In the Interests of the Jewish People
Entured as Second Class I'ostofflce ot Omaha, Null
Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism
on January 21,'1921, tit the Act of March 3. 1870
Vol. X—No. 25
New York ( J T A ) . — More than \^~L? Jerusalem (JTA).—A new quarter $1,500,000 has already been raised by ^fofJLOO houses for German Jewish refthe Jews of America for their perseugee settlers in the Haifa bay colony and stricken co-religionists in of the Jewish National Fund is to be Zurich (JTA).—Fascist groups in London (JTA).—King George V of cuted Nazi Germany, Felix M. Warburg, nanamed Kiriat Bialik in honor of the various sections of Switzerland anEngland signed the bill authorizing dead Hebrqw poet laureate, it was anthat anti-Semitism is not a New Title-Holder^Captures Wo- the Palestine government to float a tional chairman of the United Jewish Will Turge' Jews from Reich Monsky and Holzman on Nation- nounced today. The cornerstone of the nounced Appeal has announced. men's Championship By part of their program. £2,000,000 loan to be used for public Life; 'Aryan Clause' to Be al Committee Sponsoring The announcement was the first reSuperb Shooting. new town is to be laid shortly. Some Fascists in the Italian section of works in Palestine, for the education- port since the campaign of the United Carried Out. Joint Appeals. £40,000 will be invested in the project, Switzerland, with headquarters at LuAbe Brodkey annexed the al system, for the resettlement of Jewish Appeal was launched last half to be supplied by South African gano, officially denied they are anti- Mrs. alleged to have been dispos- March. The quota set for the United! Berlin (JTA). —The only change Semitic, while the Fascist group in women's golfing championship of the Arabs ' Henry Monsky and William L. Holz- Jewry and half by the settlers. sessed from their land by Jews and States is $3,000,000. The drive is be- j in the present Nazi policy toward the the French speaking section of Swit- Highland Country ^lub by defeating man are among the' national Jewish for all other purposes to be decided ing conducted under the joint auspices i Jews of Germany will be the supMrs. Manning Hanc ler in the finals zerland vigorously protested in their leaders from all parts of the country of the American Jewish Joint Distrib- pression • " of violent . . . . acts against them, upon by the Palestine authorities. official organ that to call them anti- Tuesday, 2 and 1. .{ ' who; were | named j on ; a "Mobilization ution Committee and Mrs. Brodkey was 1 up at the halfa high ranking member of the Nazi the American Semitic was doing them an injustice. Jewish Palestine bitterly opposed Committee" to sponsor joint appeals government, who is also prominent Even leaflets published in Germany way mark and man|iged to maintain the issuance of the loan and fought Palestine campaign. for national: and international .Jewish her lead by some |superb shooting. the passage of the bill through the in the Nazi party, informed the Jewrepudiate, at least officially, all alleTelief and > welfare agencies. ; Mrs. Handler, has beep women's cham- British legislature. Palestinian Jewish ish Telegraphic Agency's special I gations of anti-Semitism. Announcement for the plans for the correspondent. Only the openly avowed Swiss Nazi pion since the Highland women's tour- leaders declared openly that, accordJewish Welfare Mobilization and the At the same time the Nazi official organ, Die Front, continues to spread naments were star.tefj:.her main forte ing to the announced intention of the committee- were made by the National is her long, powerful drives. declared that the government would Palestine government, the Jews of the calumnies against the Swiss Jews, and CounciT of [Jewish Federations and continue to eliminate Jews from the Mrs. Brodkey excels in her "short" Holy Land would receive few benefits Welfare Funds, under the signatuie Wolf son, Kazlowsky and Mor- attempts to incite the Swiss people work economic, political and cultural life and turned Ingj, steady brand of from the loan while they would be against the Jews. of William J., Shroder of Cincinnati, genstern Eulogize Hebrew of Germany, but since it was desired golf throughout thejjourney. To reach compelled to pay most of it through president: of the National Council. to deprive foreign opinion of opporthe finals she-defeated Mrs. Maurice Poet Laureate. taxation. The primary purpose of the Mobiltunities for anti-German propaganda, Micklin, 3 and 2. j ; Abe Brodkey Wins Allocation of the loan announced by ization plan is to bring about the ihe elimination would be conducted In the second fligtkt of the women's Memorial services for Chaim NachExpansion in Work of Internathe Palestine government while the holding of joint, co-operaitve fundVolleyball in a quiet manner. It was emphasized tournament, Mrs. Hyman Ferer won man Bialik, Hebrew poet laureate, tional Order Founded bill was still before the House of raising campaigns in communities to the correspondent that despite the the.title by defeating Mrs. Jules.NewCommons tended to confirm Jewish throughout the country by the numer- who was. stricken by a heart attack in Omaha. unsensational method to be adopted man, 2 and 1, in a nip and tuck match. July 4 while in Vienna, were held by fears. The Palestine government gave ous welfare, relief, educational and Abe Brodkey won the singles volthe complete ousting of the Jews * .• * an outright grant of £20,000 to the other Jewish organizations which now Omaha Jewry last Sunday evening at leyball championship at the- Jewish Delegates from every part of the from German life would be, none Play in the men's golf tournament the Jewish Community Center, with Community Center Wednesday by deJewish 'educational system under the United States and Canada attended the less, effective. individually seek support. at the Highland will start next week. direction of the Vaad Leumi, but pro- the Consideration of every type of Jew- over two hundred attending to pay f e a t i n g P a u l Steinberg in the finals, The eleventh annual convention of A. The present racial policy of the entrants have\ through Sunday to vided £40,000 for the erection of an Z. A. ish interest and activity is a basic tribute to the internationally-famed 11-8, 11-5. (Junior B'nai Brith) held at Nazis is also to be continued and the post their qualifying ^scores. leader. feature of the plan. The tournament was sponsored by The players in the tourney will be Arab technical school, to be built and Washington last week. will embark on a campaign to maintained out of the yearly budget Among the Omahans present were: Nazis The need of unifying the appeals Elihu Bloch was chairman of th& the Health Club. carry out the "Aryan clause" to the put on the annual "auction block" to of the Palestine government . which 100 or more regional, national meeting. The Hebrew prayer for the Sam Beber, founder of A. Z. A. and fullest extent. be sold to the highest bidders at the dead, El Maleh Rachamin, was chantand international Jewish agencies of the Supreme Advisory stag next Wednesday,: July 25, start- It was also pointed out that it was president .. make each year, has been discussed ed by Cantor E. Sellz. . Council; Dr. A. Greenberg, Philip Minister of Propaganda Paul JoCenter Building Will a strange thing for the Palestine goving about 6:30; p. m. , _., . . . . . , ,. seph Goebbels issued the monthly over a long period, the announcement Judah Wolfson, speaking in YidCirculars being sent to members ernment to float a huge loan in Lon- Klutzmck, chairman of the executive l i s t o f s i x n e w b o o k s Be Closed Tisha B'Ab proclaim stated. Leaders in all sections of the dish, eulogized Bialik and his work. b this "the season's biggest don at the very time when the offi- committee of the S. A. C.; Julius the regime as being the finest dflower country, as well as officers of the or- Wolfson was well-acquainted with Bicial surplus as announced by Palestine Bisno, executive secretary; William of Nazi culture. Two of the books ; . on The Jewish Community Center will and best stag." ganization seeking support, have felt alik and is considered an authority officials exceeded the amount Wolfe, member of the S. A. Council; deal entirely with the race question .: be closed Saturday and Sunday, due The affair is for members and out- treasury this need and a plan has been sought his works. Eddie Rosenbaum, delegate of Omathe approved Na^i manner. of-town guests, only. . ' . of the loan. Though Bialik scolded and berated to the holyday of Tisha B'Ab. ha chapter No. 100; Ernie Nogg, in Minister which, through the co-operation of of War General von the Jewish people, Wolfson declared, delegate of Omaha chapter No. 1; Blomberg issued community organizations with the order that cihe did it in such a manner that inErnie Priesman, of chapter No. 1. vilian employes ofan the welfare agencies, would bring a more army must orderly and effective method of con- stead of arousing-their hostility he On a coast-to-coast A Z. A. ^ „ and hat arfi «A secured _ their undying .loyalty, and ducting the appeals. Important econbroadcast July 8 Sam Beber spoke t h a t t h e h . w h r e s a n d b r i d e s m u s t support. Bialik minced no words in omies, both in effort and expenditure, and Irving Hill of Lincoln, winner of | h a v e a n u n s u l l i e d « A r v a n » p e d i g r e € . telling his people the truth, and the are expected to result. the A. Z. A. oratorical contest, gave Employes who fail to pass the test Jews were a better people because of the winning oration. The announcement further states will be deprived of their jobs, it was Philip Klutznick was the speaker announced. that the national and international his efforts. Wolfson enthusiastically described at the Sunday noon luncheon of the agencies in whose behalf these' apTh newspaper atacks on the Jews convention. peals are made are engaged in wel- how the Jewry as a people had been aided and had benefitted from Bialik _, , , .,, was continued by Propaganda Minisfare service, including relief and medical aid, both here and abroad; others having' lived. andThetheorder conventions have so become so j has grown ra dly Pl t e r Goebbels, D e r A n ^ j f f and th . A eulogy.was presented in English By Prof. T. V. Smith of University of Chicago . Both Nazi sheets ~ which are engaged in^ educational aclarge that it was decided to hold the d the conventions have become so carried .leading articles accusing Hoi- . tivities and those which undertake by Ben Kazlowsky, who said that Bianext conclave at a large camp in the .••,.-. Reprinted from the Chicago Sentinel '..-;.;: Jews of being responsible for lik!s greatest contribution was the cultural and civic .activities.- * ~ central part of the United States. land recent unemployment disturbances in fact that he brought-torhi&jaeople=J* withdrawal of. sym- It was also decided to direct "more Amsterdam. sense of self-respect, urging the JewJ. TSe^ article on' Naziisiw you can have the time of your life conscientious pathy from Naziismwas not enough. attention toward the advisors of the Goebbels' paper sent a special cor—with other people's lives. • ish people to battle for their life, their is particularly significant in that its A. Z. A. chapters. Plans are being rights, and their faith. He dedicated author is rapidly becoming known as If you will follow this recipe, the They didn't need sympathy;" they made for thirty advisors' Round respondent to the Dutch capital and • were happy just thinking with their first thing you know you will be doing his genius to his people, and brought one of the outstanding philosophers Tables in thirty different points in featured his reports that David " home to the Jew that his greatest of America. Despite his comparative something that feels like thinking with blood. Bur if cash runs low enough, the U. S. and Canada for leadership Wynkoop and Louis Devisser, Jewish members of the Dutch Parliatragedy was his hopelessness. youth, Professor Smith already is bur blood. Don't worry if it looks to blood will slow down only weakly to [ merit, and a dozen other Jews, are in- I Other contributions of Bialik enu- taking a place along side such men civilized men like making an ass of yell, "kamerad, kamerad!" Because of the growth of the or- flaming III. Brains Think Last and Best. the Dutch population merated by Kazlowsky were that he as Royce, Santayana, Tufts and yourself instead of thinking at all. You der, an assistant executive secretary through the widely-read Communist Thoughtful men around the world don't need to worry what they think, made Hebrew a "living tongue" and Dewey. Professor Smith is a member has been obtained—Max Baer of paper, the Tribune of Amsterdam. that he gave a national living song or of the University of Chicago philoso- so long as you can hate and feel have brooded over the German spurt. South Bend. •proud of your triumph over grandanger soon gives way to Counter expression through his prophetic, po- phy department and is the author of It is also planned to double the many _ important works, including mothers or whomever you choose to civilized men to ways and means. membership of A. Z. A. within the New York—The Hitler regime has Istanbul, (WNS).—Following an etic utterances. be your victims. The reason you don't The boycott of German goods, Gerlaunched an extensive effort deDemocratic Way of Life," emergency meeting of the cabinet - I. -Morgenstern, speaking in Yid- "Theman education, German Kultur—this next year by removing membership signed to convince the world that it youir soon—all need worry is that dish, declared that Bialik had carved which would well bear re-reading in presided over by President Mustahas been undertaken too sadly by restrictions. The present member- is now friendly to the Jews and in pha Kemal Pasha, the Turkish gov- a niche in eternity. The reason Bia- these days when fascist-minded per- too soon, alas—get a new code of civilized men to pass for reprisal. It ship is about three thousand. confirmation of this so-called amity ernment - issued ." an official com- lik's name will live, said Morgenstern, sons all over the- world heap ridicule duty to match your manly pride. To is what men who think with their The various award -vinners: has arrested and imprisoned 11 storm munique announcing measures that i s not so much because of what he upon democracy. He is also editor of achieve this, you'll have to do your brains were driven to by those who Best chapter award—Oakland, for "attacks ending in the have been taken to punish officials wrote or the fact that he recreated The International Journal of Ethics. former: conscience only what I'll do, think with their blood. And once at California, first; Allentown, Penn., troopers death of a Jew," according to an exfor illustration, to Emerson's noble the Hebrew tongue, but much more so THE EDITOR responsible for the persecution and it, we must see it through. We must second. clusive dispatch from Wiesbaden to lines—just mutilate, that's all! expulsion of Jews from eastern because he gave the Jewish people a out-persist Nazi persisters. Our with- Ben Z. Glass award for B'nai Brith the New York Daily Mirror. The So nigh to gory is our lust, Thrace and the Dardanelles "region, greater self-respect and dignity. drawal of sympathy must continue to co-operation—Los Angeles. It may be proved yet once again dispatch says that "Chancellor HitSo near is brute to man— repudiating and condemning the out- When Bialik spoke, Morgenstern that it is better to think with the ; Sam Beber award, to the Aleph ler, more powerful than ever in his be spiritual as well as economic. Heart pumps forth a bloody eulogized, the woild took notice—bebreaks of anti-Semitism and explain: than with the blood. The reThe battle for tolerance is as a who does the most to carry out A. career as overlord of Germany, to"Must!" ••"' ing their origin. The chief of police, cause the voice of Bialik was the voice brain cent course of events in Germany matter of fact moving aolng all Z. A. ideals—Bernard Frank, Allen- day launched a publicity program, the president of the city council, the of a people. The influence he exerted raises hope of the subsidence of Teu- Then Duty yields, "I can!" aimed at countries outside of GerSome of us joined Alvin town, Penn. governor and the president of the in this fashion made him the out- tonic insanity. There is dissension al- That's thinking with your blood, fronts. Johnson long ago to help bring into Harry H. Lapidus award for com- many, in which he is painted as a or perhaps just bulging with bile. chamber of commerce of Kirk-Kilis- j standing Jew of the age. ready among the shouting Nazis, with What's the difference? existence the University in Exile. It munity service—Jerome Vogel, South friend of the Jews. Through tha govsa have been arrested on recommendernment controlled radio and press now exists in New York to house Bend. blood-shot eyes glaring on both sides. II. Blood Runs Low with Cash. ation of Minister of the Interior Supreme Advisory Council Award, bureaus the world learned today that some of the intellectual victims of The boycott, however, is beginning 1. Blood Runs Hot. Shukret Kaya Bey, who made a firstand to enrich our land with for promoting of the Jewish religion at Hitler's express orders 11 storm Curious things, " horrible things, to tell. German foreign trade is low, Naziism hand survey of the situation, accordtroopers were sent to prison for 'attheir rich I joined later with —Walter Cohn, Hollywood. now and then happen which would almost nil. Her tourist trade is hit. Horace M.culture. ing to the government's statement. Chapter doing most in field of boy tacks ending in the death of a Jew.' Kallen and others to help Her gold supply is dwindled.; Her simply not be possible, if they hadn't Property belonging to dispossessed found the International League for scout work—Vancouver. "The name of the Jew was not turned out to be actual; This Ger- student exchange—which she. made Academic Jews was found in the possession of Freedom, and we are now Winner of English essay contest furnished, since Jews have been virtman madness is one of the horrible an extra effort to promote—is not operating to the police chief. . . . —Alex Klein, Los Angeles. preserve here and things of modern times. And one of running according to schedule. Other to re-establishhelp The official communique stated .that Winner of Hebrew essay contest ually disenfranchised in the Reich. elsewhere freedom of nations want more in education than the curious things of all history is the some anti-Jewish sentiment had ex—Raymond Peltzman, Kansas City. However, the fact that the victim of thought and speech. In furthering blood, boasts and grotesque the storm troopers' attack was a Jew isted since the war among the Turks Berlin (WNS)—Jewish blood is no philosophy it has bred to justify it- just Aryan pride. Stern business are our cause along all fronts, it will pay was 'played up' in the news releases. self. It has not only developed a cause for divorce when the non-Jewin the Dardanelles and eastern these modern boycotts. I don't. like us to watch minor as well as major Three of the storm troopers found Thrace, a feeling said to have been ish party to the marrige knew of the "pure Aryan race" out of ordinary them; they're next to war. But they things. guilty as the instigators of the atIntensified by Nazi propaganda and other party's Jewish origin at the human mongrelism, but it has found do spell oui a language that even For example, I must go" to Europe tack on Jewish inhabitants of the the persistence of local Jews in time of the marrige, the German a new location for the mind. The barbarians understand. And some- on a professional mission this sumtown of Idstein were sentenced to speaking a foreign tongue. "The be- Supreme Court at Leipzig ruled in Nazis boast that they think with times, alas, it's necessary to talk cold mer. I need, for two specific reaprison terms ranging from six to ten iheir blood. Other people, it must be denying a divorce to Herr Nies, a lief, in fact, has been gaining ground turkey, if you're to be undertood. A sons, to take a German boat, and New York (JTA).—No official an- years. Eight other storm troopers said in fairness, let their blood run former Protestant pastor. that Turkish Jews are anti-Turk and should ordinarily, have done so. But ti-Semitism, little discrimination and were given shorter sentences, with a with them now and then; but that some of them are nothing less The decision of this court, which away these are not ordinary times. I shall generally liberal government policies maximum of four years. The new it is the distinction of not a few ihan spies," the statement declared. has enraged the "Nazis because it flies present-day Germans that they are- Remittance Rates not take a German boat. I will riot in Mexico, Guatemala and Honduras Volksgericht, the 'People's Court' "In June a report that the Turkish] in the face of their racial dogmas, proud of their madness. indulge myself in conveniences at the were reported by Dr. Abraham Coral- founded by Hitler, was the tribunal government had decided to remove is not subject to appeal. It can be Abroad Reduced expense of helpless people's rights. nik, recently returned from a tour of before which the eleven trooper* Hitler's life-story is now well Jews from the Dardanelles and east- circumvented only by the passage of a This is a cause in which Gentile investigation for three Jewish immi- were broug-ht. ern Thrace BO intensified anti-Jewish new law. A lower court at Karlsruhe enough known largely-from the hide- , The Omaha Jewish Welfare Federa- patriots and liberals have joined grant societies, in an interview. feelings that 3,000 Jews in panic mi- had granted Nies a divorce. When ousness of - his own book of confes- tion, which offers as one of its serv- forces with Jewish liberals and pa- Dr. Coralnik, editorial writer for grated to Istanbul. The Turkish gov- the case came before the Supreme sions, for us to chart the career-line ices aid in transmitting money and triots to make an object lesson of The Day, had been sent to South and Court th judges reversed the decision of those who boast that they think goods abroad, has received a commuSouth Africa Bars ernment strongly disapproves such because admitted knowing of with their blood. It's a fatally easy nication from .the Hias Immigrant revived bestality. We will use our Central America by the HIAS, the sentiments and deal severely wijh all his wife'sNies descent when he career. You just have to turn loose Bank announcing new reduced prices brains together in defense of free- ICA and the Emigdireckt, the Jewish Nazism, Expels Leader who are found to '• have persecuted maried her Jewish dom of thought and for the revival immigrant aid societies of New York, in 1931. . Before the Nazi and let go—that's all. But here's the for Torgsin, up to twenty cents. Jews. Those Jews who have left their regime came into power Johannesburg (JTA). — The South of. the rights of men, whether they London and Paris, respectively, to inhe had been full formula: First, get on a good homes may return to them forthwith refused a divorce for lack of evidence, jag- of hate. It doesn't, make any- 'The communication also stresses be Jewish or Gentile, pacifist or vestigate possibilities for settlement, African government prohibited the that since Rosh Hashonah falls on an if they wish to do so." Nazi movement and the Nazi Hitler but he tried to get rid of his wife difference whom you hate, early date this year,* it is essential militarist, liberal or conservative. We by German-Jewish refugees. Indirectly, it appears" that the through the anti-Jewish campaign. • particular but hate somebody, and hate 'em that remittances be sent as soon as fight for even the rights, but not the He pointed out "a-selected immigra- youth groups in the Union of South Turkish government is in some meas- . The Supreme Court's decision is hard If they are innocent, so much wrongs, of the German people. If tion of qualified people such as skill- Africa and in Southwest Africa, forure responsible for ihe situation; expected to hasten the abolition of the better; if they are helpless, so possible so that they may ieach their brains win out, then we'll translate ed artisans, agriculturists or indus- merly a German colony. Herr vonLosSome months ago "it enacted, a law the; legal code on; which that tribune much the' safer you'll be. Hitler picked destination in, time. ; "kamerad," again into friendship; trialists could be effected after prop- nitzer, German imported leader of the setting aside^ population zones which functions and the replacement of <tn the Jews.-Grandmothers would do and remember only with shame and er negotiation." . Nazi movement in South Africa, was were designed to Increase the popu- Roman'law by; the ancient. Germanic just'as well. Then, get your gall up. Horseshoe Title Won horror that it was as late as the ordered to leave: the country when lation of Turkish citizens in Thrace, tribal law. '•.'•..'' twentieth century when a great na- Earle Sees Early End of Nazis authorities discovered subversive doc. You've got not only to hate, you've By Irving Gendler an important military zone. To ention officially, revived the pogrom New York.—To the long list of po- uments in his possession. got to talk bate, and then you've courage the immigration of Moslems Meanwhile the Minister of Posts got to'practice it.-You cannot think • Irving "Half-Pint" Gendler, small I against Jews and a barbaric yell of litical observers who see signs of an Acting under a defense of the realm from. Rumania and Bulgaria, the gov- has ordered all-employes in bis de- with your blood.,in your arm chair; in stature but mighty in the art of blood against most that is liberal early Nazi collapse was added the ordinance, South African authorities ernment, ordered that inhabitants partment to present proof of their it's toa quiet and light there. Dark- tnrowing ringers, is the new cham- and gentle in human culture. With name of George H. Earle III, until forbade the Nazi movement, which in whose culture was not purely Turk- pure Aryan descent.. -...•;. ness is better; then, lots of noise, pion of the Jewish Community Center apologies to Tennyson, I rest on recently United States minister to recent months made enormous strides ish were to be' removed to • other Austria and present Democratic can- among Germans in the former Gerand some blood—from the other felthese lines: . . areas. Most of those affected.were Forty-six Jews were engaged in the low. Finally; be persistent in bloody horseshoe tossers. didate for governor of Pennsylvania, man territory. South. African Jews Howe'er it be, it seems to me, Jews, and the law precipitated an in- services of the regular Revolutionary activity. If you're at heart a sadist, ' Gendler captured the title by de- , Tis only noble to .be good, , , who has returned from Europe with protested to.the government against tensive agitation ' which army of the colonials, twenty-four of you may be" proud of yourselfj: for feating Sam Epstein in the finals^ af- Kind hearts are more than coronets, the forecast that Hitler is due for s the campaign of anti-Jewish incitet e n v e ahti-Semitic; h l t i t l | l $ t i d d persecu- whom rose,to the rank of officers 'of then the practice will come easy and ter having eliminated Jack lAdler, the • And human weal than Aryan blood. sad awakening shortly. ment carried on'by the Nazi- " ultimately| to widespread defending champ, in the ^emi-finals. the line. tions.
Psi Mu Team Wins From Seiner Outfit
community with a new "Sepher Torah" (Scroll of tiie; Law). ; Kiryat Hayim will also be a railway By Lillian R. Z. station between, Haifa and Acre. At In the only games played in the I am a Jew, with calm dignity present the train stops at a" vacant Accept as a birthright my ancestral J. C. C. Softball league Sunday, the spot near the village, where a large Psi Mu outlasted the Seiner team 8 name. shield, supported by two wooden poles, proclaims the legend, in the three ofThat my heirlooms boast no mansion to «• ficial languages, ''Workers' Quarter," The Samples and the Peerless were Is no ancestral shame. the original name of the settlement By the Service Life Insurance awarded forfeits from the A.Z.A. and which is now called Kiryat Hayim. Though I tread my wandering des- the Wardrobe aggregations. Company, Omaha Because of the building activity in The Samples are first in the loop tiny, Life insurance is the average man's the vicinity, and the large number of As my host his chariot does ride; with the Peerless second. Psi Mu third' workers from the village engaged in one sure way of winning financial Never shall the dust have need Seiners fourth, Wardrobes fifth and work in the city, the train makes 12 success. Traces of martyred humility to hide. A. Z. A. No. 1 sixth. Through it, he creates in the twinktrips daily to the settlement. A ticket This Sunday's schedule, all games costing one and a half piasters en- ling of an eye, an estate which would That my race are solemn gypsies starting at 11 a. m.: Psi Mu vs. SamSpeculation is rampant in Pales- the bustling, bourgeois quarter of Ha- The small portion of land allotted ables them to reach Haifa by train in require a lifetime to acquire in any Bringing color into all foreign ples, West Elmwood; A. Z. A. vs. 15 minutes. The same sum is the price other way. Through it he enjoys the tine. The product of the newly- dar Hacarmel stands. Wardrobes, East Elmwood; Seiners lands, to each family.allows also for a.cerbunt Palestinian cities is a practivs. Peerless, 22nd and Paul. Kiryat Hayim is the name of the tain amount of dairying, although of second-class fare to Acre. More- regularity of a systematic savings ac- Shadows not the acknowledgement cal person; he is busy making settlement now arising in Haifa Bay this project necessarily entails a cur- over, ten busses ply regularly count, he is safeguarded against a An aristocratic soul demands. : money in real estate, and does not on Jewish National Fund land. It lies tailment of their plantations. throughout the day between Haifa natural inclination to spend today Hold Twenty-Nine bother to inquire what effect his close to the sea, in the region known what should have been saved for to- I shall wrest from each erstwhile inn Polish Jews and Kiryat Hayim. The success of the entire undertakfrenzied financing schemes will in the Bible as the Valley of Zebulun. morrow—he is relieved entirely of the A sacred, glowing hearth. Haifa.—According to a police reing is dependent to a very large de- A great future is promised the newhave on the National Homeland. It is a flat sandy stretch of territory, gree on the industry, intelligence and ly established Jewish community in worry and responsibility of invest- Only they shall gaze within port twenty-nine Polish Jews were "What is Palestine doing to con- behind which rises the chain of Zebby the rapid development I ment and re-investment — he enjoys Who bask reverently in its warmth. arrested in Tiberias for entering the quer this imported greed and spec- ulun hills and beyond which appears initiative of the women, for the men of Haifa as a harbor city through' the mental comfort of knowing that country illegally. in this newly established settlement o y g uis i m a i l C J i U l u l u n ulative fever? future and that of his Does not every traveler keep his identhe towering Carmel range, clear-cut work in the city, adding the earnings which the petroleum from Iraq (an- his financial protected, f a m i l y i s Read this article by an unpreju- against the deep blue of the summer tity to iT the resources of their ' farms. cient Babylonia) is expected to pass A n d a t a s i n g l e s t r o k e > h e g o l v e s diced observer of the new type of sky. On the sea-front an establish- '•Though in many lands he loves and Close-out Sale of Armstrong Among them are Jews of the old- by rail. There are those who prophesy.^ p r o b I e m o f tomorrow's money, a settlement arising in Haifa Bay. It ment for the preparation of rock oil earns? that Kiryat Hayim is destined to be j confuses and torments fashioned type, self-condemned to an problem wb ch J ngoleum Rugs answers our question. is being erected. The sea; itself does onely is he who adapts a strange Cx9, $ 3 ; 7'/ 2 x9, $4; 9x10^, $5; ,' —THE EDITOR. not lie in the line of vision from the existence of competition and struggle, a second Tel Aviv one Uy Many -who thousands of men and hurries them, melody remember the Tel AVJV of 25 years w o r r i e d a n d discouraged, into prema9x12, $5 and $g settlement because of the undulating prepared to live a hand-to-mouth ex- ago recall that it had just such an ture old age. And from his own blindly turns. istence in the restricted quarters of sand dunes which obstruct the- view. appearance as Kiryat Hayim when it OMAHA JOKBFNG CO. the modern, commercialized apartFinancial happiness, certainty of 317 Jfo. 15th JA. 5«04 In Haifa, as in Tel Aviv, the Jew- Prom the "water tower, however, a ment houses of the cities. They have was first established on the sand future, the feeling that as far as ish population of the city is-actively magnificent panorama is to be seen succeeded in rescuing themselves dunes near the sea, with its two or money needs go "all is well with me interested in the building up of a new of the curving blue mirror of Haifa from this state by transplantation to three rows of little houses and its and with my family"—these are the Bay and the narrow, winding ribbon A doubles horseshoe tournament Palestine. the land while they were still young water tower rising in the midst of the good fruits of the tree of life insurwill get under way at the J. C. C. . The new harbor city is growing of the River Kishon. enough and strong enough to be able ettlement. ance. Already the proletariat settlers of starting next Tuesday, July 24. This water tower, crowned with its to work, the husband in town and the apace, noisily, furiously. On busy Ha;he newly built village in the valley Thus far the following have signed dar Hacarmel apartment houses, built stately seven-branched Chanukah can- wife on the farm. f Zebulun are seeking means to up: Irvin and Charles Gendler, Sam with a view to the greatest income on dlestick, is the pride of the communithe first year of their settlement avoid the pitfalls of speculation in Fratority held a swimming party at and Louis Eiklin, Meyer Green and the smallest output, are crowding ty, for the spot is blessed with an onInthe land of Kiryat Hayim the setagainst each other. High up on the abundance of water. Wherever the tlers have erected 200 houses. This is land and property into which Tel Merritt's beach on Sunday, July 15. Max Merriam, Ray Schapiro and Morwooded slopes of the Carmel, too, Jew- ground has been bored a spring of the first quarter to be established, al- Aviv had fallen, and which they hope Dinner was eaten at Eagles camp, ris Adler, Saul Levey and Herbert earnestly to prevent in the future of and the day was concluded with Marks. ish business men are erecting summer water has gushed forth. The yellow though two houses and profitable hotels. And in sandy soil of the settlement, too, has imunities of similar suburban com- Kiryat Hayim. They are undertaking dancing and rides at Krug park. Entries close Monday, July 23. 500 houses have been in writing to protect their settlement the bourgeois quarter of Bat Galim, proved to be a source of hidden treasAnn Schmidt of New York City was on national from the rapacious appetites of spec- welcomed into Fratority Wednesday, stretching out on the seashore near! ure. It had been feared, at first sight ulators for for their little piece of na„— Three — ~ .ulators na- evening, July 11, in the assembly Elijah's Cave, as well as in Navehj of the seemingly sterile wilderness of The next mixed swim party at the p Banks have advanced the tional land. They are guarding their room of the Congregation of Israel. Shaanun, looking down from its sand and thorns, that nothing could be J. C. C. pool will be held next Wedloans for this purpose on easy terms i holding with a wall of stone against height on the mountain to the blue made to grow on this soil. The reThe next meeting on Wednesday, nesday evening at 8 p. m. Kishon Rivet, everywhere the same sults of plantation have effectively extending over 15, 10 and 8 years. the wealthy Jew of the Diaspora who July 25, will be held at the home of All members of the Center are inpicture may be seen of Jewish enter- disproved this pessimistic theory. No The monthly payment on a two room will one day come and offer to buy Cecelia Kuklin. vited to attend. house with a kitchen and a balcony is INSURED CABS up the little proletarian houses with prise and activity; everywhere the seed of grain, experimentally sown equal to half the amount which one their single dunams of land, which the and sprinkled with water, has failed Jewish Yishub is gaining a foothold. room would cost in the city. The payMore and more property is coming to sprout through the surface of the ment also includes electricity and wa- Jewish nation has purchased with its pennies for the eternal possession of soil with green leaves and blossoms. into Jewish hands, due to the constant ter Tates and taxes for street pave- the people. Where Omaha Shops with Confidence flow of immigrants who are steadily Flowers, trees and vegetables of every ments. variety have been successfully grown. invading the cities, seeking the inThe community of Kiryat Hayim The only drawback of the soil lies The Streets of the Workers' Quar- carefully watches the private underdustrial and commercial ' riches to y acquir- takings of each of its settlers. Withwhich they were accustomed in their in the fact that the upper stratus is ter in Haifa Bay y have not not yet yet acquir nam F i h A Charge Account Is Easily Established old homes, bringing with them new not altogether firm and stable, for it ed ed names. For convenience they have out the consent of the community as methods of business and manufacture is a continuation of the sand dunes been numbered. Only the main Street a whole, no individual can make a from abroad, creating a rapidly ex- which the ocean winds have blown which joins the Haifa Acre "highway move. Without the agreement of the tending market for foreign products, over the shore through past ages. Yet is covered with asphalt as yet. The village no one can let a flat. No one and also for the natural fertilizers measures have been taken with good other streets are still in the process can build a second story to his house which the Arab village population effect against this phenomenon. In or- of being paved. A community center unless he can prove that he requires very largely produces. der to stabilize the shifting sandy is being built. The Council chamber the additional accommodation for his Such? is the economic structure and soil, and to protect the vegetables, the of the village has already been, com- own use. No one may sell privately background, of' Jewish national enter- settlers have planted between the beds j pleted. Already it contains two desks the products of his own farm. No one prise in Tel Aviv,, and Haifa is now many different species of fruit trees and a book case and a telephone, and may open up "a Shop-or let his premmoving* in the same direction. The for the cultivation of which the cli- a large picture of Dr. Chaim Arlos- ises for such a, purpose. Without the speculators in property and the busi- mate of the Carmel region is peculiar- oroff, after whom the settlement'is permission of the^community no indiness men of both cities are so-absorb-, ly jfaxorable. For this purpose apple p p pp named, hangs on the wall. A school is vidual member ^nay sell his house or l ffor OF 260 3rd FLOOR ed in the-.•competitive struggle for the a n d " p e r^vs^a ha h transfer some one l d b a v e ; already been also being built, as well as a folks' •even transfer'lt^t e else ese acquisition of new holdings, as close planted and plum,- apricot 'and peach hall and a store. A site has been se- a time. Attention" is paid, also, to his as possible to the commercial centers, trees wfll. shortly be added. lected for a synagogue. The settlers earnings. The- greater his income, the that they have no time to consider the It is interesting to note that one of Kiryat Hayim are not orthodox. more he' has to' pay to the central practicability of their enterprises. In duna m of land, so planned and plant- The Sabbath has for them a social the excitement created by the infiltra- ed, is sufficient • for the maintenance and cultural significance, not a relig- fundfor the benefit of the entire comtion of Jews through the closely of one family. The Jewish National ious meaning. Nevertheless, there are munity. Nor has the settlement failed guarded, gates of the National Home Fund.has leased the land for a period among them a number who feel the to protect itself from the future genseeking a refugee frjom persecution in of 99 years, allotting- one dunam to need of a place of worship. When they erations. The regulations of the holdother: lands,: speculation is rife: Both each family, and "the Keren Hayesod had first arrived at the settlement a ing hold good for the heirs of the Jews and non-Jews-are doing ^well: (Palestine Foundation Fund) has as- hut had been put up to serve this pur- present settlers to the second and The Jews are building flats and open- sisted -the settlers in establishing pose, whereupon a religious Jew of third generations. In such a manner is Haifa Bay being up shops. The Arab farmers are themselves and in acquiring utilities Haifa had promptly presented ing developed. bringing in their produce to dispose of primary importance. of it in the ready market. In Haifa, Each smaller holding includes a too, Arab -laborers may be seen engaged in the construction of Jewish house for living quarters, and addibuildings, even as in Tel Aviv. Jews tional space for the building of chickare pocketing- the gains of house- en coops. Already all the settlers have renting and flat-letting, while the arranged to borrow money from a wages of labor are paid to Arabs. The bank, each family, taking six pounds, new type of Jew, the product of the towards the purchase of the first 25 newly built cities in Palestine, is a chickens of the well-known Rossen practical" person."He has no time to brand, which are sold by the Jewish reflect on the economic soundness of farmers in the neighboring valley of his course, for he is too busy pursu- Jezreel. ing a -much-prized building; plot, for resale; or flat-building. Already," in these -same: Jewish' cities, recently built in Palestine, there are Jews who Values live in dark, airless, sunless basementto houses. : to $18
Doubles Horseshoe Tournament Planned
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GetKfw> Cutsand
Values to $7S5
Values to $4.98
Bnt there is another type of Jew, who is not satisfied with the prevailing fever of speculation and its quickly gotten gains. Such Jews are to be found in Haifa, as elsewhere in the country. They, too, have a vision of the establishment of a new community to be built on better and stronger foundations than those upon-which
Values to $1.98
COATS VALUES TO $15.00 Third Floor
FIRST FLOOR CLEARANCE 420 Fairs Foil-Fashioned Hosiery. Values to $1.00. Lace Trimmed Satin Slips. Reduced to Summer Bags, white*and colors. Seduced to . . . . . . . . V ,'."... White Gloves reduced; Novelty, "fabrics, meshes, pebble cloths. Val. to $1 Bathing Caps. Values to We . . . . . . ; White Slacks reduced. Values to $1.98 White Shorts and colors, reduced to
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Suedette Jackets for vacation wear.: Reduced to. Summer Skirts. Values AA to $1.98 O7C 89c and 50c values, Pure Linen *%p ' Hankies ZOC ; . Entire stock Summer Blouses. Values to ' $4.98i reduced to 2 price groups $ Slip-On Sweaters. Values PA to$2.98 OTC High Priced Bags, white, black, .£ • r-Q colors. Values to $3.98 «p I . 0 / ^ Silk Underwear reduced. Slips, Step-ins, Chemise
Nazi Collapse in Milwaukee Anticipated
of French
20,000 in Vienna Alone in Danrefugees near Toulouse. The French Jewish Vets Barred As ger of Losing Citiarmy officials had no objection to the Arbitrators zenship Berlin.—Even a Jewish war veteran farm itself, but objected to its prox-
Milwaukee, Wis.—Decline of the local unit of the Friends of New Germany to a mere handful as a result of recent setbacks is being forecast by local Germans. .A heavy blow was given to the "Friends" when the Federation of German Societies refused to invite them to participate in the huge annual "German Day" celebration. This was in marked contrast to other cities where Nazis have controlled such celebrations.
who actually fought at the front dur- j imity to important military fortificaVienna (JTA)—Twenty thousand ing the World War, and who is sup- tions. The farm had been training refJewish citizens of Vienna and an By RABBI URI MILLER to be exempt from the workings ugees for pioneer work in Palestine. unknown number of others all through posed of the clause," may not serve Its director was Dr. Marinoff, a son- Gen. Guido Luizzi Heads Austria, who were naturalized in the as an "Aryan arbitrator, the Hanover Land in-law of Professor Albert Einstein. - Rabbi Uri Miller, spiritual lead- choir were the only alterations from' if salvation will come to Israel from last sixteen years by ihe republican Court decided. Turin Jewish Community regime which controlled Austria, are er of the Vaaa HaThr of Omaha, the traditional services. Receive Appointments French Jewry. Rome. — General Guido Luizzi, faThe court annulled a decision handwrites from Ravilishok, Lithuania, San Francisco.—John Dinkelspiel, mous Italo-Jewish militaiy commandWe were unable to decide the status We spoke with Dr. Bernstein of the in danger of losing their citizenship ed down by a group of arbitrators concerning his impressions of of the opera-hatted man occupying a Hicem—combination of Hias, lea and rights, it became known. local attorney and prominent in Jewo n the : f ound that one of them was ish affairs, has been appointed vice- er, commander of the Turin garrison, French Jewish life. Rabbi Miller is box near the center' of the synagogue. Emigdirect —• concerning the immi- According to the Neuigkeits-Welt-1 a TJewish and •war-time commissary-general of although he was a on an extensive tour of Europe and He directed the Napoleonic ushers— grant problem. Dr. Bernstein was blatt, Christian Socialist organ ofj veteran oflawyer, consul of Siam. His brother, Martin, the Italian army, was elected presithe war. Palestine.—Editor. and we surmised he was head-Sha- proud of the efficiency of his office, the Dollfuss regime, revision of the The court declared that the object has been consul of Siam for some dent of the Turin Jewish community. time. mash.' Later we" learned " he was a of the row upon row of neatly in- status of the naturalized Jewish citthe 1 d n se M c m General LuisEi is prominent in the Another San Franciscan honored Italian Fascist party. Paris — boulevards — cafes — Ver- member of the Rothschild family and dexed files—of the cases of corre- izens will be dealt with at a special i°fe + exc f on^ o /f J_e w S ^f r m *t h!e °M& ' session of thenewjy appointed Vienna|Pl *? £j* ° sailles — opera— Bastille. Noise and a prominent officer of the Synagogue spondence from tens of countries and city council, which was appointed\~r ^e.,sS t a ^ '' pParticularly Justice, and with an appointment is Leland J. Lazarus, attorney and son of Judge Syl- Reveals Von Schleicher hundreds of cities. We were impressconfusion greeted us as we entered Test la Paree. therefore rain J. Lazarus. He has been named Opposed Anti-Semitism the gay. Paree. Volatile and tempera- In many other aspects of French ed with the magnitude of the work. form the Fascist corporations which that which a Jew participated was conmental as is the Parisian, the city Jewish life did we meet the consis- But we were. disappointed to find support the Dolfuss regime. In view trary to the interests of the Nazi assistant regional labor director of the NRA, the appointment tioming London. — That General Kurt von was a reflection of his temperament. toire. They were in complete charge that Hicem concerned itself only with of the fact that all members of thej state. council are direct appointees of the i from President Roosevelt. He former- Schleicher, former Reich's chancellor, emigration work — that local relief And we felt relieved of strain and ten-of the technical aspects of Kosher government, it is considered certain! ly- was field advisor to the regional who was slain in the Hitler "purgsion as our train moved out of Gar de meat supervision1—though they them- work was taken care of by a local that the government project will pass. Vandals Desecrate Reiser's ing," opposed the Nazis' anti-Jewish director. committee that had long ago come to L'est on our way to the German fron- selves had few kosher homes in their Tombstone policy, is disclosed by Sir Walter LayDespite the fact that Vienna has tier. membership'. They had a series' of the end of its resources. ton in the London News-Chronicle. some 200,000 Jews, only one Jewish Berlin. — Among the gravestones 15,000 Jews Enter Palestine Our question as to what refugees Jewish life in Paris, on the other Jewish schools meeting but twice a overturned, smashed and otherwise In Half Year representative is a member of the hand, we found modest and retiring. week — Thursday and Sunday — the did for food and shelter after the council and he was appointed only desecrated in the Grindel Jewish cemEven in the Jewish quarters, Yiddish days wherein public school was not short period of local relief came to after lengthy protests were made to etery in Hamburg, was that of Gab- Jerusalem.—At least 15,000 Jewish signs were scarce. And as to physi- held. In all Paris we learned of but an end received a shrug of resigna- the Austrian government. riel Reisser, whose stone was in- immigrants entered and settled in Jewish Press advertisers merit and tion. They might return to Germany, ognomy, we were constantly in doubt one Talmud Torah—in the East Euwith an anti-Jewish slogan. Palestine in the first six months of deserve your patronage. The drive for revision of Jewish scribed whether we had before us a bearded ropean section, having classes every or find some form of work which citizenship Eeisser, of Jewish eman- the current year, it was announced seems to be directed prim- cipation inchampion would have to be kept secret from Jew or a slightly disheveled French Germany, was one of the by the Jewish Agency for Palestine. day. And only in the East.European : arily against Austrain Jewish proAccording to the Agency's calculacount. Jewish section were public schools government officials. Discovery meant fessionals, doctors, lawyers and teach- first Jews to be elected to the German tions, nearly 3,000 of this number We made acquaintance with the closed on the Sabbath. In the French deportation to Germany. Here again ers, who will be compelled to leave parliament. He was a former viceConistoire—the official organization Jewish section less than ten per cent relief work was being conducted on ecs, wno wi.i re compeueu t o rave r e s i d e n t o f t h e parliament a n d a were capitalists who brought approxThey Mis With the Rest * - > , . _ nof o ofthe ^rmtat.ioT, deputation sent sent tto of- imately £6,000,000 into the Holy Land. f tMp of French Jewry—immediately after of the children refrained from Sab- the tragic level—enough to be kept their professions once they a r e de- member This figure, the Agency states, esprived of citizenship rights. IDEAL BOTTLING COSIl'AST h fer the crown of Germany to Fredfrom starvation but not enough to our arrival. .We were directed to one bath violation. tablishes a record for immigration un- ISOS No. 20th St. erick William rv. of its synagogues—its largest. And A teacher in-a. consistoire Talmud live. WE. 3043 In addition, Reisser once .held the equalled by any other country in the there the French guardian informed Torah spoke to us of the educational We were glad, to-leave Paris. And world during so short a period. position of judge in Hamburg,. his us -that services would be held the problem confronting him. Parents sent we set our faces toward' Germany. : birthplace. He died there in 1863. " next morning—Saturday, at 8:30. their boys at the age of twelve and - In - the -synagogue Rue de La Vic- more to be prepared for their Bar Federal Agents Investigating toire, we were met by four men,-ap- Mitzvahs. Attendance was irregular Jerusalem (JTA)—The government Poultry Racket parently trustees, dressed in Napo- and interest lacking. Even teachers surplus on April SO, 1934, was offi- Washington, D. C—Racketeering in leonic uniforms, cocked hat, .medals, had to be procured from East Europcially announced as amounting to the New York live poultry industry is chains,' and all the trimmings. We ean . immigrants. And the official £2,862,386. were ushered to seats, given prayer Consistoire Rabbinate did not worry under investigation by the" DepartThe Fresher, Finer An excess of £52,200 revenue over ment of Justice. books and left to our own devices. themselves over this tragic situation. Flavored Butter expenditures" was recorded during! xhe investigation is said to involve Throughout the large synagogue we 'he consistoire was a powerfully-built March, according to the last state- a number of of live poultry dealers beheld other "similarly-attired men si- machine with " tremendous . prestige that Costs No More. lencing every noise and looking with and financial resources but definitely London {JTA) .—Interesting results j m e n t i s s i j e d b y t h e p a i es tine treas- a n d ot hers engaged in the industry produced by scientists excavating in ury. Receipts amounted to £454,272 anger and disgust at the many tour- ommitted to an assimilationist trend. I wno nave allegedly violated the code the Palestine area are recorded by and expenditures to £402,072. ists who Were constantly remarking And which has been in effect since spring. Chief Rabbi Weil considered it a to their friends concerning surpiising oncession of- the first magnitude to Professor Flinders Petrie in an article The customs department yielded Complaints of code violations have in the London Times, in which he de- £1,868,598 during the year, the next been turned over to the Department aspects of the service. favor a Mizrachi Zionist meeting pi o r e s the fact that the objects un- highest figure being £857,180 collect- of Justice by the Agricultural AdjustThe service was the. regular orthohis august presence: -He refused eartkg,^ including more than 500 scar- ed in license fees and taxes. The to- ment Administration, ^ under . whose dox ritual .with the exception of two with take an active part in Zionist work.j a |, s ofCanaanite manufacture, cannot tal revenue was £3,985,492," and the jurisdiction the code was written. inserted -French prayers given by to The Eastern European Jewish ^roupt be brought to England for •exhibition total expenditure was £2,704,855. Head Today's Shopblack-clothed Chief Rabbi Weil of fairly but completely disor-j purposes. Permission to remove them Irish District Attorney Wars Paris. Men and women were separat- anized.' large dozen -people have from Palestine has not been granted on Mushroom Synagogues ping List with ed, the women occupying the elevated otheir ownEvery by the" authorities, Professor Petrie Entry Being Sought Bes Midrash and a great New York. — War on mushroom wings and the balcony. The prayer portion are the radical type. The Besdeclares. "Harding's Butter" books contained the regular orthodox Midrash is found after going through Among the noteworthy discoveries for Palestine Families synagogues in the Bronx is being waged by an Irish-born district attorliturgy with French notations but no a dirty cluttered courtyard and climb- made by archaeologists, the .scientist translation. The•„ organ and,; mixed ing several flights of ricketey" steps. reveals, is "jewelry that has'v all the London (JTA) .^Representations to ney, Samuel J. Foley, who in order to the British government concerning protect the Jews of the Bronx from There the immigrant has established earmarks .of having been wrought by the admission to Palestine of the being defrauded by fake rabbis has is"Klois" from Poland or Lithuania Irish goldsmiths. Refugee Commission his sweethearts of immigrants sued a warning to Jews against buyseason of excavation at An- wives'^and and the only has been the dealready there made by the OZE,ing seats in mushroom synagogues.for Appeals for Funds generation1 inchange ~ cleanliness that goes cient Gaza has provided much,"" he organization were l h the High Holidays. Foley's drive to" safeguard hhealth with immigrant poverty. His leader is writes, "in historical results and in a among Jews, the Jewish racketeers capitalizing on the Telegraphic . London XJTA).—Providedjthat .suf- someone who-had no right to-rabbinic wealth7 of 'objects? -" - ••- * • '.-. ' High Holidays is being conducted on Agency learned. ficient "funds are forthcoming practi- title, but had personally, usurped the •fTiie" chief area cleared was about Reports current in Warsaw that the' the basis of a new state law"forbidcally all German refugee students can dignity. And his leadership was point- four acres"; along the riverside, and +Vio opening nTiprnncr nf Tion-lecritimate ding _ the of non-legitimate be provided for, and an opportunity ed to self-enhancement whose goal in over 200 haematite weights testified Palestine- government has decided to !^ir,<r given many refugee professionals to poverty - stricken immigrant'" circles to the trading activities-of the port. grant immigration certificates to the ! places of worship. earn a living, James G. McDonald, was a bare livelihood. The fashion for Egyptian things pro- wives and sweethearts caused great Military Objections Close League of Nations High Commission- There seems, moreover, to be a def- duced over .500 scarabs of Canaanite rejoicing in Poland, where hundreds Refugee Training Farm er for German refugees, announced inite inferiority complex on the part manufacture, nearly all cut in ignor- of Jewish women wait for permission Paris.—At the request of the milihere at the close of a meeting in the of the East European Jew towards ance of the meaning of the hiero- to join their husbands and sweethearts. The reports, however, proved tary authorities the French governHigh Commissioner's office. their French brothers. They seemed glyphs copied." " . - . . " . to be exaggerated, officials of the ment has ordered the liquidation of The meeting was called for the pur- overawed by the prestige and pomp Symbolizes Palestine. Palestine office declared that the training farm for German-Jewish pose of considering the position of the of the consistoire. We heard very lit- "More painted .pottery of foreign Warsaw only a few would be affected. German refugee intellectuals. Dr. tle Yiddish, less than itr a" much origin has been found, some in fine Chaim Weizmann, head of the- Zion- s m a l l e r American city—all was! condition. The sources of this are still The representation made by the cityall ) OZE to the British government and ist commission for the settlement of Commissioner Sir Arthur Grenr German Jewish refugees in Palestine, French And a group of young -Miz-Unknown. Among the many bronze .High fell Wauchope were couched in the rachi from the East European secdaggers there is one with close high represented the higher institutions of ribbing along it, as in the Caucasus terms and were supported learning in the Holy Land. Dr. Alfred tion—the Ft erich youth is too assimi-. type. .The Eastern connection set a strongest WE REFINISH ANYTHING Kohn of the Rockefeller Institute pre- lated to be interested in Zionism— fashion of haematite cylinders, en- by a group of British members of MADE OF METAL arliament, including a number of warned us against speaking. Yiddish sided. graved with divine - figures. One of in the public places and on the trains. minutely detailed work represents a women. . • JA-2566 2210 Farnam We might be beaten up, for anti-Sem- god restraining a fierce lion about to itism was growing in Paris. We felt attack a man prone on the ground, Patronize Jewish Press advertisers. there was a slight tinge of inferiority while behind him to support him is a in this index of increasing anti-Sem- winged Horus.wearing the crown of itism. All in all we doubt very much Egypt. It would seem a political group, symbolizing a helpless PalesToronto (WNS)—Sworn in as min Says German Jews tine prbtected by Egypt while attacked fster of municipalities and social wel from the Hittite side. fare in the new Liberal cabinet of the in Greater Panic "The campaign has.been marked i Russian-born mayor of Windsor for Warsaw (JTA).— A greater state eries of gold ornaments, both from the last three years, becomes the firs of panic prevails today among the burials and from goldsmiths* hoards Jewish cabinet officer in the history Jews of Germany than in March, 1933, of scrap metal for melting down. of Canada. on Adolf Hitler's accession to power, Much of it is not Palestinian, but Still in his thirties, Croll came to lie Warsaw press reports. ; . " . . . ' from foreign sources, arid the identiWindsor with his parents when he was The Jews of Germany are in great fication of origin must await comparsix years old. He began his career as isons. a newsboy, and his paper route de- ear that the "purging" of the storm "A group from the burial of a little veloped into a chain of newsstands. troops will result in widespread" pog- girl is reminiscent of Egypt. The (RUSSIA), From the proceeds of this venture he roms and a recrudescence of general weights of the goldwork are on the This modern store, through, worked his, way through law school. anti-Semitic measures. The .Nazi re- Egyptian standard, and there are a chain of its branches in the Croll has i always been active in Jew- gime, however, according to the cor- pendants of the hippopotamus and of large cities, will sell, fine imish life, being a prominent Zionist respondents of the Warsaw press, for Horus. On the neck was a gold wire, ported or domestic merchand;he moment is not exploiting the reand a leader in B'nai Brith work. • ise to your relatives. wound with finer wire round it; for ;ent developments in Germany for JL HIS Sunbeam SExmaster does all of the He was elected mayor of Windsor the head, there was a fillet of golden Send them a Torgsin order tiring aimwork of cooking, baking, getting in 1931 on the Liberal ticket and re- purposes of incitement against the hemispheres and rosettes." Jews. meals . . . quicker and better too. It mixes elected two years later. Summer gifts or gifts for feather light cakes and cookies . . . whips the During the recent Liberal landslide r the approaching holidays can be obtained creamiest.mashed potatoes . . . whips cream in Ontario he was elected to the provincial parliament. . . . mixes delightful salad dressings. And AT PRICES COMPARING THE FAVORABLY WITH THOSE .. . . with the new attachments it even peels Uf THE UNITED STATES. potatoes and turns the ice cream freezer. No
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One of Youngest In State Contest
Earl D. Ross, son of Charles S. lioss of "2526 No. 60th Aye., who at the age of 22 has filed for state representative for the 20th district, is one of the youngest Jewish boys to ever file for state office in Nebraska. Earl is a graduate of Creighton University law school. He was president of the Creighton Oratorical society and is a member of Pi Lambda Phi fraternity. The 20th district is the largest legislative district in Douglas county, in eluding part of Benson and all of Valley, jrvington, Benhington, Millard, Elkhorn and Ralston.
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PAGE 4 —THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JULY 20, 1934 up into Heaven, and he cried:
THE JEWISH PRESS Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by
THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Subscription P r i c e , o n e y e a r - - - - - - - - - Advertising r a t e s furnished o n application
Editorial Office: 490 Brandeis T h e a t e r Building. S i o u x City O f f i c e — J e w i s h Community Center D A V I D BLACKER - - - - - B u s i n e s s and Managing Editor F R A N K R. ACKERMAN - - - - - - - - - - - - - Editor F A N N I E KATELMAN - - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent ANN PILL - - - - - - - S i o u x City, I o w a , Correspondent P r i n t S h o p A d d r e s s : 1307 H o w a r d S t r e e t
The Week in Review Hitler's Latest Attack With the elimination of many of the radicals in the Nazi party through a "blood purge," it was generally thought by political observers that Hitler, forced to turn to the "right" by events in Germany, would at the same time ease up on official Jew-baiting. But the political prognosticators are wrong again. Adolph himself in his a d d r e s s before the rubber-stamp Reichstag "explaining" his "Sabbath slaughter party" of foes of the regime openly denounced the Jews as a leading factor in the Roehm revolt. "The consequence of the activity of these traitors," Hitler stated in his international broadcast, "has become clear to the German people and has been recognized by the German workers that have found out these Jewish and Marxistic traitors and have overcome them." And with these words van-, ished whatever slim hopes German and world Jewry had entertained that the Nazi housecleaning might bring an alleviation of the officially-directed campaign of hatred and extermination. Hitler was undoubtedly making another reference to Jewry when he said that "Enemies, who could not understand the mentality of the German people, endeavored to construe the performances of the German people in such a manner as to create hatred. They do not consider themselves a part of the German people and do not desire to help in the work. They have no political feeling and try to find the weakness in every success." The general opinion expressed in the press of the world is that Hitler's explanation of the Roehm revolt killings was his weakest speech since coming into power. He had failed to give a satisfactory answer on the bloody events which spilt a scarlet blot on the serene picture of harmony which Herr Hitler has been painting for his loyal subjects these many months. His injection of the Jewish question into his explanation of killing fellow-Nazis is ridiculous on its face. Many of the Nazis killed were rabid anti-Semites and it is childish to expect anyone to believe that, after their bitter tirades against the Jews and their attacks and violence against the German Jewry, these bloodthirsty, immoral thugs would be approached by German Jewry to negotiate a revolt. Especially, since so many; of those butchered were boon-companions of Hitler himself. ;• The world has learned to believe less than one-tenth of what Hitlerite officials say. Discredited, Hitler is finding the tobogganing less and less to his liking — but what can he do? The more he pulls the strings, the tighter does the cord around his jieck become.
General Johnson Speaks Gen. Hugh S. Johnson, the NRA generalissimo, was here in Omaha immediately following his Waterloo, la., bombast against the Nazi regime in Germany, a blast which evoked a protest from the German embassy in Washington. When questioned concerning his speech, Johnson emphasized that he spoke as an individual and not officially, and that he did not expect the state department to "call" him on his statements and that, regardless, he would not retract them because he meant every word. Though he did not speak officially, Johnson's words carry considerable weight. He said, among other things: "I have seen something of that sort in Mexico during the Villa ravages and among.semi-civilized people or savages half drunk on sotol and marajuana — but that such a thing should happen in a country of some supposed culture passes comprehension." Johnson was referring to the general occurrences in Nazi Germany and did not mention the Jewish persecutions. The Jewish persecutions, the world knows too well, are but a small part of the inhuman barbarities practiced by Hitler, Goering, Goebbels triumvirate poisons every phase of human activity. Today, Nazism does not merely stand convicted in the eyes of world opinion because of its stupid and ruthless policy against the Jews and Catholics, but has been condemned by the entire front of culture and civilization because it has thrown Germany back several centuries into the dark ages df medieval barbarism. ~~ A Nazi regime in Germany not only endangers the safety of German citizens but also through the spread of its poison endangers the safety of every civilized nation throughout the world.
First Jewish Canadian Cabinet Member
David A. Croll, who was sworn in last week as Minister of Municipalities and Social Welfare in the new Liberal cabinet of Omaha being the birthplace and headquarters of A. Z, A. the Province of Ontario, is the first Jewish individual in the Do(Junior B'nai Brith), we are prone to take A. Z. A. work too minion of Canada to become a cabinet member in either a provinmuch for granted or be near-sighted in our view of its efforts. cial or the Federal government. It is, therefore, interesting to read what a disinterested observer noted at the eleventh annual convention held in Washington last STOP —DANGER AHEAD week. Nathan Koenig, who weekly writes "Capital Comment" from By Joseph Brainin Washington, a syndicated column of the Jewish Telegraphic The International Defense Fund for Abraham Stavsky, senAgency, declares this week: tenced to be hanged for the murder of the Zionist leader Arlosor"It is not often that a group of young men representing off has been made a world Jewish issue by the hysterical followers Jewry from every section of the Nation is assembled to discuss of Jabotinsky. Whenever an independent mind inquires as to common problems. One of these infrequent occasions occurred whether this international agitation will not, in the final analysis here only a few days ago. It was the eleventh annual convention harm Stavsky's appeal one is met with a mysterious hush and a of Aleph Zadek Aleph, junior order of B'nai B'rith,which brought gesture pleading that no question be asked. more than 500 Jewish youth together. The whole approach in raising this fund, which may or may "That Jewish youth is serious minded, more so at this time not help Stavsky, is an irresponsible one. It implies that the court than ever before in recent years, was clearly in evidence during which acquitted Achimeier and Rosenblatt for lack of sufficient the three days of the convention sessions. evidence, and sentenced Stavsky, was not a fair one, and that it "Underneath all the gaiety typical of youth, there was a de- did not act in the tradition of British justice. Such a charge, termination to analyze the problems of the day — particularly even if only implied, is a very serious one. I am told that one of those confronting Jewish, life. These young men examined the the most respected.Justices of the United States Supreme Court problems of their race and those of the world in which they live described as contempt of court this implication contained in the as would a scientist who works tirelessly for the benefit of man- Stavsky; Defense Fund Approach. ; Idnd to improve a product by removing its flaws and applying I can understand the fervor of people moving heaven and the results of intensive research. earth against capital punishment. I can understand Zionists be"Significant to Jewry at large is the keener interest which ing reluctant to admit even to themselves the possibility of a Jewish youth is taking in trends. One of the apparent needs is political murder by Jews in Palestine. I too want to believe Stavsatisfying the hunger this younger generation has for informa- sky innocent, and I hope that the Court of Appeals will reverse tion on tendencies which affect Jewish life. The attention accord- the judgment. But I refuse to be dragooned by the Revisionists ed to the convention speakers on Jewish problems clearly indicated into placing a halo about the head of Stavsky. Even if this joung this need." fool did not kill Arlosoroff he is by no means a saint. I object to the dragging in of the Sacco-Vanzetti case. It is irrelevant and demagogic. This whispering of a comparison between the famous Tisha B'Ab 1 "How is the gold become dim! How is the most fine gold •Boston travesty of justice and the trial of the Tel Aviv murder changed! The stones of the ssmcltuary are poured out in the top .case is merely bringing Stavsky close to the hangman's noose. of every street. The preciotts^oiis"pf Zion* comparable to fine If money must be raised to pay for the services of Horace Samuel, gold; how are they esteemed ^sjc&^en pitchers, the work of the Stavsky's brilliant defense attorney, and for the transcription of Records and the expenses of witnesses, it should be done quietly, hands of the potter." — LaineniMohs. /,:-•'y^:., With these words from tKe'^opk of Lamentations, the Fast without public appeals. I cannot silence my impression that the Revisionists are of Ab Tisha B'Ab), commemorating the end,of»the Temple in ; Jerusalem, is begun among Jewk- the world 'over. • ..This year the makpg political capital out of this unfortunate case. I am ready fast-day occurs on Saturday,: llul£ 21, and op. Sunday/ Qrie :to say that many of the big mouthpieces protesting against BritOf the major fast-days of the;;J4\n£h: religious;arid ^national calen- jish injustice in this case are much less interested in the fate of dar, Tisha B'Ab is bound up intimately withiha ige^old sufferings ithe condemned man than in the political future of Revisionism. The Stavsky case is not an international issue in Jewish life. of the race. When Jews gathej^inrthe synagogue's they willjbe 1 lamenting not only the loss ofHlie Temple of Solomon and the The Revisionists, as party comrades of Stavsky, could, if necesTemple of Herod, but also the later disaster in 1492, when the sary, stop publication of their numerous party periodicals for a whole Jewish community of Spain was expelled, with the excep- month and devote the money thus saved to the Stavsky Defense tion of the Crypto-Jews or Marranos, and set wandering over the Fund. They should not go about with a collection plate under the yarmelke of the venerable Rabbi Kook and other naive gentleface of Europe. .-.-., -«. men."" ~ ""•''" " ":": " •-•:—•••:•••- •• : • •-•...'•; • • • The World War, one of the results of which was the issuing
Convention Sidelight
best sense of that phrase. He wrote of the Balfour Declaration and the establishment of the present beautiful poems, but made his living father, my father, the chariot of Isfoundation for the Jewish National Home, broke out on Tisha in a very strange business for a poet rael. And he saw him no more. Talmud —he was a coal dealer., B'Ab in 1914: This Tisha B'Ab of nineteen years ago may be R. Abuka said: A man shall always He vras thus, true to the traditions said to have marked one of the greatest tragedies in all Jewish j of the Jewish sages of old-Rabbi Josh- be careful not to impose too much history in that close to three million Jews are estimated to have fear upon his household, for a great ua, the shoemaker, etc., etc. Later in -life, Bialik launched him- man like R. Chaninia did impose too been sacrificed either on the battlefields or as a result of tthe much fear upon his household, and self in the publishing field. By DAVID SCHWARTZ famine that followed the war and the horrible series of pogroms, the result was that they fed him with m m m^^ in the Ukraine, Poland, Galicia and Roumania. The story is told that a Jew in Pal- forbidden food. estine came in to see Bialik—and said Tisha B'Ab was first written down with blood in Jewish his- Bialak Memories wanted to see him on a business Rabbi Juda said: It happened once tory when the Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar, after a siege of It was in 1926 when I saw Bialik. he He had come to the United States to matter. that a man, during the years of deJerusalem, destroyed the First Temple on the Ninth of Ab, in the ihelp in the Zionist campaign for Pal- So Bialik began to talk to the man pression, entrusted a golden dinar to In Yiddish. year 586 B.C. Palestine was devastated and the Jews driven into ! estine funds. a widow. The latter deposited it in The man objected to the Yiddish. a pitcher where she kept her flour, Babylonian exile. The Temple was rebuilt — but in the year 70 I saw him, I think, under very fav- "But you want to talk about busi- and unknowingly baked it into the orable auspices. He was sitting in A.D. Tisha B'Ab was one again destined to play an unfortunate the Jewish section of New York. Bia- ness," remonstrated Bialik. and gave it to a poor man. On role in Jewish independence. It was on the Ninth of Ab of that lik was there with Sokolow and Louis "Yes," replied the man, "but I abread, certain day the owner of the dinar like to speak Hebrew." year that the destruction of the Second Temple and final Dis- Lipsky—all sitting around one table should asked her to return the golden coin. "O, then you have plenty of time. Whereupon she said to him: "May of the cafe. persion, lasting unto our own day, took place. The end was mark- I was in the cafe before the party That is different," replied Bialik and one of my children die if I know ed for the Jewish Romans under the leadership of Emperor Titus, arrived. Within ten minutes after the began speaking Hebrew. where it is." It was related that it Bialik party had come in—there was to whose history has added the appellation "The Terrible." did not take long before one of her Though he was a business man, children died. The Rabbis upon reroom only—and all those sitHaving outlived the Babylonians, the Medes, the Persians standing ting at all of the other tables in the Bialik had a deep aversion to the real ing informed of the Incident remarkand the Romans, the Jews congregate every Tisha B'Ab to shed cafe were peering at the Bialik table estate, land speculating type of a Jew ed: If such a thing happens to one who constitutes such a present day who swears truly, how much the more tears over the numerous tragedies of that day, only to rise up —peering and silently trying to gath- menace Palestine. er in everything that might be overseverely will it befall one who swears again as hopeful as ever that the traditional homeland in Pales- heard coining from the Bialik party. Once, inthey say, Bialik was in the falsely. tine is to be rebuilt again as a Jewish commonwealth. And 2,500 It is so customary to comment on neighborhood of a Tel Aviv synayears after the destruction of the First Temple and 1864 years the modesty of great men, that I had gogue, known as a place where many hoped to avoid saying anything on Our Rabbis taught: Those who are after the destruction of the Second Temple, the Jew is now more that phase of Bialik's appearance, but being humiliated by others, but do (Continued on Page 5.) than ever full of hope that the Promise is soon to be fulfilled. The I am afraid I must tell the truth. For not humiliate others, who listen to their reproaches without even ansfoundation for this fulfillment was laid fifty-two years ago when Bialik on this occasion not only appeared modest but almost "bewildered wering them, who perform their dutthe first group of colonists — thirteen men and one girl — created at the attention paid him. Mrs. Biaies, because of love for duty, and rethe first Palestinian settlement. Palestine's progress is the best lik constantly keeping her husband GEMS of the BIBLE • joice in spite of all their pains, beand TALMUD under her 6urveilance to minister to ,'cause of the reproaches, concerning proof of the invincibility of the Jewish spirit. his every want, was however smiling very happily. She was, plainly to be seen, deeply happy at the reception given her husband.
And Elijah said to the people: How long halt ye between two opinions? From that beginning, Bialik's pres- If the Lord be God,' follow Him, but ence In the United States was one if Baal follow him. And the people dinner after another. And generally answered him not a word. it was a chicken dinner, leading Bialik to comment humorously that it Elijah mocked the prophets of Baal seemed that American Judaism rest- and said to them: Cry aloud, for he is ed on "hinnersche fisalach." (on a god who is either musing, or he is chicken's feet). Obviously, In Yiddish gone aside, or he Is on a journey, or this statement means much more per adventure he sleepeth and must than the English. "Hinnersche fisa- be awakened. lach" in Yiddish has a significance of weakness." And Noboth said to Thob: The Lord forbid it me, that I should give the Bialik was a peculiar combination. inheritance of my fathers unto thee. He was supremely the poet, and yet he was a good business man—in the And Elisha saw that Elijah went
Ithem the scriptures say (Judges 5.31) But may those that love Him, be as the rising of the sun in his might
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PAGE 3—THE JEWISH PRfiSS, JFRIDAY, JULY 20, 1934 r ON MOTOR TRIP " Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Batt and family are motoring to Oklahoma Ciiy A regular meeting of the Daughwhere they will visit Mrs. Batt's A "Siyum Hatorah" will be celebrother-in-law and sister, Mr, and An important meeting of the Ladies ters of Zion was held Wednesday af- brated by the Congregation Shaare An important meeting of the newly ternoon, July 18, at the J. C. C. Mrs. M. L. Gaspar. Auxiliary of the Congregation of IsZion, 1548 No. 20th St., on Sunday formed Progressive Hebrew Club will A farewell picnic will be given at rael will be held on Monday afterafternoon, July 29, at 4 p. m. be held Sunday evening, July 29, at Elmwood park on Sunday, July 29, ON VISIT noon, July 23, at 2:30 p. m., in the asThe synagogue has extended an in- 7:30 p. m. at the J. C. C. Miss Betty Xotier has left for a sembly room of the synagogue, 25th honoring Mrs. M. Braude, who will vitation to the Jewry of Omaha and Sam Beber will officiate at the intwo-weeks visit to Chicago and and J streets. All members are urged leave shortly to make her home in Council Bluffs to participate in thestallation of the new officers and the California. Mrs. Braude was one of South Haven, Mich. to attend. initiation of the 106 members which the organizers of the group, has been, event. the organization already has. an active worker and a past president. "FAREWELL PICKICV Refreshments will be served to the It was decided to hold the annual A farewell pariy in the form of a members and their wives. Each membazaar the latter part of August. picnic will be given by the Omaha ber is allowed to bring a prospective Daughters of Zion a t Elmwood park The Re-Im club held a stag banquet Plans were also discussed for a large Tickets are being sold for the Pio- member to the meeting. All items and social notes most Sunday, July 29, honoring Mrs. M.Thursday evening, July 9, at the Elks card party to be given later. be phoned or mailed in so that they neer Women's picnic, to be held in The organization is proceeding: with Braude, who will leave shortly to club. Abner Kaiman was the principal No more meetings will be held un- Elmwood park next month. A com- plans for a picnic August 12. Tickets reach the Jewish Press office by make her home in California. Mrs. speaker, and short talks were made til fall. 6 p. m. Wednesdays. bination bookcase and electric clock for the drawing are being sold by the Braude, one of the organizers of the by the incoming and outgoing officers. will be given away. members. The summer formal dinner-dance of Al Swartz entertained with a numDaughters of Zion, was an active The organization hopes to complete the Xi Lambda fraternity will be held SHUKEKT-FBIED ENGAGEMENT ber of songs, and Jack Frieden preworker and a past president. its quota for the Chalutzos in PalesMrs. A. S. Fried announces the en- this Sunday, July 22, at the Lakewood sented several specialty numbers. Isatine through this money-raising event. Kow Is the time to protect yourself Country club. gagement of her daughter, Helen, to dore Soskin.was toastmaster. EXTENDED VISIT fully b j getting auto insurance A special meeting of the Ladies* Mr. David Shukert, son of Rev. and The affair will celebrate the sixth Miss Minnie Miller left Sunday eveLabor Lyceum club will be held Tuesanniversary of the fraternity's found- ning for an extended visit with relaMrs. J. Shukert day evening, July 24, at 7:30 p. m. at ing. Bids have been issued. tives in New York City, stopping en the Labor Lyceum, 22nd and Clark Oscar Mayerowich, president, is inroute in Chicago and Cincinnati. While Alpha Pi Tau will hold an outing (Formerly In the employ «f V. Harris) ANNOUNCE BIRTHS streets. charge of arrangements. at Linoma Beach Sunday, July 22, in New York City, she will attend the Mr. and Mrs. Dave Katzman of As election of officers will take National Junior Hadassah ;mfinal conKansas City, Mo., announce the birth New York (JTA).—A gift of $7,500 place, all members are requested to with Herb Marks in charge of the arENTERTAINS vention to be held there August 20. Inquiry Regarding Any Irsnranee of a daughter on Tuesday, July 17. for the X-ray department of the pro- attend. Refreshments will be served rangements. Lines Is Invited Charles Gendler was selected as posed Hadassah university medical by Mrs. Hellman. Mrs. Katzman was formerly Miss Miss Ann Batt entertained twentychairman of the cultural committee, our guests at a beautifully-appoint- FOR THE SUMMER center in Jerusalem was announced HEAL. ESTATE — RENTALS Rose Shamberg of this city. PROFEKTi: MANAGEMENT Phil Katzman as chairman of the Athed luncheon and miscellaneous Mrs. M. Zalk left Sunday for Des by Mrs. Edward Jacobs and Mrs. Alletic committee, and Herb Marks as shower at her home on Sunday, July Moines, la., where she will spend the exander Lamport, co-chairmen of the JA. 7311 Mr. and Mrs. Max Katz announce Superstition is the religion of fee- chairman of the social committee at a 315 SO. 15 the birth of a daughter, Jean Lor- 15, in honor of Miss Ida Cohen, a remainder of the summer visiting her building fund committee of the new meeting held last week. son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and institution. ble minds.—Burke. raine Kati, on June 16, at the bride-to-be. Mrs. Leonard Hockenberg. The money represents contributions Methodist hospital. by Mrs. Irma L. Ldndheim, former naVISITING WITH PARENTS FROM WEEK'S VISIT tional president of Hadassah, and Your Satisfaction Is Our Success Miss Sylvia Bezman of Chicago, forKITCHEN SHOWER AND Miss Helen Lipsman has returned friends of her husband, the late Normerly of Omaha, is visiting here with SLUMBER PARTY from a week's, visit in Lincoln, Neb., vin R. Lindheim, New York attorney, Miss Esther Kirschbraun enter- her parents. with her brother-in-law and sister, toward a Palestinian project in his tained at a surprise kitchen shower Mr. and Mrs. Phil Katz. memory. Mrs. Lindheim resides in ST. JOSEPH VISITOR and slumber party Saturday, honor- Miss Dorothy Becker of St. Joseph, Palestine. ing Miss Ida Cohen, a bride-to-be Mo., is visiting her cousin, Miss Rose A campaign is now in progress to Breakfast was served at 11 a. m.Slusky, for a few weeks. From here raise $200,000 toward the erection of OMAHA'S STYWE CENTER . . . I6TH AND HARNET Prize winner was Lillian Slutsky. she will go to Chicago to see the the hospital. The contemplated institution will supplant the present Haworld's fair. dassah-Rothschild hospital and will be FROM KANSAS CITY The Misses Fannie and Anne Ber- VISITOR IN OMAHA Paterson, N. J. (WNS).—German- the first university connected hispital man of Kansas City arrived Satur- Mrs. Lillian Robinson ZangwQl is American groups allied with the Nazi in Palestine. day for a week's visit here with Miss visiting in Omaha with her father, movement sustained a significant de- Drs. J. J. Golub and Nathan RatAnn Hahn. They are being exfen- Mr. Bernard Robinson. feat when the Federation of German noff, of this city, are enroute to Palestine to select a site in Jerusalem sively entertained. Mrs. Zangwai, an English-Yiddish and Austrian War Veterans voted to and draw up plans for the hospital. poetess, i s a member of Hie general keep strictly aloof from all party and executive of the Yiddish Culture So- foreign politics, rejected the swastika as an "utterly un-American symbol" ciety of America. and turned thumbs down on any and all connection with the Friends of the RETURNS HOME New Germany. By DAVID SCHWARTZ Mrs. A. Mazie of Sioux City returned home Thursday after spend- These decisions were reached after Jerusalem (JTA). — District Coming a few days visiting with relatives delegates from the Elizabeth post missioner James Campbell ordered (Continued from Page 4.) charged that t i e German Legion, the closed the door leading to the Wailing here. New York post, was trying to use the Wall enclosure, because of many Arab of these land speculators are wont to Federation to get control of the Ger- Jewish disputes in recent years. gather. • FROM CHICAGO ~ Mrs. George Kahn and children, man-American conference, which is The closing order was accompanied The man approached Bialik and asked him to come to the "schule" for Louis and Esther Joy, of Chicago, leading the boycott against the Jews. by a statement that the door's openHL, are visiting here with Mrs. It is expected that the Federation ing by the Moslems during the prea minyan. \ "I will go there to join the minyan,** Kahn's brother-in-law and sister, will withdraw from the conference. vious six months should not have been Rejection of the swastika led to the permitted because it was an infringesaid Bialik, "but if you are going Mr and Mrs. Harry R. Milder. secession of the New York, Hudson ment of the status quo. there to discuss land speculative county and half of the Passaic deledeals, let me tell you that the synaJews have wept at the Wailing Wall gations. gogue will burn—that you people are VISITORS FROM NEW YORK for centuries. In 1929 it was the cause Mrs. Joseph Lipshitz and son, bnrning down all of Erez Israel." of violent Arab-Jewish rioting. Maurice, of New York City have Jacob Barsiznon, who arrived in been visiting in Omaha with Mrs. New Amsterdam from Holland in It was the Russian writer, Maxim parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jo- 1654, is reputed to be the first Jew to Blessed is the man who, having Gorky, who made it possible for Bia- Iipshitz's seph Sherman, for ihe past two settle within the territorial limits of nothing to say, abstains from giving lik to go to Palestine. Gorky inter- months. Mrs. Lipshitz us wordy evidence of the fact — ceded for Bialik with the Bolshevist Miss Pearl Sherman. was formerly the United States. Eliot, authorities and secured their special Mr. Lipshitz arrived this week to permission for his emigration. And strangely enough, it was the spent ten days here, after which he Revisionist leader, Jabotinsky, who will be accompanied back to New "Xet m« protpet 7»nr interests . . . 1 By ', first translated Bialik's poetry into York by his wife and son. •writ* ISSCB.WCB •« every description Including LIFE, in strong, reliable comRussian. Mrs. David M. Newman panies OJO.T . . . I«t'» talk It over. Nevertheless, Bialik was vigorously VISITING City Finance & Insurance Co. opposed to the Revisionist influences Mrs. Jack Cohen of Chicago Tomatoes Staffed with Mushrooms. visiting here with relatives. in Palestine. Use 6 medium-sized tomatoes, 1 1409 Farnam St. AT-7667 or WA-5U0 teaspoon celery salt, 3 tablespoons And so Bialik died in Vienna, where said Ridder "that we have reported soft butter, 2 cups canned mushHerzl lies buried. Bialik died on the actual facts." rooms, chopped, 4 teaspoon salt, 11 Wedenesday Special July 4th. Herzl died on July 3rd. Biacups white sauce, and i cup dry DAMP WASH lik thus died one day following the Brother Slomovitz of the Detroit crumbs. FLAT WORK IRONED Jewish Chronicle is touched, as he yahrzeit of Theodor Herzl. They both may he linked with re- writes, "by the occasional sadness" in Scoop out the center of tomatoes, spect to the Jewish Homeland—as Jef- this column—and • he wants to help season with salt and paprika, make ferson and John Adams were linked out So he sends a contribution—a hite sauce of 3 tablespoons butter, Shirts Included—8c tablespoons flour and l i cups With respect to America—and it wil parody on Oh, You Nazi Man. The be recalled that both Adams and Jef- author of this effusion is Murray milk seasoned. Melt the butter and Greenhalge, linotype man of the De- idd the mushrooms and white sauce. ferson died on July 4th. troit Jewish Chronicle. I am not a look 5 minutes, and add seasonings, judge of poetry, so I merely append 'ill tomatoes with this mixture, Looking back at the last Zionis it, relying on the critical acumen of convention, I can't help remembering Brother Slomovitz himself. Here it is; iprinkle with crumbs and dot with Z815FARHAM AT 2815 butter. Bake 15 minutes at 450 dethe words of Judge Win. M. Lewis, who told the convention "That the O, you Nazi man, grees Farhenheit. Telling the people of your super greatest drawback of this convention plan. is the fact that there is no Child's Here and there, where'er you can, restaurant around the corner." O, you silly man! But to get more serious, if I were Why don't you get wise asked what was one of the most sig- You can't pull the wool over mankind's eyes nificant aspects of the last Zionist convention, I would say that it was With your Nordic, Aryan, pure plan, the. emphasis put on the study of He- O, you Nazi man! Instead of a great man, you're brew. merely a hate man. Maurice Samuel bawled out the You 'will not last long. delegates, high and low, for not knowing Hebrew, making Judge Lew- With Goering and Goebbles and Streicher and Schmitt is remark as he went out. "Well, genAnd the rest of your brown shirt tlemen, we shall all have to go back throng. to Cheder." Heil! You Nazi man!! The Hebrew movement, by the way, With that cookie-duster mustache is getting a tremendous impetus on that serious pan, everywhere, notably in Poland where it is displacing Yiddish. And even in You'll wake up in the well-known "can," England. ; Oh, you Nazi man! Recently when Lady Samuel, the wife of Sir Herbert visited Palestine she spoke in Hebrew. - It is said, she made one very comical mistake. Commenting on the fact that she had left her glassfes home, she said, according to report: "Shachachti michasayilm." The word "michnasayiim" of course means # Scarcely a day passes—sometimes pants, whereas the word that should have been used Is "mishkafayiim,1 scarcely an hour—that you do not iiiiiiiiiiitiiiniiiilHiiiiiiiniiiiiiininiAiii which means eye glasses.
Congregation of Israel Auxiliary
Daughters of Zion
Progressive Hebrew Club
Shaare Zion Synagogue Plan "Siyum Hatorah"
• » -
Pioneer Women
Formed Dinner Dance of Xi Lambda Sunday
Ladies Labor Lyceum
Alpha PiTau
$7,500 Gift Given to Hospital Fund
German War Vets Reject Swastika
Door to Wailing Wall Ordered Closed
By the Way
FLEISHMAN and S0SK1N 12 Years Experience
Choice -of-the -House of All Remaining Summer
Nothing held back... everything must go, regardless of former selling price.
Mark Leon
• * •
No Refunds All Sales Final
No 'Approvals No Exchanges
H. Sussman Upholstering Company
A story highly laudatory of the stand of Victor Bidder Is told "by Charles A. Cowen. According to" Cowen, when Hitler first started his AT. tSii tSOt and maneuvers, the National Civic "FedWe-specialize la building i p eration was considering a protest holstered fimiitnre to yonr Inagainst the Hitler persecution of the dividual taste. Do all binds of Jews. A memorandum was ^gotten-up, furniture repairing and refinishciting the "persecution" of the Jews. Inp.. . . Ovx prices are reasonGeorge Sylvester Viericfc who was able. present, suggested that the memoranGet the Benefit of Our 29 dum should say only "the alleged Years'of Experience stories of persecution." Ridder objected. "Let them know In linniiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiitiiiiniiuiiiiiii!
visit with friends b y telephone I t is troly the modern magic that takes you wherever you want to go and brings friends t o yon. Your telephone helps to make life fuller—more enjoyable.
Carman's Second Floor
FISH? THEY GET IT BY WAGON LOAD—How would you like to take home a few tons of fish in * wagon? That's what these fishermen at llwaco. Wash., are doing. Every year during the salmon r u i on the lower Columbia river, seiners take tons of salmon.
FLEET INVADES PEACEFUL WATERS—Part of the greatest armada of battleships to be seen in peaceful Massachusetts waters in 25 years is shown arriving at Provincetown. Twenty-five of Uncle Sam's warships are in the contingent to which Provincetown and the entire cape play host.
SHIP IS HIS DAIRY BARN—Ralph Bainter and his son are shown' milking cows on the deck of a ship Bainter uses as a barn. The foi> mer government boat was brought to his farm near Burington, Oregon, by a flood, and remained when the waters receded. Bainter keeps 27 cows on the boat. I.-
i GUESS WHO?— One of these girls will be chosen Chicago n o r t h side's most beaut i f u l at t h e W o r I d's Fair. S h o w n on the flagship on the fair grounds lag o o n, they are left to right, back row, Ginger Carlson, Alice Pearson and R u t h Hagstrom; front, left to right, Elsie E a c h m a n and Mary Bjornberg.
MIDGETS MARRY—Romance in the midget village at the Chicago "World's Fair blossoms into marriage as Harvey B. Williams, four feet tall, middle-aisles it with Grace Guadagno, who is an inch taller than her new husband. The newlyweds are shown at municipal court with Judge Alfred Erickson.
WAR'S DESTRUCTION IN BOLIVIA—This exclusive picture shows destruction of Bolivian tanks at Fort Nanawa, in the Gran Chaco district, scene of the war between Bolivia and Paraguay. The war is
raging along a 60-mile front, and is twg years old..
KING LEOPOLD FLIES—The new king of the Belgians, Leopold, finds trains too slow. He is shown arriving by army plane at Beverloo camp, Belgium, to attend military maneuvers.
BRING WATER BY CARS TO IMPERIAL VALLEY—Distribution of water to rural residents of Imperial valley, California, where millions of gallons of water are being received by carloads during a shortage along the Colorado river, is shown above. Next year, with Boulder dam completed, no such Bhortages are expected to occur. . _ .—
PAGE 7—THE JEWISH uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiniiiiimiiiiiu: er's "The dppermans'^is being dram-
atized for a Broadway stage production by one of the' foremost playwrights . . . I t seems that the news item about the $500,000 gift by Albert M. Lasker of Chicago to the United Jewish Appeal is all a mistake and that every time Lasker sees an editorial praising his generosity he simply burns up.
, 3WX 20, 1934
Editorial Comment Giving Aid and Comfort to anone with his veins Alien Tyrant.
soll, who prayed to be delivered from his. friends, being confident that he could take care of his enemies himself. The Congressional committee, of which Representative McCormack of Massachusetts is chairman, has done a useful service in exposing this organization and the grotesque and vicious propaganda carried on by it in our midst. There should be no difficulty in putting an end to it, and there should be no delay in doing so! * * * Apparently the lesson must be taught ONCE MORE that American soil is not to be used as a battleground for the conflicts of European or other foreign parties and factions. Americans will not tolerate alien emblems and alien allegiances—whether the emblem be the swastika and disloyalty finds voice in "Heil Hitlers," or anything else of the same type and description!
a trace of Jewish blood in can belong. • • • (Reprinted from the Daily Mirr«r, New Tork) I By PHDTEAS J. BIBON § It seems that the Friends of New Germany have effected a far-reaching cfdiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiimiii There is too much Ivy Lee in ourand elaborate organization throughcosmos. out the United States, there being ALL ROADS LEAD No matter what the ramifications forty local units already in existence. LAUGHTER AND TEARS TO ROEHM of Mr. Lee's associations with AmerWilliam Hatcher of Oklahoma City The Absolute Leader has, naturYou know, of course, the real mean- loves Hitler so much that he • named ican corporations, which may legiti- ally, absolute command. He appoints ing of the Nazi salutation, "Heil Hit- his 70-pound bulldog Hitler . . . T h e mately include giving advice on inter- the district leaders, who supervise all ler" . . . "Heil" is the: imperative other day they arrested Hatcher on national commercial policies, his as-the locals in a given sector of the fnbhaivd ike CKctssnu <t»a>#rrvr of the verb "heilen," •which means to the charge of cruelty to Hitler . . . sumption of the role of secret politi- United States. rare . . . Thus the famous phrase is He" had. beaten his beloved dog to cal adviser to a foreign government local units, while without powan appeal to some one to "Cure Hit- death.-. . ; . The late Chaim Bialik, the is outrageous effrontery. Nothing can er The to choose their leaders, are permitler" * . . . A large order, say we , ' . ; .Hebrew poet laureate, was ; a very justify it. ted, however, to send a delegate to more so since now, as we've The ._ clever businessman,, but. he died comTestimony given by this sublimated the national convention of the assoheard, even the German medical pro- paratively a poor man . . . H i s . home press agent before a Congressional ciation, which chooses the Absolute fession recognizes that Addled Hitler in Tel Aviv, a beautiful house, reprecommittee and now made public, le- Leader. is suffering from what they eupho- sents his entire estate veals his retention by the German He had The present Absolute L e a d e r , mistically term "a grave nervous mal- no children, but had planned to adopt dye trust, virtually a German govern- Schnuch, admitted that he was nomment monopoly, at a salary of $25,000 inated for his present post at a naady" . . . Did you know that George \ a German Jewish refugee child . . annually three months after Hitler as- tional convention held on the first of Sylvester Viereck boasts — confiden- It is told that he refused to write any sumed office and it makes known his this month, his choice having been tially, of course—that he is the illeg- poetry in the last fifteen years beactivities as adviser to the Nazi re- brought about by Fritz Gissibl, who, itimate son of the ex-Kaiser of Ger- cause he did not want to repeat himgime with regard to policies affecting with Heinz Spanknoebel, was one of many? . . . In other words, that he self . i . Contrary to current reports j is a "mamser" . . . Congressman that Bialik was a healthy man (he America. the original organizers of the proDickstein of the Nazi ; investigation looked very husky), he suffered from According to Lee's, testimony he Hitler movement in the United States. Warsaw (JTA).—Attempts to form committee is having himself photo- heart disease for the past twenty met Hitler when "corporate leaders' The latter will be remembered as havgraphed much too often these days years . . . Konrad Bercovici, who just who summoned him to Germany de- ing been' indicted last October on thea united all-Jewish committee to han. . . If Mrs. James Roosevelt, the suffered a loss of $12,000 when three sired that he "#ize up" the Jew-baiting charge of acting illegally as an agent dle problems arising out of the catastrophic situation of the Jews in Pomother of our President, goes to Nazi- bams on his Connecticut estate were usurper whose principles and meth- of a foreign government. land have failed. Evidence of the failland for a visit it will be against the destroyed by fire, has finished a play, ods are execrated by this government Some of the members of this orwishes of the American State Depart- "Bravo," in which the screen star Edand people. Since then, we learn, the ganization, it appears, have acquired ure was contained in an official noment • . . Knowing the Robsevelts, we ward G. Robinson will be starred this diplomat of No. 15 Broad street has citizenship in the United States. Oth-tification received by the Jewish Telhave an idea she may do so anyhow winter on Broadway — provided the furnished advice and suggestions to ers have only made application for egraphic Agency from Polish Zionist e N«IETEEN WOV'S-« . . . Samuel Chdtzinoff, music critic play goes over successfully in its AuBerlin's government dealing with offi- citizenship, Mr. Gissibl having filed headquarters that a united Zionist of the New York Post, has one idee gust tryout at Langner's Westpori »rvr» cial speeches and acts. his papers on the day he testified be- committee has been formed, to decide fixe: the downfall of the Nazis . . . playhouse. -':",: fore the committee, on the theory that on problems of Polish Jewish policy. Suggestions for guidance of GerThe new committee includes the He -signs every letter: "Yours for the man officials were prepared in the "it would- be better for his work in monthly which will be edited by ReuZionist central committees of Condownfall of the Nazis" . . . On 57th view of the American attitude toward Lee offices here and transmitted to ben Brainin, Prof. J. Ginsburg and D. gress Poland and Western and EastStreet, New York, there is an art shop POLITICAL AND Mr. Lee's son, James W. Lee, 2nd, in non-citizens." Erdberg, will b> caUed "Writings" and THEATRICAL STAGE ern Galicia. Activities of the group which until recently bore a shingle * * • • * Berlin. He transmitted them to the It is understood that if any vacancy will;deal with everything except polreading: "Formerly owned by Ernst German dye trust which promp'tiy for- Was ever anything - attempted so will be worked out on the basis of the itics. F. S. Hanfstaengl" . . . Theodor Drei- occurs on the United States Supreme : '- • warded them to Hitler or Vice-Chan- stupid as this organization of Nazi action of the Kolo, the Jewish Depu* * • ser recommends John Dillinger, the Court bench during Roosevelt's admincellor Von Papen- for use ultimately Friends ? Was there ever a more clum- ties club in the Polish Sejm, the JewInvisible king of American gangster- istration Samuel Rosemann, friend CAMPFIRES by Minister of Propaganda Goebbels sy piece of alien vanity and self,- ish Telegraphic Agency was informed. Went the other day to the. Cejwin A session of the general Polish dom, as the U. S. ambassador to Ber- and adviser of the President, will get in his public utterances. So it nowassertion — more offensive to AmerOur hat is off to Anna camps near Port Jervis, N. Y., manlin . . . Says Theodor: Dillinger and the job appears the Goebbels propaganda, so ican ideas, more clearly in violation Jewish committee has been called for Friday, but no mention is contained Hitler speak the same language . . . Goldberg and Judith Figarsky, who aged by A. P. Schoolman of the Cen- National. Radical Party Out- widely distributed in this country, emWanted to lawed As Menace to Peace Hans Luther, the Nazi ambassador to offered themselves to the New York tral Jewish Institute anted originally from that Broad of the duties implicit in permitted in the agenda of the newly formed Washington, is through, and will not Bureau of Laboratories as "human see whether our descendants could get Street beehive so profitably operated residence in this country, to say noth- Zionist committee, or of proposals for and Order unity. by Mr. Lee and so evidently appre- ing of American citizenship ? Teturn in his official capacity . . . Dr. guinea pigs" to test the infantile par- along without us . . . Well—ionly too alysis" vaccine developed by Dr. MaurThe whole thing is almost unbelievwell . . . There is a curious -but rathHeinrich Dieckhoff is slated to sucWarsaw. — <JTA) — The National ciated by Hitler and Co. ice Brodie of New York university er healthy mixture of physical culture Radical party,- more familiarly known able! ceed him. Lee's organization for providing aid, We can readily understand the orSam Jaffe, last seen as "Kring- and Hebrew Songs, of athletic shorts as Naras, Pollsli' anti-Semitic poltical An elein" in "Grand Hotel," will re-enter and jerseys and yarmelkes j group patterned on the German Nazis, comfort and counsel to an assassin jder said to have been issued by the Broadway in "The Bride of Torozko," other words, the kids are being served \ was outlawed by order ef the Polish temporarily in authority over the Gerr) Nazis in Germany to all party memGOSSIP COCKTAIL "WORK THAT SATISFIES" The resignation of Bernard S. a play dealing with the Nazi theory Judaism in a most appetizing, non- government on the ground that it man people, is very * complete. The bers of this country, to KEEP CLEAR younger Lee, ambassador in Berlin of OF THE FRIENDS OF THE NEW Among the pedantic way Deutsch as president of the American of Aryan superiority Come to think of menaced "peace and order;" Oriental and Domestics his daddy's private State Department, Jewish Congress may be expected al- six most popular radio queens are Lil- it, camps are—or could be—the best At the same time the government receives $33,000 annually. He receives GERMANY. Walnnt 5002 Evidently the Nazi leaders sympa- 5116 Military Are. most any time now There are ru- lian Both, Gretchen Davidson, Mary media for" Jewish education, just be- j ordered that every member of the mors to the effect that one of Ameri- Eastman and Jessica Dragonette— cause they do not makejt so solemn JNazi headquarters staff now at'-lib- and transmits documents forwarded thize with the feeling of Bob Ingerca's best known Anglo-Jewish week- which somehow contradicts that no- a duty -and virtue We were im- erty be immediately placed in the from New York headquarters. lies will change ownership in the near torious Nordic philosophy, at least in pressed by the healthy bodies, the isolation concentration camps recentNo amount of explaining will reA" committee of eminent the higher spheres of the air"... '.Hard poise, the quiet manners of the camp- ly erected by Polish authorities as in-move the impression that acceptance future Broadway showmen is trying to pro- to get off the Nazi -tack . . . whatever ers and camp leaders . . . At the Cej- terment centers for enemies of the by an American of salary from a foreign government to guide the latter's mote a monster concert at the Yankee you-touch has a Hitler angle - •: • Did win Camps you see the most varie- Polish state. iv stadium this summer for the benefit you know that Wolfgang von Gronatt, gated melange of social outlooks . . •..' Polish authorities not only prohib- policies toward his own country of German Jewish refugees Irv- the popular German transatlantic flier One councillor reads . Bialik's poetry ited the Nara organization, but made through secret counsel closely approxing Berlin is one of the leading: fig- so, well received by Americans, is niin- and Trotzky's writings airriost'; simul- certain that t h e ' nization would imates treason. It is plain the Lee, ures in this effort. . . That prominent isteriar Councillor at the "Nazi air xnin- taneously, while another is ^studying not be able to activity under propaganda furnished Goebbels with attorney who claims^ that thte^ofie; istry'^feonB._-of-the- most trusted Yiddish literature and Presiflfenir^Koo- another^ name an t'anotfie> guTseT ifitfrrt to influence Ameriekrr- public g cleansing campaign,is merely a' drive aides of that "butcher Goering? . . . se\'elt's latest book . . . You can meet Nara "uniforms andgliisignia were de- opinion favorably to Nazi terrorists i not an activity in which a patriotic to oust the Jews from the inqtionlpjc- Professor Moley* a real liberal, will there the sons and daughters of writ- clared illegal in tbe order. '. tare industry is none other than Na- tell you confidentially that Bernard ers, university professors, Hebrew The liquidation of the Nara organi- American may legitimately . engage. than Burkan, the brilliant theatrical M. Baruch, ultra-conservative, under- teachers, etc. The parents, if zation, became necessary, Polish offi- Further . revelations in the public lawyer Lazar Lipskjv recently stands finance more thoroughly than brought together at a. meeting, would cials declared, owing to the frequent hearing at Washington will be awaitgraduated from Columbia Law School any other individual in this country of stage a fierce battle, but the children street conflicts engineered by the ed with interest. and son of the Zionist leader, is now ours . . . Albert Ballrn, the only Ger- have found a common denominator at ]anti-Semitic group; continual violaUltimately, no doubt, big industrial in Palestine and on the threshold of man Jew ever offered a cabinet post camp . . . A healthy, realistic Jewish- tion of the Polish penal code, and and commercial enterprises will reby the Kaiser, would turn in his grave -matrimonial adventure ness free of all partisan poison . . . their spreading of race hatred and alize the folly of intrusting their afLudwig fairs to a press agent or press agents. Xewisohn is organizing- a Zionist dis- if he could see the S.S.Balliri of the Give us more camps. anti-government feeling. line sail by flying There are plenty of evidences that trict in Burlington,, Vermont, with Hamburg-American The Nara organization has been un(Copyright, 1934, by Seven Arts the swastika . ."•. That new Hebrew this slovenly practice is not only costhimself as chairman . . . Feuchtwangder fire from the Pilsudski regime for Feature Syndicate.) ; some time. Numerous arrests of ly but highly dangerous as well. ADVERTISEMENT POUTICAI, ADVERTISEMENT Naras have been mode all over Poland and a number of Nara leaders sent to Both Alien and Stupid. , the concentration camp at Baraza y bcaaflfai Kartusfea. Sztafeta, Warsaw daily (Reprinted from New Terk American) : lamp* at organ of the Naras, vras suppressed sacrifice price* AMAZING—is the least that can two -weeks ago and the editor, Sigmunt Dziarmaga is a prisoner, While be said of the admissions by the offithe editor-in-chief and supreme lead- cial head of the Friends of the New er of the Nara organization, Jan Mos- Germany before the Congressional dorf, supposed to be the grandson of committee now conducting hearings in New York City. Most of Those Mysteriously Mis-a converted Jew, has fled, Poland.' BeaatifaQy w r o u g h t in The witness under examination by - The headquarters of the Virulent sing Are Prom City creamy white stone. The the committee -was Hubert Schnuch, anti-Semitic, anti-government party handsome shade is silk in of Munich whose official title as the chief of the were closed by government officials matching tone. Berlin (WNS)—Since the beginning immediately after the murder of the pro-Nazi association is "absolute leadEldridge Section — Tonrth Floor of the violent domestic strife in Ger- Polish Minister of the Interior, Colo- er." The membership of the organizamany scores of Jews in various parts nel Bonisla-w Pieracki, supposedly by tion consists largely of members of of the country have mysteriously dis-i a Nara assassinMinister of Justice MichalowsM the Storm Troops, the brown-shirted appeared without leaving a trace. A announced to the press that the mur- larmy of Chancellor Hitler, the Schustzpreliminary investigation of the fate of these strangely missing Jews has derer of the Colonel Pieracki fled Staffel, his select guard, and other of thus far failed to reveal what hap- from Poland and that although his German birth or extraction who have pened to them, although their rel- three accomplices, Ukrainians, were seen war service in the German army. That the members of the associar atives are convinced they are victims caught, there is no hope of arresting tion made a practice of drilling under the actual killer. • . ' SIXTEENTH & HOWARD STREETS of the Nazi terror. the swastika flag- was grinningly adThe Nara organization was founded Most of the missing Jews are from mitted, as was also the fact that the Born and reared in Omaha. Known to radio fans as "L. P." Munich, where the storm troop re- on April 14, 1934, by. the militant organization strictly applied to. all Has written indorsement of orer 200 prominent Omaha. lawyers. youth wing of the anti-Semitic Nabellion was drowned in blood, and Has excellent record of six years OD the Municipal Court bench, tryseeking membership the "Aryan test," Silesia, where a number of serious tional Democrat political party, known of which so much is now made in Hiting civil and criminal cases. Independent in decisions — not politicalfrom the party initials . . as Endeks. anti-Jewish outbreaks occured at the ly bound. The Nara group felt that the Endek lerized Germany. In other words, no height of the goverment crisis. Meanwhile the Nazi press has re-party was not sufficiently anti-SemPOXITICAI. ADVERTISEMENT POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT newed its anti-Semitic drive, and itic. They adopted a program based there are also indications that the on Hitlerism calling for the "immegoverment is moving towards an in-diate elimination of Jews from Polish OIL BURNERS tensification of the Aryan law. All citizens and from all phases of Polish of the Nazi papers are blaming for- professional life." AT. 2369 eign Jews for. the almost unanimous 2612 criticism abroad of the Hitler regime's violent suppression of the storm troop rebellion. The papers also hold the Jews responsible for the growing shortage of raw materials whish ^ menacing the entire in- eJrusalem (WNS). — The Grand Mufti of Palestine returned front a dustrial system. • .' ! '" 52.5Q 9x12 Smith's Besi; Axminster _.. ..$ 37.50 ' Characteristically, the new anti- visit to Ibn Saud, king of the Hedjai, 29.75 9x12 Axminster Imperfects — . 24.75 Jewish press outbreak is led by Jul-with word that the Hedjaz ruler had ius •-Slreicher's vituperative Stuermef. promised to assume an active interest 117.50 9x12 Anglo-Persians, drops 89.50 In its latest issue it says that events in the future of the Palestine Arabs. in America; indicate that the Jews The Arab opposition to the Mufti, on 87.50 9x12 Whithaii's Anglo-Lorraines 69.50 there - are : . sponsoring, a- Bolshevist the other hand, believes the Mufti is ? merely boasting. .• • , . • : revolution, . Listing forty men in 16S.50 9x12 Karastans, drops '. — 139.50 governmental - -office responsible for It is pointed out that not long ago Ibn Saud promised the French High 69.50 9x12 Phoenix Wiltons, drops . this ^revolution," Streicher's paper 49.50 names Mayor; Piorello H. LaGuardia, Commissioner of Syria not to meddle S7.50 9x11 Kara Sarduks, drops „ 69.50 RabbL Stephen S. Wise and "Otfd'H: in Arab affairs in Syriar-and on this Kahn (deceased) as among -Hie ring- basis the Mufti's foes cannot under39.75 9x12 Mohawk Wfltons 29.75 leaders. DerStuermfer also accuses stand how Ibn Saud would become concerned about the Palestine Arabs. President Masaryk of Czechoslovakia • JOO6 t U M l N d ST; In business 33 years in Douglas County. Married. Home Owner. of being the illegitimate son of a AT-4-556 « Taxpayer. He is known to be charitable, hnman and kind to bis felPolish Jew. lownmn and honest in his dealings. FREE ESTIMATES CONVENIENT TERMS None can be free who is a slave to, — -TERMS :Mr. Dorrance Trill appreciate your vote ai the coming primaries. ' Taste cannot be controlled by law.and ruled by, hi* passions.— goras. —Jefferson.
Everywhere §
Polish Jews Fail to Form United Body
No. 1 Feature for Monday,
^V - " . . .
' " . . ' - ' " " •
Vote for
Lester N.
County Attorney
Our Annual July
Vote for
w. H. oai)
Olson Bros.
Mufti Boasts of
IbnSaud's Aid
Sale of RUGS CARPETS and LINOLEUMS Brings a Host of Bargains
Sioux Gity News
group of friends at an afternoon gathering last week in her honor, and Mrs. Rose Rabinowitch. was her hostess, Wednesday afternoon. Misses Rose Reznick, Rose Tesler, and Sareta Tesler of New York are spending this week at Lake Okoboji.
Sensational MRIABARS Story in SEHlClSIi Poland IN GOVERNMENT
CouncilBluffs News J BY P. B.K.
Warsaw — (WNS) -^Something of a sensation has been created in Jewish The Council Bluffs Agudas Achim circles here by the publication of a Thompson, Conn. (WNS) — I n coSociety will hold their annual picnic story by a Polish newspaper man operation with the Silver Shirts and frolic on Sunday, July 29, at Tom So Declares Dr. Julius Tandler, from Lemberg that he ha dfound a the Hitler propaganda machine and Mrs. Ted Fishman and daughter and Owens' farm. The picnic will begin at Jewish, housepainter by the name of with the help of the millions to which in Interview in This Gloria have returned to their home o'clock in the afternoon and plans Rudolph Fast who claims to have his wife is heiress, Count Vonsiatskyin Flahdreau, South Dakota, after 2have Country been made for a full day of enbeen a member of the same painters' Vonsiatsky is organizing a Russian visiting in Sioux City with relatives. joyment for both aid and young. The New York (JTA)—"Facism in Aus- union in Austria to which Adolph Fascist party to "regenerate" Russia. Owens farm, which is on the Hazel tria is not marked by open antiwork has been started on • John Cohen of Los Angeles Dell road, was chosen for the picnic Semitism." declared Dr. Julius Tand- Hitler once belonged. Although the Count is in Paris conStanley Herzoff, local .delegate to Active e c vw i d e According to Fast, Hitler often told stopped in Sioux City this week for the International A. Z, Al convention! * j' Jewish Census which grounds as it is an ideal place and ler, Austrain anatomist and "social him that he was a native of Bohemia solidating . his forces, which include Czarist emigres and other" reactionheld last -week in Washington, D. C.,is being taken under the direction several days, en route to Chicago. delightfully cool under the large planner," in an interview. and that his grandfather was a Jew. spoke before the A. Z.;A..chapter at of the Jewish Community Center and shady trees. Mr. Sam Rosenthal, pres- Outside Austria on a vacation when Fast is also quoted as saying that aries, his secretary announced that the their outing. Sunday . afternoon, giv- the Federation of Jewish Social Mr. William Mazie left for Los ident, has appointed Mr. Sam Meyer- Dollfuss declared war on the Social in those days Hitler was not an anti- All-Russian Fascisti in America 13 Angeles, California, where he will ing them a detailed report of the Service. as general chairman in charge of i Democrats, Dr. Tandler, Socialist Semite and was very friendly with carrying on the party's work in this join Mrs. Mazie and son, who have son Jewish residents are requested to convention and his trip, to Washingthe affair, assisted by the Messrs. Ben leader, hurried back to Vienna, where Fast and other Jewish members of the country. ton. Sam Epstein also attended the give the census takers the desired been spending the summer in Cali- Seldin, Sam Sacks, Charles Saltzman, he was promptly clapped into jail. The Count is the husband of the union. convention meetings and spoke at theinformation and to assist them in get- fornia. former Marion B. Ream, whose milSam Lincoln, Joe Gotsdiner, Max Upon, his release, a few days later, ting in touch with Jewish families Mr. and Mrs. Morey Rubin re- Cohn and Sam Bubb. This affair is he left for Shanghai to teach anaouting Sunday. • .• . '. ' lions the Count hopes will make him Herzoff and Epstein: were two ofwho have changed their address in turned home Monday after a visit open to all members, their families, tomy. At the invitation of the New dictator of Russia. Before he married the 500 delegates from all parts of the city, or. are new. comers in the with friends in Chicago, where ihey and all of their friends, both Omaha York University Medical School he Miss Ream, who is now 61, the Count" attended the Century Progress. the United States "and. ^Canada, at- city. and Council Bluffs. Admittance will came here for a series of lectures. was wed to Mile. Lioubiouff Mouromtending the convention*- Sioux City The completed census wil"be kept be by card only, which will be given sky, a Jewess, who became bis wife in Before the Fascist regime in Ausput in a bid for the tiistrict conven- on record at the Jewish Community Mr. and Mrs. Julius Whagelstein free by any member of the above com- tria Dr. Tandler has been CommisYalta Cathedral in Crimea in Berlin (WNS) — Dr. Max Boden- the of Baltimore, Maryland, are guests mittee. Each family is asked to bring sioner of Public Health and Welfare tion for next February, but had notCenter. 1920. This marriage was never legal-? this week in the home of Mr. andtheir own picnic basket, but plenty of of Vienna. His reforms drew experts heimer, Zionist veteran of Germany ly ended, but the Count said he mar-" yet been advised if they will be hosts Mrs. Jack Lasmari in Sioux City, andcold drinks will be furnished free by of the world to Vienna to study his and lieutenant of Dr. Theodor Herzl, ried the Jewess only to protect her to the convention since bids were has resigned from the Revisionist Mr. and Mrs. Joe Himowitz at Ver-the organization. Games of all kinds methods of "social planning." also put in by Des Moines and St. a pogrom. When the Count wed" .._, . . . . . . . party. In a letter published in the from million, S. D. Joseph, Mo. "...'. are being - arranged and a radio will Miss Ream the Greek Orthodox 'Fascism m Austria," said Dr. j dische Rundschau, German Zionist ue be given away to the person holding Irving Hill of Lincoln, Nebraska, Tandler m answer to a question, " 1S o r g a D r > Bodenheimer announces he Church declared his first marriage who was elected Grand Aleph" Godol Students at the local Talmud To- Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kaplan and ^ g l u c k y n u m b e r " not marked by open anti-Semitism. has written an open letter to Vladi- null and void. at the convention is well known to rah began their annual two-week daughter left Sunday for a two week The All-Russian Fascisti in AmeriIt is political—directed against sup- mir Jabotinsky, Revisionist leader, in many Sioux Cityans. summer vacation this week, with the stay in Excelsior Springs and Kan- The Council Bluffs lodge No. 688 of pressing the Social Democrats. There which he says that Jews cannot em- ca publishes an organ, called The FaOther speakers at the outing given last sessions held Wednesday morn- sas City. the Independent Order of the B"nai are many Jews in the Heimwehr ploy the same methods as are used scisti, — which — features anti-Semitic reby the local chapter Sunday, were' ing. Brith will hold a regular meeting on which supports the Fascist govern- by wellorganized S« well-organized peoples. peoples In the let let* Mr. A. H. Baron has returned next Monday evening, July 23, at 8:30 ment, Max Maroh and Kudy Shindler. The Thursday pupils of the Talmud ter to Jabotinsky, which has not yet borne after a visit in Minneapolis. outing was held for prospective Torah held their annual picnic at o'clock at the Eagles ball. "On the other hand, people who been answered, Dr. Bodenheimer members, and was an opportunity Riverside Park. The Talmud Torah Mrs. Baron and Beverly will remain say that the Social Democratic Party points out that unity is the greatest Relief Demands Shrink New York. — Relief demands upon for A. Z. A. members to acquaint bus conveyed the children from the in. Minneapolis for a longer stay Mr. and Mrs. Morris Grossman and in Austria is predominantly Jewish need of the Jews today, that the boy-Jewish welfare organizations in the the prospective members with the synagogue to - the park where a pro-with Mrs. Baron's parents. daughters, Libby and Betty, left Sat- are mistaken. Jews are in minority. cott being waged by the Revisionists larger cities are declining, according work and ideals of the A. Z. A. gram of games, sports, and refreshurday night for Chicago, 111., to be There is really no anti-Semitic issue against Zionist funds is annihilating to figures made public by the Jewish Miss Hazel Kantroyich has rePlans were begun for a summer ments entertained the children. gone about 10 days: While there, they in the Austrian government," Herzl's work and that it is a sin to turned home after visiting with dance, to be given by the local chap-1 Deploring the suppression of in- preach hatred against Zionist oppo- Statistical Bureau. Fifty-seven agenJwill visit the Century of Progress exfriends in Minneapolis. •• ier. The members and their friends [ dividual liberties in Austria, Dr. nents as if they were foes of Zionism. cies reporting spent 12 per cent less position. in April of this year than they did in adjourned later to tennis and swimTandler would vouchsafe no preMarch and 45.6 per cent less than in Mr. Joe Givot and Red Reznick are ming. Albert Herzoff arid Rudy diction as to the future of Fascism in Chicago thi3 week attending the Sam Shyken returned home Sunday in that land. "Conditions are too Warsaw (WNS)—It is reported in April, 1933. Shindler were in charge of the arfollowing a three weeKs''trip, visiting Zionist circles here that the RevisionCentury of Progress. They also reported a 17.2 decline in rangements. The ice cream social, given by the in Sioux Falls, S. D., Sioux City, la., unsettled," he said, "and anything I ists intend to convene a world Revi- the number of families aided during would say would be only in a guess." Ladies Auxiliary of Shaare Zion M r & L Uorshevsky and daughter and southern Minnesota. sionist congress at Cracow on August April as compared with March, and Dr. Tandler "corrected the reporter! 25. Synagogue will be held Sunday aft- m i n Chi m s w e e k, visiting 52.7 per cent less than in April, 19&3. Mr .and Mrs. Morris Ganca of Los when he referred to him as "a Jewernoon and evening, Ju y 29, instead w i t h friends and relatives, "I am Jewish—yes," of July 22. as previously announced. Angeles, Cal., are spending ten days ish doctor." Trumpeldor Youth Charged LEON & WHITE. Attorneys The affair will be held in the Miss Rose Abrahamson of Omaha here, visiting their cousins, Mr. and he corrected, "I am a doctor—yes. With Killing Former Revisionist 604 City National Ilank Bide. synagogue and on the synagogue is a guest over the week-end in the Mrs. Simon Steinberg, enroute to Chi- But not a Jewish doctor. In the field . PltOUATJS XOTICE Warsaw.—The Jewish State party, cago, III., where they will make their of medicine, I recognize no race. The installation of members in thelawn. In the Matter of the Estate of Charles home of Miss Kate Kaplan. formerly the Grossmanite Revisionist Nathan, Chinese, Negro and Jewish doctors Deceased. future home. Junior Poale Zion organization, orgroup, reported that a member of Notice is hereby given that the creditors are the same to me." ginally scheduled for next Sunday said .deceased will meet the adminis. Miss Mildred Sirken of the Family their youth organi2ation Brith Kanai, of Dr. Tandler will return to Shangtrator of said Miss Jeannette Burnstein of Chievening at the Jewish Community Welfare Bureau will leave today for Joseph Chaimowitz, was stabbed to!Judge of Douglas County, Nebraska, at hai in the near future. cago arrived here Sunday for a visit Center has' been indefinitely postt h e C o Chicago where, she will take a sumdeath at a meeting of the ETOUD bv a i i , e" . " t y J C o u r t K o o i n - l n said comity, . , .. „ f. _ 1, ., i ° " ' " *tn day or September, 1934, and on poned. Announcement of the date for The engagement and approaching mer course in sociology at the Uni-at the home of her uncle and aunt, I member of the Brith Trumpeldor, mil-1 the nth day of November, i!>34, nt a o'clock Mr. and Mrs. William Bernstein. the installation will be made through marriage of Miss Lillian Dobrofsky, versity of Chicago. . •• e 1 dil o r th itant youth organization of the Revi-j£stilting ,_ .y-claims , e examination, purposeof pren ^_ ?^ their = _? _ for "adcolumns of the Jewish Press. . ...... daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. Dobjustment mid allowance. Three months sionist Zionists. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel H. Katelman The meeting of the Junior- Poale rofsky, 1304 West Fourth street, to Members of the Debra club meti The, stabbing took place at a meet- are allowed for the creditors to present their claims from the 4th day of August, Zion group was held last Friday eve- Abe Berkowitz, son of Mrs. A. Ber-Monday evening in the home of G i s e - : e n t e r t a i n e d the members of their Suning in the township of Nowycorczin VJZV. ni b brid e ning at the home of Rudy Shindler, kowitz, 1519 Nebraska street, has la Pill. After a social hour, guests .** s * S club at their home in the Kielce district nnxes CRAWFORD, who acted as chairman. Subjects dis- been announced by the bride's par- adjourned to refreshments. Sunday night. Santiago (JTA). — Problems of County Judge. cussed during the evenings program ents. The wedding will be an event 1-EOJf & WHITE, Attomevs. Jewish education and those of the JACK W. MAKKK, Attorney Mrs. Ida Cogan of Los Angeles, were "The Lifs of the Jews in Hol-of August 12. Both Miss Dobrofsky Court Hontte Edward Cantor left this week for fight against assimilation were the 504 City National Bank Bide: land during the early 17th Century," and her fiance are graduates of Cen-a months visit with friends in Cali- Cal., left Sunday for her home, follow- principal topics discussed at the first NOTICE OF ADJIIXISTBATION NOTICE ing a week's visit'here at" the home of and the life and work of Theodore tral High school. In the County Court of Uonglas County, fornia. In the Matter of the Estate of KATHEEher brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and All-Chilean Jewish Congress, held INE BOl'XTON 1SELT, Deceased. Nebraska. Herzl. . here recently. 1 Notice is hereby Riven that the creditors of known Jake Mrs. Harry Kubby. 'Numerous affairs Iu the Estatealso at alsoMatter knownof:isthe J. Kurer The meeting tonight will be held deceased "Will meet the executor of Perer Among the prenuptial parties for Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Golder and honor during her One hundred and sixty delegates ' saidsa'd asA Isaac Ferer, Deceased. estnte, before me. County Judge of in tha homa of Barnard L^zriowich. Miss Dobrofsky was a tea Thursday children of Chicago, and Mrs. Samuel were given in her" y were present, ninety of them chosen Douglas Comity, Nebraska, at the County: " persons interested iti said estate are visit. '. ' '. Room, in said County, on the i:tfli I hereby notified that a petition has been by direct ballot and the rest sent as Court afternoon given by the Mrs. A. Ber-Engelhardt of Milwaukee have arday of September, 1934 nnd on the ISthj filed in paid Court alleging Mint said derived for a visit with Mrs. Englerepresentatives of the various Jewish day of November. 1934, at l» o'clock A. M., j «M»sed died Jeaving no last will and praykowitz. • hardts parents, Me. and Mrs. J. Mrs. Sam Bubb and daughter, Edith, institutions in Chile. Circulo Israelite e.nch dny, for the purpose of presenting ] "*S administration upon, his estate, This evening, Mr. and Mrs. H. Mil-Golder, left Sunday evening for "Chicago for a their claims for examination, adjustment and that a henriiiK will he hud on snid 910 Sixteenth street. oldest Jewish group in the country petition before said Court on the 4th day and allowance. Three months are allowed ler will preside at dinner in their ten^day visit. While there, they will for the creditors to present their claims, of August, VXii. and that if they fail to home 1524 Court, courtesy to Miss visit, the Century of Progress exposi- was represented by oniy two dele- from the 13th day of Anenst. 1034. appear at said Court on the snid 4th dny gates, neither of whom committed the of August, 1!«4, at !> ticlork A. M. to coilDobrofsky and her fiancee. BRYCE CRAWFORD. tion. test said petition, the Court may grant
Miss ANNA PILL, Correspondent
A. Z.A. MEMBERS HEAR Federation Taking CONVENTION REPORT Jewish Census
Local Talmud ToraK Vacation Begins Today
Date For Auxiliary Social Changed
JuniorPoale Zion Installation
Society News
at th
1934 WORLD'S FAIR The old North Church, Mount Vemon, the House of Seven Gables and many other historic landmarks have put out their latch strings for you in the Colonial Village. And at the Morrison you will find the same brand of old-fashioned hospitality. That's the reason this hotel Is so popular with visitors to Chicago.
• Home of Terrace Garden • B o s t o n Oyster House
Circulo to-any of the decisions adopt- 7-20-S4-3L County Judge. ed by the congress, except provisionIRVIN C. LEVIN, Attorney. Miss Gladys Eagles of Kansas City, 301 Electric BUI?. PAULINE BAERWALD: Most un- Mo., is spending a' couple of weeks ally. After considerable debate, two comusual personality. Twenty-four years visiting relatives in Omaha and CounNOTICE OF SHERIFFS SALE In the District Court of Douglas County, old. Typical collegiate type. Athletic. cil Bluffs. _ _ While in Council Bluffs, mittees were elected, one to fight as- Nebraska. similation and the other to prepara Very Germanic looking... As the g n e |g~the By virtue of an order of sale Issued out of her cousins, Mr. educational projects. Resolutions em- of the District Court of Douglas County, daughter of Paul Baerwald. former a n d Mra _H a r r y C 6 n e n . Nebraska, nnd in pursuance of a decree phasizing the need of national areas of head of the American branch of Lazsaid Court in an action therein indexed at Appearance Docket Number 294 at such as Palestine and of rehabilitaar Freres, famous French banking Miss Mary Blinder and her brother, Complimenting Miss Ida G. Fish, Number 108, Execution Docket Numtion of the Jewish masses in the coun- Page ber 31 at Page Number KK5, wherein who will be married August 19,r to house, she can have practically every- Maurice Blinder, of Osage, la., left tries where they now are, were also Frank Jacobs, et nl., are plaintiffs, and thing she wants and live a life of ease Nate Goldis of Rock Island, I1L, Mrs.and pleasure. Is, however, tremen- Wednesday for their home, following adopted. John Kezeros, is defendant. I will at 10 o'clock A. M., on Tuesday the 14th day of a week's visit here at the home of Mr.
Miss Dobrofsky will be honored at two parties Monday. In the afternoon, Mrs. S. J. Slotsky, 217 Twentyninth street, will be her hostess and in the evening. Miss Dena Baron, Bolstein apartments, will entertain at an evening of bridge.
the same and grant .administration of said estate to Jennie Ferer or some other suitable person nnd proceed to a settlement thereof. BKTCE CKAVTFORn, 7-13-34-3t. County Judge. FRADEMUTIU;, STAT.MASTKK. BEBKB & KLl'TZNICK. Attorneys. CSO Omaha Nun Dank Bid*.
NOTICE BY FCBLICATIOV ON PETITION" FOK SETTLEMENT OF FINAXi ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT. InN tlie Court of Douglas County, l>ra County n t iio, n f fh n t t Louis Fish and Mrs. Harry Fish en- dously interested'in the Jewish youth In ?, le !? ;, August. 1834. nt the Kast front door of ,,?J Matter of the Lstnte of Harry B. tertained 40 guests at an evening of of Germany. "Went recently to Hitler- and Mrs. S. Shyken. Milder, Deci-asod. the Douglns County Court House in the City of Omaha, Douglas County. Ncbrns- ! All persons interested in snid mntter are Jewish World Conference bridge Wednesday, at the Sioux Tea land to see things for herself. On her ka".*seli nt p"uhlic nuction to the highest j hereby 1034, notified that Milder on t t c filed » b a<lnypetiof Sam Edelstein of Philadelphia, Pa., Postponed William Shop. Mrs. Harry Nudell of Minne- return reported: "I came back from bidder for cash, the following described j•June," tion in snid County Court, praying that spent Tuesday in Council Bluffs, visGeneva.—The Jewish world confer- property, to-wit: apolis and Mrs. Harry Prager of Germany sorry for and ' depressed I his final administration account filed hereBoston were also guests of honor. The South 22 ft. of the North ««! ft. of in be settled nnd allowed, nnd that he about the older people—sorry for theiting his cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Simon ence scheduled to have been held here on August 6, has been postponed un- ns surveyed nnd1C7 lithographed being n pnrt . . . Lotthe 1, Northwest in I'.lock in theof City of Omaha, , . .. . . younger ones but emphatically not Steinberg. of Quarter the ' . . Township . . _Sonthenst _ 15,J. (,e dischnrged from his trust ns executor til August 20. Rabbi and Mrs. Theodore N. Lewis depressed about them. It is an honor Quarter of Section 22 in and that n hearing: will be had on snid July, 1S)34. nml that if you fjiii to apThe Committee of Jewish Delega- North, Range 13, East of the Cfh P. M., of and daughter have returned home to have such gallant young people as Mrs. I. Goldberg and daughter, petition beforesnid saidCourt Court,on onthe thesnid IKStb 28th day hefore in Donclns County. Nebraska, nnd pop-pear tiny of July. I!).'i4. nt » o'clock A. M.. and after spending the past six weeks in our contemporaries." The word gal- Reva, of Chicago, left Sunday for their tions informed the Jewish Telegraphic ularly known as M)6 South 13th Street. contest snid petition, the Court mny grunt Douglns County, Nebraska. New York City and other eastern lant fits tier perfectly. Has some- home, following a visit- here at the Agency that the postponement was to of said petition, enter a desatisfy the liens and inenmbrnnces the prayer of heirship. nnd innke such other nnd cities. thing more than vivacious and thehome of Mrs. Goldberg's son-in-law due to. the special demand of the therein set forth: to satisfy the sum of cree further orders, nnd decrees, as costs nnd the Increased and accru- to this Court nllownneos spirit of adventure about her. A rare and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Saul Su- American delegates that the confer- S1S.30 may seem proper, to the ing costs, nil ns provided by said order valsky. end thnt nil matters pertaining to snid ence be postponed to enable all Jew- and decree. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Brutman have specimen of American Jewish wealthy estate may be finnlly settled nnd deterish groups to participate. Dnted at Omaha, Nebraska, this Cth day mined. departed for their home in New York collegiates, who actually thinks about of July. !m BETCE CRAWFORD, City after visiting with the latter's the Jewish problem. Has injected in- Simon Michnick of Chicago arrived 7-6-34-3t. County Judge. Douglas County Nebraska. 9IONSKY, GKODIXSKX mother, Mrs. J. Riaff. Mr. Brutman to the United Jewish Appeal drive not here Wednesday for a week's visit at SHOTWELt. VANCiS and HAKKV B. COHEN Jcame to Sioux City two weeks ago tomerely her 'colorful personality but the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Attorneys 737 Omaha National Bank Bide | join his wife, who came to Sioux City ber organizing abilities. Comes to the E. Michnick. in June. . . campaign office at 9 a. m. every day NOTICE BY PUBLICATION ON PETIand answers her . mail personally. TION FOK SETTLEMENT OF FINAL ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT Graduate of Smith college. likes to • • Mrs. Irving Goldstein and children, In the County Court of Douglas County, swim, and also plays golf. Widely Nebraska. Bernadine and Paul Jean, of Chicago, I11 the Matter of the Estate of SADIE have arrived in the city to visit with traveled. One of those well-balanced MANN, Deceased. personalities who deal with life's Mrs. Goldstein's parents, Mr. and All persons interested in said matter ore problems in a healthy, rational manCincinnati, (JTA):—The Nazi camhereby notified that on the -13th day of Mrs. Louis Baron, 606 Virginia July, 1034, Charles Mann filed a petition in ; ner, yet is moved by instinctive enpaign to win the Saar Basin plebisstreet. said Comity Court, praying that his final thusiasm to help people. An engag- cite next year extends even to administration account filed herein be setin allowed, .and that he be dising speaker. No pose. No attempt to America's midwest. This is evidenced tled andfrom his trust as administrator Frances Berg of Omaha was a paint literary pictures. Is at her best by the following boxed notice, which chnrped that a hearing Trill be had on said peguest this week in the home of herwhen addressing small groups. Ha3 appeared in The Freie Press, Cin- and tition before said Court on the 11th day of August, 1034, and that If yon fail to apgrandmother. something of the disarming charm cinnati German langoag?. newspaper, pear before said Court on the'snid 11th of August, 1034, at 0 o'clock A. M., and and straight forwardness of Felix M. under the heading, "Attention, day contest said petition, the Court may grant Dena Baron, Bluma Olensky, Warburg. All those who have work- Saarians-" prayer of said petition, enter a decree Helen Herzoff" and Mrs. L. Goldberg ed with her hope that she will con- "In January of next year the ple-the of helrehlp and make such other nnd -further orders, allowances and decrees, as to spent" last Friday with Miss Saretta tinue her interest in Jewish matters biscite in, the- Saar Basin will take this Court may seem proper, to the end Ktigsten in Onawa, Iowa. after the close of the money-raising place. All Saarians now residing in that all matters pertaining to said estate campaign. Has introduced a refresh- other lands, insofar as- they were may be finally settled and determined. BKXCE CRAWFORD. Jack Mushkin, Isadore Mosow and ing note into Jewish communal life. residents of the Saar Basin in the 7-20-34.3t County Judge.
Even Ohio Canvassed in Nazi Grab at Saar
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Jules Mdsow are spending this, week Her example will do much • toward post-war period, are eligible to cast at Lake Okoboji. mobilizing more Jewish collegiates their votes. All Saarians who came for constructive Jewish communal within this classification are asked : Mr. and': Mrs.;. Eli Jacobson and work. immediately to get in contact with daughter, Mr.! kid Mrs. Hl;jM/ Rice Herr Heinrich Klohe in the business ; (Copyright, 1934, By Seven Arts and" Ada Rice sperit Sunday in; Omaoffice of The Frie -Presse." Feature Syndicate.) ha, visiting, with ^relatives. Miss" Ada Klohe is head of the Cincinnati Rice remained in Omaha for a longbranch of the Friends: of New Gere r " v i s i t . - •• : > > > ' : ' ' ' . ' [ • • •••' . : • '. Carnera-Baer Fight Film many. • • . -.
Rev. A. Diamond Recognized aa PRACTICAL. MOHEL Phone 1059
• Sam . Epstein ; spent this week in Rome.—The first showing here of Chicago, visiting* With friends and at-the film of the Carnera-Baer fight in tending the Century of Progress. ; New York gave rise to anti-Semitic demonstrations in various moving Mrs. Alta Krueger of Chicago has picture houses. Scenes showing Baer been the .recipient of a number Jof winning over his Italian opponent social courtesies during her stay were greeted with shouts of "down here. Mrs. J, Kauffman entertained a with the J *
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