July 6, 1934

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In the Interests of the Jewish People

Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism OMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, JULY 6, 19S4



Perfects Infantile Paralysis Vaccine New York—(WNS)—A new and effective vaccine for the prevention of infantile paralysis has been perfected by Dr. Maurice Brodie, of the New York University and Bellevue Hospital Medical School. By means of Dr. Brodie's vaccine, which Is injected under the skin, the virus, or invisible germs, of the dread disease is made inactive by the drug formalin. The vaccine has been used successfully on monkeys and has the property of making both the local tissues and the blood stream immune to the disease.

Jerusalem, (WNS).—The Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt via Edom and Moab to Palestine occurred in the thirteenth, century, B. C, and not in the fifteenth century B. C, as many scholars have long contended, according to archaeological evidence discovered by the survey expedition headed by Professor Nelson Glueck of the* Heorew Union college. Pottery finds made by Dr. Glueck in southern Transjordania prove that the Edomites and Moabites occupied that region from the thirteenth to eight centuries B. C. If the Exodus had taken place in the fifteenth centary the Israelites would not have encountered the Edomites and Moabites who blocked | the Israelites' way. The story of the conflict between Israelites and the Edomites and Moabites is told in the 14th to 21st verses, of the twentieth chapter of the Book of Numbers.

A . Z. A . ___ Broadcast Next Sunday

A feature of the international A. Z. A. convention to be held in Washington July 8, 9 and 10 will be a coast-to-coast broadcast of the winning oration and an address by Sam Beber of Omaha, founder of A. Z. New York—(JTA)—The formation A. and president of the Supremo of a Women's Advisory Council of the Berlin—German Jewry had escaped Advisory Council. National Conference of Jews and unscathed from Hitler's "blood-bath" The broadcast will be heard Christians -was announced last week and the quick Bequence of events in over the NBC blue network, by Dorothy Canfield Fisher, chairman the Nazi "second,! resolution,* accord- Controvert Rages Over Story - through station KOIL in Omaha of the Council, from her home at Arling to. reports oj*tiiraed here, ;.: at 9:45 p. m. Sunday, July 8. ington, VL The purpose of the CounAffecting Dean of AmerWhile It is not know how many Omahans will play an important cil, according to; Mrs. Fisher, is to ican Stage Nazi, storm troop; leaders and foes of role in the convention, this city be"create a body of influential women the Nazi administration were slaughing the birthplace and headquarters in America . who will promote the tered: in cold blood; or "while resist- New .York.—(JTA)—A crossfire of of the order for Jewish youths beideals of the National Conference of ing arrest," the official figure put the denials, recriminations and contratween the age of 16 and 21, (also Jews and ""Christians and thus add killings at "below, jsfety" but reliable dictory statements " followed in the Tokyo — (JTA)—There has been a strength to the eiforts of those who known as the Junior B'nai Brith) sources state that :the number of dead wake of the revelation that Daniel marked development in Japan's trade actively work m behalf of a broader Ernie Nogg is the representative since the year, with Jewish traders runs in the hundreds. Frohman, eighty-two-year-old dean of hailing from Egypt, India, Iraq and toelrance in oor| rial life." of Omaha chapter No. 1, while Eddie Several of the ; developments are the American stage, had been indi- Europe, establishing branch ^offices at The Council, Rosenbaum is the delegate from its membership considered favorable in Jewish circles. rectly invited to stay away from the Kobe, Japan's commercial city. Omaha chapter No. 100. Julius Bisno roster is finally completed, is expectis executive secretary. Besides BeTo; begin with, ajnong those butch- lido Country Club of Long Beach be- It is an open secret that since the ed to number imftb than one thousand ber on the supreme advisory counered' n$$re quite a few notorious anti- cause he is a Jew. of German goods and services women of the three faiths representcil, I. F. Goodman of Omaha is Semites who were dn the forefront in The racial "thumbs down," it was boycott ed in the Confereace. Acceptances of Jewish merchants have flocked to Jatreasurer and Philip M. Klutznick Jew-baiting, particularly among the disclosed had been delivered by J. H. pan in large numbers to establish membership have already -• been reMiss Pauline Baerwald who will ad- is chairman of the executive comcommanders o the Storm Troops. Caples, chairman of Lido's member- business connections. Kobe today is ceived from several hundred women dress A. Z. A. convention. mittee, and Henry Monsky and WilAlso, the storm troopers have been ship committee, through Mrs. Reynier buzzing with orders and welcoming in communitiea scattered throughout liam Wolfe are members of the ordered to turn in their uniforms for Prall, wife of a Childs Restaurant trade returns showing an excess of the country. Members will co-operate Workmen's Circle No. 173 held its council. a "vacation." It is estimated that company executive, who had recently exports over imports. in all local effort* to further justice, regular election of officers, with the only twenty percent will be called applied for membership. amity and understanding among. Profollowing chosen: 0 f 1 /»/»/» nnn • *nt*f» F x o m t l i e d i s t r i c t convention of It is stated that at the time of the back from the "vacation." These To a reporter of the Jewish Tele- Hamaguchi $11,(MW,OUU III I93S\the B'nai Brith.at Grand Rapids, a cabinet, in the days pre- testants, Catholics' and Jews and "all S. Stein, finance secretary; L. Witstorm troopers were constantly com- graphic Agency, Caples denied that he ceding the gold others of our~rich|y diversified Amerkin, recording secretary; Paul Katz| party of Omahans including Beber, embargo, there vrere mitting anti-Semitic acts without of- had made the statements attributed to a handful of Jews, ican family of citizens." man, treasurer; S. Ruderman, hos- Jerusalem (WNS) — Growth o f | Klutznick, Dr. A. Greenbergg and but today they ficial sanction and their elimination him by Mrs. Prall, total more than 200, about seventy In announcing the purpose of the pitaler. On the executive commitB probably means the elimination of * ^ m m o t o r to t h e A' "Mrs. Prall absolutely and delib- families. A correspondent writing body, Mrs. Fisher declared: "This tee are A. Forman, M. Crounse, M. Palestine's economic life is revealed jj g ^ much of the illegal violence. in the country's trade figures for j Pauline Baerwald, national chairerately distorted the facts," he said. from Kobe, stated that there are, al- period of national crisis summons Selicow, S. Zusman, Rubin, and 19SS. Imports totalled $55,000,000 ij man of the junior division of the Further, the Hitler smashing of his "Mr. Frohman was treated -with cour- together, 10 Jewish firms, half of men and women of all shades of opin- S. Lipp. American Jewish Joint Distribution foes meant a swing to the "right" or tesy and he even dined at the club. which came from Egypt, Syria, India ion, or all varieties of racial origin The officers will be installed by and exports ?11,000,000. Committee, -will be the principal to the conservative elements in Ger- No one as far as I know approached and Iraq, and the other half from to work together as American citi- M. Selicow at a picnic to be given speaker at the opening luncheon of many, which in itself is favorable. Mrs. Prall and asked her not to bring Europe and America. zens for the common welfare. But for members and their families at the eleventh A. Z. A. convention. Out of the turmoil, it seemed evi- Mr. Frohman around again because he there is a peculiar service which wo- Hanscom park Sunday afternoon. ReMiss Baerwald, who has just redent that the reichswehr or Tegular was Jewish." men, more than men citizens, can ren- freshments -will be served. In case of turned from a visit to Germany, army is the controlling factor in Asked whether there were at the Hebrew Club Special der to this ideal. Women, as teach- rain, the picnic will be held the folwhare she spent considerable time Germany. The army is loyal to present time any Jewish members on ers and as mothers—the majority of lowing Sunday. Meeting Next Sunday them among the underprivileged Jewish President "Von Hindenburg and takes the club's rolls, Caples answered in are either one or the other or youth, will speak of her observaorders from him. Vice-chancellor Ton the affirmative. He refused, however, A special meeting of the Omaha both—influence, whether they will or Heat Wave Brings tions and experiences. Papen's life and his remaining in the to name them. Hebrew Club will be held Sunday not, the patterns of children's minds, cabinet are said to be due directly to "I see no reason," he explained, afternoon more than men ~d<$ And the patterns Close to five hundred delegates Many to J. C. C. Pool at 3:30 p. m. at the J. C. Hindenburg's orders. set in children's! minds now deterand visitors from all parts of the why I should embarrass our mem- C for members only. opinion in During the recent heat wave, London (JTA).—Spying and in- United States and Canada are exAlthough no German Jews were in- bers by revealing their names." Important business matters will be mine the patternsiof public • volved in the bloody events, the vio- Asked if he knew how many Jew- discussed, and a program has been a few years. many men, women and children have forming are commonplace in the Saar, pected to attend the convention seslently anti-Semitic Deutche Zeitung, ish members the club had, he re- arranged. At the conclusion of the "We hope that the Women's Advis- been taking advantage of the J. C. according to Everyman Magazine. The sions. operated by Walter Daare could not fused to give the number enrolled. meetingj refreshments will be served. ory Council, through the home, the C. swimming'pool, with large attend- Nazis have detailed lists regarding Other convention features include refrain from bringing the Jewish citi- A fact that injected some element schools, the women's clubs and the ances at all classes. the administrative and political atti- a meeting of the Supreme Advisory zens into .- the"., niatter, declaring: of mystery to the story was the aged Pro^Naa Professor Elected community, will exert an- important All those, interested in special tude of all Saar officials, about whom Council, an "Advisors' Reundtable,'* " . . . it must be evident to every na- producer, who boasts of membership only ot swim classes are asked to call Lee information is almost always . •fur- a school of A. Z. A. consisting of leadership courses, a conference em tional socialist tjfeat^^ •y4h©4^eiss,Jmve in -actors' guilds tif three-faiths<>the ^Vienna.—In spite".-of resistance Jut from our Grossman, physical director at the nished by their jnniors. .."... Boy Scoot work, »nd the formation their hands 1in this conspiracy against Catholic actors'Guxid and the Jewish government .•'_' quarters;- against any shores but iff geft&g those of vari- Center. Mr. Grossman urges the JewQuoting the Copenhagen Politiken, of an international A. Z, A. Alaraai the lekflek ^-^ ; V:' ' ".' Actors Guild, informed the Jewish Nazi influence in the halls of learn- ous faiths to *work together for com- ish parents to send their children to Everyman continues: association. ......•„Among ''those executed Captain Telegraphic Agency that on the day ing, the Vienna University elected mon American^ ideals for the greater the Center for swimming instrucOne hears of nothing but what will The social program consists of & Ernest Hoehm of the Storm Troops preceding his visit to the Lido, he had Professor Hold, a pro-Nazi, as rector. glory of pur country.": tion. happen "after 1935," and the Saar preconvention stag and two lunchand his lieutenant Heines were espe- received a card inviting him to be the inhabitants live in an atmosphere poi- ! eons at the Washington J. C. "C., cially anti-Semitic Those killed — club's guest for a day. soned with informing and with recip- | convention dance, and the kosher whether they wanted more power in This card, Frohman stated, had his rocal mistrust, in a fear of future banquet which will end the conclave, the Nazi councils, or were monarch- name printed on it and bore the sigconcentration camps and "Aryan parists or wanted freedom of speech and nature of Caples. How he happened agraphs." The Nazi press of the disthought—were sent to their death to be placed on the club's list-—even trict is already talking of future ven•without trial of any kind. for one day—since the fact of Frohgeance, and recalls the punishments The Vatican was particularly bitter man's Jewishness has never been a inflicted on the Rhine Separatists. about the slaying of "Dr. Erich Klaus- secret, the producer could not say. At a Nazi meeting a Socialist in aner, head of the Catholic Action or- The card is in the possession of the Saar greets him with the words: ganization. It was first reported that Mrs. Prall, according to both Mrs. "We know where you will go in 1935." Klausener had "committed suicide," Prall and Frohman, who said that By PIERRE VAN PAASSEN In many factories and work the Hit(which is contrary to the Catholic re- after the unpleasant incident she exler salute is already obligatory, and ligion), but It was later established pressed a desire to keep it. "Mrs. that he had been shot down.. A few Prall refused to part with the card, What is behind King Ibn Sand's days, and which niTnc at the crea- away in the. perfidius maelstrom of woe to the worker who forgets this fact. other outstanding Catholics were also -when asked for it by a JTA repre- recent campaign? tion of a federated Arabic empire. imperialist policies. killed. Irresponsible Nazi leaders al- sentative. She showed the card, how- What is the role of. St. John Fhil- When The Saar Nazis have amassed com- Washington (JTA)—Representative see a Mr. St. John Philby, The Abdullah is in London plete archives against their fellow Andrew L. Somers of New York, in an so threatened Catholic priests in ad- ever. It was dated May 7, 1934, and by, Britian's mysterious , political writingwefrom exclusive interview with a JTA reTaif, Arabia, in the to propose the reunion of Palestine dresses. signed in pen and ink by Caples. manipulator? London Observer, applauding - the and Transjordan under his_ own citizens. These archives are full of porter, came out with a strong inAlthough the "second revolution" is Mrs. Prall. expressing annoyance What does Emir Abdullah want in conquests of the Hedjah King as an sceptre. David's throne in Jerusalem, in with a Jew or a Frenchofficially over, it is of course known at the .way the press has kept her London? important step towards . a united and nothing less, is the condition conversation the United States, advocating a counman, •that underneath the surface the Ger- busy since the story broke, repeated What is the game of the British Arabia, and find that avowed enemy which the son of Hussein puts up singing the man government is sitting on a vol- her original story as to how the in- Colonial office? Wessel ler in this country. of the Jewish enterprise in Pales- for the participation of Trapsjordan cano. cident developed. This article Teveals the possibili- tine reminding the British all else are standing at attention. ! A threat to the foundations of in the Pan-Aialbic union. governHaving applied for membership ties of a gigantic political chess ment of "oar obligations the The plan so plainly bears the ear- The boycott of Jewish shops couid American society," are the words in (which is $150 a year) but not having game which wonld change the* posi- Arabians tinder the MacMahontobond," of the Philby's, the Armstrong not of course be proclaimed under which Somers described the operations as yet received her card, she said she tion of the Jews in Palestine over- it is '. time, xnethinks, for Zionists mark Lukes and the rest of the Colonel r ~T O ^tsken i ^ c a1 r*e BtoT 'B oBt.eUt t h e2* n a m e s of Nazis here. invited Frohman to"go out with her. night. It is of importance to every to be on the a l e r t . . . . Lawrence's cronies, that, it unques^ He expressed keen interest in orq While having a sandwich and tea Jew.—Editor. Behind Ibn Sand, it is not at all tionably originate in the Colonia of everyone who contravened the tacit ganizing Christians for the purpose of (she denies as one newspaper re* * • to see, sits the same clique office itself, where these torethern boycott: and the 4,000 Jews of the shedding true light on Nazi propaganported, that there were cocktails) It seems to have been decreed in difficult of imperialist who came have always had their henchmen Saar live a life of dull terror. da activities in the United States and Mrs. Prall says she was called aside London that King Ibn Saud of the near wrecking intriguants the Jewish The plan not only revives the Pan- I was able to speak to several charged all Americans with responsiby Caples who asked her "in a very Hedjaz Is to be head of the long- enterprise in Palestine on national members of the governing commis- bility of warding off the Nazi invaseveral deferred but never quite abandoned occasions, now again pulling the Arabic union, but the new feature of sions which rules here in the name sion of this country. Stockholm (JTA)—German appro- ungentlemanly manner:" it, which makes it more acceptable priations for foreigiupropaganda have, "How did you sign your applica- project of a Pan-Arabic onion under strings and preparing a new offen- all around, is the inclusion in the of the League of Nations. All are "To date the entire burden of countion—as a Gentile or a Jew?"', the suzerainty of Great Britian. been substantially increased in the sive against Eretz Israel. The vic- union of a Palestinian kingdom tin- unanimous in deploring the existing tering Uazi propaganda has been met last few months, the Social Demo- Taken by surprise at this uestion, That monarch's recent campaign tories of Ibn Saud have had an der Abdullah, the most docile pup- situation and, above all, the fact that by the representative bodies of the craten, the Swedish official organ, Mrs. Prall answered, "As a Gentile, against the Iman of Yemen, for enormous repercussion in the whole pet of all Arabic princes. This will a government interested in the forth- Jews, who are the immediate victims reports. Since November, while fail- of course," and demanded to know which Britain generously supplied Arabic world and I have reason to provide a check, an eventual coun- coming plebiscite should dare, con- of Hitlerism," Somers recently deing to pay even, the interest .on her why such a question was put to her. him" with field-artillery, bombing- believe that greater changes stand terbalance to the otherwise aomrnant trary to the treaty of Versailles, to clared in an address. external debts, Germany has spent Caples then told her, Mrs. Prall planes, tanks and machine-gunsj before-the door," changes that will position of Ibn Saud in the near let loose propaganda and terror in He cited the work of the American abroad more than 80,000,00() marks said, that he suspected she was Jew- makes him the undisputed master of have a vital bearing on the future east. If ever the time comes for Tbn the territory. Congress as " a valiant piece for spreading iNazi ideas- No coun- ish because she was addressing Mr. southern and'middle Arabia and ad- of the Jewish - commonwealth in Saud to be put in his place—a not The Saar Nazis have frequent Jewish of work in arousing the world to proFrohman as "Uncle Dan." She exvances the limits of his domains try in the world is free from HitlerPalestine. So -grave are the implica- inconceivable eventuality, for " the meetings with Hitler, Goering and against the victimization of Gerpaid propaganda, which is most in'- plained that Sie called him "Uncle" right up to the eastern Doundaries of tions involved in what is taking man begins to get a taste for con- Von Papen and carry, out their or- test mans by the Hitler government." reason everybody in the that part of Palestine which' is place in'Arabia that there i s ' not a tensive in France and England, where for the same : quest, after Riad, Qasim, Hasa, ders. But it must not be supposed "I believe the time has come for the theatrical profession called him that known as Transjordania. Zionists and minute to lose in demanding an immare than 25,000,000 marks recently —in affectionate endearment. all friends of Erete Israel would do mediate explanation of the nature Ataiba, Hail, the Hedjaz, the Aflay that the terrorist •methods invariably Christian forces of the United States has been spent for that purpose. in my estimation, to consider of the" negotiations "now being car- and Harj districts, Asir and now serve the cause of the Reich. Very to recognize the danger of the Nazi The sums spent by v the Nazis in Then, Mrs. Prall said, Caples told well, seriously the new political constella- ried on in. London" between the Emir Yemen, and there is in addition often the opposite happens and, ac- movement and to unite for the purother countries are given~ as f ollows; her that he didn't want to have her tion in. the near east, and the im- Abdullah of Transjordan and offi- beckoning him the restoration of the cording to what one of the Commis- pose of conducting an organized and bring Frohman out to the club again, 15,000,000 marks in Austria, 5,000,000 plications ' resulting from the fresh cials of the' Colonial 'office.' The Kalifate in Mecca itself, which he, sion told me, if the Saar were to be ; responsible campaign to counter the in Czechoslovakia, 750,000 in Switzer- since "we don't allow Jews." Saudian conquests; for unless we do, Jewish people must. not- again be whom many Arabs regard as a "holy divided into certain definite districts, ] invasion of Hitler in this country. When she related the incident to land, 750,000 in Belgium, 500,000 in 'Tor eight years the Nazi party has a new and devastating disillusion- confronted with a' fait accompli, as man, controls; if ever, I say, he is it is certain that several of them the Baltic States, 200,000 in Denmark her husband later, he advised her to ment to be brought to a standstill^, Abdul- would vote with a considerable ma- made an effort to find a foothold In is in store for us.' withdraw her membership. • on the occasion when Transjordan and Finland, 1,000,000 in Rumania"* lah will be the man to do it—with jority for the maintenance of the the United States," Somers said. "Dur1,500,000 in Holland, 2,000,000 in '. Although*-she did.not inform Froh- The rise of King Ibn Saud must was cut" off from Palestine twelve a British-equipped army of Jewish present regime. ing the last year, since the rise of man immediately as to what "had not be taken as something accident- years ago. We ought to have learned conscripts. A distant danger, you South America, 4,000,000 in the UnitA Nazi leader, Anton Scberer, deHitler to power, the Nazi .movement 1 ; transpired, ' she did so later and he t ed States. :" •'-':,-•.'.: -• "i?'> -.Alone; and: unaided the man -would by now that post-facto protests with may believe. Abdullah did not come clared quite recently, during a meet- in this country has enjoyed a degree expressed T?a4n, that she. should nave1 al. the British government are postively to London on bis own initiative. He The Swedish newspaper , explains been so: embarrassed on his account be Teduced to playing the role of a of succrss. Since Hitler came into They nave always been came by invitation. And the invita- ing at Dillingen: that the fignres it; mentions do.>not Mrs. Prall declared. I He wrote a let- primitive, altn'ougnt fanatical shiek, ineffectual. "After the 19S5 plebiscite our party power the Hitler government ha» so in fiie past. That is why Ameriinclude money spent for Nazi propa- ter to tte management in which he ruling some, half savage tribes in the can Israel must be put on its guard tion was not extended to Mm before will, over the whole Saar district, ex- made a concerted effort to invade th« ganda by .German steamship icom- said he was' "glad that Christ, who ,4ranian interior,, kept at a distance beforehand against the sinister in- he was "ripe", for a conference. act exemplary vengeance for twenty- United States by sending to our cities panies, which. have become actual was a Jew, also, was not with the from the, currents and cross-cur- trigue .that is being brewed against The Colonial: office plays a subtle four hours. We asked our leader and townE thousands of secret service agencies for the dissemination of Hit- party of. people,. for .He, too, would rents of imperial, politics "by his own Ereta Israel on the part of its con- game. Between Abdullah and Ibn Adolf Hitler permission to avenge agents and by dumping upon our peoreligious exdnsiveness. Recent years lerism abroad. The % latter. ^ompanleg,have been turned away." Saud there is a deep feud,' dating for forty-eight hours, but we were ple millions of dollars worth of literhave shown, however, that Ibn Saud stant enemies in the Colonial office, from the time when Ibn Saud chased only allowed twenty-four. Therefore, ature with the immediate object of while German shipping lias -fallen "off and why redoubled vigilance must is being used as an instrument by more than 50 per cent, have .doubled • exercised 'henceforth lest the Abdullah's fattier, the Sherif of Mec- brothers, sharpen your knives ana stirring up racial discord similar to their foreign personnel. " - University, Va.—Religious problems the opponents of the establishment be heritage the Jewish people, ac- ca, Britian's ally in "The Revolt in get ready for the job, for we shan't that which exists in Germany and with The greatest part wf the funds laid are to play an important-part in dis- of the Jewish National Home in quired "byofright and at the cost of the Desert," old King Hnssein of the have a moment to lose. We shall have the ultimate objective of creating symout by the Hitler government abroad, cussions of the eighth Institute of Palestine to further that old scheme a tremendous outpour of treasure Hedjaz, from his throne -anti country. to finish in twenty-four hours a job pathy in America and making us forPublic Affairs at the University of of theirs with which we have been and self-secrifice, be not adds the "Social Demokraten," isjfor for which forty-eight wouldn't have get the obligations that Germany still frittered : l familiar, since Colonel Lawrence's anti-Jewish 'propaganda. •' •' • ' • * Virginia,--for two week* owes na." »eeii too long." ; (Continued on Page 8.)




Israelite Exodus Occurred 1300 B C. Coast-to-Coast

Women's Advisory Council of National Conference of Jews and Omstians


Palestine's Exports







surprise and left in the wake of the respond to the different opinions ex-\jeWlSh DoctOT announcement both regret'and conisting among the Jewish people of siderable puzzlements In certain the world today as to their status. quarters of the Street, the retirement There are three kinds,of Jews today, was interpreted &s holding ominous it assumes: Those whp want a JewClevand (WNS)—A new and reimport for the future ot the financial ish homeland to live in and a Jew- volutionary anti-typhoid anti-toxin community. Baruch's ~ intimacy with ish nationality; those who want a serum developed by Dr. Gregor SchPresident Roosevelt and bis failure to Jewish nationality but no homeland; wartzman the annual gold medal of sway;the-. latter to what the Street and those who want .neither Jewish the American Medical Association. would have regarded as more modhomeland, nor, nationality, but want In* making the award the prize comGroup of French Jewish Leaders erate financial legislation, led this to become completely; assimilated in mittee pointed out that Dr. 'SchwartzAdvance This as Pergroup to the belief that Baruch's exit the country where they live. man's- discovery opens the way to new from the financial arena at this time manent Solution remedies for other diseases because meant that he saw little hope for Wall of his unique process. Dr. Karl Street ever emerging from the doldLandsteiner, winner of the 1930 Paris, (J.T. A.).—The creation of Cardinal O'Connell By RABBI URI MILLER rums in which It ndw is. Nobel Prize in medicine, described to a sovereign Jewish national state as in Tolerance Plea the Association a new blood test Babbi Uri Miller, spiritual leader Shall the Jew be labelled atheist? tracted, he good-naturedly assented. In-other circles, the retirement was the only permanent solution of the of 'the United Orthodox Synagogues It was with pride we beheld the an- And the synagogue certainly was viewed as presaging appointment by Jewish, national problem is advo- Boston (WNS) —Catholics were which makes it possible to determine Roosevelt to a high political or diplo- cated by a group of Jewish leaders urged to "cease dissension and per- paternity by analyzing saliva, perof Omaha (the Vaad Ha' Ihr) is at nouncement of Jewish services called crowded. We- pointed out that many reform1 matic office. Getting- clear of Wall in France, headed by M. G. Welter. secution, for there is no hatred in the spiration and semen. present on an extensive tour of Eur- for seven-thirty. ope and Palestine. These interesting And the designated Shul, the third- temples with more expensive organs Street those who held to this view The project, as outlined in the Mer-religion of Christ" by William Cardtravel impressions were written by class library, was a tribute to the and with choirs more thoroughly contended, was a preliminary to ac- cure de France, would consist in inal O'Connell in & plea for tolerance For Quality and Sen-ice shop with the making some particular city, and American unity before a crowd the merchants advertising in The Babbi Miller while crossing the Atlan- fact that most of our minyan would mixed were rumored ot have,empty ceptance of some • important post. tic;—The Editor. " come from that class. The first class seats. Was it .not possible that the However, in his announcement, such as Tel Aviv, a sovereign Jew- of 30,000 gathered to celebrate his Jewish Press. did not have even a kosher table. Did novelty of the situation was the at- made exclusively to the Associated ish state to be placed under the fiftieth anniversary in the priesthood. Press, Baruch did not touch at all on protection of three great powers; Recalling that Jesus was a Jew, not the Rabbis say long ago: "Pov-traction? The young man in the Cunard ofthese angles. In this skyscraper of- France, England and the United Cardinal 0,ConneIl said "let us reMr. B. refused to answer or to wane erty is becoming to Israel." fice at 25 Broadway (New York) was enthusiasm. His was an up and fice at 120 Broadway, the man who States, who would guarantee its member that it was the Jewish race FOR RENT very polite, and very firm. No, it Our International Minyan was a tre- in who preserved. the Ten Commandcoming Temple. They even had a said he preferred to be known as a neutrality. was impossible to "board the Beren- mendous success. South Africa, Eng- ritual committee The advantage of such a sovereign ments. The entire civilized world to cut out some of "speculator, a man who thinks and Apartment for couple. garia Friday eve and.--stay; overnight. land; Poland, Oklahoma, Massachu- the high holiday prayers. plans for the future—and acts before Jewish state would lie chiefly in the must honor the story of the great We indigsetts, New York, New Jersey, and NeOne might bring' one's baggage •.Friit occurs," as he long ago informed a fact that such a state could have an race of Israel. When everywhere the cried out at this. What! Would MA. 1946 day, one might-even stay for a while braska had their delegates. And the nantly Congressional committee, said he'd unlimited number of Jewish citizens peoples of the earth worshipped false 4314 So. 21st St. laymen mutilate the prayer book? enthusiasm with which we fraternFriday evening, but overnight—imposkeep himself from growing rusty by ized in praying to the God of Israel What of the Rabbi? Surely he would writing on economic and political sub- under its jurisdiction residing abroad. gods, worshipped heathen idols, worsible! -•;•""• '-•• . seemed indicate the fulfillment of hot tolerate such an arrangement jects as well as on his career, and From the legal and political view- shipped Jove, Venus and Apollo, the We explained conscientiously that a deep to points there would then exist four Jewish race kept alive the truth, that longing. We laid plans for But our president smiled nonchalant- by making a few public addresses. Saturday was our Sabbath, that,.a further services, amplifying there is but one God." " '/; ' ly. The Rabbi was a great fellow and and elaof Jews: journey must not be begun on the borating on our present services. We a great Zionist. He too was on the Mr. Baruch revealed that late- this categories 1. .Tews residing in the sovereign Sabbath. Observing the Semitic cast have sermons and open-forum ritual committee; And he would as- month he will go to Europe on the Jewish national state and, as such, Storm Trooper Jailed; of countenance, we asked point blank: would discussions. Even a Jewish concert. sent to the proposed changes. He Leviathan for a few weeks of rest possessing full right of Jewish na"Are you Jewish?" . But.. our New Walked With Jewess in Vichy. He will be accompanied on tionality. Yorker with averted eyes answered a There were but four the next morn- was -a good fellow. Berlin.—A Nazi storm /trooper ; trip by Frank R. Kent, Journalist 2. Jewish residents' of other coun- sentenced diffident "No.". As to our request, he ing for services. Thus wanes en- We asked concerning the orthodox his to serve twa months in jail group. Mr. B. was quite frank. There and numbered among the group of tries who on their request would be because he disregarded warnings by was sorry. '.He had'similar requests thusiasm. • * * were nine orthodox synagogues. younger professional men who have granted Jewish Nationality in the his commander to end his friendship from others and their religious scrupWHAT OF OUR OW3J! There were constant quarrels. Poli- been identified as Baruchian disci- sovereign state and would thus be with a Jewish girl. When the Nazi les were satisfied by a short stay, on placed under the jurisdiction of the was observed, as he was strolling Friday eve. We must be content with At our minyan we met Mr. K. from tics reigned supreme. And Rabbis ples. While he is abroad, his offices will Jewish state. were coming and going as the nine Boston.Mr.. K. announced himself as much. . with the Jewish girl, he was arrested be removed to Madison avenue and 3. Jews who are citizens of the His punishment was made heavier We came to the ship resigned. If as a Litvisher. He had studied in congregations united and periodically Fifty seventh street. When he rethis be the law, we must make the his youth and still remembered Bib- broke apart. The synagogues were turns he will embark on his three- country where the reside, but form- because he replied to threats of exbest of it. But one last effort. we lical passages and Talmudical say- empty most of the year. No effort at fold literary venture.. First on his ing there a national minority and pulsion from the Nazi party with the determined to make on shipboard. ings. He was returning to Wilno to retaining the youth was even contem- schedule is an . autobiography that as such protected by international remark that he "did not give a hoot laws. Surely it would do no harm J We were see his parents after twentyrsix fair- plated; There was no time for that INSURED CABS depict the life.of a son of a Con- 4. Jews who have become com- for the storm troops." received very friendly by the obvious- ly successful' years in t i e land of the Much more important business, such will Army surgeon, Simon Bar- pletely assimilated in the countries ly-British officials on shipboard. Our free. And he was" quite "enthusiastic as quarreling over Kashrus, was at federate uch, who came to this country from where they reside and have entirely request* was -hearkened to with all about the reunion with his pious par- hand. . We sighed deeply. The story Germany. From his early Civil war given up any connection with Jewsympathy. And a hurried- consulta- ents. ••''•••' days he wfll carry the story through ish nationality, severing all connection, resulted in an almost-immediate We were also, going to Poland and sounded so familiar. his New York City college days, and tions with their racial origins. Where Omaha Shops with Confidence Lithuania and we discussed" our reaffirmative reply. T: the start of his Wall street career. This division, according to the We still wandered if our young-man spective itineraries. They were pracThe autobiography will be brought proponents of the plan, would cortically alike. But with the ship arat the central office was. Jewish. through the days of James J. Hill, riving Friday morning", we would be George Baker, Morgan, the elder, the said, he has been studying and makconstrained to spend the Sabbath in : WHO W t t L SAVE ISBAEL1 16th at Farnam friendship with Wilson- and into the ing notes for years. It will trace the Paris. Mr. K. -was going straight On board ship we-found we h a d through on the international express. turbulence of the past few years. development of tribes into nations, of been preceded by a bearded passen- We hinted tactfully to Mr. K. that His second literary effort, he said, barbarism into culture, of society. ger, with similar scruples. Mr. L. in would be impersonal in nature and inthe jewelry business was a n experi- his parents would inquire undoubtedspirational in character, directed toenced traveler. However,- he was ly as to the time of his arrival. Even though they be simple people they ward the youth of-the land. This pious.' Exceedingly pious." He carried New York.—(JTA)—Bernard Manwith h i m all sorts of food. Even his would realize .he had traveled on the nes Baruch, the sixty-four-year-old work, .he modestly-predicted would own butter. Yes, h e knew of t h e Sabbath. They would feel hurt Was financier who was born in South Car- probably be tossed'out. by some WE REFTNISH ANYTHING as the output of "an old kosher kitchen, of t h e hechsher of the it consistent to spend all this time olina and who achieved the distinc- oungsters 1 MADE OF METAL ... ,..„ . . Beth Din of England. But' for him-and money to bring joy to one's par- tion of being dubbed by the notorious aker.' ents, to fulfill the fifth commandThe third projected volume he deself h e took n o chances. Exen b u t 2210 Farnam JA-2566 anti-Semite William Pelley, as "our ter may be mixed with other fats. ment and in the process violate the real President—a Jew, the Dictator scribed as concerned with man's conquest of nature.,- #pr this work, he And with bis own pots a n d pans h e fourth? was certain. So we s a t assiduously -Mr. K. saw the justice of our hesi- of America," has given Wall Street " reviewing the Bible "portion of t h e tantly-given suggestion. He decided the air. ; One of the undisputed monarchs of that he also would remain in Paris on week. the financial canyons, confidente of the Sabbath. As the idea grew on Yet he was a man: of t h e world; him, he became enthusiastic in his 1 every president from Woodrow Wilson quite cosmopolitan with h i s jauntily- expressions of thanks. He would be t 0 Franklin D. Roosevelt — although tilted French b e r e t And hi3 internaone of the first to utter disagreement tional business deals hinted a t wealth. ever grateful. This would be truly with some of the latter's New Heal We admired his obvious consis- honoring father and mother. We bad policies—the tall gray-haired, athletency. And his apparent sincerity. saved him from sin. We were happy at our achieve- tic looking "Barney" last Friday anSurely it w a s good to know that such ment But in the; silence of - our nounced his intention of retiring to men still existed. In- these days of thoughts we prayed. Would we could t&e shade of that fig tree to which religious disintegration; such were a an T««*h -aiM-h nwn TnPTnhPrs every man, according to the Bible, is n as much with do ournnr own members. badly needed. Israel was indeed not entitled and there to spend his re* • • l o s t Surely such must b e a pillar of maining years In the writing of his ! memoirs. strength in his community and con-FAMILIAE With Purchase of a De Luxe ComMr. B. of Connecticut introduced His retirement took Wall Street by gregation. And we casually inquired pletely Equipped Six-Foot (the a s to .his congregational affilitations. himself. He had heard of the Minyan A negative shake of t h e head was and would like to "observe Yahrzeit i Box with the Len-a-dor) Model his reply. He belonged t o n o con- And as we were from Omaha, did we LD2 (Just Another Great State gregation. Wherefore ^should he be- know' David Fellman? What a small i M long? H e h a d h i s cronies; they pray- world it is, after all. Value). ed a t length and with proper devoMr. B. was president of a synaY tion in a private home.; -But a con- gogue. Not orthodox; rather semigregation. Why and wherefore? Mix reform. Conservative was the correct E in petty,- dirty politics.: Was not designation, he agreed. And it was R everything lost anyway? Resigna- with pride he proceeded to give the tion, cynical disparagement, even dis- quantitative analysis cf his congreB. dainful-contempt w a s his 5 reply to all gation. Its budget'was $22,000. The our exhortations that such a s he could Rabbi received. 55,500.00; the cantorinfluence congregational, life for t h e secretary $5,000.00, and so on. EspeF better. H e w a s concerned with h i s cially, was he proud of the $8,000 orE soul alone. < •< gan and the 16 voices mixed choir. R Who then will save Israel? We were rather • surprised at the This woMerful alE organ. Was }t necessary? Or even desirable? And what did the Rabbi R : lowance vand value THE CHESCENDO V The bulletin board of the Tourist say concerning it? It was true, the Will Satisfy All lour offered lit conjuncDivision carried announcements of Rabbi had not been enthusiastic Neon Sign Needs about i t He had even mildly obCatholic and Church of England sertion witfcf our Easy Associated with vices. But nothing at all of Jewish jected. But he was a good fellow. Paymentfand Meter OMAHA NEON SIGN CO. services. Our pride wa3 hurt And And a great Zionist. Zionism wa3 we appealed to the MashgrachH-nay, his main interest - And -when; it was Plans. AT. 607? demanded that Israel take its rightful explained to him that only by the 1120 No. 18 organ could the young people be atplace in the ranks o t the religious. *












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duct of many years of research and writing,' almost simultaneously with a growing; appreciation of the truths The following newly elected officers championed by the author, emphasizes of A. Z. A. No. 1 were installed at Mrs. Freda Gertrude Woolfson, 84, again the stature of a man who is one the last meeting: of the outstanding social prophets of passed away last Friday night at the Louis Kiklin, president; Ernest Jewish Old People's home, due to this country, that small band of men Priesman, vice president; Massie illness incident to old age. and women who are really the progenitors of President Roosevelt's New By the Service Life Insurance Baum,' secretary; -Art Werner, treasShe is survived by five daughters, urer; Jack Temih, reporter; Hymen Deal. .-••-• Company, Omaha Mrs. J. H. Ross, Mrs. B. A. Simon, Temm, senior'sergeant-at arms; Sam (Copyright, 1934, by Seven Arts Mrs. A. Weiss of Omaha; Mrs. N. Wolk, junior .sergeant-at-arms; Ben Feature Syndicate.) When speaking of life insurance Light of Chicago, and Mrs. H. Mark companies, all statistics sound pretty Shrier, chaplain. Ernest Nogg was of Muscatine. Also by fifteen grandmuch alike, and the figures are soon elected to represent the chapter at children, four great-grandchildren, the international A. Z. A. convention. The Work of I. M. RUBINOW—By Henry Montor forgotten and two . sisters, Mrs. B. E. Heend . But, there is one thing which sticks A delegation from the California of Chicago., and Mrs. I. Goldberg - "With social welfare legislation one ciently aroused today to demand these in the minds of a great majority of A, Z. A., on their way to the con- of Montreal, Canada. of the chief objectives ol the New elementary safeguards for their peace people, and that is the fact that the clave at Washington, were guests Deal, the background of the New Deal : The vastlvTimproved Psi Mu soft- life insurance companies are the very of the Omaha chapter during the Funeral services were held Sunof mind. day, with burial at Fischer Farm and the history of the men who laid It is strange that the capitalistic ball team, which has been steadily backbone of the country's financial week-end, and special entertainment cemetery. its foundation become of wide interwas arranged. world Should oppose the very things climbing in the win percentages, sources. est. The author of this sketch charthat may be the only factors to stave .went into a tie for _ the runner-up life insurance funds constitute the Th scheduled softball game with acterizes Dr. Isaac M. Rubinow as off the collapse of that decayed in- position.in the J. C. C. league by largest reservoir of liquid capital in the Sioux City A. Z. A. has been inJewish Press Advertisers merit one of the social prophets who by stitution. If there is unrest in this defeating the Peerless Cleaners by the country. j definitely postponed. your patronage. their effort through three decades country today, it is not Teally moti- the score of 9 to -2. The pitching No large project requiring Large laid the framework for interest in and vated by any widespread desire to of Morris Bloom featured. sums of money to finance such as support of progressive social legislashare in equal degree the wealth of Skipper Leslie Burkenroad and his the building1 of highways across the Begltstend by • tion.—The Editor. Morgan and Rockefeller. The depres- Sample nine remained at the top of country; • the building of schools, Gut Bras* sion of the past five years has mere- the ladder by taking the long end of Municipal light, power, and water ly accentuated the fact that even the an ll-tb-5. count with the Wardrobes. plants could be undertaken without . Isaac M. Rubinow is lost in the very minimum earnings of the indi- The Seiner-A. Z. - A. game was post- the financial aid of insurance comshadow of his reputation. He is esvidual are not safe .from the onslaught poned. . panies, unless those interested in the sentially a shy person -who permits of chance. . The advance i n . techThe schedule for this Sunday building of the projects called upon himself to be overawed by any blusnology and the more universal use of morning: Wardrobe vs. Psi Mu, east the people direct for subscriptions tering voice. Interesting before the its instruments have magnified the Elmwood; Samples vs. Seiners, west to a bond issue. pressure of the less-competent but WERE FIRST possibilities of accidents. The . so- Elmwood; A. Z. A. vs. Peerless, 22nd more-aggressive, he sometimes seems Life insurance companies have, CREATED IN called advanced American standard of and Paul. Games start at 11 a. m. during the past fifty years, taken unaware of the regard which he has THE nii! CENliving is. actually a myth, insofar as This will complete the second i a prominent part in the development built up for himself during decades TURY 6 WERE the majority of the population is conround of play in the J. C. C. loop. | of necessary projects which have of intelligent activity on behalf of CALLED cerned. Witi the development of inliberal social causes. In more recent benefitted the people of this country. ter-communication, the rapid advance years, it has been Dr. Rubinow's parWithout these funds which the purCHAINS" in traveling facilities and an increase ticular misfortune (it is my own charchase of life insurance provided, in literacy, there is growing a desire acterization—certainly nofhis) to be m£ny of the schools our children are L M. Bnbinow to share in the fundamental human identified professionally with Jewish now attending would not have been organizations. The latter may. al- comparison with the great progress things that are essential to body combuilt. We perhaps would still be Arthur David Schlaifer, 21, passed fort. The low pecapita earnings of the that is yet to be made so that physiways be depended upon to make comhe low pecp e a g plowing through mud roads. petence seem a feminine ineptitude cal and mental security can be as- American worker are bitten into so away last Thursday. He is survived The many benefits of carrying life by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. sured to the millions of men and woand social consciousness an infantile deeply by the depletions caused by Schlaifer, and five brothers, Israel, insurance gets daily demonstrations *l REAL SAVING <TAN Bft indiosyncrasy. But that has not pre- men who earn their livelihood through accident, ill health, old age and unIt is the widow's dependence -and the Leo, Charles, Morris and Nate. FuHAO SY BUYIM6 NOUJ by clip- employment that r. very negligible vented Dr. Rubinow from pursuing own neral services were held last Thurs- orphan's friend. What life InsurDURtNO SKAN PRE-MARK6T his interest in those causes which, ping coupons. percentage of the population lives day afternoon, from the Jewish Fu- ance does for the individual it does SAUES i V E K T transcend the limited field in which' The quest for security has as its with any degree of physical comfort in a large way for business in genneral home, .with burial in Golden he is professionally engaged. objective the elimination of the disas- or mental security for. the future. eral. It is our financial mainspring. Hill cemetery. There are very few phases of social €?HlS VERY kATfiST COLONIAL A man with broad social vision, he trous consequences resulting from accidents, ill health, unemployment and security that Dr. Rubinow does not UI1N6 IMAiB kJIYK UNftARK* is one of the pioneers of the social ABLE SUEDE COVER A N D •welfare movement which ' has pro- old age. . In the first field some tang- discuss—with frankness and calmfiEttJ TYPE AIR-Pi».W*O duced men prominent in the New Deal ible progress i a s been made, but ness. Workmen's compensation, sick The Kadimah Club announces its CUSHION CAN 5 B BOUGHT today. Not a politician, Dr. Rubinow there is such lack of uniformity benefit funds, industrial and state has nevertheless had faith in the pow- among the various 'states and the medicine, old-age pensions, mothers* first annual bridge party, to be held FOR ONLY $ 4 X 5 O AT er of government to influence progres- number of individuals who are out- allowances and unemployment re- at the B'nai Israel synagogue Sun- More entries are needed for the sive social projects. But to achieve side the scope of accident provisions serves are all phases of the larger day evening, July 29, at 7 o'clock. J. <C. C. golf tournament. Anyone Refreshments will be served, and in- interested in competing is asked to such ends, government must be "crea- is so great that for practical purposes scheme to guarantee to the worker FARNAM* a basic law has yet to be created. that when he is at work, he shall not teresting program arranged. Door immediately turn in his qualifying tive." Contradicting a popular asFURNITURE score with the name of the course FAMOUS FOR sumption, Dr. Rubinow believes that • President Roosevelt, in his recent be a victim of his work, and that when prizes will be given. played. ' neither the rank and file nor the lead- message to Congress on the eve of its he is out of work he shall not be peers know what the public wants.. It adjournment, laid out a program for nalized for an act outside his con- Holland to Deport 4,000 Abe Brodkey, Dr. Paul Ellis, Paul is for advanced thinkers, who have legislation that would bring -within trol. New York.—According to a dis- Steinberg and Lee Grossman are the the interests of the common good at reality the various measures suggest- Writing with simplicity, with a heart, to fight for those developments ed by Dr. Rubinow as essential-to so- sense of proportion and humor. Dr. patch from Antwerp to the Jewish four who- have reached the charmed which will insure a sounder society. cial security. That the President's Rubinow directs Tiis facts and conten- Morning Journal, the Dutch govern- semi-finals round in the Health Such "creative" . leaders are pro- espousal of the projects is hardly as- tions to the average layman, recog- ment has decided to deport a large Club singles Volleyball tournament, duced by social conditions and are surance of their acceptance is indi- nizing that the professional has had number of aliens now resident in Hol- ment. A doubles tournament will get un-nurtured by courageous men of uni- cated by the punishment meted out to sufficient material placed at his dis- land, among them 4,000 Jewish famder way among the Health Club versal sympathies, who are willing to the Tugwell food and drug act at posal previously. Although the book ilies from Eastern Europe. would have gained by "condensation, • The new policy, however, does not members after the singles tourney broadcast their convictions in the the last session of Congress. face of ridicule, defamation, and ob- That a President of the United it is nevertheless written with such apply to German-Jewish refugees or is completed. struction. Twenty and twenty-five States should have reached the point unpretentidusness that ~ it~ "has Uiestaatenlose Jewa a i s c i a - tbe counThe horseshoe tournament is progyears ago it was an act" of heroism where social security becomes an in- pleasant tone of conversation. But try. ressing without a hitch. Among the to propose measures which earned the tegral part of the elgislative outlook no.attempt is made to trade on the favorites are Louis Cohen, Jake Adimmediate and violent dislike ol the is testimony to the patience and the ignorance'of the lay reader. ' For Dr. Khaki Shirts Barred in ler, Irving Gendler and Saul Levey. National Manufacturers': Association. effectiveness with which such men as Rubinow to have cited the many vol- Pennsylvania „" Social security measures do ..not.ha.ve Dr. Rubinow have labored during the umes of statistics-for'which he "alone Harrteburg, Pa. — A petition for a 1S «H*onsible would -have required charter::"to "operate in the State of the taint now that they had. at "that past"decades. Although ostensibly aff time, but they are .still the object of fecting only social workers and so- more than the pages of even this vol- Pennsylvania has been denied to the suspicion by American "interests." It called performers, Dr. Rubinow has ominous book. But sufficient.sources Khaki Shirts-of America by Richard "Photographs That Satisfy" is in the.light, of this fact that one nevertheless been influencing that £*. «*?? to &™ solid.foundation to J. Beamish, secretary of l i e Commonwealth. Mr. Beamish grounded his r Wedding Photographs 20% Disc must understand the background of growing body of men and women who | ? - Rnbmow's thesis. - It is essentialrefusal on the fact that the Khaki d 1 Qnslity rholojrraplis. Kcasonnblr prices Dr. Isaac M. Rubinow, still in com- recognize that the security of A m e r - I 1 ^ *"**?*?*" " ^ ™ .. ^f? fortable middle age, but a veteran in ica itself is dependent upon guaran_ | who is affected by social security. Shirts is a movement "to set up a 2404 Farnam St. AT. 4079 national dictatorship in the United the battle for the rights of the labor- teeing security to those who compose lAnd who isnt? States." . The appearance of this book, a proing masses. it. His newest contribution to the field There was a time when proposals of socio-economics is "The Quest for to safeguard workers from the effects Security" (Henry Bolt & Co.), a com- of ill health, unemployment and old prehensive and factually buttressed age were assailed as un-American and account of the movement in America anarchistic. The charges were alto-insure the security of.the laboring ways preferred by interests -which masses. ' Twenty years ago he had al- had most to lose: insurance comready written a volume on the same panies and industrial manufacturing subject which at once became the jilants which feared the cost of regstandard manual in its field. Statis- ular insurance levies. Opposition still ticians and social welfare experts exists and is still effective,.but there ciill refer to that early volume as a is a greater possibility today than Sdilestone in American social history ever before that the inarticulate pubuse its facts and principles as the lic opinion of the workers is suffibasis for much of their own thinking and writing. The present - volume marks the close of the old generation Close-out Sale of Armstrong and the beginning of a new, for durJ ngoleum Rugs ing those twenty years there has been 6x9, $3; 7>/2x9, $4; 9x10^, $5; enacted into law a very substantial 9x12, $5 and $8 ftumber of the proposals made by: Dr. O3LAHA JOBBDfG CO. Kubinow in 1913. JA. 5604 TJut the advances that have thus 317 No. 15th fer been registered are negligible in

et In

A. Z. A. No. 1

Mrs. Woolf son, 84, Passed Away Friday;


Arthur Schlaif er Taken By Death

Kadimah Club

Activities in J. C. C. Athletic Department





Run along and play, children... Mother's too tired!





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THE JEWISH PRESS Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by

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Editorial Office: 490 B r a n d e i s T h e a t e r Building. Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center DAVID BLACKER - - - - - Business a n d Managing E d i t o r FRANK R. ACKERMAN - - - - - - - - - - - - - Editor F A N N I E KATELMAN - • - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent ANN F I L L - - - - - - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent P r i n t Shop A d d r e s s : 1307 H o w a r d S t r e e t

The Week in Review Bloody Naziland


the future—indeed the world of the rumored influence over four Presidents has been a cause for antifuture. Semitic gossip. We hear * great deal about the The cauldron continues to seethe in Palestine, as the dangers (Copyright, 1934, by Seven Arts menace of land speculation in Palesfrom the conviction of the Revisionist Stavsky for the murder Feature Syndicate.) tine. Well, Herzl foresaw that too of the Laborite leader Arlosoroff grow ever more explosive inand hoped through the nationalization of the land or the rcinstitution stead of waning. of the Jubilee to avoid its pitfalls, j GEMS of the BIBLE An article in the Evening Standard of London refers to this By DAVID SCHWARTZ The system that he foresaw in Palesand TALMUD as another possible "Saceo-Vanzetti" case. Fuel was added to tine may be rammed up in one sentence of hi» discussion cf land By O. O. DASHER the fire by the pronouncements of Chief Rabbis Kook. and Meir in Altnculand—in that wherein he in Palestine that Stavsky is innocent and their appeal to Jewry HERZL'S YAHRZEIT says: "The increased value of land to help save the condemned man and to the Archbishop of Can- On July 3, Zionists observed the does not go into the pockets of a Thou hast delivered me from the terbury to mobilize Christian opinion to aid the Stavsky cause. thirtieth yahrzeit of Theodor HerzL few, but into the pockets of the contentions of my people. Thou hast If Herzl had only lived the nor- people." kept me to be the head of fee naThe Jerusalem District Commissioner warned the rabbis that mal span of years, he might still be That sentence would meet all the tions, a people whom I have not their appeal involves contempt of court "with all its conse- living today—and his would have requirements of the land philosophy known serve me. quences." Rabbi Kook replied that here is involved something been the privilege of seeing his of a Henry George or Franz Oppenvision entering fulfillment. heimer. that transcends the court and that transcends Jewish law — the great David said unto God: "I am in A year before his death, he said. He goes on to picture his Pales- grave straits; let me fall now into saving of an innocent man from the hangman's noose. Posters "Release for Jewry is not a dis- tine further as a land where many hands of the Lord, for His were issued by Palestine labor organizations condemning the ap- tant thing. If we do not go there (to of the great businesses are run co- the mercies are great, and let me not peal of the rabbis, claiming that it wasn't issued for the purpose Palestine) with black beards, we operatively and yet at the same fall into the hand of man." will with gray beards. time he insists with many of our of saving Stavsky but to "blur the truth concerning the murder surely He was right. The black bearded most modern economics on the and the murdered." Slogans were painted in red saying: "Pity of his day have turned gray and are necessity of preserving elbow room And God said to King Solomon: for the individual—a margin in "Because thou has asked for thyself the nation whose priests protect murderers." Meanwhile, the de- seeing Zion. But unto Herzl himself—like which there shaH be full stimulus understanding to discern justice, and fense fund for Stavsky is growing by leaps and bounds. has not asked for long life, neither Moses—was given only the vision of for individual intiative. for riches, I have given thee' wisdom The appeal on the verdict will be heard this month. If this the promised land from the distant understanding as thon has asked mountain peak. appeal fails, the matter may come before the Priwy Council in "I had not expected to give my and and I have also given thee riches London. These columns have previously stated that we are not Once contemplating death, Herzl blood in this way for the movement," and honor, which thou hast not said Herzl as he lay on his death asked. in sympathy with the Revisionists in Palestine, but nevertheless said: "If I die, it will be the duty bed agonized by the cardiac-asthmathe verdict in the Arlosoroff trial should have been "not guilty" of the chairman of the congress tic attack which had felled him. TALMUD as to all the defendants. No good can possibly come from the to make note of it and then call His disciples carried his dead body Rabbi Chama said: "Moses benext business." to a Vienna cemetery, where it still came rich of nothing else than from ill-will which is fanning the Jewish population in the Holy Land. forIt the was a modest way of putting rests. He had given instructions that the chips of the tablets." Serious outbreaks are not only a possibility but a probability. In it, and yet there was no hypocriti- there was to be no eulogy. They Rabbi Jochanan said: "The Holy the meantime, the Revisionists are making the most of the gen- cal modesty about it. Herzl was not could not speak; they could only weep One, praised be He! does not perthe affecting grace of the —and they wept bitter tears. And mit the Shechina to rest on anyone erally-believed innocence of Stavsky and are creating a sympathy assuming violet. It was merely that Herzl felt Wolfson arose and addressing Herzl unless he is strong, wise, rich, and for Revisionism which they could not obtain under any other cir- that he had launched the movement —addressing the dead Herzl, said: humble." and that the movement took prece- "You have told us we must not Robbi was versed in the traditions* cumstances . dence over personalities. eulogize you and that we are not in thirteen different ways,v seven of Though there was an absence of to speak, but this much I will say which he taught to Rabbi Chiya. all bluster and pretense about him, that here and now every one of us When Robbi became sick later he Officially Speaking Herzl well knew his worth. He ad- raise our hand in a TOW to carry on forgot all of it. Whereupon R. Chiya The United States government has finally spoken officially mitted as much when he said that the cause you launched." reminded him of the seven forms which he had taught him, but the to Germany regarding the Nazi policies which caused the eco- he had undertaken Zionism because And all raised their hands. he felt he had the force to put across And after Herzl was in the six remaining forms were forgotton. nomic boycott against Germany in many parts of the world. the idea. An enormous force he must ground, Marmorek and Werner and There was, however, a laundryman In reply to Germany's explanation of the suspension of pay- have felt within him and seemingly Yorke-Steiner and young Dellaas who would sit and listen when Robbi ments on her external debts, Secretary Cordell Hull in his offi- everyone who came in contact with gathered around the grave and used to study these remaining forms was charged with it as one Marmorek again spoke to Herzl for himself. Rabbi Chiya then went cial note to the German government, protested against the Ger- him and studied it from that latndryman would be charged by contact with a lying beneath the sod. man policy of discrimination against American investors in the great moral battery. and came back and reminded Robbi. O Theodore Herzl, millions of Schacht-declared moratorium on payment of Germany's debts and The first comment always made others—from PolSnd and Koumania Since then whenever Robbi saw the him had some reference to —from Germany and even from your laundryman he v.-ould say: "Thou emphasized that the Nazi government's internal policies have about this regal quality in him. The Ye- own Vienna have since called to you hast made me and Chiya." alienated the rest of the world, that "its policies have created op- menite Jew felt it when he kissed in your grave, and yoa hear them We are taught in a Baraitha that position in many parts of the world, which has expressed itself the hem of his garment. Kings and —Herzl—you must be hearing them a man should not say "I will study in various trade conflicts and the probable reduction of Germany's Sultans and Czarist prime ministers —for their pleas are being answered. the scripture so that I may be called felt it. Kaiser Wilhelm, the great Palestine is being rebuilt! a wise man. I will study the Mishcapacity to transfer." Stripped of its diplomatic verbage, the note nah that I may become a senior in effect says to the Hitler government: "You have no one but jpear regal, "even going continually (Copyright, 1934, Jewish Telegraphic scholar occupying a seat in the college." But a man should study beGod into Agency.) yourself to blame for your precarious economic position in which t o tl partnership bringing cause of the love of knowledge, and with him in his ou find yourself today." honor will come in due time. reference to "ich und Gott" felt this quality in Herzl, when at Mikveh Israel, he stopped his horse and as *oland one king to another, beckoned to The nomination of Marjan Zindram Koscialkowski, Mayor of Herzl.

Palestine Cauldron


The catacylsmic upheaval of the Nazis' bloody "second revolution" by its suddenness stunned a startled world which had nevertheless been awaiting sweeping events in a strife-torn Germany. The Jewish population in Germany is no longer headline news for the time being—the Jews had previously been blamed for the Versailles treaty, Germany's economic plight, the reparations, the unemployment, the lack of morality, in short, for everything that was wrong in Germany—but as John Gunther writing from Berlin for the Chicago Daily News so aptly put it: "For once the Jews are not held responsible, as there are none in the Nazi party or its militant brown and black shirts." It is not safe to predict what will happen next in Germany. Events of such magnitude are transpiring with such rapid-fire speed, and supposedly-important "heads are rolling", with much ruthlessness that each day brings startling, new revelations. Indeed, the diversity of expert predictions show that anything might happen. It will be some time yet before the world can safely guage the purport and import of these scene-changing events. In the meantime, a number of generalizations are possible. The killings, arrests and "iron fists" will not put an end to the violent dissatisfaction so evident in Germany. Further, regardless of the outcome of this upheaval, it will not solve the desperate situation in Germany's economic predicament. Also, so long as the Nazis are fighting among themselves, they will give the rest of the world a temporary respite from their insidious and aggressive propaganda. It is interesting to note the reaction to the officially-expressed indignation concerning the "unhappy moral turpitude" of the executed Chief of Staff of the Storm Troopers, Ernst Roehm, and the immoral "orgies" committed in the Nazi headquarters. When this paper along with a large number of others printed stories of the degeneracy of the Hitlerite leaders and the immoral atrocities forced on prisoners in Nazi concentration camps, the tales were disbelieved despite their reliability. But now Karl H. Von Wiegan of the Universal Service writes: "Thoughtful Germans are worrying about the future . . . They Warsaw, to be Minister of the Interior is looljed upon as a de- American historians have a pronewere shocked by unprintable stories of revolting immorality in velopmentfavorable^tp Iflie Jews of Poland. As Mayor of Warsaw, ness to use a similar adjective of when • they speak of Daniel Chancellor Hitler's immediate entourage at his former headquar- he issued an appeal to the populace not to be misled by false Nara praise Webster. Daniel, the Majestic! A propaganda; as one-time Mayor of Bialystok, which has a large ters, which had hitherto been charged to 'Jewish anti-German story is told that when Webster on Washington, D. C. (WNS) — Strict investigation and severe punishment propaganda' but are now officially confirmed by Hitler himself." ewish population, he was ruthless in suppressing Nara attacks on one occasion had to pay some nonbill, he waved his hand and will be the policy of the Soviet govArthur Brisbane in his lucid syndicated comments declares: the Jews. The new Minister is married to a Jewess, the former descript majestically proclaimed with the ernment as regards the recent antiRegina Wollack of Bialystok. He belongs to the liberal element "Hitler himself makes plain the nature of charges against offisolemnity and pomp of a royal Semitic incident at Dnepropetrovsk, Alexander Troyanovsky, Soviet Amukase: "Let it be paid." cers in his storm troops, charges that cannot be specified in public of Marshall PilsudsM's party. bassador to the United States, told There was a difference between print in this country. Referring to certain crimes he makes this Joseph Brainin, editor of the Seven the types of "regalness" that Webstatement: 'Every mother should be able to place her son in a Who Pays? Arts Feature Syndicate, in response ster and Herzl personified. It was to Mr. Brainin's inquiry regarding the storm troop without any fear that he could be morally ruined. I Representative Andrew L. Somers of New York is perturb- something personal with Webster. In murder of a Jewish worker in that the case of Herzl however, that desire men in the party arid not absured apes.' That there should ed over the anomoly of Nazi propaganda in the United States, royal ectoplasm appeared the effutown by anti-Semites. The full text have been many absurd and shamefully degraded 'apes' enrolled which upon analysis is being paid for by the American people. sion of a sanctified ideal. It was of Ambassador Troyanovsky's statement follows: under the Nazi banner is not surprising. A government that per- The Congressman from the Empire State points out that so far as as though the Shechina of a people has become incarnate in him. "You inquire about the attitude of mits and encourages sadistic cruelty may expect unpleasant by- Germany is concerned, the propaganda activities are for the pur- Debunking historians point to rethe Soviet government to cases of products." pose of fostering hatred against the Jewish people. In order to tainers accepted by Webster while anti-Semitism such as the one reported a few days ago from Dnepropetro. So far as the Jews are concerned, the present sequence of foster this hatred, Representative Somers says, the German min- in the Senate from corporations invsk. You probably know that antiterested in legislation coming beistry of propaganda during the last year has been authorized to events seems to mean little, except that it has eliminated half a Semitism in all its manifestations is fore the Senate. Debunking historBernard M. Barach a criminal offense in the Soviet Undozen of the most notorious anti-Semitic storm troop command- appropriate in connection with its activities in foreign countries ians can find nothing of that in Isolated cases of it undoubtedly ers. Liquidation of the storm troops themselves may also mean "an amount varying from thirty million to forty million reichs- Herzl—who when approached by Ma- News that Baruch has retired from ion. jor Pond of the America lecture WaU Street, where he has long been occur from time to time as hangovers marks, equivalent to about $16,000,000." a cessation of irresponsible anti-Semitic violence. with an offer of $30,000 for a potent and almost legendary factor, from the old regime or as attempts The Hitler government's expenditures for foreign propagan- abureau lecture tour in America bade his to devote the rest of his life to writ- from remnants of resolutionary eleda activities, coupled with that government's increase in the mili- iecretary tell the major: "That I ing about the events In which he par- ments to use what was long ago deNot Liberalism scribed as 'the Socialism of the fools' tary budget last year, makes a total expenditure of $156,000,000, cannot sell the thoughts of my peo- ticipated again opened the front pages in order to fight the advance of SoQuoting Voltaire's "I detest your views, but I would give my according to Representative Somers' figures. This, he says, "is ple." to this mysterious personality. cialist reconstruction. life to protect your right to express them," Arthur Garfield Hays, more than fifteen times the annual interest requirements of the Few are the prophets who can Bernard Mannes Baruch: Specu- "The Soviet Government is severely counsel for the American Civil Liberties Union and noted ex- German government's direct obligation to the American people, look punishing all such cases. Their rarwith ease at their prophecies economist, elder statesman and ity in the country which used to witponent of free speech and assembly, last week defended the right; most of which, it so happens, is owed to Americans of German of thirty and forty years back. The lator, unofficial advisor to four presidents. "O Yeah's" listing the prophecies of Born in South Carolina sixty-four ness pogroms and which at that time of the Nazis to spread their propaganda. The Hays defense was blood." , _ ' held the record for Jewish persecuas little as three and four years ago. Son of a German-Jewish tions is a testimony in itself of the at an injunction suit brought by the Hudson County branch of Another interesting comparison made by the New York Con- ago afford us today infinite amuse- years surgeon who served in the Confeder- success of our policy, which not only the Friends of the *New Germany to restrain Mayor Lewis B. gressman is that the $156,000,000 "represents more than twelve ment. ate army. A graduate of city college. anti-Semitism but destroys Eastmead and other officials of Union City, New Jersey, from in- per cent of all German obligations held by American investors, But if you want to know how up Made a fortune on his own before he punishes its roots and its causes. This policy date, Herzl could see—read Alt- was thirty as a phenomenally successterfering with meetings of their organizations, as Union City had who, in time of Germany's need, were friendly enough to lend. to comprises such important developneuland (Oldnewland). ful and shrewd bear on the stock ex- ments as providing the Jewish populaformally outlawed all Nazi meetings a fortnight ago. "Thus;" he states, "are the American people placed in the posichange. Became an international figof overcrowded small towns with We find nothing "noble" in this "magnificent" gesture of tion of paying for the very propaganda that is aimed at the over- Like Bellamy, Herzl foresaw what ure when Wilson named him chair- tion opportunities to settle on land both Arthur, G. Hays. Mr. Hays being Jewish makes the matter even throw of American institutions. If Germany were to put the he described as "telephonic journ- man of the War Industries Board. in the Crimea and in Biro-Bidjan, was his only official position which, as you know, has now promore piquant. Criminals are not entitled to propagandize their money she is using to persecute the Jew into paying her debts to als." Perhaps, because of the Bell- That amy influence, for Herzl mentions until Hoover appointed him to the gressed so far that by a special dephilosophy of crime. Organizations supporting such criminals are our citizens, she would have a better claim to our confidence." Bellamy by name, though he criti- directorate of the Reconstruction Fi- cree the Soviet Government made It not justified in expecting the state to protect their public demon cizes him in part, as he mentions nance Corporation. Was one of Wil- into an autonomous region within the many of the other Utopians, such as son's close advisors. Although a Soviet Union. strations expressing sympathy with the actions of criminal proTheodore Hertzka, Fourier and Op- Democrat, his counsel was welcomed "In view of the so clearly maniteges. ;''.'. • • '••. • ' : • .'.-.• More Tourist Trade by Hoover and Coolidge. He opposed penneimer. Roosevelt's nomination. Last year fested policy of destroying the antiThere is no difference between Mr. Byoir, the Jewish press A revision in the restrictive immigration rules applying to These great "telephonic journals," when the World Economic conference Semitisai in its roots and foundations, agent for the Hitler government in this country, and Mr. Hays deposits that had to be made by prospective turists to Palestine Herzl predicted, "would be run as was held in London, Roosevelt invit- every such case as the one reported co-operative enterprises. He r z 1 who pleads for freedom of expression for anti-Semitic propagan- has been obtained through the protest of the Zionist Organization wanted ed him to assist government heads in from Dnepropetrovsk will call for a a great deal of co-operative strict investigation and severe pundist; If anything, Hays is the more guilty because he is aup^- of America. This should be a stimulus to tourist trade to the Holy enterprise in Palestine. And further- the President's absence. This gave ishment of the culprits." him the sobriquet o£ "unofficial presiposedly an intelligent liberal. His statement that he detests Naz- Land, as the revision will affect hundreds of prospective tourists, more these "telephonic journals," he dent." Although he is credited with predicted, would pay for themselves isnvyet wilt fight to the last ditch for the Nazis' freedom in in- particularly school teachers and the less wealthy classes whose by advertisement. Let me quote a helping shape the NRA, his influence Patronize Jewish Press Advertisers. with the Roosevelt administration is sidious /propaganda to undermine American institutions and to plans for visiting Palestine have in many instances been thwarted stick from Altneuland: Ha* been regarded as stir up racial prejudices is both foolish and quixotic. And we by the hardship of having to make a deposit of approximately "They lifted the ear-tube. First exaggerated. a mysterious figure who always rePaxton Mitctiell Co. they eard the announcement of a mains on the fringe of an adminismost-strenuously object to having Nazism labelled a philosophy three hundred dollars. '* . Grey Iron, AlnminBia and dock fire in Yokahoma, then a short Not only did the restrictions of the Palestine government account of a Parisian theatrical first tration. Tall, broad-shouldered, gray• and anti-Semitism elevated to a political policy. Broaxe Castings haired. An authority on economics The Nazi by his propagandizing violates the basic law of this curtail American tourist traffic to Palestine but it also tended to night There followed the latest and international affairs. A millionWo«d ssd Metal Patients prices of wood in New York, and aire many times over. An eminent 2€H Martha S t HA. C523 •country; his methods are criminal; he is an enemy of the state. retard the economic development of Palestine in view of the fact then there sounded clearly with some economist who warned the country -.His very aim is to crush law.and order as constituted in this land that many Americans trace the inception of their participation emphasis; • : many months before the Wall Street "At Samuel Cohen's. For sale, the crash that frenzied speculation would of the free, and if he obtained power men like Hays would be the in the economic upbuilding in Palestine to these tours. finest- gems, real and imitation at lead to a great catastrophe. Endowed NATIONAL first to be utterly crushed. But Hays insists on fighting to his brilliant prices. At Samuel Cohen's, with a genuine gift for organization. ACCESSORIES, Inc. "In spite of the unrelenting anti-Jewish campaign, German Grand and Arcade, 67." last drop of blood for the right of a Nazi to inflame the public, Unafraid to speak his mind. A strong EVERYTHING violate peace, and destroy American laws and institutions, and Jewry is giving an excellent account of itself in.the literary field. In other words, he foresaw just character who prefers to shroud himwhat we have today on the radio. For the Ante In fact, in recent months more Jewish books have made their apself in a toga of aloofness and mysfor the right of an anti-Semite to propagandize his views, which I cite the foregoing merely as a tery. Has never been affiliated with pearance in Germany than in any other European country."—Dr. AT. 5524 2031 Fanuua in the final analysis represent.a justification for pogroms. detail to show the great detail with the Jewish commtmitr although his S. Edmund Keating'. , which he foresaw the Palestine of Such "noble" action is not, liberalism, but weakness.


, • h



Max Resnick Wins Mid-Summer Luncheon Bflrar Cholim Summer Dance-at Ladies Free Loan A regular meeting of the Bikur of Pioneer Women Cholim Society will be held Monday Picnic on Sunday Scholastic Trophy Highland Monday The Ladies Free Loan Society will give a picnic at Elmwood Park on Sunday, July 8. All members and their families are invited to attend. Coffee and cake will be served to members. Mrs. J. Finkel is chairman. Judah Wolfson will speak, and Dr. L Dansky will entertain.

RECEPTION SUNDAY Dr. and Mis. JL Margolin and Miss Ann Buback wiH be at home in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Malcom ol Chicago on Sunday, July 8, from 7 to 10 p. m. at 116 S. 50th St. Mrs. Malcom Is the former I^nnie Euback, whose marriage to Mr. Malcom took place in Chicago on June 24. No cards are being issued.

GROSSMAN-ZWEIBACK: ENGAGEMENT Formal announcement is made of the engagement of Miss Anne Zweibaci, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Max Zweiback, to Mr. Arthur Grossman, son of Mr. and Mrs. B. Grossman of Omaha. A dinner in honor of the yonng couple was given Sunday evening at the Zweiback homel Out-of-town guests attending were: Mr. and Mrs. Lester Eeeger and children of Sioux City, Iowa; and Mr. and Mrs. Joe BLOOM-PITLOR NUPTIALS Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Pitlor an- Borden of Sioux Falls, South Danounce the marriage of their daugh- kota. ter, Helen, to Mr. Joseph Bloom of An early autumn wedding is Chicago. planned. The marriage took place in Chicago Sunday, June 24, at the home of TO RECEIVE SUNDAY the groom's parents. One hundred Mrs. Anna Romm will receive Sunfriends and relatives attended the day, July 8, from 7 to 10 p . m. in ceremony. honor of Mr. and Mrs. Irving KatzAfter a short trip, the young cou- man, who were recently married in ple will make their home in Chicago. New York City. No invitations have been issued. NOGG-CUTLER ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Irving Katzman and Mrs. Eose Cutler announces the Mrs. Irving Eabkin arrived Wednesengagement of her daughter, Mary, day to be the guests of Mrs. Katzto Mr. Ealph Nogg, son of Mr. and man's and Mrs. Rabkin's mother, Mrs. Mrs. Sol Nogg. Anna Romm. No definite date has been set for the wedding. *>& AJfFOUirCE ENGAGEMENT Mrs. Thomas Denels of Los Angeles, DINNER PAETY. Miss Cheryl Sandier of Des Moines, Calif., announces the engagement of Iowa, was guest of honor at a dinner I her daughter. Miss Frances Denels, party given by the officers of the to Mr. Perry Gill, also of Los AnOmaha Chapter of- the Junior Hadas- geles, Calif., announces the engagesah last Thursday evening, June 28, ment of her daughter, Miss Frances at the Conant hotel. Miss Sandier is Denels, to Mr. Perry Gill, also of Los chairman of the Speakers Bureau of Angeles. Miss Denels is well known both in the Southwestern Region and is also a board member of the National Jun- Omaha and Council Bluffs, having visited her sister, Mrs. Herman Maroior Hadassah. Covers were laid for Mrs. Max witz of Council Bluffs, last year. No wedding date has been set yet. Fromkin, local sponsor, Mrs. Sidney Katleman, and the Misses Sandier, Minnie Frohm, Ida Fine, Dora Fresh- ENTERTAINS man, Rose Dolgoff, Fannie Katelman, Mrs. S. Easinsky entertained at Bess Kirshenbaum, Goldie Seidman, her home Sunday evening in celeSarah Solomonow, and Jeannette bration of Mr. Rasinsky's recuperaResnick. tion from a recent operation. About forty people attended. Bridge was played.


The summer dancing party being sponsored by the Auxiliary of the Conservative Synagogue will be held Monday evening, July 9, a t t i e Highland Country Club, Music will be furnished by the College Club orchestra. Special features of entertainment is being arranged for those who do not dance. Mrs. Dave Greenberg is chairman IN MINNEAPOLIS of the committee in charge of the Mrs. Harriet Wolsky is spending arrangements. a two-week vacation in Minneapolis. FELDMAN BAR MITZVAH Rabbi and Mrs. N. Feldman announce the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Shabsai Feldman, on Saturday morning, July 7, at 8:30 a. m. at the Adass Yeshuren synagogue, 25th and -Seward streets. Eabbi and Mrs. Feldman will receive in his honor on Sunday, July 8, from 2:30 to 6 p. m. and from 7 to 10 p. m. at their home, 2926 Charles street. The Jewry of Omaha are invited to attend both the services and the reception. ENTERTAINS Miss Betty Tuchman entertained at a miscellaneous shower last Tuesday evening in honor of Miss Sarah Baum, whose engagement was recently announced. VISIT WITH AUNT Miss Ethel Newman and Miss Mildred Jarrow of Los Angeles, CaL, are spending the major part of the summer with their aunt, Mrs. Ben Somberg. Miss Newman is a student, at the University of Southern . California. These popular young ladies are being feted extensively at numerous affairs. ON VACATION Mr. Jacob S. Pearlstein, executive director of the J. C. C and Welfare Federation, left today on a 'vacation trip. He will return about August 10. VISIT HERE Mrs. Nate Myers and daughter, Muriel, of Los Angeles, CaL, will spend the summer here as the guests of Mrs. Myers' parents, Mr. and Mrs. L Abrahamson. Miss Dorothy Bordy of Genoa, Neb., is also visiting here with Mr. and Mrs. L Abrahamson.

EETUEN TO HOLLYWOOD Mr. Louis Nathan and son, Justin, By A style revue with members of of Hollywood, Calif., departed for Mrs. David M. Newman the younger set as models was the home Tuesday after spending several "hit" of the dancing party/at the weeks with Mr. Nathan's parents, SUMMER SALADS 1 Mr. and Mrs. Philip Nathan. Highland Tuesday evening. •-".""•-• trnder-The-Sea Salad. Summer evening frocks, sports One package lime jello, 15 cups boiling water, § cup juice from wear and bathing suits were the gar- VISIT IN CHICAGO Mr. and Mrs. Philip Nathan and canned pears, i teaspoon salt, 1 ments featured. teaspoon vinegar, 2 packages Phila- A long promenade stage, extend- daughter, . Esther, together with delphia cream cheese; % teaspoon ing from the south entrance of the Louis and Justin Nathan of Hollyginger, 2 cups canned pears diced. Dis- club across the lawn, was built for wood, visited in Chicago for several solve jello in boiling water, add pear the style show. The audience was days with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hexjuice, salt and vinegar, pour i inch seated about tables "night club ter. layer into loaf pan. Chill until firm- style" on the club's grounds. Chill remaining jello mixture until Music was furnished by the Col- AT LAKE OKOBOJI The Misses Dora Freshman, cold and syrupy. Place in a bowl of lege Club orchestra. Bettye Tuchman, and Sarah German ice water and whip with rotary beatleft July 3, to spend two weeks at er until fluffy like whipped cream. Lake OkobojL Cream the • cheese with ginger, fold in whipped jello mixture gradually. The Fa-Hon sorority held its Then fold in pears. Pour over firm regular weekly meeting at the J. C first layer of jello. Chill until firm. C. Monday evening. Plans for a Cut in slices and serve with mayon- drawing, to be held soon, were disnaise on lettuce. cussed. Plans are under way for the annual Fa-Hon fall dance. Jellied Vegetable Macedoine in Tomatoes. Eight size medium firm tomatoes, I package lemon jello, 1 pint canned Now is the time to protect yourself fully by getting anto Insurance tomato juice, i teaspoon salt, 2 cups mixed vegetables (beans-peas-celery mnd cucumber.) Wash tomatoes, remove a thin {Formerly la the employ of I* HarrU) dice from top, and scoop out centers.. Place tomato upside down on jlate and set in ice-box until ready Inquiry Begarding Any Irsnrance to fill. Dissolve jello in boiling tolines Is Invited mato juice, add salt and chill. When BEAT. ESTATE — S a •lightly thickened, fold in vegetables CBOFEBTX HANAGEHXCTX •nd fill tomatoes with mixture. Chin JA. 7311 firm. Arrange on crisp lettuce 315 So. 15 top with mayonnaise.

Style Revue


The second annual mid-suramer luncheon of the Pioneer Women's organization will be held Tuesday, July 10, at 1 p. m. in Elmwood Park. The charge will be nominal, and all members are urged to attend. At the short business meeting which will follow the luncheon, reports will be given on all Pioneer Women activities for the past year. A discussion will also be held in Chicago in September. A large delegation from Omaha is expected to attend. Mrs. Sam Nitz and her committee are in charge of the luncheon. Those wishing to make reservations are asked to call Mrs. Nitz, Webster 4986, or Mrs. S. Ofcun, Webster 1642.

TO VISIT PARENTS Mrs. Ben Goldware left Monday for a two-weeks visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L Gordon of De Kalb, 111. She will also spend a few days in Chicago, after whieh Dr. Goldware will join her for their re- TO AID TICKET SALE turn to Omaha. Mrs. L. Morgan entertained at a luncheon June 27 at the Hamilton TO CHICAGO cafe for the following group of Mr. Leo Fox, accompanied by his women, who will assist in the sale daughter, Shirley, left Saturday for of tickets for the annual Omaha HeChicago on a buying trip. While brew club picnic to be held August 5: there, they will visit with relatives Mrs. S. Marcus, Mrs. Sam Turner, and see the world's fair. Mrs. Charles Guss, Mrs. S. Nogg, Mrs. A. Shafton, Mrs. S. Fish, Mrs. VACATION TED? J. Lmteman, Mrs. J. Goldberg, Mrs. Dr. Bernard Plotldn left Sunday Eose Abrams, Mrs. Sam Bernstein, for a two-week vacation to the Black Mrs. M. Zlotkin, Mrs. W. Henry, and Mrs. M. Arbitman. Hills and Yellowstone Park. He was accompanied by William and Gilbert Frieden. FOR LITERARY GROUP Mrs. J. Goldware entertained at FROM NORTH PLATTE her June 23 for members of Mrs. L. Lipschitz and son, Mor- the home Daughters Zion literary ris, and daughter, Marjorie, of group. Dr. S. A. of. Osheroff the North Platte, Neb., are visiting here guest speaker, his subjectwasbeing with Mr. and Mrs. S. Lipp. "Cancer in Women and How to Prevent It." IN CHICAGO Milton L. Wolsky left Sunday for Washington, D. C.—MimeographChicago where 'fce has accepted a position with a Chicago concern. la ed letters *that seem to smack of the fall he intends to continue his Nazi propaganda and that coincide schooling at the Chicago Art Insti- with the charges of Dr. Wirt" are being deluged on members of Congress, tute. Representative George Foulkes, democrat, of Michigan has declared in a SCAVENGER PAETY statement published in the CongresMiss Kalah Franklin entertained sional Record. members of Fratority at a scavenThe statement asserted that the ger party on Saturday evening, June letters are "plainly the work of some 30, in honor of her house guest, propaganda bent on Miss Faye Adelson of Hollywood, painting the organization administration as Red CaL and inflaming the passions and propaganda and prejudices of the peoTO SEW YORK ple.'' Miss Ann Zalk left Sunday for New York City for a visit with friends. She stopped en route at Chicago, where she visited the World's Fair.

afternoon at the J. C. C Detailed reMax Eesnick has been awarded ports will be rendered on the lunch- the President's Scholastic trophy, eon and drawing. which is given annually by Phi Beta Epsilon, Creightoa social fraternity, to the member having the highest record. The annual bazaar and drawing scholastic Eesnick, who a junior in the Colof ihe Daughters of Zion will be lege of Commerce, obtained a 93.3 held Sunday, July 22. average, one of the highest in the Mrs. L. Morgan, president, urges college. all members to help in the work. Recently, the members of the Daughters of Zion were inspired in their work by an address by Philip M. Raskin of New York, field secreThe Conservative Synagogue choir, tary of t i e Jewish National Fund under the direction of Mr. Harry and noted Jewish poet, who addressed the group at the Morgan Braviroff, is rehearsing every week home. The Daughters of Zion are throughout the summer months in affiliated with the Jewish National preparation for the High Holyday Fund, which purchases land in Pales- services. In appreciation of the choir's work, tine in the name of the Jewish peoMr. John Feldman treated the group ple. He pointed out that in the last to a buffet lunch Monday night, 32 years the J. N. F. has purchased July 2. nearly 100 thousand acres of land and reclaimed about 45 thousand acres of swamp land in Palestine. On these lands, 45 colonies, counting more than 12 thousand pioneers, have been established. He estimated Both and L,eavenwortli AX. Z374 that 38 thousand Jews went to PalesWe specialise in building uptine to make their home last year. holstered furafinre to your indiTidosl taste. Do all kinds of furniture repairing and refinishWarsaw.—Elba Listau of "Wiskitki, ing. . . . Our prices are reasonable, seventy-year-old Jewish woman who in 1905 saved Marshal Pilsudsbi from Get the Benefit of Our 29 f •Russian gendarmes who were searchYears o Experience ing for him, has been granted a pension by the Polish statesman. laiiigiisiiiiiiHUiiiiiiiiiiuitniiiiiiiiiittiiiii

Daughters of Zion

Conservative Choir Rehearses Each Week

July CLEARANCE of etter

Mark Leon Says . . .

RESIDE AT LINCOLN Mr. and Mrs. Phil Katz are now residing at the Lafayette apartments in Lincoln, Neb. Mrs. Katz was formerly Miss Eve Iipsman.


I * t me protect j-oor Interests . . . I wUl write A X I kind of LNSCKATSCE iB strong:, reliable companies OKLT.

{17 Dresses, Originally 6.85 to 7.95

1409 F m a m ; Bus. AT-7GCT Res. WA-51M

SWIMMING PARTY Tfce Kadimah dub held a swimming party at Peony Park on Sunday, June 24. Lunch was served by the sponsor, Mrs. L. Mendelson.

Wedenesday Special




AH of our better dresses are included in this group of colo r f ul prints! Monotones! Some are jacket frocks! Sizes 14 to 46 and a few half sizes!

"WORK THAT SATISFIES" Oriental and Domestics 5116 Military Are. Wafcrat 5002

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Coats and Suits

Half-Price {And Less Than Half Price)

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Regardless of former prices . - . NOW our entire stock of spring coats and s u i t s . . . is marked at half p r i c e . . . and in many cases at far below half^mce? Get a new garment for travel w e a r . . . and to have for early fall wear!

FOUR SENSATIONAL GROUPS COATS and SUITS Formerly Priced from f *$ $18to$25...Now . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Clearance 3'Pc

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COATS and SUITS Formerly Priced from $ 4

$ 2 9 . 7 5 to $ 3 5 . . . N o w . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J L

Mother-in- Law's Kiss filtered, ice-coded air a whale of a difference, the appetite these torrid Drop in at lunch, breakfast or dinner arid find out again how it feels to reaDy enjoy a meal.. , OPEN ALL NIGHTV !A Saggestkm for A6y Night

Jack & Jill Sizzling Steak

of working hours all summer . . . and next summer! Just think! A skirt, blouse and smart pair of shorts . . . all

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Stripes . . . Checks . . . and plain colors!

COATS and SUITS Formerly Priced from $ $ 3 9 . 7 5 to $ 4 9 . 7 5 . . . N o w . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

All Sizes 14 to 2&!

Every Better Herzberg COAT and SUIT Formerly Priced Up to $69.75... Now....

Silk Hosiery

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Brandeis Basement



IN GERMAN CRISIS—During disturbances in Berlin, these lorries become grim messengers of death. Crowds watch their progress through the streets.

-.i .

APHRODITE! — Here are a couple of Aphrodites— take your choice. The statue is an exhibit at t h e World's Fair at Chicago. The girl is Jane Fauntz, famous American girl diver a n d swimming s t a r , who o f f e r s a chance for the experts to compare notes.

THE REICHSWEHB ON PARADE—Long lines of steel hebnets and spiked guns are pictured strikingly as the Reichswehr parades in revolt-stricken Germany. The soldiers are shown during a recent military demonstration, as they march in well-^irilled formation before a reviewing stand.

FROM FAR INDIA—Wealth and beauty from Bombay, India, are here as Mrs. Dhunluxni J Bhau and Mrs. Kanteluni B. •year-old bride, pose upon arriving at San Francisco. The s' many jewels include diamonds on the side of the nose. Caste marks are shown on their foreheads.


v ^ > " -'-'^ v ,








K" •

, ' « T'. ^ ; r*»s

r," •'.[•- • •


MOST FRECKLES—Winners 61 the Chicago World's Fair freckle t t w ^ack Atkinson and Jacqueline Buell. Frankie Masters is shown singing In their honor.

THE DEAD: FOUR WOMEN—Wreckage of the German liner Dresden on the coast of Norway near Stavanger is graphically pictured. Of the 1,400 persons on board -when the ship was grounded, Ottlf four are dead, these being women who are reported11» bvn **-* **"*" *•**• ** «*^»^* *"

VISIT NORMA MILLEN—The Rev. Norman, Brighton, father of Norma Millen, and Mrs. Brighton, her stepmother, arc shown at the Dedham, Mass., jail as they come to visit the woman found guilty me an accessory y in the murder of two bank guards during a robbexs. tawband, d Mutton, bji brother, Irving, and Abe ~







tion by Dayld Wertheim, general sec^ retary.

' •••"•"' . , , . . ' . - ' . ..

He urged to party to concentrate all its efforts to gaining the support of American-born young Jews. As a means to this end he proposed the creation of an English-speaking department and an information bureau.


Still Useful in Germany

and capital ranging from £1,000

"The bureau has been guiding German business men intransferringand from re-establishing their factories and Berlin (WNS).—Jewish money is stores' in Palestine. It is facilitating still welcomed in Germany, although the establishment of new industrial its owners are anathema. and commercial enterprises and is Among the 51 German banks inaiding in the expansion of existing vited to float a new issue of 4 per S By PHINEAS'J. RIRON Judge Lewis Re-elected undertakings^ received from cent government bonds there are 15 s*ze?yfcv?*xrorwMgN raatgtAtc KOSHER Jewish \ Agency Recognizes Tel Aviv list Reports Head of Brith Sholom 'specific instances of Jewish financial institutions whose Panum—a&aivM *sr#ct*>0/a</ar American Economic Group Atlantic ..City,,...-Ns J. — Municipal such service. It is largely due to thenames are anything but Aryan. ;W*fNHE3KAMffHS' COMMUNAL MERRY flUKMABtfthe HC05£ IBWa?/mort cowrrrn Judge William MI Lewis of PhilaCommittee's development of a single, Meanwhile, Jewish bank directors As Official Bureau GO 'ROUND delphia was.' re-elected grand master competent information instrument, in are steadily being eliminated. The There is going to be more than the HEO A HOUSE eavrrm-jr of the Independent Order of Brith New York (J. T. A.)—The Central place of the many former informa-, latest to be ousted is Dr. Solmsen, usual commotion at the quinquennial ¥£nttKw conwss yrnan S national Jewish fraternal or- Bureau for Industrial and Agricul- on services (issuing conflicting re- director of the Deutsche bank, the SlHCE B'nai Brith International Convention ganization at the close of its twenty- tural Information, established and ports at times), that Palestine is in largest in Germany. The excuse for next year . . . There is a possibility his retirement ^is that he has reachninth annual convention. maintained- by the American Econ- a position to . assimilate and absorb ed the -retirement age of 65. of a contest between I. M. Rnbinow nomic Committee for Palestine, has the capital and valuable experience of and Richard Gutstadt for the execuTorres Convinced of tive secretaryship . . . And then there been recognized by the J e w i s h the 'middle-class' German refugees, Stavsky's Innocence is talk about the "retirement" of AlAgency for Palestine as the central •with a minimum of waste and of Paris.—Henri Torres, famous Jew- source for fred M. Cohen as president of the economic information re- unwarranted enterprises." ish attorney and defender of Shalom garding the B'nai Brith and his substitution by country, according to Schwartzbard, is convinced of the inHenry Monsky of Omaha . . . But all word received here. nocence of. Abraham Stavsky, youthkinds of things may happen in a year. ful Revisionist facing death for the The Jewish Agency has decided to Vienna Ruling Bars join other Palestine economic bodies There is going to' be a new national murder of Dr. Chaim Arlosoroff. Muny Work to Jews in -making the Central Bureau the secretary of the Jewish National clearing house for economic informaFund—we're told . . . 1 . Rubin, for 'Sacred Services' of Bloch tion to immigrants, Israel B. Brodie, Vienna (JTA)—Only citizens of many years the headman in the JNF in Berlin president of the American Economic Christian parentage hereafter may office, is slated to be pensioned and Berlin — The "Avodath Hakodesh" will be replaced by M. ; "Zeldin or of Ernest Bloch was played here last Committee for Palestine, announced. obtain municipal employment, Dr. Harry Sackler ofn maybe Mordecai week before more than 3,000 persons The committee was organized in 1932 j Kresse, vice-mayor of the city deSoltes . . . And the; American Jewish who packed the great synagogue on to foster' the economic development: clared. The ruling, in effect, bars of Palestine and the encouraging of j Jews from obtaining or holding emCongress is still looking for a good Oranienburger Strasse. private initiative is among its aims. ployment in the municipal services. man to run the elections' for the . It was the first time the composi*Tf?ACTJC£ OTCo World Jewish Congress in tiiis countion was given in Germany, and hadThe organization also maintains an, The Neue Welt, reporting this def>YlOOTm& WTH EN6ltJEET?)wftS O«e economic bureau here at 522 Fifth cree, points out that Mayor Schmitz, try and to put some pep into the outr a tremendous success. I Avenue.' -...-•• fit . . i Which reminds us that it is who was appointed to his post by the T being rumored that the' President of Air Bird Mr. Brodie's announcement was Austrian Fascist goverment, had de- FfU£ ESTIMATES FIRST BIPLANE the Board of Aldermen, of the City of Moscow.—The Maxim Gorky, larg- made in his report on the activities that the rights of minorities -TERMS New York and < at the same time est airplane in the world which is of the committee during the past six clared "would ~be strictly respected. President of the American Jewish creating a sensation here in the flight months which revealed that over sev9tVEN AST9 FUTVU S J B W K Congress (Deutsch)^ is in Dutch over the Red Square, where a demon- enty per cent of the inquiries cleared Bernard Baruch's retirement story is stration is being held for the Chely* by the Tel Aviv bureau had come 'Meet Your Friends aV* slightly exaggerated . . . The new of- week for his personal appearances on ushkin expedition, is the achieve- from German Jewish middle-class fices to which he is moving" are larg- Paramount-Publix theaters . . .Premment of Michael Kolzoy,- a •. Jewish refugees. er than his old hangout and there wil ier Mussolini has sent a committee journalist on the editorial staff of the The report says: be a stock exchange ticker . of three to the U. S. A. to investigate U n t e r m y e r Acclaims Boycott's Prayda. "Since April, our Tel Aviv Bureau Effect -; ; . . • why Camera lost the championship has been literally besieged by Ger.' * . The best way to convince it is to Philadelphia. — Predictions of Hit- Pastor Assails Bigotry IN CAPITOL LETTERS Jewish 'middle - class' refugees Anna'Hurwitz, secretary to Col. Ed submit the members to a right hand lerism's ultimate and complete col- Baltimore, Md.—The Rev. Robert 1. man seeking information and direction for . Halsey, secretary of the United 'States punch of the Jewish champ . . . O f lapse If the boycott were continued White, national chaplain of the their in Palestine. At Senate, won third place in a poll o course, we expected Herbert Pulitzer with intensified vigor were applauded American Legion, pleaded with mem- presentrehabilitation such German refugees conby an audience of Jews and Christians bers of the American Legion to war Washington newspapermen for th< to sail on the S. S. Europa . . . He well over 70 per, cent of the most beautiful employee of the Sen did . . . We're told that Washington that packed the Metropolitan Opera on religious prejudice in an address stitute inquirers serviced at the bureau. A ate . . . Enrico Glicenstein, the Jew- cabled to Mrs. James Roosevelt, moth- House to hear Samuel Untermyer, Os- here.' considerable number of these immiish-Polish-Italian sculptor, just fin- er of Franklin, to be sure not to book wald Garrison Villard and Francis "The virtue of tolerance demands grants 1413 Douglas possess productive experience Biddle denounce the Nazi regime. that all men respect, every creed. All on a Nazi steamer on her return trip ished a bust of President Roosevel of. them are. equal before God.. .. . . It took three sittings during . . . The Jewish Tribune of Bombay which the President discussed and has been banned by the Iraq govern- Seek Government signed some of "• the most importan ment although only- • five-^cbpies -of Cape Town.—General Jan - Smuts; Revisionists Seek Dollfuss' Aid paper reach its territory-. . . ; former premier and new Minister' of in Petition to King George bills Baron Maurice de Roths^ that Helen. Jacobs,- the American tennis Justice, has been urged by a'special Vienna (WNS)— Dr. Wolfgang von child, scion of the Jewish banking champion, (yes, she is Jewish, all de-committee of the South African Board Weisl, noted journalist and leader of dynasty, took French Ambassador La-J nials notwithstanding) will.marry of Jewish Deputies to sponsor legisla- the Austrian Revisionists, has anboulaye aback during7his visit to the; Dick-Carlton,the well-known San tion in the "South African parliament nounced that «the Revisionists .are Capitol When Maurice expressed to curb the growing' anti-Semitic seeking the support of Chancellor a desire to meet Roosevelt, the Am- Francisco. stock broker One. of propaganda and agitation that is Dollfuss for their petition to King bassador said it might be difficult, to the consulting engineers in the New alarming South African Jewry. George of England and the League which Rothschild, replied that his York City administration (park deof Nations regarding the situation in -friend Senator Joe Robinson was in-! partment) is so strongly anti-Semitic Predict 1,000,000 Jews for Palestine. traducing him -When Laboulaye that Jews can't find.or hold employ- Birobidjan Nebraska Clothing Co. Will Offer a tried to make amends by offering his ment, according to Ed -Sullivan, New Moscow.—A Jewish population, of York's columnist who knows ^ . ; . distinguished compatriot a seat in the Remarkable Special Sale :.-•.' 1,000,000 was predicted for Birobidjan, For Quality and Service shop with, senate gallery, Rothschild retorted Mendel Fisher, the S t Louis Dynamo newly proclaimed autonomous Jewish the merchants advertising in. The that his friend Senator Hiram John- who has for so many years assured region,-in the next five years, in" re-: Jewish Press. *. 1 son had already obtained.one for him the success of every Palestine Fund ports presented to the national con. . . When the Ambassador in desper- Drive in. xhe Middle West and other ference bt^Jezerd, quasi—official bodj ation offered to Monsieur Rothschild territbriesi-iias for the'settlement of Jews on the a glass of wine, the visitor—believe trip to Palestine for himself and' his land. . . it or not—refused on the grounds that better half by a group -of friends, One report emphasized that plans he doesn't drink, not even wine . . . among them many non-Zionists . . .. are ready to settle 250.00Q Jewish Omaha Louis D. Brandeis told the Yale Daily We, give space to this because St. families by the end .of 1939. Other News (in one of his rare statements) Louis shows the way to other cities, reports declared that malaria has that "judging from the universities I in that communal workers other than been reduced to a minimum, in Birohave visited I think that most under- rabbis are entitled to appreciation bidjan, and that general living condigraduates learn to live too luxurious- concretely expressed . . . Get us? . .• tions had been tremendously imBuys a'New ly i n college; There are so many If you want the American; Olympic proved. people in dire need that it seems a. Games Committee to act fairly on the shame to waste so much on college decision to participate or abstain from Jewish Scholars Get students." The Brandeis menage the Berlin Games In 1936--stop; dis- Brazil Posts does not employ a full time servant cussing the issue any further, and do Sao Paulo.—The University of Sao not try to exercise pressure' on Mr.Paulo will have three German Jewish THINGS I NEVER KNEW Brundage, whose word will be lawprofessors this summer, the Jewish TILL NOW in this matter . . . Telegraphic Agency learned this week The fair maiden to whom the poet B. Z. Goldberg, the favorite colum- from Theodore Ramos, who was sent Heine addressed his famous verses nist of the Jewish Day, has left for a abroad by the university to close con-' beginning "Du bist wie eine Blume, long cruise with a stop from which tracts with a number of scholars. so hold and schoen und rein"—was a he expects to send a series of sensa- Ramos declared he had placed unnice white little—pig Dorothy tional articles for his paper . . . Cyrus der contracts Professor Felix RaivitParker, the author and poet, signed Adler, headman of the American Jew- cher of Freiburg, Professor Ernst Every Pair Worth herself Dorothy Rothschild at one ish committee is leaving for Europe Breslau of Cologne' and Professor Much More! time, being the daughter of Henry! to study Jewish conditions -first hand Reinbolt of Bonn. . Maurice Samuel, ths author, is Rothschild of a small town of New Jersey Ben Eckstein, of New leaving for Palestine next week and Poale Zion Urged to Concentrate York, is stone blind, but enjoys a good will not return for five months . . . on American-Born torse race or bicycle race more than' A big anti-Nazi weekly publication Chicago. — Increased emphasis on anything else . . . Friends of George will be- launched in New York in theEnglish-speaking activities in order Burns of Burns and Allen call him near future in the German- language to win American-born youth over to Including white Md - blue kid - white buck - beige kid - black kid - gray Bootzie, but since the notoriety of . . . Samuel Untermyer has offered his the ideal sof the Poale-Zion-ZeireJrid - brown kid. The season's popular styles and colors. Putzi Hanfstaengle, George has for-services as attorney for the defense Zion party (Zionist Socialists) was Every pair from our regular high-grade stock of fine footwear. Made bidden his friends to, call him that in the Arlosoroff murder case at Tel recommended to the party's convenway . . . It sounds too much like Putzi: Aviv. . . . That Notre Dame Hospital by America's leading footwear makers. . . . Professor Clare Archibald claims strike against the engagement of Dr. Every pair an outstanding value and at this price offers a rare saving! ihat ii—e—1-2—0.2078795763 is the Rabinowitch, the Jewish interne, is Rabbi Barbakow •mathematical formula which means still more piquant if one recollects that one pound sterling is worth that the late Sir Mortimer Davis doan Efficient, Beliable $4.81 .'"•. . Don't ask us to prove it nated more than a half c million dolJacqueline Goldschmidt of France lars to this Catholic institution^ and MOHEL is considered the best tennis prospect that Mr. Lyon Cohen, prominent JewRecommended by Many Doctors in her country and she proved it by ish leader, "is one of the members of WEbster 5450 1422ffo.20th St. the Board of Trustees and Directors. winning the tennis championship of London . . . The reason why the Ital- (Copyright, 1934; by Seven' Arts ; Feature Syndicate.) ian music critics lambasted Ernest Bloch's Jewish Service recital at La Scale, in Milan, last month, was because they were jaot admitted to theRotary President Denounces general rehearsal and because they Bigotry are too chauvinistic to admit that Detroit — Before 10,000 delegates non-Italians can be musicians »-..'•'.- from seventy countries, John Nelson GatYwtpCutsand Incidentally Bloch believed that the of Montreal, to his presidential mesperformance of his Jewish Service at sage to the convention of Rotary InBerlin would destroy anti-Semitism in ternational, vigorously denounced raNaziland (he once told us so) but the cial and religious CltGRfWinG CO. persecution, declarperformance did not prove that Bloch ing, that Rotary, as "a realm without was wrong because.not a single non- frontiers, cannot countenance discrimJew came to hear his music ,".-.• Diego within its borders because of Every Pair Worth Much More! Rivera was insulted recently because ination Tiis drawing of Hitler in one of therace or creed." 100 pairs of girls' sport oxfords. Comfortable elk leathers, regulation aport sores, panels on the walls of toe New Worksome have leather soles. Colors smoke, two-tone tan and solid brown. ers' School of Mexico did not make Military and Low Heels ' Sizes S>/2 to 8—AA to C in the Group Hitler "brutal enough" . . .He; could not have made it enough—never. "HEAT CoklJIXION" yonr n m o a apparel. Oor-lro.








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fAGE 8—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JULY 6, 1934 AKIiAHAMS & O'CONNOK, Attorney* following a two weeks* visit here at of the British world imperium. The 4W ljrmiduis Theater BuilUInc the home of her uncle and aunt, Mr. pressure exercised on France by BriNOTICE OF INCOKFO RATION OF Members of the Junior Poale Zion tian , through . Hitler—another pupr and Mrs. Phil Saks. OMAHA FIUNITIIIE AND CARPET met Friday evening in the home-of pet , in this respect—^is "growing CO3irAN\ Notice is. hereby Riven thnt the underJulia and Sulamith Bereskin. Roll weekly in intensity. signed have associated tliemselves together BY F . R. K. ~ call ^ was answered with current The whole of 'Arabia is being to form a corporation under the laws 01 events. Marvin Klass acted as.chair- trarisformiinto a military camp! We the State of Nebraska. The name of the corporation shall be OMAHA FURX1TUUK man of the meeting. Brief talks were are not in .error in the past when - T h e Council Bluffs Lodge No. 688 Riga, Latvia (JTA)—Two hi~h of- ; ASK Miss ANNA PILL* Correspondent The principal AM' CAKI-KT CAKlKT COMPANY. The p p given on Ibn i Gabirol,. by Rosabell we pointed1 to Britian's presence in of the Independent Order of the B'nai place of trunsneiiiifi the business ot this ficials of the Latvian government discorporation shnll lie the City of Omnha,, Wigodsky; "Ibn Ezra" by Marvin Palestine as a weighty business of Brith will hold a meeting next MonD l C t Nbraska but snid busiDouplns County, Nebraska, Klass; and "Berne" by : Max Maron. empire. •' The ; industrialization • of day evening, July 9th, at 8:30 o'clock claimed in public statements last week b t t d in nuy other City, intention on the part of this counThe club, will meet tonight in thePalestine, now proceeding at a phe- at'the Eagles Hall. A report of the I «»y trv to be transacted by this corpora. to persecute the Jews. ' business home of Miss Alice Novinsky at nomenal rate, is preparing the coun- District Grand Lodge No. 6 conven- i tion shall be to buy, sell, own, mid genVice-Premier Skujenek, talking over erally deal in and with all kinds of house. South Sioux City. Julia Bereskin try to be the main point d'appui tion will be given by Messrs. Louis H. store, office and other furniture, carpets, the radio, declared: will act as chairman. rugs, curtains, fixtures, nnd furnishing for the British world-imperium. What Katelman and Julius Rosenfeld, who "We do not desire to persacute minnd any and all materials, supplies, is taking place in the near east to- represented the organization at the norities, thus embittering1 their lives. goods, products or equipment which may be con. Important on the calendar for this A short story, written by Ben convention- held at Grand Rapids, Mrs. Jack London and son have veniently day is the pi elude to the titanic e t l y used ed or r bundled u d in connectioB month, is the summer dance, spon- Pill, 2718 Virginia street, has been Our aim is to strengthen the Latvian with such Michigan, this week. i h l d sell, ll business: to acquire, hold, sored by the Senior Hadassah chap? accepted and appears in a book. re- returned to their home in Brook- struggle between rival imperialisms spirit. x alienate or encumber renl nnd personal ings after visiting in the home, of for: control of world markets. -1 l"'operty of every kind and description ter, which is : scheduled.. for Wednes- cently published, entitled "Youth Re| wliert'soever situated, includinc the stocks, Mrs* S. Kosberg, her mother, and Henry Mendelson, president of the "As a result of our policy w« The Pan-Arabic union, which Engday, evening, July 11, at-.'Shore .Acre builds." pect, in the event of danger to Lat-notes, bonds, debentures, or other evidences Mr. and. Mrs. "Jack London, senior. Council Bluffs Chapter No. 7 of the land needs in order to oust France indeliledness and obligations of any Gardens. The book deals with life in the via, to have all our citizens, regard- of corporation, and to issue in payment or from condominium in the near east A. Z. A., left for Washington, D. C, , •-,, „ . „ Orville Rennie, conducting ; a ten-Civilian Conservation Camps, and _.. exchange therefor its own stock, notes, to represent the local chapter at the 11"° " \ i - ^ w u ^ u ^ c , l u .. bonds, debentures, or other obligations. ••*£^^and^M^ B « , Sherman are. and in order to create another- mili- to piece orchestra, will furnish the mu- the story ^..:__.i . » r, » * * !_„* „ » . , . the defense of the fatherland.' : y by y Mr. Pill was"written visiting The authorized onnitnl stock of the corpo• this week with relatives and tary anti-Soviet front within vulner- National A. Z. A convention last week ration is $2.~>.OO0.lH> divided into 2.">0 shnres sic for dancing. A number o£ parties while he was-a'officer in a Minne^ 1 m !>1 W 1 General Balodis, minister ofi \1 war, friends in, Chicago. He visited in Chicago and Grand Rapj . ,T'Z\ "r"" *' "" '" . ' able nearness to the Caucasion oilof the par value of ?1(X).O<> each, nil of t o l d t h e J e w l s h have- been made up for the dance.- sota camp. M . •«. «»,,•f« W««IU«^AT, M « . ^ . i . delegation from the whieu is'common stock and when issued fields, awaits Abdullah's agreement ids en route to Washington. Meyer shall be fully paid and non-assessable.- The Mrs. J. Sawislak is the chairman Freiheitskamfer that the government The book has been released this Mrs. E. Seigel will return to her Raben, who is visiting in New York, corporation shall commence business upon to become a vassal of. Ibn Saud. Abfor arrangements. Assisting her aremonth. It was published in Washingthe filiiifir of these Articles in the office of home in Waco, Texas, Sunday, after dullah's personal pride and the re-also expects to go to Washington next will not permit anti-Semitism. the County Clerk nnd shall terminate upon Mrs. Ruben Miller, Mrs: ? Sam ton, D; C." a two-week visitwith relatives here. week to attend the convention: the first day of July, 1984, unless -sooner membrance -of-past treacheries on Greenstone, Mrs. Louis Aranoff, dissolved by a majority vote of the outFKABEN1H7KG. STAI.MASTEK, EEBER Mrs; Seigel was a guest at the goldthe Hedjah king's part militate standing capital stock. The highest nmount Mrs. Abe Agranoff, Mrs. Joe Levin, Sunday in the home of, her hostess < £ KLL'TZXICK. Attorney.* L wedding anniversary celebration of indebtedness to which this corporation against the consummation of the deal The Council Bluffs Agudas Society Mrs. Jack Robinson, and Mrs. IkeMiss Frances Kalin. Miss ] Yoasem. 630 Omaha National Dank Bide. sliall at any time subject itself shall not of Mn iand Mrs.; Dave Rosenthal. at the present moment. The throne has announced that their annual picexceed two-thirds of its capital stock. Th» Levin. . was.a guest in the Kalin home, over NOTICE OP INCORPORATION' OF affairs of this corporation, shall be conof Jerusalem is the bait nic will be held on Sunday, July 29th, Proceeds of the dance will go to-the week-end. "BAKISH OIL, INC." ducted by a Board of Directors of not lesa , . Mrs. Harry Belkin has returned • The Jewish people must be preat the Fainnount Park. Mr. Sam Notice is hereby given, that we, the un-than two nor more than five, the number ward the various Palestinian funds to IK> fixed by the By-Lnws. The officers to her .home in:" Grand Rapids, • Mich., dersigned, have associated ourselves topared to face the issue that EngRosenthal, president, has chosen Mr. to which the Hadassah Organizations Sam E. Epstein! and Dorothy after visiting with*her parents, Mr. land is planning to put'Abdullah on Sam 'Meyerson as general chairman gether for t lie purpose of forming n cor- shall be chosen by the directors find shall contributed Epstein motored this .week .to Newand MtsJ Max;-Holland. ' King David's throne.-One of these in charge of this affair, which will poration to be known as "15AHISH OIK, York City, where Miss Dorothy will days they will be placed before an be open to all members, and their visit with, relatives and friends durAlice and Bobby Pill have re- accomplished fact The telegraph families and friends. * ing, the month of July. Mr.' Epstein turned home- after visiting with rela- will simply announce that Abdullah transact ing business shall be in Omaha. the stockholders called for that purpose by will stop at Washington, where he tives- in Omaha. Bobby spent several has moved to Jerusalem—it's only Mrs. Phil Saks and daughter, Betty, Nebraska. The general nature of the busi- a majority vote In amount of the stock will attend, the National A. Z. A. days in Blair, Nebraska, before re- a few hours' ride from Amman. And will leave Sunday for Oakland, Calif., ness to l>e transacted shall be to conduct then outstanding.. The corporation shall operate oil and service stntions, to have a seal. .;•• Mrs* Nick Sheiman Jias .. • been convention. He is the advisor of the turning home. Accompanying, them once' he is installed, you may de-to visit Mrs. Saks' son-in-law and and EDWARD ABRAHAMS purchase and sell nt both retail and wholeMILTON U. ABRAHAMS named chairman of the/ Ice; Cream local A^ TL A. chapter. sale, oil, gasoline, petroleum products and to Sioux City was Mrs. Ann -Ber- pend upon it, mass-meetings in Madi- daughter, Mr. and- Mrs. -Max- Green- Automobile RICHARD A. O'CONNOR accessories: to equip and mainSocial to be held -Sunday; July 22, Incorporators. tain by purchast, construction, lease or r,-15-34-4t. covici "of Ornaha.^ ; son Square Garden will not oust .him. berg. oth'-rwise. buildings and equipment 10 be in the social hall of the Shaare Zion Mrs. Sam Weiner and Miss LilThe British government will merely used as and for service stations, oil staSynagogue. The affair is sponsored lian Stein were hostesses at an eve- Mrs. M. Rosenberg has returned refer the Zionist executive to King CARL KATLEMAX, Attorney nutomoliile accessories stores, vrhoieIrving Cohen, son of Mr. and Mrs. tions, snle oil and petroleum companies, and toNOTICE BT rCBX-ICATION ON PETIby the members of the Ladies'Aux- ning of bridge, Tuesday in the Sioux to her home in. St.. Louis after a Abdullah. Harry Cohen,' entertained fifteen do nil things which may be necessary iliary of the synagogue. " TION FOK S.ETTX.K3IENT OF FIN A t Tea shop. Guests of honor were Mrs. week's visit with relatives here. > and/or proper to carry out the objects Abdullah as Ibn Saud's prefect in friends at a theater party at the herein ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT set forth. The capital stock shall )>p Max Turchen, ai recent bride, Miss Jerusalem-will mean the end of Jew- Strand theater Saturday afternoon, in *."S,OOn.CO to b« divided into fifty shares of In the County Court of Douglas County, Charlotte Kantrovich, a bride-elect, Nebraska. the par value of JIOO. ( K) each. The affairs Miss Ruth Broches ^ of Chicago is ish .. constructive effort in Eretz the corporution shall be manaced by a In the Matter of tlie Estate of Jacob KatMiss Sally Stein of Newark, N. J., visiting in Sioux City with her par- Israel, or.at least the gravest men- celebration of his Bar Mitzvah which of lfman. Deceased. of directors of not less than two took place Saturday morning at the Board and Miss Alice Susman of, Omaha. ents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Levdch. All persons interested in said matter nor more than five memliers who shall ace that has arisen since the Bal-Chevra B'nai Yisroel synagogue. elect from their number a 1'resideut, Vioe- are hereby notified thnt on the 19th day four declaration was issued. Abdulof June. 1934. Michel Katleman filed a petAt a dinner party celebrating their A late luncheon followed the PreKideut, Secretary and Treasurer, wbo shall hold office for n term of one year ition in said County Court, praying that Mrs. H. Nudell and children Shir- lah's foreign minister, Emir Shakir, 25th wedding anniversary^ M t and budge. his final administration account filed hereMrs. I. Goldberg of Chicago, Illinois until the next annual meeting. The annual in be settled and allowed, nnd that he b« ley and Gerald of Minneapolis, are who is also the king's nephew and arrived Mrs.'J. H. Mosow announced, t i e enmeeting of the corporation shnll be hold on here last Thursday for a visit discharged his trust ns administrathe first Monday in January of each year. Mr. and Mrs. N. Widesky and chilguests this week in the home of the the bosom friend of Ali Amin Hus- at the home of her son-in-law and These articles may l>e amended upon the tor and thatfrom gagement and approaching", marriage a hearing will be had on said dren motored . to Minneapolis this petition before said Court on the 14th d«y former's mother, Mrs.H. Herman. seini, the mufti of Jerusalem, has of their daughter Dorothy nM affirmative vote of two-thirds of the outg y daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Saul Suvalsky. standins stock. ef July, 19S4, and that if yon fall to apweek where • they spent several days Other guests at the Herman home but recently given an Oriental exH i f pear !>efore said Court on the said 14th to_.Louis-Huiwitz,- son" of-Mrs. E. visiting with relatives. Mr. M. MaiIN WITNESS WnEHEOF. the parties day of July, 1!W+. at ft o'clock A. M., and Hurwitz. The wedding ; will be an sel accompanied them to Minneapolis, include Mrs. J. Heiman and sons pression of his boundless admirahave hereunto set their hands this 24th day contest said petition, the Court may grant Mr. and Mrs. Abe Bear and son, Norman and Harvey, also of Minne- tion for Hitler's anti-Jewish measthe prayer of said pejiHon. enter a deevent, of August. V Aaron David of Leavenworth, Kans., of November, 1030. goings from there to Lake Minnecree of heirship. and make such other nnd apolis. ' . . . • • ures. This aloneought to furnish M. M. r.ARISH Mr^ Hurwitz is a "senior at the tonka to join Mrs. Maisel and chilfurther orders, allowances and decrees, «• ' M. 1». r.RODKKT us with sufficient indication of returned to their home Monday folto this Court may seem proper, to the end University of Iowa and Miss Mosow dren. HEXUY GKABOIS lowing a visit here at the home of that nil matters pertaining to said estate what will happen to our dream of a In the Presence of: is a graduate of the Froebel-Pestemay be finally settled nnd determined. Jewish Palestine if that plan ma- Mrs. Bear's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jul- U. J. HOT,SKERG BRYCE CRAWFORD. loggi" Kindergarten school. 6-15-34-4t. ius Katelman. Mrs. Bear and son visterializes. Mr. M. Weinberg, accompanied by G-22-34-3t. Cpunty Judge. Eretz Israel is in danger, in grave ited here for over ten days while Mr. FRADKNTHUG. STALMASTEIt. BEBEK "Members of the Alpha Chi Sor-Johanna and Gladys Weinberg, moBear • joined his family here for the FUADENBritfi, STAI,MASTER, BEBEK danger of being throttled. What weaority-'entertainment at a^formal din- tored this week to Cedar Rapids, & KLITZXICK, Attorneys 4- KLUTZNICK, Attorneys week-end. They made the trip by 630 Omaha National Bank Bids. pons have we to prevent a consumner dance, Sunday ; evening. Dinner where they spent several days visitG50 Omaha Nationnl Bank Bide. : (Continued from Page 1.) mation of the disaster that is con-motor. was served at Scribbens Maplelawn, ing with fiiends. OUDKK TO SHOW CAUSE NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF THE sciously'being planned by the Engand the guests then adjourned to Docket £01 Number 155 "AHERICAN AS1USE3IENT CO, INC." the District Court of Douglas County, Mrs. M. Bernstein returned home InNebraska. Stone Park for dancing. Notice is hereby given that we, the unMrs. MI L. "Eiseri of Chicago is a This was not done without Britian's lish supporters "of a Pan-Arabic and even encouragement union? dersigned, have associated ourselves toMonday following a two months' visit In the Matter of the Application ofSAUAII gether guest this week in..the .home of her permission for the purpose of forming a corpoThat dethronement, saved the im-KULAKUPSKl' and MUUIUS LKVKY, ration to be known as the "AMERICAN In the first place," diplomatic ac- in Los Angeles, Calif. Miss Bernice Yousem of Omaha, brother, L. D. Sacks. Administrators of the Kstate of ISltAEI. AMUSEMENT CO., IXC." It shall begin busperial exchequer, twenty thousand tion in London by-the-Zionist execuNebraska, was the charming inspiraK U I K K K l ' Deceased, for license to iness when the articles of incorporation am real estate. fried in the office of the County Clerk *t tion for an afternoon party, last Mr. Max Goldman has departed for pounds sterling a month, the tive. The British government should Mrs. Anna Herzoff of Sioux City, sell stipend paid to Hussein for keeping at least be told'that the Jewish peo- Iowa, returned home'iMonday follow- Now on this IStb. day of June, 1034. this Douglas Counry, Nebraska, and continue for cause came on for hearing upon the peti- It period of fifty years. The principal -plaee his home in Kansas City, after a the,, tribes at peace. Ibn, Saud con1 of Samli Kulakofsky and Morris Le- of transacting business shall t>e in Omnbn, two week visit with friends and rela- vinced Mr. St. John Philby, the Brit- ple are aware T ^ Hie projected ing a weeE-end visit here at the home tion vey, administrators of the estate of Israel Nebraska. The general nature of the busitives here. .. . J . ~ ish agent at Djedda, that he could scheme, which wotSd constitute the of her son-in-law and, daughter, Mr. Kolakofsky. deceased, for a license to sell ness to be transacted shall be to own nnd the following described real estate-. operate shows, carnivals, dances, exf.ibitl greatest betrayal y*t of the solemn and Mrs. Nathan Gilmsky. 1 keep the peace without money. All An undivided 1/3 interest ill nnd to and amusements of every kind and .deMrs. Philip Herzoff has returned he needed was ammunition. He waspledges in an unirrterrupted- history the south 1/2 of Lot « in Block l, scription, to acquire, hold nnd dispose of Messrs. Harry Cohen, Herman Kountxe's Fonrth Addition to the City pn>i>evty, both real and personal, and to do home after spending the week-end given the chance. Hussein was beat- of • betrayals, • obstructionist tactics of Omaha, as surveyed, platted and reall things necessary to effect the purposes with her son-in-law and daughter, en and left for Cyprus, where he and' chicanery. The world should be Krause, and Nathan Richards of corded : nnd olijopts hereinbefore set forth. The capThe north 1/2 of the east 339 feet of ital stock shall lie 5si.000.00, divided into Council Bluffs, and William Raduinformed of the plot. Mr. and Mrs. Nate Gilinsky in died a few. years ago. Abdullah = has Lot 7 in Block 1, Kountze's Fourth fifty shares of the pnr value of 5100.80 *iner of Omaha, left Tuesday for the : Secondly, pour Jews into Palestine, Council Bluffs. Addition to the City of Omaha, as each. The nffairs of the company shnll be no reason, therefore, to feel that surveyed, platted nnd recorded; managed by n Board of Directors of not Minnesota Lakes, to be gone about but Jews who will not .merely go Btitian is xndved . by ' sentiments of • An undivided 1/2 interest in nnd to less than two nor more than five memMr. and Mrs. Sam Gutterman and humanitarian altruism or out of a there to grow .rich—for those riches ten days. bers, who shall elect from their number « the south SO feet of Lots 1 nnd 2 in President. Viee-President, Secretary and Block 5, Kountze's and Knlh's Addiwill vanish anyhow^—but Jews who son Julian have departed for.. Mil- sense of gratitude', towards .His. late Treasurer. The annual meeting of the cortion to the City of Omaha, as surMiss Mildred Saks of Chicago, 111., veyed, poration shn!l be held on the first Monwaukee where they will visit with father for aiding Afienby. in-throw- understand that the only hope for a platted and recorded. undivided 1/2 interest in and to day in January of each .year. These artifriends. They will spend several ing the. Turk out of Arabia, when free Palestine lies in a sincere and will return to her home on.Monday, theAnwest cles may be amended upon the affirroati»« 19 feet in width of Lot 3 and vote Of two-thirds of the outstanding stock. months at the lake near Milwaukee. the throne of Jersualem. isi dangled brotherly collaboration with those all of Lot 4 in Block 0 in the City of Omaha, as surveyed and lithographed; STALMASTER, BEBER before h i s ; eyest Ibn Saud also, is Arab tribes and. masses who are now FBADENBERG, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties Lot 6 in Ashland Place, an addition & KLCTISICK have hereunto set their hands this 13th d«y Miss Irene Fishberg of Omaha perfectly'wellla^ware^that by.includ- shamelessly being exploited by a to the City of Omnha. ns surveyed, Attorneys of June. 1934. R platted and recorded. is a guest.this week in the home, of ing Abdullah m the" Pan-Arabic ruthless, imperialism,, purposely kept R Subject to all existing liens nnd encumNOTICE BT PCm-lCATlOX OK TKTIit the boiling point x>f hatred for union the cards- are being stacked, Miss Lucille Kronick. brances, for the purpose of paying the TION FOR SETTLEMENT OF FINAL h. K. RYAN debts, court costs and expenses of the ad-In the presence of: AUM1NISTKATION ACCOUNT against his ambition to become sole each other, sent into fratricidal of the estate of Israel Kulak- I'HILII* M. KLCTZNICK Miss Sylvia. Herzoff is visiting in lord of the Arabic -Empire,'} but Ibn wars, their land :turhed into base In the County Court of Douglas County, ministration ofsky, deceased, nnd it appearing to the G-15-34-4t. Nebraska. that it is necessary that said real Rosalie, Nebraska, this week with Saud is a man of vast daring,, and attack against their brothers in other In the Matter o£ the Estate of William B. court estate be sold for te purpose of paying the he seems inclined to accept the^ risk. conntries — all for the sake of . Whltchorn, Deceased. her aunt, Mrs. J. Levin. said debts nnd expenses of administration. AH" persona interested in said matter nre IT IS THKKKFOKE OltDEUED tnat all : In'the final analysis Ibn Saud is profits "and dividends in the pockets herelry notified that -on -the 27th- day of persons interested in said estate appear be1934, Jennie Good Whitehorn filed a fore the judge of the Miss Rose Levin of Omaha, will as much a puppet in the hands; of of the directors of the Asiastic Pe- June, District Court In and petition in said County Court, praying tor Douglas County, Nebraska, in Court - That Sam* arrive in Sioux City this week-end the British imperialists as Abdullah. troleum, company, 'chief shareholders that her final administration account tiled Koom No. 7 in the Douglas Court be settled and allowed, and that she House in the City of OmahaCounty to spend several days with friends These men may think" they are ad-of which are, as the .Persian con- herein on the <th §ff®@ Comfort discharged from her trust as executrix ancing their , own interests; in flict showed t w o : years ago, thebe of August. 1934. ut 9 o'clock A. M.. to here. and that n hearing will be' had on said day show cause if and why a license should If you have your shoes reality they are being used to safe- ministers of H. M.'s government in petition before said Court on.the 2lst day not-be granted to the said administrators repaired at the of Julj-, 193*. and that if you fail "to ap- to sell said the oil export from Irak; London. real estate for the purpose or • '~pear befSre said Court on the said'21st jpayinc Miss Ida Lipton is in Chicago guard said-debts and expense of adminrak, that "independent" kingdom (Copyright, 1934 by; Seven Arts Fea- day of July, 1U-H, at It o'clock A. M.. andistration of the estate of Israel KulnkofSTANDARD this week, visiting with her sister, by contest said petition, the Court may grant the grace of England, no longer ture Syndicate.) the prayer of said petition, enter'a de- sky.' deceased. Mrs.' Eli Alpert. ' ; > Sfooe Eepais1 Co. outputs;. of the Mosul oil-fields. cree of heirship, and make such-other nnd • IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, that this J. ! • ERAGE. Prop. further orders, allowances and decrees, as order to show cause shall be published for France has shown no inclination to to this Court may seem proper, to the end Tour successive weeks in the Jewish Press. Farnam Mrs. L. Bernstein, Jerry and move out of Syria. • A previous Brita Jeffal newspaper published in the City of that all matters pertaining to said estate St. Omaha. Douglas County. Nebraska. may be finally settled hnd determined. Naomi Bernstein of Minneapolis, ish effort, the fomenting of the sBKXCE e d ' BY THE COURT eilAIVFOKD motored to Sioux City this week to sanguinary .Druse -Revolt to make \ New .York (WNS), — Professor BKXCE eilAIVFOKD, TV". G. UASTINOS, County Judge. visit in the home of Mr. and. Mrs. France's position in Syria untenable, Bemhard Z o n d e k , internationally C-29-34-3t. G-2234-4t Judge. Eli Robinow. Accompanying them to did indeed succeed in embittering > the known gynecologist- and co-discoverer FBAOENBTJBG, STALMASTER, BEBER Sioux City wag Miss Jennie Shirid- Arab population against : •> France of the Ascheim-Zondek test used the & KLUTZNICK, Attorneys. CJO Omaha Xati Bank Bide. ler, who was their guest in Minne- much gained!—but it did not result World over in the-diagnosis of pregOMAHA'Sapolis for the past two weeks. Mrs. in a French abandonment of her nancy,; who is now1 an exile from NOTICE BT PUBLICATION OX Bernstein and Jerry will leave for mandates. - In -Yemen * recently it, was Germany, will become the head of TIQN ;FOK SETTUE5IKKT OF FINAL WELCOME ACCOUNT. home Sunday, while Miss Naomi, will Italy that was seeking to get foot- the obstetrical and gynecological de- InA1MIINISTBATION the County Court of Douglas County, remain for a months' visit. hold in Arabia, using. Erithrea, right Nebraska. _ to the partments of the- Hadassah-Rothsthe Matter of the Estate of Harry B. across theRed : sea from* Aden^ as a child Hospital. in Jerusalem, it wasInMilder, Deceased. Every nil* you rvn on bald tires, you run a Miss Pearl Olensky was hostess jumping-off place. England immecll- announced here byvHadassah and the All persons Interested in said matter are WORLD! DOUBLE RISK. Because bald tires are only half hereby notified that on the 28th day of atelj gave Ibn Saud the opportunity to the Debra club at their weekly American Jewish Physicians' commit- June. 1034, -William Milder filed a peti«t sofa as naw lire*. Take a look at thet* sharp, tion In said County Court, praying that meeting, Monday night. Plans were to conquer .Yemen, He did,,; '1>iit it ee.V :.;-.- , . . . - . . - ': ; - r - his dean-cut non-tkid togs on thii U. S. Tire, and final administration account filed heremeant a check, to Italian penetration Largest and finest in the made for the annual Debra outing in be settled and allowed, nnd that he yo»*tl tee why. This i» th« famous COGWHEEL Dr. Zandek is now , doing research in -the Arabian penisula. And this to be held this month. be discharged from his trust ag executor traad design, based on one of th» oldest and city, the FONTENEIAE i» work-in Stockholm f o r the Rockefeland that a hearing will be had -on- said A social hour was followed by re-is all that counted in^Landon. ..•;'• ler Foundation. •'. sorest principles known in engineering . . . the petition before said Court on the 2Stn day more than an Ibn Saud, lord, .of : Arabia, of July, 1034. and thnt If yon tail to apfreshments. COGWHEB. principle. This non-skid tread lasts

Jr. Poale Zion

Council Bluffs

Sioux City News

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.400 Omaha hotel.. Rooms it is an Omaha institution, about which all social, business and dvic life center. Conveniently loca- ; ted, the £ON% TENELLE is famoutf for itsi' old fashioned hospitality. > , Two popular-priced res- >.' '• • tauraata with <fancing . .' -.and musical entertainment in season. ' Operated by lh»


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pear before gaid Court on the said 28th day of July, 1834, at a o'clock 'A. M.. and contest said petition, the Court may grant the prayer of said petition, enter a decree of heirship, ana make such other and further orders, allowances and decrees, as to this-Court may seem; proper, to the end that all matters pertaining to said estate may be finally settled ,an4 deter-

Miss Minnie Okun, 811 West Eighth street has returned home after a visit with friends in Mitchell, gestively the idea must work on ihe New York (WNSX—"I am ted upon S. D. Moslems in non-British-controlled' Christian. protestations of interest, sections ot Arabia, in Syria and in academic expressions of concern and Max Rosenthal departed for' New the Lebanon, for instance! Is it suiv the empty holding out of ;the hand mined. BBTCE; CRAWFORD. „:: Covmty Judge. York City Tuesday evening, for a prising that the French! occupational ot. fellowship",; James/ G.| McDonald, 7-6-54-St. three-week visit friends and rela- forces in Syria have recently been League of Nations High Commissiontives. En 'route he will stop witt brought up to eighty thousand men? er for German Refugees, told the orA duel of Empires is going on iii ganization meeting of the New York friends, at St. Louis and Chicago.' .i the near east behind the scenes, Christian Committee for German Ref'• ' Recognized\£$] ',:'' Miss' Florence Holland has de- Britian versus France, but at. home ugees. Calling for increased ChristPRACTICAL M O H E L : parted' • for r St. Louis, .Mo., where in London and Paris the statesmen' ian contributions ionieet the.refugee Phone 1059? ahe.^will visit with" relatives. Accom still talk entente cordiale. Yet it problem, Mr. McDonald said "it is COUNCIL BLUFFS ; panylhg her to St. Louis was Mis ought to become clearer to us, per-high time that- Christian leadership haps, why Britian is slyly backing Rose, Chautin who has been visiting took its obligation seriously.* Hitler, why England approves of in Sioux City for several weeks. German's , re-armament. The object, ' Mr. S. M. Rushall of Los Angela in the east and in the west is to arrived in Sioux City this week t weaken France, because England wants the monopoly of the exploita"Omaha's Most Beautiful Hbme for Funerals^ spend several days here before re- tion of the Mosul oil-fields. And why turning with Mrs. -Rushall and the monopoly? Because the near east Funerals To Fit Any Purse daughter, Estelle, to their home. En is slowly being turned Into a.military Phono HArney 1226 Farham at Thirty-third route they "will visit in San Fran- naval and aerial base in the heart

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Rev. A. Diamond



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