August 31, 1934

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In the Interests of tht Jewish Peoi

Entered n« Second Class: Mall I'ostoffice of Omaha, Nebraska,

Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism

anuary 21, .1921, at ' ot March 3, 1879



Palestine Hums With DUET Activity"-.- -Rabbi FRAUDULENT SALES


Vol. X—No. SI

Hitter Inspires Cuza To Anti-Semitic Efforts


High School Pupils May Register Early

Bucharest, (WNS).—Immediately upon his return from an audience A contrasting picture between the lealthy feeling of Telease and rewith Hitler in Berlin Professor Alexdespair of German Jewry and the iemption." - • . • ander Cuza; anti-Semitic leader, beSessions to Be Held in Omaha enthusiastic,: humming activity " of During his visit in the Holy Land, Silver Shirt Leaders Have to gan a more intense propaganda drive September 2 Palestinian' Jewry is painted by Rab- Rabbi Milter noted "that the German Answer Indictment of . against the Jews. d 3 . bi Uri Miller, who returned Tuesimmigrants have riot yet fully 16 Counts. He has placarded the streets of day evening following a two-month adapted themselves to Palestine. He the leading cities with anti-Jewish attributes this to two reasons: First, - Asheville, N. a (J. T. A.)—-The trip through Europe and Palestine. Germany Jewry entered in such The.sixth annial Mid-West "District posters and has sent out a detachConference' of the Workmen's Circle ment of propagandists to stir up the Buncombe County Grand Jury indict- "Palestine}-the - Jewish -homeland," ed William Dudley" Pelley again, for Rabbi Miller states, "is experiencing large numbers that they formed a will be hejd-in Omaha at the Labor peasants against -the "menace of the Omaha Jewish children attending .violation of the" Security Law in sell- a tremendous boom, in all fields, of sort of ghetto; second, many Ger- Lyceum,'22nd and Clark streets, on Jews." the high schools, who will be absent man Jews did not emigrate to PalesSunday and Monday, September 2 endeavor. Every boat brings new iming stocks in his Galahad Press. Julian Milder captured the Highland on the days of registration — Monday tine because of desire, but because it and 3. migrants; capital is flooding the - Arraigned with Pelley are three of Country Club golf championship for and Tuesday, September 10 and .11 — offered the one avenue of escape. The two local: branches', No. 173 his henchmen .who are said' to have country. Indeed, an unbelievably Nevertheless, the third time, by winning the annual •because of the Rosh Hashonah holybelieves that their and No. 254, are in charge. Delegates taken part in the Silver Shirtissimo's large number of projects are feeing adaptation is he blue-ribbon classic of the club Sun- days, will be permitted to register inmerely a matter of will attend f roin the neighboring Jewheld up because of an acute shortbusiness affairs. They are: day. 1 stead on Thursday and Friday, Septime. ish communities, including Sioux City, age; of labor." - Robert C Summerville. In the finals he defeated Bill You- tember 6 and 7. Lincoln and Des Motnes. "AfteT traveling through eastern In Germany, Rabbi Miller found Don D. Kellogg. sem, 7 and 6. At the end of the first When the opening date of the school Geneva, (JTA).—The French gov- nine holes, the champion was held to Europe, Rabbi Miller continued, "one that despite the oppression of the The program -for .'the conference: H. M. Hardwicke. _ year was announced as September 10, ernment officially 'expressed its so- a two-up lead and from then on Mil• ; - ' . Sunday. . ' The Galahad Press, now bankrupt, feels a joyous wave of relief upon Hitler government, the Jewry of lidarity with the world-wide Jewish der played superb golf to annex the falling on the Jewish holyday, Henry served as an organ for the metaphy- entering Palestine.- Instead of the Germany were maintaining their in- 8:30 a. m.—Registration. Monsky took the matter up with Hosical utterances of the leader of the constant restraint and apprehension tegrity and cultural organizations. 10:00 a. m.—12:30 p. m.—First Ses-1 fight for the maintenance of politi- title easily. . mer W. Anderson, superintendent of cal and economic rights in a special In the second flight, Ed Kraus won Silver Shirts. Through it, Pelley cir- for the future—evident everywhere "They have rallied together and 12:30 p.m.—Lunch, f schools in Omaha. united in battling for sustenance unmessage sent by Foreign Minister culated broadcasts from the Great Be- in Europe—in Palestine is found a 2:00 p. m.r5:00 p.. m.—Second" Sesthe crown when he defeated Iz SchlaiAnderson made special arrangeder the most adverse conditions. DeLouis Barthou to the World Jewish fer, 1 up on 20, in a closely-fought yond, which he alone was privileged sion. \ ments so that the Jewish high school spite their disillusionment, they are 6:30 p. m.-r-Banquet. : Conference. to hear." ..-•••. match. not dismajted. Emphasizing that the "world's W. A. Racusin captured the third children would not be handicapped. 7:00 p. m.—Program. ' Summerville was indicted with his In a letter to Monsky, Anderson heart will hear the voice of the flight championship by besting Louis chief last'May on charges of fraudu- Monday. -• Officially, the Jewish people in inthe H match S ™ t e the following: Jewish people," Minister Barthou's lent stock sales; but he continued his S S S r M ^ r f inthe H match S Germany • condemn the world-wide 10:00^. m.-12:30- p. m.—Third Sesbe out " J i h children^ hild message declared that "the Jewish The fourth flight title went to Sol ^"Jewish activities in the Silver Legion, which who boycott of Nazi Germany. But, Rabbi sion. . • J of school on Monday and Tuesday, world i s ' gathering for the highly is fashioned after the storm troops Miller's observation is that in their 12:30 p.'m.—Lunch. Novitsky, who overcame the last bar- ' ' "* — * of Adolf Hitler. Summerville was orhearts they look to the boycott as 2:00 p. m.-—Fourth and Concluding important •- task of proclaiming the rier by winning from Al Batt, 3 September 10 and 11, on account of their annual holidays, may register dained chief of staff in the Silver human and legal equality of all retheir, only hope of salvation. Within S e s s i o n . •••-•• "-•" at the high schools on Thursday and Legion, shortly after Pelley decided Hitlerism, they feel, there is no hope M. Crounse is chairman of the com-- ligions and races. Friday, September 6 and 7. In case that what" this country needed was a for the Jewish people, and the eco-mittee on arrangements; Sam Lerner "It is deplorable to be compelled they find this to be impossible, they Hitler capable of "showing the Jews Made Head of Division of Terri- nomic results of the boycott is the will be toastmaster at-the-banquet. to reproclaim this when the French tories and Island their place*' in American affairs." may register on Wednesday, Septemrevolution carried out this • emancionly way they know of to defeat J. Savage arid* S. Stein are on the Possessions. ber 12. I would urge, however, that Kellogg was also indicted on the pation a long time ago," the mesNazism. housing committee, and -N; Martin all Jewish students try to register same counts daring the May sessions, sage continued. "However, new and S. Ruderman have charge^of the '"There is no hope for the Jewry in the week before school opens so that but this is the first time Hardwicke Washington (J. T. A.)—-Songratu- eastern Europe," was Rabbi Miller's banquet. The reception committee con- event's necessitate the rescue of on Wednesday morning they can go has been brought to answer before latory messages are pouring in on unequivocal statement. He explained sists of-J.-Savage,-M; Selieow and civilization from the dangers of re: Dr. 7rnest Gruening, editor and auright into their classes with the minthe law; . . . • • . . ' actionary movements." ; that it is the settled policies of the Paul Katzman." imum amount of interruption to themr The quartet of Silver Shirts will thority on ' Caribbean matters, who governments, as Lithuania and PoSenator Justin Godart, French) Included on the program will be face trial in Superior Court when the was appointed director of the new Di- land, to replace,, wherever possible, Margaret Hsrwitz, piano; Harold statesman and president of the $9,000 Penalty Awarded in Fa- selves and to those who begin their criminal term opens on September 17 vision of Terrories and Island Posseswork on Monday." mous Anti-Defamation violin j Larry Finkle, vocal French Palestine committee, in a sions by Secretary of the Interior the Jewish professionals with their Kaplan, it was learned today. message to the conference, appeals Suit. solo; and Richard W. Hedge?, tap own nationals. . • Hardwicke, still at large, is ex- Harold W, Ickes. for unity and peace in the Zionist . pected to be arrested "momentarily. Dr. Gruening is forty-seven, a grad- Poland is especially hard -hit. dance and .saxophone. ranks, declaring that there is a dan- j Johannesburg, South Africa (J. T. The others have been under ?2,500 uate of Harvard University and Har-Th'ere^ Rabbi Miller .relates, the that- "Jewry's internal strife mayiA.)—Signal victory over three anti; ger bond since their arrest. vard Medical School. Preferring jour- "urge to Palestine" is the outstand- Latvia Jewish Kplproats break the magnificent Zionist ex- Semitic Grey Shirt leaders was won Riga—Three Latvian Jewish diploWhen the Silver Shirt heads come nalism to' medicine, upon his gradua- ing aspect of every Jewish activity. here by the Rev. Abraham Levy up for trial they, will be asked to re- tion in 1911 he began as a reporter Palestine agencies are .mobbed, and mats ' Messera Kliigman, Brackman periment in Palestine. when he was awarded judgments toand Fietelberg, have received apspond to -Ian • indictment'; containing for the Boston American. He. occu- there is even bartering, of certifitalling 1,775 pounds (approximately pointments as^_ consuls general in High Honor From Belgian sixteen counts,. all of them under- pied various ' positions .' on Boston cates. $8,900) and costs in his defamation stood to involve Pelley's business newspapers for.several years. One .of the most pleasant experi- Bulgaria,- Portugal and Jugoslavia. King suit, which grew to the stature of a transaction. He came to New Yotfc and became ences r of - his trip, states the Rabbi, The three Jiewl£ appointed- offici- Antwerp—King Leopold of Bel- world cause celebre while it was beOnly Survivor WU1 Talk Before managing editor of the Tribune. He was -bis-meeting with some of -the als \wijijtake,np their posts^•as.'Lat- gium has bestowed the high, crown ing.heard. . • ' Inquiry Body in Washwas managing editor? of -th&VlfatiQn great Jewish/personalities x>f-£urope, *"*<"•" »nr««ifcjiH*«s immediately^ fmmediatelv^ order of King Leopold TQ' upon-E. "Specific awards for -damages arisp " i n g t o n . ' ••-•--•'-*••;•••'• _ ; * \ from 1S20 to 1923. In 1924 he was na- g by a national.Swann, Jewish moheL for having ing out of publication by the trio of Latvia is -now tional director of publicity-for theLa- some of ' tha great Rabbis widely ist dictatorship, -which. seized power given his blood on occasions for a document which they falsely known" for their knowledge and Follette Presidential campaign. blood transmusions. . • claimed to have been stolen from New York <J. T. A.)— Stortn Tro6#* about one month ago. During the years 1924 to 1926 helearning. Levy's Western Road Synagogue in er J. Kruse, self-confessed and last collected material in Mexico for his Port Elizabeth, and which purported surviving member of the Brown Shift book '.'Mexico and Its Heritage," to show the existence of a Jewish group which under instruction from which is an acknowledged standard . . " as ^ high Nazis set fire to the Reichstag, world plot were follows: Jerusalem, (WNS).—Full recogni- work on the subject. From 1927 to From"Harry Victor Inch, 1,000iwill be one of many witnesses^ who tion and safeguarding of the rights 1932 he was editor of the Portland pounds; from Johannes von Strauss woll come from Europe to testify beof the Jewish, labor group, equal (Maine) Evening News, which he von Moltke, 750 pounds; from David fore the American Inquiry Commis. distribution of work among Jewish founded. Hermanus Olivier, 25 pounds. Each sion, when it reconvenes during the workers regardless of party affilia- On January 1, 1933, he returned to of the defendants also must pay the first week of October in Washington, • tions •" and a living wage are the New York, to become one of the ediPort Elizabeth leader the costs of lit- Arthur Garfield Hays, member of the three fundamental points requisite tors of tho Nation. In 1920 the Nation, igation. Levy in each case had sued Commission, has announced. for industrial peace in Palestine, ac- under Mr. Gruening's managing edifor 2,000 pounds. The Commission held its first sesBy UPTON SINCLAIR cording to a statement issued by torship, exposed for the first time the Heard in the Eastern Districts Di- sions on July 2 and 3 in New York. the Palestine Jewish Labor Federa- events surrounding the United States vision of the Supreme Court in Gra- Its purpose is to examine events The author, Tpton Sinclair, has tions,' we shall continue to have a' ;ionalism which inevitably leads to hamstown before Sir Thomas Gra- and trends under the Hitler regime. occupation of Haita and San Domingo. tion. international War; and that, history ham, Judge - President, and Justice The group will be enlarged by the The proposed pact between Pales- This campaign led to a Senate in- created unite a stir with his Cal- depression. And the longer the depression con- indicates, will be followed by Bolshe- Gutscho, the action presented so many presence of several French and Britine labor and the Zionists, the state- quiry. For fifteen years, in print and iifornia "EPIC ( Poterty in i vism—another kind of dictatorship. I ment adds, must rest on the follow- on the platform, Gruening has urged California"), and Is a gubernatorial tinues the more frequently .and ef- have defined Fascism as capitalism complex and interesting angles that tish jurists. ing basis: 1. The Zionist organization the cessation of United States^ mili- nominee in California. Here in his fectively will various "red herrings" plus, murder, and that word murder the court required 130 pages in which In addition to the escaped, selfconfessed Reichstag incendiary, Herr must, be recognized as the final au- tary and financial intervention in af- answer to a request from the Seven be dragged across the path to con- applies not only to Jews but to all to .explain the decision. thority on all Zionist questions; 2. fairs of neighboring Latin-Aemircan Arts Syndicate that he state his fuse and misdirect the desperate independent-minded and courageous World Jewry hailed the outcome of Kruse, the chief Washington witnessmasses of the people who are franthe case as a decisive blow at the es are to include: All members must enjoy equal nations, the abrogation of the Platt views on anti-Semitism,—Editor. tically trying to find And remove the citizens whose views happen not to South African Fascist movement, rights and have equal duties. 3. Amendment and the withdrawal of Ellen Wilkinson, former member of coincide with the narrow Fascist cause of their misery. which was threatening to assume dan- Parliament, member of the editorial Freedom of criticism for all parties American forces from Haiti, policies dogma. within the organization. 4. A dis- which President Roosevelt has put in- 'California today presents a clear The more intense the suffering be- So you see, I happen to be as gerous proportions until Levy brought staff of the London Daily Herald, and picture of the relation' of the prob- comes the greater is the possibility it into the open by his courageous leader in the work of caring for reciplined manner of carrying out all to effect. concerned with the American course of action. the decisions reached by the Zionist Gruening is at present a member em of prejudice to economics. The that those who for their own priv- vitally toward Fascism as you are, and Two of the defendants already have fugees and victims of German Fasexecutive and other- Zionist authori- of. the commission, sent. by, the _ For- growth of religious .and_ racial. preju- ate interests-are-opposed to any eco-drift I hope are as vitally concerned made ti plain that the Grey Shirt cism. ties; the loyal support of all the eign Policy Association at tile invita- dice is not unique to California, but nomic progress will be able to divert as I amyou with the means of stopping movement faces imminent collapse. Otto Lehman-Russbueldt pacifist, tion of President Carlos I happen- to know conditions here, public • attention from -the real .causes Zionist funds. it. As evidence of my deep concern Inch tried to back water on_ July 23 former secretary of the German make an economic and social survey and am doing everything- in of. trouble- to various illusory sideabout the problem I point out that by asking the court's permission to League for Human Rights, author of of Cuba. The commission has just re- power to destroy the roots of this issues. the expose, "The Bloody Internationturned from the Caribbean and is en- barbaric growth by pointing out the In other words, unless _we take the I gave up a comfortable and happy withdraw his defense and by admit- al of Heavy Industry"; he is to subgaged in formulating its report. economic forces which promote su;K necessary steps V to provide livable existence as a writer to take up "a ting" the "entire organization is based mit authentic data on German armaHe has lectured extensively through- prejudice. standards for our people'we. shall very uncomfortable and strenuous on "hot air." Presiding Justice Gra- ments. • ! ham refused to permit his withdrawal. Authorized representatives of Euout the country, and; has written for Thus it comes about that I re- have Fascism in America; just as life as a politician. leading magazines. On the same day von Moltke, in ropean, Catholic, Protestant and Jewceive correspondence from a leader surely as Jthey have it in ^central I have offered a political program referring to a letter pruportedly writ- ish organizations, who will submit " '--';_ . ... to the people of California the esThe Temple Israel Religious School New York, (J. T. A.)—Jesse Isidor of the Silver Shirts, one of our Europe today. ten by a well known Jew and sup-surveys of measures taken against sence of which is to put the unemMy interest in avoiding Fascism committee announces-the appointment Straus, United States Ambassador to American Fascist organizations. The predicting Jewish world dom- various religious groups under the of Louis Lipp as instructor in the France, has left for his post". Mrs. official apparently wanted to convert does not spring from - Its ] persecu- ployed at work producing for their posedly admitted he must have been German Fascist dictatorship. high school department of the Tem-Straus accompanied him. our California EPIC ("End Poverty tion of Jewry alone. Fascism means own needs, thus taking them off the ination, "taken in" by the document, which Officials of German labor organibacks of the taxpayers. This is a ple Sunday School. in California") movement into a the abolition of democracy, 'the ent he claimed had been "planted'' on zations disbanded by Hitler, who will start in the right direction. It is the of individual fight, the suicide of Fascist organization, and I wanted Lazar Kaplan has been appointed present reports of the economic deto convert him from a program of civilization. It means the develop- problem of unemployment that is him. to teach the seventh grade. New and even more dramatic advelopments affecting workers and emdriving us, as a state and nation, toment of an intense and barbaric "hamuddled economics, and Jew-baiting Miss Ethel Adler, prlre winner in . : ward bankruptcy. It is unemployment mission of the complete rout of the ployees. to one of ending poverty. the Junior Hadassah national contest, Grey Shirt anti-Semitic plot came on which causes bitterness and violence Foreign members who will sit in will have complete charge of the HeOur discussion came to naught, among our American workingmen. It Aug. 7 when Olivier, editor of the the Cimmission with equal right of brew, curriculum,- and will. work unexcept that I gave him an expresis this problem which is the basis of Fascist group's central organ, the examination and equal voice in preder the supervision of Mr. A. Katz, Morris Goldenberg, 66, of 4116 So. sion'of-my view on the persecution unrest today, and it is this problem Rapport, published an official state- paration of reports on testimony tak25th street, died Saturday of heart principal of the Talmud Toralu of the Jews, which forms an integment announcing his resignation from en are: failure, while in his automobile in his which must be attacked. Rabbi David H. Wice will be supral part of the American Fascist the organization. Sir Stafford Cripps, Parliamentary garage. He was founder of the South So far I seem to be the only erintendent •1of. the school, - and tomovement. I said, in effect, that I Special Slichoth serrices will be Interest was at a high pitch when Omaha Packing Co., and had retired gether with Mr. Lipp will teach the as president of that corporation two was perfectly aware that among the held at all Orthodox synagogues af- gubernatorial candidate who has seen the hearings in the civil suit for dam- chairman of the Labor Party. Sir Slesser, former Lord Justice of fit to consider it in a serious and high school department. years ago. He had been in business in international bankers and other fi- filiated with fie Vaad midnight Sat- practical manner, and for so doing I ages on a charge of defamation open- England. Mrs. Julius Newman has been ap- Omaha for forty years. nancial racketeers that helped bring urday." ' " ed in Grahamstown. D. N. Pritt, Kings Counsellor, forpointed chairman of "the Religious He is survived by his widow, Min- us to the present economic impasse - Slichoth services are introductory to have been called all kinds of names Among those to testify was Dr. Na-mer Attorney General of Great Briover the radio and in the newspa-i School committee of the Sisterhood. . nie; three daughters, Mrs. Leo Wax- there, were some Jews. But I- sug-the High Holydays themselves and hum Sokolow, president of the Zion- tain. pers. The pet cry is that I am a Registration for the Sunday School eriberg, Mrs. Albert Steinberg, ant gested if all the Jews were elimin- contain . prayers similar to those ist World Organization and the Jew- Gaston Bergery, attorney and Parwill be held Sunday, September 9, at Mrs. Rosalind Scher, all of Omaha ated we would still be in our pres- found in the High Holyday nights. communist, and I ask you: Is there ish Agency for Palestine, who is m liamentary leader, formerly of the 10 o'clock. AH parents are urged-to and two brothers and a sister in Lor ent plight. Morgan, Rockefeller and Rabbi Uri Miller wffl speak at tiie not a very close and apparent an- South Africa on behalf of the Keren Foreign Relations Committee of the alogy between this -red herring and have their children, new pupils and Hayesod. the DuPonts are not Jewish, yet it B'nai Israel "synagogue, where~ CanFrench Chamber of Deputies. Angeles. , ,-••• ' old, register on. that day. \ : is pretty generally admitted that tor Schwaczkin and choir will offici- tha one the Fascists* use against Maitre De Moro Giafferi, noted Other members of the faculty and Funeral services were held Sunday they had a fair share in the re- ate at £he services. Slichoth services you? French criminal lawyer. : Polish Arrests Of course I do not say your probthe grades they will teach: Mrs. Leon afternoon from the Jewish funeral sponsibility for our economic crisis at the B'nai Israel synagogue will Senator Morizet of France. Warsaw—Police arrested twentyFellman, kindergarten and first home. —that is, as far as any individuals commence at 11:30 p. m. Saturday lem as a people can be completely four Naras, National Radical anti- Each of these six, it was pointed solved by economics. But 1^ do say grade; Miss Helen Deeson, second were and are responsible. out, besides being a qualified student night. that your most pressing racial prob- the name "National Revolutionary of law and legal procedure in his nagrade; Miss Rita Mantel, third; Miss Jewish No. 1 Soviet Planner The important point is, though Regular Vaad- services for the sea-lems, Fascism and your personal Campt." La Verne Feblowi'tz, fourth; Miss Appointed The group, which included stu- tive country, was associated _ either Adele Wilinsky, fifth; Miss Bess Moscow—Sergei Karp, noted soviet1 that the depression was not "caused son will start Friday; evening, Sep- economic problems can be solved dents and women, was believed by with the French or the British InWeinstein, sixth; Lazar Kaplan, sev- Jewish" economist, wa3 appointed' by malevolent individuals. The whole tember 7, at- the B'nai Israel syna- here in California by the economic police officials to have been plan- quiry Commission which in 1933 inprogram I am advocating. enth; Rabbi David H. Wice, confir- president of the soviet government affair is purely a . matter of eco- gogue. ning to continue the proscribed vestigated the first outbreaks of .termation instruction. planning commission, which controls nomics, and unless we face the facts Rabbi Miller will deliver the ser- (Copyright, 1934, by Seven Arts Nara activities on a large scale, ror under Hitler and the burning of I the entire economic and industrial realistically and adjust our economic mon. Cantor A. Schwaczkin and the particularly it« anti-Jewish activities. the Reichstag. Featnre Syndicate.) system to suit presentday eondi B'nai Israel choir will officiate - Private sincerity is a public welfare, system of soviet Russia.

Opening School Day GOLF Falls on Rosh TITLE WON BY Hashonah M I A N MILDER















^ C ^ E k S t a ^ **



therefore appeals-to the labor fund Latest Anti-Jewish (1) to insist that in all the enterTroubles in Lithuania prises subsidized by the labor fund there must be no religious or na-Kovno (W: N. S.)—A modified form tional discrimination in engaging of martial law and complete newspa- Mexico City (W. N. S.)—Two workers; (2) to subsidize the empare censorship have been established raids by the Fascist Gold Shirts and ployment relief work of the Jewish throughout Lituania following a se- Green Shirts on Jewish business escommunities;, (3) to grant credit ries of anti-government riots which tablishments are being investigated aids to the Jewish productive coNew York (J. T. A.)—B. Ziff, turned into anti-Semitic outbreaks. by the Mexican Government followoperatives, Jewish industrialists and Jewish agriculturists; (4) to require thirty-six-year old magazine publish- Several Jews were seriously injured ing a protest by the Israelite Chamthe district government offices to er and advertising man, returned in at Skaulen and Shauvel when mem- ber of Commerce. The latter body reinclude Jews who are in distress In the spring from a three months, ex- bers of the blackshirted Verslas at- ported that 30 Fascists masquerading as health department officials their first-aid!, economic relief ac- ploration trip in the jungles of the tacked the Jewish quarter. Republic of Honduras, in Central In the latter city four Jews were invaded the business establishments tivities, such aa the .provision of free By BORIS SMOLAR meals, etc.; (5) to create new em-America. He went there in a search arrested when they were found in the of Berkman, Salzberg and Company ployment openings for those sections of adventure, surcease from the ease possession of arms. Police officials and demanded payment of a non-ex• Berlin.—It is no longer a secret in angerous to the German government the' lack of food upon the Jews has of the Jewish population that have and luxury of civilization, and a leg- blamed the Jews for the outbreaks. istent debt to the health bureau. Germany. Everybody knows it and were it not for new laws now being thrown a great fear upon the German been rendered declassed on account endary lost city. The lost city eluded Government officials, however, said When payment was refused the Faseverybody is talking about it: Hun- romulgated. These laws place the Jews. It makes their danger greater of the economic crisis, by providing him but he achieved his other two that the riots were the result of Nazi cists cut telephone wires and preventpeasont under strict government con- than ever and causes Jews generally agitation. Jed customers from entering or leavthem with opportunities to settle on aims. to feel that for the Jews of Germany Hanger is descending upon Ger- trol, forbid him the uncontrolled sale Listen," he said, "if you don't At Kersonai sixty young anti-Seing. the land. many just as i t did in the days of the f his grain, his vegetables and histhe worst is not yet over. think Nazism is a husky, thriving mites invaded the home of several Previously another Fascist gang otatoes, and virtually deprive him of World War. As it did in the days of In the smaller provincial cities of "The Jewish Agricultural organ- business, let me tell you about a lit- Zionists, smashing furniture and beathad demanded large sums of money ;he ownership of his live stock. the military blockade. Germany, Jewish families are worry- ization, which has 750 branches in tle experience I had in Honduras. ing the occupants. from Jewish merchants in the public Germany is dying, dying economic- The government forbids the pea- ing now how they will manage when towns and Tillages," says the mem- "We were cutting our way through market under threats of violence. sant to sell his potatoes. So the same the difficult starvation days arrive. orandum, "will undertake their agally, politically and financially. If inan almost impenetrable jungle—the Julio Madero, brother of the late flation has not "yet been proclaimed hing is being repeated in Germany In Berlin there is still some recourse. ricultural training, but the work will kind of stuff that holds you down to Human Interest Tales President Francisco Madero, has been in Germany, if German paper money as happened in Soviet Russia: the pea- There the government may have some need a sum of 5,000,000 zloty." about a mile and a half a day, with expelled from the Government party, From Nazi has not yet been officially devalu- ant, buries his potatoes deep in the regard for the opinion of foreign nathree machete wielders traveling in th National Revolutionary Party, beated, it is only because the govern- ground, to have on hand when the tions and perhaps, may prevent open front of you. Papers cause of his refusal to comply with ment of Germany still finds it pro- lack "hunger months" arrive. He is pogroms. But in the quiet provinces ? "We hadn't seen another white man fitable to pay her tremendous foreign orbidden to sell hogs or cattle. So he Under the seven-times-seven locks of for days. We were nearly two weeks' Berlin (WNS)—Two human interest the recent order demanding that all debts in her half worthless marks. kills them off and sells the meat se- the censors? If several hundred memmarch from anything so civilize das a stories centering around Jews are re- members of the party discontinue He figures that the price set bers of the Nazi party could have ported in the Nazi press. all connection with any of the variBut from week to week inflation retly. dentist, or a post office. government for his few pounds been shot in the space of one brief One concerns a non-Jewish Red ous shirted groups. comes steadily, closer. From week to yf the "Suddenly we came out into a clearwill scarcely make it worth night and no one able to determine week, the value of the German mark his grain ing. There, in rapt, openmouthed a t - Cross nurse who was discharged bewhile to sell the stuff, so he hides the exact number of those murdered decreases further and further. The t wherever Tel Aviv, (J. T. A.)—A lovetention, stood a bunch of natives. In cause she was a patient of a Jewish New York—Michael Shur, secrehe can and tells no one who can say what can happen in a gold reserves of the German Reichscrazed girl of sixteen years, Naomi their midst was a white man address- doctor. When she sued the Red Cross has it. quiet provincial city to the Jews! bank diminish steadily. Germany's Schmidt, said to -be mentally unbal- ing them with oratorical fervor in for two weeks' additional salary as tary of the Yiddish scientific instiforeign credit is practically excompensation the Red Cross paid with- tute of Wilno, who is in this counA hard winter is descending upon anced, has committed what is be- their own language. hausted. EASAKTS LOSE FATTH Germany. It will be a winter of star- lieved to be the first love crime in "The white man wos doing what is out a murmur, because it feared that try until October, when he will reIn Germany today a repitdon of Germany, great industrial Germany vation and economic disaster. Who Palestine. known as cruising for banana land. the publicity attendant on a trial turn to Poland, announced tentative what occurred, in Soviet is taking which never had enough breadstuffs knows how this catastrophe will af- Daughter of a Jewish artist, Miss The banana is a voracious plant and would alienate the support of Jewish plans for the tenth anniversary celeplace. The German gold reserves are and was forced even in years of gen- fect the Jews ? The Jew is always the Schmidt had fallen in love with Mes- exhausts its soil rapidly. These ba- donors, who are still contributing to bration next year in Wilno of the being exhausted and there is no pres- erous harvest to import grain, is goat, no matter what the catastro- kin, famous Habimah Art Theater nana land cruisers go into the jungle the Red Cross. founding of the institute, which has pect of any more. There is no money now in a position where she can not phe-' And that is certainly the case star, who has created the role of and prospect for new territory suited The other tale had a less happy branches in nineteen countries and 'for the importation of raw materials i import any bread and will nnot even in Hitler land. ending. A Nazi official interceded a board of trustees including such to banana planting. "Hagolem." there is certainly no credit. Who see the produce of her own fields. with the ministry of justice to have a scholars and scientists as Albert "This man was a German, highly The star lid not even know the 'would grant new loans to Germany The German peasant has lost his conJewish judge reinstated to his office. Einstein, Sigmund Freud, Edward girl. She called at his home, the intelligent and glib of tongue. He was when she repudiates her old ones. fidence in the present regime, with Unfortunately for the Nazi, he lost Sapir and Chaim Zhitlovsky. talking to the natives about the glorthird story of an apartment house at he result that the government will 6 Pinsker Street, bringing a bouquet. ies of Nazism. He was loaded down his own job after a trial by the Nazi lot get his grain away from him. DEADENED BY DEGREES Mrs. Meskin, the star's wife, who is with enough Nazi literature to sink party court. Opposed by the peasant, with the Without credit, without gold re- mrvest an expectant mother, accepted' the a fair-sized ship. How or where he'd Meyer Colnic, Prop. and without the opporserves, with an empty treasury and tunity ofbad flowers smilingly, as she is accust- gotten it I have no idea. In a converTtTEL, THAT SATISFIES" buying food abroad, Gerwith a discredited repudiation, Ger- many faces a winter such as she has omed to these floral tributes. Hard- sation with me he referred to the many is being deadened by degrees. ly had she turned than the girl drew President of the United States as 'the experienced since the gruesome Unemployment in the country is never Warsaw (J. T. A.)—The Jewish a dagger and stabbed her deep in Jew Roosevelt—his name used to be of the World War, a winter of growing steadily; factories stand idle lays bsolute hunger, for there'is neither economic committee has submitted the shoulder. Neighbors rushed in Rosenfeld.' for lack of the wherewithal for the bread other food. During such a a memorandum to the directors of at the sound of the screams and de- "What was oddest of all, this Ger- Moscow, (JTA).—The class of import of foreing raw materials, ex- winter-nor some years ago Germany lost the state labor fund, the minister of tained the girl, while the -woman man preaching Hitlerism in the people no flocking to Biro-Bidjan port trade is dying because there is the World War and was transformed social welfare and the prime min- rushed to another neighbor, Dr. depths of the Honduran jungles to and the mode of travel is deplored little to export, the. ranks of the dis-: into a second-clas3 power.During such ister's office, describing the economic Sternberg. First aid was adminis- naked natives was an ex-Communist." here by the Jewish press. satisfied who have nothing with which winter Germany, may now lose distress among the Jewish popula- tered and she was taken to a hosto be dissatdsfisd grow, the economic again, and; may experience It is the belief of the press that events ion, and demanding government as- pital, where she is in a serious conblockade of Germany becomes strong- which might be of historic significriminal elements and persons who sistance. dition as a piece of the dagger had Atlantic 3732 er because Germany cannot pay. have reason to avoid the authorities not only for the German peo- "The economic crisis has hit the remained in her back. An operation Lists 5,145 Pen Names 26th and Martha Street Things are progressing in such fash- cance', taking advantage of the moveBut" for all the worlds ^ in Jewish Literature are Jewish population severely," says the is necessary. ion" that in a few weeks Germany ileThe'German ment to recruit "migrants for the Jews contemplate the memorandum, "and has ruined the will be faced by a tremendous eco- coming winter with mforeboding. opportunity for livelihoods of thou- The girl, meanwhile, is under ar- Vienna, (J. T. A.).—Dr. Saul Jewish autonomous region in Sinomic crash, a great economic catas- They tremble not so gri beria. rest. much because of sands. Chayes has just issued his "Lexicon trophe, heavy unemployment and lit' the hunger "which will strike everyof Pseudonyms in Hebrew and Yid- Among the people in the last con"In many branches of industry as eral hunger. one and them top, but because of the much Tel Aviv, (J. T .A.) — The Habidish Literature." The book, covering tingent to arrive in Biro-Bidjan as 80 per cent of the Jewish were several with long criminal Hunger is descending upon Ger- events which this: hunger can arouse, workers are unemployed, and among mah Art Theate'r is engaged in last- the period from the Gaonic epoch in records. One man who gave his name many, not only because she has no especially against them, as Jews. the tenth century to the present day, Jewish artisans unemployment is be- hour rehearsals,'for the production money to import foodstuffs and raw contains 5,145 pseudonyms in. HebTew as Mazur was reported to have forged his papers and to have given materials from abroad, but also be- There is no doubt in anyone's mind tween 60 and 80 per cent. Condi- ol "Professor I^^nheim,* a play de- and Jewish letters; cause not everything is in order with- —and I have heard it not only from tions in trading are alftfbst a3 bad.pictingthe life' '$£' German Jewry in In his work Dr. Chaynes points out a false name. This "Jewish migrant" ews, but also in the most respon- ,"About 200,000 Jewish families in 1933 from the pen of Hans Scheur in the country. ~' •was discovered to be a Fetluxist who sible of foreign diplomatic circles in Poland are living below .the poverty and directed, by Leopold Iindberg, that in these two literatures Jews al- had taken part in pogroms against Berlin — that as soon as the nation- line," the memorandum declares, newly arrived German Jewish pro- ways held the work more important the Jews. HARVEST SMALL wide hunger becomes a bit more no- 'and more than 100,000 Jewish fami- ducer, . than the man. Therefore they had the The harvest of the German fields ticeable, the present Nazi government Two brothers named Ret, notorious custom of referring to the name of is very small this season. The Ger-will seek to blind the eyes of the lies are utterly destitute. thieves, also arrived. They had the work rather than that of the auman peasants — as superstitious as starving, unhappy people by throwing "The Jewish professional and in- Help boost the Jewish Press by thor. In some cases he deals with the hoped to smuggle their way across a n y — take the poor crop to be a the blame upon the Jews. The govern- tellectual classes are finding them- patronizing the firms and institutions motives which led to the adoption of the eastern frontier of Siberia and sign from God and a punishment for ment will not be in a position to give selves increasingly deprived of all which advertise in the Jewish Press. the pseudonyms. flee the Soviet Union. INSURED CABS the Nazi government's-persecution of the people any bread, but'it will cer- means of earning their liyelihooa". the Catholics" and the"" Jews. .-. .; tainly make an attempt to feed them "The public works started by the 3 Ye the" superstitious inclinations of the story that it is the Jews who are state labor fund for the relief of the German peasants would riot be so to blame for the lack of anything to unemployment and by the various enterprises which it subsidizes do not eat. Even • now—before the hunger pe- employ Jewish workers," the memriod is in full swing— certain Ger- orandum complains. man newspapers are engaged in lay- "Taking into account the peculiar ing -the r groundwork, saying that economic structure of the Jewish "world Jewry is preparing a hunger population," the memorandum pro•kWhere Omaha Shops With Confidence blockade against Germany." German ceeds, "we consider that it is essen*'; newspapers are already being inspired tial that the labor fund should al- Sao Paulo, Brazil; fJTA)—A six- to write that =the scarcity of potatoes locate funds specifically for the alle• teen-year-old Jewish girl, Ester Tess- is to be attributed to the Jews. Many viation of the distress among the ler, is winning the heart of the peo-German newspapers are already lead- Jewish population. ple of Brazil. ing off to the effect that should Ger- "The Jewish, economic committee -s -i Ester, as she is sailed by the four- many be faced .with a catastrophe, the th estate and others^ -who are her Jews'may-expect-pogroms. . : admirers, is the newest star among Once-this note Ms- sounded, -the rest 'the declaimers espousers' of an art comes. of itself.! In .present-day Germuch more popular here "and in Eur-manjf,'«heie the'press is not the voice ope than it is in the Unifed,. States. of the; people•.<•.but-_p£ the government, Miss Tessler is the daughter of a everyipoint of /view expressed by a middle-class family- of Rio Grande newspaper ,is"taken to be the point Get f&w* Cuts atul do Sul. She began her artistic ca- of••view'.'of>the' government. There is reer about two years 'ago InCurit- not a single\newspaper in Germany yba, where, with the aid "of friends, today'which says what the governshe gave her first' recital. Encour- ment does "not wish it to say. aged by the reception"! accorded her at that time, she determined-to de"Phone Ot.46261 vote herself to the furtherance and WORST SEEN AHEAD perfection of her talents for declama- This tendency on the part of newspapers to place the responsibility for tion and interpretation. The result of her efforts were reflected In the delight her augiences exhibited wherever she -went. Adcompanied by her father, the young disease visited a number of cities, among them Rio . de Janeiro. She came here preceded by an avalanche of favorable press notices. Ester by no means believes she is the finished artist. In the almost child-like fashion appropriate to her years she tells the story of her life and future plans, and of how thrille she . is by the warmth and friend ' liness people everywhere show her. When she has completed her enGreat Variety of Styles for ' gagements here Eser intends to go COMPANY lack to Rio de Janeiro to continue / the Miss Going Bach '.her studies. At present she recite; to School •: the works of native Brazilian anc ! Portuguese •writers, but she is planBough Crepes OMAHA, NEBRASKA. ning a recital of selections from the . .Cereal Crepes •workB of Yiddish poets and expects - to embark on such a program in the light "Woolens near future. Full Sleeves :. In the Argentine a Jewess named New Necklines Bertha Singennan has won popular acclaim as a diseuse. At the end ,___, Straight SMrts of her most recent tour of South Sites for Juniors, misses . and America she went to Hollywood, XV^mib '• j •'" " "" ••- - . ' : ' : , - where she obtained a motion picture - -"^ - Third JToor. . .:








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- C°Draniatic critics\of Brazil predict -thflt-in a ft* years Ester Tesskrwill bTat least as great an artist as Bertha Sirigerman is today.



Toward theGoal of World Peace By ESTELLE M. STERNBERGER - This article by the executive director of World Peaceways -was written exclusively for the Seven Arts affiliated publications. Mrs. Sternberger was formerly executive director of the Council of Jewish Women and is regarded as one of the outstanding pacifists in the world. Her informative article describes the major contributions to the permanent establishment of world peace by Jews in the 20th century.—The Editor.


riculture at Kome. We realize today itals. Similar organizations are that the question of preventing wars springing up in every part of the does not hinge alone upon the reduc- globe, most, recently in the Dutch tion of armaments. We are keenly East Indies, Australia and South aware that we must put an end to the America. World' Peaceways utilizes struggle-for markets among the na- the methods of modern business and tions, to eliminate the savage compe- industry and has succeeded in going tition for the disposal of their agri- even further, by enlisting the actual cultural and manufactured products, cooperation of business and industry. if we want to keep governments on The writer was invited to return to good terms with one another. The po- Geneva this September to broadcast, tency of Lubin's idea is illustrated by over the League's radio station, a the fact that even the outbreak of the daily commentary on the sessions of World War in 1914 did not stop the the League's Assembly, scheduled to to Europe this representatives of 36 nations, includ- meet that month. v During. my trip summer in the interest of organizing ing representatives of the Allies and The founder of World Peaceways various countries for a world-wide their enemy countries. Germany and was Mrs. Theresa Mayer Durlach of peace program I had the opportunity Hungary, from meeting in Rome, New York City. The amazing proto observe the temper of public opin- within three months after the war be- g r e s s a c n i e v e d since she launched the ion on the questions of war and peace. gan, as members of the Permanent organization in 1931, under the name I particularly turned over in my mind Committee of .the Institute. In this of World Peace Posters, necessitated the pact to outlaw war, the Briand- connection i t j s interesting to remem- t h e broadening of its title and proKellogg Pact, which was signed six ber that before the World War in g r a m w i t h i n t w o y e a r s > Having an unyears ago, on August 27, 1928; and 1911, the Nobel Peace _ Prize was j s h a k a b i e faith in her conviction that I took stock of the progress made by shared "by two Jews, TV M. C. Asser the purposes of peace movements will the nations toward that goal — the of Holland and A. H. Fried of Aus- succeed only through a program that reaches masses: of: men, women and elimination of war as a national pol- tria. Only a few days ago the press an- youth instead of the ten or hundred icy. In this connection I remembered nounced President Roosevelt's deci- thousands that are influenced by the that it was Salmon O. Levinson of sion to accept for the United States current methods, Mrs. Durlach, with Chicago who was given credit for hav- membership in the International La- the cooperation of members of her .ing pressed this idea of the outlawry bor Organization, an autonomous family, notably her mother, Mrs. Soof war upon the attention of govern- group but actually-a creature of the phia Mayer, gave with exceptional ments, through a committee that he League of Nations. It was Samuel liberality toward the furtherance of had formed for that particular pur- Gompers, the American labor leader, its program. Today she has the satispose. Many of his friends throughout •ho is credited with having gone to faction of seeing the messages of the world have experienced keen dis- he Versailles : Peace Conference in World Peaceways reaching over fifty appointment .that his .service in this 1919, with the demand that the peace million people, men, women and direction has not gained him the No- treaty recognize the necessity of se- youth, •within a year, through the mebel Peace •-Award. The newspapers curing justice for labor throughout dia of its weekly broadcasts over rahad mentioned his name as a possi- he world as a stepping stone to world d i o stations in forty-two states, its bility when speculation was rife as to leace. Accordingly a special section, striking advertisements in the magathe likely, recipients, of a recent embodying that thought, was written zines and the press, which have peninto the treaty. In recognition of the etrated-to the remotest corners of the award. - : . , American labor leader's share in world, and through several other proThis important role of Mr. Levinson bringing about the International La- jects. The recent extension of its ortempts us to ask what part the Jews )or Organization, which now has its ganization into foreign countries inof recent times have played in the headquarters in Geneva, the first creases its influence for peace enor; major peace developments of the meeting of that body was held in the mously. twentieth century. The list of honor United States, at Washington, D. C, is an imposing one, touching some of A voice that has been silenced by in the year 1919. the foremost agencies and movements the amazing and murderous methods As recently as 1929 Mr. Edward A. of the Hitlerites, the Dillingers of in international relations. Dr. E. J. Dillon', a writer on international sub- Filene of Boston, through the Twen- Europe, as they are called-by men and jects, expressed a generally accepted tieth' Century Fund which he estab- women across the Atlantic is that of opinion when-he stated that the Czar lished for advancing international re- Professor Albert Einstein. He is one of Russia, in inviting the nations in lations and the study of international of many whom the Nazis have tried 1898 to send xepresentatives to the issues, contributed $25,000 to allow the to stigmatize by making the term first Hague Conference itt 1899, had International-Labor Organization to 'pacifist'1 synonymous with -'ftraitor been, moved \by- Jean Bloch's book make a study'of labor standards, in- to the State." His statement made in 1 "The Warfare of the" Future, from the cluding wages and cost of living, in the United States on one of his earlTechnical, Political and Economic countries throughout the world. It is ier visits, that if two per cent of the Points of View." By 1902 this Jew of an invaluable study, making possible effectives of a country could be urged Russian Poland, a banker and econ- the determination of the degree and to pledge resistance to war, war would omist,' was no longer alive to see his nature of the competition between be successfully prevented,-was the-in"Museum of War and Peace" opened labor of various countries, as shown spiration of a movement among warat Lucerne, Switzerland, to~ illustrate larticularly in the cost of production resisters' in this country. his. theory by graphic methods. On one f various products. I t is expected During the past year much has of my recent visit to Europe I saw that the "International Labor Organbeen written in the United States in that building, in Lucerne, but it is no ization will be able- to -accomplish reference t o " the manufacturers of longer being used for its original pur- much toward leveling the present unmunitions. The high-water mark -of pose. Many more" .significant contribu- equal bases of competition, arising that discussion was the decision of the from the fact that one country resorts .tions to the peace thought of the United' States Senate to appoint a world might have been made by Jean to low standards of wages and living, committee under Senator Gerald P. Bloch if his life had not been cut as well as long hours, while others Nye to investigate the arms traffic short. He had even then anticipated aim to produce for world markets of the United States. Since one "of the many of the points of view urged by through higher and more humane authors of one of the important standards for labor. Normal Angell in his-book ."The Great books on this question, -"The MerIllusion," particularly the thought Another important personality on chants of Death," has made the state" that all victories "are pseudo-victories the peace horizon is Maxim Litvinov, ment, in an article secured by the and cost a nation far "more . than it the Foreign .Minister of Soviet Rus- Seven Arts Feature Syndicate and gains. His emphasis on questions of sia. His energetic and successful pro- circulated in the Jewish press, that economic organization would have put motion of non-aggression pacts has there are no Jewish manufacturers of • him in line with the most advanced challenged world admiration. Japan, munitions, the people-of the United thinkers on the issues of' war and the most threatening neighbor of So- States will watch with interest the peace. viet Russia, refused his tender of such activities of the Nye Committee, which a pact pledging that neither nation is scheduled to begin its hearings in The recent international conference would resort to arms for the adjust- September. to determine the wheat quotas of the ment of any issue that might. arise various nations carries out the probetween them.. and that each -would . In addition to the men and women gram envisioned by the American Darespect the territorial inviolability of I have mentioned who have attained vid Lubin, who as far back as 19.05 the other. His presence at any confer- world-wide recognition because of the gained the sympathetic, ear of the ence in a European capital gains in- sweeping implications and results of King of Italy for the establishment ternational attention, for unusual pro- their plans, there is a considerable - of the International Institute.of Agposals are always expected from him. body of men and women who, as inHis directness and frankness disarm ternational -lawyers, writers on economic subjects,, members of governmany Nof the diplomats. ments and workers in peace organizaFrancis Lederer, the motion picture tions, are making important contribustar, has been devoting a considerable tions toward. the building of an order portion of his income toward advancing the idea of a plebiscite on war, in which the people, through a popular referendum, shall be permitted to deNew York, (WNS).—Laws pro- cide whether or not they desire to outhibiting Jews to ride on donkeys or law war and to amend constitutions use any .other means ;bf transporta accordingly. The organization that he tion are among the degrading hu- has established. for this purpose is miliations from which Che Jews of known as,the World Peace Federation. Yemen suffer and which makes,their Leaders of the peace - movement plight comparable to tha^of the un- throughout the -world , credit t World touchables of India; this as /well as Peaceways with furthering the most the fact that the war between Ibn advanced program of peace education Saud, king of the Hedjaz,- and- Iman- today. It was in the interest of; that Yahia, king of Yemen,' is bringing movement that the writer of this ardeath and ^ hunger to . thousands of ticle visited several foreign countries Jews was revealed , in A a letter re this summer and established World ceived by the Joint Distribution Com- Peaceways organizations* in many capmittee from Yahia Salem,-chairman of 'the Yemenite Relief Committee of Aden, Arabiau The letter declares that hostilities between the two Arab ;chieftains have' brought thousands of Jewis. refugees into Ad€n, .where -'their property is being confiscated by; the Yemen government. Jewish., 'children j ftUTO PAINTING roam the streets begging for bread,


that will "make unnecessary the resort to arms for the settlement of any international issue. The point of view is definitely gaining acceptance that those who are bent upon discovering the cure or cures for the endless outbreaks of war that always set the march of civilization backward are not the enemies of society but rather its benefactors and its greatest patriots. Mr. Ascher Henkin, in his book "Must We Have War?" has given us a fine conception of the patriot as not one who does harm to his country's enemy,' but Tather the man who does his country a tremendous amount of good-through various'accomplishments -' and personal contributions of talent. It is in that spirit that Jews have devoted so much thought, energy and financial aid to the advancement of world peace. (Copyright, 1934, by Seven Arts Feature Syndicate.)

Zion City, 111. (J. T. A.)—If the earth begins to shudder and the walls strat to collapse while you are sitting in the synagogue heralding the coming of the New Year on the first day of Rosh Hashhonah, don't be surprised. Be nonchalant and continue your worship as though nothing had happened. It will merely be the end of the world. That, at least, is the prophesy of Wilbur Glenn Voliva, leader of the "Zion" cult here, who foretells the destruction of this terrestrial globe on Sept. 10, the day on which the Jew3 will gather in houses ow worship throughout the world on the first of the High Holidays.

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New York (W. N. S.)—The Hearn Department Stores will dispense with all profit for the next twelve months, Maurice Levin, president and sole owner of the store, has announced. - . The new plan, which excludes any salary or profit for Mr. Levin, i s "designed to. 'stimulate buying by lowering prices.

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Berlin (W. N. S.)—The Jews of Upper Silesia, who were recently granted permission by Minister of the Interior Frick to practice shechita, have been warned not to send any kosher poultry to Jews in other parts of Germany. Upper Silesian Jews have been exporting kosher poultry to their co-religionists in Germany proper, who are forbidden to employ shechita. Legalization of shechita in Upper Silesia was the result of the League of Nations' insistence that anti-Semitic legislation in Germany must not be extended to Upper Silesia, which is under the jurisdiction of the League.

Berlin—Der Stuermer, Dr. Julius Streicher's anti-Semitic paper which was suppressed for a fortnight following libelous attackc on President Masaryk of Czechoslovakia and President Roosevelt of the United States, has resumed publication with a virulent attack on the Jews, New York, (WNS).—Germany will against whom it has again resurrectchange her anti-Jewish aws within ed the ancient ritual murder charge. a year, is the prediction of August Heckscher, 86-year-old philantropist, on his return from a visit to Germany. At Munich, he declared, he found that the hospital he had founded for They iSfx With the Best subnormal children still included the IDEAL BOTTLING COMPANY same Jewish physicians as before on ISOS No. 20th S t WE. 8048 its staff, although it had been taken over by the Hitler government.

Palestinian Assembly Will Meet in 1935

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The Jewish .community of; Aden is too poor to deal with this" emergency. Most of the refugees are anxious to get : to Palestine, the communication asserts. In answer to the plea for immediate help the J. D. C. has made a grant - by arrangement with_ the Emergency Refugee Committee.

By the Service Life Insurance Company, Omaha


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Silesians Warned on Exporting of Kosher Poultry to Germany


Insurance buyers are today emphasizing the Thrift advantages their insurance policies provide more than at any time during the past 20 years. This is intensely proper and in "keeping with the conception of life insurance as "LIFE"' not "Death" insurance, and the practical plan of — Saving for a Sunny Dav. One policyholder recently described his insurance as a —Protected Savings Account. We can think of no better definition .because money placed with a life insurance company protects and safeguards not only the amount of money one so invests, bat it protects one's family and himself from the great loss of money caused by premature death, disability, loss by poor investments, or the careless making of deposits. It likewise protects one from the Designation A p p l i e s to Lan-temptation to withdrow funds for temporary needs and pleasant but unguage, Not Race, Trio necessary pleasures. Write. The emergency features of a life London (J. T. A.)—The Times of insurance policy affords additional London publishes the following let- protection against the temporary ter, signed by three English savants months when deposits may be imposrenowned for their researches in the sible because of unusual family exfield of ethnology in which Foreign pense or loss of work. Secretary Sir John Simon is taken to task for Ms use of the word "Aryan" in ' his now famous letter regarding his ancestry: - - • "Sir, the use of the word "Aryan" in the letter of Sir John Simon could have gone without comment if the Jerusalem, (JTA).—The first openword had not been written by a min- ing session of the proposed legislative ister of the Crown. assembly for Palestine, to which "Anthropologists have recognized Palestinian Jews have voiced the that while it is permissible. to speak strongest objestions, will ba hed not of Aryan languages, it is incorrect to later than May, 1935, the Arab press use this word to designate a Western reported adding that the members of European race. As a matter of fact, the assembly will not be elected but it was only a few days ago that Sir appointed by High Commissioner Sir Grafton Elliott Smith, in his welcome Arthur Grenfell-Wauchope. address to the International Congress From government sources the Jewof Ethnological and Anthropoligical ish Telegraphic Agency learned that Sciences treated on this question with the legislative assembly will be estabgreat eloquence. lished, in the near future, but that "Although the use of the term no definite date has yet been set 'Aryan peoples' must be attributed to for convoking the body and no Professor Max Muller, one must not methods of choosing the members forget the fact that before making worked out yet. answer to the _. severe critics, one must admit that 'an ethnologist who speaks of the Aryan race, Aryan blood, Aryan eyes ana hair is a great a sinner as the linguist who speaks of. the .dolichocepTialist distionary or the brachycephalic grammar. "We do not question the appropriateness of the fact that the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs corrected an error as to his ancestry. Nevertheless, we regret his erroneous use of a scientific term in a sense which has created such great political damage in Germany. . "It is against the illegitimate use of the word that -we protest." "The letter bore the signatures of A. C. Haddon, F. Gowland Hopkins and J. B. S. Haldane.

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THE JEWISH PRESS Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by

THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Subscription Price, one year - - - - - - - . . . Advertising rates furnished on application


; Editorial Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building. '}. ' Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center .. DAVID BLACKER - Business and Managing Editor FRANK H. ACKEEMAN - - - .- - -• - - - - Editor FANNIE KATELMAN - • - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent ANN P H I * - - - - - - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent :' Print Shop Address: 1307 Howard Street

The Week in Review Disunity Once More

that anti-Semitic group. In Lithuania, too, the authorities have reason to believe that the anti-Jewish agitation is being carried on with funds supplied from Naziland; the same Hitlerland which does not have sufficient money to pay solemn debts!! Both of these governments must recognize the.danger from Nazi poison. As Hitlerism makes inroads, the: government itself is in jeopardy, and as Nazi theories grow, freedom and liberties : vanish.

Cancerous Growth Dr. Max Naumann and his small group of ultra-extremists in Germany, known as the League of National German Jews, are becoming more and more obnoxoius. When Nazism came into power, these so-called Jews actually sought to enter the Nazi ranks with the promise that they heartily agreed with the Hitler program and would help them against their fellow-Jews. They were rebuffed, but not stopped. They sought to join the "colored-shirt" ranks, to associate themselves as closely as possible with the Nazis. They denounced the other German Jews. In the recent plebiscite they issued a proclamation calling upon all German Jewry to cast a ballot favoring Hitler. When the world Jewish conference meeting at Geneva passed a strong boycott resolution, Naumann in the name of his organization telegraphed Hitler that these men did not speak in the name of Jewry, and that those gathered were "rootless, violent and extremist Jews." In their every action this League of National German Jews prove unworthy of bearing the Jewish name. Fortunately, their number is small, but it is with sorrow and shame that we read of their antics. Naumann, with his knees pockmarked from kowtowing, is a disgrace to his people; his organization is of the cowardly type whom no one can respect, willing to surrender their heritage in order to gain a bit of favor from a despicable butchery dictator. Such a cancerous growth within Israel is much worse than a sore which has festered on the skin, aad much more dangerous.

Disunity, that infectious disease which has been gnawing at the heart of Israel through the centuries, is as damaging today as it was at the time of the dispersion. The latest incident which has brought out in bold relief the factional fighting among Jewish leaders centered about the Jewish world conference, which has concluded its meetings at Geneva. This conference decided to call a Jewish World Congress to convene in August, 1935, for the purpose of forming a world Jewish League on the lines of the League of Nations. The conference boycott committee summoned a boycott conference to meet in London on October 6 to co-ordinate boycott activities of all parts of the world against Nazi Germany. The motivating force from America behind this conclave at Geneva was Rabbi Stephen S. Wise and the American Jewish Congress, promulgators of the World Jewish Congress idea. No sooner had the press announced the definite decision regarding the world congress than charges and counter-charges began fly- Did You Know That... ing through the air. Morris D. Waldman, secretary of the AmerDid you know some of the interesting facts emanating from ican Jewish Committee, pointed out that neither his organization Palestine, which eloquently paint the growth of the Jewish homenor the Board of Jewish Deputies of England nor the Alliance land. For example, did you know that . Israelite Universelle of France sent delegates to the gathering, One hundred and thirty-three new factories and workshops and that "the conference cannot truthfully be described as rep- were established in Palestine during the past year. resentative of the opinion of Jews of the world or as expressing It is estimated that Palestine imports for 1933 totaled from the viewpoint of Jewish citizens of the United States." To beten to eleven million pounds. The surplus in the Palestine treascloud a situation already muddled, Samuel Untennyer, president of the American Non-Sectarian Boycott League and the World ury is over $10,000,000. There continues to be a shortage of skilled and unskilled labor Boycott Federation, criticized the Geneva conference for assuming throughout Palestine. the position that the world anti-Nazi boycott is a strictly Jewish The Jewish capital invested in Palestine during 1933 is estiaction, declaring that this created a "damaging, misleading world mated to amount to 5,500,000 pounds. impression." That the Jewish National Fund has allocated land in its Haifa From then on allegations and accusations have come from Bay industrial zone to 38 proposed undertakings. various camps, with all sides charging that their opponents were The Tiberias Mineral Springs, according to Arnold Scherrer, doing incalculable harm to Jewry. The truth of the matter is that a Swiss engineer, are equalled by few and surpassed by none of all of them are doing incalculable harm through their inability to the famous European springs in their chemical composition and : i£i agree| ^ ^ making the press of America their battleground, suitability for curative purposes. \ '; with verbal bombshells their artillery. As has been 6ft repeated, Jewish aviators have established a flying cliib in Tel-Aviv. either; these men who assume to speak for the Jewish people- The Tel-Aviv Fair is the outstanding event in the Near East and none of whom have a mandate from the people—must become Middle East, according to "The Near East and India." The same real leaders by making their cause transcend their own impor- paper says that Tel-Aviv—the all-Jewish modern city with 85,000 tance, or else the Jewish people will revolt and dislodge all of inhabitants—promises to become, economically, the center of that them from their places of assumed leadership. part of the world. .--••••

Algeria Not Quiet Yet

Gruening Appointment

previously made application any- And now the memorandum will become a book. where else. "Yes" replied the Jews, "we applied to Dr. Goebbels and he turned Apropos of this talk about the movies damaging the morals of peous down." "Oh," quickly replied General ple and requiring censorship, Paul Goering, "in that case you may go Yawitz tells a good story. It appears that lady—one of the kind ! ahead and open the theatre." By DAVID SCHWARTZ ' And so the next installment of that wears her "pup" with her the "blood bath" will probably either came along to a movie-house and see Goering kill off Hitler and Goeb- started to enter with the dog. WONT OPEN MOUTHS bels or Hitler and Goebbels out- "Lady, you can't take that dog Leave it to a good little story to into the theatre," said the usher. succinctly tell the whole truth of smarting Goering and putting the "The idea!" said the woman, "I latter on the spot. a situation. The best story I know don't see how the movie can possibly that boils down the essentials of the And if you ask me for my opinion, present German situation, election the tMng that will kill all of them (Copyright, 1934, Jewish Telegraphic included, is the following •which, it off is a chap, named General "ErAgency, Inc.) is said, has been going around in satz." Yes, he is none other than Deutschland. old "ersatz," the substitute, upon "Did you hear?" asks one one which Germany it seems, will have] Mexican Students all the dentists in Germany are leav- to depend more and more in the future. ing?" Form New Group There is a limit to the amount of "Why?" asks the second. "Because no one will open his "ersatz" which even so peculiar a Mexico, D. F. (J. T. A.)—An orpeople as the Germans can absorb. ganization of Jewish students attendmouth." ing the preparatory public school JOTTINGS Another one told in Germany Charles Taussig, one of the origin- (equivalent to American high school apropos the election returns is per- al 'v aiE trusters," a cousin of and junior college) and the National haps not quite as good from a hu- Frances Taussig, the New York University, has been formed with apmorous point of view, but equally Jewish social worker, is at work proximately fifty members. The chief aim of the organization on a biography of Secretary of enlightening othewise. The story: is to ecquaint the youth of the JewState Hull. "Are you going to listen in to the ish who are rapidly assimilatradio tonight?" Taussig does his \rriting under! ing colony, ideas of their environment, with "Why?" ideal conditions. Esfehlt ihm nischt, "Oh, don't you know? The gov- as they say in French. He lives most the fundamentals of Judaism. Th« ernment is going to announce the of the time aboard a yacht, from program of the organization is nonpolitical. results of the election." whence he runs a million dollar syrup business, brain-trusts, writes And there is a good one in which books, etc., etc the Germans seem to be taking a Never write a memorandum. See Paxton Mitchell Co. crack at German culture under the what happened to Magistrate Johan Grey Iron, Aluminum and Naii regime. The story tells of a J. Goldstein. The magistrate hapschool room, in which the pupils are pened to fall in at a meeting with Bronze Castings being quizzed: Wood and Metal Fattens Judge Seabury. In course of the con"What happened in 188S?" asks versation, Goldstein suggested cer2614 Martha St. HA. 6523 the teacher. tain ideas, which he had for re"Adolf Hitrler was born," answers forming the court of domestic relathe pupil. tions. 'And what happened in 1892?" "Write me a memorandum about NATIONAL continues the teacher. it,* said Seabury. ACCESSORIES, Inc. "In the year 1892, Adolf Hitler was four years old," replies the Goldstein began his memoranduf. EVERYTHING When it got to 200 pages, he showed pupil. For the Auto it to Fannie Hurst. 2051 Fanum AT. 5524 In other words, German culture, "Wonderful!" she said, "you ought the boast of the ages, is going the to have it published." way of Germany liberty—to the dogs. } And the end will probably be that the dogs will kill each other off, as they have already begun. Indeed, my private detectives tell me that on the day of the "blood purge"—June SO—Dr. Goebbels vras in mortal dread that Goering would bump him off and took the aeroplane to keep very close to Hitler.


ANIMOSITY In connection with the last, there is an interesting story that comes by way of some of the Jewish refugees, confirming the bitter animosity between Goering and Goebbels. When tiie Nazis first came into power, they immediately, of course eliminated the Jews from the German stage. Not only that, Jews seeking even to enter a German theatre, merely as auditors were often thrown out. So the Jews of Berlin got together and decided to form their own strictly Jewish theater. They applied to Dr. Goebbels for permission to open this theatre. Dr. Goebbels flatly turned them down with an emphatic no. But the Jews lived in Berlin and they remembered that Goering, being the premier of Prussia, has some power and so they went to see Goering. Goering, although quite as antiSemitic as Gcebbels, listened to their plea. When the Jews got through, Goering asked them, if they had

A new Arab riot was reported from Algeria, where French officials had severely repressed the earlier ones. No casualties were reported, but authorities strengthened the garrisons in expectation of new outbreaks. The Jewish Youth organization of Algeria has charged the government with neglecting to take adequate measures against possibilities of such incidents. Referring to the story that a drunken Jewish soldier had desecrated a Moslem mosque and thus incited the massacres in the Jewish quarter, the London Times, which is notoriously not a partisan of the Jews, reported it a myth and pointed to the fact that restlessness among the Arabs had been observed long before the alleged incident. It agreed with Paris newspapers that trouble had occurred several days before. Outlying districts of Algeria, considerably removed from Constantine, had experienced Arab-Jewish conflicts, which the French authorities had prevented from becoming known to the press.

A well-deserved appointment was that of Dr. Ernest Gruening, who has been appointed director of the Division of Islands and Territories of the Department of the Interior. Dr. Gruening is recognized as an expert on Latin-America. He is a member of the Foreign Policy Association and has edited important newspapers.

The Homeland Menaced

The way of the just" is straight Thou must be upright; makest plain The present trend in government is toward a United States the path of the just. With my soul have I desired Thee of the World.—Dr. Julian Morgenstern. in the night, yes with, my spirit within me have I sought Thee earn"World peace will come when, we recognize the sacredness of estly. every human personality."—Rabbi Morton M. Berman of Daven- Let favor be shown to the wicked, yet will he not learn right answers; port. in the land of uprighteousness will he deal •wrongfully. . "As long as I am Minister of Justice, there will be equal jus- Lord, in trouble have they sought Thee; silently they poured out a tice for all, there will be no under-dog and no ghetto in South prayer when Thy chastening was Africa . . . The Jews of the world need not fear the future, be- upon them. cause public opinion will right the Jewish world situation."—Gen- Rabbi Amran, the pious, whenever servants of the exilarch troubled eral Jan.C. Smuts, Minister of Justice in the South African gov- the him would on the next day get sick ernment and former premier. with chills. They would then say to him, what does the master want to be brought to him? He thought to "From the beginning the proud Aryan way has been a base, himself; whatever I will order of barbarous way, away definitely opposed to every lofty conception t them the order will be reversed. He therefore said to them. Bring me of civilization."—Lewellyn Powys, English writer. lean meat ana wine diluted with water. The consequence was that they brought him fat meat and pure Hebrew Calendar strong wine. When Yolsa, the wife 5695 Rabbi Nachman and the daughter Rosh Hashonah Monday and Tuesday, September 10 and 11 of of the exilarch, was informer that Fast of Gedaliah...... :.—... -Wednesday, September 12 Rabbi Amran became sick through; Yom Kippur___;. _*. :—........Wednesday, September 19 the annoying of her father's serv-. ants she ordered the servants to take First Day of Succoth.. -Monday, September 24 him into a bath house, put him into Eighth Day of Succoth. -..Monday, October 1 a bath tab of hot water in order to Simchath Torah -Tuesday, October 2 produce perspiration. *Rpsh Chodesh Chesvan _.„„ -Wednesday, October 10 Rabbi Joseph when he would have a cold would work with a hand mill Rosh Chodesh Kislev ..Thursday, November 8 in order to warm himself and proFi^st Day of Chanukah ....... -—Sunday, December 2 duce perspiration. Rosh Chodesh Tebeth Friday, December 7 Rabbi Shesheth when he would get Fast of Tebeth -Sunday, December 16 a cold would occupy himself carrying logs and remarked: Great is NOTE: Holydays begin in the evening preceding the dates work that it warms its performer designated. and produces perspiration and the cold subsides •Rosh Chodesh also observed the previous day.

That the preponderance of urban immigration and the topheavy industrial development in Palestine are fraught with danger to the future of the Jewish Homeland is the warning sounded by Rabbi Israel Goldstein, president of the Jewish National Fund, in his address before the annual convention of Junior Hadassah. Dr. Goldstein pointed out that while in the early years of Zionist immigration to Palestine 75 to 90 per cent of the immigrants settled on the soil, only 10 per cent of the 1933 immigrants had gone into the agricultural colonies, with the result that too much emphasis is being put,on the industries and the professions are becoming badly overcrowded. That there is danger of the rise of "a new economic ghetto" in Palestine may sound fantastic, but unfortunately the danger exists. The early immigrants were men and women of pioneer , spirit, who went to Eretz Israel to build roads and drain swamps and wrest a livelihood from the soil. Today too many immigrants go there merely to escape the economic disadvantages attendant upon being a Jew in the Diaspora. Their souls are not filled with the idealism needed if city-bred Jews are to enter upon the hardships of rural life. It is the task of our Zionist leaders to see to it that immigrants come into Palestine prepared to work for the Jewish homeland in the only way that will give it a sound foundation—as tillers of the soil.

The. Octopus The octopus of Nazism continues to spread out toward the east, and the Jewry of both Lithuania and Poland are beginning to feel the effects of Hitlerite influence rather sharply. Though 1 parties modeled after the Nazis are legally banned, they continue 1'their existence and territories through illegal subterranean lo.' cales. • A search conducted by Polish government authorities in the s home,of a National Radical (Nara) leader brought to light evidence showing that Nazis in Germany financed the activities of

They Say ... "Any young writer who wants to pay the price of learning his trade and who has a story to tell, combined with a sense of the problems of modern society, can get along in the literary field."—Albert Halper, author of "Union Square." "There are a lot of Nazi secret spies in this country. Some of them were active during the war as far back as the Black Tom explosion and they are back again in connection with Nazi activities."—Congressman Samuel Dickstein.


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Page &—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 31, 1934 [RETURN TO NEW YORK Mr. and 'Mis. David Wohlner. of New York City, who have been visiting here for the past two weeks with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Wohlner, are leaving Friday morning for their home. They will be accompanied by their cousin, Mr. Irving Handelman oJ Schenectady, N. Y., who has also been visiting at the Wohlner home. While here d were extensively entertained.



Hadassah A board meeting of the local chapter of Hadassah will be held Tuesday afternoon, September 4, at the Jewish Community Center. The affair at the "Sixty Club" August 22 for the benefit of the medical fund was very successful, with a large crowd attending. Many of the women raised their quotas for the Give or Get fund.

Progressive Hebrew Phi Beta Epsilon Club Holds Picnic To Honor Rushees The actives and alumni of Phi Beta Epsilon, Creighton University social fraternity, will honor rushees during two full days of activity Sunday and Monday, September 2 and 3. Sunday afternoon a smoker will be eld at the home of Morris Stalmaster. A series of stags will be held in the evening. A swimming party will be held Laior Day at Linoma Beach, and will >e followed by a theater and dancing iarty in the evening. Many out-ofiown guests are expected. The officers of the chapter are: Joe 'olomonow, president; Max Resnick, vice president; Morris Koom, secretary; Harold Bloch, treasurer; Bernard Fox is rush chairman.

More than five hundred attended the first annual picnic of the Progressive Hebrew club at Fontenelle park last Sunday. The children present were given balloons and ice cream cones. Games and races were featured on the afternoon's program. In the evening, some talkies were shown. Jake Kiklin, founder and president of the organization, explained the club's program. An auction of merchandise and a drawing on an auto radio were held in the evening. William Monqvitz won the radio. The committee in charge of the picnic included Dr. I. Dansky, H. Bondarin, M. Malkin, S. Frieden, M. Teplitsky, L. Frankel and S. Clayman.

B'nai Israel RETURNING HOME The B'nai Israel synagogue at Miss Julia Fishbain, daughter of WINTROUB-KATZMAN iTO BECEIYE ON HFTEEITOH 18th and Chicago streets is making Mr. and Mrs. EL Fishbain, will reENGAGEMENT WEDDING ANNIVERSARY preparations for the High Holydays. jturn Monday evening from a twoMr. and Mrs. L Katzman announce Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Levenson will Tickets are being sold now daily. the engagement of their daughter, be at home Wednesday evening, Sep- and-a-half months visit with relaCantor A. Schwaczkin and his tives and friends in Kansas City, Eve, to Mr. Louis S. Wintroub, son tember 5, in observance of their fifchoir are preparing new numbers for Mo. Her sister, Jennie Fishbain, of Mr. and Mrs. Max Wintroub. teenth wedding anniversary. No in- will entertain for ten guests Monthe holidays. 'vitations have been issued. day evening at a "welcome home" All their friends are invited to surprise party. ANNOUNCE BAR MTTZVAH Shaare Zion Mr. and Mrs. Dave B. Epstein an- calL The Shaare Zion synagogue at 1548 nounce the Bar Mitivah of their son, Junior Society No. 20th street, announce that tickTHREE-WEEK TRIP Bernard, on Saturday morning, Sep- ANNOUNCE BIRTHS ets are on sale for the high holyday tember 1, at the B'nai Israel syna- Dr. and Mrs. I. Osheroff of Chi- Mr. Irving Janger and nieces, An informal meeting of the Junior Wins Ohio Golf Trophy services. cago announce, the birth of a daugh- Sylvia and Bernice Silverman, have gogue, 18th and Chicago streets. Tickets may be obtained mornings Society of the Conservative Synareturned from a three-week motor ter, Lois Mae. Mrs. Osheroff is the Mr. and Mrs. Epstein will be at from 6 to 8 a. in. and evenings from ;ogue was held at the home of its Toledo, O. — Mrs. Burt Weil has trip- to Chicago. home in his honor Sunday, from 4 former Miss Rose Fine. 6:30 to 9 p. m. Chazonim will chant president, Miss Ida Tenenbaum, on won the Ohio State Women's Golf Mr. Harry Braviroff. to 7 p. m. championship. Monday evening, August 27. the services. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Freiden an- FOR WEEK-END Mr. Harry Braviroff is director of The group will hold its first meetMr. and Mrs. Hyman Noddle are nounce the birth of a son. Ing of the fall season on September 17 BRIDGE motoring to Huron, S. D., to spend the Conservative Synagogue choir of at the home of Miss Lillian Slutzky, Mrs. Jack Levey entertained at a thirty voices, which has been practhe week-end with Mr. and Mrs. 4201 Barker avenue. Election of offibridge luncheon Sunday afternoon, GUESTS HERE ticing alt summer and has mastered Hy Garber and family. :ers for the ensuing term will be a August 26, honoring Mrs. Morris Miss Bluma Neveleff returned a large number of traditional liturCLEANERS eature of the evening. Sogolow, who leaves for St. Louis Saturday after a two-weak visit in VISITORS HERE gical melodies. Mr. Braviroff is enDr. Gruening has just been named ( "NUF-SED" to make her home, and Miss Edith Des Moines, where she was exten- Mr. and Mrs. William D. Clay- thusiastic about the choir's progress the first director of the newly creRobinson of Chicago, who is here sively entertained. and promises a stirring rendition of man and son, Joseph Gerald, forated Federal division of Territories visiting friends and relatives. Miss She brought with her as her merly of Omaha, are visiting here. the Holyday prayers. A: A. and Island Possessions, a bureau guests Dr. Carl Grund and Miss Irene Hirsch won first prize, and A special meeting of the Century Cantor E. Sellz will continue as charged with supervision over AlasDorothy Oppenham of Des Moines. Miss Bess Bernstein second. cantor of the synagogue. O SIOUX CITY ka, Hawaii, Porto Rico and the Vir- chapter of A. Z. A. was held Monday evening at the J. C. C. A maSelect your NEW YEAR The regular late Friday evening gin Islands. Miss Evelyn Blumenthal has left HEBE FOR VISIT ority of the alephs will go to Sioux services of the Conservative SynaSURPRISE BIRTHDAY PARTY n CARDS Now! Mrs. Dade Stine of Hollywood, >n an extensive visit to Sioux City. gogue begin next Friday, SeptemDr. Ernest Gruening: Journalist, ity September 2 to attend the A. Mrs. Phil Smith gave a surprise Fla., Mrs. Edward Rosenthal of JaA. dance there. ber 7. Received several shipments of liberal and authority on Latin-Amerbirthday party Saturday evening in maica, L. I., and Mrs. Henry Hor- VISITING IN CHICAGO Silk and Wool Talesims; Pray- J honor of her cousin, Miss Fausteen wich of Chicago, 111., are here for The Misses Dorothy and Lee With these first services, the ican affairs. Born in New York 47 The entire program for Septemer Books, and large assortment I Golden, of New Orleans, La. Prizes a four-week visit with their father, White are now visiting in Chicago synagogue officially opens its year years ago. Son of Dr. Emil Gruening, ber has been planned. of beautiful New Year Cards, A regular meeting will be held of religious, social and cultural acfamous opthamologist and otologist. at bridge were won by Mrs. Charles Mr. Avrum Singer, and sister, Mrs. with relatives and friends. They are both in English and Jewish. tivities. During the coming year, the Graduated from Harvard Medical next Monday night. being extensively entertained. Hermanson, Miss Ruth Silver, and Sate Kort. regular services will be made more School. Preferred journalism to mediWhile in Chicago, they visited the Miss Julia Zucker. S. KATLEMAN inspiring and impressive than ever, cine and became reported on Boston world's fair. CONVALESCING AFTER B'nai Sholom according to J. J. Greenberg, presi- American in 1911. Was successively 25C0 Cnming St. VISITING AT HOME APPENDECTOMY copy reader, city editor and assitant dent of the synagogue. The B'nai Sholom will hold holyday OF FIANCEE Miss Shirley Barish is convales- RETURN AFTER VISIT editor of Boston Herald. Served as services as in the past, at Sommer Phone AT. C620 or HA. 7010 Mr. Burton Gordon Feldman of cing at the Covenant hospital where Miss Frances Lee Kort has remanaging editor of Boston Traveler Hall, 28th and Farnam. turned to Omaha, after visiting for Chicago is visiting at the home of she underwent an appendectomy. and of New York Tribune. Also manthe past eight months with her aunt 'Sweetheart of A. Z. A* aging editor of New York Nation his fiancee, Miss Ann Tretiak. ; Mrs. Dade Stine of Hollywood, Fla. To Be Named at Dance from 1920 to 1923. National publicity ON VACATION director of La Follette's presidential Mr. and Mrs. Milton Abrahams ANNOUNCE "BRITH" Your Satisfaction It Our Success WASHINGTON The selection of the "Sweetheart of campaign in 1924. Spent two years Mr. and Mrs. Morris Wohlner an- are vacationing in northern Wiscon- FROM Miss Wilma Stem has returned nounce the "brith" of their son at sin. Before returning, Mr. Abrahams from Washington, D. C, to spend A. Z. A." will climax the annual (1924-1926) writing "Mexico and Its Achar Hataunis dance to be given by Heritage," the standard modern work the Emmanuel hospital last Sunday. will attend the annual convention of the Mother chapter at the Jewish on Mexico. Returned to active newsThe baby was named Howard Floyd. the American Bar association at the holidays with her family. Community Center, Wednesday eve- paper work in 1927 as editor and pubMr. David Wohlner of New York, Milwaukee. .CMAHJtt SITU CtNTH . . . UIH AND HMNST FROM CHICAGO lisher of Portland (Me.) Evening ning1, September 19. The Abrahams expect to return to RETURNS son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Wohlner of Mr. Sam White has just returned News, which he founded to battle the Candidates will be named in adOmaha, was "godfather."" An inter- Omaha about September 6. from Chicago, where he attended vance by various sororities and the power trust. Single-handed he opposed esting sidelight is the fact that Mr. the world's fair. "Sweetheart" will be chosen by the Insull's campaign to grab Maine's Morris Wohlner, father of the baby, vote of those attending. A prize waltz hydro-electric power and succeeded in was godfather of David Wohlner RETURNS HOME and flashlight dance are among the defeating it. As editor of The News exactly 27 years ago. '• .; Miss Coreene Adelman returned to special features planned for the dance. he played decisive role in securing Omaha for a brief stay after visitArt Grossman, advisor in charge of major economic and political changes ing in Des Moines and Chicago. She tickets, reports a satisfactory advance in Maine, including Democratic vicSPECIAL—LAST CHANCE Awards for various honors won hy left Tuesday for her home in Holly sale. A group from Lincoln is also tory of 1932. Returned to The Nation one of its editors in 1933. Later Jewish New Year Cards members of Phi Beta Epsilon, Creigh- wood, CaL planning to attend. The College Club as with your name, address, city and edited the New York Post for a short ton social fraternity, -were presented orchestra will play. Btate printed. time after it was bought by J. David to the winners by Albert Fox, presi- VACATION 25 CARDS 75c Stern. Exposed the sordid facts bedent of the Alumni association, at a Miss Rebecca Tatalbaum is spendA various assortment of Jewish New hind American occupation of Haiti in banquet dinner held Wednesday eve- ing a week's vacation in St. Louis, New Volume Issued Year cards at very reasonable prices 1920. Became most persistent critic of ning at .the home of Max Resnick, where she is visiting with relatives CALL WEBSTER 4861 American policies in Latin-America. of Resanes* History vice-president of the active chapter. and friends. Our representative will be pleased to Was invited by President Roosevelt Plaques, silver loving cups and medtake your order at yonr home or your place of bnsiness. Tour orders als were the prizes given. Mr. Sam Tatalbaum is in Chicago Sofia, (J. T. A.)—The fourth vol- to act as general adviser to United appreciated. Edward Rosenbaum was honored as for an indefinite stay. While there ume of the History of the Jews in States delegation to Pan-American Smith Bros. Printing Co. the most active man in fraternal af- he is visiting the world's fair. the Orient and Turkey, written in conference last December. Helped exthe power trust in 1930. Picked 1501 No. 20th Street WE-4861 fairs for the past year. He is a preHebrew by the historian Saloman pose his present post not because of medical student in the College of CHICAGO VISITORS Avram Rosanes, has just been pub- for Arts and Sciences, and past pledge Mr. and Mrs. J. Kirshenbaum nave lished here. It runs to 520 pages and any direct or indirect "pull" but solemaster of the fraternity. He w a s as their guests this week Mr. and deals with epoch between 1640 and ly because of his unique record. Takes an intensive part in enlightening pub$200 Pair of DIAMOND EARRINGS j awarded a gold medal and an emboss Mrs. D. Middleman, and son, Floyd, 1730. A great deal of attention is lic opinion about Nazi activities. Is a ed certificate. Unredeemed . . . $115.00 given in the volume to the false Mes- great organizer. Never loses his temof Chicago. Max Resnick, junior in the College siah, Sabatei Zvi, and his prophet, per. Reading and conversing with an Henry Belmont of Commerce, was given the PresiNathan of Gaza. intimate group are his hobbies. Predent's Scholarship Cup for the highThe history of Palestine during fers getting oral reports from firstJEWELER est scholastic average obtained in the this period is dealt with fully. The hand observers to receiving written loth and Douglas Streets fraternity. His average for the year fate of the followers of Sabatei Zvi summaries. A man of versatile talents was 93.2 per cent. Sept. 1, 1929—London—American who afterward adopted Islam and be- Unsual linguist. Reads everything The bronze Freshman Scholarship Jews' conference in British Pales- came the Danneh Sect is followed up. from detective stories to fundamental Plaque, presented for the highest tine policy thoroughly shaken, Louis Other chapters deal with the last days works on philosophy. Fine speaker, KLEEN-HEET grades among the incoming members Iapsky declares. of Budapest under Turkish rules, and Extremely youthful-looking for his OIL BURNERS for the past year, was won by Harold Sept. 2—Berlin—A street fight oc- the conquest of the city by the Aus- age. Generally regarded as important Bloch, freshman in the College of curred between members of the anti- trians. factor in bringing about reversal in Olson Bros. Commerce. Semitic National Socialist party and There are chapters on the Jews in American policy toward Latin-AmerAmong other members cited for ac- Jewish residents of the town. Egypt and on the Jewish printing ica. 2612 Learenworfh AT. 2360 complishments on the campus was Jo Sept. 3 — L o n d o n—Manchester houses in Turkey. There are also seph Solomonow, president of the fra- Guardian declares Jewish National chapters on the history of the Jews (Copyright, 1934) by Seven Arts ternity, who, by winning the Hiber- Home has come to stay, despite in Bulgaria, Serbia and Macedonia. Syndicate). CLOSE OUT nian medal for the first place in th Arabs, London Daily Mail and Daily DEVOE BEST SPAB VARNISH annual Creighton Oratorical contest Express demand surrender of manPapers Foresee this past year, holds both the oratori date by Britain. $1.50 a Gallon Planning for Annual London New Wave of Terror cal and extemporaneous champion Sept. 4—Jerusalem—A day of 'papers, comment Masada Convention ingLondon—British' Omaha Jobbing Go. ships of the university. He is also vice mouringwas observed here for on the widespread arrests o president of the Pan-Hellenic Conn JA. 5604 victims of the Arab massacres. It! No. 15th cil, fraternity governing body, anc Synagogues were overcrowded with Philadelphia, (J. T. A.)—Masada, Jews in Berlin were unanimous in was active in inter-scholastic debate, worshippers who came to recite the Youth Zionist Organization of Amer- declaring they were forerunners of ica, is planning its second annual con- a new wave of terror. Jews may being a three-year veteran. Lamentations of Jeremiah. to be held in Philadelphia expect that the Nazis will take dras Joseph Lagman, junior in the Schoo Sept. 5—Zurich—A bulletin issued vention, tic action against them, London paearly in Octobei. of Dentistry, was cited for winning by the physicians attending Louis first prize in a short story contes" Marshall, who was operated on here The convention committee expects pers said. WE REFINISH ANYTHING conducted by the International Den last week, indicated that the pa- a large attendance at this meeting MADE OF METAL Masada's position within the tal Magazine. Wedenesday Special tient's condition has bscome worse. since ranks of the Zionist Organization was Julius Hornstein, Albert Rimmer JA-2566 Sept. 6—Geneva—British foreign DAMP WASH 2210 Farnam man, Joseph Lagman and Joseph Sol secretary assures council of the reaffirmed at the recent Zionist conFLAT WORK IRONED omonow were given recognition fo" League of Nations Britain does not clave at Atlantic City as the official their work with the University Sym intend to abandon Balfour declara- youth group. Masada expects to draw within its phony Orchestra. tion principle or mandate. ranks all Youth Zionist groups in Following a resume of the activiShirts Included—8c Fleishman & Soskin ties of the fraternity for the pas communities which have not joined as (Copyright, 1934, Jewish Telegraphic (Formerly In ths employ or I- Harris) yet. year by the president, several speechAgency, Inc.) TireJvo years experience The membership of the order since es were given by alumni members. I lHurance wUh Reliable Companies its inception into ZOA ranks in 1933 Keel Estate . . • Property Management jumped from 300 to 1,224. The Activities in J. C. C. has :HJ so. is:i> St. , J A . 7311 organization now has fifty-two chapAthletic Department ters in thirty-nine cities and fourteen &T2BI5 jauntily coated for a morning shopping states. adventure • . . primly trim for business The Gendler brothers, Charles and Mrs. David &L Newman Irving, won the J. C. C. horseshoe luncheons . . . or discreetly flighty for TVEbster 2429 doubles title last Monday night when Raspberry Charlotte JEWISH BOOK STORE an afternoon at your favorite cocktail Decstur St. 5527 I Upholstering Go. j Use 1 package raspberry jello, 1 fhey defeated the Grossman-Sussman bar. . . . Our first fall fashions know A 25th and Leavenworth Sis. » cup canned raspberries and juice, % team by the scores of 21-13; 14-21; We -want to call to the attention of the Jewish public that we are getting In now a new supply of the seasonable religious articles. Machzeirim with JewV Atlantic 2574 f of a cup water, % of a cup whipped 21-18. there is a time and place for everything ish and English translations, prayer books. Toleosim, silk and wool ol the best kind. etc. and they take their place only at the (Furniture Repairing,] cream, and ladyfingers. :, Combine raspberries and juice with Many more players are playing A Foil line of New Years Cards in Jewish and English right time. Lovely creations in satin, j Refinishingand \ the water and bring to a boil. Stir in handball, now that the weather is Kemember oar famous Kosher Soap. On the demand of a few customers 1 crepe, wool and velvet in sizes 11 to 15— cooler. The men are working out regft Upholstering^ { 1 package of jello. When dissolved, set ularly on the four-wall courts in pre- Kidnsh ordered the following articles of-pore silver and plate silver candle sticks, cups, Hadeses, etc. Everyone who is interested in buying one of them 12 to 20—36 to M. aside until mixture begins to congeal. New upholstered furniture made to * should be so kind and let me know ahead of time, so I can have it ready for your individual taste. No extra cost \f Then fold in the whipped cream and paration for the coming fall Center thm • to have your furniture made to fit k line a mold with lady fingers. Pool tournaments. I hare Just received airect from Palestine a very nice stock of most beantlfnl Esrogim and Lnlovim tor Soccoth . . . Anyone desiring to Iray one will Second Floor your home. Call AT-2574 and Mr. \j the raspberry mixture over these. please let me know BO that I can have It ready for Mm for lontif. • SnsBinan will call and make sug- k Chill. Serve with a garnish of whipped The physical department of the Cengestions. . _ 1 cream. ter will close at 1 p. m. Labor Day.






Honor Winners of Phi Beta^ Epsilon


on the new


Five YearsAgo

Co., Inc.









B y . .





BOAT USED IN $427,000 HOLDUP—Here is the scuttled speedboat recovered from the sea bottom off Arverne, Queens county, N.'Yi, shortly after the disappearance of the gang which robbed an armored car of $427,000 in Brooklyn and fled in limousines, trans* ferring to two high-powered launches which they had waiting.

FIRST BUCKETFUL OF CONCRETE—Workmen began pouring the first concrete for the enormous Joe Wheeler dam. 15 Mi miles above Muscle Shoals on the Tennessee river, to speed the Tennessee valley power project towards completion. More than 700,000 square yards of mixture will be needed .for the more-than-a-milelong dam.


'TASHIONPLATES" WED—Hollywood's best-dressed film stars, Adolpbe Menjou and blonde Verree Teasdale. are shown having the marital knot tied by Judge James N. Pope of Los Angeles in the jurist's chambers. The score is now Menjou—three marriages, two divorces; Teasdale—two weddings, one divorce.

SPEED RECORD—Streaking the skies from Chicago to ; Newark, N.: J.. in .two hours 59 minutes and two-tenths seconds to set a new air record. Pilot Earl Ward and Ira Slinger, passenger, are shown, left to right below, alighting; top, a view of the recordbreaking ship, the Vultee, capable of a 235-mile per hour cruising speed with 10 passengers and air mail.

RELAXES DURING MURDER TRIAL.—The camera caught buxom "little" Mrs. Eva Coo, blonde roadhouse proprietress, in a restful mood during a recess in her trial at Cooperstown. N. Y., for the alleged murder of Harry Wright, her 54-year-old handyman, to collect his insurance.

FAIR WOOD CHOPPERS READY FOR FAIR—*'An easy way to save trips to the woodshed during the winter months," declares Sacramento,' - Crf/. .Evelyn Rausch, Beatrice Powell,WrobBc and Dorothy Masters are the show held^ at Stony "Brook




V e r b a4


Fly> ThroiigH












as we expected . . . And because Mey- Wednesday following a buying trip in er (Romance cf a People )Weisgal, as the east. we foretold months and months ago, made the front page of the New York | Miss Helen Steinberg returned home Times when he signed up Max Rein- i "Monday following a month's visit with hardt for the great Jewish spectacle relatives in Phialdelphia, Atlantic which the famous German Jewish, di- City, and Chicago. She was accomrector is now preparing . . . We un- panied back home by her cousin, Mrs. derstand, incidentally, that Weisgal Harold Krelstein of Chicago who will is contemplating a libel suit against j spend a week here at the Steinberg the publisher of the Chicago Jewish j home and also visit her grandmother. Mrs. I. L. Brandeis, and her cousins, Chronicle (Copyright, by Seven Arts Feature Mr. ana Mrs. H«rmaji Handler. Mrs. Krelstein will be remembered as the Syndicate, 1934.) former Miss Ross Brandeis of Council •••*• Bluffs, and Omaha



Jewish Vt5iti7ig Before the year is over the British Sei*vite '?0 government will announce the definite establishment of a legislative asNew York.—The World JewishT New York (JTA-).—More than 20,- sembly for Palestine . . . This despite Conference which last -week.definite- W refugees from Germany already Jewish, protests and any pressure that Mrs. Frank Krasne and daughter, ly decided to hold' a World Jewish have found permanent homes in other may be brought to bear on the ManMarjorie. returned Sunday following Congress in "August, 1935, is under countries, according to a report from datory Power . . . The matter is alI a two months' stay at Manitou and ready settled, but the exact date of BY F. E. K. fire of many American Jewish lead- Refugee' High Commissioner McDonJ Colorado Springs, Colo. "PROPOSAL ers, as not being a truly representa- ald to the United'Jewish Appeal,: in the announcement has not yet been decided upon . . . Talking about PalesSMCOTH SERVICES tive world Jewish gathering and par- which he states that Palestine is the fti its NUR5E5 Mr. and Mrs. j . Rodin and their SATURDAY "SIGHT ticularly as not being indicative of principal country of their settlement. tine, we saw a very good-looking king daughter, Mrs. Nathan Richards, reof ancient. Zion the other night—none Slicoth services will be held at the American Jewish opinion. A new fight "Apart from the thousands who made Chevra B'jiai Tisroel Synagogue at turned home 'Wednesday from Sioux over the congress looms as a result their way there directly, Commission- other than our old favorite Joseph 618 Mynster street, Saturday night. City, Iowa, where they spent several of the blunt attacks upon the Geneva er McDonald reports about 100 a Schildgraut, playing Herod in Paramount's and Cecil B. De Mflle's magSeptember first, at midnight. Every- days visiting relatives. conclave. month are being assisted to migrate nificent "Cleopatra" . . . There too we one is urged to be present. Morris D. Waldman, secretary of t o P a l e s t i n e f r o m t h e c o u n t r i e s o f ref- saw Irving Pichel, of the Cincinnati Mrs. S. Namen and daughter, Edith, u g e . •"-•'• -—' * ••• ' ~ •'•" • •' the American Jewish Committee, dePinchels,as the mentor of the Egypleft Saturday night for Chicago, 111., Among those •who attended the Iowa nied the all-inclusive character of the '•"A survey "of the whole refugee sit- tian queen And, to go over to State Grocers' Convention at Marsh- for a two weeks' visit with relatives. Geneva conference and pointed out uation, made by; a special •committee still another Zion, out in Wilbur alltown, Iowa, this week were Mr. j that his organization, was not rep-" of] l i e Refugee High" Commission,-_the Glenn Voliva's Illinois town they are and Mrs. Nathan Nogg, Mr. and Mrs. resented at "the conference,-nor were report states, discloses -that of those expecting to ceming of the Lord on Sam Lincoln, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mey*~ • • organizations' a b r o a d , dependent on relief organizations Rosh Hashonah .*". . important erson, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gotsdiner. abroad, about 4,500 are fitted for imamong them, the Board of Jewish Deputies of England and the Alliance mediate immigration to various.over- ABOUT PEOPLE Mrs. Rae Hoss left Thursday for •***." Israelite TJniverselle of France. . •-. seas countries". No doubt it will be a relief to Max Avenel, New Jersey, to attend the The cost-of • transporting and main- •Reinhardt to come to America, where Warsaw, (W..N. S.)—Three Polish Headlines in the daily papers about wedding of her daughter. Miss Lydia Jewesses have been granted immigraa "super-government^ being contem- taining them until they could be ab-. he ..will no longer 'need!* a. constant Ross, and Dr. Alexander J. Friedman, tion certificates to Palestine as a replated brought forth another blast, sorbed in the economic life of their zodyguard of military ^officers . . . place Sunday, new countries, Mr. McDonald's report , will , „take , . . . next , , ! suit of the personal intervention of Waldman denouncing the. "alarming Reinhardt was in Italy a t the time of o be/no pfacect'between September 2nd, at the Avenel syna- M a r s h a l J o s e ^ P i l s u d s l d . and dangerous enunciation" made by states, would be about £225,000. p tiie, Dollfuss. assassination, you know, gogue. Following the ceremony a re"various speakers at the conference; T h e Polish dictator became interand 'the Austrian government pleaded theJAtis when pfoyed. ception and wedding dinner will be ested in the case when he learned that with him to-postpone, his return to "Nobody gave this group a mangiven at the home of Mrs. Boss's par- the three- women were the daughters Austria till things should have quieted date to represent anybody," he said. ~{Vt& JEWS ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Fox. Miss Ross of an aged Jew who had fought in down a bit . . . H e did, and the govSharply criticizing talk of a "superpocmv c£/mrtr "B-c has been visiting her grandparents in | g e w a r - f o r P o l i s h independence. ernment* cooperated with him by postgovernment of Judaism" and "a JewAvenel for several weeks. j COPYRIGHT BY— SEVEN ARTS FEATURE SYNDICATE poning his Salzburg Festival also . . . ish League of Nations," Waldman asFour "prominent Jews will back next serted that "all that Eabbi Wise and winter's American tour by the Vati- Dr. Ruth Bernheim, neice of Mrs. was unnecessary to arrange for short- Philip Krasne of Los Angeles, Calif., Ids fellow delegates have achieved is spent the past week-end here visiting can's Sistine Chapel Choir . Dr. Ochs the untold harm of giving apparent Our boss, the editor of the wave broadcasts from Germany on Let nw protect jrour interests . . . 3 Ernest H. Gruening, the new Ameri- Seven Arts, will learn from us that the occasion of the recent so-called his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman write IXSriiAVCE ot every description validity to the allegations of those Erasne. He was en route to his home inrlndinpr I.ITT2, in strong, reliable comcan "Colonial Minister," is being the reason why he was able to get plebiscite . . . And for the Daily MirBy B. SMOLAR who believe the 'Protocols of the Elpanies OXXT . . . I>t'» fartk It over. in Los Angeles following an eastern watched carefully by our Hawaiians, ror for ijts expose of that Nazi boy's that Walter Winchell piece exclusiveders of Zion.' Years of earnest enBerlin (JTA)—There should be no trip. City Finance & Insurance Co. deavor cannot undo the harm.*' illasions about any possible improve- who fear he doesn't have enough ly is that the Daily Mirror refused to camp over in Jersey, which CongressWA-5150 1409 Farnam St. AT-TCG1! faith in their loyalty to the Ameripublish it on account of the unalloyed man Dickstein is planning to investiEabbi Wise and his associates in ment in the Jewish position in GerMr. and Mrs. Philip Sherman and We understand pro-Jewishness of the article and also gate further . . . the American Jewish Congress de- many. Der Angriff, mouthpiece of can government children of Sioux City, Iowa, spent dared that talk of a ' Tsuper-govern- Propaganda Minister Paul Joseph that Congressman Sabath of Illinois because it forecast so clearly the Sunday here visiting at the home of is not a candidate for the speakership trend of Fascism in these U. S. . . . WE TOLD YOU SO menf (spread in the newspapers) Goebbels, completely supports this of Mrs. Sherman's parents, Mr. and Mrs. the House although the length of We are just recovering from a We are glad to hear that Mrs. Be,. •was caused by a reporter's misunder- theory. Abe Gilinsky. Is engaged in the business of sellhis service in Congress "would entitle sprained shoulder incurred while patbekah Kohut will be featured regustanding of the situation and that The Nazi paper features a lengthy him to aspire to 'that position . . . ing all kinds of RELIGIOUS ARting our back . . . Because the sensalarly in J. W. Wise's Opinion hencenothing of the sort was contemplated. anti-Jewish article, sarcastically en- Benjamin (Down with Hitler) DeCasTICLES—Taleisim, Books, Jewish . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schwartz and tion we predicted has been aroused forth, but would like to remind the They stressed that" the elections for titled "Tie Jews as Pacifists." Basing seres signs his correspondence "LeBibles in Hebrew and English. writer of that mag that Dr. by the Chase-Leavitt article on Gov-cJuldren of Chicago, Illinois, left for the world Jewish.Congress would be the article on the Bible, all biblical lenda est Gennania"- . . . I t is very publicity Res. 609 No. 50th St. GL-2972 their home Sunday following a week's ernor Lehman in the current AmeriGeorge Alexander Kohut, one of the democratic, -with each Jewish commu- stories in which Jews -killed'their ene- likely that before long a young Jew founders of Opinion, was not her son can Mercury (the recent Tammany visit with relatives in Omaha and nity allowed, to vote for delegates mies during the; ancient-wars were whose name is little known will be While in Council Forget-me-not endorsement of his candidacy for re- Council Bluffs. They charged that opponents of the enumerated, and an attempt was made appointed ~- Mrst Secretary of thebut her stepson Bluffs, they were the house guests of election helped stir rumpus— . . . BeClnb membership for Samuel Chotz"GET YOUR" . . . •world congress wished to squelch to create an impression that-the Jews American Embassy a t Moscow . • . inoff of the New York Post for the cause, as we told you, it is now known Mrs. Schwartz's brother-in-law and democracy in Jewish life, and threat- were merciless to their foes. JEWISH Jfl-W TEAK CARDS The George X. (ex-U- S- Attorney) way he showed up the- Nazicophantic to all that Bernard S. Deutsch went sister, Mr. and Mrs. George Rotfman. ened a finish fight "against all who Other Nazi anti - Semitic publica- Medalies!have returned from a vacaNumerous affairs were given in their to Mexico to study the Jewish situaLeague of National German Jews and oppose" the "building of a Jewish tions such as Fridricus, Wahrheit and tion on the Riviera • . . Albert G. Othonor during their stay. German Jewry its appeal to Germa y to t vote tion there, and not merely on a vacommunity through the expression of Julius Streicher's Der Stuermer, show For Pens and Greeting Cards try Ted. p l H M Al f th Bacuse New York City's no decline in the ammmt of ferocious tmger, who ran against FDE for the for polly-HMer . -*;Also for the ra- cation the popular -will.?* On 16th Street an* Farnam Abe Rosenberg returned borne at Albany some years dio company managers who decided it new. postmaster is ;Albert Goldman^ & i l i d f h ^ ^ j



Jv >

Council Bluffs News

Aids Jewesses Get Visas




Mark Leon Says...



Sen. Alfred^M.fjpohen,, international president a£ the B*nai Brith, deRanged i i e : entire course of recent clared that "the^Knai Brith is not Jewish, articles :&snerie23t,_ history, likes to dream of represented at the" conference in Ge.what might-have been . . . That was neva and will not pass judgment up- leaders'; a g a i n s t ^ al delicate gesture on the part of the on the proposals ' of the conference Semitic" Nazi papers are prpminfsntly, U. S. cruiser Bensacola, bearing the until it i a s an authentic report o" id^splayed on every, newsstand "in Ber- body of Ambassador Paul May back the proceedings." The: American He- lin and jthroughout the*' country and to Belgium, when she dipped her flag brew, however, launched an attack up- 'attract the attention not only of the to the He de France, which passed bnt also of foreigners, who her in mid-ocean, and -whose passenon the conference ~before its sessions .Germans, } naively believed that as a result of •were completed. . '•' *•*": . included Mme. and Mile. May events in Germany Jew-baiting .gers The aims of the world Jewish Con- recent . . Jesse I Straus, our Ambassador would cease and Jews would be left [to Paris, also was on board, returngress, wWeh may be held in the Unit- to their own devices for a while. ed States, were outlined by the Ge- : Der Stuermer still proclaims in ing to his post . . . The parents of neva gathering as including the cre- heavy type on its front page such prodigy-violinist Yehudi Menuhin ation of a permanent bcdy represent- slogans as "The Jews are our worst have bought a large estate in Califoring Jews everywhere to defend in the enemies" and frWhoever buys from nia, and hope to establish a West Violinist name of all Jewry the mutual inter- Jew3 is a traitor to the German na- Coast music center there ests and rights of Jewish communi- tion." Samuel Pushkin and. pianist-composties •wherever'they may be." Interfer- Fridricus carries a leading article er Igor Stravinsky are going on a concert tour of America; this ence in local Jewish problems and in the title "Jewry against Nation- joint season . . . . Bernard ( department Teligious affairs was specifically ex- under al Socialism." The article was merely cluded from the program of the Con-a repetition of the old story of the store) GimbePs; daughter Carol, we gress. world Jewish conspiracy which exists hear, is giving up steak and potatoes The conference created an enlarged to instigate war among the nations of on account .of the heir of the Cudacommittee, known as the Committee the world in order that the Jews may hy's, whose hams your kosher butcber doesn't carry". . . . " "" of Jewish Delegations and the execu- become the rulers of the world. tive committee of the World Jewish The paper assures its readers that Congress of which Dr. Nahum was this "Jewish conspiracy" is being STARS SHINE BRIGHT named chairman. Ten places were re- guided from New York and warns the Good news for you housewives from served for American Jews and two American people to be on guard Daniel Froham, dean of theatrical for Canadian Jews. against the "conspiracy" because "the iroducers . . . He declares that you The conference adopted a strong United States has been specially sin- ould probably do as well in a houseresolution on the boycott of Nazi gled out for danger by the conspir- wife's role as any trained actress . . . Jophie Tucker is still chuckling over goods. This brought a sharp attack acy.": - - ": ••";v ; --.; ;•:•-', from Samuel Untermyer, head of the Another proof that recent events the way she cooled the ardor of an non-Sectarian boycott committee' and must not be taken as an.indication of eigbteeri-year-old youth who insisted leader of the boycott fortes, who " the decline of antl-JeTOBE propaganda in sending her orchids :in London . - . clared that the conference gave an may be seen intheannouncemeiit that She invited '"'the boy lor tea and saw erroneous impression that this -is , a Prince von Lippe, member of-the for- ;o it that his Another was there too . Louis Weitzenkom, vf "Five Star! Jewish boycott, whereas it is a boy- mer ruling family of that name -and Final fame, i s ; bringing . the.- Great cott by all civilization. , ... closely allied with the Hohenzollerns, However, Untermyer is expected to will shortly--go on an/anti-Semitic -lec- White Way "Two Bones and a Dog" . . Moss Hart, whose*'As Thousands attend a world Jewish boycott confer^ ture tour of Germany .on the-subject Cheer," with music by Irving Berlin, ence summoned by the conf erence f or of "Race and Religion." still packing., dog days or London on October 6, to take.steps,to •A••• curious ^innovation in' Berlin is no dog-days,' has returned from his coordinate the .world boycott move- the fact that Polish Jewish newspap- round-the-globetrotting the comment against t i e Nazis.' j ; ers like the Warsaw dailies, Moment poser and willrbe beard with from this fall and Haint, have once more appeared in his first serious play, co-authored on newsstands, earlier prohibitions by George S. Kaufman and merrily having been removed by the authori- entitled Merrily We Roll Along." . . . ties. They were displayed for sale at Newly married .Dorothy Parker, to-; all newsstands and sold out within a gether with b.ubby Alan Campbell, is Hollywpodrbound . . . She will get in few hours. Mr. and Mrs.'.1-.",..- t uK ,_ T .^ addition ot writing for Paramount Bucharest (WNS). — Hundreds of their friends bagi'ftii and-near . . Dancing Elizabeth Myer, daughA Happy-and: Prosperous-Nev Jews employed in the government ser- Turkish Jews Are ter of the former Federal- Reserve Year. ' * ' •'"'".* ' • . . . ' " \ "-.'*.! ' " ' • . . . ' vice are facing .immediate dismissal if Bank Governor, is said to be romanca new.'order providing that govern- Returning tc> ^Thrace ing with playwright S. N.vBe'hjnan •a n d Mr. and Mrs-ment employment is open only to / and Dardanelles The .film version of "Music In jamfly" extend to" their friends those who were Rumanian citizens besincere "wtsbes for A' Happy the Air" is being directed by one joe fore the World War is carried . Istanbul, refu- May, a UFA director in Germany irt New Year. Istanbu, (W. ( f^^ the letter. ; , .. ,: •'. • , l pre-Nazi times ; . ' . And is Hollywood gees from Thrace and the Dardanelles Mr. and Mrs. • ; "• • '•' ', a n a ^ ; Tens of thousands of Rumanian region are slowly returning to their glad to have him! . ; * And this fall* tbeir friend*'-.: Jews obtained cltizensnip after, the homesr;from -whiditbey were brutally too, New York will'lave a-new -Yidhealtn, hippto^a 'aid prdsperdish troupe, the New York Alt Troupe •war. Consequently Jewish jciyilieiV- driven a ,'fortmght* ago>,by y a, Sudden iij in the coming year. 1 . _ ... ants are fearful of losing their jolis. outbreak of .anti-Semitism. Those ac- consisting of- former* -members of The law also bars the employment of cepting the'government's1 offer of free Maurice Schwartz's Yiddish Art Thea' Mr.' and' Mrs. :•• , . *.' tai*.' children of those who became citizens- transgoSEatiofi srer for the most part ter . . .-, ;-..• ;•• ; ' .'• ;•• - '• • • • this meank of extcaiding greets m g g after the war. • '.^- •-•.'•.•.].':, the p~oofeir"'Jews, who. have no other tags and hearty good wishes Since the full import olthia law' hiis: J choice. The wealthier Jews are rapid- NEWSPAPER TALK for A Happy and Prosperous not yet been recognizied by Rumanian ' ly liquidating their interests in Tur- AdolpH S. (New York Times) Ochs, Year to their friends far ana near. Jews they are more concerned about key and completing plans to settle in who, a few; weeks ajjoiad recovered sufficiently from his recent nervous the mysterious visit of Professor Al- Palestine. breakdown to go to his office three


as honah
















Greetings -





Through the Columns of the








exander Cuza, anti-Semitic leader, to times a week, is again confined to his Hitler. Jewish leaders fear that Cuza's Help boost the Jewish Press by home, we are sorry to hear . . . H i s patronizing the firms and institutions audience "with Hitler foreshadows new which advertise in the Jewish Press. personal physician, by the way, is anti-Jewish outbreaks in Rumania.

Your greeting problem is solved by this convenient method of wishing your relatives and friends a Happy New Year . * • no danger of the embarrassment oif forgetting someone . « . no txouble . .'• time and money saved. These greetings will be published in our Rosh Hashonah edition, September 7* The charge will be $2.00 for each Greeting—mail any of these forms, or phone your Greeting. Call JEWISH PRESS, Atlantic 1450 • .


. o r , . ' . . - •

' . • •


KEN A ACKERMAN, Kenwood 2082 In Council Bluffs, call Fannie Katelman. Pbone 650 or 4491.

8—THE JEWISH PRESS, FBH»iYr&UCUST SI, 1924 • EBE1S, JiAMACCIOTTI, A-ROBIKSON, M d El-HHAJH I,. MARKS Attorneys "Berlin—Widespread Taids on Jew805-818 Fimt National - Bank Building NOTICE BY -F.VBUCAT1ON TO NOSNOTICE OF INCORPORATIOX O * A. representative and appreciative ish cafes in the Kurfurstendamni . . . KKSIDEHT DEFENDANT audience witnessed the formal instal- quarter and arrests, of an unknown SKCLK1TY PICTCTJES CORPORATION To LEO SELTZEU: PROBATE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that pursuant to In the Matter of the Estate of ARTHUR lation of members in the Junior Poale number of Jews were carried out by Notice Is hereby given that the under- an-order of attachment issued in the Mu- • VOLC'HECK, Deceased. Zion organization last Sunday eveNotice is hereby given that the creditor* signed have associated themselves together nicipal-Court of Omaha, Douglas County, have organized n corporation under Nebraska, in an action pending before said of said decensed will meet the administraning in the Jewish Community Cen- Nazi police and auxiliary • storm and the laws of the State, of Nebraska. The court, wherein, Abe JSlnsky :s plaintiff trix of said estate, before me, County troop detachments. ter. name of this corporation is SECURITY and Leo A. Seltzer is defendant to recover Judge of Douglas County, Nebraska, at the PICTUltES COIU'OKATION, with the the snm of $2.T©.O0; n writ attachment was County Court Room, in snid County, on Rudy Saindler acted as chairman of principal place'of business to be at Oma- issued and levied upon the following de- the 22nd day of October, l i m , and on 4h* . LOCIS E. U r i » , Attorney 22nd day of December, l'J34, nt » o'clock the program and spoke during the ha, Nebraska. That the general nature of scribed property: 1 pop corn machine. 2 mimeograph . A. M., each day, for the purpose of' preNOTICE OF iNCOKrOKATlON OF i the business to be transacted shall be to course of the evening. The program senting their claims for examination, adpurchase, lease, own, contract for mid manmachines and supplies, CO steel cots, FRANK BIABTIN. INC. justment and allowance. Three months are was opened by two Hebrew melcdies Notice Is SO cot pads, miscellaneous boxes; hereby given that the under- ufacture motion picture films and nil in.for the creditors to present their and that said case was on the 23rd day presented by a string trio'composed signed, have organiziHl n corporation. The cidental equipment nnd to sell, lease, let. of August, continued for trial to the Oth nllowpd claims, from the 22pd. day of September, of the corporation fs'.FKANK MAK- distribute or otherwise dispose of such moof Rubin Halpern, Gisela Pill, and Iib- name TIN, INC.. and th« principal place of its tion picture films and equipment, to or- day of October, 1934, at the hour of 9 a. m. Signed. „ ' BRYCE CRAWFORD, bie Olensky. Greetings from the vari- business is the City of Omaha, Douglas ganize distributing agencies and ^generABE SLUSKY. ally to acquire, hold, manage and dispose Nebraska. • 8-31-34-3t. County Judge. ous Zionist organizations of the city County, The geupral nature of its business Is to of property of every kind pertaining to 8-24-34-3t. Mr. Morris Appelang,^who was the Rubin Halpern prominent young lo- were presented by R. H. Emlein, Dr. own, SAMUEL ZACHAKIA, Attorney. lease, -and operate garages and fill- such businesses,- to manufacture and deal caretaker of the Jewish" Community cal violinist and pupiTof Harold Buck, H. M. Levin, Mrs. R. H. Emlein, Mr. ing stiitions, to manage, buj'i Sell, rent, generally in and with all kinds of mate7G8 Brandeis Theatre Bide. ABRAHAMS & O'CONNOR, Attorneys ami repair motor vehicles, thoir parts, rials, tools, accessories, 'appliances and Center .since.its founding, 18 years will be heard in a benefit concert, M. Mason and Mrs Goldie Leyin, store 400 Brandela Theatre Bldg. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION -" nccessoripg and equipment, to make loans equipment necessary and useful in connecago, departed . this .^week. for New secured Uy motor vehicles* their parts and tion with said business and to manufacture, In the County Court of Douglas Count*. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE purchase or otherwise acquire, mortgage, accessories and to deal in sucli securities, York City where he plans to make his studio at 615 Pierce street, 8:30 ceived from the National HeadquarNebraska. own, operate and manage parking pledge, sell, assign and transfer or other- In the District Court of Douglas County, In the Mut'tor of the Estate of J E N N I future home! . Nebraska. o'clock. He will be accompanied by ters of the Junior and Senior Poale to places for n.otor -.vehicles;, to Iwy, sell, wise dispose of personal property of every LABOSCHIN, Decensed. By virtue, of an order of sale (on attachto the same extent as natural Mr. Appelahg came, to Sioux City Mr. Fred Fobte. Mr. Halpern will de- Zion, Hechalutz, Pioneer Women, and own, lense and exchange and mortgage description All persons interested in said estate are out of the District Court of n«al estate and personal property wherever persons might or could Und to hold, main- ment)-issued hereby notified that n petition hag- beea over 18 .years ago from. Montana part shortly after for New York City, Minneapolis chapter of the Junior skn.ttcd, to draw, ncet>pt, cudorso, execute tain, work, develop, sell, lease, exchange, Douglas County, Nebraska, and in pursu- filed In said Court alleging that said deance of a decreed said- Court in an action and issue promissory notes, drafts or otb- mortgage or otherwise deal in lands. therein •where =he=4iad=iesih<imesteading=fOIL the Joilliard ceased leaving no last: will and pray-" indexed at Appearance Docket Nuni4easeUol4s=!ui4==aas interest or right in Jipr ?fl4 nt Vngp_N»imber 41. Execution ing for died t 5 l 4 j t * J > u d — t o i i\n nil administration| uiron her estate,~»t«and several years. Previous to that time school of music. Tickets for the con- Members of the club who took part things incident to anil uecess:iry for thereal property, to borrow money, to issue thnt^a_Jifiaria!r^glii hRR,i nti_«nM 5thntaJifiaria!r^glii | >>P h ithe t 8th i MdaVt«of P on bonds or obligations to the corporation for Docket Number 31 at Pjige dumber ziv, tion befere snid Court he had made his hdine in New, York. cert are now on sale and can be ob-in the installation were Sulamith carrying out of the • above' project, wherein ROSE GOLDNER. is plaintiff, and September. li)34, nnd that if they' fnil to iiuthorized capital stock shnll any of the purposes of this corporation Mr. Appelang jbegari his work with tained by calling 82272 or the cor-Bereskin, Rebecca Stillman, Irvin lieThetotal WOLK, ft. al., are defendants, I npponr -nt- Bnid Court on the said 8th day ?10.00O.CO divided into 100 share s of the and to purchase, hold sell and transfer CELIA will at W:00 o'clock A. M.. on Tuesday the of September. 3034, at 9 o'clock A M t» shares of stock .of .this nnd other cor;:.; the Community Center when it had respondent of the Jewish Press. The Lunin, par value of $100.00 each to lie paid for in 2nd day of October, 19S4, at the East front Bernard Lazriowich. Mr. Abe cash or property and be non-assessible tions, to acquire the good will, rights, as- door of the Douglas County Court House contest said petition, the fonrt may grant its first headquarters on Fifth and following program will be given. sets, property and to undertake and ns- in the City of Omaha, Douglas County, the same nnd grant administration of said ' Stillman, advisor of the club presentwhen issued. Douglas Street where the Labor Tem- Concerto In D minor, Op. 22, Wien- ed the pins to the members, and spoke The time, of the commencement of the sume the whole or any part of the obliga- Nebraska sell at public auction to the estate to Florence. La Boschin -Wolff, - or or liabilities of any person, associa- highest bidder for cash, the following de- some other suitable .person and proceed t»~ corporation shall be the 3rd day of Au-tions ple is at the present .time. Since then iawski; Scarf Dance, C. Chaminade; tion or corporation and" in "genera! to do scribed n settlement thereof. " % the work of the" group. Mr. M.Riist, 1934. and. Its tiTiniiiarion shall be anything property, to-wit: : he continued his affiliation with the Adagietto, Bizet; Cradle S o n g , on insofar as the same may npn^ififty yj-ara thereafter. The highest amount tain to or North forty (40) feet of West ninety• _ BEYCE CRAWFORD, Bereskin, honorary member of the orbe useful for the conducting Federation when i t moved to 308 Brahms;' Arioso, Bach; Elegie, Mas- ganization spoke in Jewish. Rabbi T. of indebtedness or liability to whh-U the of the business of the corporation. The (90) feet of Lot Twenty-seven (27) nnd S-li-34-3t.. . . - - County Judge. : South' five (5) feet of West ninety (00) corporation may at any time subject It- authorized capital stock shall be $10,000.00 Pierce and finally to the new head- senet; Air on G String, Bach. f<-et of Lot Twenty-eight (2S), "Block self shall not exceed two-thirds of its cap- divided into shares of the pnr vnlue of N. Lewis spoke.briefly. EDWARD D. BRODKEY, Attorney Three (3) In Hawthorno, an Addition quarters at 421. Pearl street. . . ital stock. The affnlr8 of the corromtinn $l<:0.00 each and all' of which shall be • Allegro, Fiocco; Ziguerierweisen, 630 Omaha National Bank Bide. to the City of Omnha. as surveyed, to be conducted by a-board of. direc- common stock nnd may be paid -for-1--Mr. Appeland's moving to New York Sarasate; Spinning Song/ Popper; The club met last Friday evening ara plattod and recorded in Douglas Countors of not less than ttvo nor more than the of Miss Alice Novinsky, five directors who shall elect n President, cash, notes or other property or service nt ty, Nebraska, NOTICE OF INCORPORATION e home O1 City was necessitated by the illness Hungarian Dance No. 1, Brahms; min. ™ "°™ . " * £ . Tn "f-W Notice is hereby given thnt the underthe reasonable market value thereof and Vice-president, Secretary and Treasurer. T«m£nnrin •' rhfnrii*. Rebecca Stillman acting to satisfy the liens nnd inemmbrnnces Kigned have formed a corporation pursuant fisi<»r- .Danr.e with of his wife in New York. He also has Tambourln Chindis, Kri Kriesler; shall be non-nssessable. The corporation FHANK MAUTIN therein j v t forth; to satisfy the sum of to the laws of the Stnte of Nebraska. The shall commence business on September 1. J13.00 a son Alex living in New York. Ac- Tzigane, Nachez; Hebrew Melody, chairman. A business meeting con• LAZAU costs find the increased and accru- name of said ' corporation is ALPHA 1»34, and shall terminate on August 31. cerning the installation, occupied the In the Presence of: • •• ing costs, nil as provided by Baid order THETA CHAPTER OF- ZETA BETA TAU' companying him to New York were Achron; Introduction and Tarantelle, 19S4 The highest amount of any indebted- nnd decree. evening hours. Lucille Kronick was ASSOCIATION, and the principal plRCe of ness or liability to which this corn••>?•• ; • his daughters Sarah and Lucille. i.oms R ui'p Sarasate. at Omnha. Nebraska, this 23rd day transacting business is «t Omahn and Linis at any time to subject itself is not to of Dated named head of the membership drive S-10-34-4t. August, 1034. coln, Nebraska. The corporation is not orexceed two-thirds of its capital stock. The SHOTWEUo MONSKY, GRODINSKY & affairs of the corporation shall be conscheduled for next month. ' C. B. McDOXALD. Sheriff. ganized for profit. The general nature- o t VANCE, and HAUHY B. COHEN Douglas-Countv, Nebraska. the business to be transacted shnll be to" ducted by n board of directors of not less 8-31-34—5t. The meeting tonight will be held in Attorneys hold title to any property, renl or personal.' than two nor more than five and the fol73? Omaha National Bank Building the home of Bernard Lazriowich. Roll now held by or to be held in the future lowing officers, a president, a vice-presiby Alpha Theta Chapter of Zetn Beta Ta* SAMUEL ZACHARIA, Attorney dent, a secretary and a treasurer, nny two call will be answered by. current NOTICE OF INCORPORATION O F Fraternity: to receive funds, collect monk*; 7B8 Brandeis Theatre Uld of which offices may be held by one and Miss Sarah Goldberg, daughter of KHASNK 3IILUXEKY. INC. events. Julia Bereskin will speak on Miss Rose Pill was elected presireceive property of every kind, nature and •• Notice is hereby given that the under- the same person. description; whether try gift or otherwise, NOTICE OF AMENDMENT TO dent of the Junior Hadassah Chap- Mr. and Mrs. J. Goldberg will become the Work of ' the Jewish National signed ' have formed a corporation ' tinder for the purpose of acquiring, erecting orARTICLES OF INCORPORATION MUItUAY WINTROCB the name of KRA.SNB MILX.1NEHY, INC., the bride of Leo Karas, son of Mrs. Fund. Rebecca. Stillman will speak on ter at their opening meeting of the maintaining a Chapter House; to acquire, OF with its principal place of business in purchase, hold, own, lensp, mortgage, etc* XOCAL RETAIL CORE AUTHORt o n s WINTUOUB season held last Monday "evening" in J. Montrosej Sunday afternoon, Sep- The Jew in Art. Irvin Lunin will Omaha.. The corporation, shall have aunny nnd nil property, renl or personal, i n ITY FOR OMAHA, S£BK n INC. thority to manufacture, buy. sell and genIncorporators. tember 2, at 3 o'clock, in the social speak on the life of Fosa Bonhuer the Jewish Community Center. . cidental to or necessary for the conduct erally deal .In millinery, feathers, ribbons, In the Presence of: Notice is hereby given that at a special of the business; to incur debts and make Miss Ruth Wigbdsky was, elected hall of the Shaare Zion Synagogue. and Mr. Stillman will tell a chapter hats, hosiery, notions, articles of wearing IKVIN C. LEVIN apparel, artificial flowers and other mil- S-10-S4-4t meeting of the members of the Local Re- appropriations with relation thereto; to first vice-president; Miss Rose Kez- Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz and Cantor of Jewish History. linery specialties and nil other articles of tail Code Authority for Omaha. Nebr., Inc., create reserves out of monies collected. The. a kindred nature, and to handle such real SHOTWEI.1, MONSKY, GRODINSKY & held nt the office of the company nt Kill) corporation shnll commence business at the nick, second . vice-president; Ruth A. Pliskin will officiate. or personal property as may be required. City National Bank building, in the city date of filing of the Articles of IncorporaVANCE and HARRY B. COHEN Rifkin, secretary; Margaret- Shulkln, The bride will be gowned in yellow The corporation shall have power to borof Omaha. Nebraska, Article FIFTH of the tion with the County Clerk of Douglaa Attorneys satin with "a cocktail jacket to match. row, money "and execute nhd deliver eviArticles of Incorporation of said corpora- County, Nebrnskn, nnrt shall termlnnte 99 corresponding secretary, and Ann 737 Omaha National Bank Bide. years after said date. The corporation shall, of. Indebtedness'therefor and to do tion was amended to read as follows: Her accessories will be of a contrast- . The first of - the holiday" services dences Cohen, - treasurer.., have no capital stock but shnll be conany and all other things .necessary to carry "FIFTH: will be held tomorrow night when by vote of tlie graduate members out the objects of the corporation. The auNOTICE OF INCORPORATION The newly elected board of direc- ing brown. Attendants will be Mr. and "Members in this corporation shall be trolled of Alpha Thpta Chapter of Zeta Beta Taothorized capital stock is ?10.00O.0O. all comNotice is hereby' given that the under- representatives which each of the divi- Frnternity. The indebtedness of the cortors included ."Rose Finsod, Sybil Mrs. M. Sperling and Mr. and Mrs. L. the Schlichos service, will be held at mon, liar value $100.00, - beinjr fully paid signed have formed a corporation pursu- sions of the retail, trade recognized by tho poration shall not exewd the vnlue of the' Shaare Zion Synagogue. The service •when issued and non-assessable. The high' Merlin, Ida Heshelow and Ann Pill. Montrose. Retail Code Authority, Inc.. pur-property owned by the corporation. The est .indebtedness shall not exceed two- ant to the laws of the State of Nebraska. National will begin at 12 o'clock midnight. .. Rueben Halperin, violinist, and LibCertificates issued .by,the National thirds of the cnpitnl. The corporation shall The name of the corporation is DAVIS suant to Article X. Section 2(e) of the Ke- business of this corporation shnll be mantail Code have elected nnd hereafter shall need by a'Board of five members. Until COMPANY, with its principal place of Cantor A. Pliskin assisted by the comjn g Il b Rln.- . . . Headquarters of .Hadassah . in Newbie Olensky will play the wedding P business in the City of Omaha. The ob- elect as members of the Local Ketail Code other Directors are elected, the undersign-, Boy's Choir will chant the ritual. Sf^T.coo.oo ' o f cap!tai °tock_1ind' wh''n 'th" Authority for Omnha. Nebr., Inc., or their od shall constitute such Board of Direc-. rocessional and Mr. and Mrs. Otto jects for which this corporation is formed York were presented to Delia Shflare filed with the County Clerk of are to buy. sell, exchange, manufacture, duly elected suecessors. H. R. Rabinowitz will officiate. Articles tors. The Articles of Incorporation may he off, Sadie Shulkin, Ann Pill and Groff will sing "I Love You Truly." Rabbi Pouglas County, Nebraska.' and shall con- deal and trade generally in any and all "Vacancies in the membership, arising nmended by two-thirds vote of the memSpecial memorial services will be tinue until January 31. 2035. The affairs kinds of machinery, equipment and sup-from wh.-itever cnusc. shall l>e filled by bers of the corporation. Elizabeth Raskin for work: completed After a short wedding trip/Mr. conducted , . shall be' administered by a Board of Di- plies; to purchase, lease and otherwise ac- said divisions of the retail trade by whom at the Jewish Cemetery rectors Dated at. Omnha, Nebrnskn, this 11th day Karas and his bride will make their of not less than two nor more than quire any interest or license of every kind they were elected. All of said members toward the Hadassah; Fellowship. of August. 1934. during the coming week by Cantor five in number. The stockholders shall nnd character in and to any and all pat- shall he elected or appointed by nny fair home in Sioux City. . -Directors • nt the annual meeting to MORTON RICHARDS A. Pliskin. The cantor will be at theelect pertaining to machinery, equipment method satisfactory to the said retail be held the first Monday in Ancust of each ents supplies; JOHN A. BEBER to purchase, lease, register trades themselves, and shall retain their Cemetery every "morning from 9 to year:- Thereafter directors shall elect offi- nnd EDWARD D. RRODKET The social hall of the Shaare Zion acquire nny trade-marks, membership nt the pleasure of their said vir..' President, Viee-President, Secre- and otherwisepatents, HARRY DIAMOND The first session of the; Religious Synagogue: will be the scene of an-12 o'clock fcr those who wish to re-cers, inventions, improve- respective divisions of the retail trnde." tary and Treasurer. The articles may be trade-names, LEON FRANKEL ments and processes of «very kind and And. at Baid meeting. Article ELEVENTH School of. Mount Sinai Temple will other wedding Sunday, when Miss member their departed in this man- amended. The corporation may have a seal. character; Incorporator*. to purchase, discount, sell and of the Articles of Incorporation of said 8-17-34-3t. Dated August 21, l.OSi. " be held Sunday morning, September Blanche Reznick, daughter of Mr. and ner. trade in generally in evidences of indebt- corporation, was amended to read as folALBERT KBARNE edness.of every kind and character; and to lows: 9 from 9:30 to 12 o'clock. At this Mrs. Max Reznidc will become the Lawrence Mushkin, son of Mr. and •••••II. MABQUAItDT buy. sell, mortgage, lease, encumber and "ELEVENTH: time children will be enrolled, placed bride of George Taxer, son of Mr.Mrs. H. Mushkin celebrated his Bar8-31-34-4t deal generally in real and personal prop"A business administration headquarters San Francisco—Vandals forced erty of every kind and character. The comshall be established, maintained and conin their respective classes and text and Mrs. Max\Taxer."The ceremony Mitzvah last Saturday .morning in the FKADENBCBG. BBBEB & KLCTZNICK, pany shall have authority to borrow money ducted in such manner nnd for snett nse their way into Temple Keneseth books distributed. - ;. Attorneys. and to issue evidences of indebtedness Ivy 'and With such privileges for the mem- Israel, an -Orthodox house of worwill be held, at 6 o'clock in the eve-Shaare Zion Synagogue. Following C3O Omaha National - Bank BWff. therefor. The total authorized capital stock bers ns the corporation may from time to the service^ .his parents, received their ning with Rabbi Rabinowitz and CanO mahst,' i » b r a s k a Is $25,000.00. par valoe $100.00 per share. time determine. . ship here, breaking' into the ark, Seats for the Holiday services may tor Pliskin; officiating. ;':.:• "_>.• f ••.••. friends in_ the social hall of the synAH stock • is common and shnll be folly "In furtherance and not in limitation of and desecrated the Torah. be reserved at Mount Sinai Temple To CKNTKAT^ ICE-SEUVICE COMPANY, paid and non-assessable when Issued. The the powers conferred by the Cede, the agogue. I :.-•'. a corporation: corporation shall commence business upon corporation Is expressly authorized to carry every morning next week from 9 to Libbie Olensky at the piano, and Notice la hereby given that I-awrenee J. the filing of its Articles with the County on its business and to hold annual or spe12, and every evening from 7:30 to Rueben Halperin,-violinisti will play of Douglas County, Nebraska, .and cial meetings; nnd to have one or more Seats in Shaare Zion Synagogue Flnkel. Hymea Belman. Mas: Cbhn Platt, Clerk the Lohengrin wedding march, and 9 o'clock. Joseph Bernstein and Abe It. Winer, have shall continue until January 1st, 2034. The offices or branches; to acquire, hold nnd for the Rosh Hashonah and Yom Mrs. Otto Groff will sing, "I Love filed their Dctitlon in the District Conrt of highest amount of indebtedness shall not dispose of real and personal property; to control and management of Kippur Services will be on sale prior Douglas County, 'Nebraska,- against you, exceed two-thirds of the capital stock. This have complete 1 You Truly." the above nnmed' defendant, in an action restriction shall not apply to indebtedness the affair, !, funds nnd finances of the corto the Schlichos services tomorrow The bride, who will be unattended, entitled Lawrence J. Flnkel. Hymen Bel- secured by real estate. The number of poration, -including the power to make conMax Cohn IMatt, Joseph Bernstein members of the Board shall be provided by tracts, to borrow money nnd to pledge the will be lovely in a gown of peach night. Committees in charge of the mnn. nnd Abe U. Winer, Plaintiffs, vs. Central the By-Laws, which Board shall admin- property of the corporation as security If you tixve your shot* seat sale will be. in the synagogue satin with a tricorn hat to match. Ice Service Company, a corporation. De- ister the affairs of the corporation. The therefor: to employ ngents or counsel: subrepaired et the stockholders shall hold their annual meetject to the laws of the State of Nebraska, the object niid prayer of said petiHer slippers and. accessories will be from 10:30 p. m. until the service be^ fendant, tion being to obtain a1 decree of the Conrt ing the first Monday in July of each yeear to keep the books of the corporation withgins. During the week, tickets.may be green. She will carry a bouquet of qnleting the leasehold estate of the plain- and elect directors.' The directors shall elect in or without the Stnte of Nebraska, as ibtained from J. Kuntz, at the Stan- tiff in and to Sub-Lots One (1) and Twoa President. Vice-President. Secretary and may from time to time be designated by tea roses tied in green tulle. (2) In Tax Lot Thirty-two (32) in Section Treasurer. The Articles may be amended the corporation; to receive contributions, Following the ceremony a dinner dard Jewelry Company. Fifteen (15). Range .Fifteen (15), Town- upon notice as provided for. The corpora- and to assess nnd collect fees, dues nnd • -• other payments as may be provided for in ship Thirteen (137, nna the South Three tion shall have a seal. will be served to the wedding guests. rules and regulations adopted by the cor(3) -feet of Lot Five (5). Block Twenty-one Dated this 11th day of July, 1934. poration, nccording to the regulations of After a short wedding trip, Mr. Tax- Members of the Debra .Club will be (21), E. V. Smith's Addition to the City S. H. DAVIS the National Retail Code Authority, Inc., Omaha, all of which is located in DougEVA DAVIS er and his bride will make their home hostesses to their friends at a Rush of as approved by the Administrator." las County, Nebraska. Incorporators. in Moville, Iowa. Tea Sunday afternoon from 3 to 5 Said petition further prays for the canLOCAL RETAIL CODE AUTHORITY FOR OMAHA, NEBR., INC. of any purported asrreements. if when prospective members of the club cellation By: WM. F. BAXTER, in wrltinc, which maj* constitute n cloud HYMAN IiETIN and CASEY &' CORENChairman. 1 U S , Attorney*. on the plalntifrs leasehold, enjoining deA'pretty garden wedding was sol- will be their guests. HARRY B. ZIMMAN, 311 Patterson Blk. from asserting claim for greater mnized last Sunday ' evening at 1 The tea table will be decorated with fendant Vicp-Chalnnan. rental, and to quiet plaintiff's estate in thn ALLEN T. HUIT, 'clock, when Miss Dorothy Mosow, appointments of green and white, the premises involved and for snch other nnd ABTICXES OF INCORPORATION Secretary. Recognized as urther relief as to the Court may seem club, colors. Rebecca Stillman and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. MoOF S-17-S4-4t. just nnd, equitable. SMITH-ROBINSON MOTORS, PRUTICAL MOHEL sow was united in marriage with Rosabelle Wigodsky will pour. You are hereby notified that you are reINCORPORATED quired to answer said petition on or be,ouis R. Hurwitz, son of Mrs. Mary A program has been prepared for fore Phone 1059 Help boost the Jewish Press by September 10,' 1034. Know All Men by These Presents: That Hurwitz, Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz and the entertainment of the gaests. LAWRK:N*CE J . F I N K E D , H Y M E N we, the undersigned have "associated our- patronizing the firms and institutions Conncil Blnffs, Is, Committees in charge of the arrangeB E L M A N V M A X C O H N P L A T T . Cantor ; A. Pliskin officiated at the selves for the purpose of forming and be-which advertise in the Jewish Press, JOSEPH BERNSTEIN and ABB coming a corporation Tinder the laws of ceremony which was attended by 60ments include' Gisela Pill and Pearl R. WINER. Plaintiffs. the State of Nebraska and for that purOlensky, co-chairmen; Jennie ShindBy FRADENBTJRG, STALMASTER, guests. : \ . pose do hereby adopt and sign these artiBEBER & KLUTZNICK. ler, chairman of invitations; Rosacles Of incorporation. . Following the ceremony, Mr. and 8-17-34-4t. Their Attorneys. ; ' The name of this corporation shall he Mrs. MosowJ. the bridal couple, and beUe WigodskV, program chairman, the SMITH-ROBINSON MOTORS, ININ THE DISTRICT COURT OF CORPORATED. Mrs; Hurwitz; received their friends and Dorothy Gelson, chairman of .pub- _ DOCGLA8 CQCNTY, NEBRASKA • The" principal place of .conducting the M i t and d hi at open Mr. H Hurwitz hi$licity. Mrs. George Blum is the adbusiness of this corporation shall be in p h ^ Socket 304 ' No. 155 visor of the club. The tea will be held Omaha, Nebraska, and may operate id d ORDER TO SHOW CAVSE bride depjirted for a trip to the in the; home of Gisela Pill, 1710 ©ougHe would find in the English branches In other parts of the State of Nebraska, or elsewhere in the United Northern lakes, alter which they wijl In the Matter of the Application of SARAH Village at Chicago's 1934 las'street.' : ' ~" : • > . .'••• ' KULAKOFSKY and MOBKIS LEVEY, States. ' make Iheir; home in Iowa City. •••••/• Ewrjr mil* youranon bald tires, you run a Administrators of the Estate of ISRAEL • The business to be transacted by this World's Fair the Old Curiosity KULAKOFSKY, deceased, for license to corporation shall be that of distributors DOUBLE RISK.* Because bald tires are only half Miss Freda Dale^ and Mrs. Joe RoMiss Esther Osman of Minneapolis, Shop which his writings have sell real estate. : • „„„, and dealers in automobiles, automotive a* tafo as new tire*. Take a look ot thex* »harp, Now on this 25th. day of August, 1034, equipment and accessories. To that end it Minnesota, was married" to .Wflliam senburg of Des Moines are'spending thJs made immortal. This year's cUan-cut non-skid cogi on this I I . S. Tira, end -cause came on for hearing upon the shall have the right to buy wid- Sell autoSilverberg, Sunday morning at 40 this week In the ho^fif^heir brothr petition of Sarah Kulakofaky and Morris mobiles, equipment and accessories, to esyattit * • • why. This Ti thefamousCOGWHEEL Fair boasts fifteen "foreign. administrators of the estate of Is- tablish and operate a garage or garages o'clock, in-the hojne of the tatter's er,'Abe IJale, 715 Isabella/ They were Levey, !r«ad assign, basad on on« of the oldest and rael Kulakofsky, deceased, for a license to and service Stations, to finance negotiable villages"— see them- all but parents, Mr.'and -Mrs. Marcus, Silver- guests Wednesday .evening at a. bridge sell the following described real estate slt- paper and other. securities received for m*st principles known in engineering . . . the start your tour right by reserve , in Omaha, Douglas County, Nebras- automobiles, to buy and sell securities; to party ' given 'in their honor by Mrs.nated COGWHEEL principle. This non-skid treed toits berg, Bellevue Apartments. ka, to-wlt: . • . buy or lease real estate necessary 6r proping a room in the Morrison* Abe Dale. Eight friends enjoyed longer, btcsus* It Is built of TEMPERED RUBBER, Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz officiated at An undivided 1/3 interest In and to er for its business, to equip such propthe south 1/2 of Lot 6 in Block 1. erty with machinery, fixtures or whatever flw to*%lwl IroeJ rubber ever placed on a tira. bridge and a late supper. '..•'.. the ceremony. Following a wedding • Home of Terrace Garden Kountze's Fourth Addition to the City may be necessary to its business,' and to dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Silverberg deof Omaha, as surveyed, platted and re- do-all things necessary or incidental • to its 1 • Boston Oyster House corded ; . , business of distributors. and dealers in Complimenting Miss Blanch Eezparted for a - trip to Chicago. They automobiles, accessories and antomotive The- North 1/2 of the East 139 feet will ,make their home in Worthing- nick, Miss Elith White and Miss So- of Lot 7 in Block 1, Kountze's Fourth equipment, garages- nnd service stations. • The authorised capital stock of this corAddition to the City of Omaha, as surphie Taxer will entertain! 16 friends ton, Minnesota. . . . poration shall be $10,000.00 which shall be r platted and recorded; at bridge and a-; shower this evening •veyed divided into ' shares of -the par mine • of An undivided 1/2 interest in ana to S100.00 each, of which ?3,000.00 shall be South 80 feet of Lots-1 and 2 in Miss Fern" Wolf son .returned home in the Sioux Tea Shop. A late lunch the paid "up at the time the corporation comBlock 5, Kountze's' and Jtuth's Addimences business All of said stock shall be Monday-evening after a short visit will conclude the evening. : tion to the City of Omaha, as surnon-assessable. Said stock may be pnid for veyed, platted 'and recorded; with friends in Omaha. In cash,* property; -services or anything undivided 1/2 interest in and to William Prusiner, 11-year-old son theAnWest .19 feet'ln width of Lot-3 and • valuable or incidental to the bnsiness. nil of Lot 4 in Block 9 In the City, of Miss Frances Jacobson. spent .last of Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Prusiner, 2919 Omaha, The time of commencement of this coras surveyed and lithographed; - poration shall be vrhen its articles have week end visiting with friends in Sunset Circle, has- been selected as tot.«.in.Ashland. Place, an addition been filed with the Clerk of Douglas the best camper in,the prep division to the City of Omaha, as surveyed, County, -Nebraska, and Its termination Council Bluffs, Iowa. . platted and recorded, , , Shall be fifty years from such date unless at Canip Lincoln near Lake Hubert, subject to all existing liens and inenm- sooner dissolved in the manner prescribed for- the purpose of ;paying the Miss Ruth Jacobson spent the past Minnesota. He is spending the sum-brances,CARL EIEKES debts, court costs and expenses of the ad- The highest amount of indebtednes's 'or mer at the camp and -will return two weeks., in Chicago visiting -with ministration .of the estate .of Israel" Kuliability to which this corporation shall nt lakofsky, deceased,' and It appearing to the friends and attending the Century of home early next month. Court that it is necessarjt. that said, real anv time subject itself shall be two-thirds ' , .' Progress. estate be sold for the purpose of paying (2-3) of Its capital stock. The officers of thir corporation shall be the •said debts and expenses of administraa President, Vice-President, Secretary and tion; -.--•-. - . Mr. and Mrs. Nate Gilinsky o IT IS TftEEEFORE ORDERED that all Treasurer,- and- such other- officers as the J Interested In said estate appear Board of Directors shall deem it neees- j Chattanooga, Tenn.—The anti- persons Council Bluffs spent last week end 815 NORTH 18TH ST. AT. 4550 before the tmderslened. a Judge of the sary and whose duties shall be in the Byvisiting with relatives in Sioux City. Semitic White Shirtg started strikes District Conrt in and for Douglas Cotmty, Law* Any two offices may be held by the Nebraska, in Court Koom No. 7 in the same person. . . . ' in two southern textile centers in Douglas County Court-House in the City The corporate power of this corporation If YOU DWVEl...W« park your car. order to get publicity and are nowof Qmana on the I5th day of October, 103*. Shall be vested in a Board of Directors Miss Ruth Wigodsky and David Standard raid. No other charges. 0 o'clock A. M. to show cause if. and consisting of Dot less than two nor more planning to send and uniformed de-at Wigodsky spent this week in Chicawhy a license should not be granted to the than five stockholders l a the Corporation. LEONABD HICKS, Matxntt* Unctor tachments to settle the strikes in said .administrators-to sell said,real estate The Board shall be elected annually by go, visiting with friends and attendthe purpose of paying said debts and the" stockholders at their annual meeting. get more publicity, George for ing the Century of-Progress. expense of -administration of the estate of In Witness Whereof we have hereunto W. Christians, -commander of the Israel Kulakofsky. deceased. • •- -• subscribed our names this 1st day of AuIT IS FURTHER ORDERED that^thls i gust, 1934. • •••--. • Dr. and Mis. Theodore N. Lewis White Shirts, announced here. order to show cause shall be published for -D. M. EOBINSON Christians said that his chief aide, font.snccessive weeks in the Jewish Press. will be at home to the members of . HYMAN. LEVIN " lejral newspaper published In the City 01 ...'••.-.' - '•••'•. • Incorporators. the Temple Congregation and to their Walter M." Higgins, is now in Geor- aOmaha, DouglaB County. Nebraska. FRASCJS M. CASEY T BY THE COT RT C M I CA G O friends, Sunday September 16, be- gia arranging for the White Shirts' , - . -Witness . • Phone HArney 122S .; Farha.m af Thirty-third . VT. G. HASTINGS. i twpen the hours of 3 and 6.' 8-31-34-4& Judge. •O4O

Junior Poale Zion

Raids on Cafes - •—




UXVIS C XKVIN, Attorney C01 Electric Buildinj

HY5L\N "LEVIX, Attorney- . " Sli Pattorsoti lilds.

Sioux City News Miss ANNA PILL, Correspondent


Junior Hadassah Elects Officers

Society News

Shaare Zion

— -MouhtSinai


Thugs Trample Upon Scroll

Rev. A. Diamond



were alive today . . . •

while prices are Low

White Shirts Seek Strike Publicity

.. \


Carl Riekes Tire Service ' O m ah a?s Most B ea uti|u|4iorTie '0KP u ner a I s'

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