ln the Interests of the Jewish People
Entered as Second Class Mail l'ostoffice of Omaha, Nebrasl;
Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism
n January 21, 1921,. at the Act of March 3, 18TO
$Jew Named Soviet Anti-Semites Swamped INSTRUCTION FREE in Polish Elections ?\ Envoy to Germany FORIMWLEARN
Invention of Jewish Scientist Being Hailed
Vol. X—No. 19
Committee Reports Feature Meeting of Board of Governors
Warsaw (WNS)—Candidates of the London (WNS) — A new type of white bread made without flour has i n n i n n * IJ ll\fjVtfri| Jew ** O S C O W ( J T A ) ~~ Jacob Suritz, a government party scored smashing has been named Soviet victories in practically every town and been developed by Ephraim RabinowAuOAlLo ' ^0 Germany. Suritzambas••"*»•»«•-•••«•* LljADhlhJ . . » . . mmrmm~*m* j ggg^j. has been city of Poland over the nominees of A "learn to swim", week will be held itz, a Jewish scientist in Palestine, ac—: I serving as Soviet ambassador to Tur- the anti-Semitic National Democrats at the Jewish Community Center pool cording to word received by the Sunin the municipal elections. day Dispatch. June 18 to 22, inclusive. Claim a Conflict in Interests Be- key for the past eleven years. The announcement has aroused wide Although the National Democrats The Dispatch says that the new The course willTje open to both tween Leaders and interest here, since his appointment is waged a bitter campaign against the members and non-members, and will type of bread is already in use in Masses provoking general curiosity concern- government because of its opposition be free of charge. -Cl France and will shortly be made in ing the manner in which the Nazi gov- to anti-Jewish excesses, the govern- AH those wishing instruction on England. It is expected that RabinAtlantic City, N. J. (WNS)-Jew- ernment will maintain diplomatic cour- ment party won majorities in each of how to swim correc|ly, whether they owitz's discovery will completely rev- Philanthropies, Work of Family Welfare, Social ish unity is impossible so long as the tesies and immunities when the dip- the 341 municipalities where elections are beginners or advanced swimmers, olutionize the bread industry ol the Service, J. C. C, Old Peoples were held. In Lexnberg, where the are invited to sign iip. world. bulk of Jews support the economic in- lomat chances to be a Jew. Zionists had a joint list of candidates Cards may be obtained at the Jew- Premier Mussolini of Italy is said terests of their own class as against Home Discussed News that Jacob with the government party, they ish Community Center, and must be o have hailed Rabinowitz's discovery those of the Jewish people as.a whole, Berlin (JTA) the National Conference of Jewish So- Suritz, Jewish diplomat, has been ap- elected 16 of their nominees out of filled in by June 14. Classes will be as the greatest contribution to man- The Jewish Philanthropies and the teresting, particularly in the increases cial Work was told in a plain-spoken pointed Soviet ambassador to Ger- 72 councilmen. formed for all ages'and all abilities. kind since the discovery of electricity. •work of the family welfare commit- which they show, both in the number report presented by the New York many, appeared in Saturday's Voal"Both grown-ups > and youngsters tee, the social service committee, the of pledges and the amount raised as committee of the Case Workers Sec- kischer Beobachter, but the newspaper are invited to this free course," deCommunity Center and the Old Peo- compared with 1933. I hope that your tion, Vigorously assailing the Ameri- made no editorial comment. clared Lee Grossman, physical direcples' Home were discussed at the experience may be typical of that of can Jewish committee, the B'nai Brith, Publication of the story is, however, tor. "Parents are especially urged to final meeting of the season for the other communities whose campaigns the American Jewish Congress and the taken to be an indication that the send, their children. .They will be well Board of Governors of the Jewish have not yet been held." Joint Distribution committee and de- German government has ratified the taken care of and will be taught a Community Center, and Welfare Fed- H. Joseph Hyman, Executive Direcclaring that the Zionist movement has appointment. healthful sport which will prove hightor, Jewish Welfare Fund, Indianapoeration held Wednesday evening. : had a negligible influence on Jewish Suritz's predecessor, Chintschuk, ly beneficial." lis, Ind.: "I want to congratulate you "William L. Holzman, president. Inlife in the Diaspora, the report as- also was Jewish. . • upon your success and I am particuWarsaw (WNS) — Concerned over troduced those making reports. Berlin (WNS) — With the avowed serted that "the underlying allegiances the growing violence of the gray- Harry Silverman, chairman of the larly intrigued by the number of aim of superseding Christianity in the of the bulk of Jewish leadership, as Third Eeich the German Faith move- Mexican Unit of B'nai shirted members of the National Rad- Philanthropies campaign, reported pledges secured." at present constituted, are not with newly organized extremist anti- that to date 2S98 pledges had been ob- David Fishman, Executive Director, ment, a new religious movement based Brith Is! Organized icals, the Jewish group as against all opSemitic party, the Polish government tained for a total subscription of $33,- Jewish Charitable and Educational on the worship of the ancient Gerposing forces but are generically to Federation, New Orleans: "You are manic gods, came out into the open in Cincinnati (JTA) |— Formation of is preparing to take vigorous meas- 438.85. their own economic interests. Germany. The new cult is an out- B'nai Brith's first {Mexican branch ures against the anti-Semites who are Of these contributions, 761 were to be congratulated on having raised growth of the amalgamation of six was announced fronj the lodge's na- gaining in strength throughout the new subscribers. The total increase 10 per cent more than last year." This condition, the report contendcountry. Hardly a day has passed in pledges amounted to $7,600 as com- George W. Rabinoff, Executive Disocieties long known for their hostil- tional headquarters jiere. ed, "accounts for the failure of Jewsince the organization of the new par- pared to decreases received in the rector, Council of Jewish Federations ity to Christianity and their adherish leadership to enlist mass particiThe new lodge, lniown as.Espinoza ence to the pagan Teutonic tribal Lodge No. 1176 and "located in Mexico ty without attacks on Jews. Warsaw, amount of $1,500. and Welfare Funds, New York City: pation and support in its efforts to Ben E. Kazlowsky was named pres- detities. deal with Jewish problems, for these City, was installed by Gerson Pappo, Lodz, Lemberg, Posen, Vilna and Cies- A total of 918 prospect cards are "You show an excellent result, especially in comparison with last year. efforts, no matter how sincere and ident of the Omaha Hebrew club for The first move of the German Faith a member of the Manhattan-Washing- zyn have been the scene of bloody yet to be reported. well intentioned, have been colored in the ensuing term at the election of movement was to demand that its fol- ton Lodge in New i York City, who riots in which numerous Jews have The analysis of the drive to date With a gain in practically every divitheir techniques by the economic in- officers held Sunday afternoon at the lowers resign immediately from their now resides in Mexico City. The cere- been injured by armed bands of gray- indicated that there had been a most sion, it would appear that you are shirts. terests of the group which directs Christian churches. Its second step will mony was conducted in Spanish. thorough canvas of the Jewish pop- building very substantially toward a them." Frankly criticizing what it be a demand that it be given a status The group is headed by Dr. Sidney Although the government party won ulation, and the Jewish community wide basis of community support for the Federation." called the "implications of the horiof legal quality -with the Protestant Ulfelder and has a charter member- majorities over the anti-Semitic Na- responded most generously. Fred M. Butzel, Detroit, Mich., zontal stratification in American and Catholic churches. At the head of ship of twenty-eight: persons." tional Democrats in every city except Family "Welfare the movement is Professor Wilhelm Most of the Jewish residents in Mex- Lodz, in the municipal elections, the "The results of your campaign are Jewish life," the report found that all Hauer of Tuebingen university. The ico have settled there from eastern Gazeta Polska, government organ, has . Mrs. H. A. Wolf, chairman of the certainly inspiring." of the existing Jewish organizations vice-chairman is Count Ernest Rev- Europe during the past decade,-fol- warned the Pilsudski regime that the family • welfare committee, spoke Samuel Shaefer, National Supervissuffer "either from a lack of clearly entlow, one of the most radical figures lowing curtailment of immigration by anti-Semitic success in Lodz must not briefly, introducing Rabbi David A. or, National Jewish Hospital, Denver, formulated programs of action or in the Nazi party and long a bitter the United States. A Mexican bureau be permitted to be duplicated else- Goldstein, who delivered the report Colo.: "You certainly did a splendid from inability to attract large numanti-Semite. job bers or from an absence of any apof the B'nai Brith was established where. The paper points out that the of the work of the group. j to have shown such a substantial proach to the Jewish problem in basic A basic tenet of the German Faith in Mexico City-twelve years ago, at nationalist parties are gaining adher- Rabbi Goldstein stressed that the increase in contributions and in the terms." The report also declared that movement is rejection of Christianity which Jewish immigrants were taught ents only because of their anti-Semi- family welfare group goes on the (number of subscribers. I was partieuin any^ program of Jewish action ecoas a religion for Germans because it Spanish and food and -lodging pro- tic plank. Admitting that the govern- premise that "we must give our poor j lary interested in the items of new nomic security must be made a preThe and increased contributions. This all is predominantly Semitic in character. vided newcomers'unable to find work. ment, blundered in tolerating the gray families adequate - support." requisite to cultural activity. The German Faith movement holds The bureau withdrew two years shirts, the Gazeta Polska declares that standard of living for these unfort- indicates not only a very thorough that each nation must have its own re- ago, when the-Jewish community in continued toleration of the National unates, he pointed out, is maintained piece of work, but a return to more Ben Sekelman, executive director of nearly normal conditions, which of ligion, based on radical traditions and Mexico became able to conduct its af- Radicals, who demand extermination on a high level. - .. the Boston Federation of Jewish Charof the Jews, mil lead to civil war. historical antecedents. The radical fairs independently. ities, was elected president of the ConHe also told of the necessity of in- course, is gratifying to all of us." wing of the Evangelical church is very I. M, Eubinow, B'nai Brith Wider ference over Miss Mary Boretz of the Bronislaw Pieracld, minister of the vestigating each case brought to the friendly to the movement and will Home Bureau of-the New York-Heinterior, ..promised a Jewish delegation committee's attention. Not-only does Scope Committee, Cincinnati, 0.: "The probably, join i t if its demands for the Polish Editors Jailed for brew Sheltering and-Guatdian Society. that tie would take prompt measures the coiroBittee -gixe-celitS but it also increase in the total raised by some establishmfint'if ghetto churches-for Anti-Semitic Articles Sekelman was the candidate of those against the rioters. The Socialists arfe plans for the. future -of the taDSny"be- 10 per cent as against 1983, is of non-Aryan Christians and the excision Warsaw—Three -Polish journalists also girding themselves for a war with ing cared for. The co-operation of- eourse satisfactory. Even more so, is •upholding the Jewish 'emphasis in soof the Old Testament from- the Bible have been sentenced to jail and fined the Polish Nazis in order to smash relatives-is .also obtained by the com- the very large number of pledges and7 cial work. are not granted. the evidence of a large number of new mittee. • them before they get too strong. for attacks on Jews. Formation, of organizations of Jewsubscriptions and increases in subish social worker's to protect their ecoSocial Service nomic rights and their jobs was enBen E. Kazlowsky. Dr. Philip Sher, chairman of the scriptions." dorsed by the Conference "in princisocial service, reported on the three- Paul Goldblatt, Executive Director, ple, without necessarily agreeing with J. C. C. Kazlowsky has been active fold work being accomplished by his United Jewish Community, Harristhe theory, tactics or methods which in the work of the club as well as committee: "Construction, preventive burg, Pa.: "I want to congratulate you on the summary of the fifth annual such employee membership associa- in other Jewish communal endeavors. and curative." campaign of the Jewish Welfare Fedtions may develop." The Conference He succeeds Dr. A. A. Steinberg. The committee gives about six eration. From all appearances, it was also recommended that boards of di- Other officers: Jack D. Gavenman, scholarships annually to deserving rectors of social welfare agencies vice-president; John Feldman, treasstudents. Among its major functions a huge success." "recognize the delegated representa- urer; and Sol Rosenberg, secretary. is the annual father and son banquet Harry J. Sapper, Secretary, United Trustees elected are L. Morgan, A. tives of social work staffs in matters and the service and reception for high Jewish Welfare Fund, Oakland, Cal.: affecting the employees' welfare." To Richards, and N. Yaffe. Elected to "We are holding- our campaign in Au* school graduates. By MIRIAM BEARD devise a program of relations between the executive committee are S>m E. gust. Last evening I attempted to inDr. Sher pointed out that due to Reprinted from "Opinion" employee organizations and social Klaver, Irvin Levin and Dr. A. A. the work of the social service com- spire more confidence in our Execuwork administrations the Conference Steinberg. mittee the juvenile delinquency among tive Committee in the light of your named a special committee. Approval The Omaha Hebrew club is plan- A spirit hostile to women is "rising industry and every acre of soil, for would educate children better for local Jewish children is unusually experience of increased giving." was given to retirement allowances, ning a city-wide picnic for this sum- in the world. It has already checked the awful struggles of the future, "heroic sacrifice" on battlefields than low. I. Irving Lipsitch, Executive Direcgroup annuities, accident insurance mer in celebration of its forty-third her advance, in both hemispheres: the waged on land, in the air and under mothers could. Lest women mould tor, Federation of Jewish Welfare OrCenter Committee and group life insurance as further anniversary. Albert Kaplan is in most. privileged women of Asia, the the sea. This is Hitler's avowed pur- public opinion in favor of peace, ganizations, Los Angeles, Cal.: "It is means of insuring the economic secur- charge. Japanese, and the freest women of pose. In the unexpurgated original of their influence is sternly erased from Jack W. Marer, chairman of the extremely interesting to learn that Center committee, reported on the ac- you have been able to raise over 10 ity of social workers. The installation of the new officers Europe, the German's, are its victims. his book, "Mein Kampf," he blames public life; the government of Japan At the closing session of the Na- will take place on Sunday, July 1, in The reaction is spreading; it lifts its pre-War Imperial Germany for a fail- recently stepped in to prevent wom- tivities of the Community Center, per cent more than you were able to tional Council for Jewish Education, the auditorium of the J. C. C. A head in England and America. ure to prepare adequately, to strain en's organizations from passing a which "is teeming with activity from raise in 1933, also that you procured Ben Rosen, education director of the every nerve toward victory, to crush resolution favoring peace; in Ger- morning to night, day in and day new subscriptions and increases English-speaking women could unAssociated Talmud Torahs of Phila- varied program of entertainment will til last year look abroad, rejoicing in every agency that could possibly di- many, Oberpraisdent Wilhelm Kube, out" He pointed out that the numin the aggregate to $7,500 delphia,. reported that "the amounts be presented and refreshments the splendid bands of progressive wo- vert the people's mind3 from military a Nazi leader, rejoiced that no long- ber of people using the Center fa- aamounting cilities is increasing and that move S&mst which there was only an offexpanded for Jewish education have, served. victory. Hitler condemns the Kaiser's men of other lands and races. A great er need a Teutonic man listen to interest is being displayed in Center set of $1,400 in decreases. since 1930, decreased by more than Germany for wasting time in mu- any feeling of international co-operation Bernard Truxton, Executive Direc"democratic virago spitting paci- activities. one-third, and in some communities^by seums and concert halls and in cultuand fellowship gave us confidence in tor, Jewish Welfare League of Canton, fist filth, when men are debating However, he presented two major more than one-half. Jewish education ral pursuits, that might have been ourselves and in our future. Now, profitably O.: "Your reported results of the fifth questions of war." problems to the Board of Governors. has suffered, in some communities, a employed on the drillwithin a twelvemonth, all that is annual Jewish Philanthropies cammore drastic retrenchment than have By forcing women to wear uni- One is regarding the physical main- paign is beyond doubt He proposes to make no such exceptional and changed. We are isolated; we are ground. other phases of Jewish community enforms, listen to lectures on war, and tenance of the building. mistakes; he proclaims (on page 715) encouraging." menaced. deavor." The only saving feature in goal to be the mobilization of undergo gas-mask drill, they are be- The building is in need of repairs What does this reaction mean? Let his the situation, Mr. Eosen said, "is the every German down to "the tiniest ing slowly accustomed to the idea of and redecorating, with the funds for recognition which is growing that, Moscow (JTA) — A memorandum us not yield to the soft illusion that tot," until the whole nation with one an impending conflict. The Japanese that purpose insufficient. Survey of Birobidjan with the transfer of the major share complaining that local authorities in we face merely a return to old-fash- mouth breathes the burning prayer: compel women, in villages as well as Secondly, Marer emphasized the ioned domesticity, to the cozy sentiAs Site for Refugees of the burden of relief to public the Soviet Union are infringing upon "Lord, bless our battle!" towns, to march and wear white necessity for strong measures to agencies, the Jewish communities will the Soviet constitutional guarantees ments and ideals of the Victorian aprons, symbolizing their readiness build up the Community Center membegin to devote more thought to the of freedom of religion was submitted Age. That age is gone forever. Those As. women have, or are supposed to spring to any domestic task in bership so that the membership New York (WNS)—A fact-finding normal needs- and interests of the last week' to Peter Smidovitch, vice- ideals and sentiments were the prod- to have, a natural antipathy to war, aid of soldiers; the Germans also should be larger and more repre- survey of Birobidjan, the autonomous president of the Soviet Union, by a uct of a general peace and prosperity their subjection is regarded as a first try to wipe out individuality of fash- sentative. Jewish district in Russia, by a comgrowing generation." mittee of technological and agricul, William Pinsker of Brockton, Mass., Jewish delegation from Dnieperpet- such as the world never saw before step in the new type of preparedness ion from women's dress and put girls Old Peoples' Home •was named president of the National rovsk headed by Rabbis Lewis Schnei- and may never see again. In this hour by the Fascist in Germany, Italy and into uniforms; they try to regiment Harry Silverman, chairman of the tural experts is planned this summer of universal economic crisis and im- Japan. A classic expression of thi3 and herd women. Gulda Diel, promin- Old Peoples' Home committee, re- by the American Committee for Set* Association of Jewish Center Execu- erson and Aaron Liachoff. tling German Jewish Refugees in Sotives. Allan Bloom, Indianapolis, Wil- The Jewish delegation cited the pending universal war, we cannot hope view was just made by a Nazi pro- ent woman Nazi, tells women to ported on the Old Peoples' Home. liam Cohen, Brooklyn, Miriam Eph- fact that local authorities have closed to reinstate those ideals. We cannot fessor of Berlin university. Profes- shun "a single frill or ornament** that The home houses the year round viet Russia, it was announced by Edraim, New York, and Louis Sobol, synagogues in Odessa, Kieff, Baku all hope to return to homes, in an age sor Alfred Baeumler, to echoing ap- could distract a warrior's eye; she, approximately ten aged men and wo- ward Aronow, a meir/ber of the comwhen society has not yet learned how plause. In his "Mannerbund und among others, tries to urge militar- men. He pointed out that investiga- mittee, at a press luncheon given by Bronx, were chosen vice-president. and Dnieperpetrovsk. Isadore Brierfeld of Yonkers was Synagogue closures in Dnieperpet- to make home for us all. Wissenschaft" -he denounces women ism as a duty upon women. "The tion of applicants is absolutely neces- ICOR, Association for Jewish Colonelected secretary-treasurer. rovsk were termed "startling" by the ... We face return to barbarism. It is as sirens seeking to make pacifists true German woman is a fighter, and sary, but that at no time does the ization in Russia. If the siirvey's reare favorable, the committee exdelegation in view of the fact that ito barbarism that Fascists would re- of Teutonic males and to divert their a fighter out of mother love." investigation take more than a -week. sults pects to seek a large fund to finance there are only three small synagogues duce us. They would wipe away not minds from war to such effete "femisettlement of German refugees at Birin a city containing 10,000 Jews, of only what we have achieved since Vic- nine" interests as "literature, The- Thus the Facists, though pretendLand Omaha Drive whom 1,000 are said still to practice toria's reign, but all we have won in atre, Science and Art." He thinks ing to "free" woman from industrial The popular response of the Jewish obidjan. : Jewry Invited to religion. two thousand years of cultural prog- family life is too softening, both for slavery, in reality but enslave her to community to the Jewish Philanthro- Designed to familiarize the public Albert Fuchs, representative of the ress. They would remove not only the men and boys; he would substitute the war-machine. And this is at last pies campaign has been lauded in with the potentialities of Birobidjan Annual Vaad Picnic Moscow Jewish community, also ap- legal rights given us in modern times, the "Mannerbund," the league of being realized in Germany by Nazi communications received at the execu- and its progress to date, the luncheon pealed to Vice-President Smidovitch, but the respect granted us in mediae- men which unites males young and women themselves. A group of wom- tive offices from other Jewish centers. was featured by an exposition of the All Omaha Jewry is invited to the who it is understood-telegraphed the val times. They would demolish those history of Birobidjan and its present second annual Vaad picnic, to be held local authorities, asking them to hold ideals that were woven in the past by old in intimate association. An enor- en who had worked to put Hitler Excerpts from some of the com- status. Speakers emphasized that the in power, and who are appalled now ments: at Krug Park this Sunday, June ,10- up the liquidation of the synagogues Church and knightly chivalry to shield mous number of Nazis openly prodistrict now has a population of 60,000 Family tickets are being distributed until an inquiry ; could determine us in some measure from the brutal claim love between men and boys by ihe results to themselves, are Dr. Solomon Lowenstein, Executive and 12,000 of these are Jews. Another begging mercy from the Fuhrer. This Director, New York Federation: "I free, exchangeable for free rides at whether the closing "was in accordance might of warriors. And we should as more sacred than the love of men 8,000 Jews are to be settled there this the park. Refreshments will be served with the Soviet law permitting the then be back just where we started, and women, because it prepares for group avoids the appearance of • want to congratulate you on the suc- year. organization that might be taken cessful outcome of your campaign. The a military state. and several prizes will be awarded. closing of synagogues upon the re- in the Old Stone Age. over by the government; but it pub- figures which you report are very inThere will be dancing in the evening. quest of synagogue authorities themHitlerite Fascists The subjection of women is prac- lishes a magazine, "Die Deutsche This is no idle forecast. Every FasThe affair is being sponsored by the selves. in Brazil cist State is dedicated to Militarism. ticed as well as preached by all Fa- Kampferin," and issued an appeal "to Auxiliary, and is the group's farewell To Convention Rio De Janeiro—A Brazilian Facist cist countries. Their integration into the chancellor of the German Heich, This militarism is more appalling than party to Rabbi Miller, who leaves on party, which adopted the complete Monday for a. trip to Europe and Pal- New York—The Peter J. Schweit- any ever seen before, for it must pre- a war-scheme is compelled. Their Adolf Hitler," (Adolf Klein, pubRabbi David A. Goldstein plans to Hitler program, including the Hitestine. Mrs. Mollie Brookstein is in zer Hospital in Tiberias, Palestine, pare for the guerre absolue, the Total children are removed as young as lisher, 2nd ed. 1934). has reopened following a contribu- War, which demands. a Totalitarian possible from the home to the care Hear what Fascist women have leave Omaha on June 25 for New lerite stand towards Jews, was .charge. " • York to attend the convention of the founded here at a convention of 3,000 Those who wish tickets are asked to tion of $1,500 by Hadassahj the State to seize upon and mobilize every of drillmasters; Minister Goebbels Rabbinical Assembly. green-shirtcd Fascists. adult, male or female, every engine of publicly told women ihat the Nazis -women's Zionist organization. call Jackson 0887. (Continued on Page 3.)
Abe Brodkey to acceptance of the invitation to be a New Fistic King defender of the Negroes, Mr. LeiboSupervise Meet witz simply indicated that he took his citizenship seriously. Abe Brodkey, outstanding in local Two years ago Herbert H. Lehman, By virtue of their 29 to 6 win over golf circles and a former Highland a man who had shown integrity, sothe Seiners Sunday, the hard-hitting Country club champion, will supervise cial consciousness, and fitness for Samples ended the first round of the golf tournament to.be held at the public leadership, was elected Govthe J. C. C. Softball loop in first Jewish Community Center in the near ernor of New York state. A Jew himplace with five straight wins and no future. self, it was said that he was scrupullosses. Brodkey is planning a qualifying ousy careful to appoint as few Jews The Peerless nine is in second with round, with play to start later this as possible to office. I do not know if there is any truth in this. But the four victories and one defeat. They month. Those wishing to enter may talk to that effect is .not without sigbested the A. Z. A. aggregation still do so. nificance. A harrowed picture was Sunday, 12 to 10. The Seiners hold By SIDNEY WALLACH drawn of a patriotic American, redown third place. Young Men's Vaad In the third fame Sunday the Psi greater longevity of liberalism has than an anti-Semitic movement; that stricted in his choice of appointment Must America Go Fascist? by the facts of his own religion. Mu nosed out the Wardrobe diait was a subtle undermining of Gerplaced them on the horns of a diThis question mark bangs over the New York (WNS)—Barney Ross, The newly elected officers of the man democracy. For years they look- A more striking example of this nee Barnet Davis Rasofsky, the pride mondeers in a fast game, 2 to 0. United States and overshadows all lemma. Young Men's Vaad were installed by Viewing what has happened else- ed upon it as a ridiculous but harm- fear came to my notice in the ap- of Chicago's ghetto, became the first This Sunday at 11 a, m. the Peer- Ben ether issues. Kazlowsky at a meeting held on Sidney Wallach, former editor of where, they are now thoroughly shak- less popular movement. Many of the pointment of Henry Morgentb.au to be fighter in modern ring history to rule less play the Wardrobes at 22nd and June 5, at the B'nai Israel the Jewish Tribune and the Current en with doubt as to whether, if they German liberals dismissed the agita- Secretary of the Treasury. It has the welterweight and lightweight di- Paul, and the Psi Mu clash with Tuesday, synagogue. They are Nathan Fine, been insistently whispered about that Jewish Record, discusses the- dilema wish to help preserve democracy, tion as so much froth. Others were visions of boxing, when he outpointed the Seiners at West Elmwood. The Sam White, vice-president; confronting the Jewish citizen of they can partake fully of the liberal secretly not displeased by it. Still a number of his friends begged him Jimmy McLarnin, the fighting- Irish- Sample A. Z. A. game has been president; Arthur Cohen, secretary; Louis Cohen, America in a world which is chang- tradition where it still survives, and others felt that if it was a menace, it not to accept the post—not to accept man from Vancouver. postponed to a later date, as the A. •was the problem of the German Jews it because he was a Jew. Now, there Ross, who has held the lightweight Z. A. team will play Sunday at Sioux sergeant-at-arms; and Stanley Shaping from a democratic form of gov- trust implicity in its promises. iro, reporter. ernment to a dictatorship. This is For the American Jew particularly to combat it and not their own prob- have been Jews in high public office title since June, 1933, took the welter- City. before. Oscar S. Straus, sat in the The farewell dance given Wednesthe first of two articles, written ex- the recent events have been a psychic lem. We see today what was the reweight title from McLarnin and sucAll games are free of charge. Cabinet of the earlier Roosevelt. day at Peony Park for Rabbi Uri Millsult of these attitudes. clusively for the Seven Arts Feature nightmare. This, not only because of ceeded in doing what such other boxer on his departure for a trip to EuSyndicate. The second article will the catastrophe to his co-religionists The question raised above might, at When the self-same Straus was first ing greats as Benny Leonard, Mickey rope and Palestine, was attended by in Germany. He knows that terror- other times have been an academic named by President Cleveland as Min- Walker and Jackie Fields could not Activities in J. C. C. appear next week—The Editor. members of the organization and ized, boycotted, humiliated, and op- one. Today it is a real and vital one. ister to Turkey, it was done, in part do. He also became the third Jew to Athletic Department friends. at least, to show the world, what opAlong with their Christian fellow pressed as his brethren are in Ger- The threats to democracy are all too portunities democracy held out to hold the welterweight title, the others citizens, American Jews have been man, their lot is only a little less evil evident. Under the stress of eco- Jews. But at that time there was no having been Jack "Kid" Lewis of Eng- Nathan Cutler initiated instruction For Quality and Service shop with •watching with alarm the assaults than that of the vast majority of Ger- nomic suffering people may be mis- shadow of Fascism of Hitlerism over land and Jackie Fields of the United in tennis at the J. C. C for business the merchants advertising in The made upon democracy in every por- mans. A special malediction pursues led into doing anything, even into the world. Now the shadow Is omin- States. girls Jast Wednesday. tion of the globe. Many refuse to the German Jew. But the German denying their own birthright. The class will meet regularly on Jewish Press. ous with the result that although the share the forebodings that the single Christian, too, suffers under the ruth- Compare for a moment the Ameri- constitution does not disqualify a man Monday and Wednesday at 6:45 p. m., remaining choice will shortly be be- less suppression of the rights of free can Jews with the German Jews. Both from holding federal office because he Final B'nai Brith after their gym class. tween Communism and Fascism, but speech, a free press and assembly, form a small, even negligible percent- is a Jew, friends of Mr. Morgenthau FOR RENT Meeting on June 18 and the denial of numerous human age of the total population. Both are appealed to him to self-impose this none can shake off the fear of the Furnished Room for couple or Plans are under way to arrange for apparently advancing tide of dictator- rights. It Is not for nothing that liberals, that is to say, they veer in dis-qualification. single party, with privileges, in Election of officers for the local the reservation of some city courts on American correspondents, living in their political beliefs away from both ship. nice home. B'nai Brith will be held at the final Sunday mornings for the class. To the example of Communist Rus- the countries of the dictators, learn radicalism and reaction. Both are in What if the money policy should meeting of the season, Monday eveHARNEY 6544 Plans are being made for a horsesia (about which it can at least be to admire democracy with all its fail- the main, urban people, and both, for fail, they reasoned. Would it not ning, June 18, at the J. C. C. shoe course on the east side of the mean that all Jews would be made to ings more than they ever can while reasons to be explained historically, said that the country never experiFinal reports of all committees will Center building. enced true democracy, but turned residents of their native country. are largely represented in the colleges suffer? also be rendered at this time. A horseshoe tournament will be held Nor is Mr. Morgenthau's caseexcepSorely troubled as the American Jews in the professions, and in trade. These from Czaristic to proletarian despotthe latter part of the month, with tional. His is the most illustrious are for the calamities that have beRAILROAD SALVAGE are facts, although it is also a fact ism) there have been added the spectJake Adler defending his crown. Best quick drying spar varnish, Progressive Choir acle of Italy bound to the will of fallen German Jewry, their anguish is that the majority of American Jews name and office; but there are other $1.50 gal; paint, $1-25 gal.; DeMussolini; of Germany prostrate un- jmultiplied many times over by an in- are laborers, factory hands, or white instances where, because of the parMixed swimming classes at the ticipation of Jews in the federal govvoe enamels all colors $2.00 pal.; The Omaha Progressive Choir, dider the heel of Hitler; of the Aus- spection of what was, to some extent collar employees. Center started Wednesday, with a ernment, chills have been sent down lacquers, 50c qt. Brashes H price trian Republic destroyed by the "tiny" at least, at the root of the mischief. Nor does the similarity end there. the spines of responsible Jewish lead- rected by Mr. Sam Yaffe, held its first large attendance. For it is clear to the observer that Both the American Jews and the Gerpublic appearance May 27, with sixty Chancellor—and of the rising tide of OMAHA JOBBING Mixed swimming will be held every dissatisfaction with the democratic the frenzy against the Jew, deliberate- man Jews, when they were free to do ers. They breathed a sigh of relief members and guests present at a con317 No. 15th form of government in France, Eng- ly whipped up though It was, arose so, took an active part in the political when a non-Jew, Bullitt, was named cert, followed by lunch and a dance. first and tlurd Wednesday evening Ambassador to Russia. They tremblA violin solo was played by Miss of each month during the summer. land. Ireland, and even in the United from the fact that the Jews in Ger- and civil life of their countries. If States. It would, of course, be dan- many accepted and lived by the so- there is any one characteristic of ed when political opponents of the Lillian Epstein, accompanied at the The summer schedule of the physigerous to predict to what point this cial contract that citizenship in Re- Jews that is true everywhere, it is New Deal, and unscrupulous agitators piano by Miss Edith Epstein. Vocal with other ambitions, spread the word 1934 tide is likely to rise, and where and publican Germany implied. that they take their coloring and their that the Brain Trust is composed of numbers were sung by Mr. J. Salinsky cal department &t the J. C C is now 1897 in full swing. A copy of the schedule and Mrs. Celia Marko. when it will subside. For the pres- The German Republic, like our own, standards from the country in which was mailed to each member of the ent, however, the flood is plain for all offered the individual citizen in Ger- they live. "Every country has the Jew Jews. The Brain Trust myth was Center under the signature of Lee many free play for his talents as long it deserves." It is not surprising that masterfully exploded by Professor to see. Moley, but this Is not expected to stop Junior Pioneers Grossiacn, physical director. If this has given Christian liberals as those talents were not anti-social the Jews in America have attained a the incitation; no more than when a cause for anxiety as to the ultimate in nature. The professions, for ex- jhigh level of culture. The level paral- prominent Washington news service Plans have been formulated for the fate of the political principles that ample: medicine, law, teaching, eng- lels that of the United States as a out almost a year ago, that first annual summer dance to be givCredit Line • they cherish, it has to an even great- ineering; trade, and the civil service whole. Nor is it to be wondered at pointed among the Jews in the administration en by the local Junior Pioneers, June were open to all Germans with no disThe article, "Exploding the Myth er degree confronted the Jews with that German Jewry produced as large are represented various politi- 16. of a 'Jewish Hierarchy'" by Arthur the spectre of disaster. For no group tinction as to creed or "racial origin." a number as it did of scientists, writ- there cal and economic theories. The alarm Miss Sylvia Magzamin, president, is T. Weil, which appeared in this May cherishes' democracy and the liberal The German Jews thereafter took ers, artists, and men of attainment in still being sounded. Why? Be- in charge, assisted by the Misses Edith 18 issue of the Jewish Press, was reGeneral Agent traditions more deeply than do the their democracy seriously. If by spe- all walks of life. It is to be noted, is cause the fact remains that a number Epstein, Goldye Fish, Merrian Lieb, printed from the American Hebrew S3S-340 Electric BIdg, JA. 7320 cial aptitude and training, many be• Jews who are threatened by dictatorfor example, that while a large num- of Jews have been appointed to offi- Sis Katskee, Alice Goldberg, Anne magazine. ; ship both as individuals and as mem- came doctors or lawyers or educators; ber of German Jews won Nobel prizes cial positions in the New Deal ma- Kaplan, Rose Kaplan, Charney Soiref, bers, of a minority, religious or racial. if ,after taking the prescribed exam- the total of all Germans who attained chinery. From avowed anti-Semites and Ethel Stoller. > Their one hope is in democracy; inations they rose in the civil service; the Nobel Prize distinction too was and from friends of Jews alike, the Admission will be by bid only. Miss they did. so because democratic GerWhere Omaha Shop* With Confidence -ttiefr'-prayers are all _for its survival. unusually high. Conversely the Jews inference has been made plain: that Lillian Epstein is sponsor of this Jewish emancipation was the child of many offered them free opportunity. in North Africa have been as undis- Jews must not avail themselves of the group. liberalism; the fate of both is still Not until many years later did they distinguished culturally as the peo- Constitutional right to hold office, linked together in the eyes of the discover that their very absorption in ples among whom they live. that they cannot, as Christian Amerii Jews. . Yet their very concern for a democracy provided the tool whereby The distinction of the Jew is a testi- can citizens do, work freely to the 135 Germans Embraced A GaMstem-C&ajnM* Chargt Account h Easily Established the enemies of democracy were able monial to the distinction of his milieu. best of their ability in the civil and Judaism, 1926 to 1933 to destroy it. Berlin—From 1926 fo 1933 a total The German Jew's trust In demo- Today there is evidence that the political forces of their country. of 135 German Christians embraced American Jews are hesitating to live (Second of these two articles will cracy was, it appears, the very thing Judiasm, according to statistics made which was turned against him, and up to their surroundings. They are appear next week.) public by the Berlin Jewish combeginning to doubt whether they (Copyright, 1934, by Seven Art against the liberal government under Vacation Wardrobes munity. should accept the open encourageFeature Syndicate.) Henry J. Beal, county attorney which he lived. Of all the "reasons" ment of democracy or refuse to avail ad nauseam by Hitler's party are stocked with of Douglas county for the past offered I the destruction of the Republic themselves of its opportunities. twelve years, has announced his can- for A. Z. A. its embittered anti-Semitism, Within the past year there have didacy for this same office for the and been several instances indicating the none is more frequently repeated coming term, and has filed for such than that Jews form a "dispropor- growing panic; a panic not on the Jay Adler won the annual A. Z. A. WE REFINISH ANYTHING office. Mr. Beal is a republican, and tionate percentage" of the professions surface, but in existence just the ping-pong tourney for the second conMADE OF METAL at the last general election led the and of the civil service. That the fig- same. A year ago Samuel Leibowitz, secutive year by defeating Art Wein2210 Farnam JA-2366 ticket in this county in the total ures quoted are frequently lies and a Jew, defended the Scottsboro boys er in the finals, 21-16 and 21-16. number of votes received. distortions need not concern us. What on trial for their lives. Mr. Leibo- The Mother chapter held on outing For the past seven years Jack disturbs American Jews with fore- witz is, I believe, a loyal Tammany at Elmwood park, June 3. An inforW. Marer, one of Omaha's Jewish bodings is" that the significance of man. He has also made it plain that mal initiation was given the nine new leaders, has been a deputy county these figures Is never challenged. The he is opposed to Communism, as is to members. The committee in charge attorney in Mr. Beal's office. For the Nazis, for example, have not set up be expected from one of Mr. Curry's consisted of Ernie Nogg and Massie past eighteen months Mr. Marer has the claim that the Jewish doctors loyal defenders. Yet, out of a sense Baum. >; teen.in charge of all civil litigation were inefficient, .that Jewish lawyers of devotion to justice, of faith in A home-and-home baseball series for; the county, which during the were ill-equipped, or that the Jews in American-rrinciples, he accepted an with the Sioux City A. Z. A. has been past two years has increased more public office were not as competent invitation, pressed upon him, to be arranged. The Omaha boys will jourthan ten times any previous year. as non-Jews. They regard it as suf- the chief legal pleader for the Negro ney to Sioux City June 10, while the In the time that Mr. Beal has ficient to damn the Jew before the boys. Sioux City team' will come here later been county attorney he has earned world on the ground that, having What happened? in the month. • ! ' the reputation of sending to the been given freedom of opportunity, . He was savagely attacked in open A tennis and golf tournament is bestate electric chair the only man Jews, in common with Christians, court as. a "Jew lawyer.". Racial and ing- planned. Jack Temin, chairman of from this county, convicting Frank availed themselves of these opportun- religious prejudices were deliberately the athletic committee, is in charge. aroused. The New York Evening Carter, the "Sniper" for first degree ities to the best of their abilities. Post scolded him because he, a Jew, If this condition was dynamite than six hundred murder. More had injected himself into the trial. A Jewish Press Advertisers merit criminal cases are handled by Mr. enough for .'use in blowing German prominent Jewish woman, one of the your patronageJ INSURED CABS ; Peal each y^ar, as well as acting as democracy to smithereans, what dan- leaders of her people, bemoaned be/advisor to all department heds of the ger might not lie ahead for Ameri- fore me his participation in the case. county, and handling all civil litiga- can Jews, and even- more, for Ameri- The leading Jewish organizations re- tion for the county, which during can democracy?ceived letters from Jews in the south the past four years has increased in The success of Hitlerism in Ger- pleading that he be prevailed upon to many was due in no small measure to give up the case. Jews everywhere volume more than ten times. "The people of this community the party's anti-Semitic planks. They murmured in dissent and apprehenBeautiful New SCHAFF BROS. days are here and even should be grateful that Mr. Beal has served both as a bait to the ignorant, sion. Yet the fact remains that in his decided to give more of his time to and as a blind to the enlightened. to'the Stars it's a signet to wear thtir public service," said Henry Monsky, Hundreds of thousands, even millions smartest ^clothes. MOJUD Ringless when he learned that Mr. Beal has of Germans were led by the incessant • r * the stockings which' stars art MATSUO STUDIO • filed for county attorney. "Henry J. propaganda of the National Socialists packing in their trunks. They are at to accept the distorted picture of the 'Thotorraphs That Satisfy" Beal is fearless, honest, and a diliJew as an explanation of all Gerclear as vacation skies . . . not • Wedding Photographs 20% Disc Regular $550 Value! :. gent- prosecutor. Yet he knows the evils. The Republicans, on Quality Fhotosrraphs. Heasonable prie«« shadow, ring or cloud to mar their trials and tribulations of life, for he many's The Special Introductory other hand, did not see, until it 2404 Farnam S t has" had to work to gain bis educa- the AT. 4079 Stockings "perfect beauty.' \Ve'v« brought you was too late, that Hitlerism was more SALE PRICE tion and his position in life. He is the Start ftoScreenlite Shades that.HoIh/.' an example of what a young man can wood wears. Each pair of Mojudt do, who has the ambition to succeed h identified by e label bearing th» He should be congratulated for givSignature "of a Hollywood star*1* ing to this county'the .benefit of his experience in this office, and commended for ibeing,wjlling>jto give inorevtime t a public Service.'* •-
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PAGE 3—THE JEWISH PRESS, FPwIDAY, JUNE 8, 1934 en more like his son's "Sammlung," mobs of men are already arrayed in in clear unequivocal terms, condemntheir shirts and on the march. ing the Hitler regime without ifs or We must forget factional fights and buts, indicting their barbaric mode of divergent purposes; we must all stand governing with the fervor of his together on a common program: Fight brother Heinrich. Fascism, defend American i d e a l s , make democracy a success. But, then, one may be a great author and: creative writer and have no (Continued from Page 1.) guilty as men who destroy -civiliEa— sense for the"political scene.- This"is Trade Fair to Stimulate . . -. possible, but. is it probable?-_ . . • to say about their lot under Fascism: tion. Market (Copyright, 1934, by Seven Arts New York—An International Trade Irmgard Reichenau: "Even in the American women were given the ~. Feature Syndicate." - • fields permitted women, women may vote about the same time, also by lib- Fair, which will offer a guide to hot today be leaders. . . . Woman's eral men, also in the hope that they the products of American industry work has become a work determined would prove fit guardians of democ- and other nations, except that of By JOSEPH BRAINiN Germany, designed chiefly for those by men . In no Ministry is a racy. Are we worthy of the trust? Or refusing to deal in Nazi-made merwomen, in leading position. . . . FemiThomas Mann, outstanding German, then turning to the newspapermen, In these other writers they find someare we too, apathetic? Already many chandise, will be held at the Grand nine school-leaders are supplanted American women are now active Fas- Central Palace during the week of man of letters, has just arrived on a he explains in a rather hesitant Eng- thing fremdartiges (alien). more and more by masculine. . . I a ; d s t s . a s fte m a ^ a z i l 7 e T o d a v r e Y e a l . October 22 to 27, the American Jew-Holland-American liner, in thia coun- lish: "In architecture, the Americans Interviewer: But you identify order to put women out o: all offices j e d n e a r l h a l f o f t h e s h a r e h o l d e r s o f try for a week's stay. Mr. Brainin have created something new—no imi- yourself with that group, of intellectish Congress which initiated the prodemanding influence and intellect, o n e F a s c i s t s are w M o s . gives us a few impressions of the tation—really new and gigantic." ual exiles who are taboo in present ject, announces. man has branded her automatically I e , s F a s c i s t rt i n E n I a n d i sfi_ great author who lives outside of But of course, I am interested to day Germany, don't you. The fair has the support of orn a n c e d h e a v i l y b y a xich a n d t i t l e d Germany—an exile—although not anknow what Mann thinks of Hitler and Mann: Absolutely. London (JTA) — A bill that will as^ something inferior and minor." ganized labor and of prominent non"Special decisions in the new lawj woman; his late wife, whose fortune Jewish Americans and various nahis effect on civilization. It occurs Interviewer: Do you consider it float the £2,000,000 loan in behalf of outcast—from Naziland—Editor. to me that Mann resigned from the possible for a political regime like the Palestine government has passed for officialdom shut women out In|he inherited, was a rich Fascist; his tional organizations. contributors 'list.of his son's periodi- the present in Germany to produce ts second reading in the House of the inheritance law the female sex mother, Lady Mosley, wearing a black It was curiosity rather than a sense cal because the publication had be-real cultural values? •ominous. Three readings are required is given a severe set-back. Men say shirt, is now seen as the organizer of of duty that made me get up at five come, with the second issue, an antiFascist Dictatorship in man, whose attitude is today only women Fascists in England. Mann: Possible, but not probable. for adoption. a. m. and board an official coast guard Hitler fighting organ. I also rememInterviewer: Can any Government The motion to pass the bill was too clear, is the one who determines We must immediately take action. Rtramania Postponed cutter to meet the Volendam of the bered that Mann is the only one of that raises racial prejudice to the made by Sir Philip Cunliffe - Lister, from case to case, whether she is We must use our very great and nu- Bucharest—Opposition of Foreign -Holland-America line carrying Mr. that group of liberal men of letters level of a sociological doctrine and British Secretary of State for the Col- admitted to study. And if he does merous organizations to make clear to Minister Nicolas Titulescu is held -and Mrs. Thomas Mann on their first who is still being published in Ger- makes it part of its political policy onies, following a stormy debate which not admit her, she has no chance of American women of all types that we responsible for the failure of RuTisit to" the United States. many. :' . have a salutary- effect on the country evoked from prominent members of a job." have nothing to win by Fascism but mania's Fascists to carry out their Interviewer: How about Hitler, as a whole? the Commons violent reproach which Dr. Leonore Kuehn: "The son, even chains! We have everything to lose: plan for dictatorship headed by. GenI had always wanted to meet ThomMann: Needless to say, that I ab- ondemned the British, policies in the the youngest, today laughs in his self-respect, individuality, rights, priv- eral Avarescu. as Mann. More than a quarter of a Mr. Mann? Mann: I don't agree with him. hor anti-Semitism: it revolts me. And Holy Land. mothers' face. . . . He regards his ileges, jobs, children, husbands, edu- Because the rumored century ago I had read the "BuddenFascist Interviewer: Have you been ex- even if your question could -be anFeatured in the discussion was a mother as the natural servant of hiscation, culture, peace and prosperity. regime did not include Titulescu, brooks" with the same intensity and swered affirmatively, I would object statement by Colonel Josiah Wedg- life, and women in general as merely We must make it clear that only civ- France has great influence over Roueagerness as I had approached Dick- pelled from Naziland? Mann: I happened to live outside with all my strength to such a pro- wood to the effect that Britain has the willing fulfflier of his wishes." ilization preserves women from a manian affairs warned King Carol ens or Zola. About a decade ago I •roken faith with the Jewish people had been completely conquered by of Germany when the change occur- cedure. • Yella Erdmann: "We shall see ournightmare of slavery—and that Fas- that any government without Titured and since then, I do confess, I Interviewer: Is Hitler's power and that her present policies are con"The Magic Mountain," onec of the daughters growing up in stupid aim- cism destroys civilization. lescu would not enjoy France's con"•"IT"?*- «""""""• . " " ."*- "•"«* have had no desire to go back, waning? trary to promises made in the Balfour lessness, only living from the vague We have influence as owners of 40 fidence. great intellectual experiences in store ,Interviewer: „ • _ ; „ _ . -„„„ ,„ „ „„.< How is it that your Mann: I am not a politician, I can- Declaration. The £2,000,000 loan, hope of perhaps getting after all a per cent of this country's wealth, and for those who have not yet climbed it. books are still being published in not tell you. which will be used chiefly in public man. . . . If they do not succeed, as the chief buyers for our families. In between, I had been fascinated by Germany? Interviewer: How is it possible works and in extending aid to land- their lives are blasted.".. ' We must organize and put through a Latvia Denies Ending "Death in Venice" and a number of Mann: S. Fisher, my publisher, is lor an intellect like the great Gerboycott of Nazi Germany, entirely ir- Cultural Autonomy novelettes that had made an indelible still functioning, if only in an agoniz- hardt Hauptmann to live in Germany less Arabs in Palestine, will, according to Colonel Wedgwood,, lead to eco- Sophie Bogge-Boerner (December respective of its position in regard to Eiga—The minister of education in impression on me. To me, Thomas ing state; I am sticking to him. on apparently very good terms with nomic hardship for the very people No. 1933): "The purest and most the Fascist government has officiMann was one of the few pre-war litchild-loving' women cannot preserve Interviewer: Do your books sell in the Nazi leaders? whom it is intended to help. ally denied rumors abroad that the erary giants who had not lost stature Germany? by themselves the German blood Nazi Germany until it agrees to re- cultural autonomy of Lativan minoriMann: At one time Hauptmann did The Colonel asserted that the Palin public and private after the economic, social and cul- Mann: Surprising as it is, they do believe that the Nazis would regenefrom contamination, if the blood is boycott a State that hu- ties has been abolished. tural earthquake of the last fifteen sell. Thus far my last book, "Joseph rate Germany; I am told that just estine authorities are attempting to spoiled and made sick by men reareu j import capital where it is not wanted, Only the separate department for women, that ruins them years. and his Brethren" has reached the 25,- now he is anything but on good terms and at the same time to extort labor, without responsibility of self-control economically, that ostracizes them minorities has been wiped out, he deAs a matter of fact, the whole Mann with the leaders of the present re- hich is one of the sore needs of the in pre- and after martial life." from public life and brands them as clared. family had intrigued me for a long 000 mark. Doesn't the govern- , gime. Dr. Margarete Adam (Dec No): Interviewer: country, where economic prosperity is The government also stated that despised inferiors. We must boycott a time. I had been a great admirer of Interviewer to Mrs. Mann: You are at present an established fact. "Woman, who is supposed to be State in which future generations of reports of many Jews having been Heinrich Mann, the older brother of ment interfere with the booksellers Jewish, are you not? Simultaneously with repeated re- drawn out of the 'filth of political all girls must grow up under the stig- arrested were false. Thomas, for many years. I i a d watch- who handle your books? Mrs. Mann: There is a slight Jew- peated requests by Palestine trade combat,' is today dragged into fflthi-j ma o f inferiority Mann: No, apparently not I have ed with growing interest the transand without a isbr strain in my blood, yes. unions for permission to have work- ness of calumny that has never glimpse o f hope. formation of Klaus Mann, (son of seen photos of show windows of book Interviewer: How? Was your ers enter the Holy Land in large num- been paralleled at any time in the Thomas) from a literary play-boy to stores that feature my books in "win- mother or your father Jewish? • After the Theatre We have influence over schools as ' bers, the government authorities are German past." Treat the Crowd at a publicist - of conviction whose dow displays. teachers and parents; we must see deMrs. Mann: It is all very compliSophie Philipps, teacher: "By themocracy made real to children. We monthly magazine "Die Semmlung" Interviewer: Why the special leni- cated but I do confess to that little debarring them. Colonel Wedgwood THE (published in Amsterdam) is the only ency toward you when writers like bit of Jewishness in me—or should I insisted that the loan will increase restriction of our sex to a narrowly have influence within churches, over land values, increase rents which al- limited female spnere, the flames of literary rallying-point for^the Fouch- Fauchtwanger and others are abso- say I pride myself on it? politics and public life; we must wield ready are excessive, and would not sex-war will be lit again, and dantwangers, the Heinrich Manns and all lutely taboo? everything against Fascism. We must The conversation, as exemplified by Mann: Well—it's hard to say. I ienefit the poor. those who dare to raise their voice gerous signs of it are already at ask our army men to declare openly They will enjoy the new decorathe above, was rather in the curt, suppose they (the Hitlerites) consider Couching bis views in eloquent lanagainst the destroyers of culture in businesslike tone of a cross-examina- guage, Colonel Wedgwood scathingly hand. . . . Not for our sakes, but for that the subjection of women is not tions and the delicious food. me more German—mehr echt-Deutsch Naziland. I had been amused by the the sakes of those who come after necessary to American defense. We Everything cooked in butter and tion. There was no desire on the part personality of Erika Mann (daughter —than the others. This is not myof Thomas Mann to elaborate and an- assailed the British immigration poli- us, we cry to the leading men ofmust bring all our organizations to a pure olive oil. We never use lard. opinion. I am speaking objectively, cies of restricting immigration of the New Germany: of Thomas) who in company with t r n g t o common front. # For the Ladies: A Klaus visited the United States some ^ explain their point of-view. swer more than he was asked. "Was 'ews and preventing immigration of Wonderful Afternoon 'Thilosophies of Freedom are up- And we must make democracy a it just the German Gruendlichkeit or from entering the country, a measure years ago and whose versatility as a Card P a r t y Room! was it a desire to steer clear of em- which was intended to curtail illegal lifting, philosophies of Slavery are success. We must work for better livdancer, disease, poetess and general ing conditions; we must strive against barrassing consequences? I cannot immigration, which was for a time re- leaden coffin-lids." • Corner 24th and Harney Streets wit is astounding. I had thought say. Mr. Knopf, the American pub- ported to be a common thing. Take warning in time from German injustice to racial and religious minormuch about Mrs. Thomas Mann who lisher, of Mann, did try.to direct Mr. "Unfair, unjust njand un-English," women! They were tricked by the Na- |*ties; we must give the people hope of —so I had heard—was partly Jewish Mann away from political issues; and were the adjectives used by the speak- zis, who promised to put them back attaining happiness by peaceful, meth7 and the companion par excellence of so did Mrs. Mann, who at one point er in describing British policies, which in the kitchen but did not reveal their ! ods > t h a t the? m a ^ not > m bitterness Thomas Mann. emphasized that Mann's latest book, he declared are worse than those, prac- plan to force hundreds of thousands j and frustration resort to violence. If I .hope, that I have established a "Joseph and His Brethren" is "by no ticed in anti-Semitic countries, Eu- of girls to serve as unpaid and abused j there are not enough jobs for men, sufficient case to confess that when means a Jewish book, but a book deal- mania and Poland. drudges in other women's kitchens! there will be none for women. If peace I climbed the' stairs to the upper deck ing with the life of early humanity Colonel • Wedgwood continued in a Rich women like Helene Bechstein fi- is not made attractive to men, there of the S.'S. Volendam in the company and of real universal scope ".". . Just the place to bitter fighting speech to chide the nanced the Nazi Party; women's votes will be war. of a sleepy group of reporters and AlI do want to be fair to Thomas We must act now. Fascism is like a for Hitler outnumbered men's votes Inglish regime in Palestine for havbuy your next used fred Knopf,, the American publisher Mann, although his personality-was ing broken faith with the Jews and of for Hitler. Millions of women used river swollen by a thousand streams of Mann, I was keyed up, fidgety, car so utterly different from what I had turning people prepared to be friends the vote given them by liberal men in that rise in remote and obscure coreager and afraid to compare that man expected. Perhaps in a different at- into enemies. 1919 to betray liberalism and democ- ners. Fascism can only be checked at Mann with the author of "The Magic A selection of used mosphere, in a more intimate, tete a He declared that it was unfair to racy. Millions of other women be- its thousand sources, in the hinterland; Mountain" and the outstanding memtete.conversation away from his pubcars that are difit will be too late to rub our eyes, argue that the Jews received large trayed the Republic through their ber of so picturesque a family. The lisher, Mann might.have spoken more once the roaring flood is on the way. apathy in the face of mounting Fassums of money from the United States ferent. foregoing may have that high school freely. . There emanates from him aand that therefore the Arabs should cist danger; their crime was inactivity. It will be too late for women to weep tone which I am so ready to disqualify straight, untouchable honesty (der receive the benefits of the loan- ' Women who betray civilization are as and pray when hungry and war-mad A Used Car display in manuscripts submitted for publicaBiedere Deutsche). tion, but it would not be truthful if room that is difI once" read that in his youth Maim I ignored that rather youthful reverferent. was a fervent admirer of . Heinrich ential feeling which gripped me before Heine and that he idolized Napoleon. confronting Thomas Mann. CLEAN . . . COOL The Lind Menorah chorus, featurThere he stood. Average height. ing Cantor Joshua Lind and his sons, I also remember that he was the inD A Y L I G H T in Business appearance except for hisMaurrie, David and Pinchikel (shown tellectual ambassador of Germany every corner. during the Streseman period of the Bad, almost sentimental eyes. At theabove), will conduct Sabbath services repprochement policy with France. I threshold of sixty, he looks younger at the Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol synaA n Organization than his age. Wiry, slender, a well- gogue, 19th and Burt streets, this eve- remember lots of things about Thomtrained and well-kept human engine. ning, June 8, at 8 p. m. and Saturday as Mann and I find it difficult to reand personnel notI doubt if he does anything to ex-morning at 8:30 a. m. Monday eve- concile them with the gentleman's ed for their fair sober comments on present-day Gercess. A picture of the normal-living (many. Thomas Mann, it seems to me and honest dealings German. His wife, small, grey, lively, cert at the Beth Hamedrosh Magodol with a youthful voice, dressed in a synagogue, starting at 8:15 p. m. The —I may be wrong—should have spoksports suit, her face in no way Sem- Lind chorus is assisted by Mischa .Neu, i itic. Undoubtedly the practical pilot tenor. 1928 Roadster $ 85 of the menage. The Lind chorus is making a tour 1929 Coach . 175 Difficult to reconcile Thomas Mann ~ ^ .iT. » •, j ^r. * T. i of the country, following which they 1931 Coupe 295 m the flesh with the legend that has w i U d e p a r t f o r ' a c o n c e r f t o u r . They Mix With the Best 1933 Coach Deluxe....535 been spun around him. For instance: r o _ f i ^ IDEAL BOTTLING COMPACT goutn The mother of Thomas Mann was a r o p e WE. 3043 The services and concert are open 1808 So. 20th St. Creole of Portuguese Indian blood. There is nothing of that strain in theto the public. 1932 Coupe 300 countenance of the Nobel Prize winner of 1929. Thomas Mann was a poet 1932 Sedan 3S5 in youth; his "Ruddenbrooks" was written when he was hardly 25 years of age. There is nothing of the prod-" 1929 Coach _-. _ 235 iST in him. During one period of. his life Mann was an insurance agent. He 1930 Coupe _ 275 had retained from this experience-his easy smile and his somewhat soothing yet penetrating voice with a tinge 1931 Coupe, oil salesmanship intonation. . Rumble seat 285 Mr. Mann is not eager to talk. He And sfs another Gtnoow mira> y g is genuinely" impressed with the-New de. When you see this beautiful York skyline and mutters to himself: Come in and see our display. "Grossartig, originell,"- and so forth; new G R U N O W w i t h safe Terms c&a be arranged so that
A Reporters Pad
Lind Chorus
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THE JEWISH PRESS Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by
THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY, Subscription Price, one year - • - « . - * - - - - - . - • $2.50 Advertising rates furnished on application Editorial Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building, Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center DAVID BLACKER - - - - - Business and Managing Editor FRANK R. ACKERMAN - - - Editor FANNIE KATELMAN - « - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent ANN PILL - - - - - - - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent Print Shop Address: 1307 Howard Street
The Week in Review Meeting Changing Conditions Social workers constitute a professional class whose function it is to cement the constantly widening gaps in the cracMng status quo, the monumental meeting of the National Conference of Jewish Social Service, was told. The meeting is called "monumental" because of the fearless and straight-forward speaking which characterized its action. r The reports and resolutions were for once merciless in their analyses. The Jewish leaders and leading Jewish organizations are flayed, and their limited sphere and impotency exposed. While it is unquestionably true that some of the social workers' criticism is unjust while other points of criticism are omitted, the significant element is the tone of liberty to be found in the voice of the Jewish social worker. Any individual who would make the analyses rendered by this conference would be foolhardly, would be ruthlessly attacked. But the safety of the Conference lies in the fact that its action was concerted. "The constantly widening gaps" referred to have now been brought out in the open. Some American leaders have refused to recognize that great changes are being wrought, and have refused to accede in the necessary view that it is vital, imperative that Jewish social work re-orientate itself regarding its objectives to meet the changing times, and "revalue its technical procedures and recheck the patterns of integration between the various fields in Jewish social work and with those of non-Jewish or public character. • Jewish social workers meeting at Atlantic City have taken an important step in relating the efforts of Jewish communal agencies to the social and economic transformations the country is undergoing. Jewish social workers should be in the vanguard helping to clarify and establish the basic channels along which Jewish social life is to be directed.
young women an understanding of Jewish life and problems and an appreciation of Jewish culture which most of them might otherwise never have had. Junior Hadassah has contributed magnificently to the upbuilding of Palestine as well as to Jewish life here. For the last decade it has raised between fifty and sixty thousand dollars each year for the Jewish National Fund; the Nurses' Training School in Jerusalem, that indispensable basis of the health work of Palestine, and the Children's Village at Meier Shfeyah which gives formerly underprivileged boys and girls a happy and healthy childhood and adequate preparation for life on the soil. The great value of these projects to the development of Palestine cannot be questioned. But Junior Hadassah gives Palestine more than financial support; its membership is a vital source of Zionist strength. The deep Zionist feeling of the group may be seen very clearly in the fact that, burdened financially as it already is Junior Hadassah has undertaken a new project, the establishment of a farm school for adolescent German children as its contribution to the German relief problem. May these thirteen years of achievement be only a prelude to what is to come.
The Polish Scene Attacks by National Radical anti-Semites against the Jews continue all over Poland. Polish and Jewish newspapers are filled with lists of injured. With their customary bravery the Naras have stopped mass attacks on Jewish groups because in every case they were met with fierce resistance. Instead the chivalrous Naras are attacking single Jewish pedestrians on the streets. Women and children are not exempt, needless to say. In the large industrial city of Lodz, Endek anti-Semites will control the city council, having elected seventy-two members as against thirty members of opposing Jews, including sixteen Jewish representatives and seven pro-government councillors. One of the hopeful sighs in the conflict with the Naras is the fact that Polish Socialists and organized workers have joined with the Jews in every case to repel the Nara and Endek hooligans. The reactionary anti-Semites have no support whatever among the Polish workers. Meanwhile Jews are exposed to danger every time they walk on Polish streets and Jewish casualty lists are mounting. The Polish government is attempting to stem the Nara tide and seems genuinely concerned about the future.
Ticklish Situation
of Russia. There, they could spill surplus population and there they could expand on a great big scale. But now Litvinoff goes and not only prevents an agreement between the Nazis and France, but gets the Freeh army working together with the Soviet army against Germany.
According to Dr. Fritz Seidler, private secretary to the late
What, No Humor?
Who dares to raise his false voice with ah utterance against Dr, Streseman, whose book, "The Bloodless Pogrom," has just apNazi humor? Let any such arrogance be justly stifled by listenpeared in England, "a biting comment was pasted by an unknown ing to this recounting. hand on the posters announcing the impending Nazi auto-de-fe The German Nazis, so the report from Vienna goes, were de'(the burning of the books by 'non-Aryan' authors): TBe sure to termined to prove that they have a sense of humor. Accordingly, remember the Bible! That also is a treasury of the Jewish mind'." r Similar is the story of the authorities of Frankfort-on-the- in their usual good taste they arranged for a broadcast of their Main, who were preparing a list of books by "non-Aryan" authors "Achievements in German Humor." Naturally, for such a solemn to be thrown into the fire. They were puzzled as to the selection event of humor the task must be entrusted to a man of ability, "of the names to be included. In one of the libraries the students as the German "Aryan" humorist, Charlie Roellinghoff, who wa to furnish characteristic examples of German humor. discovered, next to the works of Emil Ludwig, several books by designated But, lo and behold, imagine their comical expressions when it was Otto Ludwig, author of classical German works known to all stu- found that most of the typical examples were the creation of Gerdents of German literature. These books were seized by the raid- man Jews. Of course, the broadcast was immediately canceled. ing party of students. When the librarian exclaimed: "But, genA German comedy entitled "My Leopold" by Adolf L. Ar.tlemen, that is Otto Ludwig!" their reply was: "That's all the ronge, which was to be produced at the Berlin Lustspielhaus, was -same to us. We've got Ludwig on our list, and Ludwig is Lud- withdrawn with a sharp suddenness when it was discovered that wig!" ...... the author was not an "Aryan" after all and that his true name is Aronsohn. Junior Hadassah's Bar Mitzvah And so it goes. And someone said the Nazis have no sense Over 10,000 Jewish young women in;185 local units scattered of humor! throughout the length and breadth of the United States—including a?i active group in Omaha—will be engaged this next week in celebrating the thirteenth anniversary—the Bar Mitzvah—of the They Say... "The Jew is not baited now for his religion but for his race founding of Junoir Hadassah, the Young Women's Zionist OrganThe new nationalist faith holds that all the citizens of a countr; ization of America. must be bound together by ties of blood and not by common laws This celebration has a deep significance for all American and customs. Patriotism alone is no'longer sufficient. It isn't Jewry, for during the thirteen years of its existence Junior Hadassah has become a tremendously important force in the Jewish enough to be French, German, or American."—-Jules Welter, , •youth movement and community life. It has given thousands of French economist.
I agree with Magnes In opposing the discrimination against Arab labor in Palestine. I know well the arguments that are made by Zionists. They argue very soundly that unless these labor opportunities are provided for Jews, then we will not be able to bring any considerable number of Jews into Palestine. We will build up a better Arab homeland rather than a Jewish homeland. This is all true enough and yet it is obnoxious to me to hear of any discrimination against Arab workers.
What is the Jewish population of There is a rather interesting story Palestine? Officially, it is given as being told of an encounter at some 250,000. But Louis Lipsky is just Washington official function between back from Palestine and he estimates Bernard Baruch and the German am- the Jewish population at 320,000. bassador. Dr. Luther. If that estimate is true—and LipAccordig to the story, Luther was sky is not a man given to exaggera- QUID PRO QUO presented to Baruch and extended his tion—it is very significant. It seems to me that there is a way land. Baruch refused to take the The ihing that impresses you most out of the dilemma. It seems to me hand, and walked off. "Am I sup- of all about Palestine today is the that the Zionists should approach it posed to shake hands with one who tremendous energy manifest on all in this manner. They should say, has done so much evil to my peo- sides, says Lipsky. "we will not discriminate against ple?" remarked Baruch in explanaArab workmen, on condition that you Great things are happening in Paltion, as some of those present gath- estine, which even Jews do not ap- do not discriminate against us. That is to say, that you urge, instead of ered about him after the incident. preciate to the full. oppose, the opening of the doors to as We trust Dr. Luther gave a commany Jewish immigrants as may want plete version of the incident to his THE ARAB PROBLEM superior, the fellow with the loud I remember some years ago, listen- to come, and that you open the doors rasping voice, who suffered no phy- ing to a discussion of the Arab prob- to Trans-Jordania. sical injuries during the war, except lem in Palestine. One of the Jews "As.it is, Arabs from all neighthat of being blinded by shell-shock. was making the point that not enough boring lands are entering into PalesI refer to Mr. Hitler. effort was being made by Jews to jtine unrestricted because of Jewish I think it was Ernst Toller who win over the Arabs. That if such an {development, and getting work, while was the only one who commented on attempt were not made, we were sure Jews are permitted to enter only in the strange fact that Hitler, who was of trouble, that Arab nationalism was limited number. Remove your discriminations and we will remove blinded in action, regained his sight growing, etc, etc ours." as soon as he left the front. Then another Jew who was listenIt is telling no secret to say that ing—and who had been in Palestin ANOTHER NAZI STORY joining in the discussio, commented Dr. Magnes, during his recent visit, But going back to the story of Lu- that the Arab problem was not as im- spoke on the Arab question in private ther and Baruch, I am reminded of portant as some people would lead to some of the leaders of Zionism. another Nazi story told by Dr. A. A. you to believe, that the Arabs were Dr. Magnes was for some years a Boback. benefittrng by Jewish settlement, and minimum Zionist—inclined to speak The story is probably less authen- that, furthermore, ihey were as yet of Palestine merely as "a Jewish labtic, but it has an idea. According to too primitive and crude to reach any oratory," but I think he is coming around now to the maximum Zionist the story, a Nazi was very much ex- agreement with. position. cited at the way a certain Jewess While here, a friend of mine spoke was looking at him. A LONG SCRATCH to Dr. Magnes and asked him what "Look at her] She wants to deAnd he went on to tell a story of the Arabs thought of the consanguinvour me," said the Nazi. his days in Palestine. He said that eous relationship that exists between "Don't you know," replied the Jew- one day, he and a friend of his were ess, "that our religion forbids us to riding in a bus from Jerusalem to Arabs and Jews. We are, after all, supposed to be cousins—the Arabs eat pork?" Haifa. In the bus with them was an and Jews. Replying to that, Dr. Arab, of the better class of Arabs. Magnes remarked that on one occasTHE FRENCH-SOVIET He was a well groomed man. They ion an Arab had said to him: "If you AGREEMENT began to converse. are Semites—our cousins—how comes The newspapers have been full of The Jewish friend, it happened, it that you have so many blondes the story of the agreement reached suffered from some skin trouble at among you? We have no blond between the Soviet and France for a the time, and he felt rather embar- Arabs." technical military alliance. It seems rassed by the frequent necessity of Dr. Magnes smilingly answered to me that it is a subject that well scratching himself during the course that the Arab must not forget that deserves extended Jewish comment. of his conversation with the Arab, "the Jewish cousins" had spent a The agreement was concluded on and so he apologized to the Arab, ex- great deal of time in Europe. the part of Russia by Maxim Litvin- plaining to him the nature of the off. Some day, perhaps, it will be said malady. that it was Litvinoff who brought The Arab listened very courteously about the downfall of the Nazi house. and then said: "For fifteen piastres, For it has been very plain for some I will scratch you all the way to Grey Iron, Alnminnm and time that the Nazis were willing to Haifa." Bronze Castings 'make up" with all countries except Wood and Metal Patterns Russia. They recently reached an THE STORY'S MORAL 2614 Martha St. HA. 5523 agreement with Poland, and undoubt- The moral of ths tale, I suppose, edly were prepared to reach an was meant to be that the Arabs are agreement with France. What the still top crude to arrange any deals Nazis really wanted was a big slice with, or need they be overmuch conNATIONAL sidered. ACCESSORIES, Inc. And yet, I am inclined to think that Dr. Magnes, who is to much conEVERYTHING GEMS of the BIBLE cerned with reaching a basis of For the Auto friendship with the Arabs, is more on and TALMUD 2051 Farnara AT. 5524 the right track than most people suppose. By O. O. DASHER
Was it by design or by co-incidence thatthes-Soviet Government appointed a Jew, Jacob Suritz, as ambassador to Germany? A Jewish ambassador, and a Russian Jew at that, must be anathema to any Nazi official. An ambassador must be extended courtesies outside the ordinary pale. As far as the diplomatic angle is concerned, Suritz, former ambassador to Turkey, is regarded as one of the most astute diplomats in Stalin's service and consequently well qualified to "Learn to Swim" handle the intricate task confronting a Communist ambassador A "learn to swim" campaign will be sponsored for both memin Naziland. bers and non-members at the Jewish Community Center natatorium June 18 to 22, inclusive. Parents are particularly urged to send their children, to this Bald Facts course, which is free of charge. Not only-may it mean life over Now that all the problems of this kind-world have been so death, at some future date for your child-to know how to swim, peacefully and effectively settled, a new fwbrr^ looms over the but also swimming is one of the most healthful and most invig- horizon. A bald statement of the problem is the opinion of one orating of sports. Paul A. Thomas, Chicago scalp expert, who claims that Jewish : Don't have your child "fight water;" see that he obtains the people are more susceptible to baldness than other races. Not opportunity to learn to swim. even a vivid imagination is needed to grasp what a commotion that would stir up. The Lord said unto Samuel: "Look l not on his countenance, nor on the Nor did we have to wait long for the refutation. Here comes A Champion height of his stature, because I have Barnet David Rasofsky, more popularly known by the cogno- Miss B. P. Schulenberg, director of the Scalp Health Institute of rejected him, for it is not as man men of Barney Ross, is the first fighter in the history of Ameri- New York, and delivers a straighi>from-the-shoulder blow to the seeth, as man looketh on the outward but the Lord looketh on can boxing to hold two worlds' championships, annexing the wel- solar plexus of the opposition argument. Says this authority: appearance, the heart." "In my twelve years of experience in the treatment of scalp dister-weight title by his victory over Jimmy MeLarniii last Thursday and having held the lightweight championship for the past eases I have examined approximately 100,000 scalps (which some David said to Saul: After whom is wizardry in mathematics informs us that this is at the rate of the King of Israel? after whom dost year. pursue? after a dead dog? after ; The racial aspect of the bout between the Jewish lightweight about twenty-five a day) and I have never discovered a prepon- thou a flea? champion and the Irish welterweight title-holder was under- derance of Jews among my patients." And then comes the start- The Lord therefore be the judge and scored by the ballyhoo experts who see how large they can make ling revelation that "the growth of hair has nothing to do with decide between me and thee and plead cause, and deliver me out of thy the gate receipts. But some of the racial aspects of Ross's career race, religion, mentality or any other 'hif alutin' theory that any my hand. are interesting, as sideglances. His first introduction to fighting psychologist, anthropologist, or other form of publicity seeker TALMUD was when he was eight years old—he licked a tough Irish Md who decides upon." This is really heartbreaking—now we can't get Rabbis wre taught: "If one has called him a sheeny. All he got for this exhibition of fisticuffs hair to grow on our bald spot by changing our religion. But lis- noOur means and refuses to be supported was a licking from his father. His devotion to his Orthodox ten further: "Hair grows on a clean healthy scalp. An dgiven by charity, he is to be supported in mother and his efforts for his family while the Rasofskys were that, the scalp doesn't care whether it covers the cranium of a the way of a loan, -which is thereafter very poor are touching testimonials to a true heart as well as a Mongolian, Caucasian, Negro or Eskimo.' Then what's the sense to remain as a present." fighting heart. Barney Ross is a champion who does not hide his of us changing into cold-blooded Eskimoes? Mar Ukba had a poor man in his Now we are up against it—it means, we surmise, that the only vicinity for whom he used to put four Jewishness, a champion of whom the Jewish people can well be zuzim in the slot underneath the doorthing left for us to do is keep our scalp healthy. proud.
Kulturtraeger of Naziland
way every day. One day the poor man said: "I will go and watch who does so much for me." On that day Mar Ukba was detained until late,-at the college, whereupon his wife accompanied him to the house of the poor man. As soon as the poor man noticed that they stooped downward, as if to put something in the slot, he went out to meet them. Mar Ukba and his wife commenced to run from him until they entered a fireplace from which the fire had been put out. Why did they so anxiously run away ? Because Rabbi Jochanan said: "A man should rather have himself surrendered to be thrown into a furnace than to put his neighbor to shame in public."
Mar Ukba had a poor man in his neighborhood to whom he was accustomed to send four hundred zuzim before the day of Atonement. Once he sent it through his own son, who returned with the money, saying: "He does not need i t " Upon his father's question: "What hast thou seen that makes you believe so?" the son replied: "I have seen that he was indulging himself in expensive old wine." "If he is used to such comfort," remarked the father, "then he surely heeds more." He doubled the amount and sent it to him. He once felt happy and ordered that the charitable accounts be brought before him, and when he found that the total amount written there was seven thousand Siam gold dinars, he exclaimed: "My provision is scanty, while the journey is a distant one." He thereupon gave away to charity one-half of his wealth.
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Annual BikurCholim Luncheon on Monday
The annual luncheon and meeting of the Bikur Cholim Society will be held at the Jewish Community Center on Monday, June 11, at 1:30 p. m. Reservations may still be made with any of the following: Mrs. S. Fish, Webster 5257; Mrs. M. Katzman, Market 0951; Mrs. N. Levinson, Atlantic 4252; or Mrs. J. Finkel, Harney 0930. Reservations are 35 cents per plate. A varied program is being arranged according to Mrs. L. Neveleff, president. Dr. I. Dansky will give a humorous reading, and L Morgenstern will give an address. Jewish songs will be rendered by the Misses Goldie Freed and Goldie Azorin.
FRIDAY, JUNE 8, 1934
SUMMER FORMAL The Junior Society of the Conservative Synagogue will entertain guests at a summer formal dance at the Birchwood Country Club on Saturday evening, June 9. About one hundred couples have been invited, dancing to be to the music of the Myer-Hodek orchestra. WINS IN CONTEST Freda Sherman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Sherman, of South Omaha, won first prize in the regional grammar school division for the Mount Rushmore contest She is in the seventh grade at Brown Park. Her essay will be sent to Washington to compete with the other regional winners.
Palestine legislative council. Accord- town councils to be elected shortly ing to well-authenticated reports the and from the membership of this government intends to call a confer- conference choose the members of At its meeting held Tuesday, the ence of all members of the various the proposed legislative council. Junior Vaad Auxiliary re-elected Dora Freshman by acclamation as its presSeststen* by ident for the ensuing term. Sara GerGnu Brake -enftnrei* man was unanimously elected as vicepresident Other officers are Hose Kirshenbaum, secretary; Bess Schlaifer and Anne Green, sergeants-at-anns. GJEPPLEUHITE vuns RN Mrs. L. Neveleff and Mrs. N. GreenENGLISH FURNITURE berg were unanimously re-elected as DESUSNER OF THE 18TH the sponsors of the organization. C&HTUP.V. HIS TWO The feature of the evening's proOF gram was the installation by Ben KazTHE 'PRINCE OF lowsky of the officers of the Junior HND THE Vaad and the Young Men's Vaad. BfiCK' PESICiNS A committee was appointed by the president to make arrangements' for one or two social activities during the FURNITURE <O. HRVE I summer. Mollie Roitstein is chairman RUTHEfmC REPROI>UCTON?I of this committee. OF HEP?t-Ek?H\TE CREBTIOWS. J
Dora Freshman Head of Junior Vaad Group
BERGER-PRIEDEN ,TEA SUNDAY MARRIAGE Alpha Gamma Chi, social sorority Miss Marjorie Frieden became the of Omaha university, will honor rushbride of Mr. Alvin S. Berger on Tues- ees and friends at a tea to be held day morning at the home of Miss Sunday afternoon, June 10, at the WINS SCHOLARSHIP Frieden's brother-in-law and sister, home of Miss Janet Graetz. Max Halperin, son of Mrs. FanMr. and Mrs. Jack Luttbeg. Rabbi Miss Graetz is chairman of the comnie Halperin, a senior at South JUNIOR HADASSAH David A. Goldstein officiated. mittee in charge, "which includes the High school, was announced as winner The couple will reside in Cleveland. Misses Betty Fellman and Geraldine DANCE JUNE 12 of a Regent's scholarship to the UniThe dance planned by the Junior versity Straus. of Nebraska. He is president Hadassah for Sunday at the Birch- of the South chapter of the Na- Conservative Auxiliary KATZ-LIPSMAN NUPTIALS wood has been changed to Tuesday, tional Honor High Society. Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Lipsman an- ANNOUNCE BIRTH June 12, at Peony park. This dance The first meeting of the new board nounce the marriage of their daugh- Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Wintroub an- will celebrate the thirteenth anniverof the Conservative Synagogue AuxSCHOLARSHD? WINNERS ter, Eve, to Mr. Phil Katz of Omaha, nounce the birth of a daughter. sary of Junior Hadassah. iliary has been called by Mrs. David Among the scholarship winners anson of Mr. and Mrs. S. Katz of SL Chairman of the affair is Miss Mil- nounced Sherman, president, to be held at her at graduation exercises at Croix, Wise. SAILS FOR EUROPE dred Falk, assisted by the Misses Gerhome on Monday, June 11, at 2 p.in. The ceremony will be solemnized at Miss Clara Lewis sailed for Europe trude Guss, Bess Kirshenbaum, Eve- Technical High school Wednesday At that time she plans to announce 1 were Fannie Witkin and Massie Baum, 5:30 p. m. on Sunday, June 10, at the Wednesday on the SS. "Washington. lyn Glazer, Goldie Seidman and Julia names of all new committee chairCongregation of Israel, 25th and J Before returning in September, she Zuker. Tickets may be obtained by who received four-year scholarships to the men. Omaha university. streets. Rabbi Uri Miller will offi- plans to visit relatives in Berlin and calling Webster 2233. ciate. Poland, and to go to France, CzechoMrs. Sam Manvitz and Miss Sylvia slozakia, Italy and Switzerland. Michnick Heads MOTOR HERE FOR VISIT Yaad Auxiliary Lipsman will be bridesmaids. Mr. Jack Mr. and Mrs. Ben Goffstein of AlKatz and Mr. William Lipsman will BRIDGE-TEA AT HIGHLAND Phi Sigma Mu bany, N. Y., former Omahans, motored A luncheon will be given by the be groomsmen. Byron and Alexandria The first bridge-tea of the g here for a ten-day visit with their Ladies' Vaad Auxiliary on June 19, in Sal Michnick was named president Lipsman, nephew and niece of the land Country Club season was held parents, Mr. and Mrs. A .Shafton and conjunction with the regular June of the Phi Sigma Mu, legal fraternity bride, will be trainbearers. Mr. and Mrs. Brookstein. Wednesday afternoon. meeting of the auxiliary. Twenty-five of the Omaha University night law A reception will be held immediateladies have volunteered to serve as school, at a recent election. He sucly following the ceremony. BETURNS HOME 2JEW RESIDENCE ceeds William Wolfe. No invitations are being issued. All Rabbi and Mrs. David A. Goldstein Mrs. Harry Rose left last week for hostesses. An interesting program is being ar- Other officers elected include: Ralph friends are cordially invited. and family are now residing at 3560 her home in Providence, R. L, after ranged for the affair, the proceeds Nogg, vice-president; Meyer Bosenspending five weeks with her mother, to be used to buy "milchige" dishes baum, secretary; Robert S. Dorinson, Jackson street. BERCOVICI-ERAMER Mrs. Mamie Kneeter. En' route home for the Vaad kitchen. The luncheon treasurer; Louis J. Eiklin, .reporter. MARRIAGE she visited for a few days with her EASTERN TRIP Advisors of 'the. fraternity are Irvin Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kramer of Des Mrs. W. Kuklin is leaving Sunday brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. will be 35 cents per plate. Stalmaster and Milton R. Abrahams, Moines, la., announce the " for a three-month trip to the east. Harry Kneeter, in Des Moines, la. members of the faculty. Washington, D. C—Arthur J. Altof their daughter, Ethelyn, to Mr. Jay She will be accompanied by her chilmeyer, former secretary of the WisBercovici, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mayer dren, Hymie, Betty and Hallie. RETURNS FROM VISIT _ Bercovici, on Sunday, June 3. Enroute they will stop at the World Mrs. Marion Yawitz has just return- consin State Industrial Commission Legislative Council The ceremony was solemnized in the Fair. In New York they wfll visit with ed from a nine-weeks stay in SL Louis has been appointed second assistant Jerusalem—-The Palestine governpresence of the immediate family. A Mrs. Kuklin's brother and sister-in- with relatives and friends. secretary of labor by President ment is said to have a new plan for organizing the much discussed dinner followed by an informal recep- law. Mrs. Kuklin has not seen her Roosevelt. tion honoring the couple, was held at brother in fourteen years and her sis- YISITORS HERE the Kramer residence. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Weiner of Caliter-in-law in twenty-two years. After a short trip to Chicago, Mr. Mrs. Kuklin and her children will fornia, formerly of Omaha, are visitand Mrs. Jay Bercovici will make also visit in Philadelphia, Boston and ing their uncle, Mr. William Weiner, at 110 Park Ave. Mr. and Mrs. Weintheir home at 109 So. 32nd Avenue, other,eastern points. er came here to attend the graduaOmaha. tion of their son, Henry H. Weiner, RETURNS FROM STUDIES from Creighton university. MARKS-KADIS Miss Bluma Neveleff has returned MARRIAGE for the summer from her studies PLAlf SWIMMDf G Y Miss Marcia Kadis of Chicago, HI., home at the University of Iowa. . A swimming party is being planned formerly of Omaha, was married on for the near future by the Fratority May 27 to Mr. Maurice S .Marks, son TO VISIT HERE dub. Molly Lipsman is in charge of of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert B. Marks of Miss Myrtle Ziman of Kansas City, arrangements. Chicago, at the Hotel Southmoor. Mrs. R. Snader of Omaha, grand- Mo., will arrive Friday to visit with mother of Miss Kadis, was present at Miss Esther BlumenthaL the ceremony. FERER'S 1304 FAKXAM ST. JA-8SS8 After a honeymoon trip, Mr. Marks ENTERTAIN Mrs. Sam Manvitz andL ^Iiss. Edith AYOKLB-HEKALD BXDG. " and his bride will reside at Nilesy Ostrovich entertained for : 28 guests Hot and Cold launches, Sandwichca Mich., where Mr. Marks is located in Sunday afternoon at a linen shower and Famous Falstaff Beer — Delicious Cold Beet Borscht. We are now business. and bridge honoring Miss Eve Lips•pen from 7 a. m. to 11 p. m. man. STEIN-BLOOM Miss Ethel Bloom, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bloom, became: the bride of Mr. Max Stein, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Stein, on May 27. Following a Colorado wedding trip, Ask for the couple will make their residence An unbelievable opporin Omaha. Mr. Schwartz tunity* to secure a highand Have Him Explain er priced dress at a price that packs a real Sigma Delta Tau our thrilL A meeting of the alumni of the SigLeonard Electric ma Delta Tau sorority was held at the Refrigeration home of Mrs. Albert Steinberg, Monday evening, June 4. Club Newly elected officers of the group to you rje: Ruth Fox, president; Ida TennenM. L. SCHWARTZ Laum, secretary-treasurer. Arrangements are being made for a 1 o'clock luncheon to be held at the Psxton hotel, Saturday, June 9.
Plan to Spend an Eventful, Cool Summer Vacation in these
Washable DRESSES
ThrHlmg Values in This
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In Styles for Every Occasion at only
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Just the kind of dresses that make a vacation a success . . . . They're cool and attractive . . . and best of all—Tubable! In lovely pastel shades, smart prints, and combination colors . . . Some are jacket styles.
Open Evenings
Mrs. David M. Newman Chocolate Roll Three tablespoons cocoa, 5 eggs, 1 cup* powdered sugar, 3 teaspoons flour, a few grains salt, % teaspoon vanilla. To the unbeaten whites, add sugar, cwoa, flour and salt sifted together. Fold in yolks. Bake at 400 degrees for 10 minutes. Turn out on cloth sprinkled with flour and roll up at once. Wrap in damp towel and leave to cooL Unroll and spread with icecream or- whipped cream. Roll up again and serve in slices.
Brandeis Basement
15th and Harney AT. 4361
Erery One Fully Sanforized-Shrunk!
Men s Summer SUITS
Ho-w is the time to protect yourself folly by getting auto insurance
FLEISHMAN and SOSKIN (Formerly In the employ mt XL. HarrU)
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315 SO. 15
A Suggestion for Any Night Jack & Jill Sizzling: Steak Served w l > l l ( p > B | la the process *£ *^h<1 •f cseklnc m I l L Piping hot. ^^
Idaho baked P«t«to. •!»«** tom«l«. bread hotter, drink.
To Close Out at RA
Smart pastels and prints in cool summer styles. A grand buy at—
These are suits you can depend on . . . and be comfortable in! Seersucker and Shantung suits that have been Sanforized shrunk to assure perfect fit and quality. These are single breasted models. Size 35 to 44. Brandeis Basement
Also 29 SUMMER
and Jill. You'll thoroughly enjoy our appetizing and delicious menus.
12 Years Experience Inquiry Regarding Any Irsnrance Lines Is Iarited
Cool, Washable Suits, at only
The smartest styles, the wanted fabrics, all the shades and patterns that go to make up a wardrobe for vacation and travel, or a chic summer at home. At this price you will find it possible to wear the finer type dresses without straining the regular budget. Crepes, sheen and prints in a profusion of desirable fashions for every occasion.
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Cape Sleeves! Sleeveless!
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Shirts Included—8c
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A Few Cents a Day .. .Deposited in our "COMMON CENTS" Coin Bank . . . . Soon Pays For It.
Men's Quality Rayon Socks Assorted Patterns
Fine quality rayon- socks la ell colors and distinctive patterns. Durable rayon and chardonaise weave. All first quality. Sire 10 to 12.
Men's Seersucker Summer Pants Sizes 29-44
Men's and Young Men's seersucker trousers, easy to wash . . . cool and comfortable. Fnll cut, two button top and cuff bottom.
Brandeis Basement
HAUL WATER TO FARMS—With their wells gone dry during the devastating drouth, farmers of Iowa have been forced to haul water from nearby cities for their livestock. This photo shows some farmers residing in the vicinity of Des Moines, loading a water tank from a hydrant in the city. •"f
FROM RIVERS TO BROOKS—Drying up under the scorching rays of the sun during the prolonged drouth, rivers in middle western states are beginning to resemble brooks. What is left of Rocky river at Cleveland is shown in this photo.
VETERAN SMOKER _ Littie Mickey Baehr, of Pittsburgh, Pa., w h o h a s reached the mature age of 24 months, is shown enjoying a corncob pipe at his home. Liking his tobacco s t r o n g M i c k e y comes from a long line of smokers—h i s great - g r e a t g r a n d m other, now 103 and still living, s m o k e s even today.
EXCHANGING VISITS—When the fleet comes in, sea-weary sailon go ashore to visit the city, and landlubbers of the city go aboard the ships for a visit. This photo shows a group of New Yorkers boarding the U. S. S. Colorado, a unit of the U. S. fleet in the Hudson river, for an inspection trip.
SECRETARY SEES FAIR—Secretary of State Cordell Hull is pictured in Chicago reviewing a battery of the Sixty-first Coast artillery at the World's Fair grounds during a visit at the exposition. Hull heads the board in charge of federal appropriation for the fair. s -'-
! £
— 1
^^^^nHggHUgpr . \ I '. ' V \"' : " J ""^^^^. :..."• ;:..'•• •. ... -'. .• •••••=' ' »1,\00,000^ OIL FIRE—Smoke is shown pouring from the fire area Of aV old section of the beach oil field at Huntington Beach, Cal., set ablaze ablaze by by aa gasoline gasoline explosion. explosion. The The fire, which ignited whiciwas set fire, which ignited
of oil derricks, caused dam&ge estimated at $1,000,000.
mS-UNiiUlSHEJJ GRADUATES—Thispicturesque grouping of eignt caaeis 01 me u«ueu outtt» JUUtary academy, who will graduate as honor men in the 1984 class, shows the octet just within the arched portals of the school at West Point, N. Y They are, left to right, Charles Tank of Syracuse, N. Y.; Thomas James MiUer, inomss Rogers augers of ox Devils A/evus Island, lsiana, H, N. D.; D.', John John Cary Cary of of Emporia, Jtrnpona, Kas.; ^as.,-rfoures iuiuo, Jr., •»., of v» Pocatello, *~w«..^—~, Id.; .-., Robert Erlenhotter of Weehawken, N. J.: Y.; Stauhton Brown of MeriJ.; John Donoghue of Rochester, N, N.Y.;
deii, Conn., and Richard Sieg of Kenton, 0.
HEAT HITS CAPITAL—As the heat wave hits Washington, senators and representatives blossom out in summer clothing for wear during the congressional sessions. Showing the correct summer attire for legislators in this photo are, left to right, Senator Henry F. Ashurst of Arizona; Senator Millard E. Tydings of Maryland, and Senator James F. Byrnes of 'South Carolina*.
seven Nazis and sent some sixty persons to various hospitals as a result of the street fighting.
Homeless, Hopeless, They Drift Across Europe
Pledges No Zion Proselytizing
New York—In a distinctly proJewish speech, Waldo H. Heinrichs, E BjPHKEASJ.BffiO5 | executive secretary of the new $1,000,000 Y. M. C. A. which will be r.ililUUlUllUIIIHIIIIIIIirillllllllllillllll!^ which will adversely affect Jewish dedicated in Jerusalem this Easter, Germans Worried About immigration to the country. Boycott OH YOU NAZI MANi gave assurances that the "Y" would According to the terms of the law,attempt no proselytizing of Jews . Berlin—German Nazi leaders are Jimmy Lee, son of Ivy Lee, the pubdisplaying, increasing concern over immigration will be restricted to two and Moslems in Palestine and exlicity genius, charged with handling the inroads made in their foreign per cent of the national groups now pressed the hope that his mission the publicity for, the Nazi Government trade by the world boycott against within Brazil, and will be based on would promote mutual understandin this country: of ours^is in Berlin ing among the three faiths in the and, according t o W. "W;, is being German-made goods. Speaking at the national census of 1920. Since Jewish immigrants, who are Holy Land. "tutored by Hitler himself—so that Dresdan, Minister, of Interior Dr. hell be properly armed to exploit Wilhelm Frick declared that the boy- mainly from Russia, Rumania and Adolf here next year" . . . Plans are cott would force Germany^ to bargain Poland, came here after 1920, theNazi Chief Rails afoot, we are advised from an unimfor: raw materials or attempt self new law will shut the doors of Bra- Berlin—Dropping his scheduled zil to East European Jews. peachable source, to offer a cessation address on "The Revival of German sufficiency. • of DAWA activities if there be a corJustice," Hans Frank, Reich ComL o n d o n—Commenting on Dr. Alderman Charges Underresponding cessation ol anti-Nazi selfmissioner of Justice, launched into a Frick's speech, the. London Financial defense on the part of American Jews heated attack on the world-wide boyTimes unsympathetically pointed out ground Boycott Toronto, Ont.—Charging that a cott of German-made goods, which . . . "Such an arrangement would be that the Germans have antagonized the hasest form of treason" was the Jewish buyers. In a similar fashion person "well known to the members he characterized as the "boycott incomment of Dr. Stephen S. Wise when other English papers declared that of this committee" has organized a sanity." he discussed the matter on his austere the present situation was created by Gentile boycott against those who sanctum at the. Free Synagogue.. . . sublet leaseholds "on Toronto Island the Germans themselves. The German steamship: lines threatto Jews, Alderman J. J. Glass moved : ened the New ; York Times that they at a meeting of the Civic Parks Morris Fisher was elected treasurer Map Back-to-the-Land would withdraw all their advertiseCommittee here that no more sub- of the' Pan-Hellenic Council at OmaMovement ments unless some sort of retraction ^Paris—A new organization known letting' be permitted without the com- ha "University. He was also appointed were made in 'connection with Birch•• • • business manager of "The Gateway," as The New Epoch has. been cre- mittee's approval. all's splendidly written dispatch about the school paper. ated here with the object of pushing 20 Injured as Anti-Semites Nazi mistreatment of tourists . . . A smoker is being planned for the a back-to-the-land movement among Cphn, the publisher of the Times, told Explode Bomb in Mexico City prospective pledges of the fraternity. Jewish youth throughout the world. these gents to take their ads and evaMexico City—Twenty persons "were The New Epoch will shortly issue injured, five probably fatally, when The committee in charge consists of porate, but the Nazis have decided Harold Kort, Art Weiner, Myron TarFleeing the oppression and Intolerance of a government that has dedicated itself to uprooting Jewish life an appeal to world Jewry to begin a bomb explosion, believed set by noff and Joe Greenstone. otherwise . . . One of the best laughin Germany, more than 60,000 men, women and children have taken up the wanderer's staff in search of an extensive, back-to-the-land cam- members of the recently organized provokers was the caption in the New a haven from the persecutions of the Hitler regime. Scattering in ail directions of the compass, they paign. Efforts will be made to pre- anti-Semitic Accion Revolucionaria York Evening Post over the picture have drifted to England, Sweden, Norway, and Denmark, Holland, Poland, Italy, Spain, Czechoslovakia, vail upon Jewish youth to abandon Mexkana, wrecked a store owned by of that Nazi meeting at the Garden, Switzerland, Austria, France and Palestine. The latter two countries have admitted more than 50% of the the learned and commercial profes- Henry Lisker, Jewish merchant. which read: "With a Hey-Nazi-Nazi total number of refugees. In Palestine more than 11,000 have found a permanent home as farmers, worksions in favor of agricultural work. and a Hot Ja Ja" . . . "Apropos of This outrage is the first act of ers, and businessmen. Through the United Jewish Appeal American Jewry is seeking a fund of $3,000,000 COAST TO COAST that" says Lennie Hayton, "I see by The New Epoch has already astabviolence that has occurred as a result to carry out an intensive program of relief and rehabilitation and settlement of Jews in Palestine. Map Deluxe Long Distance Removals the papers that Hitler just celebrated lished an agricultural school at Tonof the vitriolic campaign against the above describes placement of refugees in accordance with a recent report by High Commissioner James Forwarded in Post Proof Padded his birthday. Oh. well, you know the louse. Jews. - •. G. McDonald. .. • Tans. Handled by Experts. old saying . . .every dog has his day" Among the sponsors of The New YOUR GOODS INSURED . . . Broadway will see a musical comEpoch, are Professor Albert Einstein Synagogue at Worms Marks Phone Us for Estimates to recognize any affair at which the and Lord Melchett. edy this fall under the title "Oh youLITERARY JA, 0288 900th Birthday swastika is not flown. It is preposterNazi man" . . . Another pungent com- DISAPPOINTMENTS Berlin—The 900th anniversary of ous at this time to consider the sen- Roumanian Premier ment on Naziland: "Einstein to Overrated literature: "The Autobiothe establishment of Worms synasitivities of the Nazis so delicate as to Frankenstein in one degeneration." graphy of Alice B. Toklas," written by gogue which was celebrated last prevent their attendance at the signi- Sympathetic Gertrude Stein, which was acclaimed Kishineff, Roumania—P r e m i e r week, was utilized by ihe All-Ger- Aet. Aero Mayflower Transit Co. ficant convention. They would be unBEHIND THE MAKE-UP 1107 Howard OMAHA by the critics but is nothing but a willing to let slip possibilities of mak- George Tatarescu received a deputa- man Jewish representative body to At the recent dinner by the Soviets boring recital of Gertrude's artistic tion from the Jewish community, issue a statement emphasizing this ing one of the most masterly coups in in honor of the explorer Schmidt we social relations . . . "The Unpossesthe history of Nazi-ism. The Nazis which submitted to him a memoran- significant identification of the Jews ran across the following celebrities sed," by Tess Slesinger, ex-wife of Alice Hughes, the columist, looking Herbert Solow of Menorah fame, a Hitlerite Propagandists Move have not been overly sensitive in seiz- dum asking the Roumanian govern- of Germany with German soil, and ing control of the hundreds of German ment to support Jewish demands for ponting ont that their right to relike a fashion plate in Vanity Fair first novel which aroused the enthusOn Toward Control of American societies over which they are increased immigration into Pales- main permanently in the country was Maurice Hindus, the author, remind iastic shrieks of the reviewers but Cleveland Conclave based on a worthy past. now masters, and it is highly xmllike- tine. ing one of Houdini; Fannie Hurst, ele consists merely of smartalecky deThe premier replied that he was ly they will permit any initial pique gant, tired and showing the effects o: scriptions of a Bohemian intelligentNew York ( J T A ) — Speculation is to disturb their steam roller process sympathetic to Rumanian Zionism Nazi Meeting in Newark her continued dieting . . . At that sami sia group of uninteresting people who Rebuilt like new by dinner we could hardly take our eyes believe that they are interesting . . . rife in New York with regard to the turning various societies into Hitkr- and was sincerely desirous of seeing Causes Riot our exclusive facoff the beautiful, pale face of the wife Arnold Zweig*s "De Friendt Goes anticipated attempt to Hitlerize the heiling groups designed to carry out a Jewish fatherland in Palestine; Newark, New Jersey. — A Nazi tory process. of Sir Hubert Wilkins . . . Wonder Home," supposed to be another, Pal- German -American convention, which the policies of the Nazi government in meeting held in Irvington developed Nazis May Ban Emigration why she is not being drafted by some estinian, case of Sergeant Grischa — meets in Cleveland on June 14. It is this country. into a riot that brought out the Irvmovie producer . . . Which reminds but it made us blush for Zweig*s lack understood that Nazis, who are now The German American convention, to Palestine ington and Newark police forces, us that Sir Hubert likes to eat cold of courage and his total lack of inner in control of a number of large Ger- the most important function of the Berlin—Rumors are current here caused the police forces of these SHOE .AT 8200 borsht in strictly Kosher restaurants man American .centers throughout the year, will meet without much of the that Nazi government is planning to towns to bar future Nazi or antiREBUILDERS . . . Theda Bara, her saucer eyes still relationship to the events in Pales- country, will strive to bring into the liberal strength originally ascribed to issue a decree halting the emigration Nazi meetings, caused the arrest of An orchid to Dr. Judah Leib fold of the swastika alL the, German vampishly kohled, denies all rumors tine it. There will be many more delegates of German Jews to Palestine. This that she plans a come-back in the Magnes for his splendid expose of the American groups-of the nation xe'p- from the Friends of New Germany decree is designed to prevent Jews movies; she is happily married to an Arab-Jewish situation in Palestine, resented sfcf-the Jifjf&ir.—~-~'- ---- present than werenorfginaHy expected. from taking- out of the country-- ev Englishman who admires her "South- delivered at" an executive" session of It was learned here that American the limited amount of their capital the Administration Committee of the ern accent" . . . Paul Muni will play and anti-Nazi forces have already tak•which the law allows. Zionist Organization of America, and Nijinsky in a dramatization of Romen steps to thwart Nazi tactics at the Another decree, for the same purola's biography of her mad husband another orchid to Morris Kothenberg, convention. It was stated in authorita- Rockefeller Breaks Off Deal pose, is to be issued prohibiting GerZionist president, who invited Magnes next season on Broadway . . . Sam H. tive circles that measures have been With Germans mans from vacationing abroad. Harris will produce it . . . And Gus-and prevented the meeting from de- taken to bar the display of the swasNew York—Negotiations between tav Blum, who a few years ago pro-scending to a bitter and useless con- tika at the convention. troversy . . . a German group and the Rockefeller Brazilian Quota Law - mised to become one of the enterIf the swastika should be barred, it prising impression and then disap- We understand that FDR does not will be impossible for the German Center for the leasing of a new for- Sao Paulo, Brazil.—An immigration peared from the scene, will try his approve of the various changes ambassador to speak at the conven- eign unit in Rockefeller Center have quota law was adopted in Brazil been broken off by John D. Kockeluck next season . . . Immanuel Kant wrought in the Tugwell Pure Food Neumark, only son of the late He- and Drug Bill by the two medical tion because it is generally recog- feller, jr., because of ihe policies of brew Union College philosophy pro- members of Congress, Senator Cope- nized that Dr. Hans Luther refuses to the Hitler regime. fessor and recently turned twenty, land and our own Representative address affairs at which, both the The unit for which the Germans «W0BK THAT SATISFIES" now has acquired his master's degree Sirovich . . . Murray Rumshinsky, son swastika and national emblems are were angling is expected to be taken not flown. Luther's presence has Oriental and Domestics in education at Columbia Teachers of the producer and a composer in over by Eussian interests and the College, his specialty being the Ger-his own right, has chosen the Theater graced many meetings of the Friends building •will be known as the Soviet 5116 Military Ave. Walnut 5002 man language, of all things . . . Im- n the Woods at Lake Hopatcong, N. of New Germany and other Nazi Union Building. manuel, who has been delving quite J., which, is part of the Jacobs fam- groups which might otherwise be condeeply into linguistics, tells us, by the ily's Hotel Alamac, .to produce the sidered un-American and hence be way, that the Yiddish words Shick- summer revue which he is now writ- shunned by well-meaning German Americans. . • . . sah and Shagitz are derived from the ing . . . Hebrew Shikkus, which means "abom- Rumor hath it that the biggest con- Furthermore, some doubt prevails ination," and that consequently it is tributor to the United Jewish Appeal as to whether the Nazis will consent not surprising that the current mean- is Felix M. Warburg, with $50,000 . . . ing of the colloquial German term We are also reliably informed that shicksel is "Jewish girl" . . . Adolph S. Ochs has given 110,000 to Binstein and Lipman Kosher Meat this cause . . . Ordinarily contribution G-E protects you with figures in a campaign do not con- Market has renovated the market and The facilities of our organization the standard 1 year INSIDE STUFF stitute confidential news — but the invites the public to view "the cleanare at the disposal of investors for Barney Ross was so confident of officers of this year's campaign have liness of our white enameled shop." warranty PLUS 4 adthe purchase and sale of commodiwinning the welterweight champion- decided to preserve a profound sil- The market is located at 1629 No. ditional years protecties. ship that he insisted on his fiancee, ence anent the amounts received; this 24th S t . tion against any posJoan Abott, seeing the fight from a to save the donors from embarrassringside seat . . . And not only did ment either here or in Germany. . . sible replacement cost Barney take members of his family All Customers of the late due to failure of the Irom Chicago to New York but he We hear also that the publicity Mr. I. Hornstein owing for genius responsible for the Wirt comsealed-in-steel Monitor aVjo financed the trip for Harry the Top mechanism. Barber, who keeps Ross's black hair motion of some weeks ago was Ed- bread from the Himelbloom sleek and trim . . . Thus Harry saw ward L. Bernays, nephew of Dr. Sig- i Bakery are requested to V Members the fight from a ringside seat . . . mund Freud and press agent for Rempay Mrs. Himelbloom a t ington-Rand . . . T h e publicity results j From the last issue of Young Israel, New York Stock Exchange Come in and see the the bakery, 1511 No. 24th your heir or heiress can glean the achieved were excellent, you will reChicago Board of Trade member—but we must Say that as a Hew York Cotton Exchange 1934 General Electric interesting information — which we Street Chicago Stock Exchange > had forgotten, if we ever knew it- stunt the Wirt business wasn't so models . . . the aristo- G-E Features that mean greater New York Curb Exchange (Asso.) that one of the founders of the Amer- good . . . crats of modem stylCommodity Exchange, Inc. convenience and economy: ican Red Cross was one Adolphus POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT POLITICAL ADVERTISKMENT ing. - They axe the fin- • All-steel cabinet, porcelain inSolomon, a Jew . . . And did you know 240 Omaha Nati Bank Bldg., Omaha TeL AT-9113 that James J. McDonald, the Refugee est refrigerators Gen- side and out. Commissioner, will launch a million eral Electric ever built. • Stainless steel freezing chamber. New York—Colorado Springs—Chicago—Denver dollar corporation for the purpose of Monitor Top or flat- • Automatic interior lighting. financing emigration activities of German refugees and that the Rocketop model, you will • Foot pedal door opener. fellers are likely to "invest' a subfind the refrigerator e Sliding shelves. stantial sum . . . Fifty German Jewto exactly suit you in • Automatic defrosting. ish refugees arrived under the German quota in this country thanks to the General Electric • Control for fast or slow freezing, the Joint Distribution Committee e Container for fresh vegetables. line. but no publicity is wanted •> > Union • Quiet operation &ad less curCity, New Jersey, the hotbed of Nazi cent consumption with foil propaganda, is considering an offirefrigerating capacity for even cial ban on all Nazi meetings'.;.
Beta Tau Kappa
Mayf lour Moving Service
Fidelity Storage & Van Co., Inc.
Renovate Meat Market
Boetlclier-Newtdn & Co.
HENRY J.BEAL Republican for
Efficient Sertice
SEE TfflS...; THEN CALL KE. 1305 8 Honses on 5 Lots, Partly Furnished, All Bented, §84.00 Monthly Income, Good Location for Store and Ice Station, 2 Blocks to Car, N. E . Comer, 14 A T C Ames. Worth $4,000. Will take $2,500.
Fearless Experienced Far
FAVORITE of Nebraska Women Try a Bag Today
mar wonder
DOWN '"-•'•' ' '"'"Balance••Easy Terms
Nebraska Power Co. Courtesy - Service - Low Rates
Sioux City News
To Celebrate 50th Wedding Anniversary
Council Bluffs -News
Mrs. B. Markovitz is confined at the Mercy Hospital where she is taking treatment for her illness.
SAMVE1. ZAC'HAKIA, Attorney. 708 Urandein Theater Dldgr. NOTICE OF AETICIJSS OF IXCOUPORATION OF LOCAL RETAIL CODK AUTHORITY FOR OMAHA, NEBR* INC. Kolice is hereby given thnt the undersigned have associated themselves together in order to form a corporation in the
Mr. and Mrs. David Rosenthal, 812 BY P . R. K. Iowa street, will celebrate their fifStnte of Nelirnskn for the purposes neretieth wedding anniversary, when they innfter stated, under an<l pursuant to SecMiss Jeannette Baron, daughter of Miss ANNA PILL, Correspondent will receive over 300 relatives and tion 2 (u) of Article X, o£ the Code ot Mr. and Mrs. Joe Baron of Council Fair Competition for the Retail Trade. friends at the Jewish Community Bluffs, has chosen Sunday, June 17th, The nnme of this Corporation Nazi Leaders Begin to Openly Center, from 7:30 until 10:30 Sunshnll tie LOCAL KETAIL CODE AUas the date for her marriage to Mr. Heidelberg (JTA)—Vandalia, HeidAdmit Havoc Wrought day evening, June 10, in the Jewish THORITY. FOR OMAHA, XEBK., INC., Sam Schwartz of Omaha. The cere- elberg student corps, was last week nnd its principal place of transacting By Boycott Community Center. business sluill be in ilio City of Omaha, mony will take place at six o'clock at expelled from the Federation of Heid- Douglas County. Nebraska. The objects Mr. and Mrs. Rosenthal were mar; the Chevra B'nai Yisroel synagogue elberg student societies and from two nnd purposes of this corporatoin are to ried in Minsk Russia, coming to Berlin, (WNS). —The increasing at 618 Mynster Street. have and exercise, within the local trading unions of German student area of Omalin, Nebraska, all the rights Sioux City 23 years ago. Mr. Rosen- effectiveness of the boycott against Miss Baron has just recently re- general groups on the ground that the Vanand powers nnd to l>e ehnrjted with all Mr. Louis Agranoff, Sioux City an, Rudy Shindler was elected presi- thal has been in the grocery busi- German goods is strikingly demonthe duties and obligations, now. or which dalia group has "consistently refused was elected president of the National dent of the A. Z. A. chapter at their ness here during this time. strated by the imposition of a vir-turned from Kansas City, Missouri, to oust' Jewish students and those of may hereafter be. vested in nnd imposed where she had been making her home. upon the National Retail Code Authority Order of Ivre, at the annual Ivre annual election held this week. He Five sons and. four daughters and tual government embarge on all im-Numerous affairs are being planned Jewish descent." or the Local ltefnil Code Authority for Conclave, held in Des Moines last succeeds Max Maron. Omaha. Nebr.. under tlie Code of Fair their respective families will be inports during this month. This latest honor of this bride-to-be. Miss At the same time university author- Competition for the Retail Trade. Sidney Maumstein was elected the city on Sunday to help their of a series of decrees slashes the in week-end. Edith Baron entertained twelve guests announced that in the future no This corporation shnll be a memMr. Agranoff is an active member vice-president; Al Herzoff, secretary; parents celebrate the happy event. allotment of foreign exchange for at a bridge party at home on Sunday ities bership corporation and shall hnVe no capstudent Heidelberg would be al-ital stock. The corporation is not organof the local chapter of this organiza- Max Levin, treasurer; Max Maron, They will come frora both the east ordinary imports to five percent of afternoon complimentary to her sis-lowed toof ized nnd shall not be conducted for profit, join the Vandalia society. tion. He is a member of Mount chaplain; Stanley Herzoff, junior and the west coasts where some of the amount spent for foreign goods ter. nnd no part of its revenues or earnings shall inure to the benefit of any individual Sinai Temple and Brotherhood and sergeant-at-arms; Norman Satin, them are now making their homes. in 1930; a reduction to one-fifth the subscriber, contributor, member or incorJACK XV. MAKER, Attorney a member of the Board of Directors senior sergeant-at-arms; Fred Herz- F..ur sons and one daughters re- amount available last February. porator. Membership in this corporation Courthouse shall be the representatives which each pt of the Federation of Jewish Social off, reporter and publicity manager. side in Sioux City. They are Barney, The immediate reason for this The Bar Mitzvah of Arnold Lincoln, the Local Retail Trade Associations, pnrOP PROBATE OF Plans have been begun for the an-Joe Morris and Max Rosenthal, and drastic slash, which cuts imports to son of Mr. and Mrs.' Sam Lincoln, In NOTICE - service. the County Court of Douglas County, Miant to the provisions of said Article X, took place last Saturday morning, Section 2<n) of the Code and said Order Nebraska. Sioux City received the bid for thenual Sound Table Outing. This is a Mrs. TVIax Holland. about one-twentieth of normal, is 2nd, at the Chevra B'nai Yisroel Ill the Matter of the Estate of KATHER- dated October 24th, 1033, have elected or conclave next year. Sioux Cityans yearly event held at Riverside park. Out-of-town guests at the celebra- Germany's disappearing gold reserve June herenftpr shall elect ns members of the synagogue. Arnold, accompanied by INE BOYNTON BELT, Deceased. Local Retail Code Authority for Omaha, who attended the conclave with Prospective members are invited to tion will be Mrs. S. M. Eushall, of which is vanishing because of the All persons interested in said estnte are Nebr., or their duly elected successors. his father, will leave shortly for Chi- hereby notified that n petition has been guests from other cities and the Desattend the round table discussion of Los Angeles, and Mrs. H. Pollack, steady shrinkage in export trade, a cago, Illinois to visit the World's Fair, filed Vacancies in the membership, arising from in said Court, praying for the pro-whatever cause, shall be filled by the said the A. Z. A. work and ideals, and the Moines members' attended an informof a certain instrument no wou file Local Retail Trade daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Rosenthal, direct result of the worldwide boy- the trip being his Bar Mitzvah gift bate by whom in said Court, purporting to be the last they were elected. Associations al frolic Saturday evening. A Sun-members and guests attend a pro-Mr Earl Rosenthal of Los Angeles, cott. Significantly enough, the only from his parents. of snid member* will and testament of said deceased, nnd] shnll be elected byAll their snid respective gram of tennis, swimming, ball game day ,noon, luncheons were held for that a hearing will be had on snid petia son; Mr and Mrs S. L. Shulkin exemptions to the new embargo are Retail Trnde Associations, in accordtion before said Court on the 23rd flay of I Local the men and the women. Sunday eve- and refreshments. Annoucement of of St. Louis. Mrs. Shulkin is a such raw materials as cotton, wool, ance with a fair method approved by th« June, J03». and that if they fail 10 nppe.-ir I Administrator, The Council Bluffs Chapter of the and shnll retain their metnthe outing date will be made in a ning they were guests at a formal said Court on the snid 23rd day of daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rosenthal; metals and other products already Senior Hadassah held a social meet- nt nt the pleasure of their snid reJune, 1!134. at 9 o'clock A. M., to contest jI bership dinner dance in the Fort Des Moines forthcoming issue of the Press. spective Local Retail Trade Association*. under government control because of Mr. and Mrs. L. Chautin and family, f t said will, the Court may ing last Thursday afternoon at thethe probate Corporation shnll be managed by a hotel, and Sunday night a farewell and probnte said will and grant mi- The Mr. and Mrs. M. Rosenberg, all oftheir value in the manufacture of home of Mrs. Sam Meyerson, 600 allow of not less than five members, who ministrntion of snid estate to Dennis O. board party was held in the Savory hotel shall he known as the Executive CommitSt. Louis; Mr. and Mrs. Phil Good- armaments. Celt or some other suitable person, entpr i tee, Roosevelt Avenue. Mrs. Ben Margolin who shall be selected by the members at 1-o'clock. decree of heirship, and proceed to n set- of said corporation, man and daughter of Kansas City; The issuance of this decree, which of Kansas City, Missouri, who was re- atlement nnd who shall hold thereof. their offir-e for such term or terms ns Among the members of the local Mrs. Hary Belkin and sons of Grand is a frank admission of the critical cently elected president of the SouthBBXCE CRAWFORD, shall be prescribed by the By-Laws of ths chapter who atfended were Mr. and Miss Miriam Braver, a bride-elect, Rapids, Michigan; Mr. and Mrs. A. County Judge. nature of the Reich's foreign trade western Region of the Senior Hadas- G-1-Zi-St. corporation. The existence of this corporation shnll commence on the date of the Mrs. Louis Agranoff, Mr. and Mrs. will be honored at an informal gath- J. Myers and sons of Des Moines; position, coincided with a warning sah, was the honored guest. She gave signing ot those Articles of Incorporation BEN E. KAZLOWSKV, Attorney Abe Agranoff, Mr. and Mrs. Sam nnd continue for the term of the Code. ering next Tuesday, when members Mrs. S. Miller, Santa Monica, Cali- to the outside world from Kurt a talk on the activities of the Senior Insurance Bid?. The highest amount of indebtedness to Davidson, Mr. and Mrs. Morey Lip- of the Ladies Independent Farane fornia; Mr. Abe Glasser, Grand Schmitt, minister of economics, that Hadassah. which the corporation shnll subject itself PROBATE NOTICE shutz, Mr. and Mrs. John Levin, Mr. auxiliary will entertain at the Jew-Rapids, Michigan; Mr. and Mrs. I.unless foreign markets were opened not exceed the value of the property In the Matter of the Estate of ABRAHAM shall by it. The private property of th« and Mrs. Phil Sherman, .Mr. and Mrs. ish Community Center. Fiedler and family, Mr. and Mrs. S.to German's exports she not only WIKNKK, also known as ABRAHAM owned members shnll not be subject to the payEuben Miller, Abe Sadoff, Abe Koz- Miss Braver, whose home is inReikes, Mr. and Mrs. M. Richards, could not meet the service on her The Council Bluffs Lodge No. 688 WINEK. Deceased. ment of corporate debts or obligations to is hereby given that the creditors extent whatsoever. A business adberg, Frank Margolin, Morris Mil- Kansas City, is a daughter of Rabbi all of Omaha, and Mrs. A. Goldman foreign commercial and government of the Independent Order of the B'nai of Notice said deceased will meet the administra- any ministration headquarters shnll be estabBrith will hold a regular meeting next of said estnte, before me. County Judge ler, and Jack Goldsmith. debts but would have to cease buying Monday evening, June 11th, at thetor maintained and conducted in such and Mrs. M. I. Braver, 1020 Iowa of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. of Douglas County, Nebraska, at the Coun- lished, and for such use by and with Suck ty Court Koom, in said County, on the 2nd manner street, is visiting in Sioux City with A family dinner will be held in foreign raw materials. Schmitt hinted Eagles Hall . foi the meml>ers as the corday of August, 1934, and on the 2nd dayprivileges that if : necessary Germany would poration may from time to time determine. her parents. . the Center at 2 o'clock Sunday afterof October, 1934, at 9 o'clock A. M.. each In furtherance Senior Hadassah and not in limitation of the day, for the purpose of presenting their powers conferred noon, at which Mr. and Mrs. Rosen- fall back on synthetic raw materials Mrs. Sol Gross of St. Louis, Mis- claims the Code, the corporaThe Senior Hadassah Board of Difor examination, adjustment and al- tion is expressly by but the effectiveness of his threat authorized to carry on thal's children, grand children and lowance. Three months are allowed for the Miss Rose Abrahamson of Omaha, souri, left Saturday night for her rectors met Tuesday afternoon in the business and to hold annual or special that Germany would permanently creditors to present their claims, from the its meetings: and to have one or more offices home of Mrs. W. C. Slotsky. Re- a guest this week in the home of great grand children will be present. drop out as an important buyer of home following a three weeks' visit 2nd day of July. 1934. or branches: to acquire, hold and dispose BRYCE CRAWFORD. at the home of her son-in-law ports on the recent Hadassah con- Miss Kate Kaplan, was the guest of of real and personal property; to have the world's raw materials was weak- here 6-8-34-St. County Judge. complete control and management of the and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Louis H. .vention were made by the. various honor at the dinner given by Miss Local Fraternity to ened when he declared that "for affairs, funds nnd finnnces of the corporaKaplan Wednesday evening, in her JACK W. MAKER, Attorney Katelman, and their son, Avrum. committees who were in charge of tion, including the power to mnke conexport needs big business Courthouse Play Omaha A. Z. A.German's tracts, to borrow money and to pledge the home for members of the Jewish arrangements. is indispensable." property of the corporation as security Business Girls club. Miss Kaplan is NOTICE BY PCBIJCATION ON" PETIPlans were begun for a summer therefor: to employ agents or counsel; Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Cherniack and TION FOK SETTLEMENT OF FINAL. An even more significant admisThe indoor, baseball team of , the subject to the laws of the State of Nefrolic to be held in July. Definite the president of the club. ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT their two children, Joan Ruth, and braska, to keep the books of the corporasion of the havoc being wrought by High Life Fraternity, a newly orIn the County Court of Douglas County. arrangements will be announced by tion within or without the State of NeLouis Jay, of Stanford, Connecticut, Nebraska. ganized local group, will play the the boycott came from Der Deutsche, arrived braska, ns may from time to time be desigMrs. H. Charney and Mrs. M. the directors during the month. here Monday for a visit at the In the Matter of the Estate of JOHN E. nated by the'corporation; to receive conWeiner, were joint hostesses at a din- first of a two-game series Sunday organ of the German Labor Front, home of Mr. Cherniack's mother, Mrs. SCHAAF, Deceased. tributions, and to assess nnd collect fees, All persons interested in said matter nre dues nnd other payments as may be proner and miscellaneous shower Tues- afternoon, when, they meet the team which said that "the only possibility L. Cherniak. . Sisterhood hereby notified that on the 23rd day ofvided for in rules nnd regulations adoptfor the permanent' reduction of the of Omaha A. Z. A. No. 1, at Gilman May; 1934, E. B. McArdle filed a petition ed by the corporation. The officers of Raid A special meeting of the Mount day evening in the Seville cafe, com- terrace. The game will begin at 2:30 German living standard would be the in said County Court, praying that his fi- corporation shall be n Chairman, Vicenal administration account filed herein l « chairman, nnd Secretary nnd Treasurer, Sinai Temple Sisterhood will be held plimenting Miss Charlotte Kantro- o'clock and admission will be free. success of world Judaism in carrying Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Adler enter- settled allowed, and that he be dis-who shnll be chosen by the Executive this afternoon in the annex of thevich, whose marriage to Nate Gold- The second of the series will be through the boycott and economic taned the members of their Sunday charged and from his trust as administrator Committee, and who shnll hold their ofand that a hearing will be had on snid fices until their successors shall be electNight Bridge Club at their home SunTemple. The afternoon will be de-berg, will be an event of June 8. played on June 24, when the Sioux warfare against Germany, which was petition before said Court on the lGth day ed and qualify. voted to a business meeting during Following the dinner, the guests Cityans go to Omaha to play the resumed with unbelievable energy. day night. of June. 1034, and that if you fail to apWILLIAM F. BAXTER, pear before snid Court on the snid lfitli which a numbr of important phases adjourned to an evening of bridge. same team. PARKY TS. 7JMMAN, This unheard-of effort J o sabotage day of Any of June. 1034. nt O o'clock WII.UAM HOIJ.MAS, of the work will be taken up. Mrs. the creation of German labor by Donald Raymond Fried, six-month A. M., and contest said petition, the 0111! FRANK I?. OARVER, • Sunday evening, the High Life fraMiss Rae Denberg, of Montreal may grant the prayer of snid petition, enC. C JOHNSON*. 'William Lazere, newly elected presiold son of Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Fried, ter a decree of heirship, and make sncli denying us the necessary raw maternity and their guests will attend Canada is spending the summer in Incorporntors. 1 dent will preside. passed away early ^Wednesday mornand further orders, allowances nnd Sioux City with friends and relatives. a dance at Stone park, adjourning terials, throwing' "into the streets ing. Besides his parents, the child is other decrees, as to this Court may seem proper, hundreds of thousands of German to the end that all natters pertaining to While here, she is the house guest of later to the l£iwanis cabin for a prosurvived by one sister, Leona, and said estnte may be finally settled and degram and refreshments. George workers, is becoming more visible three Miss Ruth Rifkin. brothers, William Gerald, Sam termined. day by day." At thVsame time Der Shindler and Morris Bernstein are BKTCE CRAWFORD, and Orville David. Funeral services 5-2G-34-3t. County Judge. i Deutsche predicted that Germany Rabbi and Mrs. H. R. Rabinowitz, in charge of the arangements. were held Wednesday afternoon, with and daughter, departed this week for Members of the High life base- | would defeat the boycott by creating burial at the Oak Hill cemetery. FRADENBCHG, STALMASTER, BEBEK & KLUTZN'ICK, Attorneys New York where they will spend the ball team include Sid Baumstein, Max I substitutes for foreign raw materials. 650 Omaha National Bank Buildins summer months. While east, Rabbi Zeligson, George Shindler, Rudy Among the members of the Abrafoyour FRIENDS and Mrs. Rabinowits plan to attend Shindler, Max Maron, Sol Chergin, ham Lincoln High School Band who NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF Sid Raskin, Max Krickman,. Jack the National Zionist convention. and RELATEVES spent the past week-end in Des . . FEEDERS SUPPLY DEPOT Reznick, and Milton Grueskin. Notice is hereby given that we, the tinMoines, Iowa, where they participated derslgned, have associated ourselves toMrs. A. S. Greenfield and baby in the National Music Contest were gether for the purpose of forming a corporation, to be known as FEEDERS StJPdaughter of Chicago, visited in Sioux Esther Steinberg, Sylvia Ross, Irving l'LY DEPOT. It shall commence business New York (WNS) — Openly and Cohen, Arnold City with the former's mother, Mrs. Jewish National Fund Hofffman. They were the time of the filing of the Articles of with the connivance of Alabama offi- acccompanied by Mrs. Harry Cohen. nt Incorporation with the County Clerk of J. N. Krueger. Mrs. Greenfield was Flower Day Sunday cials the Ku Klux Klan, under the TORGSSN STORES Douglas County, Nebraska, nnd continue the former Molly Krueger. for a period of fifty years. The principal carry an extensive line of high name of the White Legion, is riding quality suits, dresses, coats, of doing business shall be Omaha, Members of the Junior Hadassah again in Alabama and terrorizing not Miss Rose Mendelson, who gradua- place shoes; cotton, silk and woolen Nebraska. The general nature of the busGuests in Sioux City last Sunday, organization will canvass the city only ooods; food stuffs, household ted from the Thomas Jefferson High iness shall be to acquire, encumber, transNegroes and Jews but working utensils, soaps, tobaccos, sweets fer, convey, hold, rent, lease nnd traffic in included Lou Sacks, Hi Gentleman, Sunday morning for the annual Jew- men, according to John Howard Law- School last Thursday night, has been and countless other articles; property of every kind, nature nnd de(imported *na domestic). Meyer Maltz, George Shapiro, and ish National Fund Flower Day. Pro-son, author and playwright, who de-awarded a summer's term scholarship real scription; to loan and borrow monies, and do all things which may be necessary John Zarinsky, all of Omaha. All these can be obtained at ceeds will go toward this fund which scribed the activities of the White Le- to the Northwestern University at to and/or proper to carry out the objects and TORGSIN by your relatives, I F for which this corporation-is oris buying the land in Palestine. gion in two articles for the New York Chicago, as a prize in a recent edi- purposes YOU SEND T H E M A TORGSIN The capital stock shall be $10,Mr. and Mrs. M. Levich, 620 Vir-Jewish families are asked by theEvening Post. ORDER. torial contest sponsored by the Quill ganized.divided into 100 shares of the par ginia street are visiting with Jack Jewish NationalFund Council to re- Mr. Lawson, a Jew, was himself and Scroll Society. She is awarded al- 000.00 @ value of $100.00 each, all of which shall be common and fully paid up when issued. and George Levich, in Kansas City ceive those who are working on thearrested and ordered out of Birming- so a. scholarship to Drake University The Hie Dollar buys now more affairs of the corporation Bhall be this week. Before returning home, Flower Day drive, and co-operate ham. Ostensibly aimed only at Com-at Des Moines, Iowa for the fresh- managed by a Board of Directors of not than ever in the Soviet Union. less than three members who shall elect they will spend several days in Ex-by contributing to the fund. Miss munists, the hordes of the White Le- man, year. She is the daughter of from Per Xeresin orders visit rear their number a President, Vice-Presicelsior Springs, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Mendelson. dent, Secretary and Treasurer: The annual Ruth Wigodsky is in charge of thegion, Mr. Lawson declares, have belocal bank or authorized agent meeting of the corporation shall be held on come a law unto themselves. Workdrive. the third Monday of January each year. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Lazere, 1522 ers' meetings have been broken up, Miss Rose Cohen of St. Louis, Mis- Articles of Incorporation may be amended upon the affirmative vote of two-thirds Ross street, announce the birth of a workers arrested and open threats souri arrived here Monday for a tenvote the outstanding stock. day visit at the home of Mr. and In of son on June 3. Among Graduates Witness Whereof, the parties heremade to lynch labor leaders. unto have set their hands on this 27th day Among the many Sioux City stu- In all the literature distributed by Mrs. Louis Katelman. of March, 1934. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Franklin, stopped dents who graduated from Central the White Legion, whose leaders are LOUIS G. FROHARDT F. S. GT3ARHARDT in Sioux City last week-end enroute High school this year included Doro- former Klansmen, there are references The Ladies Auxiliary of the Tal- • • General Representative in U.S.A to Madison, South Dakota where they Gelson, Pearf Olensky, Mary to Jewish agitators and "Jew money" mud Torah entertained sixty guests In the presence of:A. It. HOLLCROFX at AMTORG, 261 Fifth Ave., N.Y. j they will make their .home. Mrs. Kaplan, Jeanne Montrose, Sarah from New York. The White Legion at a benefit b r i d g e party at theJOS. B. FRADENBCRG Franklin, before her marriage on Rockiin, Rosagene Passmann, Melvin has taken it upon itself to enforce Eagles Hall Wednesday afternoon. 5-18-34-4t. Prizes were awarded at each table and May 27, was Miss Anna Marsh. Rosenfeld, Si Resnick, Joe Goldstein, NRA codes and in so doing has threat- refreshments Sioux City's were served by the hosAbe Braverman, Ruben Halperin, ened Jewish merchants and business tesses. men. Members of the Junior Hadassah Nathan Dvbrkin, Rose Rozofsky, Finest Hotel chapter who contributed their quota Ethel Shindler, Esther Mirkin, LawrMr. M. Bernstein is expected home to the Hadassah funds, attended the ence Mosow, Alfred Levich, Ezra while prices are low In every city there is one outPress for Minority today from Los Angeles, California Give or Get party, Sunday morning Levin, and Benjamin Sacks. standing hotel. In Sioux City; whre he spent the past three weeks. mile you run on bald tirevyou run a in Shore Acre Gardens. Guarantees in Saar Mrs. Bernstein will remain in Los Every Fern Wolf son is a member of the it's the Warrior, known every' DOUBLE RISK. Because bald tirei ore only half Court Waist was the afternoon's graduating class at East High school. where for its fine accommodaAngees for the summer months. a i safe a» new fires. Take a look of these sharp, entertainment. Geneva (WNS)—In secret negotiations and its hospitable atmosclean-cut non-skid cogs on this U. S. Tire, and tions under way here between repreyou'll see why. This is the famous COGWHEEL The Council Bluffs Agudas Achim phere. Ideally located, it is unChicago Group Is sentatives of the League of Nations Society held an open meeting and tread design, based on one cf the oldest and questionably social, business and Heads Debra Club and Germany, "the latter is being program Thursday evening, June 7th, surest principles known in engineering . . . the Planning Jewish travel headquarters of the comMiss Rose Albert was elected prespressed to give a pledge that in theat the Eagles Hall. Entertainment COGWHEEL principle. This non-skid tread lasts munity. ' The choice of those ident of the Debra club at their event the plebiscite on the_ Saar next was given by Cantor Joshua Lind and longer, because it is built of TEMPERED RUBBER, Day for Fair who demand the best for their meeting held Monday evening. RosaJanuary returns that territory to thehis sons, Maurice, David, and Pinchi- the toughest tread rubber ever placed on a tins, belle Wigodsky was elected vice- Chicago (JTA)—Prophesying that Reich she will prevent reprisals not money. president; Tillie Shindler, secretary; Jewish Day at this year's Century of only against those who voted against kel, who presented a group of Jewish and Hebraic songs. The Lind chorus and Gisela Pill, treasurer. Progress will almost be as great as restoration, to Germany, but also are making a tour of the country. FolThe;club entertained at a weiner last year, when all records for theagainst all whose political or religious roast ; ^tmday evening, after which great, exposition were broken by aprinciples are regarded as antagan- lowing the program, refreshments were served. they adjourned to the home of Misscrowd of 125,000, I. B. Ury, chairman istic to Nazi ideals. Albert. . of the Jewish Day committee, an- Thus far this pledge has not been nounced recently that negotiations had given, but progress is understood to Rev. A. Diamond been opened to bring to Chicago a have been made. ' ; JJr. Poale Zion number of famous Jewish persons Recognized as Members of the Junior Poale Zion from all parts of the world. Air-Conditioned Heads Social Workers PRACTICAL MOHEL me};, Sunday afternoon in Grandview ; Ury set July 29 as the date of this San Frandsco—Albert A. RosenCoffee Shop Phone 1059 park, for, their regular weekly meet- year's Jewish Day and said that a shine, San Francisco attorney, has The daily luncheon render-, COUNCIL BLUFFS ing: • ;^a; ppen discussion was held spectacle equal to or better than "The been elected president of the Calivous of those who want good CARL RIEKES in thei fbrhi' of questions and answers. Romance of a People," which was pre- fornia Conference of Social Work. food et sensible prices. Our Mr."'M.'Bereskin and Mr. Abe Still- sented last year, will be given. Coffee Shop is air-conditioned man, honorary members lead the dis- On June 4, three delegates from for your special comfort. cussion. Excerpts from "Israel" by each'of one thousand Jewish organ-, Lewisohn were read by Marvin Klass. izations in this area will meet in the v Opertted by *"• Miss Alice Novinsky was elected Morrison hotel to make final plans '0maha's Mbst Beautiful H6n|c for Funferals^* r AT. 4550 815 NORTH 18TH ST. treasurer of the organization. for the day. An as yet unnamed dele: EPPLEY HOTELS CO. W~ - • -.' -'' : ZFu nera f s ;To:: Fi t" AnyfP urs©;-;- f;•;; • T, •, £• The meeting for this week will be gate from New York will address the1 held this evening in the honie of toriverition together with members of Phone HArney 12S6 Farnaf^ at Thirty-third Julia and Sulamith Bereskin; r ; ihef Jewish "Day committee. " " J ' "
Society News
Carl Riekes Tire Service