October 19, 1934

Page 1

Dedicated to the Ideals of Judaism

Entered as Second Class Mall _ l'ostottice of Omaha, Nebrnsfcn,

In the Interests of the Jewish People

'iyiunry 21, 1021, nt



orjdarch 3, 1S79

Aig^iversary J ub ilee of Omaha Lodge, B'nai Brith

Vol. X—No. 38

tevin and Grossman Honored by A.A.U.

Dr* Frederick Cohn Will Be Honored at Testimonial Dinner

Temple Israel Three Speakers Rabbi Emeritus Announced for Irvin Levin. and Lee Grossman were honored at the annual meeting f the Mid-West A. A. U., held in Forum Program Omaha recently. \ *. ~

" Levin was elected third vice-presi- Dorothy Thompson, Arthur Garent of the organization. He is also field Hays and Ludwig alternate' delegate to the national Lewisohn Obtained. onvention. . . •i Three outstanding speakers of inGrossman, physical, director of the C C was namedd a member b off ternational repute have already been C. obtained for the sikth annual Com;he board "of managers. ' ; The JewisTi Community Center was munity Forum series at the Jewish awarded the MidrWest A: A. U. se- Community Center; |according to anInvocation—Rabbi David A. New York (JTA) .-—George Z. nior" singles; and doubles; handball nouncement I made J Wednesday by The golden anniversary of the Om- Medalie, outstanding New" York at- championship - play; .' Goldstein, Conservative Syna- •- ; ".j Fred S. White, chairman of the FoDr. Frederick Cohn, who last aha lodge of B'nai Brith will be cel- torney and leader in Jewish comgogue. rum committee. * . • month was made rabbi emeritus aftebrated:with;a ^Golden Jubilee Stag" munal activities, has been named to Welcome—Sam J. Leon, presiThose scheduled to date: r three decades of active service &s dent of Temple Israel. at theV;Jewish Community Center represent B'nai' Brith on" the Joint Wednesday, December 12—Dorospiritual leader of Temple Israel, Monday, evening, October 22, at .8 Consultative Council. He was named Toastmaster—I s i d o r Ziegler, thy Thompson. will be'honored at a testimonial dinp . m . •":- '•" •' \ i \ . . .'. : past president of Temple Israel. for the post by Alfred M. Cohen, Wednesday, Jan ary 16—Arthur ner to be given next Sunday evening, Remarks—William L. Holzman At, the same; time, the local, lodge international- president of B'nai Garfield Hays. October 21, at 6 p. m. at the Temple. : and Henry Rosenthal, both past is participating in the national cam- Brith, and succeeds the late Max J. Wednesday, Mi rch 6—Ludwigf Dr. Julian Morgenstern, president of presidents of Temple Israel. paign for 75,000 new B'nai Brith Kohler. Lewisohn. , the Hebrew Union college at CincinIntroduction of speaker—Rabbi members, a, drive which is dedicated The Joint Consultative Council is "Two more spfea cers will be ol>nati and known internationally as a David H. Wice. to Alfred "Mi'Cohen,; international composed of representatives ' of the tained to completi the schedule," Jewish scholar and leader, will deAddress—Dr. Julian Morgenpresident of. the B'nai Brith, in ob- American Jewish committee, the Series of Five Addresses to Be White announced. < (They will be seliver the main address. It was from stern, president of Hebrew Union servance of bia seventy-fifth birth- American Jewish congress and B'nai Held Week-End of lected ffova. amonj Dr. S. Parkes the Hebrew Union college that Dr. college. day. The goal over the entire coun- Brith. Its purpose is to provide for Cadman, . Walter" 1 Pitklri, " Stanley October .26-28 > ohn was ordained rabbi in 1896. try is: to obtain one thousand new concerted action by the three organResponse—Dr. Frederick Cohn. High, and Raymora Moley. The invocation Sunday will be givmembers for each year of Cohen's' izations in matters affecting all the Benediction—Rabbi Uri Miller, Dr. Abram Leon Sachar will open "The type and jifcharacter of the en by Rabbi David A. Goldstein of life. Vaad Ha'Ihr. Jews. his Institute of Jewish History next lecturers predict tne most brilliant .he Conservative Synagogue, and the Admission to the jubilee stag MonFriday evening, October 26. The In- Forum series in $ur' history. The benediction by Rabbi Uri Miller of DR. FUEDEKICK COEDS day evening will be by card only. stitute is being presented by the program will * be. •pell-balanced, in- Rabbi Emeritus of Temple Israel, the Vaad Ha'Ihr. "Plenty of smokes, eats, drinks and Study Club of the Conservative Syn- teresting and educational." The welcoming address will "be de- Temple. The congregation was served who will be honored at a testimonan hour and a half of outstanding agogue. livered by Sam J. Leon, president of by Rev. David Stern in 1875 and boThe Community f Forum has beentertainment" have been, promised Tie schedule for the series of five come noteworthy a | a distinct civic ial dinner Sunday evening at 6 p. m. the congregation of Temple Israel. fore that by L. Abraham. Rev. G. E. by the committee in charge. lectures on October 26 to 28 has been contribution, presenting -widelyShort talks will be given by two past Harfield was Rabbi from September Membership Campaign. announced. The Conservative Syna- known speakers wiio discuss vital presidents, William" L. Holzman and 1, 1884, to April 12, 1885, Ben Kazlowsky is chairman of the gogue mil conduct its regular Ftir current ..problems $ and ' stimulate Henry Rosenthal. The Harney street synagogue was fiftieth anniversary, celebration and day evening services in the lodge thought on problem! of the day. Isidor Ziegler will be toastmaster. dedicated on September 18, 1884. The the concerted drive for an increased room on the 26th, beginning at 8 p.m. Season tickets afre on sale now. Born: August 23, 1873, East. Attle- Dr. Morgenstern will be introduced membership at that time was about roster,, with Ephraim L. Marks as the service, all will gather in All tickets will be interchangeable. boro, Massachusetts. Son of Joseph by Rabbi David H. Wice, of Temple fifty. Tryouts for 'Another Language After co-chairman. the main auditorium of the J. C C. " Dorothy Thompson' (Mrs. Sinclair Israel. Dr. Cohn will give a response, and Bertha Hartman Cohn. Rev. N. I. Benson was rabbi from. A "Committee of.400" has been at Community Center for Dr. Sachar's first lecture, which Lewis), who'opens the lecture course, Received early education in Provi- following Dr. Morgenstern's address. September 1, 1S85, to September .'., appointed for the campaign by Leo begins at 9 p. m. on the subject, "By is one of the most famed women The committee in charge of ar- 1889. At this time the membership Sunday dence, R. I.," public schools, gradu Abramson, president of the Omaha the . Breath of School Children." correspondents' in the world. Just rangements includes: Milton R. Abra- was 112. In 1889 the congregation ating from the Classical Departlodge. Twelve majors head competirecently she was, ordered out of Ger- ' ment with honors in 1890. Entered engaged the services of Rabbi WilThe Center Players Guild, noted i: Harry Silverman will preside. tive groups which will seek Omaha's : OnSaturday afternoon, October. many by the - Hitler government • be- the University of Cincinnati anc liam Roseneau, a graduate of the Hethe past for the excellent stahdan quota in the national drive. 27, Dr. Sachar will speak at 3 p. m. cause- her writings were unfavorable brew Union college. In that year the the Hebrew Union college, in th of its amateur productions, has been The majors are: Leo Abramson, on "Seven Who Built the New Land." to the Nazi head, t • congregation joined the Union of • fall of 1890.' Received degree o reorganized at t h e Jewish -' Com' Max' Barish; Dave Cohn,' Dr. A. The Saturday afternoon session will • Hays is internaMonall-known for American Hebrew Congregations. Bachelor of .Arts from the Unr munity Center and is preparing"for Greenberg, J. 3. Greenberg, Max Hoi*. be in the form of an Oneg Shabbos, his ' defense of t | e rights, of the versity of Cincinnati in ,1894, winan~active "season. "..... '".''. From 1892 to 1898, the Rabbi was man, Philip KJntunJcfe, E. L. Marks, with the women of the Conservative downtrodden, and ;has been one of ' ning the ". Jones Oratorical prize: Leo M. Franklin. Abram Simon was The officers elected are: Goodman Meyerson, Simon Flier, rabbi from 1898 to 1904, and it was Mrs. Phineas Wintroub, president Synagogue .Auxiliary co-operating, the staunchest advbeates of .freedom , Subject, "The Debt of Liberty U Harry SUrerman and Harry 1 . Somduring this period that the Sisterthe Netherlands;"/ awarded th< Stanley F. Levin, vice-president; Sara -with the--Study Clubr Miss Tobye of speech and libefal reform,- . . . . m e r . •*•":••• •• • " / • • ."".•'"" Steinberg will preside. Ludwig" Lewisohn is.-known the hood was founded. Phi: Beta'Kappa key and receive Sekerman, secretary. ,75th Birthday. -:' the Degree" of Master of' Arts I Frederick Cohn was inaugurated A ' series^ of three plays will be - On -Saturday evening Sam Beber world over for his lucid, poetic writ? Ho'nl Alfred M. Cohen's 75th birthr will—preside.\. Dr<. Sachai's subject ings. ••- -, Ordained as Rabbi; ftpm th Rabbi on March 11, 1904. The presproduced this season. -The first wi . day is being observed^ today, and the will-be"New Dangers in; the Coni. college * ,111" 1896 ent Temple was' built. and "dedicate**! national campaign-is .being Jaunched temporary World/'.starting at-& ""• in .1908. • • - • • • • . . : throughout the •country on- this • tla>v "" The general^ Jewish; public is „ 1 Sunday; 2§^ th y; B B a g , O t b e j§^ Rabbi Davi<$ H. Wice was elected classhPlu'-D.r V. of. Neb., 1907. - - - Locally^, addresses on -R'nai -Brith invited to_try. out for .parts, in will be 9 __roun"d table;; discussion b i b Associate Rabbi in September, 1983. r a Active. Minister: Rabbi of Congre; will bs delivered this evening from "Another. : Language,'^ ; a m and led -by i at 10 the--first ginning In September,-1934, Rabbi FJ&a«rick ' gation Achdus-Ve-Sholom in Fort ginning at 10 a. m. and led -by. play -to-be -presented Ay- the .Cen- Saehar. Miss Rose Cohen will -prer Cohn was elected Rabbi Emeritus, Wayne, Indiana, from 1896 The "Committee of 100" will meet and Rabbi Wice, Rabbi. '. ter" Players Guild. All. those in- side. The balance of the funds of the 1904. Rabbi at Temple Israel : at the Hill Hotel Sunday morning, terested should report at" the J. former Women's Auxiliary of the Omaha, Nebraska, 1904-1934 As Dr. Morgenstern. • Henry Monsky will preside at the October 21, at 10 a. m. An out-of-town C. C. Sunday afternoon,- October concluding session on Sunday after- B'nai Brith of Omaha, in the amount reward for his years of service tt In addition to his address at Sunspeaker will address the group. 21, at 2:30 p. m. of ?213.50, has been turned over to the congregation, elected Rabb: day's dinner, Dr. Julian Morgenstern noon, at 2:30 p. "in. Dr. Sachar will Dr. Abram L. Sachar, head of the the Free Loan society as a perpetEmeritus - of the Congregation will occupy the pulpit at Temple Isspeak on "Studies in Escapism." B'nai Brith Hillel Foundation, will When he had served twenty^fiv^ rael this evening. His sermon subject Tickets for the Institute may be ual fund, according to announcement speak before the "Committee of 100" >e "Another Language,71 a three-ad DR. JULIAN MORGEXSTERS years, in 1929, he was elected rab- President of Hebrew Union College will be "Why Judaism?" The general obtained from any member of the by H. A. Wolf, president of the Free at a meeting Sunday morning, Octo- comedy drama by Rose Franken Loan. society. bi for life. public is invited to attend. ber 28. which has enjoyed a tremendous su Study Club or from Miss Zelda Sa, Some years ago a group "of young Married: Miss Esther Kleimen Ha- at Cincinnati, 0., who will speak at Reservations for Sunday's testiferstein at the J. C. C. The climax of the membership cess on Broadway. '. women jorganized locally into an aux-' g e n o f Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1898. the testimonial dinner honoring Dr. monial dinner may be made with drive and golden anniversary celebraMiss Helen Merritt has been ob. • iliary of the B'nai Brith. The or- Affiliations: Member " " and past-presi- Cohn, Sunday. Mrs. Mollie Cohen. . tion will be held on November 4, tained to direct the activities of the ganization. was active ;f or a short dent Nebraska Lodge, I. O. B. B.; when Hon. Alfred M. Cohen will bo Guild. ".".-•. time ,and then disbanded. memter of Omaha club, Rotary hams, chairman; Dr. M. I. Gordon, honored at a dinner. Also honored at Miss Merritt is a graduate of.LindMoscow, (JTA).—-Five thousand The funds in the treasury were club," honorary member Omaha Ben Silver, Joseph Pepper and Louis the dinner will be the new members. enwood college at St. Charles, Mo., . • Jews migrated to Biro-Bidjan, Jewdeposited in a Saving and Loan asChamber of Commerce, Co-opera- Sommer. A feature will be the presentation of where she specialized in dramatics. Here Thirty Years. ish autonomous territory, during the sociation. When Miss Hazel Cooper, tive club; Highland club; membsr the pageant, "One for All," , by y mem- She directed plays at the South first eight months of 1934, official last, outgoing treasurer • of,; the or- of Board and Vice-President OmaRabbi Cohn was called to the pulbers of the A. Z. under the di- Omaha Settlement lor four years, figures show. The quota for the year ganization ; and : now ' a: • resident of ha Family Welfare" association; pit of Temple Israel in Omaha in rection of Mrs. Dave Brodkey. and last summer / directed plays ,at is 9,000 persons. Cos Angeles, was recently in Omaha past president of state conference 1904. In 1929 Dr. Cohn was elected Golden Jubilee Stag. the Northeast Neighborhood House for a short stay, she signed the During the month of August 865 of Social .Work, former member, rabbi for life on the occasion of his "The golden jubilee stag Monday,-' .t Minneapolis, Minn. twenty-fifth anniversary as spiritual proper papers for jthe withdrawal of persons passed through Moscow on declared Chairman Kazlowsky, "will Miss Merritt has also been con- their way to Biro-Bidjan and twen- that fund, Tshich was turned over] president, and co-founder of the leader of the Temple. In September The Round Table of Jewish Youth, Board of Public; Welfare of the be the local B'nai Brith's birthday nected with the Playhouse in Omaha of this year" he was elected rabbi embracing practically all junior orty-five were returned to their homes to the Free Loan. The principal with City of Omaha; one of founders celebration for a specially-invited 'or four years. _ ganizations in the city, will sponsor from this city, having been declared accumulated interest had grown to and former member of Board of emeritus. group of Omaha's Jewish citizens." Try-outs for parts for "Another unfit. He has in addition to his rabbinical a series of forum meetings open to $213.50, . . •• U • i '; • Omaha Community Playhouse; Part of the invitation reads: " . , Language" will be held this Sunduties been outstanding in the civic, all the Jewish youth of the city. secretary Douglas Count7 Chapter Fifty years of continuous service to day afternoon, October 21, at 2:30 Noteworthy speakers will talk on American Red Cross; secretary communal, and philanthropic life of Omaha and Omaha Jewry fifty p. m. at the J. C. C. These try-outs his community, both Jewish andhon- Jewish topics, and these will be folWise Memorial Hospital associayears of devotion di to b benevolence, are open to the Jewish public. lowed by discussions led by repretion, Board Omaha Campfire Jewish. brotherly love and harmony, the In addition to producing several sentatives of the various constituent Girls; Board Omaha Public LibrCongregation of Temple Israel. ideals of B'nai Brith . . . because of plays, the Guild fosters an appreciaary; former member Executive The history of the congregation of groups of the Round Table. this Omaha B'nai Brith rejoices tion of drama • and will - conduct Alfred A. Fiedler was elected pros-,. Central Conference Temple Israel has a rich background. Committee it salutes an appreciative community classes in make-up, play production, officer The congregation was first organized ident of the Round Table at the last American Rabbis, and with a fitting gesture . . . an un- and creative writing. Alumni association Hebrew Union as the Society B'nai Israel in 1868, meeting. paralleled evening of joyousness and Tickets for the season series of Other officers: Sara Rifkin, vicetended' stay On the" Pacific coast and held its first services in the old college. pleasantry . . . " three plays are being sold at the J. president; Max Resnick, secretary; where he "hob-nobbed" with many of Masonic hall. President Abramson appointed Ju- C. C. and by Guild members. the cinema celebrities." As early as 1871, Rev. Alexander Jean B e b e r , treasurer; William lius Bisno head of the committee in Lazarus headlined the .bill at the Rosenspitz confirmed a class in the Wolfe, parliamentarian; Joe Solocharge of the program for Monday monow, reporter. William Wolfe will Paramount Theater in Los Angeles evening. . represent the Round Table on the for a month, and also; sang at the "A full hour and a half of profesWarsaw, (JTA).—As a result of B'nai Brith Institute of Jewish StuClover Club andMthe'jCocoanut Grove sional entertainment, offering a va' dies. while Gus . Arnheim - and . his band the intervention of Mme. Piludski ried, unusual/program" has been were, playing there. Omahans who wife of the Polish dictator, Jewish Fiedler, the new president, is .a promised by Bisno. heard him there reported that "he children fed in municipal institutions senior law student at Creighton, and Amsterdam (WNS).—Nieuwersluis, stopped the show" many:a time with in Warsaw will receive • kosher food, is a graduate of the Creighton the German Jewish refugee settlement instead of being compelled to ea' his rich, melodious baritone voice. Stockholm (J. T. A.—The commit- j School of Commerce. He is president established on land reclaimed from the David's rise has been rapid,, and at food forbidden by the Jewish reli tee which will select the winner of | of the Cardoza Law Club at CreighZuyder Zee, was officially dedicated the Nobel Peace Prjze has under I ton and is a former president of the present he hopes to continue his stu- gion. by League of Nations High CommisMadame Pilsudski intervened after consideration the xv name* of, Carl •-._./. von Omaha Alumni club of Sigma Sigrna Alpha dies in New York City. He will try sioner for German Refugees James G. Tel Aviv;. (JTA) .—A survey jus . for a scholarship under Frank La a delegation of Polish rabbis ap- Ossietzky, German pacifist and a po- Mu. Completed by the Histadruth, the McDonald. The site of the colony, pealed for her help and told her that litical prisoner of the Hitler regime. Included on the list of inter-club Forge, coach of Lawrence Tibbett. which covers an area of 175 acres, Central Labor Federation of PalesTo aid his further study'of music the Warsaw municipal authoritie Ossietzky's name was submitted by activities planned by the Round Tatine, has shown once more the full has been leased to the Dutch commitignored a demand that the children the League for the Rights of Man. ble are a debate tourney writh a cup the College Club women of Omaha tee for special Jewish interests by the extent of the labor shortage" in are sponsoring a concert by Lazarus be given kosher food. Messages supporting the proposal to be awarded to the winning team, Palestine. The survey showed that Dutch" government for a period of to be held-at the Technical higo that the prize be awarded to him an oratorical contest, an essay conten year. ; : while the h Palestine, government reschool auditorium on -Tuesday, Ochave been received from Lion Feucht- test,"All-Star Night," and one or • The settlement can house 400 reffuses to open the- doors for mass tober-SOr at 8:15 p. m. •-•-••• wanger, the German Jewish novelist two major social; functions. The ugees, 100 of whom are already livJewish immigration, industrial, agriLazarus found that in the main now in exile, and other prominent in- Round Table also actively assists in ing there, they are beirig trained for cultural and building activity is bethe annual philanthropic campaign, the -actors and actresses of screenNew : York, (WNS).—A pledge dividuals. ing sharply retarded by the dearth farming and horticulture work; which dom are serious minded and hardwas arrested the night besides co-operating on all Center against, racial discrimination is inOssietzky will be their future ,career in "Pales-; y of workers. ' working. He found them to be "very cluded in the six-point "Covenant oi of the Reichstag fire and taken to a functions. ••.'-•. tine and elsewhere, ; . -.,.;,_• Approximately 30,000 dunams of nice folks, a swell group, who treatReconsecration" adopted by thi Rabbi David H. Wice is sponsor of concentration camp, where beatings additional orange groves must be In his address at-the dedication exed me royally." They work so hard Presbyterians of New York an< and severe drilling maneuvers are the Round 'able. planted this autumn and next spring, ercises. Commissioner McDonald laudDavid Lazarus. and such long hours, he said, that which 37,000 communicants of the 6' said to have undermined his health. while Jewish mixes-farming also; is ed the Dutch government, the Jewish Shanghai—The Japanese governthey have no time for many of the committee and its chairman, former demanding more workers. "Hollywood is misunderstood, and things they are accused of. Just a Presbyterian churches in New Yor] He was editor-in-chief of Die Welt- ment -Will intervene with the govwill be asked to sign. buehne, a pacifist weekly, until the In Tel Aviv, the construction of Senator Van Den Bergh, whose gen- the glare of the spotlight has been few, he said, are responsible for the The pledge reads: "I will no' advent of the Nazis, who suppressed ernment of Manchukuo to end antinew buildings is being held up by erosity helped to finance the project. unfair to the reputation of the film wild stories of Hollywood. Jewish Incitement by White Guardknowingly be a party to any un it. the lack of workers, while public Mr. McDonald told the Jewish refuists in that- country, Vice Minister colony," David Lazarus, Omaha's risDuring his stay on the West coast, Christian racial discrimination and The suggestion has been voiced works and transparent work is also gees that "you are both sowing and Namoru, Shieemitsu assured N. E. B. will seek the friendship of person that if lie receives the Nobel Prize, ing star in the musical constellation, Lazarus worked with some of the at a standstill owing to the lack of reaping here." You can live here both i Esra, /editor ;of Israel's Messenger. of other races." his release wQl follow. (Continued on; Page «,); • opined,upon his return from an « as men and as Jew*," labor.

National Membership B'nai Brith Appoints Drive Also to Be Medalie to Council launched




Dr. Julian Morgenstern Program for TestiMain Speaker monial Dinner Sunday




Biographical Sketch of Dr. Frederick Cohn



Increased Migration to Biro-Bidjan Area


David Lazarus, Back from Filmland, to Give Concert


Dictator's Wife Aids Poles on Kashruth

Reich Prisoner May Be Nobel Peace Winner

Histadruth Reveals Shortage of Labor

Presbyterian Pledge Against Discrimination

Page 2—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1934 to a continued, intensive program." group's outstanding affair of the David Greenberg,.membership chair- season. man, reported sixty-three new memMrs. Julius Abrahamson, president bers. . of the local chapter of Hadassah, says: Other addresses were given by Mrs. "I hope every Jewish -woman, whether Dave Sherman, president of the Aux- or not a member of Hadassah, had the Rabbi Frederick Cohn will give tha iliary; Dave Cohn, vice-president, and extreme pleasure of listening to the first of a series of lectures on curRabbi Goldstein. A. D. Frank read the broadcasts on Tuesday morning from annual report. •: . :, v . Jerusalem, where the cornerstone of rent events next Tuesday morning-, the Hadassah-Hebrew university was October 23, at the Blackstone Hotel J. J. Greenberg-was unanimously relaid. This international broadcast at 10:30 a. m. elected president of the Conservative By SIR HERBERT SAMUEL will do much to foster better under- Dr. Cohn's subject will be "Russynagogue at the congregational din- Make Plans for An illuminating article from the superficial. From the side of patriot- inflation. Patriotism and social ^dis- ner held Wednesday at the J. C. C. standing of the ideals of Judaism for sia's Entry into the League of NaHadassah Events pen of Great Britain's former home ism and from the side of social dis- content were both at the highest which Hadassah stands." The other officers were also retions," and he will discuss the imsecretary, •' 'presented through Jj content : the people flocked to follow pitch. Hitler came and' linked them elected for another term. They are: The opening meeting of the seaportance of this event and its signicourtesy of the New York Herald- the leader. The success was over- together. Now the link is breaking. son for. Hadassah will be held Wedficance for the future. whelming—for the time. Tribune and Co-operation. Hard economic facts will not obey nesday, October 31, at 2:30 p. m., Mt. Sinai Auxiliary This seiies of discussions of curNowhere had conditions developed the orders of politicians. Demonstra•.'•;•" T H E EDITOR. at the J. C. C. There will be a tea, events is being sponsored by to Meet Tuesday rent both the two elemental forces to such tions and perorations will not" bring in honor of prospective members, and the Temple Israel Sisterhood, and sales and profits, work and wages. volume and power as in Germany. "What has been happening in Geran interesting program will be pre- A meeting of the Mount Sinai will be held each second and fourth many during the last year, and par-After 100 years of continuous propa- The crude expedients that have been sented. Ladies Auxiliary will be held next Tuesday morning of the month at ticularly during recent months, is of ganda the Germans had become a adopted in Germany might bring reTuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock the Blackstone. immense "significance. And not only closely united and highly patriotic lief for a moment but soon made The date of the bridge luncheon of at the Adass Yeshuren synagogue, Tickets may be secured from Mrs. things worse. You cannot cure unempeople. During four years of war ,, fox Germany but for the world, A which Mrs. Julius Stein is in charge Twenty-fifth and Seward. Samuel Gilinsky, HArney 7088, from great - experiment was * launched, they had mae tdhe mightiest effort ployment simply by requiring each has been changed to Tuesday, Oc- The auxiliary has already accom- members of her committee, or at the individual manufacturer to engage known to history, showing a miiltary novel and momentous, undertaken on tober 23. plished excellent results in their Blackstone. '1a vast scale, pursued with vigorous efficiency, a fortitude and a devotion more workers, whether there is work The affair will be held at the work toward the maintenance and for them or not. You cannot perthat has never been surpassed. The energy. .Now the results are being Blackstone hotel, and instead of a upkeep of the Mount Sinai cemetery. end was complete disaster. Not, asmanently impose upon a country the tested. dessert luncheon, a regular full- The construction of a chapel at the declares, because of treachery burden of a system of subsidies, diThere are two powerful forces at Hitler course luncheon will be served. cemetery will get under, way about rect or indirect, in order to mainbehind the front; but because Ger•work in the world, whose-action and man statesmen, by a series of obvi- tain an export trade. You cannot The school luncheon fund, with November 1st. '. interaction determine our politics. ous political blunders, had succeeded support the currency indefinitely by Mrs. Stein the local chairman, minOne—nationalism—has existed as in uniting against them forces mili- withholding from your manufacturisters to the needs of thousands of ' long as history; it appeals to the tary, economic and moral, which ers raw materials they need to. imundernourished children by supply- Members of Council common feelings t>f members of the were superior to those that they port. ing them with a hot, well-balanced , Meet at Luncheon . same race or citizens of the same could command. The end was surrenmeal once a day. country; it may take the good form der, a forced admission of guilt, for- If in Germany during the last The work in this regard has been Mrs. David R. Cohen was hostess of a sane and worthy patriotism or feiture of colonies, one-sided disarm- twelve months trade had prospored, particularly effective, both from the at a dessert luncheon for the twenthe bad form of aggressive militar- ament, enemy occupation of integral production had markedly , increased, preventative and curative standpoints, ty-four members of the legislative unemployment had genuinely been ism or economic self-sufficiency. points. provinces. The reaction came in bit-diminished, and its reduction had not and international relations group of Members and friends are urged to the Council of Jewish Women TuesThe other force,' making itself in- ter resentment, with an intense de- been at the cost of lowered wages make their reservations with Mrs. day, when the first organization and termittently in different ages in var-termination to re-establish national or lessened hours for those already Stein, Glendale 1948. ious countries, but attaining a wide prestige. business session of the year was held employed; if the national finances .scope and continuous influence only at her home. had been restored-and the mark had J. J. Greenberg; At the same time there were six Mrs. I. Dansky and her co-chair-in our own times, is the effort of Mrs. Jule M. Newman was named fortified; if through out the man, Mrs. L. Alberts, have appointed secretary of the group: Mrs. Jay ;the masses of the people to reach a million working people unemployed, been Harry Silverman, first vice-president; country there had been a general their relief utterly inadequate, their 38 women who will make a city-wide right standard of living. Its impulse prospects desperate. A great sense of growing prosperity and a Dave Conn; second vice-president; canvass on October 21 and 22 in the Bercovici and Mrs. Moe Venger, tel• is discontent—a just discontent with future Mrs. Minnie Lapidus, honorary viceephone chairmen;-Mrs. M. F. Levconsciousness of greater domestic part of the middle classes had lost of the J. N. F. At that enson, historian. poverty, unemployment and harmful almost comfort, then probably there would president; A. B. Alpirn, treasurer; A. interests all they possessed through the time, the contents of the blue boxes The group will meet at the home .environment. Its goal is comfort, sehave been no crisis. But these re- D. Frank," secretary. will be counted and collected. • cufity, knowledge—for every one. Its Elected to the executive committee of Mrs. Newman on October 30. Dessults have not been achieved. The money of the J. N. F. is used sert luncheons will be a feature of method may be a gradual orderly Phi Sigma Mu were Max Barish," David Greenberg, Other causes have contributed—the to redeem the soil of Palestine, as each meeting. Meetings will be held change, in. social conditions; attackprofound disturbance among multi- B. A. Simon and Arthur Cohn. the everlasting property of the Jew-the second and fourth Tuesdays of ing each «vil one by .one by.* a David R. Cohen Opens Program Elected to the board of trustees for tudes of conscientious Protestants ish people, to plant trees and build variety of practical measures; preeach month. a three-year term were Isadore AbRepresenting the serving liberty; using individual The Phi Sigma Mu, Jewish legal and Catholics at the actions of the ramson and' Jack Marer; two-year roads and care for many other imregime in the sphere of religion; the initiative, or voluntary organizations, fraternity at the University of Omaha term, Harry Du Boff and Irvin Levin; portant projects. The influx of Geror state action, or a combination of night law school, opened its fait pro- reactions, internal and external, one-year term, Mose Yousem, Dr. A. man Jews has heavily taxed the Citrus Groves Expand • land problem in Palestine, and more Jerusalem.—The Jewish area of citthese, as the conditions may need. gram by having a stag at the Hill from the persecution of the Jews; Greenberg and John A. Farber. the mutual hatreds among the men rus groves in Palestine increased by . •; " land is needed. Or it may concentrate on state pro- hotel. Two hundred and fifty attended the Phone AT. 7168 30,000 dunams in 1932, by 33,500 duduction in industry and take the Meyer Rosenbaum discussed "The in high offices which resulted in the dinner meeting. Harry Silverman preThe Jewish National Fund by acHome, WA. 1923 nams in 1933, and the increase is estishape of socialism, as we understand Types of Punishment From Early Civ- assassinations this summer—these sided. <rairing*large tracts of land for agrij the term in Great Britain. Or it may ilization to the Present Day" at the have been among the sources of the Harry Du Boff gave several vocal cultural settlement has provided the mated at 30,000 dunams in 1934. Non-Cancellable At the end of this year the Jew- j aim at a complete communism. last meeting, Wednesday, October 17. weakness which has become appar- selections, accompanied by Esther basis for the creation of a "Jewish Health and Accident ent. For of this there is no doubt— ish area of citrus groves will be 150,- I Whatever its form—moderate or ex- The fraternity has been in existence life Insurance Leaf Du Boff. A one-act sketch, "The land-working community." 000 dunams, it is expected, or sixteen treme, practicable or impracticable, for three years. Irvin Stalmaster is its acts such as those which have re- First Hundred Years," was presented Those who have J. N. F. boxes and good or bad—the movement funda- sponsor; Milton Abrahams is assist- cently shocked the world, deeds of by Milton A. Reick and his junior those who want them in their home times the area of 1925. extreme violence, wholesale execumentally has one purpose. It is the ant sponsor. are asked to remember the days of players. striving of the modern world.\to re- The officers for the coming year tions, these are always a sign, not J. J. Greenberg, after giving a res- the drive, October 21 and 22. deem its disinherited; millions, to are Sal Michnlck, president; Ralph of strength but of weakness. ume of the past year's activities, deevolve" a civilization which shall be Nogg, vice-president; Meyer Rbsen- • The people who care deeply for clared: T h e enthusiasm of the con- Mrs. H. S. Novitsky, chairman of baum, secretary; Robert S. Dorinson, social progress are not the same peo. worthy of the highest intelligence of treasurer; Louis J. Riklin, reporter. ple as those who are thrilled by mili- gregation makes us confident of con- the Medical Fund, has chosen Tuesanan, and to extend its benefits-to all. Hasten Cohen and Sal Michnlck are tarism. A spirit of solidarity and tinued growth, and we look forward day, December 11, as the date of the SIXTEENTH AT PARNAM If it were possible to combine those representing the fraternity on the mutual helpfulness at home cannot two forces, a power would be created Round Table of Jewish. Youth. dwell .with a spirit .of, antagonism, Winter's Smartest Idea in Newest which*' w^uld^ •dominate mankind; "In envisaging-war, abroad: Piogress in their, moderate forms they may be one sphere is not to be"! combined -united. Sane patriotism goes with or- Special Services with reaction in another, and any atdered social progress. But in their to" unite progressives and reBy Chapter 100 tempt extreme forms they are incompatible. actionaries in one movement must In \ Germany Hitlerism set out to A. Z. A. 100 will sponsor "Reli- faiL combine the two. Nationalism of the gious Day^services at the B*nal-Is- (Copyright, 1934, by Co-operation.) The crudest type and socialism of a synagogue, 18th and Chicago, primitive, naive kind were linked by rael November 2. a hyphen and became national so- onAt the last meeting a few topics -; :> Spectacular cialism. The combination was ac- were read Pi Lambda Phi on Jewish current events cepted at its face value : by millions by Dick Hurwitz, and- a discussion Alumni Officers w ™ * • * * '," 3 * * V of people who,had made no study of followed. ;.-/.• politics or of; ecoonmics;•;; -Fascinated Imitations- were given by Irv KaiSale Priced Hyman Shrier was named presiJby its oratorical presentation - and dent of the ahimni of the^Creighton mesmerized by all the arts :6f mass-( A number of the members are gosuggestion, they could not discern ing to Lincoln Octob'er 21 to attend University, chapter of Pi Lambda Phi, national social fraternity, at an that the" union was not organic "but the dance by the Lincoln chapter. election of officers held last ThursA novel idea is being tried by let- day. _"..". : . *; the eleven new members have Other officers are: Louis Lipp, vice Campaign for Repeal ting with the complete charge of planning the president; Arthur Smith, secretary; to Get Under JW chapter's /events, for the next month. Earl Ross, treasurer. ,






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If Nebraskans -are- to continue Smoker Held by drinking legallbeexU.it will be ne-j ;; : Mother Chapter cessary that,repeal" of the state' prohibition law ;be/voted at the election -in November^ it was announced this A smoker was held at the home of week by.Charles Jackman of Grand Harry Cohen last Sunday evening, for Island, chairman of-tiie state repeal the purpose of stimulating interest in the 'national membership drive which -;. ':•.'••.;...•v . i - - •=;.*• r-.-.L^^ -\ :forces. Jn a statement Jackman- revealed Is how, being" launched by the A. Z. A. that- it is generally agreed by both Julius Bisno, Max Baer and Max wet and dry adherents that the lawBarish spoke. Carlo theme was carried enacted by the last legislature legal- outA aMonte t the smoker and prizes were izing- the sale*-.pf- beer is unconstituto the winning A. Z. A.'s. tional. Bone dry ^advocates know the awarded, ,-was chairman. of the law cannot stand up in court and in Ben Lefitz which planned the smoker, . tha event xepea^ is defeated the; iaw committee by Harry Cohen, Art Weiner legalizing the sale of beer will be assisted and Ernie Nogg. lulled, Jackman said. "This would mean," Jackman de.clared, "that beer could no longer be sold in Nebraska legally, with the result that our.state would become the paradise of bootleggers and rack; eteers of all kinds. -"The only way we can continue to have beer legally is through repeal of the state dry law." A state-wide educational campaign is how under full swing with Jackman at the helml. J., D. Devine of Grand Island is secretary-treasurer of the repeal organization'. The membership of the ' advisory - campaign committee will t be announced in a few days.



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Page 3—THE JEWISH* PRESS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1934 Hepartment, to list all of his .deci-j a petition asking "President Eoosesions during the past year and a.velt to use the*] good offices of the half-* It must.suffice to say that he! government to make clear the horror -established the principle with the with which the people of this counstate department that it is the duty try looked upon the excesses comand tradition of our country to raise • mitted by the .German government, A men's "Health-Body-Buildinp" its _ voice" _ in protest against" out-, A quarter million signatures of I class is being- formed at the J. C. C, rages perpetrated -against "minoritiesj Jews and non-Jews were affixed to I according to announcement by Lee in other countries. . i this petition, and President Cohen *_ o • I Grossman, physical director. But he was not satisfied with that. that. • delivered it personally The class meets on Tuesday and py to the White By • t h e Service Life Insurance d i i d d in i this greatest!!house, with the request that Presi-JJ C Oh Thursday evenings from 6:15 to 7. CompaitJ', Omaha Jewry was divided crisis of" modern .centuries,' and Pres- dent Roosevelt forward ' it to the' p. m. By EDWARD E. GRUSD ident-Cohen "was among the first'to German government with an accom-| The world _ in which we live is like "This will make the class short, and In this timely close-up ol Alfred.M. was growing steadily as the cauntry sense the crying need for unity. As panying note. j a great puzzle, with an arrangement sweet, and hard to beat," declared Cohen,. who celebrates his^, seventyplunged" down'toward depression. AJ early as January of 1933, even be- But it is useless, in this space, to j so intricate "that the successful lock- Grossman." "It will not take much of fifth birthday today (October 19) joint council of these three leading;fore.Hitler actually, came to powe,r attempt to present a complete pic-j ing of the various pieces seems im- your time, and I can assure you that Mr. Grusd introduces us to the man •Jewish ' organizations "was formed, ne was telling the B'nai Brith execu-iture of Alfred • M. Cohen's services j possible. Here is an economic de-jyou will .find yourself feeling much who is_the international president "of and President Cohen was unanimous- tive committee -that" this .unity must j as a Jewish leader,, either in the! velopment which seems, at the first; better and much abler to play the B'nai Brith, the largest lay. Jewish ly named' chairman. be achieved. And largely through his German situation or in general. The j thought, unsound and dangerous, j game of life. International fraternity in the world, efforts, it was achieved, later in the foregoing is the sheerest summary, j Here is another great economic "This class is primarily for those In 1930 he was re-elected' presia man who has devoted his life to the same .year. He was named chairman! But 50,000 B'nai Brith members change so radical that it transforms members who do not participate in dent of the order, and sinte then he Jewish, people. has worked harder than ever. A of the body, of representatives of the [ know the truth, and they are going the nation. Here is a bit of change! any form of exercise, as handball, : THE EDITOR. the"" committes,. and B'nai j to prove it this autumn and winter] in thought that will cause future j volleyball, and basket ball." banker, a ' lawyer," chairman of the Bcongress, A crisis confronted world Jewry. board of governors" of the Hebrew j r i t h > t o arrange the formation of a in the best possible way. They're go- historians to write volumes upon its j . The daily press contained dark and j Due to the unseasonable weather, Union college, adviser to many andN o i n t consultative council of these ing to get 1,000 B'nai Brith- mem- effects. ominous ' reports. The Jewish press But when you find life insurance! the Center handball committee has varied groups—he nevertheless h.asj t h ; r e e organizations, to act .in unison bers for - every year in the life of ran wild with screaming headlines. found time to give a full measure of wherever possible with regard to the their chief, so that the great move- j and fit it into the picture, the puzzle delayed the J. C. C. doubles pre-seaJewish leaders in a hundred differdevotion . to. each of these causes German situation- His dream was! ment to which he has given so much is solved, the pieces lock securely, son handball tourney until October ent- communities were dazed, bewildwhile directing B'nai Brith during fulfilled, and "it was one" of the j of himself will itself truly serve as the economic changes which at first 29. ered. Many of them issued irresponthe most trying years of financial j greatest achievements of his career. . a basis for a lasting continuation of seemed out of harmony now swing sible statements. Hot-headed speeches The basket ball league at the J. C. crisis." The amount of work'he does! Last. October and November he was the things for which he has always into place, the happiness and welfare 1 were being delivered. Everyone was C. starts its pre-season play on is amazing. I have known him in-'" 1 Europe to-attend, with the secre- stood, in line with Jewish tradition of the people continue to increase. running in circles, and. getting noThursday, October 25. timately fo"r more than ' six years;! ^ ^ o f the order; the .world confer-,—justice, truth, brotherhood. where,, while the fate of .hundreds, Today is the final day for settling !and have seen him literally do the ence,Jn London, to aid German Jews, j (Copyright, 1934, by Seven Arts Book Review Group perhaps thousands of Jewish lives money matters and contracts. jwork of "three people simultaneously! He'played a vital part in that gath-| Feature Syndicate.) hung in the balance. A large number have been workHis method is to divide each day into | ering, ? ? and then went over to AmsterAlfred M. Cohen, " In a simply furnished office in a ing out for several weeks in preGsrnmn B nai periods, and'then attack the differ-!*™*> ^ btiilding in Cincinnati sat a handparation for the season. More interThe first meeting of a new book and other Jewish leaders from some, sturdy-looking man with ruddy lems caused in the early eighties, by ent work of each period with a I Brith Germany. .There he .learned the real review group, compose! of members est is being- evinced than ever beskin and iron-gray hair,who, in the -the first arrivals from - Eastern! Boundless enthusiasm and uiiwaning situation at first hand; it has deterfore, and many new faces will apEurope of persecuted Jews driven to) strength. I have seen him deliver one An outstanding social affair is bo- of the Women's Auxiliary of the pear in the line-ups. flush of perfect health and composmined the policy of the order ever Vaad Ha'Ihr, will be held at th? •ure,_seemed to be in his early sixties. this country "from -their own native of his masterly, powerful, public ad- since. Always "he wants to get at the ing planned fay the Re-Im for their home of Mrs. X. H. Greenberg, 4230 Chaotic reports of the situation were lands. He joined what is today the | dresses in Omaha on a Sunday night, fundamental facts first—then, ac- first annual dance, to be held at the Mason street, on Tuesday afternoon, Athens—Greek consuls in Turkey consult with_B'nai Brith leaders in ion city auditorium on Sunday evening, scattered on his broad desk. He was Eockdale Temple as soon as he was j Chicago last week received instructions from October 23, at 1:30 p. m. on Tuesday, arrive" m~New j t He realizes the dangers in_ goOctober 28. eligible, and was elected its secrefaced with momentous decisions. in a tangent b;cau:e of an All members interested are invit- their government not to issue visas tary when he was only 24—a post York on "Wednesday evening for a | S The Campus Club 16-piece orches"Let us get the facts, the truth," he retained until he was nearly 50. day or two of gruelling interviews unverified newspaper story, or an tra will furnish the music, under the ed to attend. Eabbi TJri Miller will for Turkish Jews desiring to travel he said quietly, "and then we will He was also its president, and he is and perhaps another address, and founded rumor. He knows that the direction of Claude Orr, who has review Sholom Aseh's latest book, in Greece. Other Jews may, however, obtain visas without restiictions. act; accordingly." to be seen at its services every Sat- arrive back in Cincinnati" Friday very lives of his people are often been with some of America's lead- "Salvation." the wise action of This seems to typify Alfred M. urday that he is in town. dependent morning, and go straight to his of5 „%„,, ^ Cohen; international president of . In 1890 he joined one of the seven fice and stay, there all day, tackling their leaders, and he refuses tD take! MM| L riTlcrOT r g^ a rJ e t ' A r r t l JF n o t e d Bjnger B'nai Brith. The scene pictured B'nai Brith lodges in Cincinnati, and] problems as diverse as Jewish litera- any chances with such stakes. Others will appear in opera at the auditoabove might have been any one of a when the seven groups were coa- ture and B'nai Brith wider scope may reap the doubtful honors of per- rium next month. number of days during the past ten lesced into Cincinnati Lodge No. 4, campaigns. In the hands of this tire- sonal publicity by acting or speaking The organization reports a brisk years, for has not Jewry, faced many he was elected the first president of less/man lies the control' simultane-1 irresponsibly; President Cohen is not sale of tickets to date. + interested in headlines about himself. perilous situations? During, his de- the enlarged unit.. He exhibited the ously of the largest lay Jewish in-'™ Ton dont know Tvhat is inside of Pressed Blox. Our advice is ~*"J ™ *"""""""" -»«"**v, wr .^^ cade as head of the largest and old- same qualities of leadership. in the ternational. fraternity in the world With him, the well-being of Jewry est Jewish international fraternity order that ihe" had evidenced In every- \and. tie. largest reform rabbinical comes first, and if this can only be brought about by his own personal he has not once lost his head in a thing he undertook, and in time he j seminary in the world. We have plenty of Cote, fill lsinSs, Lump, Grate. Efrg or avoidance of the limelight, so be it. panic. Swiftly but surely, and not became president of District No. 2, >nt size. >Ve are in a position to take'care of you all Tvintpr. His energy is inexhaustible. About j And if his own followers sometimes without all relevant facts, has he the. largest, in size and membership The Junior Debating League electAlso, we have the Mazie Semi-Anturacite Lnnip, It is hard, 35 years ago be led.a hopeless strugare .puzzled by such a course, and ed the following officers at a meetacted in one crisis after another in in the whole country. And in 1925, at stocks TvelL plenty of heat, and very low in ash. TFT B ton Jewish life. For his acts are based the Atlantic City quinquennial con- gle for the mayoralty of Cincinnati murmur, and begin to turn their ing a meeting last Sunday: or more and l>e convinced. Why not play safe—which is 1 against the entrenched political maElinor Cohen, president; Jake Tepon common sense and vast experience vention, he was chosen international money saved. We handle all kinds of good coal. l h eyes toward those who are sunning] chine. He served two terms in the „ — 'i^Ui^bt ~rf rr ttl| litBk 3 r » vice-president; Anne Pollay, and many Jews throughout the world president of B'nai Brith. Ohio senate in the same spirit of President Cohen is su-1 secretary; Shirley Cohen, treasurer; Please consider this a personal invitation to visit onr yard, •which have profited by his reasoned caupg, Irvin White, reporter. It was a momentous time to be pioneering for good government. front page, is located OXE BLOCK IfOETH OF 24th 4?TD COIING tion and his ripe wisdom. head of the order. The Hillel founda- Thrice he was a member of the Ohio stained by the knowledge that he" is Try-outs for teams will be held at I, This is the man who will cele- tions and the Aleph Zadik Aleph, Electoral college, twice its president. acting as his own strong sense of the next meeting. The purpose of' j brate his seventy-fifth birthday „ on now the order's two great Jewish | Since 192.9 .the. problems confronting justice and wisdom dictates. But this club is to sponsor debates onj] October 19. B'nai Brith lodges and youth movements, had been formed j him as head of the order have been lately his motives and actions have Jewish subjects. Rabbi Uri Miller is i ] JAckson 0116 3f ATHA3f EES>1CK, Proprietor members, • from Chicago to Shanghai only the year before. Under Presi- tripled in their intensity, yet today, become better known, and he is being advisor Dora Freshman is] 1 ay fire"that"is"oniy| ' from Saskatoon to Sao Paulo," will dent Cohen's leadership, they were B'nai Brith. is, in a sense,. stronger s onsor hail him on that date as a true lead- sponsored by B'nai Brith, and im- than it ever was before—-far strong- now beginning to appreciate the true ] P er in Israel. And all over the North mediately a great policy of their ex- er than its present membership quality of his._ statesmanship and American continent, hundreds of pansion "began. Today, A. Z. A. has'might indicate. That is one reason leadership. B'nai Brith lodges are uniting to! some 200 chapters throughout the j why the rank and-file want to pre- Last autumn• ;-B*nai - Brith launched present him with the birthday gift country for boys between 16 and 21, j sent the president with a numerical he will cherish above all others—an and there are- nine B?nai Brith Hillel strength equal to his own leaderenlarged and invigorated B'nai Brith. foundations in as many great uni- ship. Alfred M. Cohen has given most of versities. " And then came the German situahis adult life to this order * (without tion, and it is still-a .situation, .perIn: 1927 President Cohen made a at all neglecting his duty to Jewry THURSDAY! haps more, so today than when it beHe. 2R-1C8 in general)' and -.it was almost by tour of Europe, and witnessed for gan. President Cohen did not lose a tf34 common consent that the jrank and himself the high" position of the. or- minute.; Characteristically marshallder in many countries on that confile determined to present him, on ing all the facts available, investigathis seventy-fifth birthday, •with one tinent/ While there he personally in- ing all possible .phases of the -probthousand members for every year of stalled the - district grand lodge; of lem, he then proceeded to do all, that Great Britain and Ireland. his life. In 1929 he took the initiative in any - Jewish. leader could do; he set Alfred M. Cohen's ..parents were calling a', conference of representa- in motion all the tremendous, machinborn in England, but they came. to tives of B'nai Brith, the American ery at -his" command to work "for the Men who appreciate smart hose this country at a time when few Jewish congress, arid the American best interests of German Jewry.' I 1215 SO. O ST. Jews had penetrated beyond the Ap- Jewish committee, to consider the wish" there was space to-quote some JA. 1871 and.wives with "darn" worries will palachians. They were among the vicious . problem of - discrimination of his ringing protests to "the* state! Jewish pioneers in Cincinnati; where against Jews" in" employment, which appreciate these Socks with . . • . . their son was born,, and has since lived all his life. Prom early boyhood the latter was '.interested and ' active in Jewish lifeJ He.was. one of the ?boys who attended .a school { taught by -Rabbi .Isaac M. Wise, andr when Rabbi Wise .-resolved to train' a picked quintet of his favorite pupils for the rabbinate, -Alfred M. Cohen was one"'of-the five. He was 12 years old. After a year and a half the Buy Sock Insurcmce with plan •was abandoned, but taken up again later when Rabbi Wise founded the Hebrew Union college. Meanwhile, young Alfred turned to a study of the law, retaining his profound love for Jewish activities. 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THE JEWISH PRESS Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by

THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Subscription Price, one year : Advertising rates furnished on application



Editorial, Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building. Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center DAVID BLACKEK - - - - - - Business and Managing Editor FRANK R. ACKERMAN - - - - - - - - - - - - Editor FANNIE KATELMAN - - - Council Bluff3, Iowa, Correspondent ANN PILL - - - - - - - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent Print Shop Address: 1307 Howard Street

The Week in Review

Tribute to Dr. Cohn


story. One day in Tel Aviv, he hap"Clara, or the Maid of Milan." It was an opperetta and one of the pened to come in contact with an oldlyrics which he wrote for it struck fashioned Russian Jew. popular fancy, although he did not Said the latter to the writer: "Reb receive a cent for the lyric. But soon Yid, was toot ihr. )What is your orchestras began to take it up andbusiness?") "Ich bin a schreiber," was the refair damsels in their hoop skirts sitting at their harpischords played ply. i t Probably no one song has ever "Und was schreibt ihr? Sepher been quite as much played. You hear Tories?" "Nein, ich screib geschichtes, arit as the finale of every dance. It tiklen und so weiter." begins with these words, The old Jew paused for a moment "Mid pleasures and palaces and then asked: "und von was macht Thougs we may roam And this is the story of how Sa-ihr a leben?" rah Isaac's boy finally made good — after he had given up. Nothing is stronger than aversion. —Wycherley. For further details you may consult the biography of John Howard Payne in the just appeared fourteenth volume of the National DicPaxton Mitchell Co. tionary of Biography. Grey Iron, Aluminum and

Rabbi Frederick Cohn, spiritual leader of the local Temple Israel for three decades and recently elected rabbi emeritus for life, "will be honored at a testimonial dinner Sunday evening. His inspiration to Jewish, civic and communal affairs is fully appreciated, and all denominations and creeds join to pay tribute to a By DAVID SCHWABTZ religious leader who has been a pillar of strength in the community. Others in the community may differ with Dr. Cohn in dog- SARAH ISAAC'S BOY Listening to the. radio the other matic principles, but they admire his scholarship and respect his day, I heard a etory concerning Mr. sincerity, dignity and ability. From the pulpit, from the lecture Ripley, of Believe It or Not fame. It rostrum, from the meeting floor—Rabbi Cohn's sound guidance appears that he had drawn "Believe It or Not" cartoons for ten years and understanding advice have been invaluable. before anyone took any real notice By their spiritual aid and exemplary lives, the Rabbis of of him. One day, Ripley just couldn't Israel have done much to insure the preservation of Judaism. think of a subject for one of these portrayals. It happened to be the Rabbi Cohn has contributed his share in the spiritual history of time when Lindbergh made his solo the Omaha Jewish community, and on this occasion the entire flight across the Atlantic. I community felicitates him and wishes for him many more fruitful At last, Ripley somewhat in des-OTHER BIOGRAPHIES years. peration drew a cartoon, in which he Incidentally, this new volume also contains the biographies of several

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said that Lindbergh was the 67th person to have crossed the Atlantic. other Jews, such as Benjamin PeixHe arrived at this figure by show- otto, Minister to Roumania, appointThe Double Assassination Seventy-Five Years Young that two dirigibles had crossed, ed by President Grant and of John Memories of Sarajevo were recalled last week When an assas- ing NATIONAL each carrying some thirty persons. Paley, the young and biilliant ediAlfred M. Cohen, revered president of the B'nai Brith, cele- sin's bullets struck down King Alexander of Yugoslavia and Fortor of the once-upon-a-time Jewish ACCESSORIES, Inc. brates bis-seventy-fifth birthday today. Devoted to Jewry, Juda- eign Minister Louis Barthou of France, in Marseilles. While the That cartoon attracted the atten- Daily News, who came to such a of Hearst, and immediately Rip- tragic end. EVERYTHING ism and all mankind, Alfred M. Cohen is cherished by the people danger of an immediate war because of the shooting seems tion ley became a journalistic sensation. For the Auto who know him and of bin*. In appreciation of his work, the B'nai The career of Ripley recalls the A PALESTINE STORY averted, the international repercussions to this tragedy remain 2051 Farnam AT. 5524 old Talmud maxim: There are those A Jewish writer just back from Brith has inaugurated a nationwide membership campaign to obshrouded in the future. Palestine tells me the following •who make their world in one hour. tain 75,000 new B'nai Brith adherents, one thousand for each of To world Jewry, the assassinations are grievous blows. The But generally that hour comes aftthe president's years. In Omaha, the drive gets under way this er many years of travail. evening and will continue until November 4, when a banquet will forty-five-year-old monarch and the seventy-two-year-old diplo- But what I was getting to, was be held with President Cohen as honored guest. This banquet, in-mat were defenders of Jewish rights and their passing must nec- that the case of Ripley reminds me cidentally, will also celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the essarily adversely affect the Jewish people in the Baltics. M. Bar- of the story of Sarah Isaac's boy. thou was a champion of international influence and power. He Sarah Isaac was an American JewOmaha lodge. showed his interest in the Jewish people by his espousal of the ess who lived in the early days of Alfred M. Cohen has labored mightily on behalf of his people. Jewish cause, by his actions during the Polish minority crisis the republic. Her boy was born about 1795, I believe. Sarah herself was a He has widened the horizons to be viewed out of the windows of and his insistence that the Jewry of the Saar be protected in thebeautiful woman, and had married Israel; he has dedicated his life to aid others. He works indefat- event that Germany is victorious in the plebiscite next January. a non-Jew, a man by the name of igably, and his character is typified by the following story: Once He further demonstrated his friendliness by a message sent to Mr. Payne. The child's beauty was commented another man who had arrived at the age of 75 was wished a the World Jewish Conference in Geneva last August, urging world upon by all. He seemed to combine hundred years of life by his friends. "No," said Alfred M. Cohen, Jewry to measures of self-defense. He was emphatic in his de-in him that placidness which is the "do not wish me that. Merely to be alive is not enough. I t is not mands for full rights for the Jewish people. He also spoke vigor- inheritance of the Anglo-Sexon plus So. 1—38.40 Zero Disworthy to live only to breathe and to eat. Wish me rather that I ously on many occasions before the League of Nations in defense that color which is a Jewish herittillate .7c GaL age. East and west may never meet, live in usefulness, with work to do every day, with some new good of Jewish rights and was an outstanding advocate of the Jewish wrote No. 2—32.36 Zero Gas Kipling, but in Sarah Isaac's Oil 6%c GaL done a t each sunset, but with work never completed even unto Homeland in Palestine, which he defended repeatedly in the Man- boy, they had met. No. 3—28.30 Zero Fuel There was a tradition of the stage thelastday." ; . OU 6 «/2c Gal. dates Commission. His death is a great loss to the cause of peace in the Isaac family, and Sarah B'nai Brith has grown and flourished since Alfred M. Cohen and good-will in Europe and to the human rights of our people Isaac's boy early took to acting and : was heralded as a precocious star. began his service to the order about half a century ago. Last year in the family of nations in Europe. generally agreed that he was, the order celebrated its ninetieth anniversary. For the past decade Likewise, King Alexander had aided his Jewish subjects, and Critics so to speak, the coming John BarryMr. Cohen has been the head of the international order and has under his stern hand anti-Semitism was outlawed in Yugoslavia. more of his day. watched over it with selfish devotion. Today, the order has over One of his first acts after proclaiming himself absolute dictator But like so many of the preco500 lodges m this country and branches are to be found in twenty- in 1929 was to enact a law giving the Jewry of his domain reng- cious, the promise never seemed to performed. Yes, Sarah Isaac's boy eight countries of the world. It has for its basic platform the unity ious equahty. In the Jaw he promulgated it was specified that be was not so bad—but somehow he of all Jews, regardless of congregational affiliation or place, of Judaism was to be placed on an equal footing with the Orthodox didn't quite click. origin, contributing to the greater solidarity and prestige of Greek Catholic Church, the predominating religion in Yugoslavia. But the boy had now grown to Jewry through its capacity to bring together the many elements He was also responsible for a far-reaching Jewish communities manhood was versatile. If he could make good as an actor—he was in a common purpose, the promotion of their highest interests and law which strengthened Jewish communal life. From the time he not gifted in writing. He wrote plays. those of humanity, and the consummation of a better understand- was crowned king in 1921 until the present day,.Alexander on They showed promise too. So much The Children's Favoritefor ing among Jews and between Jew and non-Jew. In our country frequent occasions indicated his high regard for i;Ke Jewish sub- so that Washington Irving was willing to collaborate with him. Toand in flthe^lands. it fosters jobedlence.andjoyalty to the respec- jects of his kingdom. Less than a fortnight before his murder, on gether the^ two wrote eight plays. School and Play tive country's laws, inculcating a deeper feeling of civic arid.com- an important occasion, he was quoted as deploring the fact that They were generally voted good but they did not exactly click munal responsibility; and it maintains and contributes to the sup- there are only 70,000 Jews in Yiigloslavia. He* saidfthat ^fche Jews somehow, either. Not that Sarah Isaaac's boy port of: homes for the orphan and the aged and infirm, hospitals, make good, law-abiding citizens and expressed the wish that his was particularly a failure. He was technical sch schools, Americanization classes and immigrant aid. kingdom could have more of them. He was also interested in Zion- living in Paris and eking out a norThrough the'lliilel h ' i Foundations and the A. Z. A., the B'nai Brith ism and was planning to visit Palestine next spring to be present mal existence. But so much had been of him. Everybody had preprovides the proper religious, social and recreational contact for; at the dedication of the Alexander forest, planted there in hisexpected dicted that the world would hear of Jewish young people during the formative and impressionable honor by Yugoslavian Zionists. The king's personaltphysician was him. Well, Sarah Isaacs heard of years, insuring future leadership for the Jewish community. Its Dr. Leon Cohen, who, through the monarch's influence, was named him and his friends—but not a very anti-defamation activities safeguard the interests of Jewry, and the first Jewish university professor in Yugoslavia. Alexander much wider circle. Sarah Isaac's boy now had about its emergency relief fund has always responded promptly and also helped Yugoslavian Jewry provide a refuge for several hun- given up hope of fame. He turned generously to the relief of sufferers of every major disaster. dred German-Jewish families. out plays as part of his regular Through the vicissitudes of over nine decades, B'nai Brith has In the Baltics, where those in power are accustomed to use work. One day, he sat down in his d e v e l o p e d i n t o a n e s t a b l i s h e d f o r c e o f n o t a b l e m a g n i t u d e a n d i m -the Jewish people as their scapegoat on any pretense, it might attic with his goose quill to do another one. Sarah Isaac's boy was not portance. .'. -" ;••'. . .. .•.,•••, •;••'"; ...'• r^'''.-.. •;••• '':,:. _ .".. :. be expected that the assassination would be seized upon by anti- very enthusiastic about it. When he We congratulate B'nai Brith's president, Alfred M. Cohen, on Semites, for their malicious purposes. Sure enough, the rumor got through with it, he called it

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seventy-fifth anniversary arid can think of no more fitting tribute to;Ws4ifeX^prts-'fbr-'Jewry':'an;d humanity than by presenting him with 75,000 new members, five hundred of which should be from this city. .


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was spread that Petrus Kaleman, the slayer, was Jewish and this resulted in an anti-Semitic riot in Ossiek. The report of Kaleman being Jewish was also carried in the New York Evening Journal. GEMS of the BIBLE This vicious fabrication was spread, despite the fact that Kaleman and TALMUD —officially—was a member of the IMRO, revolutionary MacedonBy O. O. DASHEB ian organization which not only bars Jews from membership but Thought of the Week ."•. . .'Once..'established in Palestine the Jew will seize the has frequently adopted a most hostile stand toward them. Tat- Keep silence before Me, O islands, great mighty desert that lays just outside its borders to iriake tooed on Kaleman's arm was the skull and crossbories of the IMRO and let the peoples renew their Let them draw near, then room for his tortured brothers in the Diaspora. There is room in insignia, as well as the initials of the organization's name. Butstrengtfi. let them speak. Let us come near to-. this vast desert, needing only energy to make it fertile, for all scandal-mongering winks at facts. gether to judgment. | Everyone helped his neighbor, and; the Jews in existence and still leave space for ten times as many everyone said to his brother, "Be of A Different View Arabs as there are."—William B. Ziff. m courage." Almost simultaneously two different pronouncements con- good Fear thou not, for I am with thee. cerning the anti-Nazi boycott were made in two far-spread coun- Be not dismayed for I am the God. j For D e c l a s s e d >- ' • '. I strengthen thee, yea, I help thee; i Nearly half a million declassed Jews in Soviet Russia—for- tries. yea, I uphold thee with My victorious • The Jewish Representative Council in London offered to right hand. ' merly deprived of all rights as enemies of the government—were withdraw the boycott against the Nazis on the provision that full I, the Lord, have called thee inj re-enfranchised by a decree just issued, fror the first time in the and have taken hold^ history of the Soviet Union thervpte is "to be extended to mem- citizenship rights be restored tq the German Jewry, and the In-righteousness, of thy hand, and kept thee, and set. ternational Boycott Conference summoned for October 16 was bers of the former bourgeoisie .class, ex-clergymen and even to thee for a covenant -of the people for] present employes of religious bodies, provided they "have per- postponed until a reply is received from Germany. That same day, a light of the nations to open the formed five years of socially useful labor and have proved their the American Federation of Labor at its convention in San Fran- blind eyes. cisco unanimously voted, to continue its boycott of Nazi-made TALMUD. loyalty to the Soviet State." -, goods until all victims of Hitlerism regain their freedom and Our Eabbis were taught: Always shall a man consider himself as if From this move, it seems apparent that the Soviets think rights. his merits and sins are equally baltheir movement so firmly entrenched in Russia that they can The difference in action is too pointed to need elucidation. anced; that • if he fulfills a comrelax their stringent measures to curb opposition. To Russian The action of this Jewish body in London is a disgrace, and mandment, then will he be happy, Jewry this decree is of vital importance since the largest pro- we can be thankful that they do not speak in the name of thefor that good deed will "counterbalthe scale to the side of merits. portion of the declassed citizens, or "Kshentzy," as they are called Jewish people. We groan to think that this group offered the ance If he commits an inquity, then woe in Russia, have been. Jews' who. before the revolution'were identi- olive branch if the Jewish victims of Nazism were freed, without to him, for that sin will counterbaK fied with the bourgeoisie^ How great a hardship was worked by giving a thought to the other victims of Hitlerite barbarism. I t is ance the scale to the side of guilt, j It happened .once "that Kabfei Tor-j being1 disenfranchised may Jbe gleaned from the fact that the criminal to.even think that we would surrender all that has been phan. and the elders were sitting in^j franchise carries with it the right to bread-cards, low rents, jobs, gained by the boycott merely if the Jewish people were restored the house Netza in Leed, wfcen the1 social re<^gpititm-^nd;educational opportunities for children. Thus to their rights ; ; . this is not a, Jewish battle, but a fight to thefollowing question was submitted to study or' a complete Isocial 4nd Economic readjustment is effected for these finish for civilization and for the principles upon which human them: "What is greater, g , h answered action?" Rabbi . Torphanwhile' Rabbi former Jewish; j±£ders, merchants and officials and employes of rights are founded. The Jewish people are not the only ones being that action is greater, persecuted in -Naziland, and it >vould be cowardly and, shameful Akiba answered tJiststndyis great-. Jewish religious institutions.', ?, > -„ /, 1 . Whereupon all of than answered Active clergymen, including rabbis, are excluded from the if we let up our pressure until all the victims of Hitlerism have er. and said that study is greater, for" benefits of the new rule, but former clergymen, including rabbis, regained what was torn from them. Let .us never forget . . . this study may lead a man always to ths j who have abandoned tKeir profession arid have/served the state is not a battle of the Jewish people but a battle of civilization! right actionOur. RabMs were taught: Whoever for five years, are entitled to the-franchise. Present employes of in the street is considered Tike "The real enemies of all nations are hate, greed, selfishness, eats religious bodies, such as/Hebrew teachers, mohelim, sextons, and a dog. And according to other v beadles, are includedamong those to whom the voting privilege racial and nationalistic bigotry. The real battlefields of the world [opinions, lie is disqualified as"»-wft-j are not Flanders fields but human hearts.?—Harold C. Phillips. ness. is extended-

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5—THE JEWISH PKESS, FRIDAY* OCTOBER 19, 1934 USTNOUKCE BIRTHS SORORITY ALUMNI TO MEET Men's Club Dinner Mr. and Mrs. Louis H. Katelman of A meeting of the alumni chapter of Card Party Wednesday Council "Bluffs announce the birth of the Sigma Delta Tau sorority will be Daughters of Zion Next Wednesday daughter Tuesday, October 16, atheld at the home of Miss Ruth Fox, he Methodist hospital. 5005 Myrtle avenue, on Monday, Oc- The Daughters of Zion will sponThe Men's Club of the Conservatober 22.... •_. . ;or a card party on Wednesday aft- Tickets are now being sold by tive Synagogue will hold their first members of the Junior Vaad organMr. and Mrs. Sam Stern announce ernoon, October 24, at 2 p. m., at dinner meeting of the year next izations on the Jewish lecture series, Wednesday evening, October 24, at the birth of a daughter Sunday inorh- , A.M. MOTHERS" CLUB the J. C. C. ing, October 14, at the Covenant hos- The next meeting of the S. A. M. Funds from this affair will go toto be presented this season. 6 p. m. at the J. C. C. pital. Mothers' club will be held Wednesday the Jewish National Fund, to aid in Five events are on the program, Officers for the coming year will afternoon, October 24, at 2 p. m. at the purchase of land as the per-all to take place at the B'nai Israel be elected. As it is the practice of ENTERTAINS FOR BIRTHDAY the home of Mrs. M. Eosenstein, 1127 petual property of the Jewish people. synagogue, Eighteenth and Chicago. the Men's Club that no one can hold Mrs. Rose Schonbrun entertained Park avenue. Tie chairmen for the card party Dr. Victor E. Levine will open the office for more than one term, a new twelve children, for her nephew, Leonare Mrs. L. Morgan and Mrs. E.series in November with a talk on slate of officers will be elected. ard Martin Gross, on the occasion of Weinberg. Many valuable prizes will his "Alaskan Experience," gleaned his sixth bMhaay. Prizes -were won Novelties to Feature during his trip to the Arctic last A feature of the dinner meeting at the affair. I DOUBLE WEDDING AT , Mr. and Mrs. JB. Gross by Rose Singer and Jimnne Kohn. Sisterhood Hard-Times beAtawarded will be an address by Henry Monsky, summer. "^WINTROUB HOME Wednesday's meeting, attendwho will speak on "Defending JewProf. Moses P. Jung, head of the A double wedding -was held Tuesday Feted on Anniversary by a large crowd, Rabbi Uri MilRights Here and Abroad." MonParty on October 31st ed ENTERTAINS FOR TWELVE evening at the Wintroub home, 2212 ler discussed living conditions and department of Jewish religion at the ish Cass street, when Hiss Eve Katzman, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Bosenbftun of Miss Sarah Fishman entertained the political situation in Palestine. University of Iowa, will be a head- sky,. a foremost leafier in the work daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L 'Rat**""", Kansas City, Mo., and Mr. and Mrs. twelve guests at a bridge party and Many plans are being made to fur- Mrs. M. Katanan, 2414 F. street, liner on the lecture series. MHis ad-of B'nai Brith, has had first-hand acbecame ths bride of Mr. Louis S. Jay M. Maiashock of this city en- "personal shower" at her home Sun- ther the success of the hard-times won the silverware set, which was dress will be -on the subject, A Plea quaintance with the anti-defamation work. "Wintroub, son of Mr. and Mrs. Max tertained for fifty relatives Saturday day afternoon, in honor of Miss Sara Halloween party to be given by the donated by Mrs. M. Brodkey. The for Dynamic Judaism." Wintroub, and Miss Gerry Wintroub, evening a t the Maiashock home, 5616 Schlaifer, whose marriage to Mr. Temple Israel Sisterhood on Wednes- chairmen in charge of the drawing Rabbi Uri MiBer, who visited Dr. L Dansky will entertain the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Max Win- Emfle street, in honor of the fortieth Lloyd Cohen of Sioux City, l a , will day evening, October 31, in the ves- were Mrs. M. Brodkey and Mrs. E. Europe and Palestine, this past sum- men with a collection of new stories. mer, will give two lectures, one oa troub, became the brills of Mr. Adolph -wedding anniversary of their par- take place next month. A pink and try room of the Temple. Weinberg. green color scheme was carried out. "The Scapegoat of Europe," and the A merry heart maketh a cheerful In addition to the always-popular Wilhelm of New York City. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gross. other on "Palestine." cards, keno and dancing, a variety countenance.—Proverbs. Gerry and Ixrais Wintroub are I Many of those present a t the celeof novel Halloween stunts are be-Auxiliary Women The feature and concluding numENTERTAINS FOR GUESTS twins. bration Saturday evening were presbi S ber on the program will be a symentertained eigh- ing arranged. Prizes will he given Rabbi Uri Miller and Cantor A. ent forty years ago a t the -wedding, Mr. Mac posium on "The Jewish Scene." Schwaczkin officiated at the ceremony, •which took place in Omaha, both Mr.- teen guests Tuesday evening in honor for these and for the most original to Aid Study Club costumes. Those participating sad their sub- Fleishman & Soskin of Miss Sara Schlanger, who recently which was performed in the presence and Mrs. Gross having been residents jects: Rabbi David H. Wice, "Anti- (Formerly in tbe employ of XJ. Harris) Assisting the girls of the Study of the members of the immediate f am- here for the past forty-five years. arrived from Tolsa, Okla., to spend a Twelve m n experience Semitism;" Eabbi David A. Goldfew days in Omaha. Club at the Oneg Shabbos program flies only. The event Saturday also celebrated Insfcraaee with Sellable Companies Hallowe'en Party to be held Saturday, October 27, atstein, "Palestine;" Rabbi Uri Miller^ Real Both couples left on honeymoon the sixtieth birthday of Mrs. Gross. Estate . . . Property Management the J. C. C. during the Sachar Insti- "Jewish Education." trips. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Wintroub Five children and six grandchildren FROM ATLAJfTA SIS So. IStfe Bt, 3 A. 7311 By Junior Society tute will be the following hostesses will make their home in Omaha, while were present to help celebrate the Mr. and Mrs, Harry Levitan arr rived Monday from Atlanta, Gsu, for A meeting of the Junior Society of of the Conservative Auxiliary: Mr. and Mrs. Wilhelm will reside in occasion. Officers Installed The Mesdames Isadore Abramson, New York. Mrs. Bosenblum and Mrs. Maia- a week's visit with their family here. the Conservative Synagogue was held Among the out-of-town guests were shock are daughters of the honored Mrs. Levitan was formerly Sara Ann at the home of Miss Sophia Hand- William Alberts, Dave Sherman, A. By Pioneer Women D. Frank, W. A. Racusin, Nathan Mr. and Mrs. Harry Batt and Mr-couple. Present from out-of-town Noddle of Omaha. MARY STEIN ler, October 15. Philip Batt of Chicago. were two nieces, Mrs. Arthur MaroA Halloween party will be given Nogg, M. F. Levenson, Herman Ihm- The newly-elected officers of the! Kosher Style Restaurant Pioneer Women's organization werewitz of Los Angeles, CaL, and Miss FOR TEN-DAY STAY by the group on Tuesday, October SO sky. Complete Kosher Style installed at a meeting held October) Mrs. David Newman left Wednes- at the Crystal Ballroom, 29th and Lorraine Gross, of Seattle, Wash. GREENE-COHN NUPTIALS 9. The members of the recently-orME1STJ DAILY Miss Nioma Cohn, daughter of Mr. Mr. Gross has been in business in day for Excelsior Springs, Mo., for a Fifth avenue, Council Bluffs. This is New members for the Auxiliary ganized Goldie Meyerson club were ten-day stay. Before returning, she to be a costume affair for .members during October are: Mesdames S. J. and Mrs. Joseph Cohn, became the Omaha continuously during his resi 50e to 75c guests of the Pioneer "Women at the bride of Mr. Irving-Greene of Omaha, dence here. At the time of his mar- •will also stop over in Kansas City. and their escorts. Eabbi and Mrs.Gross and Max E. Shostak of Coun- meeting. H. Marovritz sang several LURCHES David A. Goldstein and Mr. and Mrs. cil Bluffs; Mesdames William Tenson of Mr. and Mrs. .Harry Greene riage, ne was in the jewlry business, 35c J. J. Greenberg are to be guests at nenbaum, JuKus L Chait, A. Wolf, numbers. of Minneapolis, Sunday afternoon at and for the past twenty-five years TO CHICAGO Private Dmhsg Boom for Parties, this party. Sam Frohm, Mamye Block, M. Eue- Mrs. J. Richlin and Mrs. J. Feldthe bride's residence, before members he has been in the building material RETURNS TO OMAHA Clubs and Small Weddings of the immediate families. Rabbi Day- lines. He is now owner of the Gross Mr. L. Harris, who has been visit- Mrs. Goldstein will be hostess to dy, A. J. Solomon, E. Motz, L. Wolf- man are the delegates of the local group at the national Pioneer Woming in Los Angeles, New York and members of the Junior Society at her son, and Earl SiegeL id A. Goldstein officiated. REASONABLE Lumber and Wrecking company. en convention in. Chicago. Mrs. J. Chicago for the past several months, home, 3560 Jackson street, for the The ceremony was performed under JA. 9393 2406 Farnam has returned to Omaha to make his next meeting, which will be held Never look for birds of this year in Eaznick and Mrs. Max Goldstein are a canopy of pink and white roses. YUDELSON-COHEN also attending the conclave. home and resides at 2870 California. Monday evening, October 29. * Miss Frances Edwards sang, accom- WEDDING the nests of the last.—Cervantes. panied by Miss Regina Klein at the Mrs. Fanny Cohen announces the VISITORS HERE piano and Leo Marks on the violin.. Miss Marva Cohn, sister of the marriage of her daughter, Miss Dor- Miss Annette Fogel and her guest, Progressive Hebrew bride, was bridesmaid. Mr. A. B. othy Cohen, to Mr. Milton H. Yudel- Miss Lorraine Gross, from Seattle, Quality Auxiliary Meeting Service Greene of Minneapolis, brother of the son, son of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Yu- Wash., are visiting at the home of delson of Council Bluffs, on Sunday, Miss Fogel's parents, Mr. and Mrs. groom, served as best man. Dolores October 14. The ceremony was per-M. Fogel. They are being extensively The Ladies Auxiliary of the ProCohn was flower girL gressive Hebrew Club has been orformed in the presence of the imme- entertained. Following the ceremony a reception diate relatives ganized and the first regular meetat the Cohen home, was held. ing will be held Sunday, October 21 •with Rabbi David A. Goldstein offiTO CHICAGO Mr. and Mrs. Greene left Sunday ciating. at 4 p. m. at the J. C. C. The wives Mrs. J. Richlin left last Saturday evening on an extended honeymoon of all members of the organization Colman Yudelson, brother of the night for Chicago, where she will trip to New York City and "Washingare invited to attend. groom, acted as best man. Mrs. Jack attend the national Pioneer Women's ton. Upon their return they will make At the last meeting of the ProKaufman, sister of the bride, was thi convention as a delegate. While in their home" in Omaha. matron of honor. The bride was given Chicago, she wfll visit -with her son,gressive Hebrew Club, ten new memin marriage by her brother, Sam E. Isadore, who is a junior in the Uni- bers were admitted. FOR BRIDE-TO-BE A loan association for members Phone AT-2815 2815 Farnam S t Cohen. Mrs. H. C. Swengil and Miss Ruth The ceremony was followed by a re- versity of Chicago. has been organized. Swengil entertained for sixty guests ception from 3 to 6. GUEST HERE at a luncheon and bridge Sunday at The bride was honored at a large Miss Lucille Hirsehfield of Chicago King Fongfs, honoring Miss Helen number of pre-itnptial affairs. Is the- guest of he»; uncle and aunt, Hahn, a bride-to-be. After an extended honeymoon trip Mr. and Mrs. Herman Stem. by motor through Colorado, Oklahoma, RETURNS TO CHICAGO Arizona, Texas, Kansas and Missouri, NEW MEMBERS Mrs. L. Zfev, who had been visit- the couple will return to Om'.*.a, -FOR The Alpha Pi Tau will honor its ing in Omaha since last Saturday, where they will make their home. new members with a party at the Hill left yesterday for her home in Chihotel, Sunday evening, October 21. cago. KAPLAN-SCHNEIDER ENGAGEMENT ALFINKEL Mr. and Mrs. D. Schneider of Lin National Fund Drive coin, Neb., announce- the engagement Teacher of Piano By Junior Hadassah of their daughter, Leona, to Mr. Sam Classical and Popular Music latest New Tort: Methods Kaplan, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. KapStudio Lyric Bldg, Junior Hadassah will ; hold its lan, of this city. drive for the Jewish National Fund No definite date has been set for 19a&Faraam Tele. Ja. 4023 among its own membership this Sun- the wedding. day morning at 10 a. m. Anna Goodhinder. is chairman, and is assisted by Ruth Breslow, Kalah Franklin, Goldie Gerelick, Euth Silver and Goldie Zusman. r



Psi Mu Fraternity Stag and Dinner The Psi Mu fraternity held a higb.ly successful stag and smoker at the Rome Hotel this last week, with I. Tretiak, I. Bogdonoff, and J. Stoller in charge. Three new members were initiated into the organization. The group is entering a team in the J. C C. basket hall league, and! held preliminary practice Thursday 1 evening.

Card Party by Young Circle Club A regular meeting of the Voltaire ; Young Circle dub was held October 11 at the home of Miss Fan WUim. Plans for a card party were made, with Sophie Halpexin and Eose Flancheck in charge. Refreshments and entertainment will follow. -


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The following officers 'were elected at the semi-monthly meeting of the Kadimah Club on Friday, October 14: Celia Iipsman, president; Dorothy Tatelman, vice-president; LuHan Perelman, secretary; Charlotte Sklar, treasurer; Charlotte Sacks, reporter; Elinor Cohn, sergeant-at-arms. • 'The installation of officers will be beld October 25. On the committee are Ann Pollay and

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FATHER OFFICIATES AS THREE DAUGHTERS WED—When his three daughters decided to get married at the same time, the Rev. Martin Doermann, of Blue Island, 111., agreed to officiate. Here is the triple-wedding party, left to right, Viola Doermann Asplund, John Asplund, Irene Doermann Sage.biel,_Karij3agebiel,JVera_Doermann Schuldt, Manville Schuldt (in rear), Rev. Gerhard Doermann, Rev. Martin Doermann and Rev. Karl Sagebiel. The Rev. Doermann's brother and a brother of one of the bridegrooms assisted with the ceremony.


LABOR HEARS MISS PERKINS—Urging rigid compliance with NRA codes in an address before the American Federation of Labor convention in San Francisco, Secretary of Labor Frances Perkins is shown on a ferry trip during her visit to San Francisco. With her are Edward F McGrady, her representative during the Pacific coast strike of longshoremen, and, in the rear, Edward Cahill, commissioner of immigration at San Francisco.

CHECKS FOR SPORTS-rThis checked jacket with patch pockets, topped by a black felt hat, is ultra smart. Barbara Stanwyck of Hollywood is wearing it.

; . ^'v&cv*




if *;>-. i





THE LEWIS STONES A-CRUISING—^In their new yacht, here are Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Stone, cruising in the waters off Santa Catalina Island, Cal. The tiger kitten mascot is "Bashir".

LINDBERGH KIDNAPING CORRESPONDENCE ON FILE—Thousands of letters on the Lindbergh kidnaping are on file in these snug compartments at Trenton, N. J. A state trooper is shown looking through some of the correspondence for a possible clue as Bruno Hauptmann faces trial.

HOORAY! COD LIVER OIL!—Johnny doesn't suspect it, but when he has finished this cone he will have consumed the vitamin D equivalent of a tablespoonful of cod liver oil. Experiments at Columbia university, New YorK, have resulted in extraction of the vitamin from cod liver oil, and ice cream manufacturers have started using it.





STKANGE FAMILY—Jack, the father, looks on (left) while his strange but true family is photographed.at the farm of Crane Smith,"neat.Qgden, Utah. The three colts are Albino mules, and MoHv. at right,, is the mother.

THERE'S STILL WORK FOR THE HORSE AND MULE—Though tractors are in wide agricultural use throughout the west, there axe cccasions when the horse andd mule l are preferred.' f e d - The teams shown above, above on the farm of Dallas Morehouse, Morehouse near Cheney, Cheney Kas., Kas, a n * helping to drill wheat in" (n-nnnd soaked bv recent rains.

THE JEWISH P&E^|FRIDAT, OCTOBER 19, 1934 UIlIIUHIIIIUIUIIIlIIIIHUUHIimnilUUiUI: tieth: anniversary; ^it& a^ special is-

He Tsaid "there was not much chance* OX Mosley :to become a power in England. " Sir Vhyte expressed the opinion, from By GERTRUDE BERG, as a noted observer of foreign afWith the fall semester of 19S4-19E5 fairs, that Hitler and his Nazi GerAuthor of in full swing, many members of Sigmany are facing1 a great crisis beT h e Rise of the Goldbergs" ma Omieron chapter of. Sigma Alpha cause of the economic strangulation Conservative Ma are actively eng-aged in vsrkrase At sen-ices tonight Rabbi David j °If Hitler is overthrown, E By PHE5TE4S3. BIKOH : : ^ S This is the introductory column of a endeavors on the University of Ne- A. Goldstein will speate on "Ameri- ! h e KazilancL aisa contain an interview-! Tfnicli the Aid to Fund Being Raised to declared, it will be the economic braska campus in Lincoln. weekly feature, by the author of -The =riimu!iuuumijnmiimuiinniuiuimF Combat Spread of " Barfhon can Jewry's Greatest Need!" | conditions that will do it. Rise of the Galdbergs." Beginning Jack- G. Epstein is. senior member twjff Bays ago J*f ore he Fascism Next -week ItavA. L. Sachar vnl\\ "Europe was rapidly coming to MUSINGS?J"- " " ' . :'L'%. assassinated.;;.-;•*. with next week Gertrude Berg, of the Publications Board and is a >'. Sholom Asch \-iewpoint of treaty Tfrvision," Sir lead the Institute" in Jewish History. T h e biggest scoop scored toy aaiy fised to give? permission hfar ihe per- San Francisco, (WNS) .-—Contin- laughing through tears, will comment member-ot the Committee of CommitAYhyte said, "until Hitler and his in her inimitable style on . family j. journalist on the American Nazi formance, of hisrpiay: "God: pi, Ven- ued prosecution of the anti-Nazi tiees of the Interfraternity, Council. I. Nazi movement arrested the progress problems. front is the series of articles by Join j-Jrring Hill is president of Corn Cobs. boycott and complete support of the geance"in Budapest becanse of: the of treaty change." v L. Spivak In the New.Masses. v .,i misunderstanding it'.-.' might cause I In fund being' raised to" combat the j- The world:, of. today seems to BejHe is also a member Gf the Student This evening- services at Temple Those who 4otibt the. veracity of Spi-this nltra-chauvinistic. area and era.spread of Fascism were voted by thefull of problems. Perhaps more soi Council. ^Arnold Levine is sports editor Israel will begin at 8 p. m. Dr. Ju-. vale's revelations had better tell him . . . . W h j ^ by a strange; association annual convention of the American than in our grandmothers' time. It isfo f the Daily Nebraskan. official stu- lian Morgenstern, president of the Paris.—The newest anti-Semitic and not merely.- that there is so much dent publication on tbe campus, and Hebrew Union College at Cincinnati, Fascist movement in France, the so personally. . . . In. case you don't of ideas makes u s tell you that Mar- Federation" of Labor. know it, Spivak is bruit like a heavy- garet C. Goodman of Brooklyn is the The convention re-endorsed the talk about family problems, love of the Comhusker Year Book. He has will deliver the sermon, "his subject Franchists, is headed by an Austrian, weight prizefighter and packs a first and «nly woman to take up boycott after hearing a report of its problems,-marital problems, business also been • honored by having two being "Why Judaism?" The public Georges de Pottere, who claims to be 'a close friend of his fellow countrymean p u n c h . . . . . That's why we be-deep-sea-diving as a prof ession. , special boycott committee which de- problems,... individual problems of stories published in the Awgwan, hu- is invited to attend. man, Adolf Hitler. lieve his fascinating story of how he Now you won't be able to escape clared that the boycott had been ef- every conceivable sort. Our country, mor magazine. Harold Civin is an Saturday morning services will tallied Royal Scott Gulden in his your wife even 20,000 leagues Tinder fective and called on the convention the whole world is besiezed with .assistant sports editor- on the Ne- start at 10:30 a. m. Eabbi David psychological and -economic problems braskan. Sam Fleishman, a first Wice will speak. (Gulden's) office andactivities.1.^? made him sea._ talk' about own his 1 espionage . A n d Ehner Rice's new to renew its "vigorous protest to. the that defy solution.I EIGHT HOUSEKEEPING BOOM lieutenant in the ROTC organization crushing of trade unions and the' enSunday evening the testimonial . Incidentally, it seems in a Clean Jewish Home The greatest of all these problems is a varsity "member -of tire rifle team a considerable p a r t of the Spivak wfcieh Joseph Schfldkratrt wiH be slavement of the erstwhile free work- probably is the family problem—for and an officer of Phalanx, honorary dinner in Tianor of Rabbi Frederick S. Brooksteln material cranes from the information starred, is going to set a new stand- ers of Germany." The report .also the fundamental basis of the family military organization. David Bern- Cohn will start at 6 p. m. Reservations may be made by calling Mrs. that "trade unionists j folders of a J e w i s h OTganizaiioiial ard: for theatrical controversy when'recommended 2527 I>ecatnr St. stein nas "recently been elected to Mollie Cohen, Walnut 7144. *i-—--_ i.--irt..- T,., "Theatre * . ; i _ . 'in ^ . ,j continue -to- employ in this fight the is being- questioned nowadays. TTEbster 1S25 JArkson 6051 •worker who'does i o t likeipnbHc^^ jt:«ojoes-toifiieBelasco The abyss between parents and Perching Rifles, crack military ortraditional trade union weapon, the I" children has grown wider of late. ganization. William Flax is a mem- . Tuesday evening the study classes N X k t week. k . . . And watch'for xotiire revela^ons New. boycott," -against the Nazi govern- Few-mothers and daughters—or sons ber-of the art staff of the Corahus- ] will meet as usual. The history class that vrill make one of our very wellEEJSS HISS starts, at 8 p. m. and the class in ment until labor in Germany is again —lead a comradely life, all the known Je^rislv^fm^ciers ilook"^sicki. - year book. ^Anti-Semitisni" begins at 9 p. m. . . . Speald^'abotifc1 -^jneiicaiiirasi The impending divorce between the made free and the persecution au- Mammy sings notwithstanding. MaJOHN FELDMAN exposes, therevis, that article-iff the Efrern Zanbalists i a s -passed , thethorized by.the Nazi government of ma is still revered, but in the able engaged in the business of selldangerOzone and Is 'turning the Cape our fellow-men simply because of • New Outlotik; bjy SH ? all kinds ©f SELIdOUS ARstract, like a sort of wooden Indian. 3r*Hadassah Meeting y Cedric -Fowlexv en- of - EecbnciHatidn...-' '*•>.• The producer their- race or creed' shall cease." Yaad TICLES—TaleiBim, Books, Jewish titled "The JCqa&ag Bobin! in 5 at J%^ Ship ^ Comes.ID," in which Supporting the boycott resolution, Her wisdom is idealized after her Held Last Thursday At regular Friday evening services Bibles IB Hebrew and Enplisli. . . . Presidesf;:3Eoosevelt ,is .said"lia.- Jacob ~ Ben Ami 'failed to click, is "William Green,-president of the Fed- death. • Misunderstandings increase. 608 No. 50tli St. GL-2972 of the Vaad Ha'Ihr this evening atj have enjoyed -leading- this articleand Jacob JLayef,,bx6t&ei-in-law of. Gov- eration," urged the continuance of the The younger generation is becoming 8 p. m. at the B'nai Israel syna-' to have advised, Frank JL Tischnor," _ Sid boycott voted at last year's conven- convinced that; its parents cannot The Omaha chapter of the Junior gogne, Rabbi Uri Miller will speak exnor Herbert H. Lehman. publisher of the New Outlook,' to Wallach^:of Current Record and tion and voiced deep concern with comprehend the problems that beset Hadassah held its first jneeting c$ on "Oar National Organizations— leave national politics alone and stick American Jewish committee fame, Is the modem girl and boy. the fall season last Thursday eve- What Purpose JDo They Serve?" with! move to obtain aid for the refu- theStatisticsf to anti-Nazi exposes.•-.•-.-.--•' show that more children ning, October 11, at fhe J. C. C, wi£h special emphasis on the B'nai Brith. I having the walls of one of the rooms gees who are victims of Fascism. than ever run away from home, that! a large attendance, of ids apartment decorated with "We cannot be true to labor and to Cantor A; Schwaczkdn and his j NEWS TO YOU divorces' are on the increase, that Plans were niade for the anntial B'nai Israel choir will participate in j THJiT SATISFIES" nursery rhymes, so that the expected; ourselves if we remain complacent Gentlemen, you aint heard nothing engagements which are not of short Thanksgiving Dance which will be the services. newcomer will feel at home. . . . when our brothers in other countries ' : Oriental snd Domestics yet about the coming" boom of BiroWe've not been able to check up on are being persecuted because they duration break Tip on the rocks of j held at the Hotel Fontenelle on No- j Eidjan. It appears that JDC whether "Spec" Goldman, runner-up demand freedom," he declared'. »H6 Military Ave. Wnlnnt »002 lovers' quarrels. vember 29. Hiss Minnie Froom, pres(Joint Distribution Committee to in the American golf title meet, is The case of the wealthy little girl j id it, has chosen Miss Kalah Franker you) is seriously investigating the the first Jewish finalist in modern The resolutions committee, in com-who is said to have seen her mother, i£n a s general chairman in charge t.f menting on the boycott Teport, aspossibilities of settling large numhistory. . . . "Spec" looks rather serted it had confirmed "without any only half a dozen times during sev- tbj s affair. Miss Kose Abramson Is i>ers of Russian and foreign Jews in golf Nordic and is of Dutch-Irish extrac- possibility of contradiction that since eral years is typical of our age. A ticket chairman, and Miss Fannie KLEEN-HEET the Soviet autonomous province. . . . tion, Sir Mosley, leader of the fascist' whether he would pass Hit- the advent of Hitler and Nazism the tragic picture, that of the child i Katelman is publicity chairman. Bernard Kahn, the one-time JDC lex's but watching t i e strange life of her| ^^^ A o f OIL BURNERS dance committee [ Black Shirts of England, was de-| 100 per cent Aryan test we arecondition of German workers has beheadman of the Berlin office, is look- not prepared mother with startled eyes, without, ^ j ^^ i , j b as s o n a big p 1 meeting to I scribed as "a side-shew in a big po-1 b e m a ( a a t &e m e e t r g t 0 to say. ; . . Elder Soloing the Siberian spot over, and Dr.mon Iaghtfoot iiiehaux, Harlem's come intolerable, that wages have understanding why she is being held ^ Olson Bros. | h e l d n e x t Thursday evening, Oc-1 litical circus" in an interview by] been reduced, work hours lengthened, 2612 Leaveis worth AT. 23(50 Joseph Rosen is there too. . . .This Sir FrederickWhyte, former presi-: at a distance. living costs and taxation increased tober 25, at eight o'clock at the Jew^ reminds us that J. David Stem, pub- colored Father Coughlin, is the Eon The ycrang man who has been, sen-, ^ Community Center. dent of the Indian Legislative As-! lisher of theTEHadelpHia Record and of a saloon-keeper and "part Jew, | and that the last vestiges of the once tenced to death because he is said to j p l a n s ^ b e m a f l e a l s Q f o r tfce semlilv, a taemlier of the Hoiise of j the New York Post, was in his youth part French and part Indian," ac- powerful trade union and co-opera- have killed- his Eweetheart as thej sj^^si Soutiiwestern E«gional Con- Commons for nine years, and a 1 the secretary of the Philadelphia cording to his own statement. . . . tive movement of Germany has been only only way w y out .of ..an emotional en- vveennttiioonn ^ M c i l w m bbee n ne ledl d ^ D De es s former private secretary -to Winbranch of the Ugandist society, and And one of the directors of his re-wiped out by the ruthless cruelty of tanglement—he h speaks k volumes l ff o r | M o i n e S j l a - ) November 10 and No- ston Churchill. Sir Whyte spoke in] •; . / still believes in territorialism as a vival meetings - is a Jewish lad by the Nazi regime." A CALL A DAY the .^helplessness of .Ihe younger gen-j at the Omaha before the Ad-Sell Monday! solution for the Jewish problem. . » . the name of Schwartz (whieh, as you In joining the war. ^against Fas- eration when confronted with a | ve mber 11, with headquarters evening. { H o t e l F o r t D e s Homes. All memAnd you did not know that the know, means black), . . » We learn cism, the convention acted on. the problem. Sir Whyte pointed out that eco-J " bers who -expect to attend this conKEEPS THE vp Jewish Committee did sug-that George Jean Nathbn, who Mcks warning of Walter Bi. Citrine, gen- One cannot -wondering why vention are urged to make their re- nomic conditions in England axe con- ^ harder than any other dramatic crieral secretary of theBritish Trade gest changes in the Gaumont British there is so much:' misunderstanding servations at the meeting with eith- sidered improved, thus eliminating | has the smallest foot on Broad- Uriicnr congress and president of the d m "Power" (Feuchtwanger's "Jud tic, BLUES AWAY in a world,that has made such strik- er Miss Froom or Miss Ida Fine. what chances Mosley had of exerting j wav International Federation of Trade We knew that there was Suess").'. . . A few scenes, it seems,]" ing advances in psychoanalysis and any political influence with his Unions, -who declared that Fascism did not deserve the'wholehearted en- something wrong with him. * . , penetrated deeper than ever into Jewish Press advertisers merit your Black, Shirts, who are considered and not Communisnx is. tbe real dan- has dorsement Xiord Melchett gave the YESTERDAY AND the subconscious world. If Mama!p a t roiia g e# anti-Semitic despite Mosley's denials. ger to democracy: and labor unions. film when it left the British Isles for TOMORROW were listened.to more carefully many After hearing Citrine charge that of the misunderstandings would disPOLITICAL ADYEKTISESEEXT T O I J I T I C A X . ADTEKTISEMEXT our shores; •. . . Feuchtwanger will g toe spending this winter on the Boris Thomashevsky, the glittering! "the Tecord-of Fascism, is one of re- ssolve. intuition whicii Mama ^ French Risiex&»~to •frnisTr the second Yiddish stage! star of many, many pression and terrorism, faHure and l v . is risharper. She knows years ago, ^ . . w t masto of . w r e ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ;:inore of our a wWdh more ta volume of Tiis "Joseplrus." . . , monies in a Eumaman mght cafepn ^ to inner needs., and-tr desires than any f&ctor iias: cojAn^ed Freudian YOU DON'T SAY! the lower East Side, for coffee aad a e f e e l i n g o f - 5 ^ 0 ^ ^ ^ ^ microscope '"or• ~^-ray~;..or x theory. " cake-—or is i t bread? When Jobrought the possibflity of another Folks, "nieet~ Caiman Levine, a Scottish Jew living in New York who seph Leblang, cut-rate ticket king of widespread war to. the forefront," Let her talk. Lister to. her. You is the world's greatest and best Broadway, died two years ago he left! the Federation: pledged its entire will find answers to many of your problems. . •whisky-taster. . . . And don't thinki an estate of over.. six xnillion dollars, ipport to the crushing ofyFascisin ;; •;:•:' (Copyright, 19S4, by. Seven:. Arts for a moment that this is a hobby!: but changed conditions have reduced and Nazism. Feature-Syndicate.) . . ;. Caiman makes a very comfort- this impressive figure to barely two million. Benedict Freedman, son able living at this profession. . . . Yugoslavia Jewry His hobby, however, is drinking of Dave Freedman, creator of the Palestinian Pictures Zagreb—There are 68,587 Jews.in Scotch and soda at his fireside v , . Mendel Marantz philosophy and at Junior Yaad Tea the 120. Jewish communities -of Yugoghost writer for Eddie Cantor, is The Kuxyer Narodowy, New York Polish daily is edited by" a converted fourteen years old, but already a The Junior. Vaad Auxiliary has slavia,' according to "statistics pubLemberg Jew, we are informed, ; ' . . freshman a t Columbia .'university. completed plans for . a membership lished in Zhidow (The Jew), a .- . • . Needless to tell you, the sheet is . '. . ^Benedict is a good conversation- affair in the form of a tea, to be weekly. strongly anti-Semitic. . . . Every Fri- alist and likes tennis; besides, bis held next Tuesday evening,. October day night you will be able to hear father thinks• the world.of his judg- 23, "at 8 o'clock aV the B'nai . Israel FOR RENT over NBC's network a Tialf hour of ment and submits all bis gags jto him synagogue.- • • • . . - . '.. enlightening speeches as a counter- for approval. . . . The Ludwig Lewi- Featured on'the program .will.be Large bedroonv in .private home. dose to the subtle Nazi propaganda sohns entertained a" crowded city hall moving "pictures 'of Palestine taken Every convenience. - Excellent for audience at Burlington, . Vt., fhe that is served to you in various ways by EabbLUri Miller last .summer. these days. . . . A bouquet of roses to other night . . . Ludwig. .spoke and Hostesses will" be Ann Hahn, May couple or single person.' Call HArney The receipts Tucker, Miriam IQrshenbaum, Arm Felix M. Warburg and Jonah B. Thelma Spear sang. Wise, who arranged these broadcasts. went to. the United Jewish, Appeal. Green, Sarah Goldberg, Mollie "Roit. The. idea and arrangements were stein, Bess Kirshenbaum, Sonia Eoit» . . Bob Moses, republican gubernatorial candidate in the Empire exclusively the Lewisphns', and they stein, and Gertrude Lewis. - H you hired a maai to do a job, you wouldn't state, was a champion swimmer on deserve a lot of credit.-. . . E. Ben The Auxiliary is " organizing HeKENOVfZlHG : the Yale team... * . Bob's brother, not Ari, former member of the Habimah, brew and Jewish classes.'. . Painting and;;Papering ; ask if-he were a Republican or ^Democrat. so long ago, was the assistant treas- has just finished a book on that At the Junior Vaad meeting held Responsible—Work Guaranteed You would ask: "Ishe-the best qualified man urer of the Zionist Organization of theatrical group and expects to see Tuesday evening for the Young At Low Prices for the job?" it in print as soon as publishing Men's Vaad and the Junior AuxilThe only thing that America. up a bit. . . . Paul Muni iary, renditions and imitations were the detectives assigned to watch Pro- picks Disregarding political parties everyone must bleached hair a la Harlow to play presented by Irvin Kaiman. Com-1 fessor Einstein picked up while the a Slavic bis coal miner in the movies. munity admit that JOHN HOPKINS is the best qualiAT-9892 singing was held, "with Rose [ 1919 Burt Street ~ professor was making his speech of . . Francis Lederer, who is too infied candidate for sheriff. Meyers as accompanist. ' acceptance' of an honorary degree at telligent to- click in the movies alNew York's Yesbiva College was a though he is Hollywood's most handJOHN -HOPKINS i s a natural leader of men; well-known pickpocket by the name some male and a good actor, will enhe is hoiiest; he is fearless; he has always of Solomon Bauman. . Bauman ter the producing field on Broadway. complained that the people who had . . He doesn't want to act—just dibeen a good public servant. come to hear the father of relativity had no cash in their pockets. . . . H e rect. was arrested although he did not The Fresher, Finer steal anything; somehow the police Riga. —Curbs on the activities and Flavored Butter captain didn't believe in the pick- meetings of the -.left-' Zionist groups recently established by the Latvian 'pocket's interest in science...... , government, will not affect the genthat Costs No More. eral Zionists wb.0 are free to continue REALITY! . . . ' On November 4, the Day, national their -work, including that of raising Every newspaper in Omaha wrote e«3itorials. Jewish .daily, will celebrate its twen- funds for Zionist agencies. compHmenfeg JOHN HOPKINS When he soe containmg; an English section. . * « Tnat English section will have" some dynamic journalistic scoops by a number of outstanding Jewish, and _ non-Jewish, thinkers, editors andjtub= lKc figures;.whp heretofore have re=^fused to ifeipressany opinion on pres-

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the world and the supreme gift to human culture, thought and religion. Nottfing in literature can compare Rabbi H. A. Rabinowitz will speak to it." this evening on "Dreyfuss at Devil's Johannesburg, South Africa (J. T. BY F. R. K. Rubin Halpern, Sioux City violin- Island," at the regular Friday eveBEN K. KAZLOWSKY, Attorney A.)—General Jan Smuts, South-Afri702-704 Inmirnnce Hi ist, has been awarded a scholarship ning, service. Cantor A. Pliskin and can statement and war hero, address- j Miss ANNA PILL, Correspondent RUMMAGE SALE. with Herbert Butler, violinist and in- the choir will chant the ritual. NOTICE OF AMENDMENT TO structor at the American Conserva- Monday evening, November 19, The Council. Bluffs .Senior Hadasr ed a stirring r eal to the non-Jewish ARTICLES OF INCOljroKATION OF tory of Music. JOE DOLAN TIKE & BI4AKE CO. has been set. as the date for thesah and the Sisterhood of the Talmud world in behalf of the Jews. He Mr. Halpern recently went to Newannual Father and Son banquet to Torah will hold a joint Rumma^o asked the world to remember that is hereby given that at a meeting York City to visit with friends and be sponsored by Shaare Zion syna- Sale next week. Mrs. Ben Kubby is the Jews gave the Bible to the world, of Notice the stockholders of JOE DOLAN i l l t l i in charge for the Senior Hadassaii & DHAKK COiU'AXV, of Omaha, Nebrasrelatives. One evening he was asked gogue. Mr. Morey Lipshutz is in "Let us -not forget, that this extra- ka, held in the City of Omaha,'Nebraska, and Mrs. Abe Gilinsky is in charge to play for a group of friends. He charge of the arrangements. on the 11th day of October, l'Xii, Article I was unaware that Mr. Butler was in Mrs. Rachel Kutcher will provide for the Talmud Torah Sisterhood. ordinary little people, so highly gift- of the Articles of Incorporation of said ed, has made a supreme contiibution corporation was umeiultd to read as folthe group listening to him. Mr. But-refreshments for children of the Eveiyone is asked to make up a bunlows : to the world's welfare," he declared. dle of any old clothing, etc., and call was so impressed with the young Junior Congregation tomorrow morn' " ARTICLE I Dr. Julian Morgenstern, president ler "The Bible is the greatest book in either Mrs. Kubby, phone 1196 or The Name of this corporation Bhall be of the Hebrew Union college at Cin-violinist's playing .that; he invited ing. Rabbi Rabinowitz will continue Mrs. M. Yudelson, 564o, or Mrs. GiAUTO SAFETY CLINIC, INC. Dated this 11th day of October, 1934. cinnati, will be a guest in Sioux City him to come to Chicago and offered this story to the children. The HeIKVIK C. X.EVIX. Attorney AUTO SAFETY CLINIC, INC. A large audience of B'nai Brith tomorrow, (Saturday), when he will him a scholarship in the conserva- brew school teachers will conduct linsky, phone 1797-J and the commit301 Electric Bide. By PAUL JACOBSOX, tee will cal lfor all bundles Sunday members, A. Z.. A. members and their deliver the principal address at thetory. He will study directly under the~ service. President. morning. PROBATE XOTICE • •„ Attest: IMMANUEL YOUSKM, friends; heard Ben Kazlo.wsky, Omaha annual dinner and meeting of theM r . B u t l e r . ' • : • • ' ' . ' ' •• ; : . ' . Secretary. In the Matter of the Estate of SAM MAIt- 10-10-S4-4t. .Ben Brith, jriien he addressed an Mount Sinai Temple congregation. The young violinist studied here Deceased. The Council Bluffs Lodge Number . COLIN, Book Review open B'nai Brith meeting Wednesday with Mr. Harold Buck. He is the son Notice i s hereby given that the creditors MONSKY, GRODIN8KT & 688 of the Independent Order of the of said deceased will meet the administra- SHOTWELL,YAXCE, evening - IIL ~ the Jewish' T Community The dinner will be held in the War-of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Halpern, 1312 Attorneys rior hotel at 6:30. o'clock and will be trix of said estate, before me. County «3? Omaha National ltank Bide. Center.;: - : ' • .'; • • \ The first of the series of book re- B'nai Brith will hold a regular meet- Judge of Uouglas County, Nebraska, at V llla Vil followed ' by an election of Temple] avenue^ l b l views to be given by Rabbi H. R.ing next Monday evening, October the' County Court Room, in said County, 'NOTICE BY- PUBLICATION ON PETIThe meeting- was a testimonial meetthe 10th day of December. 1034, and on T I O N FOK SETTLEMENT OF FINAL . Rabinowitz has been postponed from 22, at 8:30 o'clock at the Eagles on ing honoring; the seventy-fifth ^birth- and Brotherhood board members.. •, the lltli day of February, 1933, at 0 o'clock ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT Morgenstern has beenpresihall. All members are urged to atday anniversary of Alfred; M. Cohen, pjr.; Monday evening, October 22, until A.M., each day, for the purpose of present- In the'Matter of the Kmnte of MILDRED 1 dent of the Hebrew Union college^ for ing their claims for examination, adjustf and opening the extensive:, memberMonday evening', October 29. Rabbi tend. L-TIV.Y 11OLZMAN, Deceased. ment and allowance. Three months are al- All interested In said matter are ship drive at this time'; along with the] Jpa^t: ten ^years. -Before that ^tirae Jctabinqwitz will review- "Of Human lowed for the creditors to present their herebypersons that on the loth day of from the 10th day of November, October, notified other lodges of the natibn, in an ef-he • -wis "a.; professor a t the •> colfege, Bondage," by Somerset- Maughm. Mr. and Mrs. Louis H. Katelman claims, 1U34, Max L. Holzman filed a pe1034. . Dr.; Morgenstern is nationally < kit titiou in said County Court, praying that fort to gain new members. ' The first general meeting of the Season tickets, for the book re- announce the. birth of a daughter, " ' "BETCE CRAWFOED, . his final administration account filed hereCounty Jnrtge. born Tuesday, October 16, at the10-19-34-3t. in be settled and allowed, and that he be . Mr. kazipwsky spoKe "on 'rvvhat as,a! Hebrew scholar, as;well iasjthe Senior Hadassah chapter will be held t views may be obtained for thenomin discharged from his trust ns executor nnd Methodist hospital in Omaha. B'nai. Brith. s|tands For? and told his author] of; a: number, ot books, ; • 3 V' next .Tuesday afternoon, October-23,! nal sum of $1. that a hearing will be had on mild petition SAJIUEL, ZACHAKIA, Attorney listener^ that sincerity: fn B'nai jBriXh Mr.: Hynjari"; Fisngall, presijleiit•': " following a 1. o'clock% luncheon at. the before snid Court on the l()th day of- N o ' ~68 Brandeis Theatre Building. vember, 1934, and that if you fnll to appear Collman Yudelson, student at the •NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF Jewish .Community Center. An put of bafore said Court on the said 10th day of Ladies Auxiliary CLYDE J . MIIAEK MOTORS University of Iowa, returned to Iowa November, 1!«4, at 9 o'clock A.M., nnd Contown * speaker will address the. meettest said petition, the Court may grant the City Monday following a week-end ing, and the recent National CorivenNotice i s hereby given that the under- prayer of snid petition, enter a decree of The Ladies Auxiliary of Shaare visit at the home of his parents, Mr. heirship, and make such other and ftfrthe* tion of Senior" Hadassah will be' dissigned hare associated themselves together Zion synagogue held their first meet- and Mrs. Morris Yudelson. He served in order to form a corporation under aud orders, allowances and decrees, as to thi« deplored the indifference of a great erhood will preside duringg the -elec- cussed. . by .virtue of the laws of the state of Ne- Court may seem proper, to the end that f Brotherhood h b many Jews of today and urged his lis- iion of board members. • Plans for t h e ' Senior Hadassah ing of the season Tuesday afternoon as best man at the wedding of hisbrasksi. The name of this corporation shall all matters pertaining to said estate may settled nnd determined teners to affiliate themselves with the Dr. , Morgenstern .will speak be- bridge to be'held November 14, were j< in the social hall of th< brother, Milton Yudelson, and Miss be CLYDE J. M1LLEU MUXOKS COM- ,be„ , finally .„,. BHYCE CKAWFORD, and its principal place of transactB'nai Brith. Mr. Kazlowsky spoke elo- :ore the congregation of Temple begun at the recent board meeting. The meeting followed a 1 o clock Dorothy Cohen of Omaha, which took PANY, ing business shall l>e in the city of Omaha, 10-19-S4-3t. County Judge. . quently and was most enthusiastically srael.in Omaha on Sunday. . luncheon, Douglas county, Nebraska. The general naplace Sunday afternoon. Mrs. M. A. Marks was named chairture of the business to be transacted by received by his audience. After the meeting the members adthe corporation shall be to act as distribu- F B A D E M U R G , WEBB, BEBER, KtCTZman of the affair. Ephraim Marks of Omaha attended MCK & KELLEY, Attorneys tors and dealers in, and to buy and sell at journed to an afternoon of cards. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Adler en- wholesale Other committee chairmen appointand retail, motor trucks, motor 650 Omaha National Bonk Hide. the meeting and spoke briefly. Others tertained the members of their Sunbusses, automobiles, aeroplanes, tractors Omaha, Nebraska ed at this board meeting included in the Omaha delegation to Sioux City aud t o a d machinery, new and used, nnd day Night Bridge club at their home Mrs. Sam Greenstone and Mrs. Abe parts and accessories pertaining thereto; Junior Poale Zion included Dr. A. Greenberg and Max NOTICE o r DISSOLUTION Sunday night. to operate a paint nnil repair shop for reThe Alpha Gamma Epsilon. so- Pill, chairmen of the Penny Lunches; Barish. . pairing, overhauling, rebuilding and paint- To All Whom It May Concern: " ' Notice is hereby given thnt the partnering of automobiles, motor trucks, motor Mrs. Sam Baron, chairman of the Eabbi H. R. Rabinowitz will speak , A number, of new members, signed rority entertained new members .at ship heretofore known ns MASON LITTLH Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cohen, Mr. busses, aeroplanes, tractors and road ma- COMPANY Jewish National Fund; Mrs. Max has b w n dissolved. Mason W. at the meeting of the Junior Poale a waffle party Sunday evening in up at the meeting. Refreshments and to operate :i garage aud wareand Mis. Herman Krause, and Miss chinery; house for the storage and .maintenance of Little has succeeded to all of the assets of a social hour followed the meeting. the home of Miss Rozena Sacks, Brodkey and Mrs. Louis Agranoff, Zion next Sunday afternoon. The Ethel Mnson Little Company nnd has Rsannted and automobiles: to buy, sell and Cohen motored to Lincoln, Ne- trucks chairman of the Give or Get meeting will be held in the home of Milton Bolsteih, president of the local president of the sorority. deal in automobile mortgages and securi- all of the liab'«ties of said company. The has completely withdrawn of every nature; and to buy, own,undersigned Rubin Ratner. Julia Bereskin will braska Sunday where they attended ties lodge, presided. ' ' New members of tb,e sorority in- lunncheon. lease and sell any real or personal prop- from and is no longer connected with oe the wedding of Miss Elinor Schneiinterested in the snid Mnson Little Comalso appear on the program, speakerty necessary or convenient iu and about clude Frances Jacobson, Sadie Louise the conduct o£ the business of the corpora- pany. ing on "Patriarchs arid Matriarchs." der to Abe Cohen, both of Lincoln. Burnette, Helen Herzoff, Mrs. D. L.Capacity Audience tion, with power to mortgnpe or otherwise Pated at Omnlia, Nebraska, this 15th day eucumlxr any of its property, real or per- of September, 1!>34. The group held an outing last Rodin and Rebecca StiUman^ Jewish Scout Troop Mrs. Morris Butler of Silver City, sonal. The authorized capital stock of this ALYS J. IIEIXLEN. to Hear Dr. Sachar Sunday afternoon at the Himovitz New Mexico, will leave Sunday for corporation shall be ?10,0O0.O0, divided into 9-2S-34*-4t.' Organized Saturday Mrs. M. Albert departed this week one hundred shares of the par value of farm/ A campfire meeting featured her home following a three months' $100.00 each, all of which stock shall be for Los Angeles, California, "where A capacity audience is expected to the afternoon. stock and when issued shall be FRADEXBIBO, WEBB, BEBEB, KLTJTZvisit here at the home of her broth- common fully paid for and non-assessable. The date ;Boy Scout Troop-No. 22 met Sat- she -will visit with her son-in-law hear the address by Dr. Abram NICK <Sr KELLET, Attorneys of the commencement of this corporation 650 Omaha National Bank Bids. er-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs.shall be October 1, 1934, urday evening, October 13, at 'theand daughter, Mr. and' Mrs. Carl Sachar, on October 28 in the Shaare and the date of Sam RosenthaL Numerous affairs its termination shall be October 1, 19S4. Oneg Shabbos Jewish Community Center, and was Weirier. NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF • Zion- Synagogue. Dr. • Sachar, who is V. . highest amount of indebtedness or lia"OMAHA MAKRET, INC." have been -given for Mrs. Butler- dur- The reorganized for the coming year. the director of the Hillel- foundability to which the corporation shall at Notice is hereby given that the underany time subject- Itself shall not exceed an signed have formed a corporation under Earl Himovitz, i member of the Mrs. J. Lefkovich and Mrs.'A. Lef- tion at Champaign,: Illinois; is na- The Oneg Shabbos Group of theing her visit. She has visited . also amount equal to two-thirds of its capital laws of the State of N'ebraBka. The scouting-committee 6f-A.--Z. A. No.kovich were hostesses at an evening tionally-known as >a • lecturer and au-Shaare Zion Ladies Auxiliary, will with relatives in Omaha and Sioux stock. The business affairs of this corpora- the name of the corporation shall be Omaha meet- tomorrow. afternoon in the City during her stay. tion shall be conducted by a board of not Market, Inc. with principal place of busi12 which- sponsors-the\troop, gave a of bridge Wednesday, complimenting thor! •.'.;.>'••: ' . • • ; . : less than two nor more than five directors, ness at Omaha, Nebraska. The general brief outline of the _ plans; for theMiss Bess Zeligson, a bride of next Audiences who have heard him home, of Mrs. Rubin Miller. Mrs. to be elected by the stockholders at the nature of the business to be transacted annual meeting of the stockholders, which A. H. Baron, chairman of the group Mr. and Mrs. Morris -Yudelson had shall be to buy and sell at retail and coming yea.r. Names _ of; all_„* prospec: be held on the second Tuesday in wholesale commodities of all kinds and ' . . have• • captivatedi by his.; speaking will present the .plans of the Oneg as their house guests for the past shall tive members were suggested.jbjr jthe month. January' of each year, commencing with nature and particularly moats, groceries, ability as weir as the content of his Twenty guests enjoyed bridge at Shabbos for the coming year and will week, Mrs. Jack Marx and daughter, January, lOSTi. The officers of the corpora- food products, fruits and vegetables; . t© assembled-Bay-Scouts-and-ewli-scout addresses. '• ;;-.'..-.-.." ' " . . . " tion, who shall be elected annually by the buy, sell, lense, own, acquire and/or en? was]'assigned • four, boys' to, invite" to the Sioiix : Tea Shop, and a late Tickets for the lecture may be ob-speak on the topic. of the Pharisees. Su'Ann of Detroit, Mich., Mrs. Aldirectors, shall be a president, secretary cumber rent and personal property, and luncheon. •' and treasurer. Any two said offices may to do all things necessary or proper to Friedman and daughter, Shirley; Mrs. Victor Mazie will present the next meeting. . ' ~ tained^ from Mrs.- Philip Sherman-or be held by one anil the same person; It effect the purposes for which this cor-; Mrs. J. Udolphe, and daughter, Es- shall not be necessary, however. • for the porotiou is nr^'!'nii:ed. I'll" nnthorlxert capJewish Current Invents. . T All boys, from, the ages • of 12 and Mrs.'Joe'Kutcher.. : • to be a stockholder or director ital stock shall lie -$30,000.00 nnd all ot telle, and sons, Milton and Jerome, secretary up' are invited to join the troop; Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Turin visited in the corporation. said stock shall be common nnd of t h e and Miss Irene Cohen, all of Chican Sioux City with Mr. and Mrs. par vnlue of $100.00 per share mid shall The next meeting will be held togo, -who came to attend the Yudelbe fully paid-up nnd non-assessable. It Di L: Rodin this week. Mr. and Mrs. A. Z. A. •CLTDTC .T. MILT/Ett David Lazarus morrow evening at the Community shall commence business upon filing of its •'••'• H . M. MOIUURON son-Cohen wedding which took place Turin stopped in Sioux City en route articles with the County Clerk of DougCenter. •,' ' '.'.'••' 10-5-34-4t. Incorporates. las County, Nebraska, and shall continue Give Concert Sunday in Omaha.- „• from New York City to Vancouver Ai.Z. A. chapter number 12, befor a period of fifty years. The highest from where they will sail for Japan. amount of indebtedness shall not exceed i£s L ^practice of attending FriWEAK, OARKOTTO & BOLASD (Continued from Page 1.) two-thirds of i t s capital stock, but this Mrs., H. Fried .and sort, Sam, reday* i evening services," "'by attending Attorneys restriction shall not include indebtedness most outstanding,:Jewish personali- turned home Wednesday, following a Union State Bonk BUlg. secured by mortgages or liens. The afShaareZion Synagogue in a body Miss Betty ; Osnowitz; entertained ties of -stage and. screen, including fairs shall be managed by n Bonrtl of 16 couples at a party Sunday, eve- last: jFriday ; eyenmg; They; heard Joe Penner, Eddte .Cantor, David Ru- two months' -stay at. Rochester, Minn. NOTICE I Directors, oE not less "th'an two members. Eabbi Rabinowitz continue his' very ning,, in celebration of her birthdayIn the County Court of "Douglas County, | The annual meeting shall be on the first binoff, Benny Rubin, Mitchell and Monday of January, of each year a t which The Council Bluffs Senior Hadas- Nebraska. Dancing at, the Cantons Tea Gardens interesting narration of the famous Durant, and Block; and Sully. In. the Matter of the Estate of JOSEPH 'meeting the stockholders Khali elett' & sah opened its season with a beautiDreyfuss case. BOLKElt, Deceased. . . . IlQsml of Directors, and thereupon the occupied, the evening hours. - Eddie Cantor arranged for a screen All Creditors and Heirs of JOSEPH Hoard shrill elect n President, Vice-PresiImmediately following the serv- test for David with Samuel Goldwyn fully appointed luncheon at. the Ho- ToBOLKEB, dent, Secretary and Treasurer. Any two Deceased. ices, the two full" rows of • A. Z. A;of the United Artists. He also had tel Chieftain Wednesday afternoon You are hereby notified that on the Gtn of. said offices may be held by one and the same person. Those articles may be day of October, 1054,David Bolket filed October 17, with sixty-seven 'guests members attended a Columbus day three screen tests with Warner his petition in the County Court of Doug- amended at nny regular or special meeting program held at the Sunset Inn. TheIJrbthers. Both Cantor and Rubinoff attending. The table was decorated las County, Nebraska, the object nnd pray- of the stockholders by two-thirds vote of of-which is to obtain a determination the outstanding stock. program was . presented under the predict a bright future for this young .with a beautiful bouquet of roses as er of kinship and of heirs and of the time -•*N WITNKSS WHEREOF,, the parties the centerpiece, which was the gift of direction, of - Perry Osnowitz, arid singer "from" Omaha. death nnd of the right of descent of have hereunto subscribed their names thit 1!W4. of Mrs. Sam Gross to the club. Mrs. the real property of Joseph Bolker, de- ISth day of September. Isadore;. Shindler* It: commemorated MORTON WniTEBOOK, Rabbi Uri Miller of Omaha/ ;Ne- the 442d anniversary of the discov- Lazarus hopes to' succeed in mu-M. F. Levenson of Omaha, former re- ceased ; FRED EL1KAN. Thnt a hearing will be had on said pe- In the presence of R. J.. HOLDSSBRRG. braska, will be the principal speak- ery of America by .Christopher Co- sical comedy or light opera in New gional president, was the guest tition on the 10th ^lay of November, 1934, er at the annual Congregational lumbus. in the Court Room of the County Judge speaker, and installed Mrs. Morris The program : was replete York, and then perhaps seek a _ place of Douglas County, Nebraska, located at meeting - of. Shaare Zion Synagogua .many -humorous as well as edu-in the movies to'round out his ca-Grossman as the new president,- to Omaha, Nebraska. next Wednesday evening, October. 24. with That said petition alleges that Joseph THE MEAf succeed Mrs. Herman .Marowitz. A incidents covering the life of reer Tjefore atteiriptirig "grand opera died on May 27th, 1918; that his Rabbi Mille* will speak on. his re-cational playlette, "Hadassah Women on a Bolker work. Columbus, and the events leading up pl«ce of residence at the-time of his death cent trip to Palestine, and will show to..- and following his discovery of Omaha, Nebraska; that at the time of that Sam* Despite his Tapid rise in music Spree" was presented .by the Mes-was death, he was the owner of the folmoving pictures of : the scenes - in America. .• circles David retains his modesty. "I dames Martin Troutfelt, Saul Su- his : lowing described real estate situate m Palestine. • • • ' jc Comfort am appreciative to the Omaha people valsky, Herman Krause, Richard Douglas County, Nebraska: Lot Fifteen (15), Ernest Sweet s secAn election of the board of mem- The entire club participated indi- for their:support in the past," he de- Gordon, Leo Meyerson, Morris Gross- cond If you have your shoes to the city of Omaha; it the bers will follow the address. The vidually in this program, which was clared. "I realize that any progress man, and Sam Meyerson. Mrs. Nath- that theaddition repaired trt the petitioner is one of liis sons nnd considered* one of the most successpetitioner prays for a determination meeting will be preceded by ; a dinSTANDARD I may have made-is. due entirely to an L. Nogg sang a group of songs. the the 1934 WORLD'S FAIR ner time of the death of decedent, a a t 6:30 o'clock. The dinner will -ful special active programs in which the interest and aid of the Omaha Community singing was led by Mrs.of determination of the heirs of deceased, a hoe Repair Co. the dub. has ever participated. The old North Church, Mount decree of kinship, and the right of descent be served" in' the social hall ' of the : people, and I assure them I will al- Leo Meyerson, accompanied at theof ! . U KRAGE, Prop the real property belonging to deceased. At .the business meeting following r Vemon, the House of Seven synagogue. The; meeting is open to piano by Miss Sylvia Steiman. Mre. and shell other, and further orders in the ways be grateful.' 161S Gables and many other congregational members' and wives. the program, further discussions and A .capacity attendance is expected Max Simon is the general program premises as may be just, nnd proper. DAVIDBOLKER, Famam plans were made for the tournament, historic landmarks have put chairman for the Senior Hadassah, Cantor A. Pliskin will-appear, on for the concert October 30. By Wear, Garrotto & Bolana. St. - Attorneys for Petitioner. out their latch strings for you the program with a group of song& to 'be held. here. The^ announcement At the concert Lazarus will be ac-and Mrs. Richard Gordon -was chair- 10-19-34-3t. of the official dates of January *18, man for the luncheon, assisted by in the Colonial Village. And Mr. 'John Lansberg, president of the coinpanied by Jean Duffield. Also congregation will make his annual IS .and 20, 1935, was. made at that on the program wiM be. B at the Morrison you will find b i the Mesdames Simon Steinberg, Sam Betty ZZabriMeyerson, Ike Feblowitz, Harry Kubreport and Mr,- Eli Robinow, treas- time., Max Zeligson, and Earl A. ski, noted cello artist. the same brand of old-fashurer will give a financial report of Himovitz read a letter from Nate . Tickets are being sold at the J. C.by, Sam Gross, Herman Marowita, ioned hospitality, that's the \yahlberg, traveling secretary of the and Herman Meyerson. Plans were the congregation. reason this hotel is so popSenior Advisory .Council, in which C, and Schmoller and Mueller, or made also for the rummage sale to Mlv M. Falk is;in charge oi_ the u l a r with visitors to Chicago. may be purchased from Mrs. Max For them on the plans be held next Monday and Tuesday. reservations which will ;be 60' cents lie complimented had been made for the .tourna; Fromkin. • Home of Terrace Garden a plate." Members of fcne corigriega- that The meeting closed with the • B o s t o n Oyster B o n s e tion are asked to call him a t 86720 to ment. decision ';.-"of.• the members to attend Jews Rule Austria, make their reservations.! ' • . . ; next Friday's services, and the anSeparate-Electoral Goebbels Complains riouincement of the new pledge list.

Sioux City News


Sioux Gity Musician Wins Scholarship

Shaare Zion

Council Blu/fs News





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Society News




Internationally-Known Zionist to Visit Here Junior Hadassaii Bridge Monday Eve Mr. David' Wertheim, . general

fryouDuVEl...Wt park your car. Standard rates; No overcharges. LEONARD HICKS, Maaentof' IWrtrtor




secretary of. tiie Poale Zion organization of America will be. in Sioux City November 7,-when he will.speak before an open meeting on the topic "The World Jewish Congress.'' = ' Mr. WeTtheim has come back to the United States recently after an extensive tour in Europe, where he visited arid made, a study of Jewish conditions arid Jewish problems. He was a delegate to the Jewish conference held-in Geneva. Mr. Wertheim is an outstanding figure in Zionism and is an authority on Jewish problems and subjects.

Mount Sinai« Dr. Theodore.N. Lewis will speak this evening a t the regular services on tiie1 subject of - "Jewish'"Intellect* ualisro "

College Abolished

Berlin" (J. T. A.)—Austria has not Saloniki, (WNS).—The separate only become the tet-de-pont of the electoral college for Jewish voters in anti-German powers, but it has been Greece has been abolished by special officially selected by the Jews as decree signed by President Alexander their bulwark against the New GerThe Junior Hadassah will sponsor Zaimis. a benefit card party next Monday The effect of this action is to en-many, the Angriff, organ of Propaevening, October 22, in the ball room able Greek" Jews to participate in ganda Minister Goebbels, complains of the Warrior hotel. Advance ticket elections on. a basis of complete in a half-page article. sales' indicate* that cards .will be equality with other citizens. A bill ... "The Jews rule Austria, the artiplayed at over 50 tables. ; Miss Rose abolishing the separate electoral col- cle says,, and alone, of all the sections Reznick i s in charge of the arrange-f lege had passed- the lower house" of of-the_ German population have been left untouched by the recent bloody ments. • - •' • • \:'.'• • . ; ' . • . . • • ] parliament but-was defeated in the events. On the contrary, the newsThe proceeds will be turned over senate. The president gave the law paper fulminates, the Jews. are. prosto the Junior Hadassah fund for the legal standing by his signature. It pering on the blood of German citiPalestine colony for German refugee had the approval of. Premier Tsal- zens. children. .-'..", = daris who is leading the fight The Austrian government has sold against former Premier Venizelos' Palestine Jails 366 as anti-Semitic agitation, the spear* itself to the Jews, the article states. head of which is a demand for the Illegal Entrants Jerusalem.—An official statement retention of Jewish ghetto ^voting.Rev. A. Diamond Back of Venizelos' agitation i3 the to the J. T. A. by police officials reveals that 167 Jews, including 66 fear that the Jews will support Recognized as women, are now imprisoned as il-Tsaldaris in the coming national PRACTICAL MOHEL legal immigrants in Palestine jails. election. Phone 1059 There are also 199 non-Jews held on the charge of having illegally en- Jewish Press advertisers merit your Connril Blnffs, Is. tered the country. patronage.

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