June 1, 1934

Page 1

In the Interests of the Jewish People

Entered na Second Clasa M 1'ostotUce of Omaha,; Neb

Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism

on January 21, 1921, ht tbe Act of March 3, 187&



i x e d SwilM in to


> * BTMIISRAEL Start Wednesday


Board of Governors Meeting Wednesday

Vol. X—No. 18


Placed swimming in the J. C. C pool . An important .meeting p£ the Sfgjbe added to the program starting Board of Governors of the Jewish .wSS?|£sday, June 6, at 8 p . m . Community. Center and - Welfare ' E ^ h e mixed swimming will be held Federation will be held;; Wednesevery first and third Wednesday of With the s l o g a n "Health Is A community-wide observance of Rioting, Trials and Hunger each month from 8 to 9 p.. m. . the fiftieth anniversary of the B*nai day evening, June 6, at 8:15 p. m , Wealth," the physical education deStrikes RevealUnrest . ; Physical Director Lee Grossman and Israel synagogue, 18th and Chicago, at the J. C, C. partment at the J.C.C. has announced in Holy Land Included on the progratn will be its summer swim and gym schedules. Al Oruch, swimming instructor, will the oldest Jewish orthodox synagogue g . . . be in charge of the mixed swimming* in the city, was observed last Sun- a final report oh the Jewish Phil- They are:Jerusalem—Turbulent rioting, muranthropies campaign,* . ;' . Matron Women—Mon. and Wed., 11 day "afternoon and evening. der trials, hunger strikes—these'we're .William L. Holzman, president, to 12 a. m.; 6 to 9 p. in. Tues. and A program was presented in the urges every member to he present Thurs., 3 to 4 p. m. Sun., 3 to 4 p. m. the evidences of unrest in, the Holy afternoon at the synagogue, followed Land this week. Business and Senior Women—Mon. by a city-wide banquet at the Jewish The worst disturbance took place and Wed., 6 to 9 p. m. Sun., 3 to 5 Community Center. in Tel Aviv on the day of the genp. m. Nathan S. Yaffe, chairman of the eral strike called by Jewish groups Junior Girls—Mon. and Wed., 4 to 5 commissioners at the synagogue, was throughout the country as a protest p. m. Sun., 3 to 4 p. m. chairman in charge of the affair. against ihe harsh restrictions on imSenior Men—Tues. and Thurs., 7 to William Milder was chairman of the migration into Palestine laid, down by afternoon program. Harry A. Wolf A "Learn to Swim" week wilTb&i 9 p. m. Sun., 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. Daily, the authorities. was toastmaste* at the banquet. sponsored at the Jewish,Community every noon and 5 to 6 p. m. New York, (JTA).—Large gains Business and High School Boys— Fifty-two persons were injured in In the afternoon, talks were given Center the middle of June, as soon as the pitched battle between police and in American industry as a .result of by Rabbi Uri Miller, Rabbi Nathan the schools close for the summer va- Tues. and Thurs., 7 to 9 p. m. Sun., 11 a. m. to 1 p. m.; 2 p. m. to 3 p. ra. strikers in the streets of the new the anti-Nazi boycott is described in Feldman, and Ben E. Kazlowsky. En- cation. ": Daily, 5 p. m. to 6 p. m. Jewish metropolis. With barricades, the Economic Bulletin, official organ tertainment was furnished by the Junior Boys—Tues. and Thurs., 4 set up in the streets by the demon- of the Non-Sectarian that "not one Hazomir Singing Society under the All Jewish boys and girls have an opportunity to learn to-«wim during to 5 p. m. Sun., 2 to 3 p. m. strators, volleys of stones showering of the hundreds of American manu- direction of Cantor A. Schwaczkm. this "campaign." ; GYMNASIUM attacked and attackers alike, and facturers interviewed by the League's At the banquet, talks of felicita- The purpose of the "Learn to Swim" Matron Women — Mon., Wed. and police nightsticks used unsparingly, research bureau has failed to report tion were given by Rabbi Frederick the affair brought to a climax the that he has gained by the decrease ohn. Rabbi David A. Goldstein, Phil- drive is to popularize a ^port which Fri., 10:30 a. m. is very healthful and to j enable the Business Girls—Mon. and Wed., 6 increasing dissatisfaction with the in German imports." "All the arguments of the Nazis' ip Klutznick, Rabbi Uri Miller, Henry youngsters to learn to t^ke care of p. m, British government's policy of perUonsty, I. Morgenstern, Dr. -Philip Senior Men —- Volleyball daily at mitting only 5,600 laborers to enter and their American supporters and her, Irvin Stalmaster, and Rabbi themselves in the water. ) sympathisers to the effect that the All interested are asked to mail or noon. Palestine each year. Individual workout at all hoars bring to the physical department at Meanwhile, the trial of the two United States stands to lose as a re- •avid H. ~Wice. •when gym is not in use by classes. A- musical program was presented the Center the following information: defendants charged with the murder sult of the boycott of German goods y Margaret Belmont, vocalist, acis, in view of the above facts, sheer of Dr. Chaim Arlosoroff continued Name Handball courts are available at all to inject factional discontent and un- bluff and based on no facts that can .ompanied by Margaret Hurwitz. Address hours that the department is open. Age ' rest into the Palestine scene. Abra- be substantiated," the bulletin, com- Lawrence Finkel sang a group of ewish songs, and Miss Hurwitz • Hours the Physical Department ham Stavsky and Zvi Rosenblatt, the ments. Sex V tlayed several piano numbers. Is Open Can you swim? 1: two accused of the crime, are being Publishing for the first time along Thirty new members were inducted Sunday—9:30 to 5 p. m. ably defended by Horace Samuel, an list of American substitutes for GerMonday through Thursday—10:30 attorney imported from London for man products, many of them superior nto the synagogue Sunday. The banquet was prepared by a a. m» to 9 p. m. to the German, the bulletin declares: the occasion. adies committee headed by Mrs. L. Friday—11 a. m. to 5 p. nu "Innumerable American industries tfeveleff and includeng the Mesdames Samuel delivered an eloquent Saturday—6 p. m. to 9 p. m. speech Tuesday, declaring, he could have gained from ihe boycott. The The swimming pool is open during prove that the assassination was hot American glove, hardware, dental and Louis Epstein, Sam Epstein, Dave political at all and that the evidence surgical instruments, dye, potash, Ipstein, A. Schwaczkin, William Mil- Baltimore; (WNS1—Poland's effort scheduled hours' only. Lee Grossman is physical director, showed the crime to be entirely un- chemical and toy industries have ler, N. H. Greenberg, H. Marcus, J. to get the League of Nations to premeditated. This fact, he explained, gained and new industries have been Treriak, N. S. Yaffe, Dave Crounse, bind all nations by the minorities aad Al Oruch is swimming instructor. Irvin Levin is chairman of the athwas ample proof that the two re- established to meet the demand for and S. Fish. treaties which now tied Poland is letic committee at the Center. visionists had no part- in the affair, goods formerly imported from Gerprompted as much" in, .file interest of Since political crimes are always many." Kenya Jews Offer minorities as in her «s#a interests, planned carefully long in advance. Peter P. Yolles, managing1 editor of Jewish Apostates Plan Aid An investigation of the dental inWiinesses were produced verifying strument industry revealed that not London—A plan to settle a thous- Nowy Swiat, Polish language, daily in Palestine ColonyAntwerp.'•—Plans to establish a colStavsky's alibi that he was in Jerusa- only fias every instrument manufac- and Jewish refugees, in East Africa New York, said in & letter t o . the lem on the night of the murder, and tured in Germany an American sub- was proposed by the Jewish com- Baltimore Jewish Times. Mr. Yolles' ony in Palestine for, Jewish converts on the following day. Aba Achimeuy stitute but that many of the .German munity leaders of Kenya, African letter was prompted by; an. editorial to Christianity were discussed at the the third revisionist accused of. the instruments are imitations of the olony. _ in the Times pointing: ibufc that Po- annual conference of the World Union . . crime and later freed, only to go~'.<m: original products. : According-totihe London newspa- land's minority treaty >^lan was /mo- of; Jewish Apostates. -.. a hunger strike,, took, the; |tand in nSTSf iiftfe'.'African- colony^-can: accom- tivated by the desire 1 ^ get protec- -Several hundred delegates from ten behalf of his colleagues. modate-a .good many settlers who tionfifo Ber"~6wii[minorities "in Ger- •Countries atttended .the conference. Achimeier's hunger strike had folwill to all intents and purposes come many as much as by an interest in The Union's ' membership . included Christians of Jewish origin. Jewish minorities. lowed his rearrest on the charge that xom - Germany. ' he was a terrorist. He was held in jail, refusing to eat until Rabbi A. I. HaCohen Kook, chief "rabbi of Palestine, pleaded with Kim to change his Montreal, Quebec (JTA) — State mind because the Jewish religion for- legislatures in Canada and the Fedbids suicide. Achimeier then agreed eral Parliament in Ottawa will be asked to pass bills similar to the one to take nourishment. passed by the Manitoba State Legislature making it possible to bring suit against persons responsible for the publication of libeling material against a race or religion and to halt the publication of such material. By FRANZ BOAZ (Reprinted from American Mercurj.) The Manitoba bill, - which was introduced by Marcus Hyman, Labor: Another scholar, this time Pro- of them, the darker Alpine type; and between the latter and the Armenoid Net? York (JTA)—Incensed by dis- ite, was passed unanimously by the fessor Franz Boas of Columbia uni- in the south the small, very dark Jew. This statement :6oss hot mean that versity, perhaps the foremost liv- Mediterranean type- of Spain, Italy ruption of the German" trade union legislature. It provides that the "repeated pub- ing - anthropologist, has punched and Southern France. Of course, there there are no finer distinctions in phymovement and by "conclusive and lication of.a libel against any race r holes into the Nazi theory of "Ar- are other local types which do not sical build between most Jews and shocking" evidence of "cruel treatnon-Jewish Europeans; the difment" accorded Jews and union mem- creed likely to expose persons be- yan" supremacy. In an article in conform well with such a hard and most ferences, however, are not fundamenbers in the Reich, the Central Trades longing to such faith or professing the" current American Mercury, he fast classification. . It is a fiction to speak of a German tal. It is well known that dark Syroid and Labor Council of Greater New such creed to contempt or ridicule explains the reasons why there is.no Jews are often taken for Spaniards or York and vicinity last week.announced shall, without prejudice to any other pure German "Aryan" race, nor, in- race. We should rather ask what types Italians, Atmenoids for South Slavs or deed, any pure race that has not of physical build are represented it had passed a resolution adopting a recourse, entitle any person belonging other Alpines, and blonde blue-eyed boycott against German-made goods to such race or professing such creed adopted many of its racial charac- among the Germans. Here we encoun- Jews for Northwest Europeans. teristics from geographical environter a complete lack of unity. Blondes to sue for damages and for an inand German service. An attempt is being made by those This. action was in accord with a junction to prevent .the continuation ment. Folloiring is an extract from with long heads in the North, darker who are in power in Germany to juspeople with short heads in the South; the' American Mercury article. and • circulation of such libel or any request issued by William Green, the broad faces here, narrow ones there; tify on scientific grounds their atti—The Editor. president of the American Federation libel of a similar character." noses turned up and aquiline, the gen- tude towards the Jews; but the science of Labor, to carry out the boycott receral build tall and short, broad and upon which they are building: their Tha present policies of the German ommendations of th"e recent- Federaslight. There is no "German race"; policies is a pseudo-science. No one government as based, on the assumption convention in Washington. there 'are only local types which are has ever proved that a human being, tion than.an "Aryan" has certain bioContained . in the resolution is a very different one from another, each through his descent from a certain logically determined qualities which clause to the effect that the boycott of which comprises individuals of dif- group of people, must of necessity are entirely foreign to every "non-Aris to continue until the German govferent characteristics, so that repre- have certain mental characteristics. A • ' : [ • '•;-'•. :• ernment recognizes the right of Ger- • Philadelphia (WNS)—Racial 1 ana yan." sentatives of all these types may be nation is not to be defined by its deThere are said to be 600,000 nonman workers to organize into inde- religious prejudice, in the United found in any part of Germany and of scent but by its language and cuspendent trade unions and until Ger- States was deplored by Mrs. Frank Aryans in Germany,'but since accord- the neighboring countries. The East toms. Otherwise, Germans, Frenching to the prescribed definition a many ceases its "repressive policy of lin'.D. Roosevelt in an address before German is closer to his Polish neigh- men, and Italians would not l>e nationpersecuation of Jewish people." the annual convention of the Young fourth part of non-Aryan blood is bor than to the Frisian; the Tyrolese alities. Language and customs are deenough to stamp the individual as Women's Christian association. shows more similarity to the East termined far more by the environWithout mentioning "the. Jews by non-Aryan, the actual number may Alpine Slav than to the North Ger- ment in which the child grows up than name, Mrs. Roosevelt nevertheless well be close to 1,000,000 or even man, the Ehinelander more to the by its descent, because the physical made it clear that she meant Jews more. According to the policy adopted neighboring Frenchman than to the attributes, so far as they have any influence at all, occur with extraordiand Negroes when she denounced the by Germany, these are. practically ex- German in more distant parts. nary variety within every group. attitude which existed in this coun: cluded from all participation in GerAtlanta, Ga. (JTA)—That a new Since the Jews are considered as a secret fraternal organization which try toward some races which "we man economic, social, and intellectual Just as the Germanized Slavs and thoroughly different element, we must French might have reached proportions of still make to suffer because they are life. have become German in their What is an Aryan? Aryan is a lindefine their racial position. There is the former Ku Klux Klan has met different in some ways from some o" culture, as the Frenchified Germans guistic term and nothing else. It no more a Semitic than there is an have become with an early death was shown, in the rest of us." French, the Russianized means that there was once one lanAryan'race, since both terms define She said she could not see how "w dispatches revealing that Edward ones Russian; so have the German guage, nowadays called the Aryan linguistic groups, not human beings. Jews become Germans. Young Clarke, ex-titular head of the can follow the; teachings of Jesu: Klan, was convicted in Jacksonville, Christ and permit in this country language, which gradually spread over We can pnly speak of Near Eastern Fla., for using the mails to defraud some of the things ; WJ stand for to a large part of Europe and Asia, and types. There are at least two or three indifferent Near Eastern types; in connection with his organization of day." Mrs. Roosevelt urged the Y. W developed into all the different "Ar- very C AV to reach out into, aU countries yan" languages spoken today. In this dark Armenians, lighter Kurds, and a society known as Esskaye, Inc. serise an- Aryan is anyone who speaks the long-headed Southern type. As Charging that Clarke had formed and spread the beL>' that "human an Aryan language, Swede as well as long as we have known Jews at all, A concert of Jewish and Hebraic the fraternity to obtain money by beings can grow into brotherhood th American Negro or Hindus all three — and perhaps even other music- will be. presented by the Land fraudulent means, the. government world over." , t . • European strains —have been repreMiss Cornelia M-. Van- Asch Van • ;A judgment of the German policy sented, among them. The Jews are not Menoran chorus—consisting of Canbrought out testimony showing that requires the answer to two questions: tor Joshua Land aad ttis sons, MaurWycfc, of Holland, world head of t b thousands of dollars worth of pioneer one; what,' radically, are the so-called a uniform race. The Armenoid type is certificates in the new organization Y. W. C. Ai, denounced Fascism, Na: "Aryans" and "non-Aryans"?; the very closely related to that of the Din- rie, David and Pinchlkel, assisted by Neu—at the B'nai Israel synhad been sold by Clarke and. his wife, zism and Conn—inism as trickinj other, to what extent does the behav- aric peoples; the inhabitants of the re- Mischa agogue, 18th and Chicago, this Sunyouth with promises that cannot be principally in Georgia. • •' . ior of -a single" human being and Of a gion east of the Adriatic Sea, so much day evening, starting at 8:15 p. m. During the five-day trial defense kept. By freeing local branches of th< people depend upon hereditary traits? so that in some cases the Tyrolese The Lind chorus has appeared in Y. W. C.. A. from the fequiremen attorneys maintained that Clarke, as and the Armenoid can hardly be dis- Omaha previously. They are at presEoughly speaking, we may divide tinguished an organizer of the Ku Klux Klan, that at least three-fourths of tfaiei with certainty. Similarly, a saw millions of men become enrolled officers and directors *,- st he mem the population of Europe into three relationship exists between the Syrian ent touring the country on a "deparin that organization ;lnd had visions bers of churches eligible to member- groups, which are situated in strata and Mediterranean, types. The con- ture for Europe" farewell. When &ey reach the coast they will leave for a of the same magnitude for the short- ship in the Federal - Council o! extending from west to east; in the trast between the > blond Northwest concert tour ol Europe and Sooth lived Esskaye, Inc. Immediately after Churches of Christ, the- conveiitio: North the tall blond blue-eyed North- European and the dark Southeast Ger- America. A nominal admission tee west Europeans; in the middle, in the opened the: door for Jews" to scrvi the verdict was read a motion for a man is just as great as the difference will be charged Sunday. region of the Alps and east and west as directors^ new trial was made. -



Gives Poland's Stand on Minority Treaties




Mrs. Roosevelt Raps Religious Prejudice

Former Klan Head Is Convicted of Fraud

tind Chorus to Present Jewish Concert Sunday

Between. 700 and 800 attended the second annual city-wide service and reception for high school graduates, held last Friday at the B'nai Israel synagogue. Rabbis Frederick Cohn, David A. Goldstein, Uri Miller and David H. Wice participated. The graduating students-from Council Bluffs were also present. Rabbi Miller was chairman. Rabbi Goldstein- gave the invocation and Rabbi Cohn the benediction. Rabbi Wice gave a short address. Harold Civin responded for the graduates. Following the service, a reception was held downstairs and refreshments were served. Dr. Philip Sher is chairman of the social service committee, which sponsored the affair.

GERMAN MASSES BEING DELUDED BY NAZI LEADERS Berlin (WNS) — In the hope of distracting the attention of tens of thousands of Nazis disillusioned with the failure of the Hitler regime to carry out its promises, the German government has launched a new and a concerted campaign against Jews, Catholics, Protestant insurgents and other uncompromising foes of the regime. The first step in the intensive drive was a warning to the Jews in the form of open incitation to pogroms by Propaganda Minister Goebbels. Addressing a mass meeting in the Berlin Sportpalast, Goebbels declared that "if the boycott (against Germany) were carried to lengths actually endangering our economic situation, it would not mean that we would let the Jews go free. No! The hatred, rage and despair of the German people would first df all vent itself on those who can be grabbed in the homeland. "If the Jews imagine that the bloodless course of tfie German revolution gives them the right to disport themselves ag-ain in their habitual impudence and arrogance and provoke the German people, let them be warned not to tax our patience too severely. We have spared the Jews, but if they think they can therefore re-appear-on the stage and in the editorial office, if they imagine they can again stroll along the Kurfuerstendanrm as if nothing at all had happened, let Them take my words as a last warning." Warning the outside world that the boycott was doing the German Jews the worst service possible, Goebbels asserted that all Germany knew that "if part of the outside world continues the anonymous boycott against German goods this is due to our own Jewish fellow-citizens. German Jews will be left alone by us if they will quietly and modestly retire within their four walls and if they will refrain from putting forth a claim to equal worth and equal rights with Germans. If they do not, they will have to blame themselves for the consequences."

So Declares Famed Author, Heinrich Mann, in Paris Symposium Paris, (JTA).—That a ^ "Economy in Thinking" is the oik kind of achievement the Hitler reg, me has brought to Germany is th» conclusion reached by Heinrich Mann in a symposium on the accomplishments of the Nazis, just published in the Revue des Vivants of Paris. "As to their original purpose, the establishment of a planned economy in agriculture, industry, and commerce, that part of their program they have completely abandoned," says the distinguished German exile. "In fact under Nazi rule Germany has reverted to the green trade and free exploitation of labor idea of 100 years ago. "They have succeeded in - regimenting people's thoughts, so that no one in Germany can say, read, or write, or even think, except what the Nazis permit. But the Nazi economic program has been entirely abandoned. According to the German experience, it is easier to curb the powers of the intellect than the powers of moneys Even Jews in high economic posts have not been disturbed. This is even true of the publishing field, where some of the larger publishing houses are still owned by Jews." Another accomplishment of the Hitler regime, according to Mann, is that the Germans have ceased to read books and even newspapers. They are too busy being drilled and paraded. And when they do read, the fact that the exiled Thomas Mann's works are read more than those of the "Fuehrer" and his associates, does not reflect well on Nazi literary achievements and raises the question •whether the Nazis have really won ovei German minds. The only German minds the Nazis have won over, ha insists, are those of the "youth under twenty years of age, as the latter, being immature and lacking Jin. critical judgment, are easily swayed * by vain promises and colorful phrases."

FOUND IN BARCELONA i 1ARRAN0 HIDEOUT Zurich (JTA) — A Torah scrollthat had seen the days of the Spanish Inquisition has just been discovered on an estate near Barcelona, where owners claim that their Jewish ancestors had resided on the same estate since the fifteenth century. The Barcelona correspondent of the Judische Presszentrale of Zurich, who recently visited the old Spanish-Jewish estate, reported that he was shown into a secret room in a subcellar in which the ancient Torah had been kept for centuries. The, room, which is windowless and located about twenty feet underground, had served as the meeting place for the Marranos of the district, who had secretly prr....::(3 Judaism for hundreds of years. Although it is over six hundred years old, the scroll is well preserved. It is kept in a special case built into the stone wall of the room behind a disappearing door, camonflaged with all the traditional mystery story atmosphere.

Goeibbels' opening shot was accompanied by new anti-Semitic onslaughts in his own paper, Der Angriff and Streicher's paper, Der Stuermer. Der Angriff launched a drive to "teach Jews to know their place" and called on its readers to communicate all incidents of "Jewish impudence." Admonishing its readers to "keep a close watch on them—in the streets, out in the open, in restaurants and places of amusements, at work and on trips— : everywhere they may appear individually but especially when in groups." Reappearing again after the ban of its inflamatory May Day issue, Der Stuermer continues its violent antiSemitic preaching. The sheet deLondon (JTA)—Most Rev. Cosmo clared that "the defenders of Christ's murderers still live among us, yet Gordon Lang, Archbishop of Canterthere are people who are not bury, in & letter of the Times last week, protested against the current ashamed to defend the Jews." anti-Jewish campaign being waged by Der Stuermer, weekly newspaper published by the notorious Julius Streicher in Nuremberg1. Archbishop Lang, highest official of the Anglican Church, declared it; New York (WNS)—A drop of 2S.7 incredible that the Nazi publication per cent in the passenger traffic of should be permitted to appear in a the North German Lloyd Line and a civilized country. 6. per cent decline in freight traffic His protest, he said, represented during 1933 are announced in the an- not only his own opinion, but also nual report of the company. those of forty additional representaAlthough the declines are officially tive English Christians. It is unnecessary, he said, to name attributed to the depression and the general feeling of insecurity iis the these men, because "I am satisfied United States, the real reason for the that the whole body of our fellow marked .shrinkage is the boycott of citizens, if they realized the character of this publication, would share our German shipping. Despite sharp reductions of person- indignation." He advised the Reich promptly tc nel and sale of ships the North Gerdisown this "odious incitement to reman Lloyd lost $849,906 in 1933. ligious bigotry." Vienna. — Jews of this city were Middletown, Conn. — For the first alarmed as the result of the speech made by the "authoritatively" ap- time in the history of the Y. M. C. A. pointed mayor of Vienna, Dr. Richard in this country a Jew has been chosen Schmitz, at the first sitting of the president of a Y. M. C. A., branch. pew city council, which contains one He is Dr. Harry S. Frank, just elected president of the local branch. Jew.

"Der Stuermer". . . Arouses Angrer of Archbishop

German Ships Report 23 % Traffic Decline


Activities in J. C. C. Athletic Department

Bikur Cholim

iigioUs prejudice. Speaking before the annual convention, of the Young WoFurnished Room for conple or men's Christian Association, she deThe annual luncheon of the Bikur single lady in nice home. plored the attitude which exists in this Cholim society will be. held on MonThe leaders in the marathon com- day, June 11., country "toward some races which we HARNE1* 6541 still make to suffer because they are petition at the J. C. C. pool, as of Reservations, which close June 8, different in some ways from some of Tuesday, are as follows: may be made with Mrs. S. Fish, WebMargaret Reed,13 mi., 2 lgths; Sue ster 5257; Mrs. M. Katzman, Market the rest of us. I cannot see how we can follow the teachings of Jesus Corenman, 8% mi.; Mrs. F. White, 0951; Mrs. N. Levinson, Atlantic 4252. Christ and permit in this country 2% mi.; Bertha Guss, l mi.; Esther An excellent program is being ar* ranged. • some of the things we stand l o r to- Richman, 17 lgths. Included on the program will Sam Kohn, 5% mi.; Paul Boggy, 18 be the Misses Goldie Freed and Goldie day." She echoed a similar thought in algths. . Azorin, who will present a program brief speech to the Conference on NeLeo Alperson, 3% mi.; Bob Cohn, of Jewish songs, and Dr. I. Dansky, gro Education held at the Department 3% mi.; Harry Goodbinder, 2% mi.;who will give a humorous reading, of the Interior. Declaring that she fa- Bernard Epstein, 2% mi.;- Sam No- and I. Morgenstern, who will give an Get You? Cuts mut By BERTRAM JONAS vored equal educational opportunities vak, 2% mi. address. Dorothy Thompson, 2% mi.; Virthe foremost woman in our country for every child in the land, Mrs. RooEver since Eleanor Roosevelt be-' asteristic American love of religious because I happen to be the wife of sevelt asserted that "we can have no ginia White, 1% mi.; Jeanette PolonDedicate Library came the First Lady of the Land liberty and abhorrence of racial and the president of the United States." group beaten down "and underprivil- sky, 1% mi. New York. —A library of 6,000 volshe Bag never ceased crusading for creedal bigotry. eged, without reaction on the rest. I In ihat last sentence is the key to umes dealing with labor and SocialTuesday the Health club volleyball tolerance, social justice and the elimiBy her every word and deed she Mrs. Roosevelt's, and 'perhaps presi- think the day of selfishness is over. nation of race prejudice. The author has consistently revealed thai spirit dent Roosevelt's, sentiments on this The day of really working together team played the Y. M. C. A. noon ist subjects was dedicated at the Rand school in memory of the late Meyer has come. We must wipe out intoler- volleyball club. of this article reviews the utterances of essential democracy which char- question. London, the first Socialist member of ance or we go down together." of Mrs. Roosevelt and points to their acterizes the president, a democracy ce togeth Some weeks later her consistent inCongress. t td significance THE EDITOR. In the few sentences quoted above, A horseshoe tournament is under which will not tolerate prejudice or extracted from those of-Mrs. Roose- way at the Center, to start later this Eleanor Roosevelt, the present persecution of any sort. This funda- terest in social welfare and its ate y focused velt's speeches which have regretably month. All wishing to enter are asked mistress of the White House, is un-mental attachment to tolerance and tendant problems effectively questionably the most amazing wom- good-will is directly traceable io herpublic attention on Ihe condition of to sign up on the bulletin board. an who ever presided over that fa- ardent and indestructible devotion to Eleven have already signed. ™ * » on tolerance and religious philosophy mous domicile. Since she occupied the cause of social welfare and equal of New York's East Side » d of the * Entries are also being taken for the the White House hoary shibboleths opportunity for all. Mrs. Roosevelt economic struggles of the Jewish liberty. They reveal with unmistak- golf tournament. Play will start very j trade workers. Speaking at able finality that the mistress of the neeaie and traditions have been disregarded is i convinced i d that t h t racial i l and nd religious. religious needle shortly. ' . , t r a u e ««""'"•• " * ~ r " * and disdained. She has not been con- nrejudices are rooted in ignorance, ° ? eo f _ h e r ****** P r e s ! conferences White House is a fearless champion of Mrs. Roosevelt revealed a an *» She I TuVa T?nr>coirolf. rpvpnlp.d n unusuai u n u s u a l the downtrodden, the persecuted and The Health Club Handball tournatent with the stodgy and tame role poverty and social injustice. adopted by the wives of all of ourfirmly believes that once these understanding of and sympathy with the underprivileged. They indicate, ment gets under way today. Pairings the condition and life of these eleprevious presidents. Deliberately blights are removed a major step will ments of ihe Jewish population. From too, that the Lady of the White House may be found on the bulletin board. All first round matches must be breaking with the shackling concepts have been taken toward the uproot- her own first hand knowledge of is waging a quiet, but nonetheless effective, war against bigotry on all of how a president's wife must be- ing of intolerance and bigotry. played by June 11. New York's East Side she described fronts. In this effort, as in her other have and what she may or may not The president's wife holds that in vivid detail the crowded condi- humanitarian undertakings, Mrs. RooTell You About do or say, Mrs. Roosevelt has oc-only a progressive and forward-look- tions from which 200 Jewish families cupied herself with a wide variety ing attitude toward American prob- were moving to a subsistence farm sevelt proves that she is not merely the the wife of a great leader, but a fearof causes and interests. Apart from lems can result in a really enlight- settlement at Highstown, New Jerless and able leader in her own right. The second annual Ladies' Vaad the importance which naturally at- ened attitude toward minority groups. sey. She placed much emphasis on (Copyright, 1934, by Seven Arts Auxiliary picnic will be held at Krug taches fo her as the president's In other words, she would achieve the fact that the whole impetus for Feature Syndicate.) park, Sunday, June 10. Tickets for adwife, her abundant anaV many-sided racial and religious amity and under- this hegira came from ihe Jewish mission are free and are now being activities, trenchant speeches and standing through social justice. And workers themselves. They started the distributed. All children will be adboundless energy have made her. Into the achievement of that goal of ball rolling, she said, initiating the. mitted to all rides free. Refreshments her own right, a.genuine.and stimu- social justice envisioned in her hus- movement for subsistence homestead! will be served and several attractive lating personality, second ' only to band's far-reaching evolutionary pro- farming-industrial colonies for which The final dinner of the season for prizes will be given. There will be the president himself: in public in- gram of social welfare she has dedi- the Federal government has granted terest and admiration. V "T . ' ' cated all her efforts. Social welfare a $500,000 loan. Paying a notable the Men's Club of the Vaad was held dancing in the ballroom in the evening. This affair is the Auxiliary's Because she is the First Lady of is the connecting thread which runs tribute to the heroic self-sacrifice of May 24 at the B'nai Israel. The entertainment was featured by farewell party for Rabbi Miller, who the Land her multitudinous sayings through all her activities; it is thethe Jewish families, the president's BENNETT L. COHN and doings have - become "clothed tie that links her to those who fight wife declared that "Jewish families the presentation of the prize-winning is leaving for a trip to Europe and with a significance and import which for both social and human justice. quickly move to better quarters as '•Screwy-meade Manor." Members of Palestine. Mrs. Mollie Brookstein is the Re-Im who presented the play cannot be overestimated. Whatever On a number of occasions she hastheir wages get higher, even though were Jack Frieden, Iz Soskin, Irv Pas- in charge of the picnic. movement enlists her support and forcibly and effectively expressed they feel the strong pull of the sympathy is practically assured of herself along these lines. Within the humblest home. They move in order sor, Abe Sherman, Harry Lefkowitz, Talk Merger of Actors* widespread approval. Her opinions past year Mrs. Roosevelt four times to better their lot and to improve Paul Nerenberg, Phil Harris, Joe Nitz Charities pLV/*O1JTH~ Q p~MAHA.NE CHjtys are followed with great eagerness by gave voice to her credo on tolerance, ihe condition of their children." She and Abe Cohen. New York. — Plans for merging I. Morgenstern gave several humoralso pointed out that it "has been the American people who see in hergood-will and religious and racial the charitable activities of the Caththe feminine symbol of the New Deal understanding. In each of these ad- proven true that Jewish people areous selections. olic, Episcopalian and Jewish. Actors' proven true that J e i h p p enunciated by her husband. • Itdresses the mistress o Guild are now being discussed in theof the White good farmers, though the statement is therefore of considerable interest House demonstrated her appreciation atrical circles. iti to examine those of her utterances of the issues involves In racial and has been often made that they are not." There we have the link to her and deeds concerned with the char- religious discrimination. dominating interest in social welfare. The Junior Vaad Auxiliary .hold Its closing ..meeting of the seaLast November Mrs. Roosevelt was address ubefore Xiasc l i u v « u u « *».*. . i . — . — . Last j^jjgt March, in anaumesa «.vi. Where Omaha Shops with Confidence I the chief speaker at the ceremonies t h e Women's Association of the Amer- son, Tuesday, June 5, at the B'nai Is:—:J—*;„! i_ the «.«, presentation rv^ocnTitntimi of of the!.T-....-..T. Congress, «i „ Mrs. -MT^ Roosevelt -D,^e ,~lf rael synagogue. Election of officers incidential to theican Jewish annual American Hebrew Medal to once more linked social welfare with will be held. The summer dance of the Junior Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt as the tolerance and good-will. In that speech All records in the sale of electric Christian who had done the most to she appealed for an enlightened social Vaad will be held Wednesday, June 6, refrigerators in Omaha are being cement better understanding between attitude toward American problems as at Peony park. Tickets for the dance A Goldstein-Chapman Charge Account Is Easily Established broken this year, according to R. C.Jews and Christians. To appreciate a means of developing a progressive will be passed, out Tuesday night at Geppert, chairman of the Omaha the significance of Mrs. Roosevelt's outlook toward minority groups. The the meeting-. Electrical Refrigeration League, whoremarks on that occasion it must be President's wife declared that, "I have announced that last April the units remembered that Mrs. Catt received come today to speak to you not as a Patronize Jewish Press advertisers. sold more than doubled the "figure for the award in recognition of her ef-Jewish group, not with any thought of the same month a year ago. In April forts in marshalling American wom- talking about any differences that may | 1,071 refrigerators were sold, an all-anhood in a protest against the in-exist, but with the thought that I have 'Thotosrraphs Xhnt Satisfy" time monthly record. come to talk to American citizens who justices in Hitler Germany. Wedding Photographs 20% Disc. All electric refrigerator dealers are American citizens with me, with In her brief address that night Quality Photographs. Reasonable prices have reported larger sales this year, Mrs. Roosevelt said "It is a very equal rights, and who therefore can AT. 4079 Geppert said, and as summer ap- greai honor for me to be here to-think with me of what is happening 2404 Farnam St. proaches it is probable that even night and to be associated with this in our land today, and bring their ingreater increases will be shown. occasion, which is a very notable oc- fluence and their thought to bear on Revealing that more than one-third casion. The American Hebrew Medal, the questions of our land so that we of Omaha homes are now equipped which has been presented to such may see this nation do the things that with electric refrigeration, Geppert distinguished men in the last few we wish to have it do." Emphasizing paid tribute to the "common sense years, is to be given tonight to athat study of our common problems judgment" of housewives who find in woman for the first time, and it iswill lead to the study of the minority Mrs. Roosevelt warned that electric refrigerators a sound invest- to be given for a reason which must groups, o-"~— i—j . . . In a wide choice of styles ment in health and economy. Health make the recipient very proud, for "we go up together, we must hang is protected as foods in an electric j together, because if we begin to go to choose from at she receives this medal because of refrigerator are properly preserved in down anywhere, we all go down." outstanding work which has made for a temperature "constantly below 50 better understanding and better sym- Again, there is that keynote of social degrees. pathy between peoples of a different welfare and social justice as the cure A number of important factors en- race and creed. I think, knowing Mrs. for intolerance. • General Agent ter into the economy phase. With Catt, that she will prize this recogniIn two recent speeches Mrs. RooseJA. 7320 electric refrigeration, food leftovers tion largely because of the fact that velt addressed herself more specific- 338-340 Electric BIdg. may be saved while marketing may she has been able to help a great ally to the problems of racial and rebe done on a large scale and thecause ... .. .. I am not here simply as vegetables and meats kept in perfect an individual tonight, but I was condition for days at a time. This asked to come to do honor to perhaps makes it possible.for housewives to buy their supplies at week-end Printed Chiffons, Washable_S special sales which, ineans an actual Pastels, Printed S h e e r s , Printed saving in money. CreM Navies and White. Sizes 12 In this connection the low electric WE REFINISH ANYTHING to 44. rates which prevail in Omaha play MADE OF METAL z large part in making ownership of Third Floor 2210 Farnam JA-256S in electric refrigerator almost an Economic necessity. Seersuckers, P i « o • , tfoten, Sheer, Eyeht^ Gingham *nd Fleck Dot


Before You Decide What Automobile to Buy Let


Vaad Auxiliary

Plymouth and

Men's Club


from $5304775 up


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Ken. 7000

Junior Vaad

Electric Refrigerator Sales Break Record

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•PAGE S-^THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY,' JUNE 1, 1934 ^llltlllllllllllllilllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllHIII!:

tID-BITS ] from




Vaad Services SOFTBALL LEAGUE JEWISH STATE FAVORED Regular services will be held in all BY PREMIER MUSSOLINI PLAY PROGRESSES synagogues affiliated with the Vaad

at sunset Friday and at 8:30 in the The first round in the J. C. C. soft- morning Saturday. Rabbi Uri Miller Rome, (JTA)—Creation of a "true ball league will be completed this Sun- will speak at the Beth Hamedrosh Jewish state in Palestine" was urged day, with three more fast games on Hagodel on the Biblical portion of in an article in Populo D'ltalia, be£ By PHl?fEAS J. BIEOS 5 lieved to have been personally writthe schedule. the week. . . . . . . . ten by Premier Mussolini. The paper . The play for this Sunday: Ward^iiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiuiinniiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir robes vs. Psi Mu, WTest Elmwood; | . j ^ J u n j o r Congregation will meet is owned by the Premier. GLEANED FROM Samples vs. Seiners, 22nd and^Paul; j a t ^ B . n a i I s r a e l s y n a g O g U e SaturThe article pointed out that the A. Z. A. vs. Peerless, East Elmwood. day morning at 10:15. Refreshments phrase national home is meaningless THE BIRDIE EG AN HIS LITEflAflY CAREER All games begin at 11 a. m. from a political viewpoint as it is That reliable birdie whispers that will be served. M fW£RKA ASA YIDDISH Last Sunday's results: exceedingly vague. Walter lippmann, author, philosoPeerless, 12; Psi Mu, 10. pher and newspaper man extraordinJOURNALIST IN NEW YORK Seiners, 16; A. Z. A., 15 {in ten ary who guided the destinies of the Mizrachi innings). . late New York world for a number of years, will, soon be occupying the Samples, IS; Wardrobes, 2. chief editorial chair of the New York The Mizrachi will liave their final Times .. „ „ And that Louis Wiley, New York, (WNS)—The first sea- M'Laveh Malke at the B'nai Israel weekly to counteract the Nazi OF A MONTREAL Y/D2>/$H\ general manager of the Times, Deutsche Zeitung, which is gaining going synagague on the Atlantic synagogue Saturday evening at 8:30. De a member of a small American W/LYiftOUGtfrHlM'*Co I circulation by thousands every week. Ocean was opened on the S. S. There will be songs, and refreshcommittee appointed by Lord Marley Kosciuszko of the Gdynia-American ments will be served. The Mizrachi 16 5ERVEA5A WISECRACK OF to explore the possibilities of settling line when the ship left her Brooklyn will honor Rabbi I'ri Miller, who is THE WEEK German Jewish refugees in Birobidleaving on a vacation. pier for Poland and Baltic ports. Scene: A banquet hall at the Hotel Before she sailed, a Torah Scroll jan, the embryo Siberian Jewish reFOR /NJECT/NQ 7bO MUCH Astor, New York. At the speakers' was presented to the ship's synapublic of the USSR .. •;. _:And that table sit Soviet Ambassador and gogue by a delegation of rabbis. Al- $40,000,009 Invested for a time it looked as if Louis Mme. . Troyanovsky, explorers, Mr. though Jewish custom provides that (flicker mogul) Mayer would.become SINCE I t a 3ERCOVJCI AWS •BECQI4E in Palestine in 1933 Roy Chapman Andrews, Vilhjalmur the only Jewish senator at Washing ONE O F AMERICAS 3£sr/(AlOtf Stefansson, Sir Hubert Wilkins, Otto, s y n a g o g u e i n w h i c h i t i s t 0 b e QSed> ton—but rignt now there : is nothing WRITERS (IN ENGLISH Now) OF Jerusalem. (WNS)—Latest figures doing in thaV line. . . _ . . J. Schmidt and George A. Ushakov, in this case only the first line of the latter two, noted Soviet scientists, Genesis and the last line of Malachi available here show that J e w s EXOTIC F I C T I O N / HINTS TO STUDY being the guests of honor. Everybody were written in the maritime syna- brought $40,000,000 into Palestine Hint to parents: If you want your during the past year. This sum was is in formal evening costume, as be- gogue. daughter to spend an enjoyable vafits an occasion sponsored by the The Torah was presented by the in the form of new capital, new incation in Europe get in touch with American Russian Institute, the Ex- Kosciuszko Friends, a society of dustries and new buildings. the American Express company, plorers Club and other societies of Polish Jews making frequent trips •which is sponsoring an interesting Jewish Press advertisers merit your naturalists and geographers. When in between Poland and New York. tour for Jewish young women under rushes a short, stocky man—the Many Orthodox Jews using the patronage. the leadership of Mrs. Blanche R. mayor of New York—just in time Gdynia-American line have suggested Kaufman of Louisville and Ann Ar-r for his speech. Says Mayor La the installation of a synagogue on bor. _ .. „ Hint to hostesses: When Guardia, looking around at the as- the line's ships. you entertain Aaron Sapiro, lawyer sembled Soviet celebrities and then and expert on co-operatives, at dindown at his dark gray business suit, -THF COUNTIES ner see that bowl of lump sugar and spreading his arms in a typical German Firms to Move stands near him; he loves to crunch LEVY CO., F L A . . Jewish gesture: "Well, I guess I'm to England pieces of it between courses and his the only representative of the prole- London. — Eighteen German clothEMANUB- CO., <5A, ing factories have received permission teeth. And be sure to label the totariat around here." to open branch plants in England as matoes and green peppers, for otherconx.\ STRICTLY PERSONAL a means of overcoming the worldwise Mr. Sapiro, being totally colorAUTO PAINTJNq 'PRODUCTION OFOEt-fRO MAGNETIC Down in Mexico Diego Rivera, the wide boycott of German goods, accordblind, might become slightly conM15S-. ECtfftHlCikt; WORK ing to the London Sunday Dispatch. fused. „ „ „ Here, incidentally, is the painter, must be going dizzy secret of the famed Sapiro punctuFirst the Rockefellers destroyed his j Permission is said to have been grantEDEISTEIN.ILU WRELFSS TELFGWHY IN I 6 6 7 ality: His pocket-watch has an alarm Radio City murals . . . then the New ed by Walter Runciman, president of attachment which he sets for, the York art world rose to his defense— the Board of Trade, and Sir John Gilproper time, " when a low buzzing next a thousand Catholic students mour, Home Secretary, following proNAMED IN HIS called a boycott on the Detroit Insti- j tracted negotiations. - serves to remind him of his appointtute of Art until some Rivera frescos > The plan is understood to have the , ment. _ „ _ • are removed—and now Prof. Einstein j approval of the German government. 'COPYRIGHT -&Y SEVEN ART5 FtflTb&5YAffilCATE GOSSIPY BITS declares that Rivera art is profundly Announcement that permission has Now that" Professor Albert Einmoving and deserves more recogni- been issued is expected to precipitate stein is settled in his New England company him,to a dance as long as sold. _ _ „ Califano, incidentally, is please his Jewish editor. _ _ _ This tion . . . Ben Hecht, the author, is a storm of protest from British texsummer home may we express our totally deaf asfa result of shell-shock apparently does not know that spending these blizzardy evenings tile manufacturers. hope that the experience of an Ameri- he l a d the hirsute adornment; and suffered on the Italian front during reader the editor of the Mirror is a Chris- building a doll house for his colleccan summer will dispell his illusion, the gentleman has remained "the war. .. -^;«-' ,;.;.,v .. . . ; ' : / : " " tian while Walter is one of the tion of ancient Aztec dolls . . . . fostered by last winter's weather, that j less ever since. He is .Rabbi Samuel chosen race _ After reading the . . . Screen star Sally Eilers, whose J. Levinson of Brooklyn; and the our Eastern seaboard is afflicted with i PERSONALIA $1i\00 script of Jacob Wassermann's last mother was a Cleveland Jewish girl a Siberian climate? . . . That recent young lady was Theodosia Goodman named Pauline Schoenberger, likes to Another "important'' intermarbook, to be published this winter, we newlywed, Herman Manckiewicz, who of • Cincinnati, now Mrs. Charles riage; Count Chamburn, Lafayette's g-et down on her knees and elbows is one of Hollywood's highest-paid Theda Bara, the original vamp of descendant, is a pretendant to the think that there is something to the when she plays golf. Round Trip tale that the great author committed screen writers, worked his way the movies, who can blame the daughter of Eugene Meyer, jr., Fed(Copyright 1934 by Seven Arts suicide. _ _ .. The reason for his Every Friday, SamrJm? through college by running the news- youthful theological student 1 and Sunday . Feature Syndicte) eral Reserve ex-Governor. .. .. _ It's tragic end is said to have been his stand which faces Columbia unionly a few months since Otto H. first wife, who drove him to despair Return limit 10 d»y». versity -and which Mayer W. (Ro- HITLERANIA Kahn died, but Roger Wolfe Kahn, mance of a People) Weisgal later It took a system of fines imposed the son, is opening his night club by her alimony contract. .. _ „ Adam Rosen, of the Rosen Travel Tours, bought from him for his—JI."W. W.'s on workers by iheir employers for sometime this month _ Joseph one of the leading stamp collectors ; —brother Joshua. The Mervyn non-attendance at Hitler's recent Hergesheimer, the prolific writer, in First Vthis country, burned all his GerLe Roys (he the movie director, she Berlin rally to gather that crowd of traveled from Europe on the S. S. man stamps the day Hitler burned ihe former Doris Warner) are out listeners to Dolly's ravings. _ „ .JNo Bremen, gazing at the Swastika flag the non-Nazi __ _ _ The nonshopping for a layette these days such forcible methods were needed a with apparent delight. .. „ _ Our Nazi German books. Americans are preparyear ago. _ „ „ And at that huge „•'.. _ Mrs. Jack Pearl will leave her apologies to J. David Stern, Philaing to publish a fighting German husband (Baron Munchhausen) for Madison Square Garden Nazi rally a delphia and New York publisher, who couple of weeks ago the cheers for the first time in eleven years when •••• tells us that he never gave permisshe .will accompany the Burns and Hitler were none • too voluminous. sion to the committee of the nation • ALL EXPENSE PERSONALLY CONDUCTED PHONE Allen comedy team to Russia late _ .. .. But the boos that rose when- (that notorious reactionary organizatii*is*month."".' _"." Elmer Eice has re-j ever theinarae of Samuel Untermyertion) to use his name as a member. They Mix With the Best turned from Europe; one of his big- was mentioned did make the welkin When Stern says so—it is so. Have you seen those post- _ .... .... Walter gest thrills on the other side was the ring. IDEAL BOTTLING COMPANY Winchell is charged by Leaving every Friday and Saturday night in witnessing of a London performance al cards reproducing a painting, by one of his readers with ridiculing 1808 No. 20th St. WE. 3043 special coaches aboard the Ak-Sar-Benof his Broadway success, "Counsellor- the Italian artist Califano in which Hitler only because .he wants to INSURED CABS Hitler, flanked by a stormtrooper, is at-Law," which is making a smashshown giving the gate io Albert Eining hit in the British capital TWO DAY THREE DAY Among the extinguished lights of the stein? _ „ „ They sell at a nickel Great White Way is Malcolm Pear- apiece, we understand,' and the proson's and Donald Baruch's "I, My- ceeds have been donated by the artself," though Donald is a nephew of ist to a fund for the relief of Gerfinancier Bernard Baruch he could man refugees; latest reports state Burlington escort accompanies tonr to Chicago and return not borrow enough money to keep the that half a million have already been play running for more than nine performances Tours include room with bath at the • After the Theatre TRUE STORY • Treat the Crowd at Once upon a time a Hebrew Union THE College student removed both his BASIS TWO TO A ROOM beard and his moustache because a certain young lady refused to acOther Bargain Tours


Everywhere §








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RAILROAD SALVAGE Best quick drying; spar Tarnish, $1.50 gal; paint, $1-5 gal.; DeToe enamels all colors $2.00 gal.; lacquers, 50c qt. Brushes XA price OMAHA JOBBING 317 No. loth

They will enjoy the new decorations and the delicious food. Everything cooked in butter and pure, olive oil. We never use lara. O For the Ladies: A Wonderful Afternoon Card P a r t y Room! Corner 24th and Harney Streets


Stevens Hotel

including Pullman, every week-end

A SPECIAL Ak-Sar-Ben Tour to New York 8 days . . . $14.75 All-Expense plan—personeliy conducted

# When you have a Grunow you have as fine a refrigerator as money can buy, and you have that feeling of satisfaction that comes from knowing it's absolutely safe. T o prove it, have the dealer show you what's inside. It's Garrene, die liquid that you can see, smell and hold in your hand— the liquid that to all intents and purposes is as harmless as water.

Leaving Omaha Aug. 11, 1934 and including stopovers in Chicago for the World's Fair . . . Niagara Falls . . . New York . . • Atlantic City . . . Washington. A wonderful vacation tour and a rare educational experience at a remarkably low, all-expense cost. Call, write or phonefor booklet giving full details

J. W. SHARPE, General Agent 16th and Farnam OMAHA . Phone Atlantic 6831 " ' '



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HARRY ROGHM ANy Prop. 6060 Military Ave.

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Walnut 5611

Try a Bag Today


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ministrative strife of Jewish organizations is something for the Jewish members to settle among themselves only. Petty doings of that kind cannot and do not redound to our credit.


Published every Friday at, Omaha, Nebraska, by



With Fascist forms of government seizing power in Bulgaria and Latvia, and about to seize power in Roumania, Jewish minorities are tensely awaiting developments. Editorial Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building. The Fascist coup d'etat in Sofia has so far resulted in no •"••;' Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center open outbreaks against the Jews, however. Although Bulgarian DAVID BLACKER - - - - - Business and Managing Editor Jewry faces a growing anti-Semitic movement sponsored by GerFRANK R. ACKERMAN - - - - - - Editor FANNIE KATELMAN - - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent man Nazis, it has been reassured by the knowledge that King ANN PILL - - - - - - - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent Print Shop Address: 1307 Howard Street _ _ _ _ _ _ Boris n i continues sympathetic toward the Jews. A delegation of Roumanian Jews conferred with King Carol and Marshall Alexander Averescu on the delicate political situation centering in Bucharest, and Jews in their Balkan country continue to await developments uneasily. In Vienna, too, the Jewish community was in a state of alarm as the result of a speech made by the new mayor, Dr. Richard Schmitz, praising one Dr. Lueger, a bitter anti-Semite. Since Dr. The End of a Racket? Schmitz is an appointee of the new Dollfuss regime, "his speech The life of a racketeer is a hazardous one, and the Me of the takes on a semi-official aspect. racketeer's racket is usually of short duration. The Silver Shirts, William Dudley Pelley's crack-brained antiSemitic organization in this country, seems to be in the last stages Hebrew Printing of an unpleasant life. The indictment of Chief Pelley with his The swift-speeding presses of modern machines cause us to cosmic brainstorms, together with his two chief aides, Robert C. take printing more or less for granted. Yet it was not so long ago SummerviUe and Don D. Kellog, by a grand jury in North Caro- that printing was a laborious work, requiring hand-work and long lina on charges of fraudulent stock sales, spells doom for an al- hours of patience. ready tottering fake. The crash got under way when Pelley's Hebrew printing began In Italy, Spain and Portugal at the "Liberation," vicious anti-Jewish magazine, was stopped from end of the fifteenth century. In its early stages Hebrew printing publication by the bankruptcy of the Galahad Press, dummy cor- was devoted entirely to holy writing, and the Jewish people havporation running the "Liberation." It then was revealed that a ing great reverence for it, called it "holy work." number of prominent "socialites" in various parts of the country Printing was responsible for the education of the masses— had been "mulcted" by being sold stock in the publishing company it answered the prayer of Job: "Oh that my words were now of "Liberation/' which, according to Summerville's admission, written! Oh that they were printed in a book! That they were "has no property and does not even own a sheet of paper." < graven with an iron pen and lead in the rock forever 1" To sensible people, it is evident that groups like the Silver Shirts and the K. K. K. are conducted only as racketeering "All possess alike liberty of conscience and immunities of citschemes. They incite the members of a community, one against izenship. It is now no more that toleration is spoken of, as if it the other, for their financial gain, spreading hatred and fabricatwas by the indulgence of one class of people, that another enjoyed ing falsehoods so as to prey on the misinformed and the ignorant. the exercise of their inherent natural rights. For happily the When the "dupes" refuse to be duped any longer, or when large sums have been gathered and the leaders of the racket begin to Government of the United States, which gives to bigotry no sancfight among themselves for the spoils—then the end comes. Pelley tion, to persecution no assistance, requires only that they who live was wont to vainfully boast in his publication that he just dares under its protection should demean themselves as good citizens, a Congressional committee to call him to Washington—yet he in giving it on aU occasions their effectual support." — George has been sought by federal agents for months and today is a Washington, to the Hebrew Congregation in Newport, Rhode Isfugitive from justice—-the just desserts for a man who will eat land. on hate for the benefit of race racketeering. Be not anxious about the morrow; you do not know what today will bring.--Tahhui -


Subscription Price, one year - . - - - - - - - - - ?2.50 Advertising rates furnished on application

The Week in Review

For the Graduates

An overflow attendance marked ttte second annual city-wide service and reception for the high school graduates of Omaha last Friday. To Dr. Philip Sher goes credit for inauguration of this yearly event, and the social service committee he heads is to be complimented on the success attendant the two services and receptions held thus far. i . ; The significance of the affair is two-fold. To begin with, the attendance of approximately eighty per cent of the Jewish high school graduates is an acknowledgement of a Jewish consciousness and tends to bring the youths closer to the synagogue. It strengthens and solidifies the spirit of Judaism in their plastic minds and hearts, helping make them better Jews. Also, it is a constructive force toward unity in local Judaism. All Rabbis of the various branches, of Judaism participate in the service, lending strength to the common bond that knits them together into a more wholesome, more forceful, and more perfect Judaism.


FATHER AND GRANDSON About 1880, there died in France Adolphe Cremieux. He was one of the greatest of French statesmen — the counterpart for France in many ways of -what Disraeli was to England. Cremieux was one of the most notable Frenchmen of modern times and one of the most notable of Jews. He was one of the leaders in the move ment which had its culmination in the foundation of the French republicHe was a great lawyer, a kind of French Darrow. Once he defended a man who was arrested — before the days of the French republic — for singing the Marseillaise. Cremiex rose in court, made his plea and then began to recite the Marseillaise. He recited it with such dramatic effect—that the jury all rose. The man -was acquitted. Cremiex was not only a brilliant man. He gave of his funds for every cause—most generously. He interceded with great effect for the Christians who were being massacred in Lebanon. He interceded for the Jews, securing the abrogation of the oath "more Judaica," so offensive to the Jews of France. He squashed the Damascus ritual blood charge. He was one of the organizers of the Alliance. Israelite Universelle. A most noble Jew. Last week there died in New York a man whose brother was a priest, and he himself was buried with Christian rites. A New York Christian clergyman officiated. The funeral was attended by many prominent New Yorkers, and by many German-Amer icans. Victor Bidder, of the German Staats-Zeitung, was there. Even many pronounced Nazis were there. The man whose services these Germans came to attend was Herman A. Metz — a grandson of Adolphe Cremiex. Metz some time ago visited Hitler in company with Ridder. He claimed that he had asked Hitler to relent in his antagonism to the Jew. Let us hope so. Ho-ho! Speaking about the proposed child labor amendment to the Constitution, William Z. Spiegelman declared the other day that a Polish Assemblyman in the New York legislature introduced a bill to reduce child labor from nine to eight months!

as it was first announced. The official reason was that his health did not permit, but there were rumors that it was really due to differences with some of the big-moneyed contributors to the Zionist movement—on the matter of Palestine as a refuge for German Jews. It was said that Weizmann discounted any possibility of settling the German Jews elsewhere than in Palestine. But on the inside, you now hear other rumors—and the one that seems to have the soundest support is that Weizmann and Magnes have had a little rift—and since Magnes is now in the United States, Weizmann thought he would better stay away. Though Weizmann is officially the president of the Hebrew University, and Magnes is the chancellor, it is said, of late, there has not been smooth sailing between them.

—somehow there has been missing this note. That is to say, that among the masses of Jews in the Yishub, it is generally said, the University is not popular. For years, there has been this complaint, that the Hebrew University is aloof from the Yishub. I think in the last year, Magnes has realized this—and there has been a change, which I believe is a prophecy of better relations in the future. For instance, the establishment of a college—a branch of the University at Tel Aviv—was decidedly a step for bringing the Hebrew University near er to the Jews of Palestine.


There was one Jewish prize-fighting champion, who knocked out a champion, who has never been known to history. I am referring to Mr. Wallach. This Mr. Wallach happens to be the father of Leach Cross, the one-time champion prize fighter, who is now a practicing dentist. As Leach Cross tells the story, Mr. Wallach provided him with funds for the study of dentistry. And Leach was going to dental school, but se cretiy he was also fighting. One day Mr. Wallach came home, after having learned that Leach had knocked out somebody in a fight. "You loafer—you tramp—you'll be a prize fighter, eh? Ill show you. I give you money to go to dental college and you become a loafer fighter." And with that Mr. Wallach landed on Leach with a right and a left. Leach ducked and finally ran out of the room.

HE KEEPS YOUNG "Wonderful," said Bernard G. Richards the other day, after seeing Magnes. "At fifty-seven, he looks like a young man of thirty."

Speaking of smooth sailing, New York Zionists declare that the recent appearance of Dr. Magnes and Rabbi Wise at the UssishHn dinner was the first time in thirty years that the two have appeared on the same platform. In the days when Magnes was active in the New York field—Wise and Magnes were always at opposite poles. It seems that only the "iron man" of the Zionist movement—Ussishkin— could bring them together.

THE MAN MAGNES An interesting man is Magnes. It is not generally known these days that Magnes in his youth had some prospects—had he been so inclined — of becoming a professional ball player. I don't mean that he had any such intentions, but he was ac counted one of the best ball players on the team of the California University, which he attended. Magnes never followed the Billy Sunday pattern. He never became a ball player first and a preacher afterwards. Ball playing was just an avocation. Magnes was a born pulpiteer. What throngs he gathered in his early days at the Temple! The common people, so to speak, were the ones that gathered about him mostly. The ordinary Jews — the Jewish Jews, the poor Jews—Magnes magnetized them. He was arrested once, I believe, in a labor strike, in which he took the side of labor.


THE TEL AVIV BRANCH Then he went to Palestine. At the Hebrew University, which he founded

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Excelsior Springs Vita Baths Why go to Excelsior Springs, Mo^ or Hot Springs, Ark. The Hill Hotel Bath House has been remodeled and equipped to give those treatments in Omaha. Earl Story, formerly of Excelsior Springs, Mo., in charge Absolutely 5To Tips

By JOSEPH BRAININ THAT WEIZMANN RIFT Grey Iiwa, Aluminum sad Bronze Castings Newspapermen, editors and supposedly well informed politi- There has been, as everyone knows, Hours 9 a. m. to 8 p.*m. a great deal of speculation as to the Woo* and Metal Patterns cal observers will tell you, confidentially, or make veiled allusions reasons for the failure of Dr. WeizClosed Sundays HA. 5533 in their-writings that Hitler and Hitlerism are approaching the mann to come to the United States, 2614 Martha St. end'of their trail. If you want reasons for this rattier strange optimism, these gentlemen (who are in the know) will whisper that the recent Goebbels speech against the Jews and the continually increasing severity of the censorship and other restrictions are definite proof that Hitler feels the ground under his feet is trembling. "It is merely a matter of time," these prophets will tell you, "it may take six months or at the utmost a year and the Nazis will be a nightmare of yesterday." It is my personal opinion that this kind of talk is undiluted bunk. Any student of political history should know that a modern fascist dictatorship whose power is based on a well-fed and satisfied army and whose control over governmental machinery is Palestine Rowdyism all-embracing can only be destroyed from the outside, through The reports from Tel Aviv about the riots in connection with war. It is my opinion that Hitler, or at least Nazi-ism, will domthe general strike called as a protest against the government for inate Germany until his storm troopers will have to case an up-toSee the New Jantzen - Manhattan • Catalina Styles its policy of restricting Jewish immigration to Palestine are con- date superior war machine instead of a civil population, no matter The PaceSeUers of America! flicting. The clashes between the paraders and the police in Tel how indignant it may be. The Nazi army enjoys such a privileged status that it will never march against its leaders unless a ruinAviv are described b yvarious observers in various ways. One The right swim suit or tmmk for your individual observer speaks about a united Jewry of Palestine protesting ous war destroys its complacent dangerless existence. needs means everything to your summer swim enjoyagainst the'government and participating in this regrettable inThus it would seem to me that the gentlemen who are spreadment. The Nebraska has prepared to serve you right. cident. Another newspaperman labels the clashes as riots between ing the oncoming fall of Hitler are doing a distinct disservice to Revisionists and Labor members. Another still places the respon- us. Were they paid propagandists of the Nazis, they could not Men's Jantzen Swim sibility of the fight between the police and civil population on the act more effectively to weaken the defensive spirit of all the antiSpeed Suits shoulders of the communists. Whatever the truth may be, no- Nazi forces. All anti-fascist fighters must be prepared for a long of fine worsted body can deny that these clashes are most unfortunate. They are and hard struggle. They must keep up their educational cam$ J 5 0 and $ g 5 0 due to the irresponsible leadership of a small group of Zionists paign and expose the Nazi regime to world public opinion in all wko insist on copying central European methods in their political its naked and cynical ugliness. Without urging war, we must Men's Manhattan . aativities. The communists are surely not interested in the Zionist work for the day when Naziland—sure of its power—will launch Speed Swim Suits demands for more immigration. The Jewish Labor Federation has its military campaign and be faced by a united and superior force, newest models always been opposed to physical violence. This leaves only the representative of all civilized nations. The belief in the impending to Revisionists, who have a peculiar exhibitionist tendency to dem- doom of Hitler is a dangerous illusion. onstrate Jewish virility or "two-fistedness," as Jabotinsky calls Men's Jantzen Streamline it, by behaving like rowdies. The Zionist Executive should offiTrunks salt (means of preservation) of wealth is through benevolence?', and my faathletic construction cially disown such tactics and dissociate itself from such manGEMS of the BIBLE ther was not charitable enough." He euvres. The best way to deal with the Palestine administration then asked what became of her faand TALMUD is to negotiate, not to intimidate. We should have learned this ther-in-law's money. "Ah," she reBy 0. O. DASHES plied, "one destroyed the other." "Rablesson. . Men's Manhattan High bi," she continued, "dost thou not reWaist Trunks member signing my marriage conwith belts Multiply not exceedingly proud talk; tract?"

Now Ready! Americans "Famous Firsts" in Stifle and Quality

Swim Suits and Swim Trunks

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Mr. Average Citizen looks upon Palestine as a barbarous land, only half-civilized and without any of the conveniences which make modern life in an American city so "soft." Mr. Average Citizen would, therefore, be surprised to learn of some interesting statistics which just came from the Holy Land—more calls are made per telephone in Palestine than in any other country in the world, say the government statistics. In Jerusalem there are 38 calls made daily over each phone in the city, which establishes a world record.

Our Internal Bickerings An illustration of what Jewish groups shculd not do was. given in the east last week, when an oppositionist group of the Independent Order Brith Abraham took to court a question of the constitutionality of an act of the organization's administration. The Brith Shalom is the numerically largest Jewish organization in this country, which is added reason for condemning such distasteful action. Surely, we are big enough to settle our internal bickerings, without having to aiv them in the courts of law. Surely, the ad< • ;

let not arrogance: come out of your mouth. They that had plentiful have hired out themselves for bread, and they that were hungry have ceased. He will keep the feet of His holy ones, but the wicked shall be put to silence in darkness, for not by strength shall man prevail. : He raiseth up the poor- out of the dust. He lifteth up the needy from the dunghill to make them sit with princes and inherit the throne of glory. TALMUD Rabbi Jochanan was once riding on a donkey with his disciples following. He saw a young woman picking barley out of the dung of an Arabian's cattle. When she observed him, she covered herself with her hair, stood up and said: "Oh, Rabbi, assist me." "Whose daughter art thou?" he asked. She answered: "I am the daughter of Nakdimon ben Guryon." The Rabbi then asked her what had become of her father's money. She replied: ''Is there not a saying in Jerusalem 'The

Turning to his disciples, he said: "When I signed her marriage contract her father gave her a dowry of one minion golden denars besides that of her father-in-law." Rabbi Jochanan then burst into tears and said:"Happy are ye, Israel. As long as ye per form the will of God no nation or people can oppress thee, but when ye fail to perform the will of God ye are delivered into the hands of a humiliating nation and not only into the hands of a humiliating nation, but also into the hands of the beasts of the humiliating nation." Did then Nakdimon ben Guryon not give any charity? Behold, we were taught in a Baraitha: It was said of Nakdimon ben Guryon when he left his house to go to college to study the entire road would be spread out with fine woolens, which the poor people used to fold up behind him for 3e. If you wish, I will intheir own use. terpret this that first he did it only for hia own honor, secondly, he did not give enough charity, according to his means.

Men's Famous Mickey Efley and Catalina Speed Trunks Puritan AB Wool Swim Trunk v ? v with Belt 95 Salts—Main Finer See Oar Wtadows


1PAGE 5—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY; JUNE 1,1934 FELLMAN-RUBENSTEIN FOR SUMMER Patronize Jewish Press advertiser*. Deborah WEDDING j Rabbi and Mrs. David H. Wice leave The marriage of Miss Bess Ruben- Omaha this morning for the summer. The closing meeting of the season stein, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rabbi Wice will attend the conclave Wedenesday Special for the Deborah society will be held Rubenstein, to Charles Fellman, Bon of the Central Conference of Amerfnext Tuesday afternoon, June 5, at DAMP WASH of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Fellman, will can Rabbis, to be held the middle of 2:30 p. m. at the J. C. C. All members FLAT WORK IRONED take place today at 4 o'clock at the June in Wemersville, Pa. From there, Miss Minnie Frohm was elected are urged to attend. Adass Yeshuren synagogue at 25th Rabbi and Mrs. Wice will spend two president of the Omaha chapter of the and Seward streets. Rabbi Nathan weeks in Petersburg, Va., visiting Junior Hadassah at the last meeting Feldman will officiate. The couple with Rabbi Wice's parents. Rabbi of the season held Thursday, May 24, Chesed Shel Ernes Shirts Included—Sc wjll be attended by the bride's sister. Wice will then attend the Hebrew at the Jewish Community Center. She A regular meeting of the Chesed succeeds Miss Ida Fine. Miss Rose Rubenstein, and the broth- Union summer school. Shel Ernes will be held Monday afterer of the groom, Harry Fellman. The Wices expect to be back in Other officers chosen for the com- noon at 2 o'clock at the Chesed Shel ing season are Miss Sarah Solomonow, Miss Rubenstein has been extensive- Omaha in August. financial vice president; Miss Dora Emes building. ly entertained. Among her hostesses Freshman, cultural vice president; The feature will be the election of have been Miss Rose Rubentein, who CELEBRATE BAR MITZVAH ZE15 FARKAM AT. 2815 entertained fifteen couples at a house The Bar Mitzvah of Richard Joseph- Miss Anne Hahn, membership vice officers. A report of the building comparty; Miss Dora Freshman, who en- son, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Joseph- president; Goldie Seidman, corre- mittee -will also be rendered. tertained sixteen couples at a scav- son, was celebrated at Temple Israel sponding secretary; Evelyn Glazer, enger hunt, and the Misses Mae and last Saturday morning, with an im- recording secretary; Jeanette ResSarah Tucker; Betty and Ida Kotler; pressive ceremony. The Bar Mitzvah nick, financial treasurer; Sarah GerLillian Freedman and Bess Kirshen- read the Torah and gave a prayer. man, recording treasurer; Mildred Falk, reporter, and the Misses Fannie baum, and the Mesdames Louis FellThe Highland Country dub of- man, Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Micklin, Mr. man, J. Fellman, Charles Fellman, R. YISIT HEBE Katelman, Ruth Swengil and Gertrude ficially opened the season with a and Mrs. Ben D. Silver, Mr. and Mrs. A. Nelson and Harry Saltzman, all of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Greenberg and Guss, board members; and Miss Ida smart dinner-dance held at the club- Sam Wolf, and Dr. and Mrs. M. Gro- whom gave bridge parties to honor the daughter, Jo Anne, of Crawford, Neb., Fine, parlimentarian. Mrs. Max Fromhouse Saturday, May 26. The club- dinsky. bride-to-be. arrived in Omaha Saturday to spend kin was unanimously re-elected as HOWARD «f 16th. house was artistically decorated to Jerome Gordon and Miss Ruth the summer vacation with their par- senior adviser. represent a summer garden. Mr. Freedman, and Julian Milder with The new officers were installed at ents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lipsey and Harry Malashock, chairman of the Miss Lois Livingston of Bloomington, SETS DATE FOR WEDDING a banquet given Thursday, May 31, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Greenberg. Miss Evelyn Chaikin has set Sunhouse committee, assisted by the DL, were together. at the Center. Miss Evelyn Glazer Messrs. Milton Livingston, S. J. Leon, was chairman in charge of the banGuests of Mr. and Mrs. Hymie day, June 10, as the date for her marLouis Sommer, Harold Farber, Bert Milder were City Commissioners riage to Charles Schlaifer, son of Mr. MARDI GRAS quet and program, assisted by the Hene, Harry Cohen and Jacob Slos- Harry Knudsen and Harry Trustin and Mrs. A. Schlaifer. The day was BIRTHDAY PARTY Misses Ruth Silver, Sophie Oland, and as a Plans are being made by the Oma- Sarah German. burg, was in charge of arrangements and their wives. Mr. and Mrs. Vern announced at a tea, at which Mrs. for the affair. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Milder Maurice Chaikin, mother of the bride, ha chapter of the Junior Hadassah to Among those members who were and Mrs. Leo Chaikin, her sister-in- give a Mardi Gras birthday party honored guests at this affair, haying Mother-in- Law's Kiss Mr. and Mrs. Lew Hiller arranged and Mr. and Mrs. William Milder. law, entertained at home on Saturday dance on Sunday night, June 10, at raised their quota for the "Give or Abher Kaiman's guests were Mrs. afternoon. the president's table. Occupants of the Birchwood club. This date marks Get" fund, were Mrs. From&in and Fresh, filtered, ice-cookd air this table were Mr. and Mrs. Abe Harry Edell of New York, Miss EveTwenty-five guests called between the thirteenth anniversary of the makes a whale of a difference Herzberg, president and first lady of lyn Kaiman, Miss Louise Fitch and 3 and 5 o'clock. A miniature bridal founding of the Junior Hadassah and the Misses Ethel Adler, Minnie Frohm, Ida Fine, Dora Freshman, Kalah in the appetite these torrid the club; Mr. and Mrs. Hiller; Mr. David Lazarus of Cincinnati. party formed a centerpiece for the tea similar affairs are being given all Franklin, Evelyn Glazer. Ann GoodWith Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Ferer table, with yellow tapers and orchid times. and Mrs. Milton Livingston; Mr. and over the country in celebration of the Mrs. Julius Rosenfeld; Dr. and Mrs. were Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bonoff, sweet peas lending a note of color. Bar Mitzvah of National Junior Ha- binder, Anne Hahn, Fannie Katelman, Anne Kuznit, Gertrude Lewis, JeanDrop in at lunch, breakfast or Barney Kully; Mr. and Mrs. David Mr. and Mrs. Michel Katleman, and Mrs. Harold Farber and Miss Rosalyn dassah. nette Resnick, Goldie Seidman, Sarah dinner and find out again how. Goldman; Mr. and Mrs. Sam Joseph- Dr. and Mrs. A. Greenberg. Pizer assisted the hostesses. Miss Bettye Tuchman is the general Rabbi and Mrs. Frederick Cohn at- Only members of the families will chairman in charge of this affair and Solomonow, Bettye Tuchman, Sarah son; and Mrs. Harry Superior of Los it feels to really enjoy a meal. aub, Goldie Zusman. tended. Angeles. attend the ceremonyi Invitations will is being assisted by the Misses Rose Mrs. FromMn, sponsor, presented Meyer Freeman and Miss Ann Ru- be issued for a reception to follow' the Dolgoff, Bess Karshenbaum, Fannie OPEN ALL NIGHT With Mr. and Mrs. Sam Herzberg honor pins for outstanding work to -r were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bergman back, Dave Freeman and Miss Sophie service. Katelman, Goldie Seidman and Sarah the Misses Ida Fine, Minnie Frohm, and Mrs. Mollie Cohen and son, Max Rosenstein, and Albert Bait and Miss Levine. Fannie Katelman, Mildred Whitman, Dorothy Muskin occupied one table. Cohen. The committee in charge is arrang- eannette Resnick, and Mrs. Max A Suggestion for Any Nigbt ENTERTAIN With Mr. and Mrs. Archie Jacobs A t one table were Mr. and Mrs. B. Mrs. Nathan Pitlor and Mrs. Alex ing a number of novelty features dur- 5reslau. Pearls were added to the Jack & Jill Sizzling Steak were Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Mason. L. Wolf, William S. Degen, Miss MinWolpa entertained 25 guests at a ing the dance intermission. This af- honor pins of Miss Dora Freshman Served while • • Idaho baked nie Wolf, Mr. and Mrs. Homer BinsI k n potfMn. «llr«l In lh« i shower honoring, their, daughter and fair is open to the public. Tickets may and Miss Anne Hahn. I UL f MM««I. b m l wanger, Alfred Mayer and Miss FORMAL DA3TCE niece, Miss Helen Pitlor, whose mar- be purchased from any member of the l.uUor. rtrta*. ripinc hot. above committee. Sylvia Zevin, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest riage will take place in Chicago, June The Junior Society of the ConservaPatronize Jewish Press advertisers. Nogg, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Farber, tive synagogue will entertain at a 17. Richard Hiller and Miss Florence formal summer dance at the BirchReligious School Smeerian of Lincoln, Edwin Sommer wood Country club on Saturday, June and Miss Marjory Hiller, Harold 9. Meyers-Hodek orchestra has been TO EXCELSIOR SPRINGS Picnic Sunday Messrs. Ben J.Gershun and LawCherniack and Miss Gretchen Gott~ engaged for the night. Chaperones rence Krasne motored to Excelsior stein of Des Moines, Leo Unger, and honored guests will be the past Nathan Jacobs and Miss Marian presidents of the Conservative syna- Springs for a few days. While there The Religious School of the Vaad they drove to Kansas City for a day. will hold their picnic at Elmwood Goldner. gogue and the present presiding offipark Sunday, June 3. The children Mr. and Mrs. Manning Handler had cers. About 100 couples have been inTO RETURN IN JUNE will meet at the B'nai Israel syna- at their table Rabbi and Mrs. David vited. OMAHA'S STYLE CBflift i f . I*7H AND HARNEY Wice, Mr. and Mrs. Loub Somberg, Miss Louise Ziegler, daughter of gogue and at the South Omaha ConMr. and Mrs. J. Chesin, of Lincoln, Mr. and Mrs. Isidor Ziegler, who is gregation at 10 o'clock in the mornMr. and Mrs. A. H. Brodkey, Mr. and ANNOUNCE BIRTH attending the.University of Chicago, ing. Prizes will be given and refreshments served. Mr. and Mrs. Izzie Stiss announce will Tetom the end of June. Mrs. Morris Levy. the birth of a son. Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Wolf and


Dinner-DanceFormally Opens Highland Country Club Season

fC ond



Do Your "Cotton Pickin" Friday!

Mr. and Mrs. David Feder were to- gether. OUTING Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Morris The adult study class of Temple --^-Jacob&~were -Mr., and- Mrs. . Morris Israel-gave >an outing: a t .Gene,BlazMilder, and Mr. and Mrs. Morris er's farm Wednesday evening, May 30. Ferer. Forty people attended. Occupants at the table of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky were Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kulakofsky, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rubenstein, and Mr. and Mrs. Open Kights . . . Kosher Style Harry Green. Foods . . . Cold Beet Borscht serred dnily . . . Hot Corn Beef Mr. and Mrs! Nathan Nogg had at 150! Farnam JA. 8228 their table Mr. and Mrs. J. J. GreenWorld-Herald BIdg. berg, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Silverman, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Greenberg, Mr. and Mrs. William Racusin, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Cohn, Mr. and Mrs. William Boasberg, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Now is the time to protect yourself Stalmaster, Mrs. David Blacker, Mr. fnlly by getting auto insurance and Mrs. Al Wohlner, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Newman. Together were Mr. and Mrs. Allen (Formerly In the employ of I*. Harris) Kohan and Mr. and Mrs. E. I. Rabin. Mr. and Mrs. John Farber were at the Mr. and Mrs. Fab Engle table. Inquiry Regarding Any Irsurance Mr. and Mrs. Harry Malashock Lines Is Invited were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. KEAI, ESTATE — KESTAM Dave Sherman and Mr. and Mrs. Ed PKOfERIX MA^AGEUKNT Kraus. JA. 7311 At the Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Newman 315 So. 15 table were Mr. and Mrs. H. A. New-


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WHEN A PIN DROPS—This just'shows -what can happen when a pin^drops. The pin in this case, however, was a connecting pin, which held together a trailer and a tank truck containing 7,338 gallonsof gasoline. While the truck was en route from Martinez to Lodi, CaL, the pin dropped, and the trailer rammed into the rear of the track. The impact spilled some fuel on the hot engine of the truck, and hence the gigantic fire. The driver leaped to safety.

IMPRESSIVE V I E W — This splendid aerial view, taken during recent combined U. S. fleet maneuvers in the West Indies, shows an impressive line of cruisers steaming for New York. The ships will lie at anchor in the Hudson river for several weeks, FAIR OPEN AGAIN—Part of the parade held in connection withr enabling Gothamites to view them. the reopening of the Chicago World's Fair is pictured passing over, the famous Avenue of Flags at the entrance of the fairgrounds.


PRESIDENT'S SONS POSE—Two sons of President Roosevelt, James, left, and Franklin Delano, Jr., right, are pictured in their hotel suite in Philadelphia, after arriving in the city for a collegiate «:ewrace. Franklin, Jr., is a member of the Harvard freshman crew.

ONE OF THE "BEAUTS"—You may not suspect it, but "Juniors Juno" has a peculiar type of beauty—sufficient at least to win a blue CRABS IN SPOTLIGHT—With more than 70 entries in the Santa Barbara International Crab Derby at ribbon at the annual dog show of the Morris and Essex Kennel club Santa Barbara, CaL, their pretty sponsors are snapped giving some of them a trial race preparatory to at Madison, N. J. "Juniors Juno," an English bulldog, is owned by the novel sweepstakes. Each crab must measure at least IT inches across his outspread daws to be Reginald P. Sparks, of Toronto, Canada. eligible.





*v*# - - , ; - - -/•>

DICKER ON STRIKE SETTLEMENT—Edward F. McGrady, left, assistant secretary of labor and advisor to General Hugh S. Johnson, NRA administrator, and Joseph Ryan, right, president of the I l L h o r e m e n ' s association, are pictured in San Franions looking toward a settlement of the strike f west coast longshoremen.


signing them up for forestry duty


20,000 of Refugees Permanently Settled New York (WNS)—Twenty thousand of the 50,000 or 60,000 German refugees have been permanently settled in new homes, 10,000 in Palestine and the others : in different parts of the world, James G. Macponald, League of Nations High Commissioner for German Eefugees, declared on his return from Europe. Although reporting that progress has been made, Mr. MacDonald pointed out that "unhappily there may be substantial new accretions to the refugees — not that there is likely to be another mass exodus comparable to that of a year ago, but even that tragic possibility cannot be safely ignored.

WORLD * WIDE Belgium to Oust 1,000 Refugees

• Antwerp. — Immediate enforcement if a government decree designed to get rid of half of the 2,300 Germanewish refugees in Belgium has been irdered by the federal authorities. Issued some months ago, the decree was never carried into effect because of the opposition of Antwerp's Socialist mayor. Brushing aside his humanitarian impulses, the government has instructed the police to take into custody 300 of The annual Jewish National Fund the refugees as the first step in their Flower Day will be held next Sunday deportation. morning, June 3, sponsored by the Acting promptly, the police raided junior Hadassah organization. Mrs the homes of the refugees, most of Max Breslau and Miss Ida Pine are whom are Jews of Polish origin. Anin charge of this drive. Anyone who other 700 refugees are to be rounded wishes to assist should meet at the up shortly and the entire 1,000 sent J. C. C. Sunday morning at 9:30 a. m. out of Belgium.

Jewish National Day Flower Day Sunday

Aaron Sapiro Acquitted

Chicago—Aaron Sapiro, lawyer and one-time chief hate of Henry Ford, was acquitted here of charges of ruling four trades by violence and terror. The acquittal came after a trial of four and a half months in which ihe prosecution failed to convince the jury that Sapiro was the leader of a group of alleged trade racketeers.

Fascist Overture in Bulgaria

David R. Cohen Representing the

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9 1 which you may now read this legend: I "Ben Bear — Fifty-eight Years Your Clothier." Ben Bear has won the affections and esteem of his townsmen, not alone by being an honest and fair-dealing By F. R. K. T tradesman, but also by taking an active part in many community endeavors. He was the first president of the excellent work. His prize will be one electric plant; was an active worker Benefit Card Party Tfext year's subscription to the "Young Is- in the battle that gave the town its Wednesday Afternoon The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Tal- rael" magazine. This prize is donated jc o u r t n c m s e > j t s opera house and its mud Torah will hold a Benefit Bridge by Mr. Herman Meyerson, president metropolitan hotel; and he was chairParty next Wednesday afternoon, of the local Talmud Torah. man of the county Red Cross. June 6, at 2:30 o'clock at the Eagles At the local grade school *nusic He was married in 1884 to Miss hall. Hostesses for this affair are the contest held last Friday, a number of Antonia Hamburger of New York and Mesdames Simon Steinberg, George Jewish, students won individual hon- in their home in Decorah were born Roffman, Charles Saltzman and J. J. ors. Igall Stadlan vras rated as Super- their three children, Mrs. D. S. BenjaBrown. Reservations may be made ior in the Vocal Solo, and Excellent min of Springfield, HI.; Mrs. A. C. with any one of the hostesses, for in the Violin Solo for the Class K\HeUe7cf Grand 'island, Neb., and Alonly 35 cents per person. This affair group. Beverly Steinberg was rated .e x a n d e r B ear of Grand Forks, N. D is open to the public. All proceeds as Superior in tJhe Piano Solo for the the "three little bears," included in the will go to the Ladies* Auxiliary of the Class C group. Marvin Maltz was rat- town's toast to its only Jewish pioed as Superior in the Vocal Solo for Talmud Torah. neer. the Class C group.

Edwin Samuel is the son of Sir Berlert Samuel, first high commissioner if Palestine.

Sofia. — Bulgarian Jewry has not been affected in any way by the Fascist coup d'etat which established an authoritarian government here. Although the leaders of the new regime are for the most part anti-Semitic army officers, Jewish spokesmen here do not expect any discrimination against the Jewish population while King Boris, long friendly to the Jews, retains his throne. A delegation representing the Sofia kehillah called on the new premier to assure him of the patriotism and support of the Jewish community. The Jewish community is pleased with the official ban placed on the Bulgarian Nazi party.

Scholar Given Post Middletown, Conn. — Dr. Sigmund Neuman, a German soldier who was busted from his post in Germany, has been appointed visiting lecturer on so-

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ciology a t Wesleyan University for the coming school year. The appointment of Dr. Neuman was made possible by grants from the Rockefeller Foundation and the Emergency committee to aid German scholars. • • • ' • . - • • ." ' .

Converted Jew Polish Cabinet Minister Warsaw. — Leon KoslowsTd, newly appointed premier of Poland, has Darned Henry Reissman, former viceminister of finances, to the post of minister of commerce and industry. Reissman, a converted Jew, who has never been connected with Jewish affairs, is the first Jewish-born cabinet minister in the history of Poland. He has on several occasions been charged with various commissions by the government. •



[Council Bluffs News!

gyptian Jews Reject Offer Cario—An offer by the German ambassador to Egypt to leave the Jews of Egypt alone if they will discontinue their agitation against Germany and call off the boycott has been indignantly rejected by the Jewish community here. Jewish leaders here informed the ambassador that they will make no agreement with Germany so long as the persecution of Jews in that country continues.

Mosley Renews Attack

London—Reiterating his previous denials of reports that he is an anti-Semite, Sir Oswald Mosley, leader of the British Union of Fascists, issued a warning that he would not JJf.F. Flower Day Drive Sunday. permit the Jews of England to or- The annual Jewish National Fund Mrs. Abe Marcus and children, BevFlower Day will be -observed in Coun- erly and Darlcae, of Auburn, Neb., reganize "against the British state." By Attacking the Jews for opposing cil Bluffs, Sunday morning, June 3, at turned to their home Wednesday folMrs. David M. Newman his Fascist movement, Mosley ac- the same time that similar observ- lowing a few days' visit here with cuses them of breaking up his meet- ances are being held throughout the Mrs. Marcus' parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. ings, and warns them to choose once country. The committee in charge of Saltzman. Cheese and Green Pepper Souffle and for all between Jews and Eng- this drive is composed of Mrs. HerTake -3 tablespoons butter, 3 tableman Marowitz, Mrs. Sam Meyerson, land. spoons flour, 1 cup milk, 1 teaspoon Miss Prances Jacobsen of Sioux Meanwhile members of his black- Miss Fannie Katelman, Mr. J. Z. Stad- City, spent Decoration day here, visit- baking powder, Vi cup soft bread Roumania on Verge of Fascist shirt legion have been terrorizing lan, Mr. Sam Sacks and Mr. Sam Shy- ing Miss Sarah Solomcrnow. crumbs, 1 cup grated American cheese, Dictatorship ken. Anyone who can donate a. car or 3 tablespoons chopped green pepper, Bucharest.—Everything is in Teadi- the Jewish inhabitants of North Lon- services for a short time on Sunday U teaspoon salt, 3 eggs. ness here for the long-expected proc- don, defacing walls, smashing fences morning is asked to call 4491. j ELECTION Melt the butter, add green pepper lamations of a Fascist dictatorship and breaking windows. Tbe Iowa state and county primary and cook 3 minutes. Add flour, seawith the co-operation of the army and election will be field in Council Bluffs soning and the milk. Stir in cheese, College Set probably the anti-Semitic Iron Guard. Warning from Warburg next Monday, June 4. Every voter and baking powder and Jack Rosenfeld was graduated from As the price of its support, the army New York—Unless American Jews has exacted from King Carol a pledge forget their differences and join the Wentworth Military academy at j urged to vote. Voting machines will add beaten yolks and egg whites whipped stiff. Pour in a greased casto get rid of Mme. Magda Lrapescu, hands in a united effort to check Lexington, Mo.,-Wednesday, May 30. be used. serole set in a pan of hot water and his red-haired Jewish Mistress, who is the calamity that has befallen the Mr. and Mrs. Jutrns, Rosenfeld left Tuesday for Lexington to attend their bake. reported to have left the country. Jews of Germany that tragedy may son's commencement. exercises and become a disaster for all Jews every- will accompany him liome the latter , Anti-Propaganda Nazis Move to Keep Germanwhere, Felix M. Warburg warned in part of • this week. | Trenton, N. J.—A bill outlawing . statement explaining why he had Americans German J. Harold Sabs, son of Mr. and Mrs. I Nazi or other propaganda tending to Berlin. — A campaign to aid Ger- greed to head the $3,000,000 United Phil Saks, -will receive his law degree \ j subject any group "to prejudice, Jewish Appeal. mans in the United States to retain from the University of Iowa next S shame, hatred, ridicule, disgrace or Mr. Warburg said he had accepted Monday, June 4. Mr. and Mrs. Saks, their interest in and love for Germany contempt by reason of race, color, rethe chairmanship of the joint camwas launched at the annual conferaccompanied by their daughter, Mirligion, creed or manner of worship" ence of the People's League for Ger- paign because the situation of th< iam, are motoring to Iowa City, SunDecorah, la. (JTA) — This little was unanimously approved by the Jews of Germany is "so tragic thai day, to attend their son's commencemanism Abroad. town, peopled mainly by the sons and assembly of the New Jersey legislaAll speakers at the conference veh- everything that their brother Jews ment exercises. emently rejected the American melt- throughout the rest of the world can Among the other students from the grandsons of Scandinavian pioneers, ture and is now before the senate. ing pot idea and called on German- do to alleviate their sufferings shouli University of Iowa who have returned turned out en masse last week to make Introduced by minority leader John a public holiday of the eightieth birth- J. Rafferty of New Brunswick, the Americans to resist assimilation as "a and must be done." home this week to spend their sum- day of Ben Bear, "the Bear of Decor- measure also bans statements tending aluable service to the Third Reich mer vacations with their parents are ah," the German Jewish immigrant to foment domestic strife or disturb of Adolf Hitler." Earle Says Boycott Has the Messrs. Yale Meyerson, Leonard who came to this place in 1876 when domestic tranquility. The League pledged itself to "a de- Done Much Good Krasne, Jack Gordon and Robert Ro- it was hardly more than a name on a "Under the terms of the law it will fense against the lying propaganda Philadelphia—Muck good has been senfeld. Collman Yudelson, also a map, made it his home, reared his chil- be a misdemeanor for anyone to that undermines the honor of the en- achieved by the anti-German boy- student at the University of Iowa, dren in it and built up a clothing bustire German people in America" and cott, George H. Earle, recently re- went to Chicago for a brief visit be- iness which has kept pace with the write, publish or disseminate material to fight against the boycott "which tired American minister to Austria, fore returning home for his summer development of the town and the sur- coming within any of the above categones. disturbs peace and friendship between told a sectional meeting of the Unio vacation. rounding community. It also provides a fine of from Germany and America." Miss Pauline Bernstein, student at of American Hebrew Congregations To this celebration came not only $500 to $5,000 and a jail sentence "If the German people knew the the University of Wisconsin at Madi- the members of the family, but every of from one to five years for owners University Honors Albert true condition of their country, th son, will visit with friends in Chicago neighbor-friend the Big Bear has of buildings who rent or permit Hitler regime would not last a day before returning home next month to made in Decorah, from the butcher j them to be used for meetings disBender spend her summer vacation. San Francisco, Cal. — Albert M. he declared. and the baker to the banker, the cler- \ seminating such propaganda and for Discussing Austria, Mr. Earle as- Miss Carolyn Rosenfeld, student at gyman and the college president—for speakers in public and on the radio Sender, San Francisco patron of the irts, leader in cultural activities and serted tbet the Dollfus government the University of California at Los Decorah is the site of Luther college, or those who exhibit flags or picihilanthropist, has been awarded the was doing everything within its Angeles, is expected home about June founded many years ago for the sons tures contrary to the law. legree of Doctor of Laws by the Uni- power to prevent the Nazis from 20. and grandsons of the pioneers from Edward Rosen, sti^ent at the* Uni- Sweden and N ersity" of Calif o m i a r : Belgium Honors Mayor of gaming control of the country. versity of Minnesota a t Minneapolis, Ben Bear was born in a village in Tel Aviv is expected home about the middle of the province of Wuertemberg, Geror Immigration Tel Aviv. — Mayor M. Dizengoff, June. He has been appointed cadet- many, and at the age of 13 came to one of the first settlers in this allJerusalem.—Edwin Samuel will be- Palestinians Oppose Income major of the R.O.T.C. some assistant director of the Pal- Tax America to make his fortune. In those Jewish city and honorary consul here London—The English House of estine department of immigration. days, according to Mr. Bear's recol- for Belgium for many years, has been Commons is considering, an income B'nai Brith Memorial Services. lection, it took the North German j m a ( j e a member of the Order of Leotax on all Palestinians, a measure The Council Bluffs Ix>dge No. 688 Lloyd boats thirty days to cross the pold, the highest honor awarded by that is being strongly opposed by of the Independent Order of the B'nai Atlantic. The Monday after his land- the Belgian crown. Fireproof — Burglar Proof both Arabs and Jews. rith, held a memorial program for • In debate in the House of Com- deceased members on Monday night ing he was at work in the New York FOLITICAIi ADVERTISEMENT goods housa of Rosenthal and mons, a member pointed out the fail- at the Eagles hall, with a large crowd dry Sulzberger. He worked for this firm ure of an attempt to introduce an attending the open meeting. Mr. O. for about ten years and left for the income tax in the British colony of Hochman was chairman in charge of West to strike out on his own. A Wonderful Vault on Our Kenya in Africa and questioned the the services and principal speaker. YOUR VOTE FOR When he reached Chicago, he asked Premises advisability of a similar tax in Pals- The memorial services were given the ticket agent to pick him a town tine. 4ulabangh Careful Supervision for the late Jake Krasne and Frank farther west. The ticket agent selected Standard Storage Rates Krasne, prominent members, who re- Cedar Rapids, la., but fearing that his cently passed away, and also in mem- resources were unequal to opening a Our Insured Track Will Call FOR ory of the late Messrs. Abraham Al- store in so "populous? a town,: the len, Ben Bromberg, Ike Cherniss, young Bear went further, wandering Louis Cherniak, Sam Frieden, Morris in and out of the small communities Gotsdiner, Ike Kramer, Israel Pill, of northern Iowa and southern MinIke New, Morris Ricaman, Jacob Ro- nesota, until he struck a place fifty of Pottawattamic County Relatively Speaking. miles west of the Mississippi, where senfeld. Sam Snyder, Bernard Simon, Cohen hesitatingly opened the door OS that river separates Iowa from Wisto the Women's Exchange and walked Julius Ungar, Solomon Weinberg and consin, There, in the Scandinavian etEd Simon. A special memorial prayer REPUBLICAN TICKET in. tlement of Decorah, he drove his "Nu," he asked, "is this the Wo- was chanted by Rev. A. Diamond. The stakes. memorial services were conducted by WILL BE APPRECIATED men's Exchange?" Early on the first morning after his "Yes, sir," came the reply from the a number of members of the local arrival he rented a vacant store, on Primary — Monday, June 4th thin-lipped Nordic-looking' woman at lodge. the very spot where now stands the the desk. 60-foot triple-front two - story - andAt Senior Hadassah Convention. "Are you the woman?" Meyer askbasement clothing and shoe store, over Among those who attended the ed doubtfully. Southwestern Regional Convention of "Yes, what can I do for you?" FOUTICAL ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT "Nothing, nothing. I think n i keep the Senior Hadassah at Sioux City, la., on Sunday and Monday were the my Sadie." Mesdames Herman Marowitz, Morris • * • to your FRIENDS rossman, Sam Meyerson, Louis LonIf at First . . . don, Phil Saks, and "William SolomonYoung Sidney Silverstein had gotten a job as an insurance agent. His first ow. Mrs. Grossman, the newly elected prospect was the rich Jacob Green- president of the local chapter, was baum. Greenbanm was a very busy elected auditor of the Southwestern and important man. When Sidney fi- Region of the Senior Hadassah for FOR nally reached the great man's pres- the coming year. • ence, the latter said: carry an extensive line of high PERSONALS "Young man, you ought to feel flatquality suits,, dresses, coats, . •hoes; cotton, silk and woolen Harry Kubby and daughters, tered. Do you know that I have alMrs. goods; food stuffs, household • •'• ' •;" • ON ready refused to see five insurance Harriett and Betty Rae, returned utensils, soaps, tobaccos, sweets and countless other articles; agents today?" home Monday from Phoenix, Ariz., (Imported and domestic). "Sure, I know,* said Sidney, "I was where they spent the past seven All these can be obtained at YOUR SUPPORT WILL BE APPRECIATED months. They made the trip by motor. all five of them." TORGSIN by your relatives, IF YOU SEND THEM A TORGSIN Miss Sarah Solomonow returned Monday — June 4 ORDER. Rabbi M. was widely known for his home last week following a three . © • inrascibility, even in the pulpit. One months' visit with relatives at San The Dollar buys now more Friday evening while he was in the Antonio, Tex. • then ever in the Soviet Union. midst of his sermon certain younger Mrs. Ralph Castle and small daughmembers of the congregation annoy- ter, Phyllis, of Brooklyn, N. Y., left sTerTorcsln orders TisStyoe* local bank or authorised ed the.rabbi by talking in the rear Saturday evening for their home, folpews. When the disturbance could no lowing a four weeks' visit here at the longer be ignored, Rabbi M. stopped home of Mrs. Castle's mother, Mrs. E. his sermon, glared toward the rear Gilinsky. of the synagogue and said: "Mr. and Mrs. Morris Yudelson are "Will you young infidels back .there expected home today from Chicago, please stop flirting- with those girls HI., Where they spent the past week. DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Gilinsky, and General Representative in U.S.A Mrs. Abe Gilinsky, spent Decoration FOR (Copyright, 1934, by Seven Arts at AMTORG, 261 Fifth Ave- N.Y. day holiday visiting relatives In Sioux j Feature Syndicate.) City, la. Mrs. Jack SteinbeTg returned home Second Term Sunday from Kansas City, Mo., where she spent the past three weeks visitrelatives. 6maha^s Most Bea uttfuI jHome^forfcFunerajs*'| ingStanley He has been a friend of the taxKrasne, son of Mr. and Mrs. payer and we want him re-elected. Lawrence Krasne, was awarded the prize at the Council Bluffs Talmud .hbnesHA;0ntey'il226^ Torah classes for good attendance and



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NICK O'BRIEN County Treasurer



Sioux City N ews} Miss ANNA PILL, Correspondent

MRS. MARGOLIN HEADS PDASSAH Over 300 Women Attend Two. Day Meet in Sioux ' City


Mt8. Benjamin Margolin of Kansas City,. Missouri, was .elected president of tlie South West Region of Senior Hadassah. at the concluding, session ofu the two day convention held in Sioux City last Sunday and Monday in" the Warrior hotel. Miss Ray Poska of Lincoln was elected first vicepresident; Mrs. Max Mayer of Des Moines, second vice-president; Mrs. Sam Wasserffian of St.- Joseph, Missouri, third vice-president;. Mrs. John Levand, Wichita, Kansas, fourth vicepresident; and Mrs. Dena Straus of Denver Colorado, fifth vice-president. Mrs. W. C. Slotsky waselected secretary; Mrs. Max Spielka, Fort Dodge, treasurer; Mrs. Morris Grossman, Council Bluffs, auditor and Mrs. J. Kulakofsky, Omaha, parliamentarian. Lincoln, Nebraska, vras selected as the next convention city for 1935, at the invitation of that chapter extended through Miss Poska. The convention went on tecord to support the boycott of Germany as outlined by the National Hadassah until such time that; conditions in Germany be changed^'•••; ; Mrs. Joseph Rosenberg presided at the business sessions which opened Sunday morning in the Warrior hotel. Seventy delegates and visitors from the chapters of the region attended the sessions as well as over 2Q0 local members of Hadassah. Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz opened the session with an invocation. Greetings •were extended by Mrs. R. H. Emlein, president of the Sioux City group. Community singing was led by Misses Bertha and Ida Heshelow, and Mr. Hi C. Harper, corporation counsel of Sioux. City, welcomed the delegates and visitors in behalf of the mayor of Sioux City who was unable to attend the session. A committee on committees was appointed by Mrs. J. H. Rosenberg and consisted of Mrs. B. F. Margolin Kansas City; Mrs. M. F. Levenson, Omaha; Mrs. Max Mayer, DesJ Moines;: Mrs. R. H. Emlein, Sioux City, and Mrs. H. D. Marowitz of


Date for Talmud Torah PicnicSet The annual Talmud Torah picnic will be held Sunday afternoon and evening, June 24. Announcement was made at a recent meeting of the Board of Directors of the Talmud Torah. Mr. Jack London, chairman of the board presided at the meeting. Mr. I. Leubowitz was named chairman of the arrangements on the. picnic, with Mr. Max Falk as co-chairman. Mr. A. W. Kaplan, was named in charge of the transportation committee; Mr. M. Lazriowitch, and Mr. Abe Schwartz, solicitations, with Mr. J. Gorchpw, co-chairman. The Talmud Torah is the first picnic on the summers calendar and the Board of Directors is urging all Jewish families to set aside the date for this affair. Proceeds will be turned over toward the upkeep of the Hebrew school. Mrar Ben Sherman is in charge of the. ticket sale. Admission will be fifty cents a couple, with all children admitted free.


Council Bluffs; • Mrs. Joseph Rosenberg delivered the message of the regional president,, and.reports of the constituent chapters for the past year, were heard. Mrs. William Lazere presided at the luncheon Sunday noon held in the Warrior Ball Room. Mrs. Samuel H. Shulkin offered the invocation^and greetings from the Junior Hadassah were given by Miss Rose Pill, president of the Junior's. The principal address was given by Mrs. Bertha Berkman, president of the Chicago Hadassah chapter. Musical numbers were presented by a trio" composed of Libbie Olensky, Gisela Pill and Rubin Halperin. Committees were appointed, at the Dr. S. Parkes Cadman. business session on Sunday afternoon. Dr. Cadman has just accepted the Mrs. N. Peltzman, Kansas City, headchairmanship of the American Naed the committee on by-laws. Assisttional Christian Committee for Gering her were Mrs. Mendelsohn, Des man Refugees, the first Christian Moines; Miss Ray Poska, Lincoln; body to raise funds for persecuted Mrs. Goldware, Omaha, and. Mrs. L. Jews abroad. Agranoff, Sioux ..City DR S. PARKES CADMAN: ClergyMrs. S. L. Goldman was appointed man, apostle of- tolerance and fighter chairman of the resolutions commitfor peace and humanitarianism. Born tee. Assisting her were Mrs.'. A. . I . Blotcky, Des Moines; Mrs. M. Gross- Hooligans of New Party Run in England seventy years ago. Educated . in London and American uniman, Council Bluffs; Mrs. L. RabiAmuck in Their versities. Called to the pastorate of ner, Fort Dodge; Mrs. A. Diamond, Violence Metropolitan Temple at New York in Lincoln and Mrs. J. Stein, Or .aha. The nomination committee was Warsaw (WNS)—Scenes reminis- 1895. Became spiritual leader of Cenheaded by Mrs. M. F. Levenson, Oma- cent of the bloody pogrom days im- tral Congregational Church at Brookha; Mrs. B. F. Margolin, Kansas mediately after the world war greet lyn in 1901. Is still the leader of that City; Mrs. A. Schwartz, Des Moines; the eye everywhere in the Jewish famous church. Probably the dean of Mrs. L. Kranitz, St. Joseph; Mrs. W. quarter of Lodz, Vilna, Csenstochowa, the Congregational ministry. A noC. Slotsky of Sioux City, Mrs. L. Bialystok, and even Warsaw Radical table preacher and a brilliant thinker. Spilka of Fort Dodge; and Mrs. H. Party continues to terrorize the Jew- Widely known for his courageous utD. Mariowitz of Council Bluffs. A ish population by organized attacks terances and' far-sighted leadership. Was formerly president of the Feddiscussion of fund raising projects in on life and property. which delegates from the visiting So menacing has the situation be- eral Council of Churches of Christ in chapters participated, closed the aft- come that the Polish government is America. Took the lead in organizing its Commission on Relations Between ernoon session on Sunday. considering a ban on the party's uni- Jews and Christians, a pioneer goodMembers of the local chapter and forms. will movement. Helped create the Natheir husbands, as well as out of town Everywhere in Poland serious anti- tional Conference of Jews and Chrisguests and delegates were guests at Jewish outbreaks have been occur- tians which has done yeoman work the banquet which took place Sun- ring with the help of the National in blazing new trails of tolerance day evening in the Jewish Community Radicals and all other anti-Jewish and racial amity. Served as one of Center. The program was opened elements. the Conference's co-chairmen. Heads with the invocation by Mrs. Joe Bialystok has the appearance of a American section of the Universal Levin. Musical selections were pre- city after a pogrom. In the Jewish Christian Council, the central body of sented by members of the. Shaare quarter everything is as quiet as all Christian sects except the Catholic Zion choir. Greetings were extended death. Houses are boarded up. Shop- Church. This Council has been outby Mr. A. M. Davis, president of the windows are shuttered. Jewish the- spoken in its denunciation of antilocal Federation of Jewish Social atres and movie houses have discon- Semitism everywhere and in GerService; Dr. H. M. Levin, president tinued their performances. Few Jews many especially. Beiieves that Chrisof the local Zionists; and Mrs. Rosen-j appear on the streets after dark. tianity should meet the persecution of berg, president of the Southwest Ha- In Vilna the Jews have been Jews by an official proclamation that dassah region. Mrs. Beriha Berkman greeted with the one-time murderous it is the negation of God. Was napresented the principal. address of! cry of "kill the Jews and save Po- tional chairman of the first Brotherthe evening and vocal selections were land." Things are not much better hood Day observance. Is president of offered by Mr. Herman Slotsky.- • in Warsaw where young Jews have the China Famine Relief, V. S. A., The session Monday morning, with been openly assaulted in the parks. which has "Raised millions of dollars Mrs. Rosenberg presiding, featured Terror and inimidation are rid- for the r&lief of famine-stricken open discussions from the floor by ing high and Polish Jewry is panic- Chinese.-An^ ardent advocate of peace the delegates • on membership, pro- stricken as it watches the anti-Semi- and social justice. One of the spongram and education.. Great emphasis tic rioters gaining in strength and was placed on the proposed building influence. of the Hebrew. University Hospital for which funds are being raised now Goebbels Dogma Evokes Rev* A. Diamond in the United States. The project was Jewish Protest presented to the delegates by Mrs. Berlin. — The All-German Jewish Recognized as Max Mayer, who is nationally known Representative Body officially, proPRACTICAL MOHEL for her work as executive, of the Jew- tested to Propaganda Minister. Paul .- Phone 1059 ish Community Center in Des Moines. Joseph Goebbels last week against his Mrs. Mayer is president of the Des recent provocative speech against the COUNCIL BLUFFS Moines Hadassah chapter. Jews. •:•.-. Mrs. Bertha Berkman offered invaluable assistance in solving many regional problems and in the course of her remarks placed particular emphasis on the health work of Hadas-| sah in Palestine. She stressed the necessity of building a medical center in Palestine, to which internato the tional scientists and doctors will be drawn, particularly in these .times j when they are not welcome in the former centers of medical research. At the luncheon Monday noon, Dr. J. N. Lande, - local physician who spent soirie time in Palestine. • last year, spoke on the need of the pr6-! posed hospital in Palestine, and told EVERY FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND SUNDAY his listeners that its realization would come only through the untiring efforts of the women enrolled in HaReturn Limit 10 Days dassah. He stressed that fact that it was through Hadassah's health 4 Days in Chicago §22.30 work in Palestine only that the land could - be rebuilt. Mrs. Max • Mayer spoke at this luncheon on The Youth 5 Days in Chicago $24.65 r of America. The speaker, who is.an authority on problems of youth and 6 Days in Chicago $27.00 their adjustments, contrasted unhappy youth of one land with the Including Round Trip railroad ticket to Chiyouth of Palestine. She urged her . . cago, Yellow Cab transfer to hotel, breakfast listeners to instill a consciousness of their Judaism in the young people of each: morning in Chicago, hotel accomodations America. Mrs. R. H. Emlein presided at Mira-Mar (two to room with bath), souand presented an inspirational talk venir general admission tickets to fair, and an on Herzl, founder of Zionism. ALL-DAY 120-MILE BOAT TRIP, Chicago to . Following the addresses Miss Caroline Raskin offered several special Benton Harbor and return, or evening sightdance numbers. seeing cruise viewing Chicago's brilliant skyThe guests adjourned to the final line and panorana of illuminated world's fair business meeting and election of officers following the luncheon. A tea grounds. - : at 5 o'clock in the Warrior hotel concluded the two day meet. Mrs. E. OTHER TOURS— N. Grueskin was general chairman of the convention.


sors of the recent questionnaire on war and economic injustice sent to 100,000 Protestant ministers and Jewish preachers. Although on the eve of his seventieth birthday the "cry of suffering- humanity in Germany has again caused him to raise his voice in. protest. Has just accepted chairmanship of the American. National Christian Committee for German Refugees. Stands in the forefront of contemporary Christian leaders who are ever ready to speak out for the religious ideals of human brotherhood and good-will. A Christian in the noblest sense of the term. . .

Promise to Let Jews Compete in Olympiad Salonica (JTA)—The German delegation to the International Olympic Congress at Athens this week gave assurance Germany will allow all Jews to participate in the Berlin Olympiad in 1936 on an equal footing. The delegation also announced that all German Jews who are sufficiently able to represent Germany will be included in the German team. Lord Aberdare, representing Great Britain, and William Garland, American delegate, had raised the question asking guarantees. Dr. Theodore Lewaid, who is of Jewish" descent, and Dr. Karl Ditter von Halt, the German delegates, assured them that the promise made by Germany last year will be kept. The American delegates have been importuned by the American Jewish Congress to investigate this matter and to urge the withdrawal of the games from Berlin. NOTICE OF INCORPORATION Notice is hereby given that Articles of Incorporation of the ALL-STATES FINANCE AND AGENCY CORPORATION' were executed nnd filed in the off tee of the Secretary of State on May 4. 1934, stntiug—its principal place of business to be Omnha, Neb.; Us business to l>e the conducting of a general insurance agency, a general tonn imd finance business, nnd the ownership and dealing in real and .personal property; the authorized capital stock to be $23,000 to be issued on payment of money or its equivalent; its existence to begin on May 4, 1034, and terminate ninetynine yenfs thereafter; t h e hiphest amount of indebtedness not to exceed two-thirds of the paid-up capital -stock; the affairs of the corporation to be conducted by a Board of Directors -not less than two in number, nnd ft President, Vice-President. Secretary and Treasurer. • C. S. NKLSON CLIFFORD J. HOTZ !V-ll-34-4t. • . . Inoorporators.

Paris—The French government has received a protest from French law against permittiing GermanMadison, Wis. — The first chapter students law students studying at of a new national college society ded- Jewish French universities examinaicated to the "perpetuation and fur- tions for admission toto take the bar. therance of the ideals of religious and The French students fear that their racial tolerance" has been organized at the University of Wisconsin by a German-Jewish classmates will begroup of Protestant, Catholic and f come competitors. Jewish students. JACK AV. MAUKK, Attorney Courthouse The society is called Koinos, which N O T K i : BY PUBLICATION ON PETImeans "in common." TION FOK SETTXKMKNT OF FINAL Rev. George L. Collins, university A milKWTHATlOX ACCOUNT the County Court of Douglas County, pastor, is advisor to the new group. In Nebraska.

Students Form National Society for Tolerance

Patronize Jewish Press advertisers. FBADENBCliG. STALMASTEK, BEBEK & KLUTZNICK, Attorneys 65# Omaha Natienal Bank Building NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF FEEDEUS H C P r i A D E r O T Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, bn-e associated ourselves together for the purpose of forming n corporation to be known ns FEEUEKS SUPPLY IJKX'OT. It shall commence business nt the time of the filing of tlie Articles of Incorporation with the County Clerk of Douglns County, Nebraska, nnd continue for a period of fifty years. Tue principal place of doing business shall be Omaha, Nebraska. The geueral nature of the business shall be to acquire, encumber, transfer, convey, hold, rent, lease nnd traffic in real property of every kind, nature nnd description; to loan aud borrow monies, and to do all things which may be necessary aud/or proper to carry out the objects nnd purposes for which this corporation ig organized. The capital stock shall be $10,000.00 divided into 100 shares of the par value of $100.00 each, all of which shall be common aud fully paid up when issued. The affairs of the corporation shall be managed by. a Board of Directors of not less than three members who shall elect from their number a President, Viee-President. Secretary and Treasurer. The annual meeting of the corporation" shall be held on the third Monday of January each year. Articles of Incorporation may l>e amended upon the affirmative vote of two-thirds vote of the outstanding - stock. ; In Witness Whereof, the parties hereunto have set their hands on this 27th day of March. 1034, LOUIS G. FROHAUDT F. S. UEABHAKDT A. R. HOLLCKOFT In the presence of: JOS. B. FUABENBUKO

In the Matter of the Estnte of JOHN BL SCHAAF. Deceased. All persons interested in said matter ore hereby notified thnt on the '-3rd day of May. 1034, K. IS. McArdle filed n petition in said County Court, praying1 that Ills final administration account filed herein be settlfd aud allowed, and that he be dlsch:\rtrml from his trust as administrator nnd that n lien ring will be had on said petition before said Court on the lfith day of June, 1934, nnd that if you fail to appear before said Court on the snid 16th dny of <lny of June. 3!>S4. nt 0 o'clock A.. M., and contest s.'iid petition, the Court may grant the prnyer of said petition, enter a decree of heirship, and make such other <ind further orders, allowances nnd

decrees, as to this Court mny seem proper,

to the end that nil matters pertaining to said estnte mny be finally settled and determined. BRi'CE CRAWFORD, 5-2G-S4-Dt. County Judge. -JACK TV. MAKER. Attorney Courthouse


In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. In the Mutter of the Estnte of KATHEBINK BOYNTON BELT, Deceased. All persons interested in BBld estnte • » hereby notified thnt a petition has been filed in said Court, praying for the probate of a certnin instrument no won file in said Court, purporting to be the tart will and testament (if said deceased, and thnt n hearing will be had on said petition before said Court on the 23rd dny ol June, JflSi. and that if they fnii to appear nt said Court on the said 23rd day ol June. 1034. at t) o'clock A. M., to contest the probate of said will, the Court may allow nnd probnfe snid will nnd grant administration of said estate to Dennis O. Belt or some other suitnble person, enter

a decree of heirship, and proceed to a settlement thereof. BKTCE CRAWFORD, O-l-34-St. County Judge.

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