August 10, 1934

Page 1

In the Interests of the Jewish People

Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism

Entered as Seconfl Class Mall Mattel l«oatoffice of Omaha, Nebr?wfca,'iuuder"


VoL X—No. 28


Knoxville, Term., (W. N. S.)—C. G. Bart, believed to have been the oldest Jew in the world, is dead here it the age of' 118. Until a few days before his death he was in good health and able to read the Jewish papers. A native of Poland, Bart came to this country 22 years ago. He is survived by a son, three daughters, and numerous grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Austria Nazis Planned REVEAL ARMED NEW SOUTH AFRICAN SAYS Holyday Services To Make Jew For Jewish Youth PARTY ADOPTS PLANK Press "ARYAN" CULTURE DUE Chief SILVER SHIRT AGAINST RACIAL BIAS TO Services for. the Jewish youth of Vienna, (W. N. S.)—Documents


Omaha during the approaching High discovered in the possession of Nazis London, (WNS).—A terrific blow Holydays win be held at the Jewish Capetown, (WNS).—A special arrested in the mopping up campaign was administered to the advocates of Community Center lodge room, under plank repudiating racial and religi- by the Schuschnigg government reAryan nonsense by Prof. Sir S. El- the joint sponsorship of A. Z; A. No. ous prejudice is incorporated in the veal the amazing and unbelievable Congressional Committee Told Chancellor Schnschnigg Dedares of Plan to Seize U. S. liott Smith, world famous anthro- 1 and A. Z. A-.-No. 100. program of the new South African fact that a Jew was scheduled to be This To Be "Self pologist, when he told the Congress The entire MTvieeS/on Bosh Hasho- party created by the merger of Gen- named press chief of the Austrian Government Understood" of Anthropoligical and Ethnological nah and Tom Kippur wffl be conduct- eral Hertzog's Nationalist Party. Nazi regime if the recent putsch had Los Angeles, (WNS).—Uniformed, Sciences that "the so-called primitive ed by A. Z. A. alephs. Rabbi David Vienna (JTA) — Chancellor Kurt The plank reads: "The party ac- succeeded. Aryan culture derived from Babylon A. Goldstein win sefve as religious knowledges Schuschnigg assured the Jews of AusThis Jew is Dr. Walter Nogelston, and armed storm troopers of the Silthe sovereignty and ver Shirts are drilling near San was, in fact, due to Semitic influ- advisor for lie group ~ tria through, the Jewish Telegraphic guidance of the Almighty God in the former editor of the Neue Wiener Agency that they would receive full ences much in the same way that Last year's yonth services were con- destiny of peoples and countries, and Journal. Nogleston was one of those Diego In preparation for seizing the equality with all other Austrian citithe renaissance of learning in ducted by members of the local A. Z. desires the development of the peo- arrested immediately after the mur- United States government and removing all Jews from public office, zens. Europe in the middle ages, was the A-, and were "highly Jiuccessful. ple of South Africa along Christian der of Chancellor Dollfuss. He is now In the course of a press conference result of intermediation of the Jews Ernie Priesman is reneral chairman lines," without prejudice to the right held in protective custody in his own according to testimony given at a attended by a large number of press between Spain and the Greek world in charge of arrangements. Chairmen of the individual citizen to freedom home and forbidden to leave Vienna. secret hearing of the Congressional of the religious com: of the two correspondents the new chancellor deHe has been dismissed from his po- Committee of un-American activities. in the eastern Mediterranean." chapters are Ben Shrier of the Mother of thought, conscience and religion; sition as editor of the Neue Wiener Government agents' who have been cared that there would be equality the promotion of healthy feelings of checking up on the Silver Shirts rePlaying the Nazis' attribution of chapter and Iz Mittletnan of the Cen- national pride, based on the fullest Journal. lor all citizens under the Austrian ? vealed that they have an organized distinctive qualities of mind and tury chapter. law. The Jewish Telegraphic Agency appreciation of the nation's spiristorm troop auxiliary -which purcorrespondent thereupon asked the character to the Nordic races and tual and cultural heritage in all its chased 2,000 rounds of .SO calibre chancellor whether the Jews were in- Newark, < JTA) .—The G e r m a n the so-called Aryan people, Profesbearings and the protection of every ammunition at the U. S. Naval Air cluded. "That is self understood," the American League of Essex county, sor Smith told the congress, which Siyum Hatorah to section of the population therein. Station at North Island near San chancellor , replied, "the equality is embracing almost all German Ameri- included many German scientists, rights and privileges guaranBe Held&n Sunday The Diego from members of the U. S. for all who obey the law." can organizations in this section of that the racial doctrines of the Nazis teed to each section of the people armed forces on active duty. DiscovThe Austrian Jews who were very New Jersey, has gone on record as is a delusion that "comes into flaby the constitution shall "be impartiYeshBrin The Adass ery that the Silver Shirts are planmuch perturbed by the kiling of being- entirely "de-Nazified." synagogue, grant conflict with the generally 25th and Seward street, will nold -a ally maintained and safeguarded." ning a coup d'etat to take over the Chancellor Engelbert Dollfuss and the recognized teachings of anthropolical A resolution was passed by the "Siyum Hatorah" at the synagogue government prompted intelligence ofNazi revolt* were afraid that the new group banning the swastika and all science." Sunday, August 12, starting at 3 p.m. ficers of the army, navy, and marine regime might attempt to curb their other Hitlerite emblems savoring of His statement was vigorously ap- The Torah was presented by M. Sei- De-Nazified Bialik Death and Stavsky Ac- corps as well as other government Tights. Color was lent to such rumors race hatred from the German Day plauded by all but the German delequittal Fail to Mend ner, in memory of his wife. Newark—The German American operatives to press a vigorous inby a statement made by Prince von celebration scheduled for next Sun- gates, who greeted his remarks with Schisms League of Essex County, embracing The Jewry of Omaha and Council vestigation of Silver Shirt activities Starhembefg during his short Incum- day in the United Singers' Grove in stony silence. Bluffs are invited to,attend. almost all German American organiall along the Pacific coast. bency of the post of chancellor. He Springfield. He also pointed out that it is a declared that while there would be no John C. Koerber, president of the deliberate fraud to make the term A program including prominent zations in this section of New Jersey, London, (J. T. A.)—Reports reachWitnesses told the committee, prepogroms in Austria the Jews occupied league, announced' that all measures Aryan synonymous with non-Jewish. speakers has been arranged, and re- has gone on record as being entirely ing here from various European Jew- sided over by Representative Charles ish centers indicate that the bitter infreshments will be served. "de-Nazified," a totally disproportionate place in the to forestall Nazi attempts to rule the ternal fight in the Zionist movement Kramer of California, that the Silver life of the nation, and defensive measGerman element in this section would between the various factions is as- Shirt storm troopers do not wear ures would be taken against them.r be adopted. He went further to resuming more serious proportions every swastikas but keep them at home. Members of the storm troop brigade buke the Deutsche Zeitung, New day instead of dying down. York Nazi periodical for a-recent The acquittal of Stavsky and the do not know their fellow members, "unjust and insulting reflection on death of Chaim Nachman Bialik, the •who include members of the U. S. the league and the person of its Hebrew poet laureate, which it was navy, marine corps and California president" The league adopted this thought might have a moderating in- National guard. An tmidentifed old latter sentiment in the form of a fluence on the internal fight in the man is said to supply the Silver resolution. Zionist ranks, have failed to have the Shirts with funds, arms, ammunition expected effect. The appeals for peace and supplies, which are obtained Richard H. Krueger, commander of issued by various groups on the death from a dealer in Btolen goods on the Newark Post of the German and By RABBI UBI MILLER of Bialik have been disregarded and University avenue, San Diego. The Austrian War Veterans, which reWas Only Jewish Member of Di cently broke with the Nazis has been has dared up once again. committee was told that a U. S. Babbl Uri Miller, who is making question, nevertheless told us to walk found in Frankfort an orthodox com- QlInfeeling Warsaw sharp street clashes oc- marine corporal investigating the plomatic Corps in Washaccepted, back into the league, in- an extensive tour of Europe and to our next appointment and not to munity, its membership composed of curred between the Zionist Revision- Silver Shirts was fired on several troduced a resolution condemning the Palestine, spent two days in Ger- hire a cab. The fear of being quoted men and women, graduated in the uniington . times by the storm troopers. swastika as "a symbol of anti-Semit-1 many just before Hitler** "bloody by name seems to be all-pervading in versities of Germany and Switzerland ists and the Laborites, when the latThe Silver Shirts, testimony reter posted the manifesto issued by the Washington, D. <C. (W. N. S.)—-: ism." purge." He writes from Europe a land where concentration camps and cultured, refined, modern, yet pious vealed, own a secret rifle range in Palestine Labor party on the Stavsky The diplomatic corps in Washington The resolution said in part: "If what he learned of German Jewry firing squads have usurped the seat to the utmost. The large synagogue the neighborhood of El Cajoh and El verdict Revisionist enthusiasts immelost its only Jewish member with the this disavowal constitutes an insult through observation and through of justice. in Frankfort was well attended for diately tore down the posters and a Mesa, a sparsely settled region, death of ' Pan! May, Belgium's am- to the German chancellor nobody but conversation during bis short stay. In regard to the American-press- mincha services — hundreds of wor- series of fights followed. where target practice and drilling, are bassador to. the JUniJted States, .who j Hitler is responsible for that." •••-..-.. - ". — E D H 0 B . reported spiritual revival in German shippers including women. Order and In Vienna the Palestine office com- held. According to inteligence offip p succumbed. to an operation for. gallg was considered aij onej . —__^_— The meeting J i riT^ replies replies dignity prevailed. Our discussions; with mittee in charge of the activities of cers the avowed objectives of the stones.' A veteran of the" Belgium for-; Jewryy we received $; ^ various German Jewish leaders i leaders in Fraikfort had and become in Ber- showed us their knowledge of the the Palestine office decided to-disband Silver SMrts are: First, to employ eign ''service,, May's 35-year diploma- tory of local Germandorn} having re-j Tuesday* morning and were awakened from lin. Certain individuals tict career-was climaxed in 1930 by his pudiated both Hitler and his Ameri- by the customs officials who inspect' nterested in Jewish life and culture world and its treands; and their own "in view of increasing differences be- their armed strength to overcome the Revisionists and members communists, who, they believe, will app'oinrment-t6:tn8iWashington post, can sattelites. ed our baggage. There were mutter- but they were few in number. Many positive reaction to everything Jew- tween of other groups represented in the stage an uprising and seize "the U: making him the first Jewish ambasings over our extra unused film. "You had become interested in Palestine ish. -Here was the traditional ortho- committee." S. government; and they in turn are sador of Belgium in the United States could have bought it in Germany,'' and the Hebrew language but this was dox Jew synonymous with cultural Fearing that repeated clashes be- planning to wrest it from the comand only the second Jew to represent complained the inspector and consult- expediency, not cultural revival. All modernity. Here was the orthodox tween Revisionists and Laborites in munists. And secondly, to remove all \___^ a foreign power in this country. The ed his superior before giving our those we interviewed agreed that were synagogue and its service a thing ofr Antwerp might lead to deportation of Jews from public office, including first was Lord Reading. May was an baggage his O. K. the situation to be relieved tomorrow beauty and a spiritual experience. And many of the participants, who are Henry Morgenthau, jr., secretary of Orthodox Jew and a member of the no sign of these converts would re- the liberal synagogues were almost aliens, the Belgian Zionist Federa- the treasury. Several minutes later a swastika old Jewish synagogue of Brussels, emblazoned on the hillside could be main. So much for the religious and orthodox. Men and women were sep- tion called an urgent conference of where his family has lived for generarated; the orthodox ritual was fol- all the Zionist groups, including the discerned in the morning light. We cultural revival. Philadelphia—Many protests were ations. His grandfather was a veteran lowed, heads were covered, and only Revisionists. An agreement was We saw and heard instances of the had left the Saar and were in Gerregistered with the National Repubof the Belgium war for independence. economic and terror program being a mixed choir and organ indicated de- reached at the meeting to avoid hereBorn in 1872, May entered the di- lican Committee because of the ele- many. carried on. In a public Jewish build- parture from tradition. And we found after all incidents which might unWe spent two days and nights in vation of Congressman Louis T. Mcplomatic service when he was 23, being we were shown shattered windows synagogues where the organ was no favorably bring to the attention of the Germany—in Frankfort and Berlin Fadden in the leadership of the ing attached to the foreign office. In and told in a whisper this was a "za- longer in use. during the days and on a third class party in the light of his record of outside world the internal fight with- Earl Kulakofsky, 26, son of Mr. 1896 he was appointed attache to the char le'churban"—a symbolic remem- The Jewish communities in Ger- in the Jewish ranks. wooden bench travelling at night. We, anti-Semitism. and Mrs. Reuban Kulakofsky, died Belgian legation at Washington. He spending no more money in Ger- brance of the terror. We tried unsuc- many as in most European countries Monday of diabetes, at Tela, Honwas promoted to first secretary in the - McFadden, who hails from Penn- were many than absolutely imperative. We to find a Jewish barber in have governmental recognition. As duras, where he had been in the emsame year, and a few months later sylvania, has been rabid in his out- arrived in Lithuania after three sleep- cessfully Berlin with its 150,000 Jewish such they have rights and privileges. ploy of the United Fruit company. was transferred to Tolrio, where he spoken anti-Semitic "tirades from the less nights and welcomed the Sabbath all Apparently the license They tax their members to carry on Funeral arrangements will be served until 1901. For the next eight floor of-congress. He has again and quiet of the Yeshiva town Telz where- population. had been utilized by the Brown their activities. And every member made when the body arrives in Omayears he was stationed in China, Lon- again upheld the exploded Protocls in we had our first rest since leaving clause Shirts to wipe them out completely. must pay; the government sees to ha next week. don, Constantinople and Paris. May of the Elders of Zion, which he had Paris. We were told of a Jewish lad stabbed that. Only by resigning from the JewIn addition to his parents, Earl is first became a full-fledged minister reprinted in the Congressional RecNo disorders came to our attention by his nazi school mates. When we ish community can they escape this survived by two sisters, Mrs. Aaron in 1912, when he received the appoint- ord. Close to seven hundred enjoyed cf a similar instance in tax, and then they no longer receive The entire matter arose in connec- during these few days. Our only un- remarked Richards of San Jose, Cal.. and Mrs. ment as minister to Mexico, where he was a dispute with a por- Feuchtwanger's "Oppermans" we any religious service as weddings, themselves at the 'annual "Highland Abe Brodkey of Omaha; and one did yeoman service during the trou- tion with a scheduled radio address pleasantry Fling," blue-ribbon classic of the burial at Jewish cemeteries, etc Rabthat the book was unknown Tuesday by Congressman McFadden, ter which ended with his muttering learned bled years of the revolution. in cultured Jewish circles in Germany. bis in communities throughout Europe Highland Country club held Wednes- brother, Seaman, of San Jose, Cal. "verfluchte Juden." On the other which had been arranged by the NaAt the outbreak of the World War hand the conductor gave a special A Jewish official told us of 200 Jew- have life-time positions. Under no cir- day. he was recalled for a special mission tional Republican Committee. The private compartment for our morning ish land workers who had been dis- cumstances can, nor would the com- Visitors from Omaha and the surand later assigned to look after Bel- Philadelphia Council of the American prayers and everyone we inquired of missel "for biological reasons." The munities desire to rid themselves of rounding vicinity were the guests of gian refugees in England. In 1917 he Congress and the Philadelphia Jew- ave us directions politely. We avoid- charity list in Berlin contained four- their spiritual leaders. Again and members at the Fling, for which a returned to China as minister, to re- ish World were among the first to ed several minor parades of Brown teen hundred physicians. Lawyers again, in Frankfort, in Kovna, in full day's entertainment was arplace Baron Cartier de Marchienne, take issue. Shirts and spent most of our time in were .no longer considered in a cate- Warsaw, the Rabbis characterized ranged. In a letter to.Nathan Fleisher, edi- conversation with German Jews. who was the United States gory by themselves. They were mere- their American counterpart as "mere Besides a galaxy of golfing events, ministry. Three years later he became tor of the Philadelphia Jewish We were interested in obtaining ly unemployed. For them in their employees." "How," asked the Berlin there was a delicious barbecue supSeveral thousand attended the minister to Sweden and in 1925 was World, U, S. Senator David A. Reed first-hand information but found it chosen professon no hope was held chief Rabbi Klein, "can you achieve per, table croquet, presentation of Omaha Hebrew club picnic at Krug sent as ambassador to Brazil from of Pennsylvania denied he had any- extremely difficult. German Jews out. anything if you are bound by the fear awards, and special features. park last Sunday, in celebration of which post he succeeded to the em- thing to do with the choice of Mc- have learned to keep silent. The Mu- But above the individual items of of "a contract not being renewed. How The golf winners: bassy at Washington Ambassador May Fadden as radio keynoter and de- seum in .Berlin which serves as a sort terror was. the fear of an imminent can vou lead when you are depend- Low gross—Ben Cowdery; low net the fifty-fifth anniversary of the orwas the son-in-law of the late Raph- plored the anti-Semitic leanings of of social "center has a large sign in collapse of German Jewry's cultural ent on your followers." We remained —Fred Sweetman and Dr. T. T. ganization. A feature was the baby contest, ael Georges Levy, member of the the representative. the lobby reading:"Discussions of a set-up. A most admirable machine, quiet. No answer was possible. And Schmidtz, 67; longest drive on French senate, well-known economist The. American Jewish Congress, political" nature absolutely prohibited.' working with German preciseness, it we thought of the chaos in American No. 1, B. Yousem; second closest which brought out a galaxy of beauand president of the. Institut de meanwhile, dispatched a communica- Only in Hebrew conversation were we had taken up the shock of the swas- Jewry and prayed it be spared a cri- shot on No. 2, Johnny Goodman; sec- ties which bid fair to challenge the France. In recognition of his many tion under the signature of former able to obtain direct statements, for tika terror. It had tripled its Jewish sis it was so unprepared to bear. ond closest shot on No. 3, M. C. Scan- prettiest in the years to come. Phylis June Finkel, a little damservices to Belgium, May was repeat- Congressman Nathan D. Perlman, the very language seemed to place a school system so that tens of thouIon; closest to pin, first shot on No. edly decorated by Belgian monarehs. vice-president of the congress, to the veil of secrecy over our conversation. sands of children unable to attend There were other points of interest 4, Denman Kountze; longest drive on sel of three, carried away the honors chairman of the National Republi- In other instances we had to infer public schools "because of persecutions in Germany—the old cemetery in No. 5, Ben Cowdery; longest drive on in her classification. The prize for Rothschild's House in trie No. 6, P. A. Lyck; longest drive on boys of three or under went to can Committee, in which he takes from emphasis, from a raised eyebrow by schoolmates could proceed - with Frankfort, Reich Jewish Banks Judenstrasse, the neue synagogue in No. 7, P. A. Lyck; closest to pin first flaxen-haired Lawrence Sadofsky. their education. It was carrying on issue with the McFadden selection. or a discreet silence. Yet the compoBerlin, the museums and libraries. shot No. 8, Dr. M. Greenberg; longest Peggy Nogg was the winner for girlg Not Hit, Says Report A recall of the invitation to Mc- site from many conversations gave us reconstruction work, making mechan- And we left Berlin, feeling our two drive on No. 9, F. J. McKenna. over three, and Jack Fleishman wonics out of ex-lawyers and farmers out Fadden wa3 demanded, but the radio a complete and consistent picture. days had been well-spent. the boys' prize in this section. The of clerks. It was spending 25 per cent London (JTA) — The Jewish situa- address was given as scheduled. A heavy cloud of resignation hangs Westinghouse refrigerator was won tion in Germany was discussed in an over German Jewry. They realize that of an 11,000,000 mark budget on re- Unter den Linden and Friedrichs j by Harry Silverman. official British government report on justice in the Third Reich is dead; lief. Thousands were being prepared Strasse in Berlin were as deserted as for life in Palestine, and other counThe success of the event was due a main street in a small American economic conditions in Germany is- Emigre Pogromists in that the merits of their cause are in*to Albert Kaplan, who was chairman sued by the Department of Overseas Bulgaria Are Alarmed potent So they "have "bowed their tries outside Germany. Institutions of town as we prepared to leave. The vigof the committee in charge, and John Trade. . heads hoping the storm will "blow over all sorts .were maintained in the coun- erous life, tie spirited tempo we found An important District Workmen's try. And this tremendous mechanism According to the report the exact Sofia, (WNS).—Preliminary ne- before their cultural, organizations was being strained to the breaking in Paris and later in Warsaw was Circle conclave wiU be held in Oma- Fellman, who was in charge of ticket sales. Ben Kazlowsky is presidsnt of completely absent. A few overgrown position of the German Jews^is diffi- gotiations looking to Bulgarian re- and their morale disintegrates. But in on September 2 and S, according the club. cult to determine. All that can be ven- cognition of the Soviet Union have their hearts the Hames of resistance point. Less than 20 per cent of the boy-scouts who composed the storm- ha tured is that about 60,000 Jews left alarmed the large colony of" Russian burn brightly and we were happy to eleven million mark budget was raised troopers loafed on the comers. Per- to announcement made by M. the country- Jewish private banks emigres and anti-Semites who have observe this sign of life in our breth- outside" the country. And tie steady haps it was tie lull before the storm Crounse, chairman of the arrange- Lithuania Closes Three impoverishment of German Jewry which broke two days after we left. ments committee. have not been interfered with to any lived here since the collapse of the ren waging this hopeless fight. Dailies extent The Jews in the small towns Whites' hopes in Russia. Many of We were interested in the German made it impossible to continue to raise But we felt that all vitality had de- The district conference will cele- Jewish Riga, Latvia. — Because they rebrate the fifth anniversary of its the tremendous sums necessary to and rural districts suffer far more the emigres are notorious pogrom- Jewry's attitude towards the worldparted from Berlin. A concert in the ported that the legislative council of existence. Thirty delegates are excarry on the ever-increasing burden. than the Jewish inhabitants of the big ists and fear that recognition will wide anti-Hitler boycott and we inTiergarten played to empty seats and the city of Memel had be«n dissolved pected from Sioux City, Lincoln and cities. quired of several leaders in frank di- "The organization of German Jewry we found more activity in Dunaberg, Des Moines. Conference headquarters three Jewish dailies in Kaunas, capiresult in their extradition. They are The author ot the Teport is J./W. F. thl3 situation on the Jews rectness. The answer of one waB typl- in all its phases evoked our xitmost Latvia, than in the capitol of all Ger- wffl be at the Labor Lyceum. tal of Lithuania, have been ordered Thelwall, commercial attache of the blaming caL "Officially," l e stated, "German enthusiasm. Where other Jewish com- many. It was with tension relaxed A meeting of the arrangement shut down by the government fot because it was Jacques Suritz, Soviet British embassy in Berlin. Germany's ambassador to Germany, who laid the Jewry opposes the boycott." Privately munities would nave disintegrated that we crossed into Tafiraania and three months. The newspapers are tJ* economic plight is described as exwe "have opinions." But" even more di- with shattered morale, this commu- prepared to visit the Yes2nT«S -~ the committee of the two Omaha ceedingly bad, but the- Germans are groundwork for Russian recognition rect "was the action of a leader" who, nity had maintained its unity and re- great Rabbinical seminaries ~ha wWch branches will be held Wednesday Moment, the Neies Wort a»4 the Folksblatt. evening to complete final plans. still formidable competitors in the when he was the Russian envoy at Tefnsing to comment on the direct tained its dignified integrity. W H was famous. Istanbul. ' * ' * ••-• world market, the report statesT









Anniversary Picnic of Omaha Hebrew Club Held Sunday


'*•, v - J'%


PAGE a—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 10, 1934 to these billions in losses he cannot t h a t ' the manufacturers of soap If the young' man who makes the gladly invest in life insurance. bearing a legend urging his re-elecstatement that he "can do better If he will stop to think that be- help but look upon life insurance intion will desist from distributing it. with his money" than placing it into tween his present age and age 63,vestments as being the one he should . . . He feels—and quite rightly— life insurance will just taka these he runs the chance of contributing choose. /r1/ that this is hardly a dignified mode figures and paste them in the top of = from E of campaigning, and wants ifc.cieaily his hat. and everytime he considers understood that he neither originated making an investment checks over nor approved the idea. . . .Did you this list, the chances are he will | By PHINEAS J. MKON | buy the August.- American Mercury in the hope of seeing the Chass and Dr. Ben Goldware Tells of Statis- By the Service Life Insurance I ( ^iiiiiiiiiiiniiuiiiiiiiiiiiniiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiR Leavitt .article on Governor liehman, tics Mathematically Company, Omaha 1 ?i which we had announced, and then Calculated NAZI SPORT call us a liar? . . . Well, it has been Those who' have- fallen for the postponed Life insurance salesmen in talkfor the September issue of "WORK THAT SATISFIES" Nazi line, that Jews are bsing given the Mercury—and "What makes the contestants go ing with young men frequently are anyway, the every opportunity to compete for themoney you paid for the mag wasround?" may be a mooted question told by them that they "can do batOriental and Domestics German Olympic team for 1936 arewell-spent. . . . among the observers of such mara- ter with their: money" than to pur- 5116 Military Aye. • Walnut 5002 invited to read, what a German Jewthons as the walk-a-show just com- chase . life insurance. Where Omaha Shops ish athlete, now in this country, has THIS AND THAT pleted locally.The well-trained life insurance With Confidence to report. . . . The track and field Intestinal fortitude, some may man as well as the older man, knows men of the Jewish athletic clubs have Another phophet has risen in claim. Determination is the answer of this statement is not true. If the only a tiny field, which is in bad Israel. . ; . We mean Professor Gus- others. But, claims Dr. Ben Gold- young man who is certain that he condition, for their training—and are tave Meyer of Hoboken, who on July ware, Omaha chiropodist,- the main "can do better with his money" inallowed-to train there only twice a 12 wrote in the Jersey Observer: "I factor is "feet." OIL BURNERS vesting it in something other than week for two hours in the early eve- judge that John Dillinger, the out- Dr. Goldware attended the entrants life insurance will investigate and Of JVetc F a l l Olson Bros. ning. . . . A n d the Nazi commission- law, will be apprehended by the law,throughout the contest. Preceding the check-up on the yearly losses in dolers in charge of the Olympic try- captured, dead or alive, between the competition, he classified the con- lars and cents made by men his age 2612 LeaTenworth AT. 23C0 outs chose the Jewish candidates for 20 and 25 Inst." . . . The professor testants according to state of foot and many older, he will quickly trai'k and field at random. . . .This gets his dope from the planets. . . . health and type of shoes. From this change his mind regarding his acbecause Jews are often very good in How about a little prophecy on the classification, he predicted the order curacy in selecting investments. track: and field events—so that it l in wmen tne aspirants wouid =aluue men Iva 5ne= the .boys had been chosen on their Trotsky, you- may be interested toeliminated. And, with few exceptions, 500,000,000 in defaulted real estate merits some Jewish youth might learn, is still in France. . . . After he was right. bonds. Think, of it! In that same year have a chance of making the German the recent difficulties France tried "Corns, callouses and ingrown 5850,000,000 was lost in defaulted 'Olympic team. . . . And a Berlin to deport him, but had to keep him nails were the first to squeak in re-foreign bonds. An amazing amount I GctYburCutsattd Jewish rowing crew which has not because no country was willing to re-bellion," states Dr. Goldware. "These of money, isn't it? In that same year yet been beaten by any Aryan com- ceive the exchief of the Red Army. ailments cared for, the unceasing ?l,250,000,000 was lost by men in petitors, has been barred altogether , . . Dr. Emanuel Lasker, Jewish ex- walking, dancing and standing began stock speculation. Men lost • during) from competing in regattas. . . .That holder of the world's chess cham- to take its toll on the arches of the that year §1,750,000,00 in security is the Naii idea of sportsmanship. . ; pionship, came out fifth in a recent feet, causing pain to radiate upward swindles. We can also add to the CO. Zurich match which was won by theto the legs, thighs, and back, losses in this one year $400,000,000 We hurried them present champion, Dr. Alexandra ABOUT PEOPLE necessitating support and corrective in loan swindles. Added to the foreVhone Q±.4626 1 in for this event. We, understand that it is on the Alekhine. . . . Apparently Dr. Las-arch treatment." He further points going was a total of $1,670,000 losses Every dress is advice of Bernard M. Baruch that ker has passed his prime. . . . ' out that in such an endurance con- in unsecured business ventures. brimming with General Hugh Johnson is considering test; correctly fit shoes are a prepersonality . . . retiring from the NRA. . . .Which QUAVERS dominant .factor. featuring crepes, reminds us that in. his work on pub- Paris . is looking forward to. the Statistically, Dr. Goldware estilic baths aud swimming pools in piano debut of Hephzibah Menuhin, mates that the walk-a-show contestsatins and wools New York Mr. Baruch receives the 14-year-old sister of violinist Yehudi, tants averaged fifteen miles ~a day, in the new slimfull co-oper?>t:on of his brother, Her-scheduled for next October, with daily lifting a burder of over 1,105 as-a-whistle silman B. Baruch, of whom you maybrother on the program too. . . . The tons on each foot, all their own houette. iua. have Teaio, but who is not only original name of Leon 'Belasco, "or- weight. . Estimating the" average active in financial circles but a con- chestra conductor, was Leonid Sim- weight to be 140 pounds, and the tributor to medical journals also, onovich Berladsky, and he spent average step to be thirty inches, dihaving an M. JX—and the dignified most of his boyhood in Harbin, Man- vide thirty into fifteen miles (950,Van',-Dyke, that goes with that de- churia. Now he has been offered 400 inches) and get the number of gree. *'•.'.. Mor<Vcai Ezekiel, economic a job in the new "Harbin university— steps taken, 31,680. Then multiply advisor to the Department of Agri- but his contracts keep him on Broad-! the body weight (140) times the ' culture, is having his, troubles thess way. . . . The home of the late Mr. number of steps (31,680) and get the days with advccatcs of a new infant and Mrs. Henry Seligman, number of pounds lifted by both feet industry— that as yet unborn paper patrons and amateurs, has been each day (4,435,200) or 2,218 tons. pulp industry cf the south. . . . Dr. leased to the Beethoven h asociation. Ezefciel .is. .counseling, the practice of . . George Gershwin is working "The manner of walking," he adds, birtTi contro) in American industry. hard on the score for an operatic "has even a greater influence on the '. , .. And tlid you know that Eobert version of "Pofgy," Broadway suc- amount of energy expended than the Straus, son of Ambssscdor Jesse, is ces of some seasons ago, which the contestants realize. It is an accepted a colleague of Kilbourne Johnson, Theatre Guild is expecting to put onfact that the fellow who walks with son of General Hugh, in the NRA? next winter." . I . One of the high- his feet out expends more energy lights in the opera will be a fugue than he who walks with his toes TO BE REMEMBERED development of a crap-game theme, pointing straight ahead, inasmuch as latter saves a distance equivalent Nominated for the Forget-Me-Not to accompany the fight in the first the to one step every six steps taken." club: Vigilante, of the American He- scene. . . . brew, for his exposure of Colonel E. N. Sanctuary's efforts to spread BEHIND THE SCENES CLOSEOUT anti-Semitic propaganda in the guise An eye-witness reports .that' Eddie DEVOE BEST- SPAtt- VAKSISH of lectures given at the Broadway Cantor's "Roman- Scandals" was Presbyterian church of New York. shown m Nafdland,; denials" notwith$1.50 a Gallon . . . T h e Kernel, as you may-not standing. ; ; 1.; ^ The fall anil'.'early vrin.know, is the head of the "World Al- ter will; se'e: the production of three Jobbing Go. liance . against Jewish . Aggressive- new Elmer Rice plays, with Elmer No. 12th JA. 5604 Rice as their producer. . . . Mitzi ness.'' . . . Green is in " town, having come in Superb equipment FUNNY STORY from Hollywood to visit her grandLuxurious appointment* The occasion was a dinner given mother. . . . Our informant tells us by the Institute of Politics at Wil-there is nothing to that rumor that h every way the AK-SAR-BEN mHdpatex the liamstown, Mass., and one of the Roxy himself is going back to the requirements of the most discriminating traveler. They JIIx With the Best guests of honor was Rabbi Leon original Roxy Theatre. . . . The firm Hurwitz of Brooklyn. . . . The en-of Charles Frohmap,, Inc., whose IDEAL BOTTLING C0MPA3T Im* AK-SAR-BEN tree came on—and lo, it was hamfounder died in the Lusitania. disas- 1808 No. 20th St. Relief belongs WE. 3043 Leave Omaha. Lounging o r t;30pm and eggs. . . . G r e a t consternation ter nineteen years ago, is still going Stloa—bed leea cm Anivt Chicago . .8:30 an on the part of the toastmaster, who strong, and in the process of moving Bafftttenric* called over a "waiter and asked him to new quarters. .•'. > The Nazis Dinlas o r for fareilcfat to remove the rabbi's ham-and as exiled Elizabeth Bergner, ace actress V«ltl fcdio qukkly. as possible, lest the rabbini- — London people paid ?25 for Tb«Ak-S*r-BenAcp cal feelings be hurt. . . . The waiter a seat for her last performance of dashed over to a bearded gentleman the season. . . . Next January we other *—who, however, gave up the dish may expect, to see her on Broadway. fine trains only after a-struggle. . . . Sometime . . . On [the Great White Way, too, later it developed, that bearded gen- they're wondering why no ofle preARISTOCRAT . . . . . . . ^ . . M a 7^5pa tleman was not Rabbi Hurwitz—who ceded Billy Rose, in the discovery of FAST MAfl &15pm 7:05*01 Js cleanshaven —but Admiral Huffey Yemie Go Stern, angel de luxe. . . . of the TJ. S. Navy. . . . And -nowV'/ie •ESERVATIONS Burlington admiral is wondering whether to Utfc t Fornan, Omaha JL W. SHARK, G««roJ A«Mf shave or to apply for a Jewish pulAugust I AUantk 6631 Polish Girls Join pit . . . 'JiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHir^












Best Result*





Drink DEAL Beverages



Fiances in Palestine

To a lady who asked him. his age the otherlday Walter Winchell coyly Warsaw, (WNS) , — Nine thouisaid: "Guess!" . . . S h e did, and hersand Jewish girls in Poland are lookforward to the.receipt of special guess was 52. . . . W . . W . , . shocked, ing emigration permits to enable them to took a deep breath and told her: join their fiance3 in Palestine. "Lady you're wrong by fifteen years" . . . Cried the lady:."What! The granting of ^these permits folYou mean you're 67 years old?" . . . lowed representations that there was a shortage of marriageable girls in POLITICAL NOTES Palestine. We see that Congressman Dickstein is taking to heart some criticism that has been leveled at him for getting, too much space in the public prints in connection with the Congressional Nazi Invetigation, •which is to be continued after the hot weather is over. . . . He shouldn't. . . . Even his critics all agree that he has done an excellent job of the investigation, and is needed to keep:.up the good work. . . . Ccingrajsman Emanuel Celler of New York, by the way, is hoping

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PAGE 3—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 10, 1934 nie Froom. CONVALESCING SPENT WEEK-END HERB Miss Martha Himmelstein is conTickets can be procured by calling Mrs. Louis Winkelman and daughvalescing at the Lutheran hospital. Miss Rose Abramson, Kenwood 6S15, ter,. Dorothy, . of Detroit,.. spent, the Let nip protect your Intercuts . . . J week-end with the Simon Pizers. They or any member of the committee. write INSUHAXCE of every description RETURN FROM DENVER are en route home, from a tiip to the Mrs. Sam Theodore and Mrs. John indndinR I,IFE, in strong, reliable companies OMY . . . I*et*s tnlk it over. The Misses Esther Weiner and MinYellowstone park. Faieri chairmen of the local HadasSherman have just returned from a sah medical fund committee, have City Finance & Insurance Co. O CHICAGO week's trip to Denver, Colo. completed plans for one of the larg1400 Farnam St. AT-iefil or WA-5150 Mrs. Leonard Pinkovitz has just re- est affairs of the social season, to be turned from two weeks in Chicago, held at the "60 Club" Wednesday HOUSE GUEST A scavenger hunt culminating with Gertrude Harris of Chicago, former- visiting relatives and the world's fair. evening, August 22, and many reser- a general get-together at the Little ly of Omaha, is a house guest of Mr. She was joined the second week by vations have already been received. •Club will be held by the combined her son, Arthur. and Mrs. M. Beitel. The event is open to the public. Junior Vaad groups Sunday evening, Is engaged in the business of sellThere will be special entertainment August 12, at 8 o'clock. The groups ing ail kinds of RELIGIOUS ARCELEBRATES BIRTHDAY VACATIONING Arthur Pinkovitz celebrated his and dancing to the music of one of will meet at the B'nai Israel syna- TICLES—Taleisim, Books, Jewish KORNEY-BELZER NUPTIALS gogue, 18th and Chicago streets. Mrs. B. Grossman and Miss Anne twelfth birthday by spending a week Omaha's outstanding orchestras. Bibles in Hebrew and English. Mr. and Mrs. Will S. Rips of San Zweiback of Omaha, and Mrs. Joe . Miss Beulah Belzer, daughter of The affair is for members of both Res. 609 No. 50th St. Mrs. Julius Abrahamson, president at Camp Gifford with his cousinGL-2972 Antonio, Tex., announce the birth of Mr. Sam Belzer, became the bride of Borden of Sioux Falls, S. D., are va-Norman Pitlor, after joining the Boyreminds Hadassah members that they groups only. Prizes will be awarded to Mr. Leonard Korney, son of Mr. anda son on July 18. Mrs. Rips is the cationing with Mrs. Lester Heeger Scouts. The second week he joined still have time to raise their Give- winners. Mrs. Boris Korney, Sunday noon at a former Sarah Mae Adler, daughter of and Mrs. S. H. Shulkin of Sioux City, hi3 mother in Chicago to see the or-Get quotas through this gala afquiet ceremony performed at the home Mrs. J. Adler of this city. la., who are spending the summer in world's fair and visit- with relatives. fair. Those interested should comRigh—Simon Wittenberg, a former of the bride's brother and sister-in- EUTEKTAIXS the Marks cottage, at Casino Point, municate with her. deputy in the Latvian parliament, " law, Dr. and Mrs. O. S. Belzer. Rev. Miss Sue Corenman entertained at Storm Lake, la. ENTERTAINS AT DINNER was appointed director of the Jewish A. Schwaczkin officiated. 25th and Leavcnworth Sts. i Mrs. M. Crounse entertained at a education department at the Ministry a bridge dinner at Murphy's Chicken Atlantic 2574 f Palms and baskets of flowers Hut Sunday afternoon, in honor of VISIT IN CHICAGO dinner Thursday evening, honoring of Education. framed an archway for the ceremony. Miss Frances Rosen of Des Moines Mr. Morris Roitstein and Miss Ann Miss Fannye Sheanin of Los Angeles, The bride was given away by her and Miss Lucille Kaplan of Salonka, Berman left for Chicago. While there ! l ATTENTION! brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Kans. they will visit the world's fair. They A various assortment of Jewish Kew TO MILWAUKEE Louis Newberg. Tear cards at Tery reasonable priees Among the out-of-town guests were will return August 15. Junior Hadassah will hold a dance Miss Elsie Eisman left Wednesday, The biide was gowned in a floor- Mrs. Ray Levy of Waco, Tex. Prizes CALL WEBSTER 4861 New upholstered furniture made to at Peony Park on Wednesday, AuAugust 2, for Milwaukee, Wis., where length frock of beige crepe, made with weie won by Miss Sara Forman and TO OTTUMWA Our representative will be pleased to your individual taste. No extra cost gust 15. she will spend several weeks with take your order at yoar home or a yoke and short sleeves of natural Saska Bernstein. James Lemson has been- transfer- her brother. ( t o have your furniture made to fit your place of business. Yonr orders Miss Rose Abramson is chairman colored lace. She wore a wide hat of red to Ottumwa, la., where he will be your home. Call AT-2574 and Mr. appreciated. of the committee in charge, assisted brown transparent velvet, the brim of LOS ANGELES VISITOR k Sussman will call and make sug- associated with, the J. J . Newberry FROM OKOBOJI Smith Bros. Printing Co. by the Misses Ann Goodbinder; Eve" gestions. which was edged 'with a graceful drop 1TE-4861 1301 No. 30th Street Miss Fannye Sheanin of Los An-Company. Before leaving Omaha, he Mrs. Nathan Resnick and son, Sam,lyn Glazer, Sarah Levine, and Minof brown tulle veil. She carried a geles, Cal., formerly of Omaha, has was honored at several farewell parand daughter, Helen, have just reshower bouquet of bride's roses. .•.'.••• >een the house guest of Miss Sally ties. turned from a two-weeks motor trip A reception was held at the Dr. ollay for the past week. to Lake Okoboji Belzer home in the evening. Miss Sheanin has been extensively TO SOUTH AMERICA Assisting were the Misses Sarah entertained while in Omaha. She left Milton Altshuler, son of Mr. andFROM OKOBOJI Rifkin, Helen Hahn, and Betty Fell- Wednesday evening to spend a week Mrs. Sam Altshuler, has left for Mrs. A. Newman and daughters, man. visiting relatives in Chicago, and will Buenos Aires, where he has received Bess and Ida, have returned from a then return to Los Angeles. an appointment on. the only English two-weeks stay at Lake Okoboji. KLEIN-BERGER newspaper there. The trip will take ENGAGEMENT VISITING IN LINCOLN 18 days by boat. COFFALESCEfG Mr. and Mrs. Louis Berger announce Visiting at the home of Mrs. H. Mrs. J. Lieb is convalescing at his the engagement of their daughter, Marx at Lincoln are her sister, Mrs. TEN-DAY STAY home, after having been confined In Miss Berdie Berger, to Mr. Murray F . Julius Newman and little daughter, The Misses Minette and Rose Sing- the Lutheran hospital for eight weeks. Klein, son of Mr. David Klein of En- Harriett, of Omaha and her brother, er have returned from a ten-day stay glewood, Cal. ' Mr. Harry Snader and wife and little in Chicago. While there, they visited The wedding will take place this son, Bobby, of Milwaukee. the world's fair and with relatives. fall. Mr. Klein is a graduate of the Uni-r S. A. M. MOTHERS CLUB GUEST HERE . versity of Wyoming at Laramie; He -The S,. A. M.- Mothers club will Mr- and Mrs. J. Kirshenbaum-have 1 ' CLEANERS is a member of Alpha Tau Omega;. meet on Wednesday afternoon, August as their guests this week-MrTand'Mrs Miss Berger has just returned from 15; at the home of Mrs. Joe Goldware, M. Middleman and son, M6rris,from California, where she : was a "guest at 2301 Madison street. Detroit and Pdntiac," Mich. the home of her fiance. VISITOR HERE RETURNS FROM KANSAS CITY KORZ-SOMIT Wedenesday Special Miss rBernice -SpiegaL daughter of Miss Sophie Jacobson h a s returned MARRIAGE DAMP WASH from Kansas City, where she spent Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spiegal, of Los Mr. M. Somit of 2429 Decatur street two weeks with her brother-in-law and Angeles, formerly, of Omaha, is visitFLAT WORK IRONED announces the marriage of his young- sister, Mt. and Mrs. N. Kraft. ing her;uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. est daughter, Esther Gertrude, to Mri Morris Newman: Israel Korz, of San Francisco, Cal. FROM MINNEAPOLIS : The marriage took place in San The July 1st reduction in gas rates Mr. and Mrs. Joe Weisburg of Min- VISITED HERE Francisco on Sunday, August 6. automatically adds hundreds more neapolis, Minn., accompanied by their JMr. A. Davidson of Los Angeles Omaha homes to the list of those who nieces, Miss Ann Silver and Mrs. M.formerly of Omaha, has returned to GREENBERG-ZELIGSON can afford to heat with gas. Heating Lipshitz and small son, Jerry, motored California after a week's visit here. ENGAGEMENT •T Shirts Included—8c with gas is no longer a luxury, for low here and spent the past week visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. Zeligson of Sioux with Mr. and Mrs. L. Morgan. Mr. TO OKOBOJI :; rates put it in a class where it competes City announce the engagement of Lou Minkin, Art and Harry Lipp with other fuels in the matter of cost. their daughter^ Bessie, to Mr. SamWeisburg is a brother of Mrs. Mor-and Sam Garrop motored to Lake Even before the latest reduction in gan. Greenberg, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Okoboji for a week. rates, five-room homes were being Greenberg, of this city. heated with gas for as little as $90.00 . No-definite dafe has been s e t for RETURN FROM VACATION ZBIS.FARKAM AT 2815 for the entire season—proof that gas •iR^bbjuatid, ^Irsi Jiag}d A. Goldstein rates in Omaha have been extremely and family have returned to Omaha from 'their vacation, which was spent low before, and an indication of what COHEff-SCHLAIFER gat you operate your heating system tarn your a n y chair— Omaha users may expect under still Mr. N. Schlaifer announces the en-in northern-Minnesota. itat control makes ft unnecessary to go near the baseBUnHnouC IllOHinraull comiui ntatvco it niarci^»w j iw ij lower rates. gagement ot his daughter, Sara, to roent. Save tim«, save steps, save hard work, with f t s . Mr. Lloyd Cohen, son of Mr. and Mrs.VISITING IN OMAHA FREE ESTIMATE OFFERED Mrs. Gusta Wienerr and her two M. Cohen of Sioux City. A reception A heating expert from the Utilities daughters, of St. Paul/Minn., are here was held for the immediate family. District will be glad to make a free surfor an indefinite stay with Mrs. Wienvey of your home, and an accurate eser's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Fiiedel.ANNOUNCE BIRTHS timate of the cost of heating it with Mr. and Mrs. Lester Simon announce gas. You are not obligated by this in the birth of a son on Wednesday, Auany way, and you'll be surprised a t gust 8, at the Clarkson hospital. the low costs under the new, reduced rates. Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Weisberg (Formerly in the employ of I*. Harris) Twelve years experience announce the birth of a daughter, Niki Easy terms are offered on your purInsurance with Reliable Companies Sara, on August 2, at St. Catherine's chase of a gas furnace. A small down Real Estate . . . Property Management hospital. payment, only, is required, and you 315 So. 13th St. JA. 7311 have two years to pay the balance, if ENTERTAINS FOR VISITORS you like. Miss Rose Levin entertained at her NO LONGER AN EXPERIMENT home last Wednesday: at a theatre And heating with gas has gone far party, followed by a dinner, in honor beyond -the _ experimental stage,- for of Miss Fannie! Sheanin of-Los An1100 homes in the city now use it. In geles, Cal., and Miss Eudice Stillman your own block is probably a t least of Sioux City, la. - - ..'.-•. one home-owner who has tried it thorMiss Sheanin is the house guest of oughly, and who can give you a fair, Ghre yoareeH • tftua, coal, extra room m the basement, with dean Be* Miss Sally Pollay. heat It w3l be a tool retreat in hat weather, an extra room for whtttr unbiased opinion of it. Ask him. Mdf* partes and entertammem.

Hadassah Affair to Be Held August 22

Mark Leon Says.. •

Junior Vaad Groups to Hold Scavenger Hunt



| |

H. SUSSMAN ] Upholstering Co. i

j |

Repairing, j Refitushing and Upholstering

»| Furniture

Junior Hadassah to Hold Dancing Party



LOWER HOUSE HEATING RATES PUT CAS HEAT WITH I OF HUNDREDS OF OMAHA HOMES Easy Monthly Payments on Heating Equipment simplify the Purchase




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X he second reduction in gas rates during 1934 will show on the gas bill which you receive on or after August 1. Together, the two cuts in rates will save $139^000 a year on Omaha's gas bills.

Its comfortable THUMB REST, its quick heating CALROD dement, its adjustable automatic TEMPERATURE CONTROL* and its button-saving BUTTON-NOOKS, make ironing truly" easy. It is one of the fastest, most economical and most durable irons ever made.

But this means even more in terms of home comfort. It means that you can afford to use gas for more uses^—not alone for cooking, but for automatic water heaters, for heating your home, for automatic gas refrigeration.

Get a G-E Hotpoint SUPER-Automatic Iron today and turn ironing drudgery into ironing pleasure.





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COSTLY MISTAKE—Two were killed and several injured when this passenger train plowed into a federal laboi' camp at Manteca, Cal., after striking an open switch. It is believed a switchman opened the switch when he mistook the passenger for a sugar beet train which was to have been shunted to a siding. PRESIDENTIAL SOUVENIR—President Roosevelt accepts a tengallon hat as a memento of the west from Miss Pearl Van Horn of Seattle, Wash., at Grand Coulee, Wash. Mrs. Roosevelt and Governor Martin of Washington are shown with the president. HUEY'S ARMY—Ready for the next skirmish in New Orleans* political war, militiamen equipped with steel helmets, gas masks and tear gas guns, continue to guard the city registration office despite a court order calling for their demobilization.

-WANT TO SEE A REAL ACTOR?—Freda, once the pet of Mrs. ! Vincent Astor, now a resident of the New York zoo, prides herself on her ability as a thespian. Above, the versatile orangroutang is doing an imitation of the late Lon Chaney.

"NOT TOO SHORT, PLEASE"—Postmaster General Farley accepts the ministrations of Barber Davidson, in Chicago, before hastening ]to his hotel suite to "catch up on work".

the Los Angeles beaches, is outequipment. Said to be the first of its 33 feet long and has a speed of snatched him last February,

AN INVITATION—William Green, at right, president of the Amenican Federation of Labor, invites Mayor Fiorello La Guardia of New York to be the principal speaker on Labor Day, at the Chicago Century of Progress, The speech will be broadcast internationally. The two are shown at New York City.


BattUng Fascism

A boy of nine was not slow in To. Dr. Feldman, any.wish of Ua« coming within their horizon, and one sishkin was an order. Dr. Feldman Fascism is spreading its wings the world over. Economic of the Jews went up and pulled his however, knew that if he made the «ar. request for permission to remove the conditions have driven one country after another to fascist tend*tCha-morlM (Hebrew for ass) body of Pinsker on a Zionist basis, Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by encies. And it seems that wherever fascism has progressed, liberthe Jewish Communists of Russia shouted the youngster . THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY alism and freedom have been narrowed into prisonous cages. The youngster had said neither would put every obstacle in his way. Democracy, where it still exists even in a diluted state, is "unmi" nor "mameh,'' yet, neverthe- He decided therefore on a bit of Subscription P r i c e , o n e y e a r » - - « . - . . . - • « , $2.50 By DAVID SCHWARTZ less, he had made his exclamation in strategy. Without any fuss about it, Advertising r a t e s furnished o n application frequently lulled into a false sense of security, for any morning Hebrew, so that, I presume it may with few knowing anything about it, it may awake to find itself under an iron dictatorship of concenbe taken for granted that Hebrew Dr. Feldman approached the municiEditorial Office: 490 B r a n d e i s T h e a t e r Building. COLUMNIST AT CAMP tration camps and ruthless storm troops. Too many Jewish writ- AWhat will stick as their Palestine Ian- pal authorities of Odessa, telling Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center a suppressed desire we Jews them that a certain Jewish physician, ers and thinkers do not give enough thought to such political must have for the life back to na- guage. DAVID BLACKER - . - . . . - Business a n d Managing E d i t o r Dr. Pinsker lay buried there and that finished his story, B, anAs A FRANK R. A.CKERMAN - « - - - - - - - - _ - Editor problems, steering free of the true analysis of the Jewish position irre, judging by the number of Jew- other most of his relatives were now in of those in the rowboat smiled. F A N N I E KATELMAN - « * Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent in such battles as fascism versus democracy. In the August "Opin- ish camps. Here am I at the Zionist Well, he said, "I am glad to see Palestine, and they would greatly ANN P I L L - - - - - - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent in the New York mountains. ion," Rebecca Pitts, a non-Jewess, points out the problem facing camp you didn't tell any Zionist story. like to have the body of their relaP r i n t S h o p A d d r e s s : 1307 H o w a r d S t r e e t "Why did you come to camp?" that And so I feel it only proper that I tive in Palestine. Jewry in fascism in a clear, succinct manner. An excerpt says: ueried a fellow camper. tell a non-Zionist story. The municipal authorities of Divided and uncertain, paralyzed by contradictions, the Jews are "Well, let's see," responded I, "I should "You know," B began, "there is a Odessa, knowing nothing of Pinsker, guess it must be because I wanted at present a people at the mercy of historic forces they fail to to get away from Civilization." great shortage of labor in Pales- thinking that he was some obscure understand. There is such a thing as historic necessity. That is, "Well, why didn't you go to Ber- tine, but especially of building labor. Jew, and that for some sentimental carpenter or a painter can com- reason, his relatives wanted his body, objective social and economic forces are at work in the world, lin?" he replied. "Do you know," he mand almost any wage. With that saw no objection to granting the readded, "that the German tourist determined by the whole course of history; and against their companies are now advertising preliminary I will now go ahead with quest. inexorable development neither men nor nations can make their abroad: my story. The body was disinterred, the cofdamsel with $3,000 fin opened—incidentally, it was "A Palestine German Shadows own destinies . . . It is futile to look for unity among the Jewish "Ge away from civilization for a dowry was in the market for a hus- found that a talith in which Pins* while. Come to Berlin for your vaAdolph Hitler, the ranting, rabid anti-Semite, today sits on people. They are like the non-Jewish world, hopelessly divided, band. She called in the best Schad- ker was shrouded was still fairly cation." an absolute throne in Germany-—at least for the time being. In- lined up in the hostile camps of bourgeoisie and proletariat." chen in Tel Aviv, and he submitted well preserved. his list of prospects. Everything was in readiness for Unquestionably, it is true that as this important question credible though it may sound,;this Austrian corporal is the unThis is a Zionist camp, and for "Here is the picture,' he said, 'of the removal of the body. In fact, one who deals so much in Zionism of fascism developed in various countries, Jews were found on questioned ruler of sixty-five million Germans, his word a law three more hours the ship carrying as- the staple all year diet, I sup- a doctor.' both sides—some battling it and others lending financial support. pose the body was scheduled to sail. It unto itself. I should have stayed away. But " 'No good,' said the damsel. "Well, here is a picture of a lawwas at this zero hour, that the JewBut, those who support fascism do so at the expense of their Once again Hitler has defied the prognostications of political as the old adage ha* it: A sailor on yer.' ish Communists first got wind of the brethren. We agree with Miss Pitts that looking at the Jewish always takes a boat his vacation forecasters. Before he became chancellor a little over a year and matter and raised a hullabaloo. But "Again the girl turned up her a half ago, the experts—going on the fact that Hitter's Nazis had position in the future, when the real battel will be fought between ride, and so it is wish Zionists, nose. it was too late. " 'Here is the picture of a college ~ Had the secret leaked out a few lost two million votes following the "fuehrer's" overwhehning fascism and freedom, between the oppressors and the oppressed, suppose. "Let's declare a moratorium on hours before, the body of Pinsker defeat by von Hindenburg for the presidency—the experts had the Jew will have to decide on which side of the barricades the Zionist subjects," I said, as I be- professor.' " 'Pfeh,' said the girl. not have been so easily repredicted that Hitler was through and his power would steadily forces of survival are ranged. Says Miss Pitts: " I n the bitter gan my first conversation in camp. "'Say, listen here,' said the sched- would moved. Nothing with Zionism in it for a chen, 'do you expect me to get you a wane. No sooner had their prophecies been made than he was years ahead, Judaism, like every other living force, will be tested week. Does everybody agree?" offered the chancellorship and by a series of illegal and ruthless to the limit. But Judaism has always meant, at the core, a cre- "Sure," said my acquaintances carpenter when you only have $3,000 As a fitting depository for the dowry?' body of this first great modern Zionmeasures made the Nazis the rulers of the fatherland. So, too, ative acceptance and affirmation of life, an effort to wed one's sitting in the row boat with me. ist, Ussishkin had acquired a cave, today. After the "blood bath" of the storm troops, von Hinden- sense of value and meaning with one's daily activity. Admittedly, "And speaking about something "Well, I'm glad to see," said I, near the Hebrew university which said one, "did you hear the had been a royal cemetery in the burg's determined support of von Papen, and the revelation that today, it stands in need of revaluation—of a brave and conscious else," story about the two Jews who came "that you are holding to your prom- days of the Jewish kingdom. ise to tell no Zionist story. I trust the Nazi putsch in Austria which resulted in the assassination of translation into contemporary terms. If Judaism still has any- to Palestine?" we shall keep the remainder of And now it is planned to make of Dollfuss was German-instigated -— once more the prophets de- thing to say to the world (if the perennial impulse to affirm life "Well," he said, "these two Jews that the conversation in the same vein. it a national Pantheona Jewish when they arrived in Palestine had clared that Hitler's star had set. Then, von Hindenburg died. By still lives within it), the conscious Jew will not cling to the de- an argument as to whether Hebrew We have enough of Zionism in the Westminister Abbey. It was entirely fitting that Leo law in Germany, the head of the Supreme Court should have be- cadent past. Even when bis economic interests fail to shove him would actually "take" as the living city." We then went on to discus the Pinsker should have been the first come president in the interim. But law means nothing to Hitler. imperiously in either direction, he will understand on which side tongue of the Palestine Jews. One of recent of the body of Leo to be honored on this historic His cabinet immediately merged the office of president and chan- of the barricades the forces of life are ranged. And he will still them argued that it would not—that Pinsker,removal the forerunner of Theodor ground. Yiddish would continue to hold its cellor and made Hitler the head—meanwhile, the German news- be found fighting the enemies of civilization and of the future." own. Berzl, from Odessa to Palestine. papers, forced to obey Nazi commands, were ordered not to men- i We do not know but that tomorrow we may be engaged in 'Til tell you what," said the other I must apologize for mentioning And these are some of the things Jew. "I have a suggestion for de- it in connection with these humorous that one gathers at a Zionist camp. tion anything about the constitutionality of such an act. But that fight. ciding the matter. We will go up to stories that I have been relating, As you can see, it is a very restful Hitler, the showman, must have his irony—so he orders a plebisthe first youngster we meet on the Obviously, this story is not in the place. Not once was the word—Zioncite for August 19th, in which the people will be given a chance street, we will go up to him and pull same vein, but it is an extraordin- ism—or even Palestine mentioned. Nature and Man Collaborate arily interesting story, and I don't (Copyright, 1934, Jewish Telegraphic to "vote" whether they approve of the combination of off ices. The his ear. believe it has been related in any (Yiddish Agency, Inc.) hollers "mameh" The impoverishment of the Jewry in Poland continues at an 'If he Nazis will have charge of the elections, and the world already American Jewish paper heretofore. that Hefor mother) the answer is speaks of the farcical results, so evident in recent German "free alarming pace. To make a bad situation worse, to add nature's brew is not taking. It is noteworthy that while Zionwoes to man-made sorrows, the recent floods in Poland adversely "If he hollers "Immi" (Hebrew for ist congresses have for years decided If slander be a snake, it is a winged and secret" elections. more than five thousand Jewish families, with two thou- mother) we may take it for granted at almost each recurring' session—to one; it flies as well as creeps.—Jer- • Meanwhile, let us look beyond August 19th and see if present affected the remains of Herzl from rold. . Jewish families in East and West Galicia without means of that the children all speak Hebrew remove Vienna to Palestine—it remains unevents point toward any definite conclusions. To begin with, im- sand as the spontaneous language and life. that the Palestine tongue will al- accomplished yet one person alone partial observers agree that in Germany today the Reichswehr iustaining succeeded in bringing Pinsker's re As though this were not sufficient of a burden for Polish ways be Hebrew. Paxton Mitchell Co. | cr regular army is the "pillar of strength." Hitler can no longer Jewry; this past week Premier Kozlowski in a speech before the "Agreed," mains to Palestine—despite the fact said the other. c Grey Iron, Aluminum and depend on his storm troops, but he must look to the army for government adherents of the Polish parliament !aeclared that that it was obviously easier to deal with the Vienna government on Bronze Castings support. The army surprisingly offered no resistance in. taking' a these was an exoess^of middlemen intha-Poh'sh-£Cj§&Qinic system Zionist Blatters thap with t h t , Soviet Wood and Metal Patterns personal oath of allegiance to Hitler, though anyone can see that md projected steps to reduce their number by state'co-operatives, government. 8614 Martha St. HA. 5523 GEMS of the BIBLE many of the officers must have locked away in their minds certain The man who brought Pinsker to high percentage of the Polish Jews are to be found in this and TALMUD Palestine was a Jewish physician of mental reservations. The nations which are Germany's neighbors group of middlemen, and although the Polish government has not Odessa, a Dr. Feldman. By O. O. DASHES are more distrustful than ever and are watching each event with given any outward signs of discrimination against its Jewish subIt happened this way. NATIONAL keen interest. For a while it seemed that Mussolini might some- jects, it is nevertheless patent that in the state co-operatives they The grand old man of Zionism, Woe unto them that join house to ACCESSORIES, Inc. how ally himself with Hitler, but this is now past—Mussolini to- have employed a discreet and secret but nevertheless effective house, that lay field to field, till lit M. Ussishkin learned that Dr. day appears to be Hitler's bitterest foe. The British seemed to be discrimination against the Jewish workers. EVERYTHING there be no room, and ye be made to Feldman was coming to Palestine. dwell alone in the midst of the land. Whereupon he wrote to Dr. Feldman For the Auto friendly to Germany, but now the British secretary of foreign We can appreciate the magnitude of the problem only when Therefore my people are gone into that it would be a fine idea if he affairs makes plain England's attitude by declaring that the Brit2051 Farnam AT. 5524 brought along with him the body of for lack of knowledge. the author of Auto-Emancipation. ish frontier had been extended to the Rhine. France and her allies we realize that the Jewish population of Poland is about three captivity Woe unto them that, call evil good, ?: have by a series of treaties provided a ring of steel around Ger- million souls. and good evil; that change darkness into light and light into darkness; many . ..••••... in all directions Hitler faces nothing but animosity. that change bitter into sweet and However, we still feel that economics is the key to the final Cooking for Boys? sweet into bitter. solution. Germany's credit is that of a bankrupt. Her shortage of Are boys in Palestine in danger of being "feminized" through Woe unto them that are wise in raw materials is grave. Her people are on "ersatz" or the substi- iuch girlish prerogatives as lessons in the culinary art of cooking? their own eyes, and prudent in their tutes so prevalent during the war, rations are making their inPossibly, it seems that one of the mooted questions for teach- own sight. TALMUD roads, and poverty is becoming more and more pronounced. What, ers to discuss today in the Holy Land is whether boys as During the great famine which then, can we expect Hitler to do? Obviously, there is only one well as girls in the schools should be taught cooking and the was prevailing in Jerusalem Martha, thing he can do—he must make every overture possible to break principles of nutrition. A total of 4,500 pupils are fed by the the daughter of Beithus, was one of down the political and economic barriers, which threaten to become school luncheons system of Hadassah, in which pupils of the up- the richest families of Jerusalem. sent one of her servants to buy unsurmountable. Thus, Hess, a Hitler lieutenant; makes his sec- per grades prepare, cook and serve daily luncheons and are taught She fine flour. Before he reached the place, the fine flour was sold French public opinion. Hitler gives nutrition along with the other subjects in the school curriculum. market ond speech in which he out, so he came back and informed Plans are now in progress to extend the service and teaching to out interviews that the furthest thing from the Nazi mind is her that there was only ordinary expansion of German frontiers, that she is more than satisfied all of the Jewish Agency schools, embracing some 34,000 children. flour that he could purchase. So she if she just keeps her present boundaries—failing to explain how With the talk of expansion, the question of teaching cooking to said: "Go and buy ordinary flour." When he came to the market place, this squares with his words in black and white written in his boys has been reopened and is debated with much interest. he found that this also was sold, so To the traditional resistance, the luncheons supervisors coun- he came back and told her that only "Mein Kampf." Evidently, everything which can be done now which will conciliate the powers and at the same time enable him ter with the following: In Oriental families the buying is done rye flour was left. She asked him to to "save face" at home will be done. This means that in all prob- mostly by the men. They should therefore know the right kind of get that, but before he reached the this, too, was sold. So he came ability we shall soon see Hitler inaugurate a series of new pol- food, as otherwise they would buy what they themselves like with- place and informed her there was no rye icies "to the right." Reichsfuehrer Hitler will in all probability out considering the needs of their families. Also -when a bachelor flour any more, but that he could Men Say Goodbye to Straws When attempt some empty and meaningless gestures in the direction of eats in a restaurant he should know how to choose his food and buy barley flour. But again it hapThey See These Newly Arrived that this, too, was sold out beimproving the Jewish status in Naziland. As an indication of such balance his menus; he should eat what his body requires; not pened fore he arrived. developments, consider the fact that this past week "Der Stuer- merely what he likes. Further, if the boy goes to an agricultural When she was told that, she mer," publication of the notorious anti-Semite, Julius Streicher, colony he will have to work in the kitchen just like any girl, be- dressed herself and said she would who stands high in Nazi circles, was suspended for two weeks cause there is absolute equality of labor in these colonies. And, go out and try to find something to While walking in the street trybecause of some of its utterances. This is the first time an official if the boy is in a village where there is no restaurant or workers' eat. ing to find something vto eat, her reproval was given to Streicher. Also, Hitler has made as minister kitchen and he doesn't know cooking he would have to eat dry or foot became infected and blood of economics in his cabinet Dr. Hjalmar Schacht, president of the canned food. And as a clinching argument, boys taught cooking, poison set in, causing her death. BeReichsbank, shrewd financier and tricky manipulator, succeeding serving and food values have the background for the vocations of fore she died, she took all her gold and silver and threw it in the street, Schmitt, strawman for Fritz Thyssen, who is becoming more and cook or waiter. saying: "What do I need this for?"



The Week in Review





more recognized as the real power behind Hitler. It is an open secret that Schacht considers the breaking of the anti-Nazi boycott as the first step in the economic rehabilitation of Germany, and he will probably go to any steps to persuade Hitler of the necessity of adopting measures which may ease the outside economic pressure in Germany. These are some of the developments which may be expected. What, then, should the world's attitude be? The past history of Naziland gives us the answer. Hitler, time has proved, cannot be trusted—he can be depended upon to say one thing and mean another. Any conciliatory measures he may decide upon will be taken because he is forced to do so. His every action must be viewed with distrust—world public opinion has put him "on the spot" and world public opinion must continue to bear down until Hitler is supplanted by a new, liberal regime in Germany. The world should offer to help Germany out of her straits with all the resources at their command—-when and if Germany has change of leadership.

Perhaps it is not such a bad idea.

5695 Rosh Hashonah. onday and Tuesday, September 10 and 11 Fast of Gedaliah. „ Wednesday, September 12 Yom Kippur_____...Wednesday, September 19 .______._.rJMonday, September 24 First Day of Succoth - / . ,„. Jtonday, October 1 Eighth Day of Succoth. ..„ .Tuesday, October 2 Simchath Torah__......_. *Rosh Chodesh Chesvan _„ _ . .—....Wednesday, October 10 Rosh Chodesh Kislev . .Thursday, November 8 First Day of Chanukah __. __„ ____________ Sunday, December 2 Rosh Chodesh Tebeth........ . __Friday, December 7 Fast of Tebeth.....; . ......Sunday, December 16 NOTE: Holydays begin in the evening preceding the dates designated. *Rosh Chodesh also observed the previous day. •*Fast observed on following Sunday.

On account of the shaft of a litter the great city of Byther was destroyed. For it was a custom in Byther that when a child was born the parents would plant a young cedar tree for a boy and a pine tree for a girl. At the time of their wedding, they would cut the tree down to make a canopy out of that wood. While the daughter of the emperor was riding one day through the city, the shaft of her litter broke down and her attendants cut down a young cedar tree to use in repairing it. The man who had planted the tree attacked the servants and beat them severely. Whereupon the latter came and informed the emperor, saying the Judaeans had rebelled against him. He immediately dispatched a great army, and the army destroyed the city.

Again The Nebraska offers the last word in hats. Just right for motor wear, for the late vacationist going to cooler climes, for the man about town tired of straws... the lightest of lightweight felt hats. Made as only Knox, Stetson and Mallory can make them! Other New Featherweight Felt Hat* $3.50 vnd $4 Bate—Mala Floor




been disrespectful concerning a.Moslem mosque. However, officials scouted this idea, claiming that the real motive was economic. . . Special trains brought all available colonial troops into the city. Martial law has been declared. Killings were definitely known to have occurred in Constantine, Hamma, fight Censorship Makes Exact Jemmapes and Bizet. . . . Number of Killings


A.Z. A. N o . l

Constantine, Algeria. — S e r i o u s fighting between Arabs and Jews is reported to be spreading to the neighboring areas, as the French officials claimed that they had the situation in hand. The exact number of casualties is not known, because of the censorship. The official list of killed is put at 27, but it is estimated that about one hundred were killed and about three times as many injured. It is declared that the Arabs started the rioting when rumors were falsely spread that a Jewish soldier had

Style is what gives value and currency to thought.—Amiel.



The Mother chapter of A. Z. A., in conjunction with A. Z. A. 100, will sponsor High Holyday services for the Jewish youth, at the J. C .C. Following the Yom Kippur service, the annual Achar Hataunis dance will be held. Plans have been completed to hold a dancing and swimming party at Plamore Paik, Sunday, August 12. This will be a "date" affair. -

]X| Vote for

R. K. "Ray" DENNELL Democrat for

SHERIFF A Successful Business Man, .Home Owner and Taxpayer, who has made good as County Commissioner. FOR FAIR AND IMPARTIAL LAW ENFORCEMENT POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT



Francis V.





Bikur Cholim A regular meeting of the Bikur Cholim will be held Monday afternoon, August-13, at 2 p. m., at the J...C. C. The hospital committee has an important announcement to make at this meeting. All members are urged to attend.


W. H. (Bill)




VOTE FOR Charles F.






Greenleaf COUSTY ASSESSOR Has always Been Fair He He He He


Is Competent is Honest is Fearless is Understanding

So let's all giVe him a Tote of appreciation for Services conscientiously rendered in the past I

G :

JOHN J. (Jack) PSZANOWSKI Former Chief of Police For

SHERIFF Republican



Democrat for

CONGRESS Pledged to Roosevelt An experienced lawyer and past president of the Omaha Bar Association. Endorsed by Eugene Blazer, 5 J. J. Friedman and other prom- i inent Jewish lawyers. POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT


Tour Support . of him. will be appreciated by Mr. Greenleaf and nis Host of Friends.

Greenleaf for Assessor Club POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT

equipment necessary ana useful in connection with said business and to manufacture, purchase or-otherwise acquire, mortgage, pledge, sell, assign and transfer or otherwise dispose of personal property of every description to the same extent as natural persons might or could and to hold, maintain, work, develop, sell, lease, exchange, mortgage or otherwise deal: in lands, leaseholds and any interest or right in real property, to borrow money, to issue bonds or obligations to the corporation for I any of the purposes of this corporation nnd to purchase, hold,, sell and transfer shares of stock of this and other corporations, to acquire (he good will, rights, assets, property and to undertake and assume the whole or any part of the obligations or liabilities, of any person, association or corporation nnd in general to do anything insofar as the same may appertain to or be nsefnl for the conducting of the business of the corporation. The authorized capital stock shall be $10,000.00 divided into shares of the par value of $100.00 each and all of which shall be common stock nnd may be paid for in cash, notes or other property or service at the reasonable market value thereof and shall be non-assessable. The corporation shall, commence business on September 3, 1D34, nnd shall terminate on August 31. 1084. The highest amount of any indebtedness or liability to which this corporate is at any time to subject itself is not t> exceed two-thirds of its capital stock. Thi affairs of the corporation shall be conducted by a board of directors of not les; than two nor more thaji five and the following officers, a president, a vice-presi dent, a secretary and a treasurer, any two of which offices may be held by one and the same person.

Vote for

Lester M.




Born and reared iu Omaha. Known to radio fans as UL. P." Has written indorsement of OTer 200 prominent Oinaha lawyers. Sas excellent record of six years on the Municipal Court bench, trying cirfl and criminal cases. Independent in decisions — not politically bound.








Omaha Lawyers Endorse

Si dney J• Gottneid




Clerk of District Court


The undersigned attorneys practicing: in Douglas County want the present efficient service given by the office of Clerk of the District Court to be continued. They therefore support Sidney J. Gottneid, who is now Chief Deputy, to succeed Robert Smith as Clerk of the District Court.

WHERRY Republican for

UNITED STATES SENATOR Mr. and Mrs. Voter: We, the undersigned, have made a'thorough study of the record of our friend, Kenneth S. Wherry, and find that it is one of fairness, squareness and honesty to all people. He "is the man who will best rep. resent the interests of all our people in the-United States Senate. Signed: Nathan Yaffe Hyman Shrier Abraham Richards Ben Kazlowsky •• Herman Friedlander Harry Levy •; H. Holdsberg D. Gerber ' David Slobodinsky : Sam Klaver... :fv;->>>;v£-;..'.."; ' •

TION FOK SETTLEMENT OF FINAL ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. In the Matter of the Estate of ISADORE NATHAN, Deceased. All persons interested in said matter are hereby notified that on the 19tu day of July, 3934. Morris Arkin filed a petition in said County Court, praying that his final administration account filed herein be settled nnd allowed, and that he be discharged from his trust as administrator nnd that a hearing will be had on said petition before said Court on the 18th day f A i lf)34 nnd that if you fail to appear l>efore~snid Court on the saiu loin day of August, 1934, at 9 o'clock A. M., and contest said petition, the Court may grnnt the prayer of said petition, enter a decree of heirship, and make such other nnd further orders, allowances and decrees, as to this Court may seem proper, to the end that all matters pertaining to said estate may be finally settled nnd determined. BRTCE CRAWFORD, 7-27-34-St. County Judge.

Cincinnati, O., (JTA).—Cincinnati Lodge No. 4, B'nai Brith, honored Dr. I. M. Rubinow* international secretary of the Grand Lodge of the Order, during its annual outing at Meadowbrook Farm, Venice, O., in recognition of his achievement in promoting- the - adoption of the old age pension system in Ohio.

New York, (JTA).—Dr. Isadore IBVIN C. LEVIlf, Attorney. 301 Electric Bide. David Bronfin, medical director of thfr National Jewish Hospital at DenNOTICE OF SHEKIFF'S BALE ver, polol, died there suddenly. He In the District Court of Dpuglns County, •was 47 years old. Nebraska. ' By virtue of an order of sale issued out Dr. Bronfin was named to the of the District Court of Douglas County, position which he occupied at the Nebraska, and in pursuance of a decree of said Court in an action therein itide-xed time of his death in 1928.: He was an at Appearance Docket Number i!94 at on tuberculosis, and prior Page Number KiS, Execution Docket NumDaughters of Zion authority ber 31 at Page Number 106, wherein l at the National JRAXM9_NP_G._ VOrNG, Attorney. "OmalSa National Bank mug. John Kezeros,' is defendant^ I will at 10 The Daughters of Zion- presented Jewish Hospital served as superino'clock A. M.. on Tuesday the 14th day of tendent of Beth Israel Hospital, NOTICE Mrs. M. Braude, one of the founders August, 1934. at the East front door of Boston, Mass was assistant professor O TH CREDITORS C R I S AND N STOCKTOC the Douglas County Court House in the M TO THE of the organization and a past presE JETTER J R BREW- City of Omaha, Douglas County, NebrasHOLDERS OF THE of medicine at the University of ident, with a gold Mogen Dovid pin ING COMPANY, A CORPORATION: ka, sell at public auction to the highest Notice is hereby given that the General bidder for cash, the following described in recognition of her services. The pin Colorado and organized the first Outdoor Advertising Company, the Pressed property, to-wit: Jewish training school for nurses in was presented at a farewell picnic beSteel Tank Company nnd Kjrgerss-O'FlyThe Sonth 22 ft. of the North 60 ft. of injr Company have filed a petition for re- Lot fore Mrs. Braude left for California, New England. 1, in I'.lock 1G7 in the City of Omaha, lief under the provision of Section 77-B as surveyed and lithographed being a part to take up her residence. Borri at Lantzkriene, Podolsk, Rus- of Public Acts No. 290, passed by the 73rd of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Congress, approved April 7, 1934, in the sia, September 13, 1886, the deceased United States District Court for the Dis- Quarter of • Section 22 in Township. 15, POLITICAL ADVEKTISEMENT North, Range 13, East of the Cih P. M., of Nebraska. Omaha Division, npninst received his M. D. at Long Island trict the Jetter Brewing Company showing that in Douglas County. Nebraska, nnd popCollege Hospital, Brooklyn. Re-Im it is unable to meet its debts as they ma- ularly known as 006 South 13th Street. ture and praying that temporary trustees Douglas County, Nebraska, At a regular meeting of the be appointed to . take possession of this to satisfy the liens ana lncumbrances property and to conduct its- business dur- therein set forth; to satisfy the sum of last Thursday at the J. C. C., plans ing the pendency of such proceedings and 518.30 costs and the Increased and accruwere discussed for a private dance that such further proceedings be had ing costs, all as provided by said order Kepnblican Candidate for A. Z. A. 100 therein looking to the consummation, un- and decree. . to be given Saturday mjriu.' August, der the supervision and with the approval Dated at Omaha, Nebraska, this Cth day Plans for increasing the chapter of the court, of a fair and timely reor- of July, 1034. at the Fontenelle Park p ivillicn. . SECRETARY OF STATE ganization of the- capital and liability C B. McDONALD, Sheriff, Simon Gorelick and Sidney Kafel- membership were adopted at a structure of said corporation; that upon Douglas County Nebraska.. meeting of the A. Z. A. 100 Monday the. filing of said petition, an order was man were elected 'nto the club. Ben entered appointing Leonard TV. Trester .evening. POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT Soskinx was name) general chairman and <Jus 1*. Horn temporary trustees for POLITICAL ADVEKTISEMuENT purpose of conducting the business of cf the fall dance to be given in Oc- A weiner roast will be held Au- the said corporation under the direction' of tober. Paul Nurenb>-.rg, experienced gust 18, with the following in the court and that a hearing wns fixed Tuesday, the 21st day of August. 1934, in local dramatic Circle.-;, was named charge: Jack Bronstien," chairman; for at ten o'clock A. SI.-in the Federal BuildVote for chairman of the dramatic committee. Dick Horowitz, and Oscar Diamond. ing at Oinaha, Nebraska, at which time Dan Lintzman is the' committee ad- will be considered whether' or not said proceedings shall be maintained, •whether POLITICAL ADVERTISE3IENT visor. or not said temporary trustees shall be appermnnent trustees and for such Plans are being made for a young pointed other proceedings as may be meet and peoples' synagogue for the holidays. Kelpin Candidate for A. Z. A. 100 will join with A. Z. A. proper in the premises. at Omaha, Nebraska, this 7th day District Court Clerk j 1 in these plans, and have chosen a of Dated August, 1934." LEONARD VT. TRESTER, committee" consisting of Iz MittleGUS P . HORN, ' CHARLES J. KELPIN, who has man, chairman; Td Fellman and Irv Temporary Trustees. been handling all the finances of Kairman. IRVIN C. LEVIN, Attorney the Lee Huff Auto Accessories bus301 Electric Building A committee consisting of Lou iness for the past fifteen years, is Canar, chairman, Jack Bronstien and NOTICE OF INCORPORATION' OF for a Democratic candidate for Clerk Yale Halperin has been appointed to SECURITY PICTURES CORPORATION r of the District Court. select a suitable memorial f r the Notice is hereby given that the underdeceased brother, Arthur Scnlaifer. signed have associated themselves together He is thoroughly experienced in have organized a corporation under Chairman of standing committees: and laws of the State of Nebraska. The finances and has .the necessary or- George Shafer, athletic; Bill Rosen- the name of this corporation is SECURITY PICIUKES with the ganizational ability so as to be able Baum, membership; Sam Friedman, principal placeCOUPOKATION, of business to be at Omato run the office most efficiently social; Iz Mittlemar., religious; Har- ha, -Nebraska. That the general nature of business to be transacted shall be to and at the least cost to the tax- old Zelinsky, cultural; Sam Fried- the purchase, lease, own, contract for nnd manpayers. man, finance; Lou Canar, initiation; ufacture motion picture films and nil Inand to sell, lease, let, Ed Kosenbaum, social service; Dick cidental equipment or otherwise dispose of such moHe was born and raised in Oma- Horowitz, property; Myron Tarnoff, distribute tion picture films and equipment, to orIn business S3 years in Douglas County. Harried. Home Owner. ha. He is a property owner and scouts. Advisors are Maurice Civin, ganize distributing agencies nnd generTaxpayer. He is known to be charitable, human and kind to his felally to acquire, hold, manage and dispose taxpayer. Being an ex-service man, Ephraim Marks, Bill Wolfe, Ralph of property of every kind pertaining to lowman and honest in his dealings. such businesses, to manufacture and deal he has the support of the Legion. Nogg and Dan Iinsman. generally in and with all kinds of mateSir. Dorrance will appreciate your rote at the coming primaries. rials, tools, accessories, appliances and

14 years experience in law practice — a world war veteran. His pledge:, To so serre as, to merit the trust confidence and respect pf alL POLITICAL, ADVERTISEMENT

LEON & WHITE, Attorneys There is always a best way of do501 City National Bank Bids. ing everything. If it be to boil an egg. NOTICE BT PUBLICATION ON PETI-

Tuberculosis Fighter B'nai Brith Honors Dies at Denver, Colo. Dr. L M. Rubinow

Louis H. Cinek

Democratic Candidate

Republican for




County Assessor Orer 50 years In Omaha. Orer 30 years in the Teal estate and building business. Mr. Schroeder hai sared hundreds of homes for people in distress.







Junior Pioneers

Final Games in Progressive Hebrew "SWfflLADDBTIS Club Softball League Nine new members NEWEST WRINKLE were inducted

The Hashochar chapter of Junior rloneers held a regular meeting on Tuesday, August 7, at the J. C. C. Sis Katzkee was elected vice pres- -An innovation OXL the J. C C.. sport ident and Goldie Fish was chosen re- calendar is being? introduced, with porter. Two new members, Leona Let- the stp.irt of a. swimming ladder tournament for junior boys. -Al win and Ann Sdar were initiated. Mrs. J, BicMin of the Senior Piof Oruch,: swim instructor, is in change. neer Women, addressed t i e group. An Those who have-already signed up '; international convention of this or- include: ganization will he held in Chicago, Melvin Berstein, Ed Gerber, Paul September 27-28-29. Crounse, Bernard Epstein , Harold A swimming party was held recent- Epstein, Harvey Wine, Pat Gilinsky, ly. An affair is being planned for Isadore Katz, Dick Josephson, Ed early fall. Cohn, Sol Levy, Leonard Lewis, EdPOWTICAI. ADVERTISEMENT



LEON & WHITE. Attorney*, 504 City Nat! Bank PRORATE NOTICE

- - -•

wiien issued. The time of the commencement of the corporation shall be the 3rd day of August, 3034, and its termination shall b« fiftj- yenrs thereafter. The highest nmonnt of indebtedness or liability to which the corporntion mny tit nny time subject itself shall not exceed two-thirds of Us capital stock. The off.'iirs of the corporation are to be conducted by n board of directors of not less than two nor more thnn five directors who shall elect n President, Viee-presiiient, Secretary ami Trpnsurer. FRANK MARTIN LAZAR KAPLAN In the Presence of:

LOUIS E. LIPP, Attorney

NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OP FRANK MARTIN, INC. Notice 58 hereby given that the underFBRER, IJeeeaeed. -. signed have orgrauized a corporation. The With the Sample nine having the into the Progressive Hebrew Club at ISAAC Notice is hereby given that the creditors name.of the corporation is FRANK MAKitle "on ice," the final games in the a meeting of the organization held of said deceased -will meet the administra- TIN, IXC, and the principal place ol its trix of said estate, before me. County business is *he City of Omaha, Douglas r. C. C Softball league -will be held Tuesday evening at the J. C C. of Douglas CoTinty, Nebraska, at County, Nebraska. The organization has postponed its Judge text Sunday. > the Comity Court Room, in said County, The general nature of iis business is to th° 1st. <lnv of October. 1034, nn<l on lease and operate garages and fill•The schedule of Sunday's games, picnic from August 12 to August 26.1 "T. the 1st flay *f December, 1934, at 9 o'clock own, ; ins' to manage, buy, sell, rent, The next meeting will be held Aug- A.; M., each day, for the purpose of pre- storestations, all starting at; 11: ~ : ;-• • >. and niotor vehicles, their parts, ; senting their claims for examination, a<3- accessoriesrepair ust 21. equipment, to mnke ioans Wardrobe vs. Psi Mu, East Elmjufetment and allowance. IThree months are secured liy and motor their parts and Li>os E. allowed for the creditors to present their nceeesories and tovehicles, wood; '" Samples vs. Seiners, West denl in such securities, S-10-34-4t. claims, from the 1st day of September, to own. operate and manage parking lmwood; A. Z. A. vs. Peerless, 22nd 1934. POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT places for motor vehicles; to buy, sell, BRXCE CRAWFORD, and Paul. own, lease and exchange and mortgage The Alpha Pi Tau horseshoe tourna- 8-10-3i-3t ' County Judge. real estate and personal property wherever ment pairings have been revised. The situated, to draw, accept, endorse, execute first round matches have to be played FKADEXBCRG, 6TALMASTER, BEBEE & and issue promissory notes, drafts or oth- Republican candidate for Attorney Gen- m KLCTZNICK. Attorneys er negotiable instrument* cud to do nil by August 12. eral—praised by Supreme Court n rare f C50 Omaha National Bank Bid?. things incident to and necessary for the The annual picnic of the Pioneer The Alpha Pi Tau held an outing case — "his very able argument nnd i carrying out of the nbove project. brief" and ]!)2(i year nrpued another I NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Women will be held Sunday, August at Plamore Beach recently. The total authorized capital stock shall cane. Two District Judpes sepnrately J In the County Court of Douglas County, be $10,000.00 divided into 100 share s of the 19, at Elmwood Park. In the Matter of the Estate of CLARA par value of $100.00 each to be paid for in outside room in State llonse told him 1 best argument ever made by others. HOLDSBEKtl, Deceased. The general public is invited to at•+ All persons interested in said estnte are cash or property nnd be non-assessible tend this affair, which is one of the hereby notified that a petition bus beei POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT filed in said Court alleging that said deoutstanding events on the Pioneer ceased died leaving no last will and praysummer calendaring for administration upon his estate, and that a hearing will be had on said petiBY F . EL K. tion before said court on the 2r>tli day of August, 1034. and that if they fail to ap•win Milder, Pete Milder, Dan Miller, pear at said Court on the said 25th day Harold Oruch, Jack Redelf, Norman The Council Bluffs Lodge No. 688of August, 1934, at 9 o'clock A. M. to conPolonsky, Morris Richlin, Jack Safer- of the Independent Order of the B'nai test said petition, the Court may grant the same and grant administration of said e.s Stein, Marvin Taxman, Armand Gi- Brith "Will hold, a regular meeting tate to Kosaline 3. Holdsl>erg or somi other person and proceed to a setlinsky. next Monday evening, August 13th, at tlementsuitable thereof. the Eagles hall. BKYCE CRAWFORD. Republican Candidate POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT S-3-34-3t. County Judge. The Council Bluffs Chapter No. 7FRADENBCRG, STALMAKTEB, BEBER for & KLVTZ>ICK of the A. Z. A. held a joint meeting with the Omaha Chapter No. 1 of the G50 Omaha National Bank Building NOTICE OF SAI.E A. Z. A. at the Jewish Community Notice is hereby given tlint on the ISth tenter Tuesday evening. The local dny of August, 1034. at 10 o'clock A.M., the chapter has decided to continue hold- undersigned will sell at public nrcotion to the highest bidder for cash the following: ing joint meeting -with the Mother 1 1931 Chevrolet POLITICAL AUVBRTISEJIENT POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT Sedan, Motor Xo. 2174946 Chapter until further notice. Reg. No. 1-41594 1 mahogany overstuffed davenport, 1 walnut coffee table, 1 walnut combination VOTE FOR Rev. A. Diamond spent Sunday in smoking cabinet and magazine rack, walnut writing desk, 1 velour CoxColumbus, Nebraska, where he served 1Well and stool, 1 walnut cnbas "Mohel" at the "Brith" for the in inet, chair 8-tnbe Mnjestic electric radio fant son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman. Kap- and bench, 1 Sxl2 Chinese rug, 1 mahogany overstuffed armchair, 1 walnut oclan of Columbus. casional table, 1 iron smoking stand, 1 metal floor lamp, 1 brass floor lamp, 1 dining table, 1 walnut buffet, 1 walMrs. Harry Cherniss and son, Ed-walnut nut table, G walnut diners, velour seats, 1 ward, left Sunday for Chicago, 111.,0x12 Axminsfer rug, 1 leader 4-humcr gas BUSINESS MAN range, 1 blue end table. 2 white kitchen for a month's visit" with relatives. Mr. j chairs, * 1 white metal stool. 1 9x12 Wilton Cherniss will go to Chicago the lat-rug, 1 vc.ilnut bed, spring and mattress, 1 WORLD WAR V E T U A M walnut dresser, 1 walnut chiffonier, ter part of this month to join his fam- 1 velourvanity armchair and stool, 1 walnut veily. lour sewing rocker, 1 plush chair, 1 HooPRESIDENT. DOUGLAS ver electric sweeper, 1 metal table lamp, 3 COUNTY DEMOCRATIC CLOi pairs of drapes, Morris Rodin returned home Sun- covered by a chattel mortgage in favor day folowing a two weeks' visit to of F. E. Tyson and signed by Claude POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT Pipher and N. Pipher: said mortChicago, 111. While there he attend- gage being Charlotte dated June 15, 1033. and haved the World's Fair on Jewish day. ing been filed in the office of the County FOR Clerk of Douglas Counts', Nebraska onihe 16th day of June, 1933, upon which said Mrs. lite Krasne left Monday for mortgage there is now due and owing that on the 17th day of July. Manitou, Colo., to t>e gone for about $3.71.99; 1034. in an notion for replevin, judgment a month. Mr. Krasne who is expect- for possession of above automobile wag ened home today from Kew York City, tered in favor of the plaintiff. F. E. Tyson, business as the Omaha Loan Comwhere he has been on a buying trip, doing pany. Said sale will be for the purpose will leave next week for Manitou to of foreclosing said mortgage, for the cost of the sale and all accruing costs, and for join Mrs. Krasne. the purpose of satisfying the above-stated sum now due nnd owing; that no suit or proceedings at law have been InstiMrs. Harry Cohen and children, other tuted to recover said debt or any part Betty and Irving, returned home Sun- thereof. day following a ten-day vacation trip. Said automobile will be sold at 715 No. Seventeenth Street. Omaha, Nebraska, and said furniture will be sold nt 2514 LeavenMrs. Nathan Adler and sons, Mor- worth Street, Omahn, Nebraska. OJI August 14th John J. "Jack" Pszanowski F. E. TYSON, doing business ton and Marvin, left Wednesday eveas Omaha Loan Company. ning for, SL Paul : and Minneapolis, • Mortgagor. Minn., for a month's visit with relaPOLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT

In the Matter of the Estate of JAKE FEHEB, also kninra as 3. FERER and

Alpha Pi Tau

Pioneer Women

Council Bluffs News

Vote for


Wilbur L. Bnrgess

Kobt. C. Draesdow


To Our Friends: In this open letter to you, we desire to call your attention to the candidacy of Robert C. Druesdow, Republican, who is a candidate for State Senator in the fifth district, and who has represented the fifth district in the legislature for six terms, and Wilbur L. Burgess, Republican candidate for State Representative in the Seventeenth District, who was formerly associated with the Burgess Granden Electric Co., is a man of broad business experience. They are experienced, able, and well grounded in state government. They will be fair and impartial and are friendly to our people. They will serve consciously. Knowing that their qualifications meet with your approval. . Sincerely yours, MRS. IDA LEVIN ISIDOR ZIEGLER POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENTS


Vote for

E. M. JACOBBERGER Democratic Candidate for

County Commissioner FTBJ5T DJSTKICT .,,.


Pszanowski The Best Man Qualified


Make No Mistake and Give Him Your Vote

tives. .Mr. and Mrs. Xathan Gilinsky are leaving today for~Chicago, I1L, and Milwaukee, Wis., f5r a-visit with relatives. The Council Bluffs Agudas Achim Society will hold a meeting next Thursday evening, August 16th, at the Eagles hall.

Tears Resident of Douglas County






Wm. Barber


Democratic Candidate



25 years experience in criminal and civil cases. He is fair, fearless and impartial. This ad is paid for by the Jamieson For Comity Attorney Club. POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT


County Sheriff Primary Election Aug. 14th Election KOT. 6



W. H.





Vote for




In a symposium in the Lincoln Sunday Journal and Star on April 29, 1934, In connection with national observance of Brotherhood Day, writing as a Catholic, Mr. Gnllagher made the following statement: "Religions beliefs and affiliations are strictly matters of conscience: race ,or color is not a matter of choice. No man should be condemned for what he honestly believes or what he cannot help. Tolerance is so much a ptirt of my. religion nnd my nature that I cannot understand \rhy there should fever be . the slightest feeling of 111 will between those of different beliefs or races. "To me my fellow citizen of different belief, or different color, means one who has the same joys and sorrows nnd problems and pains that I have. We are all traveling the same difficult rood through life together. In search of just one thing—peace. We must assist each other by kindly words and deeds along the way. .' . "To my fellow citizens of all creeds and colors, I give full credit for being just as sincere, as reasonable and as patriotic as I feel myself to be, and I believe that of all virtues charity Is the chiefest."

Every Liberal-minded Individual of AH Creeds and Faiths Should Vote for

Donald Gallagher for Attorney General POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT


Michael L Endres DEMOCBAT for

Clerk of the District Court My Stotto: «A SQUARE DEAL FOB ALL"

The Many Friends That Know Intimately



Your Tote Will Be Appreciated


Highly recommend him to the voters of Douglas County, as the most logical candidate

Elect a Business Man


Clerk ohhe RONCKA District Court J. M. (Jim)


EUGENE D. ' f G E N l Q ;•-'.:-








The Man * The Public Servant The Republican Candidate for..... UNITED STATES SENATOR

Honest a Gentleman and Progressive

Extracts from His Platform: EDUCATION The most heroic efforts should be made to preserve and improve our present public school system. This is a debt owing to future generations, and retrenchment here is a mortgage on the future. CO-OPERATIVES Co-operative organizations should be encouraged, but tlie government should not interfere "with competitive enterprises in such a way as to destroy honest, individual competition.;

PUBLIC ECONOMY I advocate the performance of the pledge of the Democratic platform of 1932, which has not been kept, calling for "an immediate and drastic reduction of governmental expenditures by abolishing useless commissions and offices, consolidating departments and bureaus and eliminating extravagance." I favor the maintenance of the national credit by a federal budget balanced annually in fact and not by bookkeeping subterfnge.

NO ONE-MAN GOVERNMENT: We common people still believe that it is "in the multitude of counselors that there is wisdom," rather than in the absolutism of any one individual. No one should challenge the wisdom of that constitutional provision which makes the legislative, judicial and executive branches of our government independent of each other, each to function within its constitutional authority. When we permit one branch of our government to usurp powers vested in another branch, upon any pretest whatsoever, we jeopardize our free institutions.

PAGE 8—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 10, 1934 time, subject Itself shall be two-thirds County, Nebraska, on the second Tuesday ersl days attending the Century of for Chicago to visit the Century of Istanbul—FresK anti-Semitic agita^ any iu January of each year. (2-3) of its capital stock. Progress. From, Chicago they will 'Progress. tion has. broken out here in the last ARTICLE X ARTICLE VII Special Meeting of Stockholders go to Whiting, Indiana, to spend ten Mr. Morris Pill and children Alice few days, the pretext of the agitators Officers A special meeting of the stockholders officers of this corporation shall be days Triffc. Mrs. Levitan's brother and and' Bobby departed Sunday for Losbeing that Jews took part in the re-a The President. Vice-president, Secretary and may be called at any time by the Presisxster>»n.-Iawr, Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Angeles, California where they will cent anti-Turkish demonstration in Treasurer, and such other' officers ns the dent or Secretary upon three dnys- notice of Directors' shnll deem i t neces- to each stockholder by mail or by person Kaplan. Miss Clara Dvorkin will ac- visit with relatives. Accompanying isle of Rhodes during which a crowd Board sary and whose duties shall be in the By- and shnl! lie culled upon the request of of Italians hurled etones at the Turk- Laws. Any two offices may be held by the the Board of Directors. company them on their trip. them to California was Mr. Pill's I " * Miss ANNA PILL, Correspondent same perspn. ish consulate. ARTICLE XI Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Levy and sonaunt,' Mrs. Anna Herzoff. Amendments : • . , ARTICLE VIII F : . , r• ( Allen-of Omaha spent last week end Miss "Mary Daskovsky • of Chicago, Corporate Power These articles mny lie amended, includvin'ting with relatives a»id friends in and Mr. and Mrs. .Meyer Daskovsky HYMAN LEVIN and' CASET <£ COKEN- The corporate power of this corporation ing tHe; Increase of capital stock, nt any M A N . -Attorneys. .: -, T-. ', ': shaU be (Vested in a Board of Directors regular meeting ,of the stockholders of tbe. Sioux City. - • ; ; • and daughter Lea "Rose • dt: Minne- . . - • • - .311 consisting of not less than two nor more corporation or at any time nny special Patterson Blk.' than five, stockholders in tbe Corporation. meeting is culled for such purpose by vote ARTICLES O F INCORPORATION Shirley Fine , departed' this week apolis, are visiting with relatives in The Board shall be elected annually by of two-thirds of the capital stock, outOF . for. Chicago where she will spend Sioux City. the stockholders at their annual meeting, Btanding. SMITH-ROBINSON MOTORS, and any vacancy on the Board of DirecINCORPORATED . In Witness Whereof we hnve hereunto three weeks visiting with friends and The -Debra club met Monday evetors shall be filled by the remaining mem- subscribed our names this 1st day of AuA number of but of town, people A group of Sioux City musicians attending the Century of Progress. ning in the home of Miss Jennie Know All Men b y These Presents: That bers of the Board until the next succeed- gust, 1934. w^re - in the city "last week end to ll^ participate in the dedication Mrs. B. Ginsbergi 109 West 17th Shindler.' A social hour and refresh- we, the undersigned have; associated our- ing meeting of the stockholders. D. M. ROBINSON , ARTICLE IX HYMAN LEVIN selves for the purpose of forming find beattend the Annual Phi Ep Day held services of the Sons of Israel syna- street has .returned home from Los ments followed the meeting. Annual Meeting1 Incorporatora. coming a corporation under the laws of gogue in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, Angeles where she was a guest of The annual meeting of the stockholders FRANCIS M. CASEY here. Fraternity- brothers from Des the State of Nebraska, and for that purshall be held at the principal place of busWitness pose do hereby adopt and sign these artiMrs. Nate ;Shubb. Before, coming > Members of the Junior Poale Zion cles Moines, Davenport, Iowa City, Mus- Sunday afternoon, August 12. iness- of the corporation in Omaha, Douglas 8-10-34-4t. of incorporation. catine, Cedar Rapids, Omaha : and Cantor A. Pliskin will sing Hebrew home/ Mrs. Ginsberg visited with organization met Friday evening in. AJtTICLE I Council Bluffs attended the events of melodies at the dedication service friends in Vancouver, Canada. the home of ,Miss Rbsabelle Wigod- Name . The name of this corporation shall be and duringthe program of the. banAbe and Rogie Kozberg are in St.-slcy, with Bernard Lazrlowich pre- the SMITH-ROBINSON the day.; . '/". i MOTOKS, INPaul, this week, visiting with friends siding as chairman. A luncheon and business meeting quet which will follow. CORPORATED. ARTICLE II A string trio, composed of Ruebin and relatives. occupied the afternoon hours on Sun> Flare of Business . day. Members of the fraternity and Halpcrin, violinist; Gisela Pill, 'Cell- Miss Roe Bereskin of Winnipeg The • prindpnl place of condnetinc the business of this corporation shall be in ist; and Libbie Olensky, pianist will Canada arrived in Sioux City Tues- Cantor to Hold their guests attended a dinner dance Omaha, Nebraska, and' may operate offer a group of Hebrew folk songs day evening for a visit with'her couat the Sioux City Country club in the branches in other parts of the Stntc of Nebraska, or elsewhere in the United Special Services States. evening.; Howard Anthons orchestra at the dedication. The trio which has sins, Julia and Sulamith Bereskin. : earned a favorable reputation for its Sylvia Herzoff spent this week at furnished .music for dancing during ARTICLE III Nature 'Of Dullness .interpretation of Hebrew melodies Lake Okoboji as a guest of Mary Cantor A. Pliskin will hold special Ihe evening hours. : The business to ,be transacted by this will include in its program "Hebrew memorial services at the Jewish Kingsbury on Dixon Beach. i Fraternity. -members from other corporation shall be that of distributors nnd dealers in nutomoliiles, automotive "Eili Eili; Mr. and Mrs. Max Kroloff of Chi- Community Center; this month: pre-equipment cities who attend the day's events Prayer" by Ernest Bloch; ; and accessories. To that end it • were Leo Schwartz, Marvin- and "Russian Song" by Tchackovsky, and cago .are guests this week in the ceding the holidays, for those who shall hare the right to buy and sell autodesire to remember their departed. mobiles, equipment aud accessories, to esMorton Bookie, Morey, Cohen, Alex a medley of traditional Jewish home of "the former's parents, Mr. and tablish and operate, a garage-or gnr.-ices Zarch, .Dr. Carl Grand and Frank dances which has been specially ar- Mrs. Sam Kroloff, 1926 West Third. . Those desiring to have him conduct and Service stations, to finance negotiable paper and other securities received for Sanders of Des Moines; Gale Myer- ranged for this program by Miss Adelaide Green of Chicago is a the.traditional are asked to call Can- automobiles, to buy and sell securities, to son, Leonard Krasne, Al Harding, Opal Bullard, Sioux, City musician guest, this week in the home of Mr.tor, Pliskin for an appointment/ buy or lease real estate necessary or proper for its business, to equip such propand Mrs. J. Cohen, 1011 Ninth Coleman Yudelson and Seymour and teacher. erty Mrith machinery, fixtures or whatever IN THE DISTRICT COtKT OF THE may be necessary to its business, and to street. Cohen of Council Bluffs; Don BrodAt Price* *on Will UNITED STATICS all things necessary or incidental to its key, Lawrence Gross, Lazar Kaplan Mrs. Jules Gerelick and daughter District of Nebraska. Oniatan Division do business of distributors and dealers in Want to Pay of Omaha; Al Shulz of Waterloo; of Des Moines are visiting here with automobiles, accessories and automotive No. 5161 Bankruptcy equipment, garages and service stations. Jess Heiman of. Minneapolis; Marvin Mrs. Gerelicks parents, Mr. and Mrs.In the Matter of JETTEK BKEWING ARTICLE IV COMPANY, INCOKVOliATED, Debtor. Katz of Iowa City and Charles Sar- The home of Mr. and Mrs. SamSam Mosow. . To the creditors and stockholders of said Capital Stock Battery Service ber of Davenport. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kozberg spsnt debtor. JKTTKU SKEWING COMl'AN'V. The authorized capital stock of this corKroloff, 1926 West Third street will INCOBFORATKU. and to all others poration shall be which shall be Out of town guests of the fra-be the scene of a lovely wedding, last Sunday at Lake Okoboji in the whom it may concern: divided into shares of the par vnlne of Road Service ternity included the Misses Florence Sunday afternoon, when Miss Lillian Joe Kutcher cottage. Pursuant to orders heretofore duly en- $100.00 each, of which $3,000.00 shall be in the above entitled matter, you and paid up at the time the corponition comSmeeron of Woodbine, Iowa; Rose Dobrofsky, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Miss Lillian Orlikoff has returned tered Tire Repairing each of you are hereby notified that becin- mences businers. All of said stock shnll be Steinberg, Neomi Zoltz and Ruth N. Dobrofsky will be united in mar-home after a two week visit with ninff at 10 o'clock A.M. on August 21. 1934, nou-assessable. Said stock may be paid for in the south court room on the third floor la cnslu property, services or anything Rubin of Omaha; Nettie Oppenheim, riage with Abe Berkowitz, son offriends in Omaha. Gasoline and Oil of the Post Office.building, 16th and Dodge to the business. Gretchen Gottstein and Helen Lipsy Mrs. Anna Berkowitz. Miss Rose Osheroff, departed Sun- Streets. Omaha, Douglas County. Nebras- valuable or incidental ARTICLE V CARL RIEKES and before the Honorable J. A. Donaof the Corporation of Des Moines and Lucille Gross and Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz will read day for her home in Moline, Illinois, ka, hoe, Judge of the Court aforesaid, the Dnratton The time of commencement of this corabove entitled matter will come on for Marion Sharf of Council Bluffs. the marriage lines at 5 o'clock, in after visiting with her parents in hearing, consideration and determination poration shnll be- when its articles hnve been filed with the Clerk of Douclas the presence of the families of the Sioux City. Accompanying her to of the following matters. County, Nebraska, and its termination Whether or not the above nnmed shall be fifty years from such date unless bride and groom. Miss Elsie Brodkey Moline were Mr. and Mrs. Max Keir, ' (a}debtor" shall be continued in busisooner dissolved in the manner prescribed who will visit in Chicago before reness; at the piano will play the Lohen-by law. (b) Fixing the time within which the grin Wedding March, accompanying turning home. ARTICLE VI AT. 4550 815 NORTH 18TH ST. claims and interest of the credit- " Indebtedness of the Corporation Miss Ruth Bain of New York Gty ors and stockholders of said debtMiss Friedel Brodkey, violinist. Th<. highest nmount of indebtedness or or mny be filed and evidenced: liability to which this corporation shall at Following the ceremony a wedding visited in Sioux City last week en (c) Fixing the time within which a •Mis. J. N. Krueger, 3701 Jackson route from her home to Los Angeles. plan of reorganization of said debtsupper will be served. After a wedPOLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT - POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT street, will leave, tomorrow evening or corporation may be proposed; Miss Bain visited with friends in for New York City, from where she ding trip, Mr. Berkowitz and his Chicago before coming to Sioux City. (d) and All snch other and further matters will sail on August 24 for Palestine. bride will make their home in Sioux She is spending this week with and things as < may properly pome City. before the Court for consideration: Mrs. Krueger, .who is an ardent Zionns provided and contemplated by the Complimenting Miss Dobrofsky, Mrs. Abe Bain and children in Lake all ist and an active worker in Zionist provisions of • Section 7TB of an Act enOkoboji. titled "An Act to Establish a Uniform Sysand Hadassah organizations, plans to Mrs. Max Shapiro and Miss Eva Mrs. H. Feinberg of Jefferson and tem of Bankruptcy Throughout the United spend six months in Palestine. Before Ginsberg- entertained at an evening Mrs. States" approved July 1, 1S)S and nets Satin and daughter, Anna- amendatory thereof and supplementary returning to the United States, Mrs. of bridge last Saturday in the Sioux belle M. spent .last week in Lake Oko- thereto, -said Section 77B having Iwen passKrueger will spend six months visit- Tea Shop. "Mis Sylvia Rifkin and boji. Miss ed by the Seventy-third Congress, approved Lottie Feinberg spent the June 7. 1934.and. providing for corporate Miss Blanche Reznik, brides-elect, ing places of interest in Europe. reorganizations. week-end at the Feinberg cottage. Mrs. Krueger will sail on the 24th and Mrs. Sam Grinspan of L03 An- George Shindler is spending his G. P. HORN LEONARD TRESTER on the .S. S. Roma and go directly to geles shared honors with Miss vacation this week at Lake Okoboji. Temporary Trustees of Jetter Brewing. Dobrofsky. \ Palestine.'^ Company, Incorporated. Sunday afternoon Miss Dobrofsky Charles Shindler departed this week 8-10-34-2t. and Miss Dorothy Mosow, a bride of POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT 5 POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT this month,: ; syfere guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Brodkey at a dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Max. Friedman were hosts at. a dinper l Thursday, evening ,;as, a courtesy ^o ;Miss Dobrofskyi ' t ' : '

Sioux City News



CARL RIEKES HDQTS. /or U.S.'Tempered" Rubber Tires

Society News

Carl Riekes Tire Service

Plans to Spend Six Months in Palestine




That's right! One amazing wonder after another will hold your interest at the 1934 World's Fair. It's greater than ever! And the Morrison is "way ahead, too—redecorated from top to bottom and fairly glowing with a warm welcome for you. Make your reservations now. • Home of Terrace Garden • Boston Oyster House

IF YOU DUVEl...Wc park your ear. - Standard rates. N o other chaises. LEOHARD HICKS, Managfna Ofnctor.


Mr. and•• Mr& j J; Zeligsott,! 619 Center streeii annplmce; the engagement of their { daughter, : Bessie; to ; Sam Greenberg; Won of Mr. arid Mrs.'' J, Greenberg of Omaha, Nebraska. The date for the "wedding has not been set. Mr ajxd Mrs. Victor Mazie entertained 32 friends at a dinner garden party Sunday evening, in celebration of their : fifth wedding anniversary.- Colored lanterns over the garden added to the attraction of the party. Bridge entertained the guests daring the evening. Mrs. A. Mazie has as her guests this week two daughters and their children. Mrs. M. Butler is here from Silver City, New Mexico and Mrs. ti. Lavin was accompanied :here from Chicago by her two daughters. Mrs. Louis Fish and Miss Edith Fish are spending this week in Chicago, where they will, enjoy visits to the Century of Progress and visit with relatives. Leon Dobrofsky and Jack Iipman have returned from a-trip through Wisconsin, where they stopped at several lakes and visited the Wisconsin paper mills. Miss Dena Baron was hostess to a group -of intimate friends, complimenting her guest Miss Nettie ,Openheim of Des Moines, Iowa. Mrs. Samuel H. Shulkin and son Charles and Mrs. Lester Heeger and children, . Jackie and Maita,. are spending the summer in the Marks cottage, Casino Point, Storm Lake, Iowa. •".'. .... Dr. Shulkin and Mr. Heeger spent the week ends, with their families. Bece'nt guests include'Mrs. Shulkin's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Becker of-Chicago, and Mr. Lou Pearlman of Muscatine, Iowa. Dolores Mintz of S t Paul is a guest this .month in the home of Misa Mrs. S. Levitan and daughter Florence Joy will depart Saturday for Chicago,- where they will spend sevPRACTICAL MOHEL 1 Recognized aa

Rev. A. Diamond Phone 1059

HULSE 8c RSEPEN "Omaha's Most Beautiful Home for Funerals" r ur-f>rais To Fit Any Purse „. . . ,, ;..-> Farnam at Thirty-third


Theodore W. (Ted)



- •'•••• " •"'•'



Republican Candidate

Republican Candidate



GOVERNOR Included on


A man whose public as well as private life has been one of genuine tolerance and sympathy. As a public servant his every act was marked by courage and f earlessless. As a law enforcement officer, his work was stamped with a fairness in the enforcement of all laws. As attorney general, all men regardless of station in life came to his of f ice and received deserved consideration. As a public official, there were no underground tunnels to his office for the favored few. HARRY MALASHOCK LEO RdSENTHAL SHROLLY GOODMAN FRANK R. ACKERMAN ISADORE ABRAMSON MILTON R. ABRAHAMS DR. H. HIRSCHMANN DAVID BLACKER AL SWARTZ MORRIS CHODAK IRVIN STALMASTER




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