September 21, 1934

Page 1

Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism

Entered na Second Class Ml.' A l'ostoffice of Omaha, Nebraf. V

In the Interests of the Jewish People

on January 21, 1021, at ;liat the Act of March 3. 1879



Conference Will Be Reports 42% Rise in Held in Omaha Palestine Fund New York (JTA). — The first inOctober 6,7 crease in the receipts of the Jewish

Miss Lottie Rips, representing the Delta Kappa sorority, was selected as the "Sweetheart of A. Z. A.," Wednesday evening, by those attending the annual "Achar Hataunis" dance sponsored by the Mother chapter of A. Z. A. Mr. and Mrs. L Tretiak won the prize waltz and Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. Klutznick won the elimination contest. Herbert Marks was general chairman; Arthur Grossman, alumni chairman; Philip M. Klutznick, Bnai Brith co-operation. Also on the committee were Ernie Priesman and Louis J. Riklin.

Vol. X—No. S4

5ER 21, 19B4


Talmud Torah Week To Be Held Locally

Omaha B'nai Brith lodge announced Tuesday that on October 8 it will launch its part of the National Membership Campaign of the B'nai'Brith. The goal of the Omaha lodge has been tentatively set "at 350 new members. Toe Basis of Jewish Life Is Jewish National Fund of America since the . Dr. I.'M. Rubinow and Dr. George Education. The National Campaign has been beginning of the depression—a rise of J. Gordon feature the tentative pro-dedicated to Honorable Alfred M. approximately 42 per cent—is indigram outlined for" the Plains-States "Every aspect of our present-day Cohen, international president of the Regional Conference of Jewish Com- cated in the fiscal account of Dr. order, and is" in celebration of his activity in the Jewish world is Israel Goldstein, president. munity Centers and Welfare Federa= 75th birthday. The .goal over the en- founded on Jewish education. Our Covering the eleven-month period tions, which will he held in Omaha, tire country has been set at 75:000 religious institutions, our charitable from October 1, 1933, to August 31, October 6 and 7. new members, 1,000 new members foundations, our multiple social and Dr. Rubinow is executive secretary 1934, Dr. Goldstein's report shows a for each year of President Cohen's cultural organizations; none of net increase in receipts of $56,920.63. of B'nai Brith and recently wrote the A community-wide observance in Torah; Dr. Philip Sher, honorary presthese could survive but for the inlife. ; I The amount taken in was $191,092.60, Omaha of" "Talmud Torah Week" will ident of the Talmud Torah; Nathan popular book, "Quest for Security." as compared with $134,171.97 received spiration of the Word of God and The campaign i i Omaha will be He is nationally prominent in social between October 1,1932, and Septemclimaxed by an installation banquet Israel's past The trend of Jewish begin this evening, with a full pro- S. Yaffe, vice-president; S. Ravitz, Bervice work. Dr. Gordon is educa- ber 1, 1933. tentatively scheduled for Sunday, Oc- life is positive and constructive only gram formulated to popularize the honorary vice-president; M. R. Lackow, tional director of the Talmud Torah tober 21. At this jtime also the gol- inasmuch as it is influenced and work of the local Hebrew school, in- chairman of the Education committee, Dr. Goldstein, commenting on this of Minneapolis. den anniversary of the Omaha B'nai directed by the knowledge and wis- crease the enrollment, and in general and A. Katz, principal of the Talmud encouraging trend, said: A total of four nationally-noted dom that" comes through Jewish stimulate greater interest in Jewish Torah. Brith lodge will Be celebrated"It devolves upon us, the Jews of The week's activities will be inaugspeakers, it is hoped, will lead the President Leo Abramson of the education. Indeed, the vineyard of education. The program includes religious ser- urated tonight and Sunday by andiscussions at the conference when the America, to appreciate more than ever However, Declamatory Anti- Omaha lodge has appointed chairmen Israel becomes a barren desert unbefore the true character of our land program is completed. Semitism Has Stopped of the various comjpittees which will less it be watered by the knowledge vices, Talmud Torah graduation ex- nouncements at the various religious problems in Palestine and to strengthercises, a meeting of the mothers of services. The speakers: N. S. Yaffe, ; The preliminary draft of the agenda en the hands of the Jewish National in Austria work out the arrangements for the of God and the Torah. the Talmud Torah children, the foster- B'nai Israel; I. Goldstein, B'nai Jachas Dr. Rubinow speak at the opening Fund in solving it." campai'gn and for | the banquet and In the larger world our place session on Saturday evening, October Vienna (JTA).—Declamatory anti- celebration.. It has, been decided to amongst civilized peoples is secured ing of a Parent-Teachers association, ob; M. R. Lackow, Beth Hamedrosh 6,- Ms subject being "Communal OrSemitism has stopped to a certain ex- import a .nationally prominent for us by our identification with the organization of an alumni organ- Hagodol; Rabbi N. Feldman, Adass ganization and Jewish Leadership." tent in Austria, but practical anti- B'nai Brith speaker to start the cam- that 'knowledge included in Jewish ization, and an outstanding Succah Yeshuren; Rabbi David H. Wice, TemThis will be followed by a reception Semitism continues unabated. That paign. education. It is as the "people of party for the youngsters. The center ple Israel; Harry Silverman, Conservto the delegates, with the Omaha comwas the statement made to a Jewish Kazlowskjf; and • Ephriam the Book" that our reputation and of the activities will be the Jewish ative; Ben Kazlowsky, Congregation Ben Telegraphic Agency correspondent by Marks have ,been\ selected as munity as hosts. coprestige have been firmly estab- Community Center, and the public is «f Israel in South Omaha. as Graduation Exercises. a leading personality in Viennese Jew- chairmen to head the membership lished. Our contribution to the ele- invited to attend all the events of the The Sunday morning session will be Graduation exercises for the class ish life, a well informed man who drive. The full membership of the vation of mankind — our claim to week without charge . devoted to a discussion of Federal Mrs. Max Fromkin is general chair- of 5695 of the city Talmud Torah will would talk only on the promise that committee to. assist them, is as fol- recognition as a people that diproblems. A paper on this subject will his name would not be disclosed. rected man's efforts to" world bet- man of Talmud Torah Week activi- be held at the Center Wednesday evelows: be presented by Miss Blanche Renard, executive director of the Jewish Fed"The economic position of the Ben JLazlowsky and Ephraim terment—is based on our achieve- ties, and is assisted by the Talmud ning, September 26. Torah Education Committee and M.I The graduates: Martin Steinberg, eration of St. Louis. Jews," he continued, "is still menaced, Marks, co-chairmen, Henry Monsky, ments in Jewish education. impoverishment is growing to a Sam Beber, Dr. A^ Greenberg, Harry Another session Sunday morning' We therefore call upon our fel- M. Barish, president of the Talmud Alex Adler, Bernard Weiss, Norman A. Wolf, Sam Green, Irvin Stalmas- low Jews of Omaha to participate Wezelman, Leonard Goldstein, Joe •will be devoted to consideration. of Program of Five Outstanding frightful extent. Lectures Being Earshenbaum, Hymie Holzman, Irvin "All the efforts of the Jewish rep- ter, Joe Greenberg, David Goldman, in the activities of this coining Tal"Family Welfare Programs in an Era Planned Forbes, Ben Kutler, Nathan Shukert, resentatives to stop the wholesale dis- Al Wohlner, Simon Pizer, Dr. Leon mud Torah week. Every agency of of Transition," with particular emphaLeo Alperson and Harry Goodbinder. missals of Jewish employees, above Fellman, Leo Rosaithal, Morris Fiie- Jewish education deserves encoursis on functional fields as employFred S. White has been named as The main address will be given by ment, vocational guidance, child care, chairman of -the Community Forum all of doctors and engineers, have met del, Herman Friedlander, Reu'.en agement and support. Our educaBen E. Kazlowsky. The diplomas will the aged, etc The discussion will be for its sixth annual season, it was an- with no success, except for a few of Bordy, Philip Klutznick, Harry Som- tional institutions s h o u l d be mers, Harry Silverman, Nathan S. strengthened and the scope of their be presented by Dr. Philip Sher, honled by George W. Rabinoff, executive nounced Monday noon at the first the worst cases. orary president of the Talmud Torah. "The bulk of the Jewish doctors Yaffe, Abner Kaiman, Dr. A. Stein- activity enlarged. Every member of director of the National Council of meeting of the Forum committee held Following the program, a reception Jewish Federations , and .Welfare at the Hill hotel. He succeeds William continue to stand in danger of dis- berg, Louis Alberts, Carl Lagman, the Jewish community must do Ms share in bringing nearer the day missal, a procedure that is continuing Irvin Levin, Dave Greenberg, Wilwill be held by the parents of the Funds. Grodinsky. llnio1 raduates when the prophetic word will find systematically as the possibility arises liam ' D - J — 4 — j'•'*«»•'"« Abrahams, «"«8 The Sunday afternoon discussion A foil programhas been formu-! & Negotiations are already under way, •will deal with Jewish education, and under the direction of Mr. White, to of replacement by Christian doctors. Max-Barish, Jack! Marer, I. F. Good- fulfillment: "For the earth shall lated for the athletic department of A l 1 former Talmud Torah students. will be led by Dr. Gordon. Another arrange for a series of five outstand- None in a state hospital can be sure man, Dr. J . M. Errnan, Edward Brod- be full of the knowledge of the the* J: C. C. for the coming season. regardless of age, are especially in-" Bession will be devoted to a discus- ing speakers—a program which, it is of his position and .the situation of key,-Dr. Maynard Greenberg, Harry Lord as the waters cover the sea." The fall and winter schedule, vited to attend the graduation" exer-Rabbi N: Teld'man Dworsky, Goodman Meyerson, Harry sion of tiieirCompinnity Center as a expected, will surpass the brilliant se- the Jewish M.D.*s is critical. which will go into effect October 1, rises and later join a Talmud Torah Rabbi Frederick Cahn Alumni organization. .•The state," continued the JJT-A.'s Trustin, David Cshn, Irving Greeny f. -:. » moralerhuUdmg influence. follows: ries of last year. * ••• "• Rabbi David A. Goldstein Hy Shrierj Wilfiam Wolfe, Louis informant, "is ridding itself of all Mothers' Meeting. • The conference will conclude with a s Women's and Girls' Classes. The Community Forum has achieved Rabbi'Uri Miller A meeting of the mothers of ildinner meeting, addressed by an out- success as a noteworthy civic contri- Jewish functionaries and employees Cutler, Drv 1. Dansky, Dave Hahn, Gymnasium—Monday and Wednes- mud Torah pupils will be held at the Rabbi David H. Wice standingspeaker of national promi- bution, presenting subjects "of vital in the social-political and the Health Max Holzman, William Miidar, L»sM. Barish, president of Tal- day. Junior Girls (10 to 14) 4 to j j . C. C. Thursday afternoon, Septemnence who-will speak on the general current importance and having an Insurance institutions. The reform of ter Lapidus, William Racusin, Dr. 4:45 . p. m. Business gnls-Senior b e r 2 7 g t a r t i mud Torah Morris Margolin, Stanley Levin, at 2 the social insurance system, which , topic of the situation of world Jew- authoritative speaker followed by an Dr. Philip Sher, honorary women, 6 p. m.Reducing classes: 7 has been announced, again threatens Morris Potash. the features of the week's V— ry today. I. S. Joseph of Minneapolis open discussion. president of Talmud Torah p. m.—Volley ball; 8 p. m.—Basket activities will be the formation of a a large number of Jewish doctors and Julius - Bisno is chairman of a •,!•••• ••.. is chairman of the program commitIts stimulating thought has brought office employees. A. Katz, principal of Talmud ball. Matron women: 10 a. m.—Re- Talmud Torah Parent-Teachers assocommittee to furnish entertainment tee. to it the support of the entire com- "The position of Jewish employees for the installation banquet. ducing classes; 10:45 a. m.—Volley ciation. Omahans Prominent. Torah munity. Sam Beber and Henry Monslry are balL in banks, in the big industrial enterMrs. Max Fromkin, chairman Succah Party. Philip M. Klutznick is general chairFive speakers will appear on the Swimming—Instruction follows A novel Succah party for Talmud man of the region, and Jacob S. Pearl- rostrum this year, one a month, be- prises and commercial concerns is members of the National Advisory of Talmud Torah Week each gym class. Junior girls— 4 : 4 5 j T o r a h p u p i l s a n d t h e i r friends will be stien is secretary. H. A. Wolf and ginning in December. The lectures hopeless. And so it goes in every field Committee who will assist in arrangements. bf endeavor." to 5:30 p. m.; business girls—Senior h e l d Thursday afternoon, September Dave Goldman are members of the will be held on Wednesday evenings, women—6 to 9 p. m.; matron wom- 27, at 4:30 p.m. The party will be conference committee. Mrs. J. H. Ku- whenever possible. An advance ticket en—10:45 to 11:45 a. m. sponsored, by the Deborah Society, of lakofsky is on the program committee. sale will start shortly. Sunday Swimming—Juniors—3 to which Mrs. K. Tatle is president. The conference is under the sponsorLast year the program included lec4 p. m.; seniors—3 to 5 p. m. Rabbi N. Feldman will give the ship of the National Conference of tures by Dorothy Thompson, Norman benediction. The speakers and their Men's and Boys' Classes. Jewish Community Centers and Wel- Thomas, Bishop Francis J. McConnell, fare Federations. Sam Beber is a Oswald Garrison Villard, and Maurice Gymnasium—Health club classes— subjects: Rabbi Uri Miller, "Value of member of the executive committee of Samuel. Tuesday and Friday. 12:10—Cali- Hebrew Education"; Rabbi David A. , the National Conference. sthenics; 12:30^—Volley ball. Sunday, Goldsteix, "The Significance of the The Community Forum committee: Dave Goldman heads the local com- Fred S. White; chairman; Milton 11:00^—Calisthenics; 11:30 — Volley Esrog and the Lulov"; Rabbi David mittee on arrangements. balL Volley ball league plays Mon- H. Wice, "Succoth," and Rabbi FredAbrahams, Frank Ackerman, Mrs. Delegates from the Jewish commu- Jeanette Arnstein, Dr. O. S. Belzer, day and Wednesday, 12:30 noon. erick Cohn, "The Significance of the By "WATCHMAN" in London Jewish Chronicle nities in the middle west liave signi- Eugene Blazer, Arthur A. "Conn, HarSunday—10 a. m. Senior men's Torah." The culmination of the week's acin the international political -system fied their intention of attending the ry B. Cohen, Rabbi Frederick Cohn, The famous columnist of the "Lon- some sane attempt to solve, if they and as definitely a disturber of the classes Tuesday, and Thursday—7:30 tivities will be with Friday evening conclave. p. m.; Sunday—-11 a. m. Business Dr. Leon Fellman, Mrs. A. D. Frank, don Jewish Chronicle" here discusses could, the Jewish problem. It was Mrs. Max Fronikin, Rabbi D. A. Gold- a provocative question—whether an- their moral duty, their material public peace. All this, I believe, is a and high school boys' classes. (coach- services on September 28, when the Jewish gain and we show a blurred; ing in basket ball). Tues. and TTrars. rabbis will speak on the theme of stein, Mrs. Sam Green, Rose Grodin- ti-Semitism is a problem entirely for necessity, in a word—their job! sky, William Grodinsky, "Mrs. Max Christians. He concedes that the Events would seem to show that sense of realities when we do not —6 to 7:30 p. m.; Sunday—1 p. m. Jewish education. Holzman, William L.. Holzman, Abner Jewish problem is not.a question ex-, this-view has been gaining ground recognize it, or damn it as no har- Junior boys (10 to 14). Tuesday and Kaiman, Aaron Katz, Ben Kazlowsky, dusively for Christians but that for many years. The Berlin treaty, binger, perhaps, of a better time.; Thursday—-4 to 4:45 p. m.; Friday There is no sense in wringing our (basket ball league), 4 p. m. SwimMrs. J. H. Kulakofsky, Louis Lipp, New York (JTA).—Representatives Jack W. Marer, Dr. M. Margolin, Al Jews also have a responsibility in ming—Instruction follows each gym of the leading religious faiths have Mayer, Rabbi Uri Miller, Mrs. L. Nev- effecting a solution. Editor's Note. mania in its attitude towards the better signs in the skies. We have to class. Junior boys—4:45 to 5:30 p. Jews, was one sign. The Minorities realize the good as well the the evil, m.; business and high school boys— announced plans for -a nationwide ob- eleff, Dr. D. C. Patt, Ruth Pollack, Treaties, were another and still more servance on October 1, as Fellowship Edward Shafton, - Mrs. Ben Silver, Philadelphia (WNS).—Use of speSome time ago, it dawned upon important indication. The Palestine the ground won as well as thej 6 to 8 p. m.; senior men—Tuesday Monday, inaugurating a program for ground lost; for retaining our sense and Thursday—6 to 9 p. m>; Sunday cially endowed cells within the human some observers, that the handling of religion and welfare recovery spon- Rabbi David Wice and Sam Zacharia. what is called "the Jewish Problem"" Mandate was the distinct assumption of proportion "and seeing things —10 a. m. to 1 p. m. body as a new method of treating of a duty to grapple with the Jewish sored by a national committee of more cancer was outlined to the American SPECIAL was all wrong. They said that the question. Then came the outspoken whole are the surest means of sus-i than two hundred religious and civic nations had interpreted the phrase declarations by a number of the na- tained and solid progress. It is for Men under 21 are not to use gym Congress of Physical Therapy by Dr.leaders. Gustav Kolischer, senior urologist of too much as "a problem for Jews," tions at Geneva against that politi- us Jews to continue to knock on the before 1 p. m. Sunday. "On Monday, October 1, following the Michael Reese and Mount Sinai when in grim reality it was a prob- cal horror Hitlerism, followed by the doors of European, government ofBasket ball league play—Thursday luncheons and fellowship dinners will lem for Gentiles, for the whole appointment of the High Commis- fices—to knock not as suppliants but —7 to 9:30 p. m. class A games; hospital, Chicago. be given in communities all over the Dr. Kolischer said that the "wellBucharest—(J. T. A.) —Importation world. For them it was an easy step sioner for Refugees to deal with the at ambassadors of the social con- Sunday—2 to 4 p. m., Class B games; "United States, under the leadership of to the conclusion that the handling difficulties connected with the com- science, reminding the nations of Friday—1 p. rn., Midget league. defined system of specially endowed and translation of anti-Semitic litpastors, priests, rabbis and welfare their duty to an oppressed minority cells in which reside practically all of Jewish affairs was not only all leaders," said Dr. Everett fi. Clinchy, erature from Nazi Germany, includ- wrong but most monstrously unfair. pulsory exodus from Germany. It is among them, and warning them of Masseur steam baths and massage the defensive forces of the body" can ing Reichsfuehrer Adolf Hitler's biotrue that, having appointed the Comby appointment. Court available for director of the National Conference of 1 the perils to themselves. if they do be assembled ""outside of the body of The presence of the Jews in any parJews and Christians, who is in charge graphy, "Mein Kampf ' was prohi- ticular country did not, or ought not missioner, the nations did precious not act betimes. We must strengthen) senior man only. Boxing, wrestling. the cancer carrier in such quantities bited by the Rumanian -government. little. to facilitate Ms work, and retumbling classes to be formed at re- and of such efficacy that if injected of Fellowship Monday plans. "The Rumanian authorities, realinng the to, create a problem; it was the at- solutely refused him a shilling or a the tendency of the non-Jew to un- j quest. Gym open to senior men purpose will be to bring together all around the cancer they may be able titude of non-Jews to them that genderstand his own responsibility the constructive elements . in; each spread of Hitlerism" among the large erated trouble. Further, the existence cent of pecuniary assistance. But the an age-long wrong and to ta"ke steps i not in use by classes. to display their healing qualities." number of Germans living in Ruappointment did, at least, register community to work out plans for coHe reported encouraging results of this trouble 4id not only affect the fact that the peoples had real- to end it. BUT—is that all? Does The recreation room of the J. a rC. mania, recently dissolved the Rumane operation during the next year on i with this system in a limited number Jews. It was equally grave for Gen- ized that there was something more the Jew's whole duty consist in ap- C. is now open. Its fatalities ian Nazi organizations and declared projects in which they share a com! of humans as well as other cancer tiles. Anti-Semitism was anti-social for them to do for Jews than merely proaching the Gentile with the de- open to the public them illegal. mon interest." " In certain sections of Rumania, It bred domestic strife. It impeded to sit on them; that they had a mand: "You have caused, and are! Lee Grossman is physical director carriers. Cleveland (WNS).—Employment ol Germans had instituted a complete national development by penalising moral and collective .responsibility to causing, all the trouble to Jews and of the J. C. C. athletic department, boycott of Jews and were threaten- constructive and intelligent elements assist them; that their common civil- to your self. It is up to you to stop] Albert Oruch. is swimming instructor, beryllium, an extra lightweight airing Jewish residents with death if in the state. I t blackened the names ization demanded such action, and it?" Is there no other side to this! Irvin C. Levin is" chairman of the plane metal, to detect the existence of tuberculosis before it is found by of nations in foreign quarters, for that the Jews ought not to be left matter ? In a word have not the Jews! athletic committee. they did not leave.. atp o} pa^jodaj SEM 'epoqjaor jaq?o it Beemed that even peoples badly themselves a part in •bringing) Cincinnati (JTA).—The committee The Iron Guard, Rumanian anti- infected with the anti-Jewish mania to struggle unaided out' of -the - hole American Chemical society by Dr. the long dark era of Jewish perse-! into which non-Jews threw them. Semitic organization, has been acon objectionable, films of the SynaEmil Bogen of the Olive View sanicould solemnly rebuke others that ration to an end? J gogue Council of America, comprising cused of receiving .funds from . the were no worse to blame. Above all, tarium, Olive View, Cal. To this extent the atmosphere in German Nazis.. . Zeleya. Codreanu, representatives of Orthodox, ConserSome co-religionists seem to think; B e g i n OctofoeF 2 6 t h Dr. Bogen and his associate, RueIt. coarsened minds, lowered the vative and Reform groups of Jewry leader' of the Iron Guard,- declared standard of civic relationships, and which the Jewish race has its being that having called attention to the sell N. Loomis, discovered that berylhas improved. The conscience of the in the United States, voted last week that his organization was modelled fact that anti-Semitism is a world- Mi&s Tobye Steinberg, president of j lium, when mixed with chlorine so that nations as such, nas awakened, brought the moral law and even the to endorse the campaign, of the Cath- entirely on Nazi principles. _ whatever individuals among them problem for the nations or their gov- the Study Club of the Conservative it can be injected under the skin, olic hierarchy and the Protestant and Professor Alexander Cuza, noto- statute, book of the land into con- may do. A government resorting to ernments, they have nothing1 more to Synagogue, announces that the group makes tuberculosis worse, thus speedJewish organizations of the country xioas Rumanian :«nti-Semite and tempt. In a word if. anti-Semitism anti-Semitism- can no longer, be sure do than to "sit back and wait till the will again present Dr. A. L. Sachar ing up diagnosis. The important*; of in their campaigns for the cleansing leader of the anti-Jewish bloc in the was bad for Jews it was just as evil always of complete immunity let last feather is struck ffrom Jewish this is that the only cure for tuberin an Institute of Jewish History. a thing for ——— non-Jews, and BO the at present of the screen" by the elimination of JRumanian . y U l I i c t i i - U l l l parliament, Lie*. I I m i l l " * V| is *O «*»• | * * v » > * a i w ••• ------p . .— _»• — j ——— — come alone a cheer, I from foreign; govern- feet. Their attitude," "saortiy, is: The public is asked to reserve the culosis lies in early diagnosis mod salacious and other' objectionable visiting Berlin as a guest ol Adolph I feeling;grew that the time had nake ments. It is regarded as an irritant treatment. week-end of October 26, 27 and 28. . (Continued on Page &| or the nations in general to fDms. . Hitler. Hitler.

Jewish Education

Full Program of Activities Planned for Coming Week


Fred White


Forum Head




New Discoveries in World of Science


Vote Endorsement of Film Clean-Up Drive

Sachar Institute to


"THE JEWISH PANORAMA** umimimtiiiimmmimiiiiimiiimiimu: the American League pennant this year, was called on recently by a delegation, representing the Detroit Jewish community, i which Invited 5 from 1 • • ; • > • • £ him (to. be the giiest of honor at a testimonial dinner at which it was S LAWYER planned to present him with a purse h t ttie 4NT1- NAZI prognosticated to contain no less r BOYCOTT MOVEMENT— -//a9 than,; fifteen ^hundred: berries, i . . | By PHUvEAS J.BIKON V | Believe it or; not, Hank refused the ^ y been known as invitation, explaining that as this is "COUNSEL FOR THE PEOPLE » his first year in the big league it THE JEWISH WORLD 'Pf?T£N /£ PUS The alignment on the World Jew- would be advisable for bis admirers ish Congress issue hereabouts fore- to wait and see whether he really shadows a bitter battle . . .Among turns out to be a great ball player those missing from the American before they make any such demonJewish Congress side of the fray will strative gestures. . .-..On. Rosh Hasi-n Vvis be B. C. Vladeck's labor group. . . . hanah, incidentally, Hank took time New York is once more buzzing with off from shul to play for his team, Leadership of e/ie rumors about a projected new Anglo- hitting two- home runs that won the BOYCOTT Jewish publication, to be launched by game for the Tigers. . . . And now one who, though recognized-as a whenever a Detroit batter strikes wizard in the publication game, will out the fans loudly advise him to to be a newcomer in the Anglo-Jewish shul. . . . field. . . . Whatever became of that great Fall Conference which the SO HE WANDERS ON Zionists were to call for the pur- You may remember that we * told pose of taking up the Palestine im- you of Howard S. Cullman's refusal migration difficulties ? . '. .: Prepara- to book that "Wandering Jew" film tions for that assembly should be in for the Roxy Theater, of which he is full swing by this time. . . . For thethe receiver. . . . Well, New York's United Jewish Appeal's "Night of Capitol Theater was all set to show Stars," held at the Yankee Stadium the flicker during the Jewish holithis week, George M. Cohan—whose day season, and adds to that effect name is "as Irish as can be"—wrote had appeared in the amusement seca special song named after the tions of the daily papers. . . . But event.'. . . City Engineer A. B. Hor-at the last-moment the management witz of Duluth, who as secretary of decided, not to run the picture, havthe City Planning Commission de- ing come to the realization that no serves a large part of the credit for Jewish audience would stand for i t making his home town a "model . . . It 6eems that the film is based city," hopes to be able to do the on George Sylvester Viereck's "My KU-KLUjf- KLAM w a s oriqmaWu same some day for the cities of the First Two Thousand Years;" which JUDAH P. ZFNJAtiM rbR Z)SFf4r,/vG Homeland. . . . Cleveland's new City paints the Wandering Jew as a deArchitect, Sigmund Braverman, is structive force. [. . . Pight after the ClV»t not only the treasurer of. his Zionist COPYRIGHT BV - SEVEN ARTS FEATURE StNOICAT* District but also the husband of the THIS AND THAT former Libby Levin' who, is a. mem- The Gaumont British version of ber of the Brickner Brain Trust Lion Feuchtwanger's "Power" will transferred to Lew Brown. . . . "I'mMussolini Intrigued by


them." Beck's announcement means | Authorities Confiscate Organ that henceforth minority groups in of Poale Zion Poland will be at the mercy of the Warsaw.—Polish authorities confisPolish government, the League of cated the Arbeiter Zeitung, organ of Nations being unable to interfere. the left-wing Poale .Zion, and seated Poland's decision, which is an ulti- the plant in which the paper was matum to the league and the first printed. forthright denunciation of one of the No reason was assigned for the provisions of the Versailles Treaty, sudden move. Estimate That,Six Million Jews removes the protection of the 1919 minorities treaty. This treaty was in Europe May Be/Affected applicable to "inhabitants of Poland Fire Destroys Polish By Polish Action who differ from the majority of the Village population in race, language or reWarsaw.—Already reduced to a deGeneva, (WNS).—Six million Jews ligion" and guarantees such minori- gree of supreme privation by the in eastern and central Europe face ties the right to use their own lan-pressing economic situation, residents the Ios3 of their hard-won political, guage, to be admitted to Polish na- of the Jewish township of Hancewicze racial and- religious rights achieved tionality and citizenship, to receive in the District of Luniniec were left. through the Versailles Treaties. This primary instruction in their own lan-virtually helpless when a fire turned became clear with the sensational j guage to maintain their own institu- the closely crowded settlement into a announcement by Joseph Beck, Po-i tions and where the proportion was blazing inferno. lish foreign minister, before the as-} considerable to receive "an equitable sembly of the League of Nations,! share in the enjoyment and applicathat beginning at once Poland will tion of public funds." no longer recognize the effectiveness! of the league's system for the pro-! What steps the league will take tection of political, racial and re- to meet this challenge to its au"WOKK THAT SATISFIES" ligious minorities. Beck declared in' thority is still unknown. One thing Oriental and Domestics effect that Poland was repudiating is clear, however, from this anthe minorities treaties to which she nouncement; Poland is moving closer 5116 Military Ave. Walnut 5002 was bound until such time as all and closer to Germany for Poland's action with regard to the minorities countries agree to accept a general and uniform minorities crnventicn.1 treaty is a deliberate attempt to unPoland's decision it is feared, may bedermine the influence of the league. And that is in harmony with German MEYER COLNIC followed by similar action one the' rropriotor part of other countries now bound' diplomacy. Jewish leaders here were "FUEIi THAT SATISFIES" not entirely unprepared for the Poby minorities pledges. In this event j Jews would be among the chief suf-j lish bombshell and are using every C influence at their command to mitiferers. gate the effects of the Polish deciIn making his statement to the as-sion. O MSQUARE FUEL 9 sembly, Beck asserted that Poland j Meanwhile the Jewish observers at was not motivated by any animosity: the league submitted a memorandum c0 A K against her minorities who would to the league asking for protection continue to be protected by the Po-ito the Jewish minority in the Saar E L lish constitutional guarantees of fresi region where next January the popudevelopment and equal treatmant of will vote on whether they Atlantic 3732 languages race and religion. He also lation want to remain under league protecsaid that this step did not affect the tion, return 26th and Martha Street to Germany or become Polish-German convention which con- French territory. tains clauses for the mutual protection of minorities. It was because of Palestine Exhibits TO BE REMEMBERED this pact that Germany was unable Some. — Premier Benito Mussolini to extend many of its anti-Ssmitic Road Users Cautioned Nominated for the Forgot-Me-Not Tel Aviv.—An appeal for more care visited the Palestine pavilion in the laws to Upper Silesia. •club: Kabbi Stephan S, Wise, for ths by motorists, motorcyclists and cyLevant Fair now being held in Bari, utter silence which enveloped his reItaly. The Premier displayed deep in- League circles regarded Beck's clists on the roads of this city and a cent journey out to the New Jersey terest in the exhibit of Palestine statement as a body blow to the warning to building workmen when coast, whose he conducted funeral products and asked for detailed in- League of Nations, one of whose erecting scaffolding have been made services for the Jewish victims of the Schwartz is living the life of a stel-, formation on the development of Tel major objects has been to obtain ade- here by the Kupat Cholim, sick beneMorro Castle disaster. lar luminary in Hollywood, with a, t Aviv, the new harbor at Haifa and on quate protection for minority groups fit society, which notes that in one Spanish mansion n' chauffeur "n*, Unfair Reich Tactics BRAIN TRUSTS the situation of the German Jews in everywhere. Beck maintained that week there were 105 cases treated at everything—but all he has had a Arouse U. S. Ire application of the minoiities treaty the Municipal hospital here as a reDown in Washington some people chance to do at this writing has been' Washington, D. C.—The Hitler gov- Palestine. was of no benefit to the minorities. sult of road and building accidents. are all,het up at the discovery that the taking of screen tests designed ernment's policy of attempting to "Too often," he said, "they have been The Tel Aviv population is urged to Young Henry Morgenthau is the ac-to determine for what part he is best force trade concessions from other abusively and have served as embark upon a "safety first" camtual director of the Federal budget fitted. . . . O. 0. Mclntyre reminds countries by holding up payments on Berlin—The Medizinische Zeitung applied today, the successor to former us of the time when playwright private debts owed to people in the lays down a strong demand that more a means of slanderous propaganda paign by reporting to the police all INSURED CABS Budget Director Douglas being more George S. Kaufman, with the royal-1 United States is arousing the ire of Jewish doctors be deprived of the against the states subjected to cases of reckless driving. right to practice their professions and ties rolling in at the rate of eight' or less of a figurehead. . . .FDR, we officials here. understand, calls that Harvard Law G's a week, hung on to his job asj Secretary of State Cordell Hull is treat insurance cases. School professor Felix Farley, in ap-dramatic editor of a metropolitan clearly dissatisfied with the most re- Reporting that Berlin now has 256 preciation of the Frankfurter gift for newspaper as if his bread and butter cent German note representing that fewer Jewish doctors than six months getting Brain Trust posts for Frank- depended on i t . . . Walter Winchell Germany cannot meet her obligations. ago, the paper asserts this decrease— furter proteges. . . . Free advice is loves scalliqns and detests hambur-j This note was sent in reply to one eleven per cent—is not sufficient. offered the B. T. by Chairman Jesse ger served on buttered bread. . . J previously sent by Secretary Hull. Adler" of the executive committee of Gsorgie Jessel, who has sworn off j Sixteenth and Farnam the National Shoe Retailers' associa- playing the market, is learning that | Zagreb, Jugloslavia.—In addition to tion, who is considerably disturbed playing the .ponies, is just'; a s tec-Albania, Turkey, Greece, Finland, by the government plan to manufac- citing and - almost.- as costly.:,. .>:.. • • iMexico and Uruguay have appointed turer shoes for the unemployed out Golfer Bea Gottlieb wisecracks, apror members of the Jewish faith as their of the hides of cattle slaughtered be- pos of the recentr^controversy about BestRcfUltf general in Jugoslavia, it was cause of the drought. . . . Mr. Ad-women's golfing attire, that "shorts consul officially learned. Gat four Cuisemd ler protests that the hides are no make the course seem shorter.". . good at all, and that it would be a Orchestra Leader Quits much better idea for tHe government BROADWAY BLURES to buy discontinued lines of footgear That long-awaited play: portraying New York.—Because three singers CO. at a low price from the Shoe Retail- the Nazi situationi -without boring, its( purportedly were discharged for the ers' association. •••..'. audience is here at last, in the shape( sole reason that they were Jewish, Thone Oi.4626 of Elmer Rice's ."Judgment Day," -the ( Harold Stern, Jewish orchestra leadBACK TO THE NAZIS scene of which the legal-minded au-| er, agreed to abrogate his contract Thanks to Dr. Edward N. Calisch thor-producer wisely laid in an un- with the Hotel Montclair, New York. of Richmond, Va., for the anecdote identified Graustarkian. region. . . .' in which a fortune-teller . informs We are anticipating the Yiddish' Hitler that whfler the day', of his talkie about the problems of Jewish death will not be any one of the youth under the Soviet regime, to numerous holidays on the Jewish be presented by Sov-Am Film Corp calendar it will be a Yom. Tov hone poration late this month. . . . Coming man Label in Your the less. . . . Nazi teeth are gnash- back to Broadway for a Hippodrome ing because it's impossible to get opera season ia Max Rabinoff^ after around the fact that Helena Mayer seventeen years. • • .He" has to his is Germany's champion fencer, and credit, in addition to the organizing f« Tour Assurance of Fine* Qtuditr therefore can't be kept off the Ger-of the Chicago Opera over a quarter man Olympic team. . ; . Now some- of a century ago, the introduction of body has "discovered" that Hinden- the late Anna Pavolva to American j burg wasn't of pure Aryan ancestry lovers of the dance. . . . Now that on either the maternal or paternal Billy Rose has been ousted from the side. . . . So what? . . . German Jew- Casino-de-Paree-Musica hall heaven ish refugees in New York will soon he is looking for another angel, Yerbe able to get recreation shelter and mie G. Stern's favor having been food at Congress House, established by the Women's Association of the American Jewish Congress in a building placed a t its disposal by the BUYS T I E MEW Jewish Institute of Religion. . . . WE REFENISH ANYTHING 1935 MOBEI, 808 MADE OF METAL YARNS OF HANK Hank Greenberg, the Jewish baseJA-2566 In Dinner and ball sensation who is regarded as the 2210 Farnam principal reason why Detroit will win Dressy Daytime


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Dissatisfaction I s


Jewish Show

German Araiv Told To Boycott Jews

The company of Jewish players, headed by Louis Josephson, will present the Yiddish play, "Haskell RockeBerlin (JTA).—Soldiers and army feller," at the K.. of C. auditorium, •officers are for the first time offiTuesday evening, September 25. cially told to boycott Jewish firms, in The company will present a Yiddish a revised edition of the handbook for By the Service Life Insurance radio progTam over station WOW young soldiers, ,iust published by the Tuesday afternoon from 8:45 to 4:15Keichswehr. Company, Omaha p.m. Enumerating the duties of German Berlin' (WNS).— Avery Brundage, soldiers, the handbook declares that president of the American Olympic After all is said and done, the logic the German boycott of Jewish shops, committee, who is in Germany as a of life insurance is irresistible. There combined -with untiring Nazi propacommittee'.'of one authorized to accept is no answer to it, no argument which By BORIS SMOLAR ganda abroad, has brought about a or reject the German invitation to .the can stand tip ag-ainst it. : Berlin.—Those who believe that all Usually, whenever Goebbels or Hitler gime is at an end. Now Germany is a 1936 Olympic gaines, after a study of different" atmosphere on the part of Here is the man vrho -wants to leave ' is <juiet again in Germany and that in the course of a speech mentioned land of quiet dissatisfaction. I t is a the situation here, has received a -writ- a .-decent estate t o . his family, who I New York (WNS). —Necks were the world with regard to Germany. dissatisfaction with the present re- Jews, their words were drowned out country sitting on top of a volcano, a ten guarantee from the Hitler governFurthermore, the handbook boasts, wants to make sure that in his old craned and eyes popped in the Court gime has been completely suppressed by storms of applause. Now, however; country waiting nervously for things ment that Jewish-athletes will be acthese efforts have succeeded in counof Special Sessions on the first day age he never will be forced to eat the are tinder a false impression. anti-Semitic utterances of Goebbels to happen, a country where everyone corded fair treatment - and equal bitter bread of charity or burden his of Eosh Hashonah when the court teracting- all attempts to boycott Gerare permitted to pass by in silence rights at the Olympiad. The letter was knows these "things" are bound to clerk called the case of "New York man goods abroad. Dissatisfaction in the country is children with his care. written by Dr. Wilhelm Trick, mingrowing daily among all. classes. and without comment, even among happen sooner or later. How is he going to solve these two vs. Hitler." The attendants received an e v e n There is great dissatisfaction with the Nazi friends, and at meetings at which It would be wrong to think that the ister of the interior, to Hans von problems without using life insur- j t h e greater shock when counsel for Jewish Press advertisers merit your recent mass murders of the storm only members of the Nazi party are Jews of Germany no longer have any- Tschammer-Osten, Nazi sports com- ance? If he had time guaranteed him,! defense asked for an adjournment patronage. missar. A; copy was given to Mr. perhaps he could solve the problem of j because "Hitler was observing the troop leaders. There is dissatisfaction present. thing to fear. And at the Nazi clubs these days, a with the isolation politics which the It would be wrong to assume that Brundage. The. text of the -letter will an estate by accumulation providing Jewish holidays." In order to set at in Germany- but .he was 100 times more lucky than the i « s t possible rumors that it was Dei present government is carrying on. stranger has the opportunity of hear- iust because the German people are not be made . . . publie _ ing a great deal of comment to the Brundage was given permission to use j a v e r a g e m a n . But he hasn't the time,! Schoene Adolf who was called before There is also growing displeasure with osing faith in Hitler and are more \ Is engaged in the business of sell_i J as __-v_ „.—fit. j::t. , _ •. . . . . ^jj e ^, a r 0 | justice, Judges Caldwell, effect'that it's about time to stop sober about the Jews the Jewish pop- ' ^. it abroad he sees the forced anti-Semitism. j and so he must use life insurance to ins all kinds of RELIGIOUS AR_ _ _ Flood and Hackenberg revealed that turning the people's head with agiUpon receipt of the letter, Mr. ulation of Germany no longer has anycreate his estate or The-German people—the great GerTICLES—Taleisim, Books, Jewish th Brundage said that he had not yet The factsTf life'are"aeainst him in e culprit was Max Hitler, a German Bibles in Hebrew and English. man masses—are far from the anti- tation against the Jews. In Nazi thing to fear. meeting places people tell each other made any decision to accept the bid the matter of saving an old-age fund. I born Jewish tailor who was charged Res. 609 No. 50th St. Just the opposite is the case. BeGL-2972 Semitism their press and propaganda agencies attempt to impose upon openly that, if Hitler hadn't started ap cause things are getting worse for the to the Olympics. He also asserted that The facts of life testify that very, with accepting bets on horse races. he was uncertain as to whether-he them. The average German woman with the Jews Germany would today Nazi regime, and because Hitler has •would avail himself of his power, add- very few men are able to save an oldperhaps not be on the brink of ~s age fund. The thousands of old men no good excuse to offer his people just even today wants to shop at Jewish ing that he might merely make a re- who today are facing1 the prospect of great r.n economic catastrophe as she now, it may be expected that the antistores and to patronize Jewish docport to the American Olympic comtors. The average German peasant, now faces. The world, perhaps, would Semitic campaign in the press and mittee and let that body take what- a penniless stretch of sunset days are regard Germany in quite a different eloquent witnesses to the practical imother public media will in the next few even today, prefers to deal with Jews light. The Jews of the world, perhaps months assume a much sharper char- ever action it desired. possibility of saving an old-age fund. rather than with the .government. Brundage declared, however, that How is he going to solve this probwould be helping Germany and it acter in Germany than they have preThe thin layer of officials and JNazi certainly would not have come to a viously shown, and will be much more "as a general principle" he favored lem without the use of life insurance? leaders is the ruling group. It dictates boycott of German goods. German bitter than in all the duration of the American participation in the gaines. If there were some other way than and. forces anti-Semitism upon the trade would have.quite another aspect. Hitler rule. Meanwhile he is investigating cases life insurance, there might be a logipeople. To this official stratum anti- German exports would not have fallen. Try a Bag Today No one in Germany today doubts in which Jewish athletes have been j cai argument against it. But there is Semitism is of as vital importance as Industry would .perhaps have revived. that in the Nazi press the blame for discriminated against and prevented n o other way. oxygen. They must keep the popula- Germany wculd certainly have been the increasingly unfavorable condi- from preparing themselves for the tion* in suspense and in a state of ex- able to obtain credit abroad. tions in Germany will be placed upon Olympics. He is also looking into Buys Liners citement and they hope to do so by That's the talk. the Jews. All indications are that the charges that so-called concessions to inciting the people against the Jews. Over their beer glasses in the sa-Jews of Germany are facing a hard Jewish athletes are only eops and of Rome—A new Jewish shipping company in Palestine has purchased But the people of Germany are be- loons the people sit and talk, making winter of bitter anti-Jewish propa- no practical value. the liners "Progresso" and "Rizvelginning to have their pwn attitude to- a careful reckoning and expressing ganda and perhaps of serious physilio" from an Italian company and wards things. The people of Germany opinions the government is not at all cal harm. will rename them with uitable HeAnti-Semitic Pestilence no longer wish to be led blindly. They pleased to hear. There is actual doubt True, the German people no longer brew names. After that they will be have no desire to be fooled, and even as to the wisdom of the Hitler-Goeb- believe the anti-Semitic newspapers Engulfs Nuremberg tend to distrust Hitler himself. London—Nuremberg is widely in- added to the rapidly growing Palesbels anti-Jewish policy. People begin so implicitly, but the German governbected by Julius. Streicher's anti- tine commercial fleet plying between Therefore, when the Nazi press to believe the anti-Jewish policy was ment now has no alternative except Semitism, the London Morning Post Palestinian ports and the leading •uses the scarcity of potatoes as a pre- a fatal mistake from the start. that of pressing anti-Semitism. Havtrading centers of the world. reports. text for placing blame upon the Jews, People don't believe the government ing no other butt, it must make the The city is filled with anti-Jewish one hearts here and there the voice of is sincere in its anti-Jewish policy, Jew the one who is to blame. notices and many of the best cafes the average German citizen, who can and they don't believe in many other When a government has the direct and restaurants display notices, no longer be persuaded that the Jews phases of government activity as well. intention of furthering anti-Semitism, are to blame. One can even hear the Among the broad masses of the Ger-the will of the people plays a very in- "Jews are not desired here" and opinion expressed that "if the Jews man population, the prestige of Hitler significant part. The government will "Jews must not enter." The Post also were permitted to deal in potatoes, and his government has greatly de- always have enough ways and means reported that bookstores and newsstands sell many cheap anti-Jewish there would be enough potatoes in clined. at its command for making the life of books, "which disgust decent perGermany." the Jewish population bitter, if necesThat blind faith which the people Such "revolutionary" opinions from had in their "leader" has evaporated. sary to carry out here and there a sons." the average German are of no small Their disciplined dependence upon him little pogrom, and to stage the whole importance in Germany. They are the is no more. Nor is-there any longer affair as being due to the "will of the , expression. not only of confidence in iii Germany that disciplined unity people." >ct m e p r o t e c t r o a r Interests . . . I Jews, but — and much more impor- which was so noticeable in the first The Jews of Germany are well Iwrite INSURANCE of every description tant—of lack of faith in the govern- months of the Hitler reign. Germans aware of all this. They are not nur&- imladins: LIFE, in strong, reliable companies OXX.T . . . Let's talk It over. ment as well. They show that the peo- have begun to have their own opin- ing any false illusions. But the Jews »ple are weary of hearing tales about ions both about the "leader" and con- abroad should also know the truth, City Financj^Tnsurance Co. the Jew's guilt in everything. The cerning his work. about the situation. The present su- 1*09 rarmun St. "" AT. «G7 or WA. 5150 tune "The Jews are .to blame for all That divine faith in the Nazi re- perficial calm in Germany must not of Germany's troubles'' is beginning to lose its popularity with .the German people. They don't believe it any more, nor do they believe the government. I was present at a great Nazi mass meeeting at the Berlin sport jralace, where Goebbels delivered a sharp attack upon the "traitors of the peo- j pie" who grouped themselves around ! the assassinated Captain Koehm, and against "enemies" both within and without. Three times in the course of that \ speech Goebbels referred to the Jews, j Kesidence of Edward Hughes, 5702 Marcy St. And not one of those references in- J spired a single person in the auditor- J ium to express his agreement with Goebbels by shouting "bravo." This phenomenon is symptomatic.

Rife In


be overestimated. The.Jews of England and of America must still be on the watch,-more so now than ever.



How the Necks Did Crane



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THE JEWISH PRESS Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by


THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Subscription P r i c e , o n e year - - - - - • - ' - . - - •. .'•••. . . Advertising r a t e s furnished o n application


Editorial Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building. Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center DAVID BLACKER - - - - - - Business a n d Managing Editor FRANK R . ACKERMAN - - - - - - - - - - - - Editor FANNIES KATELMAN - - * Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent ANN P I L I i - . - ' - - - - - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent P r i n t S h o p Address: 1307 H o w a r d S t r e e t

The Week inReview Feast of Tabernacles


want to bring a troupe of Yemenite without a country, have no one to officially protest mistreatment, ads here. no diplomatic corps to make pacts guaranteeing equality. Since They intrigue me, these stories I 1919, the minorities treaties incorporated in the Treaty of Verhave heard about the Yemenite Jews of Palestine. "Howz" about you, or sailles, have been regarded as the chief bulwark against official can it be that you haven't heard? anti-Semitism in Central and Eastern Europe. If Poland is alWell, anyway, I have heard one lowed to violate her pledge, there is nothing to stop other counafter another returning visitor from New York (JTA).—Mrs. Franklin By DAVID SCHWAETZ tries bound by similar obligations ffom doing likewise. Therein Palestine dilate on the enormous D. Roosevelt will speak at one of the strength of the Yemenites. I am told sessions of the twentieth annual conlies the real danger of the Polish action. Because from a practhat it a very ordinary thing of onevention of Hadassah, the women's tical viewpoint, the Polish Jewry have learned from fifteen years YOM TOV Yemenite to take a piano and lug theZionist organization of America, to be held at the Wardman Park hotel, of bitter experienc that the Polish government paid little atten- Did you ever consider, speakingwhole thing- on his back. He may Washington, D. C, on October 14, 15 about Yom Kippur, we generally call tion to the promises regarding minorities. Her latest step merely the repast supper or dinner, whereas even stop for a while -with the piano and 16, it was announced at the nastill on his back to light a cigarette. means that Poland is now free to pursue her anti-Jewish programa matter of fact, though partaken at I was listening in to a discussion tional headquarters of the organizawithout ~elgal hindrance and without the annoyance of interna- night we should call it—breakfast, for the other day on the subject. MJss tion here. then we break the fast. tional restraint or disapproval. Ida Flatow, one young lady who has Mrs. Alexander Lamport of Mount returned, declared that some Vernon, chairman of the convention From a broader viewpoint, the Polish action is even more Strange but it never occurred to just Jews in Palestine believe that the committee, announced that delegates significant and may lead to world-rocking events. The prestige me till now why that English Jew Yemenite Jews carried these heavy will come from 300 cities, representsome years ago ran a race horse burdens through the aid of Kabbalah. ing 40,000 members of organizations of the League of Nations has already been greatly impaired, and who called him Yom Kippur. Must have That is to say, they had found the in nearly every state. More than 1,500 here is a direct attack upon the authority and sanctity of theaeen a fast horse, of course. secret of tapping some mystic source delegates and guests are expected to attend. League, involving a major principle. Further, the ultimatum reof power. veals that Poland is moving steadily toward a closer co-operation And I trust I shall not have to re- Author Leo Schwarz (no relative) The dangers confronting world Jewry in Fascist and near-Fascist counhere I am doing it—that with Germany, which quit the League and which has been using F.peat—yet has also just returned attri- tries and the problems that have arisP. A. story about the Jew who ate who her diplomatic powers to undermine the League authority. Here oysters on Yom Kippur, because buted it on the other hand to the fact en in Palestine due in part to the unthat the children of the Yemenites precedented immigration of last year is a time when it behooves the League of Nations to change its there is an R in Yom Kippur. are trained from infancy to carry will be discussed in addresses and repolicy of back-watering and be adamant in its steps to persuade heavy burdens. ports throughout the three-day sesSuccoth is really a farming instiPoland to change front and to prevent the spread of the idea to tution. At this time of the year, the Anyway, if the stories that I heard sions, Mrs. Lamport announced. the other countries in Europe. Jew in Eret-s Israel was very busy are true, here is a chance to bring The delegates will be formally wel-


A rekindled feeling of Jewishness and faith in the future imbues the Jewish people as they continue their holyday season. With -the spirit of Rosh Hashonah and Yom Kippur still warm in our hearts, we now prepare for the celebration of Succoth, the Feast of Tabernacles, which will be ushered in Sunday evening, on his open spaces, so he lived there over a half dozen for a lot of pub-comed to Washington by Mrs. Leoand will continue until October 1. in a booth. And the Jewish people licity in the American sport pages. pold V. Freudberg, president of the Succoth is the Jewish thanksgiving holiday. It was the late Quirk of History having lost their ancient land just Washington chapter of Hadassah and harvest festival in ancient Palestine, and also commemorated the In 1492 Sephardie Jews driven from Spain by Ferdinand and transplanted the farms to the syna- A new English daily is to be started local convention chairman. A feature gogues. Which goes to show how in Jerusalem by the Revisionists. of the opening session will be the resuccessful Israelite journey of forty years through the wilderness Isabella under the guiding hand of Torquemada helped develop profoundly agricultural we are as a According: to the New York Eve- port of Mrs. Samuel W. Halprin of after the exodus from the land of the Pharoahs. During the wan- Germany. Today, almost four and a half centuries later, Ash- people. ning Post, research recently made in Brooklyn, national president. She will dering through the wilderness the Israelites dwelt in booths (suc- kenazic Jews exiled from Germany under the guiding hand of Hitthe town in which the late Von Hin-portray the status of the Jews today Orthodox Jews still pray in their denberg- was born revealed that the and will indicate the problems ftvi& coth), and later in Palestine at harvest time when the Hebrews ler are well on the way toward redeveloping Spain. synagogues today for rain for theOld Field Marshall was not of pure face the Zionist movement. made the pilgrimage to Jerusalem for the annual Succoth celebraThus, by another of those quirks of history, Spain—her star crops. I know one good Jew who ran Aryan ancestry. tion many of the people stayed in booths outside the city walls. in the constellation of nations becoming dimmer and dimmer since a little stand on Coney Island, and Australia Plans Memorial Succoth was a time for general rejoicing, the Hebraic farmers the expulsion of the Jews—invites Jewry to help revitalize and I asked him hcrw he could say that That is a good story of the case to Sir Monash Melbourne—The Australian govlaying their offerings from field and tree upon the altar and rebuild her land, while Germany drives outstanding men of letters prayer, knowing that if his wish was tried by Lord Beading, when he ernment has opened a contest for degranted, there would be no crowd on the man on trial. "Do yousigns for thanking God for .His bounties. a memorial statue to the and scientists and scholars out of the land and sinks further andConey Island, and no business for asked drink?" late Sir John Monash commander of With the dispersion of the Jewish people, they no longer further into the morass of stagnation. him that day. "That's my business'' was the the Australian forces in the World He answered that when he prayed raised agricultural products. Exiled from. Palestine, the countries reply. Spain becomes another of the all too few bright spots on the War. The contest is open to archiin which they resided as aliens forbade them to hold land or to modern Jewish horizon, as thousands of German-Jewish refugees he made the mental reservation that "And have you any other busi- tects everywhere. to be for Palestine and for ness?" continued Ms Lordship. till the soil. But instead of forgetting their happy harvest days have fled to Barcelona and Madrid. During the holydays in Bar- itthewas droughty west, but not for Coney of the past, the Jewish people in their wanderings in the Diaspora celona alone ten new synagogues were opened to meet the needs Island. The proposal to make a moving | Paxton Mitchell Co. perpetuated their Succoth. In their gloomy Ghettoes, they reared of the revived Jewish communal life. The great synagogue in picture around the life of Haym I Grej Iron, Aluminum and tiny booths and observed the Feast of Tabernacles, praying for Madrid was more crowded than at any time since 1492. And most And speaking of the cousin of theSalomon ala the House of Rothschild " Bronze Castings s on again, with some of the leadrain and dew though they no longer tilled the soil. significant in the holyday services is the fact that the Sephardie in Palestine, they have coined a newing Wood and Sletal Patterns Jewish producers said to be inThe frail succoth became the symbol of hope for the day when and Ashkenazic Jews broke down the social barriers separating word for it. The old word for orange terested. 2614 Martha St. HA. 5523 is ' "tapuach hazahav" which means the Jewish people would return to Palestine and come back to them and worshipped side by side. something like "the golden apple." the soil. That hope, constant through the years, was fulfilled with Neither Torquemadism nor Hitierism can-stop the life-giving But the younger generation in Pales- That woman assistant to General the establishment of the Jewish National Homeland in Palestine flow of Jewish life. NATIONAL tine is doing a lot of thinking with Johnson who has been so much in and its phenomenal growth. As we wave the lulovim and esrogim Hebrew-much after the condensation the newspapers was brought down to ACCESSORIES, Inc. of verbiage that is taking place in Washington by Robert Straus of (palm and citron) on Succoth, it is heartening to know that these EVERYTHING Russia. These young Palestinian He- Macy's when he joined the New plants come from flourishing agricultural colonies in Eretz Yis- Public Profaners For the Auto brews have shortened "tapuach haza- Deal. We thought that when the silver in the shirt of William Dud- hav" into tapuz. That is to say, they (Copyright 1934, Jewish Telegraphic roel. Today, in a broader sense than of yore, Succoth is a time 2051 Farnam AT. 5524 of Jewish thanksgiving. . • " • • • ley Pelley, Silver Shirt leader, was so inconsiderately tarnished by have abbreviated the expression by Agency, Inc.) revelations of financial irregularity and the pending charges of joining the most distinctive sounds of both words. And if I am not misfraud against him, that then, at least, he would recognize that he taken, that was the old American In2429 Talmud Torah Week WKbster had been fully exposed as a racketeer and wouldJSnd a gopher dian was of creating new vocabulary. Decatnr St. JEWISH BOOK STORE S537 Talmud Torah Week will be Held locally starting tonight, hole in which to crawl. M. SOSIIT giving added impetus toward the enrollment of a much larger interested in finding an angel We want to call to the attention of the Jewish public that we nre getting But Pelley evidently feels that there are still a few. in this forI am in now a new supply of the seasonable religions articles. Maohzeirim with Jewan act that I should like to bring membership of both boys and girls in the Omaha Hebrew School country gullible enough to supply his financial chest further. He ish and English translations, prayer books. Toleosim. Bilk and wool of the best to the American vaudeville stage. I kind, e t c of Learning. ^ .•./•'•.• again works himself into a fury against the Jewish people in the Esrogim From Eretz Yisroel for Succoth Jewish learning as exemplified in the Hebraic studies of the latest opus contained in his current venture into r the shadowy I have just received direct from Palestine a very nice stork of most benutiful Esrogim and Lulovim for Succoth . . . Anyone desiring- to buy one will Talmud Torah have made their impress on the hills of eternity. fringes of journalism, Pelley's Weekly. In ringing economic inplease let me know so that I can have it ready for him for Yontif. Hebrew and the Hebrew education have been the trees of life anities titled, "The New Emancipation Proclamation: the Silver: GEMS of the BIBLE llemember our famous Kosher Soap. On the demand of a few customers 1 ordered the following articles of pure silver and plate silver candle sticks, and TALMUD which have enabled us to survive through the centuries, though Shirt Platform," Pelley includes a special reservation for Jewry Kidush cups, Hadeses, etc. Everyone who is interested in buying one of them should be so kind and let me know ahead of time, 8o I can have it ready for constantly migrating, constantly wandering. In their journey under the subhead, "The Jews." He proclaims in his rantings By O. O. DASHEB them. through the desert of life the Jewish people have always cherish- that "We contract to impose racial quotas on the political and ed the Hebraic learning, which breathed inspiration into their economic structure," with the view of cutting down the number The vile person shall no more be hearts and illumined the badge of disgrace. Without it as a wea- of Jewish individuals holding public or professional office. He called liberal, nor the churl said to be pon, we would have disappeared in the abyss of time. further puts in his platform a shaky plank about "Alien Regis- noble. The necessity of Hebraic education for our young was never tration Day throughout the public domain," in which "All persons The liberal deviseth liberal things, so unequivocally recognized as today. With the growing gloom of Hebrew blood or extraction . .'.shall be required under penalty and by liberal things shall he be of oppression the world over, it is vital that Jewishness give mean- of confiscation of their goods and a term of imprisonment, to known. ing to life to those who feel the sharp sword of bigotry; it is im- register their nationalities, countries of birth . . . " etc. He also the work of righteousness shall perative that the Jewish children of other lands do not experience goes on to say with his usual politeness that "if any Jew shall be beAnd peace, and the effect of righteouswhat so many German-Jewish youths faced—the cruel, cowardly apprehended endorsing or giving moral or financial support to ness quietness and confidence forever. thrusts of the ignorant without knowing or understanding the Jewish nationalism operative in this country, he may be criminally reason why they were singled out and why they should withstand prosecuted for sedition, and it shall be the arbitrary duty of the And my people shall abide in a habitation, and in secure their calumnators with pride in their hearts. The least we owe federal attorney to so prosecute him on complaint of three ctii- peaceable dwellings and in quiet resting places. our children is an acquaintance with the treasure-houses of Jewish zens." . TALMUD history and knowledge, their heritage from their forebears. Rabbi M'Nachem expounded the folThe connection between Pelley and Nazism has been quite It is true that the enrollment at the local Talmud Torah has lowing: For the commandment is a increased considerably in recent years. But, though this increase definitely established. It is sad enough that in countries like Ger- lamp, and the law is light. The pasis heartening, it is far from sufficient. One hundred per cent of many the people must be subjected to such blackguardist propa- sage compares meritorious commandments to a lamp and the Torah to the eligible Jewish youths should have a regular seat in Cheder ganda by a group of mad sadists who have gained power, but in a light, to teach us that just as a lamp land like the United States it is regrettable that such an inexcus. . . The least we can do for ourselves, our people, and our children. furnishes light only for a certain^»> The Jewish community should enter whole-heartedly into the ac-able propagandist who distorts fact with wanton ease should be riod, so also does a commandment protect only for a certain period, and tivities of the Talmud Torah Week and enroll their children in allowed to spread poison which in its very repelling nature is re-just as light endures to eternity, so pulsive to right-thinking people. Shown up as a crook who milked the school. Towering Achievements also does protection of the Torah enunsuspecting people out of hard-earned money, he nevertheless dure to eternity. continues to feed on his prey and scatter his poisoned gas. Such Mallory Knox Stetsons Poland's Move fomenters of hate—hiding under the wing of a constitution which Hillel and Shebna were brothers. Royal Court Borsclino Poland was restored to the status of a national entity by the they profane—are as much public enemies as Dillingers and Ca-Hillel devoted his time to the study of the Torah, while his brother deTreaty of Versailles in 1919. By that same document, under the pones. It's the good hat that enables you to voted his time to business. At one give your hat a touch of personalized minorities clauses, minority rights were set up to safeguard free time they said to each other: "Come, style-expression. THE good hats are and equal political, religious and racial rights of all minorities livlet us be partners, and share both here in Omaha's only combined showworlds." ing in Poland. These rights were guaranteed in all succession Increased Receipts Good news is welcome news. It is encouraging to read that ing of famous makers new styles. countries—that is, countries created by the peace treaty as a reKing Janai said unto his wife: "Do the Jewish National Fund of America reports its first increase in sult of the ending of the World War. Specifically covered by the not be afraid of the Pharisees nor of Stetson and Knox minority rights are the right to equality of treatment, the right receipts since the beginning of the depression . . . not only reports those that are known to be not Pharisees, but take heed of those that are to acquire nationality, the right to life, personal liberty and free- an increase, but a rise of forty-two per cent. hypocrites, who make others believe Dr. Israel Goldstein, president, in commenting on this trend, dom of worship and rights concerning the use of a minority langthat they are Pharisees, but in reality says: "It devolves upon us, the Jews of America, to appreciate commit acts like those of Zimmir, and uage. Last week Poland made her supreme bid for recognition as more than ever before the true character x>l our land problems demand rewards like that of Phine. Mallory Hats, $4 and $5 a great power among the family circle of nations. Through her in. Palestine and to strengthen the hands of the Jewish Natoinal has." Fund in solving it." foreign minister, Col. Joseph Beck, she impudently informed the Rabbi Joshua said: The Scriptures Featherweights r Other Fall Hats say: "When a dead body of a stranger Assembly of the League of Nations that effective immediately is found on the road, and the cause of $3.50 to $5 I $2.85 to $ 8 Poland will be no longer be bound by the minorities clauses of the death is not known, the elders of the Hebrew Calendar treaty, until the other countries bind themselves by similar minnearest city shall come forth and say, Borsalino Imported Italian Hats, $10 -Monday^ September^ 'Our hands have not shed this blood, orities conventions. Thedeliberate nullification of a solemn in- First Day of Succoth.. Hats—Main Floor .—.Monday, October 1 and our eyes have not seen it.' " Is it ternational pledge by Poland means that the Polish government Eighth Day of Succoth.. that anybody would think to ..Tuesday, October 2 possible notifies the world that it intends to handle its minorities, includ- Simchath Torah „._.. accuse the elders of committing the :. Wednesday, October 10 murder? We must therefore say that ing the Jews, without interference from outside powers, doing *Rosh Chodesh Chesvan _ ... Thursday, November 8 they mean by it that he did not come away with the legal right of the world to enforce equality for allRosh Chodesh Kislev us for help and we turned him CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AKD WOMEN First Day of Chanukah Sunday, December 2 to peoples in Poland. down, nor did we see him and leave —....Friday, December 7 him 6 o without food to die of starvaThe three million Jews in Poland are, of course, only one of Rosh Chodesh Tebeth. ___ Fast of Tebeth .„-;" '.. ' ' — Sunday, December 16'tion. the many minority groups in the country. But the Jewish people,


The Hat World'




Bikur Cholim Tea Conservative Auxiliary Next Wednesday Succoth Tea Planned


Succoth Dinner at Temple on Sunday

Vaad Auxiliary The first event of the season to be sponsored by the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Vaad Ha'Ihr will be a card party to be held at the J. € . C, Wednesday evening, October 10, at 8:30 p.m. Numerous door prizes will be awarded and refreshments served. For tickets and further information, call Mrs. D. Epstein, Atlantic 5502.

The first open meeting of the year A Succoth dinner will be served by A gala event is being planned for for the Auxiliary of the Conservative Officers for the ensuing term were the members of the Sisterhood of the annual meeting and anniversary Synagogue will be held Wednesday af- elected by the Pioneer Women at their ea of the Bikur Cholim society, to be ternoon, September 26, and will'be in last meeting. Mrs. H. Horowitz -was Temple Israel in the vestry rooms at eld a t the Jewish Community Center the form of a succoth tea to be given named chairman for this year; Mrs. 6 o'clock, Sunday, September 23. Dora Eichlin, re-elected recording Following the dinner, the Succoth "Wednesday afternoon, September 26, in the succah. it 2 pjn. A short business session at 2 o'clock secretary; Mrs. J. Feldman, re-elected services will be held at 7:30 p.m. All Mrs. L. Neveleff, president, an--will open the meeting. There will be financial secretary; Mrs. Max Gold- new children in the kindergarten and ounces that an outstanding program the introduction of new officers and stein, elected treasurer. first grades will be consecrated at that has been arranged for the occasion, board members. The following -were elected chair- time. labbi TJri Miller "will deliver the main A musical program which will fol- men of their respective committees: Today is the last day for dinner Junior Vaad ddress. Eabbi N. Feldman -will also low will include violin selections by Mrs. Max Fronikin, program and edu- reservations, which may be made with FINKEL-HtJEWITZ EUDNER-SOLOMONOW speak. Myron Cohen, young talented musi- cational; Mrs. J. Kaplan, social; Mrs. Mrs. Mollie Cohen, Walnut 7144. All At an executive committee meeting ENGAGEMENT ENGAGEMENT Mrs. M. Euddy will present a hucian, accompanied by Jane Goetz at Dora Richlin, publicity; Mrs. S. Okun, new members of the congregation are Monday at the B'nai Israel, it was deMr. and Mrs. L Hurwitz announce Mr. and Mrs. W. Solomonow of morous reading in Yiddish. Mrs. Nathe piano. A short review of the six pledge collection; Mrs, William Kuk- especially welcomed. cided to hold the opening meeting of the engagement of their daughter, louncil Bluffs, la., announce the en;han Green will sing several Jewish weeks spent at the Sunday School lin, hospital; Mrs. J. Hahn, memberthe season on October 2. Margaret, to Mr. Al Finkel, son of gagement of their daughter, Miss Sar- ongs, accompanied at the piano by training course in Cincinnati is to beship; Mrs. Dora Eichlin, ways and The opening meeting of the SisterPlans are being formulated for an Mr. and Mrs. J . C. Finkel, of this ah Solomonow, to Mr. Ben Eudner, of Al Finkel. by Miss Ida Tenenbatim, prin- means; Mrs. H. Eichlin, telephone; hood will be held October 1. This will active season, with interesting meetcity. St. Louis, Mo., son of Mr. and Mrs. Succoth delicacies will be served at given cipal of the Conservative Synagogue Mrs. J. Hahn, national fund. The be preceded by a board meeting. ing's. Rabbi Uri Miller is sponsor. Miss Hurwitz is well known in Oma- M. A. Eudner, also of St. Louis. chairmen will announce the personnel the conclusion of the program. Sunday School. ha musical circles as a talented pian- The "wedding "will take place this Mrs. I. Dansky is chairman of ar-of their committees shortly. ist. Mr. Finkel received his musical coming winter. KXMOOOOQOSQCOOOOOOSCOOOQrangements for the succoth tea and Tl training at the Damrosch School of Miss Solomonow, who has been Jr. Hadassah Opens The convention of the Pioneer Wowill be assisted by members of her n Music in New York and conducts a spending two "weeks with the Eudner men, which is to be held in Chicago, n music studio locally. Season With Tea committee. family, will return after the holidays. has been postponed to October 17. a No date has been set for the wedThis was done to enable the delegaJunior Hadassah will open its seaII Mrs. Dave Sherman, president of ding. MOTOR TO SIOUX CITY son's activities with a membership tea the Women's Auxiliary of the Con- tion from Palestine to arrive in time i Made to Order—From Skins Mr. and Mrs. George M. Cohen of o be held at the Blackstone hotel, to participate. I! Synagogue, announces that ROSS-GTTTLE ENGAGEMENT New York City, accompanied by Mr. Sunday afternoon, September 30. Tea servative The Palestinian delegation has been of Your Own Choice 1 Rabbi David A. Goldstein will again Mr. and Mrs.' J. Gittle of Council Cohen's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. G.will be poured by the Misses Ida Fine be presented in a series of "Book Eve- delayed by the exceptionally large II The Cost Is No More Than FactoryBluffs, la., announce the engagement Cohen, and brother, Mike, motored to and Evelyn Glazer, and all the offi- nings," beginning some time in No- crop harvested this year. I! Made Garments of their daughter, Helen, to Mr. Er- Sioux City to visit friends and rela- cers "will be hostesses for the after- vember. I! II nest Eoss, son of Mrs. Rae Eoss, also tives noon. Our many years of experience I of Council Bluffs. Junior Hadassah is already making as furriers and otsr large selec• II No wedding date has been set. VISITORS HERE plans for their annual Thanksgiving Legion Commander tion of the most beautiful fur pelts II Mr. and Mrs. Abe Miller of Grand dance, and looking forward to the reguarantee to you the finest in Fur Assails U. S. Nazis I[ SURPRISE BIRTHDAY AFFAIR Island, formerly of Omaha, have been gional convention which will be held Coats . . . the superior quality which II Twelve friends of Mrs. Samuel D. visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. in Des Moines the early part of NoChi chapta^ of Pi Lambda Phi, nayon have & right to expect from II j Seattle, Wash. (JTA). — National 8IMONS. Nerenberg surprised her September J. Miller during the holidays. tional social fraternity an the Creighvember. I! Commander Edward A. Hayes of the 12 at a one o'clock luncheon and bridge ton university campus, began its fall II American Legion, condemned antiin honor of her birthday. activities with a luncheon &\ the chapFun Repaired II Semitism and Nazi politics in the Addresses Group The afternoon was spent playing VISITOR FROM ter house at 319 No. Slst street, Tuesand Remodeled. II GRAND ISLAND United States in an interview here in bridge. day. Thirty were present. Reasonable II Mr. Dave Kavitch of Grand Island Rabbi Frederick Cohn addressed the connection with the Legion's Wash- The annual welcome smoker for Prices. II is a visitor at the home of his aunt, young people of the First Baptist ington state convention in Spokane. freshmen will be held at the fraterII ATTEND WEDDING Mrs. N. Levinson. church Sunday morning. His subject "We realize," he said, "that Nazism, nity house this evening. A symposium II ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION was "The Customs and Ceremonies of now being openly preached in Amer- will be conducted on problems facing II Among the Omahans who motored RECUPERATING ica, is subversive and menacing to the matriculant. Abe Katz, Russel ! I to Des Moines last week-end to attend Mr. H. Soskin is recuperating at his the Jews." American democratic ideals. Blumenthal, Earl Eoss and Ben Kazthe tenth wedding anniversary celebra- home. "In the Legion we do not differ- lowsky will speak. Maurice Steinberg, Smuggling Immigrants 1716 Douglas St. €X(LU5IV€LY tion of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hockentiate between Jews and Gentiles. chapter president, will deliver "the Jaffa, Palestine. — The owner and enberg were: Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ban S. A. M. MOTHERS' CLUB Mr. and Mrs. Sam Swartz, Mr. and The Sigma Alpha Mu Mothers' club the captain of the Greek vessel, Ion- We are all Americans. Religion makes chapter welcome. boeeooaooeoaooeooo ian, were sentenced to jail terms and no difference, and it should make no Saturday night the fraternity will Mrs. Eeuben Brown, Mr. and Mrs hold their next meeting on Thurs- payment of fines and three Jews were difference in American life." give its annual "opener," the first Michael Katleman, Messrs. Al Blatt will afternoon, September 27, at thefined, following their conviction by house party cf the year. Forty couples and Freeman. Among the visitors was day are expected to attend, and novelty ii!"iiTnrim"innrT"inniiTT'"—TiimirT —T""*nn Mr. Carl Katleman, formerly of Oma- home of Mrs. B. Chait, 3723 Dodge Magistrate Bodilly in Jaffa court of Call Off "Watch Dogs'* having assisted seventeen persons to Jaffa.—The Arab Yotith Federation entertainment will be presented. ha and now of Los Angeles, Cal., who street. enter the country illegally near Tel issued a proclamaticn calling off all is spending two weeks in Omaha asj Aviv. the guest of his brother, Mr. Michael RETURNS FROM EAST volunteer Arab coast patrols watching Mr. Philip Meyers returned Satur- The owner of the vessel was sen- for the landing of illegal immigrants, j Katleman. MARY STEIN day after a two-week eastern motor tenced to one month's imprisonment The federation declared government ] Kosher Style Restaurant trip. He visited in New York, Boston, and a fine of £100 ($500); the cap- measures for dealing with the probRETURNS AFTER FOUR WEEKS Philadelphia, and Chicago. tain to three months' imprisonment lem are entirely adequate and appealComplete Kosher Style Miss Rose Meyers returned Tuesday and a £50 ($250) fine, and the three ed to Arab youths to discontinue MENU DAILY after a four-week vacation in Chicago Jews to fines of £50 each. RETURNS FROM TRIP watching the coast. and Cleveland. Joe Kricsfeld returned Tues The first week was spent in Chi- Mr. from a two months' trip through Rabinowitz Quits Post Jablons Receives Assignment LURCHES --— cago, where Miss Meyers and also day New York.—Resignation of Ezekiel New York.—Lieutenant Commander Miss Sara Levine of Omaha were the out the west. Rabinowitz as secretary of the Non- Abraham Jablons, Medical Corps Naguests of Mrs. I. Siegle. Private Dining Room for Parties, Sectatrian Anti-Nazi League was an- val Reserve of the Cnited States, has JUNIOR PIONEERS In Cleveland, Miss Meyers -was the Clubs and Small Weddings nounced, at the offices of .the league. RUSH TEA, j been assigned as tsedical officer of ; guest of Mr. and Mrs.•'. Louis -Wai-? A rash tea; "will" be given by the REASONABLE Rabinowitz had been secretary of the 19th regiment, United States Madorf. 2406 Farnam Junior Pioneers on Sunday, Septem- the league since its inception a year rine Corps Reserve, the commandant JA. 9393 ber 23, at the home of Miss Marion and a half ago and -was a leader of of the Third Naval district announced. laeb, 1924 Sahler street, from 3 tt the small group of men who organized the movement to boycott Nazi p All girls over 17 interested in join goods in this country. By ing are cordially invited to attend Mrs. David M. Newman Those interested are asked to call Ken- Berlin.—A Jewish butcher who was sued here by his landlord for not paywood 2455 for reservations. Fresh Vegetable Salad. ing the rent of his shop asked for a 1 teaspoon salt. reduction of rent on the ground that DELTA KAPPA RUSH PARTY 1 cup shredded cabbage. A rush party was held by the Delta the government's prohibition of sche1 cup chopped celery. Kappa club Sunday afternoon at th< chita (kosher slaughtering) had ruin1 package lemon jello. home of Miss Marian Weisman. Dec- ed his trade. 1 cucumber. orations were carried out in the clu The courts rejected his 1 cup red radishes. colors of orchid and green. 10 stuffed olives. Miss Lottie Rips and Miss Marian i cup peas. Weisman were in charge. 1 cup whip cream. Service Quality 1 cup mayonnaise. ; | Shred cabbage finely. Allow it toSORORITY PARTY stand in salted cold water 30 min- The ODD sorority resumed its hi-' utes until crisp. Chop celery fine. monthly meetings for the fall season I Add chopped cucumber, apple and when it met at the home of Miss Ethel • radish sliced and olives. Dissolve Green, Thursday evening, September; . . . j jello in boiling water. Place in re-1 3 . •'- ' frigerator until it begins to congeal. Plans were made for a slumber rush | Add cream whipped and mayonnaise. party, which will be given Saturday Mix well. Pour in a square mold to night, September 22, a t the home of congeal. Serve cut in squares with Miss Sonia Saks in Council Bluffs. French dressing. Jewish Press advertisers merit your Phone AT-2815 2815 Farnam St. patronage.


Pi Lambda Phi Frat Opens Fall Program



50c to 75c 35c


Moses Ante-Dated New Deal Code-Maker

Buffalo, N. Y. (WNS).—Moses antedated the New Deal by several thousand years as the maker of codes, Harry B. Hall, vice president of the American Appraisal Company, Milwaukee, told the Financial Advertisers' Association convention. Hall said that "as a code writer Moses still has something of an edge" on General Johnson. "While Moses always had difficulty in getting folks to live up to his code," Hall declared, "Moses has it all over the modern code writers in the fact that his commandments are so simple to understand."

Jewish Lad Invents Electrical Machine Paris (WNS). — A new electrical machine which automatically onloads goods from ships and transports them to nearby warehouses in one operation has been invented by Sylvain Adolph. Shimshelivitz, a 14-year-old Jewish boy, son of a Jewish immigrant Shimshelivitz's invention is being shown for the first time a t the annual exhibit of new mechanical devices. • • . . - < • ' • . • •• ' '.•• .-.••-•..

Fleishman & Soskin <Formerly in the employ of I* Harris) Twelve yeaw experience . Insurance with Reliable' Companies Real Estate . . • Property Management 315 So. 15th Bt. JA. T3U

CHALKS by Nelly Don



33»e unemployed man who calls at your door be able to teB you by charts he carries the correct size Mazda Lamps you need. Lamps will be charged on your next electric service bill from the Nebraska Power Company if yom wish.

BETTER LIGHT BETTER SIGHT Faulty eyesight is often causedfeyimproper lighting. Cheei your lighting needs for Better Light... Better Sight

Nebraska Power Co. Covrtesy - Service - Lew Rotes

ChaOis is back again—-unmistakably* And no wonder, when you see this vivid stripe that's done so engagingly by Nelly Don. For those who like softness of fabric, subtlety of line; and for those who recognize value, there's nothing like this washable Cbaffis in e shirtwaist frock at


Sizes 12 t o 44

One of Hundreds of New Fall" Nelly Don Fashions Now at Herzbergs . . . Omaha's Exclusive Nelly Don Shop! Priced 5.98 to 16.75 Fifth Floor


of ffte

THIS WAS AN OCEAN LINER—Waves wash against the sides of the wrecked Morro Castle, as the palatial liner lies helpless on tie beach near Asbury Park, N. J., after the fire catastrophe that claimed the lives of many of her passengers and crew. Note the wing tip of the airplane from which this picture was taken, and the crowd gathered on the beach below.

AMONG THE UNIDENTIFIED—Efforts to identify bodies brought from the sea by coast guards following the burning of the Morro Castle off Asbury Park, N J., are pictured. While the slow processes of identification went on, relatives from scores of cities throughout the country were arriving at the scene.


COME ON IN. THE PIE'S FINE—Look at the pie-faces' And can you imagine getting all that nice pastry for nothing? The boys are contestants in a pie-eating contest at the Chicago World's Fair

RALLY FOB BATTLE OP NEW ORLEANS—By bus, special trains, boats, even by airplane, Louisiana's modern militiamen have been mobilized by Kingfish Huey Long for service in New Orleans. They are shown arriving for duty at the primary elections.

HUNT PERFECT YACHTSWOMAN—Candidates for the honor of being chosen as the "perfect yachtswoman" for the occasion of thestar boat championship events on San Francisco bay are shown' above. Left to right are Patsy Lee, Mabel Fontanella, Doris HoweH.



•TOWER OF WATER"—One of the many statues constructed in the parks of Los Angeles under PWA auspices is "Power of Water", pictured here, in Lafayette park. Henry Lion (in white), its designer, and Misses Jason Herron and Sherry Patncola, are removing the nlaster mold.


ON YOU!—These two workers are pursued by the the gauntlet of pickets outside Cannon mill, Concord, N. C,

BIRDS OF WAR—This remarkable picture shows a beautiful flight of navy airplane squadrons in perfect formation viewed from the fliebt deck of the V. S. S. Saratoga, mother ship, during manesffcn near Old * "~


ion to

"SolomonrWorld's First Copper King"

Jewish Life in Alaska Observed by Dr. Lev!

Cincinnati (WNS).—On the basis of his latest archaeological studies in Transjoruania, Prof. Nelson Glueck of the Hebrew Union college, believes "Alaska has a high proportion of movie, "The Eskimo," is half-Jewish, that King Solonion was the first and intermarriages between Jewish" and his father being Jewish and his mothstQl perhaps tiie; greatest of the Christian men and Eskimo women/' er Eskimo. Dr. Levine states.that his Moscow (JTA).—Two groups repworld's -copper- kings. -Prof. Glueek's was an observation of Dr. Victor E. histrionic talent came from his fa-resenting the Ameiican Grojpint and excavations revealed, he said, that Sol- Levine, professor of .biology at Crelgh- ther's side. •-•-••'•.•• the Ort, Jewish organizations for setomon worked copper mines at Axabah tbn university, who Sunday returned "There is no organized Jewish com: tling Jews on the land in Russia, left with forced labor, shipping the ore to from an 18 thousand mile "research inanity in- Alaska, and no synag-og-ues," , . „ . week for Biro-Bidjan on By BR, VICTOR E. LEVINE, Feinin where it was smelted and trip in the far north. Dr. Levine explained, "because the a t n P o f inspection Professor in the School of Medicine, Creighton University sent throughout the world to be ex- However, the Jewish population of Jewish people are so scattered, there I ^ JDr. Jaeeph A. Rosen, director of the Dr."" E. A. changed for silver and gold. Alaska is comparatively small, D£.Xe- rarely being -more than one -or two in AgTojoint, accompanied by ~ Dr. Victor E. Levine of the School that 97.3 per cent of those examined Grower and S. E. Lubarski, constia community." vine estimating their entire number y of Medicine at Creighton Universigave positive reactions indicating this at about one hundred. "The largest number we found was t xs t e < the Agrojoint commisBion. ty has been the first to organize an disease. Susceptibility to scarlet fever ^ Dr. Levine _ , t in Nome, the city just in the center [Messrs. Seglenitzkv ana Abraham In the far north, noted, t expedition into the arctic for the ran-as high as-87 per cent. Suscepthe people* have n7 time for thYpetty [of the gold mining, which has about | Wenstein, directors of the Ort in Russole purpose of making medical tibility to diphtheria was also exirritations which mar "civilized" life; ten Jews." The Alaskan Jews in nosia, were also on the train but travelstudies of the Eskimo and detertremely high; The percentages quoted where the inhabitants have to strug- way ^eny their Jewishness and areing independently. mining his health status. He has are very much higher than those degle side by side against the elements eager to converse with co-religionist Before leaving Moscow both groups great hopes of returning north next termined in other parts of the -world. officially informed the Comzet, offiand food is a grave problem, there is travelers. year with a party of about six men Temple We "have examined the records of conversed with a num- cial Russo-Jewish settlement organiand has already formulated plans over 1,500 Eskimo deaths. From the Services at Temple Israel this eve- no time for anything even bordering berDr.ofLevine miners and traders in zation, that their trips were in no way for the coming year. He brought data available we find that more than ning .will begin at 8 p,m. Rabbi David on anti-Semitic or anti-brotherhood various Jewish parts of Alaska. connected with any plans for particiback material to perfect his knowl50 per cent of deaths are due to tu-H. Wice will speeak on "Poland's feeling. A spirit of co-operation and pation in the settlement of Jews in The "reason for intermarriage by brotherliness prevails among all. edge of the Eskimo language. berculosis ; alone.' fWV have calculated Threat and Its Meaning to Jewry." Biro-Bidjan. those who stay in Alaska long enough Dr. Levine found that in Juneau, the- span • of: life -. of "the EsHxno and Saturday morning services -will beHie Federal government has recis obvious. In southern Alaska there Dr. Rosen before leaving on the trip capital of Atp^Va, the mayor, Israel find it rtp he^ about -twenty Tears. The gin ^ t 10:30 pan. ognized the importance of his work are about three men to one woman. denied rumors current in London and Goldstein, is .Jewish.. The Goldstein biithrate is'very high indeed. But it On Sunday, September 23, the Temand will put at his disposal the Further north in the arctic, there are New York that his group would setfamily is the only Jewish one in the is not sufficient tol offset' the heavy ple congregational dinner will be held coast guard cruiser, .''Northland." fifty men to one woman. Those who tle 10,000 Polish families in the Solosses &oe. -to" deaths. Unless immedi- at 6 p.m. Reservations should be made entire city. Dr. Levine returned with three intermarry declare that the Eskimo viet Union. the famed actor who Ray Wice, ate and stringent measures are taken, polar bear skins, several seal skins, with Mrs. Mdllie Cohen, Walnut 7144. women make excellent wives. had the leading role in the successful "The Agrojoint never raised or these kind and gentle people are At 7:30 pan. Succoth services will be all types of fur clothing worn by doomed to jspeedy extermination. even thought of raising, the question the Eskimos and many. pieces of held in the Temple, and at that time calls the conference an "irresponsible of settling Polish Jews in the Crimea beautifully carved walrus ivory. Outside of tuberculosis, the Eski- the new children will be consecrated. demonstration" and states that while!-or anywhere else," Dr. Rosen told the —Editor's Note. mos are not afflicted with other disit welcomes free discussion of Jew- j Jewish Telegraphic Agency. "I caneases common to the white man. Diaish problems, it demands that this [not understand -who floated that stuVaad betes is unknown. Goiter is very rare. discussion be conducted by qualified' pid story," he said. Our expedition into the arctic to We have come across only two cases Regular Vaad services will be held <nake medical studies of the Eskimo Jevrih organizations. of thyroid involvement. Heart dis- this evening starting at 8 p.m. at the According to the rumors, the Agroand determine his health status was ease is very common with the white B'nai Israel synagogue, 18th and ChiThe Juedisch-liberale Zeitung, or- joint asked the Soviet government for more successful than our most enthuman in the arctic, but not with the cago streets. Rabbi Uri Miller will gan of the liberal Jews of Germany permission to colonize 10,000 Polish siastic dreams. Professor Charles W. Eskimo. .published an editorial signed by Dr. Jewish families in the Crimean Jewdeliver the sermon, on the subject Bauer and myself travelled eighteen former •""--'' director j s h districts. The Soviet authorities Blood pressure tends to be high in "Our Ambitions—Do They Contribute Comment in Jewish Publications Ludwig Hollaender Has Been Distinctly thousand miles and gathered valuable of the Central Union of German were alleged to have replied that, the very few eld Eskimos who show to Our Happiness?" Cantor A. data and made important observations Antagonistic Citizens of Jewish Faith headed while they were ready to admit Eastsigns of senility. As to the average Schwaczldn and the B'nai Israel choir Dr. Vr^sr E. Lov:^s. hitherto unknown and unpublished. Eskimo, we find that his blood pres- will officiate. Berlin, (JTA).—The recent World Theatricals in Jewish Life." It said:! ern European Jews, they must settle (Picture taken In the Arctic) The temperature in the arctic was Special Succoth services will be Jewish Conference in Geneva has "The fact that not only German | i n t n e autonomous Jewish regions of sure is ten to twenty points below much higher than it usually is in the but also the big recognized j Biro-Bidjan in Siberia. that of the white person. Low blood held Sunday evening at 8 o'clock. A the, topic of editorial discussion Jewry, months of June, July, August and Sep- 'WJP." stands for "weather permit- pressure is common to all Asiatic peo- special musical program is being ar- been Jewish organizations throughout the in many Jewish publications in this tember. The hottest day was August ting.'' ranged by Cantor Schwaczkin and the country. Comment has bsen distinct- world, kept away from this confer1, when the temperature rose to 52 de- We finally set sail on the "Eusee1 pies. B'nai Israel choir. Rabbi Miller will ly antagonistic The Central Verein ence goes to show that the decisions: as a rule have That the Eskimos grees Fahrenheit. The Eskimo young- and arrived at Hamilton, a. village the low of the Minisblood pressures is a direct refuta- speak on "The Succah and the Home.* Zeitung, official organ of the Central it adopted are valueless and thej Bucharest—Officials sters took advantage of the unusual Eskimos call Nun-a-plk-lu-ak. There tion of the argument that much meat After the services, the congregation Union of German Citizens of Jewish speeches, delivered there, at least try- of^ Education last week ordered the closing of the only Jewish warmth, for we saw them take off we made our first scientific observa- eating results in high blood pressure. will adjourn to. -the. succah, where a Faith, stated: part of them are irresponsible. school in the province of Bakovina. their parkas and go in for bathing in tions on the Eskimo. short program will be given and reDer Israelit, organ of Orthodox The Eskimos are great eaters of meat "The total impression of the Gethe Bering sea. After completing our work there —polar bear, oogruk, seal, walrus, fish freshments served. neva conference bears out what a Jewry in Germany remarks that "the Special Succoth services will be . . . , . „. . . . , . i criticism made in Geneva of the GerBecause of the warm weather and we set out for Akulurak, isolated Es- and ptarmigan. the greater melting of ice, the polar kimo village at the south mouth of the Scarlet fever is very rare. As forheld Monday andJTnesday mornings. leadmg American eZiomst said m tehxe - | m a n P a j e s t i n e tnas£er &STeeTne7Lt 121 1 was P ? ?^ ^ J i* ***** , jhas those organizations 1 Jjustified 6 ice pack was hundreds of miles far- Yukon, ten miles from the Bering sea. diphtheria, its occurrence has been Jewish World Congress idea. Such a that refused to take part in the conA succoth party for the children of WHEN THERE'S ther than ordinarily. The ice pack in It was difficult getting to Akulurak. doubted. However, if an epidemic of congress, he said, can only achieve ference, without any neeS of the rethe Arctic Ocean was not seen even From an Eskimo fishing camp we scarlet fever or diphtheria should oc- the Vaad religious school will be giv- dramatic constructive effects, not jvolting and superfluous avowal of around Point Barrow. The glaciers contacted the V. S. Bureau of Fish- cur, hundreds of children would die, en by the Ladies' Auxiliary on Sun- activity. Geneva was more concerned loyalty made by the Naumanit group, day, September 30. Parents who have eries boat by radio and were taken also suffered considerable! loss in size. unless properly immunized. A DELAY with dramatic effects than with conFor the greater part of our stay in to the mouth of the Akulurak river. Rickets is absent because of the.not registered their children are asked structive work and at a safe distance showing that the childish doings in Geneva not only did not reflect the the arctic we enjoyed daily twenty- The boat could proceed no farther be- large amount of seal oil consumed by, to do so this Sunday. . from the events under discussion, will of the German Jews, but are four hours of sunlight. We could read cause of shallow water. We turned children. White children in the arctic speeches were delivered the loudness also condemned by the representative THERE'S A WAY the finest print all through the "night" back and spent the night near an Es- who take neither seal oil or cod liver and shrillness of which could not of Jewish throughout Conservative organizations without the aid of artificial light. kimo camp. The next morning the cap- oil, tend to develop rickets. conceal the cracked china. , When there is no darkness, habits be- tain contacted with an Eskimo who Services at the'Conservative Syna- Neither world conferences and the world." Hay fever is unknown among the took us in i i s boat to Akulurak. come extremely :arregnlar. We do no gogue this evening will start at 8 p.m. proclamations, nor cringing and loss feel any special inconveniences from There we. matte careful studies of Eskimos. It is unfortunate that the Rabbi David AT Goldstein will de- of, self-respect wSl solve the Jewish | E i g h t NotesL Jews on ^ staying awakfc mahy^ iours a t a Eskimo-chn?reiC-^ejEnally left the .arctic is -thai-aids cf rr.Hss away. I t H r e r tse-*ermon. -Canter E. Sellzwill Id easily become a mecca for vic- chant the service,;:-and Harry Bravirstretch.' We often awakened-not know- vBiagtf id get baek to Hamilton in The" Schild, official organ of the Washington, D. C.—Eight nationtims of hay feve:. off wQl direct the «hoir;-, ing -whether t i e three o'clock, on ourorderyto; catch: the "Eusee" to take Union of Jewish Fi out Soldiers, at- ally known Jewish leaders have bsen Contrary to popular belief, the EskiSunday evening,.'the first night of watches indicated three in the after- us over to St. Michael on the Beting at iLe con- appointed to the committee of 86 mo does not live in snew igloos. They Succoth* services will begin at 8 pan. tack the suggestion noon or three in the wee hours of ih s e a . • '•••;-; ference that minority righ'-s b3 be-named "by Newton D. Baker to direct do live in small wooden cabins or in After the service, the congregation stowed upon the German Jews. night. From there we "went to Nome, the 1S34 Mobilization for Human huts, the roof &v] ?"*>-; of which will go to the succah. The succah this "We German Jews," the editorial Needs. . " where we found a tremendous amount Twilight is but an -interval of an year will be built by Mr. J . Richlin. he 450 covered with walrus skin. "had no means of influencing Jewish members of the committee the Eskimos The lumber is being donated by Mor- states, We have Eskimos who live in Nome, there are either the convocation or the pro-are Mortimer Fleischhacker, Louis E. and coming. In fact,_ twilight and and have had a chance to observe ris Micklin. The branches to cover the Kirstein, Albert Laskor, Monte M. dawn melt into one-another..-It is. a also ISO Eskimos from King Island, them. We do not find that the Eski- succah will be gathered by members ceedings of the Geneva conference. Lemann, Eugene Meyer, Rabbi Abba 50 Eskimos from lattle Diomed, an At the same time, we must not lose wonderful feeling, indeed, to see theisland dese to Asia, and 30 natives mos rub ncses, give away wives, or of A.Z-A. 100, led by Nathan Crounse. Hillel Silver, Miss Lillian D. sight of the fact that accusations sun shine in all its splendor at twelve from Cape Prince of Wa^ 8 lead polygamous lives. ' The Omaha Fixture and Supply has made publicly in Germany against and Felix M. "Warburg. midnight. •••.'. We left~ Nome by the outside pas- Eskimos, especially of the older donated the use of a truck. as the ritual murder alOur food was largely fresh salmon sage to return to Omaha. The outside generation, do not know their age. The women of the congregation will Jews, such WAIT hit also Jews living outside ^on-Aryan' Ban lifted for or dried raw salmon on the lower Yu- passage takes "us through the Bering They do not celebrate birthdays, and decorate the succah and will be host- legation, Germany, who naturally repudiate Reich Fraternities kon and reinder meat in the villages sea and through the Pacific Ocean. they are never terrorized into a mor- esses at t i e reception after the ser-these charges. B e r 1 i n—University fraternities bordering the Bering sea. Our diet was Our research consisted in taking bid psychological state induced by the vices. varied by walrus steaks, seal meat and physical measurements of Eskimo mere counting of birthdays. We have Monday - morning and Tuesday "It is the constant aim of the have the right to retain their. seal oil. It takes a brave-heart and children, determining their nutritional seen Eskimo women of sixty dancing morning services will begin at 9 ajn.Union of Jewish Front Soldiers to Axyan". members of they desire to cast-iron stomach to urink seal oil, for status, and also their basal metabol- as merrily as Eskimo girls of eigh- The Sunday school of the Conserva- have German Jews fit honorably into do so, Prussian Minister of Educathe life of the German Fatherland, Bernhard Rust ruled. i it is a thousand times worse than the ism. We took samples of blood from teen. tive Synagogue began its year last and it has never called never wiE tion Two ancient fraternities at the worst cod liver oil. Learning to like a vein ana have carefully preserved Sunday with registration. call for foreign assistance. It stands j Universities of Tubingen and Heidelseal oil, which is rich in vitamins, is them in order to later make quantita1 for the unrestricted tight of the berg "were dissolved by Nazi officials a greater feat than traveling in thetive determinations of such important The staff of the school is as fol-German Jews to their homeland - on when they refused to expel members arctic with its mountains of ice andinorganic constituents as calcium, lows: Ida Tenenbaum, principal of pri- the basis of their historic associa- who are either Jews or descendants its terrific storms. phosphorus, iron and copper. In addimary and junior departments; Dora tion with Germany, and of the Jew- of Jews. We left Seattle in early June. We tion, we ran tests to ascertain the Dolgoff, Gertrude Orach, Grace Dan- ish share in the glorious defence of took the inside passage along the susceptibility of the Eskimo child to sky, Dorothy Silverman, Roseline Pi- the Fatherland. Alaskan coast, making short stops at tuberculosis, scarlet fever, and diphzer, Ruth Fox, Jeannette Levinson, "With such an irrevocable aim, the Ketchikan, Wrangel, Petersburg, Cor- theria. Rooms for Rent Sophie Rosenstein, Edward Brodkey, Union of Jewish Front Soldiers dova, Valdez, Latouche, Juneau, and The Eskimos are fast dying off. In and Loyal Kaplan. Rabbi Goldstein stands in definite opposition to the!Widow desire- to share lovely home Seward. At Seward we took the Alas- 1837 a terrible epidemic of smallpox London (WNS).—English friends of will teach the high school classes. demand of the World Conference to with refined couple. 2776 Webster ka railroad to Nenana, an Indian vil- started to rage for four years. It Zionism have opened a quiet but noneplace the German Jews under min- St. Phone Atlantic 4946. lage sixty miles below Fairbanks. The ipread all along the coast. Thousands theless effective and militant camority rights.'* Alaska railroad is built partly on a upon thousands of Eskimos were num- paign to defend the Jewish point of Nazis Picket Stores, The I s r a e 1 itsches Familienblait glacier. It winds along glaciers and bered among its victims. Many villages view with regard to the legislative asShooting Off Patrons ranges of high mountains, the sum- were almost completely depopulated. sembly- which the British, government mits of which are covered with snow. The smallpox epidemic was due to con- is about to establish in Palestine. London (JTA).—Nazi pickets, staAt Nenana we took the river steam- tact with the white people. The Jewish standpoint on this queser, "Nenana," and sailed down the Hardly had the Innuit, as the Eski- tion is that the proposed legislative tioned in front of Jewish shops in Tanana river for several hundred mos call themselves, begun to recuper- assembly must be rejected by the Nuremberg, threatened all -who. entermiles, until we reached the Indian vil- ate from the ravages of smallpox Jews, that they must refrain from ed, "the British Exchange News AgenThe Fresher, Finer lage of Tanana, where the Tanana when fresh misfortune fell upon participating in the elections for such cy's correspondent in Nuremberg reported. . ' river empties into the majestic Yukon. them. In 1848 an American whaling an assembly and they must decline to Flavored Butter The Nazi conference there was We sailed down the Yukon for a vessel commanded by Captatin Ross accept membership in it. that Costs No More. thousand miles. Among the many In- first passed the Bering Strait and pen- The Jewish Agency is of the opin- marked by renewed attacks on Jewish dian villages visited were Nulato and etrated into the icy fastness of the ion that if all Jews in Palestine are firms, many customers intending to trade with them having been terrorHoly Cross. The latter is the dividing Arctic Ocean.1he result of this bold on the question of the assem- ized into shopping elsewhere. line between the Indians and Eskimos. venture proved so rich that in a few united then the Palestine government A few determined women who inThe Eskimos occupy the territory to years this remote region became the bly find itself obliged to grant con- sisted on entering Jewish stores were the north and the west of Holy Cross. regular cruising ground of the entire will cessions to the Jews. Because of this faced with a barrage of abuse when Alaska has an area of almost 600 whaling fleet. belief English friends of Zionism are approaching and leaving them. thousand square miles and a popula- The inroads made by the whalers being mobilized to advance the Jewtion somewhat less than 60 thousand. upon the food supply of the Innuit in ish contentions Head Today's Shopon the assembly isOne half of the population is white. the slaughter of the whale and thesue. •- • The whites live mostly in the warmer walrus and the dreadful effects proping l i s t with southern parts. The other half of the duced on the natives by disease have High Commissioner Wauchope of Whea traveling, make population is Indian or Eskimo. There also helped considerably to cut down Palestine is determined to have elec"Harding's Butter appointments end resare about eighteen thousand Indians the population. Prior to the advent of tions for the assembly and is moving ervations . . . and teleand about twelve thousand Eskimos the white man villages containing 50 heaven and earth to have Jews and phone home often by Arabs participate. It is understood or mixed breeds. There is an increas- to 1,000 Eskimos were thickly dotted ing number of Eskimo women mar- along the entire coast. Now thes? that if Arabs and Jews boycott the LOH0 HISTAUCE ried to Russians or Americans. The same villages have a population of elections he will personally name the members of the assembly. Indians occupy the warmer parts of about 59; to 150 Eskimos. Staticm-to-Siaiion Bates Are Alaska, while the Eskimos confine The influenza of 1918 took an ex- From. Jerusalem it is learned, 40 Per Cent Lower After meanwhile, that some of the most inthemselves to arctic Alaska. tremely heavy toll in lives. At thefluential Arab leaders have decided, 8:30 P. M. For Most Distances From Holy Cross we sailed to Moun- present time it is tuberculosis that is following a secret conference in Lebtain Village, Russian Mission, Ruby, ravaging the Eskimo. In every village anon, to officially -participate in the and then to Marshall. At Marshall we we visited we found two or three in elections for membership in the asI ii O O6 <UM IHC Sip awaited the arrival of the "Eusee," a the last stacas of tuberculosis in a sembly. ••..-....small steamer belonging to the North- dying condition. The parley also adopted plans to FREE ESTIMATES ern Commercial Company. Schedules We have tested Eskimo children for protest legal and illegal Jewish im• TERMS-—•—" in Alska are run on a "WJP." basis. sueeptibility to tuberculosis. We found migration

Religions Services



Hill!! |j





Page 8—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1934 JACK W. MAKER, Attorney NOTICE OF SALE families are reprimanded by Jews. Court House The rebuke is resented. It is either Notice Is hereby given that on the 2t)th unjustified, we are told, or it should day of September, 1934, at 10 o'clock A.M., NOTICE BY rUBI-ICATION OX PETI1 TION FOB SETTLEMENT OF FINAL at 1501 Cuming street, Omnhn, Nebraska.' Miss Mollie Rubin has returned to not be uttered by Jews— an infatu- the FEKRIN VAN & STOKAGE CO. will ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT Oakland, Cal., after visiting with her ated argument which I have more sell to the highest bidder for cash, the In the County Court of Douglas County. following described articles, to satisfy its Nebraska. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Rubin, BY F. R. K. than once tried to dispose of in these lien for storage and other charges: In the Matter of the Estate of JOHN K. 429 Center street. columns. In connection with what I MUS. tOTTZK IXJFTC8 — Three barrels • FORAKER, Deceased. and contents, ironing board, floor lamp, All persons interested in said matter are ANNA PILL, SUCCOTH SERVICES have written above, however, I would pair of crutches, cot, crate, glass, 2 boxes, hereby notified that on the 12th day of Succoth, the Feast of Tabernacles, like to. remind my readers of a let- household goods, radio. • Mrs. AbeWalensky and son of MinSeptember, 1934, John W. Foraker filed a MK8. MAKY FLETCHER—Four boxes petition in said County Court, praying frnm tho N o w Vnrlr rn-rrp<znnTiA «K». J>IAKY riKTUUKK-Four begins at sundown,; Sunday, Septemneapolis are in the city this week visr o m t n e ISev. 1OTK correspond- 1household soods, 2 barrels and contents, that his final administration account filed ber 23, and will be observed at the ent iof iting with the former's parents. the Jewish Chronicle which' —*~ -" ' —*--*• -• herein be settled and allowed, and that he the Chronicle, which trunk, carton and contents, 5 bundles picbe discharged from his trust as adminisChevra B'nai Yisroel synagogue at 618 appeared in this paper on July 27, tures. FERRIN VAN & STORAGE CO., trator and that a hearing will be had on Mynster street, with appropriate ser- last, and which I trust was well W. C. Ferrin, President. said petition before said Court on the 6th day of October, 1934, and that if you fail vices, commencing at 5:30 o'clock Sun- pondered. I t was headed in part: 9-14-34-2f. to appear before said Court on the said day evening On Monday, the morning "The Group Prejudice Problem. VigoFEADEXBCKU, IIEBEB & KJLCTZXICK Oth day of October, 1934, at 9 o'clock A.M, services will begin at 8:30 o'clock and and contest said petition, the Court may Beginning next Tuesday evening, The annual B'nai BrithYom Kippur Attorneys orous Examination into Causes. Jews grant the prayer of said petition, enter a 650 Omaha National Bank Bidsdance, held Wednesday evening in. the the executive committee, chaimen, and Miss Ida Mae London, daughter of the "evening, services at 5:30 o'clock. Awake to Wider Responsibilities." decree of heirshlp, and make sucS other Bellevue apartments, was attended by vice-chairmen of the various divisions Mr. and Mrs. Sam London of Moville, On Tuesday morning, the services will The gist of the letter can be stated NOTICE B r PDBMCATION ON PETI- and further orders, allowances and decrees, as to this Court may seem proper, TION FOB SETTLEMENT OF FINAL , a large number of people. Orville Ren- of the Jewish Carnival, will meet once la., departed this week for New York start at 8:30 o'clock. as follows: "American Jewry has to the end that all matters pertaining t» ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT said estate may be finally settled and denie and his orchestra furnished music every week until the date of the car- City, where she has accepted a scholcome to appreciate that its future is In the County Court of Douglas County, for dancing. A feature on the eve- nival, : October 31, for reports from arship at Columbia university. The termined. Among the students who left this dependent upon the permanent erad- Nebraska. BRTCB CRAWFORD, ning's program were specialty num- the ^workers on the carnival. award was in the form of a Lydia week for Iowa City, to attend the Uni- ication of friction between the vari- In the Matter of the Estate of BENJAMIN 9-14-34-3t. County Judge. POLIKOV, Deceased. bers presented by .the orchestra. The meetings will be held each Roberts scholarship, worth approxi- versity of Iowa, where the Messrs. ous groups in the larger American All persons interested in said matter ore BEBER & KLCTZNICK, hereby notified that on the 4th day of Sep- FRADENBCKG, Attorneys. Frank Margolin was. chairman of Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock in the mately $1,000, and includes a year of Yale Meyerson, Collman Yudelson, .There is a feeling that the life. 1034, Joseph B. Fradenburg filed arrangements. Assisting him were Mil- Jewish Community Center. Reports on study a t Columbia university and Robert Rosenfeld, Jack Gordon, Ber- Jew must get down to the root of tember, 630 Omaha National Bank Bldg. a petition In said County Court, praying nard Balaban, and Donald Rosenfeld. the question. He must do his share that his final administration account filed ton Bolsteiri, Leon ;Dobrofsky, Lester the progress of the committees will transportation to New York City* NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF herein be settled and allowed, and that he DISTRIBUTORS, INC." Davidson, Edwin W. Baron and Dr. be made at these meetings, ana plans Miss London graduated last June in effecting a permanent solution of be discharged; from .his trust as adminis- -"FONTEiELLE Notice is hereby given that the L. J. Dimsdale. Miss Rose Mendelson left Thursday the problem of anti-Semitism. In trator aucl tnat a Hearing willfiennfl on signed have formed a corporation underfor.the carnival will be furthered. from the University of Iowa, where vMvt said petition before said Court on the 29th for Des Moines, la., to attend Drake short, the Jews (of America) are day of September, 1934, and that if you the laws of the State or Nebraska. The Mr. J. M. N. Goldsmith is the gen- she received a Phi Beta Kappa key. fail to appear before said Court on the name of the corporation shall be Fonteuniversity. eral chairman for the carnival, which coming to realize that the question said 29th day of September, 1934, at 9 nelle Distributors, Inc. with principal place of business nt Omaha, Nebraska. will'be :held in the City Auditorium A. M., and contest said petition, The of eradicating anti-Semitism is not o'clock general nature of the business to b« Court may grant the D E ne Pprayer of said transacted shall be to buy and sell at Jack Rosenfeld left Sunday for one exclusively for Christians. The ' the on October 31. petition,r"en™eY_a enter a™ecree decree of of hSrship, heirship, "and and wholesale and retail, live and tires Bed poul^titJo°n Ames, la., to attend the Iowa State Jews also have a responsibility." make such other and further orders, allow- try, butter, eggs and dairy products of all ances and decrees, ns to this Court may Succoth services will be held Sun- college. and descriptions; to dress and store Surely we have here the whole bur- seem proper, to the end that all matters kinds poultry; to buy, sell, lease, own, acquire ' . M r . J . M. N. Goldsmith was reday evening, September 23, at Shaare 1 m a y na den of what I have just ventured in) JjJ^^'Iffa^JL^iJffi* " ^ " " y and/or encumber real, personal property, settled and determined. elected president of the Ivre Club at Zion synagogue at 6:30 o'clockMiss Sarah Solomonow is visiting this article to say. and to do nil things necessary or proper BRTCE CRAWFORD, Opening what is expected t o b e t h e to effect the purposes and objects for •their annual election, held Monday Monday morning the service will be- in St. Louis, Mo., at the home of her County Judge. In a word, we must stand up which this corporation is created. The evening a t the Jewish "Community most successful year in t h e history of gin at 8:30" o'clock, and Rabbi Rab- fiance's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. authorized capital stock Bhall be $5,000 our rights, but do so in a sane spirit, of the paid stock shall be common Center. Mr. Mike Grueskin was elect- the local chapter, A . Z. A . N o . 12 held inowltz will' speak on the subject Rudner. FRADENBURG, BEBER & KX/UTZNICK, andd all ' th par value l off $100 per h tolerant of others' feelings—and and off the share Attorneys. ed vice president; Eli Robinow,.treas- its annual pre-Labor D a y dance a t "Have We the Right to Rejoice?" Att shall be fully paid up and non-ns650 Omaha National Bank Bldg. those others, the majority. After all, I and ' the Shore Acre Gardens, September sessable. It shall commence business upurer, and Sam Davidson, secretary. n Tuesday morning the service will beMiss Mae Cornbleth of Los Angeles, any Englishman has a perfict right TO ALL CREDITORS AND STOv.**STOCK- •o-,?M'nu of its the County , —--;• _-, articles —----- with . Flans for the coming year were out- 2. Orville Rennies' orchestra provided gin at the same hour and Rabbi Rab- Cal., will leave Sunday for her home OF THE JETTER BREW- sClerk n a 1 1 of Douglas County, Nebraska, and to squander his substance, run into HOLDERS ING COMPANY. INC., Debtor. lined and plans were begun for an the music f o r t h e large group of inowitz will speak on the subject "A after spending 'the summer months T n e continue for a period of fifty years. debt, throw away his livelihood and Notice is hereby given that pursuant to nigbest amount of indebtedness shall elaborate New Year party to be given local and out-of-town guests. Protest Against Standstill." here visiting at the home of her uncle follow Bernard Shaw into the last an order made and entered by the Hon- ! P°t exceed two-thirds of its capital stock. but this shall not include inA report given a t t h e first regular by the club. The regular Sunday School sessions and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Abe Rosen- axiom of the Shavian philosophy.! United States District Court for the Dis- debtednessrestriction secured by mortgages or Hens. The affairs shall be managed by a Board The election was followed by a meeting of t h e chapter showed the will be resumed Sunday morning. Over berg. Miss Cornbleth has been exten" dance t o have been equally a s success- 100 children are registered in the But he does not do ail-perhaps he| « * , £ *£«££• a°nd <*&**£ yf/ are; Tofn e~" ' smoker at the Community Center. sively entertained during her visit. the first does none of these t h i n g s i f h e . required to file with the undersigned, as ! c annual meeting shall be on th ful from t h e financial a s well as social schooL The entire graduating class of ,.. , . . . i t ir Enecial mnstpr vonr riitm mrmriKt thp Monday in January of each yearwhich at thinks they a r e injurious t o himself j above named debtor. against the m e e t t n ^ the_ stockholders shall -' elect a standpoint. A t this meeting, held a t last year has returned this year for Among those who motored to Des and others. H e surely does n o t do! On your failure to file said claim with Board of Directors, and (hereupon the the Jewish Community Center, t h e post graduate work in the Sunday e Board shall elect a President, Vice-PresiMoines, la., on Sunday, to attend a thorn in<5t f o r thp sake of Showine !£ .undersigned. Herman Aye, Special dent, nnd Treasurer. Any two chapter pledged i t s co-operation t o t h e School. They will study under Miss t h e m j u s t l o r m e s a s e o i Mowing, Master, within three months from the date of saidSecretary offices may be held by one and dinner party given by Mr. and Mrs. w h a t a thoroughly free m a n h e is.I of this order all claims and demands Jewish Carnival, after hearing details Ida Heshelow. . the same person. These articles may be E. Bookey in honor of their son, Marour amended nt any regular or special meeting SO I s a y l e t US h e foreTer barred Miss Sulamith Bereskin, daughter of t h e drive explained b y M a x ZeligA succah for the holidays has been vin Bookey, and his fiancee, Miss Marof the stockholders by two-thirds vote of D solving the Jewish question. Let us this 3ist day ofi August, 1934. in Dated the outstanding stock. of Mr. and Mrs. M. Bereskin, has been son, chairman of t h e A . Z. A . section erected in the synagogue. The succah i a n Scharf, of Council Bluffs, were HERMAN AYK, ( IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties named editor of the Collegian Report- of t h e carnival, and Miss Dena Baron, is the gift of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Sher- Miss Scharf and her parents, Mr. and see not merely that the non-Jew un-j9.21.34.2t. have hereunto subscribed their names thii Special Master. 18th day of September. W34. er, the newspaper edited by Morning- superintendent of t h e Jewish, Federa- man. The first meeting of the Oneg Mrs. Joe Scharf, and Mrs. Herman derstands us, but that we give him DAVID KArLAN, no cause to misunderstand us. The FKADENBlKd, BEBER & KLUTZNICK side colle'ge. Miss Bereskin is a senior tion. HAROLD W. NELSON, Shabbos group, which is scheduled for Marowitz of Council Bluffs, and Mr. time has come not only to ask the Attorneys MAX FOX. One of t h e largest meetings in point September 29, will be held in the suc650 Omaha National Bank Bias. a t Momingside, and taking a liberal and Mrs. Hymie Milder of Omaha. In the presence of R. J. HOLDSBERG. nations to perform their duty in the of attendance and enthusiasm w a s cah, with the members of the Auxa r t s course. - •-•• ' - • 0-21-34-4t. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF solving of our difficulties, but to do held September 1 2 , when speeches iliary acting as hostesses. DOUGLAS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Mrs. Leo Meyerson left Tuesday for our bit, by our own behaviour, to FKADKNBITKG, BEHKR & KtCTZIflCK, were made by t h e various members Attorneys. Docket S04 No. 155 St. Joseph, Mo., to spend the week vis- help them. There will have to be and Aleph Godol Rudolph Shindler, t o 850 Omaha National Bank Bldg. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE iting her parents. some hard constructive thinking make Chapter N o . 12 t h e outstanding NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF among us along these lines one day i In the Matter of the Application of SAItAH "OMAHA MARKET, INC." The Junior Poale Zion organization chapter in t h e United States. ImmeKOLAKOFSKY and MORRIS LEVEY, Notice is hereby Riven that the underMrs. L. V/olf arid Mrs.. Nate Ven- —and soon! met last rSunday -afternoon- at the diate plans were made and commitAiministrators of the Estate of ISRAEL signed have formed a corporation under With a marked spirit of fellowship hbff of Chicago are visiting relatives KULAKOFSKY, deceased, for license to the laws of the Stutp of Nebraska. Th« from London Jewish (Reprinted home of Miss -Alice - Novinsky." The tees appointed t o plan t h e work for sell real estate. and willingness to co-operate, mem- in Omaha "and Council Bluffs. They name of the corporation phnll be Omaha Chronicle.) program included current events by the year. Now on this 25th day of August, 1934, Market, Inc. with principal place of busijbers of the Ambrican club assembled are the house guests of their brotherthis cause came on for hearing upon the ness at Omaha. Nebraska. The general Rueben Ratner;. poems, by Rebecca The list of committees and their r e - at the opening meeting of the fall petition of Sarah Knlakofsfcy and Morris nature of the business to be transacted in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Austrians Win Medals Stillman, and. a lecture .on "The jln- spective chairmen are a s follows: Levey, administrators of the estate of Is- shall be to buy nnd sell nt retail and season, Sunday afternoon, at the Jew- Seldiri. rael Kulakofsky, deceased, for a license to wholesale commodities of nil kinds and trbduction to Jewish History," by Mr. Cultural, Albert Herzoff; Religious, Frankfort-am-Main—Four Jewish'i sell the following described real estate sit- nature nnd particularly meats, groceries, Abe "Stillman. This lecture inaugu- Max Maron; Social Service, Marvin ish Community Center. Many memartisans have been awarded silver uated in Omaha, Douglas County, Nebras- food products, fruits nnd vegetables; to bers were present and a regular meetka, to-wit: • Miss Frances Long of Chicago left buy. sell, lease, own. acquire and/or en: rated'a course of study iii Jewish his- Beechem; Athletic, Sid Baumstein; medah for excellent craft work in An undivided 1/3 interest in and to cumber real anil personal property, an<I Sunday for her jhome, following a decoration and tapestry at the ex- the tory to be' sponsored by the "Junior Social, Norman Satin and Fred H e r - ing was held. sooth 1/2 of Lot C in Block 1. to ilo all things neressnry or proper t» Max Zeligson, advisor of the club, month's visit at the home of her couKonntze's Fourth Addition to the City effect the purposes for 1which this corFoale Zion. Anyone interested in the zoff, co-chairmen; Scouting, Rudolph position of the Guild of Decorators of Omaha, as surveyed, platted and reporation is or:r:>iii:'.0(l. '''i" ivihnrisied capT expressed his optimistic views on the sin, Miss Helen' Gfttle. }i ' course may get further particulars by Shindler; Membership, Max Levine. A and Tapestry workers held here. corded ; ital stock shall be $30,000.00 nnd all of club's future. Encouraged by the fact said stock shall l>e common nnd of the The North 1/2 of the East 13D feet -4*1calling a member of the club. The four Jewish master craftsmen of Lot 7 in Block 1, Kountze's Fourth new committee on t h e revival of H e - that over thirty boys are active mempar value of ?100.00 per sluire nnd Shall be fully pnid-tip imd non-ass**SBnble. It have been -working' at their craft for Addition to the City of Omaha, as surThe program next Sunday afternoon brew -will b e headed b y Earl Himobers of the group, the club has a defslmll commence business upon filing of its veyed, platted and recorded; over twenty-five years. will be based on the life of Syrkin, witz, w h o recently moved here from An undivided 1/2 interest in and to articles with the County Clerk of Douginite plan outlined, for the year and the South SO feet of Lots 1 and 'J in Ins County, Nebraska, anil shall continue one of the founders of the Poale Zion Vermillion, S. D . The degree team will will begin its season with an interfor a period of fifty years. The highest Block 5, Kountze'8 and Ruth's Addiorganization* SHOTWELL. MONSKY, GRODINSKY & amount of indebtedness shall not exceed tion to the City of Omaha, as surbe headed by Max Maron. club basket ball tournament. "VANCE, and HARRY B. COHEN two-thirds of its capital srock, but thi« veyed, platted and recorded; The m a n y . n e w pledges were introAttorneys An undivided 1/2 interest in and to restriction shall not include indebtedness 127 Omaha National Bank Uuildinj secured by mortpnFres or HenK. The af(Continued from Page 1) the West 19 feet in width of Lot 3 and duced t o t h e members at this meetfairs slmll be managed l>y n Board ot all of Lot 4 in Block S) in the City of ing and' preparations were started f o r NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF Directors, of n«t ICRS Hint* two" members. Omahn, as surveyed nncl lithoj^mplipd; "Jewish misfortunes arise from besKRASNE MILLINERY, INC. The annual meeting plinll be on the first Lot C in Ashland Place, nn addition their probation and initiation activiMonday of Juntinry of ench year at whicll to the City of Omaha, ns surveyed. tial intolerance. Let the nations crush Notice is hereby given that the nnaexDr. Theodore N. Lewis will speak ties. •' ' ••••:..•• ' meeting the stockholders shall elect a signed have formed a corporation under platted and recorded, Itonrd of Directors, n'.d thereupon the "Hitler! Leon Dobrofsky, advisor o f the the name KRASNE MILLINERY, INC., existing incumbrances, toforallthe purposehens of nnd paying the Board shnll plect. n President. Vice-Preslwith its of principal place of business in ! subject will be! chapter, complimented t h e boys on dent. Secretary and Treasurer. Any tw» The corporation shall have au- debts, court costs and expenses of the adThey pay no heed to the almost in- Omaha. said offices mny be hold by one and thority to manufacture, buy, sell and gen- ministration of the estate of Israel Kn- of their dance and successful meeting, based on a recent book by the same the snme pprson. These articles may be evitable difficulties bred for certain erally deal in millinery, feathers, ribbons, lakofsky, deceased, nnd it appearing to the and also issued an invitation to the; title, which was written by Ernest types of mind and character by a ra- hats, hosiery, notions, articles of wearing Court that it is necessary that said real amended at nny regular or special meetin of the stockholders by two-thirds "vote "of members to attend the annual B'nai Henri, a European newspaper corres- cial minority claiming all the privi-i apparel, artificial flowers and other mil- estate be sold for the purpose of paying the outstanding stock. linery specialties and all other articles of j the said debts and expenses of administrapondent. Brith Yom Kippur dance. tion; a kindred nature, and to handle such real ••--• IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties IT IS THEREFORE ORDKRED thnt all have hereunto subscribed their names thi« New pupils may register in the Re- \*S*3 o f citizenship whue maintain- or personal property as may be required. The meeting was concluded with y F * 6 mg ing a a separate separate individuality individuality. They They The corporation shall hare power to bor- persons interested In feaid estate appear ISth day of September, 1034. the closing ceremonies and announce- ligious School next Sunday morning, do not admit that, while it is right row money and execute and deliver evi- before the undersigned, a Judge of the MORTON WITITEBOOK, dences of indebtedness therefor and to do Pistrict Court in and for Douglas County, FRED EI.TKAN. '. ment'thateacK committee would meet j at 9:30 o'clock. Regular Sunday to stand erect and uncompromising any and all other things necessary to carry Nebraska, in Court Eoom No. 7 in the In the presence of R. J. HOLDSBERG. . individually with its chairman, at the j School sessions will be held from 9:30 for citizen rights, it may riot always out the objects of the corporation. The au- Douglas County Court lloiiso in the City 9-21-34-4t. thorized capital stock is $10,000.00, all com- of Omaha on the 10th day of October, 1934, time appointed b y t h e executive com- t o 12. at O 9 o'clock A. M. to phew cause if nnd be advisable to assert those lights to uion. par value 5100.00, being fully paid at services will be held at issued and non-asaessable. The high- why a license should not be granted to the mittee; •';•' : ' • • ' • ; T '"; the uttermost and at no matter what when est indebtedness shall not exceed two- said administrators to sell said real estate Mount Sinai Temple Sunday evening, cost, even to themselves. Let me thirds of the capital. The corporation shall for the purpose of; paying said debts-awl September 23, at 8 o'clock. Dr. Lewis give an example.' The other day a commence business upon the subscription expense^ of administration of the estate of of $1,000.00 of capital stock and when the Israel Knlakof^ky.deccnse.1.Recognized as will speak on "Israel in Booths." Jewish friend of mine complained to Articles are filed with the County Clerk of IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that this Douglas County. Nebraska, and shall con' order to show cause shall bi> published fox PR UT1CAL MOHEL me" of what was going on in a street tlnue until January 31, 2035. The nffairs |four successive weeks in the Jewish Press, newspaper_pu»>lishcd 111 the City of in North London, the street in which shall be administered by a Board of Di- i aa 'eRnl 'eRnl newspapr_p Phone 1059 t t less l than th two t nor more t h Oh D l C t Nbk off not than Mr. and Mrs. Sam Plotkin, 1612 he lives. Gradually, with one or two rectors BT THE COURT Ncbrasktu five in number. The stockholders shall Omaha, Douglas County Conncil-Blnffs, Is. W. G. HASTINGS, Myrtle street, announce the engageexceptions, that quiet residential cor- elect Directors at the annual meeting to Judge. S-Sl-34-4t. The Pioneer club will hold a card be held the first Monday in August of each ment . and approaching marriage of ner of suburbia has become solidly year. Thereafter directors shall elect offi.daughter, Miss Ida Plotkin, to' party September 27, in the Jewish Jewish. The Jewish housewives hanj cers, viz., President, Yice-Presiilent, Secre1934 WORLD'S FAIR jtheir and Treasurer. The articles may be Leonard'Hall,:.1011"Thirteenth street*i Community Center. Admission will be their washing in their gardens to dry tary amended. The corporation may have a seal. The old North Church, Mount son of Mr. and {Mrs. Morris Hall.~Both 25 cents per person. Refreshments on Sunday, to the annoyance of the Dated August 21, 1934. ALI'.ERT KRASNE . Vemon, the House of Seven are Central' High school graduates. will be served and prizes awarded. Gentile neighbors who remain. Vans H. MARQUARDT Gables and many' other Their wedding date has not been set. Those wishing to attend.may make draw up on the Christian Sabbath to 8-31-34-41. reservations by phoning Mrs. N. Elkin load goods stored in one of two of historic landmarks have put SAMUEL ZACHARIA, Attorney or Mrs. O. Gordon, who are co-chair- the houses, and cart them off to out their latch strings for you 768 Brandels Theatre Bid?. Miss Frances Homowitz of Los An- men for this event. in the Colonial Village. And premises elsewhere. - Name plates on geles, Cal., was the charming inspiraPROBATE NOTICE the railings of several houses blat- In the Matter at the Morrison you will find of the Estate of JENNY i tion for two parties this week. antly advertise the callings of the LaBOSCHIN, Deceased. . j the.same brand. of. old-fashSunday afternoon, Miss Mary RozHlOmbeTQ Declares Notice is hereby that the creditors ; tenants; and when, at the instance of of the said deceasedgiven ioned hospitality. That's the will meet'the admin,ofsky entertained twelve friends at a a kindly—disposed non-Jewish resi- istratrix of said estate, before me. County ; reason this hotel .is so popbridge complimenting Miss Homowitz. of Douglas County, Nebraska, at the j dent of the street, my friend pleaded Judge fOf ular with visitors to Chicago. County Court Room, in said County, on A buffet supper concluded the afterwith a Jewish householder to try and the 5th day of November, 1934. and on the noon.. . . :. . • Home of Terrace Garden New York (WNS).—Baron William stop "a" number of Jewish boys using Oth Cay of January, 1935, at 9 o'clock A.M.,: • each day, for the purpose of presenting I Monday, Misses .Sybil and Bluma T. Frary von Blomberg, adopted son the pillar-box as a wicket and raising their claims for examination, adjustment t • Boston Oyster House 'Merlin entertained at an evening of of Baroness Adelheid'M. von Bloma regular racket, he was curtly told and allowance. Three mouths are allowed , Abridge as a courtesy to. Miss.Homo- berg, first cousin of General Werner for the creditors to present their claims, to mind his own business: I suppose from the 5th day of October, 1934. ;." witz. The party, was given in the von Blomberg, Hitler's minister of deBR1CE CRAWFORD. that the man.who carts goods from Sioux tearoom. A late lunch concluded fense, and fifth cousin of the ex-KaiCounty Judge. At Prices *on Will his "house on Sundays, the women 9-14-34-3t. t h e e v e n i n g . •--.'• " . -''[... ser, found that the backbone of Ger- who hang their washing in the garWanttoPay ABRAHAMS & O'CONVOU, Attorneys I Miss Homowitz was a guest at the man economic life has been broken by 400 Brandeis Theatre Bids. dens on that day, the gentlemen who home of her cousin, Miss Rozofsky. the worldwide boycott. • advertise their trade and commercialKOT1CE OF SHERIFF'S SALE I The baron, who is a New England ise the street;, and the father who In the District Court ot Douglas County, ; Mr. and Mrs. E . N. Grueskin will Irish-born American and secretary of told my friend to mind his own busi- Nebraska By virtue of an order of sale (on attach- i • entertain'twenty guests at a party to- a pacifist organization, has just rement) issued out of the District Court of -morrow evening in the Martin hotel. turned from a month's visit to Ger- ness a n d t h a t h i s boy Should play Douglas County. Nebraska, and In pursu-! .-, " ..-T ../ ^ - n o , w !f nh«> ance of a decree of said Court in nn action I cricket With t h e pillar-DOX u e therein indexed at Appearance Docket Norn- ; many where het met Hitler. Members of the Alpha Gamma E p wanted, were all exercising g thexr ^ ^ N - t m l ^ a N » t » ^ « S n « * S » ^ i .silon sorority will hold a rush tea on rights as citizens. But, as members wherein ROSE GOLDNER, is plaintiff, and VFOLK, et. al., are defendants, 1 ; VABU KIEKES Sunday afternoon in the Sioux apartof a minority, was it proper, in the CKLIA will nt 10:00 o'clock A. M., on Tuesday the j ; m e n W Prospective members of the process, to affront the feelings of 2nd day of October. 1934, at the Enst front ; door of the Douglas County Court House ! •sorority will be guests. Miss Bluma lion-Jewish neighbors? And was i t in the City of Omaha, Douglas County. Nebraska sell nt public auction to the ^Olensky is in charge of the arrangewise in their own interests? Clearly, highest bidder for cash, the following dements. ••'. . Berlin (JTA).—All central Jewish it is not true that Jewish misfor- scribed property, to-wit: i North forty (40) feet of West ninety- i 1 The sorority met with. Miss Rozena organizations in Germany, Zionist and tnues arise only from bestial intoler(00) feet of Lot Twenty-seven (27) nnd Sacks last Friday evening, when plans non-Zionist, last week issued a joint ance, and that all that Jews have to IF YOU DWVEli. .We park your ear. 815 NORTH 18TH ST. AT. 4550 South five (3) feet of West ninety (00) feet of Lot Twenty-eight (2S), Block Standard rates. No other charges. for the tea were completed. appeal to the German Jewish popula- do it to "sit pretty," as the Ameri- Three (3) in Hawthorne, an Addition LEONARD H\CK$, Managing Dirtctor tion calling for the utmost sacrifices can saying has it, and allow the var- to the City of Omaha, as surveyed, platted-and recorded in Douglas CounMr. and Mrs. Nathan Kaplan and in securing the Jewish future in Ger- ious governments to stamp out the ty. Nebraska, children, and Mr. Martin Kaufman of many and in order to help the up- anti-Semitism spirit. The Jewish to satisfy the liens and Incnmbrances therein s«>t forth: to satisfy the sum of problem i s not solely for govern- $15.60 Whiting, Ind., spent the holidays in building of Palestine. costs and the increased mid accrning costs, nil as provided by ssid. order "The Jewish community in Germany ments. Jews have their own share to Sioux City with relatives. | ^ i : h feral s 5 and decree. - • - . . . ' must not be left without a future and take. Dated at Omaha, Nebraska, this 23rd day The same attitude, of masterly m- of-August, 1034. Mrs. Joe Kaiman and son, Robert the Jewish institutions in Germany C H I G A .G O C D. McDONALD. Sheriff, am referring, Bernard, of Villisca, la., and Mrs. Ben [working for young and old/ must not activity, t o , which I Donjrlns Comitv. Neb-niskn. Phone HArney 1226 Farnam at Thiriy-third Jawlsh 5.31 .;> Chasen of Syracuse, Neb., are visit- perish," the message said. ' finds expression wwhenever f ing^with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kaplan.


Council Bluffs News



Columbia University


Shaare Zion

A. Z. A.

Named as Editor of College Paper

Jr. Poale Zion


Amorian Club


Mount Sinai

Rev. A. Diamond

Pioneer Club


Boycott Effective

U.S.'Tempered" Rubber Tires

—- - - • — ..—-i-v

Sacrifice for Palestine, Reich Appeal Requests




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