Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism
Entered as Secoud Class Mail*, Vostotlice of Omaha, Nebraska
In the Interests of the Jewish People
»n January 21, 1021, at \ the Art of March 3. 1879
Tuesday Deadline for Next Weefcs Issue All news items for next week's issue o f the Jewish Press must reach the press office by 4 p. m. Tuesday/ September "18, because of the Yom Kippur holyday. Your co-operation will be appreciated. ' -
Vol. X—No. 33
Cemetery Consecration AUSTRIAN RULER To Be Held on Sunday MAKES PROMISE The Congregation of Adaas YeshFOR TOLERANCE uren, 25th and Seward streets, invites
the Jewry of Omaha and Council The annual Memorial meeting of Vienna (J. T. A.) — Chancellor Bluffs to participate in the consecrathe Omaha Hebrew club will be held Schuschnigg has gone publicly on tion of the cemetery at 76th and Redchant the services at the B'nai Israel at the J. C. C. Sunday afternoon, record as determined that the Aus- man avenue, this Sunday afternoon, Officials See Increase in Border Guards Curb to Arabsynagogue throughout the holydays. September 16, at 3:30 p. m. trian government which he heads September 16, starting at 1:30 p. m. Jew Riots Addresses will be delivered by Orthodox services will be conshall never interpose difficulties in The Rabbis of the community will cluded on Yom Kippur day at 6:55 Irvin Stalmaster and Rabbi Uri Milthe way of religious groups in Aus- take part in the ceremony. Jerusalem (J. T. A.)—While maThose without means of transportap. m. with "Neilah" and "Ma'ariv." ler. tria. chinery was being set in motion for tion are asked to be at the synagogue On the musical program are inAt the same time, the government formation of adequately equipped paTemple cluded Margaret Hurwitz, Cantor E. continued its policy of eliminating no later than one o'clock Sunday, and trols to guard Palestine frontiers September 19 will be observed as cars will be furnished. Sellz, Lawrence Finkel, Albert Sofer, The evening service for the Day of officials of the Jewish faith and reagainst entrance of illegal immiYom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, Atonement will stait at Temple Thelma Gasper, and Evelyn Smith. placing them by non-Jews. Professor grants, government officials expressby the Jews throughout the world. It Israel at 7:30 p. m., Tuesday. Harry Members of the families of deMeximilian Sternberg was suddenly ed the hope that the project will is the great fast of ;the Jewish year. Du Boff will sing the traditional Kol ceased Hebrew club • members are Paris'-^- (J. Ti A.)—War Pensions put on the . pension list and. retired avert the threat of clashes between From sunset' .of the; 48th till sunset Nidre at the opening of the service. urged to attend. Minister Georgesf Rivollet unveiled.a from his post at the Vienna hospital. volunteer Arab bands and proposed of the 19th, the observant Jew neither The sermon will be preached by RabThe commitee in charge includes memorial tablet |at Saint Die near He was replaced by a non-Jew. Jews Jewish counter-patrols. eats'; nor drinks, but; devotes the day bi David H. Wice. Hymen Shrier, chairman, • Ben Kaz- Saar for Rabbi Abraham Blach, on the list of candidates for the poto fervent worship.' Yom Kippur is Immediate establishment of a coast World War Chaplain,- killed in 1914 sition were completely overlooked in Iowsky and Irvin Levin. distinctive; among Jewish holidays, in " On Wednesday morning, services guard force with sufficient vessels while holding a rucifixfor a dying the selection and their qualifications that it is; nof associated with nature will begin at 9:30 a. m. There will to keep the coast within thorough Catholic soldier. , disregarded. . or with history. It is purely subjec- be a children's service at 10 o'clock Anti-Semitic Newspaper control and of a special body of Delegations of veterans and civil, The Chancellor's statement was tive, a day for the searching of the conducted by Mr. William Holzman. Draws Fine mounted and foot police to place the .; ;. military and relij ious representatives made last Saturday in the course of Parents are urged to have their chilheart to find peace with God. land borders under intensive «uiveilAntwerp. — The publisher of the took part in the. eremonies. an address at Mariazell. League of Nations High Com- lance was announced by the adminanti-Semitic paper, Starmloop, was The . fast originated in biblical dren attend this special service. Minister Rivo; itt emphasized the "The government will never make missioner Says 25,000 Obistration. Units of the Transjordan The Memorial service will start sentenced to pay a fine of 3,000 francs times, and. is described in the sixunity: of the - ad leients of all relitained Aid frontier force will cooperate with teenth chapter of the Book of Levi- Wednesday afternoon at 3:30 p. m. for having published an anti-Semitic gions in France i i serving the repub- confessional difficulties" Dr. Sihuschnigg declared. Palestine police by closely watching Rabbi Wice will deliver two ser- article directed against a local Jewticus. In those days the people fasted lic. The Austrian Nazi press,, which Geneva (J. T. A.)—James G. Mc- the northeast division line, officials and afflicted themselves while the mons Wednesday, one during the ish merchant, Jacob Feigenbaum. had been officially prohibited, re- Donald, League of Nations High further revealed. high priest made atonement for the morning service and one during the , In addition to the fine, the court diappeared, the papers bearing new Commissioner for Refugees, reported Memorial service. Rio de Janeiro!—Brazilian Zionist The new plan to prevent the entry rected the anti-Jewish newspaper ownentire house of Israel. This atoneer to publish the verdict against him, Revisionists will take no part in the names. The Deutsche Zukunft, a new in conversations with the press, fol- of illegal immigrants into the Holy ment was made in ancient fashion hy Conservative at~ his own cost, in two local papers current campaign-for the Keren Hay- paper, made its appearance with sev- lowing his return from the Reich, Land, which originated with High animal sacrifices, and especially by the symbolism of driving the scapa- • The schedule for services for Yom and also to run an apology to Mr. esod, Jewish Foundation Fund, the eral columns filled with inciting mat- that 25,000 v i c t i m s of the Nazi Commissioner Sir Arthur Grenfell ter against the Jews. scourge have been taken care of, but Wauchope, has been approved by the party has declared. goat into the wilderness to bear away Kippur at the Conservative Syna- Feigenbaum in his own paper. gogue,-meeting at the J. C. C : 40,000 continue homeless. Colonial Office, it was stated. the sins of the people. Tuesday evening, September 18— Six million dollars has been colBritish restrictions of the entry of Today, prayers take the place of lected in the last seventeen months, Jewish immigrants into Palestine has sacrifices. In modern Judaism prayer Kol Nidre service. starting at 6:30 Mr. McDonald said, adding that the led to a tremendous inciease in the is the right form of approaching God. p. m. Wednesday morning, September 19 rise of nationalistic sentiment in number of Jews attempting to enter Jews devote the.Day of Atonement to many countries is hindering the sat- the country illegally by land and by prayer for the forgiveness of their" —Services will start at 8:30 a. m. tlement of refugees. sea. At the same time large numbers sins. They avoid all. ordinary and ma- ' Memorial s e r v i c e s—Wednesday Activities are severely cramped, he of Arabs from neighboring countries, terial, interests en this Sabbath of morning, starting at 10:30 a. ml asserted, by lack of money. Only five attracted by prosperity in the Holy Sabbaths. The fasting is abrogated The sermons will be delivered by per cent of the funds raised thus far Land, also have entered the country however, for children, old people, and Rabbi" David A. Goldstein. has come from non-Jewish sources, illegally. the sick, or in times of famine and I although non-Jewish refugees have pestilence, or such contingencies as Conservative Youth Service Bands of Aiab volunteers were orBy AARON J. ROSANOFF, M. D. comprised nearly twenty per cent. The Yom Kippur Conservative are incident to war. ganized to watch the frontiers What is true Americanism? How If he is a- good Nazi, he would just past, whether any. one in particular The ranks of the refugees are coast line to prevent Jewish immiThe aim,of Yom Kippur is atoner Synagogue Youth services, under the probably as numerous at the present grants from entering. At Nathania, ment and reconciliation with God and direction of the local A. Z. A. chap- does the Jew fit in in a world that have" to rot" indefinitely arid spread approves of it or not. Perhaps the communists or their time as at the beginning of the effort a Jewish colony, Arab patrols and man ; through prayer and repentance. ters, will begin at 6:30 p. m. Tues- moves in the direction of super, his infection to others. sympathizers,. too, think I am some- to find new homes for them, the High I Jews clashed. One Arab was wounded This is just a slight example, and nationalism? This article, written day evening, in the lodge room of These contain no element of mediation through either a redeemer or a the J. C. C. Wednesday morning by an eminent- California physician, one of many recorded in history, of how helping them in their prepara- Commissioner continued, since the ex- in the encounter. Mounting Jewish tries to untie the knotty contradic- what, a nation may do to itself in tion for revolution, by accepting an odus from Germany has not ceased. resentment over the volunteer Arab sacrifice. True repentance comes only services will start at 10 .a. m. engagement to lecture before them. Mr. McDonald announced that patrols led to proposals for the orThe sermons will be delivered by tions that face a modern Jew who the "pursuit of such tactics..; •. through change jof Jheart and a sincere If so, I would say to them that every headquaiters of the high commission ganization of Jewish counter-patrols Is it not a pitiful spectacle to see looks at the world "sociologically— effort to better one's life and conduct. Ephraim Marks, Julius- BIsno and "the "land of thifkers and.poets" in hour they spend in listening to me is, have been transferred to London with and serious clashes were feared. The Editor. Each human being stands before his Massie Baum. the throes of sucn a sickness of soul, from that standpoint, a wasted hour. the purpose of achieving "better conseeking in honesty to make his Israel, Bercovici, Harry Weinbergr Near East and India, • influential record clean. -*• and Abe* Katz will act as cantors: What are the Jews, where do we _ nation;wide paranoia? .For, from. For they shall never hear from me a nections with the government." British magazine, warned the Palestine administration that the policy of A. feature of Yom Kippur is the The English readers will be Sam find them, and what do we find them a psychiatric Ti^point, the phendm- single "word on any subject outside permitting Arabs to patrol frontiers ' Memorial. Service^T Men and--women I'riedman, • Ernie Priesman,- a'hd Dick doing? The-Jewsare tall and short,7 cnon before U3 represents in-afide-j the field of mental hygiene. It will was dangerous and urged the governthink^ojfcitheir -jdsar departed and of Horowitz. The choir is directed by stout " and" thin," robust "and" sickly) tail the complete classical syndrome be, as it has been in the past: eugen• Priesman male and female, young and old, hon- of paranoia, with its delusion of jics; the part played by head injury ment to organize its own force for the greatafi'cf gtfMWho served man- Miss Betty Fellman, t Ernie f est and crooked, rich and poor; they grandeur ,»• and of persecution, its at birth in the causation of feebleis general chaiiman. '"' • preventing the entry of illegal immikind. A loving fervor animates these are single, married, divorced, widow- biased logic, its violent and danger- mindedness, epilepsy, deteriorating grants.' • prayers by which the memory of; the psychoses, and other mental and nered, and some, with their marital sta- ous reactions. departed is honored and their ideals tus unascertained; they, are intelli- The Hitlerites have been led into vous disorders; conditioned reflexes, are preserved. gent and stupid, sane and insane, some awkward situations by their the mental hygiene of childhood and conservative arid radical,- etc:, etc We logic. Believe it or not, some of their adolescence, the problems of prevenfind them hanging for murder or college professors have discovered tion of syphilis, alcoholism, drug adI n Omaha all of t h e Jewish Houses serving life terms in Folsom Prison that'Jesus was not a Jew at all, but dictions, prostitution,* crime, and othi>f Worship will observe t h e holyday Vienna (J. T. A.)—The impoverin California and • in Clinton Prison a Nordic, of German descent. Ima- er social maladjustments. of Yom Kippur with special- servishment of Austrian Jewry is being in New York,, and we find them gine the message of Christianity be- The extreme right-wing element re- used by Catholic missionaries for an ices.'- ' • . . - • ' '. • •. ' -:'. ••' .'• London (J. T. A.)—Tel Aviv has among -the judges who have sen- ing handed to the world by the Ger- gard everybody else as "red" or intensive campaign to convert Jews Vaad every intention of becoming far big"pink." This takes in the President mans of two thousand years ago— tenced them to such execution or imAt all Orthodox synagogues affilito Catholicism. ger than it is already as a commerLondon (J. T. A.)—Dr. Hjalmer prisonment; we also find them at the a scattering of savages starving in of the United States, his wife, his ated with the Vaad Ha'Ihr, or Union A special association for the con- cial, industrial center and the focal • cabinet, and many other fairly rescaves and shivering under-their scant of Orthodox ' Synagogues, Yom Kip- Schact, Nazi Minister of Economics,'head of ^the Rockefeller Institute for version of Jews has been. foimed in point of Near East trade, Mayor pur services, will, start at 6 o'clock has demanded the ousting of the Nazi Medical Research, as conductors of covering of animal skins, .or wander- pectable citizens. Among the. Silver Vienna with the direct approval of Meier Dizengoff declared at a recepTuesday evening, September 18, with "radicals" including Propaganda Min- symphony orchestras, as^ governors ing through the primeval -foiests of Shirts is has even been whispered Ralph Cardinal Innitzer. The group, tion held for him by the British ister Paul Joseph Goebbels, in an ul- of- states, and 'on the, -bench of the the North to' catch a Tabbit to keep around that the President is really a known as "Pauluswerk," has its own Parliamentary Committee for PalesKol Nidre. V Jew, that his real name is Rosen'•• 'Tuesday evening Rabbi -Uri Miller timatum delivered to Reichsfuehrer Supreme; Court of the-United States. body,.and soul together.,'.,:_,.. • paper which is filled with propagan- tine. .. ' Can I induce you to consider for It is by that kind'of-logic that I feld.". will speak at the'Adass Yeshuren Adolf Hitler,' the foreign editor of da urging the mass conversion of "Great Britain could never find On the other hand, the extreme have been suspected of an associaa moment what this means? It means synagogue, 25th and Seward, his the London Daily Express revealed. Jews as the only way out of their better agents than Jewish idealists subject being "Earning Forgiveness." According to the Express report, that the Jews, like any other people, tion with communistic activities—be- radicals regard everybody else as the misery. The entire movement is cam- for revitalizing agriculture, industry On Yom Kippur day, Wednesday, Dr.; Schact, who also occupies the are good, bad and indifferent, and cause I: have lectured at gatherings bouTgeoise or the hirelings of the ouflaged under a guise of relieving and commerce in the Orient," Mayor services will start at the Orthodox post of president of the- Reichsbank, that they are actively participating at the request of the Friends oi! the bourgeoisie. the terrible distress among the Jews Some would have it that one hun- of Austria. Relief, however, when ac- Dizengoff declared. "I assure you synagogue? at 7 a. m. Rabbi Uri Mil- assured foreign bankers that another in every' phase of the life of the na- Soviet Union. I have lectured for years in a dred per cent Americanism is repre- tually given, is accompanied by print- this all depends on the extent to ler will conduct sarvices Wednesday purge of Nazi extremists would take tion. medical school conducted by Seventh sented by the native-born white Pro- ed propaganda and personal contacts which England is prepared to use place in the immediate future in orat the B'nai Israel synagogue, 18th Many resent their traditional nofor her advantage our readiness to and Chicago, his sermon topic being der to create a favorable atmosphere tion of being a chosen people;-, but Day Adventists. I.,>lectured in testants. This would eliminate the In- urging immediate conversion to Cath- increase the well-being of the Holy dians, from whom this country has churches .. of.-. Episcopal, Methodist, abroad for raising loans in the Unit"The Glory of Our Fathers?' Cantor the fact is, they are chosen in the olicism. Land," Tel Aviv's Mayor stated. A. Schwaczkin and his choir wil1 ed States and Great Britain. sense in which all peoples are cho- Unitarian, and other denominations. been taken away; the twelve million At the same time the wholesale Major Proctor, who welcomed the Negroes or part-Negroes; the fifteen Nazi officials have opened nego- sen. Each of them is chosen for its In a recent publication of the Nazi elimination of Jews from public and Jewish communal official, pointed million foreign-born citizens, includtiations in New York with an Anglo- own mission; that is to say, for the government, pertaining' to their proprofessional life in Vienna continues American syndicate for the extension contiibutibn which its peculiar genius gram of sterilization, my work is re- ing- the likes of Lafayette, Carl with an ever increasing tempo. The out that the continuation of the presof credits to Germany, according to enables it to make toward the pro- ferred to among others constituting Schurz and Andrew Carnegie; twen- newest victim in the campaign, the ent shortage of Jewish labor in Palestine was ' endangering all Jewish, the London Sunday Chronicle. gress of human civilization anti cul- the scientific foundation on - which ty million Catholics and Jews, as well Vienna Zionist paper, Stimme, re- colonial achievements. He asked the as many others—in fact, more than that program is: based• Chancellor of the Exchequer- Ne- ture. The only thing that may be vealed is Dr. Rudolf Britcha, general For two full years ; ; I was : on .the half the population of the country; secretary of the Vienna Merchants "British government to reiead the ville Chamberlain would never* per- tragic about this is when a people, terms of the Balfour declaration arid mit the granting of such loans to for one reason or another, becomes staff of; Santa Rita Clinic, iwhich was •whereas the likes of Hickman and Association. Dr. Britcha was com- the Palestine Mandate. Dillinger would still be eligible. then under the supervision of Father Germany, the Chronicle declared, so demoralized as to forget that it pelled to resign while he was on his Jerusalem (WNS).—Behind the il And I say, this is not American- annual holiday. He was replaced at Lucey, now Bishop Lueey. legal and provocative activities o pointing out, however, that nothing has a mission. What do you suppose I "did at the ism; it is a cheap racket which some once by an "Aryan." Arab patrols guarding the border, was known here concerning the at- In this respect the Jews are really of Palestine against the entry of il titude of Americans toward a loan not to be envied; for histoiy seems Clinic ? I swear by the -God of ^Abra- gullible persons join by paying ten Hundreds of Jewish bank employto indicate that they have been cho- ham, Isaac, and Jacob—and; if you dollars and buying some kind of a ees, many of whom were employed legal Jewish immigrants is the han for the Nazi regime. -of the Grand. Mufti, according tc T h e anti-Jewish policies of Chan- sen for a destiny of martyrdom. We wish, also by the beard of the pro- shirt. for years, have been dismissed withcellor Hitler are to be blamed for do not proselytize, but to any one phet,—that I did not put in my time A few weeks ago I had the plea- in the past few weeks. well-informed observers here. The "A. Z. A. Sweetheart" will be The creation of these patrols, Germany's bankruptcy today, the who is inclined to envy us we would saying my beads, rehearsing my cate- sure of listening to a very intelligent chosen at the annual "Achar Hatauchism, or performing genuflections; and even inspiring description cf Sunday Times said editorially in say: "If you have the courage to whose militancy has already caused ing whatsoever. It seems to me that dance to be held in the J. C. C. and is it necessary for me td assure Italian Fascism. There has been acnis" a number of clashes with Jews an< commenting on Dr. Schact's demand share our destiny, you are at liberty the present democratic set-up in ballroom Wednesday evening, Sepyou that I was not expected to do complished • an elevation of the nafor a moratorium on Germany's to join us, and we would welcome you procipitated a tense s i t u a t i o so?—I was merely directing the work tional morale and an integration of Washington presents a much truer tember 19, at 9:30 p. m. into the fold, whoever you are!" throughout the country, is part < debts. of the country .which under a parlia- picture of Americanism. A number of Jewish girls from the Naii Germany: will not be granted At the present moment, history is of the neuro-psychiatric division the Mufti's scheme to prevent . th r the Clinic mentary government such as ours Yet you hear ominous rumblings younger set, each representing a establishment of a legislative counc such a moratorium on credits by the again repeating itself in Germany. while his political opponents amon nations of the world without produc- The Hitlerites have decreed that all Yet, by some crazy logic, it would could never have been possible there, to the effect that in this country, too, Jewish organization, will compete for ing valid proofs that she deserves it, Jewish contributions shall be extir- appear that I am not only a commu- for such is the peculiar situation we may come to see a growth of the | the title. the Arabs are in the ascendancy. He is said to believe that if he ca the paper asserted, adding that the pated from German life. No longer nist, but also a Catholic, a Nazi, an existing there. Undoubtedly the same Ku-Khix-Klan, or the Silver Shirts,} The aspirants for the "sweetheart" continue to stir up trouble the Man- "world anti-German boycott Was shall be heard in Germany the music Episcopalian, and a Seventh Day Ad- thing is true of the Nazi government or some other such organisation;' title and $ie groups they represent: and a specific threat is made that the Lottie Rips, Delta Kappa; Jean Beber, dates Commission x>f the League of largely provoked by the German gov- of "Midsummer Night's Dream," nor ventist. Should the police catch me in Germany. coming out of the water after a swim It is not surprising that similar Jews will once again be made the ' Kappa Tau; Pearl Osoff, U. T.; DoroNations will be convinced that Pales- ernment's own furious antiSemitic "Die Lorelei" by Heinrich Heine. They say the Jews have caused them at the beach, then, by the same logic, dictatorships are being establishud in scapegoat for anything that may- thy Kaplan, Iota Tau; Ann Fellman, tine is not ready for self-government. policy." Beta Alpha Gamma. Hostesses, A. to lose the war; yet the. Allies are I should also be a fish. other European countries. Clearly happen. That the Palestine government • is It seems incredible; yet I presume Z. A.—Phyllis Roddy, Helen Smith, Is it so difficult to see, the answer this movement among despairing nanot giving- us credit for ^winning it. aware of his plan became obvious "It has been asked: ''What would to all this?—I am a physician. A tions is an aftermath of the World that it must be considered possible. and Helen Greenberg. when it announced the organization The dance will featuie a prize be the fate of a-Nazi storm trooper physician's first duty is to prevent War and, more especially, of the ill- Should a bunch succeed in getting inof a special coast _ guard service waltz contest and several spotlight to the saddle here, I, as a Jew, shall disease; failing that, to cure it; failif he had the misfortune to contract which will immediately take over the conceived Versailles treaty. numbers with prizes. The College not turn my back on my people. On ing that, to relieve suffering and a venereal disease?" By Hitler's deduty of preventing the entry of ilSimilarly, the Soviet Government club orchestra will play. There will the contrary, I shall say: "From the prolong life. To this is dedicated all cree he would not have ^ Wasserlegal immigrants. in Russia has largely abolished illithat I am and all that I have. I have teracy, improved sanitation with a re- camp of the temporary conquerors— be card tables in the lodge room and mann or a Kahn test made, nor his Irvin Stalmaster announces that he whose hands are stained with blood, refreshments will be served. already announced that .in the-purwill continue in the general practice urethral discharge examined for the suit of these objectives I shall lec- sulting. reduction of death rate, and who talk glibly, and vociferously and Ozet to Celebrate Tenth Year The committee in charge includes: Moscow—-Preparations are being of law with off ices In the Ofsco build- diplococcus of Neiccer; nor could he ture and work among human beings has raised the level of efficiency in oratorically, but neither intelligently Herbert Marks; Art Grossman, alumbe treated with salvarsan, which was industry, agriculture, etc. made here * to "observe" the tenth an- ing, 1101 Douglas street, and has withnor honestly—lead me to the camp of ni; Philip Klutznick, B'nai Brith cowithout distinction, so far as I may niversary of trie establishment of the drawn from the law firm of Fraden- introduced into therapeutics by Ehr- have the t^me and the strength to dp We can watch all this with inter- those who are perishing for the, great operation; Ernie Priesman and L lich; for in;doing so, he would be Ozet, j Jewish ;Colonization i-'Society,. I burgj Stalmaster, Beber and Klutzest; but -what- has it to do with Riklin. making use "of Jewish contributions. so, in the" fatute; k& jl' hatve in; the Americanism?—In my opinion, noth- deed of love." which'occurs in December. \ V ! nick. . i ', .
Holyday Will Begin on Tuesday Evening
ect Tablet French Erkct for War Hero Rabbi \
"A, Z. A. Sweetheart" Will Be Selected at Achar Hataunis Dance
Irvin Stalmaster to Continue in Practice of Law by Himself
i -
Cast thy bread upon the waters; the Aryan German Loirenz Retenbeck, Junior Society a case similar to the famous Slater The Junior Society of the Conservfor thou shalt find it after many days. case in England. Retenbeck was sen- ative Synagogue will hold' its first —Ecclesiastes. tenced to capital punishment for meeting of the fall • season on Monmurder in 1918, but the sentence was day evening, September 17, at the at the time commuted into a life home of. Miss Lillian Slutzky, 4201 term of penal servitude. This sen- Barker street. tence has not only been completely Election will feature annulled, but Retenbeck will also re- the business"ofofofficers "WORK THAT SATISFIES" t i e evening. Orders Teachers, Pupils to Halt ceive compensation from the State Oriental and Domestics Slander-of Jews for the previous years of. his wrongful imprisonment^.The German .pa5116 Military Ave. Walnut 5002 Geneva (J. T. A.)—Instructions prominence to Lostshinsky's speech. hooligans as a response to: Jewish pers are full of praise for the counBy A. N. OBSERVER. forbidding incitement against the How the Nazi press commented The tone gf the comments in theprovocations, and they are full of Isel '*Eir. , H."-v uprose •' genius has Jews of the Saar region have been on the WorJd Jewish Conference Nazi papers was, as could be expect- commendation of the behaviour of brought about, after the accused had issued to teachers and pupils in the the Lithuanians; at Shavli. In theserved a term of 15 years, the rerecently, held at Geneva is here ed, a very sharp one throughout. MEYER COLNIC Saar valley to guide them in relaThe way in which the Conference words of the Streicher newspapers, vision of the trial with the result of told by: the Berlin correspondent rroprietor London (J. T. A.)—The Palestine tions with Jewish pupils in the "any one who beats the Jews is our has been, presented by the German of the Seven Arts Feature Syndi-' complete rehabilitation and granting "IX'EI, THAT SATISFIES" government intends to proceed with schools, a new report of the League cate and The Jewish Press. Your press has caused some uneasiness friend." of indemnity to the victim of the reporter also tells how the Nau- among German Jews. Special indig- The plight of the Jews in Frank-judicial error. But the papers are its plan for the creation of a legis- of Nations Saar Commission on Nazi mann group of National German nation was • aroused by the telegram onia, the domain of Julius Streicher, careful not to state the counsel's full lative council in the Holy Land, no interference in Saar affairs revealed. Jews arc regarded in their coun-. addressed by Dr. Naumann, the lead- is getting more and more unbearable. name, since it would obviously be matter what opposition develops, The commission recently announced East and India, influential Bri- that it had indisputable proof that try, and; cites some interesting .in- er of the National German Jews, to Assaults on Jews are a xna'&er of ! awkward for a Nazi paper to praise tNear ish Hitler, in which Dr. Naumann pro16,000 young Saarlanders are being magazine, declares. cidents that illustrate the Nazi ateveryday routine in that ill-famed a Jew and to prove, moreover, that tested against the World Conference province. A characteristic everyday a Jew can be a useful member of the "We can safely assure those inter- given military training in German titude toward Jews—The Editor. and the "Zionists und All-Judan" (in- incident is now reported frohi Fuerth. legal profession. ested that there is nothing to thecamps for possible action during the Palestine Hebrew press reports stat- plebiscite of January 16, when inBerlin: The Jewish World "Confer- ternational Jews or pan-Jews), who A. Jew named Bergmann was walking Copyright, 1934, by Ssven Arts ence at Geneva gave a new'impetus were not entitled to speak in thequietly in the street when a Nazi ing that an advisory council, made habitants of the area will vote whethFeature Syndicate.) to the Nazi press for a renewal of name of German Jewry. It is inter- woman let her dog loose upon him. up of heads of government depart- er to return to Germany, become a Atlantic 3732 ments, will be appointed instead of a part of France, or continue under " its attack on the Jews. Not only the esting, however, _ that this telegram The Jew tried to protect himself and 26th ami Martha Street legislative council," th.3 magazine League rule. ; Streicher papers)- which seem to have was reproduced only by the "8-Uhr kicked the dog with his leg, but he said. "According to the reports this In its report to the League, the - a sort of priority on anti-Semitic Abendblatt," while the rest of thewas immediately attacked, by the advisory council would discuss Pales- commission emphasized the gravity of propaganda now, but also a good German press has utterly ignored it. Nazi woman, who started to beat many other newspapers, and notably In this.connection it is worth while him. He had no option but to defend tine affairs, but not touch on vital conditions in the Saar and asked the the "8-TJhr Abendblatt" of,; rBarlin, recording that the sensational "Die himself against the woman, too. The Algiers (J. T. A.)—The Moslem matters affecting Britain's obliga- League for permission to recruit of force of 2,000 police outside the re. featured the Conference asra" "Jew- Warheit," a weekly, of Nazi lef t- scramble, attracted the notice of a members of the Municipal Council of tions to Palestine. winger' Count Reventlov, and "8-Uhr gang of Nazis who fell upon the Jew Oran, Algeria, have signed a procla- "The Palestine government has gion, declaring that the present force ish" War Declaration • against the Abendblatt", are the only^ German and maltreated him savagely. To add mation calling for peace between the every intention of proceeding with a is undependable and under the influ'Third Reich." •• ^ ': ; Quoting Dr. N. Goldman's speech, papers which- display certain sympa- insult to injury they dragged the races and religions. set plan for the creation of a legis- ence of Nazi secret police. ' in which he said that world. Jewry thies to Naumann and are averse to bleeding Jew to the police station. The proclamation says that the lative council on a basis of elections Approximately 10,000 Jews live in would not accept any . compromises Zionism." On the whole the Nazi press In Nazi Germany it appears to be aMoslem members have learned with according to the numerical propor- the Saar and are entitled to vote in and would continue the'boycotjr of is rather inclined to prefer Zionism, ciime to kick a dog, but not to beat regret of the decision of Councillor tions of the Palestinian population. the plebiscite. Most of th3 Saar inGhighi, the only Jewish Municipal "If the Jews and Arabs refuse to habitants are Catholics. Nazi propaGerman trade unrelentingly tcntil" the and to treat Dr. Naumann and his Jew. aspirations with contempt;.It is comCouncillor in Oran, not to stand >articipate in the elections for thegandists have been making every efGerman Jews were* granted^f The extent to which Nazi anti-Se- again as candidate in the next elec- :ouncil, then it will be appointed by fort to win votes for Germany. In rights of citizenship 'and" the rights monly held in Berlin that the friend- mitic propaganda is carried is ex] of a national minority, the ex-Mosse ly attitude of the above two papers emplified by the following fact.—In tion. They assure him of their ap- he High Commissioner and will hold his recent speech in Coblenz, Reichspaper, embellishing this quotation to Naumann's movement is due tohe city'of Worms, which has a his- preciation of the "work he has done •ffice until such elections are feasi- fuehrer Hitler announced that Ger' 'With some sharp anti-German phras- financial assistance received by those ;ork Jewish community (being the for the common good and express ile," Near East and India stated. many never will abandon the Saar. INSURED CABS es, proceeds to say that in spite of papers from some of Dr. Naumann's lirthplace of Rashi), municipal guides the wish that a Jewish candidate French the arrogant speeches held at Geneva rich political backers. tell the tourists that the great fire with a genuine humantoand fill the vaI gather from reliable sources that which consumed the greater part of spirit will be available . the atmosphere at the ^ConfexeH T^^^T . — ^ — *r "was in actual fact very depressed. the Reichsvertretung der deutschen the city in 1689 was due to Jewish cant position. The paper concludes that among theJuden, which is the competentcentral ncendiarism. As evidence of their Councillor Ghighi has found himJews, there are apparently opportun-body of German, Jewry, intended to statement- they refer to the alleged self unable to stand for re-election ists who are inclined to compromise make a degnified public statement in fact that only Jewish houses were and another Jew, Advocate Karsenty, connection with the Geneva assem- spared by the fire. In view of thehas been nominated in his place. "with Germany. Where Omaha Shops with Confidence In general, the Geneva Conference bly. After Dr. Naumann's message, inciting effect of the libel on the visthe intention was abandoned as it has been widely, commented upon by itors in their present state of mind, London—In view of the stubborn . the German press, particularly .c by was felt that such a step would make he Jewish papers in Germany have opposition by Palestine Jews and the "Angriff," which gave special the atmosphere still, more strained. seen themselves induced to refute the Arabs to the proposed legislative The "Judische Rundschau," however, insinuation of the Jewish guilt by council for the Holy Land, its formahas given vent to the Jewish senti- historical arguments. That the Jews tion may be delayed for some time, "Ideal Electric Home" ment in a courageous article in which were innocent is corroborated by theLondon newspapers predict. it said that the Jewish World Confer- plain fact that the entire Judengasse Popular With Public ence did not take a stand against and the famous "Rashi synagogue Germany or the present regime, but were destroyed by the flames. PHONE More than 7,500 men and women merely against, the anti-Jewish polivisited the "Ideal Electric Home," the cies of the present government. The A Jewish talent must remain anonKEnwoqdl500 five-room full-sized house built with- Conference was devoted not to theinous iii the Third Reich if he is For TOUT Holiday Order KOW in the electric shop of the Nebraska German Jewish problem, but to thepraised. This is proved by the fate Power. Co., since it opened July 31, Jewish problem at large, and none of the Jewish barrister, ,Dr. HirschPeerless Cleaners according to W. J. Krug, manager of of the speakers considered himself berg, who has succeeded in bringing the new! business department. as a spokesman of German Jewry. ibout the complete rehabilitation of This ;i modern house, completely Condemning Dr. Naumann's protest, furnished, is equipped throughout the Zionist paper reiterated its conwith the most modern electric appli- viction thatj;the~ Jewish problem can ances ranging from the "electric eye", be solved only through the positive at the; entrance to the, electr^c^dish- co-operation of the Jews themselves •washerHin the kitchen. ".The ''electric and that it can be solved only in an eye" ripgs chimes within the house honorable manner. when guests enter. The thousands of menand • women The Nazi papers" are usually not visitors. have marveled ,;at 'the com- very friendly towards' Lithuania, with forts and conveniences-Which modern "Which Nazi Germany is :at odds on electric.- appliances have brought to account of the sharp reprisals of the the. house, including air-conditioning. Lithuanian government against the Hours of work are saved daily to the Nazis of the Memel District. The rehousewife who ..uses these electric cent anti-Semitic disturbances at servants, which are jnafle economical Shavli have found, however, a -very -through the low cost of electricity in friendly echo in the columns of the Hitler press. The Nazi papers repre.Omaha; ; The "Ideal,Electric Home" will be sent the assault of the Lithuanian • a permanent feature of the Nebraska .Power ;Co., Krug said .in expressing j complete satisfaction with the-recepRooms for Kent .tion it -ias been given, by the public. desires, to share lovely home Membership Round-up Widow with refined couple. 2776 Webster St. Phone Atlantic 4946. The innual membership "rbuna-up'-'' of the Omaha Y. M: C. A. got-ort to an advanced start Tuesday^. evening, • -when bosses and foremen of the seven campaign divisions, known -as outfits, met at t h e . c a l l J o ^ j g Zerzan, ;head ranchman,; the rcabrn: of Carl: c Wilson, Forty^nSntn" and' Pratt streets, for a. "steak;fry/1 ,~; {-.. ], j Preliminary campaign pljans.were; \ Got Ybtw Cuts tHtd taken up at this meeting,:,C,hairman .Zerzan stated. ; Physical benefits- of -Justus the lighirtouse^is the signal of . memberships in the'/"%•'..will be safety to the mariner, your porchfight : co. stressed in the campaign.. - V.:'-;. -../-J # OITIAHft * is the signal of hospitality, to your - .Each -outfit: will have five crews composed of a foreman and'five rid1%>we Qi.46261 friends. ers, who will ''rope mavericks,"; as prospective members will bs called.
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P?ge S—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1934 vance. The monthly income plan is Will Ply Between the iron-dad plan of making the future for a beloved wife or daughter Salonica and Haifa absolutely safe, insofar as financial happiness is concerned. Salonica, (JTA).—A Jewish navigation company to ply steamers between this port and Haifa, Palestine, Kovno—Virtually the entire Lithu- was formed here under the name of anian press has launched a concerted the Palestine Navigation company. By the Service Life Insurance attack on all the Zionist youth groups The firm already has four 18,000-ton in Lithuania. The basis for the attack steamers and has aquired the servCompany, Omaha is the alleged lack of patriotism of ices of Jewish captains formerly emthe Zionist youth, the fact that the ployed by German marine companies. "All Her Wordly Possessions" uniforms they wear are alleged to beThe steamers, which will bs manned a source of potential disorder, and If you had walked up a certain purported conspiracies between the etirely by Jewish personnel, will take Bucharest, (WNS).—Convicted of street in a certain city one rainy employes of the chalutzim training three days for the trip from Salonica to Haifa. subversive activities, 37 members of Sunday morning, you would have camps and labor organizations. the anti-Semitic Iron Guard By MEYER F. STEINGLASS The new company expects to seseen, dumped upon the sidewalk, the werea given stiff prison sentences by worldly possessions of the daughter Thus far the press campaign has cure trade from immigrants going to This interview is the only ex- that would add stature to a reputation tentatively "The Burden of the tribunal at Ramniul Valcea of a man who in his day was one Palestine by wav of Salonica. been devoid of any anti-Semitism. clusive one- granted by Reinhardt •which already enjoys the Olympian enant" or "The Road of the Coven- ^ ^ while in New York' on his way to heights. All morning editors phoned ant," opens with Abraham and chron- Fifteen were ordered imprisoned "for of the prominent business men of the California. It gives you an intimate for interviews. It was finally arranged icles, by means of decisive events in a year, 22 to six months and ten!city. acquitted. Among those sen-| into a wash boiler, the remnants cloBe-up of Max Reinhardt, the that the newspapers would see thethe history of the Jews, their search were were former deputy Michael of a once extensive library had been THE man, when the spotlight is shut off. Sage of Salzburg at noon. There was for peace and harmony throughout tenced Stelesco and Cara Tanasc, lieutenant dumped, over two chairs was a worna great deal of curiosity among the —The Editor. the world. It happened as .the author l Codreanu, Iron Guard lead- out mattress and a cot. Over all was reporters concerning his plans for the was outlining the prophecy of Jere- o f Z e e a er. Tanasc got two years and Steles-a piece of wornout linoleum which The interviewer who dashes off in morality spectacle which he is to pro- miah. Werfel's voice trembled as heco 18 months. flapped in the wind. search of' a celebrity at the crack of duce in New York next February. Nor read of the prophet's vision of the Vienna, (WNS).—To saye . his did they overlook the fact that GerDestruction of the Temple and thethrone, which is reported to be en- The woman's father died when she of Nebraska Women the editorial whip has orders to bring many had expropriated him and forhim'back alive. He must make his Dispersion cf the Jews. Mr. Weisgal jd a n g e r e d b v a F a s c i s t anti-Se"mitic was under age. Her property, which Try a Bag Today quarry yield answers to questions on bidden him to Teturn to Berlin, the turned to Reinhardt for his reaction coup,' King Carol has broken per- amounted to a considerable sum in topics that are au; courant. If he which Reinhardt made the to the scene. The master of Leopold- manently with Mme. Magda Lupescu, real estate, was managed by her thoughtful enough to observe how his world's dramatic capital during the skron was silent. Tears welled up inhis Jewish paramour. Lupescu, long uncle until she became of age.But ."subject" holds his head or the color many years that he wasdirector of his eyes and-rolled down his cheeks. an irritant in Rumanian affairs, was mismanagement, carelessness, the The plans for the biblical drama escorted to Austria from Rumania advice of uninformed people, all conof his eyes, the shape of his nose, he the Deutsches Theatre. with music by Kurt Weill, famed Ger- and given a large sum of money, and tributed to the loss, piece b y piece, will judiciously sprinkle these "color" It was somewhat difficult. for the touches "throughout his story. All this distinguished visitor to express him- man Jewish composer and conductor, then she continued to an undisclosed of the property. Money left under monthly income is quite in keeping with the folkways self in English. But even in the Ger-are the most elaborate ever undertak- destination. contracts cannot be misinvested, canof the newspaper game. It is done by man which he directed at ine foren for any production ever staged in not fluctuate in value, cannot be the best newspapermen and often with translation to the press he was spar- this country. It was Reinhardt's aming and laconic. Frankly, he seemed bition to obtain the best creative tal- Berlin—The sole body authorized to misspent, cannot be borrowed by the best results. But it was my good fortune to 1 to keep most of the details of produc- j ent in the world for the enterprise, deal with Jewish social work hence- relatives , cannot be misspent by expierce the veil of formality that en- tion for the spectacle in a mystifying i and he feels confident that the com- ! forth will be the social work depart- aggerating size, cannot be lost, burnt bination of the genius of Franz Wer- ment of the Jewish community, it was up, stolen or taken away, and cannot shrouds" the orthodox interview and to haze. was Reinhardt himself who fel, Kurt Weill, and Ludwig Lewis- announced by the mayor of Berlin. be assigned, attached or drawn in adsee the celebrity as a human being, a Yet want to create a 'festspiel' ohn—-who is already at work on the role in which celebrities rarely do said: •well. As liaison officer and private (festival play) on wheels. It is quite English translation of the spectacle— secretary to Max Reinhardt, I had an common for a festival play'to be es-will make it possible for it to be a opportunity to learn more than the in- tablished permanently in various cen- fitting climax to his lifework. O1VE MINUTE terviewer's share about the career and ters such as Salzburg or Oberaimner- The most important feature of the STORE TALK personality .of the "miracle man of the gau, where tourists from all corners production will be the construction of theatre." From the;, first greetings of the earth assemble. My idea is to a tabernacle as the setting for the An observing young man shortly after breakfast to the final have the festival play come to them morality play. One of Reinhardt's outremarked recently: wherever they may be." standing contributions to the art of farewell in the drawing room of the 'Tve been watching the train that was taking him to Califor- The man who revolutionized the the theatre is the incluson of the audipassing show for several nia,' the writer had a close-up view of theatre of the twentieth century does ence as an active element in the deyears. I've come to the the world's greatest living director. does like to indulge in superfluous dis- velopment of a drama. "The Miracle" definite conclusion that if cussion. Like many of his foremost demanded a cathedral for atmosphere, Many moods and many situations pepyea want to have the pered the day that Reinhardt spent in stage creations, he himself uses a and a theatre was rebuilt to conform worlu . neglect yon _ just New York on his arrival from Salz- minimum of dialogue. It was evident, to the scenic design of the spectacle. neglect your, personal appearance. I've learned my burg. Throughout he maintained an however, from his vision of the peri- In the case of "The-Road of the Covlesson and from now on imperturbable serenity, a superhuman patetic festival play, that he wasenant" the tabernacle will bethe symdrawing a parallel between that and bol of the wanderings of the Jews, good clothes get a place c a l m . •• '• ; in my budget, second the eternal wanderings of the Jew. -and the audience will represent the It was most remarkable to me that enly to food." a man who" had spent the major part Doomed to wander from capital to Jewish people -in the various phases of his life in the theatre should have capital, from continent to continent, of the- sweeping drama. Five stages remained so completely unspoiled by because of Hitler's edict against his are to be buHt, and each will carry its sham and hocus-pocus. There is race, Reinhardt realized in that state- the action of the story simultaneously. nothing more striking about Eein- ment his kinship ..with the thousands "It will begin-like an oratorio," Mr. hardt than his modest, democratic na- of uprooted refugees from Germany.' Reinhardt explained. "But it will have ture, his enigmatic reticence about his Germany created somewhat of an dramatic visions, with dialogue, that; incident in the interview- A rather ag- will he projections of the theme of achievements or his plans. :: ." This in spite of the fact that he had gressive young man from a Jewish the drama." come to this country on .ss-mlsacnii news agency insisted in a not too tact- The spectacle, which will he pro••"-"- ful manner that it would be a grave duced by Meyer W. Weisgal, will have reflection on Professor Reinhardt's premiere in New York, visit intelligence if he did not launch out the principal cities of the United upon a vitriolic harangue against Hit- States and then cross the Atlantic for ler and the Nazi regime. The' belliger- a European premiere in London. After ent tone'of the reporter left him quite showings in. the leading capitals of unmoved and he said: Eurppe it will go. to Palestine, where "There "has been entirely too much it. will be. established as anannual loose talk on this sub ject. - 1 ' am an festival play. Every" year, from every artist. I will speak my mind in 'this corner of the globe,-Jews will make Berlin, (WNS).—Black eyes ad- morality play, through the presenta- a pilgrimage tq the .Homeland to view ministered to bullying Nazis by mili- tion of this great drama which illus- this magnificent spectacle. .Part of tant Jews are responsible for the or-trates the the Jews in thethe proceeds of the production will be der .prohibiting all association of Old Testament. I will place before the devoted to the .founding of a Theatre Nazis with Jews. A Nazi spokesman world the Jewish contribution of thein Exile headed by Reinhardt in order explained that the decree framed by Ten .Commandments, the Psalms, 'and to give refugee artists from'Germany Rudolf Hees, Hitler's deputy, was their mission of peace, and I will say: new opportunities for continuing their made necessary because of the in-These . are the gifts of the Jews to dramatic careers. creased "arrogance" of Jews in pub-the . advancement of civilization. Events in Germany have not dislic cafes and theaters. As a result Should this people be destroyed?" rnpted the brilliant achievements of many uninstructed members of the I thought that a certain sadness the incomparable Reinhardt Two party have been guilty of showing colored his soft voice as he uttered months ago his presentation of "The themselves with non-Aryan acquaint- these words. Merchant of Venice" in the city of ances, sometimes of the opposite sex, There has been a considerable Venice was greeted by ovations and allowing themseves to be drawn into amount of confusion regarding Rein- laudations rare even for Reinhardt. cafe conversations frequently ending hardt and his relation to Germany. He In Salzburg his productions reaffirmin brawls in which the young Nazis is not a German. He is a native of ed his belief in Austria's supremacy Baden, Austria, and a citizen of i got their share of black eyes. While Hess' order is- ready for dis-Czechoslovakia. The theatres which he tribution it will not be distributed had established in Berlin were seized J for a "while, following Hess' denial by the Hitler government in April, that such an order exists-or that it 1933, but Reinhardt had quit Ger-, WE REFJNISH ANYTHING is to be prepared. For some strange many a year earlier. In fact, it is one | MADE OF METAL of the most interesting phases of hisj reason Hess* office admitted the exillustrious career in Germany that as \ J A-2566 - 2210 Farnam istence of the order to two American press associations and flatly denied long as thirteen years ago he left it to another. The Nazi foreign press Germany to establish the festival play —-Single- Breasted Sport service similarly confirmed the order in Salzburg. Were Reinhardt given to talk openly about himself, he would Styles! to two American news agencies and JOHN FELDMAN certainly take, pride in having.indidenied it to a third. '•: rectly foreseen the coming of Hitler. Is engaged in the business of sell—Efouble-Breasted Sport But whether or not the order is He would smile at having changed ing all kinds of RELIGIOUS ARever actually carried into effect it the theatrical geography of Europe' TICLES—Taleisim, Books, Jewish Styles! is clear that the Nazis have" no in-to. lift Salzburg to dramatic heights Bibles in Hebrew and English. —FuD Belted N o r f o l k GL-2972 tention of modifying their anti-Jew- by far overshadowing BayTeuth and Res. 609 No. 50th St. ish program. Walter Buch,. a leading Oberammergau.: As far back as 1930; Models! Nazi, informed- Der Deutscher, organ Reinhardt publicly complained that of the Nazi- Labor Front,;-that- "the the. Prussian spirit in Germany was ——Belt Back Free Swing Says... Nazis will never retreat from their stifling the progress of his theatre.-In Mark Leon Sport Styles! me" protect your i n t e r e s t s , i . I stand with regard to the Jews and 1920," fifteen years after he had be-j•I^et write IJTgPUABfCE of «rery. description Masons. Comical as it seems there come director of the Deutsches The- including 1.1 FE, in strong, reliable comare still some people in- Germany atre, Reinhardt bought a - castle in Tianles ONXY . '.-.'Xet's talk it over.-. who are astonished to see the Nazis Salzburg known as Leopoldskron. It City Finance & Insurance Co. continue these policies now that they had been erected in 1740 for an arch- 14C9 Farnam St. AT. 7667 or WA. S150 have assumed power. The people are bishop. He converted it into a cathe-. gradually becoming accustomed "to dral of the theatre and soon he was the party's stand against the Jews. christened the "Magician^ of ..Leopold-' That the party will never retreat has skron." In the'great halls'of his "home, become clear even" to "the blind;, Peo- which.he used as a laboratory, Reinple have seen that it is futile to at-haTdt staged his new productions, and tempt to change our stand-andr have many 'famed - personages , of Europe given up their efforts." : foregathered there, to behold his con^Meanwhile the Nazi press office ceptions of Shakespeare, Moliere*; Ibannounced officially that 65,000-Ger- sen," Tolstoi,- Strindberg, Goethe and AUTO PAINTING man Jews had left Germany Isince Schiller. He continued to direct plays January 30, 1933, when Hitler .be- at the Deutsches Theatre, but more MECHANICAL WORK came chancellor. In its statement on or less as an outsider. -. :..i BOPY,FENDER the subject the press office gave It was -In- this .same castle only a RADIATOR REPAIRS figures showing to which countries month ago that a stirring scene was German Jews had emigrated: France, enacted between Meyer W. Weisgal, 21,000; Palestine, 10,000; Poland, Professor Reinhardt and J r i n z Wer8,000; Czechoslovakia, 4,000; United feL Werfel, one of the foremost nov( l 0 O 6 CUMINS ST." States, Holland, Switzerland and elists and dramatists of our time, was AT-<*556 « Scandinavian Peninsula, 3,000 each; reading excerpts from the manuscript England and Belgium, 2,000 each; which he had written specially for the FREE ESTIMATES morality ' play. The drama, entitled other countries, 6,000. —-TERMS-— in the theatre. When I said "Auf Wiedersehen" to the "Herr Professor" he was on his way to California i to produce "A Midsummer Night's Dream." No Hitler can tear down the immortal role of Max Reinhardt. • • * (Copyright, 1934, by Seven Arts Feature Syndicate.)
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Page 4—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1934 member of the Hospital Committee on cast her eyes upon things which did Compensation Insurance. Successful not belong to her; the consequence "Father of Mercy! With aching hearts we come into Thy in hi3 own business, he became re- was that that which she desired she iceiver of the Roxy Theatre. Is rapid- did not get, and even that which she Presence this day to implore Thy aid. The cry of our people in jly rehabilitating that theatre and re-did have was taken from her. For, : Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by Germany has reached us and our souls droop because of the evil i storing it to its rightful place in thewhoever casts his eyes to desire THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY which is inflicted upon them. A spirit of perversion has taken ! entertainment world. His arrangement j things which do not belong to him, i with Meyer W. Weisgal for the pre-1 the result will be that not only will hold of the rulers of a mighty nation so that they are bent on Subscription Price, one year - . - - . . _ - - - $2.50 By DAVID SCHWARTZ sentation of "The Romance of a Peo- he not obtain his desires, but even shattering the House of Jacob. Have mercy upon Thy children Advertising rates furnished on application ple" at the Roxy Theatre during the that which belongs to him will also who daily await Thy salvation, and remove from them all evil deJewish holidays is regarded as one ofbe taken from him. Editorial Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building. the greatest steps for the furtherance crees. Strengthen the souls of our brethren who dwell in misery THE EMIR'S GRATITUDE Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center Jacob De Haas in his "Palestine: of good-will. His list cf friends reads Rabbi Chemnina said: God doth not and sorrow and let faith in Thee be the girdle of their loins. The Last Two Thousand" Years," like DAVID BLACKER - - - - - Business and Managing Editor a Who's Who in public life. Calls a man until his measure of Implant brotherhood and compassion in our hearts that we may which Macmillans recently published, almost everyone of prominence by hispunish PRANK R. ACKBRMAN - - ._ - - - - Editor iniquities is full. FANNIE KATELMAN - * - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent not hide ourselves from our own flesh. Help us increase our work tells a quaint story about the Emir first name. A democrat in the real ANN P I L L - - - - - - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent at the Versailles peace con- sense of the word. Friendly and easy Rabbi Akiba expounded: As a reof benevolence in behalf of the persecuted until the day arrives Feissall P r i n t Shop Address: 1307 Howard Street ference. The Emir, it appears, dis- to talk to. Likes to use popular Yid- ward for the righteous women who when Thou wilt bring them forth from darkness into light and pleased the French. They thought he dish expressions. Frank, able and bus-' lived in generation was Israel from slavery into freedom, when we shall chant a new song unto should be more grateful. Finally, the inesslike. An active sportsman. Sel- redeemed that from Egypt. French spokesman said to Feissall: dom works on Saturdays. Still in his Thee, our Rock and our Redeemer. "Aren't you grateful for the French forties and looks younger. Is one of Rabbi Elazar said: Wealth is as "All-Highest God! Mayest Thou remove jealously and vain aid in the war?" the growing number of business men dear to the righteous as their own hatred from the hearts of the nations. Renew a steadfast spirit The Emir straightened out. "Yes, on bringing the higher standards of the body. The reason is that they have to within them that wrongdoers will cease to torment Israel. Hasten behalf of my nation, let me express commercial world into public life work hard to earn a dollar, and they figure. the day when it shall become known among the peoples that all our deep gratitude for the gun the.where he is a »notable do not care to acquire wealth unless * * French sent us during the war." in an honest way. Yom Kippur of us have one Father and that One God created us. Spread Thy * * * (Copyright, 1934, by Seven Arts With its plaintive melody echoing through the ages, Kol booth of peace upon all dwellers of the universe. Amen." Rabbi Abuha said: At first I used BRITISH FOXINESS Feature Syndicate.) Nidre on Tuesday evening will usher in Yom Kippur, the day of to think that I am a humble man, but (Prepared by the Chicago Rabbinical Association for the I am not one of those who take the since I met Rabbi Abba, who would atonement—the holiest of the Jewish holydays. Chicago Committee for the Defense of Human Rights Against Revisionist point of view of forever explain to the audience certain things damning the British for their attitude On Yom Kippur many, during their all-day fast and praying, Nazism.) GEMS of the BIBLE in one way and his interpreter would in Palestine. Nor on the other hand, wear shrouds—a reminder of the shortness of life and the cerexplain them in another way, and yet am I one of those who think the Britand TALMUD he would not become angry—I said to tainty of death and of judgment. A time for introspection and reish are always doing right. The EngBy O. O. DASHER myself that I am not a modest man. lish colonial office policy is pretty trospection, on this solemn occasion we should review to ourselves An Unrepresentative Voice "The Jew must cease to be a Jew," is the pronouncement foxy, even if it is probably the best the path we have pursued in the past and think out the way we can we can hope for. The Englishman is In the days to come shall Jacob Police Arrest Fascists in improve on life's highway ahead of us. As we ask for forgive- made by Father John Francis X. Murphy, head of the history a very respectable sort of person and take root, Israel blossom and bud. New Jersey Hammontonton, N. J.—Sixty memness for our sins, let us first forgive our neighbors for the of- department at Boston College, after an eloquent address before he always manages to cover np his of the Fascist Star Shirts of fenses committed against us. And let us resolve today on the the Jesuit Philosophical Association in the course of which he told deeds with an aura of respectability And it. shall he as when a hungry bers that is very deceiving. Mr. Shaw has man dreameth, and behold he eateth Pennsylvania and ^Jew Jersey were his audience just what is wrong with American Jewry. Conceding "Karbonas" of tomorrow. admitted that trait in John Bull. he awaketh, and bis soul is empty; arrested at a meeting here when pobroke up the gathering after findThere was a time—when Israel was a nation in Palestine— certain achievements, the Reverend Father yet found it necessary And so I am inclined to believe the but or as when a thirsty man dreameth lice ing lead and other weapons in a to stress that Jews are possessed by an "unbridled lust for gain," when happy rites and merrymaking, as the "Dance of the Vinestory that Z. Tygel, secretary of the and behold he drinketh, but he awak- truck in pipe which some of the Fascists a "special tendency toward the coarser and fouler lusts" and the eth and behold he is faint and his Federation of Polish Jews, -who has yards," marked the observance of Yom Kippur. In those days just returned from a visit to Pales- soul is dry—so shall the multitude of bad come from Philadelphia. the blood of a goat was sacrificed on the altar. But since the dis- like. "Unless his clannishness ends, the Jew will always be a sub- tine all the nations be that fight against tells me. persion of the Jewish people and their wandering in the Diaspora, ject of suspicion and fear," Father Murphy added, and then ex- As is generally known, while the Zion. Paxton Mitchell Co, j the blood of innocent Jewish people was instead sacrificed on theplained that the sole solution of the Jewish problem would be theentrance of Jews into Palestine is disappearance of Jews as a racial or religious group. greatly limited, Arabs from all the Grey Iron, Alnminnm and e Woe unto them that seek deep to altar of bigotry and hatred and anti-Semitism. So, on the holy neighboring lands seem to find no obBronze Castings I hide their counsel from the Lord and It is a far cry from a speech of this sort to the good-will stacle to their entrance *here. In parof holy days, on Yom Kippur, we must determine to increase our Wood and Metal Patterns j their works are in the dark, and they sacrifices—sacrifices wherein charity and material sharing takes work which has been going on for years under the auspices of the ticular, many Arab? from French say: "Who seeth us and who knoweth 2614 Martha S t HA. 5523 £ us?" the place of the goat slain by the High Priest of yore. As theNational Conference of Jews and Christians. Less than a year has Syria are coming in. . we may believe Mr. Tygel—and dark clouds of misfortune hover closer to our brethren in all parts passed since the famous good-will tour undertaken by three cler- I "If believe him—the English governof the world, we must lend more aid than ever; greater sacrifice gymen representing the three major faiths of this country. It ment is actually encouraging these Rabbi MaierTALMUD NATIONAL was in the habit of was Father Elliot J. Ross, Catholic member of that good-will trio, Arabs from French Syria to enter. saying: The very must be the message of this Yom Kippur. ACCESSORIES, Inc. same scale with who in his report on the tour stated that "in all tilings religious And the reason that Tygel gives re- -which man measures others will be EVERYTHING John Bull's Michavellianism. The meted out to him. (As he deals with we Protestants, Catholics and Jews can be as separate as the fin- veals For the Auto English thereby are helping to others, he will be dealt with.) Unremitting Campaign gers of a man's outstretched hand, in all things civic and Ameri- arouse Arab discontent in Syria, for 2051 Farnam AT. 5524 The unremitting campaign against Jewish elements in Ger- can we can be as united as a man's clenched fist." Catholics and the Arabs coming in to Palestine find Our Rabbis were taught: A Sota man life was renewed at the session, of the Nazi party congress Jews, have, moreover, been fellow sufferers under Nazi persecu- employment, and so the news is spreading that it is all right for Engat Nuremberg dealing with "kultur." Hitler took another fling at tion and under the assaults of the Ku Klux Klan. lishmen to govern Arabs but not for WEbs<er "alien culture," which he said was introduced into Germany by 2429 the French. 8527 JEWISH BOOK STORE Decatur St. Some one ought to tell Father Murphy about these things, Jewish "intellectualism." Anti-Semitic posters and announcements M. SO3IIT In other words, the policy is inand advise him as to what attitude toward the Jews is considered were displayed everywhere in Nuremberg as the 600,000 party spired in part by the hope of popularWe •want to call to the attention of the Jewish public that we are getting in now a new supply of the seasonable relipious articles. Maehzeirim with Jewmembers and job-holders congregated to hear what had been al- civilized in this country. In fact, an excellent piece of advice was izing themselves among the Arabs. ish and English transitions, prayer books, loleosim, silk and wool of the best kind, etc. * * * ready told them over and over again. With financial, diplomatic uttered by Father Ross last January, and Father Murphy would
The Week in Review
and. political abysses gaping to swallow them up, the Nazis were able to agree on this one policy, if on nothing else: Anti-Semitism. In the Saar, where they are threatened with the ill-will of the Catholics and of the working-class, demands are heard for minority status for those voting against German control. France has presented such a demand in the form of a memorandum to the Council of the League of Nations. In the field of finance, the Nazi policy of plainly refusing to repay former loans and at the same time applying for new ones, has resulted in commercial stagnation. British cotton mills prefer to close down rather than export merchandise to Germany, when millions of pounds for previous orders have been defaulted upon. In the Nazi party itself, the discord between radicals and conservatives has led to a reported ultimatum from Dr. Hjalmar Schacht, Minister of Economics and president of the Reichsbank, that Dr. Goebbels, Minister of Propaganda and arch-radical, be ousted, together with the rest of his faction. In the welter of tragedy in which Germany finds itself, the position of the Jew in his isolation is reflected in the New Year's message of the Reichvertretung der Deutschen Juden, the representative body of the German Jews: "Now more than ever are we confined to ourselves. We shall stand only when we are united, jwhen each serves all in every way he can and with everything he possesses." • r
do well to take it to heart: "We should all, Catholic, Protestant THAT HORRIBLE CLIMATE and Jew, take one another by the hand and walkJISgether in the A good little Yiddish story is told by the Yiddish scribe, Eliash. solution of the problems that confront us as a nalaon." Chayim lived on the border on Po-
Properly Rebuilding
The authorities in Palestine, both Jewish and British, seem a bit disturbed over the growing housing shortage in Tel Aviv. This phenomenon is just another point of evidence toward what has been the increasingly unhealthy tendency in the Homeland of late. When Palestine reconstruction was in its infancy, the homeland was being rebuilt on the land, in the agricultural pursuits which formed the livelihood of our ancestors so many centuries ago. But with the rapid influx of capital and immigrants, a change seems to have occurred. Now, the people are concentrating in the urban center, where the development is proceeding rapidly, while the development of the agricultural sections has become static. The present set-up in regard to city development in Palestine breeds a speculative boom which ends in collapse. The situation is frankly unhealthy, and a reversal of trend must be effected by the Palestinian Jewish leaders—so that the homeland may be rebuilt on the soil, and not as another Jewish ghetto.
land and Russia. For years, it had been disputed by both countries as to exactly which country could rightly claim the land. Finally, the matter was put in the hands of an international commission for settlement. After due deliberation, the commission decided that Chayim's home was in Poland. When Chayim heard this, he was immensely elated. He fairly beamed for joy. -"What are you so happy about?" asked one of his friends. "What, difference is it to you whether you live in Poland or in Russia?" "I never could stand the Russian climate," replied Chayim.
I have just received direct from Palestine a very nice stock of most benntiful Esrogim and Lmlovim for Succoth . . . Anyone desiring to buy one will please let me know so that I can have it ready for him for Tontif. Remember our famous Kosher Soap. On the demand of a few customers I ordered the following articles of pure silver and plnte silver candle sticks, Kidiish cups, Badeses. etc. Everyone who is interested in buying one of them should be so kind and let me know ahead of time, so I can have it rsady for them.
PROFILES HOWARD STIX CULLMAN Mr. Cullman, well-known political figure, has arranged for the presentation of "The Romance of a People" at the Roxy theatre, of which he is the head, to stimulate good-will among the cosmopolitan population of New York City.
By JOSEPH BRAININ Hitler, in his opening address at the Fourth Nazi Party ConIf the Nazis talk long enough, the world in general may learn gress at Nuremberg, lashed out in a wild attack on Jewish influeven more than is already known about the Htilerite methods. ence on Germanism. He referred specifically to "that alien culture STIX CULLMAN: LeadRudolph Hess, deputy-chief of the Nazis and considered the poli- introduced by Jewish intellectualism." And the brown-shirted mob er HOWARD in politics, civic worker, business tical heir of Hitler, has instructed the local Nazi party secre- cheered. " man. First became a communal figtaries throughout the Reich that they must allow complete freeWhen one pauses for a moment to consider that the Nazi re-ure when as a young tobacco merchant in downtown New York he -dom to members to attend or stay away from party meetings as gime has expelled from Germany the best representatives of headed a group of lay directors who they choose—-compulsion must be' abandoned and no attendance "Jewish intellectualism," from Professor Einstein down; that the took over" the Voluntary Hospital. Incheck kept. Goebbels fraternity has burned all the books written by Jewish stitution was completely reorganized modernized under his direction. The order is the Nazis' first confession that they have been men of letters;• that theFascist government has eliminated all and Today it is known as Beekman Street using compulsion all along. At Nazi meetings and conclaves a Jewish educators and artists; that Hitlerism has exterminated Hospital and, as its president, he has close check-up was always kept on the roll call, with penalties the last traces of Jewish representation in the life of Germany, to his credit a unique piece of social This, success drew him and fines for absence. with the exception of a handful of Jewish financiers who have engineering. into the work of the Jewish Social ? In similar vein, it is interesting to learn how the Nazis held sold the destiny of their brethren for a mess of pottage; when Service Association, the Housing Astheir last free election, when the Nazi count itself gave close to one pauses to consider the annihilation of German Jewry since sociation, ORT, and Jewish communifive million votes against Hitler. At Nuremberg, Hitler said: "If the advent of Hitler—one refuses to believe one's eyes when one ty center activity. Demonstrated rare as a social reformer. Served foreigners imagine the 4,000,000 'no' voters constituted a danger- reads that Hitler is fulminating against Jewish influence in Nazi- abilities on the Milk Commission, where Tiis ous opposition, they are privileged to smile. — Our next attack land. organizing ability won him wide acwill demolish the opposition." Every indication points to the fact Is it that Jewish influence cannot be burned; tortured to claim. Managed two gubernatorial campaigns for Alfred E. Smith. Helpthat there is available to Hitler a record of the identity of these death, eliminated by decrees? Is it that Jewish influence in sci-ed elect Herbert Lehman as lieutenfour million-odd voters. A check on the authorship of a vote in ence, art and the.humanities in Germany has become so integral ant-governor. Is a rabid supporter of Germany was made possible because the folded ballots were sup- a part of Germanism that Hitler, all his edicts and flames not- every phase of the Roosevelt New Deal. Was appointed Commissioner of posed to have fallen on top of one another in a neat pile and were withstanding, feels powerless to destroy it? the Port Authority of New York to yemain in the order in which they were cast until they were Does Hitler really believe world public opinion so stupid that which built the Holland tunnel and taken out for the count. As the voter had to give his name to the he actually attenips to limit his stand against civilization to a George Washington bridge and is now building the new Midtown tunnel to officials when he voted and a record could have been kept of the war against a few millions of Jews? New Jersey. Was the only member of order in which each citizen voted, the authorship of_ each ballot The world knows that the battle line between civilization and Port Authority to hold out for "Hudcould be determined with comparative ease. barbarism extends on the whole front between progress on the one son River Bridge" as the logical name for the span linking New York and side and Nazism on the other..The* Jewish battalions are merely New Jersey. Was a leader, in unem"I do not. believe that American Jewry realizes fully the se- a detachment, a small company in this gigantic struggle. No ployment relief. Headed the Conferriousness of the refugee situation and the enormous amount of speech Of Hitler's can alter this. His Nuremberg address stamps ence on Unemployment Legislation. help they require. One thing is clear, this is not a matter to t him, more than ever, as a poorV deluded, childish mind that dom- Widely known as a constructive of labor. Helped focus public argued about, but a situation requiring immediate work."—-Dr. inates Germany only because the German people are in the ex-friend attention on the inequitable operation Cyrus Adler, president of the American Jewish Committee and tremes of desperation. of the Workmen's Compensation Law. Did yeoman service as most vigorous (Copyright, 1934, by Soven Arts Feature Syndicate.) head of Dropsie College.
Nazi Methods
Esrogim From Eretz Yisroel for Succoth
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PUZZLE: WHICH BOSSY PRODUCES THE MOST MILK?—The?e Jersey twin cows are the champion puzzle propounders at the scientific farming demonstration given by the University of Wisconsin at the state capital in Madison. "Ivhich gives the most milk?" the sister cows asked the young lady visitors. The ladies guessed wrong. MOTORCYCLE "PAUL REVERE"—Crashing through a board fence at top speed is all in the day's work for" Odark Townsehd, daredevil cyclist, performing at the annual Marshfield, Mass., fair This Bay State "Paul Revere" wasn't even scratched when his modern steed splintered the barrier.
MOVIE ACTOR LIKES TO CARVE—Arthur Hohl, Hollywood character actor, likes to spend his leisure carving wood, though he has never had any instruction or art training. He is showing Billy Seward how easy it is to wield a chisel and get good results.
SITTING IN ON HOLLYWOOD—Love scenes aren't altogether taboo in Hollywood's sound studios "SUPER-GLAND" BABY—Already possessing the teeth and body desince the recent; campaign to make the films suitable for the kiddies and irritated adults. Director velopment of a normal four-year-old child, Jimmy, aged 20 months, William Seiter puts Joel McCrea and Miriam Hopkins through a love scene while the cameraman son of Mrs. C. H. Cockersham of Baltimore, is being examined by marks time until the moment for "shooting". the leading medical lights of Johns Hopkins university- hospital there*
' vi
JUST ONE LAWN TOO MANY—Alex Menke, Battle Creek, Mich., gardener, thinfcs 18 years is a long iihne to mow his neighbors' lawns. That's why he decided to put a concrete layer over his entire front •yard and pa»nt >* green. Here he is quite happy over the idea'..of knowing that his green stone lawn '•'••"
- - " ever need cliff ing,
STILL HAS SOME SOLDIERS-A passive neutral spectator during most wars for the past two centuries tiny ^ ^ o i n p k t e l y with its military forces. This photo shows some of the efficient motorized machine gun units done away compierey «_=,,„«__ •_ fflOck skirmishes neat the Dittch border.
i'-age 7—THE JEWISH
~. -. ••;,• Thedav- (original -baby vamp)i Bara is said to hie planning* her thea-? trical -come-back "as a Broadway pro-1 ducer. . , . ;: • . ;
Religious Services
L Sargon, Associate Editor Everywhere 1of David 4he Bombay-Jewish Tribune, re-
Germany exiled Max Pallenberg, Nominated for the Forget-Me-Not her greatest comedian, because he was Club: Nathan Ohrbach, Union Square a Jew—but Czechoslovakia has put up merchant, who has just established a a memorial tablet at the airport $50,000 fund for Gotham High School where he was killed in a crash some students with gifts for dress designmonths ago Playwright S. . . . \ Behrman spends his spare time writing letters of reproach to people SPORTY HITS whose names appear on the passenger Advice to Jewish organization': If Dr. you want Phil Weintraub, new Jewlists of Nazi-owned steamers Marie Pichel Levins on, only Ameri- ish star of the N. Y. Giants, to be a can to deliver an address before the real success don't invite him "to atInternational Medical Women's Asso- tend your smokers, etc. It was ciation Congress held a t "Stockholm going to too many • such functions recently, reports that the exclusively which caused the playing of Andy Aryan German Medical Women's As- Cohen to fall below big league standsociation was denied admittance t o ards. . . . Tennis queen Baroness the international body because the Maud Levi has won scores of silver latter permits no religious or politi- cups and such in the course of her cal bias. . , Beafsteak Nazis—-Brown career, but possesses only three, havoutside but Red inside, are said to ing given the rest away to friends. be the latest political phenomenon in . ... And what do you think of Mary Hitlerland; from which we gather Hirsch, 21ryear-old daughter of jockthat a t least ^the Communists are ey Max, who is the only woman in still working against Hitler . . . the U. S. licensed to train horses? Harms Heinz Ewers, German author »of*^6-Betroit . She is ^ revered by the Nazis, is trying nard and oftenLondon's does^ some jockeying to live down the-.disgrace of having stable, Whitechapel herself. been the editor of the German edition district is celebrating the recent winof his friend Israel Zangwill's works ning of the British lightweight box. . . Did you ever hear of -that in- ing crown by i t s own Harry,Mizler genious theory, born of a German in a Welsh contest. . . . Samuel Res (not Jewish) brain, which maintains hevskyj whom yon may remember.' as that the Germans and the Jews are the infant chess prodigy of a.'decade racially consanguinous and cites, as ago, i s still going strong, having sufproof, such philological similarities fered no defeats in the international as the word's "Teut" and "David" Ichess tournament held in New York (Daud), not to mention" "Juda" and last month, v " • . . • • . "Thiuda" (the latter betas the Osi(Copyright, 1934, by Seven Arts goth term for "Chosen People") ? . .. Feature Syndicate.)
/uwo/s—OmsOneofthe HEBREW « V VKDDJSH
interestedh tfATT£F&
5OCS/\L WELrA%£»* waists TQURTSEI*ffO&ffi 4&AYt ?yir &nd INSISTS err TAKING V' Cfil?E fZ
Instead to subordinates/
"Jerusalem—A $1,500 prize to be awarded annually to that Hebrew author or poet who makes the best contribution to Jewish thoug-ht or research has been established by Salman Schocken, a German Jewish deiiartment store magnate now living in Palestine. The prize is named after the late Chaim Nachman Bialik, Hebrew poet be awarded each laureate, and year on the twenty-firet of Tammuz, the date of Bialik's death.
Plans for the coming winter season were outlined at the first meeting of the Athletic Council, held Wednesday. There will be no late Friday eve- " Those present were Irvin Levin, ning service this Sabbath at the Con- chairman; Bob Kooper, Iz Levinson, servative synagogue. Instead, the Dr. D. C. Platt, J. S. Pearlstien, Jack congregation will gather for services Marer, Arthur A. Cohn, Phil Feldman, J. Stoller, and Lee Grossman. at 6:30 p. m. The fall ana winter schedules are The Conservative Synagogue Sunday school will begin its year with'.ready for distribution and will be registration this Sunday morning at mailed to Center members. 10:30 a. m. at the J. C. C. Parents jes are urged to bring their children. There will be a J. C. C. basket ball team this year. Try-outs will be held Tbcj iHx With the Best soon, and all aspirants are asked to IDEAL I50TTLIXG CO5IPANT •watch the Piess and bulletin board ISOS So. 20th St. AYE. 3043 The Sabbath of Repentence service for further announcement. will be held at Temple- Israel this An innovation will be attempted j evening, starting at 8 p. rrw The ser- this year. In order to develop the j men will be delivered by Rabhi David athletic ability of the youngsters, the; H. Wice. . • junior boys, a basket ball coaching M The' first Saturday morning., serv- school for boys under 16 years of] E ice of the year will be held' Satur- age will be held—meeting at least day morning, starting at 10:30.a. m. once a week and possibly twice each Y week. E
Regular Fiiday -evening : services Physical Director. Lee Grossman , will be held this •evening lat - 8 p. my will be in charge. at the B'nai Israel synagogue, 18th and Chicago, with Rabbi Uri Miller, The lines "in the gym at the CenCantor A. Schwaczkin, and the B'nai iter have been repainted. Israel choir officiating. Rabbi Miller's subject will bs :A| The Health club volley ball league I will start, the first week of October. Personal Confession of Sins." This Saturday is called the Sab~RUS3/A bath of Repentence. The traditional Germans Hog Cattle Trade AGAINST sermon of this-day will-be delivered Berlin—Jewish cattle dealers were 1 5 'PUN 1SHf\ BL.E b v in Yiddish by Rabbi Miller at theordered to cease trading activities in Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol synagogue, the Schwarzwald region. SAv/smEv'' 19th and Burt streets, on Saturday The Schwarzwald or Black Forest afternoon at 4 p. m. is a mountainous district of southCOPYRIGHT BT — SEVEN ARTS FEATURE SYNDICATE The Vaad Religious School will west Germany of which about twomeet Sunday morning at 10 o'clock thirds lies in Baden and one-third in morous periodical of Munich. a t the B'nai Israel synagogue. New Wurttemberg. The publication has gone to thepupils will be assigned to classes. length of publishing an article pok- All who did not register last Sunday ing a t the racepolky of the govern- are requested to register this coming 250 Jewish Children Flee ment indirectly._ by describing the S u n d a y . •. • . -.. . • : . German Schools manners, and .customs _of the ancient Berlin—A group of-250 German Teutons as they have been recorded Jewish children" recruited' under the by Tacitus and others of that city. auspices of the Hilfsvefein der Deutschen Juden, Jewish emigrant Baron Rothschild Enters aid group, will leave Germany for 90th Year Berlin, (JTA).—The strength of the" United States. Paris.—The 89th birthday of Baron the Nazi dictatorship over the ProtThe children are" roming t o theEdmond _de Rothschild, famous phil- jestant churches in Germany was United States to avoid being edu- anthropist who supported much of the i demonstrated here when the Nancated in Nazi schools, where anti- earliest colonization work in Pales- dominated church council headed by Jewish racial teachings, . which are tine, was celebrated here very quietly, Reichbishop Ludwig Mueller decided now compulsory, have made the in deference to the wishes of thethat all pastors having Jewish wives ! position of Jewish pupils tragic. Baron, who dislikes public celebra- must be arbitrarily retired. tions. ' _ The council also ruled that the Relief for Polish Jewry Plans, however, are being made for "Aryan paragraph" must be fully reWarsaw! — The Joint Distribution •nationwide and International festivi; Committee is doing excellent con- ties on the occasion of the Baron's stored where church officials and employes are concerned. The working structive work to relieve the desper- 90th birthday next year. of the "Aryan paragraph" was temate economic plight of Polish Jewry porarily suspended last fall when a and the rest of world Jewry should <Jbel»bels Reseats Memoir storm of opposition arose within the follow the American body's example dontrajct " ;- 73* church against ousting hundreds of in organized relief work, • is^ the /view Berlin.—Der |g|grlff, mouthpiece of pastars who are of Jewish descent. of Nevill^ Xaaki, president o t the "BritSi •• l—-Josephh •~~£af' "and cburcn* ~ officials of all -MifSftir ish Boarn^"of rJevHsa^ejp^^sr^wTib" Goebbels, . the Nazi govranks will now come under the "Arhas just .paid Ids first visit:to.this ernment, cancel tlife Swedish copyright yan paragraph," the council decided. "Constructive work is necessary, to on Held Marshal von~~Hindenburg's change Jewry's social structure, to memoirs. ' z^£. create productive groups an«i to train .. "The Swedish? publisher, Bonnier, Insulting Sign Removed byinvests the-profits from the sale of German Official Jews for new jobs," Mr.Lasii said. von • Hindenburg's book in atrocity Berlin. — A sign "this swimming propaganda against Germany," the bath is free of Jevrs* ~vras ordered reJewish Youth Organizations Nazi paper asserted. Prohibited moved from the public bath a t JugenKovno.—Jewish youth organizations heim. -' ' ' ' American Jew Kidnapped have been declared illegal and the ! • The removal order was issued by wearing- of uniforms forbidden- in &in Manchukuo . the Hessian Minister "of :State; decree issued by the government. ; Mukden, Manchukuo. —- Fears are It is believed that these regulations felt for the life of Solomon Zeitlin, an are intended to p r e v e n t further American Jewish fur dealer, who has clashs between Jewish youths and- been kidnapped by bandits. Ldthuanian nationalists and anti-Sem- ~ Police reported tbat a ransom of ites, but the Jewish community is in- $700 has been demanded for Zeitlin's censed a t them,.as it feels they de- release but private advices express prive the Jews of their means of self- the belief that he may have been murdered. - • • ; • _ • - - • • • defens against anti-Semitic attacks.
h accpunted by JEKTmv
R B. F E R E R Satisfy All l o n r Neon Sign Needs Associated with
Evidence of Hitlerite Church Dictatorship
Down in "Washington they are still wondering w h e t h e r Congressman Adolph J . Sabath of Illinois really refrain from trying for the Speakership of the House, of which ..Tiberias (J.. T. A.)—Monks of the Guests at Treas- Italian and German monasteries a t he is the dean. ury Sec. Morgenthau's recent clam- Tabgha near here, have received forbake dinner for his chief, at young signature a petition the High ComHenry's FishMll, N. Y., estate, are missioner protesting against "desestill talking about the Hawaiian solo cration of the Sea of Galilee which which brought FDR the singing prize is holy to Christendom" by the PalesAlbert Ottinger, tine Electric Corporation (Rutenberg) of the evening. New York's former Attorney General expansion works. and gubernatorial candidate, loves to The petitioners request the High The origin Commissioner "in the name of milwatch prize fights. of the NRA principle that the gov- lions of Christians throughout the ernment may control production in world to whom the Sea of Galilee is industry, somebody has remembered, sacred, "to ensure that the water was a minority opinion delivered by level of the great lake shall not be Supreme Court Justice Louis D. decreased, alleging that 128 centimeBrandeis back in 1929. . . ." -' tres have already disappeared. FINANCIAL COLUMN The petitioners further state that Latest purchaser of a' N. Y. Stock the hydro-electric works are adverseExchange seat, to the tune of 95ly affecting the fishing industry. They grand, is Georgie Price, .of radio and demand the construction of a dam to vaudeville fame. . . ; -Tft combine fi-j Tes tore the water already vanished, nancial and show business is -not to the taste of Herbert B. (former N . Y. World editor) ; Swope, however. . . . Though his facial resemblance to FDR might have brought him a part in a forthcoming film he turned New York (JTA).—I."H. Rubin, secAnd they say retary of the Jewish National Fund of down an offer. that Roosevelt has a "typically Nor- America for the - past, twentyrfour dic" face. . . . The Nathan (Columbia years, has relinquished his post in orPictures exec.) Spingolds have bought der to proceed to Palestine for perthe former home of the late Reginald manent settlement. • Vanderbilt. . . . Mrs. Spingold, forConnected with the American bumerly a famous designer of fashion- reau of the Keren Kayemeth le Israel able gowns, is known these days as since its inception in 1910, Mr. Rubin, the shrewdest woman trade:- in Wall in point of years of .uninterruptejl serStreet . . . Mrs. Reginald^ C Van- vice, is the oldest member of the Zionderbilt is denying those rumois that ist staff. His decision "to settle- Jn Pal r she is planning to marry theatrical estine is a fulfillment of a lifelong producer A. G. Blumenthal . . . Ben desire. • ,: Cohen, Chilean Embassy Counselor, is looking for a formula to', placate $18,000 Violin fo Girl- ' the financial gods. . . . First he "lost Seattle. — ^'To. the only deserving all his money in a bank failure, and girl violinist I* know" — that's what then his luggage was robbed in Chile -Kfr^im Zimbalist wrote- to Judith of cash and securities amounting to Poska, 22-year-old local Jewish girl, 120,000 pesos. . . . Time was when concert master of Tadio station those dime-a-look telescopes on 42nd KFWB's orchestra in Los Angeles. Street were trained on Jupiter and He wrote it in a note, and sent its eight satelites—-but now "they along as a gift an $18,000 violin made show you the softly^ glowing tower- of 183 years ago by Thomas Balestrieri. the Chanin Building, named after the Two years ago Zimbalist taught Miss Chanin brothers,. Manhattan builders, Poska. She has .won national musical and former theatrical ^entrepreneurs^ acclaim.
Activities of X C. C. Athletic Department
5 bukes us for having, said, some time ago, that the baa -jon his paper in ^mumiiimiimmmimmiiimuiiiimif? Iraq would affect : its circulation to the extent of five copies. ..." .OfferTHE JEWISH SCENE ing to let us inspect his books, Mr. A prominent Zionist, we hear, is Sargon informs lis that "the circulaenvolving a Seven-Year Plan for the tion of the Tribune in Iraq is many movement . . . The idea beings to •times over" our' "meagre guess of raise $250,000,000 for Palestine with- five copies". . . . We wish to thank in seven years and to use the money Mr. Sargon for the correction, and for the settling of 200,000 Jewish im- t hi that we shall be only migrants in the Homeland - . .Strange to assure though it may seem, Dr. Stephen S. too happy to publish the exact fig"Wise is reported to have delivered a ures whenever he sees fit to commost glowing tribute to Dr. Chaim municate them to us. . . . Weirmann a t the recent Zurich conference . . . "Which won't prevent the CHIT-CHAT American Zionists from taking a far Robert Nathan's new book, on the from co-operative attitude toward Dr. Jews, has been chosen by one of the "Wise in his battle against the Ameri- major book-of-the-month' groups . . . can Jewish Committee forces . . : . The I t was under the protecting legal near future, we may expect, will bring wing of Arthur Garfieia Hays that a deluge of Palestine flickers . . i'One liudwig Lewisphn ventured into New company has collected the remnants York recently rto discuss his translaof a number of ancient ^Palestine filrns tion of the Werfel play to be proand will put the resultant conglomer- duced, on Broadway ; by Max Reinhardt this season. . . . The Hays proation on the market r: under the tection, was necessary because of pos"Romance of Judea" •;•:..'. And American Palestine campaign is work- sible legal • complications • attendant ing seriously on-a real superfilm now Tipon Lewisohn's 1 presence i n this being shot in Palestine by the Fox State. . ; . The Ameiican Children's Theater, on which' dancer Lasar (Salpeople The finished product is pern has been working, for many expected to be of Broadway first-run months, is nearing realization, the house caliber The British film first; production' being scheduled " for "The Wandering Jew," by the way, some .time next month. .'.-.'Dr. Samwas turned down by the,Rexy Theater uel Tannenbaum, "pathologist '• and because Howard S.'CaHman, receiver Shakespearean scholar,' is rejoicing of the house, felt that Jewish audi- because at last the Columbia Univerences would be unfavorably impressed sity Press has come to agree with by the picture of the Jew presented him that the Bard of Avon spelled in this production. his name "Shakspere". . .
MUNICH HUMOR PAPER POKES FUN Berlin—What seems to be the declining popularity of the race theory among the general population has found expression in The Jugend, hu-
New York—E. C. Mills, general manager of the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers, labelled as canards reports that Ivy Lee has been ousted as publicity adviser to the society.
Hefes Real Shoe Economy/
Fund Secretary to Settle in Palestine
have long been the choice of men who iwant their money's "worth .«. . . and get i t Their finer leathers, their careful craftsmanship and their fine finish make them stand up better under hard wear. Tbat?s why Florsheim Shoes actually « s t less by the year. FLORSHEIM SHOES
MOST STYLES' Somt3tytestlQ
FLOESHEIM SHOP 313 South 16th St.—Opposite Hotel Conant
AT. 607J
Page 8—THE- JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1934 Omaha, were guests this week in the M. Leaffhbme."". !
News Miss
Sam Sadoff has returned to the city after an extended visit in Chicago.
Council Bluffs •News BY P. B. K.
tlanians,-aild'Egyptians who are work.- i pounds, and many of them skip bail ing here. • and forfeit the bonds, which they conWhile bail, even in large amounts, sider a premium for the high wages is being refused the unfortunate Jew- they earn here. ish newcomers, the Hauranese tribesmen when caught are allowed to goSHOTWELL, MOXSKY, GROtHNSKV 4 VANCE, and HAKKI B. COHEN out on minor amounts, ten and fifteen
Attorneys Members of the Ivre Club held •737 Omnha Notional 15nnk Building YO3T KIPPUK SEKTICES their first meeting of the season NOTICE OF SALE Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, NOTICE o r INCORPORATION OF Jerusalem (J. T. A.)—About six Tuesday evening., A social hour fol- will begin at sundown next Tuesday KHASXE MILLINERY. INC. Notice is hereby Riveu Hint on the 20th lowed the meeting which was held in evening, September 18th,' and approp- hundred athletic Jewish youths have day of September, W34. nf 10 o'clock A.M., Notice is hereby given that the undersigned have formed a corporation under lr.Ol'.Cnminsr street, Oninha. Neliraskn, the Jewish Community Center. riate services will be held at the enrolled in a volunteer corps to pre- at the FEKIU.N VAX & STORAGE CO. will the name of KUASXE MILLINERY. INC., vent Arabs from Houran, Syria, -from with its principal place of business in Chevra Bnai Yisroel synagogue at 618 sell to the highest bidder for cash, the Omnha. The corporation shall have auMrs. F. Baron of Los Angeles is a Mynster street. Kol Nidre services coming across the borders into Pal- follor.-ing: described articles, ro sjifisfy its thority to manufacture, buy. sel! and genfor-storage and oilier charges: estine to work. This is a countermove lien deal in millinery, feathers, ribbons, guest over the holidays in the home will commence at six o'clock. BlltS. LOTTIE LOFTIS — Three barrels erally hats, hosiery, notions, nrticle.s of wearing Through the direction of the Jewof Mr. and Mrs. J. Jacobson. On. Wednesday morning, the serv- against the Arab groups formed re- anil contents, ironing board, floor lnmp, apparel, artificial flowers and other milpair of crutches, cot, crate, glass, 2 boxes, linery specialties and cently to trap Jewish illegal immiall other articles of ish Community Center and with thej ices will start at seven o'clock. Rev. household goods, radio. a kindred nature, and to handle such real Siioux City's younger crowd will grants. aid of ^ volunteer workers, a complete Mrs. J. Baird and Ruben Baird A. Gendler of Omaha and Rev. A. MRS. MARY FtETCHEH—Four boxes or personal property ns may be required. u<>ld KOOtls 2 The intention is to have some eight j ^,^t-, barrels ami contents; The corporation shall have power to borcensus of the f population in be diminished this week when many left recently for New York City for Diamond of Council Bluffs will chant trunk, carton and contents, u bundles pic- row money nml execute Jind deliver evi^ trunk, of them will leave for colleges and Sioux City has been taken, and disa visit with friends. Accompanying the services. tures. carton ntiti pnntpnts r» inimlbc T»IC- dences of indebtedness therefor and to do hundred young Jews encamped in FEERIX VAN & STORAGE CO.. any and all other things necessary to carry closes that there are 580 Jewish universities to enroll for the coming them to New York was Miss Ruth out the objects of the corporation. The auW. C. Ferrin, President. four sections of two hundred each families living in, Sicux City, with year. Silver and Mrs. Silverman of Omathorized capital stock is $10,000.00, nil comHOLIDAY YISITOKS 9-li-3i-2t. mon, par value .$100.00. being fully paid Iowa university at Iowa City, as ha and Nate Horwitch of Pender, A number of out-of-town persons along certain keypoint places on the a total Jewish population of 2,850. north eastern frontiers. The task of FRADEX1HJKG, BEBEK * KICTZNICK, when issued and non-nssessable. The highThe census will be kept on record usual, will claim a large percentage Nebraska. est indebtedness shall not exceed twospent the holidays here visiting rela- these young men will be to watch for Attorneys. thirds of the capital. The corporation shall C50 Omaha National Dank Bldjr. at the Jewish Community Center. of Sioux City students. Among those En route to New York they will tives. Among the visitors are Mrs."illegal" Arab immigrants in their commence business upon the subscription Omaha, Kebraska Among the workers who took and who will return to Iowa university stop in Chicago, to visit with friends, J. E. Schlank of Des Moines, Iowa, of $1,000.00 of capital stock and when the To CEXTHAL ICE SERVICE COMPANY, Articles are filed with the County Clerk of compiled the census were included' this fall to continue their studies and attend the Century of Progress. and Mrs. Leo Blank and son, Lane sectors, and to hand over suspects to - « corporation: IHmglns County. Nebraska, and shall conthe police. Notice is hereby jriven that I^nwrence J. tinue until January 31. 203."). The nffnirs the following: Lucille Appellang, there are Morris Lasensky, Bernard Burton, of Minneapolis, Minn., who Finkel, Hymen Belman. Max Cohn Matt, Most of the young men are trained be administered by a Board of Dia r Rosabelle Wigodsky, Esther Mirken, Skalovsky, Loyal Kier, Dena Baron, Mr. and Mrs. A. Stillman, 718j e the house guests of their father, to the highest point of physical re- Joseph Bernstein and Abe II. Winer, have shall rectors not less than two nor more than filed their petition in the District Court of five inofnumber. stockholders shall Frances Kalin, Lillian Magaiiner, George' Kuntz, Ed Miller, Irvin Lun- Iowa street, announce the birth of a Mr. Barney Gilinsky. Douglas County, Nebraska. against you. elect Directors at The sistance, and say they are not afraid the annual meeting to Mr. and Mrs. Abe Bear and son, the abore nnmed defendant. nn action b e Caroline Fishgall, Annabelle Emlein, in and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hiirwitz; son, on August 31. of consequences of their mission, alentitled Lawrence J. Finkel, Hymen r, e l- v e aheld the first Monday in August of onch Aaron David, of Leavenworth, Kans., Doris Rosenstock, Bernice Galinsky* New students who will enroll at the Max Cohn Platt. Joseph Bernstein \c-p r s r - VThereafter directors shall elect offithough they realize it will result in man. IZ University of Iowa for the first time the holidays visiting at the and Abe It. Winer, Plaintiffs, vs. Central j - President, Vice-president, SecreMina Slotsky, LU?bie Dervin, Ruth Mr. and Mrs. Fred Foreman of • I personal encounters with the would-be tary and Treasurer. The articles mny be Ice Service Company, a corporation. Deof Mrs. Bear's parents, Baker, Inez Leaf, Mateel Stein, will include Ernest Epstein, Morris j Sioux Falls spent last. week-end ' in fendant, the object and prayer of said peti- amended. The corporation maj- have a seal. i Arab immigrants. Dated August 21, 1934. Mrs. Julius Katelman. tion being to obtain a decree of the Court Gisela Pill, Eva Dvorkin, Mildred Bernstein,' Morris .Marsh', Milton Sioux City, visiting with friends. : . . . ALBERT KRASNB Most of the volunteers belong to the quieting the leasehold estate of the plainMr. and Mrs. G. Rosenberg and H. MAK<5CARDT Baron, Ruth Rifkin, Dena M. Baron, Barrent, Inez Leaff and Dorothy in and to Suli-Lots One (1) and Two Maccabee, Socialist or Revisionist tiff S-31-34-4t. Gelgon. family of Hastings, Nebr., were the (2) iu Tax Lot Thirty-two (32) in Section Alice Pill, Margaret Kosberg, Jennie Miss Rose Albeit" will be hostess ycuth-training organizations. Fifteen do). Range Fifteen (13). TownStudents who will return to theto the Debra Club at their meeting guests of Mr. and Mrs. Abe RosenShindler, Rebecca Stillman, ' Neomi ship Thirteen (13), and the South Three SHOTffELT,, MONSKY, GKOIHN&KY Meanwhile, the labor dearth conberg. University of Nebraska at Lincoln, (3) feet of Lot Five (.1). Block Twenty-one Sacks, Julia and Sulamith Bereskin, Monday evening. New members, reVANCE ami HAKRY B. COHKX (21), E. V. Smith's Addition to the City tinues in Jerusalem, and two "large At the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. are Jerry Cohen, Sidney Bergen and cently elected into the group will Attorneys Pearl Olensky and Bertha- Berger. of Omaha, all of which is located in Doug73? Omaha Nationnl Bank Bliig. new government buildings, the genSaltzman are Mr .and Mrs. Henry Malas County, Nebraska. Frances Kalin. 'attend. duff and sons, Sidney and Irving, of eral post office and the government Said petition furl her prays for the canAbe Epstein, Morris Lefkovich and NOTICE OF INCORPORATION of any purported agreements, if Anita, Iowa, and Mr. and Mrs. Abe printing works, are being erected cellation, Notice is hereby given that the underin writing, which may constitute a cloud Archie Kantor departed Saturday Marcus and children of Auburn, Nebr. without Jewish labor. Many of the la- on the plaintiff's leasehold, enjoining de- signed have formed n corporation pursufrom asserting claim for greater ant to the laws of the State of Nebraska. Membeis of the Junior Poale Zion evening for Northwestern university. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Frankel of Lin- borers are, however, the cheaply-paid fendant rental, and to quiet plaintiffs estate in the The name of the corporation is DAVIS At the university, Epstein received coln, Nebr., visited at the home of Hauranese Arabs. So great has their j premises involved and for surh other anil COMPANY, with its principal place of Jnet last Friday evening in the home business in the City of Omaha. The obthe Court seeln Mrs. Frankel's parents, Mr. and Mrs. migration into Palestine become that |'""" of ,Irvin Lunin.. Morris Marsh.'pre- notice that he is to be a member of —••-- -- *- •«•••• jects for which this corporation is formed the first football. team of Northare buy. sell, exchange, manufacture, sided as chairman, ah'd-the-.^program The first meeting of this season of Herman Meyerson. Damascus Arab newspapermen write I'ou are hereby notified that you are re- to and trade Kenersilly in any nnd all centered', around the "observance of western. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Barron and that whole villages in the Hauran quired to answer said petition on or be- deal the Poale Zion Chapter of National kinds of machinery, equipment "and sup10, 1034. plies; to purchase, lease ami otherwise acRosh Hashonah. _."_..';r-./..'----- • David Levitt departed Wednesday Workers Alliance, will be held this son, Herman, of Shenandoah, Iowa, province of Syria are being emptied fore September LAWHEXCE J. KINKKI... HYMEX quire any interest or license of every kind night for Colorado, where 1UK11L jLOi" Boulder, DJU1UU, VJUWIWU, YV11C1C C-.4.J~ - " i o 1r • IL T r.EOIAX. MAX COHN P I J A T T , Irvin Lunin • and Mr. - A; '• Stillman , .,, ,/•••>• J" i. 1.1. Sundayy evening,g a t 8:15 m t h e Jew-are spending the holidays at the home of their male adults and only the nnd character in and to any and nil patJOSEPH BEKNSTKIX and ABE ents he will enter his second year at t h e j ^ ' C o m m u n i t y C e n t e n pertaining to machinery, equipment of Mrs. Barron's father, Mr. B. Markspoke on the origin and;. significance women and children remain. It. VTINEK. Plaintiffs. nnd supplies: to purchase, lease, register University of Colorado. By FRADENBURO, BEBER & and otherwise acquire any trade-marks, of Rosh Hashonah". Sulamith BereThe' program will be literary and ovitz. In Palestine, the man-hunt for ilKLUTZNICK, Their Attorneys. Lillian Magaziner will leave next trade-names, patents, inventions, improveAt the home of Mrs. I. Kramer skin spoke on the Accomplishments iU nc lude n A o t 8-17-34-4t. ments and processes of every kind and ^ 0T * J T y ^L a s t Y°e r " , C. o^ i % n were Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Cohen of legal immigrants continues unabated, character; to purchase, discount, sell and of the'past, year and~ prospects; ,for week for Ann Arbor,. where she will W and many are sentenced to imprisoncontinue her studies at the Univers™ f ? . . * f . f^ generally in evidences of indebtTarkio, Mo. f FKADENBUKG, BEBEK & KLCTZNICK the new year. Rubin Ratner spoke-on .. -M. ;. of the Laborites in Palestine. The edness of every kind and character: nnd to ment and recommended for deportaAttorneys buy. sell, mortgage, lease, encumber nnd "What I Expect- to. gain from"•.•.•the 1 ta£ G a S c y . will continue her Program will also include recitations, At the home of. Mr. and Mrs. B.tion. But the majority of these are 6C0 Omaha National Bank deal generally in real and personal propClub.".,• • .-. .^vj^ii studies at the University of Illinois, ^ f 3 and refreshments will bs Saltzman were Mr. and Mrs. Keith Jews, and the authorities seem to be erty of every kind and character. The comIN THE DISTRICT COURT OF Peltz and small, daughter, Lorraine, pany shall have authority to borrow money At the fol- in Campagne and Miss Doris RosenDOUGLAS COUNTY. NEBKASKA taking few measures against the e business meetingvWhichgW and to issue evidences of indebtedness .•.,' .. . . . , •, of Manning, Iowa, and Mr .and Mrs. li - ' Bereskiri; Was" reiecfed stock will return to the University of •A l a r ^. e attendance therefor. The total authorized capital stock lowed, Julia of Harlan, thousands of Hauranese, TransjorDocket 304 No. 155 1S expected for Ben Cohen and family is f2ri,(m.(jQ. par value £100.00 per share. v the recording secretary, -to -&eceeS- Eu- Wisconsin at Madison. All stock is common and shall be fully ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE ' °V*™8 meeting, and plans will Iowa. d e a t paid and non-assessable when issued. The j * " * time for the bi- . Miss Frances Pollman of Kansas dice Stillman; Rosabelle Wigodsky, LomTVeinbergwill leave for, ibae o n ™ In the Matter of the Application of SARAH JACK W. MARKR, Attornejcorporation shall commence business upon ljuuia TI cuiuui^ will leave IUI i . ,I r- . meetings ,. _ . . . th , .i n t r lorresponding " secretary^ -Alice KULAKOFSKY and MORRIS LEVEY, Court House * durin the filing of its Articles with the County l Administrators of the Ksrate of ISRAEL Clerk of Douglas County, Nebraska, nnd Minnesota, begin his I months. s 3 0 1 1 ^ meetings during the winter City, Mo., is visiting at the home of vinsky. financial sfrcietarv. - andit Faribault, „ ^ _ S n' a tto KDLAKOFSKY, deceased, for license to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Steinberg until Military _ tvnivnrnc shall continue until January 1st. 2034. The tuck NOTICE BY PUBLICATION ON PETIsell real estate. Rudy „ - j ^ ' highest amount of indebtedness shall not after the holidays. TION FOR SETTLEMENT OF FINAL _ / Shindler, , ,, - . representative*: .-- \.,~ •<•'•-- -- academy. Now on this 23th day of August. 1934, exceed two-thirds of the capital stock. This ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT this csuse came on for hearing upon the restriction shull not apply to indebtedness The following committees, were apIn (he County Court of Douglas County, petition of Sarah Kulnkofsky and Morris secured by real estate. The number of pointed for the coming-year:" .Cul, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Siegel and t Levey, administrators of the estate of Is- members of the Board shall be provided by Nebraska. In the Matter of the Estate of JOHN K. rael "Kulakofsky, deceased, for a license to the By-Laws, which Board shall admintural, Rebecca Stillman, \ Sulamith C o m m i t t e e s IOr Y e a r daughter, Dolores, returned home sell the following described real estate sit- ister (he affairs of the corporation. The . FOKAKEK, Deceased. Bereskin; librarian, Rubjn Ratirier; All persons interested in said matter are uated, in Omaha, Douglas County, Nebras- stockholders shall hold their nnnual meet' Wednesday from. Des Moines, Iowa, ing the first Monday in July of each yeear Announcement has been made by yheretliey spent the holidays visit- hereby notified that on the 12th day of ka, to-wit: membership; RuSy Shindler arid "EuAn undivided 1/3 interest in ana to anil elect directors. The directors shall elect September, 1B34. John \V. Foraker filed a dice Stillman; social, Alice Novinsky, Mrs. William li Lazere, president • of ins relatives. the south 1/2 of Lot G in Block 1, a President. Viee-Presldent. Secretary nnd petition in Saul County Conrt, praying Konntze's Fourth Addition to the City Treasurer. The Articles may be amended Eudice Stillman and Lucille Kfonick; A scholarship entitling him to Mount Sinai Sisterhood, of the folthat his final administration account filed of Omaha, as surveyed, platted and reupon notice as provided for. The corporaMiss Helen Mae Saltzman has re-herein he settled and allowed, and that he corded ; financial, Julia Bereskin, Rubin Rat- $1,900 for clinical study in Europe lowing Sisterhood committees for tion shall have a seal. be discharged from his trust as administurned home following a week's visit has been awarded to Dr. Ben Gel- this year. The North 1/2 of the East 13,0 feet ner, and Alice Novinsky. trator ami that a hearing will lie had on .. ,••••• . • of Lot 7 in Block 1, KoimtJie's Fourth The meeting date was changed fand, son of Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Gel- Religion, Mrs. Philip Kalin; .re- in Chicago, 111.... • said petition before said Court on the 6th Dated this 11th day of July, 1034. Addition to the City of Omaha, as surday of October, 19C4, and that if you fail S. II. DAVIS from Friday evening to Sunday *aft- fand, 1615 Isabella street. Dr. Gel-ligious school, Mrs. 'E. E. Baron; J veyed, platted nnd recorded ; to appear before said Conrt on the said EVA DAVIS An undivided 1/2 interest in and to Miss Gwendolyn lleyerson left Wed- Cth day of October. 1034, at .0 o'clock A.M., the South .SO feet of Lots 1 nnd 2 in arnoon. Plans were made for ah ex-fand received the scholarship from Ineorporator«. prograrrit Mrs. E. J. Fribourg; floral, contest said petition, the Court may tensive membership drive. The chap- the - Alexander Block 3, Kountze's and Ruth's AddiS-24-34-4t. Cochran Bowen Mrs. Emil Rosenstock; peace, Mrs. nesday for Lincoln, Nebr., to resume and grant the prayer of said petition, enter a tion to the City of Onvahn, as surher studies at the University of Ne- decree of heirship, and make such other veyed, platted and recorded; ter will also assist the Senior Poale scholarship foundation - of the New Theodore Lewis; house, Mrs. J. braska, where she is a junior. and further orders, allowances and deZion chapter in working for the Jew- York Academy of medicine. An undivided 1/2 interest in and to crees, as to this Court may seem proper, Kalin; Uniongrams, Mrs. Fishgall; the West 19 feet in width of Lot 3 and •sh Carnival. . ; to the end that all matters pertaining to Dr.. Gelfand wil studjr for a year ^ ^ ^ M l s . Louis Goldberg, and Mr. and Mrs. W. Perlmufter enter- said estate may be finally settled and de- all of Lot 4 in Block 51 in the City of Omaha, as surveyed and lithographed: in London under Sir Thomas Lewis Membership, Mrs. Louis Agranoff. . Lot G in Ashland Place, an. addition tained fifty guests Tuesday night at termined. • to the City of Omaha, as surveyed, the ^clinical research department ERYCE CRAWFORD, their home In celebration of the "Pid- 9-14-34-3t. platted and recorded, County Judge. of the • University college hospital subject to all existing liens nnd inenmyon Ha Ben" of their month-old ; brances, for the purpose of paying the andalso in Holland. The Sioux/CityZACHARIA. Attorney grandson, Mark Neal Lintzman, son debts, court costs and expenses of the adan served as an interne in Harlem Services ' for the observance of of Mr. and Mrs. Dan. Lintzman. *G8 B?andrl» Theatre Bldg. ministration of the estate of Israel Knlakofsky, deceased, and it appearing to Hie and Bellevue hospitals in New York Yom Kippur will- begin at 6:15 PROBATE NOTICE Court that it is necessary that said real City for four years following his o'clock • "Tuesday evening.-- Rabbi of-the Estate of JENNY estate be sold for the riirn.ose of paying Registrations are still being taken la -the- MatterDeceased. the. said debts and expenses of admiuistragraduation from the medical. collegeRabinowitz will speak on the sub-for the local Hebrew school classes LaUOSCHIN. • . Notice is hereby given that the creditors tioni- - --- of Cornell university. in 1930. • the said deceased will meet the adminIT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that all ject "Meeting the Challenge." Cantor and may be made on week days be- of istratrix of said estate, before me. County persons interested in estate appear Dr. Gelfand was graduated • from A. Pliskin and the boys choir will tween four and eight o'clock at theJndge of Douglas County, Nebraska, at the before the undersigned,saida Judge of the Central High school , in 1922 .and chant the ritual. Wednesday morning synagogue- with Mr. J. Z. Stadlan, "County Court ltoom, in said County,, on District-Court in nnd for Douglas County, Nebraska, in, : Court Room No. 7 5n the the 3th' day of November, 1034. arid on the 'rom Morningside college, in 1926. services will begin at 8 o'clock. The principal. At the second day of ser r 3th-day of Januarys 193."), at 9 o'clock- A.M.,- Douglas County Court -House in the City of Omaha on the 15th day. of October, memorial service will start at 10 a.vices for Rosh Hashonah at the syna- each'day. for the purpose of presenting at 9 o'clock A. M. to show cause if1934. nnd claims for examination, adjustment m. and Rabbi Rabinowitz will speak gogue Tuesday morning, Mr. Stadlan their and allowance. Three months are alK>wed why a license should not ire granted to the said administrators to. se.ll said real estate made an appeal to all the local Jewfor the creditors to, present their claims, on the subject' "Dawn-or Dusk." The for. the purpose of paying" said debts and of October. 1034. closing service on Wednesday will ish parents so that they will not re- from the 5th day expense of administration of the estate of ERYCE CRATVFORD, Israel Knlakofsky. deceased. main indifferent to the need-of send- 9-14-34-3t. Recognized as • , County Judge. Dr. and Mrs. Theodoie N. Lewis^begirt at 5 o'clock in the afternoon,ing, their children - to the Talmud IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that this order to show cause shall be published for PR XCTICAL MOHEL will be "at home" tomembersl of theiThe Sunday school sessions at Torah. The officers of the Talmud four successive weeks in the Jewish Press, ABRAHAMS & -O'CONNOR, Attorneys Mount Sinai Congregation, and their Shaare Zion will begin next Sunday Torah have announced that they exa legal newspaper published In the City of Phone 1059 404 Brandeis Theatre BIdg. Omaha, Douglas County. Nebraska. friends, Sunday afternoon, Septem- morning at 10 o'clock. The faculty pect and hope that there will be a BY THE COURT Council Muffs, In. NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS ber 16, between the hours of 3 arid this year includes the Misses Bertha number of new registrations during W. G. HASTINGS. Notice is hereby given that all existing S-31-34-4t. Judge. 6, at 1927 Heights avenue. Personal and Ida Heshelow, Evelyn Kuntz, the coming weeli so that there will be di?l>ts of CENTRAL-• DAIRY PRODUCTS, INC.. on the Slst <lny of August, 1934, cards have not been issued. Mr. and Dorothy Epstein, Frances Jacooson, a large class for beginners. amounted to the sum of $2,148.5,").
Many Students SIOUX CITY JEWISH Leaving for CENSUS COMPLETED College Studies
Jr. Poale Zion
Meeting" of Poale Zion
Medical Scholarship Given Sioux Cityan
Appoint Sisterhood
Junior Poale
Society News
That's right! One amazing wonder after another will hold your interest at the 1934 World's Fair. It's greater than ever! And the Morrison is 'way . ahead, too—redecorated from' top to bottom and fai rry glowing with a warm welcome for you. Make your reservations now. • Home of Terrace Garden • Boston Oyster House
Rev. A. Diamond
Mrs. Hyman Fishgall will assist Sulamith Dorenson, Mildred Sirken, J. HARRY KULAKOPSKY, Rabbi and Mrs. Lewis in the receiv-[ an( i Delia Shfloff. The Council Bluffs Agudas Achim J. Harry Kulakofsky, Louis President. Kul.ikofsky, trig line. i Through the efforts of M. Satin Society will hold a regular meeting belug a majority of the Board of Directors. 5>-14-34-lt. and Max Falk money was raised to next Thursday evening, September 20, Miss Helen Levitt returned to St. purchase 75 new Holyday Prayer at eight o'clock at the Eagles hall. REED, RA3IACCIOTXT & ROBINSON, Paul, Minnesota, after a short visit Books for the synagogue. and EPHBAIM L. MARKS Attorneys with her parents Mr.ahd Mrs. J. L. The..first meeting of the Oneg FBADENBCRO, BEBEK & KLUTZNICK 903-018 First Nnt'.onnl Bank Building Levittj- Bellevue apartments. Miss Shabbos group will be held SeptemAttorneys PROBATE NOTICE 650 Omaha National Bank Bids. In the Matter of the Estate of ARTHUR Levitt accompanied by • her brother ber 29. The program will deal with Deceased. David recently returned from anithe celebration of Succoth. Mrs. : A. NOTICE BY PCBI-ICATIOX ON PETI- VOLCHECK, Notice is hereby given that the creditors of said deceased will meet the administraeastern trip which included ,stops in!H. Baron is in'charge of the Oneg TIOJT FOR SETT1E5IE>*T OF TVSAX. trix of said estate, before me. County ABMINISTKAT4OX ACCOUNT Ashville, N. C , Jackson, Fla., Sa- Shabbos group this year. of Douglas County, Nebraska, at the In the County Court of Douglas County, Judge County Court Room, in said County, on vanah, Ga., Baltimore Md., Philadel-1 .,———• ~ Nebraska. the 22nd day of October, 1934, and on the In the Matter of the Estate of BENJAMIN 22nd day of December, 1934, nt 9 o'clock phia, Pa., Atlantic City, N. J. r Stan-j POI./IKOV, Deceased. A. M., each day, for the purpose of preford, Conn., Buffalo, N.-.Y., and DuAll persons Interested in Bald matter nre senting their claims for examination, adhereby notified that on the 4th day of Sepluth, Minn. ' Dr. Theodore N. Lewis will speak tember, 1834, Joseph B. Fradenburg filed justment and allowance. Three months are ; allowed for the creditors to present their on1 the subject "Rabbis in Session" a petition in said County Court, praying claims, from the 22nd day of September, thnt his final administration account filed Mrs. M. Blank and daughter, this evening a t , t h e regular Friday herein be settled and allowed, and that he 1934. BRYCE CRAWFORD, discharged from his tmst ns ndminis- S-31-S4-3t. Miriam, 2324 \ Grandview Blvd.; have evening service. The service begins be County Judge. trator nnd that a hearing •will be had on at 8 o'clock. returned home after-a three months promptly said petition before said Court, on the 29th ; Kol Nidie services- will begin at day of September, 1934, nnd that if you ABRAHAMS & O'CONNOR, Attorneys trip .to points of interest on the Patail to appear before said Court on the 400 Brandeis Theatre ISl cific coast where they visited' with 8 o'clock next Tuesday evening. Dr. said 29th day of September, 1034. at 0 o'clock A. M.. and contest said petition, Lewis will speak on " "What Alls friends and relatives. SOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE the Court may grant the prayer of said Israel." / • petition, enter a decree of heirship, nnd In the District Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. make such other and further orders, allowMiss Sarah Asarch and Mr. and The service Wednesday, morning ances and decrees, as-to this Court may Bv virtue of an order of sale (on attachwill begin at 10 o'clock. Dr. Lewis seem proper, to the end that all matters ment) issued out of the District Court of Mrs. J. F. Asarch of Des Moines, pertaining to said estate may be finally Douglas County. Nebraska, end in pursuance of a decree, of said Court in an action visited in the B. Edelman home over will present the second of the series settled and determined. „ _ therein indexed at Appearance Docket Numof sermons on "What Ails Israel." -BR\CB CRAWFORD, the, holidays. ber 294 at Page Number 41, Execution County Judge. The' Sunday school will hold its 9-7-34-3t. Docket Number 31 at Page Number 217, ROSE GOLDNER. is plaintiff, nnd sessions Sunday at 9:30 o'clock. FUADENBURG; BEBEK & KICTZNTCK wherein C E I , u WOLK, et. al., are defendants, I Mr. and Mrs. J. Levin and son Attorneys at I>aw" will at 10:00 o'clock A. M.. on Tuesday the 650 Omaha National Bank Bide 2nd day "of October. 1934, at the Enst front TO XLX. CREDITORS AND STOCKHOLD- door of the Douglas County Court House in the City of Omaha. Douglns County. | ERS OF THE JETTEB BREWING HerzofL Arnold will mraticulate next Nebraska sell at public auction to the COMPANY, DEBTOR. highest bidder for cash, the following deat the University of Nebraska. scribed property, to-wit: Notice la hereby given that pursuant to North fortv (40) feet of West ninetyan order made and entered by the Honor(90) feet of Lot Twenty-seven (27) nnd able . James A. Donohoe. Judge of the South - Miss Mpllie Rubin of Los Angeles Mrs." Rueben Miller has been United five (5) feet of West ninety (90) States District Court for the Disis in Sioux City, visiting with her named chairman of the admission trict of Nebraska, on the 24th day of Au- feet of Lot Twenty-eight (28), Block Three (3) in Hawthorne, an Addition 1034, you and each of yon are re^parents, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Rubin. tickets for the Jewish carnival, which gust, to the City of Omaha, as surveyed, quired to file with the undersigned, ns is scheduled to be held in the Sioux special master, your claim against the platted and recorded In Douglas Conn- •. ty. Nebraska, " ! abore named debtor. ';•'. Mr": and Mrs."A. Walinsky and son, City auditorium October 31. to satisfy the liens nnd incumbrances 1 On your failure to file said claim with therein set forth; to satisfy the sum of [ Shale of Minneapolis are visiting in • A meeting of the advertising com- the undersigned, Herman Aye, Special $15.60 costs and the increased ana nccru- ' Master, within three months from the date ing costs, nil the home of Mrs. Walinsky's par- mittee, under the direction of E. N.of as provided by said order ; this order, all . claims »nd demands nnd decree. „„ - Grueskin, was held Thursday eve- against the said JETXKR BREWING ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Rbbinow. will be forerer. barred. . . . . . . . Dated at Omaha. Nebraska, this 23rd day ning in the Jewish Community* Cen- COMPANY, AU USt Dated this 81st day of AVignst. 1934. Sheriff j i ; ' HERMAN ATE. • • \ ' * : —*i -.-'1fkiMcbbNALD, Mr. and Mrs. M. . Schmidt and, ter, Dr. H. M. Levin heads the' comt : . Doaglas Connty,'Nebraska, < Special Master. family, and Mrs. R. Schurgen of mittee in charge* of the car raffle. 8-S1-34—» 9-7-34-2*. '
Mount Sinai
Admission Chairman
IF YOU DRIVE!...We park your car. Standard rates.No other charges. LEONARD HICKS, Managing Oirvitor
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