In the Interests of the Jewish People
Entered ag Second Cln l'ostofflce ot Omaha, Ne
Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism
tter on Janunry 21, 1921, ut under the Act of March 3, 1S79
, JULY 13, 1934
A Renaissance in Yiddish MONSKY GIVEN Soviet Culture —Bleicher * AT CONVENTION
Vol. X—No. 24
Local Memorial Meetini For Chaim Bialik Sunday
"A renaissance of the Yiddish lan- ulation is dense," Bleicher states, guage and Yiddish culture is being 'signs are printed in Yiddish at the He and Beber Elected Delegates fostered in Soviet Russia," was the stations to direct the people. to International Conclave; observation made by David Bleicher, "I found that the Jewishness of Greenberg Also Honored who Twith his wife, Rachel Bleicher, an individual in no way affects his has just returned from a six-weeks status in the industrial, economic or The Omaha delegation to the sixtyAtlantic City, (WNS).—Complete visit in Russia and a two-week stay social life of the country." Many of sixth annual eoniention of the-Dis. satisfaction at the re-election of in England. his relatives held high official posts. trict Grand Lodge of the B'nai Brith The first annual track and field Morris Rothenberg and his entire "Anti-Semitism," he found, "has He told of a novel experience in held in Grand' "Rapids last week play- meet, under the direction of the Jewadministration, approval of his pro-been practically eliminated in the the penal system. He visited a Jew- ed a prominent part in the delibera- ish Community Center physical degrom for enlarging Zionist activi- present Russia. I t is considered ish court in Kiev, in which the offi- tions of the conclave. partment, will be held August 5. ties and of Louis Iipsky's proposal counter-revolutionary, and in the few cial language was Yiddish. In con- Henry Monsfcy^ Ewho is a member This classic will be open t both A community-wide memorial meet- don. At this time he wrote his first for convening an emergency confer- instances' where anti-Jewish incidents versing with the judge, he learned of the executive 'eoinmittee of the members and non-members the ing by the Jewry of Omaha in mem- poem, "To the Spring Bird." In 1905^ ence in the fall to persuade, Eng- occur "the anti-Semites are severely that the defendant has the choice of international oroer, received the Center. punished." " . '-'[' courts. In other words, if a Ukranian highest number if votes for deleA team prize will be given to the ory of Chaim Nachman Bialik, the in- when he had already gained considHebrew poet erable note as a poet in Hebrew liter* In regard to Biro Bidjan, which accuses a Jew, - the- accused has a gates to represent the district at the organization scoring the most points ternationally-famed laureate who died in Vienna last ary circles, he settled in Odessa, the Soviet government has recently right to have ths hearing in a court convention^ of the Constitutional in the competition. proclaimed as an autonomous Jewish where he can best express himself — Grand Lodge which will be held" in The athletic managers of the var- week, will be held at the Jewish Com- where he helped to establish the Morrepublic, Bleicher found opinion some- in this instance, in the Jewish court. Washington, D. <£, in April 1935. ious groups are asked to communi- munity Center nest Sunday evening, iah publishing house, an important July 15, at 8 p. m. factor in the Hebrew renaissance. Ho what divided. The Jewish youth fa- The Ukranian, then, wpuld have to Sam Beber "iny also elected ah of- cate with Lee Grossman, physical diDetails for the memorial meeting also contributed to Achad Ha'am's vor the project, especially since the hire an attorney who could speak ficial delegate,~Teceiving one of the rector, for information regarding were arranged Monday at a well-at- j famous Hashiloach. government offers such inducements Yiddish and a Ukranian for transla- highest number: of votes cast. There team events. tended preliminary meeting, to -which j Bialik became an international Jewfor the settlers in Biro Bidjan, but, tion purposes. Irrin C. Levin is chairman of the was a field of B^teteeh nominees. representatives from all the Jewish i ish figure -with the publication of hia on the other hand, ihe older folks In discussing the Yiddish renaisDr. A. Greenberg was re-elected a Center athletic committee, which is organizations in the city were invited, j historic "In the City of Slaughter," are not eager to tackle the many sance, Bleicher found that vast re- member of the general committee. sponsoring the event At Sunday evening's meeting Judah an impassioned poetic storj of the difficulties coincident with settlement search is being made into the Yiddish The local delegation included Mon"Wolfson and L Morgenstern will Kishinev pogrom of 1903. In that there and are. unable to withstand language and Yiddish culture. In the iky, Beber, Greenberg, Max Barish, speak in Yiddish, and Ben Kazlowsky epic work he castigated the Jew's for the -vicissitudes of pioneering life re- new republic of Biro Bidjan, it is ex- Philip Klutznick, and Irvin Stalmaswill eulogize Biallk in English. Elihu their submission and inspired them to quired in Biro Bidjan. pected, Yiddish culture will be foster- ter. ; ? • Bloch will preside as chairman. self-defense and to a renewed and Despite the prevalent belief here ed and developed in every way posDistrict No. 6 will participate in El Maleh Rachamin will be chant- J intensified yearning for the establishthat religion is strictly prohibited in sible. the world-wide B'cai Brith membered by Cantor E. Sellz. jment of the Jewish homeland in Palthe Soviet, Bleicher noted that no . "Jewish speculators in Russia," ship campaign, to be held this fall in One of the speakers, Judah Wolf-I estine. ban was placed on attendance at the Bleicher explained, "are, of course, honor of the seventy-fifth birthday Bialik's writings were a major fac« son, was well acquainted with Bialik synagogues and churches. He per- summarily dealt with. The govern- of Dr. Alfred Ml Coheri,~ president New York, (WNS).—A national and is considered an authority on tor in the Hebrew revival. In 1921 sonally saw the synagogue in Lenin- ment is pursuing a policy of liqui- of the B'nai Brith. mobilization committee of Jewish he left Russia for Germany and three works. grad attended by many for services. dating speculators,' and those caught, Arthur " Brin of Minneapolis was communal leaders has been appointed ijBialik's preliminary meeting Monday years later settled permanently in. A t tise and' declares that while he was in Jewish and others, are punished elected president of the District. to make plans for a Jewish welfare L M o r g e n s t e m presided. He was as- Palestine. There he reorganized the Russia on Easter Sunday, all the equally." The convention was atteuded by mobilization which will sponsor joint sisted in calling the meeting - -by a Dvir Publishing House. An unyieldchurches were full.- However, it is In speaking of general conditions, delegates from' four Canadian pro- fund-raising appeals for national, in- committee including H. Levinson, Morris Rothenberg. S. ing Jewish nationalist, Bialik became the older people who attend the syna- Bleicher pointed out that Russia has vinces, North and South Dakota, Neb- ternational and regional Jewish rethe spiritual leader of the Hebraists. Morris Friedel and John Feldgogues and churches, and. the youth not yet even closely approached t i e raska, Wisconsin, ffinois, Iowa, Mich- lief and welfare agencies, it was anMost of his poetry was written before land to open, wider the gates of man. stay • away. In the meantime, the American standard of living. But igan and Minnesota. nounced here by William J. Shroder, the war, for he felt that the terrors Palestine to Jewish immigration were Mourn Death chairman of the National Council expressed by the delegates to the Soviet government continues its Con- the Russians he spoke to stated that Not since the death of the immor- of that conflict had made a poet an. this year conditions are much imof Jewish Federations and Welfare tal Dr. Theodor Herzl thirty years anomaly in the modern world. In 37th annual convention- of the Zion- stant anti-religion propaganda. "In sections where the Jewish pop- proved over the past — the country funds. ist Organization of America. Shortly ago has the Jewish world mourned 1926 he visited the United States and being industrially and economically The mobilization plan envisages a the loss of one of its notable figures •was received by President Coolidge before adjournment. the convention more stabilized. There is no such Berlin, (JTA).-^A line of demar- program for organizing local com- as it is now lamenting the sudden and given honorary degrees by the adopted a resolution to'permit group thing as unemployment. Je-vrish Institute of Religion and Jewmembership and to reorganize Zionmunities in a united effort in behalf and untimely death of Bialik. cation between "Aryans" and ist regional units. Prices are much lower than a year Aryans' in the matter of their names of the more than 100 appeals made Bialik had made his home in Pal- ish Theological Seminary. or two ago, and there is more buy- was decreed in antorder of the Pras- annually for welfare, relief, educa- estine for the past ten years, but the Much discussion centered on a tional and cultural agencies. A plan heart attack -which caused his death ing. A prime difficulty at the mo-sian Minister of the Interior. resolution .;. to reaffirm the soverment is the severe drouth which af- The decree prohibits in principle has been developed to organize lo- occurred in Vienna. The body is beeignty of."'$}l% ZjoQist. congress., and fecied many sections, making food the changing of names by Jews to cal communities for these appeals ing transferred to Palestine for percondemning 'any party or 'faction •witjjin-: the Zionist /movements tfiat a pressing problem; To meet this, "Ayran-sonnding" | appellations. It through co-operation : between the manent burial. contravened th6rautiy>rity of the conthe government raised the lower cat- provides that Jews} wishing to change agencies and the communities. Memorial meetings are being orgress. -This Tesbhit|pn '• waS. adopted egory of wages. "obscene-sounding names may do so The plan-will result in ^reat eco- ganized throughout the world. In Special Bulletin efficiency with- Palestine all Jewish institutions were \ LDespite the dictatorship, BMchejr only if they; a d s t another Jewish noniies and increased A.bulletin has been, received that c e £ h came. ••• 1 * ' • • ' •• • ' • ! — : << 3 BPOR news oS. Bialik's death. contrary to -earlier reports that no noted that the -newspapeis freely criout sr*frfl fneL ^ «atonomy, vo£ the «Iosed Black, flags were flying everywhere ish NationarH5m& in Palestine. The Jews were hurt in the "Nazi' "second ticize the carrying out of government agencies. Members of the committee Seek Amends for convention instructed the incoming revolution" in Germany, the Jewish plans, and many Yiddish jokes are sessirrg: Jewish^ssrandtog-^Sutmes* are were appointed as individuals and in the Jewish homeland. ter of Thousands Prom Thousands of Jewish school chilentitled to ^Aryanize" them. -_.-'• [ Administration to take steps to en- Telegraphic Agency has definitely told about Stalin and Kalinin. not on behalf of -organizations. Thrace dren mourned the death of Bialik, able Russian Jewry l o carry on established that at least. nine Jews who was their great hero. Zionist activities. Other resolutions were slain, five while in the custody Istanbul, (WNS).—Moving to According to plans being formulatendorsed the ' boycott of German of police or S. S. detachments, during make speedy and effective amends ed, the poet will be buried near the foods, urged the opening up of the disorders. grave of Achad Haam, noted Hebrew to the thousands of Jews who were Transjordania to Jewish settlement, thinker, who was buried in Tel Aviv. forcibly removed from their homes emphasized the priority of Palestine Berlin, (WNS).—German Jewry in Thrace and the Dardanelles reover temporary relief measures in now finds itself perplexed by two History gion because of a sudden outbreak of relief appeals, and voted thanks to conflicting situations. One deals with """. Born in the town of Rady, in Volhy- j official anti-Semitism, the Turkish James G. MacDonald, League of Na- a series of reports from the provinnia, Russia, In 1873, Bialit •was the; government has suspended the govtions High Commissioner for Ger- cial districts indicating that the tense son of an impoverished but learned e r n o r o f Adrianople, removed several and uncertain political conditions creman refugees. storekeeper. Entrusted to his grand- other officials in Thrace and ordered The new Z. 0. A. administration is ated by the ruthless crushing of the By MAURICE SAMUEL father's keeping in 1880, Bialik was the annulment of all sales of propheaded by Morris Rothenberg, presi- storm troop rebellion gave rise to early attracted by the Cabala and erty by Jews who disposed of their dent, Mori is Margulies, secretary, new violence against the Jews. The dred page magazine sold •for.-I said, Chassidic literature. When he was The Jewish world is mourning the Ezra Shapiro of Cleveland; chairman other, concerns a rumor that the Hit"The equivalent of a piastre." He 13 he entered the Volozhin Teshiva, belongings regaidless of value in ordeath of Chaim Nachman Bialik, der to escape. Similar action is pendof the National Executive Commit- er regime is preparing to halt, or at looked through the advertisements •where he was exposed to the ideas of . . , . . . , . , _ •I . tee, Harry P. Fierst, treasurer, and least to modify, its anti-Semitic pro- greatest Hebrew poet of modern and said: "In Palestine, when we Achad Ha'am and Yehuda Leib Gor- j v*g against officials m Smyrna. Louis Rocker, chairman of the fi- gram because every element of tha times, generally regarded as one of publish a magazine, we ask; How Sukrat Bay, minister of the interinance committee. Vice-Presidents population, regardless of racial ori- the ~ outstanding figures in the Hemuch dare we charge for it without or, and Inspector-General Tala Bey brew. Reniassance movement of the gin, is needed to meet the country's elected were Judge William M. losing readers t In American, when have gone to Thrace to make a firstfirst quarter of the twentieth cenLewis, Philadelphia; Nathan Straus, economic crisis. you publish a magazine, you ask: hand investigation of the" situation tury. This article has been written jr., and Robert Szold, New York, The basis for this rumor is the How little dare we charge for it that caused a panicky mass flight of Elihu D. Stone, Boston; Max Shul- enactment of an emergency decree exclusively for the Seven Arts Feawithout losing advertisers? We live (thousands of Jews. Ousted from their man and Rabbi Solomon Goldman, giving Economics Minister Schmidt ture Syndicate and The Jewish Press in opposite worlds." homes by local officials, Jews have Chicago; and Harry Friedberg, Kan- virtually dictatorial powers over the by Maurice Samuel, eminent author, whise English translations of BiaOnce or twice I complained to him been pouring- into Istanbul, where economics life of the country. He is sas City. A governing council also lik's poetry are known .to the Engthat I was weary of making Zionist they are being temporarily housed in was named, including the officers empowered to imprison or fine any- lish-Jewish reading public the world addresses, since, I said, "lekach vert synagogues, hotels and ptivate homes. and the following: Louis Lipsky, one disobeying any orders he con- o v e r . —THE EDITOR. oich nimus." He said to me: "Do The swarm of refugees is taxing the Abraham Goldberg, Carl Sherman, siders essential to improve business you ever daven?" My reply was: Jewish Inventor to Contribute capacity of the local Jewish comBernard G. Richards, Jacob de Haas, conditions. This law has been inter"No." He answered: "Your father His Discovery to munity. Several hundred Jewish refuDr. Stephen S. . Wise, Jacob - Fish- preted in some quarters as applicTo the hundreds of thousands who and grandfather and great-grandman, Dr. Israel Goldstein, Dr. Sam- able chiefly to racial fanatics whose knew him through his work or by gees from Istanbul crossed the borScience father used to daven every day. der into Greece, where they found uel Margoshes, Charles Cowan and tactics are held responsible for Ger-repute, and still more to the thouMaybe they too were weary of it. Toronto, OnU (JTA).—Announcemany's economic crisis. sands who knew him. personally, the Leo Wolf son. But it was their daily exercise in ment of the Mirroscope Spectacle, an a temporary haven in Athens. ReIn further support of the report news of the passing of Bialik has Judaism. For them too is lekach optical device which increases visual ports from Bulgaria indicate that of an expected lessening of anti- produced the effect not of the disapgevoren nimus. But they kept it up, acuity by 250 per cent and employs many Turkish Jews have fled to SoSemitic restrictions is the fact that pearance of a human being from our and for the same reason you keep a new principle in optical science fia and border towns. Der Angriff, Propaganda Minister midst, but rather that of some exup your Zionist addresses." magnifying the vision of the parti- Premier Ismet Pasha took cognizGoebbel's organ, has not published traordinary natural cataclysm, like At the meetings at which I introally blind beyond that of any other ance of the plight of the Turkish Chaim Bialik an attack on the Jews for nearly the sudden and incomprehensible exduced him—in English—he would sit known device, was made here by Dr.Jews by informing parliament that ten days. The emergence of Prus- tinction of a volcano, Even personal sian Premier Goering as Hitter's grief is overshadowed by a sort of all he loved his people, which was listening stolidly. He understood no William Feinbloom of New York be- the officials responsible for the right-hand man is also regarded as astonishment. How could that which for him the matrix of all his forms English. Therefore the introduction fore the International congress of persecutions are in league with forthe American Optometric association. eign anti-Semites. He pointed out Moscow, (WNS).—Jewish students a good omen for the Jews, since was Chaim Nachman Bialik cease of love and enjoyment. In fact, he was to him a long wilderness loved life so much that lie had to syllables dotted with the sound Many people whose vision is nowthat anti-Semitism in not a Turkishh barred • from universities ' and other Goering is understood to favor to be? institutions of higher learning in leniency toward the Jews. For Bialik was a poet of immense be, personally, something • of an his name; something like "Mumble- limited to the recognition of news- product and promised quick relief to Bialik mumble- paper headlines can obtain distant I the Jews and speedy punishment for thfcir own lands by. numerous clauses Conflicting with this optimistic and and unique significance precisely ascetic in order to restrain his mumble-mumble Nachman Bialik vision at home, theatres, movies, |t h o s e w h o o u s t e d th"e J e w B # and other. anti-Semitic restrictions thus far entirely unverified rumor because he was so much more than boundless appetite. Bialik, who wrote mumble Chiam prewill be able to pursue their educa- are stories of renewed attacks on that. The remotest fringes of his such rebellious verse (in The Math- mumblemumble. . ." Once, in ac- church, athletic events and while ridmier also declared that the governknowledging the introduction he tion in v the universities of_ Soviet Jews in the rural areas. In Hirsch- readers—even those who had never mid and in A Frielichs) in favor of ing in trains and automobiles, Russia under the terms of a' decree berg five Jews were shot and nu- come • in contact with friends and the untrammeled, or at least the said: "I heard the speaker leading through the aid of the Mirroscope ment was rushing plans to return the deported Jews to their homes issued by the Soviet commissiar of merous Jewish homes wrecked. In acquaintances of his—felt it. "Never joyously mundane life, was himself me through unillumined corridors.' Spectacle, he stated. education. This decree Instructs all Silesia enraged storm troopers was a man so little the litterateur as" simple as a hermit. And even-so And on another similar occasion he For nine years, Dr. Feinbloom ex- and to facilitate a return of the they sold under comRussian universities to, open their wreaked vengeance on the Jewish and deliberate esthete; never, was he always made the impression of said: "I felt like a cat in a sack plained, he had been working on the J property which tl doors to foreign citizens. population. Similar news comes from there such complete absence of "art living more furiously and more : in- which a boy was belaboring." problem of achieving that maximum! pnlsion at sacrifice prices, Reports of an intensive anti-JewThese odd, delightful remarks of magnification of vision for the near The decree also permits foreign the Rhineland. The tight censorship for art's sake"—that decorative at- tensely than the . most ardent selfish boycott in Thrace and the circuconscious pursuer of *the full life." still prevents any accurate survey blind In a convenient form that could titude which transmutes' the living his peppered his ordinary conversastudents to take entrance examina-All things fascinated him—and to tion. He could not make common- be worn like ordinary spectacles. lation of tens of thousands of copies tions for admission to Russian uni- of what did or did not happen to experience into the graceful utterall things he brought the happy and place remarks. Once, at a congress, the Jews in the past fortnight, but of the anti-Semitic periodical MilH His discovery was made in reance, life was so turbulent in him versities in their own - mother there can be no doubt that the Jews that it compelled him to ntter him- penetrating insight of hi» joyous he passed an armchair in which a sponse to the need of those sub- Inkilap could not be verified. It is tongue. are fearful and worried. self. He was almost a poet against tnind. Nor was anything so trivial massive delegate had wedged him- normal vision patients who could not also reported that several members For Jewish students this decree his •will—as so many prophets have that it did not elicit from him an self and fallen asleep. He said: even recognize the faces about them. of the Turkish parliament have orMeanwhile a new Jewish paper is of inestimable value. .Thousands taken on the prophetic role against illuminating comment of general "Look at that chairful of Jew!" Then Coupled with the announcement of ganized an anti-Semitic bloc. called -'We German Jews" has apof German Jewish students, expelled value. I traveled fairly often with he continued the conversation. He this scientific discovery was Dr. their will. ' . peared. In its first issue it calls on from German universities, and who He had an immense, an almost him during Ms first visit to Ameri- talked interminably, hours at a Feinbloom's assertion that he was have found it increasingly : difficult the Jews to unite and stand by the London, (JTA).—Official denial fanatical love . of life. He - loved a ca, speaking .from the same plat- stretch. And he never uttered a dull contributing the Mirroscope Spectacle that legislation already has been Reich. I t declares that "we will '••fold to inarticulate at French, English form, generally to introduce him. I to science. secretly enacted restricting the imand Dutch universities, win now- be out Our suffering has made us hard thousand things and processes—and did my best at that time, to give remark. If one interrupted him it literature and poetry were for him as steel. We are prepared to help was not for the purpose of arrestmigration of Jewish physicians and able to study in Russian institutions. him some sort of insight into the Jewish students from, Hungary, build up Germany." The Jewish War one method of concentrating and re- nature of this American dvili2atioin ing the flow of talk; it was only in Buffalo, N. Y.—"Hitler's Reign of lawyers into Palestine was issued ill peating his enjoyment. He loved order to redirect it towaid some Rumania, Poland and. Austria,; where Veterans Union has disbanded.bej Terror," which opened in the Holly- the house of commons by Sir Philip iause; its leadeiy lieutenant Levin- daily affairs, the management of —and one day I brought him a copy particularly fascinating topic on anti-Semitij: restrictions are; in vogue {wood theatre, 3ias been withdrawn Cunliffe-Lister, secretary of state t ; 'steirr,s was a close friend', of the exe- matters, business, books, persons, or- of the Saturday Evening Post. He for colonwa also i are expected 'to* flock to:IKiis*«Jter two showings. asked me how much this two hun(Continued on Page 8.) i i conversation—and above cuted General Von Schleicher. sian universities. _ . _ '_ .
"Wider Program of Activities for Zionists Adopted at Conclave
Center to Sponsor Track, Field Meet
Community-Wide Gathering to Honor Memory of Hebrew Poet Laureate
Reich Official Issues New Order on Names
Ambitious Program
Miss Helen Gittie left Sunday for Chicago, Illinois, for'a months' visit with relatives and friends. While there, she will visit the world's fair. - Mrs. Rae Ross left Monday for Colorado Springs, Colorado, where she will visit for two weeks. Mrs. D. Felvarg and: daughter, Esther, of Portland, Ore., left Wednesday evening for their home after spending several' weeks here visiting their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Simon Steinberg and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Handler... They also . spent several days in Chicago, where they attended the Krelstein-Brandeis wedding.
Newark, N. J., (WNS).—James P. Warsaw, (JTA).— Conflict be- Warburg, son of the late Paul M. tween the right and left wings of the Warburg and nephew of Felix M. Agudath Poalim (the labor group of Agudath Israel, an orthodox organiz- Warburg, received more votes than any other American businessman exBy1 the Service Life Insurance ation) resulted in the wrecking of cept Henry Ford and Owen D. the headquarters of the Poalim local Company, Omaha Young in a vote taken among 1,000 here, which is the stronghold of the Life insurance, all things consid- left wing, press reports said. students at the First Choosing a ered, is probably the one economic Only the Torahs—the scrolls em- Career Conference to decide who is function of "pooled" capital of the bodying the Hebrew religious law—• "the man most admired in Americah people that does the most outright and other symbols were business." Young Warburg, a memgood for humanity. It wards off po- spared, the religious stories said. The .con-ber of Kunn, Loeb & Co., received tential misery, relieves actual dis- flict was the result of dissatisfaction 36 votes, against 162 for Ford and tress, keeps hope for the future alive, on the of the young workers 54 for Young. encourages individual reliance and in- in the part. left wing group, according dependence and for the country as a Down in tenth place, with 12 whole acts as a balance wh'eel that to the reports. votes, Warburg received more votes Questioned by the Jewish Tele- than John never gets out of order. It is a balD. Rockefeller, jr., (12), graphic Agency, officials of the orance wheel in1 both social and busiCharles M. Schwab (18) and J. P. ness relations. • ganization admitted that the local Morgan (30). had been wrecked, but Life insurance in its purely busi- headquarters denied that the incident was in any ness aspects is the foundation stone way connected with dissension bein the structure of national solvency. tween the opposing wings. They sai<i The United States could not have at- that the only outward evidence, of tained, much less hold, its present the factional fight was that a few position of financial and commercial dissatisfied members had quit the supremacy without life insurance as and gone over to the Hathe great "shock absorber" when men group poalim (the labor group of die and their creative efforts other- orthodoxMizrachi Zionists). wise would die with them. That is a positive statement but it is as true Closed Down as it is positive. Riga, Latvia—The Latvian government closed down the Peretz German Zionists Abandon club of the Jewish Soscialist party, Activities the Jewish People's House and the Berlin—As a result of the con- Jewish Worker's Theatre. tinued attacks against Zionist work The shutdowns by Der Angriff, Propaganda Minister tively permanently. are to be effecINSURED CABS Goebbel's personal organ, the Zionist organization of Germany has discontinued all its activities until conditions in Germany change.
The unanimous re-election of Mor- sentiment into a lever designed to administration to continue with its *ia Rothenberg to the Presidency of raise the bars on the doors into Pal- efforts in securing freedom for Zionthe Zionist Organization of America estine. Organized effectively and ists in Russia; approving the continand' the adoption of a series of reso- truly representing the mass of Jews, uation of the boycott against Germany lutions covering every phase of the the Conference is expected to have until a humane government shall be modern Zionist movement were the extraordinary importance in accel- established; : adopting an extensive highlights of the thirty-seventh an- erating the opening. of Palestine to program of Jewish educational activnual convention of the Zionist Organ* tens of thousands of Jews from Ger- ity and the stimulation of Jewish ization of America which -was held at many and.other lands equally in- youth enterprises; calling the attenhospitable. The definite date for the tion of leaders in the Jewish National Atlantic City, N. J., last week. has not yet been set but Welfare Chest to the fact that PalesRising -to the challenge of the con- Conference effort will be made to have tine is the primary interest of the temporary world Jewish situation, every representatives of every element in Jewish people and that no local ac- London, (JTA).—Although the American Zionists formulated a pro- American available land in Palestine is limited, Jewry^ tivities or relief programs. could be the entire problem of the country gram of wide-range activity that is destined to begin a new era in Amer- A resolution which had strong dis- placed on the same plane as work for can be solved by allowing the other ican Jewish life, it was confidently cussion was one affirming the su- the Jewish National Home. side of the Jordan to he settled, depredicted by Jewish community work- premacy of the World Zionist Con- Notable among the achievements clared Lord Strabolgi, formerly ers after studying the results of the gress. Expressing its disapproval in reported to the convention by Mr. Commander Kenworthy, M. P., at a recent convention. unequivocal terms, the Zionist Organ- Rothenberg was the cutting of the de- meeting called by the Jewish Youth Uniting under his leadership vir- ization took the position that no group ficit of the Zionist Organization by Organizations to protest against the tually all forces in American Jewry or faction within the Zionist move- almost $80,000 in one year, thus free- restrictions on Jewish immigration and bringing into the service of the ment had the power to conduct any ing the Organization of one of the into Palestine^ Zionist movement the foremost think- activity against the express wishes of severest handicaps it has had to en- He also said that "the one small ers and creative personalities, Morris the World Zionist. Executive. By tak- dure for many years. The award of country that seems to have escaped Rothenberg was" the dominating fig- ing this action, the Zionists of Amer- $40,000 for the establishment of an the general depression is Palestine. ure of the thirty-seventh annual con- ica have contributed much to the American Jewish Legionaires colony The "reason is the energy, courage, vention. From the time he opened stabilization of the Zionist movement. in Palestine; the extension of aid to ability and capital that have flowed the convention with a brilliant and Reflecting the spirit of liberalism more than nine hundred Jews leav- into the land ever since the doors comprehensive survey of the "Jewish manifested in Mr. Rothenberg's Presi- ing for Palestine as immigrants; and opened to Jewish pioneers to scene until the closing session when dential message at the opening of the similar activities of an educational, were recreate their National Home. The the delegates in a burst of spontan- convention, the American Zionists ap- cultural and economic character en- Jewish have made it into eous enthusiasm hailed his re-election proved by a large majority the var- gaged the attention of Mr. Rothen- a hive immigrants of economic and agricultural with the lusty singing of the Hatik- ious speeches demanding a controlled berg's administration during the past activity. vah, Morris Rothenberg gave tone economy in Palestine and seeking to year. "But more labor is urgently needand purpose to this 1934 gathering of limit the privilege of private capital. ed. Yet the administration has cut American Zionists. Reaffirming the basic position of the down the number of immigration Distinctive for its clarity and its Zionist movement as first enunciated certificates asked by seventy-five per Leaves $10,000 to South by Theodor Herzl, American Zionists sense of purpose, the program of the cent. Countries like England put all African Zionists Zionist convention had the participa-r emphasized their conviction that the Johannesburg—Asher Ginsberg, obstacles in the way of immigrants; tion of many, figures who have for Jewish National Home must be a comprominent South African lawyer and such a policy is incapable of defense. BYP.B. K. years molded the course of Jewish monwealth in which the social and brother of Professor Louis Ginsberg thinking in this country. That Felix thical principles of the prophets The Council Bluffs Agudas Achim of the Jewish Theological Seminary M. Warburg, distinguished philanthro- would find expression in practice. of America, bequeathed $10,000 to society will hold an important meetLettish Only pist and Jewish leader, attended a Among the many notable figures the Zionist Federation of South Zionist,"con.yentipn • for the first time who participated in the convention ing next Thursday evening, July 19, Riga—All signs, advertisements Africa. and delivered a speech notable for its were Felix M. Warburg who hailed at the Eagles hall. Plans will be and announcements appearing in warmth of Jewish feeling and expres- the Zionists as "the great factor in completed for the annual picnic and Latvia must henceforth be written sion was indicative of the type of uni- Jewish life" and paid tribute to Mr. frolic which will be given on Sun- only in the Lettish language, the fying leadership exerted by Mr. Roth- Rothenberg for his ability to unite all day, July 29, at Owen's farm. Ail new Fascist - regime has ordered. enberg. . . . . . . elements in American Jewry toward members are urged to attend. The rule is so stringent that even They Uix With the Rest Mrs. Ida Cogan of Los Angeles, the word "kosher" is prohibited. The outstanding decision of the 34th the furtherance of a common aim; IDEAL BOTTLING COMPAITT annual Zionist convention was the .de- Ludwig Lewisohn, who delivered an California, arrived here Sunday, for Newspapers published in languages termination to take a greater interest address on the philosophical impli- a week's visit with her brothers. other than Lettish cannot publish ISOS No. 20th St. WE. 3043 in the Jewish community life of cations of Zionism and called upon Messrs. Harry, Dave and Ben Kubby, advertisements in any tongue but American Jewry to realize that the Lettish. America. Projected into the Zionist and their families in Council Bluffs. discussion by Mr. Rothenberg on the acceptance of Palestine as a guiding She spent last week visiting in Vanbasis of a thorough analysis of cur- force is essential for the preservation couver, B. C , where she attended the rent Jewish conditions in America, as of "Jewish life: Louis Lipsky, former well as in Palestine, this program is : president of the Zionist Organization, B'nai Brith convention representing intended to give the national Zionfst who projected the idea of the- na- the Pearl G. Rubenstein Auxiliary convention and the local Zionist units tional emergency conference and ex- of which she is vice-president. Mrs. a desire and a purpose to participate pressed with force and logic the in- Cogan is a former resident of Omain the formulation of a program for compatibility of the Revisionist party ha and.had been very active in Jewthe Jewish community, whether it with the aims of the general Zionist ish community and welfare affairs. concern education, youth, welfare ac- movement; Nathan Straus, Jr., who,She is now field visitor for the tivity or international Jewish affairs. appearing at a Zionist convention for Bureau of County Welfare in Los There was not, however, any abdi- the first time in fourteen'yeaTS,.ex- Angeles. cation on the part of the Zionist Or- pressed gratification at the new pro- 'Misses Gwendolyn, Florence and ganization in its fundamental and in- gram being launched by American fluential role in the upbuilding of the Zionists; Maurice Samuel, essayist Pearl Meyerson left Saturday eveJewish National Home in Palestine. and novelist, who gave strong sup- ning for Chicago, Illinois, for a ten It was, rather, to strengthen its ef- port to Mr. Rothenberg's demand for day visit with relatives. While there, forts in that direction, that the Or- greater participation by Zionists in they will visit the century of progganization resolved to extend its cul- American Jewish affairs; Jacob Fish- ress exposition. tural efforts so that there would be man, managing editor of the Jewish Miss Ruth Roffman entertained greater understanding of Zionism Morning Journal, who delivered one sixteen guests at a wiener, roast at among the great body-of American of the outstanding speeches of the Fairmount Park last Thursday eveJews. The vigorous resolutions with convention in which he demanded an ning in honor of Miss Esther Felregard to Palestine, TransJordan,, the outright repudiation of the Revisionist varg of Portland, Ore. type of social and economic order party and the extension of support to which should prevail and similar mat- the laborites in Palestine — a view Miss Reva Goldberg of Chicago, ters of political import, showed how also expressed by Rabbi Edward L. Illinois, arrived here Sunday for a Seep is the concern of American Israel, president of the Seaboard visit at the home of her brother-inZionists that the 4,500,000 Jews, shall Zionist Region. Elihu D. Stone, pres- law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Saul take a leading part in guiding the ident of the New England Zionist re- Suvalsky. gion, framed the resolution urging Abe Leibovitz.underwent an operdestinies of the Jewish homeland." that the Jewish National Home obtain ation-for appendicitis at the Mercy Already the Zionist Organization representation in- the League of Na- hospital last Saturday. . has set'into motion steps to bring into tions. Mrs. Sam Meyerson entertained existence a National Emergency AllJewish Conference which was voted There were numerous other noted the members of her Afternoon club by the delegates. The purpose of this names in American Zionism who gave at her home Wednesday afternoon. Conference - is to arouse American variety and distinction to the proWorth Worth Jewry to the importance of Palestine gram of the convention. Dr. S. MarMuch Much in meeting the present critical sit- goshes, Jacob de Haas, Rabbi Louis More More uation, and to transform American I. Newman, Bernard. A.. ..Rosenblatt, Rabbi Israel Goldstein, Robert Szold, Abraham Goldberg and Rabbi Milton Steinberg were among • those who touched-upon various phases of Zion-. GetYburCutsand ist experience and ideals. Four hundred members of Kanga- Among the many resolutions which roo Court, nonprofit working men's helped set the Zionist Organization on a new road of activity, were the folorganization, will stage a picnic at lowing: You know The Nebraska's straws are calling upon Great Britain to Rrug park Sunday, July 29, pro- open Transjordan for Jewish agricm AH A * America's Famous First?—now for quick ceeds from which will be divided cultural settlement and industrial deOt.4626 \ disposal—these fine straws are yours at among five charities—The Omaha velopment; instructing the incoming Bee-News Free Milk and Ice Fund. radically low prices. The World-Herald fresh air fund, Father Flanagan's Boys' home, Masonic Boys' home and Minerva cottage. The picnic will be known as "KanOne group at garoo Court" day and the committee in charge plans to print 150,000 tickets, which will entitle the holders to free admission to the park, free auto parking and free rides. Boxes will be placed at various places in the park for free-will contribution to the funds. Business firms have been asked to donate prizes and articles which will be auc, Two Great Groups tioned by prominent persons. Dave Gerber is judge advocate of the court, and H. Holdsberg is chairman of the picnic committee.
Council Bluffs ^ News
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Seeks Nomination Jack Gavenman is in the race for the republican nomination as county surveyor. , Gavenman ^is vice-president of the Omaha Hebrew club, and is active in the Masonic Lodge and the Philosophical Society. A world war veteran, he has had nty years engineering experience. e 3 af graduate of the University S Nebraska; and both he and hip family wereSreared in Omaha. . ••
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there is less unemployment today among Conservative rabbis than there was in 1929. Rabbi Margolis was re-elected president of the Assembly. Rabbi Eugene A mixed swim party was held at Kohn of Bayonne, N. J., was named the Center pool last Wednesday evevice-president; Rabbi Schwefel, of ning, with a large crowd attending. Warsaw, (JTA).—That action New Rochelle, treasurer; Dr. Robert The next mixed swim will be held Gordis of Rockaway Park, L. I., cor- should be taken to secure an amend- Wednesday, July 25, at 8 p. m. Ail Rabbinical Assembly Adopts a i responding secretary; and Rabbi I ment to the new law which com- members are invited to attend. transforms the system o Henry risher Middle of the Road Sacial °f Averae, L. I., record- pletely membership dues to the Jewish comAlbert Orach, swimming instrucJustice Program By DAVID MANN ing secretary. munities of Poland was the decision! tor at the J. C. C , is planning on reached at a conference held here! starting a life saving class at once, Lion Feuchtwanger's 50th birthday to Mm—and, of course, to me—that —will help him to recapture the Kannesville, N. T. (WNS)—A mid- ] by representatives of the largest Po-j The class will meet regularly once is being observed with genuine af- he would go on writing under this tragedy- of the destruction of the die of the road social justice program lish communities. a week. Those interested are asked fection not only in literary circles ideally arranged schedule until - the temple and of the life of Josephus, opposing dictatorship, affirming faith The amendment, it was suggested, to see Al. but in most Jewish homes through- end of his days. It never occurred the Jewish man of letters, recording in. remaking society "by the process should be so stated so that the dues out the world. For Dr. Feuchtwan- to him then that he would never the downfall of a civilization as an of education and peaceful reform," Sam Epstein has reached the levied from merchants and indusger has become the symbol of the again see his beautiful Grunewald alien in a strange landupholding democracy and charactertrialists should be from a half to one ] finals in the Center horseshoe intellectual opposition to Nazism. villa and that he -would have to start izing the failures of political demoChicago, (JTA).—A flying class per thousand on the basis of the tournament, and will meet the wincracy as "due in large measure to its has been started by Steel Helmets turnover tax. It was also suggested ncr of the Jake Adler-Irving Gendler Feuchtwanger's liteiary personality life again at forty-eight in a foreign corruption and abuse by private eco-r here. The class, to teach members in the report that a commission j match. The latter match is scheduled - as he passes his fiftieth milestone country, that his books would have to nomic interests" was adopted by thethe elements of aviation, is conducted should be appointed to maintain con-j for Sunday afternoon at 2:30 p . m. is sketched in this article be bootlegged into Germany and that closing session of the 34th annual con- by "Comrade" Langler, former flying tact with the Minister of Education J on the Center courts, —THE EDITOR. a price would be set on his head. vention of the Rabbinical Assembly of instructor in China, the United and Public Worship. But that is what happened. Hitler, the Jewish Theological Seminary of States and Argentina. He is said to When I last saw Lion Feuchtwan- once in power, remembered only too The new law, basing the dues on An insufficient number of entries America. have been a flying ace in the Ger-income, would turn the members of well Feuchtwanger's novel "Success," ger he -was a man at the very height has caused the postponement of the Tne report pledged the Assembly, man .army during the world war. the Jewish community administra- J. C. C. golf tournament, accordof literary and material success. For in which the author had, with an alMembers of the class meet Wednesrepresenting the Conservative .rabbihim life had actually begun at 40. most prophetic pen, sketched the I tions into involuntary informers, to j mg- to Lee Grossman, physical dinate, to eliminate "from our demo-j day nights, the Steel Helmets also make the state aware of the amount I rector, "Until the world; war he" had traveled Nazi history in Germany, the brown! with his wife,- in more or less Bo- shirt terror and the gangster-like j Committee appointments for the cratic political system those economic j have a shooting gallery for target of tax payable by each individual, j hemian fashion, through . southern tactics of the storm troops. Hitler Omaha Hebrew Club were announced influences which pervert it," support practice. When the class knows some j Besides, it'was pointed out, Jews do j Abe Brodkey iis in the finals of France, Calabia, . Sicily, _ Tunis and also remembered only too w e l l j b y Ben Kazlowsty, newly-elected of the spirit of the NRA "so far as aviation, it will be taken to an a i r n o t c o n s i d e r the payment of contri-! the Health club club singles volleyball it represents a step through the chan- school, where real planes are used buttons to the Jewish communities as I tournament, and will play the winspeeches in the president, this week. other countries. After the war he Feuchtwanger's for instruction. a compulsory tax. They realize that ner of the Dr. Paul Ellis-Paul Steinreturned to Munich. • In the days of United States, where the diminutive The chairmen and their commit- nel of democracy toward a planned Plans already have been drawn up this is a contribution that must be berg match. economy and toward the social confearless author mercilessly tees: the communist revolution in Bavaria but he was a friend of Eisner, Toller branded the Fuehrer as an ignoram- s M E M B E R S H I P COMMITTEE — Nathan trol of industry" and to "continue to for a big German aviation day in paid whether they have any income The finals is scheduled for next was illiterate and i - Satfe, chairman. Jack r>. Gavenman. urge further legislation looking to a Chicago this fall. The purpose of during the year or not. and Gustav Landauer, and observed usT. whose German Tuesday at 12:15 p. m. J. i«i. _r IT • i ,i Sam Klaver, Goodman Meyerson, J. J . the leaders of the reaction at- close WilOSe mentality fell into the moron ! Friedman, Barney Feltman. M. Bereoviei, more equitable distribution of the na- this demonstration, it is stated, is So since Feuchtwanser left! Louis Morsan. Sam Bloom. John Felrtman. that the "Jews of this country must range. {Tt~was in those days that category. «, TT •+ J c H -reuuiLwanger leu. | i_ N - rEL i. :ECTUAI , A D V A N C E M E N T tional income and the fina labolition Einstein Aids Refugee he registered most of the material the United Mates, almost two years' COMMITTEE — Hymnn s. Shrier, chair- of the business cycle, periodic unem- realize that we have to be Training Farm on and reckoned with, and -we are OTan P r A ployment and poverty." The report for his novel "Success," which he ago, he is an exile in France, trying: . - A- - Steinberg, Nathnn s. Paris—Professor Albert Einstein Lintzman published almost a decade later.) At to rewrite the manuscript of t h e | I £ & ' D" S c h w a r t e ' Iivm also denounced "individualistic, prof- going to make a public show of our has contributed $500 for the agripower." it-inspired economy" as being in "diabout forty he published his "Power" second volume of his "Josephus," 1 man, s i c kchairman. COMMITTEE — JackBarney r». GavenA. Richards. j cultural training farm at Toulouse, rect conflict" with the ideals of re("Jud Suess"), which became a best- which Hitlers storm troopers burned jnan. S. Altschuier. Jacob Freed. The Wardrobe nine, playing their] where German-Jewish refugees are JUDICIAEY COMMITTEE—Albert Kap- ligion and rejected the NEA as " a selling novel through the world and when .they ransacked his villa. In lnn, chairman, Abraham Conn, Mendel comprehensive solution of the probbest game of the year, pulled the being given fundamental instruction was translated into many languages. the meanwhile he wrote and pubBlank. unexpected in last week's J. C. C. in agriculture. TALMUD TOEAH COMMITTEE — Mor- lem to which it addresses itself so Then, until two years ago, thelished the stirring novel "The Opsoftball league tilts by defeating the ris PotnUi. lien Handler. Jobn Feldmnn. The farm is under the direction of 7 long as it does not strike at the cause author of "Power, "Success," "The permanns," an almost photographic REPRESENTATIVES TO JEWISH Psi Mu, 6 to 5. M. Marinoff, Einstein's son-in-law. Ugly Duchess" and "Josephus" led study of life under the Hitler WELFARE FEDERATION BOARP OF of the depression, which to us seems The league leading Sample aggregSao Paulo, Brazil, (JTA).—Three GOVERNORS — Irrin Levin, Dr. A. A. inherent in the profit system." . the life of a country gentleman in regime. Stein1>ere. Nathan Tnffe. Sam Klaver. ation bowled over the Seiner clan, 171 German Jewish professors, Dr. Felix Perfection of a "single and unified Feuchtwanger, strange though it BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE his baronial villa at Grunewald, near to 7, and the Peerless took the A. Z. Kaivitcher, formerly professor of —John Feldman. chairman. A. A. SteinCLOSE OUT organism that will voice the views of Berlin, with a private stable and a may seem today, is really an anti- herjr, T>. Schwartz. Louis Morcan. Chas. botany at Freiburg university; Dr. A. team into camp, 26 to 2. BEVOE BEST PrATC TARNISH very private masseur. During a Jew- activist writer. Events have- made Mann, Hymen S. Shrier, Sam Klaver, Ir- American Jewry" was urged by Rabbi Ernst Breslau," formerly professor of This Sunday's schedule, all games . Ellas Margolis, president of the Asish meal at some Ea_st Side restaur- him the_ symbol of the intellectual rinATLerfn. $1.50 a Gallon ATS AND MEANS COMMITTEE — sembly. "No one," he said, "believes zoology at Cologne, and Dr. Heinrich beginning at 11 a. m.: _ ant-Feuchtwanger told me with evi- opposition to Hitler. In truth he is Mark Polonsty; chairman, Harry Dworsky, Rumboldt, who has lectured in chemSeiners vs. Psi Mu, West ElmFriedlander. Marks Long. Harry Mar- that uniformity of American Jewish dent pleasure of his systematic only the cool, clear-sighted observer H. istry at Bonn, arrived here to as- wood; Samples vs. A. Z. A~, East cus. Jn«> Morsan. modus vivendi: "I'm pedantic, I con- who records and because of his sensi- APPOINTEES — Barney Feltman," In- opinion can be achieved by fiat or res- sume posts as lecturers at the newly Elmwood; Wardrobes vs. Peerless, 317 Ne. 15th JA. MM olution. Uniformity may or may not fess," he said. "At seven-thirty tive artistic antennae foresees events side guard. . 22nd and PauL be possible. But united action in]created University of Sao Paulo, sharp the servant brings in the with disconcerting clarity. • spite of diversity of opinion is in the orange juice. Nothing is permitted Feuchtwanger belongs to that vanrealm of possibility," Louis K. Moss, to interefere with this ceremony. I ishing species of writers who pospresident of the United Synagogue of then get up and go for a cross- sess a veritable joy of creation. Th" America, called upon the rabbis to country run with my trainer. Then a production of his works—from the combat forces of "atheism, .agnostic• shower, massage and breakfast. exhilarating first moment of conism and indifference to religion genception throngh the painful process _ From about ten in the forenoon to erally," and to make planned efforts JNfinneagoTis,_____ Minn., _ (JTA).—A of execution—'provides him-with the . one o'clock, work with my secretary. to make spiritual values real and After lunch, back to the' study and great thrills of his life. Those tre- Russian Jew, now a; resident here, demonstrate that life is incomplete has visions of bringing a ; new inmendous canveses whichhe unrolls more work. From time to time an without them. automobile trip or a horse-back ride in his books are the result of thedustry into Minnesota •which may provide a. profitable field for farmgreat creative passion that devours Dr. Solomon Grayzel of Philadelto break the monotony. In the evening, " reading and taking short-hand him. He forgets the book market, ers unable to get cost of production phia, in an address read in his abfor their grains, according to an ex-sence, said that the boycott is "not a " notes for the next day's dictation. the publishers' demands, and comMrs. Feuchtwanger invented a spe- pletely immerses himself in the elusive story published by the Mmne- reliable weapon" in. -'defeating antiSemitism. "The boycott as an organ-: cial bed for me, with a tray for world he creates. He remarked to apolis Star. Louis J. .Weinberg, an electrician, ized and purposeful weapon with books and papers all around it. I me that in the midst of his work go to,bed at about eleven, and read on a novel he" will-speak about the by. trade', has patented a '-.processL for -which- to bring- an "enemy" of the Jew* myseif to sleep. And so on, every characters of the manuscript as of extracting"'.vegetable oils in commer- to his knees is, to say the least, not a living, people. His interest in them «al quantities from sun-flower seed, reliable weapon," he asserted. "It day." At ; the time when Feuchtwanger transcends by far the boundaries of temp and rope seed, which he ex- certainly-offers no means for a perrecounted to me the story of his his intended volume. He is genuinely pects to manufacture into soap, paint manent : solution; to the problem of, foundations, pressed' oil cakes . for .well-organized existence .it seemed curious about them, ,and^ for his ownlive .stock ..and- for. edible .purposes. recurrent anti-Jewishness. - And individual and "-unorganized boycott is sake must satisfy this curiosity. From the sunflower seed,, besides human and understandable; an orDuring his work on "Success" Tie took' Tuverlin (a" character in the the "edible oil, he" expects .to" manu- ganized one- smacks of the uncivilnovel) for a walk more than once, facture a. breakfast -food from the ized. Moreover, no minority can- afand had many a serious talk with cake, claiming that such . a food ford to resort to force. Even if this" Johanna, another character in the would be. extremely high in food boycott against Nazi Germany, aided value. The cake resulting from the as it is by a great variety of other Moscow, (JTA).—Prof e s s o r same book. extracting of oil from hemp seed, he economic forces, succeeds, I doubt You can ask Feuchtwanger point- claimed, is worth three times the raw that we will ever again be in a posiSchmidt, Soviet Arctic explorer who led the Chefluskin expedition, paid blank whether Jud Suess slept on hismaterial as animal fed, being a tion to use the boycott as a weapon." high tribute to Arkady Shafrin, the right side or on bis left, or whether milk-maker as well as a fattener. In a report on the status of rabbis. "Jewish cameraman who filmed the Rabbi Gabriel (of "Power") snored, The July 1 reduction in gas rates of $139,000 a year for both—givRabbi Louis Schwefel announced that That the idea is practical is borne entire expedition, beginning with the and—though these details are not out by .letters Weinberg has received -was the second one this year. The ing Omaha the lowest manufacdeparture of the ship from Arch- contained in the novel—he will an- from Dr. C. A. Gortner, bio-chemist first one cut $60,000 a year off tured gas rate in the United States. angel "and ending with the survivors' swer you without hesitation. This at the University of Minnesota, in because his characters have a com-which they indicate that his ideas return to Moscow. Omaha's gas bills. This one saves Use g a s f r e e l y — it's cheap in Shafrin was one of. those awarded plete existence of which only a frag- are sound. The state of Minnesota Omaha $79,000 annually. A total Omaha! the Order of the Eed Star. No handi- ment appears on the printed page. has offered him idle lands to experiWE RETTNISH ANYTHING It is this invisible yet ever-present caps encountered by the expedition MADE OF METAL the growing of hemp. He could prevent him from making a background of a full life which gives has been asked to start the project Cheaper Cooking... JA-23G6 2210 Farnam daily record of the expedition's life, such reality to his novels. in Wisconsin, but desires to give it first aboard the ship, then during and It is not exaggerated to say that to Minnesota. 95% of Omaha's homes already use gas for cooking purpose* after the wreck, on the ice-camp, since the deaths of Arthur Schnitz—not alone because it's cheap, but also because it ia dean, Professor Schmidt related. He also ler and Jacob Wassermann, Lion hot—and the quickest-beating fuel now available for cooking recorded the heroism of Soviet fliers Feuchtwanger is the outstanding purposes. who saved more than 100 members German-Jewish writer. TTig books enof the expedition and scientific ma- joy great popularity in practically all GAS RANGES ON SALE AT LOCAL RETAIL STORES terial of importance to the world. civilized countries except Naziland. "While the ship was sinking, Shaf- At fifty he is an exile, although he rin stood calmly at his post, work- is one of the five German authors Cheaper Refrigeration . . . Jng his camera," the leader declared. who give German literature standing Hundreds of gas refrigerators are sen ing Omaha homes today. Pilot Idapidewsky, one of the res-in world literature. It is said that The combination of low pas rates, a refrigerator that has cuers, related that when his plane he is finishing the second and lastr always been the most economical to operate, oEfer Omaha's approached the camps, "the first volume of his "Der Juedische Krieg "best Talne. thing I saw was kino camera being- ("Josephus"). He has witnessed the worked by Shafrin." In a few days destruction of modern Germany and 15 LOCAL DEALERS SELL ELECTROLUX cinemas all over the Soviet Union her cultural significance. Indubitably GAS REFRIGERATORS •will be showing the film of the present-day events will help him in his writing of the tale of Josephus Cheluskin expedition.
Rebuilds at Wifty
Steel Helmets in Chicago Teaching Members to Fly
German-Jewish Savant at Brazil University
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Send them a Torgsin order Summer gifts or gifts for the approaching holidays can be obtained - AT PRICES COMPARING FAVORABLY W1XH THOSE ET THE UNITED STATES.
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DIEECTOKS Salpb O. Coad . . . . . Chairman liandnll K. Brown Frauds P. Mrttbewa Frank J . Borkley - - Vice Chairman Allen A. Tnkey Charles M. Wflheim GEXERAL MANAGER Theodore A. Leiaen
THE JEWISH PRESS Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by
THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Subscription Price, one year - - - . - - . - - - Advertising r a t e s furnished on application.
Editorial Office: 490 Brandeis T h e a t e r Building. Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center DAVID BLACKER - - - * - - Business and Managing Editor FRANK R. ACKERMAN - - - - - - - - - - - - Editor FANNIE KATELMAN - - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent ANN F I L L - - - - - - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent P r i n t Shop A d d r e s s : 1307 H o w a r d S t r e e t
The Week in Review Sunday's Memorial.Meeting for Bialik Next Sunday evening at the Jewish Community Center the Jewry of Omaha will hold a memorial meeting for Chaim Nachman Bialik, the poet laureate of the Jewish people and torchbearer of. Hebrew culture, who died suddenly last week at the age of sixty-one. It is a sad commentary on our present lack of Hebrew culture that some of us do not even know who Bialik is and all too many more of us have never even read Bialik in translation, let alone in the original Hebrew. But the lack of Hebrew culture in a large portion of the Jewish people the world over will not detract from the memory of Bialik the immortal. He takes his place without opposition as the foremost Hebrew poet of modern times—^-an equal of the Yehudah Halevi and Ibn Gabirol of centuries gone by—he takes his place as the "prophetic conscience of Israel," like the Hebrew prophets of old. But Bialik was more than a poet. His relentless love of Hebrew and his impassioned writings were a mainspring from which the "Hebrew Renaissance" gained new glory. He enriched the world with his passion for righteousness, by his love of justice arid truth and by his fiery zeal in fighting for the eternal Jewish ideals. He personified Hebrew culture in the land of the ancient Hebrew prophets, in the regenerated Palestine which he loved so dearly. He made Palestine his home for the past ten years, and his sixtieth birthday last year was a Jewish-national festival. In a day when Jewry is beset on all sides, j t would be well for us to read or re-read BiaUk's historic "In the City of Slaughter," an impassioned poetic story of the Kishinev pogrom of 1903. Inspiration can be gleaned from bis castigation of the Jews for their submission to the pogrom and his soulful plea for self-defense and a renewed and intensified yearning for the establishment of the national homeland. To read this poem (even in translation) means to want to read the other poems of Bialik—an introduction into a beautiful realm of musical poetry. Omaha Jewry is doing its small bit Sunday by its memorial services for the national Hebrew poet, who was the harbinger of the Hebrew renaissance. , ; i '/•' "t
barbaric conditions could not have taken place under the aegis of local officials without some sort of sanction of the higher officials. But, even then, punishing the local upstarts will not rectify the wrong which has been done—Uprooted homes with families torn asunder and the women and children herded together under most unsanitary conditions allowing the spread of epidemics cannot be rectified by apologies. Oftimes not even kind time can heal such wounds.
The Zionist Convention The action taken at the thirty-seventh annual convention of the Zionist Organization of America acknowledges that Zionist leaders in this country are aware that an emergency faces their movement. Palestine has for some time been the sole ray of hope on the Jewish horizon, and its importance in Jewish life has been emphasized since "the powder barrel which is Europe is exploding first in the faces of Jews." Nevertheless, the ever-deepening interest of Jewry in the homeland has not been reflected by numerical strength in the Zionist party—indeed, the small membership of the Zionist organization has been appalling considering its aims and purposes. This explains the decision at the Zionist conclave that the Z. 0. A. take a greater interest in the Jewish communit ylife of America. Advocated by President Morris Rothenberg, the program is intended to give the national Zionist Organization and the local Zionist units a desire and a purpose to participate in the formulation of a program for the Jewish community, whether it concern education, youth, welfare activity or international Jewish affairs. This cultural program opens a new vista for Zionist work, an integration of the Zionist ideology in all communal activities. Unquestionably, such a program carried to fruition would give needed vigor to Zionism. But, though ambitious, it is also difficult. The Zionist organization will by such action attempt to enter fields which are already being supposedly cared for by a multiplicity of groups, each organizational group jealous of its prerogatives and its individual program. The Zionist ideology itself has been spread by the pattern of recent events—Palestine as a haven of refuge from oppression of Jews and as a center for rebuilding Jewish life has so established itself-in the Jewish mass mind that Jewry no longer has to be sold on the merits of the Jewish national homeland. This was illustrated by the presence for the first time at a Zionist convention of Felix Warburg, who in his address stressed the prevailing unity of purpose. With the ideological background already "sold" to the people, the Zionist Organization should be able to muster more active strength and achieve more numerical power. A live program instead of a passive activity will do much toward the Zionist Organization taking its place in the sun.
BY THE WAY By DAVID SCHWARTZ This is being -written at Atlantic City, on the floor of the Zionist convention, in the 18th year of the Balfour Declaration. My friend, Harry Fierst, treasurer of the Zionist organization, espied me today on a spot not where the deliberations of the convention are being held . "Are you attending the beach or the convention?" asked Mr. Fierst Well, I must plead guilty to the accusation implied, but there are other things one may learn on the beach too. In fact, I am not sure but that many things of the convention—as of most conventions—but are decided on at the beaches instead of the halls of assembly. Maybe this time I didn't learn anything on the beach very significant about Zionism, but I heard a good Jewish story on the beach. Lying in the sands, I heard a story about Secretary Hull and the Jews. According to my information, when the Jewish boycott of Germany was first projected, Secretary of State Hull protested to a Jewish leader who came to see him. "It is preposterous," said Secretary Hull, "to think of boycotting Germany. Why consider the amount of money Germany owes America. If the boycott succeeds, it means that America will not get any of these debts paid." The story is particularly good now that Germany had indicated that she will pay no American bills. And Secretary Hull himself has come to the point where he is lecturing Germany —as he did in his recent note to Germany—on her Nazi policies bringing about her financial collapse. On the beach near me was Carl Sherman, president of the New York Zionist region—and my informant told me a story about him. that I think deserves recording in the Archives of this column. Carl Sherman, it will be recalled, served as Attorney General of the State of New York. "Did you ever know," qulered my beach informant, "how it happened that Sherman was nominated for that post?" "No," I replied, "I ain full of sand and attention. Go ahead." "Well." said my informant, "the Job was first offered to Bernard A. Rosenblatt. Offered to Judge Rosenblatt by Charley Murphy, the old Tammany f Hall boss: ; "Mr. Murphy," Rosenblatt said, "I appreciate your offer very much, but I cannot accept it. I am going to Palestine and expect to spend some years there." , "Well," said Murphy, "we want a Jew for the Post Whom would you suggest?" Whereupon Judge Rosenblatt called up Louis Lipsky and recommended Sherman. And the latter, by the way, got more votes for the job of Attorney General than any other candidate on the Democratic slate.
Jews so much—let us be men. Lewissohn recounted a fable aproGEMS of the BIBLE pos of this—a fable of a number of animals which had come together at and TALMUD a meeting. There was a lion, a cow, By 0. O. DASHER a horse, a gazelle, etc. And one of the animals got up and made a great speech, ending with the Thou hast wisdom and prosperity exhortation—"Let us be animals." exceeding the fame which I heard. The moral of the story is that all j Happy are thy men, happy are thy this talk of being men first and Jews sen-ants, that stand continually before afterwards is silly. •Willy-nilly, all thee, and that hear thy wisdom. of us will and must be men. Thy father, King Solomon, made Maurice Samuel related how when our yoke grievous by heavy taxation. Bialik was in this country, he had Now, therefore, make thou the grie- < complained to Bialik about the neces- vous and heavy tax which thy father--* % sity he (Samuel) was under in mak- put upon us lighter, and we will serve ' ing so many speeches for Zionism. thee. Bialik replied by asking Samuel: And the council which consisted of "Do you daven?" old men told the King Rehoboam: "No," replied Samuel. "If thou wilt do your duty unto this "Did your father daven?" people, and wilt serve them, and speak "Yes," replied Samuel. "Did he enjoy it?" continued Bia- kindly to them, they will be thy servants forever." lik. "No," I don't believe he did," re- And the council consisting of young men iold the King to say plied Samuel. "Of course, he didn't," replied Bia- unto the people: "My little finger lik, "but to him davening served a is thicker than my father's loins. purpose, so he did not neglect it, and Whereas my father did burden you you, Samuel, since you dont daven, with heavy tax, I will increase your you can afford to make a lot of taxes." speeches for Zionism!" And when the King told Israel the words of the council of young1 men, Apropos of the talk occasionally the people answered the King, sayheard, that the German Jews do not ing: "What portion have we in Dadeserve the sympathy of all the other vid? Neither have we inheritance Jews, because they were so far re- in the son, Jesse; to your tents, O moved from Judaism and things Jew- Israel—now, see to thine own house, ish, Samuel told a very good story, David; so Israel departed into their tents. which he credited to the Midrash. According to this story, when Pharoah oppressed the Jews, he atTalmud tempted to defend himself by pelading From the land of Israel they sent with God, that even God had said that forth the following: "Be careful of the Jews were a stiffnecked and way- your personal hygiene. When you ward people. studies the Torah, iry to get asAnd God replied: "What I said or sociates to study together. Be earedid is my business. You have no 'ful with the children of the poor, for from them will the T o r a h come right to oppress them." And so that the German Jews may forth." have been remiss in the past is none of our business. It is our business Rabbi Juda said: "One shall always to see that we are not now remiss occupy himself with the study of the in our aid to them. Torah and Divine comandments, even not for the sake of Heaven, for since he performs it although not for the real ideal's sake, he will eventually perform for the real ideal's sake."
Questions and Answers
Our Rabbis were taught: After the death of E. Maier, R. Juda instructed his disciples that none of R. Maier's disciples should be allowed to enter his college, because they were disputatious, and do not come to learn, but to overwhelm with citations of traditions in order to prove him to be ignorant. One disciple of R. Maier by the name of Simchus entered the college. H said to K. Juda: "Thus I was taught by R. Maier." R. Juda became enraged and said: "Have I not warned you not to admit the disciples of R. Maier, because they do not come to learn, but merely to overwhelm me with the citation of traditions in order io prove me Xo be ignorant" R. Jose then said: "What will people say. R. Maier is dead. R. Juda is enraged. What will become of the Torah?"
Realizing that prejudice is often the result of ignorance and misunderstanding, readers of this journal Menachem Mendel Beilis died the other day, a poor and forare invited to send in questions regotten man in the great and pitiless city of ftew York. Twentygarding the Protestant, Catholic or one years ago he had been propelled into the spotlight as the cenJewish faiths. These questions may touch upon any aspects of these tral figure in an alleged blood and ritual trial at Kiev. It is not faiths or their relations. Questions exaggerated to say that the Beilis trial is perhaps as well known will be answered in this column as to world Jewry as the Dreyfus case. It focused attention on the promptly as possible and should be addressed to this journal or to the medieval anti-Semitic activities in Czarist £tssia and marked a National Conference of Jews and turning-point in that era. It was the lasf'rjtual murder charge Christians, 289 Fourth Avenue, New inGermany .•-.-••• which had the official backing: of the government. It is true that York City. Events are beginning to move more slowly in Nazi Germany in this historic trial Mendel Beilis the man was merely incidental. Q. In what sense do Jews regard following the startling series of quick-changing scenes'which still He was the symbol of the innocent Jew persecuted ruthlessly by themselves as the Chosen People? has the world press agog. Although many theories have been a Government-controlled justice bent on supplying new calumnies A. The phrase "chosen people" is used to describe the relationship advanced as to the "inner story" about the bloody "purging," the for the anti-Semitic leaders. which the Jewish people has tradimystery behind the curtains remain unknown. Beilis completely faded out of the picture. Beilis was an tionally believed obtains between God The past week verified the reports carried in the Jewish Press honest man who had lived the honest life of a factory watchman. and Israel. It is a choice not for that no Jews in Germany were involved in the "second revolu- The sudden spotlight and the resultant change in his mode of livpreference but rather for obligation, for the historic experience of Israel tion," when heads rolled*. However, nine Jews were killed during ing were too much for him. For a time he lived in Palestine; later would hardly justify one in saying HAKE* GLUCKSMAN the "liquidation," and reports from Hitlerland gave evidence that he migrated to this country. And here he was made the plaything that Israel was God's "favorite Harry L. Glucksman: Social worksince then attacks have been made upon German Jewry. Provin- of irresponsible persons who tried to cash in on his internationalchild;" too much of sorrow and leader, author and executive. NaBut let us get away from the beach misery has been the portion of the er, cial centers have renewed and intensified the boycott of Jewish ly-known name. tive of New York where he was . back to the convention hall. Jews. Someone has said that the born 43 years ago. One of the foundstores, and leaflets have reappeared warning the Germans to. reIn my opinion, this convention will Beilis died a poor and disillusioned man. May he rest in go down as one of the most historic phrase should not be Israel is God's ers of the Jewish Center movement. frain from. dealing with Jewish merchants. To counterbalanct peace. chosen people, but Israel is a "God Executive director of the Jewish in the annals of American Zionism. chosen people." The phrase describes Welfare this, added powers have been conferred on Minister of Economics Board, national YMHA and There were things notable about i t that consciousness of intimatee rela- center organization, 1919. A Schmitt, who has always opposed the boycott of Jews and who has From a lighter standpoint, it was not- tionship, that sense of purpose, that born executive. Has since been in large Citation able by reason of being the first Re- conviction of a mission which has measure responsible for develop issued orders that any such action be discontinued. Dr. Mordecai Ezekiel, economic advisor to Secretary of Agri- peal Zionist convention—that is, to characterized the history of the Jew. nient of Jewish Welfare Board. In the meantime, the attacks against the Catholics in Gersay, the first convention after the of- The Jew is to bear witness to God's culture Henry A. Wallace, has been nominated for the Hall of ficial many are becoming more and more, vigorous. Not only have there repeal of the 18th amendment reality, to His humanity, and Helped stimulate all those who with him. A former presiFame by Vanity Fair, a national magazine, s But this you say, has nothing to do through his life to promote the reign worked been verbal excoriations, but also a number of Catholic leaders dent of the National Association of In the citation, the publication says, "We nominate for the with Zionism. So alright have it your of justice and brotherhood on earth Jewish Center were slain in Hitler's "cleansing." Large numbers of Catholics, Executives and exway. Well, there are other reasons which Jews and Christians together vice-president of the National Asit is reported, are fleeing from Germany, because of the reign of Hall of Fame Mordecai Ezekiel, because as economic adviser to why it was historic. sociation of JJewish Center Executhe Secretary of Agriculture he has helped give the farmers in- The second reason that I shall cite describe as the Kingdom. terror. Q. Who compose the Federal Countives. in the Jewish boy scout is that it was the first in which Ha- cil of the Churches in America and work. Leader Member of the Council and The Nazi attacks on Catholics is just one more bit of evi- formation on prospective supply and demand conditions; because dassah did not play a major part It what sense does it represent Administrative Committee of the dence, as if any further evidence were needed, that the persecu- he is thoroughly experienced in his field, having been assistant will be recalled that Morris Rothen- in American Protestantism? Agency. Treasurer of the tion of one group on racial or religious grounds is an entering chief economist of Hoover's Farm Board; because he assisted in berg, president of the Zionist Organ- A. Twenty-five Protestant denomi- Jewish American Palestine Campaign. ization, during the past year concluddrafting the Agricultural Adjustment Act; because he comes of wedge, a stepping stone toward the persecution of some other Chairman of the New York Romance nations in the United States, with a ed an agreement with Hadassah, and minority group. It also gives added proof as to the true motives a family which has been resident in America since the eighteenth this agreement deprives Hadassah of total adult membership of over of a People Committee. Directed nucentury; and because he is devoting his youth and ability to a the great voting power which it for- twenty-two millions, are working merous communal studies. Wellbehind Nazi theories expounded about the Jewish people. merly possessed in the councils of closely together in the federal coun- steeped in Jewish affairs. Author of nation that needsibottr qualities." However, it did not hurt Nazi"prestige" with the rest of the cil. The council cannot legislate for many articles and reports on social the Zionist organization. the constituent denominations nor welfare. An authority on communal world, since the Nazis have already been completely isolated from exercise any authority over them. and center work. Fascinating conworld good-will. I could give many other reasons The council is composed, however, versationalist. A genuine democrat.' Hebrew Calendar why I think this was a notable conis its executive committee which Expresses his views with ihe same Rosh Chodesh Ab ___!_ „ .-.._.___~Friday, July 13 vention. In the first place, there was as meets every month, of "representa- candor to bankers and. bums. ReadLewissohn there — the first tives officially elected by the de- ing in his lobby. Prides himself on Uprooted **Tishe B'Ab „...„-__..__.._:_„__: „ Saturday, July 21 Ludwig Zionist convention he ever attended. and it is likely, there- his bridge playing. Possessed of an The wandering Jew has taken :up his pack and renewed his •Rosh Chodesh Elul . „ Sunday, August 12 And let me tell you he made a swell nominations, fore, that in its pronounsements and eternal march in another section of the continent. Hundreds of 5695 speech. It was to me as though an- activities it adequately reflects the excellent sense of humor. More than bombastic meeting has been -.—. Monday, September 10 other Amos or Isaiah had come thun- mind of the Christian bodies associ- one Jews have been forcibly ejected from the Dardanelles region and Rosh Hashoriah _ broken up by one of his wisecracks. dering his message to Israel. ated with it. Tuesday, September 11 are suffering grave hardships. The Jewish refugees continue to Has a r&re sense of proportion. One It was interesting to watch LewissFast of Gedaliah.. — Wednesday, September 12 Q. Does the Catholic expect the of the few leaders of social service pour over the Greek frontier. Trains are arriving at Istenbul ohn sitting by the side of the son of an understanding of the psyWednesday, September 19 Felix Warburg, the banker. And the Pope to pronounce new revelations with packed with Jewish women and children driven from Adrianople Yoni Kippur chology of the Jewish masses. A to guide us in meeting the new situyoung Warburg very evidently happy u. Monday, September 24 at being thrown in such close contact ations of the twentieth century? to an unknown destination. The men have been placed in a con- 1st Day of Succoth brilliant organizer. Success of the Al8th Day of Succoth „_. Monday, October 1 with the great writer. centration camp near the Turkish township of Ouzoinkipru, their A. According to Catholic belief, lied Jewish Campaign's drive in Simchath Torah ... revelation ceased with the death of New York in 1S30, __.. Tuesday, October 2 fate a mystery. The men were brutally separated from their ffamlast Apostle. Infallibility safeWednesday, October 10 But these are all after all—not yet the ilies. Many children have disappeared and the frantic mothers *Rosh Chodesh Chesvan . guards that revelation, so that in the bottom reason why the ConvenRosh Chodesh Kisler „ . Thursday, November 8 tion will go down in history, were unable to search for them. According to these refugees/ all teaching that revelation the church lstDay of Channkah Sunday; December 2 " i f can be stated very simply. It cannot err. Definitions made by the I Paxton Mitchell Co. the Jews in urkish Thrace have been exiled. are not new revelations; they Friday, December; .7 was because of the presentation of a church Grey Iron, Aluminum and ' * "High Turkish of ficials declare the expulsions were unauthor- Rosh Chodesh Tebeth ... are simply clarifications of what has new policy of expansion by the ZionBronie Castings Sunday, December 16 ized and were due to a misunderstanding of the new edict accord- Fast of Tebeth _ __ hJmwmjLt _ v _. ist organization. The program form- already been revealed. Many nonWo©^ end Metal Patterns Catholics have the idea that the NOTE. Holidays begin in the evening preceeding the dates ulated by Morris Rothenberg calls for ing to which Turkey has been divided into "residence zones." 2614 Martha St. J1A. 552S Pope issues definitions with great the Zionist Organization ,tc^ become These Turkish officials declare that those local officials respon- designated. freedom, and on any and every ocsomething more than a fund-collect*Rosh Chodesh also observed the previous day. sible for the driving the Jews out will be severely punished, and ing organization—calls for Zionism casion, which is not the case at all. **Fast observed on following Sunday. rL -assuming a place of paramount im- Since the Council of Trent, the Pope steps in this direction are already under way. NATIONAL portance in all channels of Jewish has made only definition independACCESSORIES, Inc. The official protestations are far too inadequate to explain ently of an ecumenical council, the life. definition of the Immaculate Con"Students of the problem of help for educated unemployed beaway what has happened. Mustapha Kemal PashaV dictator of EVERYTHING in 1854, and there has been Turkey, has proudly boasted of the progressiveness of his coun- lieve that the colleges might well have lectures on the value of I've mentioned Lewissohn's speech. ception For the Auto He told a couple of good stories. One only one ecumenical council since try under his rulership, ancl his word is absolute law in Turkey. 'self-deflation' as an aid in securing the right job for students of Trent, the Vatican Council in 18692031 Farnam AT. 5524 them was told anent the argument "Therefore, such wholesale expulsions from Turkey and under such after"their'2raduation.":r-Dr. Herman Frank. generally framed so: Let us not be 1870.
Mendel Beilis
PAGE 5—TJffiS JEWISH PBiSS, FRIDAY, JULY 13, 1934 and Sylvia wfll return to Omaha with them.
Daughters of Zion
Bill Kaiman Heads
Vaad Auxiliary
The Daughters of Zion will hold A regular meeting of the Ladies Re-Im Organization an important meeting on Wednesday Auxiliary of the Vaad Ha'Ihr will be RETURNS HOME held Monday, July 16, at 2 p. m. Miss Ann Hahn arrived home July afternoon, July 18, at the J. C. C. Bill Kaiman was named president A board meeting will be held at at the B'nai Israel synagogue, 18th 3 from Kansas City, Mo., -where she of the Re-Im club for the ensuing and Chicago. spent ten days visiting :with friends. 1:30 p. m. term at the semi-annual election of All members are urged to be pres- officers held a week ago Thursday. Chicago, (JTA) — The five-day Kefreshments will be served, and ent, as final plans will be laid for Other officers elected are: Abe all members are urged to attend. VISITOR HERE convention of the Poale Zion-Zeire the annual bazaar and drawing, Miss Rose Clayman of Kansas which will be held July 22 at the Sherman, vice-president; Ben Wine, Zion closed here after having euloCity, Mo., is visiting here with her recording secretary; Leon Nogg,, Workmen's Circle 173 uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. S. Labor Lyceum, 22nd and Clark. The corresponding secretary; Irving Pass- : ized Berl Locker, labor Zionist The newly-elected officers of committees are asked to bring their off, treasurer; Joe Nitz, sergeant- eader, and greeted the Palestine M. dayman. Workmen's Circle No. 173 were instubs to the meeting. at-arms; Irvin Reubin, parliamentar- workers •who "stood in the picket stalled at a picnic for members and A committee will be at the Labor ian; RETURNS FROM CHICAGO Leon Gross, reporter. line to preserve and protect the car- their families at Hanscom Park Sun.yceum on Friday, July 20, to reJACOBSON-KIRSTEIN Miss Sophie Rosenstein returned Elected to the executive commitdinal rights of Jewish work in Jew- day afternoon. day evening from a week's stay in MARRIAGE Tuesday from Chicago, where she :eive articles for the bazaar. were Ben Soskin, Sam Yousem, ish industrial enterprises in PalesIn last week's list of officers, the Mrs. A. Weinberg and Mrs. M. tee The marriage o£ Miss Sara Jacob- St. Joseph, Mo., where she visited spent the past few ~weeks; and Richard Spiegel. tine." name of Louis Gitlin was inadvertwith her grandparents, relatives and Brodkey are chairman of the draw- The Re-Im is a young married Bon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Problems of Palestine activity, cul- ently omitted from those elected to ing, and Mrs. A. Shafton and Mrs. Jacobson, to Mr. Clarence H. Kirstein friends. TO CHICAGO social organization of fifty Airal and trade union workers in the executive committee. Mr. Gitlin Tuchman are chairmen of the ba- men's of Washington took place on June 30, is leaving Sunmembers, meeting every other Thurs- America, and Socialism occupied the was finance secretary of the organizMr. H. Zorinsky HERE FROM CHICAGO at Washington,; D. C. for a week's visit to Chicago, zaar. day evening at the J. C. C. The ielegates for the greater part of ation for nine years. Mrs. Harry Mendeloff of Chicago day where he will attend the "world's fair. club was to hold a stag banquet and ;he day. is visiting here with relatives. ANNOUNCE BIRTH of officers last night at Progressive Hebrew installation convention sent its blessings Patronize Jewish Press Advertisers. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Giller announce the Elk's club, with Abner Kaiman to The AT EXCELSIOR SPRINGS the Palestine workers "who, in MOTOR TO PUEBLO the birth of a daughter on Friday, Club guest of honor. have g spirit of self-sacrifice exposed themMe. and Mrs. A. Cohen and daugh- Mr. and Mrs. Max Venger July 6, at the Methodist hospital. i Springs^ selves to danger by standing on the ter, Sally Ruth, motored to Pueblo, been visiting at Excelsior The Progressive Hebrew Club will Mo., for the past few weeks. They hold ricket line." Now is the time to protect yourself Conservative Auxiliary Colo., to visit Mr. Cohen's parents. will return ENTERTAINS the installation of new officers home in about three fully by getting auto insurance "In this struggle," the resolution and the initiation of new members ai A very successful dancing party Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Clayman enweeks. was given by the Women's Auxiliary stated, "our comrades are giving exthe J. C. C. July 29. tertained fourteen girls Tuesday af- VISITS WITH PARENTS ternoon at a graduation party, in Mac M. Guttman of Providence, MOTORING TO LITTLE The meeting will be open to mem-: of the Conservative Synagogue at pression to the true conception of R. I., arrived* July 5 to spend a few honor of their daughter, Marion. bers and prospective members and the Highland Country club last Mon- Zionism. They are safe-guarding the (Formerly In the employ of L. Dnrris) possibility for Jewish labor which weeks with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. ROCK day evening. their wives. Dr. and Mrs. Leon E. Feflman are is created by the increase in JewSamuel Guttman. The College club orchestra fur12 Years Experience A prominent speaker will address VISITING IN MINNEAPOLIS leaving Saturday by motor for little ish immigration into Palestine. nished the music Mrs. Dave Greenthe meeting, and a program is being Inquiry Regarding' Any Irsurance Miss Harriet Wolsky is spending Rock, Ark^ where Dr. Fellman will arranged. Refreshments will be serv- berg headed the committee in charge The convention paid tribute to Lines Is Invited a two-week vacation in Minneapolis. TO VISIT IN CHICAGO spend two weeks at an Officers Re- ed. of arrangements. Berl Locker, Zionist labor leader, on Phil Mallrin, son of Mr. and Mrs. serve camp. Dr. Fellman is a first REAL ESTATE - RENTALS his report which he presented conriSOrBKTX MANAGEMENT Morris Malkin, will leave this eve- lieutenant in the U. S. army medical Plans are being formulated for the ON EXTENDED TRIP cerning the situation in Zionism and first annual picnic, to be held at the Mr." and Mrs. Samuel H. Stern, ning for a ten-day trip to Chicago.corps. Pioneer Women 315 So. 15 JA. 7311 accompanied by Mr. Stern's moiher, While there, he will visit, the world's The Fellmans will return to Om- Fontenelle Park on August 12. An The Pioneer Women held their the activities of the Zionist executive during the year. fair. . auto radio will be given away at the Mrs. B. Glickman, left Tuesday mornaha July 28. second annual -mid-summer luncheon picnic ing for a month's trip to Niagara. at Elmwood park Tuesday. Tables FROM FLORIDA Palls, Montreal, New York and WashRETURNS HOME were served for over a hundred ington. During their absence, their Mr. Joseph Krestul of Jacksonville, Mrs. Louis Gitlin and son, Paul, women. Follow in Footsteps Fla., formerly of Omaha, is visiting young son, Arnold Jay, is remainhave returned, from a two-weeks viYour Satisfaction Is Our Success A discussion was had on the nahere with relatives and friends. ing with his grandparents. of Herzl, Says sit at Huron, SouthDakota, where tional Pioneer Women convention, they were the guests of Mr; and Mrs. will be held in Chicago SepLady Simon which MOTHER'S CLUB H. Garber and family. FROM DENVER tember 27 to 30. A large Omaha The S. A. M. Mothers' dub will Mis Lillian Boss of Denver, .Colo., delegation is -expected to attend. London, (JTA).-—Jews were is visiting in Omaha with relatives meet on Wednesday afternoon, July MOVES Mrs. H. Richlin has been named by Lady Kathleen Simon, wife of the 18, at the home of Mrs. L. Turkel, Mrs. S. Krizelman and family, for Mrs. William Miller has moved to British Foreign Minister, to fight to chairman of tickets for the drawing 3425 California. a few weeks. .. ... . ... ...'..,-. '.-.' Davenport, la., where she will make build •up a strong Zionist movement on the combination bookcase and her future home. A farewell party and create a Jewish homeland. electric clock, which will be held at FROM UNIVERSITY OF was given -in her honor by her friends Addressing a meeting in memory the Pioneer Women's picnic at ElmON VISIT before her departure. Miss Doris Martin is visiting in CHICAGO of Dr. Theodor Herzl, founder of the wood August 12. Chicago for two weeks witn Miss Betty Word has been received here of the modern Zionist movement. Lady Kausman. Before returning, Miss graduation of Miss Beatrice Achten- London—Indications of a possible Kathleen hailed Herzl as "one of the Martin will also visit in Milwaukee. berg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben rift between Sir Oswald Mosley, greatest patriots the world has had." M Achtenberg of Kansas City, from leader of the British Union of Fas"If I were a young Jewess instead the University of Chicago. E IN DE SMET cists, and Lord : Rothermere, news- of an old Irish Gentile, I would be in Miss Helen MinMn is visiting with She was initiated into Phi Beta paper baron .who -has been support- the thick of the fight to build up a Y her sister, Mrs. P. J . Heeger, a t De Kappa, was prominent in the Wo- ing Mosley, over Mosley*s anti- strong Zionist movement," she deE men's Athletic Association of the col- Semitism were seen in a surprising Smet, South Dakota. lege, is the winner of a scholarship editorial in the Rothermere-owned clared, adding, *T am a Gentile marR in the department of sociology, and Daily Mail denouncing anti-Semitism. ried to a Gentile, with not one drop VISITORS IN OMAHA of Jewish blood in our veins." been offered a place on the uniDaily Mail lauded the role of - Mrs. Al Lavin and daughters, Mar has B. versity faculty as assistant instructor The the Jews in England and recalled, ilyn and Frandne, of Chicago, arenext year. Wedenesday Special the services of Disraeli and the •visiting here. Mrs. Lavin, is a for P She is spending July and August Rothschilds. The Evening News, anDAMP WASH mer resident of Omaha. at Burr Oaks camp at Mukwonago other Rothermere- publication, emE FLAT WORK IRONED Wis. phasized that England had never R BETURNS FROM ST. JOSEPH known anti-Semitism and never .Miss Betty Burstein returned Sun- ON VISIT E would. Miss Sylvia Parflman has been R visiting with relatives in St. Paul and ;T ' XiLambda Will Satisfy An Xonr 5eon Sign Needs ;,irA. summer fqrmal..,dance, celiebrat- Minneapolis th^_ past m^nth. She has KLEEN-HEET ing the organization's sixth anni been extensively entertained there. Associated with OIL BURNERS versary, will be given by the X Miss Parilman will remain there until July 29, to attend the wedding OMAHA NEON SIGN CO. lambda fraternity on Sunday, July Olson Bros. ZBIi FMMAM At 2815 22, a t the Lakewood Country club of a cousin. Her parents, Mr., and ONE GROUP OF BETTER AT. 112» So. IS Members of the fraternity anc Mrs. M. Perilman, will motor to "the 2612 Leawsnworth AT. 23«d their -dates will attend a banque Twin Cities to attend the wedding. which will precede the dance.. Bid3 for the dance only have been issued to non-members. SIZES 12 to 46
Cotton Dresses
Reduced to . . .
KITCHEN CHATS By Mrs. David M. Newman Grape-Nut Brown Betty. Take three large apples, pared and sliced thin, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, 1-4 of a cup brown sugar, i teaspoon salt, 1-4 of a cup granulated sugar, 5 tablespoons butter, i cup flour and i cup grape nuts. Arrange layers of apples in buttered baking dish and sprinkle with mixture of sugar and cinnamon, dot with butter, cream 4 tablespoons butter and brown sugar and after creaming well, add flour, salt anc grape nuts. Spread over the apples. Bake in a covered dish in a moderate oven for 30 minutes. Remove cover and continue baking for 15 minutes. Serve with whipped cream. WANTED1 Young man wants room and one meal daily in Kosher-kept Jewish home in quiet neighborhood. Write Jewish Press — Box E-7
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PAR FROM THE BERLIN THRONG—On a balcony looking toward a snowy peak of the Bavarian Alps, Chancellor Adolf Hitler of Germany is pictured as he appeared during his vacation following bloodshed in Berlin and other German cities.
PRESIDENT AT PORTO RICO—President Roosevelt's arrival at Mayaguez, Porto Rico, is pictured above; The president, indicated by arrow, is in an automobile surrounded by Porto Rican dignitaries. The U. S. S. Houston is shown at the pier
LABORATORY HEROINES—Submitting to inoculation with infantile paralysis serum in the New York City research laboratory, Blisses Anna Goldberg, (eft, with Judith Figarsky become heroines in the medical profession. They have no way of knowing, before the test, what the reaction of the serum will be.
.r* M'.,i
NRA CHIEF BIDS BARUCH GOODBY—Gen. Hugh Johnson, left, administrator of NRA, and Prof. Raymond Moley, right, former head of the "brain trust", are shown with Barney Baruch, well-known banker and aid in the Roosevelt administration, as Baruch sails from New York. Baruch is taking a short vacation abroad.
AIM HIGH, GIRLS—High school girls at Monterey; Cal., are shown practicing the ancient art of archery. Thei* positions suggest that the girlies are aiming high enough, anyway.
MRS. ROOSEVELT AT FAIR—A gracious figure among the crowds attracted wherever she appears Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt, first lady of the land, is shown at the Chicago World's Fair.
TUNE UP FOR ALASKA FLIGHT—The temperature at Peterson Field, near Dayton, O . is around 100 degrees as army mechanics tune up the motors on the Martin bombing planes designated for use by the army air expedition to cooler Alaska. The expedition, from Washington, D. C , to Fairbanks, is under command of Lieut. Col. H. H. Arnold.
t ,
PAGE7—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JULY 13,1934 'A 7 .ratter naive standing- t h e difficulties o f other proposal, for the trouble starts after people." the ceremony, no matter when it takes Palestine, he said, has always been place . . . There are rumors to the a divided country. The government effect that Max' Baer will not fight from must keep an eye on the Arabs as Berlin.—(JTA) — But for intercesNew York, (WNS).—Aviation cirtill the fall of 1935 . . . The other day cles here are discussing with keen well as the Jews. sion of the Pope, the Austrian conhe expressed his intention of joining interest a rumor that the Lufthansa. ; General Smuts declared that he is stitution today would embody antithe Zionist Organization of America German aviation concern, has offered convinced that the "government de- Jewish clauses, the Fraeukische Tage, . . -Herman • Bernstein, an important and highly-paid posi! sires to do justice." = By PHINEAS J. BIBO5 § membership szeitung complained last week. the" editor, may enter." the political tion to Charles A. Lindbergh. LindThe paper, stating that the head of arena this fall as a candidate in the bergh is said to have rejected the Terror in Cuba Rumania Bans German the Catholic Church had written Congressional elections, on the Re- offer despite the huge salary r e Havana.—The frequent revolu- Nazi Organization ON THE BOARDWALK Chancellor Dollfuss of Austria that publican ticket"« . \-: ported to go wit it. The Lufthansa tions, attempts at assassinations, Bucharest—German nazi organizathe papal bull, the Quadragesimo At the Atlantic City Zionist Conis understood to have made strenu- street demonstrations and similar tions in Rumania have been ordered Anno, on -which the Austrian convention we managed to get" the real MORE ZIONIST NEWS : ous efforts to get Lindbergh to acscoops of the Zionist front, "which, j That resolution at the Zionist; Con- cept not so much because they ex- terrors which keep the political life dissolved immediately in a decree is- _ Vienna.—Count Alexander Festetic,. rEtitution is based, does not permit the strictly speaking — we confess ~ vention^ in "favor of negotiating with pected him to do any actual work of Cuba in a state of tumult, give sued by the ministry of the interior. Hungarian millionaire who embraced o p r r e s s i o n o f r e ngious minorities, exEven- before the issuance of the the Nazi cause last winter and be- p r e s s e s astonishment of the Pope's have little to do with the Palestine the Moscow Government for %he. per- in Germany but because they wanted the Jewish colony of the island no rest. order nazi headquarters in Brasov, came the leader of the Hungarian c o n s i d e r i n g t ^ J e v s a re iigious mindevelopment . . . "Well—we learned mission-: of Zionist activities- m the the* prestige of his name. In some mysterious fashion the Sibau and other Transylvanian towns Nazi movement, has been expelled o r f t v a n d n o t b e i n g a w a r e t h a t t h that Morris Margulies, the re-elected Soviet Union seems - a bit childish if Jews are usually accused of com- were closed by the police. from the leadership for not being a L r e < a b a s t a r d race having their own secretary of the ZOA, will shortly be one remembers that there, are hardly Wearing of nazi uniforms and in- hundred percent anti-Semitic. plicity in most of the troublous in, a w s o £ b l o o d a n d t h e i r religion is an married to a charming young lady by any Zionists in Russia today '. .'".. One signa also is prohibited. cidents. His Nazi lieutenants were dissatis- je x p r e s s i o n o f t h e i r r a c i a i inferiority the name of Riesa Halperin . . . And of the very first to send a wire of with the lukewarm anti-Semitism ja n d h a y e n o t h i n g i n c o m m o n ^ i t h t h e fascinating Mrs. Ezra Shapiro, -wife condolence on Bialik's death was Anti-Semitism Alien to Britain, fied Bias Prompts Vienna displayed by Festetic who_ recently j r e l i g i o u s conceptions of Christians." of the Acting Mayor of Cleveland and Reuben Brainin, who fought him tooth Says Paper stated that he harbored Jewish pion- j Doctor to Quit Post daughter of Sol Lamport of New York, and nail up to the very last, because London—Declaring that- England eer straining for an agricultural life "Will move in the fall to a larger of Bialik's narrow views on the Jew- Jerusalem, (JTA).—A decision on •Vienna—The anti-Semitic poUcy of elected for a two year term in the apartment "with a sunny nursery . . . ish status in the USSR . . . I t seems the establishment of a legislative the municipal health department has had never, when pressed for an easy in Palestine, on his estates. He vras highest office in the Jewish comThat the Biron report of some months that Mendel Fisher, the SL Louis assembly for Palestine will be made forced Austria's most famous child scapegoat, turned to Jewbaiting, the also accused of having given the work munity of South Africa, declared ago to the effect that the Ludwig Zionist worker, holds the inside track definitely in London during the specialist, Professor Hugo Knoep- Evening News in a full column edi- of printing Nazi anti-Semitic pamph- that if the world Jewry had reLewisohns are preparing another bas- for the executive secretaryship of the visit of High Commissioner Sir Ar- felmacher, to resign as director of torial emphasizes the point that anti- lets to a Jewish printing concern and sponded to "the • call of Palestine" of having Jews administer his vast Semitism is alien-to England. Ludwig is Jewish, National Fund on the basis of thur Grenfell Wauchope a t the end the.Vienna Municipal Children's hosbefore, there would be a different sinet were ill-founded estates. "Britian and Jews have always of July, it was reported in Palespital. beginning a weekly column, in the experience story to tell now. He emphasized But;the APC is very The resignation was made as a well deserved of each other," the New York American, which will deal reluctant to let him go, because of tine this week. The High. Commisthat South. African Jewry has conprimarily with literary matters . . . his record for the American Palestine sioner is also expected to take up protest against the elimination from Evening News maintains. tributed per capita to the Zionist with the Colonial office projected the hospital of his Jewish assistants, That the report of the Zionist Organ- Campaign . . . movement more than any other Jew55 Palestinians Studied at changes in the Palestine constitution. ization of America, which the printer ish group. Columbia Since 1910 "The project of a legislative' as- Hore-BeHsha Named British • \- • ' .. shipped directly to Atlantic City, ar- J N A Z I A N A New. York, (JTA).—"One has to Jews of his country are enjoying sembly for Palestine in which the New York'—Fifty-five students article "Pogrom Labor Minister rived wrapped in circulars announc- . Van Passen's from Palestine have studied a t Co- go to Palestine to understand the! the same privileges as elsewhere uning a meeting led by William Dudley Ahead," which an eminent Jewish Jews, Arabs and English would be London—Leslie Hore-Belisha, scion ability of the Jews not only to sst-| der the British flag, he said. Pelley, chief' and founder of the leader called alarmist, is unfortun- represented, has met with the bitter of a prominent Anglo-Jewish family lumbia university since 1910, accordopposition of Palestinian Jewry who tie on the land but also to farm, ining^ to figures contained in a survey ately coming true, according to the American Silver Shirts . . . That Dr. and long active in British politics, prepared by Dr. Frank. D. Facken- tensively and scientifically. We in regard the measure as. calculated t o Stephen S. "Wise did not attend the latest reports from Naziland . . . The became minister of labor in the Mac- thal, secretary of the ••university. South Africa have a good deal to j convention—in order to punish the real inside story of the Roehm mur- help the government evade many- of Donald government following a the conditions of the Palestine manlearn from the Palestine farmers." j der by Hitler's gang will soon explode Zionists for their disloyal rejection of minor cabinet shake-up. • •-..-'• German-Jewish Doctors Cause This was the statement of Hirjihj the Jewish-World Congress plan . . . and reveal, we're told, that the so- date. Hore-Belisha was financial secre- China to Be Grateful to Nazis Hillman, president of the South That, vindicating our prognostication, called "political killing was a crime Jewish leaders have declared in "JVOKK THAT SATISFIES" New York—Cal Hirsch, star r e - African Jewish Board oT Deputies, Jimmy "Wise came back from the So-passional, Adolf being the jealous most emphatic language that under tary of the treasury until his promotion. He belongs to the liberal porter, for the North China Daily who arrived here last week, on his enthusiastic about no circumstances will they particiHerr Von Papen never had Oriental and Domestics suitor viet Union very group that followed Sir John Simon News cf Shanghai, who arrived in first visit to the United States. the Jewish status any intentions of stopping the Hitler pate in such a legislative assembly. that country and Walnut 5002 into t h e National government in New York recently, reported that apThree months out of Johannesburg, 511C Military Ave. there, and intent on building an ido- anti-Jewish policy in case of the ex1931. Mr. Hillman, who recently -was proximately 100 German Jewish docAs a matter logical bridge between Tel Aviv and tension of his power tors have set u p offices in Shanghai. Moscow . . . To this Jacob de Haas of fact he is no less an anti-Semite Lord Rothschild's Daughter than Herr Hitler himself . . . As a recommented to Jimmy: "You will be sult of the Hitler killings many thouJohanesburg, (JTA).—A strong Weds Christian hanging in mid-air between Palestine sands of Nordics are fleeing Germany London—Sharp criticism is being defense of the British, government's and Russia" . . . That Soviet Ambas- and competing, with the Jewish'refuvoiced. here , against Lord Lionel. de policy on the Jewish, immigration sador Troyanovsky, who happened to gees—the very "red" refugees whom Rothschild because his daughter question in Palestine was made by be in Atlantic City on the first day they helped expel—for hospitality New York, (JTA).—Accomplish- Rosemarie was married in a church Minister of Justice J a n C. Smuts a t of the convention, was very much from the Jewish committees in Hol- ments of Hadassah in the face of to a son of Lord Berry, wealthy the - Keren Hayesod dinner a t Port tempted to attend a session . . . land, France and Belgium . . .- Pales- obstacles" ^presented by the ignorance newspaper magnate, who is a Chris- Elisabeth. tine has already adopted 600 Jewish and superstitution • of part -of the tian. "The British government has been " ' ., .." MORE OCEAN BREEZES children from Germany, while Amer- Palestinian population formed the much criticized," General Smuts, who The London Jewish Chronicle Ludwig Lewisohn's new fall book, ica still is talking about taking care topic of an address delivered by has been noted for his exceptionally "Toward Religion," will not contain of 250 children, victims of the Nazi Mrs. Samuel W. Halprin, president, voices regret at this union but says friendly attitude towards Jews, dethat Lord Rothschild may continue any mention of the words "Jew" or war . . . I t is said that when the first over Station WEAF. clared, "but I am convinced that the "Jewish" . . . That Louis Lipsky was flash of the "second German revoluThe entire work of .reconstruction in his position as president of the British more than any other people so bored at the convention that he tion" reached these shores and it in Palestine depends first upon the United Synagogue because he did in the world are capable of underwent to the railroad station on the looked as if Hitler were going on the health of the people living and work- not attend the ceremony. •morning of the second day to leave scrap-heap two hundred German Jew- ing_ in the country. Through its vast for New York, and was finally per-' ish refugees in New York made res- network of preventive 'medicine, in Remington Oosing German suaded to return to Convention Hall ervations to sail back to Germany ;which infant welfare work is pri- Branches . . . Morris Rothenberg watched the mary, Hadassah is teaching the peo- London—The TL. S. Remington Z<ct m e p r o t e c t j-our i n t e r e s t s . . . 1 . They are still here . . . sunrise from the boardwalk on the ple of Palestine How to keep well ompany is liquidating its branches wHI w r i t e A S t k i n d of I X S C K A S C E In (Copyright, 1934, by Seven Arts morn after the convention, too weary and how to- rear children to healthy n Germany in company with many s t r o n g , r e l i a b l e c o m p a n i e s O X L T . Feature Syndicate.) to go to bed and ready to resign . . . manhood and womanhood," declared other foreign firms doing business Maurice Samuel won and then lost the there:because of the,difficulty in sethe Hadassah leader. Zionist bridge championship, with curing foreign exchai||e for imports, 14C9 F»rnam; Bos. AT-7CGT Res. ITA-5150 Harry Glucksman as his partner . " . . the News • Chronicle /imported. _ trip^j?hich_.inclu:des.^Irs. -Miller.and; The most elegant woman a t the-eoa--their son, Byron S., «ras for business vention: Anita Case of Chicago and or vacation reasons. " .' New York . . . The most interestingThe F . W. Woolworth company in looking woman: Mrs. Louis Goldring Germany is one of the most thriving of New York . . . The best-dressed New York, (JTA).—Byron D. MU-of • the larger department store WITH CUSHIONED THE NEW SILENT man at the press table: Meyer F. POWIR-cnti o a t Steinglass of the Seven Arts . . . The ler, president of F . W. Woolworth chains. I t frequently has been" atSECONO SPEED gets nerve-wearing vibusiest man at the convention: Abra- Co., sailed aboard the Bremen, North tacked as being the property of all die dirt oat of bration and noise, ham Goldberg, the Zionist leader . . . German Lloyd" liner, for Europe, Jews. light rugs without without clearing up two. questions on . yet gives greatly Woolworth interests have suffered picking-uporpacfc" the status of the Woolworth con- badly from the Nazi-anti-Nazi crossincreased cleaningAND SALT SPRAY ering therag.PLUS cern regarding the Hitler govern- fire, haying been up for boycott in power and speed. The young man who escorted Felix ment. A SCORE MORE ' . HANDLES EASILY Germany because of its alleged JewM. "Warburg to the convention platbetterments that •w 1 iHOOTXlt 11NG When accosted by the Jewish Tele- ish . ownership and having been form was his cello-playing son Ger-graphic Agency reporter shortly be- picketed in New York by both Nazi —properlydesigned save your time and SPIC-SPAN strength.Priced|IO ald . . J t may be an open secret, fore sailing time,. Miller was pro- and anti-Nazi factions. The firm has and balanced to Super-powerful handbut few Zionists will admit that the fuse in thanking tin's newspaper for been accused by the former of havsave strengtc.xnD£ cleaner tor draperies, furbelow any comparoimre, mattresses, a n t e majority of the delegates were revis- its courtesy, but remained adamant ing boycotted German goods and by CLEANING PATHable cleaner and mobiles, and aji hard-to"When Berl in refusing to answer questions. ionistically tinted reach corners. With new fewer trips across the latter as having failed to cosold oa easy payMOTH DESTROYER! Iiocker, the labor leader, addressed a room, AND Now "Is it not true, Mr. Miller," he was operate with anti-Nazi boycotters. ment terms! the convention for two hours and was asked, "that the F . W. Woolworth Of late the company has mainstill going strong, Nathan Strauss, Jr., company recently announced that it •who was scheduled to speak next and was buying no more goods from tained an absolute silence on its attitude toward Nazi Germany. The who was getting fidgety about mis- Nazi Germany?" silence fell after a number of Woolsing his train, remarked to his neigh"Thank you for your courtesy," re- worth officials had issued conflictbor: "I know that Locker lost his sponded the head of the concern, "I ing reports, which" later resulted in •watch, but I hope he has a calendar" am answering no questions." embarrassment to the concern. "Is it not true that your .branch ABOUT PEOPLE Alessandro de Fano, Chief Rabbi of stores in Germany have widely adMilan, who just celebrated his 87th vertised themselves as being owned birthday, was the Hebrew teacher of and operated by Christians, and is an Efficient, Reliable "We're told by St. it not equally true that a fair perPope Pius X I John Ervine, the British scribe, that centage of your stockholders in this Miss Evangeline Booth, the Salvation country is Jewish?" he was queried. "Thank-you for-your courtesy," he Courtesy • Service - Low Rate$ Army leader, is of Jewish stock—acRecommended by Many Doctors . ..-.'•• cording to her own father, William" replied. WEbster 5450 1422 So. 20th S t Nor would Miller state whether the Booth . . . Dr. Samuel Margoshes, who •when commanding the propaganda activities of the American Jewish Congress knew better than any one else how to fight Goebbels, was urged by a delegation of eminent statesmen and judges to come back to the American Jewish Congress and put it back on the map . . . Congressman Samue Dickstein's hunger for publicity is go• This year a complete Colorado Park, Colorado Springs, the Pikes ing to land him and some other genvacation costs no more than aa or- Peak region. You'll find sew health' tlemen in trouble before long unless out here as you ride along twist* dinary close-to-home vacation. he puts a mute on his voice . . . Rabb : Sidney E. Goldstein of the Free SynaSound trip, first class tickets from icg mountain trails. As you motor gogue wants to have a t least fifteen Omaha t o Denver, Colorado through the painted canyons. As you minute- elapse between the issuance Springs or Boulder, good 16 days tramp die valleys ablaze with Sowers of the marriage license and the marfor only $19.60. A lower berth . . . dance in die cool evenings. with a high rate ol interest riage ceremony, to avoid future'matdown from $6.38 to $4.25. Each All classes of tickets honored oa accruing daily. That's what Saturday and~Soada? round trip, 16- the famous ARISTOCRAT,BudingNeat, Tasty day tickets for coach travel cost ton's crack flyer to Denver. No extra only $15.75 —abont l ^ c per mile. fare. The finest of Pullman equipTickets good all summer at $26.50. ment. Luxurious reclining chair car dining ' You've earned a real vacation. (seats free); eir-conditioned m I Mow come and have it! Relax those CUTS G7UI ObS€T1XtZtO7l lQUKg€ CtfTX . .taut nerves. Go adventuring over Travel "on your own"—orjoia conmeans to you. I t cosls no the Burlington this summer in die genial companions in a carefree, ullmore — it's worth money in sky world of the Colorado Rockies! expense Burlington Escorted Tour. Denver, Rocky Mountain National actual dollars and cents—and MAIL coupon, for free Colorado AUTO PAlNTINq : can be obtained quickly by 1934 . . NATIONAL PABIC TEAK booklets.
'jiiiiiiiuiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiniiuiHiiii?^ rimonial trouble
Bear "Lindjf' Rejected German Aviation Job
Pope Saved Austrian Jews, Nazis Complain
Everywhere §
jNazis Oust Count— I Was Too Lukewarm
Officials to Weigh Palestine Assembly
South African Leader Lauds Jewish Farmers
Ignorance Hits Hadassah Work, Says President
Mark Leon Says . . .
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PAGE 8—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JULY 13,1934 LEON & WHITE, Attorney*. tion «nd Proof, in Defense of the G04 City Nationnl Bank BHlg. Suppressed religion. It is a dialectic NOTICE OF AD3HNISTKATION' treatise on the various arguments which up to his time ( he died about In the County Court of Douglas County, l k 1140) had been advanced against pljraska, Mrs. M1. Silverberg ha3 returned In the Matter of the Estate of Jnt« Ferer nlso known us J. Verer also known Judaism. home after a two-week trip through as Isaac Ferer, Deceased. the Black Hills. But Yehuda' Halevi is principaHy All persons interested in snld estate are (Continued from Page !,) hereby notified -flint n petition hns been Miss ANNA PILL, Correspondent loved among Jews for his ardent, filed in snid Court nllejring tlint said deMrs. Fanny Cornblatt and son, which -he .had touched all to briefly. unceasing love for _ Palestine. Im- ceased died leaving- no liist will and prayVernoh, will.leave next week for- Chi- W6n InternationalFame as Vic- I- recall deliberately these, homely pelled by his yearning for" a sight inK for ndministrntion upon his estate, that a bearing will be had on said cago, where they will; visit with remarks of his because they are of of the Jewish land, Halevi at theand ,. tim; of BWod-Ubel petition j>efore said Court on the 4th day friends and'-,attend the Century of of August, 3!»-'!4. and that if they fail to age of 50, forsook his medical practhe man—and the man in this case Frame-Up nt said Court on the said 4th day Progress. Before returning home explains the poet. When, by quite tice, his one dearly beloved daugh- appear of Aucust, 1034. nt !> o'clock A. M. to conthey will go to; Milwaukee to visit test said petition, the Court hiity grant New. Yorw, (WNS).—Menachem natural and as it were unconscious ter and his birthplace, Toledo, andthe same anfl frrnnt administration of said with relatives. Mendel Beilis, the Jew whose trial transition he passed from discussion started on a pilgrimage to the Holy estate to .Tennie Ferer or some other suitLand. No one knows definitely, but able, person and proceed to a settlement of homely things to the more Mrs. Celia Levin, 62 years old, wife ;: • •' A formal installation of. members in in Czarist Russia in 1913 for an Mrs. Albert . Krasne of Council alleged ritual murder of a Chris- "exalted" subjects of literature and legend has it that he was killed by thereof. . Levin, died in a local hos. [- the Junior Poale Zion organizationof, Hyman BRYCE CRAWFORD. pital ; Sunday morning, after an ill-Bluffs is visiting in Sioux City this tian boy in Kieff made him an in-philosophy, he was seized by an in-an Arab as he knelt outside the 7-13-34-Ht. '•'[ has been planned for Sunday evening;; County Judge. week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ;?;July 22, in the Jewish Community ness of several days. Mrs. Levin ternational figure and one of thefectious enthusiasm which converted gates of Jerusalem to kiss the soil. FUADEXBERG. STAI.MASTER, BEBEB H; Center. The program will include the slipped and fell on Thursday, frac- Sam Sampson. martyrs of the Jewish people, was his listeners to his own likes. At .an & KI.ITZNICK Installation, address by an put of: turing her shoulder. Complications buried in Mount Carxnel cemetery actions committee meeting in LonMax* Gelfand has departed for Chi- with funds hurriedly raised by don some years ago he talked beAttorneys town speaker, and greetings from the resulting from the fall caused her cago, where he is attending the Cen- friends of his impoverished family, tween sessions to a group of us . various Zionist organizations in the!death. XOT1OK BY rCPLIGATlOX OX TETIT1ON FOK RETTLKMEXT OF FINAL .; city, to the'Junior Poale Zion, young- Mrs. Levin lived in Sioux City- 41 tury of Progress and visiting with who were unable even to pay for the about an extraordinary find he had ABMIXIST1SATION ACCOUNT jest ; child of. the Zionist movement. years. She came here in 1893 imme- friends. return of his body from Saratoga made in the British Museum—a New York, (JTA).—Praising the In the County Court of Douglas County, Plans-for the program were begun at diately after her marriage January 1 Springs, where he died poor, forgot- Medieval Hebrew translation of that Soviet Union as the "political and Nebraska. Mrs. S. Grinspan and son, Law-ten and broken at the age of 63. medieval chanson de gests, "Amadis human center of mankind," James In the Matter of the Kstate of William B. the weekly meeting of. the Junior that year. She was bora in Russia Whltehorn, Deceased. Poale Zion held last Friday evening and came to the United States as a rence, of Los Angeles, arrived here fo Beilis, whose name more than twenty of Gaul." He said, his face blazing; Waterman Wise, author and editor • AIT persons interested in said matter are hereby notified that on the 27th day of make an extended visit with her par"If I would be left alone, with in the home of Miss Alice Novinaky. girl. years ago became, synonymous with of Opinion, returned on the Beren- June, 1934, Jennie Uood Whitehorn filed a Miss Julia Bereskin was chairman She, was active in all Jewish com- ents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Rifkin, 1102 Jewish martyrdom, had lived in enough bread and water to keep me garia after having spent one month petition in snid County Court, praying West Second. that her final administration account filed alive, in the British Museum, I of the meeting. The, program was: munal work-and was! a member of the America since 1921,. trying vainly in visiting Jewish centers in Russia. herein be settled nnd allowed, and that she opened with a" period ^ of silence,'iii Ladies Auxiliary of Shaare Zion Synato support his family in divers ways. would know what happiness is." Mr. Wise, who was enthusiastic in be discharged from her trust as executrix Mr. and Mrs. Max Jacobs and and that n hearing will be had on said He meant it—so much so that he memory of Chaim Nahum Bialik, not- gogue, •' and' the " Senior Hadassah He also spent eight years in Paleshis praise of the treatment received petition before said Court on the Sl»t dny daughters, • Evelyn and Darlene, 876 tine, going there after his .acquittal made us feel that this could be ourby the Russian Jews, described his of jed Hebrew Tpoet who died last-week. Chapter.'. • • •; , > ' July. l&H, and that if you fall to apideal too. I repeat that he meant it, visits to Jewish colonies in the Uk- pear before said Court on the said 2tet ; News flashes on events of Jewish in- Surviving are her widower, Hyman Fifteenth street, have returned home in 1913. of July, 11)34, at !• o'clock A. M.. and terest followed. Sulamith Doi'enson Levin; four sons, Ike H., Joe and after a, three weeks visit In Omaha,, On March 25, 1911, the dead and and yet his boundless delight in raine and the Crimea. He-termed the day contest said petition, the Court may grant reviewed "The Oppermans," by Feuch- John, of Sioux Cityr and'Dave of Los where they attended the wedding of mutilated body of Andres Yushin- things made it just as untrue as itprogress in these colonies as the prayer of said petition, enter a decree of heirship, aud make such other nnd itwanger. "Pages of Jewish-History" Angeles; three \ brothers, Dr. S.. H. Mrs. Jacobs nephew, Norman Green, sky was found,in a cave at Zaiteff, was- true. He could be happy with "astounding" and declared that the further orders, allowances and decrees, as followed on the program, with Miss Shulkin, and Sol Shulkin of Sioux to Miss Ida Minkoff, on June 24 innear Kieff. The body contained 47 anything—for he could find in any-Soviet government attempt to re-to this Court may seem proper, to the end that all matters pertaining to said estate the Birchwood club. ; Bereskin speaking on the history of City, and-Morris Shulkin of-Los Anknife wounds and the hands were thing some universal principle which habilitate the declassed Jews de- ni»y be finally settled and determined. linked it with everything else. ! the Jews in Spain during the Golden geles; three sisters, Mrs. J. Shulkin BUVCE CUAWFOHD, serves the sympathetic attention of tied behind the back. This brutal G-20-34-3t, County Judge. Miss Sara Goldberg, 1815 East murder occurred, simultaneously with ! Age. A story of the life of Yehuda of Los Angeles, Mrs. R. Goldfein of This sounds like mysticism, and American Jewry. Halevi was included on the program, Lincoln, Nebr.. and Mrs. M. Krigsten Seventh stree* was hostess at an eve- the outbreak of a new and wide- perhaps it is. But at least Bialik was He declared that as far as religion and Bernard Lazriowich spoke on the of Onawa, Iowa, and seven grandchil- ning of bridge in the Sunset Cafe tea spread campaign of officially-in- proof that mysticism and the is concerned, the only difference be- I'FBADENBl'KG,' 8TALMA8TEK, BEBEB * KJLITZXICK. Attorneys. : ! room, Tuesday evening,"honoring Miss spired anti-Semitism in Russia. At severest common sense are not, as istween Russia and other countries is j life, of Maimonides. - Refreshments dren. • • G5O Omnha Nnt'l Bunk Bldy. Charlotte Kantrovich, a bride elect concluded, the evening^: . . . . . . . . Funeral services were held Monday the same time the Russian Duma vulgarly supposed. Contradictory. Hethat Judaism "is dying in Russia Committees for the installation .were afternoon from the family. residence. and Mrs. Max Turchen a recent bride. (parliament) was considering a law was the proof, too, that a keen and without the benefit of the rabbinate." NOTICE BY PUBLICATION ON PETITION FOR SETTLEMENT OF FINAL Following the bridge, a late luncheon to abolish the Pale and give the sensitive intelligence-, even when . appointed "and include : Irvin : Lunin, He declared that the difference in ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT. linked with the most fastidious Sulamith Bereskin, and Rebecca Still- eral years ago to study. Miss Sar- will be served. Jews the right to live anywhere in the Jewish problem between the In the County Court of Douglas County, esthetic perception, does not divide man. The social committee for this etta will go from here to California, Russia. In this proposed measure Soviet Union and other countries is Nebraska. the Matter of the Estate of Harry B. event includes Lucille KronickT Alice to visit with relatives before returnthe Czarist regime saw a menace a man from the seeming grossnesses "what is being done for the Jews InMilder, Deceased. of our earthly being. And this exAll persons interested in said matter are Novinaky and Rudy Shindler,- -:~ to its own power and it determined In the Soviet Union; and what is hereby ing to New York. notified that on the 28th day ot The meeting this evening -will • be to utilize the murder of Yushinsky plains why he wrote "The Dead of being done to them elsewhere." June, 1034, William Milder filed a petithe Wilderness," a sublime. Miltonic tion in said County Court, praying that held in the home of Rudy Shindler to further inflame the populace Miss Ethel Bergen, also of New his final administration account filed herefantasy, could also write "Lazar with Lucille Kronick' presiding, ' ' against the Jews." For two months in be settled and allowed, and that h« York, has arrived in Sioux. City for a Miss Ruth L. Ivener, daughter of the secret agents of the Czar sought Mendel the Melamed," and he who be discharged from his trust as executor visit with i e r parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ivener, 1112 for and that a hearing will be had on said wrote the furious denunciation of a victim, and finally their choice petition liefore snid Court, on the 28th day Max Bergen, 2315 Douglas street . The City of Slaughter" could also of July, 1034. and thnt if you fail to apFourteenth street, who is vice-presi- fell upon Mendel Beilis. pear before snid Court on the said 28th Rome, (JTA):—While Jews in write the tender and affectionate dent of Kay Kamen, Inc., returned to dny of July. 1SW4. at !) o'clock A. M.. and Miss Bess Lipshutz visited with New York City from Europe July 11. Beilis, who lived. near the slain "Songs of the People." And this, many nations were falling prey to contest said petition, the Court may grant Miss Ida Feldman, 1115; Seventeenth friends and relatives in Omaha last Miss .Ivener sailed. from London on boy's home, • was a watchman in a again, is of a piece with the fact Fascist anti-Semitic assaults, one the prayer of said petition, enter a deI cree of heirship. and make such other and street, departed Sunday" for New York week, returning to Sioux City Tues- the French liner S .S. Paris, June 9, brick factory. Since the wounds in that the sweetest singer and most Jew's memory was honored by Itali- further orders, allowances and decrees, M the boy's body seemed to have been powerful epic' poet which the Jewish an Fascism. ;City to Join her sister, Miss Rose day. to this Court may seem proper, to the and has spent the past month assist- made with a brick awl and since the end that all matters pertaining to Raid Feldman of New York for a West-InA monument was unveiled in Set- estate may be finally settled nnd detering in the organization of a Paris of- boy's clothing was smeared with the people has produced in centuries dies crulae of more than two weeks. Abe Sadoff and Alfred Albert de- fice mined. for the business promoting of kind of clay used in the brickyard could also be a first-class printer tignano, near Florence, in tribute to They sailed July, 7 on the. S. S. Mau- parted by auto for. Los Angeles, Calif, Disney's BKTCE CRAWFORD, the young Jewish student, Gino Go- 7-G-34-3t. and in working where Beilis worked, the ' govern- and an excellent business man.. County Judge. retania. Miss Feldman^-wiH^return to where they will make an extended with thecharacters, laffi, who died in 1920 fighting for Walt Disney-Mickey Mouse; ment proceeded to build up its case For Bialik was not simply a Sioux City early in August. • -' isit with friends and relatives. '• the cause of Fascism. Ltd., organization in London. against Beilis on the ground that he genius. He was the genius of his The unveiling was accompanied by STALMASTEH, BEBEH : May Kamen, Inc., is the corporation killed Yushinsky in order to use his people. He was folk. Often I have & KMJTZNICK, Attorneys 650 Omahn Notional Bank Hid p. Charming visitors from New York Miss Ruth Rifkin and Miss Ray that handles and. controls all the lithe supreme Fascist ceremonial. thought that if he had never written City, hold the limelight in the social Denberg of Toronto, Canada, who has censing and merchandising arrange- blood to make matzoth. The police a line he would, by the power of There were also Jewish religious ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE calendar this montfi.' JMiss Rose been a guest in the Rifkin home, de- ments' featuring the Disney screen chief of Kieff, however, made an in- his personality, have established him- rites, with a cantor and leading Docket 304 Number 155 . . Tester and Miss Saretta Tester, both parted this week for Chicago, where stars. -Miss Ivener joined Mr. Ka-vestigation which revealed that a self as a legend. And indeed, there members of the Jewish community In the Hi strict Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. of New York ^re guests in Sioux City. they will visit with friends and rela- men's advertising agency In Kansas members of a^ notorious gang of is something about his standing in participating. In the Matter of the Application of SAKAH Miss Rose is a former'Sioux Cityan, tives and attend the Century of Pro- City, Mo., six years ago. In 1931 criminals was the real murderer of Jewish history .(and this already!) KULAKOFSKY and MO1UUS LKVKY,' Administrators of the Estate of ISRAEL having gone to New York City sev- gress. From Chicago, Miss Denberg when Mr. Kamen was intrusted with Yushinsky, who had been tortured which has the same legendary touch PROBATE NOTICE to make him. confess, that he had KUL.AKOFSKX, Deceased, for license t» In the Matter of the Estate of Charles the responsibility Qf " introducing tattled against,the gang. When the about it as attaches to Herzl. Hun- Nathan. sell real estate. will return to her home in Canada. Deceased. Now on this l!>th day of June, 1934, thi» Mickey Mouse to the merchandising Czarist officials^insisted on persecut- dreds of thousands who have never Notice is hereby.given that the creditors of said deceased will meet the ndminis- cause came on for heuring upon the petifield, the Kansas City office was read him were aware of his prestion of Sarah Kulakofsky and Morris I>etrator of said estate, before me. County Miss Nettie Krueger of Chicago, ing Beilis the, ^Kieff police chief reJudge of c,l>onglnB County, Nebraska, nt ver, administrators of the estate of Israel visited last week in the home of her transferred to New York City. Since fused to arreSt/himj and later re- ence, or of a presence, in our midst. the Comity Court Uoom. in Baid County, Kulakofsky, deceased, for n license to sell described real estate: mother, Mrs. J. N. Krueger, 3701 Jack- then the -organization has devoted it- signed. Other" investigators brought And he will live on by the double on the 4th,day of September. 1334. nnd on the following An undivided 1/3 interest in nnd t» . the nth day of November, 1!>34. at 0 o'clock self exclusively to the promotion of son street. ' out additional evidence to prove that virtue of his utterances and his un- A. M., each for the purpose of pre- the south 1/2 of .Lot 0 in Block 1. Mickey Mouse in world merchandising Beilis was the victim of a frame-up. forgettable ' personality. When the senting theirday, Fourth Addition to the City , claims for examination, adof Omaha, as surveyed, platted aud rejustment nnd allowance. Three months marts. • Miss Ivener is manager of Bob Shine of Lincoln, Nebraska, is But the government relied on thefirst shock of dismay at the news are nllowed for the creditors corded : to present claims from the 4th day of August, The north 1/2 of the east 139 feet of a guest this week in the home of his the New York office and handles the testimony of Piofessor Sikorsky of of his death had passed, there came fheir 1031. Lot 7 in Ulock 1, Kountze's Fourth . company's financial matters. aunt, Mrs.' William Kantor. Kieff university and the priest back, a reaction cf intense gratitude Addition to tlie City of Omaha, as BRTCE CRAWFORD, In February, Miss Ida Ivener, sister Pranaites, who' presented so-called that such a man had ever lived. surveyed, platted and recorded: County Judge. An undivided 1/2 interest in nud to Miss Anne Cohen of New York of Miss Ruth Ivener and former reg- documentary evidence to prove that the south fit) feet of Lots 1 and 2 in IRVTN C. LKVIN. Attorney. istrar of vital statistics in Sioux City Block 5, Kountze's and ltuth'8 Addiiity is visiting in. Sioux City with Jews used Christian blood in the 301 Electric Bid?. tion to the City of Omaha, as surMr. and Mrs. J. Cohen and family. . and Woodbury county, left Sioux City Passover ritual.' veyed, iilatied and recorded. NOTICE OF SHERIFFS SAI/E to join the Kamen Company. The An uirliviiK'd 1/2 interest in nnd to The government stirred up the enTn the District Court of Douglas County, the west 1!) feet in width of Lot 3 and Nebraska. A group of Sioux Cityans returned Ivener sisters have lived in Sioux tire country to wild hatred of the all of Lot 4 in Ulock 9 in the City of By virtue of an order of sale Issued out Omaha, ns surveyed nnd lithographed; this -week from the woods of north- City sinc& their childhood and areJews. Witnesses were bribed and of the District Court of Douglas County, Lot 8 in Ashl.-ind Place, an addition both graduates of Central high school. Nebraska, and in pursuance of n decree ern Minnesota, where they spent a to the City of Omnha, as surveyed, coerced. Evidence, was manufactured. of said Court in an action therein indexed platted nnd recorded. week on a fishing party. Included in at Appearance Pocket Number 294 at Subject The jury and judges were stacked. all existing liens nnd encuml'njje Number 1CS. Execution Docket Num- brances, to the group were Art Bergen, Bob KroWhile preparations went ahead for for the purpose of paying the ber .71 at Pnjre Numl>er 106, wherein debts, court nnd expenses of the adloff, Jack Cohen,' Abe Agranoff, ;Dr. Prank Jacobs, et al.. are plaintiffs, and ministration costs the trial the entire world protested of the estate of Israel KulakJohn Kezeros, Ss defendant. I will at 10 Wm.- Krigsten, Joe Kutcher, -Bill Warsaw, (JTA).—The chassidic ofsky. deceased, nnd it appearing to the against the barbarous frame-up. o'clock A. M., on Tuesday the 14th dRy of court thnt it is necessary that said real Kutcher, L. C. Kutcher, and Lou Even in Russia enlightened members rebbe of Munfiasz and his followers Angnst, 1934, at the East front door of estate be sold for te purpose of paying tin the DonRlas County Court House in thesaid debts Kutcher and H. Arry Stillman. here are celebrating a victory the and expenses of administration, of the clergy,' students, professional Two hundred and fifty peoplo atCity of Omaha, Douglns County, NebrasIT IS THEREFORE ORDERED (hat all ka, sell at public auction to the highest persons tended the summer dancing party men.and nobles gave vent to their rebbe has just won over Yehunda bidder in said estate appear becash, the following described fore the interested judge of the District Court in nnd Mrs. Alta Krueger of Chicago is given by the Senior Hadassah Chap- horror, but the Czarist tegime was Halevi, Hebrew poet, philosopher and property,for to-.wit: for Douglas Co'inty, Nebrnskn. in Court physician who has been dead nine visiting in Sioux City this week with ter Wednesday evening at Shaare not to be deterred. It forced the The South 22 ft. of the North HO ft. of Room No. 7 in the Douglas County Court Lot 1. in lUock 1(57 in the City of Omaha, House relatives and friends. Mrs. Krueger Acre gardsns. Proceeds of "the; affair case to trial. In the courtroom the hundred years. . in the City of on the 7th ns surveyed and lithographed being n part dny of August, 1034, atOmnha A. M., to is a former Sioux Cityan. | government's case collapsed. Bribed Today Yehuda Halevi street, the «f the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast show cause if nnd why8 ao'clock will be turned over toward the Pallicense should Quarter of Section 22 in Township ]"i. not be granted to the snid -administrators principal thoroughfare of the Czechowitnesses recanted in the face of the estinian work of the Hadasa^h.' ' North. Kange 13, East of the fith V. M., to sell snhl rcnl estate for the purpose of Douglas County. Nebraska, and pop- paying said debts and expense of adminMr. and Mrs. Abe Pill and daughter Mrs. J03 Sawislak was chairman of overwhelming evidence in Beilis' slovakian town, is. to. be renamed in ularly known as 0O6 South 13th Street, istration of the estate of Israel KulakofDoris, will leave next week for Chi- the dance. Orvillc Rennic and hisfavor. Even ' the judges could not Darke" Tehuva Strasse (Roads of 'Douglas County. Nebraska. cago, where they, will visit with orchestra furnished music for danc- carry out their part, and Beilis was Penitence street) in memory of theto satisfy the liens and ineumlirnnees skv, deceased. therein, set forth: to satisfy the sum of IT IS FURTHER ORDEUKD. thnt this friends and attend The Century of ing. " ..•;;' Munkaszer Rebbe's dead father and S1S.30 acquitted. costs nnd the increased and accru- order to show cause shall l>e published for ' Progress; Before returning • home his contribution to chassidic thought. ing costs, all ns provided by said order four successive weeks in the Jewish Tress, Immediately after his vindication aud decree. n legal newspaper published in the City of they'will spend some time at the he left for Palestine. He lived in The Munkaszer won his victory Dated nt Omaha, Nebraska, this Oth day Omaha. Douglas County. Nebraska. lakes in Wisconsin. PY THE COURT very simply. He merely ordered "his of July, 1034. Jaffa until 1921, eking out a precariW. G. HASTINGS. C B. McDOXAT,D, Sheriff. ous livelihood. In that year he came devotees not to frequent the "unC-22-S4-4t. . - Judge. Douglas County Nebrnskn. Mrs. William Fusske and daughter, clean. street." The chassidim left the to America. For more than twenty SIOUK City's Shirley, of Chicago, are visiting in street, the authorities conceded the New York, ( J T A ) . — " W i t h t h e years, he persistently refused to ex-victory to the rebbe, and the rebbe the home of the former's parents, Mr. ploit his experience with, Czarist and Mrs. A. Shulkin. Mrs. Fusske facts distorted or withheld, a Hitler "justice" on the ground that to doissued an order to his chassidim, diFinest Hotel has been the recipient of a number of or ; a Mussolini is able,to take from j so would be to capitalize the sor-recting them 'to join' "with him in social courtesies during her stay his people what a regiment could rows of the Jewish people. From jubiliation. . In every city there is one outnot hope to," declared Arthur Hays here. Whereas the name of the Munkasstanding hotel.' In Sioux City; year to year he receded further into Sulzberger,. t vice-president and dir zer's father is comparatively unOffers "Safeit's the Warrior; known everyrector of the New York Times, at the background until he became a known outside the world of chasMiss Ruth Falk of Omaha has deblurred memory in, Jewish life. where for its fine accommodathe Columbia university . alumni, DHving" Values parted for her home after a two week .Shortly after Bejlis' trial Vera Che- sidisrn, the fame of Yehunda Halevi, tions and its hospitable atmosheld last week at the college. visit in the home of Mr. and Mrs! M. who has been called the "father oE beriak, who had testified against phere. Ideally located, it is unMr. Sulzberger, pointed out that Levich. in and. .who ..was the woman all poets," has endured throughout questionably social, business and censorship of the^ press precedes the Beilis,. the centuries and throughout the originally suspected of Yushinsky's travel headquarters of the comMr. and Mrs. Lou Agranoff and enslavement. ;of people who enjoyed murder by the" police chief of • Kieff, world. His principal poetic renown munity. The choice of those children and Mr. and Mrs. J. Sawislak genrations; of fredom and -who confessed the killing arid was exe- rests in his Song of Zion, which has who demand the best for their become the traditional chant in all and children, will leave Sunday for thought themselves free. "Without cuted. money. synagogues on - Tisha B'ab, day of Lake Okoboji where they will spend a sufficient report of conditions, the destruction of the temple, at several weeks at Terrace Park beach. people are helpless," he added. Jerusalem, and his hundreds of Mr. Sulzberger, '13 was one of hymns celebrating the glory of Zion. Miss Anne Cohen of New York City, three Jewish alumni among the nine SPECIALS a former Sioux City resident, is visit- awarded university medals by Presi- Berlin, (WNS).—Nazi anti-SemitHalevi's principal philosophic condent Butler at the 180th commenceing here in the home of her brother ism was • bluntly denounced and tribution is the Book of Argumenta4.40x21 $4.95 and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. ment of Columbia university last equality for the. Jews was demanded Cohen, 2923 Pierce street. Before week. The others were: Lewis Ein- in a , heated episcdrpal letter drafted 4.50x20 __: - 5.20 coining to Sioux City, Miss. Cohen stein, '99, "diplomat and man of-let- by: "the German; .cardinal bishops at 4.50x21 5.40 spent a week in Chicago, attending ters," and Jacob Barstow Smull, '95, their annual meeting at Fulds and ' Recognized ss Air-Conditioned the Century of Progress. After.spend- "merchant." ., sent to every Catholic clergyman in 4.75x19 5.70 PRACTICAL MOHEL ing several weeks here she will deCoffee Shop Germany. The '• letter, also declared 5.00x19 6.05 part for California for an extended that the Catholic Church-is a victim The daily luncheon rendezCatholic Bishop Gets stay. .. : Phone 1059 of suppression and that priests are 5.00x20 6.25 vous of those who want good Engrossed Hebrew Prayer food a t sensible prices. # Our being persecuted. :.;•'•• * : 5.25x18 6.70 • Miss Esther Kopilow of Sioux Falls, Providence, E. L—An engrossed KIEKES Coffee Shop is air-conditioned for your special coftifort. S. D:, visited with friends in Sioux Hebrew prayer was presented to the Rev:' Francis P.- Keough, P.- D.> newly City over the. weok-rend. •'„ installed Catholic - bishop of ProviOperated by the Miss Marie Osheroff w a s hostess t o dence, by a Jewish delegation headed "Omaha's FVlost Beautiful Hoqie for FuneraJs^ members of t h e Debra Club a t their by Babbi Israel M. Holdman. EPPLEY HOTELS CO. > Funerals To Fit Any!Pursemeeting Monday evening.., Miss Rosa- - Wearing a yahmelkah, Rabbi Gold815 NORTH 18TH ST. AT. 4550 belle Wigodsky presided I n t h e a b - man read the .prayer out loud in the Phone HArney 1226 Farnam at Thirty-third •bishop'* office; : sence of t h e club president, Misa Rose
Albert. Following the business meeting; the members adjourned to a social hour and refreshments.
: • » .
James W. Wise in Praise cf Soviet
Fascists Honor Jew Who Died for Cause
Society \News I
Two Hundred and Fifty at Dance
News Distortion Aids Fascist Enslavement
U.S.'Tempered" Rubber Tires
German Catholics Still War on Anti-Semitism
Rev. A. Diamond
Carl Riekes Tire Service