June 15, 1934

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T-"3-5 " ^ r i K r * _{C

—, " Jewish People


^Entered as Second • Clara 3lali flatter • on afamutry -21, 1921,- a t ii'ostoffice of Omaha, ;Nelrraska,. uufler the .Act ut Mnrcb .3, iSTB



3H3SE 35, 1SB4

DeMotded'" "] to the Ideals of i Judaism ]

Tol.X—No. 20

eio Alaska Ininterest of. Science


Dr. IZictor .IS. Xsvine -and his associates i a v e started the long trek to Alaska in search of scientific data through a study of the diet of the Eskimos. The expedition "will about four months. Dr. levine, -who is a known nutrition ^expert and "who has written and lectured and spoken over the radio on nutrition problems in addition to "his teaching at the Creighton University School of IMedicine, sails tomorrow from Seattle. Of particular interest t o Dr. Xevine in i i s trip to sparselv-inhabited territory in ihe far north is the effect of sugar on the ^Eskimos. The expedition "hopes t o determine whether climate affects nutrition. The venture is being iailed in scientific circles and is being watched with interest.

^Fishermen, here's your trpportunity INew York, (JTA}.—Cornelius Van- ior amenable company. derbilt, jr., "who for several years M. F. '"'Matt" ievenson i a s -has been looking for a number one teered to act as the clearinjr Irouse spot somewhere other than in the for the ardent bait-throwers 'in the social firmament, finally has achieved local Jewish community. ISo, all -who Work of ^Congressional Commit- ganizatioii with the Nazi movement. tee of Iirwestigation of In this letter Pelley informed Spier his goal, "he told the Jewish Teleto spend lazy hours catching' .(.nr that the Silver Shirts enjoyed the graphic Agency last week. least attempting to catch) rfish, are confidence of the highest public ofThe young dilettante in a dozen t o call Xevenson to put their ficials in "Washington and that "there •By Bernard Postal different fields has been endowed :names on the are Silver Shirts reporting to us ^nask of secrecy with the title of Germany's nonBy hnilding itp the list, none fee subversive and illegal activities | from the closest rank& about the Jewish American Jfortheastern :Sea-| Omaha Jewry's iishermen -will have Pellev recommended not hoard Public 12nemy Humber One to worry about iaving t o ^n Wishing tS fte M warm of -Nazi agents and I President." to iheir allies, the Congressional Com-i tr\to make an out and out Hitier (Yorkville includfid), lie bhishmgly alone. mittee Investigating INasi Propa-| organization in this country "because confessed. ganda completed the Washi&gtcm!tt might be misinterpreted to mean Production of t i e Bhn, "Hitler's i phase of itE searching probe by pre-' a T l attempt to brimr tho United P*eign of Terror," and -authorship of States under a ioreigTi chancellorship. •Kentlng to * startled and outraged II an antKNazi article in a recent issue t!1 d o To l e t a Jtiation the sensational facts of the!! of the Sed Book, hs said, have inwidespread Tamifications of Hitlerite • spontaneous American movement be curred ihe official displeasure of Balonka, (JTA).—^Tifi Jews x£ propaganda in the United States. \ b o r R ^ eT c "that has exactly similar Goering and GoehbelE. Greece xa are important lEvidence previously adduced by i principles and precepts to Hitter's." Bis ^photograph, % lias gafhP a ^ E a n s Alexander vnn LihenEred large q tiEKS of dust in in the development * Greece, Tm-' unofficial investigaton; and publish- | tomrtless Tiewspaper TTIHTP Panayoti Tsaldaris tola rrepre- * in the Jewish and general press; 1feldt h Toal, an Estonian in the employ e North German Lloyd Line in throughout the "United States, sentatives of the Jewish community. was given official standing andj ^ in the iroord "when for three! Philadelphia but formerly associated jEroniinently displayfid in -fee Haich, "I am inartirnlarly pleased to have ^witnesses TevEaledj with. Pelley, revealed that he had he declares. ihe xjpportmiity of speaking wiUi my uayB m galaxy I t may be :f coma1 on Berlin tele- Jewish iriends, whose virtDfis, :1OVE nf under nafh 3>y =wfaat means and j been the contact mar, between the •what xhannsls the private! Silver and Nazi groups. He said he phone ;pales, on Test station -walls work and love of progress 3 greatly ^emissaries ttf Hitler are!had ercpected help from H. T. Kesseand esteem," the premier said. and in other pablin ^pbuss, he Ure gospel of hate and! meir, North Germar. 1/toyd passenger along with i i e following notice in .The Jews sre always in fee ffarebigotry throughout the United States. I manager ir, Philadelphia. Toal also hold tj^pe: irsnt off -progress. TThey comprise Harms the first day's testimony' Emitted that he WBF responsible for "11 -yon see this man in Germany, loyal element "whose eantrtbntian is the circulation by the Silver Shirts please report him immediately ±0 precious in the development nf She Committee was .given facts and figures linking* Dr. Otto Hiep, former of the story that President Roosevelt police." German consul general in Hew "York, was descended from Dutch ,lewe and to ihe publication of anti-Semitic that his real name was Eosenfeld. That Germar, Stahlhelrr. (steel 3samphlets. The Uev. r^rancis Gross. helmet) members were drilling in » retired Catholic priest of Perth Amboy, 3few Jersey, declared that Germar, army uniforms ir. New York 3K i a d -published a pamphlet entitled with Germar. army rifle? and others "Justice "To "Hungary, Germany and obtained from the New York NatAustria"-, 100 copies of which had ional Guard, which Steel Helmet members have- joined in large numkeen sold the German embassy for bers, was revealed to the amazed ID oeeuts each. "When presed for paycommittee by Frank IV] ^w^nt nf the printing bill he wrote to former commander. ^printeT Telerring to "correspond-

Msre Is Opportutdlg far Omaha's Fishermen


ebrew press is di;and Ihe Palestine e verdict and the Post .Haaretz and DSar IHayom -criticising it. The ZRevisianist ^leadership campared "the "verdict to the Inquisition :and the Dreyfus Affaire. Although ^Jerusalem, fWNS).—Torn between 'both Revisionists and Xaborites are "two conflicting emotions-^horror at taking .pains to suppress their mare the thought of a Jew convicted of hotheaded followers feelings are the ^political "murder of another Jew,- tense and the country is wrought and JI ^passionate desire to see justice up over the "decision. The masterful flrme—Palestine Jewry incused its at- ifense 01 ^Horace Samuel tention on the cell uccnpiefl by Abra- .seemed t o 7have broken xLown "the ham Stavsky, ;voufhful Polish Jew prosecution's case against both Stavand member of rfhe Zionist Hevision- sky -and Jtosenblatt and the aEact thzl ist ;party, whose conviction ior the Achimeir, who had also been murder of Dr. Chaim Arlosoroff on trial lor the murder, had previously June 1G, "1933 came as a shucking been released, left Jewish Palestine conclusion to the most sensational nnprepared xar the verdict of gullty Goiumbia Almnni Medals Ttrrk—TT INfiW trial in Jewish history, Zvi Rosen- in Stavsky's case. y to Cohimbia" blatt, the other accused Uevisianist, Stavsky's conviction ended Jar the awarded annnall y was .acguitted ior lack of sufficient •veraity alumni in jrecognrSoais-"'of being a case •+Vn»t. Tiag held •world evidence. Jewry's interest 5ar .nearly a ;yenr. achievement since gramiation, -were "While a packed courtroom listened Dn Jlriday evening, June 16, 1933, nresented .this -year t o Arthur Bavs in deathly silence and thousands of Dr. Arlosoroff was shot and tilled -Sulzberger, vice-president of ihe spectators waited tensely outside, the -while walking on the Tel Aviv sea- INew "York Times and son-in-law of court announced that Stavsky was shore "with his "wife. According to Adolph S. Ochs, ?dass of 191S, and -guilty as charged and that Hosen- Mrs. Arlosaroff's testimony two men ILewis David JEmstem, rlass of 1898, blatt "was acguitted. Stavsky was lollowea them. Xiater one roan ac- iormer American -mmistEr to Czechosentenced to death and ^Rosenblatt costed the couple and asked Dr. slovakia. "was Immediately released. Sorace ArlosoToff "what time is i t ? " 1mSamuel, defense counsel, filed ^notice ;mediately axter that the man shoved of an immediate appeal from the :a ^flashlight into Arlosoroff's iace -verdict •which was by :a .majority vote and the other man .fired a shot. Df the court comprised of two Brit- Suspicion immediately iell on sevish jurists, an Arab judge and a eral Jlevisionists since Arlosoroff Jewish judge. was a leader of the laborites with "The vdeclsion was so unexpected whom Jahotinsksrs ioltowers had that aint a sound "was uttered in the long been at "war. T&ost of those a r Eonrtrbom for several moments. A xested at first were quickly xeleased q ^hysterical scream from IKLrs. Stavk ^R 3or lack of evidence. Stavsky, ^Rosensky, Stavsky's mother, "broke the PJilRKE TS^N PAASSEN blatt and Achimeir were held. The silence. Staviky shouted ' 3 am innocent" ;and in a "brief statement to the three jnen were then given a lengthy 3n this axticle IPierce "Van Taassen, iatherland in ai sea jof blood; H- bounds,just Tjecause the Bewerkschalhearing before ^Magistrate ^odilly in lishmg any hooks Ambassador Dr. although they had merged vrith procourt ^repeated i i s previous testH Haifa. noted 3nm-3ewisn lareign xorr^pon- tne Great "Powers -WETE not so deeply j-on Tepudiafeed the 3Jazi candidates, Xaitfaer was the sponsor, fhiancial Nazi societies. He also related how On March "7, Magistrate rmony that lie knew nothing of the duly ordered all three to be tried for dentv y m^ji IWK Q^p iuturB of German apprehensive tnat the rprojected1 Jap- just rfeecanse "ttffi 3«azi Irafers 3eel the German ships smuggled ir, _uniforms „ crime and that an innocent man had murder. Because of ZHaifa's jroximtty Jewry, "Van. lEaassen sees nark clouds anese-German attack tm Russia "will knlte an their xrwn throats, they are backer and promoter." Gro^ also. Ior ; IoT •Stah^eliD members. The most been convicted of false evidence. Pear- to Tel Aviv a change of ~renue was over Germany and ioresees Hitlerite not turn into a worlfl-conflagratian soing to try and turn "Hiat. knife anfl jasserted that before the pamphlet! i sensational phase of hi:- evidence vrae 'ul ol possible disorders as axesult of granted t o Jerusalem. pogroms 3n the IJ'uehrer's supreme at- almost immediatelj-, an eventuality cut Jewish throats. Streicher'6 Titual i j the presentation of s letter alleged the decision, the police took extratempt to ftnfl a scapesoat lor his falt- which wouia lead 6 the mobilization murder issue of "DeT Stuemmer" is j I \o have beer, written bv Sergeant tlie o opening And lest Ameri- | Carl Dickey, B_partner m the^New j ordinary ^precautions to maintain orure to save Germany from collapse. |t>f millions u* -WDTkerE who desire the p n n g signal. g Gotliieb H a a s o f Company E, 71st der throughout the country." Xtevi"This article, terrifying in its clarity, (nothing -mure ardently than to iiave can 3CWE go on tninking, as many j Tork publictty iirm of Carl Uegiment of the New Tork National sionists and Xabarrtes -\srarned .their is a clarion call to -woTlfi Jewry to [arms in their-hands; if all this were have -been thinking, that Hitler Mm- (Associates, admitted tnat Dr. Guard, inviting steel helmet -membejs iollowexs not to -permit their prejuunite and smash German Fascism — not true, the Jews xsl Germany -would ! sell is essentially a decent Jellow and paid S4,000 "to obtain -publicity' in to .ioin the repiment "because «8-ife dices t o get out of bounds :and mo not meed to -ivorry. There would be (that only Jhis -associates are bloofl- this country-" of anti-Semitic state- Germari, of course, 1 much rather ments. Carl 3Efyosr Associates, whose deal with my e r a countrj'men >«nd .untoward incidents occurred.^ prosirerity in that cvsd. aa the Ger- ithirsty sadists, the -nffifiial head, Carl 'Byorr -jki m Jew. i t "vras as a member of the Tlst Infantry man Heidi and jiobody would pay the jann "Voelkische Seobachter" aTe joinOpinions nri the verdict differed, the Beichsmark Gold J . \j» V. slightest -attention to the nandf ul ol j ing '1>eT Stuermer" i n summoning revealed, gets SG,000 a mordi on a Hesriment. vould like to fill bur ranks although1 iymptfliy 3or JStavsky was per cent. nas slunk t o

Tension Now fbared Among mans

Greece':s l o

ids Jews



^ 1 ! T !

I n fact the Jews would the German people to gather material contract with the Germar. Tourist with .pood reliable people." Mutmeans that the Nazi ship of State is non-Aryans. Service for "giving schinsld. who was ousted as the De *!Learn to Swhn "Week" "will hegm (heading full ior the Tocks o of iin- \\ mvited to join in the general new ag-ajTiRt tfae -Jews. This is tne irrsi Information ll speed p at tine Jewish Community Center pool j i t ^nd many any of them would, would stsp to. justify a. pogrom. ^When the advice, counsel and getting together Stahlheta commander when Hitler On the bridsje of that lurch- [[prosperity, material for travel information." 1 a a m m Ssure, UTe has broken i^ gratefully and enthusiascame into power, asserted that Stahl-next Monday anfl will continue through ing vessel a vulgar ^ I t gratefully and enthusias jpogrom i s finally an accomplished Out of that $6,000 monthly fee, helm members of ihr National Guard fact the Tuearers can blandly tell the Pfiday. out over control of the wheel. The'jtically cooperate "with the bloodWOTM that It T*as a case 01 spontan- Dickey declared, George Sylvester, u s e d N a t i o n a 1 G u a x d Tifief, t 0 drill at The course of instruction is open crew is growing sullen. After one , hounds. eous indignation an -Hie ipsrt of the "Viereck, apologist But now? receives; to Twrth members and jion-members, year of sailing; the nappy port of prosmeetinsrs in. German uniin salary and S750 iu JNfow the German Jews are doomed. German masses, exasperated and and i s ±ree of charge. Parents are perity is as far away as ever. .Things tnis time they know i t "They are driven to Bloody Tevenge by the pub- m i s s i o n s especially urged to send their children are bad in the Third Seicn. "Disas| Presentation of thi:evidence to the Genter ior this iree instruc- jtrously T>ad," admits the 3srliner | being told everj- day that i t -will mot lication of Jewish crimes. Tinder grilling by former Senator | prompted the Committee to vote to h e "We all know about the torture in J. "W. Bardwict, counsel to the Com- ! k Congress for an additional S40,~ Tageblatt. There will be mo :money j Ions now until the long inives eff as IB'iiai Brith Election ID tion." Over seventy-five l a v e already to pay -ttie Storm Troopers after June the trrown fiends come into play. The sound-proof cellars nf the Urawn mittes, liemhold "Walter, national^ 000 to earn.- or, its inquiry in other ]Be HeH Mandsj signed up. Classes will be iormed, and naif of these heroes are to be |Nazi State must inevitably crack to Houses, we know about "the inconceiv- leader of the friends of Isew Ger- j parts of the country. ISveriing and notices placed on t h e linlletm sent on iuTloush. TheTe are rnmors ' pieces if Siller is not allowed t o go able sadism of Nazi beasts in the con- many, identified correspondence link- j "While this hearimr was shocking board at the Center as to when that the population is to be put on to wax. In spite of all the iiullabaloo, centration camps; about the whole- ing German diplomatic officials in! the country, thinjrs were happening A. 'large local delegation :is planning various classes will ^neet. rations, as in wartime. Hxparts are the torchlight parades, the monster- j sale sodomy to which young prison- this country to the importation of j on the INJazi front elsewhere in the the resounding ers are subjected; about the special German films for propaganda use. | "United States. Theodore Eggaling, t o attend the aixty-sixth annual conChesses will "be lormed for all ages dwindlms. falsifying unemployment demonstraiion, TVEntion of District Grand lodge 3Sio. and all abilities, i o r youngsters and Jismres TUJ longer -wurks. German in- speeches, the Juden-Setze, the gleich- j instruments used to crush men's testi- . "Walter Eappe, editor of the Deut- \ a GermaE sailor on the Hamburg6 nf -Qie B'nai Srith, t o be lield a t grown-ups. Xee Grossman, ^physical dustry, in so far it is not occupied geschaltete press, in spite of all this, j cles, a device borrowed from the Jtal- sche Seitung, testified to having- writ- j American liner _41bert Ballin anfl l 1, % 2 S and d director, and Al Druch, swimming in- with war-eouipment, lias virtually the German -working class is not with |iaxi black-shirts; about groups of ten a letter to Major Powell of the j member of a secret radical labor Grand liapids, lilich., JJuly the Nazis yet. Dont you ^see that if } prisoners, pacifist-intellectuals prefeT- Silver Shirts bidding: for their sup- j union, was boldly kidnapped by chip's structar, "will have charge. come to a standstill. 4. the mass of the workers really beSwimming -at the Center -pool is. j The -territory of this nistuct emport, Prite Gissibl, Walter's pred-j officers and thrown into the brig, succeeded in Hitler Dr. Sa^er braces four Canadian provinces, North very popular this summer. The mar- fulfilling i i s promise ol bread and lieved in what Hitler calls the Jewish ecesor, asserted he had distributed! He was grabbed as he stepped out -and South Dalsnta, INebraska, Wiscon- athon swims "which are Just being, •well-being for the masses; if there menace, if they had really taken the ;! who has just escaped xrom Dranien- INazi propaganda to various chapters j of the ~i orkville Court where he had f i l i -with ith . . - _ • ., ^. ^ sm, Illmois, Iowa, Michigan and Miin- completed, drew considerable interest. -really was an economic upswing, if lie-campaign against Ihe Jews for baum camp has made us familiar the inconceivable horrors of the ce-j of the friends of New Germany. ; been taker, after precipitating a roit Gospel-truth, they would nave done IMargaret Heed i s leading in the nesota. A total of over TOO delegates, the "Nazi state could jioint to a conment coffins we know how the Nazis i Representative Carl M. "Weiflman j m 1orkviHe by voicing antnNazi twenty-iive mile marathon swhn "for solidation of ipower, instead of beins "***>* ^ e ^ ^ ^ '**?* tocessantly alternates and "visitors is ^expected. ! of Michigan, a member of the Com- j sentiments. Prompt action by lawThe Pantlind hotel will be head- senior women, with a total of "16%; j farced to take the Tecent vote of the ed and there would not be a Jew alive (Continued on Page £."> mittee, inserted in the record docu-jyers for tlie Marine "Workers Industin Germany today. miles to her credit Tuesday.. Dlrs. 3\'j rquarters ior the convention. Special L — the Nazi laboT ments showing that the Nazi had j rial Union saved him from being ^ j -entertainments are bemg arrangBd A. "White is second. I t is the German "working »class a smack in t h e lace (Hitused the name of Henry Ford in an j taken back to Germany where life Xn the -junior boys' five mile swim,; ior &ie ladies present. ler's 'TertrauungBmaenner, (men of which lias so far prevented the anniunauthorized anti-Semitic hook. imprisonment or worse probably ^Registration will take place Satur- Bob Cohen finished first; Xeo Abper- confidence) jrollefl less than one third hilation of the Jews. Every day, A number of letters from the Nazi j awaited him. HgpaUnp: was releases day tnight, June 30. The annual ban- son, second, and Harry Goodbinder, of the -votes); if there was but one every nour, in speeches, in rrewspaner propaganda bureau in Germany to I f r o m i h e b r l S' J u s t before the Albert nnet ;and dance will be lield Tuesday third. single diplomatic victory t o record in- articles, in ardio appeals, the "masses HLeinz Spanknoebel, one-time chief i : B a l l i n s a i l e d w i l G n t h e captain was jiight, July 3. The convention will Dorothy Thompson won the jmiior stead nf a succession of retreats, if are invited to rise in spontaneous inserved with a -writ of habeas corpus, of Nazi activies here, were intro-j ser%^d conclude Ttfednesday, July 4, with an girls' five mule swim, with "Virginia all this :had ^happened tlie Jews of dignation and settle their "scores with Pearing' embarrassment, the conduced. One of these letters disscused i ^eaTm?? ^election of officers. the Jews." So far they liavent heed"White second. Germany wnuld not meed to worry. of Germany in (JTA>—The great change!an expected shipment of Nszi p r o p ! ^ " TO" ed these blood appeals. "The German Local IHection. A new schedule for swimming has 3 u t now? Berlin New York failed to show up jtt ; a The iinal meeting of the season for been drawn up for the Talmud Torah Now they are going to l e slaugh- working class know nothing xtf anti- vmraght during' the last year on the j Uganda leafletsto the United States. ihe local lodge will be Jheld llonday children, due t o the requests of many tered. The "Nazi navigators are begin- Semitism," -remarked the Manchester attitude TJJ the Uerlin Jewish com- J Another letter by ^Spanknoebel conference of consular officials callbv Aldermanic President Deutsch anti-Semitic chaT- ed evenmg, June 18, at the J . C. C. a t parents. IBoys' and ^girls' classes will Hin to see the cliffs ahead. They Guardian a "year ago. After a year of mnnity towards Jewish -problems is proved the definite T to acter of the N asi movement in t h i s ! discus? means of eliminating propbe lield together. Classes will he ield ceaseless "hfitzing" and incitement by reviewed editorially in "the Jusflische know they cannot avoid striking them. U5 :p.m a aIlfia i £ by foreign countries. The country. Several other letters inThe ieature "will be the election of Tuesaay y ^nd Thursday from 9:30. a.m. They know the impact is .going to 3>e the Nazi fuehrers, the German -work- Tknndschau of Uerlm. consul had oripinally wxvp^ dicated that German consuls in this ^eGerman afficers for the ensuing term. t o 10 k m . and irom 00:30 ajn. to terrific The shock may even throw ing class .knows nothing yet about Jewish d t h c ^ ^ ^ Threats 'by pr«>-countrj-, notably TVflhehn TannenFinal reports reports will be made by them nut. Before that debacle comes anti-Semitism unless it ;is this: that Final y all H \ in Chicago, Heinhold li l Junior boys "will Ihold "their swim- the Jews aTe to DB .saudlea "with "Hie anti-Semitism is a. trick to divert cammitteE chairmen. P Prelimmary plans -will be - discussed for the celebration ming sessions on Tuesday and "Thurs- blame. The anti-Jewish campaign "no j their attention "from their xeal plight, Jnf Germany, in former years showed IE St. Xouis and Dr. JL Kempp ta! management of the Hotel Greystone. in New York to refuse to permit the nf the fiftieth anniversary of the lo- day from 11 t o 11:43 aan. and Sun- longer -goes on padded shoes. The to turn their anger and pent-up iatred its lack of interest in Jewish matters, New Tork, were directly interested Anti-iNaEi Minute Men of the United day "morning -at 10 a;m. in the activities nf the Triends of cal lodge on October 19. Nazis .are pmmding the big drum in 'away from their real enemies. Bit- its onnosition to Jewish •nationalism to hold E scheduled meeting there. Junior girls will have their swim calling the "masses to the pogrom. A t the conclusion of Monday's I ler's campaign to turn the workers of and its tendency towards assimilation j-New Germany and helped I*5a2i leadMeanwhile, U. S. Customs officials by electing to communal offices only | ers to -get ^prospective members. meetmg, 'beer and sandwiches "will be classes Monday and "Wednesday "from Germany into anti-Semites has iailed. H the TNazis were mot tampered "by 10:15 to 31 a.m. and Sunday after- the clauses of the Versailles treaty; served. 3 u t this does not mean that the Siose who stood for those beliefs. ! ^Kappe tolfi the Committee that padlocked tlie seamen's recreation an-o," writes Juedische j| Spanknoebel informed him that hip room and library OTI the North GerThe 3iresent officers of t h e 'Omaha noon "from 3 to If tney could upehly inaugurate a re- Jews are safe. Just Because the FOTIT vears ve g, lodge are !Leo Abramson, arresident; armament program; :if the money 3COT workers won't be led into a sterile, Pjmdschnu, 'Berlin Jewry held its I office "leans closely on the Con- man Lloyd liner Stuttgart because Max ZBI. liafish, vice-jresident; Sam the construction xif a gigantic -air Jleet anti-Jewish action, the leaders grow elections. I t s vote was against Zion- j sulate-General."^ C l Mensing, a they contained Nazi propaganda. Green, secretary.; •,."Harry 'Priedman, Ior the ananufacture of ieavy artll- the more emhittered agahist the JEWS. ism and ior assimilation. I t stood | high official of the "North "German in Union City, N. J.. 500 Nazi weTe treaBurex; IDr. Maynard 31. GreHn-leiy, Jor tanlcs, tor millions ol ma- The passive attitude BI the workers against Jewish .schools and against Steamship Company, in New barred from a Hitier rally as the Geneva, (WNS)=—Jews -now living chine-guns "were available; if they in the presence of His y-esnvlong "hys- the Extension of the functions of "York, was identified as one off E police tarried oixt orders preventing . Irerg, -warden:; Carl ILagman. guarmeeting?; in that town. "The dian; D r . iiEon 3EeIhnan, 3E}phraim n the Saar "legion -will :nat be -Sub- could come out openly -with their plan terical Jnaen-HetzE shows 3Iitler an3 Jewish commtmal government beyond trial boaTd -wiuch tried 'Nazi organFriends of New Marks and 3T. S. T«ffp, trustees. 3eetea to the anii-3ewish laws of the for the cnngiiest ana colonization ol His associates tnat they Ihave wasted religious -matters, which gave the j izations. Other testimony showed h Germany is planning court action t e their time, that the -workers see Heich in Hhs evEnt ihat iiie inhabit- the Soviet Ukraine; fi 3Yance were election t o the coming from lecton iso e liberals." bra .' that JSIasi propaganda . _ _ ants of the Saar, in the plebiscite not suspicions that , through the :Fuehrfir's designs, tnal 'But -fee -year 1D3S has brought i Germany was not misled or sent test the ban. on January 13, 1935, "vote t o return the Northern industrial rregion sad they see the Iraudxileijt Enaxacter Df about si complete change in the Jew-! through ordinary clestoins channels t o Gerniany. Belgium Tvould Boon follow the 3Jk- the -fggnipg lie has xaisefi, that they are ish attitn.de. Today the jjredominantlnar even entrusted to diplomatic j A -pledge t o ^fliis s££ect "was given Talne nnt deceives -by 'the isnii-Jewisi. Irowl- seniiment "is iox Jewish schools, for i pouches "but came in on German | xif a. -successful ILou TRiklm was ihosen president tff | the market place, .not even alter Jewish nationalism ana JOT a general ships. A. 2 . A. 3Io. 1 ior the Ensuing term. by Sermany ±o "iie JSaar jElehiscite with JttnscDvc; of ihelBriiiah tories, inbeen stead xS. -secretly upholding Sitter's a year nf ceaseless, TmcMllengefi shift in "the QcarpatroTis of the Jewish xxmnnlssion -whose ^report ~~ Even more sensational evidence j Me succeeds Massie 15aum. —A sur]>lus oi by "&B Xteague nf JFTatirmB hands would come Dnt npsnly -with -a agitation on the partt :ol l the t h all-powll population of Germany. In -riew of WES :read into the record at the third Other officers elected .are lErnie According to ihe terms -trf designation ol the Jfuehrer as the ui- erful "Nazi -propaganda apparatus. these changes, the Juedische jEinnd- and last day of the hearing. Henry more than Sl.OOO.OOO is ^reported toy Priesman, mcefpresiilent; 3ernie 3!ox,. elec- D. Spier, secretary of the United the Palestine g-ovnrnmeTit at the -secretary; A-rt: Werner, treasurer; ihe ueport 'Gennaiiy has unSeTtaken vinely appointed destroyer oT the, Just TjeeausE thB -worfcerE i a v e schan xalls lot a HEW cor U> promise aiBither t o tolerate nor great socialist structure 3n t t e Snviet respandefl to the imtraerons appeals tion SD -fisat ihe shift in ~&£ ^attitude German Societies, read a letter from close of its fiscal year. TVTassie IBaum, ^reporter; Ben Shrier, h "William Dudley Pelley, -missing ^Expenditures totaled S3^49,65B « B chaplain; 3Hyman Temin, aeriior 'ssx- onfiict reprisals against those rxesi- "Union;; lit Slngland -with ^Italy and at t i e Kazi S^ebrers. just "because -the toward .Jewish .problems anay chieftain TJI the .Silver Shirts, in against Teeeipts of 5S.482.65S, m $sa\Eranne would #ive 'Germany anfl Ja- dissatisfaction in ihe Stnrm-Ahdei- expressed 3n "ihe onrcers geant-at-aTms, ana & m "Wolk, junlar BEnts of -the Saar npposimr a i "to ' vternim^y* Bffarrs. which he offered to merge M B or-,: anee of ?2S2,9D7. sergeant-at-armspan tarrte-^nlanche t o tflrown ithe Itus-; lungen 3B growing 3>y leaps ana iing the h Jewish i Tomrramitx'B i


JEWBH COlffllllTy

Saar Jews to Be

lion Riklin Heads




"Reich Suicide" Seen By Professor Smith

and they have let if go at that AnAnti-Semitism Is Nazi i other Jewish mass meeting in. MadiLoyalty, Der Stuehmer Says son Square after the pogrom will be Nuremberg—Every German who ia just so much waste of time. Moral isolation of Fascism 19 the London (JTA)—Continued persecu- not an anti-Semite is a traitor to only effective aid the Jews of Ameri- tion of the German Jews will lead to the Fatherland, runs the most reca can render to their brethren in national suicide for Germany, Profes- cent slogan adopted by Per Stuer(Continued from Page 1.) Germany. The case of Dimitroff sor Elliot Smith, noted anthropologist, mer, Julius Streicher's rabidly antihave consciously unleashed the basest proves clearly what can be done, declared in an article in the London Semitic weekly, in its campaign instincts, how they whip people up what effect mass-protests can have. against the Jews and everything to the blood thirstiness of tigers, but But for the moral isolation of fascism News Chronicle. which Is in any way Jewish. Professor Smith, who is chairman that so diabolical a piece of rotten the Jews must cease to treat the Hitbestiality was possible as Goebbels ler terror as an exclusive Jewish af- of a scientific committee appointed by and Streicher are now planning that fair. If they would save themselves, the Royal Anthropological Institute to we had not expected. If we had not the Jews must ally themselves with determine the contribution of the valearned from the events in Austria, all those who are in the anti-Fascist rious races to the upbuilding of civilization, stated that "although I usually where little man Dollfuss, blessed by front today. object to becoming involved in politithe Pope, after turning heavy artilThe only salvation of the Jews, also cal controversies, in this case it is our By JOHN SULLIVAN lery on the women and children of the Jews in America, is to help smash (Review of Reviews and World Today—London) the workers, received the bourgeois down Fascism, the murderous enemy duty to protest the Nazis' claims against the Jews. world's acclaim when he mounted on Into the little garden of the inn at He looked at me suddenly and to Vienna, "where there is a Society a pile of corpses, that Fascism will of civilization as soon as possible. "Actually, the Jews have played a (Copyright, 1934.) of Jews' who may Kelp Us. • Perhaps have no mercy, give no quarter, and Elmau, in the Austrian Tyrol, where sharply. "I am a Jew," said -he, pre-eminent part in introducing civili(By Seven Arts Feature Syndicate.) they; will send us to: Palestine, where "And so you won't drink with me? I was sitting reading the paper, came will not; hesitate to use the most in1 zation to barbarian Europe, while the a German boy. The boy was fair- He laughed bitterly. "Christians we can have a patch of land, and human cruelty to safeguard a collapNordics played no part in the process grow potatoes, and live. have not • been drinking with Jews haired, tanned mahogany by the sun, sing economic system, we ought to until civilization was far advanced." in shorts and an open-necked shirt, much, lately, where I come from." He "Just now we, are walking on in- learn from what is on the cards in was silent' for "a moment, then added and he carried a heavy rucksack. sufficient food, for we must saye Germany. Jewish Press Advertisers merit "With him was a girl, a slight young more graciously: "Yes, I thank you, our few remaining ,coins for wet your patronage. thing, with a smaller rucksack, ob- I will drink with you, since you offer nights or towns, so we beg our way. There will be no official protests INSURED CABS it to me, and I need i t It is a long Today one woman gave us a hunk of from the other powers against the viously weary.. -.. crime the Nazis are now preparing. : ; - bread and butter, which we shared. They, ordered one coffee and sat walk."- Hitler will take good care to give the New York (JTA)—"Mosley's Black down at the next table to mine. When He drank the wine slowly,-savoring That .is all today, and. it makes one pogrom that's coming the appearance Shirts are the laughing stock of Engit,; and this is what he told me. He very sleepy; that is why she sleeps •the coffee came they shared it sip by of an anti-Marxist, anti-democratic land," declared B. Chapman, editor sip. They ate nothing. When they had spoke haltingly at.; first, then as the so soundly now." He glanced at his purge.' In that way he will have the of the London Daily Express. sleeping wife. "I must wake her wine refreshed him, and he sensed a finished, the girl moved a few paces tacit approval of the bourgeoisie all "The England Fascist movement is away, stretched herself on a bench lively interest, he spoke more free- soon, as we must make Kitzhubel countries. He will say and hisofhalf not very serious," Chapman said when tonight or sleep just this side of it beneath the chestnut tree, and slept ly. . : " . • • • " , • : • • • million parrots will repeat it after interviewed, "and foreign corresponalmost immediately. The boy counted "I am a Jew, and I came across perhaps." him that the Jews were massacred in dents in England take a greater inout a few groschen for the coffee, these mountains from Bavaria. Eigh"I will order you gome food." a paroxysm of the popular wratn that terest in the Blackshirts than does and sat on while the girl slept. teen months ago I married." He nodded gravely. "Thank you. could no longer be contained. the general English public. "We are very pleased to announce that Karl I spoke to him. "You are both done "You were a brave man in these I cannot say we do not need-it." He A. Lininger, formerly of Logan and Bryan, it "So laughable does Britain think The Jews are going to pay for the bad times." . in." looked across at me sadly, and said coming collapse of the German eco- the movement that Parliament is connow associated with us." "I had a good position," he parried softly: "I hope you will never have He nodded sullenly. sidering a hill banning colored shirts nomic system. "What the black quickly. "For some time now I have to get up one • morning- and walk "Far to go?" been earning 400 marks a month; round your home taking only that plague, cancer and syphilis are to the as uniforms. "Vienna." v human race, the Jews are to the mor"The only time the Blackshirts are Vienna is about twelve hours by that is good pay for a young couple which you can carry easily, and walk ale of the Aryan people," writes Dr. interesting is when they meet with to start on. I married a Jewess. We express train from the little Tyrolout leaving all else behind. Leaving Kube, governor of the province of Communists. Then there is something cse village in which we were sitting. had a little flat, and we were saving. first your homej then your town, Brandenburg in "Rote Erde," a Nazi doing. Aside from that, however, the Members Then this accursed thing—this terror, I pushed the red wine over to him then your country behind you, bepaper published in Dortmund . English public keeps away from MosNew Tork Stock Exchange came to Germany. My employer, the with a spare glass. Chicago Board of Trade chief of a very big firm, was also a cause there is no room for you and"Only a determined bloody action on ley's meetings." Mew Xork Cotton Exchange "Finish it for me," I suggested. Jew. He was interned two months yours there any longer." bur part without regard for age or Asked how Mosley fills the hall Chicago Stock Exchange New York Curb Exchange (Asso.) "You have no family?" sex will rid us of the Jewish vipers when he holds a meeting, Chapman ago. The business was shut down, and Commodity' Exchange, Inc. "Not yet," he said. His brooding brood. The Jewish swine must be said that the Fascist leader has a I was one of fifty-seven men who eyes were on the girl beneath the slaughtered. They are a hearth of special train into which he loads his lost their jobs, just like that." He moral pestilence in our midst Either men and takes them wherever he brought his hand down on a horse-fly chestnut tree. 240 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. them down and choke them in speaks. In this way he has a "readythat had settled on his knee, squash"What Will be the outcome of all beat TeL A T 9113. their own. blood or put chains on the made audience." ing it flat. this, do you think?" Jews, whose women, are all prostitutes Chapman expressed doubt as to New York—Colorado Springs—Chicago—Denver Atlantic City, N. J.—J. E. David- "They confiscated our savings in "Do you remember what happened son, president of the Nebraska the bank, and searched our flat for in the history of Spain, when they and whose men stink worse than Mosley's recent declaration that the manure! Let us get rid of them be- Blackshirts are not anti-Semitic "It Power company, was honored here papers, and found such money as we turned out the Jews?" fore they poison us and assassinate is hard to tell," he said, "whether last week at the national convention had there. Luckily, my wife had a "I remember vaguely that they our children" . 1 . . The Voelkische Mosley is lying or not." of the Edison Electric Institute for few notes tucked away at the time of "I believe with the general English his work in directing the nationwide the unexpected search which they did brought much trouble on them- Beobachter and the Angriff in daily articles are making the Jews respon- public that Fascism in England is Electric Refrigeration Bureau ac- not find, or we should have lost our selves." "But Spain -will remember vividly, sible for the economic disasters to bound to die. It is an outgrowth of tivity during the past three years. last mark. One of my best friends When Omahm Shop* With Confident* Nearly three million electric refrig- who was searched at the same time not vaguely, from generation to come. The working class must be in- the depression, and prosperity is beoculated with the anti-Semitic virus, ing rapidly restored in England. MosHe laughed and erators were sold as a result of this received terrible maltreatment at their generation." don't you see? That will blind them Fascism will fall of its own inactivity. hands, a thrashing among other stretched himself, then added: "But to the real solution of their plight and ley's herent fallacy and from the laughs I wish my country no ill. They perFollowing Mr. Davidson's address things. —blind them to the disastrous eco- of the English public." SIXTEENTH AT FARNAM secute as, because they think the "We had just enough cash left to here Wednesday on the subject of nomic policy of the Nazis. country will be better without us. co-operating with other electrical start walking. We just walked out Down Bars" dealers in the sale of merchandise, I have one change of clothes and We shall see! Come Annerl!" he If the workers will not heed the "Let Montreal—A. J. Freiman, president Nazi appeal to unleash a pogrom, this cried, "Come, there is going to be George B. Cortelyou, president of the shoes here, she has two changes; of the Canadia n Zionist organizadoesn't mean that the Jews are safe. bod." we have a blanket each, for mostly institute and secretary of the treastion, appealed to Sir Philip Cunliffe If the .workers will not massacre the But she slept on. ury. under; Theodore. Roosevelt, paid we sleep1 out, and a heavy coat each. him a high tribute" for hisr leadership That is all we have. JWhile wje have ^ L e t . i e i _ sleep. ^tijtUjfcberr-food.; ~i Jews ta_a burs^of^Cury, the Nazis will lister,^colonial minister, to facilitate in the electric industry and pre- been in the Tyrol we have found a Teady,": I lold" B i i n T ^ " ~~" *£ do it and later; pass it off—as an un- Jewish immigration to Palestine. • sented him with a hand-painted, barn to sleep in and a stream to He nodded. I went ;to hurry-it up. foreseeable, uncontrollable act of the bathe in, every day. We crossed the When the food came, a/^fountain exasperated people. illuminated world globe. boundary by night. We are walking of roast potatoes flanked by an ome- What, we must ask ourselves is The artist spent a year in paintlet, and half a small cheese, with this: Is there any power on earth to Ing this globe which illustrates histwo portions of coffee, his eyes prevent the slaughter? There Is no torical events, properly located. A brightened. He went over and woke use branding the Juden-Hetze again similar globe was painted by the artXot when Omaha's Safest and and again as a cultural shame for his wife. ist for Owen D. Young, president of Most Efficient Cleaners Will Germany. Liberals have done that the General Electric company. "Wake up!" he said to her, "wake Store It FREE. Just pay the up! There is fooid here, no beggars' cleaning charge in the Fall— In presenting the globe to Mr. The Shames Body and Radiator Fully Insured. Davidson, Mr. Cortelyou said: "Your Company is enlarging its quarters at dole, but a guest's portion." he took leadership has been an inspiration 19th and Cuming streets. When fin- her hand, and led her up to me. to all of us. Not only have your ished, it will be one of the largest They stood there hand in hand, a WE REFINISH ANYTHING activities been a decided contribution places for rebuilding wrecked cars in pair of children. He made a little MADE OF METAL Cleaners . . . Farriers . . . Hatters formal bow. "No guests of yours to our industry, but your work has the middle west. Cottons for Town and 2210 Farnam JA-2566 aided in making electricity of greater The remodeling will be completed have ever been more grateful." 4420-22 Florence Blvd. KE 1500 Country Clubs! I left them eating. benefit to our fellow men. Through about July 15. The Shames building Cottons for the Beaches! your efforts and stimulation of lead- will be two stories high and will be Cottons for the Tennis ership you have played an important extended further west as well as exCourts! part in replacing drudgery in the tended in length. New equipment will Cottons Rule the Land! home with comfort, convenience, and also be installed. Cottons for All Summer greater happiness." Shames started in the business in Through! In his address Mr. Davidson said 1920, and now has twenty men emthat all power companies should co- ployed there. operate at all times with other dealers of electrical appliances, and told of his company's co-opsrative advertising and selling programs for aiding dealers. "The time Is opportune," said Mr. Davidson, "for - the utilities, the GetYbu* Cuts and manufacturers, the dealers and the trades to join together in this, the greatest selling; opportunity in -the History of our industry, and which, # Only GRUNOW offers you Carrene CtiGRAVinGCO in my opinion, could be developed refrigerant, which insures your family's nto the greatest co-ordinated selling SeermcKen— tad advertising promotion activity THane Q±.46261 safety. Carrene protects the home and proGinghams— nrer conducted in the history of Flock Dot*— tects the food in the refrigerator. In addition, American business.








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Must Jews Resign By SIDNEY WALLACH Sidney "WaHach, former editor of the "Jevrish. Tribune and the Current Jewish Record, discusses the dilemma confronting the Jewish citizens of America in a world changing from a democratic form of government to a dictatorship. This is the second and last of a series of articles, written exclusively for the Seven Arts Feature Syndicate.—The Editor.

3—THE JEWISH PRESS, FBIDAY, JUNE 15,1934 status of the Austrian Jews." Immediately a journalistic uproar followed In the anti-Semitic press. Persistently it made the claim that the Jews are defenders of a dictated treaty, that "in the whole of Austria, the Jewish papers alone have taken their stand by. the peace treaty of St. Germain." Austrian Jews were thus given the choice,of clinging to the. protection contained.in the peace treaty - and thereby risking the charge of unpatriotism; or renouncing the minority provisions^ as the Turkish Jews did some years ago, and thereby laying themselves open to a wholesale deprivation of rights. In the light of the foregoing, the blame for whittling away his own prerogatives cannot justly be placed on the American Jew. Democrat and liberal that he is, he prefers to be guided completely by his social convictions, but he is. naturally apprehensive. The lessons of Germany have not been lost upon him. In this country he hoped at first for effective action from the majority population. Failing to obtain that, he is led to compromise with his own inner beliefs. . . - . • • • He does not relish making this compromise. Left to his own resources, his last method of self protection is to crawl inside the walls of a medieval ghetto; to adopt an actual if not a legal minority status. It is true that by this very method of democracy itself sustains a blow, but there is no other way out No other way, that is, save for the Christian majority to take the defense of liberal traditions upon themselves, even when the first victims of tyranny are the Jews. Copyright, 1934.) (By Seven Arts Feature Syndicate.)


Sample Nine Leads in J. C. C. Softball


The Sample nine continued in first place in the J. C. C. Softball league despite the fact that they did not play Sunday, due to a Sioux "City engagement of the A. Z. A. team. In the two games played, the Peerless nosed out the Wardrobes, 4 to 3, while the Psi Mu surprised the Seiner aggregation, 10 to 5. The schedule of games for this Sunday morning at 11 a. m.: Psi Mu vs. Samples, West Elmwood; A. Z. A. vs. Wardrobe, East Elmwood; Peerless vs. Seiner, 22nd and Paul. The Peerless are now in second, with the Psi Mu in third.

Fritz Gissibl, one of the Nazi leaders in this country, is shown here giving the Nazi salute before the Congressional Committee investigating Nazi propaganda in this country. Gissibl created the "Friends of New Germany" and is a citizen of Germany. .

this country of which I am a citizen by the Communists; that New York and a native. If I fail, I shall be the City in •which two million Jews reside victim, but I want the opportunity has a negligible Communist vote—and that my country's social principles more to the same effect. . . offer me." True—all of this is true. The honJewish Leader: "This must not be. est student will - see that clearly I say this to you for your own good enough. But consider, that again, The local chapter of Hadassah is and for the good of all Jews. The Jews have been maneuvered to a fatmaking an intensive campaign to colJews are already too prominent. They al position by their very methods of lect all outstanding dues. are far too much in the public eye. defense. Conscious of the dangers to Mrs. B. A. Simon, who is in charge, You must not add to their conspicu- democracy, they . hesitate to avail urgently requests all those who are ousness." themselves of a democracy's protecdelinquent in their dues to mail her a II. This dialogue is not altogether tion, namely, by insisting that if some check so as to save the committee The fear has spread until now dis- imaginary. . In one form or another Jews were Communists in Germany the necessity of making individual tinguished Jews are led to complain it is repeated in many Jewish homes; and in the United States, they were calls. because of the many Jews who are and the caution of Jewish leaders, entirely within their rights in being drawn into the professional field. heartfelt, considerate, well-intention- so. .The Communist Party in GerAn outstanding American philoso- ed as it is, avoids the fundamental in- many was a legal party just as it is RAILROAD SALVAGE pher has recently been quoted to the quiry raised" in this conversation as in the United States. The Jews who Best quick drying spar varnish. effect that American Jews must re- in an agile dance on eggs. voted Communist merely availed $1.50 gal; paint, $L£5 pal.; Deadjust themselves economically. A themselves of their Constitutional All three, philosopher, banker, and Yoe enamels all colors $2.00 gal.; prominent hanker and philanthropist franchise in the same manner as did Room for Youth lacquers, 50c qt« Brushes }£ price said pretty much the same thing a Christian liberal, appear to be ready the non-Jevrs who voted Communist, London—Palestine can accommoOMAHA few months ago at a public meeting to yield hard-won liberal principles. or as the Christians and Jews who date the entire Jewish youth populaHow else can be interpreted their adof social workers. I have heard a 317 Ko. 15th voted with the other parties. As long The showing of members of Phi tion, of Germany, Dr. Chaim Weizsimilar opinion from the lips of a lib- vice to restrict the liberty of the as the party was legalj what defense Delta Epsilon, national medical framan declared in a report on the first eral Christian, the head of an organi- young Jew by a religious quota in ad- need be made for the citizen who adternity, was outstanding at the Creigh- eight months of activities of the Cenzation which is doing magnificent dition to those restrictions that he hered to it? And if membership in ton University "Honor Night" last tral Bureau for the Settlement o: must always encounter because of work to educate Americans against such a movement were violative of week. German Jews in Palestine of which economic, social, and educational congroup hatreds. No doubt his intenthe law, what right is there in a deFive members received awards. he is chairman. Their advice merely tions were for the best; so were those siderations? mocracy such as our own to indict the They are: Highest honors for senior Warning world Jewry against beof the college professor and the bank- echoes the opinions of self-imposed innocent along with the guilty? graduating class scholastics, the Dr. ing misled by fantastic schemes for er. They took their stand on the iron American Fascist leaders, one of Sachs award of $50, Abraham Appel- mass settlement of Jews in new terriThe answer is, of course, that the demands of reality. Yet it is pertin- whom, Seward Collins, declared resis; winner of the Schulte prize of tories, Dr. Weizman pointed out that ent to inquire whether they were be- cently that American Jews "have am- American Jews cannot trust them$50 for the best senior thesis, Moe C it is possible to double the present ing realistic or realistic enough. That, ple opportunity now to correct many selves to put the issues to the test. Lev; winner of the Nigro prize for Jewish population of Palestine in the with the increased tempo of our in- conditions which might be used as a That is why they are concerned over the best junior thesis, Leonard S. Jadustrial and agrarian life, economic foil against them in the future. The every conspicuous Jew, whether he Harry A. Eeinschreiber, aged 44 goda; winner of the Mrs. Scoulte next five years. Besides Palestine, main need is to follow those Jewish be conspicuous for meritorious atadjustment is necessary, cannot be Union Pacific accountant, of 815 So. prize for the best sophomore thesis, he said, there are also possibilities gainsaid. But to put the reorienta- leaders who speak against the possi- tainments or for ill-doing. 29th street, died Sunday morning, Leonard Ellenbogen; election to the for settling Jews in the neighborin General Agent tion of pursuits on the basis of re- bility or the desirability of 'assimilaThe cases of Insull, Kreuger, and June 3, after an illness of four honorary national chemical society, lands, adding that the rate of Ger3SS-340 Electric BlSg. JA. 7320 man-Jewish immigration is now as ligious quotas runs counter IO the tion' and urge Jewish solidarity. This Stavisky are illuminating. What was months. Gamma Pi Sigma, Abraham Appelsis great as in 1933. fundamental issue of our liberal tra- in practice would result in a measure the consequence of the Insull scandal? He is survived by two sisters, Mrs. and Fred Meinhard. dition. By what canon of social con- of separation, and would lead Jews Insull was an Englishman and a Pro- Pavid Feblowitz and Mrs. Max duct or democratic theory can the to curb their ambitions in public life testant, yet England was not called "Blotcky; two brothers, L G. and W. Jewish leaders—even if they had the and in certain professions and busi- upon to defend its people, nor was I. Reinschreiber, all of Omaha. He power to do so, which they have not—. ness, where their presence in large Protestantism fretted over its public was a member of the American Leturn to a Jewish youth and tell him numbers creates friction with the reputation. Kreuger was a Swede gion Post No. 1, A. S. and A. M The Jewish Community Center phyto train for a factory and not for pol- main body of citizens." and a Protestant. Yet not once were Lodge No. 1, and the Shrine. sical department is sponsoring a sinitics; to understudy the bricklayer With their eyes fixed on the Jewish all the Swedes and all the Protestants The funeral was held Monday gles volleyball tournament for memrather than the physician? Who shall shambles in Germany, it is no wonder indicted. Now we have the Stavisky morning from the home. . bers of the Health Club. Games will give . the answer if the question is that Jews are frantic at the wide- scandal in France. Stavisky himself be played daily, starting next week, raised, "Why?" spread lie linking their people to was a Christian, so was his father. All Dressed Up B u t . . . from 12:15 to 12:30 each noon, to be Communism. Since the World War His grandfather might have been a Union City, N. J.—Nazi groups in Consider this dialogue: followed by the" regular volleyball Jew. Yet eyebrows are lifted, knowthis canard has served Jew-baiters Hudson county were left without a Jewish leader: "You must not study time and again, and recently it has ing smiles are exchanged about the single place to hold meetings- when class. to enter the legal profession." Among those already signed up are been re-enforced by the deliberate "Jewish" swindler," and anti-Semites Police Commissioner Harry Little Young Jew: "Why?" propaganda of a country that seeks to put the odoriferous scandal in their issued a permanent ban on Naz: C. B. Schoppe, Sam Gilinsky, Dr. Jewish Leader: "Because the pro- justify its course at the bar of civili- arsenal of attacks. meetings in this hot-bed of Hitlerib Paul Ellis, John Sterling, Abe Brodfession is overcrowded." zation. That Jews cannot escape their diffi- activity. Previous bans had barred key, Phil Feldman, Joe Eice, Dr. N. Young Jew: "True. Let there be And what do American Jews at- culty by accepting a definite minority Muskin and Paul Steinberg. established a limit to those who can tempt in answer to that charge? Des- status only adds to their dilemma. Nazi meetings in Hoboken, Jersey City, Bayonne-and West New York. enter the profession. I will try by perately they, want to have the truth Austrian Jews, for example, have been Little announced that henceforth intelligence and study to-be among known. They point out painstaking- safeguarded by the incorporation of all meetings, whether sponsored by the elect within that limit" ly that of the four million Jews in minority clauses in the Treaty of St. Jewish Leader: "I advise you not Russia, eighty per cent were trades- Germain. While these clauses guar- pro-Nazi or anti-Nazi organizations, "which involve racial antagonism" to far." people, that is, members of a class anteed-them certain elemental rights, would be prohibited in Union City. whom the Communists fought most they" also, as all minority provisions Young Jew: "Why?" . . . Jewish Leader: "Because you are a fiercely and who had most to lose by do, tend to restrict them in the full the success of Communism. They participation in Austria's civic life. Jew." Young Jew: .."But I do not propose point out that while . some nominal During the recent disturbances in to study rabbinic law. I. want to fit Jews were represented in the Com- Austria, assurances were given to the They Mix With the Best myself for the practice of the law of munist movement, many others were leaders of the Jewish community that violently opposed to Communism; "the provisions of the. peace treaty IDEAL BOTTLING COMPANY that if Trotzky was a Jew, so was rule out any possibility of changes be- 1808 No. 20th St. WE. 3043 Dora Kaplan who shot at Lenin. ing made in regard to the citizenship They strive to make the facts known that the majority of German Jews voted for the liberal bourgeois An all-time record in the sales of parties; that In the presidential elecgas refrigerators will be established tions in which Hindenburg, Hitler, in Omaha this year, it was confident- and the Communist, Thaelman, were ly predicted Thursday by W. J. Bar- candidates, Jewish leaders appealed ber, assistant to the general mana- to their colleagues to vote for HindRound Trip ger of the Metropolitan Utilities Dis- enburg; that while there were fully trict. Barber based his prediction on six million Communists in Germany, the -fact that so far this year more there were all told, less than three You're Friends Drive by than six times as many gas refriger- hundred thousand Jewish voters. ators have been sold by all dealers make it plain that in the Unitin Omaha than for the same period a edThey States most Jews are of the middle year ago. class whose interests are jeopardized The tremendous increase in sales is attributable chiefly, it was said, to the fact that the Utilities District has announced that it would guarantee the refrigerating unit of all gas "Photographs Thnt Satisfy" refrigerators, unconditionally, for five Wedding Photographs 20 % Disc • A L L EXPENSE PERSONALLY CONDUCTED years. This guarantee applies to gas Quality Photographs. Reasonable prices refrigerators sold by dealers as well 3404 Farnam St. AT. 4079 as the Utilities District. L. 0.-2, S237.SC


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THE JEWISH PRESS Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, hy

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Editorial Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building. Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center DAVID BLACKER - - - « . - Business a n d Managing Editor FRANK R. ACKERMAN - - - - - - - - - - - - Editor FANNIE KATELMAN - •- « Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent ANN P I L L - - - - - - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent P r i n t Shop Address: 1307 H o w a r d Street

Social Service Prospectus



unchallenged; it calls for sharp measures on the part of our government. The despicable activities of the Nazi agents here should be stopped immediately, and the German government officially warned that her tactics will not be tolerated!


A verdict has been reached in the most momentous trial in Palestinian history. Abraham Stavsky was found guilty and sentenced to death by the court in Jerusalem for the murder of Dr. Chaim Arlosoroff, brilliant member of the executive of the Jewish Agency and Laborite leader, who was mysteriously assassinated last summer. Naturally, the case will be appealed, but in the meantime with the high tension existing among the Palestinian Jews, anything may happen. This verdict in effect convicts the Revisionist party of having committed the murder, although the court evidently attempted to sidetrack such an interpretation by freeing Zvi Rosenblatt. The feeling between the Revisionists and the Laborites in Palestine has been very bitter, and in our opinion the Revisionists have been guilty of gross misconduct. But, again in our opinion, it is too much to say that the Arlosoroff assassination was a fratricidal act. We do not think that any of the men on trial planned and committed this cold-blooded killing. Despite the fact that the Laborites predominate in Palestine and the Revisionists are disliked, the general concensus of leading opinion in the Holy Land also is to the effect that the Revisionists were innocent in this particular instance. However, the court has spoken. Unless a reversal of judgment is obtained, Stavsky is doomed; She think to fear is that the "bad blood" between Revisionists and Laborites will be intensified and open warfare and rioting will take place. Palestinian authorities are forewarned, and every precaution should be taken to prevent bloodshed.




Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver of the emple of Cleveland, is getting some gray hairs. "I tell my congregation," said Rabbi Silver, "that I am growing gray around the temple."

REVIVING DEAD BONES Rabbi Silver was speaking the other night at a banquet tendered to lol Cohen, a leading Zionist worker n New York. The two—Silver and Cohen — were boyhood chums — both members of the first junior Zionist society In America—the Dr. Herzl club of New York. I was very much interested in Silver's revelation of his reaction to the various trips he has made to Palestine. He now frankly admits that on the earlier trips he was much taken aback by what he saw in Palestine. "Can these dead bones live? Can this land of desolation and barrenness ever be fit to nourish a people?" These questions he asked himself. The last trip, however, revealed such progress that to his mind there could no longer be any question of the success of the Zionist effort."

untii all Jews of the world come to Palestine."

A SERIOUS PEOPLE Miss Flatou, relating the incident, admitted that it depressed her. She felt that it was bad for small children to be so seriously concerned with such adult matters. But we Jews are a terribly serious people. To be such is our fate and destiny. And when I think of this incident in question, I am convinced that somehow it betokens a spirit on the part of the Yishub (the Jewish settlement of Palestine) that prophesies the certain success of their aims.

A social service program for Omaha Jewry which is at the same time "constructive, preventive and curative" was presented to the Board of Governors of the Jewish Community" Center and Welfare Federation last week at the closing session for the season. The Jewish Philanthropies, family welfare, the Community Center, and the Old Peoples' Home were discussed. In general, it might easily be said that the program for these agencies could be improved on; it would be egotistical foolhardiness to claim that our approach to these fundamental problems is perfect. Not being perfect, the performance of the functions for these agencies come in for a barrage of criticism from many outsiders. Much of this criticism is unfair, much of it is due to lack of information or false facts spread by a few who did not receive the treatment they desired, being in the main applicants who were justly rejected. ALWAYS A DIASPORA The men and women who are taking care of the social service Rabbi Silver, however, points out that Palestine can never hold the 15 wants of our Jewish community volunteer their time and services million Jews of the world. Nor is it freely. Their sole reward is the good accomplished. And they necessary, as he further pointed out, have accomplished much good. Whether it be relief, juvenile that it should domicile completely the Jewish population of the world. delinquency, character building, or Jewish communal activities He Never Learned Hamilton Fish Armstrong, editor of "Foreign Affairs," writes But what interested me most in his which deepen the Jewish consciousness, they have made great address was the fact which he menprogress in bringing into true focus and perspective the entire in the New York Herald-Tribune that Premier Mussolini of Italy tioned—which I believe is little known predicted in May, 1933, that Hitler's violation;of Jewish rights —that at the time of the existence Jewish social scene. and of civilized standards of equity and. fair play would create of the Jewish state in Palestine— were a good many Jews who antipathy to everything German not only among Jews but among there lived outside of Palestine. Fathers Christians also. I, myself, in my casual reading of Sunday, June 17, will be celebrated as Father's Day. PreRoman and Greek history, have been In his article Mr. Armstrong declares that Germany's "finansumably, it is part of our mechanized and specialized civilization cial and economic situation is catastrophic, and for a simple rea- struck by the not infrequent mention to set aside a day of the year when we can think of our fathers son. Germany must buy abroad a great part of the raw mater- of Jews by the writers of those naCicero, Tacitus and numerous or our mothers. But, obviously, it should in the natural scheme ials which she converts into exportable manufactured goods. But tions. others of the same rank refer to the of things be wholly unnecessary for any of us to ever forget our racial policy of the Nazis, and their treatment of socialists, Jews in their midst. Josephus, too, it obligation to our parents. Nor should it be necessary for us to the be recalled, first met the Roman and liberals of every variety has been repugnant to will Emperor through a Jewish actor in be reminded specifically that we should show them tenderness and republicans all over the world. Wherever Nazi policy has been under- Rome, who appears to have been a affection. That tenderness and affection should be constant, people stood in its essential aspects—wherever, namely, there is free- favorite «f the queen, playing in should be part and parcel of our daily lives—and even: then we dom of thought, while the Jews had their own speech and judgment, the real fruits of liberty— Rome state. cannot fully repay our indebtedness to our parents, their sacri-; men have spontaneously given expression to their feelings by refices and their love. fusing to buy German goods and services whenever others are JEWISH MISSIONARIES If we as sons and daughters forget our parents in the hustle available. Those ancient days were peculiar This antipathy for everything German is far frombe- days for the Jews. It was a day in and bustle of modern life, days like "Mother's Day" and Father's ing the result solely of organized boycotts by Jewish organizawhich actively made converts Day" should serve as a sharp reminder to us. The world will not tions, though obviously these have been very effective; it has among Jews the Romans for Judaism. And be reformed by a "Father's Day." But the least the day can do arisen (as Signor Mussolini predicted ft would in a talk with the many leading: Romans became such is to reflect on our treatment of our dads. A little reflection, a writer in May, 1933, while he and Hitler were^ill friends) be- converts. even in that day, there appears little thought on Father's Day Sunday would probably give us a cause the violation of Jewish rights and of civilized standards of to Yet have been antiUSemitism. Cicero new perspective, would make us vow to improve our attitude to-i equity and fair play has outraged not merely Jews but all Chris- leaves the impression of having been an anti-Semite. wards our fathers—so easily neglected. If "Father's Day" wells tians also. The boycott against Nazi Germany, both spontaneous up in our hearts suppressed emotions and effects a realization of and organized,.has dangerously widened the gap between what ANCIENT ANTI-SEMITISM our deep feeling for dad, it has served a useful purpose. I ask myself how could there have Germany must buy abroad and what she can sell. As a result, been in those days. It gold cover for the German currency has been drained away seemsanti-Semitism to me that much of the modRelative to Father's Day, it is of interest to note that the the to the vanishing point, and this in turn has forced the gov- ern anti-Semitism is due to the Jews' heritage of one generation of Jewish leaders in world Israel has almost to impose controls over many categories of imports, with prominence in commerce. Yet there not been neglected by the next generation which is doing honor aernment was anti-Semitism then, when Jews consequent weakening of the country's capacity to provide emto the name it bears. Sons do not usually follow in the footsteps ployment for its working population. This progressive deteriora- were not prominent in that field. InJosephos replying to the antiof illustrious fathers in leadership; it is a mooted question wheth- tion of the German economy has had its origin, to a very distinct deed, Semitic attack of Apion, admits and er great fathers have great sons. Although it is still too soon to deplores the charge of the latter that in the moral judgment of the outside world. Against the Jews have not talent for comacclaim the sons of our Jewish leaders as great men in Israel, it extent the moral judgment of widespread millions who do not condemn merce—that they are an agricultural cannot be denied that the sons of a number of the most noted a return to the standards and actions of Louis XIV and the Hu- people. world Jewish figures are steadily coming to the fore in Jewish guenot persecution the might of the Nazis has not prevailed." My own theory is that the antilife. Nathan Straus, Jr., Lord Melchett and Samuel Lamport, Semitism of those days was founded leaders in Zionism, are scions of men whose names are written Mussolini has often been mentioned as friendly disposed to on the monotheism of the Jews. The alone refused to worship the large in Zionist history. The sons of Paul and Felix Warburg are German fascism, although it is generally accepted that the Italian Jews many idols which abounded in Rome. already in the forefront of Jewish communal activity. Roger W. and German fascism are of different brands. Yet, Mussolini has This was very peculiar—very radical Straus, son of Oscar Straus, Arthur Hays Sulzberger, son of Cyrus always emphasized that Italian fascism is opposed to racial pre- to the Romans. I have read somewhere that the Romans regarded this Sulzberger, and Lessing Rosenwald, son of Julius Rosenwald, are judice and anti-Semitism and has carried this theory out at all monotheism of the Jew as really a others who are carrying on where their fathers left off. times. Mussolini thoroughly understands world opinion. Perhaps, form of atheism, and frequently used Mussolini is too great a diplomat and-statesman to have "tipped" the word "atheists" in describing the Hitler off on the suicide of his racial policies—perhaps he did not Jews. Unmasked want Naziland to obtain the world's friendship. In any case, "BUY IN PALESTINE" Tozereth Ha-areetz is a Hebrew The Nazi plot to engender ill-will and racial hatred and to un- Mussolini knew what Hitler never learned. term very much used in.Palestine todermine American institutions with Hitlerite poison is being laid day. It means "native products." And bare in all its stark gruesomeness before the Congressional Comthe movement for Tozereth Ha-aretz Say... is of what we would call "Buy in mittee investigating the Nazi propaganda in this country. Any They "Zionism should be a bridge between the East and the West Palestine." skeptics who were doubtful as to- the ramifications of the GerThe first words that the settler to many-directed activities to pollute the wells of American public in Great Britain's new Eastern policy"—John Buchan, noted Palestine is taught are these. And , ~; opinion have been convinced by the array of witnesses who told novelist. some of them learn to say it without knowing really what it means. their stories under oath and gave an official status to the ruthless, Anyway, that seems to be the imbigoted propaganda eff ortof a swarm of Hitlerite agents. is what R. Jochanan meant when he plication of a story told to me by 'Come, let us be thankful to Ida Flatou who has just returned A startled congress has been informed by the anti-Semitic GEMS of the BIBLE said: the fraudulent poor, for if not for after a year's stay in Palestine. writer, the Rev. Francis Gross, that none other than Dr. Hans them we would have been committing According to this story, a Jewish and TALMUD Luther, the German ambassador to the United States, was the sin every day for not doing sufficient woman in Palestine entered a groBy O. O. DASHES for the poor.'" "sponsor, financial backer and promoter" of virulently anti-Jewcery story and said, "Give me some Rabbi Joshua said: "He who closes of this Tozereth Ha-aretz, but it ish pamphlets Dr. Otto Kiep, former German consul general in Saul said to David: Thou art more his eyes to charity is considered as shouldn't be of this paskutsva higeh New York, is revealed as another sponsor of anti-Semitic pamph- righteous sachrar (but none of this damnable than I, for thou hast ren- if he serves idols." lets in this country. Carl Byoir Associates, New York publicity dered unto me good, whereas I have Rabbi Mari and Rabbi Phinehas, local stuff.) were the sons of R. Chisda, one of firm, gets $6,000 per month for "giving advice, counsel and getting rendered unto thee evil. would allow his servant to NOT TRUE TODAY "I am distressed for thee, my together material for travel information." Of this, $1,000 month- brother Jonathan. Very pleasant whom eat before he himself dined, and the However, Miss Flatou is insistent ly in salary and $750 in commissions is given to George Sylvester hast thou been unto me. Wonderful other would not permit his servant that while the implication of the story Viereck, Nazi apologist. Dr. Kiep paid the firm $4,000 to "obtain was thy love to me, surpassing the to eat until he himself had dined. held true in earlier days, it is not With the one who allowed his serv- true of Palestine today. She contends of women." publicity in this country" of anti-Semitic statements. German love Thy beauty, O Israel, upon thy ant to eat first, Elijah used to con- that the products now being turned diplomatic officials in these United States have been linked to the high place is slain. How are the verse, but with the one who would out in Palestine rank with the very not allow his servant to eat before best. importation of German films for propaganda use. The tie-up be- mighty fallen. he himself had dined, Elijah did not tween Pelley's Silver Shirts and the distributors of Nazi propTHE PROTEST converse. TALMUD agandists has been more strongly established. Various violations Our Rabbis were taught (Exd 23.8) I was much impressed with a little of American laws arid American; ideals and principles, it was dem- Eabbi Chanina had.a poor man in "And thou shalt take no bribe." This story that Miss Flatou related of the neighborhood to whom he was does not pretend to mean bribe of reaction of the Jews of Palestine to onstrated, were utilized by the Nazi propagandists in furthering his accustomed to send four zazim on money only, but even bribe of any- the existing immigration restrictions their! underground purposes. every Saturday eve. Once he sent thing . . . as it; happened once that A group of small children, ranging Thus, the United States government through, its Congres- it through his wife, who returned Samuel was crossing the river on a between seven and ten, gathered tothe money saying: "He does ferryboat. A man gave him his hand gether in a room in Jerusalem and sional Committee is being officially told that a Hitlerized German with not need it." Upon E. Chanina's to prevent him from falling. "What," held their own protest meeting. They government which has trod its own people under the iron heel of question: "What have you seen that said Samuel, "can I do for you for decided that they would go naked oppression and taken away every Uberty which makes the individ- makes you think so?" she replied: your kindness 1". The man replied: until the restrictions were repealed "I heard he was asked "on what "I have a lawsuit before thee." "I and Jews were allowed to enter Palual a free man in a free country, that this Nazi government has will you dine, with the silver outfit become disqualified" from presiding estine. by subversive means been attempting to inject the same "dope" (vessels) or with the gold outfit?" as a judge in thy lawsuit," replied And one little youngster arose and said: "I will go naked as s protes* into American citizens. The effrontery of the Nazi cannot go Whereupon R. Chanina said: "This Samuel.

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"^ .

-PAGE 5—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JUNE 15,1934 SILVER WEDDDfG AinSTTEBSARX Icity, la., wliere he will receive Ids Council of Jewish Daughters of Israel Aid Mr, and Mrs. J. White were hon- master's degree from the University Women ored at a surprise party by their of IoVa. Mr. Friedman spent a twoA regular meeting of the Daughchildren on Sunday evening, June weeks vacation here with his parents. ters of Israel Aid Society will be held The final meeting of the year for Tuesday afternoon, June 19, at the 10', at their home, on the occasion the Council of Jewish Women will be Jewish Old P e o p l e ' s Home, 2504 of their twenty-fifth wedding anni- I Yaad Auxiliary; A gala social affair is being versary. Fifty relatives attended. held Monday afternoon at 2 p.m. at Charles street. All members are urged planned for the Highland Country A color scheme of pink and white the J. C. C. when officers will be to attend. The luncheon planned by the Ladies elected and reports presented. club next Wednesday evening, June was carried out in the decorations. Auxiliary of the Vaad Ha'thr for 20, starting at 8:30 p. m. committee chairman will give Monday, June 18, has been postponed. a Each On that evening members and their PARTY short individual report. Mrs. Max Pioneer Women However, the regular meeting of guests will play keno and cards. Mrs. Preceding the Delta Kappa sorority Holzman will preside. Mollie Cohen is in charge, and shesummer dance Wednesday, June 20, the organization will be held at 2 A musical program will be featured The annual bazaar sponsored by the expects an attendance between two the Misses Helen Greenberg and o'clock on that day. An entertaining by Abraham Dansky, talented young local Pioneer Women organization hundred and two-hundred and fifty. Pauline Margolin will entertain; a t program has been arranged and re-pianist. An informal tea will follow will be held June 19 at 1610 No. 24th freshments will be served by Mrs.the afternoon session. After five games of keno, those a Cocktail party" at the Margolin Louis Epstein and her committee. street. Mrs. S. Okun is chairman. SCHLAIFER-CHAIKIN Mrs. S. E. Gilinsky is the nominee Anyone having bundles to donate attending will be privileged to play home, honoring Miss Dorothy Becker Summer Dance at Miss Evelyn Chaikin, daughter of for the presidency. any card games desired. Refresh- of St. Joseph and Miss Eleanor Haris asked to call Mrs. Okun at Webster of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Chaikiii, ments will be served. 1642, and the bundle will be picked ris of Minneapolis. Daughters of Zion Highland Planned was -wed to Mr. Charles Schlaifer, Belgium Deportation np. "Open house" will be held at the son of Mr. and Mrs. Avrum Schlai- A summer dance on (Monday eve- Highland June 16. Mr. Harry MalaA regular meeting of' the Daugh- Antwerp—In a statement explain- At the organization's annual picnic MOTHER'S CLUB fer, last Sunday at the Chaikin ning, July 9, at the Highland Country shock, chairman of the house comA meeting of the S. A. M. Mothers' ters of Zion will be held a t the J. ing the decree ordering the deporta- a combination bookcase and electric home. Rabbi David A. Goldstein of- Club will inaugurate the new admin- mittee, is in charge. club will be held Wednesday after- C C Wednesday afternoon, June 20. tion of all German-Jewish refugees clock will be given away. Tickets are ficiated, with, only members of the istration of the Conservative SynaMany resident non-members have noon, June 20, at the home of Mrs. A board meeting will be held at of East European origin, the Bel-being sold now. The date and place immediate families present. gogue Auxiliary, of "which Mrs. David been invited, and reservations are Carp, 1484 Wirt St. 1:30 p. m. Wednesday. gian minister of Justice declared of the picnic will be announced later. Due to the hot weather, the date of that the Belgian government will not A reception "was held Sunday aft- Sherman is president. being received by Malashock and Mr. the bazaar and drawing has been permit any refugees who are not ernoon. A color scheme of yellow and Mrs. David Greenberg is chairman, Abe Herzberg, president of the club. postponed. The definite date will be German citizens to remain in the assisted by Mrs. Dave Cohn, co-chair- Nearly 350 are expected to attend. ENTERTAINS orchid was carried out FERER'S Mr. and Mrs. J. Burstein enter- decided upon at this meeting, and all country. After a short honeymoon, the cou-man. A one-dollar subscription fee, Art Randall and his orchestra will tained 1504 FAKXAM ST. .TA-8S28 for twenty guests at a 6 members are urged to attend. WOKX.I>-KT5KAX.n BI.DG. ple will make their home in Omaha. per couple is being made. Refugees who are German citizens play. o'clock luncheon at Elmwood Satur- Among the Jewish National Fund Hot a n d Cold launches, Helloious H o t The new board met for the first Corn Beef and Cold Beet B o r w M . day, honoring their sister-in-law, donations announced by Mrs. L He- will be allowed io stay so long as time Monday at the home of Mrs. Sandwiches a n d F a m o u s F A 1 S T A F F they do not occupy themselves with SOLIG-SPDEGEL Mrs. Irving Blacker of Stoneham, RETURNS FROM STUDIES I5EKK on D r a u g h t ber, chairman, are contributions from jobs that pay wages. Mrs. Harry B. Wickman of Chi- Sherman. Announcement was made of Colo. Mrs. Blacker spent a week in Herman Goldstein, son of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Fellman, in honor the following, who were asked to cago announces the marriage of her Mrs. Abe Goldstein, a student at the Omaha, then spent a week in Chisister, Miss Edith Helena Spiegel, serve as the committee chairmen for University of Pennsylvania in the cago visiting the world's fair, and of their son's marriage, and Mrs. S. Agudath Israel Bars ParticipaKatz, in memory of iher daughter. " tion in World Congress of Los Angeles, CaL, formerly of the year: Wharton School of Finance, will « - then stopped off again in Omaha en Morris Beauty Shop Warsaw—A decision not to particiChicago, to Mr. Edward Solig, son Mrs. Julius Stein, community -co- turn to Omaha this evening to spend route home. She left here for her pate in the proposed World Jewish of Mrs. Hannah Solig of Omaha, on operation; Mrs. Samuel Theodore, the summer vacation with his home Saturday evening. Delta Kappa SPECIALS FOR A LIMITED Congress was reached here by the Saturday, June 2. The ceremony took courtesy; Mrs. David Greenberg, dues; parents. TEKE Mrs. David Goldstein and Mrs. Harry place in Los Angeles. The Delta Kappa sorority will hold executive council of the World AguSilverman, education; Mrs. Reuben ENTERTAINS FOR $7.50 Wella-Oil Its first annual summer dance on dath Israel, ultra-Orthodox organizaBAB MITZVAH Pennanents $5.00 tion. RIKLEST-FIEDLER ENGAGEMENT Kulakofsky, gift fund; Mrs. Abe Mr. and Mrsi J . D. Gavenman an- GRADUATION June 20 at the Chermot ballroom. Mrs. Max Edel entertained twelve The council accepted the agreeMr. and Mrs. L Fiedler announce Praedell, house; Mrs. J. J. Greenberg, $&00 Standard Croqnignole &50 the Bar Mitzvah of their guests Saturday in honor of her Two hundred invitations have been ment with the Jewish agency by the Shampoo and Finger Wave .76 the engagement of their daughter. membership; Mrs. Sol Novitsky,motor nounce issued. son, Lawrence, this Saturday mornMrs. Phineas Wintroub, peace; daughter, Nellie, who graduated from terms of which the Agudath Israel Rose, to Mr. Louis L. Eiklin, son ofcorps; Mrs. Ben publicity; Mrs. A. ing, June 16, at the B'nai Israel Kellom schooL Prizes were won by Austin Bevans and his orchestra gets seven per cent of the immigraKanienre and Eyebrow Mrs. B. ROdin. June 24 has been set D. Frank,Shapiro, will play. The committee": in charge synagogue, 18th and Chicago streets. program; Mrs. Arthur Arcli .75 Rose and Jeanette Singer. tdon certificates obtained by the' as the date for the wedding. includes Helen Greenberg, chairman Friends and relatives are invited to Cohn, services; Mrs. Gail Margolin, | Mr. and Mrs. Fiedler will enter- sick visiting; Mrs. Isadore Dansky attend the services. Lawrence graduMildred Saferstein, Pearl Monsky and agency. Mildred Webb FROM SCHOOL Hebrew was approved as the lantain for the members of the im- and Mrs. L W. - Rosenblatt, social; ated from Beals school June 8. Pauline Margolin. Miss Zerline .Somberg, daughter of JA. 689S AT. 3210 .goagae of instruction in the schools mediate families at a dinner this Mrs. Bernice Natelson, Sunday school; Mr. and Mrs. A. Somberg, a student at of Palestine. i evening to be given in honor of the Mrs. M. F. Levenson, students; Mrs. BIRTHDAY PARTY Columbia, Mo., has returned to OmaA. Z.A. No. 1 young couple. Hi P. Farber and Mrs. William Al- Miss Dorothy Chait was honored ha for the -summer vacation. berts, telephone; Mrs. Jacob Blank, at a birthday party at her home FriThe Mother chapter of A. Z. A. is TURCHEN-ZAVETT ways and means; Mrs. Mose Yousem day. planning an outdoor dance, to be held TWO-WEEK VISIT Mr. and Mrs. J. Helman announce and Mrs. Irvin Levin, book review. Miss Ann Gitnick leaves tonight July 1 in honor of the Grand Aleph the marriage of their daughter, Miss Besides Mrs. Sherman, the other WEEK-END GUESTS Harold Miller, the Los Angeles Hazel Zavett, to Mr. Max Turchen, officers include Mrs. A. D. Frank, The Misses Dorothy and Isfettie for a two-week "visit in St. Louis Godol delegation to the convention, and the with friends and relatives. son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Turchen of first vice-president; Mrs. B. A. Si- Oppenham -will be the week-end Sioux City A. Z. A. Sioux City, la. The wedding will mon, second vice-president; Mrs. Samguests of Miss Bluma Neveleff. The committee in charge includes HOUSE GUEST lake place June 17, at the B"nai Stern, recording secretary; Mrs. SamWhile here, they will attend the K. • Miss Esther Rosenberg of Chicago, Ernie Nogg, chairman; Herbert Marks Israel synagogue, with Rabbi David Zlotky, corresponding secretary; Mrs. T. formal dance. HL, is the house guest of her sister, and Sol Susman. Goldstein officiating. Dave Cohn, treasurer; Mrs. Moe KatThe chapter's baseball team defeatMrs. Sarah Kohn. The Misses Lillian Dishlip, Sara elman, auditor. Directors are the Mes- ENTERTAIN FOR VISITOR ed the Sioux City Highlife dub, 11 Goldberg, Charlotte Kanter and dames Nathan Nogg, R. L Bordy, Miss Etta Walsh of Winnipeg, to 8, in ten innings Sunday. The Lillian Turchen, all of Sioux City, Arthur Theodore, David Brodkey, Si- Canada, who spent the past three TO CHICAGO game was played at Sioux City and a Miss Helen Sternberg is in Chiwill be bridesmaids. Miss Sylvia mon Pizer and John Faier. weeks here visiting Miss Anne Kuzreturn game wfll be played here on cago where she is spending several Rotkovitz of Omaha will be maid nit, has been extensively entertained weeks July 1. -visiting with, her brother, Mr. of honor. during her visit. Philip Elutznick was elected as one KATZ-LIPSMAlf STPTIALS The Messrs. Abe Epstein, Abe Miss Eve Lipsman, daughter of Among the affairs given in her Joseph Sternberg. of the advisors of the chapter at the Beechen, Leo Karas, and Nathan Mr. and Mrs. A last meeting. A. Lipsman, became honor was a bridge party by Miss Goldberg, also of Sioux City, will the bride of Mr. Phil Katz of Oma- Kuznit complimentary to her house TISrTORS Louis J. Eiklin and Art Weiner be ushers. Mr. Abe Turchen, brother ha, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Katz of guest. Last Saturday night a group Mrs. Lee Bograd and son, Allan, were to leave yesterday to attend the of the groom, will be best man. St. Croix, Wis., Sunday afternoon at of friends entertained a t a weiner of Kansas City, Mo., are visiting A. Z. A. Missouri VaUey conclave, Marilyn Jean Sabel will be flower the Congregation of Israel syna- roast at Hummel park honoring Miss Mrs. Bograd's parents, Mr. and Mrs.which wfll be held in Kansas City, J. Helman. Mrs. 'Bograd was theJune 15, 16 and 17. They will repregirl and Richard Norman Turchen gogue, 25th and J streets, with Rabbi Walsh. former Lottie Z will be ring bearer. Harry Seiner -TJri Miller officiating.-sent "the chapter in the tennis doubles >*T wfll^sing preceding the ceremony, tournament. ROdin, last year's A. Z. Miss Hose Dubnoff, voUinist, STEIN-BLOOM After a short visit at Lake Oko- played the wedding march. The iride The marriage of Miss Ethel Bloom, TO VISIT HERE A. No. 1 champion, will also play in boji, the young couple will reside in wore a beautiful gown of whitae lace daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Miss Lillian Boonshaft of St. the singles. Louis, Ma, arrived here last week Sioux City. and satin; the boudice and finger Bloom, to Mr. Max Stein, son of Mr. for a visit at the home of her aunt, tip sleeves were of lace. The skirt, and Mrs. Hyman Stein, was solemn-' Mrs. J. Katelman. She wiU remain PRBES-EULAKOFSKY consisting of tiers of satin, fell to ized May 27. for about a month. Mrs. Jarohm Kulakofsky, former- her ankles. She carried a bridal bou- Miss Helen Stein was maid of honly of Omaha, announces the engage- quet of white carnations. or. Serving as bridesmaids were Mirment of her daughter, Betty Made- Miss Sylvia Lipsman, sister of the rianv Kreda of Denver, Colo., Miss TO OKLAHOMA CITY line Spiegal, to Mr. Jack M. Fries, bride, wore a blue organdy gown. Sarah Berg and Miss Hose Weiner. Mrs. William Gimple and grandson of Mrs. M. Fries of Chicago. No Mrs. Sam Manvitz wore an orchid Mr. Sam Bloom was best man and son, Bobby Batt, have left for Okla• 1EFAIRED homa City where they win visit with date has been set for the wedding. • REMODELED gown. They carried bouquets of red ushers were the Messrs. Saul Bloom, Mrs. Gimple's son-in-law and daughand white carnations. Littb Alexan- Louis Bloom, and Herman Bloom. ter, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Gaspar. • CLEANED PROM CALIFORNIA dria Lipsman, niece of the bride, who The couple returned from their • STORED Word has been received here of the was a trainbearer, and Marion laps- honeymoon from Colorado, and are marriage on June 3 of Willis Hirsch, man, sister of the bride, who.was now making their home at the Mary TO PLAY Bring your old for coat Harold Kendis and his Creighson of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hirsch, flower girl, wore pink silk and crepe Ann apartments. You will lite it to dine in and dance in and to Simons and see the tonians have received the contract formerly of Council Bluffs and Oma- dresses. • Byron Lipsman, nephew of to play this season for the Omaha lounge in—for riding and motoring and golf wonders we do in makha, to Miss Martha Sugarman, the bride, was trainbearer. Harvey FOR BRIDE-TO-BE Country club. ing it new and up-to—or we miss our guess. It is the only really daughter of Mr. J. J. Sugarman of Lipsman, brother of the bride, was Mrs. Lee Bograd, Mrs. Max date at small cost Los Angeles. Only the immediate ring-bearer. Jack Katz, cousin of the Crounse and Mrs. Charles Hermandifferent stocking we've seen in years — families were present at the cere- groom, and William lipsman, broth- son were hostesses at a personal WEEK'S VISIT ihis all-purpose "Knee-high" stocking with shower given in honor of Miss Hazel Mrs. AI A. Kane and Mrs. Leonard mony and dinner which took place er of the bride, were groomsmen. self-supporting top. Gives a smooth, garterRich of Chicago are spending a at the home of the bride's sister. Following the ceremony, a recep- Zavett, who is to be married Sunday MO ADDEEKHMI. CHABOS week's visit In Omaha. STORAGE • IB H a less silhouette—and a wholly new comfort to Mr. Max Turchen of Sioux City, Rabbi Magnin officiated. tion was held in the auditorium of The couple will make their home in the synagogue. Dancing followed. A la. and economy. Come in and see it! Beaufc TO HASTINGS Los Angeles. fully sheer chiffon—in the favored day and family dinner was held in the after- A miscellaneous shower was given Miss Lottie ZlotMn, daughter of by Miss Sylvia Rotkovitz at her noon. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Zlotkin, left evening shades—ot home Thursday evening in honor of Tuesday for Hastings, Neb., where The bride was entertained exten- the bride-elect. SIMONS Pi Lambda Phi she wfll spend three months with her The Pi Lambda Phi fraternity of sively before her marriage. Among uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. George those who entertained for her were Creighton university honored Dr. VicON TRIP tor E. Levine, honorary member, at a Mrs. Sam Manvitz, Miss Edith Os- Miss Betty Radman left Sunday Colton. 1716 DoueliU St. testimonial dinner at the chapter trovich, Mrs. S. Canar, Mrs. Fannie morning for a trip to Toronto, CaFOR. MASTER'S DEGREE Halperin, Mrs. J. Zidenburg, Mrs. PfcoM AT 0252 OMAHA'S STYU CENTO . . , HTM AND KA»N»T house Saturday, prior to Dr. Levine's nada. En route to Canada, she win departure on a scientific expedition to Maurice Lipsman, Mrs. E. V. Lorig stop in Chicago, where she win at- Jack Friedman, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Friedman, has returned to Iowa and Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Katz. tend the World's Fair. She win also Included among the out-of-town stop at Detroit, Midu, to -visit guests were Mr. and Mrs. Sam Katz, friends and relatives there. St. Croix, Wis.; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilinsky, Minneapolis, ON TOUR By Minn.; Mrs. Louis Katner, Minne- Rabbi TJri Miller left Monday for a apolis, Minn.. Mrs. C. Katz of Minne- two-month tour to Europe and PalesMrs. David M. Newman apolis, grandmother of the groom, tine. (Note: This recipe is reprinted who also attended the wedding, is from last week. Last week's recipe visiting here with her son and Wedenesday Special by error said "unbeaten whites" daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. DAMP WASH Katz. instead of "beaten whites.")

Gala Highland Affair Wednesday


modern-m T n d ed women uje 01





A Safe Deposit



Chocolate Roll RECEPTION Three tablespoons cocoa, 5 eggs, 1 Mr. and Mrs. M. Bercovici are recup powdered sugar, 3 teaspoons flour, ceiving informally at their home, a few grains salt, % teaspoon vaniUa. 3117 Lincoln Blvd., on Sunday, June To the beaten whites, add sugar, 17, from 3 to 6 p. m. honoring their cocoa, flour and salt sifted together. son, Mr. Jay Bercovici and his bride, Fold in yokes. Bake at 400 degrees the former Miss Ethelyn Kramer of for 10 minutes. Turn out on cloth Des Moines, who were wed on Sunsprinkled with flour and roll up at day, June 3. once. Wrap in damp towel and leave No invitations are being issued. to cool. Unroll and spread with ice- AH friends are cordially invited. cream or whipped cream. Roll up again and serve in slices. BRIDGE-LUNCHEON * * * Miss Eva Nichols entertained for How is the time to protect yourself j Apple Crisp l by getting auto insurance 32 guests at a bridge and beautifullyTake 1% cups flour, % cup butter, appointed luncheon Sunday, June 10, 34 teaspoon salt, % cup sugar, 4 apples. Peel the apples, quarter and let at "the Green Gardens Tea Booms in rUiionMAN and stand in salt water for 20 minutes. honor of Miss Ida Cohn, a bride-to- (Formerly in the employ «f I* Harris) Cut the butter into the mixture of be. A bridal party under a flowerflour, salt and sugar only until laden canopy and pink tapers made 12 Years Experience an elaborate and very ijeautiful cen- Inquiry Regarding Any Irsurance crumbly. Place apples in a shallow pan, sprin- terpiece. The color scheme was carLines Is Inrited kle with cinnamon, add % cup sugar ried out in pink and green. KEAI. ESTATE — KENTAX* PROFEBTY MANAGEMENT (brown) over apples. Spread the dry Out-of-town guests included the crumbly mixture over the apples and hostess's sister, Mrs. L. E. Schwartz- 315 So. 15 JA. 7311 bake at 375 degrees. Serve hot or man, and Miss Celia Marks of Lincoln. ~ cold with whipped cream. "

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Id«b« takc« p«t«t«. sliced bread

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ON THE 1,000-MILE TRAIL-r .The. national park service haa jjuiilt nearly 1,000 miies of safe trail through scenic regions of Glacier National - park, "Montana, such as is graphically pictured : ; here.

RIGHT IN STYLE—With quintuplets born in Canada and quad* ruplets in Iowa, Mrs. Nan Goat of Ithaca, N. Y., is right in style with twins. The baby goats are the pets of the New York State College of Agriculture of Corneil university.

BATHING THE BABY-Certainly Mrs. Marjorie Freeman of Holly£oodhas a nice lion. If she Pal didri't have,can bathing the Saturday beast might bo pastime. hardly wait for night to roll around.

KIDNAPING RECALLED—An echo of a Chicago kidnaping which stirred the nation six years ago resounded the other day when Billy 8 GET SUB STARTED IN '16—Eighteen years after the building of the submarine Cuttlefish was author- £ ^ " ^ " w a s a s k e d ho w h e . d i i k e t 0 g 0 to England to identify • Billy ized by congress, the undersea craft finally has been taken over by the navy. Funds were not appro- . ™ e ^ ™ * *"•CM taTondon d b d t r one off hhis abductors. Billy isis priated for the sub until 1929. though the boat, also known as the C-2. was okayed in 1916. and the J ° h 0 K o m a n ° ' nel°. 2 j £ ™ , who convicted two of his kid-. "



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men of the crew of the new vessel looking it over commander, at Groton, Conn. keel was laid in 1931. Lieut. Commander Charles Styer, Cuttlefish is shown, center, with

shown witn o&tniici tionnian, uiv, -»*»v *,««-—«'— —

j ^dst

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^ ^ rharee Ranieri. andcase. Charles Dougherty, now in of the

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WORRIES ARE OVER—The kidnaped William F i t f a'recent Temple

SCHOLASTIC BRAVERY—Gallantrylunder classroom fire distinguished these eight leaders of their i t C d t T Brook Maurj-a set of books Chatfield and Jean Paul

CARDINAL O'CONNELL—Thousands attended an open air Newton. Mass.. honoring His thninence Ca,xiinal O'ConneU the occasion of the goidenjulrilee of his ordination as a priest:;

PAGE 7—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JUNE 15,1934 Neunian by name . . . As we predicted last week, "Union City. N. J., hotbed of Nazi activities, has banned all Hitlerite meetings . . . Wall Street is talking about huge funds set aside by the Nazi propagandists to buy favorable propaganda in the financial sections of the New York dailies . . . Now that Carl Byoir, the Jewish press By PHlffEAS J. BffiOX agent for the Nazis has been put on the spot, Mr. Ivy Lee's protestations that he had nothing to do with the HOLLYWOODIA German Governmental propaganda Committee of movie magnates gathSelection of John ered in Hollywood to contribute for seems plausible the relief of the oppressed in Nazi- B. Oakes, Rhodes-scholar-elect from lland d . . . There sat in one room New York, as the Princeton senior Messrs. Thalberg, P. Goldstone, L. B.most likely to make good, is a good Mayer. Jolson, Ben Bernie and of choice since he is a nephew of Adolph course J. Warner and S. Goldwyn . . . Ochs of the New York Times and a' The rivalry between Warner and son of the late George Washington Goldwyn is of course still going full Ochs Oakes, Adolph's younger brother speed . . . Goldwyn announced that he who changed his name to Oakes durr would contribute whatever Warner ing the war, because Ochs sounds too did . . . So a few of the gentlemen German . . . It wouldn't be a bad idea tried to persuade Warner to increase for Adolph to change his name for'the


The plea also urged the Polish Jews to stand up and defend themselves against the Nazi hooligans who are running wild. Reports in the Polish press indicate that the Naras are being subsidized by German agents. Nara activities are expected to become even more violent in view of the forthcoming visit to Poland of Warsaw (WNS)—Poland stands on Dr. Paul Joseph Goebbels, Nazi propthe brink of virtual civil war between aganda minister. Jews and the militant and ruthless Meanwhile a delegation of the Aghosts of gray-shirted Naras, the Po-udath Israel that called on Archbishlish Nazis, who continue to terrorize op Krokovski, head of the Polish the Jewish population in the face of Catholic church, and appealed to him the government's announced determine to intervene against the rising tide ation to crush all disturbances. Not- of anti-Semitic violence suffered a rewithstanding the perilous situation buff. The Archbishop said he was opof- -the campaign volumes that has developed as a result of the posed to attacks on Jews but pointed ntirvc 3ou Moos* C/MPA&A/<y=/9/Z-daily attacks on 4he Jewish popula- out that Jewish atheists and Jewish Vfos ONE OF THF O?6flN IZFRS of tion, who are -everywhere fighting' sellers of pornographic books incited back with great heroism despite: ter- ,the Naras against all Jews. The Agfa • •Rendered rific odds, tJ»e government has as yet udath Israel also intends to send a Aid t o WILSON done little more than issue soothing delegation to the prime minister. 3HJRING THE" WOOL'S VV*R AND statements promising to suppress the rioting anti-Semites whose systematic same reason because of the anti-Jewhis ?5,000, donation . . , Warner reviolence has precipitated a nationish war by the Germans . . . Ail the plied: "I wouldn't be that mean to wide panic among the Jews. . Chilean Jews Hold National Goldwyn" . . . The sum raised that papers including the Jewish press In the face of the government's re- Congress night was $52,000 . . Maurice featured Samuel Untermyer's birthday Santiago—Problems of immigracelebration at his Yonkers estate on peated assurances to the Jews, the tion, Schwartz finally realized his life's anti-Semitism, education and arrest and imprisonment of three. philanthropy ambition when he pocketed a con-, June 6th, although a little check-up were thrashed out by would have told them that Samuel Jewish porters for having injured sevtract from Metro-Goldwyn Mayer . \ . several hundred delegates from eral Naras while defending^ 'them- every section of Chile The Yiddish, star is to act, write and Untermyer's birthday is March second who attended There are, Canadian: Jews who selves came as a shocking surprise. direct for Metro . . . We read the oththe sessions of the first National High Polish" officials " continue to er day the following miniature de- are so scared to talk about the FasJewish congress of Chile. pledge protection to the Jews and incist and Nazi activities in the Domscriptions: Mae West: The traveling dicate a willingness to outlaw the Na- Representatives of the Chilean salesman's daughter; Eddie Cantor: inion thaf they drowned the editorial ras, hy force if necessary, but thegovernment addressed the gathering office of the B*nai Brith magazine The trademark of any eye and ear marauding bands of armed and well- •v^hich is regarded as the most imwith letters criticizing our own Bernhospital; Paul Muni: Hamlet in organized gray-shirts continue to portant in the history of Chilean modern clothes; Fannie Hurst: old- ard Postal for his so-called exagstrike terror into the hearts of Polish Jewry. gerated and hysterical statements "on. time movie producer's idea of senJews. Canadian Fascism in . his -i articles suousness . . . "Colored Shirts on Parade" published How tense the situation is may beMannheimer Gets Post at Yale in the B'nai Brith . . .Silence is not gauged by a panic which developed SO—THIS IS PARIS going to make them stop, Canadian in the Jewish quarter of Warsaw as Berlin—Doctor Manfred Mannhei; You may not know it but Andre brethren- , . . Florence P. Kahn, the a result of reports that several Chris- mer, professor of physics at the Uni»W»TOBESK!UK> Spire, French. Jewish poet is the new;first.and only-Jewess in the "United tian women had distributed poisoned versity of Frankfort, will teach at under-secretary of Agriculture in States'Congress is immune from the candies from automobiles to Jewish Yale university, it waB announced. France, which does not prevent Vm usual feminine fear of mice, but4when children. One of the women was from organizing a society to be known she sees a cat—she is ready to call caught by the frenzied mob and was) as the "Friends of the Burned Book" for the militia , . .Abraham Rothstein, in danger of being lynched when she; MARK LEON SAYS . . . ODERN . . . Alexander Rosenberg, counsellor father of the mysteriously murdered was rescued by a detachment of L e t m « p r o t e c t y o u r Interest* . . . I SYt4\&i AS AN ACCESSORY OF at the Soviet Embassy in Paris, is re- gambler, Arnold^ is a more or less mounted police. A street car conduc- will w r i t e A N Y k i n d of I N S U R A N C E In WDR5H1P WAS FIR5T lttf*OVI/CE» garded as one of the mast astute di- permanent patient in Beth Israel Hostor who defended the accused woman s t r o n g , r e l i a b l e c o m p a n i e s O N L Y . plomats in the Soviet service . . . pital, New York, of -which, he is the by JSRftEi. J A C O B S © N — was roughly handled. Examination of * ± 3er/in JUNE A- l&«5 City Fin. & Ins. Co. There are now five Jewish emigrant vice-president . . . He dispenses many the candies in the -woman's possession ± 3er/in JUNE Al&«5 -me organ WAS one of the htstru-mcTtts of music Vn- th«1trtP*LE 1409 rarnam; Bna. AT-76G7 Kes. WA-51M daily newspapers published in Paris gifts to his co-sufferers and Is the proved the reports groundless, but rutKe datjs of SAMUEL / . . . James Waterman Wise is- expect- most popular name among the' patmors continued to spread that seven ed in Paris about June 20th and will ients and staff . . . Jewish children had already died from By SEVEN AkTS F f ATl/RE 5Yffi»icAT£ join Pierre Van Passen for a study eating the candies. Panic-stricken parPERSONALIA of European Jewish conditions — at ents refused to take any chances and 1 After the Theatre Joseph Schildkraut is again in the 'quotations" -from the Talmud to clamped down a ban on Yiddish are keeping their children a t home. the Cafe Du Dome The reports money and has taken possession of Treat the Crowd at papers from abroad. Simultaneously prove that the Jews were preparing Every Yiddish paper that printed the that Pierre Van Passen, who has just a rather ritzy mansion, in Hollywood THE for the annihilation of the Christian the government placed armed guards report of the so-called poisoned canreturned from a successful lecture . . . Governor Lehman will run again around the meeting places used by world, Edward Chowanski, editor of' dies was suppressed by the police. tour in the U. S. A. has followed Aimee atlhough there are some democrats in Another Nazi "Discovery** Palliere in going over to Judaism are his camp who would like to shelve , Berlin—The latest "discovery" of the Polish Nazi Journal Blyskawles, the Bundists and the Poale-Zion. While the governor of Warsaw has was sentenced to serve a nine months Pierre is at present him. for a more nordic candidate not correct added his personal pledge to those althe Nazi press is that William RanAnother Nazi Paper Sued They will enjoy the new decoraprison term. in the Saar investigating Nazi activ- Max Gordon, Broadway's most sucmade by other governmental tions and the delicious food. Sao Paulo, Brazil.—-The Czechosolo- ready ities .' . . He will describe his impres- cessful producer—this season—rides dolph Hearst, famous American spokesmen, Jewish leaders here are newspaper publisher, is a Jew whose Masaryk Reelected Everything cooked in butter and vakian consulate here has brought . Those hitter over the government's handling sion for the Seven Arts to his office every morning in a lux- real name is Herz. This "revelation" Prague, pure olive oil. We never use lard. suit against the local Deutsche Zfei- of the really menacing situation. At Czechoslovakia—Eightyawful illustrations in Julius Streich- urious Rolls-Royce car, in which he is announced by the Deutsche Woch- four .year old Thomas G. Masaryk, tung for alleged attacks upon Czecho# For the Ladies: A er's "Der Stuenner" are reproducan emergency conference of the JewFour enschau, organ of Gottfried Fedor, father of his country, was reelected slovakia. " dictates to a stenographer Wonderful Afternoon tions of old prints published by Ed-years ish members of Parliament, an apago Gordon was making $25,- economic theorist of the Nazi party. president last week; for a seven year Card P a r t y Room! The suit was brought through the peal was drafted calling on the Poouard Dumot in "La France Juive," 000 a week . . . Bloch Publishing Com- Feder's organ charges that not only foreign ministry and is expected to lish government to suppress immesome years ago . . . Henri Torres, the pany announces term that will carry him through his Corner 24th and Harney Streets that "Modern Kosh- is Hearst a Jew but he is also "a result in a sensational trial. Clarence Darrow of France, has in-er Meals" that long ninety-second yearvV. diately the excesses against the Jews. awaited cook book •well-known Jewish agitator; high in formed Hitler that he intends to at-is ready for eager Jewish A friend of thesi Jews, the noted There^ AreSuch housewives tend the trial p£. Thaelman, the com-; . . Believe it or not but Bloch's liberal has J»een dslled the "last of r J . ? r ^ P o l i s h Jewry i s embittered the ranks of the eWers^olI Koshmunist leader at Berlta, as an obser- er cook books are always leading his t i e true democra over the discovery that 200 Polish For Jews Themselves ver for the French bar . . . Jews have signed up for an excurbest seller list . . . The Associated New York—Jews should get to-2 Arabs to 3 Jews sion trip to Germany this summer. Press in a cable from Paris implies SO—THIS IS MOSCOW gether and enforce the kosher law Jerusalem—The Jewish agency last The excursion is being sponsored that Professor Einstein is now inand not leave it to state enforcement, week published figures giving the by the German propaganda ministry The Soviet Government is.ordering Europe confusing the Professor with Justice Herman Rayfiel of Special number of Arabs : employed in thewhich •will send Germans for a simiyoung orange trees in Palestine for his charming wife now in Europe — transplantation in the Crimean Riv-? The professor is" spending a quiet Sessions Court, declared in dissenting Jewish orange groves in Palestine. lar visit to Poland. ^ iera . . . The official hostess of the summer at a solitary villa somewhere from the sentence imposed on a The data, compiled a t the end of American Embassy in Moscow is a" butcher for failing to display February, shows that in 1,044 Jewish Benjamin kosher New England, USA Polish fJewess who recently became in a sign saying he sold both kosher groves there were 6,800 Jewish and the wife of Embassy Counsellor Wiley V. Cohen, assistant counsel of the and non-kosher meats. Rabbi Barbakow 4,548 Arab laborers. Public Works Administration in . . . Since Ambassador Bullitt's wife an Efficient, Reliable is dead^ Mrs. Wiley presides at allWashington helped to draft the Se-North German Lloyd Losses Latvia Bars Foreign curities and Exchange Act of 1934$11,000,000 MOHEL social functions We're told that became, law last week . . . The Bremen—The North German Lloyd Jewish Press when the Nazi foreign office pointed which Riga—Hard on the heels of the Recommended by Many Doctors receipts from, the .Gala Premiere of out unofficially to Moscow that the lost $11,000,000 during 1933 and suppression of all Yiddish papers in WEbster 5450 1422 Ifo. 20fli St. House of Rothschild" film in line appointment of a Jewish Ambassador "The is threatened with a loss of an equal Latvia, the new Fascist regime also London were devoted to the fund for to Berlin would be rather-embarrasssum during 1934, Karl Lindermann, ing in view of the Jewish question in German-Jewish women and children , chairman of fhe line told a general ... ; Mrs. Anthony de Rothschild, wife German, Moscow candidly replied: meeting of the company last week. "The Jewish question—never heard of of the great-grandson of Nathan THE Rothschild, (impersonated by Arliss It—we have no Jewish question.—why 0,000 Still Homeless, in the film) was one of the patshould you have one?" . . . EconomSays McDonald ists sympathetic to the anti-Nazi boy- ronesses of the event . . . Washington—At least 50,000 of (Copyright, 1934." cott point out that Germany's curtailthe 60,000 German Jewish, exiles ed exports are due primarily to the (By Seven Arts Feature Syndicate.) from Hitler Germany are still homecatastrophic drop in German exports of Nebraska Women ess, James G. McDonald, League of of Gorki Was Moscow Is virtually "Son" Nations High Commissioner for Ger to the USSR OLD BACK-NUMBER CLEANER-AKD GtVE Jewish Pogrom : Orphan carrying out a boycott policy Try a Bag Today man Refugees, declared here. Paris—Alexis ; Peshkov, French The Soviet Consul in New York, YOU A REAL ALLOWANCE FOR IT ON A Tovarish Leonid M. Tolonski, is a war hero and army commander who Austrian Jews Imperiled fluent writer and speaker in Yiddish was always regarded as a son ofAnew . . . The recent Birobidjan celebration Maxim Gorki, the famous Russian Vienna-—A- new anti-Semitic cam at Madison Square did not rate a sin- novelist, was really a Jewish.pogrom paign has broken out in Austria. orphan' from Nijni-Novorgod who gle line in the Anglo-Jewish daily of Newspapers feature attacks on our land, although the New York had been adopted by Gorki, the Paris Jews and anti-Semitic meetings, Haint, Yiddish daily, revealed in reTimes gave it almost a column . which have been forbidden for son* Louis Fischer, the nation's grounds' porting Pes'nkov's death. time, and are now in full swing where he camped as a Jewish legionagain in Austrian cities and villages aire in the days when he was ready Hands off Jews, Daudet










' *






to give his blood for "British Imper- Declares Jailed for Libeling ialism" . . . When Lord Marley was Paris, (JTA).—Molestation of the the Jews - V . quotable in the Zionist press, he was Jews is not a part of the program Kattowice—Because a great guy but now that he is de-of the French Royalist followers of voting his energies to the possibili- Leon Daudet in the event that they ties of Jewish emigration to Birobidjan, he is being treated as one "of come to power, he stated- this week. However, he said, since the Jews dethose lords gone wrong." . . .

clare themselves to be a nation, their status and immigration and particuYOU DON'T SAY rights and duties must be "reguThe Nazis now accuse Dollfuss of lar lated." being of Jewish descent and the "Stuenner" says that the Pope is the Illegitimate son of a Dutch Jewess,


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BATH &OOM PAPER Rolls and One Colored Wash Cloth for For Sale by Leading Retailers


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A wonderful opportunity to get rid of that worn-out old cleaner you've been worrying along with. It probably hasn't done a teal cleaning job in ages! Let vis make you an allowance for it on a new PREMIER Electric Cleaner. Then see the difference. PREMIES. Cleaner* operate on a new principle.This gets out all the groundin grit and dirt—as well as all the surface dust. Lifts and fluffs the nap, instead of irearing: it ont. Brightens eld rugs. And you'll be amazed to learn how easily a PREMIER operates—light-rolling, DO lifting, quick and thorough.


Members of the family •way from Home .are only .• telephone call away. After 8?| p. m. you can telephone \ miles for 35 «enU, 500 tgr 80 «go§, £ £ ^ ' station service.

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PAGE 8-^-THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JUNE 15,1934 Sioux City in the home of. the formex's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Chisen.

Council Bluffs News


ABRAHAMS & O'CONNOR,; Attorneys 400 Brandeis Theater Building

V ZACHA1UA, Attorney. 708 lirundeis Tlienter Bide

NOTICE OF ARTICLES OF INCORPORAICOTICB OF INCORPORATION OP TION OF liOCAIi RETAIL CODS OMAHA FCRNITTJRK AND CABPET AVTHOKITi: l-Oll OMAHA, > E B E , COMPANY INC. Notice Is hereby given that the wnderNotice is hereby given that the underMr. and Mrs, F. J. Mednick of Cassigned have associated themselves together signed have associated themselves togethper, Wyoming, stopped in Sioux City BYF. B.K. to form a corporation under the laws or er in order to form a corporation in th» the State of Nebraska. The name of theState Of Nebraska for the purposes hererecently to visit with the tetter's corporation shall be OMAHA FURNITURE inafter stated, under and pursuant to Secbrother, Mr. David Prusiness, 2129 Among those who arc leaving SatANNA PILL, AND CARPET COMPANY. The principal tion 2 (a) of Article X, of tha Code Of place of transacting the biiBiness of this Fair Competition for the Retail Trade. Sunset Circle. From Sioux City they urday night for Chicago, 111., to atcorporation shall be the City of Omaha, The name of this Corporation Survey Notes Palestine Boom went to Des Mbines for a visit with tend the National Grocers' Association Douglas County. Nebraska, but said busi- shall be LOCAL. KETAIL CODE AUness may be transacted in any other city, the .Ben Prusiness family before go- convention axe Mr. and Mrs. Nathan THORITY FOR OMAHA, NEBR., INC, But Fears Future county or state. The general nature of the and its principal place of transacting Nogg, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gross, Mr. ing to Chicago to attend the Cenbusiness to be transacted by this corporabusiness shall be in the City of Omaha, Speculation and Mrs. Louis London, Mr. and Mrs. tury of Progress. tion shall be to buy, sell, own, and gen-Douglas County, Nebraska. The objects erally deat in and with all kinds of house, nnd purposes of this corporatoin are to George Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs. Max New York (JTA) — A survey of store, office and other furniture, carpets, have and exercise, within the local trading Cohn, Mr. and Mrs. Herman MeyerPalestine's economic development, con- rugs, curtains, fixtures, and furnishing area of Omalin. Nebraska, all the rights Mrs. Louis Kaplan is a. patient in goods, and any and all materials, supplies, powers and to be charged .with all Ruth Singer, daughter of Mr. and Plans for the annual Talmud Torah the Methodist hospital where she un-son, Mr. and Mrs. Max Simon, Mr. tained in the seventh annual report products or equipment which may be con-and the duties and obligations, now, or which and Mrs. Richard. Gordon, Mr. and of the Palestine Economic corpora- veniently used or handled in connection may hereafter be, vested in and imposed Mrs. I. Singer, was the only student picnic, to be held Sunday afternoon derwent an operation recently. Mrs. Sam Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs. Abetion, as made public by Bernard Flex- with such business; to acquire, hold, sell, upon the National lletail Code Authority at North Junior High- school to re-and evening, June 24, are being comalienate or encumber real and personal or the Local Retail Code Authority for Mr. I. Borshevsky is spending this Markovitz, Mr. and Mrs. George ner, chairman of the board of the cor- property of every kind nnd description Omaha, Nebr., under the Code of Fair ceive the grade of "A" in every sub- pleted by the committees in charge wheresoever situated, including the stocks, for the Retail Trade. ject for the past semester. She isand preparations are being made to week in Sk Joseph, Missouri, where Steinberg, Mrs. Ben Kooler, and poration, indicates rapid economic notes, bonds, debentures, or other evidences Competition This corporation shall be a memMessrs. Phil Saks, Sam Rosenthal, progress in most of the statistics of of indebtedness and obligations of anybership corporation and shall have no capa member of the senior ninth grade accommodate over a thousand people. he went for a business trip. corporation, nnd to issue in payment or ital stock. The corporation is not organJoe Gotsdiner, Sam Bubb, Jake Men- the past year. and will go next year- t o . Central The; picnic will be held at Riverview exchange therefor its own stock, notes, and shnll not be conducted for profit, delson, Leo Fitch, and Simon SteinThe report point out, however, that bonds, debentures, or other obligations. ized park and is one of the outstanding Miss Jennie Shindler will leave High school. and no part of its res-enues or earnings The authorized capital stock of the corponext week for Minneapolis, where berg. While there, they will also visit economic expansion has "brought in rntion is $2T),000.00 divided into 2T)0 shares shall inure to the benefit of nny individual Among other students on the hon- events of the year's calendar. contributor, member or incorthe World's Fair. its wake certain undesirable specula- of the par value of $100.00 each, nil ofsubscriber, or roll announced by North Junior The program for the picnic will in- she will spend several weeks i porator. Membership in this corporation Shall T > e the rpprpscntntlTCB which each of tive elements." Property values in cerwhich is common stock find when issnea with friends. were Bob Marx, Howard Sacks, clude games, races, sports, raffles, . Local lletail Xrad& Associations, purThe Council Bluffs Agudas Achim tain sections have shot up and credit shall be fully paid and non-nssessable. The the Sylvia Friedman, Ida Shindler, Jack contests and refreshments. suant to the provisions of said Article X, corporation shall commence business upon Section 2(n) of the Code and said Order Mosow, Milton Saltzman, Alvin BrodProceeds will: go toward the up- Mr. Max Cohen, 1720 Jones street, Society will hold a regular meeting expansion has to some extent been en- the filing of these Articles in the office of dated October 24th, 1933, have elected or County Clerk and shall terminate upon key, Dorothy Davis, Bernard Rosen- keep of the local Talmud Torah. The has returned home after spending next Thursday evening, June 21st, atcouraged. The agricultural colonies the first day of July, 1084. unless sooner hereafter shall elect as members of the the Eagles Hall. have been affected seriously by thethe dissolved by a majority vote of the out- Local Retail Code Authority for Omaha, thai, Elaine Rosenfeld, Harold Lef- Hebrew School ! Board of Directors several days in Kansas City. standing capital stock. The highest amount Nebr., or their duly elected successors. four-year drouth. kovich, Eugene Gelson, David Palin, arid members of the Hebrew Mothers* of indebtedness to which this corporation Vacancies in the membership, arising from The black ink side of the ledger, shall at any time subject itself shnll not whatever cause, shall be filled by the said Arnold Rosenfeld George Gilinsky, association are directing the affair Dave Albert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Raduziner announce two-thirds of its capital Rtock. The Local Retail Trade Associations by whom Esther Rivin, Philip Kantor, Char- jointly. ' : M. Albert, will arrive in the city the birt hof a daughter, born Mon- nevertheless, shows cause for jubila- exceed affairs of this corporation shall be con-they were elected. All of snid members lotte Levine, Sylvia Baumstein, this week for a, visit with his parents. day, June 11th, at. the Mercy hospital. tion among Zionists. The report points ducted by a Board of Directors of not less shall be elected by their said respective Mrs. Raduziner i s the former Miss out that government finances are "inthan two nor more than five, the number Local Retail Trade Associations, in accordBetty Mosow and Paul Schwartz. be fired by the I?y-I.,aW8. The officers ance with a fair method npproved by the Lillian Steinberg. an enviable state," with a surplus in to shall be chosen by the directors antt shall Administrator, and shall retain their memAt Woodrow Wilson school, Ruth at the pleasure of their said rethe Palestine treasury of £2,144,419. be President, Vice-Prpsident .and Secretary- bership Gordon was one of the two pupils Treasurer, any two of which offices mny spective Local Retail Trade Associations. Harold Chernan was elected presi- Deposits in banks and co-operative so- be who received an all "A" average for held by one person. These Articles mny The Corporation shall be managed by a dent of the Lion's Club of Council cieties are estimated at from ten tobe nmemled at any annual meeting of tho board of not less thnn five members, who the year. Others on the honor roll stockholders, or at any special meeting of shall be known as the Executive CommitBluffs a t a luncheon held last Friday eleven million pounds at the end ofthe for the last six week period were stockholders called for that purpose by tee, who shall be selected by the -members Representatives from each Jewish at the Hotel Chieftain. Plans for the Ladies Auxiliary of 1933 and are steadily increasing. a majority vote In amount of the stock of said corporation, and who shall hold Ruben Hurwitz and Friedell Stillman. Shaare Zion Synagogue- include three organization in Sioux City, met then outstanding. The corporation shall their offi'-e for such term or terms as Moreover, 29,101 immigrants entered have shall be prescribed by the- By-Laws of the At West Junior school, Clara important events for the coming Wednesday evening in the Jewish a seal. corporation. The existence of this corporaJoe Solomonow went to Fort Crook the country during the year, 27,862 of KDWAlir) ABRAHAMS Dvorkin, Helen Share, and Herman months. Community' Center, to discuss plans Sunday for a two weeks' stay. tion shall commence on the date of the MILTON It. ABRAHAMS whom were Jews, according to the resigning ot these Articles of Incorporation Weinstein were on the honor roll. RICHABD A. O'CONNOR Foremost are the contemplated for the all-inclusive money-raising port. About one-tenth of these belong- 6-15-34-4t. and continue for the term of the Code. Incorporators. The highest amount of indebtedness to >lan for bringing Dr. Sachar to affair which i s scheduled for late Miss Pauline Bernstein, student at ed to the so-called capitalist class, which the corporation shall subject itself ;-.•.. Sioux City for a lecture on October fail. the University of Wisconsin at Madi- bringing with them more than two shall not exceed the value of the property 28. Dr. Sachar is known throughout Mr. Morey Lipshutz presided at theson,' returned home Sunday to spend and a half million pounds. FBADENBURG. STAT.MASTER. BEBEB owned by It. The private property of the members shall not be subject to the pay& KMTTZNICK, Attorneys the country as an authority on Jew-meeting. her summer vacation with her par- Figures for imports and exports, ment of corporate debts or obligations to «5O Omaha National Bank Bide. any extent whatsoever. A business adsh history and events, and many ents,. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bernstein. said the report, Teveal a marked in- NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF ministration headquarters shall be estabSioux Cityans were privileged to hear lished, maintained and conducted in such crease in business activity in the Holy "BAKISH OIL, INC." and for such use by and with such Flower day for the Jewish Na- him in Omaha this spring Mrs. E. E. Gruenberg of Sioux Falls Land, Notice Is hereby given, that "we, the nn- manner privileges foi the meml>ers as the corMembers of the Amorian dub: have So. Dak., left Tuesday for her home, tional Fund, which was scheduled for have associated ourselves to- porntion may The annual ice cream social from time to time determine. "Imports for consumption show a dersiimed, gether for the purpose of forming a cor last Sunday, but postponed because planned by the auxiliary will be held planned a full days outing for next following a ten 'day visit here at thefifty per cent increase over 1932," the porafion to 1» known as "IIARISH OIL. In furtherance and not in limitation of the powers conferred the Code, the corporaof weather conditions, will be held n Sunday afternoon and evening, Sunday, June 17. The feature of thehome of her brother-in-law and sis-report states, "and" exports of Pales- INC." It shall begin business when the tion is expressly by authorized to carry on articles of incorporation ara filed in the next Sunday, June 17. July 22. A card party is scheduled days program will be the election ter* Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Gilinsky. tine produce increased by almost ten office of the County Clerk of Donglas its business and to hold annual or special and to have one or more offices of officers which is scheduled for She was extensively entertained dur- per cent in spite of the difficulties en- County, Xrbraska, and continue for a pe- meetings: Jewish homes will be solicited with "or August. or branches; to acquire, hold nnd dispose riod of fifty years. The principal place of Sunday morning. of real and personal property; to have flowers for contributions to the Jewing her stay. countered in flucuating foreign cur- transacting business shall be in Omaha, complete control nnd management of the ish National Fund. Members of the The program will open at Gflman The general nature of the busi- nffairs, funds rencies and international trade bar- Nebraskn. finances ot the corporaness to be transacted shall be to conduct tion, includingand Junior Hadassah are in charge of the Terrace Sunday morning with a Morton Adler left Friday for Cleve- riers." power to make conand operate oil and service stations, to tracts, to borrowthe and to pledge the solicitations. track meet between the members of land and Akron, Ohio, where he will purchase and sell nt both retail and -whole- property of themoney corporation as security sale, oil. gasoline, petroleum products nnd therefor; to employ aprents or the North and West Side. In the counsel; spend the summer months visiting SHOTWSIX. MONSKY, GBODIN8KY & automobile accessories; to equip and main- subject to the laws of the State of NeWord has been received here of afternoon the members will go to tain by purchase, construction, lease or braska, to keep the books of the corporarelatives. ..•••' VANCE and HAKKY B. COHEN the marriage of Miss Sarah Levine, Riverside park for a ball game, otherwise, buildings and equipment to.he tion within or without the State Of NeAttorneys used as and for service stations, oil sta; 737 Omaha National Baak Bide daughter of Rabbi and Mrs. Louis swimming and boating. They will as mny from time to time be desigtions, automobile accessories stores, vrho'.e- braska,by Miss Dorothy Marko of Wichita,. the corporation; to receive con- Members of the Junior Poale Zion Levine of this city, to Eli Braver, conclude the days activities with a Kansas, is spending the week visiting = Notice is hereby given that on the 31st sale oil nnd petroleum companies, and tonated tributions, nnd to nsspss nnd collect fees, dp all things 'which may be necessary day of May, 1934, the total outstanding son of Rabbi and Mrs. M. Braver, r met last Friday evening in the home dues nnd other payments as mny be proweiner roast at 7 o'clock. . . : relatives and friends in Omaha and indebtedness of TOKK BATTERY COM- ahdYor proper to carry out the obierts vided for in rnlos ami regulations adoptof A. Stillman. Featured on the pro-1020 Iowa street. The wedding took PANY, a Nebraska corporation, with its herein net forth. The cnpit.il stock shall lw> ed by the corporation. Thp officers of Baia Council Bluffs. principal place of business in Omaha, Ne- S.T.000.O0 to be divided into fifty shares of corporation shall be a Chairman, Vicegram was a discussion on the Span- place in Portland Oregon, Sunday the par valno of $100.00 p.ich. The affairs chairman • nnd Secretary nnd Treasurer, braska, was $6,107.87. ish Inquisition, led by Marvin Klass. afternoon, June 10, in the home of of the corporation shall be managed bv a HERBERT NEVELEPF, shnll be chosen by the Executive that this does not pay they will with- Attest: Board of Directors of not loss than two who The club will meet this evening in the bride's sister, Mrs. A. L. Black. President. Committee, nnd who shall hold their ofNewly-elected officers of the AZ. nor more than fivo members who (shall LILLIAN NEVELKFF, draw their support." fices until thoir successors shall be electthe home of Lucille Kronick. On the Mr. and Mrs. Braver are both A. chapter presided at the meeting elect from their number a President, Vire- ed and Secretary. «l"««^IIjMAM R R A X T E R , Sir Robert praised the British CenPresideTif. Rwretary nnd Treasurer, who program, will be talks on "Emancipa- former residents of Sioux City. Mrs. HERBERT NEVELEFF Wednesday evening in th Jewish shall hold office for a term of one year tral Relief Fund, which is directing HARRY TS. 7.IMMAN. tion" by Max Maron, and "Auto- Braver i s a graduate of Central LILLIAN NEVELEFF until the nrxt nnnnnl mePtlnc. The annual WILLIAM HOLZMAN. Majority of Directors. meeting of thp corporation shall be held on Emancipation" by William Rozofsky. High school, and Mr. Braver re- Community Center. A business meet- efforts to ameliorate the conditions of C-15-S4-H. FRANK T.. CARVER, the first Monday in January of each yenr. ing occupied the time of the chapter. German Jewish refugees in Eng&Q Eudice Stillman will be chairman. C. C. JOHNSON. ceived his master of science degree 1 These articles may be ntnpndpd nnon the Plans were made by the group to land. He said that English Jewry, in IK VIST C. IJ5VIK, Attvrner Incorporators. affirmative vote of two-thirds of the outfrom the University of South DaSOl Electric Bnlldlnc standing stork. kota. They will make their home in send a delegate to the National Con- helping the relief work, was faced IN WITXRRS WFTERKOF. thp parties vention which will be held this sum- with a double ^problem, the necessity ORDEB OF HEARING hereunto set their hands this 24th day Portland, Oregon. the County Court of Douglas County, have mer in Washington. Stanley Herzoff of helping the refugees, and the un-InNebraska. of November, 1933. M. M. TCARISH has been chosen to represent Sioux employment in England itself, which In the Matter of the Estate ot CELIA M. T>. TIROnKKY Mr. and Mrs. B. Rifkin, 1103 West City chapter at the convention. Deceased. made it impossible to do very much ToAVOLK. all persons interested in the estate of In the Presence *>f: HENRY GRABOIS Second street, announct the engagefor the refugees. "In bringing refu- Celia Wolk, deceased: K. X. TIOT,SBERG ment of their daughter Sylvia, to gees to England," he said, "we must Louis Wolk having filed his petition un- 6-15-34.-4t. der oath in this Court, praying adminisAbe Stein, of Omaha, Nebraska. The act in a way which will not arouse tration of the estate of said Celia "Wolk, wedding will be an event of late fall. be dispensed with and for a decree deto your FRIENDS any feelings against the Jews." 8TALMASTER, BEBER termining who are the heirs of said Celia & KttTTZNICK, Attorney* When asked about conditions in Pal- •VToIk, it is ordered that a hearing be had C56 Omaha National Bank Bids. Over seventy women attended the estine, Sir Robert, who stated that he on said petition at the County Court Room in the County of Douglas. State of Nebras'No Hostess" party given Tuesday had visited Palestine and knew the ka, on the 7th day of July, 1934, at theNOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF THE "AMERICAN AMUSEMENT CO." in the Jewish Community Center, situation well, justified the course pur- hour of 10 A. M.t and that notice of the and place fixed for said hearing to be Notice is hereby given that we, the unhonoring Miss Miriam Braver, a sued by the Palestine administration, time given to all persons interested in said es- dersigned, have associated ourselves tobride-elect: The time was spent at pointing out the great difficulties of tate by publication of this order for three gether for the purpose of forming a corpola the Jewish Tress, a newspaper ration to be known as the "AMERICAN TORGS1K STORES bridge, after which refreshments English Industrialist Predicts ruling a country with so many con- •weeks printed nnd published in said county. AMUSEMENT CO." It shall begin business carry an extensive line of high Troubles Ahead for were served. when the articles of incorpation are filed flicting groups. He praised Sir Ar- Dated this 13th day of June, 1934 quality suits, dresses, coats, in the office of the County Clerk of DongBRYCE CRAWFORD, thur Grenfell Wauchope, the present 6-15-34-3t. German Nazis shoes; cotton, silk and woolen las County. Nebraskn. nnd continue for a • County Judge. goods; Tood stuffs, household period of fifty years. The principal place High Commissioner, characterizing Gerald Cohen, Frances Kalin, and utensils, soaps, tobaccos, sweets of transacting business shall be in Omaha, him as a man of "high character and and countless other articles; JACK W. MAKER, Attorney Sydney Bergen have returned to the New York (JTA)—The world boyNebraskn. The general nature of the busi(imported and domestic). Courthouse ness to be transacted shall be to own nnd city for the summer months, after cott of German-made goods is highly fair mind." operate shows, carnivals, dances, exhibits All these can be obtained at NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILI/ : and amusements of every kind and de- TORGSIN by your relatives, I F spending the past year at Lincoln, effective in England, and, according In the County Court of Douglas Couutv. scription, to acquire, hold and dispose of YOU SEND THEM A TORGSIN # Neb., where they were enrolled at to reports received, very effective in Nebraska. " property, both real and personal, and to <lo ORDER. other countries as well, Sir Robert j T O r f f S i n In the Matter of the Estate of KATHEtt- all things necessary to effort the purposes the University of Nebraska. nnd objects hereinbefore sot forth. The capINE BOYNTON BELT, Deceased. © Mond, British industrialist and honorAll persons interested in said estate are ital stock shall be $5,000.00. divided into The Dollar buys now more ary president of the World Jewish Miss Rose Abrahamson has dehereby notified that a petition has been fifty shares of the par value of $100.00 filed In said Court, praying for the pro-each. The affairs of the company shall be than ever in the Soviet Union. parted for her home in Omaha, after Economic Federation, parent boycott bate of a certain instrument no won file managed by a Board of Directors of not According to a statement by L I . said organization, declared upon his arrivthan two nor more thnn five memFor TorgsSo orders visit yoar a ten-day visit here in the home of in Court, purporting to be the last less Gordeff, recently appointed General will and testament of said deceased, and bers, who shnll elect from their number a Iae*Z bank or «atborixed agent al from Europe. Miss Kate Kaplan. President, Vice-President, Secretary nnd that a hearing will be had on said petiThe English industrialist declared Representative -of Torgsin in this tion before said Conrt on the 23rd day of Treasurer.-The annual meeting of the corshall be heia on the first Moncountry, Torgsin is now entering a June. 103». and that If they fall to appear porntion Abe Cohen, son of Mr.. and Mrs. that the boycott of Germany is caus- number day in January of each year. These artiat said Court on the said 23rd flay of cles of new fields of endeavor. For mnv be amended upon the affirmative ing the Nazi leaders an enormous' I. Cohen, is at Annapolis, where, he June, 1034. at 9 o'clock A. M., to contest vote of two-thirds of the outstanding stock. probate of said -will, the Court may has been accepted in- theUnited amount of worry and predicted that instance, it now makes arrangements the for vacations at well known Soviet allow and probate said will-and grant ad- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties within a short time the German indusStates Naval Academy. ministration of said estate to Dennis O. hereunto Bet their hands this 13th dny trialists, who financed the Nazis in resorts for recipients of Torgsin or- Belt or some .other suitable person, enter have R f n or.DSBERG a decree of heirsnip, and proceed to a set- of June, 1934. ders. Such accamodation3 have been the hopes of smashing the German laOver 300 guests attended the celetlement thereof. General Representative in U.S.A I,. K. RYAN provided in several of the famous BRXCE CRAWFORD, at AMTORG. 261 Fifth Ave.. N.Y. bration of Mr. and Mrs. David bor movement, will withdraw their health resorts in the Caucasus and C-l-34-St, . County Judge. Rosenthal's fiftieth wedding anni- support. . , ' . : , . . . • Crimea, including.Kislovodek, Zheles6-15-34-4t. versary Sunday night in the Jewish . He Stated that the Nazi government novodek, Essehtuki, Sochi, etc. The BEN E. KAZtOTVSKY, Attorney is spending "colossal sums for propaInsurance Bid?. Community Center. All of Mr. and cost of a full month's vacation includMrs. Rosenthal's children, grand- ganda in England and other coun- ing meals, sleeping quarters and medPROBATE NOTICE children, and great grandchildren tries. That is the real reason why they ical attention, ranges from $65.00 to In the Matter of the Estate of ABRAHAM WIENER, also known as ABRAHAM came to the city to participate in theare unable to pay their debts," he$80.00. WINER, Deceased. In every city there is one outsaid. Notice is hereby given that the creditors celebration. Mr. Gordeff also pointed out that of said deceased will meet the administrastanding hotel. In Sioux City; Expressing complete satisfaction orchestra furtor of said estate, before me, County Judge Orville Rennie's it's the Warrior,- known everynished music for dancing throughout with the working of the boycott move- recipients of Torgsin orders can nowof Douglas County, Nebraska, at the Counpurchase cows, goats, horses or live ty Court Room, in said County, on the 2nd ment as a whole, Sir Robert declared where for its fine accommodathe evening, and a great number of of August, 1934, and on the 2nd day poultry through the Torgsin stores. day that "the main task of the boycott is tions and its hospitable atmosof October, 1934, at 9 o'clock A. M.. each telegrams received by Mr^ and Mrs. This branch of service is expected to day, for the purpose of presenting their to divert the channels of the rivers of phere. Ideally located, it is unRosenthal from friends throughout for examination, adjustment and albe of great importance to the rural claims commerce from Germany to other lowance. Three months are allo-wed for the questionably social, business and the country "were read. countries.- True, that is a slow proc- resident who has facilities for taking creditors to present, their claims, from the travel headquarters of the comThe immediate family attended a ess, I warned the boycott advo- care of Hve stock, Especially low munity. The choice of those family dinner in the Community catesbut County Judge. that this would be the case. prices have been set. For instance, a 6-8-34-St. who .demand the best for their Center Sunday afternoon, preceding good cow may. be purchased for ap"In England the boycott is working the reception. money. proximately $28.00. a horse for about

Sioux City News | Miss





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most satisfactorily. The entire English labor movement is behind the boy- $55.00 and a chicken for 75 cents. Mrs. M. Blank and daughter, cott and is bitterly opposed to the Miriam, have departed for Los An-Nazi regime. That Sam* Jewish Press Advertisers merit geles, California, where they will "There can be no question but that your patronage. spend the summer months. the success of the boycott movement tf you twv« your «ho« is worrying the Nazi government." repaired at the Mrs. "William Moore of Lincoln, Asked whether the boycott would Nebraska, is visiting in Sioux City in not affect the German Jews adversethe home of her mother, Mrs. E. ly, Sir Robert stated that before lendee Kepalr Co. Recognized a i Baird. ing .support to the boycott he conPRACTICAL MOHEL ferred with leaders of German Jewry Mrs. Av L. Garnner. of Topeka. who assured him that in any ciase the Phone 1059 Kansas, and- Mrs.'M. Rosenbaum of boycott could not make conditions for COUNCIL BLUFFS Newton, Kansas, are visiting in Sioux them any worse or increase their City in" the home of their parents, misery.1 Mr. and Mrs. Philip Bonus, 802 West "After all," Sir Robert declared, Fifth street. During their visit here, "even the boycott movement could not they have been recipients of a num-stop the Nazis from carrying out their ber of social courtesies extended by program against the-Jew& But it must H'Omahs's Most Beautiful Hornet for Funerals'S their friends. be remembered that the great GerFunerals To Fit Kny Purse man industrialists financed the Nazi Mrs. William Prager and daughr movement- primarily-to • smash the Phone HArney 1226 Farnam at Thirty-third ter of'Boston, Mass., are guests in German trade onions. When they fird

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