August 17, 1934

Page 1

In the Interests of the Jewish People

Entered as Second Class. I'oatofflee of Omaha. Nebrn

Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism Janunry 21. 1921. at be Act of March 3. 1879

e cn

144 ARE^ ARREST!)™^W J '.^ Over a Hundred Reported Dead and Several Hundred Injured Constantine, Algeria, (W. N. S.)— is hundred forty-four arrests have been made in connection with the anti-Jewish outbreak in which the Jewish-quarter of this city was looted, many houses were burned and 24 Jews, according to the official figures, were killed. Unofficial estimates report the dead at 100 and the injured at several times that figare.* Two of those arrested were charged with murder. Rivaling in savagery the anti-Jewish riots' of the Palestinian Arabs five years ago, the pogrom here raged for several days before the French ^administration finally succeeded in restoring order. A strict censorship was maintained in order that the disturbance might not spread, and Senegalese- troops were being used to patrol the streets. All these precautions notwithstanding, however, automobiles filled with armed Arabs have been attempting to enter this city, and disturbances in other towns are being reported. Governor General Jules Carde, who had to hurry back here from his vacation, is in personal command of the troops. While originally. the outbreak was blamed on an alleged insult to a Mosque by a Jewish soldier, it is now believed that the disorder was due to religious fanaticism fanned by paid agitators, coupled with the old resentment of the Arabs, who are mostly farmers, against the Jews, most of whom are shopkeepers and bankers, and consequently creditors of the Arabs. Military authorities here are investigating reports that entire families were-massacred by the' Arabs, and that, some nonJews too -were killed when they accidentally strayed into the Jewish quarter. ^


Vol. X—No. 29

arf Leader

Jewish Youths Needn't Governor Lehman PALESTINE PLANS - JEWISH PARLEY 9 Conference of Hear "Aryan * Enters Lists Again WILL CONSIDER 10WER HOUSE' Creed Federations Is MANY PROBLEMS M GOVERNMENT Being Planned

(J. T. A.)"—Vienna Jewry was grimly amused when it was disclosed that a Jew, Josef Kraus, had given blood for a transfusion to save the life of Dr. Anton Rintelen, former Austrian Ambassador to Rome, who left his post and returned to Vienna in anticipation of being the first Nazi chancellor of Austria. When the Putsch failed he shot himself and is dangerously ill in a Vienna hospital. The Vienna papers who carried.the story commented drily that if Dr. Rintelen had become Nazi chancellor "he would also have had Jewish blood, but in a totally different fashion.'*

ANTI-SEMITISM REPUDIATEDBY SWISS FASCISTS Various Newspapers Deny Movement Has Anything to Do With Anti-Jewishness

Albany, (J. T. A.)—New York's Berlin (J. T. A.)—The Reichsminfirst Jewish Governor, Herbert H. istry of Education has ordered the Lehman, announced in spite of his release of all Jewish pupils from ob"very strong personal desire to rePosition in An Lands to Be Dis- turn to private life," that he is a Predict Civilian Body's Creation ligatory attendance at the school hour devoted by law to Nazi racial candidate for re-election. cussed at Geneva - Is Step to Legislativeteachings. In a formal statement which came August 20 Assembly on the heels of Minority Leader AsGeneva, (J. T. A.)—The Jewish semblyman Irwin Steingut's opinion Jerusalem, (J. T. A.)—The Palesworld conference, which has been that- the Republicans could not beat tine government will shortly ancalled by the Committee of Jewish Lehman this year, the Governor set nounce important steps leading to Delegations, and which will open its aside speculation,; about his candi- the constitution of an advisory counsittings here on August 20, will deal dacy. He declared*. cil of civilians which will act as a with the problem of the Jews in Ger"I have received. many inquiries "lower house" alongside the present many; the Jewish position in various with regard to my candidacy for the official advisory council, it was countries; defense of Jewish minority Governorship this f alL learned here. rights, and proposed measures for "I have not made any announce- The action will serve as a stepcombating anti-Semitism, it was an- ment before because of ray very ping stone to the creation of a legis- By Frank Bohn in Article in the Magazine nounced here. strong personal desire to return to lative assembly in the near future. Today" The provisional agenda of the con- private life. For six years as Lieu- The new" body will have three offiference, which was made public in- tenant Governor 1 have given the cials among its membership, in adNew York, (J. T. A.)—"Today," cludes consideration of:. best that is in me to tie service, of dition to the civilians. No conflict 1. The position of the Jews in the the people of the^ state. with Palestine's international obli- a weekly-magazine edited by Rayvarious countries of the world. A pogations as a result of the move is mond Moley, friend of President Roosevelt and former member of the litical report by Dr. Nahum Goldforseen. "brain trust" in its issue of August mann and an economic and social reIton Meyuchad,- independent Tel 18th, calls Hindenburg and Hitler port by Dr. Jacob Lestscinsky, will Aviv daily, states that -the new coun- members of the same "militarist sobe given. _ . cil will be appointed on the basis of cial system" at different stages in 2. The position of the Jews in Gernominations by municipalities of its development, in an article by A gala affair, one of the highlights many. 3. Measures of organized defense in of the' summer social calendar, will their most representative and mod- Frank Bohn on "The Secret of Nazi the political, moral and religious, be given'by t i e local Hadassah at erate citizens, from among whom Power." the : popular rendevous, the "Sixty High Commissioner Wauchope will spheres and in the economic field. "Different as are the two charIn connection" with these points the Club," 7500 No. 60th St., on Wednes- select the persons who will make np'l in all outward appearances," I conference will deal with special ques- day evening, August 22. This will the council. the article continues, "we find that be a benefit for the medical fund. It is learned reliably that question-' the new Hitler is the flesh and blood tions, such as Jewish minority rights Mrs. Sam Theodore is chairman of naire forms have been printed- and of the old Hindenburg. in the Saar area in view of the approaching plebiscite, and prospective the event, and Mrs. John Faier is will be sent out to- the municipali- "Old Hindenburg, who was a very negotiation with the Soviet govern- co-chairman. Mrs. Sol Novitsky is ties soon. There will be no elections' typical character, represented the ment'on problems affecting the posi- chairman of the Hadassah Medical at this time, it is understood, but a| Prussia of the Eighteenth Century. body is to be formed, representative • . • tion' of the Jews in the Soviet Union. fund. Germany never had a normal NineSpecial entertainment will be fur- of the municipalities,' which later teenth Century history, and therein '4.' Defense of Jewish : minority rights within the limits of the nished for the affair, •which- is open may be converted into a legislative lies the greatest tragedy in the trouLeague of Nations in connection with to the public. Jack Pettis and his or- assembly based on popular elections. bled story of modern Europe. How the resolution of the Polish govern- chestra will furnish the music sturdily this old system fought on — The following women are on the ment for generalizing minority obliand how well its longevity was porgations, which is coming up at the committee assisting Mrs. Theodore trayed by the last flickering spark September meeting of the League of and Mrs. Faier; The Mesdames Louis of life in the grim old warrior! It Nations. . ; -m Alberts, J. Stein, Dave Brodkey, T. has gone down at last, not before H. Hoddy, Jack Kaufman, J. J. 5. - Measures for combating antithe mind and life of our more civilFriedman, D." R. Cohen, j . Levin, H. New York, (W. N. S.)—The 40,- ized Twentieth Century, but in surSemitic propaganda. 000 members of the National Coun-j Bosenbloom, J. .Blank, ~S. Novitsky, render to a monstrous perversion of D. Epstein, J. Abrahamson, B. .A. dl of Jewish Women joined the non- the life and that mind. Hitler is a sectarian clean movie crusade when Simon, William -Milder, J. GoodTwentieth Century militarist, masbinder, Ben Handler,"P. Wintrpub, the board of directors of the Coun- querading in the uniform of a social cil voted to ally itself with the reliJ." Goldware, L W. T&osenblatt, J. philosophy the implications of which Bagdad, Iraq, (W. N.. S.)—The J Greenherg, .Irvin * Stein, _ Dave gious bodies working toward the constructive - work • done- by—Zionists Stein, D. Sherman, Gail Margolin. elimination * of objectionable • films. he cannot possibly understand. in Palestine is given high praise and Tickets may be obtained .from any Mrs. Arthur Brin, president of the !*If the Hindenburgs, as a class, like Axabs'of the NearEast are urged of these committee members, all of Council, - emphasized that" the" organ- had really opposed Hitler, he could to emulate the Jewish. example ia a whom are" raising^ their- Give-or-Get ization does not advocate movie cen- never have come to power. Hindensorship. burg, to the last, represented the book published here by Dr. Faik quotas through this event. Germany of arrested development, Shacker, an Arab physician. the old and stultified political mind of Bismarck and the Kaisers. He accepted the republic because nothing else, at the time, was possible."


Medical Fund Benefit Wednesday Evening

Geneva, (J. T. A.)—Fascist groups in Switzerland axe publishing declarations repudiating allegations they are anti-Semitic The Italian organ of the Lugano Fascists declares that the group has nothing to do with anti-Semitism. A similar declaration is published in a German Fascist leaflet. In the same way the French paper" Le Fascist Suisse of Lausanne, repudiates the charge of anti-Semitism. "Our attitude on the race question is well known," it says, "we do not engage in anti-Semitism." Some Swiss Frontist groups, however, are conducting anti-Jewish propaganda. The newspaper Die Front recently alleged that Princip, murderer of the Archduke Ferdinand at Sarajevo, was a Jew and a Freemason, and "thus the Jews arid Freemasons started the War." ~ ~ ' r ~ The Bund of Berne writes: "Are we to alloV such a vile lier to appear in a daily Jiewsn4per/:iir. Switzerland? The intention is obvious. It is an. attempt to bolster up the exploded Protocols of Zipn. Apart_ frqm.^the. fact that Princip. and nine fellow-conspirators belonged. to organizations similar to those which here call themselves Die Front, these papers, know well enough that he was.neither a Jew nor A Passionate Protest Is Made a Freemason. It is high time to stop Against Racial Hatred and these^ people poisoning the wells." Persecution The Staatsbuerger publishes an article condemning anti-Semitism. "We New York, (J. T. A.)—A passion- know no Jewish peril," it says, "we ate protest against racial hatred and iwiss people have always seen our,in-: By WALTER WTNCHELL, America's Best-Known Columnist racial persecution, particularly point- habitants of various origins, religious ed at Nazi Germany's brutal treat- and languages able to live together : I am indebted to various people of crusade is likely to decimate the or- to relieve the world permanently of ment of Jewish citizens, as expressed in accord, because we are inspired by the United States for forwarding clip- chestra far and wide, since the major all the Jew has done, but we must by Sir Rabindranath Tagore, Indian he idea that every fellow-man who keep a t it. It may involve tearing part of the personnel is Jewish. philosopher and poet, in a personal adapts himself to our condition de- pings of a-most interesting thesis. It down three bridges over the East Rivoriginally appeared in a Dayton, Ohio, "Not only would music suffer, but letter to N. E. B. Ezra, the Jewish erves rights and respect." er of New York—Manhattan, Queensnewspaper, a letter to the editor from medicine. The Rockefeller Institute fOT Telegraphic Agency's special corboro and the Williamsburg—but in the a! ChristiaTi woman, Charlotte Reeve the Advancement of Sciences would respondent at Shanghai, has just Conover, one of Dayton's outstanding have missed Dr. Solomon Flexner and interests of so great a cause it must been made public by the latter. citizens. She is a writer and a lec- his wonderful medical discoveries, and be done, for it was a Jew who de"The insults offered to my friend turer and has traveled widely in Eu- the American Journal of Medicine its signed all three. Einstein have shocked me to the rope and in America. She refers to editor, Dr. Morris Fishbein; but no "We can't very well get rid of the point of torturing my faith in modone Pelley, organizer of another matter — they are all Jews and we stars in the heavens that Sir William Brussels, (W. N. S.)—The Dinaso, "shirt" racket, who now is out on must keep our institutions pure. Selig- Herschel and Goldschmidt discovered, ern civilization," wrote Tagore, who is a leading figure in the fight to Belgium's green shirt, anti-Semitic bafl, indicted by the government for man in Harvard, Dr. Louis Levine in because they seem to be up there to nationalize his native country. He Fascist organization, has gone out fraud. A few editors have picked up chemistry and Dr. Joseph Jastrow in stay, but we can get up some propwas referring to Albert Einstein, of business of its own accord after Charlotte Reeve Conover's spellbind- psychology must go, too. Charles aganda against Justice Brandeis and famous German scientist now an an existence of several years. All of ing and caustic comment, but let's put Steinmetz, called 'The Wizard of the Justice Cardozo and Judah P. Benjathe Dinaso's storm troopers have it in another 100 newspapers. It fol- Electrical World,' was a Jew. Too bad min, of the U. S. Supreme Court and exile in this country. "I can only draw consolation from been disbanded and their command- lows: , . . ; . ' . .'..." we can't obliterate all he did, but let the eleven other prominent judges the hope that it was an unhappy act er, M. Van Severn, has gone into throughout the country. We can burn "According to a writer in a recent that pass. We can destroy the sculp- Max Rosenthal's paintings and Louis done in a drunken mood and not the hiding. ture of Jo Davidson and Jacob Epissue of a magazine,Hitlerism is comThe green shirts had definite Nazi sober choice of a people so gifted stein. We can burn the books of Untermyer's poems and Walter Lippas the Germans," the letter contin- affiliations and were responsible for ing to America. We are going to get George Brandes, Ludwig Lewisohn, man's politics and Octavus Roy Corid of the Jews, Also, we have a new the development of considerable antiued. Edna Ferber, Heinrich Heine, as was hen's fun and Waldo Frank's literary In referring to the Hitler regime Jewish sentiment in Belgium. Their kind of shirt for our national ward- done in Berlin, because they were all criticism. But Lombroso's and Max In Germany the poet first drew at- elimination. from the public scene is robe — Silver Shirts — the object of j Jews. Nordau's study of crime will have to tention to the fact that newspapers the result of the internal difficulties which is to exterminate the Jews and "If we saw (and raved over) Bem- remain as the basis of our new crimhave printed different versions of of the Hitler regime which has pre- all their works from the body politic hardt in Thedre,' we can forget about inology, and F. Tannenbaum's revithe events there. Tagore adds that vented it from continuing its finan- All right. Let us keep up with the j it. She was Jewish. We can petition sion of prisons. it cannot be denied that the German cial subsidies to Nazi groups abroad. times. But let us do it scientifically. Congress to have the words of Emma "They have been so pestiferous, the Another Fascist group, the Na- Let us make a thorough job of it. Let • people were goaded to many acts Jews. They have worked and studied Lazarus chiseled off the Statue of us out-Hitler Hitler. ' of desperate folly by the humilia- tional Blue Shirts, continues to funcLiberty. What does, a Jew know about and invested, been on hand with funds tions imposed on them by the vic- tion in Belgium despite a recently "Let us not be satisfied with any liberty? Unfortunately, we cannot when it was a question of benefiting enacted law forbidding the use of half-way, measures. Let us not only torious nations of the World War. the human race; and that reminds me get rid of the Jew, but wipe; from the take back the milk that Nathan Straus •—it's mortifying, too, because we "Nevertheless if the brutalities we uniforms to political groups. pages of,history all that he has done. distributed to hungry babies in New can't very well get rid of the United read of are authentic," he said, "then If we don't do that he may continue York; for they are all grown up, no civilized conscience can allow to do some; of the pernicious things thanks to the generosity of a Jew. States of America—that it was a Jew compromise with them." that he.hasjdone in the past. Keeping Nor can we undo the welfare work in who first set foot on our shores, always in Tnind that we do this be- the Public Health Association of the Louis Torres. He and four other Jews cause we, : as Gentiles, Nordics and late Lee Frankel, of the Metropolitan were members of Columbus' expedition; selected because in the world at Rabbi Isaac Ashkenasy, Yiddish Protestants, and we alone, have no life Insurance Company, nor the fifty that time no one knew so much about years of work of Lillian D. Wald of disagreeable characteristics; are alauthor, is visiting in Omaha until ways polite,Jhigh--principled, generous, the Henry Street Settlement, who was geography, astronomy and map makthe early part of next" week. ing as the Jews. They were the brains Jerusalem, (W. N. S.)—By the His latest Yiddish opus is entitled unselfish! anrf dean. We -can afford to the originator of the Federal Chil- of the • company, and it was Jewish throw stonesibecausewe have no perdren's Bureau. But we can discourage terms of an understanding being "Gems of-Jewish Humor," and as a money, too, which financed the expeworked out between Arabs and Jews, foreword to the book is a letter from sonal or racial faults. This being con- the work of the Red Cross because dition, and not Isabella's pearls, as we ceded, we must lay out our program the first meeting was held in the Ragheb Bey el Nashashibi, Arab Albert Einstein* praising the selection house of a Jew—Adolphus Solomon. have been taught. Sangatel handed mayor of Jerusalem, will retain his of. the material. The letter says in and act with consistency. out of his own pocket 17,000 ducats office and a Jew will be elected vice- part: "We can turn the radio off .when to Columbus. But no matter. It was "The next time we go to a concert : mayor. • ' " " . . . We have to strive to find hap- and the program includes 'Midsummer Eddie Cantor and Ed Wynn come on a pernicious business, this letting the Returns from registration- for tin piness for sadness comes by itself. Night's Dream' let us get up and walk the air, for they are both Jews. And, Jews in on the discovery of America. municipal elections indicate that, the Therefore .your book deserves a place out. Mendelssohn was a Jew. And" if Of course, if "we are traveling and Now, according to Bill Pelley, they new city council will consist of six in Jewish homes especially at the the Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra want to send a radio message from a are undermining our government. Let Jews, four Arabs and two Christians. present time of down-heartedness." comes to town, buy no tickets. Sto- moving train we will not do so because us get on our Silver Shirts and save Of all three groups the Jews have a r Among his other "books are Kibutz kowsM is a Jew; and what do we want it was David Sarnoff who invented the day! On with the program!" majority but they do not have an ab- Golieth, Hagaluth VHageulah. From with Jewish conductors? That goes, that instrument, and he is a Jew! It Far be it from your New York solute majority. the Gallery of Great Men and Eter- too, for the late David Belasco in the was Dr. Louis Cohen, a Jew, who ban- and California correspondent to edit Because of this situation the Jews nal ' Memory. He is widely-traveled; theatre; for Oscar Hammerstein in ished static from the radio; and Nik- in any way the above document of are understood - to have agreed to he left Germany a year ago.;^ 1 i opera; and for Jascha Heifetz, Mischa ola Tesla, -with Fritz Lewenstein, who Charlotte Reeve Conover. .. . . But support Nashashibi provided a Jew ' While in Omaha, he is staying at Elman,~Efrem Zimbalist, Fritz Kreis- it vented the "famous wireless switch the home of M. Somit. ; .-! ler, violinists. Come to think of iU oar wave. Believe me, it will be some job is named vice-mayor. (Continued on Page 2.).

Council of Jewish Women Join Crusade

Arab Lauds Zionist Work in Palestine




Agreement Is Reached on Jerusalem Council

Yiddish Author Is Visitor in Omaha

Regional Conference To Be Held in Omaha on October 6 Preparations are being made for the Regional conference of Jewish Community Centers and Welfare Federations, to bs held in Omaha October 6. Delegates from all the Jewish Federations in this section are expected to attend. Philip M. Klutznick -was elected general chairman of the conference in May, and Jacob S. Pearlstein secretary. The general committees of the conference, consisting of representatives of the various cities, have not yet been completed. Harry A. Wolf and Dave Goldman of Omaha are on the general conference committee. Dave Goldman is chairman of ths local committee, and is assisted by Frank Ackerman, Max Barish, Sam Beber, Morris Jacobs, J. J. Greenberg:, Ben Kazlovsky, Jack Marer, Al Mayer, William Milder and Harry Silverman. This conference is under the auspices of the National Conference of Jewish Community Centers and Welfare Federations. Sam Beber is on the executive committee of the National Conference. Recently, Henry Monsky and William Holzman were named on a national Mobilisation committee to effect Jewish communal unity throughout the country, another of the many phases of activity of the national conference. Functional fields of Jewish social service as well as general fields will be discussed. Outstanding lay leaders will lead the discussions.


Cincinnati, (J, T.. A.)—A pamphlet attacking Hitler and HitleriBm *s a menace to civilization has.bft&i lir1" sued by The Friends of the Truth,* an organization of Cincinnati German-Americans, none of whose members, it is asserted, is Jewish. The pamphlet is signed by a publication committee composed of August Hamelberg, William Lohmeier, Fred Bender, John Wainz and August Hauck. The brochure is entitled, "TheMenace of Nazism," and carries the explanatory sub-title, "As Sober. Thinking German-Americans View Berlin, (J. T. A.)—Reichsminister Hitlerism." An introduction states of the Interior Dr. Willhelm Prick that the pamphlet "has been comissued an order permitting schechita, piled by Cincinnatians of German exthe killing of animals for food ac- traction and one of its purposes is cording to the orthodox Jewish ri- to bring to all Cincinnatians of Gertual, in Upper Silesia, which is a man origin that their first duty at plebiscite area under the control of present, is to cooperate actively in the League of Nations. keeping out of this country the maSchechita was prohibited in Ger- lidousness" and xinsavoriness of Nazi many soon after the Isazis came into \ propaganda." power on the ground that it was "Let it be clearly understood that cruel to the animals. Displaying the touching the untouchables that is, utmost solicitude for animals, the associating openly or clandestinely Nazis not only forbade shechita, but with Nazi-ruled societies and conimposed unusually heavy prison terms cerns, is equivalent to condoning for Jewish shochtim and butchers murder, corruption and filth. Let i t accused of practicing shechita. be particularly clear, that German While nothing is mentioned in the societies which in the future use reasons actuating t h e p ^ p^,,^ a s their organ> Dr. Fnck, the successive defeats suf- which join in common activities witiv fered by the Nazi government when Na-si organizations, and which admit it attempted to extend anti-Jewish or retain members who belong to measures to upper Silesia are no Nazi societies, are siding with forces doubt at the bottom of this unwont- subversive to the constitution of the. ed display of Nazi generosity. United States and inimical to the German anti-Semitic measures in v.elfare of their old and their new Upper Silesia were rebuked by the country. They must know that they League of Nations in connection with will be judged accordingly by everv the Bernheim petition and the Nazi American." government was compelled to withdraw the anti-Semitic laws and to promise full protection for the Jewish minority there.


British Ships to Fly Zionist Flag

London, (W. N. S.)—The Union CONSERVATIVE SERVICES Castle Steamship Line, one of the British shipping companies, TO BEGIN SEPTEMBER 7 leading •whose boats ply between South AfThe Conservative Synagogue will begin its year of services on Friday evening, September 7, the Sabbath eve before Rosh Hashonah. J. J. Greenberg, president of the congregation, announced that plans for an active, interesting season have been formulated. He declared that the services this year will be enriched by a choir directed by Harry Braviroff. Mr. Braviroff has been working with thirty singers, young men and women, during the summer. The new choir will make its first appearance on Rosh Hashonah eve, which will take place Sunday night, September 9. The women of the organization, headed by Mrs. Dave Sherman, Auxiliary president, have already begun their year of participation in the synagogue work.

rica and England, wiil henceforth fly the Zionish flag on all its ships •whenever they touch Polestinian waters.

Demand Zion Settlers Enter Through Jaffa Jaffa, (J. T. A.)—"We'want Jewish immigrants to land in Palestine through Jaffa," is the uncompromising demand of Arab longshoremen here who refuse to listen to the government's arguments that the port of Jaffa is to be reserved solely for orange ships while debarkation of all immigrants will be centralized at Haifa. They also have submitted a new plaint to the authorities in which they insist on their "rights" to handle the Jewish immigrant traffic

PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 17, 1934 needy—by humanitarians such at eting and warring on movie censorHeckscher and Schiff. ship. As national director of the • (Copyright 1934, by Seven Arts American Civil Liberties Union he has Feature Syndicate.) been in the forefront of every fight for civil liberty for the past two decades. An uncompromising foe of all Plan Direct Air Line (Continued from Page 1.) attempts to curb free speech. Has upWarsaw.—The Polish government held right of Nazis to spread propthere is space to fill and it may as has opened negotiations which are aganda although he detests their well be "with some of the worthies expected to lead to the organization views. Holds'Jews are often them- By the Service Life Insurance she most likely knew of but neglect- of a direct air line between Warsaw selves responsible for anti-Semitism. Company, Omaha ed in her haste when writing to one and Jerusalem, it was announced. Rejects theory that Jews are a chosen editor. If we are to get rid of the By BORIS SMOLAR people. Has no sympathy with ZionJew, then Irving Berlin must go, too The whole story of a man's life ism or Jewish nationalism. A short, ing political parties in Poland, even stoutish, aggressive and courageous and the service of life insurance may —and all his songs, for that matter. The Nara, the anti-Semitic Na- government. by those parties which oh other is- figure, he is never comfortable except be summed up in two words, "THE Then there's George Gershwin, by tional Radical Party which carried out Split Into Factions. golly! And don't forget Einstein! sues are bitterest opponents of the when waging a fight for a cause that PAST AND THE FUTURE." both small and large pogroms on the Polish Jewry is split into several present regime. Conscientiously, or unconscientousTo be consistent in the campaign Jews, is now forbidden in Poland. needs defense. Is probably America's factions. It cannot represent itself. Not forbidden, however, is anti-Se- It has not the necessary influence The Nara, the Polish anti-Semitic most vigorous rebel against civil lib- ly, every man has a goal. There are against the Jew, tlie Lewishohn StaGetYbu* Cutsand National Radical party, is now deadcertain things he would like very dium, where good music is heard, mitism. tJfrtUk»4{ with the government. The government ened and suppressed. The govern- erties curbs and is justly known as much to do. Certain objectives he must be wrecked. And so long as the human liberty bell whose voice The roots of anti-Semitism go even does not reckon with it and does not ment's anti-Semitic course, however would' like very much to reach. If we're now in the wrecking mood — and strength are given to the slogan deeper, Economic anti-Semitism,' So- find it necessary to listen to its proremains unchanged. The anti-Semitic "let freedom ring." he can reach them, then no matter let us not forget to burn down the cial anti-Semitism. Anti-Semitism tests. what else happens in life, he will thousands of hospitals clinics, lab'"which is not physical, but upon which Altogther different, however, would trend of the present regime will con(Copyright, 1934, by Seven Arts tinue whether the Nara exists or not. die a success. oratories, orphanages. asylums for i iin Poland l all political parties Feature Syndicate.) are be the situation of a committee of Only strong intervention from Jewish We'll assume there are children to the poor and aged and other instiunited. Jewish representatives of other lands. be educated. A good home for the tutions for the benefit of all manA feeling of hatred exists between With such a committee the Polish organizations of other countries can comfort and pleasure of the family {kind — built for the helpless and the Government party and the Na- government would be the situation of stem the present tide to any extent. is to be secured. A comfortable tional Democratic (Endek) party. One taking the commission more seri- Such intervention should have taken estate is to be established. A sum of would destroy the other if the oppor- ously than it has Polish Jewish lead- place long ago. Now, however, it is money as a life reserve is to bs built tunity presented itself. This bitter ers. The Polish government would not inevitable. feeling is not noticeable, however, like to' be faced with an unfiiendly Jewry in America and England Berlin, (J. T. A.)—Regardless of up. If a man continues to live and when the Jewish question is discussed. world-wide Jewish public opinion. It must not look on indifferently while the treatment accorded Jewish law- enjoy good health and is gainfully On this question both parties have would reconsider whether it pays to a million Jews in Poland are tuned yers in other cities of Nazi Ger- employed, he will accomplish a certhe same feeling; both parties do proceed with the present economic into beggars. Something must be done many, in DUesseldorf courts Jewish tain part of his objective as he goss their best to oust the Jews from their campaign against the Jews or wheth- for Polish Jewry. and non-Jewish advocates are to re- along. An important question for him to answer is " HOW MUCH WILL positions and make the Jewish eco- er its anti-Jewish program should be And the: sooner the better. ceive equal protection. nomic situation worse. (Copyright, 1934, Jewish Telegraphic An 'Aryan' attorney in that city REMAIN TO BE DONE AFTER I eased for a time. The Polish Workers Party "P. P. Agency) has just been sentenced to two and AM GONE?" There's the rub. The investigating committee S.r" a socialist party'with interna- to AbeJewish one-half months' . imprisonment for one point in his plan to gain his sent to Poland must be the tional principles which throughout the course of uttering an insult at a Jewish bar- objective which may break down. action undertaken by Ameryear opposes the present regime and ican and English rister named Goldberg. He can eliminate the taking of this Jewry. government ordinances, is absolutely The decision of the court declared chance of leaving anything undone To send such a commission to Posilent when a law against Jews is pro-, "it does not express the National by investing a definite amount of posed. It swings into action only land is only one of the measures neARTHUR GARFIELD HAYS Socialist spirit to insult an oppos- money in life insurance programs, cessary to save Polish Jewry in its when a factory hires a Jew. Then the Mr. Hays' vigorous defense of ing lawyer just because he is a Jew." because life insurance is a plan party calls a strike of Polish, workers political and- economic destruction. peaceful picketing, his fight against The defendant is admonished to take which guarantees the accomplishOther methods must also be found. and the Jewish worker must leave. Means of relief. Means of reconstruc- movie censorship and his startling notice for the future "that "a 1Jewish ment of the objectives which he perFree Rein for Government. tive aid. Means of credit and small defense, in the name of free speech, lawyer gets equal protection ' with haps has not today reached and may, This strange unity .-.-.which*., exists loans. Means must be found to save of the right of Nazis to spread an "Aryan." unfortunately, never reach. among the parties with regard .to,,the the- storekeeper, the artisan, the un- propaganda, has again placed in the Jewish question gives the government employed worker and all those other limelight this notable champion of Sir Wauchope Likes a free hand to do as it pleases with Jews who now wander about Poland civil liberties. Immigration Law the Jews; it makes it possible to pass without livelihood and who do not * * * Palestinean Position Succors Refugees laws and ordinances which under- know what the morrow may bring. Arthur Garfield Hays: Lawyer, demines the Jewish economic status; it fender of minorities, crusader for civil creates for the* government an oppor- There are now in Poland a million liberties. Born at Rochester, N. Y., 53 New York, (P. T. A.)—An amend- Jerusalem, (J. T. A.)—"There can unemployed Jews without any source ment to an immigration act passed be no promotion after Palestine." tunity to snatch legally all possible years ago. Son of a clothing manufac- by of income. A million future Jewish last session of Congress gives Such is the statement reported to chances of livelihood from the Jews; turer. Worked his way through Co- newthe hope to those who came to this have been made by Lieut. General it gives it the assurance that it can beggars. lumbia university by teaching debatdo as it wills with the Jews because On the streets of Warsaw, Lwow ing on Saturday nights. One of his country prior to June 1, 1933, andSir Arthur Wauchope, High Commisand Cracow, I found young Jewish for whom there are no permanent sioner for Palestine, in referring to nobody in the country will protest/ men and women with children on their pupils was Walter Lippmann. While records of admission, according to a the high honor of serving in that The Jews of Poland realize that the arms,' at college was barred from labor with outstretched report issued by the Hebrew Shel- post within the British Empire. present course of the Polish govern- hands instanding lines in front restaurants union activity because of his father's tering and Immigrant Aid Society. In the same private conversation ment aims at their economic ruin. waiting to beg a penny of bourgeois position. Took his first step two to buy Those persons who can show that he dismissed the rumors that he inThey cannot, however, help them- bread. Only a dry piece or in defense of minorities when as an of bread. , undergraduate he upheld the rights of before that date they could not be tended to retire this year. However, selves. They are in a vise and do-not They are bedraggled and bare-foot- the girls of Barnard college to swim deported to countries to which it was there are still persistent reports that see the slightest means of. escape. All ed. Hunger is .imprinted plainly on in the Columbia pool. His first ten lawful to deport them and were here he is to be offered and will accept that Jewish leaders in Poland can do their faces. Yet there is food every- years at the bar were uneventful. He as political or religious refugees may the command of a British army corps is to knock on the. doors of/the vari- where. Every'third store in Lwow is came into prominence during the legalize their stay • in this country if with the rank of full General. These ous Government officials andbeg for a grocery store.'Every fifth .door on world war when he practiced interna- they fill out prescribed forms before same reports state that he will be the temporary postponement-/ofr the the main streets of Warsa*- is a res- tional law in London. Served as coun- June 8th, 1935. iV elevated to thepeerage. anti-Jewish laws; for permission for taurant, a coffee house, or a fruit and sel in numerous test cases involving the Jews to breathe freely v another food-market. „ •"_'' the right to ship foodstuffs to German few months; for- the law:to;:be jWith? - Tin this wealth of food—food not at civilians. Fought to prevent hysteria all expensive—rthere are in Poland held a * few weeks. They don't even and hatreds of the war from being dream of completely erasing anti-Jew- now hundreds of thousands of Jewish translated into injustices. Helped open ish laws from the books. The Jewish homes where dry bread is a luxury; up closed coal towns in Pennsylvania leaders* are not the people who canwhere whole families live on bread during 1922 coal strike. Worked demand that, nor would. the..:Polish and onions; where ten cents a day is shoulder to shoulder with Clarence lot of money; where children do not Darrow in battling forces of bigotry government listen to their demands. Commission Proposed.- ••-•'•• know the taste of milk. led by William Jennings Bryan in the Something must be done, therefore, No one takes any notice of these un- famous Tennessee "monkey trial?' for Polish Jewry, if the Jewish world fortunate families. Especially not the Was also associated with Darrow in ^ Where Omaha Shops with Confidence does not want to see a million Jewish government. There is no government defense of Detroit Negroes accused of relief for unemployed Jews. There is murder in a case involving Negro segbeggars in Poland this,winter. \ : ' A Jewish commission from other no protection against hunger for gregation. Struggled bitterly in the lands to come to Poland for an offi- Jews. Sacco-Vanzetti case. Was New York Crepes* Satins, Wools and Knits in Bear on Jews Only cial investigation of the- outspiolcen, state chairman of La Follette-Wheeler economic anti-Semitic course 'of rthe - In the meanwhile more rules are campaign in 1924. Served as counsel the new SUm as a PeneU Silhouette, Polish government, would be a great prepared in the government offices for Countess Cathcart in the "moral aid in this respect. A Jewish.commis- with mathematical precision. They are turpitude" case and defended Senator with the New Necklines are featured sion from other lands would be able to •so calculated as hot to bear an anti- Burton K. Wheeler, who was victim influence the Polish government Semitic "character but yet to affect of a political frame-up. Was the only whereas Jews here cannot; The com-only the. Jews.-The general tendency foreign attorney^ admitted to the hearmission would be able:.'f to "'compile a s to. strengthen the economic posi- ings on the Reichstag fire trial, where list of all the anti-Jewi?h'laws and ;ions' of the Polish non-Jewish popu- he went as an observer. Is now leadpublish them in the foTift-pf-a^'black atioh at the' expense of the Polish ing drive on .American Fascism, debook" which would "shock- the- -non- "ewish jiopulation. fending labor's light to peaceful pickJewish world. This commission-would It is Hot a difficult task for a govbe able to bring the condition of Po- ernment to concentrate its powers on lish Jewry before the league;of Na- the..'destruction; of the economic setions, to which Poland; is ^responsible curity of a portion of its people which on questions of minority- rights;"The has', no one to whom to. appeal. The foreign Jewish commission 'would be economic destruction of the Jewish able to accomplish mucrrinorethan all population of -Poland is, therefore, the Polish Jewish leaders for .whom carried out by'the Polish government the Polish government has." not the with conscious futhlessness and withV Join the Hundreds of Women Who necessary respect, and who have not out. any consideration for the three Are Buying Their First Full the necessary access to'the -Polish million Jewish "citizens. This government policy of economically ruining Frocks from These Groups the Jews" is progressing from month to month because, on the one hand, it receives insufficient opposition from the native Jews and from Jews of August 16, 1929—2,000 demon- other lands, and on the other hand, INSURED CABS strated in Jerusalem, demanding free it is openly commended by all existaccess of Jews to the Wailing Wall The controversy with the Moslems over the Temple remanant was becoming acute. August 17, 1929 — Arabs in the Wailing Wall area armed with daggers attacked worshippers, Wounding two and injuring.lreligious objects. August 19, 1929—A meeting of the Palestine Foundation Fund Board Hundreds to Choose front at These was called by the Jewish Agency Five Prices... Council to meet • in, Berlin. . » • August 21, 1929 — Negotiation with German scholars of Jewish his tory, literature -and institutions begun by Columbia University to. oc cupy the chair established by Mrs Nathan J. Miller of New York me with difficulty. August 22, 1929 — Preliminary work on the construction of Haif Bay Harbor was begun. The wor •was planned for completion in thrd years. August 24, 1929—12 Jews, 1 The new fashions will intrigue you, with their Arabs killed, 150 wounded,, was the new necklines, slim-as-ct-whistle silhouette and toll of attacks on the Jewish populathe new colon and details. You find many new tion of Jerusalem by organized treatments in the wool and knit dresses being shown for back-to-college shoppers, .L Arabs Jewish self-defense corps formed in Palestine colonies. British "arships despatched to Palestine ports. (Copyright 1934, by the Jewish Tel1 egwphic Agency. Inc.)


What Is Happening To Polish Jewry?

Walter Winchell Looks at Jewry

Best Results








595 795 -JO




12 16




Plan Mixed Choir for Junior Congregation A marked interest has been noted among the Jewish young people concerning the announcement by the local A. Z. A. chapters that they will sponsor community-wide traditional services for the young people during the high holydays. A mixed choir will lend background to the services, which will be held at the J. C. C. Miss Betty Fellman will serve as choir director. Rabbi Goldstein is advisor of the congregation. Ernie Nogg is chairman of the ticket committee. Tickets at a nominal fee will be placed on sale next week.


Progressive Hebrew BERLIN COURT UPHOLDS Activities at J. C. C. Club NURSE'S INTERMARRIAGE Athletic Department Berlin, (J. T. A.)—The Labor Court of Berlin has handed down its decision in an action brought by a nurse in the employment of the Berlin municipality for wrongful dismissal, because she refused to break off her engagement to a Jewish doctor. She supported her claim by pointing out that her bethrothal was entered into four years previously. According to the general race feeling in the German nation today, the court says, it was certainly the duty of the complainant to break off her engagement to a "non-Aryan," and not insist on going through with her marriage to him. "On the other hand, however, we cannot overlook the fact that the complainant had to consider herself bound to keep her troth, entered into four years previously, and this idea of loyalty to one's troth has always been very real and very vital in the life of the German nation, and if the complainant in this conflict of duties could not find the right way, it cannot be held up as a reproach against her."

The combination of Gendler and Gendler has reached the finals in the J. C. C. horseshoe doubles tournament. Last week they defeated Green and -Merriam, 21-19,- 21-16. The other finalist team will be the winner of the Sussman-Grossman and Kutler-Adler match.

At the picnic of the Progressive Hebrew Club, to be held at Fontenelle Park on Sunday, August 26, free soft drinks will be served to members and their friends. The holder of the lucky ticket will win a radio. Special entertainment will be furnished, according to J. Riklin, president, and games will be played. All Ed Gerber is still perched on the members and their friends are invited top rung of the swimming ladder to attend. tournament. Melvin Bernstein is sec-

Here is a close-up of the husband j the now nationally famous Casino de merry over Rose's vaudeviile bill. At Hid. of the one and only Fannie Brice. His Paree and the even more popular Billy its present pace Rose's Music Hall Mizrachi Secessionists enterprising and imaginative impres- Rose's Music Hall, enterprises which will gross $1,500,000 in its first year, In the final game of the J. C. C. sario achievement is the talk of rate as major stimuli to the show an unprecedented achievement that Form Organization softball league Sunday, the Samples, America's entertainment world. Billy business and which have transformed has left Broadway groggy. Counterleague winners, defeated the SeiRose is being hailed today as the man the night life of New York. parts of the Music Hall are planned ners, 6 to 3. Jerusalem, (W. N. S.)—A new "who is making Broadway a continen- "There is no phony modesty about for Chicago and San Francisco. Mizrachi group, called Mizrachi HuFratority tal center of attraction, counteracting me," says the little man (he's so small Now the irrepressible Rose is plantik and led by Rabbi Ostrowsky, has Its vulgar Coney-Island-county-fair he always keeps his tiny feet on the ning another revolutionary venture, Julius Meyerson was elected presibeen formed here as a result of a dent of Fratority at a recent meetatmosphere.—The Editor. desk so hell be visible from the front) The Broadway Circus, a half-million ing. split in the ranks of the original orOther officers chosen include: who is now the number one man of dollar attraction to be shown under [da _Epstein, vice-president; Sylvia ganization, whose heads are Rabbis Almost overnight the mantle once Broadway. "At 19 I was the champion canvas. Traveling in circus fashion London, (W. N. S.)—Dr. Chaim Meir Berlin and Jehuda Leib Fisch•worn so jauntily by the late Florenz shorthand speedwriter of the United and playing the towns commonly vis- Wiener secretary; Paul Sacks treasr Weizmann,. former President of the man. irer; Max Halperin reporter. Ziegfeld, arid before him by the late States. In my youth—pay no atten- ited by the leading outdoor shows, World Zionist Organization and a The split followed upon the secesThe club recently gave a farewell David Belasco, as the uncrowned king to my present adolescent appearance, Billy Rose's Broadway Circus will noted chemist, will leave England sion of the Mizrachi from the Jewlarty in honor of Miss Doris Lefof Broadway has bean draped around it's only a pose—in my youth, I say, stress beauty and spectacle rather for Palestine in October, to become ish Municipal Council some time ago, the more than willing shoulders of I shot a good "game of pool. I won $9 than muscles and menageries. The cowitz, who is leaving with her the head of the Research Institute and is attributed in some quarters "amily to Teside in New York. ' pint-sized Billy Rose. For years Rose from a stranger in Kansas City, and little fellow who completely revoluopened at Rehoboth last Spring, ac- to personal rather than ideological A dance is being planned for the hase been one of America's ace song- he hit me right on the nose. So I de- tionized a major phase of New York's grounds. cording to the Observer. Junior Vaad writers, but he refused to regard him- cided I was not big enough to earn entertainment world believes this en- Lear future. self as a success so long as Broadway my living as a pool shark and I came terprise will add something new to Thirty members of the Junior Vaad made him struggle to maintain his back to New York and met some circus programs, which haven't groups rode here and there Sunday identity by calling him "Fanny Brice's theatrical people. When I saw what a changed since the days of P. T. Barevening to get "garters, garlic and A.Z.A.1 husband." In the course of the last complete bunch of nitwits they were num. His show will differ from the The Mother chapter of A. Z. A. what-not" in the scavenger hunt. theatrical season, which brought a few I knew that the show business was usual circus in that it will be present- Is sponsoring tennis, golf and horse- When the groups counted their spoils, smiles to the producing gentry, two my vocation. Phil Swartz's group was the prize ed en a single stage. Landscape ar- shoe tournaments. ' The Fresher, Finer amazing things happened to Billy "I became a song writer. In a few tists will prepare the ground prior to Prises will be awarded. winner. Rose; a letter addressed to Mrs. Billy years I wrote 25,000,000 sheets of the arrival of the circus and thus reAfter the hunt, they dined and Flavored Butter Rose was delivered at the Winter music. Would you care to know about place the drabness of the conventional danced at the Kozy Inn. Molly BurGarden, where Fanny Brice was star- some of the titles? Well, I guess you circus by gay colors. His plan is to stein was chairman for the girls and that Costs No More. ring in the Ziegfeld Follies, and Rose remember 'Barney Google,' don't you?1 present mass entertainment on a specStanley Shapiro for the boys. had a brilliant flash of intuition 'Cheerful Little Earful,' 'Follow the tacular scale. •- :'._-:• which enabled him to play Mr. Broad- Swallow,' 'Me and My Shadow-' You Today Broadway marvels at the unA. Z. A. No. 100 way to Mr. and Mrs. America. couldn't forget them. And then I der-sized soag writer it once referred The A. Z. A. 100 chapter has Warsaw, (J. T. A.)—A large scale to as "Fanny Brice's husband." The Rose's great idea was a new kind marry Fanny Brice—a real big shot. launched its fall "rushing" program, of post-prohibition night club. Every "Then I got the idea for the Casino owner of two immensely profitable :onspiracy to smuggle Polish Jewish conjunction with an expansion of one said he was crazy. No one would de Paree. Vaudeville came from the temples of entertainment, he is no Immigrants into Biro-Bidjan, auton- in and activities. take a chance on his fantastic scheme beer hall. They separate vaudeville longer "Fanny.Brice!s .husband" but omous Jewish area in Siberia, was program Head Today's ShopA rush •weiner roast of the chapter so he went it alone. Rose had already and refreshments and what, happens.? the generally acknowledged key man unearthed when Polish authorities will be held Saturday night, August earned a cozy fortune from the Vaudeville died. A floor show IS an of Broadway, which affectionately captured a band of smugglers en- 18, at Elm Lodge. Those attending ping List with gaged in smuggling Jews into Soviet show business with his slightly- cock- effort to bung a little of the theater calls his "Effendit." are asked to meet at Monkey's IsRussia at the Soviet frontier. "eyed revues, but when Broadway into a restaurant. So when repeal (Copyright, 1934, by Seven Arts Fea"Harding's Butter" in EElmwood at 8 p. m. ••'•'• t u r e S y n d i c a t e . ) learned of his unque plan for a high- came I thought: why not put a whole Authorities were able to establish land The chapter seeks to enroll young class honky-tonk where prices would restaurant into a theatre? that the band has recently brought men between the ages of 16 and .21 : . be held down so as to enable almost "We took a fine" new "house, built seventy Polish Jews into Soviet terr who are interested in Jewish affairs, every one to come and have a good at the height of the boom, but it had ritory, all of whom paid large sums religious and cultural. Those ;time, he became the object of wide- always had a jinx. When Vwre took it to be smuggled into Soviet Eussia, social, interested are asked to call Sam spread sympathy. as they were convinced- that there Friedman, Walnut there was a mouse, in every .chair 3151. was no hope of making a living in "Balmy Billy" he was called by with his arms folded —nobody to Poland. . those who knew that every night club bother him. For years they had been Paris (J. T. A.)—The star, of Hephin town •_ was in the red, but Rose rehearsing echoes there. • •- zibahi Menuhiri, fourteen-year-old sis- Recent dispatches from Poland in- Anti-Semitism Inquiry wouldn't be kidded. He knew that a "We ripped out all the seats, and ter of Yehudi* Menuhin, renowned dicated that Polish Jewish young Moscow — Five administrators of night club was an "upholstered muz- put in chairs and tables. Instead of boy violinist, is in the ascent. She ieople, mien and women both, co»- the Agrojoint factory at Jankoy were hik trap," a gyp joint with a dinky making the show work en a dance will be presented to the public in a inced of the hopelessness of te~ dismissed by a Communist party inorchestra furnishing music to 200 peo- floor, we let our customers on concert here this fall. naining in Poland, and unable to vestigating communism, which placed ple dancing on a floor no bigger than a stage. Even the homeliest people While Yehudi has been astounding leave for Palestine, were turning in at their door the responsibility for a good-sized washboard. He also knew have always wanted a chance to go critics and music audiences the world 'arg-e numbers to the idea of emi- anti-Semitism which had grown in that the waiters were crabby, the food on the stage." the. factory. over. Sister Hephzibah has been prac- grating to Biro-Jidjan. impossible, the prices exorbitant and "When the Casino de Paree. opened ticing" the" pianor- For years she has the entertainment almost, nil. An ex- it was a unique place. There were two accompanied her brother at home pert in what Americans want in thea- orchestras. Agreeable waiters served The combined urgings of George Tntrical entertainment, Rose determined good food and in a hurry. Dancers esco, the children's friend and teachto give it to them in an entirely new had a big stage to amble around on. er; Marcel Ciampi, French pianist but palatable form. His creation.was Drinkers had three bars on which to and Hephzibah's teacher . in Paris lean. Rose had converted one. of and her brother ' have _ finally preBroadway's white elephants into the vailed ; upon her" parents' to grant most amazing place of entertainment permission for "her public appearin town. And the money poured in on ance.".. . ] /.;;.' ./;•_.._. . _„ ; „' / '.. him. "If: you don't believe that we Last year the-brother-and sister are grossing $40,000 a week at the had an inkling of the success. tha Warsaw, (JTA).—A cheerless out- Casino de Paree I will show you state- their appearance together - migh' . look for Polish Jews was mirrored ments," says -Billy.-.- "Ziegfeld was. a bring when they received the Grand by Premier Kozlowski in an exposi- great producer but he couldn't add." Prix. Candide for recording a sonata tion on the economic situation be- Cleaning up with this enterprise. of Mozart This.. summer they refore the government Sejm club. . Rose turned his attention to a second corded the Grand Sonata of SchuReferring to problems of trade, theater, the Arthur Hammerstein, anXozlowski stressed a great dispro- other dead house. With his usual mod- mann. portion existed wholesale and retail esty he named it Billy Rose's 'Music 1 prices owing to an overabundance of Hall. In his own words, it is "a hon- Reich Tracing Lineage middlemen. He announced the gov- ky-tonk on a cosmic scale. It is the Berlin — Wflhelm Frick, Minister ernment is considering a decrease in apotheosis of popular-priced amuse- of Interior, has ordered a nation-wide this trade category while support- ment. It's the nuts." The seats of the investigation into the racial descent theatre have been ripped out. In their of the population. ing consumers' co-operatives. are tables, where from fou r in Describing the internal policy of places the afternoon till four in the morning his administration, the premier said pleasure seekers eat, drink and make the government, stirred by the perpetration of a series of excesses and beatings and the glorification of acts Nazi Newspaper Asks "WORK THAT SATISFIES" of terrorism and murder, has created Hitler to Ease Ban "an isolation camp at Bereza, where Oriental and Domestics it has incarcerated 200 perse 15 "danWalnnt 5002 gerous to society, Ukranians and Berlin (J. T. A.)—The Frankfur- 5116 Military Ave. other anarchistic elements, chiefly ter Zeitung in an editorial calls upon the regime of Chancellor Hitler to Jews, and also Nara assaulters." revise its atttude on the Jewish British Mayor Slaps at question. Declaring that German economy, Myth of'Little Hugh' now in a state approximating stranThey iUx With the Best They've Just Arrived! gulation, cannot hope for improveIDEAL BOTTLING COMPANY Linsoln, England (JTA) — The ment so long as Jewish firms are Grace Your Own Home! WE. E043 "Little Hugh" libel, circulated for refused admission to the Labor ISOS No. 20th St. the last seven centuries, was official- Front, the anti-Jewish boycott is They're Ideal for Gifts! ly, denounced here by the Mayor of carried out by force and Jews are Lincoln in his welcome to the mem- isolated and continuously branded as bers of the Jewish Historical Society 'enemies", the Zeitung appeals for KLEEN-HEET who came to this city on a sight- relaxation of nazi . restrictions ' seeing visit.. . against the Jews. ' . . ' OIL BURNERS - "This is perhaps the first occasion," . "Don't destroy the non-Aryans," declared the Mayor, "on which -the the editorial says, ."give them an Olson Bros. Municipality of Lincoln has been- in equal chance with others to live and 2612 LeaTenworth AT. 2360 contact with any Jewish body since work." the Middle Ages. Our city is, of course bound up in history with the story-of 'Little Saint Hugh,' said to have been done to death by Jews for THE ritual purposes in 1255. "That "Little St. Hugh' existed," This price may not last long so get your he continued, "and that his dead body Thor Combination while you can get it at •was discovered, there is, I presume, little doubt. But that he was done to this unusually low price. Think of it...... death by the Jews for ritual purposes of Nebraska Women Also 2, 2.25 and 3.95 washer, ironer and 2 drain tubs for only cannot be other than aVlibel," based upon the. prejudice and ignorance of Try a Bag Today §69.50. Don't wait. Thor is one of the an unenlightened - age. .You will be pRACEFUL in design . . . of "Elpec" these glad to know that the Corporation finest washers on the market. . . ironer is VF' Menorahs need no cleaning . . . They're have made this clear-in the new guide not only a necessary addition to your home but a wonder . . . tubs that roll. book of the City which they have reare approved as welcome gifts. cntly published." - . ; . - • •-. Speaking at the Shrine of "Little Discuss Easy Terms With Us St. Hush," Cannon J . H . Srawley, UR Gift Department scoured the markets to Chancellor of the Cathedral of Linbring to you at a modest price Menorahs coln pointed out that the accusation you'll be proud to own. against the Jews fro ritual murder has lingered on since the Middle Brandeis—Gift Dept. Third Floor. Ages. He was ashamed to say that Courtesy - Service - Lew Rates these charges have been repeated in Germany during modern times.

Chaim Weizmann to Live in Palestine

Arrests Reveal Polish Jews Fleeing to Russia





Drink IDEAL Beverages

Washer, Ironer 2 Drain Tubs

MENORAHS of Real "Elpec" 75



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tum-Vohah Jewish commission wmrid have wore weight and effect than a V(Akh delegation, in view of recent favorable developments it behooves Jewry to urgently devise ways and means of aiding Polish Jewry in its present desperate economic morass.



m teafMuihle for the

•f mi m mm Urn TfcitS seventh, tm& tte tmmgt&t the *»me 4em*n4

Polluting Poinon

The people that walked in dark'

Bet the child tawrwwed, "Xever wfJJ

U *mU imm- a fair answer that in#*&**!# 4» &*§4 tbe tsee responsible, list * very fietkeafeie trend in the dirf OfMtersttatjdnjjf and appreciaifott ot Mstorkal fact i s to be noted. rxpv&y spreading information social and political conwfekh existed in Palestine at H*#- time &f Jems i s responsible for Chi* tnore witokaoBte approach to tha subject.

we exchange ©t»# (*$& f*r a s y other," If there'wag any doubt as to the existence in this country nes» have Been a great light; titles ftiftil&1j§d trtt Tbe tyrsort offered u> *p#r* Mm, it Of un-Atnerictm cells of poison polluting the blood-stream of the that dwelt in the land of tbe be weald for appearance's tu&e, xto&p dow of death, upon them hath the 4&o ii.Ht&dete United States, such doubts must have been rudely shocked by thelight ehined. and pick a ring from th« ground disclosures at the open hearings of the Congressional committee For they that lead thin people which had bees dropped on purpose. HLAmitth » « - • • « isuBtaee* «ttd Managing tsditor ivestigatltig Nazi propaganda in this country. cause them to err, and they that "Ala* for tfeee, O Kin*!" sacwemd ; AOK'HKMAN - . « « * - • - - - - - - • Editor Q. Are Jews united as one block the boy. "If thou art *o zeXUm* lor *AWNJM,tfATl5ljMAN * * « Council DiiitffV Jown, Coff«flpo«d«it .-.The hearers in I^os Angeles were startled when Corporal E. T. aro led by them are destroyed. politically or otherwise? Woe unto them that decree un- thine honor, how much more zealou* A. Jews are no more united politiANN VILh * * * * * - ' • - giotijt City, IOWH, (jofre*t>otid&ut tlrey of th(j United States Marino Intelligence Corps and Virgil righteous decrees, and to the writer* ought we to be for the honor of cally than they are religiously. As a Ad<1f§§Hi 1307 Howard Street God?" Htiyea, formerly of the V. 8. Marino Intelligence Corps, told the that write iniquity. natter of fact, there i s almost chaotic he brought the lad to ihe place division in Jewish religious life;—alinvestigators that the Silver Shirta of San Diego tried to buy To turn aside the needy from of And execution, the mother begged and though Jews may be broadly grouped judgment, and to take away the guns nnd ammunition stolen from the United States government. right of the poor of my people, woe obtained permission to give him * religiously as orthodox, conservative It was further disclosed that regular military maneuvers and unto them. farewell kiss: "Go, my child," said and reform. So far a s politics are conshe, "and say to Abraham—Thou cerned, Jews are divided politically military training of Silver Shirtcrs was being held regularly near TALMUD. hart built an altar and wont to sac-among all Q*e great parties and anyElcftjon, Mnyes himself was engaged by the Silver Shirts to teach Onkelos, the son of Klonlcose, whorifice one son bat I have erected an having any knowledge or experithe use of small arms and street fighting. The committee was also was a son of the aster of Titus de- altar and sacrificed seven sons.1" Site one ence in American politics knows of informed that William Dudley Pelley, Silver Shirt organizer, advo- sired to become a proselyte. He turned away and threw herself down these divisions. Just as similar divithereupon "brought up the spirit of sions obtain among: the other citzens the ugly !t*al«stiiittin -riots of 1920 cast their oml* cated an overthrow (by force, if necesaary) of the U. S. govern- Titus. He asked him: "Who is con-headlong from the roof and died. of the country, so they obtain among hous shadows tin Algeria itt North Afrlett, when minor pogroms by ment, including the deporting of all Jews, natives also, from this sidered respectful in the future Jews. the Ai'ttbs were directed against the Jewish Inhabitants. The true country. And despite the denial of the Pelley followers that they world?" • • • replied Titus. Q. Why do Catholics have their extent of the damage has not been ascertained, beuauee the French have anything to do with Hitler or Nazism, all the Silver Shirt "Israel," "Is it advisable to join them!" own schools instead of utilizing the authorities* liave etntjloyed a strict eeneorehip, but over a hundred leaders in the South and West have swastikas adorning the walls Whereupon he answered: "Their obpublic schools? ligations are too many and Hum vvet'e killed and several injured. It k elated that the riots started of their homes. A. Catholics have their own schools not be able to fulfil them. Go in Constantinople wiieti a drunken Kreneh^Jewish soldier entered n The committee itself must be astounded by the revelations. wilt because they believe that religion is Headers of this journal are inand attack them in this world, and Mosque and was disrespectful of the Moslem holy place. An indication of how astounded they were may be gleaned from thou wilt become a chief, for it is vited to send in questions regarding an essential part of education, since public schools exclude religion proHowever, we have come to'look askance upon "official" ex- the fnct that the remaining hearings were behind closed doors and written (Lam. 1:5.): Her adversa- tbe Protestant, Catholic or Jewish the fessedly. Catholics therefore f e d that These questions may touch their children in the public school planations. Several factors tend to disprove the story. To begin Volncy Mooney, counsel for the committee, stated that the testi- ries become chiefs, her enemies pros- faiths. upon any aspect of these faiths. would not receive a complete educaper, "whoever antagonizes Israel bewith, if this attack were spontaneous, it is difficult to understand mony at the closed session would never be made public because comes a chief." "But what will be Questions will be answered in this since religion should permeate Itow the Arabs were pouring' into the city armed, unless the assault it was "so poisonous that international complications might re- the punishment for such a man?" column as promptly as possible and tion, every part of life. Consequently, they should be addressed to this journal maintain their own schools, in addiasked Onkelos. Whereupon, Titus rewas not planned in advance. Further, if the drunken Jewish sol- sult." or to the National Conference of tion to paying the taxes on the pubplied: "With that which he decreed dier started the trouble, why did the riots spread throughout Jews and Christians, 289 Fourth lic schools. upon himself. Every day his ashes l i despite the tight censorship and immediate action of the lit. Their Teeth" Avenue, New York City. arc gathered together and recreated officials. Also hard to explain, then, would be a letter in the form of a body, when it is The Naala in Berlin had their racial theories "thrown in their Q. Do Protestants in their Sunday Wolfsohn Named Secretary front Betif received by the i'atis tiewepaper, "Polulnire," which teeth," to succumb to the vernacular, when the Fifth congress of judged, condemned to be burned schools teach that the Jews are re-of Power Board again, and the ashes are scattered discloses'that hostilities hsul begun in Sotif, about seventy-five the Baptist World Alliance was held in Berlin. sponsible for the crucifixion of Jesus? over the ocean." Washington, D. C. — Joel David A. A study of the official literature Wolfsohn, prominent Chicago newsMiles west of Constantino, about throe days before the French When Dr. Ernst Sicdler, ft leader of the Nazi Christians who Onkelos then went and caused Ba- used Sunday schools paper man, has been appointed secadmitted their existence, Massacres • before the riots in Constft'n-'arc necking to completely transform the German Protestant laam's spirit to be brought up. Hemakesinit Protestant clear that the tendency of retary of the National Power Policy again asked the latter: "Who i s contine show quite amply that the "official" reason is-inadequate. church, made a vigorous defense and exposition of Hitler's antirespectable in the future editors and lesson writers is to regard Committee by Secretary of Interior the ecclesiastical rulers of the day Algeria has always been a pb\vdeiN>n"u\gta*lne tor tmlWewlsh Somitic policy before the Baptist congress, his remarks were sidered world?" "Israel." was the reply of and the Roman political authorities as Ickes. hostility, and a little background will show n cloaror picture of greeted with stony silence by the foreign delegates but the rep- Balaam. responsible for the death of Jesus. what is happening there, Following a historical account us com- resentatives of the German Baptists cheered, him. Significantly, "Is it advisable for one to join Teadiers who employ materials thus Whereupon, Balaam replied provided are likely to take that attipiled by Milton lArown, we find that the principal Jewish centers i no sooner finished, when the congress by an overwhelming them?" Paxton Mitchell Co. (Deut. 23.7.) "Thou ahalt not seek tude. til Ahjerttt ave Own, .80,000} Algiers,'20,000; and Constantino, majority, adopted a report urging Christians everywhere to re-their peace nor their prosperity all Grey Iron, Aluminum and A study of teacher attitudes made Bronze Castings 16*000. yuoCGseively, the status of the Algerian Jew* has under- pudiate anti-Semitism and racial superiority with its accompany- thy days forever." at the same time indicates that the Wood and Sctal Patterns gone transformations under the Carthaginians, Homans, Saracens ing persecution. responsibility for the death of Jesus 36U Martha SL HA. KZ3 A widow by the name Hannah had is held by 60 per cent as resting upon Ottomans, Turks, and finally, th<* Fwnch. This country on the There can be no Question but that Christianity the world over seven sons. According to their ages, the Jewish ecclesiastical rulers of that North African coast of the MediteiTanean was first settled by beginning with the oldest, they were day, and by 16 per cent upon the RoJews after the destruction of the second temple. WeU-Uvatod deplores the attitude and antics of Naziland. The latest decree of brought before the tyrant conqueror. man government officers in Palestine. NATIONAL under the Carthafinians and Uonmns, the Jews wcw subjected the Naxis makes the Protestant churchmen swear fealty to Hitler. He commanded that the oldest wor- Five per cent said the Roman soldiers ACCESSORIES, Inc. The churchmen have taken exception to this, claiming that the ship an idol. Whereupon, he replied, were responsible and only 12 per cent to taxes and restrictions With the advent of the Arab dynasty in indicated that the Jewish people were "It ts written in the Torah: I am the EVERYTHING the seventh century. When the Spanish expulsion occurred, thove Naais want to put Hitler above God and to violate the separation Lord, thy God.*1 He was immediately responsible for the death of Jesus. of State and Church. Some German Protestant ministers had the For the Auto foUowed a wave of immigration to the North Africa coast. With led out to execution. The second son The persons responsible for the study courage of their convictions, openly denouncing the Nazi decree AT. 55X4 MSI Faraaa was brought in. "Worship this idol." found individual evidence of prejadice ihe accession of the Turks in the sixteenth century, the Jews from the pulpit . . . the result was that they Were immediately The command came to him and heexpressing itself in speaking of the Were acortletl greater economic security, but were ilHreaied by Ideal trymnts, F l u e n t ; attempts to convert the lews to Tslam nit under arrest That is the Na*i idea of freedom of the Church. bought savage holocausta which left the land douched with. bloou\ Though the Turkish lute-was harah, the sliort reign of the Care Needed As the German Nastis have discovered to their chagrin, the Spanish Inquisition was ao much, move, hwribte that when the furks regained t\\e country they weve 'welcomed back. But dis-boycott is an effective bludgeon which may be wielded with treelimination -became inatiiutlonaUgedv Ghettos sprang up; Jews mendous force. However, in our enthusiasm for our new-found to \vetui special gavbj Jewish women were forbidden to wear weapon \ve mustttikc precaution not to wax too enthusiastic It is very simple to be swept away by the emotion of the times and \ vte\vish inUaUiUmta could t\ot ride tiovses^ only &&«&'' Wheft tl\e French f aiued eofttwl, the Algerian Jews with joy ve credence to every rumor and do an injustice to some people enthusiasm joined the French in uproot*t\g autWfewish dis- in unfairly boycotting them.. i i In IStO the Cwmieus decwe ttatumliKetl the Jewish Sometimes a malicious rumor is spread by an employee of a Nebraska Clothing Co. Has Taken From Its Regular Stock of population. With this ft^eddom» the Jews pTOgt^c^ed-^nd their business rival j sometimes a discharged employee has a grudge— High-Grade Makers* Clothes a Sensational Value Group of planted thefeeedaof |ealousy on the t*art of the Moslems, with the result that a false statement spreads like wildfire, and added jfuel tt> the fire, and this envy ineroas&d innocent firm is under the disapproval of certain groups. We v imtil it bttv&t M th in the new Algx5rmn phenom- should be careful that we do not fall into such snares and that popular anti4ewishne!is am>mi>anie<i by m oiu- dealings we investigate every rumor thoroughly before , k political &hti=Semltk mping at conclusions so as not to unjustly do damage to some l ^ ^ h blameless individuals. - in Mtt\l)ei\ 'h\ > a pogi\m\ ©ecutve^ in Own, the vilual had lv&$dvted tVom p With Jvuhh Hlood? ^n Algerian on a ritual iwvirdev dvai^ge, Latest Can a Nasi leader have Jewish Wood in him and still be a v- thai as to s We ate afraid that Dr. Anton Rintefen, leader of the Austrian CHOICE OF THE ENTIRE LOT AT ONE RADICAL xdU have to tittd the answer to this poser. v The \w\s-<i\-<z\\ as \mvdi «is they LOW PRICE Wh<en the Nads attempted their putsch TrMeh resulted in. the assassin&tfon of Oanedlor Dottfoss, they announced that caw. the s their 'feuh.ret'v IlinteteiK was the iw\r chancellor. When the atin tire feet &v&h ten\pl6j eftup -failed, Rinfceten shot himself and was on the point of d«?ath% JTow, \ve itvaikaMy f i«d, a Jexr, Josef Kraas, gave blood sanctity ®£ a fer a "tramftaswm i® save Esntde^s life. With .HM$ JewMi Mo<xl in Mm, how can BS&tekn • • •






- • • •






The Week in Review

Questions and Answers

Radical Selling SATURDAY! LAST DAY!




Eveiy Suit Worth Much Mote


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" PAGE 6—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 17, 1934 rone, Pa., and Chicago, III. Mr. Rosenblum expects to be gone two weeks.

\Vaad Auxiliary

Women's Auxiliary of Congregation of Israel

planned an afternoon of enjoyment. The combination clock and book-case H. SUSSMAN A regular meeting of the Ladies' wil be given away. Auxiliary of the Vaad Ha'Ihr will be Upholstering Co. In case of rain, the picnic will be held on Monday, August 20, at 8 p. m., RETURNS FROM KANSAS CITY Plans have been completed for a held the following Sunday. 25 th and Leaven worth Sts. Miss Ida Blacker has returned from at the B'nai Israel synagogue. social bridge party to be given by Atlantic 2574 All members are urged to attend, a ten-day vacation in Kansas City, the Ladies Auxiliary of the Conas no cards will be issued. Mo. A special meeting of the Pioneer \ Furniture Repairing, of Israel on Sunday, AuRefreshments will be served by gregation Women will be held Tuesday aftergust 26, at 8 p. m. Refinishing and Mrs. Louis Epstein and her commitCONVALESCING Refreshments will be served and noon, August 21, at 2 p. m. at the tee. Miss Rose Cohen, case worker for Upholstering prizes awarded. Tickets may be pur-J. C. C. All members are urged to be present, as important business New upholstered furniture made to the Federation, is recuperating at chased from Mrs. Sam Gorelick or the rush committee, was in charge. will be transacted. your individual taste. No extra cost home following an operation. Assisting her were the Misses Beth any member of her committee. New officers for the coming term to have your furniture made to fit Platt, Geraldine Strauss and Rose will be elected. Delegates will be your home. Call AT-2574 and Mr. FOR TWO WEEKS will call and make sugFisher. chosen for the convention to be held Sussman Pioneer Women GOLDSTEIN-COHEN Miss Rae Borsky will be gone on a gestions. Stag at Highland ENGAGEMENT week's buying trip, followed by a PLAN DANCE The annual Pioneer Women picnic in Chicago September 26. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cohen an- Next Monday week's vacation. She will return in The A. Z. A. chapter No. 1 is lay-will be held at Elmwood Park next nounce the engagement of their Evening two weeks. ing plans for the annual Achar Ha- Sunday, August 19. Those attending 2429 TTEbater daughter, Ruth, to Mr. Arthur H. taunis dance to be held at the J. C. C.are asked to bring their baskets. Decatur St. JEWISH BOOK STORE S5S7 A special stag will be held at the Goldstein, son of Mr. and Mrs. I.Highland Country Club next Monday IN NEW YORK ballroom the evening following Yom The committee in charge has We want to call to the attention of the Jetvish public that we are fretting Goldstein. evening, August 20, at 7 p. m. at the Mr. and Mrs. K. Trilling are inKippur. The College Club orchestra in now a new supply of the seasonable religious nrticles. Mnchzeirim with JewNew York. Miss Cohen attended Creighton uni- ilub house. ish ana English translations, prayer books, Toleosini, silk and wool of the best has been engaged. kind, etc. versity, and Mr. Goldstein is a mem- There will be cards in the evening, ATTENTION! REUNION PICNIC IN A Tarions assortment o£ Jewish Xew ber of the Zeta Beta Tau fraternity. and, according to Harry Malashock, FROM U. OF MISSOURI A Full Line of New Years Cards in Jewish and English Tear cards at very reasonable prices No date has been set for the wed- chairman of the house committee "no Robert M. Singer has returned from CALIFORNIA Remember our famous Kosher Soap. On the demand of n few customers I CALL WEBSTER 4861 ding. the University of Missouri, where he Former Omahans in California held Ordered the following nrticles of pure silver and plate silver candle sticks, speeches." Our representative will be pleased to a reunion and picnic last Sunday at KidTish cups, Hadeses, e t c Everyone -who is interested in buying one of them take roar order at your borne or "An extraordinary dinner" is being graduated a week ago Friday from Los Angeles. The committee in charge should be so kind and let me know ahead of time, so I can have it ready for COHN-BORDY MARRIAGE your place of business. Tonr orders the school of journalism. irepared by John Dorsey. them. appreciated. . Announcement has been made of consisted of Philip Stein, chairman; I have Just received direct from Palestine a very nice stock of most beauthe marriage of Miss Naomi Bordy, Sol Brodkey, D. S. Finkelstein, Mrs. Smith Bros. Printing Co. tiful Ksrogim and Imlovim for Snceoth . . . Anyone desiring to buy one will IN CALIFORNIA please let me know so that I can have it ready for him for Tontif. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Bordy of ERELICK-AZORIN Sam Levy, Abe Mark, Arthur Maro1501 No. Setb Street WE-4861 Mrs. Mose Yousem and daughter, witz this city, to Mr. Seymour Cohn, son 1NGAGEMENT and Arthur Rosenblum. of Mr. and Mrs. Max Cohn of Coun- Announcement has been made of Bernice, are visiting in California, cil Bluffs. the engagement of Miss Ida Azorin, The ceremony took place on August daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Azorin, RETURN FROM EASTERN 8 at Sioux City with. Rabbi Theodore to Mr. Philip Gerelick, son of Mr. and TRIP Mrs. W. Kuklin and her children, Mrs. Lewis Gerelick. N. Lewis officiating. Miss Azorin is a graduate of Tech- Ed, Betty and Hyman, have returned SACHS-ABBAMSON nical High school and St. Luke's hos- from a nine-week eastern trip. MARRIAGE pital in Denver, Colo., where she re- They visited with relatives and Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Abramson vived her nurse's training. She re-friends in New York, Philadelphia, announce the approaching marriage signed as a stewardess of the United Boston and Chicago. While in ChiOMAHA'S STYLE CENTER r » l UTH AND HARNE* of their daughter, Lobby, Dr. Mau- Air Lines two weeks ago. cago, they visited the world's fair. rice Sachs of Chicago, son of Mr. and Mr. Gerelick is a Central High Mrs. A. Sachs of Detroit, Mich. school graduate and several years ago VISITOR HERE The wedding will take place August attended the University of Nebraska, Miss Fannie Winner of Chicago is 19 in Chicago, -with only the immedi- where he starred in basketball. He isvisiting Miss Edith Epstein here. She LUXURIOUS FURS . . . QUALITY FABRICS . . . A NEW ate families in attendance. Following a member of Zeta Beta Tau frater- is being extensively entertained. SILHOUETTE . . . ARE THE HIGH SPOTS I N OUR the ceremony, the wedding supper will nity. be held at Gwirtz's Restaurant, 3145 ENTERTAIN RUSHEES West Roosevelt Road, Chicago. Members of Alpha Gamma Chi BORETURNS FROM CHICAGO After a short honeymoon, the couple Mrs. S. H. Singer has returned rority of the Municipal university enwill make their home in Chicago. from a three-weeks' trip to Chicago, tertained rushees at a sunset dinner at Spring Lake park pavilion on Wedwhere she visited her mother. nesday evening, August 15. ANNOUNCE BIRTHS Decorations were carried out in Mr. and Mrs. Dan Lintzman an- JNTERTAIN AT BRIDGE nounce the birth of a son on August -Mr. and Mrs. Jack Levey entertain- green and yellow, and following din12 at the-Jennie Edmundson hospital. ed at two tables of bridge on Sat-ner, games were played. evening. Mr. Danny Brammer Miss Esther Silverman, chairman of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Goldberg an- urday and Mrs. Irving Reuben were the nounce the birth of a son. irize winners. ANNOUNCE BAR MITZVAH The Bar Mitzvah of Marvin Leslie AT LAKE OKOBOJI Gilinsky, son of Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Miss Ann Lintzman is spending her Gilirusky, will take place Saturday vacation at Lake Okoboji. She will armorning, August 18, at 9:30 p. m. atrive home Sunday morning. the Chevra B'nai Yisroel synagogue TEN-DAY TRIP at 618 Mynster street, Council Bluffs, •Mr. and Mrs. Leo Simon have just la. No cards are being issued. returned from a ten-day trip to Chicago, where they attended the world's BAR MITZVAH RECEPTION Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wohlner received "air. 175 jfuests at a reception given at While in Chicago they visited with their" home," 2515" No." 55th streetr in Mr. and Mrs. B.Reitzer. Mrs. Reitzer. honor of the Bar Mitzvah of their was formerly Miss Sarah Simon, of this city. son, Irving. Out-of-town guests included Mrs. I. AS MEDICAL ADVISOR Charney, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Charney, Irving Sternhill leaves Saturday for Mrs. J. C. Socal, all of Milwaukee, 'amp Pani-Le-Sher near Fremont, as and Miss Bernice Kaplan of Beaver the medical advisor for the SouthDam, Wis. western Iowa Council of Boy Scouts during their two weeks' encampment BAR MITZTAH there. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kaufman will observe the Bar Mitzvah of their son, ON EASTERN TRIP Sheldon Allan, at the Beth Hamedrosh Horace L. Rosenblum, editor of the Hagodol synagogue on Saturday Sovereign Visitor, national publicamorning, August 25. tion of the Woodmen of the World, They will be at home in his honor leaves tonight by rail on an eastern on Sunday, August 26, from 2 to 5 business trip. p.m. No invitations have been issued. While in the east he will attend the National Fraternal Congress which BIRTHDAY PARTY convenes at Atlantic City on Monday, Beverly Jean Pessen, daughter of August 20. Officials and representaMr. and Mrs. M. H. Pessen, will cele- tives of all the fraternal life insurbrate her seventh birthday at a lawn ance societies are expected to attend party given at her home, 2503 Coun- the congress. try Club boulevard, Saturday, August Mr. Rosenblum is scheduled to ad18. dress the press section of the congress on the subject, "Is Outside AdvertisYISITS DAUGHTER ing in the Official Publication DetriMrs. M. E. Chapman is visiting her mental to a Fraternal Society?" He daughter, Helen Jane, at Burr Oaks will also stop in New York City, Tycamp in Wisconsin. WEEK'S VISIT Mrs. M. F . Levensoh and Miss Elaine Frank returned Monday from a week's visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Reuben of Fort Dodge, la. HOUSE GUEST Mrs. Sam Nitz had as her house guest for the past two weeks her sister, Mrs. J. Wolchinsky. She was extensively entertained during her visit here by the Mesdames Sam Nitz, Morris Minkin, A. Brookstein, M. Selicow, J. Nitz, M. Nitz, Ben Garrop, S. Babior, I. Okun, J. Baker and I. Hurwich.

Individually Selected to Meet the Varied Needs of Omaha Women, at Only


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Every coat in this wonderful showing is individually chosen . . . and chosen for specific reasons. It has style, young and vibrant! It is correctly designed and proportioned for a certain figure. It has quality in every detail that can face the closest inspection and hardest tests! And it fits into the busy, varied life Omaha women lead. See these Coats! There's a smart, distinctive, livable Coat you'll love to wear in Carman's famous $58 group!

Shirts Included—8c


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Maybe they wouldrvt want t o <jo /




If they had a Telephone, Id call them but-

Jumbo Bark Velours De Nour Diagonals Matelasse Blister Crepes

Stranqe they dont have a Telephone They have most


$L50 a Gallon

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edout YOU ? Yon can be snre a telephone -will help you to make and enjoy friends. It makes it easy for friends to call yon. It brings invitations—keeps you from missing ont on good times . . . . . . • »

Whenever you ttish, you can enjoy visits with friends by telephone.

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Silver Fox Kolinsky Jap Mink Russian Fitch Natl. Squirrel Blue Fox Black Fox Marten Pointed Fox Badger Beaver Beaver

*5C *

MAKING WAY FOR DAM—This tremendous explosion, caught by the cameraman at Joe Wheeler dam, 11 miles from Muscle Shoals, Tenn;, is one of the ways of loosening the heavy, marble-like rock to provide a deep foundation for the huge dam which will be more than a mile' long. Another method used in excavating is electric drills which cut out sections of the hard rock for electric shovels which follow along behind the load of debris.

ALUMINUM STRIKERS—AH the major plants of the Aluminum Company of America have been shut down by the strike called under the sanction of tha American Federation of Labor, taking approximately 10,000 men away from the shops. These photos from strike areas show, top, girl office worker* at New Kensington, Pa., going through the picket lines on their way to work; below, strikers halting a car at the back entrance to the plant at Alcoa, Tenn.

FISHED FROM BAY—When the hydroplane which she was piloting overturned during races at Baltimore, Miss Maryland Codd, 20, professional pilot, was rescued by a patrol boat Photo shows her being hauled into the rescue boat.

"BRAINTRUSTER" IN ORIENT—Silver and financial conditions in the Far East have been studied in the Orient for several months by Prof. James H. Rogers, one of President Roosevelt's advisers. Rogers is at left, cpnferring with Japan's finance minister, Sadanobu Fujji, right, and Vice Minister Juichi Tsushima, in Tokio.

WHAT, NO CHAMPAGNE?—This magnificent splash, as the Ard-1 slid off the ways, at Wilmington, Del., went unnoticed, save by a few, for there were no christening ceremonies when the craft, which is a floating drydock for handling destroyers and smaller craft, was launched. It cost the navy $350,000 and is to be moored at the navy destroyer base at San Diego where it will replace a marine railway on which destroyers are hauled out of the water for scraping and painting.



MYSTERY SOLVED—There s really nothing mysterious about this tent which is pitched near the Detroit Yacht club, Charles F Ketter»ng Detroit experimental engineer, reveals, thereby explaining his

- 'i

, EMBASSY WEDDING BELLS—Fraulein Gertraud Luther, daugh!, ter of the German ambassador, DT. Hans punier, , .' -Berr Gerrit von Haeften, snapped at the Washington embassy, " \;; jrhere von Haeften is an attache, are to be married in October. -

OFFICES DESTROYED!—No, an explosion hasn't H O U S E yjjjg jg just a view of them in the throes of construction as the offices ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ s t a f f o f p r e s i d e n t R o o s e velt, which now numbers nearly 160 employes.

w m T E

If*"-. ! ..ay








, FRIDAY,- AUGUST 17,1934.




-Stand is the first Jew to hold this position, which for generations has been filled by men of Irish extraction. Stand, however, is not the first Jew to hold an important Tammany office. Jerusalem, (J. T. A.)—There were 40,703 Jewish immigrants, of whom There have been numerous Jewish 1,169 came from the United States, sachems of Tammany, and more than registered as having settled in Palesa century ago Mordecai M Noah was tine during 1933, according to infor- Nazi Sheet Suppressed for a short time the titular chiefPrague Chuckles mation just published in the ComPrague. — All Prague is chuckling tain of Tammany. in Turkey mercial Bulletin of the Government. over an advertisement inserted in the Istanbul — Another Nazi-inspired Of that number, 27,862 entered on liberal Jewish-owned Prager Tage- Quits England permits, 10,376 came as tourists aft- anti-Semitic publication, Haroun, has blatt by a refugee Nazi leader from London — Dr. Jonas Frankel, venbeen suppressed here as part of the erwards permitted to remain and Germany asking "for immediate hos- erable German Tabbi who was one of Turkish government's drive against 2,465 more came as tourists or en-race prejudice. pitality without payment during the the first victims of the Nazi terror tered without permits but were also Kemal Pasha, furthermore, has in-first week." The ad says that "part of in March, 1933, and who escaped rathorized to stay. Another 2,047 tervened personally in the Univer- his maintenance will be refunded lat- from Berlin after having been shot eft the country." sity of Istanbul anti-Semitic situa- er. Age 29, university degree. Kind twice, left for San Remo, Italy, toBesides the American entries, last tion, brought on by the appointment offers should be made to 'quarters,' gether with his daughter Ella, in order to avoid being deported. year's newcomers included 13,125 of some German Jewish refugee pro- care of publisher." Rabbi Frankel had agreed to leave 'oBsh citizens, 5,392 Germans, 1,411fessors, and has named a new Rector England voluntarily some time ago, Roumanians, 1,287 from Aden and for the University, Jemal Bay, whoHebrew U. Governors to but his daughter's illness and his own Yemen, 1,256 from Greece, 1,099 from has declared his intention of appoint- Meet a t Zurich New York. — Ratification of plans feeble health caused him to overstay •ithuania and 287 from Great Bri- ing more German Jewish refugees to for the establishment of three new de- his time. the faculty. " • tain and British possessions. partments and a five-year plan to en- He was then imprisoned, while able the engagement of twenty exiled the immigration authorities made Forestry Post German scholars will be the principal Washington, D. C.—Dr. Raphael business on the agenda of the next plans to deport him to P<okmd. Zon, nationally known forest and -agri- meeting of the board of governors of New York (J. T. A.)—Sir' John cultural expert and director of the the Hebrew University, which -will, be Prison Terms for Harboring Palestine Immigrants Simon, British Secretary of State for Lake Forest Experiment Station at held at Zurich on August IS. Foreign Affairs, denied formally. that Sloquet, Minnesota, since 1923, has Tel Aviv. — Three Je\rs of the he was a Jew, but at the same time been appointed director of the techni- British Fascist Students Beit Vegan suburb have been senvigorously attacked anti-Semitism, cal phases of the ?75,000,000 great New York — Swastikas are carvr tenced respectively to a ten-pound the New York Journal declared in plains tree shelter project. ed on the livers of cadaveds to be fine and one and two month's ima dispatch from London. Dr. Zon's assignment is to develop dissected by Jewish medical students prisonment, for having harbored ilAccording to the story in the New technical methods for use in leasing as an anti-Semitic gesture by Fas-legal Jewish immigrants. York Journal, Sir John was comnursery stock and in planting trees cists in London hospitals, asserted The newcomers had landed from an pelled to take the step by persistent over an area 100 miles wide and 1^000 Frank S. Meyer, former student in Egyptian'sailing vessel south of Jafthe London School of Economics, in fa,, were seen by Bedouins who atrumors that he was Jewish and that miles long. an address before a campus meeting tacked them, and were rescued by British foreign policies were being j of the Columbia World Problems Club. Jewish residents of a nearby Jewish influenced by "Jewish associates." j Appoint TWO Jews for Sir John declared that he had Prague Faculty settlement. never taken-the trouble to deny Prague—Eight new professors have Police Raid Danish Nazis When, the police arrived, three of — As tiie result of an the unauthorized immigrants could 'silly rumors" because he was afraid been appointed to the medical faculty 1 1 that it would be "distorted into sym- of -*Athe ~~ *-•-. ——-— TT«;«««-;*^ T>—,~T.« outbreak of sporadic anti Semitic not be found. Later they were disGerman University «-F of Prague, •violence climaxed by an assault on pathy with antirSemitism which is two of them Jews. covered hiding with the three Jewun-English and which I utterly con- The Jews are Professors Berftold one of the editors of the Extrabladet, ish settlers. demn." Epstein and Ludwig Freund. Profes- the Copenhagen police raided the of-, sor Epstein, who has been appointed fices of the Danish Nazi party andI Longed for Palestine head of the Children's Clinic of the arrested its leader, Lieutenant Peter- Warsaw—Fishel Dutkiewitz, a youth Reich Jews Receive 600 training for Palestine, committed suiuniversity, is forty-four years old. He sen, and 14 of his followers. Palestine Permits The Nazis had smeared a syna- cide under a train because his father, was born in Pilsen, and studied a t ViJerusalem — Half of the 1,200 new gogue, a Masonic lodge and other a Chassid, refused to permit him to immigration permits that have just enna and Prague. He graduated In public buildings with Swastika signs go to Palestine. 1914, and served as a medical officer been issued to the Jewish Agency and anti-Jewish slogans and has are for German immigrants and Ger-at the front. smashed scores of windows in Jewman refugees now in other countries. Dr. Amstein, Noted ish shops. The issuance of the certificates at Chemist, Dead Let «u» protect your Interests . . . i this time marks the second occasion Boost Citrus Industry Philadelphia—Dr. Henry Amstein, The Palestine citrus industry has -write nfSCRAXCEof every description in the history of Palestine immigraIncluding LITE, in strong:, reliable comtion that an addition to the mid-internationally known chemist who launched an ambitious advertising panies OTOL.T . . . I-ct's talk it over. developed the process for making season schedule has been granted. It campaign throughout the United City Finance & Insurance Co. is the first time that such a move fuel alcohol from waste products and Kingdom with the slogan, "You can 1409 Farnam St. AT-TGG1: or WA-5150 has been made since Sir "Herbert who had served as technical adviser tell it by its juice." • to the governments of Peru, ColomSamuel was commissioner. It is understood here, that the cer- bia, Cuba, Brazil and the Argentine, Tammany Gets First Jewish Secretary tificates intended for laborers are for is dead here at the age of 47. Widely known for research on in- New York — A precedent of 151 work in the heavy industries, such engaged in the business of sellas the cement "work bein& done at dustrial fermentation and the pro-years was broken by "James J. Dool- Is ing all kinds of RELIGIOUS ARduction of alcohol and yeast, Dr. ing, newly elected leader of Tamthe Dead Sea, and the Rutenberg TICLES—Taleisim, Books, Jewish and Nesbir concessions, which have Amstein was an officer of the chem- raany Hall, when he appointed Bert Bibles in Hebrew and English. been suffering from acute shortage ical warfare" service during tire world Stand, a Jew, as secretary of Tam- Res. 609 No. 50th St. GL-2972 •war. many Hall. bf

'•FOU VfiNT>?m, t/ten became For an interesting personality, 1 commend to your consideration Rabbi Kook, the chief rabbi of Jerusalem, "who recently came into much promof the $5,000,000 inence by reason of his espousal of J£W/SH the cause of Stavsky. OF GERMAN JEWS&TVCJ I particularly like the story they tell about Kook anent his stand on the question of religion in Palestine. HONORARY As the story goes^-and it is authentic—the ultra-pious in Palestine •were raising one big row about the fact that many of the "workers smoked on Saturday and performed similar violations of the religions law. "These impious workers should not be admitted to Palestine," cried many of the devout Jews. "Steps foptte first should be taken to see that they are not granted certificates. What do you say, Rabbi Kook? And what do you think the leading orthodox rabbi of Jerusalem said? "Well, it -was to this effect: "Let me recall to you some Jewish history. In the ancient days of the kingdom of Israel, you wnl remember, there was the Temple—to which all of the Jews gathered for worship. And in this Temple—there was the Holy of Holies. So sacred was this spot, that only the High Jff7boK FORTYY*AfS fOk7&>CA//&*»i of Priest could enter it, and then only ft) 7X/J&JL ffiGM EGYPT 7-oVALESriHE. on the rarest occasion. Yet when MAY MOW %E MAZE M O*t£ HOUR / •they were building the Temple, thi fcr» - iEVE* A M S FEATURE SYNDICATE ' Jewish workers continually entered that zone. The workers could enter •when the High Priest could not. The •workers were forgiven much, because they were building. And now, my friends, the workers are building, too. We must not interfere with that building." Berlin, (W. N. S.).—Senator JoIn other words, the chief orthodox seph T. Robinson of Arkansas, Demrabbi told the religious folk that tb ocratic leader of the U. S. senate, workers were more important just who is on a visit here, has stated in then than the observing. a press interview that he finds * • * Adolph Hitler, Nazi Reichsfuehrer, a MESICHTA personality of "decision and forceBialik, too, once recalled a conver- fulness," and that he has been most sation which he overheard • in which favorably impressed by the German Rabbi Kook participated. people's respect for law and order. Some learned and exceedingly pi- In view of the fact that Senator ous Jew was arguing a point with Robinson nas always been a foe of Rabbi Kook, and this Jew quoted anti-Semitism and a year ago decopionsly from this Mesichta and nounced Nazi race persecution in a that Mesichta. Senate speech, some quarters see in "But," replied Rabbi Kook, "yox- his statement here an indication that fail to take note what the Mesichta he has received assurances of a re2idkis (Righteousness) says." lenting in the anti-Jewish regulaThe man replied he knew of no tions. such Mesichta. "Yon never heard of that Mesichta!" gasped Rabbi Kook. "Well, then Max Barish you "have missed the main Mesichta Max M. Barish announces that he of Judaism." will devote his entire time and attenOf coures, literally speaking, the tion to the Plymouth and Chrysler man, and not the Rabbi was right.' automobiles from now on, having dis* # * Vienna (J. T. A.)—The committee posed of his entire interest in the GOLUS AND BAALE appointed a t the last "World Zionist Reo-Barish Motor Company. His headquarters will be the BarGOLES Congress to transfer the remains of The question has been frequently Theodore Herri, founder of the mod-ish Motors, Inc., at 2301 Ames Ave., put as to why there is mention in ern political Zionist movement, from! Kenwood 7000. Hebrew literature of two Messiahs. a "Vienna grave, where his body has One of the Messiahs is referred to lain for thirty years, to Palestine, has Ancient Jewish Cemetery of as the Mosheeach ben David and appealed to the Zionist Executive to Rome to Be Closed the other as the Mosheeach ben Jo-decide at the earliest possible moment j Rome. — Because of the opening seph. As Morris Rothenberg, Presi- where it wishes Dr. Herzl to be rein- j of a new high speed road between dent of the Zionist Organization of terred. The choice lies between the the Valle Murcia and the. IiungoteAmerica tells it, the reason is as city of Jerusalem and Mt. Carmel, vere Pierleoni, the Italian governfollows: at Haifa. ment has condemned the Jew's Gar"The Mosceeach ben David is to The committee reported that all den, the ancient cemetery of the deliver us from Golus and the Mo-Legal and technical arrangements Rome Jewish community. sheeach ban Joseph is to deliver us have been completed and requested The municipal authorities are cofrom the baale goles." the executive body to take the ne-operating with the Jewish community (Unless you get the peculiar al- cessary steps to effect the transfer. to avoid any unnecessary inconvenmost untranslatable import of the ience. word baale goles you won't get this To Be Aryans story's real cuteness.) Berlin — Illegitimate children bom of .an Aryan mother and an unidentODDS AND ENDS ified father will henceforth be reAsk the next Jew you meet .where: garded as Aryans in Germany by the sentence "Love thy neighbor as. the terms of an official decree. Princeton, N. J. (W. N. S.)—The thyself appears" and the odds are 100 to 1 that he will say the NewFriends of New Germany has opened Hitherto all children of doubtful Testament. "Whereas it first appears a camp and drill ground on the banks parentage were indiscriminately label of the Raritan Canal- outside of ed non-Aryans. in the Old Testament. 200'"'German Of course, the Old Testament Griggstown ' where Leaves 20.000 Marks for Relief song: "especially, if she is a pretty youngsters from New York, .Buffalo nd Philadelphia Philadelphia are are receiving receiving a a* Nazi and ™ f J ^ ^ T ^ O , 0 0 0 marks girl." * * * ——T . . , . lis left in the will of the late Dr. Dr. Marinoff, son-in-law of ProfesThe boys, ranging in age -between!K u r t z i a J e w ish physician, to pro-* *" :all wear the swastika o n , ^ 4 M e f f o r ^e.- ^ ^ o f\ h e sor Einstein, is engaged in France aiding land-settlement of some of thetheir arms and are dressed in brown: Aryan laws. This is the first beshirts. quest of this nature recorded. German refugees. Hugo Haas of Brooklyn, whom the • * • Danzig School Starts Rumor has it that the Marx broth that the disturbance might not 'Ghetto' is called era will soon split up—Groucho go- directs the camp which 'Wille und Macht," which i h . means Danzig — The Technical High ing to the legitimate stage. School here was introduced what am"will ana strength." ounts to a Jewish Ghetto, segregatThat young gal that Dr. Vorohoff, the Jewish rejuvenation expert, re- Stavsky defense were contributed by ing Jewish from non-Jewish students cently married is a cousin of Lupe- an anonymous Jew living in Warsaw. for separate training for the Chemical. Institute. scu, King Carol's beloved. At the same time the Jewish stuIsaac Imbir, president of the Zion- dents* corporation, Unia, lias been disA new biography of Theodore ist youth organization,. Masada, is Herzl has made Its appearance in having a hard time deciding wheth- solved. er he should remain here c r trans- Soviet Post Palestine. fer his roots to' Palestine. Moscow—Israel Weitzer, prominent Jacob de Haas worked twenty Russian Jewish economist, was apyears gathering material for his re- You don't know it maybe, so I pointed People's Commissar for Incently issued "History of Palestine," am telling you, that when Napoleon ternal Trade. and Dr. Morris Levine of the Jewish conducted his war against Turkey, Commissar Weitzer joins the.. SoTheological Seminary, y who ought to he also, just like the British govern- viet Cabinet in' an important post, know, it's a book you ought ment, sent out propaganda to the since the - second-Five. Year Plan ' me to have. effect that he planned to reestablish placing most emphasis on consumer's goods. . - , the Jewish homeland. Rube Goldberg, cartoonist, has done Poland Legalizes Revisionist a little musical ditty on the side There is a Jewish hay fever dub Labor Party . which -will soon be heard about. at Bethlehem, New Hampshire. (It's Warsaw—The Polish. governmeni items like this that go to make up legalized the new JeWisfe2 lab? Albert J. Goldman, former New party- organized by the • Revisionists York Commissioner of Plants and a column like this.) in this country. — Structures, is slated to be the next The party wfll concern itself excluThe lowest place on earth—-speakNew York postmaster. , ing in terms of sea-leyel—is the vi-sively- with labor matters, Shunning all political activity. ' .,,- ; . Two-thirds of the funds for the cinity of the Dead Sea.



Denying He Is Jewish, Hits at Anti-Semitism

At Bearish Motors



Ask Zionists to Pick Palestine Burial Site For HerzFs Remains







Nazis Train Youths in New Jersey Camp



• •

































., V-





Through the Columns of the


Mark Leon Says . . .



































-wisSi -Mr. and Mrs.their friends both far and near A Happy and Prosperous New Tear.


Mr. and Mrs.—— and family extend to their friends sincere wishes for A Happy New Year.


. and Mr. and wish .»their . friends nealth, happiness and prosper^ ity in the coming year.


tak« Mr. *nd Mrs. this jneans*ot extending greetings and hearty good . •wishes for A Happy and- Prosperous Year to their iriends far and

jYour greeting: problem is solved by this convenient method of wishing your relatives and friends a Happy New Year . . . no danger of the embarrassment of forgetting someone . . . no trouble . . . time and money saved. These greetings will be published in our Rosh Hashonah edition, September 7. The charge will be $2.00 for each Greeting-rmail any of these forms, ©r phone your Greeting! JEWISH PRESS, Atlantic 1450 or NENA ACKERMAN, Kenwood 2082

PAGE 8—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY,'AUGUST 17, 1934 FRADENBCRG, 8TAI,MASTER, BEBE« EDWAKD D. BRODKFA", Attorney Yale Meyerson, second lieutenant & KXl'TZNICK, Attorney* • «3O Omaha National Bank Bldsr. of the R.'O. T. C., left today for Des 630 Omaha National Bank Bide NOTICE OF INCOBPORATIOTI '• Moines, Iowa, for a two weeks' stay _Notice, is hereby given that the underNOTICE- TO NON-RESIDENT at Camp Dodge. Lieut Jack Stein- signed have formed a corporation :pursuant; DEFENDANT berg is leaving Sunday for "Camp to the law* of the State of Nebraska. The At a meeting of the Inter Club name of said corporation is ALPHA Dodge. CECIL M. McCORD, non-resident deBY P. B. K. Council Tuesday evening, representaTHETA CHAPTER OF ZETA BETA TAU: Tofendant : ASSOCIATION, ana the principal place of tives of the various organizations ! Notice is hereby given that pursuant to transacting business is nt Omaha and UnBAB MIT2YAH ANNA PILL, agreed upon October 31, Hallowe'en Miss Mickey Guttman of Chicago, coln; JJebrnska. The corporation is not or-nn order of garnishment and attachment by the Municipal Court of Douglas The Bar Mitzvah of Marvin Leslie 111., arrived here last week for an ex- ganized for profit. The general nature of issued night as the night for the Jewish County, Nebraska, in an action pending the business to be transacted shall be to Gilinsky, son of ;Mr. and Mrs. I. A. tended visit at the home of her uncle hold title to any property, real or personal, before said Court, wherein Nebrnskn-Iowa carnival. The Inter-Club Council is Truck Terminal, Inc., is plaintiff, nnd Cecil now held by or to be held in the future M. sponsoring the carnival; which will Gilinsky of Omaha, will take place and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. B. Balaban. McCord is defendant, to recover the by Alpha Theta Chapter of Zeta Beta Tau Saturday morning, August 18th, at Of $140.01,- a writ of garnishment nnd be the one large affair of the year. Fraternity: to receive funds, collect monies, snm attachment was issued and levied upon the receive property of every kind, nature and following described Proceeds wil go towards the various 9:30 o'clock at the Chevra B'nai YisSA5TCEL ZACHARIA, Attorney property: funds bedescription, whether by gift or otherwise, roel synagogue 'at' 618 Mynster street. 768 Brandeis Theatre Bids;. longing to you in the possession of the organizations in Sioux City.. for the purpose of acquiring, erecting or Continental Baking Compimy, that Baid maintaining a Chapter House; to acquire, case was, on the return dnynnd Mr. Jack Goldsmith, chairman of He is the grandson of Mrs. E. GilinA number of Sioux Cityans moof the sumNOTICE OF AMENDMENT TO purchase, hold, own, lease, mortgage, etc., sky of Council Bluffs. All jelatives continued for trial t^ AKTICLES OF INCORrOBATION* _.abbi and Mrs." H. E. Rabinowitz tored Sunday to Sioux Falls, South the event will announce his execuany and all property, real or personal, in- mons issued therein, of October, 1»34, nt 0 A.M. OF and friends are cordially invited tr> cidental to or neceBsnry for the conduct the Oth day and daughter have - returned home Dakota, to participate in the dedi- tive committee within the next week. NEBUASKA-IOWA TRUCK I.OCAT, RETAIL CODE AUTHOROf the business; to incur debts and make attend. No invitations are being isTERMINAL, INC., ITY FOB OMAHA, SEBK., INC. after spending, the summer in New cation of the Sons of Israel Synaappropriations with relation thereto; to sued. Plaintiff. create reserves opt of monies collected. The York City; and other'eastern cities. gogue of that city. cently in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Cohen By FRADENBURG. STALMASTER, Notice is hereby given that at a special corporation shnll commence business at the During their trip," Rabbi Rabinowitz BEBEll & KLUTZXICK, its Attorney*. Rabbi J. D. Maron, of Sioux City have returned from Omaha, where meeting of the members of the Local Ileof filing of the Articles of IncorporaMr. and Mrs. Dan Lintzman an- tnil Code Authority for Omaha, Nebr., Inc., date tion with the County Clerk of Douglas S-17-34-3t. attended the- National Zionists con- spoke at banquet Sunday evening they attended the announcement nounce the birth of a son, born Sun- held at the office of the company nt 1G19 County, Nebraska, and shnll terminate 0!) vention held; in • Atlantic City, and which followed the dedication. A trio party. National Bank building, in the city years after said date. The corporation shall day, August 12th, at the Jennie Ed- City and CASEY & CORENof Omaha, Nebraska, Article FIFTH of the have no capital stock but shall be con-HYMAN LEVIN the Convention of Conservative composed of Rubin Halperin, violin9IAN-, Attorneys. mundson hospital. Mrs. Lintzman is Articles of Incorporation of said corpora- trolled by vote of the graduate members Sll Tatterson Blk. Kabbis held in New York. ist; Libbie Olensky, pianist and Mr. and Mrs. Morris E. Skalovsky the former Miss Bess Perlmutter of tion v a s amended to read as follows: of Alpha Theta-Chapter of Zeta Beta Tnu "FIFTH: Fraternity. The indebtedness of the corGisela Pill, cellist; al of Sioux City, and sons, Bernard and Teddy, 3018 Rabbi Eabinowitz was particularly ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION Council Bluffs. "Members in this corporation shall be poration shall not exceed the vnlue of the . OF ' - . representatives which each of the dlvl- property owned by the corporation. The pleased and impresed with the opti- presented a group of musical selec- Jennings, have returned from a tenSMITH-ROBIXSON MOTORS, Bioris of the retail trade recognized by the business of this corporation shnll be manmistic note during . the entire con- tions during the dedication. Cantor day motor trip through the Black INCOKrOUATED Lieutenant Leo Krasne has returned National Ketail Code Authority, Inc.. pur- aged by a" Board of five members. Until vention. He was the delegate from Pliskin offered a group of songs at Hills and Yellowstone Park.. home from Fort Des Moines, la., fol- suant to Article X. Section 2(e) of the Ke- other Directors are elected, the undersignKnew AH Men by These Present*! That tail Code have elected and hereafter shall ed shnll constitute such Board of Directhe Sioux City chapter of Zionists the dedication and banquet.. lowing a two weeks' stay at Camp elect us members of the Local Retail Code tors. The Articles of Incorporation, may be we, the' undersigned have associated our; selves the purpose of forming and beOther Sioux Cityans who attended Mrs. Ben Rosenblum and daughter Dodge. to the convention. Rabbi Rabinowitz Authority for Omaha, Nebr., Inc., or their amended by two-thirds vote of the mem-comingfor a corporation under . the laws of duly elected successors. bers of the corporation. noted that Sioux City ranked favor- the dedication and banquet which Harriet, 3264 Jackscn street, have reEstate of Nebraska and for thnt purDated nt. Omnha, Nebraska, this 11th day the '"Vacancie.!? in the membership, arising pose do hereby adopt nnd Sign these artiably with other cities for its Zion- followed included Rabbi and Mrs. turned after a visit of several weeks Robert Wiener spent the past week- from whatever canse, shall be filled by Of August. 3034. cles "of incorporation. Maron, Mrs. A. Levich, Morris Bor- with friends in Los Angeles. MORTON RICHARDS said divisions of the retail trade by whom ist "membership and activities. end in Chicago, 111. While there, he theyThe nnme of this corporation' shall be JOHN A. BEBER were elected. All of said members shevsky, Mr. and Mrs. Max Falk, the • SMITH-UOBIXSON" MOTOKS, INattended the Century of Progress ex- shnll be elected or appointed by any fair EDWARD D.- BRODKEY During his stay in the east, Rabbi CORPORATED. Isadore Rocklin, Mrs. Philip Pill and HARRY DIAMOND method satisfactory to the said retail Miss Ida Heshelow returned last position. Rabinowitz addressed a synagogue The ' principnl place of conducting the LEON FRANKEL trades themselves, and shall retain their Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Rodin. week from Houston, Texas, where she business of this corporation shall be in Ineorporators. membership nt the pleasure of their Raid 8-17-34-3t. • congregation in' New Jersey and in Omaha, "Nebraska, nnd mny operate has spent the past two months visitMiss. Dorothy Handler of Oskaloosa, respective divisions of the retail trade." New York City. branches in other- pnrts of the Stnte of ing with friends. Miss Bertha Hesh- Iowa, arrived here "last Thursday for And. at sa:d meeting. Article ELEVENTH Nebraska, or elsewhere in the United BAYMONB G. YOUNG, Attorney. the Articles of Incorporation of said States. elow departed Wednesday for Minne- a visit with relatives in Omaha and of Omaha National Bank Bide. corporation, was amended to read as folThe business to be transacted by thil Cantor A. Pliskin will conduct apolis for a'visit-with friends. Council Bluffs. While in Council lows: corporation shall be thnt of distributors memorial services at the Jewish "ELETEXTH: NOTICE and dealers in nutomobiles, nutomotive Bluffs, she is the house guest of her "A business administration headquarters TO THE CREDITORS AND STOCK- equipment nnd accessories. To thnt end it Cemetery during'. the coming week, Mrs. Max Mushkin, 702 Jones street, uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Herman shall be established, maintained and con- HOLDERS OF THE JETTER BREW- shnll have the right to buy nnd sell autofor those who wish to remember has departed for Chicago and Detroit, Meyerson. ducted ia .such manner and for such nse ING COMPANY, A CORPORATION: mobiles, equipment and accessories, to esby and with such privileges for the mem- Notice is hereby given that the General tablish and operate a garnge or gnrnges their departed in this manner. The Mich. She will visit with her daughbers as the corporation may from time to Outdoor Advertising Company, the Pressed and service stntions, to finance negotiable Drs. Leon J. and Delia Galinsky, service is a traditional one,-held at determine. Steel Tank Company nnd Eggerss-O'Fly- paper and other securities received for Abe Saltzman returned home Wed- time "In furtherance and not in limitation of ing Company have filed a petition for re-automobiles, to buy nnd sell securities, t» brother and sister, this waek an- the cemetery during the month of ter, Mrs. Alex Miller, in Cleveland, nesday following a two weeks' stay the powers conferred by the Code, the lief under the provision of Section 77-B buy or lease real estate necessary or propnounced the opening of offices at Ellul which precedes the Holidays. 6., following her stay in Detroit. corporation is expressly authorized to carry of Public Acts No. iTSKi, passed by the 73rd er for its business, to equip such propat Rochester, Minn. 1024-26 Badgerow building. They are on Its business and to hoJd annual or spe- Congress, approved April 7, 1034, in theerty with machinery, fixtures or whntever Anyone wishing to have the Cancial meetings; and to "have one or more United States District Court for the Dis-mny be necessary to its business, nnd t* Members of the Poale Zion and the practicing in general medicine, ob- tor conduct the service is asked to offices or branches; to acquire, hold and trict of Nebraska, Omaha Division, ngainst do all things necessary or incidental to it« Dr, Isaac Sternhill, who spent the dispose National Workers Alliance honored stetrics and surgery. of- real- and personal - property: -to -the JetVer Brewing Company showing thnt business of distributors nnd denlers in call him for an appointment.. it is un.ible to meet its debts as they ma- automobiles, accessories and automotive Mr. and Mrs. Herman Mirowitz at a past two weeks at Fort Snelling, have complete control and management, of ture The are the son and daughter "of and praying that temporary trustees the affair, funds and "finances of the corgarages nnd service stntions. Minn., returned home Saturday. social evening last Sunday, prior to appointed to take possession of this equipment, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Galinsky, 2301 poration, including the power to make con- be The authorized capital stock of this corproperty and to conduct its business durtracts, to borrow money and to pledge the their departure for Omaha, Neb:, poration shnll be $10,000.00 which shall be Jackson street. . ;' ".\"'. • property of the corporation as security ing the pendency of such proceedings and divided into shares of the par value of where they will make their home. The Albert Fox is spending ten days therefor: to employ agents or counsel; sub- thnt such further proceedings be had$100.00 Both- - are . 'graduates of Central each, of which $3,000.00 shall be looking to the consummation, unparty the Sunset Cafe, visiting in Chicago, 111. While there, ject to the laws of the State of Nebraska. therein High ' school. . Dr..'. JJella.. Galinsky der the supervision and with the approval paid up nt the time the corporation comto keep the books of the corporation withmences business. All of said stock shall be The social hall of the Tephereth of the court, of a fair nnd timely reorwith thirty guests. attending. During he will attend the World's Fair. studied medicine' at" Iowa" university in or without the State of Nebraska, as ganization of the capital and liability non-assessable. Said stock may be paid for Israel synagogue will be the scene of the evening Mr. and Mrs. Mirowitz may from time to time be designated by and did her .interne "work at" tlie 'Jerof said corporation; thnt upon in cash, property,' services or anything the corporation; to receive contributions, structure the filing of said petition, au order was valuable or incidental to the business. sey Gity- Medical :.,Center. Dr. Leon a lovely wedding Sunday evening, Au- were presented with a silver wine set. • Mr. and Mrs. Herman Handler re- and to assess ar.d collect fees, dues nnd entered appointing Leonard W. Trester The time of commencement of this corattended Chicago^ university^ -and gust 19, at 6 o'clock, when Miss Syl- Mr. Max Kaplan was chairman of the turned home Tuesday folowing a two other payments as may be provided for in and Gus iJ. Horn temporary trustees for poration shall l>e *when its articles have rules and regulations adopted by the cor-the purpose of conducting the business of been filed with the Clerk of Douglas via Rifkin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. party. weeks' stay in Rochester, Minn. served 'as an interne-at.St.- Joseph's poration, according to the regulations of said corporation under the direction of Nebraska, nnd its termination B. Rifkin, 1002 West Second street, the National Retail Code Authority. Inc., the court and that a hearing was fixed County, hospital, at Tacomaj Washington. ; shall be fifty yenrs from such date unless as approved by the Administrator." ~ for Tuesday, the 21st day of August, 1934, sooner dissolved in the manner prescribed will become the bride of Abe Stein, Mrs. Harry Finsod and Miss Rose Miss Helen <Jittle has returned LOCAL RETAIL CODE AUTHORITY at ten o'clock A. M. in the Federal Build- by Inw. of Omaha, Neb. ing at Omaha, Nebraska, nt Which time FOR OMAHA. NKRR.. INC. Magilevsky departed Saturday eve- home following a month's visit in ChiTlie highest amount of indebtedness or wUi be considered whether or not snid liability By: WM. F. BAXTER, Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz and Cantor ning for Denver, Colo., where they cago, 111. She was accompanied back which this corporation shnll at proceedings shnll be maintained, whether nny timeto Chairman. subject itself shall be two-thirds A. Pliskin will officiate at the cere- will spend a week visiting with by her cousin. Miss Frances Long of or not said temporary trustees shall be ap- (2-3) of its HARRY B. ZIMMAN, capital stock. pointed permanent' trustees and for Buch Vice-Chairman. officers of this corporation shnll be Members x>f the, Junior.JPoale;Zion mony, which will be followed by a din- friends. Chicago, "who will be her house guest other proceedings as may be meet and a The ALLEN T. HDPP, President, Vice-President, Secretary and proper in the premises. Secretary. met- Eriday-eseningiwith. Miss .Sula- er. A dance and reception will fblfor the next few. weeks. Treasurer, nnd snch other officers r.s the ow. '.."' .'-..' . ' ' :. " ' ' ' ' •'-... Dated at Omaha, Nebraska, this 7th day 8-17-34-4t. Board of Directors shall deem it necesmith 'Dorenson. Inrin Xunitt^aHed"; as Dr. Frank Epstein, 3422 Correctionof August, 1934. • . . sary and whose duties shall be in the Bychairman .of Jiie-'i&iti^SQ TSU''V The bride will be unattended. Dolly ville Road, has. returned home from LEONARD W. TRESTER, IJSON 4 WHITE, Attorneys. Lnws. Any two offices mny be held by the IKVIN C. I.KVIN, Attorney Shapiro.- will act as flower.' girl .and GUS P. HORN, SM City Xatl Bank snme person. SOI Electric Bonding -program- SticlOded-^discussion awrence Grinspan, ring bearer* •: ^ St, P,aul, Minn., where, he attended a Temporary Trustees. PROBATE NOTICE The corporate power of this corporation shall l>e- vested in a Board of Directors on the' menace "of the- Nazis. • Miss national dental convention.. JfOTICK OF DJCOBPOKATION OF Following a' wedding trip, to ChiIn the Matter ~ of the Estate of JAKE of not less thnn two nor more IN THE.DISTRICT COVKT OF THE consisting Sulamith Bereskin led the •'discus-. cago, Mr.;Stein and his :bride; will PICTCKES CORPORATION FKUKU, also known as J. KEUEK and than five stockholders in the Corporation. CNITK» STATES ISAAC FEKER./.Deceased., ' sion in which the entire membership make" their home in Omaha.- ,.' .- --.~: The Board, shall be elected annually by oe ey gf that the undernd is hereby Miss Ruth Grueskin and Miss - Ida .Notice }»" hereby'£iven that the creditors . Notice District •(Nebraska. Omaha Division : the stockholders at their annual meeting. signed id h have associated i themselves l together participated. Miss Rose Bereskin of Cohen have departed for Chicago of said deceased wfil meet the administraIn Witness Whereof we htlve hereunto Lawrence Grinspan,.who has earnand have organized, a corporation under No. 51GI Bankruptcy "Winnipeg Canada spoke on Jewish trlx of • saidr estate, before, the. County the "laws of the State of Nebraska. The In the Mutter of JETTEU BREWING subscribed our names this lirt -day of Auan enviable, reputation among ju- where they will remain a week, visit- Judge of Douslas. County, Nebraska, nt name of this corporation is SECURITY gust, 1£C4. INCORPORATED, Debtor. life in Canada. ".: -'../-.•-.-•-'• . : / „.. enile entertaniers,"will entertain' dor- ing with friends and[attending the the County Coiir$ Room, in said County, VICTURES CORPORATION, -with the ToCOMPANY, T>.'M. ROBINSON the creditors and stockholders of said The meeting this evening will be ing the reception. n < • > thi*t 1934, nnd on principal place of business to be at Oma- debtor, JETTER BREWING COMPANY, HYMAN LEVIN ,... : r- Century.',of Progress,the 1st day of Dece8iber,\1934, at 9 o'clock ha, Neliraska. That the general nature of INCORPORATED, and to nil others held in the home of Miss Sarah Kap-: Incorporators. A. M., enih ;<t:iy. Tor the purpose of pre- th« business to be transacted shall be to whom i t may conceru: . FRANCIS M. CASEY lan with Rosabelle Wigodsky-acting senting their' claims for examination, adPursuant to orders heretofore duly enWitness Miss Ida Fish, daughter of Mr. and " Miss Florence Major, 1817 Jackson justment and; allowance. Three months are purchase, lease, own, contract for and man- tered in. the above entitled matter, you and As chairman. ' • • .• • • ^ ~ ufacture motion picture films and,all, inMrs. Ben Fish, will becpme the.bride street, has departed for Chicago to allowed for the ctedltors to present their cidental equipment and to sell, lease,, let. each of you are hereby notified that begin- S-10-34-4t. claims, fronr the *lst day of September, distribute or otherwise dispose" of such mo- ning at 10 o'clock A.M.'on Angnst a ; 1J»34, of Nathan Goldis, son of Mr, and Mrs. spend .a week with relatives and 1934, . . '~ tion picture films and equipment, to or-in the south court ro»re-«n the third floor J. Goldis of Rock- Island, ILL, Sunday friends. • . - • • . : • ganize distributing agencies and gener- of. the Post Offlce building. 16th and Dodge B CRAWFORD, Omaha, Donglns County. NebrasS-10-34-St ally to "acquire, hold, manage and dispose Streets. afternoon at 5 o'clock, in the Shaare *:, , , - County Judge. and before the Honorable J. A. Donaof property of every kind pertaining to ka, hoe," Judge "of. the Court •aforesaid, the SAMUEL ZACHABIA, Attorney. Zion synagogue. Rabbi H. R. RabinMiss. Esther Rivin of Chamberlain, aucli businesses, to manufacture and • deal abtfve Recognized as matter will come. on for «GS Brandeia.Theatre Bide. generally in ai:d .with all kinds of .mate- hearing,entitled owitz and Cantor A. Pliskin .will.,of- g. D., is visiting in Sioux City with consideration and determination rials, tools, accessories, appliances • and PRUT1CAL MOHEL fjciate at the ceremony, which will be- her, grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. S. .: NOTICE OF- AI)M1NISTUATION" equipment necessary nnd Useful In t-onnec- of the -following matters: . (a) Whether or not. the. above named In the County Court of Douglas County.'i tion with said business and to manufacture, witnessed by 175 guests. Phone 1059 Marsh. She stopped in Sioux City en debtor shall l>e continued In busiNebraska. ' ' or otherwise acquire, mortgage, -^Preceding the:, ceremony, Miss Re- route from Chicago and Milwaukee, to In the Matter of the Estate of JENNY purchase ness; - pledge, sell, assign nnd transfer or "otherConncU Bluffs, la. (b). Fixing the time within which the LA BOSCHIN, Deceased. ; wise-dispose of personal property of every becca Kirshenbaum will sing VI Love, her home. . * .^.claimsand -Interest o T the creditAll persons interested 'in said estate are description to the Same extent, as natural You Truly" and "At Dawningl" Mr. hereby- notified that n petition has been' persons, might-or could and to hold, main- -*• - - ors and stockholders of said debtfiled in said Court alleging that said de- tain, work, develop, sell, lease, exchange, -• • or may be filed and evidenced; tubin Halperin, violinist, will play the (c) Fixing .the time- within which a Mrs. Sam Feder has returned, to ceased died leaving no last will and pray- mortgage . or • otherwise deal' In" ^hinds; .ohengrin Wedding March, accom-. plan :of reorganization of said debtTHE MEAK ing.for administration.upon her estate, and leaseholds and any interest- or right in " her home in Ramoria, S. D., after or corporation may be proposed; that a hearing will ,be had on said peti- real property, to borrow money, to; issue anied at the piano by Miss Sally i a n d ! •- - , . - . . . spending several days here in the tion before said Court on the 8th day of bonds or obligations to the corporation for ,0*1) -All «uch other and further matters Halperin. That Sams home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.September, 1934, and that if they fail to any of. the purposes-of this corporation and things as may properly come 1 appear at said Court on the said Sth day aud to purchase, hold, sell nnd transfer Attendants of the bride will be Miss : before the Court for consideration; Sam Marsh. Accompanying her to of September. 1934, at 9 o'clock A. M. toshares of stock of this and other corp'or. !thel Goldis, maid of honor; Miss all 'tis itrovlrted and contemplated by the Sioux City was her sister, Mrs. Leocontest said petition, the Court may grant, tions, to acquire the good will, rights, as- previsions of Section 771*. of nn Act enBessie Kirshenbaum, Miss Lillian the same and grant; administration of said sets, property and to undertake and as-titled ''An Act to -Establish a Uniform SysIff you have your shots Franklin of Madison, S. D. estate to Florence La Boschin Wolff, or sume the whole or any part of- »he obliga- tem.of Bankruptcy Thronghont the United repaired at the Shulman, Miss Dorothy Epstein and some other suitable person and proceed to tions -or liabilities of-any person, associa-; States"" inpproved July 1, 1898 nnd'nets Miss Sophie Fish. Barney Goldis of a settlement thereof. tion or corporation and; in general to do amendatory thereof and supplementary BKXCE CRAWFORD. anything insofar as the same may; apper- thereto.-SnW Section T7I5 having been-passRock Island, will act as best man, and Miss Dolores Mintz of St. Paul was County Judge. S-17-34-3t. tain to or be useful for the conducting ed by the Seventy-third Congress, approved the guest of honor Tuesday evening, v S&oe Repair Co. groomsmen will include Louis Fish,of the b\isiness of the corporation.' The Juhfe 7. 1934 and providing for corporate authorized capital stock, shall be SlO.flOO.OO reorganizations. J. U KSAUB, Frop. Dr. Frank Epstein, Sam H. Epstein when her hostess, Miss Bessie ZeligXO'VIS E. t l P P . Attorney divided into shares of the par value ol * G. P. HORN sonf entertained twelve guests. Court 1619 and Ernest Franklin. :" m LEONARD TRESTER $100.00 each" and-all of which shall, be , NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF Farnam Temporary Trustees of Jetter Brewing common stock and may be paid for-in The bride will be gowned in white whist occupied the evening; hours with FRANK MARTIN. INC. St. Company, Incorporated. Notice is hereby. < given that-the uuder- ensh, notes or other property or service at satin, with a long veil, caught in a a late supper concluding the evening; " .. . Slgued. have organized a corporation. The the reasonable market, value thereof nnd 8-10-34-2t. • Miss Mintz, Miss Zeligson, Goldie cap of lace. The bridesmaids will wear name of the corporation is FRANK MAU- shnll be non-assessable. The corporation Devirie and Ida Plotkin spent- last 'XIX,, INC., and the principal .place of Its shall commence business on September 1, frocks of pastel shades. 1934, and shall terminate on 'August 31. Following the ceremony, a dinner week-end visiting with friends in Coum^,S Nebraska?'1' ° f ° m!lh!1> D o u g l a s 19S4. The highest amount -of any indebtedOr which this'"corporntiniwill be served to the wedding guests, Omaha. The general nature of its business is to ness is at- any time to subject itself is not "to own, lease and operate gorages and fill- exceed The old North Church, Mount and a dance and reception will'follow. two-thirds of its capital stock. The ing stations, to manage, buy, sell, rent, of the corporation-' shall be conAfter a wedding trip, Mr. Goldis and Vernon, the House of Seven Mrs. Philip Miller and son of Min- store and repair motor vehicles, their parts,1 affairs ducted by a board of directors of not less his bride will make their home at 2303 neapolis, are guests this week, in the accessories and equipment, to make loans than two' nor "more than five and the folGables and many other secured by motor vehicles, their parts and lowing officers, a president, a Tice-pre-si Evwy mil* you run on bald tires, you run a Isabella street. • ' home of the former's parents, Mr. and accessories nnd to deal in such securities, historic landmarks-have put a secretary and n treasurer, any tw to own, ' operate >: and manage parking' dent, OOUEIE RISK. Became bald t!re$ are only half Out-of-town guests at the wedding Mrs.; J. Cohen, i . • : • * of wlileh offices may be held by one and out their latch strings for you places for motor vehicles; to buy, sell, «S sofa os new Mm. Take a look at these sharp, will include Mr. and Mrs. Henry Henown; lease and exchange aud mortgage the same person.MURRAY WINTROUB in the Colonial.Village.'And dean-cut non-skid cogs on this U. S. Tire, and real estate nnd personal property wherever kin of Chicago; Mr. Abe Fish of, Los Mr. William Mazie has returned LOUIS WINTROUB at the Morrison you vrifr find situated, to draw, accept, endorse, execute you'll see why. This is the famous COGWHEEL Incorporators. Angeles; Mr. and Mrs. J. Kirshenhome after spending several weeks and issue promissory notes, drafts or oth- In.the Presence of: the same brand of old-fashtread design, based on one of Ihe oldest and baum of Omaha; Mr. Harry Hoffman visiting with relatives in Los Angeles, er negotiable instruments and to do allIRVIN C. LEVIN •arest principles known in engineering . . . t h e ioned hospitality. That's the things incident to nnd necessary for the of Marshalltown; Mr. and Mrs. H. Cal. 8-10-34-4t carrying out of the above project. COGWHEH. principle. This non-skid tread lasts reason this hotel is so popRoth, and Mr. J. Fish of Chicago; The total authorized capital stock shnll longer, because I t h built of TEMPERED RUBBER, ular with visitors to Chicago. be $10,000.00 divided into 100 share s of the FRADEKBFRG; STAXMASTEB. BEBER Misses Helen Versman and Florence 41M toogbast trend rubber ever placed"o« • tire. par value of $100.00 each to be paid for in & KIXTZNICK, Attorneys • Home of Terrace Garden Lewis of Rock Island; Miss Esther cash or property nnd be non-assessible " C50 Oninhft National Bank Bid jr. when issued. - • - • - Omaha, Nebraska • Alter of Davenport,' la., and Mr. and • Boston Oyster House The time of the commencement of the Mrs. E. Blumkin of Omaha. corporation shnll be the 3rd day of Au-To CENTRAL ICE SERVICE COMPANY, gust, 1034. and its termination shall be a corporation: " " • '. fifty years thereafter. The highest amount Notice is hereby.given that Lawrence. J. of Miss Lillian Dobof indebtedness-or liability to which the FInkel, Hymen Beluiau, Max Conn Platt, Berlin, (WNS).—Because of an at- corporation may nt any time subject it- Joseph Bernstein rofsky, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. Abe R. Winer, have self shall not exceed' two-thirds of its cap- filed their petitionand tack on M. Morale, Italian press atin the District Court of Dobrofsky, 1304 West Fourth street, ital, stock. The affairs of the corporatio:i Douglas. County, Nebraska; ngainst you. to Mr. Abe Berkowitz, son of Mrs tache in Vienna, yirho'is a Jew, theare to be conducted by a' board .of direc- the "above named defendant, in an action tors- of not-less than two nor more than Anna Berkowitz; l5"0!T Nebraska, was German ' Weekly Review, organ of five directors who shall elect n Vresident. entitled Lawrence J. Finkel, Hymen Beb man. Max" Cohh Platt. Joseph Bernstein solemnized Sunday at 5 p. m, by adviser and author of the Nazi party Vice-president, Secretary and Treasurer. and'-'Abe R. Winer, Plaintiffs, vs. Central FRANK MARTIN program, has been suppressed for Ice Service Company, a corporation. DeRabbi. H. R.. Eabinowitz.. LAZAR KAPLAN fendant, the object and prayer of Raid petiThe bride, unattended, wore a nile two -months • by order of Propaganda In the-Presence of: tion being to obtain.a decree of the Court LOUIS E. U I ' P quieting' the -leasehold estate of the plaingreen organza gown, with a picture Minister Goebbels. S-10-34-4C. tiff in and to Sob-Lots One (1) and Two "Grievous foreign political tacthat, mits and 'sandals of orchid and (2> iii Tax 'Lot Thirty-two (32) In Section CARL KIEKES <I5). Range-Fifteen (15), Townwhite. Orchid and white sweetpeas and lessness" is the official explanation FRADENBUItG. STAI.MA8TKR. BEBEll & Fifteen ship Thirteen (13), nnd the- Sonfh :Three KI.TITZNICK, Attorney* of the ban". In its last issue Feder*s tea roses formed her bouquet. (3)-feet-of Lot -Five ("•}. Block Twenty-one 650 Omaha National Bank Bide J21), ~B. V. Smith's Addition to the City A buffet supper was served after paper published a sensational article of Omaha; att of which is located in Doug•> NOTICE OF ADMINISTKATION County, Nebraska. , the ceremony with a reception and on the Austrian events in which it tn-the Connty Conrt.of DoiigJas :C««nty. las '" Said petition further prays for the candance following. Mr. and Mrs. Berk- was7charged that' part of the guilt In the Matter ol lhe Kstate of CLARA cellation of any •purported agreements.- if HOLDSBERG," Deceased." owitz departed for a wedding trip, belongs also to the Italian Jew In writing, which may constitute a cloud All. persons interested in said estate are 815 NORTH 18TH ST. AT. 45St «n the plaintiffs leasehold, enjoining defrYoU DttVEl...Wc park your at. after which they will reside at 1519Moreale, press attache in Vienna. hereby notified that a petiOon has Keen fendant, from, asserting .claim ior greater For more than eight years he misfiled in snid Court allegtoR that said deNebraska street. Mr. Jack pofrosky rental, and to qniet plaintiffs estate in the Standard rotes. No other charges. ceased- died leaving no last will and prayinvolved and for such trther and of Grand" Rapids, Mich., brother of informed his own government, and ing for administration upon hi« estate, and premises LEONARD HICKS, Monotlay Olrtcfor further relief ns to the Court may seem he lias the most" intimate relations thnt a hearing win be had on'said petlthe bride, was among the out-of-town fust and: equitable. • t ion. before, said court' on the STrth any- of Yon are hereby notified that yon are reThe engagement of " Miss Sara with "Free Masons. This cunning August, 1034. nnd that if they fan to BR-quired to. -answer said petition on or beSchlaefer, daughter o l Dave Schlaef- journalist has. not been ashamed to peor at said Conrt on the said 2i)th day fore Kenteml>er l(t 1034. ol AuRiiSt. 19SJ, at 9 o'clock A. M. to conparade in the streets wearing HeimLAWRENCE J. FINKEL. HYMEN guests. , " . 'Omaha's Most Beautiful Home for Funerals" test said petition, the Court mny Stant the BELMAN, MAX COHK PLATT. wehr insignia." same nnd jrrant ndministration of saJa es' - J O S E P H T.ERXSTEIN nnd ABB ' ' '• Ftjnfcr-aSs To Fit Any Purseto llosnllne J. Boldslterg or some er of Omaha, Neb., to Lloyd Cohen, Moreale is a special representative tate other suitable person and prooeod to a set- * - Br-WINER. Plaintiffs. C A G O C H Bv.TBAnBNBtJRO. STALMASTER, and close, friend of Premier Mussotlement thereof. son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Cohen,. 1212 - . 'RJEBER & KIiCTZNICK. .. BRXCB SeventeentK'stre^tTwas announced re8-17-34-*U Their Attorneys.

Sxou^City N ews Miss

Date Set for Jewish Carnival

Council Bluffs



Aid Dedication Return from at Sioux Falls Eastern Trip

To Conduct Services

Brother and Sister in Medical Practice

Society News


^ ^ 3 ;

Rev. A. Diamond

Shoe Comfort STANDARD



ipinow wttkatimekteeCk SageZtJikgA while prices are Low




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