May 25, 1934

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In the Interests of the Jewish People

Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism

Entered as Second Class Mail Matter on January 21, 10'21, at 1'ostoffice of Omaha, N£brsBka, uuder tha Act ot Match 3. 1879


Vol. 10—No. 17



London, (WNS).—A precedent of the utmostt importance to German refugees whose funds and property The Jewish high school graduates of nave been confiscated by the GerOmaha will be honored at the second man Government is established as ,c**> . . . annual city-wide service and recep- The summary of the Jewish Phil- the result of a decision made by the anthropies campaign will be given at London High Court against Lloyd's tion, to be held this evening, May 25,a. meeting of .the.Boarr" of Governors world-famous insurance company. at" the B'nai Israel synagogue, 18th of the Jewish "Gomrnuaity Center and The High Court ruled that Lloyd's and Chicago. Welfare Federation^ to be held in the must pay Albert Zomer, a refugee ; German Jew, who carried a policy Graduates, this June and last-mid- near future. ~ The last complete • tabulation was with Lloyd's, for losses suffered term have: been sent special invitaAn afternoon program at the B'nai tions and 'all relatives and friends' of last Thursday, May 17. At this time when the Nazi regime confiscated Israel synagogue, 18th and Chicago the graduates are invited to attend. 2,866 pledges had been turned in for his fortune. streets, followed by a banquet at the Regional Conclave to Be Held in Lloyd's had refused to make good New York (JTA) — The DAWA New York (Special, from Jewish The service will begin at 8 p. m., a total of $33,209.35. Jewish Community Center will fea. This sets an, all-time high peak for on the policy since the Nazis con- (German American Protective Alli- Examiner).—While "German-Ameriand will be followed by the reception Omaha Daring ture the community-wide celebration the number of pledges obtained in a tended he had committed treason ance) meeting in Madison Square Gar- cans" assembled in Madison Square downstairs. Refreshments will be of the fiftieth anniversary of the den for the purpose of declaring a Garden to whip up the furies of October served by a committee headed by Mrs.local Jewish Philanthropies drive, top- in trying to take his money out of boycott B'nai Israel this Sunday, May 27. against American Jewry, last Nazism, members of a newlyping the previousrecord of 2,400 in Germany. The High Court declared Thursday night unleashed one of the formed organization of true Ger' The open program, to which the At a conference held Sunday in L. Neveleff. that Zomer was entitled to compen- strongest anti-Jewish Rabbi Uri Miller will be chairman. 1932. attacks ever tol- man-Americans were present both general public is invited, will start Kansas City, Philip M. Klutznick of sation for that share of his funds Women Successful. erated in this country. at the synagogue at 3 p. m. William Omaha was elected permanent chair- Rabbi David A. Goldstein will give to observe and to thwart any posstill in Germany. • "Doc" Milder will be chairman. Short man of the Regional Conference of the invocation and Rabbi Frederick By the May 17 tabulation, the ressible deflections from the laws of The meeting which launched the talks will "be given by Rabbi Uri Jewish Community Centers and Wel- Cohn the benediction. Rabbi David H. idential division, headed by Mrs. Max the land. long heralded campaign to "boycott Miller, Rabbi N. Feldman, and Ben fare Federations, and Jacob S. Pearl- Wice will speak and Harold Civin will Holzman, had brought in the most The German-American Crusaders, the boycotters" was marked with a pledges, 1,157. -•'. stien of Omaha was chosen secretary. respond for the graduates. Kazlowsky. definite Hitlerite stamp which could launched less than a month ago on "While we have praised the Initial The entertainment will be featured Klutznick and Pearlstien both at- The committee in charge includes not be disguised behind a maze of Army Day by German-Americans deby a musical program by Cantor A. tended the conclave, which was- at- Dr. Philip Sher, chairman, Rabbi Gifts division and many of the men American flags and bunting. It was siring to clear the name of their Schwaczkin and the Hazomir Singing tended by representatives -from Min- Frederick Cohn, Rabbi David A. Gold- workers in this successful campaign," both here and abroad of attended by 19,000 persons who Fatherland tne neapolis, St. Paul, Des Moines, Kan- stein, Rabbi Uri Miller, Rabbi David declared Harry Silverman, general Society. crowded all available space in the a u 1 stigma of Nazism, already have H. Wice, Isadora Abramson, Mrs. chairman, "we cannot: give too much Mrs. Julius Abrahamson was chosen ditorium. The dinner at the J. C. C. will be- sas City, St. Louis and Omaha. a rollcall of 10,000 militant members president of Hadassah at the annual gin at 6:30 p. m. Harry A. Wolf will The Omaha delegates presented an Jeanette Arnstein, Max Barish, Eu- credit to the women. of officers, Wednesday. She The flower of out-of-town and New in and around New York City alone. be toastmaster. Nathan S. Yaffe, invitation through William L. Holz- gene Blazer, Philip Klutznick and Leo "Under "the generalship of Mrs. election York City's pro-Nazi goose-steppers, Two speakers were sent to Los succeeds Mrs. M. F. Levenson. Holzman, the women assumed a man, president of the Omaha Jewish Rosenthal. will be chairman. Angeles, Calif., Wednesday to orOthers officers: Mrs. Sol Novitsky, 19,000 of them, with a sprinkling of ganize larger territory than ever before, Short talks of felicitation will be Community Center and Welfare Fedthe movement there. Hitlerites from as far west as Milfirst vice-president; Mrs. Joseph yet. worked cnstintingly and with given by Rabbi Frederick Cohn, Rab- eration, to hold the regional conferThe Crusaders admit to memberwaukee, swarmed into the Garden and enthusiastic determination. That the Goldware, second vice-president; Mrs. spent several hours in leather-lunged ship German-American Christians bi David A. Goldstein, William L. ence in this city. It was unanimously women's' division brought in more Allan Kohan and Mrs. David R. Co- booing at the expense of Samuel Un- only, of the Catholic or Protestant Holzman, Philip M. Klutznick, Rabbi decided that conclave will be held in pledges than any other division is hen, financial secretaries; Mrs. Jack Omaha, Saturday evening, and all day Uri Miller, Henry Monsky, I. Morformer German ambassador faiths, regardless of political affiliaeloquent testimony of their tireless Kaufman,' recording secretary; • Mrs. termyer, genstern, Dr. Philip Sher, Irvin Sunday, October 6 and 7. All organJames W. Gerard, and Congressman tions. Their sole object is to fight Irvin Levin, corresponding secretary; efforts in the campaign." Stalmaster, and Rabbi David H. ized and unorganized Jewish comrnun-Samuel Dickstein, and departed sing- the Nazis in this country. Ths setNew York, (WNS).—A new de- A total of 746 new contributors to Mrs. Ben Handler, treasurer; Mrs. ing the fiery anti-Semitic Horst Wes- up is refreshingly free cf the cusities of any size in this region will be Wice. partment for cancer research made the Philanthropies has been turned in. Max Fromkin, auditor. Margaret Belmont will sing sev- invited to send representatives. sel song. Thus ended the long-heralded tomary "racket" trappings. No doeral vocal selections accompanied by Plans for the organization of this possible by. an anonymous gift of The number from each division: Ini- The four directors are Mesdames A. "Der Tag," planned by DAWA (Ger- nations are sought, no membership Margaret Hurwitz. Lawrence Finkel region were formulated at the nation- $200,000, a department of education tial Gifts, 13; Business Division, 237; Romm, Joseph Rosenberg, Julius man American Protective Alliance) in dues and no subscriptions. The orwill sing a- group of Yiddish songs, al convention of Jewish Community to be supported by the Jewish Teach- Residential Division, 255; Youth Di- Stein, and J. J. Friedman. Mrs. M. F. conjunction with the League of ganization is out for only one purLevenson, past president, is honorary r i e n d s of pose and that is to purge America and Miss Hurwitz will play several Centers and Welfare Federations last ers' Association of the United States vision, 224; Organizations, 17.' . New Germany as the open- of un-American influences and not and the appointment of 20 German Also, a lotaTof 799 member during the term' of office of ? year. piano numbers. ing gun in an avowedly nationwide to reap u quick harvest by cashing Mrs. L. Neveleff heads the com- At the Kansas City gathering Chair- refugee scholars through the aid of creased their pledges over last year. her successor. fund of $100,000 are among The divisional increases: Initial Gifts, Delegates to the Regional conven- drive against American Jewry and the in on a lot of quick-penny slogans. mittee of women who are preparing man Klutznick was empowered to ap- athenew anti-Nazi boycott. new plans for ihe coming year 107; Business Division, 331; Residen- tion of H-adassah in Sioux City, May the dinner. Reservations may be point three members from each of the at the Hebrew University, Dr. Judah tial Division, 280; Youth Division, 71; 27 and 28,'are: Mrs. Joseph Rosen- At the opening of the meeting a communities represented to serve on made with either Mrs. William MilL. Magnes, chancellor of' the Uni- Organizations, 10. berg and Mrs. M. F. Levenson, as Re- special guard of storm troopers editor and managing editor of the der, Walnut 3055, or Mrs. N. H. the conference committee. Zeitung, official organ in versity, has announced. This is in sharp contrast .with the gional officers; Mesdames I. Dansky, marched down the Garden with the Deutsche The program of the • conference to Greenberg, Walnut 9227. New York of the Friends of New massing of the flags. The swastika Max' Frornkin, J. J. Friedman, J. H. The B'nai Israel congregation was be held in Omaha will include an in-" Other gifts announced included number of decreases in pledges over flag waved above all others, including j Germany; Herbert Schucch, a Yale Rulakofsky, A. I. Kulakofsky, J. f organized in 1884 under the name of terchange of ideas and general dis- $100,000 to be expended over ten last year, 227. the Stars and Stripes. The audience j student and Joseph Schuster, a leader Lintzman, A. Romm, B. A. Simon and tft M. The amount of the increases was the "Russian Congregation,". by the cussion of the problems facing the years, contributed by Mrs. Felix stood up, raised arms in Hitler salute °f e Brooklyn branch of the FriendB : following: Wolf Rachman, president; federations. The discussions, it is plan- Warburg, and gifts from the Rocke- • $5,145.70; of the new contributions, Julius Stein. Alternates are Mesdames and gave a lusty "Heil!" of New Germany. r Dave Sherman, T. A. Tully, J. Blank, feller Foundation, tthe "Academic $2,389.70;-of tie decreases, $1,461. M. Belman, secretary; Jacob Slos- ned, will be led,by outstanding figures The Garden was decked out with The meeting adopted a resolution G s o p national- Committee for the Aid of Displaced At that date, the Initial: Gifts, the Joe Goldware, E. Meyers, Joe Kaplan, burg, sr.; Sol Brpdket,. Harry Brod- in Jewish social work, both : d signs reading, "Boycott the Boycot- jj denouncing the boycott as illegal $ German Scholars, tthe American Youths Division, «tod the Organiza- Jack Kaufman and Dave Stein. „ key, Einoch Maris, Abraham Rachf ly and in this vicinity. ters," "Join the DAWA!" "German-i in-restraint of trade and petitioning Jewish Physicians^ Committee,: the Other Hadassah' members planning tions Division Tiad "gone over the top" It 'was tentatively agreed at Kanmkn, Jacob Frleden, Katlin, the President of the United States "t6 1 Americans Awake!" Six hundred uniNew* Century Clab" of ^Boston and a to attend include the Mesdames Sam as "to theii« quotas. --* /-_. . " 6 Baruch Weismah,'"Solomon"Ba^oviteh> sas'' City: that the discussions will informed Nazis, who acted as "ushers", direct the Department of Justice to Benjamin Donoviteh, Joseph Fish- clude the functional fields of Jewish; group of individuals who have estab- The cards being cleaned -up now are Frohm, Dave Silverman, Hannah Sol- stood at attention in the aisles. Wo- give official cognizance to the i mah, and-TaviKatlin. Of these, three social service—as child care, care of lished a fellowship in honor of Pro- in the main from the .Business Divi- ig, Henry Solig, Charles Ross and Sam men and children also were in full ing situation and to take"8U<5n f 1 fessor Felix Frankfurter. Cohen. . . . . sion and the Residential Division. are still alive: Tavi ; Katlid in St. the aged, etc — as well as general uniform. Some of the storm troopers against the promoters fetid ptopagand Louis, Sol Brodkey in Los Angeles, fields, as strengthening of Jewish wore red crosses on their arms and ists of such boycott as the law preand Jacob Slosburg, sr., in Palestine. leadership, character building, Jewish carried first aid kits. A group' of Ger- scribes." The first services were held in education, and the financing of Jewman Hitler girls, aged 14 to 16, ap- Although the meeting in the Garrented quarters at Tenth and Jones ish activities. peared in coarse blue linen dresses. den constituted one of the most folS streets, and continued there, for two Chief speakers at the conclave SunThe platform was elaborately decor- midable threats ever made against years when it moved to Tenth and day were George W. Rabinoff of New ated with American shields on a black American Jewry, all hope of having Farnam streets. York, executive director of the Nabackground on each side, and black the meeting banned was abandoned In 1888 the congregation built the tional Conference of Jewish Communcolumns surmounted by German early in the week with the announcefirst Orthodox synagogue in Omaha ity Centers and Welfare Federations, eagles and swastikas, the whole dec- i ment by city authorities that they dia at the northwest corner of Twelfth and Edward Kahn of Atlanta, Ga., oration illuminated glaringly. I not intend to interfere with the Nazi's and Capitol Ave., with a total mem- chairman of the committee on TegionDAWA pins and artificial daisies} "constitutional rights of free speech bership of seventy-five. In 1898 .this al conferences. - • ' . - • swastikas inside were on sale i and rights of assembly, repugnant as congregation was re-organized under • The Omaha delegates will make a Reprintof Advertisement in New York papers by Non-Sectarian Anti-Nazi League, Addressed to with everywhere, as were copies of Libera- it may be to certain classes." Both German-Americans the n a m e of the Congregation complete report of the conclave to tion and other Silver Shirt literature. Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia and Alder"Chevra B'nai Israel," and continued the executive board of the Jewish One of the most spontaneous dem- i manic President Bernard S. Deutsch The N a z i ' organization in Ameriagainst our counter-boycott of GerAmerican citizens, seek to retaliate at the same place until 1910 when Community Center and Welfare Fedonstrations of the entire evening j refused to countenance the demands of ca, underthe aegis of t h e Hitler man goods, ships and shipping, which upon the American-Jewish shopkeepthe building at the present site 18th eration. - . regime in Germany, a r e attempting we were compelled to undertake as ers for this boycott, or do aught but came when Henry O. Spier, head of I individuals and groups that the meet* and Chicago, was erected. the German Legion and a moving spir- j ing be banned, to stir up' racial prejudice in Amer- ihe only weapon of defense against give it their loyal support? The officers of the congregation it in organizing the national anti- j * * * ica through such pnppet groups a s (1) the extermination by the Hitler 2. The Labor Unions and the MaInftlude: Nathan S. Yaffe, Louis the "DAWA" which sponsored the regime of Organized Labor, from sonic orders that have been sup- Jewish boycott spoke. i WAR ON D4.W4 Spstein, N. H. Greenberg, Joseph Madison Square Garden "Boycott the which 700,000,000 marks (or about pressed at the command of the in"From tonight on," he declaimed,! ~ i {JTA / T ^ A \ -KTUM Dm Tretiak, Harry Marcus, Louis MarA m A* Boycotter" meeting last Thursday in $300,000,000) were confiscated, (2) dustrial barons and ammunition "we will have the DAWA eagle known A N e w ^ ) ~ ^ ^ ^ golin, and William Milder. New York. They claim to speak in of the Masonic lodges, whose prop- makers and other war-breeders of from New York to San Francisco and i demonstrators against the gathered &t "--'--the name of "German-Americans," erty was taken from them, (3) be- Germany -who have supplied funds i from • Detroit to New Orleans." He yet the true German-Americans have cause of the persecution of Catho- and are in supreme command of the j then, called upon the audience to rise j Garden Thursday to further plans for a boycott against the Jews, represenMixed swimming will be added to not given cognizance to their or- lics, Jews and a large section of Hitler forces, and the Catholic and and pledge not to abandon their broth-', tatives -of the Jewish arid non-Jewish the agenda of the Jewish Community ganizations, have, in fact, organized Protestant Church that courageously Protestant Churches that Hitler, ers and to support DAWA. The audi- j community Hitler and Hitthe German-American Crusaders to refuses to scrap the Bible and reRosenberg and their cohorts are ence met his request by rising and lerism in acondemned Center swimming pool starting Weseries of meetings battle Nazism in America. Herewith ligious beliefs, and to force the trying to deprive of their religious delivering itself of a tremendous, held under the auspicesthree desday, June 6, at 8 p. m. of the Ameri. This mixed swimming will be held we reprint tthe advertisement ap- churches to conform to the. new freedom, are vastly more powerful rafter-shattering "Heil!" sh and effective champions of the boy- After massing of colors and a thun- « * J fh "a Congress, every first and third Wednesday of pearing in the New York papers un- pagan creed of the Hitler regime. der t h e sponsorship of the Non-Secjrmposium of educators at What do you, many of whom are cott than are the Jews. Their num- derous bellowing of "Heil Hitler!" the i ^ T London, (WNS).—Overriding all each month from 8 to 9 p. m. Anti-Nazi League to Cham- Catholics, think of last Friday's bers and interest are steadily grow- 19,000 settled back into their seats t o | t t « N c ^ S «; ho ° 1 f o r &< *' al R e s e a r c h » apposition, the British Government Physical director.; Lee Grossman tarian pion Human Rights, and addressed tirade by Dr. Paul Joseph Goebbels ing as they learn to realize the listen to the harangue of a list of > President's Day meeting sponsored b men s succeeded in getting the House of and Al Oruch, swimming instructor, to German-Americans.:—The Editor. against your Church and the people enormity of the conspiracy to in- speakers among whom not one was of | J *"? ™> D™5ion at the home Commons to approve a government- will be in full charge of the mixed the first rank. °^ Adolph Lewisohn, a rnass meeting vade and destroy their religious beof your faith, added to the imprisonswimming events. guaranteed loan of §10,000,000 to at tne Reinhold Walter, president of the! Eastern District High School in liefs and freedom, and to subject TO OUR PATRIOTIC GERMANment of brave priests and all the Many members of the Center have Palestine. . . •• "Friends," acted as chairman of the | Brooklyn^ and a radio broadcast over them to a new pagan church that AMERICAN FELLOW-CITIZENS: many other indignities that have albeen successfully passing their swimWhile most of the opposition came ! Station WBNX, the Congress appealrepudiates and discards the Old and ready been showered upon the Cathoming tests at the J. C. C. natatorium This is t o warn you t h a t the unmeeting. from anti-Zionist deputies who ed to all Americans to unite in a essential parts of the New Testalics in Germany? argued thai. Palesttine was so pros- under the supervision of Oruch. In- American, unpatriotic German propaAlso present in the audience, ac- ] . . ment. cluded among these are the followgandist organization, which has been And how do you Protestants relish perous tthat it ,had no need of the 3. Our American citizens of Ger- cording to announcement by George : movement against Hitlensm and ite for the past eighteen months and the attempts to destroy the religious loan and that if a loan was required ing: man birth and ancestry can never Sylvester Viereck, pro-German prop- j attempt to arouse suspicion and Beginners -tests: Carl Milder, Bob long before our boycott movement freedom of your Church and to place the Jews should raise it, Col. Josiah during the war, were several natred among minorities here, Wedgwood, pro-Zionist deputy, cre- Batt, Bernard Epstein, Norman Po- was started, spreading its propa- it under the iron heel of the State? be inveigled into any such cruel, un- agandist Congres- t s h oGerman-Americans were urged to movement members of the McCormack ated a sensation when he opposed lonsky, Richard Gordon, Ed Burke, ganda over the country under one Or the breaking up of the meetings American, sacriligious w lo alt to , present p sional Committee, in an offi>' y American ideals by repudiating the DAWA movement. They love their Fatherland, but Donald Zernovsky, E d w i n Gitney, name or another, but latterly under of your clergy by the police, bethe measure by charging that the cial capacity to observe whether anyPalestine government was the most Ervin Charney, Barton Greenberg, the title of the "Friends of New Ger- cause they would not submit to be- surely no more so than do the Ger- thing was said or done in contravenanti-Semitic in the . British Empire. Lee Jane Greenberg, Elaine Frankj many," is industriously seeking to ing bullied into the surrender of man-Jewish citizens, who- shed their tion of the law of the United States. blood for their country, hundreds In his speech, Viereck, who once Colonel Wedgwood -bitterly attacked Joy Greenberg, Jean Dodds, Shirley sew the seeds ot Hitler race and their cherished faith? the Palestine ^administration for Fox, Jeanette Polonsky, "Violet Sun- religious. hatred, - and . is now mas- The following quotations from an of thousands, of whom are now being was pro-Jewish and co-author of "The favoring the Arabs at" the expense derman, Ruth Yount, Bernice Bordy, querading under the name of the address by our President,- read at a persecuted and reviled, their children Wandering Jew's First 2,000 Years," of the Jews and for tolerating Nazi Muriel Frank, Dorothy Thompson, United German Societies in t h a t un- public dinner to WILUAM GREEN^ excluded from the schools that they brought the Congressmen prominently propaganda ai the "same time that Judith Levenson, Lois WOley, Lor- worthy cause. President of tthe American Federa- are forced to help support, only to to the fore with the following stateLondon, Candana, (WNS).—Chargit banned "The Brown Book of the raine Lesser, Ella Belle Komey, The originator, leader and repre- tion of Labor, on February 14, 1934,be now imprispned, outlawed, dis- ment: "I would like to call their at- ing that the Catholic Church in the Marlon McClinoch, Marian Blank, Mrs. sentative . of t h e -propaganda bureau accurately sets forth our position: . graced, kicked out of the professions tention to the fact that there is much United States and Canada is showHitler Terror," ' " V and denied the race racketeering. I would like to ing a disposition to flirt with the Critics who insisted tthat England F. A. White, Frances Bordy, Margaret in that movement was Heinz Spank- "1. This is not a Jewish boycott, that they honored, by being excluded know what becomes of all the funds "various Fascist elements that are Reed, Virginia White. noebel, until he fled the country unto work nor a Jewish question, but an ever- right should Tieep its money at home were 1 silenced when Sir Philip Cunliffe- • Intermediate swimmers test: Carl der indictment—where h e remains a growing revolt of all civilization, re- from the new Government labor which are raised for Jewish victims." developing on tthis continent," the gardless of race or creeds, against unions socially ruled by their em- Viereck spoke of a "reign of ter- Catholic Record of this city warns paiupa 'Hxvfixoas . jeraoioo' 'ivisyj Milder, Bernard Epstein, Jeanette fugitive from our justice. We are hopeful t h a t t h e true the unspeakable crimes and perse- ployers, and from all Government ror by, certain Jews and Bolshevist that "it is a dangerous and unout that England- would'. get Polonsky, Ella Belle Korney, Marion , conspirators." • $3,000,000 worth of "orders in coifliec- McClinoch, Mrs. F. A: White, Mar- character and extent of these ac- cutions that continue unabated and service. I profitable game." tivities against t h e peace ~ and se- with increasing fury and heartlessTo lore one's Fatherland does not Samuel Dickstein, prime mover of | The Catholic Record declares unition with various projects which' the garet Reed, Virginia White. curity of our-country will be ex- ness to be inflicted opon humanity. mean to love or support Hitler, or to the Congressional investigation of equivocally that "if the courtship loan would make possible. . • f'.-. Sir Philip : explained that the pubCincirinati-7The first Hillel Founda- posed in the Investigation about t o Why should decent German-Amer- condone his monstrous cruelties. subversive Nazi activities in this coun- n o w going on between Catholicism lic works to be financed by the loan tion * at a southwestern university is be" undertaken by the Congressional ican; citizens, who number 100-to-l to These loyal American citizens of try, announced after the meeting that I and Fascists should blossom into "have been selected without regard to be established in the fall at the Committee which is Soon to begin this handful of disloyal men con- German birth or ancestry, in common neither he nor any others of the in- j any kind of marriage;—even a 'marto whether Arabs or Jews" would University of Alabama, in Tusca- the taking of testimony. stituting the "Friends of New Ger-with their American brethern, abhor vestigating group had been present at riage of convenience'—the Catholic • Meantime, w e find ourselves forced many" and whose treachery to our and despise everything for which he the DAWA rally. chiefly benefit." ••'•'• loosa. >_• ' Church in Canada is done. For, The Hillel Foundation a t the Uni- to adopt-this means of warning our institutions will, I have every reason stands. vMany_of them are and have He admitted however - that the Other speakers at the meeting be- paradoxically, if you like, the Cathof e l l o w - c i t i z e n s to believe, be shortly exposed by been among our warmest sympathiz-, sides Mr. Spier, Louis Zahne, Sylves- lie Church thrives and „ areas likely to benefit were' inhabited versity of Alabama will replace the German-American __ grows _ on two-thirds by * Arab's itnl orie-thfrd one Tecently closed at the University against permitting themselves to be the Congressional investigation io be.1 ter Viereck and Reinhold Walter were liberalism, not on the reactionary misled by the baseless propaganda held and most .of whom- are not by Jews. • i ,- '• of "West Virginia. Walter Kappe and W. L. McLaughlin, J spirit that breeds Fascism." (Continued on Page 3.)


Dinner at Follow Afternoon Program

Meanwhile, New N on * Jewish Cntsa* York Nazis Hold ders Fight HitlerRally ite Stigma







Catholic Organ Warns Church, Shun Fascism









- ' - ,



Page 2—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, MAY 25, 1934 against the Jews contained in these In Polish Cabinet publications and to withdraw the pub- Warsaw—Eoland now has its first lications from circulation. I gave this Jewish cabinet member as the result statement the fullest publicity, and of the appointment of Colonel Floyer took it for granted that my wish in Rajchman as minister ' of industry Berlin, (WNS).—Because his wife and partner has been barred from this regard would be scrupulously ob- and commerce following a complete the German stage on the ground served. I am enclosing a correct and cabinet shakeup. that she is a' Jewess, Albert Basserauthorized copy of that statement. All A former Polish military attache in man, 67-year-old dean of German of the copies of 'The International Tokio, Colonel Rajchman is a cousin actors, himself an Aryan, has re-Anti-Semites in Germany Will Jew' in the possession or under the LA. of Dr. Ludvik Rajchman, health exsigned • from the German Stage Socontrol of the Dearborn Publishing pert of the League of Nations. , Not Employ Name of : ciety. Company have been destroyed at my Auto Manufacturer instance. Basserman, who is now in Zuerich, said he preferred to quit the stage "I am informed through the public Plebiscite May Bring rather ihan separate from his wife. New York (JTA) — The name of prints that you are still publishing Subdivision of Saar Henry Ford will no longer be used in and circulating these pamphlets in va- Geneva—The report of the League connection with the publication of rious European countries in a number of Nations committee of the Saar Noted British Jewish Writer, Author of B/Iagnolia Street ''The International Jew," a volume of of languages, using my name in con- suggests the possibility of a divi•Where, when. I consider contempor- station, some of the Jewish colonists fields now, working beside their paranti-Jewish articles culled from issues nection therewith and asserting that sion of the Saar following the pleary "Palestine, So my thoughts lin- will board the train. Observe them ents; their young sisters and brothers of "the Dearborn Independent of 1921.the publication rights thereof have biscite, it is declared here. £er? Not with the complex politics closely. There will be young men inare being tended by experts in babyMr. Ford has taken up the matter not been withdrawn. The Versailles treaty, according to of that ancient and modern land, nor black or khaki Jerkins, open at. thecreches and kindergartens, as they with his representatives in Germany "In order that there may be no mis- the report, signifies tnat the vote be ^with the'current price 'of, Jaffa or- neck, and shorts half-way down an were. The children sleep under nets and the use of his name will be stopunderstanding as to my wishes in this taken by communes, or districts, 'anges.' I am "no politician or econo- expsinse' of bronzed thigh; and there in spotlessly clean cradles upon shadped, it was learned this week. regard, you are accordingly notified which might vote differently. mist.; ^Mostly my thoughts gather to will be girls with lustrous hair un- ed terraces. They play sandcastles Paris (WNS)—French Fascism, alA new edition was recently issued other aspects of Zion—to the colon- bound or cut firm to the head. Youwith that sainted Palestinian sand, as ready represented by six organiza- by a German publishing house with that whatever rights you have or claim to have to publish "The Interists themselves, their wives and sons might deem them athletes, boarding it might be Margate itself . . .. And tions-which are,for the most part an- "By Henry Ford." national Jew' anywhere or in any lanand daughters. ' a train for the Olympic games. But now it is sunset. The workers are ti-Semitic, gained an important addition when the Croix de Feu (Cross of Published several months ago inguage whatsoever, are hereby revoked I see them against the. background they are not. They are Jewish lads coming home from the fields. The ^ > h "Frehclr war veterans' as- Leipzig, the book contains a new in-and terminated, and that the publica•Thotoeraphs That Satisfy" of ihe> green and. gracious microcosm and maidens, pioneering. parents sit b y the cots of the .chil,-decided'to "enter the politiWedding Photographs 20% Disc. they-}afe mating out of the' disorder They find their places in the train, dren and tell them (for how could cal field and to agitate against rad- troduction by the publishers, in which tion, sale or other distribution of 'The Qnnlity I'hotoerapli. Reasonable prices of marsh and desert and salted water- and suddenly the whole train shakes they fail to?) how different their icalism and for the establishment of Ford is praised for having been the International Jew' and the use of the 2404 Farnam St. AT. 4079 first to launch an attack on the Jews name of Henry Ford or of the Dearcourse that the Turks left.behind. I with the song they break into—a folk own childhood was, in some scream- a corporative state. in this country. The volume is marked born Publishing Company in connecsee jthem in i h e agricultural colonies; song, arisen as spontaneously among ing ghetto in Vilna, or Sheffield, or Figuring largely in the sensational as being the twenty-ninth edition. tion therewith, by you or by any perin i&e Hebrew University on the flank their own wheat as the poppies that Philadelphia. political developments of the past On receiving a letter from Mr. Herof Mount Sfcofius, and in Tel: Aviv, still blaze scarlet there. The children are not pampered, of month and in the Paris street riots, man Bernstein, former United States son or corporation claiming under you # After the Theatre the ^rsfctawn 4b be built and run encourse. Let us take another type of the Croix de Feu, which has a mem- minister to Albania and now editor or acting by your authority as agent, Yet while they are gay, they can Treat the Crowd at licensee or otherwise, are hereby fortirel££by, Jews for -nearly -two thouvillage, the village of Kfar Yeladihi, THE sand 'years. I see the families of be earnest•, too. There i s about them, a colony of two hundred and fifty bership of 165,000, is growing rapid- of the Jewish Daily Bulletin, Ford bidden. you will discover, a fiery earnestness ly because it is admitting to its ranks asked for a copy of this new edition. "In acknowledging this letter will Zion and;the youth of Zion. acres that, when I visited it, was run He later declared that he would do you kindly inform me of your assurIt is with the: youth of Palestine frequently to be seen in Palestine. almost entirely by youngsters. They sons and relatives of war veterans. M. Perrier, head of the police gen- everything possible to make sure that ance that you will in all respects acthat this article deals. For the future They are not meekly satisfied to beshowed me their synagogue and playIs with them. -"They" are the future your host, they are restless in their house, but I remember more clearly eral information section, has inform- further use of his name iri this con- quiesce in this demand." They will enjoy the new decoraThat is the religion of the older ones desire to show you all you want to their brown and sturdy legs, treading ed parliament that right wing reac- nection will not be made. tions and the delicious food. see and tell you all you want to tionary organizations in France now Everything cooked in butter and On November 1,1927, Mr. Ford sent In Zion, and there are no heretics. know. There is a certainty and con-naked on throsna and thistles as if Mussolini Ousts Jung pure olive oil. We never use lard. And to - my way of thinking, the fidence about them that one misses in they were a carpet of lush grass. The have a membership of more than half the following letter to Theodor 1 Rome.—Guido Jung , Italy's Jewish a million. Fritsch, the German anti-Semite who young ones- are worthy of the trust the youth of some western lands; thorns are grass now, I doubt not. # For the Ladies: A mSvlster of finance, who has survived imposed in them and the duties await- there i s a trust in the present and a There are other colonies, and in . Some of these groups wear uni- translated the book for the publish- a number of previous cabinet shakeWonderful Afternoon forms like the Nazi storm troopers Card P a r t y Room! ,ing them. The number of acres un- faith in the future. each of them the same impression is and submit to strict military discip- ers, Hammer Verlage of Leipzig:; ups, was ousted from his position by der the plough, the tons of merchan"On June 30, 1927,1 issued a stateforced upon you—that impression of Corner 24th and Harney Streets Premier Mussolini when II Duce again That is the thing that, on your line. dise on the railway - trucks, I .leave ment regarding articles concerning reorganized his cabinet. young health and vigor. So it is that visit to Palestine,, you notice first and Among these groups are: Action for exacter pens than mine.. I shall the Jews which appeared in the DearI cannot remember the exact finanmerely try to record the manly bear- remember most dearly. You will not cial figures for this year or that Francaise, 60,000- members; Jcunesses born Independent and some of which ing, the lustiness, the'confidence of easily forget the light in their eyes year, or the number of motor cars Patxiotes, 90,000 members; Solidarite have been reprinted in pamphlet form as they point to the orange trees and Francaise, organized by Franeoise the young people of Palestine." the olive trees,'groves of them, plant- there are now in Tel Aviv. In theCoty, 180,000 members. In addition to under the title T h e International How proud and virile they- are! Jew.' Being satisfied that these pubpatchwork of my memory the human these there are Francisme, a new blue lications were unwarranted and that Enter Palestine by the train from ed and grafted and pruned by their beings are most vivid. •WAere Omaha Shops with Confidence* shirt Fascist and anti-Semitic organEgypt.- Presently, at "some wayside sisters and brothers. Contemporary youth in Palestine My thoughts linger longest of all ization, Le Mouvement Nationale consequently it was my duty as an are a happy band. Happy, too, areperhaps with a certain young maiden Populaire, and the French National honorable man to retract the charges their young brothers and sisters, the in Merhavia. She sat swaying in theSocialist Party, a right wing offshoot children of Palestine. What red cheeks, forked branch of a pepper tree, sol- of the French Socialists. SIXTEENTH AT FARNAM RAILROAD SALVAGE what sturdy limbs, what lively eyes! emnly tearing off leaves and blowBest quick drying spar varnish, Are these kindred to the sallow lit- ing them out upon the wind. Wins Oratory Title "Why are you climbing to the Rapid City, South Dakota.—Nathan $1.50 gal; paint, $1.25 gal.; Detle creatures we knew in the Bronx, Toe enamels all colors $2.00 gal.; BY F. Bi.K. in Pittsbugrh? Of all the flowers and sky?" I called out to her. Margulies, 17-year-old Jewish high lacquers, 50c qt. Brushes l+i price "Puff!" said the child, blowing a school student of this city, has been fruit that grow in this world, are leaf on to the air. It fluttered down there any of more promise? OMAHA JOBBING declared the winner of a nation-wide ELEYES JEWISH STUDENTS TO 317 No. 15th A visit i s worth while to the col-to my feet. "I'm making trees grow." oratory contest among secondary GRADATE FROM HIGH SCHOOL It seemed to me that though this school students. ony of Ain Charod, under the hills of There are eleven Jewish students Gilboa. method was unscientific, here was who will graduate from the the spirit of the Youth of Zion. g The" yyouths and maidens of this (Copyright, 1934, by the Jewish Telschools next .weeki. Seven Jewish; stu- colony are -similar i to those already egraphic Agency, Ine.>.' dents will'be-among those•• graduating describedl But let "us see how they Irom ; the , Abraham, . Lincoln; =l-high were brought up. They are put in the school .next Wednesday; evening,; May 30th, sind. four students front the scholarship for the freshman year to Minister Ousted for Nebraska's oldest stock: : " "? **•;. the 'praEe^University at Bes Moanes, Atoti-Nazi Mural fire insurance company l £ Announcem'enr of theTaward was ' Seattle, Wash.—Because he permit.May f U < _ ^ | ^ _ announces the opening Amoog those who will graduate made Tuesday night at a meeting of ted the walls of his church to be decof its new head office in from the": Abraham Lincoln -'high the National Honor Society, of which orated by members of the church's school; arel;. Miss Ruth Hoffman, and Miss Mendelson was recently made a art class with a mural painting dethe former University Leonard Brown, Marvin Fitch/ Donald member. She was the recipient of this picting Nazis crucifying a Jew upon Club building. We inRosenfeld, '. Leslie London, Harold scholarship due to her outstanding a swastika, the Rev. Fred W. Shorter, vite jour inspection* Wolpa and Melvin Brown. Their com- work in editing and reporting in jour- pastor of the fashionable Pilgrim Conmencement exercises will be held next nalism. She is the daughter of Mr. and gregational church was. ousted from his pulpit. Wednesday evening, May 30th, at theMrs. Jake Mendelson. city auditorium a t 8 o'clock. The expulsion took place at an ex- Among those who will . graduate Funerai services for Joseph H. Gil-citing congregational meeting when from the: J Thomas; Jefferson' high insky, 45 years old, of Caldwell, Idaho, 171 members voted to remove the When You Want Fire or Automobile Insurance, school are. the Misses, Rose Mendel- who passed away at his home last minister and 121 voted to uphold him. Always Specify National Security Bon and Tobie Zoorwill and Robert Tuesday, were held in Council Bluffs Rev. Mr. Shorter plans a new Colin and Herbert Bosenthal, Their Friday morning at the home of his church where he can preach "Hberal commencement exercises will be held father, Mr. Barney Gilinsky. Christianity." next Thursday evening, May 31st, atj Besides his father, he is survived by his widow, Mildred; two sons, Drury 8 o'clock at the city auditorium. The public is invited to attend com- Lee and Stanley Albert; five sisters, mencement exercises of both'nign Mrs. Leo Blank of Minneapolis, Minn., Mrs. Jack Scnlank of Bes Moines, la., schools. '."•'•• ';'•• and Ada, Goldie and Beatrice Giljnsky of Council Bluffs; and three brothers, BTTAI BBITH OPEN MEETING Albert, Sam and Phil of Omaha, All MONDAY NIGHT :. The Council Bluffs Lodgo No. 688of whom: were here for the" funeral of the Independent Order of the B'nai services. Rabbi Frederick Cohn ..of Krith will hold an open meeting and Omaha officiated at the services. memorial program next Monday evening. May 28, "at 8 p'cTocit, at Eagles Mrs. Sam Selvag and daughter, Eshall. Mr. O. Hocbman is "chairman iii ther, of Portland, Ore., arrived here charge of this Affair. ; ^ : : ' . v - f? or • a. month's visit with relatives. A memorial-serytce: wilt'W conducts While here they will be theJguests of c i for eighteen deceaspcL'members of their aunt, Mrs. I. L. Brandeis, and iife local organization?' ? . Is thetheir cousins. Mr. and Mrs. Herman first time a program of thjs kind has Handler, and Mr.' and Mrs.' Simon ". been arranged.' Among, 'those partleir Steinberg. jaating in theprogram- will be Messt^. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Frankel and.Miss O. Hochman," He'nnarfc.Meyjersottr I?af- Gwendolyn Meyerson of Lincoln,'Neb., than Gilinsky, S. Shyk^n, Louis Bern- spent the past week-end here, visiting stein Lawrence, Lawrenc Krasne, K a s n e Louis L i sH. H K£t at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman stein, elman, Sam. Meyersdn^avjBi-;Fbxv gam Meyerson. While'here, they attended the confirmation of Miss Florence Sacks, and'Dr. JG^eJSjeriihill'''; Meyerson, sister of Mrs. Frankel and All membVrs, ; their frieadiarej:cbidialf^, aj^, invited i to Miss Gwendolyn Meyerson, from the Temple Israel in Omaha, Sunday. i \ t h i s o p e n , ) n e e \ u % . : * .••:.*.-•'• attend r Miss Ruth Shyken, who was Injured ] in? an accident last Saturday ]]iRECEPTIONS • " : • evening;; ;Isj .how convalescing at her Mr. anft-Mrs.-'George Roffman will home. i ';r • ' • • * •'-",-.• entertain-at a reception at their home Miss June Meyerson, student at the at 625 Wilson avenue next Wednesday Abraham Lincoln hi<?h school, was And it's another Grunow miraconvenience,yoa'llbedelighted> night, May 30, in honor of their daugh- recently elected president-of the/fielta ter. Miss Ruth Roffman, following her Tau Literary, society foil,the coming cle. When you see this beautiful Come i n a n d s e e o u r display. Cottons -which will do perfect dougraduation from the Abraham Lincoln term. •'-. \;' '' • ble duty. Jacket suits for, town be« * GRUNOW with safe T e r m s can b e arranged s o that high school. All relatives and friends come sun suits in the country; are cordially invited. you may purchase o n e a n d pay Ctrreae and with eracy wanted Mr. and Mrs. Louis London will be Gingham tailored dresses becom© for it a t your convenience. at home to all their relatives and tennis dresses with just a flip of a friends at their home at 201 North button. We're so versatile, youll First street next Wednesday night, May 30, in honor of .their son, Leslie find every problem solved: from London, following his graduation sports cottons to dressy sheers: from the Abraham •Lincoln high SUPER-SAFE REFRIGERATOR : school. No cards are being issued. Mr. and Mrs. Sanv Rosenthal will entertain at a reception at their home at 1730 Third avenue next Thursday Feature night, May 31, in honor of their son, Price at Herbert, following his graduation from Thomas Jefferson high school. All relatives and friends are cordially Invited. Others to $19.75 I Q O 6 CUM1NQ ST. WINS SCHOLARSHIP AT- 4-556 • Third Floor Miss Hose Mendelson, member of FREE ESTIMATES the Thomas Jefferson high school -TERMS — graduating class, vras awarded a

Dean of Germany's Actors Quits Stage

The Palestine







Council Bluffs

National Security Fire Insurance Co. Purchases New Head Office

1910 Harney Street


Country Club Cottons









6060 Military Ave.

Walnut 5611

, ftrojp.

with a Flare forthe City

Page S—THE JEWISH PRESS/FRIDAY, MAY 25, 1934 now, and am mighty glad that I am ing majority of decent, self-respectin a lengthy dispatch to the New not there." --•"•-•ing American citizens of German York Times from Augur, a well. No other reason need be given for birth and anceshy. We shall conIcnown authority in foreign affairs in the - failure of Biro-Bidjan so far to tinue to so believe," . .. ! London. attract to itself more Russian Jews Tugur points out that the prosThere is no excuse for the atthan it did until now. The project, tempts to mislead you into the beperity brought to Palestine by the however, was not a "failure"" in the lief that the boycott is in any way German-Jewish emigrants has focused sense that the work wasn't properly directed against yon or that it hiss New York, (WNS).—Indirectly, but attention on Palestine's value to the organized .or done, for. it was simply anything whatever to do with the nonetheless "effectively," Hitler" has Empire as the center from which that the need of it had gone out of businesses conducted by German- been responsible' for an important aerial routes can be patrolled and existence. Integrated in his home en- Americans in this country. strengthening of the British Empire expeditions sent out to reinforce vironment and not discriminated " "If," said Dr. Goebbels in a speech by his persecution of the German British influence in Egypt and India. against either politically or economi- at the Sportspalast in Berlin on Jews whose settlement in Palestine Because Palestine provides a. strongcally • or socially, the Russian Jew Friday last, "part of ihe outside has greatly accelerated that country's ly-organized and well-protected milicould see no reason at all which world continues the anonymous boy- progress and emphasized- its value tary- base, the progress of Jewish By DAVID GOLDBERG should leave the birthplace he loves cott against German goods this is to England officials in Palestine. An colonization there and the prosperity for a country he knows not even in due to our own Jewish fellow citi- analysis of this opinion is contained which accompanies it are a British Editor's Note: been reduced just at this time, who Economic Policy); that they were his dreams. "Nor has he any reason interest, he declared. .- The author of the following article, can tell that Biro-Bidjan, though un- capable, at the slightest provocation, to do so now. It is my opinion,that zens." What- have these poor, disfran- grace himself and earn the deserved Augur also asserts that Palesa well known writer and lecturer, re- hallowed in Jewish history, may notof abandoning lock, stock and barrel, if -Biro-Bidjan -were to^ depend altocently • returned from his third visit yet exercise upon the distraught Jewto speak, to rush back to their gether, upon the. Russian Jew for set-chised beings, who shed their blood contempt of his fellow-men, as to tine's position as the commercial of late years to the land of the So-ish masses the attraction of the. an- trading occupations: Naturally, the tlement, the a whole would for their Fatherland, to do with, the support the revolting program out- hub of the Near East makes it a viet, where he made an exhaustive cient cities of Refuge? leaders, of the revolution felt they stand no chance of fulfillment what- world boycott? And since when are lined -in Dr. Goebbel's last Fridav's valuable member of _ the British Emthey "fellow-citizens"? They are speech.. If there are any such, let pire because Palestine Jewry is study of the Biro-Bidjan project. His The whole seemingly fantastic pro- couldn't be trusted to' remain in their soever. ' • the same "fellow-citizens" of whom them stand forth and subject them veering more and more toward culanalysis of the underlying factors be- ject of Biro-Bidjan, its rise, and fall old environment. . . . selves to the "admiring" gaze of thetural and commercial co-operation Dr. Goebbels said: hind .the autonomous Jewish State, and rise again, will be better under- The distant territory of Biro-Bidjan with England. I f they (the Jews) think they can civilized world. and his estimation of the "possibilities stood if viewed in the light of the mo- then loomed up as a possible way of appear on the stage and in the edi- We accordingly urge you, patriotof its success, are particularly timely tives which started it several years redeeming this recalcitrant class. Betorial office, and if they, imagine ic American citizens—except a mere in view of the present efforts to cul- ago. There were then a minor and cause it is far away, once there the they can stroll along the Kurfuer- handful who are unfortunately more tivate .Biro-Bidjan as a partial "solu- a major motive. The minor motive Jew- could not readily flee back. His stfendamm as if nothing had hap-atttached to Germany than to their tion" for the refugee problem. was political and universal to coun- reluctance to go so far from his homepened, let them take my words as a adopted country—not to permit yourteract the influence of the Zionist land could be overcome only by the selves by your silence to be mislast warning. movement "which communists charac- realization that It was his only way to (Continued from Page 1.) represented and not to ally your: Biro-Bidjan, a territory of 15,500 terize as bourgeois. Not that it was If the boycott were carried to the selves with the "Friends of New square miles included between the riv- ever believed that the unknown Far salvation, and by the lure of an eventlength actually endangering our Germany" Hitler-Goebbels outfit who ual .Jewish autonomous Soviet Reers, but they; dread the reprisals upers Biro and Bidjan, East Siberia, on Eastern territory~of Biro-Bidjan could public. " '." on - their families at home if their economic situation, it would not seek to spread race and religious the border of Manchuria, has been re- ever replace Palestine in the consupport is known. Those who have mean that we would let the Jews go bigotry and hatred in our beloved cently raised to the status of an au-sciousness of the nationalist Jew. The True enough, there was no cer- dared had' object lessons of the free. No!". country. tonomous Jewish Province, which is sponsors of the project never believed tainty that, normally, these declassed revivalhave of; that form of the reign of These veiled threats to murder the dyed-in-the-wool bourgeoisie were all the first step towards declaring it, as that for a moment. But in those days terror of the Dark Ages. A Governremaining in Germany will, not NON SECTARIAN A N T1-NAZ1 soon as the size of the. population will Russia still believed that a world nationalistically . minded. . In fact, ment that resorts, as has and does Jews affect this world boycott They are LEAGUE TO CHAMPION HUMAN warrant, a Jewish Soviet Republic, Communist revolution "was imminent, most of them weren't so minded under Germany, to those methods of the In- being exterminated RIGHTS. as it is. member of the Soviet Union. A pro- and that the Jews the world over, the old Czarist regime. . But since the Samuel Untermyer, Referring to Dr. Goebbels' staterevolution had singled them out for ^ £ ^ ? ^ «**<>?* of the ject launched several years ago and President. ment: preponderantly being bourgeois, special treatment as a class, a "debrotherhood of nations. It is characderided by most Jews outside Russia "I cannot withdraw the Jewish would be everywhere as thoroughly classed class" as it were, it was as- teristic of the blind egotism of the as chimmerical has thus been given as they had been by the Rus- -sumed that their condition was likely Hitler government that it should ex- legislation because the Jews abroad new impetus and direction, and condi- unrooted Bealsterea kr revolution and would be flock- to create in them a somewhat nation- pect our German American citizens to boycott us!" Go* Brake by the enquirer I tions in world Jewry being what they sian ing, consequently, to a Jewish repubfail to realize the obvious fact that alistic esprit de corps, so that the The Hitler regime blindly refuses are today, will no longer be dismissed lic under the aegis of the Soviets, if goal of a Jewish republic would lure ours is a purely defensive boycott, as to realize that if there were not far •with a sneer. it were" only offered them. But as them. In short, they would be both our only weapons against the brutal more powerful factors engaged in COLONIAL TIMES There is much, however, on the sur- the world Communist revolution has compelled and impelled to start life Hitler persecution and disfranchise- this boycott than the Jews alone DESKS WCRE FIRST face of the Biro-Bidjan project that been slow in coming, the political anew on virgin soil, and in the effort ment of its own citizens because of it would have amounted to nothing. U$£S> TO HOLD THE will puzzle the uninitiated reader motive in the meantime vanished of they would their race of ancestry. It has outraged We believe that it is within the regenerate themselves. even. The large territory now pro-itself. FAMILY BIBLE AND their sense of fair play, as it has power of Germany to end this boyclaimed an autonomous "Jewish" pro- The second motive for Biro-Bidjan, Indeed, at the beginning it seemed that of all other Americans." U1ERE CALLED cott at any time, but only in one vince is as yet practically without however, was not political and uni-as though the plan had all the ear- The following is from a letter, way: Let Germany (1) repeal its BlSkE BOXES" Jews. Of a total population of 50,000 versal, but social-economic and local. marks of success, for tens of thou- signed by the President of our or-medieval laws, (2) cease its brutal the Jewish portion is estimated extra- The Soviet government, it will be re-sands of Jews had signed up to mi- ganization, dated May 4, 1934, ad-persecution of and restore equality vagantly at 12,000 and conservatively membered, had at the outset made grate to Biro-Bidjan, and thousands dressed to the United German So- to its minorities and freedom of at only 8,000. If several years of clear its intention. to deal with the upon thousands actually did migrate cieties, to which we have had no worship and belief to all creeds, and planned colonization . on a definite declassed Jewish bourgeoisie with there. But only about one-third reply: PIbJA (3) emancipate Organized Labor SKAMS promise of Jewish autonomy has suc- some consideration for the fact that stuck it out" and remained there to "It must be evident to you from from its serfdom to the ammoniceeded in attracting to Biro-Bidjan the old regime had practically barred the present day, while the majority a glance at the membership of our tion makers and other industrial no more Jews than that, what will at- them from farm and factory. Thsy returned as fast as they could. distinguished Board of Directors and Barons and return their confiscated tract them now? And if the Soviet realized the Jews were really forced I have spoken with many of them | ^ i o n g a r r a y o f non-Jewish cham- properties to them. In short, let it government knows of definite reasons into their bourgeois occupations, in- during CM owe rin my first, f i t secondd and d third thid visvis p i o n s o f ^e boycott that this move- come back into the fold of civilizawhy Jews should flock to' Biro-Bid- stead of taking to them of choice. Ac- its to Russia in an endeavor to find ment is not limited to any race or tion where it will be welcomed like IN T/f£ jan from now on, why. .wouldn't .it cordingly, the Soviets offered to fa- out why people would abandon, after creed but is truly American and the returning prodigal. UNITED STATCS wait, with the proclamation of auto- cilitate the integration of these de- two and more years of hard effort, a nonsectarian. Official threats such as these that nomy, at least until their numbers classed Jews on the farm and in the land which they entered with great We desire here again to empha- will permanently forfeit the respect there become .formidable?' factory. - promise. It wasn't the hardship of that we have no quarrel with The reply is that, under, conditions However, among the several hun- plowing up virgin soil that drove our. American citizens of German of mankind, of the wholesale murp£SK OF facing the Jews in Fascist ridden dred thousands - of declassed Jews them away, it wasn't the oversized birth or ancestry. Our movement is der of defenseless, inoffensive miby way of reprisal for acts MIAUHUT UENEER CAN countries, such powerful token of there were several tens of thousands mosuitoes, and it wasnt the fear of not directed against any class of norities, good-will as a pledge to autonomous who proved so recalcitrant that, in bordering on troublesome Manchuria. people; it is aimed at German goods, for which they are not responsible, &E PURCHASED POR not rights, and civic and political protec- the opinion of the party -leaders, they These were only contributing factors ships and shipping. OHLV $5S.C>O AT tion, may itself prove of sufficient in- were not entitled to the leniency gen- to a cause which lay far beyond them. The world has at last found in Any attempt to discriminate centive to start a Jewish. mass mi- erally ^accorded; to the. What happened . w a s , that,:; while jigainsfc- GennanrAnserfcan" .merchants the economic boycott a powerful, de^ gration to: Bito-Bidjan, e*en/ though liquidated class. Toput if in the po- these people, had been battling with or ; shopkeepers, because they are fensive weapon against inhumanity, for the'moment there be'no other in- lite language of the .Communist dia- the elements of .a far away territory German "or- of German • ancestry, which it will not hesitate to use centive. For the aid implied In the lectician," the class ideology of -these lying on the fringe of .their country, would-be regarded as of the same against nations that choose to beproclamation,, is directed; though not people,was toolset,and jmbending. to developments in Soviet Russia proper character of- outrage and would be come social outlaws against civiliza7/ZO5-7-9 FARNAM so specifically stated, not so much to ever hope, that _ it'could, change in I had i nthe meantime taken the kind denounced by our organization with tion and humanity. the Russian Jews, as" to the Jews out- their old 'setting and environment We refuse to believe; that you or of turn which destroyed, in effect, the ihe" same heat and energy as though side; the Soviet" Union. Between Ger- _ For these.people had shown on sev- second and major motive for the very it .-were aimed against the Jews, any other American will so far dismany and Austria" and Rumania "there eral previous occasions that they project of Biro-Bidjan. For in the j Catholics or any other people. There j are ' ttireerqnarters. of - a _milUon-Jews could transport themselves bodily to wake of the activities of the Five Year is no basis- for the implication conwhose life has become untenable in the kolkhoz (collective farm), but re- Plan, hundreds of thousands of erst- tained in your letter, in ~ which, by their countries, but who have no- main spiritually and mentally in the while disfranchised Jews were ab- the way, you have conveniently lost where to go. And between Poland and city. And they have also shown, dur- sorbed by the industries, and in the sight of the fundamental fact that it Rumania there are at least four mil- ing the respite known as NEP (New wake of their absorption they were in- was months after the inhuman boyCOME OVER AND SEE lion: Jews who are being rapidly proI'LL BE DELIGHTED tegrated and reinstated. The "Be- cott against the Jews, Catholics and MYHEWWEST1NGHOUSE letarianized "without having, a. proleclassed Class,' in other words, had Labor Unions was inaugurated by t HEAR IT HAS SOME ISNT THfcT NEW PUIUX FINISH tarian state to protect them. Pales- Name Committee for found- a measure of peace and hope at the Hitler regime against Germany's REFRIGERATOR MARIE. own loyal, innocent and unoffending CRAKP. SEE HOW IT SPAP.K.US tine, at this acute stage of universal home, and as a natural consequence Hebrew Club Picnic Biro-Bidjan was left without a hinter- peoples WONDERFUL NEW FEATURES and was precipitated upon Jewish tragedy, as even ardent ZionF I'MSOPROUDOFIT! " " "* world ists are bound to admit, is not in a land upon which to feed itself. a stunned" and incredulous position to offer those harassed mil- Announcement has been made of "When I learned," one of those who like a thunderbolt out of a dear lions even a decent palliative, having the committee which will have charge returned told me, "that nfany of mysky, that this defensive boycott was in mind the ridiculous minimum to of the community-wide * Omaha He- chums had been in the same boat undertaken. The - means that the which immigration to Palestine has brew club picnic, to be held at Lake- with me all their lives, were holding world has adopted,"- by way of proview park Sunday, August 5. regular jobs, and that their children test, is the ' world's only peaceful AKIS HERE TRAYS CftWT STICK WITH The committee: Albert Kaplan, were attending school like the rest, weapon of defense. . HANDY UTCH POOR OPENER TH£. HANDY JACK RELEASE Refrigerator Sales chairman; Max Fromkin, Abner Kai- I grew violently homesick, and I It is a course which we believe VOU CAM WORK IT WITH YOUR man, Samuel E. TOaver, Irvin C. Le-knew I wasn't going to stick it out has the support of an overwhelmKNEE Of Unusually Heavy vin, Charles Mann, Goodman Meyer- there. One never knows the meaning flKCER son, Dr. A. A. Steinberg, Barney H. of a motherland until one believes More electric refrigerators were Feltman, Sol Rosenberg, John Felthimself to be-away from it forever. sold during ;the month of April-in Omaha than during any other 30-day man, Ben E. Kazlowsky, Jack D. Gav- How could I compare Biro with the! period, his announcement was made enman, Louis M o r g a n , Daniel Dniepr, or Bidjan with the Biro? And WE REFINISH ANYTHING JUYT LOOK AT THIS NEW ICE AND PE5ERTS FREEZE by R. C, Geppert, chairman of the Schwartz, Jacob Freed and Hyman S. the mongol faces of my neighbors, the MADE OF METAL Shrier. ; . natives, could not take the place of FASTER. THAN EVER. WITH FEATURE THE KANDY TRAY Omaha Electric Refrigeration Bureau. 2210 Farnam JA-2566 THE NEW REFRIGERATED The total sales from all retail outlets :The committee met on Tuesday to the Mouzhik faces I had been accusmake preliminary arrangements. "Re- tomed to all my life." Well, I am here SHELF IN THE FROSTER for April were 1,071. August 5th," declared Kaplan, "This proves to us that Omaha serve home-makers are becoming more and "as we are going, td make 'Omaha more acquainted "with the". superior Hebrew Club Day' an institution in quality of electric refrigeration," Mr. our community like Mother's Day or Geppert said. "Advertising and sales Father's Day." MORE ECONOMICAL promotion on the part of electric refrigeration dealers have gone a long WESTINCHOUSE? FUR STORAGE way in building tip a demand for this " You, too, wiQ be happier with a Westinghouse... SAFE—as a Rant's Vault useful household appliance." eager to show it to your friends. Now WestingHOWARD4tt 16th. bouse combines so'many delightful" features .".. Mr. Geppert said that more than GOLD—as an Eskimo's Igloo! and only Westinghouse gives 5 YEARS' PROone-third of .Omaha homes have elee-. BEST.Iff OMAHA TECTION on the hermetically-sealed mechantric refrigeration, and that 1934 would ism on EVERY model for only $1 a year! YouTl Kish Royal Furs undoubtedly be the biggest year in the enjoyadembnstratii3a.Wiiynot come in TODAY? history of the electric refrigeration 2411 Farnam AT. 6543 Zest to Your industry.





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Page 4 - T H B JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, MAY 25, 1934 says he was—with the American He- The London Times is urging that warns that the Jews must emigrate from Europe en masse beDrew in the days of Joseph Jacobs— the Trans-Jordan be opened to the fore it is too late. Urging such an emigration as the only soluand A. H. P. points to a column that Jews. If that is done, you will see tion to the Jewish problem, Dr. Gaster proposes that the League he used to conduct on the old Tage- the real development of Palesttine begun, for- the Trans-Jordan has a blatt of Nations should aid in finding a home for the Jews in Africa Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by very small Arab population and Well, they are both -wrong. Samson or America, where from three to five million Jews can be settled THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. was the first Jewish columnist. He about twice the area of that part under the protection of the League. Palestine, he points out, cantook a column and got the whole of Palestine in -which Jews are not . S u b s c r i p t i o n Price, one y e a r - - - - - - - - - $2.50 permitted to settle. not accommodate the great majority of the Jews who must escape By DAVID SCHWARTZ house shaking over it. Advertising r a t e s furnished on application from Europe before the fires of Jew-hatred engulf every corner Jacob Fisherman says Tel Aviv A physician tells me that the orthoof Europe because of the spread of Fascism. Dr. Gaster also THINGS NOT NECESSARY Editorial Office: 490 B r a n d e i s T h e a t e r Building. dox practice of swaying during pray- will have a population of a quarter Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center suggests that the League of Nations sponsor a loan cf §150,- rOKNOW ers is a splendid exercise, especially million. DAVID BLACKER - - - - - Business a n d Managing Editor Leon Trotzky is related to the late beneficial for the abdominal regions. 000,000 to finance the project he has in mind. FRANK. R. ACKERMAN - » - - - - - - - - - - Editor About forty years ago, a man Webster of "Union and lib- Now will you daven? DANNIE KATELMAN - - * Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent True, Palestine cannot accommodate all of the Jewish vic- Daniel named Mr. Hertz, came to the Rev. erty, forever and inseparable" fame ANN P I L L - - - - - - « Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent tims of persecution. True, the League of Nations should be made How come? Well, the Trotzky and Jabotinsky, the Revisionist leader, Aaron Wise, the father of Dr. SteP r i n t Shop A d d r e s s : 1307 H o w a r d S t r e e t ; to know that the plight of European Jewry is unbearable, and Max Eastman families intermarried, comments on a little incident that oc- phen S. Wise, and said: "I don't know what to do with Max Eastman, you may recall, is curred during the war, when he was that the governments of the League should render financial as- and a remote realtive of Daniel Webster. talking with some Englishman about my boy Joe. I am a poor man. I sistance in alleviating the problem caused by bigoted persecution. Sink or swim, live or die, it's the revival of the Hebrew language. can't afford to send him to college." So the Rev. Aaron Wise replied: However, such a plan as that advanced by the venerable strange, but Trotzky and Webster are The Englishman said the project "Send him to the Jewish Theological remote cousins. was nonsense. "How," he asked, scholar and rabbi is just an illusory "day-dream." Even if Africa Seminary. He can get a stipend and "could you say the word aero-dynamic or America offered the hospitality suggested — even then the There has been a; thirty per cent for instance in Hebrew." thus support himself." plan would hardly be feasible. The cost of such a transplanting increase in the sale of Palestine wine Jabotinsky pointed out that you The son—the Rev. Joseph Herman since the United States went off the couldn't say the word in English eith- Hertz—is now the Chief Rabbi of True German-Americans would run into billions and billions. The most we can do is trans- water wagon. Drinking Palestine er, for "aero" is Latin and "dynamic" England. The American Nazis had their "day in court* before the bar plant as many as possible and aid those remaining to best work wine makes you both a good Ameri- is Greek. can and "a good Zionist, for the high And I should have said to the EngMischa Elman, -with his violin, enof public opinion at their Madison Square Garden meeting in New out their salvation where they are. !* tariff helps Uncle Sam . balance his tered the public elevator of the Nalishman also—how would you say the York City last Thursday evening. If there is one concrete result, budget, and the price of the wine words "halleluyah and amen and tional Broadcasting Company. it is probably a new impetus to the boycott movement against Cancer Research aids Jewish settlement in Palestine. selah" in English. Seems to me they The elevator man said: "You can't Nazi-made goods. " enter with your violin case in a pubDr. Judah L. Magnes, chancellor of the Hebrew University Harry Hershfield has a new name are Hebrew. lic elevator. There is a special eleThe "DAWA" meeting was advertised as the meeting of in Jerusalem, who is now in this country for11 a! short visit, brings for newspapermen. He calls them vator for those carrying freight." The last volume covering the letter "German-Americans," and a generous draping of American flags more good cheer from the institution of learning on Mount Scpus. "gentlemen of the 'tress'," as they of "M" o£ the National Dictionary of "But I am Mischa Elman," i*eand high-sounding propaganda were the cloaks by which these The outstanding bit of good news concerning the Hebrew have to 'fress' at so many public din- Biography contains among others bio- plied the famous virtuoso. graphies that of David M. Mosses- "I don't care if you are Rubinoff," Hitlerites attempted to give the impression that their demonstra- University are the plans for the establishment and maintenance ners. tion was an expression of Americanism •— though they did "Heil of a department of the Hebrew University for research into the Ludwig Lewisohn will be one of sohn, founder of The Jewish Tribune. returned the elevator man. Hitler," wear Nazi uniforms, and swear allegiance to a foreign causes and cure of cancer. Already recognized the world over, the the speakers at the next Zionist con- It also contains a biography of Jos- James W. Warburg, former Roosecountry. But the most significant fact was that the "DAWA" Palestinian institution bids fair to claim an even brighter place vention, which meets June -30th at hua Montefiore, a chap you may nev- velt adviser who has now written er have heard of—since he lived in a book on the money question, also meeting confirmed the fact that the loyal German-American peo- among the satellites of educational progress and advancement, Atlantic City. about the year 1800. He was writes poetry. ple abhor the Hitler regime with its altar of hate and its bar- particularly because of its research laboratories and the outstand- Alexander Hamilton, greatest of America one of the leaders of a project to barous persecutions. Of all the millions of Gennan-Americans in ing men it has attracted. Thus, the plan to be used at the Hebrew America's secretaries of the treasury colonize Africa, And the best ihiing I have heard in a long time is F. P. A's remark: this country, and the thousands of distinguished men among University calls for research in radio-biology, physiological chem- had a half brother, named Peter Levin, who lived in Charleston, S. C , Dr. Edward Lasher, the famous "I have never heard a speech which them, not one outstanding citizen could be found who was willing istry and the study of cells and tissues. and who left Alexander some of bis chess wizard, is trying to popularize was short enough." to stake his good name by addressing that audience or attempting Maybe it applies to columns also. a Chinese game called "Go." At the head of the station for cancer therapy at the Roths- estate. to defend the darkness of the Hitler night. The speakers' list was child Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem and nominated to head the • But this does not prove, as some to think, that Hamilton himself The Under-Secretary of State for kept secret until meeting time, in the hope that at the last min- new department at the University is Professor Ludwig Halber- seem was half-Jewish. For the mother Air in the British cabinet is a Jew, New Jersey Nominations ute a responsible individual could be obained for the platform. staedter, internationally recognized as an expert in the treatment who bore Hamilton is supposed to Sir Philip Sassoon. That is why the Trenton, N. J.—One Jew was nomiThey failed, and the list of speakers at the Nazi demonstration of malignant tumors, who when exiled from Germany brought have left her Jewish husband before Jews are called Luft Menschen. nated for congress, two for the state was born, at least, so 'tis had Reinhold Walter, Louis Zahne, H. 0. Spier, Walter Kappe, with him to Palestine a supply of radium amounting to about two Alexander senate and nine for the state assaid. The Princess Mary, daughter of sembly in the state-wide primaries W. L. McLaughlin, Herbert Schuch, George Sylvester Viereck and hundred milligrams. the English King, paid no attention held here. Joseph Schuster — not a one known to the American public. Conto the Jews in Palestine on her re- Congressman Isaac Bacharach (R) O hell In Hebrew simply means Negotiations are further under way, according to Dr. Magtrast this with the list of speakers at the anti-Nazi mass meet- nes, with scientific men formerly associated with German uni- tent. So if anyone chas va chalillah cent visit. Just visited the Arab of Atlantic City was renominated as were Assemblymen Joseph Atlman, ing in March: Alfred E. Smith, Mayor of New York LaGuardia, versities and colleges, whose appointments to the Hebrew Uni- should catch you saying it, just tell things. them that you are speaking Hebrew. of Atlantic City, speaker of the Prof. Raymond Moley, Roger Baldwin, Dr. Llewlyn F. Baker, Dr. versity are expected to be ratified at the meeting of the Board How different was the late King house, and Assemblyman Samuel Arthur J. Brown, Arthur Garfield Hayes, Stanley High, Dr. John of Governors next August. Bernard G. Richards and A. H. Albert of Belgium. When he visited Pesin of Jersey City. Fromenson are having1 a little run-in Palestine, he insisted on visiting Tel Haynes Holmes, Gustave Kirby, Senator Millard E. Tydings, Michon the lively question: who was the Aviv incognito. When a little Belael Williams, Samuel Seabury, Mathew.. Woll, Miriam Beard, Dr. first Jewish columnist. Richards gian Jewish boy in Tel Aviv recog- 5 Paxton Mitchell Co. Stephen S. Wise, Bernard Deutsch, Abraham Cahan, and Dr. Sam- A Clash in Viewpoint nized Albert and shouted "Vive le Grey Iron, Alnminum and "Handsome Adolph" from his high but precarious perch in a his daughter even if she had married roi," Albert's aide went up to him and II uel Margoshes. A comparison between the list of speakers is enBronze Castings thanked him, but asked him to he once-civilized country, has frequently referred to the treatment a great scholar, he replied: "Not even lightening. Wood and Metal Patterns if her husband should be able to learn auiet as His Majesty wanted to ob2614 Martha St. HA. C523 , It is also noteworthy of mention that of those obscure in- of the Negroes in this country as a justification for the inhuman as little as one chapter or even one serve the Jewish city unobserved. anti-Jewish policy of the Nazi marauders. And, Only a week before holacha." Thereupon Rabbi Akiba dividuals who spoke at the Nazi meeting, not one attempted to "I am the one." Kalba Shebua Goebbels, ihe chief propagandist of defend or excuse the persecution and efforts to destroy the Ger- Herr Goebbels, self-styled Minister of "Propaganda and Enlight- said: immediately fell face forward upon the "Aryan" doctrine of superiority enment," told the,German people of his indignation at the imNATIONAL man Catholic and Protestant churches, the imprisonment of their Rabbi Akiba's feet and kissed them, is short and dark—in other words he pudence of the German Jews for acting as though they should ACCESSORIES, Inc. clergy, nor the elimination of Labor Unions and Masonic lodges giving him one half of his entire for- looks exactly like the blood "Aryan" be treated as equals and given equal rights in their fatherland. tune. Rabbi Akiba's daughter did the is supposed to look. O yeah! in Germany and the confiscation of their properties. Nor did any EVERYTHING As a contrast from that land of eclipse, consider the address same thing with Ben Azai, and this For the Auto speaker try to defend the disfranchisement and confiscation as is the meaning of the saying: "Eve And Hitler who wants all "momof Mrs. Franklin. D. Roosevelt, First Lady of the Land, wife of well as horrors forced by the Hitler regime upon its Germanfollows Eve; as the mother acts, so mers" to stick to mommering, and AT. 5524 2051 Farnam the beloved President of these United States, who in speaking does the daughter." raise a lot of children, is a bachelor. Jewish minorities for the sole reason that they are Jews. a group of Negro educators last week stated: "The day The DAWA meeting was Hitler-inspired and Hitler-control- before of really working together has come. We must learn to work toled. In the boycott of Nazi-made goods and services, the Non- gether regardless of race, creed or color. We can have no group Sectarian Anti-Nazi League to Champion Human Rights—which beaten down, underprivileged, without reaction on the rest. We has led the boycott forces—has not only discouraged but de- must wipe out intolerance and the belief that any one group can nounced any attempt to discriminate against German-Americans. go forward alone." That faith in the true German-Americans has been vindicated. The difference in viewpoints is the difference between right and wrong, between justice and injustice, between humanity and Fiftieth Birthday inhumanity. Regardless of our religious affiliation, Omaha Jewry joins in extending congratulations to the B'nai Israel synagogue on the From London celebration of its golden anniversary, this Sunday. interesting statistics come from London, home of a It was in 1884 that fourteen pioneers organized what was largeSome group of Jewish citizens who have aided in the honor and ISO Boys' High Grade then known as the "Russian Congregation." First services were progress of their fatherland. In 1890, the statistics show, London held in rented quarters at Tenth and Jones streets. Two Long Pants a Jewish population of 60,000, which has now grown to Since that day, the Jewish community has grown, and now had has five Orthodox synagogues affiliated into the Vaad Ha'Ihr, in 183,000, representing three per cent of the total population. But the interesting facts are not the figures — London Jews addition to Temple Israel and the Conservative Synagogue. now tend to scatter throughout Greater London, in contrast with On the fiftieth birthday of the B'nai Israel, let us re-empha- the former tendency to stay huddled together. Also, while forsize that all the branches of Judaism are integral parts of the whole, each lending an added, vital strength and each contribut- merly most of the Jewish population of that city was foreign-born, today, sixty per cent are English-born. Forty years ago Yiddish ing toward a fuller and more perfect Judaism.. predominated and seventy per cent read Yiddish newspapers. Today only thirty per cent are reached by the Yiddish press, and Withered .„..„._._ English is the mother-tongue. -A-withered branch of Judaism may be found in the Union These trends and figures could be as well applied to many a . of National Jews in Germany. This pro-Nazi group headed by city in this country. Dr. Max Naumann has repeatedly tried to "lick the boots" of the dastardly rulers of Naziland, and would have been. Hitler's most his dear loving wife, he overheard the of an old woman who ardent allies if he had enlisted their aid in persecuting the Ost GEMS of the BIBLE conversation was asking "how long is this unforJuden. This disgraceful group had even petitioned the Hitler and TALMUD tunate woman going to lead the life government for the right to wear the Nazi uniform and display iof a widow?" Whereupon she replied: Every suit strictly all wool. Colors: By O. O. DASHES the swastika but was refused. Just last week, they asked per"If my husband would hearken unto • Gray, Tan, Brown and Fancy Mixtures. me, he would return, and stay there mission from the chief of the storm troopers to receive a deleSizes: 10 to 19. A great value feature Then the men of Israel said unto twelve more years." gation from the organization. Storm Troop Leader Krueger re- Gideon: —Saturday. Eule thou over us—both thou, Akiba said to himself: "Since plied that unfortunately it was impossible to accede to the request thy son, and thy son's son, for thou sheRabbi is satisfied, I will act according because "field exercises are only for those German Volksgenossen hast saved us. out of the Midian. to her wish." He immediately returned •who racially and politically stand for our principles." The bulletin And he said unto them: I will not and spent 12 more years at the colover you. Neither shall my son lege. When he returned he brought added that the correspondence was published to discourage "simi- rule rule over you—the Lord shall rule with him 24,000 disciples. His wife, lar requests from foreigners." over you. informed of his arrival, went out to TALMUD meet him, and when her neighbors We can do nothing with Jews of the type that belong to the • Rabbi Akiba was a shepherd in the suggested that she borrow garments Union of National Jews in Germany, except regret that they are employ of the rich Ben Kolba. Shebua, to dress more neatly to meet him, she still classed as Jews and so humiliate the Jewish name. The Nazis the latter's daughter, observed that R. replied: "He knows me well, and I do Featuring the newest belt back 3port swing styles. Hosts of are contemptible, but these cowardly, cringing Naumanns are even Akiba was very pious and talented, not need extra garments to improve attractive specially selected fabrics that young men appreciate, and fell in love with him. She said my appearance." When she reached including blue single and double breasted styles. Sizes S2 to 88 more despicable. to him: "If I marry you, will you go



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Transplanting Our hopes and our fears oft-times dominate our thoughts and guide our statements. This is what must have happened when Dr. Moses Gaster, chief rabbi of the Spanish-Portuguese Synagogue of London and a veteran Zionist leader, wrote "Jews Must Leave Europe," an article appearing in the London Daily Herald under his signature. Dr. .Gaster's article, which has created a sensation in London,

to a college to study the Torah ?" "Indeed, surely," he replied. They were secretly married, and she sent him off to the college. When her father became aware of this secret marriage, he ordered her to leave his house, and vowed that she should not enjoy the benefit of his estate. Akiba went and spent twelve years at the college, and on his return he had with him" twelve thousand disciples". On nearing close to the dwelling of

him, she prostrated herself before him and kissed him; When his attendants were about to push her away, Rabbi Akiba said: "Let her alone, for my Torah and yours are due to her." Her father, having been informed that such a great scholar had arrived and who had regretted his hasty act, said: "I shall go to see. this scholar. Perhaps he will invalidate the vow I made against my suffering daughter." When •Rabbi Akiba asked him -whether his intention was to "make the vow against



fiage 5-THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, MAY 25, 1934


Mrs. Max Fromkin Auxiliary's Theatre Treasurer of P. T. A. Party Next Tuesday

Mrs. Max Fromkin was elected treasurer of the Omaha council of the The annual theatre party of the LaParent-Teacher association a t the dies' Auxiliary of the Vaad will be election of officers of the organiza- given Tuesday evening, May 29, at the tion held Monday. Circle theatre. Mrs. William Milder is Mrs. Fromkin has been on the ex- chairman of the committee in charge. ecutive board of the organization and Two features will be presented, as has acted as finance chairman for the well as entertaining "shorts." Compast two years. plete shows will begin at 7 p. m. and 9 p.m.

Vaad Auxiliary

SHIFF-SLUTZKIN ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. William Slutzkin announce the engagement of their daughter, Bertha, to Mr. Samuel Shiff, son of Mr. Morris Shitf, of Galveston, Texas. No date has been set for the wedding.

Dr. Victor E. Levine spoke on "The History of Nutrition and Its PresentDay Application" at the meeting of the Vaad Auxiliary Tuesday afternoon. A Shabuoth play was presented by the children of the Religious School. Rabbi Uri Miller spoke on "Shabuoth."


TRIP TO EUROPE ->~ AND PALESTINE Rabbi Uri Miller will leave Omaha on June 11 for a two-months tour of Europe and Palestine.'

ON TWO-MONTHS VACATION TRIP Dr. Ben Greenberg of New York City, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Greenberg of this city, sailed Saturday for a two-months vacation trip to South America and the Panama Canal. Dr. Greenberg is connected with the ear, nose and throat hospital of the Medical Center of New York City.

Delta Kappa A formal candle light initiation was held by the Delta Kappa sorority last Sunday at the home of Dorothy Tuchman. Pearl Bernstein was the initiate. On the committee were Helen Greenberg, Pearl Monsky and Dorothy Tuchman. Pearl Monsky is the newlyelected historian-reporter.

R0THENBERG-H0RW1CH ENGAGEMENT Mr. Charles Horwich announces the engagement of his daughter, Miss Bess Horwich, to Mr. Samuel I. Rothenberg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Rotheriberg. The wedding will take place the lat- RETURNS SOME ter part of June. Mrs. J. J. Simon returned home

K1RKE-HAHN ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. J. Kahn announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss He1 en Hahn, to Mr. Nathan Kirke, son of Mr. and Mrs. I. Kirke of this city. No definite date has been set for the "wedding.

Tuesday after spending the past seven months in Hollywood, Calif., where she visited relatives. TO COKTEXTIOS Miss Anne Lintzman left Wednesday for Kansas City to attend the national convention of Jewish Social Workers. She will return Sunday.

Xi Lambda The Xi Lambda fraternity is planning an active summer program. Miss Minnette Sterling. A doubles handball tournament is The engagement of Miss Minnette now being sponsored by the club. A Sterling, daughter of Mrs. Ruth steak fry was recently held at HumSterling, to Mr. Samuel Zacharia, son mel park. of Mrs. Rose Zacharia, was announced Sunday at a gathering at the Sterling home, attended by forty members of the immediate family. Out-of-town guests were Miss Dorothy Kropman and Miss Edyth Kropman of Mason City, la. No date has been set for the wedding. Miss Sterling, who formerly resided in Sioux City, is a graduate of Omaha Central High school. Mr. Zacharia is a graduate of the Creighton •University school of law. He is a member of Pi Lambda Phi fraternity. • "•

ANNOUNCE BAR MITZVAH Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Shukert anxounce the Bar Mitzvah of their son* Nathan, Saturday morning, May 26, at the Adass Yeshuren synagogue, 25th and Seward streets. A reception will follow the services and everyone is cordially invited. No invitations are being issued. ENTERTAIN IN HONOR OF LAZARUS Mr. and Mrs. Max Fromkin entertained at dinner Saturday evening at the "60 Club" honoring David Lazarus, who recently finished his training at the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music and who leaves Sunday for Hollywood, Cal.

VISIT IN NEW YORK Mrs. Max Wintroub is spending several weeks in New York City, visiting vith her two daughters, Rosie and Gerry, at the Park Central hotel. RETURNS HOME Mrs. A. L. Allen is leaving Monday morning for her home in Los Angeles, Cal., after a two-months visit here with her sisters, Mrs. A. Seglin and Mrs. A. Davidson. INFORMAL PARTY The Xi Lambda fraternity will hold an informal party next Tuesday, Memorial eve, at the "60 Club." The committee in charge includes Erwin Wezelman, chairman, Art Lipp, Herman Babich, and Bill Sokoloff.

TO VISIT IN SIOUX CITY Mrs. D. Silverman and Mrs. S. LebJr. Vaad bwitz are leaving Sunday morning for Sioux City for a week's visit" "with rel- There will be no meeting of the atives and friends. While there they Junior Vaad Auxiliary this Tuesday, will attend the Hadassah regional because of the theatre party being sponsored by the Ladies' Vaad Auxilconvention. iary. The meeting will be held the following Tuesday, June 5.


•— —~ —

Alpha Gamma Chi 1

Betty Fellman was chosen president of Alpha Gamma Chi, social sorority at the University of Omaha, at the recent election of the group. Other officers for the ensuing term are Rose Fisher, vice-president; Geraldine Strauss, secretary-treasurer; Esther Silverman, reporter. Sylvia Silverman is Pan-Hellenic representative. The members of the sorority are participating in the silver jubilee celebration of the university, being held at Peony Park today.

Fratority Max Marcus, new president, announced the committees and their respective heads at a meeting of Fratority on Wednesday evening, May 16, in the auditorium of the Congregation of Israel. The chairmen: Initiation, Jack Bronstien; Property, Max Halperin; Investigation and Membershi7, Hannah Meyerson; Entertainment, Yale Halperin. Sergeants - at - arms are Yale Halperin and Julius Meyerson. Meetings after June 1 will be held «very other Wednesday evening. An outing was held by twenty members on Sunday, May 20, on an island near Fort Calhoun, Neb. Swimming, horseback riding and dancing were some, of the diversions of the group. Esther Richman, Joe Schlaifer, Max Halperin and Irving Kaiman were in charge.

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The girls' group, which was recently organized under the supervision of Rabbi Uri Miller and the sponsorship of Mrs. L. Mendelson, has chosen the name Kadimah, meaning "to advance."

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Patronize Jewish Press advertisers.

Ltucioufl pastels that •will tub as easily as your 'kerchief! Sport types and dressy types . . . some with jackets.

Sales Agency


Fireproof — Burglar Proof

Temple Israel Sisterhood will hold ts closing meeting this season, Monday, May 28, at 1 o'clock. A board meeting at 12 o'clock will be followed by a 1 o'clock luncheon. The nominating committee will make its report and the election of officers will be held at this time. All members are urged to attend this meeting.


Just a croes section of the raiKant collection that Herzbergt launch for summer!

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Now is the time to protect yourself folly by getting auto insurance

Junior Society

The next meeting, of the Junior So' ciety of the. Conservative; Synagogue to be held on Monday evening. May 28, at the home of Miss Ida Tenenbaum, H021 South 32nd avenue. .

Daughters of Zion The bazaar and drawing of the Daughters of Zion will be held Sunday, June 17. A 26-piece silver dinner set will be awarded to the holder of the winning number. All proceeds from this affair will go to the Jewish National Fund work supported by the organization, whose efforts are expended toward aiding in the rebuilding of a Jewish homeland in Palestine. The organization has requested that the general public, through aiding in the bazaar and drawing, help the Daughters of Zion reach their quota this year as they have in the past.

Temple Israel Sisterhood



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Page 7—THE JEWISH PBBSS» FRIDAY, MAX 25, 19E4 1JI11II111111111111111111111111111111411111111111•r—












tj Saubtrmatut'



Mrs. X just; got a* §30-a week-'job from the CWA (CiviT Works Administration) as a social worker". . . Mrs. X pays ?125 monthly renter for her fashionable apartment . . . Slie is the wife of a prominent Brooklyn rabbi (product of the Hebrew Union College) and explains that the salary checks from his congregation are few and far between . . .This is merely sidelight on our "well-paid" rabbis . . . Rabbi Goldensen of Temple Emanu El has a brother who is a customs inspector; at the Fort of New York . . . We hear that Nahum Goldman, representative of the American Jewish Congress In Europe, is flirting with. the.job of secretary of the Jewish Delegations, the post which the late Dr. Lee Motzkin held for" so long . . . They say that Cantor Rosenblatt died of a broken heart in Palestine when, he was told of the' money Cantor Kwartin made in real estate in the Holy Land . . . T h e Torgsin, Soviet organization, is the largest national advertiser in the Anglo-Jewish press, and getting plenty of results too . . . By the time this gets published, Meyer W. Weisgal, impressario extraordinary of "Romance of a People," fame, may be on the way to . London on a mission, that will make the headlines i nthe papers . . . Rabbi Nathan Kress made his first public appearance since his breakdown at the United Jewish Appeal dinner at the Hotel Commodore at which Lipsky stole the show with his scintillating speech . . .



Yale Head in Wanning

Seattle, Wash.—"American institutions of higher learning must stand as solid bulwarks against the sweep of un-American un-Democratic moveThree hotly-contested games feaments such as have engulfed Gertured the play last week in the J. C. many, Italy and Russia," Dr. James C. Softball league, all tilts being deTemple Rowland Angwell, president of Yale cided by a lone marker. University, declared on a visit to .The Samples nosed out the Peerless Seattle. The summer" schedule of services nine; 10 to 9, the Psi Mu eked out a 5-10-4 win over the A. Z. A. crew, will go "into effect at Temple Israel while the Seiners bested the Ward- starting this evening. During the sum1934 robe "aggregation in a slugfest, 20 mer a short service* will be held every 1897 Friday evening at 7:30 p. m. in the t o l 9 . - _ r . - -••• vestry rooms. "*This Sunday Ihe Peerless meet"the Following the short service this evePsi Mu^.'the Wardrobes lock horns with theTSamples, and the A. Z. A. ning at the Temple, Rabbi Frederick Cohn and Kabbi David H. Wice will battle titfe' Peerless. All games start at 11 a. m. They take part in" the "city-wide service and will be played at the east and west reception for high school graduates, Elmwood 'diamonds arid the 22nd ahd to be held-this year at the B'nai IsPaul street, rectangle. The public is rael, synagogue, }8th and Chicago.

Religious Services

Joseph J» Pink


inyifed. . ' ; , ' ; '




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Iiaidies;X<abor Lyceum



General Agent 33S-340 Electric Btdg. JA. 7320


The Ladies! Labor Lyceum is plan- After this week the Conservative » V « W « W W » £ W « i ! V « i W V « » ning a social meeting for next Tues- Synagogue will held services regularday, May 29 r at 2 o'clock, at the Labor :ly on Priday evenings at 6:30 p. m. Mr. L. R. Beatty Says: S Lyceum hall, 22nd and Clark streets. and on Saturday morning at 9 a. ra. Members of the Conservative SynAll members are urged to attend. A "For Health and Economy Z report of the concert will be given agogue are expected to attend services ;at the B'nai Israel Synagogue and refreshments will be served. ;. The organization has expressed its this Friday, when a city-wide "service" appreciation to all who rendered their and reception, will be given for. the . ; services and entertainment for the high school .graduates. concert and drawing given at the Labor Lyceum Sunday, May 20.

""""••" I




HEREfi&E£NOU6H '3eY/\Sfi

Jr. Congregation

Phi Beta Epsilon

The Junior Congregation will meet as usual Saturday morning at 10:15 Joseph Solomonow, president of Phi p. m. Refreshments will be served. Beta Epsilon fraternity, was elected vice-president of the Pan-Hellenic Council of Creighton university at the 'fast meeting. Joseph Lagman won first prize for his theme, "I Lived in Russia," ^which appeared in the International Dental Magazine.






The service and reception for the

The last official meeting of the sea- high school graduates this evening son for the C-2 club was held at the will 'take of the regular Frihome of Bertha SlutzMn. The folIoWr- day evening services. Both the service and the reception, ing officers were elected: Sarah Baam, president; Sadie TateK which are open "to the public," will be man, vice-president; Jeanette Kesnkk, held at the B'nai Israel synagogue, secretary; Etta Tatehnan, treasurer; starting at 8 p. m. This will be the last late Friday Eose Sachs, reporter. Several out-of-doors affairs are be- evening service for the season. ing planned for the summer months by the groups.

PALESTINIA When you read about the Arlosoroff trial in the Palestine Post you fail to understand how news gets changed to such an extraordinary degree on the way from Tel Aviv to Centre Street, New York . . . In the Palestine Post the case of the defense looks hopeless despite the brilliant work of Attorney Samuel, but in the AngloJewish daily the case of the accused Revisionists is unshaken . . . which also makes us ask what it means -when the Revisionist "Fair Play Committee," collecting a defense fund in this country, advertises that surplus money collected will be turned over ot the James G. McDonald Fund for German Jewish Relief, because there ain't any such fund . . . It is reported that'shortly before Arlosoroff was murdered one of the accused amused himself scribbling on a stone "Here Lies the-Body of Chaim ArloBoroff, head of the Palestine Executive" . . . Mrs. Archibald Silverman, of Providence, whose high powered emotional speeches on Zionism have been heard from coast to coast, is still in Palestine, turning over real estate deals in such a dizzy fashion that she is said to be running up profits at a Wall Street pace . . . Reports from the United States Jewish Campaign are so optimistic that nobody will be " startled if the quota .is factually attained . . .




Supreme Court was elected to the for Secretary of Interior Ickes, -was board of the "Yale Law thrown out of the Secretary's office time? It's hard- to ga without Journal" . . .Election to the board is recently because when Mr: Ickes inti- Handball Tourney breakfast and to start the day with one of the highest honors in the lawmated that he might accept an honorfor Health Club luncheons A fellow has to eat school Joseph. Schildkraut, the ary degree from the Northwestern breakfast, you kn ow University, Mike ^commented: "Oh, So the actor and son of the late and more A handball tournament for the Brooklyn Record is now being includ- famous Rudolph, winds his timepiece yes," said Mike, "tbje.last time I cov- members of the Health Club is being ed in the newspaper lists of philan- at exactly 7:15 p. m. every evening ered a story at the'f?orth'western, Sam by the J. C. C. Physical dethropically inclined press agents . . . because he missed a stage curtain Insull got an LL. I^.y>;>'.-The Holland- staged partment, starting next week. NAZI-ATING years ago /when jjiis watch stopped a t American Line hagifet&blished an ela- ^Members will be notified_j>f first roSoTniatches. All players are" aSEecT In the ". electioSTnl*7' the USSR a happy, man, having dam, one of~their;fj|.est ships . . . The to keep posted on the progress of the Union City, N. J., the hotbed of Nazi activity and the center of a. large found in his; hometown his tiny ctuar- dietary- • .being strictly super- tourney by watching the Scoreboard German population, the candidate of ter-sized violin ; that he left behind in vised by a group ^ f strict orthodox on the main bulletin board at the the newly-organized German-Political his hurry to embark for the USA Jewish Dutch gentl&men . . . Zelinska, Center. •'.'League, (a disguised Nazi group) re- quite a few years ago Paul Felix the actress who made such a big hit ceived 342 votes out of a total of 26,- Warburg, son of the beloved Felix M. in Maurice Schwartz's "Yoshe Kalb" 000 votes cast.. . . A new Nazi solu- Warburg, is having Reno troubles, his as the half idiotic daughter of the tion for the Jewish problem has been wife having established residence in grave digger, has just been signed up formulated in a book just published the famous divorce colony Jean by Charlie Chaplin ;for his next picLonguet, grandson of Karl Marx, is ture . . . Sam Blitz, ;the generalissimo in Germany, the scheme is as follows: Send all the Jews to the Island of very much relieved since Herr Hitler of the Greater New !York United JewMadagascar off the Western coast of (himself wired him to Paris that the j ish Campaign, has: one Tiobby; the , but now Sam is complaining Africa: station' an international fleet Marx House in Germany will not be that he hasn't seen a show in the last David . Lipsky, son of around the island to prevent escapes harmed two months ... Louis, the Zionist, is entering the and according to the Nazi prophet the INTERLUDE theatrical producing-game . . . Good Jews will kill each other off . . . While (Copyright, 1934, By Seven Art Place: Hotel Commodore— Grand Hindenburg's life hangs on a thread, luck . . • Ball. Room Feature Syndicate.) and Hitler are discussing as Occasion: Dinner - inaugurating Goering POT-POURRI to who should be the next President campaign df United Jewish Appeal for . ... Goering .wants Hitler it and William F. Gettle, the kidnapped Greater N6w York. and released millionaire, Is Jewish vice versa The advertisers in the Jewish Press The generosity is beA very active gentleman is ob- cause under the present Nazi con- but that had nothing to do with his merit your patronage. INSURED CABS served at the press table, scribbling stitution, the President is merely a recent tribulations . . . Sol Bloom of fervently, pestering the publicity di- figure-head . . . Francis Cpty, France's Washington bi-centennial fame is prerector for' additional information, in own embryonic Hitler, is being sued paring to launch a nation-wide Lafother words, setting the pace for the by his ex-wife to the tune of 130,000,- ayette celebration — you must like it, other reporters. Strange to say, no-000 francs . . . Paramount did not re- S o l . . . Mike Strus, publicity director body on the publicity staff can iden- new the contract with Dorothea tify him. Finally Louis Popkin in- Wieck, the Nazi movie star, who will quires of him which paper he repre- be received in Naziland with open sents: Answers the reportial busy- arms on her return ...". There are tody: "The Brooklyn Record." Pop- some people in New York. who claim tin: "There is no such a paper. Me- that Dr. Scnwartz who died last week thinks you are a faker who has no was a victim of local Nazis and not business around here." Whereupon of a heart attack . . . . >. ; Gat You* Cuts mui the gentleman from the non-existant J?Ubrt paper breaks down and confesses that CHIPS ANI) SPLINTERS • "Times are hard . . . One must eat Murray Rumshinsky, soil of the . . . So God provides luncheons and Jewish composer is writing the music CltGRfliVlllG CO. dinners to which the press is invited for Bobby Sanford's third edition of . . . Well, I became a member of the the "Show Boat," the summer's star . *omnHfl* press for such occasions . . . I get feature on the Hudson . . . Michael Thone Qi.4626 plenty to eat . .". But why can't any H. Cafdozo, nephew of Justice Ben-^ of these Jewish organizations ar- jamin N. Cardozo of theUnited States

CAFETERIA \ We Have a I.nrge Assortment of Fresh and Cooked Vegetables.

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SOLD ON EASY TERMS It's easy to own a G-E! Only a smail down payment will place this refrigerator in your home. Balance may be paid in easy monthly payments.

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LAFAYETTE HONORED—General John J. Pershing is pictured at Washington laying a wreath at the base of the statue of General Lafayette at ceremonies commemorating the one hundredth anni> versary of the French soldier's death. Watching the ceremony stlfe COTTON KING AND QUEEN—Other kings may have their silks and cables, but cotton is the royal raiment for these rulers, the king and queen of cotton, portrayed by Frank Barton and Octavia Evans. They arc shown on the throne at cotton canuval. Memphis. Tenn.

Andre de Laboulaye, center, French ambassador, and Rene de C brun, a descendant of Lafayette.

THE FIRST SALUTE^—Above is a picturesque scene framed by the three powerful aft guns of the U. S. S. Minneapolis as sailors and marines give their first salute to Old Glory on the deck of Uncle Sam's newest sea fighter. She is shown just after being commissioned at the Philadelphia navy yards.


OIL HEIRESS WEDS ITALIAN—Commendatore Leonardo Vitetti, counselor of the Italian embassy in London, is pictured at Oyster' Bay. L. I..withhis bride, the former Natalie'Mai Coe. New York so- BIRTHDAY REVIEW—Mounted on his famous white horse and followed by his most powerful aides. ciahte. following their marriage at a brilliant ceremony, attended Emperor Hirohito of Japan celebrates his thirty-second birthday by reviewing 15,000 soldiers of the imJ>y notables from soeiety_and diplomatic circles. perial guard, at Tokio



MAY AND DECEMBER—George Herschberger, 90-year-old Oregon pioneer, poses with little Joyce Andrews at Jacksonville, Ore., as they prepare to take part in the diamond jubilee celebration at Medford. Ore.


AFTER THE FIRE—Chicago firemen are shown still probing about the ruins of the Union Stockyards many hours after the $10,000,000 blaze had been brought under control. At left an exhausted fire fighter is shown lying in the debris, asleep.

$10,000,000 00 LOSS—This is how the Livestock Exchange appeared following the disastrous fire that swept through the Union Stockyards in Chicago in the city's worst since the famous fire of 1871.

Page 8—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, MAY 25, 1934 SHOTUK1X, IIONSKV, GKO1»1NSK\ A Polish Writer HonoveJ and Mrs. L Rivln and daughters, VANCE and HAKUV U. COHEN, Warsaw. — The literary award of Attorneys. Esther and Lilljan, of -Chamberlain, 737 Omntia Nutlonal Bank Bide. the city of Warsaw for the past year S: D.; Mr. and. Mrs. A. Marsh, Marhas been awarded to Dr. Szymon As- Know nil men Dy these presents: That SIiss Ida" iideiman was eiecced cella Marsh rand Herbert Marsh, of at a duly constituted niwting of the stockpresident of the newly organized Ai- Madison, S. D.; Mr.- and-Mrs. - Sam New Y6rk (WNS)—A Jewish vigil- kenazy. He was acclaimed the best holders of r.KLL C1UAU STOKE, INC., Polish stylist and historian. all of the stockholders being present, beld pna Gamma .Kpsilbri, social soronty, Feder and'Marvin of Ramona S. D.;ance committee to prosecute ruthlesson the 201 h day i t April. 1U34, it was nnat Morningside College. 1'ne charter Mr. and MrsJ Fred" Foreman, and ly all Jewish criminals was advocated nnimously agreed that the cororation be dissolved. Miss Frances Fusfield of Sioux Falls, XOTK'E OF INDEBTEDNESS ior the soiority was granted the coDy Kabbi Stephen S. Wise in a serANNA PILL, at Omaha, Nebraska, this 20th day eds -by the college administrative S. D.; Mr. and Mrs. I. Shapiro of man at the .r'ree Synagogue. Alter Notice is hereby given that all existing of Dated Anpril. WU. debts of Mll.XXAKi THKAailK, INC., on Milwaukee and " Mr. and Mrs. J . •UXCOLS SMITH, President. board. The organization is both culattacking Brooklyn Jewisn Jjemocra- the 31st day of December. 1U33, amounted of Twenty Thousand seven ,r»-4-3l-4t. DAN McDEHMOTT. Secretary. Sweet of Madison; Wisconsin. . cy because *'it was a blot' on tneto the stunKijjliteeu man, president of the region will give tural and social in character. and 2S/100 Uoilars A number of social courtesies have whole race to tie up the name JewOther officers elected, were Bluma the principal address. A group of been extended JMiss Marsh during the ish with any political party." \\U. C. ItAAPKE, Olensky, vice-president; Rosena FUAI>ENBUltO, STALMASTEK, BEBER Hebrew melodies will be presented by l'resiuent. & K L l f Z X l t K , Attorneys a trio composed of Libbie Olensky, Sacks, secretary; and Inez Leati, past week. Among her hostesses have Kabbi Wise declared tnat the most V. 11. l'AKKEi:, 650 Omahn National Bank Bulldln* been Mr. and Mrs. S. Feder, Mr. and Vice-1'resident. treasurer. pianist, Gisela Pill, 'cellist, and Rudestxuctive foes 01 tne jews are tae G. A. KUTH, Charter members are .the Misses Mrs. Ben Fish,,Mr. and Mrs. H. Lel-dews wno abandon tne iann and Jewbin Halperin, violinist. NOTICE OF IXCOHI'OHATION OF Secretary-'.! reasuror. chook Miss Birdie Ginsberg, and FEEHKHS S l l T L Y DEPOT ' r Being a majority of the Board of Directors. Ida' and... Mary Edeiman, Kozena, The afternoon session . will begin ish wrongdoers and criminals. • .... Notice is hereby given that we, the un-.. 02J4lt at 3 o'clock Sunday. Committees will Kosahe and Isaoml Sacks, Inez Leaii, Mrs. Joe Gorchow. ' dersigued, have associated ourselves toIf tne Jews 01 America, forswear gether for the purpose of forming a corbe appointed at this time and a dis- jjiuma Otensky, Saretta Kngsjen, their ideals tuey win Decome tne poration to be known us FEKDEKS SUP-. Uorotny, Memn, • Dorotny Uelson, Miss Hannah Sperling, daughter of NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS cussion of the Medical, Infant Wel1'LY DEl'OT. It shall commence business Elaborate Plans Made for Two-Day scum of tne nation/' 'Dr. Wise said. 1 Notice is hereby given, that nil existing at the time of the filing of the Articles ot fare, School luncheon, and National ltirs. Louis Goldberg , ail of bioux Mr. and Mrs, Sam Sperling, 910 Meet Here. debts.of MKiitOt'Cfijl'x'AN SCJW.Mc S'AIJ- Incorporation with the County Clerk of Fund projects, sponsored by Hadas- City, and Miss Kose iairsniield 01 Tenth street, will become the bride 1J1OS, INC.. ou' the 31st uay of December, Douglng County, Nebraska, mid continue NOTICE Or IN , r,»33, aurounteU to the sum of NO Dollars for u period of fifty years. 1'he principal BiDiay, lowa. of Morris Slutsky, son of Mr. A. sah will be held. given tiiat all existing place of doing business shall be Omaha, AOXK) Elaborate plans have been made 'ine soronty gave a dinner hon- Slutsky, 2407 Jackson street, in the Notice is hereby The high light of the convention Nebraska. U'he general nature of the busF. M. UAArivK. ». for. the entertainment of the many will be the Banquet Sunday evening oring their aavisur, Miss liitnan lhm- social hall of the Shaare Zion Syna- (leOtS Of iness shall be to acquire, encumber, transl'resident. 01 fer, convoy, hold, rent, lease and traffie inE. J. FEHNl<;i', '1'our delegates that are expcted to arrive in the Jewish Community Center. tnitt, at Scribbins Maplelawn last gogue, next Wednesday afternoon at oii to tne buv*ii real property of every kind, nature and deVice-1'resident. here his coming Sunday and Mon-Mrs. Louis Agranoff is chairman of Wednesday evening. Tne commucee 2 o'clock. The ceremony will be read nuiiurcd 'xiuftf oJoiiaru \.?t,*av.\>>j), scription; to loan and borrow monies, and " \V'M. C. HAAl'lvK, to do nil things which may be necessary l-res.dent. Secretary. day for the annual Southwestern this event. Rabbi M. L. Braver will on arrangements • included. Bluma by Cantor A. Pliskin and Rabbi H. being a majority of the Board of Directors. and/or proper to carry out the objects and convention of the Senior Hadassah offer the invocation. Mr. A. M. Uiensky, Iiorotny Merim and Kosaiie R. Rabinowitz in the presence of 150 purposes for which this corporation is or5-25-34-lt. ganized. The capital stock shall l>e $10,, chapters. Delegates are expected Davis, president of the Federation of Sacks. 1". H i I ' A l t l v U k , friends and relatives. • O UO.0O divided into 100 shares of the par • ' . - • ' • . ' Vive-i" from Des. Moines, Iowa; St. Louis, Jewish Social Service; Messages by value of $100.00 each, all of which shall be* The bride, who will be unattended, a mniotity of tlie Boaru ot NOTICE OF INCOKrOUATlON common and fully paid up when issued. Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Mrs. Joseph Rosenberg, regional l will wear a lace gown of Alice Blue, Notice is hereby given that Articles of The affairs of the corporation shall be. Joseph, ; Wichita, Lincoln, Council president; message by Dr. Harry Iui-ojporalioii ot the AIJIJ-STAU-'-KS i'l- managed by a Board of Directors of not with a picture hat and accessories to Bluffs, and Fort Dodge., A N f i AND less than three members who shall elect NOTilCK OF match. She will carry a bouquet of .Levin, president of the Sioux City - At g were execufed und Xiled iu the office vl from their number a President, Vice-PresiThe convention will open Sunday Zionists and principal address by Union College at Cincinnati, Unio, talisman roses. Notice is hereby given tnat inl existing tne Secretary of btate t>u May 4, 1US4, stat- dent, Secretary and Treasurer. The annualilelus of U. S. 'xxiiiiA'AiCii b t a ' i j i Cu. i>r.ucipal place o£ busmt'BS to bt meeting of the corporation shall be held on morning "in the Warrior Hotel at Mrs. Bertha Berman of Chicago. Saturday, the degree of Doctor 01 Sam Osheroff. will sing "I Love ou tue 3181 «hiy Ot i>ev.t?itiuer, JU/OJ, aiaouiii- »ngr—its Oiuahti, Is'eb.; its business to be the tou-the third Monday of January each year. 9:30 -when the delegates will regis- Husbands of the Hadassah members Divinity will be publicly cpnrerrad You Truly" and "O Promise Me," etl to tue suia of U-Hree xiiwusautl boeii UuetniE" of'11 general insuruiice iigeucy, a Articles of Incorporation may be amended, .iiiiiiia-u t-igntj-one anil •tu/uM Uoilars general loan !"«1 fiuaiiL-e business, and theupon the affirmative vote of two-thirds ter. The • opening business session and friends are-invited to attend the on Rabbi Theodore N. Lew^s of preceding the wedding ceremony. ^ M 4 0 ) " ownorshin ami deuliuK iii real mul per-vote of the outstanding stock. will begin at 10:30 o'clock. The morn- banquet. KAAl'KE,, -WM. The Lohengrin wedding march will coinil property ; the authorized capital stock • Iu Witness" Whereof, the parties hereMount Sinai Temple. The faculty of resiuwut. ing's program includes the invocation to be $".2o,UOO to be issued ou payment of unto have set their hands on this 27th day Monday morning, the session will the college granted him a degree in be played by Rubin Halperin, vioWM. C. money or its equivalent; its existence to of March, 1034. by Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz, greet- open at 10 o'clock. Open discussions linist, and Libbie Olensky, pianist. begin on May 4, 1034, and terminate ninetyTiOTTIS O. FROHARDT . U. ings, by Mrs. R. H. Emlein, presi- will be held on • membership, pro- November after he completed a doc- Following the ceremony, a recepnine j-cars thereafter; the highest amount V. S. OEAltllAKDT Vice-l'rcsitieut. Vic torate thesis on "Woman Under «£ indebtedness not to exceed two-thirds dent of the local chapter;~ Welc6me, gram and -education, and the reports A. It. HOLLCROFT . tion will be held at the home of theBeing a majority of the Bouni »f the paid-up cnpital stuck: the iiffairs of In the presence of: by Mayor W. D. Hayes,'and .greet- of various committees will be heard. Rabbinic Judaism." In addition to re-bride. Mr. Slutsky and his bride will 52534lt • • the corporation to be conducted by a JOS. B. FKADENBORO Brinrd of Directors not less than two iu 5-18-34-tt. ings • by Rabbi Rabinowitz.- .Misses Election of officers will also take ceiving the degree, Dr. Lewis will make their home at 2407 Jackson number, and a l'resident, Vice-l'resideut. offer the invocation at the Saturday Bertha and Ida Heshelow will .lead place at this session. JACK W. M-4KJEB & KIGENK McAKl>l.E. SJecretary and Treasurer. street, following a short wedding service in the college. the singing.. Mrs. Joseph Rosenberg, -Monday noon, the delegates will be C S. NELSON F. B. ACKKUMAN. Attorney trip. . "" CUl'FOBU J. HOTZ ] 490 Brandels Theatre Bids. He and Mrs. Lewis left Sioux City president of the; region" ;will ."preside guests at a luncheon in the Sioux Out-of-town guests will include Mr. NOTICE B T OH PKTIIncorporators. and give : the •_• president's ~. message. City Country club. Mrs. R. H. Em-Wednesday and after spending sever- and Mrs. A. Miroff, Sam Miroff and O F NOTICE BY PUBLICATION OS PETITIOJS' FUU i TION FOR SETTLEMENT OF FINAL Mrs. A. Hertzmah of SL Lonis.will lein is chairman of this event. Mrs. al days in Cincinnati, will visit other Miss Bess Cooper, all of Omaha; Mr. ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT the County Court of l)ougias Cotmty, present the treasurers report,;.; and J. H. Levin will offer the invocation; points east, returning to Sioux City I. Slutsky of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and InNebrjiskn. BEN E. KAZLOW SKY, Attorney In the County Court of Douglas County, Insurance Building Nebraska. the-minutes of the last convention Caroline Raskin will present a dance; in July. In the Matter of the Estate of JOHN Mr. and Mrs. B. Rappaport and S C , In the Matter of the Estate of BETTI l>ecensed. . will be presented, by Mrs., Louis tableaux will be presented by memSIIiVEUMAN. Deceased. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Berth Rappaport of Cedar Rapids. All persous interested in snid matter arc Sogolow of Omaha, secretary of thebers of the Hadassah, and Dr.-J. N. All persons interested in said matter are hereby notified that on the ^3rd Uay of In the County Court of Douglas County, Among the social courtesies ex- May. 1934, K 1$. JlcArdle Jfited ^pe«tl«ft Nebraska. hereby notified that on the Oth day of region. : May. 1034, Irving Janger filed a petition 111 Landewill give the principal address, in said County Court, .praying that hU fi- In the Matter of the Estnte of ABRAHAM Concluding .services at Mount tended Miss Sperling this week, have nal Reports of the various chapters speaking on his rec«nt stay in Palesailministration account filed herein l>c WlEXKlt, also knowu as ABUAHAM said County Court, praying that his final been a bridge party at the Elks club, administration account tiled herein be Betsettled and allowed, and. that lie be dlg- , WINER, Deceased. Sinai Temple last Friday, evening inwill be made by Mrs^ Max' Mayer of tine. M charged from his trust as administrator All persons interested In said estnte are tied and allowed, and that he be discluded the graduation exercises of Tuesday afternoon, with the MesDes Moines, Mrs. David iFelstein of and that a hearing will be hnd on said hereby notified that a petition has been charged from his trust as executor and At 3 o'clock Monday the delegates dames Herman, Louis, and Sam petition before said Court on the 10th day filed in said Court alleging that said de- 'thnt'a hearing will be had on said petition St.; Louis, Mrs. Dena S.; Strauss of will be taken for a sightseeing tour, the high school' department of the s otsb ho tesse W eveof June, 1934, and that if you fail to- np-.ceased died leaving no last will and pray- before said Court on the 2nd dny of June, >'; ^ i : , , . ! ^ ! ! r f J . Denver; Mrs. M. F. Levenson, Oma- and will be.-guests, at a tea given Religious school, and the awarding of j ? Pear before said Court on the said 16th ing for administration upon his estate, nnrl 1!>34, and that if you fail to appear before Mrs. Sam Falk.entertained for Court on the said 2nd dny of June, ha^ Mrs. Sol Goldberg, Kansas City; by the Board of Directors of the certificates to- Sunday school pupils.) Miss Sperling at an evening, of day of day of June, 1934. nt 9 o'cloct that a hearing will be had on said petition said A.M., and contest said petition, the Court lx>fore said court on the 2nd day of June. 1934, nt 0 o'clock A. M., nnd contest said Taking part in the services were Mrs. S. Wasserman, St. Joseph; Senior Hadassah. petition, the Court mny grant the prayer may graut the prayer of said petition, .en1934, and that if they fail to appenr nt said Henry Greenberg, Margaret Kosbarg, bridge and Thursday evening, Chara decree of. heirship, and make such Court on the said 2nd day of June, 1934. nt of said petition, enter n decree of heirMrs. R. H. Emlein, Sioux City; Mrs. A feature of the convention will Annabell Emlein, Mina Slotsky, Ted lotte Kantrovich and Sarah Goldberg ter other nnd further orders, allowances and 9 o'clock A. M. to contest said petition, the ship, nnd make such other nnd further orJolin Levand, Wichita;- Mrs. Harry be the exhibit of paintings by Morentertained at a miscellaneous show- decrees, as to this Court may seem proper, Court may grant the same and grant nd- ders, nllownnees nud decrees, BB to thl« Goldberg, Lincoln;" Mrs. H. D. Maro- ris Gordon, former Sioux Cityan, Skalovsky, Milton Galinsky, Sydney er in the Kantrovich home, honor- to the end t.hnt all matters pertaining to ministrntion of said estate to Hyman Court mny seem proper, to the end that said estnte may be finally settled ana de-Wiener or some other suitable person nnd nil matters pertaining to snid estate may witz, Council Bluffs; and Mrs. J.which will be on display on the Kalin and Leah Rose Newman. be finally settled nnd determined. termined. proceed to a settlement thereof. Pupils who received awards for ing Miss Sperling, — BKYCE CRAWFORD, Abramson, Fort Dodge, BKTCE CUAWPOKD, . BRl'CE CRAWFORD, fourth floor at Davidsons. during the perfect attendance and excellent 5-ll-34-3t. County Judge. 3-2O-34-3t. • County d A luncheon will be held in the convention. The exhibit, which, is Warrior Sunday noon, with Mrs. sponsored by the. Junior Hadassah, work were Robert, Doris and Betty A family party was celebrated William Lazere in charge. Mrs. Samfeatures a number \ pi ? paintings of Marx, and Seymonn and Barbara Sunday i n the home of Mr. and Mrs. Shulkiit will offer the invocation; e , i n t e r e s t , ;Mr.' Gordon ls^an in r Robinson. Pupils who received certi- Ben Schuleiri, 2605. Jackson street, Greetings in behalf. of the Junior structoF. at. the -University of IJTe- ficates ; for "i perfect: attendance were on the occasion ; of Mr. Schulein's Herbert Holland and Stanton Cohen. Hadassah will be given by Miss Rose braska in Lincoln. ! ' ... ['.'•.[ Pupils who. received certificates for birthday. Their daughters, Mrs. PresPill, president; Mrs.' Joseph RosenOfficers of the Southwest region excellent work .were Morton Green- ton Heller of Chicago, g and Mrs. Ellis 1 berg will greet the guests in behalf are Mrs. Joseph Rosenberg, of OmaMr.; h th ith M Bottingheimer, together with ; of the region and Mrs. Bertha Berk- ha, president. Vice-presidents include stone,. Jack .Krueger,. Barbara Davis, Bottigheimer ; visiting at the George .Galinsky, • Harold Lefkovich, the Mesdames R. H. Emlein,- Sioux Bertram Bergen, Milton..;Mazie, Doris home of their pareats.\ City; Saul Davidson, Des Moines; Grueskin, Harold Grueskin, Betty Prior to Mrs. gottigheimer's de-, Sol Goldberg, Kansas City; Eli Mil-Silverberg, ,Herman Barish, Marion parture Tuesday L«rening, Mrs. Emh\ er, Denver, J. Abramhon, Fort Fishgall, Ruth Wfliner, Doris Pijl, Rosenstock and Mrs. Sam Pickus,! Dodge;.; J . Levand, Wichita; H. D. Harold Rosen thai, Sammy. Heeger were hostesses at A 1 p. m. luncheon Marowitz, Council Bluffs; M. F. and Josephine Rosenfeld. Tuesday in the Elks club. Other outLevinson, Omaha; ;D. Feldstein, St. of-town guests were Mrs. Heller, Louis; Harry Goldberg, Lincoln; Mrs. Mrs. Harold Levy of Chicago, _ 111., Louis. Sogolow, Omaha is secretary; guest of Mrs. A,k Davidson, Mrs. Leo Mrs. A. Hertzman, St. Louis, is The Young. Judean club will hold Wolf of Waukegan,- IlL, and Mrs. treasurer; Mrs.. N. Peltzman, Kan- their last meeting of .the season next Eugene Jordan of Chicago, guests of sas City, is parliamentarian; Mrs. Wednesday evening at ^the. Jewish Mrs. Johanna Marx. Spring flowers S. L. Goldman, St. Joseph, auditor; Community Center. Presented on thedecorated the table laid for 16 guests. and Mrs. Mas Fromkin, bulletin program will be a play "Joint Own- Bridge was to be the diversion of the editor. ers in Spain", with the cast including afternoon hours. ; Local committees in charge of theMargaret Kosherg, Betty Osnowitz, convention arrangements include Mrs Rose Bashefkin and, Hazel KantroMr. and Mrs. Ben Olensky, and two E." N.. .Grueskin, general chairman; vich. The play has been directed by daughters, of New York City, arrived assisting her on the general commit- Miriam Blank. in; Sioux City, this week by motor, tee have been Mesdames R. Rabinofor a visit with Mr. Olensky's brothwitz, T. Lewis, R. H. Emlein, W. C Don't let bad tires spoil your good time. Travel er, J. Olensky, 1708. Pierce, street. Slotsky, William Lazere and L. Agranoff. Mrs. Charles Raskin is in safety and comfort on new U. S. Royals of convention treasurer; Mrs. L. AgraMiss Anna Marsh,' daughter of Mr. Mrs. Archie Krqloff of Chicago will Tempered Rubber—the tires that give you noff, publicity; Mrs. W. C. Slotsky, registration; Ilrs. R. Miller and Mrs.and Mrs. Sam Marsh, - 506 West depart for her home this week after thousands of extra miles of wear, at no extra A. M. Grueskin, reservations; Anna Fourteenth street will become the a~two weeks stay with her parents, Pill, convention secretary; Mrs. Wil-bride 6f Leo Franklin, son of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. John Kauffman. cost. BUY NOW—save yourself later trouble liam Lazere "and Mrs. Morey Lip^ Mrs. Abe Franklin, 817 West 7th street, next Sunday afternoon at 5:30 shutz, banquet; Mrs. M. Heligman and expense—get set for a whole summer and Mrs. M. Levitan, dining room; o'clock in the presence of 120 rela- • Miss Minnie Meretsky of Devils of care-free driving. Mrs. E. Rubinstein and Mrs. S. H.tives and' close friends of the family. Lake, North Dakota, is a guest this Shulkin, menu; Mesdames J. H. Le- The'ceremony will be held in theweek at the home of her sister, Mrs. vin, J. Friedman, S. Greenstone, and Shaare Zion Synagogue with Cantor A; Dikel. Mrs. Dikel was hostess to Abe Pill, luncheons committee; Mrs. A. Pliskin,-Rabbi H. R. ; Rabinowitz, M. A,-Weiner and Mrs. Jack Robin- and Rabbi M.' Braver officiating. The a group of friends, Wednesday eveson, tea chairman; Mrs. J. Sawislak, bride will wear a white satin gown, ning, honoring her sister. reception; Mrs. A. M. Davis and Mrs.fashioned in empress, style, with a Parents of the Confirmation class J. Kalin, transportation. . three-quarter length wedding veil, caught in a cap of lace. She will of Mount Sinai "Temple were hosts at a reception in the Temple Annex carry a shower bouquet of roses. Miss Mollie Epstein will be the last Sunday afternoon, honoring the 11 Regular services ^ at, Shaare . Zion maid of honor, and will wear a green confirmants. At Shaare Zion Synagogue, parents will be held every morning at 7 chiffon frock. Other attendants will be Lillian Riyin, Bessie Epstein, Til- of .the Confirmation class received ' In every city there 13 onp outo'clock and evening at 7:30. standing hotel. In: Sioux'City,' The Junior Congregation will hold lie Franklin, Elizabeth Umansky, and their friends in the social hall, of the it's the Warrior, known everyits last session of the season tomor- Marcella Marsh. They will wear synagogue, following the services where lor. its fine accommoda-, row. David Kuntz will be Cantor. organdy frocks of pastel • shades. last Friday evening. Newly elected . officers will be' in-Millicent Gorchow, who will be flow, tions and its hospitable atmosstalled. Hiey are :\ Charles Shlndler, er girl will wear green organdy. phere. Ideally located) .it is unUshers will be Abe Epstein,^Sam president} Helen Guttleman, , vice. questionably social, business and Epstein, , Dr. Frank . Epstein,. , Joe president; Esther Weiner, treasurer travel headquarters of the comAbe Cohen, son of Mr. and Mrs. and Ida Shindler, secretary. The Marsh and Arnold Rivin. Other atmunity. The choice of those tendants wilUbe. Mr. and Mrs, Myer L.Cohen, 2721,Jon;es street wiU enter Board of Directors are Howard who demand the best for their Sacks, Toby Shindler, Irene Miro- Epstein, Mrs.-S. Epstein, and Mr. and the United States-Kaval Academy money. at Annapolis, Md.,' on June 14. He . witz, Cecil Pill and Morris Ginsberg. Mrs. Archie. Marsh./„ graduated ftom Central High school • Preceding the ceremony, Elizabeth Final Sunday school sessions WQ1 last year, at the age of 16. The .apPassman will sing "I Love You be held this coming Sunday^ when report cards will be distributed and Truly." Miss. Jennie Shindler - and pointment was made By Congress: . Miss Esther Riven will play the Lo-man Guy Gillete. promotions made. . . .•-•"...••."•-: Mrs. A. H. Baron has been appoint- hengrin wedding, matchFollowing the .ceremony the 120 ed chairman of the Oneg Shabbos CARL RIEKES meetings for next year, to succeed relatives and friends of .the family Mrs. S. H. Shulkin. The group con- will be guests at. tfie wedding dinner, Recognized aa sists of members of th«s Ladies Aux- which " served in the social hall Air-Conditioned of the synagogue. A dance and-rePRACTICAL MOHEL iliary. The last meeting was . held Coffee Shop last Saturday in the home of Mrs. J ception will follow the dinner. Mr. .Phone 1059 Franklin and hia* bride will, motor; to The daily luncheon rendezFriedman, ;: i / , '"-''\ }[],l Minneapolis for a' wedding trip. COUNCIL BLUFFS vous of those who want good Out-of-town giresta will include Mr. food at sensible prices. Our Coffee Shopia air-conditioned for your special comfort. AT. 4550 Miss Rosabelle Wigodsky was hoi 815 NORTH 18TH ST. tess to the Debra club at their meeting Monday evening. Plans were Operate*/ by lh» made for a weineiv roast to be held Omaha's Most Beautiful Home for Funierals" EPPLEY HOTELS CO. June 3 in Stone Park. Jennie Shindn Funerals To Fit Any Purse* I ler and- Rose Albert are in charge 0 the outing. Several : out-of-town 'here HArrsev 1226 : • : Farnam at Thirty-third guests are expected to attend.

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