August 3, 1934

Page 1

In the Interests of the Jewish People

Entered as Second Class Mail M! rostoUlce of Omaha, Nebraska,

Dedicated to the Ideals of - Judaism

January 21, Ui£U j i t ' he Art of March &.18TO


AUGUST 3, 1934

Vol. X—No, 27

AUSTRIA CABINET REPORTS GERMAN i Hebrew Club Celebrates ADOLPH Annual "Highland Fling" REORGANIZATION SEEM WEARY 0 F 1 ! 4 5 t h IS To Be Held Wednesday NAHATMOSPHEf% Anniversary Sunday OF GERMANY IS RE-ASSURING

dren under age ten. . Many entries The "Highland Fling," blue-ribbon berg, Dave Feder, Al Mayer, Nathan event on the annual Highland Coun- L. Nogg, Dave Goldman. have already been made for this conReception—Abe Herzberg, chair- Schuschnigg Considered Much test, and registration will also be Anti-Semitic Leader Takes More try club calendar, will be held next Times Correspondent Says ParWednesday/ August 8. man; H. A. Wolf, Dr. M. L Gordon, taken on the park grounds. -. •. More Moderate Than ents Object to Children's Power Than Ever After Ben Danbaum, general chairman,: Jerome Heyn, Sam Herzberg, F. Dr. A. A. Steinberg will be in Drilling Starhemberg Death of Hindenburg has promised "the biggest Highland Engel, Hymie Milder, M. E. Handler, charge of the contest, and attractive Morton Degen, Fred Rosenstock, Fling in history," and already more Vienna (WNS)—Reorganization of prizes will be awarded to the winNew York (J. T. A.)—The New Berlin.—Adolph Hitler, arch anti- reservations have been made than Sam Wertheimer, H. A. Newman, the Austrian cabinet and the appoint* ner of both the infants' and chilYork Times' Berlin correspondent Semite, ' assumed the , presidency of ever before. William Racusin, Allan Kohan, ment of Dr. Kurt Schuschnigg aa dren's divisions. writes that the military pomp of the A total of about one thousand are Archie Jacobs, Irvin Stalmaster, Dr. chancellor in place of Prince Ernst There will also be an auction Germany upon the death of 86-yearaging Hitlerite regime is growing old President Paul von Hindenburg expected to attend. Many of the visit- Philip Levey, Dr. A. Greenberg, Dr. Ruediger von Starhemberg, Heimwehr bridge tournament for adults, with unpopular in sections of Germany. Thursday. ors will be from golf clubs of the sur- B. M.. Kully, Dr. M. M. Greenberg. leader, have, served to allay for the prizes for the highest scores. All in"Evidence that some Nazi leaders are The rubber-stamp cabinet was called rounding cities, as well as members House—Abe Brodkey, chairman; time being any fears that existed in growing weary of the exaggeratedly terested will be requested to register into session as soon as word of Hin- of the local golf clubs. Julian Milder, Ben Silver, Herman Jewish circles regarding the future of military atmosphere in Germany," he the names . of the players for their denburg's death .was received and the Jewish position. A full day's program has been ar- Goldstein, Homer Binswanger. says, "is contained in a series of table at a booth provided for this gave expected approval of Chancellor The elevation of Schuschnigg to ranged, with many surprises in store. regulations for the Hitler,Youth ispurpose on the picnic grounds. Mrs. Hitler's wishes. Dollfuss' position is widely regarded Golf and more golf will be on the sued by their commanders in Saxony. L. Morgan, chairman of the auxiliary The . government-controlled radio by the Jews as a good omen, because "Leaders of small Hitler Youth group, will be in charge of this announced that the office of reichs- menu, and a delicious barbecue dinSchuschnigg is by no means the antiner will be served. In the evening, groups are warned that there is no event. president will be united with that of there will be bridge and card games. Semite that Starhemberg is. Moreover, occasion for them to "play the great A special attraction featured by the chancellor, -whiribl means that Hithe is a leading monarchist and a memAssisting Danbaum are the followcaptain and review their troops after the park on the afternoon of the ler will have absolute and unlimited ber of the Christian Social party and ing committees: every Sunday excursion." They are Hebrew club picnic will be Captain control and powers. as such opposed to all forms of radalso warned that it makes an abDrinks—Morris Mflder, chairman; Hugo's 200-foot "leap of death" into Just what effect ^ e death of Hinical and religious discrimination and surd impression when in an assembly a flaming pool of shallow water. In denburg will have «fti the immediate Morris Ferer, Sam Josephson. violence. As ardent a Catholic as was composed of boy3 and their relatives the evening dancing will be held in f u t u r e o f Germany'J internal affairs Chancellor Schuschnigg's Golf and grounds—Sam J. Leon, the local Hitler Youth letder cries Anti-Defamation Head of B'nai Dollfuss, New York <J. T. A.)—A reaction the ballroom, with Austin Bevans 13 difficult to gangef close contacts with the Vatican will be chairman; M. E. Treller, Loyal B. out "Attention!" when his chief en- favorable to the economic prosperity and his orchestra furnishing the mn- ^3 reichspresidentj Hitler also beBrith Warns Against another brake on any possible antiCohn, Milton Livingston, I. B. Zimters the room and expects young and of Palestine can be traced directly Menace comes commander-In-chief of the man, Louis Hiller. Semitic leanings. sic old alike to leap to their feet. to Hitler's anti-Semitic persecutions For the afternoon's contests and reichswehr, the regr^ar army. This, The composition of the cabinet, Food—J. H. Kulakofsky, chairman; "On the other hand, the Hitler in Germany, reports a writer in The Seattle, Wash (JTA)—Richard E. games, more than four hundred dol- it is believed in ma*y circles, may Harry Cohen, Louis Sommer. which contains four Heimwehr men Youth leader for Saxony complains Magazine of Wall Street. Gutstadt, national director of the holding five portfolios and three memlars worth - of merchandise contrib- lead to trouble, as l e regular army Tickets—L. L.. Burkenroad, chairthat he is often greeted with elabThe article, which surveys present uted by numerous downtown firms is supposedly unentnusiastic for Hit-man; Harry Malashock, J, J. Green- B'nai B'rith Anti-Defamation Com- bers of the Christian Social party mission, revealed information indicatorate speeches full of compliments. business conditions in the Holy Land, holding six portfolios, gives the modwil be awarded. These games and ler and his policies, j ing that anti-Semitism throughout The deputy leaders are directed to follows i n excerpt: On the other hand! Hitler has now erates a majority and will prevent the contests will be open to all those tiie United States is regimented and greet their groups with a simple "While most countries of the world present—for men, women, boys and consolidated nis control and has as Fascists from carrying out any exhas a hold among hundreds of thou"Heil Kameraden!" and to train still suffer the lingering pains of much power as any dictator today. tremist policy with regards to the girls—under the direction ' of Lee sands of bigots. their boys to respond with one "Heil post-war Hindenburg' was an Influence for convalescence, Palestine Jews. Schuschnigg is also a bitter foe "There are thirty - two anti-Sem- of the Nazis and his political record Hitler!" and not with a triple "Heil' stands out as an isolated example of Grossman, physical director at the J. moderation in -Germany during the C. C. In addition, each ticket of aditic organizations in the country," is not sullied by any personal associato victory as heretofore. Berlin (W. N. S.)A total of 70,000 rejuvenated economic virility and mission entitles the holder to a Nazi regime. .Though his age. and inGutstadt told a correspondent for the tion with Hitler, as is that of Star"The suggestion was made that commercial well-being. firmities made him inactive, the GerJews have left Germany since the chance on a guaranteed WestingJewish Telegraphic Agency. "One of hemberg, who is now vice-chancellor Hitler Youth members in uniform "The boom started by persecuted house electric refrigerator as the man people were so devoted to him advent of the Nazi regime, and 120,them is run by a Baptist preacher, and minister of security. Emil Fey, should cease halting automobiles German Jews, is based on sound that Hitler in a sense feared him. Ob- 000 others, all less than .30 years of the Rev. Gerald Winrod of Wichita, grand prize. merely to get a ride. servers/ have freely stated, however, age, would leave, if they could obtain Kansas, who tells his 50,000 followers Staihemberg's lieutenant in the Heimbusiness principles. Capital salvaged The picnic grove at the park has "Objections by German parents tt from their wrecked commercial enwehr, was named minister of the inthat Hindenburg was kept in the dark work. in other countries, it is rethe methods cf Hitler Youth lead- terprises has been consolidated and been set aside by the management as to most of the events transpiring vealed by a survey published by thethat the long-exploded "Protocols of terior, thus assuring the Jews of pothe Learned Elders of Zion" is gospe lice protection, since Fey is one of ership have caused drastic modifica re-invested in real estate purchased for the exclusive use of these attend- in Germany and that he knew only Central Welfare Committee of Gertruth and the Jews seek to contro1 the few Fascist chieftains who do not tions in these practices in recen from the native population, in indus- ing the Hebrew club picnic what Hitler wanted him to know. man Jews. the world." The Omaha Hebrew club, declares believe in Jew-baiting. months. In the last presidential election, trial plant and equipment and as On the basis of the facts that only He charged "Winrod with being pre"In the beginning the boys were working capital to finance export Ben Kazlowsky, president, lays claim Hitler was Hindenburg's opponent, 7,369 of the Jews who have already pared (for a slight charge) to send Recognition of these facts has done to being one of the oldest Jewish or- Hindenburg winning by a very subsubjected to constant military drills, trade. much to create a more optimistic feelemigrated did so with the help of anyone anti-Semitic lierature includwhich kept them from home most of "Immigrants are allotted land, ganizations in the state of Nebraska, stantial majority. the HICEM; the survey concludes ing the treatise, "International Jew,' ing among Austrian Jews. During the the time after school hours and often loaned tools, provisions, personal ne- having a present membership of over that self-help must be the chief re- which was once published and is nowfirst days of the upheaval there was late at night They were taught war cessities. Modern methods of inten- 400. During its 45 years of existence great alarm and uncertainty, both of disavowed by Henry Ford. liance of the German Jews. Jews Buy 10,000 Dunams tactics, particularly bombing. sive cultivation soon showed hand- it has p2id out more than $75,000 in "Winrod," said Gutstadt, "is Amer- which are now being gradually dissiThe survey estimates that PalesJerusalem — 10,000 dunams of "Parents protested that the chil- some profits. These profits are death benefits and over $30,000 in ica's prize example of anti-Christ pated. Reassuring statements by Bundren were being weaned from home credited on the books of the central sick benefits. It maintains a cash re- land have been soli to Jews in the tine can provide 16,000 jobs, for ian teachings. He is attempting to descommissar Odom and Starhemberg almost L2 perrefugees, and the United States crucify the Jew on a cross of lies." have also helped. Odom issued a declife and also were being deprived of finance administration for the ac- serve fund for guaranteed payment Beersheba area 7,000 jobs. proper play, and .relaxation. In con-count of individual land tenants or of death benefits to its membership. dunam. Gutstadt called attention to the laration which said that the new govsequence, the drilling was cut^ down industrial workers against previous Crusader White Shirts, operated by ernment would shun all action even sharply, night assemblies were strict- advances. George W. Christians of Chattanoo- remotely akin to Nazism, while Starly^limited, and military features of "The Promised* Land is at last ga, Tenn., as "America's ftewest rac- hemberg pledged the government to make no changes in the domestic or the : training were modified. flowing with milk and honey and it ket." y "The order to omit the triple cheer may be said, without undue exaggerWhite Shirts," he said foreign policies initiated by DollfuBS. The Tor victory accorfls with recenl. TitWs ation;" t n a t V H m ^ - ^ ^ t r a i g 1 y ' y ^ "claim two million ^embers grid have .AJthoug-h the Jewish -copulation as ; y from Germany telling of opposition "iv-t-iTrx-afcx-tf—/*zta.-Tjur-ZZS>iV^V.;^-* , •:-_— -.--£yriVdven"*tn~*any"~of""tn«r set the num- such become the-greatest Zionist of .them r— "y~" among the people to the constant ber of Silver Shirts at about 400,000 plots or counterplots that kept Vienna saluting imposed by the Nazi re- all." on the strength of creditable reports. on edge for days, four prominent JPVS gime.' "The Green Mountain Boys, headed have been arrested and a fifth is held by a wild-eyed hill billy named Ever- for questioning by the police on susett Saunders, with headquarters in picion of having been mixed up in A Cable-Article—By Democrat Virginia; the League for Industrial some way with the Nazi putsch. The .Democrat, Seven Arts' Vienna of Jews from the professions and bus- Nazi defeat. They had for some time Defense, centered in Boston and con-Jew who was subjected to a long grillChicago (WNS)—A crowd estimat- correspondent, has succeeded in iness. been pinning their hopes on the-Nazi trolled by Ervin L. Potter; the Amer- ing was Anton Opald, president of the I at nearly 100,000 filled Soldiers mailing this interesting summingcoup as against the mounting tide of ican Vigialnce Intelligence Federa- Alpine Berg Company, Austria's largIn a number of respects the new tion, which handles twenty-one types est industrial firm. The four Jews unField here to view the presentation of up of the Jewish state of mind in Socialism and Communism. political developments in Austria may the pageant "The Epic of a Nation" Austria after the Dollfuss murder In the meanwhile Jewish leaders of anti-Semitic literature and is led der arrest are Herr Nogelschtok, ediultimately redound to the advantage which was the climax of the Jewish —to our correspondent in Prague, here are marking time. They are un-by Harry Augustus Jung, are among tor of the Vienna Journal; Herr Feuhof the Jews. Starhemberg, as a pro)ay celebration at a Century of Prog- whence it was cabled to us. It most willing to be quoted on the situation, the outstanding anti-Semitic organi- ring, owner of a cafe, and attorneys Most of the first round matches tege of Mussolini, will unquestionably zations in the country," Gutstadt de- Peck and Behs. ess exposition. be kept in mind that a week from do II Duce's bidding, and the Italian but it is known that they are relying clared. have been played in the annual HighMeanwhile, Austiian Jewry is Five thousand actors, musicians and heavily on outside political pressure the day of cabling will have elapsed dictator is known to oppose anti-S.emland golf tourney. Professional George He further listed as anti-Semitic mourning Dollfuss not as a mere forchildren participated in the pageant, should the occasion warrant it. Most when this is published and that in Miller emphasizes that all first round itism of any kind because it damages the following. mality but sincerely and deeply beclashes in all flights must be com-which was sponsored by the ORT and view of the fluctuating conditions in the reputation of Fascism. In other of them are pessimistic as to the fu- "The 'Paul Reveres' of Chicago uncause he was regarded as a genuine the Union of Orthodox Congregations ture. They see nothing but trouble Austria new developments may. have pleted by Saturday, to avoid default. words, Austrian Jewry looks to Rome and determined opponent of anti-Semchanged the Austrian panorama. Second round matches are scheduled if America. ather than to Vienna for protection. Marshall Hadley, author of itism. Thousands of Jews marched in Before the pageant and huge audi- This article, however, reflects the herself is due for harrowing times to be completed by Sunday. Shadows' and TNT'. the impressive funeral parade behind ence heard a musical tribute to the situation as it appeared on July 29. Starhemberg's complete political both politically and economically; and At Dress time the following matches "The Progressive Fascisti League Dollfuss' cortege and thousands mo'-e ate Chaim Nachman Bialik. Reprewith such developments in the offing —THE EDITOR. and financial dependence on the great have been played: of Chicago, whose platform demands, viewed the body as it lay in state. So sentative Samuel Dickstein, member powers may also cause him to temper the Jews are almost certain to be 'Purge America of the Jew!" CMmpionship Flight— large was the number of Jewish his personal anti-Semitic leanings. He made the scapegoats. Marvin Treller defeated Bud Slos- of the Congressional Committee InGutstadt reviewed evidence given mourners that it elicited considerable Vienna, July 29.—The sanguinary vestigating Nazi Activities, was the On the surface Austrian Jewry is cannot afford to antagonize world burjr, 5 and 4; Abe Pepper defeated during Congressional hearings tend- comment throughout Vienna. and embittered party struggle in Auspublic opinion by persecuting Jews or calm and undisturbed. Jewish organ- ing to show that Nazis have set themLerT Simon, 4 and 3; Phil Laserowitz guest speaker. tria between the Nazis and the DollIn his address he warned against any other element of the population. izations everywhere are draped in defaulted to Leo Nogg; H. Goldstein fuss Fascists is not affecting the stat- The determination of Italy, France black, in mourning for Dollfuss, al- selves up in most large American defeated H. Kulakofsky, 4 and 3 ; Bill the "wave of dictatorial power" cities, and said that Seattle is reus of Austrian Jewry; for whichever and England to maintain the indepen- though Viennese Jewry is not very YOUSPTI defeated M. Kiuoinsky, 2 up; sweeping westward from Europe and cognized as one of the centers of Nazi Abe Brodkey. defeated H. Milder, 5 cautioned against the menace of dis- =ide wins, the Jews will ultimately dence of Austria at all costs is anoth- much affected by his death. The truth activity on the Pacific Coast. lose. Freed from the ever-present er factor that may prevent any ag-is that as a whole Vienna is shedding loyal aliens in America. and 4. The B'nai B'rith spokesman urged menace of a Nazi dictatorship, and all gravation of the Jewish situation here. few tears over the demise of Dollfuss. Jewish parents not to insist upon Flight— Ephraim L. Marks announced Wedthat it would have meant, by the abor- The diplomatic rule that what hap- But it is feared that this calm will be sending their children into professHerzberg defeated William nesday that he is now associated in short-lived and displaced by wild tive Nazi putsch during which Chanpens in any one country is strictly an ions when the children themselves Grodfnsky, 4 and 3; Izzy Schlaifer the practice of law with the firm of alarm and panic. The present mental cellor Dollfuss was murdered, the internal matterand no concern of the preferred other fields of occupation. •Seated Paul Blotcky, 1 up; Morris Reed, Ramacciotti and Robinson, 905 Cincinnati, (J. T. A.)—-Experi- Austrian Jews now find themselves world (rigidly adhered to when Ger- state of Austrian Jewry is best exGutstadt was the first man to join Cohn defeated M. Micklin, 2 and 1. First National bank building. ments conducted at the Jewish and faced with life under the rule of the many launched her anti-Semitic drive) pressed in an epigram widely current the B'nai B'rith in San Franciso, afTMrd Flifrht— Marks graduated with "cum laude" General Hospitals in Cincinnati have new temporary Fascist Chancellor, will be forgotten in the case of Aus-in Jewish circles: "Besser ein Ende ter the earthquake there. He has L. Kulakofsky defeated Dave Cohn. resulted in the creation of a new Prince Ernst Ruediger von Starhem- tria, because Europe will not permit mit Schrecken als ein Schrecken ohne been occupied with B'nai B'rith work honors from Creighton law school in 4 anrt 3: Dr. Philip Romo'nek defeated 1932, and for the past two years has machine for improving circulation Dr. M. Greenberf?, 3 and 2; H. Cherberg, a former associate of Hitler and Germany to swallow up Austria. This Ende" (better a terrible end than a for the last twenty-eight years. been employed in the office of Robert in the arms and legs where thickterror without end). is generally accepted here. Joint forhiak defeated M. Jacobs, 4 and 2; Smith, cleik of the district court. ening* of the blood and obstruction himself a notorious anti-Semite. Con- eign intervention in Austria might be The non-Zionist youth is swelling William Racusin defeated A. Goldsoling themselves with the thought While in school, Ephraim Marks of the blood vessels has set in, it the numbers of the Socialist moveanother factor likely to save Austrian stein, 2 UD. made a distinguished record. He was was announced here. The machine is that Starhemberg's regime can scarce- Jewry from the fate of German Jewry. ment. Not merely because the SocialFc-r'h Flight— captain and assistant coach of the now in active operation in the Jew-ly be worse than a Nazi government, Although conditions throughout ist party is free of anti-Semitism, but Sol Novitsky defeated Yale Meyer- ish Hospital, Dr. Walter E. List, su- but possibly better, Austrian Jews are Berlin (J. T. A.)—The Kissingen Creighton University debating team, because as Austrian citizens they are Austria are still unsettled and the fuson, 3 and 2; Al Bart defeated L. Som- perintendent, declared. state administration issued a state- president of Pi Lambda Phi fraterniprepared for almost anything. Even ture composition of the government ready to sacrifice themselves for a mer, 3 and 2. The machine, eliminates in many if Kuit Schuschnigg assumes the uncertain, Jewish life goes on much free and democratic Austria. When ment to foreign newspapermen in ty, and president of his law class. instances the necessity for amputa- Chancellorship, Prince von Starhem- as it did before. Not many Jews are the Starhemberg or Schuschnigg gov- Germany declaring that while the Marks has the honor of being the only tion of limbs, being especially val- berg, as leader of the Heimwehr, leaving the country. The Zionist Or- ernment will, after it gets through use of swimming and bath facilities Jewish young man ever to win the uable in cases in which diabetic pa- would be the de facto dictator. (Edi- ganization, however, has been be- with the remnants of the Nazi army of the state were prohibited to Ger-World-Herald scholarship of S200 for tients develop gangrene. The ma- tor's Note: Schuschnigg was since sieged for immigration certificates to in the provinces, devote its attention man Jews, the administration would high school graduates, achieving this jor feature, Dr. List says, is a trans- made Chancellor and Starhemberg Palestine. Jews from the provincial to the Socialists, who will continue have no objection to visits from for- honor at Omaha Technical High school in 1926. New York (J. T. A.)—"Fights parent glass boot, encasing the limb eign Jews. Vice-Chancellor.) centers are pouring into Vienna, which their fight against Fascism — many against every form of discrimina- to be treated, and sealed at the top Foreign Jews would be made welHe is now an officer in the B'nai Although Starhemberg cannot be escaped most of the warfare of last Jews, as members, of the Socialist come and allowed to use the min-B'rith, an advisor of A, Z. A. Chaption" and relentless struggles by -a rubber cuff. Alternate positive party, will suffer. "against the ' unmistakable drifp .to- and negative pressures are produced regarded as a blessing to Austrian week. But by and large Jewish life eral baths and well, the statement ter 100, is active in the Vaad Ha'Ihr, Thus you have the picture of Auswards Fascism in this country -ani rythmically to stimulate and restore Jewry, he is believed to be opposed to goes on "much as it did before. There declared. and is a member of the Board of Govtrian Jewry: The few wealthy Jews violence and the Aryan laws. On this is, of course, a marked undercurrent against the whole structure of Fas- circulation of the blood. ernors of the Jewish Welfare Federscore the new regime may. be regard- of tension and uncertainty as to the caught in their foolish support of the cism in Germany and Italy where th ation. ed as an improvement over a possi- future, but so far as your correspond- Nazis, having believed that financial as the time when life was gemuetlich masses of the people have been terand Jews were happy, despite a few bility of a Nazi regime. Starhemberg, ent has been able to determine the re-sacrifices for the Nazis would save rorized and degraded by the reac- Sees World War Within however, has announced that he will cent upheaval passed without a single them in case of a Nazi victory. The Unimportant anti-Semitic skirmishes. Registered Settlers tionary governments of big financial Year Jerusalem —According to official "Give us the Vienna of Kaiser Franz interests" "occupy prominent place! Chicago — Dr. Kurt Rosenfelt, for- adhere strictly to the policies initiated serious anti-Semitic, incident. Both Jewish youth necessarily affiliated Josef," they say, "and we shall be figures published by the Palestine by Dollfuss, which means that Auswith either the Socialists or the Zionsides were too busy with each other in the. program of action - outlined mer Minister of Justice in the Prusgovernment, 40,703 Jewish immiin the first issue of the Columbia sian Cabinet, now in exile, from Nazi trian Jewry may expect an intensifi- to bother about the Jews. What will ists, and hence exposed to the wrath better off than under any democratic grants were registered as settlers in Bulletin, a weekly,. which appeared Germany predicted on his arrival cation of the economic .anti-Semitism happen" after the Nazis are com- of Fascism. And, finally, the elderly government." Palestine in 1933, including 13,125 which is already .tightening around its element, who hope for « return to a on Columbia University campus. Th« here that there will be another world pletely crushed is another story. It is from Poland, 5,392 from Germany (Copyright, 1934, by Seven Arts "Bulletin" is the official organ q war within a year provoked by "theneck. The new Chancellor favors the expected that several Jewish bankers- monarchist regime. The Austria of and 1,169 from the United States. Feature Syndicate) numerus clausus and the elimination will be prosecuted as a result of the pre-war days lingers in their memory ~ the World Problems club.". "''•'< generals of Germany." ' ' v j " ie forty-fifth anniversary of the )maua Hebrew club will be celebrated at a mammoth community-wide picnic, to be held this coming Sunday, August 5, at Krug Park. Air Jewry of Omaha and vicinity are invited o attend the affair. The celebration will be an all-day affair, commencing in the, afternoon with prize games and contests and concluding in the evening with dancing and a drawing for the grand prize. - : - :A feature that is gaining popularity is the baby contest for all chil-



70J000 Jews Quit Hitler's Naziland





Ohio Doctors Invent Better Blood Device

Foreign Jews Allowed Use of Nazi Waters

Columbia Weekly to Fight Fascist Trends


Page 2—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 3, 1934 been practically cancelled. Germany's the Chicago Daily News in Germany than can ever be repaid. What dp not. What has become of your boastpresent mood is consolidating the ar- for many years, and Dr. "Hamilton you think of Haber, without whose ed "Lehrfreiheitr maments of the nations surrounding is one of our best authorities on in-invention, of the synthesis of am- We are well aware that many false her for defense, and this is likely to dustrial hygiene and has been in monia Germany would have been de- reports of German atrocities were continue as long as Hitler is in pow- Germany to study this subject. feated in six months because of the er, unless he "consents to a superviPlease do not think that I condemn lack of explosives? or of Willstate(Continued on Page 8 sion of his 'armaments under the everything that Hitler is doing. Ex- ter who started the investigation that League of-Nations. I am very hear- cept that he follows all imperialists led to the discovery of procaine and tily in favor; of disarmament, but I who wish cannon fodder for their other synthetic local anesthetics? » CLOSE OUT could not advise any other course at armies by denouncing birth control, BEVOE BEST SPAR VARNISH the present moment. his teachings on marriage and pros- The dismissal of Jewish profesBy WILLIAM ALBERT NOYES* Phi D.. 1882 1 $U0 a Gallon sors and of perions who will not disI hesitate to say much about com- titution are on a high plane. A friend tort facts to support the Nasi proReprnited from "'The Johns Hopkins Alumni Magazine' munism in Germany because I am not of mine who- was in-Germany "for Kress, is iiniversally condemned in Omaha Jobbing Co. some time last spring has told-me' "Not long ago I received a letter in the grbwth of civilization. One army was not defeated in the field in a position to have reliable infor- that our university faculty, quite irres31? No. 15th »A. B6O4 conditions in Berlin are , from a friend in Germany who concrete illustration—dueling has • but was defeated by the internal mation. I have a very strong feeling much moral pective of whether we are Jews or improved. wrote: "We have had a renaissance practically disappeared—it would be revolution and by enemy propaganda however, that Hitler is over emphaI cannot believe that all the prof, and unification in Germany. All unthinkable that in any civilized which told the Germans that Em- sizing the danger for purposes of passed off quietly and we have peace nation two statesmen would choose peror Wilhelni and the military lead- propaganda. I have been glad of iteers in Germany are Jews. If Hit, because Hitler has known how theseconds and fight a formal duel — ers were waging a war for conquest your statement that the men tried ler, instead of using his money and suppress the fear. of communism." and yet a little more than a century and not merely one of defense. He for the Reichstag fire were having a energy in building a strong army, Knowing of the rigid censorship, I ago one of our greatest statesmen either does not know or i3 ready to fair trial and also to learn that all would use the unemployed for usequestioned whether those in Germany was killed in a duel. It is evident that forget that in September 1918, Lu-but one of them were acquitted be- ful purposes and increase the purknow what Is going on there as well this change in public opinion is notdendorf told Emperor Wilhelm that cause there was no convincing evi- chasing power of the people by inas we do- The reply was a very long due to heredity. It is due to a grad- it was impossible for him to break dence that they were guilty. The fact creasing wages and lessen unemual acceptance of the old doctrine through the line of the Allies and that the police were unable' to find ployment by shortening the hours letter defending Hitlerism. My correspondent is a highly cultured per- that "might makes right" is bar-that it would be wise to make the any evidence, of 8 -concerted plot of workmen, he has a. tremendous son with university training. This barous. Unfortunately, this belief is best terms for peace possible. If the seems to me good evidence that the opportunity for the improvement of reply may be of interest to others making headway among nations more Emperor had heeded him then there propaganda spread in Germany at conditions for the common people. who may- not have read "Mein slowly than it has among indivi- might have been a negotiated peace the opening of the trial was largely I appreciate the pains you took which would have been better for without foundation. duals. Kampf." to find out about the treatment, of Because of the: superiority of Gerr everyone. The Emperor refused to About forty years ago a bomb, Jews in your neighborhood. It would Before answering your kind and many, due; to its supposed Aryan do so and in November the German which killed a number of policemen, be impossible, of course, to get}- infrank letter, I wished to Tead Hit- purity, Germany should "extend her line had been broken and a nego- was thrown by anarchists in Chica-1 formation about the matter from the if neces- tiated peace was no longer possible. go. Seven men were arrested, tried police, and if the Rabbi had given ler's. "Mein Kampf"[so that I might borders' by militaryforce;? "Oh, man . . . if I could only form an independent- judgment of sary—and he evidentlyr" thinks this Hitler forgets, too, that the Germans fairly, and hanged. I think that had any information revenge would have get away from the heat for a were starving and, that after the will be necessary. just what his program is. been taken on members of his confew days" . . . far more effect in suppressing anarI think we must probably begin As I understand it, these princi- armistice TIerbert Hoover cut through chy in America than the indiscrimin- gregation. I am sure that many of How often you've said this to by agreeing that we are not likely ples are the chief elements in Hit- the military red tape and saved mil- ate arrest of persons who believe in Hitler's statements on this subject yourself, on a scorcher that to hold the same views about democ- ler's "Weltanschauung" and by lions of Germans from starvation by communism which is going on in are extreme. His book shows that he seems to broil yon at your racy. After our experience of more "Gleichschaltung" he means that all getting food through to feed them Germany. On the other hand the be- is almost a monomaniac on the subdesk. just as he had saved starving Belthan one hundred and fifty years in Germans must be competed to aclief of many people that Sacco and ject. There are, of course, bad Jews, Well, Mister, you can get the United States, I am thoroughly cept them and that anyone, who at-gians and Frenchmen during the Ger- Vanzetti in Massachusetts and Moon* but not all Germans are angels. away from the heat . . . and convinced that a system of govern- tempts to teach doctrines .which are man' occupation of Belgian and ey in California did not have fair As I have written you, I cannot not just for a few days . . . ment under which the people choose inconsistent with these must be ruth- French, territory. trials is doing us a great deal of accept race as a sufficient reason for but all summer long. : their representatives freely and have lessly suppressed. : While in thearmy, ,1914-1918, Hit- harm. dismissing competent professors. The the power to change them when they Because Hitler believes these doc- ler thought of the war as not merely And we don't mean an expenJewish professors in Germany have no longer hold their confidence, is trines are all-important and that one of the defense but also one that You ask for the names of tje pa-contributed far more to Germany sive vacation, away from your pers from which I have learned of work. safest and best. they cannot be effective without a should make Germany one of thecruelties practiced against Jews and I can well understand that the strong army, all intellectual, eco- great nations and give her people No, sir! The matter i s very German.people look back with long- nomic, civic, and other activities room (p. 178). This goes further others. For my statement about essimple. All you need do is to pecially flagrant cruelty my authorPaxton Mitchell Co. ing to the "good old days" before must be made subservient to thethan anything I have seen recently get a wardrobe of GENUINE the war and that theyj are bound to single purpose of building Such an toward justifying the contention of ity is the New York Nation of OcLORRAINE SEERSUCKER Grey Iron, Aluminum and ascribe many of their difficulties for army. For this reason he is organ- the Allies that Germany's Emperor tober 4, 1933—an article by Richard j suits. They'll keep you cool, Bronie Castings wherever you are. the past fifteen years to the demo- izing the whole . educational system and the military leaders were fight- Neuberger. My ^English authority is Wood and Metal Patterns cratic form of. government, when from the universities down. He. is ing the war. to secure territory and many "articles «ln, the Manchester We've got them, in wide vari2614 Martha St. HA. 5523 they are in reality chiefly due to the not only dismissing Jews, for whom the hegemony in Europe. I have Weekly Guardian—a paper whichi ety, at has been very outspoken in demandloss 'of the war and to the profiteer- he has a special, unreasoning hatred, seen nothing'to indicate that Hitler ing fairer treatment for Germany. ing of her own citizens. I also un- but he is eliminating everyone "who has given up that ideal. derstand that after centuries of au-places the truth above these doc- Hitler thinks of the democratic Would you read a book "Germany Puts the Cloek Back," by E. A. Mowtocratic Tulers Germany was not well trines. You must certainly know revolution of 1918 as a complete rer, and an article "The Plight of i prepared for democracy and did not something of the changes which have breakdown of nation (p. 250) and the: German Intellectuals," by Dr. accept it whole-heartedly because taken place in your own university asks when suchthe a breakdown has ever Alice Hamilton in Harpers Magazine they thought it had been dictated by during recent months. occurred before as the result of thefor January, 41934, i£ I can find the enemy. Germany continued the of & war. He seems to forget some way to get them to you? I am 'autocratic' rule long after" genuine In the light of the above facts loss that after the French defeat in 1871sure they would not be allowed to how you can claim that Hitler dedemocracy had been established in sires peace is quite beyond my com- France replaced the monarchy with reach you if sent; direct, but I might England and in France. . . •••• a republic, which continues to this send them to some friend of yours . Under American democracy we prehension. He desires peace at theday—that PHONE France was a monarchy present moment because he could not in Switzerland, France, or Holland if have recently chosen a President to of the time from 1815 to 1871you could get them so. You will whom we have given almost dicta- start a successful war, but if he suc- most and that she was : a republic when doubtless dissent from some of their torial power. Most of us believe he ceeds in building up the army he she helped to organize the coalition conclusions but I am anxious to know desires, are you sure that he, will is using these powers wisely, in the whkh defeated Germany in 1918. if any of their statements are false. not use it against Germany's interest of the whole people and not After the revolution, the Allies were Mr. Mowrer was a correspondent of CORRECT APPAKEL FOR MEN AND WOMEN in the interest of any particular neighbors ? INSURED CABS ready to agree to an armistice which class, and we have a strong iope Hitler believes that all that is val-led to the»peacK'It is very doubtful that many injustices of long stand- uable in our civilization comes from if they would have been ready to-do the Aryan race—especially that Jews ing will be corrected. have contributed only elements de^ this : -if-iWilhelm had-, remained' ,in_ Last week we had a meeting of rived from Aryans. I should not ex- poweW ;/.:«^ ^^ the American Historical Association pect Hitler to .^accept the statement ^ with you th^pmany proviHere: One'session, was devoted-to a of the Jewish'prophet, Micah, that the Yersailje§j|||eaty are too discussion of dictators. The report of the basis for genuine religion must a l am verj^lfSfcrB^igly of the •an address on "The Pattern of a be "justice, mercy, and reverance" opinionj however^ •£££ Stresemann, Dictator," published in the daily pa- ("Walk humbly with thy God") andespecially^^nd UjeJRepublic, recent! :per :isaued' by" theTstudentsi'of-~7the by reverance I'mean reverance foT "Bave ma$er; jnoire':k progress toward University, says: that "Power not ourselves which revision than' Hitler is. likely to makel "Professor Lutz stressed the im-makes for righteousness" I hope that At tiocarno, England guaranteed portance of the spy system under you accept this. • • . ' : . Germany against an 7 attack from . the regime of the • three great dis- Hitler gives lip service to Jesus France,1, the evacuation of the Ehine tatorships of Eussia, Italy, and Ger- but he avoids saying that Jesus was was carried out in advance of the remany end listed the concentration a Jew, and he clearly does not acquirements of the Treaty, and furthof power in one leader, a pedantic cept the doctrine "Thou sL*lt love er payments of reparations ' hayfc bureaucracy, the denial of civil thy neighbor as thyself" and forgets rights, violence against internal. cri- that Jesus took as his illustration of tics, the us3 of propaganda and reg- neighborliness the Samaritan who NATIONAL imentation in education, and the need •wa3 of another nation than the Jews ACCESSORIES, Inc. 'of a scapegoat, as common to these and was hated by them. > governments." Surely neither ability nor virtue EVERYTHING I think you will agree that all is confined to any- one-race. Our For the Auto these characteristics are to be found ideal should be. an. open mind and in Hitler's government. . . the willingness to take from othera 2051 Farnam AT. 5524 I will now discuss briefly a few of the best that we can, find. " the most important of Hitler's doc- I agree with the Germans that trines. I assume that you have read Germany was not solely responsible his book and can find for yourself for the war. France and Russia were the basis for my statements. If you preparing for the war in 1913. How4 ALL-STEEL REFRIGERATOR think, in any case, that I do notever, Austria' actually began hostilistate his point of view fairly, please ties, and if Germany, had insisted The new G.E Monitor Top tell me so and I will give reference that Austria should arbitrate her dif• **Xike most houseis the finest refrigerator to the pages. GetYbu* Cuts and ference with Servia the war might wives I've always General Electric ever built. Tis most fundamental doctrine is possibly .have been, averted, and if wanted an electric that the Aryan race is superior to France had prevented the mobiliza-| Distinguished new styling; refrigerator. After all others and that the race is found tion of Russia it is possible that the freezes more ice faster; in its purest form in Germany. Any- war might have been confined to shopping" a r o u n d , uses less current; all-steel one who knows the merest elements Austria and Servia—but if is useless com paring values c a b i n e t ; stainless steel # omflHfl of anthropology knows that no na-to assess the exact responsibility of and talking to sevfreezer; all the modern 1>ho#t€ 04.4626 They've Just Arrived! tion in Europe has a pure race. The each. eral of our friends •'.".• convenience features; plus lines of heredity run back into a Hitler claims that the German who have General 5 Years Protection against very distant past and everywhere Grace Your Own Home! Electrics, Jim and I failure of the sealed-in-steel there is a mixture of many different naturally decided a mechanism for only $5 — lines. . Still more important is the They're Ideal for Gifts! G?E was the refrigthe standard 1 year warfact that during, hundreds of thouerator for us. But ranty and 4 more years prosands of years the human race made you know how men tection for only $1 a year very slow progress. Only during the are—he wanted to (which is included in the last eight thousand years, since the wait—until I con- price). discovery of writing, has progress vinced h i m with been more rapid. The interaction of p e n c i l and paper men and women on each other is imSEE ALL THESE! mensely more efficient than heredity that the refrigera-



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Boost Petersen Milton Petersen, business man and for years active worker for Democratic success in Douglas county, is being strongly backed by many for the Democratic nomination for a director of the Metropolitan Utilities



BoVn in Omaha, educated in Omaha echobls and at Harvard law school, Mr. Petersen is a home owner and executive of a large Omaha wholesale baking company. He is president of the Douglas County Democratic club, secretary of the Democratic Central committee, has served as chairman in 1930 and 1932 of Edward R. Burke's finance committee. His civic activities have included work each year on the Community Chest and for the Boy Scouts of America. He is a world war




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turn the key to open the box. What ti-Semitism in a recent sermon by will you be able to take out of the box Cardinal Faulhaber, who added that and what will it do for you? "God always punishes the persecuWhen are you going to open this tors of Israel." The Catholic preThey Mix With the Best box? Not next week or next year. If late point out that hatred and opyou are willing to grant this, then you IDEAL BOTTLING COMPANY will find that the life insurance policy pression cannot destroy the Jews, ISOS No. 20th St. WE. S04S in your safe deposit box will solve an and pleaded for a cessation of antiSemitism. . . amazing number of problems. ProbBy the Service Life Insurance lems which no other security in that safe deposit box will solve for you. Company, Omaha While you are alive and well, your THE Suppose you start upon a program insurance policy in the safe deposit box is not only a $50.00 a month savof saving $50.00 a month. You want By ABRAM I. ELKUS to do i t and you want to put theings . plan,- but when you die that §50.00 a month in a good safe place $50.00 a month savings plan becomes Abram I. Elkus, former TJ. S. * years and the enormous strain put so that you will have it at some time $20,000 cash for your family or an Ambassador to T u r k e y and MAX JAMES KOHLER (May upon him hurried on his untimely in the near future when you may need equivalent income. Or, when you are of Nebraska Women Judge of the New York Court ready to retire from business it sudwas a true it. 22, 1971, July 24, 1934) was born end. For Mr. Kohler -was •of Appeals, was for many years at Detroit, Mich., the son of Dr. liberal. His liberalism * was deeply The savings bank book, the bond, denly becomes an income of $200.00 a Try a Bag Today engaged in the defense of the Kaufmann and Johanna Einhorn rooted not only in the family tra- the stock, the life insurance policy or month. immigrant to our shores. In this A life insurance policy is only a whatever you buy with your $50.00 is Kohler. He' was educated in the dition of - German Jews who escaped •work he was associated, in beCollege of the City of New York from oppression and servitude, but going into the "safe deposit box. Youmodest savings plan when it is locked half of the American Jewish and Columbia University, where also in years of profound study of will, not turn the key and the box will up in that safe deposit box but when Committee and the B'nai B'rith, he received his legal degree. In the ideals of our form of government. not be opened again until one of theit comes out, it is a giant in strength with the late Max J. Kohler, to 1925 he was awarded the honor- This idealism led him to take part in contingencies for which you are sav-and helpfulness. whom he here pays tribute. -. ary degree of Doctor of Hebrew the numerous battles against the im-ing money transpires. . ! — The Editor. Now, we come to a most peculiar Letters by the Hebrew Union Col- migrant-baiters and against bigots of lege of Cincinnati, of which his every description. He felt that in fallacy. Most people are more con- Faulhaber Calls Hitler's Blood This morning word came to me of father had been the President for this manner he was expressing the cerned with what they put in than Purge Punishment for the death of Max J. Kohler, colleague twenty-three years. David Ein- -most important aspects of the man — with what they take out of their safe Anti-Semitism and friend of many years' standing, horn, his maternal grandfather, I the American and the Jew. Even deposit boxes. What foolishness! The . Munich — The death of the vicand co-woiker with me both in the was a pioneer in the formulation though for one reason or another only thing that should concern you is, tims of Hitler's recent blood purge councils of the American Jewish Com- of Reform Judaism. Beginning his America's liberal immigrant policies what your savings will be when you was called God's punishment for anmittee and the B'nai B'rith. It was legal practice in 1893, the late were gradually discarded, Mr. Kohler hard to realize that he had passed Mr. Kohler achieved an enviable was determined to do all he could to from among us; it is always hard reputation as a champion of lib- preserve as much of the earlier spirit to adjust oneself to a severe, per- eral causes, stressing chiefly the as was possible. He was concerned, Tour Satisfaction Is Our Success haps irreparable loss. I felt his rights of Jewish immigrants in therefore, with such eruptions in Amdeath more keenly because to the this country. For 30 years he erican life as the agitation in behalf last he did not abate one jot in his was prominently identified with of the registration of aliens, about public-spirited labors. The newspa- Jewish communal affairs and con- which he wrote a masterly brochure. pers, in fact, report that his death stantly engaged in an intense efHe detested shibboleths and the Was due to overwoik. fort to ease the immigrant's bur- meaningless or deceitful purposes of I can well believe it. I remem- den in this country and safeguard the mere orator. With him truth OMAHA'S STYLE CENTER ber that some twenty-five years ago, the rights of minorities abroad. was a flaming ideal never to be when we first worked together in be- Among the causes with which he forsaken even for purposes of conhalf of Jewish immigrants, he im- was identified were the Dreyfus venience or compromise. He was no pressed me with his thorough-going, Case in France and the abroga- opportunist. His displays of temper conscientious method of procedure. It tion of. the Russo-American Com- were reserved, in fact, for those peowas a time when numerous deporta- mercial Treaty in 1912. ple —- those Jews— who used their tions were threatened because of a gifts of expression to blind and -beruling by the new Commissioner of fuddle the public. He had too high Immigration of the Port of NewStates Supreme Court and before a regard for the Jews to approve York. We both instituted proceed- lower Federal courts marked him forof anything that savored of demaings in behalf of four immigrants the expert in immigration law that gogy or misleadership. about to be deported; and before he was. A judge could rest assured Memories come thronging gg to me the • trial was concluded the Commis- that in his preparation of a case of the many times we were together. sioner reviewed the findings and theKohler had examined every authority. He rarely missed a meeting of the immigrants were admitted; and an The total number of cases that he Executive Committee of the American important precedent was established. took on without fee, but simply put ut Jewish Committee. He always had an As far back as that episode — it of a desire to help, will never be important contribution to make to was in the first decade of this cen- known. I know he had many -of them. any plan in behalf of the immigrant tury — it was unmistakable that in I know they obtained his undivided and against discriminatory legislaMax J. Kohler the American Jews attention although they were charity tion. His briefs and brochures were had an extraordinarily labTe ancPcbn-" case¥.""Tney'were on fnsir accorart BKsterpfeces «€ feet? kis4. dM ,Coats of tnetraditional quality and distinction that have scientious champion. not make easy reading, but they cona labor of love with him. He was indeed the champion of made Carman's Far Fashion Center of Omaha. Three marIt still surprises me to review the tained the facts and they were cramthe" immigrant par excellence. There many organizations with which he med with the necessary citations. velous value groups specially priced for our Annual Fur was hardly a cause of any import- was associated. And for Mr. Kohler For him no flowery tributes are Sale. ance involving the rights of immi- to be with an organization meant necessary. His life's work is his grants to these shores within the that he gave of his best abilities. supreme eulogy. last score or more years in which He did not set any value on empty Max J. Kohler did not make some honors. Work, achievement, service important, and frequently all-import- to his people ;— these were the Jews Ordered To ant, contribution. His entire life, in thinks that mattered, It held true in fact, was the strongest' rebuke to his association with the American Shout "Heil those demagogues and decfiers who Jewish Committee/'Vith the Baron Hitler" prattled so heedlessly of divisions de Hirsch Fund, with the Judeans, among the Jews — of German Jews with the American Jewish Historical Berlin (WNS)—Jews are now obversus Russian Jews, and more such Society, with the B'nai B'rith, and liged to give the Nazi salute and cry "Heil Hitler" whenever they speak to nonsense. They knew that no onewith many another organization. more than Mr. Kohler rejected these Courage was the mark of his en-a Nazi official, no matter what his unwholesome barriers; that, while he tire life. He did not hesitate to es-station. The organ of the Nazi civil was, in fact, born of German-Jewish pouse unpopular causes. His views service employes points out that Jews parentage, his battles were concerned sprang from an-intimate knowledge must not be exempted from these duwith the East-European immigrant, of the facts. He was in no small ties and adds that Jews must do as who at that time was coming to thedegree a scholar, although profes- the rest of the population does, 'just shores of our country in large num- sionally he was a lawyer engaged in as Christians in Moslem countries the day-by-day tumultous practices of salaam. bers. He was a philanthropist in the law. In that very practice, moretrue sense of the word, giving of over, he exhibited certain mental himself unstintingly to the cause that habits of thoroughness, of research, KLEEN-HEET he held so dear. He spared no pains of complete documentation which led OIL BURNERS when he had a problem of law to de-him almost imperceptibly into the field of historical research. We were cide or a brief to prepare. It is not Olson Bros. to be wondered at that his advice for many years associated in the Ju2612 LeaTen worth AT. 3360 deans, before whom he presented was sought by various quarters. The cases he argued before the United many original and significant papers. I do not know of any collected book of his writings, but I feel sure that his contributions to American JewStanley F. Levin **«* ish history alone would fill several in State Contest volumes. "WOBK THAT SATISFIES" The FURS I do not think I would stretch a Oriental and Domestics Stanley F. Levin, advisor of the point if I counted Max J. Kohler Bonded Northern Seal Mother chapter of A. Z. A. and an of- among the victims of Hitlerism. Cer- 5116 3Iilitary Are. Walnut 5002 ficer of the Omaha Lodge of the B'nai tainly the tragedy of the last few Silver Muskrat B'rith, is a candidate on the RepubliCombination Muskrat can ticket for state representative in Golden Muskrat the Eighteenth legislative district, which is from Dodge street to BurBroadtail dette and 30th to the city limits. That Poney district is the largest in the state. He reminds the voters that they have until August 3 to change their registration, in case they wish to change. Levin is also the State president of The STYLES the Young Voters League for Metcalfe for Governor, with branches in thirtyThree-Quarter Lengths two towns and cities in the state.


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sister of Rabbi Jochanan. The latter epidemic of homosexuality raged would seem, are beginning to know sent word to the former: "Come in among the Storm Troops. And now him. All too frequently election days come in conflict with the secrecy unto me." When he came, Rab- it is admittted that Goering and Jewish High Holydays. This year is no exception. In Maine four bi Jochanan said to him: "How long Frick are those kind of boys, too. Well, anyway, it must be admitted you going to commit these things But it is denied that it is absolutely that Hitler has a chance at winning thousand Jewish voters may be disfranchised because the state are •which causes death of starvation to a required to be that way in order to the Bullet-sir prize. Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by - ! ^#;J election falls on the first day of Rosh Hashonah. In Colorado great part of the population?" be a Nazi. THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY primary day coincides with the beginning of the Jewish New His nephew answered him: "What Palestine now has a tabloid daily can I do. Should I say a word against Hitler says frankly he knows noth- paper, Name — Ha-iton Ham-yuchad. Year. A similar situation in New York and New Jersey was them, Subscription P r i c e , o n e y e a r - - - - - • - - • • $2.50 will execute me." "Find a ing about diplomacy or economics Advertising r a t e s furnished o n application avoided by a forced change in the date of the primary elections. way," they said Rabbi Jochanan, "so that but he knows the German people, it (Continued on Page 5.) Also, the public schools in many of the country's cities, including I should be able to get out of this Editorial Office: 490 Brandeis T h e a t e r Building. New York, are scheduled to reopen on the first day of Rosh town and try to see the enemy; perSioux City O f f i c e ^ J e w i s h Community Center haps there will be a little help." Hashonah. DAVID BLACKER - - - - - - Business a n d Managing Editor His nephew then advised him, sayFRANK R. &CKERMAN - - - - - - - - - - - - - . Editor Without doubt, these conflicts are not deliberately planned. ing: "Feign sickness and let the peoFANNIE KATELMAN - - « Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent They are mere coincidences, as the legislators and educators can- ple come in and visit you as a eick ANN P I L L - - - - - - - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent The following amendment to the Constitution proposed by initiaProcure something that causes not be expected to bear in mind the dates of the Jewish High person. P r i n t Shop A d d r e s s : 1307 H o w a r d S t r e e t tive petition will be submitted to the electors of this State for approval a bad odor and leave it with thee Holydays. Joseph Salmark, however, offers a very apt suggestion. overnight, and let the rabbis anor rejection at the general election to be held November 6, 1934: He suggests that some of these national Jewish organizations nounce that you have died. Your disBALLOT TITLE shall then enter to carry you, whose aims embrace such subjects make it their business to pro- ciples "Proposed by Initiative Petition but none else shall enter, so that they vide every legislative body, university, high school and elemen- should not thereby feel that you are An amendment to the Constitution of Nebraska providing that beginning with the regular session of tary school in the country with an inexpensive but accurate per- light in weight and understand that the legislature in 1987 the legislative authority of petual Jewish calendar. It is up to the Jewish people to remedy you are alive." the state shall be vested in a legislature consisting He did so. Rabbi Eleazar entered a situation which is annoying but avoidable. YE8 of one house of not less than thirty nor more than on one side and Rabbi Joshua on anAustria fifty members, the members to be nominated and other, and began to carry him away. elected in a non-partisan manner; to provide fot the The "blood holiday" in Austria continues to focus world atten- 'Prepare and Prevent" When they came to the gates and compensation and terms of office of said legislative waited to take the body out for burtion upon that unhappy country, the political football of Europe. NO members; to provide for sessions of said legislature "Prepare and prevent rather than repair and repent" is the the watchmen wanted to stick their There are approximately a quarter of a million Jewish people motto stressed in the annual president's report of the National ial, and to provide the procedure of and in said legislaspears into the body. Whereupon Abba tive body necessary for the enactment of laws." living in Austria, and though they were in no wise directly con- Home for Jewish Children at Denver. This institution is one of Sikra said to him: "The Romans will TEXT OF THE AMENDMENT cerned in the events immediately preceding and following the the closest to Omahans' hearts among the many worthy groups say that their own Rabbis have pierced thee with spears." They then wanted IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF Vienna "lynching party," they are most vitally affected by the supported by the Omaha Jewish Philanthropies. to throw him over the gate. WhereNEBRASKA: ultimate political policies which will be promulgated as an outhe again said to them what the That Section 1 of Article III of the Constitution of Nebraska be Mention of the construction work achieved in the National upon Romans would say. Consequently they growth of the Nazi uprising in Austria. amended to read as follows: Home on behalf of unfortunate childhood cannot help but stir a opened the gate for the body and they See. L Commencing with the regular session of the Legislature To make predictions is mere guesswork at a time when un- spark, a glow of warmth in our hearts. The Philanthropies justi- left. to be held in January, nineteen hundred and thirty-seven, the legislative certainty hounds the whole of Europe and the future hinges upon fies itself a hundred times over by such humanitarian causes, When Rabbi Jochanan appeared beauthority of the state shall be vested in a Legislature consisting of one such delicate events. However, from preliminary investigation giving these children the joy and love and protection and health fore Wespasian, he said: "Peace unto chamber. The people reserve for themselves, however, the power to propose laws, and amendments to the constitution, and to enact or the conclusion seems justified that Nazism—dealt a staggering which their parents would have given them had they been able the king." The latter said to him: "You deserve twice execution: first, I reject the same at the polls, independent, of the Legislature, and also jolt by Hitler's "blood purging" in Germany the end of June—re- to do so. am no king; secondly, had it been reserve power at their own option to approve or reject at the polls any ceived an even more convincing set-back as a result of the assasact, item, section, or part of any act passed by the Legislature. All The report of the Home's activities for the past year reminds true that I am king, why have you not authority vested by the constitution or laws of the state in the Senate, sination of Dollfuss and the attempted Nazi putsch. Many sane us: "What better Mitzvah than that of helping helpless children." come unto me until now?" Rabbi Jochanan said: "To me your power is House of Representatives, or joint session thereof, in so far as applipeople, deluded by Nazi falsifications and insidious propaganda, as great as a king's power, and the cable, shall be and hereby is vested in said Legislature of one chamber. woke up with a rude shock to the true meaning of Hitlerism, reason I did not come to you before All provisions in the constitution and laws of the state relating to the "The most outstanding feature of Palestine Jewish life today —I will say that the rebels who are Legislature, the Senate, the House of Representatives, joint sessions of wrapped in its mantle of defiling blood. is the shortage of workers which is Strongly felt in every branch among us prevented me from doing the Senate and House of Representatives, Senator, or member of the Officially, the powers of the world seem to hold Hitler's gov- of economic activity."—Berl Locker, member of the World Zion- so." House of Representatives, shall, in so far as said provisions are appliernment in Germany responsible for the Nazi revolt in Austria. ist Executive. cable, apply to and mean said Legislature of one chamber hereby Wespasian told Rabbi Jochanan: created and the members thereof. All references to Clerk of House "Before leaving, ask me for a favor The German radio stations on the border have been incessantly of Representatives or Secretary of Senate shall mean, when applicable, and I will try to grant it to you.' clamoring for the death of Dollfuss and the downfall of the Austhe Clerk of tie Legislature of one chamber. All references to Speaker Rabbi Jochanan said: "Give me the A MARGINAL NOTE trian government; literature and help of all kinds has been conof the House of Representatives or temporary president of the Senate city Jobnia with its sages and also By FELIX M. WARBURG shall mean Speaker of the Legislature. Wherever any provision of the the entire noble family of Rabban stantly smuggled over the boundaries to Austrian Nazis; moral constitution requires submission of any matter to, or action by, the Were a vote taken among all the Jews of America, Gemaliel." (This -was the great favor and material support have been supplied from fellow-Nazis in GerHouse of Representatives, the Senate, or joint session thereof, or the which preserved the Jewish nation Felix M. Warburg would unquestionably be proclaimed many. Consequently, despite the fact that public opinion the members of either body or both bodies, it shall after January first, from extinction for more tkan eight the one man who, -year-in, year-out, labors most unselfnineteen hundred and thirty-seven, be construed to mean the Legislahundred years.) world over had already formed a net of steel around Hitler, that ishly on behalf of the less fortunate members of his ture herein provided for. net has by recent events been drawn ever so much tighter. That Section 5 of Article EH of the Constitution of Nebraska be race, and for many worthy non-sectarian objects. He amended to read as follows: A shadow of uncertainty clothes the future trends in Aushas again taken on the burden of the national chairmanSec 5. At the regular session of the Legislature held in the year tria. From the Jewish angle, the outlook is, none too bright, ship of the United Jewish Appeal this year. nineteen hundred and thirty-five the Legislature shall by law deterthough it is much more favorable than if the Nazis had succeeded mine the number of members to be elected and divide the state in The Editor. in gaining the upper hand. The government forces which reLegislative Districts. In the creation of such Districts, any county that contains population sufficient to entitle it to two or more memtained power has not openly adopted an anti-Jewish policy, but IS MONEY WORTH POSSESSING? bers of the Legislature 6hall be divided into separate and distinct has for some months been enforcing a silent numerus clausus, By DAVID SCHWARTZ With the very first coin that I received as a weekly allowLegislative Districts, as nearly equal in population as may be comlimiting the percentage of Jews in all fields of endeavor. posed of contiguous and compact territory. After the creation of such ance I was given a little metal savings bank into which I was told districts, beginning in nineteen hundred and thirty-six and every two Starhemberg, who was right-hand man in the Dollfuss ad- that one tenth of my allowance would have to go for altruistic MIDSUMMER MISCELLANY years thereafter, one member of the Legislature shall be elected from '*,<!• The economic situation in Germany ministration, is said to believe in so-called "defensive measures" purposes. each such District. The basis of apportionment shall be the population steadily worse and facing a excluding aliens, as shown by next preceding federal census. In like against the Jews, which means a strict numerus clausus in all That principle has prevailed all through my life, the only dif- growing shortage of many of the necessities manner, when necessary to e. correction of inequalities in the populawalks of life. On the other hand, it is said that some time back ference being that in the last few years, when incomes were not of life, Herr Hitler calls upon the tion of such districts, the state may be redistricted from time to time, he broke with Hitler because of the tatter's anti-Jewish policies.; so large, expenditures for philanthropic purposes have far out- German people to resort to "ersatz" bat no oftener than once in ten years. substitute commodities. Will it That Section 6 of Article III of the Constitution of Nebraska be Though Starhemberg is vice chancellor now, he is reputed to be stripped the above-mentioned rule—in fact, the capital has had to or be long before they find a substitute amended to read as follows: be invaded. "the man behind the throne." for Hitler himself? See. 6. The Legislature shall consist of not more than fifty memI could part with most of the things which I possess without In any event, in their future course the Austrian government bers and not less than thirty members. The sessions of the Legislature shall be biennial except as otherwise provided by this constitution any great heartache. (There always are some exceptions, and Haman, according to Scripture, will undoubtedly be well advised by what happened to Germany Mordecai first became provoked at or as may be otherwise provided by law. —that'to meet a policy of racial and religious persecution world with me one is a great, genuine love for the etchings of Rem- because the latter refused to do That Section 7 of Article III of the Constitution of Nebraska be opinion has forged a weapon of tempered steel in the boycott. brandt's time and before). On the other hand, if I had to strip obeisance to him. He just -wouldn't amended to read as follows: Sec 7. Members of the Legislature shall be elected for a term of Further, Mussolini has a tremendous influence on the Austrian my life of the interests which have taken such a large share of say "Heil Haman." two years beginning at noon on the first Tuesday in January at the It ended up with Haman having to my time, efforts mostly in the educational field, I would miss them fascist government, and Mussolini is opposed to any racial or reyear next ensuing the general election at which they were elected. lead Mordecai on a horse, -while evligious discrimination and has in his own country demonstrated intensely and life would very quickly become very drab and un- erybody shouted Pfui Haman. Each member shall be nominated and elected in a non-partisan manner that a fascist government can be run successfully without those interesting. and without any indication on the ballot that he is affiliated with or And before next Purim, it will be endorsed by any political party or organization. The aggregate salhateful accoutrements. I consider that a person who has money to spare has a great Pfui Hitler! or maybe Hiss Hitler! aries of all the members shall be $37,500 per annum, divided equally Already according according to the advantage over one whose budget does not permit him to back his foreign correspondents, many people among the members and payable in such manner and at such times as opinions of enterprises by contributions. It is a sad but practical in Germany are carrying parcels tinshall be provided by law. In addition to his salary, each member shall Meanwhile in Germany receive an amount equal to his actual expenses in traveling by the fact that if you say "I am interested in the teaching of the blind" der their arms to avoid doing the most usual route once to and returning from each regular or special Meanwhile, as the world attempts to pierce the veil of dark- that statement would not easily awaken interest in others; but "Heiling" to Mr. Hitler. session of the Legislature. Members of the Legislature shall receive ness hiding the future of Austria, the Nazi Frankenstein in Ger- if you are in a position to say "I am so much interested that I am no pay nor perquisites other than said salary and expenses, and emLacking coal, it is expected that many continues to dole out destruction. ployees of the Legislature shall receive no compensation other than willing to give so and so much" you gain a response. In that way soon the Nazis will be forced to retheir salary or per diem. Interesting statistics made available by the United States you are not only adding to your responsibilities but also placing- sort to Hitler's speeches for the hot That Section 10 of Article HI of the Constitution of Nebraska be air for their house heating and inDepartment of Commerce in Washington are told by Nathan Koe- yourself in line for leadership. amended to read as follows: stead of meat, they will substitute nig, Washington correspondent. The fact that I have had opportunity to take a little more Alfred Rosenberg's boloney about Sec 10. The Legislature shall meet in regular session at 12:00 o'clock (noon) on the first Tuesday in January in the year next ensuDuring the first half of this year Germany developed an prominent position in the working out of certain problems has Aryanism. ing the election of the members thereof. The Lieutenant Governor unfavorable balance of trade, while during the same period a no doubt been due to the fact that my capacity to suggest and shall preside, but shall vote only when the Legislature is equally diHitler shot the President of the year ago, the trade balance was in her favor. Imports in Germany back has given me undue advantage—and I am duly grateful that vided. A majority of the members elected to the Legislature shall •Catholic Action Society, cremated the for the first six months of 1934 amounted to 2,302,500,000 marks these most valuable associations have crossed my path. constitute a <iuorom; the Legislature shall determine the rules of its body and sent an urn with his ashes proceedings and be the judge of the election, returns, and qualifications and exports amounted to 2,086,600,000 marks. This represents an to the widow. In fact, according I always have believed that friendships formed at golf clubs, of its members, shall choose its own officers, including a Speaker to adverse trade balance of 215,900,000 marks, against a favorable over card tables and through similar superficial associations do to the papers, some 200 German preside when the Lieutenant Governor 6hall be absent, incapacitated, families have received an urn apiece. balance of 290,900,000 marks for the same period last year. It is not stand the test of life and time, while friendships founded on How long before Hitler "earns" one or shall act as Governor. No member shall be expelled except by a vote of two-thirds of all members elected to the Legislature, and no significant to note that imports in Germany for the first half of co-operation in fields of permanent value for himself. member shall be twke expelled for the same offense. The Legislature are the friendships 1934 increased ten per cent, whole exports from that country de- which last and are worth while. may punish by imprisonment any person not a member thereof who It has gotten so, that it is said, creased as much as twelve per cent. shall be guilty of disrespect to the Legislature by disorderly or conHuman beings and their joys and woes are of intense interest the favorite word of the Nazis will temptuous behavior in its presence, but no such imprisonment shall The unfavorable trade balance in Germany is continuing as to me, and to get them into co-operation, be they ever so different be changed from Aryanism to LFrnextend beyond twenty-four hours at one time, unless the person shall oersijt in such disorderly or contemptuous behavior. a result of the boycott. Preliminary figures for June show that in their likes and dislikes, in a fascinating and very often most yanism. Germany's imports were valued at 377,100,000 marks and exports gratifying occupation. That Section 11 of Article III of the Constitution of Nebraska oe According to Hitler a veritable amended to read as follows: at 339,100,000 marks, leaving an unfavorable trade balance of Sec. 11. The Legislature shall keep a journal of its proceedings 38,000,000 marks. Another significant sidelight is that despite and publish them (except such parts as may require secrecy) and the LEGAL NOTICE AS TO MEASURE TO the present policy of restricted imports arid compulsory exports, GEMS of the BIBLE yeas and nays of the members on any question, shall at the desire of BE VOTED UPON NOVEMBER 6, 1934 any one of them be entered on the journal. All votes shall be viva the trade for June showed very little improvement compared with and TALMUD voce. The doors of the Legislature and of the Committees of the previous months. The following amendment to the Constitution proposed by initia; By Q. O. DASHES Whole, shall be open, unless when the business shall be such as ought tive petition will be submitted to the electors of this State for approval While financial and political pots are boiling in Germany, the to be fcept secret or rejection at the general election to be held November 6, 1934: That Section 14 of Article HI of the Constitution of Nebraska be drouth continues to work its ruin. An acute food famine such The show of their countenance doth BALLOT TITLE amended to read as follows: as threatens Germany may now mean the end of high-handed witness against them, and they deSec 14. Every bill and resolution shall be read by title when "Proposed by Initiative Petition their sin as Sodom, they hide it rule. T&e objective of the Hitler government is to obtain a com- clare introduced, and a printed copy thereof provided for the use of each An amendment to Section 24, Article III of the not. Woe unto their souls, for they member, mnd the bill and all amendments thereto shall be printed and YES Constitution of Nebraska providing that the Legis332 plete government monopoly over all food sources and food sup- have wrought evil unto themselves. read at large before the vote is taken upon its final passage. No such lature may authorize, license and regulate wagering plies. Present plans, it is indicated, are for an extension of these veto upon the final passage of any bill shall be taken, however, until on th» results of 'horse, races $y: the pari-motae! or , Say ye of the righteous, that it five legislative days after its introduction nor until it has been on file monopolistic tendencies in Germany. These will be developed shall S33 NO certificate method." i ?M ;; be well with them, for they shall for final reading and passage for at least one legislative day. No bill largely'[along lines designed to strengthen Hitler's control on the eat'the fruit of their deeds. TEXT OP THE AMENDMENT shall contain more than one subject, and the same shall be clearly expeopled Government control of food is a strong power with which "BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OFi THE STATE OF . pressed in the title. And no law shall be amended unless the new _ act Woe unto the wicked; it shall be ill NEBRASKA: • •:;: ; ::- ' - " ^ •' • T ^ l:-„ contain the section or sections as amended and the section or sections to keep a people in line. This is true even though a tottering power with him, for the work of his hands That Section 24 of Article III of th« CoMtitatien of the State of so amended shall be repealed. The Lieutenant Governor, or the Speaker wield this control. shall be rewarded to him. Nebraska be amended to read as follows: if acting as presiding officer, shall sign, in the presence of the LegislaThe Legislature shall not authorize any game* of chance, lottery ture while the same is in session and capable of transacting business, What mean ye that ye crush my or gift enterprise; but nothing in this section shall be construed to all bills and resolutions passed by the legislature. They Say . . * people and grind the leaders of the prohibit the enactment of laws providing for the licensing and regulaThat Sections 12 and 28, of Article III, and Sections 9 and 17, of * tion of'wagering on the results of horse races by the pari-mutuel or - Article IV, be and the same hereby are repealed, effective as of Janu"Rabbi Stephen S. Wise is the first citizen of New York poor. certificate method, when conducted by licensees within the race track arv I* 1957* the living conscience of the metropolis."—Rev. John Haynes Abba Sikra, the leader of the rebenclosure at licensed ; horse race meetings.". . : -.;-...-• : •-.-".•?!._ „ ,* EASEY ft SWANSON, Secretary of State. els in Jerusalem, was the son of the ; -HARRY R. SWANSON, Secretary •£ Stato. Holmes, during sermon before Community Church, New York.


Needless Conflict


The Week in Review




PAGE 5—THE JKWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 3,1934 TO CHICAGO Progressive Hebrew Mr. Nathan E. Jacobs has moved Women's Auxiliary of Alpha Gamma Chi from Omaha to Chicago, where he will Congregation of Israel Installation Held The Alpha Gamma Chi sorority of be in charge of the recently-opened Chicago office of Bozell and Jacobs, The Ladies' Auxiliary of the ConOfficers and members of the newly Omaha University held its installaInc. gregation of Israel, Twenty-fifth and Mrs. Julius Abrahamson, president organized Progressive Hebrew club tion of newly-elected officers this past J Streets, held a business meeting, of the local Hadassah, makes the an-were formally installed Sunday at the week at the home of Miss Rose Fisher. ENTERTAIN AT DINNER followed by a program, at the syna- nouncement of the officers and com-J. C. C. Jack W. Marer was the in- Esther Silverman was appointed as 'Mr. and Mrs. Sam Stein and fam-gogue Monday afternoon. rush chairman, assisted by Beth Platt, mittee chairmen of t i e chapter. stalling officer. Dr. I. Dansky was Geraldine ily entertained at a dinner at their A card party is planned for Sunday, On the board of governors are thechairman. Strauss and Rose Fisher. J. Eiklin is president and home Sunday evening, July 22, honor- August 26, at 8 p. m. Admission will Mesdames J. J. Friedman, J. RosenPlans have been made for a picnic founder of the organization. ing Miss Sylvia Rifkin and her par-be 35 cents per ticket; refreshments berg, A. Romm and J. Stein. supper for rushees, to be held the first A meeting was held at the Center ents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Rifkin, of Sioux will be served and prizes awarded. The officers include Mrs. Sol No-Tuesday evening. D. Orach was ap-part of August. City, la. Mrs. Sam Gerelick has been ap- vitsky, first vice-president; Mrs. J. pointed sergeant-at-arrns. Five new An out-of-town guest was Miss Rif- pointed chairman for the affair. Goldware, second vice-president; Mrs. members were inducted. kin's sister, Mrs. S. Grinspan and son, jtORNEY-BELZEK MARRIAGE Ben Handler, treasurer; Mrs. A. Ko- A picnic is being planned by the KORNEY-POSTER MARRIAGE Mr. Sam Belzer announces the ap- Mr. and Mrs. Sain Poster announce Lawrence, of Los Angeles. han and Mrs. Dave Cohen, financial group for August 12. ON LONG TRIP proaching marriage of his daughter, the marriage of their daughter, Gersecretaries; Mrs. Irvin Levin, corres- Every member of the organization Mrs. Meyer Coren and sons, Henry Beulah, to Mr. Leonard Korney, son trude, to Mr. Norman Korney, son ofPICNIC SUPPER ponding secretary; Mrs. J. H. Kulak- is now entitled to doctor's aid. Howand Sheldon Leon, jr., and daughter, Mrs. S. Krizelman entertained thir- Ruth, have been on a long motor trip ofsky, parliamentarian; Mrs. Maxever, before being eligible, each mem- The Sample Softball artists widened of Mr. and Mrs. B. Korney, this Sun- Mr. and Mrs. B. Korney. day, August 5, at high noon. The cere- The couple were secretly wed onty guests at a picnic eupper at Elm- east. Fromkin, auditor; Mrs. Jack Kauf- ber must undergo the preliminary ex- the gap between themselves and their competitors in the J. C. C. kittenball mony will be attended by members January 31, and formal announcement wood park Sunday for her niece, Lil- They visited for two weeks in Phil- man, recording secretary. lian Ross, of Denver, who is her house adelphia with Mrs. Coren's brother- The chairmen of the various com- amination. league by defeating the second-place of the immediate families only and was made on July 16. guest. Peerless nine Sunday by a score of will be held at the home of Dr. and mittees, as announced by Mrs. Abrain-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Jack 12 to 1. A. Z. A. 100 Mrs. O, S. Belzer, 1015 South 35tb MARKS-RUDERMAN Susman, formerly of Omaha, and also hamson, are: Mrs. J. Blank, linen The Psi Mu aggregation took adAT EXCELSIOR SPRINGS Avenue. shower; Mrs. D. Stein, gift fund; Mrs. visited Mrs. Coren's niece, Miss Rose MARRIAGE F. H. Roddy, administration fund; The following officers were install- vantage of the situation by creeping A reception will be held in the eve- Mr. and Mrs. H. Ruderman of Chi- Mrs. M. Seidman of Lincoln, Neb., Gentis, also a former Omahan. ning from 7 to 10 p. m. No invita- cago, formerly of Omaha, announce is vacationing at Excelsior Springs, From there, en route home, they Mrs. M. F. Levenson, bulletin; Mrs. ed Monday evening at a regular bus- into a tie with the Peerless through a tions are being issued. stopped at Marian, Ind., where they M. Yousem, community co-operation; iness meeting of the A. Z. A. 100: 16 to 9 victory over the A. Z. A. 1 the approaching marriage of their Mo. Also at the springs are Mrs. David visited for a week with Mrs. Coren's Mrs. T. Tully, infant welfare; and Meyer Rosenbaum, president; Bill team. daughter, Frances, to Mr. Harry H. B. Cohn and sons, Gerald and Ronald, brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Colin, co-chairman; Mrs. Rosenbaum, vice-president; Nathan In the third game, the Seiner playMarks on Saturday evening, August BRODKET-WEISS ENGAGEMENT of this city. Mrs. C. H. Spiegal, former residents Julius Stein, school luncheon; Mrs. J. Crounse, secretary; Sam Friedman, ers defeated the Wardrobe, 13 to 7. Mr. and Mrs. A. Weiss announce 4, at the bride's home in Chicago. Erman, publicity; Mrs. D. Shlaes, so- treasurer; George Shlaifer, senior ser- The present standings: of Omaha. the engagement of their daughter, W. L. TO DENTAL CLINIC They will return to Omaha the lat-cial, and Mrs. I. Rosenblatt, co-chair- geant-at-arms; Herbert Forbes, junLucille, to Mr. Harold B. Brodkey, son MCHOLS-COHEN MARRIAGE • 11 2 ior sergeant-at-arms; Harold Civin, Samples Dr. Leon E. Fellman is leaving Satman; Mrs. I. Grossman, rummage ter part of the week. of Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Brodkey. Miss Ida Cohen, daughter of Mr. urday night for St. Paul, where he Peerless 9 4 reporter, and Iz Mittleman, chaplain. sale; Mrs. Dave Brodkey, program; and Mrs. Jacob Cohen, became the will attend the American Dental As9 4 Mrs. Max Fromkin, educational; Mrs. The chapter had as visitors Max Psi Mu TO CALIFORNIA bride of Mr. Charles M. Nichols, son DONOVITZ-MILLER Seiners _ ~ 5 7 Baer, new assistant executive secresociation convention and clinic from A. Rubnitz, telephone; Mrs. Sol NoMrs. I. Pearlman has left for Calof Mr. and Mrs. H. Nichols, at a pret- August 6 to 10. He will return to MARRIAGE 3 10 ifornia, where she will visit her daugh- vitsky, medical; Mrs. J. Goldware, tary of A. Z. A., and also the "Five Wardrobe ceremony performed at the J. C. C. The marriage of Miss Bess Miller, ty A. Z. A. 1 1 11 Ambassadors" from Oakland (Cal.) Omaha Saturday, August 11. membership; Mrs. A. Frank, courtesy; ter, Mrs. J. D. Kendis. Mrs. PearlSunday evening Rabbi H. GrodzinThe schedule for Sunday, August daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry sky chapter. Mrs. A. Romm and Mrs. J. Rosenberg, man will be gone for about two officiated. Miller, to Mr. Orris Donovitz, son of senior advisors; Mrs. I. Dansky, na- Plans are being made for a weiner 5, bring the following together: PeerVISITOR HERE months. Mrs. Harry Cooper, an aunt of the Mr. and Mrs. Henry Donovitz, took tional fund; Mrs. Julius Newman, sick roast to be held in the middle of Au- less vs. Psi Mu; Wardrobe vs. SamMiss Sarah Perlman of New York place Saturday evening, July 21, inbride, was matron of honor. Miss Eva City is visiting at the home of Mr.VACATION visiting; Mrs. Dave Epstein, motor gust. Pledges will be honored at this ples; Seiners vs. A. Z. A. Nichols, sister of the groom, was maid St. Joseph, Mo. corps, and Mrs. J. Kaplan, co-chair- affair. and Mrs. Joe Goldware. Miss Goldie Seidman of Omaha is honor. Bridesmaids were Mrs. WilIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllli Mrs. Donovitz is the grand-daugh- of spending her vacation between Excel- man; Mrs. A. Theodore, sewing cirliam Miller of Davenport, la., Miss ter of Mrs. E. Jacobs of Omaha. sior Springs, Mo., and visiting friends cle, and Mrs. R. Bordy, co-chairman; Dr. Ben Goldware Molly Kaplan of Columbus, Nebr., and RETURNS FROM MONTH'S Mrs. F. Cohen, membership luncheon, in Kansas City, Mo. Mrs. Irvin Cohen. VISIT and Mrs. H. Rosenbloom, co-chairman; GEFFEN-ELEWITZ Leonard Herman was best man, and Mrs. Ben Goldware returned WedTends Contestants Mrs. H. Hirschmann, Give or Get MARRIAGE AT OKOBOJI nesday from a month's visit with her ushers were Mr. William Miller of AT. 2374 25th and I.envemvortli Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Elewitz an- Davenport, Irvin Cohen, and Morris parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. Gordon of Sidney Coren is leaving Sunday for luncheon; Mrs. B. A. Simon, finance. Many weary feet plodding miles We specialize in building upA general board meeting, to which nounce the marriage of their daugh- Franklin. upon miles need attention at the De Kalb, HI. She also visited in Chi-Lake Okoboji, where he will join Morholstered furniture to yonr inter, Libby, to Mr. George Max Geffen, A reception followed. ris Wintroub and Arthur Spiegal for members are invited, will be held on Walk-a-Show and Race-of-the-Nations cago. dividual taste. Do all kinds of Tuesday afternoon, August 7, at the at Krug Park, and Dr. Ben Goldware, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Geffen of a two-week stay. fnrnitnre repairing and rpfinishJ. C. C. Denison, la., on Wednesday, January local chiropodist, is the one who has VISITORS HERE ine. . . . Our prices are reasonWEDDING ANNIVERSARY 17, 1934; The organization is planning to been tending the sore feet of the conMr. and Mrs. L. Freedman had as Popularity of Center able. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Haykin celesponsor a dance the latter part of Au- testants since the marathons got unThey are at home at 313 Drake brated their tenth wedding anniver- their visitors for the past week Mrs. Get the Benefit of Our 29 Swimming Pool Grows gust at the "60" club. "Hadassah der way. Court Annex. f sary Wednesday, July 25, with a buf- Mary Bernstein and Miss Mary LibYears o Experience members," declared Mrs. Abrahamerman of Baltimore, Md. fet supper for thirty guests. son, "are invited to raise their give- Patronize Jewish Press advertisers. fmiiiHiiiiitiuimiiiiimmiiiiiiiiiiimiiiif The torrid temperature this sumMrs. Bernstein, a sister of Mr. Out-of-town guests included Mrs. or-get quota through this dance in an mer has made J. C. C. members reFreedman, had not seen her brother M. Butler of Silver City, N. M., and easy and novel manner." Those inalize more than ever before the value for 23 years. Mrs. Al Lavin of Chicago. terested in the details are asked to Everybody's Going to the Miss Idberman and Mrs. Bernstein of the Center swimming pool. Here, many have come to forget the call Mrs. Abrahamson at Walnut 4009. are now on their way to Los Angeles, ANNOUNCE BIRTH By DAVID SCHWARTZ heat of the day. The water is kept at Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hurwich an-Cal. an even temperature, decidedly below nounce the birth of a son on July 27, that of the outside, and many have (Continued from Page 4.) CALIFORNIA VISITOR at the Clarkson hospital. declared that the natatorium alone is Activities at J. C.-C. Miss Coreene Adelman .of Holly- worth the yearly membership fee. In Physical Department Cyrus Adler is in Europe on what wood, Cal., has been visiting here for addition, special rates are being ofis rumored to be a very important AT FAMILY DINNER Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Elewitz en- the past three weeks with her uncle fered for the pool, for the remainder mission. and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Harry SilverPairings in the second round of tfce tertained at a family dinner on Sunof the year. day, July 29, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. man. She was extensively entertained. Lee Grossman, physical director, doubles horseshoe tourney at the J. Lewis Browne, author, was ten- George Geffen, whose announcement From here, she will visit in Des C. C. are: dered a dinner by the Hollywood of marriage was recently made. Moines and Chicago before returning and Al Oruch, swimming instructor, Gendler and Gendler vs. Green and are in charge of the pool. Zionists, on July 29th . home. Merriam; Epstein and Goldberg vs. Goldman and Abrams; Eiklin and MkVISIT AT OKOBOJI Cuts Grant for 2Son Education lin vs. Kutler and Adler; Grossman $400.00 Worth Free Prizes Irving Berlin,, . song writer, it is . M r s . Henry Pollack and he* daugh- VISITORS HERE said,Vwill take an" active part in ter, Mrs. Ben Shapiro! left" last^Thurs- Misses Martha .and HelenGreen of. Jerusalem — The decision of the and Sussman vs. winner of Blacker GAMES — CONTESTS — DANCING — SWIMMING Jewish Agency. Executive to halve its Zionist campaigning next fall. day for a two-weeks' stay at Lake Carnegie, Pa., are visiting in Omaha present grant of 20,000 pounds for and Steinberg-Novak and Seiner Tickets Only 25c as the guests of the Misses Ruth Polmatch. Okoboji. Hebrew Education in Palestine, and lack and Florence Mosher. Xaeh ticket entitles holder to free chance on a GCAKAXTEED Charles Angoff, whom H. L. MenWKSTINGHOUSK ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR. Also free parkZerline SombeTg entertained to give the Vaad Leumi only 10,444 Hard-fought volleyball games may cken some years ago got out of by Prof. Brissenden of, Columbus, in at Miss 1»C. admission to park, nnd admission to ballroom. ' a luncheon Saturday in their honor. pounds next year for the public be viewed every noon at the J. C. C. prison, has now been promoted to a review of injunction cases, devotes Wednesday, school system, formed the main subMiss Selma Berkowitz editor in chief of the American Mer- more than 80 per cent of the work gave a luncheon. Sunday night the ject of discussion at the first meet- gymnasium. cury. Angoff was put in jail be- to cases handled by .Rothenberg. Ruth Pollack and Florence ing of the Vaad Leumi held at Tel cause of some ultra-free utterances It is said that the late Morris Hil- Misses Mosher entertained for their guests Aviv since the meeting of the Aswhich displeased a Boston judge. quit and Morris Rothenberg have at a dinner, and on Tuesday evening sephath Hanivcharim. handled more important injunction gave a cocktail party, followed by a The son-in-law of Sholom Aleichem cases than any two lawyers in the dance at Peony, and lien a midnight is now continuing a series of articles country. supper. Mark Leon Says... by his famous father-in-law. They Those who know say that Rothenl e t me protect your IntereRts • . . J are appearing in Haaretz of Tel berg gave tip a practice that easily write INSURANCE of «Tery description INDEFINITE STAY Aviv. including: T,1FE, In strong, reliable comhad a prospect of more than $100,000 panies OVLV . . . T>t'» talk tt ovrr. a year when he went in heavy for Mrs. Elizabeth Neveleff has left for an indefinite stay in Los Angeles. Sam Rappaport, youngster of sev-Zionism work. City Finance & Insurance Co. en, is editor of a humorous sheet But Zionism was in the blood of 1409 Farnain S t . AT-TGG7 o r WA-5150 called the Weekly Scoop which M. R. as Mr. Rothenberg is generally RETURNS FROM VACATION tracting a good deal of attention. referred to in circles close to him. Miss Regina Klein just returned The lad has an original vein of One of his great ancestors is re- from a two-weeks vacation with relahumor. A sample of one of his puted to have been Rabbi Meier of tives at Kansas City, Mo., and Hast- Now is the time to protect yourself stories. Rothenberg, a famous scholarly rabbi ings, Neb. folly by getting auto insurance 'Tapa and Mamma were on the of the 13th century who led an extrain bound for the Chicago Exposi- pedition to Palestine and suffered the FORMER OMAHAN ON VISIT tion. Mamma said "O, everything martyrdom of a cell as a result. He Miss Fannie Sheanin, daughter of will burn up. I forgot before leav- was imprisoned for seven years, re- Mr. and Mrs. H. Sheanin, of Los An- (Formerly to the "employ at L Harris) ing to take the pressing iron out of fusing to be ransomed although the geles, formerly of Omaha, is visiting 12 Years Experience the socket," Papa said, "It's all Jews wanted to do that. But Rabbi with Mrs. S. Pollay. Inquiry Regarding Any Irsnrance right — nothing will burn. I forgot Meier of Rothenberg, fearful that if Lines Is Invited to turn off the bath tub." he was ransomed out, the government ON VISIT REAL ESTATE — RENTALS would use the case as a precedent Miss Helen Gross and Miss Rose PKOPEBTI MANAGEMENT Morris Margulies, Secretary of the for extorting money from other Jews, Mayerowich left for a ten-day visit Zionist Organization, continues to preferreu to languish in his cell. J A. 7311 with friends in Chicago and Milwau- 315 So. 15 deny it, but reports persist that he A scholarly dissertation on this fa- kee. The Herzberg label has stood for the best will soon middle-aisle it. in Fur Quality and Fur Fashion for 24 mous rabbi was once written for the years. Jewish Quarterly Review by the late Arthur Sheekman, movies scenarist Louis Marshall. who is marrying the screen actress, Gloria Stewart at one time was draNo matter WHAT the price, Herzbergi ATTENTION! matic editor of the St. Paul Daily A various assortment of Jewish New • make QUALITY the first consideration. News. His chief too, Howard Kahn, Year cards at very reasonable prices The Fresher, Finer editor of the S t Paul Daily News, CALL WEBSTER 4861 Our representative will be pleased to is of the Mosaic persuasion. Flavored Butter take your order at yonr borne or your place of business. 1'onr orders AB style leaders, HerzbergB show ONLY appreciated. That is a good story that is being that Costs No More. • the established, authentic fashions. told by Judge Bernard A. Rosenblatt, Smith Bros. Printing Co. apropos of the protest by Jews 1501 No. 30th Street WE-4861 against immigration restrictions to Palestine. The choicest, finest tmality furs are availJudge Rosenblatt is very strongly able in August, and selection ie more ^• arjainst these restrictions, but he varied. makes it plain that this does not B CLEANERS mean he wants a break with the Head Today's Shop- ^ Mandatory government. ' Herzbergs convenient "lay-away" plan "It reminds me" says Judge Rosenping List with ' • makes it easy for you to pay for your coat. blatt, "of the colored lady who came to her lawyer complaining of the "Harding'sButter" infidelities of her husband. "All right," said her lawyer, after Wedenesday Special SPECIAL SALE GROUPS AT $68 . . $88 . . and $139 listening to the story of these mariDAMP WASH tal derelictions on the part of her Others $58 to $595 husband, 'Til get a divorce for you." FLAT WORK IRONED "But Counsellor," said the ebony wench, "I don't want a divorce, I Fourth Floor wants an injunction."

Names Hadassah Committee Heads


H. Sussman Upholstering Company

By the Way

Omaha Hebrew Club 45th Annual Picnic at KRUG PARK

Sunday, August 5th, 1934


Reasons Why YOUR

Fur Coat


Should Be Bought in

Herzbergs August SALE! 1

2 I


And speaking of injunctions, did you know that Morris Rothenberg, just re-elected President of the Zionist Organization is regarded as one of the greatest legal authorities in the country on injunctions. A recent text book on the subject, authored




TAKING A DRY-LAND DIVE—Knowing how to dismount is a valuable trick, according to cowboys . who ride wild steers and horses at the rodeo at Salinas, CaL The rider above is shown doing a back jack-knife or something into the dust from the back of a steer.


NAVY IS ON JOB IN MINNEAPOLIS, TOO—Naval as well as national guard forces are called to help maintain order during the strike of truck drivers in Minneapolis. A navy unit is shown marching along a street of the city during the rule of martial law.




RAILROAD MEN CALL THIS WRECK LUCKY—The luckiest wreck in railroad history, according to trainmen, is this wreck near Canon City, Colo., in which one man was killed and 11 injured. Railroad men say it is remarkable that more were not killed.

JEWISH VIOLINIST BORROWS FORD FIDDLE—Grisha Goluboff, 11-year-old violinist, is loaned Henry Ford's valuable Stradivarius violin for a program on Jewish community day at the Chicago World's Fair. L. B. Ury is shown handing the young genius the violin after it was delivered in an armed truck.

FAR FROM THE MADDING STRIFE—Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald of Great Britain is unworried by the troubled trend of affairs in Europe following assassination of Chancellor Dollfuss, of Austria. He is shown with his daughter, Ishbel, at the cottage in

Digby, Nova Scotia, where the premier has been ordered to rest

WHEAT NOT FOR BREAD ALONE—Wheat has other uses than being ground into flour, as can be above. These Walla Walla, Wash., misses are shown dressed in golden brown wheat during a style show in observance of the harvest season.


' tA KAVA his eveftitrht.


WED AT AGUA CAUENTE—Arthur Sheekman, movie writer, and his bride. Gloria Stuart, screen star, are shown at Agua Caliente,

Mexico, where they were married. The bride recently was divorced from Gordon Jewell, sculptor.

BLAME SHORT CIRCUIT FOR FOREST F I R E - A view of the spectacular but costly fire which ravaged the Arroyo Seco watershed north of Pasadena, CaU and which drove summer residents out^©i pictured. A their mountain homes and threatened resort dwellers on Mt. Lowe, power line is blamed for the fire.

WHERE LIGHTNING KILLED TWO—Dennis Driscoll, left, is shown picking bricks from the roof of his automobile at Boston, following a heavy thunder and lightning storm in which-two were killed. Tb* i chimney which was struck and crashed U street where Driscoll's car was parked.

PAGE 7—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 3, 1934 is, her husband, Dr. Kurt EngelEND SEPARATE JEWISH JUllllllIllUIIiiltfUMItlilllllllllMIIIIIIIF- son mann, a: Jew, who was "also" dis- Prefers Death to missed from his position as chief surTID-BITS I geon ELECTORAL COLLEGES at the Urban Hospital, BerUsing Nazi Drug

from lin . . . • - • .-....:. Saloniki (W. N. S.)—Abolition of Saloniki (W. N. S.)—Confronted i NOT NICE the separate Jewish electoral college with the choice of using a Gerin Saloniki, has been voted by the E Drag out the Elit for George L. man drug as a cure for heart disGreek chamber of deputies by a vote = Harrison, Governor of the Federal ease or possible death from the By PHlffEAS J. BIBOJT of 108 to 60. Reserve Bank*of. New York, for Jiav- ailment, a wealthy Sephardic Jew The measure was bitterly opposed ~.iHiiiHaiiimiiuHiiiiiumiiiiiHihumiT ing returned: to our,' shores on the in this city has made the Spartan by the EEE, the Greek Nazis, and Z I O N I A N A . •'••* • '••• • - < • ' • "• •_• swastika ship Eiiropa*. . . A dish of choice. When the Jew was taken the anti-government Liberal party of Robert Szold, former President of mothballs V for Montague Norman, seriously ill his physician preex-Premier Venizelos. the Zionist Organization of America governor of the Bank- of England, scribed a German medicine. When At the same time the newly ap- and re-elected Vice President at the who came to our country on the same the patient discovered the' origin pointed Governor of Macedonia has ship, officially for a vacation in of the drug he emphatically remade a vigorous declaration against Atlantic City convention, has sent in Maine but actually to negotiate a fused to use it, saying he would anti-Semitism, in -which he said: "The his resignation to the Z. O. A. . . . loan for Germany we rather die than let himself be Jews will find in me a state dignitary The resignation has not been made thought that Gene Sarazen, And cured by medicine coming from the golf •who will examine their problems public thus far because some of the player, was such a nice,- winning fel- Nazi Germany. carefully and who will make no reli- professional peacemakers hope for re- low — but his using the Nazi line gious distinction between, one citi- conciliation The reason for this is anything but tactful . . . The zen and another." As the result of Szold withdrawal is not known crown of king of the anti-Semites representations by Chief Rabbi Kor- Some say it is because he feels that belongs not to Hitler but to Fritz etz, Governor Rhallis halted work on a certain group of Zionist leaders Thyssen, the real dictator of Gerthe demolition of the ancient Saloniki want to capture the Z. O. A. and many, who poured poison into the Jewish cemetery, which had been or- transform it into a Labor party or- Nazi anti-Jewish and anti-Catholic dered removed to make way for a ganization . . . Others say that Szold mind because he wanted to get rid is rather pessimistic about the Pales- of all his Jewish and Catholic comnew road. tine work which the Z. O. A. admin- petitors, who threatened his hege- New York (JTA) .—Soviet Russia is ready to admit German-Jewish refSorrow is the mere rust of the soul. istration can and will do It is mony in the heavy industries trust ugees who are professionals and techThe new way to tell prospecActivity will cleanse and brighten it. also rumored that Stephen S. Wise has dispatched ti Zionist headquarters tive Jewish customers that they are nicians,, high Soviet officials have asPOLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT his resignation as one of the Vice not wanted at "exclusive" Summer sured Abraham Herman and John L. Presidents of the organization . . . hotels is a line in the advertisement Bernstein, president and former presThe Revisionists* are ^eady to subGod- ident, respectively, of the Hebrew mit and enter a coalition Zionist ex- frey Isaacs, a member of the British Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Sociecutive if it is understood that Jabot- Board of Jewish Deputies, had to re- ety, who have returned from abroad insky will be made a member of the sign because he was fined $6,600 on where they visited France, Palestine cabinet . . . Sokolow is inclined to eleven counts of false declarations on and the Soviet Union in a survey of compromise . . . imported goods from Germany which foreign activities of the Hias. he was smuggling into England to The leaders of the Hias also deMELANGE break the boycott . . . The First clared that Russia Is willing to admit When somebody suggested Bernard Lodge of England (a B'nai B'rith Jewish immigrants' from all other Serael to the Mayor, of Newi-Yoik. lodge) has refused to adopt a mo- parts of the world, provided they will ; for the chairmanship of a kashruth tion barring from office members settle in Biro-Bidjan, the far eastern committee, LaGuardia. confessed that who, continue to trade with Naziland. territory which was recently proclaimed an autonomous Jewish memhe had never heard of him r— which ber of the Soviet republic All. that merely proves that twenty, years of CLIMATE publicity in the Jewish educational ..Morris Eiseman, President of the the Russians require is that these imfield mean nothing . . . David Kauf- Metropolitan News Company, art migrants be sympathetic to the Soman, former Minister to Bolivia, is connoisseur and one. of New York's viet regime; it is not essential that one of the organizers of ,the third best story tellers, deserves credit for they be Communists, the Hias officials party in Pennsylvania and will prob- this" one: A'Jew- had a house on the declare. ably m n for the Lieutenant-Gover- Polish-Russian border It was so norship of the State, with Charles much on the borderline that one half Bulgaria Wars on Blood J. Margiotti heading the ticket . . of the house was Polish territory and Ritual Libel Stories And George A. Spiegelberg, attorney, the other half belonged to Russia Sofia — The new Fascist regime was picked by the Republicans to run . , ; After many hours of negotia- of Bulgaria is taking steps to prefor Congress in the Seventeenth Dis- tions between Polish and Russian dip- vent any anti-Semitic outbreaks. trict of New'York We're men- lomatic representatives it was decided A decree issued by the ministry tioning him because he will be one to make the entire house Polish ter- of the interior forbids "all meetings of the few Republican Congressmen ritory, so as to avoid a lot of red- designed or llkelyrto precipitate illto be elected in New York City . . tape regulations When the Jew- feeling between; different sections of The Gaumont British film "Jud ish house owner was apprised of the the population-andJblso provides rigSuess," by Feuchtwanger, will not be decision which made his entire es- orous punishmentf^for persons found Democratic Candidate shown in this country till the spring tate Polish, he heaved a sigh of re- guilty of spreading blood ritual liof 1935, though it is all teady for lief and commented: T m so glad. I bels against Jews.1 . for distribution; the delay is a Trig mis- never could stand the Russian cli- All priests Have;.been ordered by take, because that film would go mate" . . . the Holy Synod to deliver sermons very, very well now '.,. ".The Silver denouncing suck !*f£aseless attacks." Skirters are celebrating because Mil- SMALL TALK ton Handler resigned as general coun- Tammany Hall will have a Jewish sel of Roosevelt's Labor/Relations secretary in the person of ,Bert take away the breadwinner of a family, sentenced- aiftt to six - days in Orer 50 years in Omaha. Oxer. 30 Board . . . One Jewish braintruster Stand, which reminds us that in the prison — not*r<j^ttsecutive . days but Tammany Mussolini cornerstone of -the old years in tfie real estate and build- the less, they jubilate ing business. Mr. Schroeder has is irritated because Mme .Violette de Hall is buried a list of Tammany six Sundays V . Mn other .wordsf*the sared hundreds of homes for peo- Struzzi, a hundred per cent,Italian — Sachems in office ; during seventy jolly truckdriver^ni have to "report , ple in distress.' 'earsj and one .«f these great Tam- to jail on six i^^ecative Saturday no Jewish! blood-; p l from " ;there_.tffi Monevenings, and was expelled the dry^morning" ^ . , _ . . . . _ „ . the first of the Jewish wdrd "bosses POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT . David Saperstein, the newly ap- back to work . | | r "•municipal Judge pointed chief of the Stock Market Sylvian Lazarus |:<jf Sjin Francisco TOTE FOB Trading division of the Securities and handed out fifty'Jcents apiece to a Exchange' Commission, has a sister, number of men brought before him Mrs. Herbert Polesi, who tinder the as a result of "Sie Vigilante raids name of Nancy Randolph is ihe so- against "radicals'" /when he found Democratic Candidate ciety editor of the New York Daily that these "dangerous individuals" News . . .Will Durant's (the famous •were hungry, jobless unfortunates . . . for CONGRESS author of "The Story of Philosophy,' Jeannette Brill, the lady magistrate tc) sister is married to the owner of New York's municipal court, had of the newstand :at the corner of to render judgment in a divorce case POLITICAL ADVEKTIiSEMBNX POLITICAL ADTERTISEMENT 42nd Street, and Third Avenue . . . as to which parent should have cusJohn Wexley, the author of "They tody of the child, • and decided that Vote for ihall .Not Elifr" (he is a nephew of the child would belong to the mother Maurice Schwartz, the Yiddish star) during the day "and;. to the father is writing a new play, about a Jew- every evening after 6 p.m. — and ish millionaire family, for the Thea- was the gentleman mad . . . tre Guild . . . Peretz Hirshbein, the Jewish playright who celebrated his DTD YOU KNOW? 50th birthday last year, will know be- Eddie Cantor is just Eddie when Republican Candidate fore long how it feels to be a papa. he is billed in Naziland's movie houses, because Cantor — well, Cantor is so Jewish . . . The American for ON THE BENCH Jewish judges are developing ori- Society of Authors may expel Ivy ginality in dishing out sentences Lee from its officers' list because COUN'TY SURVEYOR these days . . .Here are a few sam- the Jewish members of the organizaples . . '. Before Judge Jacob Gitel- tion demand it . . . Which reminds us W. W- tells us he believes that man of Rochester appeared a truck- that POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT Ivy Lee will have another session driver charged with intoxication; he with Dickstein's Congressional Comis the sole support of his family mittee . • . . Bernard Deutsch, ViceVote for The modern Solomon, in order not to Mayor of New York S. and President of the American Jewish Congress, went POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT to Mexico not on his vacation, as officially announced, but to investigate Jewish conditions there . . . Nathan Democrat for D. Perlman, Vice-President of the A. J. O, will assist him , , , (Copyright 1934 by Seven Arts Feature Syndicate).



Will Build New School ' Tiberias — The Alliance Israelite Universelle, of Paris, has decided to erect a school building on a plot given by the Palestine Jewish Colonization Association. POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT











Has Always Been Fair He He He He






is is Is is

Competent Honest - Fearless Understanding

So let's all give him a Tote of appreciation for Services conscientiously rendered in the past. Tour Support of him -will be appreciated by Mr. €creen« leaf and his Host of Friends.

Greenleaf for Assessor Club


Born and reared la Omaha. Known to radio fans as WL. P." Has written indorsement of over 200 prominent Omaha lawyers. Has excellent reeori of six years on the Municipal Court bench, trying cirD and criminal cases. Independent in decisions — not politically bound. ' POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT



s E R V I NG

Wm. Barber Democratic Candidate for

J. (Jack) PSZANOWSKI Former Chief of Police For

SHERIFF Bepublican

Primary Election Aue. 14th



Election ft of. 6

EFOR Theodore W. (Ted)


A Successful Business Man, Home Owner and Taxpayer, who has made good as County Commissioner. •

Lester M.


County Assessor


Vote for









METCALFE Republican Candidate for

Louis H. Cinek Bepublican for

Clerk of District Court Will Bender COURTEOUS — EFFICIEHT SEKYICE

Included on


Vote for


W.H. (Bill)



Dorrance for




In business 33 years in Douglas County. Married. Home Owner. Taxpayer. He Js known to be charitable, hnman and kind to his fel* lowman and honest in his dealings. Mr. Dorrance will appreciate yonx vote at the coming primaries.



Sioux I

Miss ANNA PILL, Correspondent


Workmen Circle Picnic Sunday

Iis, where they -will, visit with relatives. Mr- Eobinow will "return next week, while Mrs. RobindW and children will remain for '• EI longer • visit. Accompanying them back to Minneapolis was Mrs. Robinow's sister, Miss Naomi Bernstein of Minneapolis, who has been visiting in Sioux City. Max Zeligson, John Hurwitz, Eddie Sperling, Martin Kosberg and George Shindler spent this week at Lake Okoboji.

RECOVERY DRIVE WIliBEHED National Religious Effort on i Part of All; Faithg Opens October New.York (WNS)—The first na-

Among the Sioux Cityans spending ional non-sectarian effort to strengthThe annual picnic sponsored by the heir vacations a t Lake Okoboji this en religious and welfare activities as Women's Circle No. 664 will be held eek are Mrs. Robert Sacks and chil- part of a.religious recovery drive will

Dr. Isaac - Sternhill left Sunday for visit in Chicago, 111. While there they Morton Adler has returned home Fort Snelling, Minn.; to be gone for attended the World's Fair pa Jewish Hollowing a two months' visit with two weeks. day last Sunday. relatives in Akron and Cleveland, O. Aba Saltzman left Sunday night for Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gross have moved Messrs. Sara Meyerson and Nathan Rochester, Minn., for treatment at the to the Hotel Chieftain, where they Ndgg spent a few days this week in have taken an apartment. Mayo clinic. Kansas City, Mo. Miss June Meyerson returned home Sunday following a five weeks' stay in Chicago, where she; attended the summer session of the Northwestern university. She specialized in the dramatic class, having been awarded this scholarship through her dramatic ability. Miss Meyerson. also spent a week visiting her roommate at Rockford, 111.

Mrs. Jake Michnick returned home Tuesday following a week's visit with relatives in Chicago^ While there, she attended the Jewish day at the World's Fair.

LEON & WHITE, Attorneys BO4 City National Bank Bids.

IRVIN C. LEVIN, Attorney. 301 Electric Hide.

NOTICE OF SHEKIFF'S SALE In the District Court of Douglas County. Nebraska. By virtue of an order of sale Issued out of the District Court of Douglas County,

Nebraska, nnd in pursuance of a decree of said Court in an action therein indexed nt Appearance Docket Number !fl>4 at NOTICE B I PUBLICATION ON PETI- I'age Number J<>8, Execution Docket NumTION "FOR RETIREMENT OF FINAL ber 31 nt Page Number 106, wherein next Sunday afternoon and evening, rsn. •pen on October 1 under the auspices - ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT Frank Jncobs, et nl., lire plaintiffs, and August 5, in Riverview Park. ArIn the County Court of Douglas County, John KP'/.eros, is defendant, I will at 10 >f the National Committee for Religo'clock A. SI., on Tuesday the 14th day of "Phi Ep Day," an annual event rangements have been made by the Miss Rose Finsod returned to the on and Welfare Recovery, an interNebraska. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sacks are expect]<)34. nt the Kast front door of the Matter of the Estate of ISADOKE August, sponsored by members of the Phi committee in charge to accommodate ity Monday evening after spending faith group representing Catholic, ed home today following a week's InNATHAN, the Douglas County Court House in the Deceased. City of Omaha, County, NebrasEpsilon Pi fraternity of the state of over 300 people at' the outing. ler vacation with friends in Chicago. ^ i h and Protestant clergymen and , All persons interested in said matter are ka, sell iit pnhlieDouglas auction to the highest hereby notified that on the 19th day ofbidder Iowa, will be Sioux City this Guests from out of town at the picfor cush, the following described SHOTWKLL. MONSKY. GRODIKSKX & July. 1054. Morris Arkin filed a petition in property, to-wit: aymen. coming Sunday, August 5. Sioux City nic wil linclude members and their Elizabeth Raskin, Bess Lipshutz and said County Court, praying that his final VANCE and HAHKY B. COHEN The program will open on October The South '22 ft. of the North CO ft. of fid m in 1st rut ion account filed herein he Bot- Lot Attorneys members of the fraternity will befamilies from Workmen Circle chap- nne Cohen spent last week-end at 1. in P.lofk 1(5? in the City of Omaha, tled and allowed, and that he be dis-ns surveyed 1, which will be observed as "Fellow137 Omaha National Bank Bldff. hosts to their fraternity brothers from ters at Des Moines, Lincoln, Omaha he Inn in Lake Okoboji. and lithographed being a part charged from his trust as administrator of the Northwest ship Monday," when all ministers, Quarter of the Southeast and that a hearing will be had on said Muscatine, Des Moines, Council Bluffs, and South Omaha. NOTICE BV PUBLICATION ON PETIQu:ir1or of 22 In Township 15. petition before said Court on the 18th dny North, Range Section priests and rabbis together with the TION *'OK SETTLEJ1KNT OF FINAL Omaha, Davenport, Iowa City, Mar13, Enst of the (ith P. M., A complete program of sports, Doris and Betty Marx, twin, daugh- eading church and synagogue laymen of August. 1934. and that if you fail to in Douglas County, ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT Nebrnakn, nnd Popshalltown and Cedar Rapids. Over fif-games,- and refreshments has been ers of Mrs. Joanna Marx, are'visiting In the County Court of Douglas County, appear before said Court on the said ISth ularly known as f;Ob South 13th Street, of every city will be asked to arrange day of August, 1934, at 0 o'clock A. M., and Douelag County. Nebraska, Nebraska. ty guests are expected to attend the planned for the event. Terre Haute and •ith. relatives at In the Matter of the Estate of SADIE contest said petition, the Court may grant to satisfy the liens and incumbranees a fellowship luncheon or dinner, folmeet. the prayer of Raid petition, enter a decree therein set forth; to satisfy the Bum. ot MANN, Deceased. Richmond, Ind. lowed by xi conference, as to how these All persons interested in said matter are of heirship, and make such other nnd fur- 518.30 costs and the increased and accru. The program will be unofficially eaders in religious and welfare .work hereby notified thiit on the 13th day olther orders, allowances nnd decrees, as toing costs, all ns provided by said order opened with an informal gathering on Mr. and Mrs. M. N. London and may co-operate during the year in at- July, 3031, Charles Mmin filed a petition in thia Court may seem proper, to the endand decree. said County Court, praying that his final that nil matters pertaininc to said eBtate Dated at Omahn, Nebraska, tbis Oth dar Saturday evening. •:•• : . . laughter, Dorothy, 1923 Grandviewtaining mutual moral, social and wel- administration account tiled herein be set-may be finally settled and determined. of July. 1034. Members of the Junior Poale Zion Sunday morning the members will BKXCE CRAWFORD, oulevard, left Monday for Minneapo- fare objectives. October 1 to 6 hastled and allowed, and that he be disC B. McDONALD, Sheriff, charged from his trust as administrator 7-27-34-3t Douglas County Nebraska. register at the Hotel Martin. At noon organization met Friday evening in is where they will make their home. County Judge. and that n hearing will be had on said pebeen set aside as mobilization week, a stag luncheon will be. held with a the home of Rebecca and Eudice Stilltition before said Court on the 11th day of business session following. Individual man. Sulamith Bereskin acted as the Mr. Ben Sekt stopped at Lake Oko- when all character-building agencies August, 1!>34, and that if yon fail to apwill be asked to co-operate in a more pear before said Court on the said 11th plans will be followed Sunday after- chairman of the meeting. oji last week-end en route to Min-constructive program of religious and The program • included a review of noon, and in the evening the members "The Dance in Palestine" by Belle leapolis, where he joined Mrs. Sekt, social service during the coming year. the pray.-r of said petition, enter n decree •will attend a dinner-dance at the vho has been visiting there. October 6 and 7 will be "Loyalty Sab- of heirsliip and make surli other «nd furSioux City Countiy club. Invitations Didja, presented by Rebecca Stillman; ther orders, allowances nnd decrees, ns to bath," when an effort will be made this Court may seem proi>er. to the end a paper on "Capitalism" by Irvin to the dinner-dance have been extendMrs. L. Mushkin and children, Marithat nil matters pertaining to said estate to secure the presence of every citied to Phi Epsilon Pi members only. Lunin; a report of the recent Poale lyn and Arthur, of Chicago, are guests may be finally settled and determined. zen in some house of worship. Zion convention in Chicago, by RosaBB.YCE CUAWFORn. Forty-five couples are expected to atthis month in Sioux City, where they The National Committee is headed 7-2O-34-3t County Judge. bell Wigodsky; two poems by Bialik, tend this affair, which will begin at are visiting with relatives. by Walter H. Head; Herbert Fleischpresented by Julia Bereskin. 7 o'clock. JACK XV. MAKER, Attorney acker and Maurice S. Sheehy, viceThe meeting this evening will be Court House Ephraim Baron and Morris LasehMrs. Fred Foreman of Sioux Falls, chairmen; executive committee, E. sky are in charge of the arrangements. held in the home of Miss Rosabelle . D., returned home Wednesday evePROBATE NOTICE Active Phi Ep members in Sioux City Wigodsky, with Bernard Lazriowich ning after spending several days here Graham Wilson, chairman; Ralph E. In the Matter of the Estate of KATHERDiffendorfer, Dr. Solomon Lowenstein INE BOYNTON 1SEL.T, Deceased. presiding* include Bernard Skalovsky, Morris visiting with relatives. Notice is hereby given that the creditors and George N. Schuster, vice-chairLasensky, George Kuntz, Ed Miller of said deceased will meet the executor Of : man; administrative c o m m i t t e e , said estate, before me. County Judge of; and Loyal Kier of Iowa City. Lawrence Baron spent last week- Charles S. MacFarland, chairman; Douglas County, Nebraska, at the Connty j Local alumni members include Dr. Court Uoom, in said County, on the 13th ! snd at Lake Okoboji. Louis Kennedy, William R. King and day of September. 1934 and on the 13th Joe Rri«*sten, Dr .William Krigsten, Rabbi David de Sola Pool, vice-chair- day of November, 1S34, nt 9 o'clock A. M Dr. S JS. Shulkin, Dr. Louis Dimseach day. for the purpose ot present!!!Mrs. Ben Chasin of Syracuse, Neb., I t Pxieet *.on Will Complimenting her sister, Miss Ida their claims for examination, adjustment dale, Dr. H. Lazere, Edwin W. Baron, Fish, a bride-elect, Miss Sophie Fish, and her guests, Mrs. Ben Wolf and man, and Charles V. Vickrey, execu- and allowance. Three months are allowed . Want to Pay tive secretary. The slogan of the camEphraim Baron, Isadore Rocklin, Ivan 1906 Center street .entertained 25 son, Jules, of Brooklyn, N. Y., arthe creditors to present their claims, paign will be "turning to God." Thefor from the 13th day of August. 1934. Lasensky, Sam Epstein, Dave Albert, guests at a bridge Sunday afternoon. rived in Sioux City this week to visit BRYCE CKAWFOBD, Alfred Albert, Ed Kantor, Mose Slut- Other guests of honor were Miss Syl- with Mrs. Chasin's parents, Mr. andcall issued by the committee points to 7-20_34-3t. the decreasing income of religious and County, Sol Seff, Eli Seff, Morey Lefko, via Rifin and Miss Blanche Reznik, Mrs. Paul Kaplan. private character-building agencies FBADEXBIKG. STA1.M ASTER. BEBER & and Abe Epstein. ; KMJTZNICK, Attorney* whose weddings will be events of this during the last four years and the al630 Omaha National Bank Bids. summer. Cantor and Mrs. A. Pliskin. andmost unprecedented increase in calls NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Miss Fish will become the bride of children have returned home after a for service, and declares that "importhe County Court of Douglas County, Nathan Goldis of Rock Island, on Au- isit of several weeks with friends in tant as is the recovery of economic III In the Matter of the Estate of CLARA HOLDSBEKG, Deceased. gust 19. prosperity, assuredly no less imporMilwaukee and Chicago. All persons interested in said estate are tant is spiritual recovery through the hereby VABL RIEKES notified that a petition has been Beatrice Herzoff, 17-year-old daughfiled in said Court alleging that said de- ; maintenance of our spiritual ideals, Miss Eva Marcus of Omaha is a Mr. and Mrs. Sam Margolin of ter of Mr. and Mrs. Max B. Herzoff, Deadwood, S. D., visited in the home guest this week at the home of Miss moral standards and character-build- ceased died leaving no last will and praying for administration upon his estate, and , died at the home of her parents Sun- of Mrs. Margolin's sister, Mrs. L. DlAlice Novinsky, South Sioux City. ing institutions." that a hearing will be had on said petition before said court on the -25th- day of ; day morning, after an illness of sev- Sacks, 2201 Kennedy Drive, en route Neb. August, 39.*J4. nnd that if they fail to np- • eral months. Miss Herzoff was born to New York City. They were joined pear at said Court on the said 23th day Storm Troopers Jailed for of Augnst, 1S34, at 9 o'clock A. M. to conin Sioux City on December 10, 1916." here by Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Berg of AT. 4550 Miss Ida Feldman has returned to 815 NORTH 18TH ST. test said petition, the Court may grant the She was a senior at Central High Mitchell, S. D., who accompanied them same, and grant administration of said esthe city after a visit in New York City Deserating Cemeteries to Rosaline J. Holdsberg or some school when she was forced to dis-east. Mr. and Mrs. Berg were guests Berlin—Three storm troopers found tate with her-sister, Miss Rose Feldman. other suitable person and proceed to a setcontinue her studies because of illness. in the home of the latter's sister, Mrs. guilty of,having desecrated the JewBefore returning home the Misses tlement thereof. BRXCE CRAWFORD. POLITICAL, ADVERTISEMENT POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT Funeral services were held in thePhil Goldblatt. Lawrence and Harry 'eldman enjoyed a cruise to Bermuda, ish cemetery at Paderborn have been County Judge. family residence Sunday afternoon Berg will remain in the Goldblatt 8-3-S4-3t. sentenced to-prison. with Dr.. Theodore N. Lewis officiat- home during their parents' visit east. They were given terms of oneFRADEKBCKG, STAIMASTER, BEBER Miss Bluma Merlin visited with & KXCTZ-MCK ing. Surviving "are the parents and a 7~Mrs7 Sacks' hag as her gOests this year, six months knd four months 650 Omaha National Bank Bulldlnr friends in Omaha this week. brother, Stanley. respectively. The troopers were acweek Mrs. M. L. Eisen and children NOTICE OF H A l i and David and Helerf of Chicagol Mrs. Mr -and" Mrs. Jack London and son cused of wrecking 54 tombstones. Notice is hereby siren that on the 18th

Jr. Poale Zion

CARL RIEKES HDQTS. for O.S^empered" Rubber Tires

Society News I

Battery Service Road Service Tire Repairing Gasoline and Oil

Beatrice Herzoff, 17, Died Sunday

Carl Riekes Tire Service

Vote for

day of A u g u s t 1934. at 10 O'ClOcK A.M., tnc Henry Sherman was hostess at a oneof Brookings, S. D., are visiting with undersigned will sell at pnblic auction to o'clock luncheon Tuesday, honoring relatives in Sioux City this week. the highest bidder for cash the following: 1 1931 Chevrolet Sedan, Motor No. 2174M6, Mrs. Eisen. Wednesday, Mrs. Eisen Iteg. No. 1-415&* j was a guest at a club luncheon at the Max Rosenthal returned to Sioux 1 mahogany overstuffed davenport, 1 wal» I not coffee table, 1 walnut combination] home of Mrs. L. Goldberg. lity Monday after a trip to New York smoking cabinet ai:d magazine rack, j Sty.'En route he stopped in Chicago 1 walnut writing desk, 1 velonr- Cox- j BY F. B. K. well chair and stool, 1 walnut cab- > Miss Gertrude Wine of Omaha has to attend the Century of Progress. inet, 8-tube Majestic electric • radio! Mrs. Barney Markovltz, 65 years nnd bench, 1 8x12 Chinese ruff, 1 maarrived for a visit of several weeks hogany overstuffed armchair, 1 walnut ocold, passed away Monday at the Nich- casional table, 1 iron smoking at the home of Miss Sandra Woskoff, stand, 1 olasSenn hospital i n Omaha, follow- metal floor lamp, 1 brass floor lamp, 1 611 Main street. Accompanying her walnut dining table, 1 walnut buffet.l waling a lingering illness. She is surwas her brother, Sam Wine. nut table, G walnut diners, velour Bents, 1 vived by her husband, one son, Abe9x12 Axminster rug, 1 Leader 4-bnraer gas Markovitz; three daughters, Mrs. Jul-range, 1 blue end table, 2 white kitchen Celebrating his fourth, birthday, 1 white metal stool, 1 0x12 'Wilton ius Barron of Shenandoah, Iowa, and chairs, rug, 1 walnut bed, spring and mattress, X Marvin Mazie, son of Mr. and Mrs. walnut vanity dresser. 1 walnut chiffonier, Misses Dora and Tillie Markovitz of Victor Mazie, 3434 Nebraska street (Continued from Page 2.) 1 velour armchair and stool, 1 walnut veCouncil Bluffs; all of whom were at entertained 24 of his friends Saturday lour sewing rocker, 1 plush chair, l Hooelectric sweeper, 1 metal.ta.ble lamp, 3 afternoon. Guests from away included spread during the war and Ameri her beside at the time of her death. ver pairs of drapes, David and Helen Eisen of Chicago cans are now inclined to be carefu Funeral services were held Tuesday covered by a chattel mortgage in favor Marilyn and Arthur Mushkin of Chi-about accepting statements of cruel- morning at ten o'clock at the family of F. E. Tyson and signed by Claude and Charlotte N. Pipher: said mort-a cago, and Lawrence Berg of Mitchell ties unless they come from reliable residence at 609 Mynster street. Pipher Rage being dated June 15, 1933, and hav-^ sources. Mein Kampf is so full of Burial took place at the Oak Hill cem- ing been filed in the office of the County S. D. Clerk of Douglas County, Nebraska, on the After several hours of games, sup- false and distorted statements that etery. Rev. A.- Diamond officiated. 16th day - of June, 1933, upon which said we cannot trust anything Hitler says, Mrs. Markovitz was a resident of mortgage there is now due and owing per was served to the guests. Council Bluffs for about thirty years. ?2T)1.1>9; that on the 17th day of July. especially as he openly advocates 1034, in an action for replevin, judgment Complimenting Miss Lillian Dobrof- propaganda to spread his doctrines. for possession of above automobile wns enThe Council Bluffs Talmud Torah tered in favor of the plaintiff, F. E. Tyson, On page five of your letter you sky, a bride of this month, Miss Ina doing business as the Omaha Loan ComLeah Kroloff entertained a t an eve-deny my statement that "Hitler a Society will hold a regular meeting pany. Said sale will be for the purpose next Monday evening, August 6th, at of foreclosing said mortgage, for the cost Ha would find in the English ning of bridge, last Monday. Follow- year ago claimed the right to rearm the sale and all accruing costs, and for Village at Chicago's 1934 ing the bridge, a late supper wa, Germany and secure the return of eight o'clock at the Cnevra B'nai Yis- of the purpose of satisfying the above-stated roel synagogue at 618 JMynster street. sum now due and owing; that no suit or colonies by force of arms." After served. World's Fair the Old Curiosity other proceedings at law have been instireading Mein Kampf I could modify All members are urged to attend. tuted, to recover Bald debt or any part Shop which his writings have thereof. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Levich cele- this slightly by saying that his chief made immortal. This year's Several hundred persons attended Said automobile will be sold at 715 No. brated their twenty-fifth wedding an objective is not so much the return the Council Bluffs Agudaa Achim so- Seventeenth Street, Omaha, Nebraska, and Fair boasts fifteen "foreign niversary last Sunday afternoon an of the colonies as the acquisition of said furniture -will be sold at 2514 Leavenvillages"—see them all bur evening. Ten couples surprised Mr, additional territory, especially on theciety picnic which was held Sunday worth Street, Omaha, Nebraska. F. E. TYSON, doing business start your tour right by reservand Mrs. Levich with a picnic supper eastern side of Germany,, to give at the Tom Owen's farm. Mr. Sam as Omaha Loan Company, Meyerson was, general chairman in room for her growing population. He Mortgagor. ing a room in the Morrison. at Riverside. Following - the supper, Mr. and Mrs. Levich were hosts to says over and over again that the charge of this affair, which proved a . • Home of Terrace Garden fifty guests in their home. An eve-necessary room for . expansion can huge success, both socially, and financially. Numerous games and races • Boston Oyster House ning of bridge was concluded with PRACTICAL MOHEL buffet supper. Guests from away in attention especially to pages 144_ Recognized as eluded Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rosen and 162,. 688-689, 708, 757. I can see noday's; diversion, followed by basket suppers. A large crowd from out-ofchildren, Jeromej Dorothy and Eugene possible question that he. aims to of Sioux Falls, and Mr. and Mrs., a nation which shall make its town also attended the picnic. Altaian and children, Al and Mar-way forward by war. Do you really Phone 1059 Mrs. Ben Seldin and sons, Millard cella, of Omaha. . doubt this? -.•••--. and -Teddy, left last Friday for ChiI think you are right that France cago for a visit with relatives. While Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. Levich motored to Sioux Falls to attend the at least has made Germany the ex-there, they will attend the World's twenty-fifth wedding anniversary of cuse for maintaining large arma- Fair. Mr. Levich's brother-in-law and sister, ments. When we remember how Mr., and Mrs. Ed Rosen. From Sioux much she suffered in the war we canFalls they will go to Late Okoboji to not wonder at that Will it help that Word has been received here of the join Irvin Lloyd and Dan Levich, who situation for Germany to build up birth of a son to Mr. and Mrs. Max are'spending the week at the lake. her. armaments again? Personally I Greenberg of Oakland, Calif, (formerthink that Germany is much safer as ly of. Omaha and Council Bluffs) on Friday, July 27th, in Oakland. Mrs. Miss Frances Jacobson was hostess she is than with armaments which Greenberg was formerly Miss Esther to a group ol intimate friends Tues- approach those of France. If she isSaks.of Council Bluffs. day evening, as a courtesy to Mrs.not planning a war, what has GerWilliam Maron of Armour, S. D., who many to gain by increasing her arm- Mr. and Mrs. S. Shyken are spendvisited with relatives in Sioux City aments ? ing the week visiting in Chicago, 111. bjybU DMVEt. ..W« park your ear. this week. Miss Jacobson returned to "While there, they attended the World'3 Standard rates. No other charges. Sioux City last week from her vacaParis—Mrs. Mary H. Peixotto, Fair, on Sunday. LEONARD tflOS/Menos/n* Ofocfcw tion in Chicago. wife of Ernest Peixotto, artist, and member of' a prominent AmericanMrs. Dave Brodkey of Omaha is a Jewish- family, is one of the five guest this week in' Sioux City with new members elected to the French ••-.«•'•-• her parents,.Mr. and Mrs. A. Fried- Legion of Honor. "Omaha's Most Beautiful Horpe for Funerals" Mrs. Peixotto was elected to the mafi. - ' " Funerals To Fit Any PurseLegion of Honor in recognition -. of r H i C A GO _,M?. and.Mrs. Eli Robinow and chil- her work as a Red Cross nurse durPhone HArney 1226 Farnarn at Thirty-third ing the-WorM War. — ~ dren "departed^this week

Council[Bluffs News


C. A.

SORCNSEN Republican Candidate for

were alive today . . .

Rev. A. Diamond


A man whose public as well as private life has been one of genuine tolerance and sympathy. As a public servant his every act was marked by courage and fearlessless. As a law enforcement officer, his work was stamped with a fairness in the enforcement of all laws. As attorney general, all men regardless of station in life came to his office and received deserved consideration. As a public official, there were no underground tunnels to his office for the favored few.


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