In the Interests of the, Jewish People
Entered ns Secoiid Class l'ostoffice of Omaha, Nubt
Dedicated to the ideals of - •'
ier on January 21, -193, at ier the Act of Match 3. 1879
I Eliminate Race Query h Citizenship implication ;;
Thousands of Jews Impoverished as Result of Moslem Lawlessness
"Washington, Di C. (W. N. S.)— The presentt practice pf including the race of an applicant in the certificate of citizenship is to be ;i discontinued at once, according to instructions issued by the Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization to clerks of Federal courts exercising naturalization jurisdiction. .' The Bureau found that there was no law requiring that naturalization certificates state the race of the applicant. The Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Society, which called the Bureau's attention to this fact, pointed out that in view of racial prejudice abroad the naturalized citizen traveling in Europe Would be benefited by not having the race to which he belongs appear on the naturalisation A certificate.
WithJewsGone; JEWISH CONCLAVE ErankfortF&ces ISSUES CHALLENGE Impoverishment TO NAZI GERMANY Geneva.^—The Hitler regime in Germany was severely scored at the opening of the world- Jewish conference in Geneva, called by the ^Committee" on Jewish Delegations, to deal with the problem of the German Jewry; the Jewish, position in various countries; defense of Jewish minority rights, and proposed measures for combating antiSemitism. • • In .opening the session, Dr. Nahum Goldmann,- president- of-the committee of Jewish: delegations, warned the Hitler regime' that Jewry has' known more powerful adversaries than 'the third reich and has "always outlasted them." '-'Democracy, liberalism, freedom and tolerance," he stated, "will retain their values when posterity will look back upon the third reich as a thing of horror.?' ' It was announced that the boycott against Nazi Germany will continue unabated until the Jewish rights are completely restored. Kabbi Stephen S. Wise declared that he refuses to be intimidated in his stand on the relationship between German Nazis and world Jewry.
„. London ( J . T . A. )-*-Frinkiurt am Main,'once .the richest \tity ; in Germany, is facing1 impoverishment owing to. the .forced 'departure of tha Jew3 as a consequence of the Hitlerite - policy,^ a dispktch to Reuters, English news agency, from, its German correspondent declared. ' An official - statement^ issued by the. municipal -government of • the city discloses that an average" of. for-y Jewish firms have fclosed.their dooii each month since-'•{January "of this : yean . [ ' ; In~ June: 1934, 102 Jewish firms liquidated; their affairs and the heads of the firms left'tie-'city permanently. At the same time aU the Jewish banks in the city; were forced out of existence owinjt to the anti-Semitic policies, of the Nazi governp
Vol. X—No. SO
Invites Support NAZI ANTI-JEWISH INCULET BRANDS KKK of Jews and ; CAMPAIGN MAY BE TERRORPARTY Catholics RUMANIA PERIL LESSENED SHORTLY Atlanta (W. N. S.) — An invitation to the Jews and Catholics of this country to join the Ku Klux Elan in its campaign against "unAmericanism and Communism" was issued by the Klan convention here. M. A. Donig, chief of the Klan's general staff, in making public this invitation, added that the reorganized Klan would permit no racial or religious prejudice within its ranks.
Bucharest (JTA).—Minister of the Such Official Action Expected Interior Ion Inculet, who addressed a In Order to Impress conference of Rumanian police chiefs, declared that the anti-Semitic Iron Foreign Bankers Guard organization headed by Zeleya • Constantine, Algeria (W. N. S.)— Berlin (W. N. S.)—A lessening of Godreanu is "just as dangerous to Fear of further rioting by infuriated official anti-Jewish discrimination is Rumania as Hitlerism or Bolshevism." Arab tribesmen is slowly being albeing promised here by Dr. HjalDespite the recent order issued by layed here as a government commismar Schacht, Reichminister of Ecothe'press censors forbidding 'newssion begins the work of fixing renomics, in his efforts to obtain forpapers to publish articles leading to sponsibility for the pogrom which eign, including American, loans that incitement of race hatred, publications took the lives of at least 100 Jews, would enable Germany to purchase adhering to the anti-Semitic policy of causing injuries to hundreds of. othraw materials, which she needs badProfessor 'Alexander Cuza, notorious ers and did property damage to ly. These promises, however, are beRumanian Jew baiter, continue their Jews estimated at $3,700,000. Seneging made sub rosa rather than pubagitation against the Jews ',printing alese troops, police and marines from licly, apparently to prevent any semblists of Jewish communal and Zionist French warships are guarding the lance of backing-down in the eyes of organizations and branding them as Jewish quarter and gradually restorNazi adherents. '-'traitors" and alleging that the Keren ing order. The Jewish population, has sufThe publication of Hindenburg's y ment The city of Hayesod, the Jewish Foundation fund, however, is still remaining indoors "political will," in which the late fered an irreparable loss to its is "collecting money for Communism." Mandates Commission Seeks Inout of fear that their appearance on treasury, Reuters correspondent dePresident expressed his faith in the Recently Rumanian newspapers carformation on Immigration, the streets might precipitate a reclared. leadership of Hitler, was a great ried stories that all Jewish employees Loan and Policing Force newal of violence, Local officials, on disappointment to the persecuted o f the Rumanian government services, request of Jewish leaders, are conJewish population, which had long Geneva (J. T. A.)—Numerous imwho were naturalized after 1919, and sidering replacing the ordinary poregarded Hindenburg as the one who portant recommendations, which are all those who were not Rumanian citilice, which consists of Arabs and was defending it against Nazism. The zens before the World War would be j bound to have a profound effect on French, with wholly French forces Jewish interests in Palestine, were banning of the Imperial German flag A special meeting of the Omaha dismissed from their posts. until after the 143 Arab rioters now made in the report submitted to the of which Hindenburg had been a Professor Cuza, accompanied by his Hebrew Club will be held this Sununder arrest have been tried and punday afternoon, August 26, at the J. son, is at present said to be visiting League of Nations by the Permanent champion, has shown the Jews here ished. Those awaiting trial are Clash at Nathania Brings GovBerlin! where he is to confer with the Mandates Commission of the League, that Hitler has taken over the leadC. C. at 3 p. m. ; charged with murder, rebellion, inernment Promise to Stop ership of the Reich with a vengeance. Nazi leaders, including Chancellor just made public. John Feldman, treasurer of the orcendiarism and theft. Activities Considerable relief is felt here at Adolf Hitler on his anti-Jewish camThe Mandates Commission asked ganization, will render a complete fiA report that a new outbreak of the orders issued to the Nazi press the Palestine government: nancial report:on the picnic'recently paign in Rumania. violence was scheduled for the town Jerusalem (JTA).—The Palestine Iron Guard anti-Semitic agitation in 1. To submit to the League more to let down on Jew-baiting. held in observance ^of the forty-fifth of Bone caused the French authori- government struck at the activities of At the same time the Nazi press Fall services at Temple Israel will anniversary of the * dub. Aside :from Rumania, which received a setback detailed information on the methods ties to cancel the regular weekly fair Arabs against illegal immigration into when the Iron Guardist students were the Palestine administration intends continues being a social success, the affair reports of attacks on Nathere. Jewish stores were ordered to the country of Jews, which crystal- start on Rosh Hashonah eve, Sunday arrested as the murderers of the late to use in creating "a larger depend- zis by Jews in Holland and of Jewraised a large sum of money. night, September 9. close. Arab soldiers, who form part lized in a clash near Nathania, but at Friday evening services at 7:30 ". At the meeting a discussion will be premier, Ion G. Duca, and the organ- ence between the number of new im- ish exploitation of the non-Jewish of the local garrison, were disarmed the same time, warned that, measures held on the advisability of the organ- ization itself suppressed, appears to migrants and the actual long-lasting populace in various countries. Furand confined to their barracks while will shortly be introduced to.check all p. m. on the,summer schedule will ization retaining a medical director be increasing again. Anti-Semitic pro- economic absorptive capacity of the thermore, Erich Ziegler, well-known continue until the holydays. European troops were ordered on lawless entry. paganda is being spread boldly and country:" j Hamburg theatrical director, was ; The Religious school opens at 10 for the membership. emergency duty. The outbreak, in which several 2. Information as to how the Pal- forced to resign from his post, which Numerous: gift contributions left the government orders forbidding raa.m. on Sunday morning, September Paris (W. N. S.)—The Consistoire Arabs received slight injuries occurover, from the. picnic will be distrib- cial incitement is completely ignored estine government will spend the 12,- he had held for 18 years, because he of French Jews, with which the Jew- red when a party of Arabs dressed in 9. All parents are urged to see that by the Rumanian anti-Semites. 000,000 loan to be floated by the gov- is married to a Jewish actress, Miuted at this meeting. . their children register then. ish community of Constantine is af- the uniforms of scouts, passed through ernment. riam Horowitz. filiated, is rushing plans to extend Nathania toward the seashore in order 3. How the municipal election orThe marriage of Rudolf Beinding, relief to the Jews of.. Constantine to engage in patrolling activities dinance was carried out and how it an author who enjoys high prestige where thousands of Jews are impov- against illegal immigration. works in actuality. among the Nazis, to the former Jewerished as a result of the riots. Three The Arabs, according to the report, 4. Detailed information as to how ish secretary of Gerhardt Hauptmann hundred Jewish,merchants ate com- were singing and "otherwise irritatthe Palestine government, which as- has been totally. suppressed by the pletely bankrupt because their estab- ing the residents." Sporadic fights sured the League that it has suffi- Nazi papers. On the other hand, violishments were destroyed by fire and started, apparently culminating in a cient forces to maintain order, pro- lent attacks are being published their assets- -wiped out. Others also free-for-all on- the . seashore outside poses to avoid such disturbances as against the French government hej "suffered heavy losses. Efforts are the colony. One Arab was found not the Arab riots of October, 1933. .', cause it appointed MUe- Meyer,.'* tcr have -French- banks gravely injured some kilometers to 5. Information on the question of Jewess, as the teacher of the 5-year^ g f j j j - l o a n s .to-4he Jewish the-north and^others apparently susthe border between Transjordania old' Sultan of Morocco. The Nazi business <nten"<if Constantine. By £ Aatonson, LL- B. (Reprinted fnsn "World Jewry1 of London, England tained insignificant hurts. The punishand Saudi Arabia. press s indignant at the prospect of *Jules -Carde; governor-general of ment - was-dealt out tc* the ATabs by a 6. The Mandates Commission a philo-Semitic ruler in Morocco who represented at their theatricals. He bute their lack of success; to the opIn recent weeks the qfficial organ Algeria/who- has returned to Paris, group of thirty or forty whose idenwears a similar shirt as the perse- hopes that the Palestine government, would be kindly disposed toward the informed 'tHfe:cabinet Miat 'all disor- tity is unknown.of the British Union of Fascists has position of British Jewry. cutor of German Jews and his lieu- whose efforts to spread education in Jews of that country. ^ ' „ .'/• V'~ British Jewry, so far from being Detachments of police were sped to dershad* been suppressed in Constandemonstrated unmistakabe signs of united at* the moment even in op- tenants, Mr. Joyce for example, Palestine are appreciated by the Much comment was aroused in, tine and that :there is no danger of the scene. An investigation was persecution complex in suggesting adopt a similar vocabulary. It is too Commission, will extend the educa- Jewish circles by a law suit between position to what they may believe to promptly begun, and order, now prefurther trouble. While M. Carde anthat Jews are banded together as a be a - potential • danger, is disrupted much to expect the Jews of Great tional system to confer more bene- two Jewish firms one of whom can• V r '."• nounced that; only 27 persons were vails again. resolute force to wipe their move- b y communal dissensions, and- even Britian to sit quietly and watch un- fits on the Arab children. celled a contract to buy railway maIn a communique the government killed and that "we are hding nothThe Mandates Commission also terials from the other on the grounds. ment off the earth and to crush the resistingly attacks made upon their the Board of Deputies, that can often ing about the disorders," the Social- stated that High "Commissioner Sir recognized the justice of the petition that the seller was Jewish. The court ambitions of their leader. Sir Oswald rise supremely in the face of a crisis, race. ist newspaper Populaire charges that Arthur Grenfell Wauchope, acting in submitted by the Palestine rabbinate ruled that the breach of contract Mosley, moreover, has stated again Without a doubt there is an idenis more concerned with the personal the' French officials in Algeria are concert with the Secretary of State, ~ , and again that the B. U. F. attack disagreements of its many petty tification in the public Jewish mind complaining that rabbinical courts was justified. deliberately concealing the number of j ilans to obtain the enactment of "the are not supported by the Palestine Interest has also been aroused by the Jews because the Jews attacked between Mosley and Hitler. This is chieftains .than with the working out dead. Populaire further contends tecessary measures for securing the to be regretted, but was only to be government, while Moslem courts are the confirmation by Nazi statisticians that the riots began three days be- rontiers against all illegal immigra- them first. He has even signed a of a policy of action. public statement in the Daily Mail expected. Mosley cannot reassure recognized, and asked the League of of figures recently published in the fore the public outside of Algeria tion." Attitude of Priggishness. them by. making vague pledges that Nations to urge Great Britain, the Juedische Rundschau showing that' to the effect that his Blackshirts The use of Arabs to frustrate atknew anything about them. there will be no racial or religious Mandatory Power, to end the dif- before the influx of East European "are not prepared to relax their atshall Sir Oswald writes that "We M. Carde informed the French tempts of Jews to land in the Holy Jews German Jewry was rapidly dipersecution under Fascism. Hitler ference in treatment. titude towards the Jews in view of require the Jews, like everyone else, government that before he left Al- Land illegally was assailed in the comThe report disclosed that seven minishing in numbers, and that with-. gave similar pledges as recently as the factthat in the last year 80 per to put the interests of Britian first." munique, which asserted that it must geria he was visited by.two delegacent of the • convictions for physical There is a suggestion of priggish- 1931. He stated after an anti-Semitic Arab petitions were submitted to the out this influx the German Jewish tions, one of Moslem notables and end because '. of its tendency to: pro- attacks on the Fascists were proness in the tone of this statement, outburst in the streets of Berlin that Mandates Commission at the last community.would have been on the The mote breaches of the peace. For some the other of Jewish leaders. ; the Jewish for it implies: (a) That the Jews this was not the work of the Nazis, sitting, but that no action was taken verge of disappsarance today. Moslems; he said, expressed to him ime past the government has thus nounced-on Jews,: while : on them. but of Communist agents—provocacommunity ; represents only 6 per engaged the Arabs, arousing intense do not put Britian first; (b) That their regret at the riots and promteurs, and . promised that Jewish The report also contained the ofised to help maintain peace arid or- excitement among the Jewish popu- cent of the population." This state- they • are • less patriotic than any shop windows would be better pro- ficial explanation submitted to the ment that an 'undue percentage of lation. Clashes more serious than, the other body of citizens. In actual fact der.' The Jewish delegation . on: its tected by the Brownshirts than they Commission by Chief Secretary John part agreed to try to calm the fears one at Nathania have been freely pre- Jews physically attacked the Black- British Jews are every bit as loyal were by a "Marxist" police. Un- Hatton Hall as to why the Jewish subjects as non-Jews, and are so shirts is amazing in': view of the dicted by responsible. Jewish.leaders, of the Jewish, population after it of the police court conscious of the implications of their scratched platesglass windows are no Agency request for. 37,240 immigrawas assured that the guilty Arabs unless these activities of.the Arabs published reports T cases. There were some- Jews British citizenship as to resent the compensation for a pervasive boycott tion certificates this year was receased. would' be" punished. Sir Oswald Mosley that renders the attractiveness of a duced to 11,000 by the Palestine govDeclaring that under the laws of among those convicted, and the'num? imputation shop front .into an impotent display ernment. Palestine the arrest of illegal entrants her of Jewish names no doubt glared makes upon them. The Highland Country club golfers The explanation, which confirmed by private persons should not be coun- forth and became exaggerated in the It is possible that one of the rea- of; optimism. Also Jewish windows are on the closing chapters of the an-" previous reports of the Jewish Teletenanced, the communique pointed out mind of Sir Oswald Mosleyj for the sons why Sir Oswald Mosey makes were broken by the Nazis as well nual niblick tournaments. that such activities are a positive hin- Jew. complex had already affected this allegation against the Jews is as the heads and hearts of many a graphic Agency, listed the following In the championship flight, Julian reasons.for the reduction:. drance and embarrassment to the reg- him previously. But even assuming because he fails to understand why worthy Jewish citizen. Milder has already reached the finals* 1. The cautious policy of the High In the semi-finals he defeated Leo ularly constituted authorities and that- the; assaults on the Blackshirts they, were concerned at the illLeaving Nothing to Chance. Commissioner, as compared to the Nogg, 2 and 1. Rabbi David A. Goldstein announces that, unless discontinued, the persons were. 'entirely ;ihe; work of . a few treatment of Jews in "Germany; It is If Mosley does not alter his atti- optimistic outlook of the Jewish that Miss Ida Z. Tenenbaum will be responsible would be .liable to prosecu- Jews, that is no' wagon for believing not 'always simple,' in' fact, for one He will meet- the winner of the Al the principal of the Sunday School of tion under the Prevention of Crimes that all Jews were against "Mosley who' has-, not studied •- Jewish history tude quickly, and unequlvocably call Agency. Mayer-Bill Yousem match for the title. ; off-his anti-Jewish campaign, there 2. About 3,000 Jewish children, Al Mayer entered the semi-finals by : '••. . the Conservative Synagogue during Ordinance. nor for representing isolated attacks to realize the fellow-feeling that a 'Jew" in Britian feels for a persecuted is bound to be a persistent opposi- double the number of Arab children, beating Eddie Rosen, while Bill Youthe coming year. „ , \ • Wauchope ;cautioned certain, news- as a Jewish campaign. • Jew in Germany. The Jew, because tion by Jews against his party. A enter • the Palestine labor market sem'eliminated one of the favorites, Registration for the Sunday School papers against mischievous and misAmong those \ Who attacked the leading statements concerning the acof his religions education: and his- British Jew will argue that Hitler each year. Abe Brodkey in close matches. will be opened on the morning of Sep3. Some of the labor shortage, tivities of these unofficial bodies, how- black uniforms: of. the Fascists were toric consciousness, is aware of Ms rose to power so quickly in Germany Ed Kraus captured the second flight tember 16. ever, threatening them with; suspen- some liberty-loving Englishmen, and common origin with other Jews, largely owing to the apathy of the such as citrus picking, is only sea- championship by defeating Iz SchlalMiss Tenenbaum will be in charge sion if such drastic action became nec- yet Mosieyxloes iiot pick out the without at the same time lessening Jews in Germany, They do not be- sonal. The building shortage is also fer, 1 up on 20, in a closely fought of the primary and junior depart- essary. It was obvious that he re- English names and talk about a conhis ties to his native country. In- lieve that Mosley will become Eng- temporary. tilt. ments, working under Rabbi- Gold- ferred to Hebrew organs. spiracy of Englishmen to oppose his 4. The Jewish Agency frequentdignation at brutality should be the land's dictator, for they have a betIn the third flight,- Louis Kulakof-. stein, who will be in charge-of the dictatorship. reaction of every civilized person. ter knowledge of British public ly includes professionals and non- sky plays W. A. Racusin for the title. high school- department. LONDON PRESS REPORTS The peculariarity was riot that Jews sense. Nevertheless, they will leave manual workers in its labor scheIn the fourth flight, the championReason for Unpopularity. Miss Tenenbaum has just returned ARAB DEAD OF WOUNDS dule, instead of workingmen only. protested: against Nazi inhumanity nothing to chance. ship match will be between Sol Novit to Omaha after a summer course at There is no doubt that many London, (JTA).—The London newsand relieved the victims, but that the 5. The Jewish Agency guarantees sky and Al Batt. If their opposition of the Blackthe Teachers' Institute of the Hebrew papers said in dispatches from Jeru- Blackshirts sincerely believe that rest of the world was not as vigor- shirts becomes extreme and bitter it maintenance of immigrants for one Union college in Cincinnati, where she salem that one Arab who was wound- they are justified in their anti-Jewous in its protests or as liberal in will be a natural result of Mosley's year, but not for specific employreceived a thorough preparation in ed in the Arab-Jewish clash near Na- ish policy because they imagine that its relief. _ political blindness. For the Jew, ment for each immigrant. Sunday School teaching and adminis- thania, Palestine, died. The dispatches the Jews first attacked them and even though he lives in Great Bri6. There is no real shortage of Even assuming that individual tration. . . also asserted that police reinforce- then persisted in persecuting them. J. J. Greenbefg, president of th< ments have been mustered to.prevent They are so certain of the righteous- Jews in this country were too hasty tian, has the memory of persecution unskilled labor if Arab as well Conservative Synagogue, announce "urther disorder. ness of their politics that they can in believing that Mosley had taken in his soul, and realizes that the load Jewish workers are counted. The first annual picnic of the Prothat the first service of the year, will only understand the opposition they over the full implications of the of prejudice that he still carries on gressive Hebrew club will be held Sun-, have aroused in the heart of demo- Nazi philosophy as the basis of his his back has been inherited from the be held Friday; evening, September 7. Revisionists Attack Jewish day, August 26, at Fontenelle park. cratic Britian, in the light of a mean party programme, it is he who is at disabilities of his forefathers, and He reports a gratifying response- to v Members, their friends and families conspiracy on the part of some ob- fault and not the Jews who are in- will not suffer patiently any activithe membership committee, indicating Agency ties that aim or appear to aim at 5 Miss Ethel Adler, 19, of 4502 North are invited. a substantial membership increase. London.—The Revisionists have re- scure force that is defeating their tent on protecting their rights. The relegating him again into that posi- Sixteenth street, Omaha, was one of There will be games for all, young Dave Greeriberg is membership chair- sumed their attacks on the Executive ends. Instead of blaming their own success of an intelligent. politician tion of inequality that is the fount sixteen girls chosen by Junior Ha- and old, and valuable prizes will be : man. -.'•'. l'•'/ : ':•'•'•••;'• •...;"•'.. p '•Committed of the Jewish Agency be- shortcomings and lack of apprecia- is the measure of his intelligibility. and origin of the miseries of his dassah to receive fellowship keys for awarded the winners. A drawing will If the public fails to understand his cause of its negotiations with the Pal- tion of British temperament for their *• The sisters' and bf others of Mr. and estine government with regard to the own unpopularity, they prefer to policy he cannot blame their lack ancient race. outstanding work in the study of He- be held for an auto radio, and some Mrs. Reuben Kulakofsky have honor- proposed Palestine legislative council. blame the Jews. Yet on reflection, of comprehension. His own methods Jews have never persecuted the brew, history, literature, religion and "talkies" will be presented. Free ice ed the memory of their son, the late Blackshirts, but will, as a community language. It is estimated that all to- cream and soft drinks will be given. In Zionist quarters, however, it is if they ever think without prejudice, are at fault. Earl Kulakofsky, by making a con- pointed out that the Agency's stand they are bound" to realize that they of British citizens, oppose them if gether Junior Hadassah has a memGifts will be presented to all chilIdentification with Nazis. tribution to the building fund of the on the question of the legislative overrate the discipline and solidarity dren attending-. Another feature will At the' moment Mosley is unmis- the claims of self-defense become bership of ten thousand. Conservative Synagogue. The name of council is negative, because the Exec- of the Jews, and pay a great comAnnouncement of. the award was be prize package auctions. J. Riklin, takably anti-Semitic He has sat on urgent and BO over-ride the boundEarl Kulakofsky' will be properly in- utive feels that the establishment of pliment to the 6 per cent minority the fence for some time, has con- aries of communal parties and di8- made at the annual national conven- president, is in charee of arrangescribed . in the permanent book of re- such a body would not be appropriate of the population when they attrition of Junior Hadassah in New York. versed with the Nazis an* heenlpntesmembrance of the synagogue. . nt the present time
Special Hebrew Club . MeetiiigtNext Sunday
Ida Tenenbaum Is Appointed Sunday School Principal
Progressive Hebrew Club Picnic SuBday
National Jr. Hadassah Award to Omaha Girl
being sold by members of the chapters and girls interested in the project. Ernie Priesman is general chairman. A. Z. A. Youth service planned for ttie High Holy days by the two local Ban Zionist Congress chapters. Bucharest. — Rumanian authorities A large choir is being formed under have issued a ban against the Zionist the. direction of Miss Betty Fellman. student congress which was to have Ernie Nogg is ticket chairman, tickets been held here.
Storm Trooper Jotted A. Z. A. Youth Service for Striking American Preparations are being made for the
Berlin (W. N.S.)—After Prof. Albert Lapawsky of the University of Chicago complained* to the U. S. Consulate here that he had been assaulted by a Nazi storm trooper, who By the Service Life Insurance slapped his face, the German police arrested the storm trooper n quesCompany, Omaha tion and promised a speedy trial. , Prof. Lapawsky had failed to saSECURITY OF PRINCIPAL lute the Nazi flag at a mass meeting In making an investment today addressed by Propaganda Minister By M. A. TANENBLATT security is more, sought after than Goebbels. almost any other feature. In the un<The transformation of the Aus- tion camp. The commandant of the formed for the special purpose of en- wholesome atmosphere of the great deavoring to find employment opentrian Jewish community of nearly a Vienna mounted police was dismissed bull market such was not the case. Mrs. Henry Horn quarter of a million thriving, virile together with a dozen, other high po- ings for these unemployed. It reads; Speculative enhancement of principal Dies in California and powerful people into its present lice officers, having been caught red- as follows: was the dominant note. Security was Appeal for Aid. status is • described here by a jourr handed at Hitlerist activities. They secondary. Those proclaiming the senalist who has had sixteen years of were found in possession of Nazi "The number of Jews in search of curity of life insurance were like Mrs. Harry Horn, 47, former resident of Omaha for 35 years, died in work is growing more and more. Diintimate contact with Austrian af- material. voices crying in the wilderness. They fairs as Jewish Telegraphic Agency All the above information is writ- rectors of first-class banks, bank were too conservative for an era in Los Angeles, Cal., last Friday. Mr. ten down in printer's black in the managers,- bookkeepers, owners of which everything was perpetually to and Mrs. Horn moved from Omaha to correspondent in Vienna.) the west coast ten years ago. official publication "Prager Pressed large enterprises, representatives of be on the up and up. immense stores, salesmen in flourSurviving her are her two sisters, the organ of the Czechoslovakian The political turmoil in Austria business houses, civil engi- However, when the economic Mrs. Jay Viener of Omaha and Mrs. has wreaked havoc with the Jewish government which was friendly to ishing building workers, electro tech- storm broke and Increased in fury Michael Krasne of Fremont. population of that country, more par- the Dollfuss regime. It would be neers, nicians, mechanics, skilled and un- the scene changed. Millions began ticularly with flie. Jews of Vienna./ necessary to hang or put in concen- skilled workers, bakers, hairdressers, to appreciate the truth of the life ' Only live years ago Vienna was a tration camps about eighty per cent etc., Junior Pioneers etc.,—are work. All insurance claims. When other forms thriving, virile, powerful community of the active Austrian population to without exceptionseeking of investment were -depreciating and are prepared to A regular meeting of Hashohar .of nearly a quarter of a million pacify the country and assure the take any employment, whatever it is, becoming less and • less dependable, .Jews. They owned property . They stability of the present government. as assistant in any business, as pack- the life insurance continued on its chapter of the Junior Pioneers was held at the J. C. C. August 21. .were respected by their neighbors. ers or carriers, at any kind of work— charted course, with amazingly few Austria a Ruined Land. New members admitted are Ann .They were looked up to as one of casualties, paying its obligations on so long as it will enable the dot at par to the tune of 10 mil- Sclar, Eva Ruderman, and Minnie the leading Jewish communities of This terrorism and uncertainty anything, have ruined the country economically. them to keep their families from lion dollars a day/at the same time Cutler. the world. starvation." increasing the invested assets belong- Plans for a rush tea to be held Sep,. Now all that has vanished. The And the result is, that the Jews, who 23 are being made. The comJewish community of Vienna is im- depend on trade, have lost the very "In addition," the appeal points ing to policyfiolders by about 4 bil- tember mittee in charge consists of Marian out, "it is now the end of the school ground under their feet. lion dollars. _ • ' ? r^_ poverished. It is sunk in misery. It chairman; Alice Goldberg, Ann is despondent, pride is gone and lit- Commerce and industry are killed. year, and many Jewish girls and The security bTtfreinsurance rests Lieb, tle remains of the fighting spirit of The tourist traffic is dead—there is boys are leaving school, without the upon two basic factors. Ofie is con- Selar, Bernice Weintein, Sylvia Parilthe old self-reliant, economically self- no security in the country. A kind slightest chance of finding work. No- servative, diversified, .investments. man, and Bee Burstein. At Tuesday's meeting Irving SoiBupportdng, emancipated Jewish com- of Mexico or Albania is developing body will take them. A Jewish moth- The other is the. large volume of er who visited a Christian firm was premium and interest income (equal ref, who recently returned from New in the heart of Europe. munity. spoke of the Pioneer farm work Every Jewish hand in this city, in The whole country has descended told: "Even Jews do not accept Jew- annually in recent'years to about 20 York, per cent of accumulated reserves) where young people prepared themall Austria, indeed, is now stretched into the depths.' Every man's hand ish employees.'" is against his neighbor's. And all This appeal shows how really des- periods of deep ,depression.. The rec- selves to go to Palestine. out begging for bread and work. perate the position is in Austrian ord of the steady flow ;of premium There has suddenly descended upon hands are against the Jews. Austria Jewry an economic catastro- The Jews are buffeted and beaten Jewry. The Vienna Jewish community income throughout the depression phe. The cause lies mainly outside from three different sides, Every- is crashing financially under the load will be one- ol; ;the - striking pheitself, in the political influence of body knows that even the bombing of trying to find the funds to pay nomena when wjfc come to chronicle Hitlerism. It lies in the combined of Jewish business places is not the out the small doles that keep body the events of iithese stirring years. plotting of the terrorist and yandal- work of Nazis alone. Communists and and soul together among those who It is this- steady flow in income that ist elements among the Hitlerists, Socialists have been and still are are otherwise at the end of their differentiates the life insurance comSocialists and Communists i n - Aus- their accomplices. Not out of anti- tether. And the dole amounts in all panies from other financial institutria, all of which are aiming to over- Semitism, but because they are furi- to a few cents, not enough to pro- tions. Life Insurance policyholders throw the existing government. ous with certain Jewish politicians vide a man with one good meal to are under a constant urge to keep who are friendly to the government. still his hunger—and the community up their premium payments in order ', Terrorism Grows. Revolutionary conspirative e 1 e - is compelled therefore to go to seek that their insurance protection may \ This terrorism is increasing, from ments in Austria Socialism refuse to help from Jewish organisations be maintained. "The man with a week-to week, despite the most dras- accept the Jewish explanations that abroad to enable it to continue to dole family realizes the vital need of keeptic measures taken by the 'govern- they have no choice. The left party out these few cents per haad to keep ing his insurance, in. force _so that it ment. revolutionaries contend that, so far from starvation tens of thousands of is one of the last, things to be sacriThere are people holding the high- as they are concerned, Hitler or Star- shame-faced Jews who not long ago ficed. This makes for relative stability of premium income and contribest office in the land who are hemberg makes . no difference to were well-to-do. strangely quiet about it all. The rea- them. It-is a matter of no moment A special representative of the Vi- utes directly to the security of the insons contributing to this ominous to them,- they-assert, if the Jews enna Jewish community may soon be stitution. quiet are many. We list the two want to take refuge under the wings going abroad to try to obtain help most plausible. They are quiet among the Jewish communities of Afghan Denial of Catholic Fascism, 4 ; V * • cause the Nazis, the very bomb other-countries. Will the help be just Paris.—The Afghan Legation here ; All j Pounce ,oi a few more cents to stave off starva- has denied to the Jewish Telegraphic throwers and terrorists for Whom the law specifically demands death, are >: The result is. .that the'iJews are tion for another day, or is it pos- Agency that the ; government of Aftheir own "sons, their own flesh and struck from all sides. I'rdm 4he Nazis sible to do something to alleviate the ghanistan was withdrawing: passports ter- terrible-position iof "Au'striani Jewry. ? from Afghan Jews. blood. . . . . . . _ from Only those JewS'who were irregu'fifeiew; Chris' It is literally true 'that the coun- rorists^^x (Copyright,. 1934, by Jewish Telelarly naturalized? are being deprived try and the government .service,"are tian-German? ^movement; in graphic Agency; Inc.) of passports, legation officials de'honeycombed wjth:Nazis. ~:[trall; this I am Austria;^jO^ 5 : clared, pointing out that many BukOnly "a few days before Dollfuss iinformed elen f othatr m JEeft.'Party e d y haran and Dhagestanian Jews had esA.Z. A. 100 was assassinated, he had again T:e- ments even boycott Jews in tradd caped from these Soviet provinces and constructed his government. What ing.) coulfl the luckless man do? He ia There is W evidence that the Fas- A" cultural meeting was held by the had adopted Afghan nationality. not rely upon his most important cist government has issued instruc- Century chapter of A- Z- A. Monday ministers. One did not want to shoot tions- to enforce a numerus clausus evening. Nathan Crounse gave a short or imprison every Socialist in Aus- against Jews, let alone a numerus talk on "The Economic Future of CREPE and tria. The other refused to sentence nullus. But it is, nevertheless, a fact Jewry," followed by an open discusWOOL sion. After the meeting, refreshments to death every Nazi in the country. that the ; Christian-German policy is DRESSES were served. And who could blame either for re- enforced rigorously . in all instituThe chapter is beginning work on 1 J enterprises connected in tions and GctYbtu* Cuts and fusing by their own hand to send to " — '—*—-*— *~J :« the New Year religious services, in $12.95 death their own sons and. daughters; any way wih the government or vari- collaboration with the Mother chapter. ous 'municipalities.. This is done •their own brothers and sisters? ', without" official orders. They are not Members of the chapter will particiCondition an Open. Secret. - needed. pate. €I.GftftVinG CO. These are among the-things it; is , Socialist Jews:. have been dis- The chapter is planning to go to > omflHfl * not permitted to write about in Aus- missed from every official position Sioux City September 2, and stay over tria. But people talk about thenviand because~;they; jare i. Socialists. Others iabor Day. They have received an in1>hone Q±.4626 1 they are ho secret-to anyone.-The who are not Socialists have been dis- itation by Sioux City for the annual Minister of-War, Prince Schoenberg- missed iunder all sorts of pretexts. It iioux City A. Z. A. dance. DINNER AND Harten-stein, one of the highest Im- is only in rare-instances that a Jew About one hundred attended the EVENING perial Generals, of the old Austrian has bee^ableto retain his office and rush weiner roast Saturday evening. FROCKS empire,- resigned because his own then only 'Itiyj ^bringing powerful in- A special meeting will be held next " Bon had. been arrested for Hitlerist fluences to, bear ion his behalf by those Monday evening. .'•"•' $16.75 activities, and is nowin a concentra- ews who are .in- close association with the government. That this inA Z. A.N6.1 tervention, ;is Tp'pssible is due to the fact- that', the j government needs its Plans are progressing for the anJewish, leaders..' They.need them not nual Achar Hataunis dance, to be givonly7- tofweafela ;fj3egdly attitude en by the Mother chapter of A. Z. A. abroad for ChristianTGennan- Austria, the night after. Yom( Eippur at the but what is of idore: "jmmediate im- F. C. C. ballroom. The lodge room will portance, to obtain. i6t\ :it. financial >e reserved for cands^'. Z 7 -"..--> I assistance,: out of their*.-own pockets . • Kefreshments will be served. A feaor;'from abroad. And thus it hap- ture will be the prize shadow- waltz.; •New York (J. T. A.)—The Polish pens that sometimes a Jew here and The College Club-orchestra will play government is not anti-Semitic, but there retains his old position. A. Z. A. songs. • r INSUKKD-CAIJS its politics are decidedly so, and the - "Nothing; Lfcft for Nazis." position of the Jews in Poland ;is tragic, but not hopeless, declared There is a bitter jest going the Solomon Dingol, managing editor of rounds in Austria: TWEED the Day, who, recently returned from "By , the time the Nazis come to a tour of Poland- Mr. Dingol not only power in Austria, they will find visited Poland, where he toured tlie there isn't a thing left for them to Jewish centers, but also jjaid^a snort do in the, direction of eliminating the Jews. I t will all have been done visit to Germany]; ? •' : ' - ; Mr. Dingol made a hurried tour for them." The Jewish situation in Austria is through the Jewish sections in Ber lin and reported that, stores were a terrible one, especially in Vienna where nine-tenths of Austria Jewry open everywhere, many with obvious ly Jewish names on their winodw1?. lives. I shall say nothing now of the What impressed him most, however; complete annihilation of Jewish •was that during sevjral hours -'pen emancipation in Austria. At the presin a Berlin railroad station where ent moment, it would be more to the thousands of people were congregate- point if Austrian Jewry could be ased he failed to hear one laugh, or "to sured of 5the means of bare subsissee a single smile. All seemed *to be tence, for it is utterly destitute am all avenues to bread and employmen tense. seem closed to it. From Berlin Mr. Dingol went to 1 Paris by train. "It was curious, ? he • It is here .that we have the calam There is no brea( declared, "what a pall ^f,silence jty at i$s worst. 1 Introducing a and' no work. Hunger and distresi hung over the compartment in /which stalk through every. section New HAX . v'.of th< I traveled with a group of Gsrmans. Jewish population. Hardjy a familj as long as we were in Germany. We is exempt. Doctors, lawyers, mem the MARQUISE stared a t each other furtively, but bers'of the liberal professions, artino one spoke. The minute the, train sans, officials, sMUed workers, mer$3.95 to $8.75 crossed the Belgian frontier, a start- chants, brokers—all of them are to ling change took place. People re- enforced idleness. For them there is laxed, amiled, and began to talk m no employment and no bread. the most friendly fashion. It was as I have in front of me an appeal though an invisible barrier had been issued by an official Jewish body removed-"
Bread and Work
JHIS beautiful * French Chippend&le, fan back chair, with gorgeously carved, •olid mahogany frame . . . upholstered in brocatele; finest construction through, out truly m. masterpiece. Priced at Fiftv-nine Doll
GOLDSTEIN Where Omaha Shops with Confidence WeH-Bred ELEGANCE, Zestful VARIETY, Uncompromising QUALITY Whatever the PRICE HAVE KEPT THE WHOLE TOWN TALKING ABOUT THE NEW
FALL FASHIONS for Daytime, Sports, Evening, Business and Back-to-School Wear
, Page 3—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 24,1934 demonstrate his. true powers as an analyst and interpreter of the foibles of the human mind. . (Copyright, 1934 by Seven Arts Feature Syndicate.)
Portraying the Real u
Daughters of Zion
of J. C. C. LORD ROTHERMERE Activities Athletic Department NO LONGER BACKS MOSLEY FASCISTS Water polo is proving very popular at the Center natatorium among the members of the junior boys' class. About 21 youngsters participate with seven on-a side, playing-for a period of eight minntes with the losing team sitting out until their turn to again play. These games take place after the regular swim instruction period under the guidance of Al Oruch. The junior boys meet on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday.
Pioneer Women Mrs. J. Feldman and Mrs. J. Richlin were elected Tuesday as delegates to the Pioneer Women convention to be held in Chicago, September 26. The organization will hold a special meeting on Tuesday afternoon, August 28, at 2 p. m. at the J. C. C. All members are urged to attend, as the nominating committee will bring in its recommendations for the officers for the ensuing term. The Pioneer Women's picnic Sunday at Elmwood was very successful. The afternoon was spent in games and entertainment. The combination book case and electric clock was won by Mrs. I. Hurvritz, who donated it to the organization. Credit for the success of the affair is due to Mrs, S. Nitz, chairman of the social committee, and Mrs. H. Richlin, chairman ©f the ticket committee.
The Daughters of Zion will hold a Publisher Has Tiff With English [bazaar and drawing next Sunday, AuBlack Shirt Leader Over gust 26, at 1316 North 24th Street Anti-Semitism All committee members having stubs are asked to bring them there. London (JTA) — Oswald Mosley, Anyone having bundles, articles or By HENRY MONTOR packages to donate for the bazaar is leader of the British Union of Fasto leave them at the store, cists, . better known as the Black Probing beneath t h e public legends with that large world which lies out- requested Shirts, has lost his chief backer, Lord which will be open all day. about- the most famous comedian of side the field of entertainment. Rothermere, powerful publisher of a t h e . d a y , this sketch presents Jack His wife away in Europe, his fam- The tea table for which drawings large and influential chain of news- The final match in the doubles were held at the recent Daughters papers. Pearl a s he is known to h i s few inily on yaction, he has taken great of Zion picnic was won by Mrs. M. An open break between Mosley and horseshoe tournament will be played timates. Underneath the bluster and pride in the past few summer Brodkey, donated it to the ba-Rothermere, chiefly on the Jewish Monday evening. The brother combinthe charlatanry of the- famous Baron months. He has. been able to read zaar. The who tea table donated for question in Fascism, was revealed in ation of Gendler and Gendler will meet Munchausen is revealed a personality several volumes which he had marked the drawing by Mrs.was the winners of the - Sussman-Gross N. Levinson. significant in t h e contemporary down during the. years as necessary Donations for .Jewish National the London Daily Mail, leading Roth- man-Kutler, Adler semi-final. stage.—The Editor. to his mental development. He now talks with enthusiasm of. the con- Fund trees are announced from the| Rothermere's withdrawal of his The mixed swim party held last tent of Thomas Paine's "Age offollowing: Mr. and Mrs. Morris j support, which he first gave to theWednesday night was very success- The title b y which he has become Reason," Edward Bellamy's "Look- Green, in honor of their son's mar- Black Shirt movement on January 15 ful. A large crowd turned out, and Roumanian known to countless millions conjures Mr, and Mrs. I. Barcovici, in of this year, came as a result of a Lewis Browne's "This Believing u p a fabulous figure, swaggering his of their son's letter received from Mosley in which had an enjoyable evening. World." Few of his fellow-comedians •way pompously through a world beat Yiddish Premiere . Those interested in the fiery young emulator of Hitler The Center physical department would be impressed with his accom•wildered by the magnitude of his imurges all to bring the family and and Mussolini restated his attitude on tions for Jewis Bucharest (W. N. S.)—King Carol, plishment. But it was not to furnish agination. But the Baron Munchfriends and come down for the next T^ t the Jewish problem. asked to call The Baron and His Dad Crown Prince Michael and other memtable conversation that he read the are ausen of the twentieth, century is as mixed swim, to be held in two weeks. L Beber or "We pledged that no racial or rebers of the royal family were in the profoundly a myth a s the original with whom he shares the spotlight. books, but because they were part Mrs. A ligious persecution would occur under audience at Rosenberg's Art Theater story-teller whose title he adopted. The ambition which he cherished in of his self-imposed course of perThe Sample Fur Softball team, British fascism," he wrote to Rotherwhen the Yiddish play, "Roshings The'Americans who turn eagerly to youth of becoming the greatest dia- sonal advance. Addresses Veterans mere, "but we require that Jews •winner of the J. C. C. loop, wil rep- und Mandelen" hafi its premiere here. their dials for his every appearance lectician on the stage has been realresent the Center in the city tournashould put their first interest in Great cherish a character who is, outside ized, but he retains the enthusiasms Jews may not have bombarded him of Foreign Wars Britain. We don't admit Jewish mem- ment this next week. The winner of the broadcasting 1 studio, a s radically which are almost always abandonsd with requests for philanthropic gifts bers into our movement because they the city series will play in the state •different from his assumed role as by those who have reached the top.(which he has always answered unhave bitterly attacked us and because tournament, and the state champions KLEEN-HEET h e is' from t h e average colleague of He is still capable of jjiving generous obtrusively but generously) and may they have organized an international will be sent to the national tournahis'."craft OIL BURNERS and sincere credit to performers who not have hailed him with chauvinistic movement with racial interests above ment in Chicago with all expenses national. Jews, therefore, are un- paid. • There are many legends current have mastered their art, even though pride until some three years ago, but Olson Bros. acceptable as members of our organabout Jack PearL Skillful press agen- they may fringe closely on his own he has kept. himself constantly indomain. By no word or gesture does formed of Jewish current events. 2G12 Leavenvrortta AT. 2360 ization. We are certainly not pre- The entire athletic department, intry has smoothed' his natural ascenpared to relax our attitude towards cluding the handball courts, swimming sion to the very peak of his profes- he ever let anyone in his vicinity The progress of the good will move-' the differences among Amerithe Jews in view of the fact that last pool, locker rooms, corridors, and the sion; inevitably it has tried to cre-feel that he is, a celebrity. The down-! year eighty per cent of persons con- gym, will be cleaned up and painted ate for this distinguished dialectician ing of the average good fellow is ascan Jewish leaders, the decline of victed of physical attacks against Fas- this week. a home background as glamorous and unforced in him now as it always Orthodoxy, the economic maladjustcists were found to be Jews while the This is in preparation for the elabment of the Jewish people are topics as bizarre as the personality whom was. Jewish community here represents orate program being planned for the he-represents. In fact, however, the To say that Jack Pearl is a Jewwhich he discussed, with knowledge They Mis With the Best only six per cent of the entire popu- fall season. impish mischief .and the cunning is not merely to indicate his racial and intelligence. In his crisp, correct lation." IDEAL BOTTLING COMPArTY braggadocio implicit in the phrase, origin but to assert the individuality prose, enunciated with a clarity and Was you dere, Sharlie?" are alien of his character. Brought up in an smoothness of diction admirable not To this letter Rothermere has made WE. 8048 Jewish Press advertisers merit and ISOS No. 20th St. to the simplicity and the essential Orthodox environment, he has lost merely for a dialectician but" for any the following public reply: deserve your patronage. honesty that are characteristic of histhe trappings but none of the funda- actor, he ranges over many fields, • "I made it quite clear in my conperson. versation with you that I never could mentals of the faith taught to him. talking at length of subjects that support any movement with anti-Sem. When the .world's largest tobacco There is in him a delicacy of feeling move him deeply. And practically itic bias. I never thought that the poand-a. sensitivity with regard to Jeweverything that he~ discusses wells out firm "catapulted Jack Pearl into the THE litical situation in England bears any ish matters that are notable for their of the. sincerity of his character, forether in 1931, it sponsored a. personresemblance to the political situation and ality who has already become an in-absence among, most, of the so-called mulated by. his own experience : either in Italy or Germany." tegral part of the folklers of. theJewish comedians who have for. years enriched-by his own- study. , Publication of this correspondence "United States, creating not merely awithout end caricatured the Jew. on . A fervent advocate' of the boycott between the two confirms the reports lovable charlatan but introducing into the stage and screen.- Their vulgarity against Germany and of. "all other in London political circles during the of Nebraska Women American life a. new : sympathy for and the cheapness of their self-de- means, t o . end "the Hitler regime past few weeks of a disagreement berecatiori arouse an active distaste Nullian Grossman. Lincoln. Nebraska quickly, he is "somewhat" doubtful of the imaginative qualities^" Ipying"'• the tween Mosley and his chief backer. of National Council of AclmiaistraTry a Bag Today foundations for an appreciation" of in Pearl, who prides himself on thethe final valua .of militant publicity. ;.'Member lion, Velerans of Forcisn War* ol IJ. S. During this time, Rothermere papers fact that though he is the master of He feels, tfiat Jewish public opinion the irrational, the emotional, the unhave featured many editorials deacademic. In the three years in which sight dialects he has never . carica- is ; sufficiently "powerful a lever if Nathan Grossman, of Lincoln, Neb., nouncing anti-Semitism and against tured any of the people who use the properly influenced without making member of the National Council of any restrictions Jack Pearl has been one of the outarticular dialect. He has always atstanding figures in the entertainit .the. subject of general public com- Administration of Veterans of For-the British Isles. of Jewish rights in ment world, he has exerted an influ tempted to portray the natural type, ment." He'interprets the fate that be- eign Wars, addressed the Greenville ence" difficult to evaluate in terms of without adding the broad strokes of fell German Jewry as a symbol forjM. Dodge Post 737, Council Bluffs, statistics. But that he has been a exaggeration which convert comic Jewry else*where."He is not unaware last Friday. kWOil remarkable effective 'emollient-..for- a effect into offense. The Baron Munch- that,,-Jews•• in^-ifae Reich ^identified Grossman is noy, and has been for Cantor Sirota's Rosh ausen of his creation arouses" laugh- themselves in the main as" Germans the past seven -years, secretary and nation's mental ills is undeniable. Hashanah Service ter by the humor of his words and Jack Pearl as he is known to his lot by ridicule of the character. So- rather'than "as Jews. Thsir attempt treasurer of the Jewish Welfare Fed- Broadcast few intimates was revealed to me re- called Jewish jokes have never tesn to repudiate their integrity did noteration in Lincoln, and he is also cently when -he- abandoned his radio used by Pearly He. has no patience strengthen their morale when thej treasurer of the B'nai Brith there. He Warsaw (W. N. S.)—With the rehearsals in New York- for a few with sport on racial character. : ' _• Nazis swept into power. He feels has been active in Jewish and comthat American Jews might observe munal affairs in Lincoln. during the overcoming of the opposition of days to come to "the Family .Jacobs' twenty-one years he has lived there. the Polish rabbinate preparations Alamac-Hotel at Lake* Hopatcong, N. The forwardness of the;Baron-of and reflect upon that situation. are now being made to broadcast tike air is not duplicated in;his pri"This slight, dark-haired, tense- Before being elected as a National J., to help celebrate; the birthday of a number of Rosh Hashanah prayhis father. I had known -Louis Pearl- vate life. Somewhat shy and retiring, spbken person, who interrupts his Council member of the Ninth district, ers to be sung' 'by the famous man for some years, had learned to he is intensely .serious .and sober. H e j earnest speech' a t -regular intervals Grossman served as post commander Cantor A. Sirota, durng the com- -' - - - - - . . - . . and state commander of the Veterans admire the charm " which- radiated h a s no-hesitancy in giving-unreserved to ask-humbly-for agreement with his of Foreign Wars. He has also served ing high - holidays. credit to his author, who creates the from-him. It was as a fellow-celeperson than views, is a far The broadcast will be rebroadbrant marking a milestone in the life phrases and the stories which con- the man whom the public expects five years on the executive board of cast to America, since the prime of one whom we both admired that vulse a nation's radio listeners. TheBaron Munchausen to be. As he the American Legion. movers in the broadcasting projI had full opportunity to observe the quick repartee of his ether character strolls about the Alamac Hotel's spa- In his address Friday, he discussed ect were Polish Jews now residing mannerisms and" the mind of - the is lacking in his own home. Although cio'us grounds, unaware that every «the phenomenal growth. in the last of the Veterans of Foreign he is a gifted story-teller, .whose ges- guest looks at him with pride, he ^iwajs in America and eager to hear the foremost "braggart" of the age. United States, especially tures and phrasing produce astoncelebrated Cantor's voice. Politicians seeking the approval of ishing effects, his talent is that of a completely unspoiled by his success. in the middle west. His personal reserve is still his disthe electorate invariably point to thelibrary - raconteur rather than of a purity of their home life as a token vaudeville gag-man. Great success is a great temptation. able to project himself "so effectively I At London Roadhouse of their statesmanlike qualities. But London.—The Baron Club, the road- —Parker. since Jack Pearl needs no such ruses At the age of thirty-eight he finds into the role of the Baron is a token house which some weeks ago refused to assure his popularity, his relation- himself at the top of the ladder of his artistry and his complete mas- to serve Victor Rothschild but later ship to his family is revelatory of his which he started climbing at the agetery of the art of mimicry. In hisissued a statement denying that the of fourteeni Having abandoned his private seriousness and public permental complex. Part of a brood management discriminates against the marked by its close devotion, Jack education after a year and a half sonality there is a resemblance in has now written a letter to a has been.the center of a family life in high school in order to do a dra- Pearl to Charlie Chaplin. What he Jews, "WOKK THAT SATISFIES" Jew in which it is definitely stated that has gone on uninterrupted for matic bit with Herman Timberg's has accomplished thus far is prob- that no Jews are admitted. Oriental and Domestics / many years, unaffected by the vary- musical comedy "School Days," he ably but a prologue to the long caing shifts which have brought him 'tries' to' fill in the gaps in his for-reer which lies ahead of him. Next The letter, written to a private in- 511C Military Are. Walnut 5002 fame and fortune vouchsafed to: few mal education. Star of innumerable season will firid him as. the star of dividual, has been published, in the Jewish Chronicle Here. musical comedies, busily : occupied a comedy draina in a role which he actors. Their home on New York's Central Park West-has been an open with exacting radio programs, spend- has always sought. As a "straight" hostelry in which relatives of"every ing long periods as a motion picture he -will be able to abandon the clinchdescription have found welcome and star in Hollywood, he has not plead- es and the minor devices which are ed patent lack of time in keeping up essential to the radio technique, and refuge. • ~. ~ That Jack Pearl, one of the greatest, "names" in show business, has seen no need for a-Beverly Hills palace or a Long Island" estate commensurate with his. reputation, . is merely a reflection of the naivete of the man. In truth, he is still somewhat-bewildered by -the i.extraordinary acclaim which .has. greeted- his work, unable to believe that he stands on a plane equal to or above that of The brilliant porch light at night is die the great entertainers whom he a3messenser of cheer. Help radiate that mired: for decades. Completely unversed in the vulgar phrases of selfcheer in your block. Burn your porch praise, which flow easily from vaudelight at night. villians, he still retains his boyish admiration for comedians like Eddie Cantor and Al Jolson and others * The cost is insignificant, for under
our new low rate it costs less.than • penny to keep your porch brilliantly lighted with c 40-watt lamp for 6 hours. You can now buy electricity as low es Il / 2 c a kilowatt hour.
Nebraska Power Co.
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THE JEWISH PRESS Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by
THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Subscription Price, one year - • - - - - - - - - $2.50 Advertising rates furnished on application Editorial Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building. Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center DAVID BLACKER - - - - - - Business and Managing Editor FRANK R. ACKERMAN - . - - - - - . - - - - - - Editor FANNIE KATELMAN - •»"•*' Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent ANN PILL - - • ' - • - • - - - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent Print Shop Address: 1307 Howard Street -
The Week in Review The Nazi Voting Adolph Hitler, reichsfeuhrer of Germany, won an overwhelming victory over himself in the one-man election staged in the Reich Sunday to demonstrate to the world the fact that Germany is united as one behind the former Austrian paper-hanger. However, despite the fact that the Nazis controlled the polls and despite the fact that for a week all Germans were harangued and orated into the thought that not to vote "ja" in the plebiscite constituted treason to Germany—the outstanding point in the election returns was not the thirty-eight odd million votes of "ja," but rather the 4,294,654 votes against Hitler and 872,296 ballots held "invalid" (probably blanks). An iron dictatorship with the people in fear of their lives . . . yet' four and a quarter million German voters had the courage to risk imprisonment and torture for their principles. Significant, also, are comparative figures. Though Nazi ballyhoo would lead one to think contrarily, Hitler's popularity and Nazi power have waned. The vote Sunday represents a sharp decline in the volume of Nazi party votes as compared with the November voting. In November, there were 43,453,000 "ja" votes and less than half as many opposing votes . . . and at that time Hitler did not have the grip of steel he now has on Germany's throat. The Jewish Germans were in a quandary as to how to vote .-.. whether to make the best of a bad situation and literally "save their skins" or vote against Hitler. One section of the Jewish population—the National German Society of Jews—so far forgot their Jewishness as to issue a proclamation favoring a vote in favor of the Nazi regime. However, most of the German Jewry seemed to take the stand that they would vote because Nazi pressure forced them to, but that they would drop in blank ballots. In the meantime, Dr. Hjalmar Schacht has become Germany's economic dictator. He recognizes that without the aid of the other nations, Germany will not ba able to pull herself out of the mire of economic annihilation. Therefore, it is expected that •within the next few months far-reaching decisions will be made in regard to German policy toward other countries. Since, inflamed pubUc sentiment has proved a poor substitute for sound trade conditions, it is believed that Hitler will turn to the t'nght." It is also believed that among the measures; will be an alleviation of persecution of the Jews, mainly for foreign consumption. The .world, therefore, must be on guard for Nazi guile, carefully distinguishing" between the camouflaged and the real.
+J .
And speaking about the removal the fact that the word "Jew" is deof these immigration restrictions, fined in a verbal sense "to overreach there will soon begin the biggest and cheat." S'nothing Ben Ami. The display on this matter, that Jewry word "Yankee" is also used in that has ever seen. After the holidays— sense. Particularly it was so employed in Colonial days. look out! American public opinion will be Leon Samson, author of "The New mobilized as never since the days Humanism" and many other works, By DAVID SCHWARTZ when President Wilson and congress is seriously ill. were brought to lend their support to the Balfour Declaration. It is "Did you know" writes the estimMISCELLANEOUS hoped to make such a great noise in able S. B. Kamaiko of Chicago, "that The Wolves of the K. K.K. Dr. Jacob G. Lipman, dean of the America, that his excellency, the High a number of little Jews are to be of agriculture at Rutgers uni- Commissioner in Palestine will be found in the interesting "Midget VilThe revived and reorganized Knights of the Ku Khix Klan, college versity, has been awarded the Chand- forced to heed, and allow 100,000 lage" at the World's Fair in Chifosterers of bigotry of a previous decade, have made a startling ler medal by Columbia university. Lip- Jews to enter Palestine yearly. cago. announcement from the "Samp" of their recent klonvocation. The man, an old Woodbine graduate, five You remember that poem: "True, they are little folks, but four and Semitic looking, is reKlan has not only denounced Fascism, Nazism and similar "isms" feet each and every one has a big heart. "We are coming, Father Abraham garded as the greatest soil authority as "abhorrent to personal freedom and dangerous to national lib- in the world. One hundred thousand strong"— Take, for example, that diminutive wise cracker, Rosen. He insists that erty," but through M. A. Donig, chief of the Klan's general staff, And yet they say—that Jews do not That will be the refrain. his real name is "Joel Ephraim." I make good farmers. declares that the reorganized Klan would permit no racial or reAnd when that happens, there will am inclined to believe that he is the A son of Dr. Lipman is not very be something "didLig"—you may beligious prejudice within its ranks and goes so far as to extend an studious, however. He very frequently lieve it. That is almost as much as diplomat of the Village. On learninvitation to Jews and Catholics to join its ranks. flunks his examinations, the Rutgers the Jewish immigration to America ing that you are Jewish, he will tell you typical Jewish stories and enjoys boys say. Thus the Klan, who in its frist modern incarnatoin was for the amounted in the flowery days of them so much himself that he almost the Jewish exodus from Russia to grows larger in his laughter. elimination of all Jews, Catholics and Negroes, now declares to the Dr. Lipman was one of the experts the United States. public that prejudice for racial or religious reasons is anathema who "Then there is Policeman Jacob some years ago made a survey to their nature and that the chief purpose of its resuscitation is of Palestine's farm possibilities for And when they march 100,000 Glicken who takes pride in informing you that he was a pupil in the the waging of a war against "un-Americanism and Communism." the Jewish Agency. strong, the world will wake up. The Martin St. Hebrew School in NewThe case of Lipman recalls another tom-toms will sound a r o u n d the However, while the Klan official is making such protestations great ark, N. J. Jewish agricultural expert—Dr. It will be perhaps the great- "It is a treat to converse with Miss which appear sweet in print, the Klan Kourier, official publica- Sosskin—a Revisionist Zionist, I be- world. est event in the eyes of the world tion of the Ku Kluxers, continues to regularly spew forth vitu- lieve, but regarded as England's great- that has come out of this era of the Florence Rothschild, the manager of the Beauty Parlor in the Midget perative attacks upon the Jews and Catholics of America, charg- est authority on intensive agriculture. depression. Village. She tells me her mother used Sosskin has all the earmarks of a ing them with preposterous and bitter accusations. The Kourier's genius. Some of his plans are fantas- So put it down in your notebook, to call her "Friedka". As further the next year will be the most proof, she writes a beautiful Yiddish. written word belies the gift-bearing Donig, filling us with skep- tic Thus, he has written a good deal that eventful from a Jewish standpoint "And don't overlook Sheindel Newon the industrialization of agriculture. in some centuries. ticism. A wolf in a sheep's clothing is still a wolf. man. She wants you to know that Believes that some day, corn and her religion is precious to her. As a wheat and these other things you and Sir Herbert Samuel, the Liberal I have for breakfast will be grown leader of England, believes that Pal- matter of fact she lights candles A Medical Center inside. Factory agriculture, so to estine during the next several years every Sabbath eve. A site on Mount Scopus, Jerusalem, has been selected for the speak. "You will meet quite a number of can absorb close to a million addi- Jewish midgets among the 200 who first medical center and graduate school of medicine in Palestine, tional population. make up the Midget Village." to be known as the Rothschild-Hadassah-University Hospital. Ac- And then there is Holzman—the of Palestine, He has intro- Eddie Cantor will soon appear in (Copyright, 1934, Jewish Telegraph** cording to plans, the institution will consist of a hospital, complete Burbank duced more than a hundred new a Shakespearian role. For the first Agency, Inc.) clinical and research laboratories, and a medical school. The acad- species of flora in Palestine. time not of a humorous vein.
headed by Zeleyea Codreanu, is just as dangerous to Roumania as Hitlerism or Bolshevism. Professor Cuza, the Roumanian Goebbels, was reported visiting Adolf Hitler in Berlin for the purpose of drawing nourishment from the fountain-head of race hatred itself. The near future in Roumania appears ominous for Jews in this country so recently reclaimed from the Jew-baiting hysteria of Mittel Europa.
emic work will be directed by the Hebrew universtiy. A number of noted specialists in various branches of medicine, including many German-Jewish refugees, will be on the staff and faculty. This institution should bring Palestine to the forefront of medical science in the Near East, giving Palestine a golden opportunity to advance science and raise the standards of health of that sector for all faiths and all creeds. In time from this source may emanate scientific solutions from which all mankind may benefit.
British Fair Play
Flowers like girls mature very easily in Palestine. Young girls under the tropic sun of Palestine become womanly much earlier than in the Occident—and of course, senility sets in earlier too.
One reason why s<* many Jews leave from Germany for Palestine— aside from Hitlerism—is that the transportation costs only about $30. whereas it is over $100 for the boat trip from America.
Robert Nathan has authored a book which depicts the story of a march of the Jews of the world across Europe and Asia. Nathan calls his picture fanciful. He does not know that it is taking place today.- Forty thousand Jews marched across Europe into Palestine in Asia last year—and forty thousand will do it again this year. And if the immigration restrictions on Palestine entry were removed— thirty thousand Jews from America would leave this year for Palestine. That many are registered with the Palestine bureau.
The World-Telegram of New York —its literary editor—makes an appeal for help for Henry George Weiss —who is living in Arizona on nothing but goat's milk and cactus and writing revolutionary poetry. They want help so that his poetry can be published. What a diet—goat's milk and cuctus\ Methinks, I too, could write revolutional poetry on that menu.
Zionists in Palestine have been levelling accusations of unjustness against the British authorities, particularly regarding their treatment of persons charged with illegal entry into the country. They accuse the police of maltreating young women prisoners, disobeying court orders that they be released on bail until ready for trial or deportation, and enlisting Arab tribesmen to hunt out suspects. The police explain their refusal of bail by citing the danger of the girls' marrying Palestinian* citizens while free-and'thus obtainjng'the light tOTemain in.f$g country. " '- Haolom, official organ of the Zionist World Organization, states that living conditions of the prisoners are vile and that arGEMS of the BIBLE rests are made on the flimsiest evidence. Thus, thirty-two wouldand TALMUD be Chalutzos, hiking through the country:near Tiberias, were imBy O. O. DASHES prisoned on the word of an Arab boy. » Such actions are a disgrace on the British sense of justice But with righteousness shall we The American Olympic Team and fair p l a y . . . We therefore look for a speedy alleviation of such judge the poor, and decide with Any doubt as to whether the United States would compete in equity for the meek of the land. intolerable conditions. . •;, the 1936 Olympics in Berlin; Germany; were dispelled by an article by Avery Brundage, president of the American Olympic ComAnd the wolf shall dwell with the mittee, in which he not only indicated that he would accept the TheySay... lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid, and the calf and the much-disputed German bid to the 1936 games but praised the "Mosley (England's Fascist leader) made an ass of himself" young and the fatling togeth"tolerance" Of German youth. —Field Marshall Viscount Allenby, who led the army liberating er, and lions a little child shall lead them. Samuel Untermyer, president of the Non-Sectarian Anti-Nazi Palestine during the world war. Set ye up an ensign upon the high League, immediately issued an appeal to all Jewish athletes in the mountain, lift up the voice unto United States to abstain from competing for places on the 1936 them, wave the hand that they may u American Olympic teani. Said he, in part: . . . Out of decent go into the gates of the nobles. By Chaim M. Bialik ' consideration for their race, it is unthinkable that any self-respectBefore BiaUk left Palestine for Vienna| where he TALMUD. ing Jew would accept the hospitality of a country that persists in died, he spoke to a. circle of friends at a farewell supper. . Our Rabbis were taught: It hapso insulting, degrading and persecuting our people. Any man pened once that Rabbi Joshua, who These last words of Bialik's are here being published in with a Jewish ancestor, with a drop of Jewish blood in his veins, went to the great city of Rome, was English for the first time.—The Editor. : told that there was a boy prisoner who crosses Germany's border or accepts its hospitality, is dea fine appearance, bright eyes. I am going abroad because I am ill, but I feel that our Tel with serving only of the contempt of his fellow man, be they Jews or He - went and stationed himself at Aviv and the Yishub are not healthy either. The signs of this the door of the prison and said to Christians." As a sidelight of non-Jewish opinion, consider the editorial have only recently come to the fore, in our attitude toward those the boy: "Who gave us Jacob for a -and- Israel to the robbers? comment in the New York Daily Mirror of Emile Gauvreau, non- of t)ur brethren who have come to us from Germany and other spoil Upon which the child prisoner reJewish managing editor of that paper: "Samuel Untermyer sug- countries, i Instead of caring for them and providing them with plied: 'Was it not the Lord? He gests that the Jewish Olympic stars boycott th? games in 1936. some kind of hpme, though it be only a barracks, we have ex- against whom we have sinned, and This will eliminate some outstanding^ athletes, from the American ploited theh* misforiurie forour gain. We have raised the rents in. whose ways they would not walk; neither were they obedient unto His team strength, but in view of the German attitude toward their and thus taken from them their last bit of money. law." race it seems to be the only self-respecting thing to do. Avery The second symptom of disease is the disgraceful land spec- ; Rabbi Joshua then remarked: "I Brundage, president of the American Olympic Association, has ulation, which consumes us as maggots consume carrion. The dia- am sure that this child will in future a Rabbi of Israel. I swear indicated acceptance of the invitation without making reference bolic glow of gold has dazzled us with a mirage of progress and become to God that I shall not leave this to the racial question. The boycott is the only weapon left a har- prosperity, while in reality there is only trading and industrial place until I will succeed in liberatried and persecuted race, torn at from all sides. activity. Every dunam of land goes through ten hands, with a ing that prisoner with any amount money it may be asked for him." If the Untermyer plea is heeded by Jewish athletes, Ameri- rise in price each time-—and we call that progress! In reality land of It was related that Rabbi Joshua did can prospects in the 1936 Olympics will suffer. At the 1932 Olym-- can have value only in so far as it provides men with a livelihood, hot leave the city until he had liberated that child for a big sum of pic games, Jewish athletes scored 50 of the points amassed by the or, in times of depression and want, with a bare subsistence. Many days did not pass beUnited States. Among the leading Jewish members of the 1932 The third evidence of a morbid state is the exodus from the money. fore that child became a Rabbi in American Olympic team were Lillian Copeland (discuss throw rural districts into the cities. Fate was kind to us, gave us work- Israel, and this was Rabbi Ishmael. champion); George Roth (Indian club champion^; Joseph Levis, ers, Jewish workers who go back to the land and renew our life by fencer; Ben Eastman, half miler; the late George Saling, cham- reuniting us with the soil. And now, at the false cry of prosperity Rabba said: From the time of until the time of Robbi, we pion hurdler; Al Schwartz and George Kojac; swimmers; Nat Bor, in the cities, Jewish farmers leave the villages, desert our national Moses do not find one man who was unique boxer; Sol Furth, jumper. Numerous Jewish athletes are ex- positions and rush back to the more comfortable urban life. in the possession of wisdom, riches The result is a further disaster—the fourth sign of disease: and glory.. pected to make the 1936 team, among them Sam Klopstock, hurdler; William Steiner and Harry Werbin, marathon runners; non-Jewish labor. That great achievement of past, decades, the Our Rabbis were taught: We have Milton Sandier and Ed Siegel, sprinters; and those from the 1932 citadel of our national life—Jewish labor—is being destroyed be- to support gentile poor together with fore our eyes. Let its not;cross future bridges; but what shall we the poor of Israel. It is our duty to team. do when a day;of. peril com^s and our colonies are filled with non- Visit sick gentile together with the of Israel. I t is proper to bury Jewish Who will aid us then—who will protect us in sick Roumania ; .-^ . times ofworkers? the dead bodies of gentile together storm and danger? ,,.,.,,.,,. ,,. with - dead :bodies of Israel because Jewish interest shifted this week from the quieting Algerian it will foster good will. And the most serious symptom of the-diseased times is the situation, the chronic German one and the acute one in Austria dreadful inner disruption, the partisan battles, the, consuming fire to Bucharest. The Iron Guard, suppressed by the government after Rob said: It is prohibited for, a the murder of Premier Duca, printed lists of Jewish communal of hatred between brother and brother. The curse of the extrem- man to eat before he feeds his animal. and Zionist organizations and denounced them as traitorous and ist parties, as laid bare during that notorious trial.; Disease has taken hold of the Yishub; and our Tel Aviv too communistic, in defiance of the government's recent order forbidSimon said to his disciples: is diseased. And I plead with you, for your own sake and for MyRabbi children, copy my customs for ding newspapers to publish incitements to race hatred. iny customs are selected from the Minister of "the Interior loir Inculet in an address to a confer- mine, to enable me to see signs of restored health when I return; best customs of *Ra5bi ATciba. (Copyrisrht. 1934. by Seven Arts Feature Syndicate.) enco of police chiefs declared that the anti-Semitic Iron Guard,
Sweden May Protest Stockholm.—Vituperative attacks on the Bonnier Publishing House, publishers of the Svenska Dagbladet, Sweden's leading conservative newspaper, in the Nazi press of Germany, were climaxed by the Svenska Dagbladet's demand that the Swedish government take diplomatic action to halt the campaign of insult. The Nazi papers had accused the Bonnier firm of stirring up hatred between Sweden and Germany because it was Jewish owned. The firm has no Jewish contacts whatever but earned Nazi enmity by its consistent policy of telling the truth about events in Germany.
I. H. Rubin, retiring secretary of O the Jewish National Fund, who has | Paxton Mitchell Co. served the J. N. F. for over thirty I Grey Iron, Aluminum and years, is settling in Palestine. X Bronle Castings I Wood and Metal Patterns An international Anti-Semitic conHA. 5523 vention will be held in Nurenberg, I 2614 Martha St. Germany. Delegates are expected 5 from Germany, Poland and Rumania. This should be followed by an International Hoodlums Convention. Or maybe the two conventions could take place simultaneously. Ben Ami in the London Jewish Chronicle is •very much worried over
NATIONAL ACCESSORIES, Inc. EVERYTHING For the Auto AT. 5524 2051 Farnam
Men Say Goodbye to Straws When They See These Netcly Arrived
Again The Nebraska offers the last word in hats. Just right for motor wear, for the late vacationist going to cooler climes, for the man about town tired of straws... the lightest of lightweight felt hats. Made as only Kriox, Stetson and Mallory can make them! Other New Featherweight Felt Hats $3.50 and $4 Bats—Main Floor
Zeta Beta Tau Summer Formal
Alpha Theta chapter of Zeta Beta Tau and the Omaha Graduate club of the fraternity jointly entertained 70 guests at a dinner-dance at the "Sixty Club" on August 20. The affair, which was the fraternity's tenth annual summer formal, attracted members from outstate Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas and South Dakota. Decorations were blue and gold, t i e fraternity colors. Officers for the coming year for the active chapter at Lincoln, are Edwin Speier, Sioux Falls, S. D., president; Melvin Berkowitz, Omaha, vice-president; Lloyd Friedman, Omaha, secretary; Bernard Galitzki, Topeka, Kans., treasurer, and Albert Stein, Omaha, historian. Officers for the Grad Club for the ensuing year are Richard Hiller, president, and Edwin Brodkey, secretary and treasurer. The party arrangements were made by a committee consisting of Justin "Wolf, Edwin Sommer and Herman Rosenblatt.
FROM AKRON. she will stop in Hollywood, Los AnMr. and Mrs. Marcus Krasne of geles, and San. Francisco. Akron, Ohio, motored here for a two-week stay with Mr. and Mrs.MOTOR TO OMAHA Aaron Shafer. Mrs. H. Novey and son, Donald, Krasne wa3 formerly physical di- and Mr. and Mrs. Sol Aronson and rector of the Omaha J. C. C. and is baby daughter motored to Omaha now physical director of the Akron from Chicago for a week's stay with Jewish Center. Mrs. S. Kxizelman and family. Mrs. Aronson was formerly Rose Novey RETURNS TO OMAHA of Omaha. Lee Grossman, physical director of the J. C. C , has resumed his duties after a short vacation. After -visit- RETURNS HOME Mrs. Sidney Rosann of Philadeling the world's fair in Chicago, he spent two weeks at Ashland, Nebras- phia, formerly of Omaha, has reka, where he managed the camp ex- turned home after a short visit here. change of the National Guardsmen FROM DETROIT encampment of 1,800 men. Miss Shreda Osoff of Detroit is He was aided at the exchange by three Omaha members of the Center, visiting her aunt, Mrs. N. Levinson. Paul Bogdonoff, Lou Cohen and Max FAREWELL PARTY Merriam. It was reported last week that Fratority gave a farewell party for VISITORS HERE Mr. and Mrs. Chester Waldman of Miss Dora Lefkowitz, who is leaving Cheyenne, Wyo., are visiting with with her family to reside in New York. The party, Instead, was given Mr. and Mrs. Abe Cohen. by the Sacks family, with the entire Fratority membership invited. FROM MINNEAPOLIS Mrs. Alex Menin of Minneapolis, Minn., is visiting her cousins, Mrs. John Faier and Mrs. Abe Cohen.
Z ACH ABIA-STERLING Miss Minnette of Mrs. Ruth Sterling, was -wed to Mr. Samuel Zacharia, son of Mrs. Hose Zacharia, Sunday afternoon at the home of the bride's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Gail Margolin. Eabbi David A. Goldstein officiated. Sigma Omicron chapter of Sigma Before the ceremony, Mrs. Hyinan Alpha Mu fraternity of the UniversiBelmont sang "At Dawning," rw ac- ty of Nebraska, and its Omaha Alumcompanied at the piano by Miss Mar- ni club, will stage their joint annual garet Hurwitz, pianist, and Mr. Maxend-of-the-summer "Round Up," in Yaffe, violinist. Miss Hurwitz and Omaha, at the end of the week . Mr. Yaffe played the wedding march. The activities will include an inforThe bride's gown was of white mal gathering Saturday evening, Aulace, fashioned with a square neck gust 25; a smoker at the Paxton hoand sleeves full to the elbow, and tel on Sunday afternoon, August 26; fitted below. The skirt fell into a and a dinner-dance, Sunday evening, two-yard train. A row of lace flow- at the Hotel Paxton ballroom. Lloyd RABBI AND MRS. WICE RETURN Ida Blacker was elected president Rabbi and Mrs. David H. Wice STAG AFFAIR ers, trimmed with seed pearls, was Hunter's Serenaders, who are touring of the Omega Delta Delta sorority, in this part of the country, will furreturned to Omaha last week. DurThe Omaha alumni of the Sigma used across the front at the neck nish the music. ing the summer they attended the Alpha Mu fraternity entertained j formerly Beta Alpha Gamma. p line. Her tulle veil covered the full Other officers are Gertrude Oruch, The Round-Up is the sixth of its Central Conference of American Sunday evening at a stag at the length of her train. Her bouquet was secretary; Ethel Green, treasurer; and kind, and forms a climax for the sumRabbis at Wernersville, Pa. For the Paxton, honoring Mr. Milton Bera large sheaf of bride's roses, sweet Sonia Saks, reporter. jmer activities of the fraternity, and last half of the summer, Rabbi Wice kowitz, whose marriage will take peas and baby's breath. also serves as a sendoff to those who The group is making plans for their She was given in marriage by her are returning to school. Every year did graduate work at the Hebrew place September 2. fall and winter program. Union College at Cincinnati, workancle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Theo- alumni and actives from every section ing toward his doctorate. RETURN FROM WISCONSIN dore Fishman of Flandreau, S. D. of the country gather to partake of Mr. Dave Cohn and son, Julius, Miss Dorothy Margolin was maid- the events. Among that number will Wedenesday Special have returned from Madison, Wis., of-honor, and Miss Sarah Lee Tnch- be Mr. and Mrs. David Fellman of CANADIAN VISITORS DAMP WASH Mrs. B. Finkel and her son, Dr.where Julius spent the summer at man and Miss Dorothy Kropman N e w - j ^ C o M U . Mr _a a dM r s _ FLAT WORK IRONED Lou Finkel, of Winnipeg, Canada, camp Indianola. While there Julius were bridesmaids. Sokolof of Des Moines, la.; Cassie visited the last week with Mr. andwon first place in the horse show for Dr. David C. Platt attended Mr. Baron of Baltimore, Md.; Max Glazer Mrs. J. Herman and other relatives. excellent horsemanship. Zacharia as best man, and Louis E. of Fort Dodge, la.; Mr. and Mrs. El- Many entertained for the visitors. Shirts Included—8c Lipp and Henry Sterling were mer Greenberg of Crawford, Neb.; Mrs. J. Herman entertained at the VISITOR HERE ushers. Mr. and Mrs. David Wohlner of New Patxon; Mrs. J. Richards entertained Miss Bess Fox of New York is Following the ceremony, a recep- York City; W. Zolley Lerner of Kan- at the Fontenelle; Mrs. Paul Wohl visiting her brother and sister-intion was held. After a two week's sas City, Mo.; Lee Biespiei, Henry ner entertained at her home, and law, ME. and Mrs. Max Fox. cruise on the Great Lakes, Mr. and Rosenstein, Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Dia- Mrs. J. White entertained at her Mrs. Zacharia will be at home at the mond, and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Dia- home. MONTH'S VISIT 2815 FARMAM AX2BI5 Woowland Apartments. mond of Chicago, I1L; Dr. Hyman Miss Ida Kotler has left for a Osheroff, formerly of Erickson, Neb.; GUESTS HEBE month's visit to California where Abe Sadoff, now of Lbs Angeles, CaL; WEITZMAN-GOLDENBERG Mr.1 and Mrs. M. Mittleman nave Louis Goldstone of Los Angeles, CaL; as their guests their son and daughWEDDING 5129 Mr. and Mrs. Hyinan Goldenberg Dr. Louis Azorin, Jerome Cohn, Phin- ter-in-law, and family, Mr. and Mrs.| ITEbster Decatnr St. 33S7 announce the marriage of their eas Dubrow, Frederick Sherman, Max Harry Mittleman and family, ofj daughter, Anne, to Mr. Ellis Weitz- Rosen thai, of Sioux City, la.; Morris Portland, Ore. \Ve want to call to the attention of the Jewish public that we are petting In now a new supply ol the seasonable religions articles. Machzeirim with Jewman, Bon of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Gordon and Emanuel Wishnow, now of ish and English translations, prayer books. Toleosim. silk and wool of the best •Weitzman of Atlanta, Ga., on Thurs- Providencetown, Mass.; Louis B. Fin-CONVALESCING AT HOME kind, e t c kelstein, Jacob Jay Marx, Syman Roday evening, August 23, at the senberg, Jacob M. Finkelstein, Paul Mr. J. Lieb is convalescing at A Full Line of New Years Cards in Jewish and English bride's home. home. He was at the Lutheran ho.<=Marx, William Rosenberg, Irving Hill, Remember onr famous Kosher Soap. On the demand of a few customers I Rabbi N. Feldman officiated at the pital for eight weeks. ordered- the following articles of pcre silver ana plate silver candle sticks, ceremony. A family supper followed. and David Rosenberg, of Lincoln, Kidnsh cups, Hadeses. etc Everyone who is interested in buying one of them should be so kind and let me know ahead of time, EO I can have it ready for Mrs. Weitzman mother of the Neb.; Sidney Bergen of Sioux City, TO OKOBOJI them. groom, and Mrs. Gus Sevelitz, his la.; Bruce Latz and Sidney DaskowMrs. Irving Hobeman and son, I hare Just received direct from Palestine a very nice stock of most beansister, came here from Atlanta to sky, of Minneapolis, Minn.; Stanley Donald Lee, spent ten days at Lake -tifnl Esrogim and tulovim for Snccoth . . . Anyone desiring to buy one will Reinstein of Kansas City, Mo.; Milplease let me krovr so that I can have it ready for him for Xontif. attend the wedding. Okoboji, Mr. Hoberman joining them Among out-of-town guests were ton Berkowitz and Karl Braverman of on week-ends. Miss Adelaide Green of Chicago, for- Grand Island, Neb.; Edward Rosen of merly of Omaha, and Miss Fannie Minneapolis, Minn.;- and H y m a n TEN-DAY TRIP ....... Kramer of Council Bluffs, la . Cohen of Sioux City, la. Messrs. Ben Kazlowsky and Harry Mr. Weitzman is, a graduate .of ' The fraternity has moved into a Dworsky returned Saturday from a Emory University at Atlanta. He' is new home, a t Lincoln, Neb., located at ten-day trip to Yellowstone National. now attending Creighton university 229 No. 17th Street. Harry Rosenstein, and will receive-his master's degree son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Rosenstein UNDERGOES APPENDECTOMY of this city, will head the active chapin June. Isabel Rosenblatt underwent an ter for the year and will represent The young couple will make their appendectomy Monday at the St. Jothe fraternity at its annual convenhome at 1911 South 50th street, afttion to be held in New York City over seph hospital. er a short honeymoon trip. the holidays. Other officers include I. Irving Hill of Lincoln, treasurer; FREED-KATSKEE MABBIAGE Sam -Fleishman of Omaha, secretary; ATTENTION! A various assortment of Jewish New Mrs. Sophie Katskee announces the and Max Canar 'of Omaha, assistant Tear cards at very reasonable priees marriage^jrf her daughter, Rose, to treasurer. CALL WEBSTEK 4861 Mr. Hariy*J. Freed, eon of Mr. Jacob The local committee in charge of Onr representative will be pleased to Freed, last Thursday August 1G, at the Round-Up arrangements includes take yonr order at your home or your place of basiness. Yonr orders the Katskee home. The ceremony was Harold Pollack, Albert Batt, Harry B. appreciated. performed in the presence of the Cohen, Alfred Fiedler, Sidney Epstein Smith Bros. Printing Co. immediate families, with Rabbi and Hyman Swartz. 2fo. 20th Street WE-48C1 Nathan Feldman officiating. The bride was gowned in a light ANNOUNCE "BRITH" printed chiffon dress floor length Mr. and Mrs. Dan LJntzman. anwith a long veil caught into a cap nounce the "brith" of their son SunCLOSE OUT of lace. She carried a bouquet of tea day, at the Jennie Edmundson hosDKVOE BEST SPAR TARNISH roses and baby's breath. • pital. He was named Mark NeiL After a honeymoon trip to Chica$1.50 a Gallon go, the couple will reside in Omaha ANNOUNCE BAR MITZVAH at the Parker Apartments. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Abrahamson JA. 560* ill No. 15th announce the Bar Mitzvah of their HOLDS RECEPTION Mrs. Sophie Katskee received at son, Lester, this Saturday morning home Sunday in honor of her son-at the Adass Yeshuren synagogue, in-law, and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.25th and Seward streets. Harry Freed, who were recently married. Over 125 people attended. TO RECEIVE FOR BAR MITZVAfl CLEANERS Among the relatives from out-of- Mr. and Mrs, Jack Kaufman will town were Mrs. Tom Robinson and be at home from 2 to 5 p. m. on sons, Harry and Sidney, and daugh- Sunday, August 26, in honor of the SSBiT*"!-" ter, Gertrude, of Fort Dodge, Ia.; Bar Mitzvah of their son,: Sheldon Mrs. B. Kopack, of Muscatine, la. Allan. No • invitations nave been isMr. John Robnson and family o: sued. Norfolk, Neb.; and Mr. and Mrs, Ed Baron and daughter of Sious HERE AFTER GRADUATE STUDY Eecognized Fine Qualities City, la. Dr. Ben Slutsky arrived in Omaha Prom WE REFINISH ANYTHING last week, after having spent the MADE OF METAL FRIEDMAN-ROSS ENGAGEMENT past four years studying internal North Star 2210 Farnam JA-2566 Mrs. Rae E. Ross of Council Bluffs medicine in New York. announces the engagement and iapWoolen Mills proaching marriage of her daughter, ENTERTAIN FOR GUESTS Miss Lydia Ross, to Dr. Alexander Mrs. A. Brookstein and Mrs Esmond iff ills J. Friedman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hermanson entertained ai St. Mary's Woolen Morris Friedman of Union City, the Hamilton Cafe Sunday after Mitts {Formerly In the employ of I*. Harris) New Jersey. noon for their cousin, Miss Mollit Miss Ross is a graduate of the Wolchinsky, of Chicago, and also for Twelve Tears experience Amana Society, Insurance with- Reliable Companies Abraham Lincoln High school of Mrs. Phil Smith's house guest, Miss Real Estate . . . Property Management Council Bluffs, and attended the Fausteen Golden of Louisiana. Amana* Wowca SIS So. 15th St. JA. 7311 University of IowaPrizes at bridge were won by- Mrs. Dr. Friedman graduated from the I Morris Fisher, Mrs. B. Kushner, and University of Iowa", at Iowa City in Mrs. A. Kutler. Our Ammta Juno, and was a member ol the Phi Products Are Delta Epsilon fraternity. AU First Quality The marriage will take place on Select your NEW YEAR . Yon are warned that "secSunday, September 2, in Avenel, onds" are being offered Jn 25th and Leavenworth Sts. CARDS Now! New Jersey, at the home of the competition. I , Atlantic 2574 , bride'sT grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Received several shipments of J. Fox;' • " ' -" . Silk and Wool Talesims; Praye r Books, and large assortment Blankets of the better qualities, the veryfinestproof beautiful New Year -Cards, corahle, from the country's best known, makers. All ANNOUNCE BIRTHS both in English and Jewish. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ferer anat extraordinary low prices, and all of a beauty that nounce the birth of a daughter AuNew upholstered furniture made to equals their distinguished fineness. yonr individual taste. No extra cost gust 16 at - the Methodist hospital. Better Bedding Section—Third Floor to have your furniture made to fit 2560 Coming St. yonr home. Call AT-2574 and Mr. • Mr. and Mrs.". Abe Roffman any 74 a d M . • nounce the birth of a daughter: on. , Phone AT. 6620 o r B A , 7010 ASussman wQl call and make sugAugust 13 at the Methodist hospital. f gestions.
Herzbergs CODE SS-163
of Gorgeous Fur Trims Is One Reason Why Herzbergs Are Selling So Many
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Coats At
58 Never hare you seen fine Persian . . Skunk . . Beaver . . Kit Fox . . Badger . . Jap Mink . . Kolinsky . . Cross Fox and Russian Fitch used so lavishly on coats at $58! See them . . try them on . . and you'll know why Herzbergs is the store for coats'
Other August Sale Groups .. $68 and 98.75 Ask About Oar I^ay Away Flan! Fourth Floor
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The World is Yoyrs When You Can Wear Dresses Like Our
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Have you heard of the new " C e r e a l " crepes! ... Oatmeal and Wheat" See them in the new exclusive Fashion Frock modes . . flaunting F u r Trimmings . . Cellophane . . Metallic Touches! Black, Browns, Greens and Rust. Sizes 12 to 44.
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$139 (Ask About Onr Lay Away Flan) Fourth Floor ;.
"BRING HER ON!"—There is nonchalance in the manner of Jack Parkingson, afterguard of the crew of Rainbow, candidate for defender of the America'* cup, as he gazes at the yacht Yankee, far in the rear of Rainbow during a trial spin. It looks easy, doesn't it?
THIRST MAKES ANTELOPES from their usual ranges from the troughs of ranchers shy creatures are made
SPURNS DOLE FOR DOGS—Refusing to give up his four dogs, 72-year-old Ernest Booth of Saugus, Mass., is willing to have his name crossed off the city welfare list which awarded him $3 weekly. Booth is shown with one of the pets for which he' borrowed money to obtain licenses.
CAMERAMEN KEEP VIGIL AT LABATT HOME—Outside the home at London, Ont., where John S. Labatt, wealthy brewer, was recovering from the ordeal of his kidnaping, cameramen are shown waiting in the hope of obtaining pictures. Neighborhood children and curious townsfolk keep the photographers company*. h
IT'S WAR, LADIES—Declaring themselves rulers of the wave, the this war canoe, all girls, challenges any feminine war canoe team in the universe {Mars newspapers please copy). They are. champions of the Long Beach, Cal., water carnival.
crew of
11• 1 ^> ^8
""i - ^ " -^^?
m HP
m m IMF
B —
.1 •
• .
SUCCESSFUL STRATOSPHERISTS—Dr. Max Cosyns, left, and his assistant, Neree Vunderlist, are shown in front of the stratosphere ", ., gondola in which they success! ully soared into the stratosphere from Hour-Havenne, Belgium. Cosyns thinks his instruments have re-. : corded important facts about cosmic rays which he is not prepared '-••—— • -—^ to reveal until he checks"the'observations.
*/, \
* ^* .,.'
ALUMINUM STRIKE PICKETS PITCH CAMP—Prepared for a protracted siege, pickets at the Alcoa, CHAPLIN'S SONS RECOVER—None the worse for their experfTenn., plant of the Aluminum Company of America are shown with their temporary shelter. A heavy ences, Charlie Chaplin's sons, Sidney Earl, left, and Charles, Jr. chain marks off the strike zone at the main entrance to the plant. No one is permitted to leave or . shown in the hospital at Los Angeles recovering from tonsil - - - - enter,- whichhas"kept more* than 250 "officials'marooned inside. adenoid operations.,: " -•
^>^c A
Page 7—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 24, 1934 nouhcement. . , . They like him much better, now than they did when, on first coming into office, he .set tip that famous "gag rule" in the Treasury. . . .
workers* union, cannot dismiss-Jewish workers from employment, it was ruled by a court in Frankfort. The decision ordered the reinstatement of a Jewish laborer in whose discharge from a Frankfort enterprise the LaABOUT PEOPLE A penchant for writing promises to .phors distilled out of common speech. jbor Front had been instrumental. Early in October you win be able I As a general rule the courts have bring a rosy career as an authoress and startling in their brilliance— to read "The Rise and Destiny of (frowned on interference from the out- to an Omaha girl, who is now living here is prose by a 21-year-old girl as By PHDTEAS J. BffiON rich as that of Elizabeth Madoz RobGerman. Jews," by Dr. Jacob R. Marside with the authority of the "fueh- in San Francisco. erts in in "The Time of Man,' but firm cus, Professor of Jewish History at Report to Naziland Tried to Save Vienna Nazis She pens her works under her rer of any given enterprise. where that of the older writer is soft the Hebrew Union College, and one maiden name, Tillie Lerner, daughter YOU SHOULD KNOW New York.—The Friends of New Vienna.—The nine Nazi police offiof Mr. and Mrs. S. Lcrner, 2512 Cald- and nostalgic, and poignant and ten70-year-old Maria C. Leffcowicz of of the best. Judge Joseph Pad- Germany and other pro^Nazi bodies cials whose trial here for participa- Seek Nobel Prize for Bialik | der where that of the older writer is Seattle recently proved in a court of way of Milwaukee," one of the Mid-in the United States make regular re- tion in the recent putsch resulted in Tel Aviv — An appeal for the well. law that she is a second cousin of dle West's greatest champions of la- ports to the Brown House in Munich, death sentences ' for four and long posthumous award of the 1934 Nobel Miss Lerner, who is 21, has been sentimental and blurred." Abraham Lincoln . . . Her mother, bor, is an active Zionist and has vol-the ministries in Berlin and the Nazis' prison terms for the rest, had to go to Prize for Literature to Chaim Nach- writing since she was 14. She is be- '•The Iron Throat" was started by who was not Jewish was a niece of unteered to go out campaigning for foreign department in Hamburg con- a Jewish -lawyer, Dr. Kraus, for their man Bialik is contained in an article lieved to be the authoress of an un- Miss Lerner while she was still a pusaid to have been written by S. signed poem which received honorable pil here at Central High school. the mother of the Great Emancipator the United Jewish Appeal. ' , . .Dr. cerning their own activities and those defense. Myron. Metzenbaum of Cleveland has of Jewish organizations and leaders, Schwartz of Jerusalem. Dr. Kraus, who defended the acand of course a first cousin of Honmention in a Woman's Press club con- This young authoress is living in discovered that the injection of alco- with particular .emphasis on the anti- cused with a devotion that aroused Jewish cultural organizations are test three years ago. The anonymous ( San Francisco with her husband and est Abe himself All of which recalls the statement of Rabbi Isaac hol into the nose brings immunity Nazi boycott here, it is revealed by favorable comment even in Nazi cir- urged to demand the award. ^ e I poem was received with the Lerner j their 8-months-old daughter. M. Wise after Lincoln's death to the to hay fever. . . . How about the im- Friedrich Karl Kruppa, formerly a cles, stated that he felt the charge writer cites other cases of posthu- address, but the writer answered nei- She is the second eldest of six chilDo you secretary of the secret trial committee of high treason to be unjustified, and mous Nobel Prize awards. ther letter nor phone call concerning dren, all of whom have won notice effect that Lincoln himself had de- bibing of alcohol, doc?. in journalism at Central High school, added-that Ms religion saved him from dared he had Jewish" blood in his remember the child prodigy Nathalia of the Friends of New Germany. her poem. except who has just enThese revelations are included in a any suspicion of sympathy with the Textile Workers Strike veins Bernard G. Bichardsi for C r a n e » w h o "wrote poems so mature p the youngest, yg High praise is given this talented Lodz, Poland — Seven hundred young woman by Robert Cant well, tered high school. The others are Fan- people refused to believe a little girl series of articles on Nazi activities in Nazi cause. many years secretary of- the AmeriJewish, textile workers declared a the U. S. written by Kruppa for the can Jewish congress, who was forced could have composed them?. New Y o r k p strike against starvation wages book reviewer, in a recent issue of the nie, 22; Harry, 20; Lillie, 19; and Saar Commissioner she's twenty-one now, a n d ] to resign from that post and is nowWell, New Republic, nationally noted crit- Morris, 17. Morris, who just graduwhich have been paid them. Berlin. — Joseph Burckal, a Nazi the head of the Jewish Information about to enter her Senior year at Reappears, Though Suppressed ated from Central, won two scholarical magazine. leader, who is a violent anti-Semite, Weekly earnings for each worker Bureau, is being flooded these days Barnard, and the reason she hasn't ships in journalism. The first chapter of Miss Lemer's averaged about four dollars, "with inquiries about the elections for published anything lately is that a Warsaw.—Following the illegal re- has been appointed commissioner for i have Saar to replace "Vice Chancellor 1t ae enn d t h e working day^has run to fif- book. "The Iron Throat," was pubthe Congress scheduled for next April very wise but anonymous friend; of- appearance of the suppressed Stafeta, the Franz von Papen, special minister to j hours. The The strikers demand a lished' in the Parisian Review. Hers . . . In the public mind, it appears, fered her a college education on.con- organ of ; the outlawed anti-Semitic A r i twenty-five twentfi per cent increase in was the only name mentioned by CantNational Radical party (Naras) in dition that she wouldn't publish a Austria. . . Eichards is still identified with the I<et me protect j"onr Intercuts . . . J well in his article on "Little Magawrite INSIJJIAXCE of *very description Congress, as is attested by the num- line until after her graduation. . . . mimeographed form, Nara hooligans The post is regarded as highly imzine." have resumed their attacks! on WarWhen that time-comes, a year from inrlodingX.1FE, in sttenp, reliable comportant in Nazi Germany, which is set j , •_i___« . T erous queries he regularly receives panies ©JTLY . . . !>«'« talh it over. Cantwell said in part: " . . . A on regaining the Saar. In 1935 the in- !F o r LiplomatlC about that body and its doings. . . . now, she'll have plenty of material saw Jewry. ready, for she's been writing all the Sporadic incidents have been occur- habitants of the Saar will vote wheth- j Havana. — The Cuban government good part of their fiction is of the City Finance & Insurance Co. time, of course. . . . Isaac, Cannel, ring for several days as the gray- er to return to Germany, stay under announced" the appointment of Ko- sort that is usually called promising; 1409 Farnam St. AT-16G" or WA-5150 FAIRY TALE HERO Zionist, reports that Pres- shirted Naras regain courage and re- ine rule" of the League of Nations, or b«rto Namer, a Sephardic Jew, as out of the two hundred stories in mag"His life is like a fairy tale," says Cleveland join France. consul to Haifa, Palestine. Namer is azines covered in this survey there is, William. Green of the Ameri- sume their "anti-Jewish terror. Eeichsminister Dr. Joseph Paul Goeb- ident the first Jew ever to be appointed by one fragment by Tillie Lerner so fresh can Federation of Labor is a great bels of his Fuehrer, Adolph Hitler. admirer of the work Jewish labor is The first issue of the new Stafeta Police Ban Y o u t h U n i t s the Cuban government to a diploma- and imaginative that even a cautious contains hot only incitations to pog. . . And that in a campaign speech. critic can" call it a work of early Berlin. — More_ than 1,000 Jewish tic post, Is enjraged in the business of sellW. W. please note. And doing in Palestine. Judge Jonah roms but hints that th'e Naras are genius. ouths in the Westphalian district of designation was recommended ing all kinds of RELIGIOUS ARDolly's right-hand man, Kudolph J. Goldstein, you may not know, is planning to reorganize under new "In the fragment of Tillie Lemer's Arnsberg were affected by a- special by most of the prominent political TICLES—Taleisim, Books, Jewish Hess, reminisces about the days when an alumnus of Lillian Wald's Henry leadership in the hope • of regaining police order absolutely prohibiting and organizations, including the revolu- novel . . . the imagery, the meta- Bibles in Hebrew and English. Hitler, still obscure, used to walk the Street Settlement, and it was through their legal status. x Res. 609 No. 50th St. GL-2972 declaring illegal all Jewish youth or- tionary parties backing the present streets in Munich shaking a club at the Settlement that he, then a little ganizations in the district. regime. Balkans Hail Jewish Child Communists and such . . . Big, two-East Side boy, got his first glimpse of i Ostrovski for Roumanian Jewish youth organizations were fisted he-man stuff, eh? . . . As for mountains and woods. . . . I t was Embassy Post Music Prodigy Palestine Raises Ban "Putzi" Hanfstaengl's recent maga- largely due to his efforts that the Bucharest.—Mischa Ostrovski, for- also forbidden to hunt, march, camp, Against Jabotinsky Belgrade—Yugoslavian musical cir-': M zine article extolling Addled Adolf- new Domestic Relations Court in Newmer Soviet commercial attache in I to wear uniforms and carry flags Jerusalem — Vladmir Jabotinsky, cles are predicting a sensational ca-! ir streamers on pain of imprisonment E it was ghosted by a scribe who, we York was created. . . . Paris, has been named the first SoRevisionist leader, who has been reer for 12-year-old Robert Weiss; r fine. Only indoor sport activities Y are told, was also responsible for an viet ambassador to Roumania followfrom Palestine since his last whose violin playing has become thej anti-Nazi, editorial in the same is- CULLED FROM THE SPORT& ing the resumption of_ diplomatic re- and-private hiking groups are per- barred talk of the Balkans where he is beE visit here in 1929, will be granted a mitted for Jewish youths. sue. . . . How come a Berlin sport lations between the two countries. ing hailed as the newest child musivisa if he desires to return. The gong "has sounded' and the R paper had the temerity to invite'our A native of Bialystok, where he was i According to reports, High Com- cal prodigy. We mean the wed-born lion Arabs Raise Swastikas own Maxie Baer for a tour of Nazi- battle is on. years ago, Ostrovski was eduWeiss has already played a comding bells that have rung fot King cated 45 Jerusalem.—Arabic posters with the missioner Wauchope has raised the B. in Bessarabia, the former Rusland? Anyway, Maxie isn't hav- Levinsky. mand recital before King Alexander. His sparring partner sian province, which now. belongs to swastika prominently displayed and ban against Jabotinsky. ing any . . . Not unless they agree to is one Eosie Glickman, a fan dancer. advocating a boycott of all Jewish Hold Mizrachi Parley let him take Hitler into the ring. F . '. . And now a Queen, we suppose. Roumania.. Ostrovski has been in the stores have suddenly appeared in Gives §500,000 for Liverpool Soviet diplomatic service for many Lwow. — The central committee of Library . . . Congratulations to Gordon IsE Arab shop windows in Jerusalem and BERLIN NOTES raels, young pilot who escaped un- years, distinguishing himself by cap- Haifa. At the same time walls in the London. — Harold Colien of Liver- the World Mizrachi organization, orR ; The' centenary of the death of the hurt when his plane, which he was turing the Oriental markets from the two cities were placarded with the pool, has donated $500,000 to the li- thodox Zionists, will meet here AuE great Prussian" statesman Harden- trying to land at 100 miles an hour, Standard Oil Company and opening gust 22, it was announced. brary of Liverpool university. Arabic swastika posters. berg received little, .attention, and entered terra firma nose first at them to Russian oil. R The anti-Jewish'boycott movement, §141,162 Deficit for Mt. Leipzig Decision Upholds that only for purposes of vitupera- Omaha recently. . . . Primq Camera Will Satisfy All lonr believed to be inspired by the Nazis, Polish Jewry Apprehensive tion by the Streicher papers. . . ; For still uses a cane, for his ankle has Sinai Hospital Mixed Unions S Sign Needs has as slogans-: "The Jew's gain is Warsaw. — The Jewish community Hardenberg was;-the-sponsor of Jew- not yet recovered from that encounNew York — A deficit of $141,Leipzig.—The Supreme Court ruled the Arab's loss" and "Dont go near here is hearing with' great apprehenAssociated with ish emancipation in Germany. 162.92 was incurred last year by Mt. here that mixed marriages between ter with Maxie Baer. . . . . We hear sion reports to the effect that Poland Jewish shops." And, besides, his wife was Jewish. OMAHA NEON SIGN CO. Sinai Hospital because of increased "Aryans" and "non-Aryans" cannot in the coming Barney "Eoss- will shortly apply to the League of . . . The Catholic priestT of Garhau- that demands for free service and fewer be set aside, except when "one party Jimmy McLarnm bout "the one: and Nations for the abolition of its regu- Nazis Must Not Fire Jews, AT. G07J bay- o n l y Benny Leonard will forget the 1120 5to. IS paying patients, according to the an- was" ignorant of the other's Jewish sen, in in the the Rhineland, Rhineland, • is' is' being" being baylations referring to national minorities Frankfort Court Holds blood at the time of the wedding." nual report of that institution. cotted because; he ordered coal f o r j ^ e s o f cbreligionism and rgrace "the unless all the other-countries also are Berlin. — The Labor Front, Nazi the church and the parish office" from The .latest as- made to adopt such Tegulatioiis. .." McLarnin. corner., a Jewish mere&int. rj.-^Ji rfece^ 5ft- pirant.:to fistic Jionprs_is. • r sue of Der?Welt£ampf iamenteiiKat Atiaitic-aifplane .passenger• Cfiarlie "TTt 'is" generally feff^tihat tKe^aTjoE-' "it will never be possible to get ?rid IiCTnjne, who -was fined "ten-bucks the ave. a mosV deleterious effect on the of the Jew as long as the Christian othtt day for sailing into. a rival for various naticnal minorities residing in creed sticks to the-Old Testament a lady's affections.. . ; And have you 'oland, the 3,000,000 Polish Jews beand the Jewish idol1 Jehova". . . . A heard' about -the Litvak^ sports fan of ing recognized a s one of those minorGerman railway .official 1 who was Detroit -who Tooted so vociferously ities and-feeling that the minority transferred from Regansbufg to: an- for the Tigers and the Detroit U. treaty " provisions safeguard their • other place used a. Jewish firm for team that he had to have rights. the 'transport of his luggage. . several throat operations ? . . . . . I t Chemistry Medal With the effect that lie was seems that U. of D. paid all his hosnounced by the Nazi press and has pital expenses. . •. Out of gratitude, New York. — The 1934 Chandler medal, an award given annually by been taken into custody. . .' and in consideration of the fact that Columbia university for conspicuous the university ~ is • a Catholic instituwork in the field of chemistry, goes ON OUR SHORES tion, the Iitvak has now adopted the this year to Dr. Jacob Goodale l i p In New York these days the swas- name Patsy- O'Toole. man, dean of agriculture at Rutgers tika flutters over Fifth avenue, in (Copyright, 19?4, by Seven Arts university and director of the New the 50's. . • . That German tourist Feature Syndicate.)••-;•.• Jersey Agricultural Experiment Staagency. . . . And on Broadway we tion, for his important work on the have noted Carl Ferdinary von Hodetermination of the nature of the henzollern, son of the German Crown chemical action produced by soil bacPrince and himself an admirer of | teria. Hitler. . . . Down in Atlanta the KKK' Among the researches in which Dr. is celebrating the reelection of Dr. ipman is engaged at present is the Hiram W. Evans as Imperial Wizard. investigation of means of killing in. . . Which reminds us of that day ten years ago when Samuel UnterRealizing that prejudice is often sect pests by radio. myer advised William G. McAdoo, a the result of ignorance and misuncandidate for the Democratic Presi- derstanding, readers of. this paper is founded in infidelity, and its motive dential nomination, not to disown the are invited to send in questions re- is antagonistic to Christian teaching. KKK, on account of the numerous garding the Protestant, Catholic or That spirit is opposed by the Church, night-shirted legions down in the Jewish faiths. These questions will any any one, inspired by such sentiSolid South. . . . Dr. Stephen S. Wise be answered in this column as ments, who would desire to have his censured Mr. "Untermyer severely for promptly as possible and should be body cremated after death, is denied this, and the matter eventually came addressed, to this paper or to the hristian burial because it indicates a before the Executive Committee of National Conference of Jews and lack of belief in Christian teaching the American Jewish ,Congress,- of Christians," 289 Fourth? Ave., New and a : spirit not in accord with the which Dr. Wise was then President York City. age-long custom of the Church. and Mr. Untermyer a Vice-President. Q-. Has the Federal Council of With the result that Mr. TJnterQ. What truth is there in the charge Churches •; made ' any pronouncements that the-Jew is unassimilable? myer resigned from his office in the on the subject of world peace ? A. This,>Bke all generalizations, is
Former Omahan Headed For Bright Career As Authoress
Mark Leon Says...
Questions arid Answers
Through ike Columns of the
Congress. . . . Ivy Lee, they tell us, is looking for a good press agent to false. The process of assimilation A. The Federal Council has made counteract the Nazi publicity he got among some Jews bas gone so fast as many. pronouncements on the subject during the Congressional inquiry; at to constitute a real problem, because of peace. The most recent pronouncein throwing off the old they have cast ment is that adopted by the Executive If he wants free? adNew York. away not only the dross but the gold.' Committee of the Federal Council on vice, well suggest, a sizable donation On the other hand it. would be fair to April 27, 1934, Briefly, it declares: to the United Jewish Appeal. . . . r. state that the same processes of at-, (1) The churches will not give their trition which work upon the national moral" support to war as a method of THISANDTHAT f > integrity other peoples work iipon settling international difficulties. (2) Bernard M. Baruch, together with the Jews, of but the. historic experience The United States should press upon his wife and daughter, is enjoying of the Jew has done for this Jewish the nations the multi-lateral.pact of the shooting on the estate of Count soul what the furnace does for metal:, non-aggression " by PresiLouis Karolyi in Czechoslovakia. . ;i • it has made it toagher" and more re-_ dent Roosevelt. suggested (3) The President Among those who played host. to sistant. Perhaps;the general attitude should "be • authorized to place an emAmerica's First Mother, Mrs. JSarah intermarriage' might be the bargo' on arms, munitions and credits Delano Roosevelt, during her recent toward most potent in delaying the to nations - that - send-their military stay in Paris was Baron Maurice de assimilation offactor the Jew. Also, it should forces: across the- boundary- lines of Rothschild, who had been entertained noted that Jewish resistance is met other nations, or propose to do so. by Mrs. Roosevelt's son in Washing- be by Christian disinclination, which is (4) There should be government conThe likewise a very potent factor. ton some months before. : trol of the munitions industry. 5) The coming gubernatorial campaign in' -. Q.- .What are the reasons that the President and Congress should withNew York, with Tammany in full Chuich forbids Catholics to be cre- hold appropriations Tequired for carcontrol again, will be an unpleasant mated? time for Aldermanic Prexy Barnard A. The Inland Catholic of Spokane, S. Deutsch, we fear. . . . It has al- Wash., answers this question as- folready been pointed out publicly that lows: The custom in the' Catholic with all his insistence upon economy Church/^originating in the doctrine of and wage-slashing Mr. Deutsch has the resurrection of the dead, that has not yet managed to cut the salaries the immemorial sanction of the cenreceived by himself and his personal turies, is to bury the dead in the staff. . . . Washington correspondents ground. Of course, if it be necessary are delighted with the courtesy and •for sanitary reasons that dead bodies the consideration shown them by be cremated, the Church permits. The Treasury Sec Morgenthau oh the oc- practice of cremation: arises from a casion of the new silver policy" an- source antagonistic to the Chnreh and
rying "out the naval building program authorized in the Vinson Naval bill. (6) The nations should abolish weapons designed primarily, for aggressive purposes, provide for a comprehensive system of international armaments control and completely renounce, except for strictly police purposes, all military and naval aviation (7) The United States should enter the World Court and define the terms upon which it would be willing to relate itself to the League of Nations.
Styles l.
-wish Mr. and Mrs. their friends both far. and near A Happy and Prosperous New Year.
• and Sir. and Mrs. • family Extend to their friends sincere wisnes tor A Happy New Year.
-and Mr. and Mrs. family wish their friends health, happiness and prosperity in the coming year.
take Mr. and Mrs. means of extending greetings and hearty good wishes tor A Happy and Prosperous Year to their friends far and near.
Your greeting problem is solved by this convenient method of wishing your relatives and friends a Happy New Year . . . no danger of the embarrassment of forgetting someone . . . no trouble . . ; time and money saved. These greetings will be published in our Rosh Hashonah edition, September 7. The charge will be $2.00 for each Greet* ing—mail any of these forms, or phone , your Greeting. ;.'•!"
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JEWISH PRESS, Atlantic 1450 .
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' " '
NENA ACKERMAN, Kenwood 2082 In Council Bluffs, call Fannie Katelman. Phone 650 or 4491.
BAMtJEI. ZACHABU, Attorney. 168 BrandeU Theatr* B i d s .
LOUIS K UtPP, Attorney NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF ' * NOTICE OX* ADMINISTRATION i FRANK MABTIN.INC. New York.—This city, which has a In the County Court of Douglas County, Notice is' hereby"given that tlbe under-Nebraska.- . . • ~ " • •-••--• quota of $1,200,000 toward the $3,have organized, a corporation. Thm Debra Club to prospective members, In the Matter of the Estate of JENNT signedof the corporation Is PRANK MARfor a rush tea, to be held Sunday A boys' choir has been formed, by 000,000 fund, sought by the United LABOSCHIN, Deceased. - • • • • • • • name TIN, INC., end. the principal place ol it" Cantor A. Pliskin to assist in the All perso:i» interested in. said estate are Jewish Appeal to aid German Jewish business is the City of Omaha, X>ong!a> afternoon, September 2, in the home hereby notified that a petition hag been County,' Nebraska. . . . chanting of the. ritual during the holirefugees, has already raised $757,000, filed in said Court alleging that said deof Gisela Pill. ANNA PILL, day services at Shaare Zion synaThe general nature of its business it to it has been announced. ceased, "dfetfieaving no last will and prayThe committee in charge of ar-gogue. • The choir will make its first ing tot administration upon lier estate, and own, lease and operate garages* and tillthat a hearing will be had on said peti- ing stations, to manage, buy, sell, rent. rangements includes Pearl Olensky, appearance the first Schlichos sertion before said Court on the 8th day of store nnd repair motor vehicles, their parts. LEON 4 WHITE, Attorney*. Gisela Pill and Mrs. George Blum, vices in theatsynagogue. September, 1034, and that if they fail to accessories and equipment, to make loans 504 City Natl Bank advisor of the club. appear at said Court on the said 8th daysecured by motor vehicles, their parts and PBOBATE IfOTICK Members of the choir are Charles of September, 1934, at 9 o'clock A. M. to accessories and to deal in such securities, said petition, the Court may grnnt to own, operate and manage parking Shindler, jr.> Charles Shindler, sr., Joe In the Matter of the Estate of JAKE contest FKKEK, also known as J. FEKER and the same and grant administration of said places for motor vehicles; to buy, selL and Mr. and Mrs. Si Krueger willMaron, David Tilevitz, Sam I. Rivin ISAAC estate to Florence La Boschin Wolff, or own, lease nnd exchange and mortgage FEKEK, Deceased. be hosts. Notice i s hereby given that the creditors some other suitable person and proceed to real estate and personal property wherever I and Philip Zeligson. situated, to draw, accept, endorse, execute of said deceased will meet the administra- a settlement thereof. A Plymouth car will be given away Members of' the Junior Poale Zion and Issue promissory noles, drafts or othtrix of said estate, before me, County BBXCE CRAWFORD, er negotiable instruments nnd • to do at! at the Jewish Carnival," October '81, organization .will be officially install- Miss Sylvia .Rifkin, daughter of Judge . of Douglas County, Nebraska, at 8-17-34-3t. County Judge. tilings incident to and necessary for the the County Court Eoom, in said County, -in. th4 City auditorium, when thirteen^ ed at an installation meeting Sunday Mr. and. Mrs. B. Rifkin became the currying out of the above project. on toe 1st day of October, 1934, and on • SAMCKL ZACHARIA, Attorney organizations combine for the one night, August 26, in the Jewish Com- bride of Abe Stein of ; Omaha, Nethe 1st day of December, 18Si, at 9 o'clock The. total authorized capital stock nhnil 768 Brandei* Theatre Bldt. A. M., eucti day, for the purpose of pre^ b e $10,000.00 divided into 100 share s of the large event of the year. Chances for munity. Center. The program, which; braska, last Sunday evening in the seating their claims for examination, adpar value of $100.00 uach (o be paid for in NOTICE OF AMENDMENT TO the 1934 Plymouth will be sold before will begin at 8 o'clock, will be open Tiphereth Israel Synagogue. Cantor justment and allowance.' Three months are cash or property and be non-asseenribte ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION allowed for the creditors to present their BY F. B.K. when issued. • the carnival and on the carnival floor. to the public No admission will be A. Pliskin and Rabbi H* R. RabinoOF claims, from the 1st day of September, The- time of the commencement of the witz officiated. The ceremony was LOCAL RETAIL CODE AUTHOR• Dr. Harry Levin is in charge of the charged. , • . ; 1934. • • • • . - • corporation shall be the 3rd day of AuITY FOB OMAHA. NEBR., INC. car drawing and members of his com- An out-of-town speaker is expected followed by a dinner and dance in The Council Bluffs Lodge No. 688 BBTCE CRAWFOBD, gust, 1934, and its termination shall be 8-10-34-St. County Judge. fifty; years thereafter. The highest amount of the Independent Order of the B'nai the social .hall of the synagogue. •'• mittee will be announced in a forth- in the city for the program. GreetNotice is hereby given that at a special of. indebtedness or liability to which the meeting of the members of (he Local liecoming .issue of the Jewish Press. ings will be heard from representa- Guests front Omaha included Mr. Brith has changed the date of their corporation nt a n y time" subject Jtr HVMAN LEVIN, Attorney. tail Code Authority for Omaha, Nebr., Inc., self Shall-notmay next meeting, which was scheduled exceed two-thirds of its cspSU Patterson Bide. . Mr. E. N. Grueakin has been named tives of the various Zionist organiza- and Mrs. Morris Malkin and son, held at the office of the company at 161'JItal stock. The affairs.of corporation City-National Bank building, in the city are tj» be conducted by a the .chairman; of the advertising commit- tions in the city; A string trio .com- Mr. and Mrs. Dave Crounse, Mr. for Monday evening, to.Thursday eve- NOTICE B r n'BUCATION TO JiOS- of of direcOmaha.-Nebraska. Article FIFTH *>t the tors Sit not loss than tn-6board nor thaa ltKSlUENT DKFENDANT tee and Milton Bolstein is in charge posed of Rubin Halperin, violinist, and Mrs. Max Crounse and son, Mr.ning, August 3i), at the Eagles halL Articles of Incorporation of said corpora- five directors who shall elect a more rresident. To LEO SBLTZEK: tion was amended to read as follows: . of the publicity. Mr. J.;M. N. Gold- Gisela Fill, cellist, and Libbie Olen- and Mrs. H. Crounse, Mr.. and Mrs. Vice-president, Secretary and Treasurer. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to "FIFTH: FRANK MARTIN smith is the general chairman of thesky, pianist. Rudy Shindler will act J. Hahan and family, Mrs. A. Dandy, ,' Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Grossman and ah order of attachment issued in the Mu- "Members In this corporation shall be - • - • - • nicipal Court of Oman's, ]>ouglas County. LAZAK KAPLAN family of Lincoln,- Nebr., are spend- Nebraska, in an action pending l>efore said representatives which each of the divi- In ."•;."• entire carnival. Headquarters for theas chairman of the'evening. ". Mr. and Mrs." Joe Dandy, Mr. and toe Presence of: of the retail trade recognized by the LOUIS carnival before October 31 will be at . Mr. A. Stillman,' advisor of the Mrs.. S. Green, Mr. and Mrsl Ben ing the week here-visiting at the home court, wherein, Abe Musky is plaintiff sions E. LIPP National Retail Code Authority, Inc., pur-S-10-'34-4t. and Leo A. Seltzer is defendant to recover the Jewish Community Center; group, will explain the purposes and Minkin, Mr. and Mrs. H. Bush, Mr. of Mr. Grossman's brother • and sis- the sum of $250.00, a. writ nttachmenf was suant to Article X, Section l'(e> of the Ketail Code have elected nnd hereafter shall ideals of the organization and pre-and" Mrs. Sam " Stein and' family, ter-in-law, Mr. '-• and Mrs. • Morris issued and levied upon the following de- elect as members of the Local Retail Cede scril>cd property: . ' • ' . , EDWAKI) I>. BRODKEY, Attorney ; sent each member with a membership Mr. and Mrsi H. Rimerman, Mr.~andj Grossman. While here; Mr. Nathan •Authority for Omaha, Nebr., Inc., or their 1 pop corn machine, 2 mimeograph 650 Omaha National Bank Bid*. duly elected successors. card. Mr. S. Bereskin will, speak and Mrs. I. Shafer and son, Mr." and Mrs. Grossman, who is a member of the mucluhes and snppiles, SO steel cois, '•Vacancies in the . membership, arising 30 cot pads, miscellaneoue boxes; NOTICE OF INCORPORATION national council of administration of Miss" Rebecca Stillman will offer an S. Lipp and family, Miss Sophia and that said-case was' on. the 23rd day from whatever cause, shall be filled by original recitation. Rabbi Theodore N. Mrs. Sam Grinspan and son Lawr- the Veterans of Foreign Wars, was of August, continued for trial to the 8thsaid divisions of the retail trade by whom "Kotice is hereby given that the underthey were elected. All of said members signed have formed a-corporation pursuant honr of 0 a. n?. shall ence of Los Angeles were also guest speaker at a large meeting of day of October, 1034, at the I'e elected or -appointed by nny fair to the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Mr. Irving Goldstein, sori-in-law of Lewis will also speak. Signed, method satisfactory to the said retail name o f said corporation is ALPHA the Grenville M. Dodge Post- No. 737. ABK SLUSKY. Mrs. L. Baron of Sioux City, while This is the: first public program guests at the wedding. trades themselves, and shall retain their THETA CHAPTER-OF ZETA BETA TAU 8-24-34-St. membership at the pleasure of their said ASSOCIATION', and the principal place of visiting here, was notified of his ap-sponsored by the group and much indivisions of the retail trade." transacting business is at Omaha and Linpointment to teach this fall at theterest has been shown, in the organ- Miss Ida Fish, daughter of Mr.| Mr, and Mrs. Morris Hoffman have HVJUN LEVIN and CASET & COREN- respective And, at sa:d meeting. Article ELEVENTH coln, Nebraska. The corporation is not orMAN. Attorneys. a week's stay of the Articles of incorporation of said ganized for profit. The general nature of Northwestern University School of ization's undertakings, by other Zion- and Mrs. Ben Pish, was united in'1 Slf Patterson Blk. corporation, wns amended to read as fol-the business to be transacted shall be * • Law in Chicago. He is to teach the ist organizations. marriage to Nathan Goldis, son of at Rochester, Minn, lows: hold title to any projierty. real or personal. subject of "Trial. Technique" based on Irvin Lunin,, Rebecca Stillman and Mr. * and Mrs. J. Goldis of Rock now held by or to be held in the future "ELEVENTH: ARTICLES OF INCORPORATIOX "A business administration headquarters by Alpha Theta Chapter of Zeta Beta Tau . - OF the material of his book, which he Sulamith Bereskin are in charge of Island, Illinois," Sunday afternoon in Miss" Maxine Leibovitz has returned shall be established, maintained and con-Fraternity: to receive funds, collect monies. S3IITH-KOBINSOX SIOTOKS, expects to complete soon and which is the installation, with Rudy • Shindler, the Shaare Zion Synagogue. Rabbi I"".1"" ""«""«s * mUuU ducted in such manner and for such use receive property of every kind, nature and INCORPORATED by and with such privileges for the mem- description; whether by gift or otherwise, there to bear the same title. Rosabelle Wigodsky' and Alice Novin- H. .R. Rabinowitz and Cantor A J Natives in Chicago, 111. Know AH Men by These Presents: That bers as the corporation may from time to for the purpose of acquiring, erecting orshe attended the World's Fair. maintaining n Chapter House; to acquire, Mr. Goldstein is a former assistant sky acting on the social committee. Pliskin officiatEd. we, the undersigned have associated our- time determine. selves for the purpose of forming and be- "In furtherance and not in limitation of purchase, hold, own. lease, mortgage, etc, State's Attorney o r Cook County and The regular meeting of the Junior Following the "ceremony -175 guests coming u corporation under the laws of the powers conferred by the Code, the any and all property, real or personal, inis a member of the firm of Cohen and Poale Zion was held last-Friday eve- attended the wedding supper and Mrs. Phil Saks and daughter, Betty, the State of Nebraska and for that pur- corporation is expressly authorized to carry cidental to or necessary for the conduct returned home Tuesday from Oakland, pose do hereby adopt .'ind sign these arti on its business and to hold annual or spe- of the business: to incur debts nnd make Goldstein in Chicago.' . " ning in the Bereskin home, with" Rosa- reception -which followed. cial meetings; and to have one or more appropriations with relation thereto; to Calif., where they spent several weeks cles of incorporation. belle Wigodsky acting as chairman. The name of this corporation shall be offices or branches: to acquire, hold and create reserves out of monies collected. The Mr. and Mrs. . Goldis will make visiting Mr, and Mrs. Max Greenberg dispose of real and personal property: to corporation shall commence business at the the SMITH-UOBINSOX MOTOHS, INRoll call was answered with the name their home, in Sioux City, following have complete control and manaprement of date of filing of the Articles of Incorpora(Esther Saks) and their infant' son. CORPORATED. 1 of an author. Rudy Shindler spoke on a wedding trip. The principal place of conducting the the affair. ;, funds and finances of the cor- tion with the County Clerk of Douglas the life and works of Israel Zangbusiness of this corporation shall be in poration, including the power to make con- County. Nebraska, and shall terminate 99 after said date. The corporation shall Mr. and Mrs. Max Steinberg have Omaha, Nebraska, and may operate tracts, to borrow money and to pledge the years no will. Rebecca Stillman reviewed an capital stock but shall be conA number of Sioux Cityans mo- as their house guest, Mrs. Jules- Shol- branches in other parts Of the State of property of the corporation ns security have trolled by vote of the graduate members therefor: to employ agents or counsel; subarticle on "What Bialik Meant" which Nebraska, or elsewhere in the " United Word has been received; here by Mr. appeared recently in Opinion. Bernard tored to Omaha to attend the wed-dar of Chicago, 111. Numerous af- States. ject to the laws of the State of Nebraska, of Alpha Theta Chapter of Zeta Beta Tau to keep the books of the corporation with- Fraternity. The indebtedness of the corfrank "Frohman, 1119 Villa Avenue, Lazriowich spoke ' on " "The "British ding of Miss Minnette Sterling to fairs are being given complimentary The business to be transacted by this in or without the State of Nebraska, as poration shall not exceed the value of the corporation shall be that of distributors of the death of his mother, Mrs. Etta Mandate." Rudy Shindler was named Samuel Zacharia. Among them wera to Mrs. Sholdar during her visit here. and dealers in automobiles, automotive may from time to time be designated by property owned b.v the corporation. The equipment and accessories. To that end it the corporation; to receive contributions, business of this corporation shall be manFrohman in Trisek, Latvia. Mrs.^Froh- to represent the organization when Mr. and Mrs. Ben Friedman and shall have the right to buy and sell auto- and to assess nrd collect fees, dues and aeed by a Board of five members. Until mari was the sister of Mr. Max Pill, the occasion arises. daughter Ruth, Mr. ar.d Mrs. A. B. Mrs. Ben Seldin returned home mobiles, equipment and accessories, to es- other payments as may be provided for in other Directors are elected, the undersign" shall constitute such Board of DirecMrs. Anna Herzoff, Mrs. S. \ JacobFriedman, Mr." and Mr3. Gail H.' Sunday following a three week's visit tablish and operate a garage or garages rules and regulations adopted by the cor- ed poration, according to the regulations of tors. The Articles of Incorporation may be A Poale Zion library shelf has been and service stations, to finance negotiable son and Mrs. Falk Palin.all of Sioux Friedman and Hubert, Mr. and Mrs;! with relatives in Chicago, 111. While paper and other securities received for the National Retail Code Authority. Inc., amended by two-thirils vote of the meminstalled' at the Jewish Community J. H. Greenberg and sans "Raymond!there, she attended the World's Fair, antoraobilps. bers of the corporation. City. to buy and sell securities, to as approved by the Administrator." LOCAL RETAIL COPE AnTHORITV Dated at Omaha. Nebraska, this 11th d a j Center and will contain literature on and Henry, Mr. and Mrs.. M.1 Haligbuy or lease real estate necessary or propFOR OMAHA. NETSR.. INC. of August. 1934. er for its business, to equip such propthe organization and its work. Books By: WM. F. 15AXTER, MORTON RICHARDS man and • son, Mr. and Mrs.S. Morton Adler, who is spending the erty with machinery, fixtures or whatever from the shelf may be used at the Chairman. JOHN A. BEBER may be necessary to its business, and to Snoysky. Miss Cynthia Gray of month visiting relatives in Minnea- do HABET B. ZIMMAN, EDWARD D. BRODKKT all things necessary or incidental to its Center. .^ • • ' " . _ ... . . Vice-Chairman. HARRY DIAMOND Philadalphia who is a guest in the Polls and St. Paul, Minn., underwent business, of distributors and dealers in ALLEN T. HTTrr, . LEON FRANKEL automobiles, accessories and automotive Snovsky honie, "and Mrs. George an operation for appendicitis last Fri- equipment., • • ' Secretary. Incorporators. S-lT-34-3t. garages nnd Bervice stations. S-17-34-4t. Zidel of St.; Paul: who. is . visiting day in Minneapolis, and is now conThe authorized capital stock of this, corPlans have been started for the anporation shall be ?10,000.00 wilch shall be with the Friedman families-here, a!-j*alescing there. nual A. Z. A. dance to be held at divided into, shares of the par value of FBADENBURG, BEBER 4 KLCTZNICK, Warsaw — Reports from Lodz in...... . , -s.f-ra.iom" so drove to Omaha to attend tha JMXMX) each, of which 53.000.00 shall be Shore Acre Gardens, Sunday evening, dicate that sporadic attacks on Jews . €30, Omaha National DankBIdgr. paid up at the time the corporation comJulius Bernstein^ Robert. Endelpan The garden of the Mosow horrie, at wedding. September 2. Omaha, Nebraska mences business. Ail of said stock shall bo by. members of the anti-Semitic Naand Donald Bernstein left Sunday for. non-assessable. Sn'd stock may be p»id for - Max Levin is the chairman for the2835 Sunset Circle, will be the scene tional-Radical party have resulted in , ; : To CENTRAL ICE SERVICE COMPANY, in cash, property, services or anything a visit in Chicago, to be gone for lance and will be assisted by Al Her- of a lovely wedding Sunday evening, 'Complimenting Miss Sarah Gold- a b o u t t w o a corporation: severe injury to five Jews in one valuable or incidental to the business. r weeks.0' while there they The time of commencement of this cor- Notice is hereby given that Lawrence J. week. ioff, Jack Eeznick and Rudy Shindler. August 26, when , Miss Dorothy berg," whcse" marriage~ to" Lea" Kar7s| ! will attend the -World's Fair. poration shall l>e when its articles hnve Pinkel. Hymojii Belman, Mas Conn. Platt, Orville Rennie's orchestra willfur- Mosow*, daughter' df Mr. and 'Mrs.will be an event- of early September, The anti-Semites also invaded a l>een filed with the-Clerk of Douglas Joseph-Bernstein .and Abe It. Winer, have J.. H." Mosow' will become the ; bride Mrs. :H. Stern and Mrs. H. Charney dsh the music for dancing.. County. Nebraska, and, i t s . termination filed their petition In the District Court of Jewish restaurant and a number of Jake Whitebook of Philadelphia, sume the whole or any part of the obligaDouglas County, -Nebraska, against you. of -- Louis; Hurwitz>; son of "Mrs.' E. entertained at a linen shower Thurs-, , ., . , , tions or liabilities of any. person, associa- the above named defendant, in an action Jewish homes. Hurwjtz, 1J14 Virginia street. , tion or corporation and in general to do entitled Lawrence J. Finki'l. Hymen Belday evening in the Sunset Cafe.if a-, cleaving today••for his^home folanything insofar as the same may apper- mah. Max CQIIB; 1'latt. Joseph .Bernstein The ceremony will be held under Twenty guests enjoyed an evening!(lowing a ; tain to or be useful for the conducting nnd Abe It. Winer, Plaintiffs, vs. Central a canopy of foliage'in the garden,! of bridga, and a late supper con- of Mr. and Mrs. S. Shyken. of the business of the corporation. The Ice Service Compauy, a corporation. DeNew York — Furloughs for Jewauthorized capital stock $10,000.00 fendant, the object nnd prayer of said petiwith Cantor A. Pliskin arid Rabbi H.| eluded, the evening. divided into shares of _the par value of tion beinc to obtain a decree of the Court ish soldiers to enable them to spend Mr: and Mrs. SamGross left SunR. Rabinowitz reading the marriage each and all of which shall be quiettng the leasehold estate of the plain- Rosh Hashonah and Tom Kippur at day for a visit in Denver and Colorado $100.00 common stock . and may be paid . for to tiff in and to Sub-Lots One (1) and Two lines. '-- ' •' • - ' : Rabbi and Mrs. M. I. Braver have I Springs, Colo. cash, notes^or other property or- service at (2) in.Tax Lot Thirty-two (32) in Section home or with other Jewish families ;Uie reasonable market value thereof and Fifteen (15), Kange Fifteen (IS), Town- have been ordered by the U. S. War The bride gowned in an eggshell returned to the city from Kansas be non-assessable. The corporation ship Thirteen (13), and the South Three satin, formal with cocktail jacketjCity, Mo., where the former offici- Mrs. Jack Steinberg and £on, Don- shall shall commence business on September 1, (3) feet of Lot Five (5), Block Twenty-one Department, Bureau of Navigation, will wear lace mitts and turban and ated at the marriage of their daugh- ald, left Sunday for Kansas City, Mo., 1034, and shall terminate on August Si. (21), E. V. Smith's Addition to the City Coast Guard and Veterans' Admin19S4. The highest amoiiuf of any. indebted- of Omaha, all of which is located in Dongveil to match. She will be attended ter, Miriam to David . Siegeibaum to visit relatives. • istration, it has been announced by County, Nebraska. ness or liability to which this corporation las by Ida Greenberg and Rose Finssd. of Kansas City. Mr. and Mrs. Seigelis at any time to subject itself is not to : Said petition- further prays for the can-the Jewish Welfare Board. exceed two-thirds of its capital stock. The' cellation^ of any purported agreements, if Miss Greenberg' will, wear an egg-baum are malting their home at 2732 Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Gilinslcy, ac- affairs of the 'corporation shall be con-in writinCi which may constitute a cloud shell crepe frock, trimmed in orange, Harrison street in Kansas City. companied by Albert Fox; returned ducted by a board of directors of noti less oiri the plaintiffs leasehold, enjoining dePatronize Jewish Press advertisers. fendant front asserting claim for greater two nor more than five and the foland Miss Finsod^ yellow :crepe. home Monday following a ten daythan lowing officers, a president, a vice-presi- rental, and to qniet plaintiffs; estate in the Miss Oriole. Wright at the harp Mrs.- Sam Snovsky, 1600 Court motor trip to Chicago and Milwaukee. dent, a secretary and a treasurer, nny twopremises* involved; »ind for such other nnd of which offices may be held by one andfurther T relief yis. tp: the- XTourt may seem will. play the wedding processional street,' entertained ten couples at a just. ana:"ehuitable. , . ! " . the same person. . • • ar,A « o promise Me." John **"-«•'*- ^treasure hunt recently, as a courtesy The Divorce Mill You wre- hereby notified that yon are reMUKItAY WINTUOTJB i . . . LOUIS WINTltOUH : quired'toi nhSraer>«nid-petition on or beand William '•'. Mpsow will act as^to Miss Cynthia Gray of Philadelphia, Recognized as Leipzig.—Germans married to Jews fore September-10, 1934. • . • Incorporates. groomsmen,' with Hymie- Hurwitz as who has been her guest. Following the LAWBEXCfi JUFINKKL. HT3IKN .''-'can no longer apply for divorce on In the Presence of: PRACTICAL MOBEL EELMANi MAX COHN .PLATT, ' best man, ' (treasure hunt dinner was served at IUVIX C. LEVIN the grounds that their mates are non- S-10-34-« JOSEPH B13UNSTEIX nnd ABE . . . . . ;•; ;•, • • Phone 1059 A' reception from 8 to 11 will fol-' Scribbins Maplelawn. Hi:' W1NEK, -iPininfiffs. Aryans,- according: to 'a ruling of the Bv FRAI*ENBITEG. STALMASTER, low the ceremony, which will be at-j- Miss Ruth. Wigodsky entertained at German Supreme Court. Council Bluffs, la. . BEBER & KLUTZNICK. IRVIN C. LEVIN, Attorney tended by 60 guests. Among the out-a luncheon and theater party Satur- The court declared that "knowledge 8-17-34-it. Their Attorneys. SOI Electric Building All Roads Lead to the of-town guests will be Mr. and-Mrs. day afternoon' as a ccurtesy to Miss of the National Socialist legislation" NOTICE OF INCORPORATION O F S. M. Bailin of Atkinson, Nebraska; Gray. en* the* subject of intermarriage be- SECURITY PICTURES CORPORATION 1934 WORLD'S FAIR Mr. and Mrs. S. Kassove, Anthon, came public property on April 4, 1933, Notice is hereby given that t h e . u n d e r - ] Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kruger, • Miss Sadie Shulkin has returned~to and that any applications for divorce signed have associated themselves together i Join the crowds! Thisyeqr'sFdr have organized n corporation - under __ should have been nnd Kakonda, S. D.; Mrs. A. Krueger, the city after spending.the summer on such grounds' the laws of the State of. Nebraska. The
Cantor Forms Boys' Choir for Holydays Invitations have been issued by the Debra Rush Tea
City News
New York Raises $757,000 forU.J. A.
Council Bluffs -News .':.".
Receives Notification While Visiting Here
Sister of Sioux CityanDies
A. Z. A. Dance to Be Held on September 2
Society News !
Rev. A. Diamond
is even better than last year's. You will see a dozen authentic foreign villages; hear great symphony orchestras free; watch now action dispjays of sctentifjc wonders..'.Wpkpyour reservations now in tfte newly -redecorated Morrison Hotel
• Home ot Terrace Garden • B o s t o n O y s t e r House
Chicago; Mr. Harry Krueger,. and visiting with friends in Los An|ele3.,jfifed within"a six months' period end- name of this" corporation i s SECUEITT I'lCTTJUES COKPOKATIOX, with the Mr. and Mrs.. B. Hurwitz of Sioux ing on October 15,; 1933. principaj place of business to be at OmjrFalls-, South Dakota; and Mr. L.• Misi Shirley Uroff• of Los Angeles ha, Nebraska.. That t h e general nature of the business to be transacted shall l>e to Hurwitz of Pipestone, Minnesota. is a guest this month in the home of SHOTWEIX, BIONSKT, GKO1>INSKY £• purchase, lease, own, contract for nnd-manher urtcle'and auriti Mr. and Mrs. A. VANCE anil HAKHV D. COHEN ufacture motion picture films and all in'After a wedding*trip to the northcidental equipment and~ TU sellr lense, let. , ;.. • . Attorneys • „ ern lakes, Mr. Hurwitz and his bride B. Friedman, 1722 Jabkson. distribute or otherwise dispose of such. mo-. 751 National Bank Blag. tion picture films and equipment, to orwill make their Home at Iowa City, ganize distributing agencies and g e n e r , NOTICE OF INCORPORATION where they will both attend the uni- Miss Rebecca Dimsdale, 1615* Silver Notice is hereby given that the nnder- ally to acquire, hold, manage and dispose 1 street, has returned home from a-six-] of property of- every kind - pertaining' t o sisiie<l have formed a corporation pursuversity. Miss Mosow has accepted a to the laws of the SJtate of Nebraska- such businesses, to manufacture and deal position at Iowa City in the nursery weeks' trip, during which .she visited ant The name of the corporation is UAVIb generally in ar.d with all kinds o l inate-, the Century of Progress in Chicago, COMPANY.••with'. Its principal pljce of rials, tools,- accessories, appliances »nd* school of the university, business in the City of Omaha. The ob-equipment necessary and useful in conn'e'oi and with her sister in South Bend, jects fdr which this corporation is formeU tion with said-business and to manufacture,*! : Ind. are to- buy. sell, exchange, manufacture, purchase or otherwise" acquire, mortgage. Saturday, Misses Bertha and Ida -.
U.S. "Tempered"
tlenl.and trade Reuernlljr In any and. all pledge, sell, assign and transfer bt other-
Seff entertained "as a _ courtesy to kinds of machinery, equipment nnd sup-wise dispose of personal property of every ; to purchase; lehse and otherwise ac- description t o ' the: same extent as natural i Miss^Mosow, at a.luncheon. Mr. and Mrs. G. C.' Levich and children. plies iiulre any Interest or. license ot every kind persons might or could and to hold, mainMrs. E. E. - Seff- entertained eight Elaine Beverly and Bernard Stewart, and character In any nnd all pat-tain, work, develop, sell, lease,: excbans<". I pertaining to nnrchineryr- equipment mortgage or" otherwise deal i n fanfls. , friends at dinner in the Martin ho'tef departed Saturday .for Milwaukee, ents and supplies; to .purchase, 'lease, register leaseholds and any interest or right in Tuesday evening honoring Jher. Din- Wis., where • they will visit with Mrs. and otherwise ncnutre any, trade-marts, real prpperty, to borrow money, to issiif trade-names/ patents^*inventions, improve- bonds or obligations to t h e corporation for j ner was followed by an evening of LeVich's" parents., . ments and processes of every kind ana a n y of the purposes of this corporation ' character: to purchased discount, Bell and and t o . purchase, hold, sell nnd transfer bridge'in- the Seff thome at 3064 trade in generally In evidences of indebt- shares of stock of this nnd other corpor; Stone Park boulevard*. eduess of every kind and character: nnd to tions, to acquire the good will, rights, asbuy. sell, mortgage, lease, encumber and sets, property nnd to undertake nnd asMr. arid Mrs. M. Rocklin were Memorial services at the Jewish deal generally in real nnd personal prop- s h a l l b e fifty years from such dafe"unless, hosts .to Mr.. Hurwitz and. Miss Moof every kind nnd character. The com- sooner dissolved in the manner prescribed • cemetery,,. traditional during the erty pany shall have authority to borrow money by law. sow' Sunday at a dinner, and Mr. month of Ellul, are being conducted and to issue evidences' of". Indebtedness and Mrs. Sovel Krueger' and Mr. therefor. The total authorized capital stock ; . The highest amount of Indebtedness Or by Cantor A. Pliskin for those who and Mrs. Mark Krueger of Wakonda wish to remember their departed in is ?25i000.00^ par valpe. $100.00 per- share. liability-~to which this corporation Shan-at All ;stock is common.nnd shalf b e fully nny time subject itself shall be two-thirds were their hosts at a supper party this manner. paid and non-nssessnble when" issued. The (2-3) of i t s capital stock. corporation shall commence business upon The officers of this corporation shall be Sunday evening. The cantor will be at the cemetery the fiflng of its Articles with the County a President, Viee-President, Secretary and Wednesday noon; Mrs. Dave Hur- for the (services Sunday; morning and Clerk of Douglas County. Nebraska, and Treasurer, and such other officers as the shall continue until January 1 s t 2034. The Board "of Directors = shall deem it neces-" witz entertained' at a luncheon in theduring the next week .will' conduct the highest: amount at indebtedness shall not sary and whose duties shall b e In the B y - , exceed two-thirds of the capital stock. This Laws. Any two offices may be, held by the j Elks club as * a courtesy to Miss services by appointment. restriction shall not npply to indebtedness same person.. . -. : • ' Mosow. An afternoon of "bridge folsecured, real estate. The. number or The corporate power of this corporation members of the Board shall be provided by lowed' the luncheon. In the evening Shall be vested in a Board of Directors the By-Laws, which Board shall aon"™" consisting of .not less than t w o nor more Mr. "and Mrs. Hurwitz were their ister the Sffairs of; the corpwration. The than five Btockholilers i n the Corporation. s stockholders shall hold..their, annual meet- The Board shall be elected annually by hosts: at kn evening • of bridge. Sixty members and guests of theing the first Monday in July of each yeear -stockholders at'their annual meeting; Miss Ida Greenberg wa's hostess Ivre" club held an outing at the Ki-nnd elect directors. The directors shall elect theIii-."Witness 'Wliereof: we have hereunto a President. Vice-President. Secretary, nnd to a group of friends at a luncheon wanis - cabin in Stone park Tuesday Treasurer. The Articles may be amended subscribed our names this 1st day of Auand -handkerchief- shower in the evening. A-chicken dinner was served upon notice" as provided for. The corpora- gust, 1934. ' D. M. ROBINSON Sioux Tea Shop this week. at* 7:30 o'clock, and was followed by tion shall have a scat. HYMAN LEVIN Incorporntors. The pre-nuptial dinner will be an evening of dancing. Dated this n i l : day of .Tuly, FRANCIS M. CASET S- H« DA Rubin Miller and Mike Grueskin held in the Martin' hofel' this eve, •• Witness TCVA PA VIS ning when Mr. and Mrs. Abe Pill were in charge of arrangements. '. ' •^corporator*. »-10-34-4t
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