Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism
In the Interests of the Jewish People
.Entered as Second Class Mall Matter on Jonunr 1'ostoffice of Omaha, Nebraska, under the Acts
19a, at ' ch 3. 1879
Table Will FIVE NUMBERS ON Plan Developmen\^pjf Junior Round Open Activities JEWISH 1 O T R E Work, Educational%%ctivities Tuesday The Round Table of Jewish Youth, of representatives of the vaSERIFS PROGRAM at Local Gommuri%\ Center composed rious Jewish youth organizations in the city, will usher in its year of ac-
Vol. X—No. 35
On the Conference Agenda
Noted Speakers to Lead Discussions at Federation Conclave
What do American Jews think and do about the tragic situation sf German and other European and about the future of Paltivity with its opening meeting Tues- Address by Dr. Victor E. Levirie Jewry sstine ? day evening, October 2, at 8 p.m. at To Inaugurate How shall we develop and mainRuth Allen Is New the Jewish Community Center. Rabbi Series tain adequate standards for the Rubinow, Rabinoff, Isserman and Gordon Head David H. Wice is in charge of the Education Director Round care of Jewish dependent families; A program of five events has been Table activities. Program for Conference In Omaha for the care of the aged and dearranged for the second annual preThis year an extended program is pendent Jewish children? October 6 and 7 planned, and will include interclub de- sentation of the Jewish Lecture seShould more thought and funds An intensified educational prories, sponsored by the Junior' Vaad bates, oratorical contests, cultural 3e given to those activities (JewA program of outstanding merit the neighboring communities are exgram will be stressed at the Jewish ) : programs, and several major social organizations. • ish Centers and Jewish education is rapidly taking shape for the pected to attend the conclave. Community Center this icoming seaThe first lecture on the series will events. movements) which represent fun- Plains-States Regional conference of Many of the prominent leaders son, -with . particular emphasis on The Round Table, in addition to be an address by Dr. Victor E. Le- damental Jewish interests and Jewish Community Centers and Welfrom the various cities will arrive Jewish content and the development vine, of the. Creightan University promoting the various activities of the which depend for their survival on fare Federations, which •will be held here early in time for an executive of junior groups. Hi. junior groups, serves as a common Medical School,, on his Alaskan "Ex- Jewish money? at the Omaha Community Center meeting Saturday evening. - To aid in carrying out this promeeting ground for the exchange of periences. Dr. Levine STeturned last Saturday evening and all day SunHow does the Jewish Federation •week from an expedition to • study gram, two appointments have been ideas and problems. Opening Session the medical status of; the Eskimo. meet these vital problems of our day, October 6 and 7. announced this week. Eabbi David H. Dr. Rubinow will speak at the day? . The nationally-known speakers The date for the opening lecture is "VYice has accepted the chairmanship What communal activities and who will address the sessions in- opening session on Saturday evening, November 21. ' ; of the committee on clubs and October 6, his subject being "Comprograms are essential in the elude: classes, and Miss Ruth Allen of DenThe other numbers:i" munal Organization and Jewish ver, Colo., has been named educaA lecture on "Dynamic Religion" smaller Jewish communities? How Dr. I. M. Rubinow, of Cincinnati. Leadership." He will be introduced ran we help each other maintain tional director. by Dr..Moses Jung of fiie University. liese activities ? executive head oi the ITnai Brith,! by Henry Monsky. 3 The announcements -were, made by A Goldie Myerson dub, named In of Iowa. outstanding social worker and au-1 * Following- the address, a reception These are among the questions Two addresses by Rajjjbi Uri Miller Jack Marer, chairman of the Center honor of the noted leader of the Piwhich will be discussed, and an ef- thor of the popular book, "Quest for Iw i l l b e h e l d f o r t h e delegates, with —"The Scapegoat of "ifarope," based committee, who declared that with oneer Women in the Holy Land and the Omaha community as hosts. fort made to answer, by outstand- Security." an adequate and efficient staff, the the Palestinian workers, has been on Rabbi Miller's observations, dur- ing national figures, at the PlainsGeorge W. Rabinoff, of New York, Federal problems will be discussed ing his trip through-i Europe last educational activities at the Center organized in Omaha. executive director of the National at the Sunday morning session. A States Regional conference to be summer; and "Is Palestine the Solu•will be stimulated and strengthened. Mrs. S. Friedel was elected presiCouncil of Jewish Federations an-1 paper will be presented by Miss based held in Omaha, October 6 and 7, Welfare An active, capable committee is dent at the first meeting. Other of- tion to Israel's Problems?" Funds. : | Blanche Renard, executive director at the J. C. C. being organized to work with Eabbi ficers: Mrs. M. Goldberg, vice-presi- on his . observations in Palestine. RabW Ferdinand M. Isserman of; o f t h e J e w i s h Federation of St. A symposium on the Jewish scene Wice in building up activities for the St. Louis, who has just returned Louis. dent; Mrs. M. Levy, secretary; Mrs. young- people. In this respect Jacob from a summer spent in Germany P. Smith, treasurer; Mrs. S. Lansky, today. Rabbi. David A. Goldstein Another session Sunday morning will discuss the Jewish scene from Miss Ruth Allen. " S. Pearlstein," executive director, and Palestine. publicity. will be devoted to consideration of said: "It is sad to admit that our Dr. George J. Gordon, of Minnea- family welfare programs in an era The organization was. formed un- the point of view of "Palestine"; Center has been woefully lacking in programs. "Our policy," declared der the auspices and with the coop- Rabbi David H. Wice, "Anti-Semipolis, leader in Jewish education and of transition, with particular emthe junior club division, which is one Rabbi Wice, "is to encourage the de- eration of the Omaha Pioneer Wo- tism"; and Rabbi Uri Miller, "Jewdirector of the Minneapolis Talmud phasis on functional fields as emish Education." of the most essential elements in a velopment of the individual club, men. Torah, ployment, vocational guidance, child All lectures will be? held at the Jewish Community Center program. with respect to both its educational The, purpose of the formation of care, the aged. George W. Eabinoff Over two hundred delegates from I am confident that now we have and its cultural program." The the organization was given as "feel- B'nai Israel' synagogue, ISth and 1 will lead this discussion. An educational series of ten leca golden opportunity to bridge this groups will be given a greater op- ing the need among a number of Chicago. - • . • • \ 1 The business session of the contures, featuring Jewish subjects, wi ! gap in our program." portunity for self-expression, while English-speaking Jewish women in clave will be held Sunday noon. be held by the Progressive Hebrew Under Eabbi Wice there will be a co-operating more fully with the Omaha, for the organization of a Ukrainian Peasants Jewish education will be discussed Club. . . . ; . . . Sunday afternoon, with Dr. Gordon close supervision of the junior or- other groups. Zionist body through which they The addresses will be given once leading. Another session will be deganizations as. well as aid in helping The Round Table of Jewish Youth, could express their desire to co-op- Seek Conversion a month at meeting's of the organivoted to a discussion of the Comthem develop their own individual organized last year to embrace all erate in the upbuilding of .Palestine." to Judaism zation, with the public invited. munity Center as a morale-building junior organizations, will again be Meetings are to be held weekly. It Warsaw (WNS)—The Warsaw rab- The first of the series will be an influence. fostered, and its program extended. is planned to invite leading members binate has before it the request of ten address by Rabbi Uri Miller ner.t Dinner Meeting. Also, the Center" players is being of the Omaha Jewish community to Ukrainian peasants from the town of Wednesday evening, October S, at conference will conclude with re-organized, and it is hoped that a speak at each meeting. Koretz who want to become converted 8 p. m. at the J. C. C. Rabbi Miller National Membership Drive Also • The dinner meeting Sunday evening. series of plays will be presented a te Judaism. The Ukrainians first ap- will speak on his trip to Europe and Rabbi Isserman will discuss the presduring the season. . Mrs. Warburg Gives $5,000 on Agenda for Meeting proached the Jewish National Fund Palestine this summer. ent status of world Jewry, with parTSevr Educational Director to Hospital : : bureau in Koretz with A request that J. Riklin, president of the ProgresTuesday ticular emphasis or. anti-Semitic Miss . Allen, the new" educational they be accepted into the Jewish fold, sive Hebrew club, will open tha movements. He will be introduced by director, is a graduate of Denver New York—Mrs. Felix , M. War- taught Final plans for Omaha's contribu- William L. Holeman, president of the Yiddish and Jewish history and meeting. Hyman Goodbinder will "be burg has contributed $5,000 to the university. After . obtaining. her The Sachar Institute,- which-was bachelor of\ arts degree, : she^did building fund of the Rothschild-Ha- given J.N.F. boxes to keep in their chairman. Harry DoBoff will "render tion to the national membership Omaha Federation, which is host. to ~ vocal selections. Sam " Clayman wfll campaign of the B'nai Brith as well the conference. ;, - ." : • •> made an annual event-in Omaha foH graduate work at the same institu- dassah-University hospital in Jerusa- h o m e s . • • . „ • . .speak cm_ the. purpose., of the xluh. A .as .the program for the fiftieth anlem, -which TirilL he "the first medical The apparent sinpexj^jLofJke.would* lowing "Its^spectaculaT" success last tion, majorliig- in sociology'and 'eduFamily ^welfare agencies will hold center and graduate school of medi- "be Jews prompted the^.N.F. officials one-act play will be presented by the niversary of the local lodge will be a submeeting, it is planned. Jacob S. year, will be conducted this year on cation. discussed at the opening meeting of Pearlstieii,. executive director tot till! to forward the request to Warsaw. Jewish dramatic society. October ?6#i27 and 28. The week-end Miss Allen taught social science cine in Palestine. the . season for the Omaha . B'nai Omaha Federation, said: "1 am hopeseries of five" lectures to be deliv- and English in the junior nigh Brith Tuesday evening, at S p. m., ful of having at some time during" eicd by Dr. Abram Leon Sachar will school, .Denver. Before coming toj at the J. C. C. the conference a meeting of the exOmaha, she was -connected with the The national membership campaign ecutives of family welfate agencies Guldman Community Center in Denis dedicated to Hon. Alfred M. Co- to discuss from a professional and-ver for two years as .club director. hen, president of the order, and is technical viewpoint the-problems of.-. in celebration of his seventy-fifth case work and birthday. The goal over the entire family the federal relief problem as it country has been set at 75,000 new a£Tects Jewish family welfare agencies." Those expected to attend this meeting include Charles Cooper, diBy DEMOCRAT, Seven Arts Correspondent Joseph Salmark ol New .York in his rector of the family welfare associasyndicated "Review of the Jewish little is heard from Vienna these til late at night the shop is sibilant ish workers who fought on the side tion in Minneapolis; Margaret NewWeek," writes concerning the Nazi days and the impression gains with whisperings, except when the of the. people. ". ... nreyer, director of the Jewish. Social press .and the. Hauptmann detention ground that Austria has escaped entrance of an "outsider" brings on a Not long ago the Floridsdorf Service Bureau of St. Louis; Helen in the Lindbergh kidnaping case: the Nazi danger. The Seven Arts momentary dead silence. Grodinsky, Jewish ' Welfare AssociaSchutzbundleaders were haled into "Nazi censorship in Germany is so correspondent in Vienna believes tion of St. Paul; Mrs. S. Weinstock, In other words, the Nazi efforts to court; accused of being ringleaders of confident of its ability to control that a new putsch is being presuperintendent of. the Federated Jewthis radical group were one Kubaczek undermine the Austrian government— news that it does not hesitate to pared. In this letter from Vienna ish Charities of .Moines; Mr3.. and a Jew by the name of Montag. efforts directed from Munich and, inpropagandize the wildest lies. "The he gives us his observations gathHenry Cohen, Jewish Educational InChief witness for the prosecution was truth shall not pass" is the slogan ered while walking about in the cap- recent weeks, from the Yugoslavian a frantic Nazi officer who testified stitute of Kansas City; Miss Cathemigration center at MaTburg — are of the Goebbels*. outfit. When a one ital of the former Hapsburg domain. erine Cauman, Jewish Aid_ Society that it was Montag who had - issued hundred per cent Aryan Haupimann This article is exclusively written continuing now as before. of Denver; and professional staffs of orders to the others. As this Nazi left Most of the more than 3,000 Socialis charged with the kidnaping of for the Seven Arts Syndicate. Reother communities participating- i*» the court he was heard to mutter: ists and Communists who were arLindbergh's baby, the German press production is prohibited. the conference. Tested on" or about July 22 have now "Let 'em acquit the others if they implies that Hauptmann is a Jew, must—but the Jew has to go to jaiL" —The Editor. been released. It now appears unquesConference Personalities stressing the fact that he lived in the Dr. Abram L. Sachar. tionable that these "preventive meas* As a result of the evidence given by Bronx "the Jewish neighborhood- of Philip M. Klutznick of Omaha is be based on the general theme of New York." To us, in this, country, Vienna, Sept. 26.—Recently many ures,' taken only a few days prior to this rogue, Montag was sentenced to chairman of the conference and Jafifteen months at hard labor. "The Jew in a World of Turmoil." cob S. Pearlstien of Omaha is secso brazen a distortion of fact ap- tobacco shops and filling stations in Jul> 25, were definitely a part of the Dr. Sachar has appeared before pears the height of stupidity, as it Vienna, the favorite illegal meeting plans for the Nazi putsch of that An interesting sidelight on the Ausretary. Omaha audiences a number of times, cannot hope. J;o hold water longer places of the Nazis, have become the date. Police chief Steinhaeusl, later trian political situation emanates The conference is being sponsored captivating them with his* dynamic than one edition. In Naziland, how- scene of renewed activity. Youths arrested because of his Nazi tenden- from a recent leaflet distributed illeby the National Council of Jewish speaking ability as well as the con- ever, Hauptmann will be labeled a wander in, whisper a message and de- cies, brought on these mass arrests gally among the National Socialist Federations and Welfare Funds. Sam K. A. Eirkpatrick tent of his addresses. He is national Jew and sixty million Germans will part — motorcyclists rush in, deliver of Socialists in order to divert the workers whom Hitler betrayed: Beber is a member of the executive To Give Illustrated Lectore director of .the Hillel Foundations believe it. attention of the police from the prep"Away from Hitler!" it reads. "Join committee. little parcels, hurry off again. Since and is wHely-.known as an author On the general conference com"Max Baer before his fight with July 25, it is true, the street corners arations the Nazis were making for the German-Austrian workers! Only members, 1,000 for each year of Coan -1 1- ^nrer. after you free yourself from the mad- hen's life. mittee are: H. A. Wolf and Dave Max Schmeling was qualified. as a have been vacated by some of the their putsch. The Institute is Tjeing sponsored Semite in the Nazi press. After his martial newspaper venders who still Still tinder protective arrest are, in ness of national Fascism will it be At Tuesday's meeting a special Goldman, Omaha; Arthur, Brinn, by t .2 oUidy Club of the Conseiva- victory over Schmeling, he was sud- wear the hoots given them by the addition possible to create the union the birth attraction will be a forty-five min- Minneapolis, Minn.; Ellis" Levitt, Des to Mayor Seitz, the Schutztive Synagogue, and the ticket sale denly transformed in the columns of party when they enjoyed the status of bund commanders Eiffler and Loew. of which can and will sweep away the ute illustrated lecture on the Boul- Moines, la.; Robert Mayer, and Edfor the series has already opened. the Hitler papers to a Gennan- storm troopers, and in whose hands is Council Member Danneberg Austrian Fascist tyranny—the union der Dam project by R. A. . Kirkpat- win B. Meisner, St. Louis, Mo.; BerThe subject of Dr. Sachar's open- Ameriean. There is no limit. to; ths concentrated the major part of the Municipal nard Marx and Edwin Beer, St. had to be brought the General Hos- of the Socialist workers with the anti- rick, special U. P. representative. ing talk on Friday night will be "By corruption of the German press un- Nazi intelligence service. Apparently pital because of anto inflamed Paul, Minn,; Louis Erlich and Jacob clerical and anti-Hapsburgian intellecKirkpattick's illustrated slides jaw (!) the Breath of School-children," em- der the Hitler regime, in the Lind- the network has become much less tuals, middle classes and peasantsi brings the project up to ten days Lorie, Kansas City, Mo.; Di. J- M. and editor Braunthal of the Vorwaerts phasizing the role, of culture and ed- bergh case, however, the Nazi sheets close. But the most important thorMorris and Dr. Lewis I. Miller, Denhad to be removed from the Woellers- Then will the Austrian people arise prior to his lecture. They have been ver, ucation in Jewish history. Colo. and avenge its murdered fighters of widely shown and enthusiastically have overreached themselves. Herr oughfares are still well covered by dorf concentration camp to the hos"Seven Who Built the New Land," Bruno Richard Hauptmann happens Nazi sentries disguised as newsboys, pital February and its murdered fighters of received. I. S. Joseph, of Minneapolis is for an operation. biographic sketches of • the seven to be a member of the Nazi organi- whose wares include new issues of the July!" The general public is invited to chairman of the program committee. makers of modern Palestine, will be zation in New York even if he did as yet tmprohibited illustrated papers In the municipal service of Vienna, The present position of the govern- attend the meeting. Refreshments Others on the program committee: which is now undergoing a rapid prothe program for Saturday afternoon, live in the Bronx." Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky, Omaha; Rabpublished in Germany. Perhaps busi- cess of "co-ordination,"' three or four ment' can be seen clearly from the will be served. followed again this year by a tea bi A. G. Minda, Minneapolis, Minn.; fact—strictly suppressed here — that ness is not very good for them—but Campaign Plans. hundred employees were dismissed or some weeks ago Chancellor Schuschand social hour. Robert Lappen, Des Moines, la.; Dr. since their ineome is.actually derived retired According to present plans, the Llewellyn Sale, St. Louis, Mo.; Milon September 1. Political con- nigg, successor to the assassinated Saturday night "New Dangers in Adass Yeshuren from other sources that does not mat- siderations membership drive locally will start ton Firestone, St. Paul, Minn.; Miss were the determining facthe Contemporary -World," offers an was the target of a volley with B'nai Brith sen-ices in the JewElects Officers ter.Even a meticulous examination of tor in all of these cases, many of ofDollfuss, illuminating survey, of Fascism and shots as he left his residence. He ish Houses of Worship on October Cornelia Harsfeld, Kansas City, Mo.; Communism, dictatorships of the which also show a definitely anti-Sem- was not injured, for the attack was Richard Weil, St. Louis, Mo.; Prof. Black and the Red, and their chal- At an election of officers held Tues- some of these Nazis and their quar- itic tendency. Apparently the few re- made at night; but the darkness en- 19 and will conclude with a city-wide A. D. Kaplan, Denver, Colo. lenge to Jewish life. . .'-.•••• day evening at the Adass Yeshuren ters would ;not yield evidence of sub- maining ones of the never very nu- abled his assailants to escape unrecog- banquet and open meeting on NoDave Goldman heads the Omaha or inflammatory activity at A Sunday, morning meeting will, be synagogue, the following commission- versive merous Jews in the municipal service nized. Since then the chancellor's vember 4. committee in charge of arrangements this moment. Various suhterannean ers were chosen: . • „• The first organizational meeting held. Present, plans devote this time to be removed. Of thirty-odd Mn- bodyguard has been greatly augassisted by Frank Ackerman, Max G. Soiref, Max Kirshenbaum, J. Shu- channels are used for the delivery of are will be held October 21. A pep rally Barish, Sam Beber, J. J. Greenberg, to an open foruni- discussion. dergartners who lost their positions, mented. gathered in tobacco shops, fill\ri31 be held the following Sunday*1 j Monis Jacobs, Ben Kazlowsky, Jack "Studies in -Escapism,". the story kert, A. Kirshenbaum, Joe Ban, Joe Teports stations and even public comfort twenty-six are Jewish, as are also .• * * morning, with Dr. A. L. Sachar a;" | Marer, Al Mayer, William Milder, of a number -of modern Jewish char- Cohen, .M. Cohen. Joe Kirshenbaum ing most of the laid-off construction en(Copyright, 19S4* by Seven Arts speaker. acters who tried to escape from their was elected secretary for the year. stations. ' and Harrv Silverman. gineers. But why worry? The Fascist Feature Syndicate.) The installation banquet and meetIn the very heart of the city, for objection to Jewish civil servants will Jewishness, the frustrations of their rag on November 4 will also ob- j axample, there is a tobacco shop in no manner disturb the bosom external and internal lives, will be Combat Anti-Semitism in serve the golden anniversary of the j Many Certificates Issued whose proprietress is constantly busy friendship that exists—in Austria as No Distinction Made the concluding lecture on Sunday South Africa Omaha lodge. Hon Alfred M. Co- | Warsaw. — Daring the month oi Berlin—No distinction is made bewith visitors—so numerous as to inafternoon. Cape Town. — Joint committees of in Germany—between these very Fas- tween Aryans and non-Aryans an the hen has been invited to attend this J July the Government Commissar oi Tickets at a nominal sum may ba Jews and Christians have been formed terfere with the serving of bona fide cists and the wealthy Jews. newly-created department for the affair. The -local A. Z. A. chapters i Warsaw issued 1,231 certificates enpurchased from members of the in Cape Town and Johannesburg to customers )— each and every one of whom is an, adept in the art of .whis- But let there be no confusion be- "promotion of exports" Established will present the pageant, "One for j titling recipients to obtain immigraStudy Club or at the Jewish' Comlead a united effort against the rising AU,*' directed by Miss Ruth Allen, ition passports for Palestine. munity Center. - >l • ' ; tide of anti-Semitism in South Africa.. pering. From early in the morning im- tween these capitalists and the Jew- in the ministry of economics.
Two Appointments Are Announced atJ.C.C.
• -I*, it* -wwtif rf':*1-'
New York (JTA). —Of n e a r l y 5,500,000 boxes'of citrus fruits exported from Palestine during the seaLondon (JTA) — The Investors' son of 1933-34, the United Kingdom Chronicle and Money Market Review and the Irish Free State took approxiBy the Service Life Insurance of London reports economic progress In _asking the Jewish parents of mately 3,500;000 cases—an increase Omaha to enroll their children in the of about 200,000 boxes over 1932-33— in Palestine. . . . . Company, Omaha The annual report of the Anglo- City Talmud Torah, the following ap- according to the Palestine Economic The reasons many men believe they Palestine Bank, showing accounts to- peal has been directed to Omaha News. are not in the market for life insur- taling £4,653,000 just double the pre- Jewry, signed by M. M. Barish, presExports to continental Europe By ROBERT STONE ance are the very reasons why they ceding year, is cited as an indica- ident of the Talmud Torah; Rabbi amounted to 1,900,000 cases, a rise of Uri Miller, chairman of the enroll- 800,000. The greatest increase was in for a general reading public, which need it. The man who, because of con- tion of the prosperity the holy land ment This estimate of the career of committee; R. Lakow, chair- Germany, which took approximately is experiencing. ditions, has extended his credit far is anxious to penetrate beneath the Lord Heading is timely because his man of the education committee; Mrs. 1,100,000 "A Substantial expansion also took beyond normal, who has seen his good cases as against 750,000[ surface of the dramatic and sensaseventy-fourth birthday occurs on M. Fromkin, chairman of "Talmud tional1 cases which have engaged the assets "freeze," and who needs every place in the circulation of notes and Torah Week" activities; and A. Katz, cases during the previous season. October. 10.. The author of this arr effort of Rufus Isaacs and wants .to cent of cash to enable him to hang on coin issued by the Palestine Currency principal of the Talmud Torah. tide takes sharp issue "with a new the Chronicle states, "the understand the multiplicity of ex- until the tide turns, is the very man Board," biographer of Eufus Isaacs who imamount rising from £2,822,000 to "We appeal to you, the Jewry of for whom life insurance can do the periences which came to this son of pugns . the essential •';••. Britishness of £4,070,000 in a year. Omaha, to enroll your children— Special School for Jewish a rather well-to-do middle- class Eng- most. the great barrister and diplomat. boys and girls of school age—in the Children "Immigration returns showed an inThe business man under such cirlish Jewish family. THE EDITOR. Vienna—Evidence that the AusTalmud Torah. Every Jewish child flux into the country last year of cumstances says: "Give me time and At 15 Rufus Isaacs was a cabintrian government headed by Chanmust be Jewishly educated, and the 32,000 persons, as against 11,000 in boy bound for India because he 111 see this thing through." That is Once having seen his lithe, vigorous, cellor Kurt Schuschnigg has every best place to obtain this learning is 1932, and of this number 3,267, exactly what life insurance will do, wanted adventure and was not parunstooped body and having heard his against only 754, were 'capitalist im- the City Talmud Torah of Omaha, intention of carrying out a complete quiet, penetrating, detached voice, ticularly proficient at school. At 25 give him time to win; for if death migrants'—namely those in possession located in the Jewish Community anti-Semitic program was seen here doesn't give him time, life insurance one can never forget the impression his career seemed wrecked when he Center building and possessed of a in the announcement that Viennese of £1,000 or more. of aloof dignity and intimate charm became a bankrupt on the Stock Ex- promises to pay his family the same Jewish children in elementary and fine teaching staff. estate that would have come to them "There was expended upon the erecparadoxically left by Lord Beading. change. He was 27 when he entered middle schools in the Leopoldstadt had he lived and won. "A child who attends the Talmud district -will be segregated in a sepation of buildings, public and private, To say that he looks younger than the lawV It -was not until he was The stormier the ocean, the greater Torah regularly for five consecutive last year £5,601,000 as compared with the 74 years he -wilt be on • October 44 that he first entered parliament Tate all-Jewish school. 10, is inadequate^ For the strength and started his climb to public fame. becomes the need for extra care re- £2,946,000 in 1932. The value of goods years acquires the knowledge of: garding life boats. I t is the time to 1. Prayers: Fluency of reading in of his mind and the vitality of his imported as £11,123,000 compared with He has enjoyed sufficient climaxes the prayer book; acquaintance with body remain at that high peak train his life to satisfy a t least ten make sure that there are enough of £7,769,000 in 1932." daily, Sabbath and holyday services; ditionally reached in the. full splenmen, but each great honor has them to do the job they may at any !£X< translation of many passages from dor of niiddle-age. seemed merely a stepping stone to minute be called upon to do. services. There is; but one post within .the some unpredictable higher goal. 2. Jewish Religion: Memorization gift of the British Empire which But the study of his legal career of blessings and daily prayers; cushas not been his within his lifetime; particular importance at this time seems to provide evidence that it is Activities of J. C. C. toms and practices of the synagogue it is a post'which •would have.seemed when Lord Mosley and -his growing neither as a criminal lawyer nor as Athletic Department and home; customs and ceremonies to be the natural climax of that black shirt army are attracting to a civil advocate that he attains his of Sabbath, holydays and fasting series of progressions in public life themselves forces hostile to the Brit- greatest heights. In both practices he The fall activity of the Center PhyBucharest (JTA).—Since Constanwhich were the,; reward of his de-ish Jews. is, of course, consummately skillful, sical department -will get under way za, Rumania's port on the Black Sea, days. 3. Bible: All 5 books of Moses in votion" and brilliance. The Liberal towering above most of his compeers. Wednesday, October 3, instead of became an important harbor because party being what it is now in Eng- ". ... It is not natural for Jews to But his gift at the law lies in his October 1, due to the closing of the of the regular transports taking Jews the original; Joshua, Judges, Samland, and his past being what it hasbe quite representative of the nation- ability to interpret and to fashion it. building the last two days of Suc-from Rumania and Poland to Pales- uel, Kings, Ruth and Esther; selections from later prophets and been, it is almost safe to predict that al characteristics and aspirations of Not indulging in the buffoonery of coth. tine, and since the establishment of psalms. he will never be the prime Minister any people; rulers and administra- the successful criminal pleader nor All gymnasium and swimming? a Rumania - Palestinian chamber of 4. Talmudic Literature: Rashi; sehe might have been—if only, he had tors they often are, and are to be stooping to the chicaneries of court- classes will start. The business girls commerce, general interest in Pales- lections from Hagadath; Pirkey found, too, generally among the first possessed a different combination of room, dramatics, he has been premeet on the gym floor at Ctine has grown here to a considerable Aboth. emotional and intellectual qualities. in the arts, the sciences and the eminent for the calm persuasiveness p.classes m. Monday and Wednesday eve- extent. professions, but not as leaders and 5. Hebrew Language: Speaking, It is inevitable that the career of inspirers of a great national, demo- of his logic. That quality has not al-nings, and the matrons women's This interest is best exemplified by Lord -Beading should lend itself to cratic community. The obvious ex- ways been the most prized in a jury classes meet Monday and Wednes- the increase in the number of articles reading and writing of Hebrew; Hebrew grammar. comparison with that of Lord Bea- ception to this rule is more apparent room. day mornings at 10 a. m. on Palestinian subjects, such as the 6. History: Covering complete consf ield, who alone of all British than real. For Disraeli was not only Typical of the almost-disdain with Levant Fair, which have been featured range of Jewish history from its Jews has served the crown as its a Jew, but an. Oriental, and it waswhich Walker-Smith writes ol his Thursday, October 4, at 8 p. m. thein. the non-Jewish press. first minister.. It is the difference in the Oriental in him which captured subject is this epitome of his charac- first basket ball meeting will ba This increased interest is still origin to modern times. personality which explains that most the popular imagination; the philoso- ter: 7. Yiddish: Reading and writing called by Lee Grossman, physical di- stronger, of course, in Jewish circles. perplexing of problems: Why, was phy, too, which, he gave to the Brit- "It would not perhaps be true to rector, for the purpose of organizing The East European Jew of Rumania, of Yiddish. David R. Cohen this . Solicitor-General, Attorney- ish people was one which clothed say that Rufus Isaacs' mental attri- the Center pre-season basket ball like the Polish Jew, is predisposed to 8. Palestine and Jewish ContemRepresenting the General, Lord Chief Justice, Ambas- fundamentally British ideas with the butes amounted to the possession of league. for political and economic porary life: Palestine as a Jewish sador, "Viceroy and Foreign Affairs more gorgeous garment of an exotic a first-class mind. Brought up out- Another basket ball meeting is Zionism, Homeland; current Jewish events all reasons, and Palestine is for him the Secretary never called upon to form inspiration. But Lord Reading is an side the academic tradition, his stock scheduled for October 9. At this object of positive activity, not merely over the world. a cabinet? 9. Singing: Sabbath and holyday Occidental, and a lawyer; a man of of learning is slender. A man maymeeting the time will be set when of sentimental yearning. An - extraordinary- answer is, sup-affairs, romantic in his achievement have a genius for the mechanism of the contracts for the teams seeking But, for economic reasons, the Zion- songs: Folk songs. plied by Derek Walker-Smith, Eng- rather than in his ideas. So to himpolitics or the mechanisms of admission to the league shall be ist movement here has not reached "Give your children a traditional Phone AT. 7168 lish publicist, -who has-written a t has been given less to inspire and science; but unless he can apply it filed. Home, WA. 1923 considerable proportions, although Jewish education. Enroll them in the study of the legal career of Rufus to lead, than to advise, to adminis- philosophically, he has not a first- The pre-season loop will start play the leaders have sought to make Talmud Torah. Non-Cancellable Isaacs called "Lord Beading and Hister and to rule." the latter part of October. rate mind." every person who calls himself a Zion"Our buses vrill take your children Health and Accident Cases" (Macmillan).: Approaching Life Insurance ist a paying member of the Zionist to Talmud Torah and bring them This estimate is belied by his cathe question with a frankness rarely It Walker-Smith means that Read- reer as a counsellor before the bar, Teams will soon be lined up by Organization. safely back home." noted in British biographies, particu- ing is less the demagogue than Lloyd by his record while on the bench, Physical director Lee Grossman for larly when they !concern ^eminent George or less the scholar than was by his extraordinary achievements as the Business Men's noon volleyball S9S*^-S&3ffig»^r.:SS^^2cE^t®i^3ttg^^ Jews'V C Watker-Smltft *"has ^tinaote" ran Lord-Balfour or. less-the- orator than a diplomat; corfeniator; administra- league. There iiare between 16 and Ramsay McDonald, he—is —accurate. estimate that is not only revelatory In almost half a century of 25 men who play volleyball at the with' regard to Reading but is even But the career "which he himself de- tor. Center regularly and are working Where Omaha Shops idth Confidence more illuminating for the light.-it scribes hardly bears out his direct British public life, Rufus Isaac has out in preparation for the coming proved himself a great Briton as throws upon a -widespread attitude assertion that . Reading, because of double round robin of league play. in -England toward Jews in : high his Jewishness, was nevet completely well as a distinguished Jew. , " and inextricably bound up with the public office. That estimate is of An entry card has been posted on moral traditions and patriotic loyalthe physical department bulletin ties of his Christian contemporaries. Zionist Attack on board for entries in the pre-season SIXTEENTH AT FARNAM An even greater diplomat than Dishandball tournament. The Legislative Council doubles raeli, Reading has served England handball committee decided in her most crucial hours. His great New York (JTA). — A sharply Center there will be no seeded players sin has been that he has not been worded resolution protesting the Leg- that in any of the pre-season J. C. C. spectacular or flamboyant. He domi- islative Council proposed by - Sir Ar- handball tournaments. The tourney nates in the conference room and the thur Grenfell Wauchope, high comwill begin the middle of October. councillor's chamber and not in the missioner of Palestine, was adopted public halls. His public speaking is by the administrative committee of Next week Albert Orach, swimthat; of the logician and not the pro-:the Zionist Organization meeeting in ming instructor, will start his fall pagandist. He has not swept the "Financial News" Sharply Critian all-day session last Sunday. The life-saving classes. All interested in imagination of the English public resolution was sent to the Jewish such tutoring are asked to see Al at zes Monetary Plans of because in the ultimate sense he is Agency in Jerusalem to be forwarded the Center natatoiium. : .;••'•' Nazi: .• ' • himself so traditionally English; un- to the high commissioner. Again We Score! With Over 400 New Fall mpved by rhetoric, unyielding to Sir Arthur's proposed Legislative The Center athletic department emotion, following the straight line London (J. T. AO^Dr. Hjalnier Council was attacked in the resolu- will dose all day Monday, October Schact, virtual economic'dictator of of ; duty. tion as being unwise in the present 1, and will remain closed until 6 p. Germany is accused of "gangster fi- The author of "Lord Reading and situation as it gives the Arabs a prop- m. October 2, due to the Succoth nance" in a long editorial in,the Fi- His Cases" has, in fact, invalidated aganda weapon against the Jews and holiday. nancial News. '. .' his right to describe his subject by as being a clear violation of the letter , " I t must be admitted," the edito- demonstrating an initial incapacity and spirit of-the mandate. The civilization is cheap and weak rial states, "that Dr. Schact is a to; understand the intellectual comwhich has not the backbone of conready Nazi apprentice. A penulti- plex -i and spiritual outlook of Lord science in it.—Clarke. mate recruit to the fiitler gang,:heis Reading. If Reading has not repudiRanks High proving himself more Naii': than the ated the people of his origin as did Nazis. The speech-he-delivered last Beaconsfield, it is because he poses- David R. Cohen has been notified Sunday at the opening of the Leip- ses a greater honesty than marked by the Pacific Mutual life Insurance zig Fair is a perfect example of Disraeli. At no time during his ca-company that out. of 2,500 agents he Values That Fairly Shout, Nazi morality applied to finance. reer, however, has Reading given was second in the number of applica"WORK THAT SATISFIES" "The foreign exporter is hot free any indication that by gesture, act tions placed-for the month of July Oriental and Domestics of all blame if \ Germany is in ar- or! thought may he be differentiated and-qualified for the "200,000 club" "Come Early Saturday^ rears with her payments for foreign from,the Christian colleagues of thethe first half of the year.. 5116 Military Ave. Walnnt 6002 goods in payment. The facts are that, Liperal Party. His goal for the year is $500,000. foreign currency position has never Walker-Smith has been more just been a secret' . . . ' • in his evaluation of Reading's char"This sort of logic has hitherto acter iii saying that essentially he is been the copyright" of 'long-firm' op- the! "ruler, not the leader." Alerators — it has now • become the though entirely dedicated to the commercial and. financial code of.the democratic processes of government, Nazis. 'It is the mug's lookout if he there is in Reading a certain coldis bilked', said Al Capone. 'And soness which is easily mistaken for says" all' of us,' , comes" the reigning condescension and on aggressiveness Nazi chorus. . .. _• . which can be misinterpreted as ego"Dr. Schact repeated for the, hun- tism. dredth time another" favorite, 'argu- . B u t a profoundly shocking misment of his, namely that while wick- representation -of the fundamental ed foreign creditors insisted upon; be- character of Lord Reading is the ing * paid, they - refused to accept least fault of this biographer. Lackgoods in payment, he facts are that ing in felicity of expression, he has the German trade balance, which written of the ' legal career of his COMPANY Wear them for parties! Wear showed huge, deficits between ",19 subject as though intended- for an and 1930, -produced huge surpluses academic " law journal rather than them for street! Wear them for between l931'.'iand the advent of ~ the National Socialist Government It 'is afternoon! Wait till you see the OMAHA. NEBRAMCA. clear that those wicked foreign creditors were quite willing to take GerNew Cereal Crepes... New Plaid man . goods in payment of interest throughout 1931 and 1932 and during Cloths . . . New Satins,. . . New the early part of 1933. There are Velvets... in Green, Brown, Tile several reasons for the -decline * in German exports under the .Nazi reand Bfack! GetYbiwCidsand gime. The first, though .perhaps not the nibst important, is the reprisals of the Jews. When Hitler put on the Fourth Floor mantle of Toxquemada, he apparent IT forgot that ( his exemplar only (HGRfWinG CO. wished'to torture Jews, and not to trade yrith them.". 1
Saturday's Prescription FOR BUDGETEERS
thout ene
All in the Day's URGES FIGHT ON Work REPUDIATION OF MINORITY TREATY Warsaw Jewish Press, However, Takes Cautious Attitude on Situation
By BERNARD POSTAL The repudiation of the Minorities 4 j r e a ^ by ' the Polish.. Government exposes Polish Jewry to the whims of the Polish anti-Semites". Mr. Postal reveals in this article, the. political inside story behind Poland's strange challenge of the authority of the League of Nations.—The Editor.
Geneva (WNS). — A call to world Jewry to speak out against Poland's declaration repudiating all obligations under the minority treaty until all other countries bind themselves by similar obligations was sounded here by Dr. Nahum Goldmann, chairman of the Committee of Jewish delegations and of the executive committee of the world Jewish congress in a statement protesting the Polish announcement. The statement points out that although the present Polish government has acted to suppress anti-Semitic violence and has announced equality of rights as its guiding principle, "whatever may be the decision taken upon the Polish proposal on generalization of the minorities system by the League of Nations, it is obvious that Jewry must defend the maintenance in undiminished strength of minority rights as now stipulated in treaties." Dr. Goldmann further said that all Jewish organizations consider the benefits received under the minorities treaties as a major advance toward achieving a universal protection system. Referring to the German situation, Goldmann emphasized that recent events.had demonstrated the necessity for strengthening and enlarging this system.
minorities clauses of that Treaty by | plicants. Similar tiicks were emone of the principal beneficiaries of ployed in the government cooperathe War is an excellent means of tives. The much-publicized land rebreaking down the Treaty. Long an form law designed to move surplus implacable foe of Germany, Poland urban populations to the land mi^hi has recently been drawn into ths just as well never have been enacted Eeich's diplomatic orbit and weaned for all the good it did the impoveraway from her traditional friend- ished Jews of Warsaw, Lodz, Cracow ship with Prance. Last January Po- and Lemberg. To the many critical problems be- land signed a non-aggTession pact Notwithstanding the existence of setting -world Jewry has been added with Germany. Visits were exchanged the minorities treaty Poland has a new one—the threat to the very between German and Polish states- found it a simple matter to eliminate existence of Polish Jewry growing men. Polish attacks on Nazism have Jews persistently and systematically out of Poland's notice ta the League been curbed. Jewish criticism of Hit- from the economic and political life of Nations that she will not be bomid lerism has been rigorously censored of the country, until today more than by her obligations under the minori- in Poland, and official obstacles half of the 3,000,000 Jews live on ties treaty Until the other powers placed in the way of the anti-German charity. It is no accident that the assume similar obligations. There is boycott. There have even been un- Palestine bureaus in Poland are beno doubt that the hue and cry. raised official reports of a mutual defense sieged daily by mobs of povertyin Jewish circles by this declaration treaty between Poland and Germany stricken Jews pleading for a chance is justified, since the entire compli- against France and Eussia. These to rebuild their lives in the Jewish cated system of minorities treaties developments seriously weakened the homeland. While the Polish governsigned after the World War and in- Franco-Polish alliance and created ment has deliberately and effectivecorporated in the Peace Treaties has tension between France and Poland. ly vitiated practically every clause always been regarded as the hist bul- The Polish press not only attacked of the minorities treaty before it wark against official anti-Semitism France but went so far as to charge repudiated it, it has made well-pubthe French Ambassador with financ- lidzed efforts to prevent physical in Eastern and Central Europe. ing the anti-Semitic and anti-governOn the other hand, shrewd observ- ment National Radical Party. Coin- violence to the Jews. Anti-Semitic ers of the international political cidentally Poland turned a benevolent movements have been suppressed, scene agree :that the diplomatic eye on Nazi propaganda within its but not until scores of Jews were inbombshell exploded by Col. Joseph borders. Germany's withdrawal from jured and great damage done to Beck, Poland's- foreign minister, i t the League of Nations on the ground Jewish property. Anti-Jewish hooliGeneva iras neither solely nor pri- Ol national pride found a sympathe- gans have been arrested and impris- ( Warsaw (WNS). — A number of marily directed against the Jewish tic echo in Poland. It is also signifi- oned, but Jews defending themselves j Jewish organizations participated in minority". • It is of course common cant that the Polish-German conven- have also been jailed. Jew-baiting 'the nation-wide patriotic demonstraperiodicals have been suppressed, but arranged by nationalist and antiknowledge that for years Poland has on minorities remains unaffect- their poison had already found its tions Semitic groups in celebration of Pohonored the minorities treaty more tion by Poland's repudiation of the mark. Polish diplomats abroad have land's abrogation of the minority in the breach than in the observance. ed protested against Nazi persecution treaty. The Jewish groups were not Successive ' Polish governments have minorities theaty. never considered the minorities Polish Jewry itself is less con- of the Jews and have assumed a very large but they are the same ortreaty an obstacle to their Jewish cerned over the scrapping of the friendly attitude against Nazi per- ganizations that support the present policy, which has always run coun- minorities treaty than Jews else- secution of the Jews and have as- Polish government. ter, to virtually every clause of, that where, for it knows from tragic ex- sumed a friendly attitude toward The Jewish press here is careful not pact. Poland's treatment of her Jew- perience that the treaty can be viti- Palestine, but at home the Polish to alarm the Jewish population. As a ish minority has rarely, if ever, been ated by interpretations. Although the government honored its pledges by matter of fact, most of the Jewish paaffected in one way or another by Polish minorities treaty plainly pro- ignoring them. So far as the Polish pers take pains to reassure their readthe g-uarantees of the minorities hibits civil, political, religious and Jews are concerned the minorities ers and point out that Poland's reputreaty, as the history of Polish Jew- linguistic discriminations against min- treaty was a scrap of paper long diation of the minority treaty is no ry since the War proves. Those who orities, it was not until 1931 that before Colonel Beck's declaration be- danger for the Jews under the present hold that Poland could have altered the Czaristic anti-Jewish laws were fore the League of Nations. regime and the present constitution. her Jewish policy without being stu- repealed. To this very day the PolThe only pessimistic note sounded by In defending her repudiation of the pid enough to announce such a ish government is guilty of gross treaty Poland declared that its de- the Jewish press is that Poland's exchange from the world's most prom- violations of Article 7 of the.treaty "is in no sense directed against ample may be followed by other couninent platform are therefore correct forbidding discrimination on the cision the interests of minorities. Those in- tries which lead to a worsening of in believing that Poland's repudiation score of race, language, or creed in terests are and will remain protect- the Jewish position. e minorities treaty was motivat- civil and political rights. Gerryman- ed by the fundamental laws . of Po- Despite the optimistic tenor of Jewed by other factors than a desire to dering has sharply curtailed Jewish which secure to minorities of ish press comment there are rumors free herself of responsibilities to the representation in parliament and re- land, race and religion their free here that the next move of the Polish J e w s . . . . . . • • .• - • . - . _ . , _ . .... . duced the number of Jews in muni- language, and equality of treat- anti-Semites will be z. drive to recipal^ offices. Numerous clauses i development In; diplomatic circles Poland's de- tricks have successfully eliminated ment." When Colonel Beck tittered place the present constitution with its I these words he spoke with his tongue liberal guarantees by a more reactionnunciation of her treaty pledges was Jews from public services. in his cheek. How can Polish Jewry ary document under which the Jews no surprise. It had long been forePolish officials have deliberately feel secure under a constitution would be at the mercy of every Jewshadowed by well-defined political maneuvers known_ to every chancel- ignored the provisions of the treaty which can easily be changed when baiter. The Gazeta Warszawska, organ lery in Europe/ In • scrapping the granting Jews the right to use their the rights guaranteed to them by in- of-the anti-Semitic National Demominorities treaty without so much as own "language in public" assemblies ternational action have been violated crats, is already urging the repeal of a by-your-leave, Poland had two con- and have interposed numerous diffi- with impudence and success? When the clauses in • the' present constitusiderations in mind: her jealousy of culties in the use of* Yiddish and He- Poland disowned the minorities tions guaranteeing minority rights. Eussia and her relations with Ger- brew in telegraphic and telephonic treaty she not only tor a up her own messages. As this is written word birth certificate—for that treaty is many. part of the Treaty of Husseini Barred Most important of all was her comes that Yiddish and Hebrew have an integralwhich re-created Poland envy of Eussia. While the Soviet Un- been banned in the teaching of his- Versailles and transformed her from a national tory, geography and music in the From Election ion remained outside of the League into a political entity—but Palestine (J. T. A.)—Jamal HusPoland was recognized as the most Yiddish and Hebrew schools of Vil- minority Polish Jewry's last flimsy seini, a leader of the extremist Arab important Slav power. As such she na, a decree which effectively Polon- removed protection against untrammelled per- nationalist movement, has been deizes the Jewish schools systBm. Inhad ambitions for a permanent seat prived by the district court of his on the Council of the League, a po- genious schemes have been resorted j secution. (Copyright, 1934, by Seven Arts vote in the municipal elections and sition which would give her the sta- to to curtail Jewish rights to enter Feature Syndicate.) tus of a major power and offset the the professions. Even more palpabls the right to be elected to office in weakening of her prestige because have been the violations of those the forthcoming Jerusalem balloting. of Eussia's admission to the League. treaty clauses governing educational Husseini, the court held, does not Besides this factor of national pride rights. No serious effort has been own property in Jerusalem—a necesBudapest.—That anti-Semitism and and ambition, Poland had no desire made to allot an equitable share of Hitlerism are in disfavor in Hungary sary qualification—and is not entiof allowing the League to serve as public funds to Jewish schools or to was strikingly demonstrated when a tled to be a beneficiaiy of the Waqf, an arbitrator between herself and enable Jews to enter secondary or court sentenced Deputy Zol- Moslem holy places administration, Eussia in the case of Poland's per- vocational'schools. At this very mo- Budapest tan Mesko, of the Hungarian which automatically provides the secuted Ukianian minority, who ara ment there is on foot an organized Nazi party, leader to two weeks in prison right of franchise. also protected, by the minorities campaign to eliminate Jewish teach- for having published anti-Semitic arers from the public elementary treaty. When Eussia became a memticles in his weekly publication. schools and to close the special Jewber of the League Poland would Mesko's defense that as a member have had to mend its ways so far ish Sabbath schools. of parliament and a politician he was as the Ukranians were concerned if flagrant violation of the privileged to attack the activities of They 31 ix With the Best she continued to be bound by the The mosttreaty so far as the Jews the Jews was rejected by the court minorities treaty. Ey repudiating this minorities IDEAL BOTTLING COMPANY treaty Poland presented the League are concerned has been in the field which enunciated the theory that Hun- 1S0S So. 20th St. WE. 3043 with a fait accompli and an ultima- of economics. Although Jews consti- garian law opposed generalized attum directly affecting the prestige tute but ten per cent of the popula- tacks on all religions and races. of the League. The League must tion they p-iy 31 per cent .of- the either bow to Poland and allow her total taxes. Yet Jewish merchants, to treat her Ukranian minority as artisans and traders are discriminshe wills or else Poland will follow ated against on every score. NationGermany and Japan out of the alization of industries in which Jews OUR SANITARY, were largely employed led to the League. dismissal of thousands of. Jewish SCIENTIFIC Those in the diplomatic know are workers for whom no new jobs were also convinced that Nazi diplomacy provided in the government-own'ed METHOD OF was indirectly ' responsible for Po- industries. Guild laws were so framed land's coup. Since. Germany quit the as to disqualify Jews without apBUTTER MAKING League she has been endeavoring to pearing to do so. Credit funds supundermine the influence of that body posed to be allotted without regard and .to impair the sanctity of the to race or creed have been adminispost-war treaties. An attack on the tered so as to eliminate Jewish ap-
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New York (WNS).—Milton Aranov, 29-year-old Jewish student, is minus ten •dollars because a Jewish magistrate made him pay that as a fine i owned German clothing factories that for having called an Irish policeman Berlin. (WNS)—While the German have received permission from the an anti-Semite simply because the of- theatre as a whole is moribund be- British government to move their esficer had arrested him for failing to cause all of its leading actors, direc- tablishments to England, will still be muzzle his German police dog. tors, producers and dramatists have under the control of the Nazi regime, The magistrate was Judge Jonah J. been ousted as non-Aryans, the Jew- according to the London Star. Goldstein, who sharply rebuked Ara- ish theatre in Germany is enjoying a The paper points out that although nov. The latter, when asked why he •unique prosperity. . these factories moved in order to escalled the policeman an anti-Semite, Figures made public by Dr. Werner cape the'world anti-Nazi boycott their said: "The policeman wouldn't have Levie, administrative director of the owners have been forced to agree to arrested me if he was not an anti- Jewish Culture League, which was import half of their raw materials Semite." Asked what gave him that created with the permission of the from Germany and not dismiss an}* of idea, Aranov declared, "I saw it on Hitler government, show that since the German employes in their German October 1, 1933, the League's Berlin branches. his face." Judge Goldstein then fined him ten ! theatre has given 12S performances, They are also limited to 20,000 dollars and remarked that the charge j 71 plays and 52 operas. There have marks in the amount of money they of anti-Semitism against the police- jbeen 90 lecture evenings, three chil- can withdraw from Germany. The man was about as justified as a simi- dren's performances and two char- British, government allowed them to lar charge would be against Aranov's itable performances in addition to 12 open in England on condition that they German police dog, had be bitten a •special holiday performances and 10 would employ English labor and maperformances on tour. Jew. terials. Similar progress is reported by theatres in four other cities. The Jewish theatre in Berlin, according to Nazi law, must be 100 per cent Jewish, from ushers to audience. Attendance is rigorously restricted to members London (JTA).—The main purpose who must have membership cards inof the Nazi plan to establish eighteen cluding photograph and signature. cloth mills in London and Manchester Non-Jews are not admitted. The Beris to evade the anti-German boycott, lin section of the League has 23,000 members. the British, press revealed. The Deutsche Volkswirt was quoted The League has given employment by English newspapers as saying that to 220 of the 2,000 Jewish actors and the English branches of the German I musicians ousted from their jobs by factories were expected to regain the the Aryan laws. (RUSSIA) overseeas market, particularly in the Dominion, which had been lost through the •working of the Jewish boycott. The projected German factories in England can only be erected with the A Torgs'm Order will approval of and close supervision of be highly appreciated by the Nazi government, the British pa- New York (WNS).—Because King your relatives in the SoFoad of Egypt has gone over to the pers Stated. viet Union. The'German trick cf opening cloth- BBti-Britlsli nationalists, the JGWS ID Torgsin offers 15,000 ing factories in England in order to Palestine have an unparalleled oppordifferent domestic and export German-made goods marked tunity to prove that the British Emimported articles of high "Made in England," instead of boy- pire needs Palestine and thus gain the quality. Clothing, shoes, cotted German goods, has met with a good-will of the British government, it hostile reception in the entire Brit- is pointed out by Augur in a special foodstuffs and other merdispatch from London to the New ish press. . chandise are for sole, "Nazi ready-made ' floods will suit York Times. Prices compare faAugur asserts that with anti-Britthe Englishman no better than the ish sentiment" growing in Egypt, Palready-made is azi politics," the London vorably ivith those Star declared editorially. Other papers estine becomes essential as a vital in the United States also expressed strong objections to link in imperial trade and communicaFor Torgeln orders the Nazi invasion of British internal tions. see year local bank or "The Empire needs Palestine," he trade. aintlMr£ze£ agent said, "and it cannot hold Palestine securely without the wholehearted conMay Name Colony currence of the Jewish part of the for King George The leaders of Palestinian London—Britith Zionists are or- ,1 population. Jewry, to be of the name, ganizing a movement to establish a j should be ableworthy to raise themselves colony in Palestine in the name of j above petty complaints and to conBang George in honor of the 25th centrate upon the main task of provanniversary of his accession to the General Representative in U.S.A their worth to the leaders of the throne which will be celebrated on iling at AMTORG, 261 Fifth Ave., N.Y, Empire." May 6, 19S5.
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THE JEWISH PRESS .Published, every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by
THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Subscription-Price, one year , Advertising rates furnished on application
Editorial Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building. Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center DAVID BLACKER - - - - - - Business and Managing Editor FRANK R. ACKERMAN - - - - - - - - - - - - Editor FANNIE KATELMAN - - » Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent ANN P I L I J - • • - . - - - -'•'- - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent Print Shop Address: 1307 Howard Street
The Week in Review Unchristian Christians Any doubts which, may have lingered as to the church aims of the Nazis in Germany have been dispelled by the defiant utterings of Reichsbishop Ludwig Mueller, who was entrusted with the task of Nazifying the German church. Open warfare has been declared by the church dictator on Jewry, an Catholicism and on those Protestant ministers who oppose him. Said Mueller: "What we want is a church free from Rome. .The goal we are fighting for is one state, one people, and one church. If anyone cannot join us in this church, cannot fight as we do for the Third Reich, he must be quiet or step aside. If he doesn't, I shall force him to . . . For the first time one nation has dared to wage war against Jews . . ." Mueller ranted on, declaring that Christianity did not spring from Judaism, that Jesus was not Jewish, and that the church head would employ force in dealing with Catholics and Protestants who refuse to be servile to the Nazi church dictatorship, and to the Nazi regime. • Many priests and pastors have already been placed in concentration camps, and now even the bishop of Wurtemberg, Dr. Theophil Wurm, has been imprisoned, held in "protective custody." This is the Nazi brand of Christianity, the very antithesis of the Christian teachings. The Nazi Protestant German Christians gather in Berlin with the Nazi swastika in place of any Christian symbol. At gatherings of churchmen, brass bands play military music and Nazi party songs. The pastors execute the Nazi salute with military precision. They practice Christianity with the Christian elements removed. But, many of the Christian clergymen of Germany, to their eternal glory, are not cowed by the .threats and violence of the .Nazis. Led by Rev. Martin Niemoeller, thousands of ministers are challenging Mueller. On Monday, thousands of clergymen read from their pulpits a declaration which accused Bishop Mueller of heresy and ended in this statement: "Bishop Mueller, Dr. August Jaeger (commissoiner of Protestant church in Prussia) and their followers have divorced themselves from the Chrisidah community, abandoned the bases of the Christian church and have forfeited all rights hereto." - The mailed fist of the Nazi regime may change external conditions buFcannottraiisfonn the ^^^^^^ the true Germans.
ing columnists, who smoke five-cent, seems to think that when I die there that the customary attitudes toward people different from ourcigars, too." . will be no one to take my place as selves which till the present have controlled our group thinking, a c h a m i o n of t h e Jew THE LEAN YEMENITES P are incongruent with the spirit which must exist in a Christian I remarked in this depai-tment last J^^ oTj'wI^Wlf ^ "so^ 2ge°an "~ World Order. Moreover, we know that we do not inherit antag•vveek about the muscular prowess i „__ , '" it. T ' • , onism and prejudice. ...We. acquire our way of looking at things of the Yemenite Jews. This muscu-'? u s f o r * h e Jewish name? Will it through our relations and associations with others. We also unlarity is all the stranger when one1 . ™ a , s ~*™?] y * S I d o a - a i n s t i n " By DAVID SCHWARTZ derstand something about the ways by which they are acquired realizes that they are not by any, ^ u s t i c e - «:"1 » be so diligent to premeans a rugged looking people. On; S e r v e t h e g°°d inheritance?" and feel that specified methods can be used to develop Christian the contrary, they are a thin, ascetic * should like to do something attitudes to replace the narrow attitudes of racial mistrust and MODERNS ARE looking group. i about this. But I am no prophet to hate." ANCIENTS I asked Lotta Levensohn, the' r a l J y y° u n g Jewry. I am no teacher t o sn °w young Jewry the Jewish way A series of specific recommendations were adopted by the One of the greatest errors is our Palestine scribe, how to account for belief that we live in a modern age.i this emaciated appearance. She told °^ ^ e Commission to eliminate prejudice against racial groups and lead Every day in every way, this phrase' me it was due to their attitude to But in the lodge I learn that B'nai to a wholesome attitude of understanding and fellowship between —modern times—is repeated again eating. She said she had once asked Brith is doing what I should like to a Temenite mother how much the do were I a prophet and a teacheftT the various groups. To bring this message into the home it was and again. • spent on food and had re- ; It seems that B'nai Brith is catching recommended that attendance of parents be secured at inter-racial It seems to me that if we would! family recognize that we are ancient—as ceived the answer: Well, we waste Jews young even at the time of life meetings set up by young people and that courses on racial appre- ancient as Babylon and Egypt, asj two pounds a month on food." Eat- when they might be flying away. ciation be encouraged in parents clubs, P. T. A., A. U. W., and Hammurabi and Nero and Cleo-j ing was just a waster to her. It goes to the universities and establishes Jewish centers (called similar organizations. A plan was recommended to encourage in- patra—we "would learn a little hu-j FOR SUCCOTH mility; and a little humility is the ter-racial appreciation among children through encouraging beginning If what Herman Speier, president Hillel Foundations) for the Jewish of wisdom. students. I am told that formerly friendships on play-grounds by means of activity, providing speak- This idea of how ancient we truly young Jews in the universities altrue, that Mme. Lupescu who is ers, leaders, entertainers of other races for junior club meetings, are was impressed on me just now is the center of the political cyclonic most forgot they were Jews and such as Boy Scouts, and recommending in all conferences and by reading an account by a Jewish disturbance in Eoumania first came some who could not forget took pains their camps conducted under Christian auspices the inclusion of similar philosopher who lived in the days to know King Carol, when she was when Christianity was just bursting sent, as a spy, to do a little detective organizations of other racial groups. The report further recom- forth from its chrysalis, some 1,900 _ •work for the the Queen Queen Marie. Marie. Marie Marie work for The mended actoin by youth groups to eliminate prejudice in the years ago. Protestants and the Catholics Lupescu to spy on Carol. It ap- were taking their young in hand, t h e Je schools resulting from the unfair characterization of racial groups The philosopher was Philo Judaeus sent pears she found out a great deal U„ K*e m ws were forgetting theirs, the in textbooks, the attitudes of teachers, and the lack of under- and he wrote an account of a visit about Carol—and Carold so much yll lokkuen °ther th a n birds d from whom d £ ^ are forgotten, a delegation of Alexandrian Jews about her—that the spy and the king standing of other races among the students of a school. Discus- of They •would still be forgotten were to the Roman Emperor, Gaius, toj fell in love with one another and sing the discrimination against racial groups in theatres, res- intercede against the oppression of the spy became the king's mistress, it not for this order to which I betaurants, residential districts, clubs and other public places, the Jews in Alexandria and to protect And they do say that she has lon£» this B'nai Brith which on a' stemmed off the anti-Jewish at- number of campuses has established report recommends that Christian youth groups boycott all agen- the rights of citizenship of the Jews tacks of the anti-Semitic Iron the Hillel Foundation which is what of Alexandria. cies which practice each discrimination and commend and patGuards. So here is a good Queen the Y. M. C. A. is to Protestants ronize employers and owners of business who have refused to IN OLD ALEXANDRIA Esther—Purim story. Only it's Sue- an< i the Newman club to Catholics Alexandria was a great city at the coth. in the universities. discriminate along racial lines. time, and the Jews -were a highly The Hillel Foundation gathers the Such definite action on the part of a large body of Christian prosperous element of the comJews on., the campus together and Youth groups is most encouraging. To secure the full fruits of a munity. And that it was a highly keeps them conscious in a time of cultured element, we may know by life when they might fall into amprogram of co-operation and understanding each racial and re- the fact that it produced a Philo nesia; it imbues them with the pride ligious group must aid to the utmost. In the words of the com- Judaeus. By AL. SEGAL that a Jew must feel who knows his mission, "We believe that the brotherhood of man will come only Indeed, the community suggests history; to its courses of Jewish when we recognize and appreciate the distinctive human values very much the German Jewish com~ I belong to the B'nai Brith. N o t ' f e ™ COme als ° m a n y n w h I m of today. Instead of Dr. in each cultural group and when we organize our society so that munities ^ / ^ » « * « * * •*" Rosenberg and Dr. Goebbels there that I attend all the meetings but! ^ there can be a sharing of each group by all. were Apion and Isidorus, the lead- when I do I am conscious of being A s a J e w
a stronger Jew. These men with' who egotistically woners of the anti-Semitic party. ders whether his successors will be I don't know "whether it was the whom I touch elbows are -with me I am pleased to hear that in Egyptian Jewish Congress which and I am no lonely Jew amid a mul- worthy i t h e s e Foundations young Jews are sent Philo to plead with the Em- titude of enemies. ., ... . ., being prepared for intelligent leadThe passage of a few days gives us more perspective on the peror, but, if they did, they sent a - . , , . , I feel bke the ^soldier j n the e rship in their Jewish communities sensational announcement by Poland at Geneva last week that worthy representative, even though trenches ^hose heart fails when he the Polish government would no longer be bound by the Minor- the Emperor's reception was rude. is left alone in a secluded sector; he; w h Se on wt hh e n t h et toi um te ocfo ms ec sh o tool Philo tells how the Emperor re- is more courageous when his com- d u e s t o B , n a i B r i t h j d o n o t t off ities covenants in the Versailles treaty and would not recognize ceived him in his garden, and gen- rades cluster all about him, ready t h e b f f l b u t p r o m p t i y ; since I interference by the League of Nations in any problem affecting erally when he asked the Jews a for defense; all for one and one for. f e e l ^ a t B > n a i B r i t h h a s v i t a l l y t o Polish minorities. question, and Philo began to answer, I do with my being as a Jew. Alone I As the implications of the Polish declaration become clearer, the Emperor rushed away to an- Belonging to B'nai Brith never has am weak; in B'nai Brith I am as part of the garden with the profited me in the sense that, were I strong as tens of thousands. our denunciation grows. The attitude taken in these columns is other Jews pursuing. In other words, the a salesman, I could get an order think that all Jews would evidently the attitude of Polish Jewish leaders. Dr. Johua Thon, old Emperor was, if not a Nazi, from a customer because he was likeI should to feel as strong as I do. And president of the Jewish Deputies Club in the Polish Sejm, com- quite as Nasty. also a Ben Brith. In fact, I like it seems to me, that the more of u s ^ ments as follows: "I do not wish to make a Jewish case out of The anti-Semites opened with the B'nai Brith the more because it is a r e joined together, the stronger charges that the Jews refused to a fraternal order not for the private e a c h Of u s ^ill feel. this affair. So far the declaration (by Foreign Minister Beck) worship the Emperor as God—that aggrandizement of its members but; B' n a j Brith should have a half has not hurt us, since we derived no benefit from the minority they refused to place his image in for the common good of us all, which million members and, it seems to me, treaties. Although the minority treaties are never fulfilled where their synagogues and refused to bow is to say all Jews. i n aspiring for ?5,000 members it Long ago we used to have a secret has set for itself a modest goal. we were concerned, we never sought the protection of the League down to his image. lodge grip and secret signs by which However, there is a certain sentiSo, you see, the old Roman emand never contemplated submitting to it Jewish grievances based perors -were a little worse than the one B'nai Brith made himself known ment; in October, Alfred M. Cohen, on the minority treaties. Nevertheless, I consider Col. Beck's step Hitlerites, for, though I have read to another; but that's out. There is revered president of the Order, will Intensification of educational activities will be a feature of faulty infringement on untouchable international treaties. that some of the Nazis claim that] no allegiance that I as a Ben Brith by 75 years old and the plan is ta the program being mapped out at the Jewish Community Center Furthermore, this step is momentarily inappropriate and may Hitler is as great and maybe aj owe to my brothers in the lodge that give him a birthday present: One i thousand members for each of the for the coming season. This program, when completed, will offer have unexpected consequences. I fail to see an advantage from little greater than Jesus, in general, I do not also owe to all Jews. My poor mind is not burdened by 75 y e a r s o f h i s l i f e , ,. L , Jesus in Germany still has the edge. educational opportunities from both the Jewish and general view- the Polish standpoint, either immediately or in the future." May I invite all not now affiliated Well, -what did Philo answer the any lodge secrets; since there are points, tending to raise the cultural level of our educational enterThe most harmful angle from the Jewish viewpoint is the Emperor? none. I may bring my wife to the to come in to be of the 75,000? prises. He said to the Emperor that the ceremonies by which now members possibility that the Polish idea may spread to neighboring lands. Outstanding, as usual, will be the Community Forum series, Some observers already see an indication of this in Austria's Jews had thrice bought sacrifices are inducted and she will probably for the Emperor, once when the Em- be disappointed that there are no bringing to 1£e rostrum of the Jewish Community Center five "ghettoizing" of Jewish school children. peror ascended the throne, once "when secrets in it. For she is fond of enbrilliant lecturers. The Forum has become a distinctive contribuwas sick, and once when he was tertaining secrets. It is growing more evident that Poland harmed her cause by he By O. O. DASHES As I got it, B'nai Brith is a brothtion of ours to the civic betterment of our community, offering her repudiation stand. As delegation chiefs consulted with their fighting the Germans. erhood for defense against injustice "But ah!" replied the Emperor. annually noted speakers who discourse upon subjects of vital in- home governments, antagonism to Poland mounted. The repre- 'You offer sacrifices to another for and defamation, to enlarge and And the stability of tliv tiraas terest and follow their addresses with an open forum. The stim- sentatives of Great Britain, France and Italy have rebuked Po- me but not to me." adorn Judaism as a good way of life, shall be a board of salvation, wisulating effect of these series has made the Forum a project which land for her stand; the Little Entente has expressed its criticism Then the Emperor rushed to an- to convey to the world some under- dom and knowledge, and the fear standing of Jewish thought, Jewish in its scope is by no.means confined to the Jewish community of Poland's ill-advised stand; the only other country besides Po- other part of the garden and paus- ideals, Jewish purposes, to co-oper- OL the Lord which is hi streasure. ing abruptly, turned to the Jews and He who walketb. righteously and but attracts the attendance of the entire community. ate for peace with all men of goodland where Poland's blunder is greeted enthusiastically is Nazi asked: Of particular note on- the-Center educational calendar is the Germany. The Nazis will approve of anything which will weaken "Why don't you eat swine flesh?" will. Sometimes I burn up. I read a eth the gain of oppressions, who appointment of an educational director and the re-emphasizing of the League of Nations and undermine the Treaty of Versailles. So you see how modern the old slanderous piece against Jews, or I fhaketh his hands from holding of the junior club work. Stress will be laid on Jewish content in And when the Nazis are.ready to discard the non-aggression pact Emperor was, or rather how ancient hear an insulting reference to Jews bribes, who stoppeth has ears.from •we still are. The. Emperor wanted building up the educational bulwarks, and the junior organiza- with Poland, and the "Polish corridor" will be in danger, Poland to be the Fuehrer, the Chancellor, in movies, or there is something on hearing of blood and shutteth his the radio'that offends me as a Jew, ^ / ^ ^ ; _ " P » _ ? " J ' *? f±t tions will obtain aid hitherto ungiyen. may find herself appealing in vain for world sympathy and aid, the President and the God. Education is wide in its vistaand boundless in its territory. basing her claims on the Versailles Treaty which she herself re- Well, it may interest you to know "Something, I say, «ought to be that the Jews were finally proved *™ted f his waters The Community Center can only partially contribute to the whole pudiated. I do? I can right in their contention that the in my own house; I can pound the picture of educational activities, but from the start made it is to heai% Emperor was no God, and not even much of a Fuehrer, when a personal table: but no one sees or hears me fairly safe to predict that that contribution this year will be of thereof the d tn fullness enemy of the Emperor stuck a knife except my wife. I am only one h substantial benefit. t h a t com? forth in him and the old Imperial Geezer angry man in my own house. DoubtThe passing of Ludwig Vogelstein, philanthropist, and relig- died like any ordinary fool. less, there are similarly indignant ^ ' ment pounding the tables in their ious leader, deprives American Jewry of a fine spirit which conTALMUD. MISSIONARY JUDAISM own houses;; but theyy and I are men Rabbi Isaac said: "You shall alstantly nurtured many of its educational, artistic and religious In an excellent article which appeared in last week's Jewish The age was very much like that apart, each nursing his indignation ways have the respect for a congrePress as a reprint from th^Lbndon Jewish-Chronicle, it was deft- causes. As chairman of the. executive committtee of the Union of our own; an age of unrest. Chris- unseen, iseen, unheard. _ | g a t i o n f o r t l i e p r i e s ts while reciting ly pointed out that the:_solution'to the problem of anti-Semitism of American Hebrew Congregations, as a former president of tianity was just emerging and Ju- That is why I feel stronger m the t h e h . b e n e d i c t i o n s t a n d w i t J l their daism was opposed because it of- B'nai Brith lodge. There these other. f a c e s t o w a r d t h e i r congregation, and is both a Christian problem and a Jewish problem, that both the Temple Beth-El, as a modest Maecenas to aspiring young music- ferred a radical challenge to the men are associated with me m the ^ . ^ o hin Jew and Ihe Christian must shoulder responsibility in effecting ians, and as a zealous supporter of the Hebrew Union College in idolatry of the day. Many of the purpose of being indignant against; ^ e art hfcd r) b a c k g t o v r a r d t h e sb C Cincinnati, Mr. Vogelstein'achieved an enviable niche in the Jews did missionary work for their injustice together. Through the lodge E a b b i " o ^ a s a i d : T h e r e a r e four an answer. ' : v hearts of the Jewish community. Reform Judaism was his hobby. religion and many of the finest pa- we make ourselves heard. We speak Masses t h a t w m no\ deServe to reThat many right-thinking Christians are doing their share gans were adopting Judaism. as one man against the defamation c e i v e t h e rjivine presence — the toward a solution is evidenced in the findings reached by a com- Following the gentleman's code he never permitted it to become Who knows but that Judaism it- in print and the defamation in the. c } a s s o f s c o n i e r S j the class of liars, mission on "Extending Friendship Among the Races" at the ses- his passion. He was never a popular leader, revered by the self might not have conquered the picture and the defamation on the. ^e c ] a s s of flatterers, and the class soins of the Christian Youth Council of North America. In mak- masses. Had he willed it so, he might well have attained fame as world, if not for Paul, who came air. We speak together and are of talebearers, along with a form of Judaism to heard. I Our Rabbis were taught: "Since ing the findings public, Dr. Everett R. Clinchy, director of the a leader of American Jewry. But he preferred to remain in the which had been annexed the doc- Particularly when I hear of dis- t h e destruction of the Temple, learnbackground, to perform his generous duties without the attendant National Conference of Jews and Christians, termed it as "one of trines of the Trinity, the Resurrec- crimination am I hurt. It comes to C(j m e n be gan to feel ashamed, and me that a certain youth was unable ar j s t O cratic families bent their heads, the most far-reaching and significant programs for inter-racial fireworks of ballyhoo. We mourn the death of Ludwig Vogel- tion, etc. stein. He was a Jewish gentleman of culture who knew how to to get employment in a certain in-j raen of a c ts were diminished, and and interrreligious understanding ever to be adopted by a ChrisSWIMMING SUITS IN dustry because he is a Jew. I might n - e n o f power began to rule; also, serve his people. PALESTINE tian Youth organization in this country." go to the executive of this industry; talebearers ruled over the righteous. Just returned from Palestine, Mrs. "Sir, this is outrageous! This is un- | There is no one to argue, no one "It is our responsibility as Christian youth," the statement Archibald Silverman announces that American; This is denial of an ele-,t 0 plead or ask for the txistence of declares, "to undertake all the activities we can which will broaden if you are going to Palestine, you mentary human right." ' Israel, and upon whom shall we the lines of communication and co-operation between racial groups, First Day of Succoth__ „„!„. ...Monday, September 24 need not stock up -with clothing in But I am just one. The executive rely? Only \ipon our Heavenly advance. Palestine, she says, now looks at me as if to say, "What Father." leading thein to a real understanding and appreciation of the Eighth Day of Succoth—™......:. .......^Monday, October 1 produces almost every commodity business is this of yours?" This lets Rabbi Man said: He who is boastunique contributions of each racial group to the whole society. Simchath Torah .... ..Tuesday, October 2 you can think of. me down and I go my way. | ful—in the beginning, not knowing We must realize, furthermore, in approaching other racial groups, *Rosh Chodesh Chesvan Wednesday, October 10 "Even the •women will find the In B'nai Brith I am not just one. his exact nature, people like such a „ Thursday, November 8 type of bathing suit that exposes I am tens of thousands. B"na"i Brith man, but at the end he is despised that we must reverence their reverences and respect their digni- Rosh Chodesh Kislev as much as is exposable," she de- speaks to the this executive with the not only by strangers but even by ..._. Sunday, December 2 clared. ties and values, for only through such systematic co-operation can First Day of Chanukah voices of these tens of thousands. It his own household, _..„...Friday, December T Somebody asked her—how about speaks a rich and varied; society, so possiblejn this continent because of Rosh Chodesh Tebeth and he does not ask, "What Our Rabbis were taught: "Always Sunday, December 16 cigars? the racial elements, be achieved: The savage attitude of live and Fast of Tebeth business is this of yours?" He is re- let the left hand repel those deserv"Well," she replied, "Mr. Lipsky spectful and regretful even. I ing, and the right shall invite, not annihilate' has given way to our present attitude 'live and let live.' NOTE: Holy days begin in the evening preceding the dates will find his brand produced in Sometime, as a Jew I am in a de-1 as Elisha has done with Gechazi in In a Christian world order this prevalent world attitude must give designated. Palestine." ploring mood. Perhaps my mood rejoicing with both hands,—and Eliway to the group philosophy 'live and help live/ for we believe 'Veil, there's lots of us, includfrcm my egotism which sha wa» punished by God for that." *Rosh Chodesh also observed the previous day.
Poland's Emigma
Center Activities
Their Share
Hebrew Calendar
Page 5—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1934 RETURNING TO CHICAGO Miss Beatrice Stedman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Irving Stedman of Chicago, has been visiting in Omaha for the past three weeks with her cousins, the Nathan Simons, with Mrs. Dora Motz, and other friends. She returns to Chicago next •week.
Vaad Auxiliary
Name Ida Tenenbaum
Conservative Men's
Table and door prizes will be given Mrs. L Dansky, chairman of the Club to Open Season Junior Society Head Hadassah at the card party Wednesday eveNational Fund, has dening, October 10, at 8 p. m. at the The Junior Society of the Conserva- signated October 21 and 22 for the The Men's Club of the Conserve.-, J. C. C, which will open the social tive synagogue elected the following National Fund drive. At that time tive Synagogue is beginning its year season for the Ladies Auxiliary of officers at their last meeting1: the contents of the boxes -will be of activities with the first meeting the Vaad HaThr. collected. on October 24. - 1 The -committee is trying to make Ida Tenenbaum, president; Sophie The purpose of the Jewish NaAt this meeting officers for the Rosenstein, vice president; Ann Greenthis one of the outstanding events on tional Fund are many, but chiefly coming year will be elected. TO CHICAGO berg, secretary; Claire Fel&man, Vaad calendar. Special entertainthe redemption of the soil in PalesRabbi Uri Miller will speak on his Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Batt and Mrs.the treasurer; Sophia Handler, reporter. ment is being arranged, and refreshtine. Reforestation, drainage and Batt's sister, Miss Jerry Gimple, ments will be served. Plans for the coming season were road building are among the import- recent trip through Europe and Pelestine. A large number of the men have motored to Chicago, where they For tickets and any information made at a meeting of the officers, ant projects. Nearly a million boxes of the congregation are expected to be will attend the •world's fair. held at the home of the president. A are distributed among the Jewish concerning the affair, call Mrs. D. feature of the season's activities will people of the world—each, a remind- present. Dr. Isadore Dansky will proEpstein, AT lantic 5502. Tide the fun for the evening -with a RETURNS TO WASHINGTON ' be the annual dance, which will take er of the Jewish homeland. recitation of his newest stories. Miss Esther Faier has returned to Temple Sisterhood place December 23. MARRIAGE I Those having National Fund boxWashington, D. C, after a two-week Dr. Cohn Addresses The next meeting of the Junior So- es are requested to remember ths Jewish Consul General Miss Josephine Monheit, daughter | The Temple Israel Sisterhood will visit in Omaha -with her family. ciety "will be held at the home of Miss dates of the drive, October 21 and Tirana, Albania. — Appointment of of Mrs. L. Cohen, became the bride of Cosmopolitan Club Lillian Chudacoff on Wednesday eveMr. Herman Levinson, son of Mr. and hold their iirst regular meeting' of the While here, she was extensively enDr. Arthur Marie, a Jew, as consul Mrs. Charles Levinson, at a beauti- season on Monday, October 1, at a tertained. ning, October 3. general for Albania in Jugoslavia, has Rabbi Frederick Cohn addressed fully appointed ceremony, at the home 1 o'clock luncheon at the temple. Mrs. Dave Stein, newly-appointed been announced. the Cosmopolitan Club at the Rome of Mr. and Mrs. L. Cohen, Wednes- Father Leo Mullany, head of the RETURN FROM VISIT gift fund chairman, announces the Hotel Monday noon. Re-Im day evening, September 26, at 7:30department of English at Creighton TO CHICAGO following contributions to her fund: p. m. Rabbi Frederick Conn officiated university, -will review "Goodbye Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Joe M. Rice and fam- His subject was "The New Era." _ The fall dance of the Re-Im club the brothers and sisters of Mrs. Eeuand about seventy-five g u e s t s Chips," by James Hilton. ily have returned from a two-weeks MISS will be held at the city auditorium on ben Kulakofsky, in loving memory attended. Members of the boaTd will meet at stay in Chicago. While there, they Sunday evening, October 28. Ben Sos- of Earl Kulakofsky; Mrs. Reuben Junior Vaad ROSE BIALAC visited with Mrs. Rice's parents, Mr. The marriage culminates a romance 2 o'clock. kin has been appointed general chair- Bordy in honor of the marriage of The -first meeting of the Junior man. between the young couple "which dates Reservations for the luncheon are and Mrs. J. Green. Announces Yaad will be held Tuesday evening Assisting Soskin are the following her daughter, Naomi. back to their high school days at Cen- in charge of Mrs. Mollie Cohen, Walthe transfer of her at 8 p. m. at the B'nai Israel synatral High. The bride attended Creigh- ut 7144. ALPHA GAMMA CHI subcommittee chairmen: Irving Passton university. Mr. Levinson attended The Alpha Gamma Chi.sorority of gogue. _ off, advertising; Bill Kaiman, tickets; i Art Grossman to SPECIALTY An interesting program is being the University of Nebraska and the 5IEGEL-SIGAL MARRIAGE Omaha University held its final rush Jack Frieden, entertainment; Abe arranged by the program committees New York university school of retailHAT SHOP Head Xi Lambda Mr. and Mrs. S. Sigal announce party in the form of a buffet sup- of both the Young Men's Vaad and Sherman, concessions; Nate Ferer, ing. per Saturday evening, September 15. publicity; Harry Lefkovitz, dance the marriage of their daughter, Tillto the Among the out-of-town guests \ n s ye, to Mr. Abe Siegel, son of Mrs. at the home of Miss Bernice Perl- the Junior Vaad Auxiliary, and alltreasurer. Art Grossman was chosen president Mr. Adolph Marer of Indianapolis, E. Siegel, on Sunday, September 23, meter. A color scheme of red andmembers are urged to be present. the Xi Lambda fraternity at their Plans for the coming year will be Part of the proceeds will be donated j of . Conant Hotel Ind., grandfather of the groom. recent election. Other officers named at the home of the bride's parents, white was carried out. The party presented by the executive commit- to charitable organizations. The couple left by motor for the 'ollowing the ceremony, a dinner was in charge of Miss Esther SilPhone AT-9564 Room No. 307 The organisation is planning to enwere Herman Babich, vice president; east They will visit in Chicago and was served for members of the im-verman, assisted by the Misses Rose tee, which is headed by Nathan Fine. ter a basket ball team in the J. C. C.Erwin Wezelman, secretary; Ralph at Niagara Falls, and will make their mediate families. Fisher, Beth Platt, and Geraldine league this winter. Joe Nitz is chair- Nogg, treasurer. home in New York City. man of the sports committee. The installation banquet for the Among the out-of-town guests Strauss. U. S. Germans Unite Pledges of the sorority were ofnew officers was held last Snndav. •were Mr. and Mrs. Irving Sigal of To Combat Hitlerism Service Quality SMITH-PERLIS ENGAGEMENT Chicago; Mrs. Max Merlin of Sioux ficially announced the past week. Jewish War Heroes in Mr. and Mrs. N. Perlis announce City; Mrs. Ben Polsky of Lincoln; They are; the Misses Sylvia Gilbert, the engagement of their daughter,- Miss Mildred Bessel of New Bre-Rose Kirshenbaum, Bertha Slutzky, New York (WNS).—A new organMizrachi Austria Demonstrate Rosella, to Mr. Arthur Smith, son men, Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. Sam Poska Fannie Witkin, all of Omaha, and ization called the League of Free GerThe MizracM will hold their first Florence Steinberg of Council Bluffs. mans has been established here to Vienna (JTA).—Thousands of Aus- meeting of the season this Saturday of Mr. and Mrs. H. Smith. of Creston, la. trian Jewish war veterans, many of The formal pledging will take unite all Germans and people of GerMiss Perlis attended the UniverAfter a short honeymoon trip, the evening in the succah at the B'nai place this Sunday afternoon at the man origin opposed to Nazism, in one them wearing the highest Austrian Israel synagogue, 18th and Chicago sity of Nebraska, where she was a ouple will reside in Creston, la. decorations for bravery, turned out in member of Sigma Delta Tau so- The bride was entertained at many home of Miss Esther Silverman. Miss movement. Martin Plettl, a German streets. rority. Mr. Smith attended Creish- affairs. Among those entertaining Janet Graetz is pledge-mistress. Oth- refugee and former president of the an imposing: demonstration at a me- This will be the first of a series morial service for the Jewish World German clothing workers' union, heads ton University, where he was affil- for her were Miss Esther Siegel, ers on her committee are the Misses of M'lave Malkehs during the year iated with the Pi Lambda Phi fra-Mrs. Earl Siegel, Mrs. H. Winer, Sylvia Silverman and Rose Fisher. the new organization, which has sent War dead. Beriesliments will be served. The demonstration, which centered out organizers over the country. Externity. Mrs. S. Frohm, and the bride's Rabbi Uri Miller will speak on his | tension of its activity to Canada and around the dedication of 100 tomb- Palestinian No date has been set for the wed-mother. SLTMBEK BtTSH PABTT experiences during his j Phone AT-2S15 2S15 Farnam St. stones, recently erected, was considLatin-America is also envisaged. A ding. The O. D. D. sorority entertatined trip this summer. j ered a hint that Austrian Jewry had fourteen guests at a slumber rush national congress of anti-Nazi Ger- made ZEIA BETA TAU PLEDGES enormous sacrifices for the counLEWIS-TUCKER ENGAGEMENT The University of Nebraska chap- party Saturday evening, September 22, mans is to be held shortly. try and that those services must not at the home of Miss Sonia Saks in Mrs. Ethel Tucker announces the ter of the Zeta Beta Tau fraternity be forgotten in formulating governYour Satisfaction Is Our Success engagement of her daughter, Sarah, announces the pledging of the fol-Council Bluffs. The rushees were the Saar Jewry to Move ment policy. Misses Sylvia Jonisch, Sarah Kaplan, to Mr. Lou Lewis, son of Mr. andlowing- men: Harold Stein, Bob StiefIn recent months the Austrian govat Moment's Notice ernment Mrs. A. Lewis. ler, Gerald Gross, Howard Green- Sylvia "Werner and Marjorie Kaplan. has pursued a policy of No date has been set for the wed-waldr Bernard White, Harold Tuchsteady elimination of Jews from the man, and Ronald Reuben, of Omading. Saarbruecken (WNS).—Every Jew public services and from professional Junior Hadassah ha; Alfred Shamberg of Scottsbluff, in the Saar region is ready to cross posts. Thousands of Jews have been LEVY-ROGINSKY Nebr.; Harry Benjamin of Walthill, the border into France on January 13 thrown out of work and reduced to ENGAGEMENT Nebr.; and Paul Berman of Joplin, Junior Hadassah opens its season if the plebiscite on that day returns beggary. with a membership tea at the Black- this district to Germany. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Roginsky an- Mo. nounce the engagement of their Officers for the coming year are: stone hotel on Sunday, September 30, Thousands of Jewish residents are daughter, Sophie, to Mr. Herman 3. •Herman Rosenblatt, Omaha, presi- at 2:30 p.m. already selling out and keeping their Fleishman & SosMn Levy, of Sioux City, la., son of Mr. dent; Melvin Berkowitz, Omaha, viee An interesting program has been assets in liquid condition to enable (Pormerlj- In the employ of L. Harris) and Mrs. Abe Levy. president; Bernard Galitzki, Topeka, arranged, with Rabbi Uri Miller as them to flee at short notice. Kansas; Lloyd Friedman, Omaha, guest speaker. A skit, "Junior Hadas- Banks in the neighboring French Twelve years experience secretary; and Albert Stein, Omaha, sah a Spree," will be pre-town of Fofbach have had to build Insurance with Reliable Companies ANNOUNCE BIRTH sented by Rose Abramson, Ruth Swen- special vaults to handle the funds en- Real Estate . . . Property Management Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rice announce historian. gil, Freda Soffer, Kalah Franklin, trusted to their care by residents of SIS So. tstb St. JA. 7311 the birth of a son at Emmanuel hosGoldie Siedman, Mary Garfinkle, and SIGMA ALPHA MU PLEDGES the Saar. pital on Sunday, September 23. The University of Nebraska chapter Dora Freshman. Mrs. Max Fromkin x>f Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity at is coaching the players. Julia Zuker SIX MONTHS STAY Lincoln, Nebr., announces the pledg- will render a solo, accompanied by IN CALIFORNIA Ruth Myers. Irving Kaiman will give Mr. and Mrs. Edward Treller leave ing of the following men: imitations. Harold Civin, Dave Bernstein, and Saturday for a six-months stay }n Tea will be poured by the Misses Henry Riekes, Omaha; Ervine Green, Xos Angeles, Calif. Norfolk; Irving Zoeitel, Grand Is- Ida Fine and Evelyn Glazer. Girls inThey expect to return April 1. land; Aaron Finklestein, Lincoln; terested in joining Junior Hadassah Sidney Rosenthal, Norfolk; Arnold are asked to communicate with Minnie Froom. Levine, Rosalie. Alpha Pi Tau Charles Goldberg and Al Oruch •were elected to membership in the Alpha Pi Tau at a meeting of the group held last -week.
Jr. Vaad Auxiliary A meeting of the Junior Vaad Auxiliary will be held Tuesday evening, October 2, at the B'nai Israel synagogue, 18th and Chicago. An interesting program will be presented, and the activities of the year outlined.
A.Z.A.1 Five new members were initiated at the last regular meeting of the Mother chapter. They are: Daniel Miller, Morris Adler, Julian Nathan, Charles Susman, and Louis Hurwitz. " The meeting was addressed by City Commissioner Harry Trustin; Max Baer, assistant executive secretary of A. Z. A.; Dr. Leon JFellman and Louis R. Ricklin, alumni. A smoker -will be held October 14. Ben Lefitz is chairman of the com-; mittee in charge, assisted by. Art "Weiner, Ernest Nogg, Louis Har-witz, Mort Freedlander, and Dan Miller.
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'-• '">-~\ ,<: Vi-v?- 1 ',
WHEN SEEING ISN'T BELIEVING—"I still insist the world is flat," insists Wilbur Glenn Voliva, overseer of Zion City, III., as he looks critically and sardonically at the world's largest revolving globe at the Chicago Century of Progress exposition.
CHILD-MOTHER'S HOME—To this rustic mountain cabin m the Great Smoky mountains, near Kodak, Tenn., Mildred Morgan, 11year-old mother, will bring her tiny baby. Mildred's parents, seen in the doorway, are anxious to have the child live with them. The infant's father is a 14-year-old classmate of Mildred's who used to walk three miles to school with her daily. BETWEEN RIOTS—Priva.te Woolf of the Rhode Island national guard feeds the child of a textile striker in the mess kitchen set up-in a Woonsocket rayon mill. Since the recent rioting troopers have been keeping close watch on the situation.
SOCIETY NUPTIALS—Boston was the scene of the fashionable wedding ceremony which united Miss Carol Crocker of Boston and Carrinjton Clark of Kansas City. Above, the young couple just after the ceremony. tered
• • ~~ ; ; . ^ n± T?-««i«-;-Ve^«t.o. WASHOUT CAUSES DEATH-A trestle, washed out during recent * m W , ™£******™* Va c a u s e d ^ wreck of this freight train and tiie death of the fireman^ . ^ J ^ « « ^ J t r S e difficulty in removing the engine from its position because of the total collapse 01 tne trestle.
AFRT AT INSPECTION ^The CbSks A Linobergh at Kansas City, Mo., one of the g inspeSon tour of airports. f
and Mrs. on their
"-,' «'
ii-i\ , >•!-.!
attracted almost as much attention at the first race between the Rainbow and the a did the contenders. - It is. Vincent Aster's NourmahaL from which President Roosevelt,-center, is shown leaving the Astor yacht^aboard its tender...
page 7—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY," 'JuiiinimmiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiuuHiimnuiii: publication-of Jthe memoirs of. the
28, IBM
GRADUATp Metropolitan Comment EXERCISES OF By Henry W. Levy TALMUD TORAH
'Venizelos Declares He s No Anti-Semite
late President. Paul ~von_>.Hindenburg 5 are owned by: a, Jewish book firm in Sweden—which,:,we're afraid, won't from get rich on.that!.-••..> ,!•• •_ Saloniki (WNS).—While his newsr There is .an old Irish legend to ihe paper supporters continue to wage a effect that* St. Patrick was descendpress war against the Jews, former premier Eleutherios Venizelos told a ed from the Prophet.Jeremiah—-but "ONLY ONE DAMN FOOL" scorn. As a- Jewess she. is taken in Regular Friday evening services Jewish delegation that called on him like blarney to us. ---.-••55By PHINEAS J. BIE05 1 it-sounds It is quite fitting that this column by the community's' only Jew. There, Eddie Cantor and. Al Jolsdn -are which herein makes its "bow conse- she learns of her new Teligion and Well Rounded Program Present- of the Vaad Ha'lhr will be held this to protest against the inciting arti^iiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiumuiiiinuuiiiiiiuiiii^ cousins—which -explains why ed at J. C C. Wednesday evening at the - B'nai Israel syna- cles in the Venizelist press that he they crated to New York happenings begins to be proud of it. A little gogue. Cantor A. Schwackin and his was not an anti-Semite. Evening don't like .each other, .'•' ' should <lo so shortly after the the- later, it is discovered that -she is not THINGS YOU SHOULD choir -will chant the service. Rabbi He also declared that his interview REMEMBER atrical profession's contribution to a Jewess but a Protestant,.' a • misSOMETHING YOU SHOULD the United Jewish Appeal, the gala, take having been made in her birth More popular interest in the City Uri Miller will deliver the sermon on •with the London Jewish Post, which The first "Gentile" governor of KNOW -: .:-,•. -. • ' : , / . . . ,- "Night of Stars," which netted some records. Talmud Torah and its curriculum is the subject, "If I Wished to Destroy precipitated the present anti-Semitic Utah was a Jew, Simon Bamfcerger Dr. L. B. Namier, world-famous $35,000 for the benefit of the Gerbeing generated locally as a result of Israel." drive in Greece, was badly misinterThe change in the attitudes of the :—Utah being the 'only place where- historian, who wrote the introducSunday morning a Succoth party preted. the "Talmud Torah Week" activities, townspeople to these changes in the man-Jewish refugees. For • concerned Jews are Gentiles, for-all non-Mor- tion to Dr. Arthur . Ruppin's "The He denied having accused Greek as it will be with New York, it will religious birth of the girl comprise "which culminates this evening with for children t>f the • Vaad Religious mons are called Gentiles there. Jews in • the Modern World," never naturally turn to the theatre as one the essence of the play. Through it, addresses -from the various pulpits School and the South Omaha Reli- Jews of lack of patriotism but reiterMrs. Jonah J. Goldstein, wife of advocated race suicide as a solution gious School will be held at 10 ated his belief that they ought to aca very Piranadelloisque theme is on themes of Jewish education. Judge Jonah. J. Goldstein/ was the for the German Jewish problem . . . of its sources of copy. For even if presented. :The play, to our mind, o'clock in the B'nai Israel succah. cept a separate electoral college in A highlight of the week's activifirst woman to become a C. :P, A. in His statement about • hringing Jew- New York is not America; it's the- seems to say that it matters not ties was the graduation exercises of Refreshments will be served by the order to avoid anti-Semitic provocaKew York, state—and who said that ish children into the world reads: atre is America's. what your religion is but what peo- the Talmud Torah class of 5695, held Vaad Auxiliary. tion. All showdom turned out in behalf ple think it is. And there is more at the J. C. C. Wednesday evening. women don't count? Services fcr Shmini Atsereth will "The' question which the Jews must of the harassed refugees. There was The graduates: Martin Steinberg, be held in the Orthodox synagogues Hungary Honors Jewish Pierre van Paasen, noted Chris- now ask themselves is whether they Georgie Jessel and Jack Benny, Leo- than a suggestion of verity to the can and should" assume responsibility theme. Certainly, what has happened Alex Adler, Bernard Weiss, Norman Sunday evening at 6 o'clock. tian defender of the Jews, with a pold Stokowski and Bill Eobinson, Services Monday morning vail be- Leader tiny black mustache on his upper for bringing Jewish children into the Nannette Gilford and Belle Baker, in Germany during the last few Wezelman, Leonard Goldstein, Joe Budapest—Regent Nicholas Horthy gin at 8:30 a. m. Memorial services world in the galuth, to face a fate Kirshenbaum, Hymie Holzman, Iryears is indicative .of that. lip is a dead ringer for Adolf Hitof Hungary appointed Abraham which seems1 to become worse every Burns, and AUen and Molly Picon, vin Foitoes, Ben Sutler, Nathan Shu- will be "held during the service. In this respect, we cannot, see how ler—so that you'd better sliave care- "wbich On Monday evening Simchss To-1 Freudiger, president of the Budapest The quotation which Baby Eose Marie and Jack Cooper, a majority of the critics referred to kert, Leo Atperson and Harry Goodfully, Pierre, or one \of the JKoefem-i"7^1" rah services will be held at the B'nai Jewish community, High Government gained circulation substituted the the Fekine Ballet and George "Ger- the play as a sort of "Hungarian binder. ans may attack you! V : -.shwin, Milton Berle and Irving BerThe main address was given by srael synagogue at 6:45 p. m. These Councillor in recognition of his pubA majority of the | fifty-two daily word "future", for "galuth" and thus lin and so many hundred others that Abie's Irish Ease." Anne Nichol's Ben Kazlowsky, who inspired his services will be especially devoted lic and religious work. placed Dr. Namier in the position money maker was just a mess of newspapers published in Paris are we just can't list them here. of saying something which he sentimentality about inter-marriage; 1 hearersi with the need and'value of to the children, and. all children are anti-Semitic—but nobody seems ~to be invited. Gifts will be distributed Talmud The diploBut what we've been leading up "The Bride of. the Torozko," on .We ^ e Talmud Torah Torah work. work The diplo among the children attending. neither said -nor meant. « very -much worried about' it.:."• were presanted by Dr. Philip to was a story told by Harry Hershbring, this to your attention because other hand, treats a delicate and | The world's largest false teeth facLet me protect your interests . . . 1 tory is in Palestine •-—• just suppose Dr. Namier is entitled to have this field as his contribution to '-'Night deep subject with a light and deft Sher, honorary president of the Talmud Torah. write INSrRA'NTE of every description of Stars." Prefacing it with the ac- hand. •. •• - - .• . . they insisted on stamping "Made in matter cleared.up. . . . including I,I*"E, in Btronfr. reliable companies ONLY . . . JJFI'K talk it over. The Jewish inkeeper, ably por-1 As the graduates entered the audiPalestine" on the front incisors I (Copyright, 1934, by Eeven Arts councement that it could serve as -the At services at the Conservative evening's editorial, Harry told this trayed by the Jewish Sam Jaffee,, re- torium, Hatikvoh was sung. Incloded The German consul at Seattle is Feature Syndicate.) City Finance & Insurance Co. one story. It - was so good that it membered for his noteworthy enact- on the program were: A talk an "Re- Synagogue this evening Rabbi David 1409 rarnara St. AT. 1G67 or WA. 515« a paid subscriber to the Seattle JewA. Goldstein will speak on "The Genligious Instruction," by Hymie Holzwas enough, so good that we are go- ment of Kringlin in "The . Grand ish Transcripe—with the knowledge tle Cynic and A Road to Happiness." ing to. retell it here now^ Hotel," develops another thought man; "Talmud Torah According to After the service the congregation of Herr Hitler? Shnlchon Arach," by Harry GoodTwo Jevrs, said Harry, were travelworthy of note After the girl is Movie star Francis Lederer is will gather in the succah for Kiding in a Berlin street car when one restored to Catholicism via Protes- binder; "The Vision of Yechezkiel,"' dush. such a confirmed pacifist that he reby Martin Steinberg; recitation of of them in the course of a conver- tantism, for it is easier for a Protfuses to play in war pictures—bpt Hoshannah Rabboth services will 1 Grey Iron, Alnmlnnm and ? sation untactfully made reference to estant to become Catholic than for a "Scheros Ha Azino," by Norman Welove films are his meat. the "damn fool dictator." Overheard Jew, one of the characters rants zelman; singing of "Amar" Adoshen begin Sunday morning at 8 a. m. f Bronze fastings I The new Ku Klux Klan building Shemini Atzereth services will be by a Storm trooper, he was immedi- about the terrible injustice done the Le Yakoy," by Joe Kirshenbamn, acin Atlanta was built by Jewish conWood and Metal Patterns | companied at the piano by Miss Mar- held Sunday night beginning at S I ately taken before a magistrate. girl, who as a matter- of fact was garet Hurwitz; "Rabbi Cheeah," by o'clock. Rabbi Goldstein will deliver 1 2C14 Martha St. tractors—ivhich is nothing to brag HA. r»525 about. Eoundly berated by the magis- doing quite well as a Jew. Leonard Goldstein; "The Jewish Eth- the sermon. Cantor E. Sellz will Samuel Zemurray, the world's ba- Secretary of State Hull Speaks trate, the Jew already had visions Jaffe quite indignantly asks: "Is with Reference to the Talmud Tor- chant the service. Mr. Harry BraviOut Against Economic nana king, is a Jew—that's why "Fes of seeing himself in a concentration it so terrible to be a Jew for four by Leo Alperson; "Hillel," by roff will direct the choir. After the Boycotts NATIONAL We Have No Bananas" was so popucamp. He knew he'd have- to think weeks? Maybe everybody shouldhave M ^ ^ ^ ' H e ^ ^ services the congregation will enter lar in Germany. fast. to be a Jew; for a month." ACCESSORIES. Inc. the succah for the last time this verbs Relating to the Talmud Torah," The only daughter of the late John Washington (JTA). —Although he "Your honor," he cried out. "This It is a thought worth remember- by Ales Adler; class resolutions by year. EVERYTHING Jacob Astor is married to son Of the did not directly refer to it, Secretary is all a mistake, I meant no disre- ing. Perhaps it' is the real answer Irvin Forbes. Monday morning services will boFor the Auto late Austrian Jewish poet Hugo von of State Cordell Hull made what was spect. It was Mussolini I was talk- ;o the Jewish problem, one that has E. Bloch, teacher, of the graduat- gin at 9 a. m. "Yizkor" will begin at : obviously intended as an assault on Hofmannsthal—more amazingly yet ing about." ^ " 2051 Farnam AT. 5524 been successfully defying the best ing class, was presented with a gift about 10:15 a.' m. the anti-German boycott at a press they are very happy. "Mussolini nothing," was the ma- thinkers for so many thousands of from the members of the class, the Simchas Torah services will begin The official hostess of the Ameri- conference here when he declared him- gistrate's answer, that stunned the years. presentation being made by Harry Monday evening at 7:15 p. m. The j can Embassy at Moscow is a Polish self of the opinion that boycotts are Jew. "There's only one damn fool (Copyright, 1934, Jewish Telegra- Goodbinder. children of the synagogue are espe-! Jewess, the wife of First "Counselor exceedingly unwise and generally do dictator." phic Agency, Inc.) Following the program, a recep- cially invited to come. Each one will Wiley—which is an asset in Soviet not pay, as they represent one more tion was held by the parents of the receive gifts from the women of the PUBLISHERS element that is obstructive. Bussia. OIL BURNERS Auxiliary. graduates. A measure of the credit for The first Ku Klux Klan of post- The State Department is in the The children of the Sunday School A succah party for members of the Civil War days was organized and midst of a campaign to increase trade "Night of Stars" was- bestowed upon Talmud Torah- and their friends was of the Conservative Synagogue will financed by Judah B. Benjamin from with all nations and Secretary Hull is A. J. Kobler, the Jewish publisher 2612 Leavenworth AT. 2360 to be held Thursday afternoon under have the Succoth party this Sunday industriously working out reciprocal of the Daily Mirror, which publicahis exile in ILondon—rand why' not, if morning. They will be entertained by the sponsorship of the Deborah Sotion along with the United Jewish I tariff treaties. he was in London? the Sunday School committee. ciety. The Lincoln penny was designed Although all negotiations" so far Appeal, were the sponsors of the by a Jewish artist, Victor David have been informal, it is apparent that show. Mr. Kobler, a Hearst execuBrenner—who got some- -pennies for Germany's proposals have led the tive of long standing, has succeeded the job, too. . .: State Department to believe that the in bringing the Daily Mirror out of Services at Temple Israel this eveLeo Abramson, president of Oma25th and Leavenworth Sts. ning will begin at 8 p.m. Rabbi David John Howard Payne, author -Of Keich is starving for American raw the red after a number of other September 21, 19S4. B i t h has h Atlantic 2574 of B'nai Brith, astute publishers failed. But success ha lodge No. •H. Wice will deliver a sermon on the "Home, Sweet Home,"" had^ a Jevy- materials. . . ;"S-~ "..;-' ; , • Editor: annouiieed4i)^^oUowng committee bT..° is nothing jiew. JtO lMx."J^blex.:;_One Bar£# Pfioposed. ^ ' ~ ish grandfather—wKicK" makes J |Br->the ensuing term: 3ty attention has just Been called tb topic, "Is Jewish Education a Fad?" The proposals are understood to fall "of the. founders of the Hearst far- appointments~ only a 75 per cent Aryan. Saturday morning services will bea report .in your issue of August 31 .. J vshmuiee; famed American Weekly, he has The entire area .of- what_is. now within the definifion. of a barter arMax -BaxUh,* chairman-; Uavid Brodtey, last, in which, in connection with the gin at 10:30 a.m. Rabbi Wice will deUrodtey. Jiarry Sommers, Dave K. the city of Chicago was once the rangement, under which Germany been credited with a large measure Harold liver a sermonette. Cohen, Dr. A; Greenberg, A'hiUp Klutmict, recent Jewish conference at Geneva private property of two Jewish fur could buy large.cpiantities of cotton, of the success of this Sunday sup- Simon Bord y, W. A. Kacusin, Nathnn S. [am quoted as having'said that "all The concluding services for Suc- New upholstered fnrnitnre made to t tobacco and other unfinished products, plement of the Hearst papers which Yaffe Jliltoa AbraliamK,•• J. J . Friedman, 4hat Rabbi "Wise and his fellow dele- coth will be held Sunday evening at yonr individual taste. No extra cost | traders—who doubtless sold "•-• their i. r> Frank David Goldman, Sain Green, to have your furniture made to fit t land for more than the Indians got and send us in return a limited line charges $16,000 lor a single page of William Milder. I. W. ' Rosenblatt. Simon gates have achieved is the untold 6 p.m. A sermonette will be given by yonr home Call AT-2574 and Mr. | advertising space.' 1'izer, Kobert Koadle, Philip Greenberg. harm of giving apparent validity to Rabbi Wice on the significance of the i Sossman of machinery and dyes, of the sort for the isle of Manhattan. will call and make sug. Incidentally few people realize the Intellectncr Advancement Th first prohibitionist elected to not manufactured in this country. Julius Bisno. chairman; Henry MonsKy, the allegations of those who believe Feast of Conclusion and the Rejoicing f gestions. number of Jewish publishers of the House of Representatives was American objections' to complying reading New York dailies. All of us, TTarry A VTolf, Sam Befoer. Jack - Marer, the 'Protocols of the Elders of Zion.' of the Law. Silverman, Harry Trnstin, Leo KosCharles Lewis Levin of Philadelphia, with Germany's suggestions are at )f course, know of Adolph Ochs, the Harry onthal Harry B. Zimman, Dr. A. Green- Years ' of earnest endeavor cannot lierc Philip Klntznick. Dr. Philip Sher. undo that harm." in 1845—no wonder they call us present two-fold. ' Tel Aviv Obtains Loan lublisher of the illustrious New S. Taffe. Abner Kaiman, Ealibi To begin with, Germany has not York Times. But not so many know Kathan I am at a loss to know how this Frederick Cohn. Itnbbi David Wice, Rabbi Paris.—Mayor M. Dizengoff of Tel The second national commander of evolved any means of meeting the de- that there are two other Jewish Url Miller, llabbi David Goldstein. Jacob statement has come to be ascribed to Aviv, Palestine, has secured a £350,000 Max Barish, Abe Katz. Morton the. American Legion was Colonel liberately defaulted payment on the publishers in New York, namely: rearlstien, Richards. Simon Pizer, Earl Lapidns, f r . me. I never made it. All I said is# con- (approximately $1,750,000) loan for Milton Foreman, Chicago Jewish Dawes and Young Plan bonds, and has Dave Stern of the Post and Stanton Leon Fellmr.n. tained in a statement which was is- his city, at less than five per cent inMembership recently been sharply criticized for oblentz of the American. banker—so what? Bea Kazlo^-sty and Kphraim Marks, co- sued to the press by the American terest, it is understood in Paris. . The mother of William C. Bullitt, this. Henry Monsky. Sam Beber, Dr. Jewish committee on August 22, readi . These two men are newcomers to chairmen: Greenberp, Harry A. Wolf, Sam Green. ing as follows: U. S. Ambassador to Russia (whose Secondly, there may be an objec- the New York publishing, fraternity. AIrvin. Stalmaster. Joe Greenberp. David middle name, like that of his father, tion to the kind of goods that Ger- Dave Stern, successful owner of the Goldmnn. Al VTohlner, Simon Pizer, Dr. "In view of the erroneous headlines T(eon Fellman, Leo RosenthnL Morris Frie- and statements contained in some is Christian) was a Jewess with many would barter for American raw 'hiladelphia Record and the Cam -flri Herman Friedlnnder. Reuben Bordy, maiden name of Horowitz—we\-e al- materials. Large imports of such Ger- den Courier, purchased the Post PhUip Klutznlek, Harry Pommers, Harry press reports of a conference of Jews Is engaged in the business of sellSilverman. Kathan S. Taffe. Abner Kai- now being held in Geneva, attention ing all kinds of RELIGIOUS ARways liked Bill, man me'rchandise would play havoc within the last year. In this short man Dr A. Steinbers, Louis Alberts, Car] The first three degrees of Ma- with our already over-supplied domes- period he has converted New York's Lacman, Irvin Itfvin. Dave Greenberg, is drawn to the fact that the Ameri- TICLES—Taleisim, Books, Jewish Bibles in Hebnrvr and English. E.ndnziner. Milton Abrahams. Max can Jewish committee, -which is made sonry were brought to America by tic market. oldest newspaper from a rabid Tory Yvilliam •RariKh, Jack Marer, I. F. Goodman. Dr. J. Res. 609 No. 50th St. GL-2972 Dutch Jews who settled at Newport Study Trade Agreements. sheet to the town's most liberal pub- M Krman, Edward Brodtoy. Dr. Maynard up of representatives in every imporHarry Dworsky. Goodman tant city in the United States, has not in iffcS-^-which should give you a The United States has never before lication. In so doing he has, accord- Greenbers. Meverson. Harry Tmstin. David Cohn. thrilL ' . • ' . . . done any bartering on a wholesale ing to -unofficial reports, doubled th< Irvine Greene. Hy Slirier. William Vfolfe, indorsed and is not participating in LoniS Cutler, Dr. I. Dnnskr. Dave Hnhn, the world conference,. and that imporbasis. Reciprocal trade agreements Will Satisfy All lour Henry Ford is a most enthusiastic circulation of the paper. Max Hofemnn, William Milder. Lester LapTfeon Sign Needs TOOter for Hank Greenberg, the De- are being very Carefully studied, but Coblentz -was only appointed thi lduB. William Bncwsin. Dr. Morris Margo- tant organizations abroad, among Morris.Potash. them the Board of Jewish Deputies troit Tigers' star Jewish first base- it is impossible to say just when American's publisher a few week'. lin, Stanley Levin.VJcUaiwe Associated with VJcUaiwe of England and the Alliance Israelite man—but H. F. is only one of mil- agreements of any kind will be made ago. At the time, he was the editor William- Hotanan, chairman: Henry OMAHA NEON SIGN CO. with Germany, or even to predict that and thus he now holds down both Monsky, Harry B- Zimman, .HBTFT A. Universelle of France, have declined lions. positions. Mr. Coblentz is another Wolf, Sam Beber; Harry Silverman, Philip to send delegates to represent them, The origin of the NRA principle they ever will be made. AT. 1120 No. IS a t i t Xational Jewish Hospital Should our government decide not "In the light of these facts, the of government control of industrial to trade with Germany and should old-line Hearst executive. He was one Sam Beber, cSalrmsm; -T>r. PJulip Sher, production is traced to a minority that country retaliate by boycotting time publisher of the San Francisco Morton Khrenreich, I*o RosenthaV Irvin conference cannot truthfully be deRtSmaster. Nathan S. Taffcv Fred- WlHte, scribed as representative of the opinopinion delivered by Snpreme Court our wares, we would not be seriously Examiner and for many years was Dare Binder, T»r. Thilip Romonek. ion of Jews, of the world-or as expresseditorial supervisor of all Hearst Justice Brandeds in 1929—but this hurt, as we are not dependent on her I>» I*. J-evi Hosnltol •William Grodinsky. chairman; David ing the viewpoint of Jewish citizens Jewish origin will be remembered except for a very limited line in dyes, morning publications. Dr. Morris Mareolin. I. Shafer, of the United-States.1, _ By virtue of their duties on some Goldman, only if the NBA flops. Sol Dee?n Simon Pizpr. Maurice Micklin, and perhaps textile machinery. In the interests of accuracy, I shall papers, the business managers are Dr. M. I. Gordon. David B. Coin. There is a Levy County in Florida In spite of Germany's defiance of Cleveland Orphan Borne appreciate your publishing this letter virtually the publishers. This is true and a town called Cohen's Bluff in the world with self-sufficiency claims, Hnrrv Trnstin.'(chairman: Harry Knlak"Hymie Milder. Dirvid Hann, Louis in f ull. South Carolina—which raises the she is showing great anxiety. This on the Sun and the Times. Louis ofsky, Hiller. HnTry Friedman,- T>r. A. Steinberg, Very, truly yours, query of whom Mr. Cohen bluffed aggressiveness at Washington is very Wiley certainly has a whole lot to Sam Rothenberg, Irving Wezelman. MORRIS B. WALDMAN. in S. C. do with the policies of the Times, Souse Isadora Abramson, chairman; Joe GreenThe three most popular war songs encouraging to boycott exponents, be- especially so in the last few years berg, Carl Lagman, Morris Arkin, Julin* Voluntary in Germany, including "The Hymn cause in it Germany shows that the when Mr. Ochs, because of illness, Bisno, Morris rotash. Reich's trade structure—at home and - •. . Initiation Berlin—Jewish children -who "want has been fairly inactive. As a matof Hate Against England," were I F Goodman, chairman: rhilip Klutzwritten by Jews—on second thought, abroad—has been seriously dislocated. ter of fact the direction of the Times nick, Dr. A. Greenberg. Abner Kaiman. to participate in tie Saturday classes The feeling is.general that the hard- is divided between Wiley and Myron Harrr SDverman. Jay Malashock, Harry of political education held -weeMy ty let's forget this. with a high rate of hderett er Germany, fights for trade treaties, Sulzberger, son-in-law of Mr. Ochs. Trnstin, Sam Eeber, Ben Kazlowsky, Jn- the Hitler Youth Organization -will A Mezuzah, talith and phylacteries lius Bisno. " the sooner Hitler, will revise his prohenceforth be admitted . to such accruing daily. That's what Under the set-up of the Sun, cowere among the items taken along on . Resolutions Jack Marer. chairman; Dr. O. S. Belzer. classes, according to aji announceAdmiral Byrd's first trip to the gram to restore to his country the operatively owned as a result of pur- Iieuliea Neat. Tasty Bro-BT. Haroia Farber, Herbert ment by the Minister of Culture." consideration and respect she previ- chase from the late Mr. Munsey's South Pole—what, no swastika? Goldstein/A. I* Frank. . ously enjoyed. The announcenient asserts that estate, Edwin S. Friendly is one of Josephine-Joseph, the half-manSocial Service . Jewish parents have asked for this the large stockholders and business * f>r Philip SheT, chairman; Rabbi Fredand half-woman of the circus side manager of the paper. He has held erick COhn, Babbi-tJri^Mmer^Rabbi David privilege for their children. shows, is a Polish Jewess" who was Kabbl.BDavid-H. .Wice, Leo Eos r down that position for a number of Goldstein, y - L a w s • .- •' • - ••- • • • enthal. a normal boy for twelve years—but chairmauL: J. 7. Friedtnratis to ymi. It costs no years and. is a vital force in the dithe woman had the last word. man. Max Fromkiti. Sam Leon. Joe Freerection' of this successful paper. ihore — it's worth money in man. Lotas Shafton. Louis -Cutler, Darid There has been a Jewish world's London (J. T. A.)—There is m B. Katleman^ Eanl' Bernstein. . , actual dollars and cents—and champion in «very weight division 'Jewish race," according to Sir Flin- PIRANDELLOISQUE - • - -' TelepnoneCarl Lagman ana Dave Finkle, co-chairof professional boxing—a fine record ders Petrie, renowned archeologist can be obtained quickly by One of the town's new. shows, "The men* Ed Gilbert,-Bobert Noddle, Marcus for any race. 1'olonsky, Ftafcle/ Eli Ealkin; Lonis who writes in the Times of London Bride of the Torozko," which Gilbert Lasercwiti, Al asking for our representative. Cutler; Herschel Fiied*' Lord Reading, former Lord Chief an analysis of Nazi racial claims and Miller and Herman' Shumlin are pre- man, NattoaaLonis S. ;Taffe,. Sam Greem Dr.' Ar Justice of England, Viceroy of In- allegations. Louis Alberts, Julius Bisno,' I. senting at the Henry Miller Theatre Steinberg, Shafetv Max BarishiJEdrr-IapiSnC-H*try dian and British Ambassador to the "Recent archeological work at Ga- indulges in some flights of .philoso? Mendelson,-Morris Potash, Jrviag WezelUnited States, is the only man who za (in Southern Palestine) enabled phical religious discourses. The play man, Sam'Rothenberg. has held all three of these posts— me to estimate the make-up of the deals with, a Hungarian peasant girl iPnblicHy Hy : Frank A. B.D--•Aek«rman, chairman: and he made a success of each ten- Jewish people," the noted scientist who wakes up one morning to find Shrier. .Frank, Kathan E. Jacobs. lS©7-lSe§ Howard Steeet, Omaha ure of office. declared. "I can say there is no Jew- out that she is not the devout Catho- Ephraim Marks.; > - . ^ ' .William Loeb, secretary to Presi- ish race except as a religious confed- lic that she thought she was but a dent Theodore Eoosevelt, was the eracy. Jews and Englishmen are ex- Jewess. It thus comes about that she *there is a period of life when we' g B | : i w | . a d v a n c e . - • • ~ •' " ' only Jew who eveT lived in ,the White eracy. J her.. Catholic lover^ cannot ^ y ^ : : amples, of the adaptable .advantages ' ' •' •••'•—Rousseau, -" House—but who remembers'him now?. ENSUKEDCABS l view lier li wiib i that the' townspeople ' ; Exclusive world' rights* for the of mixed, ancestry!"
Mark Leon Says . . .
i Paston Mitchell Co. (
Olson Bros.
H. SUSSMAN • Upliolstering Co.
Furmture Repairing, Refinishing and Upholstering
A Safe Deposit
No 'Jewish Race/ Says Archeologis
TelephoneATlantm;S028 STATE PRINTING C O .
Registration at J. C.C.October 7
Sioux City News
and respect their dignities and values, for only through such systematic cooperation can a rich and varied society, so possible in this continent because of the racial elements, be achieved. "The savage attitude of live and annihilate' has given way to our present attitude of 'live and let live.' In a Christian world order this prevalent world attitude must give way to the group philosophy live and let live,' for we believe that the customary attitudes toward people different from ourselves which till the present have controlled our group thinking, are incongruent with the spirit which must exist in a Christian world order. Moreover, we know that we do not inherit antagonism and prejudice. We acquire our way of looking at things through our relations and associations with others. We also understand something about the ways by which they are acquired and feel that specified methods can be used to develop "Christian attitudes to replace the narrow attitudes of racial distrust and hate."
Council Bluffs
Registration for children's classes BY P. B.K. and clubs at the Jewish Community Center will be held on Sunday afterMiss ANNA PILL, Correspondent SUCCOTH SEBYICES noon, October 7. Any children from the age of 6- and over may register. Services for the concluding two-day A complete schedule of clubs and holiday of Succoth will be held at the j may carry out the plans to win the classes has been made out to serve Chevra B'nai Yisroel synagogue at 618 Mynster street, preceded by the Hashbest chapter award, as provided by the needs of children of all eges. the executive committee. A list of the classes and clubs to onah Rabah services which will be at seven o'clock on Sunday mornbe organized will be published in a held ing, September 30th. On Sunday eveforthcoming issue of The Jewish ning, the services will begin at 5:30 ' Carrying the new spirit injected Jr. Hadassah Tea Press. o'clock. , On Monday the regular Into them! by the'plans'of-the execuSunday Afternoon morning services will commence at tive committee, A. Z. A. Chapter No. 8:30 o'clock, with "Yiscor" services at 12, at their regular meeting Wednes- Members of the Sioux City chap- Debra Club to 9:30 o'clock. The evening services day evening voiced their approval of ter of Junior Hadassah will officiHold Initiation will start at 5:30 o'clock. these plans by taking immediate ac- ally open their year with a Rush The "Simchath Torah" celebration tion on the proposals. Tea for new members, Sunday aftThe Debra club will hold a formal will be held at the synagogue Monernoon, September 30, in the Sioux candlelight initiation for new mem-day evening commencing at seven Amid thunderous applause from the assembled Alephs, pledges, ad- apartment ball room, at 2:30 o'clock. bers in the club, next Monday eve- oclock. Everyone is cordially invited visors, and visiting B'naiBrith mem- Prospective members of the chap- ning, in the home of Dorothy Gelson. to attend. bers, the speakers headed by Aleph ter will be guests, and an elaborate Ten new members will be initiated. On Tuesday morning the services Following the formal initiation the will begin at 8:30 o'clock. Godol Rudolph Shindler, were as- program has been planned. sured ; of the confidence and co-op- Miss Ruth Wigodsky, chairman of members will enjoy an informal soeration of the- club to the several the program will preside during the cial hour. The report also discussed discrimplans presented. ;Aleph Gadol Ru- program, which will include an adThe committee includes Pearl The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Tal- ination against minority racial groups Torah society will hold an im- in governmental and economic agendolph Shindler fjrst; introduced Earl dress of welcome by Miss Pill, presi- Olensky, Gisela Pill, portant meeting next Wednesday af- cies, in the employment situation, in •Himovitz, new chairman of the cam- dent of Junior Hadassah; a skit by and Rosabelle Wigodsky. ternoon, October 3, at 2:30 o'clock at
paign committee to make Chapter 12, the outstanding chapter in the United stated by winning the best all around chapter award.' It' will be Aleph Hiinovitz's purpose to imbue the club with the enthusiasm and leadership necessary to win the award. Aleph Himovitz expressed his appreciation of the honor and pledged his utmost efforts to the achievement of the goal set. He outlined the course he would follow to attain this end, featuring the building of the club by the induction of ^ classes of members named in
Latvia Orders Zionist Groups to Lock Doors Riga—Latvian authorities last week ordered the closing of the Poale Zion, the Socialist Zionist and all affiliated organisations" including the Hechahitz the Bialik club and the Hapoel "sport clubs. JACK XV. MAKER. Attorney
In the County Court of Douglas County. Nebraska. In the Matter of the Estate of JACOB BERNSTEIN, Deceased. All persons interested in snid estate are hereby notified that, a petition has been filed in said Court alleging that said deceased died leaving no last will and praying for administration upon his estate, and that n hearing will be had on said petition before said court on the 20th day of October, 1934. and that if they fail t» appear at said Court on the said 20th day of October, 10R4, nt 0 o'clock a.m., to contest said petition, the Court may grant the same and trrant administration of fliid. estate to Harold Kelley or some other suitable person and proceed to a settlement thereof. BRTCE CKATTFOTCD. 9-2S-S4-nt. County Judge.
Court House NOTICE BY PUBLICATION ON PETITION FOR SETTLEMENT OF FINAL ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT In the Connly Court of Donglas County, Nebraska. In the Matter of the Estate of JOHN K. FORAKER, Deceased. AU persons interested in said matter are hereby notified that on the 12th day of September, 1934, John W. Fornker filed a petition in said County Court, praying that his final administration account filed herein be settled and allowed, find that he be discharged from his trust as adminis- FBADEXBCKG, BEBEK & trator and that a hearing will be had on Attorneys. said petition before said Court on the 6th 650 Omaha National Bank Bldr. day of October, 10S4, and that if you fail to appear before said Court on the said TO ALL CREDITORS AND STOCKHOLDERS OP THE- JETTER BREWCth day of October, 1934, at 9 o'clock A.M., ING COMPANY, INC., Debtor. and contest said petition, the Court may Notice is hereby given that pursuant t« grant the prayer of said petition, enter n decree of heirship, and make such other an order made and entered by the Honand further orders, allowances and de- orable James A. Donohoe, Judge of the crees, as to this Court may seem proper, United States'District Court for the Dis-' to the end that all matters pertaining to trict of Nebraska, on the 2-!th day of said estate may be finally settled and de- August, 3934, you and each of you are required to file with the undersigned, as termined. special master, your claim- against the BttYCE CRAWFORD. above named debtor. County Judge. 0-14-34-3t. On your failure to file said claim with the -undersigned, Herman - Aye, Special FRADENBCKG, BEBEK & KLUTZNICK, Master, within three months from the date Attorneys. of this order all claims nnd demands 650 Omaha National Bank Bldg. asainst the said Jotter Brewing Company. Inc., will lip forever .barred. NOTICE OF INCOKPORATIOS OF Dated this 31st day of August. 1034. "FONTENELLE DISTK1BVTOKS, INC." HERMAN AYE, Notice is hereby giren that the vnnler- 9-21-34-2t. Special Master. •
school appropriations and in the press, members of the chapter; music by a the Chevra B'nai. Yisroe^ synagogue at radio, books and magazines. In regard cello quartet composed of Wanda 618 Mynster street. Election of offi- to radio it was declared that certain Castle, Harrison Epperson, Gisela cers will take place, and all members programs engender racial prejudice, Pill and Melvin Walters; talk by The Junior Poale Zion group m e t ' a r e urged to attend., sig'Ced have formed a corporation urder while the press "often plays up the the Mrs. Theodore N. Lewis, Senior Halavrs of the State of Nebraska. The — misdeeds of other racial groups and name ot the corporation shall be Fontedassah advisor of the Junior Hadas- Sunday afternoon in the home ofi1 Miss Rosabelle Wigodsky, with EuMr. and Mrs. Clyde Krasne returned fails to present their achievements." nelle Distributors, Inc. with principal iah: Talk by Dorothy Merlin. place of business at Omaha, Nebraska. FBADEVBUKG, BEBER & KLCTZ>'ICK dice Stillman acting as chairman. I Sunday from Rochester, Minn. They Books and magazines were also criti- The . Attorneys general nature of the business to be Miss Ida Heshelow is general a r e 630 Omaha National Bank Bids. The program dealt with the lives of making tlieir home with Mrs. cized for presenting inaccurate and transacted shall be to buy and sell at :hairman of the tea. Assisting her wholesale and retail, live and dressed poulSyrken and Borochov, who were the. Krasne's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Ru- exaggerated portrayals of other races. try, butter, ejrgs ami dairy products of all re Miss Wigodsky, program chairNOTICE BT riBLICATIOX OX PETIfounders of the idea of Poale Zion.; bin> m O m a h a kinds and descriptions; to dress and store TION FOR SETTLEMENT OF FINAL man; Misses Mary Greenbaum, Eva Discussing discrimination against poultry; to buy, sell, lease, own, acquire . ADMINISTRATION ACCOCNT Eudice Stillman spoke on "The Reand/or encumber real, personal property, In the Gordon, Rose Berman, Ida Cohen, racial groups in theatres, restaurants, County Court of Donglas County, Mr. and Mrs. Sol Gross of St. Louis, and to do all things necessary or proper lation of Borochov and Syrken to Nebraska. Margaret Shulkin and Rose Sperlresidential districts, clubs and other to effect the purposes and objects for M ar e v l s l t i n the Poale Zion Movement." Rebecca! °--. . S at the home of their In the Matter of the Estate of WILLIAM ing, refreshments; Sadie Shulkin Stillman spoke on "The Life o f son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. public places, the report recommended which this corporation is created. The GOGOLA, Deceased. authorized capital stock shall be So.OOO and Syble Merlin, hospitality; Kate _ , • j f i.-» I _ » T > ,Louis H. Katelman. All persons interested in said matter are that Christian youth groups boycott anil all of the paid stock shall be common Borochov and his philosophy;' Ru-, , of the par value of $a(X) per share hereby notified that on the 2Tith day of all agencies which practice such dis- and honor of Alfred M. Cohen, president Kaplan, Dorothy Epstein and Bluma shall be fully paid up and non-as- September, 3f>34. Jospph 15. Fradenburg ben Ratner spoke on the cslebration! •»!:„_ •»!•,,..•„ e. *. « ». * J crimination and commend and patron- and sessable. It shall commence business up- filed a petition* in said County Court, prayof the B'nai Brith, who is celebrat- Olensky, invitations. ,vf «„„„+>. a^A M-r A QKH™*,,, T>™ • M s M a n a n Scharf h a s returned qrmmiatiim aim W I U U K U U <*»~ *,<»...»~- on filinR of its articles with the County ing that his final administration account ing his seventy-fifth birthday. Misses Mary Greenbaum and Ida of L>ougl«s County. Nebraska, and filed herein be settled and allowed, and sented 1 S C C Tthe * ' subject S i l S - of £ ?"Syrken £ 5 T Pa^n?d;.; jOj Omjen efs°!Iloa ™S * ***• «<•" *»•!>« i « employers and owners of busi- Cleric shall continue for a period of fifty years. that he be discharged from his trust as The tempo of the meeting moved Heshelow will pour.- • The highest amount of indebtedness shall administrator and that a hearing will be his contributions to the Poale Zion h e r f i a n c e ; s parents, a f nesses who have refused to discrim- not exceed two-thirds in swift order as Aleph Godol Shindof its capital stock, had on said petition before said Court on Movement." Bookey. but this restriction shall not include in- the 20th day of October, 1934, and that if inate along racial lines. ler announced the appointment of debtedness secured by mortgages or liens. you fail to appear before snid Court on Plans were made at the meeting. andMrs The affairs shall-be managed by a Board the said 20th day of October. 1034, at 9 Martin Kozberg as alumni chairman; for the open membership meeting to; . , Rubenstein of Des Moines, of Dirctors, of not less than two members. o'clock A. M., and contest said petition, Mrs R Max Levin committee chairman; The annual meeting shall be on the first the Court may grant the prayer of said b e h e l d o n October 7 a t t h e J e w i s h »r • „ *x r v, f, „. , la., is spending the week here visiUng Monday in January of each year at which petition, enter a decree of heirship. nnd Sam Epstein, committee advisor of meeting the stockholders shall elect a make such other and further orders, alMrs. Max Merlin has returned] Community Center. Prospective a t the home of her.son-in-law and the new membership, committee and ome T5oard of Directors, and thereupon the lowances and decrees, as to this Court may after • spending last week-end members will be guests of the group: daughter,. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Woods. Herman Rubin, Al Sokolsky and Ed London (J. T. A.)—Commenting on Board shaU elect n President, Vice-Presi- seem pproper, to the end that all matters Omaha. p, at this meeting. Eudy ,Shindler isj . dent, Secretary and Treasurer Treasurer. Any two p e r ttn inine dent i i t said id estate t may b fill Sperling as members of the committo be finallr the recant clashes .between Jews and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ may be held by one and chairman of this membership drive.) Mrs. Albert Krasne returned home settled ar.d determined. tee. The members were notified to so articles may be Arabs in Palestine over illegal immij the same person. "Thes P.IIYCE CRAWFORD, Sam Singer; son of Mr. and Mrs. The regular meeting next Sunday; Tuesday following a, week's visit in or special meeting t O-^refer all prospective members to this County Judge. tended at any. regular the stockholders by twothirds tivo-thirda vote of of M. Singer, departed this week ja f ternoon will be held in the home of' Sioux City, la., where she visited her gration. The Near East and India, of committee. _.. . . . • _ . . stock. published here, warns that serious theINoutstanding tor Cambridge, Mass., where he is Julia and Sulamith Eereskin, with parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Sampson. WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties trouble may again occur "unless more have herennto The important athletic 'committee mrolled at Harvard. He graduated Rubin Ratner chairman. subscribed their names this FRADENBIRG, BEBER & K1.CTZNIC* ISth day of September. J.Q."U. definite action is taken in the matter represented by co-chairman Milton ast year from Grinnell college. Attorneys The Council Bluffs Agudas Achim DAVID KAPLAN. 650 Omaha .National Bank Bide. Grueskin and Sid Baumstein preH A K O I J D W. NELSON, society -will hold -a regular meeting by the government." Omaha, Nebraska FOX. The magazine says the situation is In the presence ofMAX sented a report on the plans they Dave Kaplan left last week for next Thursday evening, October 4, at B. J. HOLDSEERG. complicated by Jewish allegations of 0-21-31-tt. had made for the year, and pledged [owa City, where he has enrolled at NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION 8:3Q o'clock at the Eagles hall. To AU Whom It Mar Concern: a considerable immigration of Arabs its co-operation'"in winning'"the ;he University of I The Board of Directors of the Notice Is hereby giveu that the partnerBEBEK & KI-CTrKICK, ship best chapter award;"Plans were disheretofore known as MASON liITTLH' Senior Hadassah chapter held their! The Ghevra B'nai Yisroel held a from the Hauran, Syria, and else- FHADEXBURG, Attorneys. COMPANY hns been dissolved. Mason W.' cussed for an" athletic~library and Mr. and Mrs. Archie Herzoff of first meeting Wednesday afternoon' meeting- Wednesday * evening at the where, but points out that the gov650 Omaha National Bank Bide. Tattle has succeeded to all o£ the assets of ernment's report for 1933 stated a complete sports program emphasiz- Chicago, announce the birth of a in the home of Miss Zella Levitan.' synagogue.. Election \gt officers was Mason Little -Company ^ind has nssumedin the h m e of Mi Z e a th l d aw iit thh n . g NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF all of the liab'iiies of said company. The BIARKET, INC." ing . basketball, handball, .hockey, aughter. The year's program was tentatively jheld < ^ ^ same officers re-elected. there was little basis for the sugges- Notice"OMAHA is hereby given that the under- undersigned UJSK completely withdrawn hiking, and all other sports any of outlined and renorts from the vari-i Plans weter.made^ot• a Simchas tion of an excessive migration of signed „.„„,; have formed .„ . a corporation , _ . . „ „ , from and is no longer connected -with .or under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The interested in the said Mnson Little Coini Torah - celebration toMie^held- Monday Arabs from Transjordania to Palthe members might be interested in. Milton Grueskin has been named ous committees' heard;.,pnny. name of the corporation shall be Omaha Mrs. R". H. Emleih, president of. ^ening at 7 o'clock at the synagogue, estine. several committee chairmen a member of the AU Sioux City Dated at Omaha. Nebraska, thfs 15th day Market. Inc. svifh. principal place of business at Omahn, Nebraska. The general of September, 1034. made individual reports and appoint- Sandlot Baseball Tournament Team. the chapter, presided at the meeting. • Refreshments will be served and AIA'S J- HEINLEN. nature of the business .to be transacted everyone is invited. ments and announced the time for IKVIJf C. UBTTC. Attorney shall be" to bny and sell at retail and D-2S-34-4t. 301 Elc*.rlc Bldg. •wholesale commodities of all kinds and Women Members of the Pioneer their respective committee meetings nature and particularly meats, groceries, .during the ensuing week so that they club were hostesses at a benefit food products, fruits and vegetables; to NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION bny. sell, lease, own. acquire and/or enbridge party yesterday afternoon at 1 In the County Court of Douglas County, cumber real and personal property, and Nebraska. the Community Center. Door and Children of Mount Sinai Congreto do all things necessary or proper to In the Matter of the Estate of SAM MAR- effect the purposes for which this corbridge prizes were awarded and re- gation will participate in the procesGOLIN, Deceased. poration is drjr.'i.nized. r!~l'.^ nrlhorized capAll persons interested in said estate arc ital stock shall be f30,000.00 and all of freshments were served. / sional with the Torah at the Temple hereby rvotified that a petition has been said' stock shall be common nnd of the service toni-jht at 8. Other children filed in said Court alleging that said de- par value of $100.00 per share and sliall ceased died leaving no last will and pray- be fully paid-up and non-assessable. It of the religious school will particiing for administration npon his estate, and shall comnuMiee business upon filing of its pate in the service. > that a hearing will be had on said peti- articles with the County Clerk of Dotigtion before said court on the 20th day of las County, Nebraska, and shall continue Dr..Theodore N; Lewis will :speak! 1034, and that if they fail to ap- for a period of fifty years. The hiprhest Simchath Torah services at Shaare on "A Year of Jewish History." Adopted by Commission on Ex-October, pear at said Court on the said 20th day amount of indebtedness shall not exceed Zion- Synagogue will begin Sunday ' Sunday evening at 8 o'clock, Simof October, 1934. at 0 o'clock A. M;, to two-thirds of its capital stock, but. this tending Frlsndship Among contest said petition, the Court may grant restriction shall not include indebtedness morning". at 8:30 o'clock.. Sunday chath Torah services will be. held the snme and grant administration of said secured by mortgages or liens. The afRaces evening-the service will begin at and ^ Dr. ^ ^ " „_„.„ estate- to Jennie' Riffcin or some other fairs Shall be managed by a Board of Lewis will speak-an "A !. suitable person and proceed to a settle- Directors, of-not less than two meml>ers. 6:15: Monday and Tuesday morning TreV'of Life."" The annual meeting shall be on the first New York <JTA)—A sweeping pro- ment thereof. Monday of January of each year at which services will begin, at 8:30. BRYCE CRAWFORD, gram" for the extension of inter-racial meeting the stockholders shall elect a Memorial services will be held Board of Directors, nr.d thereupon the County Judge. and inter-religious friendship which, Board shall elect n President. Vice-PresiMonday morning at 9:30 .when Rabbi I in its specific recommendations urges dent, Secretary and Treasurer. Any two SAMUEL ZACHARIA. Attorney 1 Rabinowitz will speak on '_'A Festival of said offices may be held by one and Christian youth to boycott all agencies 3C8 Brand ris Theatre Bids. the same person. These articles may be of Adieu." Monday, evening at 1 —'•—:—— ' p r a c t i c i n g racial discrimination, adamended at any regular or special meeting FROBATE NOTICE o'clock the children of the.congreof the stockholders by two-thirds vote of T h e f i r s t o n e g sKabbos m e e t i n g of opted by t h e Commission on E ^ t e n d In the Matter of the Estate of JENNT Recognized as the outstanding stock. gation will participate in the procesIjnBOSCJIIN, Deceased. • • : •• the year will be held in the Succah ing Friendship !; the Races of y p ; R IN WITNKSS WHEREOF, the pnrties N o t i c e i s berebj- jtivpn t h a t t h e c r e d i t o r s sional with Torahs and flags. Over PR \CTICALMOHEL the said deceased will meet the admin- h:ive herennto subscribed their names this 1500 children are expected to attend at Shaare Zion Synagogue, Satur-ithe Christian Youth Council of North of 18th day of September, 103i. istratrix of sakl estate, before me,-County Phone 1059 day afternoon, September 29, when'America, was made public this week Judge of Douglas County, Nebraska, at the MORTON -WHITEBOOK, and participate. • FEED ELIKAN. Council Bluffs. la. members of the Ladies Auxiliary of, by the National Conference of Jews; county Court Room, in said Connty, on - A number of the. congregation ate (he nth day of November, 1934,- and on the In the presence of It. J. HOLDSBERG. and Christians. i "ith day of January, 193T>. at 9 o'clock A..M.. 9-21-31-4t. in the Synagogue Succah during the Shaare Zion will act as hostesses. The meeting will be^in at 2:30 The program is based on the find- each diiy. for the purpose of presenting week. The Succah was presented to their claims for examination, adjustment the synagogue by Mr. and Mrs. Ben o'clock and Mrs. 'A. H. Baron, chair- ings of the commission, reached at and allowance. Three months are allowed the creditors to present their claims, Sherman. Members of the. Auxiliary man of the group will preside. A-sessions of the youth council at Wil- for from the tith day of October, 1934. Join the crowds! This year's Fair in charge of serving in the Succah tentative program for the year willjliams Bay, Wis., from June 26 to July CBTCE CRAWFORD, Jl. The commission's Teport was term- 9-14-34-3t. County Judge. Is even better than, last year's. were • Mrs. B. Sherman, Mrs. S. be outlined, Eabbi H. R. Rabinowitz will speak ;ed by Everett J. Clinchy, director of Baron, Mrs. F. Gorchow, Mrs. Falk, You will see a dozen authentic on "The Significance of the Holt-'the conference, "one of the most far- ABRAHAMS & O'CONNOR, Attorneys and Mrs. Siva Levich foreign villages; hear great 400 Brandels Theatre Blag. day." Rebecca Stillman will review reaching an significant'programs for Sunday morning children of the symphony orchestras free; "Kiddush Hashem," and Jewish cur- inter-racial and inter-religious uhderNOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE Sunday school will be taken to the watch new action displays of j standing ever to be adopted by a In thu District Court of Donglas County, Succah for a program and refresh- rent events will be discussed. Nebraska . • . . scientific wonders—Make your Over 100 women are expected to Christian youth organization in this ments served by the Ladies AuxilBy virtue of nn order of sale (on attachattend the meeting. country;" . ; reservations now in the newly ment) issued out of the District Court of iary. One hundred and thirty chilDouglas Nebrasktt. and In pursuAmong the specific recommenda- ance of aCounty.\ redecorated Morrison Hotel. dren are enrolled in the school. The decree of said Court in nn action therein indexed nt Appearance Docket Nnmtions of the cornmission were interschool is divided into 7 undergradu3)4 nt Page Number 41, Execution ' • Home of Terrace Garden racial meetings for parents arranged lier Docket Number 31 at Page Number 217. ate classes and the Post Graduate ' • Boston Oyster House JIOSE UOLUNEK. Is plaintiff, and by the youth groups; encouragement wherein _ class. Miss. Ida Heshelow is in CKLIA WOI.K, er. al.. nre defendants, I of friendship •. • between members, of j win nt i6:6b «viock A. 'M.. on Tuesday the charge of the post graduate course. m 1 flav o f O c t o b e r 1 M Aden, Aden (J. T. A.)^—British au- difrerent.races; further study by par- 2door •a t of the Douglas County Court House The undergraduate classes are unin the City of Omaha, Dong-Ins 1 der the Misses Bertha Heshelow, thoiities prohibited further entrance j ents of the biological and social im- Nebraska sell at public auction County. to the I t Prices ^on Win Dorothy Epstein, Sulamis Dorenson, of Jews, into Aden, a British posses-1 plications of inter - racial marriage; highest bidder for cash, the following (lescribed"property. «o-wit: Want to P»r Frances Jacobson, Bertha Berger, sion, .and. ordered; numerous Jewish encouragement of inter-racial. appreNorth forty <40) feet of West nlnetyamonc children; children- through throueh stim- (00) fwt of IiOt Twent y-seveii (27) and -. Tillie Franklin and Mildred Sirken. refugees from the : kingdom of Yfr- ciation among South five'(5) feet of West ninety <00> Delia Shiloff is the school librarian. men, ; Arabia, to return here immedia- ulating friendships on playgrounds, feet of Lot Twenty-eight <2S), Block tely. , and .action by youth groups, to elimThree (3)" in Hawthornp. an Addition Mr. and Mrs. Barney Baron have to the City of Omaha, as surveyed. In view of the fact that return of inate prejudice .in "schools resulting - platted donated a number of books to the mid recorded In Douglas Conn- • Nebraska, [Sunday school library. The refer- the Jewish refugees to Yemen would f ro m unfair characterization of racial to.ty.satisfy the Hens and ineumbrances ence shelf now includes many books. expose them to danger, the local Jew- groups in textbooks, the attitudes of therein sot forth: to satisfy the stun of 51.1.60 costs nml the. increased and nccTUr ish relief committee appealed to the teachers and the lack of understandAmong them are "Guide to Teaching- posts, nil as provided by said order rtorree. ...-.' ers," "Judaism as a Creed," Volumes Jewish Telegraphic Agency to draw ing of other races among the stu- and Dated «t Omnlta, Nebraska, this 23rd day 1 , 2 , and 3 of "Outline of Jewish the attention of world Jewry to the'dents of a school, of August, 103*. '' CARL RIEKES Knowledge." Samptor'a new book on plight of the Yemenite Jews in Aden .The commission"pointed out that the C. B.-MCDONAJ.D. Sheriff. Douglas County, Nebraska. Palestine, and a number of text and to obtain permission for them to Christian attitude towards religious " • - • ••.':.. proceed to Palestine. | a n ( j r a c i a i minority groups should be S-31-31—St. ~ books. ' Yemen ha3 just been defeated i n j f understanding. and co-operao n e o ; Junior Congregation services will STATE3EENT OF OWNERSHIP. MANAGEMENT; ETC^ OF THE . be resumed -Saturday morning, Oc- a war by the army of Ibn Saud, Kingjtion.' JEWISH PRESS of Saudi Arabia, and the Jews fled 'It is our responsibility,as Christober 6. AT. 4550 815 NORTH ISTH ST. when the fanatical anti-Jewish Wa- tian youth to undertake all the activfr YOU DJUVEl.. .We park your car. Required bj" the Act ot Congress ot habit troops were entering Yemen. ities we can which will broaden the Standard rates. No other charges. ' March S. 19S3. ' - Statement for October 1, 1931: Published lines of communication and co-opera- weekly UOHARO. WOO! jH«H»fay at "Omahn, Nebraska. Editor, Frank tion between racial groups, leading Ackpfman; Austria Prohibits Socialist pnWlsher and owner. David BlncfceT; knows stockholders, mortgagees them to a real understanding and'apWritings The Business Girls club held:their nnd other security holders, holding one per last preciation of the unique contributions cent or more of- bonds, mortgages, and first meeting of the season, Thurs- Vienna—Austrian officails of each racial group to the whole so*' O ma ha 5 ^ Most Beautifus|^oiTne fcr- F u n erais" other securities, week,banned the works of the noted otner e e c u m e *none' ^ day eyening 1 in ~ the Jewish Com^ D A V I D BL ACKER. Poale Zionist writer and .theoretician, ciety," the statement declares. "We Sworn to nnd subseribed before me this munity Centei'. ••••••'•' '• "Funerals'To-Fi*tji^ny:; : P.urse*; ? ' Ber Borochov; . and - Otto Bauer's must realize, furthermore,; in apd of September. 1934. Plans for the coming year were AGKERM . C M I C A G O P h o n e HArney 1 2 2 6 Farnam at Thirty-third tentatively I outlined • and committee work,--'The Nationalities — Problem proaching other tracial groups, .that ; ! Notary Public. 1 we must reverence . their reverences. (Commission eipl»« July 9, 1937%. and Social Democracy." reports heard -- -- "
Jr.Poale Zion
Society News
Discord Seen Over Palestine Entries
Senior Hadassah
Mount Sinai
Shaare Zion
Rev. A. Diamond
All Roads Lead to the
Refugees Ordered To Leave Aden
Robber Tires
Battery Service Road Service Tire Repairing Gasoline and Oil
Carl Riekes Tire Service
Business Girls