June 22, 1934

Page 1

" In the Interests of the Jewish People


21, 1021, at >f March 3, 1879

Entered aa Second Class Moll Matter Postoffice of Omaha. Nebraska, fl


""Dedicated to the Ideals Judaism


Vol. X—No. 21

Jewish Appointment IUIGAL ENTRY d Sunshine to O l d Creates a Furore An Omaha Sattelite IRKS REGIME 9 Folks Declining Years In Music Firmament IN PALESTINE Montreal ( J T A ) — T h e appointment of a Jewish physician, Dr. Sam Rabinovitch, t o the staff of t h e N o t r e Dame hospital, h a s created a tempest in Montreal hospital circles. A group of t h e N o t r e Dame internes .walked out of t h e hospital last F r i d a y . a s a protest s g a i n s t t h e J e w ' s appointment and on Sunday t w e n t y of t h e internes of t h e Hotel Dieu hospital struck out of sympathyi Authorities a t t h e Notre Dame hospital dismissed en block the striking anti-Semitic internes. W o r k a t the hospital w a s reported going on " a s u s u a l , " w i t h specialists- temporarily handling the internes' r e g u l a r duties. The' administratioa is now ' seeking new internes to replace the strikers. The hospital _ definitely decided to abide b y i t s contract with Dr. R a b iriovitch. • • <f:. " There is a possibility of a general strike t h r o u g h o u t ; t h e French Canadian hospitals a s a result of the incident. "

. Greenberg, David Greenberg, A. D. She is leaving for Chicago today BY AB KAIMAN. Report of Mandatory Govern* ^rank, I. Zimman, Dr. M. I. Gordon, to join the Revue. Add another scintillating satellite oe Tretiak, Harry Trustin, Harry ment Tells of Progress Miss Ronell has had a meteoric to the growing list of Omahans who career in the song writing profession. Duboff, William Milder, Hymie MildPresident; District ConBeing Made are receiving nation wide promin- Within a short space of time she er, Henry Monsky, Mrs. Libbie Kapvention July 1 lan. ence. This time it is Ann Ronell, has written a number of novel songs London (JTA) — T^e economic and Mrs. Simon, in charge of the ardaughter of Mrs. Molly Eosenblatt, of a distinctive "hit" type. A "close cultural progress of Palestine and there during the past Leo Abramson was re-elected presrangements, is chairman of the house 205 North 38th St. When the special up" of Ann reveals a sweet and developments year are exhaustively described in ident of the Omaha lodge of the B'nai committee of the Daughters of Israel train bearing the troupe of Holly- charming personality and very un- the report of the Mandatory GovBrith at the semi-annual election of Aid society, which helps in maintainwood motion picture players and assuming in nature, despite her suc- ernment to the Mandates Commisofficers held at the ing the home and caring for the inWampas stars arrived at the Union cess. She is quite serious in her work sion of the League of Nations, made Jewish Community mates. station, Ann was among the group, of pounding out melodious tunes and public last Thursday. Center Monday eveShe is being assisted by a commitdirecting the rehearsals of the Wam- lilting lyrics. Her success has The report, published in a huge ning. Abramson is tee which includes the Mesdames her offers from many mu- volume of 315 pages, declares that ils e c r e t a r y of the pas Revue which was staged at the brought Libbie Kaplan, Sam Frohm, J. Friedsical show producers, but she states board of county comShrine convention and which will also that she prefers to write for the legal Jewish immigration into Palesen, E. Meyers and S. Kaplan. missioners and chairbe presented at the World's Fair in moving picture firms, whose lavish tine has caused the government much The first of these recreational afconcern. man of the county fairs will, be, held next Tuesday. Those productions enhances the musical "The government cannot allow deold age pension comvolunteering their automobiles "will score. Miss Ronell is of the opinion fiance of the law," the report asmission. meet at the Old People's Home at : that the public is beginning to yearn serts. "Palestine's welfare requires M a x Barish was 12:30 p. m. After a motor drive," the for a better grade of music, which the adjustment of immigration to the re-elected vice-presiresidents of the home will be taken to i will probably sound the death knell, economic needs both in quality and dent. Elmwood park. There they will spend I for the time being at least, of all numbers, but illegal settlers were Revisionist Leader Demands Other officers inthe remainder of the afternoon and j "hotcha" and "tinpan" song num- not selected in both respects, causing clude: Sam Green That Transjordania Be will be served a specially prepared i bers. disproportion and overcrowding of Xeo Abramson re-elected secretary; lunch. Opened for Settlement j Ann's most recent accomplishment the professions. It actually did upHarry Friedman, who has been electFor Tuesday's event Mrs. A. Wolf, : is the writing of the score of Para- set the calculations for the periodic ed treasurer for life; Nathan S. Yaffe president of the Daughters of Israel | mount's sensational and banner mu- assessment of the labor schedule. Geneva (JTA)—The Jewish popuwarden; Dave B. Cohn, guardian. Aid society and Mrs. M. Brodkey, lation of Palestine and the Jews of I sical revue of 1934 titled: "The Big "All visa applicants are now warnThe trustees elected are Stanley the rest of the world are convinced vice-president, will assist Mrs. Simon. Many children took advantage of ! Broadcast." She was chosen in pre- ed of the consequences of illegal setLevin, Frank Ackerman and Ephraim that the whole work of rebuilding ' ference to many known writers who tlement. Also, the High Commissionthose who wish to offer the use the J. C. C. "Learn to Swim" week, Marks. Elected to the executive com- Jewish Palestine under present po- of All were anxious for this opportunity. er will deduct from the labor schedautomobiles for such a pur- which was Jield this last week, with mittee are Julius Bisno^ Dr. Leon litical conditions is futils, Vladimir posetheir are to communicate with over seventy-five attending regularly. It was just ten years ago that the ules a number representing the estiFellman, Sam Goldware, Dr. Sam Jabotinsky, Zionist Revisonist leader either Mrs.asked Quite a number mastered the art of Simon or the Jewish Com|Y. M. H. A., under the direction of mated illegal settlement." Stern, Dave Blacker and Carl Lag- declared last week. swimming under the tutelage of Lee munity Center. ! Sam Schaeffer, then the supervisor The government, according to the man. Grossman, Albert Oruch, Daniel Jabotnsky charged that the Palesj of the Jewish Community Center ac- report, is considering the formation Committee reports were rendered tine Greenfield and Paul Bogdonoff. administration is using Jewish i tivities, staged a vaudeville revue at of a statistical office to establish a by the chairmen. The response was so excellent, that enthusiasm for building up a non[the Brandeis theater. Ann's unusual closer relation between immigration Grand Lodge Convention. the Center physical department is1 Palestine, where the Jewish ; talent in the entertainment line was and the absorptive capacity of the Plans are being made for a large Jewish planning- to make*- "Learn to Swim minority is in a ghetto, as it is elserevealed at that time, as her sing- country. number of Omahans to attend the six where. week an animal tiff air. ing and dancing was easily the "hit" Reviewing immigration data, the ty-sixth annual convention of District of the show. "This is not a rejection of the repoit states that to relieve German Grand Lodge No. 6 of the B'na mandate system or a protest against Herman Blumenthal, a ranking King Carol Pledges Miss Ronell was graduated from Jews, 3,000 immigration certificates Brith, to be held at Grand Rapids Great Britain as the mandatory pow- player in Omaha tennis circles, capthe Central High school and attended were granted in 1933 in advance of Mich., July 1, 2, 3 and 4. AlOf ROXELL tured the singles championship in to Oppbse Fascists er," Jabotinsky said. "But it is a Wheaton college, later enrolling at the regular schedules. The governHenry Monsky, Sam Beber and Dr. of the regime of colo- the annual Missouri Valley Alephs Bucharest (WIfS)—A pledge to Foremost Feminine Composer of Radcliffe college. She graduated from ment also gave special consideration A. Greenberg are on the Genera condemnation association tournament held in Kan- oppose Fascist ambitions and antiPopular Music nial bureaucracy in Palestine. this school, which has the same to applications of Palestine residents Committee of the district, which will "Guided by a stubborn belief in sas City last week-end. He defeated Semitic movemeifls was given by hold a pre-convention session Satur the intrinsic fairness of the British J. Fink of Des Moines in the finals. King Carol in a proclamation to the Chicago. She wrote the entire score faculty as that of Harvard university. for admission of near relatives from Her graduation from this school won Germany. It also facilitated the adday night, June 30. with regard to the re-estab- Blumenthal then paired with Al- country on the oc<|asion of the fourth for this show, in which the song hit, for her a degree from the Harvard mission of capitalists and skilled arIn addition to these three, the offi nation "Twinkle, Twinkle, Baby Star" seems lishment of Palestine as the national bert Monovits to take the runner-up anniversary of his accession to the school. tisans from Germany. cially elected delegates to the c home of the Jewish people, we have honors in the doubles tourney, losing throne. Great significance is attach- destined to be a future song hit. prior to writing her first song Discussing political developments clave are Philip Klutznick, Rabbi Dav addressed a petition to the League in the finals to the Kaplan brothers ed to Carol's remarks on Fascism in Wan and weary of the long train hit,Justwhich was "Baby's Birthday in Palestine, the report states that id A. Goldstein, Abner Kaiman, Irvin of Nations, to the various govern- of Wichita. view of the fact -that Fascist senti- ride, Ann affectionately greeted her Party" and which registered as a "Arab discontent with Jewish immiStalmaster, Isadore Abramson, Harry ments, to the British government and Omahans represented A. Z. ment has been { growing rapidly mother and decided to spend a few popular hit, she assisted Walter gration and land sales to Jews," Trustin, Jack W. Marer and Irvin. C. to the people of Britain, urging that A.The days with members of her family. Donaldson, prominent tune writer, in which had been manifest for ;tert throughout Roumania. 100. Levin. / •,•.-:.—. 7' . masses of the Jewish people are in the musical score of "Whoopee." years, was renewed in 1933, climaxdistress, distress for which there is Following "Baby's Birthday Party" ing in the October and November no real solution but that of largecame a succession of song numbers riots. scale emigration to Palestine," -the containing tantalizing melodies, sung While the A r a b s demonstrate^ speaker continued. and played by the leading singers against the government for its -"unand dance bands of the nation, "Rain due generosity" in immigration- of He declared that the opening of on the Roof," "Candy Parade" "Wil- Jews, the Jews expressed dissatisfacTransjordania to Jewish settlement low Weep for Me" definitely placed tion on account of the government's is an essential condition no longer Ann among the leading song special- niggardliness. opposed by the Transjordanian Arabs . • ists. but by the mandatory administraThe continued economic prosperity tion. Miss Ronell was reticent in dis- of Palestine, the report states, is evi, Washington.—(JTA.)—Representa- "A Transjordania which would have cussing a romance—recently chron- denced by government surplus and (From the London Chronicle and the Telegraphic Agency) tive John W. McCormack, chairman he same population density as Palicled by a prominent columnist. Ap- balances amounting in March, 1934, of the Congressional Committee in- estine has room for one and a half The London Times publishes the which 'Perverts the Prophets and by the sacrifice of reason to instinct, parently she prefers at the present to two and a half million pounds. vestigating subversive propaganda million immigrants, while a Pales- following letter from Chief Rabbi of purloins the Psalms' in the supposed and of historical truth to racial prej- writing to merely write love lyrics The favorable situation is ascribed activities in the United States, has tine on both sides of the Jordan Great Britain, Dr. J. H. Hertz; in interests of German culture, its im- udice, which characterizes so much possessing a romantic tinge, rather to the arrival of capitalist settlers than to listen to them from the vari- and other immigrants needing food, disclosed that. "powerful forces" are would haibor five or six millions,' reply to which—Dr. Hertz informs portance would have been merely of the Nazi propaganda." at work in ah attempt to cripple the abotinsky asserted. "A political re- the London Jewish Chronicle—he has pathological. Unfortunately this is A day or two later there appeared ous suitors seeking her heart and clothing and accommodations with a consequential increase in foreign iminquiry into , Nazi and other propa- gime which would promote settle- received a large number of sympa- not the case. Its author is no less a the following letter from Professor hand. ganda activities in-the United States. ment instead of hindering it would thetic letters: She is a sister of Sol Rosenblatt, ports and the consumption of local H. J. Rose, President of the Folkperson that Herr Julius Streicher, the administrator for the N. R. A. in produce. Abundant capital available The House' of Representatives has in a few decades . solve the tragic "In your issue of this morning you one of the most prominent members lore Society: appropriated $20,000 for use of the problem of the Jews without harm- rightly state that the 'Ritual Mur- of the Nazi 'inner circle/ head of the "May I ask for a few lines of your charge of the theatre code. Her sister has stimulated the expansion of agand building activities, it committee in addition to the $10,000 ing their non-Jewish neighbors." der1 number of Herr Julius Strei- administrative provinces . of Upper space in order to endorse most heart- Lee is a special writer for radio and riculture states. theatre publications. A brother, Herfund already allocated. McCormack and Central Franconia, and entitled ily the remarks made in today's ischer's 'Stuermer* 'is apparently dehad requested $40,000, but the sum signed to excite racial fanaticism to in that capacity to take part in Ba- sue by the Chief Rabbi, and in your man, is an attorney associated with "Palestine unquestionably offers was cut in half on the floor of the now an attractive market for investa bloodthirsty pitch.' In this connec- varian Cabinet Councils. On May 1 leading article regarding the recent Monsky, Grodinsky and Cohen. House. ment not exclusively Jewish and tion would you permit me to recall he published a special 'Ritual Mur- revival in Hitlerite Germany of the A strong lobby, understood to be British," it declares. "Continental into your readers the protest, signed der' number of his newspaper, Der many times refuted slanders of 'Ritopposing the investigation at every vestors and exporters are showing inby the Archbishops of Canterbury Stuermer, which was entirely devoted ual Murder' against the Jews? In return, was. instrumental in thwarting terest which is strengthened anew by and York, the Cardinal Archbishop to sadistic variations on this repul- fusing the least credence to it you the chairman's request. The lobby London (WNS)—Opposition to the of Westminster, and others, that ap- sive theme. Although the Govern- and tiie Chief Rabbi have the supthe new Haifa harbor and completion of the Haifa pipeline. But," it is made Up largely of so-called Ger- political- policy of -the Grand Mufti peared in your columns on May. 6, ment of the Reich have not permit- port of every anthropologist and f olkpoints out, "it is generally not safe man American societies. of Palestine because it is preventing 1912? In that protest the ritual mur- ted this number of Der Stuermer to lorist through the entire world." to regard the present situation as The advantages of the House in- the creation of an understanding be- der calumny is described as 'a relic be sent abroad, and although it has The Archbishop of Canterbury. enduring or the large accumulations quiry and the attitude, of its oppon- tween Jews and Arabs was expressed of the days of witchcraft and "black disgusted many members of the Naof bank accounts as permanent inents were debated by Representatives by Emir Abdullah, King, of Trans- magic," a cruel and utterly baseless tional Socialist party, there seems to The next day the Archbishop of New York (WNS)—Felix M. Warhave been no interference with the Canterbury wrote as follows: surance against depression." who by a vote of. 170 to 37 decided jordania, in an interview here with libel on Judaism Religious mi- sale of the 130,000 copies which were "Permit me to add my own to the burg will attend and address the 37th Palestine now has 5,290 industrial to appropriate $20,000 for the com- the London Jewish Post. annual convention of the Zionist ornorities other than the Jews, such as mittee. Representative Warren Admitting that the Jewish settle- the early Christians, the Quakers, printed or with subsequent and little other protests which you have al- ganization of America, which will be undertakings, 3,000 of which are less violent issues of Herr Streicher's ready printed against the publication (D., N. C. )i chairman of the accounts in Palestine had been beneficial and Christian missionaries in China, organ. A brief summary of the con- in Germany of the May number of held in Atlantic City from June 30 owned by Jews, an@ employing 16,committee, said in opposing the $40,- ment 000 hands, the report discloses. This have been victimized by it. It has to the entire Near East in general tents of this production, which was the periodical entitled Der Stuermer to July 3. 000 appropriation that the inquiry and for the Arabs in particular, Emir been denounced by the best men of published in the London Times yes- under the name of Herr Julius Mr. Warburg's presence at the compares with 1,235 industrial uncommittee, has "employed thirteen i Abdullah said the question of uniting all ages and creeds. The Popes, the convention is seen as emphasizing dertakings before the world war, vestigators and had too high a pay- Palestine and Transjordania was one founders of the Reformation, the terday, described them as 'apparently Streicher, the recently appointed the unity with which American Jew- most of them Arab owned. The redesigned to excite racial fanaticism Reich Commissioner in Upper Franroll. •.--..."•• for the British Goverment to decide. Khalif of Islam, statesmen of every to a bloodthirsty pitch.' Apart from conia. Though significantly its ex- ry now views the importance of port reveals an astonishing variety of products and a wide range of The residents of Nebraska of Ger- Although he was careful to avoid country, together with all the great the involved in the publica- port from Germany was prohibited, building up the Jewish homeland in manufactures established by Jewish man extraction are indignant over committing,himself on Jewish colon- seats of learning in Europe, have tion danger Palestine. of such obvious incitements to I have just been able to see a copy immigrants. the inquiry, Congressman Carpenter ization in Transjordania, he admitted publicly repudiated it.' It is well to violence, the official toleration of an of it. It rakes. up legends and lies One of the major issues to be said, speaking on behalf of his con- he had discussed the subject with note that on March 19 of the same ancient calumny The Jewish land area has increased brought before the convention will be is calculated to do stituents. Mr. McCormack jurpped Moses Shertok of the Zionist Exe- year a protest couched in similar grave damage to the intellectual rep- about the alleged custom of ritual a proposal to have the Z. O. A. ex- from 450,000 dunams in 1920 to murder by the Jews which have been to his feet. and shouted in reply: cutive. . • . . terms was published over the signa- utation of the new Germany. As Dr. over and over again exposed. It con- pand its interests to include not only 1,110,000 dunams in 1933. The Jew• citrus crop now exceeds fifty per "I challenge, the right of the gen- Emir Abdullah further, said during tures of 215 of the most distinguish- Hertz points out, the raising of this tains of gruesome and dis- leadership in the work of rebuilding ish tleman to spe'ak for the loyal Ger- his stay in London he expected to ed non-Jewish representatives of Ger- charge in the famous Kieff trial of gustinga series Palestine but an increased role in cent of the total output . illustrations. It seems almans of this country. The gentle- meet with Zionist leaders in the hope man public life, learning, litrature, 1912 evoked a protest signed by most incredible that such a publica- Jewish communal affairs in America. The report pays tribute to Jewish man ought to be ashamed of himself.' of reaching an Arab-Jewish under- theology, science and the arts. It more than 200 of the most distin- tion recalling the worst excesses of Among the other subjects on the cultural achievements in Palestine, says: ' T h i s unscrupulous fiction, guished n6n-Jewish Germans of that medieval fanaticism should have been agenda are a symposium on the par- pointing out that Jewish sculptors Mr. McCormack said in connection standing. spread among the people, has from day. A similar protest signed by an permitted in any civilized country; ty struggle in Zionism, addresses by and painters are attracting more with the work of t h e committee that the Middle Ages until recent times equally distinguished body of British yet it -bears the name of a high of- Dr. Stephen S. Wise and Ludwig than local notice and that the Ohel the sources of Communistic propaled to terrible consequences. It has citizens — which' included the Arch- ficer ganda in this country will be invesr Meyer Rosenbaum of the Reich. I am permitted Lewisohn and Maurice Samuel and a and Habimah theatres always have incited the ignorant masses to out- bishops of Canterbury and York, Car- by some tigated along with-Nazi propaganda 40 representatives of Chris- general survey of Zionist affairs by large attendance. Palestine now has rage and massacre, and has driven dinal Bourne, Lord Roberts, Lord tian public activities. *•.••• in this country, Morris Rothenberg, president of the three daily and thirty-five periodical Heads A. Z. A. 100 misguided •crowds to pollute them- Cromer, Lord Milner, and many oth- assembled inopinion Hebrew papers and also a large outmy house for another Z. O. A. selves, with the innocent "blood of er famous names—was published in purpose, to say that they put of original Hebrew literature. associate elected Meyer Rosenbaum was their Jewish fellow-men. And yet not The Times on "the same occasion. president of the A. Z. A. chapter a, shadow of proof has ever been adThey pointed out that this 'cruel li- themselves strongly with this proLeo Brown Named ' 100 Tuesday evening. duced to justify this crazy belief." bel* had been directed at various test. But it is needless to collect Equality Granted Other officers are: William RosenOfficial Toleration. times against the Jews, against the names. I am satisfied that the whole To Head Psi Mu baum, vice-president; Nathan to Jewish Courts Leo Brown of our fellow citizens if they was named president of Mrs. Sarah Bessie Gavenman, 60, Crounse, secretary; Sam Friedman, The London Times commented on early. Christians, against Christian body realized the character of this publithe Psi Mu at tire election of officers passed away Saturday night at a treasurer; George Shaeffer, senior this letter in a leading article as missionaries in China and other relig- cation Beirut (WNS)—Equality with the would share our indignation. ious minorities; and that it had been held Monday. local hospital, following a long illness. sergeant-at-arms;, Herb F o r b e s , follows: the authorities of the Reich wish Moslem religious tribunals has been Other officers chosen are: Jay Stolsergeant-at-arms; Harold "Dr. Hertz shows singular restraint repudiated not only by the Jews If She is- survived by her" husband, junior to secure for themselves and for their granted to the Jewish religious courts Sam; and two sons, Jack vof Omaha, Civirf, reporter; Isadore Mittleman in his protest this morning against themselves, but also by the Heads of State the respect and goodwill of the in Syria and Lebanon. Subsidies now er, vice-president; M. Falk, secretary; the Christian Churches and by the J. Sadofsky, treasurer; S. Epstein, the revival of the baseless accusation and Max of Aurora, HI. chaplain. Caliph of Islam. Its unchecked re- people of this. country, let them granted to the Arab courts will hence- publicity director; I. Bogdonoff, parFuneral services were held Sun- Edward Rosenbaum, the retiring that ritual murder, or in other words vival, if only for internal consump- promptly disown the issue under the forth be given also to the Jewish liamentarian; Harry Winer, sergeantday afternoon at the Chesed Shel president, was chosen as the chap- human sacrifice is permitted by the tion in Germany, must inevitably name of one of their own number of courts which have jurisdiction over at-arms. The fraternity will hold a Jewish religion. If this charge had ter's delegate to the international Ernes, with, burial in Golden Hill marriage and divorce and other strict- steak-fry at Elmwood Monday evestrengthen the misgivings arouseii cemetery, Rabbi N. Feldman offici A. Z. A. convention to be held in "been resuscitated by some minor ly religious affairs nine, June 25. pamphleteer of the new Nordic school, (Continued on Page 8.) Washington next month. ated. A i >*p"of volunteers are doing their Dit towards bringing rays of sunshine to brighten up the declining years of the inmates of the Jewish Old People's Home in Omaha. Recreation in a local park and long motor drives at least once a month are being planned by a committee headed by Mrs. B. A. Simon. The following have volunteered the use of their cars to chauffeur the inmates of the Old People's Home: J.









PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JUNE 22,1934 pletely. But when it comes to the cure mann's last work lies in his digging of the author Herzog (Wassermann deep into the most hidden domains "Progressive Hebrew FOR RENT himself) the physician fails. of the mind. This same delving is Club" Being Organized Nice all-modern 6-room house at Wassermann describes Herzog's life done by Proust, but in the style of 2414 Caldwell. ruthlessly, without glozing over. His a sentimental miniaturist; and by The Progressive Hebrew club will Reasonably Priced , early poverty, his literary career, his James Joyce, who, however, obscures hold its organizational meeting and capitulation before a little money. He it by a complicated technique. In election of officers on Tuesday eveCall Harney 7028 confesses that a strong incentive for this great novel Wassermann em- ning, June 26, at 8 p. m. at -the J. his first marriage was the dowry of ploys a simple but fascinating style C. C. All members who have enrolled 80,000 kronen brought him by his first irresistible: in its unaffectedness: and are nrged to attend. By REUBEN BRAININ wife. In other words, that he sold lucidity; His rich mind pours forth" The club; is being organized for himself,, Soon the money was gone, a flood of images and psychological health protection, with an educationDid Jacob Wassermann commit even after their divorce* drove and, during the last six years, the tri- and his existence with his wife, a discoveries. In this last work too heal and social program.. . him into spiritual and 'material logy consisting of "The Maurizius hysterical, unbeautiful woman, be- remains the individualist who sees suicide? Why is his last book so signifi- bankruptcy; his happy marriage with Case," "Etzel Andergast" and the came a veritable hell. He tells how and reproduces only specific human a collective feeling is missJunior Vaad cant? • - • • . . . . . . his second wife, Who, however, was present, final volume, "Joseph Kerk- she dragged him down into petty tragedies; ing. The war and the subsequent Got \bur Cuts atut Reuben Brainin views and re- unable to free him of the nightmare hoven's Dritte Existenz." This last bourgeois^ circles; how he went from economic A breakfast -will be held Sunday and social upheavels are of the first union; his disappointment One amorous adventure into the next, volume, while intended merely as a views Wassermann's last novel, morning, July 1, at 10 a. m. at which will be published in America in a world in which injustice triumphs sequel to the first two, is an indepen- to escape the oppressive atmosphere indicated only sketchily in the chiaro Hanscom park by the members of the scuro of the background. The im—a deathblow for his sensitive soul dent work which by far surpasses all of his home; how at last he met a .sometime next year. Young Men's Vaad and the Junior A fascinating article on a great —for all his life he had preached faith the other thirty-eight books of Was- woman in whose great love he wanted portant element is the Individual, his Vaad Auxiliary. CO. quest of his destiny and the finding to let himself be completely absorbed; subject by the Dean of Hebrew lit- in'the triumph.of justice; his tortured sermann. The breakfast la the first of a OITIflHfl * erature. THE EDITOR. but finally, successful .struggle against Deeply under the influence of Dos- and how his first wife refused to give of his great mission. series of outdoor affairs for the Qt.4626 the fear of death, aggravated by histoyevsky, this German-Jewish author him a divorce and he lacked the cour- To understand the tragedy ofWas- summer. * * * The literary world will, I am sure, disbelief in immortality and in the in- concerned himself principally with age to compel her to give it. At last sermann one must read—and feel— Games and novelties are planned. radically revise its view of Jacob Was- fluence of his books. A powerful pan- problems of sin and expiation. In all he bought his freedom by obligating his last great novel. His creative Members may make reservations by sermann after reading his last book, orama of a human soul, an intrinsic his novels we find the same leitmotiv, himself to the regular payment of power reaches its apex here. Only calling Stanley Shapiro, Sol Krizeljust published posthumously. This is part of the author's thinking and ofexplicitly or implictly expressed: The enormous sums to his first wife. Des- one condemned to death can possess man, or Mollie Roitstein, committee the greatest, most substantial work his_ emotional complex is reproduced immutable fate of man, and the diffi- perately he worked, but could not a vision as broad and deep as Was- chairman. of that prematurely deai author. It here, simply and with frankness. culty of distinguishing -what consti- succeed in making those payments. sermann's in the last months of his provides for his life,. "writing and Two characters occupy the central tutes justice and injustice, innocence The villa given to him by friends was sorrow-burdened life. Krrt Vt MB« Additional \% KB* death a tragic frame without >wliich position in Wassermann's last novel, and crime, good and evil in human taken away; on one occasion this man Jacob Wassermann must be judged Hazomir Picnic his personality would be distorted and Dr. Joseph Kerkhoven, a world fa- destiny. In other words, until this last of 60—as once the 80-year-old Tol- by "Joseph Kerkhoven's Dritte Exstoy did—ran away from his home Helen Bloom, Rose Abramson, and diminished. It reveals Wassermann's mous psychoanalyst, and Alexander book the Weltanschauung of Jacob istenz." With this book his place in and family, to be found a few days Charles Mogul ate in charge of all personal drama, which had a profound, early twentieth-century literature is Herzog, an author of repute. Herzog Wassermann was of a fatalistic cast. arrangements for "the annual' picnic not to say decisive influence on. Lhis is Wassermann, seen through his own Man he conceived as a puppet, a blind later in some god-forsaken place. assurred. of the Hazomir Singing Society, to literary work. ; ; mercilessly objective eyes; Kerkhoven tool in the hands of inexorable fate. Slanderous rumors, lawsuits and his •••• When I laid aside the 650-page nov- is the man he would like to be. TheThat is why a melancholy, tragic at- constant sense of guilt toward his London.—Jewish orange growing be held at Cowles Lake, July 1. All PHONE el "Joseph Kerkhoven's Dritte Exis- psychoanalyst who knows all, feels mosphere always emanated from his second wife, to whom he felt he wasinterests from Palestine have already members and their friends are intenz" and gave myself over to medi- all, understands all, who treats the novels. He constantly discussed and not giving happiness, threw him into established two citrus companies on vited. complete despondency, so that he be-the island of Cyprus and are plan- For any information, call Rose tation on this book, which Wasser- writer and by his own (example cures lamented this impotence of man. mann had written during the last his patient and restores him to faith. But Wassermann of this last work gan to doubt his own talent. Then an ning a third, according to Near East Abramson, Kenwood 6915. months of his life, I came to the A curious tale. One gains the impres- is entirely different. Instead of ac- ever-growing fear of death took hold and India, a periodical devoted to Bhocking realization that the author sion that Wassermann wrote in a feb- cepting the unchangeable, instead of of him, until at last the psychoanalyst British colonial interests. INSURED CABS Patronize Jewish Press Advertisers. had committed suicide. (Rumors to rile state, hastily, without too much regarding as insuperable fate the Kerkhoven liberated him of it by his this effect were current at.the time searching for the right word—almost mystical, subconscious strata of the own example of how a great mind apof his death at the beginning of this as if the book were the first draft of human soul, he now turns, through proaches death, by working •with all year, but met with unequivocal denial a novel rather than the finished novel his central character Kerkhoven, to his power to the very end. on the part of his intimates.) It.mat- itself. The madly rushing, nervous psychological science. Psychoanalysis, There are only a few milestones ters little whether Wassermann ended style often makes one feel that here into which he has delved deeply, now in that life. The power of Wasserhis life by his own act or whether his is a race between the author and appears to him as the solution of all death was hastened by auto-sugges- death. Other passages, again, sound spiritual conflicts. To it he submits tion. But I' am firmly convinced that like the last all-revealing confession his own problems and his -wild terror Close-out Sale of Armstrong this man of only 60—weary of life, of a condemned man who lays bare of death. In the consulting room of C:ngoleum Rugs disappointed in the world, about him, his very soul because he cares little Dr. Kerkhoven, Wassermann dramatCx9, $3; 7>/2x9, $4; 9xlO&, $5; doubting his own gifts and complete- what the world Vrill have* to say. ically presents all sorts of human der9x12, $5 and $6 ly crushed/by - developments in- Ger- Sometimes, too, it seemed to me that elicts whom the psychologist, by his OMAHA JOBBING CO. many—grew totally despondent. He Wassermann had occasionally suc- gift for penetrating and influencing JA. 5604 •wished for death, or even brought it cumbed to the idee fixe that he must the subconscious depths, restores com- 317 No. lath on. pillory his persecutors, who had takIn "Joseph Kerkhovens' Dritte Ex- en away his home and thus forced istenz" Wassermann wrote the book him to lead the life of a wanderer, of his life, told of the conflicts with in hotels and sanitariums. himself and with the external world; It would be difficult, even unfair, to Where Omaha Shops with Confidence his unhappy marriage with his first attempt to recount the narrative of wife, whose relentless persecution, this novel in a brief resume. Wassermann's last work is his "De Profundis," his bequest to his public, as sacLiebs Injured in 26th at Farnam red as a last will and testament It is a human document in which the most Accident Friday significant factor is the breath of its Mr. and Mrs. J. Xjeb and daughter, author, his personal gesture and acMerriam, were injured in an accident cent. It is the death-cry of one who Friday noon while on their way tofeels his nearness to the other world, one . who intuitively, as with second[1 Des Koines. Mr. Lieb was seriously- injured and sight, throws an illuminating ray on. -. Underwent an operation .Sunday at the his human destiny. Lutheran hospital, where he. is now I have read all of Wassermann's convalescing. ' works. Beginning with his first nov-; Mrs. laeb suffered a fractured rib el, "Die Juden von Zirndorf," which: and bruises, while Merriam suffered appeared in 1897, I followed his deChoose From These ? velopment with the deepest interest. bruises. For thirty-seven years he produced Hundreds of New an annual volume — sometimes even Mrs. Arenson, Former two a year — with amazing regularAmong these books are such monLincoln Woman, Dies ity. umental achievements as "Caspar Hauser" and "The World's Illusion/' Portland, Ore.—Mrs. Eobeit Arenson, formerly of Lincoln, passed away on June 12 at her late residence in MARK LEON SAYS . . . Portland. X et m eprotect y o u r Interest* . . . I She. is survived by her husband, Mr. •will SAVE... S A V E . . . SAVE • . . with an electric refrig-write ANT kind of INSURANCE In Bobert Arenson; two sons, Dr. Sol B. strong, reliable companies ONX.Y. Arenson of Cincinnati and Arthur N. erator. Every day an electric refrigerator is in your City Fin. & Ins. Co. Leonard of Portland and three daughters, Mrs. David E. Cohen, Mrs. Har- 1409 Farnara; Bag. AT-7C6T Bes. WA-5130 • • • Seldom Seen for . . . home you save food.. • money . . . time... muss arid *y Mittelman and Mrs. Jacob Gibstein. fuss!


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heavy fellow any time we met . . . on Wednesday evening, June 13, at I had him sized up. WANTED tie assembly room of the CongregaLet me tell you that I am ready Position as cook or housekeeper tion of Israel, 25th and J streets. Gerto show the world that the combinain Jewish home. Reliable, effitrude <!anar presided in the absence tion of "American and Jew, plus some cient. of the president, Max Marcus. lining of Irish and Scotch cannot be Call HA. 2652 or AT. 0966 The next meeting will be held June beaten . . . I am the first Jewish The leadership of the J. C. C.27, at the home of Sylvia Wiener. heavyweight champion of modern times. I won the title back for the kittenball league will be at stake old U. S. A."and I know that I have when the Sample and Peerless nines J L A S S MIRRORS WERE wvCNrec to keep-my -record as high and as clash at West Elmwood this Sunday »K ITALY I N I5O7 6V THE MURANO morning at 11 a. m. dean as I possibly can. I owe it to BROTHERS (JHO tUERE ClVCN THE • In the other games the A. Z. A. America and to the Jewish people. EXCLUSIVE MANUFACTURING will play the Psi Mu at 22nd and THG N E K T 1O Paul,'and the Wardrobes will battle (Copyright, 1934, by Seven Arts By MAX BAER (New World Heavyweight Champion) the Seiners at East Elmwood. " • Feature Syndicate.) As Told to Haskell Cohen The Samples dropped out of first A ORCAT place when they lost a thrilling tenCAN When Max Baer was proclaimed low who Delieves in the school of Hebrew Club Has inning, 7-to-5 tilt to the third-place BE WAP BY champion of the "world and led in life. Psi Mu nine. With the score knotted BUYING NONM Outstanding Record triumph to ; his dressing room, he When we moved to Livermore, CalAND TAKING , . . j and two out in the first of the tenth, spied me among the crowd of sport- i ifornia, I helped in the .milk delivery. ADVANTAGE OF Albert Kaplan, chairman ' of the j Sadofsky doubled, Sigal singled and •writers and motioned me to stay, j I wanted to study and I did goforthcoming Omaha Hebrew club pic- Leo Brown doubled to ice the conSKANS" F RE MARKET "Don't go away" . . . I promised you j DISCOUNTS ON through high school. I always work- nic, has announced the following in- test. : an exclusive story . . . you'll get i t I j CHOICE ed . . . I like physical work . . . It teresting facts concerning the or- In the other melees, the Peerless PIECES am going to the R. night club and I makes you feel that you belong, that gaization: defeated the skidding Selpers, 1 6to 1, you're going with me . . I'll pump j you are useful. Since its inception forty-three and the Wardrobes squelched the A. you so lull o£ myself that you'll give | Do I read? . . . Plenty, whenever years ago, the club has paid out Z. A., 20 to 3. up, big boy . . ." And Max, flushed j I get time. I like novels' and I like $71,395 to 145 widows; $31,120 in The standings: . •• . • with success, surrounded by blondes | biographies. . . No, don't think ior sick benefits: ?25,385 in donations; L. and brunettes, the spotlight of thou- j a moment that I am a literary guy. $3,945 in distress relief to members; Peerless 1 sands of curious onlookers, kept his j I prefer life to fiction, you know $1,800 towards the building of Com- Samples -. * 5 1 CAN BUY THIS word. In his car and at his table he j what I mean. I prefer to dance with munity Center; $1,700 towards fur- Psi Mn 3 ../ 4 NEWEST 133.4- r*MKRCR talked on between dances, drinks, i THE CONVEX S U N a cute looker instead of reading it. nishings for the Center. This is a Seiners 3 4 handshakes and reading of wires. He i ; BURST They will tell you that I am in ir-total of $135,295. 5 1 may be called the cockiest fighter j A. z. A; PECORATEP IM responsible, irrepressible loafing sort 6 '1 with an ego as big as Camera's feet, The picnic will be held at Krug Wardrobes u Max Baer SILVER of a fellow . . . Don't' let them kid but he sure is a regular fellow. Ladies Park August 5, with a large numOOI.P FOR ONLY and Gentlemen. I give you Max Baer, New World Heavyweight Champion you. I am a hard worker. When I ber of special features being planned. AT Re-Im in the flesh, without trimmings, as he in the same way as Barney Eoss worked in that flicker "The Lady On Sunday afternoon, July 1, the and the Prizefighter" I rehearsed is and speaks . . . H. C. Hebrew club is planning a large The drawing for the "Mixmaster" does today. They were clever and FOR PINE packed a wicked punch, but somehow day and night I made up my mind meeting for the installation of thegiven by the Ee-Im was held at the ITURE they never grew bigger than the mid- to become an actor . . . When I got newly-elected officers. An interesting last meeting of the organization, N. I am an actual Abie's Irish Rose dleweight division and when they the chance to go on the radio, I program is being arranged. Ben aZOS-7-9 FARH/HM ST. product The only difference is that tried to put on weight they lost their worked on my. voice, j u s t like on a Kazlowsky was recently elected S. Brown winning. Dave Bernstein my father's name is Jacob . . . But class. punching bag . . . Yon get me . . . president of theHebrew club for won first prize for selling the most tickets, with Ben Soskin second and seriously I wish you would broadcast In the days when Sullivan and I trained and trained till I got the the ensuing term. Harry Whiteman third. it to the world and have it said with Corbett were the big shots, there right inflections. Yes, sir. I like to All proceeds will be turned over to music . . . I am Jewish, if I am any- was one Jew who—if he had been get things done in the right way. charitable organizations. thing at all . . . If I would be in Ger- just twenty pounds heavier—would Why I wear a shield of David on A. Z. A. 100 many today, you would agree with have become the world champion. I my fighting togs? . . . I ' l l tell you The Century chapter is planning a Until September, meetings will be me, pretty quick, that I am more Jew- 1mean Joe ChoynskL That fellow sure- why. I'm proud to belong to a race send-off party for^ Edward Rosen- held every other Thursday. ish than anything else . . . True my :ly packed a mean punch. He knocked that is always ready to help other baum, retiring president and the At the recent picnic given by the mother is an Aryan, Scotch-Irish! out plenty of good men and almost people and I want to show the world chapter's delegate to the internation- Ke-Im, over one hundred attended. Prizes were won in the men's divi(what a combination) but I boast not kayoed James J. Corbett. . . . You that the Jews are as good in theal A. Z. A. convention. only of a Jewish grandmother . . . I remember, of course, Battling Levin- ring as any other race . . . Sure, I Nathan Crounse was appointed sion by Chuck Zlotkin, Harry Lefkoliave a Jewish father . . . S o you can sky who lost his light heavyweight know all about that sissy' Hitler . . . chairman of a committee to collabor- witz, Ben Wine, Sam Lexbowitz, and imagine what the Nazis would do to championship to Georges Carpentier. Boy, if I had that stuffed shirt" in ate with A. Z. A. 1 in preparing a Hym&n Brown, and in Hie ladies' division by Mrs. Ben Wine, Mrs. Bick me if they had me against the wall. He was alright but he lacked stam- the ring for just one- minute, I'd buffet luncheon followed by a dance, Spiegal, and Mrs. Leon Gross. Milton Yes, I am happy to bring the title ina. settle the whole German trouble in in honor of the Grand Aleph Godot Soskin won in the children's races. back to America. America has done of A. Z. A., Harold Miller, and the Oh, you want to know something two punches. so much for me. That is the least I about myself . . . why don't you California delegation to the convencan do lor her. And let me tell you. wait till tomorrow—the papers will Believe it or not, but I knew I tion, when they arrive here July 1 was going to win tonight. As soon Fratority I am going to keep this title in this be full abou that big, lucky bum on their way to Washington. as I got my right on Camera's face Final plans were completed for a little country of ours as long as I Baer . . . Well, I'm pretty lucky at The chapter held kittenball practhe first round, I felt that nothswimming party, with Molly lipsman can lift my hands .'. . The more the that . . . My father was one of the in tice Sunday morning at the Central ing could stop me. 111 tell you a in charge, at a meeting of Fratority papers tell of me and write about my few Jewish cattle dealers in captivity little secret that the boys did not fig-High school field. Jewishness, the more I like it, because The next practice will be held this I'm ure on when they picked the Italian That was in Omaha I want the world to know that the told that coming Sunday morning at 10 a. m. I was a pretty tough baby. giant to beat me These sports Jews are the best fighters. No, my father was not religious, nor dopesters forgot to take in consider- at the same place. No, I'm not the first Jewish heavy- is he today. His outstanding Jewish weight champion of the world. In the characteristic you want to know . . . ation that I had met . Camera in Heads Seattle City Council They Mix With the Best latter part of the eighteenth century, Well, let me see . . . I suppose it's Hollywood for that fighting scene in Unusual Values Seattle. — David Levine, the only the movie. Eight there and then, IDEAL BOTTLING C0MPA5T Daniel Mendoza ruled the heavy- his pinochle game .That father of Jewish member of the Seattle City while fooling and following the diSpecially Priced at weight division in England and was mine surely plays a good hand. FaWE. 3043 Council, has been elected president of 1S0S So. 30th St. generally regarded as the champ. He ther is a hard-working, serious, fel- rector's instructions for the screen that body. bout, I knew that I could beat that wasn't a big fellow. Built like a middle weight and weighing less than 175 pounds. Mendoza, however, had a terrific punch (yes almost as good as mine) and a clever way of feinting. He was so superior to his contemporaries 'How do you like my Englishnot bad for a guy who is called-a A price to allow you a crisp bum by some sportswriters) that the cool frock every day . . . Some artistocracy took him up . . . He became the, most colorful figure of the are sleeveless, others, have Youre Next Car-—a ring while he lasted. . .. short sleeves, trimmed in orI'm the first bona fide heavygandy or of the same materweight champion in the Hebrew race. What I mean is, that I'm the heaviials! Perky bows, straight or est Jewish fighter who ever lived. flare skirts! from Somehow until recent times, Jews never developed a real heavywight. I'm told it's bcause they're too nervGay Colorful Prints! ous and restless. . . . Maybe there's another reason, but it is strange that we had men like Benny Leonard, Sizes 14 to201 Model as Shown Leach Cross, Abe Atell, Harry Lewis and all the rest of them in the Sizes 38to52 lighter divisions. They were great champions who dominated their class










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THE JEWISH PRESS Published erery Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by

THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Subscription Price, o n e y e a r - - - - - - - * • • . Advertising r a t e s furnished o n application

f£50 • ••.':,

Editorial Office: 190 Brandeis Theater Building. Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center DAVID BLACKER - - - - - Business and Managing Editor FRANK R. A.CKERMAN - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Editor FANNIE KATELMAN - •* * Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent ANN P I L L - - - - - - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent P r i n t Shop Address: 1307 H o w a r d S t r e e t

The Week in Review Seetiimg Unrest

Poland. I t is striking that these latest and most severe outbursts the Revisionists Vbo damn Karl Marx with- 100 per cent fervor. Percame at the time of the visit to Poland by Propagandist Goebsonally, I have very strong sympathbels. Goebbels has repeated that Nazism is not an export proies with what the Labor Party has duct, but strangely his visit is the signal for the terroristic methdone in Palestine, but that is beside the point. The fact is that in Palesods for which the brown-shirted Nazis became so famous, or tine itself—where the most essentialrather, so infamous. ly Jewish life is being lived—Karl By DAVID SCHWARTZ The news does not flash to the world that there are thouMarx is being bitterly opposed. sands and thousands of law-abiding, peaceful citizens. The news SEVEREST CRITICS is flashed when a small group of bestial-minded holligans attack CHANGE OF PLACES Yet this is not strange. The strongI •will not mention the name of the est theoretical opposition to Marx in defenseless humans and with the inherent cowardice of all bullies cafe except to say that it is the best has emanated from Jewish inflict physical violence on people who have done no wrong. It known of the Yiddish cafes and en- Europe sources. does not take mass conduct to cause a pogrom or anti-Semi Lie joys a national reputation as the gath- Feuchtwanger in an article In the attacks. It takes merely a low mentality directing a few trouble- ering place of the Yiddish intelligent- Judische Rundschau recently comwriters and the like. mented on the fact that the severest makers to stir up "a lot of noise," fo rtheir own eventual benefit. sia,If actors, you have visited Neyr York and scientific criticisms ol Marxism have The terrorism of the Naras is only the beginning of worse, take any particular interest in Jew- emanated from a group of half a affairs, you surely nave visited i t dozen Jewish economists, the leader unless it is squelched in its incipiency. If strong measures are ish I don't want, as I have indicated, to of whom has been Prof. Franz Oppentaken now, the movement can be ostracized in Poland. Other- identify it by name although there is heimer. wise, the Pilsudski government, the liberals, and the law-abiding no particularly good reason for my citizens of Poland will be engulfed in the same venomous stream not doing i t The story is a matter SUCCESS AND of common knowledge. HUMILIATION which flooded Germany. I shall begin the story by telling

Who -was up and •wko prefers tfi h i down, that is to say, in the practical interpretation of that term. I refer to Mrs. Irma Lindheim, the former Hadassah chieftain. Mrs. Lindheim is a woman of wealth—a woman of thorough American rearing. Born, I believe, somewhere in the south, where the cords of the Jewish environment were not very strong. Nevertheless, Mrs. Lindheim is now living in Palestine. And if you go to Palestine, you will find her not living as some in Palestine — in beautiful homes on Hadar Hacarmel, but instead in a worker's Socialist Kvutza, where none has more than another— and all things are held in common— where everyone earns his or her bread in a literal sense by the sweat of the brow. There amid the proletariat, and with them, she arises early in the morning to go out in the fields and toil until the setting sun gives all respite and the inner joy of Let him not boast who putteth on its. end first And the end was—the the armour as he putteth it off. So productive effort. death that occurred there recently of said the Jewish sages, and it might PALESTINE MOVIES one of its waiters. well have been food for thought^for While the Habima movie of PalesA "Mogen Dovid" (Star of David) was very much in evi- This waiter while off duty, was the late Horace Liveright, the Jewish tine is stored away in the archives in dence last Thursday evening* when Max Adelbert Baer won the playing a game of poker in the rear publisher. New York, the Fox Film CompanyMs this cafe. It will be recalled that Liveright busy in Palestine making a film of heavyweight championship of the world by severely mauling the of He died playing cards. In fact, the enjoyed one of the most spectacular mountainous Primo Camera. The Mogen Dovid was made of death was poetically very approp- i successes in the publishing field He Palestine development. the Habima picture, riate. The man had an obsession for j l a u n c n c d the Modern LibrarySeries, w^ n"Incidentally, white silk and was conspicuous on Maxie's fighting trunks. bv the S^Aia icc h l l 1 S"owned 8 He played every day nis (financed and a ^ i s t ^ r,,,™™* * „ * owned the Gdynia cards. day of nislfi ed and assisted numerous budBaer was born here in Omaha, and his father was of German- adult life. And in a peculiar sense, i n a n c authors wto later became cele- ping Company (Aby Polish steamship dmg Jewish descent. Baer has at no time missed an opportunity to the life story of this man might be brated, and then sallied forth in the line) is being offered for sale for $5,And it seems to me, that for one stress the fact that he is Jewish and is proud of it. Before he said to have been read in the cards. theatrical world with the hope of dup- 000. interested in Zionism and with the He was just a waiter when he died. tossed haymakers and successfully knocked out Schmeling, Ger- But he had not always been a waiter. licating his book success there. necessary money, the proposition is a But all of his edifice came down good buy. I saw the Habima picture, many's ex-world champion, Baer played up in interviews the fact His acquaintances will tell you that with a crash, and when it crashed—oh and while perhaps Fox's will be betthat he, a Jew, was going to take revenge on Schmeilng, a product at one time he had an income as large what a crash there was. the president of many a bank. An According to a story that "has just ter, the Habima production was cerof present-day Naziland. Then, when Baer's star movie, "The as income that sometimes mounted to a come to my ears, Liveright shortly tainly no slouch, and in my opinion, Prize-fighter and the Lady," reached Germany, none other than little less and sometimes to a little before his.death visited the offices of needs only good management to put Herr Goebbels himself gave the order barring the showing of the more—but on the average, it ranged the publishing firm which he had it over. film, giving as the cryptic reason the fact that Baeris "a Jew." around $1,000 a week. built, and which stttl bore his name THE SAME WITH HIM How did he make so much money? after he had sold i t Liveright The pre-eminence of Jewish boxers in fistania is not without Very simply. This waiter formerly even Things are better with the Zionist was talking to one of the new man- organization this year than last and significance. Fisticuffs is brutal, and cowards and weaklings can- owned the cafe which I have men- agers of the firm—a man who got his Morris Rothenberg, president of the not stand the pace. The back of the Jew is supposed to be bent, tioned—the famous Yiddish cafe in initial job from Liveright organization, has a story to prove i t which he died. his courage arid his strength have been of times questioned—yet And he lost its ownership in a game After a long conversation, this new Two years ago, said Mr. Rothensaid to Liveright: berg, conditions were not so good, in a sport like boxing he has reached great heights. There are of cards. Lost to the present owner manager "Horace, I think you had better and there was danger that some of three stars of the greatest magnitude in the pugilistic firmament. who was a former waiter. leave. It doesn't look well for the so the former waiter became firm for people to see you hanging the institutions supported by the Max Baer holds the world's heavyweight title; Maxie Rosenbloom theAnd Zionists would go to pieces. The owner and the former owner beZionist Organization therefore issued is the world's light heavyweight title holder, and Barney Ross is came the waiter. Here is a story that around here." an emergency call—sent out a letter the world's champion of both the lightweight and the welter- for a plot equals anything of the KING DAVID'S BmTHDAY to certain key Zionists throughout strangeness of an O. Henry opus. I see according to the Jewish Tele- the country to the effect that if the weight. Further, sprinkled among the leading contenders will be graphic Agency that the Jews of At- Zionist Organization didn't get more found many a promising Jewish fighter. UNDERGROUND lanta are preparing to celebrate the money, "tie Zionist institutions might Of course, the explanation is very simple—ask any Nazi and RUMBLINGS birthday of David Ha-Melech (King collapse." the Labor Party in Palestine David to you.) he will tell you that whenever Baer or Rosenbloom or Ross enter a Was Mr. Rothenberg received one of the little too generous? If you listen And that reminds me of a story that letters back with the notation inthe squared ring, the international Jewish conspiracy begins work- to some underground rumblings, you Elihu D. Stone, former District At- scribed by the recipient: "The same ing at fiiul force—and who could expect a single individual like will hear this accusation a good deal torney of Massachusetts tells. is with me." of late. It seems that in some synagogue In poor Schmeling to withstand such a force. The Labor Party—the party of the Boston, some loyal Jew had lit some Histadruth or Jewish Federation of yahrzeit candles for David Ha-Meloch Patronize Jewish Press Advertisers. Labor is very strong- in Palestine. (still King David to you.) And recently, when the Socialists of the synagogue was The report of the previous year by the Hadassah Medical Or- in Austria made their stand against I notThea President particularly learned man. In ganization for Palestine contains a number pf enlightening dis- the Dollfuss government, the Pales- fact, he was a pretty sound illiterate. tine labor party sent $25,000 for, the Anyway, when the President of the closures. . i Grey Iron, AinmiRum and Socialist.victims of the revolt ! synagogue saw the Yahrzeit candles, The low death rate of 3.8 per 1,000 cases among women at It was a beautiful deed, many are he Bronze Castings asked, for whom they were l i t Wood and Metal Fatterna childbirth in the Rothschild-Hadassah hospital in Jerusalem and saying, but some are critticizing it, 'Tor David Ha-Melech" was the resaying that Palestine has its own poor ply. 2CU Martha St. HA. G523 the Hadassah subsidized^hospitals in Tel Aviv and Haifa, as well to take care of, and that the small "David Ha-Melech," replied the as among the patients delivered at homes through the Hadassah Jewish settlement had no right to president. "I never heard of him. Was obstettric service, compared most favorably, with the maternal make such a lavish contribution. he a member of this congregation?"


Circumstantial evidence—capricious though it may be—has Max Baer—The New Champion pointed to a seething unrest below the surface in Nazi Germany. We have repeatedly declared that the iron fist of a dictator is doing its utmost to suppress the true feelings of the German people—that the rantings of a Streicher and a Goebbels cannot possibly be the opinion of the enlightened people in the Germany of Goethe and Schiller. We have constantly urged that only" a reign , of terror and a fear of physical violence of the most bostial sort have kept the German people from voicing their true feelings and from crashing through the tight censorship of thought as well as printed word. But, we no longer have to rely on circumstantial evidence. The truth is laid bare this week. Baron Franz von Papen, vicechancellor of Germany, demonstrated the uneasiness and unrest prevailing below surface, in an address before the students in Mayberberg. The open criticism of Nazi policies and the sharp attack upon Joseph Goebbels (though not mentioned by name) was the boldest public denunciation of the Nazi regime from anyone in authority, and it is a matter pf speculation as to what von Papen's fate will be. His utterance assume special significance— not only because he is vice-chancellor of Germany but also because he was the intercnediary who personally arranged the interview between President Von Hindenburg and Hitler which was responsible for the latter becoming the virtual ruler of Germany. The Frankfurter Zeitung through an error printed an unexpurgated version of the Von Papen speech. Orders wore immediately issued to the newspapers to disregard the copies which had been distributed in abundance and use only the versions sent out by the official government-controlled news agency. The next version was not deemed sufficiently toned down and yet another version had to be sent out. But this met the same fate, until a third version was considered harmless enough for public consumption. Some extracts from this now-famous address follow: "Not by inciting the people, especially the youth; not by littering Medical Standard threats against helpless sections of the population; but only by the trustful exchange of views with the people can confidence be Paxton Mitchell Co. increased . . . It is high time to come together in brotherly love and mutual respect, to refrain from upsetting the work of earnest men, and to make doctrinary fanatics shut up. The duty of those in position of leadership is to be watchful lest a new class war breaks out . ... Even compulsion finds its limitations in the will of a real personality to hold its own. The reactions to compulsion NATIONAL are dangerous . . . Let there be no mistake about the fact that a death rate of 4.5 per 1,000 in New York hospitals, as revealed re- ANTI-MARXIST JEWS REJECTS WEALTH cently by the New York Academy of Medicine. • ; • ACCESSORIES, Inc. fight on religion will release forces which even force cannot break Incidentally, those who contendthat I have told several stories in this The report also points out that the two xiew outstanding Jews are all so tainted with Socialism column of men who have been up, and . . . Germany will reach its highest development in a form of govEVERYTHING do well to observe what is hap- who through the vicissitudes of forernment which will forever exclude political struggles, demagogy developments of the past year were the appointment of ten phy- might For the Anto pening in Palestine. The Socialist tune have ended upat the bottom. But and economic and personal selfishness . . . Many Nazis say that sicians exiled from Germany to the medical staff of the Jerusalem Laborites while, as I have said are there are more impressive stories. A 2051 Faraara AT. 5524 humanity of today must be realistic, forgetting that humanity hospital and the permission to thirty other German doctors to en- very strong, are bitterly opposed by more beautiful story is that of a lady is a growth from antiquity and Christian culture. They call lib- gage in post-graduate work in the hospital and laboratories, and erty a reproachful liberal work, though liberty is of-pure Teutonic the perfecting of the hospital in order to facilitate its converorigin. They oppose equality before the courts and call it a liberal sion into the contemplated Hadassah-University Medical Center. disease, though equality is the basis of justice. Finally they In the latter connection a radium institute was established, the would suppress the fundamental duties of the state, which for all first of its kind in the Near West, with 200 milligrams of radium times, not only in liberal times, have been called justice. Their and irradiation equipment brought by Professor Ludwig Halberattacks are also directed against the freedom and safety of pri- stadter, famous German cancer specialist, who directs the new vate lives of the German people, which have been won through Institute. Since then Dr. Ira I. Kaplan, head of the Cancer dicenturies of struggle. Servility cannot conceal these natural vision of the Department of Hospitals in New York, contributed laws. Great men are not made by propaganda, but grow by their 100 milligrams and is trying to raise a fund for the purchase of own deed. Military discipline cannot be imposed upon the entire 400 additional milligrams. Another encouraging sign is the inlife of a nation, but must be kept within certain limits, which are creasing research and improved laboratory service—all compli prescribed by nature and mankind. The belief that a country mentary to the high medical standard being established in the can be united by terror must be rejected. Terrorism Only comes Jewish Homeland. from a bad conscience and our government will counteract it." One of the most encouraging phenomena in the field of JewWe do not know the motive behind this pointed and not even # Grunow, and Grunow alone, uses Carish education today is the recent growth of revival of interest in thinly-veiled attack upon Nazi tactics and ideas. But we know rene, die safe refrigerant. You can taste it, education for adult persons.—Dr. Leon Fram, Detroit. that it augurs well for Germany; it points to the thankful knowlsmell it, see it—hold it in your hand. You edge that if you scratch beneath the Nazi surface you will find rest in peace." "Whereupon a Heavknow Carrene is safe and you can rest asthe true Germany, a Germany that rejects the barbaric and unenly voice went forth and said: *He GEMS of the BIBLE shall enter and rest in peace." sured that with Carcivilized, the shameful and degrading Nazism. In the German and TALMUD people themselves lies the hope for the salvation of Germany. rene in your refrigRabbi Popa said: "A man should By O. O. DASHES erator you have sinever be a judge to decide a case Serious Spreading for his intimate friend, nor to an lent, smooth, ecoA pogrom against the Jewish people in the Powonzki district Be of good courage, and let us enemy. nomical operatioa He should not be judge to an intiof Warsaw was perpetrated last week by the violently anti-Sem- prove. strong for our people, and mate as welL friend because he will never the cities of our God, and the itic "Naras," according to information seeping through the strict for Lord will do that which seems to find any case against him, and he should not be judge to an enemy becensorship prevailing in Poland. This climaxed a series of anti- Him good. cause he will not be able to see his Jewish outbursts by the Nara hooligans who are a combination of defense clearly." David said: Now the child is dead, RusSian Black Hundreds and German Nazis. While the Pilsudski wherefore should I fast? Can I bring government seemed lax in punishing the attackers, once ifc reach- him back again? I shall go to him, Abaye said: "The reason -why some scholars are beloved by their townsed the serious proportions of a pogrom the Polish government did but he will not return to me. people is not because they consider take energetic action—too late. The result was that Col. Bron- The God who is my work—in Him them superior to themselves but beSUPER-SAFE REFRIGERATOR islaw Pieracki, Polish Minister of the Interior and determined op- I take refuge. My shield and my cause they do not rebuke them for ponent of political anti-Semitism, was murdered in cold blood by salvation, my high tower, and my not performing Heavenly duties." Rabbi Chiya was tutor to the chilan unknown assassin. The general conviction held by the author- refuge. dren of Resh Lokesh, and once he abities is that the murder was an act of vengeance by the Naras for In my distress I called upon the sented himself from his duties for government action undertaken to suppress the terroristic attacks Lord, and out of His temple He heard three days. On his return he was my voice, and my cry did enter into questioned as to the reasons for his j of the Naras on the Jews. AND RADIO CO. His ear. being absent, and he replied: "My Reading this and other recent Jewish events, one might come father left me a •grapevine, and in to the conclusion that it seems strange that there should be so At the moment when Robbi was the three days I gathered nine hunhe lifted up his ten fingers dred clusters of grapes, and I have much anti-Semitism prevailing in various parts of Europe at one dying and said: Sovereign of the Universe, yet left more than half of the grapes and the same time. But, on the contrary, there is cause and ef- it is known and revealed to Thee free for anyone to gather them." fect behind these terroristic methods, in various sections of the that with my ten fingers I have Thereupon Resh Lokesh remarked to 6060 Military Ave. Walnut 5611 labored unceasingly in the Torah and him: "Hadst thou not been so continent. did not enjoy the worldly profit in so negligent losing time in the instrucTo be concrete, there is a direct tie-up between the system- much as my little finger. May it tion of my children it would have atkTNazi attacks in Germany and the sporadic Nara attacks in therefore please Thee that I shall yielded even more."




•^Sf^** Tjy

PAGE 5—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JUNE 22,1934 and sister, Mr, and Mrs, Harry Knee- CONVALESCING Wedenesday Special ter. Mrs. Albert Kaplan is convalescing DAMP WASH Mrs. M. Kneeter will join Mrs. at the Covenant hospital following The Ladies' Labor Lyceum club will Edell in Des Moines, and from there a recent operation. FLAT WORK IRONED hold a social meeting Tuesday, June they will go to Chicago to spend ten Rose Flanchek was chosen president 26, at 2:30 p. m., at the Labor Lydays, in Chicago they will be joined SIGMA DELTA TAD ALUMNAE of the Fa-Hon sorority at the elec- ceum, 22nd and Clark streets. by Mr. Harry Edell. A meeting of the alumnae of the tion held Monday evening at the J. As important business will be disMany affairs were given for Mrs.Sigma Delta Tau sorority will be cussed, all members are urged to atEdell during her •visit here. held Monday, June 25, at the home tend. of Miss Grace Dansky. Other officers are: Pearl Lennan, The organization also wishes to ansecretary; Selma Tretiak, treasurer; nounce that there will be a picnic this FROM LOS ANGELES Tillye Sigal, reporter. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Adelson and PICNIC SUPPER Sunday at Elmwood park at 3 p. m. The installation will be held at a Games will be played and prizes will daughter, Fay, and sons, Marvin and Members of the Junior Society of slumber party Saturday evening at Leonard of Los Angeles, arrived the Conservative Synagogue met for a j be awarded. Ice cream will be served. June 15 for a, visit here with rela- picnic supper at Elmwood Park on the home of the sponsor, Mrs. Morris Only members and their families are tives and friends. Monday, June 18. . FriedeL GRAETZ-SPAB NUPTIALS invited to attend. BABICH-BAUM ENGAGEMENT Many plans are being made for the Arrangements for the evening The -wedding of Miss Esther Spar, Mr. and Mrs.Joseph Baum anwere made by a committee composed summer months, including a swimdaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Solomon nounce the engagement of their ON WEST COAST Mr. and Mrs. • Harold S. Barish, of the Misses Rebecca Segal, Ruth ming party Sunday, July 1, at Peony. Spar, to Saul M. Graetz, son of Mr. daughter, Sarah, to Herman C. Baand Mrs. Leon Graetz, took place last bich of Omaha, son of Mr. and Mrs.who have been spending the spring Pollack, and Lillian Slutzky. This Sunday afternoon at four o'clock at Frank Suttin of Los Angeles, Cat. and summer in Los Angeles, are tak-was the last of the season's formal ing the leads in a farce comedy, meetings. Plans are being made for the Paxton hotel. Rabbi David A. "Zaragueta," by Carrion and Aza, be-the group to meet informally during Goldstein performed the ceremony. SPINKA-KDRS MARRIAGE ing presented by the Wilshire Play- the summer months, with the Misses A short musical program preceded Mr. and Mrs. L. Knrs announce the ers of Los Angeles. They have been Ann Greenberg and Dora Markowitz Loyal G. Kaplan was chosen presithe ceremony, played by the Misses marriage of their daughter, Emma, under the direction of Millard Ship- as chairman of their respective com- dent of the Alpha Pi Tau fraternity Cleda and Elizabeth Strawn. to Mr. Sam Spinka, son of Mr. andman for the past six months. HOWARD at 16th. mittees in charge of arrangements. at the election of officers held last Miss Rae Spar was maid of honor. Mrs. Harry Spinka of Chicago, HL Mr. and Mrs. Barish expect to reweek. The bridesmaids were Miss Janet The groom is a graduate of the turn to Omaha early this fall. PH. D DEGREE Other officers elected were: Willard Graetz and Miss Bess Spar. University of Chicago. Dave Fellman received his Ph. D.Smith, vice-president; Ernie Nogg, Marion Graetz, brother of- the The young couple will make their AT CAMP in political science at Yale Wednes- secretary; Nate Cutler, treasurer; groom, was best man, and the ushers home in Chicago. Richard Hiller and Leonard and day. He was enabled to study at Yale Herb Marks, sergeant-at-anns, and were Leo Marks and Martin Palk. Arthur Kulakof sky will spend the through winning scholarships. Sam Colick, reporter. Following the ceremony, a small re- ANNOUNCE BIRTH next eight weeks at Camp NebagaPairings were made for the various ception was held at the hotel. Mr. and Mrs. David Krants anFeel "pepped up" by really enjoyANNOUNCE GRADUATION intra-club tournaments to be held this Out of town guests were Mr. andnounce the birth of a son, Howard mon, near Superior, Wis. ing your food. the summer. Included on the schedule aie Mrs. Ethel Simon announces Mrs. Dave Candy with son and daugh- Illiott, at the Clarkson hospital on VISIT WITH MOTHER graduation of her son, Paul, from tennis, horseshoe and golf tournater, Yale and Josephine, of San An-Saturday, June 16. > ••.,•' •. : If you want to discover the time Milton Mandelson of Brooklyn; N. the Murray F. Tuley High school ments. The planned program includes tonio, Texas; Mrs. Max Greenberger, Mrs. Krantz is the former Miss Y., and Leon Mandelson of Boston, of Chicago. Mrs. Simon and family cultural and social events as well as meaning of dining comfort come to Mrs. Sam Greenberger and daughters, Rose Lazarus. the Jack and Jill—Where the food Mass., arrived by plane Sunday to athletic are former residents of Omaha. Paul Sarah Prances and Shirley of Grand is unexcelled, the service unimspend two weeks with their mother, ! the son of the late Arthur Simon. The next meeting of the fraternity Island, Nebraska; Mr. and Mrs. Isa- FOR THE SUMMER Mrs. Lena Mandelson. peachable, and the soothing atmosMrs. Simon also announces the will be held Wednesday, June 27, at dore Sherman and daughter, Dorothy Miss Anne Tretiak has returned graduation of her niece, Ethel Frum- the J. C. C. phere is "just right." of Blair, Nebraska; Mrs. Henry Weis- from Northwestern university; where kin, from the Murray F. Tuley High gurt, Miss Marjorie Finklestein and she is a student, to spend the sum-RETURNS HOME Enjoy the Jack and Jill—for breakp Mrs. Jack Rosenberg and daugh- school. Miss Frumkin, also formerly Miss Eleanor Penning of Lincoln, Nei h Mrs. ter, Helen, left Wednesday morning of Omaha, is now making her home mer with her parents, Mr. and fast — lunch — dinner — after braska; Mr. and Mrs. David Helphand for their home in Austin, Minn., after with her aunt. the show. and daughters, Jeanette and Roseberta J. Tretiak. a three-weeks visit here with Mrs. and son, Ben, of Fremont, Nebraska, OPEN ALL NIGHT Rosenberg's parents, Mr. and Mrs. and Miss Bernice Goldstein, Miss ON EUROPEAN TRIP Mr. and Mrs.; Sam Hornstein and H. FriedeL A regular meeting of the Auxiliary Rosanette Baront, Mr. Martin Falk, of the Congregation of Israel synaMr. Emil Levitch, and Mr. Nate son, Marvin, left Wednesday for A Suggestion for Any Night New York, from which point they TO CHICAGO Mrs. Irvin C. Levin, editor of the gogue will be held Monday afternoon, Levitch of Sioux City, Iowa. will sail for Europe on the S. S. Jack & Jill Sizzling Steak Mrs. F. J. Saltzman left last Satbi-annual Hadassah yearbook, anJune 25, at 2 p. m. at the synagogue, Mr. Graete and his bride left SunIdaho ba1u*<1 Serwd whtlr day evening by motor for Chicago, Roosevelt on June 27. They will visit urday for a week's stay in Chicago. nounces that the booklets will be 25th and J streets. potato, sliced In the prows* with relatives in Poland for about mailed to all local members Saturday. All members are urged to attend, tomnto, br»nd where they will spend a week at the •f tanking-. two months. FOR SHORT VISIT hntter, drink. Piping hot. The Omaha chapter is continuing as a special order of business will be Edgewater Beach hotel. On their reMrs. Walter Schimmel of S t Louis its campaign to collect dues. All those taken up. Refreshments will be served. turn to Omaha, they will live at the arrived in Omaha for a short visit delinquent are requested to save the TO CHICAGO Theodore Terrace apartments. Milder, and son,with her mother, Mrs. Dollie Elgnt- committee time and trouble by mailMrs. Harry Edwin, and brother, Mr. Abe Segall, ter. ing their remittances to Mrs. B. A. LANDO-BRAUNSTEIN left Sunday morning for Chicago Simon, chairman. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Braunstein of to spend a ten-day vacation with a VISIT IN CHICAGO The Misses Ida and Sophia NewJerusalem. — The Arab daily, Al Pittsburgh, Pa., announced the en- sister, Mrs. Ida Kohn. man and Miss Edith Wbitebopk left Jamaea al Islamia, was suspended gagement of their daughter, Shirley, for a ten-day stay in Chicago. for two weeks by the government beto Mr. David Lando of Pittsburgh. VISITING HERE Mrs. Ben Zogut and daughters, cause it repnblished part of the ritMiss Braunstein visited in Omaha ual murder libels appearing recently last summer as the guest of Mr. andGeraldine Doris and Joanne, of De- RUSH SMOKER troit, Mich., are 'visiting with Mrs. Phi Beta Epsilon, social fraternity in Der Stuermer, the Nazi anti-SemMrs. Hymie Milder. Zogut's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. I. of Creighton university; held a rush itic weekly published by Julius StreiChait, for the next month. smoker Sunday, June 17, at the Se-cher at Nuremberg, Germany. Mrs. Zogut was formerly Miss ville room of the K. C. club. Fifteen high school graduates were present. Kappa Tau of Central High school Helen Chait. Speakers included Joe Solomohow, held their formal initiation Tuesday president; Nathan Gilinsky of the afternoon at the Fontenelle hotel. VISITS WITH RELATIVES Mrs. Harry Edell of New, York alumni association; and James Va The initiates were Dorothy Salzman "WORK THAT SATISFIES" City, who has been visiting here for Verka, professor of chemistry. and Thelma Passer. . In the evening "the actives and the past two months with her mothEntertainment was furnished by Oriental and Domestics alumni entertained at a formal ban- er, Mrs. M. Kneeter, left Tuesday Mary Jane Vance, singer, who was 5116 Military Are. Walnut 5002 quet at the hotel in honor of the evening for Des Moines, la., to spend accompanied by Ernie Priesman initates, and to celebrate Founders a few days with her brother-in-law pianist Day. The color scheme of orchid and green was carried out in the flowers, candles, and place cards. After the banquet there was in stallation of the new officers, who are: Jean Beber, president; Phyllis Roddy, vice-president; Sara Sterling, secretary; Gertrude Block treasurer. Following this there was a greeting to the initiates given by the toastmistress, Bluma Neveleff, which was followed by a response from the initiates Ruth Reuben who gave the alumni greeting, presented a brief review of the history of Kappa Tau since its organization seven years ago. Jean Beber represented the actives, and gave a short talk in their behalf. On June 14, Kappa Tan enterm m tained their seventh annual formal m m dance at the Birchwood, which was m attended by 150 couples.

Rose Flanchek to Ladies' Labor Lyceum Head Fa-Hon Sorority c. a

K and

Loyal Kaplan Elected to Head Alpha Pi Tau


Dine at the Quaintest Place in Town

Congregation of Israel Auxiliary

Hadassah Booklets To Be Distributed



I You Told US I You Wanted

Kappa Tau

... § I


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i i'

AT BRILLIANT ADAMS CEREMONY—Here are Mr. and Mrs. Charles Francis Adams, Jr., following their brilliant wedding at Beverly Farms, Mass., with the bridegroom's father, former secretary of the navy, inset. The bride is the former Margaret Stockton, Junior leaguer

THESE ARCHERS HAVE SOME CURVES—Though they shoot straight to the mark, these fair archers in a tournament at i CataKna Island,- Cal., exhibit a few curves, too. See what we mean?

WIN 60-HOUR STRUGGLE WITH SEA—After fighting the sea foif 60 hours in a dory from the ill-fated Knut Hamsun, these men are shown as they reached safety at the side of the fruit liner Zacapa* Capt. David G. Frick of the stricken vessel, which burned and sank 290 miles off Honduras, with loss of 17 men, is one of the men in the prow of the dory. Seventeen were saved.

ART, INDIAN AND OTHERWISE—Basketry art of the Papago -MARYLAND 300 YEARS AGO RECALLED—In costumes such as were worn 300 years ago by the Cal- Indians is shown in this grain bin made for the Chicago Century of verts ll i M l d these th i h are greeted by Governor Ritchie during the P verts and and their their gallant gallant ffollowers ^Maryland girls Progress exposition. After the art come Dorothy Lefold, left, and pageant at St. Mary's City, marking Maryland's tercentenary birthday party. Claire Hart—and they fit pretty pretl well into the basket, too. they fit

AFTER POLICE CLASHED WITH STRIKERS—A strike sympathiz.er, rubbing his head, is shown being arrested in Philadelphia, following police clash with strikers. Four persons were hurt, nine wer*' arrested.


'.% , -

' -y,

. "




- -


WAR IN JAPAN? NO, JUST REHEARSING—Charging along the streets of Osaka, with bared bayonets, these Japanese soldiers bring alesson an war's grim realism to thousands who view the demoristration. None is wounded, however, as the battle is only a sham.



IT'S NO MONKEY BUSINESS—Not many monkeys arc wire-walkers, but Betty an eijrht-year-oM Chimpanzee, owned and trained by Mrs. Madeline Beckwith of Pasadena, Cal., performs gracefully on ., „ , ten-foot-high slack or tight wire. Betty weighs 12& pounds and also is a *

PAGE ^—THE -JEWISH SOEFS, ^TJDAT, JUHE 22.1934 stay in. ^Palestine . ..IHis statue called ~ SJniversal IPeace is still adorning the 5= Metropolitan Museum of Art, but no-5| body seems t o care ... . 3dax3Jrod, the from s» young German Jewish author, just 3n the Bealth club S celebrated his fiftieth anniversary, n u t .Amsterdam {W3>i5) — ^AntHSemitic t0PTnamerit A b e i s ! is still a young man in looks and ideas incitement b y usfeating Ssl- • • "Beyond Woman," "Maurice Samniatform ana m ~Bme niece as now m S j uel 's great novel which will "he thrown criminal 3Jy EfflKEAS Action IFoflawB Assassination of S j "to the beasts of the :book :fco 2 ILeaSing Polish Cabinet -JilUlUlllIumuinilUIIIIIIIIHIIIiUIIinitr! guild this fall, does some wery. tank: m law 1 iEna Ta. Usttmn Ellis. Officer dissecting, although there ace: .pages nets *&- ncitement asaiBfit any •Hse ififeaffii club •handball toumavery xeminiscent nf 3Rroust i n their "Governor Lehman's "Silent "DynaWarsaw (WNS) — Hard on i h e mite'" is "the title of an article sched- style . . . . , . -..;• is «o nbrasen lhat it lnaent ;» a t :a virtual standstill 'be"The Jheels of the sensational murder of uled iar publication in the August iswill apply t o ali -wlio instigate t o 3rid- cause of *fce intense heat. TolleyhaH, however, rontinuefi to attract -the THE PAST •Colonel :Bronislaw Pieracki, minister sue of the -American Mercury . . \ icnite or ioster nsfcred The i Tnembers. a s -does the swimming pool. 3ack in ZISO8 xme tS the members iS. nf tfhe interior, by two assassins "be- article is full of dynamite ".. » . 1 sect 3fnr reasons aof aace, color nr : The Hoosevelt - Cahinet Ttas a. iyntnigsteT ;mt JUl -grilfers who ^sosh t o 3 lieved to "be members of the TSational Adoption «f the -bill, which of the attack on Xehman in t h e X C. C gotf toumament nuist "Radical party (Haras), who have been punch Jmd the support -of rtias ^ovennent, is to the efeet that the Xehman Corresponsible for a veritable Teign of poration owns a large block ol stock gpr Vff JTiTmferng rma-»» JEinalfcy "Was jiriiinjtfaead by the growing anti- turn in Aeir gualrfying score-card "to "the ijy father, a -wealthy 3Jew ^Snf&Br, later terror against Jews throughout the in German industry, iSemitic agttatinn. ',_ ^_ baafaet •-..,, xoom - . . .TrttmdnTrt. ., in of country, the Polish government out: j~to be art -Axribassaaor Jews nave been increasingly srtb-]*?** ^ ^ee&a-mA ^he name of 16 aa eB lawed the party and decided .to take jectefl i » nublic insultB % various j ^ . ^ ^ . swayed. ^ The two authors of -with Billy TranciE.aJTDtessoT nS mathdrastic measures to curb terrorist and Glanzstoff . Political €TBUPB «nd in widespread ^ ^ 2K!Sfc?round jmatcheK this tirade (yes, they are both JewcomematicB. Srolessor 1!raiiciB Sound ttee ultra-radical organizations. Shot down horseshoe tournament, must in "the nresE. jlefaad by June M. lEhe nairingB .axe a s lie was leaving the "Warsaw Politi- ish) noint to the "Vereinigte Glanz- lather most delightful, but ice Ihflught on "the physical department bullethi cians Club, Pierackl, an outspoken foe stoff Jabriken, _A. G., as the largest the son was diligent .but Tathsr dumb" SnitaSe tto Aid Seltttives ixayan concern hi modern Germany •of anti-Ssmitisrn, died an hour later j . .... Sayon .factories are convertible, The ryoungBter paaHed, just 3JBW Tofk.-r3iLXtriier to be alile t o board. Tne Becano niixea swim parts ^WMS through. Todsry Jt is .revealed lhat i n a ^hospital. help i i e Se-year-ald father and tv>-o on a day's notice, into dynamite :facheld test ^Hawesoay evening a t .the The assassination was witnessed i>y tories ...... The two authors, obvious-; jthe youngater was none other -than a. policeman, who was shot in .attempt- }y, do not take Governor Lehman's ["Henry Jforgerrthnu, -3r., Secretary d ing :to "halt the slayers as they escaped resignation ±rnm the "Lehman Corpop- |the Treasury, ~fhe man tin A. Seiss, 4D, a f&snnxan Jew, comfloated ?8,u00,O(H),ft0D nl GovErnnumt JTnitted suicide toy jumping fToaa the tion at the time of his election very inmos ,. -. .. 3ilay1»e ihs :never should JEiver "Vistula. One of the murderers seriously .. . . 3n any case, this artiitaor iff ihe Sotel Man- | "wore a gray shirt, uniform of the cle will raise the iirst serious lieh- have TpasBefl in anaflil*"" ^ ,. ^ fet ^ fiHH T O W C T S B ' anti-Semitic ^Naras, whose consistent roan controversy . . . Until now lie nas ~waB Respondent over tlhe iate and-well-organized outrages'have cre- been left more or less alone by pbli-. i hi of i i s Telativ^ "who liad lost their i s inaugurating a, >BeT_man. an Efficient. ^Reliable mated a panic in Polish Jewry and stir- tical writers, since the election camnrunerty in Germany a s ~a result -iff. of the Month Club, T<jithout ^realxe& the government to emergency.ac- paign . . . A conspiracy of silence-en- izing that "the movement sprang from the -wave of anti-Semitism. jvelopes the strange case of the Jew- a iSemttic "brain "box iin 3Jew "STark - . . authorized a reward of 1.00,000 zlotys ish Colonial Trust, which, as ^ou may -^.'^H^^1'1"7^^^^ last novel may never WEtoster i o r information leading to the capture remember, was taken over "Jjy the *n~.he nublished in this •oounto', Tjecause iff &E Txnrrderers and consiaered t h e glo-Palestine Company some limE ago jnis 3irat and second wife lioih -claim ilaJjeral jmri> 'has decided advisability of establishing concentra- .,.... Ho INew "York Tiddish naper ipulH; the iByalties a n a n o American pub"bo snnrmon m -special national convert-' -fion camps for the Qetention of tiase lished the lacts in connection •witti the lisher cares t o rbny .a 2aw -suit, the ifox jpitmtntTting t h e anti-Semitic disturbing law and order. •fnim -its jimgrmu. ,j>rnra> "tiie scandalous conduct of a number ^3. (niore BO since "Wassermann^ iirst The murder came a day after a "The sower, a gigantic bronze figure]-a nnotograph of the pavilion contam-jnarly alltwi itaelf -with the anti-Sem: Xondon story was ^released t o the ef- directors of the Jewish Colonial Trust wife is itn.own t o 1» a, most rrelentleas Dcupying' the jcenler of the Jewish]ing ilhrminatmg charts Teplete wliL.Jites dt -has been -steadily losing its Jleyer "W. ifect i h a t an ;actual pogrom had oe- who Kpeculated with money '*!loanea** [legal iproaEcutor JJational pavilion a t the Xievarrt Pair, | facts and ^figures concerning the work jstEengai and prestige. .giTTTpfl in the Pownnzki district of £rom the Jewish Colnnial •funds t o the gal sBusgests the ^following slogan i o r [attracted the H jof more than of t i e two Zionist funds. extent of more flolthat ihave s. harfl onE Itbje "Warsaw. "The government censorship visitoTB irtnn all of the live un J N F land in Pale- Allow "Sifltl^i Paper . . . I t is an open secret that these time Belling cblorea shirte ^ .. .. It jj-world -who come 3» Tel parts did not allow a word of She nogrom A^viv t o at- stine gaining their livelihood by their Itiga. Dae Tinnish newspaper will ' i n 3Burope -every new [ t o i e nrinted in any ^Polish papers, directors -Tuined the ColoniBl Trust, -wmiln the 6th 2atestine ami 3Jear lEast own labor; 4000 nave been nroviifcd he permitted the Jews of latvia achut detaus were jtEvealed in jeports :yet n o Uewish -newspaper correspon- color in shirtE denotes a new political I Trane Sxposrtian. The «xpositian by -the J3RF, -with nrban and suburb- cording -to a decision of Ihe new l irmn arathentic sources ^reacbins' lion- dent dispatched a line about It t o ibis party—?In .America it just Tw«mR a. whicn reflected lfi»*!marvenouB nro- an buildrng lote in ih.e cities of fee cist i regime. i newspaper.... new style - .. . ffloiace Bamnel, the don. h S o m e , Jewish ZNational Some; 100 nublic "When J ^ c i s t s gained nower JewHrh attorney 3ar rfhe JSelenBB a t Mapers were suppressed Pieracki's murder has convinced £he came tto a dose last nistitntioTtB Iscve been provided with Tiddish p -Qie Tel -Aviv trial, te am author in his government that K d glove methods 3?Tesident 3taosevelt sites by the J K F ; 16043OD dunams offered 3. This brarcre Signre, the 3iaruliwac& [and Ttiddish napers irom abroad vwxn Dents nf leisure B E once nubare 310 longer ^practical in dealing with silver loving cup a s the nrice sS cs. barred. bd iff a noted Palestinian artist symbonave i e e n 2reed TEhe lished a hook -wifh t h e xather !haly iJtelSaras. Because Pieracka. was held unique contest isetwEen "William jC. lized "to i h e vast -audiences rflte wurk ifaree "valb?ys of Jezreel, of dn jgreat -esteem by war ^veterans a Sullitt, American •ftTrthnnmiliir ^tn tfllE title of "Unholy MemoTieB af a Sdly Zebulun and of Bepher, nav£ lieen 3©and Brarornplishment of Jewish 3RatXanfl" _.... wnen T?e go tsn 'vacation— large crowd of Teterans ..gathered in [Soviet Union, anfl W. M. Molotov, aiTtwti iox the Jewish people by i i e ^we get one—BUT column "will he iront of the office of the Gazeta"Warof the •Cnuncil iff jmtted by Jewry Ourunghout & e Jewish ?iational 3?und, which owns orite xS. America'B hest Bawzka, :fagsn of tihE an Li—Semitic CammissaxE (Eremier. aff rO& TJS5R) conauctea 'by and iiiveKteH -±n ~£hs itpbuiiDjTTE; of .one third of ihe total Jewish land ^National Deraocrats, and stoned "the known .. ZH Sullitt "win 'knuw more ^RHHKJ»H Palestrae by t h e Jewish National possessions i n Palestine. The U t F ibnflding. -t>«m assnlotov English "by June, IS33, . - ;. 51 J K a s ^oou a s Itis Teputation, IFnnd and Pxlestme foundation sows, indeed, in the land of 1°™1 t i e -we may lina tinTHelf on an -exfeenflea This demonstration -rcas m nrotest i e "will s e t t h e ;cnp . . . - OUT jig Jsrael and the Gazeta "Warsawzka's Iiitvinoff Trill linage the contest, ana leave off .absence..... "Hie iKeren Hayeso^. The aiove is ^£6 iiarvest.. work fno diplomacy xan nxevent iViTm Tnim USTEEE3HEZZO charge that the murder •was of f ^ C£^JTMXT\ terrorists. [making a deancut flecision ...!•".. wal- The ufher eveniriE -we took OUT "WincheH won the contest |lar XL.fnieee t o asee :"_aniky ^Way," that on S ecansum, a?ew Jsrses, Dutch Hines \iit\B ior liyons' ggassrp column iin t h e ious "Broaarcsy Eomeay i n Tehicn special nraise a t the xombrAed concompletely Soboken, Jf. J.—^ 3»ost. . ..• S e chfis- fltturray of SoUywoofl iame plays a IZew ITofk p vention of Use ZNational ^ i b l f e itenea it 'The Xsyons Den"...... 3Jo .'as- 'leading Tote .. ^ . A nunch of Bblly- -eguipped iosher "iitchen staffed lay Association and 'fee American sociation of ideas, ;but ^Sidney 3-"Wein- wuoa stars attenSea <3BS mhovr is cheer•Orthodox, Sabbath-nbserving Dutch lurium Association mfiHting "nese. berg' -will not lie on the Stocfc i k Mae.. — — Itaring iiit-WMifaginn -we BtnodJews -was formally Jpedicated "here on of 1te h e ^S S Statenuajtt Statenuajtt, Uoaru appointefl by 2Jresident"JEopiae- on the sidewalk». ^ 3<es± t o us 31 slen- tthe fig^ of : liners ^ ^ ^ d h n "Wesley; -Qifetrafflnftp^ay- uer 3ttD6e~5gtS iiii •-tf-jiimji'ig titaak firess; BoUand-Ajaerica» jyine, 1H. "Warnly between ISeaw Txni and y gbl of "They Shall 3*oi 3Efie," ds ^ lor a. St. Panl^-ln "the xoSeajf aetnicB g aianoraTy .xhairman, and Paiil now in Bollywood taking OTders tfrom ;-rouged mouth i.\,"... She wore ^glasses England, 3^itb2rdam, Bolland, and UtE COTt3Jaerwaia .chairman, :headed the com- the -fihn :TIIagnates as :1a3 -what scripts maBenBr little 3ace look Tather ! Boulogne, J'rance. _: "verttion of tiffi -American 33ewspaper Since the b"oycori -against -German Guild, IK^UJ uinrpBpr Tyw»n 'V^P -yW»»|gpfl nlsts slate of officers of the ~A.meri- the great American public -wants.... Baa..:.., ^ery ^attractive, nothing 3IalJewish Joint h .Distribution Com-! C Ko, no, no, tHOUywood ;is not-Eansidfir- flywoou^ish .. - ^ Somebody landressed shipping began the sosBels iof -fixe to observe the ;eoiiality of i l l men anittee, Unc., rreelected at the annual ing the lilming of the Scottsbarn 3*lay her as ^Sylvia.. » She:was Sylvia -Si'd- IHolhind-American .Sane have Jbeen tmeetmg of the national council of the j. _ „ "They Shall "Not Ilie" rmakes us [ney, t i e charming ^Paramount star getting ilarge "nTiT>ff<PTg x& Jewish" 3Jas- ief ore the law and Trot t o iffi .swayed by political, economic, social, .racial ^organization. ! think of the Axlosoroff irial .at Tel whose -smile lmE*TffiVBT heen duplicator religious iA report on xhe -work done ;by 3he; ... A good solution to the ter- ed on any screen . -. ,JDC, -which i a s engaged i n relief and rible situation ^woula ?be t o iraeve Stsv- XCopyright, 3.934, "Jjy Seven Arts IFea- Fxaise Dr. Poflal; TEconstru^tive aid far destitute Jew-' Cinctanati, Ohio.—3>r. iB. S. Pdllak, Jewish IPreeB Aavertisers merit Synoicatei) Tto -an i*n-it*niiwn iEscape OBh .communities overseas since 1914, sky medical director '*/£-. Sudson I your patronage. spot :in ^Europe..... Then lie =wnuia "he •was 3fead by the secretary, Joseph C. safe and rksep out jtB.^ tr^nhle,-ana , -Alghaiitistan—The AfghaniByman. The a-epart included -work rwoiildnot "ijecome ;a neroic symbol for stan ^i^v^yiTv^w^iFt- 'nas -issxten d ^a i jdane l»y the JDC bath independently [Palestinian 3levisionism . . . . Joe 3rain-' nf -antl-JEwish laws. .Jews were and in cooperafian with other organ- ha, xabifl 3oe of 3teviBionism, anaiEIias he izations in this country and in lEur- GinshUTg, nresiiaeirt nl the American "were irxiposefl on "them and "fcey p •ope on behalf of the Jews of GerSrom the -Bay -farbiflilen *te reside i n Cfirtain niany. Dr. Joseph JL IRosen, director [Revisionists, ;are of the .Agro-Joint, an agency i o r the when they sexvea in the Jewish -LegThe guvernment also ragricultural settlement of Jews in ion in .Palestine .....„•• that tQie jjuroperty of "fi»e Jews IRussia, gave a report on ten ^years' DQNT SUE US Ire confiscated i n tSie event -&at Jews warTi: of bis organization. Tfiry tactless ;on the part That JEUUUQ ^among t h e •T*riiiinra|g Mr. IHymah's report revealed that of Nathan .Straus* Jr., -when .-flurtTigz for the year 1.933 and the early Cormal luncheon tendered Ijy James months of 1954, the Joint Distribu- G. jncUanald "to Jewish Baiters, ihe tion ; Committee expended approxi- told Jacob 3BSshman of the .JewiBh mately §1,320,000 in "various -phases Morning Journal rto curtail "nis speech 1 of .German relief-work. A. ittSe un- ... ^Straus nas ;a tendency to snub EEF3KISH Ser SDOQ,UQO was alloted ^or aid -with- his contempoTaTies, alfhongh chis MAUE OF in 'Germany; slightly more than fproach seems very democratic «. .. ^. 2ZUD Tarnam :$500,00D was given to ^variousjrefugee Barney -Boss, the aouble cnanrpian,ris \i& committees and in cooperation in vaudeville now, making niore than -itdth the -High Commissioner and the 55,000 per week; and some Teopte. Tmtence vras spent for the: continu- don't think much of hosing . . ^ ^Wilance of vital work in Eastern ^Europe, liam 1. Sirovich, one of DUT own ConAlter the TOoatre i&ggravaied by the TEturn of thon- gressmen, is adding to the burlesque Treat "the CrowS at ,ssnds of repatriates ±rom Germany. atmosphere of the "Washington legisTHE lative production . . . Be intended t o tlead a chorus of Congressmen (on the Poland Bans day of the dispersion uf the Congress) TUniforms decree forl)iddmg. t h e in a popular song rnmposea Tjy him They will enjoy ihe new jdaeora"Whataman! IVIorit: Eahn, of ; simple ancl easy. A foirr-poun3 "wearing of uniforms by nolrtical or -fcions and the delidQUB fool nrivate groups has been .issued .by the Albert "Kahns, the Detroit archicooked "wnole potatoes and another vegetable tects, is -very much interested in the •&& Polish government. rpuxe "olive oil. "We never uselard. ;m3 soup may lie cooked al one time in tliis codk> Ht i s aimed -particularly against .the settlement of German Jewish .-refugees • Pnr theXaSieK: A v «BK. 2 t 3HBB TJETV little current. jNever Jaeats ijp ly .ant^Semitic" jKafional Uadi^in the USSR, and so is Sarry Elmer y "Wonflerfnl Mternoon h ffh "have been b |U t h historian hiti d :author uthor . -... Tseeds little or no attention. "VTaterfBarnes, the and Cara T a r t y ^nam! cal .Party "whose •terrori7.Tng the Jewish population, Jules X. Hutensby, the sculptor -who j jrrinciplc "useS. I t 1 takes p i « and 'Carrier -24th and Barney StreetB TEhe flecree, -however, is so phrased at one time "was the pet of Jacob uitB. •, -, hrtrvrm like any oven. tfhat i t can also apply to the 2irith Schiff, lias just returned ±rom a long Trumpeldorites, the uniformed :youth legion oi the Zionist Hevisionists.

Haras Barrel! 1 ¥iom Poland

at X C. C Athletic- 5>epartroent

TIB-BITS Everywhere y

i Barbakow


**Mcef Ymnr f ^ s i d



Cook&e EVERHOT Way







Cwne ». far a PEMDNSTRAflOH and

«f 2s eisraska Wvmem

sbjow yon the -wonirin^B lite Cooker CaasETole ran &o. T h n £verfaot Casserole -with




the P T T S T ^phiw rover

dozeas of flelidom



PAGE &—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JUNE 22, 1934 8A3IIEL ZACIIARIA, Attorney. STAIJUASTER. BEBKlt eral and the Jews remaining in Ger- the marriage of.Miss Rose Brandeis FISADENUVKG, 708 Urandeia Theuter Bids. & KLCTZNICK, Attorneys many, unless moderate' counsels pre- to Harold Kraulstein of Chicago, 650 Omaha National Bank Bids. NOTICE OF ARTICLES OF INCORPORAvail." ., ., : which will take n1a.ee'. Sunday.' Mr. TION OF LOCAL RETAIL CODK O F INCORPORATION O F T H E AVTUOUITV t'OU OMAHA, NEBU* Carl Brandeis .of. Philadelphia will at- NOTICE "AMERICAN AMUSEMENT CO., INC." INC. A Farcical Ban. tend the wedding also and attend a Notice is hereby given that we, the un- Notice Miss Naomi Sacks, daughter of Mr. iB hereby given that the under* The London Times also published dersigned, have associated ourselves ' tosigned have associated themselves togethfamily reunion in Chicago. and Mrs. Sam Sacks, was awarded gether for the purpose of forming a corpo- er i n order to form a corporation in th« the American History Medal, pre- the following letter: "In your issue ration to be known ss the "AMERICAN State of Nebraska for the purposes hereof Saturday last it was stated that AMUSEMENT INC." It shall begin bus- inafter stated, umler mid pursuant to Secsented to the Morningside student Miss ANNA PILL, Correspondent Miss Julia Furst of Glenwood, Iowa, iness when theCO., articles of incorporation ore tion 2 (a) of Article X, of the Code ot who received the highest grades in the export of 'The Stuermer' was passed away last Friday in Glenwood; ]filed in the office of the County Clerk of Fair Competition for the Ketnll Trade. County, Nebraska, and continue for The name of this Corporation history for the year. She also was prohibited. I beg to inform you that The body was brought to Council Douglas delivery of the past two days Bluffs, where funeral services were a period'of fifty years. The principal place shall be LOCAL RETAIL CODE AU; Miss Sadie Shulkin departed last 'the recipient of the 'sophomore schol- every of transacting business shall be in Omaha, THORITY FOK OMAHA, NEUR., INC., brought me two or three copies. held Monday morning. She was 22Nebraska. The general nature of the busi- nnd its principal place of transacting week for Los Angeles, where she will arship in recognition of receiving has paper is contained in an ordi- years old. Burial took place at the!ness to be transacted shall be to own nnd business Klnill be • in the City of Oniaba, visit with friends and relatives for "A" credits during the entire year. The shows, carnivals, dances, exhibits Douglas Comity, Nebraska.- The objects nary envelope, addressed to the own-Oak Hill cemetery in Councii -Bluffs, j operate and amusements of every kind and de- nnd purposes of this corporntoin are to Sacks is Miss a member of the the summer months. En route to scription, to acquire, hold nnd dispose of have and exercise, within the local trading er of the house, and bears in each California, she will visit with friends Alpha Gamma Epsilon sorority. case a different postmark (German). property, both real and personal, and to do area of .Omaha, Nebraska, nil the rights all things necessary to effect the purposes and powers nnd to be charged. with all I in Omaha, Kansas City, and Phoenix, Members of her sorority honored Each copy contains the most disgust- Mrs. Dave Raben and daughter, and objects hereinbefore set forth. The cap- the duties and obligations, now, or which Miss Sacks at a picnic breakfast Plans have been completed for the; Arizona. stock shall be $5,000.00. divided into may hereafter be, vested in .and imposed ing and nauseating pictures calcu- Rose, and sons, Meyer and Abe, areital fifty shares of the pnr value of $100.00 upon the National Hetail Code Authority | Sunday morning at Riverside park. annual Talmud Torah picnic which j lated to whip into a fury any igno- leaving today for New York City, to each. The affairs of the company shall be or the Local Retail Code Authority for is scheduled for Sunday afternoon) Mrs. D. Berkowitz of Los Angeles,' be gone about a month. They are managed by n Board of Directors of not Omaha, Nebr., under-the Code of Fair rant person with anti-Semitic feelless than two nor more than five memCompetition for the Uetnil Trade. and evening of June 24. The picnic j has arrived in the city to visit with ings. I do hope you will be able to making the trip by motor. bers, who glinll elect from their number a This corporation shall bo a mem. will be held at Riverview park. jher daughter, Mrs. A. Matlin, 1519 Jr. Poale Zion President, Vico-President, Secretary nnd bership corporation and shall have no capf " V ^ , V • . «. publish this letter, if not a part of Treasurer. The annual meeting of the corstock. The corporation is H o t organThe committees in charge have Nebraska street, The Junior in theifl „„T ., . ' , . . „!„, Miss Toby Katelman returned home , poration shall be held on the first Mon- ital ,™ „* Miss MicePoale i,, n ;nZion v met ,•„!, ized tmd shall not be conducted for profit, a of Q Kronick llast o o f I it, as I fear it is a prelude to wholehome Lucille made arrangements to take care of day in January of each year. These artiand no part of its revenues or earnings Wednesday following a week's visit in j circulation of this dreadful pacles may be amended upon the affirmative shall inure to the benefit of any individual a thousand people on the picnic Ina Lea Kroloff, 1926 West Third Friday evening, with Miss Eudice sale Leaven worth, Kansas, at the home of vote of two-thirds of the outstanding stork. subscriber, per." Unfortunately we have not contributor, member or incorgrounds. Elaborate plans have been street, has departed for Chicago to Stillman acting as chairman of the merely to confirm this, but to add to Mr. and Mrs. Abe Bear. She was ac- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties porntor. Membership in this corporation have hereunto set their hands this 13th day shall be flie representatives which each of made for a program of sports, games visit with her brothers, Max andmeeting. companied back by her sister, Mrs. of June, 1934. it. We have before us a wrapper the Local Retail Trndu Associations, purand booths. Refreshments will be; Archie Kroloff. u u u u e u a ua c u R. J. TTOLDSBERG suant to the provisions of said Article X, Bear, and the latter's son, Aaron AA\? ^ ^ " l ' " f *i which has come through the post to S Is. K. RYAN served throughout the afternoon and j •Section 2(a) of the. Code nnd said Order Adelle Mittenbera accompanied at „ a d d r e s s ^ L o n d o n a n d ^ ^ David Bear, who will visit here for In the presence of: dated October 24th. 1033. have elected or evening. j Miss Sarah Lipman left this week PHILIP; M. KLUTZNICK hereafter shall elect ris members of the following inscription in Gothic type: about ten days. 6-15-34-4L Local Retail Code Authority for Omaha. Proceeds of tbe picnic will go to--for New York City, where she will solo by Miss Olensky; talk on "Leo"Absender, Der Stuermer Verlag Nebr., or tlieir duly elected successors. ward the maintainence of the local!visit with her sister, Mrs. Stanley Pinsker and Auto-Emancipation" by Nurnberg A. Pfannenschmiedsgasse Vacancies in the membership, arising from Mr. and Mrs. Ben Cohen and chilk original poems by 19. Fernuf 21830. Postscheck Konto Hebrew school. The picnic is being jcarl. Mrs. Garl wa3 formerly Rose Will Rozofsky; FRADEXBFRG, STALMASTER. BEBER whatever cause, sliall be filled by the said Local Uetnil Trade Associations by whom & KLtFTZNICK, Attorneys -sponsored by the Board of Directors Lipman of this city. Rebecca Stillman, and a talk com- Nr. 105. Amt Nurnberg." The ad-dren are spending the week visiting 650 Omaha National Bank Bid?. they were elected. AH of said members of the Talmud Torah and the memi memorating Arlosoroff, Palestine dressee receives the "banned" paper relatives In Madison, Wisconsin, and shall be elected by their said respective Chicago, -Illinois. While in Chicago Local Retail Trade Associations, in accordbers of the Hebrew Mothers asocia- Mrs. Ben Pill departed yesterday 1 worker, the aniversary of whose NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF ance with a.fair method approved by the they attended the National Grocers' regularly in this form. "BARISH. OIL, INC." tion. morning for Los Angeles, California,(death is this month, Administrator, and shall retain their memConvention. They are making the Notice is hereby given, that we, the un- bership nt the pleasure of their said reThe Talmud Torah holds its where she will make an extended! dersigned, have associated ourselves to- spective Local Retail Trade Associations. trip by motor and will stop here to •gether for the purpose of forming a cor- The Corporation shall be managed by a classes every day in the class rooms visit with friends\ visit Mrs. Cohen's parents, Mr. and j poration to be known as "BARISH OIL, board of not less than five members, wh» of the Shaare Zion Synagogue. Mr. I N C " It shall begin business when the shnll be known as the Executive CommitMrs. B. Saltzman, before returning to articles Aaron Tahai and Mr. J. Aizenstat Miss Evelyn Kunts is in New York of incorporation nre filed in the tee, who shall be selected by the members their home In Harlan, Iowa. office of the County Clerk of Douglas of said corporation, nnd who shall bold are instructors. Over 125 children are City, where she is making an exCounty, Nebraska, and continue for a pe- their office for such term or terms na enrolled. Subjects taught are Hebrew, tended- visit with friends and relariod of fifty ypars. The principal place of shall be prescribed by the By-Lnws of the BY F. R. K. transacting business shall be in Omaha, corporation. The existence of this corporaIKTIK C. IXVTS. Attorney Yiddish, Jewish history and litera- tives. Nebraska. The general nature of the busi- tion shall commence on the date of the 301 Electric Building ture. ness to be transacted shall be to conduct signing ot these Articles of Incorporation SCHWABTZ-BAKON WEDDIXG (Continued from Page 1.) and operate oil nnd service stations, to ORDER OF HEARING continue for the term of the Code. Members of the directorate of the Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Marsh and The marriage of Miss Jeannette In the County Court ol Douglas County, purchase and sell at both retail nnd whole- and The highest amount of indebtedness to Talmud Torah and the Mothers club children, Mrs. Sam Marsh, and Joethis odious incitement to religious Baron, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Nebraska. sale, oil. gasoline, petroleum prodncts nnd which the corporation shall subject itself automobile accessories: to eqiiip and main- shall not exceed the valne of the property are urging every Jewish family to and Philip Marsh, motored to Sioux bigotry, and it may well be, to re-Baron of Council Bluffs, to Mr. SamIn tbc Mutter of tbe Estate of CELIA tain by purchase, construction, lease or owned by it. The private property of the WOLK. Deceased. attend the picnic and help swell the Falls Sunday to attend an annual newed and brutal persecution." buildings nnd equipment to be memlvers shall not be subject to tbe paySchwartz, son of Mrs. B. Schwartz of To all persons interested in the estate of otherwise, used as nnd for service stations, oil sta- ment of corporate debts or obligations t» Wolk, deceased: Hebrew school funds. . , "Golgotha Not Yet Avenged." picnic of the Marsh family. They Omaha, was solemnized Sunday after- Celia Louis Wolk having filed his petition un- tions, automobile accessories stores, whole- any extent whatsoever. business adwere met in Sioux Falls by Mr. and In the same issue The London noon, June 17th, at six o'clock at the der oath in this Court, praying adminis- sale oil and petroleum companies, nnd to ministration headquarters Ashall be estabof the estate of said Celia Wolk, do all things which may be necessary lished, maintained and conducted in such Mrs. Archie Marsh and children, Mr. Times published a full column on Chevra B'nai Yisroel synagogue. Rev. tration and/or proper to carry out the objects manner and for such use by and with snch be dispensed with and for a decree deand Mrs. Leo Franklin of Madison, "Nazi Hatred of Jews: Herr Streich- A. Schwaczkin of Omaha performed termining who are the heirs of said Celia herein set forth. The capital stock shall be privilegeb fot the members as the corit is ordered that a hearing be had $Ti,000.C0 to be divided into fifty shares of poration may from time to time determine. S. D., and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Feder er*s Excesses," from a correspondent the ceremony in the presence of about Wolk. on said petition at the County Court Room the par value of $100.00 each. The affairs In furtherance and not in limitation of the lately in Germany. Referring to the of Ramona, S. D. one hundred guests. The wedding in the CountT of Douglas. State of Nebras- of the corporation shall he managed by a Miss Charlotte Gelfand, daughter conferred by the Code, the corporaanti-Jewish boycott of April 1 last march was played by Miss Barriett ka, on the 7th day of Jujy, 1934, at the Bonrd of Directors of not less than two powers tion is expressly authorized to carry on of; Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Gelfand, 1615 nor more than five meint>ers who shall hour of 10 A. M.. and that notice of the business and to hold annual or special the correspondent reminds us Gilman at the piano, accompanied by time and place fixed for said hearing to be elect from their number a President. Vice- its Isabella street, has returned to Sioux Mrs. M. Lazriowich, 1315 West year, meetings: and to have one or more offices President. Secretary and Treasurer, who or branches; t o acquire, hold and dispose that Herr Streicher then said in a given to all persons interested in said es15th street, is confined to a local Miss Mary Gilman on the violin. City 'for. the summer months after tate by publication of this order for three shall hold office for a term of one year of real and personal property; to have speech: "Golgotha has not yet in the Jewish Press, a newspaper until the next annual meeting. The annual complete control and management of the spending the past year in New York hospital where she underwent an op-public The bride was lovely in a white weeks been avenged, but the future is pregmeeting of the corporation shall be held on affairs, funds nnd finances of the corporaprinted and published In said comity. .City, where - she - graduated on June eration recently. atin gown, floor length, with long the first Monday in January of each yenr. tion, including the power to make conDated this 13th day of June, 1934. nant with this vengeance, and those These articles may be amended upon tbe tracts, to borrow money nnd to pledge the 8, from the Secretarial. and . Law BUTCE CRAWFORD. made Golgotha are already on tight-fitting sleeves. She carried a 6-15-34-3t. affirmative vote of two-thirds of the out- property of the corporation ns seenrity County Judge. Preparatory school of "Columbia uni- Loyd Levich, son of Mr. and Mrs.who shower bouquet of white roses. Folstanding stock. therefor; to employ asrents or counsel; M. A. Levich is recuperating in histheir way thither." The correspond- lowing the ceremony, a wedding supversity. IN WITNESS WTTEREOF. the parties subject to the IRWS of the Stnte of NeBEX E. KAZLOWSKT, Attorney ent proceeds: "Herr Streicher conhave hereunto set their bands this 24th day braska, to keep the books of the corporahome from a recent operation. Insurance B i d e of November, 1933. trols two daily papers in addition to per was served at the synagogue. tion within or without the Stnte of NeMiss Elizabeth Raskin visited with M. M. RARISH braska, ns may fron- time to time be desigPROBATE NOTICE M. n . BRODKET Mr. Morris Satin is in Rochester, Der Stuermer, a weekly which he Among the out-of-town guests were In the Matter nated by the corporation: to receive confriends in Minneapolis this week. of the Estate of ARRAnAM snd to nssess nnd collect fees, Minnesota this week, where he is a has published and edited since 1923. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Zager and children, WIKNKIt. also known as ABRAHAM In the •Presenpp of: HEXRT GRABOIS tributions, dues and other payments ns may be proThere is hardly a house in Fran- Mrs. J. Goldberg, Mrs. H. Fingersh, WIXKlt, Deceased. R. J. TTOLSREKG vided for in rules nnd rogu'ntions adoptDr. and Mrs. Morris Steckl of patient at the Mayo Clinic is hereby given that the creditors conia where a persistent agitation Mr. anJ Mrs. Abe Bogdanoff and small of Notice ed by the corporation. The officers of said said deceased will meet tbe administra- G-13-34-4t. Scranton, Pennsylvania, were guests corporntion shall be a Chairman, Viceagainst Jewish' doctors, lawyers, and daughter, Shirley, Miss Bertha Sablin, tor of said estate, before me. County Judge chairman, nnd Secretary anil Trensnrer, this'week at the homes of Mr. and Ruth and Ben Silver of Omaha business of DouglaR County, Nebraska, at the ConnMiss Ida Bernstein, Miss Zona Zalinpeople and the grossest liwho shall be chosen by the Execntlre ABRAHAMS & O'CONNOR, Attorney* Mrs. Mike Muskin and Mr. and Mrs.spent Sunday in Sioux City visiting beling of individual Jews do not find sky, and Isadore' Zalinsky, o£ Kansas ty Court Koom. in said County, on the 2nd Committee, nnd who shall hold their of400 Brandcl» Thrater Building; day of August. 1034, and on the 2nd day Milton Mushkin. They stopped in with friends and relatives. Ruth re- their way through this medium. Herr City, Mo.; Mr. and Mrs. Abe Schwartz of fices until their successors shall be electOctober, 1934, at 9 o'clock A. M.. each od and Sioux City en route from New Or-turned to her home Sunday, and Ben day, for the purpose of presenting their NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF Streicher and his" editorial staff are and daughter of Lincoln, Nebraska; claims for examination, adjustment and nl- OMAHA FURNITURE AND CABPET HARRY B. ZIMMAN: leans, where Dr. Steckl graduated stayed in the city for a longer visit unhampered, by regard for accuracy. Mr. and Mrs. Joe 'Vfeinberg and sonlowance. Three months are allowed for the COMPANY WILLTAM POLZMAX, from the School of Medicine, to creditors, to present their claims, from the FRANK T5. GARVER, Notice i s hereby given that the underWhen the untruthfulness of a flag- of Qhicago, Illinois; Mr. and Mrs. !«. C. C. JOHNSON', .Scranton, where he will interne. signed have associated themselves together Cantor A. Pliskin, accompanied by rant case of anti-Semitic slander was Gilman and daughters, Harriett and 2nd day of July. 1334. BKYCE CRAWFORD. Incorporators. to form a corporation under the laws of County Judge. Robert Pliskin, is visiting in Mil- pointed but to Herr Streicher by a Mary, and son, Morris •Gilman; Mrs.6-8-34.-3t. the State of Nebraska. The name of the corporation shall be OMAHA FURXITUKK walkee, Wisconsin, this week. well-known 'Aryan' industrialist, his D. Kornitzky and daughters, Molly AND CARPET COMPANY. The principal C A R t KATXEMAN, Attorney place of transacting the business of this reply was that the really objection- and Ruth, Mr' aid Mrs. Abe Poginshall be the City of Omnha, A number of Sioux Cityans mo- able Jews do: not need to be attack- sky, and Mrs. Arthur Poginsky, all of NOTICE BY PUBLICATION" ON P E T I - corporation Douglas County, Nebraska, but said busiTION FOK SETTLEMENT OF FINAL tored to Omaha Sunday to attend the ed, as they are condemned by their Cedar Rapids, Iowa; Miss Ruth White, ness may be transacted in any other city, ADMINISTRATION ACCOFNT or state. The general nature of the wedding of Miss Hazel Zaviett of own actions; 'it is the decent Jews Miss Sophie Taxer, and Isadore In the County Court of Douglas County, county business to be transacted by this corporaNebraska. Omaha, to Max Turchen of Sioux we have to go for.' The Streicher White, of Sioux City, la. tion shall be to buy, sell, own, and genIn tbe Matter of the Estate of Jacob Kat- erally deal in and with all kinds of house, City. Among the guests from Sioux daily papers contain as a regular ha. leman. Deceased. store, office and other furniture, carpets, All persons interested in said matter rugs, curtains, fixtures, nnd furnishing City were Mr. and Mrs. M. Turchen feature a column called 'Marginal to your FRIENDS are hereby notified that on the 19th day goods, and any and all materials, supplies, and family, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Notes,' in which attacks are launched of June, HJ34, Michel Katleman filed a pet- products or equipment which may be conMiss June Meyerson, daughter of ition in said County Court, praying that e«i RELATIVES Sabel, Mr. and Mrs. Al Turchen, Mr. on shopkeepers who buy from Jewveniently used or handled in connection his final administration account filed heresuch business; to acquire, hold, sell, and Mrs. Joe Kantor, Mr. and Mrs.ish wholesalers, wives of recently Mr. and Mrs. Sam Meyerson, has been in be settled and allowed, and that he be with alienate or encumber real and personal discharged from his trust as administra- property of every kind nnd description A. Dishlip and family, Mr. and Mrs.converted Nazis who are caught look- awarded a scholarship for the sum-tor and that a hearing will be had on said situated, including the stocks, Kantrovich, Hazel Kantrovich, Mr. ing in the shop windows of Jewish mer session at the Northwestern Uni- petition before said Court on the l t t h day wheresoever notes, bonds, debentures, or other evidences versity of Chicago. She was chosen of July, 1934, and that if yon fail to npof indebtedness and obligations of any and Mrs. Louis Goldberg, Mr. andstores or actually buying there. Protpear before said Court on the said 14th and to issue in payment or Mrs. Louis Fish, Nathan Goldberg, estant pastors with alleged Jewish for her outstanding work in drama- day of July, 1934. at !) o'clock A. M., and corporation, exchange therefor its own stock, notes, TORGSSN STORES said petition, the Court may grant bonds, debentures, or other obligations. Charlotte Kantrovich, Sarah G Id- mothers-in-law, Catholic priests who tics among the high school juniors. contest the prayer of said petition, enter a de- The authorized capital stock of the corpocarry an extensive line of high Miss Meyerson is leaving Saturday berg, Deborah Silver and Jack Rez- do not refuse to baptize Jews while quality suits, dresses, coats, cree of heirship. and make such other and i s $2"i,0O0.00 divided into 2.T0 shares night for Chicago. She will return further orders, allowances and decrees, as ration shoes; cotton, silk and woolen of the par vnlue of $100.00 each, all of nick. they oppose mixed marriages be- home in the fall to begin her senior to this Court may seem proper, to the end which Qoods; food stuffs, household i s common stock nnd when issued utensils, soaps, tobaccos, sweets that all matters pertaining to said estate shall be fully paid and non-nssessable. The tween Catholic and Protestant 'Ar- year at the Abraham Lincoln high may and countless other articles; be finally settled and determined. corporation shall commence business upon (imported and domestic). Mr, and Mrs. Louis Goldberg and yans,' proprietors of cafes and pub-school. BKYCE CRAWFORD, the filing of these Articles in the office of C-22-34-3t. Connty Judge. All these can be obtained at the County Clerk and shall terminate upon children spent several days this week lic houses frequented by Brownshirts the first day of July. 19S4. unless sooner TORGSIN by your relatives, I F In Waterloo, Iowa, where Mr. Gold- who do not discourage Jewish cusdissolved by a majority vote of the outYOU SEND THEM A TORGSIN The Council Bluffs Lodge No. 688FRADENBTTRG, STALMASTEIS, BEBEK standing capital stock. The highest amount berg attended the state bar . conven- tomers, and so on. This method of ORDER. of indebtedness to which this corporation of the Independent Order of the B'nal & KI.CTZNICK, Attorneys tion. From Waterloo they will go topillorying and reviling has .created shall at any time subject itself shall not 650 Omaha National Bank Bldg. m exceed two-thirds of its capital stock. The Fort Dodge where Mr. Goldberg will all over Franconia an atmosphere of Brith will hold a regular meeting affairs of this corporation shall be conORDER TO SHOW CAUSE next Monday evening, June 25th, at The Dollar buys now more attend meetings of the stcto account- intimidation which is sufficient to ducted by a Bonrd of Directors of not less Docket 304 Number 15u than ever in the Soviet Union. ants convention. make indicerent sections of the pub-the Eagles hall.In the District Court of Douglas County, than two nor more than five, the number to be fixed by the By-Lnws. The officers Nebraska. Per Torgsin erdert Tlsit yoar lic acquiesce in the activities of Herr In the Matter of the Application of SARAH shnll be chosen by the directors and shall loeal bask or authorised •gent President, Vice-President and SeeretaryMiss Betty Rappaport has returned Streicher and his Brownshirts. Even Miss Rose Cohen of S t Louis, Mo., KULAKOFSKY and MORRIS LEVKY, be of the Estate of ISRAEL Treasurer, any two of which offices may to her home in Cedar Rapids after an unfavorable conversational com- returned to her home Sunday follow- Administrators KULAKOFSKY, Deceased, for license to be held by one person. These Articles may be amended nt nny annual meeting of the a visit in the A. Slutsky home. En ment on Stretcher's anti-Semitic pol- ing a two weeks' visit here at the sell real estate. stockholders, or nt nny special meeting of Now on this 18th day of June, 1934, this the route to Cedar Rapids, she will stop icy is enough to get a man into a home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis H. Katel- cause stockholders called for that purpose by come on for hearing upon the peti- a majority vote in amount of the BtocK man. Numerous affairs were given tion of Sarah Knlakofsky and Morris Leconcentration camp." at Des Moines for a short stay. then The corporation shall vey, administrators of the estate of Israel have aoutstanding. in her honor during her stay. seal. n D ^ ^ H A M S Kulakofsky. deceased, for a license to sell the following described real estate: Isadore Rocklin spent several days Incitements to Mass Violence. General Representative in U.S.A undivided 1/3 interest, in and t o Chicago this week where he at- The writer then analyzes the con- Miss Mae Cornbleth of Los Angeles, theAn south / OMAHA,NEBR.1 in 1/2 of Lot 6 in Block 1, at AMTORG, 261 Fifth Ave., N.Y. MILTON E. ABRAHAMS tended the Century of Progress.. Fourth Addition to the City RICHARD A. O'CONNOR tents of the regular issues of the Calif., arrived here last week for an Kountze's of Omaha, as surveyed, platted and re- C-15-34-4t. Incorporators. "Stuermer" and shows how it is "de- extended visit at the home of her un- corded ; Ivan Lasensky who graduated this The north 1/2 of the east 139 feet of cle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Abe Rosenvoted from first to last to the most OMAHA'S Lot 7 in Block 1, Kountze's Fourth month from the State college at crude and violent type: of anti-Sem- berg. •. • Addition to the City of Omaha, as Ames, spent several days this week surveyed, platted and recorded; itic propaganda tainted with prurient WELCOME undivided 1/2 interest in and t o in Detroit, Mich., where he attended and pornographic elements which ren- Mr. and Mrs. Keith Peltz of Mann- theAnsouth 80 feet of Lots 1 and 2 in a convention of agricultural en- der it attractive to a certain kind of ing, Iowa, entertained at a dinner Block 5, - Kountze's and Ruth's Addito the tion to the City of Omaha, as surgineers. depraved mind, and is particularly party at their home Sunday In honor veyed, platted and recorded. An undivided 1/2 interest in and to harmful since its circulation is fosof their cousins, Mr. anC Mrs. Charles WORLD! the west 19 feet i n width of Lot 3 and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Baron, and tered among Hitler youths of an im-Fellman of Omaha. Mrs. Fellman was all of Lot 4 in Block 9 in the City of Mr. and Mrs. A. H: Baron and pressionable age." He quotes "one of Miss Bess Rubinstein ot Omaha prior Omaha, ns surveyed and lithographed: Lot 6 in Place, an addition daughter Beverely, spent Sunday in the numerous incitements to mass to her marriage on June first. Twen- to the CityAshland Largest and finest in the of Omaha, as surveyed, Akron, Iowa, where they were guests violence. After dealing with the pri-ty-five relatives from Omaha and platted ond recorded. city, the FONTENEIXE is t o all existing liens and ejicumof Mr. and Mrs. J. Arkin. vate lives of two .Jews under the Council Bluffs motored to Manning Subject brauces, for the purpose" of paying the more than an heading 'the* violators. of girls in Sunday to attend this affair. debts, court costs and expenses of the administration of the estate of Israel KulnkOmaha hotel., Mr. and Mrs/ Philip Stone of Chi-Karlsruhe,' Der Stuermer's comment ofsky, deceased, and it appearing to the is: I n such cases mob-justice should j cago, are visiting in Sioux City this court that it i s necessary that said real it is an Omaha estate be sold for te purpose of paying the Mrs. I. L.. Brandeis and her daughnot be prohibited. Men of alien race week, in the home of the tatter's debts and expenses of administration, institution, who dishonor German blood and Ger- ter, Mrs. Simon Steinberg, left Satur- said parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Shiloff. IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that all persons interested in said estate appear beabout which all man women, German libertines and day night for Chicago, 111., to visit fore the Judge of the District Court in and social, business Miss Ida Mae London of Moville, sexual criminals should hang on theMr. and Mrs. Morris Brandeis, for- for-'Douglas County. Nebraska, in Court No. 7 in the Douglas County Court Iowa, graduated this month from the gallows. This was the law of our an- mer residents -ot Council Bluffs and Room At Prices *oo Will and civic life House in the City of Omaha on the 7th University of Iowa, and is spending cestors, and shall be our law again'." Omaha. While there, they will attend day of August, 1934, At 9 o'clock A. M., to Want te Pay center. Conshow cause if and Why a license should the summer, in Sioux City with Miss And he concludes as follows: "A fanot be granted to the said administrators vorite feature consists in reproducing veniently locaIda Edelman. Miss London is a Phi to sell said real estate for the purpose of paying said debts and expense of adminBeta Kappa, and was awarded the the obituary notice of a dead Jew ted, the FONistration of the estate of Israel KulakofA. Diamond Battery Service with a comment such as the followSigma Phi commerce key for being sky, deceased. TENEIXE is famous for its Recognized aa IT I S FURTHER OltDEEED. that this the most promising student in her ing (from the latest issue, No. 18), Road Service order t o show cause shall be published for old fashioned hospitality. referring to a victim of a motoring division. PRACTICAL MOHEL four successive weeks in the Jewish Press, accident: 'Germans pay a tribute to a legal newspaper published in the City of Tire Repairing Phone 1059 Omaha. Douglas Connty, Nebraska. their dead which expresses the gravBY T H E COURT Two. popular-priced resCOUNCIL BLUFFS ity of their sorrow. Among Jewseyen Amorian Day W. G. HASTINGS, Gasoline and Oil taurant? .with dancing 6-22-34-4t ': • • Judge. obituary notices are a farce.'" (JAKL RIEKES and musical entertain* Is Postponed ; In a further article the Berlin cormeat in season. respondent of The Times refers to Because of the rain last Sunday, the danger that "a new revolutionthe Amorian Day, sponsored by theary wave like that of last year, which Operated by ifi* members of the Amorian club, was pverwhelmed first 'Marxism' and then postponed until next Sunday, June the political parties of the Centre EPPLEY HOTELS CO. 24. The-day's program Includes a and • Eight, may be about to break AT. 4550 815 NORTH 18TH ST. track meet, election of officers, ball forth* against 'reactionaries* in gen- Phone\HArneyi 1226 : Fainam at Thirty-third game and picnic supper.

Sioux City Student Winner of Awards



Council Bluffs ~T News

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