October 12, 1934

Page 1

Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism

Entered as Second Class Mail Matter on Juu' 1'ostoffice of Omaha. Nebraska, under the A

In the Interests of the Jewish People

19a, at rch 3, 1879



Town Given to King Solomon as Dowry Jerusalem, (WNS).—Archeogical finds made by the British"Archeological Expedition on "the site of the ancient city of Gezer indicate' that the town was given to King Solomon as a dowry when he married one of the daughters of the Egyptian pharoahs.

Enjoy Kol Nidre Comprehensive Picture of Jew*Nazis and Gefilte Fish in Warsaw ishWelfareand SocialWork at Regional Conference DR.MORGENSTERN . A deeply-etched, comprehensive picture of Jewish FederaTOBESPEAKER AT tion and social service work in this section of the country Vas COM portrayed a t . the first annual Plains-States Regional Confer-

Vol. X—No. 37

of Anti-Semitism CONCERTED DRIVE RADIO BROADCASTS Foes in Rumanian Cabinet FOR MEMBERS BY TO HEAD HADASSAH LOCAL B'NAI BRITH CONCLAVE SESSIONS International Hook-Up from Palestine to Be Sent Over N. B. C. Chain

Bucharest (WNS).—The new Rumanian cabinet formed by Premier George Tatarescu has allayed the fears of Rumanian Jews regarding a possible anti-Semitic orientation in the new government. The fact that Jean Inculet, a vigorous foe of the Iron Guard, remains minister of the interior, a post which carries -with it the direction of the police, and the appointment of Victor Iamandi, another opponent of anti-Semitism, to the newly created office of minister of propaganda, have been received with satisfaction in Jewish circles.

Fiftieth Anniversary of Omaha. Lodge To Be Observed

One of the most concerted drives Washington, D. C.—An internationfor increased membership in the hisal ' radio Tiookup of the National tory of the local B'nai Brith lodge Broadcasting company to link Jerusawill get under way next Friday, Octolem with Washington and all parts of ber 19, and will continue until NovemWarsaw, (JTA).—A queer story the United States wili be a feature ber 4, when a banquet and initiation of how three Hitlerite' journalists of the twentieth annual convention of •will be held with Hon. Alfred M. Cofrom Berlin regaled themselves with Hadassah, the Women's Zionist Orhen as honored guest. gefilte fish and Kol Nidre at a there be a coordination of the proganization of America, to be held at Simultaneously, the Omaha lodge Jewish bar here is recounted in gram of Jewish social work agenthe Wardman Park hotel, here, from •wili celebrate its fiftieth year of excies ministering to national and Haint, local Yiddish daily. October 14 to 16. The radio program, istence. Dr. Hjalmer Fasch, co-editor of international causes." which is scheduled for 9:30 ajn EastThe campaigm for new members is the Berlin Angriff; and editor of ern Standard Time (8:30 a, m. Omapart of a national drive dedicated to Saturday Evening. Der Deutsche, organ of the German ha time) on the final day of the Alfred M. Cohen, international presiThe keynote to the conference was Labor Front, and one of the editors meeting1, will relay ceremonies in condent of B'nai Brith, in celebration of ence held in Omaha last *week- struck Saturday evening, when Dr. of the Munich T^eueste Nachrich- Dinner in Honor of Rabbi Fred- nection -with the cornerstone laying of his seventy-fifth birthday. The goal Philip L. Seman, executive director ten came here as guests of the Posnd. erick Cohi on OctoPalestine's first medical center on over the entire country has been set That Federation; leaders in this re- of the Jewish People's Institute of lish government, along with several Mount Scopus in Jerusalem. Troyanovdty. Soviet Ambassa- at ber 21 75,000 new members, 1,000 for each gion are alert to changes necessary Chicago, spoke on "Community Or- other German journalists.^ dor to U. S. Gives Official Mrs. Alexander Lamport, chairman year of Cohen's life. The Omaha goal to meet.varying conditions was well ganization and Jewish Leadership." Strolling through the streets, the Dr. Julian Mbrgenstern, president of the convention committee, has anExpression is 300 new members. "We must grow in the direction of three came upon the "Metropole," a of the Hebrew Union college at Cin- nounced that Miss Henrietta Szold, evidenced by the open forums .'ind A feature of the program outlined exchanges of opinions -which fea- Jewish unification in our services," Jewish restaurant. They entered and cinnati a n d internationally - known founder, of Hadassah; Dr. Jndah L. New York (WNS) — A new and Dr. Seman declared. "We mast de- ordered gefilte fish, whiskey and Kol Jewish scholar and leader, wUl be the Magnos, ~ chancellor of the Hebrew hopeful epoch for the suffering Jews to date is the "Fiftieth Anniversary tured the sessions. B'nai Brith" stag, to be held at the velop an intelligent, selfless leader- Nidre, paying the orchestra leader The Regional conference was or- ship, if w.e are to have a worth-while repeatedly to play the prayer over principal speaker at the testimorial •university, and J. Hathorn Hall, chief of Eastern and Central Europe open- J.C.C, Monday, October 22. Two hours dinner, to be given in honor of Rabbi secretary of the government of Paled when M. A. A. Troyanovsky, Soganized into a permanent body, survival. of exceptional entertainmen. is being again. Frederick Conn at Temple Israel on estine, will take part in the overseas viet ambassador to the United States, with a conclave to be held once a planned, and admission will be by "I'm very fond of this wonderful Sunday, October 21, at 6 p. m. broadcast. Mr. Hall will represent Sir told a delegation of Jewish business "Unless our youth are made conyear following the high holydays. ticket only. Russian melody, Kol "Nidre," one of It was from the Hebrew Union col- Arthur Grenf ell Wauchope, High Com- men, editors and economists, in effect Robert Lappen and. Mrs. Max Mayscious of their background and Leo Abramson, president of the lolege, which Dr. ^orgenstern "now missioner, who is now in London. The that his government would look with er of Des Moines were elected their splendid heritage, they - will the guests said to the conducter. cal lodge, has appointed Ben Kazlow1 "Everything is very nice here," the hends, that Dr. Cohn graduated from coast-to-coast network of the Nation- favor on the settlement of qualified chairman and secretary, respectivegradually become lost to the comrest chirped in as they left. "Auf in the last decade of the nineteenth al Broadcasting company will carry Jewish refugees and other Jews from sky and Ephraim Marks as co-chairly. The place of next year's conmunity." men in charge of the anniversary procentury. -Just recently, Rabbi Colin the program throughout the United foreign countries in the Soviet Union, ference will be determined by the "Jewish eduation and culture," Dr. Wiedersehn!" gram and membership campaign. Juespecially in the recently proclaimed was honored by being elected- rar>bi States. incoming executive committee. Seman emphasized, including intenlius Bisno is chairman of the commitemeritus of the- Temple, climaxing An audience of more than 1,500 del- autonomous Jewish republic of Biro- tee arranging for the entertainment. - The -conference embraces the sive adult Jewish education, are thirty years of service in trie local egates and visitors at the convention Bidjan. states of Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, needed. The campaign will start next Friday pulpit. Missouri, Minnesota, Nebraska, will hear the broadcast and celebrate In the first official expression by a evening, -when addresses on B'nai Philip M. Klutsnick, general chairNorth Dakota and South Dakota. _. man of the conference,. presided. WilToastmaster-at the dinner will be the Jerusalem event at the same time spokesman for the Soviet government Brith -will be delivered from the OmaIsidor Ziegler. Addresses-will also be that it is being celebrated in the Pal- on the possibility of opening the gates ha pulpits. liam L. Holzraan, president of the Themes-Discussed. _ given by. William L. Holzman and estinian capital. of the U. S. S. R. to Jews from other Omaha Federation, and Eoy N. Tov.1, On Sunday morning, October 21, at The intimate discussions on com- mayor of Omaha, gave addresses of Henry Roserithal. Another nationwide hookup of the countries, . Ambassador Troyanovsky 10 a. m., at the Hill hotel, Dr. Julian munity problems and needs not only welcome. Following -the address, a The committee in charge includes National Broadcasting company will told a delegation from the American Morgenstcrn, president of the Hefound favor with the two hundred reception in honor .of the out-ofMilton R. Abrahams, chairman j Louis take place from the convention hall Committee for the Settlement of Jews brew Union college, will speak to the About five hundred-will attend the Sommer, Dr. M. I. Gordon, Ben Silver on October 14, the opening day of the in the U. S. S. R. that he was interdelegates attending but also attract- town delegates was held. membership committee. On Sunday/ Institute by Dr. Abram L. Sachar the and Joe -Pepper, f ed the interest of the lay visitors. • convention, at 4:30 p. m., Eastern ested in and sympathetic to a plan to j •w f f l b e a d d r e s s e a by The Federation in Communal Life. g ft week-end of October 26, 27 and 28, The themes discussed included Dr. Morgenst4rn will arrive in Standard time (3:30 p. m. Omaha settle Jewish refugees and other Jews At the, early Sunday morning sesDr. A. L. Sachar. according to the brisk preliminary sale community organization, Jewish sion, Miss Blanche Renard, executive Omaha next Friday morning, October time), during a session to be devoted from foreign countries in the Soviet At the banquet November 4, all new leadership, the Federation as a director of the St. Louis Jewish Fed- of tickets, the Study club of the Con- 19. He will have a full.. program to a discussion of the plans for the Union. The importance of this statemembers will be guests of the chapservative synagogue, sponsors of the factor in communal life, aims and eration, read a paper on "The Fedmeeting with the various groups of new medical center. Mrs. Edward Ja- ment to world Jewry can hardly" be ter. A feature will be a presentation objectives of Jewish education, the eration as a Vital Factor in Com event,, declares. the Temple.; T&af evening -he will. oc- cobs, who will preside at this session, over-estimated in view cf the closed \ The- Institute .this year wHlr deal cupy the pulpit sat the. Temple; The aiid Dr. Nathan Ratnoff, president "of door -policy of practically every other of the pageant, "One for All/' to be ; problems of social service tind iam- munal life. 1 ' given by members of th©* A." E.. A." ily . xrdfare CBsncios, the npralttthe American Jewish Physicians' com- country in the world. ' :. " Six factors, stated Miss Renard, with current Jewish questions. The mblic is invited.jto hear him. chapters under the direction of : buflding infnlence of the Com- need consideration if the Federation general theirie of the series will be mittee, will be ~tne radio speakers. Ambassador -Troyanovsky's f a r - Dave Brodkey. ^jp and the._, present,. is to became~^T vital factor In coi o- '"The Jew in-a World of Turmoil." A t the b a q nquet-iaii ib teaching -statement, which- was jnade crisis" in Jewish life. "in Tesponse to a memorandum submitffiunal life. They are: Community Dr. Sachar, noted for nis'~ dramatic convention, Mrs. Franklin D. RooseIn their adopted resolutions* the participation, community - planning, and thrilling presentation, will disted to him at the Consulate General of velt, Mrs. Halprin and Rabbi Milton Conference..; continued -.its . affiliation •financing, Federation relationship to cuss a number of colorful personaliSteinberg will be the speakers. Mrs. the U. S. S. R. by the delegation of with the National Council of, Jewish Community Chests, : relationship to ties and interesting events of the last Henry Morgenthau, Jr., will be a the American Committee for the SetFederations and Welfare Funds, governmental programs, and respon- half-century and of the present time. Registration of pupils for the Taltlement of Jews in the U. S. S. R., guest of honor. The first lecture will be held Fri- mud Torah is continuing, at the Jew•which sponsored this conclave; en- sibility for national and international means that the Jews of Eastern and day evening at 9 o'clock at the J.C.C. ish Community Center. pressed its -concern about, the wal- •problems; and agencies. Central Europe to whom the gates of fare of the social service agencies, The committee has set 9 o'clock for A. Katz, principal, urges all parwest European lands, America, AusMiss Renard advocated active par•which have rendered useful and ne- ticipation by the Jewish community the start of the address so as to en- ents to register their children immetralia, South Africa and Canada are cessary help to the Jewish needy, closed by stringent immigration quo-1 . The pre-season basket ball leaguein Community Chest projets, in pol- able members of other congregations diately, so that they will not miss poor, aged and sick; recommended tas can look forward to new homes | a t t n e j _ Q Q W JU s t a r t play on icy, making, in the operative process to attend. The Conservative - syna- any of the beginning instruction. that competent field s'ervice be made At a meeting: of the executive comin the Soviet Union. ] Thursday, October 25. ;. of fund raising and in actual solicit- gogue service will be held in the lodge available to the small communities; room that evening at 8 o'clock. While mittee of the Talmud Torah, it was The delegationV mem-or a n dum ing. She also approved of wholePreliminary plans for the loop were , suggested that Jewish education no; tickets will be needod for the ser- decided to appropriately celebrate pointed out that it was the aim and laid at a meeting of managers held serving all elements of the Jewish hearted cooperation and aid In the vice, admission to the lecture will be the thirtieth anniversary of; the Talpurpose cf the recently established j Tuesday evening. Another • meeting population be included as part of- the ^federal, governmental relief pro- by ticket -only. Tickets must be bought mud Torah.. The observance will be American Committee for the Settle- will be held next Tuesday. community program, and that private grams. High praise was given to the before the series -. opens. "A distinctly Jewish cultural proclimaxed with a city-wide banquet ment of Jews in the U. S. S. Ri to faproposed Mobilization plan of 'the All contracts and money matters social agencies in family^ welfare and gram for the Jewish public in Oma"The Sachar week-end Institute of -on Sunday, December 9. cilitate the settlement of Jews from must be settled by 4 p. m.. Friday,, National Council. , child care be continued. ha," • is being offered-in the annual The Talmud Torah also urges the other countries in the Soviet Union, October 19, according to Lee GrossSam Beber of Omaha, a member five lectures," declared.Rabbi D. A. Goldstein, "was inaugurated last year community to contribute to the Jewish lecture series, sponsored by particularly in Biro-Bidjan, and to in- man, physical director. of the executive committee of the ; Mobilization Flan. in Omaha, and the Study dub is to "Book of life," to commemorate a the Junior Vaad groups. augurate a fund-raising campaign in The pre-season league will consist Henry Monsky of Omaha, as; re- ^National Council of Jewish Federa- be congratulated because as a result happy event or to consecrate The A feature of the series of five the various countries of Eastern and; of one round of play. ; gional chairman of the: Jewish Wei- tions and "Welfare Funds, -arid T?r. of their presentation of this type of names of departed loved ones. events will be a symposium on "The Central Europe and emphasized. the Philip Hillkowitz of Denver were jthe The teams represented at Tuesday's fare Mobilization committee, reportJewish Scene." Those taking part and series the Institute is this. year beurgency of finding suitable territories meeting and their managers: ed on their program to assist 16calr discussants of the question follow- ing given in a score of cities." their subjects: Rabbi David Wice of where these Jews may be re-estabingthe delivering of the paper. Senior League — Seiner Furniture autonomous Jewish communities to' Temple Israel, "Anti-Semitism"; RabMiss Tobye Steinberg, president of lished economically under a friendly (Leonard Seiner); Re-Im Club (Joe. Family Welfare Program. dp their part, on an equitable';basis,', bi David Goldstein of the Conservagovernment. The leading address Sunday mom- the Study (flub, announces that there Nitz); Xi Lambda (Oscar Mayerowin meeting national, international tive synagogue, "Palestine"; Rabbi will beno^complimentary tickets isAmbassador Troyanovsky informed itch); A. Z. A. No. 1 (Jake Adler); and, where necessary, local :"Jewish ing was the address by George W.Uri Miller of the United Orthodox sued this year. Rabinoff, .executive director of the needs. • synagogues, "Jewish Education." This the delegation that he viewed with Alpha Pi Tau (Phil Katzman); Psi While in Omaha, Dr. Sachar will Monsky pointed out as the state- National Council of Jewish Federa- be the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ballard Dunn, editor of the Journal will be the concluding number of the considerable interest and complete Mu (Jake Sadofsky); Omaha Jobbing sympathy the problem of Jews whose (Iz Tretiak); Auto Supply (Meyer E. ment of policy of the national mob- ations and Welfare Funds, New York J. H. Kulakofsky. Besides Mr. and of Progress, will address the Omaha series, in March. situation is such that it is necessary Green); National Auto Parts (Dave ilization movement: ,; -••--', who spoke on "The Family Welfare Mrs. Kulakofsky, those who will en- Hebrew club at the organization's Prof. Moses P. Jung, head of the for them to migrate, and who, by Cohn). "The Jewish Welfare Mobilization Program in an Era o f Transition." regular Sunday meeting on October! department of Jewish religion at the tertain for Dr. Sachar during his stay training, vocation and inclination, are .Junior League—Habonim, A. 7t. A. aims to develop, within the frameUniversity of Iowa, who was unable "The number of families being include Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Stalmas- 14, at 4 p. m. fit to settle in the U. S. S. R. work of American life and; civiliza- cared for by Jewish agencies now," 100, Ro-noh, A. Z. A. 1 Nubbinst The speaker's topic will be, '"What to appear as scheduled last season, ter and Rabbi arid Mrs. David Goldtion, an appreciation and understand- Rabinoff pointed out, "is sixty-six Marks Market Midgets. Is Ahead for America?" An open will speak on Wednesday, January 30, stein. ing as well as the right to support, The senior league will be divided forum discussion will follow the on "A Plea for Dynamic Judaism." per cent greater than in 1929, desall those institutions, social, philaninto two groups of four teams each, speaker's address. The public is inThe series will open on November pite the huge expenditures- by govthropic, cultural arid religious,-which with games played on Tuesdays and. vited -to attend and to participate in 21, with an address by Dr. Victor eramental agencies * for r e l i e f are not now usually encompassed inThursdays. - At the conclusion of the the discussion. . . E. Levine of the Creighton university - • • - : / ' . ."".."" -. " : • •••• '•• the, programs of the Jewish Federa- w o r k . " ; • regular play, the winners of the tw? Irvin C. Levin will be chairman. school of medicine, who will speak on tions. To make these aims possible Sora Miriam Blank, 15-year-old groups will meet for the title. He stressed the necessity of Jew* Others scheduled t o appear in the "Alaskan Experiences." Dr. Levine of fulfillment, the national and re-! ish agencies maintaining the high near future to deliver addresses for just returned from a scientific expedi- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Blank, Sam Beber and Philip M. Klutzgional groups activating the Mobili- ] standard of relief which has characS i l l Lafayette ave., passed away forum discussion are Rabbi Uxi Mill- tion to Alaska. zation both invite ~to- and include in terized Jewish social service of the nick announce that they have just last Friday at a local hospital. Rabbi Uri Miller, who spent the formed a new" partnership for the er, whose topic will be "Palestine"; their membership all important na- past. She had undergone nn operation and Professor Victor E. Levine, whose summer in Europe and Palestine, will practice of law with Joseph B; Pradtional and regional'personalities "and for appendicitis ten days previous, In speaking of adequate relief, Ra- enburg, Robert J. Webb and Harold topic wffl be "Alaska." speak in December and February. His institutions or organizations. and complications set in. She was a binoff said that "if the need exists The intellectual advancement com- subjects will be "The Scapegoat of M. Kelley. The new firm is known as sophomore at Central High school. The Progressive Hebrew ctub, as "The Jewish Welfare Mobilization and we understand the problem, we Fradenburg, Webb, Beber, Klutznick mittee, in charge, comprises H. Shrier, Europe," and "Palestine." Besides her parents, she is sur- part of its expansion program, is desires to carry these aims into prac- will find a way of financing it." Dr. A. A. Steinberg, Irvin C. Levin, All lectures will be held at the B'nai a d d i t i o n t o the memvived by a brother, Alan; and her sponsoring a Ladies' Auxiliary organHe spoke of the changes being aftice in the local communities, due Israel synagogue, 18th and Chicago a s s o d a t e d Nathan Yaffe, and D. Schwartz. grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Blanli ization. regard -being had for the autonomy fected in social service work to mfcet with the office the following: Joel streets, and are open to the general and Mr. and Mrs. E. Meyer. of the local communities and- local this era of transition, and the neces- OTD. Cornish, Edward D. Brodkey and The first meeting of this auxiliary public A nominal sum is being Funeral services -were held Sunday _ variations with respect to, joint. fi- sity for an elastic policy to keep Sunday, October 14, at 4 charged for series tickets. Lawrence J. Tobin. afternoon, with burial at Beth Ha- I m # a t t n e j . c. C. The wives of all nancing and -institutional and -group abreast of continuing changes. The new firm will continue to oc, coordination and cooperation." The discussants of this subject t i e members of the Progressive Hecupy space at 650 Omaha National medrosh Hagodol cemetery. Rabbi D. tbrew were I. S. Joseph of Minneapolis and club are asked to be present. . and have just comA. Goldstein officiated. In commenting on the mobiliza- Henry Monsky of Omaha. Their'talks | Bank building r , -, .. ., The Progressive Hebrew club is London (JTA).—Placement of mae t e d tion plan, Monsky states: "The Mo- were followed by an hour's discus-. ? enlargmg and remodeling the terial with German Jewish firms also making plans for the formation bilization program sponsored by sion, participated in by most of the former suite. of a loan association for the members. manufacturing ready-made clothing the National Council "of Federa- delegates. I The first of a series of educational in preference to. similar "Aryan" Berlin (WNS).— Presentation of tions and Welfare Funds ;as. pre; meetings was held last Tuesday. Jewish "Education. groups was defended in Berlin by Dr. Shakespeare's "Midsummer. Night's sented and discussed at the conOne of the most heated discussions Berlin (J. T. A.)—Government of-j These will be held once a month, Hjalmar Schacht, Nazi'Minister of Dream" a t a local theater has been ference- -will- become an .important Economics and head of the Reichs- a complete failure because the pro- ficials announced that beginning nextj The meeting Tuesday was a suc• factor in American Jewish life. of the conference followed the paWarsaw (WNS).—Every ticket for bank, the London News Chronicle re- ducer eliminated the famous music week police stations all over Ger-'cess, with over 250 attending. Rabbi The crisis through which all social per on "A re-orientation in the Alas written "for this production by Felix many will accept applications for the \ Uri Miller was the speaker. ; agencies have been passing and and Objectives of Jewish Education." all ships scheduled to leave the ports ported. —• •—— Dr. Schacht, according to the story, Mendelssdhn-Bartholdy and replaced war cross to be given to all Germans! the constantly changing trends in by Dr. George J. Gordon of Minnea- of Trieste, Italy, and Constanza, Ru: in the army during . - . • ' . : •:••- •-• • g g the jj New York—The half-way mark in Bocial work make it more impera- polis.. mania, for Palestine during the month replied to a protest by the "Aryan" it by music composed by a full-blooded who fought riill I He traced the history of the Jew- of OctoDer has been sold. The bulk of manufacturers by stating that the re- Aryan named Neuck. World War. The cross was originally I the 000000 $3,000,000 campaign of thr tive than perhaps at any time ish educational system, the transnamed the Hindenburg Cross, but the'United Jewish Appeal has been quirements of the export trade make Even the Voelkische Beobachter, heretofore that Jewish', communithe tickers on"these ships nave been ties be fully and completely or- planting of the "cheder" of "Eastern bought by Polish Jews who managed it imperative that doth, for manufac- chief Nazi organ, admitted that with- name was changed to Hitler Cross, pased, according to an announcement - ganized with respect to their so- Europe to these shores and the rs- somehow to scrape together sufficient ture be placed first with factories out Mendelssohn's music "Midsummer after the death of the aged Preei-iby Felix M. Warburg general chaircial work program; and it , has sultant high "mortality" in interest funds to pay their.passasre to Pales- making export goods and that Jews Night's Dream" was woxihlesg as a dent. The cross is to go to all veter-1 man. Receipts of the national drive ans, irrespective of race or religion, 'to date total $1,500,000. ' become increasingly important that own most of these. musical spectacle. tine. ' • ' (Continued on Page &.)










Nazis Forced to Give Gloth Orders to Jews

Polish Jews Buy all Tickets to Palestine

When Is "Midsummer Nighfs Dream" Drab? Jewish Vets Eligible for Hitler War-Cross

Page 2—THE JEWISH PRESS^ FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1934 1 meeting next Thursday evening, Octo- cerning such a class. ! ber 18th. at the Eagles hall Initia- Those interested should see Lee C l u b P l a n S M e e t i n g .tion of new members will take place Grossman. The class, if held, will and all members and their friends are meet Tuesday and Thursday, from The Conservative Synagogue Men's ! cordially invited to attend. 6:15 to 7 p. m. club will meet Wednesday, October 24. Election of officers will be the feature. j The Council Bluffs Talmud Torah The complete handball program at - Rabbi Uri Miller-will speak on hisSunday School opened- last Sunday "the J. C. C. fox the season is being 1!recent trip to Europe and Dr. I. Dan-morning with a large attendance. Reg- worked out by Handball Chairman By the Service Life Insurance sky will give humorous selections* istrations may still be made next Sun- Phil Feldman, assisted by Phineas jday morning at ten o'clock at theWintroub and Iz Levinson. Company, Omaha synagogue with Mr. J. Z. Stadlan, principal, for all children who were Suppose you start upon a program Oruch,vswim instructor, started (Reprinted from Manchester Guardian, England) unable to attend the opening class. hisAljunior of saving $50.00, a, month. You want life-saving teaching Tuesday evening. . \ The following article whidi reveals ish- bodies to retrain those who wereiyoung men and women are working to do it and you want to put the | Mrs. B. Saltzman is spending the a month in a gbod safe place" the efforts a t rehabilitation of Jew-engaged in the liberal professionslon.Danish farms, distributed, singly i^$50.00 j week-end in Manning, Iowa, visiting BY F. R. K. The junior boys' swim will be held ^iU have it at some time ish refugees from Germany is re- or in .commerce, or were students, in and in two's and .threes in all parts if 0 * ? a nt eyou a r fllture b e n u her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Sunday need afternoons from 2 to 3 p. mk > ~ ; of the country. They all hope when: printed from the Manchester Guar- Germany, for a simpler, manual oc^ *° y This will give those juniors going to SB. HADASSAH LUNCHEON' NEXT Mrs. Keith Peltz. dian of September 14—The Editor. cupation. The young men and womtrained to receive immigration cer{ T h e savings bank book, the. bond, WEDNESDAY AT CHIEFTAIN I The Junior Congregation are hold- Talmud Torah in the morning their en, who are eager to go to Pales- tificates for Palestine; and the Dan-U" ! T t h e e them on the the!^f^*' &?"**' ™ ™™a*c* *£*? ° r The Council Bluffs Senior Hadassah jing children's services each Friday Tegular swim period. :' "THe training of the Jewish refu- tine, are turning to that simpler ish government admits them gees from Germany, for agricultural life with an infectious enthusiasm. condition that "they shall leave after ! j ^ J ^ ^ ^ l £ ^ o u •will open its fall season with a lunch- \ aCr^rnoon at five o'clock and on Satlife and other manual work in Pales- And the Jewish pioneer movement, their years training. Already some iyriU n o tt u r n ihe k e y - a n d ^ b o x w i l l iurday mornings at ten o'clock at the Many delegates and visitors to the tine—and elsewhere—is proceeding the Haluz, has developed its activi- 120 who have served their appren-| n o t b e o p e n e d a g a i ^ u n t i l o n e o f ^ , synagogue. All boys and girls who Plains-States conference visited t b " in all the countries of refuge. Some ties in extraordinary measure in all for can read Hebrew are urged to attend. physical department last week. tion, has appointed Mrs. Max Simon 1 time ago an account was given in Germany and the - countries around Palestine. . | ing money transpires. as program chairman, and an enter- j this paper of a' training centre on Germany. I t has enrolled over 15,000 "They are not all, or, .indeed,; Now, we come to a most peculiar taining and interesting program is be- BIRTHDAY PAKTY the borders of France and Luxempeople who are eager for themainly, of German nationality, but:fallacy. Most people are more con- ing arranged. Mrs. M. F. Levinson of Mrs. Keith Peltz of Manning, Iowa, borg. It may be of interest to give young of fitting themselves for life Polish subjects or stateless. Den.nark! cerned with what they put in than Omaha, former regional president, was hostess to about twenty-five chilan, account of what is being done in chance has set an example to other coun-iwith what they take out of their safe the land or in the workshop. dren and their mothers on Sunday aftwo other countries of refuge, Hol- on"The tries in not discriminating betweeni deposit boxes. What foolishness! The will be the principal speaker and ternoon in honor of the first birthday A regular meeting of the Junior help of the Dutch governland and Denmark. The Dutch govthe victims of persecution in Ger-ioniy Ger- i only thing that should concern you is, is,^ S J Z ^ n ^ .£*$& S f be' of her daughter, Lorraine. The party Vaad will be held Tuesday evening at ernment took the lead last year in ment took the form of the grant for many according to their nationality.'what your savings will be when you presented by a group of members. A i was given at the home of the child's 8 p.m. at the B'nai Israel synagogue. ten years free of rent of a hamlet I bringing "before the assembly of the , ,, .... .i , ,. , presented by a eroun of memb In •paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. All members are urged to be presy P .league the whole problem of the and 75 sectares of land in the re-goodnofor country arefuture the conditions thebe key toto open What ? training Palestinian'' will you able takethe outbox. of the box ^ o c aNogg, ent. A program and entertainment # so turn l s o l o and w iU community b | g ? v en °t y M s Max Peltz of Omaha. claimed area of the Zuider Zee. The singing ;;refugees as an international concern, colonists. The Folk High schools! and what will it do for you? will be presented. '.and is in the Wieringer Polder, 'be led by Mrs. Leo Meyerson, accomland .this led to -the appointment of which has been recovered from the spread about the country have pro- When are you going to open this panied at the piano by Miss Sylvia the high commissioner, Jewish Press advertisers merit your seat that surrounded the island that duced a class of farmers and small- box? Not next week or next year. If Steiman. i "The Dutch government has, too, with an extraordinarily high'y°u are willing to grant this, then you I The committee in charge of the patronage. wil n H from; the Beginning shown practical was the first home of the exiled holders culture and a sense of humanity * ^u r^s athat the life insurance policy poncy i u n c n e o n a r e - Mesdames Richard GorIsympathy with the effort of the Jew- Irown Prince of Germany it is near which fe enables them to understand ^ y ° deposit box will solve an don, chairman; Ike Feblowitz, Herthe great dyke, which now links number of problems. ProbH. SUSSMAN the western and eastern shores and the stranger in their midst. And thel eamazing Sam Gross, Harry Looping balls trying to zip through ms intensive cultivation and the system! which no other security in that an elusive hoop may be seen zoomhas turned" a vast inland sea into a ot co-operative farming which holds j safejleposit box will solve for you. . Marovitz. Reservations for the lunch- | ing through the ozone in the J. C. C. shrinking lake. While you are alive and well, your eon may still be made with any mem-i gymnasium as many cagers are start25th and Leavenworth Sts. "The hamlet, which contains sway in Denmark are similar to theinsurance policy in the safe deposit ing- their workouts preparatory to the Dutch farm buildings and a few actual conditions of Jewish agricul- box is not only a $50.00 a month sav- ber of the above committee. Atlantic 2574 preseason basket ball league. small houses, is well termed Werk- ture in Palestine. ings plan, but when you die that dorp, or Work-Village. It offers to- 'The young men and women are, ?50.00 a month savings plan becomes | Mr. O. Hochman, secretary of the day a busy scene. It is the home of obviously happy in their work; some. ?20.000 . cash for your family _ „„ Chevra B'nai Yisroel Society, was I Lee Grossman, physical director, ren honored at a meeting held Wednesover a hundred young refugees who of them were medical and legal stu-. equivalent income. Or, when you aare i ported that all classes are increasing evening at the Chevra B'nai Tis- ' steadily, especially the classes for New upholstered furniture made to i -New York (WNS).—Following the are preparing the land and the dents, most were engaged in com-: rea( jy t o retire from business it sudsynagogue when he was present! unanimous decision of the American buildings to accommodate altogether merce or in offices. Scattered though 'denly becomes an income of $200.00 a • your individual taste. No. extra cost ed with a gold medal. In the shape •matrons and junior boys and girls. ' Olympic committee to accept Ger- 250. They are to have a thorough they are in the farms, they have a' month. to have jour furniture made to fit of a Mogen David, bearing the inyour home. Call AT-2574 and Mr. ; many's invitation to the 1936 Olympic training, and not a smattering. Thewell-organized corporate life through A life insurance policy is only a A men's body-building class will be : games at Berlin, a movement was course will extend over three years, the Haluz Movement. They meet modest savings plan when it is locked scription "From Chevra B'nai Yisroel started if enough are interested. A Sussman will call and make sug;• launched here to organize a nation- and each of the male students will regularly in some barn for Hebrew up in that safe deposit box but when to O. Hochman for faithful services." few have already made inquiries con- gestions. : wide boycott against American parti- choose one of five departments— lessons given by a peripatetic teach-'it comes out, it is a giant in strength cipation in the Olympics. The boycott agriculture, horticulture, carpentry, ex from Palestine, for discussions 1 and helpfulness, Word has been received here of the u^!^ drive was launched with the creation metalwork, or building. The w^men about their past, present, and future, birth of a son born October first to of an organization known as the students are to have a more general and for the exchange of the Jewish Mr. and Mrs. Irving Rosenberg. of ; League to Boycott the 1936 Olympic and varied instruction in the things journals; and, on their weekly, or Chicago. Mrs. M. L. Marks, mother Games at Uerlinv I t was formed at a useful in a peasant home. of Mrs. Rosenberg, left Saturday night more often their fortnightly, day of meeting of representatives of 40 Jew- "About half of the land is planted rest, they gather together for exfor Chicago to visit her daughter and "Where Omaha Shops With Confidence'1 ish organizations, called by Rabbi with vegetables which, together with cursions through the country. family. Eleven new members were initiated Louis D. Gross, editor of the Brook- the village dairy, supply a large part "During this year of preparation into the Century chapter of A. Z. A. lyn Examiner. Mrs. Sarah Solomonow returned of the needs of the community;. Thethey have at the same time to adapt last Sunday. Impetus was given to the movement students of carpentry and building themselves to the conditions of life The chapter is enterting a basket home Monday following a month's by the publication of a lengthy letter are already at work making the and acquire the language of their ball team in the J. C. C. junior league. visit in St. Louis, Mo., where she was sent: to the'-American, Olympic com- bungalows for the larger number.)masters, and to Hebraise themselves The group is extending its activities the guest of her fiance's parents, Mr. mittee before it voted by Samuel Un- They have designed the village in j both in outlook and in speech for in an effort to win the best-chanter and Mrs. Morris Rudner. termyer, president of the Non^Sectar- a semicircle of bungalows around a;their life in the National Home, award. ian Anti-Nazi League, urging the com- communal hall. The agricultural inA regular meeting will be held Sun- The Council Bluffs Agudas Achim They do the two things with JewAssociation will hold an. important mittee not to accept Germany's invita- structors are Dutchmen from the lo-The day, October 14. .? which they will have tion and pointing out that if the bidcality, the technical instructors are The experience eperxience which they will have was accepted "it will be impossible refugees from- Ctermany~.*j~»«v gained in the tranquil and truly f or 'Sayi self-r43s^cting;Jew.-&qni:an5f: democratic Scandinavian country, in* part/jb£ 'ih'ef world to~enter" (Sennany dente (of wiom^someStpnieniplate which the spirit of co-operation is so: or to^ subject himself to> jthe;:degra4ftdeveloped and culture is- a heritage: Palestine; • some in settlement tion 'that .would be involved in" his' parof the whole people, will be a most' South f ^ ^ p tojiStH Ameriticipating in the.Olympiad pf'1936:in. valuable influence "upon them, and; ca): are preparing for life that country, either, as a contestant will enable them v m as new, lamd jjy^thte^st^idy of lan of lanto contribute an or aii observer.-" - : ;v guages. They] lead ] & simple!•; lif e, butelement of worth in the microcosm Simultaneously R e p r e s e n tatiye music has, a ;Bartih- the; communal of the Jewish National Home." Emanuel Celler of New York called activity, and;-they have -their comupon the American Olympic commit- inunal: newspaper. ;;They share the tee to hold: an' open* heaiing~-fte-estate sports: ground; of the neighboring lish the facts regarding the Seatmfint Dutch village, and-have the best reof Jewish athletes in Germany;and to lations with ~their neighbors. decide the" question of American par- •-•; ".Another ~.and .v^ry .different enticipation in the 'OlympicK-bpeclanng terpriseot training in Holland is af- Berlin (WNS)—The entire program that "in the interests of fair' sports- forded by an international school of chalutzim training in Germany is manship," the committee, should order Vhicn. the' Quakers have started in in danger of collapsing as a result of such a hearing. Representative Celler the little town .of. Ommen, rclose to the new Nazi order forbidding memsaid that "onlyy an open p hearing will the German., frontier. The -school is bers of Jewish youth organizations to b in the eighteenthi century :castle of live together in special quarters. This satisfy the American sporting public." .. ; / a Dutch iiobleman and was used order is part of a general decree se' Acceptance of Germany's invitation formerly: i s "the centre of the move-verely, curbing; virtually all Jewish , ^ rf\J&> by the American' Olympic cbmmittee ment : of j Krishnaniurti. The pupils youth activities. Because of these redespite the terrific pressure brought will be. mainly from Germany, nohr strictions all chalutzim training homes to bear against such a step was fore- Aryans denied the chance of educa- will be obliged to close. Representashadowed several weeks ago., when tion in ! their own country; but there tives of Jewish organizations -have Avery Brundage, chairman of the com- will be immediately a small Dutch taken up this matter with the minismittee, who went to Gerniany'to study element, and it is the hope of thetry of the interior and there is some the situation and with power to make founders of tlje school that it will hope that the order will be modified. a one-man decision, wrote in the b i l i l at large sense: international.. Olympic News.) before sailing; that "When we "visited"'it in the sumAmerican athletes should prepare for the Olympics. -The resolutidri- accept- mer the castle was full, with 120 ing Germany's invitations was as fol-children who; had come - there from lows: "In the light of the report of Germany for?aJholiday course, happy t he f b l l too t short h Mr. Bruhdage and the attitude and tto b breathe a ti time assurance of representatives, of thethe free atmosphere. German government, we accept the in- "The retraining, work in ;Denmark Here is a set that will go vitation of the German Olympic^comis organized ' jiiff jerently to that in v out and bring them in from tnittee to the 1936 Olympics." Holland. There'is' no refugee village the United States as -well as and no school.^ Nearly two- hundred


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For A "

Council Bluffs News

Junior Vaad to Meet Tuesday

Activities of J. C. C. Athletic Department



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Conservative Dinner COMimiESFOR Vaad Auxiliary to Novel Sisterhood Wednesday Evening Meet on Monday Hard-Times Party OMAHA COUNCIL . The congregational, dinner' of the

The first meeting of the fall seaA novel affair is being planned for Conservative synagogue, welcoming Mrs. A. D. Frank, presiding officer son for the Women's Auxiliary of the hard-times Halloween party to new members, will be' held at the J. C. C. next Wednesday evening, Octo- of the Council of Jewish Women, an- the Vaad.Ha'Ihr will be held in the be given by the Temple Israel Sish'ounces the following list of commit- form of a one o'clock luncheon Mon- terhood at the vestry room of t,hs ber 17, at 6:30 p.m. day, October 15, at the B'nai Israel Temple on Wednesday evening, OcHarry Silverman will be chairman tee chairmen: Administration: Mrs. Ben Shapiro, synagogue, 18th and Chicago streets. tober 31. The members of the comfor the evening. Reservations at fifty cents per mittee sponsoring the event are busy Harry DuBoff will sing, accompa- publicity; Mrs. Morris Milder, motor nied by Esther Leaf DuBoff. Mr. Mil- corps; Mrs. Philip Levey, member- person may be made with Mrs. A. on plans to make this party a huge success; they say that "nothing of ton A. Reick will present his Jack and ship; Mrs. Lester Lapidus, hospital- Schwaczkin, ATlantic 5534. Rabbi Uri Miller will show pic- this type has been given before in Jill players in a one-act comedy, "The ity; Mrs. S. E. Gilinsky, courtesy; By GREGORY BLATTMAN Mrs. T. Mayer, telephone; Mrs. Irvin tures taken during his recent trip recent years." First Hundred Years." to Europe and Palestine. A feature will be an orchestra The basic for the strange theory archaeological finds in Mexico, which ognomy, history and customs of the The election of officers will feature Stalmaster, does. which has just closed an engagement the business meeting. The benefit card party by the Vaad Social Service: Mrs. M. F. Leventhat intrepid Jewish navigators pre- lend credence to an old belief that native's in the Pacific Coast states of Reservations are being taken by son, service for foreign born; Mrs. Auxiliary at the J. C. C, Wednesday at the world's fair. ceded Christopher Columbus as the the Jews were really the first comers Mexico. His researches not only conTickets for this interesting affair Mrs. Harold Farber and Mrs. William Max Holzman, community co-opera- evening, attracted a capacity attenddiscoverers of America is discussed to America. firm' the discoveries of Plancarte and Alberts. may be obtained from any of the ance. tion; Mrs. Maynard Greenberg, sewin this timely article by Mr. Blatt- It is of course a historical fact that Leon but reveal the widespread pracfollowing: The Mesdames F. J. AlDoor prizes and table prizes were ing; Mrs. Morris Katelman and Mrs. man. ....The Editor long before the - Christian era Jews tice of circumcision and the characSam Theodore, education for foreign a w a r d e d and refreshments were berts, Sam Appleman, Dave Feeler, Probably no historical event of the were to be found everywhere in the teristic oriental manner of greeting. Benjamin Friedman, M. I. Gordon, born; Mrs. Sam Wolf, deaf and hard served. Christian era has been the cause of then known world. Jewish merchants Mena also found new archeological Archie Jacobs, Harry Rosenfeld, and Mrs. D. B. Epstein was in charge. of hearing. so much controversy or the center of and traders were ubiquitous in the evidence to support hi& contentions, Harry Wolf. Education: Mrs. David R. Cohen, so many curious and hardy legends •mercantile cities of Phoenicia, Tyre, such as stones bearing Hebrew ininternational relations; Mrs. J. H. Kuas Christopher Columbus' discovery Rome and Armenia. Surviving rec- scriptions of pre-Columbian origin The series of book evenings by lakofsky, program; Mrs. I. F. Goodof America on October 12, 1492. Tenords left by the earliest Christian and relics indicating a link between Rabbi David A. Goldstein will be regenerations of American schoolchil- missionaries, by Marco Polo, by Suli- the ancient Mexicans and some un- peated this year, under the auspices man, scholarship; Mrs. David A. GoldA bridge luncheon will be held at stein, Jewish education; Mrs. Samuel dren have been taught that Colum- man of Andalusia and other travel- known people of Semitic origin, The Vaad Men's club •will give a the Blackstone Hotel at one o'clock of the Conservative Synagogue Aux- L. Stern, child study. ers indicate that there were Jews in bus "was an Italian navigator whose dinner next Thursday evening, Oc- October 17, under the sponsorship of Because his finds have been in the iliary. * * * epochal voyage was made possible Madagascar, China, Japan, Turke- Pacific Coast states of Mexico, Mena The opening number on the series The first meeting of the organiza- tober 18, at 7 p. m. to be followed Mrs. Charles Schimmel and a group through -the generosity of his royal stan, India, Mongolia and the Afri- believes that the Jews reached Mexi- will be held November 7, when Rabbi tion is scheduled for October 29. It by the regular meeting, at the B'nai who are in Mrs. I. Rosenthal's Cirpatroness, Queen Isabella of Spain. can interior as early as the eighth, co by way of the Pacific Ocean. Ac- Goldstein will review "Lamb in His cle of the Temple Israel Sisterhood. will be in the form of a tea, with Israel synagogue. The textbooks of every school in- the ninth, .tenth, and eleventh centuries. cording to Mena the Jews migrated Bosom," by Caroline Miller. A feature of the program •will be Reservations should be in not laMrs. Lester Lapidus in charge. Mrs. land still teach that it was Columbus The ships of the Jewish merchant to America during the Egyptian era Among the other books to be re- J. H. Kulakofsky has arranged an ex- a talk by Rabbi Uri Miller concern- ter than Tuesday morning, by call•who first conceived of the earth's princes sailed the seven seas. Jewish when the Pharoahs had enslaved viewed are: "The Foundry," by Albert ing his recent trip to Europe and ing the Blackstone Hotel, HA 0945. spherity and who proved the truth of seamen were among the most intre- Israel. Mena traces their" movements Halper; "The Folks," by Ruth Suckow; cellent program, including a talk by Palestine. his theory by finding new- land be- pid of the ancient seafarers. It is the from Egypt via Suez to the northern "Salvation," by Sholom Asch; "The Dr. Victor Levine, who will speak on The dinner is open to all members yond the Atlantic in three flimsy traces believed to have been lft by trails of Arabia and then across the World's Illusion," by Jacob Wasser- his recent Alaskan trip, and Mrs. of the Vaad, and reservations may Harry Steele, who will sing. ships manned by a motley crew of these far-flung sons of Israel that Indian and Pacific oceans to Mexi- mann; "The Autobiography of Lincoln be made by calling S. Katleman, WE first gave rise to the strange theory co. The traces of ancient Jewish set- Steffens." 0135 or Harry Segal, KE 7618. Spanish seamen. At the first meeting of the fall Modern historical scholarship, that Jews may have been the discov- tlements in the African interior, Anyone wishing tickets for the book season of the Voltaire Young Circia seeking to determine the truth. out erers of the two Americas. Madagascar, Japan and China date evenings is asked to call Mrs. Irvin League, held last Thursday at the of the welter of myths, has added More FathJ. C. C, the following weie elected JJAVJ.C than WACfcll three U U C C decades VJ.CWC*UtO ago <*£VS A. C*V** i back to this hegira, according to ' Levin, chairman, or Mrs. J. J. GreenThe legislative arid international new chapters to the Columbus saga. er Plancarte, a Catholic priest and! many scholars. berg, co-chairman.' to office: relations study group of the Council It is now recognized by most his- explorer, and Dr. Nicolas Leon, an Starting this Tuesday, October 16, Milton Wallman, financial secreOther supporters of Mena's theory of Jewish Women will hold its first the Ee-Im club will meet on Tuesday torians that Columbus' voyages were archeologist, both Mexicans, startled The Auxiliary is laying plans for an tary; Sophie Halperin, recording secbelieve that the Jews reached Amerimeeting of this season on Tuesday, not financed from the royal Spanish the world with the announcement evening at the Jewish Community retary; Doris Martin, treasui'er; Jos outstanding road show and revue to exchequer, which was depleted by the that they believed Jewish navigators ca by way of the Atlantic. Agreeing be presented the early part of Decem- October 16, in the form of a dessert Center, instead of Thursdays, as pre- Davis, educational diiecfor; Rose costly Moorish wars, but with the had reached the Pacific Coast of with Mena that the Jews preceded ber, which, members hope, will be one luncheon at the home of Mrs. David viously. The change is due to the Flanchek, reporter; Fan Witkin and funds expropriated from the Spanish Mexico several hundred years before Columbus in the new world, this of the most outstanding events of the R. Cohen, 301 South Fifteith avenue. fact that the Re-Ims have entered a Morris Katz, members of the exeAll Council members who are in- basket ball team in the Center Jews whom Isabella and her consort, Columbus. The basis for the intrig- school of thought maintains that year. cutive committee. Ferdinand, expelled in the very year uing supposition was both archeolog- a fleet of Jewish trading ships, mak- Details for the affair are being terested in this work are cordially league and games are played ThursPlans for the coming season were invited. that Columbus set out to find new ic and anthropologic. Durihg a visit ing an annual voyage from the port formulated. days. formulated. of Esion Geber on the northern coast Progress is being made in plans land beyond the uncharted Atlantic. to the little known tribe of Tarasfor the big dance to be held at the Contemporary re-evaluations of Co- cos who live in the state of Michoa- of the Red sea to Cadiz, was carried city auditorium, under the chairmanlumbus's achievements have shown can, not far from Oaxaca, Father far off its course by the equatorial ship of Ben Soskin, on Sunday evethat Columbus owed much to the Plancarte and Dr. Leon were amazed currents while passing through the ning, October 28. scientists of the Middle Ages, among to find a tablet with Hebrew inscrip- Gulf of Guinea on the eastern shore Junior Hadassah will hold its anthem pioneer Jewish cartographers, tions. They also noticed that the Ta- of Africa. This fleet, it is believed At the meeting of the Junior SoSao Paulo, Brazil.—Prohibition of geographers, instrument-makers and rascos had a distinctly Semitic ap- was carried across the Atlantic to ciety of the Conservative synagogue, nual Thanksgiving dance Thursday, philosophers, whose experiments pro- pearance and characteristics. The Brazil, Panama or the Guianas. The held at the home of Miss Lylyan Chu- November 29. Miss Kalah Franklin Jewish immigration and deportation vided the practical basis for his sensational assertion of Father Plan- plausibility of this theory is backed dacoff oh Wednesday, October 3, com- is chairman of the affair with the of those Jews already in Brazil is theory that the earth, was round. carte and Dr. Leon was naturally up to some extent by the fact that mittees for the Hallowe'en party, to Misses Frieda Soffer, Ann Goodbm- urged in a memorandum submitted to Painstaking historians have also dis- pooh-poohed by historians who point- explorers in French Guiana have be held October 31, and the annual der, Mildred Wliitman, Rose Dolgoff, the Minister of Labor by the Alberto covered that Columbus' crew was not ed out that the physical resemblance been amazed to find a striking simi- dance, to be given on December 23, Ann Hahn, Sarah Levine, Fannie Tores society, an influential Brazilan ordinary collection of sailors but of the Tarascos to the ancient Se- larity between many words used by were appointed. Miss Helen Steinberg, Katleman, and Dora Freshman as- ian group. The memorandum, which also urges that it included many Marrano Jews mites was inconclusive and that the the natives and ancient Hebrew. chairman, and Ethel Cohen and Es- sisting her. Miss Rose Abramson is in charge that only a definite quota of memwho preferred to risk the uncertain- Hebrew inscriptions probably dated Moreover, many rocks bearing He- ther Blumenthal are making arrangeof the tickets and those on her com- bers of the yellow race be admitted, ties of a possible new world to the from some time after 1500 when brew words and signs have been dis- ments for the Hallowe'en party. mittee are the Misses Jeanette Res- characterizes the Jews as non-useful recognized dangers of the Inquisition. Marrano Jews from Spain and Port- covered on the Atlantic shore of BraMiss Sally Morgan has been apThere is also some; evidence, disput- ugal began to arrive in South Amer- zil which is washed by equatorial pointed chairman of the Dance com- nick, Evelyn Glazer, Zelda Charney, and declares means should be found currents. Goldie Priesrnan, Ida Fine, Sadie to deport, them. INSURED CABS able, it is true, that Columbus may icarBut the theory persisted. mittee, Jeanette Levinson and Sophie Tatleman, and Minnie Froom. : have been a Marrano. The* evidence supporting the as- Roseristeitt compose the Ticket comThe Southwestern regional conAlwnt -fivo w a r s o«»v if wsi<5 TP* . . . - « . - - — r r - - - - - - o — - — nrniee, i_,iaire reiaman ana i/oroi-ny Feldirian arid Dorothy vention will be held in Des Moines, Of late there has also arisen an "viv^Tbv ai J S i n Dr MaT ! Ne£ S e r t i n . g * a * J e w s fir + st discovered K o s e n t t i a lClaife* m -m c h a r g e o f arrangevived by a certain ur. max «eu (America is of course too fragmententire school of. historians, both in ments, Sophia Handler is to take care South American scholar i to win wide acceptance but the of publicity, and Lylyan Chudacoff November 10 and 11. this country and abroad, who _hold mayer, that the new ; world was known to specializing in occult sciences. In the a r c n e o l o g i c a l a n d anthropological dis- and Ann Jonisch, decorations. of a lecture in Mexico City c o v e r i e s o f Mena, Leon arid PlanEuropeans long before Columbus; A course The next meeting of this group will he speculated on the thesis that the carte are so important that they voluminous literature has been com- ancient Aztecs were exponents of the be held at the home of Miss Sophia A regular- meeting of the Daughpiled by writers who believe that the Cabala. In support of his theory he cannot be ignored. It is not beyond Handler, October 15. ters of Israel Aid Society will be the realm of possibility that, fanciful intrepid Norseman, Leif - Ericsori claimed to have found the number held Tuesday afternoon, October 16, reached: the shores of America nearly seven, the mystic Cabala figure, in- as the theory may be, the time will Steamers Connect Constanza, at the Old People's Home, 2501 yet come when the weight of new two centuries before Columbus.. ArcHaifa Charles street. scribed-on the. famous, pyramids of j vindicate evidence to b e found wiU heologists, anthropologists, • explorBucharest—Direct service between All members are urged to attend. San Juan Teotihuacan, which he Teotihuacan hej ^ ht di that daring ers and other scientists have from the startling^ Constanza and Haifa has been estabtime to time-unearthed evidence pur- maintained was proof that the Az- Jewish navigators were .the first to lished by the first Jewish steamship tecs; had. been in touch with early touch the new world.. porting to show that even Ericson company, the Palestine Maritime was ante-dated by other navfgators. Jewish "settlers. About the same time (Copyright, 1934, hy Seven Arts Lloyd, Ltd. Jose Arreola, an archeologist, identil e t me protect rronr interests . . . I Most interesting of all are the recent Under a Jewish flag and a Jewish Feature Syndicate.) fied the mysterious inscriptions in write INSURANCE ot every description Includes: LIFE, in strong, reliable comstaff two steamers which formerly the ruins of La Ciudadela as HeOne of the reasons why the new PREMIER belonged to the Italian Palestine panies ONLY . . . I-.ei's talk it ever. brew-Phoenician. Explorers who have GRAM) has become such a popular cleaner City Finance & Insurance Co. Lloyd ply between Constania, Istanexamined ornaments and frescoes in Reich Colleges Shut 1400 Farnam St. AT. 'tGST or WA. C150 all over the country is that it now has bul, Rhodes, Haifa, Jaffa and Port the. ruins of the Mitla Temple, one to New Student Said. of the oldest monuments of pre-Inca TWO SPEEDS . . . one for heavy rugs and Berlin.—The doors of German uniculture, in the Pacific Coast state of one for light rugs. It takes all the dirt out Oaxaca, admitted that they were of versities were virtually closed to new of your light rugs without picking them up Jewish students with the'issuance of Semitic design. In 1927 a native a decree requiring Jewish students or puckering them. Cleans your light rugs farmer in the neighboring state of registering for the new term to projust as easily as heavy rugs. (Housewives Geneva (JTA).—Polish representa- Guerrero, in which is located tfie duce proof that they worked in the tives on the Sixth Commission praised harbor of Acapulco, the most famous Hitlerite youth labor camps, to which appreciate this excellent feature.) Jewish initiative in Palestine and Aztec seaport, dug up a cylindrical Jews are not admitted. asked Great Britain to facilitate Jew? clay vase on which was a sculptured ead . of a perfect . Jewish-Hittite Jewish students are also required ish immigration into the holy land. type. This vase, now treasured by to produce proof that they lived for Declaring that. Poland, which had a Jewish population of 3,500,000, was he. National Museum of Mexico, was at least one year in the so-called vitally interested in the Jewish Na- named the Vaso Judio (Jew Vase). "comrade houses" to which Jews are tional home, the Polish delegate said: Further excavating uncovered an- also refused admittance. Thus, no "The report submitted by the Man- other vase, also embellished with a Jewish student may enter German dates Commission shows that thefa- Semitic figure, and iron and stone universities from now on. This cleaner H A N D L E S vorable economic conditions in Pales- implements of unmistakable Semitic origin. Ramon Mena, a widely known EASILY WITHOUT LIFTtine are entirely due to Jewish initiative. The shortage of labor being felt Mexican' archeologist, made similar ING . . . properly designed in Palestine appears to be due to the finds in Chupicuaro, state of Guanato save strength. Eves « fact that the number of .immigration uato. child can clean rugs with it. certificates issued "by the Palestine . As a matter of fact it is Senor CUSHIONED POWER cuts government does riot correspond to the Mena who is the most enthusiastic needs of the country. • - dvocate of the theory that the Jews out any nerve-wearing vib"We hope that the Mandatary pow- were, the- original .discoverers of the ration and noise, yet gives A Complete Line of er will facilitate the installation of the American continents and the man regreatly increased cleaning Feinberg*s Kosher Jews in'Palestine, taking into account sponsible for the renewed interest in the new increase in the econoiriic ca- this historical possibility. In. North power and speed. Call for Products pacity,' the Polish representative de- America little is ever heard of Senor a Home Demonstratoin. 23c Mena's theory - but in the Latin- Kosher Salami, lb clared. Representatives of Iraq and Persia, American countries scientists, his- Kosher Wienerwurst, both Moslem countries^ insisted that torians and public leaders have been lb. ..„:..._ :__: 23c Jewish : immigration into Palestine intensely interested in Senor Mena's theory. --•-'• - • — - • • .-.-...-• Kosher Breakfast Bacon; must not hurt" the Arabs.' -• r - Archibald. Noel Skeltori, British delT _To" substantiate. Jiis claim, Mena 1-2 lb. cellophane roll 15c egate, answered that the actions:of. -has made a" close study of the physiKosher peppered the Mandatory power were based on An alert Britisher would impastromer, lb. ,75c the strictest impartiality between the mediately think these were Jews and Arabs, but added that his RENOVIZING government was conscious of its parhis homeland tweeds. They're Painting and Papering ticular duties toward Jewish immigrathat good looking! . Many Responsible—Work Guaranteed tion." .;• . . •-•• . checks, Gera diagonals, and At Low Prices "In the minjites, of. the Mandates C A X . X , .••'-• " ••" " herringbone weaves, as well Commission," he said, "the principle of immigration is based on absorptive as soft, warm Lamgdras .". . 107-111 So. 16th St. capacity, taking into account not only Smartly self-trimmed. AT-9892 the existing, but also the future pros- f 1919 Burt Street pects of the country. Mr. Skelton added that the statement of the Polish representative would be given the most careful consideration. The Danish representative on the Mandate Commission has been ap-, SHpatrick's Coat Sectionpointed rapporteur on the mandates Courtesy • Service - low Rates Second Floor 1 question to the League Assembly, it Phone HArney 1226 Farnam at Thirty-thirds was announced. -


Book Evenings Will Be Repeated

Bridge Luncheon at Vaad Men's Club Dinner Thursday Blackstone October 17

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Daughters of Israel Aid Society Meeting

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THE JEWISH PRESS Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by " ;

THE JEWISH PRESS PUBIilSHING COMPANY Subscription Price, one year . ., Advertising rates furnished on application


Editorial Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building. : Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center DAVID BLACKER - - - - - - Business and Managing Editor PRANK R. ACKERMAN .: - - - - - - - . . . - - Editor FANNIE KATELMAN - - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent ANN FILL - - - - - - - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent Print Shop Address: 1307 Howard Street

The Week in Review The Plains-States Conference A panorama of Jewish Federation and social work in the Plains-States region was unfolded at the well-attended, excellently-conducted conference in Omaha last week-end —• a panorama which compliments and lends inspiration to Jewish welfare activities. Praise for the regional conference of Jewish Community Centers and Federations goes far beyond being a collection of platitudes—the talks and papers presented demonstrated a thorough understanding of the problems confronting Jewish communities in this sector of the country, a willingness to admit that many obstacles or stumbling blocks mar the path of progress, and an alertness and ability on the part of the leaders to meet continued transitions with changing methods and up-to-date technique. Unanimity of opinion oft times leads to a stagnant, static condition, and the variance of views at the conference—-accompanied by the interchange of ideas and methods—produced a healthy, Vitalizing effect. The enthusiasm of the delegates and their comments among themselves at the conclusion of the conclave attest to this. But, what appears even more significant than this professional interest, was the lay interest manifested. The large number of people who sat through several sessions and then came back to sit through the rest of them offer the most fitting testimonial to the success of this conference. The Omaha Federation, therefore, can take justifiable pride in the fact that it was host to the first Plains-States Conference of Jewish Community Centers and Welfare Federations. The Omaha Federation may well take the credit that it is doing what it can to keep abreast of the times and initiating movements from which, we hope, all Jewish communities may benefit.

I V'

k hi


the punishment of a disrespectful others declare the opposite and praise the living conditions in the son, while another may send his Soviet. GEMS of the BIBLE father to work with a hand mill and But, the most serious objection to be made, on the surface, yet through this action will be reand TALMUD is the fact that it is generally understood that Russia's main inwarded in the future world. These By O. O. DASHER two events will explain the meaning terest is to populate Biro Bidjan—-that an important factor in the of my words: A certain man placed establishment of this territory as an autonomous Jewish republic dainty food for his father to eat. Bid Jerusalem take heart and prowas the Soviet wish to have a buffer to absorb the initial shock claim unto her that her time of serv- While the father was eating he said: in case of the expected war with Japan. Further, it is fairly well ice is accomplished, that her guilt is My son, wherefrom didst thou obtain these delicacies?" and the son reagreed that the weather rigors and pioneering of Biro Bidjan are paid off. plied insultingly; "Eat, old, and don't O thou that tellest good tidings to difficult to surmount and loom as a formidable obstacle. ask any -questions." On the other

Jews Fled Germany, Nazis Announce Berlin (JTA).—The Jewish population in Germany decreased by 63,700 in the first few months after Adolt Hitler assumed power, the Nazi government officially announced this week. Actually the decline was much greater, since the Nazi figures are based on the census of 1925, and many East European Jews entered Germany in the period between 1925 and 1933. These are not included in that Nazi totals, since they were nationals of other countries and were repatriated. In Prussia the decline was 32,620, the figures being 404,446 in 1925 and 361,826 in June, 1933. Prussian cities other than Berlin showed a decrease of 30,512, statistics revealed.

Zion, get thee up into the high mountain. O thou that tellest good tidings hand, a miller had his father living to Jerusalem, lift up thy voice -with with him, and his father was called Stinging Rebuke "I will go and do the hard work for lift «p, be not afraid. James B. Coriant, President of Harvard University, gave a strength, the government in your place, and All the nations are as nothing bestinging rebuke to Putzi Hanf staengl and his boss, Herr Adolph fore Him; they are accounted by you take charge of the mill." Therefore, such a son deserves to be reHitler. In flatly rejecting the $1,000 traveling scholarship to Ger- Him as naught, and vanity. warded. Lift up your eyes on high and see many offered by Putzi, President Conant sent Herr Ernst F. who hath created these? He who Sedgwick Hanfstaengl, *07, confident of Handsome Adolph and bringeth out their host by number. chief of the Nazi foreign press bureau, a short letter in which he He calleth them all by name, by the Stubborn audacity is the last refstated that "we are unwilling to accept a gift from one who has greatness of His might, and for that uge of guilt.—Johnson. in power not on faileth. been so closely associated with the leadership of a political party He is strong TALMUD. which has inflicted damage on the universities of Germany Rabbi Jud said that E. Eliezer was through measures which have struck at principles we believe to asked: "To what extent is one bound to honor his father and mother?" To be fundamental to universities throughout the world." which he replied: Come and see to open a new department "The Harvard Crimson," the Harvard campus daily, imme- what a gentile of Askelon, Darnoh diately assailed the action of the Harvard Corporation in its "curt ben Nothina by name, once did. The and caustic reply to an offer couched in the friendliest of terms." sages once desired to purchase from a jewel for the Ephod for the This same paper was the one which last June suggested that Hit- him Buy America's Most sum of eighty myriaods, but the key ler's gentleman nurse Putzi be the recipient of an honorary doc- of the safe in which the diamond was Beautiful Furniture torate of laws, and has again rallied to his cause, on "liberal" kept happened to be under the pillow of his father who was asleep and grounds. Darnoh would not disturb him and The picture is somewhat puzzling, but here we find the trus- thus lost the sale. In the following tees of a University being more liberal, more progressive and cour- year, however, God rewarded him ageous than the official spokepiece of the student body. The Har- with a birth of a red heifer among his herds, and the sages came to vard president acted in the tradition of a liberal institution of purchase it. He said: "I know very higher learning, on the theory that a Hansfstaengl scholarship at well that should I ask of you any Harvard would be a contradiction of what the university stood amount of money for it, you would give it to me. However, I only wish for. For the student publication to attack such a stand on—irony you to make good the loss I sus—the ground of "liberalism" i s a bit too much. True liberals will tained in honor of my father." applaud the action of President Conant. When the sages were informed of this, they said: Behold, if one who is not commanded to do so, and perTrade Agreement forming it, is thus rewarded, how Through unofficial sources there has leaked; through talk of much more will the reward be to one is instructed to do so and really a proposed trade treaty between Germany and tiie United States. who does it? For R. Chanina said: "The While the department of Commerce and the State department reward of fulfilling a commandment have said nothing concerning such treaties being under considera- is much greater to one who is comtion, there have been several "trial balloons" released recently to manded and does it than to one who is not commanded and does it of his test public opinion and reaction. "Famous For Fine Furniture" own free wilL" Concerning these persistent rumors of trade negotiations, Abimithe, son of R. Abahu, 2205-7-9 FARNAM Samuel Untermyer, president of the Non-Secretarian Anti-Nazi taught: It may happen that one feeds his pheasants, and yet deserved League to Champion Human Rights, writes to Secretary of State

Hull in emphatic protest against such a move. Says Untermyer in part: "All the agreements you may choose to make that would Two-Faced Austria strike down all protective tariffs would not overcome the rightSome may say that the .tears of protest are forgot ere the eous, country-wide 'trade-resistance' against German goods. The cheek is dry, but it is pur opinion that many times it becomes outraged Catholics, Protestants, Jews, Labor Unions and women cannot be compelled to buy them. You characterize this as a necessary to let others;know your grievance. _ When the Schuschnigg government in Austria made public its *racial or political boycott,' which indicates how little you underlaw setting up ghetto, classes for'Jewish children in the public stand the scope Of the movement. This boycott is a spontaneous schools of Vienna, segregating the Jewish youngsters from the tiprising of all cviilization—not merely in this country but others, it was just some more evidence that Austria was trying throughout the world—against the revival of medieval savagery, to do what Germany had done; except that she wished to be more spreading from South Africa, Egypt, South America, around the polite about it so as to avoid the blare and fanfare which had been globe to Finland . . . " Mr. Untermyer, who knows a good deal so ruinous to Germany among foreign nations. Jewish doctors, about international commerce and economics, denies that the lawyers, professors, clerks, ini f act, Jewish.occupants of all types United States is the loser in the anti-Nazi boycott. He stresses of positions and professionsr had slowly but inexorably felt the the fact that to do business with the Hitlerites would be to throw devastating hand of official discrimination—not as official pro- good money after bad. nouncements, but as unofficial replacements. They were promised It would not be fair to America or to American principles to equal rights on one hand, while they were reduced to second-rate extend a helping hand through trade agreements to a country citizens on the other hand. where every principle dear to this country is trampled under heel. The ghettoizing of the Jewish children, seemed the last straw. Despite the official warnings to the Austrian Jewry not to pro- New York Gubernatorial Race test this enactment, the Jewry of Austria raised their voice to A Jev/isli candidate is almost certain to win the campaign for cry out against the outrages perpetrated against them The crea- governor of New York state, as both major parties have selected tion of a ghetto system for Jewish children was a violation of Aus- members of the Jewish faith to be their standard bearers. The tria's minority treaty obligations, and the protests of Austrian democrats seek the re-election of Governor Herbert H. Lehman, Jewry brought sharp attacks by the foreign powers upon Austria. present incumbent, while the Republican forces are pinning their From Paris, from London, from various partsiof officialdom came hopes on Robert Moses, well-to-do, progressive Republican. unequivocally-worded condemnation, andAustria was under great It is deplorable that the Jewishness of the candidates should pressure from the worid powers to rescind the law. The imme- enter into the campaign, as preliminary reports indicate. The diate effect was that the Austrian government modified the law, mudslinging and underground whisperings, we are told, would • to apply only to those Jewish families which did not care if their have been no more thoroughgoing if the two candidates had been children were segregated, and that any Jewish parent could, if of opposite racial origins, and the chicanery at work overtime is desired, have the child transferred back to the general classes. all the more remarkable in view of the high integrity and perThis is not a complete victory, but Austrian Jewish leaders hope sonal character of the nominees themselves. A group of politithat due to the diplomatic damage of their protest they will be cians urge the Jewish voters to back Lehman because Moses, abel to restore the status quo. .,',' though a Jew by birth, has never been affiliated with Jewish affairs. Another group urge these same voters to back Moses, beStringent measures are necessary if Austria is :to learn once and for aU~that the world sympathy upon whieV her very cause, they say, Lehman has notoriously blackballed Jews from existence depeniis cannot be pbtained by outwardly combatting the high office because of his fear that his action might be interpreted Nazi domination while inwardly applying Nazi crimes and Nazi as Jewish favoritism. Thus, has the Jewishness of the candidates medievalism. ; . .:•• been injected, by politicians. Such tactics are vicious. The Jewish candidate who is worthy of Jewish or non-Jewish support does not trade p n i i s Jewishness Russian OffeY or barter because of his Jewishness. Anyone who does, displays M. A. A. Troyanovsky, Ambassador, of Soviet Russiato the his unworthiness for public office by that fact. The Jewish name United States, informed a delegation of Jewish/'business men/ edi- is a sacred heritage and not a campaign emblem, and the canditors and economists, that the Russian governmentwould look with date should stand or fall on his merits as a man and as a citizen, favor on the settlement of qualified Jewish refugees and other not as a member of a particular faith or race. Jews from foreign countries in the Soviet Union, especially in the recently-proclaimed autonomous Jewish republic of Biro Bidjan. The significance of this statement lies in the fact that the Palestinian Policy Despite the continued reports of Palestine prosperity and surattitude as expressed by Ambassador Troyanovsky is unusual in pluses in the Palestinian treasury, the artillery of opposition to the year i934. Everywhere, the Jewish cry is "Wohin? Whith- the present Zionist policies in the Holy Land grows increasingly er?" Everywhere^ nothing but barred gates frown upon the emi- louder. grant. In practically every country in the world a closed-door polThe latest to issue the clarion call to change front is Rabbi icy has been maintained. Abba Hillel Silver of Cleveland. Condemning in no uncertain While it is encouraging to hear Troyanovsky say that he terms the evils of land speculation, labor exploitation and unjust views with considerable interest and complete sympathy the prob- economic practices which are developing in the Jewish National , lem of Jewish people whose situation is such that they must mi-, Homeland, Rabbi Silver pleads with American Zionist to abandon grate, .and who, by training, vocation and inclination, are fit to the neutrality of "General Zionism" and to align themselves put*settle in the U. S. S. R., the enigma is not solved by such a sim- licly and strongly with the labor element in Palestine. The frantic ple wave of the wand. To begin with, a group of eastern Euro- desire of get-rich-quick middlemen to "clean-up" in Palestine has pean Jews not so long ago migrated to the Soviet, and came back introduced many evil practices which should and must be elim\ —preferring the tortures of their own country to living in the inated, if the development in Palestine is to be healthy. More and Soviet. The lesson of this is that many would find it .unbearable more Jewish leaders, interested in the cause, only, are joining the i'" to live or as some put it "exist" there . . . although in all fairness." ranks of those demanding a-house-deanin^-in Palestine.

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1934 wore a frock of pink organza with blue accessories. Her bouquet was of pink roses. Mr. Dan Cohen served Mr. Wine as best man. Following the ceremony, a dinner •was served for -tie members of the two families at the Martin residence. A reception for friends was held from 7 to 10 in ihe evening. After a short honeymoon trip, the couple -will make their home at 613 North 21st Street.

OYER WEEK-END Mr. Sidney iHfrm*hr .son. of Eev. and Mrs. Daniel Hirsch of Los Angeles, formerly of Omaha, was the guest of his unele ana aunt, Mr. "and Mrs. A. Hirsch,- over the week-end. Sidney, who is sixteen, has entered the Jewish Theological seminary in Chicago.

BRIDGE PARTY A bridge party will be given by the Ladies' Labor Lyceum dub on Sunday, October 14, at 7:30 p. m. at the Labor Lyceum, 22nd and Clark. The public is invited. Z. B. T. MOTHERS' CLUB The next meeting of tie Mothers' club of the Alpha Theta chapter of Zeta Beta Tau will be held October 18 at the home of Mrs. Sam Friedman. The September meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Sam Berkowitfc. New mothers in the group include the Mesdames David Green, J. A. Gross, K. Trilling, Ben Stiefler, H. Reuben, M. Tuchman and S. White.

GUESTS HERE Miss Evelyn Reuben of Fort Dodge, la., is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Frank. The Franks also have as their guest, Mrs. Frank Suttin of Lcs ANNOUNCE BIRTH Mr. and Mrs. Nate Gimple announce Angeles, who came here to attend the BABICH-BAUM VORTERFF1ICH-GILBERT the birth of a daughter, Sunday, Octo- wedding of her son, Herman Babich, Miss Sarah Baum, daughter of Mr. ENGAGEMENT to Miss Sarah Baum. "and Mrs, Joseph Baum, became the Mrs. Helen Gilbert announces the ber 1, at the Clarkson hospital. bride of Mr. Herman C. Babich, son engagement of her daughter, Rose, to of Mr. and Mrs. P. Suttin, at an at- Mr. Charles Vorterfflich, son of Mr. ANNOUNCE BERTH TO WASHINGTON tractive ceremony performed on the and Mrs. Max Vorterfflich, of Brook- Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bialac of New Miss Katherine Wezelman left Tues- OF TRIP lawn at the home of the bride's par- lyn, N. Y. York City, formerly of Omaha, an- day evening for Washington, D. C, Mr. and Mrs. Max FromMn left - . ents, Sunday, October 7. Babbi N. Miss Gilbert came to Omaha from nounce the birth of a daughter. where she received a civil service ap- Thursday for Chicago to spend the Feldman officiated. Paris in 1930. She is a graduate of pointment in the Treasury department. week-end. From there they will go to Milwaukee to attend the wedding of The bride was govmed in peach the Lycee of Paris. In 1932 she -won LUNCHEON AND BRIDGE one of the members of Mr. Promkin's satin with matching accessories, and in the Omaha "Opportunity Holly- Mrs. J. TTn>iTi entertained for twen- VISITORS IN OMAHA family. carried a bouquet of roses and baby's wood Beauty" contest. Since that ty-seven people at a luncheon and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mirviss and They will return the early part of breath. year she has been residing with her bridge at the Hamilton cafe last daughters, Judith and Carmel, have the week. Preceding the ceremony, a dinner uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Thursday. been visiting and friends in was served for the immediate fam- Gilbert, in Brooklyn. Honored guests at the affair were Omaha for therelatives past two weeks. They PLEDGE GROUP ilies. A reception for friends and rel- MT. yorterfflich is a graduate of Miss Helen Hahn, niece to the hostess atives was held after the ceremony, New York •university, having a bach- and a bride-to-be; Miss Dena Gold- have been house guests at the Gail The pledge group of the University of Nebraska chapter of Zeta Beta Sunday evening. elor of commerce and science degree. stein, who was wed Sunday, and Mrs. Margolin home. Tau fraternity recently elected the Out-of-town guests were Mrs. Frank He was a member of the American Abe Stein, a cousin and recent bride. following officers: Gerald Gross, Suttin of Los Angeles, Mr. and Mrs. Alpha Tau. MOTOR EAST Robert Stiefler, vice-presiA. Bolnick and Mr. David Bauzn of The wedding will be held in Brook- CONTINUES STUDIES Mrs. H. Stoller and son, Max, and president; dent; Harold Tuchman, secretary; Chicago, Mrs. M. Shure and Mr. C. P. lyn next spring. Mrs. Nathan Weinstein and children, Miss Shirley Barish, daughter of Levinson of Minneapolis, Mrs. C. RaMr. and Mrs. M. M. Barish, who re- Elaine and Harold, motored to New binowitz, Mr. V. Baum, and Mr. -and WINE-MARTIN WEDDING cently underwent an appendectomy, is York, Sunday, accompanied by Mrs. Mrs. I. Saver and sons, Charles and The wedding of Miss Marion Mar- now continuing her studies at the Uni- Nellie Unger and daughter, who had Fleishman & Soskin Albert, all of Kansas City, Mr. and tin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan versity of Illinois in Champaign, HI. been visiting in Omaha for the past (Formerly in the employ ef L. Harris) Mrs. William Reuben and children, Martin, to Mr. David Wine, son of month. Twelve years experience Evelyn and Robert, of Fort Dodge, la. Mr. and Mrs. Keva Wine, took place VISITOR They plan to "visit relatives and Insurance with Reliable Companies Mrs. Babich was extensively enter- Sunday at high noon at the home of friends in New York and Brooklyn and Real Estate . . . Property Hanagemeat Miss Mary Cohen of Tulsa, tained before her marriage. Among Rabbi David A. Goldstein, who offi- is visiting here with the A. Forman will return the latter part of the SIS Ss. IStb St. JA. 5311 her hostesses were the Misses Bettye ciated. month. and P. Crandell families. Tuchman, Anne Gitnick, Sarah Ger- The bride wore a gown of white man and Ruth Marks. satin made with short ruffled sleeves The couple will reside at the Morris and a slight train. Her veil of white apartments. tulle, made with a chin strap of the same material, was caught with small GIVOT-GOLDSTEIN NUPTIALS clusters of liUes-of-the-valley at the The wedding of Miss Dena Gold- sides. Similar clusters were caught at stein to Mr. Max Giyot took place intervals along the length of the veil. Sunday, October 7, at the Rome hotel. The bride's bouquet was of tea roses. Among out-of-town guests were Mr. Miss Doris Martin, sister of the and Mrs. A. D. Givot of Los An- bride, was the only attendant. She geles; Mr. and Mrs. P. Laufer and daughters, of Milwaukee; Mr. Sam Mandelbaum, of Chicago; Mr. and Peerless If Yon Want Dresses That Do Mrs. Joe Givot and family, of Sioux City, and many guests from Lincoln, More Than Just "Clothe Neb. DRY The couple will make their home in You9* Get Into CLEANING Lincoln. fi Distinctive



HORNSTEIN-BAILEN ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bailen announce the engagement of their daughter, essie, to Mr. Julius Hornstein, son of Mr. and Mrs..Sam Hornstein. Announcement of' the engagement was made at a dinner Sunday, October" 7.' Miss Baile^ was graduated with honors from Technical high school. Mr. Hornstein is a graduate of Central high school, where he was prominent in musical circles. He attended Creighton university and was affiliated with the PM Beta Epsilcm fraternity. . The wedding will take place in midwinter. WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. Henry Krasne were hosts to a number of friends Saturday night in celebration of their fourth wedding anniversary and also Mr. Krasne's birthday. The evening was spent playing bridge, after which a midnight supper was served.

Lawrence Green, treasurer, and Al- Hoffman Jacobs, its regional advisor on Thursday, Oetober 4. A dinner was fred Sh&mberg, serge&nt-at-arms. With the exception of Shamberg, given in her hon6x Thursday evening. who is from Scottsbluff, Neb., all of the officers are from Omaha. Beauty is a welcome guest everywhere.—Goethe. SIGMA DELTA TAU PLEDGES Theta chapter of Sigma Delta Tau at the University of Nebraska anService Quality nounces the pledging of the following: Esther Stein and Sylvia Wiesman! of Omaha; Muriel Krasne, Fremont; Hermine Rositzky, St. Joseph, Mo.; Hazel Snyder, Sidney, and Eosalyu Lashinsky, Lincoln. Officers for the coming year are Gwendolyn Meyerson, president; Florence Sneerin, vice-president; Betty Segal, secretary, and Rose Steinberg, treasurer. Frances ELalin is social Phone AT-2815 2815 Farnara St. chairman. The chapter was visitea by Miriam Omaha t Fashion Center


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WRECKED BY SEDAN!—This shows what a little sedan can do (sometimes) to a limited train. The wreckage shown is at Convoy, O., a Chicago-New York flyer having left the rails after hitting a sedan. The engineer and fireman are dead.



BLOW UP HOVELS IN SLUM CLEARING PROGRAM—Pushing a lever in a switch box, Public Works Administrator Harold L. Ickes is shown dynamiting a section of woo'den hovels in the slum district of Atlanta, Ga., marked for rebuilding. New homes will be built on the old sites by Uncle Sam. \

B-R-R-R-R-R!—With snow earlier and deeper in the Rocky mountains, a severe winter is forecast for 1934-1935. But these Salt Lake City girls don't mind—ski parties are lots of fun.


WINS FARM PENTATHLON—By scoring the most points in the pentathlon of farm events held during the Los Angeles county fair at Pomona, Cal., Miss Cornslia Beversluis, above, at 17, wins the title "American farm girl champion". Milking, churning, pitching hay, husking corn and driving a tractor were the events.

.RECONSTRUCTS KIDNAPING LADDER—Arthur Koehler. federal wood, expert, is shown at work building a ladder to duplicate the one used in the kidnaping of the Lindbergh baby. The idea is to obtain evidence against Bruno Hauptmann, the man now held in the .case* by tracing the source of the materials used in making: the ladder.



THE OTHER .ROOSEVELT—Theodore Roosevelt, son of the.late "i president, "Teddy" Roosevelt, is shown shaking hands with Anne r- ; 'itjlullon, delegate from Nassau county. New York, to the state coh' .. ventiqn in Rochester. A distant relative of President Franklin *• *-'< • -Roosevelt. Theodore is on the other side of the fence political'"

RUSH WORK ON HUGE SPAN—Steel construction on the new bridge across the bay between San Francisco and Oakland is pictured. Work is being rushed on the east side of the span reaching toward Yerba Buena island so construction trains can deliver materials a\ the scene of operation.

MARK 165TH BIRTHDAY—These girls, Margaret Gregory, left, and Irene Morelli, are observing a 165th birthday anniversary, not their own, mind you, but that of Santa Cruz, CaL They are h with a castiron cauldron brought to Santa Crus in 1832 on »~i ing vessel.


7—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1934 UUUHHUHUlHHHIlUHHIlUHIHUUllllH'i Wanda Toscanini, daughter of conductor Arturo^. . ."-. It's another brainchild that they're expecting at Dr. Isaac Goldberg's—a play this A meeting of the Daughters of from time. . . . Congrats also to Perez The Temple Israel Sisterhood will Zion will be held Wednesday afterHirschbein, Yiddish dramatist, on again present Dr. Frederick Cohn in noon, October 17, at the J. C. C. the birth of a son. . . . Cartoonist Rabbi Uri Miller •will deliver the a series of ten discussions on events and radio star Harry Herschfieldstill Following are the resolutions support of Jewish -education may principal address. An interesting of present-day interest, during the Bj PHDJE AS J. .BEEOS = occupies that office on Forty-second adopted at the Plains-States Region- come from t i e community as a "whole, Rabbi TJri Miller -will speak vs.. program is being arranged* and all coming winter. street, N. Y., which is built like ajall conference held Beginning on Tuesday, October 23, f hld in i Omaha O h "last and that its benefits may reach into "Snobbishness" at the . services of Jewish •women are invited to attend. the lectures will be given every secchapel, stained glass windows and •week-end. all elements of the population. Refreshments vrill be served. the Vaad HaThr this evening at S all, but a mezuzah on the door supThe -drawing for the silverware ond and fourth Tuesday morning at 6—Resolution of thanks. GUBERNATORIAL 1—-Resolution endorsing program p. m. at the B*nai Israel synagogue. plies the Jewish, touch. . . . P r e s i - national council of Jewish federa- Resolved, that the delegates repreCAMPAIGN SEASON Cantor A. Schwaczkm and Ms set will -also be held at this meet- 10:30 a. m. at the Blackstone hotel. "Dr. Cohn's lectures, which are alsented at the Plains-States Regional B'nai Israel choir will participate in ing. All having stubs or tickets ars .. • Robert Moses, republican guberna- dent William Paley of the Columbia tions. ways timely and important, have urged to bring them. Broadcasting System has quite a conference express their sincere the services. torial candidate in New York, still RESOLVED, that the Plainsbeen given for the past several Plans have been made for a benheadache these days trying to figure thanks to the Omaha Jewish comcalls Alfred H. Smith his "old friend States Regional conference expresses efit card party on Wednesday after- •years," states Mrs. Samuel E. Gilinand chief," notwithstanding the fact out what to do with the §7,000,000 its accord with, and loyalty to, the muuity for its cheerful and cordial noon, October 24, at the J. C. C. sky, chairman, "«i)d it was the sucprofit that his outfit expects to have hospitality to the conference, that At services at the Conservative syn», that it was this former N. Y. govNational Council of Jewish FederaPrizes will be offered and refresh- cess experienced -. in these series they particularly extend their thanks by the end of 1934. . . . Rumor has agogue this evening, Rabbi David A. tions and Welfare Funds and urges ernor who nominated Herbert H ments served. Mrs. E. Weinberg, WA which resulted in this year's course." to the members of the Omaha comit that, the prospect of a staggering Goldstein will preach the sermon on that those communities that are not Lehman for a second term at AlTickets may be secured from Mrs. 1354, and Mrs. L. Morgan, AT 9054, mittee and to the general. committee bany on the democratic. . . . Which income tax is making him so despeT- already affiliated with the National on arrangements, to Mayor. Roy N. the subject, "When Columbus Discov- are in charge of reservations. Gilinsky, HArney 70SS, or from the ate that he is even considering raisered America." Council avail themselves of the opreminds us that this will be a tough The Daughters of Zion rummage following members of her commitTowl, to the Chamber of Commerce year for Empire State anti-Semites, ing the salaries of CBS employes. portunity of joining that indispensi- of Omaha, to the daily press of the sale -nill be opened this Sunday, Oc- tee: the Mesdames M. L. Cohn, Louis for not only have both the major . . .Producer Max Reinhardt, a visi- ble instrumentality for the organiza- city of Omaha, and particularly to tober 14. Mrs. L. Morgan is m Kulakofsky, Manning E. Handler, tor in California right now, also tion of Jewish communal life. At services this evening at Temparties Jewish candidates for the -, the Jew- ple Israel Rabbi David H. Wice will charge. Anyone wishing to donate Sam Appleman, Jules M. Newman, governorship, but the Socialists have will have to pay Uncle Sam a conBe it further resolved that the ? . anything is asked to biing the arti- Philip Levey, and Sam Berkowitz, deliver a sermon on "What Do Jevrs cles to 1316 North Twenty-fourth. nominated Charles Solomon, and.the siderable proportion bf the $50,000 Plains-States Regional conference 1SQP r e s s o f Y Respectively, Believe?" s ^ c o m m u n i t i e s represented at Communist candidate is one • Israel he .will probaby get f o r i i s current Viola Oschrin. Saturday morning services will beAmster. . . . The only- Aryan, running production of "A Midsummer Night's this conference to utilize to the fullGrace Gordon. gin at 10:30 a. m. for governor in New York so far is Dream.". . - . When Rabbi Louis L est extent the services offered by the Louis J. Adelman. The College Club will hold the Prohibitionist Varney, but' it'si" pos-Newman was preparing his "Hasidic National Council of Jewish FederaPhilip Sher, M. D. opening meeting of the season SunAnthology'' he .asked and gotthe co^ tions and Welfare Funds. sible that former New York City At a meeting of the Beta Rho so-\ At a meeting of the Ladies Labor Charles I. Cooper, chairman. day afternoon at 4:15 p. m. at the Mayor John F . Hylan may' also run, operation of l i e AnglorJewish; press 2—Resolutions on Regional and rority October 4 at the home of Miss Lyceum club, election of officers was Temple. All young people in the as the candidate of his own recovery in the gathering of Ms materjal^but National agencies. Charney Soiref, plans were completed held. Mrs. S. Pollay was elected SP.Ccommunity" interested in the work party. . . . New Jersey voters will now that the hook has been published Resolved, that the communities for a theater and slumber party to retaTy, and Mrs. J. Elkin, treasurof the club are invited to attend. be interested to near that Republican he is averse: to giving review copies represented at this, the first Plainsbe held at the home of Miss Phyllis er. Named "to" the' executive commitThis Tuesday evening the • Study j tee vrere Mrs." M. Zusman, Sirs. L. Candidate Hoffman for that state's to many of - the English Jewish States Regional conference, express Classes begin. The history class will Soiref on October 13. Witkin, Mrs. L. Bailen, Mrs. J. Zusgubernatorial post, while an excellent weeklies. their continued interest in,, and a Among those who will attend, are meet from 8 to 9 p. m., and tlve tnan, Mrs. 1. Tesskr, Mis. J. Miller, gentleman, is no Jew^ though certain concern for the welfare of ,the reMrs. Julius Stein, chairman of the course in "Anti-Semitism" will be Phyllis Soiref, Eva Marcus, Charney and Mrs. S. Yaffee; courtesy con-,SPORTY BITS rumors that he is one of the Chosen gional _and national > social service Soiref, Nancy Soiref, Ethel Stollcr, mittee, Mrs. Hslman, and news ediAit Lasky, heavyweight boxer who agencies which have' for many years school luncheon fund, •will sponsor a held from 9 to 10 p. m. People have been circulating across Etta Camel, Sarah Epstein and Libbie tor, Mrs. A. Coltoff. may be Max Baer's next opponent in rendered useful and necessary serv- dessert' luncheon at the Blackstone the Hudson. . . . ' Burstein. ' Hotel on October 24 at 1:30 p. m. the ring, has a mother who fasts for ices; that bur communities adequateProceeds of this affair will go to - The Jnior Congregation will meet twenty-four hours before every one ly participate in the financing of PAR EAST the fund which provides a hot, •nour- this Saturday morning at 10:15 a. Another member of the Morgen- of his fights, v . . But she refuses to those agencies. ishing meal to the poor children of m. at the B'nai Israel synagogue. thau clan has "entered public life. watch Trim fight, or even to listen to 3—Resolutions on field service to Palestine. ''WORK THAT SATISFIES" Mr. and Mrs. Harry SegaH ^iil . . . She is Barbara Wertheim, a radio broadcast of any of his bouts communities. Thousands of children are fed be hosts to the youngsters. Anyone . •," . • Did you know, by "the way, With the opening of the new school Oriental and Domestics 1 daughter of - Banker Maurice, grandResolved, that .the Plains-States daily "by tnis means —children, who daughter of Henry Morgenthau, ST., [that • Art once had a brother, Dave Regional- conference "requests the Na- otherwise would be undernourished wishin gto be hosts is asked to call year, Zeta Beta Tau "men are prom- 511G Military ATC. Wnhmt 5002 inent in all types of campus activities and consequently the niece of young by name, who was a promising mid- tional.Council of Jewish Federations! and their starved bodies easy pray Rabbi Uri Miller. dleweight "but who was killed in an at the University of Nebraska. Henry of the treasury department. and Welfare Funds to give consider- to disease. Zeta Beta Tau men have been espe. . . Miss Wertheim is now en route automobile accident?. . . . The favor- ation to and devise ways and means This fund also provides both the The Chevra Sha'as meet every cially active in university publications for Tokyo, where she will take ite sport of Joe.(Weber and Fields) of adopting a plan which will place boys and girls • with instruction in Wednesday evening at 8 p. m., at this fall. Albert Stein, Omaha, was charge of the Institute of Pacific Weber is—pinochle. . . .The daugh- competent field service at the dis- cooking and home economics. the Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol syna- recently appointed assistant managing Relations office. . . . O u r best wishes ter of, Grock, tiie famous clown, is posal of the smaller communities so Members and their, friends are inOIL BUHNERS editor of the Cornmisker, Nebraska —and yours too, we hope—accom- quite noted as a vocalist, ia Italy, that these communities may have the vited to- attend this event, "so that gogue. where she is known as Bianca Boranmial. Bernard Galitzki, Topeka, was pany the young lady. . . . While She recently caine trt benefit of the experience, training, this worthy cause may continue -to appointed assistant senior editor on we're on the Far East let us tell you!'.. America to make her mark here too and knowledge in the fields of social function for the well-being of £he 2C12 Leavenwortb AT. 23G0 the same -publication. what happened at that famous interwork, which are needed so much in youth of Palestine,'! • - . .. . Lloyd Friedman and Bob Stiefler, view at which James Waterman .Wise . • . Are you heartbroken at the col-the organization of Jewish comThe Habonim club will celebrate Omaha, and Harry Benjamin, Waltsubmitted to Soviet Ambassador Tro- lapse i of the Kingfish Levinsky-Rosie munity life in the middle and the A contribution to -the Hadassah its first anniversary on Oeto'vr 2S hill, are serving on the editorial staff yanovsky a plan to settle foreign (fan dancer) GHckman marriage? northwest. gift fund has been made by the at the B'nai Israel synagogue, ISth of the Daily Nehraskan, campus daily, Jews in BiroBidjan. . . . Reuben . . . . Among recent athletic feats many friends of Mrs. Jake Blank, in and Chicago street. .4—Resolution on relation between you must list that; of Irving Pichel while Harold Stein, also of Omaha, is 1 Grey Iron, Aluminum and o Brainin, veteran Hebraist, was a loving memory of little Sora Miriam The -club is planning an open active on the business staff of the | member of that delegation represent- •when, as Apollodorns in Pararaount'sv public and private agencies. . Bronze Castings I Blank. house for the parents and friends of daily. ing the American committee for the "Cleopatra/' Tie had to work for two -' Recognizing the fact that public Wood and Metsl FaUerng I the members. A summary o£ the Lloyd Friedman, Herbert Kaplan, settlement of Jews in the U. S. S. R., days on the scene in which he brings governmental agencies have been Mrs. I. Grossman, who has charge and asked the ambassador a question the queen-before Caesar. *. v". I n that compelled to assume a large share of of the rummage sale, has selected club's activities daring the past year Phil Laser and. Albert Stein, all of 2S14 Martha. St. HA. &52S | will be given. A musical program is Omaha, are returning Pershing riflescene she is rolled i n a fug which i s the burden of relief, be it resolved, her committee as follows: His Excellency re- 'slung over 'her mentor's - shoulder-— that it is the sense of this conference in Russian. being arranged by a committee con- men from the Zeta Beta Tau, this plied at great length, also in Rus- and when the Scene, was finally shot, that private social agencies have a The Mesdames A. Theodore, .H. Os- sisting of Norman Rips, Hershel year. - NATIONAL sian. . . Some members of the dele- poor Irving had a sprained back. . . .- definite function to encourage and off, Leo Mendelson, O. C. Goldner, Magzamin and Charles Stein. ReJustin E. Wolf and Herman S. EosACCESSORIES. Inc. g tried to look intelligent as Sportsmen, too, are the-Russian jcani- promote higher social- service stand- M. Civin, Sam Stern, Sam" Davis, freshments will be served. enblatt, Omaha, law students, were they listened to the lengthy Russian «ramen A. Shafron and; M. Troyan- ards in those governmental agencies D. Finkel, and M. W;j>hlner, ". EVERYTHING singularly honored this month by their statement Troyanovsky. After, the statemeni; of oi^ToyanovsKy.^ner. « ^ o v s k y > who accompanied^ the .Arctic doing social work. -'••'' election as student editors of "the NeFor the Auto <3iairrnan _of Mrs. H." S. 'Nov! ambassador hadjEmished, they itsked Vexpeoltum %bbard the-SoTf^^bijr T "Arid furthermore," that i t i s essen- the Give or Get;sf laaska-Ijaw Bulletin. The law bulletin on, held ..a 2031 Fsmsm AT. 5524 the d dean of Hebrew what th f H b lliterature t t ht ^ tial to affirm the continuing need of meeting, followed} continued ^rtq^ is the,honorary publication of ^the Unidesert lunchg, J A" meeting of Fratority was held it was all alaout. ." . . Mr. Brainin, ... ipktures was strengthening the services of the priversity of Nebraska law college. ipktures even even wh2e theif: vessel was' who does not makelong ^speeches^^^eing«rus1iea by giant blocks ot ice vate social agencies in the field of eon, at her-home last Monday, at October 3 a t the congregation of Is-days j . M ^ ^ ^ A . ««TT« ., said ™,ri || uV - ; ^ l l t d family welfare and child care, since Tvhieh time' it. was Jiedded to divide rael 'synagogue, 25th and J streets. these +v^ ^ ^Viti excellent-and the •members into groups, each headPlans were made for a Halloween •Yes.' •;dramattc picture Showing tbe.entire. i t is its function to serve the public ed by a captain -who'-.Trill be responparty. The committee in charge Inof ^ithe expedition,- -including agency in a supplementary and com-sible to her group and to aid" and cludes Hannah Meyerson, chairman; THIS AND THAT' x ^Course • the rescue of V the survivors by afar-; plementary manner. facilitate the "raising of'the quota. Betty Kline, and Celia Kuklin. We must tell you" about Georgie planes which-picked; them up from 5—Resolution of Jewish Education. A partial list of captains appointA membership drive is now CB. Price's wisecrack to "the effect that their^Tpainp >n/-;the Arctic ice. ••'. Resblved, that the Plains-States the reason why-the recent mammoth Shafron, incidentally, is a Jew while Regional conference recommend to ed include: the Mesdames Max Anyone over 16 years of age wishbenefit performance ' for ' German Troyanovsky is' a nephew of the S fl-its constituent communities the in- FromkinV J. H. Kulakofsky, David ing, to join is.asked to -call Sylvia Epstein, M. F. Levenson; J. Rosen- Wiener, WE 3770, or Julius MeyerJewish relief wasn't1 held at the at Washington. clusion of Jewish education definitely berg, J. Stein, Irvin Levin, L Gross- son, MA 0133. Madison Square Garden Bowl-is that, as part of the community program, man, Julius Abra&amson. after the decision in the Ross-Mc- POT-POURRI to serve all elements of the Jewish Larnin boxing bout, which was held They tell us we may expect a mu- population, integrating all congregaMrs. B. F. Margolin of Kansas ; there, the sponsors of the affair sical comedy version of HSJlel Bern- tional units in a comprehensive City, Southwest Eegional president, comwere afraid the receipts would be stem's ^L'Affaire Jones>"; <>n& of last munity-wide system; to the end that h chapter h represent the Omaha at turned over to Hitler's gang. . .' . year's fimnieptrbtioks. . ' ; .'The new the Hadassah national convention in We don't know just why, but Claud- George S. Kaufman-Moss Hart sucWashington, D. C, October 13-16. ette Colbert and Katherine Hepburn cess, "Merrily We 'Roll, Along," fea- told you that his 16-year-old son CuiGet }&tu* Cuts muf are the favorites of Nazi movie fans. turesU: Jo Meilzineiy designer of its ver is a fine boy.and a star student 9 U \ . . . In South Africa too they're hav- scenery, fancier; the show title, but at the military academy he attends ing one of these "clean movie" cam- doesn't give such a prominent posi- . . . Ben, who is very proud of Culpaigns. . . . The significance of this tion to his brother, Kenneth Mac- ver, will appreciate it. Eoger Is engaged in the bnsiness of sellCO. lies in that the crusade is sponsored Kenna, who plays the lead. . . . Jo Wolfe Kahn, we may tell you as a ing all kinds of RELIGIOUS AR* omntt A * by the South African Youth Move- and Kenneth, you doubtless Temera- parting shot, plays 14 musical instru- TICLES—Taleisim, Books, Jewish Bibles in Hebrew and English, ment, a Nazi organization, and that ber, are the sons of painter Leo Miel- ments—but not all at once. . . . "Phone Qi.4626 fies. 609 No. 50th St. GL-2972 the flicker industry down there is ziner and grandsons of the late Dr. (Copyright 1S34, by Seven Arts controlled by a Jew who bears the Moses Meilziner, who succeeded Feature Syndicate.) Isaac M. Wise as the' president'.of . . . WilliamShapiro, Schlesinger. 7 importer of the . British : talkie "The the • Hebrew :XTnion college. . V . Did l ii tHHt t AAll JolsonVpnce. J l gV f Wandering Jew,", is the loser to 'the you lmow 'Al JolsonVpnce. of oftune of $75,000 since protests against fered Ruby ^eeler.'Ms. wife, §50,000 the film by a group of rabbis: and if ^he would leave_the flickers for the American-Jewish committee gave the fireside? ~ But she's still in Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer a valid excuse pictures. Next time you "write to cancel the releasing contract it Ben Bernie a fan letter tell him we had bought for the picture. . . .

Resolutions Adopted at Region Conference

I TID-BITS I Everywhere

Religions Services |

Daughters of Zion Lecture Course by Meeting Wednesday Dr. Frederick Cohn




Slumber Party by * Officers of Ladies Beta.-Rtio Sorority . •'.- Labor Lyceum Club

Hadassah "School Luncheon" Affair

Junior Congregation

Z. B. T. Men Afctive on Lincoln Campus

Chevra Sha'as

KLEEN-HEET Olson Bros.

Habonim to Observe First Anniversary

| Paxton Mitchell Co. j


Party Planned W Fratority



ABOUT PEOPLE Heinrich Schnitzler, son of the late Austrian Jewish dramatist- Arthur Schnitzler. produces plays in Vienna. . . . Congratulations to pianist Vladimir Horowitz on his entry into the holy state of fatherhood.-. . . It's a girl, and the mother is the former

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Sioux City News

Senior Hadassah to Auxiliary Luncheon Hear Broadcast Meeting Tuesday

Robert Lappen of Des Moines, Rabbi Sioux City, la.; L. B. Finkelstoin, Dayid H. Wice of Omaha, and Max Lincoln, Nebr.; Miss Cecilia K. AvBretton of Kansas City. This was shack, Davenport,- la.; an.d Wm. L. Holzman, Omaha, Neb. followed by a general forum. The ^members of the Resolutions Conference Dinner. Committee were as follows: -Chaiies The conference closed with a dinner Sunday evening. David Goldniar., Cooper, Minneapolis, Minn., chairchairman of the Omaha committee man; Viola -Cschrln, St. Louis, Mo.; arranging for the conference, pre- Grace Gordon, Rochester, Minn.; sided. William L. Holzman, president Louis J. Adelman, Das Moines, la.; of the Omaha Federation, was toast- and Dr. Philip Sher, Omaha,. Nebr. master, -and the invocation was given j The committee on permanent organisation included: Robert Lappan, by Rabbi Frederick Cohn. A stirring address was delivered Des Koines,. la., chairman; Dr. J. H. by Rabbi Ferdinand M. Isserman of BEBEB & KLUTZY ICK St. Louis, who spoke on "The Crisis PEJIBEXBI'KC, At Attorneys in Current Jewish life." G50 Or.mha Nai:o^al i Bids. In an appealing talk, Rabbi Isserman told of what he had learned XOTICE BY PCBLICATSON ON PETIFOi: SETTLEMENT Ol' I'ISAL concerning German Jewry when he TIONADMINISTRATION ACCOf NT was in Germany last year and when In the Cour.ty Court of Douglas County, he returned for a month's visit to I /S e r a |£;V t e r of t h e E s i a t e of WILLIAM Central Europe this past summer. GOGOLA, Deceased. All persons interested in sa'.d matter are "A year ago," he said, "the big hereby y notified that'on (he 2."ith day of question being asked everywhere in September, I'r:ulcnbnrj 3J>34, Josepli filed a petition in County Court, prayf i l d titi i said il C Europe was: When will the next war ing that his final administration account break out? filed herein lie settled and nllou-ed, nnd that he lie from his trust us "Today, the question is: When will administratordischarged and that a hearing will be had on said petition before said Court on Hitler fall?" 20th <lny of October, 1034, and th.it if Isserman pointed out that Hitler the you -fail to appear before said Court on was not put in power by popular the said. 20th day o£ October. -1934, nt fl o'clock A. M., and contest snid petition, vote but by the big industrialists, the the Conrt may grant the prayer of said army, and the Junkers. Those who petition, enter n decree of heirship. nnd make such r.ml further orders, alput him in : power are waiting until lowances amiother decrees, as to this Court may his popularity has waned before they seem proper, to the end that all matters pertaining to said estate may be finally discard him, as foreign trade has settled Ji'.id tlcterminefl. :' . • dwindled through, Hitler's policies, B1SYCE CRAWFOItD. Countj- Judge. which have alienated the civiiizsd 9-2S-34-3t. world; the army has re-armed as far as is dared, and.are not ready to go FKADEXBCHG, BEBEll ft KLCTZNICK, Attorn cj-s. to war; the masses are restless as 650 Omaha National Bank Bidethe standard of living plunges steadUOTICK OF INCOKPORATIOS OF ily lower. "FO\TE\ELLE 1JISTU1BCTOKS, INC." Kotice is hereby given that the muler"Hitler," the speaker declared, "Is

Morris, Denver, Colo.; Mendel Fijcher, St. Louis, Mo.; Mrs. Henry Cohen, Kansas City, Mo.; Mrs. Charles W. Rauch, Minneapolis, Minn.; and Dr. Abraham Greenbeig and M. M. Barish, Omaha, Neb.; Jack Mervis, Minneapolis, Minn.; Edith Reshinoff, St. Paul, Minn.; and Gilbert Harris, St. Louis, Mo. The Omaha committee in charge of arrangements consistsd of David Goldman, chairman; Frank Ackerman, Max Barish, Sam Bsber, J. J. Greenberg, Morris Jacobs, Ben Kazloy/sky-, <jack Harer, Al Mayer, William Milder, and Harry Silverman.

The Ladies Auxiliary of .Shaare At a meeting of the Senior HaZion Synagogue will hold their first dassah program committee Tuesday meeting of the season next Tuesday afternoon, Mrs. E. H. Emlein, presiANNA PILL, dent, announced that ; a description afternoon, October 16, in the social DMh of the cornerstone laying in Jerusa- hall of the synagogue. The meeting luncheon. lem of the first medical, center and will follow a one o'clock H. M. Sherman, 1 president of graduate school of medicine for Pal- Mrs. estine will be the subject of an over the Auxiliary will preside. Mrs. J. seas broadcast from Jerusalem to Kutcher is in charge of the reservaWashington and from the latter city tions, and those planning to attend to all parts of the world through the are asked.to call her at 71892. Recent changes in the teaching facilities of the National BroadcastThe luncheon will be followed by staff of the Talmud Torah took place ing Company at 9:30 (E. S. T. on an afternoon of bridge. eJ« */» I / , SAMIEI, ZACHAIUA, Attorney this week when Mr. Samson Ktup- Tuesday, October 16. Three outstand7CH ISrantloiN Thcairp Building nick and Miss Lillian Romirowsky, ing leaders in Palestine, representing AOTIt'JE OF IXCOKPOKATIOir OF Registration for clubg and classes arrived from Chicago to fill the va- Hadassah, the Hebrew university and CLYDE 3. MILLER MOTORS Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz will conto be sponsored by the Jewish Com- cancies left by the resignation of the Government respectively, will bo COMPANY munity Center this year,' will be held Mr. J. Eisenstat, who inoved to Chi- asked to speak to the American Au- tinue his sermon on "The Dreyfuss Notice is hereby given that the undersigned have associated themselves together at the Center, Sunday afternoon, Oc- cago, and Mr. Aaron Tabai who will dience. This linking- of Jerusalem Case" a t the services this evening in in order to form a corporation under and devote his time toward the attain- with Washington, and Washington Shaare Zion. Cantor Pliskin and the tober 14. by virtue of the laws of the state of Nebraska. The name of this corporation shall choir will chant the service. The program for the year will in- ment of his degree in Morningsids to all parts of the United States by lie CLYHE J. MILLEi; MUTOUS COMJunior congregation will meet to• elude the organization of 13 differ- and private lessons in Hebrew. l'AXY, iiml its principul place of transactradio will be a unique feature of the ing business shall be in the city of Omaha, morrow at 10:30 o'clock. Refreshent groups/and will include children Mr. Krupnick came here from Chi- convention. • J>ougT;is county, Nebraska. The general naments will be served by the Iowa from the ages of 6 years and o'.ier. cago where he graduated from the ture of the business to be transacted by Another National Broadcasting Co. the corporation shall be to act as distribuBakery. Mr. and Mrs.' Joe Givot furGroups organized for which children College of Jewish Studies. He has tors nnd dealers in, and to buy and sell nt mayj legister ; Sunday are Boy received his Bachelor of Science 3c- hookup will take place from Wash- nished refreshments to the children wholesale ami retail, motor rrneks, motor busses, automobiles, aeroplanes, tractors Sdquts, CubVSeouts,; Girl S:outs, gfree in accounting ana economics ington Sunday, October 14, at 4:30 last week. Rabbi Rabinowitz will conand road machinery, new and used, and Brownies, Draniiatic Club for chil- from the De Paul University in Chi- p. m. (E. S. T . ) during the session tinue his story for the children, and parts and accessories pertaining thereto; to operate n paint nn<l repair shop for redren 6 years to 12, and>another Dra- cago. Mr. Krupnick was president of to be devoted to a discussion of the the new Hebrew Teachers will parpniriiiff, overhauling, rebuilding nnd paintfor the new medical center, j ticipate in conducting the service. niatfc Club lor'boys and girls of the the Jewish National Fund organizaing of automobiles, motor trucks, motor prominent speakers, to be".in-j Plans are being completed for the busses, aeroplanes, tractors and road maages' 14 to 16; dancing class, piano tion in Chicago, and served the Huchinery; to ojx'Mte ii jrnrnjfe nnd ware- : : class) violin, class*. Library,'•; Club, levi Choral society in the same ca- nounced later, will take part in the j lecture to be given on October 28 by house for .the storage and maintenance of Dr. Sachar. The'address is to be trucks and automobiles; to buy-, sell and .'Dramatic Club for-seniors; Debating pacity. He is active in Zionist circles. broadcast. d«al in automobile mortgages nnd securisponsored by the Ladies Auxiliary Club,and Hebrew and. Jewish Club. • Miss Romirowsky is also a graduties of every nature; nnd to buy, own, arid Dr. Sachar will speak on "The lease and sell nny real or personal prop.' Of these, a number are new ur.der- ate of the College of Jewish' Studies erty necessary or convenient In nnd about Crisis in Jewish! History." taidhgs. The library Club has, been and was a senior at the University the conduct of the business of the corporaThe Oheg " Shabbos Group will tion, with power to mortgage or otherwise Organized to care for the books and of Chicago, where she also taught , The regular semi-monthly meetencumber any of its property, real or per'.cataloging of the J. C. C. library. in the History Department. Both Mr. ing of the A. Z. A. was enlivened by meet in the home of Mis. Eueban sonal. The authorized capital stock of this corporation shall be $10,000.00, divided Into The dramatic club for the older Krupnick and Miss Romirowsk are the surprise announcement through Miller, on October 20. Mrs. A. H. one hundred shares of the pnr vnlue of Baron will preside. a letter received., from Mr. Nate -group-will be trained by Miss Flor- well versed in modern pedegogy as ¥100.00 each, all of which stock shall be ence Coates. The debating club will well at the Hebrew language and Wahlberg, chairman of the Advisory common stock and when issued shall be today the prisoner of the reichwehr S f f t ^ ? t h e ' s S t e " . " ^ " ^ ^ " T S fully paid for and non-assessable. The date Board, which announced the acceptalso have a debating coach. literature. nnme of the corporation shall be Fonte- of the commencement of this corporation and the industrialists." ance of Sioux City's bid for the annelle Distributors, Inc. with principal The Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts. Girl be Oetolier 1, 1934, and the date of Mr. Jack London, chairman of the He dissipated any idea that t'le place of business at Omaha, Nebraska. shall its termination shall lie October 1. 1984. nual regional tournament. The Jewish Business Girls Club Scouts and Brownie pack will be un- Board of Directors of the Talmud The general unttire of the business to be highest amount of indebtedness or liaThe announcement was greeted will give a rushing tea party for condition of the German Jews have transacted shall be to buy nnd sell nt The der the supervision and" direction of Torah, in announcing- the appointbility to which the corporation shall nt been ameliorated, and declared that wholesale nnd retail, live and dressed poul- any time subject itself shall not exceed an with much enthusiasm. The dub new members, .Sunday, afternoon, Octhe local Boy Scout "and GJrl Scout ments-of the new faculty members, butter, eggs and dairy products of all amount equal to two-thirds of its capital it was incumbent on the Jewish peo- try, made immediate plans towards havtober 14, at 2:30 o'clock in the Jewkinds nnd descriptions; to dress and store directors. • ... ^ . ^ stock The business affairs of this corporasaid "We urge Jewish parents who ple to aid the German Jewry and the jHJultry; to buy, sell, lease, own, acquire tion shall be conducted by a board* of not Boys and girls interested in'the- have children of school age not to ing what is expected to be one of ish Community Center. and/or encumber real, personal property, German refugees to rehabilitate their nnd to do all things necessary or proper less than two nor more than fire directors, clubs and classes are* asked to get neglect this opportunity of giving the most successful and enjoyable : The - program will include a wel- lives. to l>e elected by the stockholders at the come speech • by Ina. Leah Kroloff; annual meeting of the stockholders, which their registration slip from" the" Cen- their children the Jewish education tournaments in this district. shall be held on the second Tuesday in Conference Heads. Marvin Beechen and Max Zeligson vocal selections by Miss Frances Mar authorized capital stock shall be $5,000 .Tannary of each year, commencing with ter office and. hand it .to Miss. Dena to which they are entitled and wh'.ch and all of the paid stock shall be common On the conference executive comrolf; violin . selections by Jennie were appointed general co-chairmen January. 103."). The officers of the corporaBaton, at the Community Genter. : ; they should ave. Registration : for and of the par "value of flOO per share who shall be elected annually by the The Center Library .announces the classes is now open, and the Board of the tournament They selected the Shindler, and tap dance £y Caroline mittee weie: Philip M. Klutznick, and shall be fully paid up and non-as- tion, shall l»e a-president, secretary It shall commance business up- director*, treasurer. Any two said offices Jnnjr receipt of two .new. .books on its earnestly hopes that parents will en- following chairmen for the several Raskin. The Carroll Studio will pre- Omaha, general' chairman; Jacob S. sessable. on tiling of its articles with the County and IIR held by and the same person; It Pearlstien, Omaha, secretary; Harry sent several members in a dance committees: Publicity, Earl A._ HimClerk of Douglas County. Nebraska, nnd shall not beone shelves, "Jews Without -Money" by roll their children a t this time." -necessary, however, for the shall continue for a period of fifty years. secretary to bovitz; reception, Rudolph SAindler; program. Tea will iollow the pro- A. Wolf and David Goldman, Omaha; The a Michael Gold, and "Last ..Days; of highest amount of indebtedness shall in the corporation. stockholder or directOf Dr. J. M. Morris arid Dr. Lewis L. not exceed finance, Max Levin; banquet, Sam gram. two-thirds of its capital stock, Shylock" by_ Le\visohn._; Membership CI/TDK J. MIT/T/ER this restriction shall not include inSadoff; tournament book, Morris LeThe committee includes the fol- Miller, Denver, Colo.; Ellis Levitt but in the library may be secured for II. M. MOBRISON debtedness secured by mortgages or liens. r and Joseph Brody, Des Moines, la.; 10-. >-34-4t. Incprporafors. bowita; athletics, Sidney Baumstein; The affairs shall be managed by a Board lowing: .Membership, Ruth JacobsMi, the nominal sum of five • cents' and Dirctors, of not less than two members. dating, Norman Satin; housing, Al chairman, Eva ' Ginsberg and Alice Jacob Lorie and Louis Ehrlich; Kan- of the book's may be'kept 14 days. '. The annual meeting shall be on the first Herzoff; debate and oratory, Marvin Tilevitz, assisting. Tea table, Ina. sas City, Md.; Arthur Brin and I. S. Mondayy in Januaryy of each year at which ti th tkhld shall elect a Joseph, Minneapolis, Minn.; Robert . Leah Kroloff, chairman, Rose Shilmeeting stockholders the • An open meeting for members and Class. B o d oftheDirectors* * and thereupon p t Board Mayer and Edwin. B. Meisner,' St. V i P i lof, Sarah Kaplan, and Kate KapBoard shall Tentative plans will be made at B h l l elect l t a President. P i d t Vice-Presiprospective members will open the dent. Secretary and Treasurer. Any two Louis, Mo.; Bernard Marx and Mrs. Members of the Workmen's Circle Membership- Campaign of- t h e ' Bnai the Executive meeting: Thursday eve- lan. Program*- :• Btss Epstein, chair- Edwin Baer, St. Paul, Minn. of said offices may be held by one nnd That Sam* the same person. These articles may be opened-their membership-campaign Brith Lodge, next Wednesday eve- ning, by the several committee chair- man; Gussie Sekt and Elsie Herzoff. I. S. Joseph of Minneapolis, was amended nt any regnlar or special meeting r Newly elected officers of the club men for their parts in the program. Sunday evening with an open- meet-" ning. Over 100 invitations to pros, *, ... of the stockholders by two-thirds vote of are Ina Leah Kroloff, president; chairman:of the program committee. tbe ontst nnding stock. ing andbahquet in ttie^Jewish Com- pective members have been issued If you have jr©ur«h©M, IX TVITXKSS W'HEHEOF. the parties Kate Kaplan,, vice-president; Eva Others on the committee included have munity Center. ~ for the meeting, which will be lieH hereunto subscribed their names this repaired c t t t i * Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky; Omaha; RabGinsberg, treasurer; Bess Epstein, ISth day of September, 3034. The local chapter; is cooperating in - the Jewish- Community Center. j HATID KAPLAN, with .the National office, of the The membership campaign of fclw The first: open meeting of the Ju- secretary • and Dena Baron, advisor. bi A. G. Minda, Minneapolis, Minn.; HAEOI^n W. XKLSON. Robert Lappen," Des Moines, la.; Dr. MAX FOX. Workmen's Circle in an effort to .get Sioux City" Lodge is a part of the na- nior; Poale Zion organization was , Sbo« Eepai* Co. In the presence of K. J. HOLDSBEUG. Llewellyn S-le,-St. Louis, Mo.; Milheld' Sunday afternoon at the Jewits quota of new members before tionwide drive for 73,000 new mem92 I. U ERMHS, Stop. ton Firestone, St, Paul, Minn.; Miss the National Convention next spring. bers. The : National membership drivfe- sh . Community Center, when a large j icie BEBEB & KttJTZNICK, Dr. T h e o d o r e ^ . Lewis will speak Cornelia Harsfeld, Kansas City, Mo.J Farmun A number of guests from Omaha commemorates the 75th' birthday of group of yearns men and, Vrpmen Attornej-Bs were present Rudy Shindler acted this evening »$tiilount; Sinai Temple Richard Weil, St. Louis, Mo.; Prof. St. and Kansas City were, presem% and Alfred M.-Cohen. , 650 Omaha National Bank Bids. A. D. Kaplan, Denver, Colo. participated in ,th? program, hih Dr. H. M. Levin and Mr. Max as chairman of the meeting and pro- on the book "Salvation" by Sholom NOTICE OF 1NCORPOUATIOS OF FOUTl'CAI. ABVKRTISEMESTS The Mobilization Committee was "OMAHA MARKET, INC." followed the banquet. Friedman a r e co-chairmen. of the lo- gram, and introduced the guests and Asch. comprised of Henry Monsky, Omaha, Notice is hereby given that the underThe -religious^'school '• wHl hold its members, after an address of welcal drive for new members. Mr. havo formed n corporation under 1 chairman; Dr. Philip Hilkowitz, Den- signed laws of the State of Nebraska. The Frank Marg'olin "willrbe in ;chaige of come. Rosabelle" Wigodsky. spoke on regular sessions "Sundav beginning,at ver, Colo.; Samuel Schaefer, Denver, the ROBERT G. name of the corporation shall be Omaha '" • • - • - • ; t h e m e e t i n g . • •' ' ' '••; ' : "The Awakening . of Jewish Youth 9 : 3 0 . Market, -Inc. with, principal place of busiColo.; Miss Blanche . Renard, St. ness at Omaha. Nebraska. The general . Ah out of town speaker is sche- Throughout the World." Julia BereLouis, Mo.; Max Bretton, Kansas nnture of the business to be transacted duled- to appear on the program, arid skin' spoke on "The Principles of the be to buy and sell at retail and City, Mo.; I. S. Joseph, Minneapolis, wholesale l commodities diti ll kinds kid off all nndd I a social hour and refreshments will Poale,;Zidn Moyement." Mr. Abe Minn.; Sliss Helen Grodinsky, "St. nature •and particularly -meats, groceries, Stillman' spoke on the. influences of KEBRASKAY round out the evening. Mr. Milton food products, fruits and vegetables; to j g Paul, Minn."; Rabbi Eugene Manhei- buy. 'sell, lease, own. acquire and/or en-1 CHOICK Bialik. Ruben Ratner spbke oh 'The h l local FOR Bolsteuv is president of the mex, Des.Moines, la.; A. H. Davis, cumber real nnd personal property, and Advantages of Belonging to to-do* .ill"things necessary or proper to Bnai Brith. effect the purposes for, which this corZianl' and.Miss Rebecca Stillrnan reporation is organised. The authorized capIKVIK C. . I E \ 1 N , Attorney cited an- original poem, "The Tree (Continued from Page 1.) • ital stock shall be $30,000.00 nnd all of i • 301 Electric Uldg. said stock shall be common and of the That Is Israel." A social*hour and and attendance. Dr. Gordon pointed par mine of • $100.00 per share and shall refreshments followed the program. out what he believed to be defects i • be fully paid-up nn<3 non-assessable. It NOTICE OF AUMTNISTRATIOH ; shall commence business upon filing of its Rudy Shindler and Eudice Still- in the Sunday School, the Congrega- In the County Court 6f Uouglas County, articles "With the .Connty Clerk of DougSofc Simmon* b a. f«arl«u fishttf— • . • •• , - Miss Dorothy Eptsein and Miss man were chairmen of the-member- tional school and the labor school. — N e b r a s k a . las County," Nebraska, and shall continue not a "rubber stamp." He pledgw M» the Matter of the Estate of for a period of fifty years. The highest Ruth Rifkin were hostesses at an ship committee; Rosabelle Wigodsky, He" gave as" his suggestions for In every act Re Senator will b« dictated - GOLIN, Deceased. amount ot indebtedness - shall not exceed •olely by Nebraska'* naeda. All it evening; of •• bridge Thursday evening, Rebecca Stillman, Sulamith Bereskin, strengthening' the Talmud T o r a h : a w b ^ S S o f l ^ V t a t ^ t f retfti™ ' S ^ b S t f -Urb-tWtdg of Its capital Btook, but-this Boh knowa both tast*r» anil V«t«m iere»y notified that a petition Has been :testtfctioa shall cot include indebtedness complimenting Miss Bessie Zeligson, and Ruben Ratner acted on the culNebraska's problems. that,said "Te prepare the Jewish.child for filed in Dy mortgages or liens. Thee afa: • bride of next month. The party tural, committee; Alice Noyinsky, Eu- the. implication ofl.his . non-Jewish ceased died leaving no last~-\vill and pray- secured In th« primary «le«UoB Bob Simmon* Bhall be managed by n Board of ing for administration upon his estate,-and fairs carried ev«y on« of the 86 eountie* Directors; of not less than two members. was given, at the Sioux Tea Shop dice Stillman and Lucille Kronick environmentr to prepare the Jewish that « hearing Tvill be had on said peti- The annual meeting shall -be on the first which he served in ConmreM for tea r pp arid bridge iwas followed by a : late were in charge of the social hour; tion before said court on the 20th day OX Monday of January Of each year at which ; years, with • »ot« of 28,904 to 4.S67 for i child to livfr jn his Jewish environOctober, 1934, and that if they fail to «p~ bis nearest opponent. Them *i* tlra Alice Novinsky, Ruben. Ratner and meeting... the stockholders shall elect a lviricheon.; • . pear at said.Court on the said 20th day Board of Directors, snd thereupon the people whe know Wm, %H «o«llfleatton» Julia Bereskin were in charge o? the ment; to- -enrich the , character arid of October, 19W, at 0 o'clock A. M., to Board shall -elect a President,- Vice-Presiand hU iveord. personality of the growing child; send contest said petition, the Cmirt may grant flent; Secretary; nnd Treasurer. Any fsro •Nineteen new-members were tak>2n finances. .. . BOB Simmons insiita that "It fa th* the same and grant administration of said of snid offices may be held by one and duty of the government to protect th« in the Young Judean Club, followThe meeting of the Junior Poale the perpetuate Jewish life and culestate to Jennie Rifkin or some othet the same person. These articles may be ; American Farmer and Laboring M»n . : ['-.. ; ' ; : suitable person and proceed to a settle- amended at nrty regular or special meeting ing a Rush Tea held Sunday after- Zion Sunday will be a carripfire t u r e . " . ...,.;_',... in their fundamental right to supply ment thereof. of the stockholders by two-thirds vote of the American market against •nr noon in the Sioux Ball Room. The meeting at the Hinibvitz farm., All Said Dr. Gordon: "The abova the outstanding stock. BHYCE CRAWFORP, foreign prodoeer." IN 5VJT.NKSS WHEREOF, the Parties County Judge. program at the tea included the young "people who wish to attend are genera!-objectives are embodied-in- 8-2S-34-3t. have hereunto subscribed their names this Vote for £*perienfee— That's right! One amazing address, of welcome by Miriam Blank asked to get in touch with one of a basic curriculum . of studies 1934. j' BEBER & KLCTZNICK 18th day of September, Not for Experiment*! MORTON WHITEBOOK, president of the Young Judeansj the members of the group.. wonder after another will hold which Jewish educators consider as ' Attorneys FRED ELIKAN. 650 Omaha National Bank Bide:. talk on the work of Young Judeans desirable even t h o.u.g h certain your interest at the 1934 In the presence of R. J. HOLDSBERG. Omaha, Nebraska by; Miss: Frances Jacobson, advisor phases of it have been, imperfectty World's fair. It's greater than of the club; songs by Bertha Sribvexecuted in the classroom today: NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION everj And the Morrison is "way With ah especially large number Jewish history, the Hebrew Ian* To All Whom It May Concern: sky, and a program of dances and Notice Is hereby giren that the partnerahead, too—redecorated from elecution by students of the Carroll of members attending, the Amorian guage; Jewish literatpre; Jewish shipheretofore known us MASON I>ITTI/E Club met a t the Jewish Community religious practices and ideas; Pal*: COMPANY; • toptobottomaridfairiyglowing has been dissolved. Mason -TV. school of dancing. . ; ! rattle has succeeded to all of the assets of with a warm welcome for you. community ii| A t ' the Tegular meeting Tuesday Center, Sunday afternoon. This year estine, .Jewish Mason little Company and has assuropd : . . . . . all.Of the liab'itiee of said company. The Make your reservations now. evening, an impromptu program was the club will inaugurate a new policy - and. Jewish aesthetics." undersigned has completely withdrawn in conducting its affairs. The new presented by the new members. and is no longer connected with or • Home of Terrace Garden Rabbi Uri Miller presided. Discus- from policy is the cquad system and diinterested in. the said Mason Little Com• Boston Oyster Honse Miss Fern Wolf son visited last vides the club into three squads. sants were Rabbi Gershon Hadas- ol pany. Paled at Omnha. Nebraska, this 15th day week at the" home of her sister in There are 8 members in each squad. Kansas City, Rabbi David Graubart of September, 1934. Points will be offered for attendance of Des Moines, and Rabbi, David ALYS J. HKKfLKN. Huron, S. Dak. /, at meetings, observance - of '• the Sab- Goldstein of Omaha. The . suggested 0-28-34-4t. bath, conduct, sportsmanship,. parti- methods of stimulating Jewish edu: BEBEB & KLCTZNICK A number of Sioux Cityans mo- cipation in the club and outside acti- cation differed, and those attending FKADENBCKG,Attorneys tored to Omaha Sunday to attend vities. Points will also be awarded joined in a tnany-sided discussion of - - 650 Omaha National Bank Bide. the sessions of the Regional Social to the winning squad in the Inner the best means of Jewish education. NOTICE OF ADMINISTBAT.ION Service Conference. Among them Club Basket Ball tournament. The Morale-Building Influence. In the County Court of Douglas County, | were Mr. A. M. Davis, president, of Squad having the largest number of ' The final session of Sunday afterthe MaUer of the Estate of JACOB (the local Federation of Jewish So points will be presented with club noon was devoted to the Jewish Com- InBEUKSTEIN. Deceased. AH persons interested in said estate are 'cial Service, Miss Dena Baron, su- pins. Squad leaders are Sam Edel- munity Center as a morale-building hereby notified that a petition has been j.peiintendent of the Federation; Mr, man, Harold Lefkovichy and Dave influence, with Gilbert Harris of St, filed in said Court alleging that said dedied leaving no last will ana prayi Mike Skalovsky and Mr. and Mrs. Tilevitz. An award • will also be made Louis reading a paper on the sub- ceased ing for administration upon his estate, Barney Baron. and that a hearing will be had on said; to the' outstanding American mem-lject. petition before said court on the 20th day; her. Harris stressed that the Commun- of October. 1934. and that if they fail to, appear at said Conrt on the Baid 20th day * Co-captains of the basketball quin- ity Center should have a well-bal- of October.: 1934, at 9 o'clock a.m.. to con-: test said petition, the Court may grunt the tet are Sam Edelman and Bernard anced program which would attract same and grant administration of sslo.? RosenthaL :They will share duties all classes of Jewish people. He also sstate to Harold Kelley or some other > with Coach: Len Baumstein* when the pointed out "that a larger' number snltnbie person and proceed to a settle* Dr. Julian Morgenstern, president Woodrow | J Wilson Gymnasium, is of free memberships should be ex- ment thereof. BETCE CRAWFORD. of the Hebrew Union "College in Cin- opened for the team's use. County Judge. tended to the underprivileged. IF YOU DHVEl. .,W« park your car. D-28-34-3t. cinnati, Ohio, will be a .guest in He emphasized that the Center Football* practice for the club team Standard rates. No other charges. Sioux City on October 20, when he is in;full swing, with promising can- could not shoulder the entire comLEONARD HICKS, Managing Director will, address, the annual Congrega- didates drilling on tackling, block- munal burden. In Jewish life, the tional Meeting of Mount Sinai Tem- ing and defensive plays. The club home, the synagogue and the social ple. Dr. -Morgenstern is internation- prospects for the back field are un- order play an important part. Recognized as ally known as President of the Col- usually bright. The Center, he saia, should play a PRACTICAL MOHEL lege and as the author of a number The club meeting Sunday after- larger role in recreation, Jewish culPhone 1059 of books. noon, will be conducted by the squad ture, socialization, and education. ^ C H I C A G O Council Bluffs, l a . The election of the Temple and under the leadership of Sam- EdelHarry A. Wolf of Omaha isresided Brotherhood Board of Directors will at this session. Discussants were





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Society News I

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