 3 to 5 -and 7 to 10 p. m. in honor of the In honor of the couple, Mr. and nal, they'll blend enchantingly with the luxury and open day July 25. versity social fraternity, held their 6 p. m. in honor of the confirma- confirmation of their daughter, FlorMrs. Simons will hold an "open of a period service, or accentuate the charm of ence. annual spring party a t ihe Birchtion of their son, Stuart. house" on Sunday afternoon/May 27, the modern. The way you'll covet them is an wood Club last Saturday night. Apat their home at 3809 Davenport NOT TO RECEIVE Mr. and Mrs. Morris Rubenstein Indication of the welcome they'll be accorded street. Dr. and Mrs. M. I. Gordon will reMr. and Mrs. Samuel E. Gilinsky proximately 150 couples attended, inby summer brides. will not receive May 20' in honor of cluding alumni members of the fra-ceive at home -from 3 to• 6 p. m. will be at home Sunday afternoon, GBEENOONKOFF the confirmation of their daughter, ternity, faculty members, interfra- on Sunday, May 20, in honor of the May 20, from 3 to 6 p. m. in honor of the confirmation of their son, Mrs. D. Minkoff announces the en-Sarah, owing to a bereavement in theternity representatives, and friends. confirmation of their son, Richard. Ralph. gagement of her daughter, Ida, tofamily. Herb Feierman's orchestra played. Mr. and Mrs. J. Slosburg, Jr., 5302 Mr. Norman L, Green, son of Mr. Mr. and' Mrs. Phil Jackson will Davenport St., will receive at home and Mrs. Morris Green. receive a t home on Sunday, May 20, CONVALESCING OBSERVE MOTHERS' DAY No date has been set for the wedMr. Ed Treller, who has been Sigma Omicron of Sigma Alpha in honor of the confirmation of their Sunday afternoon and evening} May 20, in honor of the confirmation of ding. home for the past two months, i s Mu fraternity entertained the parents, son, Ira JoeL their son, Buster. improving very rapidly. and friends of its members Sunday,! GROSSMAN-SOSKIN MARRIAGE May 13, at the chapter house in Lin- Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Josephson Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Solomon, 4823 Mr. and Mrs. H. Soslrin of this city TO VISIT HERE coln in observance of Mothers Day. will receive at the "Hill Hotel Sunday announce the marriage of their Henry G. Chait of Omaha, a past afternoon, May 20, from 3 to 6 p. m. Capitol, will receive at home Sunday Mrs. B. B. Kean and daughter, daughter, Blanche, to Mr. Maurice Jackie Lou, of Colorado Springs, will president, was the main speaker. En- in honor of the confirmation of their afternoon and evening, May 20, from 3 to 5 and 7 to 9 p. m. in honor of Grossman of Kansas City. The mar- arrive Saturday for a short stay with tertainment included piano selections son, Richard L the confirmation of their daughter, riage took place in Kansas .City May Mrs. Kean's brother-in-law and sis-by Miss Shirley Epstein and vocal Mr. and Mrs. Michel Katleman will Arlene Marie. 15. presentations by Samuel A. Goldberg. ter, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Solomon. receive on Sunday, May 20, from 3 The couple will reside in Kansas About 85 attended. . HIGHLAND BRIDGE-TEA Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Yousem, City. Repeating its performance of last to 7 p. m. at the Blackstone Hotel A bridge-tea for women will be year, the chapter was awarded the in honor of the confirmation of their 4724 Davenport, will receive at home given at the Highland; Country dub Delta Sigma Rho Debate trophy for daughter, Isobel Rita. Sunday afternoon, May 20, from 2:3G Silver Section ENTERTAINS to 5:30 p. m. in honor of the conFirst Floor ' Miss Ethel Bloom, daughter of Mr. on Wednesday afternoon,, June 6. winning the interfraternity debate Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Kraus, firmation of their daughter, E. Joy and Mrs. Harris Bloom, whose mar- Door prizes will be awarded and championship. Oscar Carp of Omaha riage to Mr. Max Stein, son of Mr. everyone is welcome, as the affair and Arnold Levine of Rosalis repre- 3871 Farnam street, will receive at Yousem. home on Sunday afternoon, May 20, and Mrs. Hyinie Stein of this city, is open to the public. sented the chapter. will be solemnized May 27, was BRIDGE WINNERS Sam Flieshman of Omaha was from 3 to 5 and 7 to 9 p. m. in honor of the confirmation of their honored last Tuesday evening by Messrs Manning E. Handler and elected adjutant of the Phalanx, Miss Helen Stein at a lingerie show- Morris Ferer were members of the honorary military organisation at the son, David. Tour Satisfaction Is Our Success er and bridge pariy at the Medical foursome which captured the Her-University of Nebraska, in a recent Arts Tearooms. • cessfully passed the California state ald's team-of-four contract bridge election. Bridge prizes were. won by Mrs.trophy this week. bar -examinations and will be adMorris Fox, Mrs.. Julia Zuker, .and mitted to practice June 7. IN LOS ANGELES Sally Pollay. Forty-one /were pres- VISITOR I N OMAHA Mark is a graduate of Technical Word has been received here by ent. jMiss Etta Walsh of Winnipeg, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Babi<r, 1210 High school, '21. He was among the Canada, is stopping over in Omaha So. 13th Street, that their son, Mark, 78 who successfully passed the ANNOUNCE BAR MTTZVAH en route to the west .coast. She i s who is in Los Angeles, CaL, has suc- exams out of 337 who took them. OM AH&SJTYLE .CENTER Mr. and Mrs. Abe Maisel announce staying, here at,the home of Mr. and the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Philip, Mrs. M. Kuznit on Thursday morning, May 17, at Insurance of Every Description... Including l i f e Z. B. T. ENTERTAINMENT the B'nai Israel synagogue. The members of Alpha Theta Mark Leon will write your insurance ONLY with strong, chapter of Zeta Beta Tau were hosts ANNOUNCE BIRTHS reliable companies—and will protect your interests when the -Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Chapman an- to their parents at a Parents' Day . . ; . : ' , - . " ? ' - ' ! ' '•; ;-~' r\l, - . ' c l a i m , c o m e s . ."•• ' '•- r ... celebration held at the chapter house aounce the birth >of> a son, May 8 at«Lincotri last Sunday. at the Methodist hospital. Mrs. Sam Berkowitz, president o: Mr. and Mrs. Leo Milder announce the Omaha Mothers* club was preBus. Phone: AT-7667 the birth of a son on May 12 at the sented with ihe Zeta Beta Tau mothSes. Phone: WA-SlSt er's pin. Clarkson hospital. Out-of-town guests included Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fellman announce the birth of a son on Thurs.JL. You'll float along, light as a day, May 10j a t the SL Joseph hos*"y. breeze in your partner's arms . . . pital.

Confirmation Receptions

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Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Greenberg of Crawford, Neb., announce the birth of a daughter, Jo Anne, on April 25. Mrs. Greenberg was formerly Miss Lillian Lipsey of Omaha. Mrs. Joseph Lipsey, mother of Mrs. Greenberg, returned Monday from a three-week visit with the Greenbergs at Crawford.

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NORMA SMILES—Seated on the ground in the yard of the Dedham. Mass., jail where she is awaiting trial as an accessory in the murder of two policemen at the holdup of a Ncedham, Mass., bank, Nonna Brighton MiUen is pictured smiling as she glances into the lens of the camera. Norma's husband, Murton Millen. his brother PREPARE FOR ROSE FETE-Santa Rosa, flower capital of the redwood territory, is preparing for Irving Millen, and Abe Faber are on tnal at Dedham charged i t s t h i r t y ^ e c 0 1 l d a m m a l ro5e ^ ^ ^ T h e high point of the four^ s p e c t a c l e ^U be a parade of the crime. Another jail inmate is shown with Norma. rose-decorated floats. This is Bahjr Donald Moretta, king of the California city's carnival.

INSULL GOES TALKIE—Facing a barrage of motion picture talkie cameras in the directors' roctn of St. Luke's hospital, Chicago, where he has been recuperating. Samuel Insull, fallen utilities czar, gives his version of the crash of his great empire to the public.

DISCOUNT SHOOTING REPORTS—Rumors in Paris that Magda Ltjpescu, pretty red-haired companion of King Carol of Rumania, had been shot in a Bucharest hotel have been discounted in Ruman-

a! Jonescu.


IDEAL EXTRA GIRL — Miss Ruth Magden, who is considering an offer for a Broadway musical production, has been selected by Hollywood studios as the movies' ideal extra girL Miss Magden has been the winner of many beauty contests.

LIFE AT BONUS CAMP—William May, left, and Makare Bluhoder, both of New York C^ity, are pictured at the camp of the veterans' CHILDREN OF KIDNAP VICTIM—Here are Billy and Betty Getbonus army near Washington, using an ash can as a coffee pot dur- tie, eight-year-old twin children of William F. Gettle, kidnaped miling the preparation of a meal for the campers. lionaire California oil magnate.

RIVERS DRYING UP—The Des Plaines river at Lyon, 111., which in normal years is 10 feet deep at this season, is virtually dried up, as a result of the terrific drought. It is so shallow at some points that a person can step across from one side of the stream to the other.

EAST INDIAN VISITORS—To the scientific world these animal* are known as varanikomodoenscs, but you probably would recognize them better by the name of lizards. Brought from the Dutch East Indies, the lizards are pictured at their new home in the Bronx, N." Y., zoo. The beasts arc believed to be a strange revival of the historic dinosaur

PAGE 7—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, MAY18,1934 great an honor . . . But seriously we Hadassah New York Cantor are rather happy that Sapiiro escaped Junior Congregation sentence, he is as gifted and as honest The annual meeting of the Omaha MATSUO STUDIO The Junior Congregation will meet at Beth Hamedrosh as the rest who live on the outside chapter of Hadassah will take place "Photographs That Satisfy" Wednesday, May 23, at 2:30 p. m. Rev. H. Movshovich, widely-known •§ from = of the prison walls . . . as usual at 10:15 a. m. Saturday Weddinp: Photographs 20% Disc. The order of business will be the an-cantor from New York, will conduct BITS THAT BITE nual report of the president and elec- services at the Beth. Hamedrosh morning. Phyllis Milder will be hos- Quality Photograph. Reasonable prices 2404 Farnam St. AT. 4079 "The House or Rothschild," setting tion of officers and directors. Conservative Hagodol synagogue, 19th and Burt, tess in observance of her birthday. | By PHDJEAS J. BIBON = new box office records in this coun- The progTam will consist of a sur- for the Shabuoth holiday.. He will At services tonight Rabbi David try, has been banned by the French prise number to be presented by Mrs. chant the services Saturday night, A. Goldstein will speak on "Are government on the ground that it David A. Goldstein and her commit- Sunday morning and Monday morn- There Superior and Inferior Races?" might lead to anti-Semitic outbreaks tee after which tea will be served ing. Shabuoth begins Saturday night ,; STRANGE BUT TRUE . . The American Jewish Congress by Mrs. T. A. Tully and her 1com- Cantor Movshovich is on his way to and continues through Monday. The We may look foolish by the time claims credit for the recent announce- mittee, in honor of the outgoing ofthis gets printed but we have it from ment by R. H. Macy, that it has closed ficers and the Board of Directors. the coast. He conducted services at schedule for services is as follows: Saturday night at 7 p. m. Ultra reliable source that the three its German buying office and com- Final plans for the Regional con- the B'nai Jacob synagogue last weekRevisionists charged with the murder pletely halted the purchase of Ger-vention to take place in Sioux City end, and was invited to conduct the Sunday morning, a t 9 a . m . Shabuoth services at the Beth Hame- Monday morning, at 9 a. m., with of Arlosoroff will be convicted and goods Samuel Untermyer will be announced. If enough women drosh by popular request. The pub-Yizkor services at about 10 a. m. sentenced to death and eventually man HOWARD At 16th. be remembered as the one whoplan to attend, a bus will be char- invited. Next Friday night the Conservacommuted to 20 years prison. Take it will tered to take them direct to the called the Straus dynasty to order in tives Synagogue will worship at the or leave it—that's'the story . . . connection with the anti-Nazi boy- Hotel Warrior. For further informaB'nai Israel synagogue at 18th and Gertrude Stein in a recent interview cott . . . . Drew Pearson and Robert tion call Mrs. A. S. Kubnitz or Mrs. Vaad Auxiliary Chicago streets as the guests of the said: "I say that Hitler ought to have Alien wrote a most interesting story M. F . Levenson. The next regular meeting of the Vaad. the peace prize because he is remov- about Samuel Untermyer in connec- The election will be over on MayVaad Auxiliary will be held Tuesday Fight Against ing all elements of contest and strug- toin with the Stock Market Bill, as 23, but the Hadassah year will not afternoon, May 22, at 2 p. m., in"Work Fatigue" Vaad gle from Germany. By driving out part of. their syndicated column . ... end until May 24, when the Infant stead of Monday, May 21, because the Jews and the Democratic and Left It paints a graphic picture of that Welfare committee -will hold a dance of Shabuoth. No sermon will be given at the You can't give yonr full mental and phyelements, he is driving out everything small boy whom he (Untermyer) had to fulfill its quota, at Peony Park. The main speaker will be Dr. Vic- services of the Vaad this evening, at sical vigor to your work if you don't feel the B'nai-Israel synagogue. Abbrevi-r that conduces to activity. That means Each year the lives of thousands of up Benjamin de Cass- children are saved through the ex- tor E. Levine, who will speak - on ated services will be followed by the "just right." .... peace" . . . And while we are on Nazi brought "Nutrition." On the the program will eres, the Jewish but oh so unJewish territory we might mention that we man of letters has been working pert advice to the mothers, given by be a Shabuoth play by the children graduation exercises of the junior de• .••', Pep up for the day's efforts by eating at only discovered the other day that it quietly behind the scenes, strength- Hadassah nurses and doctors. ' The of the Religious School and a talk partment. •was on the complaint of the Central ening the anti-Nazi boycott . . . T h e free tnedicine, cod liver oil, milk arid on "Shabuoth" by "Rabbi Uri Miller. Shabuoth will be observed at the the Jack and Jill .. »their delicious Verein Deutscher Buerger Juedischen Jewish community of Dayton, Ohio, layettes to those who could not Mrs. Louis Epstein and her com-varions synagogues affiliated with menus tastily served in an ideal atmosthe Vaad. Glaubens dass Ernst Teller's "Masse- will soon have a new Anglo-Jewish otherwise have these things are a mittee will serve tea. phere . . . •will lend f'vim"- to your efforts. Saturday and Sunday evenings mensch" was prohibited from the Gerpart of the efforts of Hadassah. AnTry the dining comfort . . . at reasonweekly, yes sir So, James "Water- other important phase of Hadassah ' Two hundred attended the Mother services begin at 7 p. m. Sunday and man stage, several years ago . . . Later man able prices . . . of the quaintest place in Wise, enterprising editor of OpinMonday mornings services will start on the Nazi complied still further ion has left for the USSR and unless work is the preventive work done in and Daughter bancjaet at.the B'nai : town. , at 8:30 a. m. with the wishes of these gentlemen we cannot judge human mature, we the 27 baby stations and two Health Israel synagogue Tuesday evening Eabbi Uri Miller will occupy the by burning Toller's volume . . . And are certain that he will come back an Centers. OPEN ALL 2fIGHT under the sponsorship of the Vaad pulpit of the B'nai Israel synagogue did you know that Kreml the hair enthusiastic supporter of the Soviet The committee in charge consists Auxiliary. Mrs. Sol Lagman spoke on Sunday ~ morning, and the pulpit tonic which boasted of its German manner of treating the Jews . . . Dr. of Mrs. Joseph Goldware, chairman for the mothers, and Miss Esther of the Betii Hamedrosh Hagodol make is now being boosted as "Amer- Leo Wolman, chairman of President and Mesdames Julius Abrahamson, Silverman responded for the daugh- synagogue on Monday morning. ica's scientific hair tonic," doesn't it Roosevelt's David Brodkey, Joe Bloch, Jake A Suggestion for Any Night ters. Rabbi Miller spoke. Labor ArbiMemorial services will be held make your hair stand up . , . Joseph tration BoardAutomobile Blank, Dave Bernstein, Morris Fox. Jack & Jill Sizzling Steak does not expect to reSchildkraut is back in the money, urn to the NRA Labor Advisory David Finkle, Irvin Levin, Jake The annual theatre party of the Monday morning at 10 a. m. Served white | B I | | Idaho baked In the prnm* m 4 ^ f\ potato, sliced Hollywood having rediscovered that 3oard when he finishes the motor job Kauman, Abe Pradell, Sam Roch- Auxiliary will be held at the Circle of cookfnir. g %J\, tomato, lirend g Budolph's little boy is a darn good Temple Imtter, drink. Lazar Galpern, associate director inan, r Ernest Rueben, I. W. Rosen- Theatre, with Mrs. William Milder in hot. actor of versatile talents . . .Arthur and. dancing of "The Romance of blatt, Aaron Rips, George Straus, charge, on Tuesday evening, May 29. Eabbi Frederick Conn will speak at Tracy's records are best sellers in a People" isstar Two features and shorts will be on Temple Israel this evening on "Histhe motive power be- Dave Stein and Sam Stein. London, England, and Mrs./ Street ind the group establishing the program, Two shows will tory as Past Ethics—Is There Prega chilSinger is burning up because her law- dren's theater in New York; he has given, at 7 p. m., and 9 p. m. ress?" a pre-Shabuoth sermon. yers cannot attach the money . / . the support of Dr. John Dewey of There will be a special musical Ladies' Labor Lyceum MacMillan, the publishers, warned number by George Kent Dentel, who Joseph Columbia among others Lewis Browne, the author that his The Ladies Labor Lyceum club will B'nai Jacob Auxiliary will sing a baritone solo. "How Odd of God" dealing with Jew- Werner, a London advertising expert hold a concert and drawing Sunday A meeting of the B'nai Jacob AuxKaddish will be recited for J. L. ish abstract theory would not sell but as just collected $80,000 from the evening, May 20, at 8 p. m. a t the iliary will be held at the synagogue, Eothschild, Minnie Wolf, Fannie American Railway Express Agency Lewis insisted that he had to get it Labor Lyceum, 22nd and Clark. Brandeis and Hesse Eosenstock. off his chest before writing anything tor his idea of using the wagons of • A thirty-two-piece breakfast set of 24th and Nicholas, Tuesday afternoon, Services Saturday morning will the R. E. Afor advertising posters. May 22, at 2 p.m. else . . ..It may or may not interest dishes will be awarded. A program start at 10:30 a. m. Dr. Cohn's serWetner had to sue to get his money you that Huth Etting, Radio's richest of entertainment is also being armon topic will be "In the Wildernightingale, is married to Colonel ut he got . . . Alpha Gamma Chi ness." ranged, and the general public inJ. David Stern, Snyder, scion of an Orthodox Jewish ew; How come that York and Philadelphia publisher vited. Admission will be twenty-five Alpha "Gamma'Chi sorority, which The confirmation and Shabuoth was organized in January at the service will be held Sunday morning and Lessing J. Rosenwald of Sears, cents. family May we be forgiven for University of Omaha,, was g given at the Temple, starting at 9:30 a. m. telling you that the Raimund Hoff- Roebuck & Co., are members' of the recognition . by the Pan-Hellenic manstahls are very happy and deeply Committee for the Nation, the directhe Pan-Hellenic Junior Hadassah immersed in their matrimonial bliss. or of which is the same Dr. Rumely Council this past This sorority ha& received the He is the son of the Austrian Jewish who was .once a big shot in the Ku The Junior JHadassah will hold an This sorority RAILROAD SALVAGE poet Hugo von Hoffmanstahl, and sheKlux Klan? . . . In case you do not important meeting next Thursday highest scholastic *a&rig for the last Best quick drying spar varnish, is the only daughter of the late John remember the Committee of the Na-evening, May/524, at 8 o'clock at the semester. $150 gal; paint, $L2o gal.; DeJacob Astor; they live in New York. ion sponsored Dr. Wirt's red scare Jewish Community Center. The elec- The officers are: Rose Shafer, Toe enamels all colors $2^0 gal.; lacquers, 50c qt. Brashes % price is also tied up with father Cough- iion of officers for the coming year president; Janet Graetz, vice-presiYOU DIDN'T KNOW THAT... and will take place and all members are dent; Sylvia Silverman, secretaryin who has gone anti-Semitic OMAHA JOBBING Fannie Hurst works only six hours More than that there are rumors link- urged to attend. treasurer; and Esther Silverman, re317 So. 15th THE PROCTOR SPEED IRON a day on a five day a week schedule, ng the Committee, for The Nation porter.; but when she works she permits noth- with George W. Christians' White A rush tea is being planned for the IRONS FASTER! Junior Vaad ing to. interefere with her—not even Shirts and other Fascist organiza- A s a climax to the.year's activities, first "part of June. . J Vat her husband . . lta_Elizabeth Bergner,; '^o^', : A new iron that meets today's demand for T____^__ _._„____. n j ; fjjffffmigafin'-foj arc - asking the-iTunior. lyrhile -we^ iTni Vat njfjjffffmigafin'-foj ar _% After the Theatre •whose England-made d film fil "Kathefine "Kthi questions how does it happen that! planning a sunmi4r^&)rmar dance to i^peed. Heat is controlled by accurate tReHnfc*. "> f Treat the CrowH at_ " t~ the Great" is conquering America, Rabbis Stephen S. Wise, and Abba be held the early part; pf_ June."Both 1897 stat so that the iron is always at right tem1934 "was. threatened with three years in- Silver,, the most outspoken liberals organizations voted to'have i t an exTHE perature. THIS SAVES TIME AND INterment in. a concentration camp if (we are speaking of Wise more than clusive affair, the dance to be held SURES BETTER RESULTS. A "dial of she ever sets foot again in Germany. of Silver) in the American Rabbinate for "• members only. fabrics" tells the right heat for silk, cotton, P. S. Elizabeth is Jewish Among didi not answer the questionnaire on While the regular /meetings will be linen, etc $7.95. the six artists whose concerts at Car- yr&r and' economic injustice sent to discontinued for} the- summer, the They will enjoy the. new decorations and the delicious food. negie hall, New York, make money are 100,000 Protestant clergymen and clubs voted to have one or two soEverything cooked in batter and Joseph Hoffman, Jasha Heifetz, Menu- rabbis over the signature of nine cial gatherings during the summer TRADE IN ALLOWANCE pure olivejoii. We never use.lard. Believe leading Protestant cleries and Rabbi months. tin and Ruth Slenczynski / • For the Ladies: A it or not but George Gershwin was Edward L. Israel ON YOUR OLD IRON Questionnaires Election of officers for the fall Wonderful Afternoon paid $60,000 from Universal for the were sent to 609 rabbis and only 203 term will feature the next meeting Card P a r t y Room! General Agent When You Buy This Proctor Iron right to have Paul Whiteman play replied The International Trade of the Junior Vaad auxiliary, which "Rhapsody in Blue" in "The King of Fair Corner 24th and Harney Streets 3k. 7820 sponsored by the American Jew- will be the dosing session for this 338-340 Electric Bldg. Morris Gest and Balieff of ish Congress and conducted by the erm. Jazz" Chauve Souris fame have split be- Commercial Exposition Corporations TRY WAFFLES MADE THE cause the Russian master of ceremon- will be held for five days from Octoies signed a radio contract withou ber 22d to October 27th, at the New PROCTOR WAY Roxy York Grand Central Palace . . . The naming Gest. as manager •whom the Rockefeller Radio City contract which the concerns have to Proctor Waffle Iron authorities propelled into the unem- sign and under which they will be $9.95 ployment column is doing well with a rented floor space at the Exposition . . . THAT'S HOW OFTEN YOU CAN SERVE $10,000 a week contract by Paramoun states specifically "That no merchanSmartly modern in design! tor himself and his gang; Roxy nets dise or products shall be exhibited No guesswork about wafabout $5,000 per week for himself and which have been created, manufacSUNSHINE KOSHER CRACKERS! fles! Just set dial for Is again talking big about the future tured, fabricated in or imported from "light" or "dark." A signal . . . Fannie Hurst is going to spend Germany" . . . tells when waffle is done. her summer vacation in Denmark with the United States minister to tha Saves batter and speeds country, Ruth Bryan Owen . . . Aaron waffles. Sapiro the recently acquitted Gottheil medalist was actually a studem "Open Everhot Casserole Kosher style fooils — Cold beet at the Cincinnati Hebrew Union Col borscht served daily. Saturday £ege although he does not boast abom $5.50 specinl home-maSe cheese cake.' it because he feels that it is the Col15U Farnam JA. 8228 C f you want to serve "just lege that should pride itself of sc

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PAGE &-THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, MAY 18, 1934 and daughter, - Mr. and- Mrs. Louis H. gogue at 618 Mynster Street on Sat-dent;. Mrs. Nathan Nogg, recording urday evening at sis o'clock. On secretaryy; Mrs. Abe Markovitz, fiKatelman, and iheir son, Avrum. Mrs. C. Wold of Minneapolis, Monday morning services will com- nancial secretary; and Mrs, Albert ' The high school department of Minnesota, returned to her home mence at 8:30 o'clock. The memorial Krasne, treasurer. Mrs. Marowitz will Mount Sinai Temple will hold its an-Tuesday following' an extended visit services, "Yiscor" -will be held Mon- be delegate to the regional convennual graduation exercises this evening tion which will be held in Sioux City Newly elected officers of the "Auxil- a t ' 8 o'clock'in conjunction with the here a t -the home of her son-in-law day morning a t ten o'clock. and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph The Council Bluffs Senior Hadas- on ' May 27 and 28. Several other iary of Shaare Zion synagogue were regular Friday evening services. The F. Gilinsky. sah held its annual election of of-members also plan to attend the conMiss ANNA PILL, Correspondent installed at. a luncheon meeting held following members of the'graduating Among those who spent the past ficers Wednesday afternoon, May 16,vention. by the group in the synagogue Tues- class will deliver brief addresses: Henweek-end in Iowa City where they at the Hotel Chieftain. Mrs. Morris day afternoon. Mrs. H. M. Sherman ry Greenberg, Margaret Kosberg, BEX E. KAZLOfl'SKV, Attorney attended the "Mothers' Day" proGrossman was elected president to the service, will be accompanied by the has been elected president of the aux- Annabelle Emlein and Mina Slotsky. gram Insurance Building were Mesdames George Krasne, succeed Mrs. Herman Marowitz. iliary to succeed Mrs. Barney Baron, choir singing "How Goodly Are Thy The ritual will ^be read* by Teddy Sam Meyerson, and Morris Yudel- Other officers chosen were: Mrs. Tents, O Jacob." Rabbi Rabinowitz who recently tendered her resignation Skalovsky, Sidney Kalin, Milton Ga- son. Mrs. Krasne was the guest of NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Gordon, first vice-president;' In the will give the confirmation sermari and as president. County Court of Douglas County, linsky and Leo Rose Newman. Dr. her son, Leonard; Mrs. /Ieyerson Richard Mrs. Max Simon, second vice-presiCantor A. Pliskin will chant the rit- Other officers installed were Mrs. Lewis will speak on "The Importance visited her son, Yale; and Mrs. Nebraska. Ruben Miller and Mrs. I. Menin, vice- of Jewish Education." In the Mutter of the Estate of ABRAHAM ual. visited her son, Collman, SHOTWEIX, MOXSKT, CROlllNSKT & W1KNKU, silso known as AUUAHAM Vocal selections will be offered by presidents; Mrs. Joe Kutcher, record- At the conclusion of the exercises, Yudelson all students at the University of VANCE and HAKltY B. COHEN, Sixteen boys and girls will be con-the confirmarits under the direction of ing secretary; Mrs. Eli Seff, finan•\VI.VEK, Deceased. prizes will be distributed to those chilAttorneys. Iowa. firmed at Mount Sinai Temple and Dorothy Gelson. Miss Evelyn Kuntz cial secretary; Mrs. Dave Ginsberg, All persons interested in said estate are dren of the Religious School who have Selwin Suvalsky, son of Mr. and 737 Omaha National Bank Bide. hereby nutifiril that n petition has been Shaare Zion synagogue Sunday, in cel- will represent the faculty and Sylvia treasurer. filed in said Court alleging that said deebration of the festival of Shabuoth. Herzoff, president of the 1933 con-Mrs. Barney Baron gave a report of distinguished themselves during the Mrs. Saul Suvalsky, who had been ill Know all men t>y these presents: Thnt ceiisrd ilii'd leaving no last will and praynt a duly constituted meeting of the stockyear. ing for administration upon his estate, and Confirmation services at the Temple firmation class, will extend greetings the past year's activities and chairat the Jennie Edmundson hospital holders of 1SKLL CIUAK STOKE. INC., that n hearing will be had on said petition will be held at 10 o'clock Sunday from the alumni. all of the stockholders being present, held for several weeks, returned to his before s:iid court on the 2nd day of Jane, men of the various committees preon the 20th dny cf April, 1034, it was un- 1034," and that if they fail to appear at said morning. The seven children who will A reception will follow the service sented their annual reports. A resume Dr. Theodore N. Lewis will deliver home Monday, where he is now con-animously agreed that the cororntion be Court on the said 2nd day of June, 1934, at be confirmed at the Temple are Rob- in the social hall of the synagogue. dissolved. 1) o'clock A. M. to contest said petition, the of the recent conference of Ladies' the commencement address to thevalescing. at Omaha, Nebraskn, this 20th day Court may grant the same and grant adert Cohen, Myron Heeger,, Haskell LaMiss Leona Katelman entertained of Dated Conservative, synagogues held in Lin-graduation class of the Sergeant Bluff Appril. 1034. ministration of said estate to Hyman high school next Tuesday evening at twelve guests at a dinner, party at zere, Blossom Kalin, Robert Mane MXCOIJN SMITH. President. Wiener or some other suitable person and coln, Neb., was also given by Mrs. DAN McDEKMOXX, Secretory. proceed to a settlement thereof. 8 o'clock. His subject will be "Facing Elaine Rosenfeld and Bernard Rosenher home Tuesday evening in celeBaron, who represented Sioux City at BH1CE CRAWFORD. the Future." thaL . bration of her birthday. The evening 5-U-34-3t. Connty Judge. the meet. The service will include the invocawas spent playing bunco and dancThe final meeting of the Oneg tion by Bernard Rosenthal; Flower ing. Shabbps group of the auxiliary for offering, Elaine Rosenfeld; Talks on SHEBOUTH SERVICES. this season will be held tomorrow af"Israel" by Myron Heeger; "The TorServices for "Shebouth" will begin ternoon, in the home of Mrs. Joe ah," Robert Cohen; Prayer before the Three well known speakers are Friedman. Participating on the proat the Chevra B'nai Yisroel synaArk, Robert Marx; reading of the Tor- scheduled to address the session of the gram will be. Rabbi Rabinowitz, "The BY F . R. K. ah, Bernard Rosenthal; Talks on "The Senior Hadassah convention, which Meaning of Shabuoth"; Mrs. A. H. FBADEXBCRG, ST.VLMASTEK, BGBEK Synagogue," Elaine Rosenfeld; "The will be held in Sioux City on May '27 Baron, reading "Ruth and Naomi"; & KI-X'TZNICK, Attorneys Mr. and Mrs. Herman Meyerson 650 Omaha National Bank Building Three Crowns," Haskell Lazere; "Ju-and 28. Mrs. J. Rosenberg of Omaha, Mrs. J. Sawislak, review of "Yehudi" daism," Robert Marx; "Our Parents," Neb., who is president of the South- by Levin, and Mrs. Sam Slotsky, Jew- will be at home to all of their relaNOTICE OF INCOKPOKATIOX OF tives and friends at their home, 127 Blossom Kalin; Sermon and blessing, west region of Hadassah, will preside ish current events. FEEDERS SIPPLY UJSPOT . South Eighth Street, on Sunday Xotice is hereby given that wo, the unDr. Lewis. at the opening session on Sunday dersigned, have associated ourselves toafternoon, May 20, from three until gether Mr. Hyman Fishgall, president of morning and will speak at that time. the purpose of forming a corfive o'clock, and Sunday evening, be- porationfor to be known as KEKDEltS SUPthe congregation will present the cer- Sunday noon at the luncheon, Mrs. VtiX I'KI'OT. It shall commence business tween the hours of seven and ten tificates of confirmation. Reuben Hal- Bertha Berkman, president of the Chithe time of the filing of the Articles of o'clock, in honor of their daughter, at perin, violinist, will play "Eli - Eli" cago Senior Hadassah chapter and a Incorporation with the County Clerk of. Florence, who will be confirmed that Douglas County, Nebraska, and continue and Miss Gertrude Trowl will be atwell known speaker and Zionist worka period of fifty years. The principal morning from Temple Israel. No for the organ. Harry Horwitz will direct er, place of doing business shall be Omaha, will speak. cards are being issued. Nebraska. The general nature of the busthe congregation choir and will be as- Monday noon, Dr. J. M. Lande of iness shall be to acquire, encumber, transsisted by H. N. Slotsky. The Council Bluffs Lodge No. 688 fer, convey, hold, rent, lease and traffie in Sioux City, who returned last fall real property of every kind, nature and deNine children will be confirmed at from of the Independent Order of the scription ; to. loan and borrow monies, and an extended visit in Palestine, The last of the series of Benefit the services in Shaare Zion synagogue will address to do all things which may be .necessary Bridge tournaments, sponsored by theB'nai Brith held a meeting Monday and/or the Hadassah members at proper to carry out the objects nnd Sunday evening at 8:15. The mem-the luncheon in the Country Club. Junior Hadassah chapter, will be held evening at the Eagles Hall. Plans purposes for which this corporation is orbers of the class are Belle Cohen, Sam were made for an open meeting and ganized. The capital stock shall be ?10.Monday evening, May 21, in the Jewdivided into 100 shares of the par Edelman, Helen Guttleman, Sylvia Mrs. E. N. Grueskin, chairman of ish Community Center. Proceeds of program to be held on Monday eve- 000.00 of $100.00 each, all of which shall be Friedman, Morris Ginsberg, David the convention arrangements, and the parties will go toward the Pal-ning, May 28, at the Eagles Hall, at value common and fully paid up when issned. Olensky, Irene Mirowitz, Harriet Le- Mrs. R. H. Emlein, president of tin estinian Funds sponsored by the Na-which time all members, their fami- The affairs of the corporation shall be managed by a Board of Directors of not local Hadassah chapter, will speak vin and Morris Raskin. lies and friends will be invited to at-less than three members who shall elect tional Hadassah. The theme of the entire service will briefly at the opening meeting on Hostesses for Monday evening's tend. Memorial services will be held from their nnmber a President, Vice-PresiSunday. dent. Secretary and Treasurer. The annual be "The Spirit of Our People." Adof the corporation shall be held on bridge will include Dorothy Epstein, for members who have passed away. meeting dresses by the confirmants will be At the Sunday luncheon, Miss Ecse Ruth the third of January each yenr. Mrs. Sol Gross of St. Louis, Mis- Articles ofMonday Rifkin, Ruth Grueskin, Mary incorporation may be amended Pill, president of the local Junior Habased on this theme. Belle Cohen will upon the affirmative vote of two-thirds Ruth Jacobson and Rosalie souri, arrived here last Friday for avote speak on this theme as revealed in dassah chapter, will greet the visitors Rozofsky, of the outstanding stock. visit a t the home of her son-in-law Sacks. The grand prize for the tourand local Senior Hadassah members in the Bible; David Olensky, "The Spirit In Witness "Whereof, the parties hereunto have Bet their hands on this 27th dav behalf of the Junior Hadassah. Music nament play will be awarded that eveof the People as Revealed in the Proof March. 1334. * ning, as well as the high prize for FUADENBCRG. STALMASTEK. BEUKU will be. furnished by the Halpilsky phets"; Harriet Levin, "The Spirit of LOUIS G. FKOHARDI & KU'TZXICK, Attorneys. the fourth party. string trio and Mayor Hayes will tenF." S. GRAKHARPT . G30 Omaha National Bank Hide. the People as Revealed in History"; A. K. HOLLCROFT Omaha, Nebraska Sam Edelman, "The Spirit as Revealed der the key to the city. In the presence of: , NOTICE OF AJLEHDMEXT TO ARTI- JOS. B. FBADEXBCKG in Experience"; Irene Mirowitz "In At the banquet Sunday evening, to CLES OC INCORPORATION OF Exemplary Lives"; Helen Guttleman which the husbands of the members • "MrLDEU OIL COMPANY" "The Spirit of the People in the Syn-have been invited, greetings from the Notice is hereby given that on the 17th day of April, ism. at 2 o'clock 1». M.. at agogue"; Sylvia Friedman, "The Spir- Zionist organization will be given by the offices of the Company. Omaha. Neit of the People in Law." Morris Ras- Dr. H. M. Levin president; and in bebraska, at a special meeting of the stockholders. Article IV of the Articles of Inkin will offer a prayer; and Morris half of the Federation of Jewish Socorporation "Milder Oil Company" was Ginsberg; will give the class motto cial Service, by Mr. A. M. Davis. Mrs. Mrs. Dora Falk, 74 years old, died amended nsof follows: ; at the home of her daughter, Mrs. M. Rosenberg will also speak that eve" ARTICLE: IV. The total authorized and.'pledge; :•; ' - : . -. stock of the corporation is The processional, which will precede. ning. Community singing will be ledA. Levich, Sunday morning. Death capital $100,000.00 to be divided Into one by Harry Horwitz and H. N. Slotsky came after an illness of several weeks. thousand' shares of the par value of Mrs. Falk, who came to America 25 $100.00 each, nil of which stock shall will offer a vocal solo. be common stock and when issued A tea at the Warrior hotel Mon- years ago, Kyed for a number of years shall be fully paid and non-assessable." in Omaha before moving to Sioux City HYMIE JULDEIt. resident. day afternoon at 5 will conclude the MILDER, Secretary. 13-years agol . . 4-27-34-4L ELLA :Vii convention.. • :>. Rabbi Rabinowitz and Cantor A. Pliskin officiated at the funeral servF. R. ACKEXtMAN. Attorney 490 Bmndels Theatre B!d r . , ices here and burial took place in Omaha. .-..'-. NOTICE BY PCBHCATIOS ON PETIFOB SETTLEMENT OF FINAL Surviving are four daughters, Mrs. TION ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT Mr. and Mrs. Ben Fish, 1906 Center Levich of Sioux City, Miss Esther ' In the County Court of Douglas County, . street, announce the engagement of Falk and Mrs. Bessie Popple of LosNebraska. ; ; In the Matter of the Estate of EETTT «,»:. *^~\.<. ~ TA~ 4-~ •*!««.„.. n^Aic Angejg^ Cal and Mrs J Altaian of their daughter, Ida, to Nathan Goldis, o g ^ Cal., and Mrs. J . Altaian of RILVEKMAX, Deceased. son of Mr. and Mrs. F . Goldis of Omaha, and one son, Edward Falk of AH persons interested in said matter are hereby notified that, on the Sth day of Rock Island, HL The wedding will be O m a h a . .'•'..••' May, 1034, Irving Jange* filed a petition in an event of :late summer. Miss Fish said County Court, praying that his final administration account filed herein be setis a graduate of the University of ; tled and allowed, and that he be disIowa. . charged from his trust as executor and





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Tentative Date for Yiddish Play Set a hearing will be had on said petition before said Court on the 2nd day of June. 1034, and that if you fail to appear before said Court on the said 2nd day of June, at 8 o'clock A. M.t and contest said June 3 has been the tentative date 1934, petition, the Court may grant the prayer set for the presentation of "Myrele of said petition, enter a decree of heirand make such other and further,orElfus," a Yiddish play to be given at ship, ders, allowances and decrees, as to this the Community Center under the di-Court may seem proper, to the end that all matters pertaining to said estate may rection of David Sperling. be finally settled nn<! determined. Additions to the cast this week BU YCE CKAWFOKD, l543t are Rudy Shindler and Charles Shind-

Complimenting Miss Hannah Sperling, a bride of this month, a group of friends entertained at an evening of bridge, Monday evening, in the home of A. Slotsky. Mrs. W. C. Slotsky and Mrs. Emil Slotsky were hostesses at an afternoon of bridge, Tuesday, complimenting Miss Sperling. Thursday evening, the Epsilon Phi ler. . NOT ICE OF INCORPORATION' club entertained Miss Sperling at a The Poale Zion, Pioneer Women and Notice Is hereby given that Articles of of the ALL-STATES FIdinner in the Seville Cafe. Saturday the National Workers Alliance are Incorporation NANCE AND AGENCY CORPORATION afternoon, Mrs. Charles Raskin will sponsoring the production. were executed nnd filed in the office of the Secretary of State on May 4. 1934, statcompliment Miss Sperling at a social ing—its principal plane of business to l>e afternoon. Sunday night, Mrs. M. Omaha, Neb.; its business to 1MS the conducting of a general insurance agency, a Sperling will entertain for the bridegeneral loan and finance business, and the elect. ownership and dealing in real nnd perMiss Alice Novitsky was chairman sonal property; the authorized capital stock of the Junior Poale Zion meeting held to be ?23,000 to be Issued on payment of Mrs. Ellis Bottigheimer and" chil- last Sunday at the home of A. Still- money or Us equivalent; its existence to on May 4, 1934, and terminate ninetydren are guests this month in the man. The program, based on a histo- beginyears thereafter; the highest amount home of the former's parents, Mr. and rical theme, included a discussion by ulne of Indebtedness not to exceed two-thirds Mrs. Ben Schulein. Mrs. Preston Hel- Julia Bereskin of "The Jew and theof the paid-up capital stock: the affairs of the corporation to be conducted by a ler is expected to arrive in the city Modern World," based on a book by Board of Directors not less than two in this week to visit with Mr. and Mrs. number, a President, Vice-President. Ruppin; "Analogy of the Jewish con- Secretary and and Treasurer. Schulein. ditions in the 16th Century" by Max C S. NELSON CLIFFORD J. HOTZ Maron; "Biography of Heine" by Sul5-ll-S4-4t. . Incorporators. Mrs. A. Meyers and children of Des amith Bereskin; Teading, "Princess Moines, are visiting this week in theSabbath (Heine)," by Rebecca Stillhome of the former's parents, Mr. and man. Mrs. B. Rosenthal. Rev. A. Diamond The weekly question box and business meeting concluded the meeting, Recognized as Mr. A. Dikel spent several days in Sulamith Bereskin will be chairman of PRACTICAL MOHEL Chicago this week,- attending a furthe meeting next Sunday. style show. •-••••Phone 1059 COUNCIL BLUFFS Mr. and Mrs..M..Sherman announce Patronize Jewish Press advertisers. the birth of a son.

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Shaare Zion Shabuoth services will be held at Shaare Zion synagogue Saturday evening, Sunday - morning and evening, and Monday morning and evening. . Sunday morning, Rabbi Rabinowitz will speak on. "The Emphasis of the Elements of Beauty." Cantor A. Pliskin will chant the service. Memorial services will be held on Monday .morning. Rabbi Rabinowitz will speak; on, the subject, "Are We Rich or Pobr." . ,:: • -. . , Arrangements have been made with the board of education to excuse Jewish children from classes during Shabuoth. Thursday evening," Rabbi Rabinowitz will address the Hopkins school Parent-Teacher association on the subject, of i'The Communal. Responsibility Towards Education." '

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