September 6, 1934: Rosh Hashanah Edition

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L'Shonah Tovah Tekosevu

A Happy .Prosperous New Year .

Kntered ns SSecouti Class Mall Matter on January ^1. TJ21, at I'osto'fflre of Omaha, Nebraska, ixider. the Act of March 3. 1STS

Region Conclave Jewish Doctor Finds Peritonitis For Federations Vaccine , Toledo (WNS). — Dr. Bernhard on October 6th Steinberg, 35^year-old Jewish path. ~



•'• •-•

. P l a n s ;are being" formulated, for the -Eegionai Conference of Jewish Community Centers and Welfare Federations, which' will' be'held in Omaha October 6 and 7.. ."', . ,' The, Jewish. Centers and Federations in this' region are expected to. send over a hundred delegates to "the conclave. Philip Klutznick ' is general chairman, and Jacob Pearlsteih is sec: retary. . . . . ;: The general conference committee and the program" committee have been chosen.


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Complications When Prettiest Girl Non-Aryan


ologist at Toledo hospital, has discovered a vaccine which has been 100 per cent successful in the prevention of "peritonitis in more than 1,000 cases. . ' ; Physicians in other cities who jhave used the vaccine reported 39 per cent successful operations.

Omaha to Be Host to Delegates From Neighboring' ;




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: < * , :

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franklin P. Rooscostt

No Income Tax For Palestine


Mizrachl Expected to Drop Opposition


The Features in This Section


The Advertisers in This Section


Will Start on Sunday Evening

London (JTA). — Because "the most beautiful girl in Germany" is partly Jewish and hence a "nonAryan," the German ambassador to -London, Herr von Hoesch, has declined an invitation to join in the judging at Hastings to select "Miss Europe" from among the most beautiful girls of eighteen countries. World Jewry—imbued with the faith "Miss Germany" is Miss Emtfia and hope which have inspired Israel Kant, a grand-niece of the philos- through the ages — will observe the opher. She is partly Jewish. . Jewish New Year, Rosh Haslionah "Because 'Miss Germany'his not 5695, starting Sunday evening, Sepa pure Aryan, I could not be pres- Itember 9. ent in an official capacity a t HasJudaism devotes one day to tings," yon Hoesch declared. the observance of this holyday; others two days. Rosh Hashonah means literally, in Hebrew, "the head (or beginning) of the year." In earliest times the Hebrew New Year began in autiimn with the opening of the agricultural year in Palestine—a system adopted by all Semitic peoples. Since ancient times the beginning of the economic year has been celebrated in some special way. Samuel Untermyer Answers to On this day there was to be a holy Charges Made by convocation of the people, trumpets were to be blown and special sacriNazis.fices offered at the altar of the TemNew York (WNS).—Answering Hit- ple. Though the Bible refers to this lerite - charges, repeated often since day as "the day of the blowing of the recent World Jewish Conference trumpets," yet in Palestinian days it at Geneva, that world Jewry is re- was regarded by the Jewish people as sponsible for the anti-Nazi boycott the New Year of the agricultural from which the German economic sys- cycle. With their exile from the boly land tem is suffering, Samuel Untermyer, president of the Non-Sectarian Anti- and their dispersion, New Year's Day Nazi League to Champion Human assumed a new meaning and a higher Rights, has issued a statement in value in Jewish life. In rabbinic tradiwhich he makes it clear that the boy- tion the holiday is regarded as the commemoration of the beginning of cott is not a purely Jewish activity. "In view of the persistent, long- the creation of the world . . . it is continued misrepresentations of Herr the day upon which all the creatures Hitler for the last eighteen months," of the world pass in review for judgMr. Untermyer declared, "it becomes ment before the Creator, even as sheep necessary to emphasize the fact that pass before the shepherd. this is in no sense a Jewish boycott This idea of New Year as a Day of except to the extent that the Jews are Judgment gave rise to a beautiful and participating in it with organized" la- | elaborate ritual throughout the midbor and Christian churches. The i die ages. It fashioned the holiday into American Jewish Congress, which a solemn occasion upon which every held the center of the stage at Gen- Jew is to reawaken within himself his eva for a few days, is only one of 100 loyalty to the teachings of Judaism. or more organizations that are par- Emphasis was laid upon the New Year ticipating in this boyc<||£. There is to as a day for self-examination and rebe an international &nventioji at flection-«poi» past -deeds—a day upon Brussels in October that will demon- •which man should search the inner restrate the non-sectarian character of cesses of his heart and sincerely rethis movement solve to turn from the misdeeds of the "The Jews of the world number past year. 16,000,000 souls, which is less than one-half of one per cent of the world's LOCAL SERVICES population. In America they number Rosh Hashonah will be celebrated 5,000,000. No such trifling' fraction locally with appropriate services. The could alone have accomplished any schedule of services is as follows: such result. This is a spontaneous and ever-growing uprising of civilization, Temple inclusive of all creeds and races. Rosh Hashonah services will begin ; "Our organization, which started at Temple Israel Sunday evening at 8 the movement here and abroad, is dis- p. m. Rabbi David H. Wice will detinctly non-sectarian, although I hap- liver the sermon on "The Things We pen to be its president. Among its di- Live For." The only definite and concrete rectors in this country are and have Monday morning the services will achievement in behalf of the German been from the beginning such distin- commence at 10 o'clock. Rabbi Wice's Jews during the past year was the guished national non-Jewish figures sermon topic will be " 'O God! Throw organization of various committees set as CoL Theodore Roosevelt, James W. Us a Handful of Stars.' " \ up to provide for the thousands of Beck, Georga Gordon Battle, former Ambassador James W. Gerard, Mayor refugees. Conservative In October the League of Nations, F. H. LaGuardia and others." The schedule of services for the Mr. Untennyer further pointed out Conservative Synagogue at the J. C. recognizing that the lefugee problem was one that could be solved only by that the anti-Nazi boycott movement C.t international collaboration, nominated has the backing of Catholics and Sunday evening, services start at 8 James G. McDonald as High Commis- Protestants because of Nazi endeav- p.m. Rabbi David A. Goldstein will sioner for German Refugees, with the ors to replace Christianity by pagan- speak on "What Is Today's Most Impower to negotiate and direct the nec- ism; of organized labor because of the portant Commandment"" essary collaboration and especially to extermination of German trade uniMonday morning services will beprovide, so far as possible, work for ons and confiscation of their proper- gin at 9 o'clock. Rabbi Goldstein's try; of Masons, whose lodges have the refugees in all countries able to barred; and of women, because Bermon topic will be "Blessings for offer it. A' governing body of repre- been of the setback the emancipation of the New Year." Monday evening's sentatives of the leading powers and German womanhood has suffered services will start at sundown. an advisory board of private Jewish through Nazism. Tuesday morning Rabbi Goldstein's and non-Jewish relief agencies were topic will be "Fearless Living." named to co-operate with the High The services will be conducted by Commissioner. When he assumed his Cantor E. Sellz. The choir will be position the refugees numbered 60,000. directed by Harry Braviroff. By May, 1934, he was able to report that slow but steady progress Vaad wras being made in finding new homes Rosh Hashonah services will be apBerlin, (WNS).—Many Jews are for the refugees, 20,000 of whom had propriately observed by all orthodox by then found permanent homes. Ten included among those arrested in the thousand of these settled in Palestine. Nazi- government's current drive synagogues affiliated with the Vaad Some 2,500 were admitted to the Unit- against those who dared vote "no" Ha'Ihx, starting at 6: SO p.m. Sunday ed States, which modified its strict in the recent plebiscite to endorse evening. visa regulations. The High Commis- Adolf Hitler's Reichsfuehrerschaft. Services Monday and Tuesday mornsioner worked to co-ordinate fund- The arrests followed immediately ings will begin at 7 a.m. Monday everaising- activities of the various com- upon an attack on a Jewish club in ning they will start at 6:30 p.m. mittees in Europe and 'especially to Propaganda Minister Goebbel's per- Monday morning Rabbi Cri Miller speak at the Beth Hamedrosh negotiate with governments regarding sonal, organ Der Angriff, where retechnical <raestions such as travel and tribution for opposition to Hitler was Hagofiol synagogue, I9th and Burt, his subject being "The New Year — identification passports, working per threatened. German Jewry, however, sees a What Ought Our New Year's Resolumits and the enabling of refugees to be trained for.absorption in the life hopeful sign in the fact that after tion Be?" of the countries where they were and Julius Streicher's Der Steurmer, Tuesday morning Rabbi MHler will to find new places where others could which had been suppressed for twn deliver the sermon at the B'nai Isweeks, came out with another bitter rael synagogue, 18th and Chicago, on begin life anew. Apart from the activities of the attack on Jews the publisher was the topic of "Formula for RedempHigh. Commissioner, private commit- summoned for a long conference with tion.'" Cantor A. Schwaczkin and his tees came into being to find new Hitler. Another evidence of a change choir will officiate at the liolyday serhomes for physicians, professors, chil- for the better is seen in the impris- vices at the B'nai Israel. The synagogues affiliated with the dren and technical experts. In the onment of a Rhinelander found United States the University in Exile guilty of slandering a Jewish at- Vaad are the B'nai Israel, the Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol, B'nai Jacob, was organized. The University of Is- torney. Adass Yeshuren, and Congregation of tanbul engaged 38 refugee Jewish Berlin—Nuremberg, most bitterly Israel of South Omaha. scholars. The Hebrew University placed twenty. At this writing anti-Semitic city in Germany ordered Others there are still 50,000 refugees without the owners of all Jewish stores there permanent homes. Herculean effort? to inscribe their names at the stores' The Shaare Zion synagogue at 154S are being made to raise the fund? entrances in letters 'no smaller than No. 20 street will hold services both needed to maintain these edles, ana ten cent metres in order that Ger- morning and evening during th« holythe High Commissioner is concentrat- mans buying there should not be able days. ing on a campaign to snc&ilize the to say that they did not know that The B'nai Sholom synagogue will Christian world in support ef xefugee they were : customers in Jewish meet at Sommer Hall, 28th and stores.". • •''•' • assistance. nam.

I am happy, at this festival season of BoshMashotwhtto renew % good wishes to iqy fellow citizens of Jewish faith throughout thclancL I t is a suitable opportunity to pause and, by dedicating ourscbes anew to tlic responsibilities of the present day, to continue the U)orku)hich, in common u?ith all ilmertcans, we have undertaken touxitd realizm j the promise of the lie before us." years


Rosft Haslionah

Appropriate Services to Be Held for High Holydays

Two Omahans, H. A. Wolf and Dave Jewish Agency Announces DefGoldman, are "oh the conference cominite Steps of Co-6peramittee. The other members'include: tioiu Arthur Brinn,-Minneapolis, Minn.; Ellis Levitt, Des Moines, la.; Robert Zurich( J. T. A. ^Definite steps Mayer, and Edwin . B." Meisner, St. to increase the participation of nonLouis,-Mo; ;-Bernard Marx and Edwin Zionist elements in the Jewish Agen! Baer, St.. Paul,_Minn.;~ Louis -Eriich cy: for, Palestine in the work of upand Jacob Lorie, Kansas City, ,Mo. building Palestine will be taken as a Dr. J. M. Morris and Dr. Lewis I. Tesult. of'an. unofficial conference of Miller," Denver; Colo. " _"."., ~ '_.' non-Zionist members, it. was officially Mrs. "J. H. Kulakofsky of Omaha is announced..v a member of the. program", committee, • The Jewish Agency for Palestine is Others on this committee: are^L S- composed half of representatives of Joseph and Rabbi A. G. Minda, Min- the World Zionist Organization and neapolis, Minn.; Robert Lappen, Des half of non-Zionist leaders forming a Moines, la.; Dr. Llewellyn Sale, St. body representative of all Jewry to Louis, Mo.; Milton Firestone, St. Paul. deal with the League of Nations and Minn.; Miss Cornelia Harsfeld, Kansas Great Britain, the mandatory power City, Mo.; Richard -Weil, St. Louis, for Palestine, on questions affecting Mo.; Prof. A. D. Kaplan-, Denver Colo.' the latter country. A.mong the major communities to According to plans agreed on at the b"e included, in the Regional confer- conference, members of the non-Zionence will be Omaha, St Louis, Des ist'section will seek to organize nonMoines, Minneapolis, St. Paul, Kansas Zionist assistance for" Palestine work City and Denver. " Others who will in'the various countries along- lines be invited'.to" participate include Lin- best adapted to their respective lands. coln. Nebraska; Sioux City and CounAmong those taking part in the cil Bluffs, la.; St. Joseph, Mo.; Du- conference were Dr. Cyrus Adler. of luth, Minn.; Davenport, Moline and Philadelphia; Dr. Maurice B. Hexter, Rock Island; Tulsa and Oklahoma - Samuel" C.~ Lamport," "Dr.'" Maurice City. Okla.; Wichita and Topeka, Karpf, Edward Warburg, son of FeThe conferenc3 emphasizes the need 'x. and -Zionist leaders including Dr. for an exchange of opinion and ex- Chaim Weizmann, head of the comperiences on problems of community, mission for refugee settlement in Palorganizations and the f u n c t i o n a l estine; M. M. XTssishkin, head of the needs and developments in the com- Jewish National Fund, and Professor • .^untties; wlthltt this-'Tegion^-Fulii!^ Selig:, Brodetsky »and^;3erl; Lockeri "extiona);fields Of: Jewish social service members'' of" the Jewish*'Agency : : ; ; i ' .. ;; as ;well' as general fields' will bte dis- ecutive body. • Dr. Hexter, repotting on-the-finaiQcussed, with outstanding lay leaders . leading the discussions.; Among the cial situation, emphasized that the , topics to be discussed will be family Jewish Agency and the Keren Haye•welfare, child, care; and the care of sod (the Palestine Foundation Fund) the ased,; problems ^in" Jewish' educa- had decreased - taeir.. - jhdebtedness tion: and Jewish Community C e n t e r during the past year by 75,000 pounds pr.Osrain. : ; . •". : V.. (approximately $375,000.). He also der clared that^the Jewish Agency; budget , The: conference is under the aus- for Palestine would be fully covered. Paris (WNS). — When two young pices of the National Conference of Americans, said to be New-York col. J e w i s h Community Centers and Weltare Federations. ' jlege students, hung a German swasSam Beber is on the executive com_ , . ; tika flag out of their hotel window mittee of the National Conference. ReEven those most bitterly opposed to j h e r e t h e y s o o n discovered that Frenchthe use of the economic boycott as a men are unsympathetic to the Hitler cently, Henry Monsky and William L. political weapon now recognize that regime. Holzman were named' on a national Mobilization committee to effect JewJerusalem (JTA). — The Palestine the anti-German boycott has been treAs soon as the flag appeared an ish communal unity throughout the government has decided that the mendously effective. angry mob began to gather before country, another of the many activ- Holy Land is not a field for the inA year ago the boycott was just the hotel, and refused to disperse unities of the national conference. troduction of an income tax, Mr. getting under way. At the end of 5694 til police caused the swastika to be On the local committee, Dave Gold- Shelley, president of the Jerusalem it had demonstrated its; power. Ger- withdrawn. man is chairman, assisted by Frank Chamber of Commerce, declared at many's economic structure is tottering. ; A moratorium on all foreign Ackerman, Max Barish, Sam Beber, a meeting of the organization. Morris. Jacobs,^ J. J. Greenberg,- Ben "In fulfillment of- the high com- debts has been procalimed. Strict govKazlowsky, Jack Marer, Al Mayer, missioner's promise that every op- ernment control of foreign trade is in •William Milder and Harry Silverman. portunity would be given to discuss effect. Efforts are being made to stimWarsaw (W. N. S.)—The Mizrachi the question of an income tax ulate exports. The German standard convention to be held at Lemberg of living is falling steadily. Wages are thoroughly, an income tax expert of the British treasury was called declining. Onempolyment is increas- will probably recommend a cessation to Palestine, in order to study local ing. Gold reserves are virtually • de- of opposition to the Zionist Execupleted. All of these developments came tive, the Jewish press here reports. conditions," Mr. Shelley said. startling rapidity at the end of The attitude of Mizrachi toward 'We have been given to understand with the first year of the boycott. Revisionism and Palestine Labor also that, it has been decided that PalesIn twelve months the boycott re- is to come under discussion, the oldtine is not a field for such financial Barcelona (WNS)—With the grant- taxation as the inherent anti-Tax duced Germany's exports by 2,000,- er elements recommending a favoring cf official recognition to the re- faculties, which 000,000 marks. Her trade balance for able stand toward Revisionism. normally resist the first six months of 1934 showed a ". cently organized Jewish community of taxation of any sort, would be: parBarcelona world Jewry was given forticularly vicious in their resistence deficit of more than 200,000,000 marks mal notice that a hew Jewish settler as compared with' a surplus of over ment has been established. Barcelona's to the introduction of a new problem 150,000,000 marks for the same period of how to evade taxation in this speJewry comprises some 2,000 refugees from XJenhany who have settled here cial direction. We congratulate the j The boycott movement during 5694 "Fallacy of This Modern Age," by ' ; since the. beginning of the Nazi re- government foy the discretion and became really world-wide" and nonLudwig Letcisohn. gime. -They -have received a hearty tact with which this matter has been sectarian with the co-operation of "Intimate Truths About the Jews? dealt with," Mr. Shelley said. •welcome ^rom ;the government ,and Catholics, the American Federation of by Maurice Samuel. . business and industrial circles are satLabor and other liberal forces. '. "New Approach to an Eternal ; .; v; •\^.':. ;vH'.- '.-':'. ^ .' "• • ; V lafied. While the Nazis at first persisted Question,' by George E. Sohol".Not.a single Jewish refugee from. in ignoring the boycott they have now sky. Germany has been refused permission come to Tecognize it as a major fac» "The Five. Biggest Jewish Head* to remain in the Catator in Germany's economic crisis. Nazi lines,"" by Bernard Postal. lonian government. As a result of this organizations abroad have launched, a "Jewry's Hall of Fame," by Meyer hospitality the Jewish community is F. Steingluss. Paris, (JTA).—The French ad- counter-boycott in the .hope of. frightgrbwing rapidly and Barcelona has ening those fostering the boycott, but "The Scattered Nation? by Zebuministration* in Algiers was openly become a major refugee center, surIon Baird Vance. charged here with direct responsi- all signs indicate that-the anti-Gerpassed only by Paris and Palestine. man boycott will be continued with un- "Rooted in the Soil*' by Stanley bility for thepogroms " in CoristanThe Jews of Barcelona already have relenting vigor*.''...-.... ,/,.'.. Bero. - - • a rabbi, a schochet and a Hebrew tme at a public protest meeting un"Christian Friends in Time of der the auspices of the French New York (J. T. A.)— As a tribute teacher. ; Need? by Robert Stone. League to' Combat Anti-Semitism. to Henrietta^ Szold,"dean of American "Stain on the Life of Manldnd? President Bernhard Lecache of the women "-Zionists and founder of Ha.Amsterdam (WNS)—After having by Maxim Gorky. - - ;_"'found temporary asylum in Holland league, who presided, demanded to dassah, and Mrs. Edward Jacobs, former national president of the orfor nearly a year, a score of German know whether it was -true that: 1.. The Constantine garrison was ganization, the national board of HaJewish families sailed for Brazil, where they will make their permanent locked up in the barracks during the dassah vrUl purchase two dunams of home. As they embarked they display- pogrom after a Zouave regiment land, approximately ten city lots, in Goldstein-Chapman's ed signs expressing their gratitude to had expressed the desire to inter- their names in the Kfar Ussishkin, Carmaris the Dutch government for its hospita- vene and protect the Jewish popula- the hew colony to be established in Natelson's Palestine in honor of Mendel Menation. ity. / Herzbergs 2. The civil authorities of Con- cheni Ussishkin. NebraslM Clothing Co. . stantine refused to ask for troops Miss Szold, now residing in JeruAIJGENtlNE JEWS TO JOIN Hayden's to halt the pogrom. salem is at present chairman of the WORLD'ZIONISTS. Brandeis Bureau forSettlement of Refugee 3. Anti-Semitic propaganda was Buenos Aires—A resolution to join Omaha World-Herald Children itf Palestine. She "was at one - the World Union of General Zionists not forbidden. Hinky-Dinky was adopted at the first contention "Why -were none of 'the. officials time a member of the Palestine ZionOmaha Bee-News ist Executive, the only woman to have of thV Argentine Federation- of Gen- responsible fox-the pogrom dismissed eral Zionists, held here last month. '„ from their posts?" Lecache asked. held that office. K a n s .

Vol. X—No. 32—Section A



Page 2—Section A

New Yearns Edition—THE JEWISH PRESS—Thursday, September 6,1934

it -were, copybook maxims ? They are. be well studied although, as it were; ways. It can be studied, for instance, And they have been forgotten. And in their amusing treatment of the arts in miniature from the. character and it has been equally forgotten that they Sfate of those among the younger according to the doctrine of economic became commonplaces and copybook determinism. It can be studied from American^ intellectuals who have in maxims because they represented the recent years taken flight into either the fact that, though they are young, age-long sum and fruit of human exthey are already unteachable by exreactionary or communist ideologies. perience. They grew up in an age of mechanical perience. Although over-industrializaThe first task of thinking men and tion and over-centralization have nearprogress in which base means were women in this age mmust be a remistaken for new ends' and in which ly destroyed our so-called capitalistic tracing of their way to that point at society, they entertain no doubt that Babbitt, wholly cut off from historic which a vertigo seized western man culture but driving a good car, monstrous industrialization and cen- and he fancied that the machine and tralization will save mankind in a sothought himself the heir of the ages. mechanical improvements and the anWith him and his works'these young called communistic society. When a alogy of himself to a mechanism had quite scientifically studied among the propose that the race should become dam is deserted in America and when By LUDWIG LEWISOHN turmoils of Contemporary Germany. men could not possibly.make common one is built in Russia they are equally changed human nature and would oviparous. in a given election the Nazis cause. But they were, after, all, chil- triumphant. They are not happy, so | bring Utopia of one kind or another There are or, at least, up to a cer- When lose, the Communists gain. and vice dren of the same^age as himself. they deny that which they are and j to our threshold. We must re-ally ourHarper & Brothers, publishers, liave tain point of time, there were other graciously consented to the publica- kinds of progress. In respect of the versav the numerical strength of the Partly* at least, on "account of the in- which has not made them happy and selves with the experience of mankind, tion of this article by America's dis- liberation of speech and especially of parties of the middle remains fairly conceivable degradations into which dream, safely afar from the dreadful of which historic culture is the rec• tinguished critic in the affiliated Sev- creative speech we had almost caught constant. Eye-witnesses confirm this Babbitt and his mechanics had thrown privations of the Kussian people, of a ord; we must relearn what kind of a en Arts publications: This article will up in most countries with the John pendulum swing of hundreds of the so-called higher education, these Utopia in which all human nature, in- creature man is, what are his limitaform a part of a book scheduled for Milton of 1644; in respect of mar- thousands of individuals from one rad- young men, too, had lost emotional cluding their own, will be capable of tions, what are his possibilities of conpublication tkis fall under the title riage and divorce with the same John icalism to another and back again. touch with the historic culture of happiness, will be capable of true sat- tentment, within what limits the evils swing is admirably symbolized mankind. "Toward Religion.1"—THE EDITOR. under the sun are remediable, howMilton of the year- before; in respect This isfaction once more. by the that Benito Mussolini beever improved the mechanical means of the appreciation of the values cre- gan as fact They and the millions like them in may be. a radical Socialist, was once PROPER EVALUATION ated by other groups and communities for blasphemy, and ex- It was not a question for them of Europe and also the middle classes Has there been no progress in this Progress toward the permanent ends men, while carefully guarding our condemned pelled from both an Austrian prov- revaluing values, which is true prog- everywhere, stopped short now for is possible. As we no longer burn age, which like other ages when they of own, we were not far from the practheir own good in their false progince and from the Swiss Republic for saw the light, calls itself modern ? tpal pacifism and cultural benevolence ress. They had no living values, rewitches we may learn to abstain from There has been progress in every kind of the old Goethe. And it is conven- his left-wing radical activities. The ligious or philosophic or cultural, to ress away from ends towards means, murder, even if the murderers wear of human effort in which the means iently forgotten today — I emphasize extremes of so-called libertarianism •evalue. They were essentially as emp- are all unhappy. But their unhappi- uniform. But even then men will not could not from the nature of things the word conveniently—that the pre- and the lust for dictatorship stem -y as Babbitt himself; they were al- ness, like the result of the eighteenth be happy; those only will have been • be mistaken for end; there was prog- war Socialist party in Germany did go from the same sick root. Nor will any- most as ready to declare history bunk amendment to our Constitution, could happy who have helped to bring this ress in other matters so long as-the very far toward bringing to the work- one who has had a quarrel with so- as Mr. Ford himself. They very prop- easily have been foretold by a dis- blessed end about. There will be no permanent and changeless ends were ers both economic justice and a par- ciety, whether economic or moral, erly loathed the World War. But they interested mind truly at the source Utopia; there can be none. Man's porkept in view and mechanistic and be- ticipation in human culture. And even have failed, if he is capable of self- interpreted it not as a retrogression, a and center of things. For such a mind tion is the road and not the goal. For lavioristic superstitions did not seek today, amid confusion and raving, scrutiny, to discover in himself at one osing of the right way, a lapsing into could have told them that the major- the goal would be static, and what is either to outrage or violently to per- progress is seen to be possible when • time the mood and impulse to make mrbarism; they conceived of it as a ity of men had never been happy, but static is dead. The very existence of vert; the nature of man as given. Thus eternal ends are fought for by means ! common cause with those who would result of those values of history and that there was no new way of being all philosophies and of all religions, one of the eternal ends of every hu- known to Isaiah and Jesus, but not destroy that society and, at another :ulture which, in fact, all participants happy arid that, since human nature if it teaches no more teaches that. man creature and of every group of put into practice before—when an eld- ;ime, to imagine himself in a dicta- of the war had sold out and betrayed. had not changed, the means by which Historic-minded, non-Utopian thinking human creatures is health and length erly, feeble, naked brown man by re- ;orial position toward that society by Hence our young men sincerely be- i man could attain happiness had not is the first duty of the hour and age. of days. The progress made by mod- fusing food can force the lords and means of which he could mold it lieved that all the received values changed either. And that these means, By such thinking-, which is the only ern medicine toward this end is of an masters both of his own people and hearer to its liking. were "bunk." There was, in addition, barring a remedy for either crippling kind of unprejudiced thinking, the poverty or ill health, were wholly spir: Inestimable preciousness. And since of the British Empire to begin to fulonly kind of thinking according to the Within the rational mind these im- the snobbishness of being "modern" few understood what, for instance, the fill for the lowliest of men the dreams pulses are first curbed and next chan- and "free." Hence they devaluated itual and moral in their nature; and facts and not according to sick fanthat this possible happiness, this balimmunologists were doing in their of the prophets of Israel. But Gandhi nelled into the advocacy of such re- all values. There was nothing left for ••ies, we would undoubtedly be able laboratories and since it occurred to achieves progress, let it be noted, be- forms and ameliorations as are con- them to live by, nothing wherewith to ance between desire and fulfillmen, .o ameliorate even our economic ills. between dream and day cannot be won no immunologist to display his lab- cause he is a religious-minded man formable to those known -Tiistoric affirm themsalves and. their lives and , Sound thinking has never yet failed oratory technic as an end in itself who knows what human nature is Jike processes which depend upon the na- activities and their world, nothing without a self-discipline that not only ; wholly to bring council. But we must leads to an ultimate resignation, a that was to be substituted for the at- and what its limitations are. He wants ture of man and of his world. In the wherewith to make significant a typiabandon neurotic protests against betainment of health and length of days, to upraise and slowly humanize the sick mind, in the unadaptable charac- cal human fate. Nothing was any good consent to permanent limitation, but ing the creatures we are in the world must find its satisfaction therein. so this' progress was an still is true pariahs. He is no sick extremist shout- ter, in the more or less neurotic type, any more^-nothing, neither love nor as it is. We must not ask more of progress toward the amelioration of ing to the untouchables the paranoiac these impulses devour the whole man. faith nor the joys of the mind nor the people or circumstances than is in ^ man's lot- Nor have the physicians, words of the Internationale, "Ye have He will no longer regard the limita- hope of a better posterity. No pride RETRACING THE WAY them to give. Before improving it, we piety "was left. Their souls were the vast majority exemplars of the pe- been naught, but ye shall be all!" There is no Never-Never land in must consent once more to w"hat is tions of either nature or human na- or and naked. They fled—a few which roast ducks fly into open the essential and unchanging character culiar bourgeois virtue of disinterestture. He flees from the unendurable stripped a Utopian Middle Age or Seven- mouths. There is no eternal bull mar- of man's mortal lot. edness, often taken part in the great ABOUT EXTREMES present and from the permanent so- into game of substituting Utopia for re- That line of verse, with its crash- ness of both himself and the universe teenth Century, more into communism. ket with two cars in every garage nor Instead of putting the machine in is there a perfect communist society •ality. They are almost the only re- ing naught and its equally crashing into a Utopia of the future or of the its place, they made an idol of it; in which each man will be happy as Scrawls Deface British City all, is well worth pondering as well • spectable class of men— I mean worpast and dreams either of a classless instead of repudiating the mechanism a functioning part of the whole. The London. — Anti-Jewish slogans apas, on the other hand, the frenzies of thy of respect—left in our society. society in which all obstacles to his of the nineteenth century which help- two cars demonstrably brought no peared on walls in the city of Leifury, with which the radicals of the Unlike their colleagues in, let us say, desires will be removed or of a hier- ed to cause the war and increased its true contentment; men are becoming cester. right, the Fascists of Italy and the economics and pedagogy and certain archical one in which he, at the top Police immediately obliterated the schools of psychology, they never neg- Nazis of Germany, regard certain of the hierarchy, will force all things brutality, they made it coextensive more individualized and not less and with both religion and philosophy. scrawls and began a search for the classes or races or nations. The exlected their job for doctrinaire deluwill not find happiness in a depersonto his liking. hoodlums who painted the signs on sions. They helped women to bear tremists are all sick souls and their The psychological character of their alized social functioning. Are these walls all over whole question of progress an the city. more easily the pangs of childbirth; extremism, their radicalism, is to them ofThe not the merest commonplaces and, as communism can be studied in many the inner nature of radicalism can they did not let the women suffer and an end in itself. This-truth can b


His Load of Love (On the premature death of. Chaim. Nachman Bialik) By PHILIP M. RASKIN

"I am weighed down with the load of your love . . "—Bialik Enough of tears . . . enough, enough! Your boundless love — he knew it best; He fell beneath your load of l o v e So let him rest. The seed he sowed gave weedy yield, In vain his seething tear was shed; His people still — grass of the field, Slaves a s t r a y — the Desert's Dead . . . His song waked the stars on high And pierced the darkest deep; But for every head that moved an, eye A hundred fell asleep. He sent his voice—the roar of a lion, It came to you—the coo of a dove; And he, of mighty souls a scion, Fell beneath your load of love. Copyright, 1934, by Seven Arts Feature Syndicate

j Talmudic Wisdom | If the thief has no opportunity, he thinks himself honorable. Who is strong? He who subdues his passion. Some are old in their youth, others young in their old, age. He who does not teach his son a handicraft trade neglects his parental duty. Ever associate with the good. A man without a fitting companion is like the left hand without the right.

ie '>; ••»;•'



Page S—Section A

New Year's Edition—THE JEWISH PRESS—Thursday, September 6,1934

Intimate About the Jews

The Arab Quarter

thing, but when leaving it he takes nothing away. Even as a fox, who saw a fine vineyard, ana lusted after its grapes, but being too fat to get through the only opening there was, he fasted three days. He then got in; but, having fed, he could not get out until he had The Talmud is" heavily laden with fasted three" days more. the choicest fruits of wisdom. Some "Naked man enters the world, and examples follow: naked does he leave." * * *



to be swayed by popular prejudices, they all suffer together. • *



ODDS AND ENDS When the iron was created the trees commenced to tremble. The iron, however, said to them: "What are you trembling at ? If none of your wood will join me, I will remain harmless." * * * A small quantity in the house 13 better than much at a distance. * * Go to sleep without supper, but lisa without debt. * • * Experience is the mirror of the mind. * * * Let not yoar lips speak that which is not in your heart.

The serpent's tail had a long time The forest trees once asked the fruit followed the direction of the head ourselves shall begin to think of Jewtrees: "Why is the rustling of your with the best results. One day the tail ish matters objectively: and if any leaves not heard in the distance?" one is inclined to state that surely it began, "Thou appearest always foreThis article represents, for those The fruit trees replied: "We can most, but I must remain in the backis impossible to combine this chilly, who think, talk and write about the dispense with the rustling to manifest ground. Why should I not also somescientific, analytical, statistical attiJevrish problems, a real education. our presence, our fruits testify for times lead?" tude toward one's people .with a genThe distinguished author of this arti—From an etching by David Rose. us." uine affection and steadfast desire to cle, whose works on Jewish subjects "Well," replied the head, "thou shalt "TRUTHS ABOUT The fruit trees then inquired of the have thy will for once." serve it, the answer is that the thing are among the foremost in the_ bibliforest trees: "Why do your leaves The tail, rejoiced, accordingly took has been admirably done-^namely, by ography on the Jewish question, tells THE JEWS" Rothschild Scion Refused rustle almost continually?" Dr. Euppin himself. Now these figures are remarkable. us why Dr. Arthur Buppin's book— Service "We are forced to call the atten- the lead. Its first exploit was to drag "The jews in the Modern World"—is They indicate, of themselves, a pror (Copyright, 1934, by Seven Arts * * «• the body into a miry ditch. Hardly London—Victor Eothschild, nephew tion of mats to our existence." so significant and distinctive a con- digious achievement on the part of Feature Syndicate.) escaped from that unpleasant situa- He who wishes to be forgiven must tribution.—THE EDITOR. the Jews. But on the basis of such of Baron Lionel W. Rothschild was tion, it crept into a fiery furnace; and forgive. when relieved from there, it got enrefused service in aa roadhouse roadhouse near near UUMvlUUSJNttSS COVETOUSNESS ;, 1 Wins Fourth Scholarship refused service * * * - Nearly a year ago I went out for of Germany is rank nonsense. And this Clifton, N. J.—Miss Sylvia Weiss, London because he is a Jew, it wasjj ~h question is asked: "Why is man tangled among briars and thorns. One enemy is one too many, a thoue q my first stroll along two of the most quite apart .from the steady decline of What caused all these misfortunes? j born with hands clenched, but has his sand friends are none too many. the Jewish position already in evidence j ' has been notified that for Let thy child's first lesson be obedimportant streets in Johannesburg, Because the head submitted to be Commenting on the incident, Mr.'hands wide open in death?" the appearance of the Nazis. she has been award- Eothschild declared that it was rem-i And the-answer is: On entering the guided by the tail. ience, and the second will be what South Africa. The time was midday, before the season spiing in that part of the But how could one possibly put.edthe Gary scholarship at New York iniscent of Nazi Germany. world man desires to grasp everyIf those who lead suffer themselves thou wilt.—Franklin. world (in the northern hemisphere it these figures in evidence, and how'. university, ~~~ was autumn), and I was alone. The could one. get an embittered German • streets were thick with people, and on anti-Semite to,consider them? For the all sides of me I heard the eager chat- fact that,. frpm every prosperous Jew he meets,or hears of he carries ter of pedestrians in a hurry. I had not walked for five minutes away five or six times the amount of when familiar syllables struck my ear: impression that he carries away from Yiddish! I started and cast a glance a prosperous Gentile. And one Jewat the two men who had passed me ish profiteer in a cafe on the Kurby. Pleasant and homey sound! Two furstendamm makes him exclaim—as to exclaim in Johannesor three minutes later, again, Yiddish I Was tempted T burg—"W hy, the place is alive with Ten minutes went by and once more two men passed, speaking Yiddish, By Jews!" This is why a title like "Truths the time I returned to my hotel, half About the Jews" — u n p r e t e n an hour after I had set out, I had heard Yiddish spoken on the streets tious and therefore all the more impressive—would have suited Dr. Eupof Johannesburg five times. book if he had been looking for Instinct, rather than reason, ex- apin's catchy not inaccurate heading. claimed in me: "Why, the place must "Truths but About Jews." Not "The be alive with Yiddish-speaking Jews." Truth About Jews," which is menBut a little later I sat down in my dacious in itstheoffer of the universal room and made a simple calculation. formula, or "The Facts Concerning I was being passed, or I was passJews," which is mendacious by iming, people in the crowded streets at the for not all the facts are or the rate of about one a second, or, plication, will be known; but "Troths sixty a minute. Of these rather more even the Jews," valuable data, stathan half were in pairs, and carrying About tistics, figures, the first prereon a conversation. Therefore, in the quisites cool for an course of half an hour I had caught Jewish problem. understanding of the the sound of some four hundred and fifty conversations. Among these' one The figures I have cited above, in per cent had been in Yiddish. And regard to the Jews of Prussia, are a theie is nothing astonishing in that. tiny excerpt from Dr. Euppin's bookFor the Jews of Johannesburg form But the book itself, fascinating and innearly ten per cent of the total pop- formative as it is, is, alas, only a conulation, and father more than a tenth densation of the two-volume compenof the Jews speak Yiddish. When my dium which Dr. Euppin published in instincts exclaimed: "Why, the place German a few years ago, "Die Somust be alive with Yiddish-speaking ziologie der Juden," a monumental Jewsr T was succumbing to the oldest piece of work which should have been and .most dangerous form of impres- made available to the Jews with a , fraction of the funds being used for sionism. Tnjs little incident, taken from my anti-defamation work. It is true that notes, is as good a commentary as I perhaps only a thousand people would can%think of as an opening to some read Dr. Euppin's work closely—while rather- random remarks on Dr. Arthur presumably the anti-defamers reach Euppin's book—"The Jews in the Mod- their tens and hundreds of thousands. ern =World." For if there is any sub- But those thousand readers would, I jectiiin the world which has been imagine, be of infinitely greater imruined by impressionism "masquerad- portance. ing as observation, it is the subject of THOUGHT TO JEWISH the Jews. It is impossible to iead any TOPICS book; on that people, from the bitterYet, as it stands even now in- EngF est passage's in Hitler's "Mein Kampf" lish, "The Jews in the Modern World" to the most sugary defenses in the especially for those-who "gentlest of philo-Semitic authors, represents, talk and write about the Jew-j without realizing that, when it comes think, ish problem, a thorough education in •"•" V.W"'.», '-~-^S'" to the Jews, every one begins to think methodology. It is true that there are in anecdotes instead of statistics. And in America a few. groups, of specialamong our friends not less than ized Jewish social workers who have " among our foes there is a stubborn, learned to think, on Jewish public one may say, a desperate 'Resistance matters, more or less statistically. But against logical deduction from obtain- in the temples, in the movements, able objective data.' among leaders, the disease of careless impressionism is at least as wideANALYZING A MYTH spread and as deep-rooted among Jews Let us take what I consider to be as among non-Jews. And if it is true an obvious case: The astounding as- that there are not available for the r-f cription of ability, influence and pow- Jews the details and the data which er to the Jews of Germany by the are available for more unified and anti-Semitic leaders of that country. more organized people, then, for that How do their statements usually run? veiy reason, such facts as have been "The press was in the hands of the garnered and set down in order are Jews! The commerce, finance, art, law all the more valuable and significant. and literature of the country was in the'hands of the Jews. Jews controlled And Dr. Euppin has advanced, side Germany!" Now it may have seemed by side with a maximum of fact, a astounding even to the greatest ad- minimum of theory, That theory, mirer of Jewish gifts that one per again is restrained and factual. cent of the population should, with- Whether it be v/iih regard to .the raout an army, but by subtlety and cial composition of the Jews, their tiaining alone, be able to control the vital statistics, their distribution, geoother ninety-nine per cent. For, even graphic and economic, their education, if one were to grant that, on the their political and social struggles, h i pd fti whole, the average Jews could do ten their defections andd their achieve their defections their achieveDr. Euppinand writes simply as if times better than the average Ger- ments, were an interested stranger, intent ment man (a ridiculous assumption), even he g liti h then only ten per cent of the power he were an i t e r on getting whatever he of the country would actually be in can, leavingatsurmise to realities others. Or, l ihe does not misewrite. to others Or the hands of the Jews. rather, He merely the record, makes it accessible And the facts are that the Jews, opens his lucid ordering of the available whose sole advantage (and disadvan- by gives his sources, and cautage!) has long been their traditional material, tiously summarizes conclusions. If training and their urban concentration, this sounds simple, his it is precisely behave never, in modern times, played a cause it is not. After a little reflecdominating role anywhere. For a va- tion one stands in genuine admiration riety of reasons they played a role jefore the patience, the industriousout. of proportion to their numbers. the many-sidedness and the thorBut that does not mean domination, nessj and even that disparity is gradually oughness of the effort. disappearing. So we learn from Eup- I do not pretend to give an extract pin's book that in 1861 the Jews of of the book; nor will I do it the inPrussia were, to the extent of fifty- justice of quoting from it certain faseight per cent, engaged in business, cinating passages; for the larger fas C^AHA'S STYLE CENTER 77Z »*TH AND HARNET "while among the general population dnation of the book lies in its sobri the percentage so engaged was only ety and in the spirit in which it has two. But since the Jews were less than been conceived and executed. There is,It is the heartfelt wish of one per cent of the population, it of course, little hope that people with meant that of all merchants one in an anti-Semitic fixation will ever go Carman's that the New Year four was a Jew. . to this book. But it is from the Jewbring you bountiful success, But, as a matter of fact, there has ish point of view that it achieves its brimming with health arid been a steady decline since those days. importance. We ourselves, while we In. 1,925 less than fifty per cent of the blame the world for thinking of us, happiness. Jews were in commerce, and more very often, in demonological instead than ten per cent of the general pop- of sociological terms, are equally ulation. This means that by 1925 only prone to the defect: the difference u onesmerchant in^fewenty, was a J j that where, we make our demons- benIn finance, the participation"of the evolent!-the-anti-Semites make them 882 andd 192? malevolent It is vital for us that we Jews declined, between 1882 -I J


rom forty-three per cent to eighteen per cent. In medicine, dentistry and the law the Jews, who, it must be remembered, were forced into urban life by their history, held eighteen, fifteen and. twenty-five per cent of the places.









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New Year's Edition—THE JEWISH PRESS—Thursday, September 6,1934

Page 4r-Section A

Wodehouse is produced in London. "Americans are an uncultured, materialistic people;" yet nowhere is culture pursued so-avidly as in every American city where at Women's Clubs, forums, leagues of every kind, art museums, libraries, every .housewife and her daughter seeks to amass in" the shortest time the whole of universal knowledge, and materialism constantly quarrels in the land with the forceful, evangelical idealism of a Puritan which has become as native to the soil as the Thanksgiving turkey.

New Eternal uestion By GEORGE E. SOKOLSKY Here is an exclusive article by George E. Sokolskyi outstandinff authority on the -Far. East and: eminent man of tetters, whose book, "We Jews," will be published this'winter bu Doubleday, Doran. He is the author of "The Tinderbox of Asia," a standard work on the political situation in *Ae Far East. In this brilliant article Mr. Sokolsky asks the eternal questions about the Jewish people in a novel way.—THE EDITOR..

Three thousand '.years'.ago, my ancestors, the Jews, then a tribal people out of the House of Bondage in Egypt, out of the desertj-emerging to the crescent of fertility, announced that they were the chosen people of God. Nobody believed them. Their neighbors resented their sense of superiority^ That resentment, increasing through Hie ages, multiplied a millionfold by the circumstance of history, comes down to our day in the form of anti-Semitism, a reversal" of the role, for the anti-Semite holds his head high and refers to the Jew as a secondary race. What are these people, the Jews, that in every country become a problem and an issue? From Caesar to Hitler, they have aroused bitter antagonisms and yet have helped to build empires and to weld together the world and peoples and states by their travels and wanderings and their Commerce and trade. Are they a race, a religion, a nation? Are they in any respect homogeneous? Do they really have a comMon bond that holds them together and sets them apart? Is it true that they are clannish, more clannish than «ny other people? Can you pick out a Jew among people or does he mold into his environment and become, in the end, as other people are? "They say . . ." Who says? Who is it that has blazoned upon the memory of man these tales of Jewish life, these distinctive features of Jewish living that frightens the ignorant and discourages the literate from recognizing the Jew as just a man, as a ipan whose ancestors discovered monotheism when all men worshipped sticks and stones and the sculptured mud that stood as gods? "They say Who says? It is the Jew himself who frightened by the antagonism of those who feared their religious virility set them apart to be hated. It is the Jew, who carelessly wove a tradition of aloofness, of distinction, of unsociability which alone saved him from absorption. But absorption was never his fear, for that in itself might be pleasant enough, it might smooth the path to wealth and glory and ease. The fear lay in this, that absorption, assimilation, association might deprive him of that light which alone beckoned him through the ages, the worship of one God, unassociated, unassisted, uncomplicated by minor and major gods, a monotheism which Abraham gave him in the desert, which Moses confirmed on the mountain, which David arid Solomon worshipped—a God that promised peace on earth—not in heaven, but on earth. This alone, and sufficiently, gave to the Jew vitality and apparently an everlasting existence and a capacity for suffering and privation, and a faith in ultimate justice. But it also made him aloof. And no one likes the man who is aloof.



stratification, distinguishes between Jew and Christian,- as in some effete European countries, they still separate nobleman from commoner; as in the older dispension, they set insurmountable barriers between man and woman. All know in this scientific era that biologically there can be no basis for such marked differentiation. It would be impossible, and not even a Nazi has attempted it, to work out a psychology which would prove that the mind, the neurons, the. glands, the hormones of Jews function in such a manner that it would be possible by instruments to measure the differences between a Jewand an-Irishmanv No one has yet been able to prove that if a medical student cut up a "stiff," he would find anything in a Jew that would prove he is a distinct species ? Or in a Negro or a Chinese ? Nevertheless, men do not think about their prejudices. They have them and they like them. Even in that; respect, the Jew is no different'from other men; he has his prejudices and he continues to hold to them as the specific mark of his faith/ His" grandmother told him tales of the~greatness of his people, just as some other child's grandmother led him to hold his head high as the progeny of a race of heroes. '-• *~> "•- *"• George Brandes (the great Danish writer) tells in his autobiographical sketches this scene of his early'childhood: "When he walked out behind the servant girl, his younger brother with him, he sometimes Heard a boy call after him, and when he turned around he saw a sneering face* "with drawn mouth and threatening fists, or long he paid no attention; but r hen the call became more frequent, e asked the servant what it meant. She said: 'Oh, nothing!' When he asked again, she said, *He is calling bad word.' One day when he again leard the word, he wanted to know hat it meant and asked his mother: 'What does it mean?' 'Jew,' said his mother. "There are some people called Jews? Are they bad people?' *Yes,' ;he said, smiling, 'very ugly people they are sometimes—not always? Td like to see a Jew;*''You can do that?,* said. the mother and held the little boy up to a large oval inifror "that iung over the sofa. He.cried out,-terrified, and his mother quickly set him down, regretting riot to have prepared him. She never mentioned the incident." —: "-v- -

meet, on any basis of equality, that nurse's son. The child sees no difference between herself and the nurse; the adult had heard tell that there is a difference. This phenomenon is understandable when one realizes that it is more usual for the human mind to accept than to think, to repeat than to originate, to imitate than to strike an original path. "All Cantonese are gamblers," they used to say in China, but when in Canton one found millions of human beings, some gamblers, some misers, some just ordinary folks. "The Engtish-haverno-senseof humor," -but the wittiest literature of any country, from George Bernard Shaw to P. G.

What makes the child so fearful of words? "They say . . .". He has listened to the conversation of adults; he has heard other children speak. Jew, wop, dago, sheeny, nigger—a racial and nationalistic category fills i i s mind with the very general assumption that everybody else is a bastard and that he alone is lily white. I was mce discussing a party with a Jewish girl from the South. I told of a negro poet whom I had met at this party and had dined with us. She shivered. What! Eat at the same table with a negro! Yet, had her ancestors remained in Germany, she would today be classified as belonging to a secondary race, and no blonde gentleman would be seen in her company. My own little son found himself in an intellectual confusion arising from the circumstance of his environment and education. He had learned at school or from his nurse that Jesus is 1 '• . * ' • * * ; .. the son of God. One day I told him When the civilized world was pa- that Buddha was a God. gan, the Jew* was monotheistic; when Quick as a whip, he replied: .''So it had become Christian, he was still Buddha is the father of Jesus." seeking the Messiah. When the CathAH my explanations were useless. olic Church, by fire and sword and He had been told on authority that cajolery and invective sought to unite Jesus was the son of God. His own the whole of Europe, nay, even all of father had told him that Buddha was man, into a single faith under a Moth- a God. There was only one God and er Church, the Jew adhered rigidly he had only one son. It will take' to his own dogma and resisted, in years to undo this intellectual quirk, very large numbers, conversion, even if it is worth undoing. Then when I • at the risk of death. Even today, when told him that Jesus was a Jew, I quite religion, except in pagan Germany, no upset him, for Jesus was really a longer classifies men, when Jew .and Christian. In fact, he made the point, Protestant and Catholic and Moslem this grandson and great-grandson of sit together and eat together and la- rabbis, that the Jews killed Jesus. And bor in comparative harmony, the Jew he wanted to know why, if I said that i s distinguished as a Jew.: Otto Kahn, the Jews revered Gcd, they killed the t t e Jewish banker; Clarence Dillon, the Jewish banker. A wonderful lady, son of God. These ideas lag on. They remain for whom I have the highest regard, once, in Shanghai, discussing banking in the adult brain. They separate men •with me, let this slip: "I fear they into classes. They divide men into those who believe that the Jews killed (ihe Chinese) might go to the Jews." Jesus and hate them for it, and those (What is this fear? Day by day, who do not believe it or who do not these people, the Gentiles, are in con get excited over it. Even -when the tact with Jews, are even intimate with child has grown into a man arid a gome individual Jews. "Some of my historian or a scientist, even when he best friends are Jews," has become a becomes an atheistor an agnostic or cliche in the vernacular. One of my a higher critic, he remembers that he friends who speaks as though he dis- does not like Jews. Why does he not likes Jew8 always, has, at his house, like Jews? He has forgotten. He raJews who seem to be intimate friends, tionalizes. He says what they all say: I t ' is impossible to believe that he i "The Jew is different." -> anti-Semitic; yet, he employs no Jews The vary same generalization might in his business; he scrutinizes a Jew- be made with regard to negroes. .The ish 'account so carefully that during Southern children love their 'fmam. thW depression, his losses were limited mies" with a profound?; affection to his Gentile clients. Why? known only to the white children in China and Japan who love their iThe- answer is, "They say T i e folkways of the white races o amahs. Yet, these same children deEurope, tooted in medieval traditions, spise the Harlem negro and would not i through the centuries the think of. dining with an adult negro, baitfen of tales and fables, having A child will fondle and kiss its negro memories of Ghettoes and rebgiou nurse, but will refuse, as an adult, to

The acceptance of generalization is possible, however, only when it seems reasonable. And to the human race, it has always appeared reasonable that the stranger is different, is foreign in his ways and manners, and is suspect. The old adage, "Birds of a feather flock together," has been translated into the sociological axiom of "community of kind." The savage who flattens his baby's skull or elongates his maiden's lip, assumes that everyone who does not pursue this tradition is different and suspect. No one can reach God who does not speak God's own language which is as different in every island of the Pacific as it is in every country of Europe, Asia~ and-Africa. The other person- is always wrong, because they are different from hiin. The American com-

plains of the superiority of the British, but the British resent the American assumption that this is '.'God's Own Country." Lord Beaverbrook and Mr. Hearst agree fully that each is a citizen of the only country that has a monopoly of human perfection. It remains, in spite of all the efforts of philosophers and pacifists, and all the inventions which have made the world small and have eliminated time, that nationalism grows more intense, that racial differences are being emphasized, and that aliens and foreigners suffer everywhere more than at any time since the French Revolution ended political medievalism in Europe. Whenever, among any people, community of kind is emphasized, upon the Jew falls £he onus of proving that he belongs to the right kind. This is no recent phenomenon. During every period in Jewish history, in Babylon where the Talmud was written, in Spain during the Inquisition, in Europe during the Middle Ages where every prince and duke and bishop enriched his treasury by alternately giving Jews privileges and then robbing them, in Russia and Poland in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, in Germany today, the Jew has had to be ready to announce publicly whether-he-was-of their-kind or of his own kind. He has been allowed no alternatives. Just as in the Germany of

Hitler so in the Spain of Torquemada, he has been ordered to stand publicly and declare that he was different from other men. Whether he became a Marrono in Spain, that is a "swine," or a secondary race in Germany, he was not permitted to remain both a Jew and a Spaniard or a Jew and a German. He hid to be one thing or the other. Nay, in Germany, he is not even given, the •choice. Then when he becomes introvertish, he is accused of being clannish, because he does not associate freely with other people who reject him when he tries to associate with them. The history of the quality of dannishness among the Jews is fascinating because, left with no choice, he accepted it for centuries as the only protective against destruction, but when given a choice, he seeks to cast it off and is termed aggressive and all-pervasive. * * * (Copyright, 1934, by Seven Arts Feature Syndicate.)

French Legion of Honor Ribbon Paris—Ossip Pernikoff, prominent Franco-Jewish philanthropist and president of the Palestine Lloyd, has been named a chevalier of the Legion of Honor in recognition of his services in promoting Franco-Palestine trade.

UKRAINIAN JEWISH RELIEF GROUP TO BEGIN LIQUIDATION Moscow (JTA). — The Ukrainian Jewish relief organization, "Do Pomoga," which has done constructive relief work in the Ukraine for the last ten years, will be liquidated. The organization devoted itself to helping tens of thousands of declassed Jews, deprived of a living when their property and businesses were confiscated, to become qualified workers. Some of the factories managed by the organization will be turned over to the Ozet, Russian-Jewish colonization organization, for the training of Jewish workers for settlement in BiroBidjan. "Do Pomoga," which is supported by the Agrojoint and the Ort, American Jewish relief organizations, maintains artisan shops and small factories in 300 Ukrainian cities and villages and employs thousands of declassed Jews. The announcement on the liquidation of the organization gave assurances that neither the shops nor the employees of the organization will b« affected by the liquidation.

of fashion

NATELSON IDEAL.... Year, as on each new day, >N IDEAL is . . . . . . i


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, . .. •i- '•,'"

The Natelson Ideal is the goal we aspire . . . it has become our fixed creed, beckoning us ever onward to loftier achievements.


Page 5—Section A

New Year's Edition—THE JEWISH PPwESS—Thursday, September 6,1934

^ Five Biggest ewish Headlines By BERNARD POSTAL

If V •••

Every day of the past year brought ist news to be included in this year's Appointment of McDonald Jewish news of momentous signifiTWO: Second in importance only to list. Its importance arises from the cance. Dispatches from Berlin, Lon- this occurrence was the unprecedented fact that i t became a symbol for the don, Vienna, Bucharest, Moscow, Gen- action of the League of Nations in first recorded violence in Jewish party eva and Washington kept cables and appointing James G .McDonald as high life. It was also symptomatic that •wires busy flashing reports of events commissioner for German refugees. Fascism had entered the Jewish ranks. that shook the Jewish and non-Jewish This appointment was first of all a Even before Stavsky's conviction, Ms world. form of international official condem- case had split world Jewry into two Which of these neics stories will nation of Nazi anti-Semitism. But bitterly opposed camps. His convicmake Jewish history? ' more important -was the fact that it tion intensified this internecine strugSixty-three editors answer this sig- constituted recognition by the nations gle to such an extent that Jewry innificant query in the interesting sur- of the world of the enormity of the terested in Palestine was almost on rey tchich follows.—THE EDITOR. Jewish problem created by Nazi per- the verge of a form of civil war mensecutions. By nominating a special in- tality. His subsequent acquittal by the ternational official to help reorientate Palestine "court of appeals did not The year now passing into history the German refugees, most of whom was studded with events of major im- are Jews, the League of Nations gave portance to the Jewish people. Hardly unmistakable proof that the world had a day passed without the news record- at last recognized its moral if not fiing some happening materially affect- nancial responsibility to the victims of ing either for good or evil, the life anti-Semitism. of one or another Jewish community. While it is impossible from the perAutonomous Biro-Bidjan spective of only twelve months to de-1 THREE: In any other year the Sotermine which of the big Jewish news viet Union's decree proclaiming Birostories of 5694 will become part of the Bidjan as an autonomous; Jewish repermanent record of Jewry, the Jew- gion would unquestionably have been ish news stories influencing the life the most important Jewish news. of Jewry for the past year can be de- Though it was shunted aside this past termined with a fair degree of accu- year by news dealing with Germany, racy.' it will probably be one of the few A questionnaire asking what were events of the year that ultimately will the five biggest Jewish news stories loom large in Jewish history. The of 5694 was sent to the editors of the Biro-Bidjan proclamation marked the Anglo-Jewish press in the United first time that any country had volStates and Canada by Joseph Brainin, untarily set aside a part of its dohead of the Seven Arts Feature Syn- main for a Jewish territory. Though dicate. These Jewish journalists are it was not an entirely unexpected hapunquestionably the best judges of pening, having been foreshadowed by what* constitutes big Jewish news, for previous actions of the Soviet governthey • constantly have their fingers on ment, it was a logical step in the long the Jewish pulse. They are trained to chain of events which have revealed recognize important Jewish news and the Soviet regime to be the only one their judgment is generally sound and in Europe willing and able to solve correct. Their answers to the question- the Jewish" question in a sane and naire must be accepted as a more or practical manner. The" decree creating less official verdict on the big Jewish the autonomous Jewish region of Bironews developments of the year. Bidjan is of great import also because Naturally, the German situation it marks the beginning of a new epoch overshadowed everything "else during in Jewish emigration. Tens of thouthe'' past twelve months. Six of the sands of Jews in Eastern Europe, exseventeen bews stories that received cluded from Palestine, are now lookmention in the voting deal with some ing to Biro-Bidjan as a haven, thus phase of BStlerism, and three of those reversing a historical process which included in the«.big five are also what began with the first great wave of are known .as Nazi stories.. The other Jewish emigration from Russia in the eleven stories selected by one or more 1880's. editors cov£r a wide range of events —Zionism, 'politics, world peace, RusCongressional Investigation sia, Poland,. Roumania, Bialik's death, FOUR: The appointment by ConSilver Shirts and Fascism. gress of a special committee to make a thorough investigation of Nazi propBalloting on Headliners aganda was one of the really imporFor each -time a particular news tant Jewish news stories of the decevent was included among the big. five ade. To begin with, it marked the first of the year it was given five votes. time that the United States governOn the basis of this system of rating ment had undertaken an official probe the following were the five biggest of an anti-Semitic movement the exJewish news stories of the year 5694: tent and ramifications of which had Points given American Jewry more cause for. 1. Storm T r o o p rebellion alarm than the Ku Klux Kian and . drowned in blood by Hitler.... 295 Henry Ford campaigns put together. It also helped arouse nationwide re2. League of Nations Appoints sentment against Hitlerism by revealHigh Commissioner for German Refugees 240 ing that a foreign power, ostensibly ; on friendly terms with the United 3. Soviet Union P r o c l a i m s States, had deliberately set up an exBiro-Bidjan as Autonomous Jewish Region „..—. 205 tensive propaganda machine in this country designed to stir up animosity 4. Congress Names Committee against one group of American citito Investigate Nazi Propaganda — . . --- 180. zens. Ultimately the appointment of this committee will contribute to the 5. Abraham Stavsky Found rapid disintegration of the American Guilty of Murder of Dr. Nazi movement, whose leaders and Chaim Arlosoroff; F r e e d members, for the most part aliens, run When Court of Appeals Reverses Decision . 165 for cover when exposed to public seruThe twelve other events that broke tiny and official investigation. into the voting and the number of Stavsky Case points they received were: the AmerFIVE: The fifth big Jewish news ican Federation of. Labor joins the anti-German boycott, 100; Germany event of the year, the celebrated Stavenacts compulsory sterilization law, sky case, was the only piece of Zion35; Secretary- of State Hull blames Nazi policies for economic crisis of Germany, 85; Polish Minister of the Interior Pieracki murdered by antiSemitic Iron Guards, 65; Henry Morgenthau, Jr., named secretary of the treasury, 50; William Dudley Pelley, Silver Shirt chieftain, indicted for London (WNS). — Max Reinhardt, fraud, 45; 27 killed and 200 injured in Arab riots in Palestine, 20; Fascist exiled German-Jewish theatrical didictatorships proclaimed in Austria, rector, is bringing a great Jewish A. Bulgaria and Esthonia, 5;/Nationwide "morality play" to Broadway for the good will tour made by minister, coming season, it has been announced priest and rabbi, 5; Majority of Amer- by Meyer W. Weisgal of New York, "Th Romance R off a P ^ ican rabbis declare themselves opposed director of "The to even defensive war, 5; Chaim Nach- pie," who signed the contract with Reinhardt. The author of the play, man Bialik dies, 30. which is expected to be the outstandStorm Troop Rebellion ing event of the coming theatrical seaONE: There will be few to ques- son, is Franz Werfel, famous Germantion the right of the Storm Troop re- Jewish dramatist, and the composer bellion in Germany to be included of the musical score is Kurt Weifl; among the five biggest. Jewish news both Werfel and Weill are also exstories. Despite its failure and the iled from Nazi Germany. subsequent strengthening of Hitler's It is planned that the cast, which power because of Hindenburg's death will number 3,000, will be headed by it was of the utmost importance. It exiled German actors, both Jewish was the first concrete manifestation and non-Jewish. of a widespread, organized and miliRehearsals for the American protant opposition to the Nazi regime. duction are scheduled to begin in DeThat this opposition, regardless of its cember, and a London production is motive, should have come from the planned for the spring of 1935. Both brown shirts - is significant. Under- the London and New, York producground resistance to the Nazi terror tions will be sponsored by a group of had always existed, but it was a start- which Lord Melchett and other disr ling discovery that substantial ele- tinguished Englishmen are members. ments among-the Storm Troops were It is hoped to use part of the profdissatisfied with Hitler. The abortive its of the New York production for brown shirt outbreak must be regard- the establishment of a permanent Theed as the first overt sign of weakness atre in Exile which will be manned by in Hitler's supreme power, and as actors exiled by the Nazi regime and such i t Tanks as a biggest Jewish headed by Max Rednhardt, Mr. Weisnews story. gal said.

bring about a united Zionist front but revealed that the cleavage between the Jewish Labo rites and Revisionists was more deep rooted and could not be bridged by the stroke of a judicial pen. The five biggest Jewish news stories of 5694 include but one positive story, the Biro-Bidjan declaration. The others deal with violence and persecution and efforts to prevent it or succor its victims. And that, it must be admitted, was the picture presented by Jewish life in 5694—many lowering and menacing shadows and but few glimpses of hopeful sunlight.

Zion Moslems,9 Greeks Seek 'Cheaper Brides

Geneva (JTA).—The French govJaffa (JTA).—"Cheaper and bet- ernment will submit an official opinter brides" are being sought by ion to.the Council of the League of the Moslem and Greek Orthodox Nations advising against permitting youth of Palestine, .who find dow- Jews to settle in the mandated terriries too high in their native coun- tory of Syria, the Jewish Telegraphic try. ' Agency has learned. About a dozen youths have alThe French government argues that ready left for the island of "Cyprus, "Zionist colonization in Syria would where the supply is more plentiful require a protective force, while the and the prospective fathers-in-law terms of the mandate do not obligate are more reasonable in their mon- the French government to facilitate • • » etary demands. the settlement of foreigners by impos(Copyright, 1934, by Seven Arts A marriage bureau on Cyprus, ing upon the Syrian and Lebanese Feature Syndicate.) which is twelve hours distant from governments the cost of such a proJaffa, advertises its services in this tective force." connection. The report discloses that Zionists attempted to acquire land in Huleh, Syria, and other regions, but the govNew York Postmaster ernment passed laws to make such acTeacher: What happened in 1888? New York.—Albert Goldman, New quisitions impossible on the ground Pupil: Adolf Hitler was born in that York City's former Commissioner of that the Syrian population was disPlants and Structures, has been ap- turbed by the Zionist attempts. year. Teacher: And what happened in pointed Postmaster of this city by Postmaster General Farley. 1892? The New York postmastership is He is the happiest of whom the Pupil: Der Fuehrer was then four considered the most important post world says least, good or bad. years old. —Jefferson. —Die Zeit, London. {office position in the country.

German Culture

The symphony of style, it in art or in raiment-., lends a pleasing tone to the harmonious trend of fashion-


Arab Warning of FRENCH OBJECT TO Jabotinsky Protest ENTRIES INTO SYRIA Jerusalem (J. T. A.)—The newspaper Al Jamai Al Islamia warns that the Arabs are planning to stage a demonstration of protest if Vladimir Jabotinsky, Zionist Revisionist leader, is allowed to enter Palestine while exiled Syrian Arab leaders are denied such permission. Vladimir Jabotinsky is not popular with the Arabs of Palestine, whom he has described as "having nothing in common" with the Jews, because of his insistence on maximum Zionism. Jabotinsky organized the Jewish Legion which fought under General AHenby during the World War.

Danzig Jewry Benefits Danzig.—Violent opposition to the new pact between this Free City and Poland is being voiced by local Nazis because the pact includes a provision which would improve the status of the Jews here. The provision declares that Jews are entitled to representation on the Economic Council of Danzig.

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New Year's Edition—THE JEWISH PRESS—Thursday, September 6,1934 .... _____ _. . . ________________^_^mm^._.—

Page 6—Section A

edge of human psychology which served him. in good stead with the American people. The Jewish boycott league, which he headed, was reorganized into a non-sectarian group with Gentiles of the prominence of James W. Gerard at its helm. As Mr. Untermyer's scathing language in the morning papers began to shake the average Jew out of his breakfast stupor, the leaders were compelled to declare their stand on the boycott. Some were timid, repeating over and over again that the boycott was "a dangerous weapon"; others, no longer able to hold a middle of the road position, fell in line with Untermyer and reinforced his efforts to arouse the enlightened American citizenry to the full significance of the Hitler menace MEYER F. STEINGLASS and the urgent need of the boycott. The courage and vigor with which ing American Jews merely because in the past year displayed a courage the dynamic Mr. Untermyer proseand a daring in the defense or exposeveral are etate executives, or becuted the boycott, the fearlessness and cause some are leaders of the fore- sition of Jewish causes that places ferocity with which he attacked the most Jewish communal and philan- them head and shoulders above the Hitler regime won for him not only thropic organizations, or because oth- multitude. Each in his own character- the admiration of the Jewish populaers have risen to places of high re- istic manner, each in his individual tion but the support of millions of pute in public affairs outside the Jew- field has galvanized the Jewish com- Americans ever ready to back a man munity with a steadfast aggressiveish pale. with "guts." Untermyer had plenty of We cannot and must not ignore ness and ardor. Together they have guts. Today the crumbling structure Justice of the Supreme Court Louis supplied much-needed and sadly lack- of German business in in a large D. Brandeis, Governor-Henry L. Hor- ing ingredients of audacity and plain measure the result of the ceaseless ner, Benjamin Cardozo, Governor Her- speaking in American Jewish leader- efforts of Samuel Untermyer and the bert H. Lehman, Governor Julius L. ship. Let us pause for a moment to many prominent Jewish and non-JewMeier, Felix M. Warburg, Bernard M. scan the record of their achievements: ish leaders whom he rallied to the Baruch, Felix Frankfurter, Herbert B. cause of the anti-Nazi boycott. Absent Swope, Walter Lippmann, Dr. Cyrus SAMUEL UNTERMYER from Jewish life for more than a decL. Adler, Dr. Stephen S. Wise, Morris While the masses of American Jew- ade, Samuel Untermyer returned in a Rothenberg, Louis Lipsky, Congress- ry were beating their breasts in lam- crisis that needed his burning sincerman Samuel Dickstein and others of entation over the incredible fate of ity and leadership. There is something similar importance. But these men, by Germany Jewry, and while the articu- Jehovah-like in his fanatical devotion the very constancy of their relation- late portion of the Jewish leadership to the boycott movement, which he has ship to Jewish life, cannot be singled was covering up its indecision and sworn he will not check until Hitler's out in any one year as having done confusion with miles of wordage, out star has fallen. most in behalf of American Jewry, of semi-retirement stepped the sepsince their lives have been bound up tuagenarian corporation lawyer to with it in a relatively invariable role. grasp the issue of Hitlerism by the WALTER WINCHELL Lest any misunderstanding arise, le Frankly, we are in this article not throat and deal it a severe blow in so much interested in the established the solar plexus with a nationwide us say at the outset that this is the "Number One" personalities as in the boycott. The leonine head and kaiser- same Walter Winchell who has made emergence and development of new like features of the legal whirlwind America gossip-conscious, the same material for leadership. Only in this who had sent a shiver through the Walter Winchell who is variously regard can this somewhat unconven- spines of the public utility interests a known as "Little Beau Peep," the keytional selection be considered unortho- generation before, dramatically made hole columnist, Vulture Winchell, or dox. The men whose reputations are their reappearance. With a relentless Mrs. Winchell's bad boy, Walter. Ladalready fully indexed in the news- avalanche of condemnation and re- ies and gentlemen, we give you Walpaper files, whose affiliations with proach he blasted all hopes of the ter Winchell of Broadway in the rathJewish affairs are securely emblaz- Nazis to placate American public er surprising role of a Jew aware of oned in Jewish communal lore, will, I opinion with highly paid propaganda. his Jewishness sufficiently to "put the am sure, gladly yield their place here Mr. Untermyer had thrown down the finger" on Hitlerism in a systematic to the new blood which gives so much gauntlet and no one who obstructed campaign of ridicule. It is dogmatic, promise of re-enforcing the diminish- his path would be given asylum. Not yet quite safe, to say that no one, even a reprimand from Secretary of without any reservation, has contribing ranks of Jewish leadership. Cordell Hull could induce him to uted so much as this gentleman gosGuided by this principle, we have State soften his language or yield in his un- sip and columnist toward laughing selected five persons for our honor compromising against the hated Nazism off the map. Mr. Winchell is roll. At first glance they are a het- Nazis. In his war determination to put a "Hebe," and he is proud of it. As erogeneous group of widely divergent teeth into the boycott, Mr. Untermy- a vaudeville hoofer, as a song-andand almost conflicting interests. Only er set out on a tour of United dance man in the small town theatres, one belongs to the "big name" class, States to etump for thetheeconomic as the toast of America, he never forSamuel Untermyer. Samuel Unterand make it as burning a na- got his Jewishness. myer, Walter Winchell, Meyer W. blockade as an internal political or Weisgal, Samuel S. Leibowitz and tional issue question. From the court- Mr. Winchell has his own ideas Jacob Fishman have very little in com- economic about Hitlerism, as he has about a mon. Yet they more than any others room he brought an intimate knowl- great many thjngs. His crusading spir-

Five Noted Leaders


indent Stones Reveal Antiquity of Jewish Settlement in Hungary-

The Outstanding Personalities During 5694 By An honor roll] of five leaders who have displayed courage and creative imagination in the defense or exposition of Jewish causes during 5694. An interesting selection, and the reasons why, by one of our keenest journalists. —THE EDITOR.

Some things are as inevitable as fate. Summarizing the year's history, its high and low points, its tragic and blessed events, if any, its dominating personalities, has become as integral a part of the ritual of the Rosh Hashonah holiday as the very prayers themselves. Much of the chronological and analytical material has a justifiable raison d'etre. But in the selection of the "outstanding," most distinguished" men of the year, there has been a painful overproduction. The Anglo-Jewish press gets its full share of "ten bests," "fifty distinguished this-and-thats"; more, perhaps, than there are prominent or near-prominent figures to go around. Imagine the ludicrous spectacle of the same minyan of American Jewish leaders (they are a regrettably small group) being roughly hauled out to dance to the tune of the many and often unnecessary "review" parades merely because they have had the misfortune of establishing themselves as "big names." Let not the reader mistake this as the brazen disrespect of an upstart or the irreverent housebreaking of an iconoclast. Both disrespect and iconoclasm have been well crucified on Hitler's swastika. This is not the attempt of an enfant terrible to bedevil our acknowledged American Jewish leadership with backstairs gossip about its feet of clay. In any review of the year's march of Jewish events there are certain irreducible numbers without whom it cannot be complete. We have no intention of throwing a shroud of obscurity about them. And yet it would not be particularly illuminating or informative to repeat the names of these outstand-


Upper left, Walter Winchell; upper right, Meyer W. Weisgal; center, Samuel Untermyer; lower left, Samuel Leibowitz; lower right, Jacob Fishman. it has set him up as an arbiter of justice among the petty injustices of the Gay White Way. Let the man who is awarded a scallion for his skullduggery beware of the Winchell curse. For when Mrs. Winchell's boy trains his guns on a public enemy, there's no stopping him until that enemy has been wiped out. Sandwiched in between his ga-ga gossip about divorces, affairs of the heart, marriages, births, and choice morsels of scandal about the looney luminaries of the megalopolis, the king of gossip has let fly a most withering barrage of derision and satire that has made the faces of many Nazi sympathizers a deep crimson. Winchell is thorough, fanatical, when he feels he has a cause celebre. For weeks, for months his column had without fail caricatured the homosexual habits of Nazis in high command. The effect on the American masses was amazing. These men and women, who were completely befuddled by the conflicting dispatches from Berlin and by the countless editorials and articles on Hitlerism (pro and con), suddenly saw its ridiculous features, its disgraceful mannerisms in WinchelPs barbs and turned against it as some- j

Budapest (JTA). — Three ancient, time-worn stone monuments have recently been discovered in central Hungary which throw new light on the antiquity of Jewish settlements there, as all three date from the third century of the present era. According to Austrian and Hungarian scholars who have deciphered the inscriptions, it would appear that Jews were established in Hungary at least five hundred years prior to the coming of the Hungarians in the ninth century. All three monuments are now in the Hungarian-Jewish land museum in Budapest. The oldest dates from the beginning of the third century. It was discovered on the estate of the Hungarian Archbishop Seredi and is evidently a tombstone. It bears the name of the deceased "Judatus" and his wife, and above the inscription, a seven branched candlestick or Menora is engraved. This, it is agreed by archaeologists, was extensively used as a Jewish symbol by the Jews of that period. The second monument, although discovered some years ago near Budapest was only recently deciphered by Prof. Krauss of Vienna. The inscription consists of two Menora candlesticks, the names of the deceased, and the words "Heis Theos" in Roman characters. Prof. Krauss interprets the two mysterious words as the Greek translation of the Hebrew words "Adonoi Echad" (God is "only one) written in Roman letters. The third monument is inscribed in Latin, in praise of the Roman Emperor Severus, who ruled from 222 to 235 of the present era. It is signed "Spondilla, Prefect of the Station and of the Synagogue of Jews." From the text Dr. Krauss infers that "Spondilla" was the name of the Jewish chief of a Roman outpost consisting of Jewish soldiers of Syria and that evidently a Jewish settlement must also have existed in this military community in the Roman frontier of those days.

thing not to be taken seriously, something far beneath them. And more. Wincheli undermined attempts to plant Nazism here by publishing the names of Hitler agents in this country and exposing them before they had an opportunity to sink roots. The Nazi-busting activities of Walter Winchell, daddy of the Broadway gossips, gave his colleagues and imitators a grand idea. They, too, joined the ridicule campaign against the Nazis, foreign or imported. In less time than it takes Mr. Winchell to say "Broadway" the entire country was re-echoing with laughter at the inanities and perversities of the Nazi regime. For all this Mr. Winchell seeks no reward. The knowledge that he can be of service in a critical hour repays him a thousandfold. American Jewry cannot pass over this notable achievement without pausing long enough to say: An orchid to you, Mr. Poles Suppress Anti-Semitic Winchell. Paper Warsaw. — Polish government offiMEYER W. WEISGAL cials have confiscated the entire issue In conceiving the most creative pro- of a Polish anti-Semitic publication duction by American Jewry in the advocating a boycott of all Jewish past year, Mr. Weisgal demonstrated business. The publication is entitled, "What Poles Should Know." (Continued on Page 7.)


with TIME Time, in its ceaseless course, waits for no man . . . he who tarries on the mossgrown paths of yesteryear is lost in the abyss of time. As in life, so in business—each year new milestones on the highways of progress must be passed in keeping pace with time. Fashion is always evolving . . . but the Nebraska Clothing Company, ever alert for what is new and worthy in the

world marts for wearing apparel, is keeping pace with time. The footsteps of Time in their perpetual journey approach the milestone of 5695. Israel, in step with the march, prepares to celebrate Rosh Hashonah, the spiritual guidepost of the ages... and on the solemn occasion of the Holydays, the Nebraska . Clothing Company, also on the march with time, wishes Israel an eternal tomorrow.


V. •


New Year's Edition—THR JEWISH PRESS—Thursday, September 6,1934

>r U.S. Jewry

exception in the agreement which caused the Judische Rundschau to write: "If tie entire school youth is a part of the "National Socialist idea; to be trained itt Jthe race theory, we fear that the "position of the 'non-Aryan' pupils in the schools win become very difficult. This shows how essential it is to provide Jewish pupils with a Jewish education, which will give them the feeling that they are racially equal to any others, that they belong to a great historically significant, creative community, which other communities regard with respect and honor." The paper also points out that this Jewish work could be promoted by acting on the order of the Reich minister under which Jewish pupils are released from school at request. The great task, the paper concludes, must be taken up immediately by the Reich Committee of Jewish Youth Organizations, for the new school year will be opening shortly.

Page 7—Section A

thrown himself at the feet of the it had done Lessing's "Nathan the Wise." The latter play, which repreChurch for mercy. "Through the Italian ambassador's sented the Jew as a benevolent old whispering wires, the juicy bit arrived man, softened the minds of the audiat the court of Elizabeth. The judg- ences. And on the ensuing night, when ment of the Pope was lost in the to-do the Shakespeare opus was offered, the about the situation. As a matter of memory of the kind, just old mart, "There it is. You shrink from thei fact, Sixtns was then, as usual in still fresh in their minds, mitigated the villainy of Shylock. And the character. And children, whose minds ; debt. He settled the matter very sat- Ghetto slept that night. isfactorily by fining both Jew and are wax to receive and marble to reGentile 80,000 scudi for considering 1a "There is no justification for poitain, are fed that sort of thing. In ! suicidal wager. And the Sistine Chape . soning young minds with the play. Shakespeare's day it was a matter of grew oat of the proceeds. But thereby There are other much greater Shakeexpedience to write such a play. Anti- hung a plot for Shakespeare. And he spearian works that the schools negSemitism was rife in England, and the had a living to make. In a few months lect. *Hamlet,' for example, and he turned out the 'Merchant.' And Twelfth Night,'" Anspacher contopic pleased the Queen, eluded. "It was an elaboration of a bit of the Queen, who had been vastly amused by the whole thing, paid well gossip that had reached the court through the 'New Yorker* of the day. for the piece." A Jewish gambler of Rome made a The suggestion that the drama may wager with a Gentile friend that Ma- not have as powerful an influence gellan would fail in his project of en- upon the mob as he attributed to it circling the globe. The winner might drew forth a strong contradiction from Istanbul, (JTA) — Six ringleaders demand a pound of flesh to be taken Dr. Anspacher. He stated that during of the recent anti-Semitic excesses from the breast of his adversary. the centuries after the poet's death, in Turkish Ibrace which led to poWhen Magellan's success was an- when the play was presented in the groms and to the expulsion of hunnounced, the Jew, who had lost, was small towns of Germany, there was dreds of Jewish families from their forced to flee his murderous play- invariably a pogrom to follow. Supper homes were sentenced to serve jail mate, who pursued him with a knife. hour for the enraged audiences was terms ranging from three to six That is the first point, you see. It was an orgy of stones and knires in the months not the Jew who insisted upon the streets of the Ghettos. Indubitable Three high officials of the city of bargain. Far from it. The ironic part proof of this came when the author- Kirlisse, where the worse excesses ocof it was that he finally ran, in de- ities of Schleswig-Holstein issued a curred, were acquitted. Among them spair, to Pope Sixtus the Fifth for proclamation that no company was to were the mayor of the city, the chief protection. Immediately all Rome was be allowed to present the "Merchant of police and the president of the agog with the news that a Jew had of Venice" unless on the night before local chamber of commerce.

"The Merchant of Venice" Makes Hitlers—Anspache By Vivian Cohen New York (JTA)—"Why make little Hitlers out of school children?" Dr. Louis K. Anspacher, founder of the Drama League and fellow of the League for Political Education, stated emphatically. "For years I have tried to get the 'Merchant of Venice' out of the hands of the public schools. And I wish everyone would help me. There is no excuse for patterning children's minds to a religious prejudice." Thus spoke a leader of the theatre whose bible is, in the orthodox tradition, Shakespeare. The statement is not heresy for him. He contends that "The Merchant of Venice" is an inferior play. It contains one role—but one that has presented enough difficulty even in the hands of the great. When Mansfield or Warfield undertook to play Shylock, there had to be much changing of the script, and elision of the most glaring brutalities. " 1 wish my daughter were dead with the ducats in her ear.'" Malevolence lined the speaker's features.

world'and through all the gleaming (Continued from Page 6.) tinsel of its nightclub"fronts" it was: the artistic consciousness and capacity "Sam is the only man. Get Sam." In of the Jewish masses throughout the 85 cases out of 85 Sam got a verdict United States. Mounted on ah epic of "Not Guilty." Sam was the "Open scale, "The Romance of a People" Sesame" to freedom. All that is fairoverawed both critics and audiences ly well finished. His march to Alawith its titanic structure, startled all lama begins a new chapter in the America as a spectacle of unprece- brilliant legal career of Leibowitz. He dented scope and magnitude. Only the has once again put the Jew in the sweeping -vision and sanguine confi- front line of the uphill fight for social dence of a genuis could have em- justice. barked on so stupendous an undertaking. A Zionist since his first shave, These are days when the Jews must Weisgal, who rose to secretary of the take counsel with themselves and Zionist Organization of America after claim their Mrthright as defenders of many years of Zionist activity, was al- peace and champions of liberty. The ways known for his restless energy, current of daily events is turgid with artistic bent of mind, febrile imagin- many momentous happenings. Hunger* Hear Belgium to Bar ation. The magnificent production of strife, hatred, suspicion, surgij forward Additional Refugees "The Romance of a People," incred- in giant waves that threaten to sub- Antwerp. — The Belgian governible, fantastic as it was, was only the merge us. All things, all interests, no ment, it is reported, will henceforth logical evolution of his inherent re- matter how irrelevant superficially, admit no additional refugees from sourcefulness. Those who knew him are inexorably knotted together in one Nazi Germany. There are several well were not surprised at the amaz- lifeline. Let not the Jews make illu- thousand such exiles now in this couning skill and ability with which he sory boundaries and chalk themselves try.; ••.. ' ,. . :.;. . •. produced this mammoth pageant, at >ff from the main currents of world ievelopments. If we have any right the executive power and precision with which he handled the unwieldy thou- to consider ourselves the chosen people, it is because we have the mission sands who participated in it. to spread the gospel of peace and so"The Romance of a People" was a cial justice. Like Samuel Leibowitz, Jewish saga in every sense of the American Jewry as a whole must face word. Not only in its story, in which the problem of saving justice from her were condensed, silhouetted, dovetail- misguided captors. ed the decisive events of 4,000 years of Jewish history, but in its execu- JACOB FISHMAN tion, which required a cast of thou- The managing editor- and leading sands of young men and young wom- columnist of the Jewish Morning Jouren, it was an indigenously Jewish folk nal, is included in our rostrum of darspectacle. The 750,000 who flocked to ing Jewish personalities, because he witness the gigantic pageant in Chi- has been the most persistent foe of cago, New York, Philadelphia, Cleve- those elements in the Jewish communland and Detroit beheld in its scenes al structure which dangerously imitate of lavish color and majestic sweep the the Fascist platform. Mr. Fishman is representation of their own destiny, a man of unswerving integrity and a identified their lives with those of fighter of unyielding tenacity. He has their forebears, re-established an in- ieen throwing stones because he can spiring contact with Jewish history. truly prove his biblical right to do so. Its spiritual and inspirational value But, being free of sin, he does not cannot be overestimated, nor does the hurl them in any and every direction. artistic level of this production de- A staunch Zionist, he has for the past mand the tolerant or blinking eye of decade and a half trained his editorial the patronizing. It is this feature cannon on the subversive forces in the which is perhaps the most amazing ewish community hiding behind the aspect of a completely amazing ven- barricades of empty phrases and bomture. "The Romance of a People" did bast. Long before the Revisionists not bludgeon the multitude into an ap- showed their fangs, long before the preciative mood by its sheer elephant- Labor issue flared up into the most ine immensity, by its tremendous cast, decisive problem facing the Zionist by its surging crowds, by its mass movement, Fishman' had anticipated wailing or shouting. It achieved its trouble with constant admonitions to greatest effects through genuine art- the Jewish masses to take the bull by istic methods which could be meas- the horns before it got out of hand. ured more than creditable by the se- The editorial eye is often celebrated verest dramatic.or musical yardstick. for its clearness of vision. He has the passing ye^rs*change the shadows on the dial of time, so It is the rare combination of the a'we- such an eye and he was the first to inspiring sweep of a mass production perceive that the battle between the lob must the policies of a growing mercantile institution progress to with the high aesthetic standards of Revisionists and Laborites on the Palthe-most artistic theatrical enterprise estinian front was in reality a battle meet changing conditions . . . But, though policies change, principles that made the country re-echo with which was sooner or later to be fought |he momentous achievement of the on every Jewish front in the world. endure... . American Jewish people. We pay tribute to him here because Meyer Weisgal has taught Ameri- he had the foresight to predict a concan Jewry an important lesson. He flict of so all-embracing a significance has proved that Jewish life is not ster- and warn us against its grave perils. ile, that it is not made up of so Eloquently and with an all-consuming many parts of petty internal squab- fire, Fishman appeared before the bles, so many parts of political wrang- 37th annual convention of the Zionist ling, and so many parts of constant Organization of America to repeat his pioneer among local business firms—is justicampaigning and haranguing. But warning against- the emergence of \ : that, with the proper stimulus, it can Fascism in Jewish life as a threat to fiably proud of its role in the development of Omaha... keeping pace rise to heights of grandeur and cre- its very existence. With all the energy ativeness and give birth to an artistic and force at his command Fishman with the growth of the community it serves by civic leadership, quality, production second to none in the an- will continue his long and sometimes nals of American history. To Mr. lone war against the Fascist factions merchandise, efficient service and an atmosphere of friendliness and Weisgal, American Jewry is grateful in Jewry which close their eyes to the for setting it on the road of true fate of the Jewish people as a whole good-will for its patrons . . . recognizing that the only true source of in order to advance a policy that ultigreatness. mately will bring hardship and fruscontinued business success is to be sought in the deserved confidence SAMUEL LEIBOWITZ tration to the entire community. This lawyer, second only to Clarence Untermyer — Winchell — Weisof the public. In serving you, we have expanded and broadened the Darrow as a defense counsel in sen- gal — Leibowitz and Fishman. An insational crime cases, joins the "Fear- teresting human cockfaiL Five perscope of our business in every respect—in beauty, in quality, in less Five" in a rather roundabout sonalities with little in common exfashion. The road to public acclaim cept a fearless determination. A comvalues, in service. led him all the way from New York posite portrait of these five might to Alabama. In the face of countless give us the ideal American Jew—and, threats of lynching, he, a Jew, suc- who knows, it might give us the Jew cessfully pleaded the case of the of today as he is when unhampered Scottsboro Negroes. The angered by the limitations of Galuth life. Southerners, chafing under defeat by (Copyright, 1934, by Seven Arts a Jewish lawyer, hurled all manner of Feature Syndicate.) fine principles of mercantile tradition is but a stepping stone insults upon the intruder. Jew money from New York had been used to for our progress and development in the future. And on the Kew cheat Alabama justice, they cried. Leibowitz smiled, but grimly carried Year, when Hayden's rededicates itself to those principles which have through his defense. Except for the unrestrained way in which the worthy enabled us to flourish year in and year out through continuous pubcitizens of Alabama attacked him for his Jewishness, Jewish issues did not lic acceptance, we extend to you and yours our sincerest wishes for a enter into the case. How, then, the reader may ask, does Mr. Leibowitz future of boundless happiness, made sweet with the blessings of proscome to be placed on this honor roll, if such it can be called? Well, it is Paper Says Children Should Not perity, happiness and good cheer. true that Mr. Leibowitz did not enBe Subjected to gage in anti-Hitler activities with the "Aryanism." vehemence and thoroughness of either Mr. Untermyer or Mr. WinchelL It is Berlin (JTA).—Commenting on the also true that he has never, to my recent agreement reached between Dr. knowledge, been affiliated with Jew- Bemhard Rust, Reich minister of eduish communal affairs in a capacity of cation, and Baldur von Schirach, youth leadership. Yet it is due to that fact, leader of the German Reich, wherein and the fact too that his legal expedi- provision is made for the education tion into the South was not directly of the school youth in the National related to Jewish "business" that he Socialist state, the Judische Rundis mentioned here. We do him honor schau urges the need of establishing ^r: because Mr. Leibowitz fulfilled the Jewish schools where Jewish children Jewish mission of social justice, a mis- will not be subjected to influence of sion which some of us forget, and racial inferiority teaching. which others seek to get out of the In the agreement, Saturday was set way like a poor relation. aside as the day on which those pupils TRY HAYDEVS FIRST It was a rather strange situation- who are under the Reich youth leadSamuel S. Leibowitz, master of the ership are released from school. Clause criminal courts, hypnotizer of juries, 6 of the pact, however, states: "Those 2 ENTRANCES: 16TH, DODGE AND DOUGLAS STS. «avior of the underworld, shaking off pupils who do not belong to the Hitthe grime and filth, of the gangster- ler youth movement must attend world to answer the call to Scotts- school on Saturdays, for the purpose boro. For more than a decade, when- of taking lessons for at least two ever a topnotch gangster or racketeer hours to bring them closer to the pulled the trigger, once too often, th National Socialist idea." word went out "Get Sam." Through But "non-Aryan" pupils are reall the dark alleys of the criminal leased fromsuch attendance. It is this

Anti-Semite Turks Get Jail Sentences







Hayden's •


Page 8—Section A

New Year's Edition—THE JEWISH PRESS—.Thursday, September 6,1934

CEOFTHE : Mr. /, B. Zimman recently called to our attention the booklet entitled "The Scattered Nation," penned in 1891 by Zebulon Baird Vance and. published in 1928, as Vance's protest of the Russian pogroms of the 1890's. We found tlie essay so gripping in its power, eloquence and romance that toe herewith pass it on to our readers, with its comforting inspiration that enlightened people everywhere at all times protest inhuman and barbaric atrocities such as world Jewry is suffering now,—THE EDITOR.

Inquisitors; they were proscribed in Their organic law containing the objects on the. principle" of federal tion, which, everything considered, Roman—but could never be made and Saviour of men, ignominiously Catholic Spain, Protestant Norway elements of their polity, though given republics, with a general government has been remarkably small, have available by them, becaust confidence ejected from hotels and watering and Greek Muscovy, while their per- by God Himself, was yet required to of delegated and l i m i t e d powers. steadily increased and are now var- in the integrity of each other did places as unworthy the association secutors sang the h y m n s of their be solemnly ratified by the whole Within their tribal boundaries their iously estimated at seven to nine not exist between the drawer and of men who had grown rich by the psalmody, revered their books, believ- people. This was done on Ebal and sovereignty was absolute minus only millions. They may be divided, says the drawee. But this integrity, which sale of a new brand of soap or an ed in their prophets and even per- Gerizm and is perhaps the first, as the powers granted to the central Dr. Pressell, into three great classes, the lordly merchants of the Christ- improved patent rat-trap! secuted them in the name of their it is certainly the grandest constitu- agent.' They elected" their chiefs, gen- the enumeration of which will show ian and the Pagan world could not I have never heard of one of these God. They have numbered philoso- tional convention ever held among erals and kings. Next to the imper- their wonderfull dispersion. The first inspire, was found to exist in the indecent thrusts at the Jews without phers among the Greeks of Alexand- men. On these two lofty mountains, ative necessity of common defense of these inhabit the interior of Af- persecuted and despised Jew. So thinking of the dying words of Serria, and the Saracens of Cordova; separated by a deep and narrow ra- their bond of union was their divine rica, Arabia, India, China, Turkestan much for the lessons of adversity. geant Bothwell when he saw his have transplanted the wisdom of the vine, all Israel, comprising three mil- constitution, one religion and one and Bokhara. Even the Arabs, Mr. These arts diligently applied, at first life's c u r r e n t dripping from the East beyond the Pyrenees and the lions of souls, were assembled; elders, blood. Justice was made simple and Disraeli terms Jews upon horseback; from necessity, afterwards from sword of B n r l e y : "Base peasant Rhine, and have been treated as par- prophets, priests, women and child;- was administered cheaply. Among no they are however, the sons of Ish- choice, in the course of centuries churl, thou has spilt the blood of a iahs among Pagans, Mohammedans ren, and 600,000 warriors, led by the people in this world did the law so mael—half-brothers to the Jews. made the Jews skillful above all men line of Kings.' and Christians. They have fought for spears of Judah and supported by recognize the dignity and sacred na- These' are the lowest of the Jewish in the ways of merchandise and moLet us learn to judge the Jew as Says Prof. Maury: "There is a liberty under Kosciusko and Blucher, the archers of Benjamin. In this ture of man made in the image of people in wealth, intelligence and re- ney changing, and finally developed we judge other men—by his merits. river in the ocean. In the severest and popular assemblies among the mighty presence, surrounded by the God and the creature of his especial ligion, though said to be superior in them those peculiar faculties and And above all, let us cease the abdroughts it never fails, and in the Sclavi and Germans, still withheld sublime accessions to the grandeur covenanting care. to their. Gentile neighbors in each. aptitudes for a calling which are ominable injustice of h o l d i n g the mightiest floods it never overflows. from the right of living in certain of the scene, the law was'read by The. constitution of their criminal The' second and most numerous class brought out as well in man by the class responsible for the sins of the The Gulf of Mexico is its fountain; towns, villages and streets." the Levites, line by line, item by courts and their code of criminal is found in Northern' Africa, Egypt, special education of successive gen- individual. We apply this test to and its mouth is in the Arctic seas. item, whilst the tribes on either Palestine, "Syria, Mesopotamia, Peras in the lower animals. no other people. Whilst no people "can claim such an height s i g n i f i e d their acceptance laws was most remarkable. The re- sia, Asia Minor, European Turkey, erations, It is the Gulf Stream. There is in The Jew merchant had this advansearches of the learned have failed Our principal excuse for disliking unmixed purity of blood, certainly the world no other such majestic flow thereof by responsive amens, which to discover in all antiquity anything Poland, Russia and parts of Aus- tage, too, that whereas his Gentile him now is that we have injured none can establish such antiquity of of waters. Its current is more rapid pierced the heavens. Of all.the great so explicit, so humane, and embrac- tria. In these are found the strictly competitor belonged to a consolidated him. The true gentleman, Jew or than the Mississippi or the Amazon, origin, such unbroken generations of principles established for the happi- ing so many of what are now con- orthodox, Talmudical Jews; the sect nation, confined to certain geographi- Gentile, will always recognize the true and its volume more than a thousand descent. The Jewish people, church ness and good government of our sidered the essential elements of en- Chasidim, who are the representatives cal limits, speaking a certain tongue, gentleman, Jew or Gentile, and will times greater. Its waters, as far out and institutions are still left standing, race, though hallowed by. the blood lightened jurisprudence. Only four of the Zealots] of Josephus, and the the aid, s y m p a t h y and influence refuse to consort with an ill-bred from the Gulf as the Carolina coasts, though the stones of the temple re- of the bravest and the best, and offenses were punished by death. By small but most interesting sect Ka- which he derived from social and po- imposter, Jew or Gentile, simply beare of an indigo blue; they are so dis- main no longer one upon the other, approved by centuries of trial, no English Jaw, no longer ago.than the raites, who' reject all Rabbinical tra- litical ties, were also confined to the cause he is an ill-bred impostor. tinctly marked that their line of junc- though its sacrificial fires are forever one had a grander one, that all gov- reign of George I, more than 150 ditions, and are the only Jews who of his nation. But the Jew- The impudence of the low-bred Jew tion with the common sea-water may extinguished; and though the tribes, ernments derive their just powers offenses were so punishable! The adhere to the strict letter of the limits merchant belonged to a scattered na- is not one whit more detestable than whose glory it was, w a n d e r with he traced by the eye. Often onefrom the consent of the governed. ••" court for the trial of these capita! Scriptures. This class is represented tion, spread out over the whole earth, the impudence of the low-bred Genweary feet throughout the earth. half of a vessel may be perceived offenders • was - the local • Sanhedrin, as being very ignorant of all except speaking many tongues, and welded tile, c h i l d r e n of shoddy, who by So much for. their organic law. The Christian is simply the succesfloating in Gulf stream water, while together, not by social ties alone, but countless thousands swarm into doors the other half is in common water of sor of the Jew—the glory of the one by the fierce fires of suffering and opened for them by our democracy. the sea, so sharp is the line and such is likewise the glory of the other. persecution; and the aid, sympathy, Let us cry quits on that score. Let The Saviour of the world was, after the want of affinity between those influence and informatioa which he us judge each other by our best not waters, and such too the reluctance, the flesh, a Jew—born of a Jewish maiden; so likewise Were all of the derived therefrom came out of the j our worst samples, and when we find so to speak, on the part of those : | utmost parts of the earth. gold let us recognize it. of the Gulf Stream to mingle with the apostles and first propagators of Christianity. The Christian religion When after m a n y centuries the The Jews are our spiritual fathers, common water of the sea." ty and was of far-carrying power. Zebulon Baird Vance, the author is equally Jewish with that of Moses flames of persecution had abated so the authors of our morals, the founHis learning supplied his native This curious phenomenon in the and the prophets. of these extracts from that immor• !:jthat the Jews were permitted more ders of our civilization with all the oratory with a rich vocabulary. physical world has its counterpart in tal essay, "The Scattered Nation," jSsKSFp V "j^jj than bare life, their industry, energy power and dominion arising thereWe owe to the Jew, if not the conHe studied law, and before setthe moral. There is a lonely river in and talent soon placed them among from, and the great peoples professdied in 1894, but his. name and his tling down to his legal practice in the midst of the ocean of mankind. ception, at least the preservation of the important motive powers of the j ing Christianity and imbued with any Asheville, he married Miss Harworks live on. The mightiest floods of human temp- pure monotheism. For whether this world. They entered the fields of of its noble spirit, should see to it riette Newell Espy, the daughter of His colorful career was as briltation have never caused it to over- knowledge was original with these eastern people or traditional merely, a Presbyterian clergyman. Their commerce in its grandest and most that justice and protection are afliant as the passages of his essay. flow and the fiercest fires of human colossal operations. They became the forded them. By simply speaking ideal union was blessed with three He was elected governor of North cruelty, though seven times heated in it was speedily lost, by all of them exfriends and counselors of kings, the! with one voice it could be done, for sons. In 1880, two years after her cept the Jews. Whilst an unintelthe furnace of religious bigotry, have Carolina, his native state, even prime-ministers of empires, the treas-Jno power on earth could resist that death, he married Mrs. Florence never caused it to dry up, although ligent use of symbolism enveloped the without his knowledge — w h i l e urers of republics, the movers of voice. Every consideration of huSteele Martin. central figure with a cloud of idolatry its waves for two thousand years have fighting in the Confederate army in armies, the arbiters of public credit, manity and international policy deWithin a month after his boyrolled crimson with the blood of its and led the Magi to the worship of which he had the rank of Colonel. the patrons of art, and the critics of mands it. Their unspeakable mishood marriage, he was elected Solimartyrs. Its fountain is in the grey Light and Fire, the Sabaean to the He was re-elected three times. He literature. We do not forget the fortunes, their inherited woes, their citor of the Court of Common dawn of the world's history, and its adoration of the heavenly host, the also served three terms as United time in the near past when the peace very helplessness a p p e a l to our Pleas and Quarter Sessions. His pomouth is somewhere in the shadows Egyptian to bowing down before Isis States Senator, in addition to havlitical career was started, and the of Europe—of three worlds hung up- Christian chivalry trumpet-tongued in of eternity. It too refuses to mingle and Osiris, the Carthaginian to the ing early in life been prominent in following year he was sent as Repon the Jewish Prime-Minister of Eng- j behalf of those wretched victims of a with\ the surrounding waves, and the propitiation of Baal and Astarte bv the North Carolina legislature. resentative to the State Legislaland. No people are so ready to ac- • prejudice for which tolerant Christline which divides its restless billows human sacrifice and the subtle Greek While he was serving his third ture. He vas first elected to Concommodate themselves to circum- j ianity is not altogether irresponsible, from the common waters of humanity to the deification of the varied laws term as U. S. Senator, in 1891, a gress in 1858, all achieved before stances. It was but recently that we: To this day the cast of the Jew's o plainly visible to the eye. It of Nature; the bearded Prophets of is also plainly series of frightful pogroms in Rushe was thirty. heard of an English Jew taking an features in repose is habitually grave Israel were ever thundering forth, is the Jewish race. sia occurred. Vance raised his absolute lease of the ancient Persian! and sad as though the very plough•When the civil war broke out, he. The Jew is beyond doubt the most "Know, O Israel, that the Lord thy voice in protest, and it was at this Empire. The single family of Roths-! share of sorrow had marked its furraised a company, c a l l e d the God is one God, and Him only shalt time that he wrote "The Scattered remarkable man of this world—pastor "Rough and Ready Guards," and aschild, the progeny of a poor German rows across their faces forever. thou serve." Zebulon Raird Vance Nation." present. Of all the stories of the their captain, went to the front He Jew, who three generations ago sold I believe that there is a morning But more than all things else their sons of men, there is none so wild, so His love for the Bible he carried and is regarded as among the was elected Colonel soon, and it: curious old coins under the sign of to open yet for the Jews in Heaven's wonderful, so full of extreme muta- institutions interest mankind. Their over to the people of the Bible, the was while he was performing hea red shield, are now the possessors good time, and if that opening shall classics of American eloquence. tion, so replete with suffering and laws for the protection of property, Jews, who gave it to the world. He roic service in this capacity that he' j of greater wealth and power than j be in any way commensurate with horror, so abounding in extraordinary the enforcement of industry and the Zebulon Baird Vance was bsrn had a sensitive and profound sense was nominated for the Governorj was Solomon, when he could send the darkness of the night through providences, so overflowing with upholding of the state were such as » of justice.. His sympathies were May 13, 1830 in Buncome County, ship without his knowledge. With1,300,000 fighting men into the field! which they have passed, it will be afforded the strongest impulse to perN c and scenic romance. There is no one who ever warm and even dynamic, all - > died April 14, 1894. out participating in the campaign. The Jews, under most adverse cir-., the brightest that ever dawned upon sonal freedom and national vigor. The approaches him in the extent and prompting his pe.n to indite "The He early revealed native gifts of he was . overwhelmingly elected. cumstances, made their mark—a high • a faithful people, character of the influence which he great principle of their real estate Scattered Nation." This reads as if leadership. _He had a magnificent Next .term, he was re-elected. and noble mark—in every other de-1 I have stood on the summit of the has exercised over the human family. laws was the inalienability of the § it~ flowed passionately from his physique, and when full grown, he When the war ended, he was partment of human affairs. Christian! very monarch of our great Southern land. Houses in walled towns might His history is the history of our civheart at a single sitting. It was in was nearly six feet tall and weigh- tried for treason, but was shortly clergymen have sat at the feet of Alleghanies and seen the night flee be sold in perpetuity, if unredeemed ilization and progress in this world, full delivered as an oration-time ed about two hundred and thirty paroled with so many other Contheir Rabbis to be taught the mystic! away before the chariot wheels of within the year; land only for a limand our faith and hope in that which and time again. It has also been pounds. He had a leonine head, federate officers. Back in North learning of the East; Senates have:the God of day. The stars receded ited period. At the year of Jubilee is to come. From him have we depublished and republished by Al- with most engaging features. His Carolina, he became a bitter foe of been enrapt by the eloquence of Jew- •• before the pillars of lambent fire every estate reverted without repurrived the form and pattern of all that fred Wililams & Co.. Raleigh, N. C, voice had a velvety, flexible quali- the carpet-baggers. ish orators; courts have been ccnvinc- •. that pierced the zenith, a thousand is excellent on earth or in heaven. • chase to the original owners, and even ed by the acumen and learning of ragged mountain peaks began to peer Even now, though the Jews have during this period it might be rent»ns»»»»n Jewish lawyers; vast throngs excit- up from the abysmal darkness, each tattta long since ceased to exist as a con- deemed by paying the value of the solidated nation, inhabiting a common purchase of the -year which intervened Their legislation upon the daily ex- composed of twenty-three members, Jewish learning—it being prohibited ed to the wildest enthusiasm by Jew- looking through the vapory seas that country, and for eighteen hundred until the Jubilee. Little as we may igencies and development of their who were both judges and jurors, by scholars as the proper expounders ish histronic and aesthetic art; Jew- filled the gorges like an island whose yeaTS have been scattered far and now be disposed to value this re- society was also provided for on the prosecuting attorneys and counsel for of ancient Talmudical Judaism. As ish science has helped to number the "jutting and confounded base was near over the wide earth, their strange markable-Agrarian law, .says Dean most radically democratic basis, with the accused. might be inferred from the character stars in their courses, to loose the swilled by the wild and wasteful The tests applied both to them, and of the governments under which they bands of Orion and to guide Arctu- ocean." As the curtain was lifted customs, their distinct features, per- Oilman, it secured -the political equal-, the practical element of representamore and more and the e a s t e r n sonal peculiarities and their scattered ity of the people and anticipated all tion. The Sanhedrin legislated for the accusing witnesses, as to capac- live, their political condition is most rus with his sons. the the-mischiefs so fatal to the early brightness grew in radiance and in Jewish literature has delighted and all ecclesiastical affairs, and had ality and impartiality, were more rigid unhappy and insecure, and their inunity, make them still a wonder and Republics of Greece and Italy, the so original judicial powers and jur- than those known to exist anywhere crease in wealth and their social instructed all classes of mankind and glory, animate nature prepared to an astonishment. Though dead as a nation—as we appropriation of the whole territory isdiction over all offenses against else in the world. The whole pro- progress are slow. The third and the world has listened with rapture receive her Lord; the tiny snow-bird the State, by a rich and powerful the religious law, and appellate jur- cedure was so guarded as to convey last class are those of Central and and with tears to Jewish melody and from its nest in the turf began speak of nations—they yet live. Their ofanded oligarchy, with the-consequent isdiction of many othar offenses. It the idea that the first object was to Western Europe, and the United song. For never since its spirit was chirping to its young; the silver ideas fill the world and move the convulsing of the community from the was the principal body of their po- save the criminal. States. These are by far the most evoked under the shadow of the vines pheasant sounded its morning drumwheels of its progress, even as the deadly struggles between the patrician lity, as religion was the principal intelligent and civilized of their race, on the hills of Palestine to soothe I beat for its mate in the boughs of From the first step of the accusasun, when he sinks behind the West- and the plebeian orders. In the Hebobject of their constitution. It was tion to the last moment preceding not only keeping pace with the pro- the melancholy of her King, has Ju- j the fragrant fir; the dum deer risern hills, yet fills the heavens with rew state the •- improvident man might thoroughly representative. Local and final execution, no caution was neg- gress of their Gentile neighbors, but dah's harp, whether in freedom or ing slowly from his mossy couch and the remnants of his glory: As • the indeed reduce himself and his family municipal government was fully re- lected, no solemnity was omitted, contributing to it largely. Their captivity, in sorrow or joy, ceased to stretching himself in graceful curves, destruction of matter in one form is to penury or servitude, but he could cognized. The legislation for a city that might aid the prisoner's acquit- Oriental mysticism seems to have Eu- wake the witchery of its tuneful began to crop the tender herbage; made necessary to its resurrection in not perpetuate race of slaves or was done by the elders thereof, the tal. No man in any way interested rope, with which they have come in strings. whilst the lordy eagle rising straight another, so it would seem that the paupers. Every afifty years God the prototypes in name and character of in the result, no gamester of any contact, and they h a v e embraced The physical persecution of the upward from his home on the crag, perishing of the Jewish nationality King and Lord of the soil, as it were, our eldermen or aldermen. kind, no usurer, no store dealer, no them fully. They are denominated Jews has measurably ceased among with pinions wide spread, bared his was in order to the universal accept- resumed the whole territory and golden breast to the yellow beams ance and the everlasting establishment granted it back in the same portions They were the keystone of the relative of accused or accuser, no 'reforming" in their tenets, attempt- all nations of the highest civilization. and screamed his welcome to the sun of Jewish ideas. Never before was to the descendants of the original whole social fabric, and so directly seducer or adulterer, no man without ing to eliminate the Talmudical tra- There is no longer any proscription in his coming! Soon the vapors of there an instance of such, a genera' possessors. represented the p e o p l e , that the a fixed trade or business, could sit ditions which cumber and obscure left upon their political rights in anv the night are ifted up on shafts of ' . rejection of the person and character, terms "elders" and - "people" are of- on that court. Nor could any aged their creed, and adapt it somewhat land where the English tongue is fire, rolling and seething: in billows and acceptance of the doctrines and The civil polity of the Jews is so; ;en used as synonymous. The legis- man whose infirmities might make to the spirit of the age, though in spoken. I am proud of the fact. of refulgent flame, until when far dogmas of a people. intimately blended historically with lation for a tribe was done by the him. harsh, nor any childless man or tearing this away, they have also, But there remains among us an un- overhead, they are caught upon the "A people of Semitic race," says the ecclesiastical that the former is princes of that tribe, and the heads bastard, as being insensible to the say the theologians, dispensed with reasonable prejudice of which I am wings of the morning breeze and much of the Old Testament itself, heartily ashamed. Our toleration will swept away, perfect day was estabthe Encyclopaedia, "whose ancestors not easily comprehended by the or- of families thereof; whilst the elders relations of parent and child. The process by which they have not be complete until we put it away lished and there was peace. So may appear at the very dawn of the his- dinary student. Their scriptures re- of all the cities, heads of all the Their law provided for no standtory of mankind, on the banks of Eu- late principally to the latter, and to families and princes of all the tribes ing army, the common" defense was become the leading merchants, bank- also, as well as the old implement.-; it be with this long-suffering and phrates, the Jordan and the Nile, thqir obtain a knowledge of the other, re- when assembled, constituted the Na- instrusted to the patriotism of the ers, and financiers of the world is of physical torture. immortal people. So may the real This age, and these United State? spirit of Christ yet be so triumphfragments are now to be seen in larg- sort must be had to the Talmud and tional Legislature, or congregation. people, who kept and bore arms at explained by their history. In many er or smaller numbers, in almost al' the Rabbinical expositions, a task The functions of this representative will, and believing that their hills places their children were not per- in particular, so boastful of tolera- antly infused amongst those who of the cities of the globe, from Bat that few men will let themselves to, body, however, were, "gradually us- and valleys would be best defended mitted to enter the schools, or even tion, presents some curious evidences profess to obey will stay the persecuavia, to New Orleans, from Stockholm who, hope to do anything els& in urped and absorbed by the Sanhed- by footmen, the use of cavalry was to be enrolled in the guilds of la- of the fact that the old spirit is not tions and husTi the sorrows of these to Cape Town. When little more num- this world. Yet a little study will rin. forbidden, lest it should tend to feed bor. Trade was therefore the only dead; evidences tending much to show their wondrous kinsmen, put them avenue left open to them. In most that the prejudices of 2000 years ago forward into the places of honor and erous than a family, they had their repay richly the political student, by So thoroughly recognized was the the passion for foreign conquest. language, customs and peculiar ob- showing him the origin of many ex- principle of representation that no Originally, as we have seen, the countries they dared not or could not are still with us. In Germany, a the homes of love where all the lands servances, treated with princes and in cellent seminal principles which we man exercised any political rights Jews were an agricultural people, own the soil. Why a nation of ori- land more than all others indebted in which they dwell, shall be to them every respect acted as a nation. regard as modern. Their govern- in his individual capacity, but only and their civil polity was framed ginal agriculturists ceased to culti- to the genius and loyal energy^ of as was Jerusalem to their fathers. Though broken, as if into atoms, and ment was in form a theocratic dem- as a member of the house, which specially for this state of things vate the soil altogether is therefore the Jews, a vast uprising against So may the morning come, not to scattered through all climes, among ocracy. God was not only their spir- was the basis of the Hebrew polity. Their cities for the most part, were only seemingly applicable. All nations them as lately excited for the sole them alone, but to all the children the rudest and the most civilized. na- itual but their temporal sovereign The ascending scale was the family built in the interior, remote from must have a certain proportion of reason, so far as one can judge, that, of men who. through much tribulations, they have preserved, through also, who promulgated his laws by or collection of houses, the tribe or the channels of trade, whilst the their population engaged in tilling they occupy too many places of tion and with heroic manhood have thousands of years, common features the mouths of his inspired prophets. collection of families and the con- race of Ham and Japheth built upon the soil; as the Jews have no com- learning and honor, and are becom- waited for its dawning, with a faith whose constant cry through all the and' observances, a common religion, Hence their terrible and unflagging gregation or collection of tribes. the sea shore, and the banks of great mon country they reside in all; and ing too rich! In this, our own free and tolerant dreary watches of the night has literature and sacred language. With- denunciations of all forms of idol- The Kingdom thus composed was rivers. But the exile of the Jews in all countries they have the shrewdout! any political union, without any atry—it was not only a sin against in fact a confederation, and exempli- converted them necessarily1 into mer- ness to see that whilst it is most land, where wars have been waged been, "Though he slay me, yet will conimon head or centre, they are gen- pure religion but it was treason also fied both its strength and its weak- chants. Denied as a general rule honorable to plow, yet all men live and constitutions violated for the I trust in him!" erally regarded and regard themselves In most other particulars theirs was ness, The tribes were equal and citizenship in the land of their re- more comfortably than the plowman. benefit of the African negro, the de-j addition to which, as before in- scendants of barbarian tribes who for "Roll golden sun, roll swiftly toward nation. They began as nomads, a democracy far purer than that of sovereign within the sphere of their fuge, subject at any moment to spo- In the west, timated, agriculture so fixed them^ to 4000 years have contributed nothing as a emigrating from country to country; Athens. The very important prin- individual concerns. A tribe could liation and expulsion, their only sure the soil that Dawn happy- day when many wees it would have been imto, though in close contact with the ciple of the separation of the funcconvene its own legislative body at means of living; was in traffic, theft law made them agriculturists shall cease; possible to e v a d e persecution and of mankind, save as the for fifteen centuries; their exile tions of government was recognized. pleasure; so could any number of which they soon became skilled on spoliation. They were constantly on civiliation Come nuickly Lord, thy people wait Helots contributed an example to the The civil*and ecclesiastical departtribes convene a joint body whose the principles of a specialty in latransformed them into mercantile peothe re?t the move, and their wealth must Spartan youth, and where laws and pleir' They have struggled for their ments were kept apart, the civil ruler enactments . were .binding only upon bor. Of thine abiding peace! therefore be portable and easily secoartison courts alike have been used exercised no ecclesiastic functions and the tribes represented therein. A nat onal existence against the Egyptnaturally, therefore, follow- reted—hence their early celebrity as to force him into an equality with No more, no more to hunger here versa. When, as s o n e t i m e s single tribe or any number combined edThey in their dispersion, as they have lapidaries, dealers in diamonds and those whom he could not equal, we ian i,;i Assyrians, Babylonians, Syrians vice for love; the two functions rested could make treaties, form alliance1 ever since done, the great channels precious stones—and hence, too, their have seen Jews, educated and resant Romans; have been conquered and happened, No more to thirst for blessings in the same man, they were yet and wage war, whilst the others reof commerce throughout the world, nearly exterminated by each of these exercised differently, as was not long long denied. mained at peace with the enemy of with such deflections here and there introduction of bills of exchange. The pectable men, descendants of those and b have survived them all utility of these great aids to com- from whom we derive our civilization, Judah! Thy face is foul with weepsince • our custom in the administra-. een their brethren. They were to all inas persecution rendered necessary merce had long been known to th*> kinsmen, after the flesh, of Him oppressed ana and per but above Th^y1 have been oppresseu per tion aiuueofuur equality tm as contra-distinguish- tents and p u r p o s e * , independent j Their numbers in spite of losses by world—perhaps by both Greek and whom we esteem as the Son -of Get! Thouing, R b l shalt be satisfied!" secbted by Emperors andd Republics, tion of equalit __, _'States, joined together, for. common j all.. causes, including-religions-defechv^ Sultans and by Popes, Moors and'ed from, law. ,by<

The Life of the Author Bpsr


New Year's Edition—THE JEWISH PRESS—Thursday, September A1934



" i'C'^s $J*£T$>JZ\


^^pciei up mountain peaks to the heights of ^lory——came the pioneers... dauntlessly brave Jand selflessly patient, they slowly advanced to tiew frontiers. C Theirs is a story of undimmed ideals, of high courage and moral strength... a battle for life and for progress. Along their hazardous* little - known ^aths, they met and conquered many tribulations . . . . unblazed trails, uncharted rivers* Jsevere cold, lack of shelter, Indian dangers; lawless whites, crop failures, swarms of locusts; drouth, epidemic diseases, financial





^** v«. • ::-iy*iSC::. ^A^^lv"

Sll^cies;--- all- were met, all were conquered; ^g:S;^iTdday,.tpo^ the intrepid spirit of thepioineers is achieving progress. Yesterday's primWtive frontier methods of thought and action fhave given way before the new era. Efficiency and service and humanitarianfsm are the watchwords, as everywhere—in ibusiness, in government, in social life—the modern pioneers discard the old in their march of ^progress. With the early pioneers, with the modern pioneers . . . Brandeis, step by step, has kept progress with the years * * . always moving




S .*






New Year's Edition—THE JEWISH PRESS^-Thursday, September 6, 1934

Jewish Love By STANLEY BERO In this article Mr. Bero, who for Hears wa,3 active in the work of the Baron de Hirsch Fund and who headed the Joint Distribution Committee's overseas relief campaign during the world war and the early post-war period, gives the impressions gathered by a trained sociologist on a tour of inspection of the Jewish farms in northern New Jersey,-—THE EDITOR. Some forty years ago, in the ancient nineties, as a boy, I helped in the making out of applications for farmers' loans at the office of the Baron de Hirsch Fund. The number of chickens and cows, the likely number of eggs and the quality of milk, apart from the size of the family, ages of children and the general morale of the applicant were factors in the recommendation for the amount asked for by the initial Jewish pioneer farmer. He as a rule was one of the many who came to this country in the early days, and considered himself Baron de Hirsch's grandchild. If the chickens didn't lay as many eggs as expected and the cow didn't yield the amount of milk or the quality that would meet the computations, nobody was to blame, because after all one factor, the biological argument that entered into this whole process of approach, was ignored. Today the Jewish farmer is viewed arid reviewed from the scientific angle. Scientifically, the present method still leaves the matter of adjustment and likely yield to the rooster. He partially determines to what an extent the pullets may yield the large white eggs raised by the leghorns. The latter seem to be the prize specialty of the majority of the Jewish farmers located IS to 2i hours' ride from the city of New York, throughout the counties in New Jersey known- as Monmouth, Somerset, Middlesex, Mercer, Ocean, etc. Here are some 500 Jewish farmers. It would have been impossible to visit all in two days. But no sociological deductions were sought. The farms were therefore seen


yet manage to earn ?2.50 a day, shows of of his tomatoes and peas. It is useless to give names or spec- that they are serious in their efforts. ify the number of years even the fif- When I visited them in their big teen farmers I visited have been on brown house they were having their the land. After all, the potatoes they supper. They ate corn, and nothing raise, the corn they either eat or sell else. When I asked why they had no or whatever else they produce, does butter, one of the girls said: "In ornot differ in appearance or taste from der not to mix our dishes, we prefer similar products obtained from a non- to use no fat." The fact is that they cows, and buying butter would Jewish farm. When the Jewish farmThe official estimate of the governer's wife puts carrots and peas into have been a luxury. ment of Palestine indicates that there the pot, adds flour, fat and raisins, These boys and girls are getting a are 250,000 Jews in Palestine today, then, out of this slowly but long- training in practical farming. They but the Jewish Agency estimates the cooked mass develops a dish known to are not getting an agricultural educa- number at 300,000. A growing labor Jews only as "tzimmes." tion. Bat whatever they are getting shortage, affecting numerous commerIt is important that these Jewish they are paying for themselves, with- cial, industrial and agricultural enterout having either individual subscribfarmers, who had their fill of the city, who failed in health and saw them- ers as philanthropists or organizations prises, has created a tension between V selves being kept awake by coughing, support them. In other words, they the Jewish Agency and the Mandawith asthma, tuberculosis, etc., threat- learn as they work and they work as tory Power, the former asserting that ening them as a result of breathing they learn. That is pragmatism. the government is violating the "ecowidened, looking upon the dark canin the smoke from the presser's iron, Whether they will turn out to be good nomic absorptive capacity" promised yon of the lower East Side, with all are today eating fresh vegetables, farmers or not, their characters will with regard to Jewish immigration the odors emanating from ill-kept celdrinking pure milk and eating eggs be enriched by this open life, by this and is permitting itself to be guided lars and poorly kept halls, made Farlaid for them between- meals. They effort which is bound to afford them by political considerations. hy ,. sick. He would have carried on, do not intend to go back to the city. better health, to say nothing of the During the year there were no imbad as it was, were it not for a busTheir girls, brought up on these social orientation accrued from their portant outbreaks as between Arabs idealistic devotion to their cause. iness into which he ventured. The farms, go to high school, in some inand Jews in Palestine, the economic A Jewish farmer family harvest- stances manufacture of cones for ice cream, to college. The smaller chil- Much more could be said about them prosperity of the country having stilling the pepper crop. and about the farmers, but the fact soon became so bad that his health dren lock the picture of health. The for the time being complaints was affected. This paying enterprise could do it. Lack of money, however, boys and girls, scantily clothed, look remains that the Jewish farmers of ed against the Jewish influx. northern New Jersey do not differ soon fell below the mark because oth- is the reason for it's not being done— dark and sinewy. Their faces bear the The most notable fact of the year er cheaper methods of selling ice that and the fact that too little is seen healthy expression of young primi- from, non-Jewish farmers except in with regard to Palestine has been the that they often look different. When, cream were found. The way out was about-it. ; tives kept within bounds by the tradi, however, it comes to the second or growing bitterness between the Lato get rid of the lower East Side and tions handed down to them from fatime has come when' the ^Jews third generation the difference is not borite and Revisionist factions in the New York City forever. Thus he set- of The the United States, in recognition of ther to son. marked. Mother soil has no prefer- Zionist movement. The Laborites, estled on the land. Today he has ten the Jewish Agricultural The Jewish Agricultural Society can ential Society's limchosen children; but some Jews pousing the Marxist economic point of or twelve henhouses, an electric in- ited funds," ought to afford a.- sub- well be proud of the investment made know how to make "borscht" out of view, favor ultimately a co-operative cubator, and knows how to mix his. stantial yearly grant If it sufficient in this particular section. red beets, and Americans not of Jew- state in Palestine. The Revisionists, meal for his birds. He watches over money were thus made available; %he It is not fair to speak of the Jew- ish stock can relish it without annoy- organized in 1925 primarily to protest the roosters carefully. They require society could and would perfect and ish Agricultural Society and • the ance. against alleged weakness of the World watching. Being kept separate from extend this work. Jewish farmers re- farmers who have received the beneZionist Executive, have since formed the hens during the certain seasons of quire {Copyright, 1934, by Seven Arts fit of liberal loans from it without stern but sympathetic guidance a militant Jewish party favoring for the year, at other times they are Feature Syndicate.) touching upon a group of boys and carry .oh. Palestine a discipline of its residents brought together. The disposal of the. to There "is a community house in girls, the "Chalutzim," located on comparable to that of soldiers in the eggs as well as of the young chickens nearly evefy^ section. Some are big and land ten miles from Trenton. The land army. he and his sons handle personalty, some are sinall;" are nice and does not belong to them, nor do the having developed a route of regular some ill-kept andsome The Revisionists, favoring a Jewish • neglected. These houses in which they live. Both were customers, mostly non-Jews. As Chris- Renters could be used militia in Palestine, are violently opmade available to these "Chalutzim" for entertaintians do not require that a chicken be ments, lectures, etc., "which posed to the Marxist economic point by Benjamin Brown, formerly of Utah. could be killed by a "schochet" nor its feathof view. Their clash in Palestine has methodically to advance Brown is a practical and wide awake ers be plucked by hand, the entire introduced Jerusalem, (J. T. A.)—The recent had repercussions in many European farmer. In northern Jersey few comthe social and mental requirements of question of getting ready for the mar- these rural settlers of the Jewish pare with him in social resourceful- inauguration of a luxury coach serv-' lands, where physical violence has oc« ket saves time and labor. : ness, ideology and hard, matter-of- ice between Haifa and Baghdad, | curred. The struggle is held to have faith. V which follows the trans-desert route, j great meaning for the future of PalThere is among this group near "Now chicken raising and egg sell- fact business acumen. Bound Brook a "schochet" who kills ing is riot the only item that has made This group cf boys and girls are is one of the wonders of the East. I estine, some interpreters characterizchickens for such of the Jewish farm- it possible for the Jewish farmers in young pioneer Zionists, 34 in number. Covering a distance of 640 miles, the ing it as strife between the Socialist ers as want them to be ritually pre- northern^ New Jersey to maintain They are about to leave for Palestine train leaves Baghdad every Monday and Fascist point of view. pared. No Jewish farmer, however, themselves. Some have given them- in the fall of this year. They have morning and arrives at Haifa thirtyFifteen thousand German Jewish caters to Jews alone. They find deaP selves up to the raising of high quali- their fare laid aside for their journey six hours later. The coach returns refugees entered Palestine since the ing with non-Jews quite satisfactory. ty tomatoes. Thus there is a Mr. Lip- from their previous earnings. Living from Haifa every Thursday morn- accession of the Hitler regime. The If successful, the farmer can prove sky, for instance, who at cne time in this little community of their own ing, reaching Baghdad on Friday bulk of the other immigrants came his Jewishness by making a contribu- was a manufacturer of sweaters. creation, they take out of themselves nights. from Poland and Lithuania. Almost a tion to the Community House. This When he found himself in ill health the assurance that they are fit for Specially built for the rigors of thousand Jews came from the United he does by giving toward the upkeep and threatened with chronic dyspepsia the more severe hardships awaiting desert travel, the Albion coaches of States for permanent settlement. of the synagogue. The latter, in the eight years ago, he lost his money and them. The more virgin soil over the the train are capable of maintaining The completion of the Haifa harmain, functions during the high holi- saw no hope for the future. He went seas in the Near East is no sinecure speed of 110 H. P. The coaches! bor, making- that port one of the best days chiefly. Stimulation in that and on the land and settled near Hights- and the Homeland of a reborn people ahave six Pullman seats and ten first along the Meditteranean, the progress other respects could do vast good. In town. Here he is known to raise the is not a day-dream, but an all-taxing class seats. In addition ice-chests for in the extraction of chemical deposits the early days, special workers were highest priced tomatoes, which are and earnest effort. These boys and drinking water and cooling food in j from the Dead Sea, the beginning of engaged to promote the usage of the eagerly bought by chain stores. He is girls range from 19 to 26 years. They hot """ weather, "~~" as. well • . as! steward . . serv- t ^ . ^ f h M l il gl from the Mosul oil fields Community House, as: the Community constantly urged to put more and have been supporting themselves by ice, is provided. to Haifa, the export of 4,000,000 boxes Center in New^ England did. In that more acreage under cultivation. Lip- working as farm laborers at $2.50 a of oranges—these ate the principal inrespect, much could be said. _ : sky employs 60 Italians, men and day without board. The fact that they Jewish Press advertisers merit your dications of Palestine's economic These Jewish farmers do require •women, to help him in the gathering never worked on a farm before and patronage. I growth. organizers to select from their number a leader and to foster respect for the man so selected. Thus, social and economic joint effort could be made to yield the returns of solidarity and joint initiative. For such work an occasional visit is useless. It must be made a year-round function. Specially trained workers, under the direction of the Jewish Agricultural Society

This Jewish farmer doesn't put all his eggs in one basket. from the road as the writer passed them and stopped off to talk to a limited number. Those spoken to provoked an interest sufficient to afford a cross-picture of the Jewish farmers in northern New. Jersey and gave an idea as to how long they were on the land. They likewise gave the reasons as to why they came there from the big cities, mainly New York and Philadelphia. Near Bound Brook, within a few miles from that city, an avenue cuts through known as Davidson Avenue. It is so named in honor of Gabriel Davidson, the manager of the Jewish Agricultural Society of New York with the sanction of the County Court House. Some 30 Jewish farmers are located here. The first of the farmers is a Turkish Jew from Smyrna. His name is Jacob Farhy, the only S«phardic Jew in the lot; he speaks English and reads Spanish written in Hebrew characters, Ladino is* a Castilian language which Christian Spaniards can understand but' not read. Farhy has been on the land seven years, in America 20 years. Living in the vicinity of Allen Street, New York, before that thoroughfare was


New Zion Railroad Crosses Desert



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Most Sincere Wishes






" ^^'1 'ijj"'-'' *^C--5"f - <'-''"- ' -


Prosperous New Year FROM THE


IV; •'/








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Page II—Section '&

Hew Year's Edition—THE JEWISH PRESS—Thursday, September 6,1934


100; Carrie Chapman Catt, 85j Mich- curiously enough, being posthumous ael Kalinin, president of the Soviet honors. The number of •women receiv- Prized Hebrew Books Union, 80; George Messersmith, for- ing votes increased from three to four, mer U. S. consul-general in Berlin and one being included among the ten Excavated in now American minister to Austria, greatest for the first time. Riga, (WNS).—The entire anti70; the late Bronislaw Pieracki, Polish A number of those who scored in Rome Rome (JTA).—Thousands of an- Semitic Fascist movement has been minister of the interior who was mur- last year's voting did so this year too. dered by the anti-Semites, 55; Senator Senator Millard Tydings, Mr. McDon- cient Hebrew Bibles, some of his- suppressed by the Latvian governHenri Berenger of France, 40; Rev. ald and Col. Josiah Wedgwood, who toric importance, dating from the ment following discovery of a naDr.. Cosmo Lang, Archbishop of Can- are among the first ten.-and the Arch- discovery of printing, have been tion-wide plot to seize the governterbury, 30; George H. Earle, 3d, for- bishop of Canterbury, Mrs. Carrie found during excavations for a new ment and proclaim M. Zelmin, Fasmer U. S. Minister to Austria, 25; Chapman Catt, James W. Gerard, and street here which forced the au- cist leader, as dictator. When the John Elliot, Berlin correspondent of Dorothy Thompson received votes for thorities to destroy an ancient Jew- present regime of Premier Ulmanis ish cemeterytook office in May the Fascists the New York Herald-Tribune, 15; the second year in succession. Approached by Jewish leaders, pledged their co-operation but scarceBy ROBERT STONE Dorothy Thompson, 5; Johannes Steel, The list of last year's outstanding 5; Mme. Ernestine Schumann-Heinkj, Christian champions - of the J-ewish Premier Benito Mussolini at once ly continued to undermins the govagreed to the reburial of the Bibles ernment. Some 60 Fascist leaders 6—Representative John W» Mcprogram and persecution of the Jews. 5;;Dr.,.Paui Hutchinson, 5; Dr. James people included the following: Michael with a solemn ceremony, while pre- have already been imprisoned and 30 Connack, Chairman of the Yard, 5; and Harrison Smith, 5. Williams, editor of "The CommonCongressional Committee In• "In this year's -voting "by the editors, wealth"; Sir Arthur Grenfell Wau- serving the rare specimens of his- others face trial by court martial. SenatorJMillard Tyflings vestigating Nazi Activities.... 185 Because he was the author of the citiien's.ot eight countries—the United chope, High Commissioner of Pales- torical value. ARABS CREATE FASCIST PARTY 7—Mrs. Franklin Delano Roosecharacteristically American resolution States,-England, Russia, France, Ger- tine; Premier Benito Mussolini of Rome—Italian government circles velt :. 175 in which the United States Senate many:,, Roumania, -Poland and, Canada Italy; Sir Eric Drummond, former sec- Moscow—Announcement has been 8—Ion Duca, late prime minister asked the President of theUnited —.were mentionecl. Last year 55 men retary general of the League of Na- nia^a:that iteps are being taken for here have been informed from Palesof Roumania 165 States to intervene with the German and women •" from, nine. countries re- tions; Senator Joseph T. Robinson; the return ,to the Soviet government tine that Fakri Bey Nashashibi, 9—Cardinal Michael Faulhaber, government in behalf of the Jews of ceived votes. Italy, Czechoslovakia and Dr. S. Parkes Cadman; Dr. John of the 5 per cent annual interest member of the powerful family of South Africa, which were represented Haynes Holmes; H. R. Knickerbocker, charge by the Rosenwald Fund for that name in Palestine, has formed Archbishop of Munich............ 140 Germany. 10—Senator Millard Tydings of Others who received points were: in'.last ^ear's._balloting^.ha\-fc:none of Berlin correspondent of the New York the $5,000,000 loan granted the a Fascist labor party there to comMaryland .'. 130 Frederick T. Birchall, Berlin corres- their citizens in this year's vote. Po- Post; Dr. Thomas Masaryk, president Soviets some years ago for the pur- bat Socialist organizations and will In selecting these ten Christians the pondent of the New York Times, 115; land and Roumania are the two new of Czechoslovakia; and the Rev. Ever- pose of. furthering Jewish agricul- seek a working compromise with the editors of the Anglo-Jewish papers James W. Gerard, vice-president of countries to have one of their citizens ett Clinchy, director of the National tural colonization in the Ukraine and Zionist movement, the Jewish TeleGrimea. "..:•'i:•;;. graphic Agency learned. give the following reasons for their the Non-Sectarian Anti-Nazi League, included in the voting, both of them, Conference of Jews and Christians. choice: •

ristian Friends

In Time of Need [

The S6H list of Christian friends, compiled on the basis of a questionnaire, differs from the selections of llast year. Only one of the first.ten is a'repeater. Who are the ten Christian lovers of justice and tolerance? This compilation is an informative and in• teresling commentary on the news of 56U.—THK


Beset by the unprecedented, tragedy in Germany, the rising tide of discrimination and persecution in Central and Eastern Europe and the .menacing spread of Fascism with its attendant increase in anti-Semitism, world Jewry during the past year found a measJames G. McDonald ure of comfort and hope in the many Because in the extraordinarily difnotable Christians whose voices were ficult position of High Commissioner raised in defense of Jewish rights and for German Refugees he made heroic in. condemnation of barbaric persecu- efforts to prevail upon the nations of tion and intolerance. Humane and lib- the world to open their doors to the eral Chiistians everywhere rallied to victims of the Nazi terror, stressed the support of the Jewish people in consistently the Christian world's reits hour of need. Even in Germany sponsibility to the Jewish refugees there were Christians with sufficient from Naziland and impressed the courage to defy the Nazi regime by with the fact that Palestine of, attacking the degradation of German world fered the major hope to the reorientaJewryMotivated by a desire to accord tion of the Jewish exiles. some formal public recognition to Prof. Raymond Moley those Christian leaders, the Seven Arts Because editor of "Today" he as• Feature Syndicate for the second suc- sumed theasvigoious of the, . cessive year circularized the editors of campaign to expose direction the widespread the Anglo-Jewish press with a quesof Nazi propaganda in thetionnaire asking them to list the campaign United States, widely on the names of the ten men and women menace of Nazilectured agitation and was in: whom they regarded as having been strumental in having the American' the greatest Christian friends of Jew- government modify its immigration ry during the year 5694. regulations to admit German-Jewish Replies were received from sixty- refugees. three editors, who selected twentyPierre Van Paassen three men and four women from different countries for inclusion in the Because he struggled to mobilize list of ten. The ten who have been in- public opinion to recognize the dancluded in this year's list of the great- gers of Fascism, told the truth about est Christian friends of the Jewish Palestine and revealed himself to be people were selected on the basis of one of the most informed and fearless " n g for five writers on Nazism. points, each vote counting points. The maximum number of Dr. S. Parkes Cadman , points possible was 315. ' The only one to receive a unanimous Because as chairman of the Ameri•vote was James G. McDonald, League can Christian Committee for German of Nations High Commissioner for Jewish Refugees he did yeoman servGerman Refugees, who last year re- ice in rallying American Christendom . ceived but ten points. Professor Ray- to the support of the refugees and as mond Moley, editor of "Today," just the national chairman of the first missed a perfect score, finishing sec- Brotherhood Day did much to extend ond to Mr. McDonald with 310 points. the scope of good will activities. ' Third in the voting was Pierre Van Col. Josiah Wedgwood Paassen, foreign correspondent, lec- - Because his was the most outspoken turjtr^aKd^ Canadian citizen; /who r6- voice in -the British Parliament dece/ived 295 "points. Dr. S. Parkes Cad- manding justice the Jews in Paln e n received 280 points and was the estine and a mereforliberal and friendly only one of this year's ten greatest policy on the part of the Palestine Christian friends of the Jewish peo- administration towards Jewish immiple who was accorded the same dis- gration and employment. tinction last year.

The Voting

- *• '- _ , t.


r. - t>i ,


Nature's treasurehouses of food, brimming over with luscious edibles, are found in the far places of the earth . . . spiees from the mystic East, fishes from the frozen North, grains from the hardy West, fruits from the sunny South.

Rep. John W. McCormack

Because as chairman of the Congressional Committee Investigating Nazi and other un-American activities he revealed to the American public the subversive and dangerous propaganda and progiam of the Nazis, the Silver Shirts and other un-American and anti-Jewish groups.

On the basis of the voting system outlined above the following have been acclaimed as the ten greatest Christian friends of the Jewish people : for the year 5694: Points 1—James G. McDonald, League Mrs. Franklin Delano Roosevelt ' of Nations High Commissioner for German Refugees.. 315 Because as the most liberal First 2—Prof. Raymond Moley, Editor 1 0 Lady of the land "she waged a singleof "Today" .... ;•—- [handed campaign for better inter3—Pierre Van Paassen, foreign racial relations, tolerance and goodcorrespondent and lecturer.— 295 will which set an example to millions Dr. S. Parkes Cadman, presof her fellow-Americans. ident of the Federal Council Ion Duca -.: of Churches of Christ in 280 Because he sacrificed his own life America — to save Roumania from the hands of &—Col. Josiah Wedgwood, mem- ber of the British House of 2 2 5a terroristic Nazi-inspired movement of fanatic anti-Semites, the Iron Commons — Guards, who murdered him when he refused to call off his relentless efforts to uproot them.

Many weary miles to travel, many weird places to seek, ere the individual alone could all this wealth enjoy. But jiumerous caravans, richly laden from all corners of the globe, have brought to Hinky-Dinky's the choicest food specialties of all climes.

(SEAT BRITAIN PLANS Cardinal Michael Faulhaber NAVAL BASE AT HAIFA, Because he refused to be silenced terror and at the risk of ARABIC DAILY STATES byhi3 thelifeNazirepeatedly and frankly de-

nounced the Hitler regime's Aryan Jaffa, (JTA).—The secret of the recent meetings between Sir Miles Lairipson, British high commissioner in Egypt, and Sir Arthur Wauchope, British high commissioner in Palestine, is • now revealed, according to Falastin, local Arabic daily, to be part of a plan to reinforce British Paris, (JTA).—The Hicsm reports naval strategy in the Near East. that in the period from January 1 ^ i i t > is ^ to ^ become _ _ naval base, to June 30, 1934, it sent to various Haifa a like Malta, while Akaba is to be con- countries 1,021 refugees from Gerneeted by a railroad with Haifa, and many, in collaboration with refugee also become the principal outlet on aid committees in Frange, Belgium, the Red sea. Palestine and Trans- Switzerland, Ciecho-Slovakia, HolJordan will thus become the princi- land, Austria and Poland. pal eastern base for British military Five hundred sixty-one were sent to Palestine, 31S6 to Brazil, fiftyand naval forces. The change in Imperial garrison four to North America and Canada, arrangements has been considered[ twenty-eight to Paraguay, Uraguay, imperative for military and ec'6nomic Peru and Chile, twenty-two to Arreasons, the paper said. Malta ;is now gentina, fifteen to Central America, too small for the British fleet! in the ten to China and four to Persia. Mediterranean; moreover it is fa- Five hundred sixty refugees were vorable to the Italians. Another rea- placed in various European countries son is that Malta is too far from for definite installation, or profesPatestina and Egypt, where England sional readaption. 144 expelled from possesses a far greater stake than adjacent countries were taken care of by Hicem for later emigration, ar^imd Malta; principally the oil and 1,059 were repatriated. •pipeline from Iraq. Maltese hositlity to the British The Anglo-Hicem sent on during crdWn, and recent constitutional the same period 412 refugees, makretaliation by Great Britain, is said ing a total of 3,195 refugees aided by t h e paper to be another reason. on their way. Adding the 5,425 refuGreat Britain considera itself safe gees who were helped to depart by onV.both sides of the Jordan, and the • Hicem during 1933, the total nurnberT*,of t .German, refugees thus there. is_. no, possibility.,gf, inteiference aided is 8,620. by "another great power.' • r%




Modern science emphasizes that the proper selection of pure and wholesome foods is necessary for a strong body and a healthy mind. Though serving you the best quality grocery merchandise, we have retained our reasonable prices, our sanitary equipment, and our courteous, efficient service. Even as Hinky-Dinky shall continue to contribute toward healthier living, from its collection of Nature's bountiful wealth, so, too, we hope, the granaries of the years to come will pour forth an overabundance in spiritual and physical nourishment for you and yours.

5695 1934



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iJgBSPiitii * New tear's Edition—THE JEWISH PRESS—Thursday, September 6,1934

Page 12-^Sectiofi A

Factories Health Springs Found Britain Ignores Jewish Palestine Dissent in Zion Scheme Ignore Foreign Trade InBiro-Bidjan As Home Needs Grow Region

which saw every Jew as a revolutionary. And this view was confirmed; by the records of the revolutionary movement; among the" Jews the percentage Jerusalem (JTA). — The Palestine of the so-called political criminals was Moscow (JTA).—The Soviet press Tel Aviv (JTA).—Grave fears are very large. In the Russia of the Czars, reported that mineral springs of great government intends to carry out its too, the Jews became revolutionists healing value had been discovered in plans for the formation of a legisla- expressed in local industrial circles more easily than elsewhere, for it was Biro-Bidjan, Jewish autonomous re- tive council in Palestine. at the outcome of the present neglect The High Commissioner, it was said, the government which did everything gion in Siberia. : by Palestine factories of the foreign in its power to crush the Jews spiritSoviet papers also reported that a has been discussing the council with markets built up laboriously in past prominent Arab and Jewish leaders, ually and kill them physically. group of Russian scientists are leavToday history repeats itself in Ger-ing Moscow for Biro-Bidjan to inves- who were informed by him that Great years. In view of increased domestic many.' But the miraculous vitality of tigate thoroughly the possibilities of Britain was definitely committed to consumption, the factories are unable By MAXIM GORKY carry out the scheme. He informed to produce sufficient for the local the Jewish race does not bow even, Maxim GorJti, an outstanding Soviet you yourself shape your life; your fate hatred between white and black, be- under the weight of this oppression, the springs. the leaders with whom he conferred tween Slav and Briton: • man of letters and' recognized and your happiness lie in your own that if the population of Palestine markets, and consequently are forced and its intellectual and spiritual facBecause of the peculiar conditions ulties persist . throughout the world as the greatest hands; do not depend on others, and would boycott the elections for the to ignore the export trade. NAZI LAWYERS PROTEST \ Complaints are reaching Palestine: humanitarian of our time, here gives do not cause misfortune to fall upon existing in Russia every emotion, good council the administration would apBerlin—Objection to a decision of (Copyright, 1934, by Seven Arts from Syria and neighboring countries his views on the Jewish question, Mr. others that your happiness may be in- or evil, finds more vehement and dispoint the members. the Berlin district court, in which the Feature Syndicate.) tinct expression there than elsewhere. Gorki, whose books recently were ban- creased." Jewish Palestine has vigorously op- that factories here either do not'fill refusal of the Registry Court to The second part teaches us: "What- That is why in Czarist Russia the Jewned in Prussia, has all his life been register the Cultural League of Ger-posed the creation of a legislative or only partly meet the stream of orRACE INCITEMENT BANNED ders flowing in. Several factories ia art uncompromising fighter against ever you do, and especially when you ish question came to assume a form Bucharest—Official government man Jews was reversed, has been council on the ground that it would this city have stopped accepting .orracial discrimination*—THE 'EDITOR, do something for yourself, consider so terrible that- the Attention of all vitiate the mandate and would give voiced here by the League of Nationthe'significance of your work and the the world was drawn to i t But this censors ordered all Rumanian news- al Socialist German . Lawyers the combined British and Arab mem- ders for export, . and . are working papers not to publish any articles Jewish, question was* primarily politidouble Bhifts in order to insure an The Jewish question! These simple purpose of your whole life. Live so 1 that are calculated to incite racia' through" its'central organ, The Deut- bers of the council a majority over adequate output for the home markets. cal in nature. The most active enemy that your heart embraces all the words enfdia the greatest and. most the Jews. sche Recht. of the Jews was the government, hatredL disgraceful tragedy of' history. We world and responds to every one, every have already become accustomed to smile, every sorrow in th.g world. Only uttering these words without feeling then will you become great and noble." the contempt they deserve—lor they A moral outlook of this sort is a signify a long series of horrible acts, direct challenge, a hostile antithesis, of injustice, they are sodden with hu- to the egoistic psychology of those man -blood. These-wotdsrreflect the who prefer to-rule and derive benefits most hideous of the ingenious stains from their sovereignty. that soil the life of mankind. This simple but profound philosoIn my opinion the Jewish question phy 'greatly influenced - the eminent —obscured by so many lies and libels, Jewy-Heinrich Heine, whose heart aca problem which mankind iniposed tually embraced all the world and, upon itself—is very simple of solu- like a shining silver surface, reflected tion. The source of the question lies ail the nuances of human sorrow. His in the views of those who live accord- cry of pain summoned mankind to ing to the principle that the world ex- freedom, urged it on to escape from ists only for-their own convenience the flood of filth and superstition that and enjoyment. For those who know threatened to destroy it. That Heine nothing beyond their own ego, whowas truly great is evident from the recognize only their own will and their very fact that he inspired such hatred own pleasure, .the Jew is a creature of in petty sculs—a hatred which flames mystery and odium. • They hate the even tcday. Jew because of his idealism, &s^ well What I am about to say may apas because no power in the world will pear as a terrible paradox. ever succeed in destroying his mar- One reason for the dreadful hatred velously restless, all-searching spirit. that has arisen against the Jews is That there may be no doubt as to that they gave to the world Christianthe sense in • which I use the words ity, which suppresses the beast in man, idealism and materialism let me ex-which has; aroused the human conplain: By idealism I mean not a def- science, the feeling of love for huinite philosophic viewpoint but a he- manity and the desire to bring about xoic spirit; and this idealism does not the happiness of all mankind. Despotstand in contradiction to the material- ic rulers disapprove of this. They istic interpretation of history, for it would. prefer to see Christianity as a is the spring from which the material- religion of passive submissiveness, istic doctrine rises. that men might voluntarily cast themAll along humanity's difficult road selves down at the.feet of rulers. AnQ toward progress and light the Jew has some of them have succeeded in makstood like a living protest, a pathfind- ing a Christianity of-religion of slaves, er. He has been the tall signal tower a shield behind-which they hide in the from which has shone a proud and in-battle for justice. cessant protest against all that'is base But Christianity is instinct with the in human life, against brutal acts of great idealistic spirit of the Jewish violence, against horrible bestiality people; nor has all the persecution by and narrowness of intellect.' governments and church leaders sucLet us recall only the prophet Isaiah, ceeded in destroying this spirit so far. whose fiery words still arouse and in-Gradually this spirit won for itself a spire the souls of men. And this noble place in the consciousness of the navoice of love of truth had to call forth tions, to flower in the philosophy of the hatred of those who have built up a Spinoza or the Utopian fantasies of structures of falsehood and slander Thomas More. This idealism—the leifcon a fundament of violence and crim- motif of which has always been the inality. endeavor to change the world in acLet us recall the Maccabeans, those cordance with new principles of Justin fearless fighters for the freedom of ice and equality—is the principal and Jerusalem; or Bar Kochba, knight of perhaps the sole cause of anti-Semit-_ that, freedom. Though there was noism.. It. disturbs, the peace of satiety I hope for victory they fell in the strug- ana; self-satisfaction and "throws a | gle for the liberty of their people. But beam of- light upon the darker aspects * in base and frivolous souls such acts of life. Energetically and enthusiastiof heroism arouse only hate and hor-cally the Jews have brought into human life their ceaseless striving for ror. Hillel, that noble sage, gave us.the truth. They have wakened the nations simplest answer to the question of our from their lethargy; and, most imporrelationship to the world. He said: "Tf tant of all, that, idealism brought the I am not for myself who is for me? world a new religion for the masses And being for my own self, what am —Socialism. This theory I believe to be unshakI ? " This is the finest and most comable: In all ages the Jews have been plete of moral lessons. The first part of it means: "Man; hated because they have always been champions of progress. I do not believe in an inherent hostility between races and nations. I see only one struggle, the struggle between the classes. I do not believe in the existence of a specific racial psychology that gives rise to a natural •

, ' •





"Vor a thousand years in Thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night"



• Hitler Regime Has Spent Milv lions Abroad in Vain P o l i tical Attempt. * '



Notwithstanding nials of the German government that Budapest, (WNS).—Complete dis•• i: it was conducting any political-prop^ : aganda abroad, the Hitler regime has integration of. the Nazi movement in spent millions of; dollars •during the Hungary is foreshadowed by quarrels past year to spread the Nazi dogma between leaders of its various facover the world. Terror and violence tions. The extremist Nazis led. by were resorted to: in a vain effort to Zoltan Mesko were recently outlawed ' ^convert Austria to N a z i s m . ; . • while the more moderate wing led by Count Festetics is -still permitted to , : : Two of the leading Nazi chieftains, function. Gdebbels .and Goerihgj made propa* • ganda tours to;Poland and the Bal- The two factions are denouncing '•'••;-kans/ Jugoslavia ; was; won over to each other as traitors and Mesko's V ' HitlerisoMj" while•.:inRumania Na^i own son has called .upon his father - : " funds helped the growth of the- anti- to resign. With the movement's. folif- Semitic Iron Guard- In; Poland Nazi lowers deserting, in mass the rem; •; -encouragement gave rise to tiie vio-; nants are making frantic efforts-to •)•:..; :lently > anti-Semitic ^atibnals Radical prevent its disappsarance by enlisti t h ' support, support of new leaders the, > • y. party;' Nazi influence was"also strong ing ^ inTiatyia and Eathoniav where the Hit- Former Premier Friedrich has been '.'-•:v? '• lerite organization,: the Baltic Brotii- invited to assume the direction of a Ir7erhqo4, worked-ta-bring all: the Bal- "dean National Socialist Party." Meanwhile the 'government contin H : ^tieJandsinto> ; Nazi-d6minated feder^ S a t i p n / N a j r i agitation : in- the Saar, ues to raid Nazi headquarters and •^5;y;P!em»arkv Hungary ^ and - South Africa impose severe sentences on agitators V i 5 ? ; ? ^ a a s ^ internationai complications.. / making anti-Jewish speeches.

0:;zCcciui :the latter two countries; the Nazi %MiJ- parties^ were outlawed. Nazi propagah- Begrade, (WNS).~Great sym•Kl.^|da/i.«ejl: financed and Cleverly ;prgan- pathy is beng manifested by the P|pSize^^OT:;.spread:into^outh and'Cen-' Yugbsav" public for the Nazi refu@fl?|tfe^Anierica and showed itself in Can- gees from Austria, who are carryl|pi5^^,N^--*j>nsuls and higher-ranking 7on; Nazi propaganda without re^ItS^^O&M^^*^ 61 ^^ 616 functioned as ing strainV in the: districts where they ^lts^^agandiaits,^::;v-;

: .. '•••:-. ".-.•• '•••••.; • •

interned.; The Nazi refugees are $%%$& ^olitacaily;Tthis;^,^forld-wide - ^ropa^' are interned in name, only, 'enjoying pBp^ti^Sain|^ig3a:f i> roved'.- a; boomerang, complete; \ liberty"; and not ' teing : ^Ift^S^im^n^Asinipre;^ isolated ^toda^ guardedvbyj soldiers. "•-.•' ''^y>:J^pi^^^i^febiLsiMen. since "the war.. She: ai ; D When the Njasisxfirstv crossed the ^^^&t<0M/WJI0^M-P ' '. •and-ali: h>r ' ^ ^ | | | | p ^ w i i i | ^ g ^ n a M y ( drawing''.an Yugosli^ librder ttusyv were; forced ^tp

Standing at the threshhold of a New Year, in the presence of Him "from out whose hand the centuries roll as grains of sand," let us not feel that our days are not given to us for a purpose. We know our time here is brief, pitifully brief in the estimation of God's measureless might. But, knowing that, and without ceasing to wonder while we worship, let us devote our lives to the accomplishment of that which is seemly and good for the advancement to that state of perfection for which the Maker destined his creatures.

On Rosh Hashonah let Jewry, grateful for 5,694 years of glorious history, enter upon the NewYear with confidence, not unmindful of a past that is full of honor, but setting eyes on the future to the end that effort bemore and more directed to the fulfillment of the promise and the realization of the hope that has guided the Jews through so many years, sustained in light and darkness, in prosperity and adversity, to the sunlight of the present. "The wilderness and the parched land shall be glad; and the desert shall rejoiceand blossom as the rose." As the Prophet spoke so long ago, itwill be with this New Year. and "While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer *«, winter, and day and night shall not cease." Oppressors have been broken in their strength, calamities have been sustained, and through the steadfast greatness of the soul Jewry has overcome evil and wrought good n R lember this, and go forward.

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Review.of Omaha Organizations " for 5694

May 5695 Witness Jewish Activity Intensified

Page 1—Section B


Mirror x>f Omaha initial gifts committee, under the w herever possible . . .i. e.; preventive • ; ; chairmanship of Morris E. Jacobs, and curative efforts. with Jack W. Marer vice-chairman. In .cases where Jewish, children This group brought in $20,354.50 in violate the social code regardless of 260 pledges, 54 being: increases. The character, a social diagnosis of the largest number of pledges were ob- its character, a social treatment pretained by the residential district, un- scribed, following-a conference with der Mrs. Max Holzman. This divi- the parents and the child in ques• sion collected 1,1G9 pledges. A new tion. • - idea which worked well was three The effectiveness of the commitJEWISH PHILANTHROPIES co-chairman, for the business divi- tee's work may be attested to by the sion. Under the chairmanship of Mil- fact that the Jewish juvenile court [Organizational life, rich in activity, challenge of the hour with increased, July 56 6& 74 113 135 Month 1930 19311932 19331934 Under the chairmanship of Harry ton R. Abrahams, David Greenberg, cases . do not reach more than 1-3 la the" pulse-beat of a progressive more efficient service. Silverman, the Jewish Philanthropies] August ......60-67 80 123 January ..29 20 27 39 19 and William Milder, this group pre- of 1 per cent, including the transient community, and , if ' the historically- The number of families requiring September ...6.1 50 81 120 February ......16 45 26 51 17 campaign held in May was a tre- sented a well-balanced machine cases. minded seek to chronicle the Jewish some sort of service from the Fed- October . . . . . . 5 7 54 88 112 mendous success. Though the goal March ....48 35 34 75 19 which turned in 1,036 pledges. intensity of the local scene, no.better sratipn has nearly trebled as com- November ...48 54 93 139 Included in the work of the social was set for $42,500 to benefit thirty April 63 85 52 120 34 barometer ma"y be found than a re- pared with only two years ago. The December ....59 59 88 154 service committee:; 5 local, national and international The mass support of the campaign May .82 79 116 176 43 view of the work and accomplishments case load kept continually and the $33,520.35 pledged was may be gleaned from the fact that scholarships to deserving students;, a An outstanding feature of the past June .. ........ 81 193 102 139 41 agencies, of the various organizations. in many respects record-breaking. 1,580 of the pledges were under $5, (Continued on Page 2.) steadily increasingly, until it reached year was the effective co-operation July 73 130 163 198 23 The preparation of a resume of the a high peak of close to 160 Jewish between the Federation and the An unprecedental number of and 655 were between $5 and $10. August .55 149 166 195 activities of the manifold organiza- families in one month. pledges were secured by the army of In the bracket of $50 and more, 179 FERA, the relief set-up of the Fed- September .....60 87 99 142 tions, representing as they do a crossvoluntary campaigners—2,913. Also, pledges brought in $19,461. eral government. The Jewish cases October 47 110 78 73 A lowered income made it necessection of every phase of Jewishness, a unified community bent every ef- The divisional heads of the Philan- Organization Review were taken care of by a Jewish November 25 56 50 85 gives one a swift, comprehensive sary to be far more scrutinizing of worker fort toward the success of the drive thropies campaign last May: in This Section employed by the FERA. The December 25 18 56 43 glance at a community aware of its the resources of each family asking high standard —all organizations, representatives William L. Holzman, honorary of Jewish relief and In this section appears a comaid. It further meant many necesA debt of gratitude for much of obligations and striving who]e-hearcare of families was strictly ad- the important work of the Federa- of all walks of Jewish life and all chairman; Harry Silverman, general prehensive resume of the activities edly with humanitarian zeal for com- sary adjustments. But, nevertheless, hered shades of opinion co-operated in put- chairman; Morris E. Jacobs, initial to. munal betterment through a full and the Federation consistently maintion is due the Family Welfare ting the campaign over. Further, gifts chairman; Jack W. Marer, of Omaha's Jewish organizations. tained a standard of "adequate re- Particular credit for the working Committee, which administers the new blood and new leadership lent initial gifts vice-chairman; Mrs. Max well-balanced program. Herewith is presented a panoramic lief." Though many agencies the out of this amicable relationship is family welfare service for the Fed- added hope for the future strength Holzman, women's division; Mi'.ton view of the Omaha Jewish organiza- country over found it necessary to due to Henry Monsky and Jacob S. eration. This committee' meets regu- of the community. Abrahams, David Greenberg, and The Advertisers in tions during the historic year 5694, a radically cut down on food allow- Pearlstien, who as members of the larly to formulate the general poliWilliam Milder, co-chairmen of genThe 1934 campaign was therefore picture mirroring the reflections of ances, the local Federation has con- Joint Emergency Service have been cies of the department and to give eral solicitations; Harry A. Wolf, This Section our efforts—a picture painted in de- tinued to provide the dependent especially active in the Omaha re- special consideration to the most dif- gratifying not only because of the 'budget chairman; Dr. A. Greenberg, Barish Motors, Inc. votion and alive in action. families with adequate food allow- habilitation efforts. ficult cases, as well as to give ad- ten per cent increase in pledges but quota chairman; Ben Kazlowsky, orHill Hotel and Jack and Jill far more important because of the ganizations; Frank R. Ackerman, ances, shelter, clothing, etc. In this way, the efforts of the vice and aid in the plans for de- unanimous Seri'ice Life Insurance Co. support given to the The comparative case load of the Jewish Federation were co-ordinated pendent families. Irvin Levin, speakers; Omaha Fixture and Supply Co. drive by the community—positive publicity; Federation, from 1930 through July, with the country-wide relief ma- The family welfare committee: William Wolfe, youths division; H. A. Wolf Co., Inc. proof that the Jewish Philanthropies Mrs. H. A. Wolf, chairman; Wil- has carved for itself a permanent Jacob S. Pearlstien, executive direcKatz Electric chinery. Unprecedented conditions must 1934: Ready Mixed Concrete Co. tor. 1930 19311932 1933 1934 Clothing and coal were distributed liam L. Holzman, ex-officio; Dr. niche in the public consciousness. necessarily have their effect on the Cooper Construction Co. 54 65 73 103 168 to the needy, as usual. The number Frederick Cohn, Dr. Max Fleishman, communal structure of a Jewish January Boettcher-Newton and Co. SOCIAL SERVICE Community Center and Welfare Fed- February ....52 62 74 .109 173 of pieces of clothes distributed runs Rabbi D. A- Goldstein, Dr. A. Green- Among the interesting statistics of Deep Rock Oil Corp. of 66 75 81 108 159 into the hundreds. Especial credit berg, Mrs. J. J. Greenberg, Dr. H. the campaign, 386 pledges were in- The main work of the Social Serveration; and though the strain dur- March Nebraska ing the past year was unusually April . . . . . . . . 5 9 72 72 117 167 should be given to Mrs. J. J. Green- Hirschmann, Dr. M. Margolin, Rabbi creases over the previous year, a ice committee, headed by Dr. Philip Sixty Club and Clover Leaf ..55 71 70 123 156 berg, chairman of the clothing com- Uri Miller, Mr. Henry Monsky, Mrs. total increase in money of $3,737.80. Sher, is to care for juvenile cases, terrific, the Federation weathered May the obstacles heroically and met the June ..53 74 70 127 146 mittee, and to Mrs. B. A. Simon, L. Neveleff, Mr. Sam Ravitz, Mrs. Outstanding was the work of the and to prevent juvenile delinquency

Pulsating Communal Spirit During 5694

head of the Needle Guild group. All donated clothing are thoroughly cleaned and sterilized through the generosity of William Boasberg. ,-••• Transients. The transient problem has always been a source of worry. However, in the following table of the transients cared.for, a tremendous decrease will be noted of late, due to the activities of the Federal Transient Bureau:

P. Sher, Mr. H. Silverman,: Mr. L. Sommer, Mr. I. gtalmaster, Dr. JV A. Weinberg, Miss Blanche Zimman. Miss "Rose Cohen, working under the direction of Jacob S. Pearlstien, executive director, is the Federation case worker. Miss Grace Dansky is the FERA woman co-operative with the Federation.

Welfare Federation


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Chrysler - Plymouth Dist. wm^ Y-^>w&-'~''r:'

Page 2—Section B

New Year's Edition--THE JEWISH PRESS—Thursday, September 6,1934

Miirror of omaha Jewish Activity (Continued from Page 1.) strong campaign for citizenship; annual Father and Son banquet; a reception for high school graduates; Chanukah presents to orphans in Cleveland; visiting of Jewish ininates in penal institutions/^ The amount advanced to needy students has exceeded $4,000. In many instances, it was the loan of the social service committee which enabled a worthy student to finish his studies. The social service committee consists of: Dr. Philip Sher, chairman; Mrs. Jeanette Arnstein, Mr. Max Barish, Mr. Eugene Blazer, Rabbi F. Cohn, Rabbi D. A. Goldstein, Mr. Philip Klutznick, Rabbi Uri Miller, Mr. Leo Rosenthal, Mr. Isadora Abramson, Mr. W. L. Holzman, Rabbi David Wice.

Community Center



en who are intensely interested in the department. Irvin Levin, as the chairman of' the athletic committee, has done fine work during the past year. The athletic committee: Irvin Levin, chairman; Frank Brookstein,' Arthur A. Cohn, Phil Feldman, William L. Holzman, Robert H. Kooper, Isadore Levinson, J. M. Malashock, Jack Marer, Dr. D. C. Platt, Joe Rice, Dr. Philip Romonek, Earl Siegel, Dr. A. A. Steinberg, Jay Stoler, Harry Trustin.

Center Committee. Other members of the group include: Milton Abrahams, Eugene Blazer, David Greenberg, William L. Holzman, Robert Kooper, Irvin Levin, William Milder, Mrs. Henry Monsky, Mrs. L. Neveleff, Dr. Philip Romonek.

National Council of Jewish Federations

The Omaha Federation and Center is a member of the National Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds, which was organized in 1932, with the object of offering a medium Community . Forum. , . for the consideration of the common _ Last year; the Budget comjnittee interests and problems of the Jewish did not allot: any funds for a Com- federations and centers, and to munity Forum. The committee, however, felt that irrespective of the condition of the times the Forum should not be abandoned and undertook to carry on the Forum on its own responsibility. Under the able leadership of William Grodinsky, this past year the Forum was both a success as an institution and fi-> nancially. There was no deficit this year. It was no easy task to do this. Many people felt that the Forum should be dropped for one year, but the committee reached the conclusion that to break the continuity of the Forum would spell complete loss. The educational committee consists of: William Grodinsky, chairman; Milton Abrahams, Frank Ackerman, Mrs. Jeannette Arnstein, Dr. O..S. Belzer, Eugene Blazer, Arthur A. Cohn, Harry B. Cohen, Rabbi Frederick Cohn, Dr. Leon Fellman, Mrs. A. D. Frank, Mrs. Max Fromkin, Rabbi D. A. Goldstein, Mrs. Sam Green, Rose Grodinsky, Mrs. Max Holzman, William L. Holzman, Abner Kaiman, Aaron Katz, Ben Kazlowsky, Yale Kroloff, Mrs. J. H. Kulakofksy, Louis Lipp, Jack W. Marer, Dr. M. Margolin, Al Mayer, Rabbi Uri Miller, Mrs. Henry Monsky, Mrs. L. Neveleff, Dr. D. C. Platt, Ruth Pollack, Edward Shafton, Mrs. Ben Silver, Rabbi David Wice, Sam Zacharia.

, The record of the activities of the Jewish Community Center for the past year is overflowing with signs of its necessity in this community. The events of the past twelve months so far as our Jewish citizenry is concerned, has again proven to our people that "In unity there is strength." Omaha Jewry is recogn zing more each day and month the value of an institution that houses all forms of Jewish activity, and brings within its doors for good, men, women, and children. To this institution come our people to get strength of mind, culture, body, soul and learning. In this unity of purpose the Jewish Community Center will continue to grow. The general program of this unity and strength in the Jewish Community Center is divirsified. We have attempted by it to embrace every known form of activity. The obvious purpose of such a program is to find some activity that will enfold the aspirations, ideals, hopes and; desires of every person. School of Music An Active Community Center. Last year there was inaugurated, a During the year approximately school of music. Under the leadership 170,000 people have used Center faMrs. Henry Monsky, this commitcilities. Practically every Jewish or- of took upon itself the responsibility ganization in Omaha has used the tee teaching all branches of music to building for meeting purposes during of those who are not able to pay the the year. The strictly kosher kitchen standard price of teachers. She was has found much favor and it is in- able to gather for the faculty the teresting to note that the number most outstanding teachers of music of luncheons and dinners has in- in the city. A thorough course was creased during this past twelve outlined and followed. The success of months. The Center has acted as a this school is not in numbers but in clearing house for all Jewish activi- quality and all who have attended are ties in the city in order that there well satisfied and under this same may be no conflict as to dates for committee the good work will go on. events. It is a source of pleasure and Membership ' satisfaction to visit the Center during the evening and see the scores of While the general membership is men and women who come in and reasonably satisfactory, it is low in out of the building, attending meet- comparison to our Jewish population, ings, using the swimming pool or the and low in comparison with the numgymnasium, h o l d i n g conferences ber who should belong. When we dancing, listening to lectures, hold- speak of membership we mean the ing debates or attending study man, woman or child who pays an groups or reading the good maga- annual membership fee for which he zines and books in the reference li- receives the use of all the facilities of our institution. Most of the Jewish brary. The many meeting rooms hum with people of this city use the Center for activity, and one can appreciate the some purpose or another—but only full meaning of the words "Commu- a minority help pay for its maintennity. Center" only after he has had ance. occasion to visit the Center often and It is from the membership that we see for himself just what is going maintain the institution. We do not on, and the attendance of the people receive enough funds from the Community Chest to operate our instituin all walks of life. tion. We must, therefore, look to our Round Table. people to aid. There are many parents The Senior Club Council has who send their children to the Center changed its name to the Round Ta- to participate in its activities, hut ble — but its purposes remain the who do not belong as members.- We same—to inculcate into the minds do not close our doors to non-memand souls of our young Jewish men' bers — on the contrary we want all and women their Jewish responsibili- to enter — but those who are able ties and to provide for them a gen- to pay for membership should do so. uine culture. The program is broad It is shocking to look over the memenough in its scope to attract a}l bership list and find missing therejunior groups in the city. The Center from the names,of many who can provides a place for these young folks well- afford to pay. There are many to' meet, to play and to learn. Rabbi who cannot — and they are provided David Wice of Temple Israel is now with -membership as a part of our acting as the sponsor .for this group general program., Therefore, those and under his leadership and .guid- who, are able should assist in providless fortuance the program of the Round Table ing memberships for those ; nate,. - ':vv-;. •/ •'. '•will be enlarged. ,~v . Miscellaneous Activities Physical Department. There are many more activities that "During the last year there was Or- are worthy of mentioning. The refganized the Men's Health Club. erence library Is the only Jewish" liThrough this group were brought to brary in the city and is used to a the Center many men who have not jreat extent. The Center also has a been actively engaged in any form circulating library that is finding of physical education for many years favor. Unfortunately, many men, after Dramatics, debates,-oratorical conTeaching thirty-five years of age, tests and essay contests are other neglect their physical well-being. It forms of education carried on i n t h e j is with the hope of bringing more general program. They hold various of- the older men into the physical types of athletic tournaments and holdepartment that this group was iday festivals. The annual Father and given private quarters and private Son and Mother and Daughter banfacilities. quets under the direction of the SoGenerally, the women are using cial Service committee are considered the physical department. The wom- a part of the general program. The » gym classes are well attended Center also assists in the work of the well as the swimming. Of course Boy Scout troops and provides a meetas young boys and girls use thess ing place for them. \ facilities to a greater degree .than There are many activities that are conducted under J. C. C. auspices that are periodical — that is, there is no regular program for them, but as ocbuildtas casjqns, arise,. Jthe, Center lends,, every. r ls head'ec e f f o r t . ' ^ ' 1 '* "* A ! i ! " ' lJack W. Marer is chairman of the

velop standards and principles of effective community organization and inter-Community relationships in local activities. Sam Beber is a member of the executive committee of the National Council. Henry Monsky and William L. Holzman were recently named on a national mobilization committee of prominent leaders to effect communal unity throughout the country. At a conference held in Kansas City last'May, Philip Klutznick was elected chairman of this Region and Jacob S. Pearlstien secretary. A regional conference will be held in Omaha October 6 and 7. A meeting of the national council, at which Beber was, elected to the executive committee, was held in Chicago in January, with 163 delegates attending. . '

OLD PEOPLE' HOME A joint committee representing the Federation and the Daughters of Israel Aid Society determines all the basic policies and budgetary needs of the Old Peoples Home, as well as deciding on admission and discharges of inmates. Investigations are made by the Fed-

eration, through its case workers; all William L. Holzman, president;' A. Wolf. Executive director is Jacob cases are followed up by the Federa- Henry Monsky, first vice-president; S. Pearlstien. * Sam Beber, second vice-president; tion, whenever special need arises. Funds for operating the home come Mrs. L. Neveleff, third vice-president; : Harry Silverman, secretary; Abe chiefly from the Philanthropies. The Old People's Home committee: Goldstein, treasurer. ~ B'nai Brith members may be well Mr. H. Silverman, chairman; Mrs. Honorary officers: Dr. Philip Sher, proud of the work of their order durJ. Finkel, Mrs. M. Kneeter, Mr. R. honorary president; Harry B. Zim- ing the year 5694. ; While the condiKooper, Mrs. I. Kulakofsky, Dr. P. man, Mrs. Morris Levy and Mrs. Har- tion of the Jew throughout the world Levey, Mr. H. Malashock, Dr. N. Mus- ry H. Lapidus, honorary vice-presi- has became precarious, due to antikin, Mr. S. Ravitz, Dr. A. A. Stein-, dents. Semitic -uprisings and the depression, berg, Mrs. K. Tatle, and Mrs. A. Wolf. The executive committee includes: B'nai Brith has been a bulwark of deA comparative report for the Home William L. Holzman, Henry Mon- fense, in protection of the name pt sky, Sam Beber, Mrs. L. Neveleff, Judaism. from 1930 through July, 1934: Harry Silverman, Abe Goldstein, Dr. The anti-defamation league; which Month 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 Philip Sher, Mrs. Harry Lapidus, Mrs. is sponsored by the B'nai Brith, has 7 11 9 January .._ 10 Morris Levy, Harry B. Zimman, Mil- become a champion of Jewish rights 9 8 10 10 March .... ton Abrahams, A. B. Alpirn, Mrs. in every civilized country on the fajce 7 11 9 February „ 10 8 9 11 10 10 Jeannette Arnstein, Max M. Barish, of the globe. Wherever anti-Semitic April David Blacker, Eugene Blazer, David outbreaks showed their ugly head, 8 9 10 10 May Cohn, David Goldman, Dr. A. Green- with vicious lies and propaganda, the 9 June —.._. 6 10 10 berg, David Greenberg, J. J. Green- B'riai Brith anti-defamation league 9 July ........ 6 io 10 berg, Mrs. J. J. Greenberg, William was ever present to counteract them. August _..v 6 11 10 " 9 Grodinsky, Abe Herzberg, Morris Ja- Even in our own country, many or9 10 September 6 11 cobs, Philip Klutznick, Robert Koop- ganizations have recently been boirn, 8 11 10 10 October er, J. H. Kulakofsky, Mrs. J. H. Ku- whose sole aims and purpose are^N 8 11 9 9 November lakofsky, Irvin Levin, Harry Mala- defame and destroy the Jew. T^e 9 9 December .. 8 11 shock, Jack W. Marer, Alfred S, B'nai Brith is fully aware of this sitOFFICERS Mayer, Morris Milder, William Milder, uation and as a champion of the The officers and Executive com- Isaac Morgenstern, Irvin Stalmaster, rights of all Israel, has met the atmittee "o f the Jewish Community (Continued on Page 4.) , Harry Trustin, H. A. Wolf, Mrs. H. Center and Welfare Federation:

B'nai Brith

FREEDOM * * *• * * A NEW YEAR! We are all glad to see it eome. But in our rejoicing, let's not cast aside the old year without some word of praise. Let's pause a moment and reflect. Are we better off today than we were a year ago? In material things, perhaps not. But in faith, in the stability and future of this nation, we've grown rich; It's just history repeating itself again. You recall that history relates back in 1776 —an old man pulled lustily on a great bell. The joyous sound was heard around the world. It surged into-the hearts of the op-

pressed from all lands... and they came to America for a new deal. During the past year that old liberty bell rang out again. This time swung by the hand of our peerless leader and beloved President, Franklin Delano Roosevelt. The message of another new deal is heard. I don't know much about economic charts and averages and all that, but as I look back I recall that all through this last old year everybody seemed more hopeful and happy. We were born to the tune of that old liberty bell. As we greet the bright dawn of a New Year, let's keep it ringing. SAM JOSEPHSON.

;*>,. -


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New Year's Edition—THE JEWISH PBESS-THursday, September «, 133*

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t*, fc-'j.iir ' ^ , 't

New Year's Edition—THE JEWISH PRESS—Thursday, September 6,1934

f oma ha

ing of nutrition and hygiene in the home. The new officers elected at the last meeting are: Mrs. Julius Abrahamson, president; Mrs. Sol Novitsky, 1st vice president; Mrs. Joseph Goldware, 2nd vice president; Mrs. David R. Cohen, financial secretary; Mrs. Allan Kohan, financial secretary; Mrs. Jack Kaufman, recording secretary; Mrs. Irvin Levin, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Ben Handler, treasurer. Board of Governors—Mrs. J. J. Fund chairman. Mrs. -i. Dansky in- Friedman, Mrs. A. Eomm, Mrs. J: Roaugurated a new system of collection senberg, Mrs. Julius Stein. of boxes. Each chairman succeeded in Chairman of Committees: Linen her undertaking. During the entire shower, Mrs. Jake Blank, gift fund, season the meetings were largely at- Mrs. Dave Stein, administration fund, tended. Mrs. David Goldstein pre- Mrs. F. H. Roddy, bulletin, Mrs. M. F. Levenson; co-operation, Mrs. M. Youpared admirable programs which were sem; infant welfare, Mrs. T. A. Tully, greatly enjoyed. co-chairman, Mrs. A. Cohen; school Hadassah Health Welfare Program luncheon, Mrs. Julius Stein; social, in Palestine provides for the physical Mrs. R. M. Shlaes, co-chairman, Mrs. and social welfare of the family as a I. W. Rosenblatt; rummage sale, Mrs. unit, and also comprises the follow- I. Grossman; hospitality, Mrs. Moe ing: Katleman, co-chairman, Mrs. R. Pre-natal and post-natal care, anti- Bleicher; parliamentarian, Mrs. J. H. tuberculosis care, visiting nurse serv- Kulakofsky; publicity, Mrs. J. M. Erice, establishing dental phophylaxis, man; auditor, Mrs. Max Fromkin; GiYe infant care, anti-trachoma care, teach-] or Get luncheon, Mrs. H. Hirshmann;

irror o

Jewish Activity 1

. (Continued from Page 2.) Kooper and Himan Goldstein, in tack, and is doing everything human- memory of Mrs. H. Goldstein, $25; ly possible to safeguard our rights Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky, in and privileges as Jews and American memory of Esau Fleischman, $5. citizens. The Free Loan committee appeals The work of the anti-defamation to the .Omaha Jewish community to league is only one phase of our B'nai follow the example set by so many Brith work. The order supports and public spirited individauls by contribmaintains such institutions as the uting to the fund, either in memory of Denver hospital for Consumptives, a departed loved one or in honor of the Cleveland orphan home, the Leo dear ones who are-living. The need N. Levi Hospital at Hot Springs, the is great, as many who were formerly Hillel foundation, tKe A. Z. A., and donors are now in need of temporary others. Interest and membership in relief through this very fund. These the B'nai Brith throughout the coun- people do not want to accept charity; try has increased by leaps and all they ask is a chance for economic bounds. Omaha Lodge No. 354 has adjustment through a timely loan— also enjoyed a most satisfactory year which though' not charity, is neverunder the leadership of presidents theless most charitable. Rabbi David A. Goldstein and Leo Abramson, and have added nearly 200 new members to its rolls. . The officers and members have co- The Omaha Hebrew club organizaoperated to the fullest extent, and tion is one of the oldest Jewish orthe meetings have been interesting ganizations in the city, having been and very well attended. Omaha Lodge founded in 1852. The only surviving will celebrate its fiftieth anniversary local founder is Mr. Mendel Blank: on October 19, and plans are now un- It has an active membership of 390 derway for a monstrous meeting. members. To those of you who are not mem- Recently the club staged its 45th bers, the B'nai Brith urges you to anniversary picnic at Krug park, join up with them. Don't wait until a •which..was a city-wide celebration at-v committee calls, but hand your appli- tended by all Omaha Jewry. cation to any member. The club has made an enviable recThe present officers are: ord charity and benevolence, havLeo Abramson, president; Max Bar- ing for paid out since its inception $72,ish, vice president; Harry Friedman, 500 to 148 widows; $32,250 in sick treasurer; Sam Green, secretary; benefits; $25,385 =in donations; $3,* Nate Yaffee, warden; Dave B. Cohn, 950 in distress relief to members; guardian. $1,800 towards the of the Trustees: Stanley Levin, Frank Community Center; building $1,700 towards Ackennan, Ephraim Marks. furnishings and equipment for the Executive committee: J. Bisno, Sam Center; making a total of $136,500. Goldware, Dave Blacker, Dr. Leon Fellman, Dr. Sam Stern, Carl Lag- The Omaha Hebrew Club maintains a money reserve of ?12,000 for the man. guaranteed payment of death benefits to its membership. This is in addition to dues paid into the organization. The present officers consist of Beri E. Kazlowsky, president; Jack D. . The worth of an organization is not Gavenman, vice-president; Sol Rosenalways to be found in the spectacular berg, secretary; John Feldman, i achievements, but rather in painstak- treasurer; Louis Morgan, A. Eich| ing labors which do not appear on the ards, Nathan Yaffe, trustees, and ! surface or cannot be spread in big Irvin Levin, Dr. A. A. Steinberg and headlines over newspapers. This sort Sam Klaver, members of executive of work of an organization is often committee. times far more beneficial and takes : root much deeper. ." So it was with the Jewish. "Women's 1 Welfare Organization during the past [year, under the very able presidency With the closing of its 15th year, of Mrs. L. Neveleff. The organization the Omaha Chapter of Hadassah can .cannot record spectacular functions, look back proudly to a year of suc,tut can record with a sense of pride cess. Success, not only in its many ! activities, but also in the the work, which was done by the or- fund-raisingthat the loyalty and enthu' ganization in helping the Federation knowledge siasm of Hadassah has provcarry the heavy load of the past year. n an inspiration tomembers everyone who is The group's committees actively itally interested in the upbuilding- of .participated in the Family Welfare Jewish National Home. Hadassah, .Department, aiding in the distribution he Women's Zionist Organization of of clothing, ^finding homes, providing is participating in this uptransportation for clients and the case America, through caring for the health •worker to ease the burden of an over- building if the people of • Palestine. loaded caseload. Despite a year of unprecedented In the Center, the organization has condition, Hadassah has .continued to sponsor the Sunday aft- economic over the top — her quotas more ernoon dances; helped the Center gone than filled. membership numbers 'Players; and in the development of more than The each of whom feels the catering service, which brought the work of400, Hadassah been rec•hundreds of our people into the Cen- ognized as an integralhas part of the ter. building program, which includes im; The Jewish Women's Welfare Or- migration, colonization, education and ' ganization hopes that during the com- health. By a network of hospitals and ing year the members will be able to clinics which do not discriminate add to their strength, through a more against color, race or creed, Hadassah' effective organization of Jewish wom- takes upon itself the responsibility of en, so that they may render even the Health program, which is the part greater service to the community. Hadassah plays in the upbuilding of our Homeland. One of the finest things that Hadassah has done is the admission of numbers of ousted German doctors to the hospitals maintained by Hadas• The Jewish Free Loan Society has sah. Here in their safe haven, they served a communal need of in- are doing fine research work. Many estimable value during recent times German-Jewish professors are occupyA blessing to the community since ing chairs of learning at the Hebrew its inception, its work has bean par- University. ticularly praiseworthy in the era of The season opened in October with "Get Acquainted Tea." The book distress. . H. A. Wolf is chairman of the reviews which were initiated two years Jewish Free Loan Society. J. H. ago have come to mean much in the Kulakofsky is vice-chairman; David way of culture. There are two groups Feder, secretary; Leo Abramson, ex- and the work will be continued this ecutive secretary; William Grodinsky, coming season. One of Hadassah's outstanding-affairs is the "Give or Get." treasurer. Luncheon, proceeds of which go /to > The total amount of loans out- the Medical Fund. At the third annual standing as of August 1 amounted or Get Luncheon held May .3 to $25,254.87. Since its organization, Give 175 attended. Miss Pearl Franklin of the society has made 1,580 loans, Chicago was the guest speaker. Mrs. totaling $137,700;73. From January Julius Stein was chairman of the af1, 1934, to August 1, 1934, a total fair, Mrs. M. F. Levenson, president, of twenty-seven loans Were made, presided. amounting to $3,445.50. In 1933, total of seventy-two loans were Donations in memory of loved departed ones or in honor of a joyful made, for a sum of $10,385.51. occasion, were received by Mrs. J. J. Many families cannot reconcile Freidman, chairman of the gift fund. themselves to accept charity but— Money thus collected is used to plant victims of unexpected reverses—they trees in the reforestation project. In have through a temporary loan from connection with this fund, Mrs. R. the Free Loan Society been able to Bleicher and Mrs. Morris Freidel orwork out their economic rehabilita- ganized an evening social club, dues tion. The loans are made to any of which were donated to the gift Omaha Jewish family of good char- fund. The school luncheon fund in acter,, self-respect and good standing charge of Mrsl J. Blank, and her coiB the community, upon notes en- chairman, Mrs. David R. Cohen was Taised by a series of card parties, dorsed by business men. 5-These loans are made from a per etc., which were very successful. The; nianent revolving fund. The fun< bake sales, dances and card parties originally started with a capital o: given by Mrs." Joseph Goldware and $1X00, representing a §100 gift bs her committees for the Infant Weleach, of ten communally-minded man fare boosted her fund to the top. The The committee expresses its ap- Hadassah linen shower which is an preciation for the following contribu- annual event was headed by Mrs. tieris in 1»3*' Mr-and Mi's. Robert Julius Abrahamsoni < The J National.

iinancial, Ttrs; B. A. Simon; program, Mrs. D. Brodkey; education, Mrs. Max Fromkin; telephone, Mrs. A. S. Rubnitz; medical fund, Mrs. Sol Novitsky; membership, Mrs. Joseph Goldware; courtesy, Mrs. A. Frank; senior-junior advisors, Mrs. J. Rosenberg, Mrs. A. Romm, Mrs. Charles Ross.; national fund, Mrs. I. Dansky, co-chairman, Mrs. L. Alberts; sick visiting, Mrs. Julius Newman; motor corps, Mrs. D. Epstein, co-chairman, Mrs. J. Kaplan; sewing circle, Mrs. A. Theodore, co-chairman, Mrs. R. Bordy, membership luncheon, Mrs. Sam Cohen, co-chairman, Mrs. H. bloom.

of Jewish Women

Under its new administrative plan renewed interest will be aroused in the- Omaha Council of Jewish Women through the extensive scope of the year's program, according to Mrs. A. D. Frank, administrative vice-presijdent. The organization will function as three distinct departments; namely, administration, social, and education,

with a chairman and committee for each department. During the past year, one of the most active groups of the council has been the International Relations group, headed by Mrs. Manuel Grodinsky. Pertinent topics formed the basis for talks by various civic leaders, and discussion followed by the group, in open forum fashion. It was with regret that the council was forced to accept the resignation of its president early in spring, when a change in residence made it necessary for Mrs. Robert Glazer to submit her resignation. Mrs. A. D. Frank and Mrs. Max Holzman, ably carried out the season's program, however. Another group to gain much from its meetings was the child study class of which Mrs. Sam Stern was chairman. Meeting weskly at the Community Center to study problems of child care, these members heard discussions by experts in this field, and extended their course for an additional period of time so as to include more of the subject matter. As usual, the council's annual bridge party climaxed the season,

raising funds for the ways and means committee, under the chairmanship of Mrs. Philip Levey.

Highland The Highland Ccruntry club enjoyed a highly successful season during the summer just past, with more and more of Omaha Jewry being lured by its well-balanced program. Abe Herzberg was re-elected president. The other officers who served were: Sam J. Leon, vice-president; Harry Malashock, treasurer; Ed Treller, secretary. The board of directors included the officers and Jerome Heyn, M. E. Chapman, Al Mayer, Dave Feder, Dr. A. Greenberg, Ben Danbaum, Manning E. Handler, Dr. M. I. Gordon, Louis Hiller, Morton L. Degen, Milton Livingston, I. B. Zimman, Morris Milder, H. A. Wolf, Leslie L. BUTkenroad, J. H. Kulakofsky, Morris Fcrer. The committee chairmen who assisted in making the season so enjoyable were: Harry Malashock, house committee; Louis Hiller, (Continued on Page 8.)

Omaha Hebrew Club

Jewish Women's Welfare


Jewish Free Loan Society



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HISTORY teaches us

History teaches usthat a provident God provides a balance in life ... that for every nisfJif there is a daton, for every shower there is a rainbow, for every sorrow there is a joy, for every death there is a new life born. History teaches us that the Jewish people in their epical past survived prehistoric paganism, Babylonian polytheism, Roman sanguinii». Spanish inquisition ... that across the Jewish path there rose and fell a Pharoah, a Haman, an Antiochus, a Torquemada . . . that under each, Israel suffered untold anguish, hut true to her ideals, she rose through God's [ providence to ever greater glory, living on—cen-

turies after her oppressors returned unto dust The Jewish history of 5694 was written in blood and tears, through IVazr barbarity directed by a Hitler. . .but we bury deep in our consciousness the tortured memories of the travail-laden year just passed, as—heeding the lessons of history—we greet the birth of a new year in humble hope and hallowed resolution. Borne on the billows of sacred memory and cognizant of the historical significance of these High Holydays, We look to a provident God for the golden era which inevitably must follow the age of iron.


New Year's Edition—THE JEWISH PRESS—Thursday, September 6,1934


_ KSSfiipSS


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and courage, the members of the H. A. Wolf Company, Inc., feeling a conscious pride in the name, traditions and responsibilities of our institution—extend our heartfelt wishes for a year of measureless health and happiness, a beacon-u'ght of inspiration onthetempestuous seas of life.


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M71. W O L F c o . , INC. V


5th Floor, Brandeis Theatre Bldg-


Page 6—Section B

New Year's Edition—THE JEWISH PRESS—Thursday, September 6,1934 •





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a friend of Ralph Waldo Emerson, Emma Lazarus, wbo had very little to GEMS of the BIBLE do with things Jewish, became kindled with a Jewish passion and wrote and TALMUD a series of modern epistles to the HePublished ever; Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by By O. O. DASHES brews, in which she urged the reTHE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY nationalization of the Jews in Palestine. In her poem, "The Banner of the O your perversity! shall the potter Subscription Price, one year - ' - • • - - - - - - - - $2.50 ijews," she cried: By DAVID SCHWARTZ be esteemed ag clay, that the thing Advertising rates furnished on application Oh, for Jerusalem's trumpet now made should say of him that made it, To blow a blast of shattering power "he made me not" or the thing framed Editorial Office: 490 BrandeisTheater Building. RETROSPECTION To wake the sleepers high and low say of him that framed it, "he hath Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center And raise them to the highest hour. no understanding." The fashion authorities tell us that DAVID BLACKER - - - • - - Business and Managing Editor we are returning to the nineties, and Strike, for the brave revere the FRANK R. ACKERMAN - . . . - - - - - - - - - E d i t o r brave! what with skirts lengthening and hats The humble also shall increase their FANNIE KATBLMAN - - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent going brimmier, they cannot go far ANN PILL - / • - ' - - - - - . - - . Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent (Copyright, 1934, Jewish Telegra- joy in the Lord, and the neediest wrong. among men shall exult in the Holy Print Shop Address: 1307 Howard Street phic Agency, Inc.) So let's go back mentally to the One of Israel. nineties—maybe a little to the eighties. I t should be a splendid exercise They also that err in spirit shall The individual who cannot bear to hear one word of criticism for New Year's day, when we arfi come to understanding, and they that will have to hear many. supposed to scrutinize the past. murmur shall learn instruction. * * » Before me lies a copy of the Lit"Roxy," -who is no stranger to the People prophesy delusions who say Crisis Past erary Digest of 1890 and turning the headlines, will make his theatrical unto the prophets: "Prophesy not unWherever men still grope in darkness, wherever men still pages, I come upon an article by eomeback en September 15th after an j to us right things; speak unto us ROSH HASHONAH—5695 Hodgkin. This Mr. Hodgkin absence from Broadway of several smooth things." wander blindly in the wilderness of savagery, Nazi theories Thomas goes on to describe a visit to Pales- months.—THE EDITOR. splotch the scenery. We would be ostrich-like if we were to deny line and he expatiates as follows: Rabbi Juda said: "Forty days beAs the blue-gray mists of the twilight of the old year re- that Hitlerism has spread its poison in many fields. "This land sans roads, sans chops, fo th SAMUEL EOTHAFEL: Theatricalj f f "nation of a chad, a Heavsans schools, sans doctors, sans justcede before the silvery dawn of Rosh Hashonah—the bitter sore n l y VOIce But, it must be remembered . . . the fact that noxious weeds ice, sans glass windows, sans every- _ _ _ extraordinary, master onf' 7 f C 0 T n e s f o r t h^ *** ^ s - The f rows and disappointments of yesterday sink into the horizon, fad- grow rapidly and spreadingly does not make them any pleasanter thing that connote well being and ceremonies and showman. Was a cash! J™E*ter of so and so shall marry to the human being with a sense of proportion and beauty—in- progress." In other words, Palestine in boy at 12. A book agent when he was t h e E o n o f E o a n d s o ing before the golden promise of tomorrow. 1890, according to Hodgkin was much 17. Served in the Marine corps. WorkThe twelvemonth of 5694 has been saddened by man-made stead, by their quick spreading they soon so* mar the landscape like a seashore—just full of sar.(d)s- ed in coal mines. Drifted into the Rabbi Popa said: Anger in a home is like a worm in a beautiful plant. What does Mr. Hodgkin think about movie business in 1907. Opened a ricksorrows. Economically, politically, culturally, it has found world that steps are taken to eradicate them. So, too, with the noxious theories of the Nazis. As long as the prospects for the future? There ety theater in a rented store and with Jewry despairing in a bog of misery and chaos. Our faith was they were considered harmless rantings, serious-minded people had been some talk, as Mr. Hodgkin chairs borrowed from an undertaker. Rabbi Chesda said: In the very befirst enterprise in Forest City, ginning before Israel had committed bruised; our confidence undernourished. As we overlooked the paid little attention to them. But when they spread and grew in knew, of the return of the Jew to His Pa., was strictly movies. Made his first sins, the Shechina would dwell with Palestine. What does he think of ruins of Jewish emancipation in the land of Goethe and Schiller, their hold, the world took defensive measures to eradicate their that? Mr. Hodgkin expresses an opin- big hit at the Capitol Theater a de- each and every one; but as soon as cade ago when he organized pioneer Israel committed sin, the Shechina we witnessed a recrudescence of unreasoning hate and startling growth. The result is that despite the constant propagandizing ion on that subject. It is as follows: radio group known as "Roxy's Gang." departed from them. is not probable that the return of of Nazi doctrines, today Hitler and his Nazi Germany—apostles "It brutality . . . civilized people reverted to medieval outposts. a million or two of Jews to Palestine Has since received over 7,000,000 fan Rabbi Joseph said: Always shall a in any way assist the economic letters, more than those of Amos 'n' Economic unrest has proven fertile soil for sowing the seeds of hate—are more isolated than ever, ostracized by thinking man- would Andy, Kate Smith and Rudy Valiee man take lessons from the ethics of development of the country." kind, without a friend in the family of nations. together. Left the Capitol to go with his creator, for God disregarded all of anti-Semitism, bigotry, prejudice, discrimination and misunder* * * Hitlerism threatened to sap the foundation of a noble strucmountains the Roxy Theater. In 1932 he opened ^ mountains and and counseled counseled his his SheS chma to 3 ave standing. Nazism not only polluted Germany but also spread its ture. But we believe that the crisis is past; Nazism is on the Now Mr. Thomas Hodgkin was «,«> x>*A\ an, Mn i> Wall. G™t. last « « t a** S the Torah n C the Radio City Music Hall. Quit regarded very highly in his Israel on Mount Sinai, (which is not poisonous tentacles in all directions, infecting other countries. On wane, and time is the ally bringing the triumph of freedom, jus- probably days. He couldn't help it that Time February in a dispute over stage costs. so tall.) Since then all kinds of rumors have has made a jackass of him. Rosh Hashonah the Jewish people in Poland will light the holyday tice and peace. about his future plans. But it merely goes to show, don't appeared Meanwhile he has been radio's forgot-, Rabbi Joshua . . said: One who weighs candles with trembling hands and bowed heads. The Jewry in you know, something or other. hl3 s th He who is contented is rich. ten man. Now he's going back on the ™? ™ * ™rld so as to f « • * Roumania live in abject fear. In Austria a systematic undercover with a new and unusual variety ! ° a t the right cause air Mr. Hodgkin was not a Jew. He Does not have a natural:* 0 ? e e * e R a t i o n of the Holy One, campaign is taking its Jewish toll. In Canada anti-Jewishness A penny in an empty box rattles loudly. raised b e He was a Christian. Another Christian of his day was much more far-seeing. radio voice. Speaks in a stuttering j P rears its ugly head. From nearby Cuba, spanning the globe to farmanner which makes his remarks The man I refer to was Lawrence off Africa, our unfortunate brethren are caught in the turmoil of A Battle Next Year sound extemporaneous. Prepares his Rabbi Chama said: Whoever starts Oliphant. uncertainty. Even in these United States^ official investigations A prophetic glimpse into the months ahead evinces a predic- Oliphant firmly believed that the of the Jews to Palestine was leonic Suave. A driving executive.] Smptun* considers the one who fmhave uncovered Silver Shirt and Nazi plots with wide ramifica- tion that American Jewry will be asked to become the spectators areturn feasible thing. He wrote about it— illions simply as "Roxy." | ^ h e W s h a v m ^ performed the enas well as the judges in the battle over the World Jewish Con- worked for it—went to Palestine to known to millions tions. Everywhere, a cataclysm threatens to engulf us. tire task. help in his way—at a time when The- His middle name is Lionel. Nothing J about him resembles the old rough But "even as the night, so cometh the dawn." We of the Jew- gress. Juda said: Why did Joseph The recent conference in Geneva, heralded as a world Jew- odor Herzl was yet in knee trousers. and ready movie pioneer who popu- dieRabbi before his older brothers? Because ish faith have been tested in the crucible of time again and again; * * * larized stage shows in lavish film I he ish conference despite the fact that many important Jewish bodies So the Jews in the eighties were houses. Doesn't look his 52 years. Still-1 assumed airs of superiority, our vision cannot be eclipsed by temporary clouds. Rosh Hashonah —as the B'nai Brith, the American Jewish committee, the Board thinking of Palestine too. But that water, Minnesota's leading citizen, is with its retrospection and introspection, pulsating as it does with of Jewish Deputies of England and the Alliance Israelite Univer- was not all they were thinking about. returning to the air waves on the Co- Rabbi ,.Joshua said: A,woman pre, iL , I open the American Hebrew of 1SS0 e r s t o h v e vitalizing Jewishness, affords us an opportune time to gain new selle of France—decided to convene a world Jewish congress next to find what they were thinking about. lumbia Broadcastingg Svstem, the chief i * . ^gether l e s s lwith u x u her r a thusher l of the h NBC, NBC over whose h ffacilii l i ^a aa tnl d heavveen a ^b r o\k e lne s sh o ml uex u ^^ ' r a t h e r courage and inspiration. The supposed liberalisms of proffered August. This was the signal for a sharp exchange of verbal brick- The American Hebrew was, of course, rivals a different management then. ties he made his reputation. His spon\ emancipation have proven weak reeds upon which to lean—we bats between Jewish leaders. One group charges that the confer- under sor will be Fletcher's Castoria. His ence is not representative; the counter-charge is made that elec- It was the chief exponent of. tradihope that the radio audience must seek new strength in a Jewish renaissance. Calumnied as a tions will be universal and will be democratic so that the conclave tional Judaism as against the Ameri- friends will cry for him as children are supcan Israelite of Cincinnati, which exposed to cry for Castoria. r whole people, victimized as a whole people, we must become a will represent the will of the Jewish masses. There is talk of a pounded the reform point of view. whole people . . . welded into a united, harmonious co-operating "fight to the finish," as well as personal thrusts and accusations. I open the American Hebrew—and LUDWIG LEWISOHN: Novelist immediately I see that these eighties Jewry . . . mobilized for a more intense and living Jewishness . . . The ordinary Jew from his position on the sidelines cannot and nineties were the days of per- and critic Translator and publicist. of some of the greatest writ- Q. Does Zionism invoke dual citihelp but feel that the Jewish people are the losers from this pub- sonal journalism in the Jewish field Mentor with the prophetic zeal of Israel's age-old prophets. ers of the generation. Translator of zenship ? as well as the general. The faith and eternal hope symbolized by Rosh Hashonah are licity battle. To be true leaders, the men at the helm must sub- For instance, I note the American Jacob Wassermann and Gerhardt A. Rabbi Morris S. Lazaron of Hauptmann, whom he introduced to merge themselves for their cause and their people . . . instead answers this question as the flaming torches which light the way. Our spirit thrives; our they are making a ridiculous spectacle in a race for "paper" lead- Hebrew takes a crack at the Ameri- the English-reading public, together Baltimore follows: Why should Zionism involve can Israelite. The latter had said that hope revives. We look not at the shadows behind, but at the sun- ership, with the public airing of their "dirty wash" being a dis- the American Hebrew was mostly with other literary greats, A devoted dual citizenship any more than the American and a devout Jew. Has writ- interest that the English, or French, by old women. beams ahead . ....with their glorious assurance of a golden rule credit to the Jewish name. We do not want showmanship . . . we read And the American Hebrew re- ten some of the most beautiful prose or Italian would have in their homewant leadership. Unless the so-called leaders can quit their petty sponds: "That may be true, but the known to the English literature as land? Zionism is the age-old longbringing peace, brotherhood and social justice to all mankind. as its most pungent criticism. ing of the Jewish people to set up squabbling, new captains will chart the Jewish course with the American Israelite seems to be edited well Recognized as one of the first dozen a national spiritual home. Not many by old women." dynamic compass of unity. men of letters his era has produced. Zionists today bother very much * * • Jewish Education Short, professorial-looking, with a about the political state of PalesThat was Jewish personal journal- dignified embonpoint. Slightly gray. tine. On the solemn occasion of the High Holydays, with its period It may be an autonomous state Only he who has lived, through a given situation can judge ism. It was not quite as savage as Mellow and gentle. Travelled widely, within the British empire or, as one for meditation and retrospection, serious thought should be given general personal journalism then in odd corners of the world. Is a feverthe English statesman has put it, the man in that situation. "Judge not thy neighbor until thou the to the problem of our children's Jewishness. the vogue, when editors were in the ish collector of menorahs. Loves dogs. of the fifth dominion—although there habit of calling each other cur, rattle- A systematic and hard worker. Writes are radical The tragic events of the past few years, under the shadow hast been placed in his position." Zionist groups who desire snake and other things zoological. 1,500 words daily when at work on a an independent Jewish entity in of Nazism, has taught the most skeptical that denying one's Jew* * * book. Must have his daily afternoon Palestine. Certainly every injunction ishness offers no solution. On the contrary, they have found Heeding the Times Well, let's meander further down nap. A great connoisseur of music. of Jewish tradition, as well as every that the individual who was reared without the Jewish atmosIn the present age, when the world is being upset by con-the eighties. Aha, what do we see An assiduous c«ncert-goer. Learned indication of Jewish practice reveals Hebrew unaided as well as Aramaic. the Jewish loyalty to the land where phere suffered doubly, for in his bewilderment upon the storm stantly recurring economic, political and social upheavals, it be- here? Can it be possible ? None other than Is a boon companion of Sholom Asch. he lives. There is an old Jewish of oppression which broke in fury about him, he did not have the comes imperative for all minority groups to join forces, if they our friend German anti-Semitism. It Came here from Germany in 1890 saying, "Dinah d'malchuso dinah"— spiritual haven of refuge so consoling to the Jewish person who hope to preserve their freedom. seems the old Aunty was pretty viru- when he was eight years old. Educated "The law of the land where the Jew lent in Germany then, too. There was at Columbia. Wrote for the magazines lives is his law." knew his people's history and understood the cause of their sufApropos to this, Rabbi David Philipson writes in the "Cath- a fellow named Steocker, a preacher and critical journals. Born a Jew, he fering. . olic Telegraph" of Cincinnati: In this era of hide-bound nation- who foamed at the mouth with hatred tried to live down his heritage. Tried Q. Are Christians as well as Jews actively interested in helping the Flowing through the ages, Jewish learning and Jewish educa- alisms, all minorities are being put on the defensive. They are of Jews. He didn't like Heine, he to refashion himself into the accred- refugees coming out of Germany? tion has been the rich, red blood which has given permanence to being used as scapegoats upon which the majority peoples may didn't like Lassalle, he didn't like ited image of his Gentile milieu. But A. About twenty per cent of the Mendelsohn. He wanted public conthe tragedy of the Jew hounded him. Jewish life. Jewish education has been an unpierceable shield, vent their wrath and their distress. They are being definitely flagrations of Jews. After five years as instructor in Ger- refugees coming: out of Germany are "warding off the calamitous attacks of the ignorant and the big-labelled so that demagogic leaders who lack constructive pro- And he- was not the only one. Theman at the University of Wisconsin non-Jews, and among them are both Protestants and Catholics. Up to the posals may provide the populace with witch-burning and lynch- American Hebrew of that year quotes he abandoned his post when the anti- present oted as we wandered in the Diaspora. almost all the financial help Semitism of his colleagues became unone German, anti-Semite as charging To perpetuate ourselves, we must realize the significance of ing bees. In such a time it behooves the members of minority that the Jews were not as good beer bearable. Found a position as profes- that they have received has come Jewish funds, which have this heritage, the importance of our,Judaism. Sometimes flicker- groups to realize their common fate and to join each other in drinkers as the other Germans, that sor of German literature at Ohio from been distributed, in general, without State University in 1911. Was dis"they did not," to use the paper's exsuch constructive action as this emergency calls for . . . Catholics, ing, other times bright—our strength increased as did the vivid"as effectively irrigate their missed in 1919 as a pacifist and a sectarian bias. However, there are a Jews, liberals, all racial and political minorities may well pay heed pression, ness of our Jewish learning. interiors with beer" as the non-Jews Jew. Returned to literary criticism. number of Christian committees both to such signs of the times. They must continue the pure demo- in Germany. Hence, they could not be Won his spurs as one of the healthi- in England and in the United States, Every Jewish parent interested in his child's welfare should cratic traditions of this country. est spirits of modern critical writing. that have been seeking to arouse as good citizens. take steps immediately to insure a proper Jewish education, the Groped his way toward novel writing. the interest of the churches and have * * * up his residence in Paris in 1923. been raising funds. Mr. McDonald, well-spring of Jewish inspiration. There were Jewish refugees in those Took A people who live for the future in hope, disdaining the past, days, too. But on the whole these ref- Was past 40 before he spoke a word the high commissioner, has repeatfor his people. Hard experience of his edly expressed himself as disappointugees were fleeing from Russia, and early are—like hope—eternal. days drove him to form the opin- ed at the actual amount of Christian the Jewish papers of those days are ions he - Arab'Jewish Relationship voices so challengingly today. aid that has been made available. At full of stories about helping the Rus-Rediscovered Judaism as a release a meeting in July in London on the The smouldering fires of revolt continue to flare up occasionsian refugees. Hebrew Calendar from prejudice. Jewish lore. "Experts Committee for Academic ally among the Arabs in Algeria, despite the energetic action of Yes sir, the phrase Russian "ref- Saturated himselfMastered with all things Jew- and Kindred Refugees from Ger. 5695 ugees" is mentioned quite as much in the French authorities since the suppression of the recent pogish." Studied to get at'the root of Jew- many,** Mr. McDonald stressed anew those papers as German refugees are ish life and-«haracter. Experienced a the need of a more adequate reromist activities. The situation is so fraught with explosives that Rosh Hashonan..^_Jgonday and Tuesday, September 10 and 11today, and I wonder if the end of the spiritual rebirth. Became a Jew from the ' it has served to once more focus attention upon Jewish-Arab re- Fast of Gedaliah . , —„—.—...-......-..-Wednesday, September 12 story will be the same in Germany unique and a Zionist. In his most famous au- munity and declared that considering Ypm Kippur -v. ... .. ,r. ........" Wednesday, September 19 as in Russia. Whether the forces that * lationship. that about $500,000 are needed durDay of Succothv'-.....:_-.-•••••^-^_.^_.-^Monday, September 24 oppressed the Jew will meet the same tobiographical novels he spilled forth ing .. ' On the whole, the Jews and the Arabs have no difficulty in First the year 1934-35, and roughly inglorious end. I have an idea it will the agonies of his early years in_ Eighth Day..-of Succoth.__._.__ „ Monday, October 1 $500,000 during the followliving neighborly side by side. But political leaders whose best Simchath Torah ~ __.. . ..Tuesday, October 2 be. America. Since then his burning race-; fmother year to meet the needs of the m * personal interests lie in strife between the two peoples, are con-•Rosli Chodesh Chesvan Wednesday, October 10 Let's continue our backward stroll. consciousness has been echoed and re-1 S yea • tihually stirring up enmity. Usually, the means used is to spread Rosh Chodesh Kislev -—«. it was clear and that student if the . Thursday, November 8 What else are Jews concerned about ? turns echoed.toAthe self-sentenced hetrire- emigrants academic, professional land of his exile, earliest Christian community took its share false rumors that Jews were subjecting the Moslem religion and First Day of Chanukah ... .; What's that crowd outside the synaumph as a brilliant novelist and a Sunday, December 2 of responsibility the problem was not gogue? Ah, they are arguing. Some glowing Jew. holy places to disrespect and ridicule. The Arabs, being fanatical Rosh Chodesh Tebeth. Friday, December 7 want hats in the synagogue and othinsoluble. 19S4, by Seven Arts in their religion, are easily aroused by such maliciously-spread Fast of Tebeth Sunday, December 16 ers are for hats off. Some talk kosh- (Copyright, Feature Syndicate.) er and some are in favor of ham sandOslo, Norway (JTA).—At the Conreports. wiches. NOTE: Holydays begin in the evening preceding the dates gress of Scandinavian Jewish Youth The relationship, however, between the Arabs and the Jews Individuals may form communities, Organization here, Rabbi Dr. Melchior designated. in Palestine of latei has been encouraging. True, there are points Touched by the plight of the Rus-but it is institutions alone that can of Copenhagen spoke on 'New Tin»p» sian Jewish refugees, a young poetess, create a nation.—Disraeli. of conflict, as the Arab zealousness on illegally-entered immi- : *Rosh Chodesh also observed the previous day. New Tasks."


grants and. the anti-immigration protests, but these are insignificant when the whole picture is viewed. Most of the Arabs are thankful for the rising prosperity Jewish industry, finance and initiative have brought to the country and realize fully the benefits the Palestinian Arabs have derived from the Jewish influx, in health and in a much higher standard of living. As a result of tiie Arab betterment, Moslems from the bordering countries have been coming to Palestine to reap the fruits of booming times. The Arab-Jewish relations should be improved in all respects possible, as the years roll on. But, this must necessarily be a byproduct in Jewish efforts—for us, the upbuilding of the homeland is the supreme task. Man-power and money-power are the backbones of the land rebuilt, in which both Arab and Jew "will live as neighbors, once more making Palestine the promised land.



The Week in Review

Questions and Answers






New Year's Edition—THE JEWISHPEESS—Thursday, September 6,1934

CHOSEN FOR Site Selected Close to Hebrew University for fiofhschilil Hadassah-UnL Hospital


3Jcr York.—The first medical cen-ter and graduate school of medicine in Palestine, "to lie known as "the EothsTTlfr—TTnringgnh — Tfnrpprcffcy

-will "be Tmilt on Mount Scopus i s 3exTiBalem, close t o t h e HeTirew Tlniver.K11>, > , i t "was announced nounced T>y T>y ^aT>, tt hhe W Women's Zionist Organization of America, and t h e American ^Friends of t h e Hebrew University. T h e national board of Hadassah

cabled approval of the location to Xhs. 3. J. Golub and Hathan Eatnoff, both cf this city, -who went to Palestine to make a final choice with the site cominittee there. litrs. Edward Jacobs, chairman of the building fund committee, said the new institution •will contain a losnital, complete pTvmrnt and xeseareh laboratories and a graduate school of medicine. "While the iospital will be owned and administered by Hadassah, "which maintains a complete medical system in Palestine, the academic! work of the institution •will be di-1 xected by the Hebrew University. i Mrs. Jacobs announced that a build- j ing committee has just been appointed in Palestine to expedite the con•Etruction program. Preliminary plans, she declared, call for a -210-bed space.! which will make the hospital one of; the two largest in Palestine. She added that the cornerstone of the building will "be laid at the same time that tKe Hadassah organization here holds Its convention. • "The building of the medical centei at this time is most propitions," Mrs. I Jacobs said. "The lapid growth of Palestine, the availability of outstanding German scientists and the presence in Palestine of large numbers of •physicians who need facilities for further study make the erection of the medical center an immediate necessity. "With complete facilities for research and teaching, the hospital will bring Palestine to the forefront of medical science and raise health standards in ihat part of the world." Dr. A. S. W. Kosenbach, president of the American Friends of the Hebrew University, sees 'limitless possibilities' *in the performance of medical "work on the part of the new hospitaL ' I t mot only can serve all the people of the Uear East, regardless of faith or creed, but may become part of a great medical center from winch in timeto come may emerge solutions of sripntifir. problems which will benefit mankind," Dr. Hosenbach said. Since "the hospital will be connected 'with the Hebrew University f or research and teaching, its location near the university buildings is considered ideal, Mrs. Jacobs declared, and is in line with the modern trend of building lospitals away from thickly popxQated sections. Mount Scopus overlooks the mam part of Jerusalem and is a ten-minute ride from the center of the Sty. Many acres are available for the hospital buildings, Mrs. Jacobs pointed out, permitting ample room for future expansion and for a large garden setting.

Taimudic Tale on "Thievery" "What induces theft?" asked a schoolmaster of his scholars. One answered "Hunger"; another ^Extravagance"; another "Envy." But one, wiser than the rest, replied: "Ee-ceivuts.** "WeB answered," said the schoolmaster. "For King Solomon said, •Whosoever is partner with a thief lateth "his own soul,* which TTIPJITIR, I B -who derives gain from a thief by helping Tmn to realize the profit of the theft i s thoroughly dishonest himself, and of the two is the more culpable. This -proverb is illustrated in the Midrash as follows: A powerful and -wise prince once made a law that the Teceiver of stolen property should be hanged, and the thief go free. This caused great discontent among certain people Tfho lived in luxury and entertained lavishly, and likewise among others who had sufficient sense to •understand the true intent of the law. The prince, anxious to teach the people "the wisdom of his edict, ordered all his subjects to meet Mm on a large field, which he had prepared for the occasion. How, the day hefore they met, he had the ground pierced with a .number of holes. The people assembled, and the prince ordered various pieces of meat to he strewn all over the ground, and a few weasels to he let loose. In a very short time the weasels disappeared down the holes •with fhe meat. On the -morrow, the prince again assembled the people, again distributing the morsels of meat, and again -let loose the thieving weasels; but he had taken the precaution to have every hole and nook stopped up. So when the weasels pounced upon the meat and ran with i t toward ihe holes, where, fhe day hefore t h e ; had eaten it, they found the holes closed against them; unable to dispose of the meat, they dropped it 'fBehoW saffi the Mng, "theft prospers only when thieves can dispose dOheir'infiotten'sobds?*"

• As. ageless Time tarns to an unsullied page in ihe book of life, a new year is dawning . • * "with its glimpses of hope inthe offing. On the occasion of the New Year, the Oeep Rock OilCorporation of Nebraska forges anew those basic principles of quality and service which have characterized our instituton. The prestige we have attained among the discriminating is intangible . • . but it is real and to us, priceless ! *


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Page 8—Section B

New Year's Edition—THE JEWISH PRESS—Thureday, September 6,on Sunday-mornings -which caters to about forty children of school age. Seven commissioners act as officers of the congregation. They are H. Dworsky, A. Jacobson, Goodman Meyerson, S. Corenman, M. Tatelman, S. Cannar and M. Katzman.


J ewis

Vaad Men's Club

The Men'r, Club of the Vaad Ha'Ihr was organized last January, to provide both a social and educational outlet for the male members of the Vaad. A dinner and business meeting, followed, by entertainment is held the •third Thursday oX each month. Such speakers as the Rev. Laurance Plank, Dr. Victor Levine and-Fred \\Thite addressed the group , the'.past season. The Men's Club of the Conserva- Musical programs by local talent are tive synagogue was organized on also included at each meeting. November 13,, 1933, to further socia- ^ The catering at the organization's bility among ; the men of the Con- dinner was done by members of the servative synagogue. Vaad Auxiliary, particularly Mrs. L. Meeting the last Wednesday of Epstein, and her committee. each month at a dinner, the organizThe resumption of fall activities ation since its inception has had as will begin September 20, with an inits guests, De Bradshaw, president .of creased membership expected. the Woodmen of the World; Ed Weir _. M.Burstein is president; H. Segall, of the University of Nebraska, for- vice-president; .Sid Katleman,' secremer ail-American football star; . I. tary; William Milder, treasurer. Dansky, the inimitable story teller; John Le Neun, star Nebraska athlete; Father Mullany, S. J., of Creighton university; and David The Brotherhood of Temple Israel Lazarus, Omaha's own baritone. . has during the past year been an inPlans are being formulated for a tegral part of the activity of the Temvery active 1934-35 year. ple. The local group is affiliated with Horace Rosenblum is president; the National Federation of BrotherWilliam Racusin, vice-president; Ar- hoods,- and its program has been of thur A. Cohn, secretary and treas- inestimable value: and service to local urer. Reform. Judaism. . -

Conservative Men's Club

program of the past year, but every (Continued from Page 4.) a dinner and interesting, program. Vaeffort will be made to better it. rious'other activities have- been ;held greens; T)avid Feder, entertainment; celebrating Jewish holiday occasions. Sam J. Leon and Milton Livingston, VAAD Officers of the congregation are: B. finance committee; Ed Kraus, sports The past year has been one of incommittee; Les Burkenroad, mem- tense activity for the Vaad. Services Shafton, A. Harris, S. Katelman, R. bership; Irvin Stalmaster and I. B. have been conducted at the B'nai Is- Dorinson, J. Abramson, I. Schwartz, Zimman, policy committee; Archie rael Synagogue every Friday night, arid H. Gilinsky. Jacobs and Allen Kohan, publicity; including many special services, which B'nai Israel, South Omaha Julian Milder, boys and girls activi- were attended by capacity congregaThe synagogue was founded twentyties; Mrs. Mollie Cohn, ladies enter- tions. Services have been followed by tainment; Mrs. M. D. Micklin, ladies open forum meetings under the aus- five years ago, and plans are being made for the celebration of a silver golf. pices of the Junior organizations anniversary this fall. The new buildwhich have been very successful. An The season was officially opened ing, located at 25th and J streets, with a -dinner-dance on Saturday annual service was held February 2, was built in 1926 after the old one and the annual dinner meeting was evening, May 26. From then on, stags, parties and regular Saturday held February 4, at the J. C. C. was razed. The synagogue has a memnight affairs provided a full and Among the other special services, was bership of about seventy-five. Services a special service for high school gra- are conducted on Friday evenings and entertaining calendar. duates of the Omaha schools held on Saturday and holidays. The congregaOne of the feature events was a tion is affiliated" with the Vaad Ha'Ihr style show and revue held Tuesday May 25. under the guidance of Rabbi Uri MillThe Vaad has sponsored a Junior evening, July 3. Special events were also arranged for the next day, the Synagogue in cooperation with the er and conducts a Religious School City Talmud Torah and a splendid Fourth of July. The Highland Fling, blue ribbon attendance of children has been the event of former years, was revived, result. They have also sponsored a and under the chairmanship of Ben Religious School which is being atDanbaum over 700 men enjoyed a tended by about 200 children, and full day's program of golf and spe- meets every Sunday morning at the B'nai Israel Synagogue. cial events. With the cooperation of the PhilThe annual Highland golf tournaanthropies, the problem of the mesment brings out some "close competition," and this year was no excep- chulochim has been solved. Funds to tion. Julian Milder captured the these organizations are now sent directly to these institutions from the championship for the third time. Philanthropies through the Vaad. In the women's tourney, Mrs. Aba The organization has increased its Brodkey annexed the title. membership with a gain of approximately 150 members during the past year. . . • . - With the cooperation of the Auxiliary of the House of Israel SynaTEMPLE ISRAEL gogue in South Omaha it has conTemple Israel reports a most suc- ducted a Religious School in that cessful year, having completed its Synagogue. 63rd year of spiritual guidance in the Member organizations of the Vaad community. include the four Orthodox Synagogues During the past year the work of of Omaha and the South Omaha ConRabbi Frederick Cohn, who has gregation. served the Temple so outstandingly Commissioners of the Vaad are for the past thirty years, was sup- Messrs. Nathan Levinson, Louis Epplemented by Rabbi David H. Wice, stein, Joe Tretiak, Sam Ravitz, Nawho was elected Associate Rabbi last than Wilfson, Harry Rimmernan, Isaac September. With his assistance and Morgenstern, Isadore Goldstein, and broad perspective, great strides have George Soref. been made in building up youthful B'nai Israel Synagogue Temple activities. A Junior Congregation has been organized, a Youth The B'nai Israel Synagogue is one Club inaugurated, as well as other of the largest and oldest synagogues youthful activities, so that Temple in Omaha. This past year, its fiftieth Israel n o w has an appeal to persons year, was one of great activity. ofl all ages, from the time a child The B'nai Israel Synagogue is headfirst starts .to Sunday school kinder- quarters for Rabbi Uri Miller and for garten until the time he is eligible many of the Vaad activities. Its cantor for full senior membership in the and choir officiate at the late Friday Congregation. services and its club rooms are used In May a Youth Conclve was held, by the various organizations affiliated •which was attended by young men with the Vad. Cantor A. Schwaczkin and women from territory, surround- and his choir have gained an enviable ing Omaha and was very'instructive reputation. Regular services are held three in its illustrations of Jewish art and hues a day and special services "on history through the ages. -. . The officers who ssrved the past all holidays in accordance with the term are: A. Goldstein, president; orthodox rituals. On December 19 a special Chanukah Harry Wilinsky, vice-president; was given by Cantor SchwaczLouis Hiller, treasurer, and Minnie concert kin and his choir to a capacity audH. Wolf, secretary. The board of ience. On May 27 the fiftieth annivertrustees consisted of Milton R. sary was observed by a mass meeting Abrahams, Eugene Blazer, M. L. at the synagogue and a dinner at the Cohn, Sol L. Degen, David Goldman, Center. M. E. Handler, Max Holzman, Sam All the local rabbis and outstanding Lson, Alfred S. Mayer, Harry Z. Jewish personalities participated In Rosenfeld and Fred Rosenstock. the program. A large growth in membership was CONSERVATIVE reported at this meeting. The year 5694-was the best in the Commissioners of the synagogue are five year history of the Conservative •N. S. Yaffee, Louis Epstein. Dr. N. HL Synagogue. I t began very auspicious- Greenberg, Joe Tretiak, William Mildly with Harry Silverman, chairman of er, Louis Margolin and Harry Marcus. the membership committee, reporting Weiss is secretary and Hymie P. fifty-five new members. The admin- Milder is accountant. istration of J. J. Greenberg, presiBeth Hamedrosh Hagodol dent, was marked by a steady and sure growth in the activity of the The Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol SynSynagogue. A fine spirit of earnest agogue, 15th and Burt streets, has had working together for the cause of the a very successful year. synagogue was shown by all the memServices are held three times a day bers and the affiliated groups. with a class in Jewish history being Religious services on Sabbath eves conducted between Mincha andMaariv and Holydays were exceptionally well by Rabbi Uri Miller and Mr. C. D. attended. Frequently, the crowds that Mendelson. came taxed the capacity of the Jew- Special services were held on all ish Community Outer Auditorium. holidays in accordance with the OrThe music of the services was great- thodox ritual. •.--*..V On Februar.y 11, the congregation ly enriched, thanks to the new choir director, Harry Braviroff, who has celebrated the burning of the mortnow trained a fine choir of 30 voices. gage with a dinner and interesting The Music Club- was organized dur- program. In April; Rabbi C. E. Hillel Kauvar ing the past year with Horace Rosenblum, Arthur Cohn, and William of Denver was the guest of the conBacusin taking the leadership. Several gregation. During the past summer numerous , interesting meetings were -held. The club, now little more than one-half alterations have been made in the year old, has more than 100 members. synagogue building which, will lead The Auxiliary helped the Synagogue to its more efficient use in the future. Officers of the Congregation are In many ways. The Sunday School derived its financial support from the Louis Blotcky, Harry Rimmerman, auxiliary. The successful s e r i e s of Nathan Wilfson, Nathan Levinson, eight Book Evenings were ably spon- Goodman Meyerson, Ben Gross, and sored and managed by the Auxiliary Ephraim Weinberg. Committee. Thanks to the women of Adass Yeshuren the1 congregation, the Holydays were The Adass Yeshuren Synagogue conadequately celebrated. The large beau- tinued its spiritual activities during tiful Succah and the Purim celebra- the past year under Rabbi Nathan tion were voted by all to have pro- Feldman. vided the beat programs of the year. A large increase in membership was The most inspiring cultural event one of the main characteristics during injOmaha in the last year was the the past year. A / L Sachar Institute of Jewish HisThey acquired and dedicated a new tonr'" This was successfully spon- cemetery on September 3, with the losored b y ^ h e Study Club. A fine eve- cal rabbis participating in the service. ning: cf Jewish music, sponsored by the C2 Club, was another event of B'nai Jacob Synagogue The B'nai Jacob Synagogue continGreenberg, president of the ued its spiritual activities undlminished during the past year, under the guidance of Rabbi H. Grodzlnsky. On March 4th, the 25th anniversary of the synagogue was celebrated wlth-


munity Center. Mrs. Dave . Epstein was chairman. The annual dance held December 17 at the Paxton Hotel, was well attended. Mrs. A. C. Milder was in charge of arrangements and Mrs. William Milder in charge of tickets. The auxiliary served a father and son banquet for the Young Men's Vaad and a Chanukah Luncheon on ! December 18th. A Purim Carnival which filled the Jewish Community Center to the doors was held February 28th, at which dancing, cards, a play, and bazaar were features. A Mother and Daughter banquet was held on May 15. The chairman of \ this affah was Mrs. A. Schwazckin. The annual theater party at the Circle theater on May 29, under t h e ' chairmanship of Mrs. William Milder, proved a great success. The annual picnic was held June 10, at Krug> The Vaad Auxiliary has just com- Park under the chairmanship of Mrs. pleted a year another year of suc- Mollie Brookstein. > cessful endeavor in the religious and AH auxiliary affairs were splend- • cultura". fields. idly patronized. \ Its monthly meetings held the third The Auxiliary has sponsored vari-; Monday of each month have been very ous cultural affairs, including the re- • successful and interesting. Programs ligious school, some open forums, and given by the program committee un- other projects of cultural and relider the chairmanship of Mrs. Howard gious importance. Milder have featured these meetings. A substantial increase in member-' A very successful card party was (Continued on Page 10.) held November 8 at the Jewish Com-

Under tfce able leadership of Morris E. Jacobs, the Brotherhood during the past year stimulated much interest. It was in charge of the men's activities and much of the social life of the Temple that is not under the sponsorship of the Sisterhood. Increased attendance at Friday evening services was a major accomplishment. The. Brotherhood co-operates with the Sisterhood whenever possible, to promote mere activity and spirit in the Temple. The Sisterhood does the catering at all Brotherhood luncheons. , The • Tficers: Morris Jacobs, president; Homer Binswanger, vice-president;; David R. Cohen, secretary; Robert -Rosenthal, treasurer. Trustees are Dr. Benjamin Friedman, David Block, and Louis Lipp. '

Vaad Auxiliary




*,jr'-•""%•• "''~v-

Able hands are needed to steer a true course through the stormy waters of a changing age. Century after century Israel — guided by a spiritual compass, constant and eternal, always pointing toward a greater social justice and brotherhood of man—Israel has ever lent loyal and able hands to help weather the tempests of commercial, social and political uncertainty which have beset each changing age . . . Today, the fast-moving currents of history are fraught with perils. More than ever, able hands and level heads are needed to bring the new era to safe harbor. As Israel in the past has given generously of the power of her intellect and the genius of her trade—which have proven indispensable to the progress of civilization—so may the New Year witness an even greater role by Israel in the charting of humanity's future course of greater promise.


Delivered Anywhere in the City Elmer F. Rosengren, Mgr.

43rd and NICHOLAS • • • • GLENDALE 1866

55—33ruraa^,5ej3fember S,3J9S4

Plaits ^


. ; -"




.' *-"U '



and the following

i U


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„ *

wish you &

I 1

Happy New Year .art nf htuMing "pemumfint beauty" imflunkK ^Gse shsar rm Dmaha.'B Ckroper GonstructiDii Corrgsny and i t s .aBsociateE -3© maze p mortar intD plaee . . . by Taetter txmstrnction *thp prical^B touch of ^>enna3ieiit beauty. On i±iB liew Tear "these iirms express jfopir sincere ~Sast fee wn-mfng annnths -vntmsB ~thB firm founflation , greater iiappiness .2nd 3norB ^Mrmanent beauty xS all mankind. * '

1 I



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I , ^ . . - . ,...-

-New Year's Edition—THE JEWISH PRESS—Thursday, September $ 1934

Page 1©—Section B

Mirror of omaha


Malkeh". These meetings featured the rehabilitation .of Palestine as the financial support of ,Omaha ,_Jewry their funds to th s. National.. Fund headquarters, who in turn purchase cultural" programs, refreshments were Jewish national home. By its active during the past year. participation in the struggle and produnams of land in the Holy Land and served. send certificates for the dunams. On January 13, Rabbi H. R. Rabin- test against inhuman, bestial treatThis group of local women raises owitz of Sioux City was guest speak- ment of fellow-Jews in various outbreaks throughout the world, the Pio- The Jews, through the execution of one thousand dollars annually for the er. On April 15 the organization spon- , neer "Women's organization accepted the last simple rites, -make of death material upbuilding of Palestine. They sored a musical, given by the Hazo-, its responsibility as the voice and a noble thing. It is for the people also raise additional sums for the mir Singing Society under the super- weapon of thousands of Jewish wom- who wish their 'rites performed in an Jewish National Fund through J. N. en in the United States and Canada F. boxes, flag and flower days. vision of Cantor A. Schwaczkiri. and completely justified its existence. orthodox manner, that th3 Chesed Five years ago the Daughters ot On May 9 Rabbi Saul Silver of the Shel Emes Society was formed. Hebrew Theological College spoke at | Always keeping its main purpose in Death makes all men equal—there- Zion completed the payment of their a dinner and mass meeting, both of mind, yet never shirking its duty to fore those who can pay, and those $3,000 pledge to the Jewish National which were well attended. | Jewry as a whole, the local chapter of who cannot, have the same rites per- Fund for the purchase cf a lot for the Pioneer Women has moved for- formed for their dear ones. the building of a dormitory of the HeThe Mizrachi can thus be said to ( Mrs. Sol Novitsky, a dancing party; (Continued from Page 8.) ward with the international organizabrew College at Beth Hahave accomplished a great deal dur-. Mrs. David Greenberg, a coffee sale, For many years, the members of kerem,Teachers ship has given the Auxiliary approxiPalestine. A large sign is on and Mrs. B. A. Simon, a men's stag ing the past year. Its membership is tion. the Chesed Shel Emes Society have premises telling of the fact that The success of the Pioneer Women now over a hundred. mately 400 members. party. quietly, unassumingly, that the the Daughters of Zion in Omaha made is particularly gratifying since an worked Officers include: Sam Ravitz, presOfficers include; Mrs. L. Neveleff, Although the new season is only there might be a place for the orthoWith a new year in the offing, and enormous responsibility has been laid this possible. president; Mesdames: Nathan Levin- a - new president at the helm, the just beginnings the new president ident; A. Cohn, vice president; E. upon it. The eighteenth Zionist con- dox Jew to be buried, as his fathers The Daughters of Zion have also Bloch, secretary; and Max Venger, and officers have already sponsored were before him, according to the son, Harry Marcus, and Abraham Conservative auxiliary is making gress, since so many of its members a summer dancing party, and are treasurer. ritual prescribed by Jewish law. raised more than half of their underSchwazkin, vice presidents; Mrs. Wil- plans for an active and prosperous busy working- on future plans to The Executive Committee includes: were of the Poale Zion, the Zionist Their efforts are rewarded in the taking started in 1930 to raise $5,000 party, gave to that party the for a water installation in a new colliam Milder, recording and financial season, all preliminary prospects in- keep the auxiliary members inter- Messrs. L. Blumenthal, J. Kirschen- Labor responsibility for the reconstruction of work of the Chesed Shel Emes So- ony in Palestine, where it is expectdicate. ested and active in their organiza- baum, S. Katleman, N. Levinson, H. Palestine. This responsibility has been ciety. secretary; Mrs. A. L. Blumenthal, ed that fifty families will soon be Mrs. David Sherman takes over tion. Marcus,CD: Mendelson, S. Riekes, A. shared by those groups affiliated with Mrs. Louis Neveleff is president; treasurer; and Mrs. I. Elewitz, corG. Weinstein, E. Weinberg, A. Katzr the Zionist Laborites, one of which is Mrs. J. Milder, vice-president; Mrs. self-supporting. the-duties of Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky, responding secretary. In addition, the group gives hearty Reverends A. Schwazkin and J. Shu-the Pioneer Women. as president, after two highly sucS. Weinzweig, secretary; and Mrs. co-eperation to all Palestinian organkert, and Rabbis Nathan Feldman cessful . years, during which - Mrs. R. Milder, treasurer. izations. They also contribute liberalIn Omaha, as elsewhere, the priand Uri Miller. Kulakofsky endeared hersslf to all ly to local and national drives. mary emphasis has been placed upon her workers by her never-failing the help given the Chalutzos in PalesMost of their funds are raised charm and gracious manner. The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Contine. Nevertheless, no opportunity has through bazaars, balls, rummage The Temple Israel Sisterhood Is the Beginning with the early fall when of Israel, 25th and J streets, been lost to educate the members and The purpose of the local Zionist dis- sales, concerts, regular card parties ladies' auxiliary of the Congregation the women again provided services Igregation was organized last. November 21. Its For ten years the Bikur Cholim Jewry in general, concerning our na- trict is to stimulate interest in the and society dues. They also give sevof Temple Israel. It is affiliated with in the specially constructed succah, purpose is to keep up the interests of Society has not failed the lonesome tional duty. To this end, the organiza- rebuilding of the Jewish Homeland eral open programs during the year. the National Federation of Temple activities of • the group have been the South Side synagogue and the sick—flowers to its members, bring- tion has-brought to Omaha during the in Palestine. The officers: Mrs. L. Morgan, presSisterhoods and also with District 20, wide and varied. South Omaha Jewish community. ing with their exquisite colors good past year such important personages Zionism has made great strides re- ident; Mrs. M. Brodkey, first vicecomposed of the sisterhoods of MisPerhaps most spectacular and suc- A modern kitchen has been install- wishes for speedy recovery—good, of the Zionist world as Goldie Meyer- cently in becoming an integral part president; Mrs. J. Goldware, second souri, Kansas, Iowa and Nebraska. cessful from the viewpoint of the ed adjoining the assembly hall of the wholesome kosher food for those who son, national secretary of the organ- of Jewish life, through the inestim- vice-president; Mrs. A. Shafton, fiA very inspiring and successful dis-. community was the group of eight synagogue. The organization has a turn wearily from "trafe" food they ization; Anshell Rice, world secretary able aid Palestine proved to be in the nance secretary; Mrs. M. Arbitman, trict convention, under the chairmanroster of close to one must not eat—many are the exam- of the Poale Zion; and Dr. Chaim crisis among German Jewry. The in-recording secretary; Mrs. I. Kulakofship of Mrs. Harry Rosenfeld, was book evenings given by Rabbi David membership hundred.: ples of the expansive kindliness and Shais, noted historian and archaeolo- credible progress in Palestine has sky, treasurer; Mrs. A. Wolf, chairA. Goldstein for the auxiliary. Caheld in Omaha last November. gist. These visits have helped crystal- also served to fccus world attention man of national fund boxes and tree Mrs. Joe • Goldwafe was elected understanding of this society. The purpose of the Sisterhood is to pacity crowds attended each review president, lize certain tendencies in Omaha. on that country and intensify Jewish donations; and Mrs. I. Beber, treaswith Mrs. S. Canar, viceThe Bikur Cholim has averaged help promote sociability and Temple and much favorable comment marked president; Mrs., A. Kazlowsky, secrethan a score of new members interest in the work or the Zionists. urer of this committee. attendance, and during .the last year the entire series. The auxiliary hopss tary," and Mrs. Charles Nathan, treas- thirty hospital calls a month, and al-More have been added to the organization. most the same number of home calls. it has assumed the entire responsibili- to repeat the project this year. Nationally, many of the obstacles Further, these visits have been more urer. ty of the Temple Israel Sunday School. Honoring new members the or- The board of directors include Mrs. The friendly cheer of the members or less responsible for the organiza- in the path of a united Zionist Orof the Bikur Cholim, their good will, Under the leadership of Mrs. Louis ganization devoted one meeting to tion of such a valuable adjunct of the ganization of America were removed Kulakofsky, ably assisted by Mrs. their welcome. A birthday luncheon A. Lipsman, Mrs. M. Katzman, Mrs. S. their obvious pleasure in their sslf- movement the Junior Pioneers, and at the last convention, when Morris Although the newly-organised ProGorelick, and Mrs. S. Epstein. ComHarry Rubenstein, this new undertak- and entertainment program featured appointed tasks make their visits the soon - as to be - organized English- Rothenberg was unanimously re- gressive Hebrew club has only' been ing was finely handled by the relig- the day when 35 new members were mittee chairmen: Mrs. V. Lorig, ways eargly anticipated by the friendless speaking Pioneers. elected president. and means; Mrs. H. Fladerman, pubious school committee. or lonesome sick. The officers of the local Zionist in existence since July 29, of this added to the rolls. licity, and Mrs. Frank, program. year, it is already displaying its only has the moral success of group' during the past year: The Sisterhood during the past Student Sabbath was observed Among the affairs on the social cal- Mrs. Louis Neveleff is president. theNot organization been gratifying, but Morris Friedel, president; N. 3. possibilities and showing the need in term, with Mrs. Carl Furth as presi- again this year, and not to be overOther officers are: ' Mrs. S." Fish, dent, accomplished its three-fold pur- looked were the highly successful in- endar of the Auxiliary were a benefit vice-president; Mrs. J. Finkel, vice- it has succeeded in all its financial Yaffee and A. Frank, vice-presidents; this city for the type of program pose very • successfully. During the structive, and entertaining Oneg bridge, a bridge tea afternoon, a president; Mrs. L. Morgan, treas- undertakings. The quota assigned to Joseph Tretiak, treasurer; Dr. A. S. that it is fulfilling. past year the Sisterhood also had the Shabbas meetings held during the Mother and Daughter social evening, urer; Mrs. Leon Mendelson, corre- it by the national organization has Belzer, secretary. The purpose of this organization is and a social card party. A dance for been more than met. Beyond the sums Temple entirely redecorated and remedical protection of its members sponding secretary; Mrs. M. Cohen, sent to the national headquarters, the carpeted; other minor renovations fall and winter months. These have the young folks is planned for the recording and families and the sponsoring of secretary; and Mrs. come to be a vital part of the social month of September. local chapter has contributed to many were also made. educational and social activities. Abramson, financial secretary. worthy agencies, local as well as naThe officers for the ensuing year life of the group. To properly provide for the mediFund raising methods were co-ortional and international. are: Mrs. Max Holzman, president; cal care of its members and their Very pleasing has been the recogni- The membership of the Omaha families, a doctor is employed on a Mrs. M. L. Cohn, vice-president; Mrs. dinated in a group plan under Mrs. tion accorded the organization by Daughters of Zion, a Jewish National full time basis and the necessary Louis Kulakofsky, recording secre- Reuben Kulakofsky, chairman and The Mizrachi Zionist Organization Faced by a crisis unparalleled in Omaha Jewry as a whole, and a trib- Fund Auxiliary, consists of over two medical prescriptions are compounded tary Mrs. Dave Goldman, correspond- group chairmen. Mrs. David Sherman of Omaha has completed a very acing secretary; Mrs. Harry Ruben- sponsored a bake sale; Mrs. Jacob tive year. Meetings have been held modern Jewish history, the Pioneer ute, for which the Pioneer Women's hundred women who work energeti- by a competent druggist. Dr. S. A. stein, treasurer, and Mrs. Sam Werth- Blank, a box-lunch sale; Mrs. Mose regularly, the first Saturday night of Women's organization has nonetheless organization of Omaha is deeply grate- cally for the rehabilitation of Paleseimer, auditor. Yousem, the series of book reviews. the month in the form of "Miave moved perceptibly toward its goal, ful, has been the generous moral and tine as a Jewish homeland. They send (Continued on Page 2, Section C).

Chesed Shel Emes

Jewish Acti Conservative Auxiliary


Congregation of Israel Auxiliary

Zionist Organization

Bikur Cholim

Progressive Hebrew


Daughters of Zion

Pioneer Women



3" -•-.'

Members of All Principal Exchanges KARL A. LININGER, Manager

- ir




Room 240 Omaha Nat»l Bk. Bldg.



rflfiWIStt PRESS—Thursday,September 6,11931





'*"' " ' '-' '- '

— ;






. .







And God said: "Let there be light, "and* there was light"... So began the journey of light through the gloom of the ages. But each day, with the setting of the sun,light wearily sank into the inky pools of darkness . . . and now began the work of man. In primitive days, man first discovered fire, wild and uncontrolled, partially breaking the gloom. And then the candle, with its feeble, flickering light, became the ally of man

in his struggle toward civilization. Next; tKe kerosene lamp—traveling with man on his path to progress. And soon, gas — in its growing brightness was faintly visible the sky-* line of modern cities. - Today, with dazzling brilliance, banishing the darkness of night in its eternal watch over the city, electricity brings new gifts of enlightjnent to mankind, with a glorious promise on the New Year for a shadowless tomorrow. -i


, n p J@v--





fc / 3 O O

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. •

New Yeafs Edition—THETJEWISHPRESS-ThMsday, September <6, 1934


For Your Enjoyment •&RH

Like the sparkle of champagne • • . gay and sophisticated • . . the Sixty Club and the Cloverleaf are the rendezvous of the smart set.



Here you are assured of an evening of enjoyment . . . dancing to the strains of haunting melodies and dining amongst your friends, under softlv-shaded liehts . . . from a menu flt for royalty.


These firms join us in . wishing you • A Happy New Year

-' -X* ,-,*





Happiness is our theme song the year round . . . and as the langorous shadows of the old vear melt before the dawn of the new, the Sixtv Club and the Cloverleaf—joined bv the firms listed on this pager-sincerely wish that the months to come are overflowing with happiness and iovousness, brimming o v e r with health and good fortune.








ifi^rt "Sfe«

(tee rasssss'

igiaiiiiliiiiigiii: mm



-<•• y

Organizational Review • Continued in This Section

May the New Year Be a Joyous One

Page 1—Section C


NAME DR. C O P Sam JL Leon RABBI EMERITUS, HeadsTemple TEMPLE ISRAEL .Congregation Elects Rabbi David H. Wice as Rabbi of Temple. " Rabbi Frederick Cohn~ was made rabbi emeritus of Temple Israel 'at the annual meeting of the congregation Sunday. • Rabbi David H. "Wice, who has been associate rabbi for the past year, was elected rabbi..'He..will take over active direction of. activities of the Temple Immediately. '• Sam J. Leon; attorney, was elected president of the congregation for the ensuing year,- succeeding Abe Goldstein. Sol Degen was: elected honorary president. * Other officers: Harry Wilinsky, vice-president; Louis HUler, treasurer; Miss Minnie Wolf, secretary, and Sol Degen, Milton Abrahams, and Fred Rosenstock, trustees. " Rabbi Cohn has been-the spiritual leader at the Temple for over three decades. He came to Omaha as rabbi of Temple Israel in March, 1904. • ' He. has been outstanding in the religious. . civic,. social and communal life of Omaha, and has been very popular as a speaker and lecturer before various organizations and clubs. The present change was made, it was explained, to relieve Rabbi Cohn of some of the arduous responsibilities which he has shouldered continuously since coming here, and to lighten the burden of his work. On the occasion of his twenty-fifth anniversary in the Temple pulpit, Dr. Cohn was elected rabbi for life. All but seven of his 37 years in the rabbinate were spent at Temple Israel, the other seven at Fort "Wayne, Ind. ; Rabbi Wice, who is from" Petersburg, Va., has- become very active in communal affairs since be became associate rabbi last September, and has

Above is pictured Sain J. Leon, local attorney, who was Sunday elected president of the congregation of Temple Israel, for the ensuing year. gained much popularity for. bis earnestness, ability "and hard work. He is a graduate ot the Hebrew Union College in Cincinnati, and obtained his bachelor of arts and master of arts degrees from Washington and Lee university. Rabbi Wice plans to extend the adult education program at the Temple. The\work begun .with the youth groups last year will be continued. Temple leaders point out. that standards of the Temple school have been brought up to" a 'point" where the curriculum and administration'equal that of any large religious school in the country.


Religious Conference 1 To Meet at Chicago

New Year Greetings

Chicago (W. N. S.)—The National HOLYDAYS Committee for Religion and Welfare

The Youths' Service of the Conservative Synagogue will be held on. the High Holy-days.; in the lodge room of the J. C. <3., and will be in charge of members of-A. Z. A. chapters 1 and 100. Services are to be held Rosh Hashonah. eve, in the • morning of the first and second days of Rosh Hashonah, Kol "Nidre night and Tom Kippur. No afternoon services are being held. The traditional prayer melodies will be -chanted at the services by Harry Weinberg, Israel Bercovici and Abe Katz The cantors will be assisted by a mixed" choir • which has been organized and trained by Miss Betty Fellman, well-known pianist. Members of the .choir are Geraldine Strauss, Sylvia Gilbert, Bess Goldware, Dorothy Kaplan, Shreda Osoff, A"" Fellman, Esther Silverman, Una Gross, Sylvia Magzamin, Sadie Kohlberg, Sylvia Sil verman, Miriam Ueb, Beniice Bernstein, Libby Burstein, Herbert Marks, Paul Halperin, Irving Kaiman, Eddie Fellman, Irving White and Irving Yaffe. Six sermons will be delivered at the services, three by active members of the A. Z. A. and three by. alumni. Alumni who will speak are Max Baer, assistant executive secretary of' the A. Z. A., Ephraim Marks, and Julius Bisno, executive secretary. Ben Shrier, Chapter 1, Edward Rosenbaum, Chapter 100, - and Macy Baum, Chapter 1, will represent the active members. . . The reading of .services will be le<l by Sam Friedman and Richard Horowitz of Chapter 100 and Ernest Priesman of-Chapter 1. • Ernest' Priesman is general chairman of the congregation, assisted by Nathan Crounse, Ben Shrier and Macy Bauxn. •

Recovery, which is composed of S00 Church and social welfare leaders of Catholocism, Protestantism and Judaism, will convene at Chicago on September 20 to plan for future activities. ' •. . - _" " ' . '. '. •:> September 20th" will be Religion and Welfare Recovery Day at the Century of .Progress Exposition and will' be marked by a special program illustrating the advances made in religious and welfare work in the United States durinj the past century.

Jewish Food Dealers Holy day Concessions Mayor Roy N. Towl Tuesday announced that he would send a communication to the police department requesting all police officers to allow all Jewish-owned stores dealing in foodstuffs to remain open.on Saturaay and Sunday, September 8 and 9, the week-end preceding Rosh Hashonah, and on - Saturday anc Sunday. September 22 and 23, the week-end preceding the first day of Succoth. Jewish-owned stores ordinarily are closed on Saturday, but the concessions. Mayor Towl said. we. -* asked by Jewish merchants in order that they might serve their Jewish patrons on those days.



Mayor, City of Omaha

1 wish to take this opportunity on my own behalf and on behalf of the people of Omaha to extend through the Jewish Press to. the Jewish people of Omaifia our sincere wishes for a Imppy and joyous holiday season. We xcish at this time to voice the hope that this Jewish New Year's Day will bring for Jews all over the world a year free from the anxieties and hardships which have marked the past year. May the coming year touch the high water mark in happiness of a people who have played such an outstanding role in the development of our country.


afternoon from the home, with Rabbi Frederick Cohn officating. Interment was at Pleasant Hill cemetery. He is survived by his widow, Fannie: three sons, J. M, H. A. and Albert A. Newman; one daughter, Mrs. W. J. McArdle; two brothers, J. Newman of Chicago and Al Newman of Excelsior Springs, Mo.; five sisters, Mrs. M. Silver of Sioux City, Mrs. Yetta Schonberger ot Chicago, Mrs. Hannah Kline of San Francisco; Mrs. A- Newman and Mrs. Sam Somxaer of Omaha.

Morris Newman, 73, of 4859 Cuming street, died Friday morning at a local hospital. He was a pioneer Omaha grocer and retired fifteen years ago. . . "Funeral services were held Friday

Freeport, Long Island—This former hotbed of Ku Klux Klan activity has refused to grant a permit for a parade of the Friends of New Germany. . .


Jews Threaten German Rabbi Berlin—Berlin Jewry is in an uproar over a death warning received by Rabbi Prinz, prominent Zionist, from the League of National German Jews, an extremist assimilationist group. In a letter to Rabbi Prinz a spokesman for the leag-ue warned that he would be shot "like a dog" if he did not stop his attacks on the league and leave Germany.

Naras Seized Warsaw—Police arrested a number of Naras, members of the anti-government, anti-Semitic National Radical party, at Radocz, near this city, on. charges of illegal activities.

VAAD REGISTRATION ON SUNDAY Registration for the Religious School of the Vaad Ha'Ihr, under the direction of Rabbi Uri Miller, will be held Sunday morning, September 9, at the B'nai Israel synagogue, 18th and Chicago streets. The parents of both old and new students are urged to have their children register. New York. — The Yiddishes Tageblatt, the first Yiddish daily in New York, and probably in the world, was founded in 1885 by Kasriel H. Sarasohn.

The Features in This Section Continuation of Organizational Review. "Row German Jeu*ry Fares Under Nazism," by Boris Sviolar. "Organic Strength From Renaissance," by Victor Bienstock. "Holiday Thanksgiving," by Nina Kaye. "Pioneer Whose Soul Struck Root," by Felix Salten. "Je'icish Problems On the Campus? by Rabbi Morris S. Lazaron.

The Advertisers in This Section Grace-Mayer Company Union Pacific Railroad Burlington Railroad Chicago and North Western Railroad Northwestern Bell Telephone Butter-Nut Coffee Roberts Dairy Winthrop, Mitchell & Co. Ak-Sar-Ben Stock Show and Rodeo Electric Housekeeping, Inc., of Omaha Benson Furniture and Radio Company Nebraska Power Co.

1 O our people everywhere may the year 5695 bring Health, Happiness and Prosperity and the sweetness of liberty under every flag.


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New Year's Edition—THE JEWISH PRESS—Thursday, September 6,1934

-Page 2—Section

are Mrs. Coltoff, Mrs. Tesler, Mrs. association serve without pay. In- organization loaning sums up to thirSpivak, Mrs. Zusman, Mrs. Miller and corporated during 1917, this associa- ty dollars to members only. Though Mrs. Bailen tion has loaned hundreds of thou- these loans are small, the good they The organization has expressed its sands of dollars to local Jewish peo- do is large. The Jewish National Workers Alli- appreciation for the co-operation of ple, helping them get established in , The organization meets twice a ance Branch 54 is proud to report that the past, and hopes for continued suc- businesses and homes. month. in spite of the depression the local cess in its future progress At the present time the following Officers are: "Mrs. S. Barson, presmembership for the past year has are the .officers and directors of the ident; Mrs. S. Epstein, vice-president; more than doubled. association: P. Ginsburg, presidant; Mrs. L. Adler, treasurer; Mrs. S. ZerThe activities of this year were S. Feldman, vice-president, I. Abram- novsky, loan secretary; Mrs. J. Weinmore varied than ever. Last fall, two The Jewish National Fund Coun- son, secretary; B. Lindenbaum, treas- er, dues secretary; Mrs. J. Miller, corlectures were given by outstanding c i l o f O m a h a wwas a e s t a b l i s h e d zt o urer, and directors H. Guss, J. Ban, responding secretary; Mrs. J. Ban, speakers from New York, and Omaha! £ e r v e a s d ^ h fo S. Bloom, B. Miroff, B. Gorelick, S. hospital committee. Board members Jewry responded to these talks ad- cal Jewish National fund activities, Wienrreg, A. Ginsburg, L. Fox and include Mrs. J. Finkel, Mrs. S. Fish, Mrs. J. Goodbinder, Mrs. H. Adelstein, [(Continued from Page 10, Section B) ing and strengthening the Talmud men's Circle in 1921 for the erection mirably. The organization collaborat- with practically all Omaha organiza- I. M. Wintroub. ed with the Pioneer Women in spon- tions interested in the upbuilding of Mrs. H. Rothkovitz, Mrs. J. Kovitz, of an Old Age Home for its memOsheroff has been selected as medi- Torah and to further the Jewish edsoring an excellent Chanukah pro- the Homeland being affiliated. Mrs. H. Guss. Trustees include Mrs. ucation of the youth. They also ar- bers—the only institution it still gram, featured by an address by a cal director for one year. L. Rubenstein and Mrs. Sam Reiss. Dr. O. S. Belzer is chairman of the lacks—how totals $210,000. The next In line with the sponsorship of range affairs for the youngsters atspeaker from London. convention of the organization in The Alliance sponsored a half-hour Council. educational programs, plans for se- tending the Talmud Torah. The Mutual Loan Association of The funds of the Jewish National Omaha renders helpful aid to all curing . Omaha's outstanding speak- The officers: Mrs. K. Tatle, pres- May, 1935; is expected to.- give the all-Yiddish program over the air on Fund or Keren Kayemeth L'Israel are those who avail themsalves of its ers, business leaders, clubmen, and ident; Mrs. A. Wolf, first vice-presi- word to start construction of a home station KOIL. The choir consisted of used to redeem the soil of Palestine as services. In its third year, the Hazomir Mr. and Mrs. S. Richman and Blanche professional, men, to serve on this dent; Mrs. J. Bernstein, second vice- at once. the inalienable of the Jewish Everyone is invited to join. Mset- Choral club, which was originally orimportant committee are almost president; Mrsi J. Finkel, treasurer; Tha local brance, 173, has of course Radinowski. Miss Margaret Hurwitz people. During property its thirty-three years ings are held every Monday eveniug ganized by Mr. Harry Bender, under complete. _This. committee "will func- Mrs. Max Fromkin, financial secre- contributed its share in thess activi- was the accompanist. of existence it has collected over ten tion solely to plan and sponsor, cul- tary; Mrs. Charles Ross, correspond- ties in addition to its' local service The branch also helped the Jewish million dollars in pennies, nickels and at the Labor Lyceum, 2201 Clark the direction of Cantor Abraham Schwaczkin increased its membership which include from §100 to $3,000, National hospital cf Denver and partitural and educational meetings for ing secretary. _ . from the poor and the rich, street, Omaha. and gave several benefit concerts. consumption benefit, medical treat- cipated in the Philanthropies. Two of dollars, The officers and board of direcits members and: friends. all used to further the .aims of a ment, lectures, debates, forums and the Alliance members were speakers homeland tors of the association are as fol- This organization has been attemptBesides the installation ceremony for the Jewish people. ing to build up a love for the Jewish, at the Bialik Memorial services. Anconcerts. . lows: which, was a social for Hebrew and Russian folk songs among other activity was the aid in forming Max Selicow, president; Hymie members and their, families, the first All those wishing to join may obZ o r i n s k y, vice-president; Mas the Omaha Jewry. For three years annual picnic was held at Fontenelle tain information from the executive a branch of the Ort. In general the aim of the workers' Crounse, treasurer; Sam Stein, secre- this mixed chorus has been meeting park, on Sunday, August .26. This committee, who are the following: activities In a summary of the activities of is to help build a Jewish tary; Max Fromkin, counsel; Abe weekly in order to present concerts picnic was a basket picnic and the Sam Stein, secretary; Paul Katzman, homeland in Palestine. In this work the Omaha branch of the Workmen's Forman, Louis Gitlin, Sam Lipp, and radio programs. organization provided a .drawing in treasurer; Louis • Witkin, Louis Git- they cooperate with the National The past year was filled with Sam Ruderman, Sam Susman. Circle must be included the combined Under the skilled direction of Canwhich an auto-radio was given away, Lin, Max Crounse, Max Selicow, Sam Fund and the Zionist Council in Oma- many unexpected happenings. Condiactivities of all the branches as the tor Schwaczkin, who for the past nine and ice cream cones and balloons Ruderman, Sam Susman," Louis Ru- ha. The workers also help the Gev- tions changed very rapidly, yet, as is a chain :of over bin, years has been the Cantor at the Were given to the children. There Workmen's Circle 1 and Abe .Forman. •. , erkshaften campaign, every year. In in previous years, both good and bad, B'nai Israel Synagogue, the chorus United States were also games and other events for 700 branches" in the J labor problems they are socialistic. the .Omaha Workmen's Loan Associhas advanced in its musical knowand Canada" with an aggregate memwhich prizes were awarded. Tfie aim of" the workers is to solve ation continued more than ever ledge and ability. David Slobodinsky bership o ^ f over 70;000, '-and 'capital Its officers and members were Jewish problems through a united of- fore ' to "usefully serve this comheaded the past administration. funds totaling ;$S,7u0,000.formally installed July 29, in the The Independent Workmen's Loan The club has hml several informal ganization eanizatioA such such as as the the American Awiierfran Jew.Tew- 'niunity. Jewish Comiaunity Canter auditor- The Workmen's" Circle is the largAssociation of the South Side is a gatherings, at which members and ish Congress. " ' .'".'""'' This association is a non-profit orium by Jack W. Marer, deputy est labor fraternal border in yths • The present officers are: A. N. ganization.. At the present time thera mutual loan association which had were entertained, and the ancounty attorney. Mayor Towl was world. .Since, itsi. inception over Jhirty The Omaha branch No. 258 of the Cohen, recording secretary, and" M.are -approximately three hundred its beginning in 1924. Recently the friends nual summer picnic was held this the • principal speaker. Ssventy-one has paid out $6,770,000 in disability "Workmen's Circle celebrated its twen- Minkin, treasurer. - The executive stock holders. During the twelve association celebrated its tenth anni- year, as last, at Cowles Lake. Under members were initiated at that time. benefits and . $4,500,000 in death ty-fifth anniversary during the past board includes: L. Minkin, J. Feld- months ending with Decambe? 31, versary at a large banquet for its | the direction of Charles Mosul, the At the present time the club roster benefits'. Its annual disbursements year, with an. outstanding celebration man, J. Raziiick,' Max Goldstein. Hos- 1933, it made 176 individual loans to membership. The organization has a club conducted a successful drawing. consists of one hundred «and twenty- for sick and death benefits alone, i n J a n u a r y . • pitaler is I. "Hurwitz. membership of 225. members which totaled $44,561.98. :.••:•..'New officers of the club are: amount to $600,000. Tha total amount I six members. Loans up to §500 are given to Charles Mogul, president; Helen This association has proven of inTheofficers of. .the group are: J. of insurance'. carried by Workmen's Jake Riklin, who is the founder of valuable assistance to local Jewish members in good standing. During Bloom, vice-president; Rose Abram/, financial- secretary; N- Marthe organization, was elected as its Circle members Is $18,631,350. business men and working men, v/ho,its ten years of existence tha organ- son, secretary, David Slobodinsky, tin, treasurer; S. Lerner; recording first president; Dr. I. Dansky is first From 1929, the beginning of the; secretary; through this organization, merely on ization has loaned to its membErship treasurer and Ida Kupperman, serBen Gorelick, hospitaler. , vice-president; M. Malkin, second depression, to date, the Workmen's The executive committee consists of the strength of their persona lchar- more than $200,000 without sus':a'n- geant-at-arms. vice-president; H. Bondarin is secre- circle distributed ill addition to the the officers and 3VL Katzman, N.. Papacter, obtained financial assistance. ing a single loss. The Ladies' Labor Lyceum club, tary; S. Fried, treasurer; and Dave regular benefits §200,000s, in" direct erny and L. Kraft. " ; • ^ which has 'been in existence for -the Its members consist of Jewish peo- The officers of the association arc: . . . Orach, the sergeant-at-arms. The aid to needy members. ple of/all walks of life and all- A. Schlaifer, president; Lieb WolfThis is a fraternal organization,board of directors consist of Dr. In the last- fifteen years, the paying death and sick benefits and past "thirteen years, enjoyed another branches of Judaism, and is non-po- son, vica-president; M. Tate'.man, successful twelve months the past litical in character. •Leon E. Fellman, Louis E. Iipp, S. Workmen's Circle has cantributed funeral expenses. secretary; Goodman Meyerson, trsas- The B'nai Abraham lodge in South • year. .-..-. dayman, and M. Teplitsky. Harry A. close to a million dollars to aid variurer, and Harry Dworsky, Ben Gare- Omaha was organized about 18 years Loans are made for a maximum Frankel and: Charles Canfield are the ous labor and progressive institu- Among Its local activities, the group The members take pride-in the grat- period lick, Ben Martin, Sam Kraft and Ban ago. Its membership numbers 85 at of 8 months, ranging from to aid all phases" of Jewish."life, ifying results of the organization's acthis time. trustees. . ' .. E. Kazlowsky, board of directors. tions, including the following: $80,000 aims" contributing-to local, national and in- tivities, which included raising money $50.up to §500, with only G per cent The organization pays sick and to labor-unions; $70,000. for the. re-ternational agencies of good. the .•upkeep of the Labor Lyceum "seryica charge. At the end of each death benefits, and maintains the lief of-victims of the last war; 1:The national Workmen's Circle has for year, after all ordinary expenses are at 22nd and Clark and liberal contriB'nai Abraham cemetery located on $100,000 to HIAS; • $70,000 to the its own sanitarium for consumptives butions t a charities here and out-of- deducted, any remaining profits are Fishers Farm in Omaha. DurJewish-schools of—Poland; $40,0u0_for. divided among the members of the Constructive and needed service is ing its existence South The Deborah Society with its memat-Liberty, New-York.-it-also conducts town.-- — the lodge has paid bership of over 250 women has been famine relief-• in Russia, and thou- schools and camps for children Mrs. Lehr is recording secretary; association. For the past several being rendered by the Ladies' Free out S'7,000 in benefits. sands of dollars to hospitals, orphanyears, members have received reLoan society. very active as the ladies' auxiliary of throughout the country, and its activ- Mrs. L. Witkin, financial secretary Th3 officers ars Harry Dworsky, ages and convalescent homes. ities accentuate Jewishness, especially and treasurer; and Mrs.-S. Yaffe, Jios- funds at the rate of $1 per share. the City Talmud Torah. No interest is charged for the small : the Jewish language. •:. ' • . • •~• The officers and directors of this loans which are made to members, the (Continued on Page 3.) Their work is to aid in maintain- The fund established by the Workpitaler, On the executive committee

Mirror of Omaha Jewish

National Workers Alliance

J. IK-F. Council

Mutual Loan


Workmen's Circle No. 173

Omaha Workmen's Loan

Independent Workmen's Loan

Workmen's (Circle

: Ladies' Labor Lyceum

B'nai Abraham


Ladies' Free Loan












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New Year's Edition—THE JEWISHPRESS—Thursday, SeptemberM,1934

Page 3—Section G


man of a recently organized dramatic section. Other chairmen: Joe Nitz, The Re-Im, an organization of fifty sports; Leon Gross, entertainment; married men, was organized last De- Harry Lefkoyitz, constitution; Sam cember 29 by Phil Harris, Harry Lef- Stern, installation. kovitz, Paul Nuremberg, Ben Wine and Louis Fellman. "Re-Im" means friendship in Hebrew. The club meets every Thursday eveThe Junior Vaad Auxiliary was ning at the J.C.C, except in the summer, when meetings are held every most successful in the undertaking of other week. Since its inception, the its activities during 5694. Together organization has held three dances, a with the Young Men's Vaad, it was instrumental in sponsoring four lecweiner roast and a picnic. An outstanding open meeting was tures pertaining to Jewish culture, held this spring, with the main ad- featuring Dr. J. Singer of Chicago, dress being given by City Commis- whose subject was "Jewish Wit and T-Tvmor"; Dr. P. Honor of Chicago, sioner Harry Trustin. The group won the cup for the best who spoke on "The Meaning of Jewall-around performance at the J. C. C. ish History; a Symposium on Ortho"Stunt Night," with their presentation dox, Conservative and Reform Judaism, in which Rabbi Uri Miller, Rabbi of "Screw-Mead-Manor." A drawing was held, with proceeds David Graubart of Des Moines, Iowa, from the tickets going to worthy char- and Rabbi David Wice participated, and of which Rabbi David Goldstein ities. A mix-master was the prize. The officers are Bill Kaiman, pres- was chairman; and Dr. J. Siegal of ident; Abe Sherman, vice-president; On'cgo, who spoke on "The Two BiBen Wine, recording secretary; Leon bles." In addition thereto, the Junior Nogg, corresponding secretary; Irving Passoff, treasurer; Joe Nitz, sergeant- Vaad, in conjunction with the Young at-arms; Irving Rubin, parliamentar- Men's Vaad, sponsored a debate which ian; Leon Gross, reporter. On the ex- was open to the.public on the quesecutive committee are Isadore Soskin, tion Resolved, "That Religion has a chairman,. Sam Yousem, Ben Soskin, significant • future in the modern and Richard SpiegaL . world," which proved to be of definite • Paul Nuremberg was chosen chair- cultural value.' Sarah' German and

Jr. Vaad Auxiliary

(Continued from Page 2.)

in and carry on social, educational, cultural and philanthropic activities; to promote the welfare of the Conservative. Synagogue of Omaha and to cooperate with other societies or agencies of the Conservative Synagogue, particularly with reference to the Junior members of the synagogue. Only single girls are eligible for membership to the society, the number of members being limited to thirty. Officers during the past year, SepThe Golden Hill Society maintains tember, 1933, to September, 1934, are: th-3 cemetery and cares for the Ida Tenenbaum, president; Sophie chapel at the Golden Hill cemetery. Rosenstein, vice-president; Ann This past year the women in this Greenberg, secretary; Bess Bernstein, organization have done much to treasurer:; Sophia Handler, reporter. beautify the cemetery. - Their work The year has been a very busy one has -been so fruitful that they are for this group. Activities began immeplanning an intensive membership diately after the High Holydays with campaign, asking all who have an a tea in the succah at the J. C. C. in interest in the cemetery to join. October, honoring members of the The organization holds monthly Study Club and the C-2 group, junior meetings at the homes of the various organizations of the Conservative synmembers. An admission-free social agogue. Mrs. Berman, mother of Mrs. affair with an outstanding program David A. Goldstein, presented a reis teing planned shortly after the view, of some of her experiences in Europe and Palestine. holidays. The officers of the group: Mrs. A benefit bridge party was held at I. Pearlman, president; Mrs. Sam the Blackstone hotel later in October, Epstein, vice-president; Mrs. D. B. and was attended by a. large group of Epstein, secretary; Mrs. J. J. Green- bridge enthusiasts. . December 24 was the date of the anberg, treasurer. nual Chanukah dance at the Fontenelle hotel. This dance proved to be both a social and financial success. In order to lend some cultural activity for the benefit of the very young folks of the community, the Junior The,B'nai Jacob Auxiliary concen- Society in April presented a Mariontrated its efforts this year on rais- ette Show at the J. C. C. ing funds to build a chapel on the During the year several guest speakPleasant Hill cemetery and to fur- ers were featured at meetings of the ther'its improvements. group, which are held at the homes of The^ first affair under the spon- members. Miss Lillian Johnson, exsorship of the organization was held ecutive director of the Child Welfare at the.Blackstone. The annual party Association, gave an enjoyable talk at was held at the Cloverleaf club. one of the meetings, including discusBoth affairs were successful from sion of several cases which had come a financial as well as a social stand- to her attention; Miss Delite Hollet of the Y. W. C. A. addressed the. mempoint. The officers are: Mrs. A. Romm, bers on one occasion, her subject be-, president; Mrs. Libby Kaplan, vice- ing "Charm and Personality"; and anpresidsnt; Mrs. J. Abramson, financi- other .speaker was Dr. Morris Maral secretary; Mrs. S. Zernofsky, re- golin, who gave an interesting lecture. cording secretary.

president, having served in this capacity for the greatest part of the organization's existence; Ben Garelick, vice-president; Ben Martin, treasurer; Meyer Tatelman, secretary; A. Jacobson, Goodman Meyerson and Meilach Katzman, trustees.

Golden Hill Society

party at the Blackstone hotel, and an initiation slumber party. This group holds its bi-weekly meetings at the homes of the members, every other meeting being a combination of business and social gathering.. Several entertaining, cultural, and interesting programs have been-presented at the meetings. Included in these have been a book review by Rabbi Goldstein, a lecture by Dr. Victor E. Levins, a lecture by Mrs. Lorig, and several musical and bridge socials. For the coming year, the following officers have been elected. President, Miss Sarah Baum; vice-president, Miss Sadie Tatleman; secretary, Jeanette Resnick; treasurer, Etta Tatleman; reporter, Rose Saks.

Minnie Froom of the Junior Vaad and Joe Fellman and Hascall Cohen of the Young Men's Vaad were the participants. In its religious activities the Junior Vaad conducted forum discussions every Friday night immediately following religious services. It also participated in "Vaad Night,'' a .special Friday night service, which included a symposium pertaining to the Jewish girl in the home, in the synagogue and her relation to the outside world. Sarah German, Marion Wienberg, and Dora Freshman represented the Junior Vaad. The Jnior Vaad, in February of 1934 pledged itself to contribute to the Women's Devision of the Senior Vaad $100.00 a year and for the remaining term of 1934 contributed as an initial gift $50.00, Some of the social activities as well as fund raising conducted by the Junior Vaad were a weiner roast; a bridge, and a Mothers' and Daughters' Tea. All of these affairs proved socially and financially successful. The Junior Vaad and the Young Men's Vaad provided the winning team in the Jewish National Fund Drive. Sam Hahn and Dora Freshman were in charge of the teams sent out. The Junior Vaad since its formation has always contributed to the Com-

munity Chest and the Jewish Philanthropies. The year's activities were climaxed in June by a farewell party given at Peony Park in honor of Rabbi Uri Miller, spiritual advisor, who at that time was preparing to leave for a tour of Europe and Palestine. 5695 activities will be in charge of Dora Freshman, who was re-elected president; Sara German, vice prcddent; Rose Kirshenbaum, secretary; Bess Kirschenbaum, treasurer; and Mae Tucker, reporter. Mrs. Neveleft and Mrs. N. Greenberg were unanimously re-elected as sponsors.

Psi Mu The past year was one of the most successful in Psi Mu history. After annexing the 1933 J. C. C. ldttenball championship, they captured the J. C. C. pre-season basket ball championship, an' then finished ahead in the regular season play. Millard Sigal of the fraternity won the city ping pong championship, and teamed with another member, Manny Goldberg, to reach the finals in doubles. Then Manny Goldberg achieved higher fame by winning the MidWestem A. A. U. handball title. Mcr(Continued on Page 6.)

B'nai Jacob Auxiliary

Junior Hadassah

Young Men's Vaad

The Young Men's Vaad, the junior The local Junior Hadassah chapter has completed another active and organization of the Vaad Ha'Ihr, consuccessful-'year;'-under;-- the-tspoasor-' ducted last year aa: part-of its-cul?r tural and social program the Jewishship of fMrs^3^a3ej^romk14fwgrhtfjh served^^ fas ^senior~advisar.»:sincer its lecture" .series, the "Jewish -historical series, a Father and Sen banquet, and i organization thirteen years a g y has be^n "made senior ^advisor for in .conjunction "with the Junior Vaad life, in appreciation for her "devo- Auxiliary the Hebrew class, the Suntion, loyalty, ability and inspiration." day School, fall and spring dances, a Much\of^th.e .success of the past scavenger hunt and many other informal events. ^ year is calso" due; to Miss -Ida1 Fine, This program was featured by the who ssrved" so ably as president of Jewish lecture series, constituting the 1933r34 term. A delegation of forty girls at- talks and lectures by prominent midwestern Jewish leaders and also a tended r.the southwestern regional symposium on Judaism. convention held in Sioux City NoDavid Slobodinsky headed the orvember 11 "and 12. Miss Fine was reganization the past term. The orthor elected "second vice-president," and dox young men constituting this or-; Miss I>ora'' Freshman was chosen a ganizatiori were responsible for. Frimember of the regional board. The outstanding fund-raising and j social -even^of the year, was the an- ^ j j fl^r own ft a, uual ..Tnanksgiving dance, at the services, with . members from their Fontenelle,; with Dora Freshman in own group acting as rabbi, cantor and charge. The December affair was the speakers. Chanukah Kid party at the J. C. C, Together with the Junior Vaad Auall girls attending dressed as young- xiliary, the members of the organizasters. Sarah Solomonow and Anna tion backed the J. N. F.- drive and Hahn;were in charge. won first place for proceeds turned in.In January the "Quota" party was In order to get an early start this; given at the home of Rose Dolgoff. fall, the Young Men's Vaad elected In February a novel idea was carried their officers before the summer adout in a "Brother-Sister" dancing journment. They are: Nathon "Fine, party," at Odd Fellow's Hall, with president: Sam White, vice-president; Isabel Rosenblatt and Minnie Frohm Arthur Cohen, secretary; Rudy Mitco-chairmen. -A Purim program was tleman, treasurer; and Louis Coheny presented at an open meeting.' in sergeant-at-arms. March, with Dr. Victor E. Le^'ine and Rabbi Uri'" Miller guest speakers. Late in April a Mother-Daughter bridge party was held at the J. C. C. Lillian Epstein and Fannie Katelman A resume of the past year shows were corchairmen. A feature was a that the C-2 : group of the Conservastyle show. tive synagogue, has progressed During the season a Young Judaea steadily in size and activity. Its chapter was organized, with Anne membership has increased from the Kusnit " of the Junior Hadassah as original few charter members to the sponsor; A history class met bi- limits of its quota, which is 20. weekly, under the direction of Rabbi Despite the fact that they _ were Uri Miller. ";• not yet -well known asT,a group, bethe guegt speaker. . . . ing- a •comparatively..jrie-w~organizaThe following officers were.elected tion; the girls : sponsored ; duringi the in May: Minnie Frohm, president; past year a very successful ""jtnus^al Sarah Solomonow, financial --.- 'vice- evening, bringing "MrV Sam.ueV"Ml=r~ -Fre.sKmani'jculturar vis* for- a" concert-of? folk, secular, and 'president; " vice-president; Ann Hahn,-- member- religious; Jewish ' songs. ship -vice-president; * Goldie Seidnian, A large number of the members corresponding secretary; iJvelyn parti.cipated7_\in. _ -the \ Conservative Glazer, recording secretary; Jeanef$e. tsynagogue chohy;/helping, - through Eeshick, financial treasurer; -• Sarah their- co-operation:-and *faithful;: r;eGerman, recording treasurer; "Mil- hearsiiig, to make »t: dfie of~the^ m&st dred Falk, reporter; and: Fannie successful -choirs of j t s kand..- - . . Katelman, Gertrude Guss-iand Eufli .-"' Likewise," in, "eomnitfnity ' co-opefa Swengil, board members;"Ida Fine, tion, the G^2-has -played >ajf--activ parliamentarian. They were: installed part,. generouslyV . and' .willingly. at a banquet. ;.; ' - Pledges tdj the. Jewish Philanthropies The "Bar Mitzvah" of^JuhiorJHa--; and the Community Chest Have been dassah, its thirteenth bi^d^y,;TWa_i5 made,, and* the C-2 has always supnationally celebrated in JuiMic;£gcalljr- plied corps -of enthusiastic' workers : a dancing party, with .MirdxeSj-F^llt- • foisSll"'..drives. '• '•;. -':^: .--.;-<.;•-: in charge, was held at Serving a t - t h e C&nservative banquets: has %een ona^of the-enjoyable ways the girls have, "had of showing their willingness to help in any unThe Junior Society.of the Conserva- dertaking of the synagogue Several social affairs were tive Synagogue was organized on November 5, 1931^-the objects and pur- which .were very successful, poses oftfiis" society "Being~Co~ehga"ie "tertainTrigT"



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They've had a good breakfast in the dining car; their baggage is taken in charge by the ever-present red caps; motor coaches await to wheel them over the boulevards to the Exposition Grounds; skilled escorts serve as efficient guides; rooms at one of the world's largest and finest hotels (the STEVENS on Michigan boulevard) have been reserved. Everything lined up in advance . . . nothing to do but have a good time. ' Ak-Sar-Ben Tours leave Omaha (on the Ak-Sar-Ben) every Friday and Saturday night at 8;30 PM. —2-day Tours at $16.00; 3-day Tours at $20.00.

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Junior Society


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1 17






• • • • •

New Year's.Edition—THE JEWISH PRESS—Thursday, September 6,1934

Page 4—Section C


practically all Jewish business places. io one can foresee the fate of the Nazi Cultists Amend These pickets make up lists'bf all Ger- Jerman Jews. One thing is clear. The Ten Commandments :ondition of the German Jews cannot mans who purchase in Jewish .shops. Customers are photographed^ by:;Nazis mprove during the next year. specially" stationed for tnat'"purpose Germany is on the verge of a ca- Berlin (J. T. A.)—A new "Aryan" and ai« published the jn the tastrophic economic breakdown. This version of the Ten Commandments Nazf papers.-Blacklists~are:posted in winter Germany will be a seething vol- has been issued by Professor Hausner, virtually every street -containing the cano. The Jews of Germany, with leader of the Nazi Christians who renan\es of all those wholdared'to buy Adolf Hitler as Eeichspresident, and, ject the Old Testament because of its in Jewish- stores. Everything- possible ossibly, Herman Goering as chancel- Jewish origin. The new fifth com- Compelled to Leave German Inis 4one by the Nazis to ruin the* Jew- lor, will in all probability require the mandment orders the "maintenance of stitutions of Higher Learning Before Completing Studies. ish merchants and to drive them out help of world Jewry, far more than racial purity." they did during the last year. The The movement headed by Professor of business. ' ; : '• Some 7,000 non-Aryan students have In many provincial" German cities, eyes of all Jewry, must therefore, Hausner is called the New German the anti^Jewish boycott' propaganda during this coming winter, be turned Faith Movement and advocates the had to leave universities and other inBy BORIS SMOLAR has reached a pitch whicbj has aroused toward Germany. German Jewry needs scrapping of everything in Christian- stitutions of higher learning in Germany, according to a report to the fears -of pogroms in the" Jewish pop- our assistance — our assistance and ity that had its origin in Judaism. i Times do change, but not for the was raised among the German Jews This was the problem which faced ulation. Automobiles and trucks own- that of the entire world. The group advocate the restoration United Jewish Appeal from Refugee Jews of Germany. The past year has themselves. Only a small fraction was German Jewry in tire past year and ed; by the • Jews are ever" ready to of the old tribal Teutonic Gods as ob- High Commissioner McDonald. One L (Copyright, 1934, J. T. A.) "brought no change in their condition raised abroad. will continue as the chief issue during carry the Jews away, if pogrom fears jects of worship and the cleansing thousand three hundred scholars have and no hope of "better things to come. Events of the last year have proven the coming year. The question of se- become realities. In some cities Jews of the German religion of all "traces been displaced of whom about half The past year has been a year of that German Jews of all classes are curing the future of the Jewish youth fear to frequent the streets after have already emigrated from the of Jewish influence." stratification for German Jewry, a generous donors. No matter low hard in Germany is the fundamental Jew- nightfall and remain in their homes, Reich, or are likely to do so in the year" of weighing values, and" a year pressed they were personally, the Ger- ish question in Germany and touches locking every door and window. next few months. of readaptation to new conditions and man Jews paid their dues to the Jew- not only the present-day situation of Stating that of all classes affected The problem of aiding these provinnew professions. ish community and contributed gen- the Jews there, but also vitally affects cial by the revolution in Germany the acaJewish merchants has added anPersecuted by the Nazi Tegime and erously to Jewish philanthropic insti- their future. demic group and the professionals other -weighty task to those already Rome, (JTA).—A hitherto un forcibly ousted through various Nazi tutions, the Zionist movement and to Reorientation and change of occu- confronting German Jewish leaders. known manuscript of Leon of Mohave suffered most. High Commislaws from their entrenched economic help those Jews who left the country pational base is the fashion in which The only way of helping the German dena, the Italian rabbi who wrote a sioner McDonald adds that between positions, thousands of German Jews as well as the ones who remained in the problem was met during the past Jewish merchants is through loans history of Jewish ceremonies and 5,200 and 5,500 professional people have in the past year been forced to Naziland. year. Young Jews were taught new and in the coming year German Jew- observances for King James 1 of Cincinnati. — Many instances in have had to emigrate because they change their occupational base and It is exceedingly doubtful, however, occupations. No longer were they to ish groups must set up a credit sys- England at the request of a noble- which Jews have come to the assist- have lost their positions in Germany look for new means of earning a live- whether German Jewry "will be able be trained as professionals, but as tem for the Jewish merchants, since man of the English court, has been ance of persecuted Catholics in vari- and are without any means of livelilihood. Famous lawyers became tai- to do as much in the coming year. It workers, and manual workers at that. the Nazi government and the larpre discovered at Ancona by Professor ous countries or protested against hood. Added to those, he says, are lors, famous Jewish professors became is certain that the Jews will not be in Jewish youths were turned into quali- banks refuse to extend credits to the Isaiah Sonne, the historian, who hasi such persecution are cited by Kabbi some 1,500 non-Aryan students who apprentice shoemakers, well-known a position to contribute as much for fied trade workers and qualified arti- Jews. been putting in order the old libra- j David Philipson, dean of Reform Rab- have sought refuge outside Germany. surgeons learned carpentry. Journal- relief as they did in the past year. sans. Over $250,000 was spent to train There is no time here to pause and ries of all the Jewish communities bis in an article in the Catholic TelA great many of the expatriated ists with an international reputation Funds for the relief of German Jew- these young professionals and school note the general run of anti-Jewish in Italy. egraph of this city. Rabbi Philipson professional people, High Commissionbecame masons. Artists turned to bak- ry must be raised in other countries graduates in their new occupations. legislation and propaganda which has The manuscript is a list in the recalls instances in the history of fcr- er McDonald states, may hope to creing and brilliant Jewish students con- from now on, and only small sums But most of the money raised by flooded Germany during the past year. rabbi's own hand of a number of his mer Germany and Austria when Jews ate a new existence for themselves sidered themselves fortunate if they can be raised in Germany itself. German Jewish groups was spent, not In Germany today the Jews accept works and throws light upon hither- came to the help of Catholics when provided sufficient funds are forth-" were permitted to become farm laAbout 1,000,000 marks were spent for such constructive work, but for these things as matters of course. to unknown facts about his work and they were a hated and despised mi- coming. "It is expected that by July borers. last year in helping German Jews relief and philanthropy, open and se- Special attention must, however, be times. nority, and of recent protests made of next year 140 scholars will be abGerman Jewry made up its mind leave their native country. Half of cret. paid to the spreading of the ritual Leon of Modena is known for his by the Central Conference of Ameri- sorbed by universities and similar inthat no change was to be expected in this sum was spent in helping Ger- The poverty and need among the murder accusation, assiduously circu- attacks on the Kabala, the mystical can Rabbis, the United Synagogue of stitutions of learning while 150 will Germany. No brighter prospect was in man Jewish emigrants bound for Pal- broad masses of German Jews grew lated all over Germany by the fanati- discipline of a medieval Jewish sect. America end other Jewish agencies have found places in research laboraview for the Jews even if the Nazi estine. to such an alarming extent in the past cal anti-Jewish weekly, Der Stuermer, By Ms interpretation of Judaism to against the persecution of Catholics tories attached to industries, hospitals regime should be overthrown or the and the like, and another 130 scholJewish emigration from Germany year, that not all of the needy could edited by Julius Streicher. This pa- the Christian world of the seven- in Mexico and other countries. anti-Semitic character of the regime cannot, however, be regarded as a true be helped on a constructive basis. per was condemned by Jews and non-teenth century he was of great ssrv- Rabbi Philipson concludes with a ars can be maintained after July, 1935 be lessened. There was no prospect index to the German Jewish situation. Most of them became the objects of Jews alike for having revived the an- ice in the beginnings of the tendency plea that Jews, Catholics and other on grants, thanks to the work of the of a change even if a coalition govern- Approximately 30,000 Jews left Get- charity. Elderly Jewish professors, cient and discredited ritual murder toward the emancipation of the Jews minority groups unite to preserve Academic Assistance Council and the ment was formed and non-Nazis taken many in the last year. Of this num- journalists and artists, men who them- charge. Emergency Committee for Displaced in Europe. His book was read by their freedom. into the cabinet. ber 20,000 returned to countries from selves had been accustomed to donat- Much must be said in praise of the Christians and was translated into "In this era of hide-bound nation- German Scholars and-other organizaViewing this sorrowful prospect, which they had emigrated to Germany. ing to charities, were unable to habit- steadfast leaders of German Jewry, several languages, the English trans- alisms, all minorities are being put tions," he reports. German Jewish leaders of the central Few of the real German Jews, those uate themselves to heavy physical la- •who, in the face of the difficult sit- lation appearing in 1650. on the defensive," he states. "They Efforts are being made by a speGerman Jewish organizations inaug- descended from Jews living in Ger- bor and to make artisans and manual uation in which they find themselves, are being used as scapegoats upon cial committee of the Refugee High urated a series of constructive plans many for hundreds of years, were workers of them was manifestly im- dared to protest to the Nazi regime •which the majority peoples may vent Commission, Mr. McDonald states in to take care of the economic welfare among the emigrants. The native Ger- possible. The only way left to help against the vile accusations contained their wrath and this distress. They his report, to create further research of the Jews. They were particularly man Jews are still bound to the coun- them was through relief, open or se- in Der Stuermer and called the atten- Report to Vatican on are being definitely labelled so that scholarships and t o elaborate group concerned with the economic future of try of their origin by a thousand ties. cret charity. demagogic leaders who lack construc- research schemes, in order to provide tion of the entire world to the affair. Jewry in Holy Land German Jewish youth. More than Not in one year of persecution or even tive proposals may provide the popu- for as many as possible of the reThe past year has brought about a It is impossible to describe the cour500,000 Jews are still living in Ger- two will they be forced out of Ger- change for the worse, and only in the ageous actions of the German Jewish Rome (J. T. A.)—The Latin Patri- lace with witch-burnings and lynching mainder. He estimates that £100,000 many. It is manifestly impossible for many. position of the Jews ousted through leaders on many occasions during the arch of Jerusalem, His Beatitude, bees. In such a time it behooves the -will be needed daring the year 1934-35 all these Jews to emigrate. Many have Because of this fact and because a application of the "Aryan paragraph'' past year. That story can be told only Louis Barlassini, delivered a full re- members of minority groups to re- and about the same sum during the no desire to emigrate. It is for those wholesale emigration of native Ger- but also in that of the Jewish small a t some future time. However, world port on present-day Jewish immigra- alize their common fate and to join following year to meet the needs of who must remain in Germany that the man Jews is impossible, the problem traders, originally unaffected by the Jewry may well be proud of the brave tion into Palestine and the economic each other in such constructive action the academic, professional and student German Jewish leaders are primarily confronting the Jewish organizations "Aryan paragraph." The anti-Jewish and dignified stand taken by the GeT- role of the Jews during the boom as this emergency calls for . . . Cath- emigrants from Germany. concerned. was: what shall be done for the Jew- boycott in Germany has been im- man Jewish leaders on many occasions times in t i e Holy Land to Pope Pius olics, Jews, liberals, all racial and political minorities may vrell pay heed In the past year German Jewish in- ish youth in Germany? What shall bs mensely strengthened in the course of during the past year, in the face of XI. Appear Under New Names stitutions, have spent over 11,000,000 done with the Jewish children whom it the last year. The boycott has se- exceedingly difficult and complicated The Jewish Telegraphic Agency to such signs of the times. They must Kaunas—Three Lithuanian Yiddish continue the pure democratic tradimarks (approximately §4,000,000) for is out of the question to send to Ger- verely affected the Jewish merchants situations. learned from papal circles that the dailies Folkesblatt, Wort and Morelief work, for emigration and for man schools ? What shall be done for m Germany, particularly in the pro- German Jewry is now entering on report was neutral and lacked the tions of this country." ment, -which were suppressed for training for new occupations for those the young Jewish graduates for whom vincial centers. ; . third year of great sorrow. No one usual anti-Jewish spirit so noticeable ousted frorn trades and professions by there is no prospect of work in presi In Hesse and Franconia,.Nazi-pick- can predict what will happen to Ger- in previous reports submitted to the Jewish Press advertisers merit and three months early - last week, have reappeared under new names. Nazi laws.- The ma.ior part of this sum ent-day Nazi Germany? deserve your patronage. ets are maintained at the doors of many in the next year, and certainly Vatican by the Latin-Patriarch.

How German Jev/fy Fares Under Nazism


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" *

Page 5—Section C

New Year's Edition—THE JEWISH PRESS—Thursday, September 6,1934


The "Good Job" of Adolph Hitler

"Will To live"


New York (W. N. S.)—Eric" Roicke a" • naturalized American citizen~~~ of German birth, whose-wife has just been released from a "Nazi concentra. The most .amazing world-wide phe- Populaire—no shirt; National Social- tion camp where she spent four months of a six-month sentence for nomenon .during 5694.was the prac- ists—no shirt. • ,tically universal use of a colored Greece-^-Entniki Enosia Eladis — circulating atrocity stories," believes that Hitler "has to take such drastic shirt as the symbol of one or an- brown. ' .'•. . measures." . other brand of Facism or ultra-naH o 11 a n d—National Socialists— tionalism. Virtually no country is brown; Netherlands National Social- Roicke said "Hitler is doing a good •without its shirt army. ists Workers' Party—irown; General job. My wife had no intention of hurting the government. There are -some During the year Fascism became Dutch Fascist League—black. an immediate issue in many lands. H u n g a r y—National Socialists— who do, and this is a case where a practically innocent person was caught In the last twelve months it tri- green. • umphed in Austria,' Bulgaria, Es- Ireland—Young Ireland Associa- with the others. I t was worth it." Mrs. Roicke's "crime" was that she thonia and Latvia, scored partial vic- tion—blue. . had written in a letter to her cousin tories in Lithuania, Poland and Japan—National People's League in America that prisoners in the conYugoslavia and gained numerous —black. centration camps were "cruelly treatconverts in Belgium, England, L a t v i a—Katseulit—blue; Baltic ed" and she was sent to a camp "to France, Hungary and Spain. Where- Brotherhood—brown. see for herself how prisoners are ever the shorted hordes of Fascism Lithuania—Verslae -brown. treated." appeared anti-Semitism followed. M e i c x o—Accion Kevolucionaria Here we give a list of the Fascist Mexicana—gold. movements of the various countries, New Zealand—New Guard1—black. 9 together with the color of the shirts Norway—National Union—black. their followers wear: Palestine—Arab green shirts and Argentine—Legion ' Civica Fascis- Revisionist brown shirts. Cincinnati, (J. T. A.)—J. Leon Latica—gray. Poland—National Radicals—gray; Australia—New Guards—black. National Socialists—yellow; Fascist zarowitz,. of Brooklyn, self-styled "king of the hoboes," has abdicated. Austria—Heimwehr—green; Nazis Party—pink. —-brown. Portugal—Nacional Sindicalistas— In a letter read at the convention of the International Itinerant "WorkBelgium—Dinaso—green; Nation- blue. alist Blue Shirts—blue. R u m a n i a—Iron Guard—green; ers of the World, he yielded the Brazil—Fascist Party—black; In- Christian Nationalists—blue; Nation- throne to Jeff Davis, Cincinnati, who also has been claiming the title. tegrilista Party—black. al Socialists—black. Bulgaria—Club Zbeno—blue; NaSouth America—Nationalist Youth A man's opinions are generally of tional Socialists—brown. —gray; New Guard—black. much, more value than his arguments. Canada—Fascist Federation of LaSpain—Falanco Espagnol^-blue; —Holmes. bor Clubs—brown; Canadian Nazis5— Nacional Sindicalistas—green. brown; Fascist Party—brown; Blue S w e d e n—National Socialists— Shirts of Canada—blue. brown; People's National Union— Chile—National Socialists— gray; black. Milicia Republicana—blue. Switzerland—Nationale F r o n t— China—Blue Shirt Organization- gray; Bund National Sozialistischer blue. Eidgenossen—brown; Bund fuer Volk Czechoslovakia—National Fascis- und Heimat—brown. ten Gemeinde—black; N a t i o n a l United States—Silver Legion—silLeague—black; National Socialists— verj. Crusaders for Economic Liberty brown. —white; Khaki Shirts of America— Denmark—National Socialists khaki; Fascist Legion—black; United brown. States Union of Fascists—black; England—Union of British Fa- Naiis—brown. scists—black; Kibbo Kift—green; (Copyright, 1934, by Seven Arts FeaBritish Fascists, Ltd.—blue; Imperiture Syndicate.) al Fascists League—black; United British Party—black. Esthonia—Liberty Fighters' Union —black; Baltic Brotherhood—brown; Finland—National Patriots—black. By PHINEAS J. BIRON France—La Solidarite Francaise— This is no time for gossip and scanblue; Jennesses Patriotes—blue; Franeisme—blue; Le Crorx de Feu— dal. The Jewish holyday season is too , no shirt; Le Mouvement National serious and solemn a time for our usual light chatter. Besides, we think that we are entitled to a holiday, not having any vacation this year. Our editor did order us to send in our annual feature-wherein we pass in review the leading figures in contemporary American Jewish life, and, in our traditional straight-from-theshoulder manner, wish them a happy New Year. But we have grown weary New York (JTA).—A soft heart has of this procedure.""We have looked over no place in the system last year's New Year wishes, and find of the greatest city in the world. that this year's list will have to include almost the identical names, so Miss' Sylvia Ettinger, a qualified that we would have to -repeat ourbut unemployed school teacher, who selves. And that would never do. . had been serving in the temporary We believe—but perhaps we flatter post of lunchroom supervisor at Pub- ourselves—that many heads will rest lic School 36, Brooklyn, is convinced easier on their pillows tonight for this of it. announcement. We have been told that Miss Ettinger, it was revealed, could a columnist's-New- Year wishes aren't not turn hungry school children away always the most pleasant thing in the from the lunch room when they came world for the recipient, but we should without food tickets. The children, she like to assure one and all that these knew, were needy. They .were under-, wishes of other years were never weight. They were suffering from mal- prompted by malice. nutrition. To these facts neighborhood There is, however, one individual doctors had already testified. The whom we feel obliged to mention. Our names, she knew,' had already been bitter enemy, Adolf Hitler, known also sent to the office of George Chatfield, as Addled Adolf/Daffy Dolly and the director of school lunch rooms, who Herr of Naziland. To him—and we would send them tickets. take the liberty of speaking for all of But the tickets hadn't arrived for American Jewry — we wish a miese these children yet. Nevertheless, tick- meshuna. ets or no tickets, they were hungry. At this season of Tepentance and And, together with the children for- atonement, also, we ask the forgivetunate to hold tickets they came to the ness of any and all whom- we may lunchroom where Miss Ettinger was have critized wrongly or charged in charge. They were hungry; they with transgressions of which they wanted food. were not guilty. We always do our So Miss Ettinger forgot about the utmost to transmit facts correctly t o red tape. She fed the children. And our readers, hut neither we jnor our she was fired. reporters can make any claim to inInefficiency and insubordination. fallibility. These were the reasons given for the So—we wish you all a very happy dismissal by Mr. Chatfield in a report and prosperous 5695. to Robert Dixon of the Works Divi* .* * sion of the Public Welfare Depart(Copyright, 1934, by Seven Arts ment. Feature Syndicate.) In the meantime, the neighborhood is up in arms against the dismissal. Parents and pupils have formed a protest committee and have asked the Board of Education at its next meeting to explain the abrupt discharge of London—Israel Albert Levitan, a Miss Ettinger. correspondent of the Jewish TelegraThe dismissed teacher is 23 and a phic Agency in Berlin, was taken ingraduate of Hunter college. She is on to custody by the Gestapo, the secret the 1932 list of qualified but unem- police, and conditionally released aftployed teachers. er a four-hour grilling.

Lazarowitz Abdicates Hobo King's 'Throne

Happy New Year

German - Jewish y o u t h demonstrates the will to live.

Toronto Newsboys in Tribute to Croll Toronto {J- T. A.)—On behalf of the newsboys of Toronto, David Croll, Minister of Welfare and Municipal Affairs of the Province of Ontario, was presented a gold pen and pencil set by Charles Ring of the Newsboys Association. "I thought that when I became a politician the newsboys would disown me," said the Minister, himself a former newsboy. "I'm glad they haven't." The presentation was made at the carnival of the Lions' Clubs of Toronto at Haitian's Point.



wide publicity in that section of. the Arab press friendly to the Jews. One paper declared that Etlee's remarks were the words of a prophet and not an ordinary man." Moscow, (JTA).—Fears were exBut despite this friendly incident the situation of the Jews in Algeria pressed that as a result of the is still -far from secure. "Only the drought in the Ukraine which adprompt action of the police and the Jversely affected crops, Jewish reIU-Feeling Is Not True of All military prevented a riot in the town i gions in the Ukraine, particularly of Bone, not far from Constantine. jKalinsdorf and Stalinsdorf, will sufMoslems and A drunken Arab who stumbled over jfer from hunger this winter. Earlier Jews. the wares of a Jewish merchant al- j reports stated that some of the crops most precipitated a tragedy like that j in the Jewish regions stood so low Constantine, Algeria" (W. NT S.)— in Constantine when the merchant's ion the fields that it was impossible An unusually dramatic scene occur- son shot at the Arab. Fortunately he j to harvest them by modern ma.chinred in the local hospital when a group missed him, but an Arab mob tried j At the same time it was stated of 30 Arab notables called to see M. to loot the merchant's shop. Later a jery. Etlee, leader of the Jewish community table falling from a Jewish house and his wife, who are recovering from 'broke a window in an Arab's house, i that due to extraordinary methods injuries suffered during the recent po- iand another crowd of Arabs set fire i pursued in getting in %vhat harvest grom. The Arab delegation exchanged jto the Jewish house. Effective police ! there was there would be no huner. embraces with Etlee in true Oriental Soviet papers suggest that irrigafashion and in tearful expressions i action averted serious trouble. humbly asked his pardon for the bru- j The continued ill-feeling and tense j tion for the fields is imperative. tal outbreak, expressed their sympa- relations between Jews and Arabs is ! thy for the victims of the riots, es- blamed on the leader of the Arab na- Says Mueller pecially for Etlee, whose son and itionalists, Dr. Bendjelli, whose propaBerlin—Anti-Semitism is a Chrisdaughter were killed, and vowed eter- ganda methods are reminiscent of i| tian campaign, Reichsbishop Ludthose made notorious by the Grand nal friendship for the Jews. Etlee's I wig Mueller, Nazi choice as head of daughter was a nurse who worked Mufti of Palestine. Bendjelli's numer- ! the Protestant church in Germany, ous followers are going: from village among the impoverished Arabs. Etdeclared before a meeting of 5,000 lee's son was killed the day after his to village stirring up the Arab peas- German Christians, Nazi adherents jants with lying tales about Jews killBar Mitzvah. within the Protestant churches. After hearing the Arab notables ing Arabs. Although Bendjelli was ar"Hitler's fight is a fight against rested after the Constantine outbreak condemn the pogrom and those rethe Jews, the most brutal foes of he was released when his supporters sponsible. for it and pledge themChristianity," the Nazi bishop Baid. selves to live in peace with their Jew- threatened new riots. A group of "The German people may go through wealthy Jews, unable to endure the ish neighbors, whom they called bitterness and distress, but will win brothers, Etlee, from his sick-bed, strain of living in constant terror of a victory for Christianity, even if delivered an impromptu speech in the new pogToms, have abandoned their the Jews are resolved to destroy the name of the entire Jewish community homes in the Jewish quarter and tak- nation." in which he swore on the memory of en up residence in a French hotel. his murdered children that he bears A man without occupation is Vke a not hate against Arabs who are true Necessity is the argument of tyMoslems. Etlee's words were given rants^ it is the creed of slaves.—Pitt. cat without a ball of yam.—Duffleld.

ny you can. call whe


JTA Correspondent Taken Into Custody

JOIN UNIVERSITY IN EXILE Mosley Attacks Anti-Nazi New York—Six more noted Ger- Boycott man scholars exiled by the Nazis London. — Sir Oswald Mosley. Brihave been added to the faculty of tish Fascist leader, has come out, the University of Exile at the New in his paper Black Shirt, with a vioSchool for Social Research. lent attack against the anti-Nazi The new additions are Hans Stau- boycott, which he declares is threatdinger, economist and former Prus- ening to throw 30,000 Lancashire sian secretary of state; Albert Salo- workmen out of their jobs because mon, former professor of sociology of cancelled German contracts. at the Sologne Pedagogical Insti- Mosley also attacks the British tute; Erich Hula, former lecturer on government, declaring that it is letinternational law at the University ting Jewish influence deter it from of Cologne; Dr. Alfred Kahler, ex- forcing the Jews to stop the anti pert on adult education; Fritz Leh- Nazi boycott. mann, former head of the banking seminar at Cologne University; and Paris—Sholom Divolitzki, wellCarl Meyer, former member of the known Jewish mathematician and a faculty of the institute for social and native of Riga, has been appointed political science at Heidelberg uni- head of the soviet trading bureau in 1 versity. Paris.

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C O M f» A N Y

New Year's Edition—THE JEWISH PRESS—Thursday, September 6,1934

Page 6—Section C

argue. Hands folded, they waited for ish history, participation in the J. C. 1U LBbL U l l anything. C. "All-Star Night" in which the chap"There's a house in the West Sevter won the loving cup for comedy, A. enties. Old-fashioned, but perhaps for Z. A. Religious Day services, A. Z. A. Parents' Day, a dance, an outing, a that reason you will like it better. It By Nina Kaye weiner roast, a lecture by Captain belongs to Judge Margulies but he James Slaughter, and a display of lives at his club most of the time. Berlin, (JTA).—Important nonhow can Herman Mann call himself The skyline, like a fantastic paintJewish books to celebrate National ing, He would appreciate it, if you would Jewish circles are quietly expressing fortunate when he must accept chargrew less and less faint through Book Week supplemented by an open general approbation of Thursday's the mist that hung over the harbor. ity? It is too much, too much! How stay there." forum on Jewish literature. (Continued from Page 3.) and Ben Shrier arguing the question The great steamer with her convoy can I face men who came to me as Later, when Morris Sapir went editorial in the Frankfurter Zeitung, ey Bloom was a member of the win- of the necessity of a Jewish home-^ In the district tennis tournament of tugs like eager, whistling children, guests, equals. To be their guests now, away, leaving them in the high, old- which called upon the Nazi regime land, swept through to win the at Kansas City, Herman Blumenthal, crept warily through the narrows. but not their equal! It is too muchs fashioned house, amidst furniture to loosen its restrictions on Jews in ning doubles combination. whose age gave to it the warmth of the economic sphere. representing the Century chapter, championship on unanimous decisions The Psi Mu held their regular SunOn the deck, passengers .crowded to too much, Dora'." familiar things, the old man turned The editorial is believed to have won the singles title, and he paired day afternoon dances at the Center and retain the title won the previous with Al Monovitz to win runner-up the forward rail, eyes aglow with eag- The old man's tears mingled with perplexed, misting eyes to his wife. been inspired by important personthe spray that swept through the air year at Kansas City, while the basall winter, with "Sam Epstein in erness. The end of the journey! New honors in doubles. The chapter also "Is it true, Dora? Am I awake? ages, since the newspaper is supcharge. With large attendances, the ketball squad went to the semi-finals held intra-club tournaments in all York! After six days at sea, what as the steamer nosed her way to the Did I really hear Morris say we are ported by big industries, particularly dances were a highlight of the win- where they were eliminated by Des sports. could it spell but joy to all on board ? pier. ter season. The annual Psi Mu May Moines, the champions. The chapter But for two, who clung with hands Two figures, huddled together, sag- doing the judge a favor by living the chemical, thus indicating direct During the past year regular edi- that dance was held at the Fontenelle pa- was also represented in the singles tions were nervous and cold, dappled ging shoulders betraying their sag- here, keeping the "bouse from falling backing by Ministers Schmidt and of "The Sophist," chapter newsvilion, with one hundred couples at- and the doubles in the tennis tourna- paper, were published. The chapter with pale brown splotches of age, it ging spirits, went slowly down the into decay from disuse? Is it true Frick. that he had to be almost rude to peo- Both have constantly insisted that gangplank. tending. ment at Kansas City this summer by has also joined A. Z. A. 1 in sponsor- could spell only chagrin, defeat. ple who wanted us to stay with them, the 'Aryan principle" should be disThe Psi Mu has not been in exist- Art "Weiner and Louis J. Kiklin. Herman Mann passed a weary hand "Dora?" ing Boy Scout troop No. 62. Besides that we have only a few hours to our- recarded in business and finance, but ence for seven years, its members avover his weary, misting eyes, tried to "Yes." Officers presiding during the pres- participating in all regular A. Z. A. eraging about twenty-five years of ent term are Lou Riklin, Aleph Go- activities, the chapter contributes to speak without permitting his lips to "You tell me to look glad and hap- selves before we are to come to din- have not been able to influence the ner at the home of the president of official policy whereby Jews are exage. tremble. py. Yet you yourself look so miser- the dol, Ernest Priesman, Aleph Sgan, local and national charitable funds. congregation?' cluded from the economic life of the "We are here! How different from able. Remember, last time, how we Massie Baum, Aleph Mazkir, Art The woman faced him glowing- country. took a taxi to the hotel. And then our last visit! How different! The harWeiner, Aleph Gishor, Jack Temin, Meanwhile Nazi organizations are bor, the skyline the same. Only we the Sapirs came and insisted we must eyed. "Yes," she whispered. "Don't Aleph Sopher, Ben Shrier, Aleph The initiation of a medium through Kohen Godol, Hy Temin, Aleph Sho- The H. T. O. donates money to are different! Only for us the world not stay in a hotel, that we must hon- you see, you are still Herman Mann. making preparations for a new counThey honor you, the man you are! try-wide campaign to be held in Augwhich the Jewish youth of Omaha tare Godol, Sam Wolk, Aleph Sho- worth-while causes, as well as being has changed! Rosh Hashonah in a new or them with our visit?" And Morris said you are invited to ust against the transaction of any •were enabled to participate actively tare Koton. land. But how strange, how different! "I remember, Herman. But that is a social club. Its officers are: Mrs. three congregations for the holidays. business with Jews. The movement in the traditional holyday services of The senior advisory, board consists Charles Hennanson, president; Mrs. How different our old age will be past. We must be glad, now, wherever But it would be nice, Herman, I think has already been launched in Franour faith stands out as the highlight of Stanley I». Levin, head advisor; Meyer Levy, secretary; Mrs. A. Brook- from what I planned, what I thought!" they take us, whatever they do." conia and Marienwerder. In the forof achievement as the Mother Chap- Philip M. Klutznick, Max Barish, Dr. stein, treasurer; Mrs. J. Nitz, ser- His wife, clad in sober black, well "Yes." The old voice was gruff to go with him to his!" A smile broke over the grizzled mer place Hago, anti-Ssrmtic trade ter of the Aleph Zadek Aleph re- Maynard, M. Green, City Commis- geant-at-anns. made, well fitting, chided in a quick, with tears. "Let them put us any- face. "Three? Three, you said? I will organization, has proclaimed a new views a year of activity. Starting sioner Harry Trustin, Rabbi David bruised voice. "We must not show where they can find a corner, wher- have to go to twenty, twenty to offer anti-Jewish trade drive, while in their second decade as the official A. Goldstein, William L. Holzman and them how we feel! We must be grate- ever they can find someone who will up my prayers of thanksgiving!" Marienwerder posters, public meetbother with two old people! Let them junior order of the B'nai Brith, the- Dr. Leon E. Felman. ful for all they have done fcr us! As Morris Sapir stood with his host ings and exhibitions of "Aryan1-' local chapter sponsored the Young The junior advisory boards consists Brought us here, out of that, that—" remind us at every turn how fortuHer voice rose to the high pitch of nate we are, let them be sure to re- awaiting the guest of honor, he asked goods are being employed. People's Congregation for the Rosh of Art Grossman, Irwin Wezelman, "All the guests understand, of course, hysteria and the tears coursed down mind us! Lest we forget!" Hashonah and Yom Kippur services Louis R. Riklin and Oscar Mayerothat the Manns are doing us the fa"Did the letter say who would come vor?" last year. Vienna (JTA).—The Polish govern- her cheeks. wich. Another religious activity in which ment is attempting to rid itself of "I know, I know!" he said bitterly. for us, Herman? How they will know And to the murmured word of asthe A. Z. A. participated was the its obligations to national minorities "Grateful! Not only must we accept US • International A. Z. A. Sabbath held within its borders, the Austrian pa- charity, but we must be grateful for He laughed bitterly. "They will sent, he commented: "Give a man •Amsterdam, (J. T. A.)—The lower last March. At this time members of The past year has been the most pers charge, pointing out that the it! Must cringe. Mama, Mama, I! I know us. We are like marked, broken nothing, if you have to take away his chamber of the Dutch Parliament the two Omaha chapters conducted successful in the annals of the Sam Polish proposal to extend minority whose board groaned at every holi- people!" He stopped abruptly, his pride in the giving." passed a bill for the protection of services and delivered sermons at the Beber chapter No. 100 of the A. Z. A. clauses to all nations is merely "a day. I who brought home the stranger hand on her arm tightening. "Dora, public order. An. integral part of (Copyright, 1934, Jewish Telegraphic B'nai Israel and at the Conservative The program of the chapter has be- trick to release Poland itself from within the gates. I who came here, is that, could that be Sapir, there on this bill is a number of clauses diAgency, Inc.) synagogue. honoring them with a visit, must now the pier? It is the middle of the day. come well-balanced and diversified, these clauses." rected against anti-Semitic manifesThe Mother Chapter again com- being divided under five heads: SoPoland is fully aware that the pro- come on a ticket for which I have not He would not leave his office to meet tations. paid, must eat of the bread of charus. My old eyes " bined with the Sam Beber chapter cial, social service, religious, athletic posal for extension of national minorThe new law forbids the circulaon the occasion of International Par- and cultural. Exodus of Doctors from ity clauses is meaningless and has no ity, beneath eyes that are filled with "It is!" his wife cried. tion of anti-Semitic publications and ents' Day, when a program of out- Participating in communal affairs, chance of success, but when the pro- pity." Steps that had been lagging hur- Vienna the delivery of inciting speeches standing local speakers and enter- drives and conferences, belonging to poal is voted down at the League of "Herman, Herman, you mustn't. ried eagerly. Hands clasping, hearts Vienna.—-The poor economic situa- against Jewish sections of the poputainment was present by the par- the Round Table, and taking part in Nations, then Poland will argue that They are kind. They want to help us. greeting. tion of Viennese Jewish physicians, lation. Heavy penalties are provided ents. Cultural innovations during the two district tournaments and conven- the Polish government, like other pow- We must remember what the holidays "Welcome!" As he led them from 1,000 of whom, out of a total of 5,000, for offenders convicted of offenses past year included book reviews at tions, it was no surprise when the ers, need not observe the rights guar- would have meant for us at home. the pier, Morris Sapir said: "I-would are said to be without any means of under the law. chapter meetings and the publication chapter was announced the second anteed minorities under the Versailles What it will mean for those who are like to have you stay with us, but' livelihood, is seen as the reason for The large Socialist fraction the of biographies of prominent Jews in best of the M. V. A. A. at the district treaty and the covenant of the League not fortunate as we! Remember, and "Of course," Herman Mann's voice the relatively large number of emi- Dutch Parliament voted against the the chapter's official paper, the "Ki- conclave in Lincoln last February. of Nations. your prayers of thanksgiving will flow died away. "We understand, under- grants to Palestine in this profession. bill, explaining, however, that they bitzer." The Wiener Tag, prominent Vienna from you when you are in the temple stand." Among the activities of the chapter Reports from Palestine state that were heartily in favor of that por"Of course, if it were only a short newly-arrived Jewish physicians find tion of the bill aimed against antiThe Missouri Valley A. Z. A. were several smokers, cultural ad- newspaper, warned the Jews, who are on Rosh Hashonah." tournament at Lincoln last February dress by Harry Mendelson, sponsoring most likely to be affected, to be cau- His fine hand stroked the grizzle visit, we would love to have you, but excellent opportunities there, with Semites. saw the Mother Chapter represented of a religious.service, an informal in- tious about this Polish move because of his beard. "Fortunate." He sighed, you wouldn't be comfortable, Mrs. the result that scores of their colDutch papers were unanimous in in debate, oratory and basketball. itiation, International A. Z. A. Day it may endanger the entire system of dwelling on the word, questioningly, Sapir was sure." leagues are making efforts to emi- their support of the bill, calling it a The team consisting of Massie Baum program, a series of lectures on Jew- national minority rights everywhere. "wonderingly. "I try to remember! But Herman Mann and his wife did not grate to the Jewish Homeland. most essential measure.

Mirror of Omaha Jewish Activity

A. Z; A. No. 1

Holiday Thanksgi





A. Z. A. 100

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New Year's Editka*-^THE JEWISH PRESS—Thursday/September 6,1934

A Pioneer Whose Soul Struck Root By FELIX S ALTEN Author of "City Jungles," Etc ler, the wistful observer, have fallen on the shoulders of Felix Salteh. This fascinating Viennese man of letters has traveled widely, and written much. In this country his best-known books are "Bamoi," "The Hound of Florence* and "City Jungle?—THE

terror; and self-seeking is the first of these.? He jumps to his feet: "That must resolve itself in the sense of communal Interest." I soothe him: "Possibly it will be confined within certain limits; indeed, I am sure that It can be reduced to a measure that will be less harmful to the community. But that it can be abolished entirely is unthinkable. One may, if you will, be able to purge our sex-morality of its bourgeois tinge. Or,

he says: "The entire system is awry." "Certainly," I agree. "Awry, wrong and unfair." He looks at me, his eyes bright again with sincere, youthful laughter. His "Yes!" is clipped short, as if it settled the question. EDITOR. "But," I add, not without provocation, "in nature too there is much inThe colony Ain Charoth, nestling at justice." the foot of the Gilboa mountains, is His looks bespeaks consternation. a large and beautiful farm. Well- "Do you mean that seriously?" he equipped, with some dozens of cattle asks. As if to say: Don't you see how and beasts of burden, with stables silly that is? and barns and a smithy. Then there "I mean," I explain, "that we can are the administration buildings — raise our human system to a higher the communal diningroom and the and nobler level. It already has bekitchen where the meals for all the come nobler, in comparison with forsettlers are prepared, the nursery mer times. We can and we must make building, a small hospital and medi- it better, as good as possible. But cal office, and, across a narrow little when it comes to the things deterstreet, the houses in which the col- mined by nature improvement is imonists live. possible." Unlike the peasantry of other lands His face grows ironic again. "Diphthese young people were not born to theria," he cries, "is one of the things the soil. Less than a dozen years ago determined by nature . . . And what they lived in great European cities, do we do? We cure it." leading the life of the cigarette-smokHow superior is this young man, ing intelligentsia. One fine day they how handsome he looks in his ironic came here, to begin a new existence. cleverness — and how work-torn are An existence of labor, hard because Ms fine slender hands! •unaccustomed, its difficulties increas"Surely," I assent "You might also ed tenfold because the soil itself was say that the decay of a tooth is one not prepared for tilling. of the things determined by nature Of the various young people who . . . and we simply fill the cavity." take turns in acting as my guides I "In other words, we can change nafind one particularly interesting. A ture!" he declares, with a gesture that slim, well-built man whose face re- dismisses the matter as settled. minds me of Voltaire, whose eyes But I don't consider the matter setseem to laugh at all the world, whose tled. I continue the discussion. "Your thin-lipped, mobile mouth expresses instances are not cases in .point — wit and sarcasm. As I am about to neither diphtheria, nor the decayed enter the nursery he restrains me: tooth, nor anything else of that sort. "Not much to see there." With his After you have drained a field so that ironic smile he adds: "Infants—babes it is no longer marshy and no longer in their cradles. . . . Does that mean breeds fever, do you also say that you have changed nature?" BO much to you?" He chuckles: "We have changed it." Instead of replying I follow him to "You have only directed natural a bench that stands before the building; the children can wait till later. processes so that their course will benWe smoke, and I enter into a game efit you. Bacteria are killed by a se" of discussion with him. I defend views rum designed for that purpose. A dewhich are not mine, assume now one cayed tooth is drilled and then herstand, now another, which I would metically sealed — and is preserved never really take and which I know for years to come. The water which to be totally inappropriate here. "You has collected in a swamp is provided aren't fond of children?" I asked him. with an outlet. But all that is nature The young man's eyes narrow, he —explored, understood, its secrets blinks with amazement. "When I have discovered, but nature none the less." Well—?" a child," he says slowly, 'Til Ire fond ! XHe nature of -m^-n i^n D© imof i t " ; ennobled, but not changed. "You'll put it into the nursery proved, The sense of property is in the nature here?" of man, family feeling lies in his "Of course . . . .".-.. blood. It is natural that some men be "Shouldn't a child stay with its gifted and others not, that some be mother?" worth more than others. There is a A superior smile. "Not every wom- proletariat determined by nature. an who brings a child into the world Any revolution directed against the is a mother." With a movement of his unsubvertible must fail." head he indicates the house behind us. "The girls in there, who take care His eyes burn. "That's the .bourof the babies day and night—they are geois morality,'* he breathes, his lips mothers. Yet not one of them has had twitching. "That must be torn out by the roots." a child." "And the mothers of these chil- "My friend, 111 grant you that the bourgeois morality is faulty. But what dren pay no attention to them?" It amuses me to head in his eyes morality in so far as it is a class morhow sDly he considers me to be. Then ality is better? In the social pyrahe says: "Of course they come to mid much that stands at the top is see their children, after they've fin- rotten to the core — and much that ished their work." Regarding me pity- lies at the very bottom is just as rotingly, mockingly, he adds: "The fath- ten." ers come too." "That is why this pyramid must be I remain silent. His face grows overturned completely," he bursts har^ and he exclaims: "Nonsense!" forth. "What is nonsense?" I inquire. "Bravo!" I cry. "Excellent! Such "That children belong to their par- upheavals are necessary, and ethically mandatory. They must take place, and ents." whether by evolution or revolu1 "Do you have parents? ' I ask quiet- do, tion. But I may add that evolution lyalways is far ahead of revolution. He is gay and ironical again; his Revolutionary leaders always believe eyes laugh at me. "Emotions don't that it is the force of their assault come into play here, nor sentimental- that splinters the huge tree which ity. A new, a higher order must be robbed the people of light and air — established among men. The old order but actually the course of development had cut its way through the trunk is a failure." "And you want to begin with the until a mere push could cause it to abolition of fathers and mothers?" collapse. The great emancipators Volboldness. "Here he every child with has many "Why not?" replies rash taire and Rousseau, lived long before 1789; Rosespierre, Marat and the mothers . . . ." "And many fathers," I break in. He others were only petty -figures." looks at me, sees that I am jesting, He gazes at me. "Yet they were great in their own place," he says,, and hoth of us laugh. Serious again, he declares: "I mean more calmly. here we all are a single big family." "Perhaps,*' I answer. "But don't for"Communism ?" I interject. get that revolutions are made only by He shrugs. "Call it what you will — those who are already emancipated, not by men who are really oppressed. it's the future." "How marvelous!" I observe. "One And after 1789 the old social pyramid need only to be young to know the was reconstructed, w i t h changes which, though important, were few in future." Unhesitatingly he answers: "I number . . . " don't say that I know the future. But He laughs and says, in a tone of beI believe in the future." And, after littlement: "Yes—because it was a a moment's pause, softly: "Else I bourgeois revolution." wouldn't be here . . . . " "No," I counter, "because this pyraWe speak of property, which he mid will always be restored. In acrecognizes within very narrow limits; cordance with the laws of human naof exploiters, among whom he counts ture. The leaders and moving spirits all those who "let others work for of the proletarian revolution know them." Yet he concedes that some of this, too. They do not say so because these exploiters work harder and no leader of the masses—and least of more perseveringly than any of their all a revolutionary leader—can speak wage-slaves. But when it comes to out on everything. Possibly some of admitting that a number of those them don't know it, or refuse to recwhom he calls exploiters actually ognize it; but they learn it when they work for many others, for whom they set about building up the State achave created opportunities for a live- cording to their heories. And that, of lihood — then he balks. He jumps to course, brings them bitterest disilluhis feet, makes a few strides. All the sionment Some things cannot be ex- 4 irony and" gaiety is gone from his tirpated from the human soul by any

rather, humanize it. But mother, fetter and children constitute an entity, the germ cell of human society. On this entity rests all human achievement, all that unites mankind and welds it into a solid structure. And this entity will always be determined bjr the laws of sex-morality, always and forever. Theories or programs or abstract principles c a n n o t avail against it, and terroristic edicts least of alL Then we nave the difference established by nature between man and man. Equalize all, crush everything that projects by even a millimeter beyond the mass average—and instantly nature will resume her invincible, unshakable work and build up a new pyramid, the rise of which is inevitable and unavoidable." He shakes his head: "No ! There must be no difference between man and man!" "Oh!" I exclaim, "we would be living in the best of all worlds if there existed only the difference between the efficient and the inefficient, between industry and laziness, between genius and the commonplace, between natural born leaders and the mass. No matter how hidden and attentuated

the difference, the difference remains, and remains . . . " " . . . determined by nature," he smiles. "And, therefore, fundamentally unjust," I add. Thus closed my conversation with this pioneer in the land of his people. A young man who, born into the artificial life of a great city, nad changed the mode of living to which, his family had been accustomed for generations; a young man whose rude cottage, equipped with only the bare necessities of life, none the less boasted prints of Rembrandt and Titian—one who, though far from the cultural centers of Europe, was deeply filled with all phases of intellectual and cultural life the while his soul struck root in the holy land of his fathers. * * * (Copyright, 1934, by Seven Arts Feature Syndicate.) Paris. — The French committee to aid German Jewish refugees, which recently had to close its bureau because of a lack of funds, is preparing to reopen its offices and resume Its work, it is learned.

Page 7—-Section C

Paper Is Suspended 2,000 EXTRA POUCE BYSAAR For False Accusation Geneva (JTA).—At least 2.000 additional police are needed in the Saar basin, the League of Nations commission governing the area informed the League, if the plebiscite to be held there in January is to be carried out peacefully. The inhabitants of the Saar are to choose whether they are to return to Germany, become a part of France, or continue under the rule of the League of Nations. Conditions in the Saar have become so bad in the last few months that it was utterly out of control, the commission said, asking for the recruiting of the additional 2,000 men in foreign countries, recommending countries which are members of the League and in which German is spoken. According to the commission the Saar gendarmerie is utterly useless and is maintaining relations with the Nazi secret police.

Warsaw, (WNS).—The newspaper Janige Bozanska, a conservative progovernment organ, has been suspended for publishing a sensational report alleging that French diplomats in Warsaw were supporting the anti-Semitic activities of the outlawed National Radical (Nara) Party. The basis for the paper's charge was the reported discovery of papers bearing the signature of M. La Roche, French ambassador to Poland, and of the French military attache, among the effects of a member of the National Radical Party who was arrested. Government officials would neither deny nor confirm the charges of Janige Bozanska.

Rio de Janeiro.—Three were slain and thirty wounded here when Brazilian Fascists and anti-Fascists clashed at the close of an anti-Fascist meeting at the John Caetano theater on Patronize Jewish Press advertisers. Tiradente street.

Grit and Determination is the Creed of the Race**** came to the United States at six years of age, as one of three brothers who were eventually all in business together in a firm founded by their father. The brothers were Nathan, Oscar and Isidore. He was born in Bavaria in 1848; his family came to America and settled in Georgia. In spite of poverty, his father managed to give his boys a good education. His business career started in 1866 when he joined his father *" and brothers in the pottery importing business, and later with his brother, Isidore, acquired ownership of Macy & Company's Department Store and the Brooklyn firm known as Abraham & Straus. He retired from business in 1914. His wife, who was his partner in all of his great works, Line Gutherz Straus, enjoyed the romance of life, simple, beautiful and inspiring. STRAUS

Many years ago, on a European trip, Nathan Straus lost a two-year-old daughter who died because of a lack of pure milk. It is a clear revelation of the character of Nathan Straus that the personal calamity did not drive him into fatalistic apathy, but sent him forth upon a career of active philanthropy, by which he saved the lives of millions of children. He founded, among other philanthropic endeavors, the Straus Milk Depots. It has been said tfea£ he saved more little children from premature death than perhaps any man in the world. President H o o v e r eulogized Nathan Straus as a Jewish leader whose vision of service transcended all limits of race and creed. When Nathan Straus retired from active business, he even disposed of his yacht so as to have more funds for his philanthropies in the service of his less fortunate brothers.

He set up permanent funds for milk stations in both New York and Palestine. His son, Nathan Straus, Jr., is carrying on his philanthropic work with children. CHILDREN O F TODAY ARE DESTINED TO MAKE HISTORY O F TOMORROW. AND SO . . . WE URGE YOU TO USE EVERY BIT O F GRIT AND DETERMINATION YOU HAVE, TO BUILD STRONG, HEALTHY FUTURE LEADERS.

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Happy New Year... IN



prevails at this festival season, we extend to our many Jewish friends and patrons our sincere wishes for good health and prosperity throughout the New Year.



New Year's Edition—THE JEWISH PK ESS—Thursday, September, 6,1934

'Page 8—Section C-.

seemed perplexed as to .how to meet before our own -doors and begin the it. Indeed, both Jews and Christians job at home. : ; were beginning to accept the accusations that the Union was a Jewish Fraternity Life. hangout and to blame the Jewish stu•I do. not want to deal in generalidents! - - - - - ties, though it would be simpler.and Desiring to get at the bottom ot the easier. I would rather come to grips matter, I suggested that we hold a with the situation and perhaps sugsmall meeting to discuss iic- F-gest some practical steps that might At the meeting ' were the Cmsfian student president of the Union, as be taken by our Jewish- college stuwell as a number of Jewish arid Chrisdents which might be helpful in protian students on the executive body of moting better relationships between the Union, the two Christian executhem and their Christian fellow stutives of the Union, several members dents. - " ' . By RABBI MORRIS S. LAZARON of the faculty (Christian), and the One aspect of the problem we meet head of the Hillel Foundation. This everywhere. It concerns the attitude "bull session" lasted long after midAs a representative of the Jewish the janitor had to close the doors. We one might be identified. For instance, of Jewish fraternity men. It will not night. A number of interesting points faith, Rabbi Morris S. Lazaron of were told that if we could spend a we found everywhere a definite sus- be easy to speak of this without hurtwere brought out. In the first place, Baltimore last year ./traveled from week on the campus, classes would be picion as to Catholic political ambi- ing some feelings; and, yet, I shall try the head of the Hillel Foundation coast to coast on a good will tour opened for us and discussion oppor- tion, a resentment .against the-dog- to discuss the theme as objectively as had never met the head of the Union, with a. Catholic and a Protestant rep- tunities arranged. matism, of .the Catholic position with possible. We found that the Jewish nor had he ever met the student pres• TesenUttive. He was named as a joint ident of the Union. Again, a check on The technique employed in all of its implication of political power. So fraternity man tends to become a type. toinner with the latter two of the these meetings was that of frank dis- far "as • we Jews are concerned, we He runs with a certain crowd. He attendance did not seem to indicate Gottheil Medal, aivarded annually to cussion. Bringing latent prejudices in- found the belief, more or less general, identifies himself with that crowd. He that the building was used more by the American who did most for Jew- to the open has therapeutic value. that Jews dominate the United States usually divides Jews into the "we" Jewish students than by Christian ry during the preceding year. students. Furthermore, frank talk reWhen once talk started, there was no financially, that the Jew is interested group and the "they" group. "We" —THE EDITOR. vealed that the prejudice was not difficulty in keeping it going. At first only in money. We found also in many are all those who belong to fraternibased upon "left" opinions held by the there were usually some abashment places the belief that all Jews are ties. "They" are these Jews who do At the request of Herbert E. Stein- and hesitation, a real uncertainty as radicals. And often these mutually, not belong to fraternities, and there Jewish students but rather on their er, national president of the Zeta Beta to whether anything might be accom- contradictory opinions were held by is a wall between the two groups. Let assumption of peculiarities in dress us be frank. The average Jev/ish fraTau fraternity, I am glad to lay be- plished. It was discovered, however, the same person! These prejudices and and conduct. fore the Jewish students of the coun- that it is a salutary proceeding to give misapprehensions, of course, go very ternity group is frequently inclined It was quite obvious at the end of try some observations and impressions public expression to prejudices and deep. It is necessary, so far as posr to soft-pedal its Jewishness. If there this lengthy discussion that a latent of the American campus. Nothing I. that very often misunderstandings sible, to mitigate them by setting are any Jewish students who belong Jewish prejudice was really at the say will be extraordinary or new. I melt away when brought to light. In- forth the facts. And this we tried to to the liberal grcup in the university bottom of the whole matter; but anor the radical group, the average Jewhope only to stimulate some earnest deed, the very necessity of putting do everywhere. other factor of great importance of ish fraternity student is apt to be thinking on the knotty problem of one's prejudices into words induces a However, it would be more interwhich the Christians were unconscious The New "Wandering Jew"—from Germany to Palestine apologetic for these Jewish students. Jewish-Christian relations at our col- certain self-criticism, a certain careesting to our Jewish college men and I have heard again and again: "Oh, until the discussion revealed it, was leges and universities. fulness in phrasing ideas. The stu-. women to know some of the wide- they are a different kind of Jews the feeling of disappointment on the Mr. Steiner was present at a meet- dents who pleaded guilty of entertain- spread indictments against them than \ and holds his Jewish heritage as some- headway in Christian fellowships, the part of executives of the Union that we," or "They are the cause of more superior he feels to his fellow ing in New York, at which Father ing prejudices were not infrequently which rise out of the daily relation- all the trouble." There is an effort to thing outmoded. groups of fraternity and sororJews. Then the law of psychic com- large Ross, Rev. Mr. Clinchy, and I made a convinced by the very necessity to ex- ships ity members did not use the building. imitate the Christian fraternity. on the campus. Perhaps if some It is vain, I have observed, to bepensation comes in and he becomes report on a coast-to-coast tour from press them openly that their prejuIt was brought out that this was true which we had just returned. The tour dices were not so deep as they had of these alleged faults of the Jewish Now I am not arguing as to the j lieve that you will gain the respect of ashamed. He has poisoned his being also of Jewish fraternities; they igwas sponsored by the National Con- imagined. This was evident time and student could be somewhat mitigated, worthwhileness of the Jewish frater- the non-Jewish students by drawing at its very source. nored the Union just as the Christian other suspicions might likewise be relines between Jews. The prejudiced ference of Jews and Christians and time again. nities. That is another problem. But I mind makes no distinction between fraternities; and the executives of the solved. was intended to promote a better unThe "Jew-nion" Let me say first of all, I do not would like to point out here certain Jew and Jew. But there is a real dan- It might be interesting to tell the Unicm, in their desire to make the derstanding between the groups. Students Are Liberals take position that we Jews are things in reference to this frequent ger for the Jewish student. It is an story of the situation on the campus Union program appeal to the entire It might be of interest to college A word as to the nature of the prej- alwaystheand'invariably in the right. I attitude of Jewish fraternity students. emotional one. Cutting one's self loose of one of the large midwestern uni- student body, admitted a certain unmen to know that among the univer- udices. We found very little religious I wonder if these Jewish students rehappiness at their failure to enlist sities that we visited were the follow- prejudice, as such. The liberal move-- do not feel that--we must plead guilty alize that they are starving their Jew- from one's fellow-Jews does some- versities. Although the details in this the interest of these groups. The root to all of the counts in the Gentile ining: Ohio State, Ohio Wesleyan, An- ment among college men and women ish feelings to their own hurt. Such thing to your very soul. By some particular university are perhaps difthe matter was the disinclination tioch, Butler, Wisconsin, Drake, Kan- has gone so far that religious convic- dictment. But it does us no good to Jewish fraternity students drift from subtle working of the emotional life, ferent, nevertheless the general situa- of the fraternity groups to mingle sas, Colorado, California, Texas and tions are accepted as intimate and assert that the Gentiles are all wrong their Jewish moorings while they are feelings of difference move over into tion might be duplicated almost any- of with the non-fraternity group; but the Southern Methodist. University, there situation had taken an anti-Jewish personal. Both Jews and Christians and that if any move is ; to be made never completely accepted by the Gen- feelings of superiority. They, in turn, where. In it must be made by. the Christian stuOne of the most gratifying experi- have moved so far to the left theologitiles. They are pathetic figures for are likely to develop into sentiments is a students' union. Last fall, among form. All group: in the matter adences was the very evident interest of cally that it is quite rare to find any* dent. I believe that the Christian stu- they have forsworn the inner strength. of regret and, finally, of sh.2me, and the floats in a parade was a replica mitted this to be the fact. It was conuniversity men in this subject. At one particularly interested in whether dent has a longer way to go in root- which comes from accepting cne's you have the beginning of a disinte- of the Union but it was spelt 'Jew- ceded that most of the trouble was Ohio State, for instance, an afternoon a man worships in Hebrew, Latin or ing out prejudices than the Jewish heritage, while they are never com- gration of the whole personality and nion." This was merely an unpleasant loose talk, founded upon a latent antiseminar arranged under the leader- English, or whether he say a the Ked-. student, but at the same tiraa I be- pletely accepted by the Christian stu- a substantial emotional basis for a expression of an undercurrent of feel- Semitism. It -was determined by all ship of the head of the Department of usha in the language of Isaiah, in the lieve there are some things that our dents. They move in a sort of border- devastating inferiority complex. The ing which had been growing over a concerned quietly to attempt to dissiSociology, at which attendance was language of the Missa. Solemnis, or Jewish, college students can do and land inferno like lost souls. This ap- Jewish student begins by feeling him- number of years. The implication was pate the accepted and groundless gosvoluntary and which was scheduled to in English. But we did find every- must do in order to put themselves plies just as much to the student who self different from his fellow Jewish that the Union was a Jewish hand- sip that the Union is a Jewish hanglast an hour and a half, drew approx- where certain fixed attitudes, absorb- in a more defensible position. In oth- has thrown overboard all Jewish af- students. The harder he tries to dis- out The student officers of the Union, out, not only because it was unjust imately four hundred students and ex- ed in the Sunday School, in the home, er words, while we resent Christian filiation, who is aggressively vocal in tinguish himself from his brother both Jewish and Christian, were un(Continued on Page tended so late into the afternoon that or by the social group with which prejudices against us- we must sweep his. leadership of radical movements, I Jews, the more he seeks to make happy abcut this campus situation but


The New "Wandering Jew"

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OF A.MEW YEAR brings




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T. N. RUTTER, Manager










of AH Principal Exchanges 201 FARNAM BUILDING



9—Section C

New Year's Edition—THE JEWISH PRESS—Thursday, September 6,1934 ernment, Dr. Brodelsky "said authorities are-mistaken if they thi"V the ordinance has served as a . quietus for the situation. It has caused much bitterness, he added. The speaker revealed that there is a new wave of agitation against Zionism in India. He said a group of Arabs; headed by Shaukat Ali presented a memorandum to Viscount Willmgdon, viceroy of India, protesting^ against the entire policy of a Jewish national homeland in Palestine. .The" memorandum^ according to Dr.;".Bro&etsfcy, TcaDed" for a cessation of • JewisVlinunigration and :. Jewish land'- jjiurchase^The,~viceroy,\ who'• is now'^^inrT&glandTafterV.visitto: Geneva, intends to present the memorandum, to the government through the India office, Dr. Brodetsky said. •

(Continued from Page 8.) •••"', 1. When you have established fed the Jewish student but because friendships w i t"h Christians,:;"'talk it lessened the' effectiveness of the! things over. Be frank. The wonder .of Union's work on the campus. " a friend is that we can think aloud This is an indication of how campus before him. Be explanatory; don't be problems grow up, where they have apologetic I have found that frank • i their Toot. It also suggests how frank discussions between Jewish and Chris\ discussion on the part of open-minded tian students and the-intimacies of Jews and Christians can very often "bull sessions" have a therapeutic reveal the true facts in the situation value. It is a salutary procedure to "talk things over." Differences, of and suggest a way out. It would, of course, be stupid and course, are revealed. We should not futile to infer that 1 believe all Jew- attempt to minimize' differences "where ish students should act as one in so- differences obtain, but at the same cial and political matters on the cam- time there are clear and challenging pus. Jewish politics on the campus are issues that all students meet as hujust as deplorable as Jewish politics man beings, and not as Jews or Chris•-: •'""•• *. " - ' ' ••'"-.••--.""-'.' in civil life and also it must be ad- tians. mitted that the same social groupings 2 . Do something for your college, that divide Christians from Jews di- but also do something for your peovide _Jews from Jews. These group- ple. It would seem t o m e that one of ings are to be expected. They are nat- the most helpful things that the Jewural. However, there is no excuse for ish fraternities could do would-be to Jewish fraternity students to adopt subscribe to a number of Jewish"magan attitude of snobbishness toward azines for the university library. At their fellow Jewish students in the the present ."time, when there belief that by cutting themselves off 'much Nazi propaganda, when German from association with their fellow exchange students take their orders Jewish students they will be free from from the Minister of Propaganda in the burden of anti-Jewish prejudice. Berlin and spew into our country their What I have said thus far is chiefly poisonous hate, it is essential that on by way of analysis. I would like, be- the campus there be available sources fore I close, to suggest a number of of information which present the Jew"don'ts" and "do's" which might be ish, the American and the humanitarof some practical help to our Jewish ian points of view. students in their campus relations. Mutual Appreciation. These suggestions are neither startling nor new. It might be well to The chief problem that confronts state them, however, for they sum-' >ur American democracy is the probmarize many chats I have had with em of mutual appreciation. Attitudes both Jewish and Christian students jf appreciation are much more diffiand represent what is going on in the cult to achieve today by reason of the student mind. tensions brought about by the depres1. Don't hold in light esteem that sion. Yet it is fundamentally true that thing which is characteristic of the 10 group will ride out of this depresAmerican campus — "college spirit." ;ion on the backs of any other group. Granted that there is a great deal to _ speak primarily as an American and be said as to the puerility of many not as a Jew when I say that we do expressions of "college spirit," it is a lot want to this country mistake, I believe, to assume an air ;he same prejudices and hates which of superiority and aloofness. There lave laid Europe low; for hate does are some students who hold them- .something to a man. The victim of selves aloof from campus activities, hate is a pathetic figure, but'the one walking in high disdain in a sort of who hates is a tragic figure. Prejurarefied atmosphere as if they "would dices and hate disintegrate the pernave nothing to do with these petty sonality and destroy the heart which things. With all of its shortcomings, gives them hospice. this thing called ."college spirit" has The Jewish student faces the job of EOmetning to give to eash student. integrating himself in the life of the After all, the college is a Teal world campus. But the Christian student and the same effort at integration is Faces the same job. Only the Jew benecessary in this small world of the longs to a minority group; a group "campus that is necessary in the larger against which there is a recognized •world of life. Let the student make an prejudice. When the Jewish student effort to identify himself with the life understands that his integration can andSthe movements of the college, be achieved more easily ana more hapnever permitting these things, how- pily by being himself, by loyalty to ever, to dominate him but realizing the best traditions of his Jewish herithat, they make for the enrichment tage, and when he practices that loyand development of his character. alty, he will cease to conceive of him2. Don't ignore sports or extra- self as a problem. He does, not have v canicular activities and don't think to relinquish —indeed, he cannot rey ~ . - • •even • - linquish—his Jewish background and that you can save the world—or the college campus, for that matter, inheritance. Finally, it is well for Jews'to reby sponsoring all sorts of activities. I would be the last one to deny the alize that while anti-Semitism today is Jewish student, or any student, for more organized, more powerful, more that matter, a genuine interest in the utterly ruthless than ever before in radical movements of the time. Change Jewish history, never before have is in the air. There is a way, how- Christians risen in such number, so ever, in which interest in these things nobly and so powerfully to our deshould be manifested. The intensity of fense. We make a mistake if we unthe Jewish character, the emotional derestimate the number and power of ' . passion which the Jew usually throws our friends. :—Reprinted from Zeta into all causes, often breed an impaBeta Tau Quarterly. tience wiiich is calculated not only to do the particular cause more harm than good but also the Jewish cause. Fundamentally it is a question of good sportsmanship. Let me illustrate. I know of one university where a certain problem of student council finances was brought to the floor of the college assembly. A real issue was involved. There was a definite ques tion as to how those finances wer handled. The student body was entitle London (JTA) — Professor Selig to some statement of facts. The facts were demanded but never were they Brodetsky, head of the political depresented. It was an irritating, nasty partment of the Jewish Agency Exsituation. Now a situation of this sort ecutive in London, voiced the belief can be handled in two ways: one is a that "something is radically wrong quiet, insistent analysis of the situa- with the immigration system in Paltion; the other is fiery denunciation, estine." A British ruling differentiating beindulgence in personalities in unrestrained, heated language. Which way tween immigrants possessing capital do you think would be the wiser way and those without it was criticized by i » handle such a college problem? Professor JBrodetsky who insisted that What happened was this: Some of the a large group "in the intermediary Jewish students adopted the second class," is ignored. The ruling, he demethod. They net only prejudiced clared, is not suited to conditions in their cause end hu:t themselves, but Jewish life, particularly in Germany they also fed whatever of latent anti- and Poland. A statement from the Teport of Jewish feeling there was on the campus. Again let me repeat: It is not so John Hathorn Hall, Palestine governmuch a question of not taking the ment secretary, to the mandates comleadership in radical activities as it is mission of the League of Nations at gentlernanliness and good sportsman- Geneva was disputed by Dr. Brodetship in the approach of college prob- sky. (Hall explained Britain's immigration policies in Palestine, saying lems. in substance that there are sufficient 3. Don't try to be too friendly with young people to meet employment Christian students. Be ^yourself. Be needs there already, and that a connatural. Don't be apologetic for other siderable number are preparing for Jews with the implication, sometimes professions. Newcomers, he s a i d , even expressed, "Of course, you know would obtain only temporary employhe is a different sort of breed than ment.) - - . . . .. _ I am." Stand on your own. Meet the r^ Brodetsky said the question of Christian fellows naturally. There is temporary employment was settled a great deal of human friendliness three years ago. Experience has that is waiting for the Jewish student taught, he stated, that every ten of which he often deprives himself by dunams of land used in orange raisover-anxiety. Restraint will bring the ing require at least one worker on a offer of friendship where over-anxiety permanent basis. The industrial deshnts it off. This cultivation of re^ velopment of the country, he said, as serve is a lesson that many of our well as building construction, will Jewish students have to learn. On provide employment fora large numthe other hand, don't go around with ber of individuals for a long time to a chip on your shoulder. Presume a come. certain amount of friendliness on the In connection with an ordinance paijt of the Christian student. prohibiting picketing of employers 0hI who use non-Jewish help, passed What fo Do. . And now for two definite "Jo's": Ifew weeks ago by the Palestine g




WITH MISCHA ELMAN Buenos Aires, (WNS).—Argentine public opinion, never very friendly to Nazi Germany, is further aroused against Nazism since it become known that Mischa Elman, worldfamous Jewish violinist, canceled a concert engagement here because Fritz Busch, German conductor of the orchestra with which the virtuoso was to appear, refused to play with him. Elman declared he had been told that Busch had been warned by the German minister here that he would not be permitted to return to Ger-

Jewish service which is to watch the ZION PRESS SCORES borders of the country, it is reported. are required to know JEWISH YOUTH MOVE Volunteers Arabic.

many if he would conduct for the Jewish artist. Busch, however, denies that any German official had caused him to refuse to appear together wth Elman, while the management of the Tel Aviv (JTA).—New clashes beconcert hall say the Elman appear- tween Jewish and Arab "hotheads" ance was called off because Busch are expected here as a result of a movement throughout the country to had no time for a rehearsaL organize Jewish youths into volunteer corps, with a view to prevent the Moslems of Bone Assure huge Arab illegal immigration. This of Future Peace Paris.—Hambi Koudya Ben Ahdulla, move is seen as a counter action to president of the Moslem Community the Arab secret service recently orof Bone, Algeria, denied that anxiety ganized to watch the coast and fronexists in Bone over possible further tiers and to hand over to the police authorities Jewish immigrants found outbreaks. "Israelites of Bone," he said, "who entering the country without visas. Jewish sportsmen and athletes of are peaceful and laborious always work and lire side by side with the all ranks, without distinction of party Arabs." feeling, have been urged to join the

The Hebrew newspapers here score the measure as likely to lead to provocation and undesirable results. Nevertheless, they believe that no other alternative is possible, pointing out that the government alone can avert this Jewish move if it eliminated the main source of the trouble, the Arab volunteers.

Jewish Agency's Financial Condition Good Jerusalem.—The Jewish Agency has not only met its budget but has succeeded in paying off debts amounting to ?350,000, it has been announced here.

Happy New Year Attend the


SHOW and

RODEO October 28 November 3

5695 -:- 1934


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Page 10—Section C

New Year's Edition—THE JEWISH PRESS—Thursday, September 6,1934

take a long period to eradicate the poison of Hitlerism. For Germany, then; the New Year brings new fears and continued woes. AUSTRIA The:influence of Hitler in Austria was almost- as damaging to the Austrian Jewish community as Nazism was to the Jews of Germany. Austria's Jews have sacrificed to. prevent . Nazi rule • in Austria almost as much af the Jews of Germany had taken, from them by . force. • To strengthen a regime which, although hostile to the Jews, nevertheBy VICTOR BIENSTOCK, J. T. A. News Editor less fought Nazi influence tenaciousRepeating a phenomenon not un- mediate downfall, brought some ele- against a menace and a horror such ly, the Jews, of Austria surrendered familiar to students of Jewish his- ment of unity into a badly disorgan- as had been thought could never re^- without protest and without a strugtory, Jewry throughout the world is ized Jewry and made possible a cur, can really be considered a year gle, their public offices, their right emerging today from one of the dark world boycott against the Nazis, the of national awakening- from which to enter the professions and their est.years in its recent history, or- ultimate success of which is now Jewry emerged morally stronger if economic position. Once one of the strongest communities in the world, ganically stronger than it had been merely a question of time and per- materially stricken. the Jews of Austria today are in a in decades, to face a New Year which sistence. position verging on beggarism. They gives iittle hope for any ameliora- Hitler still rules in Germany—ap- GERMANY Hitlerism and the influence of Dollfuss-Schuschnigg tion. parently in a stronger position than Hitlerism dominated Jewish life not selected the In a year during which foes of ever before, Caesar of an ancient only in Germany but in all countries frying pan instead of the Hitler fire. Jewry cropped up in new quarters era—but the foundation upon which of the world. In Germany, it de- To Austrian Jewry the only hope and. unleashed an attack on Jewish he stands has been all but washed stroyed the economic, political and that the New Year brings is the equality rarely equalled in ferocity, away. His fall, for a long while to social position of a once-strong Jew- possibility that the. world economic Jews rallied to the world-wide battle- come, will not alleviate the situation ish, community and reduced a . half- condition may improve and that the front there to engage in a still far •for the movement on which he rode million Jews to a position of halo Austrian'situation will improve with from resolved struggle against the to power has set free forces* that tage. i t If that happens, the Nazi presforces loosed and encouraged by the will harrass" the "Jews for many sure on Austria may be weakened Fifteen thousand German Jewish victory of Hitlerism in Germany. and the Jews may again seek the years. families, once the top stratum of Before 5694 was well under way, Hitlerism in 5694 also served to German-Jewish . life, supported by frights they formerly were proud to it was generally realized that the reawaken the eternal Wandering practice of law, medicine, teaching, hold. victory of Hitlerism in Germany was Jew, to arouse in countless Jewish scientific work and government serv- POLAND not a temporary one but that Hitler breasts a feeling of insecurity in ice, were reduced by anti-Jewish laws The • past year heaped new coals would remain in power for more than the Diaspora and a desire for a to a state of dependence on charity. upon the heads of Polish Jewry. As a" transient period. It was speedily homeland. Consequently, the Zionist Sixty thousand German Jews be- if Polish anti-Semitism had not been recognized that the battle against movement received new impetus in came refugees in foreign lands. The bad enough, a new wave of antiHitler was not one solely in behalf every quarter of the globe and tiny story of what has happened to Ger- Jewish propaganda inspired by the of 600,000 German Jeyrs but one Palestine bulged large in the reckon- man-Jews is altogether too well Nazis covered the country and Pocrucially affecting the fate of every ings of millions. known to bear repetition. It is a land went through a recrudescence of Jew in the world. A common enemy, heart-rending tale of savagery bru- Jew-hatred that reached a climax in Hitler, did more to unite the Jews It was not only into the Zionist tality, hatred and persecution hardly the assassination of Minister of the movement that this national awakenthan years of utopian planning. by Interior Pieracki because he had inin the 20th century. Jewish leaders seeking a united ef- ing was transmuted, but into a very believable tervened to a slight extent when the To the Jewish Germany, 5695 definite feeling of Jewish consciousfort in behalf of helpless sections attacks on the Jews became so severe brings little hope. They know Gerness hard to define or describe, but of Jewry. very real nevertheless. Thus far, this many faces a frightful winter of as to verge or resemble civil war. Back to the Jewish fold by the feeling has been manifest almost poverty and starvation. They have The National Democrats (Endsks) thousands came those who had lost solely in activities directed against been given ample indication that wealthy anti-government party, touch with their people; who had Hitlerism and in new interest in the they will have to expiate the sins spawned a vicious offspring in the apparently gone successfully through Zionist movement. The coming year and criminal blunders of the Naii National Radicals (Naras) who the assimilaratory process. In Ger- doubtlessly will see it flowing, into regime which has already com- adopted a violent anti-Semitism as many, in the rest of Europe, in the all spheres of Jewish life, infusing menced a propaganda campaign their chief reason for existence. United States, the Jewish community them with new vitality and new rich- blaming the Jews for Germany's During the year Naras harassed, was enriched by the recruiting of ness. The past year has made Jewry suffering. beat up and murdered defenseless these "rainy-weather Jews" whose more than ever conscious of its heritThey know that the fall of Hitler Jews throughout the length and influence and contribution to leader- age of centuries. The New Year will is not a sign of immediate improve- breadth of the Polish Itepublic and ship are bound to be felt more see this conscieusness strengthened. ment of' their lot. Even if the entire in the very streets of Warsaw. They strongly in the New Year. Because of these factors, the year Nazi regime give away to a new dic- were suppressed only after Pieracki • The , great danger from without 5694, a year of darkest trial and tatorship, they are sadly aware that wai murdered. brought home to the Jews by the sorrow, a period in which Jews as their condition will not improve per- Fires, floods and the general ecofailure of predictions of Hitler's im- Jews fought with all their might ceptibly for ..many; that it will nomic situation intensified the plight


"Work Is Our Life"

Organic Strength

Jerusalem (J. T. A.)—Jewish writings dating back to the period of the Hasmonean dynasty in Palestine have been discovered near Kfar Shiloah on the way to the Dead Sea, Dr. E. L. Sukendk, chief archaeologist of the Hebrew University, is in charge of the excavation. The Hasmonean dynasty came into power about 165 B. C, after Jehudah Maccabeus, great Jewish military leader, called by his soldiers "The Hammer," led a successful revolt of the Jews against Antiochus Epipanes, Syrian Greek ruler who attempted to make the Jews worship idols. The revolt lasted three years. In honor of the victory and to commemorate the cleansing of the Temple, Chanukah, or the feast of lights was instituted and is celebrated to this day. The Hasmonean kings, at first powerful rulers, held undisputed sway over the Jews. Later the family degenerated and while they were engaged in internal squabbles, the Romans assumed power. In 37 B. C. the last survivor of the Hasmoneans was executed by Herod, who assumed the kingly power. "Work Is Onr Life" is the new slogan of Jewish youth in Germany, who have emblazoned these words in Hebrew and German on the walls of a Jewish labor camp. of Polish Jewry during 5694, if such a thing were possible in view of its absolute destitution. A series of laws and government decrees struck devastating blows at the segment of the Polish population which still retained something which could be taken from it. But the worst blow which Polish Jewry received was the utter shattering of its confidence in the sincerity of the government. The present regime failed completely to take any steps to defend its Jewish citizens from Nara attacks and only suppressed the Nazas when the lives of the government members were imperilled by Nara gangsters. ; The government failed to remove restrictions which contributed largely t6 tha Polish Jawish economic de-

bacle and, in fact, sanctioned further decrees which advanced the. Jews along the road to bankruptcy. On the occasion of the visit to Poland of propaganda Minister Goebbels to Poland, the government forbade the Jews to make any public protest and abetted the affront to its Jewish population in permitting Goebbels to attack the Jews. Furthermore, the Yiddish press, on Hitler's usurpation of von Hindenburg's position, was or dared to print nothing derogatory concerning the head of the friendly, neighboring state. The attitude of the government toward the Jews was crystallized for the latter in the refusal of Col. Slawek, head of the government par(Continued on Page 11)

Palestine Calls I hear the call of Palestine From blood that flows within my chest,


A yearning for this land has come, That makes me want to leave the west. I want a hoe, and go to work, Upon its sandy sacred soil. To pioneer like a true Jew, An ideal—the object of my toil. I want to build a land anew, Where peace itself shall fly above, Where justice, knowledge and honor, All shall mingle with brotherly love. To Palestine I want to go, Where Moses does on Sinai lie, Where others like him now do rest; In Palestine I want to die. —NATHAN CROUNSE.



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j. ^

New Year's Edition—frHE JEWISH PRESS—Thursday, September 6,1934 full of unemployment problems—they that they are young. I am sorry for are not filling themselves with false and depressed about the older people hopes. They are" instead preparing —sorry for the younger'ones, but emthemselves in every way possible for phatically not depressed about theni. a complete change in every phase of It is 1an honor, to have such gallant their lives; they are building up their young people as cur contemporaries, 'Chicago JW. N. S.)—Many of the courage and a determination to make it is a privilege to be able to help so-called patriotic American . organizations; th^i have'-been ^bouting from The courage with which German tend to stay in Germany, and to spend their own way even in the face' of j them, and their thanks will come in more than words, in the real things thejrooftops aboutan alleged Com- Jewish youth is facing the complete their- lives as carpenters or sign paint- terrible odds. munistic ; menace are - themselves the change in their lives which is being ers instead of as lawyers or merchants- Hope' We Will See Them Through. which.I am confident they will achieve : Continued from Page 10) in the future." leadership in the face of the Hitler vehicle for the' dissemination of un- compelled by the anti-Semitism of the have not lost dignity in their own ly, to aid the Jews against the at- menace and definite progress "was American propaganda, according to a Hitler regime is described by Pauline eyes or in those of their contempo- """They are more than grateful for understanding and help of the tacks of the Naras. made toward this goal. The stimu- statement JssuecT. iere by Representa- Baerwald, chairman of the Junior Di- raries. They take pride in their new the outside world which has made so much "The Jews are now heard all over lation of Jewish consciousness made tive Carl "Weicfmaii of Michigan, mem- vision of the Joint Distribution Com- work, and they intend to maintain of this purposeful work possible. They mittee, who recently made a flying their lives, certainly on a more modest ber of TKe Congressional ^Committee the world. Poland is no exception. I itself, particularly strongly felt; in hope that we will see them through, visit to Germany to see for herself. scale, but with no change in their am sorry I can do nothing for you." the United States by the "support Investigating " Un-American Activithat we will help them to help their 'standard of living of the soul' if one CoL, Slawek told a delegation which given refugee aid and Palestine'fund "It is strange to think of heroism younger brothers and sisters (who are Berlin (W. N. S.)—Discovery of pleaded for protection for the Jews. drives and in a wider" interest in" the After .four days, of hearings on apart from flags and trumpets—but can phrase it in that way. many of them still going to schools in the fact that the Jewish-owned pubThat is the attitude , which the Zionist movement which may make $ and Communist propaganda, the attitude of the Jewish youth of Preparing Joyously for Palestine. which neither teachers nor pupils talk lishing firm of Albert Banier of SwePolish government manifested toward 5695 a. landmark for the: Zionist Representative ^eidnian-halted his in- Germany today, to my mind, is noth- "Those who are going to Palestine | to them, and where they are not al- den owns the exclusive world rights its Jewish citizens and that is the bit- movement.' j • ' ! •. ^i: " : ! quiry; and announced '• that those who ing short of heroic. There is nothing l d tto answer any of lowed f the th questions). stions) ter morsel Polish Jewry has to re- In Soviet Russia,' Jewish coloniza- -haver been .making>the^most noise blatant or noisy about it—there are are working as they have never work- They themselves are struggling to to the publication of the memoirs of ed before to prepare themselves for the late Paul von Hindenburg, presino dramatics, there is just quiet purflect upon as it enters a new, trou- tion work continued V.plbng its ^chart- about a red peril,: .have ihemselves what they know will be a pioneering maintain and enlarge their youth orbled year. ed lines, The; government,, in a mag-hired. agitators to' stir up "the * coun- poseful work," Miss Baerwald says. life—and they are working with joy ganizations—a work of great impor- dent of Germany, has driven the Nazi press to angry demands for the imThe: same force which operated nificent gesture, -psoclalmeA.-^Biroand with a spirit of mutual helpful- tance since these organizations make mediate cancellation of the publishSaw No Defeatism. with, such results in Germany, Aus- Bid jan an autonomous. Jewish *region 5 ^Representative .Weidman's asserpossible to help those who are hav"I can honestly say that among the liess which it is wonderful to see. it tria and Poland were much in evi- as its, step toward*•.^ts.,^ultimate "es- tionsi are regarded -as -a Veiled but ing a harder time to adjust them- ing contract. young people with whom I spoke -{to "Many of the young men to. whom dence in all the rest of Europe. The tablishment as a • Jewish 5 republic ijone £he less effective rebuke to paselves, and since they offer something "Der Angriff," Propaganda Minis"world economic situation adversely within, the Soviet friameyrprk; The triotic "bddies'.that have been support- some at great length, to others only I spoke are learning trades, settling of the 'young' life of comradeship ter Goebbels' organ, is particularly for a few minutes), not once did Ij down to strenuous eighteen-month or affected Jews along "with the' general government- also : acted; to .intensify ing-randifostering Fascist movements which they can get in no other way vituperative in its comments. fighting Commu- come across one with a defeatist phil- two-year courses of leek making or today. population in all the countries. the work of settiii^iand-uP^^ildi^g under the -guise of : : : : There is no chance, however, of the osophy," she continued* furniture building with the hope of nism.^;?":--1 • i ,- '-^:;-- -^ ••' '- • In Rumania, the Balkans, Greeca the region: and ^ X : contract being cancelled since HindenThey Are An Honor to All Jews. leaving the country. They know that "It is amazing'to see with what and France, local anti-Semitic agan- ish refugees to; reTestablish' I'their i "To ray mind one of the most won- burg himself contracted in 1929 with ; jcourage, often with what real enthu- they cannot decide today where they : '••, .-...-•••••••;:•• ; ""."•; cies, inspired and frequently aided lives there. It adopted a ^maximum ; -\-,: \-y'^: : derful things about these young peo- the Banier firm for the publication will go when they have learned their /_,Thfe TOo;re you are talked about, the i they are facing this complete s a s m by Berlin, reached a higher degree program of colonization to be carried : ple is that they have not forgotten of his memoirs in all languages. trades, they know that the world is """-""'-"''• yau arfc-r-Bisrdeli. |change in their lives. Those who inof activity. In Rumania, the Iron out within-the next;few years. Guard exacted its toll of the Jews Not ihat. the; victory of the 'eio'llecbut over-reached itself in the assassi- tivitzation? Tnethqd. q in ^^ ^ nation of Premier Ion G. Duca and culture !'is- apparently assured, •went into partial eclipse. The gov-outlook for the Jewish collectives all ernment, none too strong and none over the Soviet Union is brighter. too sure of its position adopted a For 5695, the Jews of Russia see a hesitant policy which left the -Jews year of material improvement in in a state of uncertainty regarding their lives. their future. It appeared evident, But it is Palestine, looming larger! however; as 5694 drew to a close that in Jewish thought now than in a cen-j measures restricting Jewish right to tury, that presents the most optimishold of f ica would be promulgated. I tic picture in the year just brought The future of Rumanian Jewry, none to a close. In the face of a worldtoo bright, is dependent to a large wide depression, with economic catextent on improvement of the gen-astrophe overwhelming one nation eral economic situation. after another, little Palestine enjoyed Greece witness the activities of a wave of prosperity and economic the anti-Semitic E. E. E., the Greek growth. Nazi party, which perpetrated sev- Thirty thousand Jews made their eral attacks on Jews. It saw the homes in the country during the past long-awaited abolition of the special year, including thousands of refugees electoral college for Jews in Salonica from the Reich. Torn by strife beand the induction of the Tsaldaris tween Arab and Jew, between Jew party, members of \»hich did not and fellow-Jew, Palestine neverthe-; hesitate on many occasions to speak less made remarkable progress. Arab objections to continued Jewwell of the Jews in the face of Venizelist attacks. Economic coridi- ish immigration were manifested in • tions affected the Jews of Greece se- bloody riots which were not allowed to shake the morale of the Yishub. verely. In Turkey, misapplication of a gov- Factional fights among Jews, origernment decree by avowed anti-Sem- inating in Palestine and spreading to ites caused untold hardship and mis-the Galuth, failed to check the ery for thousands of Jews who were growth of the Yishub. They develdeported from their homes in Thrace oped, however, into a situation which and Turkish Dardanelles. The gov-must be resolved within the coming ernment took strong measures to year if they are hot to crush PalesTectify the wrongs done these people tine beneath the weight of" a fratriand to punish the perpetrators of cidal war. The country was disrupted by factional feeling :.following the ac"-the outrages. Moslem hatred of the Jews flared quittal of Stavsky and Rosenblatt anew in North African and riots of for the murder of Dr. Chaim Arlosor~a serious nature broke out in Mo*off. The hatred engendered by the rocco and Algeria causing loss • ot long drawn-out trial must be allowed .'.•'•' hundreds of lives and millions of to die. It seemed that all forces united dollars in property damage.These were the most disturbing to thwart the dream of a Jewish Nadevelopments of 5694. A happier tional Homeland. The British governpicture is disclosed in Czecho-SIova- ment and Palestine, administration lda, Holland and Belgium where ref- interposed obstacle in the way of ugees from Nazi Germany were shel- Jewish settlement. But the tide swept tered and given asylum. The influ- on. ence of Hitlerism was strongly felt, For Palestine, 5695 may well be a too, in these countries but full-vis- crucial year. Its future may well be ioned governments and unblinded determined by the success the Zioncitizens resisted it strongly. The eco-ist movement has in reconciling the nomic situation keenly was felt in differences among its factions so these lands, too, but despair as in that all, united, may marshal supAustria, for instance, was not given port and aid 3n the creation in Palvoice in anti-Semitism. estine of a Jewish homeland. England, the United States, South . That, in brief, was 5694. It was Africa, South America, tell a differ- tragic year and a terrible one. It ent story. In all of these lands, Nazi- brought havoc and despair, in tens':inspired anti-Ssmitism made some fied misery and distress. But it headway but was effectively check- jerked millions back from a fool's paradise. It returned to Israel thoumated. Britain witnessed further honors sands of souls who had forgotten the won by her Jewish citizens and fur- destiny of the Jew. It was a year of ther recognition of their services by national awakening—a painful awakthe world at large. She saw a Fas- ening, to be sur&—but one which may cist movement make a bid for pop-one day be considered the frightful lar support only to run into the wall cost. Come in-and see this marvelFor 5695, the outlook is none too of traditional British democracy. • Here at last is an all-wave radio set that overcomes the ous washer ^deinonstrated-r-or South Africa was the scene of a bright. The damage of the past two annoying obstacles of trying to tune in far-distant stations. better still, let us bring 'ah greatly unified and strengthened years cannot be erased over night. A ABC Model'66 Washer out It's a Grunow invention—this "Signal Beacon"—a v ••* Jewry heart and soul devoted to long, hard process of reconstruction and .demonstrate " it in your simple and amazing device which actually picks out farthe upbuilding of Palestine and the i and rehabilitation of Jewish life con\ -" -'own-home. Let us show yoli relief of the German Jaws. General I fronts the Jews of the world. Butj distant stations for you, and enables you to bring them . how to"jest and let ABC dd Smuts and other members of the j before that they still hava the great in "with clarity and volume. - _ ^ e •heavyjwork., ABjC Model government took a strong stand enemy to vanquish. ^66 Washer has exclusive ABC Not until you have tried the "Signal Beacon"—not features—ABC dual Fingertip against the activities of German agi- (Copyright, 1934, Jewish Telegraphic until you have heard for yourself, the amazing performControl—ABC French type tators imported into the country and Agency, Inc.) ance it makes possible—can you believe that such a Agitator—oilless bronze bearthe "Greyshirt" movement was given thing could be. ings—large 2Vi" balloon rolls a drastic setback when it ran afoul -*-toueh release on wringer— Grunow sets not only are great performers, in cabinets of the laws of libel. adjustable legs—roller bearing that are the most beautiful yet designed for radio, but (Courtesy Young Israel Magazine.) Jewish communities in South mounted wringer movable to 8 the prices of these Grunows will astonish you. In the America reported progress in many The mountains quarreled jealously, positions—Corrugated Washtremendously efficient Grunow factories, these sets are ing Compartment—and man/ directions, economically, culturally "Which one of us," said they, so built that you can have one on the most modest others. You will just have to and politically. - South American "Will bear the Glory of the Lord see It to appreciate it. terms. Ownership of a Grunow is not a luxury, but will countries provided sanctuary for.hun- On the Holy Day?" actually save you money in this magic flow of entertaindreds of refugees. With improved Only the tall ones quarreled, stent from au over the world. economic conditions and political sta- The smaller ones were still, bility, these communities may, in The little mountain Sinai 5695, make the greatest progress in Stood humble as a hill. : history; The United States, too, saw the Mt. Tabor said: "When the flood rise and fall of powerful anti-Sem- Swelled beneath the sky, itic agencies and the • marshalling of Nothing stood above the waves ' overwhelming popular opinion But the Ark and I." against Hitlerism. The year gave rise to a demand Said Hermon: "When the Israelites, of the masses for unity in Jewish Despairing, faced the sea, leadership in the face of the Hitler I rose between the foamy shores, menace and definite progress was And they crossed over me." made toward this goal. The stimulation of Jewish consciousness inade Mt. Carmel said: "Below m'e itself particularly strongly felt in You hear the ocean roar, the United States by the support I shall be chosen, for I stand given refugee aid and Palestine, fund Upon the sea and shore." drives and in a wider" interest in the Zionist movement which may But God chose not among them— make 5695 a landmark for the Zion- The proud ones and the tall— He chose the little Sinai, ist movement. J&.y -gave.-rise^.tq, a demand The meekest of .them all. of the masses for unity in Jewish " • —Edna 'Bockstein:

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New Year's Edition—THE JEWISH PRESS—Thursday, September 6,19S4





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•.•. -.„•••-•-•..

The March of Time. Rosh Hashbriah

May theNew Year Be a Joyous One



Pf M ^

Increase of Jews Halts in Poland

American Zionism Advances Forward, Says Rotkenberg

Page 1—Section D

Proposes Plans Refute Report of to Aid Declassed Holland Deportings

Longon (J. T. A.)—A general London,. (WNS).—A report disscheme of relief for declassed Rus- seminated by the Amsterdam corresian Jews was revealed by M. A. Kai- spondent • of Reuters, British news By Morris Rotheriberg, crete tasks, the American Zionist zer, general secretary of the Jewish agency, that Holland had deported President Zionist Org. of America, movement has given substantial sup- Relief Organizations, returning from 3,000 German Jewish refugees has - The sixth annual Mid-West Disbeen discredited by an investigation trict "Conference of the Workmen's The past year has witnessed a defi- port to the Central Committee for the a tour of Russia. made in Amsterdam by the correCircle was held in Omaha at the nite upswing in Zionist sentiment and Settlement of German Jews in PalesThe plan includes opening of train- spondent of the London Jewish Labor Lyceum last S u n d a y a n d Monactivity in the United States. The tine and has covered its part of the ing centers for those who can lie day. ;',•"••.• •_ .• " ' . •.,-.•.••• success of Palestine in meeting the budget of the Executive of the Jew- taught a useful trade, creation of em- Chronicle. This reporter found that Holland has not deported any refu- Three Omahans were re-elected oftests of economic depression and Nazi igration opportunities for the de- gees. The basis for the unfounded oppression has instilled a confidence ish: Agency. ficers of the district.-They are: N. classed who cannot adapt themselves The joining of the American -Pales- to the industrial conditions and have Renter's report appears to be the in the Zionist jirogram that has travMartin, chairman; Louis Witkin, elled far beyond,- the : ranks of pro-; tine Campaign and the Joint Distri- no means of livelihood in Russia, and fact that a group of foreign Jews treasurer; and S.. Lipp; secretary. . fessed Zionists.- To the refugees flee^ bution .Committee in a single Cam- the organization of a service of per- that settled in Holland without perResolutions were-adopted protesting from the German terror, Pales- paign to secure .the funds needed to manent monthly subsidies in the" form missiion before Hitler came to power Ing against "the discriminations practine has'afforded the major perman- meet the programs of both organiza- of food parcels for the aged and ail- have received notice to leave the ticed by the Nazi _ regime in Gerent haven. More_ than 15,000 German tions is largely attributable to the ing who cannot- be- otherwise assist- country. They had been given such many; - protesting against the Algerirefugees already have found asylum psychologic effect of '. Palestine pro- e d . •:-••--.•; ; • " ' • - • • notice many months ago but ignored an , government for allowing the reit and as' a result they were ordered and location\therel Palestine has gress. The joint campaign was not cent pogroms; advocating a continuaMr; Kaizer said he came to a satis- deported. I t is likely, however, that only an.implied recognition of the improved, as the High Commissioner of idqn of the economic boycott against factory agreement with the Soviet authe League of Nations for - German portant labors of both organizations thorities for carrying out this relief some . of them - will be permitted to tne ..Nazis. , . remain in Holland. Refugees has- testified, the country in.meeting the German crisis, but it scheme. " The delegates. . were: Omaha . ' . . ! • ' which offers the most hopeful solu- brought a better; understanding-of the Branch. ITS—M Crounse, A. Forman, tion of the refugee problem. Whereas Palestine, program on the part, of S. Lipp,' L. • Witkin; Omaha Branch other lands are closing: ever" tighter many hitherto unreceptive to Zionist to deposit Sixty Pounds, was a note'258^-S. Lerner and N. Martin; Lin1 thfeir doors to newcomers," the Jewish ideas.-The distractions and confusions worthy achievement. coln Branch .248—L. Kantor, B. Yishub in Palestine pleads that more that result from a multiplicity of. ap- V An effort to expand .the program of Rosenberg; Lincoln Branch 399— immigrants be permitted to enter. peals-was avoided, and already more Zionist activities in. the United States Nathan .Hill," M. Novicoff; Lincoln Sofia (W. N. S.)—Swastika badges Nothing that has occurred since the money has been sent to Palestine beyond that of- securing funds for worn by members of the Bulgarian Branch 399b—Miss Bella Gordon and modern Zionist movement was launch- from the. United States than during Palestine was begun during the .past Nazi party are expected to disappear Mrs.- Clara '__ Sisspn; : Des Moines year and new impetus in that direc- following the promulgation of a deed has made Jews realize -the full im- the ^previous year. Branch 406—D. Osheroff, A-" KinsBudapest ( W / N . S.)—Premier Ju- port of: the development of the Jewtion was. given-at this year's Zionist cree that party members must disberg, M. Schwartz; Sioux City lius Goemboes, former leader of HunAn important phase of Zionist proBranch 664—1. Singer, M. Ellsbsrg, garian anti-Semites, who took an im- ish National Home, as has the part gress in -the United States during" the •Convention which adopted a compre- continue displaying party emblems JL Menkeuf; "" Omaha Young Circle portant part in the" pogroms "perpe- which Palestine is playing in meeting past year'is indicated by the large hensive cultural program-" Zionist under penalty of fines and imprisonBranch • 1014—Miss Sophie Halperin; trated by the Awakening Magyars the present crisis in Jewish life. At number of American Jews who left to youth-organization also received much ment. Des Moines Ladies Auxiliary Branch during the White Terror of 1919-20, a time of world depression, of mass settle in Palestine. They brought not stimulation during the year that has The Nazi party was suppressed to406—Mrs. J. Bierson; : Sioux City has become the center of excited de- unemployment, when governments are only valuable man power but large closed, thus creating reservoirs for the gether with all other political groups Ladies Auxiliary Branch 664—Mrs. bate as the result of his remarriage struggling with deficits, Palestine has amounts of investment capital i nto replenishment of Zionist rcjiks. in June, when a Fascist dictatorship •B. Seligson; Omaha Labor Lyceum—• to his first wife, who was a Jewess. a steadily mounting surplus, and ac- Palestine. Likewise the number of With. Jewish life in European lands obtained power. S. Susman; Omaha" Ladies. Labor Gcemboes' second wife died several tually faces a shortage, of labor in tourists going from America to Pal-'engulfed by political and economic fields and in cities. This extraordinLyceum club—Mrs. S. Susman. crises, the great American Jewish Moscow—The first Yiddish daily months ago. ary phenomena has had a stimulating estine showed considerable increase community will once more have to newspaper in Biro-Bidjan, recently during the year 1933-1934. The develThe delegates gave votes of In government circles the Premier's effect on Zionist endeavors throughtake the leading role in protecting thanks to the following: Omaha remarriage is the subject of sensa- out our country. . opment of tourism promises to be- and advancing the interests of the proclaimed autonomous Jewish region in the Far East, made its appearance. come one of the principal sources of Branch 173 and 258, hosts of the tional discussion in view of the fact conference; the arrangement commit- that he is the head of the Vitez SoThe year was characterized by a income to Palestine, comparable to Homeland. There is every indication The paper is called the Biro-Bidzaner tee, of which M. Crounse was chair- ciety, the royal bodyguard, whose strengthening of the organized Zion- the role that tourism plays in the eco-that -during the coming year Ameri- Shtern (Biro-Bidjan Star). The paper formerly appeared twice man; the officers; the artists on the members are forbidden to marry Jews. ist ranks, and the. continued cooper- nomic life of Switzerland. In this con- can Zionism will occupy a major posiweekly. It has been designated the ofprogram; Miss Fannie Witkin; who Members of this exclusive aristocra- ation of all Zionist, groups within the nection the success of the Zionist Or- tion in World Zionist affairs. . ganization in obtaining a modifica- (Copyright, 1934, Jewish Telegraphic ficial organ of the region administradelivered an address on "Where Are tic body who wed Jews are obliged Zionist Organization of America. Agency, Inc.) tion. Our Youth Going?" Concentrating its efforts upon con- tion of the ruling requiring tourists to resign. Warsaw (JTA):--The natural increase of the" Jewish population in Poland has diminished, according to statistics released by the government. '-• . The figures show that during the first quarter.of-this year there were 72,203 marriages, 219,086 births and 122,623 deaths: Jewish marriages numbered 5,711 or 7.5 per thousand as compared with 9.1 per thousand "among" the Catholics. Owing to the serious economic position and the- large emigration of. young people to Palestine, there has been a "heavy decline - in the Jewish: birth", rate and it appears that emigration this year will draw off . the entire natural increase among the Jewish population. Palestine occupies first' place in this" 1 emigration movement. '•• ~ : '.

Swastika Forbidden In Bulgaria

GoemboesRemarries His Jewish Wife




HAIFA AROUSED BY SENTENCES Haifa (J. T. A.)—The Jewish popelation here has been stirred to indignation at the severe sentences meted out to fifty-two persons arrested for. picketing activities carried on in front of the building being erected by the Jewish contractor Borovsky. Forty-six of the picketers were sentenced to one month terms, while the other six were given sentences of three months each. On an additional charge of obtsructing police in their efforts to break up the picketing, twenty-five others were arrested and held for trial. The picketing is a result of charges that Borovsky is employing1 on the building project large numbers of Hauranese Arabs, many of whom it is reported have entered the country illegally, and who are displacing legitimate Jewish labor. Labor representatives interviewed District Commissioner Morris Bailey and pointed out to him that Haifa is harboring 3,700 Hauranese who entered Palestine from Syria without legal permits. Of this number, the representatives declared, 1,800 are employed by Jews and are thus depriving Jews of jobs to which they are rightfully entitled. The committee also protested to Commissioner Bailey against alleged harshness on the part of the police in dealing with the arrested picketers. In answer to the complaints, the Commissioner replied that it was the duty of the authorities to uphold the law without reference to private issues between Jewish contractors and laborers. Painting is silent poetry, and poetry is painting with the gift of speech. —Simorodes. -

n gs ottse





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2004 Farnam St*

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Atlantic 4485-6

^Page 2—-Section D

New Year's Edition—THE JEWISH PRESS—Thursday, September 6,1934 VISITS AUNTS Miss Erma Gross of Lansing, Mich., is a guest of her aunts, the Gladstone sisters.

Rabbi, Mrs. Goldstein To Receive on Tuesday


Reception Honoring Rabbi Miller Friday !

Activities of J. C..C. Athletic Department The recreation room of the J. C. C.

will open Sunday September 16. The The past season was highly suc•The Ladies Auxiliary of the tables have been remodeled Rabbi and Mrs. David A. Goldd l d and d the stein will be at home on the second cessful for the youngsters who sought Vaad Ha'Ihr will hold a reception rooms have been made inviting. aquatic prowess in the J. C. C naday of Rosh" Hashonahj* "Tuesday f ollowing Vaad services Friday tatorium. About 150 junior boys .and afternoon, from 3 until 6. - evening, September 7, in honor of -The last mixed swim party of the girls, including the Talmud Torah No cards have been issued. Rabbi Uri Miller, who returned summer season was held at the Jw students, enjoyed the summer swimRETURNS FROM SIOUX CITY last week from an extended trip C. C. pool Wednesday evening from ming program outlined by Director Miss Gertrude Oruch has returned to Europe and Palestine. 8 to 9 p. m. A large crowd attended. British Call Jewish Lee Grossman. from Sioux City, la., after a ten-day The services Friday, the first of visit at the home of the Misses Rose Marriage Laws' Albert Oruch, swimming instructhe season for the Vaad, will be Last Wednesday noon the handball and Delia Shiloff. tor, was in charge of these classes held at the B'nai Israel syna- committee of the Center—composed Best and conducted the various sport gogue. of Phil Feldman, chairman; Iz LevinRETURNS TO SIDNEY events. Cantor A. Sehwaczkin and the son, and Phineas Wintroub—met London, (JTA).—The Jew;sh way AND RIVERTON Water polo games were introduced B'nai Israel choir will officiate. with Physical director Lee GrossMiss Helen Whitebook, daughter of of dealing'with unhappily married to the juniors this year, and met Rabbi Miller will deliver the ser- man to draw up plans for the fourMr. and Mrs. S. Whitebook, has just couples, is t i e best, officials of the with popular approval. Relay races mon, his topic being "Judaism's wall sport for the coming fall seareturned to Sidney and Riverton, la., British homa office who made a were held twice a week. A ladder First Principles." son. study of matrimonial problems answim tournament is now being where she is music supervisor of the staged. schools. Miss Whitebook is a gradu- nounced. The report made by the home ofate of Iowa university. An important meeting of the athIn addition to these activities for fice group recommended that Great the junior swimmers, more than 80 Hopes to Enlarge on letic council of the J. C. C. will be Britain adopt the Jewish method of children passed their elementary, beWednesday noon at the Hltt notel, GUESTS HERE Dead Sea Project held according to announcement by Irvin, Miss Minnette Singer has had as setting up a Beth Din, or arbitration ginners and swimmers tests. C. Levin, chairman. her guests for the past two months court to settle home disputes instead For the matron women, senior New York, (JTA).—Expansion of her cousins, Mrs- Phil Halpiren of of bringing the cases into courts. women and senior men boxing, "wres- the Dead Sea project was forecast Fitzgerald, Ga., and Mrs. Lena Each Jewish community custom- tling, calisthenics, swimming, .volley by Israel B. Brodie, chairman of the The basket ball committee and arily^ has a private arbitration court ball and handball were offered. Cohen of Chicago, 111., board of directors of the Palestine Physical Director Grossman made made up" of local Jewish notables and Potash company. Mr. Brodie returned preliminary plans for the cage seamembers of the rabbinate to whom RETURNS FROM CHICAGO aboard the Paris from a meeting of son at a meeting Thursday noon. Miss Helen Greenberg has, just cases involving matrimonial problems NRA Ruling Aids The committee includes Arthur Cohn, the board in London. returned from a short visit in Chi- are substituted. In these courte. every chairman; Dr. A. A. Steinberg, and "Things are very encouraging," Sabbath Observers he declared, "and we intend to ex- Jay cago. -While there she - attended the effort is made to solve the problem Stoler. offered without recourse to the reguworld's fair. pand our work. We plan to enlarge (WNS).—Jewish lar courts. Efforts are also made to Washington, wholesale tobacco dealers who keep the plant, which will result in a sub- Berlin.—The Anti-Semitic and Panreconcile the couples before a divorce IN ATLANTA Aryan World Congress, scheduled to their places of business closed on stantial increase in employment." is considered. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Levitan, who "We are now proceeding to the de- be held here in September, nas been, Saturday will be permitted to carry English legal authorities and since their marriage in Omaha last dealings on Sunday, ac- velopfent of the south end of the postponed, according to an. announceFebruary have been living in Wis- judges are convinced that .half the on business 1 cording to a ruling under the NRA Dead Sea." he said, but declined to ment issued from an unknown source. annual 20,000 separations could be consin, are now in Atlanta, Ga., wholesale tobacco code, made public reveal further details at this time. The reason given is that it is planwhere Mr. Levitan is engaged ill su-: obviated if the cases are handled by Mr. Brodie is also president of the ned to combine the congress with a here. an arbitration tribunal like the Lonpervising the demolition of a federal American Exonomic committee for similar meeting arranged for Brusdon Jewish Beth Din instead of the housing project. sels. Palestine. Patronize Jewish Press advertisers. regular courts. Mrs. Levitan is the former Sara Ann Noddle of Omaha.

RETURNS FROM CHICAGO Peggy Friedman, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. B. T. Friedman, is home from an extended visit in Chicago.

BERKOWITZ-BROWN MARRIAGE Miss Hae Brown, daughter of Mr. GARBER-COLICK ENGAGEMENT and Mrs. Max Brown, of Kansas Mr. and Mrs. Samuel. Colick anCity, Mo., was wed to Mr. Milton nounce the engagement of their Berkowitz, of Grand Island, son of daughter, Rose Lillian. Colick, to Mr. Mr. and Mrs. I. Berko-witz of this Albert A. Garber of Huron, S. D. city, on Sunday, September 2, in Mr. Garber is a former resident of Omaha and is a graduate of CreighKansas' City at the bride's home. Among the out-of-town guests ton university. •were Mr. and Mrs. I. Berkowitz, Mr. No date has been set for the wed. . and Mrs. Harold Pollack, arid the ding. Misses Ruth, Romm and Miriam Greenberger, of Omaha; Mr. and ANNOUNCE BAR MITZVAH Mrs. Max Greenberger and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Max Davis announce Louise, and Mr. and Mrs. Sam the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Leslie, Greenberger and daughter, Shirley, on Saturday morning, September 8, of "Grand Island, Neb.; Mr. John at 10 o'clock at the B'nai Israel synagogue, 18th and Chicago streets. Berkowitz of Wichita, Kans. The bride is a graduate of Tasco All friends are invited. No invita, High school in Kansas City. Mr. tions have been issued. Berkowitz attended the University of Nebraska and is a member of the RETURN FROM HONEYMOON TRIP Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity. After a honeymoon trip to Colo- Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Alpirn returned rado, the couple will make their this week from an extended honeymoon trip. home in Grand Island. Mrs. Alpirn is the former Mfsl Rebecca Goldberg of Kansas City, FRIEDMAN-ROSS WEDDING where she was engaged in soMiss Lydia Ross of Council Bluffs, Mo., work. The marriage took place la., became the bride of Dr. Alexan- cial in Kansas City on August 19, with der J. Friedman of Union City, N. Rabbi Harris officiating. J., at a pretty wedding ceremony held at the Avenel synagogue in Arenel, N. J., last Sunday after- VISITED FROM DES MOINES noon, September 2. Following the Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kneeter and ceremony, a reception and wedding son, Donald, of Des Moines, la., dinner was given at the home of the spent the week-end and Labor day bride's maternal grandparents, Mr. with Mr. Kneeter's mother, Mrs. and Mrs. J. Fox, in Avenel. Mamie Kneeter. The young couple will make their home in Brooklyn, N. Y., where Dr. WEEK-END VISITORS Friedman will begin his interneship Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hockenberg and son of Des Moines, la., spent in the Beth Moses hospital. Mrs. Rae Ross of Council Bluffs, the week-end in Omaha visiting with mother of the bride, who attended Mrs. Hockenberg's mother, Mrs. M. the wedding, returned home today. ; a i k .





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ANNOUNCE BIRTH Mr. and Mrs. Dean S. Davidson of Lincoln, Neb.,, announce the birth of a son Sunday, September 2. Mrs. Davidson was the former Miss Jeannette Pitlor of Omaha.

RETURNS HOME AFTER VISIT Dr. R. D. Leavitt, who was visiting for the past week with his brother-in-law and sister, Dr. and Mrs. S. A. Osheroff, left Monday for his home in Cincinnati, O.

Delta Kappa

VISITED HERE Mrs. D. Kuklin and daughter, Betty,

The following officers were elected of Lincoln, spent the week-end?here at a recent meeting of the Delta with Mr. and Mrs. S. Altsuler. Kappa club: Miss Alma Feblowitz, president: Lottie Rips, vice-presi- SURPRISE BIRTHDAY PARTY r dent; Mildred Saferstein,; secretary; Mr. Sanr Goldware, 2201 i BurPearl Monsky, treasurer, and Helen dette street, was honored by his chilGreenberg, historian-reporter. Plans dren at a surprise birthday party on the occasion of his seventy-ninth were made for a fall rush party. birthday. In addition to his children, his grand children and great grand chilThe Re-Im is planning a private dren attended, the latter singing a dance at the Fontenelle pavillion special birthday song for him. soon. They are also making plans Among those present was Mrs. Refor a large public dance to be given becca Fogel of Philadelphia, a daughat the city auditorium. ter of Mr. Goldware. Meetings will now be held at the J, C. C. at 8:30 p. m. every Thurs- RUSH PARTY day evening, .instead of every other The Kappa Tau sorority of Centra" Thursday as previously. New mem- High school is giving a rush party bers include Abe Kutler, H. Yaffe, at the home of Bernice Bordy at 5 " Sam Giller, Harry Blacker, Dave p. m., Saturday afternoon, Septam Franks and Max Kaplan. ber 8. Six rushees will be present.


VISITING IN DAYTON Mr. and Mrs. Izzie Rosenthal are visiting relatives in Dayton O.

Conservative Auxiliary To Hold JBpard Meeting:

I Feel Safer a Ford

The first board meeting of the Conservative Synagogue Auxiliary will be held Wednesday, September 12, at 1:30 p. m. at the J. C. C. Mrs. Dave: Sherman, president, announces that an outline of the year's activities will be : presented. The first open, meeting of the year will be the annual Succoth tea on Wednesday, September 26.

New Conservative Choir for Holydays ,Members... of the Conservative Synagogue are looking forward to the appearance of the new choir on the High Holydays. -Thirty voices directed by Harfy Braviroff will assist Cantor E. Sellz in the musical" interpretations of the prayers. Traditional Jewish melodies are used throughout the service. An additional special feature of the musical service will be a sextet which will sing special numbers. Members of the sextet are: Mrs. Margaret Belman, Harriett Barnstein, Pearl Marcus, Sadie Beber, Irving Sternnill and Lawrence Finkel. Members and friends of the Conservative Synagogue will gather for their first Sabbath eve of the ssason this Friday evening, September 7. Cantor E. Sellz will conduct the service. Rabbi David A. Goldstein will deliver the sermon.


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v; ^eVz<yTV\ \

Children sweeten our lives; they are the heart of the family circle, and through their sunny natures we achieve eternity. We rejoice with the proud parents whose hearths were brightened during the year 5694 by the addition of a child. To these parents who announced births during the past year through' the columns of THE JEWISH PRESS, we extend our heartiest congratulations.


1 n

Mr. and Mrs. Keith Peltz, daughter Mr. and Mrs. Jack Turek, daughter \ Mr. and Mrs. Max Moskovitz, daughter Mr. and Mrs. Win. Greenslein, son Mr. and Mrs. I. Parilman, son. Mr. and Mrs. George Lavine, son Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Richards, son Mr. and Mrs. Irving Rubin, son Mr. andJUrs. M. H. Jacobs, daughter Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weinberg, son . Mr. and Mrs. Abe Finkenstein, son Mr. and Mrs; Harold Pollack, son Mr. and Mrs. Sam Beber, twin daughters Mr. and Mrs. Samuel S. Steinberg, son Dr. and Mrs. Philip Romonek, son Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Gavenman, son Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Bogdonoff, son Mr. and Mrs. Norman S. Fregger, son Mr. and Mrs. Hy Garver, son Mr. and Mrs. Milton ReTss. daughter Mr. and Mrs.. Hyman Fried, son Mr. and Mrs. Jay J. Marx, daughter Mr. and Mrs. Harry Saltzman, son Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Posley, son Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Richards, daughter Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Vann, son Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Kay, daughter Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Farber, son Mr. and Mrs. Meredith Kenyon. son Mr. and Mrs. Fred D. Brodkey, son Mr. and Mrs. Jack W. Marer, son Mr and Mrs. Bernard Fink, daughter Mr. and Mrs. David Manvitz. daughter Dr. and Mrs. J. Milton Margolin, daughter

Mr. and Mrs. Ike Solzman, son Dr. and Mrs. Nathan Dansky, son . ' Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Kutler, daughter Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wertheimer, daughter Mr. and Mrs. N. Goldberg, daughter Mr. and Mrs. Max Rosen, son Mr. and Mrs. Albert Filer, son Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bush, daughter Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Abramson, daughter Dr. and Mrs. Edwin Katskee, daughter Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Chapman, son Mr. and Mrs. Leo Milder, son Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fellman. son Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Greenberg, daughter Mr. and Mrs. Izzie Stiss, son Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Wintroub. daughter Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hnduziner, daughter Mr. and Mrs. David Krantz, son Mr. and Mrs. David Greenberg, daughter Mr. and.Mrs. Sam Giller, daughter Mr. and Mrs. Dave Katzman, daughter Mr. and Mrs. Max: Katz, daughter Mr.and Mrs. "Louis Sogolow. son Mr. and Mrs. Max Greenberg, son Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hurwich, son Mr. and Mrs. Lester Simon, son Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Weisberg, daughter Mr. and Mrs. Will S. Rips, son Mr. and Mrs. Dan Lintzman, son Mr. and Mrs. Morris Goldberg, son Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ferer, daughter Mr. and Mrs. Abe Roffman, daughter Mr. and Mrs. Morris Woulner. son Dr. and Mrs. I. Osheroff, daughter Mr. and Mrs. Jack Freiden, son



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New Year's Edition—THE JEWISH PRESS—Thursday, September B, I9M

Page S—Section B 9


By MAX WINKLER President, American Council of Foreign Bondholders

as it won't, more serious measures are June 30 agitation against Jews in contemplated. Germany has tended rather to modification than to intensification, although New York (W. N. S.)—A special this has not been sufficiently prodispatch to the New York Times nounced to herald it as a general or states that the Propaganda Ministry permanent tendency." at Berlin has made an indignant denial of the reported Hess decree prohibiting all personal and business re- Tel Aviv—The police force here will lations between Nazis and Jews. The be increased to 150 after April 1, dispatch adds that the Propaganda 193-5. Of this number 100 will be Ministry attributes these reports to Jews and fifty Britons, according to delegates at the recent World Jewish an agreement readied between the conference at Geneva. The Times cor- Tel Avar, municipality and the govrespondent also declares that "since ernment. -

Arabs Continue Watch Against Illegal Immigrants Jerusalem—Huge searchlights have been mounted along the shore of the Mediterranean near Nathania to enable a better guard to be kept against illegal Jewish immigrants. At the same time the number ot self-appointed Arab watchmen guarding against illegal Jewish entrants has been increased, in defiance of High Commissioner Wauchope's order forbidding all civilians to engage in such patrolling.

The following article is made available by the American Jewish * Congress. The author, an outstanding economist, attached to the faculty of the College of the City of New York is Research Director of the Boycott Activities of the American Jewish Congiess—The Editor.

The contraction is effected by de- Japan— grees. Her currency cannot be wiped 75.8 80.8 - 244£ - 6.2 60.8 out immediately. The deterioration is China-rgradual. Her shipping de80.0 It is typical in Naziland for Ger82.4 185.1 2 3 58.5 stroyed at once, but only slowly. Her man Jews to learn mortar-ralsipg industrial profits do not disappear at 86.8 111.5 299.7 22.3 62.1 and house painting as a means of once, but only. gradually. Her credit economic readaptation. standing in the financial markets of Total— the world cannot collapse immediate4,871.4 5,739.1 13,482.7 15.1 63.8 Eighteen months ago, Adolf Hitler, ly, but only, slowly. , Monthly Average V 406.0 495.0 1,124.0 native of Austria, former corporal in For the first seven months of the the German Army, and titular head current year, German exports aver- •Denotes increase. of the National Socialist Democratic aged about EM 344,000,000 per month While the decline in Germany's forLabor Party, was called upon by the compared with a monthly average for aged Field Marshal Paul von Hinden-11S33 of. RM 406,000,000, one of RM eign trade is appalling, the figures burg to assume charge of the affairs 495,000,000 for-1932, and one of RM presented a b o v e , unsatisfactory of the erstwhile Hohenzollern Empire, 1,124,000,000 in 1929—declines, re- though they are, do not convey a coma position held formerly by General spectively, of 15, 30 and 70 per cent. plete picture of the disastrous state of Berlin (W. N. S.)—German Jews, Kurt von Schleicher. That is to say, for every $100 worth Germany's export business under already outlawed from practically The new Chancellor of the Father- of goods sold last year, Germany sells Nazism. every section of German life, will beland inaugurated his rule over sixty- now only ?85; for every $100 sold As a result of a multiplicity of come virtual untouchables by the five million Teutons with a veritable two years ago, she sells now only $70; measures, decrees and regulations, it terms of a new decree reported as to reign of terror. One of the first steps and for every $100 sold in 1929, Ger- is possible for Germany to effect be issued shortly by Rudolf Hess, who sales abroad without deriving the ben- has just been appointed deputy of of the new regime was to declare war many sells now only $30. upon humanity and-civilization. Com- An analysis of last year's export efits which ordinarily accrue from Chancellor Hitler. The order being munists, Liberals and Socialists, labor statistics with Germany's principal such transactions. To illustrate more prepared by Hess is to be printed in leaders and heads of trade unions, customers reveals in practically every concretely: As a result of the virtual 3,000,000 copies and distributed Catholics and Jews, were chosen to case a material decline compared with disappearance of the metallic cover throughout the country by members fumisbTthe masses whose dissatisfac- 1932 figures. Among the twenty most of the Reichsbank, the Germany cur- of the Nazi party, it is said. It is retion with existing economic and finan- important counties of destination, Ar- rency has no adequate backing, and garded as an answer to the resolutions cial conditions was steadily growing, gentina and Italy are exceptions to consequently possesses about as much adopted at the World Jewish Confer•with the necessary diversion. the general trend, the formed show- value as the cheque upon a bank ence at Geneva. The Western world was shocked ing an increase of 11.3 per cent in made out by an individual - who has The order, condemning the Jews to by the cruelty and brutally shown the amount of goods purchased from no funds in that bank. Thanks to the a status worse even thant that of the by the new administration. They soon Germany last year compared with manipulations of Hjalmar Schacht, untouchables of India or lepers, is characterized the measures adopted by 1932, while Italy reported an increase charged with guiding the Reich's fi- to contain the following five prohibithe new administration. They soon re- oof 11 99 pp ee rr ce nt. The The sharpest sharpest decline decline nancial destinies, there have come tions: cent. alized i t d by b R i t into being several type:, of German ed that force of persuasion would , w a a registered Russia, aggregatNo Nazi party member may be be of little, if any, avail, when applied jjjg 57.2 573per cent; Czechoslovakia Czechoslovakia is is currency whose quotation in the marr seen in public places with Jews and p e r cent; to Hitler and the men around him. next in order •with a decline of 35.6 ket depends on die use to which they members must scrupulously avoid Men of the Hitler type cannot be ap- per cent; Austria follows with a de- are being put. even, private relations with Jews. pealed to on ethical or moral grounds. cline of 24.3 per cent; India with 22.3 If an American importer has, as a Nazi party -members are not to The only language they understand, per cent; .and Yugoslavia with 21.9 result of previous activities, balances be represented in court by Jewish in German banks, he may not move attorneys. or can be made to understand, and per cent. which they will sooner or later be American purchases from Germany then out of the country. Fearing the No Jew is to be given a letter of forced to understand, is persuasion by last year aggregated, according to complete collapse of the Reich's fi- introduction or a recommendation force. Not physical force, but force German official statistics, RM 281,200,- nances, he desires to dispose of bis by a party member to government of an economic and financial charac- 900,000, compared with KM 281,200,- holdings, regardless of price. But Doc- officials or party functionairies. ter. : . 000 in 1932—a loss of about 12 1-2 tor Schacht comes to his aid. He may No money is to be accepted from When the head of the Berlin Popu- per cent, France reports a decline in use the funds, at the officially quoted lation and Race Institute let it be her purchases from Germany of 18J2 price which is twice and three times Jews in party collections. No Nazi shield or symbol is to known that "nations have been de- per cent. The decline in German ex- the actual market price, to purchase stroyed by biological causes affect- ports to Denmark in 1933 aggregated Germany merchandise for export. In be displayed in a Jewish store. ing the health_and strength of the 12 1-2 per cent from 1932 figures. this way, the foreign importer buys Simultaneously Reichsbishop Lndrace and not by economic~or political The decline in the case of Great Bri- $300 or ?200 worth of German: mer- wig Mueller of the Nazi Christian causes," .no ,dne save perhaps the tain amounts to 9.1 per cent; in the chandise for only $100. But even this Church enacted into permanent legal blind followers of'DerFuebre" were case-of Holland to 3 1-3 per cent; $100 Germany does not receive, be- form the temporary rule ousting all impressed. It was. economic factors Sweden's purchases last year declined cause it represents merely the reduc- non-Aryans from the church. This law which • decided Germany two decades .16.1 per cent; while Norway's imports tion of funds already in Germany. prevents the employment in churches ago to make war upon her neighbors. from Germany declined 15.2 per cent. With inducements of the above na- in any capacity of ministers married It was economic factors to which must The decline in Switzerland's imports ture offered to foreign buyers, the to non-Aryans. This step is a logical be attributed the defeat of the Reich, from Germany amounted to 14.8 per significant thing is that German result of Mueller's recent declaration the collapse in the post-war- period, cent. The loss in the case of Japan shipments abroad have not shown a of war against the Jews in which he and the rise of Hitlerism. It is equally amounted to 6.2 per cent; that in the marked gain. The fact that they have said that the Nazi Christians would initiate a vigorous anti-Semitic campaign. These developments are regarded as unmistakable signs of a new nationcompared with 1929, are particularly immeasurably more pitiable than that pronounced. Czechoslovakia heads the pective of all the inducements and at- wide drive against the Jews in which violence like that which' shocked the which existed immediately upon the list with a decline-in-her-imports tractions held out to buyers. world in March and April 1933 is likeflight to Doom of Wilhelm II, whose from Gem-any in 1933,. compared with ly to be employed. Close observers of megalo-manical proclivities were re- 1929, of 82.7 per cent. The United Bergenhalmer Dies sponsible for the Great conflict, and States is second with a shrinkage of Cracow," Poland.—Wilhelm Bergen- affairs here are of the opinion that the dreadful ills which accompanied 74.5 per cent; followed by Argentina halmer, prominent Polish Zionist" and Hess' degree is designed more as a and followed the carnage. with a decline of 73.2 per cent. Aus- editor of the Polish Jewish paper, threat to force a modification of the The employment of economic .force, tria ranks fourth with a shrinkage of Novi Jenik, died here innis46th year. anti-Nazi boycott. If it doesn't work, the' only weapon which civilization 72.8 per cent; followed . by Rumania possesses to combat the evil for which with 72 per cent; and Denmark with Hitler and Hitlerism stand, was nat 70 1-2 "per cent. The loss is smallest resorted to immediately after the in the case of Russia, aggregating 20th century Attila took charge over 20.5 per cent. This, however, is more the 20th century Huns. The optimists than made up by the very pronounced contended that a man wearing a white decline in shipments to Russia last shirt in the White House is bound to year. differ very greatly from a man wear- Details regarding Germany's shiping a brown shirt in the Brown House. to other countries are presentIt never occurred to them that Hitler ments ed in the (figures are might not change his shirt. For in millionssubjoined.table of Reichsmarks): months, they waited. The Hitler terror grew more intense, .more terrible, Germany's Exports. more barbarous. The Attilas and the Country of Torqueinadas dwindle into insignifi- Destination cance* compared with the Hitlers and De- Dethe Goebbels, the Goerings and the cline cline Streichers, the Darres and the Hesses. In In The cruelties and the tortures of Trade Trade which Hitler and his cohorts are 1933 1933 guilty are for mare thorough, far vs. vs. more systematic, for more methodical. 1929 1932 1929 1932 1933 They possess the finesse and the thoroughness of which only the Teu- Belgium— tons are capable. 278.1 301.5 608.8 7.8 55.1 Thus, economic force was the last Denmark— and only recourse of the civilized 144.7 164.7 483.3 12.5 70.5 world, and it -.vas employed only after France— all pleas and protests had failed. Ger395.0 482.5 934.6 182 Q.0.0 many would be forced by economic Great Britain— weapons to return to sanity and to 405.6 446.0 1,305.5 9.1 69.2 the ranks of civilized nations. So long Italy— 223.1 602.4 1.9* 62.5 as she would persist in pursuing a 227.3 policy which, is reminiscent of the Holland— Middle Ages, the civilized world would 612.8 632.8 1,355.2 3.3 54.6 refuse to have any financial or eco- Austria— nomic intercourse with her. German 120.7 159.5 441.2 24.3 72.8 goods would not be bought, regardless Norway— of how necessitous or inexpensive 85.0 100.2 226.6 15.2 64.4 they might be. German services would Sweden— 475.7 16.1- 60.5 not be used, regardless of how con191.1 228.1 venient and attractive they might be Switzerland— a made. 352,4 411.7 627.1 14.8 45.8 It is grossly erroneous to attribute Czechoslovakia— 161.1 250.0 657.6 35.6 82.7 the continuance of the ruthlessness and barbarism in Germany to the in- Rumania — 64.2 164.1 285 '72.0 efficacy of the boycott. The boycott 46.0 has been most effective, as is clearly Russia— revealed by'_ statistics., However, a 282.2 625.8 .353.9 57.2 20.5 country like Germany, which possess- United States— " es substantial productive powers, can245.9 281.2 991.1 12.5 74.5 not be expected to succumb overnight. Spain— 90.6 218.2 5.3 66.2 The process is, at best, a slow one. 85.8 Her structure canno.t be expected to Argentina— 73.2 collapse forthwith. The deterioration 100.3 90.1 371.3 is a gradual one. Her foreign^ com- .Yugoslavia— 4 2S2 • merce cannot be eliminated at once. 33.8 43.S 152.6 4I


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New Year's Editiorr—-THE JEWISH PRESS—Thursday, September 6,1934

Page 4—Section D


weekend, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hill and pral processes into gods with will family of Lincoln, Nebraska, and Mr. power. Gods that were born when the and Mrs. Leo Hill of Salina, Kansas. sun begins to rise from the winter Miss Marian Katelman is spending solstice; gods that rose from death in the. week visiting relatives in Des the spring, when the earth renews itMoines, Iowa. BY P. R. K. self; gods that were identified with Bowing and harvest time. These gods, Mrs. John Baird Quigley and and their stories, abounded in the andaughters, Joan and Ruth, of HutchNEW YEAR'S GREETINGS cient world, and are not unknown in inspn, Kansas, have returned to their FROM South Norwalk, Conn., (WNS).—A the modern world. They were absent home following a two months' visit HUGH P. FINERTY, from the Jewish religion. Absent, orig- MAYOR OF COUNCIL BLUFFS here at the home of Mrs. Quigiey's nation-wide storm of protest likely inally, too, was either the belief in, to have important repercussions in On this occasion of Rosh Has- parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Marks. or the emphasis on, the fate of the honah, year 5695-1934, I extend Miss Dorothy Handler of Omaha the good-will movement is brewing dead;_ and Jews were forbidden to cordial greetings to all the Jewish loosa, Iowa, left for her home Tues- as a result of the sensational ondeal in necromancy. And here the people of my community. May the day following a month's visit with slaught against the Jewish people By MAURICE SAMUEL whole process is undone. And of all coming year have in store for our relatives and friends in Omaha and made by the Rev, John Francis places, in the great, irreligious cities. fellow citizens of the Jewish faith Council Bluffs. While in Council Xavier MuTphy, head of the departAn exclusive article by. the author all the professions in the Bed Book come down, surprisingly enough, to a I t is surely remarkable that where reBluffs, she was the house guest of ment of history at Boston college, in of "Jews on Approval" about the Kad- safely. They come on foot, by sub- standard point of view. "I don't go to ligion is rejected contemptuously, su- great prosperity and happiness. her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. a speech before the eleventh annual dish sayers of New York. A strong way, on street cars and in lustrous shul often. To tell you the ttuth, I perstition creeps back. Herman Meyerson. convention of the Jesuit PhilosophiRosh Hashonah Services. indictment against those "worship- and magnificent automobiles. And really don't believe in those things— cal Association of the Eastern States. Appropriate services for Rosh HasMr. J. Z. Stadlan returned home pers'" who pray because "you never they come for one purpose only: to much. But a man has to remember his GHOULS OF JUDAISM will usher in the new year 5695 Monday following a two weeks' visit The gist of Father Murphy's attack knmo what's on the other side—over say Kaddish. Either it is the first father, you know. And besides, it can't For what I saw in these men hurry- ionah there." Maurice Samuel debunks an- year after the death of a parent, or do harm, can it? You never know ing to and from the Kaddish, these ,a * the Chevra B'nai Yisroel Syna- in Chicago, Illinois. While there, he was contained in the following senwhaf s on the other side—over there." men who had no other contact with i eogae at 618 Mynster Street com- attended the Century of Progress ex- tences: Unless the Jew can suppress other phase of American Jewish life it is the anniversary. his fierce clannishness he will beand reveals hi7nself again one of our There are some who come to learn the Jewish religion, with its living! mencing at five o'clock on Sunday position. come the serious problem in AmeriLOST CONTACT afternoon, September 9th. On Monday most original thinkers. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wiener and forces, with its creative principles, how to say the prayer. There are othSeptember 10th, morning services will Of all the bewildering phenomena daughter, Helen, spent the past week- ca that he is in Europe; in general —THE EDITOR. ers who knows the words by heart. what I saw in these frightened chilThere aie few who know their mean- of our time this mass phenomena of dren of the crowds (and again I ac- begin at seven o'clock and the eve- end in Moline, Illinois, where they vis- the Jews adopt any and all of the fool theories of Christian modernists In the center of New York's busi- ings, and fewer still who speak the the big city Kaddish sayers is the knowledge the exceptions) was a lapse ning services at five o'clock. Services ited relativesand their worst blasphemies and give most difficult to resolve. It would be Mrs. Nathan Adler and sons, Morto the jungle, to the epoch of the torn°n Tuesday morning will begin at words out as if they meant_anything. ness section there .exist two or three fair to say that (with real exceptions, ton and Marvin, returned home Mon- them additional currency; they are torn. This was not Judaism. It was seven o'clock. Kaddish. synagogues; remarkable in- It is a perpetual and unceasing gabRev. A. Diamond of Council Bluffs day after spending the past month thus a further force in the field of ble from early in the morning till late of course) these frequenters of the the equivalent of that emotion (not stitutions which- perhaps have not Kaddish shuls have lost all other conand Rev. A. Gendler of Omaha will visiting relatives in St. Paul and Min- anti-Chrictian dogma; Jews abst anphilosophy) which is roused in some their parallel anywhere else in the in the evening. "Yisgadal ve-yiskadash ti-Catholic movements in practically nections with Jewish ritual. Many of conduct the services for the Holydays. sheme rabo . . ." The prayer is said: neapolis, Minnesota. earth-born peasant in an obscure Eu•world. Morning', noon and afternoon them are not even of the famous Yom On the first day of Rosh Hashonah, ropean valley who passe* an ikon and there pass in and out of these build- the regulation few minutes are spent Miss Carolyn Rosenfeld left Mon- every Christian land; they sponsor ings continuous streams of "worship- in the place. The "worshipper" turns Kippur—Judaism type. They are, like crosses himself. It was an unreflec- Mr. O. Hochman will speak on the day evening for Chicago, Illinois, every new speculation that might [ subject, "The Sounding of the Sho- where she will attend the Academy threaten Christianity; outside of the pers". I must use quotation marks be- and goes, hurries back to his machine, so many hundreds of thousands in the tion acknowledgment, a propitiation J sphere of property and government -*"•'--' powers, a- frightened •'-• -•>-'•—jword. ' fer." On Tuesday morning, Mr. J. Z. of Fine Arts. cause I cannot think of a proper word, or to the subway, and the office or tremendous cities of the world, root- of the dark less creatures. They are not attached . And to make of all Judaism a me- Stadlan will speak on the subject, Ben I. Seldin returned home Wed- Jewish thought has bsen a disturband yet feel "worshippers" to be a the shop. subtly inaccurate description. Men in Stop some of these men, and ask to any group. They have no sense of mento mori, to turn it into an ap- "Auditing the Accounts of the Souls." nesday from Sioux City, Iowa, where ing element; all races have sinned in every walk of life, and of every class: them what they are doing. Ask them tradition. The mad, kaleidoscopic spec- pendage of death, is to undo all that Tickets are now on sale for seats he attended the Iowa State Legion Adam and all have their share in dirt and filth, yet there does seem office boys, chauffeurs, executives, (if you are particularly courageous, tacle of the World-City carries them Judaism has ever stood for. Supreme- at the synagogue for the Holydays Convention. porters, advertising experts, news- or impudent) why they are doing it, along from hour to hour and day to ly and almost uniquely Judaism is a j and can be obtained from the follow- Mrs. Max Harris is convalescing at to be a special tendency towards the paper reporters, street cleaners, hotel and what they think they are accom- day; they have neither time nor in- religion of life. Its intention has al- j ing committee consisting of Messrs her home following a recent opera- coarser and fouler lusts in the semite than the Aryan. bellboys, elevator boys, millionaires, plishing. The answers, though they clination to think of past and future, ways been to regulate the relations i 0. Hochman, Barney Gilinsky, Sam tion. shoeblacks, policemen, lawyers, den- will be; given in different words, and either in personal terms or in terms of men to each other, and to encour- J Sacks, Herman Meyerson and Joe Mrs. Leo Blank and son, Lane Bar- These strictures were interspersed tists, doctors, brokers—you may copy will betray different levels of culture, of ancestry and tradition. The turmoil age in them the development of their ~ Passer. ton, of Minneapolis, Minnesota, are with praise for Jewish achievements of the present drowns out the thought- highest faculties—for the sake of this Special Slichoth Services will be visiting at the home of Mrs. Blank's in the arts, condemnation of antiful voice of the past, and the appeal- life. A people which is so vital, which held early Sunday morning, September Semitism and an atack on Hitlerism, father, Mr. Barney Gilinsky. ing call of the future. These men be-has withstood the shocks and corro- 9th, commencing at five o'clock. but he concluded his criticism by long to an immemorial general type, sions of so many centuries, could not saying that "until his clannishness which came into existence with the have a religion of death. Its impulses The Council Bluffs Hebrew School Sunday School. first metropolis, Babylon, or Thebes, are too vigorous, its blood too quick, re-opened Its fall season Tuesday aft- The Council Bhrffs Talmud Torah ends, the Jew will always be a subor Carcemish, or whatever it was: the its creative desires too overpowering. ernoon, September 4th, at the Chevra Sunday School will not open its fall ject of suspicion and fear. The Jew mental-Apache type; the universal And here, in the center of New York B'nai Yisroel synagogue at 618 Myns- semester until after the Holidays, must cease to be a Jew. He must cockney; the essentially irreligious City, thousands have reduced it to a ter Street. Mr. J. Z. Stadlan, princi- Mr. J. Z. Stadlan, principal of the become broad and liberal in his attitude toward Christians." megalopolitan. recollection of death. When parents pal and instructor, has announced Sunday School, has announced. The Their insistent refusal (in the Jew- die, when the day of their death re- that classes will be held from four un- first day of registration and classes Replying to a demand for a retil eight o'clock on week days. All new will take place on Sunday morning, traction from the American Jewish ish instance) to give up this last one curs, Judaism is remembered. Congress, Father Murphy denied his bond with their past and their people, It is a horrible thing to see Juda- pupils are nrged to register imme- October 7th. remarks were intended as an attack places one before a difficult prob- ism relegated to this sinister compan- diately. on the Jews and intimated that his lem; the determination of the signifi- ionship. It is horrible to reflect that New Year's Greetings criticism was directed against those cance of their prayers. What Judaism for thousands and thousands of Jews Personals. From Jews who have left Judaism. James is there in this gesture? Is it a gen- the magnificent history of their peo- Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gross have reYear Correspondent, W. Gerard, former "United States uine reversion to type, or is it some- ple has been reduced to some words turned home following a two week's FANNIE R. KATELMAN. ambassador to Germany, asserted thing without Jewish significance? mumbled for the repose of the release stay at Colorado Springs, Manitou, The writer of this column wishes that he was shocked by Father Mur' Years ago I translated into English of departed souls. I can think with and Denver, Colorado. to take this opportunity to wish all phy's statements and expressed rethe anthology which Edmond Fleg equanamity of Jews who go to shul Mr. and Mrs. Sam Meyerson have had compiled in French; and I placed only on the high holydays. I can un- returned home following a week's the readers, both far and near, a gret that a Catholic leader permitted most Happy New Year. himself to make such unfounded asit, as the title to the translation of derstand the Jew who has severed all visit in Chicago, HL sertions. the Kaddish, the words: "Prayer for connections not only with the ritual Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cherniss and the Dead." A distinguished Jewish and the faith, but with the destiny of son, Edward, returned home Monday scholar who reviewed the book was his people. But I cannot swallow these following a month's visit in Chicago, New York City to Finance Tel Aviv—The Zebulum Sea Trainscandalized by my choice of title, and ghouls of Judaism—the Kaddish say- Illinois and Des Moines, la. Wnile Yiddish Theater ing Society is turning out a number took occasion to point out that the ers of the big city. For they make on in Des Moines, they attended the wedNew York—Mayer LaGuardia has phrase was un-Jewish and untr2di- me the impression of men who are i ding jf Mrs. Cheraiss's brother, Louis agreed- to the organization..of .jone^ or of Jewish sailors. tional. -There is no such thing among saying a prayer not only for the de of Omaha, to Miss Dorothy two Yiddish theaters to give free per- Two of the society's tars are now the Jews as prayers for the dead. but for Judaism itself. Kropman, which took place August formances to the Jewish unemployed on the Jewish ship "Atid." Three from of the city, Reuben Guskin manager Tel Aviv and Haifa are working on Technically he was right. Years ago, :ith. Zangwill pointed out that the Kaddish, Mr. and Mrs. Ike Krasne and daugh- of the Hebrew Actors Union, revealed the "Dora" and "Carola" boats plyor Sanctification, was one of the most isr, Ida, returned home Wednesday at a membership meeting of the union. ing these shores. Another ten from beautiful mourning pTayers ever writfollowing a month's stay at Manitou The theaters,. according to the re- both port cities are shortly to be enten. Rigidly it excludes all mention of port, will be maintained from city re- gaged by the "Rosolio" and "Progresand Colorado Springs, Colorado. death and the beloved dead. It exMr. and Mrs. Morris Grossman had lief funds and will furnish employment so," steamers which ply between Constanza and Palestine. hausts itself in glorification of the as their house guests during the past for a number of Jewish actors. Eternal, and implores the blessing of peace for the whole house of Israel. London, (JTA).—The British administration of Cyprus, island posIN THE JEWISH RITUAL session in the Mediterranean Sea, anAnd indeed the Kaddish is one of nounced its readiness to extend imTo use bridge language you may "make the loveliest turns in the Jewish rit- portant facilities for Jewish immiual. In memory of the dead, the Jew gration and settlement on the island. game" huying "bargain counter" coffee. merely-praises God, and -sends up a The administration will require of prayer -fer-the -welfare -of the entire each' prospective immigrant possesBut don't forget that every time you people to the throne of grace. Let us, sion of L50 ($250) or a guarantee of serve it you are vulnerable. Some day as moderns^ think what we will of the this sum by one already settled" in efficacy of_prjayers;_the magnificence Cyprus. British citizenship will be your husband may "set you" at the breakof the concept outlives the power of given the immigrants after two the words. .< years' residence. fast table with a hand that nobody could But Zangwill went on to declare, Jews, chiefly from Germany, have mournfully, that human nature, "driv- already acquired 70,000 dxmams of beat. In other words, your husband is en away with a pitchfork," will never- land in Cyprus, mainly for fruit theless'return. In spite of'the sublime groves, and two German Jewish liable to tell you that he's tired of drinkintentions of the sages,..the Kaddish inhabidid, take on a general character. It colonies, with two hundred ing feeble-tasting coffee in order that you tants, have been established near did undergo a transformation, and deLarnaca and Famagusta on the east clined from the purity" of its origin may squeeze out a few pennies here and. into something that is universal; not coast of the island. The new settlers mere remembrance of the dead, not are gladly welcomed by the local there. He may even refuse to drink it on mere consolation, but prayer that Greek population. might do the dead some good. a morning when the sky is gray and his BEBEB & KUJTZNICK The founders of a religion, its FRADEXBCKli, Attorneys razor has been dull. So don't try any saints and renewers, place a religion 050 Omaha National Bank Bide. on the heights which few can reach. NOTICE BY PCBtlCATIOX ON PETImore finesses. Put on that ace—serve The masses pull it down, and adapt it IIOX FOR SETTLEMENT OF FI>~AI< ADMINISTRATION ACCOCNT to their needs and capacities. Hills Bros. Coffee. No other coffee can Standing outside one of these New In the County Court of Douglas County, • . ™.Ti«m' York Kaddish shuls, and watching the Nebraska. the Matter of the Estate of BENJAMIN trump it in flavor and strength. Although irequenters hurry away, I asked my- InPOLIKOV. Deceased. AH persons Interested in said matter are self how much Jewishness these men hereby it may cost a few cents more per pound, that on the « h day of Seprepresented—and perhaps how much tember, notified 1934, Joseph B. Fradenburg filed a petition la said County Court, prajuif anti-Jewishness. For I must say frank- that his final administration just remember this rule about coffee— filed ly that in a sense they frightened me. herein be settled and allowed,account and that he be discharged from his trust as adminisI have always had a horror of the idea trator and that a hearing -will be had on you drink it by the cup, not by the pound. that one ought to pray for the dead; said petition before said Court on the 20th <rf September, 1934, and that if you that even in death we are not sure of day to appear before said Court on the the divine mercy and need interces- fail said 29th day of September, 1934, at 9 o'clock A. SI., and contest said petition, sion. It always seemed to me such a the Court may grant the prayer of said pitiful thing that the living have to petition, enter a decree of heirship, and such other and further orders, allowbear not only the burden of their own malse ances and decrees, as to this Court may sorrow, "but the terror that all may seem proper, to the end that all matters to said estate may be finally not go well with the departed. And pertaining settled and determined. __ whatever changes I went through in BRTCB CRAWFORD, 9-7-34-3t. Comity Judge. my reactions to Jewish ritual, I al, BEBEB & ways wondered at the grace and beauAttorney* at Jjtrw ty of that law which forbade prayer 650 Omaba National Bank Bide for the dead. Memorial, yes, personal TO AlldlEDlTOnSANDSTOCHIIOIJJconsolation, yes. But not prayer for EKS OF THE JTBTTEB BREWIKO COMPANY, DEBTOK. a soul in purgatory. That seemed to me horrible. It seemed not only un- Notice Is hereby riven t i l t pursuant to an order made and entered by the HonorJewish, but anti-Jewish. It seemed to able A. Donohoe. Jodge ef t i e me to be the worst aspect of super- UnitedJames States District Court for the District of Nebraska, on the 24th day or Aastition. 1934, you and each of y<ro are reI have thought of the fierce strug- gust, quired to file with the imdersl^aejl, j a master, your claim against the gle which the founders of, and con- special named debtor. . , .... tributors to, the Jewish religion have above On your failure to file said eJaim -with undersigned, Herman Aye, .Special put up against the intrusion of basic the Master, -wathin three months from the date superstitions. One of the finest as- of this order all claims andL, demands the said JETTER BREWING pects of Judaism as a religion, was its against COMPANY will be forever barred. steady pull outwards from naturalist Dated this 31st day of August, 1934. HERMAN. ATE, . ^ superstitions. It rose to being in the midst of cults which had turned nat-

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New Year's Edition—THE JEWISH PRESS—Thursday, September 6,1934

Page 5—Section D

he was released finally, on the interview to achieving amelioration. No Place to Meet vention of his government, and was The American Joint Distribution North Bergen, N. J.—The last redeported from the country, presumCommittee came in for praise from fuge of the Friends of New Germany ably for making a. report concerning Laski, who said Jews of other coun- in Hudson County was closed to them the arms carried by publicly parading tries might well follow the example Safety Commissioner Marcy orstorm troopers—a report which was London, (JTA)—Neville Laski, pres- it has set in helping the Jews of Po- when dered police cf North Bergen to later and on another occasion con- ident of the Board of Deputies of land who, he pointed out, comprise preventtheNazi meetings in this town. firmed by Frederick Birchall, correone-third of the Jews in the world. A similar policy has been in vogue British Jews, revealed at Warsaw spondent of the New York Times, for several weeks in all other Hudson without incurring similar action. The that the Jews of Poland and Austria County municipalities. case is used to illustrate the impro- are suffering dire destitution, dis- Greek Palestinian Colony vised character of the action taken by patches to the London press from Saloniki—The Jewish community here is preparing to welcome a delethe self-governing police against Ger- that city report. gation of Greek Jews who had emi- 'Gerer Rebbe' Seriously Hi man residents. LasM is conducting investigations grated to New York and wbo are-said Warsaw—Rabbi Aryje Leib BenThe presumption that independent ^ D O R O T H Y THOMPSON (Mrs. Sinclair Lewis) "bodies with police powers, such as the in both countries into the conditions to be coming here to select 100 Greek Abraham Mordecai, of Ger, known Recently, Dorothy Thompson, out- ally sworn to protect them. The Wei- offense. Nazi storm troopers have no Nazi auxiliary police, the Nazi storm of their Jewish inhabitants and dis- Jewish families to settle in" a colony throughout Eastern Europe as the standing woman - journalist and the mar constitution lias not been legally legal authority to make arrests, but troopers—whose powers are not con- cussing their straits with the au- to be established in Palestine by the "Gerer Rebbe," is seriously ill, according to reports here. icife of Sinclair Lewis, America's lit- abrogated and the present Chancellor, resistance to arrest by" Nazi storm firmed before but often are officially thorities and Jewish leaders with a Greek Jews of New York. justified after the act—and the secret erary Nobel Prize winner, was order- indeed, took his oath to it, but it is troopers is a misdemeanor. political police may operate in their ed by the Nazi government to leave violated in essence and in detail by the. Germany with twenty-four hours. The ruling oligarchy and there is no pos- The theory of equality is abrogated. own interests and be motivated by reareason was the courageous stand tak- sibility of testing the legality of their The Nazi "world outlook" disdains the sons of personal revenge or cupidit.7 en by this non-Jewish woman against actions. In April for instance, I per- whole principle of equality as a heri- is hotly denied by Nazi officials who tage of the outlived French Revolu- call upon the self-sacrificing loyalty the tyrannical methods employed by sonally raised the question with the tion as false to" biological fact and discipline of the Nazis as witness the Hitlerites. The following article, Prussian Minister for Justice, as to whichand discerns inequalities be- that this is out of the question. And taken from her contribution to Pierre how Jews could be deprived of civil tween men. Thusvast the theory of liberal yet there are scores of bonafide inrights guaranteed to them under the democracy is wilfully distorted, Van Paassen's and James Waterman be- stances of Nazis who have robbed 1 still existing constitution, and was inWise's symposium "Nazism " {Smith cause the "equality" of the French and Haas), expresses the views which formed that the measures taken Revolution, the equality which Lincoln their victims, of arrests which have aroused the resentment of the present against them, such as the Civil Ser- referred to in the immortal phrase in been engineered by persona! enemies, vants Law, were passed in anticipa- the Gettysburg address, has nothing of denunciations which have been rulers of Germany,—THE EDITOR. tion of forthcoming constitutional to do with biological equality, but pre- made by commercial or professional Law, in Germany today, like law in changes. It must be emphasized that sumes only equality before the law. rivals. More important than the indiancient Sparta, is improvised. Not a such constitutional changes can only There is no longer equality before vidual facts is the incontrovertible reBbul living in Germany has real legal —inside the framework of the law— the law in Germany. In the early days ality that the individual citizen has no security, because law emanates from be made by the Reichstag, therefore of the Nazi so-called revolution, Wil- recourse in law against the actions of ukases issued by the leaders. One can- the decrees in force violate the con- helm Goering, as Prussian Minister of these bodies. He is delivered over to not "switch oneself" as the Nazi ex- stitution on the presumption that the the Interior issued a judgment which them, is utterly dependent upon them pression (Gleichschaltung) has it, to government, having an absolute ma- remains the basis of action: That giv- —upon their justice, impartiality, and a position, once and for all in con- jority can, at any time, so change the en an open encounter between uni- incorruptibility. formity with the Nazi state, but one constitution as to make the laws retro- formed Nazis and civilians, it is the In such a condition of things the must switch oneself anew every morn- actively legaL duty of the police to support the uni- only recourse of the people is to say ing. What was legal today may be Law does not govern Nazi Germany. formed Nazis. There is, in other words, yes; yes, on every occasion, to every established as illegal tomorrow, and Force and the arbitrary and unchal- definitely one law for Nazis and one new whimsy of the nation's dictators. To be in a minority in any realm of the law is no more stable than a stock lengeable decisions of a small oligar- law for other Germans. market report. One can be punished chy, made from day to day, govern. The entire German people are sub- thought or action is to lay oneself in Germany for crimes and misde- Their decrees are the law, and one of jected to espionage such as' is only open to the suspicion of plotting meanors which belonged in neither them, Reichsjustiz Minister Frank, paralleled by the system which one against the state, and to endanger own personal safety. And—not category at tbe time they were com- succinctly defined law (Right) as uses against another in time one's Manufacturers and Wholesalers only to endanger one's own personal mitted. One can be punished for crimes "whatever is good for Germany.1* One nation of war, or such. as that exercised in which it is presumed one may commit must amend it to read "whatever is Communist Russia by the OGPU, and safety, but to jeopardize totally innoin the future. One can be punished for good for Germany"—in the eyes of formerly in Imperial Czarist Russia by cent relatives. For the Nazis have put of crimes which someone else may con- the ruling oligarchy—for to challenge the Okrana. This espionage is carried into practice a particular refinement ceivably commit against one (this is or protest the validity of official ac- on by Wilhelm Goering's Secret Poli- of persecution—a practice which even in war time has awakened civilized the only sense of the so-called "pro- tions is itself a punishable crime. tical Police, which enjoys executive protest: the taking of hostages. Thus, tective arrest" by which thousands of It is a crime in Germany to observe powers well, and can make arrests if a German living abroad expresses Germans have been deprived of their crime. The official name for the of- and passas sentences without recourse himself adversely to the Nazi regime, physical freedom.) One can be punish- fense, is the "spreading of atrocity to the courts. It operates war- but cannot be apprehended by the Gered for past, present, or future crimes legends," but it is not imperative upon rants, it is governed by without no rules ex- ma nauthorities, his relatives be and misdemeanors which may exist the prosecutor to prove that what is cept such as are self-imposed. It can imprisoned in his place. Thismay policy wholly in the mind of someone else. spread is a legend. Thus, on April 1, break into any private dwelling; it] Marinus van der Lubbe, for in- 1933, a young Jew in Kiel who at- can employ torture and third degree has been made perfectly clear to eGrstance, was beheaded in December, for tempted to prevent, by force, Nazi methods; there is no appeal from its man socialists, to German Jews, and I Excelsior and Wood Wool Manufacturing Plant, the crime of arson for which there storm troopers from entering the actions or its decisions. It can and to all dissenters, and has proved one •was no death penalty at the time it premises of his father, wounded a does make arrests "on suspicion" and of the mcst effective ways of deprivMain Office, Yards and Factory was committed. Thousands of paci- Nazi and was subsequently lynched hundreds of its victims are never in- ing all citizens of any tendency to protest. It is not necessary to point fists are incarcerated for activities by the crowd. The incident was offi- formed and never know why they have llth and Paul Streets Telephone Jackson 44S9 •which are hot, even now, defined in cially reported by the Nazi press. But been taken up. Noel Panter, for in- out, that this is precisely the technique of kidnappers, who prevent their law as illegal. Protestant pastors and a few weeks later a woman was sent stance, a British subject, correspondOmaha, Nebraska Catholic priests are imprisoned for ex- to prison for months accused of stat- ent of the London Telegraph, was ar- victims from using the protective forces normally at their command by pressing religious beliefs although ing that a young Jew had been lynch- rested without any warrant, no even the present state is constitution- ed in Kiel. To defend oneself is an charges were preferred against him, threatening the life of some loved one. Branch Wholesale Yard—Sioux City, Iowa It is this condition of suspension of law which we describe as terror. Manufacturing Plant—Little Rock, Ark. The statement that order"pTevails does not dismiss the -accusation. Men can live under a terror which is accompanied by complete orders if all men can be brought to complete acquiescence. Fortunately for one's view of the human race, this state has never yet, so far as I know, been'achieved. It "is not particularly apropos whether a hundred men are beaten up, or a thousand, whether ten thousand people are put into concentration camps, or. a hundred thousand, whether people are assassinated or commit suicide. There are many ways in which terror can operate. The economic MILWAUKEE, weapon, used ruthlessly against the Jews, is no less a terroristic weapon ST PAUL / than are brass knuckles and strongarm tactics. A terror can operate merely by a consistent propagandizing to the effect that opposition will not be met by ruthless force—if everyone knows that the force is there and that there are no legal means to combat it. Civilization regards as a state of terror any condition under which people are not protected against assaults on their persons or liberties by an impartial law which circumscribes not only what the individual citizen may do to society but what society—organized in the state—may do to the individual. No individual and no group of individuals have any protection against the decisions or vagaries of the autocratic state in Germany. (Copyright, 1934.)


Season's Greetings

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Happy New Year. ••

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REFUGEES AID BRITISH TRADE, SAYS REPORT London (JTA).—The London Star reported that the German Jewish refugees who were permitted to enter and settle in England have proven an asset to the country, bringing with them their specialized knowledge of the trades and professions they were engaged in. According to the Star, one German Jew who sold coal in small quantities in Hamburg set up a similar business in England and now employs 180 people. Another Jew who was the owner of a mail addressing business now employs 120 English workers in the same business, which he has established in London. Other English newspapers have likened the flight of the German. Jewish refugees to the expnlsion of the Huguenots from France and pointed out that just as England benefited from the stupidity of the French kings, Britain would benefit from the folly of the Nazis. Lord Rutherford, noted British scientist, recently reported that already the German Jewish scholars working in England have made significant discoveries in their fields, particularly in chemistry.

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Page 6—Section D

New Year's Edition—-THE JEWISH PRESS—Thursday, September 6,1934

Heb rew nee of Modernity in

IN SOUTH SPAIN TILL RECENTLY C e n t u r i e s of Secretiveness Leave Imprint on Them

regulations banning the wearing of special permit. In one week those perRumania Decrees the hirsute appendage without a per- sons wearing beards without having mit. Beards to Go The couriers, by bugle calls and obtained a permit to do so will be

Bucharest (J. T. A.)—The Rouma- drum-beatings, assembled residents of nian government has declared war onthe villages in the public squares to the custom of wearing beards favor- announce the new ruling the them. It ed by the Rumanian rural population. reads in part: Uniformed government couriers de- "Beards are prohibited. Those wb;o parted on a tour on horseback of Rou- want to keep them must possess a manian villages to announce the new

Paris. — Despite five hundred years of strict enforcement of the laws exDVORA LAPSON cluding Jews from Spain, until recently there remained in the southern The author of this article is the One who is interested in the Chasof Spain thousands of dewell known Jewish character dancer sidic dance can still see examples of provinces scendants of the Jews who stayed in , and pantomimist who is specialising it on any Sabbath or festive occasion, Spain after the Edict of 1492, in dances of the ancient and the modby visiting the shtiebel, or gathering expelling all JewsEoyal from Spanish lands, ern Hebrew culture.—THE EDITOR. place of a Chassidic congregation, of according to the results a survey which there are still many through- published in the "CahiersofJuifs" of out the world. Dancing among the Jews can be Paris. Outside of Chassidism, Jewish folk- These Spanish Jews, who are the traced to the very dawn of their hislore has kept alive a number of other direct tory. In describing' the Exodus of the of that section of dances that have become traditional Jewish descendants Children of Israel from the land of population of who were Egypt, the Bible does not fail to tell among Jews during the centuries of allowed to remain in.Spain Spain because us that this great historic event was the Dispersion. The Jews have pre- they openly accepted Christianity, celebrated "with timbrels and with served dances that were related to been conforming to Christian dancing" by all the women under the festive religious occasions and to thehave faith externally, but .in the inleadership of Miriam, the prophetess, wedding ceremony, such as the wed-timacyonly of their homes continued to sister of the great lawgiver and leadding dances variously known as theadhere to Judaism. er of the, race, Moses. Kusher tantz, Mitzvah tantz and the To the population at large they are Broyges tantz, and completely dis- known A little later, the Bible also relates Christians, as they attend carded their dances of the soil in Church as that when the Children of Israel made and have their children bapwhich they engaged in ancient Pales- tized and comply for themselves a golden calf their sacwith all the outward tine. rifices and worship were accompanied requirements of the Church . In our own generation, as v?e ob-of Spain. At the sameCatholic by dancing, to the horror of Moses. time they still serve the return of the Jew to PalesAnd when we review the early chapto celebrate the Jewish holitine, and the re-creation of a new Jew- continue ters of the Hebrews in the land of days and identify themselves as Jews ish national culture, we find that the Canaan, during the period of the branch as he swayed back and forth. among others of their own race. Judges, we encounter passage after In modern times, the greatest group dance has begun to play a new role They classify themselves into two passage which tells us of military vic- of what may be called traditional Jew- in the life of the Jew. Both as a spon- groups: the Black Jews and the White tories that the maidens, of Israel ish dances has been preserved for us taneous expression on the part of Jews. The Black Jews is the name apgreeted "with singing and with danc- by a sect of Jews known as Chassi- masses of enthusiastic young Jews, j plied to those who strictly adhere to ing." We read of the daughter of dim. This sect came into existence and as a medium in the field of cre- all Jewish and confess Jephtha coming out to meet her tri-during one of the darkest moments in ative art, the Hebrew dance is once Christianity observances, only as an outward form, umphant father with "timbrels and Jewish history, during the turning- more coming to the fore. For who has with dancing." In the book of Sam-point of medievalism, when the Jewnot heard, or read, of the feverish while the White Jews observe only uel, we read how the "women of all of the Eureopean ghetto saw before dancing of the Chalutzim, the pioneers parts of the Jewish, ritual, which consists of a mixture of Catholic and the cities of Israel" came out to meet him nothing but darkness. of modern Palestine? Their dervish- Jewish observances, although they, King • Saul after his victory over the like dancing of the Hora, although Suddenly, like the rays of a bright Philistines "with singing and danc- light that has come to dispel the dark- only an adopted dance, has become too, acknowledge themselves as Jews among their own. ing." ness, the call of the saintly Baal Shem known throughout the world. This Centuries of secretiveness in order Unfortunately, we are completely at struck into the heart of the Jewish Hora-dancing with its heavy thumping avoid detection by the Catholic a loss to know whether the Jews of masses in the ghetto. The lives of tens rhythm, as if symbolic of a new peas- to Church have left their imprints on ancient Palestine ever succeeded in of thousands of Jews were completely antry, has become so closely coupled developing a style of dancing that was revolutionized when they suddenly with the message of the new Pales- these Jews in their aloofness from the characteristically their own, as they found themselves in the ranks of the tine, that wherever you come upon a rest of the population. Some of them succeeded in creating a style of poet- Chassidim movement. Their leader, group of Chalutzim, whether it be in occupy high places in government and ry that was purely Hebraic and hasBaal Shem, offered them an escape Palestine, or in the training farms of church, and only rarely dees one of lived on to this day. For we have no from their suffering. By example, he Poland, Germany or America, you arethem openly confess Jewish descent. detailed description of how the He-taught them to forget their worldly sure to find the Hora danced by all.The "Cahiers" mentions the case of brews danced, and no pictorial record cares, and to find joy in communion We are living in an age of nation- the Spanish ambassador to the Court has been handed own to us, for thewith their Creator. What greater es- alism and national cultures. The Jew of the Czar of Russia. Senor MendiJews were forbidden "to make a grav- cape from physical oppression can onehas revived the Hebrew language and zabal, who when a discussion came up of nobility, said he could en image." find than in the union with the Al-literature and has done much towards as to titles his nobility further back than The student of the Jewish dance to- mighty? This was attained through the creation of a Jewish art. And here trace any of the dukes and counts present, day, finds it impossible to reconstruct worship and devotion coupled with the dancer makes his contribution. The for he traced his descent to the patri- ) the ancient Jewish dance, and must joyousness such as could be expressed interested Hebrew dance artist finds archs, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He I content himself with mere references, only through, ecstatic dancing and a very rich and fertile field in Jewish was a member of one of the Jewish t life. Jewish ceremonial life, and tradiand with dance forms which have dancing. Spanish families which secretly re- | tion, some of which is rapidly changcome down to us through the medium And so we find hundreds of comof folk-lore that has probably under- munities of Chassidim, through east- ing form with the new times and en-tained their Judaism for centuries. gone many changes and adaptations. rn and central Europe, to whom vironment, is a great source of inspirMany of these dance forms are trace- dancing had become an indispensable ation for a creative dancer. The quaint able to Talmudic and medieval origin. part of the ritual. Whenever they as- Sabbath ceremonials with the blessing In Talmudic times, a Jewish feast was sembled around the table of the Eebbe, of the candles, and the welcoming of .jiot considered complete without danc- leader, they were sure to reach a stage Queen Sabbath, into the home has ing; and even noted scholars were of mass exaltation when this holy dis- served as an excellent theme for a known for their characteristic dances course led first to an intriguing tune modern stage dance. The life of the with which they entertained at vari- and then to a gesticulative dance. The Chassid, with his boundless devotion ous festivals. It was also considered Chassidic dance consisted of rhythmic and mysticism, has provided me with an act of piety to dance in honor of swaying body movements and expres- many themes for new Hebraic dances. a bride at a Jewish wedding. We know sive dominant hand movements that The Chassidic theme requires cau- New Promulgations in Mexico of that rabbis vied with each other for to point upward as in prayer. tiousness on the part of the artist. It Special Interest to Jewish this Mitzvah and honor. One Talmud- tended It was a dance which helped to make must be approached with deep and Newcomers. ist, Rabbi Judah ben Ulan, is remem- the dancer completely forgetful of his sympathetic understanding, for the bered for his characteristic wedding subject lends itself easily to grotesqMexico, D. F., (J. T. A.)—Developdance in which he waved a mvrtle physical surroundings, and all its uerie and caricature. woes. ment of a more lenient and at the same time more centrally controlled policy on immigration, of special interest to prospective Jewish immigrants, is indicated following a communication from the Mexican immigration chief, Senor Andres Landa y Pina, seeking cooperation of the Jewish Chamber of Commerce in stabilizing the immigration problem. The communication, simultaneously addressed to ail foreign chambers of commerce, told of the immigration department's desire to eliminate irregularities such as are produced by employment of special agents, commonly known in Mexico as "coyotes," who intervene en behalf of the immigrant. The various chambers of commerce were invited to send delegates to a meeting which was held recently and which was attended by many representatives of the foreign chambers of commerce. The department officials expressed a desire of instituting a System whereby the chambers of commerce will be responsible for citizens of their respective countries who seek admission to this country. Prospective immi slants will be requested to send in their applications, affidavits and other necessary documents to the proper chamber of commerce, j:which will study the matter together with the immigration authorities. The representatives at the meeting agreed to maintain weekly contact with the unmi'rration authorities. The American Chamber of Commerce immediately announced establishment of a special immigration department which will handle immigra-. tion matters for American citizens. Among the Jewish residents of Mexico, especially those who have relatives abroad whom they wish to bring here, the new plan has aroused great interest. Officials of the Jewish Chamber of Commerce are urging^ local Jews who wish to bring relatives over to establish contact with that orBuy With Confidence . . . ask for ganization and also recommended that Harding's Fresh Ice Cream and BeverJews residing outside of Mexico who ages to be sure of absolute quality. (may be contemplating coming here first get in touch with the Chamber of Commerce in order to avoil establishing relations with any of the numerous "coyotes" who operate in this field and whom the Immigration department wishes to eliminate.

forcibly shaved and fined." The regulation has created consternation among members of the orthodox Jewish population who, by Mosaic law, are not allowed to cut their beards.

Wishing You a-





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MAY THE NEW YEAR BRING PROSPERITY AND HAPPINESS TO YOU! On this, our fiftieth birthday, we wish you a new measure of happiness, prosperity and progress during the new year. Andwe renew our pledge to serve you with the finest of quality food products. FAIRMONT'S BETTER BUTTER, EGGS, CHEESE, POULTRY. FROZEN-FRUITS, ICE CREAM, AND SALAD DRESSING PRODUCTS




New Year's Edition—THE JEWISH PRESS—Thursday, September 6,1934

Page 7—Section D

has been predicted for many years. If walked into the arms of an officer. agents instead of showing houses to the fulfillment of these prophecies After a brief stop at the local harprospective buyers carry along a few Popular Song Proves vindicates the prophets it brings no sample bricks to show the customers Undoing of Stowaway bor the ship left on its return to joy to those most affected. The JewGdynia, where the Polish police will instead. ish. Daily Forward, Socialist publicadeal with the hapless stowaway. Or is it just a story? Halifax, N. S. (J. T. A.)—Mo Koltion, which •wields more influence in By MARTHA NEUMARK A new city to rival Tel Aviv is erman, a Polish Jew, is on his way the American Socialist party than any being projected by a group of rich back to his native land after a thwartother medium, has suffered l i e most THE BATTLE FOR gies are being thrown wholeheartedly burdensome decline in membership. orange-growers, headed by that ver- ed attempt to enter Canada as a JEWISH PATRONAGE into the planning of the huge per- Not being an enterprise for profit, it satile and reactionary figure, Moshe stowaway. The whistling of a popular Nazis Expected to Hamper Gathformance, "Night of Stars," which Smilansky, the head of the Farmering of News in movie palaces are being severely tried will be seen by some 60,000 people at has, however, been able thus far to er's Federation. In the new city, it tune proved to be Kolerman's undo- Rome (J. T. A.)—Two Italian airsustain the blows of falling circulathese days as they plan their "super- the Yankee staduim on the -night of Germany. men flew to Palestine bearing mesis hoped, to avoid all the bad fea- ing. tion. But the Jewish Morning Jourshows" for the period following Eosh September 20. It is being given by sages of greeting from the Italian Kolerman had arranged with, two tures that have characterized previHashonah. Everyone in the business ;he amusement industries to raise nal and The Day, being private prop- Berlin (J. T. A.)—New expulsions ous development in Palestine. members of the crew of a steamer tn government to the municipalities of erties, suffer deeply as they print knows that the holidays bring great rands for the United Jewish Appeal of foreign correspondents from Gerstowaway on the skip at Gdynia. The Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. crowds of Jews, many of whom go for German-Jewish relief. Edwards is thousands of copies less each day as. many and increased difficulties in rearrangement called for one of them The Italian fliers also carry mestie years pass. right from the synagogue into the pic- only one of scores of the foremost porting news regarded by the Nazi to whistle a popular tune as soon as sages of thanks to the Palestinian tore cathedrals. Heretofore, the man- Broadwayites who are genuinely at The obituary pages of these papers regime as unfavorable is seen here as Max Reinhardt Arrives the ship reacheo. Halifax. He boarded cities for their decision to particiNew York.—Max Reinhardt, noted tell the story. Every tame another the aftermath of the expulsion of Doragers have been placidly content with work for the show. pate in the Lavant Fair to be held the ship safely. death is recorded, it means that an- othy Thompson from Hitler's Third German Jewish exile to whom the dethe windfall of increased patronage, in Bar!, Italy. Unfortunately, tie tune apparently velopment of the German theatre is CHAMPIONS OF THE other reader has been removed irrev- Reich on twenty-four hours' notice. t u t this season they -win have to make A special pavilion, for Palestine was too popular, for a stewart hapocably with no one to fill his place. The American writer was expelled credited, arrived here on his way to a stubborn fight to entice some cf BOYCOTT products will be erected at the Fair. pened to intone it •while the ship was Hollywood, where he will stage "A The doors at Ellis Island remain shut, that profitable attendance into houses Such a maze of competing interest for having written a series of articles on the high seas. When. Koler•which have suffered for almost two has been swathed around t i e boycott brutally aware that if they were open for the Jewish Telegraphic Agency Midsummer Night's Dream" under the still man heard the pre-arranged signal, He that can have patience can have auspices of the California Chamber of new life would come to these papers years now from heavy weekly defi- movement that blame can hardly atlast year in which she depicted the Commerce in an open-air stadium. he happily left his hiding-place and what he will.—Franklin. anti-Semitic terror then raging, and tach to .the many persons who bave instead of a slow death. cits. (Copyright, 1934, by Seven Arts for having made an uncomplimentary The Koxy, which was built for lost sigEt of the boycott itself. Rival reference to Chancellor Adolph Hitler. Feature Syndicate.) "Roxy" of radio fame, and which is publicity agents are having a glorious In foreign diplomatic circles here now in the hands of a receiver, How- time trying to snatch space from one the opinion was unanimous that the ard S. Cullman, prominent Jewish another's clients, while outside observfor Economical Transportation expulsion of Miss Thompson was the communal worker, holds a smash ers chuckle or else shake their heads first shot fired in a new Nazi camdrawing card in a condensed version in dismay. paign in which the government ex-1| of the Jewish pageant, "The Romance In the rest of the country the heavy pects to banish from Germany all 1 barrage of competition may not be as of a People," -with all the principals foreign newspaper correspondents who 1 intact. A heavy publicity campaign is noticeable as it is in the city of headdo not accept the Nazi regime at its) insuring a heavy attendance. The Cap-quarters, but presumably the clamor itol theater, which has never made for the attention of the various com- Jerusalem (W. N. S.)—While High own face value and who are not pre- i too many concessions to Jewish trade munities is just as loud outside of Commissioner Wauchope continues to pared to become mere tools of the I j as such, was forced into the position lotham. The Anti-Nazi League, head- maintain that Palestine's economic Propaganda Ministry. of rescuing some of the holiday bus- ed by Samuel Untermyer, is, of course, condition requires limitations on Jew- At the same time, it is understood, • iness from the nearby Roxy. It is, the genuine father of the boycott ish immigration, the treasury depart- the Nazis will exclude from the Third j therefore, going to show r. British pic- movement, having fostered it in the ment of the Palestine administration, Reich all newspapers and periodicals ture, "The Wandering Jew,1' starrin,,' days when it was considered quite im- in a report issued at the close of the that do not fulfill the requirements Conrad Veidt. It is said to be a re- polite to refer to the economic weap- fiscal year, frankly admits that the expected of correspondents. Gave Facts in Persecution. markable picture, but one not entirely on. But the Boycott Committee of the country's economic prosperity is diMiss Thompson visited Germany in likely to satisfy the orthodox Jew. SoAmerican Jewish Congress insists rectly due to Jewish immigration. that the Capitol may make its case now that it and it alone is the true This is the first time that such an April, 1933, as a special representa- j patron saint of the boycott. Both the official admission has been made "of tive of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency | even worse. to investigate reports of persecutions j It is no secret that the Jews com- Anti-Nazi League and the American a contention long made by Jews. pose the majority of New York the- Jewish Congress scream themselves Te report points out that the gov- and torture-methods employed by the I atre audiences today. And if one house red in the face as to who really per- ernment's revenues for the fiscal year Nazis against the Jews and political makes a special effort to cater to that suaded the American Federation of totalled $20,000,000, an increase of opponents. element of the population, the result Labor to join in the boycott. But still $5,000,000 over the previous year. Al- She wrote a series of six articles, must be disastrous to other houses. a third boycott-champion is the group most $29,000,000 was invested during "Hitler, the Menace". The manager of the two other major of war veterans and others' called the the fiscal year in new undertakings, In the articles, Miss Thompson acpicture houses are honing that the Minute Men of America, which claims the bulk of this sum coming from cused the German government of der°ople who will be indifferent or hos- to be the only aggressive, independent Jewish sources, the report declares. nying "atrocities" but justifying "rePalestine's banks have deposits of prisals" and of using "blackmail" to tile to a Jewish program will com- pursuer of the boycott. memorate their theatre-going in their It's not strange, therefore, that $63,000,000 compared with $35,000,000 "combat atrocity propaganda." shops. some of the New York department last year. Palestine's surplus for the In the first article of the series, stores have a headache trying to meet just concluded fiscal year amounts to The Brown Terror," after describA MAN WHO MADE STARS ing the punishment in store for anywith the approval of all three groups. $12,500,000. one giving information to correspondAn uncanny glamour hangs over the One organization gives a certificate, ents, Miss Thompson declared: gray-streaked head of Gus Edwards. so to speak, that a store has complied •'Scorse and perhaps hundreds of For decades he has been basking in a with the spirit of the boycott. But at people.have died in Germany as the \ sort of reflected glory. Few people the very same time a group of pickets result of the Brown Terror. realize that he is a splendid perform- from another body may be standing "Hundreds, and perhaps, thousands | g er in his own right, even when they outside with placards announcing that remember that he is the author of 'this stoTe is importing German London (W. N. S.)—A bitter fight have suffered serious and extremely ;W that classic, "School Days." But his goods." within the Board of Jewish Deputies painful injuries, from the Tesults of iff fame persists not on his own account And they say that the Jews are between the foes and proponents of which they may never wholly recov-'" but because of the numerous celebri- united in a world conspiracy! a World Jewish Congress is foresha- er.r ~^ties whom he has fathered. His techdowed by the reaction in Jewish cirnique as a showman and his recogni- A SLOW DEATH cles to the deliberations of the World Anecdotes Judaica tion of talent in young folks were re- The ordinary publisher has but an Jewish Conference in Geneva, which sponsible for the development of some indifferent interest in the obituary voted to_ convene a ^congress in AuSOT SO DUMB- * i of the foremost" stars in the country. page of his paper. Bnt there is anoth- gust 1935. "Lfla Lee, George Jessel, Georgie er kind of publisher who observes The Board of Deputies, like the There's a certain wealthy Jewish Price, Jesse Block, Jack Pearl and with anguished anxiety the departure American Jewish Committee and the movie magnate in Hollywood who M Walter Winchell are only a few of of members of the community. For Alliance Israelite Universelle, was not still can't read but has worked out j f those who started their vaudeville ca- every death is of immediate interest represented at the Geneva parley and several tricks to cover up his illi-, A teracy. One of the best is the stunt j ? reers early in life under Gus Ed to him and concerns his own life. This completely ignored it. •wards' supervision and instruction. To- awful fate is the portion of the Yid- The membership of the Board, how- he errploys when a telegram arrives |V (A day Gus is still on the lookout for dish newspaper publisher today in ever, includes a group of vigorous sup- and his secretary is out. Very nonchalantly he rips open the A young talent. Heavy-set, bespectacled, New York City. Once sovereigns of a porters of the Congress, and they are be nevertheless retains the vitality and growing domain, whose power and fi- expected to make themselves heard envelope, looks at the message for a !» and then chuckles to himself, jw w the enthusiasm which seems to remain nancial possibilities seemed immeas- at forthcoming meetings of the while OPPOSITE COMMUNITY CENTER "Ha, ha," he laughs, 'Hooka wnat >• perpetually a part of those whose life urable, these publishers are struggling Board. this crazy guy says—that's certainly ! A is on Broadway. merely to hold what they have. '* These days his ideas and his ener- The passing of the Yiddish press Patronize Jewish Press advertisers. rich!" Then, to •whoever is present, he adds: S^jgy^'4^^^^^^^ "Here, read it y'self—go ahsad. read it out loud!"


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Florence Willner, the very competent secretary of many a Zionist leader, will tell you that speech is unnecessary — that a man gives himself away by all sorts of external indices. Thus, she points out that Rabbi Wise and Dr. Margoshes, for instance, have an extremely large handwriting, j Justice Brandeis, Morris Rothenberg and Louis Lipsky, on the con- ' trary, have a very small hand. ' The large handvrriting shows a leaning for the dramatic. The small for the more detailed and thorough type of mind. People with a tendency to "cross eyedness" are all clever, she says, and points to Dr. Schmarryahu-Lewin and Rabbi Wise. Left handed people generally, too, are bright, she holds, pointing to Louis Lipsky.


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Spinoza, in his Theologicus Tracta tus, expressed himself in favor of the restoration of Palestine as the Jewish homeland. Sigmund Freud has written a special introduction for a Hebrew translation of bis works, which have just appeared in Palestine. Dr. A Wolfson, author of a recent volume on Spinoza, is at work on a volume on Maimonides. Dr. Harry Wolfson of Harvard, no relative of A. Wolfson, will soon have his tome on Spinoza published. Nathan Ausubel, author of the much praised life of Frederick the Great, is authoring a play on war. Sam Warshawsky, descendant, of .Wilna Gaon, has finished a play which will soon see prodnction. Secretary of State Hull's children would have a hard time of it in Germany, as they are "non-Aryans"— the Secretary's wife being a Jewess. Dr. S. M. Melamed is finishing another tome, Kant and the Prophets, in which he is expected to do some hard shooting at Karl Marx. The selling of real estate has got to such a feverish state in Tel Aviv, it is said, and the shortage of building labor is such, fliat real-estate

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Page 8—Section D

New Year's Edition—THE JEWISH PRESS—Thursday, September 6,1934

Savant Cook Says ites a Misnomer London (J. TV A.)—Stanley Cook, Professor of Hebrew at Cambridge University, writing in the Times says that the word Semite as used by antiSemites or "pro-Aryans'', first used about 150 years ago, was taken from Genesis, chapter. X.,; where Shem is the-ancestor of what is neither an ettinographical nor a linguistic group. But although the term is one applied by | Orientalists, for convenience, to a clearly defined group of .languages (including the ancient Babylonian and the modern Arabic), the lands in question are culturally of mixed-origin, and-were in closest contact with Negroes, Egyptians, Sumerians, IndoEuropeans, and others. There is no doubt, Professor Cook declares, that the Israelites, or Jews who lived in the "meeting-place of continents," were of at least two physical types, one of them apparently of Philistine or, rather, Aegian connection; and that there was intermarriage with Canaanites, Amorites, Edomites, and the rest is beyond dispute. Moreover, the descendants of the old population of Palestine are to be found, not only among the scattered

Jews, but also among the present population, which, naturally, is not entirely due to the Arab conquests, which changed the cultural history of the ancient land. "Indeed, if we regard the link between the Jews and Palestine as one essentially religious, those enthusiastic Zionists whose interests are more economic than religious do not necessarily consider their ancestral religion to constitute their strongest tie with the land of their fathers," he said. And, if on the other hand, the emphasis is to be laid upon the religious history of Israel, there is no doubt ;whatever that the -essential features of the religion of the Bible are due as much to the earlier Canaanites, Amorites and other peoples of Palestine as to invasions from the desert, of which the entrance of the Israelites was the only one.

Latvian Veterans In War for Freedom Given $500 Grants

Riga, Latzia.—Nine hundred Jewish veterans of the war for Latvia's independence will receive grants of $500 each from the government, it was announced. According to a recent law each veteran of the war is entitled to a plot of land at government expense. Since the government did net have sufficient lands available for this purpose, it has set aside $450,000 for cash, inLondon (WNS) — Employment of stead of land grants. non-Jewish labor in Jewish agricultural and industrial undertakings in all parts of Palestine is growing at an alarming rate, figures published in the July-August issue of The New Judea, official organ of the World New York (W. N. S.)—That conZionist Organization, reveal. It is pointed out that while the total plant- ditions in Europe are reaching the ed area of Jewish land in Palestine point where they will force a wholeincreased from 43,000 dunams in 1930 sale exodus of Jewry from that conto 140,000 dunams today, the number tinent is the view of Louis Lipsky, of Jewish workers employed on the member of the World Zionist Execuland is nov? only between 4,000 and tive, who has just returned from a 5,000, or less than it was thiee years brief trip abroad during which he atago,!.while Arab labor in the same tended-Zionist conferences at London and Zurich. area; increased by many thousands.. "Other than Palestine," Mr. LipThe New Judea declares that there are 70,000 dunams in Petach-Tikvah, sky added, "there is no country preRishon-Le-Zion, Ness.-Ziona, Rehoboth, pared or willing to open the door to Ekrcin, Gedera and Benyamina on any substantial Jewish settlement. In •which Jewish labor is almost un- fact, all other doors are practically known. According to the New Judea, closed. If the Jews have practical viJewish labor is regularly employed sion they will proceed to make the only on 40,000 dunams in the Sharon, most of the opportunities afforded by Pardess-Hanna, Vadi-Risikt, Karkur Palestine, which at this time, from an and some parts of Judea and the economic view at least, represents Shomrom. Even in the Sharon, the possibilities hitherto scarcely discernNew Judea asserts, "some greedy or- ible. Already it is giving place to ange planters there are opening the 40,000 Jews in one year." door to non-Jewish labor just because it is'much cheaper." American Rabbi's Son A similar situation is deveoloping Arrested by Nazis in the cities, the New Judea notes. Rock Island, 111. — Word has been Tel Aviv is introducing hundreds of received here by Rabbi Solomon LeviArab workers into its transportation tan of the arrest in Berlin of his son, and ; building -trades, factories and Israel Albert, who had been writing workshops. In Tel Aviv and its sub- newspaper correspondences during urbs! there are some 1,500 Arab work- his stay in the German city. ers employed. In Haifa 500 Arabs Nazi police searched the home of have replaced Jewish workers, while young Levitan before he was released, in Jerusalem there are Jewish quar- it is reported. The young man, who is ters that are completely shut to Jew- 21 years old, is planning to return to ish workers. Of 3,000 workers employ- the United States this fall to pursue ed in the ports of Jaffa and Haifa post-graduate studies at the Universionly 200 are Jews, . ty of Iowa.



PALESTINE COLONY Jewry of Greece FOR REFUGEES IS Urged to Remain NAMED FOR BIALIK Athens, Greece (J. T. A.)—Expressing regret that Jews were emigrating from Salonica owing to the economic crisis and declaring that the Greek government was well disposed towards the Jews, Under-Secretary of State Rhodopolus in a press conference termed the Salonica Jews necessary for the development of the city. "I regret greatly that Jews are emigrating from Salonica owing, to the economic crisis, but I hope that their departure will soon' be discontinued," he declared. "The Jews are a necessary and important factor in the development of Salonica and they have an interest in living there. The government is well disposed toward the Jews and is ready to hear their justified wishes. I personally am a sincere friend of the Jews whom I know closely. I have no feeling save that of sympathy for them," the Greek official concluded.

New York (W. N. S.)—Construction work on the new community named for the late Chaim Nachman Bialik, Kiryath Bialik, a settlement of 100 homes for German-Jewish refugees near Haifa Bay, is being rushed. . Kiryath- Bialik, adjoining Kiryath Chaim (named for the late Dr. Chaim Arlosoroff), was laid out from, plans drawn by Professor Amercrombie, famous city-planner, and is the first large-scale enterprise for the perman-r ent settlement of refugees in Palestine, under the auspices of the Hitachrut Olej Germania. The settlement, the second Jewish suburb at Haifa Bay, is being aided by the Central Bureau for the Settlement of German Jews in Palestine, one of the beneficiaries of the United Jewish Appeal. The Bureau has granted long-term second mortgages on the houses being built for the settlers, while the "Thou Shalt Marry an Jewish National Fund has allotted Aryan" Berlin.—The commandment to wed 600 dunams of land, 200 for suburban development and the remainder for Aryans only ranks high in the decaan adjoining agricultural colony on logue on marriage orders issued to all which 20 settlers are to be placed.

Here is shown a group of young Pioneers on nationally-owned laud in Palestine . . . the land, bought through fnnds of the Jewish National Fund, is the perpetnal property of the Jewish people. marriageable Germans of both sexes by tire heads of the bureau of the people's health service, the Interior ministry, the national health office

Moscow (J. T. A.—A number of criminals seeking to evade the hand of the law have made their way into Biro-Bidjan, it became known here when it was learned steps would be taken to check up carefully on all who register as candidates for migration to the Jewish autonomous region in the Far East. One of those known to have smuggled himself into the territory in Halubenko, a notorious TJkranian pogrom leader and bandit who has been tried a number of time. Halubenko came to Biro-Bidjan as a builder, representing himself as being from Kiev and calling himself "Maze.'' His appearance aroused general suspicion, and it was subsequently learned his documents had • been forged.

POLISH GOLD MEDAL TO RABBI Warsaw—The Polish government and the racial-political bureau of the has bestowed a golden medal upon Rabbi Gutschechter in recognition of Nazi party. In virtually all of the commend- his organizational activities in behalf ments there was some reference to of the internal loan recently floated Aryans. by the government.

NAZI IMPORTS HERE DROP 3 3 PER CENT New York (J. T. A.)—The antiNazi boycott is strangling German economic life, Dr. Joseph Tenenbaum, chairman of the Boycott Committee of the American Jewish Congress, declared. Nazi Germany's trade with the United States has fallen thirty-three per cent in the six months between January 1, 1934 and June 30, 1934, according to statistics compiled by the Boycott Committee. While Germany's exports to the United States during the first six months of 1933, totaled 136,786,767 Reichsmarks, this figure has now dropped to 46,279,368. Coupled with this announcement, Dr. Tenenbaum addressed an appeal to the public not to desist in its determination to isolate Nazi Germany economically. He urged that the High Holy day season be permitted, to mark the beginning of a period of intensification of the boycott.

Mexico May Admit Refugees, Is Report Mexico City (W. N. S.)—That former President Plutarco ,Elias Calles told Bernard S. Deutsch, President -f the American Jewish Congress as well as of the New York City Board of Aldermen, that Mexico would consider special measures to facilitate the immigration of German Jewish intellectuals is revealed in an interview with Mr. Deutsch published in Der Weg, local Yiddish weekly. Gen?ral Calles also promised Mr. Deutsch that the Mexican government would do its utmost to stop the anti-Semitic campaign of the Fascist Gold Shirts. The daily La Prnesa declares that government action may be taken because of the action of the Gold Shirts in sending a delegation to call on Mr. Deutsch to protest against his statement on anti-Semitism in Mexico.

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Marriage, sanctified in the Jewish scroll of time, enlarges the scene of our happiness. The Jewish people can well take pride in their family, marital life.— the true barometer of a people's civilization. We welcome and congratulate the following, whose nuptial ceremonies we announced in our columns during the year 5694: • Miss Lucille Krasne and Mr. Lawrence G. Gross Miss Bess Perlmutter and Mr. Dan Lintzmaq MiS3 Madeleine I. Conn and Mr. Ben D. Silver Miss Lee E. Gilman and Mr. Morton Ferer Miss Lillian Nachschoen and Mr. Nathan Brown Miss Alice N. Belzer and Dr. Irving J. Weiss Miss Shirley Sue Baer and Mr. George I. Stoller Miss Blanche Rothenberg and Mr. Samuel Blend .-. Miss Shirley Schneider and Mr. Harry Krantz Miss Edith Lutz and Mr. Paul Goldstein - Miss Sara Ann Noddle and Mr. Harry Levitan Miss Dorothy Singer and Mr. Harry L. Cohen ; ; Miss Goldie Schonbrunn and Mr. Ben Elkin Miss Sylvia Tenenbaum and Mr. Ben Lewis Miss Ida Bercovici and Mr. Ben A. Zoorwill Miss Rose Siegel and Mr. Leo Weitz , Miss Sadie Wolk and Mr. Leo Fried • Miss Dena Gilinsky and Mr. Samuel Stoole Miss Ruth Kohn and Mr. David Bialac ' Miss Esther Lagnian and Mr. Ben Morgan Miss Cele Rosenthal and Mr. Harry Mandel Miss Pauline Saltzsteinand Mr. Milton R. Abrahams : Miss Sarah Simon and Mr. Ben Reitzer Miss Ruth Margolin and Mr. Joseph Bernstein Miss Bertha Margolin and Mr. Abe Winer. ' Miss Anne Cutler and Mr. Arthur Lapin • Miss Marie Gilbert and Mr. Jake Rosoff \ Miss Tda Cohen arid Mr. Charles M. Nichols -j Miss Sophie Salzer and Rabbi David H. Wice !r .Miss Shirley Surinsky and Mr. Harris Slrinsky T Miss Elsie Lazarus and Mr. Samuel J. Horwich '» Miss Marian Fanarow and Mr. Bernard Leibovitz "'•' Miss Maybelle Cohen and Mr. Will Ian Miller i'Miss Ruth Slobodisky and Mr. Max Breslow !: Miss Ida Miringoff and Mr. Harry Kutler ' Miss Ethel Fox and Mr. Lester N. Kahn


Young Pioneers

Miss Louise Herzoff and Mr. Nathan Gilinsky Miss Rose Kaplan and Mr. Edward Lincoln Miss Ethel Hurwitz and Mr. Irving Brookstein Miss Helen Finkenstein and Mr. T. M. Brostoff Miss Mildred Plotkin and Mr. Sam Bailen Miss Blanche Soskin and Mr. Maurice Grossman Miss Bess Rubenstein and Mr. Charles Fellman Miss Evelyn Chaiken and Mr. Charles Schlaifer Miss Marjorie Frieden and Mr. Alvin S. Berger Miss Eve Lipsman and Mr. Phil Katz Miss Ethelyn Kramer and Mr. Jay Bercovici Miss Marcia Kadis and Mr. Maurice S. Marks Miss Ethel Bloom and Mr. Max Stein Miss Edith H. Spiegel and Mr. Edward Solig Miss Rose Fiedler and Mr. Louis L. Ricklin Miss Hazel Zavett and Mr. Max Turchen Miss Martha Sugarman and Mr. Willis Hirsch Miss Jeannette Baron and Mr. Sam Schwartz Miss Esther Spar and Mr. Saul M. Graetz Miss EmmaKurs and Mr. Sam Spinka Miss Ida Minkoff and Mr. Norman Green Miss Bess Horwicn and Mr. Samuel I. Rothenberg Miss Elsie Romm and Mr. Irving Katzman Miss Rose Brandeis and Mr. Harold Krelstein Miss Fannie Ruback and Mr. Joseph Malcom Miss Helen Pitlor and Mr. Joseph Bloom Miss Sarah Jacobson and Mr. Clarence Kirstein Miss Lillian Spiegal and Mr. Harry Yaffe Miss Beulah Belzer and Mr. Leonard Korney Miss Bess Miller arid Mr. Orris Donovitz Miss Libby Elewitz and Mr. George M. Geffen Miss Gertrude Poster and Mr. Norman Korney Miss Frances Ruderman and Mr. Harry Marks Miss Esther G. Somit and Mr. Israel Korz Miss Naomi Bordy and Mr. Seymour Cohn Miss Libby Abramson and Dr. Maurice Sachs Miss Minnette Sterling and Mr. Samuel Zacharia Miss Anne Goldenberg and Mr. Ellis Weltzman Miss Rose Katskee and Mr. Harry J. Freed


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Page 9—Section D

New Year's Edition—THE JEWISH PRESS—-Thursday, September 6,1934

Soviet Names Seven To Head Birobidjan

large the past year has brought the islation handled by his committee, \ German Jews closer together for muduring the last session. tual aid. During the past year RepresentaPut beyond the pale by the Nazi retive Sirovich has been pulling hard gime, the Jews are making heroic ef- Moscow, (JTA).—A provisional for passage of his bill which was de-: forts to reorganize their social and government for the recently estabsigned to strengthen the existing pure economic life - within the limits per- lished Jewish autonomous region of food and drug laws. The New York mitted by conditions. doctor has made much progress in Biro-Bidjan was formed here by orcalling the country's attention to the der of the Central Executive Comneed for more stringent legislation Positive Side of Reich Jewry mittee. governing foods and drugs. When the Gives Evidence of Heroic The government will consist of six next session of Congress meets, he is Effort. Jews and one non-Jew. The president expected to re-introdnce his bul and designated is M. Heller. in all likelihood favorable action on Most of the news from Germany Among the cabinet ministers is a his suggestion -will be taken. affecting the Jews has dealt with reJewess.. Anna Alperovicz, who has By NATHAN KOENIG, Washington Correspondent In the development of recovery leg- strictions, persecutions, attacks and •n ir-rr^.v m , .been entrusted with the portfolio of islation, Representative Peyser play- other anti-Semitic violence. But the Berlin (JTA).-The All-German js t a t e a d m i n i s t r a tion. 1 American Jewry is playing its part a war against illicit, tax-evading liq- counselors among the Democrats. The ed a leading part. In the House he past twelve months revealed another Jewwh Representative Body, central T ^ p r G v i s i o n a l government was -in the drive to restore this nation's •uoT interests. Mr; Morgenthau recent- Jewish members look to him for guid- sponsored legislation which dealt with and more positive side of the life of German Jewish organization, has instructed to convoke a congress of economic Stability and the develop- ly pledged himself to run these inter- ance and advice. As a member of the the National Recovery Administration German" Jewry under EBtlerism. protested officially to the govern-1] o c a l s o v i e t s a n d o r g a n i z e a system Rules Committee the Chicagoan playests out of business and get for the ment of social security. and its set-up. 5694 was characterized an in- ment against the attempt made byi of government. A permanent cabinet Never before in this country's nis- government every cent due from the ed an important, part in the Roosevelt For the first-termer Representative! tensive self-help campaign by recon- Julius Streicher in his anti-Semitic will be created in December. tory has leadership been called upon sale of liquor. Estimates show that administration's efforts to enact N^ew Kopplemann made a remarkable rec- struction and reorganizationof on "weekly, Der Stuermer, to renew acto combat the depression as it has dur- now the government is collecting Deal legislation. In a great many in- ord. He was the author of a resolu- part of the German Jews. To meet the the cusations of riteal murders against stances Representative Sabath is the taxes on about half the liquor that is ing the past year and a naif. In the Youth Parley Scores man behind the scenes. A wink of his ,tion calling for a'nationwide investi- problem of starting anew they found- the Jews. " ". ranks of this leadership are several sold. ! gation into the activities of the "milk ed the Central Committee of the GerJews, some of whom have made per- Mr. Morgenthau is one of President eye or a wave of his hand at the trust." This investigation was approv- man Jews for Aid and Reconstruc- The current issue of Der Stuer- Racial, Religious Bias mer was suppressed in Breslau for sonal sacrifices to render public ser- Roosevelt's most trusted friends and proper time and to the proper person! ed by the House and Senate and is tion. 1 having xaked up an old murder case New York (J. T. A.)—Resolutions does much in the way of getting things: vice. And following the government's advisors. They "were neighbors in New now being conducted by the Federal All leading Jewish groups joined to involving a sadistic, sexual crime (pledging opposition to all forms of drive for recovery are approximately York state. When President Roosevelt accomplished on Capitol HH1. unite the work of social and economic | exploitation and hatred against racial 4,000,000 American Jews engaged in -was governor of New York, Mr. Mor- At the present time Representative Trade Commission. Subordinating -all differ- of "Ritual Murder in Breslau." I and rational minorities, and urging As member of the Banking and Curevery -walk of life. Jew and Gentile genthau was a member of his cabinet Sabath is chairman of a Congression- Tency committee, the Connecticut assistance. the Central Committee took Breslau police termed the the A. A. U. not to send a team to alike nave joined hands, in one great and played a leading part in programs al committee investigating real estate House member sponsored legislation ences, over the entire relief program. Spe- "nonsense." Germany for the 1936 Olympics were common cause to make this nation a ;o conserve the Empire State's natu- bondholder's reorganizations. He is in- providing loans for small industries. cial bureaus were opened for religion, On May 1, Der Steurmer passed by the American Youth Conterested in getting at the bottom of Many of the provisions suggested in ral resources. better country in •which to live. education, welfare and social activi- , , a, special . ,issue , entirely , . - , . . ,; gress at New York University, To Jewry's credit in high govern- When the President took office in the cause of millions in losses suffer- the "bill which he originally introduced ties. Loan associations were estab- lished mental circles are ten members of March, 1933, he named his friend to ed by real estate bondholders through- may be found in the law which was lished. Vocal readjustment was plan- voted to ancient, and discreditedf ^ ^ r e s o h 3 t i o n voiced opposirf Fasdsm Congress, one cabinet officer, two Su- lead the Farm Credit Administration. out the country as a result of activi- enacted during the closing days of the ned. Schools were reorganized and stories of ritual murders alleged to: ^ t o «the s preme Court justices, three diplomatic [t was Mr. Morgenthau's job to ie- ties of so-called "reorganization com- last session. Another measure which new ones built. Jewish youth was mo-have been committeed by Jews. The ^ t h e c o u n t r v f r o m c o a s t t o c o a s t > - • . - . - " issue was not suppressed, but all; M o r e t h a n -200 d e l e g a t e s , the maenvoys to foreign countries, and a irganize the government's system of mittees." is now law, the provisions of which One of the outstanding accomplish- Representative Kopplemann wrote, is bilized in the Jewish Youth Associa- copies were removed from news-: j o r i t y o f ihem J e w i s h t attended the • agricultural credits—one of the first number of lawyers, economists and tion, which concentrated on preparing ©tiers whose duty it is to contribute difficult tasks undertaken in the Eoo- ments in the direction of revealing tin- the tobacco production control act. young Jews to the new conditions. stands in the large German cities j s e s s i o T l i W a W o McKutt, representing • American tendencies in this country ievelt administration. their best toward recovery. Among the members of both House; Efforts were made to halt the wild and circulation was confined entirely \ fte ji^ky Mountains Young Men's to Franconia, where Streicher _ is j Christian * Association of Topeka, Among the outstanding individuals This task accomplished, another was was through the work done during the and Senate he is held in high regard' and panicky emigration. past session of Congress by RepreNazi commissioner for the district, j K s m s a s %vas chairman. .waiting. Trouble was brewing in the is Henry Morgenthau, Jr., secretary and is known for his tireless efforts of the on behalf of constructive legislation On every front a new life was be-]The representative body also pro-1 rq of the treasury. Just at present, large- Treasury Department. When the late sentative Dickstein, rTiqirmnn ing built. Zionist activity continued IS p e c i a i " A I T M I " Signs ly because of nationalization of silver, William Woodin could no longer fulfill Committee on Immigration and Nat- designed for the good of the greatest until an unfortunate clash with the tested at that time. For the last year people leaving, K u r e m bergljewish stores in this uralization. As a result of a prelimhe is in the international limelight. his duties as Secretary of the Treasnumber. Revisionists gave the Nazis an oppor- Germany have been forbidden t o . c e n t e r o f anti-Semitism will be easily Mr. Morgenthau's real job is the ury because of illness, those who inary investigation of Nazi and other Among the handful of women in tunity to interfere with the work- take copies of Der Staermer oateide |r e c o g I l i z e < 1 {rorr novf o n The N a z i subversive propaganda activities in management of the nation's finances. served in his stead differed with the this country initiated by Representa- Congress is Mrs. Kahn who served With the approval of the government tie country, so fearful was the Nazi irvaAe League has issued special President in their views on financial He has the responsibility of devising five consecutive terms. She was the Jewish Culture Society was form- government of Dickstein, a resolution was intro- for the effect on pnblic' p o s t e r s t o ^ d i s p i a y e d by all "Ger•ways and means of making ends meet. matters. Because he wanted someone tive first elected in February, 1925, to suced. An all-Jewish theatre was also opinion throughout the world. duced by him calling for a nationi^ a ^ , s t o T e s a n d t o t e i s . who was loyal, President Roosevelt In these days of huge expenditure! ceed her husband, the late Representa- founded. At the same time the birthThe city is the headquarters of named Mr. Morgenthau to the Treas- wide Congressional investigation along tive Julius Kahn. Mrs. Kahn is an ar- rate the task is not a simple one. among the Jews declined rapidly, the same lines. After a bitter strug- dent believer in high tariff and is one Julius Streicher, Nazi overlord of ury post. In this position, Mr. MorgenThe public debt is Secretary Morwhile the number of suicides mount- Boast not thyself of tomorrow; foT Franconia and editor of Der Stuergle the Dickstein resolution passed genthau's barometer. The govern- thau is determined to improve the ma- and the investigation is now tmde- of the original "wets." She is a mem- ed. ber of the committee on appropria- The Jewish population in various thou tnowest not what a day may mer, most pronounced anti-Jewish ment's credit must be maintained. chinery for tax collection and mainpaper in Germany. tions. During the past session she towns shrank steadily. But by and Ibring forth.—Proverbs. Now the public debt is around twen taining the government's financial way. ay. standing. never failed to speak her mind when ty-seven billions of dollars and maj Already startling revelations have The ten Jewish members of ConCon-1been been made. made. These These include include findings tinaingsi'—~-*exceed thirty billions by next July. Already Mr. Morgenthau is develop- gress include Representatives AdolphUhat Nazi propaganda activities were{ slie disapproved of certain pieces of ing plans for overhauling the govern- J. Sabath of Chicago, Isaac Bachrach 1German being financed in this Representative country by the jBecause legislation of her sponsored -wit and by frankness Democrats. she government. ment's tax structure so that loop- of Atlantic City, Samuel Dickstein, John W. McCormack is held in high regard among her col. . . IP«««,V!=D n-f Jmr wit anr? frankness she of Boston, Mass., leagues. holes may be plugged and federal rev Dr. William I. 'Sirovich, Emanue] Cel- is chairman of the investigating comenue increased. These plans will b ler, Sol Bloom and Theodore A. Pey- mittee and Representative Dickstein Representative Bachrach, a member submitted to the next Congress fo ser, all of New York, Mrs. Florence P. is vice-chairman. It is expected that of the important Ways and Means Kahn of San Francisco, Herman Paction. has been a member of the designed to correct some Committee, Aside from his main job as guard "Kopplemann of Hartford, and Henry legislation House for the last ten consecutive of the evils uncovered by the commitian of the nation's finances and ta: Ellenbogen of Pittsburgh. Representa- tee will be introduced during the next terms. When the Republicans were in gatherer, Mr. Morgenthau, as secre- tives Bachrach and Kahn are Republi- session of Congress. As chairman of power he was one of the influential tary of the treasury, has a few mino- cans. The others are Democrats. leaders. Representative Sabath, dean of the the Committee on Immigration and Representatives Celler and Bloom jobs which help to keep him busy. O Representative Dick- have been members of the House for these one of the most troublesome i House members because of his four- Naturalization, stein has done much to humanize imteen -terms of consecutive service, is -bilked with the administration of th (Continued on Page 10) migration laws, especially through le*;recognized' as one of the leaders and liquor laws. At present he is i







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Woodmen of the World Life Insurance Association Headquarters: Insurance Building, Omaha



New Year's Edition—THE JEWISH PRESS—Thursday, September 6.1934

Page 10—Sectoln


NRA worker. H e i s head of the Labor Advisory Board. Also a_ member of this board is Rose Schneiderman. The Interior Department's legal activities are headed up by Nathan R. Margold, solicitor. Charles E. Wyzanski, Jr., holds a similar, position at the Labor Department. . . In various branches of government service may be found other Jews. Although by comparison their positions may be of minor importance, yet their part in the great recovery drive now under way helps greatly to make the wheels of governmental activity go round. •

Survey Indicates Growth of Tel Aviv


(Continued from Page 9) six consecutive :terms. Representative EHenbogen is. a ..first-tenner. Representative! Celler is a member of the There is no death! What seems so is transition; ' Committee en' the Judiciary, while This life of mortal breath Representative Bloom is a member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs. Is but a suburb of the life Elysian These three men have, been strong Whose portal we call death. supporters of New Deal legislation. Among the Justices on the Supreme —LONGFELLOW Court bench who have rendered deci- (Copyright, 1934, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) sions favorable to the New Deal's inRebecca Jonlsch, SI Dayid SlegeL 59 terpretation of the Constitution are Isidor Predmetsky, 73 Israel Hornstein, 72 Adolph Schlank, 80 . Samuel Lipner, 43 two Jews, Justice Brandeis, who was Fund-Raising For Abraham M. Krapinsky, 69 Fannie Soffer, 52 Tom Bernstein, 60 appointed by the late President WilCharles Nathan, 55 Sarah Glickman, 76 Nazis' Return Michael L. Lerine, 78 son, and Justice Cardozo, who was Max Behfeld, 49 Bessie Blotcky, 74 Kuntxe Kntler, 61 appointed to the bench by former to Saar Robert L. Konecky, 1 Rose Alperin, 60 . Anne Blotcky Fisher, 3S President Hoover. Louis Stern, 63 Isidor Nathan, SO Ethel Baila Meyerson, 72 Dora Falk, 74 In the diplomatic corps are three Milwaukee, (JTA).—Nazi forces Bentzeon Polikov, 56 Esther Rebecca Miller, 62 Clara Haron, 52 Bertha Epstein, 60 Jews. They are'Jesse I. Strauss, Am- in this country will conduct an inSiegmand Hirschberg, 69 Harry Beinschrieber, 43 Anna Wolf son, 39 bassador to France; Leo R.' Sack, Min- tensive nation-wide campaign to Frank Tnchman, 47 Sarah B. Garenman, 60 Ida Berman, 70 ister to Costa Rica; and Lawrence A. raise funds to provide free trips to Celia Wolk, 24 Isaac Ferer, 64 Nechma Seiner, 57 Steinhardt, Minister to Sweden. Arthur D. Schlaifer, 21 Jennie Roitstein, 5JT the Saar for citizens of that region Isadore Perelman. 47 Tie Kioto, 86 Esan Fleishman, 73 In the ranks of those carrying on now residing in the United States, Solomon Katz, 4S Freeda Wolfson, 86 Philip Ostrowsky, 52 Bessie Cohen Letirin, 41 the fight for economic stability and so that they may vote in the January Goldie Glochowsky, 60 Minnie Blotcky Goldstein, 53 Abel Winer, 60 social security through legislation en- plebiscite to decide whether the Saar Rebecca Resnlck, 74 Mary Zlotky, 75 Flora Heller Bergman, 66 acted by Congress during the last year will be returned to. Germany. Rose Gross, 22 Celia Greenberg, 68 Sol Margnles, 65 and a'half for a number of outstand- Plans for this drive came to light Isaac G. Reinsehrelber, 47 Clara Holdsberg, 58 Jacob L. Shrago, 64 ing individuals. • Frank Welnberg, 47 during an address before the MilMax Levinson, "5 Bensean London, 83 In the Department of Agriculture, waukee chapter of the Friends of Jacob Brown, 51 Frank Krasne, 51 Nathan Linsman, 60 Sena Markowitz, C5 Jake Krasne, 56 carrying out the tenets of the Agri- New Germany by Karl Sauter of Celia Blacker, 67 Jacob Moskoritz, 73 Sam Biber, 52 cultural Adjustment Act, are Jeromme Chicago, a member of the SaarlaenRose Friedel, 87 Hannah Weisberg. 74 Oscar A. Weitr, 71 N. Frank, brilliant Chicago lawyer, der-Verein fuer Chicago und den Harry Don Shapiro, 3 Ben Hermansnn, 65 Abraham Shapiro. 62 who is the A. A. A.'s general coun- Mittelwesten (the Saarlanders' AsEsther Ferer, 55 Sarah Freiden, 65 Solomon Ferer, 77 sel; Dr. ftiordecai Ezekiel, economic sociation for Chicago and the Morris L. Goldenberg, 62 Feige Rifkin. 70 Gnssie Arndt, 48 adviser to Secretary of Agriculture Middle West). Morritz Newman, 73 Carrie Feblowita, 67 Esther Frieda Wolfsonr74 Henry A. Wallace, and Louis H. Bean, economic adviser to the A.A.A. Frank and Ezekiel play leading roles in writ- Vienna Jews Protest ing the farm relief act as it now Wholesale Dismissals stands. During the next session of Beilis, but were reluctant to return to Congress additional amendments will Senate Body Proposed Russia. be submitted to perfect the law. These Vienna (J. T. A.)—The president for Hebrew College After the revolution of 1917, Dashthree men are tied up with one of the of the Vienna Jewish community has evsky worked for the Soviet governgreatest agricultural adjustment ac- forwarded a strong protest to Cenment as an engineer, but took no part tivities ever undertaken in the history tral Austrian Banking Association Zurich (J. T. A.)—The" entire sitagainst the extensive and growing ting of the board of governors of the in the political life of the country. of the world. The State Department has Herbert dismissals of Jewish bank employees. Hebrew university meeting here was A happy childhood is the pledge of Feis, economic adviser to Secretary The protest pointed out that hun- devoted to a discussion of the tena ripe manhood.—Alcott. of State Cordell Hull. Of the econo- dreds of Jewish families were being tative draft of a new constitution for Assured Nazis Privately They Cleverness is serviceable for everymists charged with keeping watchful reduced to poverty by the daily dis- the Hebrew University. missal of Jewish bank employees, Would Get Games, J.T.A. eyes on results of recovery activities The proposed constitution suggests thing, sufficient for nothing.—Amiel. Learns. are E. A. Woldenweiser, Alexander many of whom had been with the that henceforth the university be adSachs and Isadore Lubin,.Jr., mem- banks for long periods. ministered by a special senate to bers of the Central Statistical Board, Since the organization of a Fascist consist of four members, to be elect- Berlin (J. T. A.)—Daniel Ferris, the Roosevelt administration's fact- government in Austria Jewish pro- ed for a definite term. The chancei- Secretary of the American Amateur finding organization. Goldenweiser is fessionals and employees of state and ioi of the university, according to Athletic Union, left Germany last director of the Division of Research municipal projects, banks and insur- tiie proposal, would be chosen from week after promising German authorand Statistics of the Federal Reserve ance companies have baen ousted in the senate and his powers would be ities privately that the United States Board, while Sachs is chief of the ever increasing members. The Chris- limited by the vote of the other would attend the international OlymDivision of Research and Planning of tian Socialist party, the dominant three members. pic Games in Berlin in 1936, the Jewthe NRA. The statistical wizard in factor in the coalition government ish Telegraphic Agency has learned. the service of the Roosevelt adminis- has come out openly for the eliminaFerri3 came to Berlin for a brief surtration is Lubin, commissioner of la- tion of Jews from public and profes- Laski Will Study Polish vey of the situation. American Jewbor statistics in the Labor Depart- sional life in Austria without the bru- Conditions ish organizations had protested tality of the Nazi regime. ment. Warsaw. — Neville Laski, president against the Olympic Games being of the Board of Deputies of British held in Germany on account of the With the Public Works AdministraJews, arrived here to undertake a Nazi persecution of the Jews. tion is Robert D. Kohn, director of Urges Zionists to Cease personal investigation of the Jewish Avery Brundage, president of the |< housing. Over at the NRA, in a posi- Cease Internal Strife American Olympic Committee, left.j' tion of considerable administrative Cracow, Poland.—That ..lie situation economic position in Poland. Trained Jewish observers have de- Stockholm, Sweden, for Berlin after importance, is Sol A. Rosenblatt, di- confronting Jewry in all lands is sufvision administrator of the amusement ficiently grave to warrant special ef- clared that Polish Jewry has been having attended conferences in that code, who is bringing some New Deal forts to create a united Zionist front ruined economically. Approximately city. Brundage was accompanied by principles into the motion picture in- is the warning sounded by Prof. Selig ihalf the Warsaw Jewish population Dr. Theodor Lewald, German representative of the Olympic Executive 'applied for Passover relief. dustry. Dr. Leo Wolman is another Brodetsky, British Zionist leader. Committee, who reported on the plans for the Olympic Games in Berlin. Up to the present, American participation in the Berlin Olympic Games ^UUIlMUIllllllIllllllUIUIinnHlllllllUllHnilllUlllHlUHHUIlllllUHIlllHliUHllllll!UllUIIHIMIllllHHllllllllHllllillllll«| had been doubtful, owing to the prevalence of sentiment in the country that Jewish athletes in Germany had been discriminated against by the Nazi regime. But the visit of Ferris to Berlin and his assurances to the Germans coupled with an article published in the United States by Brundage hinting that American athletes would compete at Berlin, indicate that the American Olympic Committee has definitely decided on participation. On behalf of the Nazi regime, Dr. Lewald, himself of Jewish descent, declared that the Hitler government would give German Jewish athletes a place on the German Olympic team and would give those athletes every facility for training and competition. Immediately after the Nazi advent to power all German Jewish athletes were ousted from the German sport clubs and associations and deprived of opportunity to train or compete. The American Jewish Congress, in a letter addressed to the American Olympic Committee, challenged the truth of Dr. Lewald's statement and pointed out that this would indicate a complete reversal of the entire Nazi program. The Congress pointed cut that there was no indication of sucn a revolution in German .opinion. . •





' .


Tel Aviv (JTA). — The enormous growth of traffic through this city's railway system is revealed in figures published in the Tel Aviv Municipality bulletin. During the calendar year of 1933, the incoming tonnage handled was 122,871, and outgoing tonnage was 10,591. In all there were 85,666 passengers. Thus railway receipts for tha year show an increase of 11,969 pounds over the t.otal 1932 total of 10,395. Statistics on building construction activity, just released are interesting. No less than 103,481 square meters of buildings were added to Tel Aviv during the quarter ending May 30, 1932, representing an increase of some 22,000 square meters over the same quarter of 1933. The number of building permits issued was 540, compared with 560 in the same 1933 quarter.

WILL PUBLISH SPANISH BOOK ON RAMBAM South Americans Plan Work to Mark His 800th Anniversary.

Buenos Aires (J. T. A.)—The publication of a Spanish book on the life and works of the Rambam, great Jewish philosopher, commentator and scientist, the 800th anniversary of whose birth comes in March 1935, has been decided upon by the local "Hebraica" organization as a step towards popularizing the name and philosophy of the famous writer among Spanish speaking people. The book will contain essays and monographs on the Rambam's versatility as physician, philosopher, commentator on the Talmud, and codifier of Jewish law and of the dogmas of Nazi Flag on Jewish Jewish ethics. Translations of the Ship Puzzles Turks Rambam's works, many of them heretofore unknown to Spanish readers, Istanbul (J. T. A.)—Port authori- will also be included. ties here were completely puzzled Among those contributing to the when a small ship appeared in the volume will be a number of scholars harbor flying the Nazi swastika flag from the Argentine and other counand completely manned by Jewish tries. Dr. L. Duchovne, Spanish Jewsailors from the captain down to the ish writer and scientist, has been cabin-boy. named editor of the project. Port officials thought that it was A Spanish translation of the first a joke and questioned the crew close- part of the "Guide to the Perplexed" ly. (Moreh Nebukim) was published in They found that the ship was Madrid two years ago by Jose Suarez named atid, which means Future in Lorenso. Hebrew, and had been built in a Rabbi Moses ben Maimon (MaiHamburg shipyard for delivery to monides), the Rambam, was born in Jewish owners in Haifa. Cordoba, Spain, in 1135 and died at The captain explained that only Fostat (Old Cairo) in 1204. His rewhen the vessel reached Haifa could mains were moved to Tiberias, Palesthe Nazi flag be hauled down and the tine. Blue and White Zionist flag hoisted.

Jewish Meetings in Germany Curbed

British Jews Amazed

Berlin (WNS).—Jews are to hold as few meetings as possible, and notice of any meetings scheduled to be held in private Jewish homes must be filed with the police, according to a ruling made public here.

London.—The report that a group of British Jews headed by Lord Reading is planning a jact with Hitler reported in the Echo de Paris, has called forth great amazement here.. It is pointed out that the Board of Jewish Deputies would never sanction such a move.

UShonah Tovah Tekosevu



Your patronage during the past year has been sincerely appreciated . . . we shall endeavor to merit your business... and we trust that the year to come will bring to you a full measure of health, happiness and prosperity.

Happy New Year




' *

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Attempted Assassin of Krushevan Dies

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BASEBALL Sam Ziegman, Prop*


J Hip-

Happy New Year


for a


We Extend Our Best Wishes for a

Berlin (JTA).—According to a letter received here by an American Jewish resident in Berlin, Pinchas Dashevsky, Russian Zionist who in 1903 attempted to kill Peter Krushevan, prime mover in the incitement leading to the bloody pogrom of that year .in Kishinev, died recently in the Soviet Union. Dashevsky was sentenced to serve five years in jail for the attempted assassination, but was freed after serving only part of his sentence. He was defended by Dr. O. O. Grusenberg, brilliant Russian Jewish attorney, who later defended Mendel Beilis in the famous Kiev trial. Dashevskys bullet grazed the throat of the notorious anti-Semite. , In March, 1914, Dashevsky, together with Krasovsky, Kiev police chief who was dismissed from his post because- he was convinced of the innocence of Mendel Beilis, came to the United States and stayed for three months, questioning American Jewish witnesses who cquR: ??Te ^ S 1 ? ^ proof of the innocence of




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Page 11—Section D

New Year's EditMo—THE JEWISH PRESS—Thursday, September 6 r 1334

Personal Greetings for Rosfi MB. and MBS. L. H. CHERNISS and family, 3935 North 22nd Street, wish their relatives and friends Health, Happiness and Prosperity in the coming year.

JWfi. and MRS. JULIUS ABRAHAMSON and children, JOEL and ZELL, xrish their relatives and friends a Healthy and Happy New Year.


MR. and MRS. DAVE COHN and children, GERALDINE and JULIUS, 113 South 55th street, extend sincerest .greetings and heartiest good wishes to their "relatives and friends, far and near.

KB. and MRS. BEN W. ABBAHAMSON and family, of Council Bluffs, la., wish their relatives and friends a Happy and Pros' perous New Year.

RABBI • and MBS, FREDERICK COHN wish their many friends a , Prosperous and Happy New Year.

MB. and MBS^ FBANK B. ACEXBM AN extend to their friends and relatives best wishes for Health, Happiness and Prosperity for the coming year.

MB. and MBS. DATE CBOUNSE - extend to their iraends, relatives and patrons heartiest greetings and good wishes^ for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.


MB. and MBS. Av DIAMOND and family, 29 North .Seventh Street, Council Bulffs, Iowa, take this opportunity to wish.' all-Of their" friends and patrons a very Happy and Prosperous New Year.

MB. and MBS. JOHN A. BEBER and daughters, BABBABA and CABOT/EX GAYLE, extend to .their relatives, and friends sincere wishes for a year of Health, "Wealth and Happiness. MB. and MBS. SAM BEBEB and family extend New Year greetings to all their friends. DR. and MRS. O. S. BELZER and son, 1015 South 35th avenue, extend heartiest New Year greetings to tneir relatives and friends; •

MB. and MBS. M. BEBNSTEIN, 210 Park Avenue, Council Bluffs, la., extend best wishes to their relatives and friends for a Happy and Prosperous New Year. MB. and MBS. I. BEBEOWTEZ and family-' extend New . Year greetirigsvto" all their friends and * relatives.

HISS LIBBY BLACKEB and MISS BOSE DAVIDSON, of Chicago, 111., wish their relatives and friends .Health, Happiness and Prosperity in the coining year.


MR. and MRS. R. BORDY and ' f a m i l y extend heartiest greetings to their relatives and friends for a year of Health, Happiness and Prosperity.

;» MB. and MBS. A. H. BJIODKEY and daughters extend to their "" relatives, and friends best wishes for a Happy New Year. •

MB. and MBS. BEN BBODKEY and family, 2812 Dodge street, extend heartiest wishes to their relatives and friends for a Happy and Prosperous New Year. •

MBS. M. BBODKEY and children extend to all their relatives and friends best wishes for a Happy . and Prosperous New Year.


The C-2 CLUB of the Conservative synagogue extends heartiest and best wishes for a year of Health and Happiness. •

MR. and MRS. I. CHAPMAN and sons, 121 South 53rd avenue, extend heartiest greetings of the New Year to all their relatives and friends.

MR. and MRS. M. E. CHAPMAN and children, BERNARD and HELEN JANE, extend heartiest greetings of the New Year to their relatives and friends.






• - • •

BABBI H. GKODINSJtX, 2639 Davenport street, extends his best wishes to his relatives and friends for a Happy and Prosperous New Year. MB. WILLIAM GRODLSSKY, 737 Omaha National TtaTiV building, wishes all his friends a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

F . DB. SA3TUEL Z. FAIEfi, 227 Medical Arts Building, extends to! his friends and. relatives sincere wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

The officers of the Omaha chapter of ^LADASSAH extend heartiest greetings for a Year of Health, Happiness, and ProsperUy to the members of Hadassah and to the entire Jewish community. MB. and MBS. J. HAHN of the American Coal Company extend best wishes to their relatives, friends and patrons for a y«*.ar of health, happiness and prosperity.

BABBI N. FELDMAN extends best wishes for a Year of Health, Happiness and Prosperity to his rel* • atives, friends, members of the , .MB. and MBS. A. HEBZBESG exAdass Yeshurim". congregation, *" tend to all their relatives and members of the Vaad, and to-the - -. friends heartiest greetings for *• entire Jewish community. " ' *T _ " • :the New Year.

MB. and MBS. ALEXANDER D. FRANK and daughters, MUBIEIr _ and ELAINE, 1008 Martha street, . extend heartiest greetings to their relatives and friends for a year of Health, Happiness and Prosperity. DATE and JHXKE FBEEMAN wish their friends and relatives a year of Health, Happiness and Prosperity. • DR. and MRS. BENJAMIN T. FRIEDMAN and family wish to extend to their relatives and friends best wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

G MR. anJ MRS. DAVID GOLDMAN and family extend to -their friends and relatives sincere • wishes for a joyous New Year.

SATE HONGEBOUSEY of the Gold ***and Grey^Bsauty Shop, 408,City 1 National Bank building," Council .Bluffs, la., takes this opportunity . to wish all of her Jewish friends - and patrons a very nappy and prosperous New Year.

MR. and MRS. N. J. HORWICH _ and son, JUSTIN, wish their relatives and friends a New Year of Happiness and Prosperity. MBS. CLABA HORWITZ extends - to her relatives and friends .. heartiest greetings for a year of Health, Wealth and Happiness.

MBS ESTHER HORWTTZ of New York City sends her relatives and friends greetings for the New Year.

MRS. GERTRUDE JACOBS and son, NATHAN, extend to all their friends best and heartiest wishes for xi Happy and Prosperous New Year. • MR. and MRS. MORRIS E. JA? COBS and daughter wish to express to their relatives and friends best wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Year. THE JEWISH WOMEN'S WELFARE OBGANIZATION wishes Omaha Jewry a Happy and Prosperous New Year.


BABBI and MBS. DAVID GOLDSTEIN and sons, JONATHAN and JEBE&Y, extend to all their friends best wishes for a New Year of Happiness.

MB. and MBS. JULIUS KATEL. MAN and family, 417 Oakland Avenue, Council Bluffs, Iowa, take this means of extending greetings and hearty good wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Year to their friends, far and near. • MB. and MBS. LOUIS H. EATELMAN and son, AYBUM, 716 South Ninth Street, Council Bluffs, Iowa, wish; their friends and relatives. Health, Happiness and Prosperity for the coming year.

MR. and MBS. MAX GOLDSTEIN and son, HARRY, and daughter, BOSE, 118 North 49th street, wish their friends Health, Happiness and Prosperity in the coming year.

KB. and MBS. SAMUEL H. EATELMAN and family, 601 Willow Avenue, Council Bluffs, Iowa, extend their very best wishes to all of their relatives and friends for a most Happy and Prosperous New Year. i

MR. and MRS. A. GOLDSTEIN and family, 670 North 57th street, extend heartiest and best wishes to their relatives and friends for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.





















MR. and MBS. SAM SACKS and family, 620 Roosevelt Avenue, Council Bluffs, Iowa, extend their best wishes to all of their relatives and friends for a most Hap-, py and Prosperous New Year.

' •

THE MUTUAL LOAN ASSOCIATION; of Omaha, Neb., wishes to extend New Year .greetings to all its stockholders and friends.

SAMUEL G. SALTZXAN wishes all of his relatives and f r i e n d s Health, Happiness and Prosperity for the-coming- New Year. • MB. and MBS. BEN L SELDIN and family, €11 Oakland Drive, Council Bluffs, Iowa, take this means of extending greetings and hearjty good wishes for a Happy and * Prosperous New Year to their friends far and near. • MS. and MBS. E. SELLZ and Camily extend their best wishes to all their friends and relatives for a New Year of Health and Happiness.

DR. NATHAN JfCSKIN wishes all his friends a Happy and Prosperous New Y«ar. "••;.,




•MM. and MBS. H. SOL XO VH StY jurf their daughters, LOIS and GL0BU, wish their frieads and relafives. Health, Happiness and Prosperity for the coming year.

MR. and MBS. IKE KRASNE and family, 31* Grace Street, Council' Bluffs, Iowa, wish all their relatives and friends a New Year of HeaJth, Wealth and Happiness.





DR. and MBS. S. A. OSHEROFF, 2711; Browne street, extend heartiest good wi^ies to their relatives and friends for a year of Health, Happiness and Prosperity.

MB. and MBS. LEO B. SJUSNE and daughter, A B L E NTS, 312 Grace Street, <3ouhcii Bhifis, Iowa,- take this "means of extenaing greetings and hearty good wishes for «. Happy astd Prosperous New. Year to- their frieads far and

• ' •











MB. and MBS. L. RAZNICE and family, 3021 So. 22nd street, extend to their friends and relatives sincerest wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Year. MB. and MRS, JOE BAZNICE and family, 3834 Hamilton street, -wish to extend tq their relatives sand friends in Nebraska and Iowa heartiest greetings for a. Happy New Year,

MR. and MRS. IRVIN C LEVIN take this meats of extending greeting's and hearty good wishes for a Happy and-ProsperousNew Year to their friends, far and near. •_ MB, and MBS. SOL LEWIS and family, 2107 Grant street, extend best wishes to all their relatives and friends for a. year of Health, Wealth and Prosperity. •




MB. and MBS. AABON BIPS and sons, NORMAN and LEONARD, extend to all their relatives and friends sincere wishes for a year of Health, Happiness and Prosperity. -• .

MR. and MBS. J. LIEB and family, > • 1924 Sahler street, wish their rel-~ atives and friends a Happy and Prosperous New'Year.

M. MB. and MBS. HERMAN MEYEBSON and family, 127 South Eighth Street, Council Bluffs, Iowa, take this means of extending greetings and hearty good wishes for a. Happy and Prosperous New Year to their friends far and near. -








MB. and MBS. SAMUEL MEYEBSON and family^ 600 Roosevelt Avenue, Council - Bluffs, Iowa, wish their friends and relatives, Health, Happiness and Prosperity for the coming year. • MR. and MRS. HYMIE MILDER and sons wish their relatives and friends a New -Year of Happiness and Prosperity. MB. and MBS. MORRIS MILDER and family of Fairacres extendbest wishes to their friends and relatives for happiness and prosperity for the coming New Year, BABBI UBI MILLEB extends New Year greetings to members of the Vaad Haihr and its affiliates and to the. entire Jewish community.










MR. and MRS. J. Z. STADLAN and family, €14 Mynster Street, Council Bluffs, Iowa, wish all , their friends in Omaha and Council Bluffs a most Happy and • Prosperous New Year. • ': r : e MR. and MRS. HARRY STEIN.• BESG and family, i l l South 34th Street, wish their friends Health, Happiness and Prosperity in the coming year.

MB, and MBS. WHXIAM BADUZ1NEB wish their relatives and friends a year of Health, Happiness and Prosperity.

MR. and MBS. A. LEVIN, 2051 No. 19th street, wifli their friends and relatives, boEh far and near, health, happiness and prosperity for the coming year.


MB. ami MBS. DAVID SOKEF and family, 3337 Hickory street, take this means of extending greetings and hearty good wishes for a Happy and Prosperous Year to their friends, far and near.

•"-' " R -,- / MB. and MBS. W. A. BACUSIN and daughter, NAN JKEA, extend heartiest greetings for the New • Year to their relatives and friends.

DB. and MBS. PHILIP LEVEY ex, tend their heartiest wishes for a .Happy and Prosperous New Year to all their relatives and friends.


THE PROGRESSIVE HEBREW CLUB wishes its members and friends a year of Health, Happiness and Prosperity.



BB, BEN SLUTZKY takes this veaae -of extending greetings and hearty good wishes for a Happy and Prosperous Year to his friends far and near.

MB. and MRS. HAI10LD POLLACK and family extend to their friends and relatives sincere wishes for a Happy New Year.

MBS. MINNIE LAPIDUS and son," EARL, extend their heartiest best wishes to all for a Happy New Year. . •-' MR* and MRS. MATHIAS F. LEV.. XNSON and daughters, JUDITH, DORIS and JEAN, MARIE, ex,.c tend New Year's greetings to all their relatives and friends.

MB. and MBS. EKVXN STALMASTEK and son, LYNN, wish all their friends a Happy New Year.

DB. DAVID C PLATT extends to all his friends best wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.



MS. and MRS. LESTER SIMON and son, ALLAN DAVID, extend to all their relatives and friends Iwst wishes for a Happy New Year.

MB. and MBS X. S. FEABLSTIEir and son extend best wishes to all their frieads for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

We extend our greetings and heartiest good wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Year to all our friends and well - w i s h e r s . L A D I E S * LABOR LYCEUM CLUB, 22nd and Clark streets. -

MB, and MBS. B. A. SIMON, 611 North 50th street, wish their relatives and friends a Happy and Prosperous New Year. •

THE LABOR LYCEUM, 22ni and Clark streets, extends greetings to its members and friends fer a year of Health, Happiness and Prosperity.


MBS. GEORGE KBASNE and family, 125 South Eighth ''"Street, Council Bluffs, Iowa,- extend their very best wishes to all : their friends -and relatives for a most Happy and Prosperous New Year.



MB. and MBS. MAX FOX and family, 2045 North 19th street, Wsishtheir relatives"-and friends both, far and near 'a yjear of Health, Happiness and-Prosperity. " -" •_

-L- BLACKER and to all their friends best wishes for a Prosperous New

DB. and MBS. J. M. EBMAN extend "best wishes to their relatives and friends for a Happy New Year.

MB. and MBS. family extend and relatives Happy ., and Year.

BIKUB -€H01iBtt: •rSOClfi'M Wishes all of Omaha Jewry a Healthy, Happy and Prosperous New Year.



MB. and MES. DAVID BLACKER and family extend to all their friends and relatives their heartiest wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.



ME. KBd MBS. JACOB MIBVISS and daughter, 1411 James Ave. N^ Minneapolis, Muuu, extend to an their friends in Omaha their best wishes for a pleasant New

MRS. BAILEY KRASNE, S1& Oakland Avenue, Council Bluffs, w i s h e s all her relatives and friends health and happiness for the coming year.

MB. and MBS. J. J. GREENBEBG and children, LEE JANE and BABTON, extend to iheir friends and relatives sincere "wishes for. a Happy New Year.

MB. and^CRS. MORRIS GROSSMAS' and family, 210 West Washington Avenue, Council Bluffs, Iowa, extend to their friends and relatives sincere wishes for a" Happy New Year. •". '

DR. and MBS. LEON E. FELLMAIfcrr. take this .means- of extending greetings for a Happy and Prosperous "New Year to their" friends and relatives. '_ ' • . MR, !and MRS. I. FIEDLER and 1 family extend. to all their .relatives and friends best wishes for a New Year of Prosperity and Happiness.


BR. and MBS. A. GREENBEBG and family extend their heartiest greetings for the New Year to their relatives and friends.

KB. and MBS. M. M. BABISH ana family, 912 Mercer Park Road, wish their friends and relatives a year of Health, Happiness and Prosperity.

. * ?I . /

MR. and MRS. P J B I L I P M. KLUTZNICK and BETTY LU and RICHARD, extend their best wishes to their friends and relatives for a year of Health, Happiness and Prosperity.

DR. and MRS. BEN GOLDWARE extend to their friends and relatives best wishes for health, happiness and prosperity for the coming year.

^ M R S . LOUIS RIKLIN wish their friends, both far and near, a Happy and Prosperous New Year. MESSRS. BERNARD and DAVID BOBINSON, of the R o b i n s o n Drug Co., 1S02 North 24th street; extend best wishes to their relatives, friends and patrons for a, Happy New Year. MR. and MBS. J. BODIN and son. MORRIS J , 629 West Washington Avenue, Council Bluffs, Iowa, extend heartiest greetings to all of their relatives and friends for a year of Health, Happiness and Prosperity. DR. and MRS. PHILIP ROMONEK and daughter, DOROTHY LD7SEY, and son, RICHARD LIPSEY, extend best wishes for New Year to all their friends. HE. and MRS. SAM BOSEKTHAL and* family, 1728 Third Avenue* Council Bluffs, Iowa, wish all their friends and relatives a New Year of Health, Wealth and Happiness. • DR. and MRS. A. S. RUBXITZ and family, 5016 Bart street, extend best wishes for the coming year to all their relatives and friends.





DB. S» Z. STERN vrishes his relatives and friends happiness and prosperity for the New Year. MR. and MBS. 1ZZIE STISS and sons, JACK and SOL BENJAMIN, wish their friends and relatives health, happiness and prosperity ; ' in the coming year.

Mr. and MBS. J. TRETIAK and daughters, ANNE and SABAH, wish their friends and relatives Health, Happiness and Prosperity for the coming year. MB. and MBS. HARRY TRUSTIN and family extend to their relatives and friends sincere wishes for a Happy New Year. • MR. and MRS. MICHAEL TUCHMAN and BETTYE and HAROLD, 4211 California Street, extend their hearties greetings and best wishes to all of their relatives and friends for a very Happy and Prosperous New Year. • MB. and MBS. M. TUBNER and family, 1702 North 24th street, wish everyone a Happy and Prosperous New Year. THE LADIES' AUXILIARY of the VAAD HA'IHR extend to their members and friends best wishes for a year of Success, Health and Happiness.


S B . and MBS. H. A. WOLF and son, JUSTIN, extend to their relatives and friends best wishes . for a Happy and Prosperous New Year. . • . THE WORKMEN'S C I R C L E , Branch 173, extends greetings for a Happy and Prosperous New Year to all its members and friends.


New Yearns Editipn—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY 6, 1934


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A Chronological Resume of

Read the History of Jewry for 5694


New Year's Edition—THEJEWISH PRESS—Thursday, September 6,1934

elation of one group • by another. If the -events hr Germany have encouraged hateful forces in the United States, they have also caused the emergence of' those -friendly • Voices which had hitherto been inarticulate; Thoughtful Christian • leadership- has j given striking evidence' 'during" the 'past Vein- that "anti=-Semitism- as an. accepted American policy is a figrnentof-diseased imaginations. ••- •'


Page 1—Section E

anti-Semitic violence, as have other countries to the south. Establishment of commercial undertakings, bombings, beatings, street parades—these are part of the South American antiSemitic technique. The increase of these symptoms puts into question the numerous proposals that have been , made for -the colonization of . large bodies of Jews in Central and South; American countries. South Africa, where the Jew was gradually- becoming integrated into the body politic; Turkey, whose die-, tator-president has established social and political reforms of far-reaching, importance; Japan, where the Jewish population is negligible; Czechoslovakia, ruled by one of the most distinguished men of our time, President Thomas Masaryk; Cuba, where the" local population should have learned the lesson of brutal domination—in each of these countries there has occurred in some form or other, mild or violent, a manifestation of that ageless, baseless, endless animosity toward the Jew. ; The year 5694 ends on a particularly sad note, not only because of tho blood and tears that strew this dreadful chapter of history, but because there seems no bright hope on the horizon, pointing to the clearing up of th« dark and menacing clouds.

Youth Rebuilt

• - Two thousands years of Jewish his-- the keynote of the year, as echoes iirmed by competent observers in Russia-and Palestine Stand .Out Rustory. were symbolized in all their trag- nave resounded throughout the two many cities and corroborated by the - A s - i n several-previous .years, y h ic overtones during the year 5694. The hemispheres. From South Africa to discoveries of the Congressional Nazi s i a and.Palestine have stood out above martyrdom of a race,- harried and the Argentine^ from" Turkey to Tokyo, Investigation Commission. -The latter ! t h e drab-level of-miserable Jewish exdriven for reasons obscured by age. there has -come in- thunderous mono- body has shown that imported hate jistence. By its continued ruthless supwas thrown into bold relief -against a tone the sound of a new international has been added to the store of local pression-of the rare evidences of antiscreen of world-wide proportions.- hate, pitched in antagonism to tlie intolerance. \ The growth of Fascist Semitic; feeling, by. its establishment Trapped in "tiny boxes—that to oth- Jew. The continued existence of the tendencies,: particularly among Ameri- | Biro-Bidjan as an autonomous Jewers'were broad, sweeping countries-— Nazi regime in the-Reich was' given can intellectuals, has created the l s i l territory and by the granting, of of rubles to develop the area, the Jews'in many lands were - sen- unparalleled encouragement every- gravest cause for alarm, exceeding in {millions Md by other measures of constructive, tenced, to" humiliation and discrimin- where to these who have been lying its dangers the . unwritten "numerus I ation' where there was not actually im- in ambush to attack the Jew. Dem- clausus t h a t i a s prevailed in universi- i systematic. State policy, the U.S.S.R. posed upon them the doom cf extinc- onstrating that the twentieth century ties and employment fields f o r ' m a n y ! ^ s demonstrated that anti-Semitism . . ' • •" I cannot exist where the State actively tion. The liberties that had slowly is merely a phrase, and not a mile- years . . --. ' opposes : it. The. Soviet government, accumulated since the Napoleonic stone in the advance of civilization, '• • •••" wars disappeared through, the. giant the Hitlerites have become the world's .The- economic disorganization cf-l^suxg the tension under which-it has sieved of; brutality and hate: The equi- schoolmasters, teaching a curriculum American; Jewry, the waning influence j labored since its founding, has abollibrium'.of a'people's morale, achieved unknown to men since the thirteenth^ of religious: institutions, the; increase | i s h e d > during the year, various instiing-threats .of discriminations — a U | t u t i o n s ^ j c h pressed heavily upon 'through hard years of patience, was fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. these accentuated theJack.of -ajunified, j , J e w s a s upon^ other elements of the • destroyed, setting aquiver the nerves responsible communal leadership-,- act- f population. ' ~ -• ' - '• Religion Minor Factor of zrrace and all its members. • ing =in unison and .spontaneously t? • Palestine" has been hailed during That religion is but a minor factor meet the varymg problems of the | h a If there is one historic factor that - a s ffi . , emerges with startling clarity from in present day anti-Semitism is man- time-not so much ofJews abroad but. t h e ^ horizon_ The German-Jewish youth, undis- taere is Jewish youth "changing over i the events of the year that is now ifest in every evidence of Jew-hatred ol Jews in tne united states itseii. , population now estimated at 300,000 jcouraged by the upheaval in the Reich, his lite.' passing it is the fact of the disunity that has been given during the year. of the Jewish people., Not even the Depressing economic conditions have -Except for undercurrents, however, j the Jewish homeland has become the! are reorientating their lives. Depicted : — . ominous tones of impending destrucr not merely sharpened the struggle for the United States-is still a "land of I center of thriving activity. 'A huge ; — surplus and a shortage | so-called "capitalists," peoimperils the stability of the governd e r a n c e o f . tion have been able to erase the bar- existence-but have created an inter- opportunity and tranquility for the governmental J 1 1933 conditions '- ' ' ~ * - J -~ ' d e r a n c e o f socalled capitalists, peo ment. But the Polish State formally J e . If economic oc co have not '-- - -- ' - ' riers of social, economic, political and national irritability which has made IUew. in the labor supply have been cited as ! . o p l e v i t h m e a n s Avho c a m e t o P a l e s London, Sept. 22—Premier Ramsay caused a deeper anti-Jewish sentiment personal differences that set Jews possible the success of self-seeking proof of the remarkable economic a d - | t h l e w i t h t h e h o p e o f investing and recognizes and approves so many MacDonald assailed for silence OK than now exists it may be attributed vance registered in a country which forms of discrimination against the apart, making them the easy prey of alarmists and malicious propagandists. vance registered in a country which obtaining returns. Speculation in land, 1 a united foe. In each land where Jews The populace, weary of conservative in large part to the subtle influence had been skeptically regarded for over-extension of construction, indus- Jew that its efforts to suppress the Nazi persecution. New York, Sept. 22—St. John Gaffi have been called upon for harmonious predictions from an honest leadership, exerted by President Franklin D. Roo- many decades. But underneath the trial enterprises hastily projected are more vulgar excesses seem merely •ney, American Nazi propagandist co-operation to resist the forces of has turned to the glamorous promises jsevelt. The New Deal has created an frenzied activity there was noticeable, among the phases which certain ob- gestures. says German anti-Semitism wouk •destruction there has been a superfi- of dishonest leaders. The removal of atmosphere* of tolerance and mutual however, the evidence of certain servers have deplored. That Palestine j In Western Hemisphere cial appearance of common action. But the Jew from the scene is held out as helpfulness that has had an incalcu- phases in the Palestine development was able to absorb 15,000 German j The m o s t alarming growth of anti- have been modified if world Jewrj underneath the pleasantries of polite the only blockade to peace and pros- lable influence in preventing the which represent a departure from the Jewish refugees is also undeniable; Jewishness occurred in the western had halted its agitation. growth of noxious roots. The emphasis original purposes of the Zionist move- this number. could have been multi- hemisphere. Mexico, where one of the New York, Sept. 2D. — Dr. Join • communal' phrases there still remain perity. on new economic and social objectives,- ment.- which may be credited with the plied many times if Palestine weree in Haynes Holmes W opposes suppressioi in B world's most profound agrarian revo- o"f -HVu ll"e r ^«»"«™ 'F»=« T " ^ " - " ' . " the small quarrels of other, less peril- -: That-the virus of anti-Semitism has ! the broadening of the horizons of the s rebirth of Palestine. Among the im- a greater state of development. B But ,utJnn has JLrieAJ *kta\\ishm* ren^obiograpny ,n America S "bus" times. been slowly eating through the vitals American people have laid the founda- migrants, who numbered approximatelutions has occurred, establishing gen on the ground that it contains i h h The events in Germany have struck of American citizens has been con- tions for an understanding and appre- ly 40,000 in 193S, there was a prepcn- that Palestine will, within the near tie- j ^^ libertyy for thousands of people. cades, be able to absorb a very great i | n a s (Contimied on Page 2.) nevertheless been the scene of part of the millions of suffering Jews is freely denied by: the responsible Zionist leaders. The inability of Jews to ^concentrate thsir constructive efforts' on Palestine is probably one of the major reasons for that fact. A quick-glance at the map of the world would show but few countries j where Jews may pursue without reJstriction their economic and social activities. England, France, the United 1 I States and Canada are probably the; I1 outstanding lands where Jews share j those blessings of liberty, equality and fraternity which were the objectives of the late eighteenth century revolurtionsi As in the United . States, Can] ada also h3s had ssveral demonstraltions.during the year that hate may 'lie dormant. The.greatest danger in •i these four countries is in the possible Igrowth of the "shirt armies," organ-, lized crusaders .for one panacea or another. The Black .Shirts of Sir Oswald'Mcsley in.England and_ the Silver Shirts of William'Dudley Pelley are important phenomena not so much because ,of the personalities of their | leaders.-but because they, are living j 'Your Neighobr's Clothes Are Being Cleaned evidence .. of unrest and discontent • THE which seeks expression through hate.

Chronological Table


Accept Our Very Best Wishes for a


Happy and Prosperous New Year


Q EJ Prosperity

To All

May the year 5695 bring you and yours much comfort,. health and "happiness. ./«.- \ /:_


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Greetings and Best Wishes for a Happy New Year

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OMAHA'S Completely Equipped Dry-Cleariing Power-Plant

THlESSEN PICKLE CO. Pickles and Condiments



Another page in history, of achieve-- " rhent and progress of the Jewish people added to the -5694,-- which record ages of patient, but persist••/••"_ ent endeavors for righteousness, progress and goodwill to their fellow men.

The Polish government and the Rumanian government -have'made strenuous efforts during1 the year to suppress" the increasing anti-Semitic agitation. Their efforts are all the more commendable when it is recognized that- interference with - anti-Semitism




FOX HUNT CLUB The Home of "Just Good Food" 1512 HOWARD-ST.




WISHES for a

Happy New Year

Happy, and Prosperous NEW YEAR :

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1614 Harnev St.

X lljjc X^'UCCLlUll

Year's Eainon—THE J E W I S H FKE55—Tlmrsaay, septemoer 5,i»34

conies 250 German Jewish refugee on faculty of Hebrew University as recognition of Soviet Russia to enable Guard, the Cuzist party and the Nazis families. result of expansion program at begin- American Jews in Russia to practice have been outlawed in Rumania on orders of Premier Duca. Judaism if they so desire. New York, Oct. 30.—United States ning of university's ninth yearNew York, Nov. 23.—Mrs. Franklin New York, Nov. 17. — Nationwide Department of Justice opens nation- Paris, Nov. 5.—Leon Motzkin, vetwide hunt for Heinz Spanknoebel, eran Zionist leader and president of campaign for $2,000,000 to settle Ger- D. Roosevelt presents American HeNazi leader under indictment by fed- the Zionist Actions committee, dies at man Jewish refugees in Palestine de- brew's annual good will medal to Mrs. cided upon for 1934 by national emer- Carrie Chapman Catt. eral grand jury. age of 66. New York, Oct. 30.—Temple Emanu- New York, Nov. 6. — Bernard S. gency conference of American Pales- New York, Nov. 23.—Zionist Organization cf America allocates §40,000 El names Rabbi Samuel H. Goldenson Deutsch, president of American Jew- tine campaign. of Pittsburgh as spiritual leader and .ish Congress, elected president of the New York, Nov. 18. — Albert N. for the establishment of first Palesretires on Pensions Rabbis Hyman (Board of Aldermen on Fusion ticket. Hallgarten, banker, bequeathes $117,- tinian colony to be inhabited exclusively by America nmembers of the Enelow, Nathan Krass and Samuel Bucharest, Nov. 7.—Cabinet of Pre- J000 to charities. Schulman. mier Alexander Vaida-Voevod resigns Bucharest, Nov. 19.—Premier Duca Jewish Legion. New York, Oct. 30.—Dr. S. Parkes when King Carol voices dissatisfaction opens ruthless war against anti-Sem- Paris, Nov. 25.—Alexandre Israel - (Continued from Page i.) appointed minister of public health in San Francisco, Sept. 28. — Acting tions, urge England to open the doors 1 Cadman calls on Protestantism and with its friendly attitude toward anti- itic Iron Guards. cabinet of Premier Camille ChauMayor J. Emmet Hayden, chairman Catholicism to issue proclamation that of Palestine to German Jewish refSemitic Iron Guard. rial that should be placed in the hands Pittsburgh, Nov. 19.—Amateur Athanti-Semitism is negation of God. of all opponents of the Hitler horror. of the Citizens' Committee for the ugees. Mexico City, Nov. 9.—Aroused by letic Union warns Germany that it temps. Haifa, Oct. 31. — Huge new Haifa outbreak of anti-Semitism, Mexican will boycott 1936 Olympic Games un- New York, Nov. 25.—Maxim LitvinLos Angeles, Sept. 23.—Sime Sil- celebration of German Day, bars the New York, Oct. 2.—The School of verman, founder and publisher of fa- swastika from celebration. Jews call on government to act less Germany raises all restrictions off, Soviet commissar of foreign afthe Jewish Woman, designed to give j harbor officially dedicated. fairs, makes pointed attack on antiGeneva, Sept. 30.—Steering commit- Jewish women a background of Jew- London, Nov. 1.—World parley on against spreading Nazi propaganda. against Jewish athletes. mous theatrical weekly "Variety" and creator of theatrical argot, dies at 61. tee of the League of Nations assem- ish history and culture, established by German Jewish situation votes to es- New York, Nov. 11. — Financial Budapest, Nov. 21.—Nationalist stu- Semitic pclicy of Nazi regime in adRome, Sept. 23. — Mussolini sanc- bly adopts Dutch proposal for crea- Dr. Trude Weiss Rosmarin. tablish central political office to co- grant to Hebrew University for estab- dents riot at Budapest and Debreczln dress at banquet tendered him before tions establishment of medical and sci- tion of a special committee to devise New York, Oct. 2.—United German j ordinate political activities en behalf lishment of chair in Italian language universities as protest against govern- his return to Russia. entific center where German Jewish a plan for the relief of German Jew- Societies split over invitation of Dr. I of German Jews and decides to seek and literature announced by Italy, first ment's refusal to enforce numerus Bucharest, Nov. 28.—Three killed, scores injured and huge property damrefugee professors may continue their ish refugees. Hans Luther, German ambassador, to annual budget of $9,600,000 to finance grant by a government to the univer- clausus for Jewish students. age caused as result of four days of sity. work. Colon, Panama, Sept. 30.—Nazi re- attend German Day fete. comprehensive relief program. Kovno, Nov. 22.—Lithuania enacts New York, Sept. 24.—Capacity aud- gime's war on Jews reaches into Cen- New York, Oct. 2.—Mrs. Madelaine Istanbul, Nov. 1.—Epidemic of conSaloniki, Nov. 12.—Greek govern- numerus clausus for Jewish doctors, anti-Samitic rioting in Jassy. Rumanience of ,25,000, thrilled by first New tral America as sailors on German Stern, widow of Benjamin Stem, de- version sweeps Turkish Jewry. ment proclaims Yom Kippur a legal lawyers and students, and makes use ian troops called out to crush Iron York showing of "Romance of a Peo- ships are warned not to patronize j partment store magnate, leaves $325,- Vienna, Nov. 1. — Chancellor Doll- holiday. of Lithuanian language -compulsory in Guard hooligans. ple." ' ' . Jewish-owned cafes. 1000 to charity. Mexico City, Nov. 28. — President Jerusalem, Nov. 13.—Scores of Jews fuss repudiates anti-Semitic attack in all Jewish schools. "{ Bucharest, Sept. 25. — Rumanian Chapel Hill, N. C, Oct. 1.—Exist- | Geneva, Oct. 4.—Appointment of a Reichspost, semi-official government arrested as Palestine government wars (Continued on Page 3.) Bucharest, Nov. 23. — The Iron Jewry excited by report that Hitler's ence of a numerus clausus for Jewish [League of Nations commissioner to organ. on illegal immigration. : grandfather is buried in Bucharest students at University of North Caro- i handle problems of German refugees Pretoria, South Africa, Nov. 1.— Jerusalem, Nov. 14.—Jewish Agen^^ Jewish cemetery. . *• . Una Medical School revealed when ! approved by sub-committee of League General Jan Christiaan Smuts, for- cy protests Palestine government's Budapest, Sept. 25.—First Nazi can- dean of medical school resigns because [of Nations as'sembly. mer South African premier, warns immigration policy as High Commis— •5 didate for parliament;in; Hungaryis president of university overruled his London, Oct. 4.—Professor Albert South Africans against efforts to stir sioner Wauchope announces measures overwhelmingly defeated, anti-Semitic policy. for curbing illegal immigration. Einstein guarded by 200 police and up anti-Jewish feeling. .Albuquerque, ,N. 3VL, Sept. 2<?.—ArChicago, Oct. i.—Nazi anti-Semit- j 1,500 students as he pleads* for world • Washington, Nov. 2.—Samuel Un- Vienna, Nov. 15. — U. S. Minister thur Seligman, first Jewish governor 'sm is not compatible with Christian- | tolerance in address before 10J000 in termyer raps Secretary of State Hull George H. Earle, 3rd, warns Austria of New Mexico, dies at 60. ty, Bishop William T. Manning tells!Albert Hall gathered to open $5,000,- for apologizing to German Ambassa- that an anti-Semitic policy would Geneva, Sept 26.—Nazi ministers 10,000 Episcopalians at centennial eel- 000 drive for relief of exiled German dor Luther, whom Untermyer called a mean forfeiting American sympathy. try to halt anti-German boycott in ebration of Oxford movement. scientists. Washington, Nov. 16. — Unofficial destructive propagandist. Poland during conference with Polish New York, Oct. 1. — University in Hastings, England, Oct. 5.—British Jerusalem, Nov. 3.—Stone believed investigation into Nazi propaganda Exile, with faculty of fifteen world- Labor party, representing 8,000,000 to mark grave of Moses found by ar- activities in the United States opened foreign minister. Jerusalem, Sept. 27. — Emulating famous refugee German scholars, voters, endorses anti-German boycott. chaeological expedition on Mount by sub-committee of House of RepreChicago, Oct. 5.—American Legion Nebo. sentatives Immigration committee. her ancestress, the Queen of Sheba, opened under the auspices of the New convention condemns Nazi activities in the Empress of Abyssinia arrives in School for Social Research. Vienna, Nov. 3.—Chancellor Doll- Warsaw, Nov. 17.—Polish RevisionGeneva, Oct. 2. — Spokesmen for America. Palestine. fuss reiterates determination to bar ists stone British embassy in protest 1508 FARNAM STREET • Montreal, Sept. 27.—The Canadian Czechoslovakia, Poland and Rumania, New York, Oct. 5.—Vandals smear anti-Semitism in Austria. against restrictions on Jewish immiclothing industry joins anti-German speaking before political commission walls of Temple Emanu-El with anti- Jerusalem, Nov. 4.—Fourteen exiled gration into Palestine. of the assembly of the League of Na- Semitic and anti-Catholic slogans. boycott. German Jewish scholars to be placed Washington, Nov. 17. — American Jerusalem, Oct. 6.—Arab Executive proclaims one-day general strike in protest against Jewish immigration. New Year's Greetings from I New York, Oct. 7.—Morris Hillquit, {pioneer leader of the Socialist party j of America, dies at age of 64. Bucharest, Oct. 8. — Panic-striken Jews flee villages as anti-Semitic Cuz- { ists wage campaign of terror in co- j John M. Laflin and operation with Nazi propagandists, i Geneva, Oct. 10. — League of Na- f Associates 'tions votes to appoint high commis- j tsioner for German refugees, commisIsioner to be under authority of govj erning board representing countries bordering en Germany or who by their "Just Around the Corner from Everything action or advice might be of assistJA. 2756 1018 FARNAM ST. ance to the commissioner. 1413 Douglas Philadelphia, Oct. 11.—Police raid prevents Fascist march on Washington by Khaki Shirts of America. Washington, Oct. 11. — American Federation of Labor declares boycott against German goods. Copenhagen, Oct. 13. — P r e m i e r Thorval Stauning expresses determination to keep all Fascist and antivi aRide a Bicycle' Semitic movements out of Denmark. Jerusalem, Oct. 13.—Arab demonHair and Scalp stration against Jewish immigration ends in minor riot causing injuries to Registered Specialist from five policemen. New demonstration planned in defiance of government orSOW CONNECTED WITH Bicycles and Repairing ders for October 27. New York, Oct. 15.—Anti-Semitism J. G. Morris 1514 CAPITOL AVE. becomes issue in New York mayor1 Wholesale Food Specialists alty campaign when Fiorello H. La For Appointment Call JA. S610 PriTate Booth Omaha, Nebr. Phone Atlantic 0955 Guardia, Fusion nominee, recalls anti1117 Farnam Street JA. 1312 4 Doors South of Union Bus Depot Semitic article, written in 1915 by Jo614 So 16th St. seph V. McKee, Recovery party candidate. New York, Oct. 16.—Albert Einstein arrives to take up duties at Institute for Advanced Learning. Warsaw, Oct. 18.—Secret anti-Semitic Ukrainian terrorist organization, subsidized by German Nazis, opens a terrorist campaign against Galician Jews. New York, Oct. 19. — Protestant Daily Trucking Service to minister, Catholic priest and rabbi to make joint nationwide good will tour Fremont... Norfolk... Columbus under auspices of National Conference m of Jews and Christians. Lincoln... Sioux City and Rio de Janeiro, Oct. 20.—Nazi propaganda bureau in Brazil circulates anGEO. CROCKER, General Agent Minneapolis ti-Jewish literature. Phone ATIantic 2966 530 World-Herald Bldg. 1016 City National Bank Bldg. AT. 5953 Jerusalem, Oct. 21.—Palestine government grants only 5,500 labor immigration certificates to the Jewish Agency. ,. New Yqrk,_ Oct. 21.—Mayor John J, O'Brien bans Nazi celebration of German Day in city-owned armory. We Thank Our Friends and Patrons and Geneva, Oct. 23.—James G. McDonWish Them a Happy and Prosperous ald, chairman of Foreign Policy Association, named League of Nations New Year from High Commissioner for German Refugees. Oriental Designs and Fixtures 1 Washington, Oct. 24.—United States government accepts invitation to be represented on governing board apBar in Connection pointed by League of Nations to assist German Refugee Commissioner. Paris, Oct. 24. — Jacques Stern named minister of marine in cabinet 314 South 13th, Omaha of Albert Sarraut, : Jerusalem, Oct. 27.—Twenty-seven 119 W. Fifth, Sioux City, la. 514 South Sixteenth Street WE. 2190 1509 No. 24th St. killed and 200 injured as British police suppress Arab riots growing out of illegal nationwide demonstrations against Jewish immigration. Jewish community escapes injury as Arabs TRUSSES . . . SUPPORTERS defy British in Jerusalem, Haifa and Nablus. ' • ELASTIC HOSIERY London, Oct. 28.—Program of united "Expertly Pitted in Cool, Private FORA Jewish action to settle German-Jewish Fitting Rooms" Let the words of our New Year Prayerrefugees in Palestine and other coun- 4 tries, to co-ordinate all fund-raising | be fulfilled that all the Nations of the Special Attention Given activities in their behalf and to : cre: World may form a single do the ate plans for economic rehabilitation I to Children of professional and business men of ! Will of God with a Perfect Heart. Jewish race still in German drafted by world Jewish conference on German Jewish situation. Physicians', Nurses', Hospital and Cape Town, Oct. 29.—Emergence of Sickroom Supplies anti-Semitic gray-shirt movement and I ' Kosher Meat Market spread of anti-Jewish propaganda 1722 No. 24th WE. 4636 111 So. 17th S t Medical Arts Bldg. J 1619 No. 24th St. WE. 3720 alarm South! -African Jewry. 1 f Belgrade, Oct. 30;—Jugoslavia' T?el-

J ewi ish Panorama

During Year 5694


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New Yeai*s £ditiori--l£HE JEWIgS PREB^—Thursday, SepleinEer 6,


Jewish Panorama During Year 5694 .;'; (Continued from Page 2.) A'oelardo Kodriguez tells Jewish delegation calling on him to protest growing anti-Semitic agitation that Jews are important element of Mexican population. Rochester, N.Y., Nov. 29.—Mizrachi threatens to quit "World Zionist Organization unless its religious demands are met. New York, Nov. 29.—New Jewish farm movement inaugurated to settle Jewish industrial workers on small homesteads. Rochester, N. Y., Dec. 1.—Mizrachi convention demands immediate resignation of World Zionist Executive and election of "real" coalition Executive -in its place. . '; Jerusalem, Dec. 3.—Three Arab no-

tables found guilty of having precipitated fatal Arab riots on October 27. Lausanne, Switzerland, Dec. 5,— Governing board of League of Nations High Commission for German Refugees at first meeting told by Commissioner McDonald that there are 60,000 refugees. McDonald declares his duty will be to co-ordiate relief efforts and to negotiate with governments. Commission names advisory council of 18 private relief organizations. „ New York, Dec. 6.—Twenty thousand Nazi sympathizers jam Madison Square Garden for celebration of German Day at which German Ambassador Luther defends Nazi regime. Tel.Aviv,.Dec. 9.—Revisionist mass meeting of protest against Palestine government's restrictions on Jewish

We Bring to You Greetings and Best Wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Year • ' ' z - ".' :

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Harkert's Holsum Hamburgers Walter Harkert, Prop.

immigration and hounding of Jewish tourists ends in clash with police and injuries to 22. White Plains, N. Y., Dec. 9.—Bequests totaling $125,000 left to Jewish philanthropies by Samuel J. Sonderling, partner in banking house of Lehman Brothers. London, Dec. 13. — Palestine's exports doubled in past decade, Colonial Minister Cunliffe-Lister tells House of Commons. New York, Dec. 13. — Synagogue Council of America appeals to American Jewry to revive Sabbath observance by taking advantage of five-day week initiated by NRA. Rome, Dec. 16.—Vatican denies intervening for German Catholics of Jewish origin. Kovno, Dec. 16.—Efforts to make anti-Semitism part of the program of the ruling party of Lithuania frustrated when President Smetana and Premier Tubelis defeat demands of provincial leaders of Tautininkai party. ; Madrid, Dec. 17. — Sephardic Jews from the Balkans who emigrated to Spain after the revolution leturn to their homes in the Balkans because of the uncertainty of political and. economic conditions. Istanbul, Dec. 17.—Thirty-six noted exiled German Jewish professors appointed to faculty of reorganized Istanbul University. _..... New York, Dec. 17.—President Roosevelt tells Maccabean Festival that Judas Maccabeus set an example of courage and fortitude which should contain an inspiration for' all peoples. Baltimore, Dec. 17.'.—.Dr. "William Feinbloom, New York optometrist, invents spectacles which increase' vision of partially blind by 50 per cent. • Dublin, Dec. 17. — Ireland.repeals' import tax on matzoth because it worked hardship on poor Jews. Tel Aviv, Dec. 18.—Unofficial estimates place Tel Aviv's population at 85,000. Bucharest, Dec 20.—Jewish party fails to elect a single candidate- in Rumanian parliamentary election in which government party wins huge majority. Anti-Semitic parties seat 18 candidates. Paris, Dec. 20.—"L'Ami du Peuple," Pierre Coty's anti-Semitic paper, ceases publication. Rome, Dec. 21. — Italian J e w r y launches first fund drive for relief of German Jewish refugees with approval of Premier Mussolini. }•'•./• . . Jerusalem, Dec. 21.—Jewish National Council denies that any responsible Jewish organization has reached trade agreement with Germany. = New York; Dec. 21.—Otto H. Kahn urges Jews to stand up and be counted with their people. -"; New York, Dec. 23.—Loan of $500,000 granted by Subsistence Homestead Division of U. S. Department of Interior for settlement of 200 unemployed Jewish needle trades -worker's' families on first subsistence homestead community -to -be established by -Provisional Commission for Jewish Farm Settlements. Vienna, Dec. 24.—Catholic bishops of Austria condemn race-madness-and anti-Semitism of Nazis. New York, Dec. 24.—Henry Ford denies ever having given funds to Hitler or ever having met Nazi leader. Auto magnate says he is not a Jewhater and expresses belief that Jews do not regard -him as. a Jew-baiter. Niagara Falls, N. Y., Dec. 25.—MaI sada, new national Jewish youth Zionist movement for young men, founded by 200 delegates from all parts of the country. Florence, Italy, Dec. 27. — Jewish publication presents records showing that Mayor-elect Fiprella H. LaGuardia of New York is the grandson of an Italian Jewish merchant by the name of Isaac Cohen. Washington, Dec. 28.—Self-sacrifice of Jewish tenement house dwellers lauded by Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt. Bucharest, Dec. 29.—Murder of Premier Ion Duca by members of antiSemitic Iron Guard precipitates nationwide panic among Rumanian "Jews. Tel Aviv, Dec. 30.—Revisionists organize independent labor federation. Washington, Dec. 31.—Henry Morgenthau, Jr., appointed Secretary of the Treasury. - 1934 • Graz, Austria, Jan. 1.—Jacob Wassermann, world famous novelist, dies at 60. Bucharest, Jan. 2.—New Rumanian cabinet headed by George Tatarescu continues vigorous drive against antiSemites. London, Jan. 2.—Board of Jewish Deputies acts to protect 2,000 Afghanistan Jews ousted from border cities^ New York, Jan. 4.—Palestine Economic Corporation pays first dividend. Chicago, Jan. 5.—Reorganization of federations of Jewish charities into authoritative spokesmen.for their communities proposed to National Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds. . Paris, Jan. 5.—French government asked to halt police persecution of German-Jewish refugees in "northern France. Amsterdam, Jan. 7.—Jewish apostates organize Zionist group and plan

to settle Jewish converts in Palestine. Tallinin, Esthonia, Jan. 24. — EsWashington, Jan. 8.—Senator Mil- thonia embraces modified form of Faslard E. Tydings of Maryland intro- cism as national referendum curbs duces resolution calling on President parliament. Eoosevelt to intervene in behalf of Budapest, Jan. 24.—Premier Julius German Jews. Gomboes, former anti-Semitic leader, Jerusalem, Jan. 10.—Palestine gov- repudiates Fascism and Nazism. ernment grants Arabs permission for New York, Jan. 24. — Lutheran nation-wide demonstration of protests Church organ, speaking for 3,000,000 against Jewish immigration. Americans, repudiates Silver Shirts. New York, Jan. 10.—James G. Mc- Washington, Jan. 25. — President Donald, League of Nations High Com- Roosevelt plays host' to Professor Einmissioner for German Refugees, says stein at the White House. $50,000,000 may be required to rehab- Toronto, Jan. 28.—First all-Canadiilitate German refugees. an Jewish Congress opens. London, Jan. 13.—Lord Rothermere, London, Jan. 28.—National Associaanti-Zionist newspaper baron, comes tion to Combat Jewish Influence in out for Fascism in England. Great Britain organized here. Montreal, Jan. 13.—Black-shirt del- New York, Jan. 28.—American Comegation of Quebec Federation of Fas- mittee on Religious Rights and Minorcist Labor Clubs threatens Premier ities, in statement signed by scores of Tascherau with Fascist coup. notable Americans of all creeds, calls Saloniki, Jan. 14.—Under pressure on Germany to end persecution of of anti-Semites, Greek government Jews. withdraws law making Yom Kippur a Baltimore, Jan. 28.—Frank A. Furst, legal holiday. Catholic merchant, leaves $150,000 to New York, Jan. 14.—Mayor Fiorello Jewish philanthropies. H. LaGuardia admits his mother was Rome, Jan. 29.—II Popolo Italiano, a Jewess and expresses pride in his Mussolini's organ, attacks Hitler's raJewish origin. cial dogma. .• New York, Jan. 14.—The 92nd St. Saloniki, Jan. 29.—Premier PanaY. M. H. A., oldest Jewish community yoti Tsaldaris denounces anti-Semitic center in America, marks 60th anni- agitation in Greece before parliament. versary. New York, Jan. 29.—Fascism and New York, Jan. 14.—Dr. Maurice Nazism seen making great inroads in Brodie, 30-year-old physician from South America. Montreal, Canada, develops vaccine for Toronto, Jan. 30 .•—Canadian Jewish infantile paralysis. Congress • organized as permanent New York, Jan. 14.—Ministers of three faiths conclude nationwide good body as Dominion Jews move to combat prejudice and reorganize Jewish will tour. New York, Jan. 14.—American Jew- economic status. S. W. Jacobs elected ish Congress issues manifesto for elec- president. tion of delegates to world Jewish con-, London, Jan. 31.—Governing board of League of Nations High Commisgress. London, Jan. 15.—New Fascist par- sion for German Refugees moves to ty in England nominates candidate for get international passports for exiles. parliamentary by-election, but denies Warsaw, Jan. 31.—Polish universities impose new restrictions on Jewish it is anti-Semitic. '.•''.• Jerusalem, Jan. 15.—Cyprus Farm students. Company organized to settle German- Basle, Jan. 31.—Fritz Haber, GerJewish refugees on island of Cyprus. man Jewish chemist and Nobel prize . ;. Geneva, Jan. 16.—Report protesting winner, dies in exile. Nazi persecution of Jews in Saar and New York, Feb. 1.—Non-Sectarian Upper Silesia presented to League of and Anti-Nazi League, prosecutors of Nations by G. G. Kriox, chairman of anti-German boycott, issues monthly .•..••' League's governing commission in the boycott organ. Rome, Feb. 2.—Hitler's treatment Saar. Jerusalem, Jan.-16. — Arabs' anti- of Jewp and his foreign policy cause Jewish demonstration passes off peace- break in relations with Mussolini. Paris, Feb. 3.—L'Anti-Juif, new anfully, London, Jan." 19.—-Lord Rothermere ti-Semitic paper, appears in Paris. says Fascism in England will not be New York, Feb. 3.—Senator William H. King of Utah favors breakariti*Semitic Washington, Jan. 20. — State De- ing off relations with Germany. partment instructs consuls to exercise Saloniki, Feb. 4.—Prompt police acleniency in granting visas to German tion prevents pogrom incited by EEE, refugees seeking admission to Amer- Greek Nazi organization. New York, Feb. 5. — Employes of ica. London, Jan. 23. — Jewish Agency New York Federation for Support of raps World Revisionist Union for cir- Jewish Philanthropies stage two-hour culating petition throughout world strike as protest against failure to protesting British government's Pal- restore 1931 wage scales. Paris, Feb. 6. — Anti-government estine policy.

We Wish Our Friends and Customers

JMSectfoii riots assume anti-Semitic character here. New York, Feb. 7.—Louis Lipsky urges preliminary conclave before convening world Jewish congress. Jerusalem, Feb. 7.—Abdul Medjid, Arab convict, repudiates confession that he killed Dr. Chaim Arlosoroff, for whose murder three Revisionists face trial. Rome, Feb. 7.—Musical circles give ovation to premiere of Ernest Bloch's monumental Jewish service "Avodath Hakodesh" (Sacred Service). New York, Feb. 8.—U. S.. customs ofiicials. impound 300 pounds of Nazi propaganda material on German ship. New York, Feb. 8.—Rabbi Hyman G. Enelow, rabbi emeritus of Temple Emanu-El, dies aboard ship near Madeira. New York, Feb. 8.—Annual report of Jewish Agricultural Society shows



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109,600 Jews on farms in the United States. Vienna, Feb. 10.—Jews flee provincial cities as Austria totters on brink of civil war between Fascist Heimwehr and Nazis. Warsaw, Feb. 10. — Polish parliamentary deputy demands government oust surplus Jewish population, or else people themselves will act. New York, Feb. 11.—National Executive of Zionist Organization of America votes to postpone world Jewish congress. Vienna, Feb. 11.—Wild panic reigns among Jews as Austrian government crushes Socialists and moves toward Fascist dictatorship. Mexico City, Feb. 12. — Solomon David Rafalin becomes first rabbi of Mexico City synagogue. Saloniki, Feb. 12.—Nazi candidate for mayor swamped as wild anti-Sem(Continued on Page 4.)



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New Year's Edition—THE JEWISH PRESS—Thursday, September 6,1934

Page 4—Section 9

and 45 of his followers freed of con- New York, April 7.—Nazi meeting Jerusalem, April 17.—Official fig- demand immediate deportation of all spiracy charges in connection with the in Brooklyn precipitates riot between ures show 38,000 Jewish immigrants Jews. entered Palestine in 1933, among them London, April 25.—Movement to esmurder of Premier Ion Duca. Actual Hitlerites and Jewish blue shirts. tablish Jewish territory in Angola or slayers sentenced to life imprison- New York, April 8.—Rev. Norman 11,000 German Jewish refugees. Vincent Peale of Marble - Collegiate New York, April 20.—Father J. El-other undeveloped region launched ment. Jerusalem, April 4.—Daniell Sieff Church urges a white shirt army to liot Ross, Rev. Everett R. Clinchy and here. Rabbi Morris S. Lazaron, good-will Rome, April 25.—Regimo Fascists, Research Institute in agricultural Christianize America. trio who toured country, awarded an- organ of Fascist party, hints that conParis, April 9.—League to Combat chemistry dedicated at Rehoboth. Paris, April 4. — Scores of people Anti-Semitism demands France ban nual Zeta Beta Tau medal as having tinued Zionist activity in Italy may breed anti-Semitism. injured as Fascists and anti-Semites anti-Semitic movements as Fascist done most for American Jewry. Tel Aviv, April 26.—Ten thousand and anti-Jewish hooligans continue Mexico City, April 20. — Mexican clash with Jews in streets here. anti-Semites organize own party, un- visitors and official delegations from Cambridge, Mass., April 4. — Pro-street brawls with Jews. tests from Harvard alumni, Jews and Montreal, April 9. — Anti-Semitic der name of Accion Revolucionaria a score of countries attend opening of non-Jews, against extension of invita- candidate for mayor soundly defeated. Mexicana, and adopt gold shirt as fourth biennial Levant Fair, which coincides with 25th anniversary of es^ (Continued from Page 3.) compels rabbinate to prepare special to ten months' imprisonment and fined tion to Emst F . S. Hanfstaengl, Har- Blue Shirts of Canada, new anti-Sem- symbol. tablishment of Tel Aviv. London, April 21. Mosley concedes vard '09, and press officer of Hitler, itic group, formed in Maritime Prov10,000 drachmas. license forms. itic campaign'fails to move voters. his movement is opposed to the Jews. Harrisburg, Pa., April 26.—Brandto act as chief marshal's aide at June Paris, March 4.—Stavisky banking inces. Ottawa, Feb. 24. — Samuel Jacobs, Vienna, Feb. 13.—Dollfass governas a racket, Silver Shirts are dement ilf.nies impending anti-Semitic Jewish member of parliament, de- scandal breeds anti-Semitic agitation. commencement exercises, cause Hanf- Winnipeg, April 10.—Manitoba leg- Asheville, N. C , April 21.—Gala- ed nied a charter in Pennsylvania. staengl to refuse bid. New York, March 7.—Jury of 20,000 mands Canada urge recall of German had Press, publishers of Silver Shirts islature passes law enabling members program but anti-Jewish agitation grows in semi-official and Fascist consul-general for Nazi propaganda convicts Hitler regime of crimes New York, April 5.—Jewish Labor of any race or creed to demand court publications, thrown into bankruptcy. Budapest, April 26.—Count Festetagainst civilization as witnesses rep- Committee bars connection with Amer- injunction to halt libels against that Washington, April 22.—Attacks on ics, leader of Hungarian Nazis, estaband anti-Jewish agitation. press. Roosevelt's "brain trust" seen as dis-lishes farm to train Hungarian ^ews Vatican City, Feb. 14. — Vatican New York, Feb. 25.—Felix M. War- resenting every field of human en- ican Jewish Committee and American race or creed. deavor present indictment. Jewish Congress. Geneva, April 11.—Poland asks the guised assault on Jews in public of- for life in Palestine, saying emigraplaces anti-Semitic and anti-Christian burg advises Jewish youth" to avoid tion is only solution of Jewish probbooks of Nazi leaders on Index Ex- white collar professions to overcome Barcelona, March 7. — Returning Boston, April 5. — Department of League of Nations to convene by fice. lem. Sephardic Jews ruled automatically April, 1935, conference composed of Justice probes alleged violation of Jerusalem, April 23. — Abraham anti-Semitism. purgatorius. Paris, April 27. — Negotiations for citizens of Spain. Cape Town, Feb. 14.—South Afri- New York, Feb. 25.—Jewish Work- Jaffa, March 7.—Abraham Stavsky, franking privilege by Representative all its members "with instructions to Stavsky, Zvi Rosenblatt and Aba Ach- mass settlements of Jews in Angola frame general convention for interMcFadden of Pennsylvania, who is acimeier go x>n trial for murder of Dr. can Institute of Racial Studies ers Committee for Jewish Affairs cre- Zvi Eosenblatt and Aba Achimeier and Ecuador reported making progcused of permitting a copy of one of national protection of minorities. "Chaim Arlosoroff. launches counter-drive against anti- ated by Jewish labor movement. ress. committed to trial for murder of Dr.his anti-Semitic speeches to be mailed Atlanta, April 11. — Revived Ku Mexico City, April 24.—Anti-SemiSemitism. ...-.." London, Feb. 28.—Minister, of Home Chaim Arlosoroff. by the Fascist White Shirts in envel- Klux' Klan terrorizes Jewish mer- tic gold shirts terrorize Jews, who ask Vienna, April 27.—Four Jews are Rome, Feb. 15.—Jewish population Affairs investigates Fascists' link to Amsterdam, March 7. — Holland opes bearing his frank. chants in rural Georgia. (Continued on Page 5.) aid of President Rodriguez. Fascists Nazis. of Italy found shrinking.. grants tract for German refugee trainWashington, April 5. — Speaker New York, April 12. —- E r n e s t Cleveland, Feb. 28.—Henry C. RichJerusalem, Feb. 15.—Jews invested ing camp . Rainey appoints Representative John Bloch's "Avodath Hakodesh" hailed at $40,000,000 in Palestine during 1933. man, philanthropist and clothing man- New York, March 8. — Nazi inci- W. McCormack chairman of commit- American premiere. Vienna, Feb. 17. — Five. thousand ufacturer, leaves $500,000 to Jewish lents on Columbia university campus tee of seven to investigate Nazi prop- Warsaw, April 14.—Militant antiJews lose positions as Austria goes and Christian charities. aganda. xeatestir. Semitism and complete Nazi credo adPhiladelphia, Feb. 28.—Mrs. Gifford anti-Semitic. Jerusalem, March 9.—Einstein Insti- London, April 6.—Jewish Agency to opted by National Radicals, new PoTrieste, Feb. 18. Italian govern- Pinchot says Christians have definite tute of Physics dedicated at Hebrew get $500,000 loan from Imperial Chem- lish party. obligation to Jews. ment bans Nazi party in Trieste. ical Industries, Lord Melchett's firm. Reval, April 14.—Esthonia begins niversity. /Sofia, Feb. 18.—Dynamite explo- Washington, March 2. — President London, March 9.—Zionist Execu- Jerusalem, April 7.—Jewish Labor cleansing government personnel to sion wrecks synagogue in Southern Roosevelt orders new trial for Corp- ive disowns separatist Revisionist Federation (Histadruth) voluntarily oust Nazi of and Fascist elements. oral'Ralph Osman, Jewish soldier in nion. Bulgaria. -' •;• ••-•" promises to assume responsibility for Trenton, N. J., April 15.—New JerCanal Zone, whose conviction for es-i "Vienna, Feb. 20.—Chancellor DollRome, March 10. — Twelve Jews kashruth protection and to prevent sey assembly passes bill outlawing "Known from Coast to Coast" fuss assures Jews his government wUl pionage is believed due to anti-Sem- ected to new Italian parliament. wherever possible violation of the written and oral anti-Semitic propaitic prejudice of his superior officers. protect them. Tunis, March 10. — Nazi influence Sabbath and of Jewish high holidays. ganda. The Famous Original Scotch Madrid, Feb. 20.—Primo de Rivera, Dublin, March 3.—Foes of President ;een in Arab attacks on Tunisian Vienna, April 7. — "Heimatschuet- Rome, April 17.—Mussolini's organ Spanish Fascist leader, says his move- de Valera charge he is of Jewish Tews. zer," official organ of the Heimwehr, says Zionism and Italian, patriotism Oatmeal Cookies origin. ment is not. anti-Jewish. London, March 11. — Twelve Jews opens war on Jews. are not compatible. London, Feb. 21.—Britain moves to Stockholm, March 3.—New Fascist lected to London County Council. New York, April 7.—Former Judge London, April 17.—Sir Oswald Mosparty repudiates anti-Semitism. ban Fascist uniforms. WA. 0790 4735 Military Ave. New York, March 11. — Ten New Daniel E. Cohalan urges Catholics to ley, Fascist leader, renews attack on Sofia, Feb. 22.—Popularity of trial Saloniki, March 3.—Editor of Mak- Tork department stores join anti-Nazi emulate solidarity of American Jews. Jews. •"..•• narriages among Bulgarian Jews edonia, anti-Semitic organ, sentenced oycott. Vilna, March 12.—Yiddish opera esablished on permanent basis. Cincinnati, March 12.—B'nai B'rith nrotests plan to suppress German odges. Greetings to All Our Jewish Friends! | New York, March 12. — Brooklyn Jews organize.for independent political action; move stirs wide protests. : "Warsaw, March 14.—Warsaw university closed by Premier because of anti-Jewish riots. . New York, March 17. — American ewry celebrates 60ft birthday of Dr. Two Stores: Stephen S. "Wise. CHINAWARE.... GLASSWARE Jerusalem, March 19. —' Four Arab SILVERWARE leaders sentenced to prison for role in fatal riots of October, - ; - - " • .-,v 1511 FARNAM ST. 5004 Dodge S t 1116 Harney S t 1617 Farnam St. AT. 4842 New York, March 20.—Woolworth stores halt purchases of German goods. "Vienna, March 21.—Curbs o» Jews announced as death of Austrian republic is proclaimed. 1 s : New York, March 21. — $3,000,000 • ^ ^ ^ * * ^ ^ w ^ ^ Best Wishes for a Happy and Prosperous ; pint campaign of J. D. C. and A. P. Cl "or German Jews gets under way. , . New Year Dublin, March 22.—General O^Duffy, irish Fascist leader, repudiates antiA Happy and Prosperous New Year Semitism. Riga, March 22.—Latvia opens war in Nazi agents. New York, March 22.—Order of *76, anti-Semitic F a s c i s t movement, You will enjoy this modern and comfortably refrigemerges. . erated cafe where choice food is a pride . . . EveryWashington, March 22.—Congress thing cooked in butter and pure olive oil. We never .uthorizes sweeping probe of Nazi; MRS. B. HIMELBLOOM, Proprietor iropaganda. use lard. Vienna, March 24.—New Austrian 1708 Douglas Corner 24th and Harney Streets 1511 North 24th Street onstitution contains anti-Jewish jokers. • « * Turin, March 24.—Eight Jewish inelleetuals arrested as anti-Fascists. Warsaw, March 24. —Poland bans maneuvers of Revisionist youth orWhile the City Sleeps We Light the Streets ganization. Washington, March 27. —; GovernThe Original NEON Plant in Nebraska ment cifctes^hear anti-German boycott J is effective. ' For Lease Jerusalem, March 28. — Mizrachi Neon Displays | from threatens Zionist movement with religious wax as Zionist Actions Committee convenes. GEORGE RUSHTON BAKING GO. New York, March 28. — Otto H. Kahn, banker and art patron, dies. Bakers ef the Famous Neon Sians 1 For Sale Washington, March 29. —Congress gets bill to make Einstein American RUSHTON PIES, BUTTER ROLLS and DOUGHNUTS citizen. Boost Omaha Payrolls . New York, March 29.—New YorkPhone ATlantic 1677 24th Street at Douglas Germans l a u n c h counter-boycott 1629 No. 24th WE. 2916 .gainst Jews. • „ Xewisburg, Pa., March 29.—Jewish convicts in Northeastern Federal Peniten,tiarjp^,go~ on-,.strike -as protest against ban on Passover food. Washington, March 29.—Representative George Foulkes of Michigan Wishing You a Happy and Prosperous says charges of bolshevism against Greetings from the "brain trust" are part of Nazi plot. Saloniki, March 29.—Mounted police MASTERMAN & CO. disperse mob of 5,000 Jews seeking free Passover food"THE COFFEE MEN" Buenos Aires, March 31.—Bomb explosions in synagogue reveal organized anti-Semitic campaign. JACKSON 2142 Saloniki, April 1.—Chief Rabbi Kor1409 HABNEY etz- warns that Saloniki Jewry faces 1606 Cuming Street danger of disappearance unless Jews 49 and Dodge Wa0602 abroad send aid. ' ..-, JA. 7342 Cleveland, April 1. — Local, police probe Silver. Shirt ,branchf after college professor is threatened. Kovno, April 2.—Lithuanian government ousts Jewish doctors from federal services. Our very best wishes for a most healthy, happy Mexico City, April 2.—Nazi gunmen attempt to assassinate Diego Rivera, I world famous mural painter. and prosperous New Year. ?V. To Our Many Friends - Jerusalem, April A.—Zionist Actions Committee adjourns without achieving united Zionist front. Provides for establishment of compulsory arbitration plan in labor troubles and for labor j We Use Only Genuine Parts exchange boards. Authorizes Zionist Executive to conclude negotiations for f21-22 Omaha Grain Exchange Building loan to consolidate its debts. 1102 Howard Street r -l:*f . JA. 3403-rAT. 2008 Vienna, April 4.—Scores of Jewish doctors dismissed from municipal inPrivate Wire Connections with James E. Bennett Co, AT. 6947 stitutions. ; • Bucharest, April 4. — Zelea Codreariu, leader of anti-Semitic Iron Guard,

Jewish Panorama During Year 5694

Best Wishes to Our Friends and Patrons





The menu always provides good foods of unequaled variety at moderate prices.

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Happy and Prosperous New Year


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Page 5—Section JE

New Year's Edition—THE JEWISH PRESS—Thursday, September 6,1934


London, July 2.—Leslie Hore-Belcomes first boxer to hold two titles ment passes law outlawing anti-Sem- holds rights of Nazis to spread propisha named minister of labor in Britby defeating Jimmy McLarnin for the itic incitement and propaganda from aganda. welterweight championship. platform and press. Bucharest, June 24. — King Carol, ish cabinet. . Mexico City, May 29.—Three Jews Beirut, June 10.—Syria and Leb-greeted by anti-Semitic student dem- New York, July 2.—rian joint fund killed and twenty injured when anti- anon grant Jewish religious courts i onstration, quits ceremonies opening- raising appeals in local communities i;i___ :JI nr ^ _ _ j__.-1 i _ i . . . . . . . for all national, international and reSemitic gold shirts -wreck store with equality with Moslem tribunals. [new university building. gional Jewish relief and social welbomb. Cleveland, June 10.—Nazis defeated Atlantic City, May 29.—Social work- as German-American congress fails to sts ers told Jewish unity is impossible as endorse boycott of Jews by one vote. Budget long as bulk of Jews support econom- New York, June 10.—German-JewJune 26.—Soviet Am ic interests of their class against ish Children's Aid, Inc., founded to •Washington, ^ Trovanovsky pledges severe of $10,000 voted to create department those of the Jewish people as a whole. aid German Jewish children sent here hassai T I punishment for persons responsible j Bucharest, July S.—Rumania bans Jerusalem, May 30.—Budget of 51,- by their parents. _ , _ _ _ , ,. , for anti-Semitic incident at Dnepro- iv--,--; nrcanization^ 250,000 for colonization of German (Continued from Page 4.) hope of German refugees, Eefugee gram is allegedly a part. Jerusalem, June 11.—Palestine's ex-I . , :\a<.i organisations. Jewish refugees in Palestine adopted ports totalled §11,000,000 in 193S. Im- Moscow, June 2G.—Jewish popula- vention officially condemns Revisionaamed to new federal cultural cham- Commissioner McDonald tells Eefugee —*. j-t.-rtJ* e n555,000,000. nnnnnn .•_ tooo Tm ^ petrovk. Atlantic City, Jul> 3 . - 2 . O. A. conBio de'Janeiro, May 6.—Brazilian for year beginning April 1, 1934, by ports valued at tion of 1,000,000 predicted for Biro- ists and re-elects Rothenberg adminber, one of five chambers governing Commission's governing boards j Jews .relieved as 268 labor groups Central Bureau for. Colonization of Saloniki, June 11.—Greek Liberal Bidjan by 1939 at Gerard conference. Austria under Fascist regime. istration. New York, May 3.—Seventy-three unite to fight Integrilista and Fascist German Jews. party moves to abandon anti-SemitChicago, June 27.—Poale Zion urged New York, April 29. — Tolerance, per cent of 203 rabbis answering se- parties, -which have been waging war Istanbul, July 4. — Thousands of New -York, May 30.—Fact-finding ism. to emphasize English-speaking activi- Jews flee Smyrna and Adrianople as good-will and religious amity keynotes ries of questions on war and economic on Jews. survey of Biro-Bidjan by committee Warsaw, June 12.—Poland outlaws ties to win youth to its ideals, of national observance of Brotherhood injustice sent to 100,000 clergymen fa- Paris, May 6. — National Union of of experts to be undertaken in sum- National Radicals in Upper Silesia. local officials launch anti-Semitic Day, which is led by President Roose- vor having churches of America go onPatriotic Israelites formed to counter- mer by American Committee for Setf Washington, June 28.—Secretary of drive. . July . 4.—Chaim Nachman velt. record as refusing to sanction or sup- act alleged spread of radicalism tling German Jewish Refugees in So- Jerusalem, June lo. — Court hears ;g t a t e H n l l i n s t i f f n o t e > W a m e s N a z i Vienna, Revisionists seek dictator for Jews. f persecution and propaganda Bialik. Hebrew poet laureate of Jewp o l i c i e s o New York, April 29. — Art Smith port any future war. viet Russia. among French Jews. New York, June 14. — Max Baerjf o r Germany's economic crisis. ish people, dies. and Frank Moffer, leader of defunct New York, May 3. — New York London, May 6. — Sir Louis Bern- Santiago, June 1. — First national wins world's heavyweight championTannersville, N. Y., July 4— ConA t l a n t i c c i t y . J u i v i._Thirty-sev-, Khaki Shirts, sentenced to prison for Chamber of Commerce report, voices hard Baron, philanthropist and indus- congress of Chilean Jews opens. . . manslaughter. c 4 + , enth annual Zionist convention ap-1 servative rabbis reaffirm faitliLin deLondon, June 1.—Honse of Com-! si *Pbitter opposition to any move design- trialist, dies. Montreal, June 15.-Appointment of j p r o v e s P r e s i Q e n t Kothenberg's propo-imocracy and urge change m indmdVienna, April 30. — New Austrian ed to modify existing immigration Jerusalem, May 6.—Wide protests mons approves till guaranteeing £10,- Dr. Sam Rabinovitch to the interne j it economy. constitution seen leaving door wide curbs in order to admit German Jew- loom a s Palestine government grants j 000,000 Palestine loan for public staff of Notre Dame hospital precipi- sal to enlarge program of activities i aalistic 1 prof •r man Ju! r votes to summon emergency con-1 D ^ ? ' >". ~* ?. Jewish Agency only 5,600 labor imworks, education and settlement cf a n d votes v> s u m m o n eiuei-jfciii;* t u u :"~7' -T- «• ±. *- + n^- Tion £ open for anti-Semitic interpretations. ish refugees. M T ^ A t I Rauschnmg chief of state tates strike in French-Canadian hesfcrence to prevail upon England to | Rauschmn*, chief o i s t a t e , tells Dan-Arabs. London, April SO.—Beports of mass Washington, May 5. — Representa- migration certificates for six months I landless open gates of Palestine to Jewish im- « ? J ^ s . t h e y neect feai no anti-SemRiga, June 2—Fascist regime curbs pitals. Jewish colonization plan in Angola of- tive McFadden of Pennsylvania "re- ending October 1. Warsaw, June 15.—Poland supp- _;;__ T:__ 1 itic policies. rights of Latvian Jews. Washington, May 6.—Wide Jewish ficially denied. veals" details of plan for a "Jewish ™ , , T, • r, ' Istanbul, July 7—Turkey acts to reNew York, June 3.—American Fed- resses National Radical party followsupport for NRA to block anti-SemLondon, May 2- — Palestine only world state" of which Roosevelt proing murder of Minister of the Interior Moscow, July 2.—Russia opens her (Coatinued on Page itism urged by United Synagogue con- eration of Labor and Non-Sectarian Bronislaw Pieracki, noted friend of universities to foreisn students. Nazi League merge boycott work. vention. . . . -•; J e w s . - . • • • • • ' " ' Philadelphia, May 6.—Racial and re- - N e w . York, June 3.—Avery BrandWernersvifle, Pa., June 16.—Central ligious prejudice in-the" United States age, president - of American Olympic Conference of American Rabbis adopts Committee, given sole power to accept flayed by Mrs.' Franklin Roosevelt in reports favoring socialized democracv address before Y. W. C. A. conven- or reject Germany's bid to 1936 Olym- for America. pic Games. tionNew York, June 17.—Ernst F . S. Albany, May. 7.—Bill making i t mis- Jerusalem, June 4.—Palestine ends Hanfstaengl, Hitler's press officer, demeanor to remove label of origin fiscal year with £1,000,000 surplus. greeted' by hostile demonstrations on Washington, June 5. —. Subversive arrival to participate in Harvard from imported goods becomes law. !a n d Warsaw', May 8. — Nationwide atillegal'activities of Nazi agents alumni events. tacks on Jews organized bv National ! a n d t l i e i r allies .revealed at opening Montreal, June 18.—Hospital strike, " * '"-:.•• hearing of Congressional Committee ends as Jewish interne resigns from Radical" hooligans. to Probe Nazi Propaganda. Moscow, May 8.—Soviet Union proNotre Dame hospital. Warsaw, June 6.—Poland on brink claims Biro-Bidjan. as autonomous Wernersvilie, P a - June 18.—Reform of civil war between Jews and antiJewish region. Semites-as~gray-sbirted National Rad- rabbis join Catholics in \rar on in-: New York, May 11.—Dr. Judah L. run rict. Scores of-Jews injured decent films. ..... ,.._ Magnes announces $250,000 gift by icals Warsaw, June 18. — Concentration in many cities. anonymous donor for Hebrew Univer- London. June 7.—One hundred in- camps established " f o r anti-Semitic s i t y . • . -- • • / :' jured at Fascist rally as Mosley again rioters. Tiberias, May 14.--Terrific fain and scores Jews. Jerusalem, June 19.—Mizrachi sehailstorm kills 20, injures scores and cedes from Jewish National Couneil. • Warsaw, June 7.—Polish Jews form does tremendous property damage as Jerusalem, June 19.—Four Zionist organization to foster migration to old city of Tiberias is wiped out. Revisionists, including Aba Achimeir, Biro-Bidjan. Warsaw; May 14. — Col. Floyer! MURIEL — VENGER — MASSETTO June 8.—Abraham Stav- get prison terms for seditions activiRajchman, named minister of industry Revisionist, found guiltv ties. Atlanta, Ga., June 20.—Official reber of Polish cabinet. and sentenced to hang. Zvi Rosenblatt vival of K.u Klux Klan to combat alien New York, May 14.—Departments acquitted. COCA-COLA — CANADA DRY propaganda announced by Imperial • of cancer research, education and mu- Warsaw, June 9.—Two Jews killed Wizard Hiram Evans. T'ALSTAFF BEER sic to be established at Hebrew uni- as Polish Nazis continue pogroms. Jersey City, N . J., June 24.—Arthur versity. Amsterdam, June 9.—Dutch parlia- Garfield Hays, Jewish attorney, upNew York, May 16. — Nazis open war on American Jews a t huge Madlison Square Garden demonstration to |launch counter-boycott. 1808 No. 20TH STREET Jerusalem, May 16.—-Aba Achimeier, ATLANTIC 1115 FARNAM Q one of three Revisionist defendants in Arlosoroff trial, acquitted for lack of evidence, • . Riga, May 16.—Fascist putsch displaces democratic regime in Latvia. London, May 17. — Archbishop of Canterbury heads committee of 40 British clergymen demanding Germany repudiate Streicher's blootL rit-oal-libel against Jews. _; .^ K New-York, May 17: — Henry :Ford= acts to halt publication in Germany. of his repudiated "The International Jew." New York, May 17.—Joint.Distrib^ ution Committee spent 51,000,000MOT German Jews for year ending April 1,v Londcn, Canada, May 17.—Catholic organ urges Catholic-Church in Canada and the United States to cease flirting with Fascism. •Athens,- May 19.—The International Olympic. Committee expresses satisfaction with renewed "pledge of German Olympic Committee. not to dis' FOR A M V V criminate against Jewish athlete.s.-".' J Sofia, May 19.—Bulgarian Jews rej ly on -King's friendship to prevent exj cesses ;-as Fascist coup by -military clique establishes dictatorship. DURALITH is a plastic material so responsive to treatNew. YoTk, May 20.—German steamment by a craftsman that effects can be achieved rangrship lines .report 33 per cent decline ing from the most antique to modernistic DURALITH in traffic because of boycott. will rejuvenate an old home beyond belief and best of all Cristobal, • Canal Zone, May 21.—; the price is amazingly moderate. Second court martial acquits Robert Osman, Jewish corporal; of espionage charges. New York, May 21.—Rev. D r . S. Parkes, Cadman heads American National Christian Committee for German Refugees, first Christian body to raise "funds for /persecuted %3&ws abroad. Tel Aviv, May 23. — Revisionists' tactics precipitate clashes during otherwise peaceful and effective sevenhour nationwide -protest strike against government's immigration policies. Fifty-two injured in demonstrations here. . •Sofia, May, 23.—Jews unaffected-by Fascist coup d'etat, survey reveals. Asheville, N. C> May 23.—William Dudley Pelley, Silver Shirt chieftain, indicted for fraud, subject of nation•<Shc wide hunt. TKe Una ufe* in CHEESE ~ TRAYS...* Wooden ti»y (of New York, May 23.^—Twenty thousereins • wricty of - m e m . sand of 60,000 German refugees settled in; permanent homes, 10,000 of tHem in Palestine, Refugee Commissioner McDonald reports. Atlantic City, May 2G. — Fascism and oligarchy in American Jewish JOE FREED HERSHEL FREEDMAN life blamed for • anarchy in American Jewry a t sessions of Jewish social workers. Jews warned against permitting, efforts to combat anti-Semitism "to psjorp entire .-attention of communal organizations.' .r • ; Paris, May.-26.—New Jewish backto-the-land movement organized -unr der t h e name of The"New Epoch. of the ' New York, May 2SU-Nazfe- gaian con"h-ol of German-American' Conference, representative bofly of 300 German American societies. . Warsaw,- May 27. — Anti-Semitic candidates swamped in Polish municipal elections. OMAHA - LINCOLN New York, May 2J.—Barney Boss, -world's Kghtwelght" "champion, fee•»

During Year 5694

Wishing Our Many Friends and Customers a Happy and Prosperous New Year

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Page ,6-T-Section ?E

New Year's Edition—THE JEWISH PRESS—Thursday, September 6,1934

T f

HTMAN I.EVIN, Attorney.

"Too Much Freedom" tation was drafted and inaugurated garded with optimism, for a Junker Dr. Magnes Retains Sll Patterson Kids. with considerable success. All Jewish government would be hardly less anBerlin—That Austria is ruining BY TCBUCATION TO NONUni. Chancellorship herself and contributing to the de-NOTICE forces were united in a new organi- ti-Semitic than the Nazi. regime. It ', . RESIDENT "DEFENDANT zation whose realistic and practical would of course eschew violence and struction . of .the true German spirit To LEO SELTZER: projects give evidence that even un- the tactics which have discredited Zurich (W. N. S.)—A university by giving "too much freedom" to Notice is hereby Kiven that pursuant to an orc'.er of attachment issued in the Muder the heel of a barbaric dictator- Hitlerism. Instead * it would adopt a council of 8 members, among them nicipal Court of Omaha, Douglas County, ship German Jewry is. determined to more subtle and therefore more dan- Berl Katzenelson, Dr. Shmarya Levin her Jews is charged by Der Angriff, Nebraska, in an action pending before said By BERNARD POSTAL court, wherein, Abe Sliisky is plaintiff personal organ of Propaganda Minmaintain its institutions and what re- gerous anti-Semitic policy which and M. M. Ussishkin, was elected for and Leo A. Seltzer is defendant to recover ister Paul Joseph Goebbels. mains of its economic structure. Alwould be masked behind a show of the sum of S2-10.00, a writ attachment was the Hebrew University at Jerusalem On the eve of 5694 more than half The frequent pronouncements by issued and levied upon the following deAs an example of the excessive scribed property: a million Jews were living in terror high Nazi officials that the Aryan though the Jews have borne the brunt friendly sentiments and reassuring by the board of governors of that inof Nazi cruelties and persecution they statements. , • stitution at his meeting here. Dr. Ju1 pop corn machine, 2 mimeograph freedom granted Jews —the paper in a Germany apparently united un- laws were not to be applied to busimncliines and supplies, Z0 steel cots, der the swastika of Hitler and theness and commerce were ignored. The remained aloof from the numerous Regardless of what changes occur dah L. Magnes, Chancellor of thecites an instance in whi:h a Jewish 30 cot pads, miscellaneous boxes; plots organized to overthrow the Hitin Germany, it would be the height of University since its opening nine and that said case wns on the 23rd day war veterans' group was permitted Nazi party. The wild and unprecedent- boycott against Jewish stores and of August, continued for trial to the Oth, folly for Jewish leadership both in years ago, remains in that position. to sing both "Hatikvah," the Zionist day ed anti-Semitic onslaught which had merchants was rigorously enforced ler government. of October, 1034, at the hour of 9 a. m. and even extended.. Not one of the During the past year the Nazi re- Germany and abroad to hail with sat- The board cf governors also adopt- hymn, and an Austrian military Sijrned, evoked world-wide horror and progime endeavored to distract the peoisfaction any new government until ABE SLUSKX. test was still in full swing. The Nazi bars has been raised to facilitate ple's attention frcri the rising tide it has demonstrated its intention of ed a budget for the coming academic song. S-24-34-?t. regime - refused to he deterred from things for Jews in the professions, the of discontent caused by its own fail- restoring the rights of the Jews as year, as well as an additional budget of $50,000 for cancer research and for its relentless policy of reducing the arts and the public services. Antiby intensifying anti-Semitic agi- well as of all other groups who have the placing of refugee German Jewish 2429 Jews to the status of an outcast peo- Jewish agitation is still being pushed ure TVEbster tation, for in 5694 the Hitler dictator- suffered under Nazism. Any other JEWISH BOOK STORE Decatur St. 3527 ple by depriving them of all political, with un diminished vigor. Even the ship was confronted with widespread program would be a betrayal of thescholars. blocd ritual libel was employed to We want to call to tbe attention of the Jewish public that we nre Retting economic and human rights. Another manifestations of opposition and even best interests of world Jewry. Jewish In now a new supply of the seasonable religious articles. Mnchsseirim with JewIN THE DISTRICT COURT OF 60,000 German Jews, despairing of whip up anti-Semitic feeling. Physi- rebellion. The first break in Hitler's leadership is facing a stern test, for ish Jind TCngrlish translations, prayer books. Toleos'un, Bilk and wool of the best DOCGLAS CODNTY. NEBRASKA life in Naziland, were refugees from cal violence against Jews, it is true, absolute mastery of the Reich was the next year should be decisive for kind, etc. wa&TJreatly reduced as the result of Docket 30 J No. 135 their native land, wandering over the the amazing resistance of the Protestthe future of German Jewry. A Full Line of New Years Cards in Jewish and English OKUEK TO SH6W CAUSE face of the earth in desperatesearch^ a' -vigorous . protest by the United ant clergy to the government's at: States Government against unproRemember our famous Kosher Sonp. On the demand of n few customers 1 of new homes and aii" opportunity; to In the Matter of the Application of SARAI1 tempt to nationalize the church and ordered the following articles of pure silver and plnte stiver candle sticks. KLTiAKOFSKV and MORRIS LKVEY, rebuild their shattefea^liyes. With the voked attacks on American citizens, impose a pagan cult upon it. The English Jews Alarmed Kidusll cups, Hadeses. etc. Everyon* who is interested In buying one of them of the Estate of ISRAEL isolated killings of Jews by storm London—The Jewish population Administrators should be BO kind and let me know ahead of time, so Iramhave it raady for KULAKOFSKI, deceased, for license to Nazi regime appa)fetitl3r iinpregnabje but Catholics, resenting interference with of Cardiff, Wales, has become aL- sell troopers continued-and the number them. real estate. and pennanent,-.ffie future loomed om- eff such incidents'increased since the their youth organizations, persecuNow on this i ' t h day of August. 1934, I have Just received direct from Palestine a very nice stock of most benuinously for Gerttan Jetpry.: re '-,' recent rebellion. Nothing has happen- tion of priests sand suppression of armed over the growing wave of this cause came on for hearing upon tlie tiful Esrogim and Lulovim for Succoth . . . Anyone desiring to buy one will anti-Semitism, which has swept over petition of S:irah Kuhikofsky a i d Morels please let me know BO that 1 can have it ready for him for Yontif. On the eve of-5695;the.situation So ed to justify the flood of rumors in- Catholic papers, were also added to the Welsh city, the London Daily Ijevey, administrators of the estate of Israel Kulftkofsky, deceased, for a license to the fees of the Nazi regime. far as the Jews.^arei/concerne'd re- dicating a lessening -of Nazi anti-Sesell the following described real estate sitHerald declared. uated in Omaha, Douglas County, Nebrasmains largely' ; unaltered, despite the mitism, but the-Nazi press has utilHitler's crusade against the Jews, ka, to-wit: fact that th<e once unshakeable Hit- ized the storm, troop rebellion to in-his bellicose foreign policy and his vi- Patronize Jewish Press advertisers. An undivided 1/3 interest in nnd to a ler dictatorship. ias_ been proved vul- tensify its ' incitement .against the olation of the most cherished rights tbe south 1/2 of • Lot (5 in Block 1. Kouutze's Fourth Addition to tbe City GREETINGS nerable and jfuyisitself beset by maof civilization confronted him with, the FBADENBURG. HERER & KLCT2MCK, of Omaha, as surveyed, platted and re- n jor political and economic crises both Jews. corded ; total collapse of German foreign Attorneys. The North 1/2 of the Eust ISO feet 650 Omaha National Bank Bldff. at home and abroad, ^otwitiistanding : Hounded and oppressed on all sides, trade and credit as a result of the of Lot 7 in r.lock 1. Kouutze's Fourth Omaha. Nebraska For Genuine Satisfaction the numerous rumors- that followed German Jewry sfibwed amazing cour- boycott. This in turn increased unAddition to the City- of Omaha, as surplotted nnd recorded; in the wake'pf;,Hitler's Taloody-^ supr age and vitality during 5694. In theemployment and precipitated an eco-.To CENTKAL ICE SERVICE COMPANT. veyed, ->-'• Buy V©ur F u r a t An uudivided 1/2 interest in and to corporation: pression of the storm troop rebellion ; first months of the. Nazi regime Ger- nomic crisis climaxed by the morato- aNotice the South SO feet of Lots 1 and 2 in is horeby given that I-n-wrenee J. 5, Kotmtze's and Ruth's Addithat changes 'in 'the ahtf-Jewish pol- man Jews appeaie<| to have lost heart rium on all foreign debts. The poli- Finkel, Hymen Beluiau, Max Cokn Plntt, Block tion to the City of Omahn, as surBernstein and Abe H. Winer, bare icy were in' the" offing, "ana t h e re-an<T reconciled "themselved to their tical crisis came into the open with Joseph vevpd, platted and recorded: filed their petition in the District Court of undivided 1/2 interest in nnd to peated warnings throughout the year tragic fate; Later they took stock of Vice Chancellor Von Papen's sensa- Douglas Coucty, Nebraska, njpiiirst you. theAnWest 19 feet in width of Lot 3 and the above named defendant, in an action by cabinet ministersrtp -their.subor- their position and determined to make tional speech, which was a signal to entitled nil of Lot 4 in Block I» in the City ef T-awrence J. Finkel, Hymen I'.elOmaha, as survived and lithographed: dinates to carry the anti-Jewish pro- the best of a hard lot. They moved to the world that all was not serene in man. Max Cohn Platt. Joseph Bernstein Lot G in Ashland Place, an addition nnd Abe R. Winer, Plaintiffs, vs. Centra 1 gram too far, German Jewry is ^no reorganize their communal life within Germany. Less than a fortnight la- Ice to the City Qf Omaha, as surveyed, Service Company, n corporation. 1)*^platted and recorded, better off today than it was a year prescribed limits. A complete pro- ter Hitler had to employ bloody meas- fendnnt, the object and prayer of snid peti- subject to all existiaj* liens nnd Incumpram of economic and social reorien- ures to suppress a revolt of the storm tion beinp; to obtain a decree of the Court lirnnces. for the purpose of paylujr the ago. quieting the leasehold estate of the plain- debts, court costs and fxpenses of the mltroops, who bitterly resented his tiff In and to Sub-Lots One (1) and TwominiKtratJon of the estate cf Israel Kngrowing rightist tendencies and aban- (2) in Tax Lot Thirty-tvro (32) in Section lakofsky. deceased, nnd it appearing to tbe (13). Range Fifteen (15). Town- Court that it is necessary that Raid real donment of the Socialist phase of the Fifteen Ship Thirteen (13), nnd the South Three estate lie sold for the purpose of paying (3) feet of Lot Five (ii). Block Twenty-one the said debts and expenses of admiuistraNani program. (21). K. V. Smith's Addition to the City As this is written there is wide- of Omaha, all of which is located in Doug- IT'lS THEREFORE ORDERED that all County, Nebraska. persons interested in said estate appear spread discontent end uncertainty in lasSaid petition further prays for the enn-before the undtrsijrned. a Jt.'dsre of tlte Germany. The disbanded storm troop- eellation of any purported iifrreements. if Distrrct Court in and for Donjrlas County. in writinc. which may constitute a rloml Nebraska, in Court Room No. 7 in the if $ou Wish. It'f good - «JonderfulI? ers are embittered. The radicals are on the plaintiffs leasehold, enjoining de- Douglas County Conrt House in the City good - other •«»•?. gaining strength daily. The Protest- fendant from assertins claim for preater of OmahS on fht- I'fth i\ay of October. 1!»<. rental, to quiet plaintiff's estate in fln> at 0 o'clock A. M. to show cause if ami ants and Catholics are in united op- premisesandinvolved and for such other and why a license should not be STiuited to the Try • can, and you'll to our position. Hitler is said to be under further relief as to the Court may seem said administrators to sell1 saW real estate A net*defegni this,-Oriental5to«J- 5,0 it's Wonderful. the purpose of paying said debts am' just and equitable. the thumb of the army, with actual Ton are hereby notified that you are re-for Too Vegetable Chop-Sue?- *A& expense of administration of the estate of il die true Oriental flavor, Jet -»»ia»control of the Reich in the hands of quired to answer s:ild petition on or be- Is-ael Kulakofsky. fiecmnefl. out meat. It is delicious, ••(fcolesome fore September 10, 193+. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that this reactionary industrialists and Junk1AWUE.WE J. FINKEL. HYMKN order lo show cause shall he published for and satisfying. In cans, just heal and ers, who were responsible for Hitler's rtRLMAN. MAX COHN PLATT. four successive weeks in the Jewish Press. aerVe. And its low cost fa • real JOSEPH nERXSTKIX and ABE n lesal newspaper piiWishcd in the City of rise to power. (attraction. Add Bn? tend of. meat, Omaha, Douglas County. Nebraska. K. WINER. Plaintiffs. While it'would be rash to make any BT THK CnnitT By FRADEXBHRO. STALMASTER, W. G. HASTINGS. HET.ER & KTAJTZNICK. predictions regarding the immediate 8-17-5W~:t. Write for free copy of Oriental Show-Too recipe book 8-31-*Mt Jt Their Attorneys. future in Germany, because condiHarry Manos, Proprietor Oriental Shctf-Yeu Company Columbia City, tions are such that almost anything may happen, it would be dangerous Formerly Edwards Hotel Barber Shop to assume that the present situation portends a complete reversal of the anti-Semitic program. Most observers SllKlUVMWUUKTA are of the opinion that the trend of recent events fcrerhadows a conservative or reactionary Government withWISHING YOU A HAPPY AND '•X : or without Hitler. If such a regime PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR comes into power the immediate future of German Jewry cannot be re-

% Hitlers 5694 -:-




-r And now — Orients! AHAfegetebfe Cficp p Swcy y



Paul Costanzo, Proprietor

115 South Fifteenth Street smmmmmstmz

Marks' Market and Baker's Bakery WISH THEIR FRIENDS AND PATRONS A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS N E W YEAR 1802-4 North 20th Street mn



REALTOR Member of the American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers 305 Patterson Bldg. JA-0667 :

Togs for Men

PROBATE NOTICE i n the Matter of the Estate of ARTHUR :- VO1-CHECK, Deceased. :" Notice is hereby given that the creditors ^of said deceased will meet the administratrix of said estate, before me. County Judge of Douglas County, Nebraska, at tbe County Court Room, in said County, on the 22nd day of Octol>er, 1934, and on the 22ml day of December. -11)34. «t 9 o'olocfc •A. XI.. each diiy. ;for the purpose of pn>SentiiiK their claims for. examination, adjustment and allowance. Three mentis are allowed for the creditors to present their .claims, from the 22nd day of September, ' 8-31-34-3t.

Shampoo with Finger. Wave . . . 50c

Clare-Flo Beauty Shop

15th and Douglas




315 Sa. 16th S t



1713 Jackson Street



: : : » * •

SEASON'S GREETINGS Our 7-Course Luncheons Will Make the New Year a Cheerful One

Klopp Printing Co.

Dine the Exclusive Way at the

Chat ' N ' Nibble Cafe 19TH & FARNAM STS.


. . to Our Friends and Patrons


L. S. Stein Delicatessen | We are moving from our present location, 1414 No. 24th Street, to

1 5Q8 North 33rd St.

FOU OMAHA. NERR.. INC. By: WTM. F. BAXTER, ; * '• Chairman. HARRY R. ZIMMAN, Vice-Chairman. ALLEN T. HCTP. ,

FLORISTS "Say It With Flowers" 1805 Farnam Street Jackson 1501


33rd and California

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On October 1 We Will Handle a Full lane of







In Bus Depot ;


Quiet, Convenient Service Unsurpassed

V Notlee is hereby sriven tliat at a special 'tneetliiK of the members of the Local Retail Code Authority for Omaha. Nebr., Inc.. 1ield at the office of the eompany at HSl'J "City National Bank Jinildiiip:, In the city Of Omaha. Nebraska, Article FIFTH of the Articles of Incorporation of said corporation wns amended to rend us follows: "FlFTHs "Members in this corporation shall be representatives which each of the divisions of the retail trade recognized by thp Natfolinl RefaJ! Code Authority. Inc., pursuant to Article X. Section 2(e) of the Retail Code hare elected and Hereafter shall elect as members of the Local Retail Code Authority for Omaha, Nebr., Inc., or their duly elected successors. •.'"Vacancies in the membership, arising from -whatever cause, shall be fiUed by said divisions of the retail trade by whom they were elected. All of said members shall t e elected or appointed by any fair method satisfactory to the said retail trades themselves, and shall retain their Jftembership nt the pleasure of their said respective divisions of the retail trade." And. at sa"d meetlnp. Article EUEVKNTH of the Articles of Incorporation of said corporation, was amended to read as follows : . "ELEVENTH: "A business administration headquarters shall l>e established, maintained ni*d conducted in sudi manner and for such use by nnd with such privileges for the members as the corporatrou may from time to time determine. ."In furtherance nnd not In limitation of the powers conferred by the Cede, the corporation is expressly authorized to carry on its business nnd to hold annual or special meetings; and to have one or more offices or branches: to acquire, hold and dispose of real and personal property; to Lave complete control and mannjrement. of ihe affair.*, funds and finances of the corporation, including the power to make contracts, to borrow money nnd to pledge the property of the ....corporation as security therefor: to employ a seats or counsel: subject to the laws of the State of NebrnsfcaS to keep the books of the corporation wtthlu or without the State of Nebraska, ns may from time to time be desigiinted by the corporation; to receive contributions, and to assess nud collect fees, dues ami other payments as may be provide* for In rtileR and regulations adopted by the corporation; nctordiiiR to the rt'KiilattonR of the National Retail, Code Authority. Inc., as approved by the Administrator.'^ '

$200 pair of Diamond Earrings, unredeemed $115 BARGAINS IN UNREDEEMED DIAMONDS always and the TKCTH ABOUT IT. Expert jewelry and watch repairing at reasonable prices.

B«yCE CRAWFORD. County Judge.

Lor-Arr-K-KTAir. C O D E A U T H O H I T T "

Henry Belmoni, Jeweler






The Wardrobe

BEED, RAMACCJOTTI * ROBINSON, . and KriIKAIM I.. SIARKS Attorneys 935-018 First National Bank Building




Accept Our Very Best Wishes fora Most Happy and Prosperous Year in 5694


Paul's Barber Shop



W. A, RAMSER HAT WORKS 1415 Harney Street



.;-.:- .. r; i..- :i A:-^g-»;^^:r;-;»r»;^ ? L Wts? ,^5 Sfc . ! ,- a s

Page 7—Section E ways plenty "of room at the top, ehprinted and it was such a nice looking where could one get so many facts ? what?) street, too. I was heartbroken and Finally I looked into the Encyclothen I thought of an -idea. I sent it pedia Brittanica and saw a great big I remember when I first obtained out to the syndicates renamed Wilson article on the subject. Did I copy? the promise of a position on a daily Boulevard and I explained that it was And now I took it back—and the paper in a midwestern town; it wasnamed after President Wilson — and editor was tickled to heaven and he only after I had promised the editor for months newspapers all over thetold me to get pictures plentyo of (who was a Jew) that I would rep- country were printing it. (What a Weizmann — of Hebrew University, By DAVID SCHWARTZ resent myself as a Baptist. (The edi-liar I used to be, but then in such a etc., etc. And the story went out to tor thought that if placed any more good cause). And after all why not a the length and breadth of the country. MORE MEMORIES— Jews on, he would be accused of race street in Palestine named after Wil- But the next time I came to the AND CONFESSIONS son—he certainly did much to get the Associated Press, the editor says to Brunswick, Georgia, the place of favoritism.) League support for Jewish Palestine. me: "Say, the next time you copy Actually, however, I never repremy birth .What a contrast of the rich'- * * * sented myself other than I was—in, (Continued trom Page 5.) from the Encyclopedia Brittanica, be direct contact with German gov- nounces Guatemala will admit Ger- ness of nature and the poverty of deed, in the light of my countenance, habilitate Jews ousted from Adrian- nies I remember another time that I sure it's the latest edition." man! Roses growing in the streets in ernment. . ' . . - ' man-Jewish refugees. ople and Smyrna. Governor and other December, the ocean providing a won- it would have scarcely been feasible. took a story about the Dead Sea min- "I don't mind it," he continued, "I Istanbul, July 12.—Eight hundred local officials arrested. Government more Turks arrested for stealing prop- New York, July 15.—Jewish relig- derful harbor and yet everywhere the And though, in addition to my other eral deposits to the Associated Press ious and lay groups join clean movie pall, of .stagnation. Even Eugene duties, I was made religion editor, and I was told it was a good story but do it right along myself—but I wish : finds persecution due to Nazi propa- erty of Jews. ' • crusade. and had to deal with all the preachganda. * t» Capetown, July 12.—Hitlerite youth Jerusalem, July 20.—Court of Ap- O'Neil has fallen victim to the glamor ers of the town, I found the Chris- that I had not enough facts. And vou had told me." of the place and now makes his resipeals reverses death sentence of Abra- dence there. ^ ? « ^ Y o r k » J u l y »•—Menahem Men- movement banned in South Africa. tian preachers were not at all averse del Beibs, victim of Czarist blood rit- Toronto, July 12. — David Croll, ham Stavsky and frees him. to me. After all, they dealt regularly * * • ual frameup, dies in poverty. mayor of Windsor, sworn in as min- Asheville, N. C, July 18.—Silver with a Jew, too—one named Jesus. I remember the girl that came from New York, July 9.—Congressional ister of social welfare in Ontario gov- Shirts thrown into bankruptcy. • * • ' . Russia and when I grew sore at her, Warsaw, July 18. — Thousands of I'd call her a short stop, a congested I remember when up in North DaCommittee to Investigate Nazi Propa- ernment. Is first Jewish cabinet member in Canada. Jews homeless as floods inundate tenement house or something of that kota—at the time the state was in the ganda told how German consuls bribed "Waterloo, la., July 12. — General western Galicia. American writers. and she not knowing the lan-control of the agrarian Non-Partisan Hugh Johnson, NRA chief, flays Nazi Budapest, July 18.—Nazi party dis- sort, guage would grow furious, thinking League, I asked William Jennings Istanbul, July 9. — Sixty officials brutality. solved in Hungary. Bryan, what he thought of that Bolimprisoned as President Mustapha Paterson, N. J., July 13.—German them "cuss words." London, July 18.—Lord Rothermere, shevik state. And he told me he liked Kemal Pasha pushes relentless war War Veterans reject swastika and re- newspaper baron, splits with Mosley, against anti-Semitic persecution in pudiate Nazis. I remember the little brat in school it, and further he went ahead to dicFascist chieftain, on anti-Semitism. —whatever became of him—who was tate a statement to me giving Wall Adrianople and Smyrna. Baltimore, July 14.—Jewish physi- Washington, July 18.—David SaperNew York, July 12,-^Ivy Lee ad-cian barred from Montreal interne stein appointed chief of the stock mar- always playing on words, and once Street hell. * * * . mits having indirectly advised Nazis staff appointed to Sinai hospital. ket trading division of the Federal when the school children were reciting on German-American relations but de- New York, July 14. — HIAS an- Securities and Exchange Commission. the Lord's Prayer, he instead of say- I remember when obtaining a posi"Our Father in Heaven" made it tion on another paper, I was cautioned London, July 20.—Refugee Commis- ing "Our Popper in Heaven." by the city editor to lay off one of sioner MacDonald announces Nazis * ** the editors, as "he doesn't like Jews." make first concessions to exiles seekI remember the brilliant demagogue, I immediately went to see the antiing passport papers. Jerusalem, July 20.—Stavsky's ac- Tom Watson, who was later to become Semite and borrowed $5.00 from him. • ** quittal fails to end Zionist interparty a Ku Klux Klan champion, but who was then the Populist nominee for the I remember at Camp Meade, when war. Washington, July. 21.—Dr. William President. If he had possessed real a Russian Jewish -boy, who knew little Leiserson appointed chairman of newunderstanding of economics, what a of the language, asked me to write a National Railway Labor Mediation leader he might have been. A power- love letter for him. And I promised ful orator. I remember the occasion to meet him the next day at the JewBoard. from Brussels, July 22. — Federal ordi- when in the midst of one of his ora- ish Welfare Board headquarters. And nance bans anti-Semitic agitation in tions, he asked, if anyone disagreed when the next day I made my way with him. from the barracks to the J. W. B. I Belgium. Jerusalem, July 22.—Jewish Agency A man arose and stated his point was asked to come in for a minyan to say Kaddish. The boy had died— gets 1,200 extra immigration' certifi- of disagreement. one of the first victims of the flu "I admire your nerve, but damn cates. Sofia, July 23.—Bulgaria wars on your judgment," returned the oratori- epidemic. * • * cal Tom. blood ritual libel against Jews. I remember when as editor of a litIstanbul, July 23. — Haroun, anti* • • Semitic newspaper, suppressed by the I remember when my little niece— tle country paper in New Jersey, I reTurkish government. . the rascal was about five years at ceived word one day that a prominent New York, July 23.—Bert Stand be- the time—coming home and bringing member of the community—a lady— comes first Jewish secretary of Tam-a little colored girl to play with. And wished to see me. I saw her.. many Hall. as she arrived at her home—a vague And she said to me: "Are you the New York, July 24.—Max J. Koh-feeling seized her, that perhaps the editor of the So-and-So Gazette?" I ler, Jewish communal leader and im- little colored girl might be persona replied that I was. migration authority, dies. non grata with her mother. So she "Well," she said, "I don't want that Vienna, July 25.—Nazis assassinate asked the little colored girl to remain paper in my house again. I dont want Chancellor Dollfuss and stage abortive outside while she went in to break any Ku Klux paper in my house." putsch. Jewish situation unaffected as the news. And then I understood. I had given yet. Starhemberg, anti-Semitic Heim- "Mother," she said, "I brought a an account of the Ku Klux meeting wehr leader, becomes chancellor. that had taken place there. little playmate home." Riga, July 26. — Latvia bans anti- "Bring her in," said her mother (my I pointed out to the good lady that Farnam at Thirty-Third Semitic Fascist movement. as a newspaper printing all the news, sister). ? 2205 Farnam | New York, July 27.—District atit was my duty to give an account, Harney 1226 "But she's dark complected." torney probes racketeering by leaders "Well, what if she is. So are you."irrespective of whether I liked it or of Friends of New Germany. not..I asked her to look me over,.ana encouraged, she brought the lit- she. ! Vienna, July 27.—Kurt Schuschnigg tleSocolored realize that I certainly girl in—and didn't mojth- couldwould replaces Starhemberg as chancellor. er,. with' her not" be a Klan sympathizer. . . Southern upbringing Jews reassured. Four Jews arrested on nearly faint away! ? suspicion of helping Nazis. I remember when I obtained a posi* • • I Washington, July 30. — Paul May, tion in the Zionist Organization doing I remember being fired from iny Belgian ambassador to the /United publicity, that I took a photograph of 'office boy" job for incompetence, and Rothschild States, dies. Boulevard, Tel Aviv, to the then getting a position as editor of a : London, -July 31.—Anthropological newspapers and tried vainly to get it congress told Aryan culture is derived weekly country paper. (There's ~alfrom Semitic source's.-j Kbvno, Aug. 1.—Lithuanian government suppresses Jewish newspapers. ; Philadelphia, Aug. 2. — American jfewish Congress demands Republican party repudiate Representative Louis \ T.; McFadden, anti-Semitic Congress- . '"- "" from ' . man. . . ,. ' Los Angeles, Aug. 3.—Congressional committee hears armed Silver V .-..,. Shirts drilling to capture U. S.' gov-~ eminent and oust Jews. . , London, Aug. :3.—rSir John Simon, foreign secretary, denies rumors of his Jewish origin. Constantine, Algeria, Aug." 4.—220 Jews injured as Arabs stage pogrom in Jewish quarter. I Over 19 Years Exclusive Cincinnati, Aug. 4.—German-Americans organize to combat Hitlerism in \ Chevrolet Dealers America. See Constantine, Algeria, Aug. 5.—One [ hundred dead and scores injured as T H E LEADER FOR THAT NEW fanatic Arabs continue riots. Martial \ law proclaimed: Jews panic-stricken. CHEVROLET OR A RECONDIDozens of families wiped out. Nazi TIONED USED CAR. propaganda seen responsible -for outrage- . Berry Spoon Jackson 1913 609 No. 16th S t Constantine, Algeria, Aug. 6.- — AT. 9684 18th and Howard DIAMOND SPECIALIST* French authorities arrest 100 as at-i $5.75 220South ib'Wtreet tacks on Jews spread throughout Algeria. Brussels, Aug. 7.—Anti-Semitic Belian green shirts disband. Tokio, Aug. 7.—Japan denies offering Manchukuo for settlement of German-Jewish refugees. Barcelona, Aug. 8.—Bustling Jewish community organized by 2,000 German refugees. •••• Albany, Aug. 8.—Governor Herbert H. Lehman announces candidacy for Tfo Pioneer Paper Supply re-election. ~ New York, Aug. 8.-—Dr. Hans LuHouse of the West, in businesi ther, German ambassador, calls boycott insane on return from Germany. . in Qmaha since 1887, greets iU London, Aug. 8.—Victor Rothschild, -: -? < many friends among the Jewish scion of famous family, barred from restaurant because of Jewishness. societiesof this community. * ** from We are striving for the good (Copyright, 1934, by Seven; Arts Feature Syndicate;) •• :



• •THERE • •

During Year 5694


unan na»

Hulse & Riepen





Skans Furniture Co*


A Happy and Prosperous New Year to Our Friends and Customers

Greetings to Our Many Fifendsand Customers


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I Chevrolet Co*


Plumbing & Heating Co.


Season's Qreetings

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Joe Dolan

will ofthe people ofthis community and are thankful to our ' friends and customers for their long standing loyalty to our Company.


New Script Discovered of Famed Italian Rabbi Rome—An unkonwn manuscript of Leon da Modena, the famous Italian rabbi, who -"'Was' "born .and? Idietli in Venice (15*71-1648) has been discovered at Ancona by the historian and bibliograph, Professor' Dr. Tsiah"

Three More Professors Dismissed -Vienna — Three prominent Jewish professors of the University of Vienna were dismissed. Professor Heinr|ch Joseph, " sdoTogist, Professor Robert Arnold, historian, and Helnrich Pollack, h i

i?ire and Brake Co.

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••?•, -




New Year's Edition—THE JEWISH PRESS—Thursday, September 6,193*

Page 8—Section E

ABKAHAMg & O'CONNOR, Attorneys

classic Menorah Journal, and in other 400 Brandels Theatre Bldg. happen to be of Jewish extraction: Artists exhibition. Often a talented There are J. B. Neumann, who didperiodicals. . much to spread the name of Maurice KOTICE OF SHERIFF'S HATE Alexander Brook, Harry Gottlieb, the newcomer is discovered at these mamThe artist is of necessity the picto- In the District Court ol Douglas County, late Samuel Halpert, Morris Kantor, moth shows. This great community Becker. Mr. Neumann also sponsored Bernard Karfiol, Leon KroII, Beatrice service, it would seem, justifies the a successful exhibition for Ben Kop- rial historian of his age. He challenges Nebraska. By virtue of on order of sale (on attachLevy, William Meyerowitz, Jerome existence of what appears a freaky man, who now lives in Russia with and protests against man's inhuman- ment) issued out of the District Court of Douglas Nebraska., and in pursuMyers, Doris Rosen thai, Simka Sim-approach to art display. Hundreds of his wife, and family. His wife is Fega ity and injustice to man. Thus we find ance of nCounty, decree of sold Court in an action non-Jews, as well as Jews, graphically therein indexed nt Appenrance Docket Knmkhovitch, Max Weber and many oth- artists of every possible nationality, Blumberg the artist. 2U4 at rage Number 41, Execution ers. creed and color, most of whom have George S. Hellman, well-known col- depicting their rebukes to intolerance. l>er Docket Number 31 at Page Number 217, As an example, Michael Califano, an wherein ROSE GOLDNER. is plaintiff, mid A very unusual exhibition was held not yet arrived, get their start and lector, whose mother was a Seligman, CEIJIA WOIIK, et. al., are defendants, I managed and directed the New Gal-Italian, painted a strong indictment will at 10:00 o'clock A. M.. on Tuesday the ByANNAWECHT and Chana Orloff, a Russian Jewess in the Newark YMHA, in May of this encouragement here. of Hitler. 2nd day o£ October, 1934, at the East front The Salons of America is an off- leries. These galleries were an imwho recently made a superb showing year. In this collection was presented door of the Douglas County Court House (Copyright 1934, Jewish Telegraphic an unbiased point of view, manifestportant milestone in New York art in the City of OmnJin. Douslas Counfy, slioot of the Independents. Its memIt is, perhaps, not entirely a mat- at the Yeyhe Galleries in New York. Nebraska sell nt public auction to the Agency, Inc.) ter of common knowledge that Diego Then there are Maurice Sterne and ing a standard of selective taste, bership consists not nearly as much life, and favorably influenced the hiRhest bidder for cash, the following dewhere, of course, Jewish artists exlives of many artists and collectors. scribed property, to-wit: of the amateur and dilettante, as it Rivera, the popular Mexican artist, William Zorach, both of whom well but not exclusively. To putdoes of artists who have already been James N. Rosenberg and one of the North forty (40) feet of West ninetyRio de Janeiro—The Green Shirts, is part Jew. His grandfather, a Span- identified aa painters, are as well hibited, (90) feot of I..ot Twenty-seven (27) nntl concisely, this was not a racial, adopted by Tecognized are dealers. Uaumbergs were affiliated with the Brazilian Fascist group, are working South five (5) feet of West ninety (90) iard, migrated to Mexico, where he identified as sculptors and are in- it but an artistic, event. Hence its un-Many Jewish artists belong to this New Galleries. of Lot Twenty-eight (28), Block together with the Silver Shirts of feet married a Portuguese Jewess. Diego cluded in this group. Three (3) in Hawthorne, an Addition paralleled success. I t would be imposTo a more ultra-modern extent, the the United States and hope soon to the City of Omnha, as surveyed, Rivera, working in the fresco med- In the French painters' group, we sible to list all of the ninety or more organization. platted and recorded in Douglas Counium, is undoubtedly our contemporary find men whose names we utter rev- exhibitors, but here is a representa- The Museum of Modern Art, which Julian Levy Galleries are continuing to control all the countries of both ty, Nebraska, the work begun by the New GallerNorth and South America by means is a comparatively young organizato" satisfy the liens and inenmbranees titan of mural painters. erently, but who are, I venture to tive cross section of names: Ralph tion, has been of immeasurable servtherein sot forth: to satisfy the sum of of Fascist dictatorships, it has bees. 515.60 costs and the increased and accruIt is, however, not the intention of say, not so well-known as Jews. In Blakelock, Frederick Church, Saul ice to art lovers. Since its inception, ing costs, nil as provided by said order The John Reed Clubbers couldn't come known here. this article to elevate the unmerited this category we have, Modigliana Raskin, Raphael and Moses Soyer, it has held only four one-man shows, and decree. possibly be omitted from this resume, The Brazilian Green Shirts have Dated at Omaha. Nebraska, this 23rd day Jewish artist above his colleagues of (Italian Jew, 1884-1920), Jules Pas- Pop Hart, A. S. Baylinson, Samuel three of which were given to Diego other raceB and creeds. Fortunately, cin (Bulgarian Jew, 1885-1930), Haim Cahan, Stuart Davis, John Marin, Rivera, Max Weber, and Maurice because of such talents as Philip Eeis- been agitating against the Jews of of August, 1934. C. B. McDONALD, Sheriff. Douglas County, Nebraska. the art world of America is magnifi- Soutine (Russian Jew) and, of course Hayley Lever, Bernar Gussow, Paul Sterne. The Sterne exhibition, about man, the Soyers, William Grooper, this country for some time, and exJacob Burch, Louis Riback and the pect to rule Brazil by 1939. 8-31-34—ut. cently free of discrimination. Here an Pisarro, the father of the moderns Burlin, Thomas Manley, F. Ballard a year ago, covered practically everygifted Louis Lozowick. A lithographartist is accepted, not by his accident in France. From even this small Williams, Chaim Gross. thing he did from the first of his er of note, Mr. Lozowick is equally group of names, it may be seen the I mentioned the pioneering of the canvasses of birth, but purely by his talent. down to his most recent. well-known as a lecturer, and as a Of course, the big art event of the decided influence of the Jews in art, European Jew in what is popularly In his "Bali" period, he paints color- •writer on contemporary art in the year, is the Exhibition of Contempo- not only in this decade, but in pre-known as modern French art, but weful rags, draped on dark skinned peorary Art at the Century of Progress. ceding ones. must not overlook the very definite ple in their tropical surroundings. D. BEODKET, Attorney In the American painters' group of contribution of the American Jew to The Metropolitan Museum has re- EDWARD Among the comprehensive and select C3O Omaha National Bank Bids'. group of sculptors are included such the Century of Progress Exhibition, the development of art in this coun- cently purchased a Max Weber still XOXICE OF INCORPORATION names as Ja Davidson, Jacob Epstein there are these popular artists, who try. For example, the decidedly Se- life painting. Although Mr. Weber Notice is hereby given that the undermitic portrayals by William Auer- was among the first of the Matisse signed have formed a corporation pursuant bach-Levyi Jerome Myers, Joseph students to return to this country to the laws of the State of Nebraska. The name . said corporation is ALPHA Margolies, A. Z. Kruse, the Raskins, with the idea of distortion in art, heTHETAofCHAPTER ZETA BETA TAU and a host of others, are accepted has since perfected something entire- ASSOCIATION, andOF the principal place of transacting business Is at Omaha and Unand loved by art patrons of all creeds. ly his own. A very fine color sense coln, Nebraska. The corporation is not orOutstanding in the contribution to dominates all his works. ganized for profit The general nature of / \ . T this dawning of the the business to be transacted shall be to contemporary American art, are the Our two famous expatriates, Jo Da- hold title to any property, real or personal, Guggenheim Fellowships, awarded an- vidson and Jacob Epstein, are pro-now held by or to be held in the future NEW YEAR, we extend nually. This aesthetic philanthropy is ducts of the lower East Side in New by Alpha Theta Chapter of Zeta Beta Tau to receive funds, collect monies, of inestimable value to the recipient. York. The big event of the recent Fraternity; receive property of every kind, nature and to you all our most sinThese scholarships are granted for a Royal Academy Exhibition in London description, whether by gift or otherwise, for the purpose of acquiring, erecting or year, and permit the artist to pursue was the Epstein bust of Prof. Ein- maintaininsr a Chapter Uonse; to acquire, cere wishes for happihis particular phase of art. With this stein. Most drawing rooms in the purchase, hold, own, lease, mortgage, etc., any and all property, real or personal, inannuity, he is mercifully free from sophisticated English novels, include cidental to or necessary for the conduct ness, health and financial difficulties. the business; to incur debts and make in their descriptions, the inevitable of appropriations with relation thereto; to I should also like to pay a tribute piece of sculpture by Jacob Epstein. create reserves out of monies collected. The prosperity. corporation shall commence business at the of high respect to the late Otto Kahn, Many plenipotentiaries owe their only date of filing of the Articles of Incorporamost versatile of art patrons in claim to immortality to the fact that tion with the County Clerk of Douglas Nebraska, and shall terminate 0f> America. the Jewish sculptor, Jo Davidson, de- County. years after said date. The corporation shnli The roster of the National Academy lineated them in clay and bronze. have no capital stock but shall be conof Design includes many Jewish The Academy of Allied Arts is trolled by vote of the grndnate members Alpha Theta Chapter of Zeta Beta Tau names, among whom are Leon Keoll, showing the best work of artists of of Fraternity. The indebtedness of the corinveterate prize winner, Ivan Olinsky, all nationalities. More recently, they poration shall not exceed the value of the property owned by the corporation. The and Paul Moshkowitz. gave a retrospective exhibition to business of this corporation shall be manby a Board of five members. Until The First Municipal Art Exhibi- Mark Joffe, who spent most of his aged other Directors are elected, the tindersigntion of New York City was held dur- life in the larger cities in Russia. od shall constitute Ench Board of DirecMArket 4750 ATlantic 4750 tors. The Articles of Incorporation may be ing the entire month of March, 1934, The Roerich Museum is doing much amended by two-thirds rote of the memin the Rockefeller Center. The guid- to make its visitors art-conscious, bers of the corporation. ing genius, who conceived this brain through its classrooms, lecture halls, Dated at Omaha. Nebraska, this Uth day child, was Mrs. Edith Gregor Halpert and exhibition rooms, Saul Raskin of An frost. 1934. MORTON RICHARDS the widow of the late Samuel Halpert. was given a one-man show there. JOHN A. BEBER EDWAKD D. BRODKET Mrs. Halpert went to Mayor LaGuar- A word for collectors who have HARRX DIAMOND dia and convinced him of the import- helped the growth of American art. I*EON FRANKEti ISADORE AND JACK FORBES, S-l"-34-3t. Incorporators. ance of sponsoring a municipal art exhibition, of paintings, sculpture, We. 6400 2711 No. 24th drawings and prints. To this exhibit, were invited only American artists, whose works are represented in museums. Most of the Jewish artists already mentioned were included in this great art innovation. As far as novelty art shows go, where the chief qualifications for entry is ability to pay the fee, we have the annual Society of Independent

JewishContributum To World of Art



May theNew Year bring to you and yours health, wealth and happiness


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Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States Life Insurance and Annuities F. N. CROXSON, Agency Manager

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SEASON'S QREETINGS Our Appreciation for Past Y e a r s ' Business and Hope to Serve You r Again . ~.~. .




SHOTWKIX, JIONSKT, GRODITTSKY & VANCE, and HAKRI B. COHEX Attorney* 737 Omaha National Bank Bolldinz; NOTICE OF INCOBPOBATION OF _ KKASNE JULT.IXEKT, IXC. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned have formed a corporation under the name of KKASNE IIILLIXERY, INC. with Its principal place of business in Omaha. The corporation shall hare authority to manufacture, bny. sell and generally deal in millinery, feathers, ribbons, bats, hosiery, notions, articles of wearing apparel, artificial flowers and other millinery specialties and all other articles of a kindred nature, and to handle such real or personal property as may be required. The corporation shall hare power to borrow money and execute and deliver evidences of indebtedness therefor and to do any and all other things necessary to carry out the objects of the corporation. The authorized capital stock is J10.000.00, all common, par value 5100.00, beinR fully paid •when Issued and non-assessable. The highest indebtedness shall not exceed twothirds of the capital. The corporation shall commence business upon the subscription of *1.000.00 of capital stock and when the Articles are filed with the County Clerk of Douglas County, Nebraska, and shall continue until January 31, 2035. The affairs shall be administered by a Board of Directors of not less than two nor more than fire- In number. The stockholders shall elect Directors at the annual meeting to be held the first Monday in An (rust of each year. Thereafter directors shall elect officers, vis.. President, Vice-President. Secretary and Treasurer. The articles may be amended. The corporation may have a seal. Dated August 21. 1934. ALBERT KRASXE H " U W A B W SHOTTFEIJ* JIOSSKT. CRODIXSKT VANCE and DARBY B. COHEN . ' - Attorney" 737 Omaha National Bank Bide. TJOTICB OF INCORPORATION Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned have formed a corporation pursuant to the laws or the State of Nebraska. Th« name of the corporation is DAVIS COMPANY, with Its principal place of business in the City of Omaha. The objects lor which this corporation Is formed ate to buy, sell, exchange, manufacture, deal and trade generally in. any and all Kinds of machinery, equipment and supplies; to purchase, lease and otherwise ac<prire any interest or license of every kind and character In and to any and all patent* pertaining to machinery, equipment and supplies; to purchase, lease, register and otherwise acquire any trade-marks, > trade-names, patents, inventions, improveJ tm-nta and processes of every kind and I character; to purchase, discount, sell and (trade la general:? In evidences of indebtedness of erery kind and character: and to Mf, sell, mortgage, lease, encumber and w i t t&nendir in real and personal prop*rtf 9t t-rterr kin4 and character. The comtdw? *fasll bare actiigrity to borrow money ««4 to Htm erVUtnmtt ot indebtedness •.ttttsr*ifrr, Tfce tfAal guikorizefl capital stock ,m fZf//>J/L pur value *!00.00 per share. t Aft tt^fX J* fjrnro'm anil shall be felly M/tt^itcisesxabUi '«rb*a ixsaed. The j *i*Ii cooiineisce bnelnecg opon filing *d its Articles wtOi the County '' of ltf/ugte* Oaotr. Ifebniska, and emtltitse «stll Jzitoarr 1st. 2834. The •; srssrortt «f I»4el»t«dtSie«s shall not f'!«'#-tfejrdj» <it the capital stock. Tfcla Uiti thaXX wA apply to indebtedness acesrtd f<7 real estate. The number ot taeis&e?* ct the Board shall be provided by the Br-Lsnrg. -wttieb - Board shall administer the aSalrn «f tbe corporation. The stecfcfcoidei* sfeaB b«M their atonal aeet6s* t i e first Monday in Jcly of eaci yeear gad eteet aiceetoM. The dlreetor* shall elect * Praidast. Viee-Fresidest, Secretary and Treasurer. The Articles may be amended cpes -settee as provided for. The corporatim dull have ft aeaL Dmled tbia llta day of Julr, 1834. s . H. S A V I S SATIS





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We take this opportunity to extend our sincere and cordial greetings to the Jewish people and wish them A Happy and Prosperous JVeto Fear

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B. & G. HOSIERY SHOPS 16th and F^rnam •

" S. W .

Page 9—Section V.

New Year's Edition—THE JEWISH PRESS—Thursday, September 6,1934 litan area, and looms as a future na- Day Classic at Indianapolis Mauri tional champion. Mollie Shapiro of Rose proved the sensation of the race New York was the winner of the Met- by finishing inches behind the winropolitan public links tournament, and ner. Meyers was among the first ten Mrs. Burt Weil of Cincinnati took the to cross the finish line. Bicycle racing never attracted Jews Ohio women's title. until this year, when Bob Silver and TENNIS TRACK AND FIELD Lou Cohen of Brooklyn teamed as a The court game has long been one One of the outstanding stars of a Jewish pair in the six-day grind at of the few sports in •which Jews never record-breaking track and field sea- Madison Square Garden. On the Pagot into the championship or even son was Ben Eastman of California, ranking set. Jewish women—Suzanne who cracked the world's 400-yard cific Coast Louis Davidson is among Lenglen, Helen Jacobs and others — standard. Touring Europe with a pick- the leading pedal pushers. S. Mortimer Auerbach of Chicago, appeared to be better recquet wield- ed American all-star team, Eastman national 125-cubic-inch hydroplane ers than their male co-religionists, but this year a number of Jewish newcom- won every race against the pick of {champion, set a new "one-mfle hydro By HASKELL COHEN, Seven Arts Sports Editor ers to big-time tennis have given the Continent's track aces. He also j plane record in the annual Havre de signs of real championship calibre. •won the national outdoor A. A. U. No other year has seen so many Committee which that body has ac-j ush is leading the league in hitting The most notable of these was Henry 400-meter run. Milton Sandier, for'Jewish victories in the field of sport cepted in good faith, but most Amer- with a fancy .400 average, while My- Prusoff, a comparative youngster j mer N. Y. U. star, was named for the as the past year. In baseball, football, ican athletic officials are more skep- er's work at second base has been one from Seattle, who is the reigning sen- 600-meter run on the all-America basketball, boxing, tennis and other ticaL Both the A. A. U. and the Amer- of the few redeeming features of the sation of the Pacific Coast, where he track team. Young Harry Werbin, sports Jewish athletes have achieved ican Olympic Committee went on rec- Senator's disappointment season. won every tourney in sight. In the former Brooklyn boy, running in the fame and glory. The Sport Editor of ord this past year as refusing to en- The Giants have two Jews, Harry East he beat several ranking players colors of Michigan Normal, took secthe Seven Arts gives a comprehensive ter an American team in the Berlin Danning, second string catcher and and gave warning that by next year ond places in the 5,000-meter steeplereview of the Jewish sport year EFTD. james two years hence unless Ger- peerless pinch-hitter, and haTd-hitting he may be a serious Davis Cup con-chase at the national junior A. A. A. games. Mortimer Beznick of N. — T H E EDITOR. many allowed her Jewish athletes op- Phil Weintraub, whose sensational tender. Isadore Beilis, 14-year-old title Y. U. won the intercollegiate 35-pound Philadelphian, won his nineteenth ortunities to try for the German playing in the Southern Association weight throwing event and was named successive title within a year by sucIn the long and arduous upward earn. Avery Brundage, president of forced his recall to the big league in cessfully for the All-American team in his spedefending his boys' Pennsylhe American Olympic Committee, is mid-season. Playing with Nashville, climb of Jewish athletes to fame and State singles championship. Ed- cialty. Among the other colleg-e track success' the year 5694 -will rate as a ow in Germany studying the situa- Weintraub smashed every hitting rec- vania die Jacobs, Maryland's No. 1 player, stars were Gregory Weinstein, N. Y. ord in the League. Danning was gradtion at first hand. On the nature of landmark, for during the past twelve captured the Maryland and District of U. sprinter, Jules Finkelstein and Abe promoted from third string remonths more Jews reached the top his report depends whether America ually N. Y. TJ. discus thrower and to second string and is regarded Columbia singles titles. Harry Kessler Scheur, shot putter respectively, Mike Berrung of athletic achievement than in ivill be represented at the next Olym- ceiver of Seattle took the Northwest boys as the logical successor to Gus Manany other similar period within mem- ic Games. Meanwhile America's re- cuso. If the sensational playing of a title. The Middle Atlantic singles man, Princeton's broad jamper, and ory. Among the major athletic devel- fusal thus far to accept the German number of Jews in the minor leagues tourney was won by Wilbur Hess of Gloster Aaron and Norman Cahners, opments of special Jewish interest invitation has forced the German ath- means anything the National and Texas, and Stanley Singer of Califor- who scored many points in the hamwere the emergence of Henry Green- etic leaders to "invite" a number of American Leagues will have a dozen nia was an easy victor in the New mer throw for Yale and Harvard. berg as the long-sought-after profes- second-rate Jewish athletes to try out Jewish players next year. The most Jersey boys' championship. Jack Behr Morris Fleischer, representing the sional Jewish baseball star, Max "or the German team in order to use talked-of minor leaguer is Fred Sing- won the Eastern singles tourney. Both Greek-American Hermes A. C-, won Boer's winning of the world's heavy- them as a front. None of those select- ton, former All-American tackle at the indoor and outdoor boys' cham- the first metropolitan A. A. U. 25,000 weight championship, Barney Ross' id have the slightest chance of mak- Alabama, who is now playing in the pionships are held by Jewish young- meter walk. unique triumph in adding the welter- ing the? team. Jewish athletes who outfield for Albany of the Interna- sters, Abrams and Friedman. Others FENCING weight title to the lightweight crown would s^core points if permitted to tional League, in which he is the who loom as ranking stars are Marco The sensation of the fencing seawhich he already wore, Shasta Roth- loin the team have been deliberately home run leader and one of the lead- Hecht and Ed Feibleman. Helen Ja- son was the rise of C. C. N. Y. and olz's capture of the amateur light- gnored in this "invitation." All train- ing batters. The American Associa- cobs, national women's champ, suf- N. Y. U., most of whose swordsmen weight boxing championship of Eu- ing facilities are still closed to Jewish tion also swarms with Jewish talent: fered unexpected defeat twice, once were Jews. Newcomers to this sport rope and the phenomenal progress of athletes. During the year the Nazis Milt Galatzer of Toledo; Alta Cohen when she fell before Miss Dorothy C. C. N. Y. won the Intercollegiate the! Maccabee movement in Europe deliberately sacrificed their chances of Toledo; Andy Cohen of Minneapo- Rounds at the Wimbledon tourney in Fencing Association's foils crown and Palestine, where plans are being 'or the Davis tennis cup by refusing lis; Harry Rosenberg of Indianapo- England, and again when she was through the sparkling sword work of ;o allow Daniel Prenn, Germany's rushed for the 1935 Maccabiad. Si Rosenthal of St. Paul; and tripped up by Miss Babcock in Amer- Emil Goldstein and Bernard Frechtbest player, to represent Germany. lis; In practically every sport Jewish They also barred Max Schmeling's Goody Rosen and Mel Simons of ica. But Baroness Maud Levi, Mrs. man. C. C. N. Y. and N. Y. XL, also Caroline Hirsch and Millicent Hirsch scored heavily in the saber and epee headliners came to the fore with an Jewish manager, Joe Jacobs, from any Louisville. retained their high rankings, the lat- competition with Raymond Levine, amazing rush. Football, basketball, deals in Germany. FOOTBALL ter winning the national girls' indoor Alexander Mehlman, David Herman, 'swimming and track, in which Jews Below follows a detailed review of No year in the last decade has France appeared to have devel- Nathaniel Lubell, George Lewis, Rohad made their mark in previous Jewish athletic achievements in every passed without the inclusion of at title. oped a successor to Suzanne Lenglen bert Frank and Kevis Kapner. Helene •years, brought forth an increasing field of sport during the past year: least one Jew on the mythical All- in Jacqueline Goldschmidt, who won Mayer, an exile from Germany, for jtmmber of Jewish stars, while baseAmerican eleven. This past season every outdoor title therejs-as and re- whom she won the Olympic fencing BASEBALL bafl, golf, tennis, hockey, fencing and developed two Jewish All-American s, title in 1928, returned to competition <ping-pong," in which Jews had always Big league baseball, which has al- Aaron Rosenberg of Southern Califor- peated her triumphs in England. by taking the United States National ways been on the lookout for Jewish Ibeen Valso-rans," produced Jewish nania, and Paul Geisler of Centenary. Fencing Championship and tional and regional champions for the players, found itself swamped with Both were virtually unanimous choicGOLF review had | Indoor every sword title on the Pacific them this year. The outstanding Jewlarst time. The only exception to this ers on every selection. Other outstand- Two years ago this Innprecedented record of progress was ish ball player was Henry Greenberg, ui 6 Jewish W..V.1C*. 6gridiron ^>^ i » M heroes of the nothing to say about golf because Coast. in Germany, the fate of whose Jewish the tall, hard-hitting first baseman past season were Chick and Les Kauf- there wasn't a single Jewish golfer WRESTLING : athletes became an international is- of the Detroit Tigers. Greenberg's man of Princeton, Izz Weinstock of of any prominence. This year a mm- Professional gTappling has had a slugging and scintillating fielding Pittsburgh, Scheuer and Siegal of N. ber of Jews revealed themselves to curious attraction for Jewish giants, Because the Nazi regime has thus play no small part in the surprising Y, U., Sidney Gilman of Ohio State, be coming champions. Herman Bar- particularly ex-college grid stars. ;&r not convinced the American Ama- race of the Tigers, who may be the Phil Glazer of Dartmouth, Bobby ron, a Jewish golf professional, came Sammy Stein, Roland Kirschmeyer, teur Athletic Union that Jewish ath American League Pennant winners. Grayson of Stanford, Mintz of Tulane within an ace of beating Gene Sarazen , Harry Fields, Herbie Freeman and ietes will be permitted to try out fo: Last year's American League cham- Weiner of Muhlenberg, Hopans of. in the Professional Golf Association Fred Myers were the leading college : the German Olympic team, the Unit pions, the Washington Senators, had Harvard, Simons and Goldenberg of tournament, and lost out only when alumni in the mat game. Other noted •«d States has delayed accepting an three Jewish players when the sea- Army, Weinberg and Nussbaum of the ^champion put up an amazing ral- Jewish exponents of wrestling busi.invitation to the 1936 Olympics. Ger- son opened, Heinie Manush, Buddy Dnqnesne, Katz of Georgia Tech, ly. Barron had also made a splendid ness who were rated as headliners «man sports leaders have given solemn Myer and Moe Berg. The latter, a Fraad of Brown, Blissman of West- showing in the National Open tour- were Paul Boeasch, Sid Westrich, ^pledges to the International Olympir backstop, was recently released. Man- ern Maryland, Gross of Catholic U. nament. Yottng Dave Goldman of Tex- Benny Ginsburg, Sol Slageland, Irvas also made greafsSidSfe. He ^ras a ing Halperin, Ahe Coleman and Abe and Goldblas of Cornell. Jewish representation also grew in finalist in the Western and Chicago Kaplan. professional football. Abe Scheur has amateur tournaments and won a numRACING ber of Southern titles. Mrs. Leo Fed: a • . • ' • ' • • - : : ' - - - . y •-•••..'•• • S signed a Giant contract for next year. Automobile racing had only one erman of New York was the pick of Among those who found favor with exponent until this year—Lou pro grid fans were Satenstein and the Jewish women golfers. She wonJewish Harry Newman of the Giants, Gordon practically every title in the Metropo- Meyers; but at the annual Memorial of the champion Chicago Bears, Barranger of Portsmouth and Benny Friedman of the Giatns. The latter will be the new coach of the City College eleven. M

Jewish Titlists in

lii^Real eaim

Devine, New England champion, and Jackie Davis in the lightweight division. Lew Feldman is regarded as a threat among the featherweights, with Led Farber and Young Perez leading the bantoms.


Grace Yacht Club's regatta on the Susquehanna River when he drove his new defender, Emancipator III, at 51.282 miles an hour. The champion race horse trainer of America is Hirsch Jacobs, who won more than 200 races in the past eighteen months. (Copyright 1934, by Seven Arts Feature Syndicate) Change is inevitable in a progressive country. Change is constant. —Disraeli.

We Offer Sincere Greetings to the Jewish People on Their New Year 5695

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• T And See These Great Shows

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The 1933-34 campaign proved the troth of the old adage that basketball is the "Jew boys' game". Goldman of C. C. N.'Y. and Reiter of Duquesnes made the All-American five. Among those who were Important cogs in the success of their teams were Captain-elect Winograd of C. C. N. Y., Eubenstein, Lefft and Klein of the undefeated N. Y. U. varsity, Kramer, Schwartz and Bender of the sensational Long Island University quintet, Padlow of Ohio State, Feldman •and Brenner of Duquesne, Silverman of Carnegie Tech and. Ginsburg. of Geneva. Professional basketball, long dormant, received a stiumulating impetus from the success of the Phila- j delphia Hehrews, who won the Amer- I ican Professional Basketball pennant, r

MAY the advent of the New Year 5695 bring new hope and new strength to the sons of Israel . . . may the unbounded faith and courage in the face of adversity bring a reward of health, happiness and prosperity.



Cary Grant in

^Ladies Should listen"

In the prize ring Jews gained their greatest athletic triumphs this past year. Four of the world's hexing- titles are now held by Jews: Max Baer, leavyweight; Max Kosenbloom, lightleavyweight; and Barney Boss, lightweight and welterweight. Shasta Eotholz, a mite of 122 pounds from 'oland, won the atateur featherweight hampionship of Europe and then came to Chicago, where he was the mly member of the invading Polish team to win a bout in the Polish-Chicago Golden Glove matches. Harry Mizler captured the lightweight championship of England. In Canada Maxie Berger, a 17-year-old lightweight, who represents the Montreal Y. M. H. A., carried Canada's colors in the Royal Games in London. Oth-1 er Jewish champions in the American j amateur ranks during the past year were Al Demedowitz, Metropolitan A. \ A. U. heavyweight winner; Eddie Hass, New England bantam ehamp; Bob Bloom, New England heavyweight titleholder; Jake Friedman, 135-pound champ of the U. S. Navy; and Izzy Richter, National A. A. TJ. champion. The triumphs of Baer and Ross overshadowed the doings.of the lesser Jewish fighters, notably Art Lasky, who may yet be the party of the second part in an all-Jewish bout for the heavyweight title; Kingfish Levinsky, Abe Feldman, Natie Brown and Barney Fox. Rosenbloom's most persistent challenger is another Jewish fighter by the name of Bob Olin. Boss is looking for stiff battles from Eddie Kid Wolfe in the welterweight division and from Harry Bri



AT. 4550

Best wishes for the New Year May it bring to you and your f a m i l y Health, Happiness, Peace and Prosperity. And may our rel a t i o n s h i p in the coming year be as pleasant as it h a s been in the past.

PAXTO HOTEL Omaha s Most Modem Hotel, offering Hie Latest in Conveniences and Service

-n' '" •-".

Page 10—Section E

New Year's Editipn—THE JEWISH PRESS—Thursday, September 6,

:lerites 7 rgiveness By DR. ALBERT BRANDT (A Refugee) courage to register an opposition "at least until the "Saar referendum which might or might not "be anany- of January next has been completed." mous, Hitler spoke of "winning over" The Catholic comprise a heavy marather than crushing, the enemies of jority of the Saar population. Even the regime. And General Goering was the .5,000 Jewish votes in the Saar comparatively lenient in his denuncia- will be of importance if the "tide conThe shushers and ostriches - among: tion of the "hein" bloc of voters. tinues to run against the Nazis. us are still timidly for a soft-pedal There was, in fact, a temporary lull However, its is one thing to point attitude, a "dignified" treatment of in the fight of the Nazis not merely out that the Nazis might profit from the present plight of our* people in against Jews, but against Catholics, the viewpoint of their international Germany. It is their contention that Protestants and liberals of all shades. position by checking intolerance at But the pattern of Nazi hypocricy home, and another to expect that no good can be done by a mobilization of world Jewry against the doom de- —-protests of tolerance for foreign there will actually be any such develcreed for them in the Third "Keich. consumption, along with continued opment. Even if Hitler and the other They, hope to obtain ultimately some hjjme -f is still the same. pathological haters of Jewry among measure of -amnesty 1 for Israel in Matters of expedience in foreign re- the Nazi leaders could face the fact Naziland by.' striking \ a " conciliatory lations, the necessity to appease hos- that their persecutions were weakenpose. : How futile, how;">^ tile Catholics arid even hostile Jews ing them in world opinion and world cio'us is- such optimism even a cur- in the Saar territory,, soon to vote trade, they would still face the necessory /survey of current conditions-in on remaining under _the .League or sity of appeasing the rabid anti-Sebecoming part of France or Germany, mites in the Nazi ranks. They would Germany will readily disclose. "_ ; w ; Now that the first heat of revolu- will probably lead to~"a series of of- still face the necessity of finding a tion and power is over in Germany, ficial pronouncements of a pacific na- scapegoat for Germany's deplorable is there any real prospect fo¥ an end ture. These pronouncements have al- economic situation, for the starvation o r . a diminution, of the • persecution ready begun. At the same time, there which the winter seems certain to and the terror? Now that Hitler is has Been no. cessation of persecution bring. They have sown the seeds of under the thumb of more conservative of Jews and non-Jews, nor is there hatred too well to be capable of avertarmy-Junker elements, will the po-> any real probability that there will ing the crop, even if they wanted to. be any abatement.. And hatred will be the only weapon pogrom, hot or cold, abate? It is true that there were some gesConfidential orders to Nazi leaders they will have with which to fight tures of relative amiability immedi- have fallen into the; hands of under- hunger. ately preceding the plebiscite. Thim-. ground fighters. in Germany, which The scapegoat campaign has alsands of minor offenders were re- clearly^ expose the duplicity of the Hit- ready begun. On the one hand the leased from concentration /camps? lerites. These orders are for an eas- Nazis are seeking to raise new milEven after the -vote dreclosed-that ing of the fight against the Catholics lions for relief; on the other to dithere were more than 4,000,000 anti- and other groups which are still op- vert attention from empty bellies and Nezis — at least — who had the posed to "coordination" with Nazis, unemployment by a new drive against the Jews. If anything, the plight of Israel in Germany seems worse now than ever. And the situation is of more than passing importance to the rest of the world. All that enlightened liberalism holds to be civilized — tolerance in religion and politics and thought, peace, human brotherhood, international cooperation, democracy —all these are hated by orthodox Nazis. If the fight of world Jewry and militant world liberal opinion, of lovers of peace, of advocates of social justice everywhere, fails, if the weapon of the boycott proves futile, then not only the Jews, but Christianity itself, all that we call civilization, will be extinguished in the Third Reich. And Nazism has already proved itself a disease which seeks to spread to other nations, which has spread to other nations, bringing with it hatred, and distrust, if not actual bloodshed.' If there be any who expect still to arrive at some peaceful understanding with the Nazis, let them give close attention to the words of Reichbishop Mueller, Hitler's chief executive for Christianity: "The plebiscite," says this humane pontiff, "is the beginning of the whole nation's Christianity, since the people had the courage to vote for and to stand behind the Leader in his fight against the Jews. Hitler's fight is for Christianity and against the Jews, the most savage enemies' of Christianity. The German people, united as they are, may go through bitterness and distress, but they will win this campaign for .Christianity even if the Jews get together and determine to destroy the nation." Thus he speaks, this modern representative of Jesus. But he speaks amid the universal horror of ChristiariZfclergy, Protestants and Catholics. : Even in Germany Christianity stillhas representatives with courage enough to stand up against the Nazi intolerance. Mueller and other German leaders have clearly indicated that the Nazis intend to wage a fight to ..the iinish against non-Nazis, both Jews and others. Only by a united stand of world Jewry with representatives of labor, democracy, peace and liberal religion can this danger be fought. Surely the lack of unity among Jews, the most brazenly persecuted of Nazi victims, is neither a credit to Israel nor a help to the cause. , •'•••-'• The greatly increased demand from month to month, and year to year, is the best evidence that can be offered—that Grant Batteries Nor is Muellers' voice alone. Let are preferred by hundreds of thousands of Car Owners throughout the cowards and weaklings in Israel the West and Northwest. heed the mutterings of hatred in the Nazi press and on the Nazi platTo forms, and they will perceive how ff *« compared with only the futile is the hope of concluding any sort 'of peace with Hitlerism. A j peace treaty requires at least two • parties with pacific intentions. AJI^Grant Batteries Garry There is no will for peace in the .utOur Guarantee terances coming out of Germany today.." ' , - The Nazis have failed to live the promises of their platform. Territorial expansion, tho overthrow of Accept our very best wisft&s the Treaty of Versailles, the "socialistic" planks of nationalizing public for a Happy and Prosper-' utilities and confiscation of large estatesi none of these or others have ous New Year materialized. But the fight for "unity" „ ' •> the terror, the battle "to scotch the Jewish serpent"—this has gone forward-rather well. The political enemiesF have been destroyed. Now racial ;^nd. religious enemies must be annihilated. This is the. only excuse left -for marching, for extreme nationalistic propaganda. This is the only .palliation that will be available for the rigors of the coming winter. That-the Nazis intend to use'the •weapon Of intolerance in general and of anti-Semitism in particular is evident fromjrecent events. ? 17th and ^ i l o t Avetue T &T. 6427 Onjjr a few weeks ago Herr Eube, governor of the province of Brandenburpr.' and a. man high -in -Nazi counThe following article, made available by-the American Jewish Congress, is presented by a refugee from Germany, who for obvious .reasons, employs a pseudonym.—THE EDITOR.


Grant Battery |

cils, delivered a speech in which he is a born criminal and sadist. The Bavaria, from which the last Jew dition has been ameliorated. Let us was driven out in June, and' where see. In July the Fraenksiche Tagesexplained .the aatitude of National So- Jews are criminals and murderers; 1 the synagogue was changed into a zeitung wrote: "Jews are not wanted they are devils in human form.' It cialism toward the Jews. The speech was reprinted on the first page of was fully seventeen days after the ap- citadel of Hitlerism? Have they been here. Thank God that can be read at every Nazi-ccordinated newspaper,, pearance of the pogrom-provoking in Nuerenberg, where signs before the doors of most of the restaurants. something which in Germany carries proppaganda that Hitler prohibited shops and restaurants still proclaim: That sometimes Jews can still be with it the stamp of official approval, the issue, and then on the pretext that "No Jews permitted here?" Have found in a coffeehouse merely proves by implication, if not expressly, since a single sentence in the.issue was an they read the Nazi press,' with its the lack of character of these people, nothing can appear that is not to the attack en the Catholic ritual! Not a daily incitements to anti-Semitic vio- and their faith in the patience of cur word was said against the paper's lence? Can they honestly believe that people." The Schlesische Landeszeiliking of the government. • outspoken anti-Semitism. The same any Jew would dare to speak frankly tung a few weeks ago stated that it "The Jews in Germany," Kube said, was time Jews realized they were not "are the most impertinent gang in the man who killed "radical" leaders of to a foreigner and a stranger? It is admitted by most persons that full, worthy human beings but dirty whole world. When the German revo- the party like Roehm and von Schleilution swept aside the old system of cher apparently dees not regard the there has been anti-Semitic terror in bastards. No wonder there have been shame, the whole world believed that arch-anti-Semite Streicher as a radi- Germany. But the foolish hope per- murders of Jews in Silesia. In June, (Continued on Page 11.) sists in some quarters that the conthe enraged German people would at- cal member of the party. No anti-Semite, however rabid, has tempt a bloody revenge. Therefore the atrocity lies were so readily believed been restrained by the government in all the world. It was impossible for in any fashion, beyond an admonition the world to believe that the German for the benefit of foreign opinion, to people treated the Jews with almost refrain from open violence. For ever feminine kindness, that it permitted in the Nazi mind is the slogan, "Der Jewish scoundrels to run away with-1 Jud ist schuld—the Jew is to blame. out harming them. As thanks for such If Germany is isolated by a hostile kindness this scum of humanity has world opinion, if German workmen for more than a year spat its filth starve, it is not the fault of the Nazi against us and incited the whole leaders—oh, no^but of a world conworld to a war. . " . . . After describ- spiracy of Jewish capitalists arid Jewing the humility which Jaws every- ish communists! The Jews knifed the where should show, he concludes — German army in the back during the 'The Jew is our greatest enemy." war; the Jews are knifing the FathThus the Nazi leaders still Believe erland today—such is the Nazi cry, that they are showing the Jews a raised to drown out the growing kindness if they refrain from gen- chorus of dissatisfaction and want. eral violence against them, if they The Stuermer continues to grow permit .them to starve quietly in a more violent than ever. In its last cold pogrom. As a matter of fact, number it accused the Jews of a riviolence still continues, but more sur- tual murder in Breslau in 1932. Even repticiously. The . "purge" of June the Nazi officials of Breslau were 30th did not pass over the doors of disgusted by the absurdity of the acthe Israelites. In Berlin, on July 2nd, cusation, and appalled by the incitethe Nezis sent the body of Leo Stein ment to bloody pogroms. They prohito his parents, with a message thatlfcited the issue, but everywhere else he had committed suicide by jumping i j n Germany it was possible to buy it. out of a window while he was being j Receritly the Stuermer called Presiexamined. The body was. horribly mu- d e n t Masaryk of Czecho-Slovagia the tilated. There were other murders of ^legitimate child of a Jewess. Miss Jews at that period, how many will Sarah Wambaugh, who came of an perhaps never be known. In Hirsch- old American Protestant family, was berg nineteen Jews were arrested by called a "low Jewess" after she was the Nazi protection troops, the SS. appointed technical advisor to the is the Only fifteen of the prisoners were Saar commission. To call anyone a dismissed. Nobody knows what hap- Jew is per se the greatest of insults pened to the other four! A lawyer, Dr. to the Nazi Jewhaters. And converseFierster, was murdered. The physi- ly, the technique is to call everybody cian, Dr. Zweig, and his wife were whom the Nazis dislike, a Jew. murdered. A Jewish merchant died the Stuermer called Jewthe day after he was brutally beaten. ishRecently women whores and openly incited The police cannot find the murderers to pogroms. The issue was banned, of Jews. The pronouncement of Genhowever, because of these uttereral Goering more than a year ago not but because there was included that he saw no reason why the police ances, a reference to the revolt of German should be used to protect the Jews university students. To speak of restill seems to hold good. volt among students is deemed danIn Glougau there were pogroms gerous; to foment murder and lesser lasting the night of June 30th through forms of persecutions for Jews is a to the following day. Two Jews were commendable service to the state! murdered, many others were badly Streicher has built up in Franconia hurt."The Jewish population was so a very citadel of anti-Semitism. He terrorized that it has been impossible fights ceaselessly, unscrupously, withto elicit further details from them. out regard to truth or restraint, These are not spontaneous uprisWE. 0068 1521 No. 16th St. against the Jew. He is a fanatic of ings They are the carefully fomented t h e m o s t l s i v e k i n d . HJ S work of the Nazi press If the govern- a r e i l l u s t r a t e d b y K s editorial on the ment has nothing to do with them, occasion when Ludwig Herzheim, then the situation is still more fright- small town Jewish merchant died, and since thereTeems to be no hope Christians who had been among the of ending the terror by official inter- recipients of his numerous benevo- ) dict, and no hope of punishing the lences attended the funeral. Streichterrorists. True, some of the more out- er wrote: "Instead of saying, 'Thank spoken issues of the anti-Semitic pa- God, a racial comrade of the girl-killpershave been prohibited, but never er, Meyer, of the Dr. Goldberg has because of anti-Semitizm. Some other gone to the laps of his fathers,' they reason is usually found, inasmuch as are characterless enough to praise a Jew-baiting is no offense in Naziland. Jew." The statement was repeated in For instance, the "Stuermer," the many Nazi papers. Thus is the fight worst anti-Semitic paper in the world, carried on. edited by Julius Streicher, friend of How is it, then, that some AmeriHitler and Goering, in May, accused can professors and students are bring# Size, location, age—^- all are interestthe Jews of 131 ritual murders, some ing back reports that Jews .are not of them as late as 1932. Statements molested in Germany today? Certaining factors as applied to a life insurance more than 3,000 years old were cited ly these "observers"' must be either as proof that the Jews are a murder- naive and blind, or unscrupulous and company, but none of these compare in ous and bloodthirsty race! "The Jew corrupt. Have they been in Karlbourg

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New Year's Edition---THE JEWISH'PRESS—Thursdays-September 6,1934

J?age • It—Section* E

the smaller cities who still dare to enter Jewish shops are photographed warned, even beaten. True, it is somewhat better in the larger cities, where at least a good part of the population Jerusalem, (JTA).—The Mufti of has intellectual scruples. To the out- Jerusalem, Haj Amin Al Husseini, side things do not look so bad forhas returned from Saudi-Arabia the Jew. But also there we will still and Yemen, where he had been a find a great amount of suffering, member of the peace mission negotiwhich only people who do not wish ating between the two warring to see, fail to see. As the opposition Arabian kings. He was welcomed by to Hitler grows a little more cour- crowds of people at the various staageous, the rebels seek to show their tions along the railway from Egypt •convictions by attending Catholic and and by road to Jerusalem. independent Protestant churches, and One enthusiastic leader,' at a reby patronizing Jewish stores. The Na- ception at Eamleh, shouted: "Long zis resent this, and thus they have Live Haj Amin Al Husseini—the redoubled the force of their boycott Hitler of Palestine." tactics. The recent conciliatory proclamation of the National League of German Jews represents only a small group,

Husseini Called Hitler of Palestine


f'*' (Continued from Page 10.) official employment bureaus decreed sued a decree reiterating the prohibi•when the Jewish merchant lion died that no non-Aryan could be given tion against Jewish performers apin Cologne, his employes were forbid- work on farms. The Mayor of Nuer- pearing on the stage or in cabarets. den to go to his funeral and Jews in enberg proclaimed: "We must not Dr. Goebbels, the' eminent Dinister of general were villified. The Mainfraen- speak of Christian business. There Propoganda and Enlightenment, comkische Zeitung of Hoehberg recently are only Jewish and German shops. It mented: "Things have come to such declared: "Very often we hear that is all the same if behind the sign a pass that the public is forced to there really are some decent Jews. "Christian business' a Jew is hidden, defend itself against elements which This is a ridiculous statement. Those a convert to Protestantism, Catholi- it thought it had eliminated.". Jewish •who show any respect for a Jew or cism or -anything else." And on Au-theaters have been permitted to carry even approach him are traitors and gust 2 the Marienwerder Zaitung, of- en in Berlin on condition that they adshould be branded as such." A few ficial West Prussian Nazi organ, in mit £ its Passaic, N. J. (J. T. A.) — "The days later the synagogue in the town reporting a meeting-cf the HAGO,refused Nazi association of artisans and small head, is given some consideration. only way to break down "underground •was entered, its windows broken, its shopkeepers, declared: "No decent to play Schiller's "Wallenstein's LaThese bootlickers, representing only 'walls painted with swastikas. The cul- man or woman will ever buy from a ger,' 'on the ground that a classical a small fragment of German Jews, are societies" is to bring them out in the prits, as usual, were well known, but Jew. We have nothing to do with these German poet cannot be sullied hy hav- a shame and an abomination in Israel. open, but ta deny them the right to meet is a restraint in advance," deJewish never arrested. criminals, these grafters and these ing his wards issue from Stefan But the danger of Nazi intolerance clared Arthur Garfield Hays in an mouths! Because the Jew, Persecutions of Jew-baiters some- scoundrels. Every German should be Zweig, wrote the libretto of Eichard we repeat, is directed not against Ju- address before the Booster Club. His times occur, but they are farces. conscious of the tremendous shame Strauss's new opera, the Stuermer daism alone. Already many voices are address served as an answer to wideEven when a sentence is announced, we suffered before we came to pow-protested against its performance in heard counselling the destruction of spread criticism which arose following it is never carried out. The London er. Beginning with August there will Germany. Other papers took up theall that is outside Nazi unity, which his recent legal defense of a Nazi orDaily Herald of August 7th carried be a flood of meetings in our country, same cry, and now the opera cannot means the Catholic Church, the inde- ganization in a case before Vice-Chana story describing the fate of a de- in which our people will learn about be given anywhere in Germany! pendent Protestant faction, perhaps cellor Bigelow in Jersey City, ported Nazi. He was sent from Eng- the Jewish question." Christianity itself, and all the forces It is idle to say that there is anti- cf religious and intellectual freedom. "These organizations thrive because land when in the Nazi Club of LonIn Franconia the HAGO has openly Semitism in other countries also, For the Jews, as for any decent hu- they get their inspiration from the don pictures of German expatriates fact that they are secret and not in! •were posted, above inscriptions: "If taken up a stringent boycott against even in America. The difference is man being, there can be no choice in the open," he said. "Drive them out that in Germany anti-Semitism is the Jews. Everywhere in Germany the "you meet one cf them, beat him to the answer to this challenge to civilthe open and they will destroy given -active governmental support. ization. A -universal conscience cries death. If, however, he be a Jew, then Hitler Youth movement and the themselves." is used as a text in | tear him limb from limb." To pacify League of German Girls are agitat- The Stuermer Although he believes a boycott of schools. Streicher himself j 0 Q t f o r Justice, for a struggle against foreign opinion, the Nazis put the man ing for hatred of Jews and Jewish many stores carrying German goods would boasted that the ritual murder issue j this modern threat of barbarism. Taht responsible for this on trial and sen- shops and employees. "Various newsbs held illegal, Hays declared his bewas widely used to make clear to the papers have -warned that Jews are struggle must be carried on by every tenced him to six months in prison, lief in the boycott and in every other but, the Daily Herald relates, not one getting Aryan "fronts" to run their German youth in the schools the dan- available means. means possible to make those in powbusinesses, thus making profit out of gers cf Judaism. The use of the paday of the sentence war> ever served. er in Germany come to terms. "I. a "purely Aryan business' and "laugh- per is obligatory in Bavarian and In the meantime the "cold pcgrom" ing at the 'Goyim' behind their some northern schools. And when a If you would know the value of would extend the boycott to" any exor boycott weapon against the Jews backs." The quotation is from the training school for future Nazi lead- money, go and try to borrow some, tent," he said. is being sharpened for more extensive Fraenkische Tageszeitung of a few- ers was opened July 27 in Zoppot, one for he that goes a-borrowing goes •use in the trying winter months. I t is days ago. Patronize Jewish Press advertisers. cf the teachers was Herr Streicher a-sorrowing.—Franklin. necessary to emphasize the word himself. The important Nazi magazine, Fri"sharpened.*' It is scarcely necessary Today Hitler proudly announces to enumerate again all the decrees dericus, in its August issue asserted: that 90 per cent of the Saar popula"German salesmen and agents are jWhicii the Nazi government has issued against the Jews since its com-still suffering from the predominance tion scarcely can await the moment ing into power. They are legion and of Jewish textile agents. They have of their Teturn into the folds of the are harassing the Jewish people and been able to get many shops to putFatheiland. Amongst these 99 per are making life in Germany for Jews up'the sign, *Nen-Aryan agents are cent must be the 50 per cent who contantamount to imprisonment. As bad not desired.' But it is to be regretted stitute the Catholic population; among I as these decrees were when they were that some Aryan factories don't seem them must be the almost 5,000 Jews j 'issued, they have become infinitely able to separate themselves from their who are living and peacefully work- j >"worse, through the interpretations Jewish representatives. This state of ing in the Saar today. Hitler seems to j the different Nazi governors have put affairs must be changed." And thebe convinced that his government has "on them. New ways and means are German agents, in their official mag- gained the confidence of the people, i -constantly being evolved to make life azine, "Handelspioneer," under date To prove that, he might go to any j still more unbearable for them. If of July 7th, protested to the govern- lengths. But shouldn't it be known j j there is to be unemployment, the jnent against this "impossible state that Nazi terror is Teigning tcday the ! I Nazis mean to see to it that no Jew of affairs." This is typical cf the tae- same way in the Saar.basin as it has j ': i s holding down a job or selling goods tics against Jewish economic survival reigned in Austria, where it led to j Civil war? Nazi orators have insisted j jthat might provide a livelihood for a in the Third Eeich. that they consider those who wouli ] "good Nordic In July the head of.the On March 5, 1934, Dr. Goebbels is- not vote for Germany, traitors. They : are actively boycotted, if their Nazi I color is doubted. Only a few days before Efitler stretched out his hand to the Scar population, bis Minister Hermann Goerkig, threatened with bloody rawrisals those who do jiot hear the Trace -of Nazidom. The Jews in the Saar basin are treated as second-class citizens by the jd orgsmization, just as in Gernroper. Until Hiileriam, the OMAHA Jews, like the remainder of the Saar relation, ardently fleshed the retain the temterv ta German jurisdiction- AH that is past, however. With the date of the plebiscite approaching, the world should he prepared for possible consequences to j i sections .of the Szsr population in the event that the vote is in -favor cf I. Germany. No matter that one hundred J thousand votes, non-Jewish, may be against the return of the Saar basin to Germany, it is certain that should Germany emerge victorious, Nazidom will take its .bloody revenge against the Jews in the Saar. Now appears LINCOLN to be the time for the neutral powers ta exact a guarantee from Germany that no one will be molested in the Saar whatever their attitude past cr present may be in connection with t i e rat lan of the territory. It is impossible here to detail all the outbursts of anti-Semitism, the humiliations, the tear gas attacks, the 0 Back of aH the brutal beatings, the murders, the exclusion from economic, political and conveniences p£ the Norge is social snd cultural' life, the horrible that feeling of security in cruelty to which Jewish children in knowing that no matter how particular are subjected. Persons in •*•*>»**-*•«


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Hays Advises Driving Nazists Into Open


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Page 12—Section E

New Year's Edition—THE JEWISH PRESS—Thursday, September 6,1934

through all the bewildering changes of disaster, to win allegiance for parof the century which shifted the cen- ticular dogmas or programs. For nineter of gravity of Jewish life from the ty years it has functioned as a JewOld World to the New.' For, as op- ish agency, preparing itself for digportunity was more and'more denied nified leadership by mellowed expe-r in European countries, rather by man rience, and by its hold upon the loythan by nature, Jews came in their alty of every group in Jewish life. legions to those shores, They came as Perhaps the greatest danger which "forty-eighters" after the abortive a well established institution faces is revolutions in German states, they atrophy which is a consequence of an to become adjusted to came from war torn Poland after the inability change. B'nai B'rith has never sufcollapse of the rebellion of 1863, they fered from this malignant institutional came from bigoted little Roumania disease. Its early fratarnalism emphawhich stupidly sought to destroy its sized insurance and special benefits. only middle class, they- came from When other agencies were created By DR. ABRAHAM L. SACHAR Tzarist Russia to escape the terror which could serve better and more efwhich followed Alexander IPs assasLast year B'nai B'rith, the largest tial meaning of B'nai Bfritk's echieve- Greece, suffered severe indignities at sination, and all tho subsequent hor- ficiently in this field B'nai B'rith was quick to relinquish this feature of its arid'oldest international Jewish fra- ments of yesterday and tody. Dr. Sa- the hands of a Greek mob during the ternal organization in the world, cele- char is a graduate of Oxford Univer- Easter season. Hhe holligans, appar- rors of the May laws, the pogroms of program. It established magnificent brated its OOth anniversary. This sity, England, is. the author of the ently whipped to fury by a vindictive the nineties, Kishineff of 1903, and orphanages, asylums, consumptive year, the Order ivill celebrate the 70th famous "History of the Jews," and is Easter sermon, burst into his home, the collapse of the Duma government. homes, old age retreats, and an imbirtliday of its venerable - President, a writer, orator, and historian well denounced him for the "crime" of the In thousands, in tens of thousands, pressive group of other philanthropic Hon. Alfred M. Cohen, which occurs known from coast to- coast for his Crucifixion, scattered his possessions, finally in amazing waves of hundreds j institutions. Again and again civic on:\ next October, with a ndtiomoide scholarship and active participation and beat him immercifully- Don Pa- of thousands they pcured gladly, ex- j bodies and Federations stepped in, membership campaign in his honor. in Jewish life today.—THE EDITOR. cifico appealed for redress but the citedly, into the United States, until better equipped, to take over the acDr. A. L. Sacliar, Director of the Greet Government paid no attention after the war America had become tivity in which B'nai B'rith had B'nai B*rith Hillel Foundation at the In 1850 an extraordinary incident to his petition.. The case quickly took the hub of Jewish life, with a popula- served as pioneer. Today its philanUniversity of Illinois, and National occurred in British political history. on international significance and the tion of- more than four million. And thropic program still is a major conDirector of all the Hillel Foundations, An obscure Jew of Gibraltar, Don Pa- Prime Minister himself, Lord Palmer- through all of these changes B'nai sideration but it is no longer fundareinterprets in this article the essen- cifico by name, who had settled in ston, called'upon the Greek state to B'rith functioned on its original plat- mental. Yestsrday B'nai B'rith used render satisfaction. When Athens still form of public service, broad spirited special metheds of intercession to resprocrastinated, Palmerstoh sent a few philanthropy, defense, and cultural cue Jewish communities from persecution or discriminaticn. Difficulties gunboats into the harbor and the dis- development. play of power finally set the wheels Today B'nai B'rith has legitimate in Roumania impelled B'nai B'rith to cf; justice into motipn. The .opposition claims for one of the leading positions urge President Grant to send its leadparty'in England, seized: upon: the- in- in American Jewish life.'Its member- ing officer to serve as American concident to make political capital and ship is drawn from every stratum. It sul in Bucharest. The bloody pogroms promptly of censure was.moved is not a shtadlan grcup, made up of in ICishincff evoked thunderous Ameragainst the' Prime -Minister for jeo- the Brahmins in each community. It ican pretests and B'nai B'rith drew hidden in •whatever .corner of the globe does not function on the Geld Stand- up the official statement which was an obscure Jew of Gibraltar. A severe ard nor on the Birth Standard. Ori- dispatched, through regular Ameripardizing the - peace of Europe and ginally it was German in its member- can diplomatic channels, to the Rusthe welfare of-Britain for the sake "of ship for Gsrman immigration gave sian governmentToday there ara other calls and Cabinet crisis resulted 'and the' life- of this group numerical and social predominance. The membership has they must be answered in very differthe ministry hung by a thread. ' 'liord Palmerstcn rose to defend his steadily changed with the hewer tides | ent ways. No false pride ties B'nai action late < at night and spoke until of immigration " and Americanization B'rith to*, the past, compelling. it to the following morning,' in the out- Its roster today represents a-genuine remain in established grooves, to hold standing speech of his-career. He un- cross section of American Israel, with stubbornly to traditions simply bedertook ta give a thoroughgoing re- German, Russian, Polish, - Roumanian cause they arc old. Through the Antiview of British foreign policy and" its and old established American ele- Defamation League it has fashioned principles. He concluded with a classic ments, rich" and poor, Zionist and non- a new instrument of amazing vitality peroration -which sat the tone for the Zionist, rabbi and layman^ profession- to ward off the attacks of modern age. Just as in ..ancient Rome," he de- al men, artisan, and business man, anti-Semites who function with the clared, any citizen, irrespective of conservative arid radical, believer and best organized propaganda machines in all history. Through the A. Z. A. economic of social status, residing free thinker. anywhere in the world, could gain the It gees without saying that numer- it has become the sponsor of a great protection of the might and power ically, too, B'nai B'rith has main- American youth movement which will of Rome by proclaiming "Civis Ro- tained its representative character. It leaven the Jewish life of tomorrow. manus sum1' (I am a Reman citizen), began with a few lodges in the early Through the Hillel Foundations it has so, too, any British citizen, however, eighteen forties when Jews numbered developed the most intelligent large obscure, humble, of whatever race, scarcely fifteen thousand. As immigra- scale program of Jewish activity hidden in whatever corner of the tion grew the lodges multiplied un- among students in the great Ameriglobe, could gain the protection of all til today there are nearly 450 in this can Universities. Your- boy deserves the happiness that comes • the resources cf the British Empire, country alone, representing about six- And tomorrow there will be other with good health and "regular" habits. Watch ;by his proud claim, "I am a Briton." ty thousand families or nearly 300.- needs and other claims when the Jew, • Palmerston won the dajv 000 Jews. There is no city of substan- either in this country or abroad, cries his diet, and if you want to be certain that he 1 Civis' Romanus sum! I t is fair to population v.-ithout its unit and out "Ivri Incchi." And as in the past* • avoids the dangers of chronic constipation, paraphrase this famous cry in detail- scores of tiny communities can boast B'nai B'rith will continue to answer IRS "the story of B'nai B'rith which of their chartered lodge. Indeed through united action, wherever the try Uncle Sam Breakfast food for his mornhas functioned for nearly a century ameng the smaller places there are cause is worthy. ing cereal. He'U welcome the delicious flavor as the watchdog of Jewish rights cases where every single family is everywhere-in the world and as the represented and a Jew is indeed withof its crisp wheat flakes, and benefit from the protector for all - who were in danger- out the portals of communal life if Belgium to Deoort or in difficulty. Whether he dwelt in not united in the fellowship. small amount of flax added, which makes it a German Refugees jbenighted Roumanian-in -darkest Rus- There are few agencies anywhere in mild but effective laxative and "regulator.'* I sia, ! in Nazi-torn Germany, in the the world which have enrolled as Antwerp, (JTA).—Belgium will happier climates of England or the arge" a proportion of its Jewish pop- admit no raora German refugees and I United States, wealthy or in penury, ulation. It should perhaps bs added will deport those who are naw emI strong-and proud or harried by-the that there are about 150 lodges in ployed in the country, the Belgian ••white plague, scion of an ancient fam- other sections of the world, as far government has officially Informed ily or immigrant, regardless of sta- apart as China and South Africa, Pal the Jewish Telegraphic Agency.. tus/ of position in society, of religious estine and South America. The tremendous influx of Gsnnan or nationalist outlook, - the Jew-had refugees' into the countries borderTliis is why B'nai B'rith has the ing Germany has created a problem but to exclaim "Ivii Cnochi" (I am a Hebrew), and by that proud declara- right to spoak as a representative .' for the officials of those countries. I lion he had claim to the protection Jewish agency. It is not a mushroom Relief" facilities have bean sirairrei or the assistance of ithe -oldest and orgamzaticn, called into being by a to the utmost and the people of the most representative cider in; contem-. sudtkn crisis or a" particular emer- country ;:do not take kindly to the :ncy. It did not suddenly speak up' cdjrht of- refugees obtaining jobs, porary Jewish life. ;•'./". . • Ask Your Grocer for Jewish life because of Nazi ter— while unemployment was rife And all too often has the Jew been or hsre or pogrsmisfs atrocities compelled to cry out in the past cen- t h a r c l t has not sdzed upon the hys- every country. Most of the rofugeas tury, a century apparently enlightened teria of the Jewish -masses, in the face are absolutely penniless and need help badly. • with progress in science'-and in human ralations, but dealing,; out, nevertheless,,* its proportion' of blows to tine:" scattered" Jewish -minorities. And* B'nai B'rith has consistently answered the cry of-'Iyri Onochi''—ttow through diplomacy, new through financial assistance, -now through its power to organize protest, hov? through its abilfrom ' ity to strike out new paths ifL institutional undertakings. " , .. Ninety'years. is not a Ion? span in the three; thousand year old stcry ;of the jew-;Bnt in "American•history~;i$ covers nearly thefxvhole 'ga mut. of "cor-; porate Jewish life. For, in 1843, when the Order was founded in New Yoik City by a dozen fonvafd looking citi1201-7 California St., Omkha, Ttfebr. ; zens, there'j were less than fifteen ^i^iie£J&xs An .the whole •countryThe mighty waves of immigration had not yet begun to deposit their ..millions; Manufacturers of Pure on ~ American shores. The, luxe of, the goldene rnedina had npt yet attracted .more than] tinyj.t^agmentS.;of the great European^iseitfements. ."•[JriirrH portant sis:< Jewish -Ufe; was, h<jstever;. it was'divided by social, economic and religioiis cleavages. The 'earliest Sephardic Jews held aloof" from the "upstart" German Ashkenazim, the English speaking from the immigrant Welding and Cutting Equipment and "greeners,." ihe orhtodox from-;the "godless and wicked" Reformers, the Supplies, Acetylene Lighting, Cylrich from the pc or. There were few. inders for Trucks, etc, Carbide. institutional aids for the needy and tiie imtAmericanized since Jewish life had only just begun to jell. There were a few fraternal orders, with secret signs and bizarre uniforms and bombastic ritual, with special benefit's and insurance schemes, but none of these had breadth of vision or social •purpose and none survived the ka'e'dosconic changes of Jewish life. B'nai B'rith,^ to be sure, also began with the trappings of the average fraternal order, but soon divested itself of these and, dedicated itself to WAREHOUSES a wide program of. social service, to the task, of .uniting Israel, of buildin** Fort Dodge,Iowa— Des Moines, Iowa—Sioux.City, its - philanthropies,., of., protecting .it* Iowa—Grand Island, Nebraska—Hastir^s, Nebr. good•-. name; .of warainsr> off its - ene--Norfolk, Nebraska-Pwapid City, South Dakota mies, of developing its rich cultural North Platte, Nebr. resources. , It functioned on this platform JACKSON 5203


ply to German Jews. The Hitler regime has also been entangled in a number of diplomatic incidents involving assaults by Nazi zealots on foreigners particularly those who appeared to be Jews.

MUST NOT MOLEST F O R E I G N E R S , EVEN IF JEWISH-LOOKING Berlin, (JTA).—Foreigners must no longer he molested, ev^n if they look lUre Jews, the police president {police thief) has ordereJ. The trder was issued because of recent incidents in which foreigners vere insulted by Nazi storm troopers v.-ho mistook them for Jews, it was s«;<3. At the same time Berlin 6chool authorities were given special instructions to see to it that Nazi students showed the proper respect for foreigners. Last week Professor Albert Lapowsky of the University of Chicago was struck in the face by a Berlin Nazi storm trooper who stepped out of the ranks and assaulted him when he failed to raise his arm in the Hitler salute during a parade. The Nazi government has made every effort to attract foreigners, tourists and students to Germany, declaring over and again that foreign Jews are welcome in both capacities. It was made clear, however, that this welcome did not ap-

Nazis Call Einstein a Bolshevist Agent Berlin. — Professor Albert Einstein is nothing but a "Bolshevist agent," Dr. Alfred Rosenberg, head of the foreign affairs division of the Nazi party and editor of the Voelkischer Beobachter, leading Nazi paper, declared. Dr. Rosenberg maintained that the Nazis favor freedom of science. "A misunderstanding has been caused," he said, "because many Jewish scientists as well as a number of misled Germans have equated freedom of scientific research with freedom to calumniate the German peopie. "If a certain Mr. Einstein professes that the white race has no right to claim superiority over the Negroes, then such a deviation is not freedom of research," the Nazi leader stated.

Keep him









The Balbach Company and Acetylene






They. are. never alone that are accompanied with -boble thought*. • '• - -'


Phone AT. 2815


2815 Farnam St

tkatitest Wishes for a Most Happy and Prosperotis New Year







' -


* *



New Year's Edition—THE JEWISH PRESS—THursday, September 6,1934

f»age IS—Section E

Sioux City, Iowa

the children of the Talmud Torah ing year. However, in spite of in- the federation 1was organized by Mr. with a special celebration, traditional creased problems and greater diffi- Frank Margolin : culties, the work done by the Feder- At the annual banquet held in Over 100 children were enrolled in in its nature. Succoth found the ation during 5694 merits a great February, Mr. A. M. Davis was re- the Talmud Torah during tiie year children enjoying a harvest celebraelected president of' the federation. of 5694. Parent have shown a re- tion and Chanukah. was celebrated deal of praise. With available funds slashed to Miss Rose Lipman who had served newed interest in their childrens with the exchange of gifts and a a. minimum, by careful planning, the federation as superintendent for Jewish training. Classes were held | Chanukah program. the federation was able to care for several years tendered her resigna- from 4 to 7 during the winter j Sioux City children who attend the Talmud Torah are indeed fortuall the needy in the Jewish com- faon, and moved to. New lork City ja o n t h s d f r o m 9 t o 12 ^ m. d u r . munity. Several families during the following her marriage. She was suc- ing the summer months. In addition nate in having Mr. Aaron Tabii and past year were dependent upon tte ceeded by Miss Dena Baron. > the regular classes in Hebrew, Mr. J. Aizenstat as their instructors. federation for every material need. Duiing tie gummcr montllfi the iddisli, and Jewish culture and lit- Not OTlly fire thfy bvth trained in Kent, coal, food, clothing and medi- library in the Center has been cata- erature, each holiday was marked by (Continued on Page 14.) cal care were supplied. A numbar logued and re-opened. The Library of families were given temporary club, under Miss Bluma Olenskywill relief, necessitated because of unem- have charge of the dispersal of ployment in the family or sickness. books. Plans for the coming' year group in Sioux City, was an import- Medical care which included dental include the organization of a HeExtending to you our heartfelt wishes for ant event on the calendar of 5694. work and hospitalization was afford- brew and Jewish club, Debating club, Organization at the suggestion of ed many by the federation. "Many Dramatic club and dancing, dramatic A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR the Anti-Defamation committee of transients, going from city to city and music classes. the local B'nai Brith, the group were cared for- when they applied functioned as a clearing house for to the Center for assistance. Arthe local organizations. By a unani- rangements were made for four inmous decision the Inter Club Coun- dividuals to enter an out of town cil members decided to eliminate all hospital for medical care. TIRES, GASOLINE, OIL solicitations from non-Jews for the The Hebrew Mothers association, In addition to giving financial aid, organized in the interests of the period of one year. and BATTERIES The only exception to the ruling marital troubles, problem, children j Talmud Torah, completed a program will be the Jewish Carnival spon- and mental cases received attention; in the past year that more than Phone 8-8253 West 14th and sored by the Inter Club Council, in through the office of the federation. \ justifies its existence. This group Sioux City, la. Center Streets which thirteen organizations, will An important phase of the work of women maintains the Hebrew participate and receive the proceeds. of the Federation of Jewish Social school bus which takes the children Mr. JackGoldsmith was named. gen- service was the activity carried on to and from the Talmud Torah. In eral chairman for this event, which at the Jewish Community Center, in their money raising program for this will be held in the Sioux City Audi- the form of classes and clubs. Thir- purpose, they included last year a teen volunteer workers directed the dance, a picnic and a card party. torium on October 31. of as many clubs and Sirs. Ben Sherman heads this The Inter Club Council, repres- activities classes. Included the group were gTonp of women. HAPPY NEW YEAR enting twenty-eight, organizations Boy Scouts, GirlinScouts, Dramatic elected as its chairman Mr. Morey Clubs, and social dubs. 800 boys and lipshutz. Because the council repre- girls were enrolled in these groups. sents every Jewish group in the city, its.organization -was a great stride The federation continued last year The local B'nai Brith lodge, alahead in unifying and harmonizing to give its annual contributions to ways an active group, contributed CHARLES ORTH, Manager the local Talmud Torah for the tui- greatly to the welfare of Sioux City Sionx City Jewry. tion of children who were unable to Jewry this year. Concrete evidence pay. We repair bodies and fenders of the lodge's interest in the comThe Allied Jewish Campaign was munity was manifested when Hie Inand clean radiators Faced with a depleted budget and conducted through the offices of the |ter dub council was formed at their increased demands upon it, the Fed- federation and proved most success-j suggestion. 218-20 W. 7th Street SIOUX CITY, IOWA eration of Jewish Social Service has fui. A junior federation, to interest The B'nai Brith met twice a month, devoting its meetings to culcompleted a most difficult and try- the young Jewish men of the city in tural and educational programs as well as the regular business routine. Splendid co-operation was given to the A. Z. A. chapter and an active interest in their group wa manifested throughout the year. An outstanding meeting of the from year was held in February when officers were formally installed. Mr. from Philip Klutznick addressed the meeting. Events on their calendar last year included the Annual Yom Kippur dance, contributions were made HOTEL MARTIN to the Palestine Medical School, The Federation, and the Allied Campaign. Under the leadership of Milton Bol V 3rd DOUGLAS — 6th DOUGLAS stein, president, the lodge increased its membership by 25. "In the Heart of Sioux City"

Talmud Torah



Jewish Consciousness The closing chapter of . 5694 in' A resume of the years activities reSioux City reveals the inspiring veals that through its organisations story of a Jewish community mak- the Jewish population did meet its ing definite steps toward their ideal obligations toward world Jewry and of a unified group working for a toward those in its midst. Not only common goal. With hearts saddened were its quotas filled, but many at the ever recurring stories of the over-subscribed. Educational and cultural program were carried out sad plight of their brother Jew in and received the encouragement and Germany and anxious over their own •interest due them. . problems here, Sioux City Jewry realized that only by a more vigorous and concentrated effort on its part could it meet the demands made The organization of an Inter Club on it daily. Council, representing every Jewish

Interclub Council


M* Lipshutz and SONS




Hebrew Mothers' Association

B'nai Brith






Hotel Martin Pharmacy

PARKWAY CO. 514 8th — 607 DOUGLAS

A. Z. A.


Accept Our Best Wishes for a Very HAPPY NEW YEAR

• : ' •'* -r

FRANK EPSTEIN, D. D. S. 459 New Orpheum Bldg\


Extends Cordial Greetings and Holiday Salutations for their New Year 5694 "Sioux City's Favorite Garage"


WE JOIN YOU In greeting the dawning of this New Year. May it bring you greater happiness than ever before!


H.FEDEB Phone 82905

L.MCKNTBOSE 1406 Center Street


SEASONS G R E E T I N G S To Our Many Friends and Many Patrons

Our Sincere Wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Year


•406 Commerce Bldg.





1312 Pierce Street

No Admission or Cover Charge


If the enthusiasm evinced by young men of Sioux City in the local A. Z. A. chapter were a barometer of the youth of America, our leaders would have little to worry about thfuture of Judaism, Sioux City's A. Z. A. member have just completed a year filled to the brim with activi participation in all Jewish events and unusual interest in Jewish cultural and educational programs. Their well balanced calendar included social events, athletic contests, participation in religious services, and co-operation with other chapters in the United States. A. Z. A. Sabbath was celebrated at Shaare Zion Synagogue and Mount Sinai temple with A. Z. A. members participating in Friday evening services. A Passover dance and a summer dance received the patronage of large crowds. The eighth anniversary of the A. Z. A. was celebrated with a ritual program. Speakers at the regular meetings included Julius Bisnow of Omaha and Judge Munger of Sioux City. An A. Z. A. school for members and pledges was organised and a pledge system for new members was inaugurated. At the district convention in Lincoln, the local basketball team forged their way to the finals before meeting with defeat. The summer program included a number of outings, and the annual Round Table at Riverside. Rudy Shindler is the president of the chapter.

510 Fourth St.

and again we wish


Cohen Wholesale Groceries


215 Douglas Street

RUG CLEANERS 1213 4th—86082

HATTERS 524 6th—86791

Miller Oil Co. Distributors of


Happy New Year We pause from our worh-a-day life at another milestone, to extend to our host of friends a happy and prosperous New Year. May the New Year be one of great accomplishment of Peace and Prosprity and Amiable Relationship among all mankind. And may it bring to the Jews the World over increasing strength and more abundant life. May We all see a closer friendship and better understanding hetween all races and religions.

Sioux City Gas and Electric Co*


Brennan and Cohen

Greetings from

Watch Our Windxnat

517 5th Street



New Year's Edition—THE JEWISH PRESS—Thursday, September 6,195*

Sioux City, Iowa

of that congregation in an earnest ! the organization, and work toward Igogue held daily and Saturday morn- effort to clear the synagogue of all The Junior Congregation, eon'educating the public on the purposes ing services as well as special servducted i t s services' every Saturdly debts. Great steps toward this goal and work of, the Jewish National ices for the holidays. morning . following ..the senior servwere made by the group during The Adas Yeshuren Synagogue Fund was included in the years proices. In -'addition to its regular serv5694. had Mr. Levitsky as president gram. ices t h e . junior Congregation conHeaded by Mrs. M. Lazriovich, of thte congregation, with Rabbi M. ducted a late Friday evening servMOUNT SESTAI TEMPLE Braver officiating as spiritual leader. president, the Daughterhood held ice in the synagegue, with its memSunday evening, September 9, 8 The Beth Abraham synagogue con- special celebrations a t Chanukah and bers in' complete charge. Each holiWith the need for a Jewish home- gregation was headed by Joe Dims- Purim, sponsored a well attended anday wras appropriately celebrated by o'clock — Sermon: "D r e a m i n g land in Palestine and every growing dale and held' similar services. niversary banquet and held regular the "-Junior' Congregation. Important A g a i n . " • '. . • • - - • 1 'Monday morning, September 10, and imperative necessity, the past was the series of book reviews premeeting's each month. witz as spiritual leader, and Cantor 10 o'clock—Sermon: "The Finger j year has shown a renewed interest sented, throughout thel winter A. Pliskin, the synagogue held well (Continued from Page 13.) I in the Zionist organization of Sioux months^ by Rabbi H. R. 'Rabinowitz. of God." .City. Sioux City. Jewry is becoming the essentials of modern pedagogy, attended services every Friday eve- The series proved to be '.of great . SHAARE ZION SYNAGOGUE imore conscious of its duties toward but their love for the Hebrew laii- ing. Special services on Friday eve- interest'to the Jewish community and The Sioux City Senior Hadassah Junior-- Hadassah was attended, by a. large number of Sunday evening, September 9, 7 the upbuilding of Palestine, and guage: and their vast knowledge are ring-- included Chapter can look back on the year Sabbath, A. Z. A. Sabbath, Stuo'clock—Sermon: "Spiritual Dietmany individuals who up to this i The Dauhterhood of Tephereth people"; Books of Jewish and general easily communicated to the students Welcome Sabbath, Mothers interest were reviewed. Proceeds of ing." - ,. • (Continued on Page 15.) year were indifferent, took an acdents. I Israel was organized by the women Monday morning, September 10, tive part in the Zionist work. Mr. Jack London is the president Day Services, and the" Baccalaureate the/series were turned over toward service for the graduates. Out of 7:30 a. m.—Sermon: "In Search of the synagogue library fund. Dr. H. M. Levin served the orof the Talmud Torah Board of DiParadise." town speakers included Rabbi David ganization as president and the i rectors. Tuesday morning, September 11, group was represented in the Inter Goldstein of Omaha, Rabbi Albert 7:30 o'clock—Sermon: "Life, Clear Club Council, the Jewish National Gordon of Minneapolis and Rabbi or Mortgaged?" Url Miller of Omaha. Fund Council and the Jewish Federation. The Shaare Zion choir under the From the Bosh Hashonah" services ORTHODOX SYNAGOGUES in the fall through ths Confirmation leadership of Mr. H. H. Buntley and Similar services a t Beth AbraThe Ladies Auxiliary of Shaare ham -Synagogue, Tiphereth Israel service which officially closed the with Mr. Morey Iipshutz a s patron Zion contributed last year in a. great Synagogue and Adas Yeshuren year for Shaare Zion Synagogue, contributed greatly t o the services. The religious school held its ses-measure not only to the synagogue Synagogue. the congregation enjoyed a year of augmented activities and ever pres- sions each Sunday morning with with which it is affiliated, but to ! ent enthusiasm in all congregation- trained teachers in charge of thethe Jewish community a s a whole. The Ladies Independent Farane .' Outstanding: on their calendar for Palestine by Rabbi Gordon of al everts. With Rabbi H. R. Rabino- classes. worked with the men's group toward the year was the presentation of Minneapolis. "Over the Hill"-by local talent a t The auxiliary, headed by Mrs. H.the same goal last year. I t was with 1 the Orpheum theater.- The annual Sherman has done much toward the the assistance of this auxiliary that 819 West Fourth Street Mother arid Daughter Banquet at- maintainance * of the synagogue and the Farane could make the great •T tracted many. Of unusual signific- has'taken a n ; active interest in Jew-strides it did. The Ladies • Farane also contribance was the Oneg Shabbos group ish events outside "of' the congregauted appreciable sums toward the organized by the auxiliary. This tion. • • • : ' ' • • ' various Jewish institutions in the v V - r ; " ; v : ' ' F R O M ." •'•' ' ~:; " • ; • • V - . group which met one Saturday aftUnited States, including among them ernoon a month contributed greatly the hospitals in Denver, and Los Anto t h e cultural program of Sioux geles. Assistance was also given to City women. Mount Sinai Temple met the The auxiliary held a number of needs of the Reform Jewish com- the federation by this group of wom2Oth and Pierce St. interesting meetings during the year, munity last year and can look back en, and the members stood ready a t and sponsored several worthwhile on 5694 with the knowledge that it all times to co-operate with other Home Owned . - Home Controlled clubs in any communal event. concerts and lectures. Among them was instrumental in establishing bet- local »«••»«• T\ • J *J * A. C. SPRECHER | were the concert by Samuel Mervis ter. understanding in the community M^s J.J. WHITING MaxDerv p r e s i dent e d of Minneapolis, and the lecture on as well. During Rabbi T . E . YEOMAN -" — --. & -the .. -year, — . -- of the Ladies Independent Farane. Theodore N . Lewis received his Doctor of; Divinity degree from the Hes brew. Union* college, and was called The function of the Independent upon to deliver the invocation a t the graduation exercises of the col- Farane, to maintain the new-Jewish cemetery a t Graceland park was lege last June. Of signal importance on the calen- carried" out-in a sound" measure durdar of the temple last year was theing 5694. The group raised a large "••4 observance of Better Understanding portion of the funds needed for the Day, when a special service was upkeep of the cemetery, cleared of held. Reverends Pullman and Serrill all debts and has started a fund for spoke a t this service as well as Dr.the building of a beauttiful chapel in the' cemetery. Lewis. Congregational night \\&z observed In addition to the maintainence of when Mr. T. N . Grueskin, Mr. H.the cemetery the group contributed Fishgall, and Mrs. Louis Agranoff to several out of town institutions. spoke from the pulpit, representing The Farane met regularly twice a their respective organizations, the month and held its annual banquet during the month of January. Mr. Brotherhood, The Temple, and The Morris Albert is president of the Sisterhood. An innovation a t the Temple was group. 400 4th 4th & Jennings the volunteer choir that sang each Friday evening. The choir was composed of the young people of the The Ivre club met regularly last congregation and earned the praise of the congregation. Mr. Harry Hor- year with Mr. Jack Goldsmith-servMOORE CLOTHING CO. ing a s president. The group, alwitz led the choir. The; Religious school enjoyed a though organized for social purlarge enrollment and the course in- P ° s e s ' t o o k ^ a c t i v f P a r t ' i n eluded history, literature and He-! event of the Jewish community, Muse—and Refresh Yourself brew. Teachers trained for the task; Represented in the Inter Club Counwere in charge of thes classes. I c i l and on the federation board, the Confirmation services were h e l d , I v r e c l u b contributed both morally late in May and several children | a n d financially to every worthy fc Bottie. WHk j were, graduated from the high school cause when called upon, department of the Sunday school. AI Mr. Louis Agranoff a member of student's welcome service was held the local chapter was elected presiduring the winter holidays. S2veral dent of the Ivre clubs of this region students home for vacation partici- at their conclave in Des Moines last spring. pated in this service.

Sioux City Resume Reflects Deep^Rooted Jewish Consciousness

Scriedule- Holiday Services


Daughterhood of Tephereth Israel


Lajdies' Auxiliary .qf Shaare Zion

Shaare Zion

Senior Hadassah


Ladies' Independent Farane

CARL and BETTY .'.' '.'. a t V THE LOG CABIN



Mont Sinai Temple





Independent Farane



Delicious Chicken Dinners

1001 West 6th





To our many Jewish friends on this day, we send our best wishes for health and happiness during the coming year.


Grand Billiards


511 Nebraska Street

Jewelry Stores

Ivre Glub






Chesterman Company

Jewish National " Fund Council


YE A R G R E E T I N G S from





Midwesfs Finest Equipped Shop

Hat and Shirt Shop

Phone 5-5734 — 515 8th St.


E. Edward Jacobson, Mgr.

I !

Orthodox Synagogs

Mr. H . Lazriowich served the Telegraph Israel Synagogue as president last year, with Rabbi Maron and Mr. M. Shulman acting as rabbi Under the direction of the Jewish National Fund "Council, Sioux City and cantor respectively. The synawas one of twenty-five cities in the United States to send over $1,000 to the J . N. F . headquarters in New York during the year just finished. The council, composed-of representatives from each Zionist organization in Sioux City, supervised the raising of funds for the National Fund and was instrumental in the placing and "collection of the Blue Boxes in 1 homes in Sioux City. The group was headed by Mr. R.i JH. „ Emlein. Boxes of Palestinian] fruits ami candies vvsre ;;old thrr,u.?hl

We Join YOU In Greeting the Dawning of this New Year * » • •


613 Pierce St.

Sioux City, Iowa

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Manufacturers of Fine Furs t-


May it bring you greater happiness than ever before,


August Williges, Inc.

"The Center of Everything"


Greetings *

Toller Drug Co* Sioux City's Largest ' Prescription Store Sixth and Pierce

Davidson Bldg.

.- w ::-ijjm»*«-.i-








phgold Frisbre BUICK CO.

300 West Seventh



New Year's Editton—THE JEWISH PRESS—Thursday, September -6,1934

Sioux City Resume Reflects Deep-Rooted Jewish Consciousness

Coimcil Bluff s* Iowa •THE JEWISH PANORAMA94

the Bellevne Apartment Ball Koom. The Annual Father and Son Banquet as usual attracted a large number. The summer activities included a picnic at the Girl Scout Cabin in Morningside, when the Brotherhood honored Dr. Lewis upon his receiving the D. D. degree.

Junior Hadassah

Page 15—Section E that its total surplus income over expenditures tor the entire year of 1934-35 would be 223,000 pounds, yet clui-ing the first two months of the Jerusalem, (JTA).—The Palestine fiscal year the sum was 300,000 surplus is piling up its millions, and pounds. It is likely, if the present during April and May of this year rate of progress continues, that will be a further 2,000,000 no less than 309,000 pounds (7,545,- there pounds in hand, as "net profit" by 000) was added to it bringing it up to the grand total of 2,820,000 pounds, or 514,000,000 by the end of May, Oppression is but another name for 1934. irresponsible power, if history is to The government had estimated be trusted.—Pinkney.

Palestine Piles Up An Immense Surplus


•most worth while. The group under the leadership of Mrs. Louis Agran- In the death of their Membership off completed a season that was filled chairman, Miss Roma Wigodsky, the with active participation in commu- Sioux City chapter of Junior Hadasnal as well as congregation events. sah suffered a loss that will make the Important en its calendar was thememories of 5694 the saddest in its Mother and Daughter Banquet given history- Miss Rose Pill was elected by the Sisterhood in May. Members president of the chapter in the midalso catered for the Father and Sondle of the season following the deBanquet given by the Brotherhood, parture of Miss Freda Albert, presiand on the same evening held a card dent, to Los Angeles. party in the Sioux Apartments. The activities of the chapter inThe Sisterhood contributed to thecluded a Mid-Winter dance with proTemp'.e funds, the Tuition fund of theceeds turned toward the Palestinian Eeligicus School and the local Boys jFund; a Give or Get luncheon, a and Girls home. They supplied decor- I bridge tournament 2nd several social ations for the Temple at each holiday gatherings in addition to their reguand furnished refreshments to the lar monthly meetings. children of the Sunday School at their The important event cf the year holiday programs. was held early last fall when the - Mrs. William Lazere was elected Sioux City chapter was hcsteis to the president cf the grcup at their clos- other chapters cf the region a t the ing meeting of the season. Southwest Regional convention. •- Four members of the chapter received awards toward the earning of the Fellowship and the group participated in a number of ccmmunal events. -

CABINET-- Hi* fAthesz


(Continued from Page 14.) 5694 and truthfully say they have .1 • . - -- to S&ij ~ -** completed a brilliantly successful of n-rnv: He'll tvever be i-n. 11 season. Every quota fcr the year was politics, filled and several quotas were over TRANKLJN T>.T?0D5EVELT £ > ^ 2 subscribed. The membership of the chapter was raised to 210 women. 'hjgkJ*M£ cftfie/sfe of a. With a quota of $425 for the Medical 6£#TZGWN FVMffi mto the •unit, the chapter raised over $G2i>. $325 was raised toward the Jewish t,. A FARM WEEKLY National Fund. Funds were sent into the National Headquarters toward the Sewing Circle, the Penny Lunches, the Infant Welfare and the Hebrew University Hospital. • . • Outstanding events of their year were the Purim Bazaar, Annual Card Party, Summer Dance and Give or Get Luncheon. The most important affair of the. year took place when the Sioux City chapter was hostess to members of the entire Southwest District at the Annual Convention held here in May. Mrs. E. N. Gruesldn was in charge of the arrangements for" this convention. -: • Mrs. R. H. Emlein served the chapter as president -and was instrumental in the splendid work dene by tne • Through its monthly meetings 'IRftRTWEWT STORE group. which included cultural and educationfl MSTlTUTlObi o-fal programs as well as social events, One of t i e important organizations 7Z<2.ta/f Si/s/rzess, i s THE the men of Mount Sinai Temple in the field of Zionism is the local OF JEWS/ Brotherhood spent a most profitable Poale Zion chapter of the National COPYRIGHT BY - SEVEN ARTS FEATURE SYNDICATE Alliance. This group meett **/-»wr»l S year. Outside speakers appeared at Workers 1 ing for regular business and cultural several of the meetings. Rabbi Lewis spoke on Jewish current events at sessions, and "working toward the ined to me by the law of Hosbe and terest of the Jewish laborits in PalThe Sisterhood of Msunt Sinai every meeting. Israel!" and slipped a ring onto her estine enjoyed a most successful year. Temple* was instrumental in making One of the large events of the seafinger. The outstanding activity of the seathe past year for the congregation son was the Haberet Dance held at As a Palestinian citizen, he went to son was the successful Gervershaften the prison superintendent and deCampaign conducted by the jrroup. manded the release ot his wife, now a Funds were raised through a Bazaar Haifa, (JTA).—A highly romantic Palestinian national. The strperirrtendand through personal solicitations. An increased membership enjoyed marriage in Palestine has had the•ent asfeed for written proof, and the [man went to the Eabbinate and sea full program of cultural and social happy sequel here of saving an "il; cured the necessary papers. The marlegal" woman immigrant from prison activities, and plans for the coming season indicate that the enthusiasm and deportation. She was wedded by jriage had been legally performed. her fiance almost on the very thresh- Armed with tha papaTs, he returned displayed by the group Trill not beto the prison and obtained his wife's old of prison. lessened. release. The bappy/yetmg couple went One of a party oi thirty-seven JewMr. M. Mason served as correspondarm in arm to their new life in Eretzing secretary and Mr. D. Sperling, ish men and women who had been de- Israel. tained while trying to enter the counrecording Secretary. . try without authority, and for whom bail had been refused in spite of the Arch Anti-Semite enormous amounts of monsy offered, ML Pearl Street Phone 8 » this young woman was being taken COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA A group of young people met infrom the courthouse prison. March of last year to form the Jni- "WTiile police were hurrying along ior Poale Zion. Their activities dur- the dejected Jews, a young man naming the months of their organization ed Terucham Shermeister came along have been worthy of any long estab- unobtrusively and walked alongside lished group. The Juniof Poale Zion the young woman. Suddenly he took meets primarily for cultural interests. her hand and in a rinsing voiee,. cried, Their programs included papers and "Will you wed me?" She answered: talks .on varied subjects -of Jewish in- "Yes!" Then, in ths presence of them terest. Their first program open to all, be pronounced loudly the Jewislithe public was an Installation Meet- ritual vow, "Then thon art consecrating "that was attended by -a reprePAIXTEU KNOX WnxiAM P . KNOX sentative and appreciative audience. appreciable sums to their National . . . OHIO Kxox Every Jewish holiday was appropri- Headcruarters for the Chalutzos in ately celebrated and the group has Palestine. Real Estate •;, . Loans made substantial steps toward their j In addition to their fund raising ideal to orient Jewish Youth to the1 projects the Pisneex women held resInsurance ; ular meetings and included on their cultural treasures cf our nation. •projjrams cultural and educational Mr. and Mrs. Abe Stillman and Mr. 22 South Main St. Phone 162 M, BeresMn are patrons of the club, work. Among the nationallv known with Mr. Stillman acting as adviser. speakers to appear before the group Council Bluffs, Iowa was Goldie Meyerson of Palestine. Mrs. Sam Levin was the financial secretary of the Pioneer Women. One cf the most vicious anti-Semites of &6S4 is Julius Streicher, Nazi head of Franconia. The Workmen's Circle 664 organ- Knows as the "Bloody. Butcher of The Workmen's Circle Ladies Atixiliary was headed last year by Mrs. ized as part of a national group to Fxanconia," he has fifieS bis paper, J. Zeligson, secretary. The •group give assistance to its members and to"Der Stuermer," -with despicable at•working hand in hand with the men's j co-operate with National institutions tacks upon the Jews and upon the organization evinced an active inter- I deserving of their assistance, took an goveraiBeni ; administratiosi in the est in all Jewish events in the com-[active part in cotmnunal events dur- United States. His "blood xitoal accusations as" well as the general naumunity and was ready at all times to ing 5694. The group was instrumental in seating tenor of Ms pubBcatkn has help when the occasion demanded. brinetfng several important lecturers even brought written protest in Nazi to Sioux City and sponsored two con-Germany, since other Nazi papers printed many letters from non-Jewish certs. The Pioneer women meet in the in- In addition to aiding their members German readers asking that the govterest of the women workers in Pal- the chanter contributed to the Na-ernment bar "Der Stnermer." estine, and the local chapter of the tional Hospital far Consumptives at The first break in Stretcher's suporganization had contributed a great Los Angeles, the Denver Hospital and posed popularity with the Nazi powdeal toward this splendid task. Rais- to the Allied Jewish Campaign. ers that he came' recently when his Mr. I Singer was the recording sec- publication was suspended for two ing their funds through a raffle, w card parties, and participation in theretary of the Circle. weeks. Palestinian Bazaar, the group sent


JOE PERRY SHERIFF •ypreciste y»or sniper! for re-election for SheiSf on the Democratic Ticket

Election November 6, 1934

Mount Sinai Brotherhood


Poale Zion

Mount Sinai Sisterhood

Visit the New




New Year's Greetings...


334 West Broadway

Shoes for the Fondly at Low Prices


A Happy New Year to All

John N.Eddy, Inc.

Junior Poale Zion





Workmen's Circle Auxiliary

Council Bluffs, Iowa

123 Pearl Street Phone 132 Council Bluffs, Iowa

NEW YEAR G R E E T I N G S tdall of my-Jewish friends from

TED BRAUN Republican Candidate for

COUNTY TREASURER Yonr Support Will Be Appreciated—Election November 6, 1934.


Workmen's Circle


GREETINGS TO ALL • • . for a Happy and Prosperous New Year

Pioneer Women

Complete the Day . . . With Happiness and Cheer, for Health and Satisfaction—




Pleasingly Different Phone your nearest dispenser for a case of POTOSI BEER . . or call

JAckson 2745 Phone 3163

Omaha Council Bluffs

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if you're 'just.a bit cramppd for cask see us. . . O u t terlis.will pledse you. • j -

Distributors Eighth and Farnarri Streets



S E R V I C E S T O R E S .i V c

925 West Broadway Co. BLUFFS

A Happy New Year to AIM

703 W. Broadway Phone 480 Council Bluffs, Iowa 1'ONE-STOP SERVICE ON TIME

Hebrew Ladies' Friendship Society

for Economical Transportation •

New York "Giants" Get Jewish Player

The Hebrew Ladies Friendship So- New York, <KNS) — The New ciety, one of Sioux City's pioneer or- York Giants have a Jewish player ganizations, meets several times dur- again. Hard-hitting Phil Weintraub, ; ing the year. Despite the fact that outfieldsr for Nashville in the the group is not as active as it was in Southern league, whose pitchers J the past, the membership still is have had good cause to fear him, called upon during the year for as-has been recalled by the league-leadsistance, and every member has been ing Giants. Teady and willing to co-operate in all Weintraub, who was with ths Giants at the end of last season and communal events. The society was one of the first in went south with the club last spring, the city to be organized and in thebatted .400 in the Southern league. past did much toward the welfare of He hails from Chicago. the Jewish Population. Mrs, Sam Mo-: Harry Banning, the Giants' third string catcher, is also a Jewish boysow is president of the group.



135 South Main S t Phone 3739 Council Bluffs, Iowa

and youll never be satisisfied with any other lowpricedcar.

Hughes Motor Co.

Bower s Tire Service Go. "GOODYEAR TIRES"


J 153-157 West Broadway i

Phone 669

Council Bluffs, Iowa



Council Bluffs, Iowa

Page 16—Section E

been dismissed without notice and without compensation. It w.s stated sculptors of the modernistic school, tO that, in addition, 135 men were taken again displayed his genius with his from railway posts and sent to other bust of-Einsteim • -'-..-• parts of Lithuania, where they were Leon Feuchtwanger's "The Opper- "R-PCTlliate New York (J. T: A.)—The Asso- placed at "menial tasks. The officials mans" engaged the, interest of the litciated Press reports aand d official were told today they should learn erary world with this picture of a news agency dispatch from Klaipeda, the Lithuanian language before holdGerman-Jewish family caught in the Lithuania, describing recent meas- ing public offices. coils of the Nazi octopus. ures against German-born officials According to the. dispatch, 270 Diego Rivera was selected by the by the Lithuanian Government in an judges, doctors, veterinaries, , police Mexican government to decorate the -alleged systematic attempt to "Lith- officials and teachers were diswalls of the. capital at Mexico. City in uanize" a large district. his revolutionary style. charged and other dismissals were Certrude Stein's libretto for '-Four According to the dispatch, d s p ,175 nathreatened. d il ffiials have Saints in Three, Acts" made a success tive Klaipeda railway officials D'estime and displayed the versatility of thi.^.original, talent,.'who ..has had a By € . H. ARROW remarkable influence on a who.egenwfilers m in Europe and NEW YEAR'S GREETINGS ! passed in 1&92,- again jt the Jews tif \ Congressman Samuel "Dickslein and America. . • ' ':. Certain names - and events'•; in. the Spain, the Spanish Cortes invited | • a. G. McGEE TV. G. NEWSOME ROY S. C U T fields of science, art, business, poli- Charles Kramer have helped establish Jewish settlement. Two thousand Jew- Leon Kroll attained the distinction the facts of Nazi-inspired propaganda of having his work displayed in the tics and- philanthropy-made Jewish and agitation against the peaceful ish familie's have settled in Barcelona New York Meetropolitan Museum of! ; history in .the, past year. '-. alone. . . . *.*• .•.;'- '.,;'.•' %For the relief of victims of. thetraditions of the American people. ' -• The • Jewish - Colpriization; Ass ociation Art, an honor not; usually, accorded a INCORPORATED Nazi holocaust, $£,000,000 was; raised The Hitlerite regime in Germany announced 4;hat ii>ha<l acquired title to. living artist. - • .has been; made conscious of the existin the United States alone by public . • . * • ' . : ' " ' - ^ 1 ' ••':•" , : D E A L E R S I S _..,'.. .J-,52B,7j3. afcre^"of>landL in: the'Argen- Two hundred:fifty thousand people appeal. Twenty thousand /refugees ence of a vig.ila.nt4Ulbliq opinion" aware juhe^ftfr^ijhe^ use^bf^ inpaigrarit|; will- witnessed the pageant of Jewish hisis" attempt- ingTto£ settle" pn ,thV jaftd./. - V . wer,fr assisted to perrnaneht ;hpmes, aci of the shameful-drama-ft Real Estate First Mortgage Loans tory reviewed in "The Romance of a ing to conceal by reVri stfrship arfij false i: . cprding to the'League of-^Nations "Ref' :T|l ^^iy?v"t-fie?sonly-Jewish^city in People.?' . -; , ugee:.Commission's-report; ; " \-'/*:> propaganda." Wi^b-the fielj£.of the Fed-;theJ^rJ[^;'&ceIf6iated ies-twe^f^fi^h --•'For the thjrdtiem in the. history ot i- A hayieiir-for.;Jews h^s'rbeeji.'estabV eration'., of Labor,'liberals of,-ever} aSfj|iy^aTy,;:aridj the'Levant^Fair,: an fthe v American, theate*. -the, Pulitzer 105 Pearl Street Phone 197 ; liShed in Bjrp-Bidjah- under -the aegfe shade of opinion^and Dthef champions exposition East tratl.e. arid in-prise was awarded to a Jewish playCOUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA of th$ Soviets; Six. of ..the seven, mem> of human rights?"the Jboycott haslbeen dustry,-'wai"visited by delegates-fr^m wright; Sidney Kingsley, author ot ; : < hers of ;its,: governing;bpdy 'are. Jews. strengthened ta.such a "degree that a dt tvfeftty-fiy> ;'c6untries;'~ - - "v" ' / "Men in; White." • . •.- '_ • Some thirty thousand Jews settled perceptible \\ eakenfng is noticeable in .-T^ree^ Jfewish fleers, in the" Soy^ . With the translation of •• Sholom Nazi, morale. V N ; . in-Palestinel HKthe ;la§k year, in spite air^^ttpc^. partic^ated .iS the/rescueVQf Ash's "Three Cities" into English ana : of the great handicaps to-Jewish irri- _ At the Hebrew University in Jeru the'cfevV/fof:the^'CheVushkih" -from German, this renowned Yiddish writer the wealth of Yiddish salem, an institution fcr scientific Te'rnigrafion iiiTd the'Natiohal Home-' A^tw ic^ f l o ^ and^w|Se jfjpnored'w.itTi brought attention the wealthofof the Yiddish culture non-Jewish ; l a n d . " ~- '-^ • - : j _ . '•' :"/• - ' "••' search has been-* established, the EintitAe~o^, He^Jp£?t^e' §pyiet •Uni.oti and to the stein Institute, of ^^"ysjest in which ;, Under the New Ceal, the policies of David Saperstein. iVe^Qrd^r^f:Leniii. ^. -" i ' - v ; . In the field cf cultural achievement the government \SLV<±, received, capableprominent German-Jewish professor* ^iAjljift; bi $1^00iO0a was /m^de to world. from.- V - . "it mi"ht be mentioned that the firs' Although he is still in his thirt'es, ' support from such men as Henry Mor- are finding a te/uge. Exiled ^choLar^ &V;j^tituiec-10^^^^'Experimental Psyi A wa* : Anp-io-jevviau daily in America David Saperstein — lawyer, author genthau, as ^Secretary of:the_ Treas- have_ been added to the" facultv of J ^ ^ ^ A t ^ M ^ ^ ^ . ^ i 1 ^ * ^ - estate of established with the enlargement ot and amateur athlete—has becom2. a ury ; David' Lilienthal,. director of the other departments of the Hebre\v ^RJ&raes-" Loab^, a~ New Tfoik banker; and tVe Jewish Daily. Bulletin to a full national figure with his recent apTennessee Valley. Authority; Felix University. t^^e-pebrew-Urriver'sity" of $100,000 ; Frankfurter,- friend and .advisor of the In Poland, the Naras'were suppress- |>y^lfes> i|elix M . W.arburg. : .- : . : kzed newspaper, Albert Einstein par- pointment as director of. the trading s v President; Lawrence Steihhardt, Min- ed and in Rumania, $he Tron Guard. Jl--Haifa^.J8axihiirbp'r was completed^iticiDated in the opening ceremonie and exchange division of the new Land set the first line of type .in the Federal . Securities and Exchange Ai INSURANCE OP EVERY KIND ister, to. Sweden; Mordecai JEzekiel. Improved relations^.were noted bethe fiye.ry.ear task of furnishing a composing room of the publication. commission. . : r : economic advisor" to-the : Department tween the Jewish communities of these land . of Agriculture; . Professor, Leo - Wbl-r countries and.the goyerrimerits/ ~ , deep/water port for Pa!estirie shipping Professor Morris R. Cohen contrib- Until eighteen months ago he was Omaha Phone JA. 6611 and•"— the——-• Social Order* „„,, I simply. a successful small town lawui«u his iiu "Law *->•*» ; man; member of-the National Labor. In the vindication'of StavskjvJew-. rn^ta^a.\$ufece.ssfuf e g d . . , : . . uted to the problem of the relation betweei In the saencesirProfessorReuben to the problem of the relation between j v e w i t h ^ ;t ; Mediation Mediation.Board,, . arid /'various other ish perseverancefagainst in justice. wa« bjtj ]&y Council Bluffs Phone 147 L: K.aftn;of."the"University-of Michi- modern society and its antiquated sys- He made friends easily; one- of these ani rewarded.. • ,_\,,* T ' ' • experts .in the fields, of finance gan received _.tKe ^annual award of- the tern of securing justice. him to a Ferdinand Pe- Revoking the^ order of " expulsion ."Airiericpr^Assoclatioti * for -the -Ad- In the field of sports, Max Baer re- introduced economics.' cora, and the fiery investigator made vancement of Science for his •n-orlc-in trieved the heavyvreight championship him his assistant in the sensational immunology. •' . of the world for the United States, senatorial stock market and banking Professor Milton J. Rosenau cf the first Jew since Mendoza, who investigation. vard was the recipient off th the .Sedg- fought in the.days of bare knuckles . Although he is now the ^po'i:enian wick Mamorial medal for distinguish- and limitless rounds, to hold the title. of the stock exchange, he had no died service to nublic health from the Barney Ross won the welterweight rect Wall street background or fiAmerican Public Health Association. and lightweight boxing championships nancial experience before his associaDr. 'Maurice Brcdie, of New York and Helene Meyer the women's fenc- tion with Pecora. To the banking University, succeeded in immunizing ing championship. fraternity he was an unknown. He Distributors of animals against the infantile-paraly-' Never owned a share of stock, presis virus and began to"apply his methferring poker to stock gambling. od to human beings. During Pecora's long months of inDr. Jacob Goodale Liijman, dean of WHOLESALE CIGAUS, TOBACCOS AND CANDY vestigation, Sapsrstein worked sid? Agriculture at Rutgers University, reby side with him. His personal and ceived the Chandler medal for 1934 Phone 353 407 West Broiidway business life was forgotten—for six from Columbia University for outmonths his family hardly saw him. Council Bluffs, Iowa standing achievement in agricultural It was his job to act as contact man chemistry. . * between the field investigating staff Dr. William Feinbloom, before the and Pecora. .. . International Congress cf the AmerWhen the investigation was over, ican Optometric Association, an- Johannesburg, South Africa (JTA) Saperstein prepared to return to his nounced a nsw principle in optical —All fund-raising records were brok- Union City law firm. His appointscience, increasing the vision of the en here at the banquet opening the ment to the exchange and securities GREETINGS ! Keren Hayesod campaign in South came as no surprise to anyone but partially blind by sixty per cent. - In the arts, Louis Gruenberjr's score Africa. More than £32,000 was raised himself. for "Emperor Jones," called the first for the Jewish Foundation Fund durIn addition to his legal ability, he THE NEW AND GREATER truly American opera, was received jpjr. the banquet, which was attended is a writer of talent. He has ghosted with acclaim at the Metropolitan by 450 persons prominent in the life many radio programs. of the country. I Opera House. " Dr. Nahum Sokolow, president of j . Ernest Bloch's "Sacred Service" 1 marked the return of this composer of the World Zionist Organization, who the first class to creative work and to came hera by airplane from Palestine, composition of music on Hebraic received a tremendous ovation, when be presented a certificate to General themes. ; Jacob Epstein, the first among Jan Christian Smuts, former Premier London (WNS)—James G. McDonCOUNCIL BLUFFS' DOMINANT STORE and now Minister of Justice in the ald, League of Nations high" - commispresent government, recording the es- sioner for German refugees, has won tablishment of a colony named for him his first concession for the 60,000 Geri and located near Haifa. The colony is man refugees from the Nazi govern| known as Kfar Jochanan, the Hebrew mentr he revealed here. The concesKKO j equivalent of Jan. , sion consists of an agreement by. the ' General Smuts in a ringing speech Hitler regime that its police and other denounced anti-Semitism, the persecu- officials should provide any., and all1 = NEWYEAR'S GREETINGS! tion of Jews by Nazis, paid tr tribute to necessary official papers and informa . the greatness of the Jewish people and tion required by the refugees for passcontrasted the prosperity of Palestine port purposes. with the hunger and unemployment Such information has been extremeprevalent in Europe. ly difficult to obtain until now. By "My attitude toward the Jews was the terms of the agreement German not dictated by any special love for consuls are to be instructed to proINSURANCE OF ALL KINDS Jewry," General Smuts declared, "but vide written replies to all refugee., COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA by my love for righteousness and jus- whose German passpotts. they, refuse tice* and by the unforgettable lessons to renew. LEO R.'RITCHIE, Special Agent I learned from Hebrew literature. As a result of this concession ref537 West Broadway Phone 5750 "The feeling I have for the Jews I ugees will find it easier to satisfy ofhave for my own people and for all ficials in a new country that they canCOUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA who are downtrodden and suffering. not obtain a German passport, and •Righteousness exalteth a nation,' that also facilitate things in proving, their formula rmula rings through the ages, g l f d declaration l t i "When"the. Balfour was] identity. promulgated we acted in an idealistic spirit. There is. little, idealism left today. Who could have foreseen that ser enteen years later Europe would b« in a state almost of dissolution, while , Palestine is immensely prosperous May the New Year of your fine racial and religious CAN BE (When I saw Palestine during th« traditions bring to you all the joy and happiness World War it was waste, while today it resembles the Promised Land, havthat you have. always "wished ours to bring to us". ing no unemployment and crying- for Very'sincerely, more workers. Palestine today is the only bright spot in the world. "In Uie flush of success we also failed to foresee that one of the consequences of the war madness, which Phone 92 414-416 West Broadway had overccxe people through the disCOUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA tress and poverty to which they were reduced, would be a nsw persecution REGARDLESS cf the Je-.vs. You all remember th; QF OUTSIDE TEMPERATURE Russian pogroms, but we expected this !of Russia. "The most stubborn German I ever knew was a 'German Jew, but where ' We Extend Our is-he-now?-If justification for the NEW YEAR GREETINGS policy of the Jewish National Home Heartiest Greetings FROM in Palestine was ever needed, it is supplied by this new persecution upon for the which so much of civilized Europe has embarked. Palestine new welcomes those no longer welcome in their own country, which they helped to carry forward to higher success," We Lead in Prescriptions



f Achievem






A Happy New Year To All!

The Zurmuehlen Co.






Friends Patrons



International Harvester Co-



A Happy New Year to You . . .





bring you happiness and prosperity ...

may your only care be for your neighbor ... and your only anxiety to -



be square


-'. 6th and Broadway

Phone 327



N e w Year

Council Bluffs Gas Company

Denial Lithuanian governLondori—The ment denied In a telegraphic message to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency the; truth. :of reported Attacks ;< Jews"m Lithuania.'{;'''.:..: _ — 1.


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