June 29, 1934

Page 1

In the Interests of the Jewish People

Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism

Sintered as Second Class Mail Matter on JnnJtj? l'ostoffice ct Omaha, Nebrnska, under the * "


RABBINICAL GROUP DECLARES IN FAVOR OF SOCIAL REFORM "Socialized Democracy" Advocated by Central Conference of American Rabbis


P To Furnish "Fireworks" at Highland The main "fireworks" for the Highland Country Club golfers on the Fourth of July will be the "President's" and "Vice-President's" team play in the morning. The members of the losing team will buy the dinners for the members of the winning team at the July stag, to be held later in the month. The two teams are headed by Abe Herzberg, Highland president, and Sam J. Leon, vice-president. Those matches which are not played July 4th will be played as soon after as possible. The matches: "Presidents" "Vice-Presidents" Abe Herzberg vs. Sam Leon Abe Brodkey vs. Julian Milder Marvin Treller vs. Mickey Krupin-


Vol. X—No. 22

Recreation for Earlier Deadline Jewish Old Folks for Next Week As the print shop will be closed Wednesday . on account of the Fourth of July holiday, all news items and articles for next week's issue of the Jewish Press must reach the office by 6 p. m. Tuesday, July 3. !

The first of the series of recreational outings for the inmates of the local Jewish Old People's Home was held last Tuesday. It was so thoroughly enjoyed by the old folks that similar affairs will be held at least once a week during the summer. The next drive and outing will be held next Monday. The volunteers who offered their automobiles will rotate the use of their cars. Those volunteers whose automobiles will be used Monday are A. D. Frank, L Zimman, and Dr. M. I. Gordon. Tuesday the old folks were taken for a long motor drive, and then to Elmwood Park, where they spent the afternoon. Refreshments were served. Mrs. B. A. Simon heads the committee in charge.


Fred White, a past president, will Wernersville, Pa. ( J T A ) — The officiate at the installation of the membership of the Central ConferOmaha will be well/represented at newly-elected officers of the Omaha Says Most Germans ence of American Rabbis closed the the sixty-sixth annual convention of Hebrew club at a large open meeting forty-fifth annual convention of the District Grand Lodge No. 6 of the Oppose Race Hatred to be held at the J. C. C. auditorium. B'nai Brith, to be held at Grand organization with the re-election of The general public is invited. Kalinin Makes Statement on Rapids, Mich., July 1, 2, 3 and 4. Rabbi Samuel E. Goldenson, of Tem"Intelligent Autonomy of Biro ple Emanu-el, New York, as presiBen E. Kazlowsky is the new pres- New York (JTA). Henry Monsky, Sam Beber, and Bidjan ident Other officers: Jack D. Gaven- Germans with whom | l conversed -in dent of the group. Dr. A. Greenberg are members of the Berlin andother parts of Germany man, vice-president; John Feldman, general committee. Other official Features of the convention which Moscow (WNS) — Plans for fur- delegates from the local lodge who treasurer; and Sol Rosenberg, secre- felt that the Nazi regime gave them was attended by some 150 rabbis nothing. People in teral are not in thering the development of Birobid- will attend include Isadore Abramson, tary. Trustees are L. Morgan, A. ; were: jan, newly proclaimed autonomous Max M. Barish, Philip M. Klutznick, Richards, and N. Yaffe. On the ex- sympathy with the j r Hitlerite antiThe adoption of a resolution callJewish region, will be mapped out at Irvin C. Levin and Irvin Stalmaster. ecutive committee are Sam E. Klaver, Semitic program, wl ich promised a ing for ' virulent leadership against the national conference of the GezIrvin Levin and Dr. A. A. Steinberg. millenium that-they se failed to maAmong the features on the convenihe Hitler menace of Germany. terialize," declared t » Rev. Dr. Will erd, quasi-official body for the settle- tion' business agenda is the election Included on the program will be The report of the Social Justice sky Houghton.-pastortpf the Calvary ment of Jews on the land, which of district delegates to the conclave Cantor E. Sells, Dr. L Dansky and H. Commission, headed by Eabbi Sidney Lou Somberg vs. Ernie Nogg Baptist church, on has return from Hadassah Head to opens here at the end of this month. of the Constitutional Grand Lodge, to Leonard Korney. E. Goldstein, which endorsed the pol- E. Widman vs. Morton Hiller Europe. ; Among.the important points on the he held in Washington, D. C, in Kazlowsky will give an address in icies of President Roosevelt, came out Les Simon vs. Al Mayer Broadcast Monday agenda t>f the parley is the question April, 1935. English, and L Morgenstern will "I can't say that j[ saw much in for social reform and urged the ad- Ed Kiaus vs. I. B. Zimman of Jewish immigration to Birobidjan On Monday, July 2, Mrs. Samuel Germany that I couldj commend. Conoption of laws against child labor H. Kulakofsky vs. Max Cohen __ speak in Yiddish. The Omaha B'nai Brith lodge has ditions are getting wojrse," Dr. Hough- W. Halprin, national president of from abroad. A representative of the nominated as delegates Henry Monand the establishment of old age and Max Barish vs. Nathan Jacobs recently organized Friends of Biroton said. In Austria,? Czechoslovakia Hadassah, who recently returned from retirement pensions. The report also Sam Beber vs. J. J. Friedman sky, Sam Beber and Dr. A. GreenTo Lead Medical Group and other parts of me continent he Palestine, will broadcast over an ex- bidjan, a Polish Jewish group, will berg. urged new methods of taxation and Joe Bonoff vs. H. Binswanger attend the conference. Chicago.—Dr. Julius H. Hess, -well- observed a growth of ' anti-Jewish tensive network of the NBC urged the increase of surtaxes, in- Izzie Schlaifer vs. Morris Katleman An important discussion will Her address will be made from known Jewish specialist in treatment feeling, which he attributed to the In conjunction with the forthcom- be had on the district's plans for parheritance taxes and taxes on corpo- Harlan Milder vs. Hymie Ferer rate surpluses. A socialized state Paul Blotcky vs. Philip Klutznick of children's diseases, was selected "Nazi contagion," although, he ex- station WEAF in New York, at 3:30 ing convention it is reported that ticipation in the tremendous worldwhich would take over the banks and Harold Farber vs. Manning Hand- as president of the Chicago Medical plained, most countries are develop- p. m., Eastern Standard Time, (2:30 2,508 Jews migrated to Birobidjan wide membership campaign for the from various parts of Russia since B'nai Brith, to be held in honor of p. m. Omaha time). Society. ing their own Fascism. railroads and which exercised strinler that region was officially proclaimed Dr. Alfred Cohen, president of B'nai gent control over public utilities was Morris Milder vs. Morris Ferer a Jewish territory. The rush of Jews Brith, whose seventy-fifth birthday also urged. Phil Laserowitz vs. Leo Nogg to Birobidjan is so great that the will occur on October 19, 1934. In A resolution against what were de- Dr. Philip Levey vs. Mickey Katieplanned figures for Jewish immigra- observance of his birthday, it is scribed as "the developing trends, man tion are almost exhausted. hoped that 25,000 new members are communism on the left and fascism Julius Newman vs. Ben Silver obtained for the order. on the right" was introduced by Eab- Morris Jacobs vs. William Eacusin KALININ STATEMENT bi Goldstein that advocated the "so- Dr. B. M. Kully vs. Morris Levey The district convention will be atHew York (WNS)—The full text tended by delegates and visitors cialized democracy" that is in the Allan Kohn vs. Maurice Micklin of the statement made by Michael I. from four Canadian provinces, North center. Al Wohlner vs. Dr. A. Greenberg Kalinin, president of the Union of and South Dakota, Nebraska, WisThe peace committee reported, and Eddie Rosen vs. Harry Trastin Socialist Soviet Republics, to a dele- consin, Illinois, Iowa, Michigan and the convention adopted a seyen-point Milton Livingston vs. Lloyd Malagation of Jewish leaders who called Minnesota. peace program. Besides a plea for By RAYMOND MOLEY (Reprinted from "Today") shock on him to express thanks for the The Pantlind hotel -will be headimmediate ratification of the World Harry Rubenstein vs. Louis Kuproclamation of Birobidjan as an auCouit protocols, the following were Chancellor Hitler recently told an T were given. This ifras but another is proved by the fact that she em- tonomous Jewish region, has been re- quarters for the conclave. Registralakofsky urged: American newspaper correspondent way of saying that'she could be de- ployed her foreign balances to buy ceived here by the Seven Arts Fea- tion of delegates and visitors will be Max Chapman vs. Dave Cohn A request that the government Harold Brodkey vs. Sam Swartz that there were two things about pended upon to meet the payments up bonds held abroad and not to statement fol- held Saturday night, June 30. A general committee meeting will be state the terms on which it would William Grodinsky vs. Abe Gold- which he knew nothing—internation- on her debts to other nations. The meet the service on her debts. In the • join a Tevised League of Nations; a al affairs and economics. This mere- other nations gave their assent and United States she saw the opportu- "The transformation of Birobidjan held that evening, also. stein . • request for the investigation of the Sam Herzberg vs. Reuben Kulak- ly confirms a fact already understood again a full agreenjent was entered nity, in the depreciation of her se- into an independent province is of In addition to the reception, banarms and munitions industry; advoby those who know present-day Ger- into, without compulsion and without curities in our market and in the de- great economic significance for this quet, and other customary convenofsky cacy of the arms embargo resolution; Jerome Heyn vs. William Yousem many—that it was the policies of Dr. the imposition of tprms. predation of the dollar in terms of rich and as yet quite unexploited re- tion entertainment, the Grand Rapid* a plea for the-postponement of fur- Maurice Cohn vs. H. €henriack Hjalmar Schactit tKat directed the Under the circaistances, the first tie mark, to repatriate her bonds gion in which there are huge timber committee is arranging a pleasant ther naval construction until" after Bert Hene vs. J. Cherniack for both B'nai Brith mem* course of events leading to the recent charge upon Germany's financial re- held in this country at an incredibly and large ore deposits, includ- program the. 1935 naval conference; energetic Qene Blazer, vs. E. Engel 1 ^ ;; suspension of Germany's debt serv- sources should have been. the meet- low figure. She was able to pick up areas bers and their wives. ing goldj_ Coming to Birobidjan from support-; of. the World Disarinameht Dave Blacker" vs.- ftave- Goldman ices. The fantastic -career of this fi- ing of services upon'these debts. But these obligations on a-basis of some- the old, out-of-the-way townships, The ^annual banquet and dance wUl Conference along the lines urged by Mel Sommer vs. Al Fiedler nancier offers a background with- the deliberate culpability of Germany where near 30 per cent. Bankers es- the Jewish toilers will be able to g'et be held Tuesday evening, July S* The thlk-dSnmltte'i; and an appeal for Dr. M. Greenberg vs. I. Chapman which this recent action thoroughly timate that something more than on their feet. In looking upon the convention will conclude WednesdiijrJ larger appropriations for the Depart- A display of fireworks will be held harmonizes. three hundred million dollars of these f o r m a t i o n o f a j e w i s h autonomous July 4, with the election of officers. ment of State to function also as a in the evening. It is true that the action is not a bonds have been repatriated in this p r o v i n c e j ta k e a i ong . ^ ^ - j ^ ^ j . . peace body. repudiation of all German debts, nor way during the past two yeais. cumstance that under tsarism the The resolutions committee reports Despite the use off her even a wholesale postponement of all h resources in Jews were not permitted to live in adopted by the conference hailed evithis sordid business of bargain-hunt- the cities and were shut in the small German payments. It does not apply dence of increasing unity in Jewish ing, however, it is incredible that townships created, I should say, a to short-term credits or to the solife as symbolized by the activities Germany does not still have sufficient compulsory isolation and conserved called stand-still credits held by tbe of the United Jewish Appeal. . resources to maintain payments on t h e a b i l i t i e s o f t h e j e w ish population, Atlanta, Ga. (JTA). — Klansmen American banks. But these excepThe conference reaffirmed approvthe Dawes and Young bonds. If there B u t n o w tremendous prospects are from all parts of the country will tions are made, merely to protect al of the Joint Consultation Council Germany's immediate self-interest, as Berlin (WNS)—Vigorously defend- is not enough money for this, cer- opened up before the toiling Jews, gather here August 14, 15 and 16 to to protect the rights of their brethparticipate in the seventh "Imperial they are absolutely necessary to a there should have been a more I particularly le Jewish youth. ren now being persecuted by the Assassination of Cabinet Mem- maintenance of even a semblance of ing the publication of such notorious tainly frank disclosure of foreign balances "Personally I consider that Biro- Klonvokation" of the Knights of the anti-Semitic papers as Der StuerNazis in Germany and other lands of foreign trade. bidjan will become, in about ten Ku Klux Klan, according to the June mer, Chancellor Adolf Hitler, in an than any we have had. ber Stirs Government oppression. Support was pledged the Something over a year ago, Dr. years, the custodian of Jewish na- issue of the Kourier, monthly publiSo far as this country is concerninterview with Vernon Bartlett of to Action "United Jewish Appeal and other ored, the moratorium applies to one the London News-Chronicle, warhel Schacht was in this country. He was tional culture, Jewish in form but so- cation of the organization. ganizations engaged in the upbuildWarsaw (WNS) — While Poland hundred and sixteen issues with a the world that if the boycott against informed in the most forcible terms, cialist in content. Birobidjan, or the In reporting an address by Daniel ing of Palestine as a national Jewish still mourned for Bronislaw Pieracki, face value of $1,045,582,700. It should Germany continued she would be not only officially, but privately, how Jewish autonomous province, should F. Cohalan, former Supreme Court homeland. public opinion in the United States be a strong country, the population justice, at a breakfast of the Knights minister of the interior, who was as- be noted further that approximately forced to retaliate. would regard a repudiation of obliThe conference, in another resolu- sassinated by two unknown members 40 per cent of Germany's foreign which will not have the peculiar of Columbus at the Hotel Astor in Without mincing words, the Nazi gations on the part of Germany. No of tion, expressed its "profound joy" at of the anti-Semitic National Radical indebtedness is held in the United little traits that were inherent in the New York, in which the speaker chieftain told the British newspaper words that he now phrases to explain downtrodden backward Jewish popu- urged members of the Catholic faith ihe economic, cultural and social party, the Polish cabinet ordered the States. man that Germany was 100 per cent the recent suspension of debt seivprogress in Palestine. The resolution establishment of three concentration lation of the townships in the Uk- to display the same united effort in "rejoiced to note that Palestine has camps for the isolation of all rioters It is difficult to see how an inter- behind him and that her people would ices can carry conviction in the face raine, Poland and White Russia un- demanding their rights and obtaining national obligation could be supportdevise means of finding substitutes | o f t h e d e U b e r a t e pursuit of this proved to be a haven for many Jews, and agitators. Nearly 1,000 grayder tsarism. It will be a steady and a position of power in this country p wnd urged the Mandatory power in shirted followers of the National Rad- ed by more substantial moral assur- for foreign goods if the world con- course of action, despite strong population. It will be the pio- as American Jews have done, the a full apance than that originally accorded tinued to boycott Germany. He dethese days of stress and crisis for icals and. their allies, the National neer to master a new region. Not magazine deplores the "pillaging of preciation of what the attitude of Israel, to facilitate in every possible Democrats, have been arrested in na- by Germany to the loans based upon clared that the Nazi regime is here this country • was likely to be. rapaciously, not colonially, but in a our heritage by these two enemies of the Dawes and Young plans. The to stay and denied he intended to go way the settlement of an increasing tionwide raids on anti-Semitic headworkers' fashion, in a collective farm j| Americanism." Germany has willfully destroyed Dawes plan and the loan based upon either left or right. number of Jews in Palestine in ac- quarters. Anti-Semites are being takfashion will it master ihe riches of' Entitled "Catholics and Jews Fight her own credit. In a nation where 40 it resulted from the consultation of cordance, "with the program of the en into custody on sight. The ruthWhile Hitler was thus indicating twenty-four nations — among whom his unrelenting attitude to the Jews per cent of all industry is devoted to the new province. to Control the United States," the Jewish Agency." less measures adopted by the govern- Germany sat as an equal for the first "I was told by a comrade who rearticle says: "The prediction has been the production of capital goods and Besides the re-election of Rabbi ment cleared the streets of the anti- time after the war. There was no and asserting that the people, back where the substantial majority of all cently returned from the Far East made frequently in the Kourier that ihim to the limit, events in Germany such goods must be sold abroad, this j and who had visited Birobidjan that if patriotic Americans did not coGoldenson to the presidency. of the Semitic hooligans who have been runCentral Conference of American Rab- ning riot for weeks. For more than compulsion, no imposition of terms. | j b e l i e d j ^ con fi,j eil ce. From many action of Germany's is nothing short its collective farmers are already ordinate their efforts, the fate of hJs, the following were also elected 72 hours there has not been a single Germany entered into the agreement ; p a r t s o f t n e COUntry there came fair- of suicidal. Without credit abroad mastering that region. They live in this nation would'be decided by s freely. It gave her three things she ly reliable ieports that the storm to office: incident in Poland. did not have that were necessary for troops, backbone of the Nazi regime, there can be no sales abroad. Except fairly well-built houses. Small facto- fight between the Eoman Catholic inRabbi Felix A. Levy of Chicago, anti-Semitic »r the goods she can consume at ries are being established. The ma- ternational, political hierarchy and Among those caught in the governvice-president; Rabbi Samuel Gup of ment dragnet was Jan Mosdorf, gray- her very existence in the modern were manifesting rebellious signs. home, she is practically at an end in- terial basis is growing up for the the International Jew political-ecoworld—credit, currency and a central Threats of mutiny and instances of dustrially. Columbus, Ohio, Rabbi Issac E. Mar- shirt leader. further development of the region, nomic-money power. This battle for cuson of Macon, Ga., secretaries; The cabinet decree providing for bank. It gave to a nation that had violence against storm troop com- This is a sacred obligation that all the more so since the population control of America, a nation builded fall into economic chaos and incredmanders pour into Berlin. So insistRabbi Harry S. Margolis of St. Paul, the establishment of concentration ible social confusion the opportunity ent have these rumors become that Germany has impaired. She has re- is imbued •with a healthy and cheer- by white Protestant Gentiles is now Minru, treasurer. . •',..-. camps empowers the government to to re-establish itself. not only her debts, bat the ful spirit. Birobidjan must be assist- in full swing, as the following newsthe government has found it neces- pudiated detain without trial for three months pledged honor of her government and ed in every way, creating at first lo- paper article evidences. While we are to issue denials that there have her people. cal trades to provide for its own not averse to these two enemies of all those charged with rioting and On May 4, 1924, the German peo- sary Nazi Insurers Beg anti-government o u t b r e a k s needs and, later on, with the strength- Americanism fighting each other to disturbing public order. This decree ple, in a solemn referendum, passed been their national obligation under among storm troop detachments. Halt from Stoners is believed to be only the first step upon ening of the Jewish autonomous the destruction of both," the magaMeanwhile rumors of a military province by the efforts of the local zine frankly asseits, "yet it is pitiin a concerted effort to suppress the the Dawes plan, which was a direct Prague (JTA).—Losses of insur- National Radicals and the National issue in the election. Consequently, dictatorship to replace the Nazi reSoviet and party organizations and ful to see our heritage thus pillance companies from stonings by Democrats, both of which are as there stands, or stood, behind the gime continue to agitate the country. growth of the proletariat, the gener- aged." Nazis of windows of Jewish store3 much anti-Semitic as they are anti- Dawes loan (and there was renewed From a source close to the exiled al well-being of the province on a j ^ — in the Young plan) the pledge of the Kaiser came a report that plans for and homes in the Reich are such that government. large scale will undoubtedly grow] f p w i c f i the companies are making a public Meanwhile, the anti-Semites have full faith and credit of the German the proclamation of a military gov- J. Riklin was chosen president of appeal declaring that Jews are not been sedulously spreading a rumor people. No obligation could be more ernment which would oust Hitler and the newly formed Progressive He- apace. Comzete (Jewish. "At Settlement present the suffering from the stonings, since that Pieracki was killed by the Jews completely supported. It had the un- his entire clique were ready for ex- brew Club of Omaha at the election Land Committee) and Ozet derstanding and full approval of a of officers held Tuesday, June 26. at ecution at a moment's notice. AcGermans are ultimately shouldering in revenge for the recent visit of Dr. (Jewish Land Settlement Society) • cording to this plan, the first step the J. C. C. the burden of paying for the out- Paul Joseph Goebbels, Nazi propa- people. Hyman Goodbinder and Gertrude can and should play a big part, and be the proclamation of martial The other officers elected are: Dr. with the support of the toiling Jews I Eothkop, students at Creighton nnirages, it was reported here. . ganda minister. The Nazis allege Following the establishment of this will Insurance companies state that the that the Jews killed Pieracki because credit under the Dawes plan, the law by General Werner von Blom- L Dansky, vice-president; Mike Mol- of Moscow, Kharkhov and White ^ersity, were voted Creighton's repNazi shots are "hitting the WTong he refused to heed demands that creditor nations were given prefer- berg, minister of war, who is a non- kin, second vice-president; H. Bond- Russia, they must render both or- resentatives in a national collegiate and the immediate cessation of axin, secretary; S. Fried, treasurer. ganizational and cultural aid to the " H a l 1 °' Fame," according to results target." Goebbels be denied admittance to Po- ence as to transfers of foreign bal- Nazi, all anti-Semitic agitation.. Elected to the board of directors are Jewish autonomous province." announced last week. ances. As the years passed, there land. A ballot was printed in the Creigharose the necessity for a reconsider- On top of this sensational tumor 3. dayman, Dr. Leo Fellman, Louis Father of Omahans Lapp and M. Teplitsky. Harry Franton weekly paper and the students ation of Germany's relations with come indications that President von Mrs. A. I. Kulakf osky her creditors. The Young plan was Hindenburg has told Hitler that Ger- kel and Charles Canneld were named were asked to sign their names to Taken by Death the ballot and send in their nominathe result. It was more complex in many's economic future depends upon trustees. Dr. S. A. Osheroff is med- Levitan Presented Heads Auxiliary With Medal ical director. Joseph Cohn, father of Dave Cohn tion of a boy and a girl from their Mrs. A. L Kulakofsky was re- terms than the Dawes plan and cer- an immediate improvement in Gerand Miss Bess' Colin of Omaha, died elected tain of the reparations payments many's foreign relations, which in The purpose of the organization is Monroe, Wis.—In commemoration school. president of the Beth Hameearly Wednesday morning at Grinnell, drosh Hagodol Cemetery Auxiliary were included in-it. But, in the pres- turn is dependent on major changes health protection, educational and so- of his fifty years of membership, Contests were held in some fifty la., as the result ol a stroke. He was Solomon Levitan, of Madison, former coliege newspapers under the sponent matter, its most notable provi- in Nazi domestic policy. The aged cial. recently seriously :injured in an auto at the annual meeting held at the sion was that' there' should be no field marshal is said to have told Though less than three weeks old, state treasurer, has been presented sorship of the National Collegiate synagogue. • accident. •• _ • • - - • • a gold medal by Coneordia Digest. Mrs. R. Wright was re-elected preference as to transfers. Germany, Hitler frankly that the Nazi regime the organization has a membership with Funeral services and burial took lodge, No. 124, of the Odd Fellows The Digest is planning to publish of the policies that of close to a hundred. Regular meetestablished as a free nation, had must halt some secretary, Mrs/D." Siegel was elected : place Wednesday afternoon at Des this city. the pictures and activities of tbe and Mrs., Harry Tru* protested that it would reflect, upon have aroused the" enmity of ;the en- ings are held at the J. C. C. every of-Levitan Moines,.Ia| ( Boih Oiparlal' children{ ; frice-president, l Ll joined the lodge in 1884. winners in the various schools. tire world, ' •! Tuesday evening a t 8 ?>. to. • her honor if preferences-m transfers !an audilor. -'-—»-'• , —-* were present 'at'-the 'sertie'eb '







to "Hall of Fame"



Activities in J. C.C. Athletic Department The following have turned in their malifying score for the J. C. C. golf ournament: Irving Green, Joe Conn, Harry Chudacoff, Art. Lipp, Jake Adler, Harry Haykin and Louis Cohen. More entries are desired before play begins. Anyone interested is sked to call Lee Grossman, physical director at the Center, or Abe Brodkey, who is in charge of the tourey. Second round matches reported in hfr'JjC. C. horseshoe tournament up o : Tuesday night, are: Herb Marks efeated Nate Crounse; Lee Grossman defeated M. Goldberg, Jake Ader defeated Leo Blacker, Saul Levey efeated Art Lipp. In the Health Club singles volleyall tournament, Abe Brodkey and Lee Grossman have already reached he semi-finals and will dash to see who enters the -finals. The Center physical department will close at 1 pim. July 4. Therefore, the next mixed swim party will held Wednesday, July 11, at 8 m. in the Center natatorium.


sorship of the movies but against bringing their fellow Jews into disof movie they tyranny by the movie magnates, who grace through the type 1 are hiding behind the old subterfuge are now producing , they can bring that they are giving the public what credit upon their race by -producing it wants. The truth of the matter is films of decency and distinction. In a that they are not even giving the sense the producers are ambassadors theatre owners what they want, much of the Jewish people, just as every less the public. It is the same old individual Jew is an ambassador, for fallacy which newspaper editors are good or for bad. The worthwhile films wont to foist upon their critics now which have come out of Hollywood and then in justification for their —and they are not to be under-rated There is developing throughout the sensationalism. They are not really —have brought distinction to the nation a three-faith campaign against giving the public what it wants, for Jewish people. These films have realunwholesome movies. The campaign I have never yet heard of any case ly been more successful than .have •was initiated by Catholics and has where the reader of a newspaper ad- the obnoxious ones, which belies the been, joined in increasing measure by dressed a letter to the editor stating statement that Hollywood is giving "please give us "more gruesome news the public what it wants. Protestants and Jews. of the movie I do not mean to imply that the of the latest hammer murder." I The demoralization today is one of the severest Jews should join the movie campaign have, on the. contrary, been familiar industry has ever been struck solely out of reasons of moral pur- with letters saying "please DO NOT blows which Jewish artistry,• the excelitanism. As a group the Jews are give .us any more gruesome news of 1 against lence of which is traditional. It is a not inclined to be puritans, nor are the latest hammer murder." The edi- blow to Jewish attainments in the Jerusalem (WNS). —Four Zionist tors create their papers as they want they reputed to be censors. The syncultural and artistic field. The pride Revisionists, including Aba Achiagogue has never attempted a policy them and not as the public wants with which Jews can point to their meier, were'found guilty in the Jaffa them. The public can react just as of authoritarianism based upon sup: accomplishments in music, sculp- district court of having attempted to pression, censorship or fiat. Rather; simply to a uniform decency as it is ture, in painting and in otherin artistic achieve their political ends by vioalleged to react to a uniform sensait has evolved a more devious though lence and using illegal metehods to fields will be counterbalanced by the tionalism. effective method of diffusing moralstir up opposition to the Palestine ity. This is the method of education. For the very same reasons the debit of the movies. government, and were sentenced to The duty of the Jews, then, goes The synagogue has built up a sys- movies are a tyranny. To say that eprison. tem of ethics which has, to a large the movie magnates are giving the beyond that of other citizens. They Achimeier was sentenced to 21 are faced with the double task of extent, immunized the Jew against public what they want is to imply months at hard labor. Chaim Dviri moral decadency. Added to this, the that the public, as well as the the- protesting against'the movies because received a sentence of 15 months at of their immoral influence, and of strict system of ethics in the Jewish atre owners, are all sadists or imhard labor. Ordinary imprisonment home- has served as a further bul- beciles. The very least which can be objecting to ± them -because of their of nine and three- months respectivesurrender of Jewish ideals. The Jewwark against many of our moral and said of many theatre owners is that ly was the punishment ordered for spiritual ills. Many Jews feel, there- they don't like the films they exhib- ish campaign against unwholesome facob OrensteLn and Joshua. Lichter. movies ..should, in consequence,, be fore, that a campaign against un- it. But they can do nothing about i t No verdict was issued in the case wholesome movies which may imply For there exists a tyranny which even more aggressive and vigorous of Dr. H. Yeiven, Revisionist editor, than that of Catholics or Protestants. suppression or censorship of this im- goes by the name of block booking. because of his illness. (Copyright, 1934, by Seven Arts portant educational medium is not in This means that the exhibitor is Moses Svorai was acquitted. Josef Feature Syndicate.) forced to buy bad films, along, with consonance with Jewish ways. Katzenelson had been acquitted pre- The answer to this is that the the good ones, so that he has no viously when the prosecution's case choice in the matter of the films he campaign is not directed toward cenexhibits. He is completely at the mer- Postpone Celebration against him collapsed. cy of the movie magnates. He is the The celebration of the twenty-fifth All of the accused were charged subject of a sort of celluloid fascism. anniversary of the Congregation of with being members of the Brith BirIt is acknowledged by every one, Israel in South Omaha, which was onyim, secret • Revisionist organizaand hardly denied by the movie pro- scheduled for this coming Sunday, tion,-and engaging in seditious activducers themselves, that the present- has been postponed' because Sunday ities. day output of films has a dangerous is the fast of Tanunoz. The date of Plans for the most extensive co- effect on the minds of children, that the observance will be announced ordinated advertising and selling it distorts American life in the eyes later. ;.;.' Mark Leon Says . . . campaign ever attempted by the elec- of the citizens of other countries and L e t m ep r o t e c t y o u r I n t e r e s t s . . . I will write ANY kind of INSURANCE In trical industry in the middle-west that it is becoming increasingly lewd. •tronc. reliable companies OKZ.Y. were outlined at a recent dinner giv- As a theatre goer, as a citizen interen by the Nebraska Power Company ested in the welfare of his country, OiSUBANCE and the Citizens Power and Light the Jew should combat these unCompany. More than 200 electrical wholesome films for all he is worth. 14«9 F«rnam; BOT. AT-7667 Res. WA-5150 dealers, jobbers and manufacture rep- He has a duty to protest against the resentatives of Omaha and Council perversion of. an educational' •medium Bluffs and their trade territories we're which can' go a long wayin'.creatirig Salonica- (JTA)—Owing to heavy guests. a national psychology. It is part of The campaign, it was explained, hi 1 citizenship to maintain that his immigration of Jews from Salonica moving in close co-ordination with all children and other people's children and other parts of Greece, Macedonia Spend More electrical dealers in the two cites and shall not be corrupted by distortions and Turkey in recent years, Salonica n all of the communities served by and perversions which are depicted has now become the largest Jewish the two power companies will cover as commonplaces. He has a right to city in the Balkans and in southern Europe, according to the latest offia period of months. insist that the films shall not show cial census, which shows the Jewish After pointing out that co-ordinat- America to be a nation of hedonists Get a New ed advertising and selling are not or law-breakers, when these films are population here to exceed €0,000. new in American industry, J. E. Dav- shown in other countries. In the face At the same time Salonica has asidson, president of the Nebraska of these corrupting influences the sumed the place occupied formerly by Constantinople as the chief center of Power Company and toastmaster at Jew cannot remain silent. Sephardic Jewish culture in southeastthe dinner, expressed the opinion But there is another important—a em Europe. At the same time there that such a program here should very important — reason why Jews is noted here a closer contact with the meet with unqualified success. "The time is opportune for the must combat unwholesome films. The Jews of northern Europe from whom utilities, the manufacturers, the deal- movie industry is to a large extent the Greek Jews have kept apart for a Jewish-controlled industry. It may centuries because of language differers and trades to join together in not controlled financially by Jews, ences, which are now being overcome this, the greatest selling opportunity but be the brains in the movie indus- by the large influx of German and in the history of our industry, and try are brains. The sins of other Ashkenazi Jews, speaking Gerwhich, in my opinion, could be devel- the movieJewish industry are therefore in man, Yiddish and English; the spread oped into the greatest co-ordinated large measure the sins of the Jews of Zionism, and more extensive use of selling and advertising promotion ac- who shape the policies of the films. Hebrew in conversation. * tivty n the history of American busThe crux of why the Jews must The great majority of the Jews in iness." fight for clean movies—it is a bat- Salonica and of the rest of Greece Roy Page, vice president and gen- tle ideals, for the teach- still speak a language foreign to the eral manager of the Nebraska Power ingsforof Jewish the synagogue. It is, in a northern Jew, according to the latest Company, the chief speaker, described word, a battle the important part low electric rates Jewish name. for the dignity of the statistical data. Sixty per cent of the Salonica Jews and all those of southwill play in the selling campaign. The battle must first be a defenGreece and of the Greek Islands In pointing out that electric rates sive battle. l£ calls for a repudiation ern speak dialect with an adin Omaha and Council Bluffs have on the part of .all Jews worthy of mixtureanofItalian Hebrew while the been reduced 62 per cent in the last the name, o£ their coreligionists In Jewish inhabitants words, of the northern 20 years, he said that the two cities the movie industry who are respon- Greek provinces, that is, the part now enjoy among the lowest rates in sible for the present plight of. the which formerly belonged to Turkey, teh United States. j films. speak Ladino—old Spanish interspersR. C. Geppert, chairman of the From this point on, the battle re- ed with Hebrew words. It is the lingOmaha Refrigeration Bureau, point- solves itself into one of self-expres- uistic difference that has kept the ed to the unusual sales record made The Jewish. movie producers Greek Jew isolated from the rest of by dealers in electric refrigerators in sion. must be made aware that instead of Jewry. Omaha and "Council Bluffs in the first five months of this year. Morris E. Jacobs, of Bozell and Jacobs, Inc., advertising representatives of the two companies, outlined the details of the intensive advertising and selling campaign which was actually launched at the dinner by the presentation of the first of a series of radio broadcasts. . • Hie Central Conference of American Rabbis at its last convention officially endorsed the campaign to ^cleanse the American monies . The author of this article, a wellinformed journalist, analyzes the reasons why Jews should participate aggressively in the campaign against unwholesome movies. —THE EDITOR.




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Many young folks learned to swim in the J. C. C. "Learn to Swimv campaign. Those passing the advanced swimmers' test: Donald Zernovsky, Harry Goodbinder, Leonard Lewis, Seaman Peltz, Ronald Lewis, Harry Wolf and Morris Bichlin. Those passing the beginners' test: Paul Crounse, Dave Richards, Norman Gendler, Bernard Trachtenbart, Richard Hoberman, Sol Marcus, Harry Goodbinder, Leonard Lewis, Ann Bergman, Barney Hahn, Hymie Holzman, Ann Rosen, Louise Miller, Seaman Peltz, Ronald Lewis, Jack Epstein, Harry Wolf, Irving Forbes, Dave Cole, Emanuel Himelstein, Morris Richlin, James Carson, Sol Susman, Joe Belmont. A large number of others learned how to swim or improved their swimming.

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3—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JUNE 29,1934 ijiiimimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiu: hof to -Chancellery*" by Dr.: Paul JCK-


seph Goebbels . . . Carl Byoir, Nazi press agent, may lose his publicity account with Doherty's Miami Biltmore hotel because the non-Aryan from The newly elected officers of the 5 following of the place resents Byoir's Thorpeian Athletic dub were in- Jerusalem (JTA).—The Mizrachi, The Sample nine regained the top ONE-DAY SERVICE 5 propagandizing of Hitlerism in this stalled at their regular meeting. orthodox Zionist g r o u p , officially rung in the J. C. C. Softball league IF REQUESTED withdrew from membership in the country . . . We are ashamed of this ladder by defeating the Peerless dia- Irvin C. Levin was in charge of the Vaad Leumi, the Jewish National item, but we must tell you that the 100% Cleaning by an Exclusive Rug | By PHMEAS J. BIEON 5 mondeers, 9 to 7, last Sunday. They installation, assisted by Dr. A. A. Council of Palestine. g Cleaner Cohens again take up the largest have now won six and lost one, while Steinberg and Lou Myers. -The action, which had been im^lllllIUlllIlIIiilUllllllIinUlllllllllllIIIlR amount of space in the summer edi- the Peerless have six wins against The new officers: H. Z. Bernstein, president; Iz pending for some time, was taken tion of New York's telephone book two losses. POOR PUTZI Elewitz, vice-president; Sam Zwie- because "the Assefath Hanivcharim, To be exact, there are twenty Among the major tragedies of reThe Psi Mu kept third place, a back, secretary; D. Finkle, treasurer; the Jewish elected assembly has not The Kellys game behind the Peerless, by squelchcent weeks was the one which occur- columns of Cohens succeeded in finding any way of red on that sunny morning when Dr. have fallen hopelessly behind, with ing the A. Z. A., 19 to 5. The Sei- Morris M. Franklin, reporter. bringing all parts of the Yishub The club is planning an active "Putzi" Hanfstaengl was hauled off only four and a half columns of list- ner Furniture strengthened its posi(the Jewish population) into- the summer program, including a Sunthe S. S. Europa before she (we ings . • . . Sidney Franklin, Brook- tion in fourth by staging a comeKnesseth Israel (Palestine Jewish mean the boat) reached the pier, in lyn's Jewish bull fighter, has. not giv- back to defeat the Wardrobe team, day all-day tour to various towns and community organization)." points of interests; also a swimming He is prepar- 12 to 10. order to protect Hitler's boy-friend en up bull killing party and dance to be held shortly. Another reason cited for this step from angry anti-Pascists who had ing to put in a couple of busy years in the official statement announcing The schedule for.next Sunday, all Our both side dusting and washing process ia the only i organized themselves into a "recep- in the bull fighting centers of the games to start at 11 a. m l withdrawal was that "the Vaad Leu100% cleaning process for your rugs—restores the oolor • world We're told that the NaBloch's Sacred Service tion, committee" . . . Dolly Hitler's mi is in fact entirely under the conand nap like new—all rugs sized and handfinishod. Peerless vs. Psi Mu, West Elmpet pianist (yes, we mean Putzi), we tional "Council of Jewish Women did Music in Milan trol of the Histadruth (Jewish labor Omaha'* Largett Plant are informed, had to dress so hur- not like the paragraph written by wood; Wardrobe vs. Samples, East Milan—A spirited ovation greeted federation of Palestine)." for Carpet Cleaning, riedly on that occasion that he didn't our colleague Martha Neumark about Elmwood; Seiners vs. A. Z. A., 22nd the production of Ernest Bloch's Sewing, Repairing and have the time or the calm to put in the elimination of Estelle Sternberg- and Paul. "Avodath Hakodesh" at the premiere Laying. rom thee Council Council .. . . The execuhis dental plates before the news eerr ffrom ™ of the symphonic season of the Scala v e The Psi Mu fraternity will hold its photographers snapped his picture ^ ^dies insist that Estelle left of di Milano. installation of newly-elected officers . .- . P o o r Putzi . . .Adolf will b e | h e r o w n accord, and that her succesBloch himself conducted the Monday. Leo Brown is the new presisor Ma G 60 mad and, who knows, might d i - i ' MpJ>' - Schonberg, is The breakfast of the Junior Vaad "Sacred Service," which is a setting "' voice you. I more than filling her place as ex- organizations, which was scheduled of: the reformed Sabbath morning dent. The fraternity sponsored a sucecutive secretary of the National to be held this coming Sunday, has liturgy for baritone, chorus and or- cessful steak fry last Monday evechestra. been indefinitely postponed. SCALLIONS AND ORCHIDS Council of Jewish Women. ning. Scallions to: Mrs. James Roosevelt, mother of the President, for travel- BACKSTAGE Francis Lederer, whose screen staring on the S. S. Europa . . . And to Elizabeth Allen, British screen star, dom has not materialized although for coming to Hollywood on a Nazi i he is the best-looking actor on this liner . . . And to the members of continent (yes, he is Jewish), has the Princeton varsity crew, as well one pet ideal: World peace . . . as to the graduates of the Naval Pierre Weitheimer, the French JewAcademy who sailed for Europe on ish stable magnate was best man at a North German Lloyd liner . . . the wedding of Laura La Plante and And to Armand E. Goldreich, who is Irving Asher in Paris the other day OMAHA'S STYLE CENTER said to have done profitable business . . . We hear that Elizabeth Bergtrying to sell Nazi patronage to bus- ner, the German Jewish actress, has inessmen and professionals of the made such a deep impression on LonJUS Jewish faith in the Reich . . . Or- don that Sir James Barrie is writing chids to: The Sunday Mirror of New a play for her Elizabeth will be York for that little article-ette which required to speak with a Scottishspoke about "traveling to Europe— English accent Nannette Guilwith a difference" and pointed out ford, ex-wife of Max Rosen, the viothe terrorism which keeps people linist, and herself once a Metropolifrom sailing on Nazi boats . . . And tan Opera singer, did not click in to Justine Wise Tulin, daughter of musical comedy, and has been reRabbi Stephen S. Wise, who could placed in "Caviar," which featured not restrain herself from attending tier before the premiere . The the Miller Parlor Furniture Company Pennsylvania coal mines, and not the 'strike, picketing in Jersey City, and polished dancing floor of the Petrojwas arrested And to Eeuben grad ballet, will be the locale of Paul Brainin, veteran fighter, who public- Muni's next flicker . . . Libby Holly approved of the Biro-Bidjan dec- man's return to the theatre in that laration, though he knew that the small role on that little stage was a pack of fanatics would start a bar- feeler anticipatory of her real enrage of calumnies. tree on Broadway next season . . . It wasn't a trial of her abilities, but of the reaction of the audience :and BEHIND THE NEWS Albert. Gollman, former commis- press. to her Reynolds tribulations That Anglo-Jewish daily transsioner of plants and structures of the jCity of New York, has a good chance lated that Max Baer article from the (to get the postmastership of' the Yiddish without knowing that in its great metropolis, thanks to General- original form it had been an English dssimo Farley . . . Judge William feature syndicated by the Seven ''M. Lewis of Philadelphia will never Arts, and thus unintentionally boostforgive himself for not having de- ed its rival's product,. , . Which ..Reclared his independence of the Vare minds us that Max Baer has given machine at the last municipal elec- up whisky and is concentrating—on tions . . . If he had he would be a champagne. Ikey man, and one of the really big (bosses in the overhauled Pennsyl(Copyright, 1934, by Seven Arts vania Republican machine . . . Henry Feature Syndicate.) .Morgenth.au, Jr., will spend the whole ,V-_ month of July in New York, to get ' on more personal terms with the banks and bankers of our great city. . . Aldermanic President Bernard S. Deutsch of New Yorkv will have to give up his dream of sliding from the uncomfortable chair of the Fusion administration to a more dignified bench in the supreme court in .the near future . . . He is not in line . . . Congressman Samuel Dick.Stein's private battle with local communists, who are picketing his house, is more funny than anything else General Agent . . . Dickstein frequently engages in The names of famous courtiers are associated with each of these 3k, 7320 conversational quips from his win- 338-340 Electric Bldg. fashions, and they have the best of manners, so that you can wear dow, telling the leaders of the picketeers to quit and call it a day, or them in the most swanky company! Style is, after all, of paramount be deported . . . The joke of the interest to you, but you may also consider that these little fashions matter is that Dickstein really is are exquisitely fashioned of admirable fabrics, and that they're so trying to deport them. gloriously cool you'll almost forget you have clothes on!



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Joseph J» Pink

EINSTEENIANA Here's a funny, if perhaps apocryphal story, that has emanated from the little New England town where Professor Albert Einstein is vacationing . . . The professor, finding tljat he had to leave his study for a time, and remembering that he had an appointment within a very few rJlnutes, left a note on the door saying: "Dr. Einstein will be back in a quarter hour." . . . Fifteen minutes later the professor returned, saw the note on the door—and remained in the hall waiting for himself to get back.

( ! f

COMME CI, COMME CA Dr. Paul Joseph Goebbels, minister of propaganda and enlightenment, announced the first selection of Germany's "book of the month" club . . . The title reads "Prom Kaiser-



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THE JEWISH PRESS Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by

THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Subscription Price, one year - - - - - . - - - - V $2.50 Advertising rates furnished on application Editorial Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building. Sioux City Office—Jewisn Community Center DAVID BLACKER - - - - - - Business and Managing Editor FRANK R. ACKERMAN - - - - - - Editor FANNIE KATELMAN - « - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent ANN PILL - - - - - - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent Print Shop Address: 1307 Howard Street

The Week in Review Cleaning the Movies


of "one big union", and not on the completely eliminating what little his cut-throats got into power they openly and brazenly proceedtrade or craft division familiar in of Communism there may have been ed, to disregard the very conditions upon which their acceptance in Palestine. our own American labor system. One of the most novel things about hinged. Pledges, inviolate contracts meant nothing to them . . . THE PRETZEL POLISHERS the Histadruth is the way it does in short, they were and are opportunists. So, in this situation, Labor reformers of a more fund- things itself rather than calling upon, the chances are that they will conciliate and seemingly give way amental sort have always advocated the goverment. For instance, there in policy as little as possible, and wait their further opportunity. the "one big union" plan, but they By DAVID SCHWARTZ never seem able to get their pet reBut, being opportunists, it is fairly safe to predict that they will (Continued on Page 8.) form achieved. I believe the initial not give up their stranglehold. And fascism so lends itself to proponent of the "one big union" idea HIS SPEECHES dictatorship that the cry of the populace need not be heeded. in America was Daniel De Leon, a TRUE man, who as we have before noted- in Paxton Mitchell Co. An analysis of the present situation in Germany would prob- CAME Ida Flatow tells this one about a this department, exerted through his Grey Iron, Aluminum and ably size matters up thus: the industrialists and Junkers are fear- Zionist speaker who made his first writings, no little influence on Lenin. Bronze Castings s visit to Palestine last year. ful of the "leftist" advances in Germany as a result of Hitler's De Leon was in the habit of mockWood and Metal Patterns When he arrived in Palestine, he ing at the trade division of Ameripolicies. Dissatisfaction with a fascist dictatorship turns the was greatly pleased with what he 2614 Martha St. HA. 5523 can labor. "The pretzel polishers, masses to the other extreme. The industrialists and the Junkers saw. "My," he exclaimed, "Its as the horse tail scrubbers'* he wrote, supported Hitler as against the Reds—but where Hitler was form- good as I said in my American Zion- mocking the way labor divided itself speeches. I never would have here. erly their hope, he is now their fear. And when Von Papen ist NATIONAL believed it." speaks, he is supposedly speaking for those interests. The crux The Zionist's speeches had come NOT COMMUNISTIC ACCESSORIES, Inc. of the situation is that Germany is economically seriously ill. The true. It reminds one of William Jen- While tile "one big union" idea has EVERYTHING moratorium on payment of German debts and the threat of Dr. ing Bryan's remark during the course radical implications, the fact is that For the Auto of the Florida boom. Bryan said tiie Histadruth in Palestine is very Hj aimer Schacht that Germany would retaliate against any coun- then: "Florida is the only place 2051 Fatnan AT. 5524 In fact the growth of the tries seeking forced collection through clearing houses, together where a man can tell a lie in the moderate. Histadruth has almost resulted in with the quickly diminishing gold coverage tell a vivid story of morning, and find at night fall that how ill Naziland is economically. In this phase of Hitlerland's he has spoken the truth." suffering lies the real hope for Adolph's fading from the scene. SWIMMING IN No one can really tell how long Hitler will last. No one can JERUSALEM TEMPLE About two years ago, the estimable predict what will follow Hitler—whether it will be Von Papen, a Mrs> Hanna Salomon' a leader i n return to the Republic,* a monarchy* a limited monarchy. If and' philanthropy within the Reform wing when Hitler falls, it will relieve the onus weighing down German visited Palestine. When there, she asked about the Temple with Jewry, but they will surely not enter a sudden Paradise—the pois- was which she was connected. onous seeds of hate and bigotry sewn so assiduously and implant- "Tell me, what do you do in your ed so deeply cannot be eradicated by a year or two or even within temple?" she was asked. "Do you swim or do you pray?*' a decade. Well, the story can now be about-


A three-faith movement of Catholics, Protestants and Jews has been inaugurated to "cleanse the American movies." Impetus to the Jewish activity on behalf of the movement was given by the pledge of the Central Conference of American Rabbis,^ and the Synagogue Council of America to co-operate fully in eliminating the unwholesomeness which pervades the movie productions being foisted on the public. The Jewish citizens of this country should aggressively be in the forefront in this impending battle to cleanse the movies. "In* stead of having to wait until someone else suggested the idea, the Jewish people should have taken the initiative in starting a crufaced, for the new synagogue erected in Jerusalem under the auspices of sade to muster public opinion in forcing a change of the present Educated Gentlemen? the United Synagogue of America status of the talking pictures. The place to start cleaning house is one of those combination synA disquieting bit of hews came from Canada this past week. is in your own home. Though the financial control of the movie agogue and social centers- and now industry is seemingly passing out of Jewish hands, it is an unden- Dr. Sam Rabinovitch was appointed to the interne staff of the you can even swim in the Jerusalem iable fact that Jewish brains and Jewish executives have a great Notre Dame Hospital in Montreal, and the French-Canadian in- synagogue. deal to say in the shaping of movie policies, in the selection and ternes of that hospital went on strike for the sole reason that Dr. MAX VS. ADOLF production of the imbeeilic and immoral showings which have Rabinovitch Was Jewish. The "French-Canadian internes of other Hiss Bertha Pollock writes to sugthat now that the Hebrew boy, flooded the silver screen—the sins of the film industry are in a hospitals soon joined in the strike out of sympathy for their gest Max Baer has won the championship Notre Dame colleagues. large degree the sins of these Jewish movie producers. These Jewhe next meets Adolf Hitler at MadiThe hospital authorities would not tolerate such behavior, son Square Garden. It's a good idea. ish producers are flaunting their Jewish heritage, are surrendercould be assured of a sell-out ing their Jewish ideals in order to .pander to the lowest instincts of with the result that all the striking internes where suspended. In Hitler house for the occasion. Of course, he the meantime, hundreds of sick patients in the hospitals were the human being. To this the Jewish people have a right and a would have to arrange in advance duty to protest most vehemently—those movie plenopotentiaries without adequate attendance, and although urged to "stand pat" just where he wanted the remains are not acting as Jews and should be informed that they must Dr. Rabinovitch heroically resigned in order to alleviate, as he put of his non-Aryan body sent. It might be an idea to let Max change their methods or be ostracized. These producers are it, the suffering and misery heinjj undergone by the hospital meet Hitler and Dr. Goebbels at the patients. breeders of anti-Semitism and should be cleaned out from the same time. There couldnt be much The serious aspect of the interne strike is that these strikers difference, presumably. house of Israel; they are a disgrace to Jewry and have no right were physicians, "educated" men, doctors who were willing to GLORY FOR ALL to bear the Jewish name! betray their profession and sacrifice the lives of the patients in A. H. Fromenson writes to deny The seriousness of battling for cleaner movies cannot be overcolumn's statement that there emphasized. The effect of the lewd and unwholesome scenes, their hospitals in order to "teach" the hospital authorities that this was a "run in" between Richards to engage a Jewish interne is un-Canadian. If these "higher especially upon our children and those who are very impressionand himself as to who was the first able, cannot be measured in its devastating power. The distortion stratum" individuals are so thoroughly bigoted and inhuman, it is Jewish columnist. "There's glory enough for both of us," declares A. of our American life on the screen and the making of crime and not difficult to understand why the Goglus and.other rabid anti- H. F. and adds that we were further immorality into the commonplace goes a long way toward creat- Semitic organizations have gained a foothold in Quebec among wrong in saying that Samson was the of Prime Minister first columnist, since he' pulleu the ing a national psychology, a detrimental national outlook. In con- "illiterates,' 'despite the pronounced liberalism &v Efennett and of Provincial Premier Tascherau. house down with a colum. trast, consider the good which can be done with the movies. It "Tic first columnist," says A. H. F. is the greatest educational instrument and affords an unusual op"was Mrs. Lot. How salty her stuff portunity to foster American ideals, to promote the spiritual mes- Dr.Herzl was. There'll never be another lik< her." sage of a rich heritage. It has great potentialities to encourage ;•"-. "If you will it, it can be so." Well, we had always thought tha good will, decency and uprightness. X. This was the motto of Dr. Theodore Herzl, father of political Mrs. Lot was too much of a "pillar" The local distributors of films are tied down in their book- Zionism andfounder of the World Zionist Organization, the thir- of society to go in for the questionrole of winchelling keyholes. ings. The real protest must come from the people. No more ef- tieth anniversary of whose death will be commemorated by Zion- able But A. H. F. must know. fective weapon can be had than on the box-office receipts. If ists the world over on Chav Tamuz, Tuesday, July 3. LABOR the people refuse to see the type of picture which is overruning Thirty years have flown by since death took Israel's greatest PALESTINE We are hearing a lot these days the screen and refuse to let their children attend such showings, teacher of modern times. Possessed of the prophetic vision and about the Histadruth — the Jewish and at the same time let the producers know in no uncertain terms wisdom of the sages, he developed a different philosophy for the Federation of Labor in Palestine. how they feel about the matter, the movies will be purged in very dream of Zion—he gave concreteness to the knowledge that Israel And it is my guess, that we will very much more. In fact, it short order. To the Jewish citizens, this is more than an expres- in. its hopes for a return to its homeland could achieve as well as hear seems to me to be the one thing sion of their own personal viewpoint—it is a duty and an obliga- dream—he showed that "If you will it, it can be so." which may perhaps interest th generaUy above every thing tion. He sacrificed his career, he dedicated his journalistic genius, world else in Palestine. his magnetic personality and his gifts of oratory and persuasive- It would take more space than one ness for the cause of his people. A liberator of the Jewish soul, column to write adequately about th For the Old Folks Histadruth, but there is one thing Old age is the repose of life, and the least we can offer to the his peerless qualities continue to live in Jewish hearts thirty yaers which may be mentioned here—an aged under our care is some tranquil ease which will brighten the aftr his demise, and shall continue to show the way in the years which I believe will in time arouse interest in the non-Jewish world of lives of those whose hair have turned gray and whose eyes are to come. Herzl's dream is on the way to realization, and we who labor. follow him must continue to unbend our every effort toward Paldimmed by time. 1 I am referring to the fact that The public-spirited members of our Jewish community who estinian rehabilitation, remembering well Herzl's motto, "If you the Histadruth is built on the plan are arranging to bring rays of sunshine to the declining years of will it, it will be so." the inmates of our local Jewish Old Peoples' Home do not need GEMS of the BIBLE our commendation—the wholesome feeling of joy in bringing a Zionist New Deal bit of comfort into the lives of these aged people is its own reward. For some time keen observers of the Jewish scene have noted and TALMUD According to arrangements, the inmates will be taken for long that Zionism as a potent force in Jewish life is at the crossroads. By O. O. DASHES rides regularly and then brought to a local park for a restful Zionism has had its great opportunity to become the leader of recreational period and refreshments. All automobiles and all Israel, but has thus far wasted its chances. Instead of equaling He delivered me from my enemies, services are being volunteered gratis. its spiritual appeal to the Jewish masses, the Zionist movement strongest from those who hated me, for they were too mighty for me. Communal activities such as this deal a staggering blow to has faltered and shown indecision. The Lord rewarded me according selfishness; materialism has not conquered all. Very frankly, Zionism needs a new deal. With the oppor- to my righteousness, according to the tunity of developing vast mass support, the Zionist movement has cleanness of my hands hath He reme. an unbelievably low membership. And with Palestine becoming compensed The Status in Germany And the afflicted people, Thou Our hopes and our desires father our thoughts too frequently. more and more independent, it is more imperative that the Zion- dost save, but Thine eyes are upon haughty, that Thou mayest humIt colored the Jewish view when the sensational announcement ists do something concrete to improve their status. As a matter the ble them. of fact, the rapid growth and development of the Jewish Homewas made last week that Von Papen, Vice-Chancellor of Germany, had boldly voiced a sharp criticism of the Nazi regime. Unques- land does not mean that fund-raising activities are unneeded; on TALMUD contrary, Palestine is growing so fast economically that pub- We are taught: Never become accustionably, this address was an insight into the uneasiness and dis- the lic funds are required to maintain the Jewish public institutions tomed to vows, for rach a habit may satisfaction that prevails under the surface of Germany, and for and the Jewish educational system. Funds are also vitally need- in course of time cause you to violate that reason should be viewed with gratification. However, since ed to support the Chalutzim immigration, as this is almost en- your oath. Do not make a habit ol with an ignorant person this address some of the most astute political writers throughout tirely dependent on Zionist moneys. But, nevertheless, Palestine associating not even with a high priest if he is the world have beclouded the air with their various interpreta- would continue its march to new and greater glories regardless ignorant. Do not engage in too much gossip with women. tions as to the outcome. of what happens to the Zionist organization. Rabbi Simon said "If the elders Most of these expert interpretations ring pleasantly in the tell you to destroy, and the young Morris Rothenberg, president of the Zionist Organization of ears of the Jewish people, as they predict the downfall of the America, was one of the first to realize that the Zionist organi- tell you to build—rather destroy acHitler regime within a short span of time. The net of iron, that is zation needs a new deal, and is preparing, we understand, to ini- cording to the advice of the elders, build, because the exslowly and irresistibly webbing the Nazis in, points to such a tiate the new deal at the convention of the Z.O.A. to be held at and do not the elders' destruction of conclusion, but it would not do for us to be deluded on this matter. Atlantic City starting this Saturday. A live program, bringing penence equals building." Perhaps Hitler and his madmen are doomed; but, again, perhaps into full relief the best of Zionist ideology, will give a new lease Abaye said: "We have a tradition that no one could be called poor ex not. cept one who is poor in knowledge. Von Papen is strong with Von Hindenburg, the aged presi- to a great movement. In the land of Israel they used tc dent of Germany. But the very age of Hindenburg and his deep say: Whoever has this (knowledge "I have left a country where it is a crime to 'express—or even has everything, but whoever has no reticence to cliance reactionary possibilities militate against him. Hitler is comparatively young, and he can afford to wait. It hold, if they are discovered^-opinions differing? from those dic- this (knowledge) what has he' buys knowledge, what els< must be recalled that at the time Hitler accepted the chancellor- tated by the men in power."—S. Miles Bouton, American jour- Whoever is he in need of, but he who does nalist who left Germany "at the urgent request of the Nazi govship he and his cohorts accepted wholly the conditions which not buy knowledge, what avails him i other purchases? were made precedent to the offer. Yet, the minute Hitler and ernment."

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To Convention

Style Revue and Dance at Highland

Ladies' Free Loan

Congregation of Israel Joseph Stein Wins Auxiliary Scholastic Honor

Rabbi and Mrs. David A. Goldstein The meeting of the Ladies Free left Sunday evening for New York, Loan Society, which was scheduled where Rabbi Goldstein will attend the for Wednesday, July 4, has been A board meeting followed by a annual convention of the Rabbinical One of the gala affairs of the ostponed because of the . holiday. Joseph Stein, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stein, graduated from the Uni- business meeting was held in the Assembly and the alumni of the summer social season will be the The next meeting will Instead be held Julius style show and dance to be given at on July 16 at the home of Mrs. S. versity of Illinois with a listing as Jewish Theological Seminary. one of those who distinguished them- assembly hall of the synagogue at the Highland Country Club Tuesday, Barson, 2124 Burdette. selves with a superior scholastic rec- 25th and J streets by the Ladies uly 3. ord for the last semester. He was Auxiliary of the Congregation of " A runway is being built so that the one of 10 with the highest obtainable Israel Monday, June 25. style show will be presented outside. FROM CHICAGO A committee of women are assistMrs. M i s Rosen of Chicago, HI., grade. He graduated from the engin- . Ways and means were discussed Tickets for the affair are being ing Mrs. Dave Greenberg with the sold at 50 cents by the girls who has returned home after a ten-day eering school. for a dance and card party to be held arrangements for the summer danc- will model in the style revue. The isit here, during which she attended He won a trip and a scholarship to sometime in August. Further plans ing party, to be given by the Con- dance will follow the style show. The the graduation of her nephew, Ber- Paris last year for an architectural will be taken up at the next meeting. servative Synagogue Auxiliary Mon- club will be specially decorated for nard White. design. Also, last winter, he won a RIKLIN-FIEDLER MARRIAGE day evening, July 9, at the Highland cash prize for a building design. the occasion. Miss Rose Fiedler, daughter of Mr. Country Club. tllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHIIIHIUfilllll and Mrs. I. Fiedler, became the bride The annual affair is one of the VISITS IN SIOUX CITY Due to the Fourth of July holiThe College Club orchestra, will outstanding events on the Highland Miss Beatrice •Eiseman left WedWindsor, Canada.—David Croll, 34at Mr. Louis Lee Riklin, son of Mrs. Bess Riklin, on Sunday after- day Wednesday, all news items play. Other entertainment will be of- calendar, and a large crowd is ex- nesday, June 20, for Sioux City, year-old mayor of this city since where she will spend several weeks 1930, will become the first Jewish noon at the Fiedler home. Rabbi and articles for next week's issue fered for those who do not dance. pected. The members of Mrs. Greenberg's there visiting relatives and friends. member of a provincial cabinet in David A. Goldstein and Rev. A. of the Jewish Press must reach the office by 5 p. m. Tuesday, committee include the Mesdames Sam Canada as a result of his election to Schwaczkin officiated. 25th and AT. S574 Theodore, Arthur Cohn, Jacob Blank, TEN-DAY TRIP HOUSE GUESTS the provincial legislature of Ontario The bride wore a cream-colored July 3. We specialize in building upMr. and Mrs. Hyman Harris and Mrs. A. Meyers and children, in the landslide which carried the Irvin Levin, Phineas Wintroub, J. J. lace dress with hat to match, a Breaholstered furniture to your inGreenberg, Sol Novitsky, Morris Kat- son, Joseph, left Wednesday for a Jerry and Arlyne Joyce, of Manila, Liberal party to power. ton creation, with accessories to dividual taste. Do all kinds of ten-day trip to Fox Lake, Minn. They la., were the house guests of Mr. leman, Julius Stein, B. A. Simon, J. Croll is to be named minister of furniture repairing and refinishmatch. She carried a shower bouquet were accompanied by their niece and Mrs. M. Meyers and family. labor by Premier-elect Mitchell F. ing. . . . Our prices are reasonof white roses. The bridesmaid wore BOOKEY-SCHARF ENGAGEMENT H. Kulakofsky, Dave Sherman, Irvin Miss Ida Kupperman. Stalmaster, Reuben Bordy, Abe PraHepburn. able. a flesh-colored gown. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Scharf of dell, John Faier, Gail Margolin and BAR MITZVAH John J. Glass, Jewish alderman Get the Benefit of Our 29 Mr. Norman Green, Mr. A. Fiedler Council Bluffs announce the engage- Arthur Muskin. The Bar Mitzvah of Irving Cohen, from Toronto, also was elected to the Years of Experience and- Miss Shirley Fiedler were the ment of their daughter, Miss Marian Tickets may be obtained, from any VACATION TRIP Mrs. John Faier and sons, Robert son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cohen provincial legislature on the Liberal attendants. Joe Lagman played the Scharf, to Mr. Marvin Bookey, son member of the committee. Gerald and Mayer Martin, left for of Council Bluffs, will take place ticket. liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiuiiiui •violin, accompanied at the piano by of Mr. and Mrs. Eli Bookey of Des Colorado Springs and Denver, Colo., Saturday morning, June 30, at 9:30 Miss Merriam Fiedler. Moines, Iowa. and Cheyenne, Wyo. They will re- o'clock at the Chevra B'nai Yisroel Following the ceremony, a recep- No wedding date has been set as ANNOUNCE BAR MITZVAH synagogue, 618 Mynster street, turn in August, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Brown antion was held. The couple left for a yet. Council Bluffs. All relatives and nounce the Bar Mitzvah of their son, short honeymoon trip. friends are cordially invited to atLeon Willard, on Saturday, June 30, WEEK-END GUEST NEW ANNODNCE ENGAGEMENT tend. at the B'nai Israel synagogue, Miss Sylvia Emanuel of Des GREEN-MINKOFF An announcement has been re- 18th and Chicago. No invitations 0 IT'S DIFFERENT ! Miss Ida Minkoff, daughter of Mrs. ceived here of the engagement of have been issued, and all friends Moines, la., was the week-end guest VISITOR of Miss Sara Tretiak. Omaha's Most Exciting Dave Minkoff, was wed to Mr. Nor- Miss Violet Wrightman, daughter of and relatives are cordially invited. Mr. Harold R. Merman of St. Paul, .man Green, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. M. Wrightman of Los Event Minn., visited here at the home of Morris Green Sunday at the Birch- Angeles, California, to Mr. William VISIT IN DENVER Mr. and Mrs. M. Meyers and family. G I G ANTIC I 0 S ANGELES YISITORS "Wood club. Rabbi David A. Goldstein J. Denels, son of Mrs. Thomas DeMrs. Abe Cohen left for Denver, and Rabbi H. Grodzinsky officiated. nels, also of Los Angeles. Mr. Denels ENTERTAINING Colo., where she will visit her brothMr. and Mrs. Joe Adelson and chilCHICAGO VISITOR Miss Evelyn Green was maid of has frequently visited in Omaha and dren, Fay, Elinor, Marvin and Leon- er-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Morris Wexler of Chicago, F. B. Madison. honor. Bridesmaids were Miss Sarah. Council Bluffs. He is a brother to ard, of Los Angeles, CaL, are visiting I1L, spent ten days in Omaha visitSOW OPEff EYEBT DAT AJfD 1SIGHT Kaplan and Miss Sally Halpand of Mrs. Herman Marowitz of Council here with relatives and friends. The ing with Mr. and Mrs. J. Richlin. Admission 15c Matinee; 25c Night Fremont. Bluffs. Adeisons are being extensively enter- RETURN FROM TRIP Mrs. Wexler is active in Chicago Louis Riklin served as best man, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Newman and HIGH-CLASS VAUDEVILLE tained. Pioneer Women circles, and was and Arthur Kazlowsky and Louis KRELSTEIN-BRANDEIS Youngsters who will thrill you with their The forepart of this week they daughter, Harriett, have just re- widely entertained here by the memFellman were ushers. Geraldine WEDDING vivacious songs and personalities. Dance spent in Sioux City visiting with rela- turned from Chicago, where they bers of the local Pioneer organizaTeams — Novelty Hoofing — Eccentric Cohen was flower girl and Donald Announcement has been received tives and friends, and while there visited with relatives and friends and tion. Stepping — Crooners and what not? Green ring bearer . here of the. marriage of Miss Rose were also entertained at numerous af- also attended the world's fair. Fan ! Surprises ! Thrills ! The couple left on an eastern wed- Brandeis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. fairs given in their honor. They stopped at the Sherman hotel, TO VISIT HERE Every day a different show. Always ding trip. where Mr. Newman attended the Na- Miss Ethel Newman and Miss Morris Brandeis, former residents of something new. Attend regularly! tional Retail Grocers convention. Mildred Jarrow of Los Angeles, CaL, Omaha and Council Bluffs, who are ENTERTAINS FOR GUESTS 5 MASTERS OF CEREMONIES 5 HORWICH-ROTHENBERG now making their home in Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Dean S. Davidson and They then went on to Milwaukee, are visiting here. Monte Hall - Billy Mack - Billy Lang MARRIAGE Wis., where they visited for several to Mr. Harold Krelstein, also of Chi- daughter, Norma Dorothy, of Lincoln, Tex Falk •• Benny Leonard The marriage of Miss Bess Hor- cago, which took place Sunday, June Neb., were the week-end guests o days with relatives. Is Capacity the Criterion? wich, daughter of Mr. Charles Hor- 24, at the Hotel Sovereign in Chi- Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Pinkovitz. TtWE IS TFAAW — 12:00 to 12:15 noon. London.—The government is motiwich, to Mr. Samuel L Rothenberg cago. Mr. and Mrs. Pinkovitz enter- MOTOR TRIP KFAB—4:30 to 4:45 p.m.; 6:30 to 6:45 p.m. vated in connection with immigration was solemnized Sunday at the home Among those from Council Bluffs tained last Thursday evening at six Mr. and Mrs. Ben J. Gershun and in Palestine only by the capacity of Phone GL-3020 for all Walk-a-Show information. of the bride's brother-in-law and who attended the wedding were Mrs. tables of bridge. Prizes were won children, Shirley Flora and Theodore the country to absorb population, Sir sister, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wohlner. [. L. Brandeis, grandmother of the by Mr. and Mrs. Harry Parker and Leonard, just returned from a motor Philip Cunliffe-Lister, colonial secreAfter an eastern wedding trip, the bride; Mrs. Herman Handler and Mrs. S. Lagman. trip to Chicago. tary, said in the House of Commons couple will make their home in Mrs. Simon Steinberg, aunts of the Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Giventer enWhile there they visited Mr. Ger- last week. "" Omaha. bride. Mr. Carl Brandeis of Philadel- tertained for the Davidsons at dinner shim's sister, Mrs. Morris Gershuny, phia, Pa., formerly of Council Bluffs, Friday evening, and Mr. and Mrs. and attended the world's fair. Clip this coupon and 15c admits you to the Wedenesday Special KATZMAN-ROMM MARRIAGE also attended the wedding of his Louis Breen entertained at dinner WALK-A-SHOW for Friday, Saturday, Sunday DAMP WASH Sunday. Mrs. Anna Romm announces the niece. VISITS IN PITTSBURGH marriage of her daughter, Elsie, to FLAT WORK IRONED Miss Pearl Moskovitz will leave Mr. Irving Katzman of New York ANNOUNCE BIRTH SURPRISE PARTY Tuesday morning for Pittsburgh to City on June 8, in New York* Mr. and Mrs. David Greenberg, 201 Miss Mildred Whitman was hon- visit for two weeks>grith Mrs. Charles They were attended by" the" Bride's Austin apartments, announce the ored * t a surprise-?arty~ by a-group Robin. Mrs. Robin was formerly Ann brother-in-law and sister, Dr. and birth of a daughter at the Methodist of her friends last Saturday night, Stain of this city. Mrs. Irving Rabkin. . hospital Monday, June 25. Mrs. in celebration of her birthday anniThe bride was born and reared in Greenberg was formerly Miss Fran- versary. FROM CANADA Omaha, and attended Creighton uni- ces Shwidelson of Sioux City. $ Mrs. Abe Herscovitz of Winnipeg, ENTERTAINS FOR CHILDREN versity. Mr. Katzman is completing Canada, is visiting here. She came Mr. and Mrs. M. White entertained his law course and will receive his SILTER WEDDING ANNIVERSARY for seventeen children Tuesday after- for the Rothenberg-Horwich weddin LLB next June. Friends and relatives honored Mr. noon in honor of the graduation o; Sunday and the Bar Mitzvah next and Mrs. Samuel Wells at their home their daughter, Sylvia. Saturday of Leon Brown. Sunday on the occasion of their silver wedding anniversary. They received The annual bazaar of the Pioneer many beautiful gifts, cards and mesWomen was held last week, and the sages. chairman, Mrs. S. Okun, reports that Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Wells are givthe event was highly successfuL The ing a family dinner Sunday at the committee has expressed its appreci- Blackstone hotel. ation for the co-operation of Omaha Jewry. VISIT HERE ^ All proceeds from the affair will Mrs. Morris Pickus and children go to the Chalutzos in Palestine. of Chicago are visiting here with Mrs. H. Richlin was appointed Mrs. Pickus's brother-in-law and sisticket chairman for the sale of ter, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Epstein. tickets for the organization's prizes, to be given away at the annual picnic in July. Now Is the time to protect yourself fully by getting auto insurance

Summer Dance


Tuesday Deadline!


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Pioneer Women

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The installation of the newlyelected officers of the Fa-Hon sorority was held Saturday at the home of the sponsor, Mrs. M. Friedel, in the form of a susomer party. Cards formed the evening's diversion, followed by a barbecue. The annual Fa-Hon swimming P4*rty will be held Sunday, July 1, at Peony park. Miss Lee Siegel is in charge of all arrangements.

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LIGHTNING, WIND BRING HAVOC—Damage wrought by light, ning and wind storms that caused six deaths in Wisconsin and Illinois, where $500,000 is estimated as toll of the destruction, is pictured above. Ruins of a boathouse on Lake Genera at Fontana, Wi&« which was struck by lightning, are shown, with (inset) a wrecked dance hall at Mundelein, 111., from which 500 escaped unhurt.

DICE TOO HOT?—After 200 alleged gambling patrons had been taken in raids on eight resorts in Chester, Pa., the bus used to transport them caught fire at Media, Pa. Police say "the dice got too hot."

THEY'RE NOT CIGARS—It's just as well Charlie Marden, employe of a fireworks factory at Boston, doesn't mistake one of these ifor a cigar. But there isn't much chance, for Charlie has been making fireworks for 48 years without an accident.

NICE GALS, BUT AWFUL PUN—Do you know what an innocent bystander said when this picture was being taken? Well, he said, "I'd like to date 'em, wooden shoe?"—and though the pun may not be so good, the ladies are nice. They are Violet Strantz, Alice Pearson and Ann Pleskovich, entries in the bathing beauty contest Aug. 23 at the Century of Progress exposition in Chicago, and they are trying on shoes in the Dutch villaere.

POLICE GIVE GANGSTERS RIDE—A nation-wide drive against Public enemies is under way following offers of rewards by tne federal department of justice for capture of a list of gangsters headed by John Dillinger. Police wagons lined up at headquarters in New York are shown after a busy day.


ADD SNAP TO MILLEN TRIAL—Girls from Boston are shown at Dedham, Mass., where they attended the trial of Nonna Brighton Milieu as an accessory in the murder of twobank guards. The girls wear shorts to keep cool, in the broiling heat

AIR LDJER DIVES DATTO LAKE—Wreckage of the Pan-American air liner San Pedro which plunged into the shallow waters of Lake Mar Chiquita Argentina, bringing death to five persons, is pictured abore. i t is beUeved the pjlot mistook the lake for a fog bank and descended to penetrate it.

STRANGE PLANT EATS FLIES—Instead of being eaten, this plant when mealtime comes around. Rath Todd is shown feeding flieff to "Darlingtonia", a carnivorous plant which eats insects. The plant nn« nf five from O»«sron recently received at Los Angeles.

e a ts









•v".-:<&: ; ; r


PAGE 7—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JUNE 29,19S4 Savannah. Moses Lopez of Newport! Berlin.—The Woolworth stores have | Judge's Judgment was the inventor of a new method of been completely "exonerated" of the New York.—A Jewish judge haf manufacturing potash, and Jacob charges of participating in the world- annulled the marriage of a Catholic Isaacs discovered an advanced prowoman to a Jew on the former's plea wide boycott of German goods. cess for converting salt waters into Cincinnati, O., (JTA).—With "Juthat the latter refused to keep his fresh. daism and Human Destiny" as its An official investigation, prompted promise to torn Catholic. Supreme Jewish professional men were by general subject, an international con- by the widespread attacks on Wool- Court Justice Aaron Levy granted no means rare. There were Jewish ference will foe held in London July worth stores by Nazi mobs, reported Mrs. Paulette Rejou Haas an annuldoctors practicing in New York, Phil- 6 to 10 by the World Union for Pro- that Woolworth's had bought goods ment of her three-month-old marriage adelphia and Savannah. Among the gressive Judaism, it was announced continuously from Germany. to Harold K. Haas, broker. earliest graduates of Columbia and here by the Union of American HePennsylvania Universities were sev- brew Congregations, which also made By BERTRAM JONAS eral Jewish lawyers. Some of theknown the names of American rabbis more prosperous Jews were generous and laymen who are to participate. Here is a picture of the domestic Jews of America were important so- 1 strict tenets of Orthodox Judaism, supporters of educational institutions. and communal life of American Jew- cial and mercantile factors when the j Even the wealthiest Jews were Or- Moses Franks was a liberal donor to An elaborate program has been axs ry on the eye of the Bevolution. It tolling of the Liberty Bell on July thodox in. belief and practice. The Columbia. Israel Joseph and Moses ranged in which outstanding Jews explodes many legends, and shows us 1776, proclaimed ibe signing of theJewish leaders, lay and spiritual, Lindo of Charleston gave large sums from this country, England, France, that the Jews of 1776 knew as much Declaration of Independence. When struggled to maintain Jewish unity to Brown University. In Newport, Germany, Sweden and Holland will about Jewish ccmmuual responsibil- the American people took its place as by an inflexible and unbending Aaron Lopez helped found Leicester take part. A youth conference will be ities as did the Jews of 1934. An in-the youngest member.of the family of Orthodoxy. Absentees from Sabbath Academy and Moses Lopez, Abraham held in conjunction with the gathering, on the afternoon of July 8. formative article for young and old— nations, American Jewry was already services were fined, . A minor violaHart and Jacob Rivera were patrons j The American "rabbis will Th ffollowing ll The Editor. entering an era of lusty communal tion of the Sabbath, such, as shaving, of the first library. attend the conference: Rabbi B. Bencaused angry criticism-and comment. development which, was to make it the In public life too the Jews had edict Glazer, Pittsburgh; Dr. Samuel Violators of the dietary Taws were largest and most important Jewry in Perhaps the least known period of Won recognition before 1776, despite met Trith threats of Communication. existing curbs on their civil rights. In Goldenson, New York; Dr. Bernard Jewish history in the United States Is the world. Heller, Ann Arbor, Mich.; Ribbi Ferthat covered by the two decades imAt the close of the French and In- Jewish holidays and festivals were South Carolina, Francis Salvador dinand Isserman, St. Louis; Rabbi scrupulously observed. Proselytes ; mediately preceding the Revolution- dian War in 1763 there were about served in the colonial assembly, and David' Jacohson, Cincinnati;. Rabbi ary War. Almost every one is fam-2,000,000 people in the English* colo- were not tolerated and marriages be- Colonel Frederick Phillips held sim- Harry Kaplan, Pittsfield, Mass.; Rabiliar with the role of Jewish patriots nies on the Atlantic seaboard, among tween Jews and proselytes were for- ilar office in New York. The apostate bi Morris Lazaron, Baltimore; Dr. during and after the Revolution, but them approximately 2,000 Jews. bidden. In matters of kashruth and Isaac Miranda was an admiralty judge Joseph Ranch, Louisville; Dr. Wil. . few know much af>out American Jew- There were flourishing Jewish com- religion the dicta of the synagogue in Philadelphia, liam Rosenau, Baltimore; Rabbi Wilry itself on the eve of the Revolution, munities in Newport, New York, Phil- elders were law. -Their authority was In short, by 1776 the Jews had liam Rosenblum, New York; " Dr. supreme because they had power to adelphia, Savannah and Charleston although the Jewish settlement in withhold membership in the congrega- gained a fine foothold in every sphere Samuel Schulman, New York; Rabbi America was well over one hundred (S. C ) , newer Jewish settlement in tion, which was almost, the sole cen- of activity and had laid the ground Jacob Singer, Chicago, .and Rabbi years old when the embattled colon- New Haven, Boston Richmond and ter of Jewish life." Few Jews risked for • Jewish participation in the Revo- Harry J. Stern .Montreal. ists took up arms against the mother Lancaster (Pa.), and scattered Jewish such ostracism. . [ ' ' lution. The eye o! the Revolution residents in almost every large town country. found American Jewry enjoying prosIstanbul.—Inkilap, an anti-Semitic and city. The end of the war ushered The huge and progressive system of perity and prepared to assume the "While knowledge of the social and in a' wave of immigration which weekly which appeared last year at duties andresponsibilities of citizenphilanthropy developed by American communal aspects of Jewish life in brought in its wake additions to the Smyrna but was suppressed by the the. colonies before the Revolution is Jewish population. For" more than a Jewry also stems from this, period. ship in a nation whose history was de- j Turkish governmentT*has made its Those tiny, Jewishcommunities were stined to bear the indelible impress of reappearance here under the editorlimited to scattered and fragmentary century Jews had been trickling Into records, the facts we do know enable all the colonies, opening new lands."generous givers. In .the absence of their descendants' achievements and ship of Jevat Rifat Bey. ;" us to reconstruct in substantial meas- establishing new industries- and help^ established eleemosynary institutions contributions. {Copyright, 1934, by Seven Arts ure a picture of the life led by theing to make possible the steady pro- synagogue elders boarded sick-ind companied by Mrs. Krasne's mother Feature Syndicate.) Jews of 1776. Notwithstanding the gress and growth of the country. By aged Jews in their own homes, a plan and sister, Mrs. S. Hirschberg and fact that most of us associate these the time the irrepressible-conflict now widely used in child care. A Miss Charlotte Hirsehberg of Omaha, early American Jews only with com- with England had become inevitable similar, method was adopted for orare leaving Sunday for Manitou, Colo., phans. Charitable and educational meTce and patriotic services to thethe little Jewish community inT Amerfor a month's stay. From Manitou, undertakings constantly depleted comcause of American independence ica had grown to 3,000 souls. Mrs. Krasne and her daughter will go munal treasuries, which from their there is evidence that in their home to Los Angeles, CaL, for an extended limited resources carried on an amazand communal life, in their associaNewport, Rhode Island, was the visit. BY F. B.K, tion with their Christian neighbors, leading Jewish center, with 1,200 ing variety of social service work. Indignant Jews were frequently sent in their professions and institutions Jewish residents. Philadelphia had BAR mTZYAH Miss Marian Scharf had as her they laid down principles and estab- 600 Jews and New York 400. Sa- from one town to another until they The Bar Mitzvah of Irving Cohen, house guest this week Miss Betty were permanently settled and assured lished traditions which have guided vannah and Charleston had about 200 the Jewish leadership of America ever each. Small as these communities of a livelihood. A strong feeling of son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cohen, Bookey of Des Moines, la. Miss Scharf kinship and co-operation existed be- will take place Saturday morning, will accompany Miss Bookey back to s i n c e . • •-' : were, they already had the beginnings tween these Jewish communities. The June 30th, at .9:30 o'clock at theDes Moines today where she will Despite their tiny numbers, the of communal organizations. There commercial interdependence of Jew-Chevra B'nai Yisroel : synagogue at spend the week-end. The engagement were synagogues in Newport, New ish traders in Newport, New York, 618 Mynster street- All relatives and of Miss Scharf to Miss Bookey*s brothYork, Philadelphia, Savannah and Philadelphia and Charleston was ef-friends are cordially invited to attend. er, Marvin Bookey of Des Moines, has Charleston. The Newport synagogue fectively utilized to help distant and Refreshments will be served following just been announced. was built in 1763 at a cost of $10,-isolated co-religionists. Couriers for the Bar Mitzvah." No cards are being 000, part of which was contributed Jewish merchants always carried issued. .."••''••• Messrs. Louis H. Katelman and Ju"WOBK THAT SATISFIES" by Jews from New York and other funds and messages for Jews in other lius Rosenfeld are leaving today for The Council Bluffs Agiidas Achim Grand Rapids, Mich., where they will cities. Three decades earlier New towns. Whenever a Jewish communOriental and Domestics York Jewry had built the first syna- ity needed assistance it was certain Society wHl hold' i - meeting next attend the annual convention of the 5116 Military Ave. Walnut 5002 gogue edifice t o be erected in North to find generous response in New Thursday evening, July 5, at 8:30District Grand Lodge No. 6 of the Ino'clock at the Eagles hall. Flans will dependent Order of the B'nai Brith America. Newport also toasted of a York or Newport. be made for their annual picnic, which next week, as the delegates from the Hebrew club, the forerunner of the Although most of the Jews lived will be held on Sunday, July, 29, atCouncil Bluffs chapter No. 688 of the imposing Jewish clubs that today dot ? American cities. New York's pioneer apart from their Gentile neighbors, the Fairmount B'nai Brith. Jewish congregation had a ladies' Christian Jewish relations were not a The tidies' Auxiliary of the Tal- Mrs. Philip Sherman and children, "Photographs That Satisfy" auxiliary founded by Bilhah Abagail problem. Some ol the wealthy SeLevy. In Charleston; there was a phardic families were readily accept- mud Torah Society has postponed its Dorothy, Elaine and Jimmy of Sioux Wedding Photographs 20% Disc. ed i n Christian society. The Franks, regular monthly meeting; which was Quality Photographs. Reasonable prices Jewish- - benevolent and; fraternal soCity, la., are spendingthe week here, Sheftails, -JSHfefaSr-Levys, Grataes and scheduled for Hext'Jto&adnesday ciefyy the*'first ^ttfi^iiumerous-:Jewts, M*. 2404 F a r a a m S t . '*"'"• A T . 4079 ish" lodges.' •'•'•. ..'.-j ' '•;'Z . other leading Jewish families played noon, July 4, due to holiday. important parts in Christian social next meeting of the organization will Yellowed " congregational minute Masonry was an important be held on August X. books also reveal that the Jews of life. Joeepb. Solomonow reformed home 1776 were not strangers to fund-rais- point of contact between Jews and following a two weefis* stay at Fort Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Cherniack and Crook, where he was awarded two ing campaigns. When a new syna- Gentiles. Generally speaking, howgogue was built it was generally fi- ever, the synagogue was the chief so- children, Louis and Joan, who spent medals for . his- marksmanship in nanced by voluntary donations In the cial center for the Jews, who kept to fiie past three weeks here visiting at sharpshooting. They Mix With the Best form of pledges by local contributors themselves as much as possible. Dif- the home of Mr. Chemiack's mother, IDEAL BOTTLING COMFAKY and by Jews from the neighboring ferences hetween Jews were usually Mrs. Louis Cherniack, left Monday for Mrs. B. Marfcovitz and her daughsettled among themselves without re- their home at Stamford, Conn. ters, Mr* Julius Barron and Miss 1608 No. 20th St. WE. 3043 towns. One synagogue received dona- course to the courts. TQlie Markovitt, returned home Suntions from Curacao, London and Barbados. Another was given, books by Among the most aggravating prob- Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lincoln enter- day from a two weeks' stay at Rochby the Jewish, community, in Jamaica. lems confronting American Jewry in tained the members of their Sunday ester,' Minn., where Mrs. Harkovitz The house- to house solicitation of 1776 were intermarriage, apostasy Night Bridge club at their home Sun- had treatment at the Mayo Clinic funds so familiar today was used with and the sharply-defined social dis- day night. . success even then. -Individual Jews tinctions between the Sephardic and Conversion Morris.Grossman, returned home on paid for single stones, parts of win- Ashkenazic elements. made constant inroads into the Jew-Monday from Leavenworth, Kans., dows, decorations and other sections ish population. Among the more where he attended the wedding of his BATH ROOM PAPER of synagogues. prominent apostates were Judah nephew, Leo Hill of Lincoln, and Miss T h e goal of each of these commun- Monis, Hebrew instructdr at Harvard, Betty Astor, which took place Sunday Rolls and One ities was a full-time rabbi. By 1776Isaac Miranda, who became a judge at the home of the bride's parents In Colored Wash American Jewry had three rabbis. in Philadelphia, and the Pinto broth- Leavenworth, Kans. Cloth for Rabbi Moses Cohe.i of Charleston, ers of New Haven. Intermarriage beFor Sale by Rabbi Isaac Touro of Newport and tween the daughters of Sephardic Mrs. Frank Krasne and her daughLeading Retailers Rabbi Gershom Kendes Seixas of New families and the landed Christian gen- ter, Marjorie, of Council Bluffs, acYork. Charleston also had a try were common occurrences. The Every y community,, however, had its most famous of these unions united Distributors religious school in which secular sub- the Franks family and a scion of the jects were taught in addition to thearistocratic De Lanceys. To counteract the effects of apostasy and interWE REFTNISH ANYTHING marriage strenuous efforts were MADE OF METAL made to strengthen the appeal of Made to Judaism. One of the most notable of JA-2566 Sell 2210 Farnam these was Isaac Pinto's translation of $18 to $22 the Hebrew prayers into English. Much has been written about the Jewish merchants, ship-owners, brok• After the Theatre ers, land speculators, Indian traders, Treat the Crowd at importers and exporters and manu# When yon have a Grunow yon have as fine a THE facturers whose commercial activities refrigerator as money can buy, and you have that did so much to. build up. the commerce and industry of the colonies. But the feeling of satisfaction that comes from knowing Jews of 1776 were not only successit's absolutely safe. T o prove it, have die dealer ful merchants and traders. Among They will enjoy the new decorathem were found doctors, scientists, show yon what's inside. It's Carrene, the liquid tions and the delicious food. lawyers, philanthropists, patrons of Everything' cooked in butter and that you can see, smell and hold in your hand— pure olive oiL We never use lard. the arts and education, and skilled craftsmen. idie liquid that to all intents and purposes is as O For the Ladies: A Wonderful Afternoon Gilbert, Sully, Malbone and Stuart harmless as water. Card P a r t y Room! were some of the prominent American portrait painters who were comCorner 24th and Harney Streets missioned to paint the wealthy colonial Jew and his wife. Some of these portraits, still extent, show1 that the Jews dressed like their- neighbors. Synagogue elders wore waistcoats, knee-breeches, buckled shoes, powSUPER-SAFE dered wigs and ruffled shirts. Jewish ladies spareC no expense in importREFRIGERATOR ing finery from Paris and London. The manufacture of spermacetti at Newport, as well as cilk, rice and inAUTO PAINTINQ digo culture in the South, were introAt the very peak of the summer season, a price like this duced by Jews. Colonial records tell MECHANICAL WORK in our French Room means that every thrifty woman who of Jewish glass designers, silversmiths appreciates and has a flair for finer clothes will choose BOPY,FET4DERi and woodworkers in Charleston and for her entire summer needs and for vacations . . . There are frocks to answer every daytime occasion and for forRADIATOR REPAIRS; mal wear . . , sizes 14 to 20 and 38 to 44.

World Parley Planned By Judaism Union

Pre'Revolutionary Jewry of America



Council Blu/fs News





Drink IDEAL Beverages

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Special Purchase Sale

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JPAGE 8—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JUNE 29,1954 returned to. their home at 2211 Jacksen street, from Chicago, where they attended the century of progress. Miss Charlotte Rosenstock recently was graduated from the University of Wisconsin.


PILL, Correspondent


called "Justice" is now doing another book.



>- Leonard Lyons, the new columnist of the New York Post, is a "lands- New York (WNS).—Anti-Semitism man." in Germany is "becoming a bit outworn" because the "people of GerMiss Helen Levitt has returned to Judge Bernard A. Rosenblatt, who many do not really hate the Jews," St. Paul, after spending the week- is back in New York, after an ex- Dr. Will H. Houghton, pastor of the end in the city with.her father, Mr. tended" stay in Palestine, is reported Calvary Baptist church, reported on J. ; L. Levitt* Accompanying her = toto have done very well there. his return from a seven weeks' study St. Paul was her brother David of youth movements abroad. Pointing svitt, who came to Sioux City out that the spread of anti-Semitism earlier in the month from the Uniin eastern and central Europe was versity of Colorado, where he was due to economic reasons, Dr. Houghenrolled. ton said that "Hitler used this condiCapetown, Union of South Africa tion to gain power, but the question W. C. Slotsky, secretary of the (JTA).—General Jan Smuts, Minis- is, what is he going to use next? I Associated Retailers, returned this ter of Justice, last week invoked the am afraid he has nothing else to week from a convention of retailers Riotous Assemblies act to prohibit a turn to except gestures of war." held in Memphis, Tennessee. meeting of the Greyshirts, the South African Nazi organization, at PearL C. tEVIN, Attorney Mr. Max Goldman of Kansas City, General Smuts in recent months 301 Electric Building Missouri, is a gue3t in Sioux City, frequently denounced the Nazi movevisiting with friends and relatives. ment as alien to South African soil ORDER OF HEARINQ the County Court of Douglas County, and warned that he would exert the InNebraska. Miss Ida Heshelow has departed powers of his office- to prevent un- In the Matter of the Estate of CELIA WOLK. Deceased. for Los Angeles, California, to spend lawful activities by Nazis. To all persons interested In the estate of the summer visiting with relatives Celia Wolk, deceased: and friends. En route to Los Ange- FBADENBERG, STAI.MASTEB, BEBEB Louis Wolk having filed his petition under oath in this Court, praying adminis& KLCTZX1CK les she will stop at San Antonio, tration of the estate of said Celia Wolk, Attorneys be dispensed with and for a decree deTexas, to visit with friends.

Smuts Invokes Riot Act to Halt Nazis

Over $400 was raised at the annual Election of officers was one of the Talmud Torah picnic, held Sunday features of Amorian Day, which afternoon and evening in Riveryiew ended the season for the club. Philip park. Approximately 600 people at- Zeligson was elected president of the tended the outing. Proceeds will be club. Other officers elected were turned over to the local, Hebrew Bernard Rosenthal, vice-president; school for its maintainence. Vernon Montrose, secretary-treasurMr. A. Leubowich was chairman er; Charles Shindler, sergeant-atof the affair. Assisting him was Mr.arms; Lawrence Shulkin, publicity Jack London, president of the Tal- chairman. mud Torah board of directors; Mrs. The all day outing was started Ben Sherman, president of the He- Sunday morning with a track meet brew Mothers association; and the at Gilman Terrace between the North following committee: Messrs Max Side and the West Side. The-West Falls;, M. Mason, M. Lazrlwicn, J. side won the track meet with a score Gorchow, A. Stillman, A. W. Kaplan, of 37 to 32. The list of events foland Mesdames M. Stain, A. W. Kap-lows: NOTICE BY PUBLICATION ON" PETIlan, A. Mazier, Frank Gorchow, Joe Seventy-five yard dash — Shindler TION FOU SETTLEMENT OF FINAL ADMINISTltATION ACCOUNT Gorchow, D. Cohen, B. Rutstein, Ben (w) first; Maron (w) second, and Miss Alice Novinsky is a patient at the Lutheran hospital, where she In the County. Court of Douglas County, Shindler, Philip Sherman, William Olensky (n) third. Heshelow, I. Merlin and S. Green- Baseball throw—Zeligson (w) first underwent an operation for appendi- InNebraska. the Matter o f the Estate Of William B. and Rosenthal (n) second. Distance citis. Wlfitehorn, Deceased. stone. All persons interested in said matter are 175 feet. hereby notified that on the 27th day of Broad jump—Montrose (n) first; Members of the Debra club held a June, 1034, Jennie Good Whitehoru filed a petition la said County Court, praying and Weiner (w) second. Distance 7 theater and slumber party Sunday that Junior Hadassah final administration account tiled evening in the home of Miss Rose Al- hereinher feet 8 inches. be settled and allowed, and that she be discharged from her trust as executrix Election Sunday Pole vault—Shindler (w) first; bert. and that a hearing -will be had on said Weiner (w) second; and Montrose petition before said Court on the 21st day of July, 1934, and that if you fail to apNew officers for the coming year n) third place. Distance, 7 feet 5 Mrs. M. Maisel and children are pear before said Court on the said 21st spending a vacation at Lake Minneinches. day of Jnly, 1034, at 0 o'clock A. M.. and will be elected by the Junior Hadascontest said petition, the Court may grant sah chapter at their meeting next 220-yard shuttle relay won by tonka this week. Mr. Maisel will join the prayer of said petition, enti-r a dethem later. cree of heirship, and make such other and North Side with the team includSunday afternoon, July 1. The meetfurther orders, allowances and decrees, as ing will be hell In the gan'ca of ing Montrose, Aizenberg, Lefkovich to this Court may seem proper, to the end Members of the Hi-Life fraternity that nil matters pertaining to said estate Miss Ida Cohen, 815 Sixteenth r.Meet, and Olensky. and determined. Football shuttle relay won by will go to Omaha Sunday where they may be finally .settled and will precede a garden party. Bltl'CE CILA.WPOU1), 0-20-34-3t. County Judge. wlli meet members of the A. Z. A. North Side with the same team. Final reports of the committees will be" heard during the business High jump—Won by Shindler (w) chapter No. 1 in a baseball game meeting and tentative plans outlined with Montrose (n) second place. Dis- Sunday afternoon. This is the second ABRAHAMS & O'CONNOIl, Attorneys 400 Brandefa Theater llulldlnc of a two-game - series. In the evetance, 4 feet 8 inches. for next year. ning, they will be guests at a dance. Hop-skip-jump relay—Won by Refreshments! and a social hour -^NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF OMAHA FCrtiNITURE AND CAltPET will conclude the afternoon's enter- Montrose (n); Zaligson, (w) second. COMPANX Miss Fern Wolfson. and Miss Rose Notice is hereby Distance, 30 feet 2 inches. tainment. given that the under440-yard medley relay—Won by Albert wil leave this week for a visit signed have associated themselves together to form a corporation the- laws of West with team composed of Maron, in Chicago, where they will attend the State of S'ebraskn. under, The name of the the century of progress and visit corporation shall be OMAHA FURMTUltK Edelman, Zeligson and Shindler. AND CAUPJST COMPANY. The principal Bicycle race won by Olensky (n) with friends and relatives.place of transacting the business of this Members of the Junior Poale Zion 'irst and Edelman (w) second. corporation .shall be the City of Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, but said busiorganization met Friday evening in Running broad jump—Won* by ness may be transacted in any other city, .the home of Marvin Klass. The pro-Shindler (w); with Montrose (n) county or state. The general nature of the business to be transacted by this corporagram dealt with "The Jew in second. Distance 14 feet 6 inches. tion shall be to buy, sell, own. and gen• Science."' erally deal in aud with all kinds of house, One hundred yard dash—Won by store, office and-other furniture, carpets, Sulamith Bereskin spoke on "Tech- Shindler (w); Olensky (n) second; rugs, curtains, fixtures, and furnishing nical Improvements in Palestine." and Maron (w) third. goods, and any and all materials, supplies, Morris Marsh spoke on "The His- Charles Shindler was the high Mrs. Ruth Woskoff, 73 years old, products or equipment which may be conveniently used or . handled in connection tory of the Jew in Medicine." A num-scorer for the North" Side, with and-.a resident of Sioux .City for a with such business; to acquire, hold, sell, alienate real and personal ber of college students home for the Montrose leading the West Side in number of years died last Wednes- property orof encumber every, kind and description summer were guests at the meeting. the events. day. Mrs. Woskoff's death was wheresoever situated, including the stocks, bonds, debentures, or other evidences The meeting Friday eveuirig vill In the afternoon the North Side caused by infirmities due.to old age.notes, of indebtedness -aad obligations of any be held in the Bereskin home with baseball team defeated the West Side Funeral services- were held in the corporation,- and .to-issue in. payment or exchange therefor-its own Stock, notes, Marvin Klass acting as chairman. bonds, debentures, o r . other • obligations. team with a score of 5 to 3. Swinvr home of Mrs. Edith Wigodsky, a The capital Block of the corpomlng at Riverside park arid a weiner daughter, with whom Mrs. Woskoff rationauthorized Is $2.\000.00 ^llvldod into 2no shares made her-home. Rabbi M. L Braver of the par value of; $100.00 each, all of roast in the evening at Stone park is common/, stock: and-when issued concluded the day's activities.. Max officiated at the funeral services.: - which shall be fully paiiliflhd non-assessable. The i Survivors include Mrs. Wigodsky corporation shall commence bnslnesK upon Zeligson, advisor of the group, and the filing of these,.Articles In the office of the newly elected and outgoing of- and two sons, John Woskoff of the County Clerk and shall terminate upon the first day of July. 1984. unless sooner :icers spoke on the program in the Smithland, Iowa,, and Harry Wos- dissolved by a majority vote of the outkoff, of New York City. ivening. ' standing capital stock. The highest amount

. Jr. Poale Zion


A. Z. A. Delegate

JEWISH CENSUS Stanley Herzoff, 2718 Virginia street for Washington, TO BE TAKEN HERE D. C , leftwhereSaturday he will represent the A census of the Jewish population will be taken in Sioux City during the early part of July, under the uspices of the Federation of Jewish Social Service. Volunteer census takers will work under the direction of the Community Center, and it is planned to get a complete tabulation of every Jewish amily and individual in Sioux City. Members of the Jewish community are asked to co-operate with those who take the census by giving them he desired information for the files of the federation.

Society News


WORLD! Largest and finest in the city, the FONTENEIAE is more than an 4OO Omaha hotel.. Rooms it is an Omaha institution, With about which all Bath social, business and civic life center. Conveniently located, the FON'TENEIXE is famous for its old fashioned hospitality.



1 :

Two popular-priced taunnts with dancing and musical entertain* meat in season. Operated by thm



Miss Bonnie Miller of Los Angees, national girl's tennis champion, is visiting with friends and relatives in Sioux City. During her stay here, Miss Miller has appeared in a number of exhibition tennis matches at the courts of the Sioux City Tennis association at Shore Acre. During her stay here, Miss Miller has been the recipient of a number nf social courtesies. Important among the visitors in Sioux City this, summer, is H. Arry Stilimj»n of Paris, France, who is a gupst in the home of his brother Abe. Stiilman. . •...•.. Mr. Stillman is an artist of note and his works have been shown at a number of exhibits in the United States. Mrs. Goldie Levine has departed for Chicago where she will represent Sioux City at the Paole Zion convention in that city which is being held from June 27 to July 1 Mrs. Levine will return home next Monday. Cantor and _ Mrs. A. Pliskin and children are in Chicago visiting with friends and relatives. From there they will go to Milwaukee b if ore retuni.ng home. Mise "Anne Cohen* visited with friends in Des Moines, last week-end. Miss Libbie Rubinstein has returned to - Sioux -City ; after an extended visit with friends and relatives in New York City.

Finds Anti-Semitism Worn Out in Germany

of indebtedness to- which this corporation shall at • any time subject itself shall not exee«l two-thirds of its capital stock. The affairs of this corporation shall be conducted by a Board, of-Directors, of not less than two nor more than five, the number to be fixed by the Hy-Tjaws. The officers shall be chosen by the directors and shall lie President. Vice-President and SecretaryTreasurer, any two of which offices may be held by one person. These Articles may be amended at any nnnual meeting of the stockholders, or at any special meeting of the stockholders called for that purpose by a majority vote In amount of the stock then ontstandlng. The Corporation shall have a-seal.

Sioux City A. Z. A. chapter at the International A. Z. A, convention , to be held next week in that city. Sioux City chapter will put in a bid for the district convention to be held next February. Members of the chapter entertained at a smoker Wednesday evening, as a farewell courtesy to they: 0-i5-34-4t. delegate.

By the Way


FKADENDIRG, STALMASTEJt. BEBER & KLCTZNICK, Attorneys 650 Omaha National Bank Bids'.

.ORDEK TO SHOW CACSK - Docket 301 Number l.w In the District Court of Douglas County, By DAVID SCHWARTZ Nebraska. In the Matter of the Application of SARAH KULAKOFSKY and MORRIS I.EVE V, (Continued from Page 4.) Administrators of the Kstate of ISRAEL . KULiAKOFSKl\ Deceased, for license to sell real estate. •-. is no unemployment relief legisla- Now on this ISth day of June, 1034, this tion in Palestine. But the Hista- cause came on for hearing upon the petition of Sarah Kuiakofs-ky and Morris Ledruth itself provides for relief. Fur- vey, administrators of the estate of Israel ther, it does not call upon the gover- Kulakofsky, deceased, for a license to sell the following described real estate: ment to provide work, but itself goes An undivided 1/3 interest in and to and provides work. For instance, it the south 1/2 of Lot 0 in Block 1, ' Fonrth Addition to the City is the largest land developing com- Koiintze's of Oration, as surveyed, platted and repany in Palestine. Let us "say, you corded; The north 1/2 of the east 130 feet of want ultimately to settle in Palestine Lot 7 in Block 1, Kountze's Fourth on an orange grove. Well, you can Addition to the City of Omaha, as get in touch with the Yaquin, one surveyed, platted and recorded: " undivided 1/2 interest in and to of the branches of the Histadrath theAnsouth 80 feet of Lots 1 and 2 in and they will get a piece of land Block 5, Kouutze's and Ruth's Addition to the of Omaha, as surfor you plant it, work it—and after veyed, platledCity and recorded. a few years, when the trees begin An uinlivided 1/2 interest in and to the west 19 feet in width of Lot 3 and to bear, you can come and settle. all of Lot 4 in Block t> In the City of as surveyed and lithographed; Meanwhile, by so doing, they are Omaha, Lot 6 In Ashland Place, an addition providing work for the laborers. The to the City. of Omaha, ns surveyed, platted and recorded. , Histadruth runs the bus companies Subject to all existing Hens and encumof Palestine. They deliver the milk brances, for the purpose of paying the court costs 'and expenses of the adetc., not merely in the capacity of debts, ministration of the estate of Israel Kulakemployees, but are responsible for ofsky, deceased, and it appearing to the court that It is necessary that said real the business end as welL They op- estate be sold for te purpose of paying the erate an insurance company, build said debts and expenses of ndministration. IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that all workman's suburbs, etc. persons interested in said estate appear before the judge of the District Court in and In brief, the Histadruth is not Douglas County. Nebraska, in Court waiting for any goverment to do any for Room No. 7 In the Douglas County Court House in the City of Omaha on the 7th thing. It is the one labor union in day August, 1034, nt 9 o'clock A. M., to the world that works on the theory showofcause If nnd why a license should be granted to the said administrators that God helps those who help them- not t» sell said real estate for the purpose of selves. paying said debts nnd expense of administration of the estate of Israel Kulnkofsky. deceased. THIS AND THAT IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, that this A project is on foot in New York order to show cause shall be published for for the establishment' of a theatre four successive weeks in the Jewish Press. legal newspaper published In the City of which will devote itself to Jewish aOmaha. Douglas County, Nebraska. themes, but playing in the English BT THE COURT W. G. HASTINGS. language. .••- • 6-22-34-4t. Judge.

- Harry., Rosenthal, the Hebrew lad who went on that submarine cruise to the Pole—which never quite got to the Pole—is running a restaurant now in New Jersey. • - •

Mrs.1 Emil Rosenstock and jdaugh- "• Maxwell Silver, brother of Abba ters Cfiarlott'erDoritfaruT Betty have Hillel Sflver, arid-authorbf a column

termining who are the heirs of said Celia Wolk, It is ordered that a hearing be had on said petition nt the County Court Room in the County of Douglas. State of Nebraska, on the 7tb day of July. 1034, at the hour of 10 A. M., and that notice of the time and place fixed for said hearing to be given to all persons interested in suid estate by publication of this order for three weeks In the Jewish Press, a newspaper printed and published in said county. Dated this 13tli day of June, 1034 •_ „ BRTCE CRAWFORD, C-15-34-31. County Judge. SAMUEL ZACHAHIA, Attorney. "08 Brandels Theater Bld NOTICK OF ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF LOCAL RETAIL COOK ACTHORIIV F O R OMAHA, NEBR.,

Notice is hereby given that the undersigned have associated themselves together in order to form a corporation in the btate of Nebraska for the purposes hereinafter stated, under and pursuant to Section 2 (a) of Article X, of the Code of l a i r Competition for the Retail Trade. . -The name - of this Corporation shall be LOCAL ICETAIL CODE AUTHORITY FOR OMAHA. NEDR., IXC nnd its principal place of transacting business shall be in the City of Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska. The objects and purposes of this- corporatoin are to have and exercise, within the local trading area of Omaha. Nebraska, all the rights and powers and to be charged with all the duties and obligations, now, or which may hereafter be, vested in and imposed upon the National Retail Code Authority or the Local Retail Code Authority for Omaha, Nebr., under the Code of Fair Competition for the Retail Trade. This corporation shall be a membership corporation and shall have no capital stock. The corporation is not organized and shall not be conducted for profit, and no part of its revenues or earnings shall inure to the benefit of nny individual subscriber, contributor, member or incorporator. Membership in this corporation shall be the representatives which each of the Local Retail Trade Associations, pursuant to the provisions of said Article X, Section 2(a)' of the Code and said Order dated October 241 h. 1033. have elected or hereafter shall elect as members of the Local Retail Code Authority for Omaha, Nebr., or their duly- elected successors. Vacancies in the membership, arising from whatever cause, shall bo filled by the said Local Itotail Trade Associations by whom they were elected. All of said members | shall be elected by their said respective Local Retail Trade Associations, in accordance with a fair method approved bv the Administrator, and shall retain their membership at the pleasure of their said respective Locnl ltetnil Trade Associations. The Corporation shall be managed by n board of not less than five members, who shall be known as the Executive Committee, who shall be selected by the member* of said corporation, and who shall hold their offi<-e for such term or terms ag shall be prescribed by the By-Laws of the corporation. The existence of this corporation shall commence on the date of the signing ot these Articles of Incorporation and continue for t i e term of the Code. The highest amount of indebtedness to which the corporation shall subject itself shall not exceed the value of the property owned by it. The private property of the members shall not be subject to the payment of corporate debts or obligations to nny extent whatsoever. A business administration headquarters shall be established, maintained and conducted in such manner and for such use by and with such privileges, for the members as the corporation may from time to time determine. In furtherance nnd not in limitation of the powers conferred by the Code, the corporation is expressly authorized to carry on Its business and to hold annual or special meetings; nnd to have one or more offices or branches: to acquire, hold and dispose of real nnd personal property; to have complete control and management of the affairs, funds and finances of the corporation, includinc the power (o mnko contracts, to borrow money and to pledge the property of the corporation as security therefor; to employ agents or counsel; subject to the laws of the Stnte of Nebraska, to keep the books of the corporation within or without the State of Nebraska, as may froir time to time be designated by the corpo/ation: to receive contributions, and to nsspss nnd collect fees, dues and-other payments as may be provided for in rules and regulations adopted by the corporation. The officers of Bnid corporation shall be n- Chairman. Vicechairman, nnd Secretary nnd Treasurer, who shall be chosen by the Executive Committee, and who shall hold their offices until (heir successors shall be elected and tjunlify. WILLIAM F. BAXTER. HARRY H. ZIMMAN. WILLIAM nOLZMAN, FRANK V.. CARVER. C C JOHNSON. Incorporators.

Jerusalem.—The Palestine government has sent 2,000 certificates to the British consulate at Berlin to be issued to Jews seeking to enter Palestine in the capitalis immigration classification. The certificates were sent in blank and can be issued to German Jews with a cash capital of $5,000 without reference to the Palestine authorities. FRADENBURG, BTAUHASTER, BEBEB 4 KLCTZNICK. Attorneys 650 Omaha National Bank Bids. ' NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF "BARISH OIL, INC." Notice is hereby given, that we, the undersigned, have associated ourselves together for the purpose of forming a corporation to be known ns "BARISH OIL, INC." It shall begin business when the articles of incorporation are filed in the office of the County Clerk of Douglas County, Nebraska, and continue for a period of fifty years. The principal place of transacting business shall he in Omaha, Nebraska. The general nature of the business to be transacted shall be to conduct and operate oil and. service stations, to purchase and sell at both retail nnd wholesale, oil, gasoline, petroleum products and automobile accessories; to equip and maintain by purchase, construction, lease or otherwise, buildings and equipment to be used os nnd for service stations, oil stations, automobile accessories stores, wholesale oil and petroleum companies, and to do all things which may be necessary and/or proper to carry out the objects herein set forth. The capital stock shall be $5,000.00 to be divided into fifty shares of the par value of $100.00 each. The affairs of the corporation shall be managed by a Board of Directors of not less than two nor more' thnn five members who shall elect from their number's President, .Vicepresident, Secretary and Treasurer, who shall hold office for a term of one year until the next annual meeting. The annual meeting of the corporation shall be held on the first Monday in January of each year. These articles may be amended upon the nffinnntive vote of two-thirds of the outstanding stock.

NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF THE "AMERICAN AMUSEMENT CO., INC." Notice is hereby given thnt we, the undersigned, have associated ourselves together for the purpose of forming a corporation to be known ns the "AMERICAN AMUSEMENT CO., INC." It shnll begin business when thp articles of incorporation are filed in the office of the County Clerk of Douglas County, Nebraska, nnd continue for a period of fifty years. The principal place of transacting business sliall be in Omnha, Nebraska. The general nnture of the buBiness to be transacted shnll be to own nnd operate shows, carnivals, dances, exhibits nnd nmusements of every kind nnd description, to acquire, hold nnd dispose of property, both real nnd personal, nntl to do all things necessary to effect the purposes nnd objects hereinbefore set forth. The capitni stock shall be ?r>,000.0O, divided into fifty shares of the par vnlne of $100.00 ench. The nffairs of the compnny shnll be mnnaged by a Board of Directors of not less than two nor more tlmn five members, who shall elect from their number a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. The annual meeting of the corporation shall be held on the first Monday in Jnnunry of pach year. These articles may be amended upon the affirmative vote.of two-thirds of the outstanding stock. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the partief have hereunto set their hands this 13th day of June, 19ai. R. J. IIOLDSBERG L. K. RYAN In the presence of: PHILIP M. KLUTZNICK 6-13-34-4t. CARL KATLEMAN, Attorney

NOTICK BY PUBLICATION ON PETITION FOR SETTLKB1ENT OF FINAL ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. In the Matter of the Estnte of Jacob Katlnman. Deceased. AH persons interested in said matter are hereby notified that on the 10th day of June, l'J34, Michel Kntleman filed a petition in snid Comity Court, praying that his final administration account filed herein be settled nnd allowed, nnd thnt he be discharged from his trust ns administrator nnd thnt n hearing will be had on said petition before snid Court on the 14th day of July, 1934, nnd thnt if you fail to appear before snid Court on the snid 14th day of July, 1034. nt !• o'clock A. M., and IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties conteBt said petition, the Court may grant have hereunto net their hands this 24th day the prayer of snid petition, enter a deof November, 1033. cree of heirship. nnd make such other and further orders, nllownnces nnd decrees, as M. M. BARISH to this Court miiy soem proper, to the end M. D. ISRODKET HENRY GRABOiS that all matters pertaining to snid estate may be finally petflpd nnd determined. In th«. Presence of: BRYCE CRAWFORD. R. J. HOLSBERG 6-15-34-4t. C-22-34-3t. County Judge.

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